L I B RARY OF THE U N IVERSITY Of 1LLI NOIS 973.7L63 A3Un3c lit //ua4 S^ — ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/catalogofalfredwOOIibr ALFRED WHITAL STERN A CATALOG OF THE Alfred Whital Stern Collection of LINCOLNIANA in the Library of Congress A3 ». K3 5, * o -2. * J s. s Washington : i960 L. C. Card 60-60024 e)J3. 7 - 3 c. Foreword ALFRED WHITAL STERN has been called "Abraham Lincoln's best (posthumous) friend." Others may contend for that distinction and cer- tainly Mr. Stern will not himself dispute them. On the contrary, Mr. Stern has consistently and steadfastly sought to protect the privacy of the re- lationship and has preferred to remain in the back- ground, anonymous by intention and almost in- visible. Yet few men have done as much as Mr. Stern to propagate the Lincoln story and promote among his fellow-citizens a fuller, richer, deeper understanding of Mr. Lincoln's meaning for our time. To that cause, Mr. Stern has selflessly but suc- cessfully dedicated himself. He has served it in many ways. He has made gifts of carefully, studi- ously selected material to institutions at home and abroad. He has stimulated and supported research. He has made publication possible. He has been counselor to his State and Nation in the develop- ment of acquisition programs. He has been mem- ber of boards and committees. He has, in other words, through his own command of the subject and through his generous benefaction notably en- riched the public's knowledge of Abraham Lincoln. This engrossing avocation had its inception many years ago when Mr. Stern's interest in Mr. Lincoln was first aroused. To satisfy it, he set about to form a collection. He defined his subject broadly : Abra- ham Lincoln. Although the collection was pri- marily a collection of books and monographs, it included as well pamphlets, broadsides, periodicals, newspapers, prints and engravings, music, a few manuscripts and medals, even an association-object or two. By 1950, it had reached such proportions that Mr. Stern was somewhat surprised to learn that his was, perhaps, the most extensive in private hands. Its value as a scholarly resource was so obvious that Mr. Stern was prevailed upon to pre- sent it to the national collections in the custody of the Library of Congress. The announcement of the gift, made most appropriately on the 87th anni- versary of the delivery of the Gettysburg Address, contained the following statement : "Mr. Stern has spared neither pains, nor ex- pense, to make his collection at once worthy of the spirit who called it into being and his fellow-citizens who, in successive generations, may return to it for example and inspiration. To that end, Mr. Stern proposes to accompany his gift with an endowment sufficient for its perpetual enlargement, and to per- mit, from time to time, the publication of catalogs, bibliographies and studies designed to increase the collection's usefulness." In the interval, Mr. Stern has made constant and distinguished additions to it. He has, more- over, given the Library funds with which to secure appropriate increments. It is housed in a separate room in the Rare Book Division. The collection is, in fact, steadily increasing and will continue to increase. Mr. Stern, in providing the means for the prep- aration and publication of the catalog, has thought of it as serving three purposes: first, as a bibliog- raphical contribution to the observance of Mr. Lin- coln's 150th anniversary; second, as an inducement to students everywhere to examine for themselves the stores of information derivable from the works described in it; and third, as a standing invitation to collectors, authors, and dealers to bring to our notice available material not already recorded in its pages. It is a pleasant duty to make grateful ac- knowledgment to his generosity and public-mindcd- ness. L. QUINCY MUMFORD, Librarian of Congress. Contents Page Introduction ix Works by Lincoln (1-266) 1 Works about Lincoln, the Civil War, Etc. (267-4690) 29 Broadsides (4691-4830) 437 Sheet Music, Phonodiscs (4831-5030) 449 Prints, Cartoons, Maps (503 1-5 120) 457 Newspapers (5 1 2 1 -5 1 28) 463 Autograph Letters and Another Manuscript (5 129-5 135) 4^5 Leonard Volk Materials (5 136-5 154) 467 The Merwin Collection (5 155-5 157) 4^9 Stamps and Coins (5 158-5 162) 471 Other Ephemera — Prospectuses, Mimeographed Addresses, Programs, Proofs, Lincoln Associations, Lecture Announce- ments, Clippings, Etc. (5163-51 72) 473 Medals, Plaques, Sculpture, Etc. (5 173-5201) 477 Index 48 1 VII Introduction THE GENERAL PURPOSE of this catalog is to acquaint scholars, collectors, and the interested public with the content of the notable collection of Lincolniana amassed over a period of 35 years by Mr. Alfred Whital Stern, of Chicago, and presented by him to the Library of Congress. The collection, numbering some 7,000 pieces, is outstanding, not only as to size and the rarity of certain of its individual pieces, but also as to scope. It includes not only writings by and about Lincoln and special collections of materials as out- lined below, but a large body of collateral or "back- ground" literature, non-Lincoln in content but in general dating from the Lincoln era or concerned with such subjects as slavery, the Civil War, Re- construction, and contemporary figures of Lincoln's time. Originally deposited in the Library in 1951, the collection was formally presented in 1953. Since that time, through a generous provision of the donor, the collection has been considerably enlarged and continues to grow. The present catalog there- fore is representative of it so far as it was con- stituted in the Library's Rare Book Division up to September 1958. The major categories into which the collection has been organized, and the arrangement of the entries within these groups, are : ( 1 ) Works by Lin- coln — collections, selections, and individual works, in one alphabet by title; (2) writings about Lincoln and other subjects — monographs, pamphlets and serials, in one alphabet by author and title; (3) broadsides, chronologically arranged with undated items at the end of the section; (4) sheet music, in one alphabet by composer or arranger; (5) prints, cartoons, maps, and drawings, chronologically ar- ranged; (6) newspapers, arranged by the titles; (7) autograph letters, chronologically arranged; (8) the Leonard Volk materials; (9) the Merwin collection, chiefly autograph letters arranged by original correspondent; (10) stamps and coins; (11) other ephemera, grouped into prospectuses, mimeographed addresses, programs, proofs, Lin- coln associations, etc.; and (12) medals, plaques, and sculpture. Wherever possible, Library of Congress printed catalog cards have been adapted in the preparation of entries for monographic, pamphlet, and serial publications, i. e. for the "by Lincoln" and the "about Lincoln" portions of the catalog. General guides in the preparation of all entries for these types of materials have been the Library's Rules for Descriptive Cataloging in the Library of Con- gress and its Bibliographical Procedures & Style: A Manual for Bibliographers in the Library of Con- gress. The rules set forth in these sources have been modified to some extent, or innovations have been made. Such departures (e. g. in recording im- print, collation, etc.) are noted below in the dis- cussion on the elements which make up an entry. These elements include the heading, the body of the entry (title, imprint, collation), location symbols, and notes. Heading. Entries in the first two categories have been made under author, corporate or per- sonal, or title. In regard to personal authorship, the form of the name usually employed is that es- tablished by the Library's catalogers, edited so as to consist of the surname followed by the forename in full and middle name or initial. Exceptions to this practice include the use of the habitual form of the name (e. g., McMurtry, R. Gerald) , if ascertain- able, and frequently the inclusion in the heading of the maiden name of a married woman (within parentheses) , whether this appears on the title page 402745—60- IX or not. Generally any variation between the form of the name adopted in the heading and the form which appears on the title page is indicated by re- tention of the author statement in the body of the entry (e. g., "Packard, Roy D." in the heading and "R. D. Packard'' in the author statement, or "Reiter, Harriet G. (Frost)" in the heading and "Harriet G. Reiter" in the author statement). There are, of course, other considerations which have led to the retention of the author statement, among them that of pseudonymous authorship (e. g., "Philips, Judson Pentecost" in the heading and "Hugh Pentecost" in the author statement). Title. The title has been transcribed exactly as it appears on the title page, except for punctuation or capitalization. Line-endings have not been in- dicated. Where necessary to the intelligibility of the title, the author statement has been retained. Titles in non-Latin alphabets, e. g., Greek, Hebrew, Russian, Yiddish, Chinese, and Japanese, have been transliterated and are followed, where desirable, by translations in brackets. Imprint. The statement of imprint (place, pub- lisher, and date) includes, with a few exceptions, all the places of publication and all publishers. On occasion the publisher statement has been abridged through the use of abbreviations (e. g., "Pub." for "Publishing" and "Co." for "Com- pany") and deletions of unessential parts (e. g., of the first name or the initials of well-known pub- lishers). The imprint date of periodical entries has been omitted. Where several issues of a periodical are brought together into one entry, the imprint employed is that of the latest issue. Collation. The collation consists of a statement as to the extent of the work in pages ( including un- numbered preliminary and final leaves), or vol- umes; illustrative matter, if any; and the size in centimeters. The collation of periodicals has been omitted, but the pagination of articles on Lincoln contained within the periodicals is provided in notes following the body of the entry. Location Symbols. Call-numbers and copy- numbers of the classified materials have been re- tained in the catalog as a convenience to the users of the collection and to the staff of the Rare Book Division. Location symbols employed, other than call-numbers, include "P" for a group of unclassi- fied materials, largely pamphlets, arranged on the shelves alphabetically by author and title; and "U" for a small collection of unclassified monographs, chiefly in Japanese and Chinese. Notes. Where needed or desired, notes have been made to bring out such matters relating to the work as: source of title, edition statement, physical description to supplement the collation, bibliographic history, bibliographic "points," pro- venance, manuscript inscriptions, content (or partial content), and binding. In the preparation of this catalog, it was in- tended initially that all pieces described be con- nected (through the use of notes, where necessary) with Lincoln. However, works devoted in their entirety to other subjects were frequently en- countered. These contained either no references to Lincoln or so few as not to be found on cursory examination. It therefore was decided to make all entries meaningful in terms of a catalog of Lin- colniana and of Civil War Americana. Explana- tory notes have been added to the entries for items whose titles, standing alone, do not reveal their Lincoln or Civil War connection; and notes indic- ative of content have been added to entries for publications which are essentially non-Lincoln and non-Civil War, yet contain anything from a brief reference to several chapters or articles on Lincoln or related subjects. The contents of non-Lincoln serial publications (e. g., the Journal of the Illi- nois State Historical Society) have been analyzed. Serials which might be described as "Lincoln in nature" (e. g., Lincoln Lore) remain unanalyzed, with the exception of certain publications whose individual issues have received separate treatment in "Monaghan" (see "Monaghan Numbers," infra) or had received previous analytic treatment by the Library's catalogers, with printed cards therefore available for adaptation (e. g., Rare Lincolniana) . Notes have been employed to indicate bindings in material other than cloth. Binding notes have not been made for items bound in cloth, unless, in the case of two or more copies, the binding differs as to color, texture, stampings, etc. In entries where the phrase "cover title" occurs as the first note and there is no indication as to the binding, the item described is without title page and is bound in printed wrappers. The binding of serials has not been indicated. Multiple Entries. Combined or multiple entries have been made to bring together in one sequence (not necessarily chronological) the various issues and/or editions of the same work. Combinations have not been made where the various items con- tain additional unrelated matter. For instance, in the case of Carl Schurz' essay on Lincoln, three basic entries have been made — one for the essay alone; another for the essay, to which has been added "testimonies by Emerson, Whittier, Holmes, and Lowell," etc.; and a third which contains, in addition to the foregoing, "The Gettysburg speech and other papers by Abraham Lincoln." These have been treated, not as three editions of the same work, but as three different items. It should be noted further that in the section entitled "Works about Lincoln, the Civil War, etc.," combinations have been made even where a difference in title is involved, but that, as a rule, in the section "Works by Lincoln" combinations have been made only where the title has remained the same. There has been no attempt, for instance, to bring together into one place the many printings of the Cooper Insti- tute speech and the numerous titles under which it appeared. Monaghan Numbers. For many of the items listed in this catalog there are corresponding entries in Jay Monaghan's Lincoln Bibliography, i8^g- J 939 (Springfield, 111., 1943, 2 v.). Citations by entry number have been made to this standard comprehensive work. They appear in the Stern catalog entries within parentheses, immediately after the collation. They are so constructed as to indicate that the items to which they relate are treated either as basic entries in Monaghan; or as variants, listed or unlisted in notes to the basic en- tries. The nature of the citations can perhaps best be illustrated by the multiple entry for the 1902, 1903, and 1919 issues of John G. Nicolay and John Hay's A Short Life of' Abraham Lincoln. The entry for the 1902 issue contains the citation "Monaghan 1376" (M1376), i.e. the basic entry in Monaghan; the entry for the 1903 issue contains the citation to "Monaghan 1376 variant" (M1376 var.), i.e. a variant attested to by Monaghan in notes to the basic entry; and the entry for the 19 19 issue con- tains the citation "variant of Monaghan 1376" (var. of 1376), i.e. a variant which is not listed by Monaghan in his notes to the basic entry. Index. An index at the end of the catalog pro- vides a guide by item number to all personal names appearing in the body of the entries or in notes fol- lowing the entries. The name of Lincoln has not been indexed nor have names in headings, unless, as in the case of joint authorship, the heading contains two or more names. In such instances all names after the first have been indexed. This catalog is the work not of one individual but of several. Acknowledgment is made particularly of the assistance provided by J. M. Edelstein, John Finzi, and Wesley T. Brandhorst in the preparation of entries for periodicals; for the special collections of materials, such as broadsides, prints, and sheet music; for recently acquired materials; and for many of the pamphlets. Acknowledgments are also due to members of the Library's Orientalia Division and Descriptive Cataloging Division for assistance in the transliteration and translation of titles in non-Latin alphabets; and, finally, to all who through their advice, encouragement, and interest in the project, contributed in large measure to its successful completion. Arthur G. Burton XI Works by Lincoln i. Abraao Lincoln: Uniao e liberdade. Selegao, tradugao e notas de Armando Correia Pacheco, com um prefacio de David C. Mearns. Washing- ton, Uniao Pan- Americana [1950] 63 p. 195/2 cm. (Escritores da America) E457.92 1950b copy 5 Bibliography: p.[55]-63- Printed wrappers. See also item 21. 2. Abraham Lincoln, [n. p., n. d.] [6] 1. port., facsim. 31 cm. (var. of M2233, note) E 457-9°9- A 2 Cover title. A scrapbook, containing a portrait of Lincoln, a holo- graph facsimile of his autobiography prepared for Jesse W. Fell, and Fell's "Story of the Lincoln autobiography." Cardboard covers, bound with cord. 3. Another edition. [8] 1. (M2233, note) E457.909.A22 Contains, in addition, the Gettysburg Address; extracts from the "House divided" speech and the second inau- gural; and "Personal reminiscences," by J. W. Cook (see item 1 196) . Cardboard covers, tied with ribbon. 4. Abraham Lincoln and Mary Owen; three let- ters, Lincoln to Mrs. O. H. Browning, I. N. Arnold to O. H. Browning, O. H. Browning to I. N. Arnold. Springfield, 111., Priv. Print., Barker's Art Store, 1922. [12] p. 21/2 cm. (M2548) E457.962 1922 copy 2 Limited to 150 copies. Foreword (p. [2!) autographed by H. E. Barker. Printed wrappers. 5. Abraham Lincoln ; complete works, comprising his speeches, letters, state papers, and miscellaneous writings. Edited by John G. Nicolay and John Hay. New York, The Century Co., 1920. 2 v. port., facsims. 23/2 cm. (var. of Mi 150) E 457-9 r 1920 copy 2 First published 1894. 6. Abraham Lincoln ; extension of remarks of Hon. Meyer Jacobstein . . . containing hitherto unpub- lished letters of Abraham Lincoln from the collec- tion of Emanuel Hertz of New York City. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1927. 8 p. 23 cm. (M2939) E457.962 1927 W copy 4 Cover title. "Reprinted from the Congressional Record of February 10, 1927." Self-wrappers. 7. Abraham Lincoln; his autobiographical writ- ings now brought together for the first time and prefaced with an introductory comment, by Paul M. Angle. Kingsport, Tenn., Priv. Print, at Kings- port Press [ c i947] 2 p. 1., v-x, [1] p., 1 1., 3-62, [1] p., 2 1. col. port., facsim. 26 cm. E457.92 1947a "An appreciatory foreword," by Earl Schenck Miers: p. v-vii. "1250 copies, of which none is for sale." Compiler's autographed calling card laid in. Tan cloth with gilt lettering against green on spine and facsimile of Lincoln's autograph in green on cover. Gilt top. 8. Another edition. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1948. E457.92 1948a copy 3 With three preliminary leaves. Duplicate of col. port, laid in. "Limited to four hundred and twenty-five copies . . . Number 1 16." Title page and printer's note (final leaf) reset. Type on p. v-[vii] rearranged. Pink boards, with black gilt-stamped cloth back. Blue top. In blue three-quarter-closed case. 9. Abraham Lincoln; his book. A facsimile re- production of the original, with an explanatory note by J. McCan Davis. New York, McClure, Phillips, 1901. 21 I. in facsim., 2 1., 11, [2] p., 1 1. 12/2 cm. (M1337) E449.L72 copy 4 Facsimile of newspaper clippings of Lincoln's speeches on the subject of Negro equality, pasted by him in a small pocket memorandum book, with manuscript notes and a letter to J. N. Brown, dated October 18, 1858. Black full-morocco. In brown slipcase. 10. Abraham Lincoln; his life, sayings, and speeches. [Buffalo, Buffalo Book Co., 1906] [11] p. (incl. cover) port. 13 cm. (M1482) E457.92 1906a copy 1 & 2 x copies Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 11. Abraham Lincoln; his speeches and writings. Edited, with critical and analytical notes, by Roy P. Basler. Preface by Carl Sandburg. Cleveland, New York, World Pub. Co. [1946] 4 p. 1., xxx p. 1 1., 843 p. facsim. 24 cm. E457.92 1946a "Limited to 650 numbered copies . . . no. 50 [Signed] Roy P. Basler." Title page printed in red and black. Facsimile appears as the frontispiece. Editor's autographed presentation copy to Alfred Whital Stern. "Sources and bibliography": p. [8o5]-822. Red cloth, with black simulated labels on cover and spine. Gray top. In three-quarter-closed case. 12. Another issue. 3 p. 1., xxx p., 1 1., 843 p. 6 ports. E457.92 1946 copies 3 & 4 Without limited edition statement. The photographs of Lincoln illustrating the book are from the collection of Frederick Hill Meserve. Facsimile on endpapers. Copy 3 editor's autographed presentation copy to Alfred Whital Stern. Detached copy of review in Time, October 14, 1946, p. 1 09- 1 10, inserted in copy 3. Tan cloth, with brown simulated labels on cover and spine. Maroon top. 13. Abraham Lincoln interprets the Constitution. [Compiled by Louis A. Warren. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., 1940] [8] p. 1 7J/2 cm. E457.92 1940a x copy Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 14. Abraham Lincoln on prohibition. [New York] Issued by the Prohibition Educational League of Bronx County [1926?] folder ([4] p.) 21/2 cm. (Pamphlet no. 1 ) (M2873) P (2 copies) Cover title. Quotations from Lincoln's speeches. Two copies, each printed on different paper. 15. Abraham Lincoln on war and peace, 1860- 1864. Edited by Lawrence V. Roth. [Boston, Old South Association, 1918?] 19 p. 19/2 cm. (Old South leaflets, no. 2 1 4 ) ( M 1 389 ) E457-9 2 r 9i8 copy 2 J82.B81 no. 214 copy 3 Caption title. Extracts from letters, speeches, etc. Another copy in bound volume of Old South Leaflets (item 3222). Self-wrappers. 16. Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, 1 86 1- 1 865: selections from his writings. Foreword by Carl E. Wahlstrom. Worcester [Mass.] A. J. St. Onge, 1950. vii, 76 p. ports. 8 cm. E457.92 1950a copy 3 & x copy Blue gilt-stamped full-morocco, with gilt edges. 17. Abraham Lincoln said: July, 1834, to Novem- ber 7, i860; [November 20, i860, to April 7, 1865. Compiled by Edward J. Jacob. Peoria, 111., Printed by Logan Print. Co., 1954?] 39 p. 18 cm. E457-99-J3 co PY 2 Cover title. Quotations. "Presentation copy. None for sale." Portraits of Lincoln on covers. 18. Abraham Lincoln; selected speeches, mes- sages, and letters. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by T. Harry Williams. New York, Toronto, Rinehart [1957] xxi, 290 p. 19 cm. (Rinehart editions, 82) E457.92 1957 copy 1 & 2 Bibliography: p. xvii-xviii. Printed wrappers. 19. Abraham Lincoln; selections from his speeches and writings. Edited by J. G. de Roulhac Hamilton. Chicago, New York, Scott, Foresman [ c i922] 424 p. illus., ports. iy l / 2 cm. (M2574 var. (?)) E457.92 1922a Published also, without illustrations, under title: Selec- tions from the Writings of Abraham Lincoln. On cover: Abraham Lincoln. Writings and speeches. Bibliography: p. 10. Black limp full-morocco. 20. Abraham Lincoln; selections from his writ- ings. Edited, with an introduction, by Philip S. Foner. New York, International Publishers [i 944J 96 p. 20 cm. E457.92 1944 copy 3 Illustrated printed wrappers. 21. Abraham Lincoln; Union y libertad. Selec- cion, traduccion y notas de Armando Correia Pacheco, con un prologo de David C. Mearns. Washington, Union Panamericana [1950] 63 p. 19/2 cm. (Escritores de America) E457-92 1 950c copy 3 Bibliography: p. [55]"63. Printed wrappers. See also item 1. 22. Abraham Lincoln's autobiography, with an account of its origin and history, and additional biographical material, by Robert Dale Richardson. Boston, Beacon Press, 1947. xiv, 45 p. illus., ports., facsim. 31/2 cm. E457.L737 copy 3 Includes a facsimile reproduction of the ms. copy of the autobiography, now in the Library of Congress, which Lincoln prepared at the request of J. W. Fell in 1859, and the letter of transmittal. The appendix consists of two letters of J. J. Lewis to J. W. Fell concerning the action of the anti-Cameron faction in Pennsylvania. 23. Abraham Lincoln's don'ts; selected and ar- ranged by Wayne Whipple. Philadelphia, Henry Altemus [ c 1 g 1 8] 96 p. 14/2 cm. (M2395) E457-99-W57 copy 3 Suede binding. 24. Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address; the first and second drafts now in the Library of Con- gress. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1950] [8] p. facsims. 25-25/2 cm. E475-55- L 7379 copy 4 & x copy Cover title. "Notes on the drafts [by the Library of Congress]" : P- [3] Self-wrappers. 25. Abraham Lincoln's letter, January 5, 1863, as printed in National anti-slavery standard, New York, March 14, 1863. [Chicago, M. H. Briggs, 1950] folder ([4] p.) 15/2 cm. P Cover title. Caption title: Correspondence between the Society of Friends and the President. Two pages of text. Inscribed by the publisher. 26. Abraham Lincoln's letter to General Hooker. [Peoria, 111., Printed by E. J. Jacob, 1928] [19] p. 17 cm. (M3035) E457.96 1863H 1928 copy 3 Letter dated January 26, 1863. "Foreword by M. L. Houser." "Presentation copy — none for sale." The original letter is in the possession of Mr. Stern, acquired by him in 1 94 1 . Cardboard covers, bound with silk cord. Medal mounted on cover. 27. Abraham Lincoln's letter to Major General Joseph Hooker, dated January 26, 1863. [Chicago, The Caxton Club, 1942] [7] p. facsim. ([4] p.) 27 cm. E457.96 1863H 1942 copies 2 & 3 On cover: A facsimile reproduction of the letter with explanatory text by Paul M. Angle. 200 copies. Facsimile tipped in. Copy 2 inscribed by Alfred W. Stern to Archibald MacLeish. Red cloth, with gold and black paper label on cover. 28. Another edition. [4] p. facsim. ([4] p.) 27/2 cm. E457.96 1863H 1942 copies 4 & 5 Issued without title page. (The 1st and the 4th leaves of the previous issue not present. ) 300 copies. Facsimile and publisher's announcement (broadside) laid in. Blue heavy paper covers, with white paper label on cover. 29. Abraham Lincoln's lost speech, May 29, 1856. A souvenir of the eleventh annual Lincoln dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York, at the Waldorf, February 12, 1897. New York, Printed for the Committee, 1897. 55 p. port. 23/2 cm. (M1220) E433.L73 copy 2 "The De Vinne Press certifies that this copy of Lin- coln's lost speech is one of an edition of five hundred copies printed from type in the month of February, 1897." First published in McClure's Magazine, September 1896, from notes of the speech taken by H. C. Whitney. Cf. Pref . Boards. 30. Abraham Lincoln's pen and voice; being a complete compilation of his letters, civil, political, and military, also his public addresses, messages to Congress, inaugurals and others, as well as procla- mations upon various public concerns, showing him to have been the greatest constitutional student of the age, and the noblest pattern for future genera- tions America has ever known. By G. M. Van Buren. Cincinnati, R., Clarke, 1890. xii, 13-435 p. illus., port. 20 cm. (M1077) E457.92 1890 copy 3 31. Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address, March 4, 1865. [n. p., Americanization Depart- ment, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, 1926] [6] p. 23 cm. (M2399) E 457-94 l86 5 a C0 Py 3 & x co PY Cover title. Four pages of text. Self-wrappers. 32. Abraham Lincoln's speech at Peoria, 111., in reply to Senator Douglas. [Peoria, E. J. Jacob, 1952] 47, [1] p. illus. 26 cm. E457-95 1854 copy 2 Caption title (p. 15). On cover (beneath illustration) : Abraham Lincoln de- livering his famous speech in Peoria, Illinois on the night of October 16, 1854. Speech printed in seven numbers of the Illinois Daily Journal, Springfield, October 21, 23-28, 1854. Preceded by an article from the Peoria Daily Union, October 21, 1854, giving a brief outline of Stephen A. Douglas' speech delivered in Peoria, October 16, 1854 (p. 7-12). Illustrated printed wrappers. 33. Abraham Lincoln's speeches. Compiled by L. E. Chittenden. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1895. vij 37 1 P- P ort - i7 J /2cm. (M1162) E 457-92 1895 copy 2 Bookplate of George Plambrecht. 34. An Address by Abraham Lincoln before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, at Milwaukee, Wis., September 30, 1859. [Peoria, 111., Printed by E. J. Jacob, "1929. [1]— 17 p. 1 mounted illus. 22/2 cm. (M3127) E457.95 1859 copy 2 Caption title. Dedication signed: Joseph A. Quinn. Cover and running title: Abraham Lincoln on the coming of the "Caterpillar" tractor. "Private edition, published January 10, 1929; presen- tation copy; none for sale." Reprinted, in part, from the Transactions of the Society, 1859. (See item 4629.) Letters to John W. Starr, Jr., laid in. Coffee-colored wrappers, imprinted in brown ; tied with silk cord. Colored portrait of Lincoln on cover. 35. Another issue. 1 p. 1., 3-20 p. 1 illus. 21 cm. (M3127 var.) E457.95 1859 x copy Copyright page (p. [2]) differs. Three pages of ad- vertising matter at end (p. 18-20). Cream-colored wrappers, imprinted in black. 36. Address by Abraham Lincoln of Illinois in Cincinnati, Ohio, September 17, 1859. Cincinnati, C. F. Lotz Print. & Stationery Co., 1910. 60 p. 2 mounted ports., 2 facsims. 17 cm. (M1928) P On cover: "Lincoln in Cincinnati" 1859. Traxel & Maas advertising matter, four pages at end. Printed wrappers. 37. An Address by Abraham Lincoln on the death of Mr. Benjamin Ferguson, delivered February 8, 1842. [Springfield? 111., n. d.] folder (4 p.) 21/2 cm. (M1778) E457.95 1842 copy 2 Caption title. Delivered before the Washingtonian Temperance Society, of Springfield, 111. 38. An Address delivered before the Springfield Washingtonian Temperance Society at the Second Presbyterian Church on the twenty-second day of February, 1842. Los Angeles, Lincoln Souvenir Book Co. [1909] [22] p. illus., ports., facsim. 23 cm. (M1668 var.) E457.95 i842d "Second edition." Cover title: Lincoln souvenir book, one hundredth anniversary. "Issued by T. D. Bancroft." Page [4] of cover inscribed : "T.D.Bancroft, 19 10." Contains also The Gettysburg Address (p. [20]), "His- tory of the life of Abraham Lincoln" (p. [21]), and "Lin- coln's ambition, from an address March 9, 1832" (p. [21]). Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 39. An Address delivered by Abraham Lincoln, before the Springfield Washingtonian Temperance Society . . . Springfield, Illinois, on the 2 2d day of February 1842. Springfield, 111., O. H. Oldroyd, c i88g. 1 p. 1., 14 p. 1 illus. 22 I /j> cm. (M982) P Issued also with pagination: [83]-g7, [1] p. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 40. Another edition. [Westerville, Ohio, Amer- ican Issue Pub. Co., 1 918?] 16 p. 1 illus. 18J--2 cm. (M984) P (2 copies) Cover title. From different plates. Article "the" omitted before "Springfield" on title page. Self-wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 41. Address of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at the consecration of the National cemetery at Gettys- burg, Pa., together with the proceedings in the United States Senate on the occasion of the reading of the address on February 12, 1920. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1920. 8 p. illus., facsims. 30 cm. (66th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 236) (M2462) E457.55.L737 copies 2,3 &4 Cover title. "Presented by Mr. Keyes. February 14, 1920. Re- ferred to the Committee on printing." Copy 3 inscribed presentation copy from Henry W. Keyes to Charles T. White. Letter of transmittal laid in. Copies 3 & 4 in self-wrappers. Copy 2 bound in cloth, with added title page: Senate documents, vol. 7. 42. The Address of the Hon. Abraham Lincoln, in [vindication of the policy of the framers of the Constitution and the principles of the Republican Party, delivered at Cooper Institute, February 27th, i860, issued by the Young Men's Republican Union. With notes by Charles C. Nott & Cephas Brainerd. New York, G. F. Nesbitt Printers, i860. 32 p. 23/2 cm. (var. ofM68) E438.L734 Copy 2 The letter "v" is missing from the word "vindication" on title page. Letter from H. Hamlin to A. P. Stone, dated January 4, 1 87 1, pasted to verso of title page. Title page inscribed: "Respects of Frank W. Ballard, Cor. Secy." Purple full-morocco, with original glazed printed wrappers and portrait of Lincoln bound in. Cover gilt- stamped: "John Vaughan Clarke." 43. Addresses and letters. Edited by Charles W. Moores. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, Ameri- can Book Co. [ c 1 g 1 4] 223, [1] p. 17 cm (Eclectic English classics) (M2158) E457.92 1914b Bibliography: p. 223. 44. Addresses of Abraham Lincoln. Kingsport, Tenn., Training Division, Kingsport Press, 1929. 9 P-> l-» [3]- '39 P- 3 1 I- 2/2 cm. (var. (?) of M3105) E457.95 1929 copy 5 "These miniature editions of Lincoln's addresses orig- inated with the students of the Training Division of the Kingsport Press. The initial edition won a first prize at the 1928 convention of the E. B. A. at Boston." "A special edition of five hundred twenty-five copies of this has been printed . . . for the members of the American Institute of Graphic Arts." — p. [104] Contents. — I. Gettysburg address. — II. Second in- augural. — III. "A house divided." — IV. Equality in a republic. Pages [3J-32 (:. e. the Gettysburg and second inaugural addresses) wanting. (Associated with the piece, and con- cerning this defective copy, is a letter from the publisher to Charles T. White.) Red full-morocco. 45. Amnesty proclamation and Third annual mes- sage of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, read in Congress, Wednesday, December 9, 1863. [Washington, 1863] 20 p. 22 cm. (M191) E458.3.U53 xcopy Cover title. Self-wrappers. 46. An Anthology of the epigrams and sayings of Abraham Lincoln, collected from his writings and speeches. Edited by Francis D. Tandy. New York, F. D. Tandy, 1908. 3 p. 1., 3-64 p. group port. 22 cm. (M1631) E457.99.T16 copy 2 On cover and spine : Lincoln anthology. "Selected from The Complete Works of Abraham Lin- coln, edited by John G. Nicolay and John Hay." End paper inscribed : "Chas. T. White." 47. The Autobiography of Abraham Lincoln, [n. p., 1914?] double folder ([7] p.) 1 illus., facsim. ([6] p.) (M2127) P (3 copies) Cover title. On cover: The original, which was written for cam- paign purposes, seems to have disappeared. Collectors are apparently unable to locate it. Prepared by Lincoln for J. W. Fell. 48. The Autobiography of Abraham Lincoln. [Chicago, 192-?] 1 p. 1., 3 1. (facsim.) 24 cm. (M2435var.) E457.L7356 copy 2 Cover title. "Reproduced by Edward T. Kelly, Company, Chicago, with the permission of the heirs and descendants of Jesse W. Fell." Bound with a cord. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 49. Another issue, [n. p.] Issued by Americani- zation Department, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States [1926?] 23 cm. (M2435) E 457- L 735 6 xcopy Cover title. Recto of preliminary leaf differs slightly. "Reproduced with the permission of the heirs and descendants of Jesse W. Fell." Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 50. The Autobiography of Abraham Lincoln. New York, F. D. Tandy ^1905] 4 p. 1., 3-67 p. port. 1 6 cm. (M1450) E457.92 1905 copy 3 Selected from The Complete Writings of Abraham Lin- coln, edited by John G. Nicolay and John Hay. Contents. — Autobiography, June i860. — Memoran- dum given to Hicks. — Sketch written for Fell. — Speech at Springfield. — Lincoln's writings. Boards. "New and enlarged edition." "Gettysburg edition. This edition de grand luxe is limited to seven hundred numbered and registered sets. Number 67." Lincoln bibliography, compiled by Daniel Fish: vol. XI, p. [i35]-38o. Blue cloth with gilt lettering on spine. Gilt top. 51. An Autobiography of Abraham Lincoln, con- sisting of the personal portions of his letters, speeches and conversations. Compiled and annotated by Nathaniel Wright Stephenson. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c ig26] 5 p. 1., 501 p. illus. 22/2 cm. (M2884) E457.L735 copy 3 "Table of sources" : p. 471-482. 52. The Bear hunt. Written about 1844. Han- cock, N. Y., Herald Print [1925?] [8] p. 14 cm. P A poem. "One hundred copies printed under direction of Charles T. White." Printed also in the Proceedings of the National Repub- lican Club for 1925 (Item 3086). Printed wrappers. 53. The Campaign in Illinois. Last joint debate. Douglas and Lincoln at Alton, Illinois. Washing- ton, Printed by L. Towers, 1858. 32 p. 22 cm. (Mio) E457.4.L72 copy 2 Cover and caption title. "From the Chicago Daily Times, October 17, 1858." Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. In brown slipcase. 54. Collected works. The Abraham Lincoln As- sociation, Springfield, 111. Roy P. Basler, editor; Marion Dolores Pratt and Lloyd A. Dunlap, as- sistant editors. New Brunswick, N. J., Rutgers University Press, 1953-55. 9 v - ports., facsims. 24 cm. E457.91 1953 copy 7 Contents. — - 1. 1824-1848. — 2. 1848-1858. — 3. 1858-1860.— 4. 1860-1861.— 5. 1861-1862.— 6. 1862- 1863.— 7 1 863-1 864.— 8. 1 864-1 865.— Index. Eight portraits of Lincoln reproduced in gravure; documents reproduced in collotype. 55. Complete works of Abraham Lincoln. Edited by John G. Nicolay and John Hay. With a general introduction by Richard Watson Gilder, and special articles by other eminent persons. New York, F. D. Tandy ^1905] 12 v. illus., ports., facsims. (part fold.) 23 cm. (M1471) E457-9 1 !9°5 copy 4 56. Another edition. [Harrogate, Tenn.] Lincoln Memorial University [1926, c i894] 235/2 cm. (M1471 var.) E457.91 1926 "Sponsors' edition . . . Copy no. 169." With an added introduction by John Wesley Hill. "Lincoln Memorial University has had issued from the original plates owned by the University The Sponsor's edition of The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln . . . [Signed] John Wesley Hill." Title pages in each vol. reset and printed in red and black. Red full-morocco, with gilt tooling on front cover and spine. Gilt top. 57. The Cross of Gettysburg; Lincoln's immortal address in cruciform arrangement, by Leon Phillips and F. Ray Risdon. Gardena, Calif. Printed by the Boys of the Spanish American Institute Press [1920] folder ([4] p.) 14/2 cm. (M2476) P Cover title. "A souvenir of Lincoln Day, 1920." Text of the address: p. [3] Pages [2], [4] blank. 58. Another issue. [1922] (M2476 var.) P "A souvenir of Lincoln Day, 1922. Second revised edition, containing the Lincoln- Washington program of the Wilshire Men's Club of Los Angeles, February 24, 1922." Cover reset. Page [4] blank. 59. Another issue. [1923] (M2476var.) P (2 copies) Cover title varies slightly. "A souvenir of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the delivery of this classic utterance, November 1 863-1 923." Cover reset. Pages [2], [4] blank. One copy with cream-colored background on cover, the other with same background on p. [3] 60. Discoveries and inventions; a lecture by Abra- ham Lincoln delivered in i860. San Francisco, J. Howell, 1915. [21] p. port. 22 x 15^ cm. (M2193 var.) E457.95 i860 copy 3 "1000 copies printed on American drawing paper." "This lecture is not included with any collection of Lincoln's addresses. It appeared in print for the first time in Sunset Magazine in 1909." (Prefatory note) The text of a different lecture on "Discoveries, inventions and improvements" is printed in Lincoln's Complete Works, edited by Nicolay and Hay, 1894, v. 1, p. 522-528. Each page printed within black ornamented borders. Purple boards with gilt lettering on cover. 61. Another issue. 23x17/201x1. (M2193) E 457-95 1 860 copy 4 "250 copies . . . printed on Fabriano Italian hand- made paper . . . This copy is no. 105." Two copies of publisher's prospectus ([4]-page folder) laid in. End paper autographed by Henry A. Melvin for John S. Little, Rushville, 111. Letter to Little from publisher's agent ( ?) laid in. Red boards with gilt lettering on cover. Untrimmed and unopened. 62. Un documento storico; lettera autografa del Presidente Lincoln al rappresentanti di San Marino. [San Marino? 1929] 3-4 p. facsim. 39 cm. P Letter of May 7, 1 86 1, accepting honorary citizenship in the Republic of San Marino. Facsimile and translation on p. 4. Separate from San Marino, 3 Settembre 1929. Letter of transmittal from the Consul General of San Marino, New York, to Charles T. White, laid in. 63. Douglas an enemy to the North. Reasons why the North should oppose Judge Douglas. Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois. Delivered at Cincinnati, September 19, 1859. [Washington, Printed by Lemuel Towers, 1859?] 8 p. 23 cm. (M58) E457.95 1859b Caption title. An abstract of Lincoln's speech. In red quarter-morocco slipcase. 64. Early speeches, Springfield speech, Cooper Union speech, inaugural addresses, Gettysburg ad- dress, selected letters, Lincoln's lost speech. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1907 [ c i8g8] xiii, 167 p. port. 15/2 cm. (Little masterpieces) (Mi 234 var.) E457.95 1907 Edited, with introduction, by Bliss Perry. Stamped on title page: The Jacob Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Maryland. 65. The Emancipation proclamation. Washing- ton, National Archives, 1950. 3 1. (i. e. 5 p.) 48.9 x 30.3 cm. (National Archives facsimile, no. 16) Broadside v. 2, no. 18 With introduction on separate leaf and the whole in- serted in a protective folder. 66. An Evening with Lincoln. Rochester, N. Y., Sherwin Cody School of English ^1907] 112 p., 1 1. 1 3 J/2 cm. (The nutshell library, ed. by Sher- win Cody) (M1525) E457.92 1907D copy 2 Final leaf wanting. Contents. — Lincoln: life. — Letters and recollec- tions. — Speeches. — Anecdotes. Printed wrappers. 67. Facsimile manuscript of a speech on sectional- ism. [Chicago] H. D. Sickles, c i934- 3 1., facsim. (8 1.), 4 1., facsims. (8 1.) ports., facsims. 33/2 cm. (M3453) E457.95 1856b copies 3 &4 Photostat (positive). Speech delivered October 1, 1856. The mimeographed text accompanying the facsimile in- cludes a section from "Historical American autographs" published by the American Art Association, Inc., New York, entitled "Important manuscript of a speech written and delivered by Abraham Lincoln" ; and notes by W. W. Latham concerning the history of Logan County's first court house at Pottsville (Signed in ms. : "H. D. Sickles. '935 ')> tne settlement of Logan Co., 111., and the naming of the city of Lincoln. The facsimiles at end include the Gettysburg Address, reproduction of a printed text of the President's proclamation of September 22, 1862, and of the Emancipation Proclamation. Cardboard covers, bound at top with metal press. Por- trait of Lincoln mounted on cover. Copy 4 consists of facsimile of the speech only, with one leaf missing. Without covers. Stapled at top. 68. [Facsimile of Lincoln's letter to "Friend Ben- nett," March 7, 1843. Petersburg? 111., 1919?] folder ([4] p.) 27/2 cm. (M2427) E457.96 1843B 1919 Includes printed letter of transmittal, with "Wise words of Abraham Lincoln," signed: Homer J. Tice. Homemade covers of brown wrapping paper. 69. Facsimile of the autograph letter of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, to Gen. Henry H. Sibley of Minnesota, ordering him to execute 39 of the 303 Indian murderers, found guilty by a military commission, of massacring white people in the outbreak of 1862, and con- demned to be hung. Boston, Heliotype Print. Co., [187-] facsim.: 2 1. 26 cm. (M957) E457.94 1862 copy 2 Cover title. The first leaf is printed on both sides. Letter dated: December 6, 1862. "The original is the property of the Minnesota His- torical Society, St. Paul." Black cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 70. [Facsimiles of Lincoln's letter to Mrs. Bixby and the Gettysburg address, with excerpts from Lin- colns' reply to a committee from the Workingmen's Association of New York, March si, 1864. [n. p., n. d.] [4] p. 28 cm. E457.92 1900b Illustrated wrappers, bound with cord. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 7 1 . Famous speeches [of] Abraham Lincoln. With an introduction by William H. Townsend. New Rochelle, Peter Pauper Press [ c i935] ix p., 1 1., 103, [i]p. port. 24/2 cm. (M3499) £457-95 1935 copy 3 "This edition consists of 950 copies, hand set in Bruce Rogers' centaur type, and printed on an all rag paper. . . . This copy is number 311." Contents. — Address before the Young Men's Lyceum at Springfield, 111., January 27, 1838. — Address on the Dred Scott Decision at Springfield, 111., June 26, 1857. — "Divided House" speech at Springfield, 111., June 17, 1858. — Conclusion of speech at Springfield, 111., closing the senatorial campaign against Stephen A. Douglas, October 30, 1858. — Address at Cooper Institute, New York, February 27, i860. — Farewell address at Spring- field, 111., February 11, 1861. — Address in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, February 22, 1861. — First inaugural address, March 4, 1861. — Address at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery, November 19, 1863. — Second inaugural address, March 4, 1865. — Last public address, April 1 1, 1865. Red cloth, with paper labels on cover and spine. Un- trimmed. 72. Another issue, (var. of M3499) £457-95 1935 c °py 4 Colophon from different plate. "This edition consists of 50 copies . . . printed on a mould-made all rag paper . . . This copy is number 43." Inscribed presentation copy, W. H. Townsend to George P. Hambrecht, Sept. 9, 1935. Red polished full-morocco, with gilt lettering and gilt ornaments on spine. Gilt top. Untrimmed. 73. Another edition. Mount Vernon, N. Y., Peter Pauper Press [195 1? c i 935] 157, [1] p. port. 24 cm. (var. of M3499) £457.9219513 Issued under title: Famous Speeches of Abraham Lin- coln. From different plates. Set in Waverley type. Speeches of Jan. 27, 1838; Oct. 30, 1858; and Feb. 22, 1861, replaced by speeches of Jan. 12, 1848 (The war with Mexico: speech in the United States House of Repre- sentatives), July 27, 1848 (The presidential candidates: speech in the U. S. House of Representatives), and Oct. 16, 1854 (Repeal of the Missouri compromise: speech at Peoria, 111., in reply to Douglas). Blue boards, with orange simulated label on spine top. Trimmed. In red three-quarter-closed case. ne. Red 74. First and second inaugural addresses; mes- sage, July 5, 1 861; proclamation, January 1, 1863; Gettysburg address, November 19, 1863. Washing- ton, Govt. Print. Off., 1909. 40 p. 25/2 cm. (M1648) E457.92 1909A copy 4 At head of title: Abraham Lincoln. Printed wrappers. 75. Another edition. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 191 2. 40 p. 23 cm. (62d Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 439) (M2020var.) E 457-92 19 1 2 copy 3 Cover title. Presented by Mr. Clark of Wyoming. Ordered printed March 19, 19 12. Ordered reprinted, with corrections, March 25, 1912. Page [3] inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 19 16." Self-wrappers. 76. The First Lincoln and Douglas debate. At Ottawa, 111., Aug. 21, 1858. [Boston, Directors of the Old South Work, 1897] 32 p. 19 cm. (Old South leaflets, no. 85) (Mi37gvar.) E457-4- L 7405 Caption title. "Lincoln's Farewell address at Springfield, 111., as he was leaving for Washington, Feb. 11, 1861": p. 31. Previously bound. 77. Four speeches by Abraham Lincoln, hitherto unpublished or unknown. With an introduction by Earl Wellington Wiley. Columbus, Ohio State University, 1927. vii, 112 p. 22 cm. (M2982) E457.921927B copy 3 Contents. — Scott Club speech [Springfield, 1852] — Apple of gold speech [i86i(?)] — Indianapolis speech [1859] — Leavenworth speech [1859]. 78. The Fundamental creed of Abraham Lincoln; a selection from his writings and speeches revealing his devotion to family, his tenets of character, his reverence to God, and his beliefs as an American citizen. Arranged and annotated with an introduc- tion, by Earl Schenck Miers. Newark, Del., 1956. 30 p. illus. 24 cm. E457. 92 1956a "Printed . . . with woodcuts by Antonio Frasconi for friends of the Curtis Paper Company." Printed wrappers. 79. Gems from Abraham Lincoln. Born February 1 ith [sic], 1809, in Hardin County, Ky. Died April 15th, 1865, at Washington, D. C. New York, Derby & Miller; Trent, Filmer [ c i865J [32] p. port. 22 cm. (M598) E457.92 1865B x copy On covers: In mcmoriam A L. Mourning borders. Includes the Emancipation Proclamation, the Gettys- burg and the second inaugural addresses, etc. Printed wrappers. 80. The Gettysburg address, and a portrait. [San Francisco] Book Club of California, 1922. folder ([4] p.) port. 33 cm. (M2554) E475-55L7373 folio Cover title. 81. The Gettysburg address, November 19, 1863. Detroit, Mich., Detroit Typesetting Co. [1935] 2 1. port. 28 cm. (Types no. 12 . . . November 1935) (M217) P "We have used the sixth draft, written for Autograph Leaves, copies of which were sold at the Sanitary Fair in Baltimore." 82. The Gettysburg speech and other papers by Abraham Lincoln, and an essay on Lincoln by James Russell Lowell. With introductions and notes. Boston, New York, Chicago, Houghton, Mifflin [1888] 80 p. 17/2 cm. (Riverside litera- ture series, [no. 32]) (M199) E457.92 1888 copies 3 & 4 Contents. — Abraham Lincoln: an essay by James Russell Lowell. — Mr. Lincoln's speeches, papers, and letters. I. The Gettysburg speech. II. The First inaugu- ral address. III. Letter to Horace Greeley. IV. The Emancipation proclamation. V. Letter to dissatisfied friends. VI. The second inaugural address. VII. Speech in Independence hall. — O captain! my captain. By Walt Whitman. — Lincoln's birthday. Materials for sketch of Lincoln's life. Chronological list of events in the life of Abraham Lincoln. Programmes. Printed wrappers. 83. Another issue. 17 cm. (M199 var.) E457.92 1888 copy 2 Imprint on title page and cover lacks Chicago address. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 84. Another edition. [ c i8g9] 100 p. port. 17/2 cm. (M200) E457.92 1899 Printed wrappers. 85. The Gettysburg speech, delivered on Novem- ber 19, 1863. Etched by Bernhardt Wall. New York, 1924. 22 1. (incl. 8 numb. 1.) illus., port 16 cm. (var. of M2748) E475.55.L7374 copy 2 "Twenty sheets of texts & pictures etched on copper. 1st edition." — Final leaf. "Copy no. 18 . . . First printing — 100 copies. [Signed] Bernhardt Wall." "This book is etched from cover to cover." — Slip mounted on fly leaf. Guard sheets. Red cloth, imprinted in black. Copper-colored end papers. 86. Another issue. 21 1. 27/2 cm. (M2748) E475.55.L7374 "Copy no. 70 . . . First printing — 100 copies. [Signed] Bernhardt Wall." "Etched, printed & bound by Bernhardt Wall per- sonally." — Slip mounted on fly leaf. Large paper edition printed on thin paper, with varia- tions in the inking and with rearrangement of the illustrations immediately before and after the 6th num- bered leaf. Without guard sheets and the final leaf of the preceding issue. Brown boards, with red buffing back imprinted in gilt. 87. The Great debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in 1858, reproduced in condensed form in 1940 by Harry F. Lake and George R. Farnum, before the Lincoln Group of Boston. [Boston] Lincoln Group of Boston, 1941. 5 P- !•» 3-54 P- illus - 21/2 cm. E457-4-L758 copy 3 "First edition." Binder's title : The great debate. "The text used is that edited by Dr. Edwin Erie Sparks, and published in 1908 [The Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858]" — Foreword. 88. "A House divided against itself cannot stand." The text of this celebrated speech as originally writ- ten, paragraphed, italicized & proofread by its author, printed in its entirety for the first time since its contemporary publication. With an introduc- tion by Douglas C. McMurtrie. Chicago, New York, Black Cat Press, 1936. 3 p. 1., 9-29, [1] p. facsim. 24 cm. (M3528) E438.L6943 copy 2 "140 copies ... on ivory wove Normandy vellum." 89. The Illinois political campaign of 1858; a fac- simile of the printer's copy of his debates with Senator Stephen Arnold Douglas as edited and pre- pared for press by Abraham Lincoln. [Washington] Library of Congress [1958] 212 p. (p. 25-212, facsim.) 39/2 cm. Z663.L47 1958 copy 3 At head of title: The Alfred Whital Stern Collection of Lincolniana. "Notes and references": p. 21-24. The original, acquired by Mr. Stern in 1952, consists of the text of the debates clipped from verbatim accounts in the Chicago Press & Tribune and the Chicago Times and preserved by Lincoln in a scrapbook. Published under the title Political Debates Between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, in the Celebrated Cam' paign of 1858 (see items 182-193), the book became a major factor in Lincoln's successful campaign for the Presidency in i860. 90. In memoriam. [New York, Trent, Filmer, 1865] 12 1. 20/2 cm. (M599) E457.92 1865A copy 2 With letter "a" of title reversed. Mourning borders. Contents. — Farewell speech to his Springfield friends. — Proclamation of emancipation. — Address at Gettysburg. — Inaugural address . . . March 4th, 1865. — A poem recited by Mr. Lincoln [Oh! why should the spirit of mortal be proud ?] Printed wrappers. 91. Inaugural address of the President of the United States on the fourth of March 1861. [Washington?] 1861. 10 p. 23 cm. ([37th Cong.,] Special sess. Senate. Ex. Doc. no. 1 ) (M102) E457.94 1861c Caption title. Previously bound. 92. Instructions to tax commissioners. [Wash- ington, 1868] 5 p. 23 cm. (40th Cong., 2d sess. House of Representatives. Ex. Doc. no. 146) (M910) HJ4266.D4A52 Caption title. Previously bound. 93. The Last full measure of devotion. [Letter of May 25, 186 1, to the father and mother of Col. Elmer E. Ellsworth. Fort Wayne? Ind., Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., n. d.] double folder ([4] P-) facsim. 16 cm. (var. of M2258) P Two pages of text. 94. A Letter by Abraham Lincoln in reply to an invitation to address a meeting in honor of the birthday of Thomas Jefferson, April 28, 1859. San Francisco, W. Kibbee & Son, 1937. [6] p. port. 25 cm. (M2645) P Letter of Apr. 6, 1859, addressed to H. L. Pierce and others. On cover: An appreciation of Thomas Jefferson. Printed wrappers. 95. Letter from President Lincoln. Military ar- rests vindicated. [Washington, 1863] folder (4 p.) 24 cm. (M222) P Caption title. Letter of June 12, 1863, to Erastus Corning and others. 96. A Letter from President Lincoln to General Joseph Hooker, January 26, 1863. Philadelphia, l8 79- [5] P- 21/2 cm. (M959) E457.96 1863H 1879 copy 2 "Forty-five copies privately printed." Prefatory note signed : J. P. N. [i. e. J. P. Nicholson] Text of letter on p. [5] Inscribed presentation copy from John P. Nicholson to the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts. Book- plate of the Society mounted on end paper. Rebound in blue cloth. In gray slipcase. 97. [Letter to Major General Hooker] Minne- apolis, Minn., Northwestern National Life Insur- ance Co. [n. d.] folder ([4] p.) port., facsim. 23 cm. (Historical series no. 43) P Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 98. Letters and addresses of Abraham Lincoln. New York, H. W. Bell, 1904 [ c i903] 2 p. 1., 5-399 p- 18 cm. (The unit books, no. 2) (M1397 var.) E 457-92 i9°3 co P>' 4 "Published under a special arrangement with The Century Co., publishers of the complete works of Abra- ham Lincoln." Bibliography: p. 374. Advertising matter: p. 39 1 — 399- Dark green cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. 99. Another edition. New York, Sun Dial Classics Co., 1908 [ c igo3] 3 p. 1., 5-389 p. port. 19 cm. (M1398) E457.92 1908 Issued under title: Letters and Addresses, With a Brief Biography, the Story of the Book, Notes on the Text, List of Authorities, and Index. Added title page and title page reset. Contents page added. Without advertising matter. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 1916." Light green cloth, lettered in brown on covers and spine. 100. Letters and miscellaneous writings of Abra- ham Lincoln, 1850-1864. Edited by Lawrence V. 10 Roth. [Boston, Old South Association, 191-] 20 p. 19 cm. (Old South leaflets, no. 215) (Mi 390) E457.962 1 910 copy 2 J82.B81 no. 215 copy 3 Caption title. Self-wrappers. 101. The Letters of President Lincoln on ques- tions of national policy. New York, H. H. Lloyd, 1863. 2 p. 1., b]-22 p. 19/2 cm. (M226) E458.L735 copies 2 & 3 Cover title. Contents. — To General McClellan. — To Horace Greeley. — To Fernando Wood. — To the Albany com- mittee. — To Governor Seymour. — To the Springfield meeting. Copy 2 in tan polished full-calf and copy 3 in dark blue cloth, both with original lavendar printed wrappers bound in. 101a. Another issue. Boston, Benj. B. Russell, 1863. 18/2 cm. (M226var.) E458.L73 copy 2 B. B. Russell, New England agent for H. H. Lloyd & Co. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Black cardboard, with original white printed wrappers bound in. Cloth spine. 102. The Life and public service of General Zachary Taylor, an address by Abraham Lincoln. [Introduction by William E. Barton] Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1922. 3 p. 1., [3J-55 p. 17/2 cm. (M2582) E422.L85 copy 5 Delivered in Chicago, July 25, 1850. "This edition is limited to four hundred and thirty-five copies, printed at the Riverside Press, Cambridge, U. S. A., of which four hundred are for sale. This is number 236." Marbled boards with cloth back. In black three- quarter-closed case. 103. The Life and writings of Abraham Lincoln. Edited, and with a biographical essay, by Philip Van Doren Stern; with an introduction, "Lincoln in his writing," by Allan Nevins. New York, Ran- dom House [ c i94o] xxvi, 863 p. port. 23/2 cm. Itr . . t . „ E 457-92 1940 copy 3 first printing. Title page printed in maroon and black. Light blue cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and fac- simile of Lincoln's autograph gilt-stamped on cover. Maroon top. 104. Another issue. New York, Modern Library [1942] 21 cm. (The Modern library of the world's best books. [Modern library giants]) E 457-92 1942b copy 2 "First Modern library giant edition, 1942." Without portrait. Half-title, title page, and copyright page reset. Title page printed in black. "The Modern library is published by Random House, Inc." Dark blue cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and pub- lisher's device gilt-stamped on cover. Maroon top. 105. Lincoln and the New York herald; unpub- lished letters of Abraham Lincoln from the collec- tion of Judd Stewart. Plainfield, N. J., Priv. Print., 1907. 1 p. 1., 7-15 p., 5 1. port., facsims. 24/2 cm. (M1554) E457.4.L76 copy 3 "The letters reprinted herein are from the Gettysburg edition of the Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln . . . The letters given in facsimile . . . have never heretofore been published. They were written to George G. Fogg, who was Secretary of the first Republican National Con- vention." End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Boards. Cloth back. 106. The Lincoln autographic album, embracing likewise the favorite poetry of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, H. C. Whitney [ c i8gi] [48] p. illus., 6 ports. (1 group), facsims. 31 cm. (M1095) E457.962 1891 copy 2 Edited by H. C. Whitney. An expansion of item 224 to which has been added facsimiles of Lincoln's drafts of the Gettysburg address; the proclamations of Sept. 22, 1862, and Jan. 1, 1863; letters from Lincoln to J. O. Cunningham and James W. Somers ; etc. Copyright recorded Dec. 21, 1891 (no. 46621W1). Blue cloth, with original brown gilt-stamped wrappers bound in. 107. Lincoln autobiographies prepared for Lan- man, Fell, Hicks and Scripps. Compiled [and edited] by Louis A. Warren. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincolniana Publishers, 1942. 24 p. 16 cm. P "The group consists of an 'Outline for Lanman,' 'Notes for Fell.' 'Memoir for Hicks,' and 'Sketch in the third person for Scripps.' " Printed wrappers. 108. The Lincoln calendar [1922] [n. p.] Dodge Pub. Co., c 1 92 1. [12] p. 28 cm. (var. of M2690) P Caption title. Quotations for each month. 109. Another edition. The Lincoln calendar [1923] °I922. (var. of M2690) P( 2 copies) I I no. Another edition. The Lincoln calendar [1925] c iQ24. (M2690) P in. A Lincoln correspondence [twenty-two letters of historical interest here published for the first time] With introduction and notes by William H. Lambert. [New York, Century Co.] 1909. 1 p. 1., 617-626P. 24 cm. E457.962 1909N copy 2 Cover title. "Reprinted from The Century Magazine for February, 1909" (Item 1007). Letters from Lincoln to Lyman Trumbull, U. S. Senator from Illinois, ranging in date from Aug. 1 1, 1856, to Dec. 24, i860. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1 12. Lincoln defines his purpose in the Civil War in one of the most famous of all his letters to Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune. [n. p., 1930?] double folder ([4] p.) facsim. 28 cm. (M3224) E457.96 1862G Facsimile of Lincoln's letter to Greeley of August 22, 1862. Advertisement of Old Hampshire Bond, of the Hamp- shire Paper Company, South Hadley Falls, Massachusetts. 113. The Lincoln-Douglas debates. Edited, with introduction and notes, by Edwin Erie Sparks. Dansville, N. Y., F. A. Owen Pub. Co. [ c i9i8] 158 p. illus., ports. 16/2 cm. (Excelsior litera- ture series, no. 63 ) (M2391 var. ) E457.4.L7412 114. The Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858. Edited, with introduction and notes, by Edwin Erie Sparks. Springfield, 111., The Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library, 1908. xi, 627 p. illus., 6 ports, map, 5 facsims. 23 cm. (Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, vol. III. Lincoln series, vol. 1) (M1629) F53 6 - l2 5 4th set, v. 3 "Published August 1908." Text of the speeches, from "Political debates between Lincoln and Douglas," Columbus, O., i860, with con- necting narrative by the editor, and much illustrative material from contemporary newspapers, etc. "Bibliography: an appraised list of the more general works bearing on the Lincoln-Douglas debates, prepared under the direction of Mr. Schuyler B. Terry": p. 597- 604. Blue cloth. From same plates with five additional preliminary leaves. "This volume ... is presented to the members and guests at the banquet given by the [Lincoln Centennial] Association on the one hundred and second anniversary of Mr. Lincoln's birth." — 1st preliminary leaf. Bookplate of Charles Adams. Red half-morocco with marbled sides. Gilt top. 116. The Lincoln encyclopedia; the spoken and written words of A. Lincoln arranged for ready reference. Compiled and edited by Archer H. Shaw, with an introduction by David C. Mearns. New York, Macmillan, 1950. xii, 395 p. 26 cm. E 457-92 i95 oco Py " 1 1 7. Lincoln interprets the constitution. Com- piled by Louis A. Warren. Fort Wayne, Ind. [Lin- coln National Life Foundation, c 1936] [21] p. 17 cm. (M3543) P Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 118. Lincoln letters, [n. p., c igi3] 2 p. 1., 3-6 p. 3 facsims. 25/2 cm. (M2091) E457-9 6 2 i9!3 a Cover title. Letters from Lincoln to his father and stepbrother, "Johnston" (dated Dec. 24, 1848) and from Lincoln to General Grant (dated Apr. 30, 1864), with a letter to Lin- coln from Attorney General Austin A. King, and Lincoln's endorsement (dated Jan. 27, 1864). Notice on verso of the 2d preliminary leaf: "The orig- inals from which the within facsimiles were made are in the collection of Mr. William K. Bixby, and through his courtesy they are reproduced for members of the Bibliophile Society." Lacks printer's imprint. Brown cloth, with white paper back and corners. Gilt lettering on cover. 119. Another issue. 26 cm. (M2091 var.) E457.962 1913a copy 2 From same plates but with different reading of the notice on verso of the 2d preliminary leaf: "These fac- similes, from originals in the possession of W. K. Bixby, have been issued privately for his friends." Facsimile of the King letter missing. Autographed presentation copy from W. K. Bixby to George D. Smith and from Smith to Emanuel Hertz. Light blue boards, with olive-green cloth back. Gilt lettering on cover. 1 15. Another issue. 25/2 cm. (M1629 var.) F 53 6l2 5 3 d set > v - 3 120. Lincoln letters, hitherto unpublished, in the Library of Brown University and other Providence 12 libraries. Providence, R. I., University Library, 1927. 3 p. 1., 3-8 p., 1 1., 11-60 numb. 1., 1 1., 62-72 p. port., facsims. 24/2 cm. (McLellan Lincoln Collection. Publication 1) (M2948) E 457-962. 1927P copies 4 & 5 Binder's title: Lincoln letters at Brown. "The notes that accompany the letters [and telegrams] have been prepared by Miss Esther Cowles Cushman." — Pref. Appendix I. Lincoln letters from the Annmary Brown Memorial and the Rhode Island Historical Society: 1. [54]-6o; Appendix II. List of legal papers in Lincoln's handwriting and commissions signed in full in the McLel- lan Collection: p. [6 1]— 66. 121. Lincoln; passages from his speeches and let- ters. With an introduction by Richard Watson Gilder. New York, The Century Co., 1901. xlvii, 204 p. port. 13/2 cm. (Mi 338) E 457-92 19 01 copy 3 Embossed tan full-leather, with marbled end papers and gilt edges. 122. Another issue. 191 1. 14/2 cm. (Mi 338 var.) E457.92 191 ic "Special souvenir edition for the 25th annual Lincoln dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York, Feb. 13th, 191 1." Title page reset. "1000 copies prepared." Dark blue full-morocco. 123. A Lincoln reprimand, [n. p.] 1950. 20 1. illus., ports. 21 cm. E457.98.L553 "Copy no. 6. Edition, 100 copies. [Signed] Bernhardt Wall, etcher." Captain Cutts was sentenced by court-martial to dis- missal from the Army, but the Commander-in-Chief changed the sentence to a reprimand. Inscribed by Wall to Alfred W. Stern. Wall's type- written note to Stern inserted. Heavy cardboard covers, with paper jacket. 124. Lincoln the poet; the immortal Abraham Lincoln's poems, richly illustrated with Lincoln photographs. 30 poems by Abraham Lincoln, liberally edited and embellished by the poet Hunter [pseud.] New Orleans, Harvey Press, 1941. 64 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23 cm. E 457-99-D64 1941 copy 3 "First complete edition." On spine: Lincoln's poems. Paul Hunter Dodge. Portrait of Lincoln mounted on cover. 125. The Lincoln treasury. Compiled by Caro- line Thomas Harnsberger. Chicago, New York, Toronto, Wilcox & Follett [1950] ix, [3], 1-372 p. illus., ports., facsim. 26 cm. E457.99.H2 copy 5 "First edition." "Pen drawings by Harold D. Hoopes and William L. Marsh." Contents. — Preface (p. vii-viii). — The Lincoln treas- ury (p. 1-352). — Bibliography (p. 354-356). — Chronol- ogy (P- 357~358 )• — Lincoln's first cabinet (p. 359). — Index (p. 360-372). Inscribed to Alfred Whital Stern. 126. The Lincoln year book; axioms and aphor- isms from the great emancipator. Compiled by Wallace Rice. Chicago, A. C. McClurg, 1907. [102] p. port., illus. 20/2 cm. (M1549) E457-99- R 49 co PY3 "Published October 12, 1907." Boards. Cloth back. Paper labels on cover and spine. 127. Another issue. 1908. (M1549 var.) £457-99-^49 copy 4 "Second printing, February 15, 1908." Title and copyright pages reset. Binding same. 128. The Lincoln year book, containing immortal words of Abraham Lincoln spoken and written on various occasions, preceded by appropriate Scrip- ture texts and followed by choice poetic selections for each day in the year, with special reference to anniversary dates. Compiled by J. T. Hobson. Dayton, Ohio, Press of United Brethren Pub. House, 1906. 383 p. illus., ports. 19/2 cm. (M1532) E457.99.H68 copy 2 Bibliography: p. [8] 129. Lincolniana brochure, by Hal W. Trovillion. Herrin, 111., Priv. Print., 1909. 23 p. 18/2 cm. (M1879) P Partial Contents. — Lincoln's own story [autobiog- raphy, Dec. 20, 1859] (p. 8-1 1 ). — First public address [at New Salem, 111., 1832] (p. 12). — Early love letters [to Mary Owens, 1837] (p. 13-16). — [Letter] to a con- fiding woman [Mrs. Orville H. Browning, Apr. 1, 1838] (p. 16-21). — Gettysburg address (p. 21-23). Wrappers, with Lincoln Centennial souvenir postcard inserted in front cover. 130. Lincolnics; familiar sayings of Abraham Lin- coln. Collected and edited by Henry Llewellyn Williams. New York, London, Putnam [ c igo6] J 3 xxiv, 202, [6] p. port. 14/2 cm. (Ariel booklets) (M1515) E457.99.W71 1906 copy 2 Title page lettered in red and black. Six-page list of Ariel booklets following p. 202. Roman numeral I at bottom of first page (». e., opposite p. xxiv). Red limp full-cowhide. 131. Another issue. 1 p. 1., xxiv, 202 p. (M1515) E457-99-W7 1 '9°6 Red lettering on title page differs in shading. Advertising matter on preliminary leaf. Bottom of p. [ 1 ] blank. Same binding. 132. Lincoln's account of the Hampton Roads Conference, with facsimiles from the original docu- ments in the collection of Judd Stewart, [n. p.] Priv. Print., 1910. 16 p. port., facsim. 29 cm. (M1959) E469.U59 copy 2 Lincoln's messages to the House and Senate, February 10, 1865. Flyleaf inscribed : "J. D. Bell/Aug. 29, 19 10." Boards. Cloth back. 133. Lincoln's autobiography, reproduced from the original manuscript in facsimile. New York, Current Literature Pub. Co., 1907. [n] p. illus., facsims. 12X 15/2 cm. (M1537) P The Fell autobiography. Advertising matter for Current Literature, two pages at end. Illustrated wrappers. 134. Lincoln's beard; photostat reproductions of correspondence between Abraham Lincoln and Grace Bedell, by Lincoln National Life Foundation. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincolniana Publishers, 1933. [7] p. 2 facsims. 28 cm. ( M3485 var. ) P "Special order edition. Each copy published separately with photostat reproductions bound in Order no. 8." Facsimile of Lincoln's letter of Oct. 19, i860, to Miss Bedell on p. [7] Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 135. Lincoln's Cooper Institute address. Address at Cooper Institute, New York, Feb. 27, i860. [Boston, Directors of the Old South Work, 1902] 20 p. 19 cm. (Old South leaflets, no. 107) (M1380) E438.L752 Caption title. Another copy in bound volume of Old South Leaflets (item 3222). Self-wrappers. 136. Lincoln's Ellsworth letter. New York, Priv. Print., 1 9 16. [8] p. 2 photographs, facsim. (3 p.) 23/2 cm. (M2258 var.) E457.96 1861E copy 2 Foreword signed: F. H. M. [i. e., Frederick Hill Meserve] The letter [reproduced in facsimile] is dated May 25, 1 86 1, and addressed to the father and mother of Colonel Ellsworth. "Two hundred and fifty copies are printed for the Quill Club of New York upon the occasion of its Lincoln meet- ing, February 15th, 19 16." Facsimile of Lincoln's letter to Mrs. Bixby, dated Nov. 21, 1864, laid in. Boards. 137. Lincoln's first inaugural; original draft and its final form. [n. p.] Priv. Print., 1920. 29 p. 26/2 cm. (M2485) P Foreword signed: Judd Stewart. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed heavy paper covers. 1 38. Lincoln's first message to Congress. Message to Congress in special session, July 4, 1861. [Boston, Directors of the Old South Work, 1907] 16 p. 19 cm. (Old South leaflets, no. 189) (M1381) J82.B81 No. 189 Caption title. Another copy in bound volume of Old South Leaflets (item 3222). 139. Lincoln's Gettysburg address. [Chicago, The Lakeside Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., 1943 ? ] [ J 5] P- n cm. P Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 140. Lincoln's Gettysburg address and second in- augural. Texts and illustrations compiled by Charles Moore. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1927. 4 p. I., [3I-70, [7] p. illus., facsims. 27 cm. (M2954) E475.55.L7378 copy 3 "This edition consists of four hundred and forty num- bered copies, of which four hundred are for sale, printed ... in April, 1927. This is number 87." Boards. Cloth back. 141. Lincoln's Gettysburg speech, etcht [sic] by Bernhardt Wall. Sierra Madre, Calif., 1946. 34 p. illus., port. 5 cm. P "Copy no. 22 . . . edition 200 copies [Signed] Bern- hardt Wall, etcher." "Etcht, printed and bound by Bernhardt Wall." — Slip mounted on fly leaf. Green cloth, with paper label on cover and green end papers. 14 142. Lincoln's Gettysburg speech; with suggestive exercises on teaching synonyms, words-analysis, figures of speech, etc.; prepared expressly for sup- plemenatry [sic] reading in schools. Taylorville, 111., Parker Pub. Co. [n. d.] 8 p. 19 cm. (Parker's lessons in literature, no. 23) (M202) E 475-55- L 7343 co PY » & x co PY Cover title. [Life of] Abraham Lincoln: p. 4-8. Self-wrappers. 143. Lincoln's inaugural and first message to Con- gress. New York, A. Lovell, 1894. 27 p. 18 cm. (American history leaflets, colonial and constitu- tional. Ed. by A. B. Hart and E. Channing. no. 18. November, 1894) (Mi 143) E458.1.U58 copy 2 Cover title. Boards, with original printed wrappers bound in. 144. Lincoln's inaugurals, addresses and letters (selections). Edited with an introductory memoir and notes, by Daniel Kilham Dodge. New York, Chicago, Longmans, Green [1923, c i9io] xxviii, 122 p. 18/2 cm. (Longmans' English classics, ed. by A. H. Thorndike) (M1922 var.) E 457-92 1910a copy 2 "First edition, July 1 9 10. Reprinted . . . April 1923." Binder's title: Selections from Lincoln; inaugurals, addresses and letters. Series title also at head of title page. "Bibliographical note": p. xxvi. 145. Lincoln's inaugurals, the Emancipation proc- lamation, etc. [Boston, Directors of the Old South Work, 1896] 16 p. 19/2 cm. (Old South leaflets, no. 11) (M1383 var.) E457.92 1896 E 1 73.O44 3d set, No. 1 1 Caption title. Includes Speech at the dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, November 15, 1863 (p. 15-16). Self-wrappers. 146. Lincoln's Kalamazoo address against extend- ing slavery; also his life, by Joseph J. Lewis. Both annotated by Thomas I. Starr. Detroit, Fine Book Circle, 1941. 7 p. 1., 10-63, [*] '• illus., double facsim. 23 cm. E457.95 i856f "The anti-slavery address of Abraham Lincoln, given before a Republican audience in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in 1856; and the first published life of Lincoln, as it ap- peared in the Chester County Times, Westchester, Pennsyl- vania, in February i860." — Foreword. Half-title : Lincoln's Kalamazoo talk and first published life. Ms. note on 1st leaf: "1st set of page proofs from 'the book' — presented to Roy Hays . . . [Signed] Tom Starr." Ms. correction of typographical error on p. 12. Facsimile consists of Lincoln's letter to Hon. Hezekiah G. Wells, Kalamazoo, Mich., dated Aug. 21, 1856. 147. Another issue. 63, [1] p. 23/2 cm. E 457-95 i856gcopy3 "1000 copies, including 250 in brochure to be distrib- uted as Bulletin no. 34 of the William L. Clements Library of the University of Michigan." Reset so as to eliminate broken type, typographical errors, etc. Title page imprinted in pink, gray, and black. Photostatic copy of Lincoln's letter of Aug. 4, 1856, to Wells, tipped in. Inscribed by Starr to Alfred W. Stern. Blue gilt-stamped cloth. Pink edges. 148. Lincoln's last speech in Springfield in the campaign of 1858. Chicago [Printed by R. R. Don- nelley & Sons] 1924. 22 p., 1 1. illus., port., facsim. (M2680) E457.4.L765 copies 3 & 4 Introduction signed: Oliver R. Barrett. Mr. Lincoln at home (from the Springfield Journal of Nov. i, 1858): p. 17-19. A letter from John H. Morgan: p. 21-22. Copy 3 (29^ cm.) bound in blue boards, with tan cloth back and paper label on cover. Copy 4 (30 cm.) bound in blue limp imitation leather. 149. Another edition. [Chicago] University of Chicago Press, 1925. 22 p. illus., port., facsim. 30 cm. (M2680 var.) E457.4.L766 copies 3 & 4 Some resetting of type. Both copies bound in gray boards, with cloth back and paper label on cover. Gray end papers. 150. Lincoln's letter to a discouraged student, July 22, i860. Gardena, Calif., Priv. Print, for H. E. Barker, Spanish American Institute Press, 1928. [9] P- 22/2 cm. (M2993) E457.96 1860D copy 2 "Eighty copies of this brochure printed . . . seventy- five copies being numbered of which this is number 56." Foreword signed : H. E. Barker. Pages [4], [6], [8] blank. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 151. Lincoln's message to Wisconsin farmers, Milwaukee, Sept. 30, 1859. Madison, Published by the University, 191 7. [12] p. 1 illus. 13 x 20 cm. 15 (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. Serial no. 875; Gen. series no. 668) (M2320) P Cover title. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 152. Lincoln's speeches and letters. Farmington, Me., D. H. Knowlton, [n. d.] 32 p. 18 cm. (Ex- celsior 5c. classics) P Cover title. 153. Lincoln's stories and speeches. Edited by Edward Frank Allen. New York, Books, Inc. [19 — ] 241 p. 19/2 cm. (The World's popular classics) E457.92 1900 "Art-type edition." Boards. 154. Lincoln's Thanksgiving proclamation named the last Thursday in November as a day of national thanksgiving and praise. Harrogate, Tenn., Dept. of Lincolniana, Lincoln Memorial University, 1945. [8] p. port., music. 25/2 cm. E457.98.L556 copy 2 Cover title. Contains the proclamation of October 3, 1863, a fac- simile of the words and music of Muhlenberg's The Presi- dent's Hymn, and an historical sketch by F. L. Bullard. Self-wrappers. 155. Lincoln's words on living questions. A col- lection of all the recorded utterances of Abraham Lincoln bearing upon the questions of today. Edited by H. S. Taylor and D. M. Fulwiler. Chi- cago, 111., Trusty Pub. Co. ^1900] 175 p. 19 cm. (M1317) E457.92 1900a 250 quotations topically arranged. 156. The Literary works of Abraham Lincoln, selected, with an introduction, by Carl Van Doren and with illustrations by John Steuart Curry. Menasha, Wis., Printed for the Members of the Limited Editions Club by the Collegiate Press, 1942. xv, 294, [1] p., 1 1. col. illus., col. port. 27/2 cm. E 457-9 2 1942 copy 3 "Copy number 612 of 1500 copies. This copy signed by the illustrator, John Steuart Curry." In blue three-quarter-closed case. 157. The Living Lincoln: the man, his mind, his times, and the war he fought, reconstructed from his own writings. Edited by Paul M. Angle and Earl Schenck Miers. New Brunswick, N. J., Rut- gers University Press, 1955. viii p., 2 1., 673 p. 24 cm. E457.92 1955 copy 3 "Presidential edition, autographed by the editors for the members of the Civil War Book Club." 158. The Martyr's monument; being the patriot- ism and political wisdom of Abraham Lincoln, as exhibited in his speeches, messages, orders, and proclamations, from the presidential canvass of i860 until his assassination, April 14, 1865. New York, American News Co. [1865] i y > 2 97 P- J 9 cm - ( M623 ) E457.92 1865 copies 3 & 4 159. Message. [Washington? 186 1?] 18 p. 21/2 cm. (M107) P Caption title. Running title: Annual message of the President. Before Congress, Dec. 3, 1861. 160. Message. [Washington, 1863?] 15 p. 22/2 cm. (M233) E458.3.U55 Caption title. Running title: Annual message of the President. Before Congress, Dec. 8, 1863. Self-wrappers. 161. Message of the President of the United States, [n. p., 1864] 14 p. 23/2 cm. (M309) E458.4.U56 1864a Cover title. Message of Dec. 6, 1 864. Issued also as House Executive document no. 1, 38th Cong., 2d sess., under title: Message of the President of the United States, and Accompanying Documents, to the Two Houses of Congress, at the Commencement of the Thirty-eighth Congress. 162. Message of the President of the United States, and accompanying documents, to the two houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the thirty-eighth Congress. Wash- ington, Govt. Print. Off. 1863-64. 4 v. 23 cm. (38th Cong., 1st sess. House. Ex. doc. 1) (M308 note) J80.A28 Message of Dec. 8, 1863, in Part I. Reports of Secre- taries of War and the Navy and House Ex. Doc. 1, pts. I and II (1864), Foreign Correspondence. 1 63. Message of the President of the United States and reports proper of the heads of Departments, made at the third session of the thirty-seventh Con- 16 gress. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1863. 146 p. 22 cm. (M227) J82.B83 Lincoln's annual message to Congress, December 1, 1862. Contains also an early printing of the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation (p. 23-24). Previously bound. 164. Message of the President of the United States, communicating in answer to a resolution of the Senate of the 26th of February, correspondence with the workingmen of England. March 2, 1863. [Washington, 1863] 6 p. 22/2 cm. (37th Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Ex. doc. no. 49) (M230) E453.U8 Caption title. Previously bound. 165. Message of the President of the United States to the Senate and House of Representatives, July 4, 1 86 1. Washington, Printed at the Congres- sional Globe Office, 186 1. 8 p. 24 cm. (M103) E458.1.U6313 Cover title. Issued also as Senate doc. no. 1. 37th Cong., 1st sess. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504 no. 3). Self-wrappers. 166. Message of the President of the United States to the two houses of Congress, at the com- mencement of the first session of the thirty-seventh Congress. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 186 1. 1 p. 1., [3]— 1 7 p. 23 cm. (37th Cong., 1st sess. House. Ex. doc.) E458.1.U632 copy 1 Message dated July 4, 1861. Document no. not given. Issued also as Senate Executive document no. 1, 37th Cong., 1st sess. (M104) ; and as p. 1-17 in a volume (in p. with accompanying documents) published under the same title (Mi 05). Previously bound. 167. Another edition. [iJ-15 p. 24/2 cm. E458.1.U632 copy 2 From same plates, but with caption title only and different pagination. Self wrappers. 168. Message of the President of the United States to the two houses of Congress, at the com- mencement of the first session of the thirty-seventh Congress. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1861. 111 p., 22 cm. (37th Congress, 1st sess. House. Ex. Doc.) (M105) J80.A28 Cover title. Message of July 4, 1861: p. 3-17. In card board slip-case. 169. Message of the President of the United States to the two houses of Congress, at the commence- ment of the second session of the thirty-seventh Congress. Volume 1. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1 86 1. 839 p. 23 cm. (37th Cong., 2d sess. House. Ex. doc.) J80.A28 Message of December 3, 1861; with diplomatic corre- spondence and the reports of the Secretaries of the In- terior, Navy, War and of the Postmaster General. 170. National politics. Speech of Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, delivered at the Cooper Insti- tute, Monday, Feb. 27, i860. [NewYork] New York Tribune [i860] 15 p. 22/2 cm. (Tribune tracts, no. 4) (M50) E438.L743 copies 3 & 4 Caption title. "State rights and the Supreme court. Speech of Sena- tor Doolittle, of Wisconsin, delivered in the United States Senate, February 24, i860": p. 11- 14. Copy 3 in brown slipcase. Copy 4 previously bound. 171. New letters and papers of Lincoln, compiled by Paul M. Angle. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1930. x p., 1 I., 387 p. 2 ports., facsims. 24/2 cm. (M3167) E457.92 1930 copy 6 This volume is intended as a supplement to the follow- ing publications: Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, by Nicolay and Hay, published in 1905 and generally known as the Gettysburg Edition of the Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln; Gilbert A. Tracy's Uncollected Let- ters of Abraham Lincoln, published in 191 7; Lincoln Letters at Brown, published by Brown University in 1927. Cf. Pref. Publisher's device printed in black on title page. Blue cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and facsimile of Lincoln's autograph gilt-stamped on cover. 172. Another issue. 6 ports., facsims. 25 J/2 cm. (M3167 var.) E457.92 1930 copy 7 Publisher's device printed in orange on title page. Copyright page reset. "Two hundred and fifty copies of this first edition have been bound uncut U. e. untrimmedl with four additional illustrations." Gray-green boards, with black cloth back. Paper label on spine. Unopened. 173. Noted speeches of Abraham Lincoln, includ- ing the Lincoln-Douglas debate. Edited with bio- graphical sketches by Lilian Marie Briggs. New York, Moffat, Yard, 191 1. xi, [1]. 1 10 p. 2 ports. 17 i8J/2 cm. (American history in literature, [v. i]) (M1967) E457.92 191 1 copy 3 Series title also at head of title page. Contents. — Biographical sketch — Lincoln. — Cooper institute speech. — Lincoln's first inaugural address. — Lincoln's Gettysburg speech. — Lincoln's second inaugural address. — Proclamation of emancipation. — Biographical sketch — Douglas.- — Lincoln-Douglas debate: Opening speech. Lincoln's reply. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 1 74. Official programme of the order of exercises connected with the unveiling of the statue of Abraham Lincoln upon the National Lincoln Monument, Springfield, 111., Thursday, October 15th, 1874; also, his remarks to his neighbors on leaving Springfield, February 11, 1861. With his inaugural addresses, messages to Congress, Emanci- pation proclamation, and address at Gettysburg, Pa. Springfield, Illinois State Journal Co., 1874. lxxvip., 1 1. 23 cm. (M937) E457.92 1874 Contents.— Address of Abraham Lincoln to the citi- zens of Springfield, on his departure to Washington, Feb- ruary 11th, 1 86 1. — Inaugural address, delivered on the fourth day of March 1861. — Proclamation convening Congress in extra session, July 4, 1861. — Message to Congress, assembled in extra session, July 4, 1861. — First annual message to Congress, December 3d, 1861. — Proclamation preliminary to the issuing of the Emanci- pation proclamation, September 22, 1862. — Second an- nual message to Congress, December 1, 1862. — Emanci- pation proclamation, January first, 1863. — Address on the battle-field of Gettysburg, November 19, 1863. — Third annual message to Congress, December 8, 1863. — Fourth annual message to Congress, December 6th 1864. — Second inaugural address, delivered March 3, 1865. — Official programme (1 1. at end). Dark blue cloth, with original glazed printed wrappers bound in. 175. The Opinions of Abraham Lincoln upon slavery and its issues: indicated by his speeches, letters, messages, and proclamations. [New York, Union League of America, 1863] 16 p. 22/2 cm. (M357) E449.L732 copy 3 Caption title. At head of title: U. L. A. Bookplate of Joseph B. Oakleaf. Rebound in dark brown half-leather. 176. Another edition. [Washington, Printed by L. Towers for the Union Congressional Committee, 1864] 24 cm. (M320) E449.L733 copy 2 Caption title. From different plates. Rebound in dark green half-leather. 177. Peace. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in compliance with the resolution of February 8th, 1865, information rela- tive to a conference held at Hampton Roads with Messrs. A. H. Stephens, R. M. T. Hunter, and J. A. Campbell. [Washington] 1865. 10 p. 23I/2 cm. (38th Cong., 2d sess. House of Representatives. Ex. doc. no. 59) E469.U6 Laminated. In green slipcase. 178. Poetry and prose by A. Lincoln. Edited, with an introduction, by Paul M. Angle and Earl Schenck Miers. Kingsport, Tenn., Priv. Print, at Kingsport Press [1956] 40 p., 4 1. 26 cm. (American keepsake no. 1 ) E457.92 1956 copy 3 1500 copies for private distribution. Contents. — Poetry: My childhood's home I see again. Matthew Gentry. The bear hunt. — A story: The Trailor murder case. — Notes [on the poems] & a postscript to the story. Publisher's prospectus and typed letter of transmittal from Wfalter] F. Smith, President of Kingsport Press, to Alfred W. Stern, laid in. Boards. 179. Political debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in the celebrated campaign of 1858 in Illinois, including the preceding speeches of each at Chicago, Springfield, etc., also the two great speeches of Abraham Lincoln in Ohio in 1859. Cleveland, Burrows Bros., 1894. 316 p. 25/2 cm. (M70) E457.4.L739 Added title page with edition statement "New and im- portant limited edition," and newspaper clipping inserted. "Seven hundred and fifty copies reprinted ... at the University Press, Cambridge, 1894. No. 504." Tan buckram, with paper label on spine. Rough edges. 180. Another edition. Cleveland, Ohio, O. S. Hubbell, 1895. vi, 415 p. 25/2 cm. (M71) E 457-4- L 74 copy 2 "[With] a complete index to the whole." End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 19 16." Dark gray cloth, lettered in gilt on spine. Rough edges. 181. 1907. Another edition. ix, 504 p. port. Cleveland, Burrows Bros., 19J/2 cm. (M72) E4574L7542 A preface signed C. L. M. (p. [iii]-ix) has been added, the index revised, and the table of contents removed. Grayish-green cloth, lettered in gilt on spine. l8 182. Political debates between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, in the cele- brated campaign of 1858, in Illinois; including the preceding speeches of each, at Chicago, Springfield, etc.; also, the two great speeches of Mr. Lincoln in Ohio, in 1859, as carefully prepared by the re- porters of each party, and published at the times of their delivery. Columbus, Follett, Foster and Com- pany, i860. 1 p. I., iii-iv p., 2 I., [i]-268 p. 24 cm. (M69) 1 E457.4.L73 copy 2 First edition. 2 Page [i], title page; p. [ii], copyright and stereotypers notices; p. iii— iv, correspondence between the Republican State Central Committee and Lincoln, etc.; p. [v], table of contents; p. [vi]-[viii], blank. Signatures: [1] *, [1]— 1 7 8 (final two leaves blank). Sig- nature "2" begins at p. 17. Brown rippled cloth, with lettering gilt-stamped on spine and design blind-stamped on covers. White end papers. 3 In olive-colored slipcase. Another copy of the first issue, differing only in colora- tion of the cloth (tan) and inscribed "A. Lincoln to W. M. Cowgill," has been acquired by Mr. Stern and is presently on deposit at the Library of Congress. Previous owners of the volume had been William H. Lambert and James William Ellsworth. (Cf. Pratt, Harry E. "Lincoln Auto- graphed Debates" in Manuscripts, Summer, 1954, p. 195.) With Ellsworth bookplate. 183. Another edition. 1 p. 1., iii-iv, [i]-268 p. E457.4.L73 copy 3 Second edition. Page [i], title page; p. [ii], copyright notice, table of contents, and stereotypers notice under thin rule; p. iii-iv, correspondence between Lincoln and the Republican State Central Committee, etc. Signatures: [ 1]— 1 7 8 . Signature "2" begins at p. 13. Brown pebbled cloth. 184. Another edition. 2 p. 1., [i]-268 p. E457.4.L738 copy 7 Third edition, First state. 1 Monaghan numbers have not been given items 183-93 since in these instances it has not been possible to distinguish between "Monaghan variant" and "variant of Monaghan." a The arrangement of items 182-193 follows the scheme intro- duced by Ernest 3. Wessen in his study, "Debates of Lincoln and Douglas; A Bibliographical Discussion" (see item 4499). Wessen distinguishes three "editions," the third of which exists in five "states." Of the states, the third is found with variant imprints A (cf. item 188) and B (cf. item 189), in addition to the regular imprint. The fourth and fifth states are found with the variant imprints only. 3 Items 182-93, with the one sole exception of item 184a are uniform in size (24 cm.) and exhibit the same white end papers, gilt-stamped spine, and blind-stamped covers. The cover design consists of an encircled eight-pointed star, centered within line borders. These borders are floriated at the corners in items 182- 186, unfloriated in items 187-193. Page [i], title page; p. [ii], copyright and stereotypers notices; p. [iii], table of contents; p. [iv] blank. In the third edition, as in the second, the stereotypers notice appears under thin rule and signature "2" begins at p. 13. Tan rippled cloth. In red solander case. 184a. Another copy. E457.4.L738 copy 10 Identical to the preceding, but unbound. In light- blue slipcase. 185. Another issue. 4 p. 1., [i]-268 p. E457.4.L738 copy 9 Third edition, Second state. Differs from the first state only in the presence of a four-page insert at the front. The insert consists of: an advertisement for Howells' Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin (p. [i]) ; an ad- vertisement for Giddings' The Exiles of Florida (p. [ii]) ; an advertisement for Hosmer's Adela, the Octoroon (p. [iii]) ; and a letter from Lincoln to the Republican State Central Committee (p. [iv]) . On p. [iii] of the insert there is a notice to the effect that 15,000 copies of the Debates have been sold. End paper stamped "B. F. Harrison," and inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1916." Olive-green (khaki-colored) beaded cloth. In red solander case with item 184. 186. Another issue. E457.4.L738 copy 8 Third edition, Third state. Differs from the preceding issue in that p. [iii]— [iv] of the insert consists of: an advertisement for Cogge- shall's The Poets and Poetry of the West, "to be pub- lished July 5th" (p. [iii]); a list of the publications of Follett, Foster and Co., and the letter from Lincoln to the Republican State Central Committee (p. [iv]). At the bottom of p. [i] there is a notice to the effect that 16,000 copies of the Debates have been sold. Reddish-brown rippled cloth. In red solander case with items 184 and 185. 187. Another copy. E457.4.L7383 Identical to the preceding except in the binding. (The cover design in items 187-193 is unfloriated at the corners.) Mounted on the front end papers are two broadsides; one carrying corrections in the text and Lincoln's letter to the Republican State Central Committee, and the other a letter to the publishers from Stephen A. Douglas. Green ribbed cloth. In green solander case. 188. Another issue. E457.4.L7384 Third edition, Third state, Imprint A. Differs from the preceding issue only in the imprint: Columbus: / Follett, Foster and Company. / Boston: Brown & Taggard, New York: W. A. Townsend & Co. / 19 Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co. Detroit: Putnam, Smith &Co. / i860. Bookplate mounted on end paper reads: "The transfer of this duplicate from the Illinois State Historical Library to the Chicago Historical Society was made possible by Governor Henry Horner's gift of his Lincoln collection to the people of Illinois." Lavender chevron-patterned cloth. 189. Another issue. E457.4.L732 copy 3 Third edition, Third state, Imprint B. Differs from the preceding issues of the third state only in the imprint: Columbus: / Follett, Foster and Com- pany. / Boston: Crosby, Nichols, Lee & Co. New York: M. Doolady. / Pittsburgh: Hunt & Miner. Cincinnati: Rickey, Mallory & Co. / i860. Olive-green (khaki-colored) chevron-patterned cloth. In blue solander case. Copy 2 bound in dark-brown and copy 3 in lavender chevron-patterned cloth. Copy 3 in brown slipcase. 193. Another issue. E457.4.L7385 Third edition, Fifth state, Imprint B. Differs from the preceding issue only in the imprint and in lack of the hyphen in the word "Chi/cago" on title page. Brown chevron-patterned cloth. 194. Political speeches and debates of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, 1854-1861. Edited by Alonzo T. Jones. Battle Creek, Mich., Toronto, London, International Tract Society, 1895. viii > 555 P- illus., ports. 23 cm. (Mi 167) E457.4.L742 copy 3 Mustard-colored cloth. 190. Another issue. E 4574- L 732 copy 2 Third edition, Fourth state, Imprint A. Differs from the third state only in certain changes on p. [i] and [iii] of the insert, consisting of: a notice to the effect that 9,000 copies of the Howells biography and 24,996 copies of the Debates have been sold (p. [i]) ; and resetting of the publication date of Coggeshall's Poets at "August 5th" (p. [iii]). Olive-green (khaki-colored) rippled cloth. In blue solander case with item 189. 191. Another issue. E457.4.L732 copy 4 Third edition, Fourth state, Imprint B. Differs from the preceding issue only in the imprint and in lack of the hyphen in the word "Chi/cago" on title page. Dark-brown chevron-patterned cloth. In blue solander case with items 189 and 190. 192. Another issue. E457.4.L734 copies 2 & 3 Third edition, Fifth state, Imprint A. Differs from the fourth state in that the four-page insert is almost entirely new in content. Erroneously paged ([']> f 2 ]) 4j 5)> 't consists of: the advertisement for Coggeshall's Poets under the caption "Now ready" (p. [1]) ; and correspondence between Douglas and the pub- lishers and a list of corrections in the text, under the caption "To the public" (p. [2], 4-5). (The correspond- ence and the corrections are printed from plates other than those employed for the two broadsides mounted in item 187.) On p. [2] of the insert there is a notice to the effect that nearly 30,000 copies of the Debates have been sold. The flyleaf of copy 3 is inscribed: "H. Churchman, Burlington, N. J., Oct. 16th '77, from F. E. Foster, esq. [and in another hand] of the firm of Follett, Foster & Co., publishers of this book. Philip H. Churchman from H. C." 195. President Lincoln's letter to the Illinois meet- ing of Union Men! His address to "Peace" men. [Washington? 1863] folder (2 p.) 20/2 cm. E458.3.L746 Letter of August 31, 1863, addressed to James C. Conkling. In red quarter-morocco slipcase. 196. President Lincoln's views. An important letter on the principles involved in the Vallandig- ham case. Correspondence in relation to the Demo- cratic meeting at Albany, N. Y. [on the 16th day of May, 1863] Philadelphia, King & Baird, Printers, 1863. 16 p. 21 cm. (M242) E458.3.L75 copies 4 & 5 Cover title: The truth from an honest man. Lincoln's letter of June 12, 1863, to Erastus Corning, and others. Copy 4 bound in copper-colored printed wrappers. Copy 5 in blue cloth, with original cream-colored printed wrappers bound in. 197. Another edition. [Peoria, 111., Printed by E. J. Jacob, 1929] [23] p. port., facsim. 23/2 cm. ( M243 ) E458.3.L754 copies 3 & 4 & X copy Title includes date of the meeting. Nineteen pages of text, printed within ornamental border. "Presentation copy — none for sale." Copy 3 with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Copy 4 in envelope addressed to Charles T. White. Green wrappers, imprinted in green and bound with silk cord. 198. The President's words: a selection of pas- sages from the speeches, addresses, and letters of 20 Abraham Lincoln. Boston, Walker, Fuller, 1865. 186, iv p. 16/2 cm. (M680) E457-99 Hl6 co Py 2 Compiled and with an introduction by Rev. Edward Everett Hale. Contents. — Introduction. — Political systems. — Slavery and antislavery. — Faith. — Internal improvements. — Con- clusion. — Index. 199. The Proclamation of emancipation, by the President of the United States, to take effect Janu- ary ist, 1863. [n. p., n. d.] 7 p. 8 cm. (M147) E453.L74 copy 1 folio E453.L74 copy 2 min. case Cover title. Copy 1 of the proclamation, Lincoln's franked envelope addressed to John P. Cowing, Seneca Falls, N. Y., and a portrait of Cowing are mounted on a sheet in portfolio (35 cm.) 200. A Proclamation respecting soldiers absent without leave. [Washington] 1863. folder (4 p.) 19 cm. E457.94 1863 Caption title. At head of title : By the President of the United States. Dated Mar. 10, 1863. 201. Rechtfertigung der Republikanischen Partei und Auseinandersetzung der Forderungen von Seiten des Siidens. Rede des ehrb. Abraham Lin- coln, von Illinois. Gehalten im Cooper-Institut in New- York am 27. Februar, i860. [Washington, Republican Executive Congressional Committee, i860] 8 p. 23 cm. (M3741) E438.L76 copies 2 & 3 Caption title. Advertisement of Republican Executive Congressional Committee at foot of p. 8. Copy 3 previously bound. 202. The Republican Party vindicated — the de- mands of the South explained; speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, at the Cooper Insti- tute, N. Y. City, February 27, i860, [n. p., i860?] 16 p. 26 cm. (M54) E438.L7333 Caption title. Double columns. "Political issues and presidential candidates. Speecch [sic] of Hon. John Hickman of Pennsylvania delivered in Concert Hall, Philadelphia, on Tuesday evening, July 24, i860": p. 9-15. See also items 2031 and 2556 [34]. In blue cardboard slipcase. 203. The Republican party vindicated — the de- mands of the South explained. Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, at the Cooper Insti- tute, New York City, February 27, i860. [Wash- ington? i860] 8 p. 24 cm. (M55) E438.L732 copies 2 & 3 Caption title. Double columns. Advertisement of Republican Executive Congressional Committee at foot of p. 8. In gray slipcase. 204. The Republican Party vindicated — the de- mands of the South explained; speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, at the Cooper Insti- tute, New York City. Washington, i860. 16 p. 24 cm. (M56) E438.L733 copy 2 Cover title. Brief addresses by Horace Greeley, James W. Nye, James A. Briggs, and Judge Culver: p. 14-16. Self-wrappers. In cardboard slipcase with item 202. 205. Republican principles. Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, at the Republican State Convention, held at Springfield, 111., June 16, 1858. [Albany, Albany Journal, i860] 6 p. 22 cm. (Evening journal tracts, no. 7) (M59) E438.L688 copy 2 Caption title. The "House Divided" speech. Previously bound. Another copy in bound volume of Evening Journal Tracts. (See item 940.) 206: The Sayings of Lincoln; the best of his wit and wisdom, together with the Gettysburg speech and the second inaugural address. Philadelphia, John C. Winston [ c i9i3] 47 p. illus., ports, io 1 ^ cm. (M2087 var.) E457.99.S28 copy 3 Illustrated end papers. Suede binding. 207. The Second inaugural address of Abraham Lincoln. New York, Philip C. Duschnes [1938] [7] p. port. 22 cm. (M3614) P On cover: With malice toward none. "Five hundred copies have been printed for the friends of Philip & Fanny Duschnes at the Walpole Printing Office, Mount Vernon, New York, in December 1938." Printed wrappers, bound with cord. 208. The Second inaugural address of Abraham Lincoln, March 4, 1865. [Peoria, 111., E. J. Jacob, 21 192745 CO- c '934l t 12 ] P- P ort - 24 cm. (M3439) E 457-94 1865b copy 3 & X copy "Presentation copy — none for sale." The publisher asked Mr. Houser "to review briefly the events which led up to it, state its purpose, and tell something of its immediate recognition as one of the world's great pronouncements." Cf. p. [4] Text of the speech : p. [6-7] X copy in envelope addressed to Charles T. White. Wrappers. Metal medallion mounted on cover. 209. Selected speeches & writings. Illustrated by Lester Elliot. New York, Greystone Press [ c i95i] 143 p. illus., port. 14/2 cm. (Castle books) E457-92 1 95 1 "Planned and produced by the Creative Bookmaking Guild, Inc." Dark blue quarter-morocco. 210. Selected writings and speeches of Abraham Lincoln. Edited by T. Harry Williams. Chicago, Packard and Co. [1943] lxv, 269 p. illus. 18/2 cm. (University classics; Walter Hendricks, gen- eral editor) E457.92 1943 copy 3 "Collections of Lincoln's works": p. liii-lv. "Selected bibliography" : p. lxiii-lxv. 211. Selected writings of Abraham Lincoln. Edited by Albert Bushnell Hart. New York, Chicago, Boston, Gregg Pub. Co. [ c i92o] 345 p. ports. 16/2 cm. (Living literature series, R. Burton, Editor-in-Chief) (M2456) E 457-92 1920 copy 3 Four portraits of Lincoln. Series title also at head of title page. 212. The Selected writings of Abraham Lincoln. New York, Armed Services Editions, Inc. [1945?] 159 p. 10 x 14 cm. (Armed services editions, F-153) AC1.A8 vol. 153 copies 2 & 3 Printed wrappers. Copy 2 in mustard colored slip- case; copy 3 in light blue slipcase. 213. Selections from Abraham Lincoln, by Joy Elmer Morgan. [Washington, National Education Association, 1938?] 15, [1] p. 12/2 cm. (Per- sonal growth leaflet, no. 27) (var. of M3638) P Cover title. "Fourth printing 20,000. Total copies 66,250." Self-wrappers. 214. Selections from Abraham Lincoln. Edited by Andrew S. Draper. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, American Book Co. [ c ig 1 1] 162 p. port. 1 6 ]/ 2 cm. (The Gateway series of English texts. General editor: Henry Van Dyke) (M1981) E 457-92 191 iA copy 4 Series title also at head of title page. 215. Selections from Lincoln's speeches and let- ters, arranged for learners of Munson phonography by Bertha Crocker. New York, S. S. Packard [ c i9io] 128 p. 19/2 cm. (The Packard series of Munson phonography [no. 5]) (M1917) Z 57 L 73 co P>" 3 "This reading book is a transcription of 'Selections from Lincoln's speeches and letters,' edited by Bliss Perry and published by Doubleday, Page & Company." — Pub- lisher's note. 216. Selections from the addresses, inaugurals, and letters of Abraham Lincoln. Edited with an introduction and notes, by Percival Chubb. New York, Macmillan, 191 1 [ c ig09] xxxviii p., 1 1., 208 p. 15 cm. [Macmillan's pocket American and English classics] (M1692 var.) E 457-92 i9°9 copy 2 Half-title: Lincoln's speeches, inaugurals, and letters. "Published November, 1909, Reprinted September, 191 1." 217. [Selections from the addresses, speeches and letters of Abraham Lincoln. Peoria, 111., Logan Print. Co. for E. J. Jacob, 1950] 3 p. 1., 9-38 p., 1 1. 2 illus. 25/2 cm. P No title page. Title from contents. On cover: Feb. 12, 1950. Let us celebrate the great- ness of this man. "Presentation copy — none for sale." Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 218. Selections from the letters, speeches, and state papers of Abraham Lincoln. Edited with introduc- tion and notes by Ida M. Tarbell. Boston, New York, Chicago, London, Ginn and Co. [° 1 9 1 1 ] xxvii, 124 p. port. 17/2 cm. (Standard English classics) (M2014) E456.L63 copy 3 Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. 219. Selections from the works of Abraham Lin- coln. A souvenir of the seventh annual Lincoln dinner of the Republican Club of the city of New- York, at Delmonico's, February 11, 1893. New- York, Compiled by the Committee [and printed by 22 the DeVinne Press], 1893. 2 p. 1., 3—1 18. [2] p. illus., ports. 15/2 cm. (Mi 134) E457.92 1893 copy 3 Contains nine portraits of Lincoln. 220. Selections from the works of Abraham Lin- coln. Edited with introductions and notes by Harry W. Hastings and Harold W. Thompson. New York, Boston, F. M. Ambrose 1921. vi, 262 p. ports. 17 cm. (The Windsor English classics) (M2507) E457.92 1921 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 256-257. 221. Selections from the writings and addresses of Abraham Lincoln. Edited with an introduction and notes by Cornelia Beare. New York, Charles E. Merrill [ c i9io] 187 p. port. 17 cm. (Merrill's English texts) (M1907) E457.92 1910 copy 2 222. Seven versions of the Gettysburg address. Boston, Priv. Print., Smith & Porter Press, 1925. 2 p. 1., [viij-xi, 24 p. 19 cm. (M2802) E475-55- L 7375 co PY 2 Preface signed : Herbert G. Porter. Marbled boards. Cloth back. In cardboard box. 223. Some Lincoln correspondence with southern leaders before the outbreak of the Civil War, from the collection of Judd Stewart. [New York?] 1909. 19 p. 23 cm. (M1874) E436.L73 copy 3 "Correspondence between President Abraham Lincoln, Mr. Alexander H. Stephens and Senator J. J. Critten- den." — Foreword. Printed wrappers. 224. A Souvenir of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, H. C. Whitney, c i8gi. [18] p. 2 ports., facsims. 28 cm. (M1096) E457.96 1891W copy 2 On cover: Abraham Lincoln. Consists of facsimiles of 8 letters from Lincoln to H. C. Whitney, Lincoln's favorite poetry, etc. Edited by Whitney. Expanded in the same year into item 106. Copyright recorded November 15, 1891 (no. 37737- Wi). Gray cloth, with original yellow printed wrappers bound in. 225. Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, delivered in Springfield, Saturday evening, July 17, 1858. [Springfield? 111., 1858] 8 p. 24 cm. (M12) E438.L695 copies 2 & 3 Caption title. Copy 2 inserted into gray slipcase. Copy 3 bound in dark brown half-morocco. 226. Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, in New York, in vindication of the policy of the framers of the Constitution and the principles of the Re- publican party. Delivered in the Cooper Institute, Feb. 27th, i860. [Springfield, 111., Bailhache & Baker, i860] 14 p. 23 cm. [Journal campaign document, no. 1] (M52 var.) E438.L73 copy 2 Caption title. Two pages of advertising following p. 14. Letters from M. H. Briggs inserted. Bound in dark blue three-quarter morocco. 227. Speech of Mr. A. Lincoln, of Illinois, on the civil and diplomatic appropriation bill ; delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, June 20, 1848. Washington, Printed by J. & G. S. Gideon, 1848. HP- 21 J/2 cm. (M5) E407.L5 Cover title ( ? ) . Self-wrappers ( ?) . In case with items 228 and 230. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana, item 3504, no. 28. 228. Speech of Mr. A. Lincoln, of Illinois, on the presidential question. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, July 21 [i. e. 27], 1848. [Washington] J. & G. S. Gideon, Printers [1848] 8 p. 22/2 cm. (M6) E407.L5 Caption title. In case with item 230. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana, item 3504, no. 28. 229. Speech of Mr. Lincoln at a political discus- sion, in the hall of the House of Representatives, December 1839, at Springfield, Illinois. [Wash- ington, Reprinted by Gibson & Sons, 1902?] 10 p. 23 cm. (M2 var.) E457.95 1839 copy 2 Caption title. The subtreasury speech of December 26, 1839. Ms. note on p. [1]: "Sent me by General Thos. J. Henderson." For a bibliographic description and comparison with the original, see "Four Lincoln firsts," by P. M. Angle, in the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, v. 36, 1st quarter, 1942, p. 1-4. Letter from Angle to Ralph Newman relative to the value of the reprint, laid in. In modern cloth binding, with front cover bearing bookplate of the University of Chicago libraries and a ms. note: "Rare — from library of Clark E. Carr." 23 230. Speech of Mr. Lincoln, of Illinois, on the reference of the President's message, in the House of Representatives, Wednesday, January 14 [i. e. 12], 1848. Washington, J. & G. S. Gideon, Printers, 1848. 14 p. 21 cm. (M4) E407.L5 Cover title (?). Self-wrappers ( ?). In blue quarter-morocco slip case. 231. Speech of the Hon. Abraham Lincoln, in reply to Judge Douglas, delivered in Represent- atives' Hall, Springfield, Illinois, June 26th, 1857. [n. p., 1857?] 7 p. 27 cm. (M9) E457.95 1857 Caption title. In red quarter-morocco slipcase. 232. Speeches. Dansville, N. Y., F. A. Owen Pub. Co.; Chicago, 111., Hall & McCreary [19 14] 36 p. illus., port. 1 8 J/2 cm. (Instructor literature series, no. 128) (M27i2var.) E457.92 igooz Advertising matter on p. 2—4 of cover. At foot of p. 2 of cover: September 19 14. White printed wrappers, illustrated in black and orange. 233. Another edition. Dansville, N. Y., F. A. Owen Pub. Co. [1914?] 1 p. 1., [5^3 1 p. illus., port. 18^2 cm. (Instructor classic series, no. 128) (M2150) E457.92 1914c Speeches on p. [3]-4, 29, 30-36, of preceding edition, omitted; title page and p. [5] reset; p. 6-28 from same plates. Advertising matter with slight changes. Pink printed wrappers, illustrated in black and red. In Gaylord binder. 234. Speeches. New York, Boston, Chicago, Edu- cational Pub. Co. [n. d.] 32 p. 19/2 cm. (Young folk's library of choice literature, no. 142) (var. of Mi 274) E457.92 Cover title. In Gaylord binder. 235. Speeches and addresses of Abraham Lincoln. New York, Little Leather Library Corp. [191-] 96 p. 10 cm. (M2584) E457.92 1910b copies 1 & 3 On cover: Little leather library. Redcroft edition. Bound in limp imitation leather, with raised letters on cover. Copy 1, red; copy 3, green. 236. Another issue. (M2584 var.) E 457-92 1910b copy 2 On cover: Miniature library. Red limp imitation leather, with yellow lettering on cover. 237. Speeches & letters, 1832-1865. Edited by Merwin Roe. [With introduction by James Bryce] London, Toronto, Dent; New York, Dutton [1923] xx, 236 p. 17/2 cm. (Everyman's library, no. 206. Oratory) (Mi550var.) E457.92 1923 "Taken . . . from 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln' (Century Company) ." "First issue of this edition, 1907." Appendix (p. 230-236): Anecdotes. Bibliography: p. xvi-xvii. 238. Speeches of Abraham Lincoln. Edited, with an introduction, by Lloyd E. Smith. Girard, Kan., Haldeman-Julius Co. ^1924] 64 p. 13 cm. (Little blue book no. 214, ed. by E. Haldeman-Julius) (M2698) P Front cover missing. Gray printed wrappers. 239. Another issue, [n. d.] (var. of M2698) P (2 copies) Copyright page and p. 3 (footnote) reset. On cover: Speeches of Lincoln. One copy (12 l /a cm.) bound in orange printed wrap- pers, the other ( 13 cm.) in white glazed printed wrappers. 240. The Speeches of Abraham Lincoln, includ- ing inaugurals and proclamations. Selected and edited with an introduction and prefatory notes, by G. Mercer Adam. New York, A. L. Burt, [ c igo6] 1 p. 1., xxiv, 417 p. port. 19 cm. (M1483) E 457-92 i9°6 copy 3 Four pages of advertising material following p. 4 1 7. Also issued in 1908 in deluxe edition by the Lincoln Centenary Association, New York. 241. Speeches of Lincoln. Girard, Kan., Halde- man-Julius Co. [n. d.] 64 p. 12/2 cm. (Pocket series no. 214, ed. by E. Haldeman-Julius) (M2697) P Cover title. Running and caption title : Lincoln's speeches. Not the same as item 238. Error on p. [1]: "that battlefield is a final resting place." Advertising matter on p. [4] of cover. Blue-gray printed wrappers. 242. Another issue. (Ten cent pocket series no. 214, ed. by E. Haldeman-Julius) (M2697 var.) P The error remains on p. [1]. Page [1] of the cover differs slightly and p. [4] of the cover contains less ad- vertising matter. Light-blue printed wrappers. 24 243- Another issue. Girard, Kan., Appeal Pub. Co. [n. d.] 13 cm. (Appeal pocket series no. 214, ed. by E. Haldeman-Julius) (M2696) P The error remains on p. [1]. Page [1] of the cover differs and p. [4] of the cover is blank. Gray-green printed wrappers. 244. A Strange affair. Edited by Roger W. Bar- rett, [n. p., c i933] 17 p. facsims. 23 cm. (M3370) E457.98.L56 copy 3 A collection of material dealing with the Fisher mystery of Springfield, 111., in 1841, containing a history of the case written by Abraham Lincoln and published in the Quincy Whig, April 15, 1846, and selections from Lin- coln's letter to Speed and from local histories and con- temporary newspapers. Letter of transmittal from Oliver R. Barrett to Charles T. White laid in. Printed wrappers. In blue envelope. 245. Suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the several orders and proclamation relative to the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. [Washington] 1861. 3 p. 24 cm. (37th Cong., 1st sess. House of Representatives. Ex. doc. no. 6) E458.8.U68 Laminated. In copper-colored slipcase. 246. The Table talk of Abraham Lincoln. Edited by William O. Stoddard. New York, F. A. Stokes Co. [ c 1 894] 154 p. port. 16 cm. (Mii53var.) E457.99.S87 "Centenary edition." Boards. Cloth back. 247. The Testimony of the framers of the Con- stitution. Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln at the Cooper Institute, New York, February 27th, i860. [Chicago, i860] 8 p. 23 cm. (Press & Tribune documents for i860, no. 1) (M51) E 438-L7353 Caption title. 248. Another edition. 22J/2 cm. (M51 var.) E438.L735 The price is given following the caption title, and the word "Great" is inserted before "speech." Page 7 reset. In brown solander case. 249. Uncollected letters of Abraham Lincoln, now first brought together by Gilbert A. Tracy. With an introduction by Ida M. Tarbell. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 191 7. xxi, 264 p., 1 1. port., 4 facsims. (1 fold.) 22/2 cm. (M2346) E457.962 igi7copy4 "Editor's note" signed: F. H. A. [i. e. Francis Henry Allen] "Published October 19 17." End paper inscribed. "Alfred Whital Stern / October 1923 / Probably 1st Lincoln book purchased, therefore start of collection." Green cloth with gilt lettering on spine. Gilt top. 250. Another issue, illus., port., 4 facsims. ( 1 fold.) 23 cm. (M2346 var.) E457.962 191 7 copy 5 "Special limited edition." Half-title and title page printed from different plates. Copyright page, table of illustrations, and colophon reset. Additional illustration: photogravure of Volk's cast of the hand of Lincoln. "Five hundred and fifty copies . . . This is number 34-" Gray boards with green cloth back and corners. Leather label on spine. Untrimmed and unopened. 251. Uncollected works of Abraham Lincoln, his letters, addresses and other papers, assembled and annotated by Rufus Rockwell Wilson, assisted by other Lincoln scholars. A supplement to and re- vision of the Complete works of Lincoln, by Nico- lay and Hay. Elmira, N. Y., The Primavera Press, I 947- I 94 8 - 2V - 23/2 cm. E457.92 1947 copy 5 Contents. — I. 1824-1840. — II. 1841-1845. Vol. 2 with introduction by George Fort Milton. "2,050 copies of the first volume . . . have been printed. This is copy number 330 and is signed by Rufus Rockwell Wilson." Captain on p. 12 reads: Lincoln chronology, 1941- 1845. Errata slip inserted. 252. Versions of the Gettysburg address cited by Major William H. Lambert in his paper entitled "The Gettysburg address — when written, how re- ceived, its true form." Read before the Com- mandery of the state of Pennsylvania, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, February 14, 1906, and before the Historical So- ciety of Pennsylvania, February 8, 1909. [n. p., 1909] vii p. 175/2 cm. (M1769) E475-55- L 735 co PY 3 Cover title (?). One leaf inserted after p. vi. Self- wrappers (?) . Bound in dark green half-morocco. 253. The War policy of the administration. Let- ter of the President to the Union Mass Convention 25 at Springfield, Illinois. [Albany, Albany Journal, 1863] 8 p. 23 cm. (Evening journal docu- ments, no. 1) (M225) E458.3.L77 X copy Caption title. "Letter of Edward Everett to the Union Mass Conven- tion at Springfield, Illinois": p. [6]-8. Previously bound. 254. What Abraham Lincoln really said about the liquor traffic, [n. p., 1922?] [4] p. 20 cm. (no. 10) (M2613) E457.2.L754 Cover title and portrait of Lincoln. 255. The Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln. Selected and edited with introduction, by Temple Scott. New York, Brentano's 1908. xvii, 117 p. 13 cm. (M1623) E457.99.S43 copy 3 Title page lettered in yellow and black. Maroon full-morocco, ornamented and lettered in gilt. Gilt edges. 256. Another issue. 1921 [ c igo8] (M1623 var.) E457-99-S44 Title page reset. Lettered in orange and black. Red cloth, ornamented and lettered in gilt. Gilt edges. 257. The Wit and wisdom of Abraham Lincoln, as reflected in his briefer letters and speeches. Edited by H. Jack Lang. [New York] Greenberg [ c 1 94 1 ] xx, 265 p. port., facsims. 21 cm. E457-92 1 94 1 copy 3 Bibliography included in "Acknowledgments" (p. xix- xx). Light blue cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and fac- simile of Lincoln's autograph gilt-stamped on cover. Yel- low top. 258. Another issue. Cleveland, World Pub. Co. h943> c i94i] £457.9219433 "Tower Books edition. First printing September 1942; second printing March 1943." Title and copyright pages reset. Without portrait. Red-brown cloth, with blue lettering on spine and fac- simile of Lincoln's autograph in blue on cover. Blue top. 259. Words of Abraham Lincoln. [Evanston, 111., National W. C. T. U. Pub. House, n. d.] folder ([4] p.) 16 cm. (M1091) P (2 copies) Caption title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover (p. [ 1 ] ) . Two pages of text. 260. The Words of Abraham Lincoln, for use in schools. Selected, arranged, and annotated by Isaac Thomas. Chicago, Western Pub. House [1898] 270 p. illus., 2 ports. 20 cm. (M1236) E457-92 1898 copy 3 261. Words of Lincoln. Washington, D. C, Na- tional Tribune, 1895. 16 p. port. 21/2 cm. (National tribune library, v. 1, no. 2) (Mi 181) P Caption title. One issue of a periodical devoted to Lincoln, his Gettysburg Address, second inaugural, and other speeches. Advertising matter: p. 14—16. Bound in three-quarter black morocco with marbled sides. 262. Words of Lincoln, including several hundred opinions of his life and character by eminent per- sons of this and other lands. Compiled by Osborn H. Oldroyd . . . With an introduction by Mel- ville W. Fuller . . . and Teunis S. Hamlin . . . Washington, O. H. Oldroyd [1895] xvii, 221 p. illus., ports. 20/2 cm. (M1172 var.) E457-99046 copy 3 On verso of title page: The Mershon Company Press, Rahway, N. J. Contents. — Journey to Washington, speeches, re- marks, etc. — Dispatches, letters, etc., to army generals. — Messages to Congress. — Political speeches, letters, etc. — Replies to religious bodies. — Slavery and freedom, speeches, etc. — Emancipation of slaves, speeches, etc. — - Miscellaneous speeches, letters, etc. — Tributes. Red cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. 263. Another issue. 25 cm. (var. of Mi 172) E457-99-°4 6 co PY 4 Verso of title page reset. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Red cloth, with blue cloth sides and gilt lettering on cover and spine. Gilt top. 264. The Works of Abraham Lincoln. Intro- ductions and special articles by Theodore Roose- velt, William H. Taft, Charles E. Hughes, Joseph H. Choate, Henry Watterson, Robert G. Ingersoll, and others. Managing editors, John H. Clifford [and] Marion M. Miller. New York, The Univer- sity Society [ c igo8] 6 v. illus., ports. 16/2 cm. (Mi544var.) E457-9 1 1908 copy 3, v. 1-6 Contents. — I. Abraham Lincoln, the true story of a great life; with critical estimates, stories and anecdotes. — II. Early speeches, 1832-1856. — III. Speeches and de- bates, 1 856- 1 858. — IV. Speeches and debates, 1858- 1859. — V. Speeches and presidential addresses, 1859- 1865. Anecdotes and conversations of Lincoln, by F. B. Carpenter. — VI. State papers, 1861-1865. 26 265. Worldly wisdom from Abraham Lincoln. Edited and arranged by F. S. Bigelow. Philadel- phia, H. Altemus [ c 1908] 64 p. 14 cm. (M1569) E457-99-B59 co Py 3 Each page printed within ornamental orange borders. Impregnated leather-grained cloth. 266. The Writings of Abraham Lincoln. Edited by Arthur Brooks Lapsley, with an introduction by Theodore Roosevelt, together with The essay on Lincoln, by Carl Schurz, The address on Lincoln, by Joseph H. Choate and The life of Lincoln, by Noah Brooks. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1905-06. 8 v. illus., ports., facsims. 24/2 cm. (Mi466var.) E457.91 1906 copy 3 Added title page, engraved: The works of Abraham Lincoln. "Federal edition, limited to 1,000 signed and num- bered sets. The Connoisseur's Federal edition of the Writings of Abraham Lincoln is limited to four hundred signed and numbered sets, of which this is number 113." Contents. — v. 1. 1832-1843. — v. 2. 1843-1858. — v. 3. The Lincoln-Douglas debates, I. — v. 4. The Lincoln- Douglas debates, II. — v. 5. 1858-1862. — v. 6. 1862- 1863. — v. 7. 1 863-1 865. — v. 8. The Life of Lincoln. 27 Works about Lincoln, the Civil War, Etc. 267. ABBATT, WILLIAM, comp. The Lincoln centenary in literature: selections from the prin- cipal magazines of February and March, 1909, to- gether with a few from 1 907-1 908. New York, William Abbatt, 1909. 2 v. illus., ports, (part col.), facsims. 24/2-40 cm. (M1644) E457-7- Al 3 Part of the items in vol. II consist of mounted clippings. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Partial Contents. — [v. 1]: Father Abraham, by Ida M. Tarbell. (p. [325]~334 of The American Magazine, v. 67, Feb. 1909. See also item 4098.). — Lincoln the leader, by Richard Watson Gilder (p. 479-507 of The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, v. 77, Feb. 1909. See also items 1007, 1681.). — A Lincoln correspondence: twenty-two letters [from Lincoln to Lyman Trumbull] with introduction and notes by William H. Lambert. (Same, p. 617-626. See 111, 282, 1007.). — Lincoln's interest in the theatre, by Leonard Grover. (Same, Apr. 1909: 943-950. See item 1774.). — Lincoln and Wilkes Booth as seen on the day of the assassination, by M. Helen Palmer Moss. (Same, p. 950-953.). — Lincoln's assassi- nation, told by an eyewitness, by Julia Adelaide Shepard. (Same, p. 917-918.). — Edwin Booth and Lincoln, with an unpublished letter by Booth. (Same, p. 919-920.). — Lincoln at Gettysburg, by Wayne MacVeagh. (Same, v. 79, Nov. 1909, p. 20-23.). — Lincoln and Booth, a chronicle of their last days, by Clara E. Laughlin. (p. 199-208 of Hampton's Magazine, v. 22, Feb. 1909.). — Lincoln as I knew him, by Wm. H. Crook [pt. 2] comp. by M. S. Gerry, (p. [4^-48 of Harper's Monthly Maga- zine, v. 115, June 1907.). — Lincoln's last day, by Wm. H. Crook, comp. by M. S. Gerry. (Same, Sept. 1907: [519]- 530.).- — An audience with Abraham Lincoln, by T. B. Bancroft. (p. 447-450 of McClure's Magazine, v. 32, Feb. 1909.). — A portrait painter's reminiscences of Lin- coln, by Alban Jasper Conant. (Same, Mar. 1909: 512- 516.). — Mrs. Abraham Lincoln and her friends, by Willis Steell. (p. 617-623 of Munsey's Magazine, v. 40, Feb. 1909.). — The Lincoln-Douglas debates and their appli- cation to present problems, by Hannis Taylor, (p. [161]- 173 of The North American Review, v. 189, Feb. 1909.) — The making of Lincoln [an editorial] (p. 327- 330 of The Outlook, v. 91, Feb. 13, 1909.). — Abraham Lincoln: personal recollections, by Jesse W. Weik (Same, p. 345-348.). — Lincoln as a labor leader, by Lyman Abbott. (Same, v. 91, Feb. 27, 1909: 499-505-)- — [ v - 2]: Lincoln and our democracy, a patriotic sermon, by William Allen White, (p. 10-1 1 of Colliers; the National Weekly, v. 40, Feb. 15, 1908.).- — Abraham Lincoln, an address by the President of the United States [Theodore Roosevelt] delivered at Lincoln's birthplace on February 12, 1909. (Same, v. 42, Feb. 13, 1909, section 2 [folded broadside]). — If Lincoln were here; his message, policies and methods for today, by Albert Bushnell Hart. (p. 1 70-1 7 1 of The Congregationalist and Advance, v. 103, Feb. 7, 19 18.). — Lincoln as a famous Senator knew him, by Chauncey M. Depew. (p. 102, 114 [missing] of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, v. 108, Feb. 4, 1909.). — Lin- coln as he was day by day; reminiscences of one who met him daily during the last four years of his life, by David Homer Bates. (Same, p. 106.). — Recollections of Lin- coln's last hours, by Hon. Frederick W. Seward. (Same, p. 107, 114 [missing]). — Lincoln and his pictures [the Meserve collection] by James C. Young. (p. [i]~4 of The New York Times Book Review and Magazine, Feb. 12, 1922.). — The speech that won the east for Lincoln [the Cooper Union address] by George Haven Putnam, (p. 220-223 of The Outlook, v. 130, Feb. 15, 1922.). Boards. Cloth back. Original covers, bearing Lincoln portraits, bound in. Many of these articles are duplicated in item 282. 268. ABBOTT, JAMES. Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, J. Pollock & Sons [1930] 19 p. port. 17/2 cm. (M3157) E457.8.A112 "Radio talk for the Chicago Tribune over WGN, Febru- ary 12, 1930." Cover title. Self-wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 269. ABBOTT, JOHN S. C. Life of Abraham Lincoln; a biographical sketch of President Lincoln taken from Abbott's "Lives of the Presidents." Chicago, Illustrated Booklet Co. [1875?] 159 p. illus., ports. 13/2 cm. (M939) E457.A13 492745—60- 29 270. ABBOT, JOHN S. C. Lives of the presi- dents of the United States of America from Wash- ington to the present time . . . Boston, B. B. Rus- sell; San Francisco, H. H. Bancroft, 1867. 480 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. E176.1.A24 copy 2 "Abraham Lincoln": p. 375-435. (Cf. item 269) 271. ABERNETHY, ALONZO. Glimpses of Abraham Lincoln. [Osage, Iowa, 1909] 8 p. 23 cm. (M1645) E457.15.A14 copy 2 Cover title. "Delivered before the Mitchell County Farmers' Insti- tute, February 12, 1909. Reprint from the Osage News, February 18, 1909." 272. The Abolition conspiracy to destroy the union; or, A ten years' record of the "Republican" party. The opinions of William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, Abraham Lincoln, William H. Seward . . . &c. New York, Van Evrie, Horton & Co., 1866. 31 p. 21/2 cm. (Anti-abolition tracts, no. 3) E185.2.A62 No. 3 2d set Cover title. Stamped on cover: Geo. P. Hambrecht. Self-wrappers. In red quarter-morocco slipcase. 273. ABOTT, ABOTT A. The assassination and death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, at Washington, on the 14th of April, 1865. New York, American News Co., ° 1865. 1 p. 1., 3-12 p. 19 cm. (M372) E457.5.A14 Cover title(?). At head of title: Price 15 cents. Mourning borders. Self-wrappers (?) . Bound in with the enlarged edition below. 274. Another edition. 1 p. 1., [3J-24 p. (M373) E457-5- A H Added to title: "Full particulars, with a short account of his life." At head of title : Price 5 cents. Page [3]— 1 1 from same plates as p. [2]-io of the pre- ceding edition, but repaged and with elimination of the last sentence ("Mr. Seward is also dead") on p. 10. New material at p. [i2]-24 includes "The life of Abraham Lincoln" and "additional accounts of the assassination." Yellow printed wrappers, rebound in brown half- morocco. 275. ABOTT, ABOTT A. The life of Abraham Lincoln. New York, T. R. Dawley, 1865. ' P- !•» [n]-i04 p. (M266 var.) E457.A16 copies 2, 3, & 4 Reprint of the original edition of 1864, with additional pages on the assassination. Pages 1 7—24 of copy 4 wanting. Copy 3 stamped: Rhode Island Historical Society. With bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Copies 2 & 4 (ig'/i! cm.) bound in canary-colored printed wrappers, with portrait of Lincoln on front cover. Copy 3 (18 cm.) bound in pink printed wrappers, with different advertising matter on p. [4] of cover. Copy 4 in blue slipcase. 276. Abraham Africanus I. His secret life, as revealed under the mesmeric influence. Mysteries of the White House. N[ew Y[ork] J. F. Feeks [1864] 57 p. 18/2 cm. (M267) E457.63.A15 copy 4 Illustrated title page. Partly in verse. Yellow printed wrappers. In gray slipcase. 277. Abraham Lincoln. Boston, New York. Chicago, San Francisco, Educational Pub. Co. [1895, c i8g4] 32 p. illus., port. 19 cm. (Mi 183) E 457-9°5- A2 9 On cover: Young folk's library of choice literature, vol. II, June 15, 1895. no. 31. Series title also at head of title page. Cover title: Lincoln. Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 278. Abraham Lincoln. [South Pasadena, Calif., W. A. Abbott, e 1 9 1 9] 1 1 p. 17 cm. ( The Abbotts- ford silent reading lessons, no. 3) (M2396) E457.8.A115 Cover title. Abbottsford series of readers for supplementary work. Contains addresses by Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, with instructions to the teacher and the pupil. 279. Abraham Lincoln, a negro, not killed by John Wilkes Booth, [n. p., 1924] folder ([2] p.) 21/2 cm. E185.97.A15 copy 2 Cover title. Signed: L. D. C.,June 1924. "After his death the government first learned that 'the slave name and the citizen name' of this soldier was Abraham Wilkins, and his enrolment as Abraham Lin- coln, an act of facetiousness on the part of the enlisting officer." 280. Abraham Lincoln, a study. Liverpool, McKowen & Finglass, 1865. 32 p. 18 cm. (M830) E457.8.A238 copy 2 Cover title. Signed: R. Y., Liverpool, 8th September 1865. 30 Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 10). In blue slipcase. 281. Abraham Lincoln; an appreciation. New York, Francis D. Tandy [1906] 16 p. 15/2 cm. (M1505) E457.Ai63copy 2 Written by W. H. Maxcy to advertise the Gettysburg edition of the Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, by Nicolay and Hay. (Cf. Mi 505, note.) Printed wrappers. Green three-quarter-morocco, with original covers bearing Lincoln portraits bound in. Many of these articles are duplicated in item 267. 283. Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, III. Abraham Lincoln; souvenir coloring book. Springfield, Lincoln House, c ig52. [40] p. (incl. cover) illus., ports. 35^2 cm. E457.6.A29 copies 1 & 2 Printed wrappers, illustrated in color. 282. Abraham Lincoln; articles from the maga- zines, [v. p.] 1909. 1 v. illus., ports, (part col.), facsims. 26 cm. E457.A164 Binder's title. Articles, poems, etc., detached from the Lincoln Cen- tennial issues of 16 magazines. Partial Contents. — Lincoln the leader [paper read before the Minnesota Commandery of the Loyal Legion, at Minneapolis, Feb. 12, 1907] by Richard Watson Gilder. (p. 479-507 of The Century Illustrated Monthly Maga- zine, v. 77, Feb. 1909. See 267, 1007, 1681.). — A Lin- coln correspondence: twenty-two letters [from Lincoln to Senator Lyman Trumbull] with introduction and notes by William H. Lambert. (Same, p. 617-626. See item 1 1 1.). — Father Abraham, by Ida M. Tarbell. (p. [325]- 334 of The American Magazine, v. 67, Feb. 1909. See item 4098.). — Recollections of Lincoln, by James Grant Wilson, (p. 515-529 of Putnam's Magazine, v. 5, Feb. 1909). — Lincoln's nomination, as seen by a young girl from New York, by Mary King Clark. (Same, p. 536- 538). — What I saw of Lincoln, by Major-General Gren- ville M. Dodge, (p. [1345-140 of Appleton's Magazine, v. 13, Feb. 1909). — Lincoln, by George L. Knapp. (p. 207-213 of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, v. 83, Feb. 1909). — Lincoln and Booth, a chronicle of their last days, by Clara E. Laughlin. (p. 199-208 of Hampton's Maga- zine, v. 22, Feb. 1909). — The living Lincoln: centenary tributes [by many who knew him] (p. 509—524 of the National Magazine, v. 29, Feb. 1909).- — The diary of Gideon Welles. I. (p. 154-168 of The Atlantic Monthly, v. 103, Feb. 1909. See item 4490). — A midnight con- ference, and other passages from the papers of Secretary Salmon P. Chase, by Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer. (p. 144- 150 of Scribner's Magazine, v. 45, Feb. 1909). — The Lin- coln-Douglas debates and their application to present problems, by Hannis Taylor, (p. [ 16 1]— 1 73 of The North American Review, v. 189, Feb. 1909). — An audience with Abraham Lincoln, by T. B. Bancroft. (p. 447-450 of McClure's Magazine, v. 32, Feb. 1909). — Mrs. Abraham Lincoln and her friends, by Willis Steell. (p. 617-623 of Munsey's Magazine, v. 40, Feb. 1909). — The making of Lincoln [an editorial] (p. 327-330 of The Outlook, v. 91, Feb. 13, 1909). — Abraham Lincoln: personal recol- lections, by Jesse W. Weik. (Same, p. 345-348. See item 3262.). — Lincoln — the American ideal, by Francis D. Tandy, (p. 82-85 of The Phonographic World and Commercial School Review, v. 33, Feb. 1909). 284. Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, III. Addresses delivered at the celebration of the . . . anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lin- coln, under the auspices of the Lincoln centennial association, at . . . Springfield, Illinois. . . . Springfield, Printed for the Association, 191 1-1918. 8 v. in 5. ports. 19/2-26 cm. (M1993, 2035, 2089, 2151, 2195, 2250, 2319, 2377) E457.7.Ai7Xcopy Title varies slightly. Partial Contents. — 191 1. Addresses by William Howard Taft and Martin W. Littleton. — 19 12. Ad- dresses by Henry Cabot Lodge, Frank B. Willis, and John Armstrong. — 19 13. Addresses by Count Johann H. Von Bernstorff and Joseph W. Bailey. — 19 14. Addresses by J. Otis Humphrey, Sen. Joseph T. Robinson, Stephen S. Wise, and Percival A. Rennick. — 19 15. Addresses by Gov. Edward F. Dunne, Archbishop John P. Glennon, Gutzon Borglum, and Samuel Fallows. Latter half of volume is devoted to memorial exercises for semi- centennial anniversary of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. — 19 16. Addresses by Sen. James Hamilton Lewis, Lawrence Y. Sherman, and Bishop William A. Quayle; account of marking the location of Lincoln's farewell address in Springfield. — 191 7. Addresses by John Grier Hibben and Sen. Thomas Sterling. — 19 18. Addresses by William Renwick Riddell, Thomas Power O'Connor, and Addison G. Proctor. The collection contains additional copies of the issues for 191 1 and 19 13. 285. Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, III. Bulletin, no. 1-58. Dec. 20, 1923-Dec. 1939. facsims. 19-30/2 cm. (M2647) E457.7.A18 X copy No. 31, June 1933, wanting. Dec. 1923-Feb. 1929, issued under the Association's earlier name: Lincoln Centennial Association. Edited by P. M. Angle (with G. W. Bunn, June 1930-1939; with B. P. Thomas, Dec. 1932-Sept. 1936, with H. E. Pratt, Dec. 1936- 1939). Superseded by the Abraham Lincoln Quarterly. Indexes: No. 1-50, 1923-37, with no. 46-58. No. 51- 58, 1938-39, with no. 46-58. 31 286. Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, III. Charter and by-laws of the Lincoln Centennial Association. [Springfield, 1909] 16 p. 18 cm. (M1788) E457.7.A185 Printed wrappers. 287. The Abraham Lincoln Association, Spring- field, III. Its accomplishments and its plans. Springfield, 111., 1939. [6] p. 23 cm. (M3461 note) P Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 288. Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, III. Lincoln Centennial Association. [Springfield, 19 — ] iii, 4-12, xiii-xiv p. 18 cm. (M2648) E457.7A19 Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Stamped on cover: "Officially discarded. Illinois State Historical Library." 289. Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, III. Papers, 1924-39. Springfield, 111., 1924-40. 16 v. 24 cm. annual. E457.8A25 X copy 1924-28 published under the Association's earlier name: Lincoln Centennial Association. Indexes: 1924-39, in 1939. Contents: 1924. 132 p. (M2714) "The House of the house divided," by Henry A. Con- verse: p. 17-91. "Lincoln as a world figure," by Andrew C. McLaughlin: p. 95-126. 1925- 135 P- (M2788) "A. Lincoln: his house," by A. L. Bowen: p. 17-73. "The Education of Abraham Lincoln," by John H. Fin- ley: p. 79-100. 1926. 93 p. (M2855) "The Building of the Lincoln monument," by Paul M. Angle: p. 17—59. "The Revelation of Lincoln to a Ser- bian immigrant," by Michael Pupin: p. 65-80. 1927. 112 p. (M2944) "Where Lincoln practiced law," by Paul M. Angle: p. 17-46. "Lincoln's last struggle — victory?," by Wil- liam E. Dodd: p. 49-98. 1928. 92 p. (M3038) "Abraham Lincoln : circuit lawyer," by Paul M. Angle : p. 19-41. "Abraham Lincoln and the South," by Arthur C. Cole: p. 47-78. 1929. 90 p. (M3159) "Springfield of the Lincolns," by Mary E. Humphrey: p. 17-42. "Lincoln and Douglas," by Claude G. Bowers: P- 49-73- 1930. 115 p. (M3241) "Lincoln and the press," by John C. O'Laughlin: p. 21-45. "Lincoln's plans for reunion," by Allan Nevins: P-5'-92. i93»- 93 P- (M3306) "Lincoln's genius of places," by Carl Sandburg: p. 19-32. "The Universality of Lincoln," by Henry Horner: P- 37-77- 1932. 158 p. (M3366) "Lincoln, the constitutional lawyer," by John M. Zane: p. 27-108. "The Environs of Lincoln's youth," by Louis A. Warren: p. 111-144. '933- 117 P- (M3412) "The Spiritual life of Lincoln, an interpretation," by Joseph Fort Newton: p. 23-43. "Lincoln and the courts, 1854-1861," by Benjamin P. Thomas: p. 47-103. 1934. 100 p. (M3462) "The Promise of the first Republican administration: Abraham Lincoln, i860," by Frederic L. Paxson: p. 27- 56. "Lincoln's power with words," by Paul M. Angle: P- 59-87- 1935. 102 p. (M3501) "Lincoln and the campaign of 1864," by Tyler Dennett: p. 31-58. "Lincoln's humor: an analysis," by Benjamin P. Thomas: p. 61-90. 1936. 82 p. (M3550) "Lincoln, the constitution and democracy," by Andrew C. McLaughlin: p. 25-59. "A Philosopher looks at Lin- coln," by T. V. Smith: p. 63-68. 1937. 86 p. (M3602) "The Persistent personality of Lincoln," by Harold C. Jaquith: p. 29-50. "My recollections of Lincoln," by Charles Nagel: p. 57-71. 1938. 88 p. (M3654) "Abraham Lincoln, Commander-in-Chief," by John McAnley Palmer: p. 25-48. " 'Let us have faith that right makes might,' " by Evan A. Evans: p. 53-71. '939- 234 p. "Such were his words," by James Weber Linn: p. 59-75. "The Lincoln of the second inaugural," by J. V. Molden- hawer: p. 81—106. 290. Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, III. Program, Annual meeting . . . Feb. 12, 1939. Springfield, 111., 1939. [3] p. 23 cm. (M3653) P Cover title. 291. Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, III. A record of accomplishment, 1 909-1 925. [Springfield? 1925] 15, [1] p. 15 cm. (M2787) E457.7.A21 copy 2 Cover title. "Publications of the Lincoln Centennial Association" : p. [n]-i5. Self-wrappers. 292. Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, III. Report of officers, 1930. Springfield, 111. [1930] [12] p. 22 x 9 cm. (M3160) E457.7.A215 3d set Cover title. 32 293- Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, Chicago. Abraham Lincoln Book Shop presents a catalog of books relating to Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, Confederate States, reconstruction, slavery, and the Negro. [Chicago, 1950?] 70 p. 23/2 cm. Z8505.A26 566 items. Printed wrappers. 294. Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, Chicago. List no. 1-2, 5-13. P Cover title. Nos. 1, 2, 5, 6, 12 and 13. Books and pamphlets re- lating to Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, the Confeder- acy, and allied subjects. No. 7. Hambrecht library. No. 8. Abbatt reprints. No. 9. Assassination. No. 10. Basic Lincolniana. No. 11. A Confederate Book Shelf, selected by Douglas Southall Freeman. 295. Abraham Lincoln, by some men who knew him ; being personal recollections of Judge Owen T. Reeves, Hon. James S. Ewing, Col. Richard P. Mor- gan, Judge Franklin Blades, John W. Bunn. With introduction by Hon. Isaac N. Phillips. Blooming- ton, 111., Pantagraph Print. & Stationery Co. [ c igio] 167 p. ports. 18/2 cm. (M1946) E457.i5.Ai 5 copy3 Brown ribbed cloth, with white end papers. In brown three-quarter-closed case. 296. Another edition. Edited, with notes and foreword, by Paul M. Angle. Chicago, Americana House, 1950. 123 p. 19/2 cm. (var. of M1946) E457.15.A15 '95° co Py 3 From different plates. Red cloth, with gray end papers. In gray three- quarter-closed case. 297. Abraham Lincoln Centennial Association. Lincoln Centennial Association. [n. p., 1923?] iii, 4-12, xiii-xiv p. 18 cm. (M2648) P Cover title. Statement of the activities and objects of the associa- tion, accompanying invitation to 1923 meeting. Invita- tion on separate leaf, signed Philip Barton Warren, Secre- tary. Also enclosed is a facsimile of a letter by Abraham Lincoln, dated Dec. 18, 1854, concerning one John Fitzgerald. Life mask of Lincoln on front. 298. Abraham Lincoln Centre and All Souls Church, Chicago. Reports for 1916. Chicago, 191 7. 107 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. P "A Lincoln Pilgrimage to Louisville, Kentucky; Hod- genville, Kentucky; Cumberland Gap, Tennessee; Cin- cinnati, Ohio; February 10-13, I 9 I 7>" by J. L. Jones, E. H. Walker, M. B. Powell, and A. L. Kelly: p. [931-107. 299. The Abraham Lincoln exhibit group, Cen- tury of progress, 1833 to 1933, Chicago. [Chicago? 1933?] 17 p. illus., port. 16x21 cm. (M3367) E457.65.A6 Cover title. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 300. The Abraham Lincoln Log Cabin Associa- tion, [n. p., 1929] [3] p. 18 cm. (M3068) P Cover title. Prospectus for an association to rebuild the Coles County cabin. Portrait of Lincoln on p. [4] 301. Abraham Lincoln Memorial Highway As- sociation. Historic proofs and data in support of the Lincoln Way, being the route traveled by the Thomas Lincoln family in coming from Indiana to Illinois in the year 1830, for submission to the Governor of the State of Illinois and the Depart- ment of Public Works and Buildings of the State of Illinois. Greenup, 111., 1929. 57 p. illus., ports., fold. map. 21 cm. (M3069) E457.35.A25 Bookplate of Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf. Printed wrappers. 302. Abraham Lincoln — our beloved American. [Washington, D. C, Speaker's Library, 1930?] 16 p. 17/2 cm. (M3162) P Cover title. 303. Abraham Lincoln quarterly, v. 1-5; Mar. 1940-Dec. 1949 [Springfield, 111.] Abraham Lin- coln Association, illus., ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. E457.7.A22 2d set Supersedes the Association's Bulletin. 304. Abraham Lincoln, 10 [sic] magazine articles, [v. p., 1880-1902] iv. illus., ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. E457.8A254 Binder's title. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Detached articles bound in olive-green cloth. Contents. — [no. 1] The emancipation proclamation, by James C. Welling [with facsimile of Lincoln's letter to Horace Greeley, dated Aug. 22, 1862] (p. [1631-185 of The North American Review, v. 130, Feb. 1880.). — [no. 2] Memoranda on the life of Lincoln, (p. 305-311 of The Century Magazine, v. 40, June 1890.). — [no. 3] Abraham 33 Lincoln as a strategist, by Archibald Forbes, (p. [53]-68, [i6o]-i70 of The North American Review, v. 155, July— Aug. 1892.). — [no. 4] Lincoln's place in history, by John Coleman Adams, (p. [59o]-596 of The Century Maga- zine, v. 48, Feb. 1894.). — [no. 5] Lincoln's Gettysburg address [a study of the variants] by John G. Nicolay. (Same, p. 596—608. See items 3157-58.). — [no. 6] Lin- coln as Commander-in-Chief [address delivered before the New York Commandery of the Loyal Legion, Apr. 5, 1893] by A. K. McClure. (p. [253]-266 of McClure's Magazine, v. 4, Feb. 1895.). — [no. 7] Appeals to Lin- coln's clemency, by Leslie J. Perry. (p. 251—256 of The Century Magazine v. 51, Dec. 1895.). — [no. 8] Four Lin- coln conspiracies, including new particulars of the flight and capture of the assassin, by Victor Lewis Mason, (p. 889-91 1 of The Century Magazine, v. 51, Apr. 1896.). — ■ [no. 9] Lincoln's home life in Washington, by Leslie J. Perry, (p. [353]~359 of Harper's New Monthly Maga- zine, v. 94, Feb. 1897.). — [no. 10] President Lincoln's visiting-card ; the story of the parole of a confederate offi- cer, by John M. Bullock, (p. 565-571 of The Century Magazine, v. 55, Feb. 1898.). — [no. 11] Abraham Lin- coln: a study from life, by Henry C. Whitney, (p. 464- 482 of The Arena, v. 19, Apr. 1898.). — [no. 12] Lincoln's official habit, by Leslie J. Perry, (p. 200-214 of Lippin- cott's Monthly Magazine, v. 69, Feb. 1902.). — [no. 13] Characteristic glimpses of Lincoln. I. Lincoln's appli- cation for a railway-pass [facsimile] II. Lincoln and Ken- tucky, by Cicero T. Sutton, (p. 558-560 of The Century Magazine, v. 63, Feb. 1902.). 305. Abraham Lincoln: The battle of the giants, by Frederick Trevor Hill; The parents of Lincoln, by Ida M. Tarbell; An appeal to patriotism, by Richard Lloyd Jones. A souvenir of Lincoln's birthday, February 12, 1907, published by the Lin- coln Farm Association, [n. p., 1907] 36 p. illus., ports., map, facsim. 17 cm. (M1531) E457.A183 copy 2 Cover title: Abraham Lincoln, 1 809-1 865. Illustrative matter printed in black. Brown wrappers, with brown lettering on cover. 306. Another issue. [New York? "1907] 17 J/2 cm. (M1531 var.) E457.A18 copy 3 Title page differs. Subtitle varies: A souvenir for the Lincoln dinner of the Republican Club of the city of New York, February 12, 1907. Illustrative matter differs slightly in arrangement. Printed in blue-black. Brown cloth, with tan back and gilt-stamped cover. Brown end papers. 307. Abraham Lincoln: the story of his life printed for the children of New England and their parents, 100 years after his birth, by the Boston Sunday globe. [Boston, Boston Sunday Globe, 1909] 23, [1] p. illus., ports. 18/2 cm. (M1824) E457 A '9 co Py 2 Cover title. Title vignette (portrait of Lincoln). Authorship attributed to Edward H. Mott. (Cf. Mi 824, note.) Self-wrappers. 308. Abraham Lincoln. Tributes from his asso- ciates, reminiscences of soldiers, statesmen and citi- zens. With introduction by the Rev. William Hayes Ward. New York, Boston, T. Y. Crowell [1895] xiii, 295 p. port. 19 cm. (Mi 179) E457.15.A16 copies 3 & 4 Originally appeared in The Independent, New York, April 4, 1895. Additional signed holograph testimonials to Abraham Lincoln by various contributors to the volume, e. g. W. H. Ward, Neal Dow, O. O. Howard, T. L. Cuyler, G. S. Boutwell, H. C. Bowen, J. T. Morgan, H. L. Dawes, and F. B. Sanborn; all addressed to DeWitt Miller, are inscribed on end papers and fly leaves of copy 3. Both copies bound in green cloth with gilt top. Copy 4 in gray case. 309. Abraham Lincoln II and his triumvirate, 1886. [n. p., 19 — ] 5 1. illus. 27 cm. E457.25.A35 Includes two typescript letters from Richard Hatton to Charles T. White, a signed typescript copy of the rules of the triumvirate, and several newspaper clippings. In maroon three-quarter-closed case. 310. Abraham Lincoln's record on the slavery question. His doctrines condemned by Henry Clay. The mass of Lincoln's supporters hostile to the Constitution. Lincoln's course in Congress on the Mexican war. The Homestead bill, — "Land for the landless," Lincoln, Douglas, and Hamlin. Balti- more, Printed by Murphy & Co. [i860] 16 p. 23 cm. (M18) E457.2.A15 copy 3 Caption title. Appendix . . . Extract from a speech of Stephen A. Douglas at Petersburg, Va., August 31, i860: p. 15-16. Previously bound. 311. ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS. An ad- dress on the life, character and services of William Henry Seward. Delivered at the request of both houses of the Legislature of New York, at Albany, 34 April 1 8, 1873. Albany, Weed, Parsons, 1873. 1 p. 1., 77 p. port. 26J/2 cm. E415.9.S4A22 copy 3 Line borders. Slip with author's autograph mounted on verso of title page. Heavy black-cloth covers, with vignette gilt-stamped on front and blind-stamped on back. 312. Another edition. New York, D. Appleton, 1873. 47 P- 22^2 cm. E415.9.S4A2 copy 4 From different plates, with slight variation in title. Dark green half-morocco, with original blue printed wrappers bound in. 313. ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS. Charles Francis Adams, 1835-19 15; an autobiography. With a memorial address delivered November 17, 19 1 5, by Henry Cabot Lodge. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin [19 16] ix, 224 p. port. 25 cm. E664.A19A2 copy 4 "Fifth impression, December, 19 16." Occasional references to Lincoln in chapter entitled ''Washington, 186 1 " (p. [72]-i 13). 314. ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS. Lee's centennial; an address . . . delivered at Lexing- ton, Virginia, Saturday, January 19, 1907, on the invitation of the president and faculty of Washing- ton and Lee University. With a foreword by Douglas Southall Freeman. Chicago, Americana House, 1948. 1 p. 1., 5-75, [1] p., 1 1. 22/2 cm. E467. 1 .L4A2 1 2 1 948 copy 3 "First in a series of rare Americana reprints." "750 copies." In brown imitation-leather case. 315. ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS. Seward and the Declaration of Paris; a forgotten diplomatic episode, April-August, 1861. Boston, 191 2. 61 p. 25 cm. JX1367.A2 copy 3 "The following paper, prepared for the Massachusetts Historical Society, and submitted at its October meeting, 19 12, appears in the printed Proceedings of that society, vol. XLVI." cf. p. [2] With this is bound the author's The Trent Affair; an Historical Retrospect. Boston, 19 12. 44 p. 316. ADAMS, F. COLBURN. Siege of Wash- ington, D. C, written expressly for little people. 26 illustrations [caricatures] Illustrated by A. W. Waud. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald [1867] 1 p. 1., 130 p. illus., port. 18 cm. E647.A2 copy 3 End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." 317. ADAMS, GEORGE E. Lincoln, address delivered at Quincy, Illinois, Tuesday, October 13, 1908, before the State Historical Society of Illinois, and the Lincoln-Douglas Semi-Centennial Society. Peterboro, N. H., Transcript Print. Co., 1908. 12 p. 22/2 cm. (M1562) E457.8.A273 copy 3 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 318. ADAMS, GEORGE E. Lincoln; address delivered in Chicago, February 9th, 1909, before Columbia Post, G. A. R. [Chicago? 1909?] 11 p. 22/2 cm. (M1651) E457.8.A27 copy 3 Cover title. 319. ADAMS, HENRY. The education of Henry Adams; an autobiography. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 19 18. x, 519, [1] p. 25 cm. El 75-5- Al 72copy4 Scattered references to Lincoln. 320. ADAMS, HENRY. Henry Adams and his friends; a collection of his unpublished letters. Compiled, with a biographical introduction, by Harold Dean Cater. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1947. cxix p., 1 1., 797 p. illus., ports. 23V2 cm - E!75-5- Al 7428copy4 H. D. Cater's thesis (Ph. D.) — Columbia University, 1946. Without thesis note. Comments on Lincoln in author's letter of Nov. 16, 1864, to John Gorham Palfrey. 321. ADAMS, HENRY. Letters of Henry Adams . . . Edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1930-38. 2 v. ports, (fronts.) 24^/2 cm. E175.5.A1743 copy 3 Numerous references to Lincoln. Contents. — v. 1. 1858-1891. — v. 2. 1892-1918. 322. ADAMS, JAMES TRUSLOW. America's tragedy. New York, London, C. Scribner's Sons, 1934. vi p., 2 1., 415 p. illus. (maps) 23 cm. E468.A32 copy 7 An attempt to trace the rise of sectionalism between the North and South, with occasional reference to Lincoln. 323. ADAMS, MARIAN (HOOPER). The letters of Mrs. Henry Adams, 1865-1883. Edited by Ward Thoron. Boston, Little, Brown, 1936. 35 xviii p., 2 1 ., [31-587 p. illus., ports., facsims. 24/2 cm. E 1 75.5. A 1 79 copy 4 Occasional references to President and Robert Todd Lincoln. 324. ADAMS, RANDOLPH G. Hudibrastic as- pects of some editions of the Emancipation procla- mation. Philadelphia, 1946. 1 p. 1., n-17 p. 23 cm. Z1242.A3 copy 2 "Reprinted from To Doctor R." Printed wrappers. 325. [ADAMS, WILLIAM T.] Fighting Joe ; or, The fortunes of a staff officer. A story of the Great Rebellion, by Oliver Optic [pseud.] Boston, Lee and Shepard ; New York, Lee, Shepard and Dilling- ham, 1871. 326 p. 16/2 cm. (His The Army and Navy stories, 5) PZ7.A22F14 Stern copy imperfect? Frontispiece and plates wanting? "A sequel to 'The young lieutenant.' " Cloth, with original illustrated printed wrappers(?) bound in. 326. ADDERUP, ANDREW, pseud? Lincolni- ana; or The humors of Uncle Abe. Second Joe Miller. By Andrew Adderup, Springfield, 111. New York, J. F. Feeks [1864] 95 p. 19 cm. (M269) E457.99.A22 copy 2 Pages 11— 14, 95, missing and replaced by photostat copies. Previously bound and without illustrations. (Copy 1, in the general collection of the Rare Book Divi- sion, has two woodcut illustrations and is bound in printed wrappers, illustrated with cut of Lincoln, the railsplitter, on front cover.) In brown slipcase. 327. Addresses delivered on the occasion of the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Stephen A. Douglas, April twenty-third, nineteen hundred thirteen, Springfield, Illinois. Arranged for publication by James W. Garner. [Springfield] Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois, 19 1 5. 125 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. E415.9.D73A2 copies 3 & 4 328. The Adult Bible class monthly, v. 28, Feb. 1935. Cincinnati, The Methodist Book Concern. BS410.A4 v. 28 X copy "Lincoln Stories": p. 61-62. 329. Advertiser, Chillicothe, Ohio. The first Lin- coln "extra" following his inauguration, published by The Advertiser, Chillicothe, Ohio, Tuesday morning, March 5, 1861. [Chillicothe, Ohio, E. E. Francis, 1946.] [4] p. 16/2 cm. P (2 copies) "Printed in The Chillicothe Gazette Monday, March 5, 1945" "Printed March 13, 1946 by Earl Elliott Francis on his 1 2th birthday." Copy 1 in light tan paper wrappers printed in black; copy 2 in red paper wrappers printed in black. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 330. AGAR, HERBERT. Abraham Lincoln. New York, Macmillan [1952] 143 p. port., maps. 19 cm. (Brief lives, no. 6) E457.A25 copy 2 Bibliography: p. 143. 331. AGAR, HERBERT. The price of union. Boston, Houghton Mifflin [1950] xviii, 750 p. maps. 22 cm. E 178. A3 1950a copy 7 London edition (Eyre & Spottiswoode) has title: The United States: the Presidents, the Parties & the Con- stitution. Partial Contents. — The fruits of executive weak- ness — I, 1 853-1 857 (p. 356-380). — The fruits of execu- tive weakness — II, 185 7-1 861 (p. 381-402). — "Preserve, protect, and defend" (p. 403-418). — Lincoln and the "war powers" (p. 419-438). — Congress versus the Presi- dent (p. 439-463). 332. AGRESTI, ANTONIO. Abramo Lincoln. Genova, A. F. Formiggini, 19 13. 3 p. 1., [9]-66 p. port. 17/2 cm. (Profili n. 25) (M3884) E457.A27 copies 2 & 3 Added title page, engraved. Copy 2 with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. "Bibliografia" : p. [65]-66. 333. AGRESTI, ANTONIO. Abramo Lincoln nel primo centenario della sua nascita [by] A. Agresti. Roma, 1909. 15 p. illus., ports. 30/2 cm. (M3875) E457.8.A29 copy 2 "Estratto dalla Nuova antologia. Tiratura di soli 100 esemplari." Printed wrappers. 334. AKED, CHARLES F. Lincoln and Glad- stone: twin giants of the English-speaking race, by the Rev. C. F. Aked. [Los Angeles, 1929] 29 p. 23 x10 cm. (M3073) E457.8.A4 Cover title. "A sermon preached on Sunday, February 10, 1929 at the morning service of All Souls' Church meeting in the Westlake Theatre, 638 South Alvarado Street, Los Angeles, California." 36 335- AKIYAMA, YAICHI. Ijin Rinkan [Lin- coln, the great man] [Tokyo] Kyobunkan shup- panbu [1933] 2 p. 1., 4, 4, 9, 397 p., 1 1. illus., ports. 2 1 J/2 cm. U Bright red cloth, with device blind-stamped on back cover, Japanese characters gilt-stamped on spine, and fac- simile of Lincoln autograph gilt-stamped on front cover. 336. Another issue. [1940] 22/2 cm. U "Third printing, 1940." With reset colophon, rearranged illustrative matter, and advertising matter on verso of final leaf. Binding same, but cloth dull red. 337. The alarm bell, no. 1 . By a constitutionalist. New York, Baker & Godwin, 1863. 16 p. 23/2 cm. E458.3.A33 copy 2 Cover title (?). Pro-Lincoln anti-Catholic literature. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Self-wrappers (?) . Bound in green three-quarter- morocco. 338. Albany. Citizens. Correspondence in rela- tion to the public meeting at Albany, N. Y. [n. p., 1863?] 9 p. 23 cm. (M176) E458.3.A35 Caption title. Letter to President Lincoln, transmitting resolutions of a meeting on May 16, 1863, with Lincoln's reply of June 12, 1863, to Hon. Erastus Corning and others. See also items 95, 196, and 197. 342. ALDRICH, JULIA CARTER. A memory of eighteen hundred sixty-five; a tribute to Abra- ham Lincoln. Wauseon, Ohio, Kenyon & Weir, 1 9 14. folder ([3] p.) 26 cm. (M2121) E 457-9A36 copy 3 Cover title. Two pages of text in verse. 343. ALEXANDER, EDWARD P. Lincoln comes to Wisconsin; address at annual meeting, Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin, Madison, Febru- ary 12, 1943, Madison, Lincoln Fellowship of Wis- consin, 1944. 15 p. illus., ports. 26 cm. ([Lin- coln Fellowship of Wisconsin] Historical bulletin no. 2) E457.35.A5 copy 2 Cover title. "Limited to 300 copies." 344. [ALEXANDER, WILLIAM] Elements of discord in Secessia, &c, &c. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 16 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 15) E463.L96 no. 15 4th set Cover title. Contents. — Elements of discord in Secessia. — The vul- garity of treason. — Appendix to the foregoing article . . . Extracts from Rebel organs. — Dialogue between an old- fashioned Jackson Democrat and a Copperhead. On cover: New York, Oct., 1863. On cover of earlier issue: New York, May, 1863. In pamphlet holder. 339. ALBUS, HARRY J. Honest Abe; the story of Abraham Lincoln. Grand Rapids, W. B. Eerd- mans Pub. Co., 1954. 83 p. port. 20 cm. E 457-9°5A5 copy 3 "First edition, November 1954." Boards. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 340. [ALDEN, HENRY MILLS] Pericles and President Lincoln. [Boston, Ticknor and Fields] 382-391 p. 24 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The Atlantic Monthly, v. II, Mar. 1863. 341. [ALDEN, JOHN B.] Abraham Lincoln. America; Lingk'iin, A. D. 1 809-1 865. [n. p., ca. 1898] 42 p. 18/2 cm. (M1223) E457.A36 Caption title. Biographical sketch (p. 1-11) and extracts from speeches (p. 12—42) reprinted from the Cyclopedia of Universal Literature. 345. ALGER, HORATIO, Jr. Abraham Lin- coln, the backwoods boy; or, How a young rail- splitter became President. New York, J. R. An- derson & H. S. Allen, 1883. 2 p. 1., [5^307 p. 3 illus., port. 18 cm. (Boyhood and manhood series of illustrious Americans, [v. 2]) (M995) E 457A39 copy 2 Running title: The boyhood and manhood of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated chocolate-brown cloth, imprinted in black and gold. Yellow end papers. 346. Another edition. Philadelphia, D. McKay [ c i883] 1 p. 1., [5H07 p. 19 cm. (The Boys' own library) (M995 var.) E457.A39 1883a From same plates, with slight reduction and rearrange- ment of the illustrative matter. Issued under title: The Backwoods Boy; or, The Boy- hood and Manhood of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated green cloth, imprinted in red and gold. White end papers. 37 347- Another issue. New York, Street and Smith [ c i883] (Bound to win library, no. 78) (M996) E 457 A 39 l88 3 b Identical to the McKay edition above, but unillustrated and with title page from different plate. Publisher's address in imprint: 238 William St. Inscribed: "John Wm. Starr, Jr." White wrappers, illustrated in color and lettered in blue. 348. Another issue. [1909, c i883J 18/2 cm. (New medal library, no. 519) (M998) E457-A39 i9<>9 Identical to the preceding issue, but with title and copyright pages from different plates. Issued under title: The Backwoods Boy; the Story of Abraham Lincoln. Publisher's address: 79-89 Seventh Ave. Stippled wrappers, illustrated in color and lettered in black. 349. Another edition. New York, Street & Smith Corp. [ c i883] 287 p. 17/2 cm. (Alger series, no. 77) (M997) E457.A39 1883c Issued under title: The Backwoods Boy; or, The Story of Abraham Lincoln. The title and copyright pages, and p. [2851-287 (t. e., p. 299-307 condensed) are from different plates. White wrappers; illustrated in red, white and blue, and lettered in black. 350. [ALINGTON, ARGENTINE F.] Meet the President, the story of Abraham Lincoln [by] Hugh Talbot [pseud.] London, S. C. M. Press [1946] 107, [1] p. port. 19 cm. (The Torch biographies) E 457-99- A 6 copy 2 "First published 1946." 351. ALLAN, DOROTHY C. A birthday present for Lincoln, a play in one act. Boston, Walter H. Baker [1932] 16 p. 19 cm. (Baker's all star series) (M3309) PS3501.L477B5 1932 copy 2 Baker's edition of plays. Printed wrappers. 352. ALLEN, ABIGAIL (Maxson). Life and sermons of Jonathan Allen, by his wife. [n. p.] Published by Subscription, 1894. 404 p. illus., ports. 26/2 cm. BX6399.A45A5 "Death of the President": p. 217-228. (A sermon preached in the First Seventh-day Baptist Church at Alfred, N. Y., April 22, 1865.) Dark maroon half-morocco. 353. ALLEN, ETHAN. A discourse prepared for the National Fast Day, June 1st, 1865, on account of the murder of our late President, and preached at St. Thomas' Church, Homestead, Baltimore County, Md. Baltimore, Printed by Wm. K. Boyle, 1865. 12 p. 19 cm. (M375) E457.8.A42 copy 2 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 354. ALLEN, EUGENE C. Abraham Lincoln. An historical essay in two parts. Albion, Mich., 1895. 146 p. 22/2 cm. (Mi 158) E457.A42 copy 2 "Part one . . . deals with . . . [the] Compromise [of 1850]; with the election of 1852; with the rejection of Webster; with the Dred Scott decision; with the Lecomp- ton controversy ; and with affairs in Kansas. Part two takes up the discussion of our political life from 1858 to 1863, and is written primarily to show the task which devolved upon Lincoln therein." — Introductory note. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Bibliography: p. [1441-145. Black full-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 355. [ALLEN, L. M.] When Lincoln fought for a bridge [Chicago, 111., Rock Island Lines, 1922] folder ([5] p.) illus. 16 cm. (M2544) P Cover title. Self-wrappers. 356. ALLEN, LYMAN WHITNEY. Abraham Lincoln, a poem. New York, London, G. P. Put- nam's Sons, 1896. vi, 112 p. 19 cm. (Mi 184) E457-9-A42 copy 3 "This book is a revised edition of the prize poem, 'Abra- ham Lincoln', published in the New York Herald, De- cember 15, 1895." Blue cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. Gilt top. 357. Another edition. 1909. xi, 142 p. (Mi 185) E457.9.A43 copy 3 Mostly from the same plates, repaged. "To this poem was awarded the prize of one thousand dollars offered by the New York Herald in 1895 for the best poem on American history. It was published in the Christmas issue of the New York Herald, the Boston Her- ald, and the St. Louis Republic of that year. This fourth or Centennial edition is a revision and enlargement." Green cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. Gilt top. 38 358. ALLEN, LYMAN WHITNEY. The Lin- coln pew. [Washington? 1925?] folder ([3] p.) 15 cm. (M2750) P Cover title. Poem concerning President Lincoln's pew in the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church of Washington, D.C. Page [2] blank. 359. ALLEN, WILLIAM J. Speech of Hon. William J. Allen, of Illinois, upon the President's message, delivered in the House of Representatives, January 27, 1864. Washington, Printed at the Office of "The Constitutional union," 1864. 14 p. 23/2 cm. (M272) E458.4.A42 copy 2 Cover title. Anti-Lincoln. Red three-quarter-morocco, with original wrappers bound in. 360. ALLEN, WINTHROP S. G. Civil War Letters of Winthrop S. G. Allen. [Edited] by Harry E. Pratt [Springfield, 111., Phillips Bros., Print, 1932] 27 p. port. 23 cm. E601.A46 copy 2 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, Volume 24, No. 3, October, 1931." Printed wrappers. 361. ALLPORT, HERBERT R. Abraham Lin- coln. [London, Harrison, 1923?] 80 p. 19 cm. E457.2.A4 362. Almanach de l'illustration. 23" annee, 1866. Paris, A. Marc et c le . AY836.A6 X copy "Abraham Lincoln" : p. 35-38. 363. ALTER, DONALD R., ed. The Lincoln legend, and other programs. New York, Pageant Press [ c i956] 6 p. 1., 3-130 p. 21 cm. PN4201.A655 copy 2 "First Edition." 364. Alton, ///. Souvenir program, Home Coming [and] Lincoln and Douglas Semi-Centennial Cele- bration, October 14-17, 1908, Alton, Illinois. [Alton, Melling & Gaskins Print Co., 1908] [8] p. illus. 21 cm. (M1628) E457.4.A46 copy 2 Cover title. Khaki-colored cloth gilt-stamped: Lincoln-Douglas de- bate. Original wrappers bound in. 365. The Amateur book collector, v. 1, Novem- ber 1950. Chicago, W. B. Thorsen. Z990.A5 v. 1, X copy "The Gettysburg Address": p. [1] "Recognizing a Masterpiece": p. [1] "Why Collect Lincolniana?" by Gerald McMurtry: p. [i]-5- 366. Amen Corner axe; a journal for the extinc- tion of peace, v. 2, Feb. 1, 1908. New York, Amen Corner Corp. P Note on Lincoln Theatre Spring opening: p. 8. 367. America, a Catholic review of the week, v. 34, Feb. 13, 1926. New York, The American Press. BX801.A5 v. 34 X copy "Lincoln's Teacher and the Trappists," by Paul L. Blakely: p. 421-422. 368. America-Japan Society, Tokyo. The Lin- coln essay contest conducted by the America-Japan Society in co-operation with the Lincoln Centen- nial Association, Springfield, Illinois. Tokyo, America- Japan Society [1927] 2 p. 1., 50 p. ports. 23/2 cm. (Its Special bulletin (4) February 1927) (M2896) E457.8.A47 copy 3 Cover title. Half title : Essays of the Japanese winners . . . 369. America-Japan Society, Tokyo. The second Lincoln essay contest conducted by the America- Japan Society in co-operation with the Lincoln Centennial Association, Springfield, Illinois. Tokyo, America-Japan Society [1928] 2 p. 1., 29 p. ports. 24 cm. (Its Special bulletin (6) February 1928) (M2987) E457.8.A472 copy 2 Cover title. Half title: Essays of the Japanese winners in the second Lincoln essay contest . . . 370. America- Japan Society, Tokyo. The third Lincoln essay contest conducted by the America- Japan Society in co-operation with the Lincoln Centennial Association, Springfield, Illinois. Tokyo, America-Japan Society [1929] 2 p. 1., 52 p. ports. 24 cm. (Its Special bulletin (8) February 1929) ( M 3°74) E457.8.A473 copy 2 Cover title. Half title: Essays of the Japanese winners in the third Lincoln essay contest . . . 371. America-Japan Society, Tokyo. The fourth Lincoln essay contest conducted by the America- 39 Japan Society in cooperation with the Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, Illinois. Tokio, America-Japan Society [1930] 3 p. 1., 51 p. ports. 24 cm. (Its Special bulletin (10) March 1930) (M3163) E457.8.A474 copy 2 Cover title. Half title: Essays of the Japanese winners in the fourth Lincoln essay contest . . . 372. American Academy of Arts and Letters. Commemoration of the centenary of the birth of James Russell Lowell, poet, scholar, diplomat, born in Cambridge, Mass., February 22, 18 19, died in Cambridge, August 12, 1891; held under the aus- pices of the American Academy of Arts and Letters in New York, February 19-22, 19 19. New York, Published for the Academy, C. Scribner's Sons, 1 9 19. vi p., 3 1., 5-88 p. port. 25/2 cm. [Pub- lication no. 3] PS2335.A5 1 919 copy 3 End paper inscribed : "Chas. T. White, 19 19." Allusion to Lincoln in speech by Elihu Root (p. 8) . Boards. Cloth back. 373. American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. Proceedings. April 26, 1865. Boston, Press of J. Wilson & Sons. 67 p. 23^2 cm. E172.A35 4th set, 1865 Resolutions offered by Hon. Levi Lincoln, in regard to the assassination of Lincoln: p. [3]-4; address by Stephen Salisbury: p. 5-7. Printed wrappers. 374. American Association for International Con- ciliation. Presentation of the Saint-Gaudens statue of Lincoln to the British people, July 28, 1920. New York City, Greenwich, Conn., American Associa- tion for International Conciliation [1920] 30 p. illus. 20 cm. (International conciliation, Nov. 1920, no. 156) (M2460) E457.6.A55 copies 1 & 2 Cover title. Contents. — "He belongs to the ages": by Cass Gil- bert. — An appreciation of Augustus Saint-Gaudens, by Mrs. Herbert Adams. — Address of Viscount Bryce at the unveiling of the Saint-Gaudens statue of Lincoln, presented to the British people by the people of the United States of America, Westminster, July 28, 1920. — Address of the Honorable Elihu Root at the unveiling of the statue of Lincoln, July 28, 1 920. — Address of the Honorable David Lloyd George at the unveiling of the statue of Lincoln, July 28, 1920. — "Peace and friendship perpetual": editorial from the London Spectator, August 7, 1920. 375. American Bar Association. Standing Com- mittee on American Citizenship. Washington, Lee and Lincoln; the great triumvirate among the makers of America [by] Citizenship Committee. Dallas, Tex., c ig24. 27, [1] p. 23 x 10/2 cm. E176.A46 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 376. American Bar Association journal, v. 10. Feb. 1924; v. 1 1, Feb. 1925; v. 13, Feb. 1927; v. 34. Sept. 1948. [Chicago, etc.] Law v. 10 [etc.] X copy "Lincoln the litigant," by William H. Townsend: v. 10, p. 83-88. "Lincoln's defense of Duff Armstrong," by William H. Townsend: v. 11, p. 81-84. " 'Old Abe' and the 'Little Giant,'" by William H. Townsend: v. 13, p. 99-104. "Lincoln's oral argument: text of notes for his only Supreme Court case": v. 34, p. 791-794. 377. American caricatures pertaining to the Civil War; reproduced from the original lithographs pub- lished from 1 856- 1 872, with introduction. New York, Brentano's, 19 18. 4 p. 1., 80 plates 18 x 28/2 cm. E647.C29 copy 2 First edition, New York, 1892, published under title: Caricatures Pertaining to the Civil War; Reproduced From a Private Collection of Originals Designed for Currier & Ives, New York, and Published by Them in Sheets From 1856-1872. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Detached copy of "Cook County survivors of Grand Army of Republic who will be honored by Chicago today," p. 20 of the Chicago Daily Tribune, May 30, 193 1 , laid in (100 portraits, names, and addresses). 378. [American Educational Association] The patriot. Philadelphia, c i928. folder ([4] p.) illus., port. 29 cm. (M3052) P Cover title. Quotes from Lincoln. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 379. The American Hebrew, a magazine for American Jews. v. 116, Feb. 6, 1925; v. 118, Feb. 5, 1926; v. 121, June 24, 1927; v. 121, July 8, 1927; v. 124, Feb. 8, 1929. New York, American Hebrew Pub. Co. AP2.A5 v. 116 [etc.] X copy "Abraham Lincoln — seer," by E. Hertz: v. 116, p. 384-403. "Survivor who knew Lincoln; he [Cornelius Savage] played baseball with Civil War President as spectator," by W. H. Blumenthal; "Tell us, Lincoln" a poem by W. H. Blumenthal; "Painted large on the canvas of American history; new and little known Lincoln items that reveal his mellow character," by D. Abarbanel : v. 40 1 1 8, p. 394; 394; 394, 434- "Lincoln: the tribute of the synagogue," by E. Hertz: v. 121, June 24, p. 255, 264. "An intimate friend of Lincoln [Abraham Jonas]," by E. Hertz: v. 121, July 8, p. 327, 342. "Abraham Lincoln and Hillel's golden rule," by E. Hertz: v. 124, p. 493, 498. The collection contains two copies of v. 116, Feb. 6, 1925- 380. American heritage, new ser., v. 6, no. 1, Dec. 1954 — v. 8, no. 6, Oct. 1957. New York, American Heritage Pub. Co. E 1 7 1 A43 3d set, v. 6, etc. "Riding the circuit with Lincoln," by W. King: v. 6, no. 2, p. [48^49, 104-109. "Lincoln's plan for recon- struction," by J. G. Randall and R. N. Current: v. 6, no. 4, p. [64]-88. "When Mary Lincoln was adjudged insane," by R. P. Randall: v. 6, no. 5, p. [10]— n, 96-99. "Light for Lincoln's statue," by M. F. Cresson: v. 7, no. 2, p. 56-57. "The unknown conspirator," by P. Van Doren Stern: v. 8, no. 2, p. 54-59, 103. "The clothes Lincoln wore," by D. Gorsline: v. 8, no. 5, p. [i02]-[i03] Index; v. 6, December 1954-October 1955. 1 v. 381. American Heritage. The American heritage book of great historic places. Narrative by Richard M. Ketchum. Introduction by Bruce Catton. New York, American Heritage Pub. Co. [1957] 376 p. illus. (part, col.), ports, (part, col.), maps. 29 cm. Ei69.i.A47ig8copy5 "Land of Lincoln": p. 260-265. Boards. Cloth back. 382. American Historical Association. Annual report. 1902. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1903. 2 v. maps, tables. 23/2 cm. (57th Cong. 2d sess. House. Doc. no. 461) E172A60 1902 "Diary and correspondence of Salmon P. Chase": v. 2, p. 1 1-527. 383. American Jewish archives, v. 9, Oct. 1957. Cincinnati, Ohio. E184.J5A37 2d set, v. 9 "Kronikals of the times — Memphis, 1862, by A. E. Frankland. Edited by Maxwell Whiteman": p. 83-125. "The War between the States — reminiscences of Edward Rosewater, Army telegrapher": p. 128-138. 384. American Jewish Historical Society. Publi- cations of the American Jewish Historical Society, no. 38, Dec. 1948; v. 43, Dec. 1953; v. 44, Dec. 1954. [Baltimore] E184.J5A5 no. 38 [etc] X copy "The Lincoln-Hart correspondence," by M. Davis: no. 38, p. 138-145. "Isachar Zacharie: Lincoln's chirop- odist," by C. M. Segal: v. 43, p. 71-126. "Abraham Jonas' role in Lincoln's first presidential nomination," by C. M. Segal; "Isachar Zacharie: Lincoln's chiropodist — Addendum," by C. M. Segal: v. 44, p. 98-105; 106-113. 385. The American Legion magazine, v. 4, Feb. 10, 1922; v. 10, Feb. 193 1 ; v. 26, Feb. 1939; v. 28, Feb. 1940. [Louisville, etc.] D570.A1 A3 v. 4 X copy and D570.A1A32 v. 10 [etc.] X copy "Some of my recollections of Lincoln," by R. W. McBride: v. 4, p. 5-6, 20-21. "The plot that failed," by M. James: v. 10, p. 14-15, 38-42. "Stepmothered to greatness," by T. J. Malone: v. 26, p. 3-5, 37-38. "Father Abraham's men," by E. Hertz: v. 28, p. 20-21, 40-42. Title varies: v. 4, Feb. 10, 1922, The American Legion Weekly; v. 10, Feb. 1931, The American Legion Monthly; v. 26, Feb. 1939, etc., The American Legion Magazine. 386. The American magazine, v. 65, Feb. 1908; v. 90, Aug. 1920. New York, Phillips Pub. Co., and Springfield, Ohio, Crowell Pub. Co. AP2.A346 3d set, v. 65 ; v. 90 X copy "Lincoln," a poem; "Head of Lincoln sculptured in marble by G. Borglum" ; "Lincoln's boyhood : reminis- cences of his cousin and play-mate, Dennis Hanks," by E. Atkinson (See also item 1826): v. 65, p. 358; 359; 360-369. "I saw Lincoln shot!" by W. J. Ferguson: v. 90, p. 15-16, 82, 84,86. 387. The American mercury, v. 5, June 1925. Camden, N. J., American Mercury, Inc. AP2.A37 v. 5, X copy (2 copies) "The Many-sided Lincoln," by J. G. de Roulhac Hamil- ton: p. 129-135. "The Interior of the Lincoln Me- morial," by E. Peets: p. 194-196. 388. American Missionary Association. Concert exercise for Lincoln Sunday, February 14th, 19 15. [New York? 19 15] folder ([3] p.) 24 cm. (M2172) P (2 copies) Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 389. Americus, pseud. Thoughts for the times: addressed to the considerate people of the northern states. By Americus. London, Printed for the Author, 1862. 125 p. 25 cm. E458.2.A5 copy 2 Anti-Lincoln. Printed wrappers. 390. Amerika-post ; a messenger of good will be- tween the United States and Germany, v. 3, 1 93 1 . Hamburg, Frienderichsen, de Gruyter & Co. E183.8.G3A5 v. 3 X copy "Abraham Lincoln and the German Labor Party," by Alfred Vagts: p. 1 39-141. 41 391- AMES, CHARLES G. Abraham Lincoln, how he made the most of himself; a discourse given in Boston, February 9, 1908, in the Church of the Disciples. [Minneapolis, 1908] 21 p. 18/2 cm. (M1564) E457.2A5 Author's inscribed calling card laid in. Printed wrappers. 392. AMES, CHARLES G. Stand by the Presi- dent! An address delivered before the National Union Association, of Cincinnati, March 6, 1863. Philadelphia, King & Baird, Printers, 1863. 15 p. 22/2 cm. (M169) E458.3.A52 copies 3 & 4 Cover title. "Published by order of the Association." Self-wrappers. Copy 3 in gray slipcase; copy 4 in green binder. 393. [ANDERSON, ALBERT] A critical and biographical sketch of Lincoln. Minneapolis, Minn. [ c igio] 19 p. port. 21 cm. (M1903) E 457 A 54 1910a "Copyright, 19 10, by Albert Anderson." Signed: A. A. Printed wrappers. 394. ANDERSON, CHARLES. The cause of the war: who brought it on, and for what purpose? Speech of Col. Charles Anderson, late of Texas, now of U. S. volunteers. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 16 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 17) (Mi 70) E463.L96 no. 17 4th set On verso of title page: Loyal leagues [etc.] Page 4 begins: angel Gabriel's. Appeared in another issue with cover title and note at foot of p. 16: Loyal leagues [etc.] Appeared also in another edition with different arrangement of type, p. 4 beginning: American people; and with complete change of content on p. 5-6. Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 395. ANDERSON, CHARLES. Letter addressed to the Opera House Meeting, Cincinnati. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 15, [1] p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 21) E463.L96 no. 21 4th set Cover title( ?) . Open letter to the Union meeting at Pike's Opera House, Cincinnati, Ohio. Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 396. [ANDERSON, CHARLES F.] Letter ex- planatory of public and private injustice, with proofs of the frauds and treasonable practices con- nected with the government works of the District of Columbia, &c, &c. [Washington,D. C, 1861] I7p. 22^ cm. F198.A54 copy 2 Caption title. Letter to Lincoln dated November 15, 18C1. Previously bound. 397. ANDERSON, FRANK MALOY. The mystery of "a public man," a historical detective story. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press [1948] 256 p. 22J/2 cm. E440.5.D56A6 copy 4 "[Reprint of] The diary of a public man": p. 191-249. See also items 1366-67. The author concludes that the anonymous diary was written by Samuel Ward (1814— 1884), brother of Julia Ward Howe. Bibliography: p. 181-183. Review by David C. Mearns, clipped from The New York Times Book Review, Jan. 16, 1949, laid in. 398. ANDERSON, HOMER. Where I saw Lincoln. Address at the Sixth Annual Lincoln Banquet, February 12, 1909, by Homer Anderson. First Vice President of Lincoln Society, Peekskill, N. Y. (Corporal, Co. I, 90 Reg. O. V. I.) [Peek- skill, N. Y., 1909] [12] p. 17 cm. (M1661) E457I5A5 Cover title. Portrait on p. [2] of cover. Author's autographed presentation copy to Charles T. White. 399. Anderson Galleries, New York. Broadsides, books and pamphlets on Abraham Lincoln, Ameri- can railroads, song books, American plays etc., etc., Friday afternoon and evening November 8, 1907. New York, Anderson Auction Co., 1907. 19-62 p. 24 cm. (M1517) Z999.A55 no. 592 "No. 592." Published by the firm under its earlier name: Anderson Auction Company. 741 items. (Pages for items 1-220, 720-741 missing.) Printed wrappers. 400. Anderson Galleries, New York. Catalogue of autographs, pamphlets, engravings, etc. relating to Abraham Lincoln, including letters written by his biographers and members of his cabinet ; original poems on his death; statements by his pallbearers; letters by army and navy officers; resolutions by corporations ; unique caricatures ; rare slavery 42 items; original war department documents; rare broadsides, etc., etc. For sale at auction, Mar. 22, 1904. New York [1904] 36, [1] p. 23/2 cm. (M1431) Z999.A55 no. 285 Sale no. 285. Published by the firm under its earlier name: Anderson Auction Company. Ms. note on title page: "Many of the autographs de- scribed [are] from the collection of Mr. Andrew Boyd." Printed wrappers. 401. Anderson Galleries, New York. The large and important library of John E. Burton of Milwau- kee, Wis. Part VI. Lincolniana and Civil War material. To be sold March 6 and 7, 19 16. New York, [19 16] 82, [1] p. (M2218?) Z 999- A 55 no - 1 206, pt. 6 copy 2 "No. 1206." Appears to be Monaghan 2218. Lacks covers. 402. Anderson Galleries, New York. A remark- able collection of autograph letters and Lincolniana from the library of a New York gentleman, includ- ing a "Lynch" signature and all other signers except three, a full set of the presidents, remarkably fine letters by literary men, statesmen, and soldiers, and an extraordinary collection of Lincoln letters and books, to be sold November 13 and 14, 19 16. New York [ 1 9 1 6] 121 p. 23/2 cm. (M2219) Z8505.A5 "No. 1248." 1 173 items, all but Printed wrappers. of which are Lincolniana. 403. ANDREW, JOHN A. Address of His Excel- lency John A. Andrew, to the two branches of the legislature of Massachusetts, [together with accom- panying documents,] January 8, 1864. Boston, Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1864. 88, ex p. 24 cm. (Senate [doc] no. 1) (M193 note) J87.M42 2d set Includes printings of the Gettysburg addresses of Edward Everett (p. xxxix-lxxi) and Abraham Lincoln (p. lxxii). Printed wrappers. In blue slipcase. 404. ANDREW, JOHN A. [Message of His Excel- lency John A. Andrew, communicating to the legislative department of the Commonwealth announcement of the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Boston, 1865] 8 p. 25 cm. ([General Court, 1865] House. [Doc] 227) (M376) E457.52.M4 copy 2 Caption title: House . . . no. 227. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Mourning borders. Self-wrappers. In blue cardboard slipcase. 405. ANDREWS, MARY RAYMOND (Ship- man). The counsel assigned. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1 9 18 [ c 191 2] 2 p. 1., 43 p. 1 illus. 19 cm. (M2018 var.) E457.9.A56 copy 3 Story about Lincoln during the time of his candidacy for election to Congress. He interrupts his campaign to defend a boy charged with a serious crime. 406. ANDREWS, MARY RAYMOND (Ship- man). Passing the torch. New York, C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1924. 4 p. 1., 84 p. 1 illus. 19 cm. (M2677) PZ7.A568Pa copy 4 A story about a drummer boy befriended by Lincoln in 1864 and the influence of the experience upon the former in the late years of his life. Boards. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 407. ANDREWS, MARY RAYMOND (Ship- man). The perfect tribute. New York, C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1906. 2 p. 1., 47 p. port, (front.) 19/2 cm. (Mi485var.) E457.9.A57 copy 4 Story dealing with Lincoln's Gettysburg speech. "Published, September 1906." Gray boards. Dark gray cloth back. Portrait of Lin- coln on cover. Trimmed. 408. Another issue. 1908. 3 p. 1., 47 p. 19 cm. (M1485 var.) E457.9.A572 "Illustrated edition published in November, 1908." Title and copyright pages reset. Books by the author on added preliminary leaf. Same binding. Untrimmed. 409. Another edition. 1908. 2 p. 1., 66 p., 1 1. port. 22 cm. (M1486) E457.9.A573 copy 3 "Published November, 1908." From different plates. Ornamental borders. New frontispiece. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 19 16." Green cloth, ornamented in gilt on cover and lettered in gilt on spine. Top edge gilt. Untrimmed. 410. ANDREWS, MARY RAYMOND (Ship- man). The white satin dress. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1930. 3 p. 1., 56 p. 19^/2 cm. (M3164) PS3501.N569W5 Story about the appearance of Lincoln's ghost to a State governor beset with political problems. Boards. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 43 4 i i. ANDREWS, WILLIAM E. Lincoln and the boys in blue. Extension of remarks in the House of Representatives, February 16, 1920. Washington, [Govt. Print. Off.] 1920. 8 p. 23 cm. (M2433) P (2 copies) Cover title. 412. ANGLE, PAUL M. Abraham Lincoln; an authentic story of his life. Springfield, 111., Spring- field Life Insurance Co., 1926. 27 p. illus., port. 21 cm. (M2829) E457.A57 copy 2 Boards. 413. ANGLE, PAUL M., ed. By these words; great documents of American liberty, selected and placed in their contemporary settings. Illustrated by Edward A. Wilson. New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Rand, McNally [1954] 560 p. illus. 22 cm. E173.A79 copy 3 "First printing, August, 1954." Author's autograph on end paper. Partial contents. — We are not enemies, but friends, 1861 (p. 291-294). — Lincoln's first inaugural address, March 4, 1861 (p. 294-306). — Lincoln presents the case for the Union, 1861 (p. 323-324). — Message to Congress, July 5, 1861 (p. 324-340). — Lincoln dooms slavery, 1863 (p. 351-355). — Proclamation of emancipation, January 1, 1863 (p. 356-358). — Lincoln dedicates a peo- ple, 1863 (p. 359-361). — The Gettysburg Address, No- vember 19, 1863 (p. 361). — With malice toward none, 1865 (p. 363-364).- — Lincoln's second inaugural address, March 4, 1865 (p. 365-367)- 414. ANGLE, PAUL M. Contemporary close- ups of Lincoln. Chicago, The Home of Books, Inc., 1939. 65-77 P- 2 5 cm. (Lincoln group papers, reprint no. 4) (M3529 note) P Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 415. ANGLE, PAUL M. Four Lincoln firsts. [New York, 1942] 17 p. 23/2 cm. P Separate from the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, v. 36, first quarter, 1942. "Read at the Society's meeting held in Chicago, December 30, 1941." 416. ANGLE, PAUL M. "Here I have lived"; a history of Lincoln's Springfield, 1821-1865. Springfield, 111., The Abraham Lincoln Association, *935- 4 P- 1-, ix - xv > 3 J 3> [1] P- iUus., port., facsims., fold. map. 23/2 cm. (M3464) *549-S7A3 copy 3 "A note about sources": p. 293-300. End paper inscribed : "To my good friend and fellow- student, Alfred W. Stern. Paul M. Angle, Feb. 4, 1936." Review clipped from the New York Times, January 12, 1936, laid in. Dark blue cloth, gilt-stamped on cover and spine. Blue top. 417. Another issue. New Brunswick, N. J., Rutgers University Press [1950, c i935] 7 p. 1., 313 p. 235/2 cm. (var. of M3464) E549- S 7A3 195° copy 3 "Second printing 1950." The preliminary leaves correspond to p. [i]-xv of the preceding issue, with resetting of title and copyright pages, elimination of the paging, and some rearrange- ment of the plates. End paper inscribed: "For my good friend, Alfred W. Stern. [Signed] Paul M. Angle, April 2, 1950." Same binding. (Texture of cloth differs slightly.) White top. 418. ANGLE, PAUL M. The Lincoln collection of the Illinois State Historical Library. [Spring- field, The Library, 1940.] 21 p. facsims. 24 cm. Z733- l2 9 L 53 copy 3 "This is the first of a series of booklets describing the resources of the Illinois State Historical Library." "Printed by authority of the state of Illinois." Printed wrappers. 419. ANGLE, PAUL M. Lincoln 1 854-1 861. 7 pts. in 1 v. [Springfield, 111., Abraham Lincoln Association, c i 926-1 930] 23 cm. E457-4 A 5 l6 copy 4 Binder's title. Original parts. Publisher, 1926-1928: Lincoln Centennial Association. Contents : [no. 1] Lincoln in the year 1854; being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln during that year. [1928] 57 p. (M2988) "First printing, September, 1928." [no. 2] Lincoln in the year 1855; being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln during that year. [ c i92g] 57 P- (M3076) "First printing, November, 1929." "This booklet ... is the fifth of a series compiled and published by the Abraham Lincoln association." — Pref. [no. 3] Lincoln in the year 1856, being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln during that year. [ c i93o] 57 p. (M3165) "First printing, May 1930." ". . . The sixth of the series of records of Lincoln's daily activities published by this association." — Pref. [no. 4] Lincoln in the year 1857; being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln during that year. [ c i93o] 57 p. (M3166) 44 "First printing, November, 1930." "Seventh of the series of records of Lincoln's daily activities to be published by the Abraham Lincoln as- sociation." — Pref. [no. 5] Lincoln in the year 1858; being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln during that year, by Paul M. Angle in collaboration with Logan Hay and George W. Bunn, Jr. [ c i926] 56 p. fold. map. (M2830) [no. 6] Lincoln in the year 1859; being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln during that year. [ c i92 7] 56 p. (M2900) [no. 7] Lincoln in the year i860 and as president-elect; being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln from January 1, i860, to March 5, 1861. [''1927] 66 p. (M2901) 420. ANGLE, PAUL M. Lincoln, 1854-1861; being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln from January 1, 1854 to March 4, 1861. Spring- field, 111., Abraham Lincoln Association [ c i933J xxx, 400 p. 3 fold. maps. 23^/2 cm. (M3368) E 4574- A 56 copy 3 A revision of item 4 1 9. On cover: Lincoln day by day, 1 854-1 861. A companion to items 3420, 3421, and 4156. 421. [ANGLE, PAUL M.] Lincoln in Spring- field; a guide to the places in Springfield which were associated with the life of Abraham Lincoln. Sketches by Virginia Stuart Brown. [Springfield, 111.] Lincoln Centennial Association [1925] [30] p. 19 cm. (M2753) E457.35.A6 1925 copy 3 "First impression September, 1925." Brown leather-grained printed wrappers. 422. Another edition. [1927] [32] p. (M2753 var.) E457.35.A6 1927 "Second impression August, 1927." With considerable resetting of type and additional material. Gray leather-grained printed wrappers. 423. Another edition. [1935] c i927- 32 p. illus., port., fold, map., facsim. (M2753 var.) E457.35.A6 1935 "Delegates souvenir edition, Midwest Republican Con- ference, Springfield, Illinois, June 10th and 11th, 1935." From different plates. Brown printed wrappers. 424. ANGLE, PAUL M., ed. The Lincoln reader. Edited, with an introduction, by Paul M. Angle. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1947. xii, 564 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22/2 cm. E 457- A 5 8 copy 9 "A biography written by sixty-five authors." — Foreword. Bibliography: p. [5441-547- Gray cloth, with facsimile of Lincoln's autograph on cover and red and gilt lettering on spine. 425. Another edition. New York, Pocket Books [1955, c i947] xii, 626 p. 165/2 cm. (A Cardinal giant, GC23. Biography, 3) E457.A58 1955 From different plates; without illustrations. Bibliography: p. 597-601. Illustrated printed wrappers. 426. ANGLE, PAUL M. The Marine Bank; the story of the oldest bank in Illinois. Springfield, 193 1. 21 p., 1 1. 20 cm. HG2613.S74S73 "A. Lincoln, depositor": p. 12-14. Illustrated printed wrappers. 427. ANGLE, PAUL M. One hundred years of law; an account of the law office which John T. Stuart founded in Springfield, Illinois, a century ago. Springfield, 111., Brown, Hay and Stephens, r 9 2 8- 53 P-, 1 1- ports. 24 cm. (M2989) Law X copy "Published October 1928." [Stuart and Lincoln, 1 837—1 84 1] p. 22-25. Inscribed presentation copy from Logan Hay to Alfred W. Stern. 428. ANGLE, PAUL M. A shelf of Lincoln books; a critical, selective bibliography of Lincoln- iana. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, in association with the Abraham Lincoln Association of Springfield, 111., 1946. xvii, 142 p. 24 cm. Z8505.A6 copy 4 "First edition." End paper inscribed: "For Alfred Whital Stern, my always-considerate friend. Paul M. Angle, Chicago, July 11, 1946." 429. The Anglo-American news-letter and Sul- grave bulletin, no. 4, Aug. 1920. London, Anglo- American Society and Sulgrave Institution. (M2434) E173.M24 no. 4 "Lincoln statue souvenir number." 430. Ann Rutledge, heart story of the early Lin- coln. With frontispiece. Philadelphia [189-?] 1 12 p. 21/2 cm. (M1060) E457.9.A59 Stern copy imperfect? (frontispiece wanting). A poem. Plain wrappers. 45 43i- Annals of Iowa. 3d ser., v. 9, Jan. 1910. Des Moines, Historical Department of Iowa. F616.A6 3d ser., v. 9, X copy "Republican Presidential Preliminaries in Iowa, 1859- 1860," by F. I. Herriott: p. [24O-283. 432. ANTHONY, HENRY B. Memorial ad- dresses, on several occasions; delivered in the Senate of the United States. Providence, S. S. Rider, 1875. 1 P- U 5 2 P- 5 ports. ^5 l A cm - E176.A622 Added title page, engraved. Parti\l Contents. — Stephen Arnold Douglas. — Wil- liam P. Fessenden. — Charles Sumner. Printed wrappers. 433. Supplement. [Providence? 1875?] 6 p. port. E176.A622 Suppl. Contents. — Henry Wilson. Printed wrappers. 434. APPLEMAN, ROY EDGAR, ed. Abraham Lincoln, from his own words and contemporary accounts. [Washington] United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1942. viii, 55 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. (U. S. National Park Service. Sourcebook series, no. 2) E160.U629 6th set, no. 2 Bibliography: p. 54-55. White printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 435. Another issue. 1946. E160.U629 5th set, no. 2 "Revised 1946." Recto and verso of title page reset; added material on p. [2] and [3] of cover. White printed wrappers. 436. Another issue. Washington [U. S. Govt. Print. Off.] 1956. E160.U629 3d set .- no - 2 "Revised 1956." Recto and verso of title page, as well as p. [1] and [3] of cover, from different plates. Tan printed wrappers. 437. ARAGONNfiS, CLAUDE. Lincoln, heros d'un peuple. [Paris] Hachette [1955] 351 p. illus., map. 21 cm. E457.A7 copy 2 ."Bibliographic": p. [347]~349- Printed wrappers. 438. The Arena, v. 17, Apr. 1897. Boston, Arena Co. AP2.A6 v. 17, X copy "Abraham Lincoln," [a poem] by F. Remington: p. 759-760. 439. ARGOW, W. WALDEMAR W. "Was Abraham Lincoln a Christian?" being an address delivered in the People's Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Sunday morning, February 12, 1922. [Cedar Rapids, Iowa, The Torch Press, 1922] 7 p. 19 cm. (The Peoples voice . . . vol. I, no. 2-A, Feb. 1922) (M2545) E457.2.A66 copy 2 Caption title. Printed wrappers. 440. ARKELL, BARTLETT, comp. Grocery clerks who have become successful; a few interest- ing sketches compiled for the benefit of grocery salesmen. Compiled, published and distributed by Bartlett Arkell, president of the Beech- Nut Packing Co. Canajoharie, N. Y. ['1925] 4 p. 1., 91 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. HD9321.5.A7 copy 2 "Edited by J. Mitchell Thorsen." "Abraham Lincoln": p. 9-12. Boards. 441. ARNAUD, ACHILLE. Abraham Lincoln; sa naissance, sa vie, sa mort avec un reck de la guerre d'Amerique d'apres les documents les plus authentiques. Paris, Charlieu freres et Huillery, 1865. 96 P- illus., ports., map, plan. (M3757) E457.A74 copies 2 & 3 Copy 2 (30 cm.) bound, with original printed wrappers, in dark-brown half-morocco. Copy 3 (27 cm.) rebound in brown quarter-morocco. 442. ARNOLD, EDWIN. Land of fadeless stars. Boston, Christopher Pub. House [1948] 587 p. 24 cm. PS3501.R5932L3 1948 "Revised edition." A Civil War novel also published, 1942, under title: Fadeless Stars. 443. ARNOLD, ISAAC N. Abraham Lincoln: a paper read before the Royal Historical Society, London, June 16th, 1881. By Hon. Isaac N. Arnold. Stephen A. Douglas: an eulogy delivered before the Chicago University, July 3d, 1861. By Hon. James W. Sheahan. Chicago, Fergus Print. Co., 1881. 1 p. 1., [1651-194, [195H12, [49H2 p. 20/2 cm. [Fergus' historical series, no. 15] (var. of M970) E457.8.A75 copy 3 Paged continuously with nos. 13-14 of the series. Running title: Early Illinois. Arnold's paper was also published in Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, v. 10, 1882, p. 312-343. 46 The Douglas monument (from the Chicago Tribune): P- [491-52. Title page inscribed : "Chicago Historical Society, Robert Fergus, Sept. I, 1881." Gray printed wrappers. In blue slipcase. 444. Another edition. 1 p. 1., [165]— 194, [194 a ]- I 94 d > [i95]- 212 ' [49H2 p. 20 cm. (M970) E457.8.A75 copy 2 Identical to the preceding but inserted (p. [194 a ]-i94 '") is a letter of Hon. Joseph Gillespie on Lincoln, addressed to Arnold and dated Sept. 6, 1881. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Black limp full-leather. 445. Another edition. 3 p. 1., 38 p. 24 cm. (M971) E457.8.A752 188 1 On cover: Proceedings of the Royal Historical Society, London, June 16th, 1881. Text of paper: p. [O-32. Letters of John Bright, Anne C. Botta, and Moncure D. Conway: p. 36—38. Without the eulogy by Sheahan. Gray printed wrappers. 446. Another edition. 1883. 3 p. 1., [7]~45 p. 24 cm. (M971 var.) E457.8.A752 1883 copy 2 ''Reprinted from 'Transactions of the Royal Historical Society.' Vol. x." Text of paper: p. [7]~38. Differs from the preceding edition in arrangement of type. Also repaged and with "Note from Robert T. Lin- coln" (p. 45). Blue-tinted printed wrappers, rebound in green half- morocco. 447. ARNOLD, ISAAC N. Chicago Historical Society, November 19, 1868. Introductory ad- dress, by Hon. J. Young Scammon, president; address, by Hon. Isaac N. Arnold, giving a history of the society and its acquisitions up to that time, with incidents in the lives of Abraham Lincoln and Major Anderson; also, of Luther Haven, George Manierre, and other early settlers of Chicago. Chicago, Fergus Print. Co., 1877. 31 p. 24/2 cm. F548.1.C18 1877 Republication of an address delivered at the annual meeting of the Chicago Historical Society, 1868. Brown half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 448. ARNOLD, ISAAC N. The history of Abra- ham Lincoln, and the overthrow of slavery. Chi- cago, Clarke & Co., 1867. xvi, 17-736 p. port. 23/2 cm. (M836 var.) E457.A75 copy 2 Brown tooled half-calf. 449. ARNOLD, ISAAC N. The life of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, Jansen, McClurg, 1885. 462 p. port, (front.) 24^2 cm. (Mioiovar.) E457- A 753 copy 4 Copy no. 219 of a limited edition of 375 copies, "printed on larger and finer paper than the regular edition." Portrait (of Lincoln) mounted. Green cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. White end papers. In green three-quarter-closed case. 450. Another issue. 3 v. (462 p.) illus. (part, col.), ports., maps, facsims. 24 cm. (var. of M1010) E457.A754 No. 55 of the limited edition of 375 large paper copies. Extra-illustrated. Lincoln portrait (frontispiece) mounted and with facsimile of Lincoln's autograph. Added title page. Blue buckram, with blue and gilt labels on spines. Gilt top. 451. Another issue, port, (front.) 21/2 cm. (M1010) E457.A753 copy 3 The copyright page, printed from a different plate, is without limited edition statement. The portrait of Lin- coln (unmounted) bears the facsimile of his signature. Note on end paper: "Andrew Carnegie's copy." Ded- icated (on fly leaf) "to my Friend Graham" and signed "A. C." Blue cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and gilt top. Brown end papers. In blue solander case. 452. ARNOLD, ISAAC N. Reconstruction: liberty the corner-stone, and Lincoln the architect. Speech delivered in the House of Representatives, March 19, 1864. Washington, Printed by L. Towers [for the Union Congressional Committee] 1864. 14 p., 1 1. 25/2 cm. (M274 var.) E456.A85 copy 2 Cover title. In red quarter-morocco slipcase. 453. ARNOLD, ISAAC N. Sketch of the life of Abraham Lincoln. Compiled in most part from the History of Abraham Lincoln, and the over- throw of slavery. New York, J. B. Bachelder, 1869. 75 p. port. 24 cm. (M912) E457.A757 copy 2 454. ARNOLD, SAMUEL BLAND. Defence and prison experiences of a Lincoln conspirator; statements and autobiographical notes. Hatties- burg, Miss., Book Farm, 1943. 3 p. 1., 9-133 P- 23/2 cm. [Heartman's historical series, no. 66] E 457-5- A 7 c: °Py 3 "One hundred and ninety-nine copies printed." 47 455- The Art world, v. 3, Oct. 191 7. New York, Kalon Publishing Co. N1.A8 v. 3 X copy "Mr. Barnard's 'Lincoln' once more, some public com- ments": p. 7— 11. 456. ARTHUR, SAMUEL J. Lincoln's legacy, a tribute to the world's great commoner. Boston, R. G. Badger ^1923] 45 p. illus., port. 21/2 cm. (M2615) E457.9.A78 copy 3 Contents. — The Gettysburg Address. — Abraham Lin- coln. — Lincoln, 1809-1865. — Lincoln's legacy. — Letter to Mrs. Bixby. Boards. 457. ASCHER, LEONARD. Lincoln's admin- istration and the New Almaden scandal, [n. p., ^S 6 ] [38H 1 P- 2 5/2 cm. (M3535 note) P Cover title. "Reprinted from The Pacific Historical Review, March J936." Signed by the author. 458. ASHE, SAMUEL A. Abraham Lincoln, the citizen, by Capt. S. A. Ashe. [Richmond, 1935] 8 p. 23 cm. (M3465) E459.A72 copy 3 Cover title. "Reprinted from Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Ge- nealogical Magazine, January 1 935." Anti-Lincoln. 459. ASHE, SAMUEL A. Lincoln the lawyer, by Capt. S. A. Ashe. [Richmond, 1934] 7 p. 23 cm. (M3413) E457.2.A75 copies 3 & 4 Cover title. "Reprinted from Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Ge- nealogical Magazine, July, 1934." Anti-Lincoln. 460. ASHLEY, JAMES M. Abraham Lincoln; address delivered in Memorial Hall, Toledo, Ohio, February 12, 1 9 18. [Toledo, 19 18] 8 p. 22/2 cm. (var. of M2348) E457.8.A81 X copy Glazed printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 461. ASHLEY, JAMES M. Address of Hon. J. M. Ashley, at the fourth annual banquet of the Ohio Republican League, held at Memorial Hall, Toledo, Ohio, February 12, 1891. N[ew] Y[ork] Evening Post Print [1891] 23 p. 23/2 cm. (M1078) E457.8.A82 copy 2 Portrait of Lincoln on cover and title page. Response to a toast: Abraham Lincoln. "Published by request." Printed wrappers. 462. ASHLEY, JAMES M. Reminiscences of the great rebellion. Calhoun, Seward and Lincoln. Address of Hon. J. M. Ashley at Memorial Hall, Toledo, Ohio, June 2, 1890. [Toledo, 1890] 41 p. 24 cm. (Mi 061) E649.A82 copy 3 "Published by request." Author's autographed presentation copy to the Public Library, Fremont, Ohio. 463. ASHURST, HENRY F. Idealism of Lin- coln and Wilson; article . . . from the Arizona daily star of February 14, 1926. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1935] 8 p. 23 cm. (M3466) E457.2.A77 copy 2 Caption title. "Printed in the Congressional Record of July 29, 1935." "Not printed at government expense." Self-wrappers. 464. The Assassination and history of the con- spiracy, a complete digest of the whole affair from its inception to its culmination, sketches of the principal characters, reports of the obsequies, etc. Cincinnati, J. R. Hawley, 1865. 3 p. 1., v-xi, 21- 163 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. (M378) E457-5 A8 4 co P ies 2 & 3 End paper of copy 2 inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Copy 3 with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht and Ms. note on flyleaf: "Lambert sale July 14, 19 14." Copy 2 in green half-morocco, with original yellow printed wrappers bound in. Copy 3 rebound in green half- morocco. 465. Another edition. 3 p. 1., v-xi, 21-201 p. 23/2 cm. (M378 var.) E457.5.A85 copy 2 Reissue with the addition of the trial of the conspira- tors (p. 164-201 ). Yellow printed wrappers. In black slipcase. 466. The Assassination of President Lincoln and the trial of the conspirators David E. Herold, Mary E. Surratt, Lewis Payne, George A. Atzerodt, Edward Spangler, Samuel A. Mudd, Samuel Arnold, Michael OTaughlin . . . Compiled and arranged by Benn Pitman, Recorder to the Com- mission. Cincinnati, New York, Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, 1865. 421, [2] p. ports., maps, plan. 25 cm. (M674) E457.5.H43 copy 3 Trial before a Military Commission at Washington, D. C. Brown cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. Brown end papers. In tan case. 48 467. Facsimile edition. New York, Funk & Wag- nails [1954] xxiv p., facsim. (421, [1] p. ports., maps, plans) illus. 24 cm. (var. of M674) Law copy 5 "With an introduction by Philip Van Doren Stern." Issued under title: The Assassination of President Lincoln and the Trial of the Conspirators; the Court- room Testimony as Originally Compiled by Benn Pitman. Brown cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. Dusty-rose top. White end papers. 468. The Association news. v. 5, August 1, 1930; v. 10, December 1, 1934. Chicago, General Daniel Davidson Bidwell Memorial Assn. P "The Unrecognized member of Lincoln's cabinet," by S. Rayner-Altman : v. 5, p. [1-2] "Plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln in 1861," by J. N. Bidwell: v. 10, p. [1-2] 469. Athenaeum Association, New York. Com- memorative proceedings of the Athenaeum Club, on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. April, 1865. [New York, C. S. Westcott & Co., Printers, 1865] 36 p., 1 1. port. 26 cm. (M379) E457.52.A86 copies 3, 4, & 5 Printed wrappers. Copy 3 inserted in blue quarter- morocco slipcase. Copy 4 bound in green half-morocco and copy 5 in dark brown three-quarter-morocco. Copy 5 has extra illustrations (29 plates inserted). 470. ATKINS, SMITH D. Abraham Lincoln. [Chicago, The Henneberry Co., 1909] 28 p. 16 cm. (M1662) E457.8.A872 X copies 1 & 2 Caption title: Abraham Lincoln. Smith D. Atkins, Opera House, Streator, Illinois, February 12, 1909, at invitation of G. A. R., Women's Relief Corps, Spanish- American Veterans, and the Daughters of the American Revolution. Printed wrappers. One copy in Gaylord binder. 471. ATKINSON, ELEANOR (Stackhouse) . The boyhood of Lincoln, by Eleanor Atkinson. New York, Doubleday, Page, 19 10 [ c i9o8] viii, 57 p. illus. 19^/2 cm. (var. of Mi 565) E457-3 2 - A8 7 i9 10 472. ATKINSON, ELEANOR (Stackhouse). Lincoln's love story, by Eleanor Atkinson. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1909. 5 p. 1., 3-60 p. illus. 19/2 cm. (M1664) E457.35.A87 copy 2 "This story first appeared in the 'Ladies' home journal' under the title 'The Love story of Ann Rutledge'."- — Note. 473. The Atlantic monthly, a magazine of litera- ture, science, art and politics, v. 14, Sept. 1864; v. 59, Apr. 1887. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and Co. AP2.A8 v. 14, etc. X copy "Our visit to Richmond": v. 14, p. 372—383. "A sup- pressed chapter of history," by Edmund Kirke: v. 59, p. 435-448. 474. The Atlantic monthly hoax. Lincoln the lover, by Wilma Frances Miner [t. e. Minor] Criti- cism and expose, by Paul M. Angle, [v. p., 1928- 29] 1 v. facsims. 24 cm. E457.35.M682 Binder's title. Contents. — Atlantic Monthly Lincoln letters spurious [by P. M. Angle] (Bulletin [of the] Lincoln Centennial Association, Special number, Dec. 1, 1928. 8 p.). — The Atlantic Monthly hoax continues [by W. C. Ford, O. R. Barrett, and P. M. Angle] (Bulletin [of the Lincoln Cen- tennial Association] Second special number, Jan. 1, 1929. 6 p.). — Lincoln, the lover, by W. E. Minor, (p. [838]- 8 56, [1]— 14, 215-225 of The Atlantic Monthly, v. 142, Dec. 1928; v. 143, Jan.-Feb. 1929.). — The Minor collec- tion: a criticism, by P. M. Angle, (p. 516-525 of The Atlantic Monthly, v. 143, Apr. 1929.) 475. ATWOOD, EDWARD S. In memoriam. Discourses in commemoration of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, delivered in the South Church, Salem, April 16th, and June 1st, 1865, by the pastor, Rev. E. S. Atwood. Salem, Printed at the Office of the Salem Gazette, 1865. 31 p. 22/2 cm. (M380) E457.8.A88 copy 3 Cover title. Each discourse has special title page : ( 1 ) The nation's loss. A discourse delivered . . . April 16, 1865. Salem, 1865. ( 2 ) The President's record. A discourse de- livered . . . June 1, 1865. Salem, 1865. 476. ATWOOD, HARRY. Lincoln and the Constitution; an address before the Lincoln Club of California at its annual dinner, February 12, 1929. [Los Angeles?, Lincoln Club of California, 1929?] [1, 20] p. 22 cm. P Cover title. 477. Augustana College, Rock Island, III. The John H. Hauberg historical essays. Compiled and edited by O. Fritiof Ander. Essays written by Paul M. Angle [and others]; foreword by Merle Curti. [Rock Island, 111., Augustana Book Concern, 1954] xii, 70 p. illus., ports., facsims. 24 cm. (August- ana Library publications, no. 26) E178.6.A84 copy 3 Published on the occasion of the 85th birthday of John H. Hauberg, November 22, 1954. 49 Inscribed: "To Alfred Whital Stern a token of ap- preciation of his many kindnesses to us. . . . Harry and Marion Pratt." "The Changing Lincoln," by Paul M. Angle: p. I — I 7. "Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk War," by Harry E. Pratt: p. 18-28. 478. Augustana observer, v. 7, Mar. 1909. Rock Island, 111., Augustana College Lyceum. P "In Lincoln's honor," by J. B. Oakleaf: p. 70-72. 479. AULAIRE, INGRI (Mortenson) d', and EDGAR PARIN d'AULAIRE. Abraham Lin- coln, by Ingri & Edgar Parin d'Aulaire. New York, Doubleday, Doran, 1940. [55] p. illus. (part col.) 31/2 cm. (var. of M3659) E457.905.A86 co Py 3 Map on end papers. First published in 1939. Autographed by the authors. Printed notice mounted on end paper: "This book was awarded the Caldecott medal [for the most distinguished American picture book for children] for the year of its publication." Illustrated boards. Cloth spine. 480. AULAIRE, INGRI (Mortenson) d', and EDGAR PARIN d'AULAIRE. Eburahamu Rinkan. [Tokyo, Hata Shoten, 1950] [56] p. illus. (part, col.) 26/2 cm. U (2 copies) Identical to the preceding, but with text translated into Japanese by Natsuya Mitsuyoshi and Masuta Shinshi. In English on verso of title page : Abraham Lincoln by Ingri & Edgar Parin d'Aulaire. Copyright, 1939, by Doubleday & Company, Inc. Illustrated boards. Cloth back. 481. The Autograph album; a magazine for auto- graph collectors. V. 1, October 1933. New York, Thomas F. Madigan, Pub. Z41.A2A92 v. 1, X copy Cover photograph and (p. 65-66) description of five Lincoln autographs. 482. Autograph collectors' journal, v. 4, Spr. 1952. New York, National Society of Autograph Collectors. Z41.A2A925 2d set, v. 4 "The Gettysburg Address," by Benjamin Barondess: p. 12-20. (Item 561, a reprint.) "The Barrett — Lincoln sale": p. 58-59- 483. Autographs, v. 1, August 1937. Springfield, 111., King Hostick. P "Lincoln — autograph minded," by E. Hertz: p. [1-2] 484. A VARY, MYRTA LOCKETT. A Lincoln souvenir in the South. [New York, The Century Co.] 506-508 p. 24/2 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 73, Feb. 1907. In pamphlet box with item 977. 485. AYER, I. WINSLOW. The great north- western conspiracy in all its startling details. The plot to plunder and burn Chicago — release of all Rebel prisoners — seizure of arsenals — raids from Canada — plot to burn New York — piracy on the Lakes — parts for the Sons of Liberty — trial of Chi- cago conspirators — inside views of the temples of the Sons of Liberty — names of prominent members. Chicago, Rounds & James, Printers, 1865. 112 p. illus., ports. 22/2 cm. E458.8A97 copy 3 A later edition, Chicago, 1895, published under title: The Great Treason Plot in the North. Previously bound. 486. AYERS, JAMES T. The diary of James T. Ayers, Civil War recruiter. Edited, with an intro- duction by John Hope Franklin. Springfield, Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois, 1947. xxv, 138 p. illus., port., facsims. 23 cm. (Occa- sional publications of the Illinois State Historical Society) E601.A9 On cover: Publication no. 50. 487. BABCOCK, BERNIE (Smade) . Booth and the spirit of Lincoln; a story of a living dead man, by Bernie Babcock. Philadelphia, London, J. B. Lippincott, 1925. 320 p. 20 cm. (M2754) PS35°3 Al 35 B6 Fiction. 488. BABCOCK, BERNIE (Smade). Lincoln's Mary and the babies, by Bernie Babcock. Phila- delphia, London, J. B. Lippincott, 1929. 316 p. 19/2 cm. (var. of M3077) PS3503.A135L5 "Second impression." Fiction. "Books": p. 3'5-3 ! 6. 489. BABCOCK, BERNIE (Smade). The soul of Abe Lincoln, by Bernie Babcock. With a fron- tispiece in color by Gayle Hoskins. Philadelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott, 1923. 328 p. col. front. 20 cm. (M2616) PS3503.A135S6 copy 2 Inscribed by the author. 50 490. Another issue. [1923] (M2616 var.) PS35°3 Al 35 S6 "Second impression." 491. BABCOCK, BERNIE (Smade). The soul of Ann Rutledge, Abraham Lincoln's romance, by Bernie Babcock. With a frontispiece in color by Gayle Hoskins. Philadelphia, London, J. B. Lip- pincott [ 1 9 1 9] 322, [1] p. 1 col. illus. 19/2 cm. (M2401) PS3503.A135S65 Fiction. 492. BABCOCK, SAMUEL B. A discourse on the death of President Lincoln, preached in the Orthodox Congregational Church, in Dedham . . . April 19, 1865. Dedham, Mass., Printed by J. Cox, Jr., 1865. i6p. 23/2 cm. (M381) E457.8.B11 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 493. BACHELLER, IRVING. A boy for the ages. Illustrated by Charles Child. New York, Toronto, Farrar & Rinehart [ c i937] 6 p. 1., 3-209 p. illus. 21 cm. (M3551) E457.3.B22 copy 3 494. BACHELLER, IRVING. Father Abraham. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c ig25] 5 p. 1., 419 p. 19/2 cm. (var. of M2755) PS1054.B3F3 1925 Issued also under title: Father Abraham: a Tale of the Last Years of Abraham Lincoln. briefly presented" [dated Sept. 10, 19 15, and signed R. L.] (4th-6th p. 1). Title page imprinted in black; running title without underscoring. Red cloth, imprinted in white. 497. Another edition. London, Constable, 1920. xiii, 1 1., 336 p. 19 cm. (M2402var.) PS1054.B3M3 1920 From different plates. Unillustrated. Includes the letter to Josiah Traylor. Green cloth, imprinted in black. 498. BACKUS, WILSON M. The religion of Abraham Lincoln. [Minneapolis, O. F. Rabbas, Printer, 1910] folder (4 p.) 20^/2 cm. (M1904) E457.2.B12 copy 2 Caption title. "Address delivered before Saturday Lunch Club, Feb. 12 [1910]" 499. BACON, GEORGE W. Abraham Lincoln geschetst in zijn leven en daden. Naar het Engelsch, van G. W. Bacon. Amsterdam, J. Leendertz, 1865. 2 p. 1., 89 p., 1 1. 20 cm. (M3756) E457.B126 copy 2 Translation (excluding the Appendix) of The Life and Administration of A. Lincoln . . ., compiled by G. W. Bacon, London, 1865. Printed wrappers. Portrait on cover. In dark green slipcase. 495. BACHELLER, IRVING. A man for the ages; a story of the builders of democracy. Illus- trated by John Wolcott Adams. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c 1 9 1 9] 7 p. 1., 416 p. 22 illus. 23 cm. (var. of M2402) PS1054.B3M3 1919a Story about young Abraham Lincoln and of the Traylor family which met him upon settling in New Salem. "Large paper edition." Title page imprinted in red and black. Running title underscored in red. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Brown boards, with tan cloth back and gold lettering on cover and spine. Portrait of Lincoln gilt-stamped on cover. Untrimmed. 496. Another issue. 9 p. 1., 416 p., 1 1. 5 illus. 19/2 cm. (var.(?) of M2402) PS1054.B3M3 Four of the illustrations also in preceding issue. From same plates but without the first preliminary leaf and with a printed "letter to the aged and honorable Josiah Traylor from his grandson, a soldier in France, wherein the motive and inspiration of this narrative are 500. BACON, GEORGE W. Bacon's guide to American politics; or, A complete view of the funda- mental principles of the National and State Gov- ernments, with the respective powers of each. London, S. Low, Bacon & Co., 1863. 94 p. tables. 19 cm. JK9803.B2 1863 Partial Contents. — The United States Constitu- tion. — Declaration of independence. — Confederate States Constitution. — Abstract of the last census. 501. BACON, GEORGE W., comp. The life and administration of Abraham Lincoln. Presenting his early history, political career, speeches, messages, proclamations, letters, etc., with a general view of his policy as President of the United States, em- bracing the leading events of the war. Also the European press on his death. Compiled by G. W. Bacon. London, S. Low, Son, and Marston; Bacon & Co., 1865. vi, [2], 183 p. port. 20/2 cm. (M383) E457.B128 copy 2 51 «?&& lU\N0fc 502. BACON, LEONARD. Conciliation. A dis- course at a Sunday evening service, New Haven, July 20, 1862. New Haven, Peck, White & Peck, 1862. 20 p. 22/2 cm. E453.H164 copy 4 Ms. Note: "Jno. E. Burton coll." Printed wrappers. Bound with item 1796. 503. BADGER, HENRY C. The humble con- queror; a discourse commemorative of the life and services of Abraham Lincoln, preached to the Cam- bridgeport Parish, April 23, 1865. Boston, Printed for the Parish, 1865. 18 p. 22/2 cm. (M384) E457.8.B13 1865a Printed wrappers. 508. BAINBRIDGE, LUCY (Seaman). Yester- days. New York, Chicago, London, Edinburgh, F. H. Revell [ c i924] 127 p. illus., ports. 19/2 cm. BV3705.B3A3 copy 2 "Lincoln": p. 47-51. 509. BAIRD, CLAUD. The immortal Lincoln, [n. p., 1 92 1?] [2] p. 15 cm. (M2495) P Cover title. Enclosed are two poems by Claud Baird, c igi7, printed on cards, entitled "Answering the call," and "Liberty's colors." Also enclosed is a letter, dated October 29, 192 1, from Claud Baird to Charles T. White on stationery of Stillwater, Okla., Senior High School, where Mr. Baird was an instructor. 504. Another issue. Boston, W. V. Spencer, 1865. 22 cm. (M384 var.) E457.8.B13 copy 2 Imprint differs. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 505. BAHADOR, KHAN. Abraham Lincoln, sa vie et son oeuvre, par Mohamed . . . Berlin, Orientalischer Zeitschriftenverlag Iranschahr, [1925?] 96 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. (Publications Iranschahr no. 8) (M3910) P (2 copies) Footnotes in English. Accompanied by a letter dated Berlin, July 16, 1926, to Charles T. White from Hossein Kazemzadeh, Head of Iranschahr Publications. Printed wrappers. 506. BAILEY, BERNADINE (Freeman). Abe Lincoln's other mother; the story of Sarah Bush Lincoln, by Bernadine Bailey. Illustrated by Howard Simon. New York, J. Messner [ c i94i] x, 227 p. illus. 24 cm. E457.32.B2 copy 3 Illustrated end papers. 507. BAILEY, WILFRED ORMROD. Sup- posed speech of Abraham Lincoln, on the occasion of his second election to the presidency of the United States (in the style of Thucydides). Ox- ford, B. H. Blackwell, 1893. 14 p. 183/2 cm. (M3855) E457.98.B15 copy 2 Cover title. At head of title: Gaisford prize — Greek prose, 1893. Inscribed by the author. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (item 3504 no. 3). 510. BAKER, CHARLES T. Hints and helps for writers in the Lincoln play writing contest featuring Abraham Lincoln's hoosier years spon- sored by the Southwestern Indiana Civic Ass'n of the Lincoln Country of Indiana. [Grandview, Ind., The Monitor, 1938] triple folder ([9] p.) 16 cm. (M3604) P 511. BAKER, DAVID CHARLES. Lincoln vs. liquor. St. Louis, Mo., Baker Pub. Co. [ c igo8] 35 p. port. 19 cm. (M1566) E457.2.B16 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 512. BAKER, LA FAYETTE C. History of the United States Secret Service, by General L. C. Baker. Philadelphia, L. C. Baker, 1867. 704 p. illus., port. 24 cm. E608.B16 copy 3 Chapters 34-37 concern Lincoln's assassination, the capture of the conspirators, etc. 513. BAKER, NINA (Brown). The story of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated by Warren Baum- gartner. New York, Grosset & Dunlap [1952] x, 176 p. illus. 21/2 cm. (Signature books) PZ7.Bi7475St copy 2 Children's fiction. Illustrated end papers. 514. BAKER, RAY STANNARD. The capture, death and burial of J. Wilkes Booth. Chicago, The Poor Richard Press, 1940. 13 1. ports., map. 25/2 cm. P "Reproduced from McClure's Magazine, May, 1897." Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 52 515- BALDWIN, JAMES. Abraham Lincoln, a true life. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, Ameri- can Book Co. [1904] 288 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. (M1432 var.) E457.B18 copy 2 On cover: Eclectic readings. Blue-gray cloth, imprinted in dark blue. 516. Another issue. (M1432) E457.B18 copy 3 Copyright page varies slightly. Without series statement on cover. Olive cloth, imprinted in black and yellow. 517. BALDWIN, JAMES. Four great Ameri- cans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln; a book for young Americans. New York, Chicago, Boston, Werner School Book Co. [ c i8g6, 1897] 246 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. (Baldwin's biograph- ical booklet series) (Mi 186 note) E176.B18 1897a "The story of Abraham Lincoln" : p. 185-246. (Each section has its own title page.) Light green cloth, lettered in brown on cover and spine. 518. Another issue. New York, Cincinnati, Chi- cago, American Book Co. E176.B18 1897b "Copyright, 1896, 1897 by Werner School Book Company." Title, copyright, contents pages (p. [i]-6) and added title pages (p. 7, 69, 123, 185) reset. Dark green cloth, lettered in black on cover and spine. 519. BALDWIN, JOHN B. Interview between President Lincoln and Col. John B. Baldwin, April 4th, 1 86 1. Statements & evidence. Staunton, Va., "Spectator" Job Office, 1866. 28 p. 23 cm. (M838) E534.B18 copy 2 The interview took place in Washington as a result of President Lincoln's request that some member of the Virginia convention, then in session at Richmond, come for a conference with himself. Printed wrappers. In dark blue quarter-morocco slipcase. 520. BALE, IDA L. New Salem as I knew it. [Petersburg, 111., Printed by the Petersburg Observer Co., c 1 939] 32 p. illus., facsim. 23 cm. (M3660) F 549 N 5 B2 5 co Py 3 "Some Lincoln relics" : Printed wrappers. p. 23-27. 521. BALLARD, COLIN R. The military genius of Abraham Lincoln; an essay. London, Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1926. 4 p. l.j 246 p. maps, (part col.) 23 cm. (M2832) E457.B19 copy 2 "List of authors consulted": 4th preliminary leaf. Dark blue cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. In blue three-quarter-closed case. 522. Facsimile edition. With a preface by Fletcher Pratt. Photographs from the Meserve Collection. Cleveland, New York, World Pub. Co. [1952] viii, [10], 246 p. ports., maps. 22 cm. (var. of M2832) E457.B19 1952 copy 3 "First [American] edition." "Facsimile reprint of the original." — p. 246. Bibliography: p. [xv]-[xvi] Gray cloth, with silver lettering on cover and spine. Red top. 523. [BALLARD, JOHN H.] comp. Lincoln jubilee album; 50th anniversary of our emancipa- tion, held in Chicago, August 2 2d to September 1 6th, 1915. [Chicago, Printed by M. A. Donohue & Co., c igi5] 1 p. 1., 22 plates (inch ports.), 1 1. 16 x 235/2 cm. E185.6.B18 copy 3 Cover title. A series of photographs "compiled by John H. Ballard, official photographer, Lincoln Jubilee." Boards. 524. BALME, JOSHUA R. Letters on the American Republic, or, common fallacies and monstrous errors refuted and exposed. London, Hamilton, Adams [1864] vii, [2], 2-1 91 p. 17/2 cm. E458.B35 1863 "Second thousand. Enlarged edition." The bulk of the letters were written in 1863, one or tv/o in Jan., 1864. 525. BALME, JOSHUA R. Synopsis of the American war, by J. R. Balme. London, Hamil- ton, Adams, 1866. 1 v. (various pagings) 1 7 J/2 cm. E468.9.B19 1866 "Fourth edition." Includes sections on the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln's assassination, etc. 526. Baltimore. City Council. Proceedings of the City council of Baltimore, in relation to the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. [Baltimore, 1865] 24 p. 22 cm. (M388) E457.52.B19 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 492745—60- 53 527- Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company. In this temple as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the union, the memory of Abraham Lin- coln is enshrined forever, [n. p.] 1922. [3] p. illus. 28 cm. (M2547) P Cover title. 528. BANCROFT, FREDERIC. The life of William H. Seward. New York, London, Harper, 1900. 2 v. ports. 2 1 l /i cm. E415.9.S4B3 copy 6 529. BANCROFT, GEORGE. Hon. George Bancroft's oration, pronounced in New York, April 25, 1865, at the obsequies of Abraham Lincoln. The funeral ode by William Cullen Bryant. Presi- dent Lincoln's emancipation proclamation, Janu- ary 1, 1863. His last inaugural address, March 4, 1865 . . . New York, Schermerhorn, Bancroft; Philadelphia, American News Co., 1865. 23 p. port. 21 cm. (The Pulpit and rostrum, nos. 34 and 35. June, 1865.) (M390) E457.8.B2125 X copy Cover title. At head of title : Extra number, with portrait. Printed note at top of cover: Editor's copy — please notice? And send marked copy to Pulpit and Rostrum, New York. Nine pages of advertising matter following p. 23. 530. BANCROFT, GEORGE. Memorial ad- dress on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, delivered, at the request of both houses of the Con- gress of America, before them, in the House of Representatives at Washington, on the 1 2th of Feb- ruary 1866. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1866. 69 p. port. 23 cm. (M841 ) E457.8.B2 1 5 copies 6 & 7 Mourning borders. Appendix: p. [53]-6g. Printed also in item 4270. Black cloth, with cover lettered in gilt. 531. Another edition. 80 p. port. 30 cm. (M841 var.) E457.8.B216 100 copies printed. Pages 1-69 from same plates. "Correspondence relating to the memorial address" : -p. [73]-8o. Letter from the author to Rev. J. F. Tuttle, dated Au- gust 12, 1856, laid in. Stamped on copyright page: "Lenox Library, New York. Duplicate." Green half-morocco, with original blue printed wrap- pers bound in. Gilt top. 532. Another edition. London, Stevens Bros., 1866. 32 p. 20/2 cm. (M839) E457.8.B196 Cover title. Issued from different plates under title: Abraham Lin- coln. A Memorial Address Delivered by Invitation of Congress In the House of Representatives, Washington, February 12th, 1866. Caption title: Mr. Bancroft's oration on the life and public services of Abraham Lincoln. Corresponds to p. 1— 51 of the American edition with changes in the text of the final two paragraphs. Blue half-morocco, with white printed wrappers and portrait (of author?) bound in. End paper inscribed : "Compliments of Judd Stewart." 533. Another edition. New York, A. Wessels, 1908. 3 p. 1., 3-76 p. port. 19/2 cm. (M1567) E457.8.B197 copy 3 Issued from different plates under title: Abraham Lin- coln; a Tribute. Without final paragraphs. Blue cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. 534. Another edition. San Francisco, Printed for the Book Club of California by J. H. Nash, 1929. xi, 35, a-d p. 2 port., mounted facsim. (4 p.) 30 cm. (M842) E45.8.B218 Head-pieces. Facsimile is the programme of arrangements. See item 4274. Issued from different plates under title: Memorial Ad- dress on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, Delivered at the Request of both Houses of Congress of the United States Before Them in the Hall of the House of Representatives by the Honorable George Bancroft on February twelfth, 1866, with an Introduction by John Drlnkwater. "An explanation, by Oscar Lewis" : p. a-d. "Number 224. This volume is one of a limited edition of three hundred and fifty-three copies, the sale of which is restricted to members of the Book Club of California. The introduction has been written, and each book auto- graphed by John Drinkwater." Without final paragraphs. Marbled boards, with paper label on spine. In case. 535. Bangs, firm, auctioneers, New York. Lin- colniana; a catalogue of scarce pamphlets on the election and administration of Abraham Lincoln ... to be sold at auction Monday afternoon, February 3d, 1902. [New York, 1902] 39 p. 23 cm. (M1367) Z8505.B23 Cover title. 430 items priced in ms. 536. BANKS, LOUIS ALBERT. The Lincoln legion; the story of its founder and forerunners. 54 Illustrated with drawings by Arthur I. Keller and photographs. New York, The Mershon Co. [1903] 256 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. (M1859 note) HV5292.B3 copy 3 End paper autographed by the author. Includes Lincoln's views on temperance. 537. BARBEE, DAVID RANKIN. An excur- sion in southern history, briefly set forth in the correspondence between Senator A. J. Beveridge and David Rankin Barbee. [Asheville, Service Print. Co.] 1928. 64 p. 22 cm. (M2992) E468.5.B23 copies 3 & 4 The pamphlet is the work of David Rankin Barbee, and includes letters to him from Senator Beveridge. "Originally published in the [Asheville] Sunday Citizen in May, 1927. Republished by Langbourne M. Williams, of Richmond, Virginia, March, 1928." Copy 4 author's autographed presentation copy to Charles T. White. Author contends that the South fought not to preserve slavery but "to protect liberty on this continent." Printed wrappers. 538. BARBEE, DAVID RANKIN. Lincoln, Chase, and the Rev. Dr. Richard Fuller, [n. p., 195 1] 108-123 p. 23 cm. E512.B3 copy 2 "Reprinted from Maryland Historical Magazine, XLVI, 2, June, I95 1 -" 539. BARBEE, DAVID RANKIN. A lost in- cident in Lincoln's life. [Richmond? 1945] 7, [1] p. 23 cm. E457.8.B25 copy 2 Cover title. "Reprinted from Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Gene- alogical Magazine, July, 1945." Printed wrappers. 540. BARBER, ARTHUR. Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865. One star differeth from another star. Lawrence, Mass., The Boothby Press, 1924. 21 p. 18 cm. (M2679) P Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 541. [BARBER, JOSEPH] of New York. War letters of a disbanded volunteer. Embracing his experiences as honest old Abe's bosom friend and unofficial adviser. New York, F. A. Brady, 1864. 312 p. 1 illus. 19 cm. (M275) E456.B22 copies 2 & 3 Copy 2 bound in purple cloth, with gilt design on front cover, gilt lettering and device on spine, and blind-stamped device on back cover. Copy 3 previously bound. In blue slipcase. 542. BARINGER, WILLIAM E. Campaign technique in Illinois — 1860 [n. p., 1933?] 203- 281 p. 23 cm. P Caption title. "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for 1932. Publication no. 39." Printed wrappers. 543. BARINGER, WILLIAM E. A house divid- ing; Lincoln as President elect. Springfield, 111., Abraham Lincoln Association, 1945. ix, 356 p., 1 1. illus., ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. E457.4.B245 copy 3 "Originally written as a doctoral dissertation." — Pref. Bibliography: p. 339-347- 544. BARINGER, WILLIAM E. Lincoln's rise to power, by William Baringer. Boston, Little, Brown, 1937. xi p., 3 1., [3H73 p. illus., ports., facsim. 23/2 cm. (M3553) E457.3.B24 copy 3 "First edition." Bibliography: p. [338]-349- End paper inscribed to Alfred W. Stern. 545. BARINGER, WILLIAM E. Lincoln's Vandalia, a pioneer portrait. Illustrations by Romaine Proctor. New Brunswick, Rutgers Uni- versity Press, 1949. vii, 141 p. illus., ports., map (on end papers) 20 cm. E457.35.B225 copy 4 "A publication of the Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, Illinois." Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. [1271-136). 546. BARKER, HARRY E. Abraham Lincoln, his life in Illinois; being year by year incidents from 1830 to 1865. Written and compiled by H. E. Barker. New York, M. Barrows [ c ig4o] vi p., 2 1., 1 1-64 p. illus. 23 J/2 cm. E457.3.B25 1940a Illustrated with scenes from the motion picture, "Abe Lincoln in Illinois." Autographed by Raymond Massey. "Number 34 of the collectors' edition . . . signed by the author: H. E. Barker." White gilt-stamped imitation leather. In red three- quarter-closed case. 547. Another issue. E457.3.B25 copy 3 Without limited edition statement. Inscribed by Raymond Massey to Alfred W. Stern. Orange cloth, imprinted in brown. 548. BARKER, HARRY E. Illinois and Lincoln literature; many local publications not on the gen- eral market, offered for sale by H. E. Barker. 55 Springfield, 111. (M2349 var.) Caption title. 10 1 items. [1920?] folder ([8] p.) 20 cm. Z8505.B25 549. BARLER, ORSON L. A study of Abraham Lincoln, the last and glorified decade of his event- ful life, by O. L. Barler. Beatrice, Neb., P. Springer, Printer, 1903. 106 p. 16/2 cm. (M1395) E457.B25 copy 3 Cover title: Abraham Lincoln and the irrepressible conflict. Title page inscribed: "Chas. T. White 191 7." Typed letter of transmission from A. C. Barler to Charles T. White, mounted on verso of title page. 550. BARLOW, LESTER P. What would Lin- coln do? A call for political revolution through the ballot. Stamford, Conn., The Non-Partisan League Pub. Co., 1931. 7 p. 1., 229 p., 2 1. illus., ports., map. 23/2 cm. (M3244) HN64.B273 copy 3 "First issue, 2,000 copies, each numbered and registered and signed by the writer." This copy not signed. "This book is no. 1 131." Deals largely with the Nation's motor traffic problem, plans for its solution by a system of national express motor- ways, a policy of limited capitalism and proposals for a Non-Partisan League of America. 551. [BARNARD, FREDERICK A. P.] Letter to the President of the United States, by a refugee. New York, C. S. Westcott & Co., Printers, 1863. 2P-l-,[5]-3 2 P- 2 3 cm - (Mi 71) E458.3.B258 copy 3 Gray printed wrapper. In green quarter-morocco slipcase. 552. Another edition. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- cott, 1863. 1 p. 1., 3-32 p. 23J/2 cm. (M171 var.) E45 8 -3 B2 57copy3 Printed from slightly larger type and with a consider- able reduction in the number of hyphenated words at the ends of lines (e. g. on p. 3, 5, 9, 17). Gray printed wrappers. 553. BARNARD, HARRY. Rutherford B. Hayes, and his America. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs-Merrill [1954] 606 p. illus., ports., facsim. 24/2 cm. E682.B3 copy 3 "First edition." Autographed by the author. "Lincoln — and the storm": p. 208-21 1. 554. BARNARD & MILLER. Abraham Lin- coln's last case in Chicago. [Chicago, Barnard & Miller, c 1 933]. n,[i]p. 13 cm. ( Barnard & Mil- ler "Briefs") (M3369) P Summary of the sand-bar and Effie Afton cases. Printed wrappers. 555. Barnard's Lincoln, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Taft to the city of Cincinnati; the crea- tion and dedication of George Grey Barnard's statue of Abraham Lincoln, including the address of Wil- liam Howard Taft. Cincinnati, Stewart & Kidd, 1917. 66 p. illus., ports. 20 cm. (M2289) F499.C5B25 copy 3 Boards. 556. BARNES, ALBERT. The state of the coun- try. A discourse, delivered in the First Presby- terian Church, Philadelphia, June 1, 1865. On the day appointed as a day of "humiliation and mourning" in view of the death of the President of the United States. Philadelphia, H. B. Ashmead, Printer, 1865. 74 p. 23 cm. (M391) E457.8.B26 copy 2 Red half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 557. BARNET, JAMES, ed. The martyrs and heroes of Illinois in the great rebellion. Biographi- cal sketches. Chicago, Press of J. Barnet, 1865. 1 p. 1., 8, xvi, [91-263 p. ports. 23^/2 cm. E505.B26 copy 2 Mourning borders. "President Lincoln": p. [i]-xvi. 558. BARNWELL, ROBERT W. Lincoln makes a fizzle for historians. [Florence, S. C? n. d.] folder ([2] p.) 28/2 cm. P (2 copies) Caption title. Photostatic copies from undetermined source. 559. BARNWELL, ROBERT W. The lines and nature of Lincoln's greatness. Columbia, S. C, The State Co., 1931. 137 p. 22J/2 cm. (M3245) E457.B26 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 560. BARONDESS, BENJAMIN. The adven- ture of the missing briefs. [New York] Civil War Round Table of New York, 1955. E457.2.B22 Cover title. Concerning Lincoln the lawyer. "Reprinted from 'Manuscripts,' fall issue 1955." 56 56 1. BARONDESS, BENJAMIN. The Gettys- burg address; revealing facts about one of the "supreme masterpieces" of the English language. [n-P-, °I95 2 ] I0 P- 21/2 cm. E475.55.B26 Cover title. "Address before a joint meeting of the National Society of Autograph Collectors, New York Chapter, and the Civil War Round Table of N. Y., held November 19, 1951, at the Men's Faculty Club, Columbia University." "Reprinted . . . from the Autograph Collectors' Jour- nal, spring issue, 1952, vol. IV, no. III." (Item 482.) Self-wrappers. 562. BARONDESS, BENJAMIN. L i n c o 1 n's Cooper Institute speech; an address delivered before the New York Civil War Round Table . . . Febru- ary 27, 1953 . . . [New York] Civil War Round Table of New York, 1953. 23 p. 23 cm. E438.L755 1953 copy 3 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 563. BARONDESS, BENJAMIN. Three Lin- coln masterpieces: Cooper Institute speech, Gettys- burg address, Second inaugural. With preface by David C. Mearns. Charleston, W. Va., Education Foundation of West Virginia, 1954. ix, 156 p. port. 23/2 cm. E457.B264 copy 3 "Appendix: texts of addresses as delivered by Lincoln": P- [' 231-146. "Notes and references": p. 147-150. 564. BARRETT, FRANK W. Z. Mourning for Lincoln. Philadelphia, J. C. Winston, 1909. 2 p. 1., 7-9 1 p. 20 cm. (M1669) E457.52.B27 copy 3 565. BARRETT, JOSEPH H. Abraham Lin- coln and his presidency. Cincinnati, R. Clarke, 1904. 2 v. illus., ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. (M1433) E457.B27 copy 3 566. BARRETT, JOSEPH H. Das Leben und Wirken Abraham Lincoln's des sechzchnten Prasi- denten der Vereinigten Staaten. Nebst einer Dar- stellung der Kriegsereignisse, die wahrend seiner Administration stattfanden. Aus dem Englischen frci iibersetzt und mit Zusatzen, Erlauterungen und einer Vorrede versehen von Johann L. C. Eggers. Cincinnati, Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, 1866. 786 p. illus., port. 22/2 cm. (M3803) E457.B276 copy 3 Translation of item 569. 567. BARRETT, JOSEPH H. Life of Abraham Lincoln (of Illinois.) With a condensed view of his most important speeches; also a sketch of the life of Hannibal Hamlin (of Maine.) By J. H. Barrett. Cincinnati, Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., i860, viii, 9-216 p. ports. (M20) E457.B272 copies 3 & 4 At head of title: Barrett's authentic edition. Preface dated June 18, i860. Copy 3 (20 cm.) bound in maroon cloth, with lettering gilt-stamped on spine and device blind-stamped on covers. Salmon-colored end papers. Copy 4 (19 cm.) bound in orange printed wrappers. In brown slipcase. 568. BARRETT, JOSEPH H. Life of Abraham Lincoln, presenting his early history, political ca- reer, and speeches in and out of Congress; also a general view of his policy as President of the United States; with his messages, proclamations, letters, etc., and a concise history of the War. Cincinnati, Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, 1864. viii, 9-518 p. port, (front.) 20 cm. (M21) E457.B2725 copy 2 Pages 9-191 from same plates as item 567. Ten pages of advertising matter following p. 518. Green cloth with lettering gilt-stamped on spine and line borders blind-stamped on covers. 569. BARRETT, JOSEPH H. Life of Abraham Lincoln, presenting his early history, political ca- reer, and speeches in and out of Congress; also a general view of his policy as President of the United States; with his messages, proclamations, letters, etc., and a history of his eventful administration, and of the scenes attendant upon his tragic and lamented demise. Cincinnati, New York, Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, 1865. x, [n]-842 p. illus., port. 22/2 cm. (M22) E457.B274 copies 2, 3, & 4 Pages 21-483 from same plates as item 568. Six pages of advertising matter following p. 842. Copy 2 bound in tan half-calf, with gilt-stamped spine and marbled sides, edges, and end papers. Copy 3 bound in brown cloth and copy 4 in plumb-colored cloth, both with lettering gilt-stamped on spine and line borders blind- stamped on covers. Brown end papers. 570. Another issue. New York, Chicago, Rich- mond, Va., Loomis National Library Association, 1888. (M22 var.) E457.B275 Identical to the 1865 edition preceding, but with title page printed from new plate. 57 Maroon cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. Design imprinted in black on front cover, blind-stamped on back cover. Gray end papers. 571. Another edition. New York, VV. L. Allison, 1889. 1 p. I., [v]-x, [u]-842 p. illus. 19 cm. (var.(?) of Mio38a) E457.B2752 "Arundel edition." Identical to the preceding edition, but with reset title page, blank copyright page, and rearranged illustrative matter. In addition, the preface (p. [iii]-iv) and the portrait of Lincoln have been eliminated. Blue cloth, with maroon design on cover and spine. 572. Another issue. Chicago, M. A. Donohue [° 1902] illus., ports. 23 cm. (M23) E457.B2754 Issued under title: Life of Abraham Lincoln; his Early History, Political Career, Speeches in and out of Congress, Together With Many Characteristic Stories and Yarns by and Concerning Lincoln Which has Earned for him the Sobriquet, "The Story Telling President," by Joseph H. Barrett and Charles Walter Brown. Pages [v]-x, [1 1]-842 from same plates as the "Arundel edition." Two pages of advertising matter following p. 842. Orange cloth, with cover and spine lettered in white and ornamented in black. 573. BARRETT, JOSEPH O. The soldier bird : "Old Abe": the live war-eagle of Wisconsin, that served a three years' campaign in the Great Rebel- lion, by J. O. Barrett. Madison, Atwood & Culver, 1876. 4 p. 1., [7]-i28 p. illus., map. 19/2 cm. E 53 7. 5 .8th.B33 "Fifth edition." Gray illustrated printed wrappers. 574. Another issue. 19 cm. E537.5.8thBacopy 2 Title page reset. "Sixth edition." Rebound in brown half-morocco. 575. BARTHOLOW, OTHO F. The spiritual life of Abraham Lincoln. A sermon preached in the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Mount Vernon, N. Y., Sunday evening, February seventh, nineteen hundred and nine. New York, Published for gra- tuitous distribution by the Hon. Edson Lewis, Lafetra Press [1909] 15 p. 18 cm. (M1670) P Printed wrappers. 576. BARTHOLOW, OTHO F. The symmetry of Lincoln's character. A sermon preached in the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Mount Vernon, N. Y., Sunday evening, February thirteenth, nine- teen hundred and ten. [n. p.] E. Lewis [19 10] 17 p. 18/2 cm. (M1906) E457.2.B25 Printed wrappers. 577. BARTLETT, DAVID V. The life and public services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, by D. W. [sic] Bartlett. New York, H. Dayton, i860. 2 p. 1., [i3]-i5op. 18/2 cm. (M24) E457.B29 copy 2 Preface dated June 1st, i860. Running title: Life and speeches of Abraham Lincoln. Contents. — Part first. Early history (p. [i3]-26). — Part second. In Congress (p. 27-69).- — Part third. The great senatorial contest (p. 70-117). — Part fourth. The convention and its nominations (p. 1 18-150). Previously bound. In red slipcase. 578. Another edition. 1 p. 1., [i5]-i50 p. 19 cm. (M24var.) E457.B292 copy 2 At head of title : Authorized edition. Without preface. Part first (p. [i5]-26) revised and from different plates. Cream-colored printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. In brown case. 579. Another issue. New York, Derby & Jackson, i860. (M24 var.) E457.B2925 copies 2 & 3 Title page reset. Otherwise identical to the "author- ized edition" above. Copy 2 (18 J/2 cm.) in red cloth, with original gray printed wrappers bound in. Copy 3 (17 J/2 cm.) bound in cream-colored printed wrappers and inserted in green quarter-morocco slipcase. 580. BARTLETT, DAVID V. The life and public services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, with a portrait on steel. To which is added a biographical sketch of Hon. Hannibal Hamlin. By D. W. [sic] Bartlett. New- York, H. Dayton, i860, vii, [15]- 354 P- P ort - l 9 cm - (M25) E457.B293 copy 3 At head of title: Authorized edition. Pages [15]- 1 50 from same plates as item 578. Speeches of Abraham Lincoln: p. 151—348. Dark-blue pebbled cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and ornamental borders blind-stamped on covers. Yellow end papers. 581. Another issue. New- York, Derby & Jackson, i860. (M25 var.) E457.B294 copy 2 Imprint differs. Five pages of advertising matter at end. Maroon pebbled cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and ornamental borders blind-stamped on covers. Portrait of Lincoln gilt-stamped on spine. Yellow end papers. 58 582. Another issue. Indianapolis, Asher, i860. (M25 var.) E457.B294 1860a Imprint differs. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Dark-blue cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and orna- mental borders blind-stamped on covers. Yellow end papers. 583. Another edition. New-York, H. Dayton, i860, vii, [15]— 357 p. port. 19 cm. (M26) E457B293 copy 2 Identical to item 580, including binding, but with addi- tion of "Letters of acceptance of Messrs. Lincoln and Hamlin" (p. [355]"357)- Title page inscribed: "A. Lincoln." Ms. note on end paper: "This is from the collection of old books, papers, etc. given to her coachman, Wm. P. Brown, by Mrs. A. Lincoln in 1866. [Signed] Wm. P. Brown. The signature is geniune. [Signed] Frank E. Thatch, Notary Public, Muskegon County, Mich." 584. BARTLETT, DWIGHT K. The philos- ophy of the rebellion, a sermon delivered in the Baptist Church, Stamford, Conn., before the union church meeting. Albany, Weed, Parsons and Co., Printers, 1864. 1 p. 1., [3]— 18 p. 22 cm. E458.4.U6 Cover title ( ? ) . "The . . . sermon was delivered ... in November, 1862, and was printed in the Stamford Advocate . . ." Bound in at end of volume entitled Union Campaign Documents (item 4262). 585. BARTLETT, JOHN RUSSELL, comp. The literature of the rebellion. A catalogue of books and pamphlets relating to the Civil War in the United States, and on subjects growing out of that event, together with works on American slav- ery, and essays from reviews and magazines on the same subjects. Boston, Draper, Halliday; Provi- dence, S. S. Rider and Bro., 1866. iv., [5J-477 p. 25^/2 cm. Z1242.B2 copy 4 6073 titles. "250 copies printed in royal octavo, 60 copies printed in quarto." 586. BARTLETT, JOHN RUSSELL, ed. The Soldiers' national cemetery at Gettysburg. With the proceedings at its consecration ; at the laying of the cornerstone of the monument, and at its dedi- cation. Providence, Printed by the Providence Press Co. for the Beard of Commissioners of the Soldiers National Cemetery, 1874. iv, 109 p. 1 illus., 2 ports., 2 plans. 31/2 cm. E 475-55- B2 9 co Py 2 Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, p. 59. Fly leaf inscribed: "His excellency, U. S. Grant, President of the United States, with kind regards of David Wills. Gettysburg, Nov. 22, 1875." Bound in green cloth with gilt lettering on cover and spine. White end papers. 587. Another issue. 30 cm. E475.55.B29 copy 3 Extra-illustrated with approximately 50 photographs and portraits on plates with guard sheets. Autographed by the author. Ms. note on end paper: "Five hundred (500) copies of this memorial were printed which were distributed pro-rata among the Loya! States — no copies were sold. Three copies (3) were illustrated by me but not as fully as this one. David Wills, Pres't of the Cemetery has one — R. H. McCurdy, another copy — and this one the third. [Signed] J. R. B." Mounted at end are fifteen holograph letters to Bartlett from D. Wills, R. H. McCurdy, etc., relating to the prep- aration and distribution of the book, and ranging in date from June 21, 1869 to Nov. 9, 1875. Bound in red tooled full-morocco with gold ornamental borders on covers, gold lettering on front cover and spine, and gold edges. Light blue end papers. 588. BARTLETT, R. S., comp. The Lincoln Calendar 191 7. [New York? 19 16] 23 x 15 cm. (M2220) P Cover title. One sheet with Lincoln quotation for each week of the year. Embossed head of Lincoln and facsimile signature on cover. Missing October 31 through December 31. 589. BARTLETT, TRUMAN H. The physiog- nomy of Lincoln. [New York] [390^407 p. illus., ports. 26 cm. E457.6.B37 Caption title. Detached from McClure's Magazine, v. 29, Aug. 1907. Holograph letter of the author to William H. Lambert inserted. Bound in green half-morocco. 590. BARTON, ALBERT O. Lincoln-Douglas debates, seventy-first anniversary, August 27, 1929; Freeport unveils a Lincoln statue. [Springfield. 111., Journal Print. Co., 1930] 8 p. port. 23 cm (M3169) E457.7.B3 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, volume 22, no. 4, January, 1930." Printed wrappers. 59 59i- BARTON, ALBERT O. Lincoln kissed her and other verses ... (to the memory of David B. Frankenburger) . Madison, Wis., 193 1. [19] p. 22^2 x 10 cm. P Cover title. 592. BARTON, ROBERT. Lincoln, the grocer. Foxboro, Mass., Brochure Pub. Co. [ c i937] 30 p. illus., port. 18/2 cm. (M2617) E457.35.B28 copies 3 & 4 "Part of this manuscript originally appeared in the Boston 'Sunday globe,' February 7, 1937." — p. 3- 593. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Abraham Lin- coln, American. Lime Rock, Conn., B. Wall, 193 1 . 6 p. 1., 5 numb. 1., 1 1. illus., ports. 25/2 cm. (M3246) E457.8.B312 "Copy no. 7 . . . Edition — 100 copies. [Signed] Bernhardt Wall, etcher." Letter of transmittal from Bernhardt Wall to Alfred W. Stern, mounted on end paper. Issued also in 1940 with postscript: "Since printing & issuing about 30 copies of this item, I find that the fron- tispiece-plate is missing. A new one has been made in this year 1940. The edition in this state will number 100 copies [Signed] B. W." Wrappers, etched. 594. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Abraham Lin- coln, amerikanin en biiyiik reisi cumhuru, yazan: W. E. Barton; terciime eden: Seniha Sami. Istan- bul, Selamet matbaasi, 1930. 2 p. 1., 184, [2] p. illus., ports, (part col.) 20 cm. (Genglik kiitiip- hanesi: no. 5) (M3932) E457.B2985 copy 2 Translation of item 608. Glazed printed wrappers. 595. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Abraham Lin- coln; an address delivered in the First Con- gregational Church of Oak Park, Illinois, on Sun- day, February 29, 1920. Oak Park, 111., Advance Pub. Co., 1920. [16] p. 23 cm. (M2436) E 457-8-B3 copy 2 Cover title. 596. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Abraham Lin- coln and his books. With selections from the writ- ings of Lincoln and a bibliography of books in print relating to Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, M. Field, 1920. 108 p. port. 21 J/2 cm. (M2437) E457.2.B28 copy 3 "A bibliography of books in print relating to Abraham Lincoln": p. 73-108. Boards. 597. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Abraham Lin- coln and New Salem. An address before the Mis- sissippi Valley Historical Association and the Illi- nois State Historical Society on their Joint Pil- grimage to New Salem, May 8, 1926. Danville, 111., Illinois Print. Co. [1926?] 23 p. fold. map. 23 cm. (M2833) P "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society 1926." Printed wrappers. 598. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Abraham Lin- coln and the American ideal. A sermon broadcast by radio from the Westinghouse station and the platform of Orchestra Hall, Chicago, Sunday, Feb- ruary 11, 1923 . . . Casper, Wyo., The Casper Daily Tribune [1923] 15 p. 205/2 cm. (M2618) E457.8.B32 copy 4 Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana. (Item 3504, no. 33.) Printed wrappers. 599. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Abraham Lin- coln and the Hooker letter; an address delivered before the Pennell Club of Philadelphia at a dinner given in the Union League Club. With a foreword by William A. Carr. New York, Bowling Green Press, 1928. 29 p., 2 1. mounted fold, facsim. 24 cm. (M2994) E457.8.B3214 copies 3 & 4 "Seven hundred and fifty copies printed on handmade paper and twelve copies on Japan vellum, at the printing house of William Edwin Rudge, Mt. Vernon, New York, in March, 1928." These copies on handmade paper. Blue boards. Tan cloth back, with paper label on spine. 600. Another issue. (M2994) E457-8-B32I4 copy 5 Printed on Japan vellum. Black cloth, with gold lettering on spine. 601. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Abraham Lin- coln and Walt Whitman. Indianapolis, Bobbs- Merrill [ c 1928] 10 p. 1., 19-277 p. ports., facsims. 22 cm. (M2995) E457.2.B284 copy 3 602. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Abraham Lin- coln, Kentucky mountaineer; an address delivered before the faculty and students of Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, Thursday, March 8, 1923. Berea, Ky., Berea College Press, 1923. [16] p. 23^/2 cm. (M2619) E457.8.B322 copy 4 Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 34). Printed wrappers. 60 603. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Abraham Lin- coln of Illinois; an address delivered before the Union League Club of Chicago on Lincoln's birth- day, Saturday, February twelfth, 1921. Chicago, Printed by the Union League Club, 1921. 20 p. port. 18/2 cm. (M2496) E457.8.B323 Printed wrappers 604. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The ancestry of Abraham Lincoln; an address delivered at the twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Illinois State Historical Society in the Centennial Memorial Building, Springfield, Illinois, Friday, May 23, 1924. [Springfield, 1925] 18 p. port. 23 cm. (M2757) E457.32.B22 "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, 1924." Cover autographed by the author. Printed wrappers. 605. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The autobiogra- phy of William E. Barton. With an introduction by Bruce Barton. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c 1932] xxi p., 1 1. 5 25-314 p. port. 225/2 cm. BX7260.B24A3 copy 3 "First edition." Published in part in the Christian Herald, October 1931-May 1932, under title: I have lived. "My contemporary, Abraham Lincoln": p. 25-35. 606. BARTON, WILLIAM E. A beautiful blunder; the true story of Lincoln's letter to Mrs. Lydia A. Bixby. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c ig26] 9 p. 1., 17-135, [1] p. port., facsim. 25 cm. (M2834) E457.96.1864B 1926 copy 3 "Of this limited first edition, five hundred copies are printed for sale, each copy autographed by the author. This is copy number 479 [Signed] William E. Barton." 607. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The education of Abraham Lincoln; an address delivered before the faculty and students of Illinois College, Jackson- ville, Illinois, February 7, 1923. Jacksonville, 111., Courier Press [1923] 21 p. facsim. 23 cm. (M2620) E457.8.B324 copy 4 Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana. (Item 3504, no. 35). Printed wrappers. 608. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The great good man; how the boy Lincoln grew to manhood and achieved immortality. Illustrated by Raymond H. Warren. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c i927] 313 p. illus., port. 21 cm. (M2903) E457.B298 copy 4 609. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The greatness of Abraham Lincoln [Chicago, Munsell Pub. Co., 1922?] 20 p. 23 cm. (M2438) E457.8.B326 copy 2 Caption title. On cover: Today's best thought ... a series of ad- dresses by foremost speakers in North America. Illustrated self-wrappers. 610. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The influence of Chicago upon Abraham Lincoln; an address delivered before the Chicago Historical Society on February 10, 1922. Chicago, 111., University of Chicago Press [ c i923] 54 p. port. 23^2 cm. (M2549) E457.3.B26 copy 4 Printed wrappers. 611. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The influence of Illinois in the development of Abraham Lincoln. [Springfield, Phillips Bros., Print., 1922] 24 p. port. 23 cm. (M2550) E457.3.B27 copy 3 Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the year 192 1. Autographed by the author. Printed wrappers. 612. BARTON, WILLIAM E. John Brown and Abraham Lincoln; response to the John Brown Memorial Association in its presentation of a pic- ture to Lake Placid Club, delivered by Rev. William E. Barton, D. D., at the Club on May 9, 1928. [Lake Placid? 1928] folder ([4] p.) 18/2 cm. (M2996) E451.B29 copy 2 Caption title. "Reprint from Lake Placid News, May 18, 1928." Page [1] inscribed: "100 copies [Signed] William E. Barton." 613. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The life of Abra- ham Lincoln. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c 1925] 2 v. (5 p. 1., xi-xvi, 517, 516 p.) illus., ports., facsims. 24 J/2 cm. (M2758) E457.B3 copy 7 Publisher's device on title page. Bookplate autographed by the author laid in. Red cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. Gilt top. Un- trimmed. 492745—00- 6l 6 1 4- Another issue. Published for the Educa- tional Press by Bobbs-Merrill Co. [ c 1925] 5 p. 1., xi-xvi, 517, 516 p. 22 cm. (M2758 var.) E457- B 3 J 925 a One-volume edition with reset title and contents pages; the list of illustrations for volume 2 follows p. 517. Dark-red cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. Plain top. 615. Another issue. Boston, Books, Inc. [1943, "1925] 7 P- I-, xi-xvi, 517, 516 p. 22 cm. (var. of M2758) E457.B3 1943 Two "parts" in one volume, with reset title and copy- right pages, etc. The contents page and list of illustra- tions for Part 2 precede p. xi. Blue cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. Yellow top. 616. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Lincoln and Douglas in Charleston, an address delivered at the Sixty-Fourth Anniversary Celebration, Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1922. Charleston, 111., Charleston Daily Courier, 1922. 8 p. 23 cm. (M2551) E457.4.B26 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 617. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Lincoln at Get- tysburg; what he intended to say; what he said; what he was reported to have said ; what he wished he had said. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c i93o] 263 p. illus., port., map, facsims. 24J/2 cm. (M3170) E457.B315 copy 3 Title in red and black. "First edition." "The oration of Honorable Edward Everett": p. 211- 254- Brown cloth with gilt lettering on spine. 618. Another issue. New York, P. Smith, 1950. illus., port., map, facsims. 2 1 cm. (var. of M3 1 70) E 457- B 3 J 5 '95° Title page reset. Light blue cloth with black lettering on spine. 619. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The Lincoln cabin on Boston common. [Peoria, 111., Printed by E. J. Jacob] 1929. 1 p. 1., [20] p. illus., facsim. 23/2 cm. (M3078) E457.35.B29 copy 2 At head of title: Additional information. On cover: Additional information. Abraham Lincoln's first home in Illinois. "Presentation copy — none for sale." Errata slip laid in. Illustrated printed wrappers. Supplementary to item 3826. 620. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The Lincoln of the biographers. [Springfield, 111., Journal Print. Co., 1930] 61 p. ports., facsim. 23 cm. (M3171) Z8505.B29 copy 2 "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society [for 1929] Publication no. 36." "A bibliography of biographies of Abraham Lincoln": p. 31-61. Typed letter of transmittal from Robert Barton to John W. Starr, Jr., laid in. Printed wrappers. 621. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The Lincolns in their old Kentucky home; an address delivered be- fore the Filson Club, Louisville, Kentucky, Decem- ber 4, 1922. Berea, Ky., Berea College Press, 1923. 24 p. 29 cm. (M2621) E457.8.B328 copy 4 'This edition is limited to three hundred copies, of which this is no. 36. [Signed] William E. Barton." Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 46). Printed wrappers. 622. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The lineage of Lincoln. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c ig29] 14 p. 1., 419 p. illus., ports., facsims., maps 24/2 cm. (M3079) E457.32.B23 copy 3 "First edition." "A critical bibliography": p. [393]-397- 623. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The man who married Lincoln's parents, an address delivered at the dedication of a monument at the grave of Rev. Jesse Head and Jane Ramsey Head, his wife, in Spring Hill cemetery, Harrodsburg, Ken- tucky, Thursday, November 2, 1922. Harrods- burg, Ky., The Harrodsburg Herald, 1922. [16] p. illus., port. 27/2 cm. (M2552) E457-32.B24 copy 3 Printed wrappers, bound with cord. 624. BARTON, WILLIAM E. A noble frag- ment: Beveridge's life of Lincoln, [n. p., 1939] 497-5 IO P- 25/2 cm. P Caption title. "Reprinted from The Mississippi Valley Historical Re- view, v. 15, no. 4; March 1929" Inscribed to Charles T. White by the author. 625. BARTON, WILLIAM E. "Old theories upset," being the brief report of an address on Abraham Lincoln's lost grandmother. [Chicago, 1923] folder ([4] p.) 215/2 cm. (M2622) E457.8.B33 copy 3 62 "This address was delivered before . . . the Chicago Historical Society." "Reprint from the Chicago Daily News, February 3, I923-" Three pages of text. 626. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The parents of Abraham Lincoln, an address delivered at the grave of Thomas Lincoln, Goose Nest Prairie, near Janesville, Illinois, September 18, 1922. Charles- ton, 111., Charleston Daily Courier, 1922. 8 p. 23 cm. (M2553) E457.32.B26copy3 Inscribed by the author. Printed wrappers. 627. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The paternity of Abraham Lincoln; was he the son of Thomas Lincoln? An essay on the chastity of Nancy Hanks. New York, George H. Doran ['1920] xiv p., 1 1., 17-414 p. 22/2 cm. (M2439) E457.32.B28 copy 4 In green three-quarter-closed case. 628. BARTON, WILLIAM E. President Lin- coln. With preface and the last three chapters by William H. Townsend. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Mer- rill [° 1933] 2 v. illus., ports. 24 cm. (M3371) E457-B3I7 copy 4 Paged continuously. Bibliography: v. 2, p. 739^747- 629. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The soul of Abra- ham Lincoln. New York, George H. Doran [ c i92o] xiv p., 1 1., 19-407 p. 23 cm. (M2440) E457.2.B29 copy 6 "A condensed bibliography": p. 387-400. 630. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Twenty-third Lincoln birthday service, Memorial Hall, Chicago, Sunday, February 12, 1922, 2:30 p. m. Addresses by William E. Barton [and] Addison G. Procter. [Chicago] '1922. 40 p. ports. 17/2 cm. (M2572) E457-7B32 At head of title: The Grand Army Hall and Memorial Association of Illinois. Printed wrappers. 631. BARTON, WILLIAM E. Warren Gama- liel Harding, who lived & died in his country's service; an appreciation by William E. Barton, D. D., and other essays. Foxboro, Mass., The Print Shop, 1923. 2 p. 1., 26, [1] p. mounted port. 31 cm. (M2623 note) E786.B33 copy 3 & X copy On cover: In his country's service. Contents. — Warren Gamaliel Harding, an appreci- ation, by W. E. Barton. — Address delivered at the Town Hall at Foxborough, Massachusetts simultaneously with the funeral of Abraham Lincoln, April 19, 1865, by Rev. Isaac Smith. (See also item 3885). — Address by Presi- dent Harding at dedication of the Lincoln Memorial. Printed wrappers. 632. BARTON, WILLIAM E. The women Lincoln loved. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c i927] 8 p. 1., 377 p. illus., ports., facsims. 24J/2 cm. (M2904) E457.B32 copy 3 Bound in reddish-brown cloth with gilt lettering on front cover and spine. 633. Another edition. London, A. Melrose, 1927. 284 p. illus., ports., facsims. 24 cm. (var. of M2904) E457.B32 1928 Bound in plum-colored cloth with gilt lettering on the spine. Plum-colored top. 634. BASLER, ROY P. Abraham Lincoln, ar- tist; article printed in the Congressional record of May 24, 1938. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1938. 7 p. 23 cm. (M3606) E457.2.B3 Cover title. Reprinted from The North American Review, Spring, 1938: 144-153- Self-wrappers. 635. BASLER, ROY P. Abraham Lincoln's de- mocracy ; an address delivered at Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tennessee, on the seventy- fifth anniversary of the "Gettysburg address." Harrogate, Dept. of Lincolniana, Lincoln Memo- rial University, 1938. 8 p. 23 cm. (M3607) E 457-55- B 3 co P ies 1 & 2 Copy 1 in printed wrappers. Copy 2 previously bound. 636. BASLER, ROY P. Abraham Lincoln's rhetoric, [n. p., 1939] [i67]-i82 p. 25J/2 cm. E457-2-B3I2 Cover title. "Reprinted from American Literature, Vol. 11, No. 2, May 1939." Bibliographical footnotes. 637. BASLER, ROY P. As one southerner to another; concerning Lincoln and the Declaration 63 of independence. Chicago, Priv. Print, for the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, 1943. 15, [1] p. 23/2 cm. E457.8.B35 copy 2 "Appeared originally in the South Atlantic Quarterly, January 1943." "250 copies . . . printed." Printed wrappers. 638. BASLER, ROY P. The Lincoln legend; a study in changing conceptions. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1935. viii, [1] p., 3 1., 3-335, [1] p. illus., ports. 21/2 cm. (M3467) E 457- B 35 co Py 2 Thesis (Ph. D.) — Duke University, 1931. Without thesis note. "A classified bibliography of poetry, fiction, and drama dealing with Lincoln": p. 3og-[327] 639. BASLER, ROY P. Who wrote the "letter to Mrs. Bixby"? [n. p., 1943?] 8 p. facsim. 25/2 cm. E457.96.1864B 1943 Cover title. "Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, February, 1943." 640. BATEMAN, NEWTON. Abraham Lin- coin; an address. Galesburg, 111., The Cadmus Club, 1899. 46 p. 18 cm. (Mi 238) E457.8.B36 copy 2 Dark-green three-quarter morocco, with original cream- colored printed wrappers bound in. 641. Another edition. Gardena, Calif., Priv. Print, by H. E. Barker, Spanish American Institute, I932. 25, [1] p. 23/2 cm. (M1239) E457.8.B36 x copy "Second edition." "Collector's edition, limited to 100 numbered and signed copies, no. 60." From different plates, to which is added a preface to the 2d edition, signed in ms. by Barker. Gray printed wrappers. 642. BATES, DAVID HOMER. Lincoln in the Telegraph Office. Recollections of the United States Military Telegraph Corps during the Civil War. New York, Century Co., 1907. viii, 432 p. illus., ports., facsims. 21 J/2 cm. (M1518) E457- I 5- B 32 copy 3 643. BATES, DAVID HOMER. Lincoln stories told by him in the Military Office in the War Department during the Civil War, recorded by one of the listeners. New York, W. E. Rudge, 1926. 1 p. 1., 64, [1] p. port. 23/2 cm. (M2835) E457-i5- B 33 copy 3 Boards. Cloth back. 644. BATES, EDWARD. The diary of Edward Bates, 1 859- 1 866. Edited by Howard K. Beale. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1933. xvi, 685 p. 23/2 cm. (Annual report of the American Historical Association for the year 1930. vol. IV) E172.A60 4th set 1930, v. 4 "The . . . [diary] here printed is the property of Miss Helen Nicolay, but has been deposited by her in the Manuscripts Division of the Library of Congress." — Pref. 645. BATES, ESTHER WILLARD. The shadow of a great man; an episode of Lincoln's day. Boston, Walter H. Baker ["1930] 42 p. 19 cm. (Baker's edition of plays) (M3172) PN6120.H5B34 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 646. BATES, FINIS L. Escape and suicide of John Wilkes Booth, assassin of President Lincoln. Memphis, Pilcher Print. Co., 1907. 5 p. 1., 309 p. illus., ports. 18/2 cm. (M1519 var.) E 457-5- B 3 2 copy 2 The author claims that John Wilkes Booth was not killed at the Garrett house in Virginia in 1865, but that he lived under the name of John St. Helen at Glenrose Mills, Tex., 1872-1877, and committed suicide at Enid, Okla., in 1903 as David E. George. Blue cloth, gilt-lettered on cover and spine. Portrait of Booth mounted on cover. 647. Another issue. Boston, G. M. Smith [1907?] 20 cm. (M1519) E457.5.B32 1907b Cover title: The first true account of Lincoln's assassi- nation. Title page, copyright page, and list of illustrations differ. Issued under title: The Escape and Suicide of John Wilkes Booth; or, The First True Account of Lincoln's Assassination, Containing a Complete Confession by Booth Many Years After the Crime, Giving in Full De- tail the Plans, Plot, and Intrigue of the Conspirators, and the Treachery of Andrew Johnson, then Vice-President of the United States. Written for the Correction of History. "Copyrighted and all rights reserved by Finis L. Bates, Memphis, Tennessee." Red cloth, imprinted in black. 64 648. BATES, WILLIAM H. The religious opinions and life of Abraham Lincoln. [Oberlin, Ohio, 1 9 14] [37]-63p. 22/2 cm. (M2128) E457.2.B32 copies 2 & 3 Cover title. Mounted portrait (phot.) at head of p. [38] (copy 2 only). Reprint from Bibliotheca Sacra for Jan. 19 14. 649. Battles and leaders of the Civil War, edited by Ned Bradford. New York, Appleton-Century- Crofts [1956] xiii, 626 p. illus., ports, maps. 26 cm. E470.B344 copy 4 Selections from the original 4-volume edition, edited by R. U. Johnson and C. C. Buel, and published in 1887-88. 650. Battles and leaders of the Civil War. v. 1. From Sumter to Shiloh. Being for the most part contributions by Union and Confederate officers. New introduction by Roy F. Nichols. New York, T. Yoseloff [ c i956] xxiii, 750 p. illus., ports, maps, facsims., plans, tables. 25 cm. E470.B347 copy 2 "Popular edition."- — Dust jacket. Based on "The Century war series" published from Nov. 1884 to Nov. 1887 in The Century Magazine and edited by R. U. Johnson and C. C. Buel of the editorial staff. 651. BAXTER, MAURICE G. Orville H. Browning, Lincoln's friend and critic. Blooming- ton, Indiana University Press, 1957. vii, 351 p. (Indiana University publications, Social science se- ries no. 16) 23 cm. E415.9.B88B44 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 652. BAYLOR, ORVAL W. Lincoln in his parent's home county; a souvenir of the original Lincoln country of Washington County, Ky. 1935- [ n - P-] J 935- 23 p. illus. 15 cm. (M3468) P Cover title. History of the Lincolns in Washington County; affida- vits as to Lincoln's legitimacy and birth. 653. [BAYLOR, ORVAL W.] Now! visit Ken- tucky's newest historic shrine, Lincoln Homestead Park . . . [n. p., 1935?] double folder ([6] p.) illus. 22 cm. (M3469) P 654. BAYNE, JULIA (Taft). Tad Lincoln's father. Boston, Little, Brown, 1931. xii, p., 2 I., 3-206 p. ports., facism. 21/2 cm. (M3247) E457.15.B36 copy 3 655. BEACH, EDWARD S. Abraham Lincoln. Read at Mr. Woodworth's Lincoln dinner, Boston, February 12, 1904. [Boston, 1904] 15 1. 28 cm. (var. of M1434) E457.8.B38 Cover title. Typewritten. 656. The Beacon magazine, v. 1, January 1892. New York, Beacon Pub. Co. P "Abraham Lincoln as I knew him," by J. H. Littlefield : p. [46]-56. 657. BEALE, HOWARD K. The critical year; a study of Andrew Johnson and reconstruction. New York, Harcourt, Brace [ c i93o] ix p., 2 1., 454 p. illus. 22J/2 cm. E668.B354 copy 3 "First edition." 658. BEALE, J. F., Jr. Abraham Lincoln, born, February 12, 1809, died, April 15, 1865, sixteenth President of the United States; a brief biogra- phy . . . Philadelphia, Strawbridge & Clothier, 1909. 48 p. illus., port., facsims. 17 cm. (M1672) E457.B36 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 659. BEARDSLEE, CLARK S. Abraham Lin- coln's cardinal traits ; a study in ethics, with an epi- logue addressed to theologians, by C. S. Beardslee. Boston, R. G. Badger; Toronto, Copp Clark Co., [ c 1 g 1 4] 244 p. 19/2 cm. (Human personality series) (M2129) E457.2.B36 copy 3 660. BEAVER, JAMES A. Abraham Lincoln. An address delivered at the banquet of the Ohio Republican league, Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 13, 1888, in commemoration of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln. [Columbus, O.? 1888?] 12 p. 24/2 cm. (M1039) P Cover title. Card enclosed: "Compliments of James A. Beaver" Includes account of Lincoln in Champaign, 111., in 1859- 661. BECK, JAMES M. Lincoln and democ- racy ; an address delivered at the Lincoln's day ban- quet of the Republican Club of New York on Feb- ruary 12, 1926. [n. p., 1926?] 18 p. 23 cm. (M2836) P Caption title. 65 662. BECKWITH, WALTER P. Abraham Lin- coln; an historical address. [Salem? Mass.] Printed for the Author, 1903. 30 p. 19 cm. (M1396) E457.8.B39 copy 2 Fly leaf inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 18." Printed wrappers. 663. BEECHER, HENRY WARD. Oration at the raising of "The old flag" at Sumter; and Ser- mon on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Manchester [Eng.] A. Ire- land, 1865. 55, [3] p. 19/2 cm. (M395) E477.7.B42 copy 2 At head of title: Presentation memorial to working men. "Prefatory notes" and "Prefatory sketch" by J. H. Estcourt. Portrait and holograph letter of author tipped in. Red three-quarter-morocco, with original limp cloth cover bound in. 664. BEETS, HENRY. Abraham Lincoln, zijn tijd en leven. Grand Rapids, Mich., J. B. Hulst & B. Sevensma, 1909. 223, [1] p. illus., ports., map. 20/2 cm. (M3869) E457.B41 copy 2 Title vignette. Printed wrappers. 665. BEHR, HERMAN. Letters from eternity, by Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Ben- jamin Franklin, John Knox, Thomas Carlyle, Percy Bysshe Shelley. With a foreword, edited and pub- lished by Herman Behr. New York, H. Behr; London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner [ c i93o] vii, 92 p. 1 9 J/2 cm. BF1290.B35 copy 2 "Published January, 1930." "Given to the world by the . . . mediums, Irene Pargeter and Clara Colton." — Foreword. Author's typed letter to R. R. Bowker Co., New York, laid in. 666. BEIDLER, JACOB HOKE. Hoke Beidler's poems. Lincoln, 111., Beidler & Co., 1903. 286, [4] p. illus., ports. 18/2 cm. PS1084.B8A6 1903 Partial Contents. — "Lincoln's monumental temple" (p. 92-[94]). — Lincoln's White House dream (p. 95- [97])- — Nancy Hanks (p. 98^99] ). — Lincoln's ninety- first anniversary (p. i05-[io8]). — Peerless Lincoln (p. 156-157). — Where Lincoln stood (p. 219-220). — Mr. John Wyatt, Lincoln's first promoter (p. 245-246). 667. BEIDLER, JACOB HOKE. Lincoln; or, The prime hero of the nineteenth century, by J. H. Beidler. Chicago, 111., Gracia Beidler, 1896. 1 p. 1., 79 p. 18/2 cm. (Mi 187) E457.9.B42 copy 3 Poem. Two pages of testimonials on preliminary leaf. Bookplate of E. C Stedman. Holograph letter of transmittal from the author to Stedman laid in. Also printed copies of letters to the author from John A. McClernand and John M. Palmer, mounted on flyleaf. 668. BEIM, JERROLD. The boy on Lincoln's lap. Illustrated by Tracy Sugarman. New York, Morrow, 1955. 46 p. illus. 21/2 cm. [Morrow junior books] PZ7.B38824B0 copy 2 669. BELDEN, DAVID. Obsequies of Presi- dent Lincoln; an oration delivered in Nevada City in 1865. Marysville, Calif., Marysville Herald Press [18-?] 8 p. 23/2 cm. (M396) E457.8.B4 copies 2 & 3 Cover title. "Printed at the request of some California friends." Copy 2 in blue slipcase. 670. BELDEN, THOMAS G. and MARVA ROBINS BELDEN. So fell the Angels. Bos- ton, Toronto, Little, Brown [1956] 401 p. ports. 22 cm. E415.9.C4B38 "First edition." A composite biography of Salmon P. Chase, Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury and later Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; his daughter, Kate; and her husband, William Sprague, millionaire Senator from Rhode Island." 671. BELFORD, SAMUEL W. The character and public services of Abraham Lincoln, by Sam- uel W. Belford. The progressive state from the university point of view, by Joseph Edward Stubbs. Reno, Nev., University of Nevada [191 1] 1 p. 1., 40 p. 24 J/2 cm. (University of Nevada bulletin, vol v. no. 2) (M1964) E457.8.B42 copy 3 "The character and public services of Abraham Lin- coln," an address delivered at the Lincoln memorial sen- ices at the University of Nevada, February 11, 191 1; "The progressive state from the university point of view," an address delivered at the Baptist Church, Reno, Nevada, March 12, 191 1. Author's inscribed presentation copy to Charles T. White. Letter of transmittal laid in. Printed wrappers. 672. BELL, GEORGE WILLIAM. Abraham Lincoln; a poetical interpretation. Cleveland. Priv. Print, for the Author bv the Arthur H. Clark 66 Co., 1913. 95 P- port, (mounted photo.) 24/2 cm. (M2067) E457.9.B43 copy 3 Most of the leaves printed on one side only. "One hundred twenty-five copies printed . . . num- ber in. [Signed] The Arthur H. Clark Co." Boards, with leather back. Untrimmed and unopened. 673. BELL, JOHN T. Abraham Lincoln; an ad- dress before the Illinois Society of Oakland, Cali- fornia. [Oakland, Calif., 1906] [8] p. 17 cm. (Mi 188) E457.8.B43 copy 2 Caption title. On cover: Abraham Lincoln, an address. Printed wrappers. 674. BELL, LANDON C. The Lincoln myths are passing — but slowly; Bowers' Tragic era. [n. p., 1930?] 16 p. 23 cm. (M3173) P Cover title. A review of The Tragic Era, by Claude Bowers. "Reprinted from Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine, January 1930." 675. BELLOWS, HENRY W. Unconditional loyalty, by H. W. Bellows. New York, A. D. F. Randolph [1863] 16 p. 23 cm. E458.3.B432 copy 4 Cover title. Issued also in an edition of 12 pages. Self-wrappers. 676. BENET, ROSEMARY (Carr), and STE- PHEN VINCENT BENET. A book of Ameri- cans, by Rosemary and Stephen Vincent Benet. Illustrated by Charles Child. New York, Farrar, Rinehart, 1933. 6 p. 1., 3-1 14, [1] p. illus. (part col.) 22/2 cm. PS3503.E53B6 1933 copy 3 Poems. "Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865": p. 83-84. 677. BENHAM, WILLIAM BURTON. Life of Osborn H. Oldroyd, founder and collector of Lincoln mementos, by Wm. Burton Benham. Washington. [Beresford, Pr.] 1927. 31, [1] p. il- lus., ports. 19/2 cm. (M2905) E457.65.O447 copy 3 Printed label mounted on copyright page: copyright, 1927, by O. H. Oldroyd. Autographed by Oldroyd. 678. BENIGNUS, WILHELM. Woman's soul. Sonnets, odes and songs. [New York City, Printed by M. Schmetterling, c igi3] 79 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. PS3503.E54W6 1913 copy 2 Inscribed by the author, May 191 3. "A tribute to Abraham Lincoln, masterman": p. 53. Printed wrappers. 679. BENJAMIN, SAMUEL G. W. Ode on the death of Abraham Lincoln, by S. G. W. Benjamin. Boston, W. V. Spencer, 1865. 15 p. 19 cm. (M399) E457.9.B46 copy 3 "The first draughts of these lines appeared in the 'New- York Independent' ... a few copies have been issued in the present form, with some changes and additions." Portrait of Lincoln mounted on fly leaf. Printed wrappers. 680. BENNETT, JAMES GORDON. Impor- tant letters & documents from the estate of the late James Gordon Bennett, New York & Paris, sold by order of Rodman Wanamaker & Guaranty Trust Company of New York, executors, with addi- tions from other collections in a separate alpha- bet, important letters from the Clinton papers, let- ters of the signers, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Israel Putnam; together with Hamilton- Renolds correspondence of an intimate nature . . . to be sold . . . November twenty-third. . . New York, Anderson Galleries, 1926. 45 p. facsims. 23/2 cm. Z8505.B4 Sale number 2107. Twelve Lincoln items on p. 20-23. Printed wrappers. 681. BENT, GEORGE PAYNE. Four score and more ; bits of biography and humorous history. Los Angeles, Calif., George P. Bent Pub. Co. ["1929] 381 p. illus., ports. 25 cm. E178.4.B47 copy 3 "Abraham Lincoln" : p. 1 23-141. Limp leather. 682. The Berea quarterly, v. 15, Apr. 191 1. Berea, Ky., Berea College. LH1.B35Q3 v. 15, X copy Entire issue of 30 pages devoted to Abraham Lincoln's birthday. Address of Woodrow Wilson, p. 23-28. 683. BERGOLD, LILIAN C. Abraham Lincoln centennial; a collection of authentic stories, with poems, songs, and programs, for the boys, girls, and teachers of elementary schools. Boston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Educational Pub. Co. [°i9o8] 2 p. 1., 3-61 p. illus., port. 20 cm. (M1568) E457.7.B49 copy 2 67 684. Berks Co., Pa. Lincoln centenary in the public schools of Berks County, Pa., Friday, Febru- ary 12th, 1909. [Reading, 1909] 16 p. illus., port. 25 cm. E457.7.B52 Cover title. Letter of transmittal (i. e. envelope) from E. M. Rapp. Superintendent, Public Schools of Berks County, Reading, Pa., to John W. Starr, Jr., laid in. Self-wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. In Gay- lord binder. 685. BERNSTORFF, JOHANN HEINRICH, Graf von. Abraham Lincoln as the Germans re- garded him; address delivered at Springfield, 111., February 12th, 19 13, by Count J. Bernstorff. [n. p., 1913?] 20 1. 20/2 cm. (M2068) E457.8.B5 Cover title. Each leaf printed on recto only. Author's typewritten letter to Albert H. Griffith inserted. 686. BERRY, MILDRED FREBURG. Lin- coln — the speaker. [Champaign, 111. The National Association of Teachers of Speech] 25-40 p. 24/2 cm. P Caption title. Part I. Detached from The Quarterly Journal of Speech, v. 17, Feb. 1 93 1. 687. Bestsellers; authorized book condensations. No. 7, Spr. 1947. Concord, N. H., Mercury Pub- lications, Inc. P "Meet Abraham Lincoln," by G. L. Summer: p. 45-76. 688. BEVERIDGE, ALBERT J. Abraham Lin- coln, 1 809- 1 858. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1928. 2 v. (607, 741 p.) illus., ports., map. 25 cm. (var. of M2999) E457-3- B 57 copy 8 "First impression . . . limited to five hundred copies uncut." "Works cited": v. 1, p. [xvii]-xxviii. Chocolate-colored quarter-leather. Dark brown leather label on spine. In case. 689. Another issue. [ c ig28] 24^2 cm. (M2999 var.) E457.3.B57 copy 9 Without limited edition statement. Dark blue cloth. Line border blind-stamped on cover. Gilt lettering on spine. Facsimile of Lincoln's autograph on cover. 690. Another issue. London, Gollancz, 1928. 24/2 cm. (var. of M2999) E457.3.B576 1928 Light green cloth. Gilt lettering on spine. 691. Another edition. 1928. 4 v. (297, 310, 36 1 , 38 1 p. ) illus., ports., map, facsims. ( 1 fold. ) 26 cm. (M2999var.) E457.3.B572 copy 4 "The manuscript edition is limited to one thousand copies [uncut] printed at the Riverside Press, Cambridge, U. S. A. Number 612." Same plates, with some resetting of type; repaged. Additional illustrations. "Works cited": v. 1, p. [xv]-xxvi. Blue boards. Paper label on spine. 692. Another issue. 24^ cm. (M2999 var.) E457-3B572 copy 5 "Standard library edition." From same plates as the Manuscript edition. Black cloth. Gilt profile of Lincoln in relief on cover. Simulated gilt label on spine. Gilt top. 693. BEVERIDGE, ANDREW M. A discourse on the assassination of President Lincoln, delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Lansingburgh, N. Y., on Sabbath evening, April 16, 1865, by Rev. A. M. Beveridge. Troy, N. Y., A. W. Scribner, Printer, 1865. 23 p. 23 cm. (M400) E 457-8-B57 copy 2 Cover title. "Published by request." Page 23 wanting. 694. Bibliographical Society of America. Pro- ceedings and papers, v. 3, 1908. New York, The Society. Z1008.B51P v. 3, X copy "Lincoln Collections and Lincoln Bibliography," by Daniel Fish: p. 49-64. 695. BICKNELL, THOMAS W. Address of salutation at Lincoln Centennial, Sayles Hall, Brown University, Feb. 12, 1909. [4] p. 16 cm. (M1675) P Caption title. In Gaylord binder. 696. BIERCE, AMBROSE. Ambrose Bierce's Civil War. Edited and with an introduction by William McCann. Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Gateway Editions; Distributed by H. Reg- nery Co. [1956] xi p., 2 1., [3]- 257 p. 18 cm. (A Gateway edition, 6015) E601.B594 copy 2 Contents. — War memoirs. — War stories. Glazed printed wrappers. 68 6g7- BIGELOW, JOHN. Retrospections of an active life. New York, Baker & Taylor, 1909. 2 v. ports., fold. map. 25/2 cm. E469.B59 copy 3 By Lincoln's second Minister to France. Imprint on spine : Doubleday, Page & Co. "Lincoln's assassination — reverberations of it in Europe": v. 2, p. 522-607. 698. BILL, ALFRED HOYT. The beleaguered city, Richmond, 1 861-1865. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1946. xiv p., 1 1., 313, xviii p., 1 1. illus., 2 port, on 1 1., fold. maps. 22 cm. F234.R5B5 copy 5 "First edition." 699. BINGHAM, JOEL F. National disappoint- ment. A discourse occasioned by the assassination of President Lincoln. Delivered in Westminster Church, Buffalo, Sunday evening, May 7th, 1865. Buffalo, Breed, Butler, 1865. 36 p. 23 cm. (M402) E457.8.B61 copy 2 Cover inscribed: "With compliments of J. F. B." Printed wrappers. 700. BINGHAM, JOHN A. Reply of the Judge Advocate, John A. Bingham, to the defence of the accused, before a general court-martial for the trial of Brig. Gen. William A. Hammond, Surgeon Gen- eral, U. S. A. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1864. 1 p. I., 64 p. 23 cm. E621.H218 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 701. BINGHAM, JOHN A. Trial of the con- spirators, for the assasination of President Lincoln, &c. Argument of John A. Bingham, special judge advocate, in reply to the arguments of the several counsel for Mary E. Surratt, David E. Herold, Lewis Payne, George A. Atzerodt, Michael O'Laughlin, Samuel A. Mudd, Edward Spangler, and Samuel Arnold, charged with conspiracy and the murder of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Delivered June 27 and 28, 1865, before the Military Commission, Washington, D. C. Washington, Govt., Print. Off., 1865. 122 p. 22 cm. (M403) E457.5.B61 copy 5 Title page inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Dark green half-morocco, with original printed wrap- pers bound in. 702. BINNS, HENRY BRYAN. Abraham Lin- coln. London, J. M. Dent; New York, E. P. Dutton, 1907. xiii, 379 p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 20 cm. (The Temple biographies, ed. by Dugald Macfadyen) (Mi 520) E457.B61 copy 2 Letter from the author to Chas. T. White, laid in. Yellow-green cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. Top edge gilt. 703. Another edition. [1927] xix, 379, 4 p. 17/2 cm. (Everyman's library, ed. by Ernest Rhys. Biography, [no. 783]) (Mi520var.) E457.B613 Issued under title: The Life of Abraham Lincoln. "First issue of this edition, 1927." With an introduction by Ernest Rhys (p. ix-xii) and a "Select bibliography of Abraham Lincoln" (p. xii-xiv). Pages 1-379 from same plates. Without illustrations. Gray cloth, with illustrated end papers. Top edge dark gray. 704. Biography, v. 8, June 1937. Emmaus, Pa., Rodale Publications, Inc. CT100.B55 v. 8, X copy "Lincoln the Lawyer," by E. Hertz: p. 7-13. Re- printed from the N. Y. Timles Magazine. 705. Birch's (Thos. ) sons, firm, auctioneers, Phil- adelphia. Catalogue no. 683. Revolutionary manuscripts and portraits ... to be sold April 5th and 6th, 1892 . . . Catalogue compiled and sale conducted by Stan. V. Henkels. Philadelphia, Thos. Birch's Sons [1892] 4, 172 p. illus., ports., facsims. (1 fold.) 27/2 cm. Z1238.H51 copy 2 Letters and relics of Lincoln and the Civil War: p. 61, 140-141, I49-I5I- Printed wrappers. 706. BIRD, FRANCIS W. Review of Gov. Banks' veto of the revised code, on account of its authorizing the enrolment of colored citizens in the militia, by F. W. Bird. Boston, J. P. Jewett, i860. 58, iv. p. 23/2 cm. E185.93.M3B6 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 707. BIRD, MARK B. The victorious. A small poem on the assassination of President Lin- coln, by M. B. Bird. Kingston, Jamaica, M. De Cordova, McDougall & Co., 1866. xvii, [2]~57 p. iSJ/s-cm. (M844) E457.9.B61 copies 3 & 4 Copy 3 bound in black cloth, with lettering gilt- stamped on front cover and ornamental borders blind- stamped on front and back covers. Copy 4 bound in gray half-morocco, with marbled sides and end papers and gilt-lettered spine. Gilt top. 69 708. BISHOP, JAMES A. The day Lincoln was shot, by Jim Bishop. With illustrations selected and arranged by Stefan Lorant. New York, Harper [ c i955] 304 p. illus., ports., maps 22 cm. E457.5.B63 copy 5 "First edition." Bibliography: p. 303-304. Map on end papers. Green boards, with black cloth spine lettered in gilt. 709. Another edition. New York, Bantam Books [i95 6 > Cl 955] 3°5 P- l8 cm - (Bantam books, F 1428/8) E457.5.B63 1956 copies 1 & 2 From different plates. Bibliography: p. 297-298. Printed wrappers, illustrated in color. Portraits on p. [2] and [3] of cover. 710. BISHOP, JOSEPH BUCKLIN. Presiden- tial nominations and elections; a history of Ameri- can conventions, national campaigns, inaugurations and campaign caricature, with numerous illustra- tions. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 19 16. x p., 1 1., 237 p. illus. 21 cm. JK2261.B6 copy 6 "Lincoln's two nominations and elections": p. 37—50. 711. BISSETT, CLARK P. Abraham Lincoln, a universal man. San Francisco, J. Howell, 1923. xiii, 230 p. port. 23 cm. (M2624) E 457- B6 3 co Py 3 Errata slip inserted. Blue boards, with black cloth back and gilt lettering on cover and spine. 712. Another issue, xiii, 230 p., 1 1. 24I/2 cm. (M2624 var.) E457.B63 1923a Large paper edition. "One hundred and twenty-five copies . . . No. 87. [Signed] Clark Prescott Bissett." Light blue boards, with dark-blue cloth back and gilt lettering on the spine. 713. BISSETT, CLARK P. "Abraham Lin- coln"; memorial address delivered by Mr. C. P. Bissett before a joint session of the Senate and House of Representatives of the fourteenth legis- lature of the State of Washington, held in the House Chamber at Olympia, Friday, February twelfth, nineteen hundred fifteen. [Olympia? Wash., 1915] 2 p. 1., 5-31, [1] p. 23 cm. (M2175) E457.8.B6243 Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. Au- thor's holograph letter inserted. White printed wrappers, bound with silk cord. 714. Another edition. Los Angeles, Calif., Can- nell Smith Chafhn Co., 19 16. 3 p. 1., 56 p., 1 1. 23 cm. (M2222) E457.8.B624 copy 3 Issued under title: Abraham Lincoln, an Address. Title vignette: Portrait of Lincoln. "Six hundred copies." Paper label on spine : Lincoln memorial address. Text of p. 9-56 corresponds in content to p. 5-[32] of preceding edition; printed from different plates; new ma- terial at p. 1-8. Gray boards, with brown cloth back. Two prospectuses (4 p.; 2 p. 1., 7-10 p. 22 J/2 cm.) laid in. (M2222, note) 715. [BLACK, CHARLES R.] Echoes from Lin- coln's life in the 22nd century. Humor, wisdom, prophecy, and truth. The real truth, the only truth, the unbiased truth. Truth and reason in mirthful rhyme. [Los Angeles, Standard Print. Co., c ig2i]. 24 p. 19 cm. (M2497) P Inserted between p. 12 and 13 is a 16-page "Ex- planatory Supplement." Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 716. BLACK, FRANK S. Abraham Lincoln; an address before the Republican Club of New York City, February 12, 1903. [New York? 1903?] 11 p. 21 cm. (M1399) E457.8.B6253 Cover title. Printed also in the Club's Proceedings (Item 3086). 717. Another edition. [New York? 1912] 15 p. 18 cm. (M1399 var.) P Caption title: Abraham Lincoln. From different plates. On cover: To the enrolled Republicans of the Seven- teenth assembly district, New York City. Gentlemen: I beg to present to you on the anniversary of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, this copy of the oration on the great President, delivered by Ex-Governor Frank S. Black at the Republican Club in New York City in 1903 . . . Yours very faithfully, Abraham Gruber. February 1, 1912. Printed wrappers. 718. BLACK, FRANK S. Abraham Lincoln; an address delivered at the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln at Cornell University, February 12th, 1909. [Ithaca? 1909?] 11 p. 22 cm. (M1399 note) E 45 7.8.B62 5 Bound in green three-quarter morocco with marbled sides. 70 7ig- BLACK, FRANK S. Addresses. [Boston? I 9 1 "] 35 1 P- 23 cm. E710.B5 Inscribed to [Charles T.] White by Arthur Black and dated Feb. 21, 191 7. Letters of transmittal inserted. "Address on Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln dinner of the Republican Club, at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York, February 12, 1903": p. [2ii]-2i8. Red full-morocco. 720. [BLACK, ROBERT] A memoir of Abra- ham Lincoln, President elect of the United States of America, his opinion on secession, extracts from the United States Constitution, &c. To which is appended an historical sketch on slavery, reprinted by permission from "The Times." London, S. Low, Son, 1 86 1. 126 p. port. (M94) E457.B72 copies 2 & 3 Preface signed : R. B. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 26). Copy 2 with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Copy 2 ( 17% cm -) is bound in blue cloth and inserted into gray slipcase. Copy 3(17 cm.), in printed wrappers with portrait of Lincoln on cover, has been rebound in green three-quarter-morocco. 721. BLACK, WILLIAM HARMAN. Abraham Lincoln the Democrat; an address delivered before the Texas Society of the City of New York, Lin- coln's Birthday, February 12th, 1920. [n. p., 1920?] 12 p. 23 cm. (M2441) E457.8.B626 copies 1 & 2 Copy 2 lacking cover. Page [3] of copy 2 with ms. note suggesting publication of the address and mounted printed label : "Chambers of William Harman Black, Justice." Printed self-v/rappers. 722. BLACKBURN, WILLIAM M. The crime against the Presidency. A sermon, delivered Sun- day, April 16, 1865, in the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Trenton, N. J. Trenton, N. J., Murphy & Bechtel, Printers, 1865. 24 p. 22 cm. (M407) E457.8.B628 copy 3 Blue cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 723. BLACKFORD, WILLIAM W. War years with Jeb Stuart, by Lieut. Colonel W. W. Black- ford, C. S. A. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1945. xiii p., 1 1., 322 p. illus., ports., map. 21 cm. E470.B6 copy 4 724. [BLACKNALL, OSCAR W.] Lincoln, as the South should know him. Raleigh, N. O, Re- printed by Manly's Battery Chapter, Children of the Confederacy [ 1 9 1 5 ?] 21 p. 23 cm. (M2176) E4572.B5 1915 "Second edition." Gray printed wrappers. 725. Another edition. 23 p. (M2176 var.) E 457-2-B5 1915a "Third edition." Title page reset. Differs also in the arrangement of the type. Repaged. White printed self-wrappers. 726. BLACKNEY, WILLIAM W. Lincoln and the Constitution. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1935] 2 p. 29 cm. P Caption title. "Reprinted from the Congressional Record, Feb. 12, 1935" 727. BLACKWELL, SARAH ELLEN. A mili- tary genius. Life of Anna Ella Carroll, of Mary- land, ("the great unrecognized member of Lin- coln's cabinet.") Compiled from family records and congressional documents, [v. 1] Washington, Judd & Detweiler, Printers, 1891. xvi, 168 p. illus., ports. 17J/2 cm. E472.9.C3 1 copies 3 & 4, v. 1 Copy 4 inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Copy 3 bound in green cloth, copy 4 in maroon. 728. BLAINE, JAMES G. Political discussions, legislative, diplomatic, and popular 1856- 1886. Norwich, Conn., The Henry Bill Pub. Co., 1887. vi p., 1 1., 525 P- 2 port. 23/2 cm. E660.B6 copy 3 "The national issues of i860 [extract from a speech de- livered at Farmington, Maine, July 4, i860]": p. 9-17. "Presidential election of 1864. — Lincoln against McClel- lan [speech in Augusta, Sept. 5, 1864]": p. 48-54. 729. BLAINE, JAMES G. Twenty years of Con- gress : from Lincoln to Garfield. With a review of the events which led to the political revolution of i860. Norwich, Conn., The Henry Bill Pub. Co., 1884-86. 2 v. ports., fold. map. 25 cm. E661.B63 copy 10 730. BLAIR, FRANCIS P., Jr. The President's policy; speech of Hon. F. P. Blair, Jr., of Missouri, on the policy of the President for the restoration of the Union and establishment of peace, delivered in the House of Representatives, April 1 1, 1862. New 7* York, Baker & Godwin, 1862. 8 p. 23 cm. (var. of Mi 20) E453.B628 Cover title. Self-wrappers; rebound in maroon cloth. "One hundred copies of this brochure printed for the author . . . [Signed] Francis Durbin Blakeslee." These are numbers 3 and 22. Copy 1 author's inscribed presentation copy to Charles T. White. Letter of transmittal laid in. 731. BLAIR, MONTGOMERY. Comments on the policy inaugurated by the President, in a letter and two speeches. New York, Hall, Clayton & Medole, Printers, 1863. 20 p. 23/2 cm. (M172) E458.3.B62 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 732. BLAIR, MONTGOMERY. Speech of the Hon. Montgomery Blair (Postmaster General,) on the revolutionary schemes of the ultra abolitionists, and in defence of the policy of the President. De- livered at the unconditional Union meeting, held at Rockville, Montgomery Co., Maryland, on Satur- day, October 3, 1863. [New York, D. W. Lee, Printer] 1863. 1 p. 1., [3]-20 p. 22/2 cm. (M173) E458.3.B627 copy 3 Imprint on cover. Blue cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 733. BLAKE, MORTIMER. On account of the assassination of President Lincoln; a sermon de- livered in Winslow Congregational Church, Taun- ton, Massachusetts, on Sunday, April 23, 1865. Champlain, Priv. Print, at the Moorsfield Press, 1925. 19 p. 25/2 cm. (M2760) P "Fifty-two copies . . . printed by Hugh McLellan . . . no. 44." Inscribed presentation copy from McLellan to Albert H. Griffith. Letter of transmittal and prospectus (three- page folder) , laid in. Printed wrappers. 734. BLAIR, WALTER. Horse sense in Ameri- can humor, from Benjamin Franklin to Ogden Nash. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press [1942] xv, 341 p. illus., ports. 191/2 cm. PS430.B5 copy 3 "Published June 1942." "Abe Lincoln": p. 123-148. "Civil War humor — fools for propaganda" : p. 149— 171. 735. BLAKESLEE, FRANCIS DURBIN. How my father secured Lincoln's autograph. [Gardena, Calif.] Priv. Print., Spanish American Institute Press, 1927. [7] p. mounted port., facsim. 23/2 cm. (M2906) E457.15.B6 copies 1 & 2 736. BLAKESLEE, FRANCIS DURBIN. Per- sonal recollections and impressions of Abraham Lincoln. An address delivered with abbreviations at Los Angeles before the Retired Methodist Preachers' Association of Southern California, at the Memorial Day service in honor of the veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic tendered by the Shakespeare Club of Pasadena, and on many other occasions. Gardena, Calif., Spanish Ameri- can Institute Press, 1927. 26, [1] p. facsim. 22 cm. (M2907) E457.15.B63 copies 1 & 2 "One hundred copies autographed and numbered by the author." These copies are numbers 62 and 72. Printed wrappers. 737. BLANCHARD, RUFUS. Abraham Lin- coln; the type of American genius, an historical romance. Wheaton [111.] R. Blanchard, 1882. 141 p. port. 225/2 cm. (M977) E457.9.B63 copy 3 In verse. Black three-quarter morocco. 738. BLAND, OSCAR E. Abraham Lincoln's Americanism. Speech in the House of Repre- sentatives, Wednesday, March 17, 1920. [Wash- ington, Govt. Print. Off., 1920]. 4 p. 23 cm. (M2442) P Caption title. 739. BLEDSOE, ALBERT TAYLOR. Is Davis a traitor; or, Was secession a constitutional right previous to the war of 1861? Baltimore, Printed for the Author by Innes & Co., 1866. vi, 263, [1] p. 20 cm. E459.B66 copy 3 Errata: p. [264] Inscribed by the author. 740. BLEGEN, THEODORE C. Abraham Lin- coln and European opinion. Minneapolis, 1934. 12 p. 24 cm. (M3415) E457.8.B63 copy 3 "Reprinted from The Friend." "A talk given before the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and several clubs in the Twin cities." Author's inscribed presentation copy to George P. Hambrecht. Heavy paper covers. 72 741- BLEGEN, THEODORE C. Lincoln's imagery, a study in word power. La Crosse [Wis.] Sumac Press, 1954. 32 p. port. 25 cm. E457.2.B6 copies 3 & 4 Bibliographical footnotes. Copy 3 bound in green cloth, with scarlet lettering on cover and spine; copy 4 in tan cloth, with red lettering on cover and spine. 742. BLISS, ALEXANDER. The unique and final holograph manuscript of Lincoln's Gettysburg address, together with an album of other manu- scripts and autographs, all originally written for and brought together by Colonel Alexander Bliss and John P. Kennedy, for benefit of the Sanitary Commission Fair, Baltimore, Md., 1864. Public auction sale, Apr. 27. New York, Parke-Bernet Galleries, 1949. 36 p. facsims. 27 cm. Z42.B55 copy 4 "Catalogue 106 1." Printed wrappers. In pamphlet holder. 743. BLISS, THOMAS E. A discourse, com- memorative of the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, de- livered April 23, 1865, by Rev. T. E. Bliss. Mem- phis, Tenn., W. A. Whitmore Print, 1865. 16 p. 22/2 cm. (M409) E457.8.B64 copy 2 At head of title: "Clarum et venerabile nomen." Printed wrappers. 744. The Blumhaven digest, v. 1, Aug. 1956; v. 2, Aug. 1957. Philadelphia, Blumhaven Library & Gallery. P "The martyrdom of Mrs. Lincoln": v. 1, p. 30-35. "How newspapers reported assassination of President Lin- coln": v. 2, p. 3-8. "Capture of Lincoln's assassins spurred by huge reward": v. 2, p. 9-13. "Lincoln's wid- ow bitterly resented Ann Rutledge legend": v. 2, p. 14- 17. "Was 'snatched' saloon license the original or a forgery?" v. 2, p. 18-22. "Lincoln's life mask, a beard- less face," by L. Volk: v. 2, p. 23-26. 745. BOARDMAN, GEORGE DANA. Ad- dresses delivered in the meeting-house of the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, April 14th, 16th, and 19th, 1865. [Philadelphia, Sherman & Co., Printers, 1865] 64 p. 23 cm. (M410) E457.8.B65 copy 3 Cover title. Each address has special title page. Contents. — An address in commemoration of the re- establishment of the national flag at Fort Sumter . . . — Death, the law of life. A discourse delivered on the Sunday morning after the murder of President Lin- coln . . . — An address in commemoration of Abraham Lincoln . . . 746. BOLLES, E. C, and DANIEL L. MAULS- BY. Lincoln day program. Compiled and writ- ten by E. C. Bolles and D. L. Maulsby. Music by L. R. Lewis and Carrie Bullard. Boston, Mass., Perry Mason Co., c i909. 24 p. 24^ cm. (The youth's companion) (M1676) E457.7.B6 Cover title. Self-wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 747. BOLLINGER, JAMES W. Lincoln, states- man and logician. Davenport, Iowa, Priv. Print. [Muscatine, Iowa, The Prairie Press] 1944. 68 p. 20/2 cm. E457.B77 copy 3 Paper "prepared for the History Round Table of Dav- enport, Iowa, and read before it by the author on May 25, '943> an d read to the Lincoln Group of Chicago on December 9, 1943, and the Lincoln Fellowship of South- ern California, at Los Angeles, on January 8, 1944." "Limited to five hundred copies and the type distrib- uted." Authographed by the author. 748. BOLTON, SARAH (Knowles). Lives of poor boys who became famous, by Sarah K. Bol- ton. New York, T. Y. Crowell ["1885] viii, 367 p. ports. 19 cm. CT105.B65 copy 2 "Abraham Lincoln" : p. [3421-367. 749. BONAR, LEWIS J. The Lincoln I voted for. [n. p.] The Richland County Lincoln Asso- ciation, 1 93 1. 14 p. 18 cm. (M3249) P Cover title. On front cover, in manuscript: "For Mr. George P. Hambrecht." P. [2] : Signature of author on part of a form, cut out and pasted down. P. 14: Calling card of author, with biographical in- formation, pasted down. 750. BOOKER, RICHARD. Abraham Lincoln in periodical literature, i860- 1940, written and compiled by Richard Booker. Chicago, Fawley- Brost Co. [ c i94i] 5 p. 1, 67 p. mounted illus. 21/2 cm. Z8505.B7 copy 3 751. BOOKER, RICHARD. Check list of Lin- colniana in the Journals and Publications of the Illinois State Historical Society, 1899-1938. Chi- 73 cago, The Home of Books, 1939. [17] p., 1 1. 24 cm. (M3663) Z8505.B72 copies 2 &3 Blank leaf for "Addenda" at end. 181 items. Index. Copy 2 bound in blue cloth; copy 3 in brown printed wrappers. 752. Books at Brown, v. 7, Dec. 1944, Mar. 1945; v - n> Mar - ! 949; v. 12, Apr. 1950; v. 14, Feb. 1952. Providence, R. I., Friends of the Li- brary of Brown University. Z733- p 958B6 v. 7 [etc.] X copy "First Annual Lincoln Meeting": v. 7, p. [1]. "The humor of Lincoln and the seriousness of his biographers," by H. B. Van Hoesen: v. 7, p. 2-10. "Lincoln number": v. 11 (4 p.). "Herndon and Mrs. Lincoln," by D. Donald: v. 12, p. [i]-i2. "Lincolniana" [Lincoln recom- mends a Rhode Islander], by M. E. Brown: v. 14, p. 2-4. 753. BOOS, JOHN E. Address before Monarch Club, Albany, N. Y., February 11, 1936. [Albany, N. Y., Boyd Printing Company, Inc., 1936] [3] p. 23 cm. (M3505) P Caption title. Enclosed is letter from John E. Boos to "Mr. Starr," dated October 11, 1946. 754. BOSSIN, HYE. In the spirit of Abraham Lincoln. Written by Hye Bossin . . . and read by Frank I. Baine before the Lincoln Fellowship of Hamilton, Canada, at McMaster University on Feb- ruary 12, 1954. [Hamilton, Lincoln Fellowship, 1954] 8 P- 21/2 cm. E457.7.B64 Cover title. 755. Boston. A memorial of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Boston, Printed by Order of the City Council, 1865. 153 p. 27J/2 cm. (M626) E457.52.B72 copies 2 & 3 Contents. — Death of the President. — Proceedings of the City Council. — Meeting in Faneuil hall. — Procession and services on the first of June.- — Mr. Sumner's eulogy. George P. Hambrecht bookplate mounted on end paper of copy 2. Dark brown cloth, with gilt-stamped device on covers and gilt lettering on spine. Copy 2 is 21 cm. and copy 3 17J/2 cm - i n width. See also item 758. 756. Another issue. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1865. 27/2x21 cm. (M626var.) E 457-5 2 - B 723 copy 2 "Two hundred copies printed." Green cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. 757. Boston. City Council. Bronze group com- memorating emancipation; a gift to the City of Boston from Hon. Moses Kimball, dedicated De- cember 6, 1879. [Boston] Printed by Order of the City Council [Press of Rockwell & Churchill] 1879. 75 p. 1 illus. 24 cm. (City document no. 126) (M961) JS13.B7 2d set no. 126 Oration by Frederick O. Prince, p. [2 7J-75. 758. Boston. City Council. Proceedings of the City Council of Boston, April 17, 1865, on occasion of the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Boston, Published by Order of the City Council, 1865. 35 p. (18 leaves) 22 cm. (M682) E457.52.B73 copy 2 Printed on one side of leaf only. Line borders. Stamped on title page: "Donated by the Mercantile Library Association, New York City." Printed from different plates in item 755, p. [i5]-23- Previously bound. 759. Boston. City Council. Joint Special Com- mittee on the Burial of Massachusetts Dead at Gettysburg. Report of the Joint Special Com- mittee on the Burial of Massachusetts Dead at Gettysburg; together with the oration of Edward Everett, at the consecration of the National Ceme- tery, and other matters in relation thereto. Boston, J. E. Farwell & Co., Printers, 1863. 93 p. fold, plan. 23 J/2 cm. (City document. — no. 106) (M193 n °te) JS13.B7 2d set Lincoln's Gettysburg address, p. 20-21. On cover: Burial of Massachusetts dead at Gettysburg. In gray slipcase. 760. BOTTS, JOHN M. Union or disunion. The union cannot and shall not be dissolved. Mr. Lincoln not an abolitionist. Speech at Holcombe Hall, in Lynchburg, Virginia, on Thursday evening, October 18. [Lynchburg? Va., i860] 23 p. 21/2 cm. (M29) E440.B75 copy 2 Caption title. Ms. note at head of title: "Sold at Lambert auction." Previously bound. In red quarter-morocco slipcase. 761. BOUND Y, THOMAS. Liberty's martyr; a poem in eight cantos. Jermyn, Pa., Press Print. Off., 1897. 99 p. illus., ports. 2o/ 2 cm. (M1213) E457.9.B76 copy 2 "First edition." Author's autographed presentation copy to Charles T. White, with holograph letter of transmittal tipped in. Original quatrain by the author inscribed on p. 99. 74 762. [BOURNE, WILLIAM OLAND] The house that Jeff built. New York, The American News Co. [1868] 16 p. illus. 23/20111. E647.B865 copies 4 & 5 Cover title. Cover illustration: Banner of the South Carolina con- vention. Copyright by John J. Reed. Authorship on authority of a letter from Bourne to B. J. Lossing, November 20, 1 868, which in 1903 was in the Judd Stewart collection, New York. Copy 4 bound, with original wrappers, in red three- quarter-morocco. 763. BOUTELL, HENRY S. Abraham Lin- coln. Speech in the House of Representatives, Thursday, February 11, 1909. Washington, 1909. 7 p. 24^2 cm. (M1677) P Cover title ( ? ) . In Gaylord binder. 764. BOUTWELL, GEORGE S. Eulogy on the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the City Council and citizens of Lowell, at Hunting- ton Hall, April 19th, 1865. Lowell, Stone & Huse, Printers, 1865. 17 p. 23 cm. (M418) E457.8.B78 copy 2 "Published by resolution of the City Council." Green quarter-morocco, with original printed wrappers and holograph letter from author to Henry S. Allen, dated October 9, 1894, bound in. 765. BOUTWELL, GEORGE S. The lawyer, the statesman and the soldier. New York, D. Ap- pleton, 1887. 3 p. 1., 232 p. 19 cm. (M4 1 8 note) E176.B78 copy 3 Inscribed to Bancroft Davis. Contents. — Rufus Choate, the lawyer. — Daniel Web- ster, the statesman. — President Lincoln, the statesman and liberator. — General Grant, the soldier and statesman. 766. BOUTWELL, GEORGE S. Reminis- cences of sixty years in public affairs. New York, McClure, Phillips, 1902. 2 v. port. 23^2 cm. E661.B76 copy 3 "Published May, 1902." "Mr. Lincoln as an historical personage, a speech de- livered before the La Salle Club, Chicago, February 12, 1889": v. 2, p. 300-313. 767. BOWERS, CLAUDE G. The tragic era; the revolution after Lincoln. Cambridge, Hough- ton Miffln, 1929. xxii p., 2 1., [3^567 p. illus., ports., facsim. 23 cm. E668.B779 copy 13 768. BOWERS, JOHN HUGH. Life of Abra- ham Lincoln. Girard, Kan., Haldeman- Julius [ c ig22] 62 p. 13 cm. (Ten cent pocket series, no. 324, ed. by E. Haldeman-Julius) (M2555) E457.B78 copy 3 Advertising matter: p. 59-62. On cover: Little blue book no. 324, ed. by E. Halde- man-Julius. Blue printed wrappers. 769. Another issue, (var. of M2555) E457.B78 copy 2 Copyright date omitted from copyright page. Green printed wrappers. 770. BOWERS, JOHN HUGH. Lincoln-Doug- las debate. Girard, Kan., Haldeman-Julius Co. ["1923] 96 p. 13 cm. (Ten cent pocket series, no. 341, ed. by E. Haldeman-Julius) (M2625) E457.4.B77 copy 2 On cover: Little blue book no. 341. Advertising matter: p. 91—96. Printed wrappers. 771. BOWES, JOHN. The fall of Abraham Lin- coln; slavery vanquished in arms, resorts to the pistol and the dagger: thus the South is avenged, [n. p., 1865?] 16 p. 23 cm. E457.5.B77 1865 "A lecture delivered in the Corn Exchange Hall, Dun- dee, May 7, 1865." Self-wrappers. In black quarter-morocco slipcase. 772. BOWKER, MATTHEW. I refused to talk to President Lincoln, [n. p., 1916?] [2] p. 20 cm. (M2223) P Cover title. 773. The Boy Lincoln. [Boston? c igog] folder (4 p.) 1 illus. 20/2 cm. (Mi 758) E457.6.B78 copy 2 Caption title. Includes also biography of Eastman Johnson. 774. BOYD, ANDREW. A memorial Lincoln bibliography: being an account of books, eulogies, sermons, portraits, engravings, medals, etc., pub- lished upon Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, assassinated Good Friday, April 14, 1865; comprising a collection in the pos- session of the compiler, Andrew Boyd. Albany, 75 N. Y.j A. Boyd, 1870. iv, [4], 175 p. 1 illus., 1 port., 1 facsim. 27/2 cm. (M916) Z8505.B78 copy 4 In two parts: I. Bibliographia Lincolniana: an ac- count of the publications occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln . . . being a bibliographical catalogue of all sermons, eulogies, orations, etc., delivered at the time, with notes and an introduction by Charles H. Hart ... II. Lincoln bibliography: being an account of biographies, eulogies, engravings, medals, etc., published upon Abraham Lincoln, by Andrew Boyd. In maroon three-quarter-closed case. 775. BOYD, LUCINDA J. (Rogers). The sor- rows of Nancy, by L. Boyd. Richmond, Va., O. E. Flanhart Print. Co., 1899. 95 p. illus. 18 J/2 cm. (Mi 240) E457.32.B78 copy 3 A narrative in story form embracing "facts, traditions, and fancies" concerning the life of Abraham Lincoln's mother. Bookplate of John E. Burton; also bookplate and auto- graph of William E. Barton. Letter from William H. Townsend to Barton, lain in. (The letter transmits a list of names, etc. for insertion in blank spaces in the "Affidavits" (p. 77-95). The names were furnished by Lucien Beckner, son of Judge W. M. Beckner, whose "affidavit" appears on p. 80-81.) 776. BOYDEN, ANNA L. Echoes from hospital and White House. A record of Mrs. Rebecca R. Pomroy's experience in war-times. Boston, D. Lo- throp [1884] 250 p. 18J/2 cm. E621.P78 copy 3 Later published under title: War reminiscenses . . . [1887]. Numerous references to Lincoln. 777. BOYKIN, EDWARD. Congress and the Civil War. New York, McBride Co. [1955] 352 p. illus. 22 cm. E415.7.B65 copy 3 778. BOYKIN, EDWARD. Ghost ship of the Confederacy; the story of the Alabama and her captain, Raphael Semmes, by Edward Boykin. New York, Funk & Wagnalls [1957] viii p., 2 1., [3] _ 4°4 P- illus., ports. 22 cm. E467.1.S47B72 copy 3 Autographed by the author. 779. BOYKIN, EDWARD, ed. Living letters from American history. Garden City, N. Y., Hal- cyon House [1942] xvi, 387 p. facsim. 22 cm. E173.B79 copy 3 Partial Contents. — Lincoln challenges Douglas to a debate (p. 297-302). — Abraham Lincoln accepts the Re- publican nomination (p. 307-308). — Lincoln grows a beard and establishes a precedent (p. 308-310). — Lincoln replies to Horace Greeley (p. 328). — President Lincoln agrees to risk creating a dictator if General Hooker will win battles (p. 330—332). — Lincoln writes to the work- ingmen of England (p. 332-333). — President Lincoln writes to Mrs. Bixby (p. 339-340). — Booth plans to kid- nap President Lincoln (p. 340-344). — The stenographer who stood at Lincoln's deathbed tells his story of that tragic night (p. 350-354)- 780. BRADFORD, GAMALIEL. The haunted biographer; dialogues of the dead. Seattle, Uni- versity of Washington Book Store, 1927. 7 p. 1., [13]— 44 p., 1 1. 19 cm. ( University of Washington chapbooks, no. 10) (var. of M3000) PS3503.R2H3 J 928 copy 3 "Abraham Lincoln"; p. [13]- 19. Printed wrappers. 781. BRADFORD, GAMALIEL. Wives. New York, London, Harper & Bro. ["1925] xiii, 298 p. ports. 23 cm. E 1 76.B84 copy 3 "Mrs. Abraham Lincoln": p. [15I-52. 782. BRADFORD, RALPH. Reprieve, a Christ- mas story of 1863. Washington [R. H. Darby] 1940. 52 p., 1 1. illus. 24^2 cm. E457.9.B813 copy 2 Illustrated title page. "First edition." "Drawings by Charles Dunn." 783. BRADLEY, PRESTON. Was Abraham Lincoln a Christian? [Peoria, 111., E. J. Jacob, J 949] J 5 P- port. i8*/2cm. P Cover title. A sermon given at the People's Church of Chicago on Feb. 8, 1948. Presentation copy. 784. BRADY, CYRUS TOWNSEND. Wash- ington and Lincoln, a comparison, a contrast and a consequence. An address delivered on June 18, 1904 at Valley Forge, Penna., before the Pennsyl- vania Society of Sons of the Revolution, to com- memorate the abandonment of the camp by the Continental Army in 1778. [Philadelphia] The So- ciety, 1904. 3 p. L, 9-25 p. 25/2 cm. (M1435) E312.63.B795 1 904 copy 2 "Limited to five hundred copies . . . This copy is no. 47 [Signed] Cyrus Townsend Brady." (The first 50 bound in cloth, the remaining 450 in paper.) Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 17). 76 785. BRAKEMAN, NELSON L. A great man fallen. A sermon preached in the Methodist Church, Baton Rouge, La., April 23, 1865, on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, by Rev. N. L. Brakeman, Post Chaplain. New Orleans, Printed at the New Orleans Times Book and Job Office, 1865. 32 p. 21cm. (M422) E457.8.B814 copy 2 "Preached and published by request." Previously bound. 786. BRANCH, E. DOUGLAS. The senti- mental years, 1836- 1860. New York, London, D. Appleton-Century Co. 1934. xiii, 432 p. illus., ports. 23 /> cm. E166.B82 copy 4 "A social discussion of the first generation of the Ameri- can middle class." — Pref. Includes music. One or two references to Lincoln. 787. BRANIGAN, WILLIAM H. Abraham Lincoln. [Peterboro, N. H., Transcript Print. Co., 1909] 11 p. 22 cm. (M1678) E457.8.B82 copy 2 Cover title. "Sermon . . . preached in the Unitarian Church, Peterboro, N. H., Lincoln Centennial Sunday, February 7, 1909-" 788. BRAUN, WILBUR. "Young Lincoln," a play in three acts, a prologue and an epilogue, based on the early life of Abraham Lincoln, Amer- ica's greatest leader. Minneapolis, Minn., The Northwestern Press, c i938. 108, [11] p. illus., diagrs. 19 cm. (M3608) PS3503.R2733Y575 !93 8 co PY 3 Printed wrappers. 789. BRECK, ROBERT L. The habeas corpus, and martial law. Prepared for the Danville quar- terly review for December, 1861. Cincinnati, R. H. Collins, Printer, 1862. 39 p. 21 cm. E458.8.B9 copy 2 Not published in the Review, and therefore published separately. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Previously bound. 790. BRECKINRIDGE, FRANK P. Mary, the wife (of Abraham Lincoln) ; a drama adapted for television. [Chicago] Chicago Literary Club, 1955 [ Cl 949J 3 1 ) t 1 ] P- 22/2 cm. (Chicago Literary Club. Club papers) PS3503.R33M3 "Edition of three hundred copies." Paper read before the Club on Apr. 19, 1954. Printed wrappers. 791. BRECKINRIDGE, ROBERT J. The great deliverance and the new career. An oration delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Union College at Schenectady, N. Y., on the 25th July, 1865. Philadelphia, J. S. Claxton, 1865. 1 p. 1., 32 p. 22J/2 cm. E649.B825 copy 3 "Published by order of the Society." Previously bound. 792. BRENNER, EDUARD. Abraham Lin- coln; Rede, gehalten bei der Rektoratsfeier der Universitat Erlangen am 8. Okt. 1947. Erlan- gen, Dipax-Verlag [1948] 40 p. 21 cm. (Er- langer wissenschaftliche Beitrage. Philologische Reihe, Nr. 2) E457.8.B84 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 793. BRENNER, WALTER C. The Ford the- atre Lincoln assassination playbills, a study. Phil- adelphia, Priv. Print., 1937. 3 p. 1., 3-16 p., 1 1. illus., facsims. 25/2 cm. (M3555) E457.5.B84 "An edition of seventy-five copies only printed by the Southworth-Anthoensen Press, Portland, Maine. This is no. 40." In pocket at end of book: three-page supplement in blue wrappers, dated Feb. 12, 1940. 794. BRICK, JOHN. Jubilee. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1956. 320 p. 22 cm. PS35°3 R 5243J 8 A novel about the burning of Atlanta and Sherman's march to the sea. End paper maps. Autographed by the author. 795. BRIGGS, GEORGE W. Eulogy on Abra- ham Lincoln . . . June 1, 1865. With the pro- ceedings of the City Council on the death of the President. Salem, Mass. [G. W. Pease, Printer] 1865. 48p. 23/2x15011. (M423) E457.8.B85 copy 2 White printed wrappers. (Cover and title-page title same. ) 796. Another issue. 23/2 x 18^2 cm. (M423 var.) E457.8.B852 copy 2 Large paper edition. White printed wrappers. (On cover: Dr. Briggs' eulogy.) 77 797- BRIGGS, HAROLD E., and ERNSTINE B. BRIGGS. Nancy Hanks Lincoln, a frontier por- trait. New York, Bookman Associates, 1952 [i. e. J 953] !35P- ma P- 22 cm. E457.32.B8 copies 3 & 4 798. [BRIGGS, JAMES A.] An authentic ac- count of Hon. Abraham Lincoln being invited to give an address in Cooper Institute, N. Y., Febru- ary 27, i860, together with Mr. Bryant's introduc- tion and Mr. Lincoln's speech. Putnam, Conn., Priv. Print., 19 15. [32] p. 23 cm. (M2177) E457.4.B85 copy 2 Cover title. Caption title (p. [1]): Narrative of James A. Briggs, esq. (from the New York Evening Post, August 16, 1867). "Speech of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at the Cooper Institute, Monday, Feb. 27, i860": p. [8-32]. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 799. BRIGGS, MORRIS H. Lincoln literature, folder ( [4] p. ) 24 cm. (M3001) P No. 13 of an edition of 25 copies. Reprinted from Publishers' Weekly of February 25, 1928. Autographed by the author on p. [1]. 800. [BRISTED, CHARLES ASTOR] The coward's convention. New York, Loyal Publica- tion Society, 1864. 16 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Pub- lication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 68) E463.L96 no. 68 4th set Cover title. In pamphlet holder. 801. BRITT, ALBERT. Abraham Lincoln, for boys and girls. New York, Frank-Maurice, Inc., 1925. 244 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. (M2761) E457.B84 copy 3 802. BRITTEN, EMMA (Hardinge). The great funeral oration on Abraham Lincoln, by Miss Emma Llardinge. Delivered Sunday, April 16, 1865, at Cooper Institute, New York, before up- wards of three thousand persons. New York, American News Co. [1865] 28 p. 22J/2 cm. (M546) E457.8.B86 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 803. BROCKETT, LINUS P. The life and times of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States; including his speeches, messages, inaugurals, proclamations, etc., etc. By L. P. Brockett. Philadelphia, Bradley & Co. ; Roches- ter, N. Y., R. H. Curran ; Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Jones Bros.; Chicago, P. R. Randall, 1865. 750 p. illus., port. 22/2 cm. (M424var.) E457.B86 copies 3 & 4 Copy 3 bound in black cloth, with oval design blind- stamped on covers and gilt lettering on spine; canary- colored end papers. Copy 4 bound in dark gray-brown cloth, with eagle and flag design blind-stamped on covers and gilt lettering and design on spine; dark yellow end papers. 804. BROGAN, DENIS W. Abraham Lincoln, by D. W. Brogan. London, Duckworth [1935] J 435 t 1 ] P- map. 19 cm. (Great lives. [48]) (M3470) E457.B865 copy 2 Bibliography: 1 p. at end. 805. BROMWELL, HENRY PELHAM HOLMES. Further light, and other poems written for Masonic occasions, also tributes to his friend Abraham Lincoln. Denver, Colo., Henrietta E. Bromwell, 1920. 6 p. I., 62 p. port. 18J/2 cm. (M2444) PS1123.B78F8 1920 copy 2 "Edition of eighty numbers." On cover: Masonic poems. Dark blue quarter-suede. 806. Brooklyn. War Fund Committee. Services and addresses at the unveiling of the statue of Abraham Lincoln, Brooklyn, N. Y., October 21st, 1869. Published by the War Fund Committee. Brooklyn [H. M. Gardner, Jr., Printer] 1869. 32 p. 23^2 cm. (M914) E129.B7S4 copy 2 Address by Rev. Richard S. Storrs, Jr.: p. 14—32. Fly leaf inscribed: "Chas. T. White 191 7." Green half-morocco, with original glazed printed wrap- pers bound in. 807. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Bulletin, v. 4, Feb. 8, 1930. LD587.B3 v. 34 X copy "Abraham Lincoln" : p. 203-204. 808. BROOKS, ELBRIDGE S. The heroic life of Abraham Lincoln the great emancipator. Illus- trated in black and white and with colored plates. Boston, De Wolfe, Fiske [ c igo2] 48 p. illus. (4 col.) 24^2 cm. ([Heroic series]) (Mi 369 var.) E457.B87 copy 2 Glazed boards. Cloth back. 809. BROOKS, ELBRIDGE S. The true story of Abraham Lincoln, the American, told for boys 78 and girls. Boston, Lothrop Pub. Co. [ c i8g6] 239 p. illus., ports. 24.^/2 cm. ([Children's lives of great men]) (Mi 189) E457.B873 copy 3 End paper inscribed : "Chas. T. White 1916." Light blue cloth, lettered in dark blue, red, and white; embossed portrait of Lincoln in high relief on cover. 810. Another issue. Boston, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard [ c i924] (Mi 189 var.) E457.B873 1924 Title page reset. Gray-green cloth, lettered in dark blue and red; em- bossed portrait of Lincoln in low relief on cover. Top edge blue. 811. BROOKS, JAMES. The two proclama- tions; speech . . . before the Democratic Union Association, Sept. 29th, 1862. [New York, Printed by Van Evrie, Horton & Co., 1862?] 8 p. 22/2 cm. (Mi 22) E453.B85 X copy Caption title. Anti-Lincoln. Self-wrappers. 812. BROOKS, NOAH. Abraham Lincoln; a biography for young people. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1889. xiii, 476 p. illus., ports., facsim. 20 cm. (var. of Mi 040) E457.B876 copy 3 23 full-page illustrations included in the pagination. Rebound in deep red cloth, with author and title labels pasted on spine. 813. Another edition. 1894. 1 p. 1., xv. 471 p. (Heroes of the nations, ed. by E. Abbott (M1040 var.) E457.B877 copy 3 From many of the same plates repaged. Published under title: Abraham Lincoln and the Down- fall of American Slavery. Four pages of advertising at end of book. Illustrations not included in the pagination. Contains additional chapter on "The President and his cabinet": p. 429-443. Dark red cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. Series title on spine. 814. Another edition. [ c i90i] 2 p. 1., iii-xvii, 204 p. illus., port., facsim. 19/2 cm. (The Knickerbocker literature series, ed. by F. L. Om- sted. [v. 2]) (M1331) E457.B878 copy 2 Abridged edition. From different plates. Published under title: Abraham Lincoln: His Youth and Early Manhood, With a Brief Account of His Later Life. Editor's presentation copy to Charles T. White. Green cloth, with black design and lettering on cover and spine. 815. Another edition. [1909] xvii, [1], 467 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. (Mi040var.) E457.B8785 4 illustrations. At head of title: Centennial edition. Published under title: Abraham Lincoln, the Nation's Leader in the Great Struggle Through Which was Main- tained the Existence of the United States. The text is that of the 1894 edition. From different plates. Red cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." 816. BROOKS, NOAH. The character and re- ligion of President Lincoln; a letter of Noah Brooks, May 10, 1865. Champlain, Priv. Print., 19 19. ",[i]p. 25/2 cm. (M2405) E457.2.B85 copies 2 & 3 "Sixty-three copies of this letter were privately printed by Hugh McLellan, in the month of November, 1 919, at the Moorsfield Press, Champlain, N. Y." These are nos. 36 and 53. Copy 3 inscribed presentation copy from the printer to Charles T. White. Printed wrappers, bound with silk cord. 817. BROOKS, NOAH. Glimpses of Lincoln in war time. [New York] 457-467 p. 2454 cm. E457.15.B86 Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 49, Jan. 1895, and bound in black cloth. 818. BROOKS, NOAH. Lincoln, by friend and foe; Noah Brooks, Democratic manual of 1864. Edited by Robert J. Cole. London, New York, Calcutta, The Gold Medal Library [ c i922] 96 p. illus., port. 1 2J/2 cm. (var.(?) of M2558) E 457 r 5 B8 7 copy 5 Dark-brown gilt-stamped imitation leather, with marbled end papers and gilt edges. In olive-green gilt- stamped cloth jacket. 819. Another issue. (var(?) of M2558) E457!5 B8 7 co P ics 3 & 4 First page of text (p. [7]) from different plate. Copy 3 (12V2 cm.) bound in reddish-brown cloth, with gilt-stamped cover and spine and gilt top. Copy 4(13 cm.) bound in red boards with gilt-stamped cover, black cloth spine, and red tinted edges. 79 820. BROOKS, NOAH. Washington in Lin- coln's time. New York, The Century Co., 1895. 2 p. 1., vii-ix p., 1 1., 328 p. 19/2 cm. (Mi 160) E501.B87 copy 3 821. BROOKS, PHILLIPS, Bp. Addresses. With introduction by Julius H. Ward. Boston, C. E. Brown [ c i893J 20 4 P- P orts - J 6 cm. BX5845.B7A4 1893a On cover: Perfect freedom. "Abraham Lincoln": p. 151-176. 822. BROOKS, PHILLIPS, Bp. The life and death of Abraham Lincoln. A sermon preached at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, Sunday morning, April 23, 1865. Philadelphia, H. B. Ashmead, Printer, 1865. 24 p. 23 cm. (M425) E457.8.B87 copy 2 "Printed at the request of members of the congrega- tion." Author's holograph letter to Henry Willett, laid in. Printed wrappers. 823. BROOKS, WALTER H. Impressions at the tomb of Abraham Lincoln. [Washington? 1926?] [4] p. 18 cm. (M2837) P (2 copies) Caption title. 824. [BROOM, WALTER W.] Abraham Lin- coln's character. Sketched by English travellers. [Brooklyn? 1865] [4] p. 23 cm. (M426) E457.8.B88 copies 2 &3 Caption title. Signed: W. W. B., Brooklyn, April 30, 1865. Each page printed within mourning borders. Copy 2 stamped "Library of Congress. Duplicate. Exchanged." In gray slipcase. Copy 3 in modern green half-morocco binding. 825. Broughton's monthly planet reader and astrological journal, v. 1, no. 6. Philadelphia. September 1, i860. 42-48 p. port. 22 cm. (M30) E457.2.B87 copy 2 Cover title. Pages 43-48 missing. On cover: Zodiac, with cut of Lincoln in center. "Nativity of the Hon. Abram Lincoln. The presi- dential election": p. 42. Binder's title: Lincoln's horoscope i860. Bound in modern blue cloth. 826. BROWDER, EARL R. Lincoln and the Communists, by Earl Browder. [New York, Work- ers Library Publishers, 1936] HP- 1 9 cm - (M3506) E457.8.B89 copy 2 Cover title. "Speech delivered on Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12, 1936, at Springfield, 111." Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Letter from the publisher to John W. Starr, Jr., laid in. 827. BROWN, ASA W. Sam's fast. Jan. 1, 1863 . . . Awbron's nationair. Song-set for the day. Washington's dream. Abe's policy. Sambo's call . . . [Washington] 1863. 15 p. 2 2 J/2 cm. P "A new-year circular, printed, New York, December 31st, 1862. Issued in Washington, by A. W. Brown, of East Rockport, Ohio." Sheet music, p. 9-12. 828. BROWN, CHARLES REYNOLDS. Lin- coln, the greatest man of the nineteenth century. New York, Macmillan, 1922. 77 p. 18 cm. (M2559) E457.8.B9 copy 4 Maroon cloth. 829. Another issue. 1923. (M2559 var.) E457.8.B9 copy 3 Title page reset. Dark red cloth. 830. BROWN, D. ALEXANDER. Grierson's Raid. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1954. 3 p. 1., 261 p., 1 1. illus., ports., maps. 24 cm. E475.23.B7 copy 3 End paper maps. Grierson's cavalry raid, 1863. 831. BROWN, GEORGE WILLIAM. Balti- more and the nineteenth of April 1861 ; a study of the war. Baltimore, N. Murray, 1887. 176 p. map. 24 y-i. cm. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Extra vol. 3) FiSg.BiBgcopy 2 The author was mayor of the city in 1 86 1 . Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 832. BROWN, ROBERT E. The meaning of Abraham Lincoln. Oakland, Calif., First Congre- gational Church, 1929. [8] p. 21cm. (M3082) E457.8.B914 Cover title. 833. BROWN, ROLLO WALTER. Lonely Americans. New York, Coward-McCann, 1929. 5 p. 1., ix-xii p., 1 1., 15-319 p. ports. 22 cm. Ei76.B885copy3 "Lincoln the radical" : p. 26 1-3 1 1 . 80 834- BROWN, VIRGINIA STUART. Through Lincoln's door. Illustrations by the author. [Springfield? 111., Lithographed by Li-Co Art & Let- ter Service, 1952] 84 p. illus., facsims. 17/2 cm. F549.S7B7 copy 3 "Edition 1." Map on verso of back cover. Glazed printed wrappers. 835. [BROWNE, CHARLES F.] ArtemusWard, his book. With many comic illustrations. New York, Carleton, 1866. vi, [2], [g]-224 p. illus. 19 cm. PSi 140.A2 1867 copy 2 First issued May 1 7, 1 862. Illustrations printed on pink paper. Four pages of advertising following p. 224. End paper inscribed : "Chas. T. White 19 17." "Interview with President Lincoln" : p. [i52]-i6o. On spine : Artemus Ward. His book. 1. 836. [BROWNE, CHARLES F.] Artemus Ward on his visit to Abe Lincoln. Letter III. Chicago, The Poor Richard Press, 1939. [12] p. 1 illus. 17/2 cm. (M3664 var.) E457.63.B7 copy 2 "Reprinted from Vanity Fair, December 8, i860." Printed on green paper. Red printed heavy-paper covers, tied with cord. 837. Another issue. Chicago, Home of Books, 1939- (M3664) E457.63.B7 1939a copies 1-4 Title page differs. 838. BROWNE, FRANCIS F.,comp. The every- day life of Abraham Lincoln; a biography of the great American President from an entirely new standpoint, with fresh and invaluable material. Lincoln's life and character portrayed by those who knew him. A series of pen-pictures by friends, neighbors, and daily associates, during his whole career. Estimates and impressions of distinguished men . . . Prepared and arranged by Francis F. Browne. New York, St. Louis, N. D. Thompson Pub. Co., 1886. 1 p. 1., vii-xxvii, 33-747 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. (M1019) E457.B88 copy 2 Green cloth, imprinted in black and gilt. In green three- quarter-closed case. 839. Another issue. 1887. (M1019 var.) E457.B88 copy 3 Title page reset. Orange cloth, imprinted in black and gilt. Gilt edges. In case with the above. 840. Another edition. Chicago, Browne & How- ell, 1913. 2 p. 1., [v]-xxiii p., 1 1., 622 p. 2 ports. 21/2 cm. (M2071) E457.B882 copy 3 "Published, November, 1913." Issued under title: The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln; a Narrative and Descriptive Biography with Pen- pictures and Personal Recollections by Those who knew him. "New and thoroughly rev. ed., from new plates, with an entirely new portrait of Lincoln, from a charcoal study by J. N. Marble." "In re-writing the present work, it has been compressed into about two-thirds of its former compass ... to give it in some places a greater measure of coherency and con- tinuity as an outline narrative of the Civil War."— Pref. to 2d ed., p. xi. Portrait by Marble torn out. Maroon cloth; with lettering blind-stamped on cover, imprinted in gray on spine. Gilt top. Untrimmed. 841. Another issue. 2 v. (3 p. 1., [v]-xxiii p., 2 1. 622 p.) 3 ports. 24/2 cm. (M207ivar.) E457.B8817 "This edition deluxe is limited to one hundred num- bered sets . . . Number 2." Title pages from same plate but rubricated and with volume numbering. With half-title. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Burnt-orange boards, with paper label on spine, gilt top, and untrimmed edges. In three-quarter-closed case. 842. Another issue. 1914 [ c 1 g 1 3] 2 p. 1., a-v, [v]- xxiii, 622 p. ports. 21 cm. (M2071 var.) E457.B88213 "Special edition." "Published especially for the Lincoln Centennial Asso- ciation of Springfield, Illinois. It is limited to six hundred copies, of which this copy is number 1 15." Title and copyright pages considerably reset. Without half-title. The added material (p. a-v) relates to the Lincoln Centennial Association. Red three-quarter morocco with gilt-stamped spine. Gilt top. 843. BROWNE, ROBERT H. Abraham Lincoln and the men of his time. Cincinnati, Jennings & Pye; New York, Eaton & Mains [1901] 2 v. (582, 701 p.) 3 ports. 21J/2 cm. (M1332) E457.B883copy3 Red cloth lettered in gilt on spine. Gilt top. 844. Another edition. Chicago, Blakely-Oswald Print. Co., 1907. 2 v. (630, 701 p.) illus., ports. 20/2 cm. (M1521) E457.B884copy 2 "Revised second edition." Issued under title: Abraham Lincoln and the Men of his Time; his Cause, his Character, and True Place in 8l History, and the Men, Statesmen, Heroes, Patriots, Who Formed the Illustrious League About Him. Title and copyright pages from different plates. Vol. I, p. 3-9, 11-582 from same plates. Pages [5831-630 con- sists of addresses, speeches, letters, etc., of Lincoln. With additional illustrations. Reddish-brown cloth lettered in gilt on spine. 845. BROWNING, ORVILLE HICKMAN. The diary of Orville Hickman Browning. Edited with introduction and notes by Theodore Calvin Pease and James G. Randall. Springfield, 111., The Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library, 1 925-^3] 2 v. 22/2 cm. (Collection of the Illi- nois State Historical Library, vol. XX, XXII. Lin- coln series, vol. II— III ) E457.B887 copy 2 Volume II edited by James G. Randall. Contents. — I. 1850-1864. — II. 1865-1881. 846. BROWNING, WILLIAM. The role of doctors' sons in the Lincoln administration; a con- tribution to the psychology of government. New York, W. Wood [1916] 9 p. 19/2 cm. (M2224) E467.B88 copy 2 Cover title. Reprinted from the Medical Record, October 28, 19 16. Reprinted also in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 16). Letter of transmittal from the Library of the Medical Society of the County of Kings, Brooklyn, N. Y., to Albert H. Griffith, laid in. 847. BRUCE, ROBERT. Gettysburg; a survey, from the standpoints of topography and the high- ways, of the military operations which culminated at Gettysburg in the summer of 1863. Brief out- lines of the three days' battle. Lincoln's Gettys- burg address and its associations. Development of the battlefield into a great national memorial to the soldiers of the North and South. Clinton, N. Y., R. Bruce ; Washington, New York, American Auto- mobile Association, c i920. 31 p. illus., ports., maps. 27/2 cm. E475.53.B87 copy 3 Cover title. 848. BRUCE, ROBERT V. Lincoln and the tools of war. Foreword by Benjamin P. Thomas. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs-Merrill [1956] 1 p. 1., xi p., 2 1., 368 p. illus., ports., facsim. 22/2 cm. E491.B7 1956a copies 1 & 2 "First edition." "Ordnance edition autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club." Bibliography: p. 345-354- 849. [BRUMBAUGH, MARTIN G] Program for the celebration of Lincoln's birthday. Phila- delphia, Board of Public Education, Office of Su- perintendent of Schools. Jan. 20, 1909. [Phila- delphia, 1909] [4] p., 28 cm. (M1680) P In Gaylord binder. 850. Bruno's weekly, v. 2, Feb. 12, 1916. New York, Charles Edison. AP2.B87 v. 2 X copy "Lincoln as seen by the cartoonists of his time," by Guido Bruno: p. [467]~47i. 851. BRYAN, GEORGE S. The great Ameri- can myth. New York, Carrick & Evans [ c i94o] xii, 436 p. illus., ports., facsims., plans. 24/2 cm. E457.5.B88 copy 3 Concerning John Wilkes Booth. 852. BRYAN, WILLIAM JENNINGS. The Commoner condensed. New York, London, Mon- treal, The Abbey Press [1902] xii, 469 p. 2 illus., port. 22/2 cm. JK271.B7 copy 3 Partial Contents (editorials). — Abraham Lincoln (p. 27-29). — Lincoln and the silver Republicans (p. 98- 100). — Lincoln's Gettysburg speech (p. 149-150). 853. BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN. The death of Lincoln. Edited by N. D. Gilbert, Super- intendent of Schools, DeKalb, 111. Taylorville, 111., C. M. Parker, 1905. 8 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. (Parker's supplementary reader, new series no. 41. Whole no. 168) (M1452) P Cover title. 854. Another edition. With suggestions for study. Arranged for supplementary reading in schools. Taylorville, 111., Parker Publishing Co. [n. d.] 7p. 19 cm. (Parker's lessons in literature, no. 168) (M1295) P Cover title. From different plates. Editor's name does not appear; not illustrated. 855. BRYNER, BYRON C. Abraham Lincoln in Peoria, Illinois, by B. C. Bryner. [Peoria? 1924] 4 p. 1., 1 1-127 p. illus., ports., facsims. (partfold.) 22/2 cm. (M2684) E457.4.B88 1924 "One hundred copies privately printed by Edward J. Jacob, Printer, Peoria, Illinois." "Speech of Abraham Lincoln at Peoria, 111., Oct. 16, 1854, in reply to Senator Stephen A. Douglas": p. 29-57. Bookplate of Charles T. White. Brown handtooled three-quarter morocco. Gilt top. 82 856. Another edition. [Peoria, 111., Lincoln His- torical Pub. Co., c ig26] 7 p. I., 15-304 p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. (part fold.) 23/2 cm. (M2686) E457.4.B88 copies 3 & 4 "Second enlarged edition, October 16, 1926, limited to 1000 copies." Pages 17-134 (chapters 1-11) correspond in content to p. 11-127 of the previous edition. Ms. note on fly leaf of copy 3: "Gift from Edward J. Jacob . . . One of 12 bound in leather." Bookplate of Charles T. White. "Speech of Abraham Lincoln at Peoria, 111., Oct. 16, 1854, in reply to Senator Stephen A. Douglas": p. 37-62. Copy 3 bound in dark green full-leather (var. of M2686) with line border blind-stamped and autographed portrait of Lincoln gilt-stamped on cover. Gilt sides. Copy 4 bound in beige buckram. 857. BUCHAN, JOHN. The path of the king. New York, George H. Doran [1921] vii, [1], 1 1-290 p. 20 cm. PR6003.U13P3 1921 A series of fictitious biographies culminating in Lincoln (p. 243-290), whom the author imagines as descended from a heroic line of kings commencing with the Northmen. Mustard-colored cloth, with red lettering on cover and spine. 858. Another issue. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1931. 19/2 cm. PR6003.U13P3 1931 Pages [i]-[iv] (half-title, title and copyright pages, etc.) from different plates. Blue-green cloth, with yellow lettering on cover and spine. 859. BUCHAN, JOHN. Two ordeals of democ- racy. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin [1925] vi, 56 p. 20 cm. (var. of M2762) E649.B917 copy 2 "A lecture [on Lincoln] at Milton Academy on the Alumni War Memorial Foundation, October 16, 1924." 860. BUCHANAN, JAMES, Pres. U. S. Mr. Buchanan's administration on the eve of the re- bellion. New York, D. Appleton, 1866. x, [9^296 p. 24 cm. E436.B91 copy 4 Frequent references to Lincoln. 861. BUCHANAN, LAMONT. A pictorial his- tory of the Confederacy. New York, Crown Pub- lishers [1951] 288 p. illus., ports., facsims. 28/2 cm. E487.B8 copy 3 Scattered references to Lincoln. Boards. Cloth back. 862. [BUCK, JAMES S.] The chronicles, of the land of Columbia, commonly called America. From the landing of the Pilgrim fathers, to the second reign of Ulysses the I., a period of two hundred and fifty-two years. In which is given, a short account of the settlement of the country, the wars with the Amelakites that formerly occupied the land, the introduction of slavery, the formation of the dif- ferent political parties, in consequence of that, and the emigration to our shores, from the realms across the waters; the name of each chief ruler, and his counselors, the war of the revolution, of eighteen hundred and twelve, and the great rebellion; in ancient form. By the Prophet James [pseud.] Book I. Milwaukee, Wis., F. W. Stearns, 1876. 1 12, v., [2] p. 23 cm. E179.B94 copy 2 "Entered according to act of Congress A.D. 1875, by J. S. Buck." 863. BUCKERIDGE, JUSTIN O. Lincoln's choice, [by] J. O. Buckeridge. Harrisburg, Pa., Stackpole Co. [1956] xviii, 254 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23 cm. E470.B85 copy 3 "First edition." Concerning the Spencer repeating rifle, which, accord- ing to the author, was a major factor in winning the war. 864. BUCKINGHAM, JOHN E. Reminis- cences and souvenirs of the assassination of Abra- ham Lincoln [by] J. E. Buckingham, Sr. Washing- ton, Press of R. H. Darby, 1894. 89 p. illus., ports., facsim. 21/2 cm. (Mi 138) E 457-5 B 92 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 865. [BUCKINGHAM, JOSEPH H.] Illinois as Lincoln knew it: a Boston reporter's record of a trip in 1847. Edited by Harry E. Pratt. Spring- field, 111., 1938. 84 p. illus., map. 23 cm. (M3609) F545.B84 X copy "Reprinted from Papers in Illinois History and Trans- actions for the Year 1937, for members of the Abraham Lincoln Association." Printed wrappers. 866. BUCKINGHAM, SAMUEL G. The life of William A. Buckingham, the War Governor of Connecticut, with a review of his public acts, and especially the distinguished services he rendered his country during the War of the Rebellion; with 83 which is incorporated, a condensed account of the more important campaigns of the war, and infor- mation from private sources and family and official documents. Springfield, Mass., W. F. Adams, 1894. xii, 537 p. illus., port. 24 cm. E499.B92 co Py 3 "The nomination of Mr. Lincoln": p. [43J-62. "Mr. Lincoln inaugurated": p. [93]- 108. "The Emancipa- tion proclamation, 1862": p. [256]-26g. "Assassination of Mr. Lincoln": p. [403]~4i3. 867. [BUEL, OLIVER PRINCE]. The Abra- ham Lincoln myth; an essay in "higher criticism," by Bocardo Bramantip [pseud.] Huxleyan pro- fessor of dialectics in the University of Congo. New York, Mascot Pub. Co., 1894. 3 p. 1., 88 p. 18/2 cm. (Mascot library, no. 6) (Mi 139) E457.2.B92 copy 2 "From the Thirty-seventh century magazine of April, A. D. 3663." A supposititious argument from the year 3663 A. D., to prove that the Emancipation Proclamation was a myth. Half-title page inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Glazed printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Ind?] 1 93 1. (M3261) Cover title. 79 p. maps (part fold.) 23 cm. HE356.L7B8 871. Buick magazine, v. 5, Jan. 1940. Flint, Mich., Buick Motor Division, General Motors Sales Corporation. HD97 1 0.U54G426 v. 5 X copy "Lincoln Town," by H. L. Spooner: p. 4. 872. BULLARD, F. LAURISTON. Abe goes down the river. [Harrogate, Tenn., Lincoln Me- morial University, 1948] 15 p. illus., facsims. 255/2 cm. P "Limited to 100 copies." "Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, February, 1948." Glazed printed wrappers. 873. BULLARD, F. LAURISTON. Abraham Lincoln and the statehood of Nevada . . . [Balti- more, 1940] [9] p. illus., ports., facsims. 29^/2 cm. P Caption title. "Reprinted from American Bar Association Journal, March and April, 1940." 868. Buenos Aires. American Citizens. Tribute to the memory of Abraham Lincoln by the Ameri- can citizens resident in Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, German Print. Off. [1865] 25 p. 21 J/2 cm. (M524) E457.52.B92 copy 2 "Discourse" [by Rev. William Goodfellow]: p. [ii]-25. Mourning borders. Glazed printed wrappers. 869. Buffalo. Citizens. In memoriam. Abra- ham Lincoln assassinated at Washington, April 14, 1865: being a brief account of the proceedings of meetings, action of authorities and societies, speeches, sermons, addresses and other expressions of public feeling on reception of the news, and at the funeral obsequies of the President, at Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, Printing House of Matthews & Warren, 1865. 2 p. 1., [7]-64, [2] p. 23 cm. (M419) E457.52.B93 copy 2 Edited by Henry W. Box. Previously bound. 870. Buffalo Trace Historical Association. The National Lincoln Memorial Highway over the Buf- falo Trace. Beulah B. Gray, historian. [Olwell, 874. BULLARD, F. LAURISTON. Abraham Lincoln & the Widow Bixby. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1946. xiii, 154 p. ports., facsims. 21 cm. E457.96 1864B 1946 copy 5 Bibliographical references in "Notes" (p. 145-152). 875. BULLARD, F. LAURISTON. "A few ap- propriate remarks," Lincoln's Gettysburg address. Harrogate, Tenn., Dept. of Lincolniana, Lincoln Memorial University, 1944. ix, 77 p. illus., port., fold, facsim. 21 cm. E475.55.B8 copy 3 "This book is limited to 250 copies, of which this is no. nine [signed] F. Lauriston Bullard." One-page prospectus laid in. Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 73- 77)- 876. BULLARD, F. LAURISTON. Lincoln and the courts of the District of Columbia. By F. Lauris- ton Bullard. [n. p., 1938]. [4] p. 29 cm. (M3610) P Caption title. Reprinted from the American Bar Association Journal, February 1938. Enclosed is a manuscript letter dated Jan. 16, 1940, from Bullard to "Mr. White" (presumably Charles T. White). 84 877- BULLARD, F. LAURISTON. Lincoln as a Jeffersonian. [n. p., 1948?] 18 p. port., facsim. 27 cm. E457.2.B937 copy 2 Cover title. "Reprinted from the October 1948 issue of More Books, the bulletin of the Boston Public Library." Autographed by the author. Bibliographical references included in Notes (p. 17-18). 878. BULLARD, F. LAURISTON. Lincoln in marble and bronze. New Brunswick, Rutgers Uni- versity Press [1952] xiii, 353 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. E457.6.B88 copy 4 "A publication of the Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, Illinois." Includes bibliographies. 879. BULLARD, F. LAURISTON. Lincoln pardons conspirator on plea of an English states- man. By F. Lauriston Bullard. [n. p., 1 939]- [6] p. port., facsim. 29 cm. (M3665) P Caption title. Reprinted from the American Bar Association Journal, March 1939. On the pardon of Alfred Rubery, which Lincoln granted at the request of John Bright. 880. BULLARD, F. LAURISTON. The other Lincoln. Baccalaureate address delivered at com- mencement exercises closing the fiftieth anniversary of Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Ten- nessee, June 1, 194 1. [n. p., 1 94 1?] 31 p. 19/2 cm. E457.2.B94 copy 4 "This original edition, limited to 500 copies, has been published for the friends of Lincoln Memorial Univer- sity." Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. White printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 881. Another issue. 19 cm. E 457-2-Bg4copies3&5 Without limited edition statement. On cover: Supplement to Lincoln Herald, June 1941. Copy 3 bound in cream-colored printed wrappers, copy 4 in white. 882. BULLARD, F. LAURISTON. Tad and his father. With frontispiece after a photograph by Brady. Boston, Little, Brown, 19 15. 3 p. 1., 102 p. ports. 20 cm. (M2178) E 457-25-B93 copy 4 Red full-morocco. Gilt top. 883. Another issue. 191 7. 19/2 cm. (var. of M2178) E457.25.B93 copy 5 Title page reset. Brown cloth. 884. BULLARD, F. LAURISTON. Was "Abe" Lincoln a gentleman? Boston, Boston University Press, 1952. iv, 25 p. port. 20/2 cm. E457.2.B95 copies 3 &4 500 copies printed. Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 23-- 25)- Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 885. The Bulletin, v. 9, Feb. 1922. San Quen- tin, Calif., Inmates of the State Prison. P "America's greatest son?" by W. E. T., Reg. 33101: p. [i]-3. "Abraham Lincoln:" p. 8-9. "Lincoln — the man," by M. B., Reg. 3 193 1 : p. 14. . BULLOCK, ALEXANDER H. Abraham Lincoln: the just magistrate, the representative statesman, the practical philanthropist. Address by Alex. H. Bullock, before the City Council and citizens of Worcester, June 1, 1865. Worcester, Printed by C. Hamilton [1865] 49 p. 24 cm. (M429) E457.8.B938 copy 3 Red three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrap- pers bound in. 887. BULLOCK, ALONZO M. Lincoln, by Rev. A. M. Bullock. Appleton, Wis., 1913. 156 p. illus., ports., maps, facsim. 17 cm. (Headlights of American history, no. 2) (M2072) E457.B 9 2copy3 "First edition." 888. BUNCHE, RALPH J. Address delivered at Lincoln birthday observation of the Mid-day Lunch- eon Club at Springfield, Illinois, February 12, 195 1. [n. p., 1 95 1 ?] 7, [1] p. ports. 23 cm. E457.8.B94 Caption title. "Commemorating the 142nd anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States of America and first citizen of Springfield." Illustrated self-wrappers. 889. BUNGE, MARTIN L. D. Abraham Lin- coln ; a historical drama in four acts. Milwaukee, Wis., Co-operative Printery [°i9ii] 38 p. 15 cm. (M1968) E457.9.B94 copy 3 Concerning Lincoln and Ann Rutledge. Holograph letter of transmittal from the author to Al- bert H. Griffith laid in. Printed wrappers. 85 492745—60- 890. BUNGENER, LAURENCE L. F. Abraham Lincoln. Sein Leben, Wirken, und Sterben, von F. Bungener. Bern, C. H. Mann, 1866. 171 p. 19/2 cm. (M3804) E457.B945 copy 2 "Autorisirte Uebersetzung." Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Translation of item 892. Boards. 891. [BUNGENER, LAURENCE L. F.] Abramo Lincoln, com'ei visse, qual' opera compie, qual fu la sua morte. Firenze, Tipografia Claudiana, 1866. 88 p. 18 cm. (M3810) E457.B947 copy 2 Preface, giving name of author, signed: II traduttore B. M[alan]. Translation of item 892. Plain wrappers. 892. BUNGENER, LAURENCE L. F. Lincoln; sa vie, son oeuvre, et sa mort, par F. Bungener. Lausanne, G. Bridel, 1865. 160 p. 18J/2 cm. (M3759) E457.B942 copies 2 & 3 Copy 2 inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Copy 3 inscribed by the author to "Monsieur le pasteur Bret." Gray printed wrappers. Copy 2 bound, with wrappers, in dark brown cloth. Copy 3 bound, with wrappers, in burgundy three-quarter morocco, together with a mounted photograph of the author and a letter from the author to his son. 893. BUNGENER, LAURENCE L. F. Lincoln. Zijn leven, werk, en dood, naar het Fransch van F. Bungener. Utrecht, J. J. H. Kemmer, 1866. 2 p. I., 118 p. 20J/2 cm. (M3800) E457.B943 copy 2 Original printed wrappers in modern binding. Por- trait of Lincoln on cover. 894. BURCHELL, SIDNEY HERBERT. The shepherd of the people : Abraham Lincoln, a novel. London, Gay and Hancock [1924] viii, 310 p. 19 cm. (M2687) E457.9.B96 Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 895. BURGESS, CHALON. The life and char- acter of Abraham Lincoln, with some lessons from his death. A discourse delivered in the M. E. Church at a union meeting of the Baptist, Method- ist and Presbyterian congregations of Panama, April 30, 1865. By Rev. C. Burgess. Jamestown, N. Y., Bishop Bros., Printers, 1865. 20 p. 21/2 cm. (M431) E457.8.B95 copy 2 Maroon cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 896. BURLEIGH, WILLIAM H., ed. The Re- publican campaign songster, for i860. New- York, H. Dayton, i860, iv, [5]~72 p. 15 cm. M1660.B94R3 copy 2 Without music; tunes of some of the songs indicated by title. Printed wrappers. In green slipcase. 897. BURLEIGH, WILLIAM H., ed. The Re- publican pocket pistol, a collection of facts, opin- ions and arguments for freedom. No. 2, July, i860. New York, H. Dayton, i860. [39]~7o p. 15 cm. E440.B95 copy 2 On cover: no. 2, July, i860. Printed wrappers. In red quarter-morocco slipcase. 898. [BURNHAM, BENJAMIN F.] The prayer of the presidents: being Washington's "New-year aspiration," with Jefferson's plural pronouns, etc., and Adams' and Lincoln's accretions. From the manuscript of a minister of Lincoln's administra- tion. Boston, Antique Book-Store, 1887. 16 p. 14 cm. Plain wrappers. BV213.B8 1887 copy 2 899. BURNHAM, MICHAEL. Abraham Lin- coln. Oration by the Rev. M. Burnham D. D. of St. Louis, Mo., delivered May 30th, 1895, Memo- rial Day, by request of Ransom Post no. 131, Saint Louis, Department of Missouri, Grand Army of the Republic, on the occasion of their pilgrimage to the tomb of our martyred President, at Springfield, 111. [St. Louis? 1895] 1 p. 1., 15, [1] p. 23/2 cm. (Mi 161) E457.8.B956 Ms. note on title page: "With the compliments of Ransom Post, Dec. 28, 191 1. S. D. Webster, Com- mander." Four-page circular of Ransom Post 131, dated December 21, 1911, laid in. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on inside of front cover. 900. BURRAGE, HENRY SWEETSER. Get- tysburg and Lincoln; the battle, the cemetery, and the National park. New York, London, G. P. Put- nam's Sons, 1906. xii, 224 p. illus., ports., maps. 21/2 cm. (M1488) E475.53.B96 copy 4 "Reprinted, December, 1906." 901. BURRELL, DAVID JAMES. The right- eousness of Lincoln. [New York, 1909] 12 p. 86 1 8 J/2 cm. (Marble collegiate pulpit, v. 18, no. 19; February 1 4th, 1 909 ) ( M 1 68 1 ) E457.8.B96 X copy Caption title. "Sermon preached ... on Sunday, February 7th, 1909, in the Marble Collegiate Church . . . Manhattan." Self-wrappers. 902. BURROWS, J. LANSING. Palliative and prejudiced judgments condemned. A discourse de- livered in the First Baptist Church, Richmond, Va., June 1, 1865, the day appointed by the President of the United States for humiliation and mourning on account of the assassination of President Lincoln, together with an extract from a sermon, preached on Sunday, April 23rd, 1865, upon the assassina- tion of President Lincoln. Richmond, Va., Off. Commercial Bulletin, 1865. 12 p. 25 cm. (M432) E457.8.B 9 7copy3 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 903. BURT, SILAS W. Lincoln on his own story- telling; including an incident of secret history con- cerning the relations of the Governor of New York and the President of the United States. [New York, The Century Co.] 499-502 p. 24J/2 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 73, Feb. 1907. 904. BURTON, JOHN E. Abraham Lincoln, an oration. [Milwaukee? Wis., A. Fowle] 1903. 23 p. 2 ports. (M1400) BF1301.H37 1891 E453 Hl6 4 co PY4 E457.8.B974 copy 2 E457.8.B974 1903c Cover title. Four copies in red wrappers, imprinted in black. The first copy (23 cm.) is bound in with item 1894 and the second (23V2 cm.) with item 1796. The third copy (25^2 cm.) has been rebound in red half-morocco. The last copy (23 cm.), loose in wrappers, was originally bound with cord(?). 905. Another issue. 23 p., 1 1. 26/2 cm. (M1400 var.) E457.8.B974 1903a "Of the lettered tinted paper edition there were printed and certified but 26 copies. This is copy F. [Signed] John E. Burton . . . We certify to the above as correct. [Signed] Alonzo Fowle, publisher." Inscribed by the author to C. F. Farrell. Two holo- graph letters from the author to Charles T. White laid in. Tan wrappers, imprinted in brown. Rebound in boards with cloth back and leather label on spine. 906. Another issue. 2 7 x /% cm. (Mi40ovar.) E457.8.B974 1903b copies 1 &2 "Of this parchment souvenir edition there were printed and certified but 50 copies . . . [Signed] John E. Bur- ton . . ." These are nos. 48 and 45. "We certify to the above as correct. [Signed] Alonzo Fowle, publisher." Copy 2 with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Blue wrappers, imprinted in blue and bound with blue cord. Copy 1 (26J/2 cm., trimmed) in red quarter-mo- rocco, with original wrappers bound in. 907. Another issue. 28 cm. (M1400 var.) E457.8.B974 1903a copy 2 "Of this autograph edition, on special paper, but 150 numbered copies were printed, of which this is no. 30 [Signed] John E. Burton . . . We certify to the above as correct. [Signed] Alonzo Fowle, publisher." Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Khaki-colored wrappers, imprinted in green. 908. BURTON, JOHN E. The large and im- portant library of John E. Burton, of Milwaukee, Wis. Pt. 1, 6. New York, Anderson Galleries [1915-1916] 2 v. facsim. 23 cm. (M2173, M2218) Z999.A55 no. 1206 pt. 1,6 Part 1 to be sold Oct. 25-29, 1915; pt. 6, Mar. 6-7, 1916. Contents. — pt. 1. Lincolniana. — pt. 6, Lincolniana and Civil War material. Printed wrappers. 909. [BURTON, JOHN E.] Original Lincoln proclamation burned. [Salt Lake City, Shep- ard Book Co., 191 1] folder ([3] p.) 23 cm. (M1970) E453.B97 copy 2 Caption title. At head of title: Bulletin no. 46. "Reprinted from Milwaukee, Wis., Sentinel, of April 3, I9H-" 910. BURTON, JOHN E. A souvenir. Pre- sentation of the Lincoln bronze tablet. The Get- tysburg speech, Lake Geneva, Wis., November 22, 1907. By John E. Burton, Principal of Schools, 1870 to 1873. [Lake Geneva, Wis., 1907]. folder (3 p.) 28 cm. (M1523) P With letter of transmittal to Albert H. Griffith laid in. 911. BUTLER, BENJAMIN F. Character and results of the war. How to prosecute and how to end it. A thrilling and eloquent speech by Major- General B. F. Butler. [New York, Printed by W. C. 87 Bryant & Co., 1863] 16 p. 22 cm. (Loyal Publica- tion Society. [Pamphlets] no. 7 ) E463.L96 no. 7 4th set Caption title. Speech delivered at the Academy of Music, New York, Apr. 2, 1863. Imprint on p. 16. Address of Society in series state- ment at head of p. [1]. Issued also with address in larger type and without imprint on p. 16. Issued also in another edition from dif- ferent plates and without series statement (Philadelphia, 1863. 32 p. Cover title.) Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 912. Another issue. 21 J/2 cm. E463.L96 no. 7 3d set Without address in series statement. Previously bound. In envelope. 913. [BUTLER, BENJAMIN F.] ed. Official documents relating to a "Chaplain's campaign (not) with General Butler," but in New York. Lowell [Mass.] C. Hunt, Printer, 1865. 48 p. 22/2 cm. E601.H885 copy 2 Embodies a report to General Butler by his former As- sistant Provost Marshal, John I. Davenport, on the facts in the case of Chaplain Henry N. Hudson. Printed wrappers. 914. [BUTLER, CHARLES HENRY] Our leader. Read at the Lincoln memorial meeting of the Church of the Covenant, Washington, D. C, Sunday, February 7, and also at the Lincoln centen- nial banquet in Springfield, Illinois, February 12, 1909. [Washington, Printed by B. S. Adams, 1909] 3 p. 1., 6-1 2 numb. 1. port. 28 cm. (M1683) E457-9 B 98copy3 Signed: Charles Henry Butler. 100 copies printed. A poem, printed on recto of leaves, with extracts from Lincoln's speeches on versos. 915. BUTLER, CLEMENT M. Funeral address on the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Church of the Covenant, April 19, 1865, by the Rev. C. M. Butler. Philadelphia, H. B. Ashmead, Printer, 1865. 32 p. 22 cm. (M434) E457.8.B98 "Published by request." Previously bound. 916. [BUTLER, FABIUS MELTON] Lincoln money martyred, by Dr. R. E. Search [pseud.] Seattle, Wash., Lincoln Pub. Co., 1935. 4 p. 1., [5]-'53 P' 23/2 cm. HG 5 oi.B95copy3 An attack on bankers, with supposed views of Lincoln. Letter of transmittal from the publisher to John W. Starr, Jr., laid in. 917. BUTLER, GEORGE B. The conscription act: a series of articles. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 22 p. 21 J/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 40) E463.L96 no. 40 4th set Cover title. Published in the journal of Commerce, Nov. 1863. On cover: New York, December 1863. Issued also with caption title only (22 p., 1 1.). In pamphlet holder. 918. BUTLER, HENRY E. God's way of leading the blind. A discourse commemorative of the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Congrega- tional Church, Keeseville, N. Y., April 23, 1865. Burlington [Vt.] Free Press Book and Job Print. Off., 1865. 23 p. 22/2 cm. (M435) E457.8.B985 copy 2 Printed wrappers. In tan slipcase. 919. BUTLER, JOHN G. The martyr President. Our grief and our duty, by J. G. Butler. Washing- ton, McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1865. 14 p. 23 cm. (M436) E457.8.B986 Double mourning borders. Printed wrappers. 920. BUTLER, NICHOLAS MURRAY. Abra- ham Lincoln. Address at the Lincoln Day din- ner of the National Republican Club, Waldorf Astoria, New York, February 1 2, 1920. [New York, 1920] 7 p. 23 cm. (M2445) P Caption title. Autographed by the author. Self-wrappers. 921. BUTTERWORTH, HEZEKIAH. A her- oine of the wilderness. The story of Lincoln's mother. Illustrated by Clare Victor Dwiggins. Philadelphia, The John C. Winston Co., 1906. 2 p. 1., 273 p. 18 cm. (M1489) PZ7.B982H copy 2 Missing the illustrations. Seven pages of advertising matter following p. 273. 922. BUTTERWORTH, HEZEKIAH. In the boyhood of Lincoln; a tale of the Tunker school- master and the times of Black Hawk. New York, 88 D. Appleton, 1892. vii p., 1 1., 266 p. illus. (part col.), ports., facsims. 20/2 cm. (Mnoo) E 457-3- B 9 8 co Py 2 Includes music. Signature marks 2, 3, 4, etc. at bottom of p. 7, 23, 39, etc. Four pages of advertising matter following p. 266. Bound in green cloth. Green end papers. 923. Another issue. 1900 [ c i892] 1 p. 1., vii p., 1 1., 266 p. (var. of Mi 100) E457.3.B98 1900 "Ninth edition." The quiring differs (the signature marks 2, 3, 4, etc. are at the bottom of p. 5, 21, 37, etc.), and the advertising matter consists of one page preceding p. [i] and ten pages following p. 266. Bound in reddish-brown cloth. Brown end papers. 924. [BYRD, CECIL K.] Famous Lincoln col- lections; the Indiana-Oakleaf collection, [n. p., IQ 43] 2 p. 1., 7 p., 2 1. 23/2 cm. P Article signed: Cecil K. Byrd. "Reprinted from the December, 1942, number of the Abraham Lincoln Quarterly." Glazed printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 925. CABLE, JOHN L. Abraham Lincoln, the congressman. Speech broadcasted [sic] by radio February 10, 1922. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1922.] 4 p. 23 cm. (M2560) P Caption title. "Printed in Congressional Record, Feb. 11, 1922." Autographed by the author: "Respectfully John L. Cable 8-18-22." 926. CADWALLADER, SYLVANUS. Three years with Grant, as recalled by war correspondent Sylvanus Cadwallader. Edited, and with an intro- duction and notes, by Benjamin P. Thomas. New York, Knopf, 1955. 4 p. 1., [v]-xivp., 2 1., 3-353, viii p., 1 1. maps (1 fold.) 22 cm. E470.C14 1955a "First edition." "Wilderness edition. Autographed by the editor for the members of the Civil War Book Club." Dull red cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. 927. Another issue. 1956. E470.C14 copy 3 Three preliminary leaves. "Published October 24, 1955. Second printing, No- vember 1955. Third printing, January 1956." Title and copyright pages reset. Bright red cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. 928. [CALDERWOOD, WILLIS G.] A. Lin- coln, reformer; born February 12, 1809. [Minne- apolis, Cole & Christiansen Co., Printers, c i9og] 31 p. illus. 15/2 cm. (M1684) E457- Gl 5 r co Py 2 Cover title. Copyright by W. G. Calderwood. Differs from another edition only in having price printed on verso of title page. Self-wrappers. 929. The Caledonian, an illustrated family maga- zine, v. 21, May 1 92 1. New York, Caledonian Publishing Co. AP2.C135 v. 21 X copy "My Recollections of Lincoln," by Robert Gair: p. 57— 59. [Signed: "Robert Gair"] 930. California. Dept. of Public Instruction. Lincoln Day program for the schools of California, February twelfth, nineteen hundred and nine. Sacramento, W. W. Shannon, Supt. State Print., 1909. 35 p. illus., port. 23 cm. (M1790) E4577GI3 Printed wrappers, illustrated in color. 931. California Federation news. v. 10, Feb. 1, 1 93 1. Los Angeles, California Federation of Women's Clubs. P "What Abraham Lincoln read," by H. E. Barker: p. 9-10. "The Lincoln Study Club": p. 10, 31. First article is autographed by the author: H. E. Barker. 932. The California liberator, v. 19, Feb. 1921; v. 34, Oct. 1 92 1. San Francisco, California Anti- Saloon League. HV5285.C3 v. 19, [etc.] X copy Portrait and In Memoriam for Dr. Ervin Chapman (1838-192 1 ), friend and biographer of Lincoln: v. 19, p. 3-4. Cover pays tribute to "Two Great Emancipators," Washington and Lincoln, and prints remarks by Lincoln on abolition of slavery and the liquor traffic: v. 34, p. 1. 933. CALLENDER, JAMES P. Abraham Lin- coln, the inspired of God. Delivered February 1 2, 1928, Christian Endeavor Society of Broadway Presbyterian Church, New York City. [New York, 1928?] 5-16 p. port. 23 cm. (M3002) P Cover title. 934. CAMACHO ROLDAN, SALVADOR. Abraham Lincoln. [Bogota? 19 — ?] 9 p. 18/2 cm. (M709) E457.8.C17 copy 2 "Translated from La Opinion, Bogota, Colombia, June 7, 1865." Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 25). Printed wrappers. 89 935- [CAMERON, WILLIAM J.] Lincoln. Chicago Historical Society, February 12, 191 1. [Chicago, 191 1] [5] p. 19 cm. (M1971) E457.8.Ci8copy3 Cover title. "This appreciation of Lincoln, which is reprinted by permission of 'The Detroit news,' was contributed to that paper February 12, 1909, by W.J. Cameron." Self-wrappers. 936. CAMERON, WILLIAM J. Lincoln and Lee. A talk given on the Ford Sunday Evening Hour, April 14, 1935, by W. J. Cameron. Broad- cast over the nation-wide network of the Columbia Broadcasting System from Orchestra Hall, Detroit. [n. p., n. d.] folder ([3] p.) 18/2 cm. (Number 28) (M3471) P Cover title. 937. CAMERON, WILLIAM J. The lines in Lincoln's face, by W. J. Cameron, February 12, 1939. A talk given on the Ford Sunday Evening Hour. Dearborn, Mich., Ford Motor Co., [1939] folder (3 p.) 18 cm. (No. 23 of the 1938-39 series broadcast over the nation-wide network of the Columbia Broadcasting System from Detroit) ( M3666 ) P ( 2 copies ) Cover title. 938. CAMERON, WILLIAM J. Washington and Lincoln, by W. J. Cameron, February 21, 1937. A talk given on the Ford Sunday evening hour. Dearborn, Michigan, Ford Motor Company. [1937?] folder ([3] p.) 18 cm. (No. 23 of the 1936-37 series broadcast over the nation-wide network of the Columbia Broadcasting System from Detroit) (M3557) P Cover title. 939. CAMP, BLANCHE H. Lincoln poems, by Blanche Hammond Camp. Bedford, Ind., Prog- ress Printers, c i936. [6] p. 23cm. (M3508) P Cover title. Three poems about Lincoln; two poems about Nancy Hanks Lincoln. Inscribed by the author to George P. Hambrecht. 940. The Campaign of i860, comprising the speeches of Abraham Lincoln, William H. Seward, Henry Wilson, Benjamin F. Wade, Carl Schurz, Charles Sumner, William M. Evarts, &c. Albany, Weed, Parsons, i860. 18 (i. e. 16) no. in 1 v. 23/2 cm. (M32) JK2357 1860a copy 2 A collection of tracts numbered 1-14, 17-18 originally issued under title: Evening Journal Tracts. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 18." In light tan three-quarter-closed case. Contents: no. 1. The irrepressible conflict. A speech by William H. Seward, delivered at Rochester, Monday, Oct. 25, 1858. Albany [N. Y.] Albany Evening Journal [i860] I5> [1] P- Caption title. "Negro slavery not unjust," a speech by Charles O'Con- nor, at the Union Meeting, at the Academy of Music, New York City, December 19, 1859: p. 7-13. [no. 2] Freedom and the union. Speech of William H. Seward, in the Senate of the United States, in vindication of freedom and the union, Wednesday, February 29, i860. Albany, Weed, Parsons, i860. 12 p. no. 3. Democratic leaders for disunion. Speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 25, i860. Albany [N. Y.] Albany Evening Journal [i860] 14 p., 1 I. Caption title. Aggressions of the slave power; speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, in reply to Hon. Jefferson Davis, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Janu- ary 26, i860: p. [io]-i4. no. 4. Freedom national — slavery sectional. Speech of the Hon. S. H. Hammond, of the twenty-seventh Senate district, on the Governor's message, in Senate, February, i860. Albany [N. Y.] Weed, Parsons, i860. 14 p. 1 1. The Republican platform: p. [15]— [16] no. 5. National politics. Speech of Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, delivered at the Cooper Institute, February 27, i860. Albany, [N. Y.] Albany Evening Journal [i860] 15 p. (M53) Caption title. States rights and the Supreme Court; speech of Senator Doolittle, of Wisconsin, delivered in the United States Senate, February 24, i860: p. [11]- 14. [no. 6] Parties and politics. Speech of Hon. P. P. Mur- phy, of the 29th district, on the Governor's message, in Senate, March 6, i860. Albany [N. Y.] Weed, Parsons, i860. 8 p. no. 7. Republican principles. Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, at the Republican State Convention, held at Springfield, Illinois, June 16, 1858. [n. p., i860] 6 p. (M59) Caption title. Item 205, another copy, no. 8. Republican nominations. Speech of Carl Schurz, at the Milwaukee Ratification Meeting, on Wednesday evening, May 30, i860, [n. p., i860] 8 p. Caption title, no. 9. Property in the territories. Speech of Hon. Ben- jamin F. Wade, of Ohio, delivered in the Senate of the 90 United States, March 7, i860. Albany [N. Y.] Albany Evening Journal [i860] 15 p. Caption title. Letter of Hon. James O. Putnam: p. 14-15. (See also item 4378.) no. 10. The barbarism of slavery. Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, on the bill for the admission of Kansas as a free state, in the United States Senate, June 4, i860. Albany [N.Y.] Albany Evening Journal [i860] 28 p., 2 1. Caption title. The Republican platform: p. [2o/]-[3o] Letters of ac- ceptance from Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin, indorsing the platform: p. [31] no. 11. Slavery at war with the moral sentiment of the world. A speech by Carl Schurz, of Wisconsin, delivered in St. Louis, Aug. 1, i860. Albany [N. Y.] Albany Evening Journal [i860] 1 2 p., 1 1. Caption title. The Republican platform: p. [i3]-[i4] no. 1 2. [Speeches of William H. Seward in the presidential campaign of i860. Albany, N. Y., i860] 72 p. No title page. Partial Contents. — The national divergence and re- turn. Speech ... at Detroit, September 4, i860 (p. ['1-7)-' — Destiny of the United States. Speech ... at St. Paul, September 18, i860 (p. [9]- 16.— The West: its destiny and its duty. Speech ... at Dubuque, Sep- tember 21, i860 (p. [7]-24). — Senator Seward's western tour. Speech ... at Chicago, October 3, i860 (p. [25]- 33). — Speech ... at Seneca Falls, Oct. 31, i860 (p. [57]-63). (Remaining speeches delivered at Lansing, Madison, La Crosse, Cleveland, Buffalo, New York, Auburn, etc.) [no. 13] Americans repudiate fusion! Speech of Hon. James O. Putnam, against the sale of the American party to the Douglas democracy, delivered in Rochester Au- gust 8, at a meeting called by over four hundred Ameri- cans. Albany [N. Y.] Albany Evening Journal [i860] 7 p. Caption title, no. 14. Speech of Carl Schurz, at Cooper Institute, New York, Thursday, September 13, i860. Douglasism ex- posed and Republicanism vindicated. Albany [N. Y.] Al- bany Evening Journal [i860] 1 6 p. Caption title, no. 17. Political record of Stephen A. Douglas on the slavery question. A tract issued by the Illinois Republican State Central Committee. Albany [N. Y.] Albany Eve- ning Journal [i860] 15 p. Caption title. "Third edition, revised and enlarged." no. 18. The issues of the day. Speech of William M. Evarts, of New York City, at Auburn, Tuesday, Oct. 16, i860, [n. p., i860] 13 p. Caption title. 941. CAMPBELL, HELEN J. The case for Mrs. Surratt. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons [1943] 5 p. 1., 3-272 p. port. 2 1 l /% cm. E457-5-S985C3copy3 942. CAMPBELL, HELEN M. The life of Abra- ham Lincoln. Boston, etc., Educational Pub. Co. [1909] 64 p. port. 19 cm. (M2763) E457.Ci8copy 2 Reprinted from the author's "Famous presidents" [ c '903] 943. CAMPBELL, JOHN D. Personal recollec- tions of Abraham Lincoln, [n. p., 1905?] [3] p. 16 cm. (M1455) P Cover title. 944. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM P. John Wilkes Booth; escape and wanderings until final ending of the trail by suicide at Enid, Oklahoma, January 1 2, 1903. [Oklahoma City, e ig22] 142 p. illus., ports., map. 19J/2 cm. (His Travelers series, no. 7) (M2561) E457.5.C23 1922a At head of title: Oklahoma the Mecca for men of mys- tery. On cover: The escape and wanderings of J. Wilkes Booth until ending of the trail by suicide in Oklahoma. Printed wrappers. 945. CAMPOS MENENDEZ, ENRIQUE. Lin- coln. Buenos Aires, Emece Editores, S. A. [1945] 127 p., 3 1. illus., ports., facsims. 18 cm. (Colec- cion Buen aire. [66]) E457.C19 copy 2 Boards. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 946. CANISIUS, THEODOR. Abraham Lin- coln. Stuttgart, Abenheim'sche Verlagsbuchhand- lung, 1878. 340 p. port. 17 cm. (M3836) E457C23 Bookplate of Charles T. White. Printed wrappers. In copper-colored slipcase. 947. CANNON, JOSEPH G. Abraham Lincoln. American Academy of Arts and Letters. Speeches in the House of Representatives, April 12, 19 16. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 19 16. 16 p. 24 cm. (M2225) P Cover title. In Gaylord binder. 948. CANNON, JOSEPH G. Abraham Lincoln . . . Speech of Hon. Joseph G. Cannon, of Illinois, before the Chamber of Commerce, Pittsburg, Pa., February 12, 1 9 1 0. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1910. 15 p. 24 cm. (M1910) E457.8.C22 copy 5 Cover title. Cover autographed by the author. 91 949- CANNON, JOSEPH G. "I knew Abraham Lincoln" (an address delivered in Danville, Illinois, October 20, 1922, at the dedication of the Lincoln Marker on the Lincoln Circuit.) [By] Uncle Joe Cannon, [Danville? 1934] [8] p. illus., ports. 22/2 cm. (M2563) E457.8.C23 copy 2 "Pilgrimage, the Lincoln group, down the old Hubbard trace, Chicago to Danville, Saturday, June 9, 1934" Cover title. Self wrappers. 950. CAPEHART, HOMER E. Lincoln ideals brought down to date. Address delivered Wash- ington, Indiana, over radio station WIND, Mon- day, February 13, 1939 .. . [n. p., i939 ? ] double folder. ([5] p.) 23/2 cm. (M3667) P Cover title. Enclosed is a typewritten letter, of July a I, 1939, from Homer E. Capehart to John W. Starr, Jr. 951. CAPER, EDGAR. Lincoln and the pig . . . as played by The Marionette Fellowship of Detroit. Woodcut by Pablo Parlando. Detroit, 1931. 8 p. 1 1 l /i x 15 cm. (Puppet plays, ed. by Paul McPhar- lin, no. 2) (M3250) P Cover title. 952. CARDIFF, IRA D. The deification of Lin- coln. Boston, Christopher Pub. House [1943] 89 p. 19 cm. E457.2.C25 copies 3 & 4 On cover of copy 4: The Truth about Lincoln (for- merly entitled The Deification of Lincoln). 953. The Career and adventures of John H. Sur- ratt, since his flight from America, after the execu- tion of his mother, Mrs. Mary Surratt, Payne, Har- old, and Atzerott for the assassination of President Lincoln. His enlistment in the Pope's Zouaves in Italy — his betrayal by his mistress to U. S. Minister King — his arrest and desperate escape — his flight to Egypt, aided by Brigands whose band he had joined, his final arrest in Egypt by United States Consul Hale. Philadelphia, C. W. Alexander [ c i866] 1 p. I., 19-46, [57H2, [83J-99 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. (M848) E457.5.C27 copy 3 "Government edition." - On cover: John H. Surratt, the conspirator. His life since his flight from America. His discovery, arrest and confession. Full details up to to-day. Printed wrappers. In tan slipcase. 954. CAREY, HENRY C. Letters to the Presi- dent, on the foreign and domestic policy of the Union, and its effects, as exhibited in the condition of the people and the state. By H. C. Carey. Philadelphia, M. Polock; London, Trubner; Paris, Guillaumin, 1858. iv, 3-1 71 p. 23/2 cm. HF1754.C326 copy 4 W. H. Herndon's copy. Autographed by W. H. Hern- don in three places: the front cover, the back cover and the next to last leaf. Printed wrappers. In slip-case. 955. CAREY, ISAAC E. Abraham Lincoln. The value to the nation of his exalted character. Rev. Mr. Carey's fast day sermon, preached June 1, 1865, in the First Presbyterian Church of Freeport, 111. [Freeport? 1865] 8 p. 21 J/2 cm. (M439) E457.8.C27COPV 2 Caption title. Binder's title: Carey's discourse on Lincoln, 1865. Bound in modern green half-morocco. 956. CARLTON, MABEL MASON. Abraham Lincoln, "Savior of his country." [Boston, John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.,] [ c ig23]. [16] p. illus. 15/2 cm. (M2627) P Printed wrappers, with yellow border. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 957. Another edition. [ c i926]. 16 p. (M2627 var.) P Revised and from different plates. Published under title: Abraham Lincoln, the Great Emancipator. Printed wrappers, with blue-gray border and portrait of Lincoln on cover. 958. CARMAN, HARRY J., and REINHARD H. LUTHIN. Lincoln and the patronage. New York, Columbia University Press, 1943. x, 375 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. E456.C36 copy 3 Bibliography: p. [339]~364- 959. CARMAN, LOUIS D. Abraham Lincoln, freemason. An address delivered before Harmony lodge no. 17, F.A.A.M., Washington, D. C, Janu- ary 28, 1 9 14, by Dr. L. D. Carman, P.M. With an Appendix containing the actions taken by the Ma- sonic grand lodges of the United States on Lincoln's death. [Washington?] Printed for Private Distri- bution, 1 9 14. 26 p. 23 cm. (M2130) E457.2.C28copy 3 Title page autographed by the author and inscribed: "C.T.W. 1916." Printed wrappers. 92 960. CARMAN, LOUIS D. Dr. Abraham Lin- coln. [Newark?] 1922. 7 p. 17 cm. (M2564) E457.2.C2gcopy3 Cover title. "In the present article ... it is the purpose to set forth what little medical knowledge the great President had, as revealed by his own writings." — p. [1] "Reprint from the Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey, 1922." Printed wrappers. 961. [CARMAN, LOUIS D.] The other White House ; an illustration of the unreliability of history concerning Abraham Lincoln. [Washington, 1926] [4] p. 20/2 cm. (M2839) E 457- 1 5- c 3 c °P ies 2& 3 Cover title. Signed: L. D. Carman, M. D. . . . Washington, D. C, Jan. 1926. In refutation of an article published in the Washington Star, Feb. 1 1, 1923, under headline: "Bride of 1862 given in marriage by Lincoln . . ." 962. CARMAN, LOUIS D., comp. Some ac- count of John Summerfield Staples, the representa- tive recruit of Abraham Lincoln in the Civil War. [Washington] 1927. 16 p. ports, (part mount- ed) 23/2 cm. (M2908) E457.C27 copies 2 & 3 "100 copies privately printed." Copy 2 author's autographed presentation copy to George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 963. CARMICHAEL, ORTON H. Lincoln's Gettysburg address. New York, Cincinnati, The Abingdon Press [ c 1 9 1 7] 116 p. illus., ports., facsims. 19J/2 cm. (M2290) E 475-55- c 28 copy 3 964. CARNAHAN, DAVID T. Oration on the death of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, delivered before the citizens of Gettysburg, Pa., June 1, 1865. By Rev. D. T. Car- nahan. Gettysburg, Aughinbaugh & Wible, Print- ers, 1865. 24 p. 23 cm. (M440) E457.8.C28 copy 3 Seal of the Rhode Island Historical Society stamped on cover and title page. Printed wrappers. In gray slipcase. 965. CARNEGIE, DALE. Lincoln, the un- known. New York, London, The Century Co. ["1932] x, 305 p. 2 ports. 21 cm. (M3310) E457.C28 copy 3 "First printing." Bibliography: p. 303-305. Green cloth, with gilt lettering on cover, black letter- ing on spine. 966. Another issue. New York, Perma Giants [i949, Cl 932] (var. of M3310) E457.C28 1949 copy 3 Title and copyright pages reset. Without portraits. Glazed green boards, lettered and illustrated in green and maroon. 967. Another edition. New York, Pocket Books [i952, c i93 2 ] x, 234, [3] p. 16/2 cm. (Pocket book 891) (var. of M3310) E457.C28 1952 Issued, from different plates, under title : The Unknown Lincoln. Bibliography: p. [235]-[237] Paper wrappers, printed and illustrated in white, black, red, and gold. 968. [CARPENTER, FRANCIS B.] How Lin- coln was nominated. [New York, The Century Co.] 853-859 p. 24 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 24, Oct. 1882. Article signed: Frank B. Carpenter. 969. CARPENTER, FRANCIS B. Six months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln. The story of a picture. By F. B. Carpenter. New York, Hurd and Houghton, 1866. vii, [9H59 p. 18 cm. (M849)- E457.15.C313 copy 3 Six pages of advertising at end of book. Maroon cloth. Salmon-colored end papers. 970. Another issue. Boston, Houghton, Osgood, 1878. 19 cm. (M849var.). E457- I 5- C 3 l6 co Py 2 27th thousand. Published under title: The Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln. Six Months at the White House. Title page reset. Black cloth. Dark brown end papers. 971. CARR, CLARKE. The Mini; a story of the prairies. Chicago, McClurg, 191 2 ^1904] 481 p. 23 ports. 24 cm. PS1260.C13I6 1912 "Eighth edition, September 15, 1912." "Revised throughout and completely indexed." Partial Contents. — Abe Lincoln (p. 97-98). — Lin- coln replies to Douglas (p. 201-208). — -The Bloomington 492745—60- 93 Convention of 1856, and Mr. Lincoln's "lost speech" (p. 225-232). — The Lincoln-Douglas debates (p. 254- 264). — The political campaign of i860 (p. 299-308). — The inauguration of President Lincoln (p. 325-337). 972. CARR, CLARK E. Lincoln at Gettysburg; address delivered before the Illinois State Historical Society at Springfield, Illinois, January 25, 1906. [Springfield? 1906?] 12 p. 22 cm. (M1490) E475-55-C3 1 i9 o6a Cover title. Several misspellings, e. g. "Nicholay" for "Nicolay." Gray wrappers. 973. Another edition. Chicago, A. C. McClurg, 1906. 5 p. 1., 92 p. illus., 8 port, fold. map. 19 cm. (M1491) E475.55.C 3 icopy3 Issued under title: Lincoln at Gettysburg; an Address. "Published September 22, 1906." From different plates. Text corrected, with some ad- ditional material and a few deletions. Green cloth, with paper labels on cover and spine. Gilt top. Untrimmed. 974. CARR, CLARK E. The Lincoln-Douglas debates; an address delivered before the Illinois State Bar Association at Galesburg, Illinois, July 11, 1907. [Galesburg? 1907?] 26 p. 22 cm. (Mi524var.) E457.4.C3 Cover title. Autographed by the author. 975. CARR, CLARKE. My day and generation. With sixty-three illustrations. Chicago, A. C. Mc- Clurg, 1908. 6 p. 1., 15-452 p. illus., ports., fold, facsim. 23/2 cm. E661.C37 copy 3 "Published April 4, 1908." Partial Contents. — Lincoln (p. [iosJ-iog). — Why Lincoln was not renominated by acclamation (p. [131]— '44)- — Lincoln and Lovejoy (p. [2491-253). — Lincoln, Lovejoy, Joe Knox, and Bissell (p. [27i]-28i ). 976. CARR, CLARKE. Stephen A. Douglas, his life, public services, speeches and patriotism. Chi- cago, A. C. McClurg, 1909. xii, 293 p. illus., ports. 21/2 cm. E415.9.D73C3 copy 3 977. CARR, CLARK E. Why Lincoln was not renominated by acclamation. [New York, The Century Co.] 503-506 p. 24/2 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 73, Feb. 1907. 978. CARR, JULIAN S. The Hampton Roads conference. A refutation of the statement that Mr. Lincoln said if union was written at the top the southern commissioners might fill in the bal- ance. [Durham, N. C, 191 7] 36 p. port. 20 cm. (M2291) E469.C31 copy 3 Cover title. Dated at end: Durham, N. C. January 15, 19 17. Letter of transmittal to Charles T. White, dated Feb. 28, 19 1 7, laid in. Bibliography: p. 4-5. 979. [CARR, MAGGIE BLAUVELT] Abra- ham Lincoln; a tribute. [New York, Printed by the Williams Print. Co., '1910] 7 p. 19 cm. (M1911) E457.8.C31 copy 2 Cover title. "An address by Maggie Blauvelt Carr, February 12, 1909. Public school eighty-nine, New York city." "Limited to 100 copies, privately printed, 25 copies are signed for presentation." This copy unsigned. In tan slipcase. 980. CARROLL, ANNA ELLA. Reply to the speech of Hon. J. C. Breckinridge, delivered in the United States Senate, July 16th, 1861, and in defence of the President's war measures, blockade of the southern ports, suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, arrest of political offenders, sup- pression of traitorous presses, &c, &c. Washing- ton, Printed by H. Polkinhorn, 1861. 15 p. 22/2 cm. E458.1.B823 1861a Cover title. Self-wrappers. In blue quarter-morocco slipcase. 981. CARRUTHERS, OLIVE. Lincoln's other Mary. Appendix by R. Gerald McMurtry. Chi- cago, New York, Ziff-Davis Pub. Co. [1946] 4 p. 1., 229 p. port., facsim. 21 cm. E457-35C3 copy 3 End papers illustrated in color. "New Salem edition . . . limited to 250 copies . . . of which this is no. 33." Inscribed by the authors for Alfred W. Stern. Bibliographical references included in the appendix. 982. CARSON, HAMPTON L. The real great- ness of Abraham Lincoln. Speech of Hampton L. Carson, esq., in response to a toast at the annual dinner of the Union League of Philadelphia, Feb- ruary 13, 1899. [Philadelphia? 1899?] 24 p. 27 cm. (Mi 241) E457.8.C33 Printed wrappers. 94 983. CARTER, ESTHER MAY. She knew Lin- coln. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, The Author [ c i93o] 3 p. 1., 20 p., 1 1. 18 cm. (M3175) E 457- I 5 G 32 copies 4 &5 Republished from the Christian Herald. Fly leaf of copy 5 autographed by the author. 984. CARTER, HODDING. Robert E. Lee and the road of honor. Illustrated by William Hutch- inson. New York, Random House [1955] 4 p. 1., 3-186 p. illus. 21/2 cm. (Landmark books [54]) E467.1.L4C3 copy 2 985. CARTER, ORRIN N. Lincoln and Doug- las as lawyers; an address given before the Mis- sissippi Valley Historical Association, Chicago, Illi- nois, [n. p., 1910?] 28 p. port. 25J/2 cm. (M1993) E457.2.C35 copies 1 & 2 Cover title. "Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Mississippi Val- ley Historical Association, for the year 1910— 1911." Bibliography: p. 27-28. Copy 2 with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Copy 1 in red half-morocco, with original wrappers (24 cm., trimmed) bound in. 986. CASE, CARLETON B. Wit and humor of Abraham Lincoln, gathered from authentic sources. Chicago, Shrewesbury Pub. Co. [ c 1 g 1 6] 159. p. 1 8 J/2 cn». (The Shrewesbury series of popular entertainment books) (M2226) E^-^-^ 1924 copy 2 One page of advertising matter following p. 159. Brown printed wrappers. 987. Another issue. [ c ig24J 159 p. 18 cm. (var. of M2226) E457.15.C33 1924 Copyright page from different plate. Advertising matter differs. Dark brown printed wrappers. 988. Case and comment, v. 23, July 19165V. 43, Jan. 1938. Rochester, N. Y., Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co. Law "Abraham Lincoln, his standing as a lawyer," by J. T. Richards: v. 23, p. 106-108. "As Lincoln said at Gettys- burg," by E. Hertz: v. 43, p. [4I-11. 989. CASWELL, LINCOLN. Abraham Lincoln impersonation and interpretation, [n. p., 1933?] folder ([2] p.) port. 21cm. (M3373) Caption title. Photograph of Caswell as Lincoln and quotation from The Evening Sun, Hanover, Pa., Nov. 20, 1933, on cover. Enclosed is a reprint from "Amsterdam Recorder" of Jan. 12, 1932, about Lincoln Caswell's impersonations. 990. CASWELL, LINCOLN. Character sketches of Abraham Lincoln, impersonated and interpreted by Lincoln Caswell, [n. p., 1928?] folder ([4] p.) ports. 28 cm. (M3003) P Caption title. Portrait of Caswell as Lincoln and quotation from the Gettysburg address on cover. 991. CATHERWOOD, MARY (Hartwell). Spanish Peggy; a story of young Illinois. Chicago & New York, H. S. Stone, 1899 3 p. 1., 85 p., 1 1. illus., port. 23 cm. PS1272.S6 1899 Story about Lincoln, New Salem, and a Spanish girl adopted by a Sac Indian. 992. CATHEY, JAMES H. Truth is stranger than fiction; or, The true genesis of a wonderful man. [n. p., c i8g9] 7 p. 1., [13H85 P- illus., ports. 17/2 cm. (M1243) E457.32.C37 copy 3 Red cloth, imprinted in gilt; with marbled sides and flowered end papers. 993. Another edition. 7 p. 1., [131-307 p. (M1242) E457.32.C36 copy 2 Issued under title : The Genesis of Lincoln. Below author statement: Truth is stranger than fiction. With added illustrations and Addenda (p. 186-307), reset contents, reset index to illustrations, and the title page printed from different plate. Cream-colored wrappers, imprinted in black. Por- trait of Lincoln on cover. 994. CATON, JOHN D. Early bench and bar of Illinois. Chicago, Printed by the Chicago Legal News Co., 1893. vi, 252 p. ports. 24 cm. Law copy 2 "Anecdotes of Lincoln and others — stories of cele- brated trials": p. 1 84-191. 995. CATON, JOHN D. Miscellanies. Boston, Houghton, Osgood, 1880 [ e i879] viii, 360 p. port. 23 cm. (M441 note) AC8.C385 f88oa "The death of Abraham Lincoln": p. 10-14. 996. CATTON, BRUCE. Banners at Shenan- doah; a story of Sheridan's Fighting Cavalry. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1955. 254 p. 22 cm. (Cavalcade books) PZ7.C272Ban copy 3 "First edition." Illustrated end papers. Autographed by the author. 95 997- CATTON, BRUCE. Mr. Lincoln's army. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1951. vi, 372 p. maps. 22 cm. E470.2.C37 copy 4 "First edition." The story of the Army of the Potomac under the command of George B. McClellan. Autographed. End paper maps. Bibliography: p. 341-347. 998. CATTON, BRUCE. A stillness at Appo- mattox. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1953. viii p., 1 1., 438 p. maps. 21/2 cm. E470.2.C39 copy 4 "First edition." End paper maps. 999. CATTON, BRUCE. This hallowed ground ; the story of the Union side of the Civil War. Gar- den City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1956. ix, 437 p. maps. 24/2 cm. (Mainstream of America series) E468.C3 copy 5 "First edition." End paper maps. "Brothers' war edition, autographed by the author for members of the Civil War Club." 1000. Causa celebre. Asesinato del Presidente Lincoln, atentados contra Mr. Seward y otros. Habana, Imprenta del Diario de la Marina, 1865 [i. e. 1865-66] 831 p. 23 cm. (M3798) E457.5.H435 Issued in parts. Trial of David E. Herold, Mary E. Surratt, Samuel A. Mudd, and others before a Military Commission at Washington, D. C. Black quarter-morocco. In brown solander case. 1 00 1. CAVANAH, FRANCES. They knew Abe Lincoln, a boy in Indiana. Illustrated by Harve Stein. New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Rand McNally [1952] 255 p. illus. 21 cm. E457.905.C3 copy 3 1002. CAVINS, WILLIAM F. The Lincoln family — neighbors of our fathers. [Mattoon, 111., 80th Anniversary Lincoln Day Committee, 1934] 1.1, [1] p. illus., ports. 23 cm. (M3418) P Cover and caption title. 1003. CELL, JOHN F. The birthday promise of the Republic. Delivered at the Lincoln day ban- quet of the Young Men's Republican Club of Mis- souri. Convention Hall February fourteenth nineteen-sixteen. [Kansas City, Mo., 19 16] 1 1 p. 18cm. (M2227) P Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1004. Centennial anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, Assembly Chamber, Albany, N. Y., February 12, 1909. [Albany, N. Y., 1909] [8] p. 23 cm. E457.7.C4 Cover title. Program of public exercises held "pursuant to a reso- lution adopted by the Common Council on January 4th [1909] . . . under the joint auspices of the G. A. R. posts, the Albany Institute and Historical and Art Society and the city authorities." Cf. p. [2] Self-wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1005. Central Woodward pulpit, v. 2, June 1932. Detroit, Central Woodward Christian Church. (M3331) P "Lincolnian citizenship," by E. D. Jones: p. [i]-[7] 1006. The Century Company. A list of notable books about Abraham Lincoln. New York [19 — ] folder ([4] p.) 26 cm. P Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1007. The Century illustrated monthly magazine, v. 73, Feb. 1909. Lincoln centennial number. New York, The Century Co. AP2.C4 4th set, v. 73 "Lincoln the leader," by R. W. Gilder: p. 479-507 (See also items 267, 282, 1681). "Nancy Hanks" a poem by H. Monroe: p. 507. "A Lincoln correspondence" [Letters of Lincoln and Senator Lyman Trumbull] with introduction and notes by W. H. Lambert: p. 617-626 (See also item 1 1 1 ). 1008. The Century magazine, v. 1 12, Sept. 1926. New York, The Century Co. AP2.C4 v. 112 X copy "Lincoln's Honorable Parentage," by Louis A. Warren: P- 532-539- 1009. Ceremonies at the unveiling of monument to William H. Herndon, Abraham Lincoln's last law partner. Oak Ridge Cemetery, May 30, 19 18, Springfield, Illinois. Address by Hardin W. Mas- ters. Priv. Print. [Springfield? 1918?] 32 p. 1 illus., 1 port., 1 facsim. 24 cm. (M2380) E457.4.H556 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 96 ioio. CHAFIN, EUGENE W. Lincoln: the man of sorrow. Chicago, 111., Lincoln Temperance Press, 1908. 2 p. 1., [7]— 97 p. 20 cm. (M1575) E457.8.C433 copy 3 A lecture delivered in Ebenezer M. E. Church, Phila- delphia, Feb. 25, 1907. Appendix (p. 49-97) contains addresses by Lincoln. Dark green cloth. ion. Another issue. 1909. (Mi575var.) E457.8.C433 1908a "Third edition." Title page reset. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Same binding. Pattern of cloth differs slightly. 1012. CHAMBERLAIN, JOSHUA L. Abra- ham Lincoln seen from the field in the war for the union. A paper read before the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, February 12, 1909. [n. p.] 1909. 21 p. 24 cm. (Mi 688) E457.8.C438 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 10 1 3. CHAMBERLAIN, NATHAN H. The assassination of President Lincoln. A sermon preached in St. James Church, Birmingham, Ct., April 19th, 1865, by Rev. N. H. Chamberlain. New York, G. W. Carleton, 1865. 22 p. 18 cm. (M443) E457.8.C44 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 1014. CHAMBERLIN, JOSEPH E. The ifs of history. Philadelphia, H. Altemus [ c igo7] 1 p. 1., v-x p., 1 1., 13-203 p. 18 cm. D24.C4 copy 2 "If Abraham Lincoln's father had moved southward, not northward" : p. 150-159. 1015. CHAMBRUN, CHARLES ADOLPHE de PINETON, marquis de. Impressions of Lin- coln and the Civil War, a foreigner's account, by the Marquis Adolphe de Chambrun. Translated from the French by Aldebert de Chambrun. New York, Random House [1952] x, 174 p. group port., facsim. 21 cm. E457.15.C45 copy 4 The author's letters to his wife from December 20, 1864, to June 13, 1865. Boards. Cloth back. 1016. CHAMBRUN, CHARLES ADOLPHE de PINETON, marquis de. Personal recollections of Mr. Lincoln, by the Marquis de Chambrun. [New York, C. Scribner's Sons] [26]~38 p. 24 cm. P Caption title. Detached from Scribner's Magazine, v. 13, Jan. 1893. 1017. Another edition. [Chicago? 1893] [ J 9] !• 24/2 cm. (Mi 1 15) E457.15.C456 "Printed by a lover of Lincoln in an edition of 25 numbered copies of which this is no. 21." "Reprinted from the Century [i. e. Scribner's] Maga- zine, January, 1893." Printed wrappers. 1 018. CHANCELLOR, WILLIAM E. Our presidents and their office; including parallel lives of the presidents of the people of the United States and of several contemporaries, and a his- tory of the presidency. With an introduction by Champ Clark. New York, The Neale Pub. Co., 191 2. 603 p. 23 cm. JK511.C4 copy 3 "Abraham Lincoln": p. 429-472. 1 01 9. CHANDLER, JOSEPHINE C. An epi- sode of the Civil War. [Springfield, 111., Phillips Bros. Print, 1925] 13 p. ports. 23 cm. E61 1.C43 Concerns Col. Edward R. Roberts and Captain Ed- ward P. Strickland, both of Springfield, 111. "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, 1294 [i. e. 1924]" Printed wrappers. 1020. CHANDLER, JOSEPHINE C. New Salem; early chapter in Lincoln's life. Drawings by Charles Overall. [Springfield, 111., Journal Print. Co., 1930] 60 p. 6 illus. 27J/2 cm. (M3178) E 457-35- c 45 co PY 3 & x co PY "Souvenir [edition]" "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume 22, no. 4, January, 1930." X copy inscribed : "Gift rec'd from No. Shore Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, May 13/35." Black wrappers, imprinted in silver. 1021. Another edition, [n. p., 1950?] 64 p. illus. 23/2 cm. (var. of M3178) E 457-35- c 45 '95° copies 2 & 3 "Revised edition." From different plates, with some revisions in the text and slight rearrangement of the illustrations. Published in 1949 or thereafter. Cf. author's writings (listed on p. [2]) which include The Romance of the Rose (1949). Copy 2 bound in blue cloth with gilt lettering on cover. Copy 3 in coral-colored wrappers with black lettering and portrait of Lincoln on cover. 97 1022. CHAPMAN, ERVIN S. Latest light on Abraham Lincoln, and war-time memories, in- cluding many heretofore unpublished incidents and historical facts concerning his ancestry, boyhood, family, religion, public life, trials and triumphs. Illustrated with many reproductions from original paintings, photographs, etc., by Ervin Chapman. With introduction by Bishop John W. Hamilton. New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell ["1917] 2 v. (x, 570 p.) illus., ports., facsims. 24/2 cm. (M2299 var.) E457.15.C46 copy 4 "Author's special autograph edition." Royal blue cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. Gilt top. 1023. Another issue. (M2299 var.) E457- I 5- C 4 6 co Py 3 One-volume edition. Device on title page. Dark blue-green cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. Gilt top. 1024. CHARNWOOD, GODFREY RATH- BONE BENSON, 1st baron. Abraham Lincoln, by Lord Charnwood. London, Constable & Co., 1916. viii, 479 p. port., fold. map. 22/2 cm. (Makers of the nineteenth century, ed. by Basil Williams) (M2229) E457.C475 copy 2 "Bibliographical note": p. [455]-458. Red cloth, with line borders blind-stamped on covers and gilt lettering on spine. In three-quarter-closed case. 1025. Another issue. New York, Holt, 1916. (var. of M2229) E457.C475 1916a "First American edition." Title page reset. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Brown cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. Series title blind-stamped on cover and spine. In case with preced- ing issue. 1026. Another edition. New York, H. Holt, 1917. 2 p. 1., iii-vi p., 1 1., 482 p. 22 cm. (M2229 var.) E457.C478 copy 4 "Third edition." "Printed, January, 1923." From different plates. ■ "Bibliographical note": p. 457-460. Black cloth. Series title and device blind-stamped on cover. Gilt lettering on spine. 1027. Another issue, [n. p.] Independent Press [1924? c i9i7] (M222gvar.) E457.C4788 "Independent edition." From same plates as Holt's third edition. Green cloth, with black lettering on spine. 1028. Another edition. New York, Pocket Books [1948] viii, 495, [1] p. 16/2 cm. (var. of M2 2 29) E457.C483 copy 2 "Pocket book edition ... 1st printing, October, '939 • • • 13th printing, September, 1948." From different plates. Printed wrappers. 1029. Another edition. New York, Pocket Books [1952, c 1 9 1 7] ix, 501 p. 163/2 cm. (A Cardinal edition, C-51) (var. of M2229) E457-C4785 1952 From different plates. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1030. CHARRNEY, THEODORE S. As we think of him; a series of illustrations of young Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, Priv. Print. [Hi Fi Press] 1956. [20] p. (3 blank) illus. 253/2 cm. E457.35.C48 "Prepared and published expressly for distribution to the members of the Illinois State Historical Society in attendance at the 57th annual meeting." Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 1 03 1. CHARRNEY, THEODORE S. On June 13, 1839, the Logan County Circuit Court, an im- portant point on the Lincoln circuit, convened at Postville for the first time. Chicago, Poor Richard Press, 1939. folder ([2] p.) 15x8 cm. (M3668) U Cover title. A centennial souvenir for mailing. Thirty other num- bers, each to commemorate some date in 1839 and 1840, accompany it; each in an illustrated envelope. In red slip-case. 1032. Charter of American liberty. Boston, Tag- gard & Thompson, 1865. 3 p. 1., 3-1 21 p. illus., ports., facsim. 12J/2 cm. JK11 1865 copy 2 Contents. — Constitution of the United States. — Dec- laration of Independence. — Washington's farewell ad- dress. — Proclamation of emancipation. — History of the American flag. 1033. CHASE, SALMON P. How the South re- jected compromise in the Peace conference of 1861. Speech of Mr. Chase of Ohio. New York, W. C. 98 Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 11 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 37) E463.L96 no. 37 4th set Cover title. On cover: New York, Dec, 1863. Issued also with caption title only and advertisement of Society (5 lines) on verso of p. 1 1. In pamphlet holder. 1034. CHASE, SALMON P. Inside Lincoln's Cabinet; the Civil War diaries of Salmon P. Chase. Edited by David Donald. New York, Longmans, Green, 1954. ix, 342 p. port. 24 cm. E415.9.C4A3 copy 3 "First edition." Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 273-330). 1035. CHASE, THOMAS. An address on the character and example of President Lincoln, de- livered before the Athenaeum and Everett societies of Haverford College ... on Fifth day evening, Seventh month 6th, 1865. Philadelphia, Sherman & Co., Printers, 1865. 35 p. 20 cm. (M444) E457.8.C48 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 1036. Chase and Sanborn. A. Lincoln. Com- pliments of Chase & Sanborn, importers of tea and coffee. Boston, Chicago, Montreal. [New York, The Victor Litho. Co., c igo9] [13] p. illus., ports. 12/2 cm. (M1689) P Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1037. Chatham and Phenix National Bank, New York. The Emancipator. [New York] The Forbes Litho. Mfg. Co., c 1929. [4] p. illus., port. 30/2 cm. P Enclosed is a letter dated July 3, 1930, from Archibald Barrow Fisk, trust officer, to Charles T. White. Describes the financial consequences for Mary Lincoln of Lincoln's dying intestate. 1038. CHEANEY, MARGARET M. Lincoln's days of destiny, a pageant of historic Aprils. Petersburg, 111., The Observer [ c 1 93 1 ] 1 p. 1., bl-45 P- 21 cm. (M3252) PN3206.C53 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 1039. CHESTER, CORDELIA A. (Pcrrine). A Wisconsin woman's picture of President Lincoln, by Cordelia A. P. Harvey, [n. p., 19 18?] 1 p. 1., 23 p. port. 25/2 cm. (M2354) E 457-i5 c 5 co Py 2 "Reprinted from the Wisconsin Magazine of History, volume I, number 3, March, 19 18." Printed wrappers. 1040. CHESTER, GIRAUD. Embattled maid- en; the life of Anna Dickinson. New York, Put- nam [1951] xi, 307 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. E415.9.D48C5 copy 3 Scattered references to Lincoln. 1 04 1. CHESTER, JOHN. The lesson of the hour. Justice as well as mercy. A discourse preached on the Sabbath following the assassina- tion of the President, in the Capitol Hill Presby- terian Church, Washington, D. C. [Washington] Washington Chronicle Print, 1865. 16 p. 22/2 cm. (M445) E457.8.C52 copy 3 Printed wrappers with black border. 1042. Chicago. Public Library. Book bulletin. v. 28, Feb. 1926. Z881.C53B15 v. 28 X copy "Twenty-five Lincoln books," by J. Monaghan: p. 27-28. 1043. Chicago. Public Library. List of books and magazine articles on Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States . . . [Chicago, The Chicago Public Library, 1909] 43 p. 23 cm. (Special bulletin, no. 7) (M, v. 1, p. xxii) Z881.C53S3 3d & 4th sets, no. 7 Caption title. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht (copy 3). Printed wrappers. 1044. Chicago. Public Library. A Nation di- vided; a representative, annotated selection of books on the Civil War period and Abraham Lincoln. [Chicago, 195-] 37 p. 22 cm. Z1242.C45 Printed wrappers. 1045. Chicago. Union League Club. Memorial to Abraham Lincoln in the Hall of Fame, New York University, New York City. [Chicago? 1923?] 8 p. 25 cm. (M2674) P Caption title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 99 1046. Chicago. v. 1, Apr. 1954. Chicago, Contemporary Publications, Inc. P "The faces of giants," by R. Newman: p. 60-61. 1047. The Chicago convention. Appeal of the National Union Committee to the people of the United States. Headquarters of the National Union Committee, New York, September 9, 1864. New York, 1864. folder (3 p.) 27.7 x 21.6 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 7 1048. Chicago Hebrew Institute. Ritual for the centennial celebration of Pres. Abraham Lincoln (186 1- 1 865), the preserver of the Union, the liberator of millions of slaves. Arranged and adopted by the Lincoln celebration committee of the Chicago Hebrew Institute, [n. p., 1909] [3] p. 23/2 cm. (M3874) P Cover title. In Gaylord binder. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1049. Chicago Historical Society. Bulletin of the Chicago Historical Society. [2d ser.] v. 1, Feb. 1935. [Chicago] F548.1.C313 v. 1 Xcopy "Lincoln's Visits to Chicago," by Blaine Brooks Ger- non: v. 1, p. 33~4>- "The Lincoln Rooms": v. 1, p. 42-44. 1050. Chicago Historical Society. Lincoln dio- ramas. Chicago, 111., Chicago Historical Society [1942?] [23] p. illus., ports. 25/2 cm. E457.65.C5 2 X copies "Corrections" on slip laid in. On cover: Abraham Lincoln. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1 05 1. Chicago Historical Society. Souvenir of Lincoln's birthday. [Chicago, n. d.] folder ([4] p.) illus., port. 30/2 cm. E475.55.C5 Includes facsimile of the Gettysburg Address. 1052. Chicago history, v. 2, Summer 1950, Fall 195°; v - 4> Winter i954- I 955> Fal1 r 955> Spring 1957. Chicago, Chicago Historical Society. F548.1.C465 v. 2, v. 4 X copy ' "Four score and seven years ago . . .": v. 2, Summer 'QS ) P- 247-250; Addresses commemorating the 87th anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: v. 2, Fall 1950; "Fakery in the name of Honest Abe": v. 4, Winter '954 _I 955> P- 54 - 6o; "Lincoln's drive through Rich- mond": v. 4, Fall 1955, p. 129-134; "Lincoln a fail- ure?": v. 4, Spring 1957, p. 346-348. 1053. The Chicago Tribune. A century of Trib- une editorials. 1847- 1947. [Chicago] Chicago Tribune [1947] 8 p. 1., 3-156 p. 21/2 cm. E178.6.C535 copies 3 & 4 Eight editorials, published between 1858 and 1865, re- late to Lincoln. Copy 4 inscribed by Leon Stolz to Alfred W. Stern. Copy 3 (21 1/^ cm.) bound in red printed wrappers, copy 4(22^/2 cm. ) in red boards. 1054. The Chicago Tribune magazine. June 12, 1955- ? "Joseph Medill of the Chicago Tribune," by C. Collins: P- 27,50-51- 1055. CH'IEN, CHIH-HSIU. Lin k'en [Lin- coln]. Shanghai, Shang wu yin shu kuan [Com- mercial Press] 1924. 2, 46 p. illus. 19 cm. (Shao nien ts'ung shu [Books for Youth]) (M 3885) U First published, May 19 18; 8th impression, November 1924. Title in English : Abraham Lincoln. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1056. Another issue. 1927. (M3886) U (2 copies) 10th impression, May 1927. 1057. CHINIQUY, CHARLES P. Assassination of Lincoln, by Rev. Charles Chiniquy. Milan, 111., Rail Splitter Press [n. d.] 32 p. (p. 20-32 adver- tisements) 18 cm. (M1021) E457.5.C512 Cover title. 1058. CHINIQUY, CHARLES P. Die Ermor- dung des Prasidenten Abraham Lincoln eine That der Jesuiten. Von pater Chiniqui. (Separatab- druck aus dessen Werk: "Fiinfzig Jahre in der ro- mischen Kirche".) Barmen, D. B. Wiemann [1890] 32 p. 19 cm. (Freundschaftl. Streitschriften. Nr. 26) (M3847) E457.5.C53 copy 2 Translation of item 1059, chapter 61. Printed wrappers. Unopened. 1059. CHINIQUY, CHARLES P. Fifty years in the Church of Rome, by Father Chiniquy. Chi- cago, Craig & Barlow, 1885. 7, ix-xvi, 9-832 p. port. 24 cm. BX1765.C47 copy 3 Scattered references to Lincoln. Laid in are letters to Chas. T. White from Stephen R. Moore, Kankakee, 111., dated Oct. 16, 19 16, and P. Beauchamp, St. Anne, 111., dated Oct. 6, 19 16, relating to Lincoln's defense of Father Chiniquy. 100 io6o. [CHINIQUY, CHARLES P.] The mur- der of Abraham Lincoln planned and executed by Jesuit priests. Indianapolis, Ind., Ironclad Age, 1893. [*]> XI P- *8 cm. (Mi 1 14) E 457-5- c 5 2 co Py 2 Cover title. "The . . . account ... is only an abridgement from Father Chiniquy's 'Fifty years in the Church of Rome,' 30th edition." — p. 11. Signed: W. H. B [i. e. W. H. Burr] Bound in modern brown half-morocco. 1 06 1. [CHINIQUY, CHARLES P.] Who as- sassinated Abraham Lincoln? [n. p., n. d.] [4] p. 23 cm. P Caption title. "Reprinted from Fifty years in the Church of Rome, 1885." 1062. CHIPERFIELD, BURNETT M. Abra- ham Lincoln. Address delivered in the House of Representatives on February 12, 1932, in commem- oration of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Wash- ington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1932. ii, 19, [1] p. 23^ cm. (7 2d Cong., 1st sess. House. Doc. 255) ( M 2301) E457.8.C53 copies 3 & 4 Letter of transmission from the author to Charles T. White, laid in. Copy 3 bound in tan buckram; copy 4 in gray printed wrappers. 1063. CHIPERFIELD, BURNETT M. Lincoln memorial address; speech in the House of Repre- sentatives, February 12, 191 7. Washington, [Govt. Print. Off.] 1917. i6p. 24 cm. (M2300 var.) E457.8.C534 Cover title. Stamped: H. W. Fay, Custodian Lincoln's Tomb, Springfield, Illinois. Self-wrappers. 1064. Another edition. [Washington? 191 7] 20 p. 23 cm. (M2300) P From different plates. Portrait of Lincoln on title page and cover. Author's inscribed presentation copy to Charles T. White. Letter of transmittal, dated Mar. 12, 191 7, laid in. Blue printed wrappers. 1065. CHIPMAN, NORTON P. Abraham Lincoln. Address of Hon. N. P. Chipman, pre- siding justice of the District Court of Appeal, at a banquet given by the Cherry Tree Club of Sacra- mento, Feb. 22, 1906. [Sacramento? 1906?] 23 p. 23 cm. (M1492) P Caption title. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1066. CHITTENDEN, LUCIUS E. Lincoln and the sleeping sentinel; the true story, told by L. E. Chittenden. New York, London, Harper, r 9 9- 53, [1] P- col. front., ports. 18 cm. (M1690) E457.2.C54 copy 3 Pardon of William Scott of the Third Vermont regiment. "Published January 1909." Title page imprinted in yellow and black. Gray cloth lettered in white, with green line border and mounted portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1067. Another issue. (M1690 var.) E 457-2-C54 copy 4 Title page imprinted in orange and black. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Green gilt-stamped full-morocco. Green end papers. Device on cover. 1068. CHITTENDEN, LUCIUS E. Personal reminiscences, 1840- 1890, including some not hitherto published of Lincoln and the war, by L. E. Chittenden. New York, Richmond, Croscup & Co., 1893. lx > 434 P- P ort - 22 cm. (M1116) E415.7.C54 copy 3 1069. CHITTENDEN, LUCIUS E. Recollec- tions of President Lincoln and his administration, by L. E. Chittenden. New York, Harper, 1891. viii, 470 p. port. 23 cm. (Mi 079) E 457- c 54 co Py 2 1070. CHITTENDEN, RICHARD H. Poems, by Richard Handy [pseud, n. p., 1865?] 12 p. 18 cm. PS1294.C293 Inscribed: "To Brace Chittenden from his father." "Lincoln": p. 4-6. Bound (in black full-morocco) with Reichlin-Meldegg, K. A., Freiherr von. Faust: an Exposition of Goethe's Faust, translated by R. H. Chittenden. Boston [pref. 1864] and Chittenden, A. J. The Candidating Fair: a Student's Dream of Trial Preaching. Andover, Mass., '873- 1 07 1. CHOATE, JOSEPH H. Abraham Lin- coln. New York, T. Y. Crowell [1901] 38 p. 18/2 cm. (Mi27gvar.) E457.8.C542 copy 4 "An address delivered before the Edinburgh Philo- sophical Institution, November 13, 1900." "Sixth thousand." White cloth, with gilt lettering and green and gilt design on cover. IOI 1072. Another issue, (var. of Mi 279) E457- 8 - c 542 copy 2 "Seventh thousand." Title page reset. Same binding. 1073. Another issue. (M1279 var.) E457.8.C542 copy 3 "Eleventh thousand." Title page reset. White cloth, with green lettering and design on cover. 1074. Another edition. Chicago, Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway [1902?] 30 p. port. 19/2 cm. (C. M. & St. P. Ry. Series no. 22) (Mi 279 var.) E457.8.C544 copies 3 & 4 Issued under title: The Career and Character of Abraham Lincoln. From different plates. Brown printed wrappers. 1075. CHOATE, JOSEPH H. Abraham Lin- coln, and other addresses in England. New York, Century Co., 19 10. xii, 293 p. port. 21/2 cm. (M1912) E178.6.C54 copy 3 "Abraham Lincoln": p. 3-42. (Address delivered be- fore the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution, November 13th, 1900.) 1076. CHOATE, JOSEPH H. American ad- dresses. New York, Century Co., 191 1. xix, 360 p. port., fold, facsim. 21/2 cm. AC8.C55 copy 4 Addresses delivered from 1864 to 191 1, with an occa- sional reference to Lincoln. 1077. Choosing "Abe" Lincoln captain, and other stories. New York, Akron, Ohio, Chicago, Werner Co., 1899. [36] p. illus. 19/2 cm. (Mi 244) p Z5- c 455 co Py 2 End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." 1078. CHORPENNING, CHARLOTTE (Bar- rows) . Lincoln's secret messenger — boy detective to a president, a historical play, and the Lincoln chant. Chicago, Coach House Press [1955] 64 p. illus. 22 cm. (Full-length play series, no. 9) E457.9.C49 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 1079. CHRISMAN, HERRING. Memoirs of Lincoln. [Mapleton, Iowa] Published by his Son W. H. Chrisman, 1930. 5 p. 1., 97 p. ports., fold, geneal. tab., coat of arms. 21cm. (M2910 var.) E457.i5.C55copy3 Autographed presentation copy, W. H. Chrisman to Alfred W. Stern. 1080. CHRISTIAN, GEORGE L. Abraham Lincoln; an address delivered before R. E. Lee Camp, No. 1, Confederate Veterans, at Richmond, Va., October 29, 1909. Richmond, L. H. Jenkins [191-?] 31 p. 23/2 cm. (M1691 var.) E457.8.C55 igioz copies 1 & 2 Cover title. "Second edition." "Published by order of the Camp." Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Gray printed wrappers. 1 08 1. Another edition. [Richmond, Va., Re- printed by Richmond Press, 1927] 31, [1] p. 23 cm. (M1691 var.) E457.8.C553 copy 2 Cover title. From different plates. Title varies slightly. Blue printed wrappers. 1082. The Christian advocate, v. 81, Feb. 11, 1932; v. 82, Feb. 9, 1933; v. 94, Feb. 6, 19195 V. 95, Feb. 5, 1920; v. 96, April 14, 1921; v. 98, Feb. 1, 1923; v. 100, Feb. 12, 1925; v. 102, June 23, 1927; v. 106, Feb. 5, 1931; v. 106, Feb. 12, 1931; v. 109, Feb. 8, 1934; v. no, Feb. 7, 1935; v. 116, Feb. 6, 1 94 1. New York, The Methodist Book Concern. BX820i.Pe v. 81, 82 X copy BX8201.C6 v. 94 [etc.] X copy "Lincoln's humanity and tenderness," by C. T. White: v. 81, p. [3]-4- "Lincoln at Cooper Institute," by C. T. White: v. 82, p. 6-7. "The Lincoln pew," [a poem] by Lyman Whitney Allen: v. 94, p. 165. "Abraham Lincoln-framer of a prohibition law," by Charles T. White: v. 94, p. 166-168, 178 (facsim. on p. 164). "Lincoln's greatness," [a poem] by Edwin Hamlin Carr: v - 95) P- '69. "Too much Lincoln": v. 95, p. 172. "Little Abe Lincoln at church," by William E. Barton: v. 95, p. 175-176. "Dr. A. J. Palmer's fifty crowded years," by [A. J. Palmer]: v. 96, p. 483-484. "The anni- versary of Lincoln.": v. 98, p. [13 1]— 1 32. "The truth about Jesse Head, the man who married the parents of Abraham Lincoln," by William E. Barton: v. 98, p. 135- 137. "Abraham Lincoln," [a poem] by John A. Sledd : v. 98, p. 135. "The Lincoln spring," [a poem] by William L. Stidger: v. 98, p. 136. "Lincoln's spiritual leadership," by Ida M. Tarbell: v. 100, p. 200-201. "How Lincoln taught himself," by John H. Finley: v. 102, p. [769] (excerpted from the Southern Workman). "A girl who heard Lincoln at Gettysburg," by Charles T. White: v. 106, p. 172-173. "Lincoln's religion." : v. 106, p. 197. "Like Lincoln.": v. 109, p. [123]. "'Great lives from Lincoln poetry,' " by James Brent McKenna: v. 102 109, p. 125. "Lincoln's way," by [Clarence True Wilson]: v. no, p. [123]. "Lincoln in Indianapolis," by Orien W. Fifer: v. 110, p. 125. "The college Lincoln saved," by Roy L. Smith: v. 116, p. 10-11, 31. The collection contains 3 copies of v. 94, Feb. 6, 19 19, and 2 copies of v. 106, Feb. 12, 193 1. Place of publication varies. 1083. The Christian century, v. 39, Feb. 2, 1922; v. 39, Feb. 9, 1922; v. 48, Feb. 4, 1931. Chicago, the Christian Century Press [etc.] BR1.C45 v. 39 [etc] X copy "The religion of Lincoln.": v. 39, no. 5, p. 135-137. "Abraham Lincoln" [6 poems] by Thomas Curtis Clark: v. 39, no. 6, p. [169]. "The man with the big umbrella," by Edgar DeWitt Jones: v. 48, p. 166-167. 1084. Christian educator; a quarterly magazine of facts relating to the educational work of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the South, v. 26, Feb. 1927. [Chicago, Board of Education, Dept. of Educational Institutions for Negroes, of the Methodist Episcopal Church]. LC576.C5 v. 26, X copy "Special Lincoln's Day Number." 1085. The Christian herald, v. 39, Feb. 19, 1916; v. 52, Feb. 9, 1929; v. 53, nos. 23-32, June 27- Aug. 9, 1930; v. 54, Feb. 1 93 1. New York, The Christian Herald Association, Inc. BR 1 .C63 v. 39 [etc.] X copy "What would Lincoln do?" by Ferdinand C. Iglehart: v - 39» P- '55- '56. "Lincoln and the new American," by Margaret E. Sangster, Jr.: v. 39, p. 156-171. "Lincoln, the man of the people" [poem by Edwin Markham]: v. 52, p. 132. "The God of Abraham Lincoln," by Honore Willsie Morrow: v. 52, p. 133, 143, 151. "Be- ware the assassin," by Honore Willsie Morrow: v. 53, no. 23, p. 4-5, 17, 21. "When Booth tried to steal Lincoln," by Honore Willsie Morrow: v. 53, no. 24, p. 6, 18-19. "With charity to all," by Honore Willsie Morrow: v. 53, no. 25, p. 8-9, 24. "Lincoln faces death," by Honore Willsie Morrow: v. 53, no. 26, p. 8-9. "Lincoln turns to Mary," by Honore Willsie Morrow: v. 53, no. 27, p. 6—7. "For offenses must come," by Honore Willsie Morrow: v. 53, no. 28, p. 9, 18. "Booth completes his plan," by Honore Willsie Morrow: v. 53, no. 29, p. 8-9. " 'For Thou didst call me,' " by Honore Willsie Morrow: v. 53, no. 30, p. 8-9. "They pray to the self-same God," by Honore Willsie Morrow: v. 53, no. 31, p. 6-7. "The last full measure of devotion," by Honore Willsie Morrow: v. 53, no. 32, p. 8-9. "Lin- coln lyrics" [6 poems] by Edwin Markham: v. 54, p. 14-15. "That look on Lincoln's face," by Daniel A. Poling: v. 54, p. 29, 42-43. The collection contains two copies of v. 53, no. 28, July 12, 1930. 1086. The Christian register; a journal of free churches, v. 117, February 10, 1938. Boston, American Unitarian Association. BX980 1 .C 7 v. 1 1 7 X copy "Abraham Lincoln Number." "Lincoln's religion," by Daniel Wolford LaRue: p. 84-85. "Lincoln's autobiography," by Robert Dale Richardson: p. 85-86. "The church of Lincoln's friends," by Charles Gordon Ames: p. 86-87. 1087. Christianity versus treason and slavery. Religion rebuking sedition. [Philadelphia, H. B. Ashmead, 1864] 16 p. 2 1-2 1/2 cm. E458.4.C52 2 X copies Cover title. Resolutions of the annual conventions of various Protestant churches, with a letter (p. 5) from Lincoln to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, May 14, 1864. Self-wrappers. 1088. CHURCH, DANIEL W. The idea and vision of Abraham Lincoln and the coming of Theodore Roosevelt. Chicago, The Berlin Carey Co. [1912] 2 p. 1., 3-43 p., 1 1. 18 cm. (M1401) JK2388.1912.C61 copy 2 Pages 3-29 are devoted to Lincoln. Printed wrappers. Portraits of Lincoln and Roosevelt on cover. 1089. CHURCH, DANIEL W. An interview. Chicago, The Berlin Carey Co. [ c i9io] vi, 163 p. 19/2 cm. HN64.C49 copy 2 Contains sketch of Lincoln's early life. Lincoln's portrait in relief on cover. 1090. The Church tower, v. 16, April 1939. Washington, D. C, Covenant First Presbyterian Church. (M3698) BX921 1.W3C67 v. 16 X copy "The Lincoln of the second inaugural address," by J. V. Moldenhawer: p. [53]— 59. 1 09 1. CHURCHILL, WINSTON. The crisis. With illustrations by Howard Chandler Christy. New York, London, Macmillan, 1901. ix, 522 p. 8 illus. 20 cm. PS1297.C7 1901 Historical novel about the Civil War. Maroon cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. Gilt top. 1092. Another edition. Edited by Walter Barnes. New York, Macmillan, 1921. xi, 543 p. port, (of 103 Lincoln) 14 J/2 cm. [Macmillan's pocket Ameri- can and English classics] PS1297.C7 1921 "Published January, 192 1." From different plates. Bibliography: p. 543. Brown cloth, lettered in gold and black. 1093. The Churchman, v. 139, Feb. 9, 1929. New York, Churchman Company. BX5800.C7 v. 139 X copy "The Lincoln of Lincoln's day, an uncouth puzzle to many," by Carl Holliday: p. 13-14. 1094. City College alumnus, v. 23, Feb. 1927. New York, Associate Alumni of the College of the City of New York, Inc. LH1.N6C5 v. 23 X copy "Abraham Lincoln," a portrait by J. R. Kelly: p. [56]. "Lincoln's lost love," a poem by A. Guiterman: p. 57. 1095. The Civil War. New York, Grosset & Dun- lap [1956] 2 v. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 23/2 cm. E468.C6 copy 3 Volume 1 published in 1947 under title: The American Iliad; the Epic Story of the Civil War as Narrated by Eyewitnesses and Contemporaries, by Otto Eisenschiml and Ralph Newman. Contents. — v. 1. The American Iliad, as told by those who lived it, by O. Eisenschiml and R. Newman. Intro- duction by Bruce Catton. — v. 2. The picture chronicle of the events, leaders, and battlefields of the war, by R. New- man and E. B. Long. Introduction by Allan Nevins. Illustrated end papers. Issued in a case. 1096. Civil War Book Club review, v. 1, no. 1-12, Oct. 1955-Sept. 1956; v. 2, no. 1-10, Oct. 1956-June 1957. Chicago, Civil War Book Club, Inc. P Reviews of important Civil War books. The board of reviewers includes Bruce Catton, Stanley F. Horn, Allan Nevins, Benjamin B. Thomas, Bell I. Wiley. 1097. Civil War history, v. 1, June 1955. Iowa City, Iowa, State University. E461.C5, v. 1 X copy "The other Gettysburg address," by F. Stripp: p. 161- 173- 1098. CLARK, ALLEN C. Abraham Lincoln in the national capital. Washington [Press of W. F. Roberts Co.] 1925. x, 179 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. (M2765) E457.C58 copy 2 Bibliography: p. ix— x. Reprinted from the Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D. C, v. 27, 1925. (S'ee item 11 63). 1099. CLARK, ALLEN C. Abraham Lincoln, the merciful President, the pardon of the sleeping sentinel. Washington [Press of W. F. Roberts Co.] 1927. 41, [1] p. illus., ports. 25 cm. (M2911) E457.2.C62 copy 2 1 100. CLARK, CHARLES EUGENE. Abraham Lincoln; an address, [n.p., 1909?] 8 p. 21J/2 cm. (M2132) E457.8.C593 copy 3 Printed wrappers. noi. CLARK, DANIEL. Eulogy on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, before the city government of Manchester, N. H. June 1st, 1865. Manchester, N. H., Mirror Steam Job Printing Establishment, 1865- 36 p. 23J/2 cm. (M448) P Ms. note on cover: "With the respects of Danl Clark, U. S. S." Printed wrappers. 1 102. CLARK, L. PIERCE. Lincoln; a psycho- biography. New York, London, C. Scribner's Sons, 1933. xiv p., 2 1., 570 p. illus., ports, facsims. 23/2 cm. (M3375) E457.C59 copy 3 1 103. CLARK, ROBERT D. The life of Mat- thew Simpson. New York, Macmillan, 1956. xi, 344 P- 21/2 cm. BX8495.S55C55 copy 3 "Lincoln and Methodist politics": p. 221—235. 1 104. CLARK, THOMAS CURTIS. Abraham Lincoln; thirty poems. Chicago, Flavel Pub. Co., c i934- ip. 1., 3°P- l8cm - ( M 34!9) E457.9.C62 copy 3 Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. Printed wrappers. 1 105. CLARK, THOMAS CURTIS. Lincoln, and others. New York, George H. Doran [ c i923] xi p., 1 1., 15-90 p. 21/2 cm. (M2628) p S3505-L3745 L 5 1923 co PY 3 Poems. 1 106. CLARK, THOMAS CURTIS. Lincoln: fifty poems. Herrin, 111., Trovillion Private Press, 1943. xiv p., 1 1., 53 p., 1 1. 18/2 cm. E457.9.C63 copy 2 "Of this limited autographed edition . . . four hundred and eighty-eight copies were printed . . . Number 197. [Signed] Thomas Curtis Clark." Includes 28 of the poems published in item 1104. IO4 1 107. CLARK, WILLIAM W. Memorial ser- mon on Abraham Lincoln, delivered before Buck- ingham Post, G. A. R. (Department of Con- necticut.) In the Norwalk Methodist Episcopal Church, Memorial Sunday, May 29th, 1887. By W. W. Clark, D. D. [New York, R. McBride, Printer, 1887?] 18 p. 23 cm. (M1029) E457-8-C597 copy 2 "Published by request of the Grand Army." Printed wrappers. 1 108. CLARKE, ASIA (Booth). The unlocked book; a memoir of John Wilkes Booth by his sister, Asia Booth Clarke. With a foreword by Eleanor Farjeon. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1938. 205 p. illus., ports., facsims. 21 cm. (M3611) E457.5.B74 copy 3 1 109. CLARKE, JAMES FREEMAN. James Freeman Clarke: autobiography, diary and cor- respondence. Edited by Edward Everett Hale. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1891. 2 p. I., 430 p. port. 20/2 cm. BX9869.C6A3 copy 3 Scattered references to Lincoln. mo. CLARKE, THOMAS. The battle, and other poems, patriotic and humorous. Chicago, Clarke, 1 87 1. 216 p. port. 19 cm. PS1299.C65B3 copy 2 "The President's wooing, March, 1865": p. [20i]-2i3- 1 1 1 1. CLARKE, THOMAS. Sir Copp; a poem for the times, in six cantos. Chicago, Pride, 1866. 130 p. 18J/2 cm. PS1299.C65S5 1866 An attack upon the Copperheads. 1 1 12. [CLASON, AUGUSTUS W.] Abraham Lincoln, in the latest biography. [New York, 1897?] 44 p. 22/2 cm. (M874) E457.C61 copy 2 Cover title. Running title : Abraham Lincoln, a biography. Not a biographical sketch, nor a review of any par- ticular work, but a discursive paper on the politics of Lincoln's time and on political theories in general. Ms. note on cover: "by A. W. Clason." Cloth, with original wrappers bound in. 1 1 13. The Classmate; a paper for young people, v. 24, Feb. 10, 191 7. Cincinnati, New York, The Methodist Book Concern. AP201.C7 v. 24, X copy Lincoln's Day number. 1 1 14. CLAY, HENRY. The views and senti- ments of Henry Clay & Abraham Lincoln on the slavery question, [n. p., i860] folder (4 p.) 23/2 cm. (M16) E438.C63 Caption title. Another copy in bound volume entitled Lincoln Cam- paign of i860. Pamphlets. (See item 2556 no. 42.) In blue slipcase. 1 1 15. CLEAVES, FREEMAN. Rock of Chicka- mauga, the life of General George H. Thomas. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1948. xi, 328 p. illus., ports., maps. 22 cm. E467. 1 .T4C6 copy 3 "First edition." 1 1 16. CLEMENS, EARLE R. Lincoln memo- rials in many states, [n. p., 1937]- 9 p. 28 cm. (M3558) P Caption title. Reprinted from the Terra Bella News, Terra Bella, California, October 1937. Enclosed is a typewritten letter from Sherrill Halbert of Porterville, Calif., dated December 15, 1937, to Chas. T. White, about the pamphlet. 1 1 17. Cliosophic Society, Lancaster, Pa. "Clio- sophic" essays . . . Lancaster, Pa. [Cliosophic So- ciety] 1908. 2 p. 1., 30, 41, 40 p. 22 cm. (M1619 note) E459.C63 copy 3 Cover title. Each essay paged separately, with special title page. Contents.- — 1. The political revolution of i860, by J. W. Appel. — 2. Buchanan's administration on the eve of the rebellion, by W. U. Hensel. — 3. Abraham Lincoln — ■ The problem. The man. The solution. By George W. Richards. (On special title page: Abraham Lincoln, an essay read before The Cliosophic Society, Lancaster, Pa., February 7, 1908. Item 3576, a separate.) Printed wrappers. 1 1 18. Clover Club of Philadelphia. Clover leaves. A commemorative volume. Published by the Clover Club. Philadelphia [Press of McLaughlin Bros. Co.] 1885. 4 p. 1., [7^462 p., 1 1. illus. (1 mounted), ports. 22/2 cm. HS2725.P5C51 copy 2 Added title page, with ornamental border in colors. Initials in colors. "But one edition of this volume has been printed — 400 copies in all. No more copies can or will be supplied, the type having been distributed. This is no. 139." "Lincoln's memorable journey to Washington," by A. K. McClure: p. [5g]-70. Black full-morocco. Ornamental title in brass, riveted on cover. In black solander case. IO5 1 1 19. CLUNE, MICHAEL. Address upon Abraham Lincoln. [Utica? N. Y.] c i8g5. 18 p. 23/2 cm. (Mi 163) E457.8.C63 Caption title. Incorporated, in part, into an address delivered before the Republican Club of the City of New York, Feb. 12, 1910. (See item 3086.) Two holograph letters from the author to Charles T. White, and broadside entitled: Some of the congratula- tory letters received by Michael Clune upon his Lincoln address, laid in. Self-wrappers. 1 1 20. COATES, JAMES. Address of Judge James Coates on Washington and Lincoln, deliv- ered before the Lincoln Club and Ladies' Circle, G. A. R. Little Rock [Ark., 191-?] 32 p. ports. 22 cm. (M3945) E457.8.C64 Cover title. 1 1 2 1 . [COBB, PERCIVAL B.] The martyr's re- turn, by Percival W. Wells [pseud.] Illustrations by Percival and Lillian Wells. Wantagh, N. Y., Bart- lett Pub. Co., 1 91 5. 105 p. illus. 19 cm. (M2179) E457.9.C65 copy 3 Imaginary discussions of some present-day problems of the United States, represented as taking place between an aged Union general and the ghost of President Lincoln. Three pages of advertising following p. 105. 11 22. COBLENTZ, CATHERINE (Cate) . Martin and Abraham Lincoln, based on a true incident. Pictures by Trientja [pseud.] Chicago, Childrens Press [1947] [24] p. col. illus. 23 J/2 cm. PZ7-S636Mar copy 4 1 1 23. COBURN, JAMES M. Abraham Lin- coln. [Kansas City? Mo., 1921] 15 p. 24 cm. (M2499) E457.8.C65 copy 2 Cover title. Read at Westminster Congregational Church, Kansas City, Mo., February 10, 1921. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1 1 24. COCHIN, AUGUSTIN. Abraham Lin- coln. Paris, Librairie Degorce-Cadot, 1869. 1 p. !•> [3] - 56 P- 17/2 cm. (Bibliotheque liberate) (M3827) E457.C66 copy 3 - Verso of title page, advertising matter. Yellow wrappers, imprinted in black. 1 1 25. Another edition. 2 p. 1., [i]-i2 p., 1 1., [3]~56 p. 17/2 cm. (var. of M3827) E457.C66 copy 2 On cover: Troisieme edition. Subtitled: "Conference prononcee le 14 mars 1869 a la reunion publique du Theatre imperial, presidee par M. Laboulaye. Precedee d'un discours de M. Labou- laye" (p. [1]— 12) . Verso of 1st preliminary leaf, adver- tising matter; recto, blank. Title page from different plate. Recto of 3d unnumbered leaf, half-title; verso, blank. Yellow wrappers, imprinted ift black. In yellow quarter-morocco slipcase. 1 126. Another issue. 18 cm. (var. of M3827) E457.C66 1869a On cover: Sixieme edition. With cover and p. [1] reset; pagination eliminated from eight pages, previously numbered ; change of ad- vertising matter on 1st preliminary leaf; and reproduc- tion of title page of original edition on 3d unnumbered leaf. Yellow wrappers, imprinted in black. 1 1 27. COCHIN, AUGUSTIN. Conferences et lectures. Paris, Didier, 1871. 2 p. 1., 427 p., 1 I. 18/2 cm. (cf. M3827) AC25.C57 1871 On title page: Deuxieme edition; on cover: Troisieme edition. "Abraham Lincoln; conference prononcee le 14 mars 1869 a la reunion publique du Theatre imperial presidee par M. Laboulaye": p. [5]-66. (Issued separately, from different plates, as item 1 124.) Printed wrappers. 1 1 28. CODDINGTON, DAVID S. Eulogy on President Lincoln delivered in the Citadel Square Church, Charleston, S. C, May 6th, 1865, at the request of the officers and soldiers in the Northern District, Department of the South. New York, Baker & Godwin, Printers, 1865. 2 p. 1., [3]~30 p. 23 cm. (M454) E457.8.C66 copy 2 Glazed printed wrappers. 1 1 29. CODDINGTON, DAVID S. Speeches and addresses of the late Hon. David S. Codding- ton, with a biographical sketch. New York, D. Appleton, 1866. xxxii, 177 p. port. 24/2 cm. (M454 var.) E415.7.C66 copy 2 Partial contents. — Address on the presidential crisis, delivered at the Cooper Institute before the war de- mocracy, November 1st, 1864 (p. [75]— 92 ) . — Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Charleston, South Caro- lina, May 6th, 1865 (p. [93J-I26). — Letter addressed to President Lincoln at the request of the Workingmen's Association of New York [March 4th, 1865] (p. [133]- 140). I06 1130. COFFIN, CHARLES CARLETON. Abraham Lincoln. New York, Harper, 1893. xiii p., 1 1., 542 p. illus., ports., maps. 23 cm. (Mi 1 17) E457.C67 copy 3 Cover title : Life of Lincoln. 1 131. COGGESHALL, E. W. The assassination of Lincoln. Chicago, W. M. Hill, 1920. 106 p. 20/2 cm. (M2447) E457.5.C67 copy 3 Blue boards. Paper labels on cover and spine. 1 132. Another issue. 1924. (M2447 var.) E457.5.C67 copy 4 Title page reset. Same binding. Thin paper. 1 133. COGGESHALL, WILLIAM T. Lincoln memorial. The journeys of Abraham Lincoln: from Springfield to Washington, 1861, as President elect; and from Washington to Springfield, 1865, as President martyred ; comprising an account of pub- lic ceremonies on the entire route, and full details of both journeys. Columbus, Ohio State Journal, 1865. 327 p. port. 20/2 cm. (M455) E457-52-C67 copy 3 "Published for the benefit of the Ohio Soldiers' Monu- ment Fund." Bound in black cloth. Gilt lettering on spine. 1 134. COGGINS, JAMES C. Abraham Lin- coln, a North Carolinian ; a true and thrilling story never before published; told by a third cousin of President Lincoln ... A Buncombe County, North Carolina, tradition, by J. C. Coggins . . . Illustrated by Frank B. Cook. Asheville, N. O, Advocate Pub. Co. [1925] 100 p. illus., port. i8/ 2 cm. (M2912) E457.32.C64copy 3 Dark green cloth, with gilt lettering on cover. 1 135. Another edition. Gastonia, N. C, Carolina Print. Co., c i927. 7 p. 1., 194 p. illus., port. 18/2 cm. (M2913) E457.32.C642 copy 3 "Second edition; revised." Binding same as that of the 1925 edition. 1 136. COGGINS, JAMES C. The eugenics of President Abraham Lincoln; his German-Scotch ancestry irrefutably established from recently dis- covered documents, by James Caswell Coggins. Milligan College, Tenn., Printed by the Goodwill Press [ c i94o] xvi, 17-284 p. illus., ports. 20/2 cm. E457.32.C65 copy 3 Place in imprint, Milligan College, Tenn., covered by label: Elizabethton, Tenn. 1 137. COLCORD, DAVID H. Abe Lincoln— the master salesman, and other talks on selling. Chicago, Haskell-Oberlin [ c i936] 3-79 p. 16J/2 cm. (M3509 note) HF5438.C5625 copy 3 1 138. COLE, ARTHUR C. Lincoln and the American tradition of civil liberty, by Arthur E. [sic] Cole. Danville, 111., Illinois Print. Co. [1926?] 12 p. 23 cm. (M2840) P "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, 1926." Inscribed by the author. Printed wrappers. 1 139. COLE, ARTHUR C. Lincoln's "House divided" speech; did it reflect a doctrine of class struggle? An address delivered before the Chicago Historical Society on March 15, 1923. Chicago, 111., The University of Chicago Press [ c ig23] 36 p. 23/2 cm. (M2629) E438.L694 copy 4 "Published October 1923." Printed wrappers. 1 140. COLE, CORNELIUS. Memoirs of Cor- nelius Cole, ex-Senator of the United States from California. New York, McLoughlin Bro., 1908. x, 354 p. port. 24^2 cm. E415.8.C68 copy 3 Inscribed by the author to George P. Hambrccht. Scattered references to Lincoln. 1 141. COLE, ROBERT J. The living Lincoln. [New York?] February 12, 191 6. [20] p. port. 22/2 cm. P Tipped in are a letter dated March 3, 19 17, from Robert Todd Lincoln to Charles T. White and a letter dated Feb. 22, 1916, also to Mr. White, from Dyer Merriam, Robert Todd Lincoln's private secretary. Enclosed are the ms. copy, penciled notes, and news- paper clippings. Signed by the author on last page of text. Typescript, hand-illuminated, bound in full red morocco. 1 142. COLE, WILSON G. The leadership of Lincoln; address in the James M. E. Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1934. [Hancock, N. Y., The Herald Printery, 1934]- 11 p. 20 cm. (M3420) P Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 107 1 143. COLEMAN, CHARLES H. Abraham Lincoln and Coles County, Illinois. New Bruns- wick, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1955. xii, 268 p. illus., ports., maps., tables. 22J/2 cm. E457.64.C6 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 248-253. 1 144. COLEMAN, CHARLES H. Sarah Bush Lincoln, the mother who survived him. [Charles- ton, 111., 1952] 20 p. illus., ports. 15 cm. E457.32.C67 Cover title. Portrait of Sarah Bush Lincoln, p. 20. "Reprinted courtesy of Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tennessee." Light gray wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1 145. Another edition. Harrogate, Tenn., Lin- coln Memorial University [ c i952] 2 p. I., 21 p. illus., ports. 15/2 cm. E457.32.C67 1952a "From the Lincoln Herald, summer 1952 issue." Pages 1 — 1 9 from same plates (p. 19 reset). The por- trait of Sarah Bush Lincoln is now the frontispiece and "Lincoln Log Cabin State Park, Coles County, Illinois." (p. 20-21) has been added. Gray printed wrappers. Same portrait on cover. 1 146. COLEMAN, CHRISTOPHER B. The Lincoln legend, [n. p., 1934?] [277J-286 p. 25 cm. P (3 copies) Cover title. "An address delivered at the annual memorial services of the Spencer County Historical Society at Nancy Hanks Lincoln Park, Lincoln City, Indiana, on May 28, 1933." "Reprinted from Indiana Magazine of History, De- cember, 1933, xxix, no. 4." First copy autographed by the author and with book- plate of George P. Hambrecht. 1 147. COLEMAN, J. WINSTON, Jr. A Ken- tucky Lincolnian; the story of William H. Town- send's great collection of Lincolniana, at Lexing- ton, Kentucky. Harrogate, Tenn. [1943] 11 p. illus., port., facsim. 25/2 cm. E457.65.T6C6 copy 3 "Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, February, 1943. Vol. XLV, no. 1." Printed wrappers. .1148. COLEMAN, J. WINSTON., Jr. Lincoln and "Old Buster"; the story of Judge George Robertson, Lexington, Kentucky, and his relation- ship to Abraham Lincoln. Harrogate, Tenn. [1944] 1 1 p. 1 illus., port., facsim. 25/2 cm. E340.R7C6 copy 3 "Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, February, 1944, volume XLVI, no. I." Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 11). Printed wrappers. 1 149. COLEMAN, J. WINSTON, Jr. A preacher and a shrine; Rev. Jesse Head and the Lincoln marriage temple. Harrogate, Tenn., Lincoln Memorial University [1944?] 2 p. 1., 8 p. illus., port. 25/2 cm. E457.32.C68 copy 2 "Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, December, 1944, vol. XLVII, no. 4." "Foot-notes" (bibliographical) : p. 8. Printed wrappers. 1 150. [COLEMAN, WILLIAM M.] The evi- dence that Abraham Lincoln was not born in lawful wedlock, or The sad story of Nancy Hanks. [Dallas? Tex., 1899?] [3]-i8 p. 23^/2 cm. (M1246) E457.32.C69 copy 2 Caption title. Preface signed: Wm. M. C, Dallas, Texas. Self-wrappers. 1 151. COLFAX, SCHUYLER. Life and prin- ciples of Abraham Lincoln. Delivered in the Court House Square, at South Bend, April 24, 1865. Philadelphia, J. B. Rodgers, Printer, 1865. 29 p. 22/2 cm. (M457) E457.8.C69 copy 2 Holograph letter from author, dated January 26, 1879, laid in; addressee not given. Red half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1 152. COLIN, EDWARD C. Darwin and Lin- coln, [n. p., 1944] 412-424 p. 23 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from School Science and Mathematics, May •944-" Autographed by author. 1 153. The Collector; a magazine for autograph and historical collectors, v. 39, Nov. 1924. New York, Walter R. Benjamin. Z41.A2C6 v. 39 X copy "Twenty-first Administration": p. [169]— 170. 1 1 54. Collier's, the national weekly, v. 40, Feb. 14. 1908; v. 65. Feb. 14, 1920; v. 67, Feb. 12, 1921; v. 85, Feb. 8, 1930; v. 137, Apr. 27, 1956. New York, Crovvell-Collier Pub. Co. AP2.C65 v. 40 [etc.] X copy "Lincoln," by T. Roosevelt: v. 40, p. [5]. "Father Abraham Lincoln," by "a veteran of the Civil War" : v. 40, p. 8-9. "Lincoln and our democracy," by W. A. 108 White: v. 40, p. 10-11. "The Lincoln centenary," by R. L. Jones: v. 40, p. 12-13. "In Lincoln's America," by J. Drinkwater: v. 65, p. [5]-6, 32. "A campaigner for Lincoln," by E. S. Chapman: v. 67, p. [$]-6 } 30. "Who will stand with Lincoln — and believe in the United States?": v. 67, p. 16-17. "Lincoln's first love," by I. M. Tarbell: v. 85, p. 7-8, 36, 38. "A nation dies, a nation is reborn," by P. Van Doren Stern: v. 137, p. [22]-3i. Publishers vary. 1 155. COLLINS, THADDEUS W. Review of the governor's message. Speech of Hon. Thad. W. Collins, of Wayne County, in the House of As- sembly, March, 1863. [n. p., 1863] 8 p. 22 cm. (Documents from New York State Union Central Committee, no. 15) P Caption title. Issued also as Union campaign documents, no. 1 1 (Al- bany, Weed, Parsons, 1864. 11 p.). In defense of Lincoln's administration and of the Emancipation Proclamation. Previously bound. 1 156. COLLINS, WILLIAM H. Abraham Lin- coln. Speech by Hon. Wm. H. Collins in Hall Representatives, April 15, 1887. Quincy [111.] Volk, Jones & McMein, Printers [1887] 12 p. 21/2 cm. (M1576) E457.8.C695 Cover title. Self-wrappers. In blue slipcase. 1 157. COLLIS, CHARLES H. T. The religion of Abraham Lincoln; correspondence between General Charles H. T. Collis and Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll. With appendix, containing inter- esting anecdotes by Major-General Daniel E. Sickles and Hon. Oliver S. Munsell. New York, G. W. Dillingham [1900] 24 p. 21 cm. (Mi 280) E457.2.C7 copies 4 & 5 Copy 5 inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Copy 5 bound in gray wrappers lettered in red and black. Copy 4 (20 cm., trimmed) lettered in maroon and black. 1 158. COLLYER, WILLIAM H. The death of Booth; affidavit Dec. 1, 1904, in pension claim of Wm. H. Collyer, a blowhard. [n. p., 1934?] [2] p. 16 cm. (M3421) P Cover title. 1 159. COLMAN, EDNA M. (Hercher). Sev- enty-five years of White House gossip; from Wash- ington to Lincoln, by Edna M. Colman. Garden City, N. Y.j Doubleday, Page, 1925. viii p., 2 I., 334 p. illus., ports. 24J/2 cm. E176.1.C75 copy 4 "First edition." "First administration of Abraham Lincoln" : p. 264- 3o5. "Second administration of Abraham Lincoln": p. 306-321. 1 160. COLMAN, GEORGE W. Assassination of the President. A discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Delivered at Acton, Mass., April 16th, 1865. Re- peated in the Baptist Church, West Acton, June 1st, 1865. By Rev. Geo. W. Colman . . . Boston, S. Chism, 1865. 15 p. 21 cm. (M458) E457.8.C71 copy 2 Previously bound. 1 161. Colorado. Dept. of Public Instruction. Colorado memorial day annual. Lincoln centen- nial number, 1909. Compiled and issued by Kath- erine M. Cook, State Superintendent. [Denver 1909] 106 p. illus., ports., music. 23 cm. (Mi 695) E312.6.C73 2d set 1909 On cover: Washington and Lincoln anniversary. Illustrated printed wrappers. 1 162. Columbia Herald-Statesman. Death of President Lincoln, public meeting in Boone County, Missouri, [n. p., 1865] 7 p. 21 cm. (M762) E457.52.C69 Caption title. Mourning borders. "From the Columbia Missouri statesman, April 28, 1865." Includes an address by William F. Switzler. In khaki-colored slipcase. 1 163. Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D. C. Records, v. 27. Washington, 1925. 355 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23 cm. F191.C72, v. 27 "Abraham Lincoln in the National Capital," by Allen C. Clark [read before the Society, April 17, 1923]: p. 1 — 1 74. (M2765 note) The plates of p. 3-174, with running title reset, were employed in printing item 1098. 1 164. COLVER, ANNE. Lincolns hustru. Stockholm, Natur och Kultur [1944] 434 p. 24 cm. PS3505.O3768M58 copy 2 "Originalets titel: Mr. Lincoln's Wife. Oversattningcn ar utford av Dagny Hcnschen." Printed wrappers, illustrated in color. 109 1 165. COLVER, ANNE. Mr. Lincoln's wife. New York, Toronto, Farrar & Rinehart [1943] 4 p. 1., 3-406 p. 21 cm. PS3505.O3768M5 "The end paper is a portion of a letter from Mary Lincoln to a friend in Washington in June, 1865." Fiction. 1 166. COMMAGER, HENRY STEELE, ed. The Blue and the Gray; the story of the Civil War as told by participants. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs-Merrill [ c 1950] xxxviii, 1201 p. illus., maps. 24 cm. E464.C62 1 167. Commercial law journal, v. 35, Dec. 1930. Chicago, Commercial Law League of America. P "Lincoln, his historic last speech," by J. W. Fifer: p. 715-721. 1 168. Common cause, v. 3, Nov. 1949. Chi- cago, Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Committee to Frame a World Constitution. JX1901.C68 v. 3 X copy "Lincoln and Pericles," by G. A. Borgese: p. 182-183. 1 169. The Commonwealther. v. 10, Jan.-Feb. 1924; v. 12, Feb. 1926; v. 15, Jan.-Feb. 1929. St. Louis, Mo., Commonwealth Steel Company [etc.] HD9519.C6C6 v. io[etc.]Xcopy "Lincoln and prohibition": v. 10, p. 17. "Abraham Lincoln and his beloved son 'Tad'": v. 12, p. 14. "Lincoln the story-teller," by L. E. Robinson: v. 15, p. 7-9 (reprinted from The Rotarian Magazine). 1 1 70. CONCEIQAO, JOSE MANUEL da. As exequias de Abrahao Lincoln, presidente dos Es- tados-Unidos da America, com um esbogo bio- graphico do mesmo, offerecido ao povo brasileiro por seu patricio Jose Manoel da Conceicao. Rio de Janeiro, E. & H. Laemmert [1865?] 40 p. 14J/2 cm. (M3796) E457.C74 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 1 1 7 1 . Confederate leaders and other citizens re- quest the House of delegates [of Virginia] to repeal the resolution of respect to Abraham Lincoln, the barbarian, [n. p., 1928] 16 p. 23 cm. (M3005) E457-7-C75 copy 3 Caption title. Articles by G. B. Cook, G. W. B. Hale, and L. G. Tyler. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana. (Item 3504, no. 41). Self-wrappers. 1 172. Confederate leaders in the Forty- fourth Congress. Who they are — their aims and opinions. A Democratic counter rebellion. Conquering the Union they failed to destroy, [n. p., 1876?] 8 p. 22 cm. E671.C73 copy 2 Caption title. 1 1 73. Confederate States cf America. Army. Dept. of Northern Virginia. Lee's General order number nine. [Chicago, R. R. Donnelley, 195-?] facsim. ([1] 1.), [7] p. illus. 38 cm. E547.N7C68 copies 2 & folio Cover title. "Farewell to the Army of Northern Virginia" : ([7] p.) . "Presented as a keepsake to the members of the Manu- script Society." Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 1 1 74. Confederate States of America. Constitu- tion. Fac-simile of the constitution for the pro- visional government of the Confederate States of America. New York, Photolithography by J. Laing, 1883. [2] p., 9 1. (facsims.) 37/2x46 cm. JK9679.A6 1861c copy 3 folio "From the original in the possession of F. G. de Fontaine, Esqr." Limp imitation leather. 1 1 75. Confederate States of America. President. Message of the President . . . [Richmond, 1865] folder (4 p.) 25 cm. (M628) JK.9719.F2/6copy3 C.S.A. Caption title. Signed: Jefferson Davis; dated: February 6th, 1865. Submitting the report of Alexander H. Stephens, R. M. T. Hunter and J. A. Campbell, commissioners to confer with the President of the United States with a view to the restoration of peace. "Extract from Mr. Lincoln's message of December last, referred to in the foregoing report": p. 3-4. In brown slipcase, labeled: Hampton Roads Confer- ence, Feb., 1865. 1 1 76. Confession de John Wilkes Booth, assassin du President Abraham Lincoln; publiee d'apres le manuscrit original. Traduit de l'anglais. Paris [Poupart-Davyl] 1865. 266 p., 3 1. (M3758) E457.5.W69 copies 2 & 3 The confession of Booth is generally believed to be spurious. Copy 2 (18/2 cm.) bound in orange printed wrappers; in gray case. Copy 3 (18 cm.) bound in marbled boards with pink cloth shelfback lettered in gilt ; in red case. I 10 1 177. The Congregationalist and herald of gospel liberty, v. 118, Feb. 23, 1933. Boston, Mass. BX7101.C8V. 1 18 X copy "Lincoln: abstainer and reformer," by H. II. Russell: p. 239-240. 1 178. The Congregationalist and herald of gospel liberty. Household reading: selections from the Congregationalist. 1849- 1866. Boston, G. James & Co., 1867. xi, 498 p. 2 1/2 cm. BX71 15.C6 copy 2 Preface signed: C. A. R. [i. e. Charles Addison Richardson] The name "Mary A. Richardson" is stamped on the flyleaf. Assassination of the President," by Samuel Burnham: p. 193. "Abraham Lincoln," by the Rev. H. M. Dexter: p. 194-197. "President Lincoln's Funeral," by Samuel Burnham: p. 197—199. "The Assassination," by the Rev. E. N. Kirk: p. 199-202. "President Lincoln," by Prof. W. S. Tyler: p. 202-208. "A Talk with President Lin- coln," by the Rev. J. P. Thompson: p. 208-212. 1 1 79. CONKLE, ELLSWORTH P. A china- handled knife, a one-act play about young Abe Lin- coln, by E. P. Conkle. New York, S. French [1949] 29, [1] p. diagr. 19 cm. PS3505.O469C5 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 1 180. CONKLE, ELLSWORTH P. Prologue to glory; a play in eight scenes based on the New Salem years of Abraham Lincoln, by E. P. Conkle. New York, Los Angeles, S. French; London, S. French Ltd., 1938. 6 p. 1., 3-109 p. illus. 19/2 cm. (M3612) E457.9.C7 1938 copy 3 Blue cloth, lettered in yellow on cover and spine. 1 181. Another edition. 6 p. 1., 3-126 p. illus., plans. 19 cm. (M3612 var.) E457.9.C7 1938a From same plates, with added material for producers. Blue printed wrappers. 1 182. CONKLING, ALFRED R. The life and letters of Roscoe Conkling, orator, statesman, advocate. New York, C. L. Webster, 1889. xv, 709 p. port., facsims. 23 J/2 cm. E664.C75C7 copy 3 Flyleaf inscribed: "William E. Barton." Roscoe Conkling, Member of Congress during and subsequent to Lincoln's administration. 1 183. CONKLING, CLINTON L. How Mr. Lincoln received the news of his first nomination. Address before the Illinois State Historical Society, 1909. Springfield, 111., Journal Co., Printers [1909?] 9 p. facsims. 22/2 cm. (M1694) P "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, 1909." Printed wrappers. 1 184. CONKLING, JAMES C. Recollections of the the [sic] bench and the bar of Central Illi- nois; a lecture read before the Chicago Bar Asso- ciation, Fairbank Hall, Wednesday evening, Janu- ary 12, 1 88 1. Chicago, Fergus Print. Co., 1881. 2 p. 1., [35]-6o p. 25 cm. Law Title page inscribed: "Chas T. White 19 16." Occasional references to Lincoln. Printed wrappers. 1 185. CONNELLEY, WILLIAM E. Quantrill and the border wars. Introduction by Homer Croy. New York, Pageant Book Co., 1956. ix, 542 p. illus., ports., maps (1 fold.) 24 cm. E470.45.C75 1956 copy 3 First published in 19 10. "This edition . . . autographed by Homer Croy . . . for members of the Civil War Book Club." 1 186. CONNOLLY, CHARLES P. A sermon by Charles Parker Connolly, paster [sic] Plymouth Church, Milwaukee, Wis. A revised version of a sermon preached in the First Congregational Church, Leavenworth, Kansas, on the one hun- dreth [sic] anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in Milwaukee, April 12th, 191 1. Leavenworth [Kan., Printed by the Harmon Print. Co.] 191 1. [9] p. 23/2 cm. (M1975) E457.8.C75 copy 2 "Published by a friend." Cover title: Lincoln. Printed wrappers. 1 187. CONNOLLY, JAMES A. Lincoln. Pe- oria [111.] 1 910. 8 p. 23 cm. (M1914) E457.2.C75 copy 2 Caption title. Eulogy delivered February 10, 19 10, in Peoria. Self-wrappers. 1 188. CONRAD, THOMAS N. The rebel scout; a thrilling history of scouting life in the southern army. Washington City, The National Pub. Co., 1904. 220 p. 18J/2 cm. E608.C76 copy 2 Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. II I 1189. CONVERSE, HENRY A. The life and services of Shelby M. Cullom. Springfield, 111., Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers, 19 16. 27 p. port. 23 cm. E664.C96C76 copy 2 Cullom was a Congressman from Illinois and a sup- porter of Lincoln. "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, 19 14." Printed wrappers. 1 1 90. CONWAY, MONCURE D. Autobiog- raphy, memories and experiences of Moncure Daniel Conway. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin 1904. 2 v. illus., ports., facsims. 23 cm. BX9869.C8A3 1904 copy 3 Autographed by the author. Numerous references to Lincoln. 1 191. CONWAY, MONCURE D. The golden hour. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1862. 160 p. 20/2 cm. E458.2.C767 copy 4 An appeal for the immediate abolition of slavery. "To the President of the United States": p. 128-144. 1 192. [CONWAY, MONCURE D.] The re- jected stone; or, Insurrection vs. resurrection in America. By a native of Virginia. Boston, Wal- ker, Wise, 1862. 131 p. 20 cm. E458.1.C762 copies 4 & 5 "Second edition." Preface signed. "To the President of the L T nited States": p. 93-112. Both copies autographed by the author. Copy 4 in- scribed by the publisher and with author's holograph postal card to the American Press Association, N. Y., May 8, 1893, laid in. Purple cloth. Copy 4 with dark brown end papers and copy 5 with white. 1 193. CONWELL, RUSSELL H. A series of wonderful sermons . . . "Abraham Lincoln," "Will you be missed?'' "The ledge and the church." [n. p., 191 6] [16] p. 28/2 cm. P Cover title. "Stenographically reported and published by 'The Temple review.' " At head of p. [2]: Pamphlet no. 1. "Abraham Lincoln; sermon . . . February 13, 1916": P- [»H6] Self-wrappers. 1 194. CONWELL, RUSSELL H. Why Lincoln laughed. New York, London, Harper, 1922. ix, [1] p., 1 1., 147, [1] p. port. 19/2 cm. (M2565) E457-i5 c 76copy 3 1 195. COOK, GEORGE S. Lincoln the Chris- tian; an address delivered at the Lincoln day serv- ice, February 12, 1910, in Third Church of Christ, Scientist, of Chicago. Chicago, Board of Directors of Third Church of Christ, Scientist [19 10?] 14, [1] p. i6/ 2 cm. (M1915) E457.2.C77 "Lincoln's Gettysburg Address": p. [15] Printed wrappers, bound with cord. 1 196. COOK, JOHN W. Personal reminiscences. [Normal, Illinois, 19 16]. folder ([2] p.) 25 cm. (M2233) P Caption title. On the origin of the Lincoln-Douglas debates. 1 197. COOK, ROY B. The family and early life of Stonewall Jackson. Charleston, W. Va., Charleston Print. Co., 1948. ix, 198 p. illus., ports., facsims. 24 cm. E467.1.J15C585 copy 4 "Third edition, revised." Inscribed to A. F. [sic] Stern. 1 198. COOK, WILLIAM A. Opinions and practice of the founders of the republic, in relation to arbitrary arrests, imprisonment of tories, writ of habeas corpus, seizure of arms and of private pa- pers, domiciliary visits, confiscation of real and per- sonal estate, etc., etc. or, The Administration of Abraham Lincoln sustained by the sages and heroes of the revolution. Washington, William H. Moore, Printer, 1864. 54 p. 23/2 cm. E458.8.C77 copy 6 Printed wrappers. In purple quarter-morocco case, la- beled: Administration of A. Lincoln. 1 199. COOKE, EDMUND V. Born without a chance. [Gardena, Cal., Institute Press, 1940] folder [1] p. 25 cm. P Cover title. "Edition limited to one hundred copies." "Reprinted as a special souvenir for the fifth annual meeting of the Lincoln Fellowship of Southern Califor- nia, held at Los Angeles, California, February 12, 1940." 1 200. COOKE, EDMUND V. The uncommon commoner, and similar songs of democracy. New York, Dodge Pub. Co. [ c 1 9 1 3] 116, [2] p. 21/2 cm. PS3505.O56U6 19 13 copy 2 "First edition, July, 19 13." Reprinted in part from various periodicals. "Lincoln and Lee": p. 12-13. 112 1 20 1. COOLIDGE, CALVIN, Pres. U. S. Ad- dress . . . before the National Republican Club at the Waldorf-Astoria, February 12, 1924. Washing- ton, Govt. Print. Off., 1924. 1 2 p. 23 cm. P Cover title. Scattered references to Lincoln. Printed also in the club's Proceedings (Item 3086). Autographed by the author. 1202. COOLIDGE, CALVIN, Pres., U. S. Ad- dress . . . dedicating the Lincoln Memorial Library at South Dakota State College, Brookings, S. Dak., Saturday, September 10, 1927. Washing- ton, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1927. 6 p. 23 cm. P Inscribed to Charles T. White, by the author, on the cover. 1203. COOLIDGE, CALVIN, Pres., U. S. Pres- ident Coolidge's tribute to Abraham Lincoln. A proclamation issued January 30th, 1919, by Calvin Coolidge, then Governor of Massachusetts. Dedi- cated to America's greatest man and offered in a dignified parchment with the endorsement of lead- ing citizens of the United States to patriotic con- cerns interested in the perpetuation of his memory. St. Paul, Minn., Brown & Bigelow, c ig24. 5 p. 41.6 x 31 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 2 Tribute and endorsements affixed in protecting folder. 1 204. COOLIDGE, CALVIN, Pres. U. S. The price of freedom; speeches and addresses. New York, London, C. Scribner's Sons, 1924. vi p., 2 1., 3-420 p. port. 205/2 cm. E660.C725 copy 3 "The place of Lincoln": p. 119-131. Advance copy in plain wrappers. In dark brown slipcase. 1205. COOPER, HOMER H. The Lincoln- Thornton debate, 1856, Shelbyville, Illinois, [n. p., 191 7?] 101-122 p. group port. 27 cm. E457.6.C6 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume x, no. 1, April 19 17." Printed wrappers. 1206. [COOPER, JACOB] The loyalty de- manded by the present crisis. Philadelphia, H. B. Ashmead, Printer, i864. 24 p. 21 J/2 cm. E458.4.C768 copy 2 Cover title. Caption title includes author's name. "The negroes and the war; important letter from the President": p. 22-24. (Letter dated Apr. 4, 1864; orig- inally published in the Frankfort, Ky., Commonwealth.) 1207. COOPER, JAMES. The death of Presi- dent Lincoln. A memorial discourse, delivered in the Berean Baptist Church, West Philadelphia, on Sunday, April 16th, 1865. Philadelphia, J. B. Rodgers, Printer, 1865. 24 p. 23 cm. (M460) E457.8.C78 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 1 208. COOPER, PETER. The death of slavery. Letter from Peter Cooper to Governor Seymour. [New York, 1863] 7, [1] p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publi- cation Society. [Pamphlets] no. 28, [pt. 1]) E463.L96 no. 28, pt. 1 4th set Caption title. Letter dated Sept. 22, 1863. Page [8] begins: The Loyal Publication Society [etc.] Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 1209. COOPER, PETER. A letter from Peter Cooper. To His Excellency Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. [New York, 1863] [9]- 1 2 p. 2 1 Y% cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 28, pt. 2) (Mi 25 note) E463.L96 no. 28, pt. 2 4th set Caption title. Alludes to previous letter of Jan. 1862. Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 1 2 10. COOPER, PETER. Letter of Peter Cooper on slave emancipation. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 8 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 23) (Mi 25 var.) E463.L96 no. 23 4th set Cover title. Addressed to Abraham Lincoln, and dated Jan. 1862. On cover: New York, Oct., 1863. Bottom of p. 8 blank. On cover of earlier issue: New York, July 1863. Issued also with caption title only and note at foot of p. 8: Loyal leagues [etc.] In pamphlet holder. 121 1. COOPER, WADE H. Address on Abra- ham Lincoln. Extension of remarks of Hon. B. Carroll Reece of Tennessee in the House of Repre- sentatives. . . Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1927. 15 p. 23 cm. (M2915) P Cover title. Speech at the Peabody Hotel, Memphis, Feb. 12, 1927. Reprinted from the Congressional Record of Feb. 12, I927- Self-wrappers. 1 21 2. COOPER, WADE H. A tribute to Abra- ham Lincoln. Extract from an address at Lincoln "3 Memorial University, Harrogate, Tennessee. On the occasion of the installation of Robert Orville Matthews, D. D., L. L. D. as President November ii, 1923. [Washington, W. F. Roberts Co., 1923?]. folder ([1] p.) illus., port. 16 cm. (M2631) P Cover title. 1 2 13. The Copperhead catechism. For the in- struction of such politicians as are of tender years. Carefully compiled by divers learned and designing men. Authorized and with admonitions by Fer- nando the Gothamite, high priest of the order of Copperheads. New York, For the compilers by S. Tousey, 1864. 1 p. 1., [ix]-x, [n]-30 p. 18/2 cm. E458.4.C77 copy 2 Copyrighted and written [?] by Montgomery Wilson. Printed wrappers. 1 2 14. CORCHADO, MANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln. Barcelona, Impr. de los hijos de Domenech, 1868. 90 p. 18 cm. ( Obreros ilustres por Manuel Corchado y Jose Felin) (M3826) E 457- c 79 co Py 2 Red quarter-leather. In maroon slipcase. 1 215. CORLISS, CARLTON J. Main line of Mid-America; the story of the Illinois Central. New York, Creative Age Press, 1 950. xviii, 490 p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 22 cm. HE2791.I3C6 copy 3 End paper maps. Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. "Lincoln of the Illinois Central" : p. 104-123. 1 2 16. CORLISS, CARLTON J. Trails to rails, a story of transportation progress in Illinois [Chi- cago, 1937] 48 p. illus., ports., maps, facsim. 28 cm. HE213.I3C6 copy 2 Cover title. "Compliments of the Illinois Central System." "Second edition." Foreword dated Jan. 1937. Chapter 6-8 cover the period 1850-60. 1 21 7. [CORMICAN, PATRICK J.] A tribute to Abraham Lincoln. [Washington, 1923] folder (WpO WA cm - (M2632) E457.9.C76 copy 2 Caption title. Signed: P. J. Cormican, S. J., Georgetown University, D. C. Feb. 12, 1923. A poem. 1 2 18. Coronet, v. 9, Apr. 1941; v. 13, Feb. 1943; v. 15, Feb. 1944. Chicago, D. A. Smart. AP2.C767 v. 9 [etc.] X copy "Could Lincoln have been saved?" by Otto Eisenschiml: v. 9, p. 69-74. "A portrait, 'The Young Lincoln,' by Benton Spruance, and a copy of Lincoln's letter to Mrs. Bixby: v. 13, p. 95. "When Pinkerton saved Lincoln's life," by Archie McFedries: v. 15, p. 31-34. 1 219. Corruptions and frauds of Lincoln's admin- istration. [New York, 1 864] 8 p. 22 cm. (Docu- ment no. 14) (M283) E458.4.C825 copy 2 Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, and at all Democratic newspaper offices. Another copy in bound volume entitled Lincoln- McClellan Campaign Pamphlets. (See item 2590, n. 45-) Bound in dark blue half-morocco. 1220. CORSON, OSCAR TAYLOR. Abraham Lincoln; his words and deeds. Dansville, N. Y., F. A. Owen Pub. Co. ["1927] 254 p. illus., ports., facsims. 19 cm. (M2916) E457.2.C8 copy 3 Contains bibliographies. 1 221. CORTELYOU, GEORGE B. Address of Secretary Cortelyou at the dinner given by the Graduates' Club, Hotel Astor, New York City, Fri- day evening, February 12, 1909, in commemora- tion of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. [New York? 1909?] 3 p. 23/2 cm. (M 1696) E457.8.C79 copy 1 and X copy X copy autographed. Letters of transmittal from the author to Albert H. Griffith, laid in. Ms. draft of the address (2 1.) bound in with item 1223. Printed wrappers. 1222. CORTELYOU, GEORGE B. Address of Postmaster General Cortelyou at the annual ban- quet of the Lincoln Republican Club and the Young Men's Republican Club, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Monday, February 12, 1906. Lincoln's influence on American life. [Washington? 1906?] 15 p. 23/2 cm. (M 1495) E457.8.C82 copy 3 Cover title. Caption title: Lincoln's influence on American life. Letter of transmittal from the author to Charles T. White, dated April 29, 19 16, laid in. Red three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrap- pers bound in. 114 1223- CORTELYOU, GEORGE B. Addresses at dinners of the Graduates' Club, Hotel Astor, Feb. 1 2th, 1909, Hotel Manhattan, Feb. 12th, 19 10. New York [191 7?] 1 v. 22 cm. E457.8.C8 Typescript (carbon copy). Includes letter of transmittal from the author to Charles T. White, dated Feb. 15, 191 7. Bound in black half-morocco. 1224. CORTISSOZ, ROYAL. The life of White- law Reid . . . New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1921. 2 v. illus., port. 23/2 cm. E664.R35C82 copy 3 "Published March, 192 1." "The nomination of Lincoln": v. 1, p. 42-56. 1225. CORTISSOZ, ROYAL. The New York tribune; incidents and personalities in its history. New York, Printed for the New York Tribune, 1923. 4 p. 1., 3-78 p. 20 cm. PN4899.N.42T75 Initial pages refer to Lincoln and Horace Greeley. Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. Boards. 1226. CORWINE, RICHARD M. Speech of Hon. R. M. Corwine, of Cincinnati, Ohio, at the the dedication of the Republican Wigwam, in the City of Chicago, on Saturday evening, May 12th, i860. Chicago, Press and Tribune Book and Job Print. Off., i860. 12 p. 20/2 cm. E440.C78 At head of title: Republican doctrines. — Wigwam dedi- cation. Previously bound. 1227. The Cosmopolitan, v. 32, Apr. 1902. New York, International Magazine Co. (M1406 note) AP2.C8 v. 32 X copy "Get out, or Get in Line!" by Elbert Hubbard: p. 676- 678. Enclosed is letter of transmittal from Ralph Newman to A. W. Stern. 1228. The Courier. No. 1, Dec. 1934; no. 12, Feb. 1939. Chicago, Friends of the Library, Uni- versity of Chicago. (M3449) and (M3709) E 733 G 535 C no - 1 and 12 "If Lincoln had lived," by Lloyd Lewis: no. 1, p. [4-8]. "Dr. Barton as a Lincolnist," by Carl Sandburg: no. 1, p. [9-10]. "Lincoln's dilemma," by William E. Dodd: no. I, p. [10-14]. "The Lincoln library," no. 1, p. [14-18]. "Two portraits of Lincoln," no. 12, p. [1-7]. 1229. COURTENAY, CALISTA M. Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated by A. M. Turner and Harriet Kaucher. New York, S. Gabriel Sons [ Cl 9 x 7] 96 P- illus., ports., 6 col. plates. 22 cm. ("Makers of American history" series) (M2302) E457.C86 1917a Bound in blue-green cloth, with dark green cover de- sign and gold and green lettering on cover and spine. 1230. Another issue. Chicago, New York, M. A. Donohue. illus., ports. 20 cm. (M2302 var.) E457.C86 copy 2 Title page, p. [4] differ. Without colored plates. Blue illustrated printed wrappers. Spine reinforced with cloth. 1 23 1. COWEN, BENJAMIN R. Abraham Lin- coln; an appreciation, by one who knew him. Cin- cinnati, R. Clarke, 1909. 63 p. 20I/2 cm. (M1698) E457.15.C78 copy 3 Boards. Cloth back. 1232. COWGILL, FRANK B. Appeal to pos- terity and other religio-patriotic verse. With a foreword by Ralph G. Lindstrom. [n. p.] The Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California, 1941. 39 p., 1 1. mounted port. 18 cm. PS3505.O945A7 1 94 1 copy 3 "First edition." Fifteen poems, a number of which mention Lincoln. "One hundred and two copies of this booklet were printed by the Institute Press, Gardena, California . . . this being copy no. 22. [Signed] Frank Brooks Cowgill." Boards. Cloth back. In pink three-quarter-closed case. 1233. COWGILL, FRANK B. Columbia's martyr, and other Lincoln tributes, [n. p.] Lin- coln Fellowship of Southern California, 1941. 40 p., 1 1. mounted port. 18 cm. E457.9.C785 copy 3 Poems. "First edition." "One hundred and two copies . . . were printed by the Institute Press, Gardena, California . . . this being copy no. 22. [Signed] Frank Brooks Cowgill." Boards. Cloth back. 1234. COWGILL, FRANK B. From cabin to capitol. [Los Angeles, Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California, 1946] ([2] p. 32I/2 cm. P Cover title. "One hundred copies printed." A souvenir of the nth annual meeting of the Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California, held at Los Angeles, Feb. 9, 1946. "5 1235- COWGILL, FRANK B. Lincoln at Get- tysburg. [Gardena, Calif., Institute Press, E. C. and M. S. Wood, 1938?] folder (4 p.) 15 cm. (M3613) P (2 copies) Colophon: "Issued privately as a souvenir of the special meeting of the Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California, held at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, California, November 19, 1938, in observance, of the 75th anniver- sary of the delivery of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address . . . Edition limited to 75 copies, autographed by the author." 1236. [COWGILL, FRANK B.] Lincoln regnant. [n. p., Institute Press, Wood, Wood and Wood, c 1942] 2 fold. 1. 30/2 cm. PS3505.O945L5 copy 3 Cover title. A poem. Author's name on p. [2] of cover. "100 copies printed . . . for distribution as souvenirs of the seventh annual meeting of the Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California, held at Los Angeles, California, February fourteenth, nineteen forty-two." Inscribed to Charles T. White. Printed wrappers, bound with suede cord. 1237. COWGILL, FRANK B. Lincoln the prophet. [Los Angeles, Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California, 1944] 7 p. 23 cm. P Cover title. "Printed in an edition of one hundred copies." Souvenir of the ninth annual meeting of the Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California, held at Los Angeles, Feb. 12, 1944. 1238. COWGILL, FRANK B. Lincoln's pa- tience. [Los Angeles, Lincoln Fellowship of South- ern California, 1941] folder ([1] p.) 32 cm. P Cover title. "Issued privately as a souvenir of the sixth annual meeting of the Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California, held at Los Angeles, California, February 8, 1941." Autographed by author. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1239. COWGILL, FRANK B. A trilogy of Lin- coln verse, by Frank B. Cowgill. Gardena, Calif., Priv. Print., 1932. 3 p. 1., [7H7, [1] 1. 25/2 cm. (var. of M3312) E457.9C79 X copy Page proof, printed on one side of leaf only. "Printed by the boys of the Spanish American Institute Press ... in a limited edition of 102 numbered copies ... of which this . . . copy [is not numbered. Signed] Frank B. Cowgill." Pages [22], [26] wanting. (These pages are blank in the issue below.) Inscribed: "C. T. W." Letter of transmittal from F. Ray Risdon to [Charles T.] White laid in. 1240. Another issue. 2 p. 1., [7^27, [1] p. 22 cm. (M3312) E457.9.C79 copy 3 Copyright page reset. "Printed by the boys of the Spanish American Institute Press ... in a limited edition of 102 numbered copies ... of which this is copy no. 4." [Signed] Frank B. Cowgill." Green wrappers, with paper label on cover. 1 24 1. COX, HENRY C. Abraham Lincoln; an appreciation. Chicago, The Abbey Co. ['19 n] 39 p. 16/2 cm. (M1976) E457.8.C87 copies 3 & 4 Printed wrappers. Copy 4 unopened. 1242. COX, SAMUELS. Union— disunion— re- union. Three decades of federal legislation, 1855 to 1885. Personal and historical memories of events preceding, during, and since the American Civil War, involving slavery and secession, emanci- pation and reconstruction, with sketches of promi- nent actors during these periods. Providence, R. I., J. A., and R. A. Reid, 1886. 1 p. 1., 726 p. 36 ports, on 7 plates. 24/2 cm. E661.C87 copy 5 "Illustrated with thirty-six portraits engraved on steel expressly for this work." First published in 1885. 1243. Craft-o-grafs. v. 6, Feb. 1930. Los Angeles, Los Angeles Club of Printing House Craftsmen. Z119.C7 v. 6 X copy Announcement of address ( ?) "The Spirit of Lincoln," by Manuel Jaramillo: front cover. "Head of Lincoln," a portrait: p. 8-9. 1244. CRAMER, JOHN H. Lincoln under enemy fire, the complete account of his experiences during Early's attack on Washington. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press [1948] xv p., 2 1., 138 p. illus., ports. 21 cm. E476.66.C9 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 1 25-130. 1 245. CRANE, CEPHAS B. Sermon on the oc- casion of the death of President Lincoln. Preached in the South Baptist church, Hartford, Conn., Sun- day, April 16, 1865. By Rev. C. B. Crane. Hart- ford, Press of Case, Lockwood and Co., 1865. 29 p. 23/2 cm. (M464) E457.8.C89 copy 2 Mourning borders. Glazed printed wrappers. Il6 1246. [CRANE, MUNROE] Recollections of Lincoln and Douglas forty years ago, by an eye- witness. New York, Priv. Print., 1899. 49 p. illus., 2 ports. 17 cm. (Mi 248) E4574.C74copya "Edition 200 copies." "President Lincoln's second inaugural address" : p. 43- 47- 1247. CRAVEN, AVERY O. The coming of the Civil War, by Avery Craven [Chicago] Univer- sity of Chicago Press [1957] xi p., 1 1., 491 p. 24 cm. E33 8 - c 9 2 ! 957 copy 4 "Second edition." 1248. CRAVEN, AVERY O. The growth of Southern nationalism, 1 848-1 861. [Baton Rouge] Louisiana State University Press [and] the Little- field Fund for Southern History of the University of Texas [Austin] 1953. xi p., 2 1., 433 p. illus., group port. 24 cm. (A History of the South, v. 6) F2i3.C75copy3 "Critical essay on authorities": p. 402-419. Biblio- graphical footnotes. 1249. CRAVENS, FRANCES. The story of Lin- coln, for children. Bloomington, 111., Public-School Pub. Co., 1898. 2 p. 1., [9]— 1 1 7 p. illus., ports., facsim. 17/2 cm. (M1225) E457-9°5- c 73 co PY 2 Brown cloth. Portrait of Lincoln on front cover. 1250. Another issue. 1913. 18 cm. (var. of M 1 225 ) E457.905.C73 copy 3 "Twenty-first thousand." Title, copyright, and contents pages reset. Red cloth. Ornamental border on front cover. 1 25 1. CRAWFORD, GEORGE A. Anniversary address on the life and character of Abraham Lin- coln, delivered by invitation before the Legislature of the State of Kansas, in joint session, Topeka, February 12th, 1867. Leavenworth, Clarke, Emery, Printers, 1867. 31 p. 22/2 cm. (M875) E457.8.C898 Cover title. Letter from Hugh McLellan to William H. Murray re- lating to the pamphlet's rarity and value laid in. In green slipcase. 1252. CREELMAN, JAMES. Why we love Lin- coln. New York, The Outing Pub. Co., 1909. 6 p. 1., 3-170 p. illus., ports., facsims. 21^ cm. (Mi 699) E457.C91 copy 3 Reprinted from McClure's Magazine, Oct.— Nov. 1908. 1253. CRIDLER, THOMAS W. Lincoln: a typical American; an address by Thomas W. Cridler at the banquet of the Union League Club of Brook- lyn, February 12, 1901. [Brooklyn? 1901?] 12 p. 23/2 cm. (M1335) E457.8.C92 copy 2 Brown cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1254. CRIPPEN, LEE F. Simon Cameron, ante- bellum years. Oxford, Ohio, Mississippi Valley Press, 1942. 6 p. 1., 318 p. port. 23/2 cm. E4i5.9.Ci8C7copy 3 Half-title: Men of America. Vol. III. Scattered references to Lincoln. 1255. The Crisis; a record of the darker races, v. 10, Aug. 19 15. New York, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. E185.5.C92 v. 10 X copy "Lincoln and truth," by H. S. Blatch: p. [177] 1256. CRISPIN, WILLIAM F. Abraham Lin- coln: liquor men's lies exposed and facts of ab- sorbing interest strangely omitted by his leading biographers. Akron, Ohio, 191 1. 39 p. 18 cm. (M1977) E457.2.C93 copy 3 At head of title : A new historical lecture. Author's holograph letter to Major J. B. Merwin, laid in. Printed wrappers. 1257. CRITTENDEN, JOHN J. Joint resolu- tion submitted by Mr. Crittenden, in U. S. Senate [Jan. 3, 1 861] [n. p., n. d.] folder (3 p.) 24 cm. [Senate] 36th Cong., 2d sess. Doc. No. XV) P Cover title. 1258. CROCK, WILLIAM H. Through five ad- ministrations ; reminiscences of Colonel William H. Crook, body-guard to President Lincoln. Compiled and edited by Margarita Spalding Gerry. New York, London, Harper & Bros., 19 10. 4 p. 1., 279, [1] p. illus., 7 port. 21/2 cm. (M1918) E66 1 .C94 copy 2 Pages 1-79 relate to Lincoln. 1259. CROCKER, SAMUEL L., Jr. Eulogy upon the character and services of Abraham Lin- 492745—60- 117 coin, late President of the United States. Delivered by invitation of the authorities of the city of Taun- ton, on the occasion of the national fast, June I, 1865. Boston, Printed by J. Wilson and Son, 1865. 28 p. 22/2 cm. (M465) E457.8.C93 copy 2 Maroon half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1260. CROFFUT, WILLIAM A. "Now I recol- lect — souvenirs of the sanctum" ; "Lincoln as I saw him." Washington, The Colonial Press, 1943. 11 p. 20 I / 2 cm. E457.15.C8 copy 3 Printed from an unpublished manuscript. Cf. Introd., signed: Usher L. Burdick. Glazed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1 26 1. CROLY, HERBERT D. The promise of American life, by Herbert Croly. New York, Mac- millan, 191 o. viii p., 1 1., 468 p. 20/2 cm. HN64.C89 copy 3 "Slavery as a democratic institution" : p. 80-89. "Lin- coln as more than an American": p. 89-99. 1262. CROOKS, GEORGE R. The life of Bishop Matthew Simpson of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. New York, Harper, 1891 [ c i8go] xii, 524 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. BX8495.S55C7 1 89 1 "The Civil War": p. 367-406. (Contains numerous references to Lincoln.) 1263. CROSBY, FRANKLIN. Das Leben Abra- ham Lincolns, des sechzehnten Prasidenten der Vereinigten Staaten. Enthalthend seine friihere Geschichte und politische Laufbahn, sowie seine Reden, Botschaften, Proklamationen und anderc mit seiner ereignissreichen Administration in Verbindung stehende ofnzielle Dokumente. Von Frank Crosby. Nach dem Englischen bearbeitet von Prof. Carl Theodor Eben. Philadelphia, Verlag von John E. Potter, 1865. 496 p. port. 21 cm. (M3777) E457.C9415 . 1 264. CROSBY, FRANKLIN. Life of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, containing his early history and political career. Together with the speeches, messages, proclama- tions and other official documents ilustrative of his eventful administration. By Frank Crosby. Phil- adelphia, J. E. Potter, 1865. 476 p. port. 19 cm. (M466) E457.C94 copy 3 Black cloth, with heavy covers and gilt-stamped spine. Canary-colored end papers. 1265. Another issue. 22/2 cm. (M466 var.) E457.C94 copies 4 & 5 Large-paper edition, each page printed within black mourning border. Each copy bound in differing patterns of black cloth with heavy covers, gilt edges, and gilt designs on covers and spine. Yellow end papers. 1266. Another issue. New York, International Book Co. [n. d.] 19 cm. ([St. Nicholas series for boys and girls]) (M466var.) £457.09418653 Title page reset. Gray-green cloth. Design in dark green and red on cover and spine. Silver lettering on cover and spine. 1267. Another issue. New York, P. F. Collier, 1900. 476 p. illus., ports. 20J/2 cm. (A Library of universal literature. Part 2: Biography, v. 32) (M466 var.) E457.C94 1900 Issued under title: Life of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States. Title page reset and lettered in black and red. Dark red cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. 1268. CROZIER, EMMET. Yankee reporters, 1861-65. New York, Oxford University Press, 1956. xii, p., 1 1., 441 p. maps. 22 cm. E6o9-C7copy3 End paper maps. 1269. CROZIER, HIRAM P. The nation's loss. A discourse upon the life, services, and death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Delivered at Huntington, L. I., April 19th, 1865. New- York, J. A. Gray & Green, Printers, 1866. 32 p. 23/2 cm. (M467 var.) E457.8.C95 copy 3 "Second edition." On cover: The death of President Lincoln. Printed wrappers. 1270. CUDWORTH, WARREN H. Eulogy on the life, character and public services of the late President, Abraham Lincoln, delivered before Council No. 33, Union League of America, at Sumner Hall, East Boston, May 8, 1865. With a record of other proceedings, and a description of Il8 the decorations put up for the occasion. Boston, Wright & Potter, Printers, 1865. 27 p. 24 cm. (M468) E457.8.C96 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 1 27 1. Another edition. 9 columns, var. of M468) P Photostats of newspaper reprint of speech. 1272. CULLOM, SHELBY M. Fifty years of public service; personal recollections of Shelby M. Cullom, senior United States Senator from Illinois. Chicago, A. C. McClurg, 191 1. xi, 467 p. 21 ports. 21/2 cm. E661.C96 copy 3 "Second edition." "Nomination of Lincoln and Douglas for the presidency, 1859 and i860": p. 57-73. "Lincoln, i860 to 1864": p. 82-108. 1273. CUMMINGS, CHARLES L., comp. The great war relic. Valuable as a curiosity of the re- bellion. Together with a sketch of my life, service in the army, and how I lost my feet since the war; also many interesting incidents illustrative of the life of a soldier. Compiled and sold by Chas. L. Cummings. [n. p., 1891 ?] 48 p., 1 1. 22/2 cm. E601.C97 copy 2 Cover title. Brown half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1274. CUMMINGS, EDWARD. Lincoln ; a ser- mon. Boston, G. H. Ellis Co., Printers [1909] 25 p. 14/2 cm. (M2180) E457.8.C964 Printed wrappers. 1275. CUNNINGHAM, JOSEPH O. Recollec- tions of Lincoln, by Hon. J. O. Cunningham, Ur- bana, Illinois, [n. p., 1908] 23 p. 23/2 cm. (M.577) P "Reprinted from the Bibliotheca Sacra, October 1908." Ms. note on title page : "With Kind Regards of Writer J. O. Cunningham." Printed wrappers. 1276. CUNNINGHAM, JOSEPH O. Some rec- ollections of Abraham Lincoln, by J. O. Cunning- ham. Norwalk, Ohio, American] Pub. Co. [1909?] 20 p. 23/2 cm. (Mi 700) E457.15.C85 Cover title. "Delivered before the Firelands Pioneer Association at Norwalk, Ohio, July 4, 1907, and reprinted from the Pioneer of December 1909." Autographed by the author. 1277. CURRAN, JOHN W. The Lincoln con- spiracy trial. Chicago, The Home of Books, Inc., 1939- r > 93- io 3 P- 2 5/2 cm. (Lincoln group papers, reprint no. 6) (M3529 note) P Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 1278. CURRAN, JOHN W. Lincoln conspiracy trial and military jurisdiction over civilians, [n. p., I933]- [24] P- 23 cm. (M3376) P Cover title. Reprinted from the Notre Dame Lawyer, University of Notre Dame, November 1933. 1 279. CURRAN, WILLIAM R. Abraham Lin- coln, a memorial. [Pekin?, 111., 19 17] 30 p. port. 17 cm. (M2303) E457.8.C967 copy 2 Address delivered at Pekin, 111., February 12, 1909. On title page : Y. M. C. A. Boards. 1280. CURRENT, RICHARD N. Old Thad Stevens, a story of ambition. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1942. v, [1] p., 1 1., 344 p. illus., ports., map, facsim. 22/2 cm. E415.9.S84C8 copy 3 Numerous references to Lincoln. 1 28 1. CURREY, JOSIAH S. Abraham Lin- coln's visit to Evanston in i860. Evanston, City National Bank, 19 14. 16 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. (M2133) E457.4.C97 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 1282. CURRIE, Sir ARTHUR W. Abraham Lincoln ; an address before the League for Political Education, New York, February 12, 1926. Mon- treal, McGill University, 1928. 10 p. 23 cm. (McGill University publications. Series I (Lec- tures and addresses) no. 11) (M3006) E457.2.C96 Printed wrappers. 1283. CURTIS, BENJAMIN R. Executive power, by B. R. Curtis. Boston, Little, Brown, 1862. viii, [9]-2g p. 19/2 cm. (M128) JK560.C8 copy 5 Gray-tinted printed wrappers. 1284. Another issue. Cambridge, Printed by H. O. Houghton, 1862. 19 cm. (Mi 28 var.) JK560.C8 copy 6 Cover title. Page [ 1 ] of cover differs. White printed wrappers. 1*9 1285. CURTIS, FRANCIS. The Republican party; a history of its fifty years' existence and a record of its measures and leaders, 1854- 1904. With a foreword, by President Roosevelt, and introductions by William P. Frye . . . and J. G. Cannon . . . New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. 2 v. 2 ports. 23 cm. JK2356.C9 copy 8 Numerous references to Lincoln in vol. I. 1286. CURTIS, GEORGE TICKNOR. Digest of the decisions of the courts of common law and admiralty in the United States, v. 3. By George T. Curtis. Boston, C. C. Little and J. Brown, 1846. 724 p. 25/2 cm. Law copy 4, vol. 3 From the Lincoln and Herndon law office. The front and rear covers and both end papers are inscribed: "Lincoln & Herndon." From the Oliver R. Barrett collection. Tan full-calf. In olive-green solander case. 1287. CURTIS, GEORGE TICKNOR. Life of James Buchanan, fifteenth President of the United States. New York, Harper, 1883. 2 v. ports. 23 cm. E437.C97 copy 6 Scattered references to Lincoln in vol. 2. 1288. CURTIS, GEORGE WILLIAM. The duty of the American scholar to politics and the times. An oration, delivered on Tuesday, August 5, 1856, before the literary societies of Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. New York, Dix, Edwards, 1856. 46 p. 21/2 cm. JKi77i.Cgcopy 2 An anti-slavery address. Previously bound. 1 29 1. Another issue. 1903. xiv, 13-409 p. 21 cm. [The "True" series] (Mi 370 var.) E 457 c 9 8co Py3 "Published April, 1903." Issued under title : The True Abraham Lincoln. Title and copyright pages reset. Title page lettered in red and black. Yellow cloth, imprinted in black. Portrait of Lincoln stamped in gilt and black on cover. Gilt top. 1292. The Curtis courier, v. 8, Mar. 1942. Hartford, Conn., Cleveland, Ohio, and St. Paul, Minn., Curtis 1000 Inc. P "Lincoln as Postmaster at New Salem": p. 5—7. 1293. CURZON, GEORGE NATHANIEL CURZON, 1st marquis. Modern parliamentary eloquence; the Rede lecture, delivered before the University of Cambridge, November 6, 1 913, by Earl Curzon of Kedleston. London, Macmillan, 1914. 2 p. 1., 79, [1] p. 22/2 cm. PR906.C8 copy 2 "First edition, 19 13. Reprinted, 19 14 (twice)." Lincoln's Gettysburg and second inaugural addresses are cited as examples (p. 73—75). 1294. CUSHMAN, RUFUS S. Resolutions and discourse, occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, who died at Washington City, April 15, 1865. The discourse delivered in the Congregational Church, of Man- chester, Vermont, Wednesday, April 19, 1865. By Rev. R. S. Cushman. Manchester [Vt.] Printed for the Committee, 1865. 19, [1] p. 20 cm. (M470) E457.8.C98 copy 2 Maroon quarter-morocco, with original glazed printed wrappers bound in. 1289. CURTIS, GEORGE WILLIAM. From the easy chair. Third series. New York, Harper and Bros., 1894. 2 P- 1-j 2 3 2 P-> 2 *• P ort - l 5 l A cm. PS 1 485. A 1 1892 copy 2 "Beecher in his pulpit after the death of Lincoln" : p. [2o]-27. "April, 1865": p. [88]-93. 1290. CURTIS, WILLIAM ELEROY. Abra- ham Lincoln. Philadelphia, London, Lippincott [°I902] xiii, [1], 13-409 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22/2 cm. (M1370) E457.C97 Maroon cloth, lettered in gilt. Portrait of Lincoln gilt- stamped on cover. Maroon top. 1295. CUTHBERT, NORMA B., ed. Lincoln and the Baltimore plot, 1861; from Pinkerton rec- ords and related papers. San Marino, Calif., Huntington Library, 1949. xxii, 161 p. illus. 23/2 cm. (Huntington Library publications) E4574.C88copy3 "A select bibliography" : p. 153. Prospectus laid in. 1296. [CUTLER, JOHN C, Jr.] Lincoln's earli- est home. Utah boy's visit to Abraham Lincoln's birthplace, On the old Kentucky farm. Carry off* relics — A lesson from the martyred President's life 120 for American boys. [Salt Lake City? 191 1 ?] [3] p. 21 cm. (M1978) P Caption title. Signed : John C. Cutler, Jr. On verso of second leaf is a typewritten note about the 1 8th Amendment, dated July 15, 1927, and signed, in ink, with the initials "JCC, Jr." 1297. CUTTER, EDWARD F. Eulogy on Abra- ham Lincoln, delivered at Rockland, Maine, April 19, 1865, by request of the citizens. Boston, D. C. Colesworthy, 1865. 16 p. 23/2 cm. (M471) E 457-8-C99copy2 Printed wrappers. 1298. CUYLER, THEODORE L. Recollections of a long life, an autobiography. New York, Baker & Taylor [ c igo2] viii p., 1 I., 356 p. illus., 3 ports. 20 cm. BX9225.C8A3 copy 2 "The Civil War and Abraham Lincoln" : p. 138-158. Author's autographed presentation copy to Mrs. Catherine W. Taylor. 1299. DAGGETT, OLIVER E. A sermon on the death of Abraham Lincoln, April 15th, 1865, preached in the First Congregational Church, Canandaigua, N. Y., Sunday morning, April 16th, 1865, and again, by request, the following Wednes- day evening, by the pastor, O. E. Daggett. Canandaigua, N. Y., N. J. Milliken, Printer, 1865. 16 p. 21/2 cm. (M472) E457.8.D12 copy 2 Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. In mustard slipcase. 1300. DAHLINGER, CHARLES W. Abraham Lincoln in Pittsburgh and the birth of the Repub- lican Party. Pittsburgh, 1920. 57 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. (M2448) E457.15.D3 Author's typewritten letter to Albert H. Griffith in- serted. "Reprinted from the Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine." Printed wrappers. 1301. Daily Morning Chronicle, Washington, D. C. Assassination and death of Abraham Lin- coln; a contemporaneous account of a national tragedy. With an introduction by F. Ray Risdon. Gardena, Calif., Spanish American Institute Press, 1925. 17 p., 1 1. mounted port., facsim. 21 cm. (M2806) E457.5.D25 "One hundred copies ... of which this is no. 56. [Signed] F. Ray Risdon." "The record given in the news columns and on the editorial page of the Washington Daily Morning Chron- icle, early Saturday morning, April 15, 1865." — Introd. Reprinted from In the Days of Lincoln, by Elizabeth K. Vincent. 1302. DALGETY, GEORGE S. The Presidents and the Civil War. Prepared for and (in part) de- livered to the Chicago Civil War Round Table, March 23, 1950. Chicago, Civil War Round Table [1950?] 65 1. 27/2 cm. ([Civil War Round Table, Chicago] Publication no. 4) E459.D24 "300 copies." Mimeographed. Discusses the causes of the Civil War, from Washing- ton's time to Buchanan's. Title page autographed. Printed wrappers. 1303. D ALTON, TEST. The mantle of Lincoln ; a play for the people. New York, London, S. French, c ig26. 97, [3] p. illus., port, diagrs. 19/2 cm. (M2842) PS3507.A456M3 1926 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 1304. DALY, ROBERT W. How the Merrimac won; the strategic story of the C. S. S. Virginia, [by] R. W. Daly. New York, Crowell [1957] xi, 211 p. illus. 21 cm. E473.2.D3 copy 3 1305. DAMON, SAMUEL CHENERY. Da- mon's Lincoln sermon, a discourse preached by Rev. Samuel Chenery Damon in Honolulu, Hawaii, 14 May, 1865. New York City, N. Y., W. M. Clemens, 191 7. 13 p. 23 cm. (M2304) E457.8.D16 copy 2 Reprinted from The Friend, Honolulu, of June 1, 1865 (Item 16 1 5 ) . Reprinted also in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 11). Printed wrappers. 1306. DANA, CHARLES A. Lincoln and his Cabinet; a lecture delivered on Tuesday, March 10, 1896, before the New Haven Colony Historical Society, by Charles Anderson Dana. Cleveland, New York, Printed at the DeVinne Press, 1896. 70 p. ports. 18 cm. (Mi 190) E457.D16 copy 3 "350 copies printed on Marais hand-made paper." Includes portrait of Dana. Gray boards, with white cloth spine lettered in red. In gray solander case. 121 1307. Another edition. [New York, 1899, c i896] 72 p. ports. 18/2 cm. (Mi 190 var.) E457.D16 1899 "Five hundred numbered copies printed on American hand-made paper . . . No. 459." "Souvenir of the thirteenth annual Lincoln dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New- York, 1899." From different plates. Title varies slightly. Without portrait of Dana. Bound in cloth, with blue back and white sides. Gold lettering on spine, red on cover. 1308. DANA, CHARLES A. Recollections of the Civil War; with the leaders at Washington and in the field in the sixties. New York, D. Appleton, 1898. xiii, 296 p. port. 21/2 cm. E470.D16COPV 4 1309. DANA, EMMA LILIAN. Makers of America: Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, Lin- coln. New York, Immigrant Publication Society, 1 9 1 5. 205 p. illus., ports., maps (part fold.) 18 cm. E176.D17 1 91 5 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 13 10. DANIELSON, J. A. Lincoln's attitude towards prohibition. The first extensive treatise from documentary sources on Abraham Lincoln's views. [New York, Printing by Barnes Press, 1927] 3-26 p. 23 cm. (M2918) E457.2.D18 copy 2 Cover title. 131 1. DANIELSON, J. A. Prohibition as it is; a series of four discourses. [New York, Printing by A. T. De La Mare Co., c 1 926] 27 p. 23 cm. HV5089.D25 copy 2 Cover title. "Published, March, 1926." Anti-prohibition treatise with quotation from Lincoln. Self-wrappers. 131 2. DARLING, HENRY. Grief and duty. A discourse delivered in the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Albany, April 19th, 1865, the day of the funeral obsequies of President Lincoln. Albany, S. R. Gray, 1865. 24 p. 23 cm. (M473) E457.8.D22 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 13 13. [DARLING, JASPER T.] The heart of hope. [Chicago, c i9og] 32 p. ports. 22 cm. (M1702) E457.8.D223 copy 3 Lecture on Lincoln, delivered at the Armour Institute, the First United Presbyterian Church of Chicago, the Chicago South Side Club, and before various Grand Army posts, and other commemorative gatherings. Letter of transmittal from the author to Albert H. Griffith laid in. Printed wrappers. 1 3 14. DARNEILLE, FRANK. History of the Lincoln homestead. Springfield, 111. [ e 1938] 30, [1] p. illus., ports. 1 5/2 cm. (M3559 var.) F549.S7D3 Cover title. Author's ms. note laid in. Illustrated wrappers. 13 1 5. D'ARUSMONT, WILLIAM E. GUTH- RIE. Oration on the death of Abraham Lincoln, addressed to the American people, by Dr. W. E. Guthrie. Philadelphia, J. Penington & Sons, 1865. 9 p. 14 cm. (M534) E457.8.D228 copy 2 "First delivered before the American Literary Union, on the 25th of April." Blue cloth, with original tan printed wrappers bound in. 1316. Another issue. 1865 [cover 1866] (var. of M534) E457.8.D228 1866 On cover: "second edition." From same plates. Autographed presentation copy from Kenneth S. Guthrie to Rev. H. Field Blackett. Gray printed wrappers. In black quarter-morocco slipcase. 13 1 7. DAUGHERTY, JAMES. Abraham Lin- coln. Illustrated with lithographs in two colors by the author. New York, Viking Press, 1943. 216 p. col. illus., ports. 28 cm. E457.D3 copy 3 1 3 18. DAUGHERTY, JAMES. Avraham Lin- koln. Tel-Aviv, Am Oved, 1948/49. 236 p., 1 1. illus., port. 17 cm. E457.D313 copy 2 Title transliterated. Hebrew translation by Yair Burla. Added title page: Abraham Lincoln. Boards. 13 19. DAUGHERTY, JAMES. Lincoln's Get- tysburg address; a pictorial interpretation painted by James Daugherty. Chicago, A. Whitman [1947] [40] p. col. illus., facsim. 31 cm. ND237.D27A5 copy 3 "First edition." "James Daugherty's interpretations of his paintings": leaf inserted. 122 1320. Daughters of the American Revolution. Illinois. Springfield Chapter. Celebration of the one hundreth [sic] anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Springfield, 111., February 12, 1909. [Springfield, 1909] 37 p., 1 1. port. 24 cm. (M1686) E457.7.D23 copy 2 On cover: Lincoln, 1809-1909. Heavy paper covers. 1 32 1. DAVIES, WILLIAM W. Transfusion, by W. W. Davies. Louisville, Ky., J. P. Morton, 1923. 56 p. 27/2 cm. M2633) PS3507.A7117T7 1923 copy 2 Ms. note on cover: "A story of Abraham Lincoln." Brown printed wrappers. 1322. Another edition. [Louisville, Ky., 192-?] 1 1 1 1. 28 cm. (var. of M2633) PS3507.A7117B6 Caption title. An enlargement of the preceding edition, issued under title: The Blending, by Carol V. Kent [pseud.] Ms. note at head of title: "A story of Abraham Lin- coln." Author's holograph letters to [Albert H.] Griffith in- serted. (One, dated 1930, is a letter of transmittal for both editions.) Processed. Annotations in ms. Unbound. Stapled at top. 1323. DAVIESS, MARIA THOMPSON. The matrix. New York, The Century Co., 1920. 5 p. 1., 3-260 p. port. 19/2 cm. (M2449) PS3507.A7118M3 "Published, February, 1920." A story about Lincoln's parents. 1324. Daviess County Lincoln Highway Associa- tion. The Daviess County Lincoln Highway Asso- ciation's brief in support of the Lincoln route through Daviess County, Indiana. Presented to the Indiana Lincoln Highway Commission, [n. p., !93'] '9P- port. 23 cm. (M3253) P Inscribed: "To George P. Hambrecht, with compli- ments of Ezra Mattingly, Washington, Indiana, author of the brief."' Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Printed wrappers. 1325. DAVIS, BURKE. Cray Fox: Robert E. Lee and the Civil War. New York, Toronto, Rine- hart [1956] xi, 466 p. illus., ports., plans. 23^2 cm. E467.1.L4D3 1956a "Autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club [Signed] Burke Davis." 1326. DAVIS, BURKE. They called him Stone- wall; a life of Lt. General T. J. Jackson, C. S. A. New York, Toronto, Rinehart [1954] x, 470 p. illus., ports., maps. 22 cm. E467-iJ I 5 D2 7 I 954 co PY3 End paper maps. 1327. DAVIS, HENRY W. The Southern re- bellion, and the constitutional powers of the re- public for its suppression. An address delivered before the Mercantile Library Association of Brook- lyn, December 26th, 1861. [New York, E. D. Barker, 1 861] [3151-346 p. 20/2 cm. (The pulpit and rostrum, no. 24.) P Cover title. Delivered on Nov. 26, 1 86 1 . Title page for "The pulpit and rostrum," vol. II (com- plete, containing nos. 13-24) bound at end. 1328. DAVIS, HENRY W. Speech of Hon. H. Winter Davis, of Maryland, on the President's colonization and compensation scheme. Delivered in the House of Representatives, Feb. 25, 1864. [Washington, L. Towers & Co., 1864]. 8 p. 23 cm. (M287) P Caption title. Uncut. 1329. DAVIS, J. McCAN. How Abraham Lin- coln became President. Springfield, 111. [Press of the H. O. Shepard Co.] 1908. 5 p. 1., 13-80 p. illus., ports. 17 cm. (M1578) E4574.D26copy 2 Inscribed by the author. Khaki-colored wrappers, imprinted in brown. In Gay- lord binder overstamped: Lincoln Memorial University. 1330. Another edition. Springfield, 111., The Illi- nois Co., 1909. 6 p. 1., 17-93 P- ilhis., ports., facsim. 19/2 cm. (M1578 var.) E457-3.D26copy 2 "Centennial edition." Some new material, but mostly from the same plates, repaged. Brown wrappers, imprinted in black. 1331. DAVIS, JOSEPH. Why we remember Lincoln. An address delivered before the Illinois Committee of the Chicago Association of Com- merce at the La Salle Hotel, Chicago, 111., February 12, 1942. [n. p., n. d.] 13 p. 23 x 10 cm. P Cover title. 123 1332. DAVIS, MADISON. The public career of Montgomery Blair, particularly with references to his services as Postmaster-General of the United States [May 5, 1 861, to September 23, 1864] 126- 161 p. ports. 23/2 cm. HE6385.B6D2 copy 3 Read before the Society May 1 1, 1909. Reprinted from the Records of the Columbia Historical Society, v. 13, 19 10. Printed wrappers. 1333. DAVIS & WINEMILLER. Souvenir of the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination and death of Abraham Lincoln. September, Nineteen Fifteen. Washington, D. C, Published by Davis & Winemiller, c igi5. folder ([3] p.) illus., ports. 28/2 cm. (M2212) P (3 copies) Cover title. Copy 1 printed on yellow paper. Copy 2 printed on grey paper. Copy 3 printed on pink paper. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1334. DAWES, CHARLES G. Essays and speeches. With extracts from the journal of Rufus Fearing Dawes, and an address upon the Army of the Potomac, by General R. R. Dawes. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 19 15. vi p., 1 1., 427, [1] p. ports., fold, tables. 22/2 cm. H35.D25 copy 3 "Published September 191 5." 1335. DAY, PLINY B. A memorial discourse on the character of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, delivered at Hollis, N. H., on the day of the national fast, June 1, 1865, by P. B. Day. Concord, Printed by McFarland & Jenks, 1865. 20 p. 23 cm. (M478) E457.8.D27 copy 2 "Published by request." Printed wrappers. 1336. DEAN, SIDNEY. Eulogy pronounced in the City Hall, Providence, April 19, 1865, on the occasion of the funeral solemnities of Abraham Lincoln, before His Excellency, James Y. Smith, Governor of the State of Rhode Island; members of the General Assembly; city authorities; the mili- tary; civic societies, and others. Providence, H. H. Thomas, 1865. 23 p. 23 cm. (M479) E457.8.D28 copy 2 Mourning borders. Printed wrappers. 1337. DEAN, SIDNEY. The war: and the duty of a loyal people. A sermon, preached in the Mathewson Street Methodist Episcopal Church, Providence, R. I., on Sunday, July 27, 1862. Providence, Pierce & Budlong, Printers, 1862. 16 p. 23/2 cm. E458.2.D27 x copy Printed wrappers. 1338. The Dearborn independent, v. 25, June 6, 1925; v. 26, no. 16, Feb. 6, 1926; v. 26, no. 45, Aug. 28, 1926; v. 26, no. 47, Sept. 11, 1926; v. 26, no. 50, Oct. 2, 1926; v. 27, no. 2, Oct. 30, 1926; v. 27, no. 6, Nov. 27, 1926; v. 27, no. 8, Dec. 1 1, 1926; v. 29, May 8, 1926. Dearborn, Mich., The Dear- born publishing company. AP2.D287 v. 25 [etc.] X copy " 'The Mad Booth's' and Lincoln's fate," by F. L. Black: v. 25, p. 20-21, 23. "The truth about the Bixby letter," by William E. Barton: v. 26, no. 16, p. 6-7, 22, 25. "Lin- coln's premonition of death," by F. L. Black: v. 26, no. 16, p. 8, 28-29. "How Abraham Lincoln looked," by William E. Barton: v. 26, no. 16, p. 16-17, 31. " 'I slept with Lincoln,'" by Lucien S. Hanks: v. 26, no. 16, p. 23-24. "Why Lincoln was sad," by William E. Barton: v. 26, no. 45, p. 6, 22. " 'But you can't fool all the people all the time' — did Lincoln say it?" by William E. Barton: v. 26, no. 47, p. 8, 18. "Lincoln's famous 'Lost Speech,' " by William E. Barton: v. 26, no. 50, p. 6, 19. "Abraham Lincoln's vein of poesy," by William E. Barton: v. 27, no. 2, p. 5, 20-21. "Lincoln and temperance, the truth and the myth," by William E. Barton, v. 27, no. 6, p. 6-7, 26- 27. "The little Lincoln girl that never came." by William E. Barton: v. 27, no. 8, p. 4-5, 30-31. "The town that Lincoln put on the map," by William E. Barton: v. 29, P- 7, 3i- 1339. The Defender. 191 2, Doc. no. 11; 19 16, Doc. no. 1. New York, American Protective Tar- iff League. (M2235) HF1750.D3 "Abraham Lincoln on the tariff," by W. F. Wakeman: 1912^.3-13. "Abraham Lincoln, protectionist," by G. B. Curtiss: 1916, p. [l]-29- The collection contains 2 copies of the 19 16 number. 1340. DE FOREST, JOHN WILLIAM. A Union officer in the Reconstruction. Edited with an introduction and notes, by James H. Croushore and David Morris Potter. New Haven, Yale Uni- versity Press, 1948. xxx, 211 p. 24 cm. El 85-93 s 7 D 4 co PY3 First appeared as a series of magazine articles from May 1868 to Feb. 1869. Later revised by the author and gathered with other materials into a single ms., now in the Yale University Library under title: "The bureau major." 124 1 34 1- DE FOREST, JOHN WILLIAM. A vol- unteer's adventures; a Union captain's record of the Civil War. Edited, with notes, by James H. Croushore. With an introduction by Stanley T. Williams. New Haven, Yale University Press; London, G. Cumberlege, Oxford University Press, 1946. xviii, 237 p. port., maps, facsims. 24 cm. E601.D3 copy 3 "Published on the Mary Cady Tew memorial fund." A narrative of service in the 12th Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. "The narrative sections . . . appeared in Harper's New Monthly Magazine or Galaxy between 1664 and 1868." — Editor's pref. 1342. DELAHAY, MARK W. Abraham Lin- coln, by M. W. Delahay. New York, D. H. New- hall, 1939. [16] p. 24/2 cm. (M3670) E457.8.D35 copy 3 "Edition limited to 150 copies, reprinted from the unique broadside, issued by M. W. Delahay, Leavenworth, Kansas, about 1870." Title of broadside : The life and character of Abraham Lincoln. A lecture by Hon. M. W. Delahay, of Leaven- worth, Kansas. Printed wrappers. 1343. DELMAR, VINA. Beloved. New York, Harcourt, Brace [ c i956] 382 p. 21 cm. PS3507.E494B7 Historical novel about Judah P. Benjamin, Confederate Secretary of War. Boards. Cloth back. 1344. DE MARE, MARIE. G. P. A. Healy, American artist; an intimate chronicle of the nine- teenth century. Introduction by Eleanor Roose- velt. New York, McKay [1954] xvi, 304 p. ports. 24 cm. ND237.H4D4 copy 3 Partial Contents. — The Civil War (p. 198-205). — War portraits (p. 206-211). — The captain falls (p. 212- 1345. DEMING, HENRY CHAMPION. Eulogy of Abraham Lincoln . . . before the General As- sembly of Connecticut, at Allyn Hall, Hartford, Thursday, June 8th, 1865. Hartford, A. N. Clark & Co., State Printers, 1865. 58 p. 22^ cm. (M480) E457.8.D37 copy 3 On cover: In memoriam, Abraham Lincoln. Mourning borders. End paper inscribed: "C. T. W. 19 16." Limp cloth. 1346. DEMING, HENRY CHAMPION. Speech on the President's plan for state renovation. De- livered in the House of Representative [sic], Febru- ary 27, 1864. [Washington, Printed by L. Towers for the Union Congressional Committee, 1864] 8 p. 22 J/2 cm. (M289) E668.D342 copies 2 & 3 Caption title. Self-wrappers. Copy 2 (2154 cm., trimmed) in blue three-quarter-morocco. 1347. Democratic party. National Convention, Charleston and Baltimore, i860. Official proceed- ings of the Democratic National Convention, held in i860, at Charleston and Baltimore. Proceedings at Charleston, April 23-May 3. Prepared and pub- lished under the direction of John G. Parkhurst. Cleveland, Nevin's Print, i860. 188 p. 22 cm. JK2313 i86odcopy3 Gilt-stamped on cover: A. J. Williams. Rebound in black half-morocco. 1348. [DENBY, EDWIN H.] Symposium Lin- colniana; patriotic speeches by Abraham Lincoln and poems by Victor Hugo in French and English, various display prints in Denby types. New York City, Coq d'or Press [1942] 2 p. 1., vi, 48, [2] p. illus., ports. 33 cm. Z250.D44 copy 5 Cover title : Lincolniana and various display prints in Denby types. Foreword signed : Edwin H. Denby. "School edition. The De Luxe edition and the Special edition were of three and four hundred numbered copies respectively." Printed cardboard covers. 1349. DENNETT, TYLER. John Hay: from poetry to politics. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1933. xi p., 1 1., 476 p. illus., ports, facsim. 24/2 cm. (American political leaders) E664.H41D3 copy 5 "Second printing November, 1933." "Abraham Lincoln and John Hay" : p. 35-49. 1350. DE NORMANDIE, JAMES. The Lord reigneth: a few words on Sunday morning, April 1 6th, 1865, after the assassination of Abraham Lin- coln. By James De Normandie, minister of the South parish, Portsmouth, N. H. [Portsmouth? 1865] 8 p. 17 cm. (M482) E457.8.D41 copy 2 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 1 35 1. DEPEW, CHAUNCEY M. Address at the celebration of the thirty-eighth anniversary of the 492745—60- -10 !25 debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, at Galesburg, Illinois, October 7, 1896. [n. p., 1896] 24 p. 23 cm. (Mi 191) E4574.D4COPV2 Cover title. Inscribed by the author. Rebound in green three-quarter-morocco. 1352. DEPEW, CHAUNCEY M. Address on the occasion of the celebration of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, at Burlington, Vermont, Febru- ary 1 2th, 1895. [n. p., 1895] 24 p. 22/2 cm. (var. of Mi 164) E457.8.D42 1895a Caption title. Fly leaf inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Rebound in green half-morocco. 1353. DEPEW, CHAUNCEY M. Addresses, [n. p., 1896?] 114 p. 23 cm. E660.D32 Cover title. Fly leaf inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1916.'' "Address before the Republican Club of New York, at the Lincoln Dinner, February 12, 1896": p. [29^49. 1354. DEPEW, CHAUNCEY M. My memories of eighty years. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1 924. x, 417 p. port. 23/2 cm. E664.D4D39 copy 4 "Abraham Lincoln" : p. 52-66. 1355. DEPEW, CHAUNCEY M. Speech at the centennial celebration of the birth of Abraham Lincoln by the Grand Army of the Republic, De- partment of New York, at the armory of the 71st Regiment, N. G. N. Y., New York City, on Febru- ary 12, 1909. [n. p., 1909?] 16 p. 23/2 cm. (M1704) E457.8.D44 Caption title. Page [1] inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1916.'' Rebound in green thiee-quarter-morocco. 1356. [DERBY, GEORGE H.] Phoenixiana; or, Sketches and burlesques, by John Phoenix [pseud.] New York, D. Appleton, 1856. 274 p. illus. 20 cm. PS 1 535. P5 1856b "Eighth edition.'' "A collection of sundry sketches, recently published in the newspapers and magazines of California." — Pref. '"Interview between Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Duchess of Sutherland" (woodcut illustration): p. 122. "Detroit's role in the re-election of Abraham Lincoln" [by] W. A. Harbison: p. 5-9. 1358. DETZER, KARL W. Carl Sandburg; a study in personality and background, by Karl Det- zer. With four photographs by Edward Steichen. New York, Harcourt, Brace ["1941] 4 p. 1., 3-210 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. PS3537.A618Z56 copy 3 "First edition." Occasional references to Lincoln. "Books by Carl Sandburg" : p. 209-2 10. 1359. DEVERE, PAUL. The flight of J. Wilkes Booth. New York [19 — ?] 8 p. 22 cm. (M965) E457-5 D 49 copy 2 Cover title. 1360. [DEVITT, GEORGE R.] com p. The White house gallery of official portraits of the presi- dents. [New York and Washington, The Gravure Company of America, 1906] 31 1. 25 port. 51 x 4 1 J/2 cm. E 1 76. 1 .D497 copy 2 folio Half title: The Presidents. Imprint from half title. "The Executive Edition being limited each copy is num- bered . . . Number [291]." "This copy registered and numbered [291] allotted to [Mr. Adrian H. Joline . . . The Washington Post.] . . ." "Lincoln," by A. K. McClure: Qist leaf, with portrait by Carpenter. Bound in black morocco, gilt medallion (seal of the U. S. 22/2 cm. in diameter, with subscription "The Presi- dents") inset in front cover; blue moiree doublure. 1361. DEVON, LOUIS. Aide to glory. New York, Crowell [1952] ix, 246 p. 21 cm. PS3507.E866A7 A novel based on the life of John Rawlins, aide to General Ulysses S. Grant. 1362. DEWART, WILLIAM H. Three great Americans; sermons on George Washington, Abra- ham Lincoln, and Phillips Brooks. Boston, Christ Church, 1926. 19, [1] p. port. 20 cm. P Printed wrappers. 1363. DEWITT, DAVID MILLER. The assas- sination of Abraham Lincoln and its expiation. New York, Macmillan, 1909. xi, 302 p. 22 cm. (Mi 705) E457.5.D52 copy 3 1357. Detroit Historical Society. Bulletin, v. 5, Feb. 1949. [Detroit] F574.D4D4137 2d set, v. 5 1364. DEWITT, DAVID MILLER. The im- peachment and trial of Andrew Johnson, seven- 126 teenth President of the United States; a history. New York, London, Macmillan, 1903. vii, 646 p. 22 cm. E667.D52 copy 3 A few references to Lincoln in section entitled "The problem of reconstruction" (p. 1-21). 1365. DEVVITT, DAVID MILLER. The judi- cial murder of Mary E. Surratt. Baltimore, J. Murphy, 1895. vi ; 2 59 P- 19 c m - (Mi 165) E457.5.S985D4 copy 3 Bookplate of Francis Wilson. 1366. The Diary of a public man; an intimate view of the national administration, December 28, i860, to March 15, 1861, and A page of political correspondence, Stanton to Buchanan. Prefatory notes by F. Lauriston Bullard; foreword by Carl Sandburg. Chicago, 111., Priv. Print, for Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, 1945. 3 p. 1., ix-xi, 117, [1] p. ports., facsim. 24 cm. E440.5.D55 copy 3 Map on end papers. "Limited edition of 500 copies." First published in the North American Review. {See item 3 18 1.) Review by P. M. Angle (newspaper clipping) laid in. Gray paper boards ; red cloth back. Gilt lettering on cover and spine. See also item 397. 1367. Another edition. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1946. ix, 137 p. illus., ports. 21 cm. E440.5.D55 1946 From different plates. Issued under title: The Diary of a Public Man, and a Page of Political Correspondence, Stanton to Buchanan. Review by Jay Monaghan, clipped from the New York Times, Nov. 10, 1946, laid in. Brown cloth. Black lettering on spine. 1368. DICKSON, FREDERICK S. "Black- wood's" history of the United States. Philadelphia, G. H. Buchanan, 1896. 27 p. 22^/2 cm. El 79 D 55 co Py2 Largely devoted to the anti-Lincoln attitude of Black- wood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1862-66. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 25). Dark brown half-morocco, with original printed wrap- pers bound in. 1369. DIETZ, JOHANN W. Herbstblatter; Gedichte von Joh. W. Dietz. Illustrirt von Max. Friederang. Chicago, 1888. 88 p. illus., ports. 15 cm. PT3919.D52H4 1888 copy 2 Verse. "Prolog zur Einweihung der Lincoln Turnhalle am i8ten September 1886": p. [451-48. "Am Grabe Lin- coln's": p. [551-56. 1370. DILL, CLARENCE C. Abraham Lincoln ; speech of Hon. C. C. Dill of Washington in the House of Representatives, February 12, 19 1 7. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 191 7. 4 p. 23 cm. (M2305) P Cover title. In Gaylord binder. 137 1. Discourses memorial of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, delivered in Flemington, N. J., by the pastors of the different churches, on Wednesday, April 19th, 1865. Pub- lished by the citizens. Lambertville, N. J., C. Pier- son, Printer, 1865. 2 p. 1., [3J-22, 16, 13 p. 19/2 cm. (M758) E457.8.D59 copy 2 Contents. — [Sermon] by Rev. Thomas Swaim, pastor of the Baptist Church. — [Sermon] by Rev. J. L. Janeway, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. — [Sermon] by Rev. J. P. Dailey, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Printed wrappers. 1372. District of Columbia. Board of Education. Public Schools of the District of Columbia Observ- ance of Lincoln Centenary, February 12, 1909. Washington, Norman T. Elliott Printing Co., 1909. 20 p. 23 cm. (M1849) P Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 1373. DITTENHOEFER, ABRAM J. How we elected Lincoln; personal recollections of Lincoln and men of his time, by Abram J. Dittenhoefer, a campaigner for Lincoln in i860 and a Lincoln elector in 1864. New York, London, Harper [19 16] 4 p. 1., 94, [1] p. illus., facsim. 19/2 cm. (M2236 var.) E457.15.D6 copy 3 Boards. 1374. Divided we fought; a pictorial history of the war, 1861-1865. Picture editors: Hirst D. Milhol- len and Milton Kaplan. Caption editors: Hirst D. Milhollen, Milton Kaplan, and Hulen Stuart. Au- thor of the text and general editor: David Donald. New York, Macmillan, 1952. x, 452 p. illus., ports. 28/2 cm. E468.7.D5 copy 5 1375. DIX, MORGAN. The death of President Lincoln ; a sermon preached in Saint Paul's chapel, 127 New York, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865. Cam- bridge, Printed at the Riverside Press, 1865. 16 p. 21/2 cm. (M484) E457.8.D61 copy 2 Dark blue three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1376. DIXON, JAMES. Speech on the thirty million bill, for the acquisition of Cuba. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 25, 1859. [Washington, Printed by L. Towers, 1859] 32 p. 22J/2 cm. F1783.D61 copy 2 Caption title. Previously bound. 1377. DIXON, THOMAS. A man of the people; a drama of Abraham Lincoln. New York, London, D. Appleton, 1920. xiii, 155, [1] p. 19/2 cm. (M2451) PS3507.I93M3 1920 copy 3 Play in three acts with prologue and epilogue. 1378. DIXON, THOMAS. The Southerner; a romance of the real Lincoln. Illustrated by J. N. Marchand. New York, London, D. Appleton, ^^ 7 P- 1-, 3-543 » [1] P- illus - 19/2 cm. PS3507.I93S6 Historical fiction. 1379. DODD, WILLIAM E. Lincoln or Lee; comparison and contrast of the two greatest leaders in the war between the states. The narrow and accidental margins of success. New York, London, The Century Co. [ c i928] viii p., 2 1., 177 p. ports., map. 205/2 cm. (M3007) E468.D63 copy 3 "First printing April, 1928." Boards. Cloth back. 1380. DODGE, DANIEL KILHAM. Abraham Lincoln, master of words. New York, London, D. Appleton, 1924. x p., 1 1., 178 p. 19/2 cm. (M2689) E457.2.D63 copy 3 1 38 1. DODGE, DANIEL KILHAM. Abraham Lincoln: the evolution of his literary style. Cham- paign and Urbana [111.] University Press [1900] 58 p. 25/2 cm. (University of Illinois. The Uni- versity studies, v. 1, no. 1 (May, 1900) p. [i]~58) (M1282) E457.2.D64 copies 3 & 4 Bibliography of authorities cited: p. 57-58. Copy 3 inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Copy 4 with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. White printed wrappers. Copy 3 bound, with wrap- pers, in red cloth. 1382. DODGE, DANIEL KILHAM. Lincoln in Champaign County. [Urbana, 111., Illini Pub. Co., 1921] folder ( [3] p. ) 30/2 cm. (M2500) P Caption title. Reprinted from the Illinois Magazine for January- February 192 1. Autographed. 1383. DODGE, GRENVILLE M. Personal rec- ollections of Lincoln; an address before the Young Men's Christian Association of Council Bluffs Iowa, on February 12th, 191 1. Council Bluffs, Monarch Print. Co., 191 1. 38 p. ports. 23 cm. (M1980) E457.8.D65 Reprinted from different plates in item 1384. Printed wrappers. 1384. DODGE, GRENVILLE M. Personal rec- ollections of President Abraham Lincoln, General Ulysses S. Grant and General William T. Sherman. Council Bluffs, Iowa, The Monarch Print. Co., 1 9 14. 2 p. I., [7J-237 p. illus., ports. 23 J/2 cm. (M2134) E467.D64 copy 3 End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1916." "Personal recollections of Lincoln" : p. [7]~3 1 . 1385. DOLL & RICHARDS, Boston, Pub. Ex- hibition at Hawthorne Rooms, 2 Park Street, of Bicknell's Historical Painting, "Lincoln at Gettys- burg." [n. p. 1879?] folder ([3] p.) illus. 16/2 cm. (M953) P Cover title. 1386. DOLL & RICHARDS, Boston, Pub. Lin- coln at Gettysburg. [Published in connection with the exhibition of the historical painting of Lincoln at Gettysburg, by Albion H. Bicknell, containing twenty-one life-size portraits . . . Boston, Doll & Richards, 1879] 48 p. fold, illus. 16 J/2 cm. (M954) E475.55.D66 copy 2 Cover title. Contents. — Lincoln at Gettysburg. — Lincoln's ad- dress. — Biographical sketches : Abraham Lincoln. John A. Andrew. Benjamin F. Butler. Salmon P. Chase. Frederick Douglass. Edward Everett. William P. Fes- senden. Ulysses S. Grant. Horace Greeley. Hannibal Hamlin. Oliver O. Howard. Andrew Johnson. George B. McClellan. George G. Meade. Oliver P. Morton. Charles Sumner. Edwin M. Stanton. Horatio Seymour. William H. Seward. Gideon Welles. Henry Wilson. 1387. DOLLIVER, JONATHAN P. "Abraham Lincoln"; address of Hon. J. P. Dolliver, United 128 States senator from Iowa, at the annual banquet, Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburgh, February 1 2, 1908. [n. p., 1908?] 12 p. 23 cm. (M1580) E457.8.D67 Cover title. 1388. DONALD, DAVID. Herndon: Lincoln's law partner by David Herbert Donald. Urbana, 111., 1946. 1 p. 1., 13, [1] p. 22/2 cm. E457.4.H557 copies 3 & 4 Abstract of thesis (Ph.D) — University of Illinois, 1946. Vita. "A note on sources" : p. 12-13. Copy 3 author's autographed presentation copy to Albert H. Griffith. Printed wrappers. 1389. DONALD, DAVID. Lincoln reconsid- ered ; essays on the Civil War era. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1956. 5 p. 1., vii-xiii, 200, xiv, [1] p. 19/2 cm. E457.8.D69 1956a "First edition." "Documentary edition, autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club." Includes bibliography. 1390. DONALD, DAVID. Lincoln's Herndon. Introduction by Carl Sandburg. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1948. xv, 392, xxiii p. illus., ports. 24/2 cm. E457.4.H558 copy 3 "First edition." Bibliography: p. 375-392- Author's autographed presentation copy to Alfred Whital Stern, dated Oct. 7, 1948. 1 39 1. DONALD, DAVID. The true story of "Herndon's Lincoln." [n. p., 1948] 221-234 p. facsims. 27/2 cm. E457.H578 Caption title. Separate from The New Colophon, v. 1, no. 3; July 1948 (Item3i07). Inscribed by the author. 1392. DONDERO, GEORGE A. Lincoln- lover of children; address of Hon. George A. Don- dero of Michigan, in the House of Representatives, February 12, 1934. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off-, r 934- 7 P- 2 3 cm - (M3424) E457.2.D67copy3 Cover title. "Not printed at government expense." Self-wrappers. 1393. DONDERO, GEORGE A. Why Lincoln wore a beard. [Springfield? 111., 193 1] 14 p. 23 cm. (M3255) E457.15.D65 "Reprinted from the journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume 24, no. 2, July, 193 1." Printed wrappers. 1394. DONOVAN, ROBERT J. The assassins. New York, Harper [1955] x p., 1 1., 300, [1] p. 22 cm. HV6278.D6 copy 3 "First edition." "A star of the first magnitude" [John Wilkes Booth]: p. 217-245. "A visitor in box 7": p. 246-292. Boards. Cloth back. 1395. DONOVAN, WILLIAM J. Abraham Lin- coln; addresses by Hon. William J. Donovan and Hon. John S. Fisher [and] introduction [of speakers] by Howard Benton Lewis, before the Union League of Philadelphia, Saturday evening Feb. 12, 1927. [Philadelphia? 1927] 30 p. 23 cm. E457.7.D6 Letter of transmittal from Howard Benton Lewis to John W. Starr, Jr., laid in. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on title page and cover. 1396. DOOLITTLE, JAMES R. Speech on the Lincoln-Johnson policy of restoration; delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 17, 1866. Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe Off., 1866. 22 p. 24 cm. (M850) E668.D69 copy 3 Cover title. Caption title: The union unbroken. 1397. DORRIS, JONATHAN TRUMAN. Par- don and amnesty under Lincoln and Johnson; the restoration of the Confederates to their rights and privileges, 1861-1898. Introduction by J. G. Ran- dall. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press [1953] xxi, 459 p. 23/2 cm. E668.D713 copy 3 Bibliography: p. [423.1-437- 1398. DORSEY, FRANK J. G. Abraham Lin- coln, the new dealer of his day. Speech in the House of Representatives, February 12, 1936. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1936]. 4 p. 23 cm. (M3511) P Caption title. 1399. DOSTER, WILLIAM E. Abraham Lin- coln ; address delivered at Lehigh University, South 129 Bethlehem, Pa., February 12, 1909, by W. E. Doster [n. p., 1909?] 30 p. 23/2 cm. (Mi 708) E457.8.D7 Cover title. Author's typewritten note to Albert H. Griffith inserted. Self-wrappers. 1400. DOSTER, WILLIAM E. Lincoln and episodes of the Civil War. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1915. v, 282 p. 20/2 cm. (M2182) E501.D72 copy 3 "Abraham Lincoln" [address delivered at Lehigh Uni- versity, Feb. 12, 1909]: p. 1-45. 1 40 1. DOUGLAS, ROBERT M. Stephen A. Douglas' attitude toward slavery; a letter written by his son, Judge Robert M. Douglas, in reply to an invitation to attend the semicentennial celebration of the Lincoln-Douglas debates. [Greensboro? N. C, 1908] folder ([4] p.) 23 cm. E4 I 5-9 D 73 D 55 co Py 2 Caption title. Letter of transmittal from Martin F. Douglas, son of the author, to Charles T. White, laid in. 1402. DOUGLAS, STEPHEN A. Autobiog- raphy of Stephen A. Douglas. [With an introduc- tion by] Frank E. Stevens. Springfield, 111., Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers, 1913. 22 p. illus., ports., facsim. 29 cm. E415.9.D73D6 copies 3 & 4 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society [v. 5] October, 191 2." Printed wrappers. 1403. DOUGLAS, STEPHEN A. Remarks in the Senate of the United States, March 6, 1 861, on the resolution of Mr. Dixon to print the inaugural address of President Lincoln. [Washington? 1861] 7 p. 23 cm. (M96) E458.1.D728 copy 2 Caption title. Previously bound. 1404. DOUGLASS, FREDERICK. Oration by Frederick Douglass, delivered on the occasion of the unveiling of the freedmen's monument in mem- ory of Abraham Lincoln, in Lincoln Park, Washing- ton, D. C.j April 14th, 1876. With an appendix. Washington, Gibson Bros., Printers, 1876. 21 p. 23 cm. (M947) E457.8.D73 copy 2 Cover title. Correspondence between Morris H. Briggs and Alfred W. Stern, laid in. 1405. Another edition. New York, Pathway Press, 1940. 34 p. illus. 16/2 cm. (var. of M947) E457.8.D73 1940 copy 3 "Published for the Frederick Douglass Historical and Cultural League." From different plates. Printed wrappers. 1406. DOW, NEAL. The reminiscences of Neal Dow. Recollections of eighty years. Portland, Me., The Evening Express Pub. Co., 1898. xii, 769 p. illus., ports., facsim. 24 cm. HV5293.D7A3 copy 3 A few references to Lincoln. Dow's Civil War experiences: p. 618-737. Black half-morocco. 1407. DOWDEY, CLIFFORD. Experiment in rebellion. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1946. xxi p., 1 1., 455 p. illus., ports., maps. 23/2 cm. E487-D6copy 4 "First edition." End paper maps. Scattered references to Lincoln. 1408. DOWDEY, CLIFFORD. The land they fought for; the story of the South as the Confeder- acy, 1832-1865. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1955. viii, 438 p. 24 cm. ( Mainstream of Amer- ica series) E487.D62 1955a "First edition." End paper map. "Robert E. Lee edition. Autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club." 1409. DOWDEY, CLIFFORD. The proud re- treat; a novel of the lost Confederate treasure. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1953. 318 p. 21/2 cm. PS3507.O762P7 End paper maps. 14 10. DOWNING, JEROME F. Abraham Lin- coln, address by Mr. J. F. Downing on the occasion of the celebration of Lincoln's birthday, at Erie, Pa., February 12, 1903. [Erie? 1903?] [7] p. 23 cm. (M1709) E457.8.D75 X copy Caption title. Five pages of text. From the collection of John W. Stair, Jr. Self-wrappers. In Gaylord binder. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 141 1. DOYLE, CORNELIUS J. Address at the dedication ceremonies of the monument erected by 130 Illinois to Stephen A. Douglas at Winchester, Illi- nois, July 5, 1930. [Springfield? 1 931] 22 p. port. 23 cm. E415.9.D73D74 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume 23, no. 3, October, 1930." Printed wrappers. 1 41 2. DRAKE, CHARLES D. Union and anti- slavery speeches, delivered during the rebellion. Cincinnati, Applegate, 1864. v. p., 1 1., [9P431 p. 19/2 cm. E458.D76 copy 2 "Published for the benefit of the Ladies' Union Aid So- ciety of St. Louis, Mo." Fourteen speeches delivered during the period July 4, 1 86 1, to Feb. 22, 1864. 14 13. DRAPER, ANDREW S. The Illinois life and the presidency of Abraham Lincoln ; an address at the University of Illinois, Lincoln's birthday, 1896, by President Draper. [Champaign, 111., 1896?] 24 p. port. 15/2 cm. (Mi 192) E457.8.D76 copy 3 Self-wrappers (?). Bound in dark green three-quarter- morocco. 141 4. DRAPER, ANDREW S. Lincoln. Al- bany, New York State Education Dept., 1909. 37 p. 24 cm. (M1710) E457.8.D763 Author's typewritten letter to Major William H. Lam- bert inserted. Contents. — Abraham Lincoln. — What makes Lincoln great? — The moral advances in Lincoln's political career. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1415. DRAPER, ANDREW S. What makes Lin- coln great; papers and addresses of Andrew Sloan Draper. Edited by Harlan Hoyt Horner. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Torch Press ["1940] 159 p. illus., facsims. 20 cm. E457.8.D766 copy 3 "Notes and references": p. [i45]-i53. 1 416. DREW, THOMAS, comp. The campaign of i860; Republican songs for the people, original and selected. Boston, Thayer & Eldredge [sic] i860. 64 p. 15 cm. (var.(?) of M35) M1660.D77C3 Cover title : Republican song book. Without the music. Portrait of Lincoln on cover and title page. Printed wrappers. 141 7. DRINKWATER, JOHN. Abraham Lin- coln, a play. London, Sidgwick & Jackson, 19 18. 3 P- 1-j [5H2 P-, 1 1. 19 cm - ( var - of M 2357) PR6007.R5A7 i9igcopy2 "First published in 19 18." Misprint on p. [5] fifth line from bottom, corrected in ink. Pink boards. Paper label on spine. In red solander case. 1418. Another issue. 18 cm. (M2357) PR6007.R5A7 i9igcopy3 "First published October, 19 18. Second impression, October 1918." Verso of title page and misprint on p. [5] reset. Gray printed wrappers. 1419. Another edition. With an introduction by Arnold Bennett. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin [19 1 9] 3 p. 1., [vii]-xii p., 1 1., 112 p. 19/2 cm. (M2358var.) PR6007.R5A7 1919a copy 3 From different plates. Introduction dated April 1919. Blue boards, with blue cloth back and paper label on spine. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1420. Another edition. 5 p. 1., [vii]-xii p., 1 1., 112 p. illus., ports. 18 cm. (M2358 var.) PR6007.R5A7 1919a copy 4 "Illustrated souvenir edition." From same plates as preceding edition with addition of illustrative matter and " 'Abraham Lincoln' in America" (4th & 5th p. 1.) Program for New York premiere at the Cort Theatre, Dec. 15, 19 19, printed on recto and verso of back cover. Frontispiece autographed by the author. Printed wrappers. Colored portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1 42 1. DRINKWATER, JOHN. Abraham Lin- coln; chwareawd. Cyfieithiad buddugol yn Eis- teddfod Genedlaethol Pontypwl, 1924, gan J. E. Davies. Liverpool, Yng Ngwasg Y Brython, H. Evans, 1924. 72 p. 18/2 cm. (M3901) E457.9.D788 Printed wrappers. 1422. DRINKWATER, JOHN. American vig- nettes, 1860-1865. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1 93 1. 12 p. 1., [3J-32 numb. 1. 29/2 cm. PR6007.R5A8 1931 copy 3 Printed on one side of leaf on opposite pages. "This edition consists of three hundred and eighty-five numbered copies autographed by the author, of which I3 1 three hundred and fifty are for sale . . . This is number 43-" Civil War poems. Gray boards. Untrimmed and unopened. In gray three-quarter-closed case. 1423. DRINKWATER, JOHN. Lincoln, the world emancipator. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1920. 5 p. 1., [3]— 1 18 p., 1 1. 19/2 cm. (M2452) E457.D78 copy 5 Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Light brown boards, with dark-brown cloth back and paper label on spine. 1424. Another issue. (M2452 var.) E457.D78 copies 3 & 4 Without imprint date. Same binding, but with cream-colored boards. 1425. DRINKWATER, JOHN. Lin k'en [Lin- coln]. Translated by Shen Hsing-jen, edited by Hu Shih. Shanghai, Shang wu yin shu kuan [Commer- cial Press], 1920. 80 p. 19 cm. (Shih chieh ts'ung shu [World series]) (M3894) U 1426. DRINKWATER, JOHN. The world's Lincoln. New York, Bowling Green Press, 1928. 34, [1] p., 1 1. 23/2 cm. (M3008) E457.2.D78 copy 3 "Eight hundred copies . . . set in August, 1927, by Bertha M. Goudy at the Village press, Marlborough-on- Hudson, N. Y., in types designed by Frederic W. Goudy. Presswork & binding at the printing house of William Edwin Rudge, Mount Vernon, N. Y." Boards. 1427. DRISLER, HENRY. Part I. Bible view of slavery, by John H. Hopkins, D. D., bishop of the diocese of Vermont, examined by Henry Dris- ler. Part II. Bible view of slavery, reconsidered. Letter to Rt. Rev. Bishop Hopkins, by Louis C. Newman. New York, C. S. Westcott & Co., Print- ers, 1863. 2 pt. in 1 v. (20, 14 p.) 21 J/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 39, pt. 1-2) E463.L96 no. 39 4th set Cover title. Pt. 1 dated Nov. 12, 1863. Pt. 2 signed: Biblicus. - Previously bound. Each part in separate pamphlet holder. See also item 2590, no. 25. 1428. DRUMM, JOHN H. Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, a sermon preached on the morning of Easter Sun- day, April 1 6th, 1865, in St. James Church, Bristol, Pa. Bristol, W. Bache, Printer [1865] 21 p. 20 cm. (M486) E457.8.D79 copy 2 Black cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1429. DRUMMOND, S. A. Abraham Lincoln: the ideal American; an address delivered at the Pacific Branch National Soldiers' Home, Sawtelle, California, Sunday, February 13, 1927. [Gardena, Calif.] Priv. Print. Spanish American Institute Press, 1927. [7] p. 23 cm. (M2919 var.) E457.8.D795 Cover title. Four pages of text, the second page beginning: "to do our utmost." "One hundred copies of this address printed ... of which this is no 3." Glazed paper. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1430. Another edition. [Gardena, Calif., Spanish American Institute Press, 1927] folder ([4] p.) 23 cm. (M2919) P (2 copies) Caption title. Differs in arrangement of type, the second page of text beginning: "and that was." "Eleven hundred copies of this address printed . . . for popular distribution by the author." 1 43 1. DUANE, RICHARD B. A sermon preached in Saint John's Church, Providence, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865, the day appointed for the funeral obsequies of President Lincoln. Provi- dence, H. H. Thomas, 1865. 15 p. 22J/2 cm. (M488) E457.8.D81 copy 2 Mourning borders. Stamped : Pawtucket Public Library. Printed wrappers. 1432. [DUDLEY, G. W.] The lost account of the Battle of Corinth and court-martial of Gen. Van Dorn, by an unknown author. Introduction and informal essay on the battle by Monroe F. Cockrell. Jackson, Tenn., McCowat-Mercer Press, 1955. 78 p. illus., ports., fold, map (in pocket) 22/2 cm. E474.44.D84 1955 copy 3 First published in 1899 under title: The Battle of Corinth. Autographed by Cockrell. Illustrated printed wrappers. 1433. DUDLEY, JOHN L. Discourse preached in the South Congregational Church, Middletown, Ct, on the Sabbath morning after the assassination n- of President Lincoln. Middletown, D. Barnes, 1865. 28 p. 22/2 cm. (M489) E457.8.D84copy 2 On cover: Slavery's last word. Printed wrappers. 1434. DUDLEY, THOMAS H. The inside facts of Lincoln's nomination. [New York, The Century Co.] 477-479 p. 24 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 40, July 1890. 1435. DUFFIELD, GEORGE. The God of our fathers; an historical sermon preached in the Coates' Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, on Fast Day, January 4, 1861. With copious notes, and an appendix. Philadelphia, T. B. Pugh, 1861. 56 p. 24/2 cm. BV4270.D8 copy 2 Inscribed by the author to President Lincoln. Dark brown full-morocco. 1436. DUFFIELD, GEORGE. The nation's wail. A discourse delivered in the First Presby- terian Church of Detroit, on Sabbath, the 16th of April, 1865, the day after receiving the intelligence of the burtal murder of President Abraham Lincoln, by a brutal assassin. Detroit, Advertiser and Trib- une Print, 1865. 18 p. 21/2 cm. (M490) E457.8.D85 copy 2 Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 17). Blue cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1437. DUKE, BASIL W. The great Indiana- Ohio raid by Brig.-Gen. John Hunt Morgan and his men, July 1863; an authentic account of the most spectacular Confederate Cavalry raid into Union territory during the War Between the States . . . the capture and subsequent escape of Brig.- Gen. Morgan, as seen and told by Basil W. Duke, Orlando B. Willcox, and Thomas H. Hines. With an introduction and commentary notes by Don D. John. Louisville, Ky., Priv. Print., Book Nook Press [1955] 32 p. illus., maps. 25 cm. E475.i8.D8copy 2 " 'A romance of Morgan's rough riders' [p. 9-31] . . . is an exact reproduction as it appeared in the Century Magazine, January, 1891." Cover title: Morgan's great Indiana-Ohio raid, July 1863. Printed wrappers. 1438. DUMOND, DWIGHT LOWELL., ed. Southern editorials on secession. New York, London, The Century Co. [ c ig3 1] xxxiii, 529 p. 23 cm. E440.5.D89 copy 3 At head of title : The American Historical Association. "Prepared and published under the direction of the American Historical Association from the income of the Albert J. Beveridge memorial fund." — p. [iii] 1439. DUNCAN, KUNIGUNDE, and D. F. NICKOLS. Mentor Graham, the man who taught Lincoln. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1944] xxix, 274 p. illus., ports., maps. 23 J/2 cm. F545.G78D8 copy 3 At head of title: Kunigunde Duncan and D. F. Nickols. End paper maps. Detached copy of review by Lloyd Lewis, p. 6 of The New York Times Book Review, Jan. 7, 1945, laid in. 1440. DUNLAP, JOHN R. Jeffersonian democ- racy, which means the democracy of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. New York, The Jeffersonian Society [1903] 5 p. 1., [v]-viii, 479 p. port. 20 cm. JK246.D92 copy 2 1441. DUNN, WILLIAM McKEE. The Repub- lican party and the Republican candidate for the presidency. Speech of Hon. W. McKee Dunn, of Indiana, delivered in Independence Square, Phila- delphia, May 26, i860, before a mass meeting, held to ratify the nominations of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin for the presidency and vice presi- dency of the United States. [Washington, Re- publican Congressional Committee, i860] 8 p. 23 cm. (M36) E440.D92 copy 2 Caption title. 1442. DUNNE, EDWARD F. Abraham Lincoln ; address before the Annunciation Club of Buffalo, New York, February 15, 19 16. [Springfield, 111., E. F. Hartmann, 1916] 27 p. 28 cm. (M2237) P "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Volume 9, No. 1, April 19 16." Printed wrappers. 1443. DUNNING, HALSEY. Address delivered on the occasion of the funeral solemnities of the late President of the United States, in the First Constitutional Presbyterian Church, April 19, 1865, by Rev. H. Dunning, pastor. Baltimore, J. W. Woods, Printer, 1865. 12 p. 22/2 cm. (M491) E457.8.D92 copy 2 Printed wrappers, with mourning border. 133 1444- DUNNING, HALSEY. The assassination : its lessons to young men, a discourse delivered in the First Constitutional Presbyterian Church, May 7, 1865, by Rev. H. Dunning. Baltimore, J. W. Woods, Printer, 1865. 12 p. 23 cm. E457.8.D923 copy 2 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 1445. DUNNING, HALSEY. The nameless crime: a discourse, delivered in the First Constitu- tional Presbyterian Church, Sunday night, April 23, 1865, by Rev. H. Dunning. Baltimore, J. VV. Woods, Printer, 1865. 12 p. 21/2 cm. (M494) E457.8.D925 copy 2 Cover title. "Printed by request." 1446. DUNNING, LOYD, ed. Mr. Lincoln's funnybone, wherein the White House joker retells his best yarns & fables. Illustrated by Oscar Ogg. [New York] Howell, Soskin [1942] 136 p. illus., port. 19/2 cm. E457.99.D8 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 132-136. 1447. DURDEN, ROBERT FRANKLIN. James Shepherd Pike: Republicanism and the American Negro, 1 850-1 882. Durham, N. C, Duke Univer- sity Press, 1957. ix p., 2 1., [3H49 p. port. E 4 I 5-9 p 53 D8co Py3 1448. DURKIN, JOSEPH T. Stephen R. Mal- lory: Confederate Navy chief. Chapel Hill, Uni- versity of North Carolina Press, 1954. xi, 446 p. 24/2 cm. E596.M3D8 copy 3 1449. DURMAN, DONALD CHARLES. He belongs to the ages; the statues of Abraham Lin- coln. Foreword by Louis A. Warren. Ann Arbor, Edwards Bros. [1951] xii, 279 p. illus., ports. 29 cm. E457.6.D8 copy 3 "First edition." Includes bibliographical references. 1450. DWYER, JAMES FRANCIS. The bust of Lincoln. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page, 191 2. 4 p. 1., 3-73, [1] p. 1 illus. 16 cm. (M2023) PR6007.W9B9 Story concerning "a boy and a maid, the miser of Greeley Square, and a little plaster bust of Abraham Lincoln." 145 1. DYE, JOHN SMITH. History of the plots and crimes of the great conspiracy to overthrow liberty in America. New York, The Author, 1866. vi P-> l !•> [3]-3 6 4> [4] P- illus -> P orts - 23/2 cm. E301.D981 copy 3 Pages 3-128 formerly issued under title: The Adder's Den. "General Sherman and his great campaigns": p. [193]- 243. "Lieutenant General Grant": p. [251 J-296. "Abra- ham Lincoln" : p. [2Q7J-352. End paper inscribed : "C. T. W. 19 16." 1452. DYER, DAVID. Discourse occasioned by the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Albany Penitentiary, a military prison of the U. S., Wednesday, April 19, 1865. Albany, E. Les- lie, Printer, 1865. 20 p. 23 cm. (M495) E457.8.D99 copy 2 Dark green quarter-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1453. DYER, GEORGE R. Autograph letters & documents, including a splendid series by Abraham Lincoln, Presidents of the United States, signers of the Declaration of independence, and other Ameri- cans; early American and foreign military material. Public sale Jan. 18. New York, Parke-Bernet Gal- leries, 1939. 34 p. facsims. 24/2 cm. (M3703) Z997.D995 Sale no. 82. Printed wrappers. 1454. DYER, JOHN P. The gallant Hood. In- dianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [1950] 383 p. ports., maps. 22/2 cm. E467.1.H58D9 copy 3 "First edition." "Civil War Round Table edition. Signed: John P. Dyer." 1455. [DYSON, HOWARD F.] Lincoln in Rush- ville. [Rushville, 111. 1903?] 37 p. 17/2 cm. (M1403) P Cover title. "Reprinted from The Rushville (Illinois), Times, Feb. 12, 1903." 1456. Early Illinois. Chicago, Fergus Print. Co., [1881] [53]-i64 p. 215/2 cm. ([Fergus historical series, no. 14]) (M969 note) F542.A6 Running title. "Reminiscences of the Illinois bar forty years ago: Lincoln and Douglas as orators and lawyers," by Isaac 134 N. Arnold [read before the Bar Association of the State of Illinois, Springfield, Jan. 7, 1881]: p. [i32]-i54- End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Removed from covers (printed wrappers?) and re- bound in brown half-morocco. 1457. EAST, ERNEST E. Abraham Lincoln sees Peoria; an historical and pictorial record of seven- teen visits from 1832 to 1858. Peoria, 111. [Record Pub. Co.] 1939. 1 p. 1., [1], 37 p. illus., ports., facsims. 28 cm. (M3672) E457.3.E28 copy 3 Printed wrappers. Illustration on cover. 1458. EATON, CHARLES A. The inspiration of Lincoln, speech before the Republican Club Lincoln Dinner, Trenton, N. J., February 12, 193 1 . Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1931. 4 p. 23 cm. (M3257) P Caption title. "Printed in the Congressional Record, February 21, •93I-" 1459. EATON, EDWARD BAILEY. Original photographs taken on the battlefields during the Civil War of the United States, by Mathew B. Brady and Alexander Gardner, who operated under the authority of the War Department and the pro- tection of the Secret Service. Rare reproductions from photographs selected from seven thousand original negatives . . . now the private collection of Edward Bailey Eaton. Valued at $150,000 . . . Hartford, Conn. [E. B. Eaton] 1907. 1 p. L, 5-126 p., 1 1. illus. 28/2 x 38/2 cm. E468.7.D14 copy 2 Boards. Cloth back. 1460. EATON, JOHN. Grant, Lincoln and the freedmen; reminiscences of the Civil War with special reference to the work for the contrabands and freedmen of the Mississippi Valley. In col- laboration with Ethel Osgood Mason. New York, London, Bombay, Calcutta, Longmans, Green, 1907. xxxviii, 331 p. illus., port., facsims. (1 fold.) 22 cm. E453.E14 copy 3 "Publications . . . issued between 1870 and 1886 by the Bureau of Education under the administration of General John Eaton": p. [3151-320. 1 46 1. EAVES, CATHERINE, pseud. How I twice eloped; an Indiana idyll, suggested by Abra- ham Lincoln, elaborated by Catherine Eaves. Chi- cago, Oak Print, and Pub. Co. [ c igoi] 88 p. illus. 19/2 cm. (M1330) PS3509.A9H6 At head of title: The only novelette ever sketched by Abraham Lincoln. The author of the book was Albert Alberg, according to printed notice mounted on p. [3] End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1920." 1462. The Echo from the army. What our sol- diers say about the Copperheads. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1865. 7, [1] p. 21/2 cm. ( Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 2 ) E463.L96 no. 2 4th set "How the soldiers talk" [a poem] by Private Miles O'Reilly: p. [8] Issued also in 1863 (New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers) as Loyal reprints, no. 1. Another issue of same year called Loyal reprints, no. 2 (p. [8] blank). Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 1463. EDDY, DANIEL C. The martyr President, a sermon preached before the Baldwin Place Church, April 16, 1865. Boston, Graves and Young, 1865. 23 p. 13/2 cm. (M496) E457.8.E21 copy 2 Red cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1464. EDDY, RICHARD. "The martyr to lib- erty." Three sermons preached in the First Uni- versalist Church, Philadelphia, Sunday, April 16th, Wednesday, April 19th, and Thursday, June 1st. Philadelphia, H. G. Leisenring's Steam-Power Print. House, 1865. 27 p. 23 cm. (M497) E457.8.E214 copy 3 Ms. corrections on p. 15, 19, and 27. Printed wrappers. 1465. EDDY, THOMAS M. Abraham Lincoln. A memorial discourse, by Rev. T. M. Eddy, D. D., delivered at a union meeting, held in the Presby- terian Church, Waukegan, Illinois, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, the day upon which the funeral services of the President were conducted in Wash- ington, and observed throughout the loyal states as one of mourning. Chicago, Printed at the Method- ist Book Depository, 1865. 24 p. 22 cm. (M498) E457.8.E218 copy 2 "Published by request." Letter from Morris H. Briggs to Alfred W. Stern, laid in. Printed wrappers. In brown quarter-morocco slipcase. 135 1466. Edgar County Historical Society. Memoirs of Abraham Lincoln in Edgar County, Illinois. [Paris, 111., Edgar County Historical Society, 1925] 31, [1], p. illus., ports., facsims. 23 cm. (M2797) E 457-4- E 3 Cover title. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Inscribed: "Mrs. William T. Scott President of Edgar County Historical Society." 1467. The Edinburgh review, or critical journal, v. 113, no. 230; Jan-Apr. 1861. London, Long- man, Green, Longman and Roberts; Edinburg, A. and C. Black. AP4.E3 2d set, v. 1 13 Editor: Sir G. C. Lewis. "The election of President Lincoln and its conse- quences": p. 555-5 8 7- 1468. EDWARDS, HENRY L. Discourse com- memorative of our illustrious martyr, delivered in Congregational Church, South Abington, fast day, June 1, 1865. Boston, Wright & Potter, Printers, 1865. 16 p. 235/2 cm. (M502) E457.8.E26 copy 2 Letter of transmittal from the author to Charles H. Hart laid in. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1469. EGGLESTON, EDWARD. The Gray- sons: a story of Illinois. With illustrations by Alle- gra Eggleston. New York, The Century Co. [ c i887] 5 p. 1., 362 p. illus. 20 cm. (M1030) PS1582.G7 1888 Historical fiction. Cloth; with gray back, tan sides, and gilt lettering on spine. 1470. Another issue. 1918 [ c 1 9 r 5] 19 cm. (var. ofMi030) PS1582.G7 1918 Issued under title: The Graysons: a Story of Abraham Lincoln. Title and copyright pages reset. Olive-colored cloth, with blue lettering on cover and spine. .1471. EGGLESTON, GEORGE CARY. The American immortals; the record of men who by their achievements in statecraft, war, science, litera- ture, art, law and commerce have created the American republic, and whose names are inscribed in the Hall of Fame [at New York University] New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons [ c igoi] xviii, 432 p. ports. 29/2 cm. Ei76.E3copy3 "Abraham Lincoln": p. 199-220. Title page printed within ornamental borders. 1472. EHRMANN, BESS V. (Hicks). Back trails of Indiana, by Bess V. Ehrmann. New York City, Horizon House [1943] 207 p. 22 cm. F534.R68E36 copy 3 With references to Lincoln as a boy and young man in Indiana. 1473. [EHRMANN, BESS V. (Hicks)] His- toric Rockport and Spencer County, Indiana. [Rockport? Ind., Spencer County Historical So- ciety, 1935] [20] p. illus. 1 1 J/2 x 14 cm. (M3473) P Cover title. A guide to the Lincoln country. 1474. EHRMANN, BESS V. (Hicks) . Lincoln and his neighbors, by Bess V. Ehrmann. Prepared for the Spencer County Historical Society. Rock- port, Ind., Democrat Pub. Co., 1948) [46] p. (inch covers) illus., ports., facsim. 22/2 cm. E 457-3 2 - E 5 co PV 2 "Lincoln in Rockport": p. [9M12] Printed wrappers. 1475. Another edition. 1950. [48] p. (inch covers) E457.32.E5 copy 3 "Second publication 1950." From same plates with expansion of the section "Lin- coln in Rockport" (p. [9H13]). P. [14] blank. Printed on glossy paper. Same binding. 1476. ERLIMANN, BESS V. (Hicks) . The Lin- coln Pioneer Village; a Lincoln memorial, Rock- port, Indiana, by Bess V. Ehrmann. [Rockport] Democrat Pub. Co., 1949. [8] p. illus. 21cm. E 457-3 2 - E 52copy2 Printed wrappers. 1477. EHRMANN, BESS V. (Hicks). The miss- ing chapter in the life of Abraham Lincoln; a number of articles, episodes, photographs, pen and ink sketches concerning the life of Abraham Lin- coln in Spencer county, Indiana, between 18 16- 1830 and 1844, by Bess V. Ehrmann; pen and ink sketches by Mary Lee Gabbert. Chicago, 111., W. 3 6 M. Hill [ c i938] 4 p. 1., [vii]-xiv p., i 1., 150 p. illus., ports., map, facsims. 25 cm. (M3615) E457-3- E 53 co Py3 "One thousand copies of this book were printed of which this is number 460." Includes information brought to light by the Lincoln inquiry conducted by the Southwestern Indiana Historical Society and the list (p. 29-59) of all papers, addresses and activities concerning the Lincolns that have stemmed from the Society. Cf. p. 29. 1478. EHRMANN, BESS V. (Hicks). "When Lincoln went flat boating from Rockport." [Rock- port? 1926] [8] p. 20/2 cm. (M3009 note) P Cover title. "A pageant presented at Rocky Side Park, Rockport, Indiana . . . September 16, 1926." "Written by Bess Ehrmann." Blue printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1479. Another edition. [1928] [20] p. 21/2 cm. (M3009) P Cover title. Revised, enlarged, and from different plates. "Presented July 4th, 1928, at Rockyside Park, Rock- port, Indiana." "Author and director of pageant, Mrs. Calder Ehr- mann." p. [1] Light blue printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1482. EIFERT, VIRGINIA L. (Snider). Out of the wilderness; young Abe Lincoln grows up, by Virginia S. Eifert. Illustrated by Manning De V. Lee. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1 956. 214 p. illus. 24 cm. PS3509.I45O8 copy 3 1483. EIFERT, VIRGINIA L. (Snider). Three rivers south, the story of young Abe Lincoln, by Virginia S. Eifert. Illustrated by Thomas Hart Benton. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1953. x p., 1 1., 176 p. illus. 24 cm. PS3509.I45T5 1484. EINHORN, DAVID. David Einhorn, memorial volume: selected sermons and addresses, edited by Kaufmann Kohler; a biographical essay, by Kaufmann Kohler; a memorial oration, by Emil G. Hirsch. New York, Bloch Pub. Co., 191 1. vi, iii-iv p., 1 1., v-viii, 482 p. 4 ports. 23 cm. BM740.E5 191 1 copy 2 "Limited edition." Sermons and addresses in German. "Trauerrede gehalten am 19. April 1865, als am Tage der Bestattung Abraham Lincolns, im Tempel der Keneseth-Israel-Gemeinde zu Philadelphia" : p. 135-139. "Gedachtnissrede gehalten am 1. Juni 1865, als an dem von der Nation anberaumten Gedachtnisstage zu Ehren Abraham Lincolns, im Tempel der Keneseth-Israel- Gemeinde zu Philadelphia": p. 140-147. 1480. Another edition. [1930] [12] p. 21 cm. ( M3009 var. ) E457.9.E33 copy 3 & X copy Title page title. At head of title : As a living memorial to the memory of Abraham Lincoln's fourteen years in Spencer County, Indiana. Cover title: "When Lincoln went flatboating from Rockport," a biennial historical pageant of the Lincoln family in Spencer County, 18 1 6— 1830 . . . "[Presented at] Rockyside Park, Rockport, Indiana, July 4th, 1930." "Author and director — Bess V. Ehrmann." All editions apparently from the collection of John W. Starr, Jr. Cf. letter from Starr to the author, laid in copy 3. Blue-gray illustrated printed wrappers. 1481. EIFERT, VIRGINIA L. (Snider). The Buffalo Trace, by Virginia S. Eifert. Illustrated by Manning De V. Lee. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1955- xii p., 1 1., 193 p. illus. 25 cm. PS3509.I45B8 "This is the story of Abraham Lincoln, Esquire, Presi- dent Lincoln's grandfather." — Forward. 1485. EINHORN, DAVID. Trauer-Rede, ge- halten am igten April, 1865, als am Tage der Beisetzung des am 15. April entschlummerten Abraham Lincoln, Prasidenten der Vereinigten Staaten, im Temple der Keneseth Israel gemeinde zu Philadelphia. [Philadelphia] Stein und Jones [1865] 8 p. 22 cm. (M3778) E457.8.E35 copy 2 Mourning borders. Printed wrappers. In brown slipcase. i486. EISENSCHIML, OTTO. A Booth fan- tasy. [Harrogate, Tenn., Dept. of Lincolniana, Lin- coln Memorial University, 1944] 12 p. 16/2 cm. P "Reprinted from Lincoln Herald, June 1944, vol. XLV, No. 2." Printed wrappers. 1487. EISENSCHIML, OTTO. The case of A. L , aged 56; some curious medical aspects of Lincoln's death and other studies. Chicago, 111., 137 Priv. Print, for the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, r 943- 55> ['] P- illus -> facsim. 23/2 cm. E 457-5 E 5 6 2copy3 "500 copies." Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 52- 55)- Page [56] autographed by the author. 1488. EISENSCHIML, OTTO. The celebrated case of Fitz John Porter; an American Dreyfus af- fair. Maps by Barbara Long. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs-Merrill [1950] 344 p. illus., ports., maps. 22 cm. E467. 1 .P8E38 copy 3 "First edition." Inscribed to Alfred W. Stern, May 1950. 1489. EISENSCHIML, OTTO. The drama of Lincoln's assassination. An address delivered at Lincoln Memorial University on the occasion of its fortieth anniversary, February 12, 1937. [Harro- gate? Tenn., 1937] 7 p. 22/2 cm. (M3560) E 457-5- E 563 copy 3 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 1490. EISENSCHIML, OTTO. In the shadow of Lincoln's death. New York, W. Funk, 1940. x "> 4 X 5' M P- illus., ports., maps., facsims. 23/2 cm. E457.5.E566 copy 3 Illustrated title on two leaves. Bibliographical references in "Notes." Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. 1491. EISENSCHIML, OTTO. Reviewers re- viewed; a challenge to historical critics. A paper read at the William L. Clements Library, Univer- sity of Michigan, February 9, 1940. Ann Arbor, William L. Clements Library, 1940. 22 p. 21 cm. [Bulletin no. xxxi of the William L. Clements library] E 457-5- E 573 copies 4 & 5 Copy 4 in red paper boards with paper label on cover. Copy 5 in greenish-gray wrappers with black lettering on cover. 1492. EISENSCHIML, OTTO. The romance of Alton. Chicago, The Home of Books, Inc., 1939. 105-110 p. 25/2 cm. (Lincoln group papers, re- print no. 7) (M3529 note) P Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 1493. EISENSCHIML, OTTO. The story of Shiloh. Published under the auspices of the Civil War Round Table and decorated by Joseph Traut- wein. [Chicago, Norman Press, 1946] 89, [1] p. illus., ports., maps. 24 cm. E473.54.E3 "Printed April, 1946" in a limited edition. Flyleaf inscribed by the author "for my esteemed fel- low-historian and friend, Alfred Whital Stern." Verso of p. 89 autographed by the author and Monroe F. Cockrell. In blue three-quarter-closed case. 1494. EISENSCHIML, OTTO. Why was Lin- coln murdered? Boston, Little, Brown, 1937. x, 503 p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 23/2 cm. (M3561) E457.5.E57 copy 5 "First edition." Includes bibliographies. 1495. Another issue. New York, Grosset & Dun- la P ['957, c 1937] viii > 5°3 P- 2I cm - (Grosset's universal library, UL-15) E457.5.E57 1957 Title page from different plate. Without illustrations. Printed wrappers. 1496. EISENSCHIML, OTTO, and E. B. LONG. As luck would have it, chance and co- incidence in the Civil War. Maps by Barbara Long. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs-Merrill [1948] 285 p. maps, facsim. 22/2 cm. E468.E415 copy 3 "First edition." "1865: in which some trivial incidents pave the way for a great tragedy" [the assassination of Lincoln]: p. 259- 271. Inscribed to Alfred Whital Stern by the authors and illustrator. 1497. ELI AS, EDITH L. Abraham Lincoln. London, Bombay, Sydney, G. G. Harrap [193 1] 191 p. 9 illus. 19 cm. (Heroes of all time) (M2239 var.) E457.E42 copy 2 "Reprinted . . . April 1931." 1498. Elizabethtown [Kentucky] Woman's Club. Sarah Bush Lincoln; the beloved foster mother of Abraham Lincoln. A memorial. Elizabethtown, Ky. [ c 1922]. [8] p. illus., port., facsim. 24 cm. (M2602) P Cover title. 1499. ELLIOT, MARY E., com p. Lincoln souvenir. Charlestown, Mass. [1930] [12] p. illus. 26/2 cm. E457.E43 Cover title. Verse and prose. I38 "Published under the auspices of Abraham Lincoln Relief Corps, no. 39, Department of Massachusetts, W. R. C. Auxiliary to Abraham Lincoln Post, no. 11, G.A. R." 1500. [Elliott-Fisher Co., Harrisburg, Pa.] From obscurity to world wide fame. [Harrisburg, Pa., Elliott-Fisher Co., 1909] 16 p. illus., port. 13 cm. (M1715) P Cover title. Inscribed "For Judge . . . Fish Compliments of Jno. W.Starr, Jr. 6/2/10." Short biography of Lincoln used as an advertisement. 1501. ELLIS, CHARLES M. The memorial ad- dress on Abraham Lincoln, delivered at the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, Saint John, N. B., June 1, 1865 at the invitation of the citizens. Saint John, N. B., J. & A. McMillan, 1865. iv p., 1 1., [7]- 31 p. 17/2 cm. (M505) E457.8.E47 copy 2 Brown three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1502. [ELLIS, CHARLES M.] The power of the Commander-in-Chief to declare martial law, and decree emancipation : as shown from B. R. Curtis. By Libertas [pseud.] Boston, A. Williams, 1862. 24 p. 24 cm. (Mi 27 note) E458.8.E47 copies 2 & 3 Copy 2 inscribed: "Hon. Theophilus Parsons with the regards of C. M. Ellis." Blue cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1503. ELLIS, GEORGE E. The nation's ballot and its decision; a discourse delivered in Austin- Street Church, Cambridgeport, and in Harvard Church, Charlestown, on Sunday, Nov. 13, 1864; being the Sunday following the presidential elec- tion. Boston, W. V. Spencer, 1864. 18 p. 23/2 cm. (M294) E458.4.E48 X copy Printed wrappers. 1504. ELLIS, LEWIS ETHAN. A history of the Chicago delegation in Congress, 1843-1925. [Springfield, 111., Journal Print. Co., 193 1] 100 p. maps, tables. 23 cm. JK1029.5.I5E5 "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society [for 1930] Publication no. 37." "Civil War and Reconstruction" : p. 24-33. Printed wrappers. 1505. ELTING, MARY. The real book about Abraham Lincoln, by Michael Gorham [pseud.] Illustrated by Elinore Blaisdell. Garden City, N. Y., Garden City Books [1951] 186 p. illus. 20/2 cm. (Real books, edited by Helen Hoke) E 457-9°5- E 4 co P ies 3 & 4 Boards. Cloth back. 1506. Emancipation and its results. [New York, 1863] 32 p. 22 cm. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 6) E458.S67 2d set, no. 6 Cover title. A reprint of Free Negroism; or, Results of Emancipa- tion, published, New York, 1862, as Anti-abolition tract, no. 2. Another copy in bound volume entitled Lincoln-McClel- lan Campaign Pamphlets. (See item 2590, no. 23.) Self-wrappers. 1507. The Emancipator, v. 11, Mar. 1928. Ft. Wayne, Ind., Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. P "The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company an- nounces the creation of a national foundation for the study of Abraham Lincoln" : p. 5 1 . 1508. The £manu-El review, v. 7, Feb. 1922. New York, Temple Emanu-El. P "The religious element in Lincoln," by H. G. Enelow: P- 7-9- 1509. EMERSON, RALPH. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Emerson's personal recollections of Abraham Lin- coln. Rockford, 111. [Wilson Bros. Co., Printers] 1909. 18 p., 1 1. 3 ports., 2 facsims. 23 cm. (M1716) E457.i5.E53Copy 2 "Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address" : p. 17. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1 5 10. EMERSON, RALPH WALDO. Abraham Lincoln. New York, Priv. Print., 19 14. 12 p. ports., facsim. 23/2 cm. (M2135) E457.52.E5 "Thirty copies . . . printed with two photographs and a facsimile of the title page of the Oratorical Year Book. This is number 10. [Signed] F. H. Meserve." "This address was delivered ... at Concord, Massa- chusetts, on the occasion of funeral services in honor of Mr. Lincoln, in April, 1865." First published in The Oritorical Year Book for 1865, edited by A. H. Hill. See item 2035. Introduction (p. [3]-[4]) by Frederick Hill Meserve. Half-title inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1920." 151 1. [EMERSON, RALPH WALDO] The President's proclamation. [Boston, Ticknor and Fields] 638-642 p. 24 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The Atlantic Monthly, v. 10, Nov. 1862. 139 151 2. Engineering Societies of Boston. Journal, v. 1, Feb. 1930. P "Abraham Lincoln, an appreciation," by R. L. O'Brien: p. 6. 15 13. ENOS, ZIMRI A. The early surveyors and surveying in Illinois, by Z. A. Enos. Before the Illi- nois Society of Engineers, January 29, 1891. Springfield, 111., Springfield Print. Co., 1891. 7 p. 2 fold, facsim. 23 cm. (M1082) TA522.I29E5 copy 2 Cover title. Concerned chiefly with Lincoln's opinion of Jan. 6, 1859, on Congressional regulation of surveying. Inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1916." Dark green half-moracco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 15 14. The Epvvorth herald; a journal for youth, v. 44, February 1 1, 1933. Chicago, Methodist Book Concern. BX8205.A33 v. 44 X copy "Lincoln,"' [a poem] by Edgar Daniel Kramer: p. 4. "Lincoln at the World's Fair," by T. Otto Nail: p. 5, [9] "Lincoln and our progress in race relations," by W. E. J. Gratz: p. [10] 15 15. Erie Railroad magazine, v. 30, Feb. 1935. Cleveland, Erie Railroad Co. TF1.E7 v.30 X copy "Lincoln's trip over the Erie," by C. D. Morris: p. 9, 38. 1 5 16. ESKEW, GARNETT LAIDLAW. Wil- lard's of Washington, the epic of a capital caravan- sary, by Garnett Laidlaw Eskew, assisted by B. P. Adams. New York, Coward-McCann [1954] xv, 240 p. illus., ports., facsims. 24/2 cm. TX941.W5E8 copy 3 References to Lincoln in chapter entitled "Hotel-keep- ing in a house divided" (p. 45-60). Boards. Cloth back. 15 1 7. ESTABROOK, HENRY D. The venge- ance of the flag, and other occasional addresses. New York, Chicago, Toronto, London, Edinburgh, Fleming H. Revell ["1914] 372 p. 21 cm. AC8.E7 copy 3 "The vengeance of the flag" [speech on Lincoln and the flag delivered at the Washington Day banquet of the Union League Club, Chicago, Feb. 22, 1893]: p. 1 1-23. 15 18. [EVANS, HENRY O.] Lincoln as he lived religion. [Pittsburgh, Caddie Welfare Committee of the Western Pennsylvania Golf Association] 1928. 32, [1] p. 13 J/2 cm. (M3010) P Cover title. 15 1 9. EVANS, LYNDEN. The Lincoln memo- rial. Speech in charge of the bill in the House of Representatives, January 29, 19 13. Washington, [Govt. Print. Off.] 1913. 8 p. 24 cm. (M2075) P Cover title. 1520. EVANS, T. C. Of many men. New York, American News Co., 1888. vi, 266 p. 19 cm. CTi 19.E8 copy 3 "Two inaugurations": p. [g2]-io8. (Concerned al- most exclusively with Lincoln's first inauguration.) 1 52 1. EVANS, WILLIAM A. Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, a study of her personality and her influence on Lincoln, by W. A. Evans, M. S., M. D. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1932. viii p., 3 1., 3-364, xiii, [1] p. illus., ports., facsim., fold, geneal. tab. 22/2 cm. (M3315) E457.25.E94 copy 4 "First edition." Bibliography: p. [353]-364- Brown cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. Brown top. 1522. Another issue. 23/2 cm. (var. of M3315) E457.25.E94 1932a "Of the first edition . . . one hundred ninety-five copies have been printed on all-rag paper . . . Each copy is signed by the author. This is number 29." Gilt-sprayed maroon cloth. Blue paper label. Gilt top. Maroon marker. 1523. EVERETT, CHARLES CARROLL. Euology on Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, delivered before the citizens of Bangor on the day of the national fast, June 1st, 1865. Bangor, Printed by S. S. Smith, 1865. 30 p. 22/2 cm. (M507) E457.8.Eg3copy3 Blue half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1524. EVERETT, CHARLES CARROLL. A sermon in commemoration of the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, preached in the Independent Congregational Church of Bangor, on Easter Sunday, April 16, 1865. Bangor, Printed by B. A. Burr, 1865. 25 p. 23/2 cm. (M508) E457.8.E933 copy 3 Mourning borders. Printed wrappers. I40 1525. EVERETT, EDWARD. Address deliv- ered in Faneuil Hall, October 19, 1864. The duty of supporting the government in the present crisis of affairs. [Boston? 1864] 16 p. 22/2 cm. E458.4.E93 copy 3 Caption title. "The rebellion inexcusable : warning and protest against it. By Alexander H. Stephens, made at the capitol of Georgia, January, 1861": p. 15-16. Self-wrappers ( ?) . 1526. EVERETT, EDWARD. Address at the consecration of the National Cemetery at Gettys- burg, 19th November, 1863, with the dedicatory speech of President Lincoln, and the other exercises of the occasion; accompanied by an account of the origin of the undertaking and of the arrangement of the cemetery grounds, and by a map of the battle- field and a plan of the cemetery. Boston, Little, Brown, 1864. 87, [1] p. map, fold. plan. (M194) E475.55.E93 copies 6 & 7 "Published for the benefit of the Cemetery Monument Fund." Copy 6 inscribed : "The Astor Library from the author." Copy 7 inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Copy 6 (245/2 cm.) bound in gray printed self-wrappers. Copy 7 (25 cm.) bound in black cloth, gilt-lettered on spine. In black slipcase. 1527. EVERETT, EDWARD. The Monroe doc- trine. Paper by Edward Everett. Letter of John Quincy Adams. Extract from speech of Geo. Canning. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 17 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication So- ciety. [Pamphlets] no. 34) E463.L96 no. 34 4th set Cover title. On cover: New York, Oct., 1863. Contents. — The Monroe doctrine; paper by Edward Everett [reprinted from the New York Ledger, Oct. 3, 1863]. — Letter of John Quincy Adams, on the Monroe doctrine [dated Aug. 11, 1837 and reprinted from the Providence Journal]. — The balance of power in Europe; extract from a speech of the Right Hon. George Canning on the relations of Portugal, in the House of Commons, Dec. 12th, 1826. In pamphlet holder. 1528. EVERETT, EDWARD. An oration de- livered on the battlefield of Gettysburg, (November 19, 1863,) at the consecration of the cemetery. Prepared for the interment of the remains of those who fell in the battles of July 1st, 2d, and 3d, 1863. To which is added interesting reports of the dedica- tory ceremonies; descriptions of the battlefields; incidents and details of the battles, &c. New York, Baker & Godwin, Printers, 1863. 48 p. plan. 22/2 cm. (M193) E475.55.E935 copy 3 "President Lincoln's speech": p. 40. Printed wrappers. In brown slipcase. 1529. EVERETT, EDWARD. The questions of the day. An address, delivered in the Academy of Music, in New York, on the fourth of July, 1861. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1861. 46 p. 24/2 cm. E457.8.S954 copy 2 Issued also under title: The Great Issues Now Before the Country. Ms. note on cover: "Rev. Dr. Fuller with Mr. (?) Everett's thanks for a copy of his address of the 21st Jan. '5'-" Bound with item 4065. 1530. EVERETT, LLOYD T. Davis, Lincoln, and the Kaiser, some comparisons compared (na- tional and international ethics, 1861 and 19 14). Ballston, Va., Yexid Pub. Co., 19 17. 12 p. 19/2 cm. (M2306) E650.E92 copy 2 Criticism of "Abraham Lincoln and the issues of the world war," an article which appeared in the Saturday Evening Post of May 5, 19 17, written by George Wharton Pepper. Extracts from Pepper's article are quoted. "References": p. 12. Printed wrappers. , 1 53 1. [EWING, THOMAS] Lincoln and the General Land Office, 1849. [Springfield, 111., 1932] 15 p. 23 cm. (M3316) E457.8.E953 copy 2 Cover title. "By Thomas Ewing." "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume xxv, no. 3, October, 1932. [Printed by authority of the State of Illinois]" The first part of an address at a campfire dinner, La Fayette Post, G. A. R. and Sons of Veterans, New York, Feb. 12, 1 9 14. — Cf. ms. note on p. 1. For the closing part of the address see the author's Some Thoughts on Lincoln's Presidency (1933). 1532. Facts; the magazine of essential informa- tion, v. 2, Feb. 1943. Chicago, Recorder Pub. Co. AP2.F145 v. 2 X copy "Abraham Lincoln, the Prairie President," by Harry M. Beardsley: p. [93]-! 1 1. 1533. FAIRBAIRN, CHARLOTTE JUDD. Historic Flarpers Ferry in Jefferson County, West Virginia, gateway of the Shenandoah. Illustrated 141 by William D. Eubank. Ranson, W. Va. ; Whitney & White [19 — ] 48 p. illus. 20 cm. F249.H2F3 "John Brown's raid": p. 30-40. "Harpers Ferry dur- ing the War Between the States": p. 41-47. Printed wrappers. 1534. FAIRBANKS, A VARD. Making the Lin- coln statue for New Salem, [n. p., 1954?] 16 p. illus., port. 24/2 cm. NA9350.N4F3 Cover title. "Reprinted from the summer, 1954 issue of the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society." Self-wrappers. Head of the New Salem Lincoln on cover. 1535. FAIRBANKS, CHARLES W. Vice-Presi- dent Fairbanks, Lincoln Day banquet, Union League of Maryland and the Young Men's Repub- lican Club, Baltimore, Md., February 12, 1907. Indianapolis, L. G. Dynes Print. Co. [1907] 11 p. 24 cm. (M1527) E457.8.F16 copy 3 An address. On cover : Abraham Lincoln. Printed wrappers. 1536. FAIRFIELD, LOUIS W. Abraham Lin- coln. Speech delivered before the Lincoln Club. Brooklyn, N. Y., February 12, 1921. (Printed in the Congressional Record, February 13, 1921) Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1922. 19 p. 23 cm. (M2568) P Cover title. Autographed by the author. 1537. FALKNER, JOHN BLAKE. A sermon on the services and death of Abraham Lincoln, preached in Christ Church, Bridgeport, Conn., Easter Sunday, April 16th, 1865. Repeated in the North Congregational Church, Bridgeport, April 19th, 1865. By Rev. John Falkner Blake. New York, W. H. Kelley & Bro., 1865. 29 p. 23/2 cm. (M408) E457.8.Fi9Xcopy Mourning borders. On cover: Abraham Lincoln. A memorial sermon. On change of the author's name, subsequent to the publication of his sermon, see M4o8, note. Printed wrappers. 1538. FARNUM, GEORGE R. Abraham Lin- coln, today and tomorrow, [n. p., 1939?] [8] p. port. 2 1 J/2 cm. (M35i2var.) E457.8.F22 copies 1 & 2 "Reprinted from the Boston Sunday post, February 12, 1939, and from the March 1939 issue of 'The Law stu- dent,' published by the American Law Book Company, Brooklyn, N. Y." Author's autographed presentation copies (copy 1 to Albert H. Griffith, copy 2 to Raymond S. Wilkins). Printed wrappers. 1 539. FARQUHAR, JOHN. The claims of God to recognition in the assassination of President Lin- coln. A sermon preached on the day of national humiliation and prayer, in the Chanceford Presby- terian Church, Lower Chanceford, York Co., Pa., and in the Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, Faun, York Co., Pa. Lancaster, Pa., Pearsol & Geist, Printers, 1865. 23 p. 22 cm. (M510) E457.8.F23 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 1540. FARRINGTON, FRANK. Abraham Lin- coln. Delhi, N. Y., Greenlawn Publications, 1944. [15] p. 18 cm. PS35ii.A74A64copy3 A poem. "Edition limited to 101 copies. No. 81 [Signed] Frank Farrington." Printed wrappers. 1 54 1. FARRINGTON, FRANK. The nomina- tion of Abraham Lincoln. Delhi, N. Y., Greenlawn Publications, 1945. [25] p. mounted port. 18 cm. E457.4.F3 copy 3 "Edition limited to 151 copies. No. 67. [Signed] Frank Farrington." Printed wrappers. 1542. FARRINGTON, HARRY WEBB. The liberty of Lincoln. Bradley Beach, N. J., Rough and Brown Press [1925] 67-102 p. illus., ports. 20/2 cm. (M2767) E457.8.F25 Published in 1925 as pt. 3 of the author's Walls of America (House of Uncle Sam). Author's autographed presentation copy to Charles T. White. 1543. FAXON, GRACE B., ed. Pieces and plays for Lincoln's birthday; recitations for primary grades and other pupils, acrostics, verses for familiar tunes, quotations, anecdotes, epigrams, dialogues and plays, and suggestive programs. Dansville, N. Y., F. A. Owen Pub Co. ; Chicago, Hall & Mc- Creary [ e 1 9 1 6] 192 p. 18/2 cm. (Instructor en- tertainment series) (M2240 var.) E457.7.F3 Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1544. FAY, HERBERT WELLS. The story of Lincoln's tomb and it's [sic] three constructions . . . 142 Springfield, 111., Week by Week Press, 1932. folder ([4] p.) illus. 23 cm. (M3317) E 457-52-F28copy3 Cover title. "Privately printed." Three pages of text. 1545. FEARING, CLARENCE W. Contem- porary kindred of Abraham Lincoln ; a paper read at a meeting of the Weymouth Historical Society, March 29, 1928. Weymouth, Mass. [ c ig29] 53 p., 3 1. mounted port. 24 cm. (M3086) E 457-32-F28copy3 1546. FELDMAN, ABRAHAM J. "America's immortals — have they lived in vain?" A discourse at Temple Keneseth Israel. Philadelphia, Febru- ary 20, 1921. [Philadelphia? 1921?] [97]-io6 p. 23 cm. (Series 34, no. 16) (M2502) P Caption title. The contributions of Washington, Lincoln, and Woodrow Wilson. 1547. FELDMAN, ABRAHAM J. Have we for- gotten Lincoln? A discourse at Temple Keneseth Israel, Philadelphia, February 11, 1923. [Phila- delphia, O. Klonower, 1923] [79J-88 p. 23 cm. (Dr. Krauskopfs Sunday discourses, ser. 36, no. 17) (M2636) BM740K8 vol. 36 no. 17 Caption title. Self-wrappers. 1548. [FELL, JESSE W.] Story of the Lincoln autobiography. [Bloomington, 111., 19 16] [2] p. 25/2 cm. (M2241) P Caption title. Cf. M2233 note. 1549. FERGUSON, WILLIAM J. I saw Booth shoot Lincoln, by W. J. Ferguson. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1930. 4 p.l., 63 p. illus., ports., facsims., diagr. 22 cm. (M3181) E 457-5- F 35 co PY3 "This edition is limited to one thousand copies." 1550. FERRIS, ISAAC. The duties of the times: preached on the national thanksgiving, August 6, 1863, in the University Place Presbyterian Church. New York, John A. Gray & Green, 1863. 24 p. 21/2 cm. P Printed wrappers. 155 1. FESS, SIMEON D. Abraham Lincoln; address before the Union League of Philadelphia, Friday evening, February 15, 1924.. [n. p., 1924?] 35 p. 24 cm. (M2691) E457.8.F39 Cover title. 1552. FESS, SIMEON D. Abraham Lincoln; speech of Hon. S. D. Fess, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, Thursday, February 12, 1914. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 19 14] 16 p. 24/2 cm. (M2136) P Caption title. Self-wrappers. 1553. A Few words in behalf of the loyal women of the United States, by one of themselves. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 23 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pam- phlets] no. 10) E463.L96 no. 10 4th set Cover title. On cover: New York, May, 1863. Page 22 begins: "are at least able." Appears also in another issue with note on verso of p. 23; and in another edition with different arrangement of type, p. 22 beginning: "and it is a reason." In pamphlet holder. 1554. FIELD, MAUNSELL B. Memories of many men and of some women; being personal recollections of emperors, kings, queens, princes, presidents, statesmen, authors, and artists, at home and abroad, during the last thirty years. New York, Harper & Bros., 1874. 2 p. 1., x, [1 1]— 339 p. 19/2 cm. E415.9.F55F4 copy 2 Frequent references to Lincoln in final chapters. 1 555. FIELD, RICHARD S. Address on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln. Delivered before the Legislature of New Jersey, February 12, 1866. Trenton, N. J., Printed at the "State Gazette" Off., 1866. 40 p. 23 cm. (M851) E457.8.F45 copy 2 Cover inscribed by the author ( ? ) . Printed wrappers. 1556. FIFIELD, JAMES W. Lincoln— creative thinker. [Los Angeles, 1940] [7] p. 15/2 cm. P Cover title. 1557. The Filson Club history quarterly, v. 17, Apr. 1943. Louisville, Ky. F446.F484 3d set, v.17 "Joshua Fry Speed, 18 14-1882, Abraham Lincoln's most intimate friend," by Robert L. Kincaid: p. [63]-i23- (Lincoln's letters to Speed: p. 90-123.) 143 1558. The Financial situation. To Abraham Lin- coln, the Union senators, congressmen, the people, and especially to the farmers of the United States. [New York, 1865] 15 p. 23/2 cm. (M666) HG525.F49 copy 2 Caption title. On cover: The financial situation. Signed: A patriot. Self-wrappers. 1559. FINLEY, JOHN H. The French in the heart of America, by John Finley. New York, Scribner, 1918. x, 431 p. 19/2 cm. F35 x - F 5 l 9 l * "New edition, September, 19 18." "Some of these chapters [first appeared] in Scribner's Magazine in 19 12." "From La Salle to Lincoln" : p. 270-290. 1560. The First Methodist herald, v. 5, Feb. 4, 1937. Glendale, Calif., First Methodist Episcopal Church. P "Congratulations Dr. Blakesbee!": p. [i]-4- 1 56 1. FISCHER, LeROY HENRY. Adam Gu- rowski and the civil war: a radical's record. Ur- bana, 111., 1943. 18 p., 1 1. 23 cm. E4i5-9.G9F5copy3 Abstract of thesis (Ph. D.) — University of Illinois, 1943. Vita. Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. Printed wrappers. 1562. FISCHKIN, EDWARD A. Abraham Lin- coln and the Jewish spirit. Address delivered at the Lincoln celebration of the Chicago Hebrew Institute, by Dr. E. A. Fischkin. Chicago, 111., Chi- cago Hebrew Institute, 1909. 16 p. 17 cm. (M1721) E457.2.F52 copy 3 Printed wrappers, bound in contemporary cloth. 1563. FISH, CARL RUSSELL. The develop- ment of American nationality. New York, Amer- ican Book Co. [19 1 6, c i9i3] xii, 558, xiii-xxxix p. ports., maps (part fold., part col.) 215/2 cm. (A short history of the American people, v. 2) E178.F53 1916 "Revised to 19 16." Numerous references to Lincoln in chapters entitled "Breaking of the bonds of Union" (p. 327-359), "Di- vision" (p. 360-372), "The Civil War" (p. 373-395), "Politics during the War" (p. 396-406), "Reconstruction to 1872" (p. 407-432). 1564. FISH, DANIEL. Legal phases of the Lin- coln and Douglas debates. Annual address before the State Bar Association of Minnesota at Minne- apolis, July 14, 1909. Reprinted from the Proceed- ings [n. p.] 1909. 15 p. 13 cm. (M1722) E4574T53 c °py 3 Author's autographed presentation copy to A. H. Griffith. Printed wrappers. 1565. FISH, DANIEL. Lincoln literature; a bibliographical account of books and pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln. Minneapolis [Public Library] Board, 1900. vii p., 1 1., [n]-i35 P- 26/2 cm. (Mi 283) Z8505.F53 copies 3 & 4 Fly leaf of copy 3 inscribed: "Hon. Samuel W. Penny- packer with regards of William H. Lambert." Bookplate of William L. Clements. Copy 3 in green three-quarter-morocco, with original gray printed wrappers bound in. Gilt top. In green case. Copy 4 bound in red cloth and inserted in red case. 1566. Another edition. New York, F. D. Tandy [1906] 2 p. 1., 137-380 p. 2 ports. 23/2 cm. (M1498) Z8505.F54 1906a copies 1 & 2 Rev. and enl. ed. from different plates, issued under title: Lincoln Bibliography: a List of Books and Pamphlets Relating to Abraham Lincoln. "Prepared for use only in The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln [Gettysburg ed. [1905] vol. 1 1, p. [135]— 380. Item 55.] Only seventy-five signed, registered, and numbered copies have been separately issued, of which forty only are for sale . . . [Signed] Daniel Fish [and] Francis D. Tandy." These are nos. 30 and 7. Interleaved. Copy 1 bound in red cloth, lettered in gilt on spine. Gilt top. Copy 2 bound in red quarter-leather. In red 1567. Another edition. Rock Island, 111., Augus- tana Book Concern, 1926. xiv, [2], 137-380 p. 3 ports. 24/2 cm. (M1499) Z8505.F54 1926 copy 3 From different plates. Issued under title: A Reprint of the List of Books and Pamphlets Relating to Abraham Lincoln, compiled by Daniel Fish ... in 1906 [by] Joseph Benjamin Oak- leaf . . . With reproduction of original title page. "A verbatim copy of the original Fish, excepting that the portraits of Lincoln are different." — p. vii. "Consisting of 102 signed and numbered copies, of which this is no. 63. There are also six unnumbered copies." Signed: Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf. Black half-morocco, with blue cloth sides. Gilt letter- ing on spine. Gilt top. I44 1568. FISH, HAMILTON, Jr. Lincoln and present day Republican policies; Address at the thirty-sixth annual Lincoln day banquet of the Association of Young Republicans of Missouri and the Republican State Organization held at Spring- field, Mo., February 12, 1935. Printed in the Con- gressional record of February 14, 1935. Washing- ton, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1935. 8 p. 22 cm. (M3475) P Cover title. 1569. FISHER, HANNAH M. Lincoln, the world's noblest hero; an address delivered at the commencement of Lincoln Memorial University, June 3, 1930, Harrogate, Tennessee. [Portland, Oreg., The Ivy Press, 1930] 8 p. 23 /2cm. (M3182) E457.8.F52 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 1570. FITZGERALD, W. NORMAN, Jr. Presi- dent Lincoln's blockade and the defense of Mobile. Madison, Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin, 1954. 15 p. 26 cm. (The Lincoln Fellowship of Wiscon- sin, Historical bulletin, no. 12) E476.85.F5 copy 2 Cover title. ''This edition of 250 copies is printed especially for members of the Chicago Civil War Round Table." Self-wrappers. 1571. FITZGERRELL, JAMES J. Lincoln was a spiritualist, by J. J. Fitzgerrell. The religion of Abraham Lincoln, by B. F. Austin. Los Angeles, Calif., Austin Pub. Co., 1924. 79 p. port. 19 cm. (M2692) E457.2.F55 copy 3 Autographed by Fitzgerrell. Printed wrappers. 1572. FITZ-PATRICK, GILBERT. Abraham Lincoln, his environment and his period contrasted with present conditions. Chicago [1936] [5] p. 24 cm. (M3513) P Cover title. "Reprinted from The Phi Alpha Gamma Quarterly, May 1936." 1573. FLAGG, NORMAN G. Lincoln-Douglas debates; address delivered at Alton, Illinois, on October 15, 1929, at the unveiling of memorial of the seventh Lincoln-Douglas joint debate. [Spring- field, 111., 1930] 5 p. illus. 23 cm. (M3183) E457.4.F56 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume 22, no. 4, January, 1930." Printed wrappers. 1574. FLETCHER, WILLIAM ANDREW. Rebel private, front and rear. [Edited] with a pref- ace by Bell Irvin Wiley. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1954. xvii, 162 p. illus. 24 cm. E605.F61 1 954 copy 3 "New edition." Published in a limited edition at Beaumont, Texas, in 1908. 1575. FLINT, ANNIE JOHNSON. ["The Chil- dren's Man,"] a poem inspired by the statue and "The friendly trees," an unpublished poem. [Newark, N. J., 1925] folder ([4] p.) 23 cm. (var. of M2768) Cover title. Enclosed is a typewritten note: "Newark, N. J., Febru- ary 11, 1937. Although this folder seems to have been written over twelve years ago, the copy was given to me this afternoon by Mr. Carl Bannwart, who signs the second page as 'C. B.' [Signed] H. L. T." Cut of statue with caption: The Newark Lincoln. Gutzon Borglum, sculptor, on cover. Statement above cut concludes: May we acknowledge your flowers of friendship by sharing these with you? [Signed] Bertha E. Loew and Carl Bannwart. 1576. [FLINT, HENRY M.] Life of Stephen A. Douglas, United States Senator from Illinois, with his most important speeches and reports, by a mem- ber of the western bar. New York, Derby & Jack- son; Chicago, D. B. Cooke, i860. 264, 187 p. port. 19 cm. E415.9.D73F62 1860a copies 1 & 2 Inscription on end paper of copy 2 dated Apr. 12, i860. Binder's title: Life and speeches of Senator Douglas. Copy 1 bound in dark green cloth, copy 2 in lavender- colored cloth. The spines of both are lettered in gilt. 1577. Another edition. 215 p. E415.9.D73F61 copy 3 At head of title : Authorized edition. Author statement reads: "By H. M. Flint." The first 210 pages have been printed from plates em- ployed for the first 264 pages of the previous edition. Apparently no attempt was made to rephrase the word- ing of the text where deletions occurred. Thus on p. 31-32 of the previous edition, the phrase "States of the Union" occurs as the last word on p. 31 and the first three words on p. 32. In the present edition, the word "States" occurs as the last word on p. 27 (p. 31, repaged) but p. 28 begins a new chapter. Copper-colored printed wrappers. Portrait of Douglas on cover. H5 1578. FLOWER, FRANK ABIAL. Edwin Mc- Masters Stanton, the autocrat of rebellion, emanci- pation, and reconstruction. Akron, Ohio, New York, Chicago, The Saalfield Pub. Co., 1905. 6 p. 1., [191-425, [20I p. illus., ports., facsims. 24 cm. E467.1.S8F6 copy 3 1579. FORAKER, JOSEPH B. Speech of Hon. J. B. Foraker, before the Richland County Lincoln Association at Mansfield, Ohio, February 12, 19 14. [Cincinnati? 1 914] 32 p. 23 cm. (M2137) „ . . , E457.8.F69 copy 4 Caption title. Autographed by the author. Self-wrappers. 1580. FORBES, EDWIN. A Civil War artist at the front; Edwin Forbes' Life studies of the great army. Edited by William Forrest Dawson. New York, Oxford University Press, 1957. [94] p. illus. 21 x 27 cm. NE2195.F6D33 1957 copy 3 The reproductions of Forbes' etchings are accompanied by the editor's descriptive text. 1 58 1 . FORBES, JOHN MURRAY. Letters and recollections of John Murray Forbes. Edited by his daughter, Sarah Forbes Hughes. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1899. 2 v. illus., ports., map, fold, facsim. 22/2 cm. E415.7.F69 copy 2 References to Lincoln. 1582. FORD, WORTHINGTON CHAUNCEY, ed. A cycle of Adams letters, 1861-1865. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1920. 2 v. illus., ports. 225/2 cm. E601.F72 copy 5 Boards. Cloth back. 1583. FORNEY, JOHN W. Anecdotes of public men. New York, Harper & Bros., 1873. l P- 1-j [vii]— viii, [9I-444 p. 19 cm. E176.F66 copy 3 "Originally published in the Washington Sunday Chron- icle and Philadelphia Press." A continuation was issued in 1881 as v. 2. Brief anecdotes and references to Lincoln scattered throughout the text. 1584. FORRESTER, IZOLA L. This one mad act; the unknown story of John Wilkes Booth and his family, by his granddaughter, Izola Forrester. Boston, Hale, Cushman & Flint, 1937. xii, 500 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22/2 cm. (M3562) E457-5- F68 co Py 3 "First printing, September 1937." Genealogical table on end papers. 1585. FORTENBAUGH, ROBERT. Lincoln and Gettysburg [the story of Abraham Lincoln's immortal address at Gettysburg! Gettysburg, The Bookmart, 1949. 53, [3] p. illus., ports., facsim. 23 cm. E475.55.F67 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 30. Illustrated printed wrappers. 1586. FOSTELL, AL EMMETT. A rare and valuable collection of relics of historical interest in connection with our martyr President Abraham Lincoln, from the cradle to the grave. Loaned by Bro. Al Emmett Fostell to Bridgeport Lodge, B. P. O. Elks No. 36, for their grand karnival com- mencing Oct. 21 to Oct. 31, 1904. [Bridgeport? 1904?] 8 p. ports, (on covers) 23 cm. (M1437) E 457-65-F6 Cover title. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1587. FOSTER, DAVID N. Abraham Lincoln and the outbreak of the Civil War; address deliv- ered February 17, 1929, before the First Presby- terian Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana. [Fort Wayne, 1929?] [10] p. 23 cm. (M3087) P Cover and caption title. 1588. FOSTER, ERNEST. Abraham Lincoln. London, Paris, New York, Melbourne, Cassell, 1885. 128 p. port. 19 cm. (The World's work- ers) (Mioii) E457.F75 Gray cloth, with design blind-stamped on back cover, black lettering on front cover and spine. Canary-colored end papers. 1589. Another issue. 1! (var. of M101 1 ) E457.F75 1888 "Third edition." Sixteen pages of advertising following p. 128. Brown cloth, with black lettering on cover, gilt on spine. White end papers. 1590. FOSTER, GENEVIEVE (Stump). Abra- ham Lincoln, an initial biography, by Genevieve Foster. New York, Scribner [1950] nip. col. illus. 19/2 cm. E457.905.F67 copy 3 Juvenile literature. 1591. FOSTER, GENEVIEVE (Stump). Abra- ham Lincoln's world, written and illustrated by 146 Genevieve Foster. 1809- 1865. New York, C. Scribners Sons, 1944. x, 347 p. illus. 26 cm. D21.F578 copy 3 Juvenile literature. 1592. FOSTER, MARTIN D. Lincoln's birth- place; speech in the House of Representatives, April 12, 19 16. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1 g 1 6] . 4 p. 23 cm. (M2242) P Caption title. Appears also in item 4275. In Gaylord binder. 1593. [FOWLER, ALFRED] ed. Lincolniana book plates and collections. Kansas City, H. A. Fowler, 1 9 13. [26] p. illus. (part mounted) 16/2 cm. (M2076) E457.6.F78 copy 3 Title page engraved and mounted. Cover title and half-title: Lincolniana. Contents. — Preface, by H. Alfred Fowler. — Collectors and collecting, by J. Stewart. — Lincolniana, by C. W. Mc- Lellan, — Collecting Lincolniana, by J. B. Oakleaf. Authors' bookplates pasted in. Boards. Cloth hack. 1594. FOWLER, CHARLES HENRY, Bp. An oration on the character and public services of Abraham Lincoln. Delivered by Rev. C. H. Fowler, A. M., in Bryan Hall, Chicago, 111. Chi- cago, Printed at the Methodist Book Depository, 1867. 22 p. 22/2 cm. (M878) E457.8.F78 copy 2 Mourning borders. Letter of transmittal from Carl H. Fowler to Charles T. White, laid in. Glazed printed wrappers. 1595. FOWLER, CHARLES HENRY, Bp. Patriotic orations. Prepared for publication by his son, Carl Hitchcock Fowler; with an introduction by John Wesley Hill. New York, Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati, Jennings & Graham [ c 1910] xiv, 331 p. 5 ports. 22 cm. E176.1.F78 copy 2 "Abraham Lincoln" : p. 1-112. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1916.'' 1596. FOWLER, CHARLES N. The national issues of 1916. [New York, Printed by Harper & Bros., c 1 g 1 6] 4 p. 1., 434, [1] p. port. 21 cm. JK271.F6 copy 6 "Lincoln and nationality" : p. 1 8— [ 1 1 5]. Various pages stamped: Dow, Jones & Co. Library. The Wall Street journal. End paper autographed by the author and dated Jan. 3', '9i6. 1597. FOWLER, HENRY. Character and death of Abraham Lincoln. A discourse preached at Au- burn, N. Y., April 23, 1865. Auburn, N. Y., W. J. Moses; New-York, Sheldon & Co., 1865. 16 p. 23/2 cm. (M513) E457.8.F784 copies 2 & 3 "Published by request." Copy 2 autographed by the author. Glazed printed wrappers. 1598. FOWLER, JOHN, Jr. An address on the death of President Lincoln, delivered at the request of the citizens of New-Rochelle, Westchester Co., N. Y. ... April 20, 1865, in the Old Episcopal Church, New-Rochelle. New- York, J. A. Gray & Green, Printers, 1865. 28 p. 22/2 cm. (M514) E457.8.F786 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 1599. The Fra; a journal of affirmation, v. 2, Feb. 1909. East Aurora, N. Y., E. Hubbard [etc.] (Mi 723) AP2.F86 v.2 X copy Lincoln centennial number. "Lincoln memories," by Elbert Hubbard: p. 71-75. "Abraham Lincoln," by Robert G. Ingersoll: p. 75-80. "Lincoln," by Clark E. Carr: p 80. 1600. France via French Line. n. s., no. 3, Sum- mer 1953. Paris, Compagnie Generale Transat- lantique. P "Mon perc chez Lincoln," by A. Siegfried: p. 57-61. 1 60 1. FRANK, SEYMOUR J. The conspiracy to implicate the Confederate leaders in Lincoln's assassination. [Cedar Rapids? Iowa] 1954. 629- 656 p. 25 cm. (Civil War Round Table, Chi- cago. Publication no. 7) E457.5.F7 Cover title. "Reprinted from the Mississippi Valley Historical Re- view, volume XL, no. 4, March, 1954." Bibliographical footnotes. 1602. Frank Leslie's popular monthly, v. 52, Aug. 1 90 1. New York, Frank Leslie Pub. House. AP2.A346, v. 52 "Some genuine Lincoln anecdotes," by Mrs. H. A. Baldwin: p. [4095-4 10. 1603. [FRANKENBERG, THEODORE T.] Lincoln the Hoosier; a restatement of some facts that too many folks seem to have forgotten. Indianapolis [The Indiana Lincoln Union]. 1927. 44 p. illus. 15/2 cm. (M2922) P Foreword signed : T. T. F. Printed wrappers. 147 1604. FRANKLIN, JOHN HOPE. The mili- tant South, 1 800- 1 86 1. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1 956. xi, 317 p. 22 cm. F213.F75 copy 3 1605. FRANSIOLI, JOSEPH. Patriotism, a Christian virtue. A sermon preached by the Rev. Joseph Fransioli, at St. Peter's (Catholic) Church, Brooklyn, July 26th, 1863. [New York, 1863] 8 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pam- phlets] no. 24) E463.L96 no. 24 4th set Caption title. Page 8 begins: "who love their friends." Note at foot of p. 8 begins: "The Loyal Publication Society." Appeared also in another issue without note at foot of p. 8; and in another edition with different arrangement of type, p. 8 beginning: "country, his." 1606. FREAR, JAMES A. The passing of Lin- coln as pictured by Corporal Tanner; remarks in the House of Representatives, Tuesday June 1, 1926. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1926. 7 p. 23 cm. (M2843) P Cover title. Enclosed is letter from James A. Frear to Mr. Charles T. White, dated May 29, 1930. 1607. Another edition. 10424-10426 p. 28/ 2 cm. (var. of M2843) P Caption title. "Extension of remarks in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, June 1, 1926." Detached from Congressional Record-Appendix, June 1, 1926. 1608. Free synagogue pulpit, v. 7, 1921-22. New York, Bloch Pub. Co. BM735.F7 v. 7 X copy "Abraham Lincoln," by Stephen S. Wise: p. [i]-7- "Lincoln and Wilson," by Stephen S. Wise: p. 7— 11. 1609. [FREEMAN, E. M.] A French tribute to Lincoln and a three part poem, Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated reprints. Redlands, Calif., The Valley Press, 1936. 3 p. 1., 10 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. (M3514) P Inscribed to George P. Hambrecht from the author. Introduction by E. M. Freeman. "A French Tribute to Lincoln" by J. G. B., "a reprint from Putnam's Maga- zine of March, 19 10"; "Three poems" by Edmond S. Meany, "a reprint from The Overland Monthly of March, 1909." "Two hundred copies in this Edition. This is no. [22]." Printed wrappers. 1610. Freemasons. Springfield, III. Elwood Commandery no. 6 of Knights Templar. Abraham Lincoln, [n. p., 1924?] [8] p. illus., facsims. 24 x 9/2 cm. (M2746) P Caption title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1 6 1 1 . Freeport's Lincoln ; exercises attendant upon the unveiling of a statue of Abraham Lincoln; Freeport, Illinois, August 27, 1929, the seventy- first anniversary of the Freeport-Lincoln-Douglas debate. Containing addresses delivered at unveil- ing, list of exhibits displayed, account of Lincoln- Douglas debate, etc. Statue designed and executed by Leonard Crunelle, and presented to the people of Stephenson County, Illinois, by William Thomas Rawleigh of Freeport, Illinois. Freeport, 111., W. T. Rawleigh, 1930. 5 p. 1., viii, 291 p., 1 1., xi, [8] p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. (M3229) E457.7.F83 copy 3 Preface signed: J. R. Jackson, President, Lincoln- Douglas Society. 161 2. FRENCH, CHARLES WALLACE. Abra- ham Linclon, the liberator: a biographical sketch. New York, London, Funk & Wagnalls, 1891. 398 p. port. 19 cm. (American reformers, ed. by C. Martyn) (M1083) E457.F87 copy 2 Inscribed on end paper: "Chas T. White 1916." 1613. [FRENCH, JUSTUS C] The trip of the steamer Oceanus to Fort Sumter and Charleston, S. C. Comprising the . . . programme of exercises at the re-raising of the flag over the ruins of Fort Sumter, April 14th, 1865. By a committee ap- pointed by the passengers of the Oceanus. Brooklyn, "The Union" Steam Print. House, 1865. iv p., 1 1., [5]-i72, [2] p. illus., music. 23 cm. F279.C4F86 copy 3 Written by J. C. French and Edward Cary. "Errata," 1 leaf inserted at end. 1614. FRENCH, MARY (French). Memories of a sculptor's wife, by Mrs. Daniel Chester French. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1928. x p., 1 1., 294 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22^/2 cm. NB237.F7F75copy4 "A child's memory of Lincoln": p. [ 1]— 1 3. 1615. The Friend, n. s., v. 14, no. 6 (o. s., v. 22) June 1, 1865. Honolulu, Oahu. (M2304 note) BV2660.F7 n. s. v. 14 X copy Editorial on Lincoln's death: p. [41]. "God putteth down one, and setteth up another. A sermon on the death I48 of Abraham Lincoln; preached in the Seamen's chapel, Honolulu, May 14 . . .," by S. C. Damon: p. [4i]-44. "Abraham Lincoln greeting the poor colored people on New Year's Day": p. 46 (reprinted from the Independent. "Letter from President Lincoln, to Mrs. Gurney" : p. 46 (reprinted from the London Friend for March 1865). "Lines written on the reception of the news of President Lincoln's assassination," by John Valentine: p. 48. "Hawaiians mourn the death of President Lincoln," by B.: p. 48 In green buckram slip-case. 16 1 6. FRISKEY, MARGARET. Tad Lincoln and the green umbrella. Pictures by Lucia Patton. London, New York, Toronto, Oxford University Press [1944] 94 p. illus. 23 cm. (Oxford books for boys and girls) PZ7.Fgi8Tad copy 3 Fiction. 161 7. From my window at Lincoln Memorial University, no. 2, May 1949. Harrogate, Tenn., Robert L. Kincaid, President. P "I see a face," by R. L. Kincaid: p. [1] "An unveiling and a pledge": p. [2] "What young Lincoln said": p. [2] "Lincoln on education" : p. [3] 16 18. FROST, WILLIAM G. Abraham Lin- coln; an oration, delivered on Washington's birth- day, 1 89 1. [Oberlin, Ohio] Oberlin News Press [1891] 37 p. 23/2 cm. (M1084) E 457-8-F93 copy 2 On cover: Washington's birthday souvenir . . . The orations and odes. Oberlin college, 1891. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 12). Brown cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 161 9. FROTHINGHAM, PAUL REVERE. Edward Everett, orator and statesman. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1925. x p., 2 1., 495 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23 cm. E340.E8F8 copy 3 "With the god of battles" (p. [4141-472) concerns Lincoln, and Everett's support of Lincoln. Boards. Cloth back. 1620. FRY, SMITH D. Lincoln and Lee; a patriotic story. [Washington, Model Print. Co., c ig22] xi, 160 p. 23 cm. (M2570) E 457-i5- F 94 co Py4 Advertising matter: p. 158-160. Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 1621. FRY, SMITH D. Patriotic story of the Lincoln Memorial. Official description of the shrine . . . wonderful stories of the wonderful man never narrated before [Washington, Model Print. Co.] c ig23. [32] p. illus., ports., facsim. 25/2 cm. (M2638) F204.L72F8 copy 3 Stamped before last paragraph on p. [15]: "Printer's error, please turn to 'contentment in obscurity.' " Illustrated printed wrappers. 1622. FUESS, CLAUDE MOORE. Carl Schurz, reformer (1829-1906). New York, Dodd, Mead, 1932. xv, 421 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. (Ameri- can political leaders) E664.S39F92 copy 3 Frequent mention of Lincoln in chapters 7-1 1 (p. 69- 124). 1623. FUESS, CLAUDE MOORE. Daniel Web- ster. Boston, Little, Brown, 1930. 2 v. illus., ports., facsims. 24/2 cm. E340.W4F95 copy 3 Occasional references to Lincoln in v. 2. 1624. FUKAZAWA, SHOSAKU. Rinkan jijo- den [Autobiography of Lincoln] [Tokyo] Banrikaku [1951] 1 p. 1., 3, 3, 11, 404 p., 1 1. illus., ports. 18/2 cm. U (2 copies) "First edition." On cover: Lincoln. Incorporates extracts from Lincoln's speeches, addresses, etc. Boards. 1625. FULLER, CHARLES E. Memorial ad- dress in the House of Representatives, February 1 2, 19 19, on the life and character of Abraham Lin- coln. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 19 19. 4 p. 23 cm. (M2406) P (2 copies) Cover title. At head of title: Congressional record, 65th Congress, 3d session, vol. 57, no. 64, February 12, 19 19. Both copies autographed by the author. 1626. FULLER, JOHN F. C. Grant & Lee, a study in personality and generalship, by Major Gen- eral J. F. C. Fuller. Bloomington, Indiana Uni- versity Press, 1957. 323 p. illus., maps. 21 cm. (Civil War centennial series) E468.F96 1957 copy 3 1627. [FULTON, DAVID B.] Poem, Abraham Lincoln, by "Jack Thome." [Brooklyn? 1909] [4] p. port. 23 cm. (M1725) E457.9.F97 copy 2 Cover title. "Written at the request of the Colored Citizens' Lincoln Centenary Committee . . . and read before two thousand five hundred people at the Baptist Temple, Brooklyn, N. Y., February 12th, 1909." 492745—00 -11 149 1628. [FULTON, JOHN] The "Southern rights" and "Union" parties in Maryland contrasted. Baltimore, Printed by W. M. Innes, 1863. 30 p. 22/2 cm. E5i2.Fo.6copy 5 Stamped on title page: "Western Reserve Historical Society." Printed wrappers. 1629. FULTON, JUSTIN D. Washington in the lap of Rome. Boston, W. Kellaway [1888] 265 p. illus. 20 cm. BX1770.F9 copies 3 & 4 "Romanism the assassin of Abraham Lincoln": p. [i'5l-i35- Copy 3 bound in green cloth, copy 4 in brown cloth. 1630. FUNK, A. B. Abraham Lincoln; a char- acter study. [Des Moines? 1925?] 32 p. 21/2 cm. (M2770) E457.2.F85 copies 1 & 2 Cover title. "Submitted to Prairie Club, Des Moines, Jan. 24, 1925, and ordered printed." Copy 2 inscribed by the author to [George P.] Ham- brecht. Self-wrappers. 1 63 1. FURMAN, BESS. White House profile; a social history of the White House, its occupants and its festivities. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs- Merrill ["1951] 368 p. illus. 22J/2 cm. F204.W5F8 1951a Illustrated end papers. "Saddest of them all . . . Lincoln": p. 170-196. 1632. GADDIS, MAXWELL P. Sermon upon the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, by Rev. M. P. Gaddis. Delivered in Pike's Opera House, April 16, 1865. Washington the father, Lincoln the savior of our country. Cincinnati, Times Steam Book and Job Off., 1865. 15 p. 23 cm. (M518) E457.8.G12 copy 2 Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1633. GALE, OLIVER MARBLE, and HAR- RIET WHEELER. A knight of the wilderness. Illustrated by Ivin Ney. Chicago, Reilly & Britton, ^of}- 338 P- 5 col. illus. 20 cm. (M1726) PS1729.G29K6 Historical fiction about Lincoln and the Black Hawk War. 1634. GALLAHER, JAMES E. Best Lincoln stories, tersely told, by J. E. Gallaher. Chicago, J. E. Gallaher [1898] 2 p. 1., [vii]-ix, [3], 1 1-122 p. port. 15/2 cm. (Mi 227 var.) E457.15.G16 copy 2 1635. GALLIVAN, JAMES A. Abraham Lin- coln, liberator-patriot-president; remarks in the House of Representatives, February 15, 1916. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 19 15 [sic] 4 p. 23 cm. (M2243) P Cover title. In Gaylord binder. 1636. GALLUP, CLARENCE M. Abraham Lin- coln, a play. [Providence, c 1 931] 25, [1] p. 1 illus. (music) 23 cm. M3258) PS35 J 3- A 4 2 7 A 7 J93 1 co Py3 Illustration of Frank M. Clark as Abraham Lincoln, laid in. Printed wrappers. 1637. [GALUSHA, ARTHUR.] New Salem, Illinois. Peoria, 111., Edward J. Jacob, 1930. [2] p. 25 cm. (M3184) P (2 copies) In verse. "Designed and printed by Edward J. Jacob at his shop in Peoria, Illinois June, nineneen[sic]-thirty. Presentation copy, none for sale." Printed wrappers. 1638. GAMMANS, HAROLD W. Lincoln names and epithets. Boston, Bruce Humphries IJ955] 3 8 P- 2Icm - E 457-2-G35copy3 Printed wrappers. 1639. GAMMANS, HAROLD W. Spirit of Ann Rutledge; a drama of Abraham Lincoln, in four acts, by Harold Winsor Gammans. New York, London, S. French, "1927. 2 p. 1., 3-66 p. 18/2 cm. (French's international copyrighted . . . edition of the works of the best authors, no. 589) (M2923) PS3513.A5S6 1927 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 1640. Garden Club of Illinois. The Abraham Lincoln memorial garden, Springfield, Illinois. [Springfield, 1935?] 16 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. (M3463) P Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1 64 1. GARDNER, CHARLES K. A dictionary of all officers, who have been commissioned, or have been appointed and served, in the army of the 150 United States, since the inauguration of their first President, in 1789, to the first January, 1853 . . . including the distinguished officers of the volun- teers and militia of the states . . . navy and marine corps, who have served with the land forces . . . New York, D. Van Nostrand, i860. 576, 576*- 577*, [577H4 P- 20/2 cm. U11.U5G2 i860 copy 3 "Second edition, with emendations and a Supplement." Inscribed. 1642. GARFIELD, JAMES A., Pres. U. S. Car- penter's picture, Lincoln and emancipation; speech in the House of Representatives, 1 2th of February, 1878. [Washington, Darby & Duvall, Printers, 1878] 4 p. 22 cm. (M950) E457.6.G3 1878 Caption title. In green quarter-morocco slipcase. 1643. Another edition. Washington, Darby & Duvall, Printers, 1878. 8 p. 23 cm. (var. of M950) E457.6.G3 1878a From different plates. Issued under title: Carpenter's Painting . . . Gray printed wrappers. 1644. GARFIELD, JAMES A., Pres. U. S. Re- marks of Hon. Jas. A. Garfield, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, April 14, 1866, in mem- ory of Abraham Lincoln. Washington, H. Taylor, Printer, 1866. folder (4 p.) 20/2 cm. (M852) E457.8.G23 copy 2 1645. GARRETT, R. B. An interesting letter about the death of John Wilkes Booth, written to General A. R. Taylor of Memphis, Tennessee. Peoria, Illinois, Privately printed for the Oakwood Lincoln Club, 1934. [20] p. facsim. 23/2 cm. (M3425) P Introduction by James W. Bollinger. Facsimiles of letter on recto of p. [5]-[ig]. Calling card of James W. Bollinger enclosed. Printed wrappers. In brown paper envelope. 1646. GARRISON, ANET. Abe Lincoln at Loafer Station, a novel based on Hoosier legends. New York, Exposition Press [1951] 215 p. 22^2 cm. PS3513.A7226A7 1647. GARRISON, DON, ed. The tomb of Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois; prepared under the direction of Harry H. Cleaveland . . . Compiled and edited by Don Garrison . . . [Springfield, 1933] 95 p. illus., ports., facsim. 30/2 cm. (M3380) E457.52.G27 copy 2 "Official publication of the tomb and its rededication." Embossed stiff paper covers. 1648. GARRISON, JOSEPH F. The teachings of the crisis ; address delivered in St. Paul's Church, Camden, N. J., on the occasion of the funeral of Abraham Lincoln, April 19, 1865, by Rev. J. F. Garrison. Camden, Printed by S. Chew, 1865. 20 p. 22 cm. (M519) E457.8.G24 1865 Blue half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1649. [GARRISON, WENDELL PHILLIPS, and FRANCIS JACKSON GARRISON] Wil- liam Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children. New York, The Century Co., 1 885- 1 889. 4 v. illus., ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. E449.G2546 copy 4 Preface signed: Wendell Phillips Garrison, Francis Jackson Garrison. Scattered references to Lincoln in vols. 3 (1841-1860) and 4 ( 1861-1879). Quarter-morocco. 1650. [GARVIE, JAMES] Abraham Lincoln toni kin, qa /^sop tawoyake kin. Life of Abraham Lincoln and /Esop's fables. Santee Agency, Neb., A.L.Riggs, 1893. ^^OP- 14/2 cm. (M3856) PM1024.G3 copy 2 Half-titles: (1) Abraham Lincoln toni kin. Rev. James Garvie, leska owa; (2) /Esop tawoyake kin. Miss Jennie W. Cox qa Miss Eunice Kitto, leska owapi. "Printed by Indian pupils of Santee Normal Training School." Printed cardboard covers. In green slipcase. 1 65 1. GASKILL, J. W. Abraham Lincoln; the price he paid, compiled by J. W. Gaskill, late Co. B, 104 Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 1862-5. Alliance, Ohio Sons and Daughters of Union Veterans, 1861- 5 t I 9 2 4] 5 6 P- P ort - 23 cm. (M2693) E 475-55- L 76 copy 2 "An acrostic of Lincoln's Gettysburg address and the evolution of a new nation . . . Events herein enumerated cover two periods in our country's history . . . 1765 to 1 790 and 1 86 1 to 1865 . . ." List of battles, etc., during the Civil War, giving the year and month, but not in chronological order. Author's service record penciled in on p. 46. Printed wrappers. Portrait on cover. 151 1652. GASPARIN, AGENOR ETIENNE, comte de. Antwort der Herren Agenor de Gasparin, Edouard Laboulaye, Henri Martin, Augustin Cochin und anderer Freunde Amerikas in Frank- reich an die Loyal National League zu New- York. [New York, 1864?] up. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Pub- lication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 43) E463.L96 no. 43 4th set. Caption title. Differs from another issue with cover title (New York, H. Ludwig, 1864) in having note of four lines at end. Translation of item 1655 by Dr. Fr. Schutz. Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 1653. GASPARIN, AGENOR ETIENNE, comte de. Letter from MM. de Gasparin, Martin, Cochin, and Laboulaye to the Loyal Publication Society of New York. Translated by Mary L. Booth. New York, C. S. Westcott & Co., Union Print. House, 1866. 16 p. 23 cm. E666.G24 copy 3 Cover title. Signed at end: A. de Gasparin, Henri Martin, Augustin Cochin, Edouard Laboulaye. Issued also with title page and printed wrappers. Self-wrappers. In pamphlet holder. 1654. GASPARIN, AGENOR ETIENNE, comte de. Reply of Messrs. Agenor de Gasparin, Edouard Laboulaye, Henri Martin, Augustin Cochin, to the Loyal National League of New York, together with the address of the League, adopted at the mass inaugural meeting, in Union Square, April 1 1, 1863. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1864. 30 p. 21/2 cm. ([Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 42]) E463.L96 no. 42 4th set Translated by John Austin Stevens, Jr. "Address of the Loyal National League to Messrs. Agenor de Gasparin, Edouard Laboulaye, Augustin Co- chin, Henri Martin, and other friends of America in France," by James McKaye: p. [i7]-26. Removed from wrappers. In pamphlet holder. Another copy(?) and another issue in the Library of Congress are dated on cover: New York, Jan., 1864; New York, April, 1864. 1655. GASPARIN, AGENOR ETIENNE, comte de. Response de mm. de Gasparin, Laboulaye, Martin et Cochin a. la Ligue loyale et nationale de New York. New York, Imprimerie de W. C. Bryant & Co., 1864. 20 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Pub- lication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 41) E463.L96 no. 41 4th set Removed from wrappers. In pamphlet holder. Another copy(?) and another issue in the Library of Congress are dated on cover: New York, Jan., 1864; New York, April, 1864. 1656. GASPARIN, AGENOR ETIENNE, comte de. The uprising of a great people. The United States in 1861. From the French of Count Agenor de Gasparin, by Mary L. Booth. New York, C. Scribner, 1861. x p., 1 1., [9^263 p. 19/2 cm. E167.G2513 copy 2 "Fourth edition." 1657. GASTINEAU, BENJAMIN. Histoire de la souscription populaire a. la medaille Lincoln. La medaille de la liberte. Avec des lettres de Flocon, Edgar Quinet, Victor Hugo, Schoelcher, Louis Blanc, et la vie d' Abraham Lincoln. Paris, A. Lacroix, Verboeckoven & cie; [etc., 1865?] 34 p. 19 cm. (M3764). E457.65.G25 copy 2 1658. GASTON, CHARLES ROBERT, ed. Washington's Farewell address, Webster's First Bunker Hill oration, Lincoln's Gettysburg address. [Boston] Ginn ["1919] lx, 62 p. ports. 17J/2 cm. (Standard English classics) E3 12.95 I 9 I 9 a Bibliography: p. lx. 1659. GATES, ARNOLD FRANCIS. Amber- glow of Abraham Lincoln and Ann Rutledge. West Leisenring, Pa., Griglak Printery [ c i939] 2 p. 1., 3-15 p., 1 1. port. 17 cm. (M3673) E457-35G36 copy 3 "Special printing of 300." Printed wrappers. 1660. GAY, H. NELSON. Abramo Lincoln, liberatore-unifkatore (1809- 1865). Con prefa- zione dell'on. Ferdinando Martini. Firenze, Milano, Roma, Pisa, Napoli, Palermo, R. Bemporad & Figlio [1918] 142 p. port. 20 cm. (Americani illustri, raccolta biografica diretta da H. Nelson Gay. no. 3-4) (M3887) E457.G28 1918 copy 2 Printed wrappers. Unopened. 166 1 . Another issue. [1920] 19/2 cm. (M3888) E457.G28 1920 copy 2 "Terza edizione." Same binding. Unopened. 1662. GAY, H. NELSON. Lincoln's offer of a command to Garibaldi. [New York, The Century Co.] 63-74 P- 2 4/2 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 75, Nov. I907- 152 1663. GAYNOR, WILLIAM J. Some of Mayor Gaynor's letters and speeches. New York, Greaves Pub. Co. [ c i 913] 320 p. port. 23/2 cm. F127.5.G28 copy 3 Includes letter of Dec. 24, 1 9 1 2, to Robert W. McLaugh- lin, relating to the latter's book Washington and Lincoln (p. 120—130) and a letter on Lincoln addressed to Jewett P. Cain, dated June 17, 1913 (p. 182-183). in the contest with the Lincoln government, and the terms upon which peace should be sought. Milledgeville, Ga., Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Printers, 1864. 8 p. 23 cm. JK9695.G4 1 864a copy 2 Cover title. Resolutions introduced by Hon. Linton Stephens. Self-wrappers. In gray slipcase. 1664. General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States of America. Board of Education. Gettysburg. Lincoln's address and our educational institutions. Published by the Board of Education of the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, Rev. Frederick G. Gotwald, General Secre- tary. York, Pa., 1907. 31 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23 cm. (M1528) F159.G5E9 copy 2 Cover title. Stamped on cover: Compliments of the author. Self-wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1665. GENTRY, CURTIS G., ed. Fifty famous letters of history. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell [°i93o] xvii, [3], 188 p. 22/2 cm. D24.G5 copy 3 At head of title: Curtis Gentry. "Lincoln to General Hooker": to Mrs. Bixby" : p. 161-164. p. 158-160. "Lincoln 1668. GERNON, BLAINE BROOKS. Lincoln in the political circus; being a study in summary and outline of Abraham Lincoln's political relationships with his constituency, including the background of slavery, men, factions, & parties, together with hitherto unpublished state election tables and a classified bibliography. Chicago, Black Cat Press, 1936. 4 p. 1., 13-258 p., 1 1. port., map, facsim., diagr. 24/2 cm. (M3515) E457.4.G47 copy 3 "The first edition . . . consists of 1000 copies." Bibliography: p. 230-247. 1 669. GERNON, BLAINE BROOKS. The Lin- colns in Chicago. Chicago, 1934. 64 p. 23/2 cm. (M3426) E457.3.G38 copy 3 Part I published in the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Oct. 1934, v. 27, no. 3. Cf. Foreword Contents. — pt. I. Chicago and Abraham Lincoln. — pt. II. Lincoln's widow and children in Chicago. Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. Boards. 1666. GEORGE, MARIAN M. Lincoln and Washington ; plan, arrangement and suggestions by Marian M. George, verses by Lydia Avery Coonley, music (from "Songs in season") by Mary S. Con- rade, Frederic W. Root, Frank H. Atkinson, Jr. For the story hour, language and literature lessons, and birthday exercises in primary and intermediate grades. Chicago, A Flanagan [ c i8gg] 90, [6] p. illus., ports., music. 22/2 cm. (M1249) E 45 8 -7- G 34 co Py 2 Running title: The plan book. Illustrated printed wrappers. 1670. GERNON, BLAINE BROOKS. Songs of Lincoln and other poems. . . . [Chicago, Ancarthe Publishers, c i934] 40 p. 22 cm. (M3427) PS3513.E8666S6 1934 copies 3 &4 Copy 3 in brown printed wrappers; copy 4 in gray printed wrappers. 167 1. GERNON, BLAINE BROOKS. The un- fathomable Lincoln. Chicago, The Home of Books, Inc., 1939. 33-50 p. 25 J/2 cm. (Lincoln group papers, reprint no. 2) (M3529 note) P Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 1667. Georgia. General Assembly. Resolutions passed by the General Assembly of Georgia, on the 19th day of March, 1864, declaring the late act of Congress for the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus unconstitutional ; also, resolutions, passed on the same day, setting forth the principles involved 1672. GERRY, MARGARITA (Spalding). The toy shop; a romantic story of Lincoln the man. New York, London, Harper & Bros., 1908. 3 p. I., 3-50, [1] p. illus. (front) 18 cm. (M1582) E457-9-G37 copy 3 Cover illustrated in color. 153 1 673. GERTZ, ELMER. Joe Medill's war. Chicago Privately printed for Abraham Lincoln BookShop, 1945. 13 p. ports., facsim. 25/2 cm. P Cover title. "This edition is limited to 200 copies." Reprinted from Lincoln Herald, Oct.-Dec. 1945 v. 47, nos. 3-4. 1674. GERTZ, ELMER. Mrs. Bixby gets a letter, [n. p., 1943] [15] p. 15 cm. E 457-9- G 39 co Py 2 On cover: Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, Decem- ber 1942. Lincoln play in two acts. Inscribed to Alfred W. Stern. Printed wrappers. 1675. The Gettysburg times, v. 48, Nov. 20, I95°- p "Past president of Lincoln Fellowship urges world wide distribution of 16th President's famous Gettysburg Ad- dress; 3 observances are held": p. [1], 3, 6. 1676. GIBSON, ALFRED C. The Lincoln con- spirators. Recollections of Alered [sic] C. Gib- son . . . [Philadelphia? 1928] [4] p. ports. 22 cm. (M3015) P (2 copies) Caption title. One copy autographed in pencil by the author. 1677. GIDEON, JONATHAN. Abraham Lin- coln. Oslo, AnsgarForlag, 1947. 169, [2] p. illus., ports., facsim. 21 cm. E457.G45 copy 2 "Rettelse": slip mounted on p. [6] Bibliography: p. [171] Boards. Cloth back. 1678. GIGER, H. DOUGLAS, comp. The story of the Sangamon County court house. Compiled by H. Douglas Giger, April 29, 1901. Springfield, 111., Phillips Bros. [190 1 ] 25 p. illus. 23 cm. F 547- S 3 G 45 co Py 2 At head of title : 1821, 1861, 1901. Printed wrappers. 1679. GILBERT, C. E. Two presidents: Abra- ham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis; origin, cause and conduct of the war between the states. [Houston? Tex.] 1927. 4 p. 1., [7T-82 p. 19/2 cm. (M2924) E458.G46 copy 4 Vignettes (portraits) on title page and cover. Beneath vignettes: The truth of history belongs to posterity. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 1680. GILDER, RICHARD WATSON. Letters of Richard Watson Gilder. Edited by his daughter, Rosamond Gilder. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1916. ixp.,31., [33-515, [i]p. illus., ports., facsim. 22/2 cm. PS1743.A4 1916 copy 3 "Published November 191 6." "The Civil War": p. 21-34. [Lincoln's death and funeral]: p. 39-40. 1 68 1. GILDER, RICHARD WATSON. Lin- coln the leader. [New York] 479-507 p. ports. 24/2 cm. E457.2.G463 Detached from The Century Illustrated Monthly Maga- zine, v. 77, Feb. 1909. {See also items 267, 282, 1007.) Rebound in green half-morocco. 1682. GILDER, RICHARD WATSON. Lin- coln the leader, and Lincoln's genius for expression. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1909. 4 p. 1., 3-107, [1] p., 1 1. 18/2 cm. (M1727) E457.2.G46copy3 1683. [GILLESPIE, F. G.] Trails and shrines of Abraham Lincoln. [Decatur, 111., Lincoln Memo- rial Pub. Co., c i934] 27, [5] p. illus., port., map, facsim. 21/2 cm. (M3428) E457.64.L56 copy 3 Cover title. Author's autographed presentation copy to Alfred [W.] Stern. Printed wrappers. 1684. GILLETTE, ABRAM D. God seen above all national calamities. A sermon on the death of President Lincoln, April 23, 1865, by A. D. Gillette. Washington, McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1865. 15 p. 23 cm. (M522) E457.8.G47 X copy Printed wrappers. 1685. [GILMORE, JAMES R.] Among the pines; or, South in secession-time, by Edmund Kirke [pseud.] New York, J. R. Gilmore, C. T. Evans, 1862. 310 p. 18/2 cm. PS1744.G68A8 "Twentieth thousand." 1686. [GILMORE, JAMES R.] Down in Ten- nessee, and back by way of Richmond, by Edmund Kirke [pseud.] New York, Carleton, 1864. 282 p. 18/2 cm. E531.G48 copy 3 Includes an account of the visit to Richmond made by Colonel James F. Jaquess and the author in July, 1864, on a peace mission. Eight pages of advertising following p. 282. 154 1687. GILMORE, JAMES R. Personal recol- lections of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War, by James R. Gilmore (Edmund Kirke) . Boston, L. G. Page, 1898. 338 p. ports. 23/2 cm. (M1228) E457.G48 copy 3 Dark-green ribbed cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and embossed medallion portrait of Lincoln gilt-stamped on cover. Top edge gilt. 1688. Another issue. London, J. Macqueen, 1899. 23 cm. (Mi 228 var.) E457.G48 1899 Same binding, but in cloth of a slightly different shade of green and with top edge plain. 1 689. GLASGOW, ALICE. The twisted tendril ; a story of eighteen sixty-five. New York, Frederick A. Stokes, 1928. 4 p. 1., 311 p. 195/2 cm. PS3513.L34T9 Historical novel about John Wilkes Booth. 1690. GLEED, JAMES WILLIS. Abraham Lin- coln; an address to the Republican Club of the city of New York at its sixteenth Lincoln dinner, Febru- ary 12, 1902. [New York, 1902] 27 p. 23/2 cm. (M1371) P Cover title. Printed also in the Club's Proceedings (Item 3086). 1 69 1. GLOVER, LIVINGSTON M. The char- acter of Abraham Lincoln. A discourse delivered April 23d, 1865, at Strawn's Hall, Jacksonville, 111., by Rev. L. M. Glover. Jacksonville [111.] Printed at the Journal Book and Job Off., 1865. 21 p. 21/2 cm. (M523) E457.8.G56 X copy Printed wrappers. 1692. GLOVER, WALDO F. Abraham Lincoln and the sleeping sentinel of Vermont. Illustrated with a daguerreotype, documents, and wood- engravings of the period. Montpelier, Vermont Historical Society, 1936. 114 p. illus., port., facsims. 19 cm. (M3516) E457.2.G54 copy 3 1693. GOBRIGHT, LAWRENCE A. Recollec- tion of men and things at Washington, during the third of a century, by L. A. Gobright. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger; Washington, W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1869. 420 p. 1 illus. 19 cm. F198.G57 1869a "Second edition." Pages 285-357 cover the Lincoln administration. 1694. God bless Abraham Lincoln? A solemn dis- course by a local preacher. Dedicated to the faith- ful, [n. p. 186-?] 16 p. 23 cm. (M297) E4578.G57 copy 2 Cover title. "For general distribution at five cents per copy." Anti-Lincoln satire. 1695. GODKIN, EDWIN L. A letter on Lincoln. Riverside, Conn., The Hillacre Bookhouse, 19 13. 2 p. 1., [14] p. 16 cm. (M2077) E457.G58 copy 2 "This letter ... to the London Daily News, March 7, 1865, is now reprinted at Hillacre, Riverside, Conn." Heavy paper. Paper label on cover. 1696. GODLITZ, WALTER. Abraham Lincoln. Heidelberg, Ahren-Verlag [1946] 172 p. port. 21 cm. E457.G59 copies 3 & 4 "Literaturverzeichnis" : p. 1 71-172. Boards. 1697. GOGGAN, JOHN PATRICK. The story of Mary Surratt, play in three acts by John Patrick [pseud. New York] Dramatists Play Service [1947] 80 p. plans. 19 cm. PS3513.O27S8 1947a "Acting edition." "Copyright, 1940 . . . under the title 'This gentle ghost.' " Printed wrappers. 1698. GOING, CHARLES BUXTON. David Wilmot, free-soiler; a biography of the great advo- cate of the Wilmot proviso. New York, London, D. Appleton, 1924. xvii p., 1 1., 787 p. ports., facsims. 22/2 cm. E340.W65G6 copy 3 Inscribed to Francis G. Hickman ( ? ) . "The convention that nominated Lincoln": p. 527-542. "From the threshold of Lincoln's cabinet to the floor of the Senate": p. 543-554- 1699. GOLDSMITH, MARCUS A. Abraham Lincoln; his life, by M. A. Goldsmith. A true story of one of the world's best men. Cleveland, Gold- smith Pub. Co. [ c 1 9 1 8] 122, [4] p. illus., port. 13/2 cm. (M2363) E457.G62 copy 3 "Noble thoughts and extracts from the speeches and letters of Abraham Lincoln" : p. [4g]-i22. Boards. 1700. GOLTZ, CARLOS W. Incidents in the life of Mary Todd Lincoln, containing an unpub- lished letter. Sioux City, Iowa, Press of Deitch & 155 Lamar, 1928. 58 p. facsim. 20 cm. (M3016) E 457- 2 5- G6 5 co Py 2 Printed wrappers. 1 70 1. GOODMAN, JAMES FRANCIS. Lin- coln at heart; or, His moral and religious life. [Albion, Mich., Art Craft Press, c i93 1] 65 p. mounted port. 20/2 cm. (M3259) E457.2.G65 copy 3 Dedication signed by the author. Authors presentation copy to George P. Hambrecht. 1702. GOODRICH, WILLIAM W. The bench and bar as makers of the American republic, by Hon. W. W. Goodrich. An address delivered Fore- fathers' day, 1900; celebrating the 280th anniver- sary of the landing of the Pilgrims. New York, E. B. Treat, 1901. 65 p. 4 ports. 19 cm. Ei79.G65copy 3 One or two references to Lincoln. Boards. 1703. [GOODSPEED, THOMAS W.] Lincoln and Douglas with some personal reminiscences. [Springfield, 111., 1933] 19 p. 23 cm. (M3383) P Cover and caption title. "Reprinted from The Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, Volume XXVI, no. 3, October, 1933." 1704. Goodspeed's Book Shop, Boston. Lincoln and the Civil War. [n.p., n.d.] [24] p. 15/2 cm. (M3186) Z999.G655 X copy Caption title. List "L", September 1930. Self-wrappers. 1705. GOODYKOONTZ, WELLS. Abraham Lincoln, an address delivered at Harpers Ferry, W. Va., Sunday, February 9, 1920. (Printed in the Congressional record Thursday, February 12, 1920) Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1920. 8 p. 25/2 cm. (M2453) P Cover title. 1706. GORDON, JAMES L. Was Abraham Lin- coln a spiritualist? [Washington? 1919?] [4] P- 24 x 10/2 cm. (M2407) P Caption title. 14th, 1865. By W. R. Gordon, D. D., pastor of the Ref. Prot. Dutch Church of Schraalenberg, N. J. Preached on May 7, 1865. New- York, J. A. Gray & Green, Printers, 1865. 24 p. 23 cm. (M527) E457.8.G66 copy 2 "Published by request of consistory." Printed wrappers. 1708. GORDY, WILBUR F. Abraham Lincoln. New York, Boston, Chicago, Scribner [ c 1 9 1 7] xv, 266 p. illus., ports., facsim. 19/2 cm. (Heroes and leaders in American history) (M2307) E457.G65copy3&4 Blue cloth with yellow lettering on spine. Lincoln portrait and autograph blind-stamped on cover. 1709. Another issue. New York, Scribner, 19 18. (M2308) E457.G65 1918 Without series statement. Title and copyright pages reset. Green cloth with gilt lettering on spine. Portrait and autograph gilt-stamped on cover. 1 7 10. GORDY, WILBUR F. Abraham Lincoln. Translated by Choi Tai Yung. [Seoul] Christian Literature Society of Korea, 1929 [i. e. 1930] 2, 204 p. illus., ports. 21/2 cm. (M3927) E457- G6 55 In Korean. Title page in English. A translation of item 1 708. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 171 1. GORE, J. ROGERS. The boyhood of Abraham Lincoln. From the spoken narratives of Austin Gollaher; illustrated from photographs. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c i92i] 316 p. illus., ports. 20/2 cm. (M2504) E457.32.G54 copy 3 1 71 2. GOSNELL, H. ALLEN. Guns on the west- ern waters; the story of river gunboats in the Civil War. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press [1949] xii, 273 p. illus., maps, ports. 24 cm. E59i.G67copy3 1 7 13. GOSS, DWIGHT. Lincoln, the man and the statesman. Chicago, New York, Row, Peterson ["1914] 61 p. 18/2 cm. (M2139) E457.G67 copy 3 Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1707. GORDON, WILLIAM R. The sin of re- viling, and its work. A funeral sermon, occasioned by the assassination of President Lincoln, April 1 7 14. GOVAN, GILBERT E. and JAMES W. LIVINGOOD. A different valor, the story of General Joseph E. Johnston, C. S. A. New York, 156 Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [1956] 470 p. illus., ports., maps. 24 cm. E467.1.J74G6 copy 3 "Autographed by the authors for the members of the Civil War Book Club." Boards. Cloth back. 1 7 15. GOW, RONALD. The lawyer of Spring- field; a play in one act. London, H. F. W. Deane; Boston, W. H. Baker [ c i948] 22 p., 1 1. 18/2 cm. ( "Deane 1 s" series of plays) E457.9.G6 1948 Printed wrappers. 1 7 1 6. GRAGG, ISAAC P. Homes of the Massa- chusetts ancestors of Major General Joseph Hooker. Boston, Mass. [W. Spooner, Printer] c igoo. 24, [2] p. illus., port. 23 cm. CS71.H782 1900 copy 3 Gift of W. B. Van Amringe to Genl. H. V. Boyton. 1717. GRAHAM, JAMES M. Abraham Lin- coln. Speech in the House of Representatives, February 12, 1913. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1913. 15 p. 24 cm. (M2078) E457.8.G73 copy 3 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 1 7 18. GRAHAM, WILLIAM J. Abraham Lin- coln, a tribute; remarks in the House of Represent- atives, February 12, 19 18. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1918. 7 p. 22/2 cm. (M2364) E457.8.G74 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 1 719. Grand Army Association of Philadelphia and Vicinity. One hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln; commemorative serv- ices under the auspices of the Grand Army Associa- tion of Philadelphia and vicinity. Baptist Temple . . . Philadelphia, Friday, February 12th, 1909. [Philadelphia, J. Wanamaker, 1909] 4 p. 1., 3-32, [3] p. illus., ports. 24 cm. (M1832) E457-7-G75 c opy4 On cover: Centenary of Abraham Lincoln, 1809- 1909. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1720. Grand Army Hall and Memorial Associa- tion of Illinois, Chicago. . . . Lincoln birthday service in Memorial Hall . . . [Addresses] [9th]- 40th; 1 908- 1 939. 25 V. Title varies slightly. Stern set incomplete, lacking the issues for the [10th]- [13th], 20th, 23d, and 26th birthday services. Contents: [9th] February 12, 1908. . . . Address by Frederick W. Lehmann . . . Chicago, 1908. 36 p. 17 cm. (Mi 583) E457.7.G755 2d set 1908 [14th] February 12, 19 13; address by Rev. Herman Page. [Chicago, 19 1 3] 1 p. 1., 7-24 p. illus., port. 1 7 ^2 cm. (M2079) E457.7.G755 3d set 1913 Printed wrappers. [15th] February 12, 1914. . . . Address by Rt. Rev. Charles Edward Cheney. [Chicago, 19 14] 1 p. 1., 7-25 p. illus., port. 1 7 '/i cm. (M2140) E4577G755 3d set 1914 Printed wrappers. [16th] February 12, 19 15. Address by Francis W. Shepardson . . . [Chicago, 19 15] 1 p. 1., 9-32 p. illus., port. 20 cm. (M2183) E457.7.G755 Xcopy 1915 Printed wrappers. [17th] February 12, 1 9 16. Address by Harry Pratt Jud- son; address by Mrs. Jessie Palmer Weber . . . [Chicago, 1916] 1 p. 1., 3-39 p. illus., ports. 17/2 cm. (M2244) E4577G755 3d set & Xcopy 1916 Printed wrappers. [18th] February 12, 191 7. Address by Honorable Charles Sidney Cutting; address by Miss Caroline M. Mcllvaine . . . [Chicago, 19 17] 1 p. 1., 3-43 p. illus., ports. 18 cm. (M2309) E457.7.G755 3d set 1917 Printed wrappers. 19th. February 12, 19 18 ; address by Rt. Rev. Charles P. Anderson. [Chicago] 19 18. 1 p. 1., 5-29 p. illus., port. 18 cm. (M2365) E457.7.G755 2d set 1918 Printed wrappers, bound with silk cord. 2 1 st. February 12, 1920 . . . Address by Merritt Starr. [Chicago] 1920. 44 p. illus., port. 17/2 cm. (M2454) E4577G755 3d set 1920 Printed wrappers. 22d. February 12, 1921 . . . Address by Mr. Frank J. Loesch. [Chicago, Severinghaus] 1921. 1 p. 1., 5-35 p. illus., ports. 17cm. (M2506) E457.7.G755 3d set 1921 Printed wrappers. 24th. February 12, 1923 . . . Address by Hon. Addison G. Procter; address by William E. Barton. [Chicago] 1923. 1 p. 1., 5-35 p. illus., port. 17/2 cm. (M2639) E457-7-G755 3dset 1923 Printed wrappers. 25th. February 25, 1924 . . . Address by Frederick F. Shannon. [Chicago] 1924. 2 p. 1., 7-30 p. illus., ports. i7/ 2 cm. (M2695) E457.7.G755 3dset 1924 Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 27th. February 12, 1926 . . . Address by Rev. Albert W. Palmer. Chicago, 1926. 1 p. 1., 6-19 p. illus., ports. 17 cm. (M2845) E457.7.G755 2d set 1926 Printed wrappers. [28th] February 12, 1927 . . . Address by Judge Henry Horner. [Chicago, 1927] 30 p. illus., ports. 17 J/2 cm. (M2925) E457.7.G755 2d& 3d sets 1927 492745—60- 12 157 Copy 2 inscribed by Horner to Charles T. Letter of transmittal laid in. Printed wrappers. 29th. February 13, 1928 Robinson. [Chicago] 1928. (M3018) Printed wrappers. 30th. February 12, 1929 . White. . . Address by Charles H. 27 p. illus., ports. 17 cm. E457.7.G755 2d set 1928 . Address by Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes. [Chicago, 1929] 2 p. 1., 7-32 p. illus., ports. 17 cm. (M3088) E457.7.G755 2d set 1929 Printed wrappers. [31st] February 12, 1930 . . . Address by Reverend Dr. John Thompson. [Chicago, 1930] 21 p. ports. 17 cm. (M3187) Printed wrappers. 32d. February 12, 193 1 Bradley. [Chicago, 1931] cm. (M3260) Printed wrappers. 33d. February 12, 1932 . Brandon. [Chicago, 1932 ports. 17 cm. (M3319) Printed wrappers. 34th. February 13, 1933 . Gilkey. [Chicago, 1933] 2 p. 1 i6J/2 cm. (M3384) Printed wrappers. 35th. February 12, 1934 . . White. [Chicago, 1934] 17 cm. (M3429) Printed wrappers. 36th. February 12, 1935 E457.7.G755 2d set 1930 . . Address by Dr. Preston p. I., 5-25 p. illus. 16/2 E457-7-G755 '93i Address by Hon. Rodney H. 2 p. 1., 7-24, [1] p. illus., E457.7.G755 1932 Address by Rev. Charles W. 7-20, [1] p. illus., ports. E457.7.G755 1933 1 p. Address by Rev. R. A. 1., 5-19 p. illus., port. E457.7.G755 1934 address by Dr. John W. Hoi- 1 p. 1. 5-21 p. illus., ports. 17 E457.7.G755 1935 address by Rev. John C. p. 1., 5-17 p. illus., port. E457.7.G755 1936 land. [Chicago, 1935] cm. (M3476) Printed wrappers. 37th. February 12, 1936; Evans. [Chicago, 1936] I 17 cm. (M3517) Printed wrappers. 38th. February 12, 1937; address by Dr. Preston Bradley. [Chicago, 1937] 20 p. illus., port. 17 cm. (M3563) E457.7.G755 1937 Printed wrappers. 39th. February 12, 1938; address by Dr. William Clyde Howard. [Chicago, 1938] 24 p. illus., ports. 17 cm. (M3617) E457.7.G755 1938 Printed wrappers. 40th. February 11, 1939; address by Judge Edwin K. Walker. [Chicago, 1939] 27, [1] p. illus., port. 17 cm. (M3674) E457.7.G755 1939 Printed wrappers. 1 72 1. Grand Army of the Republic. Observance of the centennial anniversary of the birth of Abra- ham Lincoln, February twelfth, 1909, under the inspiration of the Grand Army of the Republic. [New York] Priv. Print, by the National Committee, G. A. R. [ c i9io] 164 p. ports., facsims. 25/2 cm. (M1944) E457.7.G76 copy 3 "Matter arranged by Wilbur F. Brown, Secretary of the Committee." 1722. The Granite monthly, v. 37, Oct.-Dec. 1904. Concord, N. H., Granite Monthly Co. F31.G75v.37X copy "Crayon portrait of Abraham Lincoln," by W. O. Clough: p. [94] 1723. GRANT, HELEN HARDIE. Peter Cart- wright : pioneer. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, Abingdon Press [ c i93i] 222 p. illus., port., maps. 1 9 cm. BX8495.C36G7 copy 3 "A friend to Lincoln": p. 148-168. 1724. GRATER, ABRAHAM. A discourse, re- spectfully dedicated to a grateful people in memory of the worth of our lamented chief magistrate, Abraham Lincoln, delivered April 21st, 1865 . . . Translated from the German. Skippackville, Pa., Printed by J. M. Schuenemann, 1865. 8 p. 19 cm. (M529) E457.8.G77 copy 2 Caption title: A eulogy on the life and death of Abra- ham Lincoln. 1725. GRAVESTEIN, KATE EVANS. Liberty and Lincoln. [Chicago, Printed by Leyda & Chi- dester Co., c 1 9 1 6] [7] p. 17 cm. (M2246) E457-9G77 copy 3 Poem. Printed wrappers. 1726. GRAY, CARL R. The Lincoln car on Union Pacific, 1865. [Princeton, Printed at the Princeton University Press] 1937. 21, [1] p. illus. 23 cm. (M3564) E457.65.G73copy3 At head of title: The Newcomen Society. American Branch. "This address was delivered extemporaneously by the author, at the twelfth annual American dinner of the Newcomen Society of England. From memory, Mr. Gray has recreated this manuscript." "First printing: September 1937." Printed wrappers. 1727. GRAY, JAMES. The Illinois. Illustrated by Aaron Bohrod. New York, Toronto, Farrar & 158 Rinehart ["1940] x, 355 p. illus., map. 21 cm. [The rivers of America] F547.I2G7 copy 3 Title page and end papers illustrated in color. Frequent references to Lincoln. 1728. GRAY, WILLIAM C. Life of Abraham Lincoln for the home circle and Sabbath school. Cincinnati, Western Tract and Book Society, 1867. vi, 7-192 p. illus. 17/2 cm. (M880) E457.G78 1867a Fly leaf inscribed : "Chas. T. White 19 19." 1729. GRAY, WOOD. The hidden civil war; the story of the Copperheads. New York, The Viking Press, 1942. 314 p. illus., ports., facsims., maps. 24 cm. E458.8.G72 copy 3 "First published in September 1942." 1730. Gt. Brit. Sovereigns, etc. i8^y-igoi {Vic- toria). The Queen's neutrality proclamation. The following is the letter of instructions of the English government relative to the observance of the duties of neutrality between the United States and the States in rebellion. [London] 1862. folder (4 p.) 19.7 x 13.5 cm. Broadside v. i,no. 14 Caption title. Signed: Russell [i. e. Lord John Russell] From the Oliver R. Barrett collection. 1 73 1. The Great conspiracy. A book of absorb- ing interest! Startling developments. Eminent persons implicated. Full secret of the assassina- tion plot. John H. Surratt and his mother. With biographical sketches of J. B. Booth and John Wilkes, and the life and extraordinary adventures of John H. Surratt, the conspirator. Philadelphia, Barclay & Co. [1866] 1 p. 1., [ig]-20i p. illus., ports. 23 cm. (M853) E457-5- G 78copy3 Wrappers, illustrated in colors. In red quarter-morocco slipcase. 1732. The Great issue to be decided in November next! Shall the Constitution and the Union stand or fall, shall sectionalism triumph? Lincoln and his supporters. Behold the record ! [Washington, Na- tional Democratic Executive Committee, i860?] 24 p. 22 cm. (M39var.) E440.B82 no. 19 3d set Caption title. At head of title: Breckinridge and Lane campaign documents, no. 19. Self-wrappers. In blue slipcase. 1733. Another issue. (M39) E440.G77 i860 At head of title: no. 19. (In all other respects identi- cal to the preceding issue.) Bound in dark brown half-morocco, with binder's title: Democratic campaign doc. no. 19. Lincoln and his sup- porters, 1864. 1734. GREELEY, HORACE. Greeley on Lin- coln, with Mr. Greeley's letters to Charles A. Dana and a lady friend; to which are added reminiscences of Horace Greeley. Edited by Joel Benton. New York, Baker & Taylor [ c i8g3] 1 p. 1., 5-271 p. port., fold, facsim. 19 cm. (Mi 118) E4i5.6.G7gcopy4 "An estimate of Abraham Lincoln" : p. 11-79. 1735. GREELEY, HORACE. Greeley's estimate of Lincoln; an unpublished address by Horace Greeley. [Hancock, N. Y., Herald Printery, 1932] 31 p. 24 cm. (M3320) E457.G82 copy 2 Cover title. "One hundred numbered copies privately printed for Charles T. White ... of which this is no. 42." "Printed in The Century Magazine, July, 189 1." — Compiler's note, signed: C. T. W. [i. e. Charles Thomas White] 1736. GREELEY, HORACE, comp. A political text-book for i860 : comprising a brief view of presi- dential nominations and elections, including all the national platforms ever yet adopted; also a history of the struggle respecting slavery in the territories, and of the action of Congress as to the freedom of the public lands, with the most notable speeches and letters of Messrs. Lincoln, Douglas, Bell, Cass, Seward, Everett, Breckinridge, H. V. Johnson, etc., etc., touching the questions of the day; and returns of all presidential elections since 1836. Compiled by Horace Greeley and John F. Cleveland. New York, Tribune Association, i860. 248 p. 24 cm. E440.G79 copy 3 1737. GREEN, ANNA MACLAY. Civil War public opinion of General Grant, [n. p., 1929?] 64 p. port. 26/2 cm. E672.G787 Thesis (M. A.) — Ohio State University. "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume 22, no. 1, April, 1929." Printed wrappers. 1738. GREEN, JOHN W. Johnny Green of the Orphan Brigade; the journal of a Confederate sol- dier. Edited by A. D. Kirwan. [Lexington] Uni- J 59 versity of Kentucky Press [ c i956] i p. 1., xxviii, 21 7 '> t 1 ] P- ports., maps. 23/2 cm. E605.G7 1956a Endpaper maps. "Chickamauga edition. Autographed by the author [i. e. editor] for members of the Civil War Book Club." 1739. GREEN, KATHARINE R. Abraham Lincoln. Shanghai, China, The Commercial Press, Limited, [1920?]. 87, [1] p. 19 cm. (Famous folk series) (M2455) P 1740. [GREEN, SAMUEL A.] President Lin- coln's speech at Gettysburg, November 19, 1863. [Boston, 1 901] 3 p. 24 cm. (M1339) E 475-55 L 7 6 7 co P Ies 2 & 3 Caption title. Remarks by Dr. Green at a meeting of the Massachu- setts Historical Society, May 9, 1901. Slip of paper bearing author's autograph mounted on p. 3, of copy 3. Copy 2 bound in green half-morocco. Copy 3 in envelope. 1 74 1. GREEN, THOMAS EDWARD. Abra- ham Lincoln; oration February 12, 1927, at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D. C. [Wash- ington? 1927] [4] p. 23 cm. (M2926) E457.8.G82 copy 2 Cover title. "100 copies privately printed. [Signed] Thos. E. Green, Feb. 18, 1927." Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 1 742. GREEN, WILLIAM R. Lincoln, the mar- velous man ; speech in the House of Representatives, February 13, 1922. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1922. 15 p. 23 cm. (M2573) p Cover title. Autographed by the author. 1743. GREENBIE, MARJORIE (Barstow). Lincoln's daughters of mercy. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons [1944] x, 211 p. 21^2 cm. E621.G7 copy 3 The story of the United States Sanitary Commission. 1744. GREENBIE, MARJORIE (Barstow). My dear lady; the story of Anna Ella Carroll, the "great unrecognized member of Lincoln's cabinet." New York, London, Whittlesey House, McGraw- Hill Book Co. [ c i94o] xx, 316 p. illus., port., maps. 23/2 cm. E472.9.C333 copy 3 1745. GREENBIE, SYDNEY, and MAJORIE BARSTOW GREENBIE. Anna Ella Carroll and Abraham Lincoln, a biography. Manchester, Me., University of Tampa Press in Cooperation with Falmouth Pub. House [1952] xvi, 539 p. illus., ports., facsim., map. 22 cm. E472.9.C334 copy 3 "First edition." Bibliography: p. 516-525. 1 746. GREENE, FRANCIS V. Lincoln as com- mander-in-chief. [New York, 1909] [12] p. 24 cm. (Mi 731) E456.G8 copy 2 Cover title. "From Scribner's Magazine, July 1909." Dark green three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1 747. GREENE, HOMER. A Lincoln conscript. Illustrated by T. de Thulstrup. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin [1909] 3 p. 1., 281, [1] p. illus. 19/2 cm. (Mi732var.) PZ7.G832L copy 3 "Published April, 1909." Fiction. 1748. GREENE, LAURENCE. The raid, a bi- ography of Harpers Ferry. New York, Holt [1953] 246 p. 22 cm. E451.G79 copy 3 "First edition." End paper maps. One or two references to Lincoln in final pages. 1749. Greene County Bar Association. Josiah Lamborn; memorial exercises by Greene County Bar at White Hall, Illinois, May 30, 1927 ... Is- sued by the White Hall Historical Society . . . White Hall, 111., Press of White Hall Register— Re- publican [1927] 24 p. ports. 23 cm. CT275.L255G7 X copy Cover title. Includes addresses by Henry P. Lowenstein and Cor- nelius J. Doyle. (With frequent mention of Lincoln, since Lamborn, as a member of the Illinois bar, was ac- quainted with Lincoln.) 1750. GRENFELL, HELEN (Loring). The birthdays of Washington and Lincoln, February 22 and February 12. Louisiana Purchase number. Prepared for the public schools of Colorado. [Den- ver, Smith-Brooks, Printers] 1904. 76 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. (Mi340var.) LB3525.G75 1904 Special day exercises. l60 1 75 1. GRENIER, EDOUARD. The death of President Lincoln, a poem. Translated by Mrs. C. L. Botta. New York, C. F. Heartman, 1918. 2 p. 1., [1], 7 p. 23 cm. (Heartman's historical series, no. 30) (M2366) E457.9.G82 1918a "First published in HaTpers Weekly, October 19th, 1867." Imprint reads: Thirty-six copies reprinted for Charles F. Heartman and his friends, New York City, February 1 2th, 19 18. "Number 1 of 6 copies printed on Japan vellum. Also 36 copies on Fabriano hand made paper." The translation was reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 14). Gilt-stamped on cover: William F. Gable's copy. Bound in black full-morocco. Translated from the French. ( Cf. M38 1 8 ) 1752. GRESHAM, OTTO. The greenbacks; or, The money that won the Civil War and the World War. Chicago, Printed by the Book Press, 1927. x, 312 p. 23 cm. HG604.G7 copy 3 1753. GRIDLEY, ELEANOR (Gridley). The story of Abraham Lincoln; or, The journey from the log cabin to the White House, by Eleanor Gridley. [n. p.] Juvenile Pub. Co. [ c i90o] 334 p. illus., ports. 24/2 cm. (Mi 284) E457.G84 1900a 46 unnumbered pages of illustrations included in pagination. Purple cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. Design in gilt, green, and purple on cover, with black and white portrait of Lincoln mounted in center. End papers white. 1754. Another edition. [Chicago, Monarch Book Co.] c igo2. 3p. 1., 1 1-355 p. 23/2 cm. (M1372) E457.G84 1902 copy 3 Pages 1 1-286 printed from same plates, repaged, as p. 11-332 of the 1900 edition above. (Illustrations not included in pagination.) "Part II. Jokes and anec- dotes": p. 287-355. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Dark brown half-morocco, with gold lettering on spine. End papers marbled. 1755. Another edition. Chicago, New York, M. A. Donohue, 1927 ['1900] 9 p. 1., 15-355 P- 24/2 cm. (M1372 var.) E457.G84 1927 "Anniversary edition." Title and copyright pages reset. The preliminary leaves include the "Author's special preface to the anni- versary edition" and "President Theodore Roosevelt's centennial anniversary speech," Feb. 12, 1909, Hodgen- ville, Ky. Light blue cloth, with black lettering and designs on cover and spine. End papers white. 1756. GRIDLEY, JAMES N. Lincoln's defense of Duff Armstrong, the story of the trial and the celebrated almanac, by J. N. Gridley. [Springfield? 111., 1910] 23 p. illus. port., facsim. 22/2 cm. (M1925) E457.3.G84 copy 2 At head of title: Illinois State Historical Society, April 1910. "Re-print from the Journal of the Society of April 19 10 [v. 3]" Ms. note on title page: "Only 50 copies printed, J. N. Gridley." Inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 1 9 16." Dark green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1757. GRIERSON, FRANCIS. Abraham Lin- coln; the practical mystic. New York, London, John Lane, 1918. vi p., 1 1., 9-93 p. 19/2 cm. (M2367) E457.2.G84 copy 3 1758. GRIERSON, FRANCIS. The valley of shadows. London, Constable, 1909. viii, 278 p. 23 cm. (Mi 733 var.) F545.G84 1909a "This book is not a novel, but the recollections of scenes and episodes of my early life in Illinois and Missouri." — Pref. "Abraham Lincoln" : p. [i95]-20i. Blue boards, with maroon cloth shelfback and leather label on spine. Gilt top. 1759. Another edition. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin, viii, [v]-viii, 278 p. (Mi 733) F545.G84 copy 3 With resetting of the title and copyright pages and addition of a "Preface to the American edition." Issued under title: The Valley of Shadows; Recollec- tions of the Lincoln Country, 1858-1863. Inscribed: "Chas T. White 1920." Green cloth, with simulated label on spine. Gilt top. 1 760. Another edition. New York, History Book Club, 1948. xlii, 278 p. 21 cm. (var. of Mi 733) F545-G853 copy 3 Issued, from different plates, under the original title, with the addition of an editor's note and an introduction (p. xvii-xl) by Theodore Spencer. Pink boards, with black-cloth gilt-stamped spine. 1 76 1 . GRIFFIN, ANTHONY J. Abraham Lin- coln; address on Abraham Lincoln before the Holy name society of Holy Trinity Church, Washington, D. C, on Thursday, February 10, 1927; extension 161 of remarks of Hon. Anthony J, Griffin of New York in the House of Representatives, Saturday, Febru- ary 12, 1927. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1927. 8 p. 23 cm. (M2927) P Cover title. Autographed by the author. Enclosed is a letter from the author to Charles T. White. 1762. GRIFFITH, ALBERT H. Lincoln litera- ture, Lincoln collections, and Lincoln collectors. [Evansville, Wis., The Antes Press, 1931] 23 p. 26 cm. (M3262) Z8505.G85 copy 2 "Reprinted from the Wisconsin Magazine of History, volume xv, no. 2, December, 1931." "Read at the joint meeting of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, the Wisconsin Archeological Society, and the Midwest Museums' Conference, April 10, 193 1, at Ripon College, Ripon, Wisconsin. It has under- gone some revision since that date. The paper is in part original, and in part a compilation." Author's autographed presentation copy to Charles T. White. Printed wrappers. 1763. GRIFFITH, ALBERT H. The message of Lincoln's Gettysburg address for today. [Fisk? Wis., 192-?] [5] p. 22/2 cm. (M3321) E475.55.L77 copy 2 Three pages of text. Author's autographed presentation copy to Charles T. White, dated Christmas, 1932. Printed wrappers. 1764. GRIFFITH, LAWRENCE R. Lincoln the man and Lincoln the myth; a political essay by Lawrence Rector Griffith, [n. p.] 1930. 2 p. I., 5, 2 p. port. 23 cm. (M3190) P Enclosed is a pink printed slip bearing "Comments on the writing of Lawrence Rector Griffith." Printed wrappers. 1765. GRIP, ELIAS. Abraham Lincoln; en livs- bild. Uppsala, J. A. Lindblad [19 18] 123 p. illus., port. 19 cm. (M3889) E457.G85 Portrait of Lincoln on cover. White boards, with blue cloth back. Black lettering on covers; gold lettering on spine. Printed end papers. 1766. Another edition. [1919] 126 p. 19J/2 cm. (M3889 var.) E457.G85 1919 "Andra upplagan." Differs in arrangement of type. White wrappers, imprinted in black. 1767. GRISWOLD, F. E., comp. Uncle Tom's cabin songster, [n. p., ca. 1890] [24] p. 24/2 cm. M1628.G875U5 Cover title. Without music. Illustrated printed wrappers. 1768. Grolier Club, New York. Catalogue of a collection of engraved and other portraits of Lin- coln, exhibited at the Grolier Club, New York . . • Saturday, April 8th, to Saturday, April 2 2d, 1899. [New York, De Vinne Press] 1899. 66 p. 18 cm. (Mi 251) E457.6.G87 copy 2 Introduction by Charles Henry Hart. "The Committee of Arrangements desires to thank Major W. H. Lambert and Mr. W. C. Crane, who are not members of the Grolier Club, for their valuable con- tributions, without which the exhibition could not have been completed." Printed note of thanks, from the Committee to Mr. Crane, laid in. 1 769. Grolier Club, New York. Transactions. Pt. 3; Feb. 1894-July 1899. 227, [3] p. illus., ports., facsims. 25 cm. Z1008.G875 copy 3 470 copies. Fly leaf inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 1920." "Abraham Lincoln's place in history" [an address de- livered by Charles Henry Hart at the Grolier Club on Ladies Day, Apr. 7, 1899]: p. I53~[i8i] Paper wrapped cardboard covers. In white three- quarter-closed case. 1770. GROSS, ANTHONY, ed. Lincoln's own stories, collected and edited by Anthony Gross. New York, London, Harper, 191 2. 3 p. 1., v-vii, [1], 223, [1] p. port. 20 cm. (M2024) E457.99.C87 copy 3 "Published October, 191 2." Contents. — Earlier years. — The lawyer. — Local poli- tics and the Douglas debates. — At the White House. — At the front. — The Commander-in-Chief. Author's autographed presentation copy to Joseph J. Riley. Olive-green cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and dull green lettering on spine. 1771. Another issue. Garden City, N. Y., Garden City Pub. Co. [ c igi2] 21cm. (The Star series) (M2025) E457.99.G87 1912a Dark blue cloth, lettered in red on cover and spine. Red top. 1772. GROSSCUP, PETER S. Celebration of Abraham Lincoln's birthday and second anniver- 162 sary of institution of General James Shields Council no. 967, Knights of Columbus . . . Tuesday, Feb- ruary 12, 1907, at 8 p. m. Address of the Hon. Peter S. Grosscup, Judge of U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, on "Abraham Lincoln." [Chicago, 1907] 16 p. 21/2 cm. (M1530) E457.8.G87 copy 2 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 1773. GROUT, JOSIAH. A Lincoln book, a soldier's tribute to his chief. Rutland, Vt., Tuttle, 1925. 125 p. illus., ports. 21 cm. (M2771) E457.G86 copy 3 Boards. 1774. GROVER, LEONARD. Lincoln's interest in the theater, [n. p., n. d.] [11] 1. 22/2 cm. (var. of M1734) E457.15.G7 "Printed by a lover of Lincoln in an edition of 25 num- bered copies of which this is no. ." "Proof copy. Not for sale. Presented to Mr. Otto Eisenschiml by M. L. Briggs. 25 regular copies, all sold. 2 proof copies." — Ms. note on verso of title page. Reminiscences of the wartime manager of Grover's Theatre, Washington, originally printed in Century, April 1909. Unbound. 1775. Another issue. 24^2 cm. (Mi 734) E457-i5- G 7 co Py 2 No. 15 of 25 numbered copies. Brown printed wrappers. 1779. GUGLER, HENRY. Portrait of Lincoln, [n. p., 1909?] double folder ([3] p.) ports. 15x9 cm. (M1735) P Cover title. 1780. Another edition, [n. p., 1923?] folder ([2] p.) ports. 23 x16 cm. (Mi 735 var.) P Printed, without title, from different plate. 1 78 1. The Guidon, v. 3, Feb. 1929. New York, Women's National Republican Club, Inc. P "Abraham Lincoln: as to his kindness and mercy let woman testify," byE. Hertz: p. [1-3] 1782. GUNN, BENJAMIN J. Life of Abraham Lincoln in verse; delivered by the author at Lin- coln's tomb, the thirtieth anniversary of his death, by Benj. J. Gunn. [Great Bend, Kan., Gunn's Print Shop] c igi4. 32 p. 13 J/2 cm. (M2141 var.) E457-9-G97 1914a Cover title. "Sixth edition." Text on p. [2] and [3] of cover. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. In Gaylord binder. 1783. Another issue, (var. of M2141 ) E457-9-G97 copy 3 "Eleventh edition." Front cover from different plate. 1776. GRUBB, DAVIS. A dream of kings. New York, Scribner, 1955. 8 p. I., [33-357 p. 21/2 cm. PS3513.R865D7 A novel of Civil War days. 1777. GRUBE, AUGUST W. Abraham Lin- coln. Eine biographische Skizze von A. W. Grube. Stuttgart, J. F. Steinkopf, 1878. 132 p. port. 15/2 cm. (Deutsche Jugend und Volksbibliothek. 18) (M3837a) E457.G88 copy 2 "Zweite vermehrte Auflage." Fly leaf inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." The frontispiece is a portrait of Lincoln engraved by H. Stelzner. Illustrated cardboard covers. 1778. GUEDALLA, PHILIP. Palmerston, 1784- 1865. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1927. xiv, 548 p. ports., fold, facsim. 23/2 cm. DA536.P2G8 1927 copy 3 One or two references to Lincoln. 1784. GURLEY, PHINEAS D. The voice of the rod. A sermon preached on Thursday, June 1, 1865, in the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C, by the Rev. P. D. Gurley . . . Washington, W. Ballantyne, 1865. 16 p. 23 cm. (M533) E457.8.G98 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 1785. GUROWSKI, ADAM. Diary. Boston [etc.] 1862-66. 3 V. 18 cm. E601.G97 copy 3 Vol. 1 : Boston, Lee and Shepard ; v. 2 : New York, Carleton; v. 3: Washington, W. H. & O. H. Morrison. Numerous references to Lincoln. Contents. — V. 1. From March 4, 1861, to November 12, 1862. — V. 2. From November 18, 1862, to October 18, 1863.— V. 3. i86 3 -'6 4 -'6 5 . Blue cloth. Leather labels on spine. The collection includes another copy of v. 1 (E601.G97 copy 4, v. 1), bound in red cloth, with paper label on spine. At top of label: America's Civil War. 163 1786. HAAS, JOHN A. W. Abraham Lincoln. [Allentown, Pa., Berkemeyer, Keck, 1909?] [16] p. 23 cm. (M1736) E457.8.H14 Cover title. Fourteen pages of text. Address delivered at the Lincoln celebration of the City of Allentown, Pa., Feb. 12, 1909. Autographed by H. W. Kohler, Allentown, Pa. Holo- graph letter of transmittal from Kohler to A. H. Griffith inserted. 1787. HACO, DION, pseud.? J. Wilkes Booth, the assassinator of President Lincoln. New York, T. R. Dawley, 1865. 1 p. 1., [I5J-I02 p. 19/2 cm. (Dawley's new war novels, no. 9) (M535) E457-5 Hl2 co Py 2 Wrappers, illustrated in colors. In red slipcase. 1788. HALE, WILLIAM HARLAN. Horace Greeley, voice of the people. New York, Harper [1950] xiii, 377 p. port. 22 cm. E415.9.C8H17 copy 3 "First edition." 1789. HALL, CHARLES H. A mournful Easter. A discourse delivered in the Church of the Epiph- any, Washington, D. O, on Easter day, April 19, [i. e., 16] 1865, . . . being the second day after the assassination of the President of the United States, and a similar attempt upon the Secretary of State, on the night of Good Friday. Washington, Gideon & Pearson, Printers, 1865. 15 p. 22^2 cm. (M536) E457.8.Hi7copy 2 Printed wrappers. 1 790. HALL, DANIEL. Addresses commemora- tive of Abraham Lincoln and John P. Hale; de- livered by Daniel Hall, of Dover, N. H. With a biography and other speeches and writings of the orator. Concord, N. H. [Printed by Republican Press Association] 1892. 203 p., 1 1. port. 25 cm. (Mi 102) E457.8.H172 copy 2 1 79 1. HALL, FAYETTE. The Copperhead; or, The secret political history of our Civil War un- veiled; showing the falsity of New England . . . How Abraham Lincoln came to be President . . . To be delivered and published in a series of four illustrated lectures. New Haven, Conn., F. Hall, 1902. 63 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. (M1373) E457.2.H17 copy 2 Ms. note inside cover: "Author's copy, Dr. Fayette Hall." Printed wrappers. 1792. HALL, FAYETTE. The secret and politi- cal history of the War of the Rebellion, the causes leading thereto, and the effects, showing how Abra- ham Lincoln came to be President of the United States, exposing the secret working and conspiring of those in power, and the motive and purpose of prolonging the war for four years! With additions and illustrations. New Haven, 1890. 56 p. illus., port. 28 cm. (M1062) E457.H175 copy 2 On cover: In 12 numbers. No. 1. Printed wrappers. 1793. HALL, FRANK M. Lincoln — the man. [n. p. 1926?] 47 p. illus. 23/2 cm. (M2846) P "Prepared for presentation to the Round Table Club of Lincoln, Nebraska, and . . . read October 25, 1926." Bibliography: p. 47. Printed wrappers, bound with cord. 1794. HALL, GORDON. Divine mercy a cause for humiliation. A discourse preached on the occasion of the state fast, April 13, 1865. North- ampton, Mass., Trumbull & Gere, Printers, 1865. 15 p. 22/2 cm. E458.5.H17 copy 3 Eulogistic of Lincoln. Printed wrappers. 1795. HALL, GORDON. President Lincoln's death; its voice to the people. A discourse preached in the First Church, Northampton, April 19, 1865. Northampton, Mass., Trumbull & Gere, Printers, 1865. 16 p. 22^2 cm. (M539) E457.8.Hi73copy 2 Printed wrappers. 1796. HALL, NATHANIEL. The proclamation of freedom. A sermon preached in Dorchester, January 4, 1803. Boston, Crosby and Nichols; E. Clapp, 1863. 15 p. 23/2 cm. E453.Hi64Copy4 "Reprinted from the Monthly Religious Magazine." Inscribed by the author. Ms. note: "Jno. E. Burton Coll." Brown half-morocco, with original printed wrappers and items 502 and 904 bound in. 1797. HALL, NEWMAN. A sermon on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Preached at Surrey Chapel, London, Sunday, May 14, 1865. 164 Boston, Bartlett and Haliday, 1865. 16 p. 24 cm. (M538) E 4 57.8.Hi75Copy 2 For a facsimile reproduction of the London edition, see Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 7). Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1798. HALLE, ROBERT J. Lincoln and the liquor question, compiled from the most reliable authorities [Chicago] Literary Bureau of the Na- tional Liquor League of America, [n. d.] 20 p. illus., facsim. 22 cm. (Mi 738) HV5253.Hi7copy 2 Cover title. 1799. [HALPINE, CHARLES G.] Baked meats of the funeral: a collection of essays, poems, speeches, histories, and banquets, by Private Miles O'Reilly [pseud.], late of the 47th Reg't, New York Volunteer Infantry, 10th Army Corps. Collected, revised, and edited, with the requisite corrections of punctuation, spelling, and grammar. By an ex-colonel. New York, Carleton, 1866. viii, [3^378 p. 19 cm. PS1784.H2B3 1866 copy 2 Title vignette. "Recollections of Mr. Lincoln": p. [i03]-i 1 1. Maroon three-quarter-morocco. 1800. [HALPINE, CHARLES G.] The life and adventures, songs, services, and speeches of Pri- vate Miles O'Reilly [pseud.] (47th Regiment, New York Volunteers.) With comic illustrations by Mullen. From the authentic records of the New York herald. New York, Carleton, 1864. x, [1 1]- 237 p. illus. 18/2 cm. E649.H19 copy 2 On cover: Miles O'Reilly, His book. End paper inscribed: "Charles T. White's book." Reprinted in part in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 27). 1 80 1. HALSTEAD, MURAT. Caucuses of i860. A history of the national political conven- tions of the current presidential campaign: being a complete record of the business of all the con- ventions; with sketches of distinguished men in attendance upon them, and descriptions of the most characteristic scenes and memorable events. Compiled from the correspondence of the Cincin- nati commercial, written "On the circuit of the conventions," and the official reports. By M. Halstead, an eye witness of them all. Columbus, Follett, Foster, i860. 2 p. 1., 232 p. E440.H19 copies 2 & 3 "The Chicago convention": p. 120-154. Copy 2, inscribed: "With respect of author." Copy 2 (23 cm.) bound in green printed wrappers; in brown quarter-leather slipcase. Copy 3 (23J/2 cm.) bound in green close-bead cloth; in green slipcase. 1802. HALSTEAD, MURAT. Historic illus- trations of the Confederacy. [4961-507 p. illus. 24 J/2 cm. P Caption title. History and description of Adalbert J. Volck's war etchings. Detached from The Cosmopolitan, v. 9, Aug. 1890. 1803. HAMAND, LAVERN M. Ward Hill La- mon: Lincoln's "particular friend." Urbana, 111., 1949- *5P- 23 cm. E457.4.L3H3 copy 3 Abstract of thesis (Ph. D.) — University of Illinois. Printed wrappers. 1804. HAMBRECHT, GEORGE P. Abraham Lincoln, his spirit lives; an appreciation. Stough- ton, Wis., Printed at the Vocational School [ c ig26] 4 p. 1., 16 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. (M2847) E457.2.H19 Xcopy "This edition is limited to 300 copies, numbered and signed by the writer, of which this is no. 165." "Issued February 12, 1926." Printed wrappers, bound with silk cord. 1805. HAMBRECHT, GEORGE P. Abraham Lincoln in Wisconsin. Address at annual meeting Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin, Feb. 12, 1941. Madison, Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin, 1946. 20 p. illus., ports. 26 cm. ([Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin] Historical bulletin no. 4) E457.8.H19 copy 2 Cover title. "Limited to 500 copies." Self-wrappers. 1806. [HAMBRECHT, GEORGE P.] Lincoln birthday party. Republican Club, February 13, 1928. St. Charles Hotel . . . [n. p., 1928?] [8] p. ports. 26/2 cm. (M3019) P Cover title. A program. "Abraham Lincoln," by Geo. P. Ham- brecht: p. [2]. Enclosed is a letter, dated November 6, 1923, from George P. Hambrecht to Charles T. White. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1807. HAMILTON, ANDREW J. Letter of Gen. A. J. Hamilton, of Texas, to the President of 165 the United States. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 18 p. 23 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 26) (M184) E463.L96 no. 26 4th set Cover title. Letter dated July 28, 1863. On cover: New York, Oct., 1863. In envelope. 1808. Another issue. New York, Loyal Publica- tion Society, 1865. 21 J/2 cm. (var. of Mi 84) E463.L96 no. 26 5th set With title page. Five-line note on verso of title page begins: Loyal leagues [etc.] Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 1809. HAMILTON, CHARLES G. Lincoln and the Know Nothing movement. Washington, Public Affairs Press [1954] 24 p. maps. 23 cm. (Annals of American research) JK2341.A6H3 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 21-24. Printed wrappers. 18 10. HAMILTON, HOLMAN. Zachary Tay- lor, [v. 2] Soldier in the White House. Indi- anapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [1951] 496 p. illus., ports., maps, facsim. 24/2 cm. E422.H3 copy 3 vol. 2 "First edition." Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. Occasional references to Lincoln. 181 1. [HAMILTON, JAMES A.] Examination of the power of the President to remove from office during the recess of the Senate. New York, Wyn- koop, Hallenbeck & Thomas, 1861. 23 p. 19 cm. P Signed, p. 23: "J. A. H." Printed wrappers. 18 1 2. [HAMILTON, JOSEPH C] Lincoln and the South. [Sewanee? Tenn., 1909?] 12 p. 23 cm. (M1739) E457.2.H26 copy 2 Cover title. Signed: J. G. de Roulhac Hamilton. "Reprinted from The Sewanee Review for April, 1909" Self-wrappers. 18 13. HAMILTON, MARY A. (Adamson). The story of Abraham Lincoln, by Mary A. Hamil- ton. With pictures by S. T. Dadd. London, T. C. & E. C. Jack; New York, E. P. Dutton [1906] vii, 120 p. col. illus., map. 15 cm. (The Children's heroes series, edited by John Lang) (M1500) E457.H21 copy 2 Series title on added title page and cover. Blue cloth, with colored illustration mounted on cover and gold lettering on cover and spine. 1814. Another edition. London, Edinburgh, T. C. & E. C. Jack [1906?] v, 120 p. 17 cm. (M1500 var.) E457.H21 1906a From same plates but with considerable rearrangement and resetting of type. On cover: The Hall of heroes. Series title on title page and spine. Green cloth, with lettering and designs in black on cover and spine. 18 1 5. HAMLIN, CHARLES E. The life and times of Hannibal Hamlin, by his grandson. Cam- bridge, Printed at the Riverside Press, 1899. xi p., 1 I., 627 p. illus., ports., facsim. 25J/2 cm. E415.9.H2H2 copy 3 "Published by subscription." 1816. HAMMOND, CHARLES. A sermon on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, preached at Monson, at the united service of the Congregational and Methodist churches, on the occasion of the national fast, June 1, 1865. Springfield [Mass.] S. Bowles and Co., Printers, 1865. 21 p. 23 cm. (M541) E457.8.H22 copies 2 & 3 Copy 2 with author's corrections in ink and holograph letter from the author to Charles H. Hart laid in. Printed wrappers. Copy 2 in mustard-colored case. Copy 3 rebound in blue half-morocco. 18 1 7. HANAFORD, PHEBE A. (Coffin). Abraham Lincoln; his life and public services, by Mrs. P. A. Hanaford. Boston, B. B. Russell, 1865. 216 p. illus., port. 21/2 cm. (M543) E457.H23 copy 3 Lavender-colored cloth; with lettering, device, and line borders, gilt-stamped. Gilt edges. Brown coated end papers. 1 8 18. Another issue. Boston, B. B. Russell; Chi- cago, S. S. Boyden, 1866. 21 cm. (M543 var.) E457.H23 copy 4 Title and copyright pages reset. Black cloth, with device and line borders blind- stamped ; lettering gilt-stamped on spine only. Orange- tinted end papers. In gray jacket. 166 1819- Another issue. Boston, D. Lothrop [i 88 1?] 20 cm. (M543 var.(?) ) E457.H232 copy 3 Author's forename given in full. With title page printed from different plate, copy- right page blank, preface (p. [5]-6) revised, and change of portrait. Light brown cloth, with lettering and designs in dark brown and gilt. 1820. Another edition. Chicago, New York, Akron, Ohio, The Saalfield Pub. Co., 1904. 277 p. illus., port. 19 cm. (M543 var.) E457.H233 1904 Reprint with additions, p. 217-277, of the first edition, 1865. Title and copyright pages from different plates. On spine: Library of history and biography. Dark blue cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. 1821. HANAFORD, PHEBE A. (Coffin). Abra- ham Lincoln; sein Leben und seine offentlichen Dienste. Nach dem Englischen von P. A. Hana- ford frei bearbeitet von Julius Wurzburger. New York, Haasis & Lubrecht; Boston, B. B. Russell; Chicago, S. S. Boyden, [1865] 189 p. illus., port, (front) 21 cm. (M3780) E457.H234 copy 2 End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Letter from the author, dated June 3, 1898, and ad- dressed to a Miss Merrill, laid in. Bound in black cloth, with designs blind-stamped on covers and gold lettering on spine. In gray jacket. 1822. Another issue. Cleveland, P. Ritter [18 — ] illus. 19/2 cm. (M3780 var.) E457.H235 Without frontispiece. Orange printed wrappers, with red lettering on cover and spine. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1823. HANAFORD, PHEBE A. (Coffin). Our martyred President. By Mrs. P. A. Hanaford. Abraham Lincoln: born February 12, 1809; died April 15, 1865. Boston, B. B. Russell, 1865. 22, [2] p. port, (front.) 23 cm. (M544) E457.9.H23 copy 3 In verse. Glazed printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1824. HANCOCK, CORNELIA. South after Gettysburg; letters, 1863-1868. Edited by Henri- etta Stratton Jaquette. Foreword by Bruce Catton. Drawings by Edward Shenton. New York, T. Y. Crowell Co. [1956] xii, 288 p. illus. 21 cm. E621.H29 1956 copy 3 Erratum slip laid in: "On page vii, line 12 from bottom, President Andrew Jackson should read President Andrew Johnson." Autographed by the editor for the members of the Civil War Book Club. 1825. Hanes bywyd Abraham Lincoln, o Illinois, a Hannibal Hamlin, o Maine; yr ymgeisyddion gwerinaidd am arlywydd ac islywydd yr Unol Dalaethau, erbyn yr etholiad yn Tachwedd, i860; yn nghyd a golydiadau ac egwyddorion y gwerin- wyr, &c. Pottsville, Pa., Argraffwyd gan B. Ban- nan, swyddfa y "Miners' journal," i860. 16 p. 23 cm. (M3744) E457.H243 Title vignette (portrait of Lincoln). Campaign biography of Lincoln and Hamlin written in Welsh. Previously bound. In mustard-colored slipcase. 1826. HANKS, DENNIS. Lincoln's boyhood; reminiscences of his cousin and playmate, Dennis Hanks, by Eleanor Atkinson. [New York, Phillips Pub. Co.] 360-369 p. illus., ports. 25 cm. E457.3.H3 Caption title. Detached from the American magazine, v. 65, Feb. 1908. (See item 386.) Rebound in black full-leather. 1827. HANSEN, ARTHUR C. The Hooker let- ter; an analysis. Madison, Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin, 1953. 15, [1] p. port. 26 cm. ([Lin- coln Fellowship of Wisconsin] Historical bulletin no. n) E457.96 1863H 1953 copy 2 Cover title. "Address before the Milwaukee Civil War Round Table." "Edition limited to 600 copies." Self-wrappers. 1828. HANSEN, ARTHUR C. A pilgrimage to the Lincoln country; address at annual meeting, Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin, Madison, Febru- ary 12, 1944. Madison, Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin, 1945. 16 p. illus., port. 26 cm. ( [Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin] Historical bul- letin no. 3) E457.8.H224 copy 2 Cover tide. Self- wrappers. 1829. HANSEN, HARRY. The Chicago. Illus- trated by Harry Timmins. New York, Toronto, 167 Farrar & Rinehart [1942] xi, 362 p. illus., map. 21 cm. (The Rivers of America) F547-C45 H 3 co PY 3 Includes music ("The voyageur's song": p. [346]) "The Prairie names a President [Abraham Lincoln]": P- [i59]-i87- Inscribed by the author for Alfred Whital Stern. 1830. HANSEN, HARRY. The story of Illinois. Illustrated by John N. Barron. Garden City, N. Y., Garden City Books [1956] 56 p. illus. 32 cm. F541.H26 copy 2 Illustrated end papers. "Abe Lincoln comes to Illinois": p. 35~[37] " Tne great debate over slavery": p. 38-43. Boards, illustrated in color. 1 83 1. HANSON, JOSEPH M. Bull Run remem- bers . . . The history, traditions, and landmarks of the Manassas (Bull Run) campaigns before Washington, 1861-1862. Manassas, Va., National Capitol Publishers, 1953. ix, 194 p. illus., maps. 23/2 cm. E472.18.H3 copy 3 1832. HAPGOOD, NORMAN. Abraham Lin- coln, the man of the people. New York, London, Macmillan, 1899. xiii, 433 p. ports., facsims. 20 cm. (M1250) E457.H25 copy 3 1833. HARBACH, OTTO A. The hero of com- promise [by] Otto A. Hauerbach. [n. p., ca. 1895] [7] p. (on double leaves) 28/2 cm. E457.8.H24 "Edition consists of only two copies printed by photo- static process." Five pages of text. In folder of the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, Chicago, 111. 1834. HARBISON, WINFRED A. Lincoln and Indiana republicans, 1 861- 1864. [Bloomington] I938- [277H°3> [42]-64 P- 26 cm. E506.H3 copies 1, 2 & 3 Cover title. "Reprinted from the Indiana Magazine of History, vol. XXXIII, no. 3, and vol. XXXIV, no. 1. September, 1937; March, 1938." Bibliographical footnotes. Copy 1 with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 1835. HARDING, AARON. Speech [of] Hon. A. Harding, of Ky., on the President's two procla- mations and the two rebellions, delivered in the House of Representatives, in Congress, on the 21st of January, 1863. Washington, M'Gill & Witherow, Printers, 1863. 15 p. 22 cm. (var.(?) of M185) E458.2.H22 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 1836. HARDING, WARREN G., Pres. U. S. President Harding's address at the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D. C, 30 May, 1922. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1922. 8 p. 23 cm. (M2575) E457.8.U585 copy 3 Cover title. Autographed by the author. Self-wrappers. 1837. HARKNESS, DAVID J. Lincoln and Byron, lovers of liberty. Harrogate, Tenn., Lin- coln Memorial University, Department of Lin- colniana, 1941. 14 p. ports. 25/2 cm. P "250 copies . . . This is copy number 239. [Signed] David J. Harkness." Printed wrappers. 1838. HARLAN, JAMES. The Constitution upheld and maintained. Speech of Hon. Jas. Harlan, of the United States Senate. [Washing- ton, Printed by L. Towers for the Union Con- gressional Committee, 1864] 8 p. 24/2 cm. [Re- publican Congressional Committee, 1863-1865. Publications. Campaign of 1864. no. 11 a] (var.(?) of M299) E458.4.H192 copy 3 Caption title. Series and imprint at foot of p. 8. Self-wrappers. 1839. HARLOW-GOETZ, ELIZABETH. The simplicity of greatness and the greatness of sim- plicity; discourse delivered at San Diego, Cali- fornia, on Lincoln's birthday, 19 15. San Diego, L. E. Gillet [1915] [12] p. 16/2 cm. (M2185) E457.8.H28 1915 Cover title. Autographed by the author. 1840. Another issue. (M2i85var.) E457.8.H28 1915a "2d edition." From same plates, with addition of edition statement at bottom of cover. 1 84 1. HARMON, GEORGE D. Douglas and the Compromise of 1850. [n. p., 1929?] 49 p. port. 23 cm. E423.H3 168 "Reprinted from volume ai, no. 4, January, 1929, Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society." Printed wrappers. 1842. HARPER, ROBERT S. Lincoln and the press. New York, London, Toronto, McGraw- Hill [1951] xii, 418 p. ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. E457.H28 copy 3 Bibliography: p. [397]"4°'- 1843. Harper's magazine, v. 31, July 1865; no. 894, Nov. 1924; v. 186, Dec. 1942; v. 188, Feb. 1944. New York, Harper & Bros. AP2.H3 v. 3 1 [etc.] X copy "Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln," by [N. Brooks]: v. 31, p. 222-230. "Shattering the myth of John Wilkes Booth's escape," by W. G. Shepherd: no. ^94; P- [702]-7i9. "Lincoln's letter to General Hooker": V. »86, p. 83. "The Gettysburg Address," a poem by G. Maxwell: v. 188, p. 209. "It was Booth's body," by D. Clark: v. 188, p. [aio]-ai8. The issue for July 1865 appeared under the earlier name of Harper's New Monthly Magazine. 1844. Harper's weekly, v. 5-9, Jan. 5, 1861-Dec. 30, 1865; v. 11, Mar. 9, 1867. New York, Harper & Bros. AP2.H32 v. 5-9, 4th set AP2.H32 v. 9 & 1 1 X copy Constitutes a contemporary pictorial history of Lincoln's presidency and of the "War for the Union." "John H. Surratt": v. 1 1, p. 148-150. The collection includes a 2d copy of the Mar. 18, 1865, issue. 1845. HARRINGTON, DANIEL. Abraham Lincoln; an address. [Utah? 1936?] folder ([4] p.) 22/2 cm. (M3519) P Caption title. 1846. HARRINGTON, FRED H. Fighting poli- tician, Major General N. P. Banks. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press; London, Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press, 1948. xi p., 1 1., 301 p. port. 23 cm. E467.1.B23H28 copy 3 At head of title: The American Historical Association. End paper maps. 1847. HARRIS, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Sut Lovingood travels with old Abe Lincoln. In- troduction by Edd Winfield Parks. Chicago, Black Cat Press, 1937. 2 p. I., 7-44, [1] p. 20/2 cm. (M3565) E457.9.H28 copy 2 "150 copies of this volume have been printed." "These sketches were published in the Nashville 'Union and American,' February 28, March 2, and March 5, 1861." "Textual and bibliographical note" : p. 42-44. 1848. HARRIS, JOEL CHANDLER. On the wing of occasions; being the authorized version of certain curious episodes of the late Civil War, including the hitherto suppressed narrative of the kidnapping of President Lincoln. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1900. vii, 310 p. 4 illus. (Mi 285) PS1807.O54 1900 copies 1, 2, & 3 Copies 1 & 2 (201/3 cm.) bound in yellow-green cloth with gold lettering on cover and spine. Copy 3 (20 cm.) bound in red cloth with white lettering on cover and spine. 1849. Another issue. 1902. 20 cm. (Mi 285 var.) PS1807.O54 1900 copy 4 Title page reset. Bound in green cloth with white and green lettering on cover and spine. 1850. HARRIS, MARY MOORE (Vantrece). Lincoln memoirs; from the log cabin to the White House, by Mary M. Harris. Springfield, 111., Phillips Bros., Printers, c 1908. 89 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. (M1586) E457.H31 copy 3 1 85 1. HARRIS, N. DWIGHT. The History of negro servitude in Illinois and of the slavery agita- tion in that state, 1 719—1864. Chicago, A. C. Mc- Clurg, 1904. x, 276 p. illus., ports., facsim. 20/2 cm. E445.I2H3 copy 3 "Later slavery agitation and the Lincoln-Douglas de- bates": p. 206-225. 1852. Harris (Samuel) & Co., Chicago. A new story about Lincoln. [Chicago, The Henneberry Co., Printers, 1926?] [3] p. 16 cm. (M2868) P (2 copies) Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1853. HARRIS, THOMAS M. Assassination of Lincoln; a history of the great conspiracy: trial of the conspirators by a military commission and a review of the trial of John H. Surratt, by T. M. Harris. Boston, American Citizen Co. [1892] 419 p. ports., map. 23 cm. (Mi 103) E457.5.H28 "Special G. A. R. edition, 26th National Encampment, Washington, September, 1892." 169 i8 5 4- HARRISON, BENJAMIN, Pres. U. S. Views of an ex-President . . . being his addresses and writings on subjects of public interest since the close of his administration as President of the United States. Compiled by Mary Lord Harrison. Indianapolis, Bowen-Merrill [1901] 5 p. 1., 532 p. port. 24 cm. E660.H3 1 copy 3 "Abraham Lincoln [speech] February 12, 1898, at the Lincoln Day Banquet of the Marquette Club, Chicago": p. 472-478- Flyleaf inscribed: "Chas. T. White." 1855. HART, CHARLES H. A biographical sketch of His Excellency Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Reprinted from introduction to Bibliographia Lincolniana. Albany, J. Munsell, 1870. 21 p. 27 cm. (M920) E457.H32 copy 2 folio "One hundred copies printed for private circulation." Reprinted from Boyd's A Memorial Lincoln Bibliog- raphy, 1870, p. [g]-24. (Item 774.) Inscribed by the author to W. S. Appleton. Plain wrappers. In pamphlet holder. 1856. HART, FRANKLIN W. Abraham Lin- coln, the great commoner, the sublime emancipator, by Col. F. W. Hart. [Pasadena? Calif.] 1926. 8 p. port. 20/2 cm. (M2928) P Cover title. Prospectus (prepublication of final chapter of item 1858). Not the same as item 1857. Self-wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1857. HART, FRANKLIN W. Abraham Lin- coln, the great commoner, the sublime emanci- pator, by Col. F. W. Hart. Los Angells [sic] Calif. [1927] [8] p. port. 21^2 cm. (M2928 var.) P (3 copies) Cover title. Prospectus with press comments. Not the same as item 1856. One copy autographed by the author. Self-wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1858. HART, FRANKLIN W. Abraham Lin- coln, the great commoner, the sublime emanci- pator, by Col. F. W. Hart. Pasadena, Calif., Press of Pasadena Star-News ^1927] 5 p. 1., [i3]-274 p. 2 port. 20/2 cm. (M2929) E457.H.34 copy 3 Autographed. End paper inscribed: "Charles T. White 1927." 1859. HART, HUGH D. Lincoln, the man of the ages; an epic poem in prose. Monmouth, 111., F. L. Seybold, 1945. 6 p. 1., 159 p. port. 20 cm. E457.H35 copy 3 i860. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. For the only home he ever owned . . . Lincoln chose this Hartford policy, [n. p., n. d.] folder (3 p.) port., facsim. 43/2 x 28 cm. fold, to 14/2 x 22 cm. P Caption title. Facsimile of policy. 1861 1923 Harvard alumni bulletin, v. 25, Apr. 5, Boston, Harvard Alumni Assn. LH1.H3A5 v. 25 X copy "A new opinion of Lincoln": p. [797] "Lincoln and Peru," by F. Pezet: p. [8oo]-8o5. 1862. HARVEY, FRED. Exhibit of Lincolni- ana, commemorating the one-hundred and twenty- fifth anniversary of the birthday of Abraham Lin- coln, [n. p. 1934] double folder ([7] p. (M3431) P Cover title. Catalog of 167 Lincoln items. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1863. HARWELL, RICHARD B. Confederate carrousel: Southern songs of the sixties. Chicago, Civil War Round Table [1950?] 19 p. 23/2 cm. ML355i.H2g8copy 2 Cover title. Without the music. "Reprinted from The Emory University Quarterly, volume VI, no. 2, June 1950." Self-wrappers. 1864. HARWELL, RICHARD B., ed. The Confederate reader. Edited by Richard B. Har- well. New York, London, Toronto, Longmans, Green, 1957. xxvi, 389 p. illus. 24 cm. E487-H36copy 4 "First edition." 1865. HARWELL, RICHARD B. A military tourist; Colonel Fremantle and his Confederate travels. Chicago, Abraham Lincoln Bookshop, 1954. 13 p. port. 23/2 cm. E487.F864H3 "Reprinted from The Emory University Quarterly, vol. x, no. 1, March 1954." Cover title. 170 1 866. HARWELL, RICHARD B. Propaganda for secession: the i860 association and the secession convention of i860, [n. p.] 1953. 15 p. facsims. 26 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, Winter 1952, Vol. 54, No. 4, Pages 27-40. Published April 1953. Re- printed July I953-" 1867. HASBROUCK, JACOB L. Lincoln in some of his unheroic hours; paper by Jacob Louis Hasbrouck before the Rotary Club of Bloomington, Illinois, February 10, 1938. [Bloomington, 111.? Printed by co-operation of: the Daily Pantagraph [and] McLean County Historical Society 1938?] [16]. p. 21/2 cm. (M3622) P Caption title. 1868. HASSLER, WARREN W. General George B. McClellan, shield of the Union. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press [1957] xvi, 350 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. E467.1.M2H4 copy 3 "First edition." Autographed by the author for members of the Civil War Book Club. 1869. [HASTED, FREDERICK] Copy of a let- ter written from Buffalo, State of N. Y., December 2 1 st, i860, to the Honorable Abraham Lincoln, President elect of the United States of North America. [Buffalo? 1862] 8 p. 22 cm. (M134) E 453- H 352 1862 Caption title. Includes also copies of letters from the author to Horace Greeley and Jefferson Davis. Previously bound. In red quarter-morocco slipcase. 1870. [HASTED, FREDERICK] Copy of a let- ter written from Buffalo, State of New York, July 23, 1862, to His Excellency, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of North America. [Buffalo? 1863] folder (4 p.) 21/2 cm. (M186) E458.2.H35 Caption title. "Published January 26, 1863." Signed. Previously bound. In green quarter-morocco slipcase. 187 1. [HASTED, FREDERICK] Copy of a let- ter written from Buffalo, State of New York, North America, Aug. 25, 1862. To His Excellency, Abra- ham Lincoln, President of the United States of North America. [Buffalo? 1863] folder (4 p.) 22 cm. (M187) E179.5.H29 "Published January 26, 1863." In red slipcase. 1872. HATHAWAY, WARREN. A discourse occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln: preached at Coxsackie, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865. Albany, J. Munsell, 1865. 24 p. 23/2 cm. (M548) E457.8.H36 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 1873. HAVEN, GILBERT, Bp. Te Deum lau- damus. The cause and the consequence of the election of Abraham Lincoln; a Thanksgiving sermon delivered in the Harvard St. M. E. Church, Cambridge, Sunday evening, Nov. 11, i860. Boston, J. M. Hewes, Printer, i860. 44 p. 23 cm. (M40) E440.5.H38 copy 2 Green half-leather, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1874. HAVEN, GILBERT, Bp. The uniter and liberator of America. A memorial discourse on the character and career of Abraham Lincoln : de- livered in the North Russell Street M. E. Church, Boston, Sunday, April 23, 1865. Boston, J. P. Magee, 1865. 32 p. 22J/2 cm. (M550) E457.8.H385 copy 2 Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1875. HAWLEY, BOSTWICK. Truth and righteousness triumphant. A discourse commem- orative of the death of President Lincoln : preached in the Washington Avenue M. E. Church, April 20, 1865, by B. Hawley, D. D. Albany, N. Y., J. Mun- sell, 1865. 20 p. 23 cm. (M551) E457.8.H39 copy 2 Red three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 1876. [HAWLEY, HARRIET E.] A suggestion as to the most feasible plan by which to preserve to posterity the house in which Abraham Lincoln died . . . Together with the almost invaluable col- lection of relics and other matter connected with the life and deeds of the martyr President which it now contains. Washington, 1908. 7 p. port. 15 cm. (M1587) F204.L7H3 copy 2 Cover title. Signed: Harriet Eunice Hawley. Self-wrappers. 171 1 87 7. HAWORTH, IRA. Reminiscences about Abraham Lincoln. Also an address delivered be- fore the Washingtonian Temperance Society, at the Second Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Illinois, February 22, 1842, by Abraham Lincoln. Kansas City, Kan., Kansas City Sun [1909] 31 p. illus. 23 cm. (Mi 741) E457.15.H39 copy 2 "Souvenir edition." "A masterful tribute to the memory of President Lin- coln, delivered at the Columbia theater, Washington, D. C, April 14, 1907 ... by Wm. J. Bryan": p. 21-30. (Previously published in item 4265). Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. In Gaylord binder. 1878. HAY, JOHN. Abraham Lincoln. [New York? 1939?] facsim. ([12] p.), 1 1. 2 port. 20/2 cm. (M3675) E457.15.H395 copy 3 Cover title. Facsimile of a letter to Wm. H. Herndon from John Hay, dated Sept. 5, 1866. "Reproduced from the original in the collection of Lincolniana formed by Wm. H. Herndon, now in the possession of Gabriel Wells." 1879. HAY, JOHN. Letters of John Hay and extracts from diary. Washington, Printed but not Published, 1908. 3 v. 25 cm. E664.H4 1 H4 copy 3 The letters cover the period i860 to 1905. Selected by Henry Adams; edited by Mrs. Hay. On spine of each vol. (paper labels) : Letters and diaries of John Hay. In blue case. 1880. HAY, JOHN. Lincoln and the Civil War in the diaries and letters of John Hay. Selected and with an introduction by Tyler Dennett. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1939. xii p., 1 1., 348 p. port, group. 24/2 cm. (M3676) E664.H41H42 copy 4 188 1. HAY, JOHN, and ELIHU ROOT. The Republican party, "A party fit to govern." New York, Priv. Print., 1904. 1 p. 1., 57 p. 25 cm. JK2356.H43 copy 3 .Page 27 with ms. note of C[harles] T. White. Contents.- — Fifty years of the Republican Party; an address delivered by John Hay at Jackson, Mich., July 6, 1904. — The Republican Party of to-day as an effective governing force; the address delivered by Elihu Root at Chicago, 111., June 21, 1904. Printed wrappers. 1882. HAYNES, SUMNER W. Abraham Lin- coln on popular sovereignty. . . [Portland, Ind? 1932?] [4] P- 21 cm. (M3323) P Cover title. 1883. HAZEN, DAVID. Mr. Lincoln. Port- land, Or., University of Portland, 1941. 68 p. 20 I / 2 cm. E457.8.H43 copy 3 The first of the Easter lecture series at the University of Portland. Cf. p. 7. Bibliography: p. 67-68. Printed wrappers. 1884. HAZLETON, JOSEPH H. The assassi- nation of President Lincoln, by Joseph H. Hazle- ton, an eye witness, [n. p., n. d.] folder ([2] p.) illus., port. 23 cm. P (2 copies) One copy is an abridged edition offered over radio station KTM, Hollywood, Calif. Both copies autographed. Letter of transmittal from Mr. Hazleton laid in. 1885. HE ACOCK, W. J. Speech in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war, sustaining the ad- ministration in its emancipation policy, and advo- cating an extensive and general use of the negro in the army and navy. In assembly, April 6th, 1863. Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers, 1863. 15 p. 22 cm. (Documents from N. Y. State Union Central Committee, no. 18) P Cover title. Previously bound. 1886. HEAGLE, DAVID. The great anti- slavery agitator, Hon. Owen Lovejoy, as a gospel minister, by D. Heagle. Princeton, 111., Tribune Job Print [ c i886] 48 p. 15 cm. E415.9.L89H43 1886a Inscribed by the author. Two letters from E. P. Lovejoy to C. T. White; a check, dated Nov. 15, 1862, and signed by Owen Lovejoy; and a photograph of the latter, laid in. Printed wrappers. 1887. Hearst's International combined with Cos- mopolitan, v. 87, Sept. 1929. New York, Inter- national Magazine Co. AP2.C8 v. 87 X copy "The Story of Lincoln — Part One," by Emil Ludwig: v. 87, p. 28-31, 21 1-2 19. 1888. Heartman, firm, booksellers. Two hun- dred and fifty-four sermons, orations, eulogies, poems and other pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln to be sold at unrestricted auction sale . . . 172 February 11, 19 14 at Heartman's Bookstore . . . New York City . . . [Lancaster, Pa., Press of the Lancaster Print. Co., 1914] 1 p. 1., [3I-30 p. 22 cm. (M2145) Z8505.Z9H3 copy 2 Cover title. At head of title: Heartman's auction no. XIV. Title vignette (port.) "The [251] items offered in this sale are from the Lambert collection." — Pref. Pages [3]— 5 priced in manuscript. 1889. Another issue. [New York, 1914] 2 p. 1., [5l-3 2 > [3] P- 2 5 cm - ( M 2i45 var.) Z8505.Z9H3 i9i4copy3 Issued under title: Two Hundred and Fifty-four Ser- mons, Eulogies, Orations, Poems and Other Pamphlets Re- lating to Abraham Lincoln: Sold at Auction February 11, 1914, at Heartman's Auction Room . . . New York, with Prices Realized and Names of Buyers. From same plates but repaged, with title page added, etc. "One hundred and twenty copies printed for Chas. Fred Heartman." "Concerning Abraham Lincoln": label mounted on cover. Green printed wrappers. 1890. HEARTSILL, WILLIAM W. Fourteen hundred and 91 days in the Confederate Army. A journal kept by W. W. Heartsill for four years, one month, and one day. Or, Camp life, day by day, of the W. P. Lane Rangers from April 19, 1861, to May 20, 1865. Edited by Bell Irvin Wiley. Jack- son, Tenn., McCowat-Mercer Press [ c i953] xxiv p., 5 1., facsim. (5 L, 264 p., 1 1. ports.), [267]- 332 p. illus., port., facsims. 23 cm. E580.6.M84 1876a copy 3 "Edition limited to 1000 copies." Label mounted below imprint reads: Published 1954. "Save for a few photographs and pages of text that were exceptionally faded or marred, the Tennessee State Library copy [Marshall, Tex., W. W. Heartsill, 1876] was used in the reproduction." 1891. HEATH, VIRGINIA. The story of Lin- coln. Portland, Me., L. H. Nelson, 1905. 31, [1] p. illus., ports. 24/2 cm. (M1459) E 457- H 43 co Py 2 Cream-colored printed wrappers, illustrated in color. Bound in contemporary gilt-stamped brown cloth. 1892. Another issue. 1906. 26 cm. (M1459 var.) E457.H43 copy 3 Title and copyright pages reset. Dark brown cloth, with paper label on cover. Portrait of Lincoln mounted on cover. 1893. HEATHCOTE, CHARLES W. Lincoln in Pennsylvania. West Chester, Pa. ["1935] 49 p. 22 cm. (M3477) E457.H44 copy 3 Author's inscribed presentation copy to George P. Ham- brecht. Boards. 1894. Heavenly messenger; or, Immortality dem- onstrated. Appeals to the Methodists by Gilbert Haven. With additional interesting spirit messages from Abraham Lincoln and others. Washington, S. M. Baldwin [1891?] ii, 38 p. 22 cm. BF1301.H37 1891 Cover title. "Twelfth edition." In ms. under imprint : 1890. "Written by the hand of a most excellent mechanical writing medium in Springfield, Mass." In brown half-morocco, with original wrappers and item 904 bound in. 1895. HEERMANS, J. War power of the Presi- dent. New York, C. S. Westcott & Co., Printers, 1863. 10 p. 23 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 32) (M188) E458.3.H45 copy 2 Cover title. 1896. Another issue. [New York, 1863] 21/2 cm. (var. of M188) E463.L96 no. 32, 4th set Caption title. (War power of the President — summary imprisonment — habeas corpus. ) With printed note at head of p. [1]: "Please read and circulate." Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 1897. Heffley School, Brooklyn. Reading and dic- tation book. New York, 191 1. 41 p. 17 cm. Z56.H47 Shorthand exercise book mentioning Lincoln. 1898. HEINL, FRANK J. Newspapers and periodicals in the Lincoln-Douglas country, 183 1- 1832. [Springfield, 111., Journal Print. Co., 1 93 1] 70 p. map. 23 cm. Z6951.H46 copy 3 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume 23, no. 3, October, 1930." Printed wrappers. 1899. HEIST AND, HENRY O. S. Abraham Lincoln, by Colonel H. O. S. Heistand . . . being an address delivered before the Men's League of the Broadway Tabernacle, February 13, 1908. New 173 York, Priv. Print., 1909. 40 p. port. 14 cm. (Mi 742) E457.8.H47 copy 2 "The entire edition of this book is limited to 150 copies." Printed wrappers. 1900. HELM, KATHERINE. The true story of Mary, wife of Lincoln; containing the recollections of Mary Lincoln's sister Emilie (Mrs. Ben Hardin Helm), extracts from her war-time diary, numer- ous letters and other documents now first published by her niece, Katherine Helm. New York, London, Harper, 1928. 6 p. 1., 309, [1] p. illus., ports., facsims. 24/2 cm. (M3020) E457.25.H47 copy 7 Bound in maroon cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. Tinted top. 1901. Another issue. 25 cm. (M3020 var.) E 457-25 H 47 co Py 6 "This limited edition, printed on specially watermarked aurelian paper, consists of one hundred and seventy-five copies . . . [This is number] 40." On verso of title page: "first edition." Panel of red damask from the Todd home mounted within gilt borders on front cover. Bound in gray cloth. Paper label on spine. In gray three-quarter-closed slip- case. 1902. HENDERSON, THEODORE S. True blue! that's you? [n. p., n. d.] 14 p. 12/2 cm. (M2641 var.) P Cover title. The story of Lincoln and the sleeping sentinel. 1903. HENDRICK, BURTON J. Lincoln's war cabinet. Boston, Little, Brown, 1946. 6 p. 1., [3]- 482 p. illus., ports. 22/2 cm. E456.H4 copy 6 "An Atlantic monthly press book." "First edition." Bibliographical footnotes. 1904. HENKELS, STAN. V. Catalogue No. 1027. Lincolniana, an unusual collection of eulo- gies on Abraham Lincoln ... to be sold Monday and Tuesday afternoons, March 20th and 21st, 191 1 . '. . Philadelphia, Maurice H. Power, Printer, 191 1. 74 p. facsim. 25 cm. (M1982) Z999.H505 3d set no. 1027 Cover title: Lincolniana, an inportant [sic] collection of eulogies on Abraham Lincoln. Printed wrappers. 1905. HENRY, DAVID W. Abraham Lincoln; an address delivered by Hon. David W. Henry be- fore Blinn Camp no. 82, Sons of Veterans, Terre Haute, Indiana, February 12, 1925. [Terre Haute, J 925] J 9P- 23 cm. (M2772) E457.8.H516 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 1906. [HENRY, FRANK E.] Lincoln speaks Spanish. New York, American Missionary Associ- ation, 1925. 7 p. port. 16 cm. (Hero tale series, A. M. A. Sunday February, 1925) (M2773) P Cover title. 1907. HENRY, ROBERT S., ed. As they saw Forrest; some recollections and comments of con- temporaries. Jackson, Tenn., McCowat-Mercer Press, 1956. xvi, 306 p. illus., ports., 2 maps (on fold, leaf), facsims. 23/2 cm. (Monographs, sources, and reprints in Southern history, no. 3) E467.1.F72H39 1956a "Riders with old Bedford edition, autographed by the editor for the members of the Civil War Book Club [Signed] Robert S. Henry." One or two references to Lincoln. 1908. HEPWORTH, GEORGE H. Two sermons preached in the Church of the Unity, April 23, 1865. I. On the death of Abraham Lincoln. II. Duties suggested by the national grief. Boston, Printed for the Society, by J. Wilson and Son, 1865. 27 p. 19/2 cm. (M555) S457.8.H52 copy 2 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 1909. HERNDON, WILLIAM H. Abraham Lincoln, Miss Ann Rutledge, New Salem, pioneer- ing, and the poem; a lecture delivered in the old Sangamon County Court House, November [16] 1866. [Foreword by H. E. Barker] Springfield. 111., 19 10. 3 p. 1., [7]— 67 p. map. 29 cm (M1926) E457.35.H55 copy q "Collector's edition. Limited to 150 signed copies of which this is no. 63. [Signed] H. E. Barker." Laid in are separates of the foreword by Barker (un- rev. var. of Mi 905) and three-page folders of sample pages [7], 10 (i. e., 11) and 57 (i. e., 58). Green cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and paper label on spine. 1910. Another edition. Introduction by Harry Rosecrans Burke. Herrin, 111., Trovillion Private 174 Press, 1945. 3 p. I., v-xxvi, 50 p., 1 1. 4 illus. 23 cm. (var. of Mi 926) E457-35-H55 i945 co Py4 Issued, from different plates, under title: Lincoln and Ann Rutledge and the Pioneers of New Salem, a Lecture. "Collector's edition . . . limited to one hundred and twenty-two numbered copies . . . printed ... on Urn- bria handmade paper . . . This copy is number 65 [Signed] Harry R. Barker." Illustrated with original etchings by Jesse P. Henry. Dark blue cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. Gilt top. In brown three-quarter-closed case. 191 1. Another issue, (var. of M1926) E457.35.H55 1945 copy 3 Without edition statement on verso of 1st prelim, leaf. "898 copies with illustrations reproduced from the original etchings." Light blue cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. Plain top. In brown three-quarter-closed case. 191 2. HERNDON, WILLIAM H. Brief analy- sis of Lincoln's character; a letter to J. E. Rems- burg . . . from W. H. Herndon . . . September 10, 1887. [n. p.] Priv. Print., 1917. folder (b]P-)- 20/2 cm. (M2311) E457.2.H55 copy 2 Cover title. Ms. note on cover: "50 copies, [Signed] H. E. Barker." 1913. HERNDON, WILLIAM H. A card and a correction; a broadside on Lincoln's religion . . . November 9, 1882. [n. p.] Priv. Print. [H. E. Barker] 191 7. r 1. 28 x 13/2 cm. fold, to 21 J/ 2 cm. (M2312) E457.2.H552 Cover title. "75 copies." Signed by H. E. Barker. In case with items 19 18, 19 19, and 1920. 1 9 14. HERNDON, WILLIAM H. The hidden Lincoln, from the letters and papers of William H. Herndon [Edited by] Emanuel Hertz. New York, Viking Press, 1938. 7 p. 1., 3-461 p. illus., ports., facsims. 24/2 cm. (M3623) E457.H58 copy 3 "Published in February 1938." "A poem by Lincoln": p. 447-449. Inscribed by the editor to Alfred W. Stern. Light brown cloth with blue lettering and blue line borders on cover and spine. Blue top. 1 915. Another issue. 8 p. 1., 3-461 p. (M3623 var.) E457.H581 copy 3 "First published in February 1938." Copyright page reset. With additional portrait of Lincoln. "This first edition . . . printed on Strathmore perma- nent paper and individually inscribed is limited to one hundred and fifty numbered copies for sale and fifteen presentation copies. This copy is number 88." Bound in blue-gray cloth with title and line borders blind-stamped on cover, gilt-stamped on spine. Gilt top. In three-quarter-closed case. 19 1 6. HERNDON, WILLIAM H. A letter from William H. Herndon to Isaac N. Arnold, re- lating to Abraham Lincoln, his wife, and their life in Springfield, [n. p.] Priv. Print., 1937 [i. e. 1938] 8 1. 25 cm. (M3566var.) E457.15.H44 1938 First printed in an edition of one copy and presented to James W. Bollinger of Davenport, Iowa, upon the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of his birth, April I0 > ! 937- This copy is one of 29 copies which Bollinger had prepared for presentation to Governor Horner and each of the donors. (Bollinger's letter of appreciation and transmittal, Feb. 12, 1938, is reproduced on p. [15].) Inscribed by Bollinger to George P. Hambrecht. With Hambrecht bookplate. Ms. note on verso of flyleaf: "Original in Chicago His- torical Society. Printed by Frye Printing Co., Springfield, Illinois, from type set by M. & L. Typesetting Co., Chicago. Bound by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Chi- cago — Says Paul M. Angle on evening of my 70th birthday at my surprise party/Paul wrote it." Tan quarter-calf. 191 7. [HERNDON, WILLIAM H.] [Letter to John W. Keys, dated Springfield, 111., April 14th, 1886] [Deerfield, Wis., Easton Printing Service, n. d.] folder ([3] p.) 16 cm. (M1237) P On cover: Printed letter of transmittal from Louis C. Vanuxem to William H. Lambert. 19 18. HERNDON, WILLIAM H. Lincoln and Douglas. The Peoria debates and Lincoln's power. A broadside published 1866 by Wm. H. Herndon. [n. p.] Priv. Print., 191 7. 1 1. 41 x 27 cm. fold, to 215/2 cm. (M2313) E457.2.H552 Cover title. "75 copies." Signed by H. E. Barker. In case with items 19 13, 19 19, and 1920. 1 91 9. HERNDON, WILLIAM H. Lincoln's personal characteristics. A letter written Jan. 15, 1874, to an unknown correspondent in New York City. Los Angeles, Calif., Priv. Print, for H. E. Barker, 1933. [6] p. 20/2 cm. (M3385) E 457-2-H552 Cover title. "Issue limited to 100 copies of which this is no. 30." Foreword signed by H. E. Barker. In case with items 19 1 3, 1918, and 1920. 175 1920. HERNDON, WILLIAM H. Lincoln's philosophy of life. A letter written to a friend of uncertain identity, under date of February 18th, 1886. Los Angeles, Calif., Priv. Print, for H. E. Barker, 1933. [6] p. 20/2 cm. (M3386) E457-2-H552 Cover title. "Issue limited to 100 copies of which this is no. 26." Addressed to "Friend Fowler." Foreword signed by H. E. Barker. In case with items 191 3, 1918, and 1 9 1 9. 1 92 1. HERNDON, WILLIAM H. Lincoln's religion, the text of addresses delivered by William H. Herndon and Rev. James A. Reed, and a letter by C. F. B. Edited, with an introductory note, by Douglas C. McMurtrie. Chicago, Black Cat Press, 1936. 2 p. 1., 7-98 p., 1 1. 20 cm. (M3530) E 457-2-H 55 8 copy 2 "140 copies . . . have been printed." 1922. HERNDON, WILLIAM H., and JESSE W. WEIK. Herndon's Lincoln; the true story of a great life . . . The history and personal recollec- tions of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Bclford, Clarke & Co.; London; H. J. Drane [ c i889] 3 v. (638 p.) illus., ports., facsims. (1 fold.) 19 cm. (M1049) E457-H55 copy 4 "Copyright, 1889, by Belford, Clarke & Company." The first edition. On the priority of this over the item following, see, "Herndon's Lincoln: a study" {The Publishers Weekly, v. 140, Nov. 29, 1941: 2019-2021). Advertising matter at end of each volume ([5], [6], [4] p. respectively). Black half-morocco, with gilt-stamped spine, and marbled sides, edges, and end papers. In brown solander case. 1923. Another issue. Chicago, Belford-Clarke Co., 1890. 19J/2 cm. (M1049 var.) E 457-H55 copy 5 Title page reset. Copyright statement same. Ms. note on flyleaf: "2nd edition. 1st binding — 'Belford, Clarke & Co.' on spine." Blue cloth, with gilt-stamped cover and spine and light-green floriated end papers. Gilt top. In blue quarter-morocco slipcase. 1924. Another edition. Springfield, 111., Hern- don's Lincoln Pub. Co. [n. d.] 20 cm. (var. (?) of M1049) E457.H587 Printed from different plates in the same number of volumes and pages but without illustrations. Dark-gray cloth, with gilt-stamped cover and spine and dark-green floriated end paper. Gilt top. 1925. Another edition. New York, D. Appleton, 1892. 2 v. (331, 348 p.) illus., ports., facsims. (part fold.) 20 cm. (M1051) E 457 H 5 6 co P ies 3 & 5 "With an introduction by Horace White." Issued under title: Abraham Lincoln; the True Story of a Great Life. Contains additional material, e. g. on Lincoln in the Massachusett's campaign of 1848 and the Illinois cam- paign of 1858. Blue-green cloth, with gilt-stamped cover and spine and yellow end papers. Gilt top. 1926. Another issue. 1895. (var. of M1051) E 457 H 5 6co Py4 Title page reset. In other respects, including binding, identical to the 1892 edition. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 1916." 1927. Another issue. 1906. (M1051 var.) E 457- H 56 copy 6 Title page reset. End paper inscribed: "Jno. W. Starr, Jr." Light blue-green buckram, with gilt-stamped cover and spine and white end papers. Gilt top. 1928. Another edition. New York, A. & C. Boni, 1930. 2 p. 1., [v]-xlvi p., 1 1., 511 p. 19/2 cm. (M1053) E457.H575 copy 3 "With an introduction and notes by Paul M. Angle." Issued under title: Herndon's Life of Lincoln, the History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. "The text followed here is that of the original edition of Herndon's Lincoln." — Editor's note. Inscribed by the editor to Alfred W. Stern. Brown cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. Blue top. 1929. Another issue. 1936. (M1053 var.) E457.H575 1936 Title page reset. On spine: Bonibooks [48] Light blue cloth, with dark blue lettering on spine and dark blue top. 1930. Another issue. Cleveland, New York, World Pub. Co. [1943] 21 J/2 cm. (Forum books) (var. of Mi 053) E457.H575 1943 "Forum books edition." Title and copyright pages printed from different plates. "First printing August 1942, second printing November I943-" Maroon cloth, imprinted in black on cover and spine. Top edge brown. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. I76 1 93 1- Another issue. [1949] 3 p. 1., [v]-xlvi, 511 p. 1 illus., 7 ports. 19/2 cm. (The Living library) (var. of Mi 053) E457.H576 copy 3 "Illustrated with photographs from the Meserve Collec- tion." Identical to the preceding issue but with title page reset, copyright page printed from new plate, and list of illustrations inserted before p. [v]. Printed on thin paper. Tan cloth, lettered in gilt on spine. Maroon top. Orange end papers. Maroon portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1932. HERR, JOHN. In defense of the Lincoln family. Cincinnati, Ohio, Hobson Press, 1943. vii p., 2 1., 250 p. illus., ports., maps. 23 cm. E 457-3 2 - H 55 co Py 3 Reproduced from typewritten copy. 1933. HERRIOTT, FRANK I. The conference of German-Republicans in the Deutsches Haus, Chicago, May 14-15, i860; a study of some of the preliminaries of the National Republican Conven- tion of i860 which first placed Abraham Lincoln in nomination for the Presidency of the United States, by F. I. Herriott. [Danville, 111., 1929?] 95 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. (M3021) E440.H56 copy 2 "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for 1928." Printed wrappers. 1934. HERRIOTT, FRANK I. Iowa and Abraham Lincoln, being some account of the presidential discussion and party preliminaries in Iowa, 1 856- 1 860. By F. I. Herriott. [Des Moines, 191 1] 2 p. 1., 189 p. ports. 24 cm. (M1983) E4574-H559 Reprinted with some additions from The Annals of Iowa [ser. 3, v. 8]. Printed wrappers. 1935. HERRIOTT, FRANK I. Iowa and the first nomination of Abraham Lincoln. By F. I. Herriott. [Des Moines, Historical Department of Iowa, 1908?] 80 p. ports. 25 cm. (M1591) E 4574 H 5 6 co Py 2 Cover title. "Reprinted with additions from The Annals of Iowa, vol. VIII." From the library of John W. Starr, Jr. Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 1936. HERRIOTT, FRANK I. Memories of the Chicago Convention of i860; being interviews with Judge Charles C. Nourse of Des Moines and Gen- eral Grenville M. Dodge of Council Bluffs, the memoranda being obtained and put in form by F. I. Herriott. [Des Moines? 192 — ] 24 p. ports. 23/2 cm. (M2457) JK2358.I85 1920Z "Reprinted from the Annals of Iowa for October, 1920 — vol. XII, pp. 446-466." Autographed by the author. Binder's title: Three Lincoln items. Bookplate of George L. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. Bound, with items 1937 and 1938, in black half-morocco. 1937. HERRIOTT, FRANK I. A neglected factor in the anti-slavery triumph in Iowa in 1854; a study of the part taken by the foreign-born in the preliminaries of the formation of the National Republican Party, by F. I. Herriott. [Chicago? 1920?] 182 p. 23/2 cm. JK2358.I85 1920Z Cover title. "Reprinted from 'Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichts- blatter,' Jahrbuch der Deutsch-Amerikanischen histor- ischen Gesellschaft von Illinois-Jahrgang 19 18-19 (vol. XVIII-XIX)." Autographed by the author. Bound with items 1936 and 1938. 1938. HERRIOTT, FRANK I. The premises and significance of Abraham Lincoln's letter to Theodore Canisius. By F. I. Herriott. [Chicago, ^S] 74 P- 23/2 cm. (M2187) JK2358.I85 1920Z Cover title. "Reprinted from Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichts- blatter; Jahrbuch der Deutsch-Amerikanischen histori- schen Gesellschaft von Illinois — Jahrgang 19 15 (vol. XV)." Autographed by the author. Bound with items 1936, 1937. 1939. HERRIOTT, FRANK I. Senator Stephen A. Douglas and the Germans in 1854. By F. I. Herriott. [Springfield, 111., Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers, 1913] 19 p. 23 cm. E433.H4 "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, 1912." Printed wrappers. 1940. HERSEY, IRA G. Lincoln, the man of common sense; address before the House of Rep- resentatives, Tuesday, February 12, 1924. Wash- ington, Govt. Print. Off., 1924. 14 p. 24 cm. (M2699) P Cover title. Autographed by the author. 177 1 94 1- HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln, [n. p. 1927?] 15 1. 28 cm. (M2931) P and E457.H61 copy 2 Cover title. A collection of reprints of three news articles (includ- ing Lincoln letters), the first from the New York Times, May 30, 1927, the second from the New York Times, Dec. 26, 1926, and the third from The Boston Herald, May 31, 1926. Enclosed are photostats of letters to Lincoln and Edward Bates from Henry Asbury and O. H. Browning, March 4, 1861. Printed on recto only; unbound. 1942. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln. Reprints from The American Hebrew. [New York, The American Hebrew Pub. Co., 1927] [n] p. ports. 23 cm. (M2932) E457.H6 x copy Cover title. Ten pages of text. Inscribed. Contents. — Lincoln: the tribute of the synagogue . . . Reprint from The American Hebrew, June 24, 1927. — An intimate friend of Lincoln. Abraham Jonas . . . Reprint from The American Hebrew, July 8, 1927. Self-wrappers. 1943. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln, a new portrait. Foreword by Nicholas Murray Butler. New York, H. Liveright [ c i93i] 2 v. (xii, 1006 p.) illus., ports., facsims. 24/2 cm. (M3264) E457.H624 copy 3 Inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. Original dark blue cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. 1944. Another issue? 2 v. in 4 (xii, 1006 p.) 24 cm. (var. of M3264) E457.H624 1931a Rebound in blue three-quarter morocco, with gilt lettering on spine, gilt top, and blue ribbon markers. 1945. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln and Hillel's golden rule. [New York? 1929] 5-10 p. port. 23 cm. (M3089) E457.8.H55 copy 3 Cover title. "Delivered under the auspices of the United Syna- gogue over WEAF — February 6, 1929." 1946. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln and the lowly. "Like his great prototype in Egypt, this modern Moses ever went among the poor and lowly." [New York, 1928] 5-10 p. port. 23 cm. (M3022) E457.2.H57 copy 3 Cover title. "Reprinted from The Jewish Tribune of February 10, 1928." 1947. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln, as to his kindness and mercy, let woman testify. [New York? 1929] 5-17 p. port., facsims. 23 cm. (M3090) E457.8.H554 copy 3 Cover title. "Delivered before the Women's National Republican Club, February 1 1, 1929." 1948. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln at the climax of the great Lincoln-Douglas joint debate in Galesburg, Illinois; delivered at Gales- burg, Illinois, on the 6th day of October, 1928, on the 70th anniversary of the Lincoln-Douglas debate, from a platform erected on the spot where the original debate was held, upon the campus of Knox College, [n. p., 1928] 1 p. 1., 5-14 p. 1 illus. 23 cm. (M3023) E457.4.H58 copy 3 Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. Printed wrappers. 1949. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln, der Seher. [Milwaukee? 1925] folder ([4] p.) 23 cm. (M3904) E457.8.H5696 copy 2 Caption title. "Fur die Milwaukee Sonntagsppost [sic]" Autographed by the author. 1950. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln — el vidente. [Panama, Star & Herald Press, 1926] folder ([4] p.) 28 cm. (M3921) E457.8.H5699 copy 2 Caption title. Reprinted from "Diario de Panama," February 12, 1926. Autographed by the author. 1 95 1 . HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln : his favorite poems and poets. February 12, 1930. [n. p., 1930] 48 p. port., facsims. 23 cm. (M3192) E457.2.H572 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 1952. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln: his inventive mind. [n. p., 1930] 15 p. 23 cm. (M3193) E457.2.H5723 copy 3 Dated, at end: February 12th, 1930. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 40). Printed wrappers. I78 1953- HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln : his law partners, clerks and office boys. [n. p., 1930] 22 p. port., facsim. 23 cm. (M3194) E 457-2-H5725 copy 4 Dated, at end, February 12th, 1930. Printed wrappers. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana, Item 3504, no. 42. 1954. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln, his political vision. [New York, C. Steurer Press, 1926] 7, [1] p. 22/2 cm. (M2848) E 457-8.H 5 63 copy 3 Cover title. "An address reprinted from the Republican, February 6, 1926." Self-wrappers. 1955. Another edition. [New York, 1926] folder ([4] P-) ports. 30/2 cm. (M2849) E457.8.H5632 2 X copies Caption title. Published under the title: Great Emancipator a Poli- tician and Proud of it. "Reprinted from The Political News, February, 1926." Typed letter from Albert J. Beveridge to the author, laid in. 1956. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln, immortal foe of oppression ; how Abraham Lincoln was supported by the Jewish people in his struggle to preserve the Union, thereby making history. [New York, 1928] 5-9 p. port. 23 cm. E4572.H573 copy 3 Cover title. "Reprinted from The American Hebrew of February 10, 1928." 1957. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln, more than a country lawyer. [New York, 1928] [3]-30 p., 3 1. ports., facsims. 23 cm. (var. (?) of M3025) E457.2.H574 copy 3 Cover title. "Delivered at the Bronx County Bar Association, February 8, 1928." Six pages of facsims. following p. 30. 1958. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln, napisal. [n. p., n. d.] 11 p. 13/2 cm. (M3911) Cover title. In Polish. Self-wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 1959. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln — seer; some Biblical and Hebraic traits of the Great Emancipator, [n. p., 1925] folder ([4] p.) port. 23 cm. (M2774) E457.8.H569314 Cover title. "Reprinted from The American Hebrew, February 6, I925-" Three pages of text. i960. Another edition. [New York, 1925] 8 p. 23 cm. (M2778) P Cover title. "Reprinted from The Jewish Forum, February 1925." Issued under title: Abraham Lincoln — the Seer; Some Biblical and Hebraic Traits. Contains several paragraphs not found in the previous edition. 1 96 1 . HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln ; the great anti-climax after the whirlpool of political vicissitudes. [New York? 1929] 5-18 p. port. 23 cm. (M3091) E457.8.H565 copy 3 Cover title. "Delivered at the Republican Union on the 5th day of February, 1929." 1962. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln, the great leveler; delivered at the forum of the Level Club, February 7, 1928. [New York, 1928] 5-1 7 p. port. 23 cm ( M3026) E457.8.H567 copy 3 Cover title. 1963. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln, the guide to succeeding presidents. [New York, 1928] 5-17 p. port. 23 cm. (M3027) E457.8H568 copy 3 Cover title. "Delivered over WOR, February 1 1, 1928." 1964. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln — the jurist of the Civil War. New York, N. Y., 1937. 29 p. 25/2 cm. (M3567) E 457-2.H576 copy 3 Cover title. "Reprinted from New York University Law Quar- terly Review, vol. XIV, no. 4, May 1937." 1965. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln, the legal phase of the "First American." [New York? 1927] 8 p. 23 cm. (M2933) E 457-2-H578 copy 3 Cover title. "Delivered over WRNY, February 12, 1927, under the auspices of the Committee on Citizenship of the New York County Lawyers Association." Inscribed by the author to Geo. P. Hambrecht. Self-wrappers. 179 1 966. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln — the seer. [New York? 1924] 7 p. 23 cm. (M2700) E457.8.H569 copy 2 Cover title. "An address delivered over WOR February 12th, 1924." Self-wrappers. 1967. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln — the seer. [New York? 1925] folder ([4] p.) 25/2 cm. (M2777) P Caption title. "Reprinted from The Republican, February 7, 1925." 1968. Another edition. [New York? 1925] folder (MP-) 23 cm. (M2776) E457.8.H5692 copy 2 Caption title. "Reprinted from The Gaelic American, Feb. 14." The same in content but printed from different plates. 1969. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln — the seer. Ibrahim Linkoln — el raii bikalem Umanuil Hertz. Hitabelkii ve hamle-elmevaji "el- radiyo" fii 12 shubat sana 1925. [New York? 1925] 23, [1] p. ports. 19/2 cm. (M3902) E457.8.H5693 copy 2 Cover title. "An address delivered over WOR February 12th, 1925." In Arabic. (Title transliterated, added title in English.) Self-wrappers. 1970. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln — the seer. [New York? 1925] 7 p. 22/2 cm. (M3906) P Cover title. "An address delivered over WOR February 12th, 1925." Greek text. Self-wrappers. 1 97 1. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln — the seer. [n. p., 1925] folder ([4] p.) 25 cm. (M3907) P (2 copies) Cover title. (In Hebrew and English.) An address in Hebrew, delivered over radio station WOR, Feb. 12, 1925. Autographed by the author. 1972. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln — the seer. [n. p., 1925] [12] p. 21 cm. (M3916) P Cover title. (In Yiddish and English.) An address in Yiddish, delivered over radio station WEAF, Feb. 12, 1925. Autographed by the author. 1973. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln — the seer. [New York, 1925] 20 p. 23 cm. (M2775) E457.8.H56995 copy 2 Cover title. "An address delivered in honor of the memory of Abra- ham Lincoln at the annual services of the forum of Wash- ington Heights congregation in the city of New York, February 13, 1925." "An edition of 1,000 copies . . . has been printed . . . This copy is no. 913." Self-wrappers. 1974. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln — the seer. [Boston? 1926] folder ([4] p.) 23 cm. (M3917) E457.8.H56932 copy 2 Caption title. Armenian text. "Reprinted from 'Baikar,' Feb. 12, 1926." 1975. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln, the tribute of the synagogue. [New York? 1927] 7 p. port. 23 cm. (M2934) E457.8.H571 copy 2 Cover title. "Delivered over WEAF, February 9, 1927, under the auspices of the United Synagogue of America." Inscribed by the author to George P. Hambrecht. Glazed self-wrappers. 1976. HERTZ, EMANUEL, ed. Abraham Lin- coln, the tribute of the synagogue. Edited by Emanuel Hertz. Foreword by the Very Rev. Dr. J. H. Hertz. Preface by Dr. Nicholas Murray But- ler. New York, Bloch Pub. Co., 1927. xxi p., 1 I., 682 p. 25 ports., facsims. 23 J/2 cm. (M2935) E457.8.H57 copy 4 Editor's autographed presentation copy t o Nathan Krass. Maroon cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. 1977. Another issue. 29 cm. (M2935 var.) E 457-8-H57 1927a "Special autographed edition . . . limited to one hundred copies . . . no. I." Title page changed to read: "Introduction by Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler" Editor's autographed presentation copy to Charles T. White, dated December 12, 1927. Maroon half-morocco, with gilt lettering on spine. Gilt top. In black three-quarter-closed case. 1978. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln — vestec budiicnosti. Rec, ktorii povedal Emanuel Hertz, advokat v New Yorku vo vyro- city den narodenia Abrahama Lincolna. [New 180 York, Tlacou "Slovak v Amerike," 1925] folder ([4] p.) 28/2 cm. (M3915) E457.8.H5694 x copy Caption title. 1979. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lincoln, what might have been — let his contemporaries tes- tify. [New York? 1929] 5-20 p. 2 illus. 23 cm. (M3092) E457.8.H572 x copy Cover title. "Delivered before the New York Schoolmasters' Club February 9, 1929." Gray printed wrappers. 1980. Another edition. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1929. 12 p. 24/2 cm. (M3092 var.) E457.8.H573 copy 2 Cover title. "Printed in the Congressional Record Monday, Febru- ary 11, 1929, by request of Hon. Louis T. McFadden of Pennsylvania." Self-wrappers. 1 98 1. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln — Wieszcz narodu. [n. p., 192-?] folder ([3] p.) 21 cm. (M3912) P Caption title. In Polish. 1982. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln: with the immortals, [New York, 1928] 5-12 p. 1 illus. 23 cm. (M3028) E457.8.H574 copy 3 Cover title. "Delivered over WGL, February 12, 1928." Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana, (Item 3504 no. 34). 1983. Another edition. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1927 (i. e. 1928)] broadsheet (2 p.) 29 cm. (M3028 var.) P (2 copies) "Extension of remarks of Hon. Fiorello H. La Guardia of New York in the House of Representatives, Friday, February 24, 1928." Reprinted from the Congressional Record, seventieth Congress, first session. 1984. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln's birthday in 1864; article ... in the New York times magazine of November 12, 1938. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1939. 7 p. 23 cm. (M3678) E457.7.H48 x copy Cover title. "Printed in the Congressional Record of February 13, 1939" "Not printed at government expense." Self-wrappers. 1985. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln's legislative career. [New York? 1929] 5-15 p. port. 23 cm. (M3093) E457.2.H584copy3 Cover title. "Delivered over WRNY on February 12, 1929." 1986. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Abraham Lin- coln's loyalty to his friends. [New York? 1929] 5-16 p. port. 23 cm. E457.8.H5745 copy 3 Cover title. "Delivered at the twenty-third annual banquet of the Wayne County Pennsylvania Society of New York City at Hotel McAlpin, Feb. 2, 1929." Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504 no. 37). 1987. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Address on Abra- ham Lincoln; address delivered on Lincoln Day. Celebration in the Synagogue of Washington Heights Congregation, February 12, 1924. Wash- ington, Govt. Print. Off., 1924. 19 p. 24 cm. (M2701) E457.8.H575 copy 3 Cover title. "Printed in the Congressional Record Monday, Feb- ruary 18, 1824 [i. e. 1924] by request of Hon. Holm O. Bursum of New Mexico." Title of address: "Abraham Lincoln — the seer" (p. 3). Another address with the same title was delivered by the author the same day. Self-wrappers. 1988. HERTZ, EMANUEL. And his name is Abraham Lincoln; a homily. [New York? 1929] 5-13 p. 1 illus. 23 cm. (M3095) E457.8.H5756 copy 3 Cover title. "Delivered at the Temple of Congregation B'Nai Jeshurun, February 10, 1929." 1989. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Anniversary of birth of Abraham Lincoln. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1935. 7 p. 23/2 cm. (M3478) E457.4.H584 copies 3 & 4 Cover title. An account of the delivery of the Cooper Institute speech. "From the New York Times Magazine of February io, 1935. Inserted in the Congressional Record of Febru- ary 12, 1935, by request of Hon. Royal S. Copeland of New York." "Not printed at government expense." 1990. HERTZ, EMANUEL. As Lincoln said at Gettysburg, address before the Covenant Club of Illinois, February 13, 1936. Washington, U. S. 492745—60- -13 181 Govt. Print. Off., 1936. 8 p. 23 cm. (M3520) E457-8.H5758cc.py3 Cover title. "Printed in the Congressional Record of April 23, 1923 [i. e. 1936] by request of Hon. Royal S. Copeland of New York." "Not printed at government expense." Self-wrappers. 1 99 1. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Avraam Lin- kol'n — prorok. [New York, 1925?] [4 p.] 23 cm. (M3919) E457.8.H5698 copies 2 & 3 Caption title. 1992. HERTZ, EMANUEL. The children's Lincoln, [n. p., 1930] 21, [1] p. illus., ports. 23 cm. (M3195) E457.2.H585 copy 3 "Delivered before the Religious School of the Concourse Center of Israel on February 14, 1930." Printed wrappers. 1993. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Face to face with Abraham Lincoln, [n. p., 1930] 30 p. port. 23 cm. (M3196) E457.8.H576 copy 3 "Address delivered before the Republican Club of the Ninth Assembly District, New York City, on February 4, 1930." Printed wrappers. 1994. HERTZ, EMANUEL. How Abraham Lincoln immortalized the Freeport debate. [New York? 1929] 5-27 p. 1 illus. 23 cm. (M3096) E457.4.H585 copy 2 Cover title. Inscribed by the author to George P. Hambrecht. 1995. HERTZ, EMANUEL. How I became a collector of Lincolniana. New York, 1926. 7 p. 30^2 cm. (var. of M2850) E457.65.H56 copy 3 Cover title. Proof sheets. 1996. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln and the Grand Street Boys. [n. p., 1930] [8] p. port., facsim. 23 cm. (M3197) E457.2.H588 copy 3 Cover title. Notes of an address delivered before the Grand Street Boys on February 4, 1930. 1997. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln and the Jews. [New York? 1928?] 5-10 p. port. 23 cm. (M3029) E457.2.H59 copy 3 Cover title. "Delivered over WRNY — Hotel Roosevelt, Sept. 2, 1928." Caption title: Lincoln and the Jews; an appreciation of the work of the late Isaac Markens. 1998. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln at Gettys- burg, article by Emanuel Hertz in the New York Times Magazine of November 20, 1938. Washing- ton, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1939. 7 p. 23 cm. (M3679) E475.55.L773 copy 2 Cover title. "Printed in the Congressional Record of February 13, 1939" "Not printed at government expense." Self-wrappers. 1999. HERTZ, EMANUEL. The Lincoln col- lection formed by Emanuel Hertz . . . sold by his order. New York, The Anderson Galleries, 1927. 2 v. facsims. 23 J/2 cm. (M 2898-2899) Z8505.Z9H5 copy 2 Sale numbers 2 193-2194. Sold Nov. 15-16, 1927. Priced in manuscript. Contents. — 1. Autographs. — 2. Books, broadsides & medals. Printed wrappers. 2000. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln in excel- sis; the double climax — Gettysburg and the second inaugural, [n. p., 1930?] 24 p. 1 illus., port. 23 cm. (M3198) E457.H626 copy 3 Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana, (Item 3504 no. 42). Printed wrappers. 2001. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln of Illi- nois: the testimony of the nations, [n. p., 1930] 28 p. 1 illus. 23 cm. (M3199) E4573H58 copy 3 "Extension of remarks delivered before the University of Illinois, on February 12, 1930." Printed wrappers. 2002. HERTZ, EMANUEL, ed. Lincoln talks; a biography in anecdote, collected, collated, and edited by Emanuel Hertz. New York, Viking Press, 1939. 5 p. I-j ix-xiii, 698 p. port 2 2 J/2 cm. (var. of M3680) E457.15.H47 copy 3 "This first edition . . . printed on special all-rag paper and individually inscribed is limited to one hundred and fifty numbered copies for sale and fifteen presenta- tion copies. This copy is number 83." "Selected bibliography": p. 675-676. Editor's autographed presentation copy to George P. Hambrecht. l82 Blue-green cloth, with lettering and line borders blind-stamped on cover. Gilt lettering on spine. Gilt top. 2003. Another issue. 4 p. 1., ix-xiii, 698 p. 22 cm. (M3680) E457.15.H472 copy 2 Without limited edition statement. Tan cloth, with blue lettering and line borders on cover and spine. Pink top. 2004. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln, the har- monizer; radio address of Emanuel Hertz, Febru- ary 12, 1933. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1933- 7 P- 23 cm. (M3387) E457.8.H5767 copy 2 Cover title. "Printed in the Congressional Record of February 27, 1933" "Not printed at government expense." Self-wrappers. 2005. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln, the law- yer; an article published in the New York times, February 7, 1937. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1937. 7 p. 23 cm. (M3569) E457.2.H5933 copy 4 Cover title. "Printed in the Congressional Record of February n, '937" "Not printed at government expense." Author's autographed presentation copy to George P. Hambrecht. Self-wrappers. 2006. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln, the man, now emerges; on his one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary there is available in the Herndon pa- pers a new portrait of the President as a fellow being, but the statesman of great stature remains undimmed ; an article by Emanuel Hertz, from the New York times magazine of Sunday, February 1 1, 1934. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1934. 12 p. 23/2 cm. (M3433) E457.2.H594 copy 3 Cover title. "Printed in the Congressional Record, February 12, 1934, by request of Hon. Royal S. Copeland of New York." "Not printed at government expense." Self-wrappers. 2007. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln— the seer. Lincoln — a profeta. Address delivered by Emanuel Hertz, on Lincoln Day through WOR broadcasting station in Newark. Emanuel Hertz beszede Lin- coln day napjan a Newarki WOR radioallomasrol. [New York? 1925] [8] p. 21 x 10 cm. (M3908) E457.8.H5697 copy 2 Cover title. Six pages of text. Self-wrappers. 2008. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln's diploma- cy — an unwritten chapter. [New York? 193 1?] 21 p. 23 cm. (M3265) P Cover title. Address delivered at the 45th annual dinner of the National Republican Club, on Lincoln's birthday, Febru- ary 12th, 1931. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana, (Item 3504, no. 44). 2009. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln's imprint on Constitution; article in the New York times, February 6, 1938. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1938. 7 p. 23 cm. (M3624) E457.H629 copy 4 Cover title. "Printed in the Congressional Record of February 10, 1938." "(Not printed at government expense)." Author's autographed presentation copy to George P. Hambrecht. Self-wrappers. 2010. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln's Jewish contacts. [New York? 1929] 3-14 p. port facsim. 23 cm. (M3097) E457.2.H595 copy 3 Cover title. "Delivered at the Jewish Club, October 1, 1929." Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana, (Item 3504, no. 38). 201 1. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln's pur- poses, address by Emanuel Hertz before the Lafayette post of the American Legion at the Hotel Shelton, New York City, February 10, 1936. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1936. 8 p. 23 cm. (M3521) E457.8.H5768 copy 3 Cover title. "Printed in the Congressional Record of March 10, 1936." "Not printed at government expense." Self-wrappers. 2012. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Lincoln's spells of gloom, [n. p., 1930] 27 p. illus. 23 cm. (M3200) E 457-2-H596 copy 3 Dated, at end: New York, February 12, 1930. Printed wrappers. 183 2013- HERTZ, EMANUEL. The many-sided Lincoln, what would he do were he here today? [New York? 1926] 16 p. 23 cm. (M2851) E457.8.H577 copy 3 Cover title. "An edition of 1000 copies ... of which this copy is no. 6." "An address delivered at Washington Heights Congre- gation, February 12, 1926." Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana, (Item 3504, no. 36.) Self-wrappers. 2014. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Notes on the Herndon-Weik collection of original Lincoln manuscripts, documents and other papers, with some extracts from "Lincoln as his partner (Hern- don) knew him," by Albert J. Beveridge. [New York, The Alexander Press, 1934] 24 p. facsim. 25 cm. (M3434) Z6616.L73H5 "Reprinted by permission of The Literary Digest." 2015. HERTZ, EMANUEL. The passing of Abraham Lincoln. [New York? 1932] 8 p. port. 23 cm. (M3324) E457.5.H46 copy 2 Cover title. "Delivered at Manhattan — Washington Lodge 19, B'nai Brith, April 14, 1932." Author's inscribed presentation copy to George P. Hambrecht. 2016. HERTZ, EMANUEL. "Pew 89"; Lin- coln and Beecher. [n. p., 1929?] 20 p. illus., facsims. 23 cm. (M3098) E457.4.H587 copies3&4 Printed wrappers. 2017. HERTZ, EMANUEL. The religion of Abraham Lincoln, [n. p., 1930?] 16 p. port. 23 cm. (M3201) E457.2.H598 copy 3 "Delivered before the forum of the Jewish Center on the afternoon of February 7, 1930." Printed wrappers. 2018. HERTZ, EMANUEL. The significance of the stars and stripes; extension of remarks of Hon. Isaac Siegel of New York in the House of Representatives, August 3, 191 7. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 19 17. 7 p. 22 cm. CR 1 13.H44 Cover title. "Address delivered on July 4, 19 17." (References to Lincoln, p. 5.) Self-wrappers. Bound in blue cloth. 2019. HERTZ, EMANUEL. That man Lin- coln. [New York, 1928] 12 p. port., facsims. 23 cm. (M3030) E457.8.H58 copy 3 Cover title. "Delivered before Maimonides Lodge, 743 F. & A. M., on March 14, 1928." 2020. HERTZ, EMANUEL. Washington and Lincoln, the two master builders of the Union. [New York, 1928] 5-13 p. 2 ports. 23 cm. (M303 1 ) E457.8.H584 copy 3 Cover title. "Delivered at Fort Washington Synagogue, February 17, 1928." 2021. HERTZ, EMANUEL. The wizardry of Lincoln's political appointments and party man- agement, [n. p., 1930] 27 p. port. 23 cm. (M3202) E457.4.H589 copy 3 "The substance of this article and the letters herein appeared for the first time in the New York Times for February 8, 1930." Most of the letters were written before 1 86 1 . Printed wrappers. 2022. HERTZ, LILLIAN. Abraham Lincoln. [New York, 1927] folder ([4] p.) 17 1 / 2 cm. (M2936) E457.8.H587 copy 2 Cover title. Three pages of text. "Prize essay in Alexander Hamilton Junior High School, P. S. 186, June 24, 1927." Portrait on title page. 2023. HESSELTINE, WILLIAM B. Confed- erate leaders in the new South. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press [1950] xi, 146, [1] p. 21 cm. (The Walter Lynwood Fleming lec- tures in Southern history, Louisiana State University) E467.H58 copy 3 Inscribed to Alfred W. Stern. 2024. HESSELTINE, WILLIAM B. Lincoln and the war governors. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1948. x, 405, xxii p. 24/4 cm. E457.4.H6 1948 copy 3 "First edition." Inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. Bibliography: p. 395~405- 2025. HESSELTINE, WILLIAM B. Lincoln's problems in Wisconsin. Address at annual meeting of Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin, Feb. 12, 1951. 184 Madison, Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin, 1952. 19 p. ports. 26 cm. ( [Lincoln Fellowship of Wis- consin] Historical bulletin, no. 10) E457.2.H6 copy 2 Cover title. 2026. HEWER, NELLIE A. Lincoln and the Bible. [Los Angeles, Free Tract Society, n. d.] folder ([4] p.) port. 14 cm. (School series of moral education) (M3953) P Cover title. Three pages of text. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2027. HEWITT, JOHN HILL. King Linkum the First, a musical burletta, as performed at the Concert Hall, Augusta, Georgia, February 23, 1863. Edited by Richard Barksdale Harwell. Atlanta, The Library, Emory University, 1947. 32 p. 1 illus. 24 cm. (Emory University publications. Sources & reprints. Ser. 4) ML50.H6125K5 1947 copy 3 Without music. "The manuscript from which King Linkum the First is here printed appears as the second play in Hewitt's call-book for his three plays The Marquis in Petticoats, King Linkum the First, and The Veteran." Printed wrappers. 2028. HEYDT, HERMAN A. Lincoln and his poetic nature. An address before the Lincoln Me- morial University, Harrogate, Tennessee, February 12th, 1937. [Harrogate, Tenn.? 1937?] 22 p. 23 cm. (M3570) P Cover title. At bottom of p. 22: "New Yor [sic], November 19th, 1936." 2029. Another issue. 22 J/2 cm. (M3570 var.) E457.2.H615 copy 2 Cover title varies slightly. Page 22 corrected. 2030. HICKEY, WILLIAM. The Constitution of the United States of America, an alphabetical analysis; the Declaration of independence; the Articles of confederation; the prominent political acts of George Washington; electoral votes for all the presidents and vice-presidents ; the high author- ities and civil officers of government, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1847; chronological narrative of the several states; and other interesting matter; with a descriptive account of the state papers, pub- lic documents, and other sources of political and statistical information at the seat of government. Philadelphia [Printed by T. K. & P. G. Collins] 1848. 1 p. I., xiii, 509 p. 1 illus., port., tables. 19/2 cm. JK37.H6 1848 copy 3 Added title page, engraved. "Third edition." Gilt-stamped on cover: "Hon. Abraham Lincoln, Rep". U. S. — 111." Lincoln's name appears in the printed list of "Representatives" on p. 482. From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. Black cloth, with floral designs gilt-stamped on covers and spine. In maroon-colored solander case. 2031. HICKMAN, JOHN. Political issues and presidential candidates. Speech of Hon. John Hickman, in Concert Hall, Philadelphia, Tuesday evening, July 24, i860. [Philadelphia? i860] 8 p. 25 cm. E440.H624 copy 2 Caption title. At head of title: From the Chester County (Pennsyl- vania) times. 2032. HICKMAN, JOHN. Who have violated compromises. Speech of Hon. John Hickman, of Pennsylvania. Delivered in the House of Repre- sentatives, December 12, 1859. Washington, Bueil & Blanchard, Printers, 1859. 8 p. 22^/2 cm. E438.H62 copy 2 Issued also with notice on p. 2 : Published by the Congressional Committee of the Republican party. Previously bound. 2033. HICKS, FREDERICK C. Favoring the acceptance by the national government of the farm on which Abraham Lincoln was born; speech in the House of Representatives, April 12, 19 16. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 19 16. 4 p. 23 cm. (M2247) P Caption title. In Gaylord binder. 2034. HICKS, GEORGE. Abraham Lincoln. Kingston, Jamaica, Printed by the Educational Supply Co. [1879?] 21 p. 21 cm. (M955 var.) E457.8.H63 copy 2 On cover: Abraham Lincoln. By Geo. Hicks, late Major (Brevet Colonel) 96th Illinois, Vol. Infantry. Note on title page: "The essay on Abraham Lincoln, which appears in this holiday number of the Gleaner, has been contributed by Col. Hicks, formerly of the United States but now a citizen of Jamaica . . ." — From the Kingston, Jamaica, Gleaner, January 1, 1879. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 13). Blue cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 185 2035- HILL, ALSAGER HAY, ed. The ora- torical year book for 1865: being a collection of the best contemporary speeches delivered in Par- liament, at the bar, and on the platform. London, F. Warne, 1866. vii, 491 p. 19 cm. PN6122.H5 copy 2 Partial Contents. — Speeches on the assassination of President Lincoln by the Rt. Hon. Sir George Grey and the Rt. Hon. B. Disraeli (p. [144]- 148). — Speeches on the assassination of President Lincoln by W. E. Forster, and J. Stansfeld (p. [266]-27i). — Inaugural address of Abraham Lincoln on taking office as President of the United States for the second time, on his reelection in 1865 (p. [44i]-442). — Speech of President Lincoln upon the conclusion of the war [delivered on Apr. 11] (p. [4431-446 ). — Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson's oration on the death of Mr. Lincoln (p. [4631-466). (M2135 var.) Ms. note at foot of p. 442 : "This version quite strikingly differs from official text in construction and punctuation. C. T. W." Rebound in red cloth. 2036. HILL, FREDERICK TREVOR. Lin- coln, der Schopfer einer Nation. Leipzig, P. List [ c ig29] 213 p. illus., ports., fold, map, facsim. 21/2 cm. (M3926) E457.H65 copy 2 "Ubersetzt von Hans Rudolf Rieder." Translation of item 2037. 2037. HILL, FREDERICK TREVOR. Lin- coln, emancipator of the nation; a narrative history of Lincoln's boyhood and manhood based on his own writings, original research, official documents, and other authoritative information. New York, London, D. Appleton, 1928. xiv, [1] p., 1 1., 284, [1] p. ports., facsims. 22J/2 cm. (M3032) E457.H64 copy 3 "Authorities": p. 2 7g-[28o] 2038. HILL, FREDERICK TREVOR. Lin- coln, the lawyer. New York, The Century Co. 1906. xviii, 332 p. illus., map, ports., facsims. 21/2 cm. (M1502) E457.2.H64 copy 4 Blue cloth, with gilt lettering and designs on cover and spine. 2039. Another edition. 1912 [ c igo6] xviii, 334 p. (var. of Mi 502) E457.2.H64 1912 From same plates with some additions and changes. Cream-colored cloth, with blue lettering and designs on cover and spine. 2040. Another (Mi 502 var.) issue. 1 9 13 [ c igo6] 22 cm. E457.2.H64 1913 From same plates as 19 12 edition. Title page reset. "Published specially for the Lincoln Centennial Asso- ciation of Springfield, Illinois. Limited to eight hundred copies of which this copy is number 2." Bookplate of P. G. Rennick, Peoria, 111. Red full-morocco, with gilt ornamental borders and gilt lettering on spine. Gilt top. Red marker. 2041. Serial publication. [New York, The Cen- tury Co.] 139-154 p. illus., ports., facsims. 24^/2 cm. P Caption title. Chapters 23-25 of Lincoln, the lawyer. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 72, May 1906. 2042. HILL, FREDERICK TREVOR. Lin- coln's legacy of inspiration. New York, F. A. Stokes [1909] 6 p. 1., 60 p. illus. (front.) 19J/2 cm. (Mi 745) E457.8.H64 copy 3 "Originally printed in the New York Times. February 1st to 7th, 1909." Autographed presentation copy from Paul K. Hickok to Charles T. White. Boards. Cloth back. 2043. HILL, HENRY WAYLAND. Addresses of Henry Wayland Hill . . . On September 30, 1902, in accepting for the Buffalo Historical So- ciety the Lincoln statue, presented by the Lincoln Birthday Association. On January 13, 1903, in presenting, for the members of the Board of Man- agers of the Buffalo Historical Society, a gold key to Hon. Andrew Langdon. [Buffalo, Press Union and Times, 1903] 11 p. 23/2 cm. (M1405) F129.B8B9 copies 3 & 4 Cover title. "Reprint from Buffalo Historical Society Publications, vol. VI." Letter from Robert W. Bingham, Director, Buffalo His- torical Society Museum, to Albert H. Griffith, laid in copy 4. Self-wrappers. 2044. [HILL, JOHN] Opposing principles of Henry Clay, and Abraham Lincoln. St. Louis, G. Knapp & Co., Printers [i860] 14 p. 22/2 cm. (M41) E457.2.H646 Cover title. "From "Missouri Republican, July 24, i860." Signed: "John Hill. Petersburg, Illinois, July 17, i860." 2045. HILL, JOHN WESLEY. Abraham Lin- coln, man of God. New York, London, G. P. Put- 186 nam's Sons, 1920. xxv, 416 p. port. 21 cm. (M2458) E457.2.H65 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 405-408. 2046. HILL, JOHN WESLEY. Address at un- veiling of statue of "Lincoln, the mystic" . . . [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1930] 4 p. 29 cm. (M3203) E457.2.H6517 2 X copies Caption title. Reprinted from Congressional Record, Seventy-First Congress, Second Session, June 16, 1930. "Not printed at Government expense." 2047. HILL, JOHN WESLEY. America needs today a reincarnation of the spirit and principles of Lincoln. Address . . . July 8, 1933. [Wash- ington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1934]. 8 p. 23 cm. (M3435) P Caption title. Printed in The Congressional Record of Jan. q6, 1934. 2048. HILL, JOHN WESLEY. "Democracy versus autocracy," and other patriotic addresses, delivered in New York City, July 4, 191 7. New York, Lincoln Memorial University, 191 7. 3 p. 1., [7]~32 p. 23 cm. E286.N6 1917 copy 2 "The Democracy of Abraham Lincoln": p. 13-16. "The Spirit of Lincoln in arms": p. 27-28. Printed wrappers. 2049. HILL, JOHN WESLEY. If Lincoln were here. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, J 925- 3 P- !•> v-xxxii, 85 p. port. 19/2 cm. (M2779) E457.2.H67 copy 3 2050. HILL, JOHN WESLEY. Lincoln, the ideal progressive. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1936] 2 p. 29 cm. P Caption title. Reprinted from the Congressional Record of May 7, 1936. 2051. HILL, JOHN WESLEY. Lincoln, the inspired leader, address ... at the unveiling of the statue "Lincoln the debater" upon the occasion of the celebration of the seventy first anniversary of the Lincoln-Douglas debate, August 27th, 1929, Freeport, Illinois. Washington, The Lincoln Lea- gue [1929] 8 p. illus. 23/2 cm. (M3099) E457.8.H65 copy 3 Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White and dated Nov. 25, 1929. Printed wrappers. 2052. HILL, JOHN WESLEY. Lincoln, the lawyer, address . . . delivered before annual meet- ing of the Ohio State Bar Association, Cedar Point, July 1933. [Cedar Point? 1933] 8 p. 23 cm. (M3388) E457.2.H673 copy 3 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 2053. HILL, JOHN WESLEY. "Lincoln's liv- ing memorial." Extension of remarks of Hon. B. Carroll Reece of Tennessee in the House of Repre- sentatives, Monday, February 23, 1925. [Wash- ington, Govt. Print. Off., 1925]. 4 p. 23 cm. (M2780) P Caption title. 2054. HILL, JOHN WESLEY. The principles of Lincoln applied to present-day problems, an address . . . delivered at the annual convention of the Connecticut Chamber of Commerce, Hotel Bond, Hartford, Conn., May 12, 1931. [Hart- ford? 1 93 1 ?] 15 p. 21 J/2 x 10 cm. (M3266) E743.H58 copy 3 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 2055. HILLIS, NEWELL DWIGHT. The battle of principles; a study of the heroism and eloquence of the anti-slavery conflict. New York, Chicago, Toronto, London, Edinburgh, Fleming H. Revell [ c 1 9 1 2] 334 p. 18/2 cm. E441.H65 copy 3 "Lincoln and Douglas: influence of the great debate": p. 160-187. "Abraham Lincoln: the martyred Presi- dent": p. 288-326. 2056. [HINMAN, GEORGE]. Lincoln and the Indians. New York, The American Missionary Association [1932]. double folder (5 p.) 18J/2 cm. (M3326) P Cover title. At head of title: Lincoln Sunday, February 14, 1932. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2057. [HINMAN, GEORGE]. Lincoln and the Indians. New York, The American Missionary Association [1932]. folder (4 p.) port. 23 cm. (M3327) P Cover title. At head of title: Lincoln Sunday, February 14, 1932. Different text from item 2056. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 187 2058. The Historic Lincoln Car. Located at Columbia Heights, Minneapolis. [Minneapolis? 1904?] [8] p. illus., port., maps. 18 cm. (M1438) P Cover title. 2059. Historical souvenir booklet, New Salem State Park, Petersburg, Illinois, a memorial to Abra- ham Lincoln. [Chicago, S. Olson, 1934] 16 p. of photos. 20/2 cm. E457.35.H6 Cover title. Bookplate of George P. Hambreeht. In pamphlet holder. 2060. Historical souvenir booklet of Springfield. Abraham Lincoln and Old Salem State Park, Illi- nois. [Chicago, Max Lau Colortype Co. 1928?] [24] p. illus., port, n x 16 cm. (M3033) P Cover title. Captioned illustrations. 2061. HITCHCOCK, CAROLINE (Hanks). Nancy Hanks; the story of Abraham Lincoln's mother. New York, Doubleday & McClure, 1899. xxii, [2], 105 p. illus., ports., facsims. 17 cm. (Mi 252) E457.32.H67 copy 3 Preface by Ida M. Tarbell. 2062. HITCHCOCK, HENRY L. God ac- knowledged, in the nation's bereavement. A sermon delivered in Hudson, Ohio, on the day of the obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, April 19th, 1865. Cleveland, Fairbanks, Benedict & Co., Printers, 1865. 23 p. 23/2 cm. (M561) E457.8.H67 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 2063. HO AN, DANIEL W. Abraham Lincoln, a real American. Chicago, 111., Socialist Party of the U. S. A. [1936?] 16 p. port. 21 cm. (M3522) E457.H67 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 2064. HOARD, W. D. Abraham Lincoln; ad- dress before the Loyal Legion, Milwaukee, Feb. 6, 1895. [Milwaukee, Wis.? 1895?] [4] p. 2 cm. (Mi 166 var.) P Caption title. 2065. HOBEIKA, JOHN E. The sage of Lion's Den; an appreciation of the character and career of Lyon Gardiner Tyler and of his writings on Abra- ham Lincoln and the War Between the States. New York, Exposition Press [1948] 64 p. 22 cm. LD6051.W517 1888.H6 copy 3 2066. HOBSON, JONATHAN T. Footprints of Abraham Lincoln; presenting many interesting facts, reminiscences and illustrations, never before published, by J. T. Hobson. Dayton, Ohio, Otter- bein Press, 1909. 114 p. illus., ports. 19^2 cm. (Mi 746) E457.H68 copy 5 2067. HOBSON, JONATHAN T. The Master and His servant; comparative outline sketches of the Redeemer of mankind, and the emancipator of a race ... by J. T. Hobson. Dayton, Ohio, United Brethren Pub. House [ c 19 13] 126 p. 19 cm. (M2081) E457.2.H68 copy 2 A comparison of the lives of Christ and Lincoln. Cf. Introd. 2068. HOFER, J. M. Development of the peace movement in Illinois during the Civil War. [n. p., 1 931] 21 p. maps. 23 cm. E505.H6 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume 24, no. 1, April 1931." Printed wrappers. 2069. HOFFMAN, EUGENE AUGUSTUS. The martyr President ; a sermon preached in Grace Church, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y., by the Rev. Eu- gene Augs. Hoffman ... 20 April, A.D. 1865, being the day of mourning appointed by the gov- ernor of the state after the death of President Lin- coln. New York, C. A. Alvord, Printer, 1865. 15, [1] p. 22 cm. (M562) E457.8.H69 copy 2 Ms. note on cover: "Lambert auction." Glazed printed wrappers. 2070. HOFFMAN, HAROLD G. Nor long re- member — New York, Los Angeles, London, To- ronto, S. French, c 1939. 23, [1] p. illus., diagr. 19 cm. (M3683) PS3515.O2418N6 1939 copy 3 One-act play telling of the "immediate public and press reactions to the Gettysburg speech." Eight pages of advertising matter following p. [24] Printed wrappers. 2071. HOFFMAN, HAROLD G. "The pattern of Lincoln's thinking." [New York? 1935] 1 p. 1., 17 p. 23/2 cm. (M3479) P "Lincoln Day address ... at the National Republi- can Club, New York City, February 12, 1935." 188 Author's autographed presentation copy to Charles T. White. Letter of transmittal, dated Mar. 29, 1935, laid in. Printed wrappers. 2072. HOFFMAN, URIAS J. Abraham Lin- coln, the greatest of good men, the best of great men, for boys and girls, by U. J. Hoffman. Bos- ton, New York [etc.] D. C. Heath [ c ig26]. iv p., 1 1., 129 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. (M2852) E 457-3- H68 co Py 3 2073. HOFFMANN, WILHELM. Abraham Lincoln, der Befreier der Negersklaven ; eine Erzah- lung fur die Jugend. Breslau, E. Trewendt [1867?] 129 p. illus., port. 18 cm. [Trewendt's Jugendbibliothek, 42] (M3822) E457.H71 copy 2 2074. HOKANSON, NELS M. Swedish immi- grants in Lincoln's time. With a foreword by Carl Sandburg. New York, London, Harper ^1942] xviii p., 1 1., 259 p. illus., ports., map, facsims. 22/2 cm. E184.S23H6 copy 4 "First edition." 2075. HOLBROOK, EDMUND S. Poems. Chicago, 1898. 6 p. 1., 3-206 p. port. 19^ cm. PS1939.H33 1898 "Issued for Miss Florence Holbrook under the direction of Way & Williams." "Of Abraham Lincoln and his men": p. 63-77. 2076. HOLDEN, RAYMOND P. Abraham Lincoln; the politician and the man, by Raymond Holden. New York, Minton, Balch, 1929. 6 p. 1., 3-309 p. illus., ports. 21 cm. (M3101) E457.H726 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 301-304. 2077. HOLDEN, WALTER S. Abraham Lin- coln, man of inner conflict. Harrogate, Tenn., Department of Lincolniana, Lincoln Memorial University, 1944. 37 P- 19/2 cm. E457.2.H73 copy 3 "Limited to two hundred fifty copies." Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. Printed wrappers. 2078. HOLDEN, WALTER S. Abraham Lin- coln's religion. Chicago, Barnard & Miller [1946] 12 p. 25/2 cm. P Cover title. Inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. 2079. HOLDOM, JESSE. Lincoln centennial address delivered at McKinley High School, Chi- cago, February 12, 1909. [Chicago, 1909] 13 p. 23 cm. (Mi 747) E457.8.H72 copy 2 Cover title. Printed note on cover: "Compliments of Jesse Holden." Letter of transmittal from the author to Major William H. Lambert, dated June 8, 1909, laid in. Rebound in green half-morocco. 2080. HOLDOM, JESSE. Lincoln centennial address delivered before the West End Woman's Club, Chicago, February 12, 1909. [Chicago, 1909] 6 p. 23 cm. (Mi 748) P Cover title. In Gaylord binder. 2081. HOLLAND, JOSIAH G. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, pronounced at the City Hall, Springfield, Mass., April 19, 1865. Springfield, S. Bowles, L. J. Powers, 1865. 18 p. 22/2 cm. (var. of M563) E457.8.C93 copy 2 Signatures: [i] 3 , 2-3* (final leaf blank) . Gray printed wrappers. Bound with item 1259. 2082. Another issue. Springfield, L. J. Powers, 1865. 23 cm. (M563) P Signatures: [i]-2 4 , 3 2 (final leaf blank). Same wrappers. 2083. HOLLAND, JOSIAH G. Das Leben Abraham Lincoln's, von J. G. Holland, Spring- field, Mass., G. Bill, 1866. 588 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. (M3805) E457.H73 copy 2 Inscribed on fly leaf: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Translation of item 2084. Tan polished half-calf. 2084. HOLLAND, JOSIAH G. Life of Abra- ham Lincoln, by J. G. Holland. Springfield, Mass., G. Bill, 1866. 544 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. (M856) E457.H729 copies 3, 4 & 5 Author's holograph letters of Dec. 26, 1866, and June 17, 1879, mounted on end paper and flyleaf of copy 4. Copies 3 & 4 bound in chocolate-colored cloth, with facsimile of Lincoln's autograph gilt-stamped on cover. Copy 5 bound in tan polished half-calf. 492745—60- -14 189 2085. HOLLIDAY, CARL. Abraham Lincoln in heaven. New York, Robert Speller Pub. Corp. [i93 6 l 99 P- 21 cm. (M3523) PS3515.O38A65 1936 copy 2 "First edition." Narrative poem. 2086. HOLMES, FREDERICK L. Abraham Lincoln traveled this way; the log book of a pilgrim to the Lincoln country, by Fred L. Holmes. Fore- word by Glenn Frank. Boston, L. C. Page [1930] xviii, 350 p. illus., ports., fold. map. 2 2 J/2 cm. (M3204) E457.H75 copy 3 2087. HOLMES, SARAH KATHERINE (Stone) . Brokenburn; the journal of Kate Stone, 1 861-1868. Edited by John Q. Anderson. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press [1955] xxii, 400 p. port. 22/2 cm. E487.H74 copy 3 End paper maps. A few references to Lincoln. Boards. Cloth back. 2088. HOLST, HERMANN EDUARD von. The Constitutional and political history of the United States. By Dr. H. von Hoist, [v. 7] 1859- 186 1. Harper's Ferry-Lincoln's inauguration. Translated from the German by John J. Lalor. Chicago, Callaghan, 1892. xiv, 459 p. 24 cm. E183.H76 copy 2 vol. 7 2089. HOLT, ERASTUS EUGENE. An address delivered at the Auditorium, Portland, Maine, on the eleventh annual banquet of the Lincoln Club, Tuesday evening, February 12, 1 901, in observance of the ninety-second anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Portland, Marks Print. House, 1901. 20 p. 22 cm. (M1341) E457.8.H75 copy 2 Title vignette (portrait of Lincoln). "Reprint from the Journal of Medicine and Science." Reprinted also in Rare Lincolniana, (Item 3504 no. 9). On cover: Abraham Lincoln. Stamped below imprint: "Dr. E. E. Holt, S., 723 Con- gress St., Portland, Maine." Typed letter of transmittal from the author to Albert H. Griffith, laid in. 2090. HOLT, JOSEPH. The fallacy of neutral- ity. An address to the people of Kentucky, delivered at Louisville, July 13th, 186 1 ; also his let- ter to J. F. Speed, esq. New York, J. G. Gregory, 186 1. 31 p. 20 cm. E458.1.H75 X copy Printed wrappers. 2091. HOLT, JOSEPH. Vindication of Hon. Joseph Holt, Judge Advocate General of the United States Army. Washington, Chronicle Pub. Co., 1873. '3P- 23/2 cm. (M930) E 457-5 S 985 H 6 1873 copies 2 & 3 Letters to and from Holt concerning the charge of withholding recommendation for mercy in the case of Mrs. Surratt; dated Jan. 8, 1868 to Aug. 25, 1873. Printed wrappers. Copy 2 bound, with original wrap- pers, in black half-leather. 2092. HOLT, JOSEPH. Vindication of Judge Advocate General Holt from the foul slanders of traitors, confessed perjurers and suborners, acting in the interest of Jefferson Davis. [Washington] Chronicle Print. [1866] 9 p. 23 cm. (M857) E601.H768 X copy Cover title. Reprint from Washington Chronicle of Sept. 3, 1866. Self-wrappers. 2093. HOLT, JOSEPH. Vindication of Judge Advocate General Holt, from the foul slanders of traitors, their aiders, abettors, and sympathizers, acting in the interest of Jefferson Davis. Compris- ing the depositions of Joseph A. Hoare and William H. Roberts, and the letters of Hon. James F. Wil- son, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee; of Hons. Geo. L. Boutwell and D. Morris, members of said Committee, and of Bvt. Col. Turner, and of Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War. [Wash- ington, 1866] 15 p. 22/2 cm. (M858) E457.5.S985H6 1866a copy 4 Cover title. "Second edition." Self-wrappers. 2094. HOLZMAN, ROBERT S. General "Baseball" Doubleday; the story of baseball and of its inventor. Illustrated by E. Harper Johnson. New York, London, Toronto, Longmans, Green, 1955. 1 1 1 p. illus. 19/2 cm. GV865.D6H6 copy 2 "First edition." Autographed by the author. One or two references to Lincoln in chapters entitled "Baseball during the Civil War" (p. 30-37) and "Gen- eral Doubleday in the Field" (p. 38-46). I90 2095- HOLZMAN, ROBERT S. Stormy Ben Butler. New York, Macmillan, 1954. xvii, 297 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. E467.1.B87H6 copy 3 "First printing." Inscribed by the author. 2096. HOOVER, HERBERT, Pres. U.S. Ad- dress of President Hoover at the dedication of the remodeled tomb of Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, 111., Wednesday, June 17, 193 1 . Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 193 1. 3 p. 23 cm. (M3268) P Cover title. Autographed. 2097. [HOOVER, HERBERT] Pres. U. S. Address of the President on Lincoln's birthday, de- livered by radio from the White House on . . . February 12, 1931. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1 93 1. 5 p. 23/2 cm. (M3269) P Cover title. Autographed. Self-wrappers. 2098. HOOVER, HERBERT, Pres. U. S. The confused state of the Union; address at Lincoln birthday diner under auspices of Multnomah County Republican Central Committee, Portland, Oregon, February 12, 1936. [n. p., 1936?] 12 p. 23/2 x 10/2 cm. E806.H65 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 2099. [HOPE, EVA] New World heroes, Lin- coln and Garfield: the life-story of two self-made men, whom the people made Presidents. By the author of "Our Queen," "Grace Darling," etc. London, W. Scott, 1885. vi p., 1 1., 363 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. (M1001 var.) E457.H77 1885 Signatures: B1-B22 8 , B23 \ B24 \ Red cloth, with lettering, designs, and illustrations in black, red, and gilt on cover and spine. Gilt edges. 2100. Another issue. 1888. (M1001 var.) E457.H77i885copy2 Title page reset. Same binding, but in brown cloth and with plain edges. 2101. Another issue, [n. d.] 19 J/2 cm. (M1001 var.) E457.H77 i8ooy On spine: Lincoln and Garfield. Eva Hope. Signatures: B1-B22 3 , B23 2 , B23* 4 . Title page inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1920." Dark blue cloth, with gilt lettering and design on spine. Top edge gilt. 2102. Another issue. London, New York, W. Scott Pub. Co. [n. d.] port. 19/2 cm. (M1001 var.) E457.H77 i8ooz Issued under title: New World Heroes; Presidents Lin- coln and Garfield. On spine: Lincoln and Garfield. Eva Hope. Title page printed from different plates. Floral de- signs removed from beginning and end of chapters. Signatures: 1-22 8 , 23 2 , 23 *\ Fly leaf inscribed : "Chas. T. White 19 16." Crimson cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. De- sign blind-stamped on cover, gilt-stamped on spine. 2103. HOPKINS, PAULINE BRADFORD (Mackie) . The Washingtonians, by Pauline Brad- ford Mackie (Mrs. Herbert Miiller Hopkins). With a frontispiece by Philip R. Goodwin. Boston, L. C. Page, 1902. 3 p. 1., 357 p. 1 illus. 19/2 cm. PS3515.O6443W3 A story about life and politics in Washington toward the close of Lincoln's first administration. 2104. HOPKINS, RICHARD J. Abraham Lin- coln — lawyer; the legion of honor; charge to a grand jury; stepping stones. Girard, Kan., Halde- man- Julius Publications [1937?] 63 p. 13 cm. ([Little blue book no. 1759 ed. by E. Haldeman- Julius]) P Series title on cover only. Green printed wrappers. 2105. Another edition, port. 12J/2 cm. (Little blue book no. 1759, ed. by E. Haldeman- Julius) P Cover, title and copyright pages from different plates. Series title on title page and cover. Most pages vary in arrangement of the type. On cover: Published for Automatic Libraries, a Di- vision of O. D. Jennings & Co., Chicago. Blue printed wrappers. 2106. HOPKINS, THOMAS M. A discourse, on the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the 1st Presbyterian Church in Bloomington, Indiana, April 19th, 1865, by Rev. T. M. Hopkins. [Bloom- ington? 1865] 7 p. 23/2 cm. (M565) E457.8.H79 copy 2 Caption title. Plain wrapper*. 191 2107- HORAN, JAMES D. Confederate agent, a discovery in history. New York, Crown Publish- ers [1954] xxii, 326 p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 24 cm. E608.H6 copy 3 End paper maps. Concerns Thomas H. Hines and the Confederate con- spiracy to destroy the Union from within. 2108. HORAN, JAMES D. Desperate women. New York, Putnam [1952] xi, 336 p. illus. 23 cm. E176.H8 copy 3 One or two references to Lincoln in Book One: 1861- 1865 — in the chapters on Rose O'Neale Greenhow and Belle Boyd, Confederate spies. 2109. HORAN, JAMES D. Mathew Brady, historian with a camera. Picture collation by Gertrude Horan. New York, Crown Publishers [ I 955] 4 P- 1-j vii-xix, 244 p. illus., ports., map, facsims. 31/2 cm. TR140.B7H6 1955a "Brady-Handy edition autographed by the author for members of the Civil War Book Club." "Photographer to a railsplitter and a prince": p. 31-32. Boards. Cloth back. 21 10. HORN, STANLEY F. The Army of Tennessee. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press [1953, "1941] 503 p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 24/2 cm. E470.5.H67 1953 copy 2 End paper maps. 21 1 1. HORN, STANLEY F. The decisive bat- tle of Nashville. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press ["1956] xiii p., 3 1., [3]— 181 p. illus. 21 cm. E477.52.H7 copy 3 "Autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club." 21 12. HORN, STANLEY F. Gallant rebel, the fabulous cruise of the C. S. S. Shenandoah. New Brunswick [N. J.] Rutgers University Press, 1947. viii, 292 p. 21 cm. E599.S5H6 copy 3 End paper maps. 21 13. HORN, STANLEY F., ed. The Robert E. Lee reader. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs-Mer- rill [1949] 542 p. illus., ports. 22/2 cm. E467.1.L4H77 copy 4 "First edition." Facsimile of a letter from General Lee to his nephew, Fitzhugh Lee, dated Sept. 19, 1870, laid in. Inscribed to Alfred Whital Stern. 21 14. HORNER, HARLAN HOYT. The growth of Lincoln's faith. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, Abingdon Press [ c i939] 176 p. illus. 191/2 cm. (M3684) E457.2.H78 copy 3 21 15. HORNER, HARLAN HOYT. Lincoln and Greeley. [Urbana] University of Illinois Press, 1953. viii, 432 p. 26 cm. E457.2.H79 copy 3 Autographed by the author. Bibliography: p. 407-413. 21 16. HORNER, HENRY. Abraham Lincoln of Illinois. An address delivered on Febru- ary 12, 1938, at Lincoln, Illinois, the only city in the United States named in honor of Abraham Lincoln during his lifetime, and broadcast over the Columbia Broadcasting System. Springfield, 111., Illinois State Historical Society, 1938. 9 p. 20 cm. (M3625) E457.8.H817 copy 2 Printed heavy paper covers. 21 17. HORNER, HENRY. Abraham Lincoln, the American ideal. [Chicago? 1926] 1 1., 13 p. ports. 16 cm. (M3206) E457.2.H81 copy 2 Cover title. "This article first appeared in the Chicago Daily journal of Feb. 12, 1926. It is reprinted and distributed in a limited edition by an admirer of Abraham Lincoln." Author's inscribed presentation copy to George P. Hambrecht, dated Sept. 14, 1926. 21 18. HORNER, HENRY. The universality of Lincoln. An address delivered before the mem- bers of the Abraham Lincoln Association at Springfield, Illinois on February 12, 193 1 . [Springfield? 1931?] 45 p. 24 cm. (M3270) E457.8.H82 copy 3 "Edition limited to 200 copies." "Reprinted by permission of the Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, Illinois." Printed heavy paper covers. 21 19. HOSTICK, KING V. Lincoln group ob- serves important anniversary. Extension of remarks of Hon. Laurence F. Arnold, of Illinois, in the House of Representatives. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1940] broadsheet (2 p.) 23/2 cm. P Caption title. "A meeting held in the William Petersen House [the house where Lincoln died] in Washington, D. C, on the early morning of April 15, 1940." 192 Reprinted from the Congressional Record of April 25, 1940. "Not printed at Government expense." 2120. HOSTICK, KING V. Rendezvous at Oak Ridge; even in death they would not let Abraham Lincoln rest. Extension of remarks of Hon. George A. Dondero, of Michigan, in the House of Representatives. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1941. folder (4 p.) 23/2 cm. P Cover title. Reprinted from the Congressional Record of Feb. 18, 1941; originally appeared in the American Legion Maga- ine of Feb. 1941. "Not printed at government expense." 21 21. HOTZE, HENRY. Three months in the Confederate Army; printed in facsimile from the London Index, 1862. With an introduction and notes by Richard Barksdale Harwell. University, Ala., University of Alabama Press, 1952. 38 p. (P- !3-33 facsim.) 28 cm. E551.5 3d.H6 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 2122. HOUGH, ALFRED LACEY. Soldier in the West; the Civil War letters of Alfred Lacey Hough. Edited by Robert G. Athearn; with an introduction by John Newbold Hough. Phila- delphia, University of Pennsylvania Press [1957] 250 p. illus. 22 cm. E601.H83A4 copy 3 2123. HOURANI, F., ed. Manchester and Abraham Lincoln; a side-light on an earlier fight for freedom. [Manchester, R. Aikman & Son, Printers, 19 — ] 11, [1] p. 1 illus. 21/2 cm. E 453 H6 5 co Py 2 Cover title. Contents. — Introduction, by F. Hourani. — Address from working men to President Lincoln (reprinted from the Manchester Guardian, January 1st, 1863) — Letter from President Lincoln to the working men of Manchester (reprinted from the Manchester Guardian, February 1 ith, 1863). Self-wrappers. 2124. HOUSE, ALBERT V., Jr. The trials of a ghost-writer of Lincoln biography; Chauncey F. Black's authorship of Lamon's Lincoln, [n. p., 1938] [262]-2g6 p. 23/2 cm. (cf. M926 note) P Cover title. "Reprinted from Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society [v. 31] September 1938." 2125. HOUSER, MARTIN L. Abraham Lin- coln; an address by M. L. Houser. March 1, 1928 . . . [Peoria, 111., E. J. Jacob, Printer, c ig28] 3 P- !•> 9- 2 9 P- 23/2 cm. (M3034) E457.8.H84 copy 3 "Presentation copy, privately printed and not for sale." Charles T. White's copy. Letters from the author to White laid in. "Authorities": p. 25-26. "References": p. 27-29. Printed wrappers. 2126. HOUSER, MARTIN L. Abraham Lin- coln, student. His books, by M. L. Houser. [Peoria, 111.] Priv. Print. [Printed by E. J. Jacob, 1932] 47 p. ports., facsims. 25 cm. (M3328) E457.2.H842 copy 3 "This pamphlet is virtually a revision of one entitled 'The books that Lincoln read.' "- — p. [5] "Alphabetical list of authors of books Lincoln studied, compiled by Esther Cowles Cushman": p. 27-35; "Li- brary of Congress books . . . withdrawn ... by Mr. Lincoln and his household while he was President" : p. 41-47; "Authorities": p. 37. Inscribed presentation copy to Charles T. White from the author and Edward J. Jacob. Printed wrappers. 2127. HOUSER, MARTIN L. Abraham Lin- coln's favorite poem. By M. L. Houser. Chicago, The Home of Books, Inc., 1939. 1 45-1 61 p. 255/2 cm. (Lincoln group papers, reprint no. 10) (M3529 note) P Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 2128. HOUSER, MARTIN L. Abraham Lin- coln's favorite poem: its author and his book, by M. L. Houser. Peoria, 111., E. W. Meredith, 1935. 1 p. 1., 5-30 p. port., facsims. 22 cm. (M3480) E457.2.H83 copy 3 Descriptive letterpress on versos facing facsimiles. "A paper [on William Knox] read on Oct. 17, 1935, before the Lincoln Group, Chicago, 111." Printed wrappers. 2129. HOUSER, MARTIN L. Abraham Lin- coln's message to Horace Greeley, by M. L. Houser. [Peoria, 111., Printed by E. J. Jacob, 1929] [3]-22 p. ports., facsim. 31 J/2 cm. (M3102) E 457-H83 copy 3 On cover: Lincoln and Greeley. "Presentation copy — none for sale." "Authorities": p. 22. Heavy paper covers. *93 2130. HOUSER, MARTIN L. The books that Lincoln read, by M. L. Houser. Peoria, 111. [Printed by E. J. Jacob] 1929. 1 p. 1., 5-31 p. illus., facsims. 23 cm. (M3103) E457.2.H84 copy 3 "Only 100 copies of this de luxe edition printed; for presentation only." "Authorities": p. 27-28. Letter from the author to Charles T. White laid in. Cream-colored printed wrappers. 2131. Another issue. (M3103 var.) E457.2.H84 1929a Copyright page differs. (A foreword replaces the limited edition statement.) White printed wrappers. 2132. HOUSER, MARTIN L. The education of Abraham Lincoln, by M. L. Houser. Peoria, 111., L. O. Schriver, 1938. 2 p. 1., 7-50 p. 1 illus., 1 fascsim. 23^2 cm. (M3626) E457.2.H846 1938a "Special edition for Lincoln Memorial University, Har- rogate, Tenn." "References and notes": p. 21-33. "Condensed titles of books Lincoln studied or read": p. 35-40. "Au- thorities": p. 41-42. "A Selected list of books about Lincoln, by Harry J. Lytle" : p. 45-50. Facsimile of letter from Stewart W. McClelland, Pres- ident, Lincoln Memorial University, dated Feb. 12, 1938: P- [5] Tan wrappers, imprinted in brown. Portrait of Lin- coln on cover. 2133. Another issue. (M3626 var.) E457.2.H846 copy 3 Differs from the preceding issue in that in place of the facsimile (p. [5]) and illustration (p. [6]) there is a publisher's preface, dated Mar. 22, 1938, and a printed note: "Paper read before the Lincoln Group, Chicago, Illinois." Without special edition statement. Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. Binding same. 2134. [HOUSER, MARTIN L.] comp. Grand- father and Grandmother Howser and some friends ; their lives and times. Compiled by M. L. H. Peoria, 111., 1926. 5 p. 1., 5~64,[i] p. illus., ports. 24 cm. GT275.H659H6 Author's presentation copy to Charles T. White. Occasional anecdotes relating to Lincoln. 2135. HOUSER, MARTIN L. Jesse W. Fell, Lincoln's friend, mentor and sponsor. [Chicago, ! 939l * P- P ort - 35 cm - P (2 copies) Caption title. "Reprinted from the February, 1939, issue of Hobbies. ..." One copy inscribed "To Starr from Houser 6/2o/'40." 2136. HOUSER, MARTIN L. Lincoln and McClellan, by M. L. Houser, prepared for the Lincoln Group of Chicago. East Peoria, 111., Courier Print. Co., 1946. 28 p. maps. 22J/2 cm. E467.1.M2H7 copy 5 "References and notes": p. 21-26. Bibliography: p. 27-28. Printed wrappers. 2137. HOUSER, MARTIN L. Lincoln topics, for use in the Lincoln Study Room of Bradley University Library, by M. L. Houser. Peoria, 111., Bradley University, 1951. 142 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. Z8505.H6 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 2138. HOUSER, MARTIN L. Lincoln's early political education, by M. L. Houser. Peoria, 111., L. O. Schriver, 1944. 2 p. 1., 9-35 p., 1 1. 1 illus., port., facsims. 24 cm. E457.35.H7 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 35. 2139. HOUSER, MARTIN L. Lincoln's edu- cation, and other essays, by M. L. Houser. [Louis A. R. Yates, editor] New York, Bookman Associ- ates [1957] 356 p. ports. 23 cm. E457.2.H848 copy 3 "A list of books that Lincoln read": p. 317-324. "A selected list of 100 books and essays about Lincoln": p. 325-332. "Bibliography"; p. 333~342- 2140. HOUSER, MARTIN L. Some books that Lincoln loved; an address before the Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tennessee, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the University, February 12, 1937. By Dr. M. L. Houser. [Har- rogate? 1937] 16 p. 22/2 cm. (M3572) E457.2.H85 copy 2 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 2 14 1. HOUSER, MARTIN L. Young Abra- ham Lincoln and Log College, by M. L. Houser. Peoria, 111., L. O. Schriver, 1942. 2 p. 1., 9-50 p. facsims. 24 cm. E457.2.H858 copy 3 "Sources": p. 49-50. Printed wrappers. 194 2142. HOUSER, MARTIN L. Young Abra- ham Lincoln, mathematician, by M. L. Houser. Peoria, 111., L. O. Schriver, 1943. 1 p. 1., [7]-24 p., 2 1. group port., facsims. 24 cm. E457.2.H859 copy 3 Bibliography: 2 leaves at end. Printed wrappers. 2143. HOWARD, JAMES Q. The life of Abraham Lincoln : with extracts from his speeches. By J' Q- Howard. Columbus, Follett, Foster, i860. 102 p. 18/2 cm. (M42) E457.H84 copy 2 Imprint on cover: Cincinnati, Anderson, Gates and Wright, i860. Tan polished full-calf, with original printed wrappers bound in. In three-quarter-closed case. 2144. HOWARD, OLIVER O. Personal recol- lections of Abraham Lincoln. [New York, The Century Co.] 873-877 p. 24/2 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 75, April 1908. 2145. HOWE, BEVERLY W. Abraham Lin- coln in Great Britain. Chicago, Winslow Pub. Co., 1940. 51 p. 2 ports. 19 cm. E457.6.H75 copy 3 Boards. 2146. HOWE, BEVERLY W. Lincoln— our magnanimous fellowman. An address before the Executives' Club of Chicago, Friday, Febru- ary 12, 1937. [Chicago, 1937] [4] p. port. 28/2 cm. (M3573) P Caption title. Reprinted from the Executives' Club News, Febru- ary 12, 1937. Printed wrappers. 2147. HOWE, BEVERLY W. Two hours and two minutes; or, Lincoln and Everett at Gettys- burg. [Chicago? c 1 937] 23 p. 23 cm. (M3574) P Cover title. "Address delivered before the Lincoln Group of Chicago November 18, 1937." Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. Self-wrappers. 2148. HOWE, Mrs. H. W., comp. Lincoln en- tertainment. Darrowville, Ohio, School Pub. Co. [1901] 22 p. 19 cm. (M1342) E457.7.H6 No. 1 On cover: no. 1. Printed wrappers. 2149. HOWE, JULIA (Ward). From Sunset ridge; poems old and new. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1898. viii, 190 p., 1 1. 19^ cm. PS2017.A8 1898 copy 2 "Parricide: Abraham Lincoln — April 14, 1865": p. 16— 19. "Pardon: Wilkes Booth — April 26, 1865": p. 20-21. Boards. Cloth back. 2150. HOWE, MARK ANTONY DE WOLFE, comp. The memory of Lincoln; poems selected with an introduction by M. A. De Wolfe Howe. Boston, Small, Maynard, 1899. xvii, 65 p. port. 17/2 cm. (M1253) E457.9.H85 copy 3 2 15 1. HOWELLS, WILLIAM D. Life of Abraham Lincoln, by W. D. Howells; this cam- paign biography corrected by the hand of Abra- ham Lincoln in the summer of i860 is reproduced here with careful attention to the appearance of the original volume. Springfield, 111., Abraham Lincoln Association, 1938. xvii p., 3 1., xi-xii, 17-94, [6] P- port, (front.), facsim. 20^/2 cm. (M45) E457.H86 copy 2 A facsimile of a part of Samuel C. Parks' copy of the original edition, which has title: Lives and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. Columbus, O., Follett, Foster & Co. ; Boston, Crosby, Nichols, Lee & Co., i860. Manuscript note on verso of portrait: "This life of Lincoln was corrected by him for me, at my request, in the summer of i860, by notes in his hand writing, in pencil, on the margin . . . [signed and dated] Samuel C. Parks. Kansas City, Mo., May 22nd, 1901." "This edition . . . consists of twelve hundred and fifty copies, of which seven hundred and fifty copies are re- served for the members of the Abraham Lincoln Associ- ation and five hundred copies are for sale." Boards. Cloth back. 2152. [HOWISON, GEORGE H.] Abraham Lincoln. A threnody. St. Louis, Priv. Print, [by R. P. Studley] 1866. 26 p. 20 cm. (M860) E457.9.H87 copy 2 Poem. "Written April 20, 1865." Holograph letter from the author to Albert H. Griffith, together with typed letter from Mrs. William T. Harris to Griffith, transmitting a copy of the booklet, laid in. Printed wrappers. 2153. HOWLAND, LOUIS. Stephen A. Doug- las. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1920. 6 p. 1., 195 375 P- 2 ° cm - (Figures from American history) E4i5-9-D73 H 8copy3 2154. HOWLETT, THOMAS R. The dealings of God with our nation. A discourse delivered in Washington, D. C. on the day of humiliation and prayer, June 1, 1865, by Rev. T. R. Howlett. Washington, Gibson Bros., Printers, 1865. 7 p. 22 cm. (M567) E457.8.H86 copy 3 Cover title. On the death of President Lincoln. Cover stamped: Rhode Island Historical Society. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 2155. HSt), SHOU-I. Lin k'en [Lincoln]. Shanghai, Shang wu yin shu kuan [Commercial Press], 1925. 32 p. illus. 19 cm. (Erh t'ung shih ti ts'ung shu, i chung, vol. 2 [Children's his- tory and geography series, Class B, vol. 2]) (M3903) U Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2156. HUBBARD, ALICE (Moore), ed. An American bible. East Aurora, N. Y., Roycrofters [191 1] 444 p. port. 19 cm. BJ1549.H8 1911a A collection of quotations from Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Abraham Lincoln, Walt Whitman, Robert Ingersoll, Ralph Waldo Emer- son, and Elbert Hubbard. "The Gospel according to Abraham Lincoln": p. [i49]-i66. Green full-leather. 2157. HUBBARD, ELBERT. Abe Lincoln and Nancy Hanks, being one of Elbert Hubbard's fa- mous little journeys to which is added for full measure a tribute to the mother of Lincoln. East Aurora, N. Y., Roycrofters ['1920] 3 p. 1., 9-63 p. illus., port. 16/2 cm. (M2459) E457-3 2 - H8 7 co PY3 Brown cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. 2158. Another edition. [1928, c i92o] 3 p. 1., 9-60 p., 1 1. illus., port. 21 cm. (M2459 var.) E457.32.H87 1928 From different plates. Gettysburg address added (p. 59-60). Burlap, with paper label on cover. 2159. HUBBARD, ELBERT. Abraham Lin- coln, man and American; an intimate relation, by his fellow-townsman, Elbert Hubbard. New York, done into print by The Roycrofters and published by the Hartford Lunch Co. [ c 1 9 1 7] 45 p. 14 cm. (M2314) P Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2160. HUBBARD, ELBERT, com p. Elbert Hubbard's scrap book, containing the inspired and inspiring selections, gathered during a life time of discriminating reading for his own use, printed and made into a book by the Roycrofters, at their shops, in East Aurora, Erie County, New York State. New York City, W. H Wise ['1923] 2 p. 1., [7]-228, xii p., 1 1. port., 1 col. illus. 27 cm. PN6014.H8 copy 4 Includes quotations from Lincoln. Cardboard covers. Bound with a cord. 2 161. HUBBARD, ELBERT. Get out or get in line; being a preachment. East Aurora, N. Y., Roycrofters ["1902] 1 p. 1., 3-16 p. 13 cm. (var. (?) of M1406) P A "business sermon" upon Lincoln's letter to General Hooker, Jan. 26, 1863. "Reprinted . . . from the Cosmopolitan Magazine for April 1902." Mustard-colored wrappers; imprinted in black, orna- mented in red. 2162. Another edition. [1903, c igo2] 1 p. 1., 8 p., 2 1. 205/2 cm. (M1406) BJ1533.L8H8 1903 From different plates. Brown wrappers, with front cover imprinted in red. 2163. Another edition. [1907, "1902] 1 p. 1., 8 p., 2 1. 20/2 cm. (var. of Mi 406) BJ1533.L8H8 1902 copy 2 From different plates. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Cream-colored glazed wrappers ; imprinted in black, ornamented in orange. 2164. Another edition. [1907, °I902] 1 p. 1., 9, [1] p., 1 1. 20/2 cm. (Mi4o6var.) BJ1533.L8H8 1907 From different plates. Dark brown wrappers, imprinted in red and black. 2165. Another edition. East Aurora, N. Y., House of Hubbard [1952, c i93o] 13, [1] p. port. 15/2 cm. (var. of M1406) BJ1533.L8H8 1952 From different plates. Light blue wrappers; imprinted in black, ornamented in red. I96 Reprinted in the same year in The Latch String (item 2474). 2166. HUBBARD, ELBERT. Little journeys to the homes of great Americans. Abraham Lincoln. East Aurora, N. Y., The Roycrofters, 191 1. [59]- 80 p. port. 20/2 cm. (His Little journeys, v. 27, no. 3, Mar. 191 1) (Mi 230 var.) E176.H93 no. 3 & CT101.H8 v. 28, no. 3 2d set Printed wrappers. 2167. HUBBARD, FREEMAN H. Vinnie Ream and Mr. Lincoln. New York, London, Toronto, Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill [1949] 271 p. illus., ports., facsim. 21 cm. PZ7.H857Vi copy 3 Fiction. Bibliography: p. 269-271. 2168. HUBBELL, GEORGE A. Abraham Lin- coln, the pioneer. [Harrogate, Tenn.? 1922] 6 1. 28/2 cm. E457.8.H87 Caption title. Typed copy of an address delivered at Pittsburgh, February 12, 1922. Includes letter of transmittal from Cole E. Morgan to Charles T. White, dated February 26, 1922. In pamphlet holder. 2169. HUBERT, JAMES H. The life of Abra- ham Lincoln, its significance to Negroes and Jews; an address delivered before Gad lodge, no. 1 1 , Free sons of Israel, February 15, 1939. With an introduction by Dr. William Heard Kilpatrick . . . and an extract from the presidential address on the test of American democracy delivered before the sixty-fifth annual session of the National Con- ference of Social Work, by Dr. Solomon Lowen- stein. New York, W. Malliet, 1939. 22 p. 23 cm. (M3685) E457.2.H87 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 2170. HUDSON, ANNA (Ridgely). A girl in the sixties; excerpts from the journal of Anna Ridgely (Mrs. James L. Hudson). Edited by her niece, Octavia Roberts Corneau, assisted by Georgia L. Osborne. [Springfield, 111., Journal Print. Co., 1929] 48 p. port. 28 cm F549.S7H8 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, volume 22, no. 3, October, 1929." Relates to Springfield, 111., i860- 1865, with references to Lincoln's death and funeral (p. 44-47). Printed wrappers. 2 1 71. [HUDSON, CHARLES] Character of Abraham Lincoln and the constitutionality of his emancipation policy, [n. p., 1863] 16 p. 24 cm. (M189) E457.2.H88 1863a Caption title. Published also under title: Character of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Self-wrappers. In blue cardboard slipcase. 2172. Hudson River Railroad. Special time table for funeral train of our late President, Abra- ham Lincoln, on Tuesday, April 25th 1865. [n. p., 1865] folder (2 p.) 21 cm. (M568) P Cover title. 2173. HUGET, JAMES PERCIVAL. What would Lincoln say to this generation? The sub- stance of the first Lenten lecture of the series of 19 18 at the Tompkins Avenue Congregational Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., delivered on Wednesday, February 13th. [Brooklyn, 19 18] 19 p. illus., port. 23 cm. (M2369) E457.8.H88 "Printed for general distribution by vote of the Church Committee." Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. In pamphlet holder. 2174. HUIDEKOPER, HENRY S. Personal notes and reminiscences of Lincoln, by H. S. Huide- koper. Philadelphia, Bicking Print., 1896. 20 p. 23 cm. (Mi 195) E457.15.H89 copy 2 Printed wrappers. In pamphlet holder. 2175. HULBURD, EBENEZER W. The life of little Justin Hulburd, medium, actor and poet, who was during forty years one of the greatest attractions upon the dramatic stage and who served his adopted country during the Civil War as President Lincoln's private spy. Given through his mediumship by prominent people of that time who knew him intimately, relating many exciting experiences. Compiled by his cousin E. W. Hul- burd. Descanso, Calif., E. W. Hulburd, c igo9. 3 v. illus., ports. 22J/2 cm. (Mi 751) BF1281.H9 copy 2 2176. HULL, PAUL. Abraham Lincoln; a character sketch, [n. p., 1898?] [7] p. 19/2 cm. (M1231) P Cover title. Five pages of text. Self-wrappers. 197 2177- The Humor and wisdom of Abraham Lin- coln. By John W. Gunn. Girard, Kans, Halde- man- Julius [ c ig23] 64 p. 12/2 cm. (Pocket se- ries, no. 382, ed. by E. Haldeman- Julius) (M2640) E457.99.G95 copy 2 Advertising matter: p. 63-64. On cover: Little blue book, no. 382. Gray printed wrappers. 2178. Another issue. [1923?] 62 p. (var. of M2640) E457.99.G95 1923a Without copyright date or advertising matter. Green printed wrappers. 2179. Humorous and pathetic stories of Abraham Lincoln. A collection of anecdotes and stories told by and of President Lincoln; many of them here- tofore unpublished. Fort Wayne, Ind., The Lin- coln Pub. Co. [1894?] 1 p. 1., 7-83, [1] p., 6 1. 2 illus., 4 port. 16/2 cm. (var.(?) of Mi 147) E457.99.H92 copies 2 & 3 Cover title: A book of stories of Abraham Lincoln. "Fifth edition, second series." "In collecting these memoirs of Lincoln we are in- debted to friends and to Barretts McClure's 'Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln.' " — Pref. Contents. — [Part I] (p. 7-70). — Part II. [Advertising matter] (p. [71H84]— Part III [illustrations] (6 1.). Pages [71M84] of copy 2 have been cut out with a sharp instrument. Copy 2 bound in pink printed wrappers, copy 3 in yellow. Both copies with portrait of Lincoln on cover. Copy 2 in pamphlet holder. 2180. Another edition. 83 p. 17 cm. (var. of Mi 147) E457.99.A2 Issued under title: Abraham Lincoln: a Collection of Anecdotes and Stories Told by and of President Lincoln, Many of Them Heretofore Unpublished. Title on original paper cover: Humorous and pathetic stories of Abraham Lincoln. Binder's title: Humorous stories of Abraham Lincoln. "Series no. 1, seventh edition." From different plates with several stories omitted. Same illustrations. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Khaki-colored cloth, with original gray printed wrap- pers bound in. Portrait of Lincoln on back cover. 2 18 1. HUMPHREYS, BENJAMIN G. The Lin- coln Memorial : speech in the House of Represent- atives, January 29, 1913- Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 19 1 3. 4 p. 23 cm. (M2082) P Cover title. 2182. HUNT, AARON B. Address delivered by the Hon. A. B. Hunt on the life and times of Abraham Lincoln at the First Congregational Church of Alameda, Sunday Eve., Feb. 12, 1899, it being the 89th [!] anniversary, of the birth of Abraham Lincoln [San Francisco, Calif. 1899?] 1 p. 1., 34 p. 23/2 cm. (Mi 254) E457.8.H93 copy 2 On cover: "To the Commissioner, Gen'l Land Office, Washington, D. C." (ms. note) ; "Compliments of A. B. Hunt, Register, U. S. Land Office, San Francisco, Cal." (printed note). Brown half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2183. [HUNT, EZRA MUNDY] About the war; plain words to plain people, by a plain man. Philadelphia, Union League, 1863. 16 p. illus. 21 cm. E458.3.H94 1863a copy 3 At top of cover: Printed for gratuitous distribution. Please circulate. On verso of title page: Henry B. Ashmead, Printer. Illustrated printed wrappers. In red quarter-morocco slipcase. 2184. Another issue. Philadelphia [Printed for gratuitous distribution] 1863. 16 p. illus. 23 cm. £458.3^950^4 Without publisher or printer statements on title page or verso. Cover varies slightly. 2185. HURLEY, PATRICK J. Extracts from an address at the Lincoln Day banquet of the Na- tional Republican Club, New York City, February 12, 1930. [Washington? 1930] 4 1. 33 cm. E457.8.H95 Caption title. At head of title: War Dept. For release in morning papers of Thursday, Feb. 13, 1930. Mimeographed. In pamphlet holder. 2186. HUTCHINSON, JOHN W., ed. Hutch- inson's Republican songster, for the campaign of i860. New York, O. Hutchinson, i860, iv., [5]- 72 p. 15 cm. (M47) E440.H97 copy 3 Running title: Republican songster. Without music. Copyright recorded June 8, i860 (no. 441) in the U. S. District Clerk's Office, Southern District of New York. Maroon cloth, with original salmon-colored printed wrappers bound in. I98 2187. Another edition. (M31) E440.B92 copy 2 Issued, with differences in content, under title: The Bobolink Minstrel: or, Republican Songster for i860. Edited by George W. Bungay. Copyright page, p. [s]-8, 10-21, 27-29, 37, 42-72, and back cover from same plates. Cream-colored printed wrappers. 2188. HUTCHISON, A. P. The event on which the great Civil War hinged; an unwritten chapter relating to Abraham Lincoln and Jesus Christ. [Butler, Pa., Butler Pub. Co., 19 14?] 38 p. ports. 19 cm. (M2083) E458.3.H99 Cover title. In pamphlet holder. 2189. [HUTTON, DANIEL MAC-HIR] The Lincoln marriage temple. A shelter for cabin in which Mr. Lincoln's parents were married, on grounds of Pioneer Memorial State Park, Harrods- burg, Ky. [n. p., c ig3i]. 40 p. illus., ports., facsims. 24/2 cm. (M3271) P Portrait of Lincoln on cover. In box; facsimile of title page on top of box. 2190. HYDE, CORNELIUS W. G. Lincoln centenary, February 12, 1909, compiled for com- memoration exercises in Minnesota Public Schools. By C. W. G. Hyde. [n. p.] 1909. 24 p. port. 22 cm. (M1752) P Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2 19 1. HYMAN, HAROLD MELVIN. Era of the oath; Northern loyalty tests during the Civil War and reconstruction. Philadelphia, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania Press, 1954. 229 p. illus. 23/2 cm. E458.8.H9 copy 3 "Prepared and published under the direction of the American Historical Association from the income of the Albert J. Beveridge Memorial Fund." 2192. Hymns used, at the Lincoln Memorial Service, in the Congregational Church, Hancock, N. Y. April 16, 1865. Rev. Charles Wheeler Sharpe, pastor. [Hancock, N. Y., Herald Print, 1865]. [2] p. 19/2 cm. (M723) P (2 copies) Cover title. The text of two hymns by Miss H. A. Bradford and Ebenezer F. Wheeler. 2193. I. L. A. record, v. 8, Jan. 1955. Urbana, 111., Illinois Library Assn. Z673.I293 v. 8 X copy "Borrowed books of Lincoln's boyhood," by L. A. Warren: p. 43-49. 2194. IGLEHART, JOHN E., and EUGENIA EHRMANN. The environment of Abraham Lin- coln in Indiana, with an account of the De Bruler family. Indianapolis, Printed for the Society, 1925. 2 p. 1., 147-182 p. facsim. 24 cm. (Indiana Historical Society. Publications, v. 8, no. 3) (M2781) F532.S612 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 2195. IKEDA, NOBUMASA. Ai to jiya no chichi Rinkan [Lincoln, father of love and liberty] [Tokyo, Popura-sha, 1952] 380 p., 2 1. illus., ports. 18/2 cm. U Colophon and three pages of advertising matter fol- lowing p. 380. Boards. Yellow end papers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2196. IKEDA, NOBUMASA. Ai to seigi no ijin Rinkan [Lincoln, great man of love and righteous- ness] [Osaka, Musashi Shobo, 1949] 2 v. illus. (part col.) 1 8 J/2 cm. U Boards. Illustrated end papers. 2197 ILES, GEORGE, ed. Autobiography . . . Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page, 1924. 2 v. in 1. ports. 17 cm. (The Pocket university, vol. XVI) PN6013.P6 1924 v. 16 Pts. 1 & 2 copy 3 Published 1908 under title: Little Masterpieces of Autobiography. "Lincoln": [v. 1] p. 93-141. 2198. Illinois. Centennial Commission. Centen- nial bulletin, no. 4, Jan. 19 18. [Springfield, 111.] (M2353) F54 I - I 23 no. 4 X copy Material on Statewide observance of Lincoln's birthday. 2199. Illinois. Constitutional Convention, 1920- jg22. Debates of the Constitutional Convention. [Springfield, 1920] 19 p. 23 cm. ^51-1 **5 ! 920c Running title. Proceedings of Feb. 12, 1920, commemorating the birth- day of Abraham Lincoln. Letter of transmittal from Oscar E. Carlstrom to Albert H. Griffith, laid in. Previously bound. 199 2200. Illinois. Dept. of Public Instruction. Me- morial day . . . 19 16 (unnumbered) ; 19 19, no. i3 6 ; l 93°> no - 243; 1 93 1, no. 251. Springfield, 111., Schnepp & Barnes, Printers. E642.I29 1916 2d set, [etc.] Annual numbers in its Circular series. Title and imprint varies. Issues for 19 16 and 19 19 compiled by H. T. Swift. Issue for 19 16 largely devoted to Lincoln, Douglas, and Grant. Issue for 19 19 contains on p. 61 : "Abraham Lincoln walks at midnight," a poem by Vachel Lindsay reprinted from The Congo and Other Poems. 2201. Illinois. Dept. of Public Instruction. The one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Issued by Francis G. Blair, Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the schools of Illinois. [Springfield, 111., Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers, 1908] 45 p. illus., port., facsim. 23 cm. (M1571) E457.7.I254 Printed wrappers, illustrated with portrait of Lincoln. 2202. Illinois. Dept. of Public Instruction. Semi-Centennial of the Lincoln-Douglas debates in Illinois, 1858-1908. Circular of suggestions for school celebrations. Springfield, Phillips Bros., State Printers, 1908. 40 p. illus., ports., map. 23 cm. (111. Dept. of Public Instruction Circular 24) (M1570) P Printed wrappers. 2203. Illinois. Dept. of Public Works and Build- ings. Lincoln and historic Illinois. Under the supervision of the Department of Public Works and Buildings . . . [Urbana? 1932?] 94 p. illus., port. 23 cm. (M3333) E457.35.I32 copy 2 "Printed by authority of the State of Illinois." Printed wrappers. 2204. Illinois. Dept. of Public Works and Build- ings. The Lincoln tomb. [Springfield, 111.? !93 8? ] [3] P- ilIus - 23 cm. (M3634) P Cover title. 2205. Illinois. Dept. of Public Works and Build- ings. Lincoln tomb, under the supervision of the Department of Public Works and Buildings . . . [Springfield? 1 93 1?] 15 p. illus., port. 22/2 cm. (M3336) E457.52.I26 X copy "Printed by authority of the state of Illinois." Printed wrappers. 2206. Illinois. Dept. of Public Works and Buildings. New Salem, a memorial to Abraham Lincoln. State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings. [Springfield?] 1933. * x > 64 p. 24/2 cm. (M3399) F549.N5I53 copy 2 "First edition." Half-title: Catalogue of New Salem collection of pio- neer relics. On cover: New Salem. A memorial to Abraham Lincoln. Official catalogue, State of Illinois. 1933. Blue gilt-stamped wrappers. 2207. Another edition. 1934. xi, 115 p. 10 illus. 24 cm. (M3399var.) F 549-N5l53 i934«>py2 "Second edition." Half-title same. On cover: New Salem. A memorial to Abraham Lin- coln. Official catalogue, State of Illinois. 1934. Mostly from new plates, with additional entries for relics not listed in the 1st edition. Tan wrappers imprinted in black. 2208. Another edition. 1937. xi, 177 p. 17 illus. 24 cm. (M3399 var.) E457.35.I324 1937 "Third edition." Half-title same. On cover: New Salem. A memorial to Abraham Lin- coln. Official catalogue, 1937. Printed by authority of the State of Illinois. Mostly from new plates, with additional entries and illustrations. Light-green wrappers imprinted in black. 2209. Another edition. 1938. xi, 175 p. 17 illus. 24 cm. (M339gvar.) F549N5I53 1938 copy 3 "Fourth edition." Half-title same. On cover: New Salem. A memorial to Abraham Lin- coln. Official catalogue, 1938. Printed by authority of the State of Illinois. From many of the same plates, repaged. A few entries have been deleted; and a number have been added, to- gether with an "alphabetical list of donors" (p. 150-156). Light blue wrappers imprinted in black. 2210. Illinois. Dept. of Public Works and Buildings. Division of Architecture and Engi- neering. Record of the restoration of New Salem, New Salem State Park near Petersburg, Illinois, 1932-1933. Supervised by the Department of Public Works and Buildings, State of Illinois . . . 200 By Joseph F. Booton. [Springfield, 1934] 5 p. 1., [i3J-88 p. illus., fold. map. 23 cm. (M3401) F 549 N 5 16 co Py 3 "Second edition." "Printed by authority of the State of Illinois." First edition of 40 copies was printed in mimeograph form. Cf. pref. 221 1. Illinois. Division of Parks and Memorials. Illinois State parks and memorials. An illus- trated, descriptive guide to scenic parks, historic memorials and Lincoln shrines in Illinois. Spring- field, 111. [1946?] 48 p. illus., col. map. 23 cm. F 54 l][ 34 IQ 4 6 "Second edition." First edition published in 1943? under title: State Parks and Memorials, State of Illinois. Printed wrappers, illustrated in color. 2212. Illinois. General Assembly. Lincoln me- morial services, held Thursday, February 11, 1909. Springfield, Illinois State Journal Co., 1908. 13 p. 23 cm. E457.7.I26 Printed wrappers. 2213. Illinois. General Assembly. House of Rep- resentatives. Journal. gth-i2th General Assembly. 1834-41. Contains a contemporary record of Lincoln's early political career (1834-42) in the Illinois Legislature. Stern set lacks the Journal of the nth General Assembly. Contents: gth General Assembly. 1834-35. Vandalia, 111., J. Y. Sawyer, Public Printer, 1835. 1 v. in 2 (574, 414 p.) 21 cm. J87.I3 1834c & 1835c Contemporary tan full-calf. In blue solander case. 10th General Assembly. 1836-37. Vandalia, 111., J. Y. Sawyer, Public Printer, 1836 [i. e. 1837] 856 p. 22 cm. J87.I3 1836c copies 1 & 2 Copy 1 bound in contemporary tan full-calf and in- serted in case with the preceding. Copy 2 bound in modern buckram. 1 2th General Assembly. 1840-41. Springfield, 111., W. Walters, Public Printer, 1840 [z. c. 1841] 570, xxx p. 22/2 cm. J87.I3 1 840-4 1 c 2d set Indexed. Fly leaf and spine inscribed: "A. D. Dollins" \i. e. Achilles D. Dollins, Representatives from Franklin County, 111., 1840-41] Bookplate of the Springfield Library Association. Tan full-calf. In slate-colored solander case. 2214. Illinois. General Assembly. Joint Select Committee to Enquire into the Condition of the State Bank of Illinois. Reports; together with the accompanying documents, made to both Houses of the General Assembly. January 21, 1840; read in both Houses, and laid on the table. Springfield, W. Walters, Public Printer, 1840. 121 p. 22 cm. (M 3 ) HG2577.I3A5 1840 At head of title: Illinois Legis. Senate & H.R. 11th Assem., 2d session. Lincoln, as a member of the committee from the House, was a co-signer of Report no. 1. Previously bound. In brown quarter-morocco slipcase. 2215. Illinois. Laws, statutes, etc. An act for the suppression of intemperance, and to amend chapter xxx, of the revised statutes. Approved February 12, 1855. Springfield, Lanphier & Walker, Printers, 1855. 30 p. 21^2 cm. HV5079.I3A3 1855 copy 2 Cover title. Pages [3]— 30 from same plates as the corresponding pages in item 2217, with slight differences in the caption title on p. [3] 2216. Illinois. Laws, statutes, etc. Laws of the State of Illinois, passed by the Eleventh General Assembly at their session began and held at Vanda- lia, on the third of December, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight. Vandalia, W. Williams, Public Printer, 1839. 317, xv p. 23 cm. Law Fly leaf and spine inscribed: "Logan & Lincoln." Spine also initialed: "L. & H." From the William H. Townsend collection. Letter from Martha Coleman Bray, former owner of the volume and great granddaughter of S. T. Logan, mounted inside cover. Tan polished quarter-calf. In green solander case. 2217. Illinois. Laws, statutes, etc. Laws of the State of Illinois passed by the Nineteenth General Assembly convened January 1, 1855. Springfield, Lanphier & Walker, Printers, 1855. 200, [739]- 744, xiii p. 21^2 cm. Law An Act for the suppression of intemperance and to amend chapter 30 of the Revised Statutes: p. [3J-30. Ms. note on p. [3]: "This law, according [to] James B. Merwin, was drafted by Abraham Lincoln in the fall and winter of 1854." End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 18." Tan polished quarter-calf. 2218. Illinois. Lincoln Centennial Commission. Lincoln centennial; addresses delivered at the 201 memorial exercises held at Springfield, Illinois, February 12, 1909, commemorating the one hundredth birthday of Abraham Lincoln. Pub- lished by the Illinois Centennial Commission. [Springfield, 111., Journal Co., Printers] 1909. 226 p. port. 22/2 cm. E457.7.I27 copy 4 "Memorial exercises . . . held under the general direc- tion of the State Centennial Commission, working in conjunction with the Lincoln Centennial Association." Red three-quarter-morocco. 2219. Illinois. Lincoln Memorial Commission. Ceremonies incident to the placing of the Servius Tullius stone in the tomb of Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois, Sunday, October 11, 1936. [Springfield, 1936?] 57 p. illus. 24 cm. (M3571) E457.52.I275 X copy At head of title: State of Illinois, Henry Horner, Gov- ernor. "Printed by authority of the state of Illinois." "Address," by Henry Horner, Governor: p. Q3-27. Stiff paper covers. 2220. Illinois. Secretary of State. Illinois blue book, i953-!954- [Springfield? 111., 1953?] xiv, 862 p. illus., ports., maps. 23 cm. JK573I 1953/54 3 d set Edited by the Secretary of State. Caption title: Blue book of the State of Illinois. "The Great debates," by H. E. Pratt: p. 3-30. 2221. Illinois. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. University Libraries. Clint Clay Tilton library of Lincolniana and Americana. [Carbondale?] 1949. 56 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. Z881.I28 Printed wrappers. 2222. Illinois. Supt. of Public Instruction. Na- tional Lincoln Monument. Springfield, 1865. [4] p. 20 cm. (M647) P Caption title. Signed: Newton Bateman, State Supt. Pub. Inst. 111. and Member Monument Association. 2223. Illinois. Supreme Court. Abraham Lin- coln. Proceedings in the Supreme Court of Illi- nois, commemorating the 100th anniversary of his birth, [n. p., 1909] 1 p. 1., 13 p. 23 cm. (M1650) E457.7.I28 copy 3 Cover title. Speeches by Col. Nathan William MacChesney, Mr. Justice Hand, and others. 2224. Illinois. Supreme Court. Death of Lin- coln. Proceedings in the Supreme Court of Illinois. Presentation of the Bar resolutions in regard to Mr. Lincoln's decease. Chicago, J. W. Middleton, 1865. 17 p. 21/2 cm. (M441) E457.52.I29 copy 3 On cover: In memoriam. Includes addresses by Hon. J. D. Caton and Justice Breese. Title page inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1919." Printed wrappers. 2225. [Illinois. University.] Lincoln Hall, Uni- versity of Illinois, [n. p., 19 12?] 14, [2] p. illus. 23 cm. (M1995) P Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2226. Illinois. University. Library. Lincoln Room, University of Illinois Library; memorial, the Class of 1901, founded by Harlan Hoyt Horner and Henrietta Calhoun Horner [by Leslie W. Dun- lap. Urbana, 1953] 12 p. 18/2 cm. E457.65.I4 copy 2 & X copy Cover title. Wrappers, with printed label on cover. 2227. Illinois automobile magazine, v. 15, Spring 1945. Evanston, 111., Illinois Automobile Club. TL1.I5 v. 15, X copy "When Lincoln spoke in West Chicago," by R. F. Seymour: p. 4-5, 10. 2228. Illinois bar journal, v. 30, Feb. 1942; v. 40, May 1952. Springfield, 111., Illinois State Bar Association. Law, v. 30, 40 "Lincoln's petitions for pardon" by H. E. Pratt: v. 30, p. 235-240, 261-262. "Springfield's public square in Lincoln's day," by H. E. Pratt: v. 40, 480-488. 2229. Illinois Central Railroad Company. Abra- ham Lincoln as attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad Company. Compliments of the Illinois Central Railroad Company. [Chicago, The Gin- thorp Warren Print. Co., 1905] [13] p. port., 10 facsims. 32 cm. (M1447) E457.2.I29 copy 2 folio "Edition May, 1905, two hundred copies, number 189." Inscribed presentation copy to Joseph H. Choate. Limp full-morocco. In three-quarter-closed case. 2230. Illinois history; a magazine for young peo- ple, v. 5, Feb. 1952; v. 9, Feb. 1956; v. 10, Feb. 202 1957- Springfield, 111., Illinois State Historical Society. P Annual Abraham Lincoln issues. Volumes 5 and 9 appeared under earlier name of the magazine: Illinois Junior Historian. 2231. Illinois journal of commerce, v. 16, Feb. 1934. Chicago, Illinois Chamber of Commerce. HF1.I33 v. 16 X copy "Illinois citizens honor the immortal Lincoln," by R. Warren: p. 8—9, 25. 2232. Illinois libraries, v. 25, Feb. 1943. Spring- field, 111., Illinois State Library. Z732.I2I3 v. 25, X copy "Cover Picture," [the Travers Lincoln portrait]: p. 99. "Lincoln Collection: Illinois State Archives," by S. A. Wetherbee: p. 1 14-125. 2233. Illinois quest, v. 1, no. 1-6, 1 937-1 939; v. 2, no. 1, 1940. Peoria, 111., Quest Pub. Co. P "A Man's man in a muffled shirt" [O. H. Browning] by M. F. Carrott; "Footprints of a titan" [Stephen A. Douglas] by W. Griffith; "Sixth appearance — starring A. Lincoln and S. A. Douglas:" v. 1, no. 1, p. 8-9, 12—14, 17-18. "First encounter" [Lincoln and Douglas at Ot- tawa, Aug. 21, 1 858]: v. 1, no. 2, p. 6. "Father of modern diplomacy" [John Hay] by J. Stuart; "From printer's devil to President's aid" [John G. Nicolay] by W. Griffith; v. 1, no. 3, p. 17-19, [28]-2g. "The younger Lincoln," by H. E. Pratt: v. 1, no. 4, p. 4-6. "Poet of Spunky Point" [John Hay] by B. D. Good; "His next of kin," by K. Griffith: v. 1, no. 5, p. 12, [Q7]-2g. [Cover reproduction of an etching of Hamer House, near Vermont, 111., where Lincoln was a guest]: v. 1, no. 6. "The Last speech," by W. Griffith; "Lincoln's largest fee," by D. H. Butler; "Abraham Lincoln and Blooming- ton," by W. C. Tounley: v. 2, no. 1, p. 18, 27, 34. 2234. Illinois State Historical Library, Spring- field. "Illinois" Lincoln exhibit, Illinois State His- torical Library. Lincoln Room, Illinois Building, Sesqui-Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1926. [Springfield, Schnepp & Barnes, Printers, 1926] 32 p. ports. 23 cm. (M2871) Z8505.I28 copy 2 "Prepared with the idea of aiding the visitor to locate the letters, legal documents, pictures, books, cartoons, music, relics, etc., in the exhibit." — Prefatory note [signed] George L. Osburne [sic] Printed wrappers. 2235. Illinois State Historical Library, Spring- field. The Lincoln Way. Report of the Board of trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library of the investigations made by Mr. C. M. Thompson in an attempt to locate the "Lincoln Way." Springfield, 111., Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers, 19 13. 1 p. 1., 22 p. fold. map. 23 cm. (M2115) E457.35.I33 copy 4 "The Forty-seventh General Assembly ... of Illinois by joint resolution directed the Board of trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library 'to make the necessary investigations to determine the exact route traveled by Abraham Lincoln in his removal from Kentucky to Illi- nois . . .": p. [1] See also item 2237. Inscribed: "Chas. T. White." Printed wrappers. 2236. Illinois State Historical Library, Spring- field. A list of the genealogical works in the Illi- nois State Historical Library, Springfield, Illinois. Georgia L. Osborne, compiler. [Springfield, Illi- nois State Journal Co., State Printers, 1914] 1 63 p. 23V2 cm. (Its Publication no. 18) Z53ig.I66copy3 "Lincoln [family history]": p. 87. 2237. Illinois State Historical Library, Spring- field. Report of the Board of Trustees of the Illi- nois State Historical Library to the forty-ninth General Assembly of the State of Illinois on the investigation of the Lincoln Way. Springfield, 111., Published by the Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library, 19 15. 2 p. 1., vii-x p., 1 1., 70 p. 22/2 cm. (M2209) E457.35.I34 X copy Includes the final report of Dr. Charles M. Thompson, embodying the results of an investigation, undertaken at the request of the trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library, to determine the route traversed by Abraham Lincoln in his removal from Indiana to Illinois, in 1830. A preliminary report (item 2235) was published in 1913. Printed wrappers. 2238. Illinois State Historical Society. Journal, v. 1-42; Apr. 1908-Dec. 1949; v. 44, Spring 1951. Springfield, illus., ports., maps (part fold.) facsims. 23-26/2 cm. F536.1 18 v. 1-42 3d set, v.44 X copy V. 1-30, Apr. 1908- Jan. 1938; v. 31-42, Mar. 1938- Dec. 1949. Includes the following articles of Lincoln interest: V. 3. Lincoln's defense of Duff Armstrong, by J. N. Gridley (p. 24-44). V. 4. Mr. Lincoln's visit to Waukegan in i860, by J. S. Currey (p. [178]— 183) . — Lincoln's first Supreme Court case, by R. V. Carpenter (p. [3i7]-323). V. 5. Abraham Lincoln's substitute in the Civil War, by E. S. Walker (p. 80-82). — Abraham Lincoln and Rock Island County, by J. B. Oakleaf (p. 202-206). — Autobio- graphy of Stephen A. Douglas, (p. 323-342). — Recollec- tions of the Lincoln-Douglas debate held in Alton, 111., 203 Oct. 15, 1858, by E. Beall (p. 486-487).— Recollections of the assassination and funeral of Abraham Lincoln, by E. Beall (p. 488-492). V. 7. Abraham Lincoln, Judge David Davis and Judge Edward Bates, by J. M. Lansden (p. 56-58). — An Early character sketch of Mr. Lincoln, by C. M. Thompson (p. 59-6 1 ) .■ — Bishop Matthew Simpson and the funeral of Abraham Lincoln, by W. W. Sweet (p. 56-58). — The Name [1. e. memorials] of Lincoln, by K. B. Rogers (p. 60-69). — Letter of Abraham Lincoln to Charles R. Welles [dated Feb. 20, 1849. With notes by C. L. Conk- ling] (p. 218-221. — Remiscences of Abraham Lincoln, Quincy and the Civil War, by W. H. Gay (p. 248-261). V. 8. The Lincoln life-mask and how it was made, by L. W. Volk [reprinted from The Century Magazine, Dec. 1881] (p. 238-248). — The First American, Abraham Lincoln (p. 260-267). — Lincoln at Galesburg, by J. F. Evans (p. 559-568). — Lincoln-Douglas debate-Charles- ton, by D. D. James (p. 569-571). — Personal reminis- cences of Mr. Lincoln, by J. W. Vinson (p. 572-580). V. 9. Abraham Lincoln, by E. F. Dunne (p. [7]-22). — - Law partnerships of Lincoln, by Judd Stewart (p. 209- 210). — Lincoln and Gettysburg after fifty years, by C. A. Kent (p. 257-278). — The Lincoln funeral train, by J. W. Becker (p. 315-319). — Times when Lincoln remembered Albion, by W. Colyer (p. 489-498). V. 10. The Lincoln-Thornton debate at Shelbyville, 111., June 15, 1856, by D. C. Smith (p. 97-100). — The Lin- coln-Thornton debate of 1856 at Shelbyville, 111., by H. H. Cooper (p. 1 01 — 122). — The Nomination of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency, an unsolved psychological prob- lem, by J. M. Johns (p. 561-567)- V. 11. Lincoln's first levee [Springfield, Feb. 6, 1861] (p. 386-390). V. 12. Abraham Lincoln's early visits to Chicago, by J. S. Currey (p. 412-416). — Abraham Lincoln; address of Lord Charnwood at the dedication of the statue of Abraham Lincoln on the State House grounds, Oct. 6, 1918 (p. 498-502). V. 13. Old-time campaigning and the story of a Lin- coln campaign song, by W. H. Smith (p. 23—32). — Recollections of Lincoln and Douglas in Hillsboro, 111., by J. M. Whitehead (p. 229-233). V. 14. Lincoln as I knew him, by C. S. Zane [reprinted horn Sunset Magazine, v. 29, Oct. 1912: 430-438] (p. 74- 84). — Abraham Lincoln in Congress, 1847-1849, by C. O. Paullin (p. 85-89). V. 15. How Lincoln received the news of his nomination for President, by T. W. S. Kidd (p. 507-509). — True story of the almanac used by Abraham Lincoln in the famous trial of Duff Armstrong, by D. Ferguson (p. 688- 691 >■ V. 16. Life of Stephen A. Douglas, by F. E. Stevens (p. [2471-673). V. 17. Some views of President Lincoln held by the London Times, 1861 to 1865, by A. C. Wilgus (p. 157— 164). V. 18. Days in the Lincoln country, by E. L. Masters (P- 779-792). V. 19. Abraham Lincoln and New Salem, by W. E. Barton (p. 74-101). Lincoln and the American tradition of civil liberty, by A. C. Cole (p. 102-1 14) . V. 20. The Enduring Lincoln, by W. E. Barton [address at Urbana, 111., July 3, 1927, at the unveiling of the statue of Lincoln by Lorado Taft] (p. 243-254). — The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, by W. H. DeMotte (p. 422-428). V. 21. President Lincoln's war problem, by J. M. Palmer (p. 200-217). — Discovery of record of Lincoln's Chicago speech of Oct. 27,, 1854, by E. W. Wiley (p. 218-223).— Douglas and the compromise of 1850, by G. D. Harmon, (p. 453-499). — The Peoria truce [of Oct. 16, 1854] by P. M. Angle (p. 500-505). V. 22. Is Lincoln among the aristocrats?, by W. E. Barton (p. 65-78). — The Lincoln statue in Rosemond Grove Cemetery, Rosemond, 111., by L. Martin (p. 79- 87). — The Lincoln family in 1861, a history of the paint- ing and engraving, by G. H. Smyser (p. 357-361). — Azel W. Dorsey, Lincoln's school teacher in Indiana, buried in Illinois, by J. B. Oakleaf (p. 447-450). — New Salem: early chapters in Lincoln's life, by J. C. Chandler (p. 501-558). — Lincoln in the campaign of 1856, by E. W. Wiley (p. 582-592). — Lincoln-Douglas debates. Sev- enty-first anniversary, August 2, 1929. Freeport unveils a Lincoln statue, by A. O. Barton (p. 601-606). — Lin- coln-Douglas debates. Anniversary observed Oct. 1 5, 1929, Alton, 111., by W. D. Armstrong (p. 607-614). — Standing guard at the Lincoln home, 1865, by C. J. Greenleaf (p. 623-624). V. 23. Final interment of President Abraham Lincoln's remains at the Lincoln monument in Oak Ridge Ceme- tery, Springfield, 111., by A. L. Meriam (p. 1 71-174). — Newspapers and periodicals in the Lincoln-Douglas country, 1831-1832, by F. J. Heinl (p. 371-438). — Lincoln's early political background, by L. A. Warren (p. 618-629). V. 24. The Story of a statue, by F. E. Stevens (p. 20- 25). — The Repudiation of Lincoln's war policy in 1862; Stuart-Swett congressional campaign, by H. E. Pratt (p. 129-140). — Why Lincoln wore a beard, by G. A. Dondero (p. 321-332). — Civil War letters of Winthrop S. G. Allen, by H. E. Pratt (p. 553-577)- V. 25. Lincoln and Macon County, 111., 1830-1831, by E. Davis (p. 63-107). — Lincoln and the General Land Office, 1849, by T. Ewing (p. 139-153). — The Prairie chicken; notes on Lincoln and Mrs. Kirkland, by T. O. Mabbott and P. D. Jordan (p. 154-166). V. 26. Some thoughts on Lincoln's presidency, by T. Ewing (p. 60-69). — Lincoln and Douglas, with some personal reminiscences, by T. W. Goodspeed (p. 183- 201). — Douglas' place in American history, by G. F. Milton (p. 323-348). V. 27. The Different editions of the "Debates of Lin- coln and Douglas," by R. G. McMurtry (p. 95-107). — Chicago and Abraham Lincoln, by B. B. Gernon (p. 243-284). 204 V. 28. A Newly discovered speech of Lincoln delivered at Bloomington, Sept. 26, 1854 [ed.] by E. E. East (p. 65-77).- — O ne °f Mr. Lincoln's old friends, by Moses Coit Tyler [reprinted from the New York Independent, Mar. 12 and 19, 1868] (p. 247-257). V. 29. Abraham Lincoln in Bloomington, 111., by H. E. Pratt (p. 42-69). — The "Peoria truce" — Did Douglas ask for quarter?, by E. E. East (p. 70-75). — "Conserva- tive" — another Lincoln pseudonym?, by G. H. Seymour (P- 135-150). V. 30. In defense of Mrs. Lincoln, by C. C. Ritze (p. 5-69). V. 31. The Record of a friendship, a series of letters from Lincoln to Henry E. Dummer, by P. M. Angle (p. [1 25]— 137 ) . — The Trials of a ghost-writer of Lincoln biography; Chauncey F. Black's authorship of Lamon's Lincoln, by A. V. House, Jr. (p. [2621-296). V. 32. Lincoln and conscription, by Carl Sandburg (P- [5]-i 9 ). V. 33. The President of the Lincoln Guard of Honor, by L. L. Swift (p. [207]— 211). — The Navy and the Booth conspirators, by C. O. Paullin (p. [2691-277).— Mr. Lincoln goes to the theatre, by A. Hemminger (p. [4691-477). V. 34. Was Abraham Lincoln really a spiritualist?, by Jay Monaghan (p. [209I-232). — Lincoln was tough on officers, by Don Russell (p. [344]~348). — The Raising of Union forces in Illinois during the Civil War, by A. A. Dayton (p. [4011-438). V. 35. Did Abraham Lincoln receive the Illinois Ger- man vote?, by Jay Monaghan (p. [131]— 139). V. 36. Abraham Lincoln and the Illinois Central Rail- road, 1857-1860, by C. L. Brown [paper read before the Law Club of Chicago, Oct., 1942] (p. [12 1]— 163. — Lin- coln's offer of a command to Garibaldi : further light on a disputed point of history, by H. R. Marraro (p. [237]— 270). V. 37. Abraham Lincoln's first murder trial, by H. E. Pratt (p.[242]-249. V. 39. Lincoln, Wright, and Holmes at Fort Stevens, by F. C. Hicks (p. 323-332). — An Eyewitness account of the death and burial of J. Wilkes Booth, by L. B. Baker (p. 425-446). V. 40. The Folklore Lincoln, by David Donald (p. 377— 396). V. 41. Lincoln and Pinkerton, by Lloyd Lewis (p. 367— 382). V. 42. Lincoln and the Peoria French claims, by E. E. East (p. 41-56). — Lincoln in Kansas, by C. A. Hawley (p. 179-192). — Who made the fingerprints?, by Jay Monaghan (p. 209-212). — The writing of Abraham Lincoln: a History, by Helen Nicolay (p. 259-271). — Stephen A. Douglas: his weaknesses and his greatness, by Allan Nevins (p. 385-410). V. 44. Lincolniana (p. 61-63). 2239. Illinois State Historical Society. Lincoln's inner circle, thirty-one pictures of Abraham Lin- coln and his family, Cabinet, home, statutes and tomb. Text by Harry E. Pratt. Springfield, 1955. [32] p. illus., ports., facsim. 23 cm. E457-6.I53 copy 3 Cover title. Reproduction of 31 of the frontispieces from the Abra- ham Lincoln Quarterly, 1940-1952. Printed wrappers. 2240. Illinois State Historical Society. Papers in Illinois history and transactions. 1900-42. Spring- field. 43 v. illus., ports., maps (part fold.) 21- 23 cm. (Its Publication) F536.I34 4th set Vols, for 1937-42 issued without series note but con- stitute no. 44-49 of its Publication. Title varies: 1900-36, Transactions. (Issued as Pub- lications no. 4, 6-17, 19-24, 26-43.) Imprint varies. Contains the following items of Lincoln and Civil War interest: 1900. Recollections of Stephen A. Douglas, by G. M. McConnell (p. 40-50). 1 90 1. Stephen A. Douglas; some old letters by, and re- lating to the distinguished statesman, by Joseph Wallace (p. 1 1 1-1 16). 1906. Lincoln at Gettysburg, by C. E. Carr (p. 138- 152). — Growth of public opinion in the east in regard to Lincoln prior to November i860, by L. A. Stevens (p. 284-301). 1908. Abraham Lincoln in 1854, by Horace White (p. 25-47). — Stephen A. Douglas, by Adlai E. Stevenson (p. 48-73). — The Lincoln-Conkling letter, by Paul Selby (p. 240-250). 1909. How Mr. Lincoln received the news of his first nomination, by C. L. Conkling (p. 63-66). — Recollec- tions of the part Springfield bore in the obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, by E. L. Merritt (p. 179-183). 191 1. Lincoln and the beginning of the Republican Party in Illinois, by O. P. Wharton (p. 62-64). 1912. Senator Stephen A. Douglas and the Germans in 1854, by F. I. Herriott. (p. 142-158). 19 13. Stephen A. Douglas, the expansionist, by F. E. Stevens (p. 87-90). 19 1 7. Lincoln and the presidential election of 1864, by A. C.Cole (p. 130-138). 1 92 1. The Influence of Illinois in the development of Abraham Lincoln, by W. E. Barton (p. 32-53). 1922. A Neglected episode in the life of Abraham Lin- coln, by James Shaw (p. 51-58). 1924. John Locke Scripps, Lincoln's campaign bio- grapher, by Grace Locke Scripps Dyche (p. 99-1 11). — An Episode of the Civil War: a romance of coincidence, by J. C. Chandler (p. 11 2- 122). — The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, by W. E. Barton (p. 123-138). — The House of the house divided, by H. A. Converse (p. 141 — 171). 205 1925- The Convergence of Lincoln and Douglas, by W. O. Lynch (p. I55-I73)- 1926. Sarah Bush Lincoln, the stepmother of Abraham Lincoln, by L. A. Warren (p. 80-88). — Lincoln and the American tradition of civil liberty, by A. E. [sic] Cole (p. 102-1 1 1 ). — Abraham Lincoln and New Salem, by W. E. Barton (p. 1 12-132). 1927. President Lincoln's war problem, by J. M. Palmer (p. 41-53). — The Lincoln campaign of i860, by C. J. Johnson (p. 115-121). — Lincoln lands and lineage: "a typical American migration," by L. A. Warren (p. 144- '53)- 1928. The Conference in the Deutsches Haus, Chicago, May 14-15, i860; a study of some of the preliminaries of the National Republican Convention of i860, by F. I. Herriott (p. 101-191). — Some aftermath of the eighteen- sixty election, by C. B. Johnson (p. 192-194). 1929. The Lincoln of the biographers, by W. E. Barton (p. 58-86). — A Bibliography of biographies of Abraham Lincoln, compiled by W. E. Barton (p. 86-1 1 6). 1930. David Davis, 1815-1886, by H. E. Pratt (p. 157- 183). 1 93 1. Lincoln and Lamon: partners and friends, by C. C. Tilton (p. 175-228). 1932. Campaign technique in Illinois: i860, by W. E. Baringer (p. 203-281). '933- The Authorship of General orders number 29, by D. B. Singer (p. 67-79). 1934. Lincoln and New Salem, a study in environment, by B. P. Thomas (p. 61-75). — Albert Taylor Bledsoe: critic of Lincoln, by H. E. Pratt (p. 153-183). ! 935- The Epic historical significance of President Lin- coln, by W. [E.] Baringer (p. 111-124). — Culture in Illinois in Lincoln's day, by F. W. Taylor (p. 125-137). 1937. Illinois as Lincoln knew it; a Boston reporter's record of a trip in 1847, edited by H. E. Pratt (p. [109]- 187). — Campaign lives of Abraham Lincoln, i860: an annotated bibliography of the biographies of Abraham Lincoln issued during the campaign year, by E. J. Wessen (p. [l88]-220). 1938. Joseph Medill and the Chicago Tribune in the nomination and election of Lincoln, by T. E. Strevey (p. [39]-63). — Mrs. Lincoln as a White House hostess, by Virginia Kinnaird (p.[64]-87). 1939- The Hanks family in Macon County, Illinois (1828-1939), by E. D. Davis (p. [ii2]-i52). 1 94 1. Illinois monuments on Civil War battlefields, by Don Russell (p. [ 1 ]— 3 7 ) . — A Handbook of Illinois history, by P. M. Angle and R. L. Beyer (p. [73]- 168). 1942. Southern attitudes toward Abraham Lincoln, by Avery Craven (p. [1]— 18) . — The Democratic element in the new Republican Party in Illinois, 1856- 1860, by M. C. Stoler (p. [ 3 2]- 7 i). 2241. [Illinois State Historical Society] The Re- construction of New Salem. [Ceremonies at the laying of the cornerstone. Springfield? 1933?] 17 p. 23 cm. (M3400) E457.35.I36 Cover title. "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume xxv, no. 4, January, 1933." 2242. Illinois State Training School for Boys, St. Charles. Abraham Lincoln log cabin. St. Charles School for Boys. Frank D. VVhipp, Man- aging Officer, St. Charles, 111. [St. Charles, 111., I925 ? ] 2 p. 1., 3-15, [4] p. illus., ports. 13 x 18/2 cm. (M2821 var.) P Summary of Lincoln's life and description of the school. Wrappers. Log cabin in gilt on cover. 2243. Illinois Watch Co., Springfield. The book of A. Lincoln watches. Springfield, The Illinois Watch Co., 1924. 19 p. 15 cm. (M2703) P Wrappers. Portrait medallion of Lincoln on cover. 2244. Illinois Watch Co., Springfield. Lincoln essay contest. [Springfield, Illinois Watch Co. Print, 1924] 24 p. illus., port. 16 cm. (M2704) P Wrappers. Portrait medallion of Lincoln on cover. 2245. Illinois Woman's Columbian Club of Me- nard County. Menard, Salem, Lincoln. Souvenir album. Edited and published by the Illinois Woman's Columbian Club of Menard County, Petersburg, 111. [Bloomington, Pantagraph Print. Co.] 1893. 16 1. illus., ports. 2 facsims. 27J/2 x 35 J/2 cm. (M1119) F547.M513 copy 2 folio Illustrative matter on 27 plates. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 2246. The Illustrated American, v. 21, Feb. 13, 1897. New York, Lorillard Spencer. AP2.I25 v. 21 X copy "A Man of the People," by Francis Bellamy: p. 232. Portraits of Lincoln and his homes: p. 236-237. 2247. In memoriam. Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf, October 1, 1858-June 2, 1930. [Peoria, 111., Printed for the Oakvvood Lincoln Club by E. J. Jacob, 1930] [9] p. mounted port. 23 J4 cm. P Autographed by J. L. Oakleaf. Biographical sketch [by] M. L. Houser: p. [3]— [5]. Printed wrappers, bound with silk cord. In matching envelope. 2248. Indiana. Division of State Parks and Lands and Waters. Trails in Lincoln State Park 206 and Nancy Hanks Lincoln Memorial, [n. p., 1939] triple folder (7 p.) map. 14 cm. (M3718) P Cover title. 2249. Indiana. Lincoln Highway Commission. Report of Lincoln Highway Commission to Gov- ernor Samuel M. Ralston, December 15, 19 16. [Indianapolis? 19 16?] 18 p. map. 22^/2 cm. (M2234) E457.35.I39 copy 3 Commission appointed to determine the route traveled through Indiana by Abraham Lincoln and his father's family when they removed to Illinois in 1830. Commissioners: Joseph M. Cravens (chairman) Jesse W. Weik (secretary). Printed wrappers. 2250. Indiana. Lincoln Memorial Highway Commission. The Lincoln memorial way through Indiana. Report of commission appointed by Governor Harry G. Leslie to designate historic Lincoln route. [Indianapolis, 1932] 64 p. maps. 22/2 cm. (M3322) HE356.L715 1932 copies 2 & 3 Press release from the office of Gov. Harry G. Leslie, commenting on the report, laid in (3 1.) Printed wrappers. 2251. Indiana history bulletin, v. 2, Jan. 1925. Indianapolis, Indiana Historical Commission. (M2756) F521.I367 v. 2 X copy "Abraham Lincoln's ancestry," by W. E. Barton: p. 55-74- 2252. Indiana Lincoln Union. [Extract from Gov. Ed Jackson's Lincoln birthday proclama- tion] [Indianapolis, Ind., 1927] [4] p. maps. 28 cm. (M2938) P Enclosed is a letter, dated June 1, 1927, from Paul V. Brown, Executive Secretary, to Charles T. White. 2253. Indiana Lincoln Union. The Indiana Lincoln Memorial in Spencer County, Indiana, guarding the grave of Nancy Hanks Lincoln and the site of the cabin that was Abraham Lincoln's Hoosier home from his seventh to his twenty-first year; a report by the Indiana Lincoln Union. [In- dianapolis?] 1938. 82 p. illus., ports., fold map. 26 cm. (M3627 var.) E457.32.I53 copy 3 "The Lincoln forest, field, flora and family, 1816- 1830": p. 62-68. "A Lincoln tableau": p. 80-82. Printed wrappers. Bound with wire rings. 2254. [Indiana Lincoln Union] Lincoln memori- als. [Indianapolis, Bookwalter-Ball-Greathouse Print. Co., 1927] 16 p. illus. 28 cm. (M2946) E457.9.I38 copy 3 Cover title. Text on pages [2] and [3] of cover. "Done for the Indiana Lincoln Union in the interest of its work to perpetuate worthily the fame of Abraham Lincoln and his mother." Printed wrappers. 2255. Indiana Lincoln Union. The Nancy Hanks Lincoln Memorial ; an account of the planning and development of the memorial buildings, sculpture and grounds by the Indiana Lincoln Union and the Indiana Department of Conservation, 1 940-1 944, in Lincoln State Park, Spencer County, Indiana, prepared by Richard E. Bishop. A report based on authentic records, compiled for and published by the Indiana Lincoln Union. [Indianapolis?] 1944. 79 p. illus., ports., plans. 25/2 cm. E457.32.I55 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 2256. Indiana magazine of history, v. 13, Dec. 1917; v. 14, Mar. 1918, June 1918; v. 21, Mar. 1925; v - 39, June 1943, Sept. 1943; v. 41, Sept. 1945; v. 46, Sept. 1950. Bloomington, Ind., De- partment of History of Indiana University in co- operation with the Indiana Historical Society. F521.I52 v. 13, etc. X copy "Lincoln in Indiana," parts I, II, III by J. E. Murr (with letter of transmittal from R. C. Buley to Charles T. White laid in last issue) : v. 13, Dec. 19 17, v. 14, Mar. 1918 and June 1918, p. [307H48, h3]-75, [i48]-i82. "Lincoln," a poem by A. F. Bacon; "The Lincoln in- quiry," by B. V. Ehrmann: v. 21, Mar. 1925, p. [i]-2, [3]- 1 7. "The Lincoln collector," by P. M. Angle: v. 39, June 1943, p. [i33]-i38. "Kentucky's influence upon Indiana in the crisis of 1 86 1," by K. M. Stamp: v. 39, Sept. 1943, p. [2631-2 76. "Herndon's contribution to Lincoln mythology," by L. A. Warren: v. 41, Sept. 1945, p. [22i]-244- "The Tennessee River Campaign and Anna Ella Carroll," by K. P. Williams: v. 46, Sept. 1950, p. [22l]-248. 2257. The Indiana University bookman. No. 2, Nov. 1957. [Bloomington, Ind.] Indiana Univer- sity Library. P "Some notes on Thomas D. Jones, sculptor of Lin- coln": p. 26-37. 2258. [INGERSOLL, CHALMERS] The un- known friends, a Civil War romance; Letters of my 207 father and my mother. Compiled by Charlotte Ingersoll Morse. Chicago, A. Kroch & Son, 1948. no p. ports., facsim. 24 cm. E601.I55 copy 3 259. [INGERSOLL, CHARLES] A letter to a friend in a slave state, by a citizen of Pennsyl- vania. Philadelphia, 1862. 60 p. 24 cm. E458.2.I43 Cover title. Suppressed anti-Lincoln pamphlet. "These pages were meant to be published without the writer's name, but for reasons not necessary to trouble the reader with, it has been thought proper to add it. Charles Ingersoll. Philadelphia, March 24, 1862." — Note on verso of cover title. Holograph fragment addressed to "Gen. F. J. Porter, New York," and mounted at bottom of p. [1] reads: ". . . careful consideration, Very truly yours, Jsp Bart- lett, Deputy Commissioner." Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Olive-green cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2260. [INGERSOLL, ROBERT G.] Abraham Lincoln, [n. p., n. d.] [2391-247 p. 24J/2 cm. (M966 note) P Caption title. This separate printed from the plates used for p. [239]- 247 of the Prose-Poems and Selections of Robert G. In- gersoll (New York, 1884, 1895). On p. [239] is the penciled note: "10 copies printed." 2261. INGERSOLL, ROBERT G. Abraham Lincoln, a lecture. New York, C. P. Farrell, 1895. 53 p. 20/2 cm. (Mi 122) E457.8.I47 copy 2 Thirteen pages of advertising at end of pamphlet (includes back cover). On copyright page: "Entered ... in the year 1894." Front cover and frontispiece (portrait) missing. Gray wrappers, imprinted in black. 2262. Another issue. 1907. 1 p. 1., 123-173 p. port. 19J/2 cm. (Mii22var.) E457.8.I47 1907 copy 3 Same plates, repaged, with changes in the advertising matter, and resetting of title and copyright pages. (These plates were employed in the printing of the Farrell ed. of The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, v. 3, p. 123-173). On copyright page: "Entered ... in the year 1879 . . . Copyright renewed for 14 years from 1879." Gr.ay wrappers, imprinted in blue. 2263. Another issue. 1914. (Mi 122 var.) E457.I47 1907 copies 2 & 4 Identical to the preceding issue, but with resetting of title and copyright pages, and slight rearrangement of the advertising matter. On copyright page: "Entered ... in the year 1894 . . . copyright renewed." Salmon-colored wrappers, imprinted in blue. 2264. INGERSOLL, ROBERT G. Abraham Lincoln, an oration, by R. G. Ingersoll. London, R. Forder, 1893. 30 p. 18/2 cm. (M1121) E457.8.I47 1893 Cover title. Same as item 2261, with a few differences in content. 2265. INGERSOLL, ROBERT G. Ingersoll on Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, G. S. Baldwin [1882?] 13 p. 21/2 cm. (His Lectures, no 45) (var. (?) of M966) E457.8.I474 On cover: The latest on Abraham Lincoln. "Col. R. G. Ingersoll's lecture on Abraham Lincoln": p. 2-3. (Corresponds to item 2260.) Printed wrappers. Portrait of Ingersoll on cover. Not the same as items 2261-2264. 2266. INGHAM, JOHN ALBERTSON. Abra- ham Lincoln; an address delivered at the com- mencement exercises of the Irvington High School in the Town Hall, Irvington, N. Y., June 26, 1902. New York, Knickerbrocker Press [introd. 1902] 26 p. 23 cm. (M1375) E457.8.I5 Inscribed presentation copy to John W. Starr, Jr. Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 2267. INGRAHAM, CHARLES A. Elmer E. Ellsworth and the Zouaves of '61. Chicago, Pub- lished for Chicago Historical Society by the Uni- versity of Chicago Press [ c ig25] xi, 167 p. illus., ports., facsim. 23/2 cm. [Chicago Historical So- ciety's collection. Vol. XI] E467.1.E47I5 copy 3 "Published December 1925." Scattered references to Lincoln. Printed wrappers. 2268. Iowa. University. Library. The Bollin- ger Lincoln lectures; addresses given at the dedica- tion of the Lincoln Library, collected by James W. Bollinger, November 19, 1951. Edited by Clyde C. Walton, Jr. with a preface by Virgil M. Hancher. [Iowa City] State University of Iowa Libraries, Bollinger Lincoln Foundation, 1953. 80 p. 24 cm. E457.65.I6 "Three hundred and fifty copies . . . have been printed . . . no. 40." Contents. — My friend, James W. Bollinger, by P. M. Angle. — Recollections of Judge Bollinger, by B. P. Thomas. — Judge Bollinger's favorite books, by H. E. 208 Pratt. — Lincoln and the Effie Afton bridge case, by C. J. Lynch, Jr. — Tomorrow's Lincoln authors, by L. A. War- ren. In black three-quarter-closed case. 2269. Iowa. University. Library. Twenty-five books in the Bollinger Lincoln colection, compiled by Clyde C. Walton, Jr., curator of rare books. With a preface by Harry J. Lytle. Iowa City, State University of Iowa Libraries, 1852. [29] p. 23 cm. Z8505.I58 copies 2 & 3 Copy 2 compiler's inscribed presentation copy to Alfred W. Stern. Printed wrappers. 2270. IRELAN, JOHN ROBERT. History of the life, administration, and times of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States. War of the rebellion, and downfall of human slavery. Chicago, Fairbanks and Palmer Pub. Co., 1888. 2 v. port. 24 cm. (His The republic; or, A history of the United States of America in the administrations, from the monarchic colonial days to the present time, v. 16-17) ( M 1 04 1 ) E178.I65 copy 2, v. 16 & 17 Each volume has also a special title page. 2271. IRISH, EDWIN M. Abraham Lincoln, an address delivered before the Lincoln Club at Kalamazoo, Michigan, February 9, 1907, by E. M. Irish. Kalamazoo, K. P. Co. Print [1907?] 26 p. 23 cm. (M1533) E457.8.I68 copy 2 Cover title. Brown cloth, with original wrappers bound in. 2272. The Irish statesman, with which is in- corporated the Irish homestead. v. 5, Jan. 16, 1926. [Dublin, The Irish Statesman Pub. Co.] DA900.I72 v. 5 X copy "Abraham Lincoln, the cult of the log cabin," by Ed- mund Curtis: p. 593-596. 2273. IRWIN, BENJAMIN F. Lincoln's re- ligious belief; original reminiscence and research by B. F. Irwin. Springfield, 111., Priv. Print., H. E. Barker, 1 919. 11 p. 21 cm. (M2409) E457.2.I565 copy 2 Cover title. At head of title: Lincoln. "First published ... in the Illinois State Journal of May 1 6th, 1874 . . . The [present] edition is limited to two hundred copies." 2274. IVES, ALFRED E. Victory turned into mourning. A discourse, on occasion of the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, preached at Castine. Bangor, Wheeler & Lynde, Printers, 1865. 14 p. 23 cm. (M572) E457.8.I95 copy 2 "Published by request." Printed wrappers. 2275. [JACOB, EDWARD J.] A blocked out incident in the life of Abraham Lincoln, his first speech. [Peoria, 111., E. J. Jacob, 1935] [16] p. illus. 24/2 cm. (M3482) E457.35.J24 copy 2 Black letter. "One hundred and fifty copies . . . have been printed and the type distributed. This is . . . no. 86." "Text matter by Edward J. Jacob; illustrations by Charles R. Withee." "Presentation copy; none for sale." Printed wrappers, bound with cord. 2276. [JACOB, EDWARD J.] [138th birthday booklet] Peoria, 111., E. J. Jacob [1947] 35 p. ports. 15/2 cm. P "Published in a small book . . . presentation copy — none for sale." Printed wrappers. Quotation from Hamlet on cover. 2277. JACOBS, HENRY EYSTER. Lincoln's Gettysburg world-message. Philadelphia, Pa., The United Lutheran Pub. House [ c 1 9 1 9] 133 p. 16 cm. (M2410) E475.55.L775 copy 3 2278. JACKSON, PHYLLIS WYNN. Wooden soldiers, a one-act play based on a Lincoln legend, for one man and three women. Evanston, 111., New York, Los Angeles, Row, Peterson [1944] 21 p. 20/2 cm. PN6120.H5J32 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 2279. JACKSON, S. TREVENA. Lincoln's use of the Bible. New York, Eaton & Mains; Cincin- nati, Jennings & Graham ["1909] 35 p. port. 17/2 cm. (M1755) E457.2.J14 copy 2 End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Printed wrappers. Medallion portrait of Lincoln in relief on cover. 2280. JAENICKEN, FREDERICK H. When Lincoln first heard "The battle hymn of the re- public." [Chicago, 111., Frederick H. Jaenicken, 209 c ig4i] 15, [1] p. illus., ports., music. 25 cm. ML3561.B25J2 copies 3, 4, & 5 Cover title. Letter of transmittal to Albert H. Griffith laid in copy 3. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2281. JAMES, EDMUND J. A bibliography of newspapers published in Illinois prior to i860. Pre- pared by Edmund J. James; assisted by Milo J. Loveless. Springfield, 111., Phillips Bros., State Printers, 1899. 94 p. 22 cm. (Illinois State His- torical Library. Publications, no. I) Z6952.I3J2 copy 3 Arranged alphabetically by place of publication. 2282. JAMES, HAROLD PRESTON. Lincoln's own state in the election of i860. Urbana, 111., 1943- J 9> [ 2 ] P- 23 cm. E440.J3 copy 3 Abstract of thesis (Ph. D.) — University of Illinois, '943- Vita. "Bibliographical note": p. [20] Printed wrappers. 2283. JAMES, JAMES. The two epistles. The angel's address, or The glorious message, com- manded to be sent to Abraham Lincoln, July 21, 1864. [Albany, N. Y., J. Nixon, 1864] 7, [1] p. 23 cm. (M300) E458.4.J28 copy 2 A poem on the Emancipation Proclamation. "The second epistle to Abraham Lincoln, sent on the 9th of Aug., 1864": p. [8] Printed wrappers. 2284. JAMES, MARQUIS. They had their hour. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c i934] 324 p. 24 cm. E178.J23 copy 3 Dramatic episodes in American history, including plots against Lincoln and his assassination by John Wilkes Booth. 2286. JANVIER, FRANCIS DE HAES. Patri- otic poems. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1866. 88 p. 19^2 cm PS2129.J2P3 copy 2 Stamped: North-West Boys Grammar School. 10th Section. "The sleeping sentinel": p. 13-23. "Gettysburg": p. 35-4 1 • 2287. JANVIER, FRANCIS DE HAES. The sleeping sentinel. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson & Bros., 1863. 19 p. 19 cm. (M190) PS2129.J255 1863 copy 2 "The incidents here woven into verse relate to William Scott, a young soldier from the state of Vermont, who, while on duty as a sentinel at night, fell asleep, and, having been condemned to die, was pardoned by the President." Note on verso of title page: Gift/Forbes Libfrary]. Stamped: Library of Congress/Duplicate/Exchanged. Tan printed wrappers. In brown slipcase. 2288. JAQUITH, HAROLD C. The persistent personality of Lincoln, delivered before the Abraham Lincoln Association, in the Sangamon County Court House, Springfield, Illinois, February 12,1937- [Springfield, 111., 1938?] 24 p. 23/2 cm. (M3628) E457.8.J34 copy 2 Running title: Abraham Lincoln Association papers. Reprinted from Abraham Lincoln Association Papers, 1937, Springfield, 111., 1938, p. [271-50. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 2289. JAVITS, BENJAMIN A. Lincoln and the present international situation; a contribution to the thought on world peace. New York, 1924. 24 p. 19/2 cm. (M2706) JX1953.J3 copies 2 & 3 Contents. — Pt. 1. Lincoln's first inaugural address: its principles of peace. — Pt. 2. Conclusion and plan. Printed wrappers. 2285. JAMES, RICHARD T. Abraham Lincoln the Hoosier, speech at the sixteenth annual pilgrim- age of the Boonville Press Club to the grave of Nancy Hanks, the mother of Abraham Lincoln, at Lincoln City, Ind., July 9, 1939. Printed in the Congressional record of July 14, 1939. Washing- ton, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1939. 7 p. 23 cm. (M3687) P Cover title. 2290. JAYNE, WILLIAM. Abraham Lincoln, personal reminiscences of the martyred President, by his neighbor and intimate friend Dr. William Jayne. [Chicago?] Grand Army Hall and Me- morial Association [ c igo8] 58 p., 1 1. 2 port. 18 cm. (M1584 var.) E457.15.J42 copy 4 "An address delivered by Dr. Jayne to the Grand Army Hall and Memorial Association, February 12, 1900." Blue wrappers, imprinted in blue. 2IO 22gi- Another Issue. I illus., 2 port. (M1584) E457- I 5-J42 copy 3 Issued under tide: Personal Reminiscences of the Martyred President, Abraham Lincoln . . . The last line on p. 58 has been moved to right. Blue wrappers, imprinted in black. 2292. JAYNE, WILLIAM. Lincoln's birthday, 1907. Personal reminiscences of Abraham Lin- coln; an address. Delivered before the Spring- field Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, February 12, 1907, at the Lincoln Home. [Springfield? 111.] 1907. 21 p. 23 cm. (M1534) E457.15.J424 copy 2 Title page autographed by the author and inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1916." Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2293. JEFFERY, REUBEN. The mission of Abraham Lincoln. A sermon preached before the Fourth Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Thursday morning, June 1st, 1865, by R. JefTery, D. D. Philadelphia, Bryson & Son, Printers, 1865. 28 p. 23 cm. (M574) E457.8.J45 copy 2 Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2294. JENKINS, W. R. Historical guide and other points of interest of Springfield, Illinois, [n. p.] c i923. [48] p. illus., ports. 13 x 18 cm. (M2642) P Inscribed to Geo. Hambrecht by H. W. Fay, custodian Lincoln's tomb. 2295. JENNINGS, JANET. Abraham Lincoln, the greatest American. [Madison, Wis., Cantwell Print. Co., "1909] 171 p. illus. 16/2 cm. (Mi 757) E457J54 co Py 2 Partly reprinted from the New York Tribune and the New York Independent. Cf. Pref. End paper inscribed: "H. E. Handrough from the author." Boards. Cloth back. 2296. JERMON, J. WAGNER. Abraham Lin- coln and South Carolina. Philadelphia, D. E. Thompson, Printer, 1861. 15 p. 21/2 cm. (M99) E440.5.J55 copy 2 Dark blue three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2297. [JEROME, ALONZO WHEELER] The great debate; a platform scene in the seven joint discussions between Lincoln and Douglas. One of the relief pictures in the dome of the State Capitol at Springfield, Illinois. [Springfield, 111., Rokker Press, 1899] 23, [1] p. 1 fold, illus. 20/2 cm. (Mi 255) E457.4.J56 copy 2 "Copyrighted by Alonzo Wheeler Jerome September 2, 1899" Printed wrappers. 2298. The Jersey City Museum Association. The Jersey City Museum Association presents an exhi- bition of Lincolniana, Bergen Branch Library, Bergen Avenue at Clinton, February 10 to March 3, 1937- t n - P-> x 937] folder ([3] p.) 22 cm. (M3576) P Cover title. List of paintings and statues. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2299. The Jewish forum, v. 8, Feb. 1925 ( Shebat 5685 ) . New York, The Jewish Forum Pub. Co., Inc. AP92.J52 v. 8, X copy "Abraham Lincoln— The Seer; some Biblical and Hebraic traits," by E. Hertz: p. 35-41. 2300. The Jewish tribune and Hebrew standard, v. 85, Feb. 13, 1925. New York, Jewish Tribune, Inc. AP92.J7 2d set, v. 85 " 'O Captain! My Captain! ' An inspiring tribute to Abraham Lincoln — prophet-militant," by E. Hertz: p. 7. 2301. The Jewish tribune; the American Jewish weekly, v. 90, Feb. 11, 1927; v. 94, Feb. 8, 1929. New York, The Jewish Tribune and Hebrew Standard. AP92.J7 v. 90 [etc.] X copy "Abraham Lincoln: The tribute of the synagogue," by E. Hertz: v. 90, p. [1]. "And his name is Abraham Lincoln," by E. Hertz: v. 94, p. 3, 7. 2302. Jido-bungakusha Kyokai. Rinkan [Lin- coln] [Tokyo] Akane Shobo [1952] 113 p., 1 1. illus. (part col.) 1 8^2 cm. U Biography for children by Jido-bungakusha Kyokai [Association of the Writers of Juvenile Literature] Colophon and one page of advertising matter follow- ing p. 113. End paper maps. Illustrated boards. 2303. JILLSON, WILLARD ROUSE. Abra- ham Lincoln in Kentucky literature, 1859- 1949; an annotated bibliography for students and collec- 211 tors of Lincolniana. Frankfort, Ky., Roberts Print. Co., 1 95 1. 75 p. 23 cm. Z8505.J5 copy 2 100 copies printed. Printed wrappers. 2304. JILLSON, WILLARD ROUSE. Lincoln back home, two episodes in the career of the great Civil War President mirrored in the daily Kentucky press, 1860-1865. Lexington, Ky., Transylvania Press, 1932. x p., 2 1., 166 p. illus., port., facsims. 23/2 cm. (M3330) E457.J56 copy 3 Illustrated end papers. "First edition, 500 copies." Bibliography: p. 159-160. 2305. [Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha, Tokyo.] Jindo no ijin Rinkon-den [Biography of Lincoln, great man of humanity] [Tokyo, 19 14] 324 p., 2 1. 19 cm. U On cover: Abraham Lincoln. Colophon and three pages of advertising matter fol- lowing p. 324. Printed wrappers. 2306. John Brown, and "The union right or wrong" songster: containing all the celebrated ''John Brown" & "Union songs" which have be- come so immensely popular throughout the union. San Francisco, D. E. Appleton, 1863. iv, [51-64 p. 14J/2 cm. M1628.J62 copy 2 The music is not given. Forty pages of advertising following p. 64. Printed wrappers. In green quarter-morocco slipcase. 2307. JOHNS, JANE MARTIN. Personal recol- lections of early Decatur, Abraham Lincoln, Richard J. Oglesby and the Civil War. Edited by Howard C. Schaub. [Decatur, 111.] Decatur Chap- ter Daughters of the American Revolution, 191 2. 268 p. port. 22/2 cm. F549.D3J6 copy 3 Binder's title: Personal recollections, 1849-1865. "Abraham Lincoln" : p. 59-94. 2308. JOHNSON, ALEXANDER B. The ap- proaching presidential election, by A. B. Johnson. Respectfully inscribed to the Chicago Convention, Utica, August 18, 1864. [Utica? 1864] 9 p. 23^/2 cm. E458.4.J73 copy 2 Printed wrappers. In brown slipcase. 2309. JOHNSON, ANDREW, Pres. U. S. Trial of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, before the Senate of the United States, on impeach- ment by the House of Representatives for high crimes and misdemeanors. Published by order of the Senate. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1868. 3 v - 23 cm. JK595 1868.J74 copy 4 Edited by Benjamin Perley Poore. Reported for the Congressional Globe by Richard Sutton, D. F. Murphy, and James T. Murphy. Index by Fisher A. Foster. 2310. JOHNSON, BYRON BERKELEY. Abra- ham Lincoln and Boston Corbett, with personal recollections of each; John Wilkes Booth and Jef- ferson Davis, a true story of their capture. Wal- tham, Mass., B. B. Johnson; [Boston, Lincoln & Smith Press] 19 14. 4 p. 1., 13-71 p. ports. 21^2 cm. (M2149) E457.5.J69 copy 4 231 1. JOFINSON, CHARLES BENEULYN. Illinois in the fifties; or, A decade of development, 1851-1860. Champaign, 111., Flanigan-Pearson Co., 1 9 18. 6 p. 1., n-175, [5] p. illus., port. 21/2 cm. F545.J66 copy 3 "Illinois Centennial edition." "Slavery and the Lincoln-Douglas debate": p. 149- '75- 2312. [JOHNSON, EDWARD S.] comp. Abra- ham Lincoln and his last resting place. A leaflet published for distribution at the National Lincoln Monument, Springfield, Illinois. [Springfield, 1903?] 17 p. 8 illus., 1 port., 1 facsim. 23/2 cm. (M1407) E457.52.J65 1903 copy 3 "Compiled by Edward S. Johnson, custodian, 1903." On cover: Lincoln. Blue wrappers, imprinted in black. 2313. Another edition. [Springfield, State Journal Co., Printers, 1910] 25 p. 22 J/2 cm. (M1408) E457.52.J65 1910 copy 3 Subtitle: A leaflet published for distribution at the National Lincoln Monument in the City of Springfield, Illinois. (Same in all later editions listed below.) From different plates, with some additions, and changes in the wording of the text. Compiler given on title page. Illustrative matter rearranged. Light brown wrappers, imprinted in dark brown. 2314. Another issue. [Danville, 111., Illinois Print. Co., 1910?] 23 cm. (M1408 var.) P Identical to the 19 10 edition but with resetting of title page and p. [4] of cover. Light brown wrappers, imprinted in medium brown. 212 2315- Another edition. [Springfield, State Jour- nal Co., Printers, 19 14] 24 p. 23 cm. (M1409) E457-52-J65 1914 Contents same as preceding edition, but printed from different plates. Illustrative matter rearranged slightly. Tan wrappers, imprinted in light brown. 2316. Another edition. [Springfield, Schnepp & Barnes, Printers, 1915] 28 p. 9 illus., 1 port., 1 facsim. 23 cm. (M1409 var.) E 457-5 2 J 6 5 i9'5 co PY 2 Differs from the 19 14 edition in the arrangement of type and in the addition of a new section ("The souve- nirs," p. 25-28) ; a few pages are from the same plates. Gray wrappers, imprinted in black. 2317. Another edition. [Springfield, Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers, 19 16] 29 p. 23 cm. (M1410) E457.52.J65 1916 copy 3 Differs from the 19 15 edition in the arrangement of type and in the expansion of the last section (p. 25-29), retitled "Memorial Hall." Stamped : New York State Library. Gray wrappers, imprinted in black. 2318. Another edition. [Quincy, 111., Royal Print. Co. 1921?] 29 p. 23 cm. (M1412) P "Printed by authority of the State of Illinois." Identical to the 19 15 edition in content, but printed from different plates and with change of portrait. Gray wrappers, imprinted in black. 2319. Another edition. [Springfield, Illinois State Register, 1924?] 31 p. 23 cm. (M1413) P Identical to the preceding edition in content and il- lustrations, but printed from different plates; also with one or two changes in the wording of the text and addi- tion of a final paragraph to the section "The souvenirs." Compiler not listed on title page. Inscribed by H. W. Fay, Custodian, and dated Apr. 10, 1925. Gray wrappers, imprinted in black. 2320. JOHNSON, FRANCIS. Famous assassi- nations of history from Philip of Macedon, 336 B. C. 5 to Alexander of Servia, A. D. 1903. Chi- cago, A. C. McClurg, 1903. xii, 434 p. 29 ports. 205/2 cm. D24.J6 copy 2 "Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (April 14, 1865)": P- 343-355- 2321. JOHNSON, HERRICK. "God's ways unsearchable." A discourse, on the death of Presi- dent Lincoln, preached before the Third Presby- terian Congregation, in Mozart Hall, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sunday, April 23d, 1865. Pittsburgh, W. G. Johnston & Co., Printers [1865] 1 1 p. 21 J/2 cm. (M576) E457.8.J67 copy 2 Cover title ( ? ) . "Published by request." Self-wrappers ( ?). Bound in purple cloth. 2322. JOHNSON, OLIVER. William Lloyd Garrison and his times; or, Sketches of the anti- slavery movement in America, and of the man who was its founder and moral leader. With an in- troduction by John G. Whittier. Boston, B. B. Russell; San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft; Portland, J. Russell; Philadelphia, Quaker City Pub. House; New York, C. Drew; Chicago, W. A. Ballard; In- dianapolis, F. L. Horton, 1880. xviii, [ig]-432 p. illus. , port. 19 cm. E449.G2554 copy 3 Occasional references to Lincoln. 2323. JOHNSON, REVERDY. An argument to establish the illegality of military commissions in the United States, and especially of the one or- ganized for the trial of the parties charged with conspiring to assassinate the late President, and others, presented to that commission, on Monday, the 19th of June, 1865, and prepared by Reverdy Johnson, one of the counsel of Mrs. Surratt. Bal- timore, Printed by J. Murphy & Co., 1865. 31 p. 23 cm. (M577) E457.5.J71 copy 3 Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers and author's holograph letter of December 26, 1862, bound in. 2324. JOHNSON, REVERDY. Speech in sup- port of the resolution to amend the Constitution so as to abolish slavery. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, April 5, 1864. [n. p., 1864] 22 p. 23 cm. JK169 13th 1864a copy 2 Caption title. Previously bound. 2325. JOHNSON, SAMUEL A. The battle cry of freedom; the New England Emigrant Aid Company in the Kansas crusade. Lawrence, Uni- versity of Kansas Press, 1954. 7 p. 1., 3-357 p. illus., ports., maps. 24 cm. F685.J75 copy 3 This study tries to clear up some of the confusion as to what influence, if any, the Company exercised in the events that led up to the Civil War. Cf. pref . 492745—60- -15 213 2326. JOHNSTON, ELI AS S. Sermon deliv- ered on Thursday, June 1st, 1865, the day of spe- cial humiliation and prayer in consequence of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln; at the Second English Evangelical Lutheran Church, Harrisburg, Pa., by Rev. E. S. Johnston. [Harrisburg] T. F. Scheffer, Printer, 1865. 11 p. 22/2 cm. (M580) E457-8J72 co Py 2 Cover title. Blue cloth, with original wrappers bound in. 2327. JOHNSTON, HOWARD A. An esti- mate of Lincoln. A sermon preached by Howard Agnew Johnston, D.D., pastor Forty-first Street Presbyterian Church, Chicago. February 9, 1896. [n. p., Press of Martin H. Kendig, 85 Fifth Ave- nue, 1896?] [7] p. 22 cm. (var. of (?) M1196) P Caption title. Enclosed is a black-bordered card of Mr. Johnston. Inscribed on the card are the words "Compliments of." 2328. JOHNSTON, JOHN T. M. World pa- triots. [A book on citizenship and patriotism] New York, World Patriots Co. [ c 1 9 1 7] 2 p. 1., 7- 227 p. ports. 22 I / 2 cm. D106.J57 1917a "National edition." "Abraham Lincoln, America's typical patriot, 1809- 1865": p. 17-43. Green gilt-stamped cloth. 2329. Another edition. 2 p. 1., vii-xiii, 319 p. ports. 22 cm. D106.J57 1917 copy 2 "Text-book edition, to which is added [two introduc- tions and] the biographies of [three] American patriots especially identified with individual States." — p. 13. Pages 17-227 from same plates. Binding same. 2330. JOHNSTONE, HUGER W. Truth of war conspiracy, 1861. Idylwild, Ga., c ig2i. 1 p. 1., 3-40 p. 23 cm. (var. of M 2508) E458.1.J75 1921a Cover title. Author's holograph letters to Charles T. White, etc. and clipping from the New York Tribune, July 3, 1922, all relative to this "Lincoln began the War" pamphlet, laid in. On back cover: Price, 50 cents. Foreword on recto of preliminary leaf. Inscribed. Gray wrappers. 2331. Another issue. 40 p. 22/2 cm. (M2508 var.) E459.R97 copy 3 Cover title. On front cover: Price, 50 cents. Foreword on verso of cover. Self-wrappers. Bound with item 3665. 2332. JOHNSTONE, WILLIAM J. Abraham Lincoln, the Christian, by William J. Johnson. New York, Cincinnati, Abingdon Press [1920, c i9i3] 228 p. illus., ports., facsims. 19^2 cm. (M2084 var.) E457.2.J7 1920 "Fifth printing, May 1920." On title page of the "revised edition" (sixth printing, Nov. 1928) the author's surname is changed to John- stone. "Sources of information" : p. 105-207. 2333. JOHNSTONE, WILLIAM J. How Lin- coln prayed. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, The Abingdon Press [ c ig3 1] 116 p. port., facsim. 19/2 cm. (M3272) E457.2.J71 copy 3 "Source material": p. 99-102. 2334. JONES, EDGAR DE WITT. The greatening of Abraham Lincoln. St. Louis, Mo., Bethany Press [1946] 3 p. 1., 9-38 p., 1 1. 3 ports, on 1 1. 27 cm. E457.8.J76 copy 3 "Prize-winning sermon in the Lincoln sermon contest in memory of the late Rev. John D. Long, D.D., and based on his book, The Life Story of Abraham Lincoln." "Limited edition ... of 950 copies. This is copy no. 433. [Signed] Edgar De Witt Jones." Fabrikoid (impregnated leather-grained waterproof cloth ) . 2335- JONES, EDGAR DE WITT. The influ- ence of Henry Clay upon Abraham Lincoln. In- troduction by William H. Townsend. Lexington, Ky., Henry Clay Memorial Foundation, 1952. 42 p. illus., ports., facsim. 19/2 cm. E457-2-J75 co P ies 3 & 4 Bibliography: p. 40—42. Copy 3 bound in brown cloth with gilt lettering on cover. Copy 4 in gray wrappers with red lettering on cover. 2336. JONES, EDGAR DE WITT. Lincoln and the preachers. With an introduction by Wil- liam H. Townsend. New York, Harper [1948] xviii, 203 p. ports. 21 cm. E457.2.J76 copy 3 "First edition." Inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. 214 2337- JONES, EDWARD SMYTH. The syl- van cabin; a centenary ode on the birth of Lincoln. With an introduction taken from the New York times. San Francisco [ Printed by Taylor & Tay- lor] 1915. [17] p. 2 mounted port. 21 cm. (M2189) E457.9.J76 X copy On cover: Panama-Pacific international exposition edition. Testimonials from the press (four-page folder) laid in. Printed wrappers. 2338. JONES, EVAN ROWLAND. Lincoln, Stanton and Grant. Historical sketches. Lon- don, F. Warne; New York, Scribner, Welford and Armstrong [1875] xii, 342 p. 3 port. 23 cm. (M940) E457.J77 copy 2 2339- JONES, HENRY C. Abraham Lincoln's attitude towards education. By Henry Craig Jones. Iowa City, 1927. 336-354 p. 25/2 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from the Iowa Law Review, Vol. XII, No. 4." 2340. [JONES, JENKIN LLOYD.] Nancy Hanks Lincoln, a sermon delivered at All Souls Church, Chicago, February eight, nineteen hun- dred and three. Chicago, Unity Pub. Co. [1903] 15 p. 20 cm. (M1414) E457.32.j77copy3 Cover title(?). "Reprinted from Unity of February 12, 1903." Rebound in blue cloth. 2341. JONES, JENKIN LLOYD. A neglected shrine. Souvenir of the memorial service held at Hodgenville, Ky. Feb. n, 19 17. Chicago, Unity Pub. Co., [1917?] 8 p. 23 cm. (M2317) P Cover title. "Reprinted from Unity of March 24, 1904." 2342. JONES, JOHN W. and T. B. MORRIS. Hanes y gwrthryfel mawr yn y Talaethau Unedig; yn nghyd a byr grybwyllion am y prif ddigwyd- diadau o ddarganfyddiad America hyd adferiad heddwch, yn 1 865 ; at yr hyn yr ychwanegir bywyd ac arlywyddiaeth Abraham Lincoln, gydag amryw ddarluniau prydferth. Gan J. W. Jones a T. B. Morris. Utica, N. Y., J. M. Jones, 1866. 2 p. 1., [iii]-vi, 631 p. 5 port. 25 cm. (M3814) E468.J77 copy 3 Lettered on spine: Cyf. I. A history of America, with special attention to the Civil War, written in Welsh. "Taith Mr. Lincoln o Springfield i Washington" : p. 133-135- Brown full-leather. In green three-quarter-closed case. 2343. JONES, KATHARINE M., ed. Heroines of Dixie ; Confederate women tell their story of the War. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs-Merrill [!955] * P- l-i xiv > 43° P- P orts - 22/2 cm. E487J75 1955a "First edition." Introduction by Robert S. Henry. "Lost cause edition, autographed by the editor for the members of the Civil War Book Club." 2344. JONES, NORMAN L. John M. Palmer. Address at dedication of the statue of John M. Palmer on the Illinois State Capitol grounds, Springfield, October 16, 1923. [Springfield, Phillips Bros. Print., 1924] 12 p. ports. 23 cm. E664.P2J6 "Printed by authority of the State of Illinois." Printed wrappers. 2345. JONES, THOMAS A. J. Wilkes Booth; an account of his sojourn in southern Maryland after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, his pas- sage across the Potomac, and his death in Virginia. Chicago, Laird & Lee, 1893. 126 p. illus., ports. 19/2 cm. (M1126) E457.5.J79 copies 3 & 4 "Copyright, 1893, by J. B. Mattingly." Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Copy 3 (19K2 cm.) bound in maroon cloth, lettered in gilt. In maroon case. Copy 4 (19 cm.) bound in yellow printed wrappers. In mustard-colored slipcase. 2346. JONES, THOMAS D. Memories of Lin- coln. With prefatory note by Rufus Rockwell Wil- son and reproductions of the author's two busts of Lincoln. New York, The Press of the Pioneers, 1934. 16 p. illus., port. 24 cm. (M3441) E 457- I 5J 66co Py 2 Letter of transmittal from Wilson to Charles T. White and "Sketch of Rufus Rockwell Wilson," by Thomas O. Marvin ([4] p. folder), laid in. 2347. JONES, VIRGIL CARRINGTON. Eight hours before Richmond. Introduction by Robert Selph Henry. Illustrated with photos. New York, Holt [1957] x p., 2 1., 3-180 p. illus. 22 cm. E476.27.J6 copy 3 "First edition." End paper maps. 215 2348. JONES, VIRGIL CARRINGTON. Gray ghosts and Rebel raiders. With an introduction by Bruce Catton. New York, Holt [1956] xiv p., 2 I., [3J-43I p- illus., ports. 21/2 cm. E47o.2.j77copy3 "First edition." End paper maps. "Autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club." Boards. Cloth back. 2349. JONES, VIRGIL CARRINGTON. Ranger Mosby. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1944. xiii, 347 p. illus., ports. 23^2 cm. E467.1.M87J6 copy 4 Map on end papers. 2350. JONES, W. MARTIN. Abraham Lincoln ; address delivered at Phoenix, N. Y. on the thirtieth day of May, 1904. Rochester, N. Y., Press of R. W. Lace, 1904. 40 p. port. (M1439) E 457-8J79 c °P ies 3 & 4 Copy 3 (20 J/2 cm.) bound in blue cloth, copy 4 (20 cm.) in light blue printed wrappers. 2351. JONSSON, BJARNI. Saga Abrahams Lincolns; bandarikjaforseta. Reykjavik, Emaus, 1923. 468 p. ports. 19 cm (M3900) E457.J8 2352. JORDAN, EBENEZER S. Death of Abraham Lincoln. A discourse delivered on the day of the national fast, June 1, 1865, at the Con- gregational Church, Cumberland Centre, Me., by Rev. E. S. Jordan. Portland [Me.] Printed by D. Tucker, 1865. 18 p. 24 cm. (M582) E457.8.J82 X copy "Published by request of the congregation." Printed wrappers. 2353- JOSEPH, PHILIP. The fame of Abra- ham Lincoln; oration, delivered before the Euepia Debating Society of the Moline High School, April 16, 1904. Moline, 111. [Desaulniers & Co., Printers] 1905. 10, [1] p. port. 28 cm. (M1461) E457.8.J83 copy 2 "Published for private distribution by courtesy of Jo- seph B. Oakleaf. Fifty copies printed." Printed wrappers. Bound by cord in limp blue-suede covers. 2354. JOUAULT, ALPHONSE. Abraham Lin- coln; sa jeunesse et sa vie politique; histoire de l'abolition de l'esclavage aux Etats-Unis. Paris, Hachette, 1875. 2 p. 1., 256 p. 2 ports. 18 cm. (M3833) E457.J86 copy 2 "Sources": p. [11] Bibliographical foot-notes. Dark brown cloth, with original gray-green printed wrappers bound in. 2355. Another edition. 1883. 2 p. 1., 256 p. illus., 4 ports. 19/2 cm. (M3833 var.) E 457-J86 1883 copy 2 "Troisieme edition." Pages 1 -[68] considerably revised and mostly from dif- ferent plates. Pages [6g]-256 from same plates. Green cloth, with leather label on spine. 2356. JOUAULT, ALPHONSE. Abraham Lin- coln; su juventud y su vida politica; historia de la abolicion de la esclavitud en los Estados-Unidos [by] Alfonso Jouault. Traducido espresamente para los suscritores de la Gaceta de Barcelona. Barcelona, Imprenta de la Gaceta de Barcelona, 1876. 1 p. 1., [5]-22i, [2] p. 16/2 cm. (M3835) E457.J863 copy 2 A translation of item 2354. Letter of transmittal from the Library of Brown Uni- versity to Charles T. White, laid in. Printed wrappers. In pamphlet holder. 2357. The Journal of American history, v. 3, 1909. New York [etc.] National Historical So- ciety [etc.] E 1 7 1 . J86 v. 3 X copy Lincoln centenary number. 2358. The Journal of Commerce and Commer- cial, New York. A page of history. From the N. Y. Journal of commerce. [New York, 1864] 4 p. 24 cm. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 19) E458.S67 no. 19 2d set Caption title. Comments on General McClellan's Report on the Or- ganization and Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac (Item 2590, no. 3). Another copy in bound volume entitled Lincoln-Mc- Clellan Campaign Pamphlets. (See item 2590, no. 36) Previously bound. 2359. JUDSON, CLARA (Ingram). Abraham Lincoln, friend of the people. Pen drawings by Robert Frankenberg; Kodachromes of the Chi- cago Historical Society Lincoln dioramas. Chi- cago, Wilcox and Follett [1950] 206 p. illus. (part col.) 24/2 cm. E457.905.J8 copy 3 Map on end papers. Inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. 2l6 2360. [JUDSON, EDWARD ZANE CARROLL] The parricides; or, The doom of the assassins, the authors of a nation's loss, by Ned Buntline [pseud.] New York, Hilton, 1865. 94 p. port. 23 cm. (M583) PS 2 i 5 6.j2P 3 White plain wrappers. In pamphlet holder. 2361. JUSSERAND, JEAN ADRIEN AN- TOINE JULES. Abraham Lincoln. Address of the French Ambassador, M. J. J. Jusserand, at the unveiling of the bust of Abraham Lincoln in the Hall of Fame, New York University, May 22, 1923. [New York, Hall of Fame of New York University, 1923] 7 p. 18 cm. (M2643) E457.8.J89 Printed wrappers. In pamphlet holder. 2362. KAGAWA, TOYOHIKO. Kagawa in Lincoln's land. Compiled and edited by Emer- son O. Bradshaw, Charles E. Shike and Helen F. Topping. Brooklyn, N. Y., National Kagawa Co- ordinating Committee, 1936. 121, [7] p. illus., ports., diagr. 23 cm. [Friends of Jesus, vol. VIII, no. 3] BR85.K3 copy 3 Blank pages for "Memoranda" (7 at end). "Kagawa and Lincoln," by Albert W. Palmer: p. 10- 12. "Biographical insights — Kawaga and Lincoln": p. 18-21. Printed wrappers. 2363. KAINE, JOHN L. Lincoln as a boy knew him. By John Langdon Kaine. [Bloomington, 111.? Milo Custer for Morris Briggs? 1926?] [5] P- 24 cm. (M2853) P Printed on recto only. "Printed by a lover of Lincoln in an edition of 25 numbered copies of which this is No. [15]" Printed wrappers. 2364. KAMENSK'II, A. V. Avraam Linkoln, der Befrayer fun di Shklaven; zayn Leben un gezel- shaftlikhe Arbayt. A biografishes Bild. Warsaw [1910] 90 p. (M3881) E457.K15 copies 3 & 4 Yiddish. Title transliterated. Title also in Russian. Copy 3 inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16" Copy 3 (21 cm.) bound in gray printed wrappers and inserted into blue quarter-morocco slipcase. Copy 4 (191/2 cm.) bound in black cloth. 2365. KANE, HARNETT T. The gallant Mrs. Stonewall; a novel based on the lives of General and Mrs. Stonewall Jackson. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1957. 320 p. illus. 22 cm. PS3521.A4345G3 "First edition." End paper portraits. 2366. KANE, HARNETT T. The lady of Ar- lington, a novel based on the life of Mrs. Robert E. Lee. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1954. 288 p. 22 cm. PS3521.A4345L3 2367. KANE, HARNETT T. The smiling reb- el; a novel based on the life of Belle Boyd. Gar- den City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1955. 314 p. 22 cm. PS3521.A4345S6 copies 1 & 2 "First edition." The story of a Civil War spy. Both copies inscribed by the author. 2368. KANE, HARNETT T. Spies for the Blue and Gray. Garden City, N. Y., Hanover House [!954] 3"P- 21/2 cm. E608.K3 copies 3 & 4 "First edition." 2369. KANTOR, MACKINLAY. Anderson- ville. Cleveland, New York, World Pub. Co. [1955] 4 P- !•> [7H67. ['J P- ma P- 24/2 cm. PS3521.A47A7 1955 "First edition." "Autographed first edition . . . limited to 1 000 copies. [Signed] MacKinley Kantor." Verso of 1st preliminary leaf blank. Cream-colored cloth, with blue back, gilt-stamped cover and spine, and maroon top. In maroon three- quarter-closed case. 2370. Another issue. PS3521.A47A7 1955a copies 1 & 2 "Stockade edition, autographed by the author for members of the Civil War Book Club." Verso of 2d preliminary leaf blank. Light blue cloth, gilt-stamped on cover and spine. Blue top. 2371. KANTOR, MACKINLAY. Gettysburg. Illustrated by Donald McKay. New York, Ran- dom house [1952] 189 p. illus. 22 cm. (Land- mark books, 23) E457.53.K3 copy 2 Illustrated end papers. 2372. KAUFMAN, M. S. Abraham Lincoln, the friend of God and man. Sermon preached 217 on Lincoln Sunday, February 12, 1922, at the Pa- cific Branch National Soldiers Home, California. [n. p., 1922?] (folder [4] p.) 23 cm. (M2579) p Caption title. • r ". . . this sermon of 1600 copies. . . ." 2373. KAUFMAN, M. S. Our Abraham Lin- coln. Memorial sermon preached February 16, 1 919, at the Pacific Branch, National Soldiers' Home. [n. p., 19 19?] (folder [4] p.) 25/2 cm. (M2411) P Caption title. 2374. KEAN, ELLEN (TREE) . Death and fu- neral of Abraham Lincoln, with some remarks on the state of America at the close of the Civil War. A contemporary account contained in two long de- scriptive letters from Mrs. Ellen Kean, the actress, whilst touring the United States in 1865. With prefatory note by John Drinkwater. London, Priv. Print., 1921. 27 p. 27 cm. (M2501) E 457-52-K24 copy 2 "Of this privately printed pamphlet fifty copies only have been issued, this being no. 15." Printed wrappers. In purple quarter-morocco slip- case. 2375. KEAN, ROBERT GARLICK HILL. In- side the Confederate Government; the diary of Robert Garlick Hill Kean, head of the Bureau of War. Edited by Edward Younger. New York, Oxford University Press, 1957. xxxvi, 241 p. port. 22 cm. E487.K4 copy 4 "Each copy of this special edition is autographed by the editor." 2376. KECKLEY, ELIZABETH (Hobbs). Be- hind the scenes. By Elizabeth Keckley . . . Or, Thirty years a slave, and four years in the White House. New York, G. W. Carleton, 1868. 2 p. 1., [ix]-xvi, [i7]-37i, 8 p. port. 19 cm. (M904) E457.15.K26 copy 3 A catalogue of books issued by G. W. Carleton & Co: 8 p. at end. Plum-colored cloth, with gilt-stamped spine and pub- lisher's device and ornamental borders blind-stamped on covers. Light blue end papers. In three-quarter-closed case. 2377. Another edition. Buffalo, Stansil and Lee [ c i93i] 1 p. 1., [v]-xiv, [15H70 p. port. 20/2 cm. (Mgo4var.) E457.15.K26 1931 copies 1 & 2 From new plates, with addition of foreword by J. H. Stansil (p. [vii]). Red cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. 2378. KEELING, ROBERT J. The death of Moses. A sermon preached in Trinity (P.E.) Church, on Sunday evening, April 23, 1865, by Rev. R. J. Keeling, rector, as a tribute of respect to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, and assassinated in the city of Washington, on Friday night, April 14, 1865. Washington, D. D. [sic] W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1865. 16 p. 22/2 cm. (M584) E457.8.K26 copy 2 Mourning borders. Three holograph letters from the author to Charles H. Hart laid in. Lambert copy. Cf. Library of the late Major William H. Lambert of Philadelphia. Part I, Lincolniana. New York [1914]: p. 50. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2379. [KEIGWIN, A. EDWIN] The new patri- otism; an interpretation. New York, The Rayon Co- [i9 T 5] H° P- 19/2 cm. BR115.P7K35 copy 2 Signed "A. Edwin Keigwin." "The Unfinished task of Abraham Lincoln": p. 117— 130. 2380. KEITH, ELBRIDGE G. A paper on the National Republican Convention of i860, read . . . at the University of Illinois, June 19, 1904. [Urbana, 111., The University, 1904] 19 p. 23 cm. (University of Illinois bulletin. May 15, 1904. v. 1, no. 16) (M1440) JK2353 1860a copy 2 Printed wrappers. 2381. KEITH, ORMES B. An address de- livered at the funeral solemnities of the late Presi- dent Lincoln at the Church of Our Saviour, Jenkin- town, Wednesday noon, April 19th, 1865, by Rev. O. B. Keith, rector. Philadelphia, King & Baird, Printers, 1865. 8 p. 23 cm. (M585) E457.8.K28 copy 2 Blue cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2382. KELLEY, WILLIAM D. The conscrip- tion. Also speeches of the Hon. W. D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, in the House of Representatives, on the conscription; the way to attain and secure peace; and on arming the negroes. With a letter 2l8 from Secretary Chase. Philadelphia, Printed for Gratuitous Distribution, 1863. 39 p. 23/2 cm. E458.3.K29 copy 4 Printed wrappers. 2383. KELLEY, WILLIAM D. Lincoln and Stanton; a study of the war administration of 1861 and 1862, with a special consideration of some recent statements of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan. New York, London, G. P. Putman's Sons, 1885. 88 p. 19/2 cm. (Questions of the day. 29) (Mi 013) E456.K29 copy 3 Dark brown three-quarter-leather, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2384. KELLOGG, ALICE M. Lincoln, the patriot; a ready program for Lincoln's birthday, giving a narrative of the life of Lincoln, tributes here and abroad, speeches, characteristics, anec- dotes, material for compositions, portrait and pic- tures of birthplace and tomb. New York, Chicago, E. L. Kellogg, c i8g7- 17 p. illus., port. 19 cm. (The Practical teachers' library, v. II, no. 6; Jan. 1897) (M1216 var.) E457.7.K29 X copy Cover title. 2385. KELLY, EDWARD JAMES. The crime at Ford's theater. [Alexandria, Va., 1944] 3 i,[i] p. illus., ports., facsims. 21cm. E457.5.K4 copies 3 & 4 Cover and caption title. At head of title: The Picture story of America's greatest tragedy, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated wrappers. Copy 3 bound, with wrappers, in maroon cloth. 2386. KELLY, REGINA (Zimmerman). Lin- coln and Douglas : the years of decision, by Regina Z. Kelly. Illustrated by Clifford Geary. New York, Random House [1954] 184 p. col. illus., col. maps. 22 cm. (Landmark books, 44) E 457-9-K4 co Py 2 2387. KEMPF, EDWARD J. Abraham Lin- coln's organic and emotional neurosis, [n.p] c i952. 15 p. illus. 26 cm. E457.2.K4 copy 2 Cover title. "Reprinted from the A. M. A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, April 1952, vol. 67, pp. 419-433." 2388. KENNEDY, JOHN P., comp. Autograph leaves of our country's authors. Baltimore, Cush- ings & Bailey, 1864. xi, 200 p. of facsims. 27 cm. (M193 note) Z42.K4 Preface signed: John P. Kennedy [and] Alexander Bliss. Bookplate of Charles T. White. "Address delivered at the dedication of the cemetery at Gettysburg" [by] Abraham Lincoln: p. 3-5. In brown three-quarter-closed case. 2389. KENNELLY, ARDYTH. The spur. New York, J. Messner [1951] 304, [2] p. 21 cm. PS3521.E566S6 Historical novel about John Wilkes Booth. 2390. [KENT, C. W.] Euclid + Lincoln = Kent A + B = C, universal formula grammar of nature, or key to the master's mind. [Peoria, 111., 1934?] 64 p. illus. 15 cm. (var. of? M3442) P Printed wrappers. 2391. [KENT, C. W.] Lincoln's momentum. [Peoria, 111., n. d.] 32 p. 15/2 cm. P Cover title. 2392. Kentucky progress magazine, v. 3, Aug. 1 93 1. Frankfort, Ky., Kentucky Progress Com- mission. F446.K53 v. 3 X copy "Kentucky State Parks," by Mrs. J. Darnell: p. 10-23, 29- 2393. KERSHNER, FREDERICK D. Abra- ham Lincoln and the disciples, [n. p., 1943?] [61]— 71 p. 24/2 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from The Shane Quarterly for April, 1943." 2394. KETCHAM, HENRY. The life of Abra- ham Lincoln. New York, A. L. Burt [1901] xi, 435 p. illus., ports. 195/2 cm. (M1344) E457.K43 copy 2 Blue cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. Gilt top. 2395. Another issue, port, (front.) 19 cm. (var. of M1344) E457.K43 copy 3 On spine: The home library. Title page printed from different plate. Two pages of advertising at end of book. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Red cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. Gilt top. 2396. KETCHUM, HIRAM. To every Whig and every son of a Whig in the State of New York 219 and out of the State of New York. [New York, National Union Club, i860] 8 p. 22 cm. P Caption title. An anti-Lincoln speech. Previously bound. 2397. [KICKLEY, BETSEY] pseud. Behind the seams; by a nigger woman who took in work from Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Davis. New York, National News Co., 1868. 23 p. 23 cm. (M907) E457.15.K46 copies 2 & 3 Cover title. A parody on: Behind the Scenes, by Mrs. Elizabeth (Hobbs) Keckley. 1868. See item 2376. Copyrighted by Daniel Ottolengul. White self-wrappers. Copy 2 is a photostatic copy of an original in the Library of Congress, bound in brown half-morocco and with bookplate of George P. Ham- brecht. Copy 3 inserted in red quarter-morocco slipcase. 2398. KIMBALL, E. L. Richard Yates, his rec- ord as Civil War Governor of Illinois, [n. p., 1 93"] 8 3 P- illus -> P ort - 2 3 cm - F 545- Y 34 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume 23, number 1, April, 1930." 2399. KIMMEL, STANLEY. The mad Booths of Maryland. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs- Merrill ^1940] 400 p. illus., ports., facsim. 24 J/2 cm. PN2287.B49K5 copy 3 "First edition." 2400. KIMMEL, STANLEY. Mr. Lincoln's Washington. New York, Coward-McCann [1957] 224 p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 29 cm. E501.K5 copy 4 2401. KINCAID, ROBERT L. Abraham Lin- coln: the speaker, [n. p., 1951?] 241-250 p. 23/2 cm. E457.2.K5 Caption title. "This paper was presented at the convention dinner of the Eleventh Annual Tau Kappa Alpha Convention, Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tennessee, March 16, 1951." Reprinted from the Southern Speech Journal. Self-wrappers. 2402. KINCAID, ROBERT L. The ageless Lincoln; a Lincoln Day address on "the worth of personal effort." [n. p., 1950?] [8] p. 23 x io 1 ^ cm. P Cover title. "Re-printed from Vital Speeches of the Day, March 1, I950-" 2403. KINCAID, ROBERT L. Joshua Fry Speed, Lincoln's most intimate friend. Harrogate, Tenn., Dept. of Lincolniana, Lincoln Memorial University, 1943. 3 p. I., [5^70 p., 1 1. illus., ports. 25 cm. E457.3.S69K5 copy 3 "Two hundred fifty copies." 2404. KINCAID, ROBERT L. Kentucky in the Civil War. [n. p., 1947?] 12 p. ports. 25/2 cm. E509.K5 Cover title. "A revised version of an address delivered . . . before the Civil War Round Table, Chicago, Illinois, on Oc- tober 18, 1945." "Reprinted from Lincoln Herald, June 1947." Self-wrappers. 2405. KINCAID, ROBERT L. The Lincoln heritage in the Cumberlands. An address deliv- ered before the Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California at Los Angeles, California, October 20, 1950. With a foreword by Ralph G. Lindstrom. [Los Angeles] Lincoln Fellowship of Southern Cal- ifornia, 1 95 1. 16 p. mounted port. 24 cm. E457.8.K56 "Edition limited to two hundred copies." Author's inscribed presentation copy to Alfred W. Stern. Printed wrappers. 2406. KINCAID, ROBERT L. Lincoln, mar- tyred friend of the South. Extension of remarks of Hon. Clyde Doyle of California in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, April 26, 1949. [Wash- ington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1949] broadsheet (2 p.) 29 cm. E457.8.K563 "Not printed at government expense." Reprinted from the Congressional Record, Apr. 26, 1949- 2407. KINCAID, ROBERT L. Lincoln pil- grimage and celebration; celebration of Lincoln's birthday at Lincoln Memorial University, Harro- gate, Tennessee, February 10-12, 191 7. [Harro- gate, Dept. of Lincolniana, Lincoln Memorial Uni- versity, 1950] 15 p. illus., ports. 25/2 cm. E457-7-K5 Cover title. "Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, October 1950, vol. 52, no. 3." "1000 copies." 220 2408. The Kind deeds messenger. no. 6. [Oakland, Calif., Latham Foundation for the Promotion of Humane Education, Inc.] (M2921 ) P "Abraham Lincoln — the boy who was not afraid to be kind," with letter of transmittal from the author E. M. S. Fite, to Charles T. White, and a brochure on The Latham Foundation. 2409. KING, HORATIO. Turning on the light. A dispassionate survey of President Buchanan's ad- ministration, from i860 to its close. Including a biographical sketch of the author, eight letters from Mr. Buchanan never before published, and numerous miscellaneous articles. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1895. 4*9 P- port. 23 cm. E436.K52 copy 3 Partial Contents. — President Lincoln at Gettysburg (p. 236-241). — President Lincoln and General McClel- lan (p. 241-243). — Assassination of President Lincoln (p. 256-269). — My first and last sight of President Lin- coln (p. 282-286). 2410. KINNAIRD, VIRGINIA. Mrs. Lincoln as a White House hostess. Springfield, Illinois State Historical Society [1938?] 26 p. port, (laid in) 23 cm. (M3629) E457.25.K5 Cover title. "Reprinted from Papers in Illinois History and Trans- actions for the Year 1938." 241 1. KINSLEY, PHILIP. The Chicago Tri- bune, its first hundred years. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1943-46. 3 v. illus., ports., facsims. 24 cm. PN4899.C4T8 copy 3 "First edition." Contents. — v. 1. 1847-1865. — v. 2. 1865-1880. — v. 3. 1 880- 1 900. Vols. 2-3 have imprint: The Chicago Tribune, 1945-46. Review by Fanny Butcher, clipped from the Chicago Sunday Tribune, May 16, 1943, laid in v. 1. 2412. KINSLEY, PHILIP. A guide to the shrines of Abraham Lincoln. [Chicago? n. d.] 23 1. maps. 28/2 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from The Chicago Tribune." Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Unbound; printed on recto only. 2413. KIP, WILLIAM INGRAHAM, Bp. Ad- dress delivered at Hombourg-les-Bains, Germany, on the first day of June, 1865, being the day ap- pointed by the President of the United States, as a day of humiliation and prayer. Frankfort-on-the- Main, 1865. up. 21 cm. (M586) E457.8.K57 copy 2 Holograph letter by the author inserted. Green cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2414. KIPER, ROSCOE. Lincoln in Indiana. Boonville, Ind. [ca. 1929] 23 p. illus. 17 cm. (M2942var.) E457.32.K5 "Reprinted from the Kiwanis Magazine." Printed wrappers, bound with cord. 2415. KIRKLAND, CHARLES P. A letter to Peter Cooper, on "The treatment to be extended to the rebels individually," and "The mode of re- storing the rebel states to the union." With an appendix containing a reprint of a review of Judge Curtis' paper on the Emancipation proclamation, with a letter from President Lincoln. New York, A. D. F. Randolph, 1865. 46 p., 2 1., [3]-20 p. 23/2 cm. (M587) E668.K59 copy 2 Appendix from same plates as item 2417. Author's inscribed presentation copy to Andrew Stewart [M.C.] Printed wrappers. 2416. KIRKLAND, CHARLES P. A letter to the Hon. Benjamin R. Curtis, late judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, in review of his recently published pamphlet on the "Emancipa- tion proclamation" of the President. New York, Latimer Bros. & Seymour, 1862. 21 p. 22/4 cm. (M136) E453.C97 copy 3 Inscribed by the author to Cephas Brainerd. Yellow printed wrappers. In brown slipcase. 2417. Another edition. New York, A. D. F. Ran- dolph, 1863. 20 p. (M136 var.) E 453- c 973 co P ies 2 & 3 "Third edition." From different plates. On cover of copy 3 : Second edition. Reprinted from same plates in item 2415. Copy 3 (23 cm.) in brown printed wrappers. Copy 2 (21Y2 cm.) previously bound. 2418. KIRKLAND, EDWARD CHASE. The peacemakers of 1864. New York, Macmillan, !9 2 7- 5 P- !•» 279 p. 20/2 cm. E469.K57 copy 3 "Published April, 1927." 492745— GO 16 221 2419- The Kiwanis magazine, v. 11, Feb. 1926. Chicago, Kiwanis International. P "Abraham Lincoln; an historical sketch by a Kiwanian who was a newspaper reporter at the Lincoln-Douglas debate in Freeport, Illinois, in 1858 and at the Wigwam Convention in Chicago in i860," by M. P. Rindlaub: p. 8-11,49-51. 2420. KLEMM, EDWIN O. Then: there was a new Lincoln. New York, Pageant Press [1955] 94 p. 21 cm. E457.2.K55 copy 3 "First edition." 2421. KNIPE, ROBERT. And there were voices, a play in three acts, concerning the first years in Springfield, Illinois, in the life of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, Mass., and Los Angeles, Calif., Baker's Plays [1943] 125 p. 1 illus., diagr. 19J/2 cm. PS3521.N58A8 copy 3 On cover: Acting ed. Printed wrappers. 2422. KNOWLTON, DANIEL S. A Lincoln calendar for the year 1920. [n. p., 19 19] [32] p. illus., ports. 20 cm. (M2463) P Attached to cardboard stand. In brown paper en- velope. 2423. [KNOX, WILLIAM] Lincoln's favorite hymn. Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud. Pompton Lakes, N. J., The Biblio Co. 1924. 15 p. 16 cm. (M2710) P (2 copies) Printed wrappers. 2424. KNOX, WILLIAM. Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud? Designs by Miss L. B. Humphrey. Engraved by John Andrew & Son. Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, C. T. Dil- lingham, 1877. 16 1. illus. 19 cm. PR4859.K6O4 1877 copy 2 Added title page, engraved. Published also under title: Mortality. Fly leaf inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1920." 2425. Knox College, Galesburg, 111. Bulletin, n. s. 12, no. 6; 19 18-19 19. P Photograph of the building where Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas met in the historic debate, Oct. 7, 1858: p. 6. 2426. Knox College, Galesburg, III. The first hundred years of Knox College; a record of achievement and service. Galesburg, 111., 1929. 32 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. P "Celebrating the [Lincoln-Douglas] debate" : p. 7—8. Printed wrappers. 2427. Knox College, Galesburg, III. Record of the centenary of Knox College and Galesburg. Galesburg, III, The College, 1938. 2 p. 1., [7]- 354,[2] p. illus., ports. 24/2 cm. LD2817.7 1937 co py 3 "1000 copies." "Second radio broadcast: Lincoln goes to college [a play] by Wade Arnold": p. [471-65. "Seventy-ninth anniversary of the Lincoln-Douglas debate": p. [308]- 321. (Includes address by Richard Lloyd Jones, p. 3 1 1 — 321.) 2428. KNUTSON, HAROLD. Abraham Lin- coln, the great emancipator. Address before the Sons of Union Veterans at Philadelphia, Pa., Feb- ruary 9, 1935. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off-, J 935] 2 P- 2 9 cm - p Caption title. Reprinted from the Congressional Record of Feb. 14, 1935- 2429. [KOHT, HALVDAN] Abraham Lincoln. Et hundredaarsminde. [Kristiania, 1909] [72]- 82 p. port. 22/2 cm. E457.8.K79 copy 2 Caption title. On cover: Ssertryk af Samtiden. Signed: Halvdan Koht. Brown cloth, with original wrappers bound in. 2430. KORAL, BELLA. Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated by Jay Hyde Barnum and John Alan Maxwell. Prepared under the supervision of Jo- sette Frank. New York, Random House, c i952. [64] p. illus. (part col.) 28/2 cm. E 457-9°5 K6 co Py 2 For children. Boards, illustrated in color. 2431. KOREN, VILHELM. Abraham Lincoln. Et foredrag for studenterne ved Luther-College paa Lincolns fodselsdag den I2te fabruar. Af V. Koren. Decorah, Iowa, Lutheran Pub. House, 1901. 31, [1] p. 20 cm. (M3860) E457.8.K84 copy 3 Reprinted in his Samlede skrifter. Decorah, Iowa, 1912. vol. [IV] p. [8g]-i30. Green three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 222 2432. KORNGOLD, RALPH. Thaddeus Stev- ens; a being darkly wise and rudely great. New York, Harcourt, Brace [1955] xiv, 460 p. 24 cm. E415.9.S84K6 copies 3 & 4 "First edition." "Part three. The struggle with Lincoln": p. 123-245. 2433. KORNGOLD, RALPH. Two friends of man; the story of William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips, and their relationship with Abra- ham Lincoln. Boston, Little, Brown, 1950. xii, 425 p. ports. 2254 cm. E449.G2556 copy 3 "First edition." Author's inscribed presentation copy to Alfred W. Stern. 2434. KRANS, HORATIO SHEAFE, ed. The Lincoln tribute book; appreciations by statesmen, men of letters, and poets at home and abroad, to- gether with a Lincoln centenary medal from the second design made for the occasion by Roine. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1909. ix p., 1 1., 146 p. illus., ports. 16/2 cm. (M1763) E457.K89 copy 3 Medal set in cardboard in center of book. See item 2562. 2435. KRAUSKOPF, JOSEPH. Back to Lin- coln. A discourse. February 12, 1922. Philadel- phia, Oscar Klonower. [1922]. [1 11]— 120 p. 23 cm. (Our pulpit, v. 35, no. 15) (var. of (?) M2581) P Caption title. Printed wrappers. 2436. KRAUSKOPF, JOSEPH. Could a Lin- coln be President in our day? A discourse, at Temple Keneseth Israel, Philadelphia, February nth, 19 1 2. [Philadelphia, S. W. Goodman Co., 1912.] [93]-ii2p. 23 cm. (var. of (?) M2033) P Caption title. 2437. KRAUSKOPF, JOSEPH. Lincoln; an inspiration. A discourse, at Temple Keneseth Israel, Philadelphia, February 12th, 1905. Phila- delphia, O. Klonower, [1905] [1 1 9]— 127 p. 23 cm. (Our pulpit, v. XVIII, no. 14) (M1465 var. (?)) E457.8.K9i2Xcopy Caption title. Printed wrappers. 2438. KRAUSKOPF, JOSEPH. Lincoln, the chosen of God. A discourse, at Temple Keneseth Israel, Philadelphia, February 11th, 1906. Phila- delphia, Oscar Klonower, 1906. [89J-96 p. 23 cm. (Our pulpit, v. 19, no. 15) (Mi 503) BM740.K8 Cover title. In Gaylord binder. 2439. KRAUSKOPF, JOSEPH. Ninetieth birthday of Lincoln and Darwin. A Sunday lec- ture before the reform congregation Keneseth Israel, Philadelphia, Pa. February 12th, 1899. [Philadelphia, S. W. Goodman Co., 1899] 8 p. 22/2 cm. (Series XII. No. 18) (M1256) P Cover title. 2440. KRAUTH, CHARLES P. The two pageants. A discourse delivered in the First Eng. Evan. Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. Thurs- day, June 1 st, 1865. Pittsburgh, Printed by W. S. Haven, 1865. 23 p. 22 cm. (M588) E457.8.K92 copy 2 Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2441. KUEFINLE, CARL F. Abraham Lin- coln. Address. [Denison, Iowa? 1921?] 12 p. 21 cm. (M2513) P Cover title. 2442. KUHN, ISAAC, ed. Abraham Lincoln. A vast future. Selected articles published over more than a century reflecting the foresight and influence of the Great Illinois lawyer and Presi- dent. Champaign, 111., J. Kuhn, Priv. Print., 1946. 50 p. illus., port., facsim. 26 cm. E457.8.K95 "Abraham Lincoln and the pioneer railroads of the central west; an address before the Kiwanis Club of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, February 8, 1945," by C. C. Burford: p. 21-48. 2443. KUME, GEN'ICHI. Rinkorun [Lincoln] [Tokyo] Kinohoshi-sha [1935] 1 p. 1., 5 p., 1 1., 3-175 p., 5 1. illus. (part, col.), map. 19 cm. (Shonen shojo sekai ijin bunko, 4 [Boys' and girls' library of the world's great men, [no.] 4]) (M3937) U Boards, with cloth back. Portrait of Lincoln mounted on cover. In three-quarter-closed case, illustrated in color. 223 2444- KUNE, JULIAN. Reminiscences of an octogenarian Hungarian exile. Chicago, The Author, 191 1. viii, 216 p. illus., 2 port., map, facsims. 20 cm. £505.5.29^ copy 2 "The Presidential campaign of i860": p. 84-86. "In- teresting interview with Abraham Lincoln": p. 86-88. "Abraham Lincoln's election": p. 89-92. 2445. RUNNING, C. H. A newly discovered and hitherto unpublished contemporary portrait of Abraham Lincoln by Thomas Buchanan Read, painted in 1864. [Columbus, Ohio, 1933?] folder ([2] p.) port. 23 cm. (var. of M3390) P Cover title. M3390 calls for a device on the cover; this copy does not have a device. 2446. Another edition. 20 cm. (M3390 var.) P From different plates. 2447. Another edition, folder ([3] p.) port. 20/2 cm. (M3390 var.) P (3 copies) Some rearrangement of type, etc. 2448. KUPRA, AUGUST. Abraham Lincoln, greatest American; a discourse delivered before the Flushing Historical Society, February, 1943. [New York, Flushing Historical Society, 1943] [13] p. 22/2 cm. E457.8.R97 X copy Printed wrappers. 2449. RYLE, OTTO R. Abraham Lincoln in Decatur. New York, Vantage Press [1957] 176 p. illus. 21 cm. E457.3.R9 copy 3 "First edition." Bibliography: p. 172-176. 2450. LABOULAYE, EDOUARD RENE LE- FEBVRE de. Separation: war without end. By M. Edouard Laboulaye. New York, Loyal Pub- lication Society, 1864. ig,[i]p. 2 1 J/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 8) E463.L96 no. 8 4th set Also published under title: Upon Whom Rests the Guilt of the War? "Translation from the French of a . . . paper origi- nally published in the Revue nationale." On p. [20]: Loyal leagues [etc.] Other issues imprinted: W. C. Bryant & Co., New York, appeared in 1863 (19 p. Printed wrappers) and 1864 ( 19, [1] p. Cover title). Contents. — National unity. It must not be surren- dered [letter from James McKaye to Parke Godwin reprinted from the New York Evening Post, Feb. 7, 1863]. — Disunion: degradation without remedy [by £d- ouard Laboulaye] Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 2451. LAIR, JOHN. Songs Lincoln loved. With an introduction by William H. Townsend. New York, Duell, Sloan, and Pearce; Boston, Little, Brown [1954] [x], 85 p. facsims., port. ML3551.L27 copies 2 & 3 With music (principally for voice and piano). "First edition." Copy 2 (29 cm.) bound in rust-colored cloth im- printed in black. Copy 3 (28 cm.) bound in illustrated printed wrappers, with red and white lettering on front cover. 2452. LALCACA. The assassination of Abra- ham Lincoln ; speech of Mr. Lalcaca, a Parsee gen- tleman of India, at St. George's hall, Liverpool, England, Thursday, April 27, 1865. Now first re- printed from a contemporary shorthand transcrip- tion. [Portland, Me.] Priv. Print. [The South- worth Press] 1925. [3] p. 31 cm. (M2784) E457.5.L19 copies 2 &3 "Limited to 100 copies," of which these are num- bers 39 and 57. Wrappers, bound with silk cord. Paper label on cover. 2453. LAMBERT, WILLIAM H. Abraham Lincoln; address delivered before the Union League of Philadelphia February 12, 1909. [Philadelphia?, 1909] 1 p. 1., 24 p. port. 24/2 (M1767) E457.8.L22 copy 2 At head of title : 1809-1909. Printed wrappers. 2454. LAMBERT, WILLIAM H. Abraham Lincoln, Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. Annual oration de- livered before the Society of the Army of the Po- tomac at Pittsburgh, October 11, 1899. [n. p., 1899?] [18] p. 25/2 cm. (M1287) E457.8.L218 copy 2 Cover title. Also published, from different plates, in item 3907. Green quarter-morocco, with original wrappers bound in. 2455. LAMBERT, WILLIAM H. The faith of Abraham Lincoln; an address before the Presby- terian Social Union of Philadelphia, February 22, 224 igog. Philadelphia, Sunday School Times Co. [ c ign] i p. 1., 32 p. ig cm. (M1987) E457.2.L22 copy 4 Boards. Cloth back. 2456. LAMBERT, WILLIAM H. The Gettys- burg address, when written, how received, its true form. Philadelphia [Printed by J. B. Lippincott Co.] igog. 3 p. 1., 27 p. facsims. 25 cm. (Mi 768) E475.55.L83 copy 3 Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of His- tory and Biography, October 1909. 2457. LAMBERT, WILLIAM H. Library of the late Major William H. Lambert of Philadel- phia ... to be sold ... at the Anderson Galleries. v. 1, 4, 5. New York, Metropolitan Art Associa- tion [igi4] 3 v. illus., ports., facsims. 23 cm. (M2122-2124) Zgg7.L224 copies 3 (v. 5), 4 (v. i& 4 ),&5(v. 1 & 4 ) Contents. — pt. I. Lincolniana, 1st section. Sold January 14-16, 1 g 1 4. 1028 entries. — pt. IV. Lin- colniana, second section. Sold April 1-3, 1914. 1342 entries. — pt. V. Lincolniana, third section: the portrait collection. Sold April 30, 19 14. 828 entries. Printed wrappers. Copies 3 & 5 with illustrated borders, copy 4 without borders. Cover title of copies 3 & 5 same as title page title; cover title of copy 4: Catalogue of the library of the late William H. Lambert of Philadelphia. 2458. [LAMON, WARD H.] Letter to General Asahel Gridley. [n. p., 1866?] 7 p. (on double leaves) 21 cm. E457.15.L2 Photostatic copy of printed version. Signed: Ward H. Lamon. 245g. LAMON, WARD H. The life of Abra- ham Lincoln; from his birth to his inauguration as President. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1872. xiv p., 1 1., 547 p. illus., ports., plan, facsim. 25 cm. (var. of Mg26) E457.L22g copies 3, 4 & 5 Authorship ascribed by Wm. H. Herndon to Chauncey Forward Black. Cf. Harper's Weekly, July 22, 191 1, p. 6. (See also item 2124. ) Copy 3 bound in dark green cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and blind-stamped design on covers. Copy 4 bound in light green cloth and copy 5 in rust-colored cloth. Both copies with heavy board covers, publisher's device gilt-stamped on spine, and gilt lettering on front cover and spine. All copies with brown end papers. Copy 5 inserted in three-quarter-closed rust-colored case. 2460. Another issue. Boston, J. R. Osgood; Lon- don, Tnibner, 1872. 25/2 cm. (var. of Mg26) E457.L22g copy 6 Title page reset. Green cloth, with design in black and gilt on covers and gilt lettering on spine. Chalky blue end papers. In light green solander case. 2461. LAMON, WARD H. A lost or missing Lincoln letter, [n. p., n. d.] 1 1. 18/2 cm. P Caption title. "From 'Recollections of Abraham Lincoln' by Ward Hill Lamon" [1895]. 2462. LAMON, WARD H. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln 1847- 1865. By Ward Hill Lamon. Edited by Dorothy Lamon. Chicago, A. C. McClurg, 1895. xvi, [g]-276 p. 2 port., facsims. (2 fold.) ig/2 cm. (Mi 168) E457 i 5 L22c °py3 Based upon letters, etc., of Lamon, compiled and edited by his daughter. Blue cloth. 2463. Another edition. Edited by Dorothy Lamon Teillard. Washington, The Editor, 191 1. xxxvi, [9]— 337 p. illus., 2 port., facsims. (1 fold.) ig/2 cm. (Mi 168 var.) E457.15.L225 copy 3 End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." "Second edition." Added material consists chiefly of notes and letters to Lamon. Green cloth. 2464. LANCASTER, BRUCE. For us the liv- ing. New York, Frederick A. Stokes, ig40. 5 p. 1., 3-556 p. 1 illus. 2 1 J/2 cm. PS3523.A46gF6 Illustrated end papers. Historical novel about the New Salem phase of Lin- coln's career. 2465. LANDON, FRED. When Lincoln became a national figure ; being the substance of an address delivered before the Lincoln Fellowship of Hamil- ton, Canada at McMaster University on the eve- ning of Saturday, February 12, 1955. [Hamilton, Lincoln Fellowship, ig55] 16 p. 21/2 cm. E457-4-L34 Cover title. 2466. LANG, FREDERICK S. Catalogue of a Lincoln collection formed by Frederick S. Lang, Boston, including original funeral sermons, eulogies, orations, addresses, biographies, memorials, anni- 225 versaries, engraved portraits and prints, together with a collection of Lincoln medals . . . Boston, Mass., C. F. Libbie [1919] 129 p. 24 cm. (M2413) Z8505.Z9L2 copy 3 At head of title: Auction sale . . . June 19th and 20th, '9'9 • • • ',757 entries. Cover inscribed: "C. T. W." Printed wrappers. 2467. LANGDON, WILLIAM CHAUNCY. Abraham Lincoln today; a war-time tribute, being the Lincoln day convocation of the University of Illinois, 1 9 18. With the addresses by President Edmund J. James . . . and Captain Fernand Baldensperger . . . Urbana, University of Illinois, 1 9 18. 47 p. illus., ports., music. 21 cm. (M2371) E457.7.L272 copy 3 "Convocation edition, February, 1 918: University edi- tion, May, 1 9 18." End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 19." 2468. LANGE, MAX. Abraham Lincoln der Wiederhersteller der nordamerikanischen Union, und der grosse Kampf der Nord- und Siidstaaten wahrend der Jahre 1861-1865. Mit 70 in den Text gedruckten Illustrationen, dem Bildnisse Abraham Lincoln's, in Stahlstick von A. Weger, sowie acht Portrats hervorragender amerikanischer Staatsmanner und Feldherren, nebst einer Orienti- rungs-Karte iiber den Kriegsschauplatz der Vereinigten Staaten. Leipzig, O. Spamer, 1866. ix, [1], 260 p. illus., 9 port., fold. map. 20J/2 cm. (Ehrentempel des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. In Biographien beruhmter Zeitgenossen. 6 bd.) (M3806) E457.L27 copies 3 & 4 Copy 3 in boards, with original blue illustrated printed wrappers bound in. In gray three-quarter-closed case. Copy 4 bound in green cloth. 2469. LANMAN, CHARLES. Biographical an- nals of the civil government of the United States, during its first century. From original and offi- cial sources. Washington, J. Anglim, 1876. 2 p. !•> [3H>, 676 p. 26/2cm. E176.L291 copy 7 Biographical sketch of Abraham Lincoln: p. 259. Tooled polished full-calf. 2470. LANMAN, CHARLES. Dictionary of the United States Congress, containing biographi- cal sketches of its members from the foundation of the government; with an appendix. Compiled as a manual of reference for the legislator and states- man. Philadelphia, Published for the Author, by J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1859. 534 p., 2 1., [31-159 p. 23/2 cm. JK1010.L3 1859 copy 4 "Lincoln, Abraham": p. 298. Plum-colored cloth with ornamental borders blind- stamped on covers and lettering gilt-stamped on spine. Yellow end papers. In wine-colored three-quarter-closed 2471. Another edition. [Washington] Govt. Print. Off., 1864. 556 P- 23/2 cm. JK1010.L3 1864 copy 4 Title abbreviated (words between "Congress" and "compiled" omitted). From different plates. (Many of the biographies have been revised and expanded.) "Lincoln, Abraham" : p. 230. Plum-colored cloth, with line borders blind-stamped on covers and lettering gilt-stamped on spine. Gray end papers. In wine-colored three-quarter-closed case. 2472. LANNIN, WILLIAM HENRY. Abra- ham Lincoln, the cabin-born pioneer American; a lecture by W. Henry Lannin. Portland, Me., W. F. Bowker, Printer, 19 15. 37 p. port. 165.4 cm. (M2192) P Printed wrappers. 2473. LARNED, JOSEPHUS N. A study of greatness in men, by J. N. Larned. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 191 1. 5 p. 1., [3]~303, [1] p. 19J/2 cm. BF412.L4 copy 3 "The lectures now somewhat expanded in print were prepared and given, in 1906, first as a public course and then repeated in the high schools [of Buffalo, N. Y.]" "Lincoln: simplest in greatness": p. [22i]-303. 2474. The Latch string, v. 44, no. 1. Cleve- land, W. S. Tyler Co. "Get out or get in line," by E. Hubbard: p. 10-18. 2475. LATHAM, MILTON S. Facsimile of a letter to Abraham Lincoln concerning the appoint- ment of Stephen J. Field as a judge of the U. S. Courts for California with the signature of Milton S. Latham, J. A. McDougall, A. A. Sargent, F. F. Low, and T. W. Phelps, together with Lincoln's autograph approval of the appointment dated Feb- ruary twenty-first 1863. [n. p., 1945?] [3] 1. facsim. 31 J/2 cm. E664.F46L3 1863a Cover title : A California document. Original in collection of Thos. W. Norris, Livermore, Calif. Stiff paper covers. In pamphlet holder. 226 2476. LATHROP, GEORGE PARSONS. Get- tysburg: a battle ode, read before the Society of the Army of the Potomac, at Gettysburg, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the battle, July 3, 1888. New- York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1888. 2 p. 1., 16 p. 20/2 cm. PS2225.G4 copy 2 Author's autographed presentation copy to Henry Abbey. Letter of transmittal laid in. Dark green half-morocco, with original printed wrap- pers bound in. 2477. LAUGHLIN, CLARA E. The death of Lincoln; the story of Booth's plot, his deed and the penalty. Illustrated from photographs. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1909. x, 336 p. illus., ports., map, facsim. 19/2 cm. (Mi 770) E 457-5 L 37 copies 4 & 5 "Clara M. Laughlin" gilt-stamped on cover of copy 4, and "Clara E. Laughlin" on cover of copy 5 (with traces of an "M" beneath the letter "E"). 2478. LAUGHLIN, CLARA E. "Our American cousin." [New York, S. S. McClure Co.] 186- 192 p. illus., ports. 24/2 em. P Caption title. Detached from McClure' s Magazine, v. 32, Dec. 1908. In pamphlet box with item 3794. 2482. LAWSON, McEWAN. Here greatness stands, the story of Abraham Lincoln. London, Lutterworth Press [1948] 108 p. 19 cm. E457.L425 copy 2 Bibliography: p. [1 1 1] 2483. [LEA, HENRY C] The record of the Democratic party, 1 860-1 865. [n. p., 1865] 39 p. 22 cm. E459.L4 copy 4 Cover title. Seal of the Western Reserve Historical Society blind- stamped on p. 1 & 39. Stamped in blue ink on p. 1 : "Wm. P. Palmer collection." 2484. LEA, J. HENRY, and J. R. HUTCHIN- SON. The ancestry of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1909. xvi, 212 p., 1 1. illus., port., map, facsims. 29 cm. (M1771) CS71.L74 1909 copy 3 "Published February 1909." Tan quarter-calf, with brownish gray sides. Leather label on spine. Untrimmed. 2485. Another issue. [ c i9og] 24^ cm. (M1771 var.) CS71.L74 1909 copy 4 Title and copyright pages reset. Dark blue buckram. 2479. LAURIE, THOMAS. Three discourses, preached in the South Evangelical Church, West Roxbury, Mass., April 13th, 19th, and 23d, 1865. Dedham, Mass., Printed by J. Cox, Jr., 1865. 40 p. 22 cm. (M591) E457.8.L38 copy 2 "Preached on Fast Day, the day of the funeral of Abraham Lincoln, and the Sabbath after the assassina- tion." "Published by request." Red three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2480. LAWRENCE, MILLARD C. The life of honest Abe, done up brown in jazzistory, by Larry Lawrence. [Milwaukee] Milwaukee Jour- nal, Public Service Bureau ["1929] 2 p. 1., 198 p. ports. 24/2 cm. (M3107) E457.L42 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 2481. LAWSON, ELIZABETH. Lincoln's third party. New York, International Publishers [1948] 48 p. 20 cm. JK2356.L3 copy 3 "Reference notes": p. 47-48. Printed wrappers. 2486. LEACOCK, STEPHEN B. Lincoln frees the slaves, by Stephen Leacock. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1934. 5 p. 1., 13-178 p. illus., port. 19^2 cm. ("Great occasions") (M3443) E457.2.L42 copy 3 2487. LEALE, CHARLES A. Lincoln's last hours. [New York? c i90g] 2 p. 1., 16 p. 23% cm. (M1772) E457.5.L43copy3 "Address delivered before the Commandery of the State of New York, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, at the regular meeting, February, 1909, city of New York, in observance of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of President Abraham Lincoln." Printed notice pasted on title page: "Compliments of the estate of Charles A. Leale, New York." Printed from different plates in item 2962. Wrappers, with raised lettering. In purple quarter- morocco slipcase. 2488. LEARNED, MARION DEXTER. Abra- ham Lincoln, an American migration; family English not German. With photographic illustra- tions. Philadelphia, W. J. Campbell, 1909. xii, 227 149 P- illus., port, map, facsim. 25/2 cm. (M1773) CS71.L74 i9ogacopy3 "Only 500 copies of this work have been printed from type, of which this is no. 178." 2489. LECOMTE, FERDINAND. Guerre des Etats-Unis d'Amerique; rapport au departement militaire Suisse, precede d'un discours a la Societe militaire federate reunie a Berne le 18 aout, 1862. Paris, C. Tanera, 1863. 216 p. fold. maps. 24/2 cm. E49 1,14.6 copy 2 "Discours du president, M. Lincoln, a la ceremonie d'installation a Washington, le 4 mars 1861": p. 171-182. "Proclamations du president Lincoln pour l'emancipa- tion des esclaves" : p. 193-198. Blue quarter-morocco. 2490. LEE, JAMES W. Abraham Lincoln: a tribute delivered, February 14, 1909, upon the oc- casion of a special memorial service. [Atlanta, 1909] 18 p. 23/2 cm. (M1774) E457.8.L47 copies 2 & 3 Copy 3 with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht and printed label: "Compliments of James W. Lee," laid in. Printed wrappers. Copy 2 (22J/2 cm., trimmed) re- bound in green half-morocco. 2491. LEE, ROBERT E. Lee's dispatches; un- published letters of General Robert E. Lee, C. S. A., to Jefferson Davis and the War Department of the Confederate States of America, 1862-65. From the private collection of Wymberley Jones De Renne, of Wormsloe, Georgia. Edited with an introduction and notes by Douglas Southall Free- man. With additional dispatches and foreword by Grady McWhiney. New York, Putnam [1957] lxxi, 416 p. port., fold. col. map. 22 cm. E470.L48 1957 copy 4 "New edition." "The first printing of this new edition ... is signed by its editor. Grady McWhiney." 2492. LEECH, MARGARET. Reveille in Washington, i860- 1865. New York, London, Harper & Bros. [ c i94i] x p., 1 1., 483, [1] p. illus., maps, facsim. 24/2 cm. E501.L4 copy 10 Map on end papers. Numerous references to Lincoln. Also chapter on Mrs. Lincoln entitled "Madam President" (p. 285-310). 2493. A Legacy of fun, by Abraham Lincoln. With a short sketch of his life. London, F. Far- rah, 1865. iv, 48 p. 17/2 cm. (M593) E 457-99- L 49 co Py 2 Printed wrappers. In brown quarter-morocco slip- case. 2494. LELAND, CHARLES G. Abraham Lin- coln. London, M. Ward, 1879. 2 4^ P- port. 18/2 cm. (The New Plutarch) (M956) E457.L52 2495. [LELAND, CHARLES G.] Ye book of copperheads. Philadelphia, F. Leypoldt, 1863. 1 p. 1., 24, [6] p. illus. 13/2 x 23/2 cm. E647.L52 copy 4 Illustrated title page with ornamental border. A collection of cartoons and satirical verses. Repub- lished, Indianapolis, 1864, as a campaign document in the Presidential campaign. By C. G. Leland and H. P. Leland. Cf. Elizabeth R. Pennell, Charles Godfrey Leland (1906, v. 1, p. 254). Printed wrappers. 2496. LELAND, HENRY M. Abraham Lin- coln; the important collection of the late Henry M. Leland. Unrestricted public auction, Thurs- day evening, June 2, 1932; public exhibition, room 919, Saturday, May 28th to June 2nd. Chicago, Chicago Book & Art Auctions [1932] 32 p. illus., port, facsims. 23 cm. (M3311) E457.65.L4 At head of title: Sale 24, June 2, 1932. Printed wrappers. 2497. LEMMON, GEORGE T. Lincoln in the light of his age. A centenary memorial. With special contributions by William Jennings Bryan, John Sharp Williams, Nelson A. Miles, David Starr Jordan, Booker T. Washington, S. Parkes Cadman, Henry Van Dyke, William A. Quayle and about forty other distinguished leaders. [New York, Cochrane Pub. Co., 1909] 15, [1] p. 23^/2 cm. E457-L55 Prospectus. 2498. LESPERUT, A. Abraham Lincoln. Paris, E. Dentu, 1865. 16 p. port, (mounted photograph) 25 cm. (M3767) E457.8.L63 In French. Printed wrappers. In red quarter-morocco slipcase. 228 2499- [LESTER, CHARLES EDWARDS] The light and dark of the rebellion. Philadelphia, George W. Childs, 1863. 303 p. 19/2 cm. E458.3.L64 copy 4 "Mr. Lincoln: — what kind of a man — what kind of a President — he is": p. 273-275. 2500. LE SUEUR, MERIDEL. Nancy Hanks of Wilderness Road, a story of Abraham Lincoln's mother. Illustrated by Betty Alden. New York, A. A. Knopf [1949] 88 p. illus. (part col.) 21 cm. E457.32.L4 copy 3 "First edition." 2501. LE SUEUR, MERIDEL. The river road; a story of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrations by Aldren A. Watson. New York, Knopf, 1954 5 P- U [3]- x 75 P-> ! l illus - 2I cm - PZ7.L565Ri copy 3 "First edition." 2502. Letters of Major Jack Downing, of the Downingville militia. New York, Van Evrie, Hor- ton, 1866. 254 p. illus. 19 cm. (M291 var.) E457.63.L4 1866 copy 2 "Third edition." Spurious letters; not by Seba Smith or Charles Au- gustus Davis. Cf. Sabin. Bibliotheca Americana, v. 20, p. 576; Blair, Walter. Native American Humor [1937], p. 41. Green cloth, with gilt-stamped spine and blind- stamped covers. Gray end papers. 2503. Another edition. London, Ward, Lock, and Tyler [1866] 256 p. iG^cm. (Beeton's humorous books) (var. of M291 ) PS991.A1M265 Issued, from different plates, under the title: Major Jack Downing of the Downingville Militia. Purple half-morocco, with marbled sides, edges, and end papers. 2504. LEUPP, FRANCIS E. The true story of Boston Corbett. A Lincoln assassination mys- tery fifty years after. [Putnam, Conn., Priv. Print, by Permission of the Author for Gilbert A. Tracy, I9 l6 l [3]- '5 P- 22 cm - E457.5.L64 Caption title. Cover title: Boston Corbett. Holograph letter from Gilbert A. Tracy to Charles T. White, dated July 7, 19 16, bound in. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2505. LEVINGER, ELMA E. A child of the frontier; a one act play about Abraham Lincoln. New York, London, D. Appleton, 1925. 3 p. 1., 19 p. 19 cm. (Appleton short plays no. 7) (M2785) PS3523.E82C5 1925 copy 3 Stamped: Geo. P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 2506. [LEVY, J. LEONARD] Abraham Lin- coln's religion. [Pittsburgh? Pa., 1909] 16 p. 23 cm. (Mi 777) E457.2.L47 copy 2 Caption title. "A lecture delivered February 7, 1909, before the Ro- deph Shalom Congregation, Pittsburgh, Pa." Issued also, with cover title, in the series: [Sunday lectures before congregation Rodeph Shalomi] Series 8, February 7, 1909, no. 15. Self-wrappers. In binder. 2507. [LEVY, J. LEONARD] The message of Lincoln; a Sunday lecture by the rabbi of the Ro- deph Shalom Congregation, Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb- ruary 12, 191 1. [Pittsburgh, 191 1] 22 p. 23 cm. [Sunday lectures before Congregation Rodeph Sha- lom. Ser. 10, no. 14] (M1988) E457.8.L664 copy 2 Cover title. "Delivered . . . by J. Leonard Levy, rabbi." Letter of transmittal from the author to Charles T. White laid in. 2508. LEVY, T. AARON. Lincoln, the politi- cian. Boston, R. G. Badger [ c 1 9 1 8] 236 p. 20 cm. (M2375) E457.L66 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 223-226. 2509. LEWIS, GREVILLE P. Abe Lincoln, a historical play. London, Epworth Press (E. C. Barton) [1937] 62, [1] p. diagrs. 18 cm. (M3577) E457.9.L66 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 2510. LEWIS, JOSEPH. Lincoln the free- thinker. New York, N. Y., The Lincoln Pub. Co. [ Cl 924] 3 P- !•> 9-3°> [1] P-> facsim. 22/2 cm. (M2711) E457.2.L48 copies 3 & 4 References: p. [31] White printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cov- er. Copy 3, covers wanting. 229 2511. Another edition. New York, Freethought Press Association [1934] 3 p. 1., 9-30, [i]p. fac- sim. 23 cm. (var. of M2711 ) E457.2.L48 1934 "8th large printing, February, 1934." Some plates new, some reset. With addition of an appendix (p. 30). Cream-colored printed wrappers. 2512. LEWIS, JOSEPH. Lincoln, the soldier (Address delivered over Station W. G. B. S.-Febru- ary 12, 1925). [n. p.] c ig25 [4] p. 24 cm. (M2786) P Caption title. 2513. LEWIS, LLOYD. Captain Sam Grant. Boston, Little, Brown, 1950. viii, 512 p. port. 22 cm. E672.L48 1950 copy 3 "First edition." "Published May 1950." 2514. LEWIS, LLOYD. Letters from Lloyd Lewis, showing steps in the research for his bi- ography of U. S. Grant. With an introduction by Robert Maynard Hutchins. Boston, Little, Brown, 1950. 83 p. 22 cm. E672.L5 copy 3 Most of the letters, written between May 5, 1945, and Apr. 18, 1949, are addressed to the author's editor, Angus Cameron. 2515. LEWIS, LLOYD. Myths after Lincoln. New York, Harcourt, Brace. ^1929] 3 p. 1., vii- x, 422 p. 22/2 cm. (M3108) E457.5.L67 copy 3 With half-title. "Sources": p. 41 1-4 14. Contents. — pt. 1. The dying god. — pt. 2. The Amer- ican Judas. — pt. 3. Altar smoke. Bound in cloth; blue back, tan sides. Spine lettered in silver Blue top. 2516. Another issue. [ c i94o] 2 p. 1., v-x, 422 p. 22 cm. (var. of M 3 1 08) E457.5.L67 1940 copy 3 With an introduction by Carl Sandburg (p. v-vi). Without half-title. Bound in blue cloth, with gold lettering on spine. Yel- low top. 2517. Another edition. New York, Press of the Readers Club [ c ig4i] xii, 367 p. 22 cm. (var. of M3108) E457.5.L67 1 94 1 copy 3 "With an introduction by Carl Sandburg." From different plates. "This edition has been designed by Arnold Bank, and the decorations drawn by him." "Sources": p. 356-359- Bound in yellow cloth; illustrated and lettered in brown. 2518. Another edition. New York, Editions for the Armed Services [^929] 415 p. 11/2 x 17 cm. (Armed services editions, 771) (var. of M3108) AC1.A8 v.771 copy 2 "With a special introduction by Carl Sandburg." Printed wrappers. In gray three-quarter-closed case. 2519. LEWIS, MONTGOMERY S. Legends that libel Lincoln. New York, Toronto, Rinehart & Co. [1946] xiii, 239 p. 21 cm. E457.L67 copy 3 "Sources": p. [225^23 1. 2520. LEWIS, OSCAR. The lost years, a bi- ographical fantasy. Illustrated by Mallette Dean. New York, Knopf , 1 95 1 . 121 p. illus. 20/2 cm. E457.9.L68 copy 3 "First edition." Story showing what might have happened to Lincoln, had he not died a martyr's death. 2521. LEWIS, TAYLER. State rights: a pho- tograph from the ruins of ancient Greece. Al- bany, Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers, 1864. 47 p. 22 cm. E458.4.U6 Cover title(?). Self- wrappers ( ?). Bound in at end of volume entitled Union Campaign Documents (item 4262). 2522. Libbie, firm, auctioneers, Boston. Cata- logue of an extensive private collection of books and pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln . . . Boston, Mass., C. F. Libbie & Co. [191 1] 115 p. 24 cm. (Mi 989) Z8505.L42 copy 3 Priced in manuscript. 1237 items. Printed wrappers. Portraits of Lincoln on covers. 2523. Liberian news. v. 11, Mar. 1926. Mon- rovia, Liberia. P "Abraham Lincoln — the seer," by E. Hertz: p. 3-5. 2524. LICHTY, DANIEL. Abraham Lincoln, a comrade's tribute to his comrade commander-in- chief in the war between the states called the Civil War for the preservation of the Union and the 230 Freedom of all its people. 1861 to 1865 A.D. . . . G. L. Nevins Post No. 1, G. A. R. . . . Rockford, 111., 1925. 18, [2] p., 1 1. 21 cm. (M1991) E457.2.L69 copy 2 "Second printing, November, 1925." "Chronology of Lincoln's life": p. [2] at end. Limp imitation leather. Portrait of Lincoln mounted on cover. 2525. LIEBER, FRANCIS. The arguments of secessionists. A letter to the Union meeting, held in New York, September 30, 1863. New York, Holman, Printer, 1863. 7 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 35) E463.L96 No. 35 4th set Cover title. Note at bottom of p. 7: Loyal leagues [etc.] Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 2526. LIEBER, FRANCIS. Lincoln oder Mc- Clellan? Aufruf an die Deutschen in Amerika. [New York, Gedruckt bei H. Ludwig, 1864] folder (4 p.) 23 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 59) (M3753) E463.L96 No. 59 3d, 4th & 5th sets Caption title. Copy 3 (21 cm., trimmed) bound in green half-mo- rocco. Copy 5 stamped: "Geo. P. Hambrecht." 2527. LIEBER, FRANCIS. Lincoln of McClel- lan? Oproep aan die Hollanders in Amerika. [New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1865] folder (4 p.) 22/2 cm. (Loyal Publication So- ciety. [Pamphlets] no. 71) (M3751) E458.4.L696 copy 2 Caption title. Dutch translation of item 2528. Bound in dark blue half-morocco. 2528. LIEBER, FRANCIS. Lincoln or MeClel- lan. Appeal to the Germans in America. Trans- lated from the German by T. C. [New York, 1864] 8 p. 22 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 67) (M304) E458.4.L694 copy 2 Caption title. Note at bottom of p. 8: Loyal leagues [etc.] Author's holograph letter, dated Nov. 16, 1864, and relating to the Yale School of Fine Arts, laid in. Self-wrappers (?). Bound in dark blue three-quarter- morocco. 2529. LIEBER, FRANCIS. No party now but all for our country. New York, C. S. Westcott & Co., Printers, 1863. 8 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Pub- lication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 16) E463.L96 No. 16 4th set Cover title. Caption title: Address read at the inaugural meeting of the Loyal National League, by the request of the League, in Union Square, New York, on the 11th of April, 1863. On cover: New York, May, 1863. Revised edition. Repaged and without title page. (An earlier edition, of the same month, has title page, one-word caption title, and is paged [i]-io.) In pamphlet holder. 2530. Another edition. Philadelphia, Crissy & Markley, Printers, 1863. 12 p. 22 cm. E458.3.L7 copy 4 Cover title. From different plates and without series statement. In envelope. 2531. LIEBER, FRANCIS. Slavery, plantations and the yeomanry. [New York, 1863] 8 p. 21/2 cm. E463.L96 No. 29 4th set Caption title (?). Note at bottom of p. 8: Loyal leagues [etc.] Previously bound. Possibly removed from cover, im- printed: New York, C. S. Westcott & Co., Printers, 1863 (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 29.) In pamphlet holder. Issued also in another edition, from different plates and without series statement, under the title: Plantations for Slave Labor. The Death of the Yeomanry. (8 p.) 2532. Life and extraordinary adventures of John H. Surratt, the conspirator. A correct account and highly interesting narrative of his doings and ad- ventures from childhood to the present time. Philadelphia, Barclay [ c i867] l P- K 21-24, 37-40, 43 -I 36 p. illus., ports., map, plan. 24/2 cm. (M596) E457.5.T41 copy 4 Cover title: Life, trial, and adventures of John H. Surratt, the conspirator. Another edition with same title page (M595) does not contain "Trial of John H. Surratt, conspirator, for the murder of Abraham Lincoln," p. 43-136. Printed wrappers, with portrait of Surratt on cover. Bound with a copy of George Alfred Townsend's The Life, Crime, and Capture of John Wilkes Booth under binder's titles: Life and crime of John Wilkes Booth and John H. Surratt (on cover) and Booth and Surratt (on spine). See item 4204. 231 2 533- The Life and public services of Hon. Abra- ham Lincoln, of Illinois, and Hon. Hannibal Ham- lin, of Maine. Boston, Thayer & Eldridge, i860. 320 p. ports. 19/2 cm. (M89) E457.L72 copy 2 "Wide-awake edition." Binder's title: Lives and speeches of Lincoln and Hamlin. The portraits are metal engravings on heavy plate paper. "Speeches of . . . Lincoln": p. [i29]-3o8. "Speech of Hamlin": p. [3091-31 8. "Letters of acceptance of Lincoln & Hamlin": p. 319-320. Correspondence between Alfred W. Stern and James W. Bollinger, relating to this "first Lincoln biography," laid in. Brown cloth with gilt lettering on spine and blind- stamped line borders on covers. 2534. Another edition. 128 p. 19 cm. (M83) E457.L721 copy 3 Reissue with resetting of title page; addition of run- ning title; and elimination of the speeches, etc., although these are listed on p. [3]-4 of the table of contents. Woodcut portraits. Portrait of Hamlin on p. [104] Bright green printed wrappers with portrait of Lin- coln on cover. In dark brown quarter-calf slipcase. 2535. Another edition. (M83 var.) E457.L721 copy 2 Considerable resetting of type in first 48 pages (e. g., table of contents reset; running title omitted; and por- tions of the text either eliminated, rearranged, or supple- mented). Pages 49-128 are from the same plates as the preceding edition with pages 49-103 a repagination of p. 50-104. Portrait of Hamlin on p. [101]; p. [104] blank. Dull green printed wrappers with portrait of Lincoln on cover. In green quarter-morocco slipcase. 2536. The Life and time of Abraham Lincoln. An exhibition of historical and artistic significance, for the benefit of the Madison Square Boys' Club. February 12-February 22, 1936. Hotel Lincoln, 44th Street and Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. [New York? 1936?] [19] p. port. 23 cm. (var. of M3546) P Catalog of 290 items on exhibition. Preface by Rufus Rockwell Wilson. Printed wrappers. 2537. Another issue. (M3546) P Dates on title page read: "February 12-April 20, 1936." 2538. The Life, campaigns, and public services of General McClellan. (George B. McClellan.) The hero of western Virginia! South Mountain! and Antietam! . . . Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson & Bros. [1864] 1 p. 1., [i7]-i84, 19, [3] p. 19 cm. E467.1.M2L7 copy 3 Twenty-two pages of advertising following p. 184. 2539. Life in letters; American autograph jour- nal, v. 3, Feb. 1940. Merion Station, Pa., Amer- ican Autograph Shop. PS672.L5 v. 3 X copy "Lincoln records his dream, April 11th, 1843": p. [i6i]-i6 3 . Letter from American Autograph Shop to A. W. Stern laid in. 2540. The Life span of Abraham Lincoln, [n. p., n. d.] [7] p. 21 cm. (M3109) P Cover title. Signed: Kessinger's Mid-West Review. Self-wrappers. 2541. The Life, speeches, and public services of Abram Lincoln, together with a sketch of the life of Hannibal Hamlin, Republican candidates for the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States. New York, Rudd & Carleton, i860. 1 1 7 p. port. 19 cm. (M92) E457.L728 copy 2 The "Wigwam Edition." Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Dark green three-quarter-morocco, with original sal- mon-colored printed wrappers bound in. 2542. Life with the Lincoln, v. 12, Feb. 1931. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. (M3274) P (2 copies) Dedication number celebrating the founding of the li- brary of the Lincoln Historical Research Foundation. 2543. LILLY, WILLIAM E. Set my people free; a Negro's life of Lincoln. New York, Far- rar & Rhinehart [ c i932] viii, 269 p. port. 22/2 cm. (M3332) E457.L732 copy 3 2544. LINCOLN, MARY (Todd). Mary Lin- coln, a letter to her cousin, Elizabeth Todd Grims- ly, September 29, 1861. [n. p.] Priv. Print., 191 7. folder ([7] p.) 20/2 cm. (M2318) E 457-25-L7 copy 2 Cover title. Manuscript note: "75 copies, H. E. Barker." Five pages of text. 232 2545- LINCOLN, ROBERT TODD. Speech of Hon. Robert T. Lincoln made at the celebra- tion of the thirty-eighth anniversary of the Lincoln- Douglas debate, Galesburg, 111., October 7, 1896. [Hancock, N. Y., Herald Print, 1921] 4 1. illus. 22 cm. (M2514) E457.4.L8 copy 2 Cover title. Caption title: Robert T. Lincoln's address. "Twenty-five copies privately printed for Chas. T. White." This copy no. 1. Two pages of text; printed on recto only. Bookplate of Charles T. White. In blue slipcase. 2546. LINCOLN, SOLOMON. Notes on the Lincoln families of Massachusetts, with some ac- count of the family of Abraham Lincoln, late Presi- dent of the U. States. Boston, D. Clapp & Son, Printers, 1865. 10 p. 22 cm. (M603) CS71.L74 1865 copy 2 Cover title (?). "Reprinted from the Historical and Genealogical Reg- ister for October, 1865." Rebound in red three-quarter-morocco. 2547. LINCOLN, WALDO. History of the Lin- coln family; an account of the descendants of Sam- uel Lincoln of Hingham, Massachusetts, 1637- 1920. Worcester, Mass., Commonwealth Press, 1923. xi, 718 p. illus., ports. 24^/2 cm. (M2646) CS71.L74 1923 copy 2 2548. [LINCOLN, WALTER GOULD]. Was Abraham Lincoln a professional politician? [Los Angeles? 1937?] 7 1. 12 cm. (M3578) P Cover title. Printed on recto only. Saint Louis, Mo., Hawkins Pub. Co., c i907. 72 numb. 1. illus., ports., facsims. 23^ x 34 cm. (M1536) E457.6.L73 copy 2 "Containing the largest collection of Lincoln por- traits that has ever been assembled in a single work. Illustrations showing his homes in Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, and many other scenes with which his life was identified. Lincoln's ideal statesman, his great po- litical opponents, famous generals of the Civil War, mem- bers of his cabinet, and many other interesting figures in our history. Fac-simile letters, speeches, quotations, genealogy, and a chronological table giving the princi- pal events of his career, with the dates of their occur- rence." Printed on one side of leaf only. "A portrait life of Lincoln: a progressive set of photo- graphs showing Abraham Lincoln as he looked in the outstanding and significant periods of his career, with descriptive captions by Dr. William E. Barton," de- tached from The Mentor, Mar. 1926, p. 51-54, laid in. 2551. Lincoln & Hamlin campaign songster. Ithaca, N. Y., i860. 1 p. 1., [3]-24 p. 14^2011. M1660.L48 Cover title: Lincoln & Hamlin songster for the presi- dential campaign of i860. Without the music; tunes indicated by title. Printed wrappers. In dark red quarter-leather slip- case. 2552. Lincoln and Hamlin; speeches of Hon. Au- gustus Frank, Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, Hon. Lyman Trumbull [and] Hon. Elihu B. Washburne at the Republican ratification meeting in Washington City, May 19, i860. [Washington City Republi- can Association, i860] 8 p. 22/2 cm. (M38) E440.L74 Caption title. 2549. Lincoln Agricultural and Art Society of America. The gospel of Lincoln, by the L. A. & A. S. of America. [Montrose, Pa., The Lincoln Agricultural and Art Society of America, c i9 1 7] [16] p. ports. 25 cm. (M2142) E457.2.L8 copy 3 Cover title. Includes several short articles by G. E. Hall, President of the Society. 2550. The Lincoln album; life of the preserver of the union, the liberator of a people, and the first American. Told by authentic pictures. 2553. Lincoln and Lowell. [New York, The Century Co.] [965]-g67 p. 23^2011. P (2 copies) Caption title. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 33, Apr. 2554. Lincoln and the land question. With a foreword by William Allen White. New York, Single Tax Pub. Co., 1937. 7, [1] p. 151/2 cm. (M3598) P Cover title. "Reprinted from Land and Freedom." Self-wrappers. 233 2 555- The Lincoln annex. Notes 9-130, 147- 177, 208-224; June 1949-March 1951, Sept. 1951- March 1952, March 1953-June 1953. (13 num- bers) Providence, R. I., Published for the Mc- Lellan Lincoln Collection by the Friends of the Library of Brown University. P "Our first interest is in . . . writings which deal only incidentally with Lincoln's life and so were specifically excluded from Monaghan's Lincoln Bibliography." 2556. Lincoln campaign of i860. Pamphlets. [v. p., i860] 48 pamphlets in 1 v. 22/2 cm. E440.L76 Title from spine. Contents: [no. 1] The Calhoun revolution: its basis and its prog- ress. Speech of Hon. J. R. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, de- livered in the United States Senate, January 3, i860. [Washington, i860] 16 p. Advertisement of the Republican Executive Congres- sional Committee on p. 16. [no. 2] Shall the territories be Africanized? Speech of Hon. James Harlan, of Iowa. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 4, i860. [Washington, i860] 8 p. Caption title, [no. 3] Douglas and popular sovereignty. Speech of Carl Schurz, of Wisconsin, in Hampden hall, Spring- field, Mass., January 4, i860. Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers [i860] 8 p. Caption title, [no. 4] Speech of Hon. Thomas Corwin, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, January 23 and 24, i860. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, i860] 30 p., 1 1. Caption title. "In vindication of the doctrines of the Republican party." Advertisement of the Republican Executive Congres- sional Committee, p. [32] [no. 5] Aggressions of the slave power; speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, in reply to Hon. Jef- ferson Davis. Delivered in the Senate, January 29, i860. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, i860?] 8 p. Caption title, [no. 6] Speech of John P. Hale, of New Hampshire, in the Senate of the United States, February 14, i860. [Washington, i860] 15, [1] p. Caption title. - Advertisement of Republican Executive Congressional Committee on last page. [no. 7] The Address of the Hon. Abraham Lincoln, in vindication of the policy of the framers of the Constitu- tion and the principles of the Republican party, delivered at Cooper Institute, February 27th, i860, issued by the Young men's Republican Union . . . with notes by Charles C. Nott & Cephas Brainerd . . . New York, G. F. Nesbitt & Co., Printers, i860. 32 p. (var.(?) of M68) Cover title (?). Self-wrappers ( ? ) . [no. 8] The State of the country. Speech of William H. Seward, in the United States Senate, February 29, i860. [Washington, i860] 8 p. Caption title. [no. 9] Free homes for free men. Speech of Hon. G. A. Grow, of Pennsylvania. Delivered in the House of Repre- sentatives, February 29, i860. [Washington, i860] 8 p. Caption title. Advertisement of Republican Executive Congressional Committee at foot of p. 8. [no. 10] True democracy-history vindicated. Speech of Hon. C. H. Van Wyck, of New York. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 7, i860. [Washington, Republican Executive Congressional Committee, i860] 16 p. Caption title. Advertisement of Republican Executive Congres- sional Committee at bottom of p. 16. [no. 11] "Posting of the books between the North and the South." Speech of Hon. John J. Perry, of Maine. Delivered in the U. S. House of Representatives, March 7, i860. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, i860] 16 p. Caption title. [no. 12] Speech of Hon. J. Collamer, of Vermont, on slavery in the territories. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, Mar. 8, i860. [Washington] Printed by L. Towers [i860] 24 p. Caption title. [no. 13] The Homestead bill. Speech of Hon. M. S. Wilkinson, of Minnesota. [Washington, i860] 8 p. Caption title. [no. 14] The Barbarism of slavery. Speech of Hon. Owen Lovejoy, of Illinois. Delivered in the U. S. House of Representatives, April 5, i860. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, i860?] 8 p. Caption title. [no. 15] Admission of Kansas. Speech of Hon. Marcus J. Parrott, of Kansas. Delivered in the House of Repre- sentatives, April 10, i860. Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, i860. 14 p. Cover title. Advertisement of Republican Executive Congressional Committee: p. [4] of cover. [no. 16] Address of Montgomery Blair, before the Mary- land State Republican Convention, at Baltimore, April 26, i860. Washington, Buell & Blanchard, i860. 8 p. Cover title. "Published by the Congressional Republican Corn- Committee." Self-wrappers. [no. 1 7] Legislative protection to the industry of the people. Speech of Hon. Alexander H. Rice, of Mass. Delivered in the House of Representatives, April 26, 234 i860. [Washington, Congressional Republican Commit- tee, i860?] 8 p. Caption title, [no. 18] The Claims of agriculture. Speech of Hon. John Carey, of Ohio. Delivered in the United States House of Representatives, April 27, i860. [Washing- ton, i860?] 7, [1] p. Caption title. Advertisement of Republican Executive Congres- sional Committee on p. [8]. [no. 19] Speech of Hon. John B. Alley, of Mass., on the principles and purposes of the Republican party. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, Monday, April 30, i860. [Washington, i860] 8 p. Cover title. Advertisement of Republican Executive Congressional Committee at bottom of p. 8. Self-wrappers, [no. 20] Southern sectionalism. Speech of Hon. John Hickman, of Penn. Delivered in the U. S. House of Representatives, May 1, i860. [Washington, i860] 8 p. Caption title. [no. 21] Freedom v. slavery. Speech of John Hutchins, of Ohio. Delivered in the U.S. House of Representa- tives, May 2, i860. [Washington, i860] 7, [1] p. Caption title, [no. 22] Negro equality — the right of one man to hold property in another — the Democratic party a disunion party — the success of the Republican party the only sal- vation for the country. Speech of Hon. Benjamin Stan- ton, of Ohio. Delivered in the U.S. House of Represen- tatives, May 3, i860. [Washington, Republican Congres- sional Committee, i860] 8 p. Caption title, [no. 23] Mutual interest of the farmer and manufac- turer. Speech of Hon. Carey A. Trimble, of Ohio. De- livered in the House of Representatives, May 5, i860. [Washington, Republican Congressional Committee, i860?] 8 p. Caption title, [no. 24] Revenue and expenditures. Speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio. Delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, May 7, i860. [Washington, i860] 8 p. Caption title. Advertisement of Republican Executive Congressional Committee at foot of p. 8. [no. 25] Bill and report of John A. Bingham, and vote on its passage, repealing the territorial New Mexican laws establishing slavery and authorizing employers to whip "white persons" and others in their employment, and denying them redress in the courts. [Washington? i860] 7, [1] p. Caption title. Advertisement of Republican Executive Congressional Committee on p. [8] [no. 26] The Issues: the Dred Scott decision: the par- ties. Speech of Hon. Israel Washburn, jun., of Maine, Delivered in the House of Representatives, May 19, i860. [Washington? Congressional Republican Committee, i860?] 16 p. Caption title. [no. 27] Defence of the national Democracy against the attack of Judge Douglas — constitutional rights of the states. Speech of Hon. J. P. Benjamin, of La. Deliv- ered in the Senate of the United States, May 22, i860. [Washington, i860] 16 p. Caption title. [no. 28] Success of the Calhoun revolution: the Consti- tution changed and slavery nationalized by the usurpa- tions of the Supreme Court. Speech of Hon. James M. Ashley, of Ohio. Delivered in the U.S. House of Rep- resentatives, May 29, i860. Washington, Buell & Blanch- ard, Printers, i860. 30 p. Cover title. Republican platform. Adopted by the Chicago Con- vention, May 17, i860, p. [29]— 30. [no. 29] The Republican party a necessity. Speech of Charles Francis Adams, of Massachusetts. Delivered in the House of Representatives, May 31, i860. [Wash- ington, i860] 7, [1] p. Caption title. Advertisement of Republican Executive Congressional Committee on p. [8] [no. 30] The Barbarism of slavery . . . Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, on the bill for the admission of Kansas as a free state. In the United States Senate, June 4, i860. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, i860] Caption title. "Republished by the Congressional Republican Com- mittee." [no. 31] Speech of Hon. Richard Yates, delivered at the Republican Ratification Meeting, of the citizens of Sangamon County, in the hall of the House of Repre- sentatives, Springfield, June 7th, i860. [Springfield, 111., Bailhache & Baker, i860] 12 p. ([Journal campaign documents, no. 5]) (var. ofMg3) Caption title. Advertisement for Journal campaign documents on p. 12. [no. 32] Investigation of public printing, May 31, i860. — Submitted. June 12, i860 — Ordered to be printed. Mr. Slidell submitted the majority report. Mr. King, chairman of the Select Committee, submitted the following as the Views of the minority. [Washing- ton] Republican Congressional Committee [i860?] 8 p. (36th Cong., 1st sess., Senate. Rep. com. no. 205.) Caption title. [no. 33] Frauds in naval contracts. Speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio. Delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, June 13, i860. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, i860] 8 p. Caption title. [no. 34] Political issues and presidential candidates. Speech of Hon. John Hickman, in Concert hall, Phila- 235 delphia, Tuesday evening, July 24, i860. [Philadelphia? i860?] 8 p. Caption title. At head of title: From the Chester County (Pennsyl- vania) times. [no. 35] The Great issue of American politics. Speech of Carl Schurz, of Wisconsin, at Verandah hall, St. Louis, Missouri, August 1, i860. [Washington, i860] 14 p., 1 1. Caption title. Advertisement of Republican Executive Congressional Committee on verso of final leaf. [no. 36] The Danger of throwing the election of Presi- dent into Congress. Speech of David Dudley Field, de- livered at Philadelphia, August 20, i860. [Washington, i860] 7, [i]p. Caption title. Advertisement of Republican Executive Congressional Committee on last page. [no. 37] Conservatism and reform. Speech of Charles Francis Adams, of Mass., in National Hall, Philadelphia, August 28, i860. [Washington, Congressional Repub- lican Committee, i860?] 8 p. Caption title. [no. 38] Review of southern aggressions upon the North. [Chicago? i860] 51 p. Cover title. Copyright by John Borden. [no. 39] Pure extracts from the speeches and writings of old line Democrats. [Chicago? 111., i860?] 15 p. Caption title. Signed: John M. Vanosdel. "Poetical speech. Delivered before the Republican Club, Bristol, 111.": p. [1 i]-i 5 . [no. 40] Salient points of the campaign. No. 1. A tract issued by the 111. Republican State Central Com- mittee, [n. p., i860] 16 p. Caption title. Includes Judge Edward Bates letter in support of Lin- coln and Hamlin and Lincoln's and Hamlin's letters of acceptance. [no. 41] Political record of Stephen A. Douglas on the slavery question. A tract issued by the Illinois Re- publican State Central Committee, [n. p., i860] 16 p. Caption title. "Third edition, revised and enlarged." [no. 42] The Views and sentiments of Henry Clay and Abraham Lincoln on the slavery question, [n. p., i860] 4 p. (M16) Item 1 1 14, another copy, [no. 43] Homesteads. The Republicans and settlers against Democracy and monopoly. The record. [Wash- ington, Republican Congressional Committee, i860?] 16 p. Caption title. [no. 44] Federalism unmasked; or, The rights of the states, the Congress, the executive, and the people vin- dicated against the encroachments of the judiciary, prompted by the modern apostate democracy. Being a compilation from the writings and speeches of the lead- ers of the old Jeffersonian Republican party. By Daniel R. Goodloe. [Washington, i860] 15, [1] p. Caption title. Advertisement of the Republican Executive Congres- sional Committee on p. [16] [no. 45] Judge Douglas — the bill of indictment. Speech by Carl Schurz. Delivered at the Cooper Institute, New York, Sept. 13, i860. [New York, i860] 23, [1] p. (Tribune tracts. — no. 9) Caption title. Putnam, J. O. The principles at issue. A speech at the Cooper Institute, September 13, i860: p. 20-23. [no. 46] The Constitutionality and rightfulness of seces- sion. Speech of Hon. Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, in the Senate of the United States . . . December 18, and 19, i860, [n. p., i860] 23 p. Caption title, [no. 47] Speech of Hon. B. F. Wade, of Ohio, on the state of the Union, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Dec. 17, i860. Washington, M'Gill & Witherow, Printers, i860. 15 p. Cover title. Self-wrappers, [no. 48] Speech of the Hon. James R. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, on the bill to organize the territory of Ari- zuma. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, December 27, i860. [Washington, W. H. Moore, Printer, 1861?] 16 p. Caption title. 2557. Lincoln campaign songster. For the use of clubs. Containing all of the most popular songs. Philadelphia, Mason, 1864. 16 p. 11 cm. (M323) M1660.L5 copy 2 Without music; tunes indicated by title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Printed wrappers. In greenish-gray slipcase. 2558. The Lincoln catechism wherein the ec- centricities & beauties of despotism are fully set forth. A guide to the Presidential election of 1864. New York, J. F. Feeks [1864] 46 p. 18/2 cm. (M324) E458.4.L76 copy 2 Cut of Negro on title page. Two pages of advertising following p. 46. Tan polished half-calf, with original tan printed wrappers bound in. 2559. Another edition. of M324) [19 — ?] 17/2 cm. (var. E458.4.L76 copy 3 Cover title. From different plates. White paper wrappers. (The front cover, p. [1], is a facsimile of the title page, p. [1], of the 1864 edition.) 236 2560. Lincoln Centennial Corporation, Lincoln, III. Centennial Booklet Committee. The name- sake town, a centennial history of Lincoln, Illinois. Lincoln, 111., Feldman's Print Shop, 1953. 80 p. illus., ports., facsims. 28 cm. F549.L7L44 Printed wrappers. 2561. Lincoln Centennial Incorporated presents the dramatic spectacle "Lincoln, 'Tis of thee," a John B. Rogers production . . . Given by and for the citizens of Lincoln, Illinois . . . Logan county fairgrounds, 8: 15 p. m., September 1-2-3-4, x 953- [n. p., 1953] [5] p. 28 cm. P Cover title. 2562. The Lincoln centennial medal, presenting the medal of Abraham Lincoln by Jules Edouard Roine together with papers on the medal ; its origin and symbolism by George N. Olcott and the Lin- coln centennial commemoration by Richard Lloyd Jones and certain characteristic utterances of Abraham Lincoln. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1908. 1 1., x, 70 p. port, (silvered bronze medal) 19J/2 cm. (M1621) E457.65.L73 copy 5 "The silver edition of the Lincoln centennial medal is limited to one hundred copies . . . no. 17." First line of p. vii duplicates last line of p. vi. White cloth, with silver lettering on cover and spine. Silver edges. Medal mounted in cardboard. 2563. Another issue, x, 70 p. port, (bronze medal) 19/2 cm. (M1621 var.) E457-65-L73 copy 4 Page vii reset. Five pages of advertising at end. Blue cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. Gilt edges. Medal mounted in cardboard. 2564. Lincoln Circuit Marking Association . . . [n. p., n. d.] folder ([2] p.) 23 cm. (M2586) P Cover title. History of the 8th judicial circuit with some Lincoln quotes. Cover illustration of Lincoln statue. 2565. [Lincoln Circuit Marking Association.] A Lincoln memorial, [n. p., n. d.] [5] p. 15/2 cm. P Cover title. 2566. Lincoln: Civil War and Reconstruction pamphlets, 1861-1870. [v. p., 1861-1870] 28 pamphlets in 1 v. 21/2 cm. (nos. 15-17, 20/2 cm.) E458.L736 Binder's title. Contents: [no. 1] Speech of Hon. E. D. Baker, of Oregon, de- livered in the Senate of the United States, January 2d, and 3d, 1 86 1, upon the secession question. Washing- ton, H. Polkinhorn, Printer [1861] 31 p. Caption title, [no. 2] Message of his excellency Richard Yates, Gov- ernor of Illinois, to the General Assembly, January 5, 1863. Springfield, Baker & Phillips, Printers, 1863. 50 p. Cover title, [no. 3] State of the union. Speech of Hon. James Harlan, of Iowa, in the Senate, January 11, 1861. [Washington, H. Polkinhorn, 186 1 ?] 15, [1] p. Caption title, [no. 4] The Union. Speech of William H. Seward, in the Senate of the United States, January 12, 1861. [Washington, Printed at the Office of the Congressional Globe, 1 861] 8 p. Caption title, [no. 5] Inaugural address of Richard Yates, Governor of Illinois [on Jan. 14, 1 86 1] [Springfield, 1861] 24 p. Caption title, [no. 6] Defense of New England and the Union. Speech of the Hon. John J. Perry of Maine, delivered in the House of Representatives, January 17, 1 86 1 . [n. p., W. H. Moore, Printer, 1 86 1?] 8 p. Caption title, [no. 7] Shall the United States be coerced by a state? Speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, delivered in the House of Representatives, January 18, 1861. [Wash- ington, 1 861] 8 p. Caption title, [no. 8] State of the Union. Speech of Hon. Sherrard Clemens, of Virginia, in the House of Representatives, January 22, 1861. [Washington, Printed at the Office of the Congressional Globe, 1861] 8 p. Caption title, [no. 9] State of the Union. Speech of Hon. Emerson Etheridge, of Tennessee, delivered in the House of Rep- resentatives, Jan. 23, 1 86 1. Washington, Printed by H. Polkinhorn, 1861. 15 p. Cover title? [no. 10] Independence of the south. Speech of Hon. Roger A. Pryor, of Virginia, on the resolutions reported by the Committee of thirty-three. Washington, Printed by H. Polkinhorn, 1 86 1 . 8 p. Cover title? [no. 11] Speech of John P. Hale, on the state of the Union, Thursday, January 31, 1861. [Washington, Pol- kinhorn's Steam Print. Off., 1861] 16 p. Caption title, [no. 12] Speech of Hon. Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, on the state of the Union; delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 5 and 6, 1861. Washing- ton, Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1861. 28 p. Cover title. 237 [no. 13] Speech of Hon. H. Winter Davis, of Mary- land, on Mr. Corwin's report; delivered in the House of Representatives, February 7, 1861. [Washington, Printed by L. Towers, 186 1 ?] 16 p. Caption title, [no. 14] The Crittenden compromise — a surrender. Speech of Henry Wilson, of Mass., delivered in the Sen- ate February 21st, 1 861, on the resolutions of Mr. Crit- tenden proposing amendments to the constitution of the United States, [n. p. ,1861?] 16 p. Caption title, [no. 15] The Outlawry of a race. Speech of Hon. El- liott Anthony, Delegate from (Chicago), Cook County, delivered in the Constitutional Convention of Illinois February 12, 1862, on the proposition To forever pro- hibit negroes or mulattoes from migrating into or settling in the state. [Springfield, 111., 1862] 8 p. Caption title, [no. 16] Is a constitutional convention a legislature? Speech of Hon. Elliott Anthony, Delegate from (Chi- cago), Cook Co., delivered in the Constitutional Con- vention of Illinois, February 12, 1862 . . . Springfield, 111., 1862. 13 p. Caption title, [no. 17] Shall the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus ever be suspended in this state? Speech of Hon. El- liott Anthony, Delegate from Cook County, delivered in the Constitutional Convention, of the State of Illinois, March 6th, 1862 . . . [n. p., 1862?] 9 p. Caption title, [no. 18] Confiscation of rebel property. Remarks of Hon. Owen Lovejoy, of Illinois, in reply to Messrs. Crit- tenden and Wickliffe of Ky., delivered in the House of Representatives, April 24, 1862. [Washington, Scammell & Co., Printers, 1862] 8 p. Caption title, [no. 19] General Burnside's Order no. 84, suppressing the Chicago times, and its history. [Chicago? 1864?] 8 p. Caption title, [no. 20] Report of the Congressional Committee on the Operations of the Army of the Potomac. Causes of its inaction and ill success. Its several campaigns. Why M'Clellan was removed. The battle of Fredericksburg. Removal of Burnside. New York, The Tribune Associ- ation, 1863. 31 p. (The Tribune war tracts, no. 1) Cover title. Reprinted from Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, pt. 1, Washington, 1863. The journal of the Committee and the testimony are omitted from the reprint. [no. 21] McClellan: from Ball's Bluff to Antietam, by George Wilkes. New York, S. Tousey, 1863. 40 p. . Part of a series of articles which first appeared in Wilkes' Spirit of the Times, July 9, 1862-March 30, 1863 (cf. Pref.) and a later edition, with slight addi- tions, of the author's McClellan: Who he is and What he Has Done. [no. 22] The Farmer's question [two letters written in Jan. 1865, addressed to the Hon. Schuyler Colfax and signed by Henry C. Carey] [Philadelphia? 1865?] 24 p. Caption title, [no. 23] The Currency question, [five letters written in Feb. 1865, addressed to the Hon. Schuyler Colfax and signed by Henry C. Carey] [Philadelphia, Collins, Printer, 1865] 40 p. Caption title, [no. 24] The Promises of the Declaration of independ- ence. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln delivered before the municipal authorities of the City of Boston, June 1, 1865, by Charles Sumner. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1865. 61 p. (M756) Cover title. See also item 4065. [no. 25] Report of the Joint Committee on Reconstruc- tion. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1866] 16 p. Caption title, [no. 26] Speech of Hon. W. P. Fessenden, of Maine, on the resolution relating to the admission of senators and representatives from the Confederate States; delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 23, 1866. Washington, Chronicle Book and Job Print, 1866. 24 p. Cover title? [no. 27] Validity of slave marriages. Opinion by Hon. James B. Bradwell, Probate Judge [County Court of Cook County, 111.] Chicago, E. B. Myers & Chandler, 1866. 23 p. Cover title, [no. 28] Removal of the Capital. Speech of Hon. John A. Logan, of Illinois, delivered in the House of Representatives, January 22, 1870. Washington, F. & J. Rives & G. A. Bailey, 1870. 16 p. Cover title? 2567. Lincoln Club, Brooklyn. The Lincoln Club of Brooklyn, N. Y. [Brooklyn] Club House, 1900. 40 p. 1 illus. 20/2 cm. HS2725.B8L52 Contains declaration of principles, by-laws, house rules, and list of members. "The Lincoln Club Bulletin, March 1900" ([4] p.) inserted. Stamped on title page: University Club Library, Sept. 29, 1900. 2568. Lincoln Club, Los Angeles. Addresses de- livered at the annual dinners of the Lincoln Club of Los Angeles, 1 921-1940. [Los Angeles] Priv. Print, for the Lincoln Club of Los Angeles, 1940. 6 p. 1., 279 p. illus., ports., facsim. 24^/2 cm. E457.7.L64 copy 3 "This edition is limited to two hundred copies of which this is number 136." "Books about Lincoln owned by the Lincoln Club": p. [2691-274. "Roster of the Lincoln Club": p. [2751-279. Brown quarter-morocco. 238 2569. Lincoln Club, Los Angeles. One hundred and eighteenth anniversary of the birth of Abra- ham Lincoln, observed by the Lincoln Club of California, at the California Club, Los Angeles, California, Saturday, February 12th, 1927. [Los Angeles, 1927] [27] p. port. 22 cm. (M2958 var.) P Enclosed is a letter of transmittal from Edward A. Dickson to Charles T. White. Printed wrappers. 2570. Lincoln Club, St. Louis. Address to the Union men of Missouri. [St. Louis, 1864] 8 p. 21/2 cm. (M270) E458.4.L764 Caption title. A plea for the reelection of Lincoln. Self-wrappers. 2571. The Lincoln digest. Bulletin no. 2-10, [1939?] Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. (cf. M3723) P 2572. Lincoln-Douglas Society, Free port, III. Freeport's Lincoln. Unveiling at 71st anniversary Lincoln-Douglas debate, Freeport, 111., August 27, 1929. Freeport, 111., The Lincoln-Douglas Society, 1929. 24 p. illus., ports. 23 x 1 0/2 cm. (M3128) E457.7.L67 copies 3, 4 & 5 Illustrated title page. Cover title: Unveiling at 71st anniversary Lincoln- Douglas debate. Contents. — The statue, by Leonard Crunelle. — Lin- coln still lives with his own people, by W. T. Rawleigh. — "The fate of the nation was decided at Freeport that day," by F. L. Holmes. — Abraham Lincoln chronology . . . [by] L. A. Warren. Printed wrappers. See also item 161 1. 2573. The Lincoln family magazine, v. 1, no. 1-4, Jan., Apr., July, Oct. 1916; v. 2, no. 1-2, Jan., Apr. 19 1 7. New York, William M. Clemens. CS71.L74 1916 2574. Lincoln farm almanac. 1909. [Philadel- phia] W. Atkinson, c i9o8. 48 p. illus. 20 cm. (M1665) E457.2.L83 1909 Cover title. "Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1909": p. 13-22. (Anec- dotal.) 2575. Lincoln Farm Association. Club subscrip- tion sheet of the Lincoln Farm Association. [New York, 1909?] folder ([8] p.) illus. 21 cm. (M1793) ' P Cover title. 2576. Lincoln Farm Association. The Lincoln centenary; program of the national centenary cele- bration together with the report of the Executive Committee of the Lincoln Farm Association and other matters in connection with the Lincoln Birth- place Memorial. New York, 1909. 40 p. illus., map. 19 cm. (Mi 785) E457.7.L69 Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 2577. Lincoln Farm Association. Report of the chairman of the executive committee to honorary members of the Lincoln Farm Association concern- ing the progress of the memorial building. New York, 19 10. folder ([4] p.) illus. 27/2 cm. P Caption title. 2578. Lincoln Fellowship, New York. First an- nual meeting and dinner of the Lincoln Fellow- ship, held at Delmonico's, New York City, Wednes- day, February 12th, 1908. New York, The Lin- coln Fellowship [1908?] [5] p. port. 24 cm. (M1595) P Printed wrappers. 2579. Lincoln Fellowship, New York. In me- moriam: William Harrison Lambert, May, 1842- June, 191 2; first president of the Lincoln Fellow- ship. Edited by the first vice-president [J. G. Wilson] New York, Lincoln Fellowship, 191 2. 36, [3] P- port. 24 cm. (Publications of the Lincoln Fellowship of New York, no. 4) E457-7- L 733 no -4 2d set "250 copies printed." Printed wrappers. 2580. Lincoln Fellowship, New York. Proceed- ings at the . . . annual meeting and dinner of the Lincoln fellowship, held at Delmonico's, New York City . . . ist-4th. 1908-1911. New York, The Lincoln Fellowship [ c 1 908-1 1] 3 V. ports. 23 cm. (M1596, M1929, M1994) E457.7.L73 Covers inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 1916." Printed wrappers. 2581. Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin. The Lincoln statue at the University of Wisconsin, erected 1909; addresses at ceremonies of accept- 239 ance and of dedication of the only replica of statue by Adolph A. Weinman at Hodgenville, Kentucky. Madison, 1950. 17 p. illus., ports. 26 cm. (Its Historical bulletin no. 8) F589.M1L5 copy 2 Cover title. "This edition limited to 750 copies." Self-wrappers. 2582. Lincoln Foundation, Inc., Springfield, III. [Manuscripts] [no.] 1-4. Springfield, [J. C. Thompson (?)] 1922-26. 4 nos. ports., maps. 23 cm. (M2587) E457.909.L5 2d set Title from caption. Cover title : Lincoln. Contents. — no. 1. [Constitution and by-laws]. — no. 2 [1st ed.] Did Mr. Lincoln play hand ball during the National Convention of i860? Where did Mr. Lincoln first receive the news of his nomination? — no. 2, rev. ed. Where did Mr. Lincoln first receive the news of his nomi- nation? Did Mr. Lincoln play hand ball?— no. 3. The Farewell address [at Springfield]. — no. 4. The Last phase; a fragment. No. 2 [1st ed.] (13 p. 1924) is without cover title and from different plates than no. 2, rev. ed. (15 p. 1925) No. 2, rev. ed., and no. 3 signed : J. C. Thompson. No. 1 autographed by Thompson. The collection also includes one "X" copy of no. 2 [1st ed.]; and two "X" copies of no. 4, one an inscribed presentation copy from Thompson to George P. Ham- brecht with ms. note: "Edition limited to 100 copies." 2583. Lincoln Group of Boston. A check-list of Lincolniana, by the late F. Lauriston Bullard, compiled by Elwin L. Page. A review of Dr. Bullard's book Lincoln in marble and bronze, by Elmer Munson Hunt. Personal recollections of Dr. Bullard by two fellow-Lincolnians, William H. Townsend and Harry E. Pratt. [Boston?] 1953. 12 p. 28 cm. Z8505.L48 Cover title. Planographed. Stapled at top. 2584. Lincoln Group of Chicago. Lincoln group papers; the ten addresses delivered before the Lincoln Group of Chicago, 1934-1935. on varied aspects of Abraham Lincoln's life and interests. First series. Edited for the Lincoln group by Douglas C. McMurtrie. Chicago, Black Cat Press, 1936. 161 p., 1 1. 24 cm. (M3529) E457.8.L74 3d & 4th sets, ser. 1 "300 copies." 3d copy with bookplate mounted on end paper: Jesse Lowe Smith Memorial Lincoln Collection Presented to the Highland Park Library by Alfred Whital Stern. Contents.- — Introductory note. — no. 1. A new por- trait of Lincoln's childhood environment, by R. Gerald McMurtry. — no. 2. The unfathomable Lincoln, by Blaine Brooks Gernon. — no. 3. Lincoln in art, by Rexford New- comb. — no. 4. Contemporary close-ups of Lincoln, by Paul M. Angle. — no. 5. The individuality of Lincoln, by Benjamin P. Thomas. — no. 6. The Lincoln conspiracy trial, by John W. Curran. — no. 7. The romance of Alton, by Otto Eisenschiml. — no. 8. The Dixon Abraham Lincoln- Jefferson Davis tradition, by Frank E. Stevens. — no. 9. Pinkerton and the Baltimore scare, by Clint Clay Tilton. — no. 10. Lincoln's favorite poem, by M. L. Houser. 2585. Lincoln Group of Chicago. Lincoln group papers; twelve addresses delivered before the Lincoln Group of Chicago on varied aspects of Abraham Lincoln's life and interests. Second series. Chicago, J. H. Ripstra, 1945. 231 p. port. 24 cm. E457.8.L74 3d set ser. 2 Ms. note on end paper: "This volume is no. 68 of a limited edition of 500 copies. [Signed] J. H. Ripstra." Paper label of the Lincoln Group mounted on front end paper and inscribed: "J. Henri Ripstra, April 24, 1945." Contents. — Introductory note. — [no. 1] Some reli- gious influences which surrounded Lincoln, by M. L. Houser. — [no. 2] Intellectual New Salem in Lincoln's day, by Fern Nance Pond. — [no. 3] Lincoln's hope deferred, by Muriel Bernitt Drell. — [no. 4] The Lincoln-Douglas debates, by Harry J. Lytle. — [no. 5] Two hours and two minutes or Lincoln and Everett at Gettysburg, by Beverly W. Howe. — [no. 6] The international aspects of Lincoln's life, by Marshall Solberg. — [no. 7] The growth and ad- ministration of the estate of Abraham Lincoln, 1861- 1868, by Harry E. Pratt. — [no. 8] Abraham Lincoln's partner, Billy Herndon, by Horace Saunders. — [no. 9] Ward Hill Lamon in Bloomington, Illinois, by Clint Clay Tilton. — [no. 10] Lincoln and Ingersoll, by Ernest E. East. — [no. 1 1] Abraham Lincoln — a living textbook in honorable professional politics, by Ralph G. Lindstrom.- — - [no. 12] What I have learned from Abraham Lincoln, by Edgar DeWitt Jones. 2586. Lincoln Guard of Honor. Organization and objects of the Lincoln Guard of Honor, and first memorial service, held on the fifteenth anni- versary of the death of Abraham Lincoln, Spring- field, Illinois, April 15th, 1880. [Springfield, 111., State Journal, Printers, 1880] 14 p., 1 1. port. 22/2 cm. (M968) E457.52.L74 copy 2 & X copy X copy inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Copy 2 in light gray printed wrappers, rebound in brown half-morocco. X copy bound in brownish-gray printed wrappers. 2587. Lincoln herald, v. 28, Feb. 1924; v. 28, Nov. 1924; v. 29, Feb. 1927; v. 31, July-Aug. 240 1929; v - 35, J une '933; v - 4°-5' 5 Oct. 1937-Dec. 1949; v. 44, Feb. 1942; v. 52, Dec. 1950. Harro- gate, Term., Lincoln Memorial University. E457.M887 v. 28, [etc.] X copy Issues Feb. 1924 to June 1933 appeared under title of Mountain Herald. "Lincoln number": v. 28, Feb. 1924. "Nancy Hanks issue": v. 28, Nov. 1924. "Lincoln," a poem by C. Noe: v. 29, Feb. 1927, p. 13-14- "The Lincoln Room"; "Lin- colniana" Department; "Lincoln, the man the world loves," by J. A. Bates: v. 31, July-Aug. 1929, p. 4-9; 39-43 ; 45-48. "How a friend remembers Lincoln," by J. S. Stearns: v. [35] June 1933, p. n, 21. "The Lin- colns in Tennessee," part III, by S. C. Williams; Review of Abraham Lincoln's Letter to Major General Joseph Hooker Dated January 26, 1863, with signed manuscript of review dedicated to A. W. Stern laid in: v. 44, Feb. 1942, p. 2-9; 29-30. "Mr. Lincoln's light from under a Bushel — 1850," by R. F. Lufkin; "Walt Whitman and Abraham Lincoln," by G. Seiler; "Lincoln patriotics," by R. Marsh; v. 52, Dec. 1950, p. 2-20; 42-47, 53; 4 8 -53- Three copies of v. 28, Feb. 1924, are present in the col- lection. Vols. 40-51, Oct. 1937-Dec. 1949, are bound in three volumes; unanalyzed. 2588. The Lincoln kinsman. No. 1-48; July 1938-June 1942. Fort Wayne, Ind. [Lincolniana Publishers] CS71.L74 1938 2d set Editor: L. A. Warren. Genealogical. 2589. Lincoln lore. no. 1-1081. Apr. 15, 1929- Dec. 26, 1949. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln Na- tional Life Insurance Co. 1801 nos. in 7 v. E457.L74 3d set Issued by the Lincoln Historical Research Foundation, 1929-32. Nos. 769-925 (v. 6) wanting. 2590. Lincoln-McClellan campaign pamphlets. [v. p.] 1864. 49 pamphlets in 1 v. 23 cm. E458.4.L765 Title from spine. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Contents : [no. 1] The Democratic platform. General McClellan's letter of acceptance. [New York? 1864] 7, [1] p. (Campaign document, no. 1) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . "Republican platform [Lincoln's 'to whom it may con- cern' letter of July 18, 1864]": p. 2. (An editorial at- tack upon the letter follows on p. 3-7.) [no. 2] Speech of Judge Geo. F. Comstock, delivered at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. [New York? 1864] 8 p. (Campaign document, no. 2) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . "Watchwords for patriots [mottoes for the campaign selected from General McClellan's writings]": p. 8. [no. 3] Complete report on the organization and cam- paigns of the Army of the Potomac, by Major-General George B. McClellan. [New York, 1864] 142, [1] p. (Campaign document, no. 3) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . "Watchwords for patriots": p. [143] [no. 4] The Life and services of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan. [New York, 1864] 63, [1] p. 22 cm. (Campaign docu- ment, no. 4) Cover title(?) At head of title : Sold at 1 3 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . "Watchwords for patriots" : p. [64] Self-wrappers ( ?) [no. 5] West Point oration, by Gen. George B. Mc- Clellan. [New York, 1864] 8 p. 22 cm. (Campaign document, no. 4 J/2) Caption title. At head of title: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . "General McClellan's letter of acceptance" : p. 7-8. "Republican platform [i. e. letter of Lincoln]" : p. 8. [no. 6] General McClellan's peninsula campaign. Re- view of the Report of the Committee on the Conduct of the War relative to the peninsula campaign, by Hiram Ketchum. [New York] 1864. 72 p. Cover title. Papers originally published in the Journal of Com- merce. "Watchwords for patriots" : p. 72. Self-wrappers. [no. 7] Speech of Governor Parker at Freehold, N. J., Aug. 20, 1864. Subject: Our national troubles — their causes and the remedy. [New York, 1864] 8 p. (Cam- paign document, no. 6) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . [no. 8] Hon. George Ticknor Curtis, on constitutional liberty. [New York, 1 864] [3]- 10 p. (Campaign docu- ment, no. 7) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . "Watchwords for patriots": p. 10. [no. 9] Speech of Hon. Edgar Cowan, of Pennsylvania, in the Senate of the United States, June 27, 1864, on Mr. Trumbull's amendment repealing the joint resolution of July 17, 1862, qualifying the confiscation act and limiting forfeitures under it to the life of the offender. [New York, 1864] 16 p. (Campaign document, no. 8) 24I Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . "Watchwords for patriots" : p. 16. [no. 10] Speech of Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, at the great ratification meeting in Union Square, New York, September 17, 1864. [New York, 1864] 8 p. (Cam- paign document, no. 9) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . "Watchwords for patriots": p. 8. [no. 11] Address of Hon. George Ticknor Curtis, at Philadelphia, Sept. 30, 1864. [New York, 1864] 16 p. (Campaign document, no. 10) (M285) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . "Republican platform [i. e. letter of Lincoln]": p. 16. "Watchwords for patriots": p. 16. [no. 1 2] Miscegenation indorsed by the Republican party. [New York, 1864] 8 p. (Campaign document, no. 11) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . "Watchwords for patriots": p. 8. [no. 13] Republican opinions about Lincoln. [New York? 1864] 16 p. (Document no. 18) (M349) Caption title. For other copies and contents note, see item 3552. [no. 14] Campaign songs. [New York, 1864] 12 p. (Campaign document, no. 19) Caption title. Without music; tunes indicated by title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . [no. 15] Speech of Governor Seymour at Philadelphia. [New York, 1864] 8 p. (Campaign document, no. 21) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . [no. 16] Freedom of the press wantonly violated, letter of Mr. Marble to President Lincoln, reappearance of the Journal of Commerce, opinions of the press on this out- rage. [New York, 1864] 8 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 22) (M328) Caption title. For reprint and note, see item 2853. Self-wrappers, [no. 17] Great speech of Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, at New London, Conn., October 18. The principles and interests of the Republican party against the union. The election of McClellan the only hope for union and peace. [New York, 1864] 14 p., 1 1. (Campaign document, no. 23) Caption title. "From the New York World." At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . "Watchwords for patriots": p. [15] [no. 18] The Constitution. Address of Prof. Morse, Mr. Geo. Ticknor Curtis and Mr. S. J. Tilden, at the organ- ization. [New- York, Office of the Society, 1863] 16 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 1 ) Cover title. Self-wrappers, [no. 19] Speech of Mr. Turpie, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 7, 1863. [New York, 1863] 1 2 p. ( Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Polit- ical Knowledge, no. 2) Cover title. In opposition to a bill for compensation of slaveholders in Missouri. Self-wrappers, [no. 20] Speech of the Hon. James Brooks, at 932 Broadway, Tuesday evening, December 30, 1862. [New York, 1863] 16 p. (Papers from the Society for the Dif- fusion of Political Knowledge, no. 3) (M121) Cover title. An attack on the Lincoln administration. Self-wrappers. [no. 21] The Letter of a Republican, Edward N. Crosby ... to Prof. S. F. B. Morse, Feb. 25, 1863, and Prof. Morse's reply, March 2d, 1863. [New York, 1863] 12 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 4) Cover title. Self-wrappers, [no. 22] The True conditions of American loyalty: a speech delivered by George Ticknor Curtis, before the Democratic Union Association, March 28th, 1863. [New York, 1863] 11 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 5) Cover title. Self-wrappers, [no. 23] Emancipation and its results. [New York, 1863] 32 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Polit- ical Knowledge, no. 6) Cover title. Self-wrappers, [no. 24] Ovation at the Academy of music. [New York, 1863] 16 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 7) Cover title. At head of title: 4th July, 1863. For another copy and contents note, see item 3785. Self-wrappers, [no. 25] Bible view of slavery. [New York, 1863] 16 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 8) Caption title. Signed: John H. Hopkins. See also item 1427. [no. 26] Speech of Mr. Pugh to 50,000 voters, who nom- inated Vallandigham, and resolved to elect him governor 242 of Ohio. [New York, 1863] 8 p. (Papers from the So- ciety for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 9) Cover title. At head of title: Columbus Convention. Self-wrappers, [no. 27] Reply to President Lincoln's letter of 12th June, 1863. [New York, 1863] 8 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 10) (M240) Cover title. Signed : John V. L. Pruyn, Chairman, and others, and dated Albany, June 30, 1863. Self-wrappers, [no. 28] The Election in Iowa, by Hon. Charles Mason. [New York, 1863] 8 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 11) Caption title, [no. 29] An Argument on the ethical position of slavery in the social system, and its relation to the politics of the day, by Samuel F. B. Morse. [New York, 1863] 20 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 12) Cover title. At head of title: August, 1863. Self-wrappers, [no. 30] A Brave soldier, a true patriot, a noble man defended against partisan malice. Reply of Hon. Reverdy Johnson to the paper which Judge-Advocate Holt furnished to the President, urging General Porter's condemnation. [New York, 1863?] 56 p. ([Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 13]) Cover title. Published Baltimore, 1863, with title: A Reply to the Review of Judge Advocate General Holt. Self-wrappers, [no. 31] Speech of ex-Gov. Hunt, at Lockport. [New York, 1863] 8 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffu- sion of Political Knowledge, no. 14) Caption title. Speech reported in the third person, [no. 32] Speech of Hon. Amasa J. Parker at the Cooper Institute. [New York, 1863] 8 p. (Papers from the So- ciety for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 15) Caption title, [no. 33] Speech by Hon. Sanford E. Church, at Batavia, October 13, 1863. [Batavia? N. Y.] 1863. 8 p. ([Pa- pers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 16]) Caption title. Criticism of the administration's war policy, etc. [no. 34] The History of the war debt of England; the history of the war debt of the United States, and the two compared. By Thomas P. Kettell. [New York, 1864] 16 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 17) Cover title. Self-wrappers. [no. 35] "Let us reason together," by Hon. George F. Comstock . . . [New York 1864?] 16 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 18) Caption title. [no. 36] A Page of history. From the N. Y. Journal of Commerce. [New York, 1864] 4 p. (Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 19) Caption title. Comment on General McClellan's Report on the Or- ganization and Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac (item 2590, no. 3). Item 2358, another copy. [no. 37] Remarks of Mr. Brooks in the House of Repre- sentatives, March 7th . . . [New York, 1863] 8 p. (Pa- pers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 20) Caption title. On the deficiency bill. [no. 38] The Hon. James Brooks's speech, before the Union Democratic Association, 932 Broadway, Tuesday evening, December 30, 1862. New York, J. and E. Brooks [1863?] 12 p. Cover title. Self-wrappers. [no. 39] Letter to Rev. Nathaniel Hall, of Dorchester, Mass., by Nahum Capen, on politics from the pulpit. [New York, 1864] 8 p. (Campaign document, no. 27) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, New York, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . First published in the Boston Post, September 24, 1855. Issued also as Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 27. "Watchwords for patriots": p. 8. [no. 40] Speech of Hon. Reverdy Johnson, of Maryland, delivered before the Brooklyn McClellan Central Asso- ciation, October si, 1864. [New York? 1864?] 15 p. Caption title. [no. 41] Address by Hon. James Gallatin, before the Dem- ocratic Union Association, October 18, 1864. George B. McClellan as a patriot, a warrior, and a statesman. Course of the administration, state of the finances, etc., etc. [New York? 1864] 14 p., 1 1. Caption title. "Watchwords for patriots" : p. [15] [no. 42] Lincoln's treatment of Gen. Grant. [New York, i864]8p. (Document no. 12) (M326) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, and at all Democratic newspapers offices . . . Contains also: Mr. Lincoln's treatment of Gen. Mc- Clellan . . . The taint of disunion. [no. 43] Mr. Lincoln's arbitrary arrests. The acts which the Baltimore platform approves. [New York, 1864] 24 p. (Document no. 13) (M325) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, and at all Democratic newspaper offices. Item 2989, another copy. 243 [no. 44] Address of the National Democratic Committee. The perils of the nation. Usurpations of the adminis- tration in Maryland and Tennessee. The remedy to be used. [Washington? 1864] 8 p. (Campaign document, no. 13) Caption title. [no. 45] Corruptions and frauds of Lincoln's administra- tion. [New York, 1864] 8 p. (Document no. 14) (M283) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, and at all Democratic newspaper offices. Item 1 2 19, another copy. [no. 46] The Harrison's Bar letter of Gen. McClellan. Opinions of James Guthrie, John Van Buren, Reverdy Johnson, &c. General McClellan's views of the War and the Country. [New York, 1864] 4 p. (Document no. 15) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, and at all Democratic newspaper offices . . . [no. 47] The Two letters of Gen. H. M. Naglee about Gen. McClellan. [New York, 1864] 8 p. (Document no. 2 1 ) Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, and at all Democratic newspaper offices. "Second chapter from the Secret history of the War [Naglee's letter of Oct. 6]": p. [s]-8. (var.(?) of M333) [no. 48] Hear Hon. Geo. H. Pendleton. [New York? 1864?] 8 p. (M337) Caption title. Contents. — Pendleton, G. H. Letter to J. B. Haskin. Letter to C. L. Ward. Speech at New York hotel, Oc- tober 24th, 1864. — Lincoln the rebel candidate; from the Richmond Enquirer, Sept. 5, and the Richmond Exam- iner, October 17. 2593. Lincoln Memorial, Lincoln Farm, Hod- genville, Ky. The birthplace of Abraham Lincoln. [Hodgenville, Ky.?, Ladies Lincoln League, 1927?] [8] p. illus. 19 cm. (M2945) P Cover title. 2594. Lincoln Memorial, the birthplace of Abra- ham Lincoln; official papers establishing the mar- riage of his parents, [n. p., 192-?] 14, [1] p. 15 cm. (var. of M2790) P Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 2595. Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tenn. The annual commemoration of the birth- day of Abraham Lincoln by the Lincoln Memorial University, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D. C, February 12 . . . 193 1 . . . Cumberland Gap, Tenn., Lincoln Memorial University, 1931 . 3- 31 p. 21 cm. (M3276) E457.7.L738 copy 3 On cover: Tributes and testimony to Abraham Lincoln and his living memorial . . . Addresses by Charles Curtis, R. L. Wilbur, W. N. Doak, F. T. Hines, Ira Bennett, R. L. Kincaid, and J. W. Hill. Printed wrappers. 2596. Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tenn. Booklet of information, October, 1906. Lincoln Memorial University near Cumberland Gap, Tenn. [Cumberland Gap? 1906] 16 p. illus. 15 cm. LD3071.L7A53 Cover title. 2591. The Lincoln memorial collection. Relics of the War of the Rebellion. Autographs of sol- diers and sailors and government officials. Col- lected by Julius E. Francis, Property of the Lincoln Birthday Association. In the rooms of the Buffalo Historical Society, Young Men's Library Building, Buffalo, N. Y. [Buffalo, Art-Printing Works of Matthews, Northrup & Co., 1887] 55 p. 24 cm. ( M 1 03 1 ) E457.65.L74 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 2592. Lincoln Memorial, Hodgenville, Kentucky, "the birthplace of Lincoln." Hodgenville, Herald- News [1933] [12] p. illus. 21 cm. (M3391) E 457-32-L42 Illustrated printed wrappers. 2597. Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tenn. Celebration of Lincoln's birthday and of the twentieth anniversary of the founding of Lincoln Memorial University, Cumberland Gap, Tennessee, February 10, 11, 12, 1 91 7. [Cumber- land Gap, 1917] 37, [1] p., 1 1. 23 cm. (M2292) Cover title. E457.7.L74 copy 2 2598. [Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tenn.] [College publicity] [n. p., 193 1] folder ([4] p.) illus., facsim. 21/2 cm. (M3277) P (2 copies) Remarks by Lincoln to General O. O. Howard in 1863; an extract from John Wesley Hill's Abraham Lincoln, Man of God; an address by Ira Bennett; facsimile of letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Gen. O. O. Howard. 244 2599- Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Term. The Department of Lincolniana. [Harro- gate, Tenn., Dept. of Lincolniana, Lincoln Me- morial University, 1939] 20 p. illus. 25/2 cm. (M3692) E457.65.L748 copies 3 & 4 Printed wrappers. Copy 3 bound in glossy white paper. Copy 4 bound in rough gray paper. 2600. Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tenn. Frederick Hill Meserve tribute. Addresses of Frederick Hill Meserve and Carl W. Schaefer on the occasion of the presentation of the photographs of Abraham Lincoln to Lincoln Memorial Uni- versity, October 4, 1941. [Harrogate, Depart- ment of Lincolniana, Lincoln Memorial Univer- sity, 1941] 16 p. 25J/2 cm. E457.6.M584 copy 2 Cover title. At head of title : Supplement to Lincoln Herald, Oc- tober, 1 94 1. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. "Limited to 500 copies." 2601. Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tenn. Lincoln Memorial University. Compiled and edited by John L. Dickson. Harrogate [ c i928] 40 p. illus., ports., map. 22 cm. LD3071.L72A5 copies 1 & 2 Facsimile of letter from Calvin Coolidge to Dr. John W. Hill, Chancellor, Lincoln Memorial University ( 1 leaf) inserted. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2602. [Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tenn.] Said Abraham Lincoln: [Cumberland Gap, Tenn., Lincoln Memorial University, c i93 1] [40] p. illus., plates. 2 1 J/2 x 28 cm. LD3071.L723A5 1 93 1 X copy Cover title. Descriptive of Lincoln Memorial University. 2603. Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tenn. This is Abraham Lincoln. [Chicago, His- toric Prints & Poster Stamps, Inc., c i94i] 19 p. illus., ports. 22 J/2 x 10 cm. P Cover title. Enclosed are 30 portrait stamps of Lincoln to be pasted in; selected and described by F. H. Meserve, from his personal collection. "Frederick Hill Meserve," by Carl Sandburg: p. 2. 2604. The Lincoln Memorial University alumnus, v. 1, no. 1, Feb. 1944; no. 9, Feb. 1946. Harro- gate, Tenn., Lincoln Memorial University Alumni Assn. P "Round-the-world tributes to Lincoln," by R. L. Kin- caid: no. 1, p. 8-9. "Yule with the Lincolns; White House observances recorded," by S. W. McClelland; "One of the greatest memorials to Lincoln is on the L & N's C. V. Division," by R. G. McMurtry: no 9, p. 7-8, 10-12. 2605. The Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D. C. Alexandria, Va., Action Publication, e i950. 30 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. F203.4.L73L5 copies 1 & 2 Cover title. Illustrated wrappers. 2606. Lincoln National Life Foundation. Lin- coln bibliography, cumulative, check list. Alpha- betical index of authors compiled from the chrono- logical bibliography appearing quarterly in Lincoln lore, 1930-39. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln National Life Foundation, 1942. 22 p. 16/2 cm. Z8505.L5 3d & 4th sets Introductory notes signed: Louis A. Warren. Printed wrappers. 2607. The Lincoln National Life Foundation. A brief summary of its objectives and its achieve- ments. [Fort Wayne, Ind. Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. n. d.] [10] p. 14 cm. (M3688a) P Caption title. Cover illustration of the Lincoln statue in Fort Wayne. 2608. The Lincoln National Life Insurance Com- pany. Dedication program, September 16, 1932. Fort Wayne, Ind. [1932] [6] p. 23 cm. (M3314) P (2 copies) Cover title. Enclosed in one copy is a [4] p. folder published by the Lincoln National Life Foundation for the occasion of the dedication of "Abraham Lincoln — The Hoosier Youth," the bronze statue of Paul Manship. 2609. The Lincoln of Carl Sandburg; some re- views of "Abraham Lincoln : the war years" which, for the authority of their judgments and the grace of their style, deserve at least the permanence of this pamphlet; by Charles A. Beard, Robert E. Sherwood, Lloyd Lewis, Henry Steele Commager, Max Lerner, Henry Bertram Hill, with a back- ground piece from Time magazine. New York, Harcourt, Brace, [1940?] 48 p. illus. ports. 22 cm. p "First edition." "2500 copies." Printed wrappers. 492745—00- -17 245 26 io. The Lincoln postman. Feb. 1932, Feb. 1933. Los Angeles, Lincoln Government League. (M3348; 1933 issue unlisted) P 261 1. Lincoln Republican League. Empire or republic? [Minneapolis, 1900] 31 p. 18 cm. (Lincoln Republican booklet, no. 2) E738.L5 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 2612. Lincoln Republican League. Lincoln, Mc- Kinley, Bryan. [Minneapolis, 1900] 48 p. ports. 18 cm. (Lincoln Republican booklet, no. 3) (Mi 291) E738.L53 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 2613. Lincoln Republican League. To the sol- diers of the Civil War. [Minneapolis, 1900] 15 p. port. 18 cm. (Lincoln Republican booklet, no. 1) E738.L55 Cover title. 2614. The Lincoln Shrine at Redlands, Califor- nia, [n. p., 1938?] folder ([4] p.) illus. 30 cm. (M3633) P Cover and caption title. "A reprint from Pencil Points, January, 1938." 2615. Lincoln Society of Peekskill, N. Y. Lincoln in Peekskill; the Lincoln exedra, the Lincoln Me- morial in books, exercises at the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial in Peekskill, October 6, 1925, in commemoration of the visit of Abraham Lincoln to Peekskill, February 19, 1861. [Peekskill] The Lincoln Society in Peekskill [ c i926] 22 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. (M2856) F129.P37L5 copy 3 Cover title. Inscribed presentation copy from Chester A. Smith, president of the Society, to Charles T. White. Letter of transmittal laid in. 2616. Lincoln Society of Peekskill, N. Y. Pro- ceedings at the seventh annual dinner . . . February 13, 191 1. [Peekskill] Highland Democrat Co., Print, c igii. 24 p. illus., ports. 22/2 cm. (Pub- lication of the Lincoln Society of Peekskill, N. Y., no. 2) (M2007) E457.7.L76 7th, 191 1 3d set Cover title. 2617. The Lincoln story-calendar. 1809. 1909; one hundredth anniversary. Philadelphia, The Biddle Press, c i9o8. 64 1. illus. 27 cm. (M1637) E457-99-L47 c°PY 2 Cover title. Caption title: The Lincoln story-calendar for 1909. Inscribed by Wayne Whipple. "With a short story for every week . . . mainly re- written by Wayne Whipple from his Story-life of Lincoln." (See item 4514.) In brown case. 2618. The Lincoln story-calendar, 1910. Phila- delphia, Franklin Print. Co. [ c i9og] [55] 1. illus. 25/2 cm. (M1892) E457.99.L472 Cover title. Includes anecdotes from W. Whipple's Heart of Abra- ham Lincoln (item 451 1), The Little Life of Lincoln (item 4513), and Why Lincoln Loved the South. In brown three-quarter-closed case. 2619. Lincoln study class gazette. July, 1944. Lincoln, 111., Lincoln College. P "Abraham Lincoln in Indiana," by H. Fisher: p. [i]~5. 2620. Lincoln Woman's Club. Lincoln, Illinois, 1903; views of streets, residences, State institutions, public buildings, Chautauqua grounds [and] por- traits of citizens. [Lincoln, Courier Co., 1903?] 1 v. illus., ports. 16 x 24 cm. F549.L7L5 On cover: Views, Lincoln, Illinois. Heavy paper covers, tied with red cord. 2621. Lincolniana. In memoriam. Boston, W. V. Spencer, 1865. vi p., 1 1., 346 p. 24/2 cm. (M740) E457.8.A15 copy 2 "Only 250 copies printed." Contents. — Sermons (p. 1-230). — Eulogies, speeches, and letters (p. [2311-329). — Appendix (p. [33']-346)- "Bibliographical list of books and pamphlets; contain- ing sermons, orations, eulogies, poems, or other papers relating to the assassination, death, and funeral obsequies of Abraham Lincoln": p. [3341-346. Prospectus laid in. Also holograph letters to Charles H. Hart from Francis E. Abbott, J. H. Hartzell, and D. L. Hughes, authors of sermons published in Lincolniana. In red solander case. 2622. Lincoln's birthday; exercises for the school- room. Boston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Educational Pub. Co. [ c i9o8] 80 p. port. 18/2 cm. (Teacher's help series) (M1598) P Printed wrappers. 2623. Lincoln's failures. Evanston, 111., C. H. Mclntire [n. d.] 1 1. (broadside) 28 x 18 cm. E457.2.L84 246 2624. Lincoln's last journey; hitherto unpub- lished pictures, which have just come to light, [n. p., 19—] 1 v. 29 cm. E457.52.L77 A scrapbook containing 9 photos, reproduced by cour- tesy of Historical Pictures, Springfield, 111., accompanied by title and captions clipped from an unidentified pub- lication of 1937. Includes also a photostat copy (pos- itive) of "Obsequies of President Lincoln; order of funeral procession." 2625. LINDSAY, VACHEL. The litany of Washington street. New York, Macmillan, 1929. xii p., 1 1., 121 p. illus., ports. 24/2 cm. PS3523.I58L5 i929 co PY4 "Published March, 1929." Illustrated end papers. "This is a work of the imagination . . . These ora- tions and litanies are held together by quotations from Walt Whitman." — Prologue. "The bulk of these papers appeared in The Dearborn Independent through the year 1927." "The Campfire on the banks of old Sangamon" [a story]: p. 37-43. "A Vision, called: 'Lincoln in India' (This is an oration, presumed to be given on the banks of the Ganges . . .)": 69-93. Boards. Cloth back. 2626. [LINDSEY, U. S. and C. T. BAKER]. Lincoln Memorial Park, Lincoln City, Indiana. [Tell City, Ind., News Pub. Co., 1933?] [8] p. illus. 19 cm. (M3393) P Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2627. LINDSTROM, RALPH G. Address— "Abraham Lincoln." Extension of remarks of Hon. Clyde Doyle of California in the House of Representatives Tuesday, March 28, 1950. [Wash- ington, U. S. Govt. Print. OIL, 1950] 4 p. 29 cm. P Caption title. Reprinted from the Congressional Record of March 28, 1950. 2628. LINDSTROM, RALPH G. Lincoln and dynamic civics, a Lincoln Day address, [n. p., 1943] 2 3 P- 23 x 10 cm. E457.8.L75 copy 2 Cover title. "The address was delivered to the student body of the Principia Upper School in Saint Louis, Missouri and repeated at the Principia College at Elsah, Illinois on February 12, 1943" — P- [3] Self-wrappers. 2629. LINDSTROM, RALPH G. Lincoln and prevention of war. Which 'blundering genera- tion'? What 'irrepressible conflict'? An interpre- tation of the Lincolnian view. Harrogate, Tenn., Lincoln Memorial University, 1953. 4 p. 1., 25 p. E458.L74 copies 3 & 4 Copy 3 (23 cm.) bound in white printed wrappers, copy 4 (23/2 cm.) in blue cloth with gilt lettering on cover. 2630. LINDSTROM, RALPH G. Lincoln— the political statesman. [Denver, 1930] [8] p. 26/2 cm. (M3209) E457.L77 copy 2 & X copy Caption title. "Reprited [sic] from Western Medical Times, Denver, April, 1930." Copy 2 author's inscribed presentation copy to Charles T. White. Letter of transmittal laid in. 2631. LINDSTROM, RALPH G. Lincoln the religionist. With a foreword by F. Ray Risdon. [Los Angeles] Lincoln Fellowship of Southern Cal- ifornia, 1944. 17 p. port. 23 cm. P (2 copies) Reprinted from The Christian Science Monitor, Feb. 5, 1944- "This booklet designed by Manuel C. Jaramillo and one hundred copies printed by the Institute Press, at Los Angeles, California, under the personal direction of Mel- vin S. Wood, in December, 1944." One copy autographed by the author, Mr. Risdon, the printer, and the designer; the second copy inscribed to Dr. Paul M. Angle by the author and Mr. Risdon. Printed wrappers. 2632. Lions Clubs, Illinois. The service of dedi- cation of the monument erected above the graves of Thomas and Sarah Bush Lincoln, father and step-mother of Abraham Lincoln. Illinois Lions clubs. Old Gordon cemetery, Shiloh church near Janesville, Illinois, Friday, May 16, 1924. [n. p., 1924] 32 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. E457-32-L46 copy 2 Cover title. Officers Illinois Lions clubs, memorial committee, and list of clubs contributing to monument fund: p. 3 of cover. "The Basis of Lincoln's Greatness [address] by Gover- nor Frank O. Lowden": p. 9-29. Autographed presentation copy from Wayne C. Town- ley to George P. Hambrecht, dated October 18, 1924. Printed wrappers. 2633. Lippincott's monthly magazine; a popular journal of general literature, no. 260, Aug. 1889. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott and Co. [etc.] AP2.L55 No. 260 X copy "Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln," by James M. Scovcl: p. 244-254. 247 2634- LIPPY, JOHN D. A Lincoln collection. [n. p., 194-?] 16 pieces (in portfolio) 29/2 cm. E47555L8315 Title from portfolio. " 'Lincoln collection' number 49." Contains reproductions of newspapers, documents, etc., relating to President Lincoln, and a facsimile of the Gettysburg Address. 2635. Liquor and Lincoln. By a physician, [n. p., 1862?] folder (4 p.) 15/2 cm. (Mno) E635- L 79 co Py 2 Caption title. 2636. The Literary digest, v. 63, Oct. 25, 1919; v. 67, Oct. 9, 1920; v. 90, Aug. 14, 1926; v. 100, Feb. 9, 1929; v. 100, Feb. 23, 1929. New York, Funk & Wagnall's [etc.] AP2.L58 v. 63 [etc.] X copy "A Lieutenant and a lord on Lincoln," by [John Drink- water and Godfrey R. B. Charnwood, 1st baron]: v. 63, p. [3°]~32. "Elihu Root's speech on presenting Lincoln's statue to Britain": v. 67, p. 59—60. "The Son of Abra- ham Lincoln.": v. 90, p. [36], 41-42. "The Gettysburg Address — 1863," by J. L. G. Ferris: v. 100 [the cover painting]. "How Lincoln reared a son.": v. 100, p. 61-64. 2637. Littell's living age. no. 1024, Jan. 16, 1864; no. 1027, Feb. 6, 1864; no. 1101, July 8, 1865. New York, The Living Age Co., Inc. [etc.]. AP2.L65 No. 1024 [etc.] X copy [A reprint from the Spectator of Dec. 19 on Lincoln's smallpox]: no. 1024, p. 137. "Abraham Lincoln," by Harriet Beecher Stowe: no. 1027, p. 282-284 (reprinted from The Watchman and Reflector) . "The Death of President Lincoln," by Goldwin Smith: no. 1101, p. 13- 17 (reprinted from Macmillan's Magazine). 2638. LITTLE, CHARLES JOSEPH. Abra- ham Lincoln : an address delivered on Lincoln day, 1907, in Memorial Hall, Chicago. Chicago, M. Umbdenstok & Co., Printers, 1907. 16 p. 23% cm. (M1529) E457.8.L77 X copy Cover title. "Published by request." An address before the Grand Army Hall and Memorial Association. Self-wrappers. 2639. [LITTLE, JOHN SCRIPPS] Abraham Lincoln: rare pamphlets, books, autograph letters, portraits and prints, fine association items from the Hart, Burton and Lambert collections; sale Wednesday and Thursday, June 14-15, at 8 p. m. Chicago, 111., Chicago Book & Art Auctions [1933] 66 p., 1 1. 23 cm. (M3374) Z8505.L77 copy 3 At head of title : Sale no. 34. Cover title: Abraham Lincoln: books and pamphlets, medals, portraits and autographs; the collection made by John Scripps Little . . . Foreword by Franklin J. Meine. Printed wrappers. 2640. LITTLE, RICHARD HENRY. Better angels, by Richard Henry Little (R. H. L.) With an introduction by Carl Sandburg. New York, Minton, Balch, 1928. 43 p. port. 18/2 cm. (M3041) PZ7.L725Be copy 4 "Third printing, February, 1928." "A Lincoln story . . . told through the words of an old Negro woman." — Introd. 264 1 . The Little giant : his life, travels and death. Chicago, i860. 10 p. illus. (cartoons) 1 1 J/2 cm. E4i5-9-D73 L 5 Cover title. Satire on Stephen A. Douglas, in verse. Ms. note on cover: "This belonged to Judge Bailey, Kansas City Supreme [Court] Judge." In gray slipcase. 2642. LIVERMORE, THOMAS L. Numbers & losses in the Civil War in America, 1861-65. Introduction by Edward E. Barthell, Jr. Bloom- ington, Indiana University Press, 1957. xi p., 2 1., 150 p. 21 cm. (Civil War centennial series) E491.L77 1957 copy 5 2643. Lives and speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin, i860, xv, 17-406 p. 1 illus., 2 ports. 19J/2 cm. (var. of M44) l E457.L78 copy 17 First edition, Imprint A. 2 Imprint: Columbus, O. : / Follett, Foster & Co. / Cin- cinnati: Rickey, Mallory & Co. / i860. 1 Monaghan numbers have not been assigned to items 2644, 2649, 2652, and 2653, since in these instances it has not been possible to distinguish between "Monaghan variant" and "vari- ant of Monaghan." 2 Ernest J. Wessen in his "Campaign Lives of Abraham Lin- coln, 1860" (see item 4498) has noted seven variant, or multiple, imprints which were employed in addition to the regular. Represented in the assemblage of 17 printings in the Stern collection are: imprint A (item 2643), imprint B (items 2648, 2650, and 2652), imprint C (items 2644, 2649 [4 copies], and 2653 [3 copies]), imprint G (item 2646), and the regular imprint (items 2645, 2647, and 2651 [2 copies]). Multiple imprints not represented in Stern consist of the regular imprint below which was added : (D) Detroit: Putnam, Smith & Co. (E) Boston: Crosby, Nichols, Lee & Co. (F) New York: M. Doolady. 248 Signature collation: [i]-28 s . Signature "3" begins at P- 25. The letter "i" is missing from the word "importance" in the last line on p. 46. Contents. — Life of Abraham Lincoln, by W. D. How- ells. — Memorabilia of the Chicago convention. — Speeches of Abraham Lincoln. — Life and speeches of Hannibal Hamlin, by John L. Hayes. Reddish-brown rippled cloth, with lettering gilt- stamped on spine and with ornamental border and device blind-stamped on covers. Pink end papers. 3 In brown solander case. 2644. Another issue. E457.L78 copy 9 First edition, Imprint C. Imprint: Columbus, O.: / Follett, Foster & Co. / Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co. Pittsburgh: Hunt and Miner. / Cleveland: Ingham & Bragg. / i860. Differs from the preceding issue only in the imprint. Plum-colored beaded cloth, with line border and device blind-stamped on covers. 2645. Another issue, (var. of M44) E457.L78 copy 3 First edition, Regular imprint. Imprint: Columbus, O: / Follett, Foster & Co. / i860. Has the "i" in the word "importance" in the last line on p. 46. Khaki-colored (olive-green) beaded cloth, with line border and device blind-stamped on covers. 2646. Another issue. i8 l /a cm. (M44 var.) E457.L782 copy 2 First edition, Imprint G. Imprint: New York: / W. A. Townsend & Co., / Co- lumbus: Follett, Foster & Co. / i860. Differs from the preceding issue in the imprint. Also the portrait of Hamlin, which in all other printings fol- lows p. 304, has here been placed before that of Lincoln as a second frontispiece. Dark brown beaded cloth, with line border blind- stamped on covers. No device. Yellow end papers. With variant spine stamping: (2 rules) / The Lives/ and speeches / of / Lincoln / and / Hamlin / (rule). 2647. Another issue, (var. of M44) E457.L78 copy 16 First edition, Regular imprint. The letter "i" is missing from the word "importance" on p. 46. The phrase "near Petersburgh," not "now Petersburgh," is at the bottom of p. 33. Gray-black beaded cloth, with ornamental border and device blind-stamped on covers. In brown solander case with item 2643. 'Items 2643-2653, with the exception of item 2646, agree in size (19% cm.), coloration of the end papers (pink), and stamping of the spine. The spine reads, in gilt: (4 parallel rules)/Lives of/Lincoln/and Hamlin/ (rule) /Howells & Hayes/ Follett, Foster & Co./ (4 parallel rules). 2648. Another issue, (var. ofM44) E457.L78 copy 14 First edition, Imprint B. Imprint: Columbus, O.: / Follett, Foster & Co. / Bos- ton: Brown & Taggard. / i860. Differs from the preceding issue only in the imprint. Reddish-brown rippled cloth, with ornamental border and device blind-stamped on covers. In green solander case. 2649. Another issue. E457.L78 copies 10, 11, 1 2 & 13 First edition, Imprint C. Differs from the two preceding issues only in the imprint. Copy 10 inscribed by P. M. Angle. Howells' holograph note mounted on flyleaf. Copy 10 bound in brown rippled cloth, with line bor- der and device blind-stamped on covers. In green solander case with item 2648. Copy 1 1 bound in red ribbed cloth, with ornamental border and device blind- stamped on covers. In blue solander case. Copy 12 bound in slate-colored beaded cloth, with line border and device blind-stamped on covers. In blue solander case with copy 11. Copy 13 bound in khaki-colored beaded cloth, with ornamental borders and device blind-stamped on covers. In green solander case with copy 10 and item 2648. 2650. Another issue, (var. of M44) E457.L78 copy 5 First edition, Imprint B. Has the "i" in the word "importance" in the last line on p. 46, and "near Petersburgh" at the bottom of p. 33. Red ribbed cloth, with ornamental border and device blind-stamped on covers. 2651. Another issue, (var. of M44) E457.L78 copies 4 & 15 First edition, Regular imprint. Differs from the preceding issue in the imprint and in the insertion of an errata slip facing p. 74. Copy 4 bound in brown beaded cloth, with ornamental border and device blind-stamped on covers. Copy 15 bound in green beaded cloth, with ornamental border and device blind-stamped on covers. In brown solander case with items 2643 and 2647. 2652. Another edition. E457.L78 copy 6 Second edition, Imprint B. In this edition the text on p. 74 (line 3) has been changed from "It is true that a Mass State Conven- tion . . ." to "It was charged by Douglas that a Republi- can Convention . . ." In addition signature "3" now begins at p. 33 ; [4] is without the stereotyper's imprint ; p. 406 is followed by a blank leaf and eight pages of ad- vertising; and the woodcut illustration (p. [95] has changed places with p. [6] (blank). The letter "i" is 249 missing from the word "importance" on p. 46, and the phrase "near Petersburgh" is at the bottom of p. 33. Plum-colored ribbed cloth, with ornamental border and device blind-stamped on covers. In red solander case. 2653. Another issue. E457.L78 copies 2, 7 & 8 Second edition, Imprint C. Differs from the preceding issue only in the imprint. Copy 2 has been rebound in black limp leather. Copy 7 bound in brown beaded cloth, with ornamental border and device blind-stamped on covers. In red solander case with item 2652. Copy 8 bound in slate-colored ribbed cloth, with ornamental border and device blind- stamped on covers. In red solander case with copy 7 and item 2652. 2654. LLOYD, ERNEST. Lincoln's faith. Mountain View, Calif., Pacific Press Pub. Associ- ation [ c 1954] 26 p. 18 cm. E457.2.L85 Printed wrappers. 2655. LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID LLOYD GEORGE, 1 st earl. Abraham Lincoln; an ad- dress before the Midday Luncheon Club, Leland Hotel, Springfield, Illinois, Thursday, October 18, 1923, by David Lloyd George. Cleveland, Priv. Print, for S. W. Tener, 1924. 13 p. 24/2 cm. (M2716) E457.8.L79 copy 2 "Three hundred copies printed . . . number 201." 2656. [LOCKE, DAVID R.] The Nasby papers. Letters and sermons containing the views on the topics of the day, of Petroleum V. Nasby [pseud.] Indianapolis, C. O. Perrine, 1864. 64 p. 21 cm. E647.L75 copy 2 Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana. (Item 3504, [no. 1]). Previously bound. 2657. [LOCKE, DAVID R.] The struggles, social, financial and political, of Petroleum V. Nasby [pseud.] . . . Embracing his trials and troubles, ups and downs, rejoicings and wailings, likewise his views of men and things, embracing the period of American history from i860 to 1870. .With an introduction by Hon. Charles Sumner. Illustrated by Thomas Nast. Toledo, Locke Pub. Co., 1880. 2p. 1., 7-627 p. illus. 22^4 cm. PN6161.L6372 "Has an interview with the President": p. 93-95. "The Assassination" : p. 171-172. 2658. LOCKERBY, DANIEL F. Acrostical pen portraits of the eighteen presidents of the United States, by D. F. Lockerby. Biographical, historical, descriptive and eulogistic. Philadelphia, J. L. Sibole, 1876. ix, 3-104 p. 17 cm. E176.1.L81 copy 2 "Abraham Lincoln": p. 54-93. 2659. LOCKRIDGE, ROSS F. A. Lincoln. Yonkers-on-Hudson, N. Y., World Book Co., 1930. xiv, 320 p. illus., ports. 20/2 cm. (M3210) E457.L82 copy 3 2660. LOCKRIDGE, ROSS F. Our great his- toric Hoosier memorials: I. Our Hoosier Lincoln memorial, [n. p., 1930] 133-145 p. 25/2 cm. P Caption title. Reprinted from the Indiana University Alumni Quarterly, v. 17, no. 2, April 1930. Plain wrappers. 2661. [LOCKWOOD, GEORGE B.] Lincoln. [Washington, 1925]. folder ([i]p.) port. 30 cm. (M2791) P Cover title. 2662. LODGE, HENRY CABOT. Address de- livered before a joint convention of the Senate and House of Representatives of the General Court of Massachusetts, on Friday, February 12, 1909, by the Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, on the occasion of the one-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, Mass. [Wright & Potter Print. Co.] 1909. 24 p. 2 port. 24 cm. (M1802) E457.8.L81 copy 3 2663. LODGE, HENRY CABOT. The de- mocracy of Abraham Lincoln. Address before the students of Boston University School of Lav/, on March 14, 1913. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1913. 18 p. 23/2 cm. (63d Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 18) (M2093 var.) E457.8.L815 copy 3 Cover title. Presented by Mr. Root. Ordered printed May 5, 19 13. Self-wrappers. 2664. LODGE, J. FRIEND. Abraham Lincoln, an address delivered before a community assem- blage in the Bustleton Methodist Episcopal Church, Bustleton, Philadelphia, Pa., Sunday afternoon, 250 February 14th, 1926. [Philadelphia, Press of S. H. Little, 1926] [26] p. port. 24 cm. (M2858) E457.8.L82 copy 2 Cover title. "One hundred and fifty copies privately printed and the type distributed. This is no. 57." Twenty-five pages of text. Inscribed by the author and dated Apr. 12, 1926. 2665. LODGE, J. FRIEND. Abraham Lincoln; an address before Harry A. Houseman Lodge No. 717, F. and A. M., Somerton, Philadelphia, Pa., Thursday evening, February 13th, 1936. [Phila- delphia, Press of Samuel H. Little, 1936] [11] p. port. 23/2 cm. (M3525) E457.8.L819 Cover title. "One hundred copies privately printed and the type distributed. This is no. 5." Ten pages of text. Inscribed by the author to George P. Hambrecht. 2666. LOGAN, JOHN A. Speech on return to Illinois, after capture of Vicksburg. Reported by "Mack," of the Cincinnati Commercial. Cincin- nati, Caleb Clark, Printer, 1863. iv, [5^32 p. 22/2 cm. (National Union Association of Ohio. Loyal publications, no. 4) E458.3.L85 copy 3 Delivered at Duquoin, 111., on July 31, 1863. Previously bound. 2667. LOGAN, MARY (Cunningham). Thirty years in Washington; or, Life and scenes in our national capital. Portraying the wonderful opera- tions in all the great departments, and describing every important function of our national govern- ment . . . with sketches of the presidents and their wives . . . from Washington's to Roosevelt's administration. Edited by Mrs. John A. Logan. Hartford, Conn., A. D. Worthington [ c 1901] 1 p. 1., xxxii, 33-752 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23 cm. F194.L82 copy 3 Title vignette. Republished in 1908, with two additional chapters, under title: Our National Government . . . "Mrs. Abraham Lincoln — The White House during the Civil War": p. 643-655. 2668. The Logan emancipation cabinet of let- ters and relics of John Brown and Abraham Lin- coln, being an article prepared specially for the Chicago Tribune. Chicago, 1892. 40 p. ports. 15 cm. (Mi 105) E457.65.L8 Copy imperfect: p. 5-6 wanting. Printed wrappers. In green slipcase. 2669. LOMAX, ELIZABETH (Lindsay). Leaves from an old Washington diary, 1854-1863. Edited by Lindsay Lomax Wood. [New York] Books, Inc., Distributed by E. P. Dutton, 1943. 256 p. 21/2 cm. F198.L75 copy 3 "First edition." 2670. LONDON, MEYER. Abraham Lincoln, a world force; speech in the House of Representa- tives, February 12, 19 18. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1 918. 4 p. 23 cm. (M2379) P Cover title. 2671. LONG, ALEXANDER. Speech on the policy of the administration, in the House of Rep- resentatives, February 7th, 1865. Cincinnati, John- son & Farrell, Printers, 1865. 16 p. 23/2 cm. P Cover title. 2672. LONG, JOHN D. Abraham Lincoln; an address at the centennial in Symphony Hall, Bos- ton, February 12, 1909. Boston, W. B. Clarke, *9°9- 35 P- 24/2 cm. (M1803) E457.8.L84 copy 4 Printed wrappers. 2673. LONG, JOHN D. The life story of Abra- ham Lincoln. New York, Chicago, London, and Edinburgh, Fleming H. Revell [ c i93o] 320 p. illus., port. 21 cm. (M3211) E457.L84 copy 3 2674. LONG, JOHN, D., ed. The Republican party; its history, principles, and policies. New York, M. W. Hazen, 1888. 427 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. JK2356.L84 copy 3 "Rise and progress of the Republican party: 1856- 1888," by Hon. Edward McPherson: p. 36-114. 2675. Long Beach, Calif. Citizens Monumental Association. Souvenir of the unveiling, dedication and presentation of the Abraham Lincoln G. A. R. Memorial Monument dedicated to the veterans of the Civil War, 1 861-1865 at Long Beach, Califor- nia, July 3d, 1 91 5. Long Beach, G. W. Moyle [1915] 86, [2] p. illus., ports. 27 cm. (M2213) F869.L7L7 copy 2 & X copy Copy 2 bound in blue suede and X copy previously bound. 2676. [LONGSTREET, AUGUSTUS BALD- WIN] A voice from the South : comprising Letters from Georgia to Massachusetts, and to the south- 251 em states. With an appendix containing an article from the Charleston mercury on the Wilmot pro- viso . . . Baltimore, Western Continent Press, 1847. 72 p. 25 cm. E416.L85 copy 3 At top of cover: eighth edition. Imprint on cover: Baltimore, S. E. Smith, 1848. Introduction signed: Editor Western continent [W. T. Thompson] Authorship attributed to Augustus Baldwin Longstreet. Cf. J. W. Davidson, The Living Writers of the South, 1869, p. 340; and J. W. Wade, Augustus Baldwin Long- street, 1924, p. 285 and index. Printed wrappers. Unopened. 2677. LONGSTRETH, T. MORRIS. Tad Lin- coln, the President's son. Philadelphia, The Westminster Press [1944] 5 p. L, [31-263 p. 21/2 cm. PZ7.L867 Tad copy 3 Map on end papers. Bibliographical references included in "Postscript" (p. [2611-263). Juvenile fiction. 2678. Look. Abe Lincoln and his times, 1809- 1865, by the editors of Look and Enid La Monte Meadowcroft. New York, T. Y. Crowell [1946] 2 p. 1., [3]-89, [5] p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 25/2 cm. E457.L85 copy 3 Boards. Cloth back. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2679. LORANT, STEFAN. The life of Abra- ham Lincoln, a short, illustrated biography. New York, Toronto, London, McGraw-Hill [1954] 256 p. illus., ports., facsims. 21cm. E457.L87 copies 3 & 4 Olive-brown boards, with gilt-stamped red cloth back. 2680. Another issue. [New York] New American Library [1955, c i954] 18/2 cm. (Signet key books, KD319) E457.L87 1955 Title page reset. Variegated wrappers, illustrated with portraits of Lincoln. 2681. LORANT, STEFAN. Lincoln, a picture story of his life. New York, Harper [1952] 5 p. 1., 9-256 p. illus., ports., facsims. 33 cm. E457.6.L78 copy 3 "1025 copies of this special autographed edition . . . have been printed. 1000 copies are for sale. This is number 478. [Signed] Stefan Lorant." Cloth, with light blue sides and dark blue back; lettered in gilt on cover and spine. Boxed. 2682. Another issue. 4 p. 1., 9-256 p. E457.6.L78 copy 4 Without special edition statement. Cloth, with tan sides and dark blue back; lettered in blue on cover, in gilt on spine. 2683. Another edition. [1957] 304 p. E457.6.L78 1957 copy 4 "Revised and enlarged edition." "Contents and bibliography": p. 299-304. Grey cloth sides and red cloth back, lettered in red on cover and in gilt on spine. 2684. LORANT, STEFAN. Lincoln, his life in photographs. New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce [ c i94i] 160 p. illus., ports., facsims. 30J/2 cm. E457.6.L8 copies 3 & 4 "First edition." Copy 4 signed by the author and with ms. note on copyright page: "This is copy 257." Copy 3 bound in tan cloth, copy 4 in brown quarter- morocco. Both copies lettered in gilt. In brown three- quarter-closed cases. 2685. LORANT, STEFAN. The Presidency; a pictorial history of presidential elections from Washington to Truman. New York, Macmillan, '95 1 - 5 P- !•) 3-775 P- iU us -> ports., facsims. 25/2 cm. E183.L65 copy 6 "First printing." "The nineteenth election — 1860: Abraham Lincoln": p. 22g-[254] "The twentieth election — 1864: Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson": p. 255-285. 2686. LORD, JAMES JUDSON. Lincoln mon- ument dedication poem. Delivered at Oak Ridge cemetery, Springfield, Illinois, October 15, 1874. Illustrated by W. Jerome Willoughby. [Danville, 111., Illinois Print. Co., 1907] 12 1. illus. 245/2 cm. (M1538) E457.52.L86 copy 2 Printed on recto only. 2687. LORD, JOHN. Beacon lights of history, v. 6. New York, W. H. Wise, 1920. 2 v. in 1. 17 cm. D7.L87 1920 v. 6 "Abraham Lincoln. Civil War: Preservation of the Union": p. [24i]-3i8. Imitation leather. 2688. LORING, GEORGE B. The present crisis. A speech delivered by Dr. Geo. B. Loring, at Lyceum Hall, Salem, Wednesday evening, April 252 26, 1865, on ^e assassination of President Lincoln. Dr. Loring's letter to the Salem Gazette, on recon- struction. South Danvers, [Mass.] Printed at the Wizard Office, by C. D. Howard, 1865. 12 p. 23 cm. (M605) E457.8.L87 copy 3 Cover title ( ? ) . "Published by request." Self-wrappers ( ?) . Bound in red cloth. 2689. LOSSING, BENSON J. Eminent Ameri- cans, comprising brief biographies of leading states- men, patriots, orators and others, men and women, who have made American history. Illustrated with over one hundred fine portraits, by Lossing and Barritt. New York, American Book Exchange, 1 88 1. 488 p. ports. 18 cm. E176.L853 copy 3 Also published under titles Our Countrymen and Lives of Celebrated Americans. "Abraham Lincoln": p. 432-434. 2690. LOSSING, BENSON J. Harpers' popular cyclopaedia of United States history from the aboriginal period, containing brief sketches of im- portant events and conspicuous actors. New York, Harper, 1893. 2 v.(i63i p.) illus., ports., maps, facsims. 27 cm. E174L879 copy 2 "Revised and enlarged edition." Sketch of Lincoln: p. 791-799. 2691. Louisville, Ky. Congregation Adath Israel. Lincoln centenary services, 1909. Tempel Adath Israel, Louisville, Kentucky. [Louisville, Courier- Journal Job Print. Co., 1909] 38 p. illus., port. 22 cm. (Mi 786) E457.7.L89 copy 3 Contents. — Lincoln, the patriot [by] Rabbi H. G. Ene- low. Sermon preached Sunday morning, February 7, 1909. — Program of the Lincoln centenary service. — The memory of Lincoln [by] Rabbi H. G. Enelow. — A South- ern soldier's view of Lincoln [by] Judge W. O. Harris. — A Northern soldier's reminiscence of Lincoln [by] Col. Andrew Cowan. — Lincoln, a poem [by] Madison Cawein. — Abraham Lincoln, the prophet of democracy [by] Prof. A. W. Small. Autographed presentation copy to Major William H. Lambert from Andrew Cowan. Letter to Major Lam- bert from Mr. Cowan, dated July 23, 1909, bound in. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2692. LOVE, JOHN L. Lincoln the emanci- pator; an address delivered before the Excelsior Club, Guthrie, Okla., February 12, 1909. [Lang- ston, Okla., Western Age Print, 1909] 21 p. 22J/2 cm. (M1804) E457.2.L89 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 2693. [LOVETT, RICHARD] Abraham Lincoln. [London, The Religious Tract Society, 1890] 16 p. 21/2 cm. (New biographical series, no. 73) (M1066 var.) E457.L91 copies 3 & 4 Signed: Richard Lovett, M. A. On cover: Biographical series. — No. 73. Address at foot of cover: 56, Paternoster Row, and 65, St. Paul's Churchyard. Copy 4 bound in printed wrappers. Portrait of Lin- coln on title page and cover. Copy 3 previously bound. 2694. LOW, HENRY R. The Governor's mes- sage reviewed. Misstatements and misconceptions of the governor. The immediate cause of the war. The concessions and sacrifices made by the North to preserve the union . . . The President's proc- lamation . . . The proclamation and the future. In the Senate, Jan. 28, 1863. Albany, Weed, Par- sons and Co., Printers, 1863. 24 p. 22 cm. E45 8 -3 L 9 co Py 3 Issued also as Documents from New York State Union Central Committee. No. I. Previously bound. 2695. LOWE, CHARLES. Death of President Lincoln: a sermon delivered in the Unitarian Church in Archdale Street, Charleston, S. C, Sun- day, April 23, 1865. Boston, American Unitarian Association, 1865. 24 p. 19/2 cm. (M607) E457.8.L91 copy 2 "Published by request of the Congregation." Printed wrappers. 2696. LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. Lines on Abraham Lincoln. From the ode recited at the Harvard Commemoration July 21, 1865. Taylor- ville, 111., C. M. Parker [19 — ] 8 p. 19/2 cm. (Parker's penny classics. 7th series, no. 5; whole no. 233) (M609) P Caption title. Self-wrappers. 2697. LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. My study windows. Boston, J. R. Osgood, 1871. 4 p. 1., 433 P- 19 cm. PS2320.A1 1871 copy 2 "Abraham Lincoln. 1864": p. [i5o]-i77. l:rj:i:, C11 -IS 253 2698. LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. The Pres- ident's policy. [Philadelphia, Printed by Crissy & Markley, 1864] 22 p. 21/2 cm. (M327) E457- L 92 copy 3 Caption title. With the misspelled word "crisises" in the first line. A review of Lincoln's message to Congress dated De- cember 9, 1863. Cf. "A Rare Lowell item," in Bibliog- rapher, New York, 1902, v. 1. p. 233-235, and "Lowell's pamphlet, 'The President's policy' 1864" by T. W. Koch, in Bibliographer, v. 2, p. 107— 1 12. Reprinted in revised form under the title "Abraham Lincoln" in Lowell's "My study windows," Boston, 1871, in his "Political essays," Boston, etc., 1890, and together with Lincoln's Gettysburg Address as no. 32 of the River- side literature series, Boston, etc., 1888. Previously bound. 2699. LOVVREY, GROSVENOR P. The Com- mander-in-Chief; a defense upon legal grounds of the Proclamation of emancipation; and an answer to ex-judge Curtis' pamphlet, entitled "Executive Power." New York, G. P. Putnam, 1862. 31 p. 19 cm. (M148) E453.Lgcopy3 Contains the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, September 22, 1862 (p. [iii]-v). Gray printed wrappers. 2700. Another edition. 1863. 34 p. 18/2 cm. (M148 var.) E453.L91 copy 2 "Second edition, with additional notes." Stamped: "Princeton University Library." Printed cardboard covers. 2701. [LOWREY, GROSVENOR P.] English neutrality. Is the Alabama a British pirate? New York, A. D. F. Randolph, 1863. 32 p. 21/2 cm. JX238.A7 i863ecopy3 Dedication signed: Grosvenor P. Lowrey. The Alabama was a British-built ship flying the Con- federate flag, sunk in the summer of 1864. Previously bound. 2702. LOWRY, THOMAS. Personal reminis- cences of Abraham Lincoln. London, Priv. Print, for Beatrice M. Lowry and her Friends; Minneap- olis, 1910. 31, [1] p., 1 1. port. 22 cm. (M1930) E 457-i5- L 92copy2 End paper inscribed: "A. M. Bagby from Mrs. Lowry, Oct. 1910." Green full-morocco; with gilt ornamental borders on covers, gilt lettering on cover and spine. In green solan- der case. 2703. Another edition. 32 p., 1 1. (Mi930var.) E457- I 5- L 9 2 co Py 3 From different plates. "Reprinted in Minneapolis, November 1929 from orig- inal printed at the Chiswick Press, London, by Charles Whittingham and Co., for Edmund D. Brooks, Minne- apolis." Red cloth with gilt lettering on cover. 2704. Loyal National League of the State of New York. Address of the Loyal leagues of the state of New York. Convention assembled at Utica, Oct. 20, 1863. [New York, 1863] folder (4 p.) 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 3 1 ) E463.L96 No. 3 1 4th set Caption title. Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 2705. Loyal Publication Society. Pamphlets is- sued by the Loyal Publication Society, from Feb. 1, 1863, to Feb. 1, 1864. Nos. 1 to 44. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864. 2 1. 21 J/2 cm. E463.L96 4th set Title and contents pages for bound volume of pam- phlets. Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 2706. Loyal Publication Society. Proceedings at the first anniversary meeting of the Loyal Publi- cation Society, February 13, 1864, with the annual reports, prepared by order of the Society, by the Secretary. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864. 24 p. 2 1 J/2 cm. (Loyal Publication So- ciety. [Pamphlets] no. 44) E463.L96 4th set, No. 44 By John Austin Stevens, Jr., Secretary of the Society. Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 2707. LUCAS, ROBERT H. "Lincoln the Re- publican," address . . . delivered at Nashville, Tennessee, February 12, 193 1 . Washington, Re- publican National Committee [193 1] 1 1 ,[1] p. 23 x 10 cm. (M3278) E457.8.L93 X copy Cover title. Self-wrappers. 2708. LUDLOW, JAMES M. Sermon com- memorative of national events, delivered in tne First Presbyterian Church, Albany, N. Y., April 254 23d, 1865. Albany, Weed, Parsons and Co., Print- ers, 1865. 27p. 23cm. (M612) E457.8.L94 copy 2 Sermon on the death of President Lincoln. Stamped: Rhode Island Historical Society. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 2709. LUDLOW, JOHN MALCOLM. Presi- dent Lincoln- self -portrayed. Published for the benefit of the British and Foreign Freedmen's Aid Society. London, A. W. Bennett; A. Strahan; Hamilton, Adams, 1866. 4 p. 1., 239,[i] p. port. 17/2 cm. (M864) E457.L94 copy 2 "Represents (with a few trifling alterations and some additions) the uncurtailed text of three papers written for 'Good words,' under the title of 'President Lincoln judged by his own words' . . . (August and December, • 865)." Eight pages of advertising at end of book. Lavender cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and orna- mental borders blind-stamped on covers. 2710. Another issue. London, New York, A. Strahan, 1866. 17 cm. (M864var.) E457.L94 1866a Recto and verso of title page from different plates. Black cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and line borders and circular design blind-stamped on covers. 2711. LUDWIG, EMIL. Lincoln. Berlin, E. Rowohlt, 1930. 587 p. illus., ports., double map. 21/2 cm. (M3928) E457.L949 copy 2 "1.-20. tausend." 2712. LUDWIG, EMIL. Lincoln. Tekijan lu- valla suomentanut J. Hollo. Porvoo, W. Soder- strom [1930] 590 p. illus., ports. 20J/2 cm. E457.L952 Boards. Cloth back. 2713. LUDWIG, EMIL. Lincoln. Translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul. Bos- ton, Little, Brown, 1930. viii p., 3 1., [3I-505 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. (M3212) E457.L95 copy 6 "Published February, 1930." Illustrated with photographs from the Meserve collec- tion. Bound in powder-blue cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. Maroon top. 2714. Another issue. With woodcuts by Alice D. Laughlin. 25cm. (M32i2var.) E457.L95 1930a "Seven hundred and seventy-five copies of this Limited Edition have been printed and are inscribed by the Au- thor . . . this is copy 429 [Signed] Emil Ludwig." Title page from different plate. Bound in cloth, with black back and black and white checkered sides. Black and white label on spine. Gilt top. 2715. Another edition. New York, Liveright Pub. Corp. [1949, c i930] 5 p. 1., 505 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. (var. of M3212) E457-L95 1 949 copy 2 "Black and gold edition, January 1949." Issued under title: Abraham Lincoln; the Full Life Story of Our Martyred President. With preface abridged and title and copyright pages printed from different plates. The illustrative matter is the same as that of item 2713. Bound in black cloth, with gold lettering on cover and spine. Black end papers. Maroon top. 2716. LUFKIN, RICHARD FRIEND. Mr. Lincoln's light from under a bushel, 1851. [Knox- ville, Archer & Smith Print. Co. 1952] 26, [1] p. illus., charts. 25/2 cm. E457.2.L9 copy 1 & X copy "250 copies." "Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, volume 53, no. 4." Printed wrappers. 2717. LUHRS, HENRY E. Increasing impor- tance of Lincoln's Gettysburg address. Shippens- burg, Pa., Lincoln Publishers, 1950. [8] p. illus., ports. 21/2 cm. P "Address delivered before the Lincoln Fellowship of Pennsylvania on Sunday, Nov. 19, at the Hotel Gettys- burg for the 78th anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg address." Printed wrappers. 2718. LUHRS, HENRY E. Lincoln at the Wills home and the Gettysburg address, November 18- 19, 1863. Shippensburg, Pa., The Lincoln Pub- lishers, 1938. 2 p. 1., 9-20 p. 1 illus., ports. 2 facsims. (1 double) 31 cm. (M3636 var.) E 475-55 L8 33 co P ies 3. 4, & 5 "Third printing." On cover: Special issue for Abraham Lincoln Associ- ation, 1938. Blue & Gray reunion; seventy-fifth anni- versary, battle of Gettysburg; dedication of cemetery & Gettysburg address. Mottled rose and violet wrappers, imprinted in black. 255 2719- LUSK, DAVID W. Eighty years of Illi- nois. Politics and politicians, anecdotes and inci- dents. A succinct history of the state. 1809- 1889. Springfield, 111. [H. W. Rokker, Printer] 1889. 2 p. I., 609, 126 p. ports. 21^2 cm. F541.L97 copy 3 "Third edition — revised and enlarged." Running title: Politics and politicians of Illinois. "Douglas and Lincoln — 1858": p. 45-94. "Abraham Lincoln": p. 181-198. 2720. LUTHIN, REINHARD H. Abraham Lincoln and the tariff, [n. p., 1944] 609-629 p. 24/2 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from The American Historical Review, Vol. XLIX, No. 4, July, 1944." 2721. LUTHIN, REINHARD H. A discordant chapter in Lincoln's administration ; the Davis-Blair controversy, [n. p., 1944] 25-48 p. 23 cm. E458.L8 Cover title. "Reprinted from The Maryland Historical Magazine, XXXIX, 1, March, 1944." Bibliographical footnotes. 2722. LUTHIN, REINHARD H. The first Lincoln campaign. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1944. viii p., 2 1., [3J-328 p. 225/2 cm. E440.L85 copy 4 Thesis (Ph.D.) — Columbia University, 1944. Without thesis note. "Notes" (bigliographical) : p. [22g]-286. Bibliogra- phy: p. [>87]-3o8. Issued also with thesis note on cover and vita on label mounted on p. 328. 2723. LUTZ, PHILIP, Jr. We stand on sacred soil today. Remarks of Hon. Louis Ludlow, of In- diana, in the House of Representatives . . . Address of Hon. Philip Lutz, Jr., of Indiana, at the grave of Lincoln's mother. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1935. folder (4 p.) 23/2 cm. (M3486) P Cover title. Reprinted from the Congressional Record of August 15, '935- "Not printed at Government expense." 2724. LYDENBERG, HARRY MILLER. Lin- coln and Prohibition; blazes on a zigzag trail. Worcester, Mass., The Society, 1952. [9]-62 p. facsims. 25 cm. E457.2.L95 copy 3 At head of title: American Antiquarian Society "Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society for April 1952." Printed wrappers. 2725. LYMAN, GEORGE D. The saga of the Comstock lode ; boom days in Virginia City. New York, London, C. Scribner's Sons, 1934. xii, 399 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. F849.V8L92 copy 4 Illustrated end papers. "'Lincoln's elected'": p. 123-125. "President Lincoln's last message to the boys": p. 334—337. Dark blue cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. 2726. Another edition. 1947. xii, 407 p. F849V8L92 1947 Index added (p. 401-407). Light blue cloth lettered in gilt on cover and spine. 2727. LYMAN, HENRY D. Abraham Lincoln, a story hitherto untold. Fiftieth anniversary of the proclamation of emancipation, 1863-19 13. [New York, Irving Press, 19 13?] [7] p. illus., ports. 16 cm. (M2094) P Printed wrappers. "Reprinted by courtesy of Harper's Weekly." 2728. LYNCH, DENIS TILDEN. "Boss" Tweed; the story of a grim generation. New York, Boni and Liveright, 1927. ix p., 2 1., 13- 433 p. illus., ports. 22/2 cm. F128.47.T96 copy 3 Inscribed : "To my friend, Charles T. White, to whom I am indebted for the most glorious bit in this book, Walt Whitman's description of Lincoln's entrance into hostile New York. The author. September 17, 1927." Detached copy of White's review in the New York Herald Tribune, Sept. 18, 1927, laid in. 2729. LYNCH, WILLIAM O. The convergence of Lincoln and Douglas, [n. p., 1925] 19 p. 23 cm. (M2792) E457.4.L9 "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, 1925." Printed wrappers. 2730. MAASS, JOACHIM. Der unermudliche Rebell; Leben, Taten und Vermachtnis des Carl Schurz. Mit einem Anhang: Carl Schurz iiber Abraham Lincoln [ein biographischer Essay, ins Deutsche iibertragen von Marie Renee Luft] 256 Hamburg, Claassen & Goverts ['1949] I73>[ 2 1 P- 21/2 cm. E664.S39M2 copy 2 "Schurz und Lincoln'': p. 30-[66]. "Carl Schurz iiber Abraham Lincoln" : p. [12 1]— [1 74] 2731. McARTHUR, ARTHUR. Oration de- livered by Hon. Authur [sic] McAuthur [sic] at Waupun, July 4, 1863. [n. p., 1863?] 12 p. 22 cm. P Caption title. References to Lincoln: p. 8. Previously bound. 2732. MacARTHUR, ROBERT. Abraham Lin- coln, his mystery, making, and mastery. Sermon preached in Calvary Baptist Church, New York, Sunday morning, February 14, 1909, . . . [New York? 1909?] 15 p. 19 cm. (M1805) P Cover title. 2733. MACARTNEY, CLARENCE EDWARD. Grant and his generals. New York, McBride Co. [ J 953] 352 P- illus., ports. 21cm. E467.M1 14 copy 3 "First edition." End paper maps. 2734. MACARTNEY, CLARENCE EDWARD. Lincoln and his cabinet. New York, London, C. Scribner's Sons, 1 93 1 . xviii p., 2 1., 366 p. ports. 21/2 cm. (M3279) E457.M123 copy 5 "Authorities" : p. v-ix. 2735. MACARTNEY, CLARENCE EDWARD. Lincoln and his generals. Illustrated with official photographs from the War Department, Washing- ton. Philadelphia, Dorrance [ c 1 925] 5 p. 1., [ix]- xi p., 1 1., 15-226 p. ports. 21 cm. (M2793) E467.M1 1 5 copy 3 Dark blue cloth. Lettering, portrait, and device gilt- stamped on spine. 2736. Another issue. (M2793var. ) E467.M1 15 copy 4 "Second printing January 1926." Copyright page reset. Same binding. Device on spine changed. 2737. MACARTNEY, CLARENCE EDWARD. Lincoln and the Bible. New York, Nashville, Abingdon-Cokesbury Press [1949] 96 p. port. 16 cm. E457.2.M15 copy 4 2738. MACARTNEY, CLARENCE EDWARD. Mr. Lincoln's admirals. With a foreword by George Fielding Eliot. New York, Funk & Wagnalls, 1956. xiii, [5], 3-335 p. illus., ports., map. 21/2 cm. E467.M1 16 copy 3 2739. McBRIDE, ROBERT W. Lincoln's body guard, the Union Light Guard, the Seventh Inde- pendent Company of Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, 1 863- 1 865. [Indianapolis, 1908] [24] p. 3 ports. 23 cm. (var. of M1600) E525-6.7thT copy 2 "Some personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln" : p. [15H24] Dark blue printed wrappers, imprinted in gold. 2740. Another edition. Indianapolis, E. J. Hecker, Printer, 191 1. 39 p. 24 cm. (Indiana Historical Society publications, vol. v, no. 1 ) (Mi6oovar.) F521.I41 3d set Title varies slightly. Revised and printed from different plates. Gray printed wrappers. 2741. McBRIDE, ROBERT W. Personal recol- lections of Abraham Lincoln, by a member of his bodyguard. With introduction by Albert J. Bev- eridge. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c ig26] 78, [1] p. ports. 25 cm. (M2859) E457.15.M12 copy 3 "Of this limited first edition, five hundred copies are printed for sale. This is copy number 405." 2742. McCall's magazine, v. 83, Jan. 1956. New York [etc.] The McCall Co. TT500.M2 v.83 X copy "President Lincoln and his problem sons," by Ruth Painter Randall: p. [28-30], 94, 96-99, 101. 2743. McCAMANT, WALLACE. Lincoln in the winter of '60-61; an address ... to the joint session of the twenty-ninth legislature of Oregon, on February twelfth, nineteen hundred seventeen, [n. p., 1917] 7 p. 23 cm. (M2321) E4574.Mi2copy3 Printed wrappers. 2744. MCCARTHY, CHARLES H. Lincoln's plan of reconstruction. New York, McClure, Phil- lips, 190 1. xxiv, 531 p. 24 cm. (M1345) E456.M232 copy 2 2745. McCARTY, BURKE. Little sermons in socialism, by Abraham Lincoln. Culled and com- 257 mented on by Burke McCarty. [Chicago? 1910?] 16 p. 16/2 cm. (M1931) P Cover title. "Run in The Chicago Daily Socialist in 19 10." 2746. McCARTY, BURKE. The suppressed truth about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Washington, B. McCarty, 1922. 4 p. 1., [9^272 p. illus., ports. 18 cm. (M2589) E457.5.M26 copy 3 The author's contention is "that the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and four other Presidents is but a part of the great conspiracy which was outlined in the secret treaty of Verona to destroy this republic." Author's autographed presentation copy to John W. Starr, Jr., Millersburg, Pa. Red cloth lettered in black on cover and spine. 2747. Another issue. Washington, 1922. 3 p. 1., 8-272 p. illus., ports. 17 cm. (M2589 var.) E 457-5- M 25 co Py 3 From same plates, but with a few corrections (e.g. on contents page), without title page, and with different portrait of Lincoln as frontispiece. Blue cloth, with white printed wrappers bound in. 2748. McCASKEY, JOHN P., ed. Lincoln lit- erary collection, designed for school-room and family circle: containing more than six hundred favorite selections in prose and poetry, sections for Arbor day, Bird day, Decoration day, days with the poets, etc. [By] J. P. McCaskey. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, American Book Co. [1897] 576 p. 19/2 cm. PR1109.M25 copy 2 Caption title: Reader and speaker; running title: Lincoln collection. Commit to memory. Includes the Gettysburg Address and "Tributes to Lin- coln" (The Martyr chief, by James Russell Lowell; O Captain! My captain!, by Walt Whitman; and Abra- ham Lincoln foully assassinated, by Mark Lemon). 2749. [McCASKEY, JOHN P., ed.} One hun- dred years. Abraham Lincoln. [Lancaster, Pa., 1909] 21, [3] p. illus., ports. 27/2 cm. (M1806) P Cover title. "Reprint from January Number of The Pennsylvania School Journal." Contains the Bixby and other Lincoln letters, Lincoln's sayings, autobiography, abstracts from speeches, poems, songs and music. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2750. McCAULEY, JAMES A. Character and services of Abraham Lincoln: a sermon preached in the Eutaw Methodist Episcopal Church, on the day of national humiliation and mourning, ap- pointed by the President of the United States, Thursday, June 1, 1865, by Rev. Jas. A. McCauley. Baltimore, J. D. Toy, Printer, 1865. 16 p. 22/2 cm. (M615) E457.8.M123 copy 2 Stamped : "Rhode Island Historical Society." Printed wrappers. 2751. MacCHESNEY, NATHAN WILLIAM, ed. Abraham Lincoln; the tribute of a century, 1 809- 1 909, commemorative of the Lincoln cen- tenary and containing the principal speeches made in connection therewith. Chicago, A. C. McClurg, 1910. xxviii, 555 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22 cm. E457.7.M12 copy 3 Boards. Cloth back. 2752. McCLEARY, JAMES T. What shall the Lincoln memorial be? [n. p., 1908?] 20, [4] p. illus., port. 21 cm. (var. of Mi 603) P Caption title. Cover title : The Lincoln memorial road. "From The Review of Reviews." Printed wrappers. 2753. McCLELLAN, GEORGE B. General McClellan's letter to President Lincoln. [New York, E. B. Patten, 1862] 2 p. 22 cm. E458.2.M12 copy 2 Caption title. In green binder. 2754. McCLELLAN, GEORGE B. West Point oration. [New York, 1864] 8 p. 22 cm. (Cam- paign document, no. 4/2) E458.4.D442 no. 4/2 2d set Caption title. General McClellan's letter of acceptance: p. 7-8. 2755. McCLELLAN, GEORGE B., Jr. The Saint-Gaudens Lincoln. From memorial oration Augustus Saint-Gaudens, delivered in New York, February 29, 1908. [n. p., n. d.] folder ([1] p.) 17/2 cm. (M1604) P Cover title. "Printed in Putnam's Monthly, August, 1908." Mon- aghan note: "100 copies printed by Major William H. Lambert for private distribution, 1908." In Gaylord binder. 258 2756. McCLELLAND, STEWART W. A. Lin- coln, L.L. D. Harrogate, Tenn., Lincoln Memo- rial University, Department of Lincolniana, 1939. [7] p. port., facsims. 26 cm. (M3689) P Cover title. "Re-printed by courtesy of Christian Science Monitor." 2757. McCLELLAND, STEWART W. Dic- tators don't laugh. An address delivered before the Lincoln Club of Los Angeles, February 12, 1942, and repeated, two days later, at the seventh annual meeting of the Lincoln Fellowship of South- ern California. With a foreword by Ralph G. Lindstrom. [n. p.] Lincoln Fellowship of South- ern California, 1943. 3 p. 1., n-25, [1] p. group port, (mounted front) 22 cm. E457.8.M 1 26 copy 2 "Two hundred fifty copies . . . printed by the Insti- tute Press, Wood, Wood & Wood, at Los Angeles, Cali- fornia . . . in January 1943." "Reprinted from Vital Speeches." Printed wrappers. 2758. McCLELLAND, STEWART W. Lin- coln and common sense. With a foreword by Ralph G. Lindstrom. [Los Angeles?] Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California, 1946. 22 p., 1 1. mounted port. 22 cm. E457.8.M 1 262 copy 2 "Delivered first at the annual Lincoln day meeting of the Tippecanoe County Historical Society, held at Lafay- ette, Indiana, on February 10, 1946, and later at a meet- ing of the Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California, at Los Angeles . . . First published in Vital Speeches of March 1, 1946." — Introd. "Edition limited to two hundred fifty copies." Portrait of the author, etched by Bernhardt Wall, tipped in as frontispiece. Printed wrappers (title only). 2759. McCLELLAND, STEWART W. Lin- coln prescribes for today; a Lincoln Day address, [n. p.] Principia Corp., 1946. 14 p. 23 x 10J/2 cm. P Cover title. Autographed by author. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2760. McCLELLAND, STEWART W. Lin- coln, the national messiah. Harrogate, Tenn., Department of Lincolniana, Lincoln Memorial University, 1940. 3 p. 25/2 cm. P Cover title. "Limited to 500 copies." "Reprinted from The Lincoln Herald Vol. XLII, Feb- ruary 1940, No. 2." Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2761. McCLELLAND, STEWART W. Lin- coln the pioneer. [Harrogate, Tenn., 1937?] 7 p. 24 cm. (M3580) P Cover title. 2762. McCLELLAND, STEWART W. Lin- coln the tolerant. [Knoxville, Tenn., Archer & Smith Print. Co., 1941?] 27 p. 19 cm. E457.8.M1263 copies 2 & 3 "Prepared for the annual meeting of the Old Salem Lincoln League at Petersburg, Illinois, February 11, 1 94 1 . . . printed in the April 1st, 1941, issue of 'Vital speeches.' "—Foreword. Blue printed wrappers. Covers of copy 3 lined with white paper. 2763. McCLELLAND, STEWART W. A mes- sage from the first Republican President. Exten- sion of remarks of Hon. John M. Robsion, of Kentucky, in the House of Representatives . . . Ad- dress by Dr. Stewart W. McClelland. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1939. folder (4 p.) 23/2 cm. (M3690) P Cover title. "Address ... at the Lincoln banquet in Louisville, Ky., February 11, 1939." Reprinted from the Congressional Record of May 15, 1939- "Not printed at government expense." 2764. McCLELLAND, STEWART W. Ohio proposes Lincoln for President. Harrogate, Tenn., Lincoln Memorial University, Department of Lin- colniana, 1939. folder ([4] p.) port. 25/2 cm. (M3G91) P Cover title. "Reprint from the Lincoln Herald, February 1939, vol. XLI,no. 2." Three pages of text. 2765. McCLINTOCK, JOHN. Discourse deliv- ered on the day of the funeral of President Lincoln, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, in St. Paul's Church, New York. Reported by J. T. Butts. New York, Press of J. M. Bradstreet & Son, 1865. 35 p. 23/2 cm. (M616) E457.8.M127 copy 3 Heavy black mourning borders. Pages 30-35 contain the President's second inaugural address and the speech at Gettysburg. Printed wrappers. 259 2766. McCLISH, ELI. A Lincoln memorial ad- dress . . . February 4, 191 7. [San Francisco? 191 7] [4] p. 33 cm. (M2322) P Caption title. "Reported by Rev. E. W. Mecum." — p. [4] 2767. McCLURE, ALEXANDER K. Abraham Lincoln and men of war-times; some personal recol- lections of war and politics during the Lincoln administration. With introduction by Dr. A. C. Lambdin. By A. K. McClure, LL. D. Philadel- phia, The Times Pub. Co., 1892. 2 p. 1., 3-462 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22^/2 cm. (Mi 106) E467.M1 19 copy 2 Illustrative matter, on plates with guard sheets, not included in pagination. Erratum to p. 273 at p. [450] Polished tan three-quarter-calf, with marbled sides and gilt lettering on spine. Gilt top. 2768. Another edition. 2 p. 1., 7-496 p. 23 cm. ( M 1 1 06 var. ) E467.M 1 4 "Fourth edition." Illustrations, on same paper as text, included in the pagination. From same plates but repaged so as to include illustra- tive material in the pagination. P. 273 (i. e. 297) corrected, index reset, etc. Maroon cloth; with gilt lettering on cover, black on spine. 2769. McCLURE, ALEXANDER K. Colonel Alexander K. McClure's recollections of half a cen- tury. Salem, Mass., The Salem Press Co. [1902] viii, 502 p. illus., ports., facsim. 23/2 cm. E415.7.M12 copy 3 Numerous references to Lincoln. 2770. McCLURE, ALEXANDER K. Col. Mc- Clure's statement of Lincoln's journey. [Philadel- phia? 1908?] folder ([2] p.) 24 cm. (M1605) P Cover title. Reprinted from "The Philadelphia Press, Jan. 19, 1908." 2771. McCLURE, ALEXANDER K. Lincoln as a politician. Putnam, Conn., Priv. Print, for G. A. Tracy, 1916. 21 p., 1 1. 22/2 cm. (M2251) E457.M129 copy 2 Erratum slip attached to last leaf. Inscribed by G. A. Tracy to Chas. T. White. Brown three-quarter-morocco, with white printed wrappers(?) bound in. 2772. McCLURE, ALEXANDER K. Lincoln's yarns and stories; a complete collection of the funny and witty anecdotes that made Abraham Lincoln famous as America's greatest story teller. With introduction and anecdotes by Colonel Alexander K. McClure. Chicago, Philadelphia, J. C. Win- ston Co. [19 — ] 1 p. 1., A-B, xi-xvi, [4], 17-416 p. illus., ports, (incl. col. front.), facsim. 225/2 cm. (M1347) E457.99.M16 copy 2 On cover: Lincoln's own yarns and stories, edited by Col. A. K. McClure. Also published [Chicago?] 1940, under title: "A be" Lincoln's Yarns and Stories . . . Colored portrait of Lincoln mounted on cover. 2773. McCLURE, ALEXANDER K. The night at Harrisburg; a reminiscence of Lincoln's journey to Washington in 1861, by Colonel A. K. McClure [New York] [9i]-g6 p. ports. 25 cm. E457.4.M2 Caption title. Detached from McClure's Magazine, v. 5, June 1895, and rebound in green half-morocco. 2774. McCLURE, JAMES B., ed. Abraham Lin- coln's stories and speeches, including "early life stories"; "professional life stories"; "White House incidents" ; "war reminiscences," etc., etc. Also his speeches, chronologically arranged, from Papps- ville, 111., 1832, to his last speech in Washington, April 11, 1865. Including his inaugurals, Eman- cipation proclamation, Gettysburg address, etc., etc., etc. Edited by J. B. McClure. Chicago, Rhodes & McClure Pub. Co., 1896 [ c i8g4] 477 p. illus., ports., facsim. 20/2 cm. (Mi 149 var.) E 457-99- Ml1 copy 2 Gray cloth, imprinted in silver and black. 2775. Another issue. 1906 [ c i8g8] (Mi 149 var.) E 457-99- Ml1 copy 3 Title and copyright pages reset. Date omitted from preface. Thin paper. Blue cloth, imprinted in silver and black. 2776. McCLURE, JAMES B., ed. Anecdoten von Abraham Lincoln, und Lincoln's Erzahlungen. Enthaltend Geschichten aus seiner Jugend, Ges- chichten aus seinem Berufsleben, Episoden aus dem Weissen Haus, Kriegsgeschichten, vermischte Ges- chichten. Redigirt von J. B. McClure. Nach dem Englischen bearbeitet von Andreas Simon. Chi- cago, Rhodes & McClure, 1880. 1 p. 1., 5-198 p., 1 I., [i]-5, [1] p., 1 1. port., illus. 21 J/2 cm. (M3840) E457.99.M14 copy 3 260 Title vignette. Ten pages of advertising following p. 198. Binder's title: Lincoln's Erzahlungen. German translation of item 2779. 2777. McCLURE, JAMES B., ed. Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's stories. Includ- ing early life stories, professional life stories, White House stories, war stories, miscellaneous stories. Edited by J. B. McClure. Chicago, Rhodes & Mc- clure, 1879. 188 p., 2 1., 28 p., 2 1. illus., 2 ports. 21/2 cm. (M958) E457.99.M12 Binder's title: Lincoln's stories. Autographed by I[saac] N. Arnold. Ms. note on fly leaf: "These stories are, possibly, one half genuine & most of them badly told [Signed] I. N. A. Nov. 1882." Thirty-six pages of advertising matter following p. 188. Red cloth, with gold lettering and black ornamental borders on front cover. Salmon-colored end papers. 2778. Another issue. 188 p., 2 1. (M958 var.) E 475-99- Ml 2copy5 Advertising matter, 4 p. at end. Title page stamped : Geo. P. Hambrecht. Gray printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2779. Another issue. 1880. 188 p., 1 1., 5, [i]p., 1 1. (M958var.) E457.99.M12 copy 4 Title page reset. Portrait listed for p. 66 wanting (re- placed by text not included in previous issue). Adver- tising matter following p. 188 differs. Red cloth, with gold lettering and variant black orna- mental borders on front cover. Yellow end papers. 2780. Another edition. Chicago, Rhodes & Mc- Clure Pub. Co., 1888. 8 p. 1., [51-246 p., 1 1. illus., ports. 20/2 cm. (M958 var.) E457.99.M13 copy 3 Reissue of 1880 edition, with addition of p. 189-246, and resetting of the title and copyright pages and the preface. Portrait listed for p. 66 inserted between p. 66 and 67. The preliminary leaves consist of duplicate illustrations. Two pages of new advertising matter at end. Plum-colored cloth ; with gilt lettering on cover, black on spine. Portrait of Lincoln gilt-stamped on cover within black ornamental border. Heavy covers with beveled edges. 2781. Another issue. 1889. (M958 var.) E457-99- Ml 3 co PY 2 Differs from the 1888 edition in that the title page and preface have been reset; there is a change of ad- vertising matter, and some rearrangement of the illustra- tions. Black cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine; also line border and portrait of Lincoln blind-stamped on cover. 2782. McCLURE, STANLEY W. The Lincoln Museum and the house where Lincoln died. Washington, 1949. 42 p. illus., ports., maps. 23/2 cm. (National Park Service historical hand- book series, no. 3) E457.65.M3 copies 5 & 6 Printed wrappers. 2783. McClure's magazine, v. 54, Apr. 1922; v. 54, Nov. 1922. New York, S. S. McClure. AP2.M2 v.54 X copy "The Heart of America," by Arthur Briggs Farquhar: v. 54, no. 2, p. 10-13, I0 9- "Lincoln's first pet," by Gil- bert J. Greene: v. 54, no. 9, p. 23-25. 2784. McCONNELL, JANE (Tompkins), and BURT M. McCONNELL. The White House; a history with pictures [by] Jane and Burt McCon- nell. New York, Studio Publications in Associa- tion with Crowell [1954] 80 p. illus. (part col.), ports. 28/2 cm. F204.W5M3 copy 3 [Under Lincoln]: p. 22—23. 2785. McCOOK, HENRY C. Lincoln and his veterans, a centenary ode. [n. p., 1909?] [6] p. port. 18 cm. (M1808) P Cover title. Autographed by the author. In Gaylord binder. 2786. McCOOK, HENRY C. Some character- istics of Abraham Lincoln; an address made in the assembly room of the Union League of the Phila- delphia before the Pennsylvania Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States ... on the anniversary of President Lincoln's birth, February 12th, A. D. 1901. [Phila- delphia, 1 901] 16 p. 2 ports. 23 cm. (Mi 349) E457.8.M128 copy 4 Printed wrappers. 2787. McCORMICK, ROBERT R. The War without Grant. Cartography by Axel Kellstrom. New York, B. Wheelwright, 1950. 6 p. 1., 3-245 p. fold. col. maps. 23^2 cm. E470.M15 copy 3 Autographed by the author. 2788. McCORMICK, ROBERT R. Washing- ton and Lincoln; an address, September 8, 1 95 1 , broadcast over WGN, WGNB, and the Mutual 261 Broadcasting System. [Chicago? 1951?] 7 1. 23 cm. E312.63.M134 Page proof. 2789. McCULLOCH, HUGH. Men and meas- ures of half a century; sketches and comments. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1889. xxv, 542 p. 24 cm. E415.7.M13 copy 4 The author was Secretary of the Treasury during Lincoln's administration and after. 2790. McCULLOCH, WILLIAM E. The character of Abraham Lincoln. With a foreword by Harlod L. Watt. Los Angeles, Lincoln Fellow- ship of Southern California, 1946. 1 p. 1., 5-1 1, 1 p. mounted port, 2 1 5/2 cm. P Cover title. "One hundred fifty copies printed." With portrait of author etched by Bernhardt Wall. 2791. McCURDY, CHARLES M. Gettysburg, a memoir. Pittsburg, Reed & Witting, c i92g. 35 p. 23 cm. (M3113) E475.53.M13 copy 3 Author's typed letter to John W. Starr, Jr., and news- paper clipping, laid in. "Lincoln's visit to Gettysburg, November 19, 1863": P- 30-33- Printed wrappers. 2792. MACDONALD, JAMES A. Democracy and the nations; a Canadian view, by J. A. Mac- donald. New York, George H. Doran [ c i9i5] x p., 1 1., 13-244 p. 21/2 cm. JC423.M15 copy 3 "Abraham Lincoln and the enduring democracy" : p. [5i]-89- 2793. [MACE, WILLIAM H.] Lincoln and Douglas. [Syracuse, pref. 1933] 2 p. 1., 46 p. port. 21/2 cm. (M3394) E457.4.M23 copy 2 Cover title. "A word to my students" signed: William H. Mace. "Suggested Lincoln books for reading": p. 46. 2794. MACE, WILLIAM H. Lincoln, the man of the people. With 4 half-tone illustrations from photographs and 58 pictures by Homer W. Colby. Chicago, New York, London, Rand, McNally [ c igi2] xi, [1], 191 p. illus., 2 port. 16 cm. (Little lives of great men) (M2036) E457.Mi 4 copy3 Maps on end papers. "A reading list" : p. 190-191. 2795. MacEACHEN, MARY MARGET. Child's life of Abraham Lincoln. Wheeling, W. Va., Catholic Book Co. [ c 191 7] 64 p. illus., ports. 25 cm. (Young folks series) (M2323) E 457-9°5-M2 Boards. Cloth back. Colored portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2796. Mcelroy, john. Soul growth of Abraham Lincoln. Washington, The National Tribune [1910] 1 p. 1., [7]— 16 p., 1 1. ports. 24 cm. (M1933) E457.8.M14 copy 2 At head of title: The United States intelligencer. Printed wrappers, bound with silk cord. 2797. McELROY, JOHN. This was Anderson- ville ; the true story of Andersonville Military Prison as told in the personal recollections of John Mc- Elroy, sometime private, Co. L, 6th Illinois Cavalry. Edited with an introduction by Roy Meredith; illustrated by Arthur C. Butts, IV. New York, McDowell, Obolensky, 1957. xli, 355 p. illus., ports., map. 28 cm. E612A5M4 1957 copy 4 A greatly revised edition of the author's Andersonville; a Story of Rebel Military Prisons, first published in 1879. Autographed by the editor. Illustrated end papers. Boards. Cloth back. 2798. McELROY, ROBERT M. Jefferson Da- vis; the unreal and the real, by Robert McElroy. New York, London, Harper & Bros., 1937. 2 v. (783 p.) ports. 24/2 cm. E467.1.D26M24 copy 3 "First edition." "A critical bibliography": vol. II, p. 699-759. Detached copy of Charles W. Thompson's review in The New York Times Book Review, Dec. 26, 1937, p. 5, laid in. 2799. McGLYNN, FRANK. Sidelights on Lin- coln. Los Angeles, Wetzel Pub. Co. [1947] 335 p. illus., ports., facsim. 22/2 cm. E457.M145 copy 3 2800. McINTOSH, THOMAS M. Abraham Lincoln: strategist-opportunist; "The Great Emancipator," a misnomer; a compilation with comments, by T. M. Mcintosh. Thomasville, Ga. [1930?] 8 p. 22/2 cm. (M3213) E457.8.M147 Cover title. "From Confederate Veteran, Nov. 1930." Inscribed by the author to John W. Starr, Jr. 262 28oi. MacKAYE, PERCY. Ode on the cente- nary of Abraham Lincoln. New York, Macmillan, 1909. 61 p. 18 cm. (M1809) E457.g.Mi5copy3 "Delivered before the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences at the Academy of Music, Brooklyn, New York, February, 1909." 2802. McKELDIN, THEODORE R. Address [at] commencement exercises, Lincoln College, Lin- coln, 111., May 31, 1954. Extension of remarks of William L. Springer of Illinois in the House of Representatives, Thursday, June 24, 1954. [Wash- ington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1954] folder (4 p.) 23/ 2 cm. LD3071.L6547M3 "Congressional Record; proceedings and debates of the 83d Congress, second session." Title from contents. 2803. McKELLAR, KENNETH. Similarity of criticisms visited upon Washington, Lincoln, and Wilson; speech ... in the Senate of the United States, March 12, 1920. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1920. 13 p. 23 cm. (M2465) P Cover title. Autographed paper label mounted on cover. 2804. MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER. The life and speeches of Hon. George Brown, by Alex. Mac- kenzie. Toronto, The Globe Print. Co., 1882. viii, 381 p., 1 1. port. 22/2 cm. F1032.B88 copy 3 Brown was editor-in-chief of the Toronto Globe during the Civil War. 2805. MACKEY, HARRY A. Lincoln memo- ries, [n. p., 1924?] 9 p. 23 cm. (M2717) P Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2806. McKINLEY, WILLIAM, Pres. U. S. Abraham Lincoln. An address by William Mc- Kinley, of Ohio, before the Marquette Club, Chicago, February 12, 1896. [Chicago? 1896] 27 p. 21/2 cm. (var. of (?) Mi 199) E457.8.M15 copy 2 Cover title. Title without spacing between "of" and "Ohio." Blue cloth, with original white printed wrappers bound in. 2807. Another issue. (Miig9(?)) E457.8.M15 copy 3 Identical to previous issue, but with space between "of" and "Ohio" in title. 2808. Another issue. 22 cm. (var. of (?) Mi 199) E457.8.Mi5copy4 Cover title from different plate, with type a size larger for letters and a size smaller for numerals. 2809. Another issue. 23J/2 cm. (Mi 199 var.) E457.8.M15 copy 5 Cover title printed from another plate; differs in type, punctuation, and line arrangement. Brown printed wrappers. 2810. McKINLEY, WILLIAM, Pres. U. S. An address by the President of the United States, Wil- liam McKinley, October 7, 1899, on the occasion of the forty-first anniversary of the Lincoln-Douglas debate at Galesburg, Illinois. New York, Printed at the Cadmus Press, 1899. 16, [1] p. 19/2 cm. (Mi 257 note) E457.4.M24 "Fourteen copies . . . printed on handmade paper for the Hon. John Hay" and others. This is George B. Cortelyou's copy, with signed inscription. Duplicate title page. Bookplate of Charles T. White. Previously bound. In gray slipcase. 2811. Another issue. (Mi 257 note) E457.4.M24 copy 2 One of 3 copies on vellum. Title page reset. In red slipcase. 2812. McKINLEY, WILLIAM, Pres. U. S. Speeches and addresses of William McKinley, from March 1, 1897, to May 30, 1900. New York, Doubleday & McClure, 1900. xv, 388 p. port. 22 cm. E660.M17 copy 4 Several speeches contain extensive remarks on Lincoln. 2813. Mclaughlin, Robert w. Wash- ington and Lincoln, leaders of the nation in the constitutional eras of American history. New York, London, G. P. Putman's Sons, 191 2. ix, 278 p. ports. 21 cm. (M2037) E183.M15 copy 3 2814. [McLEAN, CHARLES C] The boy who wore Lincoln's hat. [n. p., 1930?] folder ([1] p.) illus. 16 cm. (M3214) P Cover title. Folder, with double-page picture in center of flag- raising ceremony at Independence Hall, Feb. 22, 1861, and account on back. 2815. McLean County Historical Society, Bloom- ington, III. Meeting of May 29, 1900 commcmora- 263 tive of the convention of May 29, 1856 that organ- ized the Republican party in the state of Illinois. Edited by Ezra M. Prince. Bloomington, Panta- graph Print. Co., 1900. 184 p. illus., ports., map. 23 cm. (McLean County Historical Society. Transactions . . . vol. Ill) (Mi 299) JK2358.I315 Running title: Anti-Nebraska Republican Convention, May 29, 1856. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." [Lincoln and the campaign of 1856], by Thomas J. Henderson: p. 78-86. [Lincoln and the anti-know-noth- ing resolutions], by George Schneider: p. 87-91. "Abra- ham Lincoln," by John G. Nicolay: p. 95-101. 2816. MacLEISH, ARCHIBALD. Lincoln in this day. An address delivered before the Cana- dian Club of Ottawa, Canada, 1 2th February, 1941. [Ottawa, 1941] 8 p. 20/2 cm. E457.8.M16 copy 2 Cover title. "Issued by the Director of Public Information, Ottawa, February 1941, under the authority of Hon. James G. Gardiner, Minister of National War Services." Self-wrappers. 2817. McMAHON, EDWARD. Lincoln, the emancipator, [n. p., 1936?] 25 p. 25J/2 cm. (M3527) P Cover title. "Reprinted from The Pacific Historical Review, March, 1936." 2818. Mac MASTER, HOMER EUGENE. Abraham Lincoln looks across the mall. Boston, Christopher Pub. House [ c i932] 95 p. illus. (front.) 21 cm. (M3337) E457.9.M18 copy 3 Poems. Inscribed by J. Friend Lodge to John W. Starr, Jr. 2819. McMURDY, ROBERT. Lincoln and slavery; an address delivered before the student body of Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee, on Emancipation Day, January 1, 1920. [n. p., 1920] 19 p. 23 cm. (M2466) E457.2.M2 Cover title. Inscribed by the author to George P. Hambrecht. "One hundred copies reprinted from the Bulletin of the Chicago Historical Society, August, 1935 [vol. I, no. 4] by students of the Chicago School of Printing, Chicago." — ■ P- [2] Printed wrappers. 2821. McMURTRY, R. GERALD. Ben Hard- in Helm, "rebel" brother-in-law of Abraham Lin- coln, with a biographical sketch of his wife and an account of the Todd family of Kentucky. Chi- cago, Priv. print, for the Civil War Round Table, J 943- 7 P- !■> 7 2 P-> l !• illus., ports. 21 cm. [Civil War Round Table, Chicago. Publication no 1] E467.1.H5M2 copy 3 "225 copies . . . each signed by the author, have been printed at the Archer & Smith Press [Signed] R. Gerald McMurtry." Bibliographical footnotes. Inscribed to Alfred W. Stern. One-page prospectus laid in. 2822. McMURTRY, R. GERALD. The differ- ent editions of the "Debates of Lincoln and Douglas." [Springfield, 111., 1934] 13 p., 1 1. 23 cm. (M3445) E457.4.M25 copy 3 Cover title. "This edition is limited to 100 copies . . . signed by the author, of which this is no. 4." "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society for 1934 — volume 27, no. 1." Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. 2823. McMURTRY, R. GERALD. A great Lincoln collection; a paper [read] before the East Tennessee Historical Society, Andrew Johnson Hotel, Knoxville, Tennessee, March 7, 1941. Har- rogate, Tenn., Dept. of Lincolniana, Lincoln Me- morial University, 1 94 1 . [10] p. 25 cm. E457.65.M32 "This pamphlet, limited to 500 copies, has been printed for free distribution to the friends of Lincoln Memorial University. Copy number 99. [Signed:] R. Gerald Mc- Murtry." "Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, March, 1941, Vol. XLIII, No. 1." Inscribed by the author to Mr. Stern. Author's "Sea- son's Greetings" card laid in. Printed wrappers. 2820. McMURTRIE, DOUGLAS C. A speech by Abraham Lincoln; contemporary records of a campaign speech delivered at Alton, Illinois, on April 9, 1840. Chicago, 111., 1939. 7 p. facsim. 19/2 cm. E457.95 1840M copy 2 2824. McMURTRY, R. GERALD. The Ken- tucky Lincolns on Mill Creek. Harrogate, Tenn., Department of Lincolniana, Lincoln Memorial University, 1939. viii p., 3 1., 3-78 p. illus., maps, diagrs. 21 cm. (M3693) E457.32.M215 copy 3 264 "First edition." "This edition is limited to 250 copies of which this is number 207." Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. 2825. [McMURTRY, R. GERALD] Let's talk of Lincoln, of his life, of his career, of his deeds, of his immortality. Harrogate, Tenn., Department of Lincolniana, Lincoln Memorial University, 1939. 2 p. 1., 41 p. 1 illus. 19 cm. (M3694) E 457- Ml 5 co P ies 3 & 4 Signed: R. Gerald McMurtry. Illustration on title page. "Written to commemorate the one hundred thirtieth anniversary of his birth." Copy 3 inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. 2826. McMURTRY, R. GERALD. Lincoln and the Hutchinson family singers. Harrogate, Tenn., Department of Lincolniana, Lincoln Memorial University [1944?] 1 p. 1., 14 p. illus., facsims. 25/2 cm. P "Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, December 1944, v. 46, no. 4." "100 copies." Bibliography: p. 13-14. Inscribed to Alfred W. Stern, with letter of trans- mittal laid in. Printed wrappers. 2827. McMURTRY, R. GERALD. Lincoln knew Shakespeare, [n. p., 1935?] [265^277 p. 25/2 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from the Indiana Magazine of History, December, 1935, XXXI, no. 4." Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. 2828. McMURTRY, R. GERALD. The Lin- coln log cabin almanac; being (until February 1 2th) the 130th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth and (until July 4th) the 164th of American independence . . . compiled by R. Gerald Mc- Murtry. Harrogate, Tenn., Department of Lin- colniana, Lincoln Memorial University, 1940. 60 p. illus. 25/2 cm. E457.909.M2 copy 3 Title page autographed by the author. On cover: "This almanac contains divers and sundry information about Abraham Lincoln . . ." Printed wrappers. 2829. McMURTRY, R. GERALD. The Lin- coln migration from Kentucky to Indiana, 18 16. [Bloomington? Ind., 1938?] 1 p. 1., 46 p. illus., map. 26 cm. (M3581) E457.32.M217 copy 2 "Reprinted from the Indiana Magazine of History, vol. XXXIII, no. 4, December, 1937." "Report of the Lincoln Memorial Highway Commis- sion of Kentucky": p. 39-44. Author's authographed presentation copy to Alfred W. Stern, with letter of transmittal laid in. 2830. McMURTRY, R. GERALD. Lincoln's friend, Douglas; a Lincoln day address, by Robert Gerald McMurtry. [n. p., The Principie Corp., c i946] 19 p. 23 x 10 cm. P Cover title. Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. Self-wrappers. 2831. McMURTRY, R. GERALD. The Lin- colns in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincolniana Publishers, 1932. [16] p. map. 23 cm. (M3338) E457.32.M22 copy 3 "First thousand." Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. Author's ms. note inside cover: "This pamphlet is the first pamphlet published by R. Gerald McMurtry." Printed wrappers. 2832. McMURTRY, R. GERALD. A new portrait of Lincoln's childhood environment. Chicago, The Home of Books, Inc., 1939. 17- 31 p. 25^2 cm. (Lincoln group papers, re- print no 1) (M3529 note) P Inscribed to Alfred W. Stern by the author. Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 2833. McMURTRY, R. GERALD. A series of monographs concerning the Lincolns and Hardin County, Kentucky. Elizabethtown, Ky., Enter- prise Press, 1938. 4 p. 1., 133 p. illus., map. 23/2 cm. (M3637) E457.32.M23 copy 3 "First printing, March 15, 1938, one thousand copies." "First published in the Hardin county enterprise, No- vember 28, 1935 to April 29, I937-" — Foreword. Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. 2834. McMURTRY, R. GERALD. Why col- lect Lincolniana? Chicago, Abraham Lincoln Book Shop [1947?] [iv], 19 p. 23 x 10 cm. E457.65.M33 copies 1 & 2 Cover title. Preface by Vincent Starrett: p. [i]-[iii] (reprinted from the Chicago Sunday Tribune, June 1, 1947). Bibliography: p. 19. Printed wrappers. 265 2835- McNAMAR, MYRTLE. Gentle Ann, a tale of the Sangamon. New York, Beacon Publi- cations [ c i943] 95 p. 19/2 cm. E457.9.M19 copy 2 The love story in verse of Lincoln and Ann Rutledge. 2836. McNEER, MAY Y. America's Abraham Lincoln [by] May McNeer. Illustrated by Lynd Ward. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1957. 119 p. illus. (part, col.) 25 cm. E457.905.M25 copy 2 2837. McNEIL, EVERETT. The totem of Black Hawk ; a tale of pioneer days in northwestern Illinois and the Black Hawk war. Illustrated by Henry S. Watson. Chicago, A. G. McClurg, 19 14. 5 P- !■> 369 P- illus - *9 cm. PS3525.A2798T6 "Published October, 19 14." End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1920." "The Young captain of volunteers [{. e. Abraham Lin- coln]": p. 302-313. 2838. McPHERSON, EDWARD. The political history of the United States of America, during the great rebellion, including a classified sum- mary of the legislation of the second session of the Thirty-sixth Congress, the three sessions of the Thirty-seventh Congress, the first session of the Thirty-eighth Congress, with the votes thereon, and the important executive, judicial, and politico- military facts of that eventful period; together with the organization, legislation, and general proceed- ings of the Rebel administration; and an appendix containing the principal political facts of the cam- paign of 1864, a chapter on the church and the rebellion, and the proceedings of the second session of the Thirty-eighth Congress. Washington, Philp 6 Solomons, 1865. viii, 653 p. 24^/2 cm. E459.M18 copy 3 "Second edition." 2839. McSPADDEN, J. WALKER. The story of Abraham Lincoln. New York, Newark, N. J., Barse & Hopkins, [ c i922] 5 p. 1., 9— 181 p. ports. 1 9 J/2 cm. (Famous Americans for young readers) (M2590) E457.M17 copy 3 Inscribed by the author to John W. Starr, Jr. 2840. MADDEN, MARTIN B. Abraham Lin- coln. Remarks in the House of Representatives, March 17, 19 14. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1914. 8 p. 24/2 cm. (M2153) P Cover title. 2841. MADIGAN, THOMAS F. A catalogue of Lincolniana. With an essay on Lincoln auto- graphs by William E. Barton. New York [19 — ] x, 88 p. facsims. 28/2 cm. (M3114) Z42.5.L5M3 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 2842. MADIGAN, THOMAS F. A few appro- priate remarks by Abraham Lincoln, being the story of the Gettysburg address with particular reference to the manuscript thereof, as told by Thomas F. Madigan in "Word shadows of the great." New York, Priv. Print., 193 1. [8] p., 1 1. port., facsim. 30^/2 cm. (M3281) E 475-55- L8 37 x co Py "This brochure is limited to one hundred and fifty copies especially printed for guests at the luncheon com- memorating the birthday of Abraham Lincoln given by the trustees of Lincoln Memorial University at the May- flower Hotel, Washington, D. C, February 12, 193 1 ." Inscribed. Letter of transmittal to Charles T. White, laid in. "Autograph manuscript of Lincoln's Gettysburg ad- dress. The first draft . . ." (facsim.) : p. [4-5] 2843. MADISON, LUCY (Foster). Lincoln. Illustrated and decorated by Frank E. Schoonover. Philadelphia, Penn Pub. Co. [ c ig28] 368 p. illus. (part, col.) 24/2 cm. (M3043) E457.M2 copy 3 2844. The Magazine world, v. 1, Feb. 1926. Concord, N. H., Rumford Press. AP2.M237 v. 1 X copy "Tad Lincoln's father," by Julia Taft Bayne: p. [257]- 262. (M3247 note). Reprinted from The Atlantic Monthly, May 1924. 2845. MAGIE, JAMES K. Historical, political and educational lecture on Lincoln before he was President. [Washington, 1892] folder ([4] p.) 2 ports. 27 cm. (Mi 108) E457.4.M26 copy 2 Cover title. Advertisement of the lecture containing extracts from an article written by Major Magie and published in the Chicago Tribune of August 9, 1891, etc., relating to the Lincoln-Douglas debates. 2846. MAHONEY, ELLA V. Sketches of Tudor Hall and the Booth Family. Belair, Md., 1925. 59 p. illus., ports. 20 cm. (M2796) CS71.B726 1925 copies 3 & 4 Includes references to John Wilkes Booth and the as- sassination of Lincoln. 266 Copy 3 inscribed by the author to Albert H. Griffith. Letters from the author to Charles P. [sic] White, laid in copy 4. Copy 3 bound in dull dark green cloth, copy 4 in glossy olive-green cloth. 2847. MAHONY, DENNIS A. The prisoner of state, by D. A. Mahony. New York [Geo. W.] Carleton, 1863. viii, [g]-4i4, 8 p. 19^2 cm. E458.8.M2 copy 3 Eight pages of advertising following p. 414. An account of the author's experiences in the Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D. C, where he was con- fined from August to November 1862, because of his opposition to the government. With occasional references to Lincoln. 2848. MALTBY, CHARLES. The life and pub- lic services of Abraham Lincoln. Stockton, Calif., Daily Independent Steam Power Print, 1884. 326 p. 22J/2 cm. (M1002) E457.M26 copy 3 In rust-colored three-quarter-closed case. 2849. MANNHARDT, EMIL. Abraham Lin- coln's Werdegang und Laufbahn; Rede, gehalten bei der Lincoln-Feier der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Historischen Gesellschaft von Illinois, am n ten Februar 1909. [n. p., 1909] 12 p. 25/2 cm. (M3872) P Cover title. Self-wrappers. 2850. MANSHIP, ANDREW, comp. National jewels: Washington, Lincoln, and the fathers of the revolution. Philadelphia, A. Manship, 1865. vip., 1 1., [g]-i23 p. ports. 23/2 cm. E179.M29 copy 3 Contains the Declaration of Independence, Constitu- tion of the United States, Washington's Farewell Address, Lincoln's inaugural addresses, Emancipation Proclama- tion, Lincoln funeral orations, and other miscellaneous matter. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1916." Portrait of Lincoln tipped in at p. 68. 2851. Manuscripts (formerly the Autograph col- lectors' journal), v. 4, Spring 1952; v. 6, Spring 1954. New York, The Manuscript Society. Z41.A2A925 v. 4, 6 X copy Volume 4 published under former title by the Society under its earlier name: National Society of Autograph Collectors. "The Gettysburg Address," by B. Barondess: v. 4, p. 12-20. "Abraham Lincoln, Capt.," by M. E. Brown: v. 6, p. 136-142. 2852. Maple leaves from Canada, for the grave of Abraham Lincoln: being a discourse delivered by Rev. Robert Norton . . . and address by Rev. Robert F. Burns ... at St. Catharines, Canada West, April 23rd, 1865, together with proceedings of public meetings, &c. St. Catharines, Printed at E. S. Leavenworth's Book & Job Office, 1865. 40 p. illus. 21/2 cm. (M621) E457.52.M34 Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 19). Green cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2853. MARBLE, M ANTON. Letter to Abra- ham Lincoln. By Manton Marble, editor of "The World." New York, Priv. Print., 1867. 25 p. 25 cm. (M329) E458.4.M31 copy 3 "Edition, 99 copies." Originally published in 1864 under title: Freedom of the Press Wantonly Violated (item 2590, no. 16). Title page lettered in red and black. The occasion of this letter was the suppression of the World and Journal of Commerce of New York for pub- lishing a forged communication from the President. Author's holograph letter dated Dec. 15, 1871, laid in. Addressee unknown. Also laid in is a newspaper clipping portrait of Marble, with ms. date 1870. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White." Brown cloth lettered in gilt on front cover. Line borders blind-stamped on covers. Untrimmed. 2854. Marble Collegiate pulpit, v. 18, Feb. 14, 1909. New York, Marble Collegiate Church. (M1681) P "The Righteousness of Lincoln," by D. J. Burrell: p. [I]-I2. 2855. [MARCH, GEORGE OTIS] comp. Fin de siecle Lincoln's birthday exercises for schools. Arranged by Archibald Humboldt [pseud.] Leba- non, Ohio, March Bros. [ c igoo] 24, 7, [1] p. 23 cm. (The Fin de siecle series of operettas . . . no. 13) (Mi293var.) E457.7.M31 copies 2 & 3 Cover title. 2856. MARKENS, EDWARD W. Lincoln and his relations to doctors, by Edward Wasgate Mar- kens. [Newark? 1922?] 11 p. 17 cm. (M2594) P Caption title. "Reprint from the Journal of the Medical Society of Neiv Jersey." Self-wrappers. 267 2857- MARKENS, ISAAC. Abraham Lincoln and the Jews. New York, Printed for the Author, c i90g. 60 p. 23 cm. (M1810) E457.2.M34 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 2858. MARKENS, ISAAC. Lincoln's master- piece; a review of the Gettysburg address, new in treatment and matter, by Isaac Markins; written on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the de- livery of the address, at Gettysburg, November 19, 1863. [New York] "1913. 26 p. 24/2 cm. (M2096) E475.55.L84 copy 3 "Special autograph edition of one hundred copies. No. 6 [Signed] Isaac Markens." Title page inscribed by the author. "Bibliography of Lincoln's address": p. 26. Printed wrappers, bound with cord. 2859. MARKENS, ISAAC. Why President Lincoln spared three lives. New York, Printed for the Author, 191 1. 1 p. 1., 6 numb. 1. 23/2 cm. (M2000) E608.M34 copy 2 Cover title. A call made by Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gittings and others on President Lincoln, the night of Aug. 28, 1864, at the Soldiers' Home to solicit pardon for John H. R. Embert, Braxton Lyon, and Samuel B. Hearn, privates of Co. B., 1st Md. Cavalry, convicted as spies. Author's autographed note on verso of preliminary leaf: "One of only fifty copies printed." Blue three-quarter-morocco, with original wrappers bound in. 2860. MARKHAM, EDWIN. Lincoln & other poems. New York, McClure, Phillips, 1901. xii p., 1 1., I25,[i] p. port. 20 cm. (M1300 note) PS2362.L5 copy 3 "First impression October, 1901." Bookplate of Edmund C. Stedman. Letter from Markham to Stedman, dated Jan. 5, 1886, requesting "a few words of criticism and advice," laid in. 2861. MARKHAM, EDWIN. Lincoln, the man of the people, [n. p., c i9og, 1919] folder ([4] p.) illus. 21/2 cm. P Caption title. Facsimile in the author's handwriting. 2862. MARKHAM, EDWIN. Lincoln, the man of the people. Etched by Bernhardt Wall. New York, B. Wall, 1922 [ c i9ig] 16 1. (incl. 4 numb. 1.) illus., ports. 28/2 x 21/2 cm. (M2595) E457.9.M3 1922 "Edition — 300 copies. Copy no. 16. [Signed] Edwin Markham [and] Bernhardt Wall." Portrait of Edwin Markham inserted from Wall's Etched Monthly, 1921, with holograph letter of trans- mittal from Wall to [Albert H.] Griffith on verso. Guard sheets. Blue boards, with green cloth back. Etched paper labels on cover and spine. 2863. Another edition. 1922 [i. e. 1941] 15 1. 28/2x24 cm. (var. of M2595) E457.9.M3 1941 "Edition 125 copies . . . 2nd printing. Copy no. six. [Signed] Bernhardt Wall." Edition and copyright statements from new plates. Without guard sheets. One leaf has been omitted, and many of the remaining leaves show variations in the inking. Each illustration signed by the etcher. Cardboard covers, with gray cloth back. Front cover etched. In brown wrapper labeled on spine. 2864. MARKUN, LEO. A short history of the Civil War. Girard, Kan., Haldeman- Julius Publi- cations [n. d.] 64 p. 12/2 cm. (Little blue book no. 503, ed. by E. Haldeman-Julius.) P Printed wrappers. 2865. MARQUIS, THOMAS G. Presidents of the United States from Pierce to McKinley, by T. G. Marquis. Toronto, Philadelphia, Linscott Pub. Co.; London, Edinburgh, VV. & R. Chambers, 1907. xxvi, 476 p. 20/2 cm. (The Nineteenth century series [vol. 21]) E176.1.M35 copy 2 "President Abraham Lincoln": p. 79-148. 2866. MARRARO, HOWARD R. Lincoln's Italian volunteers from New York. [New York? 1943?] [32] p. illus. 23 cm. E540.I8M3 copy 2 Cover title. "Reprinted from New York History, January 1943." Self-wrappers. 2867. MARSH, DANIEL L. The American canon. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, Abingdon Press [ c i939] 126 p. 22 cm. E169.1.M28 copy 3 An expansion of the author's baccalaureate sermon to the Boston University class of 1939 including the seven great documents which he believes will set the standard of American patriotism. Cf. Pref. "Our gospel of Americanism: Lincoln's second inaugu- ral address" : p. 64-70. 2868. [MARSH, L. GARDNER] Story of Abra- ham Lincoln. Chicago, Ainsworth [n. d.] 16 p. 268 18 cm. (Lakeside series: English readings for schools, no. 78) (Mi 258 var.) E457.M359 Cover title. In Gaylord binder. 2869. MARSHALL, CATHERINE (Wood). "The Lincoln tradition," by Catherine Marshall, [n. p., n. d.] 10 p. 19 cm. P Cover title. Self-wrappers. 2870. MARSHALL, JAMES. The Nation's gratitude. A discourse delivered at the United States General Hospital, Officers' Division, near Fort Monroe, Va., on the National Thanksgiving Day, November 24th 1864. Philadelphia, King & Baird, Printers, 1865. 32 p. 23^2 cm. P Printed wrappers. 2871. MARSHALL, JAMES. The Nation's grief: death of Abraham Lincoln. A discourse delivered in the chapel of the officers' division of the United States General Hospital, near Fort Monroe, Va., Sunday, April 29th, 1865, and re- peated by special request in St. Paul's Church, Norfolk, Va. Syracuse, N. Y., The Daily Journal Steam Book and Job Print. Off., 1865. 40 p. 22/2 cm. (M622) E457.8.M36 copy 2 "Published by Battery 'F.' 3d Pa. H. Artillery." Inscribed by the author. Glazed printed wrappers. 2872. MARSHALL, JOHN A. American bastile. A history of the illegal arrests and imprisonment of American citizens during the late Civil War. Philadelphia, Thomas W. Hartley, 1878. lxx, [71]- 768 p. illus. 23/2 cm. E458.8.M37 copy 2 "Twenty-fourth edition.'' "A History of 'The Prisoners of State' during the ad- ministration of the late President Lincoln." — p. v. 2873. MARSHALL, PETER. "From Laurie to Lincoln." Washington, New York Avenue Pres- byterian Church, 1939. 12 p. 19 cm. (M3695) E457.2.M36 Cover title. 2874. MARTIN, ASA E. After the White House. State College, Pa., Penns Valley Publish- ers, 195 1. 464 p. illus. 23/2 cm. E176.1.M365 copy 3 Book about Presidents in retirement, with scattered references to Lincoln in chapters entitled "The Bachelor at Wheatland: James Buchanan, March 4, 1 861 -June 1, 1868" (p. 235-250) and "The Old Commoner in the Senate: Andrew Johnson, March 4, 1869-July 31, 1875" (p. 251-266). 2875. MARTIN, JAMES M. A defence of Lincoln's mother, conversion and creed; being an open letter to the author of "The soul of Abraham Lincoln." Minneapolis, Priv. Pub., 1921. 2 p. 1., 7-43 p. 2 ports. 20/2 cm. (M2519) E457.2.M37 copies 2 & 3 A criticism of Wililam E. Barton's The Soul of Abra- ham Lincoln. 550 copies. "Appendix I. The Conversion of Abraham Lincoln," by Rev. Edward L. Watson" : p. 38-43. White printed wrappers. Copy 2 rebound in dark brown full-leather with gilt lettering on cover. Gilt edges. Copy 2 author's autographed presentation copy to Charles T. White. Copy 3 with letter of transmittal laid in. 2876. Another edition. Minneapolis, 192 1. 76 p. 2 ports. 20/2 cm. (M25i9var.) E457.2.M8 copies 3 & 4 "Second edition." From different plates. "Appendix II. Precocity of the boy Lincoln, Man- hood religion": p. 47-54. "Appendix III. Father Chiniquy and Mr. Lincoln": p. 55-65. "Appendix IV. Lincoln's endorsement of Colonel Jaquess" : p. 66—76. Author's autographed presentation copies to Charles T. White, dated Dec. 17, 192 1, and Nov. 30, 1921 respectively. Copy 3 bound in brown cloth with gilt lettering on cover; copy 4 in printed wrappers. 2877. Another edition. Minneapolis, 1930. 79 p. 2 ports. 20 cm. (M25i9var.) E457.2.M38 1930 "Third edition." From different plates. "Appendix V. Second inaugural, March 4, 1865": P- 77-79- Printed wrappers. 2878. MARTIN, SAMUEL E. Gathered-up fragments. [West New Brighton, Staten Island, New York] "1936. [16] p. 21 cm. P "Lincoln" [poem]: p. [13] Inscription to Charles T. White signed by author. Printed wrappers. 269 2879- The Marvelous year [1809] Introduction by Edwin Markham, drawings by Gertrude Huebsch. New York, B. W. Huebsch, 1909. 104 p. ports. 27 cm. CT119.M4 copy 2 Title within ornamental border. "Abraham Lincoln, 1809- 1865": p. 35-38. Boards. 2880. Mary Todd Lincoln Memorial, [n. p., 1912?] 16 p. 16 cm. (M2041) P Cover title. Portrait of Mrs. Lincoln on cover. In Gaylord binder. 2881. MASON, EDWARD G., ed. Early Chi- cago and Illinois. Chicago, Fergus Print. Co., 1890. 2 p. 1., xxv, 9-521 p. 10 ports., facsims. 24 cm. (Chicago Historical Society's collection, vol. IV) F545.M39 copy 2 Published at the charge of the Jonathan-Burr fund. Frequent allusions to Lincoln in articles entitled "Isaac N. Arnold, a Settler of Chicago in 1836," by E. B. Wash- burne (p. 27-53), "Mark Skinner," by E. W. Blatchford (p. 54-77), and "Elihu B. Washburne," by George W. Smith (p. 78-101). Two letters from Lincoln to Wash- burne, p. 85-86. 2882. MASON, JOHN. To the Hon. Abraham Lincoln, President elect of the United States, by J. Mason. [New York, 1861] 12 p. 22 cm. (Mm) HD216.M3 Caption title. Signed: John Mason, and dated Feb. 12, 1861. Inscribed: "To the Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, Vice-Presi- dent Elect with the compliments of the writer." Self-wrappers. In brown quarter-morocco slipcase. 2883. MASON, VAN WYCK. Blue hurricane, by F. Van Wyck Mason. Philadelphia, New York, Lippincott [1954] 307 p. 22 cm. PS3525.A822B6 "First edition." End paper maps. Historical novel about the "River War" fought along the Tennessee, Cumberland, and Mississippi in 1862. 2884. Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. Proceedings. 3d ser. v. [51] May-June 19 18. F6 1 .M38 v. 5 1 , X copy "Lamon's 'Life of Lincoln' ": p. 498-500. 2885. MASSEY, MARY ELIZABETH. Ersatz in the Confederacy. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 1952. xii, 233 p. illus. 24 cm. E489.M3 copy 3 2886. MASTERS, EDGAR LEE. Jack Kelso; a dramatic poem. New York, London, D. Appleton, 1928. 3 p. l.,264 p. 21/2 cm. PS35 2 5- A8 3J3 '928 copy 4 Concerning one of Lincoln's New Salem friends. 2887. MASTERS, EDGAR LEE. Lincoln, the man. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1931. 6 p. 1., 520 p. illus., ports., facsims. 24 cm. (M3284) E457.M41 copy 3 "Of this limited edition one hundred and fifty copies have been printed, of which this is no. 57 [Signed] Edgar Lee Masters." Tan cloth, with gilt-lettered white paper spine. In tan three-quarter-closed case. 2888. Another issue. E457.M41 copy 4 Without limited edition statement. Black cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. 2889. Another edition. London, Cassell [1931] 5 P- !•» 5!7>[i] P- 25 cm. (M3284 var.) E457.M41 1931a "First published 1931." Printed from different plates, with same illustrative matter. Dark blue cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. 2890. MASTERS, EDGAR LEE. The Sanga- mon. Illustrated by Lynd Ward. New York, Toronto, Farrar & Rinehart [1942] 4 p. 1., 3- 258 p. illus., ports. 21 cm. (The Rivers of America) F547.S3M3 copy 3 Frequent references to Lincoln. 2891. [MATHER, OTIS M.] The Hodgenville Chamber of Commerce invites you to visit the Lincoln birthplace Memorial at Hodgenville, Ken- tucky. [Hodgenville, Ky., The Hodgenville Cham- ber of Commerce, 1927] [4] p. illus. 24 cm. (M2937) P Caption title. 2892. [MATHER, OTIS M.] Hodgenville, Ken- tucky; birthplace of Abraham Lincoln. [Hodgen- ville, Ky., 1938] folder ([7] p.) illus. 22 cm. (M3489 var.) E457.32.M38 copy 2 Cover title. "Prepared for the Hodgenville Rotary Club, by O. M. Mather." "1938 issue." Autographed by the author. 270 2893- [MATHEWS, JAMES T., Jr.] The Lincoln memorial. Washington, National Art Service Co., c i934- [26] p. illus. 22/2 cm. (M3447) F203.4.L73M2 copy 3 On cover: The Lincoln Memorial; an Athenian temple in memory of a great American, by James P. [sic] Matthews [sic] Jr. Printed wrappers. 2894. [MATHEWS, JAMES T., Jr.] The Lin- coln Museum; a memorial to the human qualities of Abraham Lincoln. Washington, National Art Service Co., °I935. [30] p. illus. 23 cm. (M3490) E457.65.M37 copy 3 On cover: History of the Lincoln Museum; the Ford Theater and the Oldroyd Collection, by James T. Mathews, Jr. Printed wrappers. 2895. MATHEWS, SHAILER. The Grand Army Hall and Memorial Association of Illinois. Twentieth Lincoln birthday service . . . Chicago . . . 1 9 19 . . . [an] address. [Chicago?] c i9ig. 29 p. port. 18/2 cm. (M2408) P Printed wrappers. 2896. MATHEWS, STELLA TYLER. The life of Abraham Lincoln, in verse. Seattle, Press of Lowman & Hanford [ c ig23] 4 p. 1., [13]— 97 p- illus., port. 20 cm. (M2653) E457.9.M42 copy 3 Embossed portrait of Lincoln on cover. Seven-page prospectus (19 cm.) and one page of printed testimonials (31 J/2 cm.) laid in. Both stamped "Geo. P. Hambrecht." 2897. MATSUMURA, KAISEKI. Aburahamu Rinkorun [Abraham Lincoln] [Tokyo] Keiseisha shoten [1901] 5 p. 1., 183^2] p. port. 19 cm. (M 3 8 5 ia) U Cover title. "Seventh printing." A life of Lincoln, in Japanese. First published in 1890. Letter to William H. Lambert laid in. In pamphlet holder. 2898. MAVIDAL, JEROME, ed. Annuaire des faits; resume universel chronologique et alphabeti- que des evenements de 1861-65, P ar - J- Mavidal. [v. 1.] 1861. Paris, B. Duprat, 1862. 229 p. 16/2 cm. D391.A6 vol. I copy 2 At head of title : Premiere annee. Contains references to Lincoln and to the events of his first year in office. Brown polished half-calf. 2899. MAWSON, AGNES, comp. Winnowings for Lincoln's birthday. New York, W. B. Harison, 1903. 88 p., 1 1. 17/2CHI. (M1418) E457.99.M46 copy 2 Contents. — pt. 1. Selections for grammar and high schools. — pt. 2. For little folk. Anecdotes. Printed wrappers. 2900. MAXEY, GEORGE W. Address ... on Abraham Lincoln at the banquet tendered by the Somerset Bar Association on February 12, 1937. [Pittsburgh, Pittsburger Polish Daily Pub. Co., 1937] J 5 P-> P ort - 22 / / ' 2 cm - ( M 35 82 ) P Cover title. 2901. MAXWELL, WILLIAM Q. Lincoln's fifth wheel: the political history of the United States Sanitary Commission. Preface by Allan Nevins. New York, London, Toronto, Longmans, Green, 1956. xii, 372 p. 22 cm. E631.M3 1 956a copies 1 & 2 "First edition." "Camp and field edition. Autographed by the author for members of the Civil War Book Club." Bibliography: p. 351-359- 2902. [MAYER, LOUIS.] The bust of Abra- ham Lincoln, [n. p., c igi6] folder ([7] p.) 16 cm. (M2257) P Caption title. Enclosed is a letter, dated Aug. 12th, 1929, from Louis Mayer to Mr. John W. Starr, Jr. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2903. MAYNARD, HENRIETTA S. (Col- burn). Was Abraham Lincoln a spiritualist? or, Curious revelations from the life of a trance medi- um. By Mrs. Nettie Colburn Maynard . . . To- gether with portraits, letters and poems . . . Phila- delphia, R. C. Hartranft, 1891. xxiv, 264 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. (M1088) E457.2.M472 copy 3 2904. MAYO, AMORY D. The Nation's sacri- fice. Abraham Lincoln. Two discourses, de- livered on Sunday morning, April 16, and Wednes- day morning, April 19, 1865, in the Church of the Redeemer, Cincinnati, Ohio, by A. D. Mayo, pastor. Cincinnati, R. Clarke, 1865. 28 p. 22 cm. (M625) E457.8.M47 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 27I 2905. [MEAD, FRANKLIN B.] Abraham Lin- coln: the Hoosier youth. Paul Manship's heroic bronze statue presented by the Lincoln National Life Foundation. Fort Wayne, Ind., The Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., 1932. 19 p. illus. 27 cm. (M3307) P Printed wrappers. 2906. MEAD, FRANKLIN B. Heroic statues in bronze of Abraham Lincoln, introducing the Hoosier youth of Paul Manship. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln National Life Foundation, 1932. 93>[ I J P- illus. (part col.), ports. 27/2 cm. (M3341) E457.6.M32copy4 "Of this edition three hundred numbered and signed copies have been printed of which this is number 108 [Signed] Franklin B. Mead." 2907. MEADER, STEPHEN W. Longshanks. Illustrated by Edward C. Caswell. New York, Harcourt, Brace, [71928] 4 p. 1., 243 p. 3 illus. 19/2 cm. (M3048) PZ7.M49L0 copy 2 Story about a youth who accompanies Lincoln on his flatboat voyage to New Orleans. 2908. MEAGHER, THOMAS FRANCIS. Letters on our national struggle, by Brig.-Gen. Thos. Francis Meagher. Addressed to the editors of the Dublin "Irishman'' and "Citizen." [New York, 1863] I5,[i] p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publi- cation Society. [Pamphlets] no. 38) E463.L96 no. 38 4th set Caption title. Letters dated Sept. 26, 1863, and Sept. 5, 1863. Printed on last page : Loyal leagues [etc.] Issued also with different printing on last page : The Loyal Publication Society [etc.] Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 2909. MEANY, EDMOND S., ed. Lincoln esteemed Washington. Seattle, F. M. McCaffrey, x 933- 5 P- !•' 9 — 57 P- mounted port. 21 cm. (M 3397) E457.2.M48 copy 3 "From numerous sources there are here assembled from letters, speeches and proclamations the words of Lincoln showing his constant and continued esteem of Washington." — Pref. . Copy of letter from Frank McCaffery to Charles T. White, transmitting a copy of Meany's book, laid in. Boards. 2910. MEARNS, DAVID C. Lincoln and the image of America; an address before the Lincoln Fellowship of Hamilton, Canada, at McMaster University, on February 12, 1953. [Hamilton, Lin- coln Fellowship, 1953] 16 p. 21 5/2 cm. E457.7.M4 copies 1 & 2 Cover title. 291 1. MEARNS, DAVID C. The Lincoln papers; the story of the collection, with selections to July 4, 1 86 1. Introduction by Carl Sandburg. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1948. 2 v. (xvii, 681 p.) illus., ports., facsims. 22 cm. E 457-92 i94 8co Py !I "First edition." The selections consist chiefly of letters and memoranda to Abraham Lincoln from the Robert Todd Lincoln Col- lection in the Library of Congress. Fly leaf inscribed: "Alfred Whital Stern, great Lin- colnian, great collector, great friend, with the abiding gratitude of David C. Mearns." Letters from the author to Mr. Stern inserted. Reviewed by George Fort Milton in The Saturday Re- view, Oct. 30, 1948, and by Lloyd Lewis in The New York Times Book Review, October 31, 1948. Detached copies laid in. 2912. MECA, J. Abraham Lincoln intimo, apuntes historico-anecdoticos de su vida y de su epoca; obra escrita por J. Meca, en presencia de las de Curtis, Williams, Greeley, Spencer, etc. Bar- celona, Montaner y Simon, 1909. 341 p., 1 1. illus., ports., facsim. 24^/2 cm. (Biblioteca univer- sal) (M3879) E457.M48 copy 2 "Edicion illustrada." 2913. The Medical and surgical reporter, n. s., v. 12, no. 28 (no. 425), Apr. 22, 1865. Phila- delphia. R11.M5 n. s., v. 12 X copy "Murder of President Lincoln": p. 452. "Last hours of Abraham Lincoln," by C. S. Taft: p. 452-454. 2914. [MEEK, THOMAS S.] The notable his- tory of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States. Chicago, Donohue, Henne- berry, c i8g6. [18] p. illus. (part col.) 27 cm. (Boys national series) (Mi 200) E457.905.M4 Cover title. Cardboard covers, illustrated in color. 2915. MEESE, WILLIAM A. Abraham Lin- coln; incidents in his life relating to waterways. [Moline, 111., Desaulniers & Co., Printers, 1908] 2 p. 1., 7-53 p. 1 illus., port. 23^2 cm. (M1608) E457.2.M5 copy 4 On cover: Abraham Lincoln on waterways. Printed wrappers, bound with silk cord. 272 29 1 6. MELIGAKES, NICHOLAS A. The spirit of Gettysburg; the growth of a nation, its hour of redemption and a symbolic interpretation of its preservation through the people's devotion to a cause, by N. A. Meligakes. Gettysburg, Pa., Bookmart ['1950] xx p., 2 1., 252 p. illus., ports., maps. 23 cm. F159.G5M4 1950 copy 3 "Sesqui-centennial edition." Illustrated end papers. Title page autographed by the author. 2917. Memorials of the life and character of Stephen T. Logan. Springfield, 111., H. W. Rokker, Printer, 1882. 2 p. 1., [3]-87 p. port. 21 cm. F545- L8 3 co Py 2 Letter of transmittal from Frederick T. Hill to William H. Lambert, dated Mar. 28, 1906, mounted on end paper. Fly leaf inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Logan was Lincoln's law associate in the years 1841— 1844. 2918. The Mentor, v. 1, Feb. 9, 19 14; v. 17, Mar. 1929. Springfield, Ohio, Crowell Pub. Co. AP2.M417, v. 1, 17 X copy "Abraham Lincoln," by A. B. Hart: v. 1, p. 1-11. (M2144) "How Lincoln memorial statue was made," by R. Vincent: v. 17, p. 3-4. "Engraving the Borglum Lin- coln," by H. McCormick: p. 5. "A unique portrait," by A. Rutledge: p. 6. "Carnegie's pencil. Did Lincoln use it in writing the Gettysburg Address?" : p. 62. Volume 1 published by the Mentor Association, Inc., New York. 2919. MERCER, S. C. The two Kentuckians; read by Mrs. Irwin Dugan before the Filson Club, Louisville, Ky. Louisville, Press of S. T. Copeland, 1 901. [8] p. 4 ports. 23 cm. (M1350) PS2389.M247T9 Cover title. Poem about Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. Other poems include the author's "After the reunion," and "The Con- quered banner," by Abram J. Ryan. 2920. MEREDITH, ROY. The face of Robert E. Lee in life and in legend. New York, London, C. Scribner's Sons, 1947. 143 p. illus., ports. 28/2 cm. E467.1.L4M5 copy 3 Detached copy of "A New note on Lee in Texas," by June Kilstofte in the San Antonio Express Magazine, Oct. 26, 1947, laid in. 2921. MEREDITH, ROY. Mr. Lincoln's camera man, Mathew B. Brady. New York, C. Schibner's Sons, 1946. xiii, [2], 368 p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 31 cm. TR140.B7M4 copy 4 2922. MEREDITH, ROY. Mr. Lincoln's con- temporaries; an album of portraits by Mathew B. Brady. New York, Scribner, 1951. xii, 233 p. illus., ports. 28/2 cm. E415.8.M4 copy 3 Inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. 2923. MEREDITH, ROY. Storm over Sumter; the opening engagement of the Civil War. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1957. 4 p. 1., 214 p. illus., ports., map. 22 cm. E471.1.M4 copy 4 "First Printing." 2924. MERIAM, ARTHUR L. Final interment of President Abraham Lincoln's remains at the Lincoln Monument in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, 111. [Springfield, 1930?] 4 p. port. 23 cm. (M3218) E457.52.M45 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume 23, number 1, April 1930." Printed wrappers. 2925. [MERIWETHER, ELIZABETH (Avery)] Facts and falsehoods concerning the war on the South, 1 86 1 -1 865, by George Edmonds [pseud.] Memphis, Tenn., A. R. Taylor ['1904] 1 p. 1., vii, [1], 271 p. 22 cm. (M1442) E468.9.M56 copy 2 Part I (p. [i]-go) deals with the life of Abraham Lin- coln. "Authorities" : p. iii. Printed wrappers. 2926. MERRIAM, CHARLES EDWARD. Four American party leaders ; Henry Ward Beecher Foundation lectures, delivered at Amherst college [in May, 1924] New York, Macmillan, 1926. xvi p., 3 1., 104 p. 4 ports. 19/2 cm. [Political parties and practical politics series] (M2865) E663.M56 copy 3 Contents. — Abraham Lincoln. — Theodore Roose- velt. — Woodrow Wilson. — William Jennings Bryan. — Comparisons. "Selected references" at end of each chapter except the last. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 2927. MERRIAM, GEORGE S. The life and times of Samuel Bowles. New York, The Century Co., 1885. 2 v. port. 21 cm. E661.B78 copy 3 Samuel Bowles III was editor of the Springfield Re- publican from 1845 to 1878. 273 2928. MERRILL, JAMES M. The Rebel shore; the story of Union sea power in the Civil War. Boston, Toronto, Little, Brown [1957] vii p., 2 1., 3-246 p. illus., ports. 21 cm. E591.M48 copy 3 "First edition." 2929. MERRITT, L. EVELINE. Studies of famous pictures. Lincoln — St. Gaudens . . . [Taylorville, 111., Parker Pub. Co., 191 2] 7 p. 20 cm. (M2043) P Cover title. A description of the St. Gaudens statue, pictured on the cover. 2930. MERWIN, JAMES B. Merwin at State University. Lincoln's friend and associate tells the students of the summer school of the great re- former's prohibition principles, [n. p., 19 18?] folder ([4] p.) ports., facsim. 23 cm. (M2382) P Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2931. MESERVE, FREDERICK HILL. The annual dinner of the Union League Club of Brook- lyn, February 12, 1908, in celebration of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Portraits from the Frederick Hill Meserve Collection, New York. [New York? 1908] 1 p. 1., 5 mounted photo. 19 cm. (M1633) E457.6.M566 copy 3 Cover title: Lincoln portraits. Red full-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 2932. MESERVE, FREDERICK HILL. Grant in the Wilderness. New York, Priv. Print., April, 1914. I3,[i] p. illus., port. 23^/2 cm. E476.52.M57 copy 2 Cover title. Reproductions of several wartime photographs, with introductory and descriptive notes. "This edition consists of 300 copies, of which 200 copies are printed for the members of the Quill Club of New York." Inscribed to George P. Hambrecht. '2933. MESERVE, FREDERICK HILL. Lin- colniana and historical photographs. New York, Priv. Print., 191 7. 26,[2] p. port. 31 cm. (M2326) E457.6.M5668 Announcement of Meserve's twenty-eight-volume work with "nearly 8000 photographic portraits." Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Correspondence between Hambrecht and Meserve laid in. Boards. 2934. MESERVE, FREDERICK HILL. Lin- colniana; historical portraits and views printed di- rectly from original negatives and from negatives made from photographs in the collection of Ameri- cana of Frederick Hill Meserve. New York, Priv. Print., 1 9 15. 104 p. mounted illus., ports. 31 cm. (M2200) E457.6.M567 folio Includes over 100 photographs of Lincoln. Dark blue full-morocco. In blue solander case. 2935. MESERVE, FREDERICK HILL. My ex- perience in collecting historical photographs. Har- rogate, Tenn., Lincoln Memorial University Press, 1954. 22 p. illus., ports. 26 cm. E176.5.M4 "Three hundred copies." "Reprint from the Lincoln Herald, spring-summer issue, 1954, vol. 56, no. 1—2." Printed wrappers. 2936. MESERVE, FREDERICK HILL. The photographic portraits of Abraham Lincoln; a de- scriptive list of the portraits in the Meserve Col- lection, copies of which were presented to Lincoln Memorial University by Carl W. Schaefer, a trustee of the University. By Frederick H. Meserve. [New York] Priv. Print. [Charles J. Amm] 1941. 1 p. 1., 21 p. mounted ports. 26 cm. E457.6.M568 copy 3 "Fifty-two copies of this catalogue are printed . . . of which this is Proof sheets no. 4; with the photographic portraits, printed from the original negatives, or from negatives made from the original photographs, added. [Signed] Frederick H. Meserve." Program [of the] Frederick Hill Meserve tribute, Oc- tober 4, 1 94 1, Hall of Citizenship, Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tennessee ([New York?] 1941. [4] p. ports.) laid in. Bound. In green slipcase. 2937. MESERVE, FREDERICK HILL. The photographs of Abraham Lincoln. An advertise- ment of a book which will contain photographic prints of all known photographs of Abraham Lin- coln, printed from the original negatives, and from copies of the daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, and photographs, with the history of each portrait. New York [Printed by A. Kimball] 1910. 1 p. 1., 5 p., 1 1. mounted port. 23^ cm. E457.6.M57 copy 3 A prospectus of item 2938. Printed heavy paper covers. 274 2938. MESERVE, FREDERICK HILL. The photographs of Abraham Lincoln. New York, Priv. Print., 1 9 1 1 . nop. mounted illus., mounted ports., facsim. 28/2 cm. (M2001) E457.6.M58 copy 3 "One hundred and two numbered and signed copies . . . This copy is no. 30. [Signed] F. H. Meserve." Ms. note on title page: "No. 30. J. G." Bookplate of John Gribbel mounted on end paper. Contains 100 numbered photographs of Lincoln. "Names of the subscribers" : p. 15—18. Boards, with gilt-stamped spine and gilt top. In three- quarter-closed case. 2938a. Supplement number one. New York, Priv. Print., 191 7. 7 p. mounted illus., mounted ports. 28 cm. (M2002) E457.6.M58 Suppl. copy 2, No. 1 Cover title. Contains photographs nos. 1 01-108. Self-wrappers. 2938b. Supplement number two. New York, Priv. Print., 1938. 7 p. mounted ports. 28 cm. (M2002 note) E457.6.M58 Suppl. copy 2, No. 2 Cover title. Contains photographs nos. 109-1 16. Self-wrappers. 2938c. Supplement number three. New York, Priv. Print., 1950. 7 p. mounted illus., mounted port. 28 cm. E457.6.M58 Suppl. copy 4, No. 3 Cover title. Contains photographs nos. 1 1 7-124. Self-wrappers. 2938d. Supplement number jour. New York, Priv. Print., 1955. 7 p. mounted illus., mounted ports. 28 cm. E457.6.M58 Suppl. copy 2, No. 4 Cover title. Contains photographs nos. 125-130. Self-wrappers. 2939. MESERVE, FREDERICK HILL. This is Abraham Lincoln. With an introduction by Carl Sandburg. Herrogate, Tenn., Lincoln Memorial University, 1941. 19 p. illus., ports. 23^2 x io/ 2 cm. E457.6.M582 "Three hundred copies . . . [Signed] F. H. Meserve." 2940. MESERVE, FREDERICK HILL, and CARL SANDBURG. The photographs of Abra- ham Lincoln. New York, Harcourt, Brace [1944] 1 p. I., 30 p. 95 plates (inch ports.) on 48 1. 24^/2 cm. E457.6.M569 copy 4 "First edition." Contents. — The Face of Lincoln, by Carl Sand- burg. — Frederick Hill Meserve, by Carl Sandburg. — The Photographs of Abraham Lincoln, by F. H. Meserve. End paper signed : "Frederick H. Meserve." 2941. The Messenger of peace, v. 42 (n. s., v. 18), Mar. 19 18. Richmond, Ind., Peace Association of Friends in America. JX1901.M4 v. 42 X copy "Law and Conscience.": p. 183-187. Reprinted from Friends Review, 1884. 2942. The Mexican boy. v. 4, Feb. 1926; v. 5, Feb. 12, 1927. Gardena, Calif., Spanish American Institute. P Special Lincoln Day editions. 2943. MEYNELL, ESTHER H. (Moorhouse). The young Lincoln, by Esther Meynell. London, Chapman & Hall [1944] vi p., 1 1., 164 p. 215/2 cm. E457.3.M47 copy 3 "First published 1944." Gray wrappers. Paper label on cover. 2944. Another issue. 22 cm. E457.3.M47 copy 4 From same plates but with headlines on each odd- numbered page. Light green cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. 2945. Another issue. E457.3.M47 copy 5 "Second edition, 1944." Copyright page reset. Blue cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. 2946. MICHELS, NICHOLAS. The rise and fall of prohibition in Illinois, 1839- 1855; a crush- ing defeat concealed by prohibitionists. Lincoln as legislator, orator, and President — never a prohibi- tionist. Chicago [ca. 191 2] 24 p. 23 cm. (M2044) E457.2.M6 Envelope addressed to J. W. Starr, Jr., mounted on cover. Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 2947. Middlesex Club, Boston. Lincoln Night, Middlesex Club, Boston, February 12, 1921. Ad- dresses by Hon. Charles Nagel, Hon. Wendell Phillips Stafford. [Boston] Printed by the Club, 1921. 28 p. 23 cm. (M2521) P Cover title. 275 2948- Middlesex Club, Boston. Lincoln Night, Middlesex Club, Boston, February 12, 1923. Ad- dresses by Hon. Samuel Roy McKelvie, Rev. Max- well Savage, Maj. Gen. Andre Brewster, U. S. A. [Boston] Printed by the Club, 1923. 30 p. 23 cm. (M2654) P Cover title. 2949. Midland notes, nos. 16, 21, 24. Mansfield, Ohio, Midland Rare Book Co. Z999.M625 nos. 16, 21, 24 X copy "Lincolniana:" no. 16. "Lincoln & Hamlin:" no. a I. "Lincolniana: " no. 24. 2950. MIERS, EARL SCHENCK, ed. Gettys- burg. Edited by Earl Schenck Miers and Richard A. Brown. Maps by Harold C. Detje. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1948. xviii, 308 p. illus., maps. 22 cm. E475.51.M5 copy 5 2951. MIERS, EARL SCHENCK. The rain- bow book of American history. Illustrated by James Daugherty. Cleveland, World Pub. Co. [ r 955] 3'9P- col. illus. 29 cm. Ei78-3-M57copy3 "First edition." Title page illustrated in color. Scattered references to Lincoln. 2952. MIERS, EARL SCHENCK. Robert E. Lee, a great life in brief. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1956. 8 p. 1., 3-203, viii, [1] p. fold. map. 19 cm. (Great lives in brief, a new series of biographies) E467.1.L4M6 1956a "First edition." "Arlington edition, autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club [Signed] Earl S. Miers." 2953. MIERS, EARL SCHENCK. The web of victory; Grant at Vicksburg. New York, Knopf, 1955. xiv, 320, xii, [1] p. illus., ports., maps. 22 cm. E475.27.M64 copy 3 "First edition." 2954. MILES, THOMAS JEFFERSON. "To all whom it may concern." The conspiracy of leading men of the Republican party to destroy the American union proved by their words and acts antecedent and subsequent to the rebellion. New York, J. Walter, 1864. 35 p. 23 cm. (M330) E458.4.M64 copy 3 Cover title (?). Previously bound. 2955. MILHOLLEN, HIRST D., and MILTON KAPLAN. Presidents on parade. With a fore- word by Luther H. Evans, Librarian of Congress. New York, Macmillan, 1948. 425 p. illus., ports. 29 cm. E176. 1.M63 copy 14 A collection of photographs, reproduced in part from material in the Library of Congress, each with brief commentary. [Abraham Lincoln] : p. 192-218. Six-page prospectus laid in. 2956. Military despotism! Suspension of the habeas corpus! Curses coming home to roost! New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 16 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 20) E463.L96 no. 20 4th set Cover title. Bottom of p. 16 blank. On cover: New York, May, 1863. Contents. — Military despotism. Arbitrary arrest of a judge. — The Conspiracy to seduce the northwest. — English suspension of the habeas corpus. — Curses coming home to roost. On cover of later issue: New York, Oct., 1863. Issued also with caption title only and note at bottom of p. 16: Loyal leagues [etc.] In pamphlet holder. 2957. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. District of Columbia Commandery. Meeting of the Board of Officers, March 5, 19 18. Excerpt from the minutes of proceedings. The recorder offered the following contribution to Lin- colniana literature by the author, Companion Walter Evans of this commandery and judge of the United States courts for the western district of Kentucky which was unanimously voted to be printed. Abraham Lincoln: An appreciation. [Washington, D. C? 19 18?] folder ([2] p.) 20 cm. (M2383) P Caption title. Inscribed by Thomas H. McKee, Recorder. 2958. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. District of Columbia Commandery. War paper 47. [1903?] (M1419) E457- I 5 K6 5 co Py 2 "An Interview with Abraham Lincoln," by [Gilbert Crawford] Kniffin: p. 13. 276 2959- Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. District of Columbia Commandery. War paper 71. [1907?] (M1540) E601.H179 copy 2 "A non-commissioned officer's interview with Presi- dent Lincoln," by Samuel K. Hall: p. 27. 2960. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Minnesota Commandery. Ad- dresses in memory of Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the Minnesota Commandery of the Loyal Legion of the United States, 1903-19 10. Pub- lished for the Commandery under direction of C. G. Schulz. [St. Paul, 1910] 3 p. 1., 5-210 p. port. 23 cm. (M1935) E457.8.Ai55copies4&5 37 addresses. Maroon half-morocco. 2961. [Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. New York Commandery] Abra- ham Lincoln. The celebration of the centenary of Lincoln's birth by the New York Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Dclmonico's New York, February 3, 1909. [New York? 1909?] [6] p., 1 1. port. 23/2 cm. (M1814) P "This edition limited to 450 copies for distribution at the dinner of the Commandery." The portrait of Lincoln on p. [2] was "printed directly from the original negative made by M. B. Brady, in Washington, 1864 . . ." Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2962. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. New York Commandery. Ad- dresses delivered before the Commandery of the State of New York, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, at the regular meeting held February 3, 1909, at Delmonico's in observ- ance of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of President Abraham Lincoln. [New York, 1909] 1 P- l-i 5-3 1 P- 2 4 cm - (M1815) E457.7.M64 X copy Title vignette (port.) Blind-stamped on cover: Lincoln centennial. Contents. — President Abraham Lincoln [by] General A. G. McCook. — Address of General Horace Porter. — Remarks of Horace White. — Lincoln's last hours, by C. A. Leale. (See also item 2487.) Plain wrappers, bound with cord. 2963. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Pennsylvania Commandery. Abraham Lincoln . . . Memorial meeting, Febru- ary .. . 1907-1909, 1911-1912, 1914-1917, 1919, 1921. [Philadelphia] 1907-21. 22/2-23 I /2 cm. Annual addresses on Lincoln, without other proceedings of the memorial meetings. Issues for 1907- 1909 compiled by J. P. Nicholson. None published, 1910, 1 9 1 3. The issues for 1907-1909, 191 1, 2d set, have been bound into a single volume with special title page and contents. Also tipped in is a typed note: "Sixteen copies only made . . ." Contents February 13, 1907. 32 p. (M1541) E457.7.M66 1907 2d & 3d sets Includes (p. 7-31): The education of Abraham Lin- coln [by J. A. Worden] — With Lincoln to Gettysburg, 1863 [by H. C. Cochrane] — Lincoln under fire [by J. P. S. Gobin] — When and where I saw Lincoln [by O. C. Bosby- shell] — Lincoln in parable [by J. W. Latta] — With malice toward none; with charity for all [by Moses Veale] — Lin- coln and the people [by J. A. Beaver] Copy 2 with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. Copy 3 bound with cord. February 12, 1908. 15 p. (M1610) E457.7.M66 1908 2d set & X copy "My personal recollections of President Abraham Lin- coln [by] Companion Major-General Grenville M. Dodge": p. 7-13. Printed wrappers. X copy bound with cord. February 3, 1909. 19 p. (M1817) E457.7.M66 1909 2d set & X copy Includes (p. 5-19) : [Extract from Lincoln's address before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, 111., 27 Jan. 1837] — Lincoln and his veterans, a centenary ode read by the author, Companion Chaplain H. C. Mc- Cook. — Lincoln literature, by Companion Brevet Major W. H. Lambert. Printed wrappers. X copy bound, with original wrap- pers, in limp red cloth. February 15, 191 1. 12 p. (M2004) E457.7.M66 191 1 2d & 3d sets "The making of Abraham Lincoln," by Companion Captain John Richards Boyle: p. 5-12. Printed wrappers. Copy 3 bound, with original wrap- pers, in limp gray cloth. February 14, 1912. 18 p. (M2045) E457.7.M66 1912 2d set "Lincoln and his cabinet," by Companion Captain John Pugh Green: p. 15-18. Limp blue cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. February 1 1, 1 9 14. 1 7 p. (M2157) E457.7.M66 1914 X copy "Some phases of the life and character of Abraham Lincoln," by Companion George R. Snowden: p. 5-17. 277 492745—60- -19 Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers, bound with cord. February 10, 1915. 15 p. (M2202) E457.7.M66 1915 3d set Place of publication in ms. on title page: Trenton, N.J. "Abraham Lincoln and his religious faith," by Com- panion James F. Rusling: p. 5-15. Inscribed and ini- tialed by Rusling. Printed wrappers, bound with cord. February 9, 19 1 6. 1 1 p. (M2259) E457.7.M66 1916 X copy "The afterglow of Abraham Lincoln's life," by Com- panion Lieut. James A. Worden: p. 5-1 1. Printed wrappers, bound with cord. February 14, 191 7. 1 1 p. (M2327) E457.7.M66 1917 2d set "How the secessionists secured the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States," by Compan- ion Chaplain Benjamin L. Agnew. Printed wrappers, bound with cord. February 12, 19 1 9. 8 p. (M2420) E457.7.M66 igigXcopy "Abraham Lincoln," by Companion Alexander H. Leo: p. 5-8. Printed wrappers, bound with cord. February 9, 1921. 10 p. (M2522) E457.7.F77 copy 2 "Abraham Lincoln — the man," by Companion Brig.- General Samuel W. Fountain, U. S. A.: p. 5-10. Printed wrappers, bound with cord. 2964. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Pennsylvania Commandery. Cere- monies in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, Philadelphia, February 12, 1909. Military Older of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Com- mandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia [Press of John T. Palmer Co.] 1909. 38 p., 1 1. illus., port. 24 J/2 cm. (M1818) E457.7.M6632 copy 4 On verso of title page: Brevet Lieut. -Colonel John P. Nicholson, compiler. "Abraham Lincoln," by Brevet Major-General Joshua L. Chamberlain: p. 9-27. Printed copy of letter from Lincoln to General Winfield Scott, dated June 5, 1861, laid in. 1 7 J/2 cm. (The Riverside literature series, no. 221) (M2098) PN6122.M3 copy 2 Printed heavy-paper wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 2966. MILLER, ERNEST C. John Wilkes Booth in the Pennsylvania oil region, [n. p., 1948] 23 p. 23 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from The Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine, v. 31., Mar.-June 1948." Self-wrappers. 2967. MILLER, ERNEST C. John Wilkes Booth — oilman. New York, Exposition Press [1947] 78 p., 1 1. illus., ports., facsim. 2 2 J/2 cm. E457.5.B76 copy 3 At head of title: A previously unknown part of the assassin's life now told for the first time from newly dis- covered material. Based on notes of Louis J. Mackey concerning Booth's interest in the Pennsylvania oil fields. The "Notes" (p. 65-78) consist of a transcription from the original short- hand notes by the author, with explanations and com- ments, and bibliographical materials. Cf. Foreword. 2968. MILLER, FRANCESC A (Falk). Marked corners; a three act play about young Abraham Lincoln in Indiana, 18 16-1830. With a forward [sic] by Ralph G. Newman. Chicago, Americana House, 1954. xvi, 148 p., 1 1. 23 J/2 cm. PS3525.I538M34 CC W 3 Autographed by the author. 2969. MILLER, FRANCIS T., ed. The photo- graphic history of the Civil War. Francis Trevel- yan Miller, editor-in-chief; Robert S. Lanier, man- aging editor. With a new introduction by Henry Steele Commager. New York, London, T. Yoseloff [ c ig57] 10 v. in 5. illus., ports., maps. 28 cm. E468.7.M64 1957 copy 4 Each volume has also special title page. Contents. — -v. 1. The Opening battles. — v. 2. Two years of grim war. — v. 3. The Decisive battles. — v. 4. The Cavalry. — v. 5. Forts and life, secret service. — v. 9. Poetry and eloquence of Blue and Gray. — v. 10. Armies and leaders. 2965. MILLER, EDWIN L., ed. Macaulay's speeches on copyright and Lincoln's address at Cooper Union. Edited with introduction and notes by Edwin L. Miller. Boston, New York, Chicago, Houghton Mifflin ["1913] viii, 119 p. 2 ports. 2970. MILLER, FRANCIS T. Portrait life of Lincoln; life of Abraham Lincoln, the greatest American, told from original photographs taken with his authority during the great crisis through which he led his country — treasured among the 278 7000 secret service war negatives in the Brady- Gardner Collection at Springfield, Massachusetts, and in private collections, valued at $150,000, col- lected by Edward Bailey Eaton. Springfield, Mass., New York, Chicago, Patriot Pub. Co., 1910. 8 p. 1., 3-164 p. illus., ports. 27/2 cm. (M1936) E457.6.M64 copy 3 Portrait on cover. "Hundred greatest books on Abraham Lincoln": p. 16 1—164. 2971. MILLER, HELEN (Topping). Christ- mas for Tad; a story of Mary and Abraham Lin- coln. New York, London, Toronto, Longmans, Green, 1956. 92 p. 19/2 cm. E457.9.M5 copy 3 "First edition.'' Inserted is a printed leaf bearing the Gettysburg Address. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2976. [MILLS, JOHN T.] The loyal road to peace, and the disloyal road to ruin. President Lincoln on Democratic strategy, [n. p., 1864] [4] p. 22 cm. (M331) P Caption title. Signed: J. T. Mills. 2977. MILNER, DUNCAN C. Lincoln and liquor. New York, Neale Pub. Co., 1920. 155 p. port. 19/2 cm. (M2469) E457.2.M65 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 153-155- End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1920." Light green cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. 2972. MILLER, HUGH G. Lincoln's birthday address; extracts from a speech before the Grover Cleveland Democratic Club Forum, New York City, on the eve of Lincoln's birthday, February 1 1 , 1937. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off. 1937] 4 p. 29 cm. (M3583) P Caption title. "Printed in the Congressional Record of March 2, 1937" 2973. MILLER, SAMUEL F. Life and charac- ter of Abraham Lincoln. A memorial oration by S. F. Miller, delivered at Franklin, N. Y., June 1st, 1865. Delhi, Sturtevant & Mcintosh, Printers, 1865. 16 p. 21/2 cm. (M629) E457.8.M65 copy 2 Cover title. Caption title: Memorial oration of S. F. Miller, on the National Fast-Day, at Franklin. Author's holograph letter to Charles H. Hart tipped in. In red slipcase. 2974. MILLER, W. T. Abraham Lincoln, the hand on the helm; a pageant for high schools, normal schools and colleges. Portland, Oreg., [Press of Glass & Prudhomme] c i925. 26 p. 22^2 cm. (M2798) P Letters of inquiry and transmittal from Homer Prouty, Portland, Oreg., to Albert H. Griffith, laid in. 150 copies, less than 50 of which still exist (Prouty). Printed wrappers. 2975. Miller-Selden Electric Co., Detroit. Faith. [Detroit? 1932?] double folder ([2] p.) illus., port. 22 cm. (M3398) P 2978. Another edition. Chicago, W. P. Blessing Co. [1926] 185 p. (M2469 var.) E457.2.M65 1926 "Second edition with supplement." Light blue cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. 2979. MILTON, GEORGE FORT. Abraham Lincoln and the fifth column. New York, The Vanguard Press, 1942. ix p., 1 1., xi-xiv p., 1 1., 17-364 p. illus., ports., facsim. 24 cm. E458.8.M66 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 335-344- Red cloth with simulated label in black and gold on spine. Blue top. 2980. Another edition. Washington, Infantry Journal, 1943 ["1942] xi, 247 p. 18 J/2 cm. (Fight- ing forces series) E458.8.M66 1943 "Reprinted by permission of The Vanguard Press." From different plates. Without illustrations, bibliog- raphy, or index. Illustrated printed wrappers. 2981. MILTON, GEORGE FORT. The eve of conflict; Stephen A Douglas and the needless war. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1934. xiii, [2], 608 p. illus., ports. 24^/2 cm. E4i5.g.D73M5copy5 2982. MILTON, GEORGE FORT. Lincoln and the modern world; an address on the occasion of the celebration of Lincoln's birthday at Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tennes- see, Saturday, February n, 1939. Harrogate, 2 79 Tenn., Lincoln Memorial University, Department of Lincolniana [1939] [8] p. 23 cm. (M3697) P Cover title. "500 copies." Self-wrappers. 2983. [MINOR, BERKELY] comb. Lincoln. Staunton, Va., 1909. folder ([4] p.) 23 cm. (M1820) E457.M65 X copy Caption title. Signed: Berkeley Minor. A Southern view of Lincoln, based on Charles L. C. Minor's The Real Lincoln and Facts and Falsehoods by George Edmonds (items 2984 and 2925). Author's holograph letter laid in. 2984. MINOR, CHARLES L. C. The real Lin- coln. With article by Lyon G. Tyler. Edited by Kate Mason Rowland. Richmond, Va., Everett Waddey, 1901. 66 p. 18/2 cm. (M1351) E457.M66 copy 3 Purple printed wrappers, imprinted in black. 2985. Another edition. 1904. 230 p. port. 20 cm. (M1352) E457.M66 1904 copy 3 "Second edition, revised and enlarged." Issued, from different plates, under title: The Real Lincoln, From the Testimony of his Contemporaries. Contents greatly expanded; Tyler's article omitted. Edited by Berkeley Minor and Mary Willis Minor. Brown cloth, gilt-stamped on spine. 2986. Another edition. Gastonia, N. C, Atkins- Rankin, 1928. xiv, 273 p. 20 cm. (M1354) E457.M66 1928 copy 3 "Fourth edition, revised and enlarged." From different plates; title same as that of the 2d edition. 'With the exception of a few minor corrections, [some rearrangement of material] and the inclusion of two articles in the appendix this book is identical with the second edition. — " p. vi. "Edited by M. D. Carter." Dark blue cloth with short title blind-stamped on cover, gilt-stamped on spine. 2987. Missions, v. 29, Feb. 1938. Concord, N. H., Northern Baptist Convention. BV2520.A1M5, v. 29, X copy "We or either of us do promise to pay," by V. L. Shontz: p. 88-91. Concerns Lincoln, a preacher, and a note signed by both. 2988. The Mississippi Valley historical review, v. 4, Mar. 1 9 18; v. 14, Mar. 1928. [Lincoln, Neb.] Mississippi Valley Historical Association. F351.M69V. 4, 14, X copy "President Lincoln and the Illinois radical Republi- cans," by A. C. Cole: v. 4, p. [41 71-436. "The Rever- berations of the slavery conflict in a pioneer college," by C. H. Rammelkamp: v. 14, p. 447-461. 2989. Mr. Lincoln's arbitrary arrests. The acts which the Baltimore platform approves. [New York, 1864] 24 p. 22J/2 cm. (Document no. 13) (M325) E458.4.D443 no. 13 2d set Caption title. At head of caption: Sold at 13 Park row, and at all Democratic newspaper offices. Another copy in bound volume entitled Lincoln- McClellan Campaign Pamphlets. (See item 2590, no. 430 Previously bound. In binder. 2990. MITCHELL, CHARLES ELLIOTT. Addresses, [n. p.] 191 5. 177 p. port. 22^2 cm. AC8.M575 copy 2 "Lincoln and emancipation": p. 21-35. 2991. [MITCHELL, JAMES] Letter on the re- lation of the white and African races in the United States, showing the necessity of the colonization of the latter, addressed to the President of the U. S. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1862. 28 p. 23 cm. (M151) E448.M68 copies 1 & 2 Copy 1 stamped : Rhode Island Historical Society, and with bookplate of Stuart W. Jackson. Printed wrappers. Copy 1 bound, with wrappers, in blue half-morocco. 2992. MITCHELL, JAMES T. The un- equalled collection of engraved portraits of the Presidents of the United States, belonging to Hon. James T. Mitchell ... to be sold . . . May 16 . . . and . . . May 17, 1907 . . . Catalogue com- piled and sale conducted by Stan. V. Henkels, at the book auction rooms of Davis & Harvey . . . Philadelphia, Pa. [Philadelphia, M. H. Power, Printer, 1907] iv, 123 p. illus., ports. 27 l /i cm. E176. 1.M68 copy 2 Red cancel drawn through the portraits. At head of title: Catalogue no. 944. Part IV. "Abraham Lincoln . . . the most complete and exten- sive collection of engraved portraits of Abraham Lincoln ever brought together": p. 67-89 (items 729-1001). 280 2993. MITCHELL, JAMES T. The valuable collection of autographs and historical papers col- lected by the Hon. Jas. T. Mitchell . . . Also the entire Lincoln memorial collection of Chicago, 111., at one time the personal property of Abraham Lin- coln . . . Catalogue compiled and sale conducted by Stan. V. Henkels at the book auction rooms of Thos. Birch's Sons . . . Philada., Pa. [Philadel- phia, Bicking Print, 1894] 4 p. 1., 1 1 1 p. illus., facsims. (part fold.) 27 cm. (Mi 145) Z8505.L74 copy 2 At head of title: Catalogue no. 731. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 2994. MITCHELL, SAMUEL S. In memoriam. An address by the pastor, Rev. S. S. Mitchell. Harrisburg, Singerly & Myers, Printers, 1865. 15 p. 22/2 cm. (M631) E457.8.M68 copy 2 At head of title: Presbyterian Church of Harrisburg, April 19, 1865. Address occasioned by the death of President Lincoln. Mourning borders. Blue three-quarter-morocco, with original wrappers bound in. 2995. MITCHELL, WILMOT BROOKINGS. Abraham Lincoln; the man and the crisis. Port- land, Me., Smith & Sale, 1910. 5 p. 1., 3-31, [1] p. port. (M1937) E457.8.M683 copies 3 & 4 "The basis of this little book is a centenary address given by the author at Bowdoin college, February 12, 1909, and at Augusta, Maine, on the same day, at a Lincoln celebration by the State Legislature." "References": p. 31, [ 1 ] Copy 3 (2 1Y2 cm.) bound in gray gilt-stamped cloth, copy 4 (21 cm.) in mottled tan and gray heavy-paper covers. 2996. MITGANG, HERBERT, ed. Lincoln as they saw him. New York, Toronto, Rinehart [1956] xv p., 2 1., 3-519 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. E457-i5-M5copy3 2997. Model banquet speeches, by famous ban- quet speakers. Detroit, Sprague Pub. Co., 1901 [ c i897] 211 p. 20 cm. PN4305.O4M7 1901 End paper inscribed: "Charles T. White." Partial Contents. — Typical men; response by Rev. Wm. E. Park, at a dinner of the Republican Club of New York, Feb. 15, 1896 (p. 64-78). — The Home of Lincoln; response by Dr. Emil G. Hirsch at a dinner of the Re- publican Club of New York, Feb. 15, 1896 (p. 78-84).— Abraham Lincoln; response by Chauncey M. Depcw at a dinner by the Republican Club of New York, Feb. 12, 1896 (p. 92-98). — Speech of John B. Green, President of the Brooklyn Republican League, at the dinner in honor of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, at Remsen Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1888 (p. 11 3-1 16). 2998. MONAGHAN, JAMES. An analysis of Lincoln's funeral sermons, by Jay Monaghan. [n. p., 1945?] 14 p. 25/2 cm. P "Reprinted from the Indiana Magazine of History, XLI, no. 1, March, 1945." Printed wrappers. 2999. MONAGHAN, JAMES. Civil War on the western border, 1854-1865, by Jay Monaghan. Boston, Little, Brown [1955] x, 454 p. 22 cm. "First edition." E470.45.M65 I 955 a "Frontier edition. Autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club." 3000. MONAGHAN, JAMES. Diplomat in carpet slippers; Abraham Lincoln deals with for- eign affairs, by Jay Monaghan. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs-Merrill [1945] 505 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. E469.M75 copy 4 "First edition." "Sources": p. 465-482. Two newspaper clippings (reviews) laid in. 3001. MONAGHAN, JAMES. Lincoln bibliog- raphy, 1 839-1 939. Compiled by Jay Monaghan. With a foreword by James G. Randall. Springfield, 111., Illinois State Historical Library, 1943-45. 2 - v - x pi. on 5 1. 22/2 cm. (Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, vol. XXXI-XXXII. Bibliographical series, vol. IV-V) F536.I25 3d setv. 31-32 1943 copyright notice in vol. 1 overstamped 1945. Vol. 1 gilt-stamped on spine 1839-1911; vol. 2 stamped 1912-1939. Red three-quarter-morocco. 3002. MONAGHAN, JAMES. "The Lincoln- Douglas debates"; the Follett, Foster edition of a great political document, by Jay Monaghan. Har- rogate, Tenn., Department of Lincolniana, Lincoln Memorial University, 1943. 12 p. facsims. 25 J/2 cm. P "Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, vol. XLV, June 1943, no. 2. Limited to 150 copies." Printed wrappers. 3003. MONAGHAN, JAMES. The man who elected Lincoln, by Jay Monaghan. Indianapolis, 281 New York, Bobbs-Merrill [1956] x, 334 p. port. 22/2 cm. E415.9.R3M6 copy 3 Includes bibliography. "First edition." The book concerns Charles H. Ray, editor of the Chicago Press & Tribune. 3004. MONAGHAN, JAMES. This is Illinois, a pictorial history, by Jay Monaghan. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1949] vi, 211 p. (chiefly illus., ports., maps) 285/2 cm. F54i.M85copy 3 "Fiftieth anniversary publication of the Illinois State Historical Society." End paper maps. Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. "Civil War": p. 77-86. [Lincoln's funeral] : p. 88-91. 3005. MONAHAN, JAMES G. Memorial ad- dress on Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the House of Representatives, February 12, 1920. Wash- ington [Govt. Print Off.] 1920. 8 p. 24 cm. (M2470) P Cover title. 3006. MONOD, EUGENE. Un grand Ameri- cain, Abraham Lincoln. Lausanne, G. Bridel; Paris, Librairie Fischbacher [191 1] 235, [1] p. illus., ports. 20 cm. (M3871) E457.M75 copies 2 & 3 Title vignette. Glazed printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Copy 3 bound, with wrappers, in green cloth. 3007. MONTGELAS, ALBRECHT, Graf von. Abraham Lincoln, die schopferische Kraft der Demokratie. Olten, O. Walter [ c i947] 268 p. 19 cm. (Kampfer und Gestalter, Bd. 3) E457.M77 copy 2 Bibliography: p. 263-264. 3008. MONTGELAS, ALBRECHT, Graf von. Abraham Lincoln, President der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Wien, Leipzig, K. Konig [ c ig25] 179, [2] p. illus., ports., double map, facsim. 22 cm. (Menschen, Volker, Zeiten . . . hrsg. von M. Kemmerich.) (M3905) E457.M78 copy 3 3009. MONTGOMERY, CHARLES M., pub. The Lincoln memorial boulder . . . dedicated June thirteenth — Flag day, nineteen hundred and eight. Nyack-on-Hudson [N. Y.] C. M. Mont- gomery [1908] 36 p., 1 1. illus., ports., facsims. 17/2 cm. (M1597 var.) F129.N99M7 X copy "Published by Charles M. Montgomery, patriotic in- structor, Waldron Post, no. 82, G. A. R." On cover: Souvenir of the Lincoln memorial boulder, Library Grounds, Nyack, N. Y., dedicated Flag Day, nineteen hundred and eight. Gray wrappers, imprinted in dark blue. 3010. Another issue. 36 p., 2 1. 16/2 cm. (var. of Mi 597) F129.N99M7 X copy 2 With added material (including erratum) on p. [37] Same binding. 301 1. MOORE, CHARLES HALSEY. Abra- ham Lincoln. Lecture by Charles Halsey Moore, of Plattsburgh, N. Y. [n. p., 18 — ] 28 p. 21 cm. (M1821) E457.8.M79 copy 2 Cover title. Caption title: Abraham Lincoln, the boy, the man and the President. Blue three-quarter-morocco, with original wrappers bound in. 3012. MOORE, FRANK, ed. Heroes and mar- tyrs: notable men of the time. Biographical sketches of the military and naval heroes, statemen and orators, distinguished in the American crisis of 1861-62. New York, G. P. Putnam [1862] iv, [3]- 253 p. ports. 27/2 cm. E467.M81 copy 2 On page 253 : End of vol. I. "First published in 20 parts; no more issued." — Sabin. Forty biographies, including that of Abraham Lincoln (p.[55]~6i). 3013. MOORE, FRANK, ed. Personal and polit- ical ballads, arranged and edited by Frank Moore. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1864. xv, 368 p. 15 cm. E647.M824 copy 3 Title vignette. 28 of these ballads relate to Lincoln. Rebound in brown quarter-calf. 3014. MOORE, GUY W. The case of Mrs. Sur- ratt: her controversial trial and execution for con- spiracy in the Lincoln assassination. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press [ c i954] xi, 142 p. illus., ports., map, facsim. 22 cm. E 457-5- s 9 8 5 M 6 copy 3 "First edition." Bibliography: p. 1 19-132. 282 3015. MOORE, WARD. Bring the jubliee. New York, Farrar, Straus and Young [1953] 5 p. 1., 194 p., 2 I. 20/2 cm. PS3525.O5738B7 A science-fiction novel about what might have happened had the South won the Civil War. 3016. MOORES, CHARLES W. Abraham Lin- coln, lawyer. Greenfield, Ind., W. Mitchell Print. Co., 1922. 1 p. 1., 483-535 p. 25 cm. (Indiana Historical Society. Publications, v. 7, no. 10.) (M1938 note) E457.2.M8 "Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Bar Association, 19 10, and enlarged." Printed wrappers. 3017. MOORES, CHARLES W. The career of a country lawyer. Abraham Lincoln, [n. p., 1910?] 38 p. 4 facsims. 22J/2 cm. (M1938) E457.2.M813 Cover title. "Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Bar Association." "Read before the American Bar Association at Chat- tanooga, Tennessee, September 1, 1 9 10." Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. Author's letter to White laid in. 3018. MOORES, CHARLES W. The life of Abraham Lincoln for boys and girls. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin [ c i909] 6 p. 1., 132 p. illus., ports. 20 cm. (var. of M1882) E457.M82 copy 2 3019. MOOS, MALCOM. Politics, presidents, and coattails. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1952. xxi, 237 p. maps (1 fold, col.), diagrs. 26 cm. JK1976.M6 copy 3 End papers maps. Lincoln, an example of forceful Presidential leader- ship: p. 176. 3020. MORAN, THOMAS F. The character and ideals of Abraham Lincoln, [n. p., 1927] 16 p. 22/2 cm. (M2955) E457.2.M83 X copy Cover title. "Delivered before the Indiana General Assembly Feb- ruary 1 1, 1927." Self-wrappers. 3021. MOREHOUSE, FRANCES MILTON I. The life of Jesse VV. Fell. [Urbana, 111., Univer- sity of Illinois, c 1 9 1 6] 129 p. 24/2 cm. (Univer- sity of Illinois studies in the social sciences, vol. v, no. 2, June, 1916) P Numerous references to Lincoln in chapters entitled "Political activities, 1840-1860 (p. 50-62) and "The Years of the Civil War" (p. 63-72). Printed wrappers. 3022. MOREHOUSE, HENRY L. Evil its own destroyer. A discourse delivered before the united societies of the Congregational and Baptist churches at the Congregational Church, in the city of East Saginaw, April 19th, 1865, on the occasion of the death of President Abraham Lincoln. By H. L. Morehouse, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, East Saginaw, Mich. East Saginaw, Mich., Enterprise Print, 1865. 16 p. 18/2 cm. (M635) E457.8.M83 copy 2 "Published by request." Printed wrappers. In green slipcase. 3023. MORFORD, HENRY. The great rebel- lion: grand national allegory and tableaux, written expressly for J. M. Hager's concerts. Troy, N. Y., Daily Times Steam Print. Off., 1863. 29^3] p. 14/2 cm. PN3206.M7 X copy Cover title. Half title: The Great rebellion. Grand march in Norma . . . Published also under imprint: Chicago, Tribune Print. Establishment, 1863. 3024. MORGAN, JAMES. Abraham Lincoln, the boy and the man. New York, Macmillan, 1908. xii p., 1 1., 435 p. illus., ports. 20 cm. (M1612) E457.M84 copy 3 "Published September, 1908." Dark green cloth; with white lettering on cover, gilt lettering on spine. 3025. Another issue. New York, Grosset & Dun- lap [1910] xii, 435 p. (Macmillan's standard library) (Mi6i2var.) E457.M843 "Reprinted . . . April, 19 10." Half title, title and copyright pages reset. Page [ii] blank. Light blue cloth, with dark blue lettering on cover and spine. 3026. MORGAN, MATTHEW S. The Amer- ican war. Cartoons by Matt Morgan and other English artists. With illustrative notes. London, Chatto and Windus, 1874. [224] p. 55 plates. 28 cm. (M936) E647.M84 copy 2 Includes caricatures of Lincoln. In green three-quarter-closed case. 283 3027. [MORGAN, WILLIAM F.] In memo- nam [President Lincoln. New York, Baker & God- win, Printers, 1865] 47 p. 23 cm. (M636) E457.8.M84 copy 2 Contents. — Joy darkened. Sermon. — Order of serv- ices in St. Thomas' Church, New York, April 19th. — The prolonged lament. Sermon. Green three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3028. MORRIS, BENJAMIN F., comp. Me- morial record of the nation's tribute to Abraham Lincoln. Compiled by B. F. Morris. Washington, W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1865. 272 p. illus., port., plan. 23/2 cm. (M637) E457.52.M87 copies 3 & 4 Black cloth. 3029. Another issue. 1866. (M637 var.) E457.52.M87 copy 5 Title page reset. Maroon cloth. 3030. MORRIS, RICHARD B., ed. Encyclo- pedia of American history. New York, Harper [1953] xv, 776 p. maps, diagrs. 21/2 cm. E174.5.M847 copy 7 "First edition." Numerous references to Lincoln (see index, p. 757)- 3031. Morrisons' stranger's guide and etiquette, for Washington City and its vicinity. Illustrated with wood and steel engravings, entirely rewritten and brought down to the present time. Washing- ton, W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1862. 62 p. illus. (part fold.) 14/2 cm. F198.M86 1862 copy 3 3032. MORROW, HONORE (McCue) WILL- SI E. Benefits forgot; a story of Lincoln and mother love, by Honore Willsie. With illustrations by Charles E. Cartwright. New York, Frederick A. Stokes ['1917] 4 p. I., 80 p. illus. 19/2 cm. (M2328) PS3525.O764B4 3033. MORROW, HONORE (McCue) WILL- SIE . Forever free; a novel of Abraham Lincoln, by Honore Willsie Morrow. New York, W. Mor- row, 1927. vi p., 1 1., 405 p. 21 cm. (M2956) E 457-9-M6 copy 3 "First printing, February, 1927." "Books consulted" : p. 403-405. Black cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. 3034. Another issue. "Fourth printing, January, 192I Copyright page reset. Same binding. E457.9.M6 copy 4 3035. MORROW, HONORE (McCue) WILL- SIE. Great captain; the Lincoln trilogy of For- ever free, With malice toward none, The last full measure, by Honore Morrow. With a preface by William Lyon Phelps. New York, W. Morrow, 1935. xii p., 1 1., 402 p., 1 1., 339 p., 1 1., 343 p. 22 cm. (M3492) PS3525.O764G7 Bibliography: p. 339~343 at end. 3036. MORROW, HONORE (McCue) WILL- SIE. The last full measure, by Honore W. Mor- row. New York, W. Morrow, 1930. viii p., 1 1., 340 p. 21 cm. (M3219) E457.9.M614 copy 3 "Partial list of books read": p. 338-339. Historical novel on the last six months of Lincoln's life. 3037. MORROW, HONORE (McCue) WILL- SIE. The Lincoln stories of Honore Morrow; containing Dearer than all, Benefits forgot and The lost speech of Abraham Lincoln. With a portrait by Harve Stein and illustrations by Charles E. Cartwright. New York, W. Morrow, 1934. 3 p. 1., 36, [6], 80, [4], 56 [1] p. illus., col. mounted port. 19/2 cm. (M3448) E457.9.M613 copy 3 3038. MORROW, HONORE (McCue) WILL- SIE. The lost speech of Abraham Lincoln; a story by Honore Willsie Morrow. New York, Frederick A. Stokes, 1925. vi, 56, [1] p. 19^2 cm. (M2799var.) E457.9.M615 copy 3 "Second printing, July 15, 1925." Boards. Cloth back. 3039. MORROW, HONORE (McCue) WILL- SIE. Mary Todd Lincoln; an appreciation of the wife of Abraham Lincoln, by Honore Willsie Mor- row. New York, W. Morrow, 1928. 5 p. 1., 3-248 p. illus., ports. 21 cm. (M3049) E457.25.M88 copy 3 3040. MORROW, HONORE (McCue) WILL- SIE. With malice toward none, by Honore Willsie Morrow. New York, W. Morrow, 1928. vi. p., 1 1., 342 p. 21 cm. (M3050) E 457-9-M6i9cx>py4 Novel about Lincoln. "Partial list of books consulted": p. 340-342. 284 3041. MORSE, JOHN T., Jr. Abraham Lincoln. Cambridge [Mass.] Printed at the Riverside Press, 1893. 2 v. (vi, 387; vi, 373 p.) ports, (fronts.), fold, map (in pocket) 22J/2 cm. (Mi^ovar.) E457.M882 copy 3 "Large paper edition." "Two hundred and fifty copies printed, no. 188." Title page imprinted in red and black. The portraits, mounted on heavy plate paper, are re- productions of photographs of Lincoln taken in 1858 and 1864. Bound in light gray boards with white cloth back; paper labels on spine. Untrimmed. 3042. Another issue. Boston, New York, Hough- ton Mifflin, 1900. port, (front.), fold, map (in pocket) 18 cm. (American statesmen, ed. by J. T. Morse, Jr. [v. 25-26]) (var. of Mi 130) E457.M883 Series title also at head of title page. Half title, title and copyright pages reset. Vol. 2 has four pages of advertising matter following P- 373- Portrait ( 1864 Lincoln) in vol. 1 only. Blue cloth, gilt-stamped on cover and spine. Gilt top. 3043. Another issue. [ c ig2i] (var. of Mi 130) E176.A53 v. 25-26 1 92 1 Title and copyright pages reset. Advertising matter (3 p.) differs. Without portrait and map. Dark blue cloth, gilt-stamped on cover and spine. Plain top. 3044. Another edition. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin ["1899] 2 v - ( xv P-> 2 1., 387, [1] P-5 5 P- l-j 392 P-, 1 1.) 2 illus., 8 ports., 2 vig- nettes. 19/2 cm. (American statesmen, v. 25- 26) (Mii30var.) E176.A53 v. 25-26 1899 "Standard library edition." From new plates with preface added. Red three-quarter-morocco; with marbled sides and end papers, gilt stamping on spine, and gilt top. 3045. MORSE, JOHN T., Jr. Albert J. Beve- ridge. By John Torrey Morse, Jr. Boston, 1927. [3]-6 p. 24/2 cm. P "From The Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society for May, 1927." Printed wrappers. 3046. La mort de Lincoln; poeme dramatique. Paris [E. Blot, imprimeur] 1867. 32 p. 26/2 cm. (M3815) E457.9.M7 1867 Printed wrappers. 3047. MOSES, ELBERT R. Abraham Lincoln : from cabin to Capitol. Prefatory note by Waldo H. Dunn. Daytona Beach, Fla., College Pub. Co. ^955] 8p. 1., 139P. port. 22 cm. E457.M885 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 137-139. 3048. MOSES, JOHN. Illinois, historical and statistical, comprising the essential facts of its plant- ing and growth as a province, county, territory, and State. Derived from the most authentic sources, including original documents and papers, together with carefully prepared statistical tables relating to population, financial administration, industrial progress, internal growth, political and military events. Chicago, Fergus Print. Co., 1889-95. 2 v. (14 1 9 p.) illus., ports., maps, facsims. 24/2 cm. F541.M91 copy 3, v. 1 F541.M914, v. 2 On title page of vol. 2 : Second edition. — Revised. (Vol. 2 of the first edition was published in 1892.) 3049. MOSGROVE, GEORGE DALLAS. Ken- tucky cavaliers in Dixie; reminiscences of a Con- federate cavalryman. Edited by Bell Irvin Wiley. Jackson, Tenn., McCowat-Mercer Press, 1957. xxvi p., facsim. (265 p. illus., ports.), [266]-28i p. illus., ports. 22 cm. ( Monographs, sources & reprints in Southern history) E605.M88 1957 copy 4 "Autographed by the editor for the members of the Civil War Book Club." 3050. MOTLEY, JOHN LOTHROP. The causes of the American Civil War. A letter to the London Times. New York, James G. Gregory, 1861. 36 p. 20 cm. E458.1.M91 copy 2 Publisher cited in imprint as "successor to W. A. Town- send & Co." Printed wrappers. 3051. MOTON, ROBERT R. The Negro's debt to Lincoln, [n. p., 1922] 8 p. 24 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from the Southern Workman for July 1922." Inscribed to Charles T. White by the author. 3052. [MOTT, EDWARD HAROLD] Lincoln, "new birth of our new soil, the first American." A brief biographical sketch of Lincoln, fitting ap- preciations of his character, and a compilation of selections from his state papers, addresses and let- 492745—60 -20 285 ters, designed to impress the rising generation with his intense Americanism and unfaltering love of country, and to inspire it to deeper contemplation and study of his life and achievement and to con- stant emulation of his uplifting example. Prepared under the direction of Lincoln Centenary Com- mittee of the City of New York appointed by His Honor, George Brinton McClellan, Mayor, 1908. [New York, M. B. Brown Co., Printers, "1909] 48 p. illus., port. 23 cm. (M 161 3) E 457-99- M 9 2 co P>' 3 On verso of title page : Written, edited and compiled by Edward Harold Mott. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White." Embossed portrait of Lincoln on cover. Bound in full- leather. 3053. MUDD, SAMUEL A. The life of Dr. Samuel A. Mudd; containing his letters from Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas island, where he was im- prisoned four years for alleged complicity in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, with statements of Mrs. Samuel A. Mudd, Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, and Edward Spangler regarding the assassination and the argument of General Ewing on the ques- tion of the jurisdiction of the Military Commission, and on the law and facts of the case; also "diary" of John Wilkes Booth. Edited by his daughter, Nettie Mudd, with preface by D. Eldridge Monroe. New York, Washington, Neale Pub. Co., 1906. 326 p. illus., 6 ports. 23/2 cm. (M1507) E 457-5- M 94 co Py 4 Red gilt-stamped cloth, with black line border on cover. Gilt top. Untrimmed. 3054. Facsimile edition. New York, Washington, Neale Pub. Co., 1906. Marietta, Ga., Continental Book Co., 1955. 363 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. (var. of M1507) E457.5.M94 1955 A facsimile of the 1st edition, with the addition of new chapters (p. [32 71-363) and 2 new illustrations. Red gilt-stamped cloth. 3055. MUDGE, ZACHARIAH A. The forest boy; a sketch of the life of Abraham Lincoln. For young people. By Z. A. Mudge. New York, Carleton & Porter [1867] 321 p. illus. 18 cm. (M886) E457.M94 copy 3 Six pages of advertising at end of book. Maroon cloth, with cream-colored end papers. 3056. Another issue. New York, Hunt & Eaton; Cincinnati, Cranston & Stowe [1867] (var. of M886) E457.M94 1867a Differs in imprint. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Brown cloth, with burnt-orange end papers. 3057. [MUHLENBERG, WILLIAM A.] Give thanks, all ye people; a national hymn, in response to the proclamation of the President of the United States, recommending a general thanksgiving on November 26, 1863. Published for the author by S. T. Gordon, 538 Broadway, New York [1863] close score ([4] p.) 27 cm. M2092.4.M A metrical version of Lincoln's first Thanksgiving proc- lamation. Cf. Ayres, A. William Augustus Muhlenberg. (New York, 1880), p. 352. Signed : W. A. Muhlenberg. 3058. [MUMFORD, MARY E. (Bassett)] A sketch of the life and times of Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia, Bradley [1865] 54 p. 17 cm. (M730) E457.M96 1865a Lacks covers. 3059. MURDOCH, DAVID. Death of Abra- ham Lincoln. A sermon, preached in the Con- gregational Church in New Milford, Conn., April 23, 1865. Milford, Northrop's Gallery of Art, 1865. 16 p. 22/2 cm. (M639) E457.8.M97 copy 2 "Published by request." Ms. note on cover: "With author's own corrections." Blue cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3060. MURDOCH, JAMES E. Patriotism in poetry and prose : being selected passages from lec- tures and patriotic readings. Also, poems by Thomas Buchanan Read, George H. Boker, Francis De Haes Janvier, and other American authors, com- memorative of the gallant deeds of our noble de- fenders on land and sea. Philadelphia, J. B. Lip- pincott, 1864. 172 p. 1 illus. 19 cm. PS509.H5M8 1864 copy 2 Inscribed by the author. Photograph of author ( ?) mounted on p. 4. "Mr. Lincoln at home in Springfield, and Mr. Lincoln at the White House in Washington": p. 23-35. 286 3061. [MURRAY, JAMES A.] Our own Abe Lincoln, [n. p., 1930?] double folder ([3] p.) 15/2 cm. (M3221) P (2 copies) Cover title. A poem and the story of its composition. Autographed by the author. Picture of the St. Gaudens Lincoln statue on cover. Copy 2 has a variation in the border decoration on the cover. 3062. MUZZEY, DAVID SAVILLE. James G. Blaine, a political idol of other days. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1934. xi p., 1 1., 514 p. illus., ports., facsims. 24 cm. (American political leaders) E664.B6M8 copy 4 Biography of a staunch supporter of Lincoln and U. S. Representative from Maine, 1863- 1875. 3063. MYERS, LEONARD. Abraham Lincoln ; a memorial address delivered by Hon. Leonard Myers, June 15th, 1865, before the Union League of the thirteenth Ward. Philadelphia, King & Baird, 1865. 15 p. 23/2 cm. (var. (?) of M642) E457.8.M99 copy 3 On p. 9 the "s" of the last word ("complains") in the last line has been lowered a half-space. Stamped: Rhode Island Historical Society. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Copper-colored printed wrappers. 3064. Another issue. 22^/2 cm. (var. (?) of M642) E457.8.N26 copy 2 Page [1] of cover and title page reset. On p. 9 the "s" of the last word has been realigned. Blue printed wrappers. Bound in with item 3070. 3065. MYERS, WILLIAM STARR. The Re- publican party, a history. New York, London, The Century Co. ["1928] xii, 487 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23 cm. JK2356.M85 copy 3 "First printing March, 1928." "Abraham Lincoln": p. 77-1 10. "Saving the Union": p. m-151. 3066. NABUCO, JOAQUIM. Lincoln's cente- nary; speech of the Brazilian ambassador Joaquim Nabuco at the celebration in Washington of Lin- coln's centenary organized by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, February 12th, 1909. [Washington, 1909] 4 p. 23/2 cm. (M1825) E457.7.N12 copy 2 Cover title. 3067. NABUCO, JOAQUIM. Lincoln's world influence. [Washington? 1906?] 4 p. 22J/2 cm. (M1508) E457.8.N14 copy 3 Cover title. Remarks of the Brazilian ambassador at the 14th annual banquet of the Lincoln Republican Club and of the Young Men's Republican Club of Grand Rapids, on February 12th, 1906. Printed wrappers. 3068. [NAGLEE, HENRY MORRIS. Letter to Hon. William D. Kelley. Philadelphia? 1864?] folder (4 p.) 24 cm. (var. of M332) E467.1.M2N15 Published also under title: McClellan vs. Lincoln. Signed. 3069. NASH, JOHN F. Abraham Lincoln; an address delivered at Ottawa, Illinois, Febru- ary twelfth, one thousand nine hundred and seven. [Ottawa, Free Trader Press, 1907] 26 p. 18/2 cm. (Mi 545) E457.8.N25 copy 2 Printed wrappers, bound with cord. 3070. NASON, ELIAS. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, de- livered before the New England Historic-Genealog- ical Society, Boston, May 3, 1865. Boston, W. V. Spencer, 1865. 28 p. 22/2 cm. (M644) E457.8.N26 copy 2 Wrappers stamped: American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. Red three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrap- pers and item 3064 bound in. 3071. NASON, ELIAS. The life and times of Charles Sumner. His boyhood, education, and public career. Boston, B. B. Russell ; Philadelphia, Quaker-City Pub. House; Detroit, R. D. S. Tyler, 1874. 356 P- illus. 19 cm. E415.9.S9N2 copy 3 3072. NATHAN, ADELE (Gutman). When Lincoln went to Gettysburg. Illustrated by Emil Weiss. New York, Aladdin Books, 1955. 2 p. 1., [3]-22i p. illus. 20 cm. PZ7.N174WJ copy 2 Children's fiction. "First edition." 3073. The Nation and the Athenaeum, v. 38, Nov. 21, 1925. [London] The Nation Ltd. AP4.N15 v. 38, X copy "Abraham Lincoln," by A. Birrell: p. 287-289. 287 3074- The National geographic magazine, v. 10 1, Feb. 1952. Washington, The National Geo- graphic Society. G1.N27, v. 101 "Vacation tour through Lincoln land," by Ralph Gray: p. [1411-184. 3075. The National Jewish monthly, v. 69, Feb. 1955. Washington, B'nai B'rith. HS2228.B4N3 v. 69, X copy "New Lincoln letter explains old mystery," by B. W. Korn: p. 4-5, 27-32. 3076. National Lincoln Monument Association. National Lincoln Monument Association, incor- porated by act of Congress, March 30th, 1867. Washington, Printed at the Great Republic Off., 1867. 12 p. 18/2 cm. (M887) E 457-52-N3 copy 2 Presidential address by James Harlan, proceedings memoranda, etc. Glazed white printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3077. Another issue. 19 cm. (M887 var.) E 457-52-N3 copy 3 Imprint date on cover: 1868. Printed matter on p. [3] of cover. Light-yellow printed wrappers. 3078. National magazine, v. 29, Feb. 1909; v. 52, June 1924. Boston, Chappie Publishing Co. AP2.N34, v. 29, 52 X copy "The Living Lincoln; centenary tributes:" v. 29, p. 509-524. "Abraham Lincoln's law cases," by W. N. Horner: v. 52, p. 55 1-555- 3079. The National preacher and the prayer meeting, v. 39, May and June 1865 (double num- ber) New York, W. H. Bidwell; London, Trub- ner; Edinburgh, Ogle & Murray. (Third series, vol. IV, nos. 5 & 6) (M649) BV4200.N3 v. 39 X copy "In memoriam of President Lincoln," by Rev. Dr. Gurley: p. [i05J-ii2 — "The National bereavement," by H. W. Beecher: p. 1 13-120 — "Personal forgiveness and public justice," by R. R. Booth: p. 121-130 — "Our na- tional sorrow," by S. T. Spear: p. 131-139 — "God vail- ing himself," by W. R. Williams: p. 139-153 — "Victory and reunion," by S. H. Tyng: p. 154-165. 3080. The National preacher and village pulpit. Original — monthly. From living ministers of the United States, n. s., v. 8; Jan.-Dec. 1865. New York, W. H. Bidwell; London, Trubner; Liverpool, E. Howell; Edinburgh, Ogle & Murray; Glasgow, Ogle & Son. {cf. M649) BV4200.N3, n. s., v. 8 Includes the following sermons devoted to Lincoln: 1. National gratitude, by S. T. Spear (p. 1— 16) . — 13. In memoriam of President Lincoln, by [P. D.] Gurley (p. [105]— 112). — 14. The National bereavement, by H. W. Beecher (p. 1 13-120). — 15. Personal forgiveness and public, by R. R. Booth (p. 121-130). — 16. Our national sorrow, by S. T. Spear (p. 1 31-139). — 17. God vailing even when bringing salvation, by W. R. Williams (p. 139-153).— 18. Victory and reunion, by S. H. Tyng (p. 154-165. See also item 4258) . Sermons 13-16 in the May issue, 17-18 in the June. 3081. National republic, v. 13, Feb. 1926; v. 14, June 1926; v. 15, Dec. 1927; v. 15, Feb. 1928; v. 17, Feb. 1930; v. 18, Feb. 19315 V. 18, Apr. 1931; v. 20, Apr. 1933; v. 21, May 1933. Washington, National Republican Pub. Co. E171.N32 v. 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21 X copy "The Lincoln miracle," by C. M. Depew; "Abraham Lincoln," a poem by H. F. Smith; "At freedom's altar- fire," a poem by G. S. Holmes: v. 13, Feb. 1926, p. 6-8; 8; 8. "Where Mr. Lincoln attended church," by J. R. Sizoo: v. 14, p. 12-13, 45. "Building a Lincoln shrine," by R. Lieber: v. 15, Dec. 1927: p. 7-9, 38, 47. "A. Lin- coln, teller of stories," by H. Olney; "Our Lincoln," a poem by M. Murray; "Lincoln at Ford's Theatre," by W. Whitman: v. 15, Feb. 1928, p. 9, 43; 11; 31, 45. "Lincoln in Springfield," by J. C. Chandler; "Lincoln's words on religion," by L. A. Warren; "Early home of Nancy Hanks," by A. Price: v. 17, Feb. 1930, p. 14-16, 43 > '7> 38; 22-23. "Lincoln in Springfield," by J. C. Chandler; "Lincoln in Hoosier State," by F. M. Van Natter; "Lincoln and true progress," by J. W. Hill; "Vanished towns of Lincoln," by L. A. Warren: v. 18, Feb. 1931, p. 5-7, 39; 18-19, 42; 20-21; 29, 42. "Lin- coln as a Congressman," by G. W. Simmons: v. 18, Apr. 1 93 1, p. 28-29, 42. "Lincoln, the youth, in bronze," by A. R. Beatty; "Financing Civil War period," part I, by R. L. Archer: v. 20, Apr. 1933, p. 14-16, 32; 17-18. "Financing Civil War period," part II, by R. L. Archer: v. 21, May 1933, p. 20-21. 3082. The National Republic. Addresses broad- cast during the National Republic's "Hour of Tribute to Lincoln," Lincoln's birthday, 1926. [Washington, 1926.] [6] p. port. 31 cm. (M2867) P (2 copies) Caption title. On verso of cover: The National Republic's "Hour of tribute to Lincoln." Addresses broadcast on Lincoln's birthday, 1926, by the Rt. Rev. James E. Freeman, Curtis D. Wilbur, Hubert Work, William M. Jardine, Herbert Hoover, James E. 288 Watson, C. M. Ramseyer, John Barton Payne, Mrs. John Dickinson Sherman, Mrs. Anthony Wayne Cook. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Self-wrappers. 3083. The National Republican, v. 9, Apr. 22, 1922; v. 9, Jan. 27, 1923; v. 10, June 28, 1923; v. 10, Feb. 2, 1924. Washington, National Repub- lican Pub. Co. E171.N32 v. 9, 10 X copy "A Nation in triumph and in tragedy," by J. L. Daven- port: v. 9, Apr. 22, 1922, p. 5, 8. Issue devoted to Lin- coln with articles and poems by J. W. Hill, H. O. Bishop, R. Ringwalt, F. D. Grant, H. Van Dyke, T. Roosevelt, E. N. Dingley, and others: v. 9, Jan. 27, 1923. "Abraham Lincoln," by R G. Ingersoll: v. 10, July 28, 1923, p. 11. "Lincoln as viewed by men of today," by H. O. Bishop; "The death of Lincoln the martyr," by H. W. Beecher; "The funeral and burial of Lincoln," by M. Simpson; "Memorable words of Abraham Lincoln": v. 10, Feb. 2, 1924, p. 4-5, 9, 12-13; 6; 7, 13; 8-9, 12-13. 3084. National Republican Club. Addresses de- livered at the Lincoln dinners of the National Re- publican Club in response to the toast Abraham Lincoln, 19 10-1927. [New York] Priv. Print, for the National Republican Club, 1927. 478 p. port. 24/2 cm. (M2965) E457.8.N284 copy 3 "This edition is limited to five hundred copies of which this copy is number 171." Thirty-seven speeches. Brown three-quarter-morocco. 3085. National Republican Club. Addresses de- livered at the Lincoln dinners of the Republican Club of the City of New York in response to the toast Abraham Lincoln, 188 7- 1909. [New York] Priv. Print, for the Republican Club of the City of New York, 1909. 4 p. 1., [7^358 p. port. 24J/2 cm. (M1852) E457.8.N28 copies 3 & 4 "This edition is limited to five hundred copies." Copy 3 is "number 34 [Signed] Charles H. Young, President." Copy 4 not numbered. Thirty speeches. Copy 3 bound in brown three-quarter-morocco, Copy 4 in blue cloth. 3086. National Republican Club. Proceedings at the . . . annual Lincoln dinner of the National Republican Club, in commemoration of the birth of Abraham Lincoln . . . 1st — 39th; 1887-1925. New York [ 1887]— 1 925. 27 V. Title varies: 1887-99, Proceedings at the . . . an- nual dinner of the Republican Club of the city of New York ... on the . . . anniversary of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln . . .; 1900-16, Proceedings at the . . . annual Lincoln dinner of the Republican Club of the city of New York . . .; 1924-25, Proceedings at the . . . an- nual Lincoln dinner of the National Republican Club . . . Sub-title varies. Stern set lacks the Proceedings for the years 1889, 1893, 1895, 1897, and 1900. Publication suspended '9I7-23- Contents: 1st. 1887. [New York, Mercantile Print. & Stationery Co.] 88 p. 25/2 cm. (M1034) F457.N26 3d set 1887 "Speeches [in response to the toast: 'The Republican Club of the City of New York']": p. [5]-49- "By-laws": p. [8o]-88. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. In pamphlet holder. 2d. 1888. New York, DeVinne Press. 64 p. 25 cm. (M1043) F457.N26 2d set 1888 "Speech of Mr. [W. M.] Evarts [in response to the toast 'Abraham Lincoln']": p. [13]— 19. Inscribed to John W. Starr, Jr. Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 4th. 1890. New York, DeVinne Press. 64 p. 25/2 cm. (M1074) F457.7.N26 2d set 1890 "Speech of Senator [S. F.] Cullom [in response to the toast: 'Abraham Lincoln']" : p. 14-19. Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 5th. 1 89 1. [New York] New York Print. Co. 70 p. 24/2 cm. (M1090) F457.7.N26 2d set 1891 "Speech of the Rev. H. L. Wayland [in response to the toast: 'Abraham Lincoln']": p. [9]—! 7. "Speech of Hon. Hannibal Hamlin": p. [i8]-2i. Printed wrappers. 6th. 1892. [n.p.] 52 p. 24/2 cm. (Mil 11) F457.N26 2d set 1892 "Speech by Rev. [G. E.] Strobridge [in response to the toast: 'Abraham Lincoln']": p. [8]-i4- Printed wrappers. 8th. 1894. New York, Press of Thomson & Co. 80 p. 23J/2 cm. port. (Mi 152) F457.N26 3d set 1894 "Address of Bishop John P. Newman [in response to the toast: 'Abraham Lincoln']": p. [i7]-22. Printed wrappers. 10th. 1896. New York, Press of A. D. Beeken. 51 p. 25 cm. 1 illus. (M1206) F457.N26 3d set 1896 "Address of Hon. Chauncey M. DePew [in response to the toast: 'Abraham Lincoln']": p. [i5]-20. "Address of Dr. Emil G. Hirsch [in response to the toast: 'The home of Lincoln']": p. [29]~34. 12th. 1898. New York, Press of Beeken & Leavens. 47 p. 25 cm. 1 illus. (M1235) F457N26 3d set 1898 "Address of Hon. Albert J. Beveridge [in response to the toast: 'Abraham Lincoln']" : p. [17]— 25. 13th. 1899. New York, Press of Beeken & Leavens. 48 p. 25 cm. (M1262) F457.N26 3d set 1899 "Address of Rev. Howard Duffield [in response to the toast: 'Abraham Lincoln']": p. [i7]-29. 289 1 5th. 1 90 1. New York, Press of Styles & Cash. 77 p., 6 1. 25/2 cm. (M1360) F457.N26 3d set 1901 "Address of Hon. John N. Baldwin [in response to the toast: 'Abraham Lincoln']": p. [i3]-20. 1 6th. 1902. New York, Press of F. R. Brooke Co. 80 p. 24 cm. (M1388) F457.N26 2d set 1902 "Address of Hon. James Willis Gleed [in response to the toast: 'Abraham Lincoln']": p. [i3]-2g. (See also item 1690.) Printed wrappers. 17th. 1903. New York, Freytag Print. Co. 80 p. 23/2 cm. (M1424) F457.N26 3d set 1903 "Address of ex-Governor Frank S. Black [in response to the toast: 'Abraham Lincoln']" : p. [i5]-20. "Address of Hon. Wendell Phillips Stafford [on the career of Abraham Lincoln as compared with that of Wendell Phillips]": p. j2i]-28. "Address of Hon. Robert W. Taylor [on Edwin M. Stanton]": p. [39]~42. 18th. 1904. New York, Press of H. I. Cain & Son. 96 p. 23 cm. (M1444) F457.N26 3d set 1904 "Address of Hamilton W. Mabie [on Abraham Lin- coln]": p. [i7]-27. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 19th. 1905. [New York, R. G. Cooke] 8 1, [3] p. 23 cm. (M1474) F457.N26 3d set 1905 "Address of Senator [J. P.] Dolliver [on the theme Abra- ham Lincoln]": p. [235-34. Boards. 20th. 1906. [New York, Freytag Print. Co.] 60 p., 8 1. 23/2 cm. (M1510) F457.N26 3d & 4th sets 1906 "Address of General Horace Porter [in response to the toast: 'Abraham Lincoln']" : p. [ii]-i8. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln mounted on cover. 2 1 st. 1907. [New York, Freytag Print. Co.] 8i,[i] p. 23/2 cm. (M1548) F457.N26 3d set 1907 "Address of Gen. O. O. Howard [on Lincoln]": p. [ii]-20. "Address of General J. H. Wilson [on Lin- coln]": p. [2l]-26. Printed wrappers. 22d. 1908. [New York, Jaques & Co.] 71, [4] p. 23/2 cm. (M1618) F457.N26 3d set 1908 "Address of Hon. Morris Sheppard [on Abraham Lin- coln]": p. [27]-36. Printed wrappers. 23d. 1909. [New York, Jaques & Co.] 72 p. 23/2 cm. (M1853) F457.N26 3d set 1909 "Address of Hon. Theodore E. Burton [on Abraham Lincoln]": p. [i3]-2 7- "Address of Booker T. Washing- ton [on Abraham Lincoln]": p. [37]-46. 24th. 1 9 10. [New York, Irving Press] 80 p. 23/2 cm. (M1952) F457.N26 3d set 1910 "Address of President [William H.] Taft": p. 13-32. (See also item 4086.) "Address of Reverend Michael Clune [on Lincoln]": p. 33-45. (See also item 1 1 19.) Limp leather. 25th. 191 1. New York [Rogers & Co.] 64 p. 23/2 cm. (M2010) F457.N26 3d set 191 1 "Address of Reverend Doctor Frank W. Gunsaulus [on Abraham Lincoln]": p. [i3]-2g. "Address of ex- Presi- dent Theodore Roosevelt [on Abraham Lincoln and pro- gressive democracy]": p. [54]— 64. Boards. Cloth back. 26th. 1912. [New York, Irving Press] 58,[i] p. 23J/2 cm. (M2053) F457.7.N26 3d set 1912 "Address of Mr. Charles O. Maas [on Abraham Lin- coln]": p. 23-29. Limp leather. 27th. 19 1 3. [New York, Freytag Print. Co.] 68, [1] p. 23/2 cm. (M2102) F457.7.N26 3d set 1913 "Address of the Rev. Dr. William Carter [on Lincoln]": P- 13-35- Printed wrappers. 28th. 19 14. [New York, Freytag Print. Co.] 71 p. 23 cm. (M2161) F457.7.N26 3d set 1914 "Address of Hon. Edward C. Stokes [on Abraham Lin- coln]" : p. 15-33. "Address of Hon. Nathan Goff [on Abraham Lincoln]": p. 35—45. 29th. 19 15. [New York, Freytag Print. Co.] 69 p., 1 1. 23 cm. (M2210) F457.7.N26 3d set 1915 "Address of Hon. Simeon D. Fess [on Abraham Lin- coln]": p. 13-27. 30th. 1 9 16. [New York, Gibbs & Van Vleck] 51 p., 1 1. 23 cm. (M2264) F457.7.N26 3d set 1916 "Address of Hon. James R. Sheffield": p. 9-15. (See also item 3800.) "Address of S. Parkes Cadman [on Abraham Lincoln]" : p. 17-26. Printed wrappers. 38th. 1924. [New York, Freytag Print. Co.] 46 p. 24 cm. (M2730) F457.7.N26 3d set 1924 "Address of President Calvin Coolidge": p. 23-46. (See also item 1201.) Printed wrappers. 39th. 1925. [New York, G. T. Washburn] [8] p. 22/2 cm. (M2805) F457.7.N26 3d set 1925 "The Bear hunt; an original ballad by Abraham Lin- coln [reprinted from the Atlantic Monthly, Feb. 1925]": p. [6]-[8] (With an introduction by C. T. White on P. [5])- Printed wrappers, bound with cord. 3087. National Union. Lincoln Council, no. 68. Public celebrations of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, under the auspices of Lincoln Council, no. 68, National Union. 1888- 1893. Chicago, Pub- lished by the Council, 1893. 69 P- port. 18 J/2 cm. ( M 1 1 3 1 ) P On cover: Lincoln. Printed wrappers, bound with a cord. 3088. National Union Association of Ohio. Day- ton speech of Hon. John Brough. President Lin- coln's response relative to the arrest of Vallandig- 290 ham. Cincinnati, Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., Printers, 1863. 31 p. 22/2 cm. (Loyal publica- tions of National Union Association of Ohio. no. 3 . . . July, 1863) (Mi 74) E525.N27 copy 3 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 3089. Natural history; the journal of the Ameri- can Museum of Natural History, v. 62, Feb. 1953. New York. QH1.N13, v. 62 "Was Lincoln a 'mountaineer' "? by Harry L. Shapiro: p. [56J-62, 90. (Comments on the Clark Mills life mask taken on or about Lincoln's fifty-sixth birthday.) 3090. NEAL, THOMAS A. Lawyer on the cir- cuit, by Tom Neal. Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1945. 1 p. 1., 5-9 p. 15/2 x 12/2 cm. E457-35-N4 copy 3 Cover title. "An edition of fifty numbered copies printed for the Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California and one hun- dred copies for Dawson's Book Shop. Copy no. 39 [Signed] Tom Neal." Glazed printed wrappers. 3091. Another issue. 15/2 x n J/2 cm. E 457-35- N 4 co Py 2 The phrase "copy no." does not occur in the edition statement. Not signed. 3092. Nebraska. Dept. of Public Instruction. Lincoln anniversary, 1809-1898, February 12th. State of Nebraska, Department of Public Instruc- tion. Lincoln [Nebr., 1898] 16 p. 22 cm. (Mi 233) E458.7.N36 copy 2 Cover title. Stamped on cover: Compliments of W. R. Jackson [State Superintendent]. Suggestions to teachers for Lincoln Day program. Green half-morocco, with original wrappers bound in. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3093. Nebraska State Flistorical Society. Publi- cations, v. 21; 1930. Lincoln, Nebr. F661.N3 3d set, v. 21 Edited by A. E. Sheldon. "Lincoln: name and place," by N. C. Abbott: p. [1]- '33- 3094. NEGLEY, HARRY E. Eulogy on Abra- ham Lincoln; delivered by Senator Negley in In- diana State Senate, February 12th, nineteen hun- dred seventeen. Indianapolis, typography and press work by sixth, seventh and eighth grade boys of School No. 52 [191 7] [10] p. port. 20 cm. E457.8.N4 Six pages of text. Printed wrappers. 3095. NEILL, EDWARD D. Reminiscences of the last year of President Lincoln's life. St. Paul, Minn., The Pioneer Press Co., 1885. 18 p. 23 cm. (M1016) E457.15.N41 copy 2 Caption title. "Read at a meeting of the Minnesota Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 4, 1885." Typed copy of title page inserted. Previously bound. 3096. NEIS, ANNA MARIE. Lincoln, [n. p., c igi5] 1 p. 1., 18 p. illus., port. 22 cm. (M2204) E457.9.N4 copy 3 In verse. Inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 19 16 (?) ." Heavy paper covers. Gilt-stamped. 3097. NELSON, HENRY A. The divinely pre- pared ruler, and The fit end of treason, two dis- courses delivered at the First Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Illinois ... on the Sabbath following the burial of President Lincoln, May 7, 1865. Springfield, 111., Press of Baker & Phillips, 1865. iv > [5H9 P- 22 cm. (M651) E457.8.N42 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3098. NELSON, KNUTE. Life and character of Abraham Lincoln. Remarks in the Senate of the United States, Tuesday, February 12, 19 18. Washington Govt. Print. Off., 19 18. folder (4 p.) 23 cm. (M2385) P (2 copies) Cover title. Inscribed by the author. One copy with author's letter of transmittal to Charles T. White, laid in. 3099. NELSON, WILBUR. Obadiah Holmes, ancestor and prototype of Abraham Lincoln. [Newport, R. I., Franklin Print. House, 1932] 20 p. 1 illus. 18/2 cm. (M3342a) P Cover title. 3100. [NEUMANN, KARL FRIEDRICH] An Abraham Lincoln, Prasidenten der Vereinigten 291 Staaten von Amerika. [n. p., 1865?] xiii p. 22^/2 cm. (M3785a) E458.N4 copies 1 & 2 Cover title. Page vii signed : Karl Friedrich Neumann. "Nachschrift": p. [viii]-xiii. Self-wrappers. Copy 1 in gray slipcase. 3 1 01. NEVINS, ALLAN. The emergence of Lincoln. New York, Scribner, 1950. 2 v. illus., ports., maps. 24 cm. E415.7.N38 copy 5 Sequel to Ordeal of the Union. Bibliography: v. 2, p. 491-506. Inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. 3102. NEVINS, ALLAN. Fremont, pathmarker of the West. New York, London, Longmans, Green, 1955. xiv, 689 p. illus., ports., maps. 22 cm. E415.9.F8N46 1955 copy 3 "New edition." Numerous references to Lincoln. 3103. NEVINS, ALLAN. Hamilton Fish; the inner history of the Grant administration. With an introduction by John Bassett Moore. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1936. xxi, 932 p. illus., ports., coat of arms, facsim. 24 cm. E664.F52N4 copy 3 Discussion of Lincoln's presidency, p. 77-88. 3104. NEVINS, ALLAN. Ordeal of the Union. New York, Scribner, 1947. 2 v. illus., ports., maps. 24 cm. E415.7.N4 copy 5 Sequel: The Emergence of Lincoln. Contents. — v. 1. Fruits of manifest destiny, 1847- 1852. — v. 2. A house dividing, 1852-1857. 3105. NEVINS, ALLAN. The statesmanship of the Civil War. New York, Macmillan, 1953. 82 p. 21/2 cm. (The Page-Barbour lectures, Univer- sity of Virginia, 1 95 1 ) E458.N45 copy 3 "First printing." 3106. The New book of nonsense; a contribution to the Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, June, 1864, in aid of the Sanitary Commission. [Phila- delphia] Ashmead & Evans [1864] 1 p. 1., 53 numb. 1. illus. 15^2 x 24 cm. PN6231.L5N4 copy 2 Illustrated title page. Printed on one side of leaf only. Cartoons and limericks. "The true story of 'Herndon's Lincoln,' " by David Donald: p. 221-234. (Issued also as a separate. See item 1 39 1.) 3108. New London, Conn. Funeral observances at New London, Connecticut, in honor of Abra- ham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, including the public addresses of Rev. G. B. Willcox, and Rev. Thomas P. Field, D. D. New London, C. Prince, 1865. 34 p. 19 cm. (M815) E 457-52-N5i copy 2 On cover: In memoriam. Abraham Lincoln. Printed wrappers. 3109. New Mexico {Ter.) Superintendent of Public Instruction. Flag day program: Lincoln exercises, 1908. Santa Fe, Department of Pub- lic Instruction [1908?] 39 p. port. 23/2 cm. (Mi 58 1) LB3531.N4 1908 On cover: Flag Day and Lincoln. New Mexico. Feb- ruary twelfth, nineteen hundred and eight. Illustrated printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 31 10. New Mexico {Ter.) Superintendent of Public Instruction. Lincoln and flag day program, 1909. Santa Fe, Department of Public Instruc- tion, 1909. 39 p. 23 cm. (Mi 780) LB3552.L6N6 X copy On cover: Flag day, one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, 1809- 1909; program of ex- ercises, New Mexico, February twelfth, nineteen hundred and nine. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3 1 1 1 . A New pilgrimage. London, Published Privately at the Savoy, 1923. 18 p., 3 1. illus. 22/2 cm. (M2656) E457.6.N52 copy 4 An account of the unveiling of the bust of Lincoln in the Abraham Lincoln Room of the Savoy Hotel, London. Boards. 31 12. New York. Board of Education. Lincoln day essays; pupils of the public high schools pay their tribute to the deeds and ideals of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1950. [n. p.] 1950. 17 p. 23 cm. P Printed wrappers. 3107. The New colophon; a book-collectors' quarterly, v. 1, July 1948. New York [Duschnes, Crawford] Z1007.C72 3d set, v. 1 31 13. New York. Citizens. The great mass meeting of loyal citizens, at Cooper Institute, Fri- day evening, March 6, 1863. [New York, 1863] 292 1 6 p. 21/2 cm. ([Loyal Publication Society] Loyal reprints, no. 3) £463X96 no. 3 4th set Caption title. Speeches by James T. Brady, John Van Buren, etc. Another issue is with imprint on p. 16: New York, W. C.Bryant & Co. [1863] Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 31 14. New York. Citizens. Obsequies of Abra- ham Lincoln in Union Square, New York, April 25, 1865. Printed for the Citizens' Committee. [New York] D. Van Nostrand, 1865. 30, [2] p. port. 26/2 cm. (M659) E457.52.N55 copy 2 Oration by George Bancroft: p. [g]-20. Printed wrappers. In pamphlet holder. 31 15. New York. Common Council. Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, in the city of New York, under the auspices of the Common Council. By David T. Valentine, Clerk of the Common Council. New York, E. Jones, 1866. 10 p. 1., [xiii]-xxii, 23- 254 p. illus. (7 plates) port. 27 cm. (M872) E 457-52-N56 copy 3 Added title page, engraved. Mourning borders. Dark-blue full-morocco, imprinted in gilt on covers and spine. Brown end papers. Gilt edges. 31 16. Another copy, illus. (part col.), ports., facsims. 29 cm. (var. ofM872) E457.52.N56 1866a Nearly 100 engraved portraits, old New York City views, etc., added to the original illustrations. Two letters written by John D. Oltiwell, a member of the Special Committee on the funeral obsequies, inserted. Bookplate of Charles T. White. Maroon half-morocco, with gilt lettering on spine, mar- bled sides, and gilt top. Comb marbled end papers. Unopened. In case. 31 17. New York (State) Division of Archives and History. Proceedings at the unveiling of a memorial to Horace Greeley at Chappaqua, N. Y., February 3, 19 14; with reports of other Greeley celebrations related to the centennial of his birth, February 3, 191 1. Published under the auspices of the State historian, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 643, Laws of 1913. Albany, 1915. 263 p. illus., ports., facsims. (part fold.) 23 cm. E4i5-9-G8N4copy5 Occasional references to Lincoln. 31 18. New York (State) Legislature, 1865. Leg- islative honors to the memory of President Lincoln. Message of Gov. Fenton to the Legislature, com- municating the death of President Lincoln. Ob- sequies of President Lincoln in the Legislature. Printed under direction of J. B. Cushman, Clerk of Assembly. Albany, Weed, Parsons and Co., Print- ers, 1865. ii8p. 24 cm. (M511) E 457-5 2 - N 54 co Py 2 On cover: Legislative obsequies of President Lincoln. Mourning borders. Title page inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." End paper inscribed: "Compliments of H. R. Low." 31 19. New York (State) University. Bulletin to the schools, v. 15, Feb. 1— 15, 1929. L182.B47 v. 15, X copy "Abraham Lincoln in New York State," by A. C. Flick: p. 132-133- 3120. New York (State) University. Lincoln centenary, February 12, 1909; a prospectus for the schools of the state. Compiled by Harlan Hoyt Horner. Albany, New York State Education De- partment, 1909. 3 i,[i] p. illus., ports., facsims. 22/2 cm. (M1750) E457.7.N53 copy 4 At head of title: New York State Education Depart- ment. Title vignette. Covers included in pagination. "Abraham Lincoln, a select reading list": p. 26—27. 3121. New York Historical Society. Quarterly bulletin, v. 15, Oct. 193 1. New York. Fi 16.N638 v. 15, X copy "Historical clay pipes," by W. L. Calver: p. 91-102. Plate VI: Clay pipe . . . memento of Lincoln's first campaign: p. 100. 3122. New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb. 100th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln; commemorative exer- cises at the New York Institution for the Instruc- tion of the Deaf and Dumb. Prize essays in the N. Y. Times Lincoln Composition Contest. [New York, 1909] 80 p. illus. (part fold.) , port. 23/2 cm. (M1831) E457.7.N54 copy 2 "Printed by the pupils." Printed wrappers. 3123. New York news letter, v. 36, Mar.-Apr., 1903. New York, Issued in the interests of the New York Life Insurance Company. (M1420) HG8963.N92A15 vol. 36, 2d set At head of title on cover: Springfield, 111. "Mr. Lincoln in Springfield": p. 7-12. 293 3124. [New York Sabbath Committee] The sol- dier's and sailor's Sabbath. [New York, 1862] folder (4 p.) 22/2 cm. (Its [Doc. no. XXIII]) (Mi 24) E635.N56 copy 2 Caption title. Report of the Committee's interview with Lincoln on Nov. 13, 1862. In green half-morocco binding. 3125. The New York Times. Pictorial Lincoln history. New York, 1913. 16 p. illus., ports. 42 cm. E457.N53 copy 2 Cover title. The New York Times Lincoln birthday number, Feb. 9, 1913- Self-wrappers. In pamphlet holder. 3126. The New Yorker, v. 26, June 24, 1950. New York, The New Yorker Magazine, Inc. AP2.N6763 v. 26, X copy "Our far flung correspondents : Abe Lincoln in Spring- field," by A. J. Liebling: p. 29-42. 3127. Newark, N. J. Citizens. Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, in Newark, N. J., April 19, 1865. Oration by Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, esq. New- ark, N. J., Printed at the Daily Advertiser Off., 1865. 23 p. 22/2 cm. (var. ofM5i6) E457.52.N61 copy 2 "Reprinted by Baker Print. Co., 19 10." — p. 23. Letter of transmittal from Joseph S. Frelinghuysen to Charles T. White, laid in. Printed wrappers. 3128. The Newark Lincoln, a memorial. New- ark, N. J., Free Public Library for the Trustees of the Van Horn Trust, 191 2. xiii, [1], 64 p. illus. 18 cm. (M2048) E457.6.N53 copy 2 Preface signed : J. C. Dana. Limited edition of 200 copies. On the Borglum statue of Lincoln, given to the City of Newark by Amos H. Van Horn, unveiled on May 30, 1911. Address of Theodore Roosevelt: p. 23-33. Boards. 3129. NEWCOMB, REXFORD. In the Lincoln country; journeys to the Lincoln shrines of Ken- tucky, Indiana, Illinois and other states. With 43 illustrations and sketches and 8 maps. Philadel- phia, London, J. B. Lippincott, 1928. 191 p. illus., port., maps, plan, facsim. 22/2 cm. (M3051) E 457-3-N54 co PY 3 3130. NEWCOME, LOUIS A. Lincoln's boy spy. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons [1930] vi, 197 p. port. 20/2 cm. (var. of M3120) E608.N54 copy 3 "Second impression. May, 1930." 3 13 1. [NEWELL, ROBERT HENRY] The martyr President. New York, Carleton, 1865. 43 p. 19 cm. (M652) E457.9.N54 copy 3 In verse. Signed: R. H. Newell. Autographed(?) : " 'Orpheus C. Kerr' R. H. Newell." Mourning borders. Green cloth, with original glazed printed wrappers bound in. 3132. [NEWELL, ROBERT HENRY] The Orpheus C. Kerr [pseud.] papers. New York, Carleton, 1862-66. 3 v. Publisher varies: [v. 1] Blakeman & Mason. Includes "Honest Abe" stories. Contents: 3 J 33- [v. 1] 1862. 1 p. 1., [iii]-viii, [9H382 p. 19/2 cm. PS2459.N4O7 1862 copy 6, v. 1 Dark green cloth, with lettering gilt-stamped on spine and ornamental borders blind-stamped on covers. Light orange end papers. In dark blue solander case. 3*33*. Another issue. 1863. 18/2 cm. PS2459.N407 1862 copy 5, v. 1 "First series." Title page reset. Red half-morocco, with marbled sides and sprinkled edges. White end papers. 3I34- [v. 2] 1863. 1 p. 1., [v]-viii, [91-367, [3]-6 p. 19/2 cm. PS2459.N407 1862 copy 6, v. 2 "Second series." Four pages of advertising following p. 367; p. [368] blank. Plum-colored cloth, with lettering gilt-stamped on spine and design blind-stamped on covers. Brown end papers. In case with item 3133. 3J34a- Another issue. 1864. I p. 1., [v]-viii, [g]-367, [3]- 4 p. 185/2 cm. PS2459.N407 1862 copy 5, v. 2 Two pages of advertising matter, from different plates than that of the preceding issue, follows p. 367; p. [368] blank. Red half-morocco, with marbled sides and sprinkled edges. White end papers. 3!34b- Another issue. 1866. 2 p. 1., [v]-viii, [g]-367, [1], [3]-6 p. 19 cm. PS2459.N407 1862 copy 7, v. 2 There is advertising matter on the verso of the 1st preliminary leaf and on p. [368] ; also on p. [3]— 6 at the 294 end, from different plates than on the corresponding pages in the previous issues. Plum-colored cloth, with lettering gilt-stamped on spine and device and design blind-stamped on covers. Light- blue end papers. In case with items 3133 and 3134. 3!35- [v. 3] 1866. 2 p. 1., iii-vi, 7-300 p., 2 1., [3]-8, p. 19 cm. PS2459.N407 1862 copy 6, v. 3 "Third series." Eight pages of advertising matter following p. 300; p. [3]~5 identical to the corresponding pages in item 3134b. Dark green cloth, with lettering gilt-stamped on spine and device and ornamental borders blind-stamped on covers. Light-blue end papers. In case with items 3133, 3134, and 3134b. 3136. NEWKIRK, GARRETT. Lincoln lessons for today. New York, Duffield, 1921. 5 p. I., 132 p., 1 1. 19/2 cm. (M2523) E457.2.N54 copy 3 Boards, with cloth back and paper labels on cover and spine. 3137. NEWKIRK, GARRETT. Lincoln life sketches in verse and prose. New York, Duffield, 1920. 5 p. 1., 47 p. 19/2 cm. (M2473) E457-9-N55 copy 4 Boards. Unopened. 3138. NEWMAN, FRANCIS W. The good cause of President Lincoln. A lecture by Profes- sor F. W. Newman. [London] The Emancipation Society [1863 24 p. 18/2 cm. (M238) E469.8.N56 copy 2 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 3139. NEWMAN, RALPH G. The Abraham Lincoln industry; address at annual meeting of Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin, Madison, Feb- ruary 12, 1954. [Madison] 1955. 15 p. port. 25/2 cm. (Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin. His- torical bulletin no. 13) E457.8.N45 copy 2 Cover title. Self-wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3140. NEWMAN, RALPH G. A great Lincoln collection. [Chicago] 39 cm. illus., ports. E457.65.N4 Concerning the Oliver R. Barrett Collection of Lin- colniana. Detached from The Chicago Sunday Tribune, Grafic Magazine, Nov. 27, 1949: 5; Dec. 4, 1949: 10. In pamphlet holder. 3 141. NEWTON, JOSEPH FORT. Abraham Lincoln ; address . . . before the Union League of Philadelphia. . . February 12, 1926. [Philadel- phia, 1926] 1 p. 1., 24 p. 23 cm. (M2869) P Cover title. 3142. NEWTON, JOSEPH FORT. Abraham Lincoln: an address delivered at Iowa City, Iowa, before the State Historical Society of Iowa, on May twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred ten, by Joseph New- ton. Iowa City, Iowa, The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1 9 10. 46 p. 25^2 cm. (M1940) E457.8.N55 copy 2 Brown printed wrappers. 3143. Another edition. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Torch Press, 1910. 56 p. port. 15J/2 cm. [The Torch series, ed. by J. F. Newton] (M1941) E457.8.N56 copy 2 "An address made before the members of the State Historical Society of Iowa and the Mississippi Valley His- torical Association, Iowa City, Iowa, May 25, 19 10 and published in this form by the courtesy of the State His- torical Society of Iowa." Issued under title: Abraham Lincoln; an Essay. From different plates. Gray boards. 3144. NEWTON, JOSEPH FORT. Lincoln and Herndon. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Torch Press, 1 9 10. 8 p. 1., 367 p. illus., ports. 25 cm. (M1942) E457.3.N56 copy 3 3145. NEWTON, JOSEPH FORT. Lincoln's birthday: some memories of a Lincoln student; ad- dress February 12, 1938. [Philadelphia, 1938] 15 p. 23 cm. (M3640) E457.8.N563 At head of title: The Union League of Philadelphia. Author's autographed presentation copy to John W. Starr, Jr., Easter, 1938. Self-wrappers. 3146. NEWTON, JOSEPH FORT. We here highly resolve, three tributes to Abraham Lincoln. New York, London, Harper & Bros. [ e i939] viii, 61 p. 20 cm. (M3700) E457.8.N565 copy 3 "First edition." 3147. NEYHART, LOUISE A. Henry's Lin- coln. Charles Banks Wilson, illustrator. New York, Holiday House [1945] 49,[3] P- illus. 24/2 cm. PZ7.N488He copy 3 Illustrated end papers. Story for children about the Lincoln-Douglas debates. 295 3148. NICCOLLS, SAMUEL J. In memoriam. A discourse on the assassination of Abraham Lin- coln, President of the United States, delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, of St. Louis, April 23d, 1865. St. Louis, S. Spencer, Printer, 1865. 16 p. 23 cm. (M653) E457.8.N58 copy 2 "Published by request." Printed wrappers. 3149. NICHOLAS, SAMUEL S. A review of the argument of President Lincoln and Attorney General Bates, in favor of presidential power to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. By S. S. Nicholas. Louisville, Ky., Printed by Bradley & Gilbert, 1 86 1. 38 p. 23 cm. (Mi 12) E458.8.N59 copy 2 Cover title. 3150. NICOLA Y, HELEN. The boy's life of Abraham Lincoln. With illustrations by Jay Ham- bidge and others. New York, Century Co. [1906] vii, 303 p. illus., ports., facsims. 19/2 cm. (var. ofMi509) E457.N64 1906a 3151. NICOLA Y, HELEN. Lincoln's secretary, a biography of John G. Nicolay. New York, Lon- don, Toronto, Longmans, Green [1949] x, 363 p. illus., ports. 21 cm. E467.1.N5N5 copy 4 "First edition." Inscribed. Author's holograph letter to Alfred W. Stern, laid in. 3152. NICOLAY, HELEN. Our capital on the Potomac. New York & London, Century Co. ["1924] x, 545 p. illus., map., plan. 23/2 cm. F194.N6 copy 6 "Washington in [Civil] War times": p. 356-380. 3153. NICOLAY, HELEN. Personal traits of Abraham Lincoln. New York, Century Co., 191 2. 7 p. 1., 3-387 p. facsims. 21 cm. (M2049) E457.2.N64 copy 3 Dark blue cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. Gilt top. 3154. Another issue. 1913. (M2049 var.) E457.2.N64 1913 copy 2 Title page reset. Binding same as above. 3155. Another issue. 1919. 19/2 cm. (M2049 var.) E457.2.N64 copy 4 Title page reset. End paper inscribed: "Alfred Whital Stern November I923-" Light gray cloth, with blue lettering on cover and spine. 3156. NICOLAY, JOHN G. Abraham Lincoln. Boston, Little, Brown, 1882. 21 p. 20 cm. (M986) E457.N65 copies 2 & 3 Prepared for the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Edinburgh, 1875-1889, v. 14, p. 658-663. Printed wrappers. Copy 2 in medium blue slipcase, copy 3 in dark blue slipcase. 3157. [NICOLAY, JOHN G.] Lincoln's Gettys- burg address. [New York, Century Co., 1894?] 16 p. port., facsims. 24 l /i cm. (Mi 151) E 475-55 L8 45 co P>' 2 Signed : John G. Nicolay. "Reprinted from 'The Century Magazine' for February, 1894." (See article [no. 5] in item 304.) Black gilt-stamped boards. 3158. Another issue, facsims. 25 cm. (var. of M 1 1 5 1 ) E475.55.L845 X copy Cover title. Without portrait of Lincoln. Accompanied by mailing envelope addressed in ms. from R. T. Lincoln to John W. Starr, Jr. Self-wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 3159. NICOLAY, JOHN G. Lincoln's literary experiments ; with a lecture and verses hitherto un- published. [New York, Century Co.] 823-832 p. 24 cm. P Caption title. Signed. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 47, Apr. 1894. 3160. NICOLAY, JOHN G. Lincoln's personal appearance. [New York, Century Co.] 932-938 p. 25 cm. E457.2.N66 Caption title. Detached from The Century Illustrated Monthly Maga- zine, v. 42, Oct. 1 89 1, and rebound in green half-morocco. 3 1 6 1 . [NICOLAY, JOHN G., and CHARLES C. WHINERY] Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865). [Cambridge, Eng., 191 1] 703-710 p. 30 cm. E457.N6546 Offprint of an article in The Encyclopedia Britannica. 1 ith ed. v. 16. Signed: J. G. N. ; C. C. W. [i. e. John G. Nicolay; Charles C. Whineryl Bibliography: p. 710. 296 Letter of transmittal (typescript) from C. C. Whinery to Charles T. White inserted. Black imitation leather, with special title page in ms. bound in. 3162. NICOLA Y, JOHN G., and JOHN HAY. Abraham Lincoln: a history. 2 v. [New York, Century Co.] illus., ports., maps, facsims. 25 cm. (var. of M1071) E457.N652 Detached from successive issues of The Century Illus- trated Monthly Magazine, v. 33, Nov. 1886-v. 39, Feb. 1890; and rebound. Binder's title: Abraham Lincoln. Bibliographical footnotes. 3163. NICOLA Y, JOHN C, and JOHN HAY. Abraham Lincoln; a history. New York, Century Co., 1890. 10 v. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 24 cm. (M1071) E457.N653 copies 6 & 7 Cards autographed by John Hay and Robert T. Lincoln mounted on front end paper of copy 6, vol. 1 . Green cloth, with gilt lettered spine and top. Green end papers. 3164. Another issue. 19 14. 23/2 cm. (var. of M1071) E457.N6535 copy 2 Each volume with title and copyright pages reset. Red half-morocco, with gilt lettered spine and top. Marbled sides and end papers. 3168. NICHOLS, ROY FRANKLIN. The dis- ruption of American democracy. New York, Mac- millan, 1948. xviii, 612 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. E436.N56 copy 3 Numerous references to Lincoln. 3169. NICOLS, CLIFTON M. Life of Abra- ham Lincoln; being a biography of his life from his birth to his assassination; also a record of his ancestors, and a collection of anecdotes attributed to Lincoln. New York, Springfield, Ohio, Chicago, Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick, 1896. 320 p. illus., ports. 24 1 /: cm. (Farm and fireside library, no. 132) (M1202) E457.N59 copies 3, 4 & 5 Copy 3 bound in brown cloth, with design in black on cover and gilt lettering on cover and spine. Copy 4 in wrappers illustrated and lettered in brown. Copy 5 in wrappers illustrated and lettered in blue. 3 1 70. NIDA, WILLIAM LEWIS. The story of Illinois and its people. Chicago, O. P. Barnes [19 10] 5 p. 1., [gJ-250 p. illus., ports., maps. 20 cm. F541.N66 copy 2 "Published November 19 10." "The Great debates": p. [i85]-ig3. "Nomination and election of Lincoln": [i94]-i95- "Illinois in the war; Abraham Lincoln" : p. 219-227. Mounted portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3165. NICOLA Y, JOHN G., and JOHN HAY. A short life of Abraham Lincoln, condensed from Nicolay & Hay's Abraham Lincoln: a history. New York, Century Co., 1902. xvi, 578 p. port. 21/2 cm. (M1376) E457.N655 copy 2 "Published October, 1902." Olive-green cloth, with lettering and design gilt- stamped on cover and spine. Gilt top. 3171. NILES, HENRY E. Address of Rev. H. E. Niles, on the occasion of President Lincoln's funeral obsequies in York, Pa. York, Pa., Printed by H. Young [1865] 8 p. 2 2 l /i cm. (M655) E457.8.N69 copy 2 Cover title. Blue three-quarter-morocco, with original wrappers bound in. 3166. Another issue. 1903. (M1376 var.) E457.N6553 Title page reset. At head of title: Special edition for the Indiana Teachers' Reading Circle. Binding same. 3167. Another issue. 1919. (var. of M1376) E457-N6 5 5 copy 3 E 457- N6 552 copy 2 Title and copyright pages reset. Dark green cloth, with gilt lettering and blind-stamped design on cover and spine. 3172. NOBECHI, TEMMA. Rinkan monoga- tari [Story of Lincoln] Tokyo, Aiikusha [1947] 1 p. I., 200 p., 1 1. 18/2 cm. U "Second printing. Originally published, 1946." Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3173. NOBLE, MASON. Sermon delivered in the United States Naval Academy, on the day of the funeral of the late President, Abraham Lincoln. Newport, G. T. Hammond, Printer, 1865. 16 p. 22/2 cm. (M656) E457.8.N75 copy 2 Blue cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 297 3 1 74. NOE, COTTON. Lincoln and the mother of Lincoln. [Lexington, Ky., c 1932] [6] p. facsim. 23 cm. (M3343) PS3527.O22L47 Cover title. Poems. Autographed by the author. Self-wrappers. 3175. NOE, COTTON. Lincoln, and twenty other poems. [Lexington, Ky., c i922] [32] p. 18 cm. (M3343 note) PS3527.O22L5 1922 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 3176. NOLAN, J. BENNETT. Of a tomb in the Reading cemetery and the long shadow of Abra- ham Lincoln, [n. p., 1952] 46 p. illus. 23 cm. E 457-35- N6co Py3 "Reprint from Pennsylvania History, vol. XIX, no. 3, July 1952, quarterly journal of the Pennsylvania Historical Association." Printed wrappers. 3177. NOLAN, JEANNETTE ( Covert ) . Abra- ham Lincoln. Illustrated by Lee Ames. New York, J. Messner [1953] 5 p. 1., 182 p. illus. 22 cm. PZ7.N68Ab copy 3 Fictionalized biography for young people. Bibliography: p. 178. 3178. NOLAN, JEANNETTE (Covert). The little giant; the story of Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. With illustrations by Monte Crews. New York, J. Messner [1942] ix, 272 p. illus. 24 cm. E415.9.D73N5 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 265-266. 3179. NORRIS, GEORGE W. Lincoln monu- ment unveiling at Freeport, 111. Address delivered upon the unveiling of the statue of Abraham Lin- coln on the historic spot where the second Lincoln- Douglas debate took place, at Freeport, 111., August 27, 1929. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1929] 8 p. 25 cm. (M3121) P Caption title. "Printed in Congressional Record of September 9. 1929." 3 18 1. The North American review, v. 98, Jan. 1864; v. 99, Oct. 1864; v. 100, Apr. 1865; v. 129, Aug.-Nov. 1879; v. 130, Feb. 1880; v. 131, Aug. 1880; v. 131, Sept. 1880; v. 131, Dec. 1880; v. 141, Oct. 1885; v. 141, Nov. 1885; v. 141, Dec. 1885; v. 142, Apr. 1886; v. 142, May 1886; v. 143, Sept. 1886; v. 143, Dec. 1886; v. 147, July 1888; v. 147, Sept. 1888; v. 155, July-Dec. 1892; v. 157, July 1893; v. 162, Apr. 1896. New York, D. Appleton and Co. [etc.] AP2.N7 "The President's policy: the President's message. De- cember 9, 1863": v. 98, p. 234-260. "The Next gen- eral election: 2. Letter of General McClellan.": v. 99, p. 564-572. "Reconstruction: 1. The President's message on the peace negotiations, presented to Congress, February 10, 1865. 2. The Inaugural address, March 4, 1865.": v. 100, p. 540-559. "The Emancipation Proclamation, "' by James C. Welling: v. 130, p. [i63]-i85. "The Diary of a public man ; unpublished passages of the secret history of the American Civil War": v. 129, p. [i25]-i40, [259]- 273, [3751-388, [484:1-496. (See also items 397, 1366.) "A Page of political correspondence; unpublished letters of Mr. Stanton to Mr. Buchanan": v. 129, p. [4731—483. "Nullity of the Emancipation Edict," by Richard H. Dana: v. 131, p. [i28]-i34. "The Trial of Mrs. Surratt," by John W. Clampitt: v. 131, p. [22i]-240. "The Validity of the Emancipation Edict," by Aaron A. Ferris: v. 131, p. [55i]-576. "Abraham Lincoln in Illinois," (Parts I and II) by Elihu B. Washburne: v. 141, no. 4, P- [305I-319; no. 5 p. [4541-463- "Motley and mon- arch," by Robert G. Ingersoll: v. 141, p. [528]-532. "A Famous diplomatic dispatch," by Allen Thorndike Rice; "The Dispatch as officially printed," by William H. Seward; "Fac-simile of the original draft, as corrected by . . .," [by] Abraham Lincoln: v. 142, p. [402]-4io. "The Removal of McClellan with fac-simile of the order by Abraham Lincoln.": v. 142, p. [452]~453. "President Lincoln's letter to Governor Hahn with fac-simile of Lincoln's letter, "by Allen Thorndike Rice: v. 143, p. [3071-308. "Salmon P. Chase," by Donn Piatt: v. 143, P- [597]-6i5. "New facts about Mrs. Surratt; corre- spondence of Judge Holt and Hon. James Speed," by Allen Thorndike Rice: v. 147, p. [83]-g4. "The Assas- sins of Lincoln," by James Speed: v. 147, p. [3141-319. "Abraham Lincoln as a strategist," by Archibald Forbes: v. 155, p. [53]-68, [i6o]-i70. "An Unpublished speech of Lincoln, with note by the Hon. R. R. Hitt": v. 157, p. [i2o]-i24- "Recollections of Lincoln's assassination," by Seaton Munroe: v. 162, p. 424-434. 3180. NORTH, STERLING. Abe Lincoln, log cabin to White House. Illustrated by Lee Ames. New York, Random House ["1956] 184 p. illus. 21 J/2 cm. (Landmark books [61]) E457-N659 1956a "New Salem edition. Autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club." 3182. North Dakota. Dept. of Public Instruc- tion. Abraham Lincoln centenary, 1809-1909. [Bismarck, N. D.] 1909. 24 p. 23/2 cm. (M1647) E457.7.N6 Cover title. Verse and prose. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. In Gaylord binder. 298 3183- North Dakota. Dept. of Public Instruc- tion. North Dakota special day programs. 1907, 1913,1916. Bismarck, N. D. LB3525.N9A3 X copy Lincoln day programs. 1907 pamphlet entitled: "The Birthdays of Washing- ton and Lincoln." 3184. NORTHCOTT, WILLIAM A. Address delivered by ex-Lieutenant Governor, W. A. North- cott, of Springfield, Illinois, at Chicago, February nth, 1909. [Springfield? 1909] 8 p. port. 22/2 cm. (M1827) E457.8.N86 copy 2 Cover title: Lincoln. Differs from another edition only in arrangement of type, p. 4 beginning: "representative government." Title page autographed by the author. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 3185. Northern true men and southern traitors. Address and resolutions of the Connecticut soldiers. Extracts from Richmond journals. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1863. 8 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 6) E463.96 no. 6 4th set Note at bottom of p. 8 : Loyal leagues [etc.] Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 3186. NORTON, ELIOT. Abraham Lincoln, a lover of mankind; an essay. New York, Moffat, Yard, 191 1. 2 p. 1., 95 p. port. 18^2 cm. (M2006) E457.2.N88 copy 4 Bibliography: p. 85-95. 3187. NORTON, FRANKLIN P. Six dramas of American romance and history. New York, The Schulte Press, 19 15. 2 p. 1., [7]-2og p. port. 27/2 cm. PS3527.O645S5 1915 copies 2 & 3 "Abraham Lincoln; or, The rebellion": p. 78-107. Printed wrappers. Copy 3 in pamphlet holder. 3188. [NOTT, CHARLES COOPER] The com- ing contraband; a reason against the Emancipa- tion Proclamation, not given by Mr. Justice Curtis, to whom it is addressed by an officer in the field. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1862. 21 p. 18 cm. E453.N87 1862 A reply to a pamphlet by Justice B. R. Curtis, pub- lished in 1862 under title: Executive Power (Item 1283.) "Also attributed to Charles P. Kirkland." — Sabin, no. 56030. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 10). Previously bound. 3189. [NOYES, ISAAC P.] Ode on Lincoln. [Washington? 1907] [7] p. 19/2 cm. (M1546) E 457-9- N 95 co Py 2 Caption title. Signed: Isaac P. Noyes. Letter from Edith Noyes to Albert H. Griffith, laid in. 3190. The Numismatist, v. 37, Feb. 1924. Fed- eralsburg, Md., American Numismatic Association. (M2723) CJ1.N8 v. 37 X copy "Lincoln number." 3 191. NYE, FRANK M. Celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Address in the House of Representatives, Friday, February 12, 1909, Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1909. 7 p. 24 cm. (M1829) P Cover title. In Gaylord binder. 3192. OAKLEAF, JOSEPH BENJAMIN. Abra- ham Lincoln as a criminal lawyer; an address by Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf at the banquet of Illinois State's Attorneys' Association held at the close of their annual session, December 7th, 191 2, at Hotel Sherman, Chicago. Rock Island, 111., Augustana Book Concern, Printers, 1923. 15, [1] p. port. 19 cm. (M2657 var.) E457.2.O105 copy 2 Cover title. "100 copies printed, of which this is no. 14." — p. [16] White self-wrappers, bound in contemporary green cloth. 3193. Another issue. (M2657var.) E457.2.O105 copy 3 Page [16] reset. "Twenty-one extra copies were printed and bound, but not numbered." White self-wrappers. 3194. OAKLEAF, JOSEPH BENJAMIN. Abraham Lincoln, his friendship for humanity and sacrifice for others; an address, by J. B. Oakleaf, delivered at Augustana College, Rock Island, Illi- nois . . . February 12, 1909. [Moline, 111., Desaul- niers & Co., 19 10] 1 p. 1., 9-45 p. illus., port. 22/2 cm. (M1943) E457.2.O1 1 copies 2 & 3 Plain mottled-brown wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Copy 2 rebound in brown half-morocco. 299 3 '95- Another edition. [191 1] 3 p. 1., 9-45, [6] p. illus., 2 port. (M1943 var.) E457.2.O12 copy 2 "Author's [autographed] edition of fifty copies of which this is number 32." Foreword, author's portrait, and six pages of letters added to original edition. Bound in brown polished full-morocco; with brown watered-silk doublures, gilt ornamental borders, and gilt edges. In tan three-quarter-closed case. 3196. OAKLEAF, JOSEPH BENJAMIN. Abraham Lincoln, Meade, Lee, and Gettysburg. Peoria, 111., Done into print by E. J. Jacob, 1929. 16 p. 24 cm. (M3122) E475.53.O14 copies 2 & 3 Added title page, illustrated. Heavy paper cover, illustrated in color. Bound with silk cord. In portfolio. 3197. OAKLEAF, JOSEPH BENJAMIN. An analysis of the Gettysburg address. Compiled by Joseph B. Oakleaf. Moline, 111., Desaulniers & Co., Printers, 1908. [16] p. illus., port. 18 cm. (M1615) E475.55.L85 copy 2 Printed wrappers, bound with cord. 3198. OAKLEAF, JOSEPH, BENJAMIN. Azel W. Dorsey, Lincoln's school teacher in Indi- ana, buried in Illinois, by J. B. Oakleaf. [Spring- field? 111., 1929] 6 p. illus. 28 cm. (M3123) E 457-32-02 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume 22, no. 3, October, 1929." (Item 2238.) Reprinted also in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 39.) Bookplate of Joseph B. Oakleaf. Printed wrappers. In pamphlet holder. 3199. OAKLEAF, JOSEPH BENJAMIN. The great task assumed by Abraham Lincoln and the burden he had to bear; an address deliv- ered before the Iowa Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M., Davenport, Iowa, at its annual session, June 1925. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Laurance Press Co., 1925. 14 p., 1 1. port. 255/2 cm. (M2800) E457.8.O153 copy 2 "Reprinted from the Proceedings." On cover: An address on Abraham Lincoln . . . June 10th, 1925, before the Grand Lodge of Masons of Iowa. Inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. Blue printed wrappers. 3200. Another issue. Priv. Print., Iowa Masonic Library. ( M 2800 var. ) E457.8.O153 1925a copies 1 &2 Cover title. Title varies slightly. Pages 2-14 from same plates. Copy 2 inscribed by the author to George P. Ham- brecht. Self-wrappers. 3201. OAKLEAF, JOSEPH BENJAMIN. Hobbies; an address on the collection of Lincoln literature, by Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf of the Illi- nois Bar, delivered February 12th, 1 913, before a body of men each of whom had a hobby of some sort. Rock Island, 111., Augustana Book Concern, 1923. 14 p., 1 1. port. 19/2 cm. (M2659) E457.8.O16 copy 2 "100 copies printed, of which this no. 58." Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. Typewritten letter from J. B. Oakleaf to Charles T. White laid in. Printed copy of letter from Hugh McLellan to J. B. Oakleaf mounted on flyleaf. 3202. OAKLEAF, JOSEPH BENJAMIN, com p. Lincoln bibliography; a list of books and pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, The Torch Press, 1925. 5 p. 1., 7-424 p. illus., ports. 25 cm. (M2801) Z8505.O14 copy 3 "This bibliography consists of one hundred and two [numbered] copies of which two are for copyright pur- poses . . . ; also six unnumbered copies. This is one of the six unnumbered copies [Signed] Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf." Does not contain the titles noted in the Lincoln bibliog- raphy by Daniel Fish, published in 1906. Cf. p. 9. 1576 items. Prospectus entitled Lincolniana ([Chicago, R. R. Don- nelley & Sons, 1923] 4 1. port. 24 cm. (M2658) cover title) laid in. 3203. OAKLEAF, JOSEPH BENJAMIN. Na- tional Union convention of 1864 and why Lincoln was not nominated by acclamation. Moline, 111., Priv. Print., Carlson Print Co., 1924. 1 1 p. 19 cm. (M2724) E458.4.O14 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3204. OAKLEAF, JOSEPHUS L. The history of the Oakleaf collection of Lincolniana, by J. L. Oakleaf. [Moline, 111., Priv. Print., 1945] 1 p. 1., 13 p. mounted ports. 21 x 26 cm. ZySS-^SOz copy 2 300 Cover title. Address made at the dedication of the Lincoln room, housing the Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf collection at Indi- ana University, on February 13, 1943. Cf. Foreword. Inscribed by the author. Printed wrappers. 3205. OBERHOLTZER, ELLIS PAXSON. Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia, G. W. Jacobs [1904] 389 p. port. i9j/2 cm. (American crisis biographies) (M1443) E457.O12 copy 3 Bibliography: p. [378]-38o. 3206. O'BRIEN, ROBERT L. Just a word to- day with Nancy Hanks. [Boston? i9i5?] folder (M P-) P ort - 23/2 cm. E457.8.O2 Caption title. "In Boston Herald, Feb. 12, 1914." Printed note on p. [4]: 'Compliments of Printing De- partment, Suffolk School for Boys, Rainsford Island, Boston Harbor, Mass." 3207. O'CONNOR, RICHARD. Guns of Chickamauga. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1955. 288 p. 22 cm. PS3529.C63G8 "First edition." End paper maps. 3208. O'CONNOR, RICHARD. Hood, cava- lier general. New York, Prentice-Hall [1949] x p., 3 I., 3-316 p. port., plans. 24 cm. E467.1.H58O3 copy 4 "First edition." 3209. O'CONNOR, RICHARD. Thomas, Rock of Chickamauga. New York, Prentice-Hall [1948] viii p., 2 I., 3-385 p. port., maps. 23 J/2 cm. E467.i.T4025copy 3 "First edition." 3210. O'CONNOR, THOMAS P. Some old love stories, by T. P. O'Connor. London, Chapman and Hall, 1895. 337 p. port. 21 cm. CT105.O34 1895 "Abraham Lincoln and his wife": p. [ 1]— 75. 321 1. Of the people. [Taylorville, 111., Made by the Hopper Paper Co., 19 — folder ([4] 1.) col. port. 30/2 cm. (M3658) E457.6.O36 Cover title. Concerning an 1O60 portrait of Lincoln, artist un- known. Monaghan attributes authorship of text to Paul M. Angle. 3212. O'FLAHERTY, DANIEL. General Jo Shelby, undefeated rebel. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press [1954] xiv, 437 p. port., map. 23/2 cm. E467.1.S53O3 copy 3 3213. OLCOTT, GEORGE N. The Lincoln centennial. The Robert Hewitt collection of rae- dallic Lincolniana. New York, Published by Columbia University Library, 1909. 21 p. 17 cm. (M1830) P At head of title: Columbia University. Printed wrappers. 3214. Old Abe's joker, or, Wit at the White House. New York, Robert M. De Witt [1863?] 72 p. illus. 15^2 cm. (var. of M177) E 457-99°43 co PY 2 Published by the compiler. Cream-colored wrappers, imprinted in black. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. In brown slipcase. 3215. Another issue. New York, Henry J. Weh- man ["1863] 18 cm. (M177) E 457-99-043 1863a Copyrighted by Robert M. De Witt. Twenty-four pages of advertising at end of book. Pink wrappers, imprinted in blue. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3216. Old Abe's jokes, fresh from Abraham's bosom, containing all his issues, excepting the "greenbacks," to call in some of which, this work is issued. New York, T. R. Dawley [1864] 1 p. 1., [21I-140 p., 2 1. port. 19/2 cm. (M335) E 457-99-°45 co PY 3 Anecdotes about and by Lincoln in Washington. Cover and title page title. Four pages of advertising at end. "Mrs. Old Abe (from the New York Mercury)" : p. 135-140. Pink(?) printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. In brown slipcase. 3217. Another edition. New York, Hurst, 1866. 1 p. 1., [2IJ-I35, [i] p. port. 18 cm. (var.(?) of M335) E457.99.O452 Cover title: Honest Abe's jokes: being authentic jokes and squibs of Abraham Lincoln. From same plates, but with resetting of title page and deletion of final story. Imprint date from copyright statement at foot of title page. Copyright page blank. One page of advertising at end. 301 Portrait of Lincoln on cover differs. Reprinted from same plates (though badly worn) in item 3365. Yellow printed wrappers, illustrated. In gray slipcase. 3218. Another issue, [n. d.] 17 l /z cm. (var.(?) of M335) E457-99-°452 copy 2 Same as the 1866 edition above but with deletion of copyright statement at foot of title page. Eight pages of advertising at end. Wrappers white. 3219. The Old guard, a monthly journal, devoted to the principals of 1776 and 1787. v. 1-3; Jan. 1863-Dec. 1865. New York, Van Evrie, Horton & Co., [i863?-i865?] 3 v. ports. 24/2 cm. E461.O44X copy C. Chauncey Burr, editor. Partial Contents. — Jackson's message against nullifi- cation versus Lincoln's war messages (June 1863: 132- 136). — Parallels between Robespierre and Lincoln (Aug. 1863: 208-210). — Uncivilization of the Lincoln war (Aug. 1864: [169]- 1 75). — What will come of re-electing Lincoln (Sept. 1864: [ig3]-20o). — McClellan and Lin- coln (Oct. 1864: 223-225). — Death of the President (May 1865: [240]). 3220. Old Salem Lincoln League, Petersburg, III. Lincoln and New Salem. Petersburg [1926?] 106 p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 26/2 cm. (M 2 874a) E457.35.O44 copy 2 Gray printed wrappers. 3221. Another edition. [1927?] 111 p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 24J/2 cm. (M2963) E457-35-044 r 927 From different plates. Revised. Index added. Same wrappers. 3222. Old South leaflets. Boston, Directors of the Old South Work [1896-19 18?] 1 v. (various pagings) . 1 8/2- 1 9 cm. E 1 73.O44, No. 5, etc. 3d set Bound volume of nineteen Old South Leaflets. In- cluded are copies of nos. 107 (item 135), 189 (item 138), and 214 (item 15). 3223. OLDROYD, OSBORN H. An address delivered by Abraham Lincoln before the Spring- field Washingtonian Temperance Society, at the Second Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Illinois, on the 2 2d day of February, 1842. Lincoln as a temperance man. [Springfield, 111., Published by O. H. Oldroyd, State Custodian Lincoln Home- stead, Springfield, 1889] folder ([4] p.) 23 cm. (M1055) P Caption title. An announcement to W. C. T. U. members of Oldroyd's pamphlet printing of Lincoln's address (see item 39). Contains a letter to Oldroyd from Mrs. Henrietta L. Monroe, President, Ohio W. C. T. U., dated Xenia, Ohio, June 6th, 1889. 3224. OLDROYD, OSBORN H. The assassina- tion of Abraham Lincoln; flight, pursuit, capture, and punishment of the conspirators. With an in- troduction by T. M. Harris. Washington, O. H. Oldroyd, 1901. xviii, 305 p. illus., ports., plans, facsims., fold. map. 25 cm. (var. of M1356) E457.5.O44 copy 7 "Edition limited to 250 copies. No. 210." Title page in red and black. At foot of copyright page: The Mershon Company Press, Rahway, N.J. Title page preceded by half-title, two portraits (one, a steel engraving) of Lincoln, and illustrated added title page. Preface followed by portrait of the author, and p. [1] preceded by a portrait of Lincoln. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Cloth, with blue sides and white back and gilt lettering on cover and spine. Gilt top. Black end papers. 3225. Another issue. 32 cm. (var. of M1356) E457.5.O44 copy 6 folio With one portrait only (steel engraving) preceding the title page and without portrait of the author. Page xiii (list of illustrations) differs. Unopened and unbound. In green solander case. 3226. Another issue. 20J/2 cm. (M1356) E457-5-044 copy 5 Same as the preceding issue, but with title page printed in black and different frontispiece. Without portrait preceding p.[i] Page xiii differs. Two pages of advertis- ing matter following p. 305. Brown cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. 3227. Another issue. 1917. 19J/2 cm. (M1356 E4575O437 copy 2 Identical to the preceding issue, but with title page reset, foot of copyright page blank, and p. xiii erroneously printed from same plate as that employed for the 32 cm. large paper edition above. Light brown cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. 3228. OLDROYD, OSBORN H, comp. The centenary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, 1809- 1909; program of exercises in commemoration of 302 that event. Washington, O. H. Oldroyd, 1908. 20 p. illus., port. 23^2 cm. (M1616 var.) E 457-7-044 co Py 2 On cover: Second edition. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3229. Another issue. (M1616 var.) E457.7.O44 copies 4 & 5 On cover: Seventh edition. (In other respects identi- cal to the "second edition" above.) 3230. Another issue. (M1616 var.) E457.7.O44 copy 6 On cover: Eighth edition. (Otherwise identical to the preceding issues.) 3231. Another issue. (M1616 var.) E457.7.O44 copy 7 On cover: Ninth edition. (Otherwise identical to the preceding issues.) 3232. OLDROYD, OSBORN H. An interview with Osborn H. Oldroyd in the house in which Lincoln died. New York, The Sun [1907?] 11 p. 15 cm. (M1617) E457.65.O44 copy 2 Title vignette. Concerning the Oldroyd collection of Lincoln relics. Printed wrappers. 3233. OLDROYD, OSBORN H., ed. The Lin- coln memorial: album-immortelles. Original life pictures, with autographs, from the hands and hearts of eminent Americans and Europeans, con- temporaries of the great martyr to liberty, Abraham Lincoln. Together with extracts from his speeches, letters, and sayings. With an introduction by Mat- thew Simpson, and a sketch of the patriot's life by Isaac N. Arnold. Boston, D. L. Guernsey ['1882] 571 p. illus., port., facsims. 24 cm. (M987 var.) E457.8.A1594 Orange cloth with black and gold lettering on cover. Tinted end papers. 3234. Another issue. Chicago, Gem Pub. House, 1883 [ c i882] 24/2 cm. (M987 var.) E457.8.A1595 Title page reset. Bookplate of Joseph B. Oakleaf. Black half-morocco, with gold lettering on cover. Marbled end papers and edges. 3235. OLDROYD, OSBORN H. Lincoln's campaign; or, The political revolution of i860. With fourteen portraits and biographies of presi- dential possibilities for 1896. Chicago, Laird & Lee [1896] vi, 241 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. (Mi 204) E440.O44 copy 3 Campaign of 1896. Presidential possibilities: p. 208- 241. Pages [i]-207 from same plates as corresponding pages in item 3237. Blue illustrated printed wrappers, lettered in red and black. 3236. Another issue. 20 cm. (Mi 204 var. ) E440.O44 copy 4 Arrangement of illustrative matter differs slightly. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Blue cloth, gilt-stamped on cover and spine. 3237. OLDROYD, OSBORN H. The march to victory; the great Republican compaigns of i860 and 1896. With platform, portraits, biographies, and speeches of McKinley & Hobart. Chicago, Laird & Lee [1896] 2 p. 1., [i]-xliv p., 1 1., 207 p. illus., ports., tables 19 cm. (The Pastime series, no. 43) (Mi 205) E440.O43 Cover title: Sound money, protection, prosperity; the great Republican campaigns, i860 [and] 1896. On spine: no. 185. The great Republican campaigns. Four pages of advertising matter following p. 207. Pages [i]-207 from same plates as corresponding pages in item 3235. Light green printed wrappers lettered in red and black. Three portraits on cover. 3238. OLDROYD, OSBORN H. The mystic number seven in the life of Abraham Lincoln. Washington, 1930. 12 p. 18 cm. (M3225) E457.2.O44 copies 3 & 4 Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3239. OLDROYD, OSBORN H., ed. The poets' Lincoln; tributes in verse to the martyred Presi- dent, selected by Osborn H. Oldroyd. With many portraits of Lincoln, illustrations of events in his life, etc. Washington, The Editor, 1915. 8 p. 1., v-xxiii p., 1 1., 13-261 p. illus., ports, (part col.) 20/2 cm. (M2206) E457.9.O44 copy 3 Imprint: Published by the editor at "The house where Lincoln died." Cover subtitle: A collection of tributes by the poets of the world to Abraham Lincoln. 3240. OLDROYD, OSBORN H. Raising the stars and stripes over the Lincoln Homestead, Springfield, Illinois, October 16, 1889. Spring- 303 field, O. H. Oldroyd, 1889. 25, [2] p. illus., port. 15 cm. (M1056) P Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 3241. The Oldroyd Lincoln memorial collection; located in the house in which Lincoln died, Wash- ington, D. C. [Washington, Press of Judd and Detweiler] 1903. 1 1 p. 1 mounted illus., 1 mounted port. 18 cm. (M1421) E457.65.O46 On cover: Abraham Lincoln. Accompanied by mailing envelope, O. H. Oldroyd to John W. Starr, Jr. Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 3242. OLMSTED, FREDERICK LAW. The cotton kingdom; a traveller's observations on cot- ton and slavery in the American slave States. Based upon three fonner volumes of journeys and investi- gations by the same author. Edited, with an intro- duction by Arthur M. Schlesinger. New York, Knopf, 1953. lxiii, 626, xvi p. facsim. 24/2 cm. F213.O53 1953 copy 3 "First Borzoi edition." Originally published in 1861. 3243. OLSON, JULIUS E. Lincoln in Wiscon- sin. [Menasha, Wis., George Banta Pub. Co., 1920] 13 p. facsim. 26J/2 cm. (M2474) E457-3-°5 2 co Py 2 "Reprinted from the Wisconsin Magazine of History, vol. IV, no. 1, September, 1920." Cover inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 192 1." Printed wrappers. 3244. Once a week; an illustrated miscellany of literature, art, science, popular information, v. 4, Dec. 29, i860. London, Bradbury and Evans. AP4.O4 v. 4 X copy "Abraham Lincoln, President Elect of the United States," by Cunard: p. 7-10. 3245. The One hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, Allentown, Pennsyl- vania, February 12th, 1909. [n. p., n. d.] [4] p. 23 cm. (cf. Mi 737) P Program only. Wrappers, with portrait of Lincoln on cover. In Gay- lord binder. 3246. Oneida Historical Society at Utica. Trans- actions, no. 9; 1903. [Utica, N. Y., Press of T. J. Griffiths] F127.O5O5 3d set, 1903 Inscribed: "Catherine Gansevoort-Lansing, February 1903." Stamped: Gansevoort-Lansing collection. "Abraham Lincoln" [an address] by Hon. Thomas L. James: p. [1301-135. 3247. O'NEILL, CHARLES K. Wild train; the story of the Andrews raiders, by Charles O'Neill. New York, Random House [1956] xviii, 482 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. E473.55.O5 copy 3 End paper maps. An account of the attempted steal of a Confederate train by a group of Union soldiers in 1862. "Autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club." 3248. Only authentic life of Abraham Lincoln, alias "Old Abe," a son of the West. With an ac- count of his birth and education, his rail-splitting and flat-boating, his joke-cutting and soldiering, with some allusions to his journeys from Spring- field to Washington and back again, [n. p., 1864?] 16 p. illus. 14/2 cm. (M336) E457-63-°59 co P>' 2 Cover title. Another edition, New York, J. C. Haney & Co. [1864] (cover title, 16, 16 p.) includes "The Life of Gen. George B. M'Clellan." Glazed printed wrappers. In brown slipcase. 3249. Only authentic life of Geo. Brinton McClel- lan, alias Little Mac. With an account of his nu- merous victories, from Phillipi to Antietam. [New York, American News Co., 1864?] 16 p. illus. 14 cm. (cf. M336) E467.1.M205 copy 2 Cover title. Glazed printed wrappers. 3250. ONSTOT, THOMPSON G. Lincolnian picturettes. Forrest [sic] City, 111. [1902] [8] p. of illus., ports., map. 23/2 cm. (Mi 384) E457.6.O58 Illustrative matter from the author's Pioneers of Men- ard and Mason Counties. On cover: Lincolnium [sic] picturettes, by T. G. Onstot. Printed wrappers. In tan case. 3251. ONSTOT, THOMPSON G. Pioneers of Menard and Mason counties; made up of personal reminiscences of an early life in Menard county, which we gathered in a Salem life from 1830 to 1840, and a Petersburg life from 1840 to 1850; in- cluding personal reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln and Peter Cartwright. By T. G. Onstot. Forest 304 City, 111., T. G. Onstot, 1902. 7 p. 1., [17^400 p. illus., ports., plan. 22/2 cm. (M1385) E457-°59 co Py 2 Binder's title : Lincoln and Salem. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." 3252. The Open court. v. 37, Sept. 1923. Chicago, Open Court Publishing Co. AP2.0495,v. 37 X copy "The American pulpit on the death of Lincoln," by W. E.Barton: p. [513H28. 3253. Opinions of the early presidents, and of the fathers of the republic, upon slavery, and upon negroes as men and soldiers. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 19, [1] p. 21 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 18) E463.L96 no. 18 4th set Note on verso of p. 19: Loyal leagues [etc.] On covers of other issues (19 p. ) : New York, May, 1863; New York, Oct., 1863. Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 3254. Opportunity; journal of Negro life. v. 8, Feb. 1930. New York, National Urban League. E185.5O6, v. 8 X copy "Lincoln and Douglas," by G. F. Proctor: p. 47. 3255. Order of United American Mechanics. State Council of Pennsylvania. In memoriam Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Philadelphia, G. Hawkes, Jr., Printer, 1865. 88 p. port. 14/j cm. (M658) E457.52.O65 copy 2 The frontispiece is a portrait of Lincoln, engraved by J. Serz. At head of title: State Council of Pennsylvania, O. of U.A.M. 3256. ORME, WILLIAM WARD. Civil war letters of Brigadier General William Ward Orme, 1 862-1 866. Springfield, 111., Schnepp & Barnes, Printers, 1930. 72 p. 23 cm. E601.O86 copy 2 Edited by Harry E. Pratt. Printed by authority of the state of Illinois. "Reprinted from Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, vol. XXIII, no. 2." Printed wrappers. 3257. OTTO, EMIL. Abraham Lincoln. Ein Lebensbild gezeichnet von E. Otto. St. Louis, Mo., Eden Pub. House [1897] 155 p. 16 cm. (Deutsche evangelische Jugend-Bibliothek. 25. Bd.) (M3857) ^ E457.O91 3258. Our daily fare. no. 1-1 2, June 8-21, 1864. Philadelphia, [Ringwalt & Brown, Printers] 1864. 96 p. 29/2 cm. E632.N5 2d set Issued under the auspices of the United States Sanitary Commission, as a memorial of the Great Central Sanitary Fair. G. W. Childs, editor. Includes reports on the work of the Commission in the field and articles on the fair movement in the loyal states. Bound in with item 3933, 2d set. 3259. Our little people library, no. 45, Jan. 1903. Farmington, Me., D. H. Knowlton. P "How Lincoln earned his first dollar": p. 27-32. 3260. Our martyr President, Abraham Lincoln; voices from the pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Oration by Hon. Geo. Bancroft. Burial oration by Bishop Simpson. Eulogy by R. S. Storrs, Jr. New York, Tibbals and Whiting, 1865. 476 p. 19/2 cm. (M389 var.) E457.8.A162 copy 2 Reprint of another edition, same year, with the addition of eulogy by R. S. Storrs, Jr. (p. [41 1]-465). Contents. — [Twenty-one sermons by W. R. Williams, H. W. Beecher, H. W. Bellows, S. H. Tyng, C. S. Robin- son, W. I. Budington, J. McClintock, A. N. Littlejohn, T. L. Cuyler, J. P. Thompson, J. Eells, E. S. Porter, A. [i. e. E.] P. Rogers, S. D. Burchard, J. E. Rockwell, S. T. Spear, R. Lowry, A. S. Hunt, W. Adams, H. J. Fox, H. B. Smith. — Orations by G. Bancroft, Bishop Simpson, [R. S. Storrs, Jr.] — Prayers by S. H. Tyng, E. P. Rogers. Three pages of advertising matter at end of book. Maroon cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. Line borders blind-stamped on covers. Brown end papers. 3261. Another edition. New York, Cincinnati, Abingdon Press [19 15] 319 p. port. 20 cm. (M2174) E457.8.A164 "Reprinted from the original edition [1865]." The twenty-one sermons have been reduced in number to fourteen. Issued under title: Our Martyr President, Abraham Lincoln; Lincoln Memorial Addresses. Blue cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. Por- trait of Lincoln blind-stamped on cover. 3262. The Outlook, v. 91, Feb. 13, 1909; v. 113, June 7, 1 9 16; v. 143, July 14, 1926. New York, The Outlook Co. AP2.O8, v. 91, 1 13, 143 X copy "Abraham Lincoln: personal recollections," by J. W. Weik: v. 91, p. 345-348. "Abraham Lincoln's religion," by L. Abbott: v. 113, p. 330-331. "Abraham Lincoln and the Eucharistic congress," by W. E. Barton: v. 143, P- 375-377- 305 3263. OWEN, ROBERT DALE. The condi- tions of reconstruction; in a letter from Robert Dale Owen to the Secretary of State. Letter from Hon. S. P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury, to the Loyal National League. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 24 p. 22 cm. (Loyal Pub- lication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 25) E463.L96 no. 25 4th set On verso of title page : Loyal leagues [etc.] Issued also with verso of title page blank. Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 3264. OWEN, ROBERT DALE. Emancipation is peace. [New York, 1863] 7, [1] p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 22) E463.L96 no. 22 4th set Caption title. Differs from another issue only in printing on verso of p. 7 : The Loyal Publication Society [etc.] Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 3265. [OWEN, ROBERT DALE] The future of the North-west. New York, E. O. Jenkins, Printer, 1863. 15, [1] p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publi- cation Society. [Pamphlets] no. 1 ) £463X96 no. 1 4th set Cover title. Signed. Caption title: The future of the North-west: in con- nection with the scheme of reconstruction without New England. On cover: New York, October, 1863. Issued also with caption title only. Issued also in the same year from the same plates, but without series state- ment, by Crissey & Markley, Philadelphia. In pamphlet holder. 3266. OWEN, ROBERT DALE. The policy of emancipation: in three letters to the Secretary of War, the President of the United States, and the Secretary of the Treasury. Philadelphia, J. B. Lip- pincott, 1863. 48p. 19cm. (M239) E453.O191 copy 3 "The three following letters were originally published, the first and last in the 'New York Evening post,' and that to the President in the 'New York daily tribune.' " Printed wrappers. 3267. Pacific bindery talk. v. 5, Feb. 1933. Los Angeles, Pacific Library Binding Co. Z267.P1 2, v. 5 X copy "Abraham Lincoln, the student," by D. Haverland: P- 91-94- 3268. PACKARD, ROY D. A. Lincoln, success- ful lawyer, by R. D. Packard. Cleveland, Car- penter Print. Co. [1948] 14 p. facsim. 23 cm. E457.2.P14 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 3269. PACKARD, ROY D. Lincoln and Frank- lin Roosevelt, by R. D. Packard, [n. p.] °I938. [16] p. 23 cm. (M3641) E457.Pi3Xcopy Inscribed. Printed wrappers. 3270. PACKARD, ROY D. The Lincoln of the Thirtieth Congress. Boston, Christopher Pub. House [1950] 52 p. illus. 20/2 cm. E457-4- p 3 copy 3 3271. PACKARD, ROY D. Lincoln's wife Mary, their courtship and marriage, by R. D. Pack- ard. [Cleveland, 1938] [7] p. illus., ports. 28 cm. (M3642) E457.25.P24 copy 2 Cover title. "Reprinted from the February, 1938, issue of The Sohioan . . . published by the Standard Oil Co. of Ohio." See item 3908. Six pages of text. 150 copies. Letter of transmittal from Ernest J. Wessen to Charles T. White, laid in. Self-wrappers. 3272. PACKARD, ROY D. The love affairs of Abraham Lincoln, by R. D. Packard. Cleveland, Carpenter Print. Co. [1947] 1 p. L, 14 p. 23 cm. E457.2.P16 copy 3 "This first printing consists of one hundred copies, num- bered and signed. This copy is number 36." Printed wrappers. 3273. PACKARD, ROY D. Ohio helped make Lincoln President. By R. D. Packard. [Cleve- land?, 1942] [7] p. ports. 30/2 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from the February, 1942 issue of The Sohioan." Inscribed to Charles T. White by the author. 3274. PACKARD, ROY D. The riddle of Lin- coln's religion, by R. D. Packard. Cleveland, Printed by E. O. Hodge Co. [1946] 1 p. 1., 12 p. illus. 23 cm. E457.2.P18 copy 2 "This first printing consists of one hundred copies, numbered and signed. This copy is number 46." Printed wrappers. 306 3275- PACKARD, ROY D. Sarah Bush Lin- coln, an account of Lincoln's stepmother. By R. D. Packard. [Cleveland?, 1941] P Cover title. "Reprinted from the February, 1941, issue of The Sohioan." Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3276. PACKARD, ROY D. War President Lin- coln, the pardoning Commander-in-Chief, by R. D. Packard. [Cleveland, 1943] [8] p. illus., ports. 30/2 cm. E457.2.P2 copy 3 Cover title. "Reprinted from the February, 1943 issue of The So- hioan, employee magazine of the Standard Oil Company of Ohio." Self-wrappers. 3277. PACKARD, ROY D. Was Lincoln a fail- ure at fifty? by R. D. Packard. Cleveland, O., The Tower Press [ c 1 939]. 14 p. 23 cm. (M3701) P "A reply to 'He could take it,' an article which ap- peared in the January, 1939, issue of the Reader's Di- gest and to similar interpretations of Lincoln's pre-presi- dential years." (See item 3532.) Printed wrappers. 3278. PACKARD, ROY D. When Lincoln spoke at Gettysburg, by R. D. Packard. [Cleve- land, 1939]. [7] p. illus., port. 30/2 cm. (M3702) P Cover title. "Reprinted from the February, 1939, issue of The So- hioan, employee magazine of the Standard Oil Company of Ohio." Autographed by author. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3279. PADDOCK, WILBUR F. A great man fallen! A discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in St. Andrew's Church, Phila- delphia, Sunday morning, April 23, 1865. Phila- delphia, Sherman & Co., Printers, 1865. 24 p. 23 cm. (M662) E457.8.P12 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3280. PAGE, ELWIN L. Abraham Lincoln in New Hampshire. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1929. xii p., 1 1., 165 p. illus., ports., facsims. (1 double) 24I/2 cm. (M3124) E457-3PI3 copy 3 "This edition consists of seven hundred and eighty- five copies printed at the Riverside Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., of which seven hundred and fifty are for sale." "Authorities": p. [153]- 156. Boards, with paper label on spine. 3281. PAGE, ELWIN L. Cameron for Lincoln's Cabinet. Boston, Boston University Press, 1954. 31 p. 21 cm. E415.9.C18P3 copy 3 "Three hundred copies of which seventy-five have been signed by the author. This is number 137." Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 3282. PAGE, ELWIN L. Lincoln on the River Queen. An address delivered before the joint con- vention of the General Court of New Hampshire and His Excellency, the Governor, and the Hon- orable Council, February 11, 1943. Concord, N. H., by order of the House of Representatives, 1943- ! 3 P- 2 3 cm - p Printed wrappers. 3283. The Palimpsest, v. 3, May 1922; v. 30, Aug. 1949. [Iowa City, State Historical Society of Iowa] F616.P16 v. 3, v. 30, X copy "Lincoln and the Bridge case," by J. C. Parish: v. 3, p. 142-154. "Lincoln and Iowa," by William J. Petersen: v. 30, p. 241-256. "Words of Lincoln," by Harry J. Lytle: v. 30, p. 257- 268. "Lincoln admirers," by Harry J. Lytle: v. 30, p. 269- 272. V. 30: "Special reprint of The Palimpsest for the School Children of Iowa by State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City." Cover title: Lincoln and Iowa. 3284. PALLETTE, EDWARD M. Abraham Lincoln and Quinn Harrison. [Los Angeles, 1937] [4] p. facsim. 20 cm. (M3584) P Cover title. "Reprint from The Bulletin of the California State So- ciety, Sons of the Revolution, December 1937." 3285. PALMER, GEORGE THOMAS. A conscientious turncoat; the story of John M. Pal- mer, 18 1 7-1 900. With an introduction by Lloyd Lewis. New Haven, Yale University Press; Lon- don, H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1941. xi, 297 p. port. 24 cm. E664.P2P25 copy 3 Partial Contents. — Defeat of Lincoln — election of Trumbull (p. [34]~39). — Founding the Republican 307 party (p. [401-48). — The Lincoln-Douglas contest (p. [49J-56). — Lincoln's election and war clouds (p. [57]- 65). 3286. PALMER, ROBERT M. Washington and the union. Oration delivered by Hon. Rob- ert M. Palmer, speaker of the Senate of Pennsyl- vania, at the reception of President Lincoln at Har- risburg, and the raising of the national flag on the dome of the Capitol, on the 2 2d day of February, 1 86 1. [Harrisburg, 1861] 17 p. 22 cm. E3 1 2. 63. Pi 7 copy 2 Cover title. 3287. PARADISE, FRANK ILSLEY. Abra- ham Lincoln, democrat. London, Mills & Boon [1921] 4 p. 1., xiii-xvi, 176 p. port. 19 cm. (M2525) E457.P22 copy 2 Sixteen pages of advertising at end of book. Green cloth, with black lettering and black line borders on cover and spine. 3288. Another issue. Boston, Small, Maynard, 1924. 19/2 cm. (M2525 var.) E457.P22 1924 Title page reset. Without portrait. Blue cloth, with line border and device blind-stamped on cover. Gilt lettering on spine. Unopened. 3289. PARGELLIS, STANLEY. Lincoln's po- litical philosophy, [n. p., 1945] 18 p. 24 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from the Abraham Lincoln Quarterly, June 1945" Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. 3290. Parke-Bernet galleries, Inc., New York. The historic first portrait in oils of Abraham Lin- coln, painted from life at Springfield, 111., in i860, by Thomas Hicks, N. A. Property of Mrs. Robert Shipman. Public sale by her order, Saturday, November 23, at about 4 o'clock. New York, 1940. [5] P- port. 26 cm. P Cover title. Enclosed is a letter from Harry MacNeill Bland of the Bland Gallery, Inc., to Alfred K. [sic] Stern. 3291. PARKER, HENRY E. Discourse the day after the reception of the tidings of the assassina- tion of President Lincoln, preached in the South Congregational Church, Concord, N. H, April 16, 1865. Concord, Printed by McFarland & Jenks, 1865. 15 p. 23 cm. (M665) E457.8.P24 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3292. PARKINSON, R. L. Lincoln, a story in poster stamps, [n. p.] c ^939- [7] P- 28 cm. (M3704) P Cover title. Enclosed are 20 stamps to be pasted in. 3293. PARKS, JOSEPH HOWARD. General Edmund Kirby Smith, C. S. A. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press [1954] viii p., 2 1., 537 p. illus., ports., maps. 22 cm. (Southern biography series) E467.1.K35P3 copy 3 3294. PARKS, SAMUEL C. The great trial of the nineteenth century. Kansas City, Mo., Hud- son-Kimberly Pub. Co., 1900. 137 p. 20 cm. E713.P25 copy 2 The author imagines himself at a trial in which Wil- liam McKinley is under indictment for "murdering 20,000 Filipinos and 2,000 Americans," and in which Lincoln, Grant, Bishop Simpson, and others, are members of the jury. ("Abraham Lincoln's speech," p. 50—69.) 3295. PASCAL, CESAR. Abraham Lincoln; sa vie, son caractere, son administration. Paris, Grassart, 1865. 4 p. L, 232 p. 18 cm. (M3769) E457.P27 copy 2 Maroon cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3296. PATRI, ANGELO. Abraham Lincoln. [n. p., Paul Hoffman Junior High School Print Shop, 1932?] folder ([2] p.) 16 cm. (M3344) P Cover title. 3297. PATTERSON, on Abraham Lincoln, N. H, April 19, 1865. ster & Son, Printers, (M667) Stamped: Rhode Island of George P. Hambrecht. Includes "an account of city." Printed wrappers. ADONIRAM J. Eulogy delivered in Portsmouth, Portsmouth, C. W. Brew- 1865. 30 p. 22/2 cm. E 457-8-P3i copy 2 Historical Society. Bookplate the obsequies observed by the 3298. PATTERSON, CHRISTOPHER STU- ART. The political crisis of 186 1. A reply to Mr. Blaine. Philadelphia, Porter & Coates, 1884. 40 p. 23/2 cm. E440.5.P27 copy 3 A defense of the conduct of President Buchanan dur- ing the closing months of his administration. Occa- sional references to Lincoln. Printed wrappers. 308 3299- PATTERSON, JAMES W. Memorial address on the life and character of Abraham Lin- coln, delivered at Concord, New Hampshire, June i, 1865, at the request of the State authorities. Concord, Printed by Cogswell & Sturtevant, 1865. 24 p. 23 cm. (M668) E457.8.P314 copy 2 Glazed printed wrappers. 3300. PATTON, CARL S. God's way with a hu- man soul; a sermon. Los Angeles, The Brother- hood of the [First Congregational] Church, 1923. 12 p. 1 5 J/2 cm. (The Gospel for today, v. 1, no. 5; May, 1923) P Cover title. Autographed. [Abraham Lincoln]: p. 7-10. 3301. PATTON, WILLIAM W. President Lin- coln and the Chicago Memorial of Emancipation, a paper read before the Maryland Historical So- ciety December 12th, 1887, by Rev. W. W. Patton. Baltimore [Printed by J. Murphy] 1888. 36 p. 24/2 cm. ([Maryland Historical Society] Fund publication, no. 27) (M1042) E 457-2-P32 copy 3 A narrative of the interview of the writer and Rev. John Dempster with President Lincoln. 3302. PAU, AUGUSTO. Abramo Lincoln e la guerra fra i federali ed i Confederati negli Stati- Uniti; narrazione storico-biografica scritta da Au- gusto Pau. Livorno, A spese dell' editore, 1866-68. 2 v. ( 1 198 p.) 27 cm. (M3811 var.) E468.P32 copy 2 Ornamental borders. Boards. Cloth spine. Rebacked with leather labels. 3303. PAULI, HERTHA E. Lincoln's little correspondent, by Hertha Pauli. Illustrated by Fritz Kredel. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday [1952] I27,[i] p. illus. 21 cm. E 457-9°5- p 3 co Py 2 "First edition." Concerning Grace Bedell, whose letter to Lincoln ap- pears in facsimile on end papers. 3304. PAULLIN, CHARLES OSCAR. Presi- dent Lincoln and the navy. [New York] 1909. 284-303 p. 27 cm. E591.P32 Cover title. "Reprinted from the American Historical Review, vol. XIV, no. 2, January, 1909." Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3305. PAULMIER, HILAH, ed. Abe Lincoln, an anthology. Illustrated by Lee Ames. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1953. 4 p. 1., ix-xvi p., 1 1., 3-306, xiii, [1] p. illus. 22 cm. E457.9.P3 copy 3 "First edition." Bibliography on 2d and 3d preliminary leaves. 3306. PAYNE, A. Remarks at Central Falls, R. I., Nov. 1, 1864. Providence, Sidney S. Rider & Bro., [1864?] 16 p. 19/2 cm. P Cover title ( ? ) . A pro-Lincoln address. Inscribed to Sam G. Arnold by the author. Previously bound. 3307. PEARCE, JOHN IRVING, Jr. Last days of Lincoln and lyrical sketches. With fifty illus- trations. Chicago, Laird & Lee, 1904. 3 p. 1., v, 5-164 p. illus., port. 19/2 cm. PS 353 lE 22L3 1904 copy 3 "Revised and enlarged third edition." "Illustrated from pen and ink drawings by E. W. Hoehn, Allen E. Philbrick and Frank Turner Godfrey." Brown quarter-calf. 3308. PEARSON, HENRY GREENLEAF. The life of John A. Andrew, Governor of Massachu- setts, 1861-1865. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1904. 2 v. illus., ports., facsims. E513.A644 copy 2 Numerous references to Lincoln. 3309. PEASE, THEODORE CALVIN. The diary of Orville H. Browning, a new source for Lincoln's presidency; a lecture delivered before the Chicago Historical Society, March 29, 1923. Chi- cago, University of Chicago Press [1924] 36 p. 23/2 cm. (M2726) E457.P36 copy 4 Printed wrappers. 3310. PEASE, THEODORE CALVIN. The story of Illinois. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1949] xviii, 284 p. illus., ports., maps. 21/2 cm. F541.P36 1949 copy 3 "Based to a considerable extent on the five-volume Centennial History of Illinois." "Fiftieth anniversary publication of the Illinois State Historical Society." First published in 1925. 331 1. PEATTIE, DONALD CULROSS. Jour- ney into America. With illustrations in color by 492745— 60- -21 309 Lynd Ward. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1943. 5 p. 1., [31-276 p. 21/2 cm. E178.P356 copy 3 Illustrated title page and end papers. Includes stories about the Civil War and a few ref- erences to Lincoln. 3312. PECK, GEORGE R. Abraham Lincoln. An address at Janesville, Wisconsin, at the cele- bration of the centennial anniversary of Abra- ham Lincoln's birth, February 12, 1909. [n. p., n. d.] 15 p. 27 cm. (M1839) P Cover title. Inscribed to Mr. J. N. Tittemore from A. R. Thomp- son. 3313. PELLETAN, EUGENE. An address to King Cotton. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 19 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publi- cation Society. [Pamphlets] no. 12) E463.L96 No. 12 4th set Cover title. On cover: New York, Oct., 1863. Published originally under the title: Adresse au roi caton. At foot of p. 19: Messager Franco-Americain Print. Off. A reprint, from the same plates, of the Leander Starr translation published in the same year by the Messager Franco-Americain, New York. In pamphlet holder. 3314. PENDEL, THOMAS F. Thirty-six years in the White House, by Thomas F. Pendel, door- keeper; Lincoln-Roosevelt. Washington, The Neale Pub. Co., 1902. 176 p. ports. 20 cm. (M1386) F204.W5P3 copy 4 "Under President Lincoln" : p. [g]-50. 3315. PENDLETON, GEORGE H. Power of the President to suspend the privilege of habeas corpus. Speech of Hon. George H. Pendleton, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, December 10, 1 86 1. [Washington, 1861] 8 p. 23 cm. E458.8.P382 copy 2 Caption title. Stamped in purple ink on p. [1]: "Geo. P. Hambrecht." Stamped also with seal of the Rhode Island Historical Society. 3316. PENNELL, ORRIN H. Religious views of Abraham Lincoln. Alliance, Ohio, R. M. Scranton Print. Co. [ c i8g9] 61 p. 2 ports. 23 cm. (M1261) E457.2.P41 1899 copies 1,2 & 3 "Price, 15 cents." With portraits of Lincoln and of the author. Printed wrappers (imitation alligator). Copy 1, buff, imprinted in black and bound with green cord. Copy 2, black, imprinted in gold and bound with red cord. Copy 3, buff, imprinted in silver and tied with blue cord. 3317. Another edition. 58 p. 2 ports. 23/2 cm. (Mi 261 var.) E457.2.P41 1899a "Price, 25 cents." From different plates. Author's middle name given in full. With two portraits of Lincoln. Wrappers of yellow imitation alligator imprinted in silver. 3318. Another issue. Conneaut, Ohio, H. H. Timby. 21 cm. (Mi 261 var.) E457.2.P41 1899b Differs from the preceding in that the title page is printed from a different plate. Price not given. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Green cloth, lettered in gilt on cover. 3319. Pennsylvania. General Assembly. House of Representatives. Addresses on the considera- tion of resolutions relative to the death of Abra- ham Lincoln, President of the United States, delivered in the House of Representatives of Penn- sylvania, January 23, 1866. Together with the last inaugural address of President Lincoln. Har- risburg, Singerly & Myers, State Printers, 1866. 24 p. 24 cm. (M869) E457.52.P39 X copy Principal address by W. H. Ruddiman. Printed wrappers. 3320. Pennsylvania. General Assembly. House of Representatives. Journal. 1861. Harrisburg, A. Boyd Hamilton, State Printer, 1861. 1250, 198 p. 24/2 cm. J87P4 X copy Includes extra session. Address of President-elect Lincoln before the General Assembly, Feb. 22, i860: p. 418-419. Tan quarter-leather. 3321. Pennsylvania. General Assembly. House of Representatives. Select Committee Relative to the Soldiers' National Cemetery. Report of the Select Committee Relative to the Soldiers' Na- tional Cemeteiy, together with the accompanying documents, as reported to the House of Repre- sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, March 31, 1864. Harrisburg, Singerly & Myers, 310 State Printers, 1864. 108, [2] p., 1 1. 2 maps. (1 fold.) 25 cm. (M195) E 475-55 p 39 copy 2 Fly leaf inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1920." Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: p. [no]. In slipcase. 3322. Pennsylvania. General Assembly. House of Representatives. Select Committee Relative to the Soldiers' National Cemetery. Revised report made to the legislature of Pennsylvania, relative to the Soldiers' National Cemetery, at Gettysburg, embracing an account of the origin of the undertak- ing; address of Hon. Edward Everett, at its conse- cration, with the dedicatory speech of President Lincoln, and the other exercises of that event; to- gether with the address of Maj. Gen. O. O. How- ard, delivered July 4, 1866 [i. e. 1865], upon the dedication of the Soldiers' national monument, and the other proceedings upon that occasion. Harris- burg, Singerly & Myers, State Printers, 1867. 282 p. illus., 2 maps (1 fold.) 25 cm. (M197) E 475-55- p 4 ! 3 co PY 2 Reports of David Wills, made to the committee of the legislature, sessions of 1864 and 1865, with accompany- ing documents: p. [5]— 171. Gettysburg address on p. 233- 3323. Pennsylvania. General Assembly. House of Representatives. Select Committee Relative to the Soldiers' National Cemetery. Revised report of the Select Committee Relative to the Soldiers' National Cemetery, together with the accompany- ing documents, as reported to the House of Rep- resentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, Singerly & Myers, State Printers, 1865. 212 p. illus., 2 maps (1 fold.) 25 cm. (M196) E 475-55- p 4i copy 3 Lincoln's Gettysburg Address on p. an. 3324. PENNY, WILLIAM L. "Abraham Lin- coln." A lecture before the Nyack Rowing Asso- ciation, by the Rev. Wm. L. Penny. [Nyack, N. Y.] W. H. Myers, c i886. 22 p. 15/2 cm. (M1025) E457.8.P41 copy 2 Delivered on March 23, 1885. "This book is published and sold for the purpose of raising funds to complete the erection of a church for the colored people of Nyack, N. Y." Previously bound. 3325. PENROSE, WESLEY FRANCIS. The immortal Lincoln and the masterpiece. [Chicago, W. F. Penrose, 1926?] [4] p. 22/2 cm. (M2872) P Cover title. Inscribed by author to Mr. Charles T. White. 3326. PENROSE, WESLEY FRANCIS. Oh! for another Lincoln. Chicago, W. F. Penrose [ c ign] [4] p. 15/2 cm. (M2008) E457.8.P42 X copy Cover title. Bound with cord. 3327. People today, v. 12, Oct. 1956. [New York, etc., Hillman Periodicals, etc.] D839.P4 v. 1 2 X copy "So what's new in politics?" p. 23-25. (On the Lincoln-Douglas campaign technique.) 3328. PEPPER, GEORGE WHARTON. Men and issues; a selection of speeches and articles by George Wharton Pepper. Compiled by Horace Green. New York, Dufheld, 1924. xiii, 308 p. illus., ports. 20J/2 cm. [Contemporary statesmen series, ed. by H. Green] E742.P42 copy 4 "Lincoln; address before the Lincoln Club of Portland, Portland, Maine, February 12, 1923": p. 209-214. 3329. PERENYI, ELEANOR S. (Stone). The bright sword, by Eleanor Perenyi. New York, To- ronto, Rinehart [1955] 4 p. 1., 3-309 p. 21 cm. PS3531.E6546B7 Historical novel concerning "Sam" Hood, Confederate general. 3330. PERHAM, JOSIAH. Gen. Perham's plat- form. The most feasible plan yet offered for sup- pressing the rebellion. Boston, Press of Alfred Mudge & Son, 1862. 12 p. 22 cm. (M152) E458.2.P44 copy 3 Previously bound. 3331. PERKINS, FREDERIC B. The picture and the men : being biographical sketches of Presi- dent Lincoln and his cabinet; together with an account of the life of the celebrated artist, F. B. Carpenter, author of the great national painting, The first reading of the emancipation proclamation before the cabinet by President Lincoln, including also, an account of the picture, an account of the crisis which produced it ; and an appendix contain- ing the great proclamation and the supplementary 3H proclamation of January i, 1863; together with a portrait of the artist, and a key to the picture. Compiled by Fred. B. Perkins. New York, A. J. Johnson; Cleveland, F. G. & A. C. Rowe; Chicago, C. Allen, 1867. iv p., 1 1., [7]-igo p. illus., port. 18/2 cm. (M888) E467.P44 copy 3 3332. PERKINS, GEORGE D. Lincoln, by Geo. D. Perkins. Centennial anniversary, Sioux City, February 12, 1909. [Sioux City? Iowa, 1909] 14 numb. 1. 23 cm. (M1841) E457.8.P44 copy 2 Cover title. Printed on recto only. Self-wrappers. 3333. PERKINS, HOWARD CECIL, ed. Northern editorials on secession. New York, Lon- don, D. Appleton-Century Co. [ c ig42] 2 v. (no7p.) 23 cm. E440.5.P45 copy 3 At head of title: The American Historical Association. "Prepared and published under the direction of the American Historical Association from the income of the Albert J. Beveridge Memorial Fund." "Materials used in a doctoral dissertation were . . . greatly expanded, providing the basis of the present se- lection." — Pref. "Newspaper index": p. 1097-1107. 3334. PETERS, MADISON C. Abraham Lin- coln's religion. Boston, R. G. Badger, 1909. 4 p. 1., 70 p. 20 cm. (M1843) E457.2.P48 copy 3 Boards, with paper labels on cover and spine. 3335 PETERSEN, WILLIAM F. Lincoln- Douglas, the weather as destiny. Illustrations by Jean McConnell. Springfield, 111., Baltimore, Md., C. C. Thomas, 1943. x p., 4 1., [5]-2ii p., 1 1., illus., ports., maps, facsim., diagrs. 23 cm. E457P47 copy 3 "First edition." Bibliography: p. 206-207. 3336. PETERSON, O. M. Abraham Lincoln og hans samtid. Chicago, Skandinavens boghandel, 1889. 3 v. illus., ports. 17 cm. (M3850) E457.P48 copies 2 & 3 Each volume has also special title page. Contents. — 1. Abraham Lincolns barndom og ung- dom. — 2. Abraham Lincoln og negerslaveriet. — 3. Abra- ham Lincoln som praesident. End papers inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 17." Copy 2 bound in olive-green cloth with gilt lettering on cover. Copy 3 (consisting of vol. 3 only) bound in orange printed wrappers and inserted in gray slipcase. 3337. The Peterson magazine, n. s. v. 6, Mar.- Apr., June 1896. New York, Peterson Co. AP2.P48, v. 6 X copy "Abraham Lincoln, personal recollections and inci- dents of a six months' sojourn in the White House during the Lincoln administration," by F. B. Carpenter: p. 234-242, 335-344, [5D71-573- 3338. PETTENGILL, Samuel B. When Lin- coln was a boy. February 12, 1939. [n. p., 1939?] folder ([3] p.) 19 cm. (M3705) P Cover title. 3339. PETTIGREW, RICHARD F. Washing- ton, Jefferson, and Lincoln . . . Immortal Ameri- cans — three statesmen whose guiding hands created and maintained the most beneficient free govern- ment known in the world's history . . . [Washing- ton, Govt. Print. Off., 1900] 18 p. 23 cm. (M1296) P Caption title. At head of title: 56th Congress, 1st Session. Senate. Document No. 433 . . . 3340. PEZET, FEDERICO ALFONSO. Lin- coln and Peru; an address by his excellency, Don Federico Pezet, Ambassador from the republic of Peru, delivered at Springfield, Illinois, February 12, 192 1, the birthday of Lincoln. Extension of remarks of Hon. Richard Yates. . . . Washington, [Govt. Print. Off.] 1921. 8 p. 23 cm. (M2527) P Cover title. Enclosed is a letter from A. Gonzales Prada, Charge d' Affaires on Peru, Peruvian Embassy, Washington, D. C, to Mr. Charles T. White, dated October 29th, 1923. 3341. Phantom Club. Phantom Club papers. Milwaukee, 1906. 127 p. port. 20 cm. AC5.P47 "Abraham Lincoln," by Judge Joseph V. Quarles: p. 25-41. 3342. PHELPS, MARY MERWIN. Kate Chase, dominant daughter; the life story of a bril- liant woman and her famous father. New York, T. Y. Crowell [ c i935) x, 316 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. E415.9.C41P5 copy 4 Concerning Catherine Chase and her father, Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury and Chief Justice under Lincoln. 312 3343- Philadelphia. Commissioners of Fair- mount Park. Annual report. 4th. Philadelphia, King & Baird, Printers, 1872. 104 p. illus., fold, map. 24 cm. SB483.P54, 4th Stamped : Exchanged by Library of Congress. "Appendix no. 2. The Lincoln monument": p. 63-84. Printed wrappers. 3344. Philadelphia. Great Central Fair for the U. S. Sanitary Commission. Memorial of the Great Central Fair for the U. S. Sanitary Com- mission, held at Philadelphia, June, 1864, by Charles J. Stille [Corresponding Secretary] Phila- delphia, United States Sanitary Commission, 1864. 211 p. mounted illus. 29 cm. E632.P557 "The President's visit": p. 135-136. "President Lin- coln's Speech": p. 136-137. 3345. [Philadelphia. Union League] Abraham Lincoln. [Philadelphia, Printed by Crissy & Mark- ley, 1864] 12 p. 22^ cm. (M358 var.) E457-?54 x copy Cover title. At head of title, no. 1 7. Resolutions adopted at a special meeting of the Union League of Philadelphia, Jan. 1 1, 1864, on p. [2] Self-wrappers. 3346. Philadelphia. Union League. Address by the Union League of Philadelphia, to the citizens of Pennsylvania, in favor of the re-election of Abra- ham Lincoln. Philadelphia, King & Baird, Print- ers, 1864. 30 p. 22/2 cm. (M360) E 45 8 -4 p 54 co Py 2 Binder's title: Lincoln's re-election. "Committee of seventy-six appointed by the Union League of Philadelphia" [names]: p. 29-30. Dark green half-morocco, with original printed wrap- pers bound in. 3347. Philadelphia. Union League. The birth- day of Abraham Lincoln. Speeches of Joseph G. Darlington, esq., Hampton L. Carson, esq., and Marcus A. Brownson, D. D., in response to toasts at the annual dinner of the Union League of Philadelphia, February 13, 1899. [Philadelphia, 1899?] 2 p. 1., [3P35 p. 24/2 cm. (Mi 268) E457-7 p 54 copy 2 & X copy Printed wrappers. Copy 2 bound, with wrappers, in green half-morocco. 3348. Philadelphia. Union League. Proceed- ings of the Union League of Philadelphia, regard- ing the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Presi- dent of the United States. Philadelphia, H. B. Ashmead, Printer, 1865. 22 p. 23 cm. (M800) E457.52.P54 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3349. Philadelphia. Union League. Third annual report of the Board of Directors of the Union League, of Philadelphia, December 1 1 th, 1865. Philadelphia, H. B. Ashmead, Printer, 1865. 22 p. 23 cm. HS2725.P5U6 3d set 1865 References to Lincoln, p. 16-17. Printed wrappers. 3350. Philadelphia Bar Association. Minutes of the meetings and exercises held at the rooms of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, in commem- oration of the centennial of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Orations by Hon. Samuel W. Penny- packer, Colonel Alexander K. McClure. Febru- ary 12, 1909. [Philadelphia, Made at the Sign of the Ivy Leaf, 1909] 28 p. ports. 23 cm. (M1840) E457.7.P48 copy 2 At head of title: The Law Association of Philadelphia. Printed wrappers. 3351. PHILIPS, JUDSON PENTECOST. The assassins [by] Hugh Pentecost [pseud.] New York, Dodd, Mead [1955] 5 p. 1., 210 p. 21cm. (Red badge detective) PS3531.H442A8 A detective story having as its setting New York City in Civil War days. 3352. PHILLIPS, CATHERINE (Coffin). Cor- nelius Cole, California pioneer and United States Senator; a study in personality and achievements bearing upon the growth of a commonwealth. San Francisco, Printed by J. H. Nash, 1929. vii, 379 p. illus., ports., facsims. (part fold.), fold, geneal. tab. 27/2 cm. E415.9.C675P5 copy 2 "A friend of Lincoln" : p. 129-142. 3353. PHILLIPS, DANIEL T. A prize treatise on the character of Abraham Lincoln, by Rev. D. T. Phillips, New York. With an introductory letter from the Hon. Thomas L. James, and the adjudica- tion on the various essays for competition by Rev. W. C. Roberts. New York, John M. Davis, 1884. 5 2 J3]P- '5 cm. (M1003) E457.2.P53 3354. PHILLIPS, ETHEL CALVERT. A story of Nancy Hanks. With illustrations by Klcber 313 Hall. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin [1923] 5 p. 1., 125 p. 4 illus. 20 cm. (M2661 var.) PZ7.P53St copy 2 Juvenile historical fiction. 3355. PHILLIPS, ISAAC N. Abraham Lin- coln; a short study of a great man and his work. Bloomington, 111., 1901. 60 p. 24 cm. (M1358) E457.P56 copy 2 Stamped on cover: "Compliments of Isaac N. Phillips, Bloomington, 111." Printed wrappers. 3356. PHILLIPS, ISAAC N. Lincoln, by Isaac Newton Phillips. Chicago, A. C. McClurg, 1910. 4 p. 1., 117 p. col. port. 19 cm (M1947) E457-P563 copy 4 In three-quarter-closed case. 3357. PHILLIPS, WENDELL. An address, de- livered in Tremont Temple, Boston, April 19th, 1865. Worcester, Printed by C. Hamilton [1865] 8 p. 22/2 cm. (M672) E458.5.P55 copy 2 Cover title. Stamped : Library of the Meadville Theological School. Self-wrappers. 3358. Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N. H. Bulletin, v. 22, Aug. 1926. LD7501.E9P25 v. 22, X copy Robert Todd Lincoln's obituary: p. 21. 3359. The Philomathean monthly, v. 11, Feb. 1907. Bridgewater, Va., Victorian and Virginia Lee Literary Societies of Bridgewater College. (M1547) P "Lincoln number." "Abraham Lincoln" [poem] by W. W: p. [1] "Lincoln at the bar," by H. B. Myers: p. [2]-$. "Lincoln as Presi- dent," by A. B. Bicknell: p. [6]- 10. "The assassination of Lincoln," by W. T. Sanger: p. [12]— 14. 3360. PIATT, DONN. Memories of the men who saved the union. New York, Chicago, Bel- ford, Clarke, 1887. 3 p. 1., [v]-xxvi, [27^302 p. ports. 19/2 cm. E467.P58 copy 3 Title vignette. "Abraham Lincoln": p. [271-49. 3361. Pic. v. 15, Feb. 15, 1944. New York, Street & Smith Publications, Inc. GV1.P5 v. 15, X copy "The mysteries of Lincoln:" p. 12-13, 45. 3362. PICKARD, BERTRAM. John Bright, a people's champion. With a foreword by Helen P. Bright Clark. [London] British Periodicals [1920] 53 p. port. 19 cm. (Rose and dragon books) DA565.B8P5 Young citizen series. A few references to Lincoln in chapter entitled "The American Civil War" (p. 36-42). Boards. 3363. PICKARD, SAMUEL T. Life and letters of John Greenleaf Whittier. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin [ c i8g4] 2 v. (802 p.) illus., ports., facsim. 21cm. PS3281.P5 1894a copy 2 "In war time. 1 861-1865.": p. [439J-493. 3364. PICKENS, WILLIAM. Abraham Lin- coln, man and statesman (abridged) by Wm. Pick- ens. [Talladega? Ala.] c igio. 12 p. 23 cm. (M1948) E457.8.P59 copy 2 Cover title. 3365. The Picket line and camp fire stories; a collection of war anecdotes, both grave and gay, illustrative of the trials and triumphs of soldier life ; with a thousand-and-one humorous stories, told of and by Abraham Lincoln, together with a full col- lection of Northern and Southern war songs. By a member of G. A. R. New York, Hurst [186-?] 1 v. (various pagings) port. 19 cm. (M338) E655.P5 On cover: Arlington edition. Includes "Old Abe's jokes, fresh from Abraham's bosom" (1 1., [21]- 1 35 p.), printed from the same plates as item 32 1 7. 3366. PICKETT, LA SALLE (Corbell). An historic letter by La Salle Corbell Pickett about Abraham Lincoln. [Chicago, Abraham Lincoln National Republican Club, 1947] folder ([3] p.) 28 cm. P Cover title. 3367. PICKETT, LA SALLE (Corbell). Presi- dent Lincoln; intimate personal recollections, by Mrs. General Pickett. [Philadelphia, J. B. Lip- pincott] 555-560 p. 23/2 cm. P Caption title. Detached from Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, v. 77, May 1906. 3368. PICKETT, WILLIAM P. The Negro problem; Abraham Lincoln's solution. New York, 3H London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1909. x, 580 p. port. 22/2 cm. (M1844) E185.61.P59 copy 3 "Bibliographical note" : p. 567-570. 3369. PIERPONT, FRANCIS H. Letter of Governor Peirpoint [sic] to His Excellency the Pres- ident and the honorable Congress of the United States, on the subject of abuse of military power in the command of General Butler in Virginia and North Carolina. Washington, McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864. 60 p. 23 cm. (M339) E534.P62 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 3370. PIERREPONT, EDWARDS. Argument of Hon. Edwards Pierrepont to the jury on the trial of John H. Surratt for the murder of Presi- dent Lincoln. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1867. 122 p. 23 cm. (M889) E457.5.P62 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 3371. Pilgrimage conducted June 20-30, 1937, by Louis A. Warren ... on the 300th anniversary of the Lincolns landing in America; including the meeting at Long Run Baptist Church, Jefferson County, near the site of the home of pioneer Abra- ham Lincoln. Sponsored by the Filson Club, Louisville, Kentucky . . . June 25, 1937. [Louis- ville, Ky., Press of J. P. Morton & Co., c i937] 1 p. I., 16 p. illus., port., maps, facsims. 25 cm. (M3594) E457.32.P55 copy 2 Contents. — Lincoln tercentenary programs memorial- izing the ancestors of Abraham Lincoln, June 20—30, •937- — The Lincolns in Jefferson County, Kentucky, by R. C. B. Thruston. — The Long Run Baptist Church, by T. C. Fisher. Printed wrappers. 3372. Pilgrimage of the G. A. R. to the Tomb of Lincoln, September 29, 1887 . . . Springfield, 111., H. W. Rokker, Printer [1888?] folder ([3] p.) illus. 22 cm. (M1033) P Cover title. 3373. PILLSBURY, ALBERT E. Lincoln and slavery. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, ^S- 3 P- U 9 6 >[2] P- 19/2 cm. (M2101) E457.2.P64 copy 3 3374. PINCHON, EDGCUMB. Dan Sickles, hero of Gettysburg and 'Yankee king of Spain." Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Doran, 1945. xiii, p., 1 1., 276 p., 1 1., 277-280 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22 cm. E415.9.S53P5 copy 3 "First edition." Occasional references to Lincoln. 3375. [PINKERTON, ALLAN] History and evidence of the passage of Abraham Lincoln from Harrisburgh, Pa., to Washington, D. C, on the 22d and 23d of February, 1861. Chicago, Re- publican Print [1868] 18 p. 22 cm. (M909) E457.4.P65 copy 3 Cover title. Signed: Allan Pinkerton. Letters to Pinkerton from S. M. Felton, N. B. Judd, William Stearns, H. F. Kenney, G. C. Franciscus, Enoch Lewis, John Pitcairn, Jr., Geo. R. Dunn, A. G. Curtin, H. E. Thayer, Andrew Wynne, ranging in date from Nov. 3-Dec. 31, 1867: p. [6]-i8. Modern binding. Dark blue three-quarter-morocco with marbled sides and end papers. 3376. Another edition. [New York? 189 1] 20 p. 22/2 cm. (M909 var.) E457.4.P652 From different plates. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Previously bound. 3377. Another issue. [New York? 1892] (M909 var.) E457.4.P655 1892 From same plates as the 1891 edition, with some re- setting of type on p. [i]-[3]. Gilt-stamped on cover: "Hon. Cyrus L. Pershing." Blue printed label mounted on flyleaf: "Compliments of Robt. A. Pinkerton, Wm. A. Pinkerton." Maroon limp leather imprinted in gilt. 3378. Another edition. [New York? 1892?] 39 p. 22 cm. (M909 var.) E457.4.P653 copy 2 From different plates. Gilt-stamped on cover: "Mr. W. W. Spaulding." Blue printed label mounted on flyleaf: "Compliments of Robt. A. Pinkerton, Wm. A. Pinkerton." Red limp leather imprinted in gilt. Gilt edges. Glossy paper. 3379. Another edition. [New York, Rode & Brand, c i907] 42 p., 1 1. 3 port. 24 J/2 cm. (M909 var.) E457.4.P655 copy 3 From different plates. On cover: Compliments of Wm. A. Pinkerton, Robt. A. Pinkerton. Black limp leather imprinted in gilt. 3*5 3380. PIPER, EDGAR B. "Abraham Lincoln," his life and times; being an address before the Lincoln Club of California at its annual dinner, February 12, 1927. [Los Angeles? Calif., 1927?] [16] p. 21/2 cm. (M2958) P Cover title. Title page title: One hundred and eighteenth anni- versary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln observed by the Lincoln Club of California at the California Club, Los Angeles, California, Saturday, February 12th, 1927. 3381. POAGUE, WILLIAM T. Gunner with Stonewall; reminiscences of William Thomas Poague, Lieutenant, Captain, Major and Lieuten- ant Colonel of Artillery, Army of Northern Vir- ginia, CSA, 1 86 1 -1 865; a memoir, written for his children in 1903. Edited by Monroe F. Cockrell; with an introduction by Bell Irvin Wiley. Jackson, Tenn., McCowat-Mercer Press, 1957. xxii, 181 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. E605.P6 copy 3 3385. POLLOCK, CHANNING. The shot that missed Lincoln; a play in one act. Boston, Los Angeles, [Walter H. Baker, c i939] 21 p. 19 cm. (Baker's royalty plays) (M3707) PS3531.O37S47 1939 copy 3 3386. POLLOCK, JAMES. Douglas the loyal, [n. p., 1930] 1 p. l.,8p. port. 23 cm. E415.9.D73P77 copy 3 "A hitherto unpublished manuscript . . . [the pledge of aid in saving the Union, given by Douglas to Lincoln] with introduction by Esther Cowles Cushman."— p. 1. "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, vol. 23, no. 1, April 1930." Fly leaf autographed by E. C. Cushman. Printed wrappers. 3387. POMROY, Mrs. REBECCA R. Stand firm! excerpted from a letter written from the White House on March 27, 1862 by Mrs. Rebecca R. Pomroy. Chicago, 1946. folder ([2] p.) 16 cm. 3382. Poetical tributes to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1865. xii, 13-306 p. port. 21 cm. (M675) E457.9.P74 copy 3 "Tributes of esteem and affection tendered to the mem- ory of our late beloved President by the poetical writers of our own and other countries." 3383. Political dialogues. Soldiers on their right to vote, and the men they should support. [Wash- ington, Chronicle Print, 1864] 16 p. 24/2 cm. E458.4.P75 copy 3 Caption title. Republican campaign literature, 1864. 3384. POLK, JAMES K., Pres. U. S. The diary of James K. Polk during his presidency, 1845 to 1849, now first printed from the original manu- script owned by the Society. Edited and annotated by Milo Milton Quaife. With an introduction by Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin. Chicago, A. C. McClurg, 1 910. 4 v. 1 illus., 3 ports., facsim. 23 J/2 cm. (Chicago Historical Society's collection, v. 6-9) F548.1.C4, v. 6-9 "Special edition of 500 copies." Includes references to Stephen A. Douglas, the Mis- souri Compromise, slavery, the Wilmot Proviso, etc. Boards. Cloth back. The 1946 Christmas card of Morris H. Briggs of Chi- cago, with his letter of transmittal to A. W. Stern laid in. 3388. POND, FERN NANCE. Intellectual New Salem in Lincoln's day; an address delivered at Lin- coln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tennessee, February 12, 1938. [Harrogate, Tenn., 1938?] 20 p. ports. 23 cm. (M3643) P Cover title. 3389. POORE, BENJAMIN PERLEY, ed. The conspiracy trial for the murder of the President, and the attempt to overthrow the government by the assassination of its principal officers. Edited, with an introduction, by Ben: Perley Poore. Boston, J. E. Tilton, 1865-66. 3v. (480, 552, 552 p.) 20 cm. (M676) E457.5.H44 copy 3 Trial of David E. Herold, George A. Atzerodt, Lewis Payne, Michael O'Laughlin, Edward Spangler, Samuel Arnold, Mary E. Surratt, and Samuel A. Mudd, before a military commission, at Washington, D.C. Dark brown cloth, ornamented in gold on spine. Brown end papers. In blue solander case. The collection also includes parts 1-4 (p. 1—384, paged continuously) of what is apparently Monaghan's 10-vol. printing in wrappers (M676 var.). In blue slipcase. E457.5.H44 copy 4 3390. POORE, BENJAMIN PERLEY. Per- ley's reminiscences of sixty years in the national metropolis ... By Ben: Perley Poore. Philadel- 316 phia, Hubbard Bros. [1886] 2 v. illus., ports., facsims. 23 cm. F194.P822 Partial Contents: v. 2. Lincoln's election in- augurates rebellion (p. 53-61). — Mr. Lincoln at the helm (p. 62-71). — Social life of President Lincoln (p. 136- 146). — Plunged into sorrow (p. 169-180). 3391. POPE, ARTHUR UPHAM. Lincoln and an urgent world problem; fourth annual Lincoln lecture, Cooper Union, N.Y., February 12, 1943. New York, Iranian Institute [1943] 25 p. 23 cm. E457.8.P8 copy 3 3392. PORTER, ALBERT. "Wet" slanders of Abraham Lincoln refuted. Westerville, O., Ameri- can Issue Pub. Co., Lincoln-Lee Legion Depart- ment [1922?] 12 p. 15/2 cm. (Leaflet No. 26) (M2599) P Cover title. Portrait of author on cover. 3393. PORTER, GEORGE L. Some extracts from "The Tragedy of the Nation" by the author, Dr. George Loring Porter, of Bridgeport, Conn. Delivered before the Army and Navy Club, at New London, June 22, 1900. [n. p.] Hartford Press, 1900. 13 p. 23 cm. (M1297) P Enclosed is a 5 p. brochure with portrait, "Biographical sketch of Dr. George Loring Porter," a "reprint from Physicians and Surgeons of America." Printed wrappers. 3394. PORTER, MARY A. (Walker). The surgeon in charge, by Mary W. Porter. [Alstead? N. H., 1949] vii, 50 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. E457.5.P845 copy 3 Concerning George Loring Porter, who had medical charge of all prisoners suspected of being implicated in the murder of Lincoln. 3395. Portland, Me. The dedication of Lincoln Park being the public exercises held in the Payson Memorial Church and at Lincoln Park, February 12, 1909, in observance of the one hundredth anni- versary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Port- land, Smith & Sale, Printers, 1909. 35, [1] p. illus., ports., fold. plan. 24V2 cm. (M1842) F29.P9P8 copies 3 & 4 At head of title: City of Portland, Maine. "The oration," by Rev. John C. Perkins: p. 9-25. Copy 4 inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 18." Printed wrappers. 3396. Portraits and sketches of the lives of all the candidates for the presidency and vice-presi- dency, for i860. Comprising eight portraits en- graved on steel, facts in the life of each, the four platforms, the Cincinnati platform, and the Con- stitution of the United States. New York, J. C. Buttre, i860. 24 p., 1 1., 15-32 p. ports. 23 cm. (M74) E440.P83 Printed wrappers. In maroon slipcase. 3397. POST, GEORGE I. Cause of the war- proclamation — arbitrary arrests. Speech of Hon. George I. Post, of Cayuga, in the House of Rep- resentatives, March 3d, 1863. [New York, 1863] 10 p. 22 cm. (Documents from N. Y. State Union Central Committee, no. 14) P Caption title. Previously bound. 3398. POST, JACOB. Discourse on the assassi- nation of President Lincoln, preached in camp by Rev. Jacob Post, Chaplain of the 184th Regiment, N. Y. V., at Harrison's Landing, Virginia, April 23d, 1865. Oswego, S. H. Parker & Co., Printers, 1865. 1 1 p. 22 cm. (M677) E457.8.P85 copy 3 Cover title. Blue cloth, with original wrappers bound in. 3399. POTTER, DAVID M. Lincoln and his party in the secession crisis. New Haven, Yale University Press; London, H. Milford, Oxford Uni- versity Press, 1942. x p., 1 1., 408 p. 23 cm. (Yale historical publications, edited by Leonard Woods Labaree. Studies, 13) E440.5.P856 copy 2 "In an earlier form, this study was submitted as a doc- toral dissertation at Yale [1940]" — p. x. "Published under the direction of the Department of History from the income of the Frederick John Kingsbury Memorial Fund." "Bibliographical note": p. [376]-388. 3400. POTTER, DAVID M. The Lincoln theme and American national historiography, an inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 19 November 1947. Oxford, Claren- don Press, 1948. 24 p. 23 cm. E457.P68 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3401. POTTER, WILLIAM J. The National tragedy: four sermons delivered before the First Congregational Society, New Bedford, on the life 492745—60- -22 317 and death of Abraham Lincoln. New Bedford, Mass., A. Taber & Bro., 1865. 67 p. 22 cm. (M678) E457.8.P86 copy 2 "Printed by request." Contents. — The assassination of the President. — Discourse on the day of the funeral rites. — The capacity and historical position of President Lincoln. — The dra- matic element in the career of Abraham Lincoln. Red half-morocco, with original printed wrappers, bound in. 3402. POTTLE, EMORY B. Speech upon the report of the committee of thirty-three upon the state of the Union. Delivered in the House of Rep- resentatives, Jan. 25, 1 86 1. [Washington, W. H. Moore, Printer, 1 861] 8 p. 2 1/2 cm. E440.5.P87 copy 2 Caption title. Previously bound. 3403. POULSON, THOMAS L. Abraham Lin- coln. A centennial appreciation delivered in the auditorium, at Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, on the twelfth day of February, nineteen hundred and nine, under the auspices of the Woman's Club of Ridley Park, by Thomas Layman Poulson, D.D. Wilmington, Del., Press of George H. Hogue, [1909?] 22 p. 19^2 cm. (M1846) P Business card of the printer, George H. Hogue, en- closed. Printed wrappers. 3404. POWELL, JULIA MYGATT. Flash- lights of Abraham Lincoln. Los Angeles, Calif., Angelus Pub. Co. [°i92i] 92 p. port. 17/2 cm. (M2528) E457.99.P88 copy 2 Autographed. 3405. POWELL, LYMAN P. The Lincoln trail. [New York, 1924] 1 1. qoy^cm. P Caption title. Reprinted from "Cosmopolitan for February, 1924." Accompanied by letter of transmittal from author to Charles T. White. 3406. POWER, JOHN CARROLL. Abraham Lincoln, his great funeral cortege, from Washing- ton City to Springfield, Illinois. With a history and description of the National Lincoln Monument, by J. C. Power. Springfield, 111., 1872. 205 p. illus., port., fold, map, plans, facsims. 20J/2 cm. (M928) E457.52.P88 copies 3 & 4 3407. POWER, JOHN CARROLL. Abraham Lincoln: his life, public services, death and great funeral cortege, with a history and description of the National Lincoln Monument. Springfield, 111., E. A. Wilson, 1875. 35 2 P- illus., port., fold, map, facsims. 20/2 cm. (M942) E457.P88 copies 2 & 3 "Monumental edition." Mustard-colored cloth; with ornamental borders in black on front cover, blind-stamped on back. Gilt vig- nette on front cover. Gilt lettering on spine. 3408. Another edition. Springfield, 111., H. W. Rokker, Printer, 1882. 416 p. (M943) E457.P882 copy 3 "Third edition." Reissue of the 1875 edition, with the addition of "Lin- coln and the monument" and "Death of Mrs. Lincoln." "With an appendix." Title page reset. Blue cloth, with ornamental borders in black on front cover, blind-stamped on back. Gilt vignette on cover. Gilt lettering on spine. 3409. Another edition. Chicago, Springfield, 111. H. W. Rokker, 1889. 458 p. 20 cm. (M944) E457.P882 1889 Reissue of the 1882 edition, with the addition of chap- ters xxxv and xxxvi. Title page reset. Dark brown cloth, with ornamental borders blind- stamped on covers. Gilt lettering on spine. Facsimile of Lincoln autograph gilt-stamped on front cover. 3410. POWER, JOHN CARROLL, ed. History of an attempt to steal the body of Abraham Lin- coln, late President of the United States of Amer- ica, including a history of the Lincoln Guard of Honor, with eight years Lincoln memorial services. Springfield, 111., H. W. Rokker Print, and Pub. House, 1890 [ c i887] 287 p. illus., ports., plans. 23/2 cm. (M1073) E457.52.P885 1890a 341 1. POWER, JOHN CARROLL. History of the early settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois. "Centennial record." By John Carroll Power, as- sisted by his wife, Mrs. S. A. Power. Under the auspices of the Old Settlers' Society. Springfield, 111., E. A. Wilson, 1876. 797, [1] p. 2 port., double map. 25 cm. F547.S3P8 copy 4 Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Sketch on Lincoln, p. 456-458. 3412. PRATT, FLETCHER, ed. Civil War in pictures. New York, Holt [1955] 256 p. illus. 28/2 cm. E468.7.P7 copy 3 318 A compilation of drawings and reports, mainly from Harper's Weekly and Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspa- per, arranged with commentary. 3413. PRATT, FLETCHER. Civil War on western waters. New York, Holt [1956] 255 p. illus., maps. 21/2 cm. E591.P87 copy 3 "First edition." Boards. Cloth back. 3414. PRATT, HARRY E. Abraham Lincoln chronology, 1809- 1865. Springfield, Illinois State Historical Library, 1953. 1 p. 1., 12 p. illus., port., map. 23 cm. E457.P9 copy 3 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 3415. Another issue. 1955. 1 p. 1., [3]— 14 p. E457 p 9 1955 Some resetting of type; repaged so as to include the 3416. PRATT, HARRY E., ed. Concerning Mr. Lincoln, in which Abraham Lincoln is pic- tured as he appeared to letter writers of his time. Compiled by Harry E. Pratt. Springfield, 111., Abraham Lincoln Association, 1944. ix, 145, [1] p. 21/2 cm. E457.15.P8 copy 3 "Index compiled by William E. Baringer." — Introd. 3417. PRATT, HARRY E. David Davis, 18 15- 1886, by Harry Edward Pratt. [Springfield, 111., Journal Print. Co., 193 1] 29 p. port. 23 cm. P Cover title. Abstract of thesis (Ph.D.) — University of Illinois, 1930. Vita. "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society [for 1930] Publication no. 37." Ms. note on cover: "Am still working on the full length biography. H. E. P." Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 3418. PRATT, HARRY E. The great debates of 1858. [Springfield, Illinois State Historical Li- brary, 1956] 30 p. illus., ports., maps. 23 cm. E457.4.L814 Cover title. "Revised edition . . . reprinted from the Illinois Blue Book, /psS"^-*" Inscribed to Alfred W. Stern by "Mrs. Harry E." 3419. PRATT, HARRY E. Lincoln and bank- ruptcy law. Chicago, The Poor Richard Press, ! 943- 7 P- ports., facsim. 25J/2 cm. P "Reprinted from Illinois Bar Journal, January 1943." Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 3420. PRATT, HARRY E. Lincoln, 1809-1839, being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln from February 12, 1809 to December 31, 1839. Springfield, 111., Abraham Lincoln Association [ c ig4i] Ixxxvii, 256 p. maps, tab. 23 l /i cm. E457.3.P7 copy 3 Cover title: Lincoln day by day, 1809- 1839. A companion to items 420, 3421, and 4156. 3421. PRATT, FIARRY E. Lincoln, 1840- 1846; being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln, from January 1, 1840 to December 31, 1846. Springfield, 111., Abraham Lincoln Associa- tion [ c i939] xii, 391 p. fold. map. 23/2 cm. (M3708) E457.35.P73 copy 3 On cover: Lincoln day by day, 1840- 1846. A companion to items 420, 3420, and 4156. 3422. PRATT, HARRY E. Lincoln in the legis- lature. Address at annual meeting, Lincoln Fel- lowship of Wisconsin, Madison, February 12, 1946. Madison, 1947. 16 p. illus., port. 265/2 cm. (Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin. Historical bul- letin no. 5) E457.35.P75 copies 2 & 3 Cover title. 3423. PRATT, HARRY E. Lincolniana in 1942. Chicago, The Poor Richard Press, 1943. [4] p. facsim. 25 cm. P "Reprinted from Hobbies Magazine February 1943" Printed wrappers. 3424. PRATT, HARRY E. Lincolniana in the Illinois State Historical Library. Springfield, 1955. 30 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23^2 cm. Z733.I29L57 Cover title. "Reprinted from the winter, 1953, Journal of the Illi- nois State Historical Society." Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3425. PRATT, HARRY E. Lincolniana; Lin- colniana in the year 1940. [n. p., 1940] 1 1. 33 cm - p Caption title. "Reprint from the February, 1941, issue of Hobbies" 319 3426. PRATT, HARRY E. Lincoln's salary in the Illinois legislature, [n. p., 1940] [2] p. fac- sim. 35/2 cm. P Caption title. "Reprinted from the Oct., 1940, issue of Hobbies" 3427. [PRATT, HARRY E.] Lincoln's Spring- field. [Springfield, 111., Abraham Lincoln Associa- tion, 1938] [28] p. illus. 16 cm. (M3645) E457.4.P83 1938 copy 4 Cover title: Lincoln's Springfield, a guide book & brief history. Author's name does not appear. Gray printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3428. Another edition. Springfield, Illinois State Historical Society, 1955. [32] p. illus. 15/2 cm. (M3645var.) E457.4.P83 1955 copies 3 & 4 From same plates, with some deletions and additions. Author appears on title page. Printed wrappers; copy 3 light blue, copy 4 dark blue. Both with portrait on cover. 3433. Presentation and unveiling of the memorial tablets commemorating the Lincoln and Burns event (November 19, 1863) held at the Presby- terian Church, Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 19th, 19 14. [Rochester, N. Y., Democrat and Chronicle Press, '1916] 2 p. 1., 46 p. illus., ports. 18 cm. (M2261) E457.7.P92 copy 4 Cover title. "The contents of this booklet in great part from the 'Gettysburg compiler,' issue, November 28, 19 14." "The fifty-first anniversary of President Lincoln and John Burns attending the Presbyterian Church in Gettys- burg, Pa., on the evening of November 19, 1863." 3434. The Preservation of the union, a national economic necessity. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. 7 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Pub- lication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 14) E463.L96 no. 14 4th set Cover title. "From the German Commercial gazette." On cover: New York, May, 1863. In pamphlet holder. 3429. PRATT, HARRY E. The personal fi- nances of Abraham Lincoln. Springfield, 111., Abraham Lincoln Association, 1943. xiii, 198 p. illus., ports., facsims. 26 cm. E457.2.P9 1943a copy 3 Bibliography: p. 187-188. Olive-green cloth, with red lettering on cover and spine. 3430. Another issue. 198 1. 27 cm. E457-2-P 9 1943 Page proof (with ms. corrections) of the 1943 edition. 3431. PRATT, HARRY E. The repudiation of Lincoln's war policy in 1862 — Stuart-Swett Con- gressional campaign. Chicago, 1931. 14 p. 23 cm. (M3287) E505.P83 copy 2 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, v. 24, no. 1, Apr. 1 93 1." Printed wrappers. 3432. PRATT, SILAS G., ed. Lincoln in story; the life of the martyr-President told in authenti- cated anecdotes. New York, D. Appleton 1901. xv, 224 p. illus., ports. 18/2 cm. (M1359) ^bl-^-V^ I9 01 copy 4 Appendix: Battles and great events of the Civil War, arranged in chronological order: p. 219-224. 3435. The President Lincoln campaign songster. New York, T. R. Dawley [1864] 1 p. 1., [xvj-xvi, [i7]-72p. 15 cm. (M344) E458.4.P93 copy 2 The text of 45 songs. Twelve pages of advertising following p. 72. Printed wrappers. Portraits of Lincoln on covers. In mustard-colored case. 3436. The Presidential counts: a complete official record of the proceedings of Congress at the count- ing of the electoral votes in all the elections of President and Vice-President of the United States; together with all congressional debates incident thereto, or to proposed legislation upon that sub- ject. With an analytical introduction. New York, D. Appleton, 1877. liv, 670 p. 24 cm. JK529.P8 copy 5 Bookplate of the Gordon Lester Ford Collection . . . New York Public Library. "Nineteenth presidential term, 1 861- 1865": p. 170- 173. "Twentieth presidential term, 1865-1869": p. 174- 261. (Running title, p. 170-261: . . . Abraham Lin- coln, President.) Rebound in buckram; 8 1. of mounted clippings fol- lowing p. 670. 3437. Presidential document. [Boston, Distrib- uted by Redding, i860?] 16 p. 19 cm. E438.P86 Caption title. Republican campaign literature. 320 First line of text begins: "Does not the near approach of the Presidential election warn us . . ." Previously bound. 3438. PRESTON, ROBERT L. Southern mis- cellanies. No. 2, Feb. 1 919. Leesburg, Va., Priv. Print. 39, 1 p. 22 cm (M2421) AC8.P76copy 2 Cover title. Anti-Lincoln. Self-wrappers. 3439. PRESTON, STELLA J. The humane- ness of Lincoln. [By] Mrs. H. Clay Preston. Al- bany, N.Y., The American Humane Association [n. d.] folder ([4] p.) illus. 23 cm. (var. (?) of M2386) P Caption title. At head of title: No. 189. 3440. PRETTYMAN, WILLIAM S. Indian Territory, a frontier photographic record, by W. S. Prettyman. Selected and edited by Robert E. Cunningham. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press [1957] xi, 174 p. illus., ports. 25 cm. F697.P74 copy 3 "First edition." 3441. PRIME, G. WENDELL. A sermon deliv- ered in Westminster Church, Detroit, on Sabbath morning, April 16, 1865, after the death of Presi- dent Lincoln. Detroit, Advertiser and Tribune Print, 1865. 16 p. 22/2 cm. (M681) E457.8.P95 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3442. PRITCHARD, ARTHUR O. The re- ligious life of Abraham Lincoln. A centennial ser- mon preached in the Westchester Congregational Church, Scarsdale Congregation, by Rev. Arthur O. Pritchard, February 7, 1909. [White Plains, N.Y., Printed by the Westchester News, 1909] [7] p. 23/2 cm. (M1847) E457.2.P96 copy 2 Cover title. Cloth, with original wrappers bound in. 3443. Proceedings of a called meeting of minis- ters of all religious denominations in the District of Columbia, in the First Baptist Church on Thir- teenth Street, Monday, April 1 7, in reference to the sore bereavement which the country has suffered in the sudden decease of our beloved chief magis- trate, Abraham Lincoln, with the remarks of Rev. Dr. Gurley, addressed to the President of the United States, Andrew Johnson, and the reply of the Pres- ident. Washington, McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1865. 14 p. 23 cm. (M532) E 457-52-P95 co Py 2 Blue half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3444. PROCTER, ADDISON G. Lincoln and the convention of i860; an address before the Chi- cago Historical Society, April 4, 19 18, by Addison G. Procter, delegate from Kansas to the convention that nominated Lincoln and delegate from Mich- igan to the Republican National Convention of 19 16. [Chicago] Chicago Historical Society, 19 18. 29 p., 1 1. port. 23/2 cm. (M2387) E 4574-P96 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3445. The Progressive magazine, v. 12 [i. e., 11], Feb. 1, 1928. Chicago, Steuben Publishing Co. AP2.P866 v. 12, X copy "The Greatest tragedy of American history," by H. R. Rathbone: p. 4-1 1. 3446. Providence. City Council. Proceedings of the City Council of Providence on the death of Abraham Lincoln, with the oration delivered be- fore the municipal authorities and citizens, June 1, 1865, by William Binney, esq. Providence, Knowles, Anthony & Co., Printers, 1865. 56 p. 23/2 cm. (M404) E457.52.P96 copy 3 Blue three-quarter-morocco, with original glazed print- ed wrappers bound in. 3447. Psychic power, v. 2, Aug. 29, 1923. Chi- cago, Effa E. Danelson. P "How Lincoln came to issue his Emancipation Proc- lamation" : p. 44-45. "Mrs. Nettie Colburn Maynard" [report of a seance involving Lincoln's spirit]: p. 45-46. 3448. Puerto Rico. Dept. of Education. Ad- dress prepared by the Commissioner of Education, to be read in all the schools of Porto Rico on the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abra- ham Lincoln, February 12, 1909. [San Juan? *9 9] 9P- 23/2 cm. (M1652) E457-7P85 X copy Caption title. Text in English and Spanish. Contains "Lincoln," by W. C. Bryant, and "O Captain! My Captain!" by Walt Whitman. Self-wrappers. 321 3449- PULLEN, JOHN J. The Twentieth Maine; a volunteer regiment in the Civil War. Philadelphia, New York, Lippincott [1957] x p., 1 I., 338 p. illus., ports., maps. E5 1 1 .5 20th.P8 copy 3 "First edition." 3450. Punch [or the London charivari] v. 48- 49; Jan. 7-Dec. 30, 1865. London, Published at the Office. AP101.P8 2d set Editor: Mark Lemon. The poem "Abraham Lincoln. Foully assassinated, April 14, 1865" appears in vol. 48, on p. 182, 185, of the issue for May 6. Red half-morocco. In red solander case. 3451. PURINTON, JESSE M. A discourse on the death of President Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Baptist Church in Smithfield, Fayette Coun- ty, Pa., June 1st, 1865, by Rev. J. M. Purinton, D. D. Philadelphia, J. A. Wagenseller, Printer, 1865. 16 p. 23 cm. (M684) E457.8.P98 copy 2 Dark red cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3452. PUTNAM, GEORGE. An address de- livered before the city government, and citizens of Roxbury, on occasion of the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, April 19, 1865. Printed by Order of the City Council. Roxbury, L. B. & O. E. Weston, Printers, 1865. 14 p., 1 1. 23/2 cm. (City document. — no. 5) (M685) E457.8.P99 copy 2 Brown three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3453. PUTNAM, GEORGE HAVEN. Abra- ham Lincoln, el jefe del pueblo americano en su contienda para mantener la existencia nacional. Version castellana por Jose F. Godoy. Nueva York y Londres, D. Appleton, 1921. xvii, 323 p. 21 cm. (M3898) E457.P982 copy 3 Apendice: Discurso de Abraham Lincoln pronunciado en Cooper institute, Nueva York, el febrero 27 de i860. Con introduction por Charles C. Nott; notas analiticas e historicas por Charles C. Nott y Cephas Brainerd y con . la correspondencia entre el Senor Lincoln y el Senor Nott. Translation of item 3455. 3454. PUTNAM, GEORGE HAVEN. Abra- ham Lincoln, the great captain; personal remi- niscences by a veteran of the Civil War, a lecture delivered at Oxford, May the 7th, 1928. Ox- ford, Clarendon Press, 1928. 32 p. 19J4 cm. (M3053) E457.8.P992 copy 2 Author's autographed presentation copy to Charles T. White. Printed wrappers. 3455. PUTNAM, GEORGE HAVEN. Abra- ham Lincoln; the people's leader in the struggle for national existence. With the above is included the speech delivered by Lincoln in New York, Feb- ruary 27, i860; with an introduction by Charles C. Nott . . . and annotations by Judge Nott and by Cephas Brainerd . . . New York, London, G P. Putnam's Sons, 1909. viii p., 1 1., 292 p. port. 21/2 cm. (M1850) E457.P98 copy 3 3456. [PUTNAM, GEORGE PALMER] comp. Soldiers' and sailors' patriotic songs. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864. 19, [5] p. music. 23/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pam- phlets] no. 49) E463.L96 no. 49 4th set Cover title. "Selected by permission from the 'Lyrics of loyalty,' and 'Songs of the soldiers,' edited by Frank Moore." On cover: New York, May, 1864. Issued also with self-wrappers and pagination: [1], 2- 15, ['7]-i9, [5lP- In pamphlet holder. 3457. PUTNAM, HARRIET. The life of Abraham Lincoln for young people, told in words of one syllable. New York, McLoughlin Bros. [ 0l 9°5] x 44 P- illus. (part col.), ports. 25 cm. (M1472) E457.905.P87 copy 2 Lincoln profile stamped on cover. 3458. PUTNAM, JOHN P. Digest of the deci- sions in the courts of equity in the United States. Boston, Little and Brown, 1851. 2 v. 27 cm. Law Binder's title: United States digest. From the Lincoln and Herndon Law Office. In each volume the front cover and front end paper is inscribed "Lincoln & Herndon," and the back cover initialed "L & H." Mounted on end paper (vol. 1 ) is a notarized affidavit, signed by H. E. Barker, stating that the set passed from Herndon, at his death, to Alfred Orendorff; thence to Barker; and finally, on Feb. 17, 1925, to W. H. Townsend. Tan full-calf with black leather labels on spine. In maroon solander case. 322 3459- PUTNAM, M. LOUISE. The children's life of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, A. C. McClurg, 1892. 2 p. 1., [iii]-ix p., 1 L, [i3]-29 P- illus -> ports. 18/2 cm. (Mi 1 10) E457.P984 copy 4 Red cloth ; spine imprinted in gilt. 3460. Another issue. 1893. (Mmovar.) E457.P984 co PY 3 Title page (imprint date) reset. Same binding. 3461. Another edition. 1905. 3 p. 1., [v]-xi p., 1 1., [151-290 p. E457.P984 1905 "Tenth printing." "New edition, thoroughly revised," from many of the same plates, with slight changes in content. Red cloth; spine imprinted in black. 3462. Another issue. 1912. (Mmovar.) E457-P984 i9°5 co PY 2 "Thirteenth printing." Reissue of the 1905 edition, with title page (imprint date) reset. Binding same as that of the 1905 edition. 3463. QUACKENBUSH, D. McLAREN. Our country: — shamed but saved. Sermon on the na- tional fast-day, Sept. 26, 1861. By Rev. D. McL. Quackenbush. New- York, Fanshaw's Steam Print. Establishment, 1 86 1. 16 p. 23 cm. E458.1.Q1 copy 2 "Published by desire of the congregation [of the Pros- pect Hill Reformed Dutch Church]" Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 3464. QUAIFE, MILO M. The Atlantic Lin- coln discovery, by M. M. Quaife. [Cedar Rapids Iowa, The Torch Press, 1929?! 7 p. 25/2 cm. (M3126) E457.35.Q4 Cover title. "Reprinted from the Mississippi Valley Historical Re- view, vol. xv, no. 4, March, 1929." Inscribed by the author to [Otto] Eisenschiml. See also item 474. 3465. QUAINTANCE, CHARLES L. Abra- ham Lincoln in Illinois; an address delivered to the pupils of the Palmer school February 12, 1925. [n. p., 1925?] 8 p. 15 cm. (M2804) P Cover title. 3466. QUARLES, BENJAMIN. The Negro in the Civil War. Boston, Little, Brown [1953] xvi, 379 p. illus. 21 cm. E540.N3Q3 copy 3 "First edition." 3467. The Quarto. No. 13, Jan. 1947. Ann Ar- bor, Mich., University of Michigan, Clements Li- brary. P "The Leland-Boker broadsides of the Emancipation Proclamation" : p. [3-4] 3468. QUAYLE, WILLIAM A., Bp. The un- common commonplace. New York, Cincinnati, The Abingdon Press [ c ig2i] 271 p. 20 cm. PS3533.U2U6 1921 copy 2 "Great silent Captain, Ulysses S. Grant" [a poem]: p. 257-259. 3469. QUIJANO, MANUEL DE JESUS. Go- bernantes de America (bocetos biograficos) por M. de J. Quijano. t. 1. Estados unidos de America. Panama, Editorial "La Moderna" Quijano y Her- nandez [1925] 117 p., 1 1. illus., ports. 17/2 cm. (Biblioteca de autores nacionales) E176.1.Q63 copy 2 "Abraham Lincoln": p. [6i]-64- Printed wrappers. 3470. Quill Club, New York. A life portrait of Abraham Lincoln; annual ladies' night and cele- bration of the Lincoln Centenary, Hotel Astor, New York, February 16, 1909. [New York, 1909?] [11] p. incl. front, (port.) 25/2 cm. (M1813) E457.6.Q7 copy 2 At head of title: The Quill Club of New York. "300 copies printed for the Quill Club." "A brief sketch of the photographs of Lincoln," by F. H. Meserve: p. [5—7] Page [7] autographed by Meserve. Dark brown cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3471. QUINBY, LAURIE J., ed. Jefferson- Lincoln symposium of what constitutes American- ism. Selected and arranged by Laurie J. Quinby. Los Angeles, Davies Print. Co., 1936. 14 p. 23 cm. (M3531) Ei6g.i.Q56copy 2 Cover title. Quotations. 3472. [QUINN, DAVID] Interior causes of the War: the nation demonised, and its President a spirit-rapper. By a citizen of Ohio. New York, M.Doolady, 1863. 115 p. 23/2 cm. (M244) E458-3-Q97 copy 3 Printed wrappers. In green slipcase. 3473. QUINT, ALONZO H. The Potomac and the Rapidan. Army notes from the failure at Win- 323 Chester to the reenforcement of Rosecrans. 1861- 3. Boston, Crosby and Nichols; New York, O. S. Felt, 1864. 407 p. fold. map. 20 cm. E601.Q7 copy 3 Letters contributed to the "Congregationalist" form the basis of this work. Cf. Preface. Title page autographed: "A. Lincoln." (Laid in, how- ever, is a letter from Ralph G. Newman to David C. Mearns, questioning the genuineness of this signature.) Laid in also is a letter from B. S. Foster to Emanuel Hertz giving the history of the volume. The book origi- nally came from the library of Benjamin H. Brewster, a close friend and admirer of Lincoln. From Brewster it passed in succession to Samuel W. Pennypacker, Simon Gratz, Judge John L. Kinsey, J. H. Donnelly, and John Gribbel. With the Gribbel bookplate. In red solander case. 3474 QUINT, ALONZO H. Three sermons preached in the North Congregational Chuch, New Bedford, Mass., Fast Day, April 13, and Sunday, April 16, 1865. New Bedford, Mercury Job Press, 1865. 45 p. 22/2 cm. (M686) E457.8.Q7 copy 3 Contents. — I. National sin must be expiated by national calamity. — II. What President Lincoln did for his country. — III. Southern chivalry, and what the na- tion ought to do with it. Red three-quarter-morocco; with original printed wrap- pers bound in. 3475. Railway and Locomotive Historical Society. Lincoln on the New Haven and the Boston & Al- bany railroads. Boston, 1934- 55 p. illus., tables. 23 cm. (Its Bulletin, no. 33) (M3440) TF1.R22 2d set, No. 33 Prepared by Warren Jacobs, Secretary. Printed wrappers. 3476. RAMSDELL, CHARLES W. Lincoln and Fort Sumter, [n. p., 1937] [259J-288 p. 26 cm. P "Reprinted from The Journal of Southern History Vol. Ill, No. 3 August, 1937" Inscribed to George P. Hambrecht by the author. Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 3477. RANDALL, EDWARD H. An address on the occasion of the funeral obsequies of the late President Lincoln, delivered before the citizens of Randolph, Vt., April 19, 1865. By Rev. E. H. Randall. Montpelier, Walton's Steam Print. Es- tablishment, 1865. 12 p. 24 cm. (M687) E457.8.R18 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3478. RANDALL, JAMES G. Constitutional problems under Lincoln. New York, London, D. Appleton, 1926. xviii p., 1 1., 580 p. map. 22/2 cm. (M2874) JK201.R3 1926 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 53I-54-8- Dark blue cloth, gilt-stamped on spine. 3479. Another edition. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1951. xxxiii, 596 p. map. 23/2 cm. (var. of M2874) JK201.R3 1951 copy 3 "Revised edition." Bibliography: p. 531-563- Reset, with a new foreword, some textual changes, and additions to the bibliography. End paper inscribed: "For Alfred Whital Stern with warmest appreciation of his friendship and helpfulness. J. G. Randall, Feb. 12, 1951." Maroon cloth, gilt-stamped on cover and spine. 3480. [RANDALL, JAMES G.] Has the Lincoln theme been exhausted? [n. p., 1936] 270-294 p. 26 cm. P Caption title. Signed: J.G.Randall. "Reprinted from The American Historical Review, Vol. XLI, No. 2, January, 1936." Self-wrappers. 3481. RANDALL, JAMES G. Lincoln and the South [by] J. G. Randall. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1946. viii p., 2 1., 161 p. ports., facsims. 21 cm. (The Walter Lynwood Fleming lectures in southern history, Louisiana State University) E457.R18 copy 4 3482. RANDALL, JAMES G. Lincoln, the lib- eral statesman, by J. G Randall. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1947. xv, 266 p. illus., ports., facsims. 24 cm. E457.4.R24 copy 4 Bibliographical references in "Annotations" (p. 207- 250- Inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. 3483. RANDALL, JAMES G. Lincoln, the Pres- ident. By J. G. Randall. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1945-55. 4 v - il' us -j ports., maps, facsims. 24/2 cm. (American political leaders) E457.R2 copy 7 Volume 4 by J. G. Randall and R. N. Current. Bibliography: v. 2, p. 343-400; v. 4, p. 380-398. Contents. — v. 1-2. Springfield to Gettysburg.— v. 3. Midstream. — v. 4. Last full measure. Volume one autographed by the author for Alfred Whital Stern. Volume four: "Presidential edition, autographed . . . for the members of the Civil War Book Club [by] Richard N. Current." 324 First two volumes boxed. The collection includes a second copy (E457.R2, v. 4, copy 6) of volume 4. Dark blue cloth, lettered in gilt on spine. Blue top. 3484. Another issue. London, Eyre & Spottis- woode [1945?] 2 v. 24 cm. E457.R212 Contents. — v. 1-2. Springfield to Gettysburg. Light blue cloth, lettered in silver on spine. Plain top. 3485. RANDALL, JAMES G. Living with Lin- coln, and other essays, by J. G. Randall. [Decatur? 111., Tippett Press] 1948 [i. e. 1949] 34 p. 23 cm. E457.8.R182 copy 3 "Limited edition of one hundred and fifty copies." 3486. RANDALL, JAMES G. Mr. Lincoln, by J. G. Randall. Edited by Richard N. Current. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1957. xiii, 392 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22 cm. E457.R215 copy 3 "Incorporates those parts of . . . [the four-volume study, Lincoln, the President] which deals primarily with Lin- coln the man and with his personal relationships." "Autographed by the editor for the members of the Civil War Book Club." 3487. RANDALL, JAMES G. The unpopular Mr. Lincoln, by J. G. Randall, [n. p., 1943] 255- 280 p. 24 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from the Abraham Lincoln Quarterly, June, 1943." 3488. RANDALL, RUTH (Painter). The courtship of Mr. Lincoln. Boston, Little, Brown [ c i957] xii, 219 p. illus., ports. 21 cm. E 457-25- R 24 co Py 3 "First edition." "Bibliographical note": p. [2i5]-2ig. 3489. RANDALL, RUTH (Painter). Lincoln's sons. Boston, Toronto, Little, Brown [1955] 5 p. 1., [ix]-xvi p., 2 1., [3]— 373 P- illus., ports. 22/2 cm. E457.25.R26 1955a "First edition." 3490. RANDALL, RUTH (Painter). Mary Lincoln; biography of a marriage. Boston, Little, Brown [ c i953] xiv, 555 p. illus., ports. 22 J/2 cm. E457-25-R3 co PY4 "First edition." Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. [445]-5i 6). Bibliography: p. [51 71-529- Gray-green cloth, with simulated gilt-stamped label on spine. Mustard-colored top. 3491. Another issue. 22 cm. E457.25.R3 copy 3 Without edition statement on verso of title page. Light green cloth, with dark blue lettering on spine. 3492. RANEY, M. LLEWELLYN. If Lincoln had lived, addresses by M. Llewellyn Raney, Lloyd Lewis, Carl Sandburg [and] William E. Dodd. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1935] vii, 62 p. port., facsim. 16/2 cm. (M3493) E457.8.R185 copy 3 Half-title: The William E. Barton collection of Lin- colniana. "The addresses . . . were delivered April 20, 1934, at the University of Chicago under the auspices of the Friends of the Library. The occasion was the announce- ment of the university's acquisition of the William E. Barton Library of Lincolniana and other Lincoln ma- terial in manuscript and print." — Foreword, signed: M. L. R. [i. e. M. L. Raney] Contents. — The Lincoln library, by M. L. Raney. — If Lincoln had lived, by Lloyd Lewis. — Dr. Barton as a Lincolnist, by Carl Sandburg. — Lincoln's dilemma, by W. E. Dodd. — A letter from the governor, Henry Horner. Boards. Cloth back. 3493. RANKIN, HENRY B. Address opening the campaign to raise a million dollars to establish the Abraham Lincoln University, Springfield, Illi- nois. [Springfield, 111., Printed for Barker's Art Store by E. F. Hartmann Co.] 1924. [18] p. 19 cm. (M2727) P (2 copies) Address delivered at Lincoln's tomb, May 15, 1924. "Limited to 200 copies." These are nos. 33 and 85. One copy with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 3494. RANKIN, HENRY B. A first word, [n. p., n. d.] [ 1 1 ]— 1 3 p. 24/2 cm. P Caption title. "Reprinted from Lincoln Bibliography, compiled by Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf, published by The Torch Press, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1925." 3495. RANKIN, HENRY B. Intimate character sketches of Abraham Lincoln. With a foreword by Ida M. Tarbell. With 4 photogravure portraits. Philadelphia, London, J. B. Lippincott, 1924. 4 p. 1., 7-344 p. port. 21^2 cm. (var. of M2728) E-457 r 5 Rl8 co Py 3 Without frontispiece. Blue cloth. 325 3496- Another issue, ports., facsims. (M2728 var.) E457.15.R18 copy 4 With frontispiece. "Edition limited to 150 copies, of which this is no. 70 . . . autographed by the author." Contains facsimiles of a letter from Lincoln to Antrim Campbell and one from David Rutledge to his father James Rutledge (with postscript to Ann Rutledge). Each plate accompanied by guard sheet with descrip- tive letterpress. Author's autographed presentation copy to George P. Hambrecht, dated May 21, 1924. Hambrecht bookplate mounted on end paper. Cloth, with cream-colored back and red sides. Gilt top. 3497. RANKIN, HENRY B. Lincoln's Cooper Institute speech. [Springfield, 111.] State Register Print., 191 7. 16 p. 19 cm. (M2331) E438.L758 Cover-title: Lincoln's Cooper Institute speech, fifty-six years ago . . . "As printed in the Illinois State Register, Springfield, 111., Feb. 1 ith, 19 1 7." Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White and dated Feb. 24, 191 7. Red half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3498. RANKIN, HENRY B. I. Our first Amer- ican, Abraham Lincoln, an appeal to the citizens of our State and City. II. The Lincoln life-mask with some comments and corrections on Leonard W. Volk's Century magazine article . . . also Volk's Century magazine article. [Springfield, 111., E. F. Hartmann, 1915?] 32 p. illus., port. 28 cm. (M2208) P "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society [v. 8] July 1 915." Printed wrappers. 3499. RANKIN, HENRY B. Personal recollec- tions of Abraham Lincoln. With an introduction by Joseph Fort Newton. With portraits in photo- gravure. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1 91 6. xvi, 412 p. illus., ports., facsims. 21 J/2 cm. (M2262) E457.15.R2 copy 3 Added title page, illustrated. Each plate accompanied by a guard sheet with descrip- tive letterpress. 3500. RANKIN, HENRY B. Sketch of a long life. [n. p., n. d.] [25P28 p. 24 cm. P Caption title. "Reprinted from Lincoln Bibliography, compiled by Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf, published by The Torch Press, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1925." 3501. RANKIN, JEREMIAH E. Moses and Joshua. A discourse on the death of Abraham Lin- coln, preached in the Winthrop Church, Charles- town, Wednesday noon, April 19, 1865, by Rev. J. E. Rankin, pastor. Boston, Press of Dakin and Metcalf [1865] 16 p. 23 cm. (M689) E457.8.R19 copy 2 Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3502. RANKIN, Mrs. McKEE. The news of Lincoln's death [New York, Phillips Pub. Co.] 259-262 p. 24/2 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The American Magazine, v. 67, Jan. 1909. 3503. RANTOUL, ROBERT S. Abraham Lin- coln, an address delivered before the Essex Institute and the city government of Salem, at the Taber- nacle Church, February 12, 1909. Salem, Mass., Printed for the Essex Institute, 1909. 22,[4] p. 2 ports. 23 cm. (M1851) E457.8.R21 copy 2 Cover title. "From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, vol. XLV." Printed wrappers. 3504. Rare Lincolniana. no. 1-52. New York, W. Abbatt, 1912-35. 52 nos. in 13 v. 26J/2 cm. E173.M24 3d set Issued as part of series: The Magazine of history with notes and queries. Extra number. No. 19-20, [25] 29, 32, 34, 40, 43, [45], 49, 53, 58, 61, 65, 65, 69 [j. e. 70], 73, 77, 81, 85, 89, 93, 98, 102, 105, 109, ii3, "7, '21, 125, 129, '33, '37 [*• e. 136], 140, 142, 145, 149, 153, 157, 161, 164, 169, 173, 177, 181, 185, 193, 195-199, and 200. Imprint varies: 1915-32 (no. 7-44) Tarrytown, N. Y. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Bound in brown half-morocco. Includes reprints, facsimile reproductions, extracts, and previously unpublished works, as follows : [no. 1] 1912. 2 p. 1., 79 p. (M2038) Contents. — The Nasby papers, by Petroleum V. Nasby [D. R. Locke] Indianapolis, C. O. Perrine, 1864. {See item 2656.) — Extracts from letters on the American rebellion, by S. A. Goddard. London, 1870. — Proceed- ings of the Union League of Philadelphia regarding the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia, H. B. Ashmead, 1865. — The President's message (Decern- 326 ber 9, 1863) by J. R. Lowell; [from] the North American Review, Jan. 1864. no. 2. 1912. 4 p. 1., [7]— 161 p. (M2039) Contents. — Madame Surratt, a drama in five acts, by J. W. Rogers. Washington, T. J. Brashears, Printer, 1879. (See item 3623.) [no. 3] [1914] 87 p. (M2095) No title page. Title taken from contents. Contents. — The President's special session message, July 4, 1 86 1. (Originally printed as Senate doc. no. 1. 37th Cong., 1st sess. See item 165, note). — Supposed speech of Abraham Lincoln, on the occasion of his second election to the Presidency of the United States (in the style of Thucydides) by VV. O. Bailey. Oxford, B. H. Blackwell, 1893. (See item 507.) — Speeches [in the House of Commons] on the assassination of President Lincoln. (First appeared in Hansard, thereafter in the Oratorical Year-book for 1865.) — R. W. Emerson's ora- tion on the death of Mr. Lincoln. — John Bright on Lin- coln. (From Trevelyan's Life of Bright, London, 1913.) — Proceedings of the United States District Court, Indianapolis, in relation to the death of President Lin- coln. (From the Daily State Sentinel, Indianapolis, May 20, 1865.) — Abraham Lincoln, a sermon delivered before Winfield Scott Post no. 114, Department of Pennsyl- vania, Grand Army of the Republic, by Rev. B. A. Woods. Philadelphia, May 26, 1895. (See item 4653.) — The darkest hour, by Charles Hamlin. (Originally published in Portland, 1898.) — Mr. Lincoln in May 1862, by Rev. W. W. Malet. (From his An Errand to the South.) — Lincoln playbills. (From the Boston Transcript of Sept. 3. I9I3-) [no. 4] 1914. 63 p. (M2154) Contents.— J. Wilkes Booth; or, The national tragedy. An original tragedy, in five acts, by W. A. Luby. Kalamazoo, Mich., Kalamazoo Print. Co., 1880. no. 5. 1914. in p. (M2155) Contents. — In memoriam; a sermon delivered on Sunday, April 16, 1865, in the Reformed Protestant Dutch church of Peapack, N. J., by Rev. Henry P. Thompson. (Printed also in Pulpit & Rostrum (New York) June, 1865.) — History and evidence of the pas- sage of Abraham Lincoln from Harrisburg, Pa. to Wash- ington, D. C. on the 22d and 23d of February, 1861 [compiled by A. Pinkerton] (See item 3375.) — Cere- monies in commemoration of the one hundredth anni- versary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. American Academy of Music, Philadelphia, February 12, i9og. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania . . . Philadel- phia, 1909. (The present reprint includes only the ora- tion by J. L. Chamberlain and the poem by H. N. Hage- dorn. See items 10 12 and 2964.) — Some phases of the life and character of Abraham Lincoln [by] George R. Snowden. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the State of Pennsyl- vania. Memorial meeting, Philadelphia, February 1 1, 1914. (See item 2963.) no. 6. 1914. [95] p. (M2156) Contents. — The irrepressible conflict [a play] by S. D. Carpenter. Madison, Wis., 1862. New York, J. Stewart, 1 9 14. — The assassination of President Lincoln, by J. T. Bolton. (From the Norfolk, Va. Ledger, 19 14. ) — "In memoriam," by F. B. Carpenter. (From Hours at Home, N. Y., June, 1865.) — Abraham Lincoln; from Hours at Home, Sept. 1865. — Mr. Lincoln's favorite poem, and its author, by J. G. Wilson, [no. 7] 1915. [in] p. (M2197) Contents. — The tragedy of Abraham Lincoln, by H. D. Torrie. Glasgow, J. Brown & Son, 1876. (See item 4198.) — Lincoln as a story teller, by W. C. Church. — The assassination of Abraham Lincoln, by N. Hall. London, J. Snow, 1865. (See also item 1797.) no. 8. 1915. [69] p. port. (M2198) Contents. — Abraham Lincoln . . . speech of E. B. Washburne . . . delivered in the U. S. House of Repre- sentatives, May 29, i860. (See item 4459.) — The lesson of the hour, by E. J. Young [and] Our great sorrow [unsigned] (Both originally printed in the Monthly Reli- gious Magazine, Boston, May, 1865.) — Looking back across the war-gulf, by R. D. Owen. (Originally printed in "Old and New," Boston, 1870.) no. 9. 1916. 55 p. (M2253) Contents. — The life and character of Abraham Lin- coln [an address delivered at the hall of the Normal Uni- versity, Normal, 111., Apr. 19, 1865] by Richard Edwards. Peoria, 111., 1865. — An address delivered in . . . Portland, Maine . . . February 12, 1 901 ... by E. E. Holt. Port- land, Marks Print. House, 1901. (See item 2089.) — A letter and short poem on the death of Abraham Lincoln, by B. B. French. Albany, A. Boyd, Novelty Print. Press, 1870. — Abraham Lincoln [poem from "Punch," 1865, by "Tom" Taylor]. (See also items 3450, 412 1, and 3504, no. 18.) — The prayer of the presidents . . . From the manu- script of a minister of Lincoln's administration [B. F. Burnham] Boston, Antique Book-Store, 1887. no. 10. 1916. 71 p. port. (M2254) Contents. — A sermon ... by A. G. Palmer. Wake- field, R. I., Printed by D. Gilles, 1865.— Abraham Lin- coln: a study [by R. Y.] Liverpool, McKowen & Finglass, 1865. (See item 280.) — The coming contraband; a rea- son against the Emancipation proclamation, not given by Mr. Justice Curtis ... [by C. C. Nott] New York, G. P. Putnam, 1862. (See item 3188.) — Meeting Abraham Lincoln, by H. L. Wait. — Abraham Lincoln at home, by Mrs. C. H. Gehrmann. 19 16. no. 11. 1916. 3 p., 1., 72 p. (M2255) Contents. — Sermon on the Death of Abraham Lin- coln, by S. C. Damon. (From The Friend, Honolulu, June 1, 1865. See item 16 15. See also item 1305.) — Remarks in the church at Dartmouth College Mar. 9, 1862, after the President's emancipation proclamation, by S. P. Leeds. — The administration of Abraham Lin- coln, by Gideon Welles. (From The Galaxy, New York, Jan. 1877.) — Lincoln, Commander-in-Chief, by I. W. Heysinger. (From the Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Commandery of the Loyal Legion of the United States, 1913) 327 no. 12. 1917- [90] p. (M2324) Contents. — The Chicago Copperhead convention, Aug. 29, 1864 . . . Washington, The Congressional Union Committee, 1864. (See item 355 1.) Abraham Lin- coln — an oration (1891), by W. G. Frost. (See item 1618.) — Death of a witness of the tragedy [William Withers] — Before Lincoln was a great man, by J. M. Johns. (A summary which appeared in the New York Evening Post, 19 1 4.) — Lincoln at Gettysburg (from the New York Sun, Dec. 6, 19 16.) — (poem) by Bayard Taylor. no. 13. 1917. 3P-1-, [3l-io7 p. (M2325) Contents. — "A time to weep"; a sermon on the death of President Lincoln, delivered April 29, 1865, in the Presbyterian church, Frederick, Md., by Rev. R. H. Wil- liams. — Recollections of President Lincoln (19 14) by M. G. Parker. — Abraham Lincoln, an essay (1879) by Bvt. Col. G. Hicks. Kingston, Jamaica, W. I., Educa- tional Supply Co. [1879] (See item 2034.) — Abraham Lincoln and Edwin M. Stanton. Address delivered before Burnside post, no. 8, Department of the Potomac, G. A. R., April 25, 1889, by T. M. Vincent. (See item 4362.) — Lincoln and the Convention of i860; address delivered before the Wisconsin State Bar Association, July 15th, 1 915, by G. W. Hazelton. — A workingman's ideas of conscription [Philadelphia, 1863] (From Fincher's Trades' Review.) no. 14. 1919. 3 P- !■» [31-68 p. (M2416) Contents. — Memorial address of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, St. John, N. B., June 1, 1865, by C. M. Ellis. — [Abraham Lincoln] from "Trans-Atlantic sketches." London, Sampson, Low, 1865. — Abraham Lincoln [a poem by J. S. Thorn] from the Bangkok Recorder, Bangkok, Siam, June 16, i865. (See also item 4178.) — The death of President Lincoln, a poem by E. Grenier New York, C. F. Heartman, 19 18. (See item 1 751 .) — America then and now (i860, 191 7) by Lady Agnes MacDonell. (From the Contemporary Review.) — On Lincoln, by T. PL Bartlett. (From the Boston Evening Transcript.) — The old toy shop. (From the Troy, N. Y., Record.) — "The crisis" and Lincoln, by E. M. Prince. — Lincoln's hands, by A. Doyle. (From the New York Sun.) no. 15. 1920. 71 p. (M2467) Contents. — Two contributions, 1345- 1865 [a poem] by J. C. Altorffer. I. Jacob van Artevelde, July 17, 1345- September 14, 1863 . . . [II. Abraham Lincoln]. Utrecht, Holland, C. van Der Post, Jr., 1868. — Abraham Lincoln, the nation's martyr (1865) by J. W. Tarbox. (From The New Era, v. 1, no. 2, July 1865.) — President Lincoln's unlucky pass (1887) by A. Forman. (Appeared originally in the Magazine of American History in 1887.) — Presi- dent Lincoln and colonization, by C. K. Tuckerman. — My first and my last sight of President Lincoln, by Gen. H. King. — Abraham Lincoln at Cincinnati, by W. M. Dick- son. (From Harper's Magazine, June 1884.) — President Lincoln's bravery, by Gen. B. F. Butler. — Lincoln and Missouri. (From The Transcript, Boston.) — Lincoln's last anecdote, by Gen. J. G. Wilson. (From the School Library Bulletin, New York.)- — Cobden on Lincoln, by J. Morley. (A passage from Justin McCarthy's Reminis- cences, v. 1, p. 56.) — An unpublished Lincoln letter (i860). no. 16. 1921. 72 p. (M2517) Contents. — The providential significance of the death of Abraham Lincoln: a discourse delivered in the Central M. E. Church, Newark, N. J., on the day of national humiliation, June 1st, 1865, by Rev. R. B. Yard. Newark, N. J., H. Harris [1865]. (See item 4676.) — The role of doctor's sons in the Lincoln's administration; a contribu- tion to the psychology of government, by William Brown- ing. New York, W. Wood & Co. [19 16]. — What was Abraham Lincoln's religion? by J. W. Starr, Jr. (See also item 3965.) — In President Lincoln's kitchen, J. A. Scrym- ser. — President Lincoln's "sermon," by G. Stewart. — Lin- coln and the spiritualists, by W. E. Barton. (From his The Soul of Abraham Lincoln. (Item 629.) ) — Lincoln's seven hits with a rifle, by W. A. Bartlett. (From the Boston Transcript.) no. 17. 1921. 67 p. (M2518) Contents. — Washington and Lincoln, by Rev. C. T. Brady. (See item 784.) — The nation's wail. A discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian church of Detroit, on Sabbath, the 16th of April, 1865, the day after receiving the intelligence of the brutal murder of President Abra- ham Lincoln, by a brutal assassin; by Rev. George Duf- field . . . Detroit, Advertiser and Tribune Print, 1865. (See item 1436.) — Captain Lincoln vs. Private Thomp- son, by F. E. Stevens. — A new Lincoln story, by M. C. de K. (From The Outlook, New York.) — Lincoln's se- lection of his first cabinet, by J. D. Anderson. (From The Transcript, Boston.) — Memories of Lincoln, by Rev. C. S. Bullock. (From The Transcript, Boston.) — The tall stranger on Dorchester Heights, by A. D. Pentz. — Lincoln on the tariff, by H. White. (From the Evening Post, New York, Apr. 10, 19 19.) — Lincoln's letters. — An interview with Lincoln, by D. H. Chamberlain. ("In The Tribune, Nov. 4, 1883.") — Lincoln at Gettysburg, by I. Markens. (From the New York Sun, July 8, 1920.) — Lincoln and Oxford, by Archer. no. 18. 1922. 40 p. (M2591) Contents. — The murder of President Lincoln, by W. T. Stead. (From the Gateshead Observer, Apr. 29 & May 6, 1865.) — The Lincoln way, by C. M. Thompson. (From the University of Illinois Alumni Quarterly.) — On Lincoln (1863) by W. Whitman. — Making the life mask of Lincoln, by D. Volk. (From The Times, New York.) — "Punch's" Tribute to Lincoln (1865) by T. Taylor. — Response to "Punch's" Tribute, by M. F. D. (Both "trib- ute" and "response" from the Daily Evening Traveller, Boston, June 3, 1865. See items 3450, 4 121, and 3504, no. 9.) — Lincoln on Fiume ( 1853) — Anna Ward's prayer, by Mrs. H. R. Davis. — Lincoln and "hard-shell" Baptists, by T. B. McGregor. — Lincoln, 1861, by H. Watterson. (From his Marse Henry, a volume of reminiscences.) no. 19. 1922. 52 p. (M2592) Contents. — Maple leaves from Canada, by R. Norton and R. F. Burns. St. Catharines, Printed at E. S. Leaven- worth's book & Job Office, 1865. (See item 2852.) — Relics of Lincoln show plain life. (From the Sun, New 328 York.) — Lincoln's spirituality. (From The Transcript, Boston.) no. 20. 1922. 55 p. (M2593) Contents. — Lincoln, speech of Hon. Richard Yates, of Illinois, in the House of Representatives, February 12, 192 1. (See also item 4677.) — Reminiscences of Lincoln, by J. Challen. (From The Tribune, Minneapolis.) — The great bell Roland, by T. Tilton. (A poem in The Tran- script, Boston, suggested by Lincoln's call for volun- teers.) — Lincoln as he knew him, by A. J. Provost. (From The New York Times.) — Capture of Norfolk — President Lincoln's strategy, by J. Hollywood. (From the National Tribune, Washington.) — General Sherman on Lincoln. (From the National Tribune, Washington.) — Our most lovable hero, by C. T. Jackson. (From the Sentinel, Milwaukee.) [no. 21] 1923. 5 P- l-,9-5i P- (M2651) Contents. — The American rebellion; some facts and reflections for the consideration of the English people . . . By an American citizen [O. J. Victor]. London, Beadle [ 1 86 1] — The Anglo-American news-letter and Sulgrave bulletin. Aug. 1920. (20 p. at end) illus. 25^2 cm. At head of title : Lincoln statue souvenir number. (Not a reprint.) [no. 22] 1923. 48 p. (M2652) Contents. — Lincoln at Harrisburg, Feb. 22, 1861. (From the Pennsylvania Daily Telegraph, Feb. 22, 1 86 1.) — James Russell Lowell on Lincoln, by George H. Sargent. — Lincoln mounts the Anglo-American stage [by] H. T. Pfarker]. (Article on John Drinkwater from The Transcript, Boston.) — Lincoln's lost grandmother, by Rev. W. E. Barton. (Extracts from an address before the Chicago Historical Society, Feb. 3, 1923.) — Lincoln's Gettysburg address. [Reminiscences from the School Li- brary Bulletin, New York; and A. H. Nickerson in Scribner's Magazine, 1913] [no. 23] 1924. 2 v. (145 p.) (M2719) No title page. Title taken from contents. Contents. — The Lincoln-Douglas debate at Gales- burg, 111., Oct. 7, 1858 and its celebration fifty years after. Reprinted from the Galesburg Evening Mail, October 8, 1908. [no. 24] 1924. 52 p. (M2720) No title page. Title taken from contents. Contents. — Letters of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy under Lincoln. — Lincoln at a review, by I. S. Dodd. (From McClure's Magazine.) — The President's review, by Edwin Forbes. (From his Thirty Years After; an Artist's Story, New York, 1890.) — Lincoln in New Eng- land, 1848. (Extracts from the Sept. 23, 1848 issues of the Boston Atlas, the Boston Journal, and the Daily Ad- vertiser.) — Lincoln first to be attacked by the malcontents; Cleveland disruptionists in 1864, by W. E. Brigham. (From the Boston Transcript.) no. 25. 1925. 50 p. (M2794) Contents. — "Blackwood's" history of the United States, by F. S. Dickson . . . Philadelphia, G. H. Buchanan, 1896. (See item 1368.)— Abraham Lincoln, by S. Camacho Roldan. Translated from La Opinion, Bogota, Colombia, June 7, 1865. (See item 934.) — Lin- coln on stage and screen [by] S. L. Cook. (From the Boston Transcript.) — The Sunday after [by] Mrs. P. A. Hanaford. (From her Field, Gunboat, Hospital, and Prison. Boston, 1866. p. 365.) — Lincoln on his family [letter of May 28, i860], no. 26. 1925. 69 p. facsim. (M2795) Contents. — A memoir of Abraham Lincoln, President elect of the United States of America, his opinion on secession, extracts from the United States Constitution, &c, by R. B. London, S. Low, Son & Co., 1861. (See item 720.) — The Lincoln family in America [by W. E. Barton] — The Boston transcript authenticity of Bixby letter. — An address to the people of the free states by [Jefferson Davis] the President of the Southern Con- federacy, 1863. no. 27. 1926. 4 p. 1., [7]-59 p. facsim. (M2860) Contents. — Letter of Robert T. Lincoln. — C. G. Halpine's The life and adventures, songs, services, and speeches of Private Miles O'Reilly [pseud.] (47th regi- ment, New York volunteers) . . . From the authentic rec- ords of the New York Herald. New York, Carleton, 1864. (A reprint of title page, p. [iii], [11 ]— 4 1 , [52]~53 and part of the preface of the original. See item 1800.) — Recollections of Mr. Lincoln [by C. G. Halpine]. — The great crime : Abraham Lincoln's place in history [by C. G. Halpine] (From the New York Herald, Apr. 17, 1865.) — Lincoln's part in a wartime romance [by Mrs.] Elderkin. ("Times, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1909.") — A trip to America [by] James Howard. — Abraham Lincoln [from The Congregationalist and Christian World, Feb. 6, 1909]. — Lincoln and the black man [by] B. T. Washing- ton. — Lincoln's likeness to Christ [by Kelly Miller in the American Missionary]. — Lincoln as the public man [by] S. Schechter ("Times, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1909.") no. 28. 1926. 56, 8 p. illus., facsim. (M2861) The facsimile is a letter from Lincoln to Gov. A. G. Curtin, dated April 8, 1861. Contents. — The war with Mexico; the speech of Mr. A. Lincoln, of Illinois, in the Flouse of Representatives, January 12, 1848, on the resolutions referring the Presi- dent's message to the various standing committees. — - Speech of Mr. A. Lincoln, of Illinois, on the civil and diplomatic appropriation bill; delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, June 20, 1848. Washington, Printed by J. & G. S. Gideon, 1848. (See item 227.) — Speech of Mr. A. Lincoln, of Illinois, on the presidential question; delivered in the House of Repre- sentatives of the United States, July 21, 1848. (See item 228.) — The Anglo-American news-letter and Sul- grave bulletin . . . Oct. 19 19. (8 p. at end, concerning the unveiling of the Barnard statue of Lincoln in Man- chester, England. Not a reprint.) no. 29. 1926. 56 p. (M2862) Issued under title: Lincoln Number, ag. Contents. — With Lincoln at Gettysburg, by J. B. Remensnyder. (From Hearst's Magazine, Feb. 19 14.) — Lincoln at Gettysburg, by Nicolay and Hay. — Lincoln as an example to young men, by A. J. Beveridge [from the 329 Chicago Tribune, 1909]. — How Lincoln won New Eng- land, from the Chicago Tribune. — The vision of Calhoun, from the Chicago Tribune. — The mint of Lincoln's wit, from the Chicago Tribune. — Lincoln and wounded of- ficer, by T. L. Livermore. — What his nurse knew, from the Watchman and Reflector. — Lincoln to George Robert- son, 1855. — Memories of war days, Anon. (Chicago Tribune, 1909.) no. 30. 1927. 57 p. (M2949) "For the matter contained in this issue, we are in- debted chiefly to the Chicago Tribune in its Lincoln number of Feb. 7, 1909." Contents.- — The prophecy of Antony [by] Alexander Delmar. (Concerns John Wilkes Booth.) — Two days in our history [Apr. 10 & 15, 1865, by] C. T. Wettstein. (From the Evening Post, New York, Apr. 15, 1865.) — A poem by Lincoln himself. (From the New York Evening Post, Apr. 15, 1865.) — One war at a time. — Was warned of death [by] A. D. Richardson. — The man of sorrows. Anon. — His anecdotal resources. Anon. — His horoscope was cast [reprinted from] Broughton's Astronomical Jour- nal i860. — Typical speeches (From Scrap Book.) — Good in the saddle. Anon. — Time was his prime minister [by] Schuyler Colfax. — Gave Democrats a chance at the war. — Lincoln in novels [from] Kansas City Star. — ■ His methodical ways. Anon. — Walt Whitman on Lincoln, 1864. — "Only a man" [by] "Grace Greenwood." — He returned the whetstone. Anon, no. 31. 1927. 63 p. front. (M2950) Issued under title: Lincoln Number, 31. Contents. — Donn Piatt's criticism, from the Chicago Tribune. — What Tom Pendel saw, from the Chicago Trib- une. — Homely or handsome, from the Chicago Tribune. — An ex-slave's tribute to Lincoln (Booker T. Washington) from the Chicago Tribune. — Lincoln and the children, from the Chicago Tribune. — Reminiscences of one of Kearny's staff (J. C. Jackson) from the Evening Post, New York. — The religion of Lincoln (F. Lauriston Bul- lard) from The Congregationalist, Feb. 6, 1909. — Robert Todd Lincoln, from the New York Tribune. no. 32. 1928. 63 p. port. (M3044) Contents. — Elihu Root's London address. [July 28, 1920] — The unfulfilled ideals of Lincoln [by S. C. Mitch- ell] (From The Congregationalist, Feb. 6, 1909.) — Lin- coln and his relations with Congress [by] S. M. Cullom. (From the Chicago Tribune, 1909.) — Poems Lincoln in- spired. (From the New York Evening Post, Feb. 11, 1909.) — An earlier "A. Lincoln" [by] A. H. Sherer. (From the New York Evening Post, Feb. 11, 1909.) — Where Nancy Hanks died [by] A. L. Blair. (From the New York Evening Post, Feb. 1 1, 1909.) — Crypt reserved for son. — Vengeance of the flag [by] J. Y. Culyer. — Famous Bixby letter now a mystery. no. 33. 1928. 66 p. (M3045) Contents. — Abraham Lincoln and the American ideal [by] W. E. Barton. (See item 598.) — The critical period of his career [by] Horace White. (From the New York Evening Post, Feb. 11, 1909.) — A church of Abraham Lincoln's ancestors [by] G. D. Barry. — The great man's son [by] C. T. White. (From the New York Tribune, July 27, 1 926.) — On Robert T. Lincoln [by] F. Kellogg. (From the New York Tribune, July 27, 1926.) — An inti- mate view of Lincoln [by] G. W. Julian. — Loving wreaths laid on Lincoln's bier [from the] Chicago Tribune. — The hand of Lincoln, poem [by] E. C. Stedman. — Lincoln at Beloit in 1859 [by] S. E. Lathrop. (From the Wisconsin Magazine, Jan. 1904.) — Opinions, of the presidents [from the] Chicago Tribune. — Views of contemporaries [by] Schuyler Colfax. — Notable utterances of Lincoln [from the] Chicago Tribune. — Famous stories he did tell [from the] Chicago Tribune. — R. J. Walker, Lincoln's press agent [by] W. E. Dodd. no. 34. 1928. 51 p. (M3046) Contents. — Lincoln in Indiana [by] the editor. — Lin- coln to Dix. — At Harrison's Landing, Va., July 8, 1862 [by] K. P. Wormeley. — An interview with Robert T. Lin- coln [by] Newman Hall.— Moonlight on Little Pigeon Creek [by] Carl Sandburg. — Abraham Lincoln with the immortals [speech, Feb. 12, 1928, by] Emanuel Hertz. (See item 1982.)— Tad Lincoln in the White House [from the] New York Times. — In Gentryville [from the] Chicago Tribune, Feb. 7, 1909. — His speech on the formation of the Republican party (1859). — The Lincoln-Shields duel [by] H. G. McPike. (From the Magazine of History, Sept. 1906.) — Lincoln, poem [by] Mary I. Forsyth. (From the Christian Intelligencer, Feb. 1905.) — Original docu- ments. — A day with Lincoln [by] Charles Caverno. (From the Milwaukee Free Press, Apr. 7, 1902.) — Abra- ham Lincoln^Kentucky mountaineer; an address deliv- ered before the faculty and students of Berea college, Berea, Kentucky, March 8, 1923, by W. E. Barton. (See item 602.) no. 35. 1928. 64 p. port. (M3047) Contents. — The education of Abraham Lincoln [by W. E. Barton] (An address delivered at Illinois college, Jacksonville, 111., Feb. 7, 1923. See item 607.) — Lincoln's first visit to Washington. — Recollections of the last debate between Lincoln and Douglas [by H. G. McPike]. (From the Globe-democrats, St. Louis.) — Lincoln's offer to Gari- baldi [by] C. F. Adams. (Paper read before the Massa- chusetts Historical Society, 1908.) — Abraham Lincoln: a personal reminiscence [by] M. S. Snow. (From the Maga- zine of History, Jan. 19 10.) — Abraham Lincoln, master [by Rev. C. F. Swift] — Lincoln as a master of expression [by] J. F. Genung. (An address given Feb. 12, 1909, in the Town Hall, Amherst, Mass.) [no. 36]. 1929. 64 p. (M3115) No title page. Title taken from contents. Contents. — An Englishman in Washington in 1864 [by George Borrett] (An account of an interview with President Lincoln, reprinted from the author's Letters from Canada and the United States. London, 1865.) — Abraham Lincoln in 1863 [by] G. A. Sala. (From his My Diary in America, 1865.) — How Booth's body was hidden [by] Dr. G. L. Porter. (Reprinted from the Co- lumbian Magazine, April 191 1.)— Warnings of murder [from] Dearborn Independent, Dec. 24, 1927. — John Drinkwater on Abraham Lincoln. (From his introduction to the English edition of Grierson's Abraham Lincoln, the Practical Mystic.) — The many-sided Lincoln; what would 330 he do were he here today? By Emanuel Hertz. (See item 2013.) no. 37. 1929. 43 p. port. (M3116) Contents. — Abraham Lincoln, President-elect of the United States [by "Cunard"]. (From Once a Week, Dec. i860.) — Abraham Lincoln's loyalty to his friends [by] Emanuel Hertz. {See item 1986.) — Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln [by] W. J. Anderson (Feb. 18, 1921). — The man who took the message to Lincoln [by] W. A. Aiken. — President Lincoln at the front [by] W. H. Shelton. — One of the last witnesses [from the] Indianapolis News. — General Sumner and Lincoln in 1862 [by] S. S. Sumner. — Lincoln in the early days. — Assassination of President Lincoln [by] G. B. Woods. (From his Essays, etc. Boston, 1873.) no. 38. 1930. 56 p. port, facsims. (M3215) Contents. — Lincoln's letter of 1861 shows faith in Greeley. (From the New York Tribune, 1928.) — Cardi- nal Mundelein's "Lincoln" chairs [by W. E. Barton]. (First appeared in The Outlook.) — The life mask of Lin- coln [by] T. H. Bartlett. — Gen. Halleck on Lincoln. — Lincoln's maul. — Lincoln on being President. — Twenty thousand dollars reward for his head [by] C. B. Rouss. — ■ Proclamation by President Johnson (1865). — No modifi- cation of the emancipation proclamation ( 1863). — Photo- graphs of Lincoln [by] T. H. Bartlett. — Lincoln's Jewish contacts [by] Emanuel Hertz. (See item 2010.) — Letter to Henry J. Raymond (i860). — Lincoln relics. — Lincoln and the "Last of the Mohicans" [from] Transcript, Bos- ton. — A foreigner's impression of Lincoln [by] Frederick Tuckerman. — The assassination of Abraham Lincoln [by] G. E. Currie. From the American Mining Gazette, v. 2, Apr. 1865. — Lincoln at Petersburg [by] C. C. Carpenter. no - 39- '93°- 63 p. port. (M3216) Contents. — Portrait, Lincoln at City Point. — Presi- dent Lincoln and the navy [by C. O. Paullin]. (From the American Historical Review, Jan. 1909.) — Azel W. Dorsey, Lincoln's teacher [by] J. B. Oakleaf. (From the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, v. 22, Oct. 1929. See item 2238. See also item 3198.) — The books that Lincoln read [by C. T. White]. (From the Boston Transcript.) — With Lincoln from Washington to Richmond in 1865 [by J. S. Barnes]. (Signed: James Barnes, U. S. N. Appleton's Magazine, 1907. But the article appearing in Appleton's Magazine for May-June 1907, under the same title is by John S. Barnes, late of the United States Navy.) — Lincoln and Grant at City Point [by] M. R. Morgan. — Lincoln's orderly told of the President at prayer [from] New York Tribune. — Recollec- tions of Lincoln [by] M. M. Corbin. no. 40. 1930. 66 p. (M3217) Contents. — Abraham Lincoln — his inventive mind [by Emanuel Hertz]. (See item 1952.) — Lincoln lore [an an- nouncement] — Did Lincoln and Beecher pray together? [by] J. W. Starr, Jr. — Dr. W. E. Barton, biographer of Lincoln. — Lincoln as an antagonist, personal reminis- cences [by Col. C. P. Button]. (Reprinted from Lip- pincott's Magazine, February 1901.) — Lincoln's letter to John A. Rockwell (1853) — Lincoln on General Taylor's appointments (1849) — Lincoln's letter to Governor Magoffin (1861). no. 41. 1931. 53 p. (M3282) Contents. — Eulogy on the life, character, and public services of the late President Abraham Lincoln, delivered at East Boston, before Council no. 33, Union League of Americans [by W. H. Cudworth]. (From the Boston Daily Evening Traveller, May 10, 1865.) — Confederate leaders and other citizens request the House of delegates to repeal the resolution of respect to Abraham Lincoln, the barbarian. (See item 1 171.) — The London Times on the death of Lincoln [from] Boston Daily Evening Travel- ler, May 10, 1865. — Abraham Lincoln in Congress [by C. O. Paullin]. (From the Washington Herald, Jan. 24, 1909.) — English feeling over the death of Lincoln [by C. J. Brydges]. (From the Boston Daily Evening Travel- ler, May 10, 1865.) — Recollections of Lincoln by E. Torrance and J. B. S. Todd. (From the Minneapolis Sunday Journal, Feb. 9, 1909.) no. 42. 1931. 60 p. (M3283) Contents. — Lincoln's law library (1926) by Alice Lawton. — Abraham Lincoln; his law partners, clerks, and office boys [by E. Hertz]. (See item 1953.) — Extract from letter of Col. Robert Gould Shaw (1861). — Lincoln and Dr. Crothers [from] Pictorial Review. — The Wash- ington-Clay guards [from] Lincoln Lore, Mar. 2, 193 1 . — Lincoln's last day [from] Lincoln Lore, Apr. 13, 1 931. — Lincoln in excelsis [by E. Hertz]. (See item 2000.) — Lincoln's funeral march [from] Lincoln Lore, Mar. 2, I93I- no. 43. 1932. 60 p. (M3339) Contents. — Lincoln's first inaugural address. ("The original draft and the final draft of the inaugural are placed on facing pages." — Editor's pref. "Foreword" signed: Judd Stewart).- — Lincoln's congressional as- sociates, 1847-49 [by] the editor [William Abbatt]. — The lessons of our national sorrow; a discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, on the Sabbath morning, April 16th, 1865, succeeding the death of Abraham Lincoln, by John M. Lowrie. Fort Wayne, Jenkinson & Hartman, Printers, 1865. no. 44. 1932. 52 p. (M3340) Contents. — Lincoln's diplomacy, an unwritten chap- ter [by Emanuel Hertz]. (See item 2008.) — Herndon on Lincoln (1874) from the Boston Transcript (Feb. 13, 1932). — Lincoln and Booth, by the editor [William Abbatt]. — Lloyd George and Lincoln, from the Boston Transcript (Dec. 21, 1929). — Robert T. Lincoln, from New York Tribune (July 26, 1926). — Lincoln's debt to sorrow, by Gutzon Borglum (New York Tribune, Feb. 6, 1927). — -They hated Lincoln, from Collier's (Feb. 8, 1930).— Abe Lincoln, cabinet maker, by Helen H. Rice. (From the Indianapolis Neius). — -Poems by Dearden and J. H. Elliot (From the Springfield Republican, Apr. 19 & May 3, 1865.) — We talked of Lincoln (poem) by E. W. Thomson. (From Collier's, Feb. 14, 1909.) — A remarkable letter (1863) by A. Lincoln. — Lincoln and Grant today by J. H. Choate. (From The Independent, Feb. 15, 1912.) — Where history was made, from American 331 Motorist (1930). — When Lincoln died (1865) by W. F. Hammond. no. 45. 1933. 41 p. (M3395) "Three items [by Goldwin Smith and Edward Dicey] all from MacMillan's Magazine in i865." Contents. — The death of President Lincoln [by Goldwin Smith]. — Abraham Lincoln [poem, signed R.]. — Lincolniana [by Edward Dicey]. — President Lincoln [by Goldwin Smith]. — The Oakleaf collection, by Paul Fox. no. 46. 1934. 1 p. 1., 43 p. (M3446) Contents. — The Lincolns in their old Kentucky home ; an address delivered before the Filson Club, Louis- ville, Kentucky, December 4, 1922, by W. E. Barton . . . Berea, Ky., Berea College Press, 1923. (See item 621.) — Washington and Lincoln: the father and saviour of the country [by I. R. Pennypacker]. ("Read before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, January 11, 1932.") [no.] 47-51. 1935. 5 no. (M3487) "Comprising the thirtieth anniversary [of the assassina- tion of Lincoln]" Reprinted from The Independent (New York), Apr. 4, 1895. Contributors: [no.] 47. G. W. Curtis, H. L. Dawes, W. J. Ferguson, W. H. Herndon, J. F. Rusling, H. C. Bowen, O. O. Howard, W. O. Stoddard, A. H. Rice, M. Halsted, F. W. Seward.— [no.] 48. G. S. Boutwell, N. Dow, T. L. James, F. B. Carpenter, G. Greenwood, E. L. Viele.— [no.] 4 9. T. L. Cuyler, J. T. Morgan, B. F. Watson, L. E. Chittenden, D. Gregg, J. D. Kernan, C. A. Tinker, E. Allen, W. E. Sinn, W. Hoyt, D. D. Bidwell, R. R. Wright.— [no.] 50. H. W. Knight, A. W. Pearson, F. B. Sanborn, J. J. Littlefield, H. M. Field, G. W. Pepper, A. B. Chandler, A. M. Powell, D. H. Bates, G. W. F. Birch, C. Hamlin, L. Weldon. — [no.] 51. J. Jennings. [no.] 52. 1935. 27 p. (M3488) Contents. — Reminiscences of the Illinois bar about 1840 [by I. N. Arnold]. ("From an address . . . before the Illinois Bar Association at Springfield, Jan. 7, 1881." See also item 1456.) — Abraham Lincoln, by C. A. Jones. — Lincoln as a theme for sculptural art, by F. O. Payne. (From Art and Archaeology.) — The President's hymn (poem) 1863. 3505. RASMUSSEN, HANS. Abraham Lincolns liv og gjerning. Kjobenhavn, V. Thanning & Appels Boghandel, 1882. 141 p. port. 18/2 cm. (M3842) E457.R22 copy 2 "Naarvaerende skrift om 'Abraham Lincoln og hans gjerning' har forst staaet i 'Lollands-Falsters stifts- tidende'." — Pref. Boards. Cloth back. 3506. [RASTER, HERMANN] Einheit und Freiheit. New York, New-Yorker Abend-Zeitung Print, 1863. 16 p. 22/2 cm. (Loyal Publica- tion Society. [Pamphlets] no. 19) E463.L96 No. 19 4th set Cover and caption title. On cover: New York, June, 1863. P. 2 begins: mit stolz. Note at bottom of p. 16 begins: Loyal leagues [etc.] Issued also in another edition of the same month with- out caption title or note at bottom of p. 16, and with different arrangement of type, p. 2 beginning: hat, dass. In pamphlet holder. 3507. RATHBONE, HENRY R. Abraham Lin- coln. Speech in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, February 12, 1924. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1924]. 8 p. 23 cm. (M2729) P Caption title. Self-wrappers. 3508. RAWLEY, JAMES A. Edwin D. Morgan, 1811-1883; merchant in politics. New York, Co- lumbia University Press, 1955. 321 p. port., map. 23/2 cm. (Columbia studies in the social sciences, no. 582) E415.9.M84R3 copy 3 Occasional references to Lincoln. 3509. RAY, P. ORMAN. The convention that nominated Lincoln; an address delivered before the Chicago Historical Society on May 18, 19 16, the fifty-sixth anniversary of Lincoln's nomination for the presidency. Chicago, The University of Chi- cago Press [ c 1 9 1 6] 38 p. illus., plan. 23^2 cm. (M2263) E457.4.R26 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 3510. RAYMOND, HENRY J. History of the administration of President Lincoln: including his speeches, letters, addresses, proclamations, and mes- sages. With a preliminary sketch of his life. New York, J. C. Derby & N. C. Miller, 1864. 496 p. port. 19/2 cm. (M347) E457.R26 copy 3 End paper inscribed: "A. C. Gulick, 1864." 351 1. RAYMOND, HENRY J. The life and public services of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth Presi- dent of the United States; together with his state papers, including his speeches, addresses, messages, letters, and proclamations, and the closing scenes connected with his life and death. To which are added anecdotes and personal reminiscences of President Lincoln, by Frank B. Carpenter. New York, Derby and Miller, 1865. 808 p. illus., ports., facsim. 24 cm. (M691) E457.R265 copy 4 Six pages of advertising matter following p. 808. Maroon cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. Yellow end papers. 332 3512. Another issue. New York, Hurst [ c i8c)i] 2 v. (808 p.) port. 19/2 cm. (M692) E457.R262 Published under title: Lincoln, his Life and Times. Being the Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln. Title and copyright pages from different plates. Lacks p. 7 (illus.) and p. 8 (blank) of the previous edition. Green cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. White end papers. 3513. RAYMOND, HENRY J. The life of Abraham Lincoln, by Henry J. Raymond, and of Andrew Johnson, by John Savage. New York, National Union Executive Committee [1864] [5]- 136 p. 19 cm. (M348 var.) E457.R268 copies 2, 3, & 4 Cover title. Printed wrappers. Copy 2 in red quarter-morocco slip- case; copy 3 bound, with original wrappers, in brown cloth ; copy 4 in red slipcase. 3514. The Reader's Digest. Twentieth anniver- sary anthology. Pleasantville, N. Y., The Reader's Digest Association [ c 1 94 1 ] 2 p. 1., 5-123 p. illus. 20 cm. PN44.R42 1 94 1 "Lincoln goes to Gettysburg," by Carl Sandburg: p. 71-74 (condensed from Redbook Magazine, June 1936). Boards. 3515. Real people, [v] 4. Evanston, 111., White Plains, N. Y., Row, Peterson, c i950. 6 pts. illus. 22 cm. CT107.R48 copy 2 "Frances Cavanah, director of biographies." Contents. — [Pt. 1] Abraham Lincoln, by F. Cavanah.— [Pt. 2] Robert E. Lee, by E. K. Solem.— [Pt. 3] James Jerome Hill, by C. I. Judson. — [Pt. 4] Thomas Alva Edison, by W. W. Graham. — [Pt. 5] George Wash- ington Carver, by A. Bontemps. — [Pt. 6] Jane Addams, by J. Blackstock. 3516. Reason. v. 24, May-July 1927. Los Angeles, Austin Pub. Co. P "The Emancipation Proclamation, how, and by whom it was given to Abraham Lincoln in 1861:" by S. P. Kase: p. [31-23. 3517. Rebel conditions of peace and the mechanics of the South. [New York, 1863] folder (4 p.) 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 30 E463.Lg6no. 30 4th set Caption title. "From the Richmond Enquirer of Oct. 16, 1863." Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 3518. RECHT, OSCAR C. Washington, 14. April 1865, by O. C. Recht. Saarlouis, Felten [1948] 210 p. port. 17 cm. E457.5.R28 copy 2 Concerns the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. "Benutzte Literatur": p. 210. Printed wrappers. 3519. Recruiting news. v. 17, Feb. 15, 1935. Governors Island, N. Y., Recruiting Publicity Bu- reau. UA23.A1A88 v. 17 X copy "Washington and Lincoln under fire": p. 8-9. 3520. REDD ALL, HENRY F., comp. Scissors; or, The funny side of politics. Collected and ar- ranged by Henry Frederick Reddall. New York, Boston, M. Garrison, [1888] 2 p. 1., 9-68 p. illus. 18 x 26 cm. PN6231.P6R38 1888a "An early view of Lincoln," by Donn Piatt: p. 9-1 1. "Stanton and Lincoln": p. 19. "Too many brigadiers" [a story about Lincoln] by J. G. Holland: p. 31. Other Lincoln anecdotes: passim. 3521. Redlands, Calif. The Lincoln shrine, Red- lands, California ; an account of its conception, ex- ecution, and the works of art which it contains; dedicated February 12, 1932. [Los Angeles, Bruce McCallister, 1932]. 15 p. illus., ports. 26/2 cm. (M3335) P Printed wrappers. 3522. REDPATH, JAMES. The public life of Capt. John Brown, with an auto-biography of his childhood and youth. Boston, Thayer and El- dridge, i860. 407 p. illus., port. 19 1 /2 cm. E451.R32 copy 2 3523. REDWAY, MAURINE WHORTON, and DOROTHY KENDALL BRACKEN. Marks of Lincoln on our land. New York, Hastings House [1957] 121 p. illus. 26 cm. E457.64.R4 copies 3 & 4 Bibliography: p. 11 9-12 1. Illustrated end papers. Boards. Cloth back. 3524. REED, CHAUNCY W. Abraham Lin- coln, "a man for the ages." Address delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, February 12, 1936. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1936. 8 p. 23 x 10/2 cm. (M3533) P Cover title. "Not printed at Government expense." Self-wrappers. 333 3525- REED, CHAUNCY W. Abraham Lin- coln — lover of humanity. Address to the Dis- trict of Columbia Society of the Dames of the Loyal League, on February 12, 1938. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1938]. 7 p. 23/2 cm. (M3647) P Caption title. "Printed in the Congressional Record of February 14, 1938." "Not printed at Government expense." Self-wrappers. 3526. [REED, WILLIAM B.] A review of Mr. Seward's diplomacy. By a northern man. [Phila- delphia? 1862?] 60 p. 225/2 cm. E469.R332copy4 Another edition of the work differs from this only in the arrangement of type. In the present edition p. 4 begins: the Secretary himself . Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Previously bound. 3527. REED, WILLIAM B. Speech of the Hon. William B. Reed, on the presidential question. Delivered before the National Democratic Associa- tion, Philadelphia, September 4, i860. [Phila- delphia, i860] ig,[i]p. 23/2 cm. (M77) E440.R32 copy 2 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 3528. REEP, THOMAS P. Lincoln at New Salem, by Thomas P. Reep for the Old Salem Lincoln League (incorporated) Petersburg, Illi- nois . . . [Chicago] c ig27. 147 p. illus., port. 25 cm. (M2964) E457.35.R23 copy 3 A revised edition of item 3221. Bookplate of Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf. 3529. REEVES, ROBERT N. Abraham Lincoln, his religion. Chicago, H. L. Green [1901?] 8 p. port. 22 cm. (M1423) E457.2.R33 copy 2 Caption title. Self-wrappers. 3530. REID, ADAM. A discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States; delivered on the day of the national fast, June 1, 1865, at the Congregational Church, Salis- bury, Conn. Hartford, Press of Case, Lockwood, 1865. 20 p. 22/2 cm. (M695) P Inscribed by Lot Norton [a parishioner] to Hon. J[ohn] H. Hubbard, U. S. Congressman from Connecticut, 1863-67. Printed wrappers. 3531. REID, WHITELAW. Abraham Lincoln. London, Harrison and Sons, Printers, 1910. 50,[2] p. 28/2 cm. (M1949) E457.8.R35 copies 2 & 3 At head of title: University of Birmingham. "Makers of history in the nineteenth century." Closing address, December 7th, 19 10. Copy 2 autographed presentation copy from Ogden Reid to Charles T. White. Copy 3 with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. Copy 2 rebound with wrappers in green half-morocco. 3532. REINCKE, ARNO B. He Could Take It! Chicago, Illinois, Reincke-Ellis-Younggreen & Finn, Inc., [ c i934] 7 [1] P- 18 cm. (M3451 var.) P (2 copies) Cf. item 3277. White printed wrappers. 3533. Another edition. [1939?] 16 cm. (M3451 var.) P Slightly revised and printed from different plates. Colophon, p. [8]: "Originally released in 1934 as a New Year's Greeting card, this message has been re- printed in many publications, among them the Janu- ary, 1939 issue of Readers Digest ..." Tan printed wrappers. 3534. REITER, HARRIET G. (Frost). The boyhood of Lincoln, by Harriet G. Reiter. Dans- ville, N. Y., F. A. Owen Pub. Co. [191 2] 32 p. illus., port. 1 8 J/2 cm. (Instructor literature series. [No. 204]) (M2052) E457.3.R4 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3535. REITER, HARRIET G. (Frost). The story of Lincoln, by Harriet G. Reiter. Dansville, N. Y., F. A. Owen Pub. Co., c igo5. 30 p. illus., ports. 19^2 cm. ( Owen series of five-cent classics, no. 5) (M1473) E457.R36 Not the same as item 3537. Inscribed: "John W. Starr, Jr." Green-tinted printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. In Gaylord binder. 3536. Another issue. "1906. 18/2 cm. (In- structor literature series, no. 5) (M1473 var.) E457-R37I3 Title page and advertising matter on p. [2]-[4J of cover from new plates. Cream-colored printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover differs. 3537. REITER, HARRIET G. (Frost). Story of Lincoln, by Harriet G. Reiter. Dayton, Ohio, Paine 334 Pub. Co. [ c igio] 31 p. illus., port. 18 J/2 cm. ( School classic series [no. 40] ) ( M 1 950 ) E 457- R 372 copy 2 Not the same as item 3535. On p. [3] of cover: Five cent classics [no. 40] Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 3538. The religion of Abraham Lincoln; being a reprint of the lecture of Rev. Jas. A. Reed in 1872, and the answering lecture of W. H. Herndon in 1873. [n. p.] Priv. Print., 1915. 106 p. 19/2 cm. (M2214) E457.2.R335 Preface signed: J. S. [;'. e. Judd Stewart] Inscribed by Judd Stewart to Charles T. White. Contents. — The later life and religious sentiments of Abraham Lincoln, by J. A. Reed. (Originally published in Scribner's Magazine, July 1873.) — Lincoln's religion, by W. H. Herndon. (Printed originally as a broadside.) Boards. Paper label on spine. 3539. Religious Tract Society, London. Lincoln's devotional. Introduction by Carl Sandburg. Great Neck, N. Y., Channel Press [1957] xv p., reprint: 192 p. facsims. 18 cm. BV4810.R43 copy 2 "First edition." Reproduced from a copy of the original edition owned by Carl Haverlin, president of Broadcast Music, Inc., with title page reading: The Believer's Daily Treasure; or, Texts of Scripture, Arranged for Every Day in the Year. 4th ed. London, Religious Tract Society, 1852. 3540. Reminiscences of Lincoln, Davis, Dickey [and] Logan, [v. p., n. d.] 1 v. (various pagings) 25 cm. E415.8.R4 Cover title. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Contents: [no. 1] Reminiscences of Lincoln and of Congress during the Rebellion, by Isaac N. Arnold. [New York] [ioi]-i 17 p. Detached from The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, v. 13, July 1882. Inscribed by the author to Judge John M. Scott. [no. 2] David Davis, address before the Bar Association of the State of Illinois, by Leonard Swett. Chicago, Barnard & Gunthorp, Printers [18 — ] 21 p. [no. 3] Remembrances of T. Lyle Dickey, by Leonard Swett. [Chicago] Barnard & Gunthorp, Printers [18 — ] 22 p. Printed wrappers. [no. 4] Judge David Davis, address delivered before the legislature of Illinois, February 22, 1887, at the joint memorial service of Judge David Davis and General Logan, by Lawrence Weldon. Washington, Gibson Bros., Printers, 1887. 28 p. 3541. REMSBURG, JOHN E. Abraham Lin- coln : was he a Christian? New York, Truth Seeker Co. [ c i8g3] 336 p. 19/2 cm. (Mi 133) E457.2.R34 Ten pages of advertising matter following p. 336. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 3542. REMSBURG, JOHN E. Six historic Americans ; Paine, Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Lincoln, Grant, the fathers and saviors of our republic, freethinkers. New York, The Truth Seeker Co. [1906] xi p., 2 1., 17-182 p., 2 1., iii-iv p., 1 1., [v]-xiii, 15-365 p. ports. 20/2 cm. E176.R38 copy 2 "Abraham Lincoln: was he a Christian?": [v. 2] p. [v]- xiii, 15-336. (var. of Mi 133) From same plates as item 3541. 3543. RENINGER, MARION WALLACE. My Lincoln letter. Lancaster, Pa., 1953. 34 p. illus., ports., facsim. 20 I /2 cm. E457.2.R35 copy 3 3544. RENNE, LOUIS OBED. Lincoln and the land of the Sangamon. Boston, Chapman & Grimes [1945] 4 p. 1., 7-140 p. illus., ports. 20/2 cm. E457.R4 copy 3 3545. RENNICK, PERCIVAL GRAHAM. Abraham Lincoln and Ann Rutledge; an old Salem romance. [Peoria, 111., Printed by E. J. Jacob, c 1932] 103 p. 20 cm. (M3346) E457.35.R32 copy 3 Inscribed by the author. Printed wrappers. 3546. RENNICK, PERCIVAL GRAHAM. Courts and lawyers in northern and western Illi- nois, by P. G. Rennick. [n. p., 1937] 58 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. P "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State Histori- cal Society, v. XXX, no. 3, October 1937." Occasional reference to Lincoln. Printed wrappers. 3547. RENNICK, PERCIVAL GRAHAM. The Peoria and Galena trail and coach road and the Peoria neighborhood, [n. p., 1935] 351-431 p. 24 cm. P "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State Histori- cal Society for 1935, v. 27, no. 4." Lincoln is described as "a figure of the Trail from 1832-1858." Printed wrappers. 335 3548- The Reporter; a periodical devoted to religion, law, legislation, and public events, v. 3-4 (no. 43-103) ; May 6, 1867-Sept. 24, 1867. Wash- ington, R. Sutton, 2 v. 26 cm. (M890) AP2.R34, v. 3-4 "Conducted by R. Sutton, Chief of the Official Corps of Reporters of the United States Senate, and D. F. Murphy and James J. Murphy its principal members." Each vol. has special title page. "Trial of John H. Surratt, in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, sitting for the trial of crimes and misdemeanors, on an indictment for murder of President Lincoln, before His Honor George P. Fisher, one of the justices of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, commencing Monday, June 10, 1867": v. 3, June 17, 1867 (no. 47)— v. 4, Sept. 24, 1867 (no. 103). Nearly 1 ,000 pages devoted to the trial. Black leather labels on spine, gilt-stamped: Trial of John H. Surratt, I— II. The reporter, vol. III-IV. 3549. Reproduction of autographs of the signers of the testimonial to Abraham Lincoln placed in the corner stone of the Lincoln memorial on the twelfth day of February, A. D. nineteen hundred and fifteen, at Washington, D. C. [Washington, Press of W. F. Roberts Co., 1915] 24 1. 1 col. illus., facsims. 30/2 cm. F203.4.L73R4 copy 2 "This is number 846 of a limited edition privately printed by the George A. Fuller Company." Printed wrappers. 3550. Republican Club, Utica, N. Y. Speeches delivered at the Lincoln dinner of the Republican Club of Utica . . . February 12, 1916. [Utica, 1916] 31 p. 24 cm. (M2265) P Printed wrappers. 3551. Republican Congressional Committee. The Chicago Copperhead convention. The treasonable and revolutionary utterances of the men who com- posed it. Extracts from all the notable speeches delivered in and out of the National "Democratic" Convention . . . Washington, The Congressional Union Committee, 1864. 16 p. 23 cm. E458.4.R34 copy 2 Cover title (?). Facsimile reprint in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 12.) Self-wrappers ( ?). Bound in red half-morocco. 3552. Republican opinions about Lincoln. [New York? 1864] 16 p. 22 cm. (Document no. 18) (M349) E458.4.R38 copies 2 & 3 Caption title. Democratic campaign document. Contents. — [Introduction] — The Pomeroy circular. — Gen. Fremont's letter of acceptance. — Senators Ben. Wade and Henry Winter Davis on Mr. Lincoln. — Our pro- foundest peril. [From the Tribune, September 3, 1863] Self-wrappers. Copy 2 rebound in blue half-morocco. Copy 3 stitched and in gray slipcase. Another copy is in bound volume entitled Lincoln-Mc- Clellan Campaign Pamphlets. See item 2590, no. 13. 3553. Republican Party. Centennial Commit- tee. The Republican Party; its history in brief, 1 854- 1 954. Washington [1954] 48 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. JK2356.R33 copy 3 "Centennial edition." "Lincoln and the preservation of the Union" : p. 1 1-14. Illustrated printed wrappers. 3554. Republican Party. Illinois. 79th birthday Republican Party, 1 856-1 935. Bloomington, Illi- nois, May 29, 1935. [Bloomington, 111., 1935.] [8] p. illus., port. 18 cm. (M3495) P Cover title. Contains three pages of Lincoln quotations. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3555. Republican Party. Illinois. Convention, 1 8 58. Proceedings of the Republican State Con- vention held at Spingfield [sic] Illinois, June 16, 1858. Springfield, Bailhache & Baker, Printers [1858] 12 p. 26/2 cm. (Mi4var.) JK2358.I39 1858 copy 2 Cover title. Includes Lincoln's "House divided" speech. "Second edition," according to Paul M. Angle, whose discussion of the editions is published in item 415. Self-wrappers. In dark blue quarter-morocco slipcase. 3556. Facsimile edition. [Peoria, Lithographed by Logan Print. Co. for E. J. Jacob, 1948?] [4] p., facsim. ([12] p.), [4] p. illus., port. 24cm. (var. of M14) JK2358.I39 1858a copies 1 & 2 Facsimile of the first edition. Original title page reads: Proceedings of the Republican State Convention, held at Springfield, Illinois, June 16, 1858. Springfied [sic] Bailhache & Baker, Printers. Issued under title: Ninety Years Ago, June 16, 1858, the Illinois Republican State Convention Met in Spring- field, Illinois; Photographic Reproduction of the Original Copy of the Convention Proceedings as Published a Few Days After the Convention . . . "Presentation copy, none for sale." Illustrated printed wrappers. "Cover, original etching by Bernhardt Wall." 3557. Republican Party. Illinois. State Central Committee. Salient points of the campaign, no. 1. 33 6 A tract . . . [n. p., i860] 16 p. 23 cm. (M27 var.) E440.R49 copies 1 & 2 Caption title. Letter of Hon. Edward Bates, of Missouri, indorsing Mr. Lincoln, and giving his reasons for supporting the Chicago nominees: p. [i]-4- Lincoln's and Hamlin's letters of acceptance: p. 16. Copy 1 previously bound. 3558. Republican Party. Massachusetts. State Committee. Sustain the Government! Stand by the President! Boston, 1862. 7 p. 22 cm. (M163) E458.2.R37 Caption title. Dated Oct. 14, 1862. Bound in green half-morocco. 3559. Republican Party. National Committee, 7952-/956. Research Division. 1956 Lincoln day material. Washington, 1956. 20 1. 28/2 cm. P Cover title. Mimeographed on recto only. 3560. Republican Party. National Convention. Proceedings of the first three Republican national conventions of 1856, i860 and 1864, including pro- ceedings of the antecedent national convention held at Pittsburg, in February, 1856, as reported by Horace Greeley. Minneapolis, Minn., C. W. John- son [1893] 26 4P- 23 cm. JK2353 1856 copy 5 End paper inscribed : "Chas. T. White 1916." 3561. Republican Party. National Convention. Pittsburgh, 1856. Official proceedings of the Republican Convention convened in the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on the twenty-second of February, 1856. New York, New York Republican Committee, 1856. 28 p. 9 cm. JK2353 1856k Cover title. 3562. Republican Party. National Convention. 2d, Chicago, i860. Proceedings of the National Republican Convention, held at Chicago, May 16th, 17th & 1 8th, i860. For President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois. For Vice- President, Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine. Chicago, Press & Tribune Off., i860. 44 p. (Press & Trib- une documents for i860, no. 3) (M76) JK2353 !86oa copies 3 & 4 Caption title. Self-wrappers. Copy 3 (21/2 cm.) bound in green half-morocco. Copy 4 (23 cm.) inserted in green slipcase. 3563. Republican party. National Convention. 3d, Baltimore, 1864. Presidential election, 1864. Proceedings of the National Union Convention held in Baltimore, Md., June 7th and 8th, 1864. Re- ported by D. F. Murphy. New York, Baker & Godwin, 1864. 94 p. 23 cm. JK2353 1864 copy 5 Printed wrappers. 3564. Republican policy triumphs; leaders of the party attest the wisdom of the President's admin- istration. Lincoln and McKinley. . . . [Chicago? 1900] [16] p. 22 cm. (M1301) P (2 copies) Caption title. Self-wrappers. 3565. REYNOLDS, JOHN V. Sermon in com- memoration of the virtues of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Mead- ville, Pa., June 1, 1865, by Rev. J. V. Reynolds, D. D. Meadville, Pa., R. L. White, Printer, 1865. 36 p. 23 cm. (M699) E457.8.R46 copy 3 Dark blue half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3566. REYNOLDS, LEWIS G. A wonderful hour with Abraham Lincoln, [n. p.] c ig28. folder ([3] P-) iHus., ports. 23 cm. (M3056) P Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3567. Another issue, (var. of M3056) P Lacks copyright statement. 3568. Rhode Island. Lincoln's Birthday Observ- ance Committee. Abraham Lincoln in Rhode Island. Souvenir of Lincoln's Birthday observ- ance, Rhode Island State House, February 12, 1930. [Providence, 1930] [4] p. illus. 1^/2 cm. (M3180) P Cover title. Prepared with the aid of Esther Cowles Cushman, custodian of the McLellan-Lincoln Collection of Brown University. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3569. RHODES, JAMES FORD. History of the United States from the compromise of 1850. v. 1-5. New York, London, Macmillan, 1 900- 1904. 5 v. maps (part fold.) 22/2 cm. E178.R47 copy 6 Contents. — v. 1. 1850-1854. — v. 2. 1854-1860. — v. 3. 1860-1862. — v. 4. 1862-1864. — v. 5. 1864-1866. (There are numerous references to Lincoln in all but the first volume. ) 337 3570- RICE, ALLEN THORNDIKE, ed. Remi- niscences of Abraham Lincoln by distinguished men of his time. Collected and edited by Allen Thorn- dike Rice. New York, North American Pub. Co., 1886. lxix, 1-13, 656 p. illus., ports., facsims. (part, fold.) 23/2 cm. (M1026) E457.15.R49 1886 copies 5 & 6 Biographical sketches [of authors]: p. [6091-647. Copy 5 bound in maroon full-leather, with facsimile of Lincoln medallion blind-stamped on covers and gilt letter- ing on spine. Gilt edges. Marbled end papers. Copy 6 bound in green cloth, with facsimile gilt-stamped on covers and gilt lettering on cover and spine. Flowered endpapers. 3571. Another edition. New York, London, Harper, 1909. x, 428 p. port, facsims. (part, fold.) 23 cm. (Mi026var.) E457.15.R49 1909 copy 3 "New and revised edition." Blue cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. Gilt top. 3572. RICE, DANIEL. The President's death- its import. A sermon, preached in the Second Presbyterian Church, Lafayette, Indiana, April 19, 1865, on the day of President Lincoln's funeral, by the pastor. [Lafayette? 1865] 7 p. 215/2 cm. (M701 ) E457.8.R49 copy 3 Cover title. Blue three-quarter-morocco, with original wrappers bound in. 3573. RICE, NATHAN L. The pulpit: its rela- tions to our national crisis. A sermon, preached in Fifth Avenue and Nineteenth Street Presbyterian Church, by N. L. Rice, D. D. New York, C. Scrib- ner, 1862. 1 p. 1., [5]— 71 p. 19cm. E458.2.R49 copy 3 Cover title: The pulpit and our national crisis. Limp cloth. 3574. RICE, NATHAN L. Sermon on the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Preached on the occasion of the national funeral, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, by N. L. Rice, D. D., pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Fifth Avenue . . . N.Y. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1865. 16 p. 22J/2 cm. (M702) E457.8.R493 copy 2 Red half-calf, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3575. RICHARDS, D. J. The story of Abraham Lincoln's assassination, by D. J. Richards, "Dad the rambler." [Los Angeles, Calif., Crescent Print. Co., 1930] [15] p. 16/2 cm. (M3230) P (2 copies) Cover title. One copy autographed by the author. 3576. RICHARDS, GEORGE W. Abraham Lincoln; an essay read before the Cliosophic Society, Lancaster, Pa., February 7, 1908. Lancaster, Pa., 1908. 40 p. 22/2 cm. (M1619) P Also printed from same plates in "Cliosophic" Essays (item 1 1 17). Printed wrappers. 3577. RICHARDS, JOHN T. Abraham Lincoln at the bar of Illinois. [Chicago? 1909?] 14 p. 23 cm. (M1855) E457.35.R51 copy 5 Cover title. "An address delivered before the Chicago Bar Associa- tion . . . February 11, 1909, by John T. Richards, esq., of the Chicago bar." 3578. RICHARDS, JOHN T. Abraham Lincoln, the lawyer-statesman. Boston, New York, Hough- ton Mifflin, 1916. vii p., 2 1., 260 p., 1 1. illus., ports., facsims. ( 1 fold.) 22/2 cm. (M2266) E457.2.R5copy3 "Gems of thought from Lincoln": p. [1 971-204. Lin- coln's cases in the Illinois Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court: p. [2071—252. Blue cloth. Gilt lettering on spine. 3579. Another issue. 23 cm. (M2266var.) E457-2.R5copy4 "Three hundred copies of this first edition have been bound with uncut edges and paper label." Author's autograph on end paper, together with ms. note: "Chas. T. White 1916." Red cloth, with leather label on spine. 3580. RICHARDSON, GUY. My Abraham Lincoln, radio and other addresses. Boston, The Author; Baker & Taylor Co., Trade Selling Agents, 1937. 1 12 p. ports. 19/2 cm. (M3586) E457.8.R498 copy 3 3581. RICHARDSON, JAMES D., comp. A compilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents, 1 789-1908. v. 6. [1861-1869] [Wash- ington] Bureau of National Literature and Art, 1909. iv p., 1 1., 758 p. illus. (part col.), ports., facsims. 25 cm. (Mi222var.) J81.B963, v. 6 "Abraham Lincoln, March 4, 186 1, to April 15, 1865": p. [i]-297. Black half-leather. 338 3582. RICHARDSON, WILLIAM A. Speech of Hon. W. A. Richardson, of Illinois, delivered in Burlington, New Jersey, Tuesday evening, July 1 7, i860. [Philadelphia, Ringwalt & Brown, Printers, i860] 8 p. 23 cm. (M78) E440.R52 copy 2 Caption title. Anti-Lincoln. 3583. RICHMOND, CORA L.V. (Scott). Mrs. Cora L. V. Richmond [spiritualist] having been in- vited to deliver an address before a few business men and their friends in . . . Chicago, Sunday, Sept. 20, 1896, the request was made that Abraham Lincoln present his views on the financial question. [n. p., 1896?] folder (12 p.) 16/2 cm. (Mi 208) P Caption title. 3584. RICHMOND, MABEL E. Centennial history of Decatur and Macon County. Compiled and rewritten by Mabel E. Richmond. Decatur, 111., The Decatur Review in Co-operation with the Decatur and Macon County Centennial Associ- ation, 1930. 470 p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 23 cm. F549.D3R53 copy 4 "Abraham Lincoln" : p. 50-69. 3585. Richmond Times-Dispatch. The final reply to Westerner [by Peter J. White] from the Times-dispatch of Sunday, January 8, 1928. [n. p., !928?] 19, [1] p. 23 cm. (M3011) E457.2.R55 Caption title. Includes also reprints of other letters to newspapers by critics of Lincoln. Self-wrappers. 3586. Richmond Times-Dispatch. Lincoln eulo- gies merely "facet of herd psychology." [n. p., n. d.] 4 p. 23 cm. (M3040) P Caption title. At head of title: Richmond Times-Dispatch, February 23, 1928. 3587. RICHTER, WERNER. Abraham Lin- coln; Mensch und Staatsmann. Munchen, F. Bruckmann [ e i95a] 430 p., 1 1. illus., ports., map. 21/2 cm. E457.R47 copies 2 & 3 "Literaturverzeichnis" : p. [4231-425. land, W. W. Williams, 1886. 310 p. port. 19 cm. E415.9.W16R5 copy 2 A biography of the U. S. Senator from Ohio, 1851 to 1869, with occasional references to Lincoln. 3589. RIDDLE, ALBERT GALLATIN. Recol- lections of war times; reminiscences of men and events in Washington, i860- 1865. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895. xii p., 1 I., 380 p. 23/2 cm. E456.R54 copy 2 3590. RIDDLE, DONALD W. Congressman Abraham Lincoln. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1957. vii, 280 p. 24 cm. E4574 R 5 co Py3 Bibliography: p. [253J-266. 3591. RIDDLE, DONALD W. Lincoln runs for Congress. A publication of the Abraham Lin- coln Association, Springfield, 111. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1948. ix, 217 p. ports., maps, facsim. 21cm. E457.35.R52 copy 4 Bibliography: p. 197-204. 3592. RIDLEY, MAURICE R. Abraham Lin- coln, by M. R. Ridley. With four half-tone plates and a map. London, Glasgow, Blackie & Son [1945] 208 p. map, ports. 20 cm. (Great lives) E 457- R 5 co Py 2 "First published 1944. Reprinted 1945." Bibliography: p. 207-208. 3593. RIDPATH, JOHN CLARK, comp. Mem- orable addresses by American patriots, from collec- tion by John Clark Ridpath. Chicago, Elliott- Madison Co.; Cincinnati, Jones Bros. Pub. Co. [191-?] 112 p. port. 17/2 cm. E173.R5 Partial Contents.— Gettysburg address, by A. Lin- coln. — The new day, by W. L. Garrison. — Vision of the Civil War, by R. G. Ingersoll. — The new South, by H. W. Grady. 3594. RILEY, GARNET. Lincoln. [Titusville, Pa., 1929] folder ([4] p.) 24 cm. (M3130) P Cover title. A poem. Three pages of text. Ms. note at front of p. [1]: "Titusville, Pa., 1929." 3588. RIDDLE, ALBERT GALLATIN. The life of Benjamin F. Wade, by A. G. Riddle. Cleve- 3595. RIPLEY, EDWARD H. The capture and occupation of Richmond, April 3d, 1865. [New 339 York] G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1907. 31 p. illus., group port., facsims. 25 cm. E477.61.R5 Ms. note on flyleaf: "to Geo. W. Wickersham, Atty Gen'l of the United States, from his friend Edward H. Ripley, in answer to his question, May 17th, 1909." In red slipcase. 3596. RISDON, F. RAY. Ode to Lincoln's log cabin. Los Angeles, Calif., Priv. Print. [Spanish American Institute Press] 1925. [4] p., 1 1. mounted illus. 21 cm. (M2807) P "This edition limited to fifty copies, of which this is no. 6." White printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln mounted on cover. 3597. RISDON, F. RAY. Ode to Lincoln's log cabin and other verse. Gardena, Calif., Spanish American Institute Press, 1924. 14 p. mounted port. 21 cm. (M2807 note) P "This edition limited to one hundred copies, of which this is number 8." "Lincoln's log cabin" : p. 7-8. Gray printed wrappers. 3598. RISLEY, THEODORE G. Lincoln, the American. [n. p., 191 7?] 16 p. 24 cm. (M2333) P Cover and caption title. Title-page title: Abraham Lincoln anniversary, Thurs- day evening, February 15, 191 7, under auspices of Men's Circle of Richard Street M. E. Church, Joliet, Illinois. Address by Theodore G. Risley, Mt. Carmel, 111. Inscribed by the author. Printed wrappers. Lincoln profile embossed on cover. 3599. RISTER, CARL COKE. Robert E. Lee in Texas. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1946. xiii, 183 p., 1 1. illus., ports., map, plans. 21 cm. E467.1.L4R58 copy 3 "First edition." 3600. RITCHIE, ALEXANDER H. Ritchie's historical picture, death of President Lincoln, en- graved from the painting by A. H. Ritchie. New York, A. H. Ritchie, 1868. 11 p. illus. 18 cm. (M911) E457.52.R61 copy 2 On cover: Ritchie's picture, death of Lincoln. "Size of engraving 32/2 by 21/2 inches." Illustrated (folded frontispiece) with outline drawing of the picture. "Testimonials" : p. 6— 1 1. Printed wrappers. In black quarter-morocco slipcase. 3601. ROBBINS, FRANCIS L. A discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Greenhill Presbyterian Church, on Sunday evening, April 23, 1865. By the Rev. Frank L. Robbins. Philadelphia, H. B. Ashmead, Printer, 1865. 21 p. 21/2 cm. (M703) E457.52.R64 Cover title. "Published by request of the congregation for private distribution." Modern binding, green three-quarter-morocco with marbled sides. 3602. ROBERTS, OCTAVIA. Lincoln in Illi- nois. Drawings by Lester G. Hornby. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 19 18. xii, [2], 118, [2] p. illus. 26 cm. (M2388) E457.3.R64 copy 3 "This special large-paper edition is limited to one thousand copies." Boards. Cloth back. 3603. ROBERTSON, CONSTANCE (Noyes) . The Golden Circle, by Constance Robertson. New York, Random House [1951] 4 p. 1., 3-339 p. 21/2 cm. PS3535.O17965G6 "First printing." Historical novel based upon Copperhead activities in the Middle West, 1863. Boards. Cloth back. 3604. ROBERTSON, J. L. A sermon, com- memorative of our national bereavement preached April 19, 1865, in the Presbyterian Church, Geneva. [Gene]va, Wm. Johnson, 1865. 20 p. 23 cm. (M704) P Printed wrappers. 3605. ROBIE, FREDERICK. Abraham Lin- coln, an address by Bvt. Lt. Col. Frederick Robie, U. S. V., delivered before the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Com- mandery of the State of Maine, [n. p., 1908?] 29 p. port. 22/2 cm. (M1620) P Cover title. Cover inscribed : "Chas. T. White 1918." 3606. ROBINS, DANIEL MAURICE. Out of the heart of Kentucky, a rhymed story of the life of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated by Lottie B. Turner. [Boston, Christopher Pub. House, "1938] 4 p. 1., v-ix, n-96 p. illus., port., map. 24 cm. (M3648) E457.9.R65 copy 3 Title and dedication pages illustrated in color. Title page autographed by author and illustrator. 34° 3607. ROBINSON, CHARLES S. The mar- tyred President: a sermon preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., by the pas- tor, Rev. Chas. S. Robinson, on the morning of April 1 6th, 1865. New York, J. F. Trow, Printer, 1865. 31 p. 23/2 cm. (M705) E457.8.R65 copy 2 Blue cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3608. ROBINSON, HAMLINE E. The Lin- coln, Hanks and Boone families, by H. E. Robin- son. [Columbia, Mo., 1906] [72^84 p. 23 cm. CS71.L74 1906 copy 2 Cover title. A paper read at the fourth annual meeting of the Missouri Historical Society, December 9, 1904. Reprinted from Missouri Historical Review, vol. I, no. 1, October, 1906. Printed wrappers. 3609. ROBINSON, LUTHER E. Abraham Lincoln as a man of letters. Chicago, Reilly & Brit- ton [ c igi8] 342 p. ports. \gy 2 cm. (M2389) E457.2.R65 igi8copy3 "Selections from Lincoln's works": p. [2151-333. "Bibliographical note": p. 335—336. Dark blue cloth with gilt-stamped spine. 3610. Another edition. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1923. 344 p. ports. 21 cm. (M2389 var.) E457.2.R65 1923 copy 3 Title and copyright pages and p. 322-323 from differ- ent plates; p. [5]-32i from same plates as previous edition; p. 324-344 from same plates as p. 322-342, but repaged; contents page and list of illustrations reset. "Selections from Lincoln's works": p. [2i5]-335- "Bibliographical note": p. 337-338. Royal blue cloth with gilt-stamped spine. Line border blind-stamped on cover. 361 1. ROBINSON, LUTHER E. Ephraim Elmer Ellsworth, first martyr of the Civil War. [Springfield, 111., Phillip's Bros. Print, 1924] 24 p. port. 23 cm. E467.1.E47R6 "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, 1923." Printed wrappers. 3612. ROBINSON, WILLIAM S. "Warring- ton" pen-portraits; a collection of personal and political reminiscences, from 1848 to 1876, from the writings of William S. Robinson. Edited by Mrs. W. S. Robinson. Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, C. T. Dillingham, 1877. xvii, 587 p. port. 21 cm. F69.R66 "Memoir of 'Warrington.' By Mrs. VV. S. Robinson": p. 1-180. "John Brown and President Lincoln": p. 237-252. "Results of Pres. Lincoln's death": p. 304-321. Boards. Cloth back. 3613. Rochester, N. Y. Dept. of Public Instruc- tion. Commemorative exercises of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln in the public schools of Rochester, N. Y., afternoon of Monday, February 13th, 1899. [n. p., n. d.] 16 p. 25 cm. (Mi 247) P Cover title. Enclosed is a letter from Herbert S. Weet, Superintend- ent, Dept. of Public Instruction, Rochester, N. Y., to Mr. Albert H. Griffith, dated March 11, 1920. 3614. ROCKETT, A. L. Al and Ray Rockett present The Dramatic life of Abraham Lincoln. [San Francisco, Souvenir Book Pub. Co., c i924J. [15] p. illus., ports. 28 cm. (M2731) P Cover title. 3615. ROCKWOOD, GEORGE I. Cheever, Lincoln, and the causes of the Civil War. Worces- ter, Mass., Priv. Print, [by the Davis Press] 1936. 3 p. 1., 83, [1] p. 19/2 cm. (M3534) E458.R63 copy 3 Half-title: Cheever and slavery; running title: George Barrell Cheever, protagonist of abolition. "The following paper was read at a meeting of the American Antiquarian Society in Boston, April 15, 1936." — 3d prelim, leaf. "Published, May 1936." 3616. RODENBERG, WILLIAM A. Abraham Lincoln; address in the House of Representatives, February 12, 1916. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1916. folder (4 p.) 23J/2 cm. (M2267) E457.8.R68 copy 3 3617. ROE, JOHN P. The work of righteous- ness shall be peace: a Thanksgiving sermon, preached in the Methodist Episcopal Church, Osh- kosh, Wis., Dec. 7, 1865. Oshkosh, Northwestern Print., 1865. 26 p. 22 cm. P References to Lincoln: p. 19-21. Previously bound. 3618. R0NNING, NILS N. Abraham Lincoln. Udgivet i anledning af hans hundredears fodsels- 492745—60- -23 341 dag, den i2 te februar 1909. Efter de bedste engel- ske kilder ved N. N. Ronning. Minneapolis, K. C. Holter Pub. Co. [forord 1908] 128 p. illus., ports. 20 cm. (M3877) E457.R6 3619. ROGERS, AGNES. Abraham Lincoln; a biography in pictures with accompanying text. Boston, Little, Brown, 1939. [128] p. illus., ports. 18/2 cm. (M3710) E457.R74 copy 3 Portrait on title page. "First edition." 3620. ROGERS, ELMER E. Elmer E. Rogers on President Lincoln. [Chicago, 1909] folder ([4] p. ) 23 cm. (M1856) E457.8.R72 copy 2 Caption title. Summarized from several addresses delivered in the public schools of Chicago, under the auspices of the Lincoln Centennial Memorial Committee. 3621. [ROGERS, EUCLID B.] Lincoln at the Rotary Club, Springfield, Illinois, February 13, 1922. [n. p. 1922?] [5] p. 23 cm. (M2601) P Cover title. On p. [1]: Lincoln, an address by Rotarian Euclid B. Rogers. Inscribed by J. B. Oakleaf to Albert H. Griffith. Self-wrappers. 3622. ROGERS, HENRY MUNROE. The Lin- coln era. In commemoration of the one hundred and twentieth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1809. [Boston? 1929] 22 p., 1 1. 23/2 cm. (M3118 var.) E457.R76 copy 2 Cover title. Text on p. [2] of cover. At head of title: Commandery of the State of Massa- chusetts, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. "First printing, Lincoln's Birthday, February 12, 1929; second printing, Washington's Birthday, February 22, •929-" 3623. ROGERS, JAMES W. Madame Surratt, a drama in five acts, by J. W. Rogers. Washing- ton, T. J. Brashears, Printer, 1879. 148 p. 18 cm. (M962) E457.5.S985R6 1879 copies 4 & 5 Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 2). Copy 4 inscribed on cover: "Compliments of the author to Hon. Edward Clark." Copy 4 in lavender printed wrappers; inserted in red slipcase. Copy 5 previously bound. 3624. Another edition. Washington, Press of Judd & Detweiler [ c ig26] 135 p. port. 23 J/2 cm. (M962 var.) E457.5.S985R6 1926 copy 2 "Fourth edition." From different plates. Cream-colored boards. Suede back. Paper label on cover. 3625. Rogers (John B.) Producing Company, Fostoria, Ohio. Historical pageant in celebration of the centennial of Clinton, Illinois. Produced and staged by John B. Rogers Producing Co., Fostoria, Ohio. Pageant Master: F. P. Gorman. [Clinton, 111., 1935] [20] p. illus., ports. 20 cm. F549.C64R6 Page [19] refers to Lincoln in Clinton. Printed wrappers. 3626. ROMIG, EDNA DAVIS. Lincoln re- members. Philadelphia, Dorrance [ c i93o] 76 p. 20 cm. (Contemporary poets of Dorrance, 87) (M3232) E457.9.R77 copy 3 A sonnet sequence covering the period from April 25, 1 86 1, to April 14, 1865. Autographed by the author. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 3627. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, Pres. U. S. Abraham Lincoln; written for the Lincoln Farm Association. [Washington? 1908?] folder ([2] 1.) 21/2 cm. (M1622) E457.7.R6 Caption title. Two pages of text. 3628. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, Pres. U. S. Address at the Lincoln dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, February 13, 1905. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1905. 1 p. 1., 38 p. 21 cm. (M1476) E457.8.R78 copy 2 Bookplate of Charles T. White. Printed wrappers. 3629. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, Pres. U. S. Americanism and preparedness; speeches July to November, 19 16. New York, Mail and Express Job Print, 1917. 145 p. 22/2 cm. E769.R7 Scattered references to Lincoln. Ms. note on end paper: "To Charles T. White from John W. McGrath." 3630. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, Pres. U. S. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt's Lincoln Day Speech, Hotel Astor, New York City, February 12, 1913. 342 New York, Progressive National Committee [19 13] 14 p. 25 cm. (Progressive Service documents. D2, Mar. 1913) (M2103) P Cover title. Autographed by Theodore Roosevelt. 3631. ROOT, ELIHU. Abraham Lincoln; ad- dress at Parliament square, London. Presenting Saint Gaudens' statue of Lincoln to the British people in behalf of the American donors, July 28, 1920. [n. p., 1920?] 7 p. 25 cm. (var. of (?) M2478) P Cover title. Inscribed by the author on the cover. Enclosed is a letter from the author to Mr. Charles T. White, dated October 23, 1920. 3632. Rosenbach Company, firm, booksellers, Philadelphia. The surrender of Lee and the as- sassination of Lincoln, April, 1865; an exhibition of historical documents commemorating the seventy- fifth anniversary, April and May 1940. Philadel- phia, The Rosenbach Co. [1940] 26 p. facsims. 23J/2 cm. Z1242.Z9R8 copies 3 & 4 On cover: April, 1865. Printed wrappers. 3633. ROSKE, RALPH J., and CHARLES VAN DOREN. Lincoln's commando; the biography of Commander W. B. Cushing, U. S. N. New York, Harper [1957] x, 310 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. E467.1.C98R6 copies 3 & 4 End paper maps. Boards. Cloth back. 3634. ROSS, ALEXANDER M. Recollections and experiences of an abolitionist; from 1855 to 1865. By A. M. Ross. Toronto, Roswell, Hutchi- son, 1875. 5 P- 1-5 [xiiij-xv, 224 p. ports. 18/2 cm. E450.R82 copy 3 Scattered references to Lincoln. 3635. ROSS, HARVEY LEE. Lincoln's first years in Illinois, a reprint of "Early pioneers and pioneer events." With introduction, annotations and chronology by Rufus Rockwell Wilson. El- mira, N. Y., Primavera Press, 1946. xxxvii, 72 p. ports. 22 cm. E457.3.R78 1946 copy 3 "Five hundred and fifty copies of this edition . . . have been printed. This is copy number 177 and is signed by Rufus Rockwell Wilson." 3636. ROSS, ISHBEL. Rebel Rose; life of Rose O'Neal Greenhow, Confederate spy. New York, Harper [1954] xiii, 294 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22 cm. E608.G83R6 copy 3 "First edition." Autographed. Boards. Cloth back. 3637. ROSS, ISHBEL. Proud Kate, portrait of an ambitious woman. New York, Harper [ c i953J 309 p. illus. 2 1 J/2 cm. E415.9.S76R6 copy 3 "First edition." A biography of Catherine Chase, the daughter of Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury and Chief Justice under Lincoln. 3638. ROSS, MALCOLM. The man who lived backward. New York, Farrar, Straus [1950] 3 p. 1., 461 p. 21 cm. PS3535.O74817M3 Science-fiction about a man who was born in 1940 and lived his whole life backward in time, until 1865, when he was killed attempting to prevent Lincoln's assassination. 3639. ROTHSCHILD, ALONZO. "Honest Abe"; a study in integrity based on the early life of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 191 7. 5 p. 1., 374 p., 1 1. 2 ports. 22 cm. (M2334) E457.3.R84 copy 3 "Alonzo Rothschild, memoir by John Rothschild" : p. [2851-306. Bibliography: p. [307]-3'9- End paper inscribed: "Alfred Whital Stern December 1923-" Blue cloth, lettered in gilt. 3640. Another issue. 23 cm. (M2334 var.) E457.3.R85 "Three hundred and thirty copies of this uncut edition." End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 17." Boards, with black cloth back and blue paper sides. Paper label on spine. 3641. ROTHSCHILD, ALONZO. Lincoln, master of men; a study in character. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1906. 5 p. 1., 531 p. illus., ports. 22J/2 cm. (var. of M1511) E457.R841 "Published March 1906." Colophon on verso of title-page: "Of this edition one hundred and fifty copies have been printed and bound wholly uncut with paper label." "A list of the books cited": p. [4271-438. Green cloth, with paper label on spine. 343 3642. Another issue. (M1511) E457.R84 copy 3 Without colophon on verso of title page. Red cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. Gilt top. 3643. Another issue. [1924, "1906] 4 p. 1., 531 p. (Misiivar.) E457.R843 "Anniversary edition." "Fifteenth Impression, March 1924." Title and copyright pages reset. Illustrations and list of such removed. Red cloth, lettered in gilt on spine. 3644. ROVER, W. W. Abraham Lincoln in 1848, secessionist. And text book in 1824 instruct- ing cadets in their constitutional duties as future officers of the United States army, also openly in- sists on supremacy of the states and right of seces- sion. [Burnsville? N. C, 1924?] 26 p. 16 cm. (M2736) E457.4.R68 copy 2 Cover title. Back cover stamped with seal of the Mississippi Depart- ment of Archives and History. 3645. ROWLAND, JOSEPH G. Abraham Lin- coln. A paper prepared and read [May 3, 1900] before the Kansas Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. By Companion Maj. J. G. Rowland. [Leaven- worth? Kan., 1900?] 12 p. 23 cm. (Kansas Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. War paper no. 20) (M1302) E457.8.R88 X copy Letter of transmittal from the Recorder, Loyal Legion, Leavenworth, Kans., to Albert H. Griffith, laid in. Printed wrappers. 3646. Roycroft. v. 3, Feb. 1919. East Aurora, N. Y., The Roycrofters, AP2.R865 v. 3 X copy "Abraham Lincoln, liberator of men, man of the people!": p. 176. "Abraham Lincoln, from a poem by Richard L. Johnson.": p. 177. 3647. RUDEEN, E. F. Abraham Lincoln, the ideal Christian. Los Angeles, Calif., 1921 [ c 1 9 1 g] 35 P- '5/2 cm - ( M 253°) E457.2.R91 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3648. RUDEEN, E. F. Lincoln a Christian, though not a "Campbellite." [Los Angeles, 1923] folder ([3] p.) 17/2 cm. (M2664) P (3 copies) Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. A third copy (M2664 var. ) follows portrait with: Los Angeles, California 1923. 3649. RUDEEN, E. F. Lincoln and world peace. West Los Angeles, Lincoln Government League [1934?] 12 p. 16 cm. (var. of (?) M2665) P Cover title. Self-wrappers. 3650. RUDEEN, E. F. Linconian [sic] united nations plan. Los Angeles, Calif. [192-?] [12] p. 15/2 cm. (M2531) P Cover title. Autographed by the author. 3651. RUGG, ARTHUR P. Abraham Lincoln in Worcester; an address delivered before the mem- bers of the Worcester Society of Antiquity, on De- cember 7, 1909. Worcester, Mass., Belisle Print, and Pub. Co., 1914. 15 p. 23 cm. (M2162) E457.4.R92 copies 1 & 2 Cover title. 3652. RUGGLES, ELEANOR. Prince of play- ers: Edwin Booth. New York, W. W. Norton [ Cj 953] xii, 401 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. PN2287.B5R9 copy 3 "First edition." "Notes on sources": p. 377-386. 3653. RULE, LUCIEN V. Forerunners of Lin- coln in the Ohio Valley. With historic summaries by Chas. R. Erdman [and others] Louisville, Ky., Press of Brandt & Fowler, 1927. xxii, 299,[6] p. illus., ports. 24 cm. F516.R8 Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 3654. RUPP, LOUIS G. The life of Abraham Lincoln, by L. G. Rupp. Springfield, 111., Abra- ham Lincoln Pub. Co., c i934- [4] p. 23 x 10 cm. (M3452) E457.R95 copy 3 Cover title. 3655. [RUSLING, JAMES F.] Lincoln and Sickles, [n. p.] Third Army Corps Union, 19 10. [17] p. 17/2 cm. (M1954) E457.15.R95 copy 3 Cover title. "Address of General James F. Rusling at the 46th Anniversary of the Third Army Corps, Union, Hotel Manhattan, New York, May 5, 19 ro. Sickles and Lin- 344 coin after Gettysburg; or Abraham Lincoln's religious faith": p. [5H13] Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3656. RUSSELL, DONALD B. Lincoln was tough on officers, by Don Russell. Chicago, The Poor Richard Press, 1943. [7] P- 2 5 l A cm - P "Reprinted from [v. 34 of the] Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society." "Expanded from an article that appeared in the Chicago Daily News, Feb. 10, 1940." Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 3657. RUSSELL, LILLIE E. Abraham Lincoln; a contribution toward a bibliography, by L. E. Russell. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Printed by the Torch Press for the Torch Press Book Shop, 19 10. 24 p. 18 cm. (Migssvar.) Z8505.Z9T7 copy 3 "Catalog no. 21. October 1910." "The literature of Lincoln," [by] H. E. Miner: p. [3]-4- Page 4 inscribed: "One of 50 copies bound in this way [t. e. in boards. Signed] William Harry Miner [publisher]" 3658. RUSSELL, PETER. Our great national reproach and the counsel of Ahithophel turned into foolishness. Two sermons preached in St. James' Church, Eckley, Penna . . . The first on the oc- casion of the funeral solemnities of President Lin- coln. The second on the late fast day, (June 1st. ) Philadelphia, King & Baird, Printers, 1865. 30 p. 23 cm. (M710) E457.8.R97 copy 4 Cover title (?). Previously bound (?). 3659. RUSSELL, Sir WILLIAM HOWARD. My diary North and South. London, Bradbury, Evans, 1863. 2 v. (424, 442 p.) fold. map. 20/2 cm. E167.R96 copy 3 The author was acting as war correspondent for the London Times. Scattered references to President and Mrs. Lincoln. Blue cloth, with blind-stamped ornamental borders on covers and gilt-stamped spine. Unopened and un- trimmed. 3660. Another edition. Edited and introduced by Fletcher Pratt. New York, Harper [1954] xiii, 268 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. E167.R9635 copy 3 On copyright page : First edition. A "new edition" with extensive removal of material considered to be of little interest to the modern reader. Cf. p. ix. Bound in cloth, with light blue sides, and black spine lettered in white. 3661. RUTHERFORD, MILDRED LEWIS. Miss Rutherford's historical notes (formerly Scrap book), v. 1-5, Jan.-May 1927. Contrasted lives of Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln. Athens, Ga., Mildred L. Rutherford [1927] 40, 20, 23, 32, 20 p. 24 cm. (M2875) F206.R952 2d set Cover titles. Two copies of v. 3 are present in the collection. 3662. RUTHERFORD, MILDRED LEWIS. Miss Rutherford's scrap book; valuable informa- tion about the South, v. 2, Jan. 1924. The as- sassination of Abraham Lincoln. Athens, Ga., Mildred L. Rutherford [1924] 25 p. 24 cm. (M2737) F206.R95 2d set Cover title. 3663. RUTHERFORD, MILDRED LEWIS. The South must have her rightful place in history. Athens, Ga., 1923. 1 p. 1., 50 p. 23 J/2 cm. (M2666) F210.R9964 copy 3 Cover title. Cover inscribed: "Mr. White." Self-wrappers. 3664. RUTHERFORD, MILDRED LEWIS, comp. Truths of history, presented by Mildred Lewis Rutherford, Athens, Georgia. A fair, un- biased, impartial, unprejudiced and conscientious study of history. Object : to secure a peaceful set- tlement of the many perplexing questions now caus- ing contention between the North and the South. [Athens? Ga., 1920?] 13, xi, 114 p. 22J/2 cm. (M2479) E459.R97 copy 3 Cover title. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Brown half-morocco. Item 2331 bound in. 3665. RUTHERFORD, MILDRED LEWIS. Wrongs of history righted; address delivered by Miss Mildred Lewis Rutherford, historian general, United Daughters of the Confederacy [at] Savan- nah, Georgia, Friday, Nov. 13, 1914. [n. p., 1914?] 35 P- 2 3 cm - E650.R97 1914a Cover title. "Jefferson Davis vs. Abraham Lincoln": p. 18-23. Self-wrappers. 3666. RYAN, DANIEL J. Lincoln and Ohio. Foreword by Charles B. Galbreath. Columbus, 345 Ohio, State Archaeological and Historical Society, 1923. v, 281 p. illus., port. 23 cm. (M2667) E457.R98 co Py 3 Reprinted from the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, vol. XXII, no. 1. Printed wrappers. 3667. RYAN, EDWARD J. Comes an echo on the breeze. New York, Exposition Press [1949] 202 p. map. 22^/2 cm. E457.9.R9 copy 3 Story about Lincoln and the Black Hawk War. Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. 3668. RYAN, OSWALD. "Abraham Lincoln." An address, by Hon. Oswald Ryan, of Anderson, delivered before the joint session of the Indiana Legislature in the chamber of the House of Repre- sentatives, at Indianapolis, February 12, 1929. [Indianapolis? 1929] 11 p. 22J/2 cm. (M3131) E457.8.R98 copy 3 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 3669. St. John's herald, v. 28, Jan. 1, 1933. Stroudsburg, Pa., St. John's Commandery, Order Knights of Malta. CR4731.U6S3 v. 28 X copy "Lincoln number." "Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865": p. [12-13], 20. "Lincoln, the hoosier youth" : p. 19. Letter on Lincoln's father, from Louis A. Warren: p. 19. "The youthful challenger": p. 19. 3670. St. Louis. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Abraham Lincoln from the cradle to the grave. Lincoln Museum . . . [St. Louis?] Stand- ard Ptg. Co. [1904] folder ([2] p.) illus. 17/2 cm. (M3951) P Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3671. SAKURAI, HIKOICHIRO. Rinkon mon- ogatari [Story of Lincoln] [Tokyo, Teibi Shup- pansha, 1913] 3,426 p., 1 1. illus., ports. 22/2 cm. (var. of M3918) U "Fourth printing. Originally published, 19 12." Stern copy imperfect: all before the table of contents wanting. Black gilt-stamped cloth. 3672. Another edition. [1922] 2 p. 1., 8, 524 p., 1 1. port. 15/2 cm. (M3918) U "Fifteenth printing, 1922." From different plates. Chapter 26 of previous edition, contributed by Inazo Nitobe, and most of the illustrative matter, omitted. Title page author: Oson Sakurai [pseud.] Gray gilt-stamped cloth. 3673. SAMPLE, ROBERT F. The curtained throne : a sermon, suggested by the death of Presi- dent Lincoln. Preached in the Presbyterian Church of Bedford, Pa., April 23, 1865, and re- peated April 30, 1865. Philadelphia, J. S. Clax- ton, 1865. 32 p. 23 cm. (M713) E457.8.Si9copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3674. SAMPSON, FLEM D. Abraham Lincoln, the Kentuckian. [New York? 1929] 18 p. port. 21/2 x 8/2 cm. (M3129) P Cover title. "Delivered before the National Republican Club of New York City, February 12, 1929." Author's inscribed presentation copy to Charles T. White. (Letter of transmittal, dated Feb. 27, 1929, laid in.) 3675. SANDBURG, CARL. Abe Lincoln grows up. With illustrations by James Daugherty. New York, Harcourt, Brace [ c i928] 4 p. 1., 3-222 p., 1 1. illus. 23/2 cm. (M2878) E457-3-S23 copy 3 "Reprinted from [the author's] 'Abraham Lincoln: the prairie years.' " 3676. SANDBURG, CARL. Abraham Lincoln. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1941. 6 v. illus., ports., maps, plans, facsims. 24 cm. E457.S214 "The Sangamon edition." Contents. — I— II. The prairie years. — III-VI. The war years. Inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. Red cloth, lettered in gilt on spine. 3677. Another edition. New York, Harcourt, Brace [1954] xiv, 762 p. illus., ports., maps. 24^2 cm. E457.S215 copy 6 "First edition." "One volume edition." "Endpapers designed by Edward Steichen." Issued under title: Abraham Lincoln: the Prairie Years and the War Years. Red cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. 346 3678. SANDBURG, CARL. Abraham Lincoln; demokrat, manniskovan. Stockholm, Natur och kultur [1944] 419 p. illus.j ports., maps. 23/2 cm. E457.S2 copy 2 "Originalets titel: Abraham Lincoln ('The prairie years' och 'The war years') ." "Oversattningen ar utford av Nils Holmberg." Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. In brown slipcase. 3679. SANDBURG, CARL. Abraham Lincoln; the prairie years. New York, Harcourt, Brace [1926?] 34 p. illus^ ports. 23/2 cm. (M2876) E457.3.S2293 Cover title. A prospectus (chiefly sample chapters). 2500 copies. "Contains one hitherto unpublished, authentic Lincoln story which does not appear in the book." 3680. SANDBURG, CARL. Abraham Lincoln; the prairie years. With 105 illustrations from photographs, and many cartoons, sketches, maps, and letters. New York, Harcourt, Brace [ e i926] 2 v. (3 p. 1., vii-xvi, 480, vi, 482 p.) illus., ports., maps, facsims. 24/2 cm. (M2877 var) E457.3.S22 copy 4 "The first edition ... is limited to 260 copies on imported Dutch charcoal rag paper, numbered and signed by the author, of which 250 copies are for sale. This number 161." Blue boards. Cream-colored cloth and paper label on spine. Gilt top. Blue end papers. Untrimmed. In brown solander case. Same binding as that of the preceding issue, but with plain top. 3683. Another edition. With illustrations from photographs and many cartoons, sketches, maps, and letters. [1929, c i926] xiv, 604 p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 24 cm. (M2877 var.) E 457-3- S2 285 "Abridged edition in one volume." From different plates. "Published, February, 1929." Fewer illustrations, some not in preceding edition, though in the first edition. Cream-colored cloth, lettered in blue on cover and spine. 3684. SANDBURG, CARL. Abraham Lincoln; the war years. New York, Harcourt, Brace ["1939] 4 v. illus. ports., maps, facsims. 27 cm. (M3711 var.) E457.4.S35 copy 3 "With 414 half-tones of photographs and 249 cuts of cartoons, letters, documents." "The first edition ... is limited to 525 copies on all rag paper, numbered and signed by the author . . . This is number 99." Bound in brown cloth. Facsimile of Lincoln autograph gilt-stamped on cover. Gilt top. Paper label on spine. 3685. Another issue. 24 cm. (M3711) E457.4.S36 co Py 5 "First edition after printing 525 de luxe copies." Bound in blue cloth. Facsimile of Lincoln autograph blind-stamped on cover. Yellow top. Spine imprinted in gold. Inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. 3681. Another issue. [1927] (var. of M2877) E457.3.S226 copy 2 "Second printing, January, 1926." Verso of first preliminary leaf and copyright page reset. Dark green cloth, gilt-stamped on spine. Lincoln's jackknife signature blind-stamped on cover. Yellow top. 3682. Another issue. With 34 illustrations from photographs, and many cartoons, sketches, maps, and letters. [1927, c i926] 3 p. 1., vii-xiii p., 2 1., 3-480 p., 1 1., 482 p. 22/2 cm. (M2877 var.) E457.3.S2262 "Seventh printing, December, 1927." One-volume edition. First preliminary leaf, title and copyright pages, table of illustrations, etc. reset. Illustrations same, but fewer in number. 3686. SANDBURG, CARL. Always the young strangers. New York, Harcourt, Brace [1953] 8 p. 1., 15-445 P- ports, (on lining papers) 24 J/2 cm. PS3537 A ° I 8Z5 1953 copy 6 "First printing." "The first edition . . . limited to 600 copies on all rag paper numbered and signed by the author . . . This is number 218." Autobiographical. Occasional reference to Lincoln. Dark blue buckram with paper label on spine. Blue top. In blue-gray three-quarter-closed case. 3687. Another issue. 7 p. 1., 15-445 P- 22 cm - PS3537.A618Z5 1953 copy 5 Copyright page reset. Autographed by the author. Green cloth, silver-stamped on cover and spine. Green top. 347 3688. SANDBURG, CARL. Complete poems. New York, Harcourt, Brace [1950] xxix, 676 p. 24 cm. PS3537.A618 1950 copy 4 "First edition." Autographed by the author. "The long shadow of Lincoln: a litany": p. 635-637. 3689. SANDBURG, CARL. Home front memo. New York, Harcourt, Brace [1943] x, 310 p. illus. 21 cm. PS3537.A618H6 copy 3 A collection of the author's pamphlets, speeches, broad- casts, poems, etc. "First edition." "The unfathomed Lincoln": p. [i]-20. 3690. SANDBURG, CARL. Lincoln collector; the story of Oliver R. Barrett's great private collec- tion. New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1949. 4 p. 1., ix-xvi, 344 p. illus., ports., facsims. 25 cm. E457.65.S3 copy 6 "First edition." "Limited to 2425 copies . . . This is copy number 2050. [Signed] Carl Sandburg [and] Oliver R. Barrett." Four-page prospectus laid in. Also one-page "Tribute to Oliver R. Barrett," signed by Mr. Sandburg and dated March 8, 1950. Bound in blue buckram, with simulated label on spine and maroon top. In three-quarter-closed case. 3691. Another issue. 1950. 3 p. 1., ix-xvi, 344 p. 24/2 cm. E457.65.S3 copy 7 Title page, copyright page, and p. 341-344 of the index reset. Bound in blue buckram. Gilt lettering on spine. Yel- low top. 3692. SANDBURG, CARL. Maria Lincoln, esposa y viuda; primera parte por Carl Sandburg, segunda parte, cartas, documentos y apendice, por Paul M. Angle. Version castellana de Augusto Drien. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Ercilla, 1943. 2 p. 1., [7]-26i p. 22 cm. (Coleccion Contempo- raneos) E457.25.S266 copy 2 3693. SANDBURG, CARL. Mary Lincoln, wife and widow; part I, by Carl Sandburg; part II, letters, documents & appendix, by Paul M. Angle. New York, Harcourt, Brace [ C I932] 3 p. 1., v-xii, 357 p. illus., ports., facsims. 24/2 cm. (M3349 var.) E457.25.S26 copy 3 "This first edition is limited to two hundred sixty signed copies of which two hundred fifty are for sale. This is number 53. [Signed] Carl Sandburg [and] Paul M. Angle." "Acknowledgments and sources" : p. v— viii. Blue cloth, with tan-cloth back, gilt top, and paper label on spine. Boxed. 3694. Another issue. 22/2 cm. 2 p. 1., v-xii, 357 p. (var. of (?) M3349) E457.25.S262 copy 6 Without limited edition statement. Title page and list of illustrations (p. xi-xii) partially reset. Order of illus- trations differs. Blue cloth, with spine imprinted in yellow. Yellow top. 3695. Another issue, (var. of (?) M3349) E 457-25-S262 copy 5 "Second printing [first trade edition] November, 1932." Identical to the preceding issue in its title page. Order of illustrations that of item 3693, but the list on p. xi-xii differs slightly in pagination. Salmon-colored cloth imprinted in black on cover and spine. Rose-colored top. 3696. SANDBURG, CARL. The Sandburg range. New York, Harcourt, Brace [1957] xvii, 459 p. illus., ports. 25 cm. PS3537.A618A6 1957 copy 4 Selections from the author's works. 3697. SANDBURG, CARL. Storm over the land; a profile of the Civil War taken mainly from Abraham Lincoln: the war years, by Carl Sand- burg. With 60 halftones from photographs, and 98 drawings, maps, and sketches. New York, Har- court, Brace [1942] 5 p. 1., 3-440 p. illus., ports., maps. 22/2 cm. E468.S15 copy 5 "First edition." Issued also in an edition of 250 pages (London, J Cape [i943])- Fly leaf inscribed by the author to Agnes and Alfred Stern. Detached copy of Paul M. Angle's review in The Chicago Sun Book Week, Nov. 1, 1942, laid in. Gray cloth, imprinted in maroon and black on spine. Maroon top. 3698. Another issue. 7 p. 1., 3-440 p. E468.S15 copy 6 "Autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club." Copyright page without edition statement. Same binding. Red top. 3699. SANDBURG, CARL. Tormenta sobre la tierra; Lincoln y la guerra civil estadounidense. [Traduccion directa de Nestor R. Ortiz Oderigo] 348 B[ueno]s Aires, Editorial Futuro [1945] 301 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. E468.S157 Taken mainly from the author's Abraham Lincoln; the War Years. "Titulo del original en ingles: Storm Over the Land." Boards. 3700. SANFORD, CARLTON E. Letters, essays, and biographical sketches, by C. E. Sanford. [Sara- toga Springs, N. Y., The Saratogian Print, pref. 1907] vi p., 1 1., 387 p. illus., ports. 25 cm. PS2764.S43Z5 "Lincoln's Gettysburg address. Was it written on the train to the battlefield? Spoken at G. A. R. encampment at Potsdam, August, 1905": p. [20,i]-30i. 3701. [SANFORD, CHARLES ADDISON] Two letters on the event of April 14, 1865 . . . [Ann Arbor? Mich., 1946] 1 p. 1., facsim. ([8] p.), 1 1. 21 cm. E457.52.S2 copy 3 "First published as Bulletin 47 of the Clements library, University of Michigan, February 12, 1946." "The two letters facsimiled herewith for the first time were written by Charles Addison Sanford to . . . Edward Payson Goodrich." On cover: April 14, 1865. Printed wrappers. 3702. SANGER, DONALD BRIDGMAN. James Longstreet: I. Soldier, by Donald Bridgman Sanger. II. Politician, officeholder, and writer, by Thomas Robson Hay. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press [1952] viii, 460 p. ports., maps, facsim. 24 cm. E467.1.L55S32 copy 4 One or two references to Lincoln. 3703. Santa Barbara College, Santa Barbara, Calif. Lincoln library, William Wyles' collection of Lincolniana and Americana. [n. p. folder ([3] p.) 16 cm. (M3579) Cover title. 1937: 3704. SANTOVENIA y ECHAIDE, EME- TERIO S. Lincoln, by Emeterio S. Santovenia. Buenos Aires, Editorial Americalee [1948] 469 p. 21 cm. E457.S23 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3705. SANTOVENIA y ECHAIDE, EME- TERIO S. Lincoln, el precursor de la buena vecindad, [by] Emeterio S. Santovenia. Habana, Editorial Unidad, 1 95 1 . 370 p. 20 cm. E457.2.S3 copy 3 Bibliography: p. [3611-365- Printed wrappers. 3706. SANTOVENIA y ECHAIDE, EME- TERIO S. Lincoln en Marti; prologo de Felix Lizaso, dibujos de Jorge Rigol, [by] Emeterio S. Santovenia. Habana, Editorial Tropico [1948] 157 p. illus. 23 cm. E457.S234 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3707. SANTOVENIA TERIO S. Lincoln in Abraham Lincoln, by Translated by Donald introduction by Manuel Hill, University of Nor xiii, 75 p. 24/2 cm. y ECHAIDE, EME- Marti, a Cuban view of Emeterio S. Santovenia. F. Fogelquist. With an Pedro Gonzalez. Chapel th Carolina Press [1953] E 457 s 2343 co P ies 3 & 4 3708. SAREDO, GIUSEPPE. Abramo Lincoln; lettura fatta nella gran sala della R. Universita di Siena. Firenze, Per gli editori della Scienza del popolo, 1868. 47 p. 15 cm. (La Scienza del popolo, ser. 5, v. 27 ) ( M3825 ) E457.8.S24 1868 copies 1 & 2 Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht mounted inside back cover of copy 2. Printed wrappers. (Copy 1 bound with original wrap- pers in green three-quarter-morocco.) 3709. SARGENT, GEORGE CLARK, ed. The American political classics: Jefferson, Washington and Lincoln. Edited . . . for the use of the Lux School of Industrial Training. [San Francisco, The Recorder Print, and Pub. Co.] 1920. 59 p. 18/2 cm. (M2480) JK11 1920b copy 2 Extract from the Declaration of Independence; Wash- ington's Farewell Address; Lincoln's Gettysburg speech, and second inaugural address. Boards. 3710. SARMIENTO, DOMINGO F., Pres. Argentine Republic. Vida de Abran Lincoln, decimo sesto presidente de los Estados Unidos. Pre- cidida [!] de una introduccion, por D. F. Sarmiento. Nueva York, D. Appleton, 1866. xlviii, 306 p. port. 19/2 cm. (M3813) E457.S24 copy 2 Author's autographed presentation copy to George W. Biggs. Dark brown full-morocco, with gilt edges and comb marbled end papers. 492745—60- •2 4 349 37 11 - Another edition, xlviii, 308, p. (M3813 var.) E457.S241 copy 2 "Segunda edicion, correjida y aumentada." Mostly from same plates. Title page corrected (i. e., "precidida" changed to "precedida" ) . Four pages of advertising matter at end of book. "Tributo a Abran Lincoln," por Juano Manzo: p. [3071-308. Lavender rippled cloth. Yellow end papers. 3712. SAROLEA, CHARLES. President Mas- aryk. and the spirit of Abraham Lincoln. Prague, Orbis, 1921. 2 p. 1., [1], 3-23, 3-23 p. port. 23 cm. (M3897) DB217.M3S3 copy 4 English and Bohemian; added title page in Bohemian. Bohemian translation by V. A. Jung. Opposite pages numbered in duplicate. Printed wrappers. 3713. SATTERLEE, ALFRED H. An arrange- ment of medals and tokens struck in honor of the presidents of the United States, and of the presi- dential candidates, from the administration of John Adams to that of Abraham Lincoln, inclu- sive. Described chiefly from originals in the possession of the compiler and of Robert Hewitt, Jr., esq. New York, Printed for the Author [by Dodge & Grattan] 1862. 84 p. 25/2 cm. (M160) CJ5803.S2 copy 2 Title page printed in red. Medals 256-313 (p. 61-71) relate to Lincoln. Boards. In dark blue quarter-morocco slipcase. 3714. The Saturday evening post. v. 213, Feb. 15, 1 94 1. Philadelphia, Curtis Pub. Co. AP2.S2 v. 213 X copy "Lincoln lived here," by F. N. Pond: p. 14-15, 59-60, 63. "Is this Lincoln?": p. [27], 67, 70. 3715. Saturday review, v. 37, Feb. 13, 1954. New York, Saturday Review Associates, Inc. Z1219.S25 v. 37, Xcopy "With malice toward none . . . (except Lincoln's wife)" by R. P. Randall: p. 11-12,50-51. 3716. SAVAGE, MINOT J. Some lessons from the life of Abraham Lincoln, by M. J. Savage. Boston, New York, G. H. Ellis, 1900. 19 p. 20/2 cm. (His Sermons, vol. IV. no. 18) (Mi 303) E457.8.S26 copy 2 Cover title. At head of title: Messiah pulpit, New York (being a continuation of Unity Pulpit, Boston). 3717. SAW AD A, KEN. Dorei kaiho ehichi Rinkan [Lincoln, father of slave emancipation] [Tokyo, Kaiseisha, 1950] 1 p. 1., 290, [1], 7 p. illus. 18 cm. U Final seven pages, advertising matter. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3718. SCHAEFER, CARL W. Behold the man! Address at the unveiling of the Niehaus bust of Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Memorial University. Harrogate, Tenn., Lincoln Memorial University, Department of Lincolniana [1940] 6 p. illus. 24I/2 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, v. 42, no. 5, October 1940." "500 copies." Self-wrappers. 3719. SCHAEFFER, SAMUEL CARLYLE. Abraham Lincoln, his destiny and religion. [Coast Dispatch, Encinitas, Calif. [1932?] 16 p. 16 cm. (M3350) P Cover title. Autographed by the author. 3720. SCHAUFFLER, ROBERT HAVEN, ed. Lincoln's birthday; a comprehensive view of Lin- coln as given in the most noteworthy essays, or- ations and poems, in fiction and in Lincoln's own writings. New York, Moffat, Yard, 1909. 4 p. 1., ix-xiv, 386 p. port. 19 cm. (Our American holidays) (M1862) E457.15.S31 copy 2 Series title also at head of title page. Yellow cloth, with white lettering on cover and blue lettering on spine. Decorated end papers. 3721. Another issue. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1930 [ c i9og] 6 p. 1., ix-xiv, 386 p. 19/2 cm. (var. of M1862) E457.15.S31 1930 From same plates, but with title and copyright pages reset and with the addition of a three-page foreword by John Drinkwater, dated Mar. 21, 192 1. Red cloth with black lettering on cover and spine. End papers plain. 3722. SCHECHTER, SOLOMON. Abraham Lincoln; memorial address delivered at the Lin- coln centennial celebration of the Jewish Theologi- cal Seminary of America, by S. Schechter. New York, 1909. 29 p. 21 cm. (M1863) E 457-8.S3i copy 3 Printed wrappers. 350 3723. SCHECHTER, SOLOMON. Seminary addresses and other papers, by S. Schechter. Cin- cinnati, Ark Pub. Co., 1915. xiv p., 1 1., 253 p. port. 21/2 cm. BM45.S25 copy 3 "Abraham Lincoln": p. [i45]-i68. 3724. SCHELL, STANLEY. Lincoln celebra- tions — Part 2; compiled, arranged and written by Stanley Schell. New York, E. S. Werner & Co., c igio. 191, [1] p. facsim. 19 cm. (Werner's readings and recitations, no. 46) (Mi 956 note) PN4199.W5 No. 46 2d set 3725. SCHEWE, EDWARD F. At Lincoln's tomb, a meditation. [Los Angeles, Lincoln Fellow- ship of Southern California, 1942] folder ([2] p.) 19 cm. P "One hundred copies printed . . ." Autographed by the author. 3726. SCHEWE, EDWARD F. Washington and Lincoln, a comparison and a contrast, by Edward F. Schewe, together with a poem, Patriots in para- dise, by Frank Brooks Cowgill. With a foreword by Ralph G. Lindstrom. [Los Angeles?] Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California, 1942. 3 p. 1., 9-32 p., 1 1. 22/2 cm. E312.63.S45 copy 3 "One hundred fifty copies . . . printed by the Insti- tute Press ... at Los Angeles. [Signed] Earl C. Wood." On flyleaf: "Inscribed for Hon. Chas. P. White at the request of his friend, F. Ray Risdon [Signed] Edward F. Schewe." Foreword autographed by Lindstrom, p. 23 by Schewe, flyleaf and p. 32 by Cowgill. Letter of trans- mittal from Risdon to White, laid in. Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 3727. SCHLUTER, HERMAN. Abraham Lin- coln and the working class, by Herman Schleuter [sic] Girard, Kans., Appeal Pub. Co. [19 — ] 62 p. 13 cm. (People's pocket series, no. 159, ed. by E. Haldeman-Julius) (var. of M2738/2739) P Printed wrappers. 3728. SCHLUTER, HERMAN. Lincoln, labor and slavery; a chapter from the social history of America. New York, Socialist Literature Co., 1913. 2 37 P- ! 9 cm - (M2105) HD8070.S35 copy 3 3729. SCHOULER, JAMES. Abraham Lincoln at Tremont Temple in 1848. [n. p., 1909] 14 p. 24/2 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, January, 1909." 3730. SCH0YEN, DAVID MONRAD. Presi- dent Lincolns snigmord ; en kort skildring af Abra- ham Lincolns mord, sammensvaergelsen og andre begivenheder, der stod i forbindelse dermed, saavel- som levnetsbeskrivelser af Seward, Stanton og Booth. Chicago, N. Sampson, 1880. 166 p. illus., ports. 1 7 J/2 cm. ( Amerikanske fortaellinger, no. 3) (M3841) E457.5.S63 copy 2 Frontispiece missing. Pink printed boards. Green cloth back. 3731. Another copy. (M3841) E457.5.S63 Author's autographed presentation copy to Rasmus P. Anderson. Dark maroon cloth, with gilt lettering on cover. 3732. SCHRADER, FRED L. Abraham Lin- coln, "the pioneer." Presented to the Texas Com- pany, New York City, Feb. 20, 1952. [Springfield? 111., 1952?] 43 p. illus., ports. 14 cm E457-35- s 33 "Historical data used herein condensed from 'Lincoln's New Salem' by Dr. Benjamin P. Thomas." — p. 7. Wrappers, illustrated with portrait of Lincoln. 3733. Die schreckliche Tragodie in Washington. Ermordung des Prasidenten Lincoln. Seine letz- ten Stunden und die Todesscenen. Ein ausfiihrli- cher und zuverlassiger Bericht dieses grossen Na- tional-Ungliicks. Mordanschlage auf Sekretar Seward, Vice-Prasident Johnson und das ganze Cabinet. Biographische Skizzen nebst getreuen Portraits sammtlicher Betreffenden . . . Philadel- phia, Barclay, 1865. 1 p. 1., 25-100 p. illus., ports., plan. 24 cm. (M3787) E 457-5- T 33 copy 2 Published also in English, 1865, under title: The Terrible Tragedy at Washington. See item 4125. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. In brown slipcase. 3734. SCHRIVER, LESTER O. A sublime parallel. Peoria, 111., 1945. [14] p. illus. 24 cm. P Comparison of Jesus and Lincoln. Printed wrappers. 3735. SCHUCKERS, JACOB W. The life and public services of Salmon Portland Chase, United 351 States Senator and governor of Ohio; Secretary of the Treasury, and Chief-Justice of the United States, by J. W. Schuckers ... To which is added, the eulogy on Mr. Chase, delivered by William M. Evarts, before the Alumni of Dartmouth College, June 24, 1874. New York, D. Appleton, 1874. xv, 669 p. 24 cm. E415.9.C4S3 copy 2 3736. SCHURZ, CARL. Abraham Lincoln, by Carl Schurz. The Gettysburg speech, and other papers, by Abraham Lincoln. Together with testi- monies by Emerson, Whittier, Holmes, and Lowell. New York, Cleveland, Chicago, Chautauqua Press ['1899] 91 p., 1 1., 100 p. port. 19 cm. (M1093 var.) E457.8.S4 On cover: Chautauqua literary and scientific circle. "Issued for the Chautauqua Press by Houghton, Miff- lin & Co., publishers of the work." Includes sketch of Carl Schurz (cf. item 3740); also the chronological list of events in the life of Abraham Lincoln twice (p. [9]- 10 and p. [95]-96). Part one from same plates as items 3740-42. In the second part the contents page (p. [6]) follows the preface and has a note outlining the contents of the Riverside literature series, no. 133. Maroon cloth, with black lettering on cover and gilt on spine. Black line border on front cover. 3737. Another issue. Boston, New York, Chicago, Houghton Mifflin [ c i89g] 91 p., 1 1., 98 p. port. 18 cm. (The Riverside literature series, no. 32, 133) (var. of M1093) E457.8.S392 Title varies slightly. The Riverside literature series through no. 159 on end- papers. In second part the contents page (p. [1]) precedes the preface (p. [3]-5) and the note has been removed. The two-page chronological list of events has been removed and the final pages renumbered. Olive-green cloth, with black lettering on cover and spine. Black line borders on front cover. 3738. SCHURZ, CARL. Abraham Lincoln, a biographical essay. With an essay on the portraits of Lincoln by Truman H. Bartlett. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1907. xiv, 134 p. illus., ports. 28/2 cm. (M1094) E457.8.S37 copy 3 "Of this edition 1040 copies were printed at the River- side Press, Cambridge, MDCCCCVII." Contents. — On the life-mask of Abraham Lincoln, by Richard Watson Gilder. — The portraits of Lincoln, by Truman H. Bartlett. — The hand of Lincoln [a poem] by Edmund Clarence Stedman. — Abraham Lincoln: a bio- graphical essay, by Carl Schurz. 3739. SCHURZ, CARL. Abraham Lincoln, an essay. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1 89 1. 2 p. 1., 1 17 p. port. 18/2 cm. (Mi 091) E457.8.S38 1 89 1 copy 3 "Originally published in the Atlantic Monthly as a review of 'Abraham Lincoln, a history,' by John G. Nicolay and John Hay." For German translation see item 3743. 3740. SCHURZ, CARL. Abraham Lincoln, an essay. Together with testimonies by Emerson, Whittier, Holmes, and Lowell, and a biographical sketch of Carl Schurz. Boston, New York, Chi- cago, Houghton, Mifflin [1899] 91 p. port. 17 J/2 cm. (Riverside literature series. [No. 133]) (M1092) E457.8.S39 1899 copy 4 Imprint includes publisher's addresses. (New York address: 11 East Seventeenth Street.) Four pages of advertising matter follow p. 9 1 . The Riverside literature series through no. 140 is listed on covers. "Chronological list of events in the life of Abraham Lincoln": p. [g]-io. Blue printed wrappers. 3741. Another issue. (M1092 var.) E 457-8-S39 1899 copy 2 Title page reset. Imprint gives publisher's New York address as 85 Fifth avenue. Four pages of advertising with change of content in three. Riverside series listed on covers through no. 152. Same binding. 3742. Another issue, (var. of M1092) E 457-8-S39 1899 copy 3 Title and copyright pages reset. Without publisher's addresses in the imprint. With one page of advertising at end and listing of the Riverside series on covers through no. 246. Same binding. 3743. SCHURZ, CARL. Abraham Lincoln. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Mary Nolte. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1908. iv, 102 p. port. 19 cm. (M3868) E457.8.S375 copy 2 A translation of item 3739. 3744. SCHURZ, CARL. The reminiscences of Carl Schurz . . . Illustrated with portraits and original drawings. New York, The McClure Co., 1907-08. 3 v. illus., ports., maps. 23/2 cm. E664.S39S3 copy 8 Note in v. 2 and preface to v. 3 signed: Agathe Schurz, Marianne Schurz, Carl Lincoln Schurz. 352 "A sketch of Carl Schurz's political career, 1869-1906, by Frederic Bancroft and William A. Dunning": v. 3, P-[3"]-455- Contents. — v. 1. 1829-1852. — v. 2. 1852-1863. — v. 3. 1863-1869. 3745. SCHUYLER, HAMILTON. Lincoln cen- tenary ode. Read at the civil celebration held at Taylor Opera House, in the city of Trenton, N. J., Friday, Feb. 12, 1909. [n. p., 1909? 8 p. 23 cm. (M1864) P Cover title. 3746. SCOTT, ADRIAN. Mr. Lincoln's whisk- ers, a play in one act. New York, Greenberg [1948] 62 p. facsims., music. 21 cm. PS3537.C8664M5 1948 copy 3 "Originally entitled The Great Man's Whiskers . . . [and] first presented as a workshop run-through at the Actor's Lab, Hollywood, California, on June 30, 1947." 3747. SCOTT, HENRY L. Civil War military dictionary; includes 1855 rme manual, and 1861 Army cook book. By H. L. Scott. Edited and abridged by Martin Rywell. Harriman, Tenn., Pioneer Press, c i956. 1 v. (unpaged) illus. 20/2 cm. U24.S42 1956 copy 3 "Reproduced from rare 186 1 edition." Printed wrappers. 3748. SCOTT, MILTON R. Essay on Lincoln: was he an inspired prophet? Newark, Ohio, 1906. 100 p. port. 19 cm. (M1512) E457.2.S42 copy 3 3749. SCOTT, MILTON R. Supposed diary of President Lincoln from the repeal of the Missouri compromise in 1854 until April 14, 1865. New- ark, Ohio [Columbus, Ohio, F. J. Heer Print. Co.] 1913. 140 p. port. 20/2 cm. (M2106) E457-S396 copy 3 3750. SCOTT, WILLIAM J. From Lincoln to Cleveland and other short studies in history and general literature, by W. J. Scott. Atlanta, Ga., Jas. P. Harrison, 1886. 246 p. 20 cm. E661.S35 copy 2 Stamped on title page : American Press Association. 3751. [Scottish-American Soldiers' Monument Committee] The Lincoln Monument, in memory of Scottish-American soldiers, unveiled in Edin- burgh, August 21, 1893. Edinburgh, London, W. Blackwood and Sons, 1893. 97, [1] p. 5 illus., port. 20 cm. (Mii29var.) E457.6.S43 copy 3 "Unveiled by Hon. Wallace Bruce." Portrait of George E. Bissell, the sculptor: p. 85. Gray wrappers, imprinted in purple. In case with copies 1 & 2 below. 3752. Another edition. Edinburgh, Printed by W. Blackwood and Sons, 1893. 48 p. 4 illus. 20 cm. (M1129) E457.6.S43 1893a copies 1 & 2 From many of the same plates with different pagina- tion (e. g. p. 9-28 corresponds to p. 15-34 °f tne larger work). Without portrait of Bissell. On cover: With the compliments of the Bryant Liter- ary Union, New York. Copy 1 inscribed by Bissell to Henry Gay. Copy 2 inscribed by Wallace Bruce to Isaac Markens. Binding same. In green slipcase. 3753. [SCOVEL, JAMES M.] Personal recol- lections of Abraham Lincoln [Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott] 244-251 p. 23 cm. P Caption title. Signed. Detached from Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, v. 44, Aug. 1889. 3754. [SCOVILLE, JOSEPH A.] What shall be done with the confiscated Negroes? The question discussed and a policy proposed, in a letter to Hon. Abraham Lincoln, Gen. Winfield Scott, Hon. Wil- liam H. Seward . . . and all other patriots, [n. p., 1862?] 15 p. 22 cm. (M164) E449.S32 Signed: Manhattan. Previously bound. 3755. SCOVILLE, SAMUEL, Jr. Abraham Lincoln: his story. Philadelphia, American Sun- day-School Union [ c 1 9 1 8] 73 p. illus, ports. 19 cm. (M2390) E457.S398 1918a Green cloth, imprinted in gilt. 3756. Another issue. 16 cm. (M2390 var.) E 457-S398 copy 3 "Army and navy edition." Blue cloth, imprinted in gilt. 3757. Scribner's monthly; an illustrated magazine for the people, v. 6, July 1873; v. 15, Feb.-Mar. 1878. New York, Scribner & Co. AP2.C4 v. 6, No. 3 ; v. 15, No. 4 ; v. 15, No. 5 X copy "The later life and religious sentiments of Abraham Lincoln," by J. A. Reed: v. 6, p. 333-343. "Personal 353 reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln — I," by Noah Brooks: v. 15, p. 561-569. "Personal reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln II," by Noah Brooks: v. 15, p. 673-681. 3758. SCRIPPS, JOHN LOCKE. The first published life of Abraham Lincoln, written in the year MDCCCLX, by John Locke Scripps; re- printed in the year MDCCCC, by the Cranbrook Press. [Detroit, Mich., Cranbrook Press, 1900] 3 blank 1., 85, [1] p., 1 1. port. 28/2 cm. (M80) E 457-3- s 425 co Py 2 The frontispiece is a portrait of the author. No. 109 of a limited edition of 245 copies. Edited, with preface, by the author's daughter, Mrs. Grace Locke Scripps Dyche. Originally issued in i860 as a campaign document by the New York Tribune and the Chicago Press and Trib- une. "A brief biography of John Locke Scripps . . ." by James E. Scripps: p. [1 1]— [1 3]. Bound in half-vellum. Brown sides. Brown label on spine. In tan three-quarter-closed case. 3759. SCRIPPS, JOHN LOCKE. John Locke Scripps' i860 campaign life of Abraham Lincoln, annotated; the only biography of himself that Abraham Lincoln ever authorized, revised and en- dorsed. Foreword and notes by M. L. Houser. [Peoria, 111., Printed by E. J. Jacob, c i93 1] 7 2, [2] p. facsim. (M81) E457.3.S427 copies 3, 4, & 5 "Authorities" : [2] p. at end. Copy 4 autographed presentation copy from Edward J. Jacob and M. L. Houser to Charles T. White. Copy 5 autographed presentation copy from Jacob to White. Letters of transmission from Houser and Jacob to White laid in, together with letter to White from Virginia E. Little, Rushville, 111., relating to the author. Printed wrappers. Copy 3 (23 cm.) trimmed; copies 4 & 5 (25 cm.) untrimmed. 3760. [SCRIPPS, JOHN LOCKE] Life of Abraham Lincoln. [New York, H. Greeley & Co., i860] 32 p. (Tribune tracts. — no. 6) (M79 var.) E457.3.S42 copy 2 E 457-3- s 423 co Py 3 Caption title. Advertising matter on p. 32 begins: "The New York tribune." Copy 2 (22 cm.), bound with the Chicago edition be- low, is from the William H. Lambert collection. Copy 3 (215/2 cm.), bound in tan polished full-calf, is from the library of John E. Burton. 3761. Another issue. [Chicago, Chicago Press and Tribune Co., i860] 22 cm. (M79) E 457-3- s 42 copy 2 From same plates, but with elimination of the series statement; change of the copyright notice; and different advertising matter on p. 32, beginning: "The Chicago press and tribune. Campaign of i860." Called the "second Chicago edition" by Wessen who argues in his "Campaign lives" (item 4498) that this edition was antedated by the "New York (second) edi- tion" above and was, in fact, printed in the composing room of the New York Tribune. Issued earlier with advertising matter on p. 32 begin- ning: "Campaign documents for sale." (Wessen's "first edition." The sequence of issues, or "editions," according to Wessen is: the first [Chicago] edition, the New York edition, and the second Chicago edition.) From the William H. Lambert collection. In green half-morocco binding, inserted into dark-green full-morocco solander case. Bound in is a holograph letter from the author to Lydia E. Scripps, his sister, dated June 19, 1841 ; and a mounted card with holograph note: "Hon. J. R. Doolittle, please call and see me this morning. A. Lincoln. March 24, 1864." 3762. SCRUGHAM, MARY. Force or consent as the basis of American government. The debate on the subject by the author and attorney W. H. Townsend. Lexington, Ky., Published by the Lex- ington, Kentucky chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy [1920?] 32 p. 23 cm. (M2481) P Cover title. 3763. Search & research, v. 1, Feb. 1939. Chi- cago, University of Chicago, Lincoln Historical Collection. P "Our common Lincoln ancestry," by M. B. Drell: p. 1-4. Mimeographed. 3764. SEARING, EDWARD. President Lin- coln in history. An address delivered in the Con- gregational Church, Milton, Wisconsin, on fast day, June 1st, 1865. Janesville, Veeder & Devereux, Printers, 1865. 20 p. 21/2 cm. (M716) E457.8.S42 copy 2 Two holograph letters from the author to Charles H. Hart, bound in. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3765. SEARS, HIRAM. The people's keepsake; or, Funeral address on the death of Abraham Lin- coln, late lamented President of the United States, with the principal incidents of his life. Delivered in the city of Mount Carmel, 111., Sunday, April 23, 354 1865, and dedicated to the loyal men, women, and children of all parties in the country. Cincinnati, Poe & Hitchcock, 1865. 18 p. 23 cm. (M717) E457.8.S43 copy 2 Obituary of author, clipped from the Beria Enter- prise ( ?), mounted on p. [3] of cover. Printed wrappers. 3766. SEARS, NATHANIEL C. Abraham Lin- coln, politician and patriot. An address. Union League Club, Chicago, February 12, 1920. [Chi- cago? 1920?] [8] p. 24 cm. (M2482) P Cover title. 3767. SEIFERT, SHIRLEY. Captain Grant, a novel. Philadelphia & New York, J. B. Lippincott [1946] 606 p. 21 cm. PS3537.E353C3 1946 "First edition." 3768. SEISS, JOSEPH A. The assassinated President, or The day of national mourning for Abraham Lincoln, at St. John's (Lutheran) Church, Philadelphia, June 1st, 1865. Philadel- phia, 1865. 43,[i] p. 22/2 cm. (M719) E457.8.S46copy3 Blue half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3769. SEITZ, DON C. Artemus Ward (Charles Farrar Browne) a biography and bibliography. New York, London, Harper & Bros. [ c 1 9 1 g] 8 p. 1., 338 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22/2 cm. PS1143.S4 i9igcopy3 "Published September, 19 19." Lincoln's enjoyment of Ward's writings, p. 1 12-1 15. Bibliography: p. 319-338. 3770. SEITZ, DON C. Lincoln the politician; how the rail-splitter and fiatboatman played the great American game. Illustrated with a portrait and contemporary cartoons. New York, Coward- McCann [ c i 93 1] xiv p., 1 L, 487 p. illus., port. 23 cm. (M3290) E457.S46 copy 3 2 1 cm. [Chicago Historical Society. Proceedings. v. 4, pt. 2] E457.2.S46 copies 3 & 4 Biographical note by the author: p. 1 31-133. Author's inscribed calling card mounted inside cover. Printed wrappers. 3772. SELBY, PAUL. Anecdotal Lincoln; speeches, stories and yarns of the "Immortal Abe," including stories of Lincoln's early life, stories of Lincoln as a lawyer, presidential incidents, stories of the war, Lincoln's letters, and great speeches chronologically arranged, with biographical sketch. Chicago, Thompson & Thomas, 1900. 469 p. illus., facsims. 20/2 cm. (M1304) E457.15.S46 copy 2 Mustard-colored cloth, lettered in red and black on cover and spine. Figure of Lincoln in silver on cover. 3773. Another issue. (M1307) '1902. illus., ports., facsims. E457-I5-S47 Issued under title: Lincoln's Life, Stories, and Speeches. Title page from different plate, copyright page blank. Red quarter-leather, with gilt-stamped spine and gilt top. Flowered endpapers. 3774. Another issue. Chicago, J. R. Stanton, c i902. (M1307 var.) E457.15.S48 Differs from the preceding issue partially in the illustra- tive matter and in the presence of President Lincoln's letter to Mrs. Bixby on p. 469. Light blue cloth, with dark blue lettering on cover and spine. Cover illustrated. 3775. SELBY, PAUL. Genesis of the Republi- can Party in Illinois, [n. p., 19 — ] 14 p. 23 cm. (M1445) JX2356.S47 Caption title. (Preceded by arabic numeral 6.) "Read ... at a meeting of the Illinois Republic Edi- torial Association, at Decatur, Illinois, September 14, 1904." In Gaylord binder. Envelope addressed to John W. Starr, Jr., from the author, and postmarked Sept. 19 10, mounted inside cover. 3771. SELBY, PAUL. Abraham Lincoln; the evolution of his emancipation policy, an address delivered before the Chicago Historical Society, February 27, 1906. Published by the Society in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1909. [Chicago, 1909] 1 p. 1., 107-133 p. illus. 3776. SELBY, PAUL. The Lincoln-Conkling correspondence. Springfield, 111., Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers, 1909. 13 p. 23 cm. (M1865) P "A contribution to the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the year 1908." Printed wrappers. 355 3777- SELLERY, GEORGE CLARKE. Lin- coln's suspension of habeas corpus as viewed by Congress. Madison, Wis., 1907. 1 p 1., [215]- 285 p. 24 cm. (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 149. History series, v. 1. no. 3) (M1551) Law copies 1 & 2 Double pagination. Appendices: I. Habeas corpus bills passed by either House, 1861-1863 (p. 268-277); II. The habeas corpus act of March 3, 1863 (p. 278-283). Bibliography: p. 284-285. Printed wrappers. Copy 1 (23 cm.) rebound in green half-morocco. 3778. Senator Bailey and Abraham Lincoln. [Chicago, Rice Pub. Co., 1913?] 14 p. 1 illus. 20/2 cm. (M2109) P Cover title. Contains extracts from Harold C. Kessinger's "The Railsplitter," an address at Aurora, 111., Feb. 9, 19 13, protesting the selection of Joseph W. Bailey as a Lincoln banquet speaker; extracts from Bailey's address at Spring- field, 111., on Feb. 12; and reactions from prominent men and the press. 3779. Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Together with the funeral services in the East Room of the Executive Man- sion at Washington. Boston, J. E. Tilton, 1865. 379 P-> 3 1- 2 6 cm - (M720 var.) E457.8.A185 copy 4 Black tooled full-morocco; with gilt lettering on spine, gilt edges, and marbled end papers. In three-quarter- closed case. "Two hundred copies printed." 3780. Another issue. 19 cm. (M720) E457.8.A185 copy 3 Proclamation of May 2, 1865, by Andrew Johnson, and four pages of advertising, following p. 379. Some re- setting of type (e. g. on title, copyright and contents pages; and on p. [49] and [243]). Maroon cloth with gilt decorations on spine. Brown end papers. 3781. Services in commemoration of the one hun- dredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lin- coln. Arranged by Union and Confederate Veterans under the auspices of O. M. Mitchel Post No. 1, Grand Army of the Republic. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church South, Atlanta, Geor- gia, Sunday evening, February 14th, 1909. At- lanta, Published by "Blue" and "Gray" Veterans, 1909. 48 p. ports. 23 cm. (M1720) P Address by Rev. James W. Lee (cf. item 2490), P- 30-43- Printed wrappers. 3782. SEWARD, FREDERICK W. Reminis- cences of a war-time statesman and diplomat, 1830- 1915, by Frederick W. Seward, Assistant Secretary of State during the administrations of Lincoln, Johnson, and Hayes. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1 916. x p., 2 1., 489 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. E415.7.S5 copy 5 3783. SEWARD, WILLIAM H. William H. Seward; an autobiography from 1801 to 1834. With a memoir of his life, and selections from his letters, 1831-1872, by Frederick W. Seward. New York, Derby and Miller, 1891. 3 V. illus., ports., fold. map. 24 cm. E415.9.S4S42 copy 3 "New edition." Title of [v. 2-3]: Seward at Washington, as Senator and Secretary of State ... by Frederick W. Seward. Vol. 1 first published 1877. Contents. — [v. 1] 1831-1846. — [v. 2] 1846-1861. — [v. 3] 1861-1872. 3784. SEWARD, WILLIAM H. The works of William H. Seward. Edited by George E. Baker, v. 5. The diplomatic history of the war for the union. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1884. viii, 626 p. port. 24/2 cm. E4i5-6.S52copy3, v. 5 "New edition." Covers the period 1 861-1872. 3785. SEYMOUR, HORATIO. Ovation at the Academy of music . . . [New- York, 1863] 16 p. 22/2 cm. (Papers from the Society for the Diffu- sion of Political Knowledge, no. 7) E458.S67 3d set, No. 7 Cover title. "Ovation ... to Governor Seymour, and the other orators of the day." Arranged by the Young Men's Democratic Association ; followed by speeches of H. Sey- mour, G. H. Pendleton, and Richard O'Gorman. Another copy in bound volume entitled Lincoln-Mc- Clellan Campaign Pamphlets. {See item 2590, no. 24.) Self-wrappers. 3786. SEYMOUR, MAYCE F. The Lincoln memorial; an ode for Lincoln's birthday. Boston, The Four Seas Co. ["1927] 15 p. 16 J/2 cm. (M2969) F203.4.L73S5 copy 3 Autographed by the author. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 356 3787- SEYMOUR, RALPH FLETCHER. Epi- sodes in the lives of some individuals who helped shape the growth of our Midwest ; stories of certain settlements, roads, taverns, and experiences encoun- tered when traveling in the early days. Chicago [the Author, 1 954] 165 p. illus., map. 24 cm. F 3 5i.S4copy 3 Cover title: Our Midwest. Lincoln and Douglas covered on p. 143-153. Four-page prospectus laid in. 3788. SHACKFORD, SAMUEL. The lineage of President Abraham Lincoln. [Boston, 1887] 7 p. 24 cm. (M1035) E457.32.S52 X copy Cover tide. "Reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1887." Self-wrappers. 3789. SHALER, CLARENCE A. A tribute to Abraham Lincoln, by Clarence Addison Shaler. Pasadena, Calif., 1937. [15] p. 18 cm. (M3588) P Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. Printed wrappers. 3790. SHARP, J. ALFRED. Abraham Lincoln. London, Epworth Press [1919] 208 p. port. 20 cm. (M2423) E457.S53 copy 2 "First edition." Author's autographed presentation copy to Charles T. White, dated Dec. 9, 1921. Laid in are letters from the author to Mr. White, dated Dec. 8, 1921, and Jan. 17, 1922. 3791. SHAW, ALBERT. Abraham Lincoln in contemporary caricature. [New York, Review of Reviews Co., 1901] [12] p. illus. 29/2 cm. (M1361 ) E457.63.S53 copy 2 and P "From the American Monthly Review of Reviews for February, 1901." Classified copy bound in brown cloth with gilt lettering on front cover; pamphlet copy unbound. 3792. SHAW, ALBERT. Abraham Lincoln. Profusely illustrated with contemporary cartoons, portraits and scenes. New York, Review of Re- views Corp., 1929. 2 v. (263, 277 p.) illu?., ports.,maps. (M3135) E457.3.S51 copies4 & 5 On cover: A cartoon history. Copy 4 (26 cm.) bound in blue cloth, lettered in gold. Copy 5 (28 cm.) bound in red cloth, lettered in black and gold; end papers black. Both copies with portrait of Lincoln gilt-stamped on cover. 3793. Another edition. 1930 [ c i929] 2 v. in 1. (264, 277 p.) 26 cm. (M3135 var.) E 457-3-S5i 193° Indexes reset. On spine: Grosset & Dunlap. Bound in dull red cloth, lettered in gold. Portrait of Lincoln blind-stamped on cover. 3794. SHAW, E. R. The assassination of Lin- coln; the hitherto unpublished account of an eye- witness. [New York, S. S. McClure Co.] 181- 185 p. port. 24/2 cm. P Caption title. Detached from McClure 's Magazine, v. 32, Dec. 1908. 3795. SHAW, ELTON RAYMOND. Green light to dictatorship; Abraham Lincoln speaks to us in this hour of danger. Washington, Shaw Pub. Co - [1943] 368 p. 19/2 cm. E743.S48 copy 2 Subtitle on cover: Constitutionalism versus totalitar- ianism. Printed wrappers. 3796. SHAW, ELTON RAYMOND. The love affairs of Washington and Lincoln . . . Berwyn, 111., Shaw Pub. Co. ["1923] 70 p. 19^ cm. (M2668) E312.2.S53 copy 3 Inscribed by Mrs. Elton R. Shaw. 3797. SHAW, GEORGE W. Personal reminis- cences of Abraham Lincoln. Moline, 111., Priv. Print., Carlson Print. Co., 1924. 23 p. port. 18 cm. (M2740) E457.3.S53 copy 2 "Sixty-five copies printed of which this is no. 37." An address delivered before the Ethical Club of Gen- eseo; revised and enlarged. Printed wrappers. 3798. SHAW, JAMES H. Boys' and girls' biog- raphy of Abraham Lincoln. Bloomington, 111., Evergreen City Pub. Co. [n. d.] 1 p. 1., 124 p. port. 16/2 cm. E457.905.S44 Listed twice in Monaghan with conflict as to date of publication: Mi 178 ([1895?]); M1866 ([ca. 1909?]). In green slipcase. 3799. [SHEA, JOHN GILMARY] ed. The Lin- coln memorial: a record of the life, assassination, and obsequies of the martyred President. New York, Bruce & Huntington, 1865. 5 p. 1., [g]-288 p. port. 23 cm. (M724) E457.52.S53 copy 2 Added title page, engraved. 357 3800. SHEFFIELD, JAMES R. Address at the Lincoln dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York, Waldorf-Astoria, February 12, 1916. [New York, 1 916?] 7 p. 19 cm. (M2271) P Cover title. Printed also in the Club's Proceedings (Item 3086). Self-wrappers. 3801. SHEFFIELD, JAMES R. Introductory address at the thirty-first annual Lincoln din- ner of the Republican Club of the City of New York, February 12, 191 7. [New York, 191 7?] 7 p. 21/2 cm. (M2337) P Cover title. Caption title: Address by James R. Sheffield, as Pres- ident of the Republican Club of the City of New York, February 12, 19 17. 3802. The Shelby County leader. Supplement . . . Lincoln anniversary, v. 88, Feb. 1928. Lerna, 111. Entire issue devoted to Lincoln. 3803. SHELTON, HARRIET M. Abraham Lincoln returns. New York, Evans Pub. Co., 1957. xiii, 232 p., 4 1. illus., facsims. 21^2 cm. [Psy- chic library series]. BF131 1.L45S5 copies 2 & 3 3804. SHEPPARD, MORRIS. Abraham Lin- coln; speech of Congressman Morris Sheppard of Texas, Republican Club Banquet, New York, Feb- ruary 12, 1908. [New York? 1908] 15 p. 23/2 cm. (M1625) E457.8.S54 copy 3 Cover title. Author's letter to Charles T. White, laid in. 3805. SHEPPARD, ROBERT DICKINSON. Abraham Lincoln, a character sketch. With anec- dotes, characteristics and chronology. Milwaukee, Wis., H. G. Campbell Pub. Co. [ c i8g9] 116 p. illus., ports., facsim. 19/2 cm. (True stories of great Americans) (Mi 263 var.) E 457- s 54 co Py 2 Anecdotes, characteristics, etc.: p. 74-116. Bibliography: p. 116. Fly leaf inscribed: "C.T.W. 1916." 3806. SHEPPARD, ROBERT DICKINSON. Abraham Lincoln, a character sketch. With sup- plementary essay by G. Mercer Adam; also, Sug- gestions from the life of Lincoln, by Francis W. Shepardson; the Early years of Abraham Lincoln, by Golclwin Smith; together with anecdotes, char- acteristics, and chronology. Chicago, F. J. Drake [ c i903] 180 p. illus., ports., facsim. 20 cm. (Mi 265) E457.S5452 Bibliography: p. 180. Pages 1-73, 138-180 from same plates as item 3805; with change of pagination from 74—116 to 138-180. Olive cloth. White lettering on cover and spine. 3807. Another issue. Chicago, Union School Furnishing Co., 191 2 ['1903] 19/2 cm. (Great Americans of history) (var. of Mi 264) E457-S5454 Title and copyright pages from different plates. Black quarter-morocco. 3808. SHEPPARD, ROBERT DICKINSON. The life of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, 1861-1865. Famous Gettys- burg and Springfield addresses, pathetic letter to the mother of five sons slain in battle; sayings, characteristics and chronology. Chicago, Laird & Lee, c ig 13. 179 p. illus., ports., facsim. 20 cm. (Historic Americans) (Mi 266) E 457-S54 6 co Py 3 Bibliography: p. 179. From many of the same plates as items 3805-3807. 3809. SHERLOCK, CHESLA C. Tall timbers (giants in contrast). Boston, Mass., The Strat- ford Co., 1926. 6 p. 1., 3-330 p. ports. 21 cm. E302.5.S55 copies 3 & 4 "Popular champions; contrast of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln": p. 241-330. 3810. SHERMAN, EDWIN A. Lincoln's death warrant; or, The peril of our country. Milwau- kee, The Wisconsin Patriot [1889?] 27 p. 22 cm. (M989) P Cover title. "Address delivered in Boston in 1889." — p. [3]. 381 1. SHERMAN, JOHN. John Sherman's recollections of forty years in the House, Senate and Cabinet. An autobiography. Chicago, New York, London, Berlin, The Werner Co., 1895. 2 v. illus., ports., facsims. 26 J/2 cm. E664.S57S5 copy 5 Paged continuously. "Autograph edition limited to one thousand copies. No. 197 [Signed] John Sherman." Vol. 1 (p. 231-355) covers the Lincoln administra- tions. 358 Bookplate of John B. Stanchfield (Cf. The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, v. 14, p. 360-361) mounted on end paper. Brown gilt-stamped half-leather. 3812. SHERMAN, NATHAN. The Washing- ton years, a new play about Abraham Lincoln. Elizabethtown, Pa., Play Club, Represented by the Continental Press, Harrisburg, c i947. 72 p. 19 cm. (The Play Club. Playbooks, v. 2, no. 10) PS3537.H773W3 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3813. SHERMAN, P. TECUMSEH. General Sherman in the last year of the Civil War: an ad- dress delivered at the thirty-eighth reunion of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee at St. Louis, Missouri, November eleventh, nineteen hundred and eight. [New York, R. G. Cooke, 1908] 21 p. 23/2 cm. E467.1.S55S47 copy 2 Printed wrappers, bound with cord. 3814. SHERMAN, WILLIAM T. Memoirs of General William T. Sherman by himself. Fore- word by B. H. Liddell Hart. Bloomington, Indi- ana University Press [1957] xviii, 405 p., 1 1., [5]- 409 p. 21 cm. (Civil War centennial series) E467.1.S55S52 1957 copy 3 "Two volumes complete in one." 3815. SHERWOOD, ISAAC R. The Lincoln Highway to Gettysburg. Speech in the House of Representatives, January 29, 1913. Washington, [Govt. Print. Off.] 1913. 7 p. 24 cm. (M2110) P Cover title. In Gaylord binder. 3816. SHERWOOD, ISAAC R. The log cabin home of Abraham Lincoln; speech ... in the House of Representatives [Apr. 12, 19 16. n. p., 1 9 16] folder ([4] p.) 1 illus. 21^2 cm. (var. of M2272) P Caption title. Letter of transmittal from the author to C. T. White, laid in; also a folder ([2] p.) by the author entitled " 'I can see Lincoln now as I saw him then — ' an address delivered at the Memorial celebration in Washington, February 12, 1914." 3817. SHERWOOD, ROBERT EMMET. Abe Lincoln in Illinois, a play in twelve scenes. With a foreword by Carl Sandburg. New York, Lon- don, C. Scribner's Sons, 1939. xii, 250 p. 20 cm. (M3712) PS3537.H825A63 i939copy3 Endpaper inscribed: "To Alfred Stern, with happy memories of the Chicago Lincoln Group. Raymond Mas- sey, 1940." 3818. SHERWOOD, ROBERT EMMET. Max Gordon plays and pictures corp. presents "Abe Lin- coln in Illinois" by Robert E. Sherwood, with Ray- mond Massey ... an RKO radio picture, [n. p., 1939?] [8] p. illus., ports. 27 cm. P Advertisement for motion picture. 3819. [SHERWOOD, ROBERT EMMET.] Original radio script of Abraham Lincoln from the Cavalcade of America, presented by Du Pont, Tues- day, February 13th, 1940. [New York, Harcourt, Brace, c i94o] 29^3] p. ports. 23 cm. p S3537- H8 25 A 66 194° co PY 4 Cover title. "Based on material from Carl Sandburg's 'Abraham Lincoln: the war years'." With Raymond Massey as Lincoln. 3820. SHERWOOD, ROBERT EMMET. Ray- mond Massey in Abe Lincoln in Illinois, by Robert E. Sherwood. [New York] The Playwrights' Com- pany, 1939. [14] p. illus., ports. 30 cm. (M3696 var.) P Cover title. Souvenir program for the play. At head of title: Pulitzer prize play of 1939. 3821. SHIBANO, TAMIZO. Rinkan [Lincoln] [Osaka, Hoikusha, 1950] 64 p. illus. 21 J/2 cm. (Hoikusha no jido bunko, 3 [Hoikusha's children's library [no.] 3]) U "Illustrated by Ishizu Hironori." Portraits of Lincoln on cover and title page. Illustrated end papers. Boards, illustrated in color. 3822. SHIPTON, AUDUS W. Lincoln's asso- ciation with the Journal ... by A. W. Shipton. [Springfield? 111., 194-] [11] p. 25J/2 cm. (M3713) P (2 copies) Caption title. Seven pages of text. "An address delivered ... at a conference of news- paper publishers and executives, at Coronado, California, September 27, 1939." On cover: Lincoln's paper [the] Sangamo Journal [later the] Illinois State Journal, Springfield, Illinois; founded 1831. 359 One copy autographed by the author and with book- plate of George P. Hambrecht. Illustrated printed wrappers. 3823. Another edition. [Springfield, 111., The Copley Press, 194-] [12] p. 23 cm. (var. of M3713) E457.3.S54 copy 3 Printed from different plates. Eleven pages of text. Portrait of Lincoln and "Reproduction of page 1, first issue of the Sangamon Journal, published in Springfield, 111., November 10, 183 1" on cover. "Talk . . . delivered by A. W. Shipton, President of the Copley Press, Inc., at a recent annual conference of the executives of the organization." Printed wrappers. 3824. SHIRLEY, RALPH. A short life of Abra- ham Lincoln. London, W. Rider & Son, 191 9. vii, 182 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. (M2424) E 457- s 55 co Py 2 Burnt-orange cloth. 3825. Another edition. New York, Funk & Wag- nails, 19 19. 188 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. (M2424 var.) E457.S56 copy 3 "Illustrated American edition." From different plates. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Greenish-gray cloth, with embossed head of Lincoln on cover. 3826. SHOAFF, THOMAS BENTON. State- ment of Thomas Benton Shoaff (grandson of Dennis Hanks) of Shelbyville, Illinois, to Rev. William E. Barton, D. D., in the library of the Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield, May 10, 1929. [Peoria, 111., Printed by E. J. Jacob, 1929] 1 p. 1., [8] p. mounted plate, mounted photo, (port.) 23/2 cm. (M3136 var.) E457-35-S55 copy 2 Cover title: Abraham Lincoln's first home in Illinois. Plate and portrait mounted on one leaf. On verso of preliminary leaf: "Presentation copies — none for sale." (With list of twelve recipients.) "A correct statement . . . [concerning] the party . . . of thirteen people . . . who came with Abraham Lincoln from Spencer County, Indiana, into Illinois in 1830" and the. "cabin which . . . Dennis Hanks, and . . . John Hanks, helped Thomas and Abraham Lincoln to erect in Macon County in 1830": p. [4-5] (Supplemented by item 619.) Reprint of an article in the Decatur Herald, July 10, 1929, mounted on recto of preliminary leaf. Orange illustrated heavy-paper covers, bound with cord. 3827. Another issue, (var. of ( ?) M3136) E 457-35- s 55 copy 3 On verso of preliminary leaf: "Presentation copy — none for sale." (Recipients not listed.) Same binding. 3828. SHOOK, CHESTER R. The Lincoln story. Cincinnati [1950] xi, 140 p. illus., port. 23 cm. E457.S57 copy 3 Fly leaf inscribed by the author. Bibliography: p. 137-140. Blue-gray printed wrappers, with dark-blue design and lettering on cover. 3829. Another edition, xv, 138 p. illus., port. 23/2 cm. E457.S57 1950a copy 3 "Second edition." From different plates, with some changes in the text. Fly leaf inscribed by the author. Bibliography: p. 133-136. Gray cloth, with light-blue design and lettering on cover. 3830. SHORT, ISAAC M. Abraham Lincoln; early days in Illinois, reminiscences of different per- sons who became eminent in American history. Kansas City, Mo., Simpson Pub. Co., 1927. 6 p. 1., 15-304 p. 2 ports. 20/2 cm. (M2970) E457-3-S55 copy 3 End paper inscribed. Seven-page prospectus (M2970 note) laid in. 3831. SHPALL, LEO. The Jews of the South and the Civil War. [n. p., n. d.] 8 p. 28 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from The Jewish Forum (December, 1942, to July, 1943)." 3832. SHUTES, MILTON H. Abraham Lin- coln and the New Almaden mine. [San Francisco, L. R. Kennedy, Printer, 1936] 20 p. illus. 26/2 cm. (M3535) E457.S58 copy 2 "Reprinted from California Historical Society Quar- terly, March 1936." Printed wrappers. 3833. SHUTES, MILTON H. Colonel E. D. Baker, [n. p., 1938] 22 p. port. 26/2 cm. P "Reprinted from California Historical Society Quar- terly, December 1938." Autographed by author. Printed wrappers. 360 3834- SHUTES, MILTON H. Lincoln and California. Stanford University, Calif., Stanford University Press [1943] xiii, 269 p. illus., ports. 21 cm. E457.S6 copy 3 Includes "References." 3835. SHUTES, MILTON H. Lincoln and the doctors; a medical narrative of the life of Abraham Lincoln. New York, Pioneer Press, 1933. 5 p. 1., 152 p., 1 1. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. (M3403) E 457-2-S53copy 3 "Five hundred and fifty copies of this edition . . . have been printed . . . This is copy number 6 1 and is signed." "List of authorities consulted" : p. 144-147. Four-page prospectus inserted. Boards. Cloth back. 3836. SHUTTER, MARION D. Washington and Lincoln. Minneapolis, Published by Women's Association [1909?] 13 p. 17 cm. (M1867) P Cover title. 3837. SIEGEL, ISAAC. Abraham Lincoln; speech in the House of Representatives, February 12, 191 7. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1930. 14 p. 23 cm. (M3233) P Cover title. 3838. SIEM, CONRAD. The C. S. L. T. con- taining views on Abraham Lincoln, as expressed by Bismarck in 1878, from the recollections of Conrad von Bauditz Siem. Washington, 1915. 61 p. 23 cm. HG221.3.S5 Printed wrappers. In red slipcase. 3839. SIEVERS, HARRY J. Benjamin Harri- son, [v. 1] Hoosier warrior, 1833- 1865. Intro- duction by Hilton U. Brown. Chicago, H. Reg- nery, 1952. 344 p. illus., ports., maps. 24 cm. E702.S 5 4copy3, v. 1 Illustrated end papers. 3840. SIGAUD, LOUIS A. Belle Boyd, Con- federate spy. Richmond, Va., The Dietz Press [1944] xii p., 1 1., 254 p. illus., ports., facsim. 23/2 cm. E608.B785S5 copy 3 3841. SIGAUD, LOUIS A. When Belle Boyd wrote Lincoln, [n. p., 1948] [8] p. facsim. 23 cm. P Cover title. Five pages of text. Portrait of author on cover. "This article first appeared in the February 1948 issue of the Lincoln Herald of Lincoln Memorial University." Self-wrappers. 3842. SILVER, DAVID M. Lincoln's Supreme Court. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1956. ix, 272 p. ports. 26 cm. (Illinois studies in the social sciences, v. 38) H3 1 .I4, v. 38 copy 2 & Law copy 5 Bibliography: p. 241-249. 3843. SIMMS, JOSEPH. An original and il- lustrated physiological and physiognomical chart, by J. Simms. [Glasgow, Dunn & Wright, Printers] 1873. 2 3^ P- illus., ports. 19 cm. BF851.S525 copy 2 Cover title: A new physiognomical chart of character. Abraham Lincoln as an illustration of the "osseous or bony form large" : p. 15. Page [225] inscribed by the author, Mar. 10, 1873. Printed wrappers, in contemporary cloth binding. 3844. SIMONS, CHARLES C. Lincoln, the re- public and the spirit of '76; an address delivered on Lincoln's birthday, February 12, 1924, to the mem- bers of the Covenant Club of Chicago. . . [Chi- cago?, 1924?] 12 p. 23 cm. (M2741) P Cover title. 3845. SIMPSON, EVAN JOHN. Atlantic im- pact, 1 86 1, by Evan John [pseud.] New York, Put- nam [1952] ix, [1], 296 p. illus., ports. 20/2 cm. E469.S6 copy 2 Concerning the Trent affair, Nov. 8, 1861. End paper maps. 3846. SIMPSON, MATTHEW, Bp. Funeral address delivered at the burial of President Lincoln, at Springfield, Illinois, May 4, 1865. New York, Carlton & Porter, 1865. 21 p. 18/2 cm. (M729) E457.8.S613 copy 2 Brown half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3847. SINCLAIR, HAROLD. The horse sol- diers. New York, Harper [ c i956] xii p., 1 1., 336 p. map. 22 cm. PS3537.I84437H6 "First edition." End paper maps. Fiction based on Grierson's raid. Inscribed to Alfred Whital Stern. 361 3848. SINCLAIR, UPTON. Manassas; a novel of the war. Pasadena, Calif. [1923] 3 p. 1., [3], 412 p. 19/2 cm. PS3537.I85M32 1923 Civil War fiction. 3849. SINDELAR, JOSEPH C, ed. Lincoln day entertainments; recitations, plays, dialogues, drills, tableaux, pantomimes, quotations, songs, tributes, stories, facts. Edited by Jos. C. Sindelar. Chicago, A. Flanagan Co. ["1908] 160 p. illus., music. 18 cm. (M1626) E457.7.S61 copy 2 With frontispiece (statue of Lincoln, Lincoln Park, Chicago). White illustrated printed wrappers. 3850. Another issue. 1921. 175/2 cm. (var. of M1626) E457.7.S61 copy 3 Title page reset. Without frontispiece. Blue illustrated printed wrappers. 3851. SINGLETON, ESTHER. The story of the White House, v. 2. New York, The McClure Co., 1907. xiii, 340 p. illus., ports., plans. 22 cm. F204.W5S6 copy 7 "Published, November, 1907." "Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865"': p. 68-98. 3852. SINGMASTER, ELSIE. Gettysburg; stories of the red harvest and the aftermath. Bos- ton, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 191 3. 8 p. 1., [3] _I 9° P-j l 1- 4 illus. 19 cm. PS3537.I865G4 1913 Partly reprinted from various periodicals. 3853. SITES, MAUD KAY, comp. The Lincoln memorial. Washington, Printed by Judd & Det- weiler [ c i936] 15 p. illus. 23 cm. (M3536) F203.4.L73S6 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 3854. SIZOO, JOSEPH RICHARD. "Abraham Lincoln," "A heritage and hope". . . [Washing- ton?, 1925?] 3-16 p. 19/2 cm. (M2810) P Cover title. A sermon preached February 8, 1925. 3855. SIZOO, JOSEPH RICHARD. Abraham Lincoln, a tribute [by] Joseph R. Sizoo. [Washing- ton?, 1925?] folder ([3] p.) 17/2 cm. (M2811) P Cover title. 3856. SIZOO, JOSEPH RICHARD. The voice of Lincoln. [Washington?, 1932?] 3-14 p. 19V2 cm. (M3351) P Cover title. Preached February 7, 1932. Enclosed is a letter from the author to Mr. Charles T. White, dated February 16, 1932. 3857. SIZOO, JOSEPH RICHARD. Where Abraham Lincoln went to church. [Washington, 1934] 15P. port. 20cm. (M2812) F203.2.N4S5 copy 3 Cover title. Illustrated self-wrappers. 3858. SKARSTEDT, ERNST T. Abraham Lin- coln; en lefnads- och karaktarsteckning, af Ernst Skarstedt, med atta portratt. San Francisco, Calif., Vestkustens Tryckeri, 19 18. ports. 23 cm. (M3890) E457.S62 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3859. SKEVINGTON, SAMUEL J. "Abraham Lincoln," an oration delivered on the oc- casion of the Lincoln Centennial Celebration at Y. M. C. A. Hall, Nyack-on-Hudson, Friday, Febru- ary 1 2th, 1909. [Nyack-on-Hudson] Journal Off., 1909. 22 p. 16 cm. (M1868) E457-8.S62copy 2 "Issued by a few citizens of Nyack-on-Hudson who are lovers of the memory of Abraham Lincoln." Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3860. SKINNER, CHARLES R. Manual of patriotism, for use in the public schools of the State of New York. Authorized by act of the Legisla- ture. Compiled, arranged and edited under the direction of Charles R. Skinner. [Albany, N. Y., Brandow Print. Co.] 1900. 1 p. 1., xvi, 470 p. illus. (part col.), 2 ports, music. 25V2 cm. JKi759.S6copy 4 "The flag blesses the birthday of Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12, 1809) [selections, quotations and songs]": p. [267H297] 3861. SKINNER, HUBERT M. The Lincoln- Douglas debate, [n. p] c igog 14 p. 21 cm. (M1869) P Cover title. At head of title: The Lincoln centenary- 1909, Lincoln- Jefferson University, extension lecture course. 362 3862. SLATER, EDWARD C. The Nation's loss. A sermon upon the death of Abraham Lin- coln, sixteenth President of the United States. Preached April 19, 1865, at the time of the obse- quies at Washington, in the presence of Brig. Gen. S. Meredith, and the officers and soldiers of his command, and also a large concourse of citizens, at Paducah, Ky. Paducah, Ky., Blelock, 1865. 20 p. 21/2 cm. (M731) E457.8.S63 copy 2 Blue half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3863. SLICER, THOMAS R. From poet to premier. The centennial cycle 1 809-1 909. Poe, Lincoln, Holmes, Darwin, Tennyson, Gladstone. Illustrated with six etchings by C. X. Harris. Lon- don, New York, Grolier Society, 1909. x, 226 p. 6 ports. 24/2 cm. CT119.S5 copy 3 Limited to 1,250 copies, of which this is copy number 150. "Abraham Lincoln, the characteristic American": p. 41-79- Boards. 3864. SLOAN, CHARLES H. Abraham Lin- coln, speech delivered before the Department of the Potomac, Grand Army of the Republic, and As- sociated Patriotic Orders of that jurisdiction at the First Congregational Church, Washington, D. C, on February 12, 191 9. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1919. 8 p. 23 cm. (M2425) P Cover title. 3865. SLOANE, JAMES R. W. Review of Rev. Henry J. Van Dyke's discourse on "The character and influence of abolitionism," a sermon preached in the Third Reformed Presbyterian Church, Twenty-third Street, New York, on Sabbath eve- ning, December 23, i860, by Rev. J. R. W. Sloane. Also, by special request, in the Church of the Puri- tans (Rev. Dr. Cheever's), on Sabbath evening, January 6, 1861. New York, W. Erving, 1861. 40 p. 22 cm. E449.V248 copy 2 Lacks p. 33-40. Previously bound. 3866. SMALLEY, EUGENE V. The Republi- can manual. History, principles, early leaders, achievements, of the Republican party, with bio- graphical sketches of James A. Garfield and Ches- ter A. Arthur. By E. V. Smalley. New York, American Book Exchange, 1880. 3 p. 1., [s]-34i p. 2 ports. 16/2 cm. JK2357 1880 copy 3 Partial Contents. — The campaign of i860 (p. 41- 45). — Secession — rebellion — War (p. 45-48). — The emancipation of slavery (p. 49-50). — The presidential campaign of 1864 (p. 50-52). — Second Republican Na- tional platform, adopted at Chicago, May 17th, i860 (p. 94-97). — Third Republican National platform, adopted at Baltimore, June 7th, 1864 (p. 98-100). — Early Republican leaders, by Charles T. Congdon (p. [1991-136). 3867. SMITH, ARTHUR (?) G. New Salem, Illinois; a tribute to Ann Rutledge whose appear- ance on this earth brought complete consumma- tion to the greatness of the life of Abraham Lin- coln. [Peoria, 111., E. J. Jacob, 1945?] folder ([2] p.) illus., port. 26 cm. P Cover title. "Written in 1930 this copy was specially typed by the author for Edward J. Jacob of Peoria, Illinois in Tryon, North Carolina November Eleventh 1945." 3868. SMITH, ASA F. Vagaries in verse and Lincoln sketches. By Asa Foster Smith. Mil- waukee, The 20th Century Press, 1909. 65, [1] p. 15 cm. (M1870) P Inscribed to the Lincoln Library, Fisk, Wisconsin, and to Albert H. Griffith by the author. Enclosed is a letter from the author to Albert H. Griffith, dated November 19, 19 15. 3869. SMITH, BETTY. The boy, Abe; a one act play. Boston, Los Angeles, Baker's plays, [ Cl 944] 15 p. 19 cm. P Printed wrappers. 3870. SMITH, [CHARLES] COPELAND. The three Lincolns, a radio sermon . . . Chicago, Radio League of Reconciliation [1928?] [16] p. 17J/2 cm. (Radio League Leaflets, no. 4) (M3404) E457.8.S639 Cover title. Broadcast from station WCFL, Chicago, on the pro- gram Biographies in bronze. Twelve pages of text. Portrait of author laid in. 3871. SMITH, EARL HOBSON. President Lincoln; a two hour play in three acts with three scenes each. Harrogate, Tenn., The Lincoln Book Co., 1940. vii, 97 p. illus., port, ig 1 /^ cm. PS3537.M344P7 1940 copy 3 "Published, January, 1940." Title page autographed by the author. 363 3872. SMITH, ELMER A. Abraham Lincoln, an Illinois Central lawyer, a paper read ... at a meeting of the Western Conference of Railway Counsel, February 13, 1945. [Chicago? 1945] 23 p. 25/2 cm. E457.2.S6 copy 2 Cover title. Bibliographical footnotes. Printed wrappers. 3873. SMITH, FORD. Abraham Lincoln; an address by Commander Ford Smith, delivered Feb- ruary 12, 1923 at the annual exercises of Frank P. Blair post no. 1, Department of Missouri, G. A. R., to celebrate the 1 14th anniversary of Mr. Lincoln's birthday. St. Louis, Skaer Print. Co., 1923. 11 p. 23/2 cm. (M2669) E457.7.S64 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 3874. SMITH, FRANK S. Abraham Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy. An address before Hatch Post, G. A. R., Friendship, N. Y.j February 12, 1909. [Friendship, N. Y.] B. F. Lamport [1909] 24 p. 23/2 cm. P Printed wrappers. 3875. SMITH, FREDERICK A. The Grand Army Hall and Memorial Association Lincoln birthday service . . . February the twelfth nine- teen hundred and thirteen . . . [an] address. [Chi- cago? 1913?] 15 p. ports. 18 cm. (M2080) P Blue-grey printed wrappers. 3876. Another edition. 13 p. (M2080 var. ) P Differs in paging, arrangement of the type, etc. Brown printed wrappers. 3877. [SMITH, GEORGE B.] Abraham Lin- coln : farmer's boy and President. Published under the direction of the Committee of General Litera- ture and Education appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York, E. & J. B. Young [188-?] 32 p. 21/2 cm. (M1037) E457.S65 copy 2 First published 1889. Printed wrappers, illustrated in color. Portrait of Lin- coln" on cover. 3878. SMITH, GEORGE D., firm, booksellers, New York. Abraham Lincoln; books, pamphlets, broadsides, medals, busts, personal relics, autograph letters, documents, unique life portraits. New York, G. D. Smith [191-] 171 p. 22 cm. (M2340) Z8505.Z9S7 copy 3 Cover title. 1,276 items. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Green cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3879. SMITH, GEORGE W. When Lincoln came to Egypt. Herrin, 111., Trovillion Private Press ["1940] xx, 158 p., 1 1. illus., ports. 24/2 cm. E457.3.S68 copy 3 Map on end papers. "Of this first limited edition . . . 498 numbered copies, signed by the author, were printed." This is no. 459. In blue three-quarter-closed case. 3880. SMITH, GOLDWIN. The Civil War in America : an address read at the last meeting of the Manchester Union and Emancipation Society. London, Simpkin, Marshall; Manchester, A. Ire- land, 1866. 96 p. 19/2 cm. E459.S64 copy 3 3881. SMITH, GOLDWIN. Reminiscences. Edited by Arnold Haultain. New York, Macmil- lan, 1910. xv, 477 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22/2 cm. F1033.S65 copy 3 "American Civil War, 1861-1865": p. 319-356. 3882. SMITH, HARVEY H. Lincoln and the Lincolns. [New York] Pioneer Publications [193 1] xxiii, 482 p. illus., ports. 24/2 cm. (M3291) E457.S66 copy 3 "Memorial edition." 3883. SMITH, HENRY. The religious senti- ments proper for our national crisis. A sermon delivered on Sabbath evening, April 23, 1865. By Henry Smith, D. D., pastor of the North Presby- terian Church, Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, Printing House of Matthews & Warren, 1865. 2 p. 1., [7^32 p. 23 cm. (M732) E458.5.S65 copy 3 On cover: Our national crisis. Glazed printed wrappers. 3884. SMITH, HENRY H., ed. All the Repub- lican national conventions from Philadelphia, June 17, 1856. Proceedings, platforms, and candidates, with tables showing convention, popular, and elec- toral votes. Compiled and edited by Henry H. Smith. Washington, R. Beall, 1896. 3 p. 1., [3]- 166 p. 23 cm. JK2353 1856b copy 3 "Second National Convention, Chicago, 111., May 16- 18, i860. Lincoln and Hamlin": p. [i5]-24. "Third 364 National Convention, Baltimore, Md. Lincoln and Johnson": p. [25]-2g. Bound in red half-morocco. June 7, i! 3885. SMITH, ISAAC. An address delivered in the Town Hall, Foxborough, Mass., April 19, 1865, simultaneously with the funeral of President Lin- coln. Foxborough, Printed by W. H. Thomas, 1865. 13 p. 23/2 cm. (M733) E 457-5 2 - S6 4 co Py 2 "Published by request." Reprinted (1923) in item 631. Glazed printed wrappers. In blue cardboard slipcase. 3886. SMITH, L. FRANKLIN. Presented to the subscribers to the proclamation of emancipa- tion. Lithographed by Rosenthal, and published by L. Franklin Smith. Philadelphia [1865?] 15 p. 15 cm. (var. of(?) M246) P Cover title: Proclamation of Emancipation. Printed wrappers. 3887. SMITH, SAMUEL F. America. Our national hymn, by Rev. S. F. Smith. Boston, D. Lothrop [ c i884] 2 p. 1., [8] p., 4 1., [19] p. illus., ports., facsim. 29 cm. PS2872.A7 1884 copy 2 Illustrated title page. With biographical sketch "The author of our national hymn" signed: G. H. W. [i. e. G. H. Whittemore] America, with twelve patriotic songs by S. F. Smith, in- cluding Abraham Lincoln (p. [1 7]— [ 19])- 3888. SMITH, SAMUEL G. Abraham Lin- coln. Cincinnati, Jennings & Pye; New York, Eaton & Mains [1902] 3 i,[i] p. port. 19 cm. (The hero series, [v. 3]) (M1391) E457.8.S65 copy 2 "The address in this booklet, with five others, are pub- lished in book form under the title of Retribution, and Other Addresses, by Samuel G. Smith, and the 'Words of Lincoln' are taken from Abraham Lincoln, by D. D. Thompson." Contents. — Abraham Lincoln; an address delivered before the Loyal legion, St. Paul, Minn. (p. 5-22). — Words of Lincoln (p. 23-3 1 ) . 3889. SMITH, THOMAS V. Abraham Lin- coln and the spiritual life [by] T. V. Smith. Bos- ton, Beacon Press, 195 1. viii, 95 p. 16/2 cm. E457.2.S63 copy 3 On spine: Lincoln and the spiritual life. 3890. SMITH, THOMAS V. Lincoln, living legend, by T. V. Smith, Congressman-at-Large from Illinois. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1940] 4 p. 1., 3-82, [1] p. 16/2 cm. E457.8.S654 copy 3 "Memorial address, Illinois State Senate, February 12, 1935" First of the annual Abraham Lincoln lectures, insti- tuted by Cooper Union. Cf. Dedication. Boards. Cloth back. 3891. [SMITH, TRUMAN] Considerations on the slavery question, addressed to the President of the United States. [New York, 1862] 15 p. 23 cm. (M162) E453.S66 copy 4 Printed wrappers. 3892. SMITH, WILLIAM H., Jr., comp. A priced Lincoln bibliography. New York, Priv. Pub., 1906. 2 p. 1., 70 p. 27/2 cm. (M1513 var.) Z8505.S72 copy 3 "15 large paper copies, lettered; 250 ordinary edition, numbered. This copy is letter D of large paper edition." Brown half-morocco. 3893. SMOOT, REED. Abraham Lincoln, speech in the Senate of the United States, Feb- ruary 12, 1929. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1929. 4 p. 23 cm. (var. of (?) M3138) P Cover title. 3894. SMOOT, REED. Abraham Lincoln- statesman, speech in the Senate of the United States, Saturday, February 12, 1927. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1927. 8 p. 24 cm. (M2971) P Cover title. Inscribed to Mr. Charles T. White by the author. 3895. SMOOT, REED. Lincoln and the Union, speech in the Senate of the United States, Monday, February 13, 1928. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1928. 6 p. 24 cm. (M3057) P Cover title. Autographed by the author on the cover. 3896. SMOOT, RICHARD MITCHELL. The unwritten history of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Clinton, Mass., Press of W. J. Coulter, 1908. 24 p. 19/2 cm. (M1446 var.) E457.5.S662 copies 2 & 3 "Privately printed, edition of 100 copies" of which these are copies no. 2 1 and 88. First published, Baltimore, J. Murphy, 1904. All of this edition except five copies, which had been distributed, 365 was destroyed in the Baltimore fire of February 7, 1904. Cf. Foreword, signed : On a L. Stone. Copy 2 inscribed by Orra L. Stone. Printed wrappers. 3897. SMYSER, GEORGE H. The Lincoln family in 1861, a history of the painting and en- graving. [Springfield? 111., 1929] 5 p. illus. 26J/2 cm. (M3139) P "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, Volume 22, Number 2, July, 1929." Printed wrappers. 3898. SMYTH, CLIFFORD. Abraham Lin- coln, the great emancipator, who preserved the Union. New York, London, Funk & Wagnalls, 1931. 192 p. 18/2 cm. (His Builders of Amer- ica, v. 19) (M3292) E457.S668 copy 2 3899. SNIDER, DENTON J. Abraham Lin- coln, an interpretation in biography. St. Louis, Mo., Sigma Pub. Co. [ c i9o8] 574 p. 20/2 cm. (M1627) E457.S67 copy 3 3900. SNIDER, DENTON J. Lincoln and Ann Rutledge ; an idyllic epos of the early North-West. Souvenir of Abraham Lincoln's birthday, 191 2. St. Louis, Sigma Pub. Co. [191 2] 350 p. 20V2 cm. ([The Lincoln tetralogy, v. 2]) (M2055) E457.9.S67 copy 2 Poem. 3901. SNIDER, DENTON J. Lincoln at Rich- mond ; a dramatic epos of the Civil War. St. Louis, Mo., Sigma Pub. Co. [ c igi4] 388 p. 20/2 cm. ([The Lincoln tetralogy, v. 4]) (M2165) E457.9.S671 copy 3 One page of advertising following p. 388. 3902. [SNIDER, DENTON J.] Lincoln in the Black Hawk War, an epos of the Northwest, by Theophilus Middling [pseud.] St. Louis, Mo., Sigma Pub. Co. [1910] 375 p. 20/2 cm. ([The Lincoln tetralogy, v. 1]) (Mi 957) E457.9.S672 copy 2 Slate-colored cloth with gilt lettering on spine. 3903. Another issue. (Mi 957 var.) E457.9.S673 copy 2 Title page differs. (Author's name appears rather than pseudonym.) Slate-colored cloth with paper label on spine. 3904. SNIDER, DENTON J. Lincoln in the White house; a dramatic epos of the Civil War. St. Louis, Mo., Sigma Pub. Co. [19 13?] 2 p. 1., 3-404 p. 20/2 cm. ([The Lincoln tetralogy. v. 3] ) ( M2 1 1 1 ) E457.9.S675 copy 2 3905. SNODGRASS, WINFIELD C. Abraham Lincoln, the typical American ; a sermon. Preached in the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Plainfield, N. J., February 12, 1905. [Plainfield, N. J., Re- corder Press, 1905] 19 p. mounted port., 2 illus. mounted on 1 1. 29 cm. (M1477) E457.8.S67 copy 2 "Fifty copies printed for private circulation by Judd Stewart." Printed wrappers. 3906. Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, Baltimore. Annual report. 15th, 1900/ 1 90 1. F190.G3S6 X copy "Abraham Lincoln or Linkhorn," by L. P. Henning- hausen: p. [37]-42. Letter of transmittal to Charles T. White laid in. 3907. Society of the Army of the Potomac. Re- port of the thirtieth annual re-union, at Pittsburg, Pa., October nth and 12th, 1899. New York, Macgowan & Slipper, Printers, 1899. 86 p. 23/2 cm. (Mi 287 note) E470.2.S67 4th set, 1899 On cover: Report of proceedings. Title page inscribed: "Chas T. White 19 16." "Oration: Abraham Lincoln," by Major William H. Lambert: p. 31-49. (Also issued separately from differ- ent plates as item 2454.) Printed wrappers, illustrated in color. 3908. The Sohioan. v. 8, Feb. 1936; v. 9, Feb. 19375 V. 10, Feb. 1938. Cleveland. Ohio, Standard Oil Co. of Ohio. HD 9569.S82O35, v. 8, 9, 10 X copy "Cincinnati, scene of humiliation and triumph for Abra- ham Lincoln," by R. D. Packard: v. 8, p. 2-5. "Pictur- esque memorial honors the mother of Lincoln," by R. D. Packard: v. 9, p. 6-9, 11. "Lincoln's wife Mary, their courtship and marriage," by R. D. Packard: v. 10, p. 6-1 1. 3909. SOMERS, WILLIAM H. A new light on Abraham Lincoln as an advocate; an interview by Allen H. Wright with W. H. Somers, former Clerk of the Circuit Court in Champaign County, Uli- 366 nois. San Diego, Calif., 1925. [7] p. port. 21 cm. (M2824) E457.2.S65 copy 2 Cover title and caption: Lincoln as an advocate. "An edition of 100 copies, of which this is no. 19." "Reprinted from the Green Bag of February, 1908." Printed wrappers. 3910. [Sons of the American Revolution] Lin- coln and Springfield. Springfield, Phillips Bros. Print [1929] 56 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22/2 cm. (M3110) E457.35.S6 Issued by the Fortieth Annual Congress of the Sons of the American Revolution, Springfield. Boards. Cloth back. 391 1. The South Atlantic quarterly, v. 41, Oct. 1942. Durham, N. C, Duke University Press. AP2.S75 v. 41, X copy "Lincoln and the theory of secession," by A. Rutledge: P- [37o]-383- 3912. [South Dakota Historical Society] Mentor Graham, [n. p., 1952?] [6] p. illus., ports., maps. 22 cm. P Caption title. An account of Lincoln's friend. Enclosed are four picture postcards of the Mentor Graham house. 3913. The Southern Collegian. The death of Lee. Southern collegian, October 15, 1870. With an introduction by Richard Barksdale Harwell. Atlanta, The Library, Emory University, 1955. ii,[i] p., fold, facsim. : [4] p. 24 cm. (Emory University publications. Sources & reprints, ser. 9, no. 3) E467.i.L4S73copy3 "Facsimile ... of the Southern Collegian extra pub- lished on the day of General Lee's burial. It is from the copy preserved in the Emory University Library." Printed wrappers. 3914. SOUTHGATE, HORATIO. The death of Lincoln, April 15th, 1865. Some of the religious lessons which it teaches. A sermon, preached in Zion Church, New- York, on the first Sunday after Easter, April 23d, 1865. New- York, J. W. Amer- man, Printer, 1865. 14 p. 23 cm. (M736) E457.8.S72 copy 2 "Published by request of the vestry." Printed wrappers. 3915. Southwestern Indiana Civic Association, Boonville. The Lincoln country of southwestern Indiana. Arranged by Southwestern Indiana Civic Association, I. J. Robinson, Chairman Tourist Committee. [Evansville, Ind., Koenemann-Riehl, Printers, 1935] 1 p. 1., 5-46 p., 1 1. illus., port., map. 23 cm. F526.S78 copy 3 On cover: The "Lincoln country"; a guide for tourists and pleasure seekers. Illustrated printed wrappers. 3916. Souvenir of Abraham Lincoln. [London, Printed and published for London Branch, U. S. Civil War Veterans by H. Gardiner & Co., 1920] [15] p. illus., ports. 14/2 x 22 cm. (M2483) P (2 copies) Cover title. Mimeographed list of names and addresses of 139 London veterans tipped in. Portraits of Lincoln and Grant on cover. 3917. Souvenir of Lincoln's birthplace. Hodgens- ville [sic] Ky., T. B. Kirkpatrick, 1903. [20] p. 17 illus., 2 ports. 15/2 x 23/2 cm. (M1415) E457-32-S72 copy 2 Green-tinted wrappers, imprinted in blue. 3918. Another edition. 15 illus., 4 ports. 15 x 21/2 cm. (M1415 var.) E457.32.S72 copy 3 With some changes in illustrative matter; revision of a number of the captions; title page corrected and reset; and p. [2], the captions of p. [3H'9]» and P- t 20 ! P r ' nted from different type. Blue wrappers, imprinted in black. 3919. SPAETH, ADOLPH. Abraham Lincoln. Rede beim Trauergottesdienst in der Zionskirche zu Philadelphia am 19. April 1865 von Pastor A. Spaeth. [Philadelphia, 1865?] 16 p. 17 cm. (M3788) E457.8.S73 X copy Issued also under imprint; Philadelphia, C. W. Wid- maier, 1865. Printed wrappers. 3920. SPANGLER, EDWARD. Testimony for prosecution and defence in the case of Edward Spangler, tried for conspiracy to murder the Presi- dent, before a military commission, of which Major-General Hunter was president, Washington, D. C, May and June, 1865. [Washington, 1865?] 66 p., 1 1. 22/2 cm. (M737) E457.5.S73 copy 2 Caption title. "Reprinted from the official court record." Unbound. In red quarter-morocco slipcase. 367 392i. The Speaker, v. 3 (no. 12); Sept. 1908. New York City, Hinds, Noble & Eldredge c igi2. 432 p. 23/2 cm. PN4070.S7 2d set, No. 12 Edited by P. M. Pearson. Partial Contents (p. 353-364). — The cenotaph, by J. T. McKay — O Captain! My Captain!, by Walt Whit- man. — Commemoration ode, by James Russell Lowell. — On the death of Lincoln, by Henry Ward Beecher. — Lincoln, the man of the people, by Edwin Markham. — To the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, by R. W. Gilder. — Lincoln's responsibility, by G. W. Curtis. — Lincoln: a man called of God, by J. M. Thurston. 3922. Speaker Colfax and the Union League Committee. With the letter of President Lincoln, to A. G. Hodges, of Kentucky. Washington, Printed at the Office of the Daily Chronicle, 1864. 8 p. 22/2 cm. (M352) E458.4.S73 copy 3 Cover title(?). Self wrappers(?). Bound in green half-morocco. 3923. SPEAR, SAMUEL T. The punishment of treason. A discourse preached April 23d, 1865, in the South Presbyterian Church, of Brooklyn. Brooklyn, "The Union" Steam Presses, 1865. 38 p. 21 cm. (M738) E457.8.S74 copy 3 Previously bound. 3924. SPEARS, ZAREL C, and ROBERT S. BARTON. Berry and Lincoln, frontier mer- chants; the store that "winked out." New York, Stratford House, 1947. [3] 1., 5-140 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. E457.35.S65 copy 3 "Notes and references": p. 125-132. 3925. Specialty salesman magazine, v. 17, Feb. 1930. South Whitley, Ind., National Specialty Salesman Pub. HF5438.A37 v. 17 X copy "Abraham Lincoln as a man of business," by B. C. Bean: p. [17]— 2 1, 87. 3926. SPEED, JAMES. Address before the So- ciety of the Loyal Legion, at Cincinnati, May 4, 1887, in response to the toast, Abraham Lincoln. Louisville, J. P. Morton, 1888. n p. 22/2 cm. (M1045) E457.8.S744 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 3927. SPEED, JAMES. James Speed, a person- ality, by James Speed, his grandson. Louisville, Ky., Press of J. P. Morton, 19 14. 4 p. 1., 136 p., 1 1. illus., ports. 22 cm. E415.9.S74S7 copy 2 Several references to Lincoln. 3928. SPEED, JAMES. Opinion on the consti- tutional power of the military to try and execute the assassins of the President, by Attorney General James Speed. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1865. 16 p. 23 cm. (M739) E457.5.U59 copy 4 Page [4] of cover inscribed by the author. Printed wrappers. 3929. SPEED, JOSHUA F. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln and Notes of a visit to California. Two lectures. With a sketch of his life. Louis- ville, Ky., Printed by J. P. Morton and Co., 1884. 67 p. (M1005) E457.15.S74 copies 2 & 3 Copy 2 inscribed: "Tiny Speed Rodgers, January, 1884." Copy 2 (21 cm.) bound in brown cloth with gilt letter- ing on cover and spine. Dark green endpapers. In brown slipcase. Copy 3 (23 cm.) in light brown wrappers, imprinted in black. In modern binding: brown half -morocco. 3930. SPEER, EMORY. Lincoln, Lee, Grant, and other biographical addresses. New York, Washington, Neale Pub. Co., 1909. 269 p. ports. 21 cm. (M1872) E457.S76 copy 3 3931. SPERRY, WILLARD L. The meaning of God in the life of Lincoln, [n. p., 1922?] 18 p. 18/2 cm. E457.2.S7 "A sermon preached in Central Church, Boston, on Lincoln's Birthday, February 12, 1922." Printed wrappers. 3932. SPICER, ANNE HIGGINSON. The last crusade. New York, J. T. White, 19 18. 128 p. 18/2 cm. PS3537.P6L3 1 9 18 copy 2 Poems reprinted in part from various periodicals. "The heart of Lincoln" : p. 25. Stamped : New York Public Library. 3933. Spirit of the fair. No. 1— 1 7 ; Apr. 5-23, 1864. New York, J. F. Trow, 1864. 206 p. 29^2 cm. E632.N5 2d & 3d sets Issued in connection with the Metropolitan Fair for the United States Sanitary Commission. Includes anecdotes and poems about the war, letters from soldiers, etc. 2d set (1 v.) bound in marbled boards, with red cloth back; 3d set (1 v.) bound in dark green half-morocco, with mottled sides. 368 3934- SPRAGUE, DeWITT C. At Gettysburg. A poem. Washington, 1901. [15] p. port. 23/2 cm. P At head of title: Dulci et decorum est pro patria mori. Autographed inscription to Judge David McAdam by the author. Printed wrappers. 3935. SPRAGUE, ISAAC N. President Lin- coln's death. A discourse delivered in the Presby- terian Church in Caldwell, N. J., on the day of national mourning, June 1st, 1865, by Rev. I. N. Sprague. Newark, N. J., Printed at the Daily Advertiser Off., 1865. 20 p. 22 cm. (M741) E457.8.S76 copy 2 Previously bound. 3936. SPRAGUE, WILLIAM B. A discourse delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, Al- bany, April 16, 1865, the Sunday morning imme- diately succeeding the assassination of the President of the United States. Albany, Weed, Parsons and Co., Printers, 1865. 18 p. 19/2 cm. (M742) E457.8.S763 copy 2 Plain wrappers. 3937. Springfield, 111. Oak Ridge Cemetery. Oak Ridge cemetery : its history and improvements, rules and regulations. National Lincoln monu- ment, and other monuments, charter and ordi- nances. List of lot-owners. Springfield, 111., H. W. Rokker, Printer, 1879. 100 p. illus. 23/2 cm. (M960) RA629.S7O3 copy 2 "Prefatory note" signed: Edwin S. Walker. Errata: p. 6. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 3938. Springfield, Mass. Citizens. The Nation weeping for its dead. Observances at Springfield, Massachusetts, on President Lincoln's funeral day, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, including Dr. Holland's eulogy. From the Springfield republican's report. Springfield, Mass., S. Bowles, L. J. Powers, 1865. 32 p. 23 cm. (M564) E457. 5 2.S76Xcopy Eulogy by J. G. Holland : p. [ 1 5]-30. Printed wrappers. 3939. Springfield Centennial Association. Pro- gram of Springfield centennial pageant, 1837-1937. [Springfield, 111., Williamson Press, 1937] 54 p. 28 cm. F549.S7S715 "Life of Lincoln [an epic drama]" by William Dodd Chenery: p. 25-41. Glazed illustrated printed wrappers. 3940. Springfield city directory, and Sangamon County advertiser. 1st. 1855/56. Springfield [111.] Birchall & Owen, 1855. 2 p. 1., 3, [1] p., 1 1., [i]-64, 36, 12 p. illus. 15 cm. F 549.S7S72 1st, 1855/56 "First publication." Compiler: E. H. Hall. Advertising matter following p. 64. Abraham Lincoln listed as attorney (p. 25) and Wil- liam H. Herndon as mayor (p. 19, [49]). From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 3941. Springfield, the home of Abraham Lincoln. [Springfield? 111., 19 14] 16 p. illus. 19 cm. (M2166) P Cover title. Self-wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 3942. Springfield — week by week. v. 3, Nov. 1 1, J 933; v - 7> J un e 12, 1937. Springfield 111. P "Rebuilding New Salem," speech made by Henry Horner, Governor of Illinois, at the rededication of New Salem, Oct. 26, 1933, with letter of transmittal from P. M. Angle to C. T. White laid in : v. 3, p. 8-9. "The Lincoln home"; "Four historic Lincoln tablets," by H. W. Fay; "Lincoln tomb constructions," by H. W. Fay: v. 7 p. 7; 10-11; 18-19. 3943. SQUIRE, RICHARD J. The "best" Lin- coln biography: results of a survey [by] Dick Squire. Bedford, Ohio, Lincoln Press, 1955. 27 p. 21/2 cm. Z8505.S73 copy 2 "500 copies." Printed wrappers. 3944. STACKPOLE, EDWARD J. Drama on the Rappahannock: the Fredericksburg campaign. Harrisburg, Pa., Military Service Pub. Co. [1957] xx, 297 p. illus., ports., maps. 23 cm. E474.85.S8 copy 3 "First edition." "Lincoln tries another general": p. 50-63. 3945. STACKPOLE, EDWARD J. They met at Gettysburg. Harrisburg, Pa. Eagle Books [1956] xxiv, 342 p. illus., ports., maps. 23 cm. E475.5i.S8copy4 "First edition." End paper maps. "This volume is no. 99 of a limited edition . . . [Signed] Edward J. Stackpole." Bound in brown full-leather, gilt-stamped on cover and spine. Gilt edges. Boxed. 369 3946- Another issue. E475.51.S8 copy 3 Without limited edition statement. Gray illustrated cloth, with blue lettering on spine. 3947. STAMPP, KENNETH M. And the war came; the North and the secession crisis, 1860- 186 1. [Baton Rouge] Louisiana State University Press [1950] viii, 331 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. E440.5.S78 copy 3 3948. STANTON, HENRY B. Random recol- lections. New York, Harper, 1887. xv, 298 p. port. 19/2 cm. E338.S792 copy 3 Third edition. Numerous references to Lincoln, his advisors, Cabinet members, etc. 3949. STAPLES, ERNEST LINWOOD. A man of destiny; being the story of Abraham Lin- coln; an epic poem. Shelton, Conn., Lincoln Pub. Co., 1902. 71 p. illus., port. 21 cm. (M1392) E457-9-S79 copy 2 End paper inscribed: "Chas T. White 19 16." 3950. STARR, FREDERICK, Jr. The martyr President. A discourse, delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Penn Yan, N.Y., Sabbath morning, April 1 6th, 1865, on the death of Abra- ham Lincoln. Repeated by request in the North Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Mo., Sabbath morning, May 14, 1865. St. Louis, S. Spencer, Printer, 1865. 19 p. 22/2 cm. (M745) E457.8.S79 copy 2 "Solicited for publication." On cover: Lincoln, the martyr President. Glazed printed wrappers. 3953. STARR, JOHN W., Jr., comp. A bibli- ography of Lincolniana, not included in the compi- lations of Daniel Fish and Joseph Benjamin Oak- leaf. [Harrisburg, Pa.] Priv. Print., 1926. 1 p. 1., 5-69 p. 22/2 cm. (M2882) Z8505.S79 copy 3 "Edition of 100 numbered and signed copies, no. 90." 380 items. 3954. STARR, JOHN W., Jr. Did Lincoln and Beecher pray together? [n. p.] Printed privately, 1927. [4] p. 23 cm. (M2972) P Cover title. "Reprinted from The Christian Advocate, April 22, 1926, courtesy of Dr. James R. Joy, editor. 50 copies printed privately." Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White on the cover. 3955. STARR, JOHN W., Jr. "The dual per- sonality of Abraham Lincoln" ; a brief psychological study. [Harrisburg, Pa.] Priv. Print., 1928. 23 p. 21 cm. (M3059) E457.2.S786 copy 3 "Edition of 75 numbered and signed copies. No. 28. [Signed] John W. Starr, jr." Inscribed by the author to George P. Hambrecht. 3956. STARR, JOFIN W., Jr. Further light on Lincoln's last day; a study of the attendant circum- stances; being the third of a series of monographs. [Harrisburg, Pa.] Priv. Print., 1930. 142 p. facsims. 27/2 cm. (M3234) E457.S793 copy 3 "Edition of sixty numbered and signed copies, no. 60." Inscribed by the author to George P. Hambrecht. Imitation leather. 3951. STARR, JOHN W., Jr. Abraham Lin- coln as a potential Lion. Remarks before the Lions Club, Millersburg, Pa., February 13, 1928. [n.p.] 1928. 4 p. 23 cm. (M3058) E457.2.S783 Cover title. "60 copies privately printed." Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. 3952. STARR, JOHN W., Jr. Abraham Lin- coln's religion in his eldest son's estimation, [n.p.] Privately Printed, 1926. [7] p. 19 cm. (M2881) P Cover title. "50 copies." (Author's ms. note on cover.) Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. 3957. STARR, JOHN W., Jr. Lincoln and the fair sex; remarks before the Millersburg Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, February 6, 1928. [n. p.] 1928. 8 p. 23 cm. (M3060) E457.7.S8 Cover title. "60 copies privately printed." Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. 3958. STARR, JOHN W., Jr. Lincoln & the railroads; a biographical study. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1927. xiii p., 1 1., 325 p. illus., ports., map, facsims. 21 cm. (M2973) E457.S78 copy 3 Bibliography: p. [2971-311. Bound in dark blue cloth. 370 3959- Another issue. 24J/2 cm. (M2973 var.) E457.S78 1927a "Of this limited edition two hundred and eighty-seven copies have been printed, of which this is number 145." Fly leaf autographed by the author. Bound in red buckram. 3960. STARR, JOHN W., Jr. Lincoln as Presi- dent; an oration, by Jno. W. Starr, Jr. Delivered June 4, 1906, at his graduation from the public schools of Millersburg, Pa. [Millersburg?] Priv. Print., 1910. [8] p. 18/2 cm. (M1958) E457.8.S794 copy 3 "This is no. 37, of an edition of 100 copies." Inscribed by the author to George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers, bound with silk cord. 396 1 . STARR, JOHN W ., Jr. Lincoln's last day. With eight black-and-white illustrations from pho- tographs. New York, F. A. Stokes [ c i922] 6 p. 1., 100 p. 8 port. 19/2 cm. (M2604) E457.S79 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 93-100. 3962. STARR, JOHN W. Jr. "Lincoln's last official act." [n. p., n. d.] 628-630 p. 23 cm. P Caption title. Separate from Missouri Historical Review, July 1929. Inscribed to Charles T. White by the author. 3963. STARR, JOHN W., Jr. New light on Lincoln's last day. [Harrisburg, Pa.] Priv. Print., 1926. 1 p. 1., 5-22 p. 23 J/2 cm. (M2883) E457-S792 copy 3 "Edition of 60 numbered and signed copies, no. 37. [Signed] Jno. W. Starr, Jr." Copy of the author's "Lincoln's last official act," re- printed from Missouri Historical Review, July 1929, p. 628-630, laid in. 3964. STARR, JOHN W., Jr. Some facts con- cerning Lincoln, the versatile. Remarks before the Lincoln Day luncheon of Millersburg Chapter no. 326, Order of the Eastern Star, February 12, 1924. [Millersburg?, Pa., 1924] [4] p. 23 cm. (M2743) E457.8.S796 copy 2 Cover title. "Fifty copies printed." Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White, and dated Aug. 8, 1924. Printed wrappers, bound with silk cord. 3965. STARR, JOHN W., Jr. What was Abra- ham Lincoln's religion? By Jno. W. Starr, jr. Excerpt from the Magazine of history, January 1912. [New York, 191 2] [1], 18-37, [1] P- 25 cm. E457.2.S79 copy 2 Cover title. "But ten copies of this article were issued separately in this form, of which this is no. 8 [Signed] Jno W. Starr, Jr." Appendix : A bibliography of Lincolniana pertaining to Abraham Lincoln's religious beliefs: one type-written leaf, in facsimile, mounted on verso of p. 37. Printed wrappers. 3966. STARR, LOUIS M. Bohemian brigade; Civil War newsmen in action. New York, Knopf, 1954. xvii, 367, xix p. illus., ports., map. 22 cm. E609.S8 copy 3 "First edition." 3967. STARR, THOMAS I. At the crossroad of decision, [n. p., 1954] [4] p. ports. 23 cm. P Caption title. Concerning Avard T. Fairbanks' statue of Lincoln for New Salem Village. "Reprinted from the Michigan Christian Advocate Adrian, Michigan February 11, 1954." 3968. [STARR, THOMAS I.] "Congressman Abraham Lincoln." Extension of remarks of Hon. George A. Dondero of Michigan in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, February 19, 1946. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1946. 8 p. 23 cm. P Cover title. Originally published as "The gentleman from Illinois, Mr. Lincoln" in The Michigan Bell (?). 3969. STARR, THOMAS I. The Greenly col- lection, a recent gift of Lincolniana. [Ann Arbor? Mich., 1 941] [3i8]~327 p. facsim. 26 cm. Z733.M625G77 copy 2 "Reprinted from Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review, July 26, 1 94 1 , vol. XLVII, no. 24." Inscribed to Alfred W. Stern. Printed wrappers. 3970. STARR, THOMAS I. Lincoln belonged to a great fraternity. [St. Paul, Minn., Tau Kappa Epsilon, 1936?] 4 p. illus., ports., facsim. 30 cm. (var. of(?) M3537) P Caption title. "Reprinted from the December 1936, TEKE, official publication of Tau Kappa Epsilon." 371 397i- STARR, THOMAS I. A lost speech of Abraham Lincoln. Birmingham, Michigan, The Birmingham Eccentric [1936] folder ([2] p.) illus., ports. 31 cm. (M3538) P Cover title. "Reprinted from The Michigan Bell Employees' Maga- zine of the Michigan Bell Telephone Co. for August 1936." "Limited to one hundred copies." Concerning Lincoln's Kalamazoo speech, 1856. 3972. STARR, THOMAS I. The will of Katherine Burke has been probated. Harrogate, Tenn., [1944] 8 p. illus. 255/2 cm. P Concerning Katherine Mcintosh Burke and the statue, "Lincoln, the frontiersman," sculptured by Avard T. Fairbanks and presented by her to the Ewa Public School, near Honolulu, Hawaii. "Re-printed from Lincoln Herald, June, 1944, vol. XLVI, no. 2." Printed wrappers. 3973. [STEARNS, GEORGE LUTHER] comp. Universal suffrage, and complete equality in citi- zenship, the safeguards of democratic institutions: shown in discourses by Henry Ward Beecher, An- drew Johnson, and Wendell Phillips. Boston, Press of G. C. Rand & Avery, 1865. 16 p. 22/2 cm. JK1924.S86 Introductory note signed : George L. Stearns. Contents. — Universal suffrage: an argument by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, delivered at Plymouth Church, Brooklyn . . . Feb. 12, 1865. — President Johnson's pol- icy: as foreshadowed in a speech at Nashville, Tenn., upon his nomination for the vice-presidency. — The lesson of President Lincoln's death: a speech of Wendell Phillips, at the Tremont temple . . . Apr. 23, 1865. Previously bound. 3974. STEARNS, JONATHAN F. Death of President Lincoln; a sermon delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Newark, N. J., Sunday morn- ing, April 16, 1865. Camplain [N. Y.] Priv. Print. [at the Moorsfield Press] 1919. ig,[i] p. 24/2 cm. (M2426) E457.52.S79 "Composed from the original manuscript in the collec- tion of the late Charles Woodberry McLellan, and printed in ... an edition of fifty copies . . . no. 37." Foreword by Hugh McLellan. Autographed presentation copy from Hugh McLellan to Charles T. White. With letter of transmittal laid in. Boards. 3975. STEBBINS, HORATIO. The President, the people, and the war. A Thanksgiving dis- course by Horatio Stebbins, minister of the First Unitarian Society in San Francisco. San Fran- cisco, C. F. Robbins & Co., Printers, 1864. 22 p. 22/2 cm. E458.4.S82 copy 2 Ms. note on verso of title page: "1866, Aug. 1 1. Gift of James Morrison of San Francisco." Printed wrappers. In blue slipcase. 3976. STECKENREITER, JOHN F. Abraham Lincoln as spiritualist and spirit. [New York, n. d.] 16 p. 17 cm. P Caption title. 3977. STEELE, RICHARD H. Victory and mourning. A sermon occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, preached in the First Reformed Dutch Church, New-Brunswick, N. J., June 1st, 1865. New-Brunswick, N. J., Terhune & Van Anglen's Press, 1865. 27 p. 23^2 cm. (M746) E457.8.S81 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 3978. STEFAN, KARL, and others. A radio symposium on Lincoln over the Columbia Broad- casting System, on Lincoln's birthday, Saturday, February 12, 1938. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1938]. 8 p. 23 cm. (M3646) P Caption title. "Printed in the Congressional Record of February 16, 1938." "Addresses of Representative Karl Stefan, of Nebraska ; Representative Leo E. Allen, of Illinois; Representative B. Carroll Reece, of Tennessee; Representative Charles W. Tobey, of New Hampshire ; and Representative Daniel A. Reed, of New York." Enclosed is a letter from Carroll Reece to John W. Starr, Jr., dated October 15, 1938. 3979. STEIN, MAX, cd. Abe Lincoln's jokes; wit and humor, yarns and stories, history [and] chronology, gathered from authentic sources. Chicago, c 1 943. 159 p. 19/2 cm. E457.15.S8 copies 3 & 4 Copy 3 bound in yellow and red printed wrappers, copy 4 in white and red printed wrappers. 3980. STEINER, EDWARD A. Uncle Joe's Lincoln. New York, Chicago, London, Edin- burgh, Fleming H. Revell [ c i9i8] 9, 1 3-1 71 p. illus. 19/2 cm. (M2392) PZ9.S82U copy 3 A story for boys about the influence of Lincoln on Hungarian youth through "Uncle Joe," a repatriated vet- eran of the Civil War. 372 An enlargement of the author's "Abraham Lincoln in Hungary," which appeared in his book Against the Cur- rent, published in 1910. Cf. Foreword. 3981. STEINER, LEWIS H. Abraham Lin- coln: the lessons taught by his life and the obliga- tions imposed by his death. An address, delivered at "The Glades," Frederick County, Maryland, April 23d, 1865. Philadelphia, J. B. Rodgers, Printer, 1865. 15 p. 23 cm. (M747) E457.8.S82 copy 3 Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 3982. STEPHEN, Sir LESLIE. The "Times" on the American war: a historical study. By L. S. London, W. Ridgway, 1865. 107 p. 21 J/2 cm. E469.8.S82 copy 2 The author attacks the London Times for its abuse of Lincoln. Brown half-calf, with self- wrappers ( ?) bound in. Damaged spine; front cover loose. 3983. STEPHENS, ALBERT L. From one Lin- coln lover to another, being extracts from a letter written to F. Ray Risdon . . . [Chicago] Institute Press — Wood, Wood & Wood [1939] folder ([2] p.) 22 cm. (M3715) P Caption title. 3984. STEPHENS, ALEXANDER H. Proph- ecy and fulfillment. Part I. Speech of A. H. Stephens, of Georgia, (Vice President of the so- called Confederate States,) in opposition to seces- sion in i860. Part II. Address of E. W. Gantt, of Arkansas, (Brigadier-General in the Confederate army,) in favor of reunion in 1863. New York, 1865. 2 v. (22, 24 p.) 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 36 [pt. 1-2]) E463.L96 No. 36 4th set Speeches delivered on Nov. 14, i860 and Oct. 7, 1863. Each part with title page. Issued also without parts. (New York, Holman, Printer, 1863. 45 p. Cover title.) Previously bound. In pamphlet holders. 3985. STEPHENSON, NATHANIEL W. Abraham Lincoln and the Union; a chronicle of the embattled North. New Haven, Yale Univer- sity Press ; Toronto, Glasgow, Brook & Co. ; Lon- don, FI. Milford [ c ig 18] xiii, 272 p. col. front. 18 cm. (The Chronicles of America series, 29) (var. of M2393) E173.C55 vol. 29 1918a "Bibliographical note": p. 261-264. 3986. STEPHENSON, NATHANIEL W. Lin- coln; an account of his personal life, especially of its springs of action as revealed and deepened by the ordeal of war. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c i922] 7 p. 1., 474 p. illus., ports. 21 cm. (M2605) E457.S83 copy 3 Bibliography: p. [4231-429. End paper autographed by author. Dark blue cloth. Gilt lettering on cover and spine. 3987. Another edition. ^1924] 7 p. 1., 528 p. 2 2 J/2 cm. (M26o5var.) E457.S83 1924 copy 4 Bibliography: p. [4731-479. P. 1-422 from same plates; p. [4731-528 from many of the same plates, repaged; index expanded. Augmented by "Lincoln's permanent significance," "Lincoln and the sense of nationality in the north," and "If Lincoln were alive." (p. [423I-472) Cloth, with gray back and blue sides. Gilt-stamped spine. 3988. Another edition. London, Hutchison, 1924. 352 p. 22/2 cm. (M2605 var.) E457.S83 1924a Bibliography: p. 313-316. From different plates. Green cloth. Gilt-stamped spine. 3989. [STEPHENSON, SAM C] Biographical sketches of our national presidents and the ladies of the White House. Book II. Lincoln to date. Lincoln, Nebr., Lincoln School Supply Co., c ig32. 48 p. (1 p. 1., B3-B48 p.) ports, (part col.) 23 cm. E176.1.S74 copy 3 Book 2 Printed wrappers. 3990. STEPHENSON, WENDELL HOLMES. The South lives in history; southern historians and their legacy. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State Uni- versity Press [1955] xiii p., 1 1., 163 p. 22 cm. (The Walter Lynwood Fleming lectures in South- ern history) F208.2.S8 copy 3 Appraisal of William E. Dodd's Lincoln or Lee: p. 39-40. 3991. STERN, PHILIP VAN DOREN. The man who killed Lincoln; the story of John Wilkes Booth and his part in the assassination. New York, •4!>274.-> GO -25 373 Random House, 1939. vii, 376 p. port. 22 cm. (M3716) E457.5.S825 copy 4 Map on end paper. "First printing." "Afterward . . . together with a bibliography" (32 p. illus., ports., facsims. 20/2 cm.) in pocket. Gray cloth, lettered in gilt on spine. Dark gray top. 3992. Another edition. [New York, Dell Pub. Co., 1955] 319 p. map. 17 cm. (A Dell book, D159) E457.5.S825 1955 copy 2 "Revised edition." Red wrappers, lettered in white, yellow, and black. Yellow edges. 3993. STEVENS, CHARLES M. The wonder- ful story of Lincoln, and the meaning of his life for the youth and patriotism of America, by C. M. Stevens. New York, Cupples & Leon [ c ig 1 7] 3 p. I., 186 p. illus., col. port. 20/2 cm. (In- spiration series of patriotic Americans) (M2341) E457.2.S84 copy 2 3994. STEVENS, FRANK E. The Black Hawk war, including a review of Black Hawk's life. Illus- trated with upward of three hundred rare and interesting portraits and views. Chicago, F. E. Stevens, 1903. 2 p. I., 323, [1] p. illus., ports., map, facsims. 27 cm. E83.83.S84 copy 3 "Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk war": p. 277- 289. 3995. STEVENS, FRANK E. The Dixon Abra- ham Lincoln-Jefferson Davis tradition. Chicago, The Home of Books, Inc., 1939. 111-129 p. 25^/2 cm. (Lincoln group papers, reprint no. 8) (M3529 note) P Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 3996. STEVENS, FRANK E. Forgotten states- men of Illinois: Richard F. Adams. [Springfield, 111., Journal Print. Co., 1930] 18 p. ports. 23 cm. F545.A3S78 Adams was a contemporary of Lincoln in the Illinois legislature. "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume 22, no. 4, January, 1930." Concerning the Saint-Gaudens Lincoln in Lincoln Park, Chicago. "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume 24, no. I, April, 1 931." Printed wrappers. 3998. [STEVENS, JOHN AUSTIN] Sherman vs. Hood — "a low tart, inclined to be very sweet" — something for Douglas Democrats to remember — an appeal to history — where Governor Seymour got his "lessons" — on the Chicago surrender. [New York, 1864] 3,[i] p. 22/2 cm. (Loyal Publica- tion Society. [Pamphlets] no. 61) E463.L96 No. 61 4th set Caption title. Wrappers. In pamphlet holder. 3999. [STEVENS, JOHN AUSTIN] The sub- missionists & their record. [New York, Francis & Loutrel, Printers, 1864] folder ([4] p.) 22/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 65, pt. 2) E463.L96 No. 65, pt. 2 4th set Caption title. Note at bottom of p. 4: Loyal leagues [etc.] Contents. — What a copperhead mayor [C. Godfrey Gunther] says of our victories [in his letter of Sept. 29, 1864]. — What Mr. Pendleton thinks of coercion; extract from speech of Jan. 18, 1 86 1 . Typed note at top of p. [1]: "Return to Charles T. White [etc.]" In pamphlet holder. 4000. STEVENS, WALTER B., ed. A report- er's Lincoln. Saint Louis, Missouri Historical Society, 1 9 16. 80 p. 23 cm. (M2275) E457.15.S84 copy 3 "Edition limited to six hundred copies of which this is no. 341." Boards. Cloth back. 4001. STEVENSON, ADLAI E. Something of men I have known, with some papers of a general nature, political, historical, and retrospective. Chi- cago, A. C. McClurg, 1909. xi, [1], 442 p. illus., ports., facsims. 21/2 cm. E661.S84 copy 3 Portraits printed on both sides. "A tribute to Lincoln [speech delivered at Bloomington, 111., Feb. 12, 1909]": p. 82-91. 3997. STEVENS, FRANK E. The story of a statue. [Chicago? 1 93 1] 8 p. illus., ports. 22J/2 cm. (M3293) F548.64.L5S8 4002. STEVENSON, ADLAI E. Stephen A. Douglas; annual address delivered before the Illi- nois State Historical Society, Springfield, Illinois, 374 January 31, 1908. Springfield, Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers, 1909. 28 p. 23 cm. E415.9.D73S85 Printed wrappers. 4003. STEVENSON, AUGUSTA. Abe Lincoln, frontier boy, stories children can read. Illustrated by Clotilde Embree. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [■=1932] i86,[i] p. illus. 20 cm. (M3353) PZ7.S8467Ab copy 3 "First edition." 4004. STEVENSON, AUGUSTA. Nancy Hanks, Kentucky girl. Illustrated by Paul Laune. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs-Merrill [1954] 192 p. illus. 20 cm. (The Childhood of famous Americans series [86]) PZ7.S8467Nan copy 2 "First edition." Historical fiction for children. 4005. STEWART, DANIEL. Our national sor- row. A discourse on the death of Abraham Lin- coln, containing the substance of two sermons deliv- ered in the Presbyterian Church, Johnstown, April 16 and 19, 1865. Johnstown [N. Y.] J. D. Houghta- ling, Printer, 1865. 20 p. 22/2 cm. (M751) E457.8.S34 copy 2 Blue three-quarter-morocco, with original wrappers bound in. 4006. [STEWART, JUDD] Abraham Lincoln on present-day problems and Abraham Lincoln as represented by Theodore Roosevelt. Letter to the members, State Constitutional Convention, Colum- bus, Ohio, February, 191 2. [Plainfield? N. J., 1912] 12 p. 23 cm. (M2056) E457.8.S85 copy 2 Cover title. Signed: Judd Stewart. Self-wrappers. 4007. STEWART, JUDD. Catalogue of the portraits of Lincoln in the Lincoln collection of Judd Stewart. Plainfield, N. J. [pref. 19 12] 4 p. l->5-"3P- 23/2 cm. (M2057) Z8505.S8 Printed on one side only. "Printed as a basis for a definitive list ... I have included a lot of process portraits and broadsides." — Pref. Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 4008. STEWART, WILLIAM M. Address on the mineral resources, financial policy, and general interests of the Pacific States and Territories, at Piatt's Hall in San Francisco, August 15th, 1865, by W. M. Stewart. San Francisco, Printed by Towne & Bacon, 1865. 32 p. 22 cm. F786.S87 Allusion to Lincoln, p. 30. Previously bound. 4009. STICKELBERGER, RUDOLF E. Abra- ham Lincoln, 1809- 1865, die Erzahlung seines Lebens. Basel, F. Reinhardt [1949?] 117 p. port., map (on lining paper) 21 cm. E457.S84 copy 2 "Dritte Auflage." 4010. STIDGER, WILLIAM L. The Lincoln book of poems. Boston, R. G. Badger, 191 1. 32 p. 19/2 cm. (M2011) E457.9.S83 copy 2 Boards. 401 1. STILLE, CHARLES J. How a free people conduct a long war. New- York, A. D. F. Randolph [1863] 16 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Pub- lication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 13) E463.L96 No. 13 4th set Cover title. "A study of the series of campaigns known in English history as the Peninsular war." On cover: New- York, November, 1863. Issued also with caption title only. In pamphlet holder. 4012. STIMMEL, SMITH. Personal reminis- cences of Abraham Lincoln. With introduction by Ell Torrance. Minneapolis, W. H. M. Adams, 1928. v, [1] p., 2 1., 3-100, [1] p. port. 24 cm. (M3061) E457.i5.S85copy4 "This first edition printed and bound at the Riverside Press in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U. S. A., is limited to five hundred numbered copies. This is no. 158." Boards. Paper label on spine. 4013. STIMSON, SAXE CHURCHILL. The Lincoln cabin, and other poems. Milwaukee, The Author [''ig 1 9] 4 p. 19 cm. PS 3537- T 55 L 5 i9i9 co Py 2 4014. STODDARD, HENRY L. As I knew them; presidents and politics from Grant to Cool- idge. New York, London, Harper, 1927. 15 p. 1., 571 p. illus., port. 24/2 cm. E176.1.S82 copy 3 Scattered references to Lincoln. 375 4 o 1 5. STODDARD, RICHARD HENRY. Abraham Lincoln; an Horatian ode. New York, Bunce & Huntington [1865] 12 p. (M752) E457.9.S86 copies 3 & 4 Copy 3 with author's holograph letter of Feb. 12, 1874 inserted. Glazed printed wrappers. Copy 3 bound, with wrap- pers, in red three-quarter-morocco. 4016. STODDARD, WILLIAM O. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. New York, F. A. Stokes, 1888. viii, 284, 73 p. ports. 19/2 cm. (The Lives of the presidents, [v. 7]) (M1046) E457.S862 copy 2 4017. STODDARD, WILLIAM O. Abraham Lincoln: the true story of a great life. Showing the inner growth, special training, and peculiar fit- ness of the man for his work. New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Fords, Howard & Hulbert, 1884. 4 p., 1 1., [5]-5o8 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22/2 cm. (M1006) E457.S86 copy 3 On cover and spine : Abraham Lincoln. Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. First page of text, p. [13] Dark blue cloth with gilt-stamped cover and spine. Dark brown endpapers. 4018. Another issue. New York, Fords, Howard, & Hulbert, 1888. (M1007) E457.S85 Issued under title: Abraham Lincoln: the Man and the War President. Showing his Growth, Training, and Special Fitness for his Work. Title and copyright pages reset. Illustrative matter slightly rearranged. On spine and at head of title: Red letter life of the republic. Title page rubricated. Maroon cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. Dark blue glazed endpapers. 4019. Another edition. [1896? c i884J xiv p., 2 1., 5-508 p. 21/2 cm. (Mi 008 var.) E457.S86 1884a "Revised edition," issued under the title of the 1884 edition. On spine: Abraham Lincoln, the man and the War President. First page of text, p. 5. Title and copyright pages reset; p. 5-26 (corresponding to p. [i3]-34 of the previous editions) mostly rewritten and from different plates; p. 27-221 chiefly from the same plates, but repaged from p. 35-225 of the previous editions; p. 222-226, new mate- rial; p. 227-508 from same plates. There are also addi- tional illustrations, a half-title before p. 5, and four pages of advertising matter at end. Dark blue cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. Brown coated end papers. 4020. Another issue. 1896 [ c i884J xiv, 1 1., 5- 508 p. 21 cm. (M1008) E457.S86 1884 On cover and spine : Abraham Lincoln. Identical to the preceding item but with slight differ- ences on the title and copyright pages. (The title page differs from all three previous items in that there are no periods after "Life" and "Illustrations" and no comma after Hulbert.) Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Dark blue cloth, with gilt-stamped cover and spine. White endpapers. 4021. STODDARD, WILLIAM O. The boy Lincoln. New York, D. Appleton, 1905. ix, 248 p. illus., port., facsim. 20J/2 cm. (M1479) E457.S863 copy 2 4022. STODDARD, WILLIAM O. Inside the White House in war times. Illustrated by Dan Beard. New York, C. L. Webster, 1890. 1 p. 1., vii, 8-244 P- 3 illus. 19 cm. (M1075) E456.S86 copy 3 Three pages of advertising matter (Webster publica- tions) following p. 244. Dull green cloth, with gilt-stamped spine and green flowered endpapers. 4023. Another issue. i8J/2 cm. (M1075 var.) E456.S86 copy 4 Differs from the preceding only in added imprint on cover: New York, J. S. Ogilvie. Tan printed wrappers, illustrated in dark brown. In brown slipcase. 4024. Another issue. 1892. (M1075 var.) E456.S86 copy 5 Identical to the preceding issue, but with resetting of the title page and omission of the advertising matter. 4025. STODDARD, WILLIAM O. Lincoln at work; sketches from life. Illustrated by Sears Gal- lagher. Boston, Chicago, United Society of Christian Endeavor [ c igoo] 173 p. illus., ports. 19 cm. (M1308) E457.15.S86 copy 2 Inscribed by the author to Charles T. White. 4026. [STOKES, HENRY P.] Abraham Lin- coln. By an Oxford M. A. Portsmouth [Eng.] Holbrook & Son, [1920?] 27 p. 15 cm. (M2344) E457.A165 2 X copies One copy with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 4027. STOLTZ, CHARLES. The tragic career of Mary Todd Lincoln. South Bend, Ind., The 376 Round Table, 193 1. 5 p. 1., [i5]-62 p., 1 1. port. 23/2 cm. (M3294) E457.25.S92 copy 3 "Privately printed [by Peerless Press]" Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 4028. STONE, ANDREW L. A discourse occa- sioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, who was assassi- nated in Washington, Friday, April 14th, 1865. Preached in the Park Street Church, Boston, on the next Lord's day. Boston, Printed for J. K. Wig- gin, 1865. 21 p. 26 cm. (M753) E457.8.S87 copy 2 "300 copies." On cover: Abraham Lincoln. 4029. [STONE, CHARLES P.] Washington on the eve of the war. [New York, The Century Co.] 458-466 p. 24 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 26, July 1883. Printed wrappers. 4030. STONE, IRVING. Immortal wife, the biographical novel of Jessie Benton Fremont. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Doran, 1944. 3 p. 1,456 p. 22 cm. PS3537.T669I5 1944 "First edition." Historical novel about the wife of John C. Fremont, with frequent references to Lincoln in the chapter entitled "General Jessie" (p. 336-403). 4031. STONE, IRVING. Love is eternal; a novel about Mary Todd and Abraham Lincoln. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1954. 4 p. 1., 468 p. 22 cm. PS3537.T669L6 "First edition." 4032. STONE, IRVING. They also ran; the story of the men who were defeated for the presi- dency. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Doran, 1943. xi p., 2 1., 389 p. ports. 23/2 cm. E176.S87 copy 5 "First edition." A few references to Lincoln. Inscribed: "For Alfred Whital Stern, an assiduous col- lector of Lincolniana, perhaps the greatest in the world. With best wishes, Irving Stone." 4033. STONE, MELVILLE E. Fifty years a journalist. Garden City, N. Y., Toronto, Double- day, Page, 1 92 1. 1 p. 1., v-xiv p., 1 1., 37i,[i] p. illus., ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. PN4874.S7A3 copy 3 "The year 1858": p. 22-25. "Mr. Lincoln's election": p. 25-27. 4034. STONE, ROBERT. Abraham Lincoln; address delivered before Topeka Hi-twelve Club on Wednesday, February, gth, 1927. [Topeka, Kan.?, 1927?] 15 p. 23 cm. (M2976) P Cover title. Self-wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4035. STONE, ROBERT. Abraham Lincoln; address delivered to Western Sorosis Society on Lin- coln's birthday, 1926. Topeka, Kan. [1926] [15] p. 23/2 cm. (M2886) E457.8.S873 copy 2 Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4036. STORER, JAMES W. These historic Scriptures; meditations upon the Bible texts used by our Presidents, from Lincoln to Truman, at their inaugurations. Portrait drawings of the Presidents by T. Victor Hall. Nashville, Broadman Press [1952] 136 p. illus. 21 cm. BR516.S86 copy 2 "Abraham Lincoln" : p. 1-8. 4037. STOREY, MOORFIELD. Abraham Lin- coln ; an address delivered at the Shawmut Congre- gational Church in Boston on February 14, 1909. Boston, G. H. Ellis Co., Printers, 1909. 1 p. 1., 24 p. 23 cm. (M1875) E457.8.S88 copy 3 Brown cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 4038. Stories from Lincoln's Life. Farmington, Me., D. H. Knowlton & Co., [1912?] 32 p. 18 cm. (School world classics [319]) (M2031) P Cover title. 4039. STORRS, RICHARD S., Jr. An oration commemorative of President Abraham Lincoln; delivered at Brooklyn, N. Y., June 1, 1865 ... at the request of the War Fund Committee. Pub- lished by the Committee. Brooklyn, "The Union" Print, 1865. 65 p. port. 24/2 cm. (M754 var.) E457.8.S885 copies 1, 3, & 5 Recto and verso of title page imprinted in purple. "The edition with this title is strictly limited to 100 copies." These are nos. 26. CI., 29 CI. and 4A. CI. Copy 1, inscribed by Charles Congdon to Thomas W. Field, is stamped: Rhode Island Historical Society, and 377 bears bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Copy 3 in- scribed by Charles Congdon to James H. Frothingham( ?) . Gray wrappers, imprinted in purple. Copy 5 in black quarter-morocco slipcase. 4040. Another issue. Brooklyn, "The Union" Steam Presses, 1865. 23/ cm. (M754) E457.8.S885 copy 4 Title page lettered in black, with slightly different im- print. Verso of title page blank (i. e. without limited edition statement). Without portrait. Contemporary purple full-morocco with gilt-stamped covers and spine, purple end papers, and gilt edges. 4041. STOWE, HARRIET (BE EC HER). Abraham Lincoln. [Hartford, 1868] [ii]-iio p. 23 cm. E457.S89 Detached from the author's Men of Our Times. Includes a mounted photograph of Lincoln, the au- thor's portrait, and a holograph letter to Howard Ticknor. Bound in red half-morocco. 4042. STOWE, HARRIET (BEECHER). A key to Uncle Tom's cabin; presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded. Together with corroborative statements verifying the truth of the work. Boston, J. P. Jew- ett; Cleveland, Jewett, Proctor & Worthington ; [etc., etc.] 1853. 262 p. facsim. 25/2 cm. E449.S8959 copy 3 4043. STRACHEY, JOHN ST. LOE. From grave to gay; being essays and studies concerned with certain subjects of serious interest, with the Puritans, with literature, and with the humours of life, now for the first time collected and ar- ranged. London, Smith, Elder, 1897. xii, 334 p. 19/2 cm. AC8.S774 "Abraham Lincoln, the last of the Puritans": p. 198- 208. 4044. STRADLING, JAMES M. His talk with Lincoln; being a letter written by James M. Strad- ling. With a preface by Lord Charnwood and an introduction by Leigh Mitchell Hodges. [Cam- bridge, Mass.] Riverside Press, 1922. xviii, [1], Wl 1 }?-,*^ 19 cm - (M2606) E457.15.S88 copy 3 "This edition ... is limited to five hundred and thirty-five copies . . . This is number 257." Boards. Cloth back. In three-quarter-closed case. 4045. STREET, JAMES. The Civil War; an unvarnished account of the late but still lively hostilities. Illustrated by John Alan Maxwell. New York, Dial Press [1953] 5 p. 1., 3-144 p. ilhis. 24 cm. E468.9.S9 copy 3 Illustrated endpapers. Boards. Cloth back. 4046. STREET, THOMAS. The Christian duty of loyalty; a sermon, preached in the First Re- formed Dutch Church, Brooklyn, August 6, 1863. Brooklyn, Daily Eagle Print, 1863. 23 p. 21 J/2 cm. P "Preached on the Day of National Thanksgiving for recent victories." Previously bound. 4047. STRICKLER, JOE. Abraham Lincoln speaks; an appreciation. [Du Quoin, 111., Printed by Bierman Print. Service, c i93 1] [24] p. mounted illus. 30/2 cm. (M3295) E457.2.S87 copy 3 On cover: Lincoln speaks. Printed heavy paper covers, bound with a cord. 4048. STRINGER, LAWRENCE B. Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln, 111., 1943. 28 p. port. 23^2 cm. E457.15.S89 copy 2 "A reproduction of one chapter of Judge Stringer's History of Logan County, Illinois . . . designed and printed by some of Judge Stringer's personal friends, for Lincoln College." Printed wrappers. 4049. STRINGER, LAWRENCE B. Abraham Lincoln and the city of Lincoln, Illinois; an ad- dress delivered at a Columbia System coast-to-coast broadcast, at Lincoln, Illinois, February twelfth, 1938. [Lincoln? 1938] folder ([3] p.) 21/2x9/2 cm. (M3650) F549.L7S73 Caption title. Inscribed by the author, Apr. 8, ig38. 4050. STRODE, HUDSON. Jefferson Davis. [v. 1] American patriot, 1 808-1 861. New York, Harcourt, Brace [1955] 460 p. ports, (part col.) 24J/2 cm. E467.1.D26S73 copies 3 & 4, v. 1 "First edition." Boards. Cloth spine. 4051. STRONG, SYDNEY D. Jesus and Lin- coln. Sermon by Sydney Strong, Queen Anne Con- gregational Church, Seattle. [Seattle, 1920?] 6, [2] p. 16/ cm. (Great charters of liberty series, no. 5) (M2486) P Caption title. Self-wrappers (double folder) . 378 4052. STRUNSKY, ROSE. Abraham Lincoln. London, Methuen [19 14] xxxv, 331, [1] p. 5 port., map. 23 cm. (M2168) E457.S92 copy 2 4053. STRYKER, LLOYD PAUL. Abraham Lincoln; address said before the National Republi- can Club of the City of New York, February 12, 1932. [New York, Press of Fremont Payne Inc., !93 2? ] 9 P- 23/2 cm. P Cover title. Enclosed is letter of transmittal from author to Charles T. White. 4054. STRYKER, LLOYD PAUL. Andrew Johnson; a study in courage. New York, Mac- millan, 1929. xvi p., 1 1., 881 p. illus., ports., facsim. 24 cm. E667.S92 copy 4 "Published May 1929." Chapters 8-25 (p. 6g-223) relate largely to Johnson and Lincoln. 4055. STRYKER, MELANCTHON WOOL- SEY. Abraham Lincoln; three addresses. Kirk- land, N. Y., The Author, 191 7. 3 p. 1., 43,[i] p. port. 25/2 cm. (M2345) E457.8.S925 copy 4 "This book was printed at the Courier Press, Clinton, New York, during January and February, 191 7, from type at once distributed and it was issued in April. The edi- tion was of one hundred and fifty-five copies, numbered, one copy upon parchment and the remaining copies upon Tuscany hand-made paper. Of these this copy is num- ber 92." 4056. STRYKER, MELANCTHON WOOL- SEY. Hamilton, Lincoln & other addresses. Utica, N. Y., W. T. Smith, 1896. 191, [1] p. 23 cm. (M2345 note) PS2959.S63H3 1896 copy 3 "Limited edition of 1000 copies . . . printed . . . March, 1896." "Abraham Lincoln : an address delivered before the Union League Club of Brooklyn, February 12, 1895": p. [25]-35- 4057. STURZ, JOHANN J., ed. Reden gehal- ten bei der Berliner Todtenfeier fur den Prasiden- ten Lincoln von amerikanischen, englischen und deutschen Geistlichen. Ein Ausspruch der Kirche uber Sklaverei und freie Arbeit. Herausgegeben von J. J. Sturz. Berlin, C. G. Luderitz, 1865. 39, [1] p. 21 y 2 cm. (M3790) E457.8.A187 copy 2 Cover title. Contents. — Vorwort. — Ansprache des englischen Geistlichen reverend Dr. Simon. — Rede des amerikani- schen Predigers reverend H. P. Tappan. — Rede des Konigl. Hofpredigers Dr. Krummacher. — Der Stammbaum der virginischen Cavaliere. — Lincoln [poem]. Self-wrappers. Bound in brown three-quarter-mo- rocco. 4058. The Sulgrave review. Bulletin no. 3 [19 19] New York, London, Sulgrave Institution. E3 1 2. 1 95.S96 No. 3 X copy "Mr. Perris's report on the unveiling of the Barnard Lincoln," by H. S. Perris: p. 83-85. 4059. SULLIVAN, ALEXANDER. Lincoln, the gift of Illinois to mankind ; an address by Alex- ander Sullivan. Delivered at a banquet given by the Illinois Athletic Club, on Lincoln's Birthday, February 12, 1908. [Chicago? c 1908] 32 p. port. 15^ cm. (M1630) E457.8.S928 copies 2 & 3 Copy 2 bound in tan marbled gilt-stamped boards; copy 3 in brown wrappers, imprinted in black. 4060. SULZER, WILLIAM. "Abraham Lin- coln — the man." Response of Hon. William Sul- zer, of New York, to the above toast, at the banquet of the Lincoln Association, of Jersey City, New Jer- sey, Tuesday evening, February 12, 1907. [Steno- graphically reported, and printed in the Congres- sional Record by unanimous consent of Congress, February 27, 1907.] Washington, 1907. 7 p. 24/2 cm. (M1555) E457.8.S94 copy 3 Cover title (?). Bound in is a copy of " 'Abraham Lincoln — the man.' (From speech in Congress, February 12, 1907.)," de- tached from Suher's Short Speeches (p. [2431-245) ; au- tographed by the author for Charles T. White, and dated July 8, 19 16. Letter of transmittal tipped in. Self-wrappers ( ? ) . Bound in blue cloth. 4061. SULZER, WILLIAM. Short speeches, carefully compiled from the records of Congress, with other official data, and a brief biographical sketch, by George W. Blake. New York, J. S. Ogil- vie Pub. Co., e igi2. 303 p. port. 18/2 cm. (Peerless series, no. 156) E742.S8 1912a "Second edition." "Abraham Lincoln — the man": p. [2431-245. (These pages have been detached.) Letter from C. T. White to the author, with his reply written on it, laid in. Inscribed by the author to White. Printed wrappers. 4062. The Summons; a journal about law, law- yers and lawbooks, no. 18, May 1926. San Fran- cisco, Bancroft- Whitney Co. P (2 copies) "Lincoln the lawyer," by W. H. Townsend: p. [2]-! 2. 379 4063. SUMNER, CHARLES. Letters of marque and reprisal. Speech on the bill to author- ize the President, in all domestic or foreign wars, to issue leters of marque and reprisal. In the Sen- ate of the United States, Feb. 17, 1863. [Washing- ton? 1863] 8 p. 22/2 cm. E591.S95 copy 2 Caption title. "Foreign intervention . . . Concurrent resolutions of Congress, concerning foreign intervention in the existing rebellion" : p. [7]-8. Previously bound. 4064. SUMNER, CHARLES. Das Lincoln- Monument. Eine Rede des Senator Charles Sum- ner. Nebst einer Lebensskizze Sumner's und der in seiner Rede erwalmten Kiinstler. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte Amerika's. Bear- beitet von August Glaeser. Frankfurt a/M., J. C. Hermann'sche Buchhandlung, 1868. 77 p. 22/2 cm. (M3824) F204.C2S9 copy 2 Translation of Sumner's speech in the Senate, July 27, 1866, on a joint resolution authorizing a contract with Vinnie Ream for a statue of Lincoln; usually entitled "Art in the national Capitol." Anhang: Liste der bekanntesten lebenden amerikani- schen Kiinstler und Kiinstlerinnen: p. [7 1 ]— 77. Inscribed by August Glaeser. Printed wrappers. 4065. SUMNER, CHARLES. The promises of the Declaration of independence. Eulogy on Abra- ham Lincoln, delivered before the municipal au- thorities of the city of Boston, June 1 , 1 865. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1865. 61 p. 24 cm. (M756) E457.8.S954 copy 2 Holograph letter from the author to Fields, dated August 24, 1867, tipped in. Another copy in volume entitled Lincoln: Civil War and Reconstruction Pamphlets. See item 2566, no. 24. Brown half-morocco, with original yellow printed wrap- pers bound in. Feb. 10th, 1902, by Edward A. Sumner, of the New York Bar. New York, Tandy-Thomas, 1910. 31 p. 23/2 cm. (M1393 var.) E457.8.S959 copy 2 First edition, New York, 1902. Inscribed by the author to James A. Bryan of the Philadelphia bar. 4068. SUMNER, G. LYNN. Abraham Lincoln as a man among men. Scranton, 1922. 5 p. 1., 31 p. port. 18/2 cm. (var. of M2607) E457.8.S9596 "Originally constituted an address before the Kiwanis Club of Scranton, Pennsylvania, on February 15, 1922." Published also under title: Abraham Lincoln. Inscribed by the author to Glenn Frank. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Blue cloth with gilt lettering on cover. 4069. Another issue. New York, London, Harper and Bros. [ c i922] (var. of M2607) E457.8.S9597 Title and copyright pages reset. Same binding. 4070. SUMNER, G. LYNN. Lincoln and his books. New York [Priv. Print., Charles Francis Press] 1934. 3 p. 1., 22 p. 19 cm. (M3454) E457.2.S92 copy 3 "Acknowledgments": 3d prelim, leaf. Inscribed by the author to George P. Hambrecht. Boards. Portrait on cover. 4071. SUMNER, G. LYNN. Meet Abraham Lincoln; profiles of the prairie President. Chicago, Priv. Print, for Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, 1946. 78 p., 1 1. col. ports. 23/2 cm. E457.S95 copy 3 "Limited edition." Bibliographical references included in introduction. Inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. Cream-colored cloth. 4066. Another issue. Boston, J. E. Farwell and Co., Printers to the City, 1865. (M756 var.) E457.8.S956 Title page reset. Canary-colored printed wrappers. Another copy of the same bound in with the Ticknor & Fields edition above. 4067. SUMNER, EDWARD A. Abraham Lin- coln ; an address delivered before the Men's League of the Broadway Tabernacle Church of New York, 4072. Another issue. New York, London, Harper [ c i946] ports. 21 cm. E457.S95 1946a copy 2 "First trade edition." Red cloth. 4073. SUTPHEN, MORRIS C. Discourse on the occasion of the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, preached in the Spring Garden Presbyterian Church, Philadel- phia, by the pastor, Rev. Morris C. Sutphen, April 380 1 6th, 1865. Philadelphia, J. B. Rodgers, Printer, 1865. 19 p. 22/2 cm. (M757) E457.8.S96 copy 2 Autographed presentation copy. Black half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 4074. SWAIN, LEONARD. A Nation's sorrow. A sermon preached on the Sabbath after the as- sassination of President Lincoln, in the Central Congregational Church, Providence, April 15 [i. e. 16] 1865. [Providence? 1865] up. 25 cm. (M759) E457.8.S97 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 4075. SWANBERG, W. A. Sickles the incred- ible. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1956. xii, 433 p. illus., ports., map., facsims. 24 cm. E467.S57S83 1956a copies 1 & 2 "Autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club [Signed] W. A. Swanberg." 4076. SWEET, FOREST H. Directory of col- lectors of books, autographs, prints and other his- torical material relating to Abraham Lincoln. Bat- tle Creek, Mich., 1946. [64] p. 15 cm. E457.65.S9 copy 3 Cover title: Lincoln collectors directory. Yellow wrappers. 4077. Another edition. Gray wrappers. r 949- [94] P- 15/2 cm. E 457- 6 5- s 9 1949 co Py 5 4078. SWEETSER, SETH. A commemorative discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln. [Bos- ton, Press of J. Wilson and Son] 1865. 2g,[i] p. 23/2 cm. (M760) E457.8.S974 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 4079. SWING, DAVID. Address to the new gen- eration. Washington and Lincoln. February 12 and 22, 1888. Rockford, 111., W. A. Talcott [1888] I5,[i] p. 24 cm. (M1047) E312.63.S97 copy 2 Inscribed: "Compliments of Mrs. William A. Talcott, Rockford, 111." Printed wrappers. 4080. [SYLVAIN, LEO] Lincoln (1809- 1865). [Paris, Impr.-gerant E. Petithenry? 1894?] 16 p. 26/2 cm. (Les contemporains, 105) (M3834) E457.S98 copy 2 Cover title. Signed: Leo Sylvain. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4081. Another issue. (M3834 var.) E 457- s 9 8 co Py 3 Without series note on cover. 4082. [TAFT, CHARLES SABIN] Abraham Lincoln's last hours. From the note-book of an army surgeon present at the assassination, death, and autopsy. [New York, The Century Co.] 634-636 p. 24/2 cm. P Caption title. Signed. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 45, Feb. 1893. 4083. TAFT, CHARLES SABIN. Abraham Lincoln's last hours; from the note-book of Charles Sabin Taft, M. D., an army surgeon present at the assassination, death, and autopsy. Chicago, Priv. Print. [Black Cat Press] 1934. 3 p. 1., 9-16 p. 23 cm. (M3455) E457.5.T25 copy 2 "This edition limited to forty numbered copies. This is copy no. 3 1." Laid in is letterhead of the Archibald Church Library, Northwestern University Medical School, with typed note: "Withdrawn from Archibald Church Library and offered for sale . . ." Boards. Cloth back. 4084. TAFT, WILLIAM HOWARD, Pres. U. S. Address of William Howard Taft, chairman of the Lincoln Memorial Commission, in presenting the memorial to the President of the United States, May 30, 1922. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1922] 10 p. 20 cm. (M2608) P Caption title. Inscribed by William Howard Taft to Charles T. White. Enclosed is a letter to Charles T. White, dated July 19, 1923, from Wendell W. Mischler, Secretary to the Chief Justice. 4085. TAFT, WILLIAM HOWARD, Pres. U. S. Address ... at the dinner of the Lincoln Centennial Association, Springfield, 111., February 11, 191 1. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 191 1. 6 p. 23/2 cm. (M2013) E457.7.T3 Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 4086. TAFT, WILLIAM HOWARD, Pres. U. S. Address ... at the Lincoln birthday banquet of the Republican Club of the City of New York, at the Waldorf-Astoria, February 12, 19 10. Washington, 492745— G0- -26 38l Govt. Print. Off., 1910. 16 p. 23 cm. (61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate Doc. no. 361) (Mi 952 var.) JK2357.1910.T2 copy 2 Presented by Mr. Hale; ordered printed, February 14, 1910. Cover title. Cover autographed by the author. Printed also in the Club's Proceedings (item 3086, no. 24). 4087. TAGGART, D. RAYMOND. The faith of Abraham Lincoln. Topeka, Kan., Service Print Shop [1943] x, 9-41 1 p. illus., ports. 20 cm. E457.2.T13 copy 3 Many of the chapters appeared serially in the Cove- nanter Witness. 4088. TAGGART, JOSEPH. Lincoln memorial. Speech ... in the House of Representatives, Jan- uary 29, 1913 [on Senate joint resolution 158 ap- proving the plan, design, and location for a Lincoln memorial highway] Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1913. 8 p. 23 cm. (M2114) P Cover title. Reprinted from the Congressional Record, Jan. 29, 19I3- Self-wrappers. 4089. TAKAHASHI, KUNITARO. Rinkan no agohige [Lincoln's beard] [Tokyo] Chikuma Shobo te 1 ] 3 P- Li 3- lSl P-> 1 !• illus - (P art co1 -) 18/2 cm. (Chugakii-sei Zenshu, 45 [Complete works for middle school students [no.] 45]) U Boards, illustrated in color. In three-quarter-closed cardboard case. 4090. TAKAHASHI, SHIZUE. Rinkan mono- gatari [Story of Lincoln] [Tokyo] Shichiseisha [1948] 1 p. 1., 119 p., 1 1. illus. 18/2 cm. (Shonen sekai ijin-den [Boys' biographies of the world's great men]) U Portraits of Lincoln on title page and cover. Colophon and one page of advertising matter follow- ing p. 119. Printed wrappers, illustrated in color. 4091. TAPLEY, RUFUS P. Eulogy of Abra- ham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, pronounced by Rufus P. Tapley, Esq., April 19, 1-865, at Saco, Maine, including the report of the proceedings of the town of Saco consequent upon his death. Biddeford, Printed at the Union and Journal Off., 1865. 27 p. 22J/2 cm. (M765) E457.8.T16 copies 2 & 3 Mourning borders. Copy 2 inscribed by the author to Charles H. Hart. Printed wrappers. Copy 2 (21/2 cm., trimmed) bound, with original wrappers, in green half-morocco. 4092. TAPPAN, HENRY P. Abraham Lincoln. Rede bei der Gedachtnissfeier in der Dorotheen- kirche zu Berlin, 2. Mai 1865, gehalten von Dr. H. P. Tappan. Frankfurt am Main, H. Keller, 1865. iv,36p. 23 cm. (M3792) E457.8.T175 copy 2 "Autorisirte Uebersetzung." A translation by Wilhelm Jordan of item 4093. Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder, gilt-stamped: Lincoln. 4093. TAPPAN, HENRY P. A discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, delivered Tuesday, May 2, 1865, in the Dorotheen-Church, Berlin. Berlin, Printed by G. Lange [1865] 46 p. 21 cm. (M766) E457.8.T17 copy 2 Inscribed by the author. Printed wrappers. 4094. TARBELL, IDA M. Abraham Lincoln SZKIC. Chicago, Nakladem i drukiem W. Dy- niewicza, 1909. 28 p. 18 cm. (M3878) P In Polish. Portrait of Lincoln on cover and title page. Printed wrappers. 4095. TARBELL, IDA M. Boy scouts' life of Lin- coln. New York, Macmillan, 1921. 6 p. 1., 247 p. illus., ports., map, facsims. 19/2 cm. (M2533) E457.T15 copy 3 4096. TARBELL, IDA M. The early life of Abraham Lincoln, containing many unpublished documents and unpublished reminiscences of Lin- coln's early friends, by Ida M. Tarbell, assisted by J. McCan Davis. New York, London, S. S. Mc- Clure, 1896. 2 p. 1., 240 p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 24/2 cm. (McClure's magazine library. No. 3) (M1210) E457.3.T17 copy 3 On spine: December, 1895 to February, 1896. Bookplate of William E. Barton. Four pages of advertising following p. 240. Illustrated printed wrappers, lettered in green and red. 4097. Another issue. E457.3.T17 1896a copies 1 & 2 Without series statement. Copy 1 bound in green cloth, lettered and ornamented in gold. Copy 2 bound in brown cloth without lettering or ornamentation. 382 4098. TARBELL, IDA M. Father Abraham; another "He knew Lincoln" story. [New York, Phillips Pub. Co.] [3 25^334 p. illus. 24/2 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The American Magazine, v. 67, Feb. I909- 4099. TARBELL, IDA M. Father Abraham. With illustrations by Blendon Campbell. New York, Moffat, Yard, 1909. 5 p. 1., 3-39 p. illus. (part, col.), ports. 19/2 cm. (M1877) E457.2.Ti7copy 3 4100. TARBELL, IDA M. The life of Abraham Lincoln, drawn from original sources and contain- ing many speeches, letters and telegrams hitherto unpublished. New York, Doubleday & McClure, 1900. 2 v. (426, 459 p.) illus., ports., maps, facsims. 23/2 cm. (M1309) E457.T17 copy 4 V. 1, p. [vi]; v. 2, p. [vi] blank. Red cloth, with gilt-stamped spine and gilt top. Stylized "A. L." blind-stamped on covers. 4101. Another edition. New York, McClure, Phillips, 1900. 2 v. (426, 475 p.) 23/2 cm. (M1310) E457T173 From the same plates, but with a new title page, addi- tion of an index (v. 2, p. [460^475 and errata (v. 1, p. [vi]; v. 2, p. [vi]), and resetting of the copyright page and of the list of illustrations (v. 1, p. xiii-xiv; v. 2, p. xi). The illustrative matter differs slightly in content and arrangement. Inscribed by the author to George P. Hambrecht. Deep red cloth, with gilt-stamped spine and gilt top. Stylized "A. L." blind-stamped on covers. 4102. Another issue. New York, Doubleday & McClure, 1900. 2 v. (426, 475 p.) 26/2 cm. (M1309 var.) E457.T1722 "Author's autograph edition, limited to twenty-five copies . . . This is copy number 11... [Signed] Ida M. Tarbell." Title and copyright pages are from same plates as item 4.101. The text has been corrected with one exception (t. e. in v. i, p. 353 "Thursday" should read "Friday"). The list of errata has been removed, and there are slight differences in arrangement of the illustrative matter. Gray boards, with white cloth back lettered in gilt. Untrimmed. In red solander case. 4103. Another issue. New York, Lincoln Me- morial Association [ c igoo] 2 v. (426, 475 p.) illus., port., maps, facsims. 21/2 cm. (M1311) E457.T174 Title page from different plate. Copyright page from same plate as the McClure, Phillips edition above. Cor- rected text. Most of the illustrations and the lists of such at the front of each volume have been removed. Gray-green cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and me- dallion portrait and Lincoln autograph blind-stamped on covers. 4104. Another issue. New York, Lincoln History Society, 1902. 4 v. illus., ports., facsims. 23 cm. (M1312) E457.T175 Title page from different plate. Copyright page same as that of the McClure, Phillip's edition above. Con- tents and list of illustrations in each volume from different plates. Text from same plates as the preceding issue, many of them repaged (»'. e., each volume is paged separately). With changes in illustrative matter. End paper inscribed: "Howard F. Dyson." Letters from the author to Dyson laid in. Maroon cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. Medallion portrait of Lincoln blind-stamped and Lincoln autograph gilt-stamped on covers. Gilt top. 4105. Another edition. New York, Macmillan, 1928 [ c i924] 2 v. (450, 535 p.) illus., ports., maps, facsims. 22/2 cm. (M1316) E457T187 "New edition . . . published, October, 1928." From different plates, with changes in the illustrative matter. Red cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and Lincoln autograph gilt-stamped on cover. Red top. Illus- trated endpapers. 4106. TARBELL, IDA M. He knew Lincoln. New York, McClure, Phillips, 1907. 5 p. I., 3-39, [1] p. illus., col. front. 20 cm. (M1556) E457.i5.Ti7copy 3 Dark blue-green cloth with gilt lettering on cover. 4107. Another issue. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1909. 19/2 cm. (M1556 var.) E457.15T173 copy 2 Title page reset. Dark green cloth with white lettering on cover. 4108. TARBELL, IDA M. He knew Lincoln, and other Billy Brown stories. New York, Mac- millan, 1922. xix, 179 p. illus. 19/2 cm. (M1557) E457.i5.Ti8copy 3 Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Dark blue cloth, imprinted in red on cover and in gilt on spine. 4109. TARBELL, IDA M. In Lincoln's chair. New York, Macmillan, 1920. 3 p. 1., 3-55 p. 19/2 cm. (M2487) E457.9.S17 copy 3 A Billy Brown story. 383 41 io. TARBELL, IDA M. In the footsteps of the Lincolns. New York, London, Harper & Bros., 1924. xi, [2], 418 p. illus., ports., map, facsims. 24/2 cm. (M2671) E547.3.T175 copy 5 "First edition." A family history. 41 1 1. TARBELL, IDA M. A reporter for Lin- coln; story of Henry E. Wing, soldier and news- paperman. New York, Macmillan, 1927. 5 p. 1., 78 p. col. front. 19I/2 cm. (M2977) E457 I 5- T 2 copy 3 41 12. TARSHISH, JACOB. Abraham Lincoln. "The Lamplighter" broadcast over stations WOR, WLW and WGN . . . Sunday, February 10, 1935. [n. p., n. d.] double folder (8 p.) 20J/2 cm. (M3498) P Caption title. 41 13. TARSHISH, JACOB. [Abraham Lin- coln.] "The Lamplighter" broadcast over stations WOR, WLW and WGN, Sunday, February 9, 1936. [n. p., n. d.] double folder ([7] p.) 20 cm. (M3539) P Cover title. Caption title: Abraham Lincoln, Broadcast Sunday, February 9, 1936. 4114. TARSHISH, JACOB. Abraham Lincoln. "The Lamplighter," Friday, February 12, 1937. [n. p., n. d.] (folder [4] p.) 20/2 cm. (M3589) P Caption title. Planographed. 41 15. TAUSEK, JOSEPH. The true story of the Gettysburg address. New York, L. MacVeagh, The Dial Press, 1933. 70 p. fold, facsim. 18/2 cm. (M3406) E475.55.T27 copy 3 41 16. TAUSSIG, FRANK W. Abraham Lin- coln on the tariff: a myth. By F. W. Taussig, [n. p., 1 9 14] [8i4]-82op. 23 cm. (M2215 note) P Cover title. "Reprinted from The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. xxviii, August, 19 14." 41 17. TAYLOR, ARCHIBALD A. E. Our fallen leader. A discourse delivered on Thursday, June 1, 1865, in the Bridge Street Presbyterian Church, Georgetown, D. C, by Rev. A. A. E. Tay- lor, pastor-elect. Philadelphia, J. S. Claxton, 1865. 20 p. 22 cm. (M767) E457.8.T23 copy 2 "Published by request of the congregation." Red three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 41 18. TAYLOR, BAYARD. The ballad of Abraham Lincoln. With illustrations by Sol. Ey tinge Jr., engraved and printed in colors by Bob- bett, Hooper, & Co. Boston, Fields, Osgood, 1870. 8 p. 4 col. illus. 26/2 cm. (The Uncle Sam series for American children) (M924) E457.9.T23 copy 2 Imprint on cover: Ticknor & Fields, Boston. In verse. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers illustrated in blue, orange and black, bound in. 41 19. Another issue. Cincinnati, P. G. Thom- son, c i884. (The Uncle Sam series) (M924 var.) E457.9.T23 1884 Cover and caption title. From same plates with omission of title page, insertion of author's and illustrator's names on p. 3, and rearrange- ment of the illustrations. Self-wrappers, illustrated in blue, silver, gray, yellow, red and black. 4120. TAYLOR, RICHARD. Destruction and reconstruction ; personal experiences of the late war. Edited by Richard B. Harwell. New York, Lon- don, Toronto, Longmans, Green, 1955. xxxii, 1 1., 380 p. 23/2 cm. E470.T24 1955 copy 3 Originally published in Apr. 1879. "First edition." 41 21. [TAYLOR, TOM] Abraham Lincoln foully assassinated April 14, 1865. A poem with an illustration, from the London Punch, for May 6, 1865. Republished, with an introduction, by Andrew Boyd. Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell, Printer, 1868. 2 p. 1., iii-xiii numb. 1. illus. 29 cm. (M899) E457.9.T24 copy 4 Cover title ( ? ) . Title in red and black. "No. 12, seventy-five copies printed." Attributed to Taylor in Bryant's A New Library of Poetry and Song, Stedman's Victorian Anthology and Emerson's Parnassus. Stamped on cover: Syracuse Public Library. Reprinted also in Rare Lincolniana. (Item 3504, no. 9 & 18). Self- wrappers ( ?). Bound in black cloth. 4122. TEILHET, DARWIN. Steamboat on the river, a novel. With drawings by John O'Hara 384 Cosgrave II. [New York] William Sloane Associ- ates [1925] 256 p. illus. 22 cm. PS3539E244S8 Illustrated title page and endpapers. Historical novel about a young man serving on his father's steamer, with Lincoln a member of the crew. 4123. TEMPLETON, PETER B. Our Civil War: a lecture delivered in Portland, Maine, by P. B. Templeton, formerly one of the official re- porters in the United States Senate, describing, from his personal knowledge, the principal actors on both sides. Boston, Printed for the Author by Davis & Farmer, 1 86 1. 24 p. 21cm. E649.T28 copy 2 Previously bound. 4124. TERMANSEN, NIELS J. Abraham Lin- coln. En levnedstegning af N. J. Termansen. Et efterladt brudstykke. Med Lincolns portrait. Kjobenhavn, 1892. [2i5]-28i p. port. 19/2 cm. (M3854 var.) E457.3.T31 copies 2 & 3 From Udvalget for folkeoplysnings fremme. Smaastyk- ker. 17. bd., 4. hft. Copy 2 with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. Copy 3 bound, with wrappers, in blue cloth. 4125. The Terrible tragedy at Washington. As- sassination of President Lincoln. Last hours and death-bed scenes of the President. A full and graphic account, from reliable authority, of this great national calamity. Attempt of the conspira- tors to murder Secretary Seward, Vice-President Johnson, and the whole cabinet. A biographical sketch, with a correct likeness of all the parties, in any way connected with the lamentable event. To which is added an authentic history of assassins and the distinguished personages of the world who have fallen by their hands. Philadelphia, Barclay [1865] 1 p. 1., 21-30, 39-52, 61-74, 85-98, 101-116 p. illus., ports., plan. 24 cm. (M768) E 457-5 T 32 copy 3 Printed without textual gaps in five signatures: [i]-3 8 , 4 7 , 5 ". The total number of unpaged leaves (title page and illustrative matter) by signature, is: [1], 3 1.; 2, 1 1.; 3, 1 1. ; and 5, versos of 2 1. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4126. THAYER, GEORGE A. The religion of Abraham Lincoln. Cincinnati, Ebbert & Richard- son, 1909. 18 p. 19 cm. (M1878) E 457-2-T37 copy 3 Cover title. 4127. THAYER, WILLIAM M. Abraham Lin- colns Leben. Autorisierte Ubersetzung aus dem Englischen von Auguste Daniel. Gotha, F. A. Perthes, 1886. 3 p. 1., 315 p. 22 cm. (M3848) E457- T 372 copy 3 Gray-brown cloth, imprinted in black and gilt. Illus- trated cover. 4128. Another issue. 1897. (M3848 var.) E 457- T 372 copy 2 "Zweite Auflage." Title page completely reset. Binding same. In original dust jacket. 4129. THAYER, WILLIAM M. The character and public services of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Boston, Walker, Wise, 1864. iii p., 2 1., 9-76 p. illus., port. 18 cm. (M353) E457T374 copy 2 With preface and added title page (p. iii— [vi] ) . Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Issued also, with slight variations, under title: Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln. Rebound in modern olive-colored cloth. 4130. Another edition. Boston, Dinsmoor, 1864. 2l-,9~75P- 17/2 cm. (M353var.) E457.T3733 On cover: The "campaign document." From same plates, but with some changes of text (e. g. at p. 72). Without illustrations, preface, or added title page. Pink wrappers. In red slipcase. 413 1. THAYER, WILLIAM M. Fran nybyg- garchemmet till Hvita huset. Presidenten Abra- ham Lincolns lif. Ofversattning. Stockholm, P. Palmquists aktiebolag [1886] 2 p. 1., 316 p. port. 17 cm. (M3849) E457.T375 copies 2 & 3 Copy 2 previously bound; in red case. Copy 3 bound in boards, with blue cloth back ; in green case. 4132. THAYER, WILLIAM M. From log- cabin to the White House; life of James A. Gar- field: boyhood, youth, manhood, assassination, death, funeral. With eulogy by Hon. James G. Blaine. Norwich, Conn., Henry Bill Pub. Co.; Cleveland, Ohio, C. C. Wick, 1882. 483 p. illus., ports., facsim. 20/2 cm. (M992 note) E457.T376 1882 Cover title: The martyr Presidents. Bound with item 4133. Frequent reference to Lincoln in chapter entitled "Top of the ladder" (p. 377"394) ■ Dark blue lacquered full-cowhide. 385 4133- THAYER, WILLIAM M. From pioneer home to the White House; life of Abraham Lin- coln: boyhood, youth, manhood, assassination, death. With eulogy by Hon. George Bancroft. Norwich, Conn., Henry Bill Pub. Co.; Cleveland, Ohio, C. C. Wick, 1882. 469 p. 6 illus., 3 ports. 20/2 cm. (M992) E457.T376 1882 Cover title: The martyr Presidents. Bound with item 4132. Portraits of Lincoln and Garfield gilt-stamped on cover. Dark blue lacquered full-cowhide, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. Red edges. Light gray endpapers. 4134. Another issue. New York, J. B. Alden, 1883 [ c i882] 19/2 cm. (M991 var.) E457.T376 1883 copies 1 & 2 Title page reset. On copyright page the "A" in "All" is wanting. Copy 2 issued without frontispiece. Copy 1 bound in yellow pebble-grained cloth with light tan endpapers, copy 2 in olive-colored cloth with dusty rose endpapers. Both copies with gilt lettering on spine. 4135. Another issue. Boston, J. H. Earle, 1890 [ c i882] 5 illus., 2 ports. 19/2 cm. (M991 var.) E457-T376 1890 On cover: "Log cabin to White House" series. Title page reset. Frontispiece (portrait of Lincoln) differs. On copyright page the word "All" is missing and the name of the printer (Boston Stereotype Foundry) has been removed. Brown pebble-grained cloth, imprinted in black and gilt. Illustrations (log cabin and White House) stamped in black on cover. Illustrated endpapers, blue on gray. 4136. Another issue. New York, Hurst [ c i882] 19 cm. (var. of M994) E457.T376 1882c Title page reset. Copyright page is from same plate as that of the 1890 issue but the type of this and of the title page is badly worn. Without illustrative matter. Ten pages of advertising matter at end. Endpaper inscribed: "John W. Starr, Jr." Light brown cloth, lettered in white and black on spine; and illustrated in white, black, and green on cover and spine. Endpapers white. 4137. Another issue, port, cabin to White House series) 19/2 cm. (Log (M994) E457.T376 1882b Same as the preceding issue, but with addition of a portrait of Lincoln, inclusion of a series statement, elimi- nation of the advertising matter, and printing of the title and copyright pages from new plates. Gray cloth; with black and white lettering on cover, gold and red on spine. Railsplitter illustration on cover. White endpapers. 4138. Another issue. Chicago, A. Whitman [°I927] 1 illus., port. 19 cm. (M994 var.) E 457-T"376 1927 Identical to the previous issue (same series, etc.) but with title page reset, copyright page printed from a dif- ferent plate, and an additional illustration. Orange cloth, lettered in black on cover and spine. Railsplitter on cover. Blue illustrated endpapers. 4139. [THAYER, WILLIAM M.] Ho apoikos pais; etoi, Existoresis ton peripeteion tou biou tou nyn Proedrou ton Henomenon Politeion tes Ameri- kes, Abraam Linkolnos, me eikonographias. Ek tou Anglikou hypo G. Konstantinou. En Athe- nais, Typois Lakonias, 1865. 1 p. 1., v p., 1 1., 298 p., 1 1. illus., port. 20 cm. (M3793) E 457-9-T433 c °py 2 Greek translation of item 4142. Title transliterated. Tan half -calf, with leather label on spine, gilt-stamped : The emigrant boy. In green solander case. 4140. [THAYER, WILLIAM M.] Ke keiki paionia: or pioneer boy, i lilo i peresidena no Amer- ika huipuia; i unuhiia a i kakauia e Samuel C. Andrews, Lahainaluna. Nu Yoka, Paiia e W. B. Bodge, 1869. 306 p. illus., port. 19I/2 cm. (M3828) E457.9.T434 copy 2 A translation, with a few alterations, of item 4142. In green quarter-morocco slipcase. 4 1 4 1 . THAYER, WILLI AM M. Life and char- acter of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, Walker, Wise, 1864. 76,310 p. illus., port. 18 cm. (var. of M249 & M354) E457.T378 Contents. — Character and public services. — Early life. 4142. THAYER, WILLIAM M. The pioneer boy, and how he became President. Boston, Walker, Wise and Co., 1863. xiv, [i7]~3io p. 5 illus. 18/2 cm. (M249var.) E 457-9-T*42 copy 4 "Sixth thousand." Green cloth. Yellow endpapers. 4143. Another issue. 18 cm. (M249 var.) E457.9.T42 copy 2 "Seventh thousand." Flyleaf inscribed: "Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. With the respects of the publishers. May 1, 1863." From the Oliver R. Barrett collection. Tan polished full-calf, with gold line border on covers; gold lettering, gold designs, and black leather label on spine; and gold edges. 386 4144- Another issue. 1864. 18^/2 cm. (var. of M249) E457.9.T42 copy 3 "Twenty-sixth thousand." Flyleaf inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 19 16." Maroon diamond-patterned cloth. Yellow endpapers. 4145. Another issue. Walker, Fuller, 1865. (M249 var.) E457.9.T423 copy 2 "Twenty-eighth thousand." Maroon beaded cloth. Yellow endpapers. 4146. THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE. The life and letters of John Hay. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1915. 2 v. illus., ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. E664.H41T37 copy 6 "Published October 19 15." "Of this first edition three hundred copies have been bound wholly uncut, with paper label." 4147. This day. v. 5, Feb. 1954. St. Louis, Mo., Concordia Pub. House. AP2.T322, v 5 "New Salem," by J. T. Kieran: p. 30-33. "The man from New Salem," by William Kniffel": p. 34-35. 4148. THOMAS, ARTHUR G. Our national unity perfected in the martyrdom of our President. A discourse delivered in the chapel of the Filbert street U.S. General Hospital, on the day of the ob- sequies, at Washington, of our late President, April 19th, 1865. By Rev. A. G. Thomas. Philadelphia, Smith, English, 1865. 16 p. 23 cm. (M771) E457.8.T43 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 4149. THOMAS, BENJAMIN P. Abraam Lin- koln. Metaphrase: Natas Kokkole. [Athenai] Ikaros [195-] 310 p., 1 1. illus., ports. 22/2 cm. E457.T4275 Title transliterated. Printed wrappers. In red slipcase. 4150. THOMAS, BENJAMIN P. Abraham Lincoln. [Ubersetzung : Eleonore Schlaich] Wies- baden, Limes Verlag [1955, c i952] 537 p. ports. 20/2 cm. E457.T4274 415 1. THOMAS, BENJAMIN P. Abraham Lincoln, a biography. New York, Knopf, 1952. xiv, 548, xii p. illus., ports., maps. 22 cm. E457.T427 1952 copy 7 "First and second printings before publication." Endpaper autographed by the author. "Lincoln literature" : p. [523]— 548. Dark blue cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. Red top. Device blind-stamped on cover. 4152. Another issue. 24/2 cm. E457.T427 1952a copies 2 & 3 "First edition." "Five hundred copies . . . printed on all-rag paper with the Borzoi water-mark, each . . . signed by the au- thor." These are numbers 499 and 282. Cloth, with red back, black sides, and gilt-stamped spine. Device blind-stamped on cover. Gilt top. Blue markers. Copy 2 in three-quarter-closed case. 4153. Another issue. 1953. E 457- T 427 i95 2 co PY 6 "Published November 10, 1952." Brown cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. Green top. 4153a. Another edition. London, Eyre & Spot- tiswoode, 1953. xii, 368 p. maps. 23 J/2 cm. E457.T427 1953 "Lincoln literature": p. 341-354. Blue cloth, with gilt-stamped spine. 4154. THOMAS, BENJAMIN P. "For us the living" ; address at twelfth annual meeting of Lin- coln Fellowship of Wisconsin, February 10, 1950. Madison, Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin, 1951. 18 p. 2 ports. 26 cm. (Historical bulletin no. 9) P (2 copies) Cover title. "This edition limited to 600 copies." 4155. THOMAS, BENJAMIN P. The individ- uality of Lincoln. Chicago, The Home of Books, Inc., 1939. 79-91 p. 25/2 cm. (Lincoln Group papers, reprint no. 5) (M3529 note) P Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 4156. THOMAS, BENJAMIN P. Lincoln, 1 847- 1 853, being the day-by-day activities of Abra- ham Lincoln from January 1, 1847 to December 31, 1853. Springfield, 111., Abraham Lincoln As- sociation ["1936] ix, 388 p., 1 1. 2 fold. maps. 23/2 cm. (M3541) E457.4.T43 copy 3 On cover: Lincoln day by day, 1847-1853. A companion to items 420, 3420, and 3421. 4157. THOMAS, BENJAMIN P. Lincoln's New Salem. Drawings by Romaine Proctor from photo- graphs by the Herbert Georg Studio, Springfield. Springfield, 111., Abraham Lincoln Association, 1934. xv, 128 p. illus., fold. map. 20 cm. (M3456) E457.35.T47 copy 3 Endpaper maps. Light gray cloth, imprinted in maroon. 387 4158. Another edition. New York, Knopf, 1954. xiv, 166, v p. illus., maps. 19/2 cm. (var. of M3456) E457.35.T47 1954 copy 3 "Special edition." "Revised, reset, and printed from new plates." Autographed by the author. Boards, imprinted in black on cover and in white on spine. Maroon top. 4159. THOMAS, BENJAMIN P. Lin k'en hsin chuan [A new biography of Lincoln]. Translated by Ho Tsu-shao. Taipei, Taiwan (Formosa), Hua kuo ch'u pan she [Hua kuo Pub. Co.] 1954. 2, 2, 457 p. illus., port. 18J/2 cm. U Original title: Abraham Lincoln, a Biography. 2 pages of advertising matter following p. 457. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. In yellow slipcase. 4160. THOMAS, BENJAMIN P. Portrait for posterity: Lincoln and his biographers. Illustra- tions by Romaine Proctor. New Brunswick, Rut- gers University Press, 1947. xvii, 329 p. ports. 21 cm. E457.T43 copy 6 Bibliography: p. 31 1-3 18. Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stem. 4161. THOMAS, BENJAMIN P. Theodore Weld, crusader for freedom. New Brunswick, Rut- gers University Press, 1950. xii, 307 p. port. 22 cm. E449.W46 copy 3 Scattered references to Lincoln. 4162. THOMAS, JOHN T. Thomas Lincoln, father of Abraham Lincoln, [n. p., n. d.] folder ([3] P-) 23 cm. (M3457) P Cover title. 4163. THOMAS, SIMEON E. Lincoln-Doug- las debate; the fourth joint debate between Abra- ham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, held in Charleston, Coles County, Illinois, on September the eighteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. A narrative and descriptive account of the events of the day of the debate in Charleston. Charleston, 111., Eastern Illinois State Teachers College [1924] 11 p. illus. 23 cm. (Teachers college bulletin, no. 86, Oct. 1, 1924) (M2744) E457.4.T46 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 4164. THOMASSON, NELSON. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln ; read before the Illinois Com- mandery of the Loyal Legion, February 3, 1927, and published by order of the Board of Officers. [Chicago? 1927] folder ([4] p.), 1 1. 21 cm. (M2952) E457.15.T46 copy 2 Caption title. At head of title: Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the State of Illi- nois. "Letter to Secretary Stanton," signed A. Lincoln: 1 leaf, inserted. 4165. THOMPSON, CHARLES M. The gen- esis of the Whig party in Illinois, by C. M. Thomp- son. [Springfield, 111., Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers, 19 13] 9 p. 23 cm. JK2333.I33 i9i3copy3 "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, 1912." Printed wrappers. 4166. THOMPSON, DAVID D. Abraham Lin- coln, the first American, by D. D. Thompson. Cin- cinnati, Cranston & Curts; New York, Hunt & Eaton, 1894. 236 p. illus., ports., facsims. 18 cm. (Mi 154) E457.T46 copy 3 "Lincolniana"; anecdotes, stories attributed to Lincoln, etc.: p. [i27]-236. Bibliography: p. 3-4. 4167. THOMPSON, DOROTPIY. Lincoln papers. [Warrenville, 111., The Pony Barn Press, 1948] [8] p. 19 cm. P "From 'On the Record' . . . 418 copies done ... of these 238 were on BR All Rag Book, 74 on Rives Poype, 53 on Rives Valfrey, and 53 on Capuleti." Printed wrappers. 4168. THOMPSON, J. RENWICK. The na- tional bereavement; a sermon on the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered April 23, 1865, m t^ e Second Ref'd Presbyterian Church, Newburgh. Newburgh, R. H. Bloomer & Son, Printers, 1865. 24 p. 21 cm. (M774) P Previously bound. 4169. THOMPSON, JOHN B. Speech on the acquisition of Cuba, delivered in Senate, U. S., Wednesday, February 16, 1859. Washington, Gideon, Printer [1859?] 16 p. 22^2 cm. F1783.T48 Caption title. Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 4170. THOMPSON, JOHN C. In memoriam. A discourse upon the character and death of Abra- ham Lincoln, preached in Pottstown Presbyterian Church, on the day of national humiliation, June 1, 1865. Philadelphia, Stein & Jones, Printers, 1865. 20 p. 22 cm. (M775) E457.8.T446 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 388 4171- THOMPSON, JOSEPH P. Abraham Lincoln ; his life and its lessons. A sermon preached on Sabbath, April 30, 1865, by Joseph P. Thompson, D.D., pastor of the Broadway Tabernacle Church. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1865. 38 p. 23/2 cm. ([Loyal Publication Society. Pam- phlets, no. 85]) (M776) E463.L96 No. 85 3d set Printed wrappers. In gray slipcase. Another copy bound in with item 1259. 4172. THOMPSON, JOSEPH P. Christianity and emancipation ; or, The teachings and the influ- ence of the Bible against slavery. New York, A. D. F. Randolph, 1863. 86 p. 23 cm. E449.T475 copy 3 Contains an early printing of the Emancipation Proc- lamation of Jan. 1, 1863 (p. 64-66). (Published here subsequent to May 4, 1863. Cf. p. 3.) Printed wrappers. 4173. THOMPSON, M A U R I C E. Lincoln's grave. Cambridge, Chicago, Stone and Kimball, 1894. [48] p., 1 L (Mi 155) E457.9.T46 copies 2 & 3 Poem. Title in red and black within ornamental border. "This first edition on small paper is limited to four hundred and fifty copies." Copy 2 (175/2 cm.) bound in vellum with gilt letter- ing on spine and gilt top ; in brown slipcase. Copy 3 ( 18 cm.) bound in gray boards with paper label on spine. 4174. THOMPSON, RICHARD W. Recollec- tions of sixteen Presidents from Washington to Lin- coln. Indianapolis, Bowen-Merrill, 1894. 2 v. (438 p.) ports. 23 cm. (M1156) E176.1.T46 copy 4 "Edition de luxe." Binder's title : Personal recollections, Washington to Lincoln. "Abraham Lincoln": p. 389-419. 4175. [THOMPSON, ROBERT W.] A tribute to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. Albion Lodge no. 26, F. & A. M. February 12, 1906. [New York? 1906] 14 p. 14J/2 cm. (M1514) E457.8.T48 X copy Title vignette (silhouette of Lincoln). Caption title (p. 3): Address by the master. Printed by order of the Lodge. Printed wrappers. 4176. THOMPSON, WILL H. "Abraham Lin- coln." Memorial address delivered . . . before a joint session of the Senate and House of Represen- tatives of the thirteenth Legislature of the State of Washington . . . February the twelfth, nineteen hundred and thirteen. Published by authority of the thirteenth Legislature. [Olympia, Wash., F. M. Lamborn, Public Printer, 1913?] 23, [1] p. 23 cm. (M2116) E457.8.T485 copy 2 Letter of transmittal from C. P. Bissett to Charles T. White, laid in. Printed wrappers. 4177. THOMSON, EDWARD WILLIAM. When Lincoln died, and other poems. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1909. xi, [1], 146, [2] p. 20 cm. PR6039.H72W5 1909 copy 3 "Published March 1909." End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." 4178. THORN, JAMES S. Abraham Lincoln, a poem. New York, D. H. Newhall, 1925. 1 p. 1., 4 1. 16 cm. (M2814) E457.9.T48 copy 2 "35 copies printed, no. 2." "Written for and printed in the Bangkok (Siam) Re- corder, Friday, June 16, 1865." Reprinted also in Rare Lincolniana. (item 3504, no. 14) _ Printed wrappers, bound with silk cord. 4179. [THORPE, FREEMAN] Dear Sir: ... [n. p., n. d.] [4] p. i6/ 2 cm. (M2534) P Caption title. Letter of transmittal, dated Aug. 1, 1921, from Hubert, Minn., to accompany sketches of Lincoln offered for sale. 4180. THRALL, STEPHEN C. The Presi- dent's death a national responsibility. The Presi- dent's character a treasure of memory. A sermon delivered in Christ Church, New Orleans, Sunday Morning, April 23, 1865, at a memorial service held in that church, on the request of the officers of the Army and Navy. By Rev. S. C. Thrall. New Or- leans, Printed at Rea's Steam Press, 1865. 3 p. 1., [5]-u,[i]P- 25/2 cm. (M777) E 457-8-T52 copy 2 Mourning borders. Printed wrappers. 4 18 1. The 3-C book. v. 2, Feb. 1921. Phila- delphia, Federal Reserve Club of the Federal Re- serve Bank of Philadelphia. P "Lest we forget," by A. E. Post: p. 162-167. 4182. Three Presidents and their books; the read- ing of: Jefferson [by] Arthur Bestor; Lincoln [by] David C. Mearns ; Franklin D. Roosevelt [by] Jona- than Daniels. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 389 1955- ix, I29P- 23/2 cm. ( Fifth annual Wind- sor lectures) E176.1.T48 copy 3 "Mr. Lincoln and the books he read": p. 45-88. (Ref- erences, p. 120-129.) 4183. The Three voices: the soldier, farmer, and poet, to the Copperheads. New York, W. C. Bry- ant & Co., Printers, 1 863 . 1 2 p. 2 1 / 2 cm. ( Loy- al Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 4) E463.L96 No. 4 4th set Cover title. On cover: New York, Dec, 1863. At bottom of p. 12: Loyal leagues [etc.] Contents. — The patriot farmer's defiance to traitors [Senator Funk of 111.] — The patriot soldier and hero [Gen. Rosecrans to the legislatures of Ohio and Ind.] — The pa- triot poet and the patriot's oath [T. B. Read's "The oath"]. Issued also in another edition. ([New York, Office of Rebellion Record, 1863] 6,[2] (also 6,[i]) p. Caption title.) Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 4184. TILBERG, FREDERICK. Gettysburg National Military Park. Washington [U.S. Govt. Print. Off.] 1950. 52 p. illus., ports., maps. 23 cm. (National Park Service historical handbook series, no. 9) E475.56.T56 copy 5 Illustrated printed wrappers. 4185. TILDEN, SAMUEL J. The writings and speeches of Samuel J. Tilden. Edited by John Bigelow. New York, Harper, 1885. 2 v. 23 cm. E4i5.6.T57copy4 For an expression of Tilden's opposition to the Lincoln administration, see his letters to William Kent (v. 1, p. [28g]-33o) and to the editors of the Evening Post (v. 1, P- [3331-340 ). 4186. TILLEY, JOHN SHIPLEY. Lincoln takes command. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1941. xxxvii, 334 p. 22 cm. E471.1.T5 copy 3 Bibliographical foot-notes. 4187. TILTON, CLINT CLAY. Lincoln and Lamon: partners and friends, [n. p., 1932]. 26 p. 23 cm. (M3355) P "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society [for 193 1] Publication no. 38." Inscribed by the author and dated June 20, 1932. Printed wrappers. 4188. TILTON, CLINT CLAY. Lincoln's last view of the Illinois prairies. [Danville, 111., Priv. Print., Interstate Print. Co., 1937] [8] p. ports. 23 cm. (M3590) E457.4.T53 X copy Cover title. Caption title: Onward to Washington . . . "Lucian Tilton, president of Great Western Railroad and lessee of the Lincoln home, Springfield, 1861": p. [7H8] Self-wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4189. Time. v. 7, Mar. 8, 1926. Cleveland, Time, Inc. AP2.T37 v. 7 X copy "Living dead man," a review of Bernie Babcock's Booth and the Spirit of Lincoln, together with biographical ma- terial on Robert Todd Lincoln : p. 38-39. 4190. TIMLOW, HEMAN R. A discourse occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Delivered at Rhinebeck, N. Y., April 19, 1865, at a public dem- onstration of the citizens. Rhinebeck, N. Y. [Poughkeepsie Telegraph Staem [sic] Press] 1865. 42 p. 16/2 cm. (M778) E457.8.T58 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 4 1 9 1 . TINKER, CHARLES A. A simple tribute to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. Address at the unveiling of the painting by Benj. Eggleston, of Abraham Lincoln, at the Lincoln Club, Brooklyn, New York, February 12, 1907. [New York, Patteson Press, c i907] [16] p. ports. 18 cm. (M1558) P Enclosed is a clipping from the New York Herald of March 14, 191 7, about the death of Charles A. Tinker. Also enclosed is a letter from A. L. Tinker to Mr. [Charles T.] White, dated November 7, 191 7. Printed wrappers. 4192. TIPPETT, JAMES S. Abraham Lincoln, humble and great. Illustrations by George D. Armstrong. Chicago, Beckley-Cardy [1951] 154 p. illus. 20^2 cm. (Forever great series) E457.905.T5 copy 3 4193. TISLER, C. C. Lincoln's in town. [Ot- tawa, 111., c i94o] 35 p. 21 cm. P Cover title. 4194. TISLER, C. C. Story of Ottawa, Illinois. [Ottawa, 111.] 1953. 51 p. 21 cm. F549.O89T5 Cover title. "Going to Ottaway" [to hear Lincoln and Douglas]: p. 23-27. "Grumble of cannon": p. 27-30. 390 4195- To commemorate the debate of Abraham Lincoln and Anthony Thornton on freedom of ter- ritories, June 15, 1856 in Old Court House, Shelby- ville, Illinois. Shelbyville, 111., Shelby County Leader Print, 1923. 22 p. 1 1. illus., ports. 25 cm. (M2630) P "Memorial address of Hon. Burnett M. Chiperfield of Canton, Illinois at the dedicating of Lincoln boulder at Shelbyville, 111., February 12, 1923": p. 11-21. Printed wrappers. 4196. To the soldiers of the Union. [Philadel- phia, H. B. Ashmead, 1864] 14 p. 22 cm. [Phila- delphia. Union league. Pamphlets, v. 3, no. 80] E458.4.T657 copy 2 Cover title. Urging the defeat of George B. McClellan in the Presi- dential election, 1864. Stamped on cover: Rhode Island Historical Society. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 4197. TOMITA, AKIRA. Rinkan [Lincoln] [Hiroshima] Hiroshima Tosho, K. K. [1949] 1 p. 1., 181 p., 1 1. illus. (part, col.), col. ports., map. 185/2 cm. (Gin no suzu bunko [Silverbell's library]) U Colophon and one page of advertising matter follow- ing p. 181. Illustrated endpapers. Printed heavy paper wrappers, illustrated in color. 4198. [TORRIE, HIRAM D.] The tragedy of Abraham Lincoln, in five acts, by an American artist. Glasgow, J. Brown & Son [1876] 4 p. 1., [7]-57 P- 18/2 cm. (M948) E457.9.T69 copy 3 Poem. Ms. note on cover: "But 29 copies ever known, many of them spoiled by fire & smoke." Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana. (Item 3504, no. 7). Brown tooled full-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 4199. TOUSEY, SINCLAIR. Indices of public opinion. i860- 18 70. New York, Printed for private circulation, 1871. 3 p. I., 9-128 p. 23/2 cm. E458.T734 copy 2 Extracts from newspaper articles, etc., by the author. "Meeting in the Ninth Ward [on the murder of Mr. Lincoln] (From the [New York] Tribune, April 23, 1865)": p. 73-74. "Death and burial of President Lin- coln. Was it ever paralleled? (From the [New York] Tribune, May 17, 1865)": p. 75-76. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 19 16." 4200. TOWNE, EDWARD OWINGS. Wake up, world! A book of monetary economics setting forth the cause and cure for panics and industrial depressions, v. 1 . New York, New Era Book Corp. [ Cl 93 2 ] 79 P- 2 3/2 cm. HG221.T64 Inscribed by the author. Prospectus (8 p.) laid in. "Abraham Lincoln money" : p. [65]-6g. 4201. TOWNLEY, WAYNE C. Addresses . . . 1923-1924, 1924-1925. [Chicago?, 1925?] [8] p. 13/2 cm. (M2815) P Cover and title page title same. Autographed by the author. "Thomas and Sarah Bush Lincoln" : p. [3]-[4]. Printed wrappers. 4202. [TOWNSEND, GEORGE ALFRED] How Wilkes Booth crossed the Potomac. [New York, The Century Co.] [822P832 p. 24 cm. P Caption title. Signed. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 27, Apr. 1884. 4203. TOWNSEND, GEORGE ALFRED. Katy of Catoctin; or, The chain-breakers; a national romance. By George Alfred Townsend, "Gath." New York, D. Appleton, 1886. 567 p. 19/2 cm. PS3089.T4K3 "A romance upon the conspiracy of Booth." — Pref. 4204. TOWNSEND, GEORGE ALFRED. The life, crime, and capture of John Wilkes Booth, with a full sketch of the conspiracy of which he was the leader, and the pursuit, trial and execution of his accomplices. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald [1865] i v ) [5]-64, [1] p. illus., port., map, plans. 24/2 cm. (M781) E457.5.T74 copy 3 E457-5-T4 1 copy 4 Fourteen pages of advertising matter following p. [65] Pink printed wrappers, with portrait of Booth on cover. Copy 3 in maroon slipcase. Copy 4 bound with a copy of the Life and Extraordinary Adventures of John H. Surratt, the Conspirator under binder's titles: Booth and Surratt (on spine) and Life and crime of John Wilkes Booth and John H. Surratt (on cover). See item 2532. 4205. Another edition, iv, [5]— 79, [1] p. illus., map, plans. 23J/2 cm. (M781 var.) E 457-5- T 742 copy 2 Reissue, containing some additional matter; without advertising. Yellow printed wrappers, with portrait of Booth on cover. In blue slipcase. 391 4 206. TOWNSEND, GEORGE ALFRED. The real life of Abraham Lincoln. A talk with Mr. Herndon, his late law partner. With cabinet por- trait and Mr. Lincoln's favorite poem. New York, Publication Off., Bible House, 1867. 15 p. port. 24/2 cm. (M895) E457.T74 copy 3 Originally appeared in the New York Tribune, Febru- ary 15, 1867. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 4207. TOWNSEND, GEORGE ALFRED. Washington, outside and inside. A picture and a narrative of the origin, growth, excellences, abuses, beauties, and personages of our governing city. By Geo. Alfred Townsend, "Gath." Hartford, Conn., Chicago, J. Betts; Cincinnati, Ohio, S. M. Betts, 1873. 75 l P- illus., port. 23 cm. F194.T74 copy 3 4208. TOWNSEND, JAMES H. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Presbyterian Church, Fulton, April 19, 1865. Fulton, N. Y., Patriot and Gazette Caloric Power Press Print., 1865. 19 p. 21 cm. (M782) E457.52.T6 Self-wrappers ( ? ) . In green slipcase. 4209. TOWNSEND, S. P. A Speech. The na- tion saved by interposition of Providence — the abo- litionists — Wm. Lloyd Garrison — Abraham Lin- coln — The financial question, etc., etc. Delivered November 3d, 1864, at Elizabeth City, New Jersey. [New York? 1864] 16 p. 23/2 cm. E458.4.T75 copy 2 Caption title. Self-wrappers. 4210. TOWNSEND, WILLIAM H. Abraham Lincoln, defendant; Lincoln's most interesting law- suit. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1923. vii, [1] p., 2 1., 3-40,[i] p. illus., facsims. 24/2 cm. (M2672) E457.3.T75 copy 3 The facsimiles here given are taken from the records of the Fayette circuit court and from letters of Abraham Lincoln. A petition was filed in the Fayette circuit court, Lex- ington, Ky., May, 1853, by Edward Oldham and Thomas Hemingway, surviving partners of Oldham, Todd & Company, claiming that Abraham Lincoln collected cer- tain money, as their attorney, which was not paid over. Four depositions, constituting the proof for Lincoln, were filed in the Fayette circuit court, November 23, 1853, and so completely was the charge refuted that the plain- tiffs on January 16, 1854, filed a motion to dismiss the case, which was done at their cost, February 10, 1854. Boards, with paper label on spine. 421 1. TOWNSEND, WILLIAM H. Lincoln and his wife's home town. Indianapolis, Bobbs- Merrill ^1929] 402 p. illus., ports., facsims. (part fold.) 22/2 cm. (M3143) E457.T84 copy 3 Bibliography: p. [3791-384; bibliographical foot-notes. 4212. TOWNSEND, WILLIAM H. Lincoln and liquor. New York, Press of the Pioneers, 1934. x p., 2 1., 152 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23J/2 cm. (M3458) E457.2.T68 copy 4 Bibliography: p. [145]- 148. 4213. TOWNSEND, WILLIAM H. Lincoln and the Bluegrass; slavery and civil war in Ken- tucky. [Lexington] University of Kentucky Press [1955] xiv, 392 p. illus., ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. E457T78 1955a copies 1, 2 & 3 "The Cassius Marcellus Clay edition, autographed by the author for members of the Civil War Book Club." "Bibliographical notes": p. [3591-385. 4214. TOWNSEND, WILLIAM H. Lincoln the litigant. With an introduction by William E. Barton . . . Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1925. viii, [1], ii6,[i] p. illus., port., facsims. 24 l /i cm. (M2816) E457.3.T76 copy 3 "This edition ... is limited to one thousand and fifty copies, of which one thousand are for sale." Boards, with paper label on spine. 4215. TOWNSEND, WILLIAM H. "The sage of lion's den," a brochure by John E. Hobeika eulogizing Lyon G. Tyler, malevolent critic of Abraham Lincoln. A review and rejoinder. Har- rogate, Tenn., Dept. of Lincolniana, Lincoln Me- morial University, 1950. 4 p. 25/2 cm. P "Reprinted from Lincoln Herald, December, 1949 Vol. 51, No. 4. Limited to 300 copies." Inscribed to Alfred W. Stern by the author. Printed wrappers. 4216. TRACY, BENJAMIN F. Speech before the Middlesex Club of Boston, Mass. Lincoln's birthday, February 12th, 1898. [n. p., 19 — ] 1 p. 1., 15 p. 23 cm. (M1559) E457.8T76 copy 2 Issued also in a 17-page edition ([Boston? 1898]). Printed wrappers. 4217. TRAIN, GEORGE FRANCIS. My life in many states and in foreign lands, dictated in my 392 seventy-fourth year. London, Heinemann, 1902. xxi, 348 p. illus., ports. 20 cm. CT275.T83A34 1902a One or two references to Lincoln in chapter entitled "England and our Civil War — blockade running" (p. 271-282). 4218. Travelers Insurance Company, Hartford. Explanation of Matt Morgan's war pictures. Hart- ford, Conn. [188-?] 23 p. illus. 23 cm. E468.7.T7 Illustrated printed wrappers. 4219. The Treasure chest; a digest of personal aids to successful living. Feb. 1943. Chicago, Geo. G. Calkins. P Poetry and quotations by and about Lincoln. 4220. TREFOUSSE, HANS L. Ben Butler, the South called him Beast! New York, Twayne Pub- lishers [1957] 365 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. E467.1.B87T7 copy 3 4221. Trial of Abraham Lincoln by the great statesman of the republic. A council of the past on the tyranny of the present. The spirit of the Constitution on the bench — Abraham Lincoln, prisoner at the bar, his own counsel. [Reported expressly for the New York Metropolitan record.} New York, Office of the Metropolitan Record, 1863. 29 p. 22 cm. (M252) E457.T82 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 4222. The Trial of Hon. Clement L. Vallandig- ham, by a military commission: and the proceed- ings under his application for a writ of habeas corpus in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Ohio. Cincinnati, Rickey and Carroll, 1863. 272 p. 23 cm. Law copy 5 "Vallandigham was arraigned on the following charge . . . : Publicly expressing, in violation of General orders no. 38, from head-quarters Department of the Ohio, sympathy for those in arms against the government of the United States, and declaring disloyal sentiments and opinions, with the object and purpose of weakening the power of the government in its efforts to suppress an un- lawful rebellion.'" — p. 11. Holograph letter from C. L. Vallandigham to Jno. C. Rivers, dated Aug. 13, 1861, laid in. In modern binding. 4223. Trial of John H. Surratt in the Criminal Court for the District of Columbia, Hon. George P. Fisher presiding. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1867. 2 v. (1383 p.) 23/2 cm. (M896) E 457-5- s 9°5 copy 2 Trial in the Supreme Court of the District of Colum- bia, sitting for the trial of crimes and misdemeanors, June-August, 1867, for the murder of President Lincoln. Label on spine : Trial of John Surratt. 4224. The Trial of the assassins and conspirators at Washington City, D. C, May and June, 1865, for the murder of President Abraham Lincoln. Full of illustrative engravings. Being a full and verbatim report of the testimony of all the wit- nesses examined in the whole trial, with the argu- ment of Reverdy Johnson on the jurisdiction of the commission . . . prepared on the spot by the special correspondents and reporters of the Philadelphia daily inquirer, expressly for this edition. Phila- delphia, T. B. Peterson & Bros. [1865] 1 p. 1., 15-210 p. illus., ports., map, plans. (M786) E 457-5 T8 3 copies 2, 4, & 5 Trial of David E. Herold, George A. Atzerodt, Lewis Payne, Michael O'Laughlin, Edward Spangler, Samuel Arnold, Mary E. Surratt and Samuel A. Mudd, before a military commission at Washington, D. C. "Complete and unabridged edition. — Containing the whole of the suppressed evidence." Copy 2 (23/2 cm.) bound in brown cloth with device and line borders blind-stamped on covers and lettering in gilt on spine; in red case. Copy 4 (24 '/a cm.) in pink printed wrappers; in blue solander case. Copy 5 (24V2 cm.) previously bound; in black quarter-morocco slipcase. 4225. Another issue. 24/2 cm. (M786 var.) E457-5- T8 3 co P>' 3 Title differs slightly: "alleged" inserted before "assassins." Pink printed wrappers. In blue solander case with copy 4. 4226. Trial of the assassins and conspirators for the murder of Abraham Lincoln, and the at- tempted assassination of Vice-President Johnson and the whole cabinet, the most interesting trial on record. Containing the evidence in full, with arguments of counsel on both sides, and the verdict of the military commission. Correct likenesses and graphic history of all the assassins, conspirators, and other persons connected with their arrest and trial. Philadelphia, Barclay & Co. [ c i864-] 1 p. 1., 21-102 393 p. illus., ports., map, plans. 24 cm. (var. of M787) E457.5.H446 copy 2 With misprinted date ("1864 ). The arrangement of the illustrations is like that of M787 var. Blue printed wrappers. In brown slipcase. 4227. Another issue. [ c i865] (M787) E457-5- H 446 copy 3 Copyright page from different plate. The arrangement of the illustrations differs. Green printed wrappers. In slipcase with the pre- ceding. 4228. The Tribune almanac and political regis- ter. 1857-70. [New York] 2 v. 18 cm. AY67.N5T8 4th set Running title. Caption and binder's title: Tribune almanac for 1857 [etc.] The almanacs for 1 862-1 866 contain early printings of Lincoln's proclamations of Apr. 15, 1861; Aug. 16, 1861; July 25, 1862; Sept. 22, 1862 (preliminary Eman- cipation Proclamation) ; Jan. 1, 1863 (Emancipation Proclamation) ; Dec. 8, 1863 (Proclamation of amnesty) ; and "President Lincoln's second inaugural address, March 4, 1865." 4229. TRIETSCH, JAMES H. The printer and the prince; a study of the influence of Horace Greeley upon Abraham Lincoln as candidate and President. New York, Exposition Press [1955] 332 p. 21 cm. (Exposition-university book) E415.9.G8T7 1955 copy 3 "First edition." Includes bibliography. 4230. Trois conferences strasbourgeoises : Guil- laume le Taciturne, par A. Sabatier. Abraham Lincoln, par Rod. Reuss. Agrippa d'Aubigne, par George Guibal. Conferences fakes a Strasbourg au profit des victimes de la guerre en France. Strasbourg, Treuttel et Wurtz, 1872. 106 p. 19 cm. (M3829) E457.S15 copies 1 & 2 "Abraham Lincoln": p. 37—81. Copy 2 with bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Gray printed wrappers; copy 1 rebound in brown half-morocco. 4231. TROWBRIDGE, JOHN T. The desolate South, 1 865- 1 866; a picture of the battlefields and of the devastated Confederacy. Edited by Gordon Carroll. New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce; Boston, Toronto, Little Brown [1956] xiv, 320 p. illus. 22 cm. F216.T863 copy 3 "First edition." Abridgment of The South: a Tour of its Battle-fields and Ruined Cities, published in 1866. 4232. Troy, N. Y. citizens. A tribute of respect by the citizens of Troy, to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. Troy, N. Y., Young & Benson, 1865. xi, 342 p. 24 cm. (M788) E457.52.T87 copy 2 Introduction signed: B. H. H. (1. e. Benjamin Homer Hall). End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 19 16." Maroon cloth with gilt lettering on spine. End papers brown. 4233. Another issue. 24^2 cm. (var. of M788) E457.52.T87 copy 3 Page proof, with ms. corrections, of the 1865 edition above. In green solander case. 4234. Another issue. Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell, 1865. 25 cm. (M788var.) E457.52.T86 copy 3 Title page reset. Stamped on title page: "Donated by the Mercantile Library Association, New York City." Maroon cloth with leather label on spine. 4235. True comics, v. 1, Dec. 1941. New York, Parents' Magazine Press. AP101.T75 X copy "The Sleeping sentry, a civil war story": p. 34-37. 4236. TRUESDELL, WINFRED PORTER. Engraved and lithographed portraits of Abraham Lincoln. Champlain [N. Y.] Priv. Print, at the Troutsdale Press, 1933. v. 2. illus., ports, (part mounted), facsims. 29 cm. (M3407) E457.6.T78 copy 2 "This book is limited to an edition of two hundred and twenty-five copies . . . No. 40. [Signed] Winfred Porter Truesdell." "The numbering of the photographs, and the very succinct descriptions thereto, have been based on 'The Photographs of Abraham Lincoln', by Frederick Hill Meserve, issued in 191 1, and the two supplements which have since appeared." — Pref. 4237. [TRUETT, RANDLE BOND] Lincoln, the story of the assassination. [Arlington?, Va., 1949] 14 p. 22 cm. E457.5.T87 copy 2 Cover title. Accompanied by perforated sheet of 12 illustrations for insertion. "Copyright, 1949, by Randle Bond Truett . . . Arling- ton, Virginia." 394 4238. TUCKER, JOSHUA T. A discourse in memory of our late President, Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the First Parish Church, Holliston, Mass., Thursday, June 1, 1865, by J. T. Tucker, pastor. Holliston, Plimpton & Clark, 1865. 21 p. 23 cm. (M791) E457.8.T89 copy 2 Inscribed presentation ( ?) copy. Red three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrap- pers bound in. 4239. TUCKER, NATHANIEL BEVERLEY. Address of Beverley Tucker, esq., to the people of the United States, with appendix relating to Presi- dent Johnson's proclamation of 2nd May, 1865. Montreal, M. Longmoore, Printers, 1865. 44 p. 12 cm. E457.5.T9 1865 copy 2 Author's reply to charges of complicity, with Jefferson Davis and others, in the assassination of Lincoln. First published in the Montreal Gazette. Endpaper inscribed: "Beverley Tucker/Sep: 22nd 1865/Montreal/Sincerely/your friend/Jeff" Davis." Bound in purple limp cloth, with green glazed end- papers and gilt edges. In purple quarter-morocco slipcase. 4240. Another edition. Edited by James Harvey Young. Atlanta, Emory University Library, 1948. 32 p. facsim. 24 cm. (Emory University publica- tions. Sources & reprints, ser. 5) E457-5- T 9 J 948 copy 3 Issued under title: Address of Beverley Tucker, esq., to the People of the United States, 1865. "Appendix [relating to President Johnson's proclama- tion of 2nd May, 1865]": p. 22-32. Blue-gray printed wrappers. 4241. TUCKER, NATHANIEL BEVERLEY. A key to the disunion conspiracy. The partisan leader. By Beverley Tucker. Secretly printed in Washington (in the year 1836) by Duff Green, for circulation in the southern states, but afterwards suppressed. New York, Reprinted by Rudd & Carleton, 1861. 2 v. in 1 (xv, 392 p.) 19/2 cm. PS3101.P3 1861 copy 2 "Fac-simile of the original edition, printed at Washing- ton in 1836." Original title: The Partisan Leader; a Tale of the Future. By Edward William Sidney [pseud.] . . . Printed for the publishers by J. Caxton, 1856 [1. e. 1836] 4242. [TUCKERMAN, CHARLES K.] Presi- dent Lincoln and colonization. [New York] [329]- 332 p. 23/2 cm. P Caption title. Signed. Detached from The Magazine of American History, v. 16, Oct. 1886. 4243. TURNER, GEORGE. Abraham Lincoln; an address . . . delivered at the First M. E. Church in Spokane, Washington, February 13, 19 16. [Spokane, McKee Print. Co., 19 16] 19 p. 24 cm. (M2277) E457.8.T95 copy 3 Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4244. TURNER, JAMES W. On Abraham Lincoln's trail from Hodgenville to Springfield, containing narratives written with a special view to historical accuracy. Evansville, Ind., Turner Pub. Co., 1930. 256,[io] p. illus., port., maps. 18 cm. (M3236) E457.3.T94 copy 3 Inscribed by the author to George P. Hambrecht. 4245. TURNER, JUSTIN G Manuscripts and history ; an address delivered at the annual meeting of the American Association for State and Local History at Houston, Texas, October 24, 1952. [n. p., 1953?] 8 p. 24 cm. Z6602.T8 Cover title. "A portion of this address was printed in Autograph Collectors' Journal, vol. v, no. 1 1, Winter, 1953." Several references to Lincoln. Self-wrappers. 4246. TURZAK, CHARLES. Abraham Lincoln, biography in woodcuts. [Chicago, c i933] 6 p. 1., 34 plates, 4 1. illus., port. 18 J/2 cm. (M3408) E457.6.T86 copy 3 Printed on one side of leaf on opposite pages. The woodcuts are numbered 1 to 34, with two un- numbered prints (frontispiece and introduction). "The thirty-six woodcuts in this book were designed & cut in wood by Charles Turzak at the Lincoln Village, a Century of Progress, Chicago, 1933 . . . This edition is limited to fifteen hundred numbered copies. This copy is number 694 [Signed] Chas. Turzak." 4247. TUTTLE, JOSEPH F. The assassinated Presidents, Lincoln and Garfield; a memorial ad- dress, at Center Church, Crawfordsville, Indiana, the day of President Lincoln's funeral, April 19, 1865 ; also, a memorial address, at the Court House, Crawfordsville, Indiana, the day of President Gar- field's funeral, September 26, 1881. [Crawfords- 395 ville, Ind., Review Steam Book and Job Printers, 1881] 18 p. 23/2 cm. (M973) P On cover: Memorial addresses to Abraham Lincoln and James A. Garfield, the assassinated Presidents. Printed wrappers. 4248. Two memorial addresses delivered on Fox- boro Common: In memory of President Harding, August 10, 1923 [by] William E. Barton. In memory of President Lincoln, April 19, 1865 [by] Isaac Smith. Foxboro, Mass., Print Shop, 1923. 20 p. 22/2 cm. (M2623) E457.52.T9 Printed wrappers. 4249. The Two ways of treason; or, The open traitor of the South face to face with his skulking abettor at the North. 12 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 33) E463.L96 no. 33 4th set Cover title. On cover: New York, Oct., 1863. In pamphlet holder. 4250. TWOMBLY, ALEXANDER S. The as- sassination of Abraham Lincoln: a discourse de- livered in the State St. Pres. Church, by Rev. A. S. Twombly, Sunday morning, April 16, 1865. Al- bany, N. Y., J. Munsell, 1865. iv, [5]- 18 p. 25 cm. (M794) E457.8.T97 copy 2 Glazed printed wrappers. 4251. TYLER, GEORGE P. The successful life. A discourse, on the death of President Lin- coln, delivered April 19, 1865, at the Center Church, Brattleboro, by the pastor, Rev. G. P. Tyler. Brattleboro, Printed at the Vermont Rec- ord Off., 1865. 12 p. 22/2 cm. (M795) E457.8.T98 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 4252. TYLER, LYON GARDINER. Barton and the lineage of Lincoln; claim that Lincoln was related to Lee refuted, [n. p., 1930?] 12 p. 15/2 cm. (M3144) P Cover title. - Page 9 begins: Mayflower and Speedwell. Self-wrappers. 4253. Another edition. (M3144 var.) E 457-32-Tg8 copy 3 "Second edition." Cover title reset. Differs in the arrangement of the text, p. 9 beginning : First families of Virginia. With one or two changes in and additions to the text. 4254. TYLER, LYON GARDINER. A Con- federate catechism. The war of 1 861-1865. [n. p.] 1929. 12 p. 15 cm. (M3145) E459.T98 copy 2 Cover title. "Third edition, November 21, 1929." Anti-Lincoln. Letter of transmittal to Charles T. White laid in. Self-wrappers. 4255. TYLER, LYON GARDINER. John Tyler and Abraham Lincoln, who was the dwarf? A reply to a challenge. Richmond, Va., Richmond Press, Printers, 1929. 41 p. ports. 23/2 cm. (M3146) E397.T97 copy 2 4256. Tyler's quarterly historical and genealogical magazine, v. 26, Jan. 1945. Holdcroft, Va., Mrs. Lyon G. Tyler. F221.T95 v. 26, X copy "The plain truth about the Bixby letter," by D. R. Barbee: p. 149-170. 4257. TYNG, CHARLES ROCKLAND, comp. Record of the life and work of the Rev. Stephen Higginson Tyng, D. D., and history of St. George's Church, New York, to the close of his rectorship. New York, E. P. Dutton, 1890. 682 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. BX5995.T9T8 copy 3 "Ministry, 1861 to 1865. Civil War": p. 327-371. 4258. TYNG, STEPHEN H. Victory and re- union. A commemorative sermon preached in St. George's Church, New York, April 20, 1865. New York, G. A. Gray & Green, Printers, 1865. 46 p. 14/2 cm. (M796) P Letter to Charles T. White laid in. Printed also in items 3079-80, 3260-61. Previously bound. 4259. UCHIGASAKI, SAKUSABURO. Rin- kan [Lincoln] [Tokyo] Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha [1929] 1 p. 1., 6, 8, 376, 9 p., 4 1. illus., ports. 19/2 cm. (M3892 var.) U "Fourth printing, 1929." A biography of Lincoln. Seven pages of advertising matter on final four leaves. In three-quarter-closed case. 4260. ULM, AARON HARDY. In the house where Abraham Lincoln died, and the sixty-two 39 6 years' quest for mementoes of the great emanci- pator. [Moline, 111., Desaulniers, 1922] 18 p., 1 1. illus., port. 23J/2 cm. (M2609) E457-65-U43 co PY 2 A description of the collection of Lincolniana made by Osborn H. Oldroyd and preserved in the house in which Lincoln died. ". . . Reprint by Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf of the article . . . appearing in the February 11, 1922, number of 'The Dearborn Independent.' " Printed wrappers. 4261. ULRICH, BARTOW A. Abraham Lin- coln and constitutional government. [Chicago] Chicago Legal News [ c i 9 16-20] 3 v. in 2. illus., ports., facsim. 23/2 cm. (M2278 & M2489) E457- I 5 TJ 45 copy 3 Vol. 3 has title: Abraham Lincoln and new constitu- tional governments. Vols. 1 and 2 paged continuously. Vol. 3 inscribed by the author. Facsimile of a letter from Lincoln regarding Ulrich laid in. 4262. Union campaign documents. No. 1-10. [n. p., n. d.] 22 cm. E458.4.U6 Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Green half-morocco, with items 584 and 2521 bound in. Contents : no. 1. Issues of the conflict — terms of peace. Remarks of Hon. Wm, H. Seward, on the occasion of the fall of Atlanta, at Auburn, Saturday, Sept. 3, 1864. [Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers, 1864] 8 p. Caption title. "The platforms" [of the National Union Convention and Democratic National Convention, 1864]: p. [7]-8. no. 2. How the copperheads would preserve the Union. Record of George H. Pendleton, in the Congress of the United States during the Rebellion. [Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers, 186] 9-14 p., 1 1. Caption title. "A plain statement of facts, verified by the observation and reflection of the mass in every community": p. [15] "The Union platform": p. [16] "Democratic platform": p. [16] no. 3. Resources of the country. How peace can be obtained. Remarks of Hon. Reuben E. Fenton at James- town, N. Y.j Tuesday evening, September 8, 1864. [Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers, 1864] [i7]-22 p., 1 1. Caption title. "A plain statement of facts . . .": p. [2i]-2 2. "The platforms": p. [23H24] no. 4. McClellan's military career reviewed and exposed ; the military policy of the administration set forth and vindicated, by Wm. Swinton. [Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers, 1864] [251-48 p. Caption title. Also issued the same year under title : The "Times" Review of McClellan: his Military Career Reviewed and Exposed. no. 5. The military and naval situation, and the glorious achievements of our soldiers and sailors, by Wm. Swinton. [Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers, 1864] [49]-56 P- Caption title. no. 6. Spirit of the Chicago convention. Extracts from all the notable speeches delivered in and out of the national "Democratic" convention. A surrender to the rebels advocated — a disgraceful and pusillanimous peace demanded — the federal government savagely denounced and shamefully vilified, and not a word said against the crime of treason and rebellion. [Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers, 1864] [57]-6g p., 2 1. Caption title. Issued also as Chicago Tribune campaign document, no. 1 . "The platforms": p. [7o]-[7i] no. 7. Gerrit Smith on McClellan's nomination and acceptance. [Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers, 1864] [731-78 p., 1 1. 15 p. Caption title. "The Union platform" : p. [79] "The Democratic platform": p. [79] Issued also as Loyal Publication Society [Pamphlets] no. 6 3 - no. 8. Stirring appeals from honored veterans. Demo- cratic statesmen and generals to the loyal sons of the Union. Views of Gens. Grant, Sherman, Dix, Wool, Butler, Edward Everett, John A. Griswold, and others. Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers, 1864. 1 p. 1., [83]-96 P- no. 9. Interesting political dialogue. Soldiers on their right to vote, and the men they should support. [Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers, 1864] 97-104 p. Caption title. no. 10. The great conspiracy. Vallandigham com- mander. Military organization. Assassination tolerated. Collusion with rebels. Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers, 1864. 1 p. 1., 107-120 p. Signed : J. Holt, Judge Advocate General. Published also under title: Report of the Judge Advo- cate General on "The Order of American Knights," Alias "The Sons of Liberty . . ." Washington, 1864. 4263. Union League of America. Grand Lincoln & Johnson ratification meeting, at Washington City, D. C, June 15, 1864. The National Union League of America, in the field! Speeches of Hon. J. M. Edmunds, Hon. Wm. D. Kellcy, Hon. Henry S. Lane, Hon. J. W. Patterson, Hon. Jacob M. How- ard, Hon. C. B. Denio, Hon. A. W. Randall, and 397 Hon. G. Adams. [Washington, 1864] 22, [2] p. 23 cm. (M298) E458.4.U63 copy 2 Caption title. "The speech of Hon. A. W. Randall has not been furnished the Executive Committee, and hence is not published." — p. [24] 4264. Union Trust Company of Albany. Patriot and statesman; Lincoln centenary, February 12th, 1909. [Albany, N. Y., 1909] [6] p. 23 cm. (M1837) E475.55.U5 Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Four pages of text. Includes the Gettysburg Address. 4265. Union Veteran Legion of the United States. Encampment No. 1 11 , Washington, D. C. Master- ful tributes to the memory of President Lincoln, by Hon. William Jennings Bryan and The volunteer soldier by Hon. John M. Thurston, delivered at the Columbia Theater, Washington, D. C, on the evening of April 14, 1907 (42d anniversary of Mr. Lincoln's assassination) under the auspices and for the benefit of the relief fund of Encampment no. hi, Union Veteran Legion. Washington, Benson & Gibbs [1907] 32 p. ports. 22/2 cm. (M1522) E457.8U54 copy 3 Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Speech by Bryan also published in item 1877. Bound with original printed wrappers in blue cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 4266. U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and agriculture. Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture, November 1937. [Washington, 1937] vi, 102 p. illus., map. 27 cm. ( M3596 ) S44 1 .A 1 5 1 93 7a copy 5 Processed. A collection of observations on agriculture, by Wash- ington, Jefferson and Lincoln, prepared in connection with the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the United States Department of Agriculture and the passage of the Land grant college act . . . 1862. Cf. Foreword. "Everett E. Edwards is responsible for the selections and the introductory notes." — Foreword, p. iii. . "Selected references" at end of each section. Stapled. 4267. U. S. Commission on Renovation of the Executive Mansion. Report, compiled under di- rection of the Commission by Edwin Bateman Morris. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., J952] 3 P- 1-, J 09>[4] p., 1 1. illus. (part col.) group ports., plans. 28/2 cm. F204.W5U52 copy 11 "History of the White House": p. 25-34. 4268. U. S. Committee on Public Information. Russian Bureau. Avraam Linkol'n, ego zhizn' i dieiatel'nost'. [Abraham Lincoln; his life and work] Washington [n. d.] 16 p. port. 18/2 cm. ( Ms8g2a) E457U53 copy 2 & X copy Cover title. Title transliterated. Self-wrappers. 4269. U. S. Congress. Congressional record, v. 72, Feb. 14, 1930; v. 76, Feb. 13, 1933; v. 76, Feb. 2 7> 1933- Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off. P Lincoln's birthday addresses by G. D. Goff, K. B. Tupper, L. A. Reynolds: v. 72, Feb. 14, 1930, p. 3826- 3831. Lincoln's birthday speeches by Smoot, Shortridge, and Fess in the Senate, and Beck and Rankin in the House: v. 76, Feb. 13, 1933, p. 4062-4068, 4106-41 10. Lincoln's birthday address by Emanuel Hertz: v. 76, Feb. 27, 1933, p. 5328-5329. 4270. U. S. Congress. Memorial addresses de- livered before the two Houses of Congress on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley. Prepared in accord- ance with concurrent resolution of Congress, and under direction of Joint Committee on Printing, by Charles Rowley Cushman, Clerk of Committee on Printing, House of Representatives. Washing- ton, Govt. Print. Off., 1903. 246 p. 3 ports. (M1402 var.) E457.8U562 copies 2 & 3 On added title page: 57th Congress, 2d sess. Senate Doc. 219. Contents. — Abraham Lincoln, by George Bancroft. Appendix: Proceedings in the House of Representatives, February 12, 1866. — James A. Garfield, by James G. Blaine. Appendix: Proceedings in the House of Repre- sentatives, February 27, 1882. — William McKinley, by John Hay. Appendix: Proceedings in the House of Representatives, February 27, 1902. Copy 2 (30/2 cm.) bound in green cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and design blind-stamped on covers. Copy 3 (32/2 cm.) bound in red full-leather, with marbled endpapers, gilt lettering on cover and spine, and line borders gilt-stamped on covers. 4271. Another issue. 32 cm. (M1402) E457.8.U56 copy 5 From same plates, but added title page is without document series note. Title varies slightly. 398 On cover: Memorial addresses. Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley. Delivered before the two houses of Congress by George Bancroft, James G. Blaine and John Hay. Black cloth, imprinted in gilt and with ornamental borders blind-stamped on covers. Gilt top. 4272. U. S. 30th Cong., 1st sess., 1842-1848. Token of a nation's sorrow. Addresses in the Congress of the United States, and funeral solemni- ties on the death of John Quincy Adams, who died in the Capitol at Washington, on Wednesday eve- ning, February 23, 1848. Washington, Printed by J. and G. S. Gideon, 1848. 32 p. port. 22 cm. E 377- u 5 82 co Py 3 "Second edition." "Mr. Lincoln, of Illinois" listed as a member of the Committee of Arrangements (p. 122). Previously bound(?). In black quarter-morocco slipcase. 4273. U. S. 3Jth Cong., 1st sess., 1861. Addresses on the death of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives on Tuesday, July 9, 1861. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1861. 92 p. 24 cm. E415.9.D73U5 copies 5, 6 & 7 Mourning borders. Copy 5 inscribed: "A. L. Evans from Hon. Wm. Windom, M. C." Copies 5 & 6 bound in black cloth with ornamental borders blind-stamped and vignette (portrait of Douglas) gilt-stamped on covers; light green end papers. Copy 7 bound in salmon-colored printed wrappers. 4274. U. S. 3gth Cong., 1st sess., 1865-1866. Arrangements for the memorial address on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, to be delivered, at the request of both Houses of Congress of the United States, before them, in the hall of the House of Representatives, by the Hon. George Bancroft, on the 1 2th of February, 1866. [Washington, 1866] folder (4 p.) 22 cm. (M837) E 457-52-U59 X copy Caption title. Running title: Programme. Mourning borders. Admission ticket (9 x 1 1/2 cm.) laid in. 4275. U. S. 64th Cong., 1st sess., 79/5-/9/6. House. Homestead of Abraham Lincoln. Speeches in the House of Representatives, April 5, 12, 19 16, on a bill to accept a deed of conveyance from the Lincoln Farm Association to the United States of the homestead of Abraham Lincoln, near the town of Hodgenville, State of Kentucky. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 19 16. 108 p. 23/2 cm. (64th Cong., 1st sess. House. Doc. 1056) (M2248) E 457-32-U3 copies 4 & 5 Flyleaf of copy 5 inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Printed wrappers. 4276. U. S. Congress. House. Alphabetical list of Senators and Representatives, with their resi- dences in Washington, prepared by the Postmaster of the House of Representatives. [Washington? 18 — ] 6 p. 23 cm. JK1012.Z5 i8ooz Caption title. Autograph of Andrew Johnson at head of title. Self-wrappers. In dark green quarter-morocco slipcase. 4277. U. S. Congress. House. Platforms of the two great political parties, 1856- 19 20, inclusive. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1920. 266 p. 13/2 cm. JK2255.A3 1920 "Compiled by George D. Ellis, under direction of Wm. Tyler Page, Clerk, U. S. House of Representatives, July, , 1920." Mention is made of the nomination of Lincoln by the Republican convention in May i860 and June 1864 (p. 16,21). Printed heavy-paper wrappers. 4278. U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Claims. Reward for the capture of Booth; report to accompany bill H. R. No. 801. [Washington? 1866] 12 p. 23 cm. (39th Cong., 1st sess. House. Report, no. 99) (M859) E457.5.U53 Caption title. Previously bound. 4279. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Military Affairs. Abraham Lincoln national park. Hearings before the Committee on Military Affairs, House of Representatives, Seventieth Congress, second session, on H. R. 15657. January g, 1929. Statements of Maurice H. Thatcher . . . Henry D. Moorman . . . [and] Col. W. R. Gibson . . . Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1929. ii, 21 p. illus. 23J/2 cm. (M3070) E 457-32-U43 X copy John M. Morin, chairman. Cover title. Self-wrappers. 4280. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Military Affairs. A bill to provide for the improve- ment and preservation of the land and buildings of the Abraham Lincoln national park or reserva- 399 tion . . . Washington, 1929. double folder (3 p.) 27/2 cm. (70th Cong., 2d sess. House. Report no. 2142. Union calendar no. 675. H. R. 15657) P Caption title. 4281. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Military Affairs. Improvement and preservation of Lincoln national park or reservation . . . Re- port . . . Washington, 1929. 6 p. 23 cm. (70th Cong., 2d sess. House. Report no. 2142) P Caption title. 4282. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Assassination of Lincoln . . . Re- port. [Washington, 1866] 41 p. (39th Cong., 1st sess. House. Report no. 104) (M845) E 457-5- u 57copies3&4 Caption title ( ? ) . Full title: Assassination of Lincoln. July — , 1866. — Ordered to be printed. Mr. Boutwell, from the Com- mittee on the Assassination of Lincoln, made the following report: The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom were referred the resolutions of the House of Representatives of April 9 and April 30, 1866, instructing the committee to inquire into the nature of the evidence implicating Jefferson Davis and others in the assassination of President Lincoln . . . have investigated the subjects as directed, and make the following preliminary report thereon. Minority report, by A. J. Rogers : p. 30-4 1 . Self-wrappers (?) . Copy 3 (23^2 cm.) bound in con- temporary blue cloth. Copy 4 (23 cm.) previously bound. 4283. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. John H. Surratt . . . Report. [Washington, 1867] 18 p. 22/2 cm. (39th Cong., 2d sess. House. Report no. 33) (M897) E 457-5- u 5 8 co Py 2 Caption title (?). Full title: John H. Surratt, March 2, 1867. — Laid on the table and ordered to be printed . . . Report [from] the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the message of the President of the United States, com- municating a report of the Secretary of State relating to the discovery and arrest of John H. Surratt. Submitted by Mr. Woodbridge. Self-wrappers ( ? ) . Previously bound. 4284. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on the Library. Hearings before the Committee on the Library, House of Representatives, on H. R. 13045, a bill empowering commission to secure plans and design for a memorial highway in memory of Abraham Lincoln from the city of Washington to the battle field of Gettysburg in the state of Pennsylvania. March 5 and 6, 191 2. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 191 2. 71 p. 23/2 cm. (M2026) E457.6.U582 copy 3 James L. Slayden, chairman. Cover title. Running title: Highway in memory of Abraham Lincoln. Self-wrappers. 4285. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on the Library. Reerection of statue of Lincoln; report to accompany H. J. res. 127. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1921] 12 p. 23 cm. (67th Cong., 1st sess. House. Report no. 98) (M2505) E457.6.U59 copy 3 Caption title. Submitted by Mr. Gould. Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered printed May 25, 1921. Previously bound. 4286. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on the Library. Statue of Abraham Lincoln. Hearings before the Committee on the Library, House of Representatives, Sixty-sixth Congress, second ses- sion, on H. R. 1 1079, H. R. 11443, H. R. 11495, H. J. Res. 269, H. J. Res. 282. April 2, 1920. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1920. 52 p. 23/2 cm. (M2484) P Norman J. Gould, chairman. Cover title. Letter of transmittal from Gould to Charles T. White, laid in. Self-wrappers. 4287. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on the Library. To aid Lincoln Farm Association to build and endow a national memorial on site of Lincoln birthplace farm in Kentucky . . . Report. Washington, 1908. 3 p. 24 cm. (60th Cong., 1st sess. House. Report no. 1641) (M1632) P Caption title. 4288. U. S. Congress. Joint Committee on Me- morial Exercises of Abraham Lincoln. Memorial exercises on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln [Washington, 1866] 1 1. 24/2 cm. (39th Cong., 1st sess. Plouse. Report no. 17) E 457-5 2U 58 copy 2 4289. U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Arrangements for the Inauguration, 1865. Ar- rangements for the inauguration of the President of the United States, on the fourth of March, 1865. 400 Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1865. 6 p. 24 cm. (M512) JK538 1865.A3 copy 2 Cover title. In blue buckram slipcasc. 4290. U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Library. Memorial to Abraham Lincoln on site of Lincoln birthplace, in Kentucky; report to accompany S. 71 10. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1908] broadsheet (2 p.) 24/2 cm. (60th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Report no. 660) P George P. Wetmore, chairman. Caption title. 4291. U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Library. Report, to accompany bill S. 3384 ... to purchase the Travis life-size oil portrait of Abraham Lincoln. [Washington, 1888] 3 p. 23 cm. (50th Cong., 1 st sess. Senate. Report no. 2331) (M1048) E457.6.U595 Caption title. Submitted by Mr. Voorhees. Ordered to be printed October 2, 1888. Previously bound. 4292. U. S. Dept of State. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States of America, and the attempted assassination of William H. Seward, Secretary of State, and Frederick W. Seward, Assistant Secretary, on the evening of the 14th of April, 1865. Expressions of condolence and sympathy inspired by these events. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1866. xxxiv, 717 p. (M835) E457.5.U593 copies 2 & 3 At head of title: Appendix to diplomatic correspond- ence of 1865. Copy 2 (23 cm.) rebound in dark blue buckram with leather label on spine. Copy 3 (23/2 cm.) bound in brown tooled leather with gilt lettering on spine, gilt edges, and dark brown endpapers. 4293. Another issue, port. 30J/2 cm. (var. of M835) E457. 5 .U593copy4 Same plates. Bound in dark green half-morocco with gilt lettering on spine. Comb marbled edges and endpapers. 4294. Another edition. 1867. 1 p. I., xxx, 930 p. port. 31cm. (M881) E457.5.U594 copy 3 Revised and enlarged. From different plates. On verso of title page: "Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that . . . there shall be printed for distribution by the Department of State, on fine paper, with wide margin, a sufficient number of copies of the Appendix to the Diplomatic Correspondence of 1865 to supply one copy to each senator and each representative of the Thirty-Ninth Congress and to each foreign govern- ment, and one copy to each corporation, association, or public body, whose expressions of condolence or sympathy are published in said volume; one hundred of these copies to be bound in full Turkey morocco, full gilt, and the remaining copies to be bound in half Turkey morocco, marble edged. Approved March 2, 1867." Rebound in black quarter-morocco with black pebble- grained cloth sides. Marbled edges. 4295. U. S. Dept. of State. Insurgent privateers in foreign ports. Message from the President of the United States in answer to a resolution of the House of the 24th of February last, in regard to insurgent privateers in foreign ports. [Washington, 1862] 211 p. 24/2 cm. (37th Cong., 2d sess. House. Ex. doc. no. 104) E596.U56 copy 2 Previously bound. 4296. U. S. Dept. of State. John H. Surratt; message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State re- lating to the discovery and arrest of John H. Surratt. [Washington] 1866. 33 p. 23 cm. (39th Cong., 2d Sess. House. Ex. doc. no. 9) (M862) E457-5- u 5953 Caption title. Previously bound. 4297. U. S. Dept. of State. John H. Surratt; message from the President of the United States, transmitting further copies of papers in answer to resolution of the House of 3d ultimo, relative to the arrest of John H. Surratt. [Washington] 1867. 23 p. 23 cm. (39th Cong., 2d sess. House. Ex. doc. no. 25) (M882) E457.5.U59533 Caption title. Previously bound. 4298. U. S. Dept. of State. Message from the President of the United States, communicating in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 8th instant, information concerning recent con- versations or communications with insurgents, under executive sanction. February 10, 1865. [Washington, 1865] 4 p. 23 cm. (38th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Ex. doc. no. 18) (M313) E469.U574 Caption title. In binder. 401 4299- U. S. Dept. of State. Message of the Presi- dent of the United States communicating, in com- pliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 13th ultimo, information in relation to the present con- dition of Mexico and the case of the French war transport steamer Rhine. [Washington] 1865. 14 p. 23 cm. (38th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Ex. doc. no. 33) (M316) F1233.U574 Caption title. Self-wrappers. 4300. U. S. Dept. of State. Mexico. Message from the President of the United States in answer to resolution of the House of 22d ultimo, in rela- tion to the alleged interference of our minister to Mexico in favor of the French. A report from the Secretary of State, and the papers with which it is accompanied. January 6, 1863. — Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed. [Washington] 1863. 27 p. 25 cm. (37th Cong., 3d sess. House. Ex. doc. no. 23) (M231) F1233.U576 Caption title. Self-wrappers. 4301. U. S. Dept. of State. Papers relating to foreign affairs. Communicated to Congress De- cember 1, 1862. Pts. 1-2. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1862. 2 v. (xx, 441, xxii, [443^910 p.) 23 cm. JX233.A3 3d set 1862 Binder's title: Diplomatic correspondence. Contains Lincoln's preliminary Emancipation Procla- mation of September 22, 1862 (v. 1, p. 196-197). Vol. 1, inscribed by William H. Seward to William P. Kellogg; v. 2 inscribed by E. D. Webster to Kellogg. Red half-morocco. 4302. U. S. Dept. of State. The present condi- tion of Mexico. Message from the President of the United States in answer to resolution of the House of the 3d of March last, transmitting report from the Department of State regarding the pres- ent condition of Mexico. [With accompanying documents] [Washington, 1862] 434 p. 23 cm. (37th Cong., 2d sess. House. Ex doc. no. 100) Fi233.U58 copy 3 Previously bound. 4303. U. S. Dept. of State. Tributes to the mem- ory of Abraham Lincoln. Reproduction in fac- simile of eighty-seven memorials addressed by foreign municipalities and societies to the govern- ment of the United States. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with a joint resolution of Congress, approved Feb- ruary twenty-third, eighteen hundred and eighty- one. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1885. 17 p., port., 97 plates (facsims.) 49 x 42 cm. (M1018) E 457-5 U 595 6 x co Py folio The colored plate is a reproduction of the flag pre- sented by the citizens of Lyon, France. Bound in three-quarters red leather. 4304. U. S. Laws, statutes, etc. The United tates conscription law, or National militia bill. Approved March 2d, 1863. Official and complete. New York, J. W. Fortune, 1863. vi, [7^32 p. 1 1 cm. UB343A4 1863a X copy Advertising matter interspersed. Printed wrappers. 4305. U. S. Library of Congress. Quarterly jour- nal of current acquisitions, v. 9, Feb., Aug. 1952; v. 10, May 1953; v. 11, May 1954; v. 12, Feb., May 1955; v. 13, May 1956; v. 14, May 1957. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off.] Z881.U5Q3 X copy "Published as supplement to the Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress." Includes articles describing significant acquisitions, annual reports of the Divisions, etc. Partial Contents.— v. 9. Alfred Whital Stern and the hoof prints [by] David C. Mearns (p. 57-64). — Some highlights of the Alfred Whital Stern Collection [by] Vincent L. Eaton (p. 65-73). — Abraham Lincoln goes to press : a documentary memorandum [by] David C. Mearns (p. 182-191). — v. 12. Lincolniana added to the Stern Collection [by] Frederick R. Goff [Chief, Rare Book Division] (p. 53-56). — v. 13. Thayer's The Pioneer Boy: a second and harder look [by] David C. Mearns (p. 129-134). Additions to the Stern Collection also noted in the May issues of the Journal, i. e., in the annual reports of the Rare Book Division. 4306. U. S. Lincoln Memorial Commission. [Dedication of the Lincoln Memorial, Washing- ton, D. C, Decoration Day 1922] [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1922] double folder ([2] p.) 31/2 cm. (M2577) P Autographed by President Warren G. Harding. 4307. U. S. Lincoln Memorial Commission. Message from the President of the United States transmitting a report of the Lincoln Memorial Commission, and its recommendations, upon the location, plan, and design for a memorial, in the 402 city of Washington, to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, in accordance with the act approved February 9, 1 9 1 1 . Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1913. 41 p. plates ( 1 fold.), plans. 29 cm. (62d Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 965) (M2113) F2034.L73U6 copy 5 Printed wrappers. 4308. U. S. National Capital Sesquicentennial Commission. American processional, 1492-1900. Washington, Corcoran Gallery of Art [1950] 270 p. illus., ports. 27 cm. N5020.W44 copy 8 "A special exhibition held at the Corcoran Gallery of Art from July 8 through December 17, 1950, to com- memorate the establishment of the permanent seat of the Federal Government in Washington in the year 1800." "American processional, 1 861- 1865; the drum of war": p. [1651-192. Illustrated printed wrappers. 4309. U. S. National Park Service. Abraham Lincoln National Historical Park, Kentucky. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1941] 15, [1] p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 26/2 cm. E457-3 2 - U6 co Py 5 Cover title. On verso of title page: United States Department of the Interior. Harold L. Ickes, Secretary. National Park Service. Newton B. Drury, Director. Self-wrappers. 4310. U. S. National Park Service. Gettysburg National Military Park, Pennsylvania. [Washing- ton, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1946] 13, [3] p. illus., maps, facsim. 27 cm. E457.56.U686 copy 5 Cover title. On verso of title page: United States Department of the Interior. J. A. Krug, Secretary. National Park Service. Newton B. Drury, Director. Caption title, p. 3: Gettysburg National Military Park, by Frederick Tilberg. Issued also in 1941; and, greatly expanded, in 1950 (item 4184). Self- wrappers. 431 1. U. S. National Park Service. Glimpses of historical areas east of the Mississippi River ad- ministered by the National Park Service. Washing- ton, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1937. 4 p. 1., 3-105, [7] p. illus., maps. 23/2 cm. E160.U614 copy 5 "Abraham Lincoln National Park, Kentucky" : p. 40- 41. "Lincoln Memorial": p. 99-100. "Lincoln Mu- seum": p. 101. "House where Lincoln died": p. 10 1. Printed wrappers. 4312. U. S. Navy Dept. General order no. 50, April 12, 1865. Publication of certain proclama- tions of the President regarding the closing of southern ports, and the reception of foreign vessels in U. S. ports. [Washington, 1865] 3 p. 21 cm. Broadside vol. 7, No. 32 4313. U. S. Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital. The Lincoln Me- morial, Washington. Prepared under the direc- tion of the Director of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital, by Edward F. Concklin, Special Assistant. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1927. 1 p. 1., vi, 94 p., 1 1. illus., ports. 30/2 cm. (M2914) F203.4.L73U7 copy 4 Concerned chiefly with the history, construction, in- terior and exterior decorations, and landscaping of the Memorial. "Lincoln: a sketch," by Helen Nicolay: p. I-14. 4314. U. S. Patent office. Report of the commis- sioner of patents for the year 1849. P*- I - Arts and manufactures. Washington, Office of Printers to the Senate, 1850. 626 p. illus. 22^ cm. (31st Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Ex. doc. no. 15) T223.H2 3d set, 1849 "[Inventions and claims for the year 1849] No. 6469 — Improved method of lifting vessels over shoals. A. Lin- coln" : p. 262. Rebound in boards, with cloth back. 4315. U. S. Supreme Court. The case of Dred Scott in the United States Supreme Court. The full opinions of Chief Justice Taney and Justice Curtis, and abstracts of the opinions of the other judges; with an analysis of the points ruled, and some concluding observations. New York, H. Greeley, i860. 104 p. 22^2 cm. E 45°-S398 copy 2 Lacks title page and p. 103-104. Caption title: The Dred Scott case; in the Supreme Court of the United States, December Term, 1856. Holograph letter from R. B. Taney to N. B. Morse, Jr., dated Jan. 2, 1854, laid in. Rebound in green half-morocco. 4316. U. S. Supreme Court. Report of the deci- sion of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the opinions of the judges thereof, in the case of Dred Scott versus John F. A. Sandford. Decem- ber term, 1856. By Benjamin C. Howard, from 403 the nineteenth volume of Howard's Reports. Washington, C. Wendell, Printer, 1857. 239 p. 22 cm. E450.S45 copy 4 "This case was brought up by writ of error, from the Circuit court of the United States for the district of Missouri. It was an action of trespass vi et armis insti- tuted in the Circuit court by Scott against Sandford." — P- [3] The points considered in the Supreme Court were : Negro citizenship, jurisdiction of the circuit court and the Missouri compromise act. Printed wrappers. 43 1 7. U. S. War Dept. Exchange of prisoners of war. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in answer to a resolution of the House of December 7, the report of Colonel Key relative to the exchange of prisoners of war. Janu- ary 9, 1865. [Washington, 1865] 3 p. 22/2 cm. (38th Cong., 2d sess. House. Ex. doc. no. 20) (M319) E611.U614 Caption title. In binder. 4318. U. S. War Dept. General orders, no. 1. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Wash- ington, January 2, 1863 ... By the President of the United States of America. A proclamation. [Washington, 1863] 3 p. 18 cm. (M182) UB502, No. 1 The Emancipation Proclamation. In dark-brown slipcase. 4319. U. S. War Dept. General orders, no. 66. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Wash- ington, April 16, 1865. The following order of the Secretary of War announces to the Armies of the United States the untimely and lamentable death of the illustrious Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. [Washington, 1865] 2 p. 20/2 cm. UB502, No. 66 Mourning border. In slipcase, labeled : General orders on Lincoln's death, 1865, with items 4320, 4321 and 4322. 4320. U. S. War Dept. General orders, no. 67, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Wash- ington, April 16, 1865. It is hereby announced to the armies of the United States, that on Saturday, the 15th of April, 1865, by reason of the death of Abraham Lincoln, the office of President of the United States devolved upon Andrew Johnson . . . [Washington, 1865] 1 1. UB502, No. 67 Broadside (18.5 x 13 cm.) in slipcase with items 4319, 4321 and 4322. 4321. U. S. War Dept. General orders, no. 69. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Wash- ington, April 17, 1865. By direction of the Presi- dent of the United States, the War Department will be closed on Wednesday next, the day of the funeral of the late President of the United States. [Washington, 1865] 1 1. UB502, No. 69 Mourning border. Broadside (18.6 x 13.2 cm.) in slipcase with items 4319, 4320 and 4322. 4322. U. S. War Dept. General orders, no. 72. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Wash- ington, April 20, 1865. The following General officers and Guard of Honor will accompany the remains of the late President from the city of Wash- ington to Springfield . . . [Washington, 1865] 1 1. UB502, No. 72 Mourning border. Broadside ( 1 8.4 x 12.6 cm. ) in slipcase with items 43 1 9, 4320 and 432 1. 4323. U. S. War Dept. General orders, no. 139. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Wash- ington, Sept. 24, 1862 ... By the President of the United States of America. A proclamation. [Washington, 1862] 3 p. 19 cm. UB502, No. 139 In maroon solander case, labeled: Preliminary emanci- pation proclamation, 1862. 4324. U. S. War Dept. General orders, no. 233. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Wash- ington, July 19, 1864. By the President of the United States of America. A Proclamation, to sus- pend writ of habeas corpus, and establishing martial law in Kentucky. [Washington, 1864] folder (3 p.) 18 cm. (M2g6a) Broadside vol. 7, No. 23 4325. U. S. War Dept. General orders, no. 315. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Wash- ington, September 17, 1863. The following Act of Congress, and Proclamation of the President . . [Washington, 1863] folder (3 p.) 18 cm. (M183) Broadside vol. 7, No. 22 Suspension of writ of habeas corpus. 404 4326. U. S. War Dept. H. B. Sainte-Marie; letter from the Secretary of War ad interim, rela- tive to a claim of Sainte-Marie for compensation for information furnished in the Surratt case. December 12, 1867. [Washington, 1867] 5 p. 23 cm. (40th Cong., 2d sess. House. Ex. doc. no. 36) (M879) E457.5.U62 Caption title. 4327. U. S. War Dept. Proclamation of pardon. [1864] double folder (4,[ 1 ] p.) 14/2 cm. (M346) UB502, No. 64 Caption title. General orders, no. 64 [concerning refugees and de- serters]: p. [5] In green slipcase, labeled: Lincoln's proclamation of pardon, 1863. 4328. U. S. Works Progress Administration. The Works program, no. 4-1033. [n. p.] Feb. 12, 1936. 5 p. mimeo. TA23.A39 X copy "WPA Writers' Projects locates long-lost Lincoln manuscript." 4329. United States Christian Commission. Third anniversary meeting of the U. S. Christian Commission, on Sabbath evening, the 29th of Janu- ary, 1865, at 7 o'clock. Chicago, Chicago Law & Order League and the Hyde Park Protective Asso- ciation, 1929. [2] p. facsim. 27/2 cm. P (3 copies) Facsimile of the program used by Lincoln, and upon which he wrote a request for a song. 4330. United States Sanitary Commission. [Letter] to the President of the United States [from the Executive Committee of the Sanitary Commission, July 21st, 1862. New York, 1862] 7 p. 23 cm. ([United States] Sanitary Commis- sion. [Documents] no. 43) (Mi 58) E631.A22 2d set, No. 43 Caption title. At head of title: New York Agency of the U. S. Sani- tary Commission. On the inspection of recruits. Self-wrappers. 4331. United States Sanitary Commission. The Sanitary Commission bulletin, v. 1, no. 37; May 1, 1865. Philadelphia, 1865. [1 1 53]— 1 184 p. 24 cm. E457.52.U6 copy 2 Caption title. Special copy, containing editorial on President Lin- coln and official action of the Commission on his death (p. 1169-1171). Self-wrappers. 4332. The University of Chicago Round Table (Radio program), no. 48, Feb. 12, 1939; no. 360, Feb. 1 1 j 1945; no. 465, Feb. 16, 1947; no. 724, Feb. 10 1952. [Chicago, University of Chicago] D410.U7 No. 48, 360, 465, 724 X copy "What Would Lincoln Think?"; radio discussion involving T. V. Smith, P. Angle, and A. Craven: no. 48, p. 1- 1 1 (M3714). "'With malice toward none,'" dis- cussion involving A. Craven, J. G. Randall, and T. V. Smith: no. 360, p. 1— 1 5. "Lincoln and democratic leader- ship," discussion involving A. Craven, C. Merriam, and T. V. Smith: no. 465, p. 1 — 1 7. "Lincoln and democratic morality," discussion involving A. Craven, H. Finer, and T. V. Smith: no. 724, p. 1 — 1 3. 4333. UPTON, A. DONALD. Abraham Lin- coln, God's gift to the ages; scenes from his life. New York, American Missionary Association [i9°9?] i^MP- 23 cm. (M1656) E457.9U6 Cover title. Twelve dramatized scenes. Penciled note below imprint: " 1 93 1 ( ?) ." Illustrated self-wrappers. 4334. USHER, ELLIS B. Memories of Lincoln and of War Time. Read before the Military Order of Loyal Legion of Wisconsin, on Wednes- day Evening, February 7, 191 2. Milwaukee, Bur- dick & Allen [191 2] 20 p. 25 cm. (M2046) P Inscribed by the author to Mr. Albert H. Griffith. P. 4: Footnote in hand of author: "Henry Elbridge Bacon of Portland, Maine, now of Spokane, Washington." Printed wrappers. 4335. USFIER, JOHN P. President Lincoln's cabinet, by Honorable John P. Usher, Secretary of the Interior January 7, 1863-May 15, 1865. With a foreword and a sketch of the life of the author by Nelson H. Loomis. [Omaha, Neb., c i925] 34 p. port. 23 cm. (M2817) E456.U85 copy 4 Printed wrappers. 4336. VALLANDIGHAM, CLEMENT L. "After some time be past." Speech of Hon. C. L. Vallandigham, of Ohio, on executive usurpation: in the House of Representatives, July 10, 1861. [Washington, 1861] 8 p. 23/2 cm. (Mi 16) E458.1.V172 copy 2 Caption title. In brown slipcase. 492745— G0- -27 405 4337- VALLANDIGHAM, JAMES L. A life of Clement Vallandigham. Baltimore, Turnbull Bros., 1872. xii, 573 p. illus., port. 23 cm. E415.9.V2V2 copy 2 A biography of the "Copperhead" Congressman from Ohio, 1858-63. 4338. VAN AMBURGH, FRED D. Just com- mon sense. New York, Silent Partner Co. [ c iQ2o] 155 P- J 9 cm - BJ1581.V3 "First edition." "Lincoln — the man.": p. 47-49. to workmen": p. 11 3-1 15. "Lincoln's address 4339. VANDERBILT, CORNELIUS. The liv- ing past of America; a pictorial treasury of our historic houses and villages that have been pre- served and restored. New York, Crown Publishers [i955] xiv > 2 34 P- illus - 28 /2 cm. El 59- V 35 co Py 3 Autographed. Partial Contents. — Abraham Lincoln National His- toric Park, where Lincoln was born (p. [115]). — Lincoln pioneer village, Rockport, Ind. (p. 154). — New Salem State Park: "The Lincoln village" near Petersburg, 111. (p. i62-[i63]). — Abraham Lincoln's home: The Lincoln country (p. [164]). — Lincoln-Tallman house, Janesville, Wis. (p. 168). Boards. Cloth back. 4340. VAN DEUSEN, GLYNDON G. Horace Greeley, nineteenth-century crusader. Philadel- phia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1953. 445 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. E415.9.G8V3 copy 3 Scattered references to Lincoln. 4343. VANNEST, CHARLES GARRETT. Lin- coln the Hoosier; Abraham Lincoln's life in In- diana. St. Louis, Chicago, Eden Pub. House, 1928. 2 p. I., vii-xiii, 258 p. illus., ports. 20 cm. (M3062) E457.32.V26 copy 3 Thesis (Ph. D.)- — St. Louis University. Bibliography: p. 250-254. 4344. VASVARY, EDMUND. Lincoln's Hun- garian heroes; the participation of Hungarians in the Civil War, 1 861- 1865. Washington, The Hun- garian Reformed Federation of America, 1939. 3 p. 1., [ 1 1 ]— 1 7 1 p. illus., ports., facsims. 2 7 J/2 cm. E540.H6V3 copy 4 English and Hungarian, with added title page in Hungarian. Printed wrappers. 4345. VAUGHN, OLIVE. The life of Abra- ham Lincoln, as told in pictures. Johnstown, Pa., The Statler Press ["1925] 64 p. illus. iy l / 2 cm. (M2818) E457.V36 copy 3 Loose in covers. Boards. Medallion portrait of Lincoln gilt-stamped on cover. 4346. VAUGHT, EDGAR S. Abraham Lin- coln — an inspiration to American youth. [Okla- homa City?, 1937] 10 p. 24/2 cm. (M3592) E457.8V35 copies 1 & 2 "An address delivered at the Redlands Lincoln anni- versary exercises, Fox Redlands Theater, Redlands, Cali- fornia, February 14, 1937." Caption title. Printed wrappers. 4341. VANDIVER, FRANK E. Mighty Stone- wall. New York, Toronto, London, McGraw-Hill [1957] xi, 547 p. illus., ports., maps. 24 cm. E467.1.J15V3 copy 4 "Special edition . . . autographed by the author." Boards. Cloth back. 4342. VANDIVER, FRANK E. Rebel brass ; the Confederate command system. Introduction by T. Harry Williams. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press [ c i956] xvii, I42,[i] p. illus., ports. 21 cm. E545.V3 copy 3 Endpaper maps. "Autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club." Boards. 4347. VAUGHT, EDGAR S. Abraham Lin- coln — the statesman. [Oklahoma City, Uttereack 1937; 16 24/2 cm. P Typesetting Co. (M3591) Caption title. Cover title: Address . . . delivered before the Lincoln Club at the California Club, Los Angeles, California, Feb- ruary 12, 1937. 4348. The Venom and the antidote. [New York, 1863] folder (4 p.) 2 1 J/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 9) E463.L96 No. 9 4th set Caption title. Issued also as the Society's Loyal reprints, no. 2. An- other issue called Loyal reprints, no. 9. Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 406 4349- VERNON, AMBROSE W. Ten pivotal figures of history. Chicago, American Library As- sociation, 1925. 36 p. 17/2 cm. (Reading with a purpose, 3 ) CT105.V4 copy 4 "Lincoln": p. 33-35. Printed wrappers. 4350. VERT, CHARLES J. Abraham Lincoln; an address delivered . . . before the Saranac chap- ter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Feb. 1 2th, 1919. [n. p., 1919?] 28 p. 20/2 cm. (M2428) P Caption title. Plain wrappers. 4351. VICTOR, ORVILLE J. The private and public life of Abraham Lincoln; comprising a full account of his early years, and a succinct record of his career as statesman and President. By O. J. Victor. New York, Beadle and Co. [1864] 2 p. 1., [ix]-x p., 1 1., [i3]-98 p. incl. front. 16 cm. (Beadle's dime biographical library, no. 14) (M363) E457V64 copy 3 Extract from Harper's Weekly regarding Lincoln's re- election: p. 97-98. Bookplate of Charles T. White. Orange illustrated printed wrappers. In red slipcase. 4352. Another issue. New York, Beadle and Co. [1865?] 4 p., 2 1., [ix]-x p., 1 1., [i3]-g6 p. incl. front. 16 cm. (M362var.) E457.V65 copy 3 A reissue of the 1864 edition, with four-page "In memoriam" preceding title page. The cover and four- page insert are without mourning borders. Orange printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. In blue slipcase. 4353. Another issue. Beadle and Adams [1865?] 4 p., 1 1., [ix]-x p., 1 1., [13]— 96 p. 16/2 cm. (Lives of great Americans, no. 1 1 ) (var. of M362) E457.V63 Cover and 4 pages at beginning within black mourning border. Without frontispiece. White printed wrappers, with colored illustration. In brown slipcase. 4354. Number not used. 4355. VILLARD, HENRY. Lincoln on the eve of '6 1 ; a journalist's story. Edited by Harold G. & Oswald Garrison Villard. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1941. viii p., 2 1., 3-i05,[i] p. 19/2 cm. E457.4.V55 copy 3 "First edition." 4356. VILLARD, OSWALD GARRISON. John Brown, 1800- 1859, a biography fifty years after. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1943. 3 p. 1., [v]- xiv, [2], 738 (i. e. 751) p. illus. ports., map, facsim. 24/2 cm. E451V71 1943 copy 3 Includes extra numbered pages [687a]-687i, [709a]- 7ogd. "Revised edition." One or two references to Lincoln. 4357. VILLERS. La mort du President Lincoln (Concours de 1867) Academie franchise. Paris, de l'imprimerie de L. Toinon et Ce, 1867. 45 p. 25/2 cm. (M3820) E457.9.V74 copy 2 In verse. Printed wrappers. Uncut. 4358. Vincennes, Ind. Chamber of Commerce. Brief of the Knox County Lincoln Memorial High- way Group. [Vincennes, Houghton & Green, 193 1] 95 P- 23 cm. (M3288 var.) HE356.L7V5 Cover title. W. C. Reed, chairman. Letter of transmittal to John W. Starr, Jr., dated Aug. 28, 193 1, laid in. 4359. VINCENT, ELIZABETH K. In the days of Lincoln: girlhood recollections and personal reminiscences of life in Washington during the Civil War. With a foreword by F. Ray Risdon, and a verbatim account of the assassination and death of Abraham Lincoln as published in the Daily morning chronicle, Washington, D. C, Satur- day morning, April 15, 1865. Gardena, Calif., Spanish American Institute Press, 1924. 35,[2] p. mounted port., facsim. 22J/2 cm. (M2747) E 457-5 V 7°" copy 2 "This edition limited to 250 copies, the first one hundred of which have been numbered and autographed by the author. The number of this copy is 6." Wrappers, with paper label on cover. 4360. VINCENT, MARVIN R. A sermon on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Troy, on Sunday morning, April 23, 1865, by the pastor, Rev. Marvin R. Vincent. Troy, N. Y., A. W. Scribner, 1865. 47 p. 23 cm. (M802) E457.8V77 copy 2 Autographed presentation copy. Three-quarter-leather with gray-green printed wrap- pers bound in. 407 4361. Another edition. 44 p. 22/2 cm. (M802 var.) E457.8.V772 copy 2 "Second edition." Tan printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 4362. VINCENT, THOMAS M. Abraham Lin- coln and Edwin M. Stanton. Washington, Burn- side Post, no. 8, Department of the Potomac, G. A. R., c i8go. 26 p. 23/2 cm. (M1069) E457.8.V78 copy 2 Cover title. "Address delivered before Burnside Post, no. 8, Depart- ment of the Potomac, G. A. R., April 25, 1889." P. [1] of cover inscribed: "From the author"; p. [2] of cover inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 19 16." Light-gray printed wrappers. 4363. Another edition. [Washington, 1892] 35 p. 23 cm. (Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the District of Columbia. War papers. 8) (Mi 109) E457.8.V79 copies 2 & 3 Revised, expanded, and printed from different plates. "Prepared by Companion Brevet Brigadier General Thomas M. Vincent . . . and read at the stated meeting of January 6, 1892." Copy 2 stamped: Johns Hopkins University Library, Jan. 7, 1903. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Copper-colored printed wrappers. 4364. Vinnie Ream. Printed for private dis- tribution only; and to preserve a few souvenirs of artist life from 1865 to 1878. [Washington, Press of Gibson Bros.] 1908. 1 p. I., 58 p. illus., ports., facsims. 32 cm. NB237.H7V5 1908a Sculptress who prepared the statue of Lincoln for the rotunda of the Capitol. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 4365. The Virginia magazine of history and biog- raphy, v. 62, Jan. 1954. [Richmond, Virginia Historical Society] F221.V91 4th set, v. 62 "Dr. Craven and the prison life of Jefferson Davis," by Chester D. Bradley: p. [5o]-g4. "The Civil War diary of John Wilson Phillips," edited by Robert G. Athearn: p. [951-123. 4366. Vital speeches of the day. v. 8, Mar. 1, 1942; v. 11, Mar. 1, 1945; v. 12, Mar. 1, 1946; v. 15, Feb. 15, 1949; v. 16, Mar. 1, 1950. New York, City News Publishing Co. PN6121.V52 X copy "Dictators don't laugh; laughter is the great leveler," by S. W. McClelland: v. 8, p. 300-303. — "Abraham Lin- coln's 'people,' the priceless jewel of freedom," by S. W. McClelland: v. 11, p. 299-302. — "Lincoln and common sense; the Solomon touch when it came to justice," by S. W. McClelland: v. 12, p. 307-310. — "Lincoln and the Loyal South," by R. L. Kincaid: v. 15, p. 269-273. — "The ageless Lincoln, the worth of personal effort," by R. L. Kincaid: v. 16, p. 302-305. The collection contains a second copy of v. 8, March 1, •942- 4367. VIVIER, MAX. Peeps at Abraham Lin- coln. New York, Frederick A. Stokes, 1932. 31 p. col. illus. 26 cm. (M3358) E 457-9°5-V64 copy 3 Biography for children. 4368. VOGT, PER.. Abraham Lincoln. Oslo, J. G. Tanum, 1947. 395 p. illus., ports., maps. 25 cm. (His Frihet og menneskeverd) E457-V73 copy 3 "Bibliografi" : p. 394-395- 4369. The Voice of the Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Washington, v. 18, Feb. 1930. HV5285V8 X copy "Abraham Lincoln and prohibition": p. [1], 4. 4370. Voices from the army! The soldiers open their batteries on the Copperheads. The Presi- dent cordially sustained. No compromise with traitors! [New York? 1863] 8 p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 5) (M253) E463.L96 No. 5 4th set Caption title. Previously bound. In pamphlet holder. 4371. [VOLCK, ADALBERT J. Confederate war etchings. Baltimore? 18 — ] 1 p. 1., 29 plates. 23/2 x 31/2 cm. E647V91 copy 2 No title page; preliminary leaf: Index to Confederate war etchings. Japan paper proofs, mounted. The original sketches were drawn, etched, and part of them printed for private distribution, by Dr. Volck of Baltimore during the early years of the Civil War. An edition was also published (with imprint, London, 1863) under title: Sketches from the Civil War in North America, 1861, '62, '63. By V. Blada [pseud.] For a history and description of the etchings, see Murat Halstead's "Historic Illustrations of the Confederacy," Cosmopolitan, v. 9, p. [4961-507. Cf. also Sabin, v. 2, no. 57°9- List of plates: 1. Worship of the North. — 2. Passage through Baltimore. — 3. Writing the Emancipation Proc- 408 lamation. — 4. Battle in Baltimore, April 19th, 1861. — 5. Searching for arms. — 6. Enlistment of Sickles' brigade, N. Y. — 7. Buying a substitute in the North during the war. — 8. Marylanders crossing the Potomac to join the southern army. — 9. Election in Baltimore, November, 1862. — 10. Stone blockade off Charleston, S. C. — 11. Making clothes for the boys in the army. — 12. Slaves concealing their master from a search party. — 13. Return of a raiding party from Pennsylvania. — 14. Valiant men "Dat fite mit Siegel." — 15. Tracks of the armies. — 16. Formation of guerrilla bands. — 17. Jamison's Jayhawk- ers. — 18. Smuggling medicines into the South. — 19. Of- fering of bells to be cast into cannon. — 20. Albert S. Johnston crossing the desert to join the southern army. — , Si. Gen'l Stuart's raid to the White House. — 22. Gen'l Stuart's return from Pennsylvania. — 23. Butler's victims of Fort St. Philip. — 24. Prayer in Stonewall Jackson's camp. — 25. Counterfeit Confederate notes publicly of- fered for sale in the "City of brotherly love."- — 26. Free Negroes in the North. — 27. Free Negroes in Hayti. — 28. Cave life in Vicksburg during the siege. — 29. Vicksburg canal. In gray quarter-morocco slipcase. 4372. VOLK, LEONARD W. The Lincoln life- mask and how it was made. [n. p.] c i88i. folder (MP-) 29/2 cm. (M1027) E457.6.V58 Cover title. "Reprinted from The Century Magazine for December, 1881." 4372a. Another edition. P Caption title. Detached from The Century Maga- zine, v. 23, p. 223-228, Dec. 1 88 1. From different plates. 4373. VOLK, Mrs. WENDELL DOUGLAS. Lincoln memorabilia: original plaster bust of Lin- coln made from life, April i860, original plaster casts of Lincoln's hands, both by Leonard W. Volk, together with his sculptor's tools, and the manu- script of his "Reminiscences." Original life mask of Stephen A. Douglas and an oil portrait of Lin- coln by Douglas Volk, N. A., property of Mrs. Wendell Douglas Volk, Center Lovell, Maine, sold by her order. Other historical Americana belong- ing to an eastern educational institution. Public auction sale, Tuesday, April 2 1 . New York, Parke- Bernet Galleries, 1953. 56 p. illus., port., facsim. 245/2 cm. E457.6.V6 copies 1 & 2 "Sale number 1432." Form for making written bids laid in. "Numbers 1 to 19 inclusive (p. 1-8) are the property of Mrs. Wendell Douglas Volk, numbers 20 to 347 in- clusive are the property of an eastern educational insti- tution." Printed wrappers. 4374. VON ABELE, RUDOLPH. Alexander H. Stephens, a biography. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1946. xiii, 337, x p., 1 1. illus., ports. 22 cm. E467.1.S85V6 copy 5 Thesis (Ph. D.) — Columbia University, 1946. Without thesis note. "First edition." Scattered references to Lincoln. 4375. VOSE, REUBEN, ed. The Life and speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Ham- lin. Edited and published by Reuben Vose. New York, Hilton, Gallaher & Co., Printers [i860] Hi- li, 42-71/2, [1] (blank), 72-118 {i.e. i2o),A-Dp. 1 1/2 cm. (M86 var. (?)) £457.9518603 Cover title. "10,000 copies." Comma after "Hamlin" on cover. (However, on the presence of the comma as a bibliographic point, cf. Lin- coln Lore, no. 1429, Mar. 1957, p. 3.) The rarest of the campaign lives, only four other copies of which are known to exist. (One, a variant with note on cover, is in the library of the Lincoln National Life Foundation.) Light reddish-brown wrappers. In brown solander case. 4376. Facsimile edition. [iii]-H, 42—71 J/2, [1], 72-118 (i. e. 120), A-D p. 12 cm. (M86 var.) E 457-95 l8 6oa Publisher's notice on verso of cover: "This book, with the exception of the publisher's notice ... is an exact re- production, as far as it is possible to make it, of an origi- nal copy ... in the library of the publishers — The Lin- coln National Life Foundation, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1938." Editor's note between p. 71/2 and 72: "This page is blank in the original edition but the above notice is in- serted that this reprint may not be confused with the first edition if the cover is destroyed. [Signed] Louis A. Warren." In case with preceding item. 4377. The Voters library, v. 1, Feb. 27, 1892. Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, Ben. Franklin Pub. Co. (Miioi) P "Abraham Lincoln" [an undelivered speech] by J. S. Clarkson: p. 33-38. 4378. WADE, BENJAMIN F. Property in the territories. Speech of Hon. Benjamin F. Wade, of Ohio, delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 7, i860. [Albany, N. Y., Weed, Parsons, 409 i86o] 15 p. 22^ cm. (Evening journal tracts, no. 9) P Caption title. "Letter of James O. Putnam": p. 14-15. Another copy in bound volume of Evening Journal Tracts (item 940, no. 9). 4379. WADE, MARY HAZELTON (Blan- chard) . Abraham Lincoln; a story and a play, by Mary Hazelton Wade. Boston, R. G. Badger [ c igi4] 84 p. 19/2 cm. (M2169) E457-9- Wl 2 i9 r 4 a On cover: Little folks plays of American heroes. "The play" : p. [53J-84- Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. 4380. WAGENKNECHT, EDWARD C, ed. Abraham Lincoln; his life, work, and character. An anthology of history and biography, fiction, poetry, drama, and belles-lettres. Edited by Ed- ward Wagenknecht. New York, Creative Age Press, 1947. xvii, 661 p. 225/2 cm. E457-9-W2 copy 3 Inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. 4381. [WAGSTAFF, THOMAS EDWARD]. The greatness of Lincoln, [n. p., 191 2?] [13] p. ports. 23 cm. (M2059) P Cover title. "This address was delivered in the First Baptist Church, at Parsons, Kansas, on February 12th, A.D. 1912." 4382. WAHLSTROM, CARL E. Abraham Lincoln, servant of the people. Worcester, Mass., A. J. St. Onge, 1942. 56 p. port. 21 cm. E457.8.W14 copy 3 "First edition." 4383. WAKEFIELD, SHERMAN DAY. Abra- ham Lincoln and the Bixby letter. [New York, The Author, 1948] 18 p. facsims. 21cm. E457.96 1864B 1948 copy 2 Caption title. Self-wrappers. 4384. WAKEFIELD, SHERMAN DAY. "Abra- ham Lincoln and the Widow Bixby," by Sherman D. Wakefield. New York, N. Y., 1947. 23, [1] p. 17 cm. E457.96 1864B 1947 copy 2 A reply to F. L. Bullard's work (item 874) defending John Hay's authorship of the letter to Mrs. Bixby. Printed wrappers. 4385. WAKEFIELD, SHERMAN DAY. How Lincoln became President; the part played by Bloomington, Illinois, and certain of its citizens in preparing him for the presidency and securing his nomination and election. Illustrated from con- temporary prints and photographs. New York, Wilson-Erickson, 1936. xiv, 184 p. illus., ports. 23/2 cm. (M3542) E457.4.W28 copy 3 "Of this edition ... six hundred and fifty copies have been printed, and all signed by the author . . . This is copy no. 217." 4386. WAKEFIELD, SHERMAN DAY. Who wrote Lincoln's letter to Mrs. Bixby? [n. p., 1941] [2] p. ports. 32 cm. P Caption title. "Reprint from the February, 1941, issue of Hobbies." 4387. WALBRIDGE, HIRAM. Shall democ- racy live? Address to the Democratic Working- men of New York. New York, S. Tousey [1864] folder (4 p.) 30J/2 cm. P Caption title. Running title: The iron platform. — extra. Previously bound. 4388. WALDEN, TREADWELL. The National sacrifice. A sermon preached on the Sunday be- fore the death of the President, and two addresses, on the Sunday and Wednesday following, in St. Clement's Church, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sherman & Co., Printers, 1865. 41 p. 23 cm. (M803) E457.8.W16 copies 2 & 3 Printed wrappers. Copy 3 in green half-morocco, with original wrappers bound in. 4389. WALDRON, WEBB. If Lincoln had yielded, and withdrawn Major Anderson from Fort Sumter in 1861. [New York, The Century Co.] 151-156 p. 24 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The Century Magazine, v. 112, June 1926. 4390. WALKER, ALICE JOHNSTONE. Abe's first fish. Lockport, 111., Old Tower Press [ c i932] 7 p. 15 cm. (M3359) E457.9.W23 A two-act play. Printed wrappers. 4391. WALKER, ROBERT J. Letter of Hon. R. J. Walker, in favor of the reelection of Abra- 410 ham Lincoln. London, Sept. 30, 1864. [New York, 1864] 20 p. 22 cm. (M364) E458.4.W18 copy 3 and 4 Caption title. From the Continental Monthly, New York, 1864, v. 6, p. 686-705. Copy 3 bound in dark green cloth. Copy 4 previously bound. Self- wrappers. 4392. WALL, BERNHARDT. Abraham Lin- coln, a chronology. Sierra Madre, Calif., 1946. 1 p. 1., 34 p. illus., port. 4/2 cm. P "Copy no. 5 . . . [Signed] Bernhardt Wall, etcher." "In 1924 I etched 'The Gettysburg speech,' my first Lincoln book, at 73 I am etching a diminutive edition of Lincoln highlights 1809-1865." In envelope with holograph note from Wall to Alfred W. Stern. 4393. WALL, BERNHARDT. Following Abra- ham Lincoln, 1809- 1865, etched and printed by Bernhardt Wall. Lime Rock, Conn., 1931-14.2] 85 v. plates, map. 25/2 cm. (M3297) E457.W22 "Subscription 14 . . . Edition — 100 sets." Signed by the etcher. A series of over 500 etchings, representing places con- nected with Lincoln's life. Each plate, signed by the etcher, contains descriptive text. Cardboard covers. Wall, 1926. 55 1. illus., ports., map. 37 cm. (M2889) E457.35.W17 copy 2 "Copy no. 15 . . . edition — 103 copies. [Signed] Bernhardt Wall." Boards, with cloth back and cloth corners. 4397. WALL, BERNHARDT. Lincoln's New Salem, a 2nd pilgrimage. Lime Rock, Conn., B. Wall, 1942. 28 1. illus. 25/20111. NE2210.W35A262 copy 2 "Edition — 100 copies. [Signed] Bernhardt Wall, etcher." This copy no. 7. "The pictures are taken from parts 66, 67, 68 and 69 of Following Abraham Lincoln, and cast into one com- prehensive volume, with a portrait of young Mr. Lincoln added." — Notes. Inscribed to Alfred W. Stern. Publisher's announcement (4 p. folder) laid in. Cardboard covers. 4398. WALL, BERNHARDT. Random Lin- coln etchings. Lime Rock, Conn. [1940] 14 1. illus. 16 cm. E457.6.W3 "#9 [Signed] Bernhardt Wall."- — Ms. note on lining paper. Etched dedication: "To Alfred Whital Stern, Lin- colniana collector." Letters from Mr. Wall to Mr. Stern, dated November 12 and November 19, 1940, laid in. Boards. 4394. Another edition. New York, Wise-Pars- low[i943] xix, 17-415J1] p. col. front, (port.), col. illus. 23/2 cm. E457.W222 copy 3 "Popular edition." Reproductions of the etchings which were origi- nally printed on a hand press by the artist at Lime Rock. Cf. Foreword. An etching of Lincoln, reproduced as frontispiece, in- serted. Copper-colored cloth, imprinted in blue. 4395. WALL, BERNHARDT. Lincoln's Get- tysburg trip, etched & published by Bernhardt Wall. Lime Rock, Conn. [1942] 18 1. illus., port. 25/2 cm. NE2210.W35A254 copy 2 "Edition — 100 copies [Signed] Bernhardt Wall, etcher." This copy no. 7. Inscribed to Alfred Whital Stern. Cardboard covers. 4396. WALL, BERNHARDT. Lincoln's Ncw- Salem; a pilgrimage. New Preston, Conn., B. 4399. WALL, BERNHARDT. Three warriors on Lincoln's birthday. Lime Rock, Conn., 1928. 25 1. (incl. xiii numb. 1.) illus., ports. 31 cm. E457.8.W17 "Copy no. 16 . . . Edition 100 copies. [Signed] Bern- hardt Wall." "Etched, printed & bound by Bernhardt Wall per- sonally." — Slip mounted on fly leaf. Boards with cloth back. Front cover etched. 4400. WALLACE, CHARLES C. "A prince and a great man is fallen." Funeral address, on the occasion of the funeral obsequies in memory of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Delivered at Placerville, Cal., April 19th, 1865, by Rev. C. C. Wallace. Placerville, Printed at the Office of the Tri- Weekly News, 1865. 8,[i]p. 22/2 cm. (M804). E457.8.W 18 copy 2 Cover title. Green quarter-morocco, with original wrappers bound in. 411 440i. WALLACE, FRANCES (Todd). Lin- coln's marriage; newspaper interview with Mrs. Frances Wallace, Springfield, Illinois. Septem- ber 2, 1895. [n. p.] Priv. Print., 19 17. [7] p. 20/2 cm. (M2347) E457.35.W18 X copy Cover title. Five pages of text. "75 copies. [Signed] H. E. Barker." Double folder. 4402. WALLACE, HUGH C. The speeches of the Hon. Hugh C. Wallace, American Ambassador to France, 19 19-192 1. Collected with a foreword by Worrington Dawson. Paris, Plon-Nourrit [192 1 ] xix, 196 p. 20 cm. DC389.W3 copy 3 "Subscription edition limited to six hundred copies." — Foreword. Added title page in French; French and English on opposite pages. "Washington and Lincoln. (Washington's Birthday Banquet, American Club, February 21st.)": p. 146-154. Contemporary dark brown quarter-morocco. 4403. WALSH, WILLIAM S., ed. Abraham Lincoln and the London Punch; cartoons, com- ments and poems, published in the London chari- vari, during the American Civil War (1861- 1865). New York, Moffat, Yard, 1909. 3 p. 1., 11-113 p. illus. 20/2 cm. (M1883) E457.63.W22 copy 4 4404. Wanamaker, John, firm, New York. The Abraham Lincoln chair, commemorating the golden anniversary of the succession to the presi- dency of the United States of America of the Great Emancipator, and the chair in replica to commemorate the golden jubilee of the John Wanamaker business, New York. New York, [1910?] folder ([4] p.) illus., port. 15/2 cm. P Cover title. 4405. WANAMAKER, REUBEN M. The voice of Lincoln, by R. M. Wanamaker. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 19 18. viii, 363 p. port. 21 J/2 cm. (M2394) E457.2.W24 copy 3 End paper inscribed: "Chas T. White 192 1." 4406. Wanamaker primer on Abraham Lincoln; strength, mind, heart, will, the full-rounded man, the typical American example of the Rule of four. Wanamaker — originator. [Philadelphia, Times Print. House, c igo8] 2 p. 1., 7-102 p. illus., ports. 19/2 cm. (Mi634var.) E457.W24 copy 2 On cover: Lincoln centenary, 1909, John Wana- maker, New York. Second edition, according to Monaghan. (Recto of 1st preliminary leaf begins: Wanamaker Originator.) Cardboard covers, lettering brown on white and white on brown. 4407. Another edition. [Philadelphia?] c i9og. 1 P- K 5- J 57>[2] p. 20 cm. (M1635) E457.W245 copy 2 On cover: Wanamaker primer, Abraham Lincoln. Rule of four. 5th edition, 225th thousand. From many of the same plates, repaged; and with additional chapters on "the Rule of four." Cardboard covers; lettering, white on blue and blue on white. 4408. The War cry. v. 18, Feb. 12, 1938. Chi- cago, 111., Salvation Army. P "Was Lincoln a Christian?" by J. H. Magee: p. 9, 12; "Lincoln memorial," a poem by A. A. Wiley: p. 9. 4409. WARFIELD, ETHELBERT D. Abra- ham Lincoln: a memorial address delivered be- fore the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching, in Witherspoon Hall, Phila- delphia, Friday afternoon, February 12, 1909. Philadelphia [Ketterlinus] 1909. 37, [1] p. port. 22 cm. (M1884) E457.8.W27 copy 2 Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 4410. WARNER, HAROLD W. Abraham Lin- coln, LL. D., a professional portrait. By H. H. Warner, [n. p., 1948?] [7] p. port. 25/2 cm. P (2 copies) Caption title. "Reprinted from Michigan State Bar Journal." One copy accompanied by letter of transmittal from author to A. W. Stern, June 15, 1948. Self-wrappers. 441 1. WARREN, G. WASHINGTON. Address before the Bunker Hill Monument Association at the annual meeting, June 17, 1865. With the res- olutions passed at the meeting. Boston, Bunker- Hill-Monument Association, 1865. 52 p. 2 ports. 24/2 cm. E241.B9W18 X copy Consists principally of commemorative notices of Ed- ward Everett; also resolutions on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Glazed printed wrappers. 412 4412. WARREN, LOUIS A. Abraham Lin- coln; a concise biography. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lin- coln National Life Insurance Co. [ c i934] i p. 1., [5]-22,[i] p. illus., ports., map. (M3459) E457.W266 copies 3 & 4 Copy 3 (i8J4 cm.) bound in green cloth, imprinted in silver. Copy 4 (18 cm.) bound in white printed wrappers, with green border and portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4413. Another edition. [20] p. 1 7 J/2 cm. (var.(?) of M3459) E457.W266 1934a From different plates. Tan printed wrappers. Portrait on cover differs. 4414. WARREN, LOUIS A. Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address; an evaluation. Columbus, Ohio, C. E. Merrill Co. [1946?] 2 p. 1., 3-32,(4] p. illus., ports., facsim. 22/2 cm. E475-55W38 1946 At head of title: "The outstanding classic of the ages." "The first printing. A limited edition of five hundred numbered copies signed by the author. Number 76. [Signed] Louis A. Warren." Bibliography: p. 29. Brown boards. 4415. Another issue. [ c i946] 1 p. 1., 3-32 p. 21 cm. E475.55.W38 1946a On cover: An evaluation for America's new Dedication Day. "The resolution of Congress to set aside as Dedication Day, November 19, 1946": p. [2] of cover. "Lincoln's second inaugural address" : p. [3] of cover. Title page inscribed by the author. Illustrated printed wrappers. 4416. WARREN, LOUIS A. Address before joint convention of the Michigan legislature, Febru- ary 8, 1956. [n. p., 1956] 15 p. 23 cm. P Cover title. On the greatness of Lincoln. 4417. WARREN, LOUIS A. America's greatest funeral procession. [Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., 1932?] double folder (5 p.) 15 cm. (M3360) P Caption title. 4418. WARREN, LOUIS A., comp. From White House to log cabin. Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson, at the birth place of Abraham Lincoln. [Hodgen- ville, Ky., e i92i] [21] p. 1 illus. 20 cm. (M2535) E457.8.W28 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 4419. WARREN, LOUIS A. Hananiah Lincoln in revolution and pioneer history. [Bloomington, Ind., University Press, 1929?] 1 p. 1., 29-39 P- 25/2 cm. (var. of M3149 note) E457.32.W275 copies 2 & 3 "Copyrighted reprint from Indiana Magazine of His- tory, March, 1929." Printed wrappers. 4420. WARREN, LOUIS A. Indiana's contribu- tion to Abraham Lincoln; address delivered . . . at Foster Hall in Indianapolis on Thursday, Sep- tember 28, 1944. Indianapolis, Ind., Priv. Print, by Indiana Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States [1944] 15 p. port. 22 cm. P Printed wrappers. 4421. WARREN, LOUIS A. The Lincoln and La Follette families in pioneer drama. [Menasha? Wis., 1929] 23 p. 1 illus. 25 cm. (M3149) E457.32.W276 copy 2 "Reprint from the Wisconsin Magazine of History, June, '929" Printed wrappers. 4422. WARREN, LOUIS A. Lincoln log cabin, Hodgenville, Kentucky. Morganfield, Ky., The Munford Pub. Co. ^1927] [12] p. 1 illus. 20 cm. (M2979) E457.32.W279 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 4423. WARREN, LOUIS A. Lincoln Memorial Building, Hodgenville, Kentucky. Hodgenville, Ky., Herald News Co. [ c ig2i] [n] p. 1 illus. 18/2 cm. (M2536) E457.32.W28 copy 3 Printed wrappers. 4424. WARREN, LOUIS A. A Lincoln memo- rial to Thanksgiving, [n. p., 1939] [8] p. 23 cm. (M3725) P Cover and caption title. "Address delivered at the dedication of the Abraham Lincoln statue, Hingham, Massachusetts, on September 23, 1939" "Reprinted from The Hingham Journal of October 27, 1939. Limited to 100 copies." 492745—60- -28 4 J 3 4425- WARREN, LOUIS A. Lincoln on metal, silk and paper; cultivating the collective instinct in children. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., 1929. folder ([4] p.) illus. 28 cm. (M3152) P Cover title. "Reprint from Monday Morning Message, February 1 1, •929" 4426. WARREN, LOUIS A. Lincoln sheet mu- sic; check list. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincolniana Pub- lishers, 1940. [12] p. 165/2 cm. ML128.L28W3 copies 3 & 4 Printed wrappers. 4427. WARREN, LOUIS A. Lincolns and La- Follettes [sic] Were they kinsfolk? Fort Wayne, Ind., The Lincoln National Life Insurance Com- pany [1931?] [5] p. 15 cm. (M3298) P Cover title. Self-wrappers. 4428. WARREN, LOUIS A. Lincoln's early po- litical background. Springfield, 111., Schnepp & Barnes, Printers, 1931. 14 p. 23 cm. (M3299) P "Reprinted from Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, vol. XXIII, no. 4." Inscribed by the author. Printed wrappers. 4429. WARREN, LOUIS A. The Lincolns, Hoosier pioneers, [n. p., 1942] 14 p. 25/2 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from the Indiana Magazine of History, September 1942, p. 251-64." 4430. WARREN, LOUIS A. Lincoln's parent- age & childhood; a history of the Kentucky Lin- colns supported by documentary evidence, by Louis Austin Warren. New York, London, The Century Co. [ c i926] xv, 392 p. illus. 21 cm. (M2890) E457.32.W283 copy 3 Bibliography: p. [359]-366. 4431. WARREN, LOUIS A. Lincoln's second term preliminaries. Harrogate, Tenn., Lincoln Memorial University, Department of Lincolniana [1940] 7,[i] p. facsims. 24/2 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, v. XLII, Oct. 1940" "200 copies." Self-wrappers. 4432. WARREN, LOUIS A. Little known boy- hood adventures of Abraham Lincoln. [Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., "1940] [8] p. illus. 17 cm. P Cover and caption title. 4433. WARREN, LOUIS A. Little known facts about Thanksgiving and Lincoln's proclamation. [Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., c i939] 8 p. 17cm. (M3726) P(2copies) Cover and caption title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4434. WARREN, LOUIS A. Little known facts about the Gettysburg address. [Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., c ig38] 8 p. illus. 17 cm. (M3652) P Cover and caption title. Portrait of Lincoln at Gettysburg on cover. 4435. [WARREN, LOUIS A.] Little known Lin- coln episodes. [Fort Wayne, Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., c i934] 18 p. illus., ports. (M3460) E 457- 15W27 co pi es 3> 4, & 5 Cover and caption title. "Written and compiled by Dr. Louis A. Warren." — p. [3] Copies 3 & 4 (185/2 cm.) bound in dark green cloth, with embossed medallion portrait of Lincoln and gilt let- tering on cover. Copy 5(18 cm.) bound in cream-colored printed wrappers, imprinted in black with portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4436. Another edition. P1937] 8,[i]p. 17 J/2 cm. (M346ovar.) E457.15.W27 1937 Cover title. From different plates. Unillustrated and without two of the ten episodes. Illustrated printed wrappers. 4437. WARREN, LOUIS A. Little known Lin- coln humor. [Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., c 1937] 8 p. 1 7 J/2 cm. (M3593) P Cover and caption title. A "collection of authentic incidents in Lincoln's life . . . not a book of jokes." — p. 1. Illustrated printed wrappers. 4438. WARREN, LOUIS A. Living Lincoln memorials, [n. p., 1929?] folder ([3] p.) illus. 30 cm. (M3153) P Cover title. "Reprint from American Forests and Forest Life, Febru- ary 1929." 414 4439- WARREN, LOUIS A. Louisville Lincoln loop; a day's tour in "old Kentucky." Louisville, The Standard Print. Co. ["1922] 43 p. illus., map. 23 cm. (M2610) F456.W3 Itineraries are on p. 10-17. "Migrations of Lincoln's ancestors in Kentucky" : p. 43. Printed wrappers. 4440. WARREN, LOUIS A. The romance of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks. [Indianapolis, 1934] 213-222 p. 25 cm. (var. of M3149 note) E457.32.W285 copies 3 & 4 Cover title. "Reprinted from the Indiana Magazine of History, Sep- tember, 1934, XXX, no. 3." "This paper was read at the Saturday luncheon session of the Annual Indiana History Conference at the Claypool Hotel on December 9, 1933:" p. [2 1 3] Printed wrappers. 4441. WARREN, LOUIS A. Scout Abraham Lincoln. [Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., 1937?] [4] p. 13/2 cm. (var. (?) of M3595) P Caption title. Printed in black on heavy white paper. 4442. Another issue, (var. (?) of M3595) P Printed in brown on thin brown paper. "Form 2790" printed at bottom of p. [4]. 4443. WARREN, LOUIS A. The Shipley an- cestry of Lincoln's mother. Fort Wayne, Lincolni- ana Publishers [1933] [203]-2i2 p. 25/2 cm. (var. of M3 149 note) E452.32.W3 "Reprinted from Indiana Magazine of History, Septem- ber, 1933, XXIX, no. 3." "This edition is limited to 100 copies, numbered and signed by the author, of which this is no. 22." Printed wrappers. 4444. WARREN, LOUIS A. Sifting the Hern- don sources. [Los Angeles] Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California, 1948. 19 p., 2 1. 27 1 /t. cm. P (2 copies) "Two hundred and fifty copies printed ... 100 copies in special format being printed on pastel antique and sun- ray vellum stock and autographed by the author, in August 1948." Printed heavy paper covers. 4445. WARREN, LOUIS A. The slavery at- mosphere of Lincoln's youth. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincolniana Publishers, 1933. [16] p. 23 cm. (M3409) E457.2.W26 copy 4 "First edition." Printed wrappers. 4446. WARREN, LOUIS A. Souvenir of Lin- coln National Park, Hodgenville, Kentucky. Hodg- enville, Ky., Herald Pub. Co. [ c ig2o] [35] p. illus. 25/2 cm. (M2491) E457.32.W287 copy 3 On cover: Lincoln National Park, Hodgenville, Ken- tucky. Gray wrappers, imprinted in orange. Bound with a cord. 4447. Another edition. Morganfield, Ky., Mun- ford Pub. Co. ["1927] [32] p. illus. 25/2 cm. (M2980) E457.32.W288 copy 2 Issued under title: Souvenir of Abraham Lincoln's Birthplace, Hodgenville, Kentucky. From different plates, with the same illustrations, some revisions in the text, and the whole rearranged. On cover: Abraham Lincoln's birthplace, Hodgenville, Kentucky. Gray wrappers, imprinted in red. 4448. WARREN, LOUIS A. Three generations of Kentucky Lincolns. [Louisville, Ky., 1938] 1 p. I., [65J-78 p. 25 cm. (var. of M3149 note) E457.32.W289 copies 1 & 2 "Reprinted from The Filson Club History Quarterly, Louisville, Kentucky, April, 1938, no. 2 of vol. 12, pages 65-78-" (cf. M3 1 49 note) Bibliographical footnotes. Printed wrappers. 4449. WARREN, PRESCOTT, and WILL HUT- CHINS. The Day that Lincoln died; a play in one act. Boston, W. H. Baker, 19 12. 16 p. 19 cm. (Baker's edition plays) (M2061) E457.9.W28 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 4450. WARREN, RAYMOND. Abe Lincoln, Kentucky boy. Illustrated by the author. Chicago, Reilly & Lee [ c i93i] 5 p. 1., 205 p. illus. 22/2 cm. (M3300) E457.32.W3copies3,4,&5 End paper maps. Copies 3 & 4 bound in green cloth, copy 5 in gray. All lettered in gilt on cover and spine. Copy 5 with paper label on cover: "Pioneer Memorial State Park" Harrods- burg, Kentucky. 4451. WARREN, RAYMOND. Abraham Lin- coln as a spiritual influence. With a foreword by 4*5 J. Gilchrist Lawson. Chicago, Progressive Century Co., 1933- 3 P- 1., 7-28 p. illus., ports. 24/2 cm. (M3410) E457.2.W27 1933a "Of this limited author's edition, three hundred and fifty copies are printed, each copy autographed. This is number 3." Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. Green boards, with gray-cloth back. Green end papers. 4452. Another issue. 2 p. 1., 7-30 p. 23/2 cm. (M3410 var.) E457.2.W27 copy 3 Without statement of limited edition. Pages 29-30, advertising matter. Gray imitation-suede printed wrappers. 4453. WARREN, RAYMOND. The prairie President; living through the years with Lincoln, 1 809- 1 86 1 . With illustrations by the author. Chi- cago, Reilly & Lee [ c 1930] xxv, 427 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. (M3238var.) E457.3.W29 1930a "Edition limited to four hundred twenty copies . . . of which this is number 55." Inscribed by the author to Alfred W. Stern. Orange boards, with tan cloth back, gilt top, orange endpapers, and paper label on spine. 4454. Another issue. (M3238) E457-3- w 29 co Py 3 Without limited edition statement. Dark-brown cloth, with gilt lettering on spine, brown top, and gray endpapers. Embossed head of Lincoln on cover. 4455. WARREN, ROBERT PENN. Band of angels. New York, Random House [1955] 5 p. 1., [3H75> [1] P- 2i/ a cm. PS3545.A748B3 "First printing." Civil War novel about the struggle for freedom of a girl who, upon her father's death, discovers that she is actually a slave. 4456. Warrick County Lincoln Route Association. Brief prepared by the Warrick County Lincoln Route Association and presented to and filed with the Indiana Lincoln Memorial Highway Commis- sion appointed by the Governor, to aid said Com- mission in determining the correct route over which Abraham Lincoln and his family travelled when they moved from Indiana to Illinois in 1830. [Boonville, Ind., Press of the Boonville Standard, 193'] 75jM P- P ort -> ma P s - 2 3 cm. (M3243) HE356.L7W3 copy 2 "Brief prepared by William L. Barker, Philip Lutz, Jr. and Union W. Youngblood." Blank pages for memoranda (72—75). Printed wrappers. 4457. WARWICK, CHARLES F. Orations and speeches. Philadelphia, R. Welsh, 1903. 10, 439 p. port. 24 cm. PS3157.W166 "Only 500 copies have been printed . . . No. 235." "Lincoln and liberty; address before the Young Republi- can Club of Germantown . . . Feb. 9, 1899 . . .": p. [i]~50. "Lincoln [letter to the Philadelphia Press]": p. 235-236. 4458. WASHBURN, MABEL THACHER ROSEMARY. Hereditary foundations of Amer- ica's greatest commoner Lincoln. [Meriden, Conn.] 187-198 p. 26/2 cm. P Caption title. Detached from The Journal of American History, v. 5, second quarter, 1 9 1 1 . 4459. WASHBURNE, ELIHU B. Abraham Lin- coln, his personal history and public record. Speech of Hon. E. B. Washburne, of Illinois. Delivered in the U. S. House of Representatives, May 29, i860. [Washington?] Published by the Republican Congressional Committee [i860?] 8 p. 24 cm. ( M87 ) E457. W3 1 copy 2 Caption title. With holograph letter from E. B. Washburne to Ben- jamin Perley Poore dated Apr. 7, 1866. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 8). Bound in red half-morocco. 4460. WASHINGTON, BOOKER T. An ad- dress on Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the Republican Club of New York City on the night of February twelfth, 1909. [Tuskegee? Ala., 1909] 12 p. mounted port. 22 cm. (M1885) E457.2.W3 Two holograph letters inserted. Cover inscribed : "C. T. W. 19 16." Dark blue half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 4461. WASHINGTON, BOOKER T. Address prepared by Mr. Booker T. Washington for de- livery at a dinner given by the members of the Union League Club on February 12, 1899, in com- memoration of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. 416 [Philadelphia? 1899] 1 p. 1., 5-16 p. 24/2 cm. (Mi 271) E457.8.W31 copy 2 "This address was not delivered at the Lincoln dinner, given ... on February 12, 1899, owing to the detention of Mr. Washington between New York and Philadelphia in a snow-bound train. It was . . . made two evenings afterward at a public reception extended to Mr. Washing- ton by Mr. Henry C. Davis, at his residence." Printed wrappers. 4462. WASHINGTON, GEORGE, Pres. U. S. Washington's Farewell address, 1796. Lincoln's Lyceum address, "The prepetuation of our political institutions," 1838. [Peoria, 111., Priv. Print., Ed- ward J. Jacob, 1937] 3 p. I., 11-48 p. ports. 27 cm. (M3575) E3 1 2.95 1937 copy 2 Boards. Cloth back. 4463. WASHINGTON, JOHN E. They knew Lincoln. With an introduction by Carl Sandburg. New York, E. P. Dutton, 1942. 3 p. 1., 1 1-244^2 1] p. illus., ports., facsims. 22 cm. E 457-!5- w 32 copy 3 "Personal narrative of a negro boy and man who sought all that could be possibly known about Abraham Lincoln from Negroes having impressions or facts he considered worth record." — Introd. "First edition." 4464. Washington County Historical Society, Ky. Souvenir program tri-state observance of marriage of Lincoln's parents. Lincoln Homestead Park, Washington County, Kentucky, June 12, 1935. [n. P-> 1935] [n]P- illus., ports. 19 cm. (M3497) P Cover title. 4465. Washington, Lincoln and their co-patriots. Chicago, National Christian Association [n. d.] [14] p. ports. 25/2 cm. (M3949) P Cover title. 4466. WASSON, WILLIAM. Lincoln; Captain Cummings' recollections of "Honest Abe." Buffalo, N. Y., Reed Pub. Co., c 1 93 1 . 47 p. illus., ports., facsim. 15 J/2 cm. ([Reed novelettes, no. 55]) ( M3303 ) E457. 1 5. W34 copy 3 Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4467. Another edition. [Buffalo, N. Y., Reed Booklets, c i935] 2 v. (30, 30 p.) n/ 2 cm. (M3301) P Cover title. Issued under title: He Knew Lincoln; Captain Cum- mings Recollections. On cover of volume 1 : (Part 1), vol. 3. On cover of volume 2 : ( Part 2 ) , vol. 4. Portraits of Lincoln on covers. 4468. The Watchman-examiner, v. 22, Feb. 1, 1934. Brooklyn, N. Y., Watchman-Examiner Foundation, Inc. BX6201.W32 v. 22, X copy "Abraham Lincoln": p. 103-104. "Lincoln's Baptist training," by C. T. White: p. 107. Portrait of Lincoln on front cover. 4469. WATKINS, ALBERT. Douglas, Lincoln and the Nebraska bill. [n. p., c i9o8] 36 p. 26 cm. (M1636) E457.4.W3 Cover title. "Reprinted from the American Historical Magazine, May and July, 1908." In Gaylord binder. (Mailing wrapper, addressed by the author to John W. Starr, pasted inside cover.) 4470. WATKINS, SAMUEL R. "Co. Aytch," Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment; or, A side show of the big show, by Sam R. Watkins. With an introduction by Bell Irvin Wiley. Jackson, Tenn., McCowat-Mercer Press, 1952. 231^4] p. illus., ports., facsims. 23/2 cm. E579.5 ist.W33 First published in 1882 under title: 186 1 vs. 1882: "Co. Aytch," Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment. 4471. WATSON, JAMES E. Abraham Lincoln, a tribute, [n. p., 192-?] [8] p. illus. 20/2 cm. (M2537) P Cover title. Six pages of text. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4472. WATTERSON, HENRY. Abraham Lin- coln. An oration delivered before the Lincoln Union, by Henry Watterson, Auditorium, Chicago, February 12, 1895. [Louisville, Ky., Courier- Jour- nal Job Print. Co., '1899] 47 p. port. 26 cm. (M1272) E457.8.W34 copy 5 Flyleaf inscribed : "Chas. T. White 19 16." Bound, with original printed wrappers, in green half- morocco. 4 1.73. WATTERSON, HENRY. The com- promises of life, and other lectures and addresses, including some observations on certain downward 417 tendencies of modern society. New York, Fox, Duffield, 1903. x, 477 p. port. 20 cm. PS3157.W4G7 1903 copy 3 "Published, October, 1903." "Abraham Lincoln" : p. 137-180. 4474. [WAYLAND, FRANCIS] No failure for the North. New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Print- ers, 1864. 23, [1] p. 21/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pamphlets] no. 1 1 ) E463.L96 No. 1 1 4th set Cover title. "From the 'Atlantic monthly'." On cover: New York, Jan., 1864. Note on p. [24] begins: Loyal leagues [etc.] Issued also with caption title only; and with cover title, imprinted: New York, W. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. Verso of p. 23 blank. In pamphlet holder. 4475. WAYLAND, JOHN VV. The Lincolns in Virginia. Staunton, Va., Printed for the author by the McClure Print. Co., 1946. 299, [1] p. illus., ports., maps, facsims. 23^/2 cm. CS71.L74 1946 copy 3 "Five hundred copies printed." 4476. WEAVER, JACOB. An address to the Davenport Lincoln Wide-Awakes, delivered at Headquarters Hall, evening Sept. 7, i860, on the presentation of a banner, with the inscription "Free- dom is national." Davenport [Iowa] Printed at the Daily Gazette Office, i860. 12 p. 18/2 cm. E440.W4 Previously bound. In brown quarter-morocco slipcase. 4477. WEBB, CHASE, and BETTY SMITH. Lawyer Lincoln, comedy in one act. [New York] Dramatists Play Service [1939] 31, [2] p. diagr. 19 cm. (M3727) PS3545.E3L3 i939copies3&4 Includes music. Printed wrappers. 4478. WEBB, EDWIN B. Memorial sermons. The capture of Richmond. Some of the results of the war. The assassination of the President. Bos- ton, Press of G. C. Rand & Avery, 1865. 61 p. 24 cm. (M806) E458.5.W36 copy 2 S.ermons delivered in Shawmut Church, Boston, on April 9, 13 and 16, 1865. Previously bound. 4479. WEBER, J. R. Author J. R. Weber who as a boy gained inspiration by sitting on the knee of Lawyer Lincoln. Davenport, Iowa, Bawden Bros., Inc. [ c i928]. [23] p. 20 cm. (M3063) P Cover title: Lawyer Lincoln. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4480. WEBSTER, MARTHA (FARNHAM). Seventy-five significant years. The story of Knox College. 1837-1912. Galesburg, 111., Wagoner Print. Co., 191 2. viii, 210 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. LD2813.W4 copy 2 The fifth of the Lincoln-Douglas debates took place on the Knox College campus at Galesburg, Oct. 7, 1858. Cf. "Troublous times": p. 69-81. 4481. WEED, THURLOW. Life of Thurlow Weed including his autobiography and a memoir. [Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1883-84] 2 v. ports. 24 cm. E415.9.W39W3 copy 3 Half-title. Each volume has special title page; v. 1 : Autobiography of Thurlow Weed, edited by his daughter, Harriet A. Weed ; v. 2 : Memoir of Thurlow Weed, by his grandson, Thurlow Weed Barnes. There are frequent references to Lincoln in the closing chapters of vol. 1 . Tan polished full-calf. 4482. WEEMS, MASON L. The life of George Washington; with curious anecdotes, equally hon- ourable to himself and exemplary to his young countrymen. By M. L. Weems. Philadelphia, Printed for Mathew Carey, 1809. 12 p., 3 1., [3]- 228 p. 6 illus., port. 17/2 cm. E312.W37 (Parson Weems' book on the first President was read by Lincoln as a child.) "Ninth edition, greatly improved. Embellished with seven engravings." Inscribed: "William Jefferson Horn's book, February 27th 1810." and "Chas. T. White 1916. Presented by Hon. John J. Halleran." Mottled full-calf, with leather label on spine. 4483. Another edition. Philadelphia, J. B. Lip- pincott, i860. 1 p. 1., 244 p. 5 illus., port. 19^2 cm. E312.W388 copy 2 From different plates. "Embellished with six engrav- ings." Slate-colored ribbed cloth, with design blind-stamped on covers. 4484. WEICHMANN, LOUIS J. Testimony of Louis J. Weichmann. Given on examination in chief in the trial of John H. Surratt, indicted for the murder of Abraham Lincoln, in the Criminal Court of the District of Columbia, 1867. In the reporting style of phonography, by Benn Pitman and Jerome 418 B. Howard. Cincinnati, The Phonographic Insti- tute Co., 19 10. 86, 8 p. 17/2 cm. (var. of(?) M1961) Z57.W41 copy 2 Shorthand textbook. Printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 4485. WEIK, JESSE W. The real Lincoln; a portrait. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1922. xx p., 1 1., 323 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22J/2 cm. (M2612) E457.W4 1922 copy 2 Blue cloth, lettered in gilt on cover and spine. 4486. Another issue. [1923] (M2612 var.) E457.W4 1922 copy 4 "Second impression, January, 1923." Fly leaf inscribed : "Alfred Whital Stern, October 1923" Binding same. 4487. WEISBERGER, BERNARD A. Reporters for the Union. Boston, Little, Brown [ c i953] xi, 316 p. 1 illus. 22 cm. E609.W4 copy 3 "First edition." 4488. WEISS, JOHN. Theodore Parker. A lec- ture delivered in the Parker fraternity course, Nov. 19,1872. Boston, Roberts Bros., 1873. 39 p. 1 7 J/2 cm. BX9869.P3W45 copy 3 Lincoln in the Parker-Herndon correspondence, p. 13- 14. Printed wrappers. 4489. WEITZNER, BERNIE. Lincoln's Gettys- burg address; song by Bernie Wayne [pseud.] New York, Peer International Corp. [ c i954] 7 P- facsim. 30/2 cm. M1659.L7W Cover title. Facsimile of Lincoln's autograph of the address on cover. Self-wrappers. 4490. WELLES, GIDEON. Diary of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy under Lincoln and Johnson. With an introduction by John T. Morse, Jr. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin [191 1] 3 v. ports. 24 cm. E468.W44 copy 6 "Published October 191 1." Preface signed : Edgar T. Welles. Contents. — I. 1861-March 30, 1864. — II. April 1, 1864-December 31, 1866. — III. January 1, 1867-June 6, 1869. 4491. WELLES, GIDEON. Lincoln and Seward. Remarks upon the memorial address of Chas. Francis Adams, on the late Wm. H. Seward, with incidents and comments illustrative of the measures and policy of the administration of Abraham Lin- coln. And views as to the relative positions of the late President and Secretary of State. New York, Sheldon & Co., 1874. viii, [7]-2i5 p. 19/2 cm. (M938) E456.W44 copy 3 First published in condensed form in the Galaxy, v. 16, 1873, P- [5i8]-530, [6871-700, [793]-8o4. 4492. WELLES, GIDEON. Papers, embracing nearly sixty letters and executive requests on cards to Gideon Welles, many letters of Andrew John- son, letters from various commanders of the Navy and Army, statesmen and other eminent men, all addressed to Welles and officers in the Navy during the Civil War, and Gideon Welles Diary, and manuscripts of his various historical essays and reviews of affairs connected with Lincoln's adminis- tration ... to be sold Friday afternoon, January 4th, 1924, at 2:00 o'clock. Philadelphia, S. V. Henkels, Auction Commission Merchant [1924] 1 p. 1., iv, 96 p. facsims. 26 cm. Z999.H505 istsetNo. 1342 "Catalogue no. 1342." Printed wrappers. 4493. WELLMAN, MANLY WADE. Giant in gray; a biography of Wade Hampton of South Caro- lina. New York, London, C. Scribner's Sons, 1949. xv, 387 p. ports. 24 cm. E467.1.H19W4 copy 4 A few references to Lincoln. 4494. WELLS, JOHN G. Wells' illustrated na- tional campaign hand-book for i860 . . . New York, J. G. Wells; Cincinnati, Ohio, M. R. Barnitz, i860. 2v.in1. (5p. 1., [i3J-i99p.;3 1., [9J-159 p.) illus., ports. 19 cm. (M88) JK2253 1860.W5 copy 2 Contents. — pt. 1. Lives of all the candidates for President and Vice-President. — pt. 2. Complete compen- dium of the political history of the United States. "Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, candidate for the presi- dency": pt. 1, p. [431-64. "Hanibal Hamlin, of Maine, candidate for the vice-presidency": pt. 1, p. 67-76. Rebound in rust-colored buckram. 4495. WERNER, MORRIS R. Tammany hall, by M. R. Werner. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Doran, 1928. xxi p., 3 1., 586 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. JK2319.N56W4 1928 copy 1 1 Bibliography: p. [565]~573- Single reference to Lincoln (in chapter on Fernando Wood, p. 60-103). 4*9 4496- WERSTEIN, IRVING. July, 1863. New York, Messner [1957] 252 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. F128.44.W38 copy 4 4497. The Wesleyan alumnus, v. 6, July 1922. Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan University. P "Lincoln's Gettysburg Address," by C. Cole: p. 9. 4498. WESSEN, ERNEST J. Campaign lives of Abraham Lincoln, i860. [Springfield, 111., 1938] 1 p. 1., 33 p. port., facsims. 23 cm. (M3597) Z8505.W52 copy 2 Cover title. "An annotated bibliography of the biographies of Abra- ham Lincoln issued during the campaign year." — p. [1] "Reprinted from Papers in Illinois History and Trans- actions for the Year 1937, (The Illinois State Historical Society)." Inscribed by the author to Albert H. Griffith. Contains a typewritten letter, dated Feb. 27, 1939, ad- dressed to "Dear friend," and signed by the author. 4499. WESSEN, ERNEST J. Debates of Lincoln and Douglas; a bibliographical discussion. [New York] Bibliographical Society of America, 1946. 16 p. 23/2 cm. P Cover title. "Separate from the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, volume forty, no. 2, 1946." "Read at the meeting of the Society held 18 January 1946." Bibliographical footnotes. "Check list of the early edi- tions of the Lincoln-Douglas debates": p. 13-16. 4500. [WEST, J. E] The immortal fame of Abraham Lincoln. [St. Cloud, Minn., Press of Security Blank Book and Printing Co., 1909?] [16] p. port. 22 cm. (M1886) P Cover title. 4501. WEST, RICHARD S., Jr. Gideon Welles, Lincoln's navy department. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs-Merrill [1943] 6 p. 1., 1 1-379 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. E467.1.W46W4 1943a "First edition." "Connecticut edition. Limited and signed. No. 89." Endpaper maps. 4502. WEST, RICHARD S., Jr. Mr. Lincoln's navy. New York, London, Toronto, Longmans, Green, 1957. xiii p., 1 1., 328 p. illus. 24 cm. E591.W44 copy 3 "First edition." Includes bibliography. 4503. WETMORE, ALEXANDER. Two orig- inal photographic negatives of Abraham Lincoln (with four plates). City of Washington, The Smithsonian Institution, 1936. 1 p. 1., 2 p. 4 port, on 2 1. 24/2 cm. (Smithsonian miscellaneous col- lections, v. 95, no. 18) (M3544) E457.6.W48 copy 2 "Publication 3400." Printed wrappers. 4504. WETTSTEIN, CARL THEODOR, comp. Was Abraham Lincoln an infidel? The religious character of Abraham Lincoln as it appears in the light of his spoken and written word. Boston, Mass., C. M. Clark Pub. Co. pigio] 1 13 p. illus., ports. 19/2 cm. (M1962) E457.2.W54 copy 3 4505. WHALEY, ELIZABETH J. Forgotten hero: General James B. McPherson; the biography of a Civil War general. New York, Exposition Press [ c i955] 203 p. 21cm. E467.M3W45 copy 3 "First edition." 4506. WHARTON, OLIVER P. Lincoln and the beginning of the Republican party in Illinois, by O. P. Wharton. An address read before the Illinois State Historical Society at its annual meet- ing, Evanston, 111., May, 191 1. Springfield, 111., Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers, 191 2. 5 p. 24 cm. (M2062) E457.4.W55 copy 2 At head of title: Illinois State Historical Society. May, 1911. Inscribed to W. H. Lambert by J. B. Oakleaf. Printed wrappers. 4507. WHEARE, KENNETH C. Abraham Lin- coln and the United States, by K. C. Wheare. New York, Macmillan Co., 1949. xiv, 286 p. port., col. maps (on end papers) 18 cm. (Teach yourself history library) E457.W54 1949 copy 2 "Select bibliography" : p. 279-280. 4508. WHEELER, DANIEL E. Abraham Lin- coln. New York, Macmillan Co., 19 16. ix, 224 p. illus., ports., facsim. 18 cm. (True stories of great Americans) (M2281) E457.W56 copy 3 End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 16." Bound in tan cloth, with green lettering on cover and spine and green and red design on cover. 420 450g- Another issue. 1925. 19/2 cm. (M2281 var. ) E45 7 . W56 copy 4 Title and copyright pages partially reset. Bound in blue cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. Portrait blind-stamped on cover. 4510. WHEELER, LOREN E. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Remarks ... in the House of Repre- sentatives, Saturday, February 12, 19 16. [Wash- ington, Govt. Print. Off., 19 16] folder (4 p.) 23/2 cm. (M2282) P Caption title. 45 1 1 . WHIPPLE, WAYNE. The heart of Abra- ham Lincoln. Philadelphia, Biddle Press, 1909. 53 p. port. 18 cm. (M1889) E457.2.W57 copy 2 Red cloth, imprinted in black. 4512. Another edition. Philadelphia, G. W. Ja- cobs [ c 1 9 1 5] 101 p. port. 18 cm. (M1890) E457-2-W573 copy 3 Expansion of the preceding, issued under title: The Heart of Lincoln; the Soul of the Man as Revealed in Story and Anecdote. Blue cloth, imprinted in white. 4513. WHIPPLE, WAYNE. The little life of Lincoln, in short stories. Oil City, Pa., The Oil City Trust Company, c i909. [32] p. illus., ports. 16 cm. (var. of M1638) P Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Printed wrappers. 4514. WHIPPLE, WAYNE. The story-life of Lincoln; a biography composed of five hundred true stories told by Abraham Lincoln and his friends, selected from all authentic sources, and fitted together in order, forming his complete life histoiy. Memorial edition, issued to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Lincoln's birth; illustrated with 150 engravings . . . [Philadelphia, J. C. Win- ston, c igo8] xii, 708 p. illus., ports., facsims. 22 cm. (M 1639 var. ) E457.15.W57 copies 3 & 4 "Edition . . . published especially for the Lincoln Cen- tennial Association of Springfield, Illinois . . . limited to eight hundred copies." Copy 3 unnumbered ; copy 4 number 750. 4515. WHIPPLE, WAYNE. The story of young Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia, H. Altemus [ c igi8] 258 p. col. illus. 19/2 cm. (M2216 var.) E457.3.W57 1 918 4516. WHIPPLE, WAYNE. Tad Lincoln: a true story. New York, G. Sully [ c i926] 2 p. 1., 3-60 p. 19 cm. (M2892) E 457-25 w 5 6 co Py 3 Dark blue cloth. with blind-stamped line border and gilt lettering on cover. 4517. Another issue, (var. of M2892) E 457-25-W56 1926a Subtitle dropped. Title page, the two half titles and first page of preface reset. Light blue cloth, with dark blue line border and letter- ing on cover. 4518. WHITAKER, ROBERT. Lincoln and labor; a poem. [n. p., 1927?] [6] p. port. 20 cm. (M2981) P Cover title. Inscribed. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4519. WHITCOMBE, W. W. Abraham Lin- coln (the beloved and affectionate father) ; a ser- mon delivered in the Baptist Church, Oshkosh, Wis., April 19, 1865. Milwaukee, Wis., J. E. Bur- ton, 1907. 15 p. 22J/2 cm. (M1560) P Running title: Eulogy on the death of Lincoln. "Printed in the Oshkosh Northwestern, April 21, 1865." Printed wrappers. 4520. [WHITE, CHARLES T.] ed. Grant's tribute to Lincoln. [Brooklyn, N. Y., 1932] 2 p. 1., [g]-i8 p. facsim. 21 cm. (M3361) E457-!5- w 576 copy 3 "One hundred copies privately printed for Lincoln col- lectors, of which this is no. 85." "Grant's autograph tribute to Lincoln . . . discovered [by Dr. Hertz] . . . while searching for unpublished Lin- coln data." "Compiled and edited by Charles T. White." Including personal reminiscences of Gen. Grant, by H. E. Wing. Reprinted from the New York Christian Advocate, Feb. 6, 1 9 1 3. Printed wrappers. 4521. WHITE, CHARLES T. Lincoln and prohibition. Introduction by Will H. Hays . . . with portraits and documents. New York, Cincin- nati, Abingdon Press [ c ig2i] 233 p. illus., ports., facsims. ig/2 cm. (M2538) E457.2.W6 copy 3 End paper autographed by author. 421 4522. WHITE, CHARLES T. Lincoln and the newspapers. [Hancock, N. Y., Hancock Herald Print, 1924] 21 p. 23/2 cm. (var. of ( ?) M2749) P Cover title. "Address ... at Harrogate, Term., November 11, 1923 [at the] inaugural of Robert Orville Matthews as presi- dent of Lincoln Memorial University." "100 copies privately printed for Charles T. White, of which this is no. 2." 4523. WHITE, CHARLES T., comp. Lincoln the athlete, and other stories. New York, Printed by Tenny Press, 1930. 97 p. 2 port., facsims. 23/2 cm. (M3239) E457.15.W578 copy 4 "150 copies privately printed for collectors. This is copy no. 100." "The bear hunt (Atlantic Monthly, February, 1925) an original ballad never before printed, by Abraham Lincoln": p. 89-95. "The original manuscript ... is now in the Morgan library in New York." Inscribed by the author. Boards. Cloth back. Paper label on spine. 4524. WHITE, CHARLES T., comp. Lincoln the comforter; together with a story of Lincoln's first pet, and a narrative by Captain Gilbert J. Greene. Hancock, N. Y., Priv. Print. Herald Press, 1 9 16. 2 p. 1., 9-40 p. 2 port. 24 cm. (M2283) E457.15.W58 copy 2 "Edition limited to 200 copies. This copy is no. 18." Boards, gilt-stamped. 4525. WHITE, ERSKINE N. The personal in- fluence of Abraham Lincoln. A sermon preached on the national fast-day, Thursday, June 1st, 1865, by Erskine N. White, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, New Rochelle, N. Y. New- York, J. A. Gray & Green, Printers, 1865. 25 p. 21 J/2 cm. (M813) E457.8.W58 copy 2 "Published by request." Previously bound. 4526. WHITE, HORACE. Abraham Lincoln in 1854. An address delivered before the Illinois State Historical Society at its 9th annual meeting at Springfield, Illinois, Jan. 30, 1908. [Springfield? 111., 1908] 24 p. 22/2 cm. (M1640) E457.4.W58 copy 6 At head of title: Illinois State Historical Society, Jan- uary 1908. At top of title page : "C. T. W. 1 9 1 6." Printed wrappers. 4527. WHITE, HORACE. The life of Lyman Trumbull. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1 91 3. xxxv, 458 p. illus., ports. 2 2 J/2 cm. E415.9.T86W5 copy 4 A biography of the United States Senator from Illinois, 1855-1873. Numerous references to Lincoln. 4528. WHITE, HORACE. The Lincoln and Douglas debates; an address before the Chicago Historical Society, February 17, 19 14. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press [ c 1 9 1 4] 32 p. ports., facsim. 24 cm. (M2170) E457.4.W59 copies 3 & 4 "Published July 19 14." Copy 3 autographed: "H. Churchman." Holograph letter from the author to Churchman, with copy of the latter's reply, laid in. Printed wrappers. Copy 3 in green slipcase with black leather label gilt-stamped: Lincoln-Douglas debates; presentation copy from F. E. Foster with H. White letter. 4529. WHITE, NORMAN H. Address delivered before the G. A. R. and the citizens of Plymouth on the night of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. [Plymouth? Mass., 1909?] 1 1 p. port. 23 cm. (var. of(?) M1893) P Cover title. Author's typed letter of transmittal to Albert H. Griffith, laid in. Self-wrappers. 4530. WHITE, PLINY H. A sermon, occa- sioned by the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Preached at Cov- entry, Vt., April 23, 1865. Brattleboro, Printed at the Vermont Record Office, 1865. 20 p. 22 cm. (M814) E457.8.W585 copy 2 Running title : Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Black cloth, with original printed wrappers bound in. 4531. [WHITE, RICHARD GRANT] Book of the prophet Stephen, son of Douglas. Wherein marvellous things are foretold of the reign of Abra- ham. Book first [to] Book second. New York, Feeks & Bancker [ c 1863-64] 2 v. (48, 48 p.) 18/2 cm. (M254, M255) E458.3.B7 copy 3 Book 2 has imprint. New York, J. F. Feeks. Imprints on covers of v. 1 & 2 omit "New York." V. 1 without advertising; v. 2 with advertising on versos of covers. Cover of book 1 inscribed : "Editor — World." Book- plate of George P. Hambrecht mounted on end paper in each volume. V. 1 in brown half-morocco, v. 2 in blue cloth; each with original printed wrappers bound in. 422 4532. [WHITE, RICHARD GRANT] The new gospel of peace, according to St. Benjamin [pseud. Book first to] Book fourth. New York, S. Tousey [1863-66] 4 v. (42, 48, 47, 55 p.) 18/2 cm. (M256, M257, M258 var., M259) E458.W57 copy 5 Imprint varies: v. 1-2, New York, S. Tousey [1863] — v. 3, New York, American News Agency [1864] — v. 4, New York, The American News Co. [1 866]. Imprint on cover: v. 1-3, New York, Sinclair Tousey, succeeded by the American News Co.; v. 4, same as that on title page. V. 1-3 without advertisements; v. 4 with advertising on back cover and one page of advertising following p. 55. V. 1—2, 4 in maroon wrappers lettered in black, silver, and gilt(?) respectively; v. 3 in cream-colored wrappers lettered in red. (In each case the size of type employed is different from that used for the title pages.) In brown quarter-morocco slipcase. 4533. Another edition. New York, The Ameri- can News Co., 1866. xxvii, 343 p. 19 cm. (M260) E458.W58 copy 4 From different plates with the addition of notes and a "Publisher's advertisement," which includes letters from the author to the editors of The Evening Post, and The Nation (p. v— xxvi). Fly leaf inscribed: "Chas T. White 19 16." Bound in green cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and line borders blind-stamped on covers. Gray end papers. 4534. WHITE, WILLIAM ALLEN. We are coming, Father Abraham! Speech . . . before the Abraham Lincoln Association of Springfield, 111., Monday evening, February 12. [Springfield? 111., 1940?] 13 1. 25 cm. E457.7.W55 Caption title. At top of p. 1 : "Release without notice to morning papers of February 13." Stapled. 4535. WHITE, WILLIAM C, and RUTH (MORRIS) WHITE. Tin can on a shingle, by William Chapman White and Ruth White. With an introduction by Henry Steele Commager. New York, Dutton, 1957. 176 p. illus., ports., map. 21 cm. E473.2.W6 copy 3 "First edition." Illustrated endpapers. The story of the Monitor and the Merrimac. 4536. WHITING, WILLIAM. Military arrests in time of war. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1863. 59 p. 22/2 cm. (M262) JK560.W6 copy 3 Inscribed by the author to Col. E. A. Carman. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Black half-leather, with printed wrappers bound in. 4537. WHITING, WILLIAM. The war powers of the President, and the legislative powers of Con- gress in relation to rebellion, treason and slavery. Boston, J. L. Shorey, 1862. 1 p. 1., [3]-i43 p. 24 cm. (Mi 65) E458.2.W62 copy 3 Caption title: Constitution of the United States of America. Inscribed by the author. Gray printed wrappers. 4538. Another edition. 1 p. 1., viii, [3]-i43 p. 23^ cm. (M165 var.) E458.2.W62 copy 4 "Second edition." Title and copyright pages reset. Added matter consists of preface (p. i-vi) and errata (p. viii). Page [vii] blank. Gray printed wrappers. 4539. Another edition. 1863. 1 p. 1., vi, [3]— 143 p. 23 cm. (Mi 65 var.) JK560.W7 1863a copy 3 "Fourth edition, published for the Emancipation League." With resetting of title and copyright pages; correction of errors in the text; removal of the errata-page; and addition of an "introduction to chapter II" between p. 33 and 34, and newspaper testimonials on p. [2]-[3] of cover. Gray printed wrappers. 4540. Another edition. Boston, Lee and Shepard ; New York, Lee, Shepard and Dillingham, 1 87 1. xxviii, 695 p. 23/2 cm. (M165 var.) JK560.W7 187 1 copy 6 "Forty-third edition." Inscribed by the author. Issued under title: War Powers Under the Constitution of the United States. Military Arrests, Reconstruction and Military Government. Also, Now First Published, War Claims of Aliens. With Notes on the Acts of the Executive and Legislative Departments During our Civil War, and a Collection of Cases Decided in the National Courts. Pages 1— 140, with caption title: Slavery under the con- stitution, corresponds to p. [3]- 143 of the previous edition, but is printed from different plates with changes in the wording of the text. Pages 141—695 include: Notes on the war powers. Fifth edition. — Military arrests in time of war. — Return of rebellious states to the Union. — Military government of hostile territory in time of war. — War claims against the United States. — Appendix: containing cases decided by the U. S. courts on the subjects treated of in the fore- going pages. — Index. Green cloth, with gold lettering on spine. Brown end- papers. 423 454 !• WHITLOCK, BRAND. Abraham Lin- coln. Boston, Small, Maynard ^1909] 5 p. 1., [ix]-xxiii p., 1 1., 205 p. port. 14/2 cm. (Bea- con biographies of eminent Americans, ed. by M. A. De Wolfe Howe) (M1894) E457.W61 copy 3 Added title page, engraved. Bibliography: p. [200]-205. Bookplate of Charles T. White. Blue cloth, with gilt lettering on spine. 4542. Another edition. London, Edinburgh, New York, T. Nelson [19 1 9] 189 p. 19 cm. (M1895) E457.W6123 "Revised edition." From different plates. Without illustrations. "The British edition . . . has been carefully revised, a line has been added here and there and a few notes have been appended." Bibliography: p. 187-189. Maroon cloth, with black lettering on spine. 4543. Another edition. New York, London, D. Appleton, 1930. 2io,[i] p. port. 19/2 cm. (M1896 var.) E457.W613 copy 4 From different plates. Bibliography: p. 207~[2ii] Dark green cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. 4544. WHITLOCK, BRAND. Abraham Lin- coln. Traduit de l'anglais par Tauteur. Paris, Payot, 1920. 219 p. 1 8 J/2 cm. (M3896) E457.W614 Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. Bound in brown half-morocco. 4545. WHITMAN, WALT. Memories of Lin- coln. Girard, Kan., Haldeman-Julius [1923?] 61 p. 13 cm. (Ten cent pocket series, ed. by E. Haldeman-Julius. no. 351) (Mi 328) E457.9.W618 copy 2 Contains the poems of item 4548. On cover: Little blue book no. 351. Printed wrappers. 4546. WHITMAN, WALT. Memories of Presi- dent Lincoln. Portland, Me., T. B. Mosher, 191 2. 6 p. 1., [ix]-xii p., 13 numb. 1., 1 1., [15]- 16 p., 1 1. port. 30/2 cm. (M1326) E457.9.W62 copy 3 Frontispiece: portrait of Lincoln. Contains the first four poems of item 4545. Green boards and end papers. In green three-quarter- closed case. Untrimmed and unopened. 4547. WHITMAN, WALT. Memories of Presi- dent Lincoln. New York, Little Leather Library Corp. [1916?] 127 p. 10/2 cm. (M1327) E457.9.W62 1916 copy 2 On cover: Little leather library. Includes the poems of item 4546 plus ''Drum-Taps" (p. 22-109) and "Song of the Open Road" (p. 1 10-127). Limp full-leather. 4548. WHITMAN, WALT. Memories of Presi- dent Lincoln, and other lyrics of the war. Port- land, Me., T. B. Mosher, 1904. xii, [1], 40,[i] p. port. 17/2 cm. (M1324) PS3203.M6 copy 2 "Fifty copies of this book have been printed on Japan vellum of which forty only are for sale. No. 17." Frontispiece: portrait of author. Contents. — Foreword [by Horace Traubel]. — Memo- ries of President Lincoln: I. When lilacs last in the door- yard bloom'd. II. O Captain! my Captain! III. Hush'd be the camps today. IV. This dust was once the man. — Lyrics from Drum-taps and Songs of parting: I. Beat! beat! drums! II. Come up from the fields, father. III. The wound-dresser. IV. Spirit whose work is done. V. Ashes of soldiers. VI. Pensive on her dead gazing. VII. Camps of green. Bound in white cardboard, lettered in black and red. In white three-quarter-closed case. 4549. Another edition. 1906. xi,[i], 42, [1] p., 1 1. 18 cm. (Mi325var.) E457. 9. W619 copies 1 & 2 From different plates, with slight rewording of table of contents and some rearrangement of text. Without por- trait. "Nine hundred and fifty copies of this book printed on Van Gelder hand-made paper and the type distributed." Copy 2 inscribed: "Chas. T. White, 1916." Bound in gray boards with paper labels on cover and spine. 4550. Another issue. (Mi 325) E 457-9- w 6i9 co Py 3 Identical to item 4549 but with colophon from different plate. "One hundred copies of this book printed on Japan vellum . . . no. 99." Bookplate of Charles T. White. White boards. 4551. [WHITMAN, WALT. When lilacs last in the dooryard bloomed. London, E. Arnold, 1900] 18, [2] p. illus. 19 cm. (M1322) E457.9.W61 copy 3 Frontispiece, tail-piece, and initials colored by hand: rubricated. Colophon : Here ends President Lincoln's funeral hymn, reprinted in love of the poet & admiration for the subject, 424 among the great poems of the language, at the Essex House Press, under the care of C. R. Ashbee, who has drawn the frontispiece & capitals. On verso of last leaf: 125 copies only, & all on vellum. This copy is no. 1 15. Binder's title: Walt Whitman's hymn on the death of Lincoln. Blind-stamped on front cover a rose with legend : Soul is form. Bookplate of Charles T. White. Full vellum boards. In green slipcase. 4552. WHITNEY, HENRY C. Life of Lincoln. Edited by Marion Mills Miller. New York, Baker & Taylor, 1908. 2 v. ports, (fronts.) 19 cm. (M1641) E457.W62 copy 3 4553. WHITNEY, HENRY C. Life on the cir- cuit with Lincoln. With sketches of Generals Grant, Sherman and McClellan, Judge Davis, Leonard Swett, and other contemporaries. By Henry C. Whitney. Boston, Estes and Lauriat [1892] viii, 601 p. illus., ports., facsims. (part fold.) 23/2 cm. (M1112) E457.W623 copy 3 Without index. Maroon cloth, with gilt lettering on cover and spine. Gilt top. In three-quarter-closed case. 4554. Another edition. Caldwell, Idaho, Caxton Printers, 1940. 530 p. illus., ports, (var. of Mi 1 12) E457.W63 copy 3 "Introduction and notes by Paul M. Angle." Printed, from different plates, under the short title: Life on the Circuit With Lincoln. Author's name given in full (Henry Clay Whitney). Indexed. Black grained cloth, with gilt lettering on spine and portrait of Lincoln blind-stamped on cover. 4555. WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF. Whittier as a politician; illustrated by his letters to Professor Elizur Wright, Jr. Now first published. Edited with explanatory text, by Samuel T. Pick- ard. Boston, C. E. Goodspeed, 1900. 2 p. 1., 53, [1] p. port., double facsim. 21/2 cm. PS3292.P6P5 copy 3 "One hundred and fifty copies printed. Number 2." Anti-slavery letters, ranging in date from Feb. 18, 1834, to Dec. 1845. Reference to Whittier as a member of the electoral college in i860 and in 1864. p. 3. End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 17." Boards. 4556. WICK, BARTHINIUS L. The charac- ter of Abraham Lincoln, an address delivered by B. L. Wick before the Kiwanis Club, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, February 12, 1936. [Cedar Rapids, 1936] 12 p. 23 cm. E457.2.W63 copy 2 Caption title. Autographed by the author. Self-wrappers. 4557. The Wide-awake vocalist; or, Rail splitters' song book. Words and music for the Republican campaign of i860 . . . New York, E. A. Daggett, i860. 64 p. 11/2 x 14/2 cm. (M91) P Cover title. 4558. Wid's weekly, v. 1, Aug. 18, 1923. Holly- wood, Calif. (M2663) P Contains an account of the Rockett-Lincoln Film Co. production of "The Dramatic Life of Abraham Lincoln," starring George A. Billings. 4559. WIECKER, OTHO. The story of an artist while executing a portrait sketch, the first from life, of Abraham Lincoln in June, i860 at Springfield, 111. . . . [n. p., n. d.] 12 p. 16 cm. (M2063) P Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4560. WIKBERG, SVEN. Abraham Lincoln, den store amcrikanen. Stockholm, C. E. Fritze [1940] 21 1, [1] p. illus., ports., map. 22/2 cm. E457.W7 copy 2 "Litteraturforteckning" : p. [212] Illustrated printed wrappers. 4561. WIKBERG, SVEN. Abraham Lincoln; den store amerikaneren. [Pa. norsk ved Ole Mel- hus] [Oslo] Nasjonalforlaget [1947] 166 p. 22 cm. E457.W716 copy 3 Boards, with cloth back and corners. 4562. WILBUR, HENRY W. Friends with Lin- coln in the White House, adapted from Nellie Blessing-Eyster's story. Philadelphia, Pa., 191 2. 32 p. group port. 1 4 J/2 cm. (M2064) E457.15.W66 copy 2 The story of the visit of Isaac and Sarah Harvey, Quakers, to President Lincoln, in 1862. "First printed in Harper's Magazine about 1874. In 1889 it was restated, and published in the New Voice, New York." Label mounted on cover: Presented by Jonathan K. Taylor, Baltimore, Md. Issued also in 19 13. Printed wrappers. 425 4563. WILBUR, HENRY W. President Lin- coln's attitude towards slavery and emancipation, with a review of events before and since the Civil War. Philadelphia, Pa., W. H. Jenkins, 19 14. 220 p. 20 cm. (M2171) E457.2.W66 copy 3 4564. WILCOXON, MITCHELL H. Abraham Lincoln's vow against the Catholic Church. By M. H. Wilcoxon. Milan, 111., The Rail Splitter Press, 1928. 28 p. 19 cm. (M3064) P Cover title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4565. WILEY, BELL IRVIN. The road to Ap- pomattox. Memphis, Memphis State College Press [1956] x, 121 p. illus., ports. 23 cm. E487.W65 copy 3 First chapter is devoted to Jefferson Davis. 4566. WILKES, GEORGE. McClellan: who he is and what he has done. New York, S. Tousey, 1862. 12 p. 19 cm. E467.1.M2W64 copy 2 One of a series of articles which appeared weekly in Wilkes' Spirit of the Times. An edition which included this and other articles of the series appeared in 1863, under the same title. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Printed wrappers. 4567. WILKIE, KATHARINE E. Mary Todd Lincoln, girl of the Bluegrass. Illustrated by Harry Lees. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs-Mer- rill [1954] 192 p. 7 illus. 20 cm. (The Child- hood of famous Americans series [85]). PZ7.W6484Mar copy 2 "First edition." Historical fiction for children. 4568. The Will of the people. [Philadelphia, 1864] 8 p. 22 cm. (M359) E458.4.W56 copy 3 Cover title. At head of title: No. 18. Republican campaign literature, 1864. Self-wrappers. Bound in full red limp leather. 4569. WILLIAMS, A. DALLAS, comp. The praise of Lincoln; an anthology, collected and ar- ranged by A. Dallas Williams. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [ c 1 g 1 1 ] 6 p. 1., 243 p. 22 cm. (M2017) E457.9.W72 copy 3 Poems. Bookplate of Jesse Lowe Smith. 4570. WILLIAMS, BEN AMES. House di- vided. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1947. 2 v. (4 p. 1., [xi]-xvi p., 2 1., 3-747 p.; 2 p. 1., [1], 74 8 ~ I 5 I 4 p.) 22 cm. PS3545.I5115H6 1947 copy 2 Map and genealogical table on endpapers. Illustrated title page. Autographed by the author. Orange-red buckram, imprinted in blue and gilt. Yel- low top. 4571. Another issue. 5 p. 1., [xi]-xvi p., 2 1., 3- 1514 p. PS3545.I5115H6 1947a One-volume edition. With half-title. Light tan cloth with blue lettering on spine. Maroon top. 4572. {Reader's guide] Boston, Houghton Mif- flin, 1947. 27 p. maps. 21 cm. PS3545.I5115H6 1947 Guide copy 2 Contains the author's preface to the novel and his bibliography (p. [i3]-27). Illustrated printed wrappers. 4573. WILLIAMS, BEN AMES. "Mr. Secre- tary." New York, Macmillan, 1940. viii, 507 p. 22 cm. E467.1.S8W5 copy 3 Biography of Edwin M. Stanton written in autobio- graphical form. "First printing." 4574. WILLIAMS, BEN AMES. The uncon- quered. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1953. xi, 689 p. 22 cm. PS3545.I5115U6 A story of the South in the Reconstruction period. Sequel to House Divided. 4575. WILLIAMS, EDWARD SYLVANUS. The battle of the giants: description of the issues and the historic struggle between Lincoln and Douglas. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1937. [6], 26 p. port. 23/2 cm. (M3599) P Portrait of Lincoln on cover. Printed wrappers. 4576. WILLIAMS, EDWARD SYLVANUS. The fourteenth of April: a dramatic description of the last days and tragic death of Abraham Lin- coln, sixteenth President of the United States. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1937 [i. e. 1938] [15] p. port. 23/2 cm. (M3601 var.) E457.5.W72 1938 "Third edition of 1938." Autographed by the author. Printed wrappers. 426 4577- WILLIAMS, FRANCIS HOWARD. The burden bearer; an epic of Lincoln. Philadelphia, G. W. Jacobs [1908] 4 p. I., 11-198 p. 24/2 cm. (M1642) E457.9.W73 copy 3 "Limited to three hundred copies, of which this is no. 277." Boards. Cloth sides. 4578. WILLIAMS, HARRY L., comp. The Lincoln story book; a judicious collection of the best stories and anecdotes of the great President, many appearing here for the first time in book form. New York, G. W. Dillingham [1907] 1 p. 1., iv, viii, [91-315 p. 19/2 cm. (M1561) E457-99-W73 copy 3 "Issued March, 1907." Medallion portraits of Lincoln on cover and spine. 4579. WILLIAMS, JOHN MASON. Nullifica- tion and compromise; a retrospective view. New York, Francis & Loutrel, Printers, 1863. 32 p. 2 1 J/2 cm. (Loyal Publication Society. [Pam- phlets] no. 27) E463.L96 No. 27 4th set On title page: New York, October, 1863. Removed from wrappers. (Copies in the general col- lections of the Library of Congress have p. 2—3 of cover either blank or printed: Loyal Publication Society [etc.]). In pamphlet holder. 4580. WILLIAMS, JOHN SHARP. Lincoln birthplace farm at Hodgenville, Ky. Address de- livered on the occasion of the acceptance of a deed of gift to the nation, by the Lincoln Farm Associa- tion, of the Lincoln birthplace farm at Hodgen- ville, Ky. September 4, 1916 . . . Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 19 16. 8 p. 23/2 cm. ([U. S.] 64th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 545) (M2284) E457.32.W72 copy 3 Presented by Mr. Fletcher. Ordered printed September 7, 1916. Cover title. Self-wrappers. 4581. WILLIAMS, KENNETH P. Lincoln finds a general ; a military study of the Civil War. With maps by Clark Ray. New York, Macmillan, 1949-1956. 4 v. ports., maps. 2iJ/2Cm. E470.W765 copy 4 First printing. Maps and facsimiles on end papers. Vols. 1 & 3 inscribed by the author to Alfred Whital Stern. Clipped copy of Roy P. Basler's review in The Saturday Review, Nov. 19, 1949, laid in. Bibliography: v. 2, p. 859-865. Vols. 1 & 2 in three-quarter-closed case. 4582. WILLIAMS, Mrs. M. E. Abraham Lin- coln, a spiritualist. Lecture . . . [n. p., n. d.] [16] p. 14 cm. (M1097) P Cover title. 4583. Another edition. 16 cm. (var. of M1097) P No advertising material at end. From different plates. 4584. WILLIAMS, SAMUEL C. The Lincolns and Tennessee. Johnson City, Tenn., Watauga Press, 1942. 33 p. illus., map. 26 cm. E457.32.W73 1942a copy 3 "Revised edition of articles appearing in Lincoln Herald, vol. XLIII, no. 3 and 4, 1941, and vol. XLIV, no. 1, 1942." "This de luxe edition is limited to 100 copies, of which this is number 66." Signed by the author. Issued by the Department of Lincolniana, Lincoln Me- morial University. Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 31-33)- Boards. Cloth back. 4585. WILLIAMS, T. HARRY. Lincoln and the radicals. [Madison] The University of Wiscon- sin Press [ c i94i] 6 p. 1., 3-413 p. illus., ports. 22/2 cm. E459.W5 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 3&7-394- 4586. WILLIAMS, T. HARRY. P. G T. Beauregard, Napoleon in gray. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press [1955, c i954] 4 p. 1., vii-xiii, 345 p. illus., ports., maps. 225/2 cm. (Southern biography series) E467.1.B38W5 1955a "Shiloh edition." "Autographed by the author for the members of the Civil War Book Club." 4587. WILLIAMS, TALCOTT. Lincoln the reader, [n. p., 1920] double folder ([3] p.) 26 cm. (M2492) P Caption title. "Reprinted from The Review of Reviews." 4588. WILLIAMS, THOMAS. Eulogy on the life and public services of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, delivered by public request, in Christ M. E. Church, Pittsburgh, Thurs- 427 day, June i, 1865. Pittsburgh, Printed by W. S. Haven, 1865. 36 p. 23 cm. (M819) E457.8.W727 copy 3 Cover and title page stamped : Rhode Island Historical Society. Printed wrappers. 4589. WILLIAMS, WAYNE C. A rail splitter for President. [Denver] University of Denver Press [195 1 ] x p., 2 1., 242 p. 225/2 cm. E457.4.W64 copy 3 Bibliography: p. 240-242. 4590. [WILLIAMSON, DAVID BRAINERD] Life and public services of Abraham Lincoln, six- teenth President of the United States; and Com- mander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States . . . Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson [1864] 1 p. 1., 17-187, 1 7, [2] p. 20 cm. (var. of M366) E457.W75 1864 copy 5 Nineteen pages of advertising following p. 187. Printed note on cover begins: To the editor. Ms. note on cover: "Ed. Times & courier with comp. of L. H. McBain . . ." Cream-colored printed wrappers. In green solander case. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4591. Another issue. 19 cm. (M366) E 457-W75 1864 copy 4 Differs only in not having printed note on cover. Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Olive-green cloth, with original wrappers bound in. 4592. Another edition. 1 p. 1., 17-203 p. port. 19 cm. (M367) E457.W75 1865a copy 2 Reissue, with additions, under title: The Life, and Martyrdom of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States; and Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States . . . Pages 17-180 from same plates. On spine: Life and public services of President Lincoln. New edition. Black cloth lettered in gilt on spine. Yellow endpapers. 4593. Another edition. [1865] 1 p. 1., 15-299, [1] p. illus., port. (M368) E457.W75 1865 copies 2, 3 & 4 Reissue, with additions, under title: Illustrated Life, Services, Martyrdom, and Funeral of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States. With a Por- trait of President Lincoln, and Other Illustrative Engrav- ings of the Scene of the Assassination, etc. . . . Pages 21-180 from same plates. Copy 3(19 cm.) bound in black cloth, with gilt letter- ing on spine and yellow endpapers. Copy 4 (20 cm. unopened), bound in white printed wrappers with por- trait of Lincoln on cover, is inserted in olive-green slip- case. Copy 2 (19/2 cm.), in wrappers identical to those of copy 4, has been rebound in red cloth. 4594. Another edition. New York, North Amer- ican Pub. Co., 1893. 1 p. 1., 15-328 p. port. 19 cm. (Atlantic series) (var. of M369) E457.W75 1893 Reissue of preceding edition, with additions, under title: Illustrated Life, Services, Martyrdom and Funeral of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States, with a Full Account of the Imposing Ceremonies at the National Capital, on February 12th, 1866, and the Hon. George Bancroft's Oration, Delivered on the Occa- sion Before both Houses of Congress . . . On spine: Life of Lincoln. Blue cloth. 4595- [WILLS, DAVID] The invitation to Gettysburg. Lime Rock, Conn., B. Wall, 1930. 5 p. 1., [i]~3 p., 2 1. illus., ports. 275/2 cm. (M3237) E475.55.W5 David Wills' letter inviting Lincoln to speak at Gettys- burg. "Copy no. 5 ... 100 copies [Signed] Bernhardt Wall [Etcher-Publisher]." Letter of transmittal from Wall to Alfred W. Stern laid in. Heavy paper covers, with cloth-reinforced spine. 4596. WILLSON, D. B. A life and a lesson. An address by Rev. Dr. D. B. Willson, Professor in Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Alle- gheny, Pa., at the opening of the session, 1893-4, September 19th, 1893. Pittsburgh, Printed by Myers, Shinkle & Co., 1893. 16 p. 24 cm. (M1135) P Cover title. 4597. WILSON, BLUFORD. Southern Illinois in the Civil War; address before the Illinois State Historical Society at a special meeting, April 14, 191 1. [Springfield, 111., Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers, 19 13] 13 p. 23 cm. E505.W7 "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Society for the year 191 1." Printed wrappers. 4598. WILSON, CLARENCE TRUE. Mat- thew Simpson, patriot, preacher, prophet. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, Methodist Book Con- cern [ c i92g] 133 p. port. 16/2 cm. BX8495.S55W5 copy 3 References to Lincoln in chapter entitled "Friend and adviser of Presidents and Cabinets" (p. 69-75). 428 4599- WILSON, FRANCIS. John Wilkes Booth; fact and fiction of Lincoln's assassination. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1929. xiv, [1], 321, [1] p. illus., ports., map, facsims. 22 cm. (M3155 var.) E457.5.W75 copy 5 Two of the portraits accompanied by guard sheets with descriptive letterpress. Yellow cloth. Paper labels on cover and spine. 4600. Another issue. 23 cm. (M3155 var.) E457-5-W75 copy 4 "Of this first edition three hundred copies have been bound with paper label and with the addition of a fac- simile of Lincoln's autograph." Facsimile and four portraits accompanied by guard sheets with descriptive letterpress. Tan cloth, with gilt top. Paper label on spine. 4601. WILSON, GEORGE W. A prophetic dream reported by Abraham Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth: father murderer. [n. p., 1940] [42]-6o p. 23 cm. P Cover title. "Reprinted from American Imago, June, 1940." 4602. WILSON, HENRY. Democratic leaders for disunion; speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Jan. 25, i860. [New York, i860] 15 p. 22 cm. (Tribune tracts, no. 2) E438.W742 copy 2 Caption title. Advertisement for the New York Tribune on verso of P- '5- Previously bound (?). Reinforced with paper strip. 4603. WILSON, JAMES GRANT. Washing- ton — Lincoln and Grant. [New York, 1903] 27 p. 2 fold, facsims. 23 cm. ([Order of the Founders and Patriots of America. New York Society. Publications, no. 4]) (M1428) E176.1.W77 copy 3 Address delivered before the New York Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, New York City, Apr. 6, 1903. An expansion of "Recollections of Lincoln" in Putnam's Monthly, Feb. -Mar., 1909. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 4604. WILSON, RUFUS ROCKWELL, ed. Intimate memories of Lincoln, assembled and an- notated by Rufus Rockwell Wilson. Elmira, N. Y., Primavera Press, 1945. 5 p. 1., 629 p. port. 23/2 cm. E457.15.W67 copy 3 "A companion volume to Lincoln Among his Friends." Limited edition of 750 copies. This is copy no. 237 and is signed by the author. 4605. WILSON, RUFUS ROCKWELL, ed. Lincoln among his friends, a sheaf of intimate memories, assembled and annotated by Rufus Rockwell Wilson. Caldwell, Idaho, Caxton Print- ers, 1942. 506 p. port. 23/2 cm. E457.15.W68 copy 3 4606. WILSON, RUFUS ROCKWELL. Lin- coln in caricature. [New York, G. A. Powers Print. Co.] 1903. 1 7,[i] p., 1 1. 32 numb, plates. 32/2 cm. (M1429) E457.63.W75 copy 3 "Illustrated with thirty-two plates." Printed for private distribution. Limited to less than 200 copies. Bookplate of Charles T. White. Brown half-morocco. Marbled sides and end papers. Spine lettered in gilt. Gilt top. 4607. Another edition. Elmira, N. Y., Prima- vera Press, 1945. xv, [5], 331 p. illus. 31 cm. (var. of M1429) E457.63.W752 copy 3 "165 poster cartoons and drawings for the press, as- sembled and described." From different plates. "Six hundred copies of this edition . . . have been printed. This is copy number 131 and is signed by Rufus Rockwell Wilson." Red cloth lettered in gilt on cover and spine. 4608. Another edition. Introduction by R. Ger- ald McMurtry. New York, Horizon Press, 1953. xix, [5], 327 p. 163 illus. 26 cm. (var. of M1429) E457.63.W752 1953 copy 3 Subtitle: A historical collection, with descriptive and biographical commentaries. A revision of the 1945 edition with some changes in text. From different plates. Bound in black cloth. Gold lettering on cover and spine. 4609. WILSON, RUFUS ROCKWELL. Lin- coln in portraiture. New York, Press of the Pio- neers, 1935. 317 p., 1 1. 62 ports. 24 cm. (M3500) E457.6.W55 copy 3 "Six hundred and fifty (650) copies have been printed, numbered and signed by the author . . . No. 157." 429 46 io. WILSON, RUFUS ROCKWELL. What Lincoln read. Washington, 1932. 3 p. 1., 9-95 p., 1 1. port, facsims. 23^2 cm. (M3362) E457.2.W748copy3 "Two hundred and fifty copies . . . printed ... at the printing house of the National Capital Press, incor- porated, Washington, D. C. . . . This is copy number 138 and is signed by Rufus Rockwell Wilson." "Books drawn from the Library of Congress by the Lincolns": p. 93-95. Boards. Cloth back. Medallion portrait of Lincoln in relief on cover. 461 1. WILSON, SAMUEL. Abraham Lincoln an apostle of temperance and prohibition; base slanders refuted by Samuel Wilson. [Westerville, Ohio, American Issue Pub. Co., 191-?] 14 p. facsims. 21 J/2 cm. (M2539) E457.2.W75 copy 3 Caption title. Page [1] inscribed: "Chas. T. White." Self-wrappers. 4612. WILSON, WILLIAM. The man for the hour: a sermon, preached in the Church of the Covenanters in the city of Cincinnati, on the eve- ning of January twenty-second, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three . . . Cincinnati, Printed by Frankland & Tidball, 1863. 44 p. 21/2 cm. (M264) E458.3.W74 Relates to Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation. Previously bound. In black quarter-morocco slipcase. 4613. WILSON, WILLIAM BENDER. Abra- ham Lincoln as I knew him. [n. p., 1909] [8] p. 24/2 cm. (M1899) E457.15.W7 and P Cover and caption title. "An address at King Library, Andalusia, February 12, 1909-" Classified copy. Inscribed by the author. 4614. WILSON, WILLIAM BENDER. A few acts and actors in the tragedy of the Civil War in the United States. Philadelphia, By the Author, 1892. 1 14 p. 20 cm. E468.9.W75 copy 3 "Abraham Lincoln" : p. 130— 114. Inscribed presentation copy, dated May 16, 1892. Red three-quarter-morocco. 4615. WILSON, WILLIAM BENDER. A glimpse of the United States Military Telegraph Corps, and of Abraham Lincoln. By William B. Wilson. Holmesburg, Philadelphia [Harrisburg, Meyers Print, and Pub. House] 1889. 20 p. 23 cm. (M1059) E608.W75 copy 2 "Read before the United Service Club of Phila- delphia . . . January 16, 1889." Green three-quarter-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 4616. WILSON, WILLIAM E. Abe Lincoln of Pigeon Creek, a novel. New York, London, To- ronto, Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill [1949] ix, 288 p. 21 cm. PS3545.I6428.A64 "Selected bibliography": p. 286-288. 4617. WILSON, WILLIAM T. The death cf President Lincoln. A sermon preached in St. Peter's Church, Albany, N. Y., on Wednesday, April 19, 1865. Albany, Weed, Parsons, Printers, 1865. 25 p. 22/2 cm. (M821) E457.8.W75 copy 3 Red half-morocco, with original glazed printed wrap- pers bound in. 4618. WILSON, WOODROW, Pres. U. S. Ad- dress . . . accepting the Lincoln homestead at Hodgenville, Kentucky, presented to the Govern- ment by the Lincoln Farm Association, September 4, 1 9 16. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 19 16. 5 p. 23 cm. ([U. S.] 64th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 546) (M2286) E457.32.W75 copy 3 Cover title. Presented by Mr. Fletcher. Ordered printed Septem- ber 7, 1916. With running title. 4619. Another issue. 23 J/2 cm. (M2285) E457.32.W76 copy 3 Cover title. Issued without document series note, under title: Address of President Wilson on the Occasion of the Ac- ceptance, by the War Department, of a Deed of Gift to the Nation, by the Lincoln Farm Association, of the Lin- coln Birthplace Farm at Hodgenville, Ky., September 4, 1916. Without running title. Page 5 autographed by the author. 4620. WILSON, WOODROW. Address . . . before the Iroquois Club, Chicago, 111. Lincoln's birthday, February 12, 191 2, at the Hotel La Salle. [New York, 191 2] [1 1] p. 23 cm. JK2317.1912.W52 X copy Cover title. Self-wrappers. 430 46a i. WINCHESTER, MOLLIE C. Oft-told tales of Lincoln. Drawings by Marguerite M. Jones. Chicago, A. Whitman [193 1] 190 p., 1 1. port., illus. (part col.) 21 cm. ["J ust right book"] (M3065 var.) E457.15.W73 copy 3 "Second edition." 4622. WINDLE, C. PLINY. Lincoln and the know nothings. [Chicago, Iconoclast Publishing Co., n. d.] double folder ([5] p.) 22 cm. (M3066) P Cover title. "Reprinted from Truth and Light." 4623. WINES, FREDERICK HOWARD. The greatness of Abraham Lincoln: an address deliv- ered at the Lincoln monument on Decoration day, May 30, 1905. Springfield, 111., 1905. 25 p. 24 cm. (M1481) E457.8.W77 copy 4 At head of title : Forty years after. Printed wrappers. 4624. WING, HENRY E. A pen picture of Lincoln. [19 16] [9] 1. port. 22 cm. E457.15.W75 Manuscript. Includes author's holograph letter to Charles T. White and mounted clipping "A pen picture of Lincoln" from the Christian Advocate, Apr. 6, 19 16. Letter from W. I. Butler to Mr. White, relative to the death of H. E. Wing, laid in. Bound in red half-morocco. 4625. WING, HENRY E. When Lincoln kissed me; a story of the Wilderness campaign. New York, Cincinnati, The Abingdon Press [19 14] 39 p. illus., ports. 17^ cm. (M2ii8var.) E457.15.W76 1914 copy 1 & X copy "Reprinted October, 19 14." First published under imprint: New York, Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati, Jennings & Graham [ c 1 9 1 3] X copy inscribed to Charles B. [sic] White. Also au- thor's holograph letter to the editor of the Herald & Tribune (New York) laid in. Heavy dark blue wrappers, with lettering and medal- lion portrait of Lincoln gilt-stamped in relief on cover. 4626. Another issue. (M2118 var.) P "Reprinted December, 192 1." Copyright page reset. Light blue wrappers, with simulated black label on cover. 4627. Wisconsin. State Historical Society. Pro- ceedings of the Society at its sixty-fourth annual meeting held October 19, 19 16. Madison, 191 7. 363 p. illus., ports., facsims. 25 cm. F576.W75 3d set, 1916 Series title at head of title page, also half-title: Pub- lications of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. "President Lincoln as War Statesman," by A. L. Con- ger: p. 106-140. (Issued also by the Society as its Separate no. 172.) 4628. Wisconsin memorial day annual. 1909. Madison, Wis., Democrat Print. Co. 100 p. illus., music. 23 cm. (M1854) E642.W81 1909 "Lincoln Centennial number . . . compiled by O. S. Rice." Issued by the State Superintendent of Education, as an aid for the proper observance of Memorial Day by the schools of Wisconsin. Illustrated printed wrappers. In Gaylord binder. 4629. Wisconsin State Agricultural Society. Transactions, v. 5; 1858-59. Madison, Wis., Car- penter & Hyer, Printers, i860. 555 p., 1 1. illus. 23 cm. Si 29. A3 2d set, v. 5 "Annual address by Hon. Abram [sic] Lincoln, of Illi- nois, delivered at Milwaukee, Sept. 30, 1859": p. 287- 299. (Published in a limited edition of 300 copies in 1943 under title: Lincoln on Agriculture; Address, Wis- consin State Agricultural Society, State Fair, Milwaukee, September 30, 1839. [Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin] Historical bulletin no. 1. 15 p.) See also item 34. In brown solander case. 4630. Wisdom; the magazine of knowledge for all America, v. 1, May 1956. Beverly Hills, Calif., Wisdom Magazine, Inc. AP2.W69 v. 1 X copy "Death of Lincoln," by John G. Nicolay: p. 28-[29]. "From the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln": p. 30-31. 4631. WISE, BOYD A. Lincoln in drama, [n. P-> 1939] W P- P ort - 25/2 cm. (M3729) P "Reprinted from The Lincoln Herald Volume XLII October, 1939 No. 1." Caption title. 4632. WISE, STEPHEN S. Abraham Lincoln: man and American. New York, Block Pub. Co., 1915. 18/2 cm. 23-40 p. (Free synagogue pul- pit, v. 3, no. 2; Feb. 1915) (M2217) E457.8.W8 copy 3 Cover title. 431 4633- WISHART, ALFRED WESLEY. "Lin- coln as a man of God" ; sermon . . . delivered at Powers' Theatre, Sunday, February 13, 1921. [Grand Rapids, Mich., Dean-Hicks Co., Printers, 1921] 19 p. 19/2 cm. (M2541) P Cover title. "Stenographically reported." Self-wrappers. 4634. WITT, PETER. Abraham Lincoln, the man of sorrow. Published in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg. [Cleveland] The Standard Oil Co. (Ohio) ['1938] 15 p. 18 cm. (M3364) E457.8.W83 copy 4 Cover title. "Originally delivered at the City Club of Cleveland and over Station WHK, February 12, 1932, and repeated each year since, with coast-to-coast hookup in 1937 and 1938."— p. [1]. Text of Gettysburg Address on p. [3] of cover. Cream-colored wrappers, imprinted in blue. 4635. Another edition. [Cleveland, The William Feather Co., 1942] 22 p. 17/2 cm. (var. of M3364) E457.8.W836 copy 3 Cover title. "Originally delivered before the members of the City Club of Cleveland and broadcast nationally through the facilities of station WHK on February 12, 1932." From different plates, revised and enlarged. Yellow wrappers, imprinted in black. 4636. WOLDMAN, ALBERT A. Lawyer Lin- coln. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1936. viii p., 1 1., 347 p. illus., ports., facsims. 21/2 cm. (M3547) E457.2.W85 copy 3 4637. WOLDMAN, ALBERT A. Lincoln and the Russians. Cleveland, New York, World Pub. Co. [1952] 311 p. 22 cm. E469.W6 copy 3 "First edition." Bibliography: p. 299-304. 4638. WOLF, SIMON. The Presidents I have known from 1860-19 18. Washington, Press of B. S. Adams [ c 1 9 1 8] 6 p. 1., 459 p. illus. ,ports., facsims. 23 cm. E176. 1.W85 copy 5 Published in 1916 and 1917 in the American Hebrew (New York) under the title "Presidents I have known." Cf. Author's pref. Autographed by the author and dated Oct. 3, 1918. "Abraham Lincoln": p. [4]-49- 4639. [WOLFORD, FRANK] The case of Colonel Wolford. Another instance of executive usurpation. Mr. Lincoln's action in the matter, arbitrary arrest and proffer of an abolition parole. Col. Wolford's indignant refusal to bargain for his liberty and his rights! Protest of a loyal Ken- tuckian. The abolition war policy of Mr. Lincoln shown up in its true light, [n. p., 1864?] 4 p. 27/2 cm. (M370) P Caption title. Includes letter of Col. Frank Wolford, dated July 30, 1864, to Lincoln. 4640. Woman's Christian Temperance Union. He watched Lincoln write his name; or, The boy who saw Abraham Lincoln. [Evanston, 111., Na- tional W. C. T. U. Publishing House, 1927?] 4 p. 15 cm. (M2930) P Caption title. 4641. Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Words of Abraham Lincoln. [Evanston, 111., Na- tional W. C. T. U. Publishing House, n. d.] folder ([2] p.) 16 cm. (M1901) P (2 copies) Caption title. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4642. Woman's Club of Elizabethtown, Ky. Historical Committee. Sarah Bush Lincoln, the beloved foster mother of Abraham Lincoln; a me- morial. Elizabethtown, Ky., Elizabethtown Wom- an's Club [1922] [8] p. 1 illus., fold, facsim. 24 cm. (M2602 & M261 1 ) E457.32.W87 copy 2 Cover title. Printed wrappers, bound with cord. 4643. [WOOD, JARVIS A.] A. L. [Philadel- phia, Press of N. W. Ayer & Son, 1909] 3 i,[i] p. illus., ports., facsims. 26 cm. (M1900) P Cover title. Letter from Jfarvis] A. W[ood, the author] to Charles T. White, laid in. Illustrated wrappers. 4644. WOOD, JOHN. Message of the Gover- nor of Illinois to the twenty-second general assem- bly, convened January 7, 1861. Springfield, Bailhache & Baker, 1861. up. 22 cm. J87.I32 Cover title. 4645. WOOD, WILLIAM N. Reminiscences of Big I; by Lieut. William Nathaniel Wood, Monti- 432 cello guard, Company "A," 19th Virginia Regiment Confederate States of America. Edited by Bell Irvin Wiley. Jackson, Tenn., McCowat-Mercer Press, 1956. xxiv, 138 p. illus., ports. 24 cm. E605.W89 copy 3 "Rebel Shavetail edition, autographed by the editor for the members of the Civil War Book Club." Civil War recollections originally published in the Charlottesville Progress, Apr-Dec, 1895; thereafter pri- vately printed in 1909 in an edition of 200 copies. Cf. p. xxiii. 4646. WOODBURN, JAMES A. Promotion of historical study in America following the Civil War. [n. p., 1922] 439-459 p. 26 cm. E175.1.W56 Cover title. "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for 1922." 4647. WOODBURN, JAMES S. The electoral crisis. An address delivered in the United Presby- terian Church, Gettysburg, Pa., Tuesday, October 25, 1864. Gettysburg, H. C. Neinstedt, Printer, 1864. 24 p. 23 cm. E458.4.W88 copy 2 Letter of Abraham Lincoln, dated July 18, 1864: p. 13. Printed wrappers. 4648. WOODBURY, AUGUSTUS. A sketch of the character of Abraham Lincoln: a discourse preached in the Westminster Church, Providence, R. I., Thursday, June 1, 1865. Providence, S. S. Rider and Bro., 1865. 28 p. 20 cm. (M826) E457.8.W88 copy 3 Cover and title page printed in black. On verso of title page: "Knowles, Anthony & Co., Printers." Signature marks I*, 2, 2*, 3 at foot of pages 5, 13, 17, 25 respectively. Holograph letter of transmittal from the author to Charles H. Hart bound in. Green half-morocco, with original lavender-colored printed wrappers bound in. 4649. Another issue. 29/2 cm. (M826 var.) E457.8.W88 copy 4 Cover and title page printed in red and black. From same plates but with some resetting of type, e. g. cover reset, publisher's device substituted for printer statement on verso of title page, and signature marks 2, 3, 4 appearing on pages 5, 13, and 21 respectively (no marks on p. 1 7, 25) . Ms. note on verso of title page: "25 copies printed, Sidney S. Rider & Bro." Pink printed wrappers. Unopened. In red quarter- morocco slipcase. 4650. WOODBURY, AUGUSTUS. The Son of God calleth the dead to life. A sermon sug- gested by the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, preached in the Westminster Church, Providence, R. I., Sunday, April 16, 1865. Providence, S. S. Rider and Bro., 1865. 27 p. 19/2 cm. (M827) E457.8.W883 copy 2 Holograph letter of transmittal from the author to Charles H. Hart bound in. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 4651. Woodford County Historical Society. Dedication of court scene of Lincoln's time in the Lincoln Memorial Court House, Metamora, Illi- nois, Tuesday, June 28, 1932; by the Woodford County Historical Society and State Department of Public Works and Buildings. [Metamora, 111., Printed by the Metamora Herald, 1932] [44] p. 1 illus., ports. 23 l /i cm. (M3313) E 457-35- W6 7 co Py 2 Printed wrappers. 4652. WOODMAN, HANNAH REA. Captain Lincoln's way, an Indian play for boys, by Rea Woodman. Wichita, Kan., The Woodman Plays Co. [ c i928] 8 p. 17/2 cm. (M3067) PN6120.A5W562 copy 2 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 4653. WOODS, BYRON A. Abraham Lincoln; a sermon delivered before Winfield Scott Post, No. 1 14, Department of Pennsylvania, Grand Army of the Republic, ... at Gethsamene [sic] Baptist Church, Philadelphia, May 26, 1895. [n. p., 1895?] 10 p. 21 cm. (Mi 180) E457.8.W887 Cover title. Portrait of Scott on cover. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (item 3504, no. 3). 4654. WOODS, ROBERT MANN. Address be- fore the Annual Meeting of the Illinois Society of Los Angeles, California. Abraham Lincoln's Birth- day, February 12, 19 13. [n. p., 1913?] 8 p. 23/2 cm. (M2119) P Cover title. Enclosed is a holograph letter from the author to Al- bert H. Griffith, dated April 3, 1 9 1 5. 4655. WOODS, RUFUS. The weirdest story in American history; the escape of John Wilkes Booth. 433 [Wenatchee, Wash., 1944] 32 p. illus., ports. 30/2 cm. E457.5.W8 copy 3 Cover title. Self-wrappers. 4656. WOODWARD, WILLIAM E. Years of madness. New York, Putnam [1951] viii, 311 p. 22 cm. E468.W87 copy 3 A reappraisal of the Civil War. 4657. WOOLSEY, M. B. Illinois and Lincoln. Historical sketches and pictures of Illinois capitols, public buildings, Lincoln in Springfield, governors of Illinois, [n. p., 19 — ] 104 p. illus., ports. 16 x 23/2 cm. (M2823) P Printed wrappers. 4658. Worcester, Mass. Citizens. Public exer- cises by the citizens of Worcester, Massachusetts, in commemoration of the one-hundredth anniver- sary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, held in Mechanics Hall, Friday evening, February twelfth, nineteen hundred and nine. Printed by order of the City council. Worcester, Mass., 1909. 37 p., 1 1. port. 23 cm. (M1848) E457.7.W92 copy 2 Printed wrappers. 4659. WORDSWORTH, R. D., comp. "Abe" Lincoln's anecdotes and stories; a collection of the best stories told by Lincoln, which made him fa- mous as America's best story teller. Boston, Mass., The Mutual Book Co. [1908] 96 p. 17/2 cm. (M1643) E457.99.W92 copy 2 & X copy Medallion portrait of Lincoln against a background of colored U. S. flags, on cover. Copy 2 bound in light blue cloth, imprinted in black. X copy bound in white wrap- pers, imprinted in red and blue. 4660. A Workingman's reasons for the re-election of Abraham Lincoln. [Philadelphia? 1864] 8 p. 21^2 cm. (M371) E458.4.W92 copy 2 Caption title ( ? ) . Self-wrappers ( ?). Bound in green three-quarter- morocco. 4661. WORTH, JACK W. "Honest Abe"; epi- sodes in the life of Abraham Lincoln. [Petersburg, 111., Printed by the Petersburg Observer, c i936] 28 p. illus. 2 1 J/2 cm. (M3548) E457-!5- w 79 copy 3 Cover title. "First printing, June 20th, 1936." 4662. WORTHINGTON, GEORGE F. A plea for horse claims; or, Shall officers of the Army re- ceive the compensation for their lost horses to which they are entitled by law? By G. F. Worthington. [Washington, 1862] 17 p. 22 cm. E480.W92 Caption title. A letter to the President of the United States, dated December 1862, criticizing the administration of the law by the auditor, Mr. Atkinson. Previously bound. 4663. WORTMAN, DENIS. A discourse on the death of President Lincoln, delivered in the First Reformed Dutch Church, of Schenectady, N. Y. By Rev. Denis Wortman, Pastor elect, Sab- bath evening, April 16, 1865. Albany, Weed, Parsons, Printers, 1865. 22 p. 22/2 cm. (M829) E457.8.W93 copy 2 Red half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 4664. WRIGHT, ALLEN HENRY. "A. Linkin's proclamashin." Story of burlesque document put out by Seba Smith, humorist, in 1864. San Diego, Calif., 1927. [3] p. 20/2 cm. (M2985) E457.63.W9 copies 2 & 3 "An edition of 100 copies." These are nos. 8 and 10. Copy 2 inscribed by the author to John W. Starr, Jr. Copy 3 autographed. Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4665. WRIGHT, ALLEN HENRY. One year— a retrospect. Review of the first twelve months of the administration of President Abraham Lin- coln . . . (Compiled and edited by Allen H. Wright, San Diego, Cal., 1925) [San Diego, 1925] [4] p. 21 cm. (M2825) E457.W92 copy 2 "This edition is limited to 100 copies, of which this is no. 20." "Reprint of an editorial in the San Francisco (Cal.) Herald and Mirror, March 4, 1862." (By Charles A. Summer. Cf. p. [4]). Printed wrappers. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4666. WRIGHT, ANNA M. R. The dramatic life of Abraham Lincoln, by A. M. R. Wright. Illustrated with scenes from the photoplay, A first national picture, presented by Al. [sic] and Ray Rockett. New York, Grosset & Dunlap [ c i925] xii, 422 p. illus., port. 19/2 cm. (M2826) E457W94 copy 3 Foreword signed A. L. Rockett. 4667. WRIGHT, CARRIE DOUGLAS. Lin- coln's first love; a true story. Chicago, A. C. Mc- 434 Clurg, 1 90 1. 2 p. I., 9— 5i,[i] p. illus. 17 cm. (M1365) E457.35.W94 copy 3 Blue-gray cloth lettered in gilt and white; with red ornamental borders and gilt edges. 4668. Another edition. Springfield, 111., E. F. Hartman Co. [1920, c igo7] 47 p. port. 18 cm. (M1365 var.) E457.35.W94 1920 "Second edition, 1920." Gray boards lettered in black. 4669. WRIGHT, CARRIE DOUGLAS. "Me an' Abe," a narrative poem of Abraham Lincoln's New Salem days. Chicago [ c i93o] 8 p. 1., [2i]~47 p. illus., port. 19 cm. (M3240) E457-9-W93 copy 3 "Printed by Robert A. Williams, Inc., Evansville, Ind." Autographed by the author. Illustrated boards. 4670. WRIGHT, JOHN S. Citizenship sover- eignty, by J. S. Wright, assisted by Prof. J. Holmes Agnew. Chicago, Published for American Citi- zens, 1863. viii, 208 p. 22/2 cm. JK320.W82 copy 5 Cover title dated 1864. Reissue, preceded by author's announcement and "opinions of competent judges," 12 p. Inscribed by the author to Hon. E. B. Washburn[e] M. C. Quotes from Lincoln's speech of June 12, 1848, on the right of revolution (p. 143). Refers also to Lincoln's "usurpation of powers" (p. 53). Bookplate of George P. Hambrecht. Green half-morocco, with original printed wrappers bound in. 4671. WRIGHT, MARCUS J., comp. General officers of the Confederate army, officers of the executive departments of the Confederate States, members of the Confederate congress by states. New York, The Neale Pub. Co., 191 1. 188 p. 19 cm. £467^94 copy 3 4672. WRIGHT-DAVIS, MARY, comp. The book of Lincoln. New York, George H. Doran [ Cl 9 r 9] 399 P- illus., ports., fold, geneal. tab. 21/2 cm. (M2431) E457.9.W95 copy 3 Contents. — The Lincoln genealogy. — Chronology of the life of Lincoln — Lincoln papers. — Abraham Lincoln's place in history. — Lincoln in verse. — Bibliography (p. 375-386). End paper inscribed: "Chas. T. White 1919." Embossed portrait of Lincoln on cover. 4673. Yale University library gazette, v. 19, Oct. 1944. New Haven, Conn., Yale University Li- brary. Z733Y17G X copy "The Jackson collection of Lincolniana," by David M. Potter: p. 22-28. 4674. [YAMAGATA, FUMIO] Rinkorun ichi- daiki [Biography of Lincoln] Tokyo, Naigai Shup- pan Kyokai [1909] 1 p. 1., 7, 238 p., 2 L, 16 p. illus., ports, facsim. 19 J/2 cm. (M3876) U At head of title: Rinkorun hyakunen-sai kinen [In commemoration of Lincoln's centennial!. Colophon and 19 pages of advertising matter following p. 238. 4675. Yankee drolleries. The most celebrated works of the best American humourists, with intro- ductions by George Augustus Sala. London, G. Routledge [1874] 1 v. (various pagings) 19 J/2 cm. PN6161.Y23 [First series.] Contents. — Artemus Ward: his book. — Major Jack Downing. — The Nasby papers. — The Orpheus C. Kerr papers. — The Biglow papers. 4676. YARD, ROBERT B. The providential significance of the death of Abraham Lincoln: a discourse delivered in the Central M. E. Church, Newark, N. J., on the day of national humiliation, June 1st, 1865. Newark, N. J., H. Harris [1865] 23 p. 23 cm. (M831) E457.8.Y27 copy 2 "Published by request of the audience." Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 16). Printed wrappers. 4677. YATES, RICHARD. "Lincoln," speech in the House of Representatives, February 12, 1921. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1921. i5,[i] p. facsim. 24 cm. (M2542) E457.8.Y3 copy 2 & X copy Caption title. Facsimile of letter from A. Lincoln to Hon. R. Yates, dated Springfield, Sept. 30, 1857: [1] p. at end. Reprinted in Rare Lincolniana (Item 3504, no. 20). Self-wrappers. 4678. YATES, RICHARD. Richard Yates, War Governor of Illinois. By his son, Richard Yates, Congressman-at-large, Illinois. [Springfield, Phil- ips Bros., Print, 1924] 37 p. illus., port. 23 cm. F 545- Y 335 co Py 2 "Address at the dedication of the statue of Richard Yates on the Illinois State Capitol grounds, Springfield, October sixteenth, nineteen hundred twenty-three." Printed wrappers. 435 4679- YATES, RICHARD. Ulysses S. Grant, address at the unveiling of tablet to Ulysses S. Grant on walnut tree, Riddle Hill, Illinois, July i, 1927. [n. p., 1927] 23 p. illus., ports. 28 cm. E672.Y36 "Reprinted from the Journal of the Illinois State His- torical Society, volume 20, number 2, July, 1927." Printed wrappers. 4680. YEAMAN, GEORGE H. Speech ... on the President's proclamation, delivered in the House of Representatives, December 18th, 1862. Balti- more, Printed by J. Murphey, 1863. 30 p. 23 cm. (Mi 66) E453.Y38 copy 2 Dark brown half-leather, with original printed wrap- pers bound in. 4681. YEATON, CLYDE ELIZABETH. Boy of the backwoods. Illustrated by Gladys Michell. Chicago, Dallas, etc., Lyons and Carnahan, 1942. 45, [2] p. col. illus. 20 cm. E457.905.Y4 copy 2 Juvenile Actionized biography of Lincoln. Illustrated printed wrappers. 4682. YOSHINO, GENZABURO. Jinrui no shimpo ni tsukushita hito, Rinkan-den. [Men who have worked for human progress; the biography of Lincoln] [Tokyo] Shincho Sha [1949] 1 p. 1., 202 p., 1 1. illus., port., chart. 21/2 cm. (Nihon shokokumin bunko, 6 [Japan junior citizens' library [no.] 6]) U Boards, illustrated in color. 4683. The Young Republican, v. 2, Feb. 1932. Washington, Young Republican Pub. Co. P "Abraham Lincoln — an editorial": p. I. "A Repub- lican tribute to Abraham Lincoln," by R. L. Wilbur: p. 2, 10. 4684. [Young's Art Galleries, Chicago]. Exhibi- tion of the portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Painted from life by Jesse Atwood . . . Chicago, Illinois . . . 1916. [Chicago? 1916?] 8 p. 23 cm. (M2287) P Cover title. Letter from J. W. Young to Albert H. Griffith laid in. 4685. ZANE, JOHN MAXCY. Lincoln, the constitutional lawyer. Chicago, Printed for the Caxton Club, 1932. 92 p., 1 1. 25 cm. (M3365 var.) E457.4.Z28 copy 3 "An address delivered at Springfield, Illinois, on Febru- ary 12, 1932, before the Lincoln Centennial Association." "Three hundred copies . . . printed." Ms. note on fly leaf: "inscribed to Mr. Alfred W. Stern, with the compliments of Mr. Henry M. Wolf, by John Maxcy Zane, the author, Chicago, December twenty fifth, '932" Boards, cloth back. In black three-quarter-closed case. 4686. ZINK, WALTER M. The qualities cf Washington; Lincoln and humanity. [Buffalo] Buffalo Consistory, 19 16. 56 p., 1 1. 1 illus., 2 ports. 17/2 cm. (M2288) E312.65.Z68 copy 2 "A dramatic poem" and "A morality play." Inscribed: "Chas. T. White 19 19." Printed wrappers. 4687. Zion's herald, v. 115, Feb. 10, 1937; v. 119, Feb. 5, 1 94 1. Boston, Boston Wesleyan Assn. BX8201.Z6 v. 115, v. 119 X copy "Sidelights on Abraham Lincoln," by F. D. Blakesbee, with autograph signature: v. 115, p. 174, 184. "A line on Lincoln ; sentence appraisals by members of the Boston Lincoln Group"; "Democracy? Look at Lincoln"; "Lincoln and Boston"; "Lincoln links us with England," by W. L. Stidger: v. 119, p. 125, 138; 127-128; 128: 130-131. 4688. ZORNOW, WILLIAM FRANK. Lin- coln & the party divided. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press [1954] xi, 264 p. 4 ports. 22/2 cm. E458.4.Z6 copy 3 "First edition." Bibliography: p. 223-247. The portraits of Lincoln are from photographs in the Meserve Collection. 4689. ZWART, AART CORNELIS de. Hoe de zoon van den pionier President werd, door A. C. de Zwart. Amsterdam, Hoveker & Zoon [1883] 174 p., 1 1. port. 19/2 cm. (M3843) E457.Z98 Page 2 begins: ieder zich daar. Red cloth, with black borders on cover and gold letter- ing on cover and spine. 4690. Another edition. Amsterdam, Pretoria, Hoveker & Wormser [n. d.] 2 p. 1., 174 p., 1 1. 19 cm. (M3843var.) E457.Z97 copies 2, 3 & 4 "Tweede druk." Subtitled: De levensgeschiedenis van Abraham Lincoln aan jongelieden verhaald. Differs in arrangement of type, p. 2 beginning: en toen ieder. Copies 2 & 3 bound in olive-green cloth ; with gilt let- tering on cover, black on spine. Copy 4 (195/2 cm.) in illustrated printed wrappers. 436 Broadsides IN ORDER OF DATE 4691. Cotillion party. E. Pluribus Unura. The pleasure of your Company is respectfully solicited at a Cotillion Party, to be given at the "American House," on to-morrow evening at 7 o'clock, P. M. December 16th, 1839. N. H. Ridgely . . . S. A. Douglass [sic] ... A. Lincoln, Managers. [Spring- field, 111.? 1839] 2 1. (1 p.) 19.8 x 12.5 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 1 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4692. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. National poli- tics, a speech delivered at the Cooper Institute last evening, by Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois. 1 1. 56 x 41.5 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 4 The New York Daily Tribune for Tuesday, Feb. 28, i860, p. 6. Also published separately as Tribune Tract no. 4. 4695. Lincoln, Hamlin, and Curtin! Lincoln & Hamlin. The friends of Lincoln, Hamlin and Cur- tin, Will meet at Howellville, Tredyffrin Tp., on Thursday evening, 30th of August, i860, for the purpose of forming a Lincoln & Hamlin Club. To be addressed by H. W. Carruthers, Esq., & Capt. James Givin. August 14, i860. West Chester, Pa., Village Record Shop, i860. 1 1. 60.8 x 47.7 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 7 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4696. Lincoln, Hamlin and Curtin! The People's Club of West Fallowfield will hold a meeting in Cochranville, on Wednesday evening, October 30 ... By order of the Committee. September 25, i860, [n. p.] i860. 1 1. 5 1.4x36.2 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 6 4693. Young Men's Republican Union, New York. Young Men's Republican Union, No. 659 Broadway [list of officers]. The Young Men's Re- publican Union, organized in 1856 as the Young Men's Fremont and Dayton Central Union . . . in- vite the attention of all to the following brief sum- mary of facts: The Presidential campaign of i860 is now opening . . . New York, April 23d, i860. New York, i860. 1 1. 25.1 x 29.1 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 5 4697. Charleston Mercury, Charleston, S. C. Charleston Mercury Extra : Passed unanimously at 1. 15 o'clock, P. M. December 20th, i860. An ordi- nance to dissolve the Union between the State of South Carolina and other States united with her under the compact titled "The Constitution of the United States of America." . . . The Union is dis- solved! [Charleston, S. O, i860] 1 1. 60 x 30.9 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 7a From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4694. GEORGE, JOHN H. Letter from Col. George. Concord. N. H., Aug. 6, i860 [to] William Butterfield, Esq., Editor N. H. Patriot, [n. p., i860?] 1 1. 34.5 x 24.9 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 5 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4698. "Dick, hold fast, and see the Salvation of God." [n. p., i860?] 1 1. 19.1x10 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 16 Specimen ballot issued for the 2 2d District of Massa- chusetts (Republican). 492745—60- -29 437 4699. Lincoln & Hamlin. Ward 5 . . . Repub- lican ticket. Boston, Wright & Potter, Printers [i860] 1 1. 30 x 12.2 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 27 Election poster. 4700. Great Western Railroad. Time card for a special train, Monday, Feb. 11, 1861, with His Ex- cellency, Abraham Lincoln, President Elect, [n. p., 1861] 1 1. 24.8 x 17.8 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 23 4701. Special train. Sir, you are respect- fully invited to participate in the courtesies ex- tended to Hon. Abraham Lincoln, President elect by the Rail Road Company, from to on Feby., 1861. New York, American Bank Note Co., Printer [186 1] 1 1. 7.8 x 12.5 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 20 Blank pass filled out for Hon. O. H. Browning, on "several" railroads, between Springfield and Washing- ton. Signed by W. S. Wood. 4702. The Corrector, Sag Harbor, N. Y. V. 39, no. 40 ( whole no. 3 1 48 ) ; Monday, March 4, 1 86 1 . 1 1. 43.3 x 30.5 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 15 An "extra." Contains Lincoln's first inaugural address. 4703. Champion, Atchison, Kansas. Cham- pion. — Extra. Inaugural address of President Lincoln. [Atchison, Kan., 1861] 1 1. 49 x 31.5 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 16 Pencilled notation: "Atchison, Kansas, March 5, 1861." 4704. The Marietta Intelligencer, Marietta, Ohio. The Marietta Intelligencer — Extra. Mon- day evening . . . April 29, 1861. [Marietta, Ohio] 1 86 1. 2 1. 23 x15 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 29 Contents. — 1. 6 P. M. . . . Important dispatches from the south and east. — 2. 8 P. M. . . . President's Proclamation. 4705. Washington Clay Guards Armory. . . . By authority vested in me as Major of the Wash- ington Clay Battalion, I, David Webb, now com- manding, do certify that a Member of said Battalion, served his country in defence of the National Capital ... I also, by virtue of said authority, do hereby honorably discharge the said from the service of the United States. Given under my hand at Washington City, this day of May, 1861. David Webb [signed] Major Commanding. F. G. Littlejohn [signed] Adjutant. 1 1. 43.2 x 29.6 cm. (in wooden frame) Broadside v. 1, no. 9 Blank form for discharge filled out in ms. for D. W. C. Clark on May 4, 1861. This is preceded, in printed form, by a letter from Major James W. Nye to the Sec- retary of War, Simon Cameron, requesting disbandment, and the reply from Cameron, concurred in by Lincoln, granting the request. From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4706. The Star, Washington, D. C. The Star- Extra. Friday, May 24, 1861— 1 1 a. m. The war begun in earnest. A midnight march. Movement upon Alexandria and the Virginia Heights. Bru- tal assassination of Col. Ellsworth in Alexandria. A swift and terrible retribution. [Washington] 1861. 1 1. 27.7 x 19.8 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 10 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4707. An Appeal for peace. Sent to Lieut. Gen. Scott, July 4, 1 86 1. [n. p., 1861 ?] 1 1., 24.2 x 20.3 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. n Signed: Women of Maryland. From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4708. Merchants' Bank, Trenton, N. J. [A dollar bill, no. 1 145, Nov. 20th, 1861, issued by the Mer- chants' Bank of Trenton, N. J.] 7.6 x 18.2 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 9 Picture of Lincoln in lower left-hand corner. The earliest dated bill to portray Lincoln. 4709. Epitaph. Here lie the mutilated and disjointed remains of the noblest form of govern- ment . . . the United States of America . . . tears and lamentations of fraternal strife, [n. p., 1 86 1?] 1 1. 57 x26 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 12 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4710. Who is responsible for the war? Who ac- countable for its horrors and desolations? [n. p., 1861 ?] 1 1. 29.7 x 23.4 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 8 Contents. — 1. Extracts from a speech by Alexander H. Stephens (now Vice-President of the Confederate States), delivered in the Secession Convention of Georgia, on the 31st day of January, 1861. — 2. Who commenced the war? . . . catalogue of "remarkable events," pub- lished in the Southern Almanac. 438 471 1. U. S. War Dept. General Order No. 5. Head-Quarters, Camp Kelley, Jan. 16th, 1862. [n. p.] 1862. 1 1. 41.6 x 30.2 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 13 Signed: Brig. Gen. [Frederick William] Lander. From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4712. U. S. Army. Proclamation. Headquar- ters Department of the Gulf. New Orleans, May 1, 1862 . . . By command of Geo. G. Strong, A. A. Gen., Chief of Staff. New Orleans, 1862. 1 1. 58.7 x 22.4 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 16 Signed: Major General Butler. Proclaims martial law in New Orleans. From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4713. New York {City) Convention of Commit- tees. Meeting of Loyal Citizens. New York, July nth, 1862. New York, 1862. folder (1 p.) 25.2 x 20 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 19 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4714. The Daily Mississippian, Jackson, Miss. Mississippian Extra. Mississippian office, Aug. 8- 9 A.M. [Jackson, Miss., 1862] 1 1. 23.6 x 16.7 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 17 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4715. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. By the President of the United States of America. A Proclamation. Washington, Sept. 22, 1862. 2 1. 25.7 x 31.9 cm. Broadside v. i,no. 16a Positive photostat of handwritten Emancipation Procla- mation on four leaves, signed by Lincoln. 4716. North Carolina, Governor, 1 862-1 865 (Vance) A Proclamation. Whereas, in order to stop, if possible the wicked system of speculation . . . Done at our City of Raleigh, this 26th day of November, A. D. 1862 and in the year of our Inde- pendence the 87th. Z. B. Vance . . . Adjutant General's Office, (Militia) Raleigh, Dec. 19th, 1862. General Orders no. 1 o. The Commanding Officers of the Militia are hereby directed to see that the above proclamation is strictly enforced . . . Jno. C. Winder, A. A. G. Raleigh, N. C, 1862. 1 1. 26.5 x 15.7 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 18 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4717. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. ...To the Army of the Potomac. Washington, 1862. folder (1 p.) 18.8 x 12.4 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 20 Dated: Executive Mansion, Washington, December 22, 1862. From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4718. Train extra! Right of free speech ! George Francis Train arrested in Faneuil Hall. [Boston, 1862] 1 1. 68.7 x 27 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 25 4719. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. By the Presi- dent of the United States of America. A proclama- tion. Whereas, on the twenty-second day of Sep- tember, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, a proclamation was issued . . . Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln . . . order and designate as the States and parts of States wherein the people thereof, respectively, are this day in rebellion against the United States, the fol- lowing, to wit : . . . Done at the city of Washington this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three . . . Abraham Lincoln. [Washington, 1863] folder (1 p.) 38/2 cm. Broadside Folio In half-blue morocco slip-case. 4720. [DAVIS, JEFFERSON] An address to the people of the free states by the President of the Southern Confederacy. Richmond, January 5, 1863. Richmond, Richmond Enquirer, 1863. 1 1. 30.5 x 22.6 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 22 The famous fake reply to the Emancipation Proclama- tion, probably printed in the North. 4721. Massachusetts, Governor, 1 861-1865 {John A. Andrew) Commonwealth of Massachusetts. By His Excellency John A. Andrew, Governor: A Proclamation. Whereas the President of the United States did by his Proclamation, dated at Washing- ton on the 30th day of March, last, "designate and set apart Thursday, the thirtieth day of April, 1863, as a day of national humiliation, fasting and prayer;" ... I do, therefore direct and request that this Proclamation of the Chief Executive Magistrate of the Nation be published and promulgated to the people of Massachusetts . . . John A. Andrew . . . [Followed by the President's proclamation] [Boston, 1863] 1 1. 67 x 49.7 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 1 4722. To the laboring men of New York. Com- rades: — Do you want to pay heavy taxes? . . . Satur- day, July 18, 1863. [New York] 1863. 1 1. 48.1 x 30.2 cm. Broadside v 3, no. 24 Signed: A Democratic Workingman. 439 4723- A Challenge! The rebellion of the Southern traitors against the Union and the Government, is a rebellion against the democratic rights of the people . . . New York, Aug. 25, 1863. New York, 1863. 1 1. 48.1 x 30.3 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 22 Signed : A Democratic Workingman. 4724. An Abolition traitor. There are traitors in the North as well as in the South . . . New York, Aug. 29, 1863. New York, 1863. 1 1. 48.3 x 30.3 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 21 Signed : A Democratic Workingman. 4725. McCLELLAN, GEORGE B R I N T O N. Soldiers read! Letter from Gen. McClellan. Orange, N. J., October 12th, 1863. [n. p.] 1863. 1 1. 48 x 30 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 2 Addressed to Hon. Chas. J. Biddle. 4726. Dan'l O'Connell on democracy! The Catholic Telegraph of Cincinnati, publishes an elo- quent and earnest appeal . . . New York, Oct. 13th, 1863. New York, Sinclair Tousey, 1863. 1 1. 47.5 x 30.2 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 20 Signed : A Democratic Workingman. 4727. A Traitor's peace. Workingmen! The politicians who cry out for "Peace," and "the Union as it was," tell us that it is a very easy thing to settle the troubles between the North and the South. Read the following conditions on which the Richmond Enquirer of the 16th of October, pro- poses to settle and have "peace" : — ... A Demo- cratic Workingman. New York, Oct. 30th, 1863. New York, 1863. 1 1. 48 x 30.4 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 3 (2 copies) One copy is from the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4728. ORATION/OF/Abraham L i n c o 1 n/AT THE DEDICATION/OF THE/GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MILITARY CEMETERY,/ Novem- ber 19, 1863./ [/zn^J/Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new/ nation . . . [n. p., 1863?] 1 1. 55 x 33 cm. En- closed within ruled border. Broadside Folio Cf. The Lincoln Herald, Winter 1957, Vol. 58, no. 4, p. .8. 4729. The Olive branch. Peace and union. How shall we obtain them? New York, P. W. Derham, Printer, [1863?] 1 1. 48.3x30.1 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 4 4730. Currency. Broadside v. 3, no. 33 U. S. Fractional currency, fifty cents. March 3, 1863. 4.7 x 10.6 cm. Confederate ten dollar bill. Feb. 11, 1864. 7.6 x 18 cm. U. S. one dollar silver certificate. Series of 1899. 7.9 x 18.9 cm. Un franc. March 10, 1920. 7.1 x 10.6 cm. 4731. U. S. War Dept. General orders, no. 128. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Wash- ington, March 30, 1864. By the President of the United States of America. A Proclamation. [Wash- ington, 1864] folder (2 p.) 17.8X 1 1.8 cm. (M296) Broadside v. 7, no. 25 A proclamation qualifying the benefits allowed insurgent enemies who have taken the oath of allegiance. 4732. . . . How shall soldiers vote? New York, The Soldier's Friend, [1864] 1 1. 49.9 x 32.1 cm. (in wooden frame) Broadside v. 2, no. 1 1 At head of title: From "The Soldier's Friend," for August. 4733. McCLELLAN, GEORGE BRINTON. Letter of Geo. B. McClellan, in acceptance of the nomination of the Chicago convention. Orange, N. J., Sept. 8, 1864. [New York] no. 29 Ann Street [1864] 1 1. 61 x 48 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 5 (2 copies) 4734. Massachusetts. Commonwealth of Mas- sachusetts. For President of the United States of America, for the term commencing March 4, 1865, and ending March 4, 1869. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, [n. p., 1864] 1 1. 13.4 x 20.3 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 10 Ms. note at bottom of page: "This vote was given by me at the Electoral College Dec. 7th, 1864. A. Hale." From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4735. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. The United States Volunteer Service. The President's thanks and certificate of honorable service to Whereas the President of the United States has made the following Executive Order, returning thanks to the Ohio volunteers for one hundred days, to wit. Washington, 1864. 1 1. 33.6 x 40.6 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 8 (2 copies) Blank form filled out on Dec. 15, 1864 for Private Cal- vin E. Bristol. From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. Another copy filled out for Private Adam F. Day. 44° 473^- Black Republican prayer, [n. p., 1864] 1 1. 23 x 13.7 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 9 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4737. Facts for men who do their own thinking. The two platforms, one positive for freedom and union, the other for secession and slavery . . . Who would surrender to men capable of deeds like these named herein? [New York] American News Co. [1864] 1 1. 56.2x40.7 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 1 2 Printed in five columns. Map of rebel and Union territory on verso. 4738. Is it peace or war? The Chicago platform. Philadelphia, King & Baird, Printers [1864] 1 1. 58.6 x 45 cm. (trimmed) Broadside v. 2, no. 6 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4739. Lincoln and Johnson Union ticket. One flag, one country, one government. [Cambridge, Mass.] John Ford, Printer [1864] 1 1. 30.5 x 13. 1 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 26 Election poster. 4740. McClellan and Pendleton. Boston, J. E. Farwell & Co. [1864] 1 1. 30. 6x12.2cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 28 Election poster. 4741. The Platforms. Baltimore. Chicago, [n. p., 1864] 1 1. 26.9 x 20.5 cm. (trimmed) Broadside v. 2, no. 1 o Another copy in German: Die platformen. 30.4 x 22.7 cm. (untrimmed) 4742. President Lincoln and General Grant on peace and war. [n. p., 1864] 1 1. 29.8 x 22.7 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 21 Contents. — 1. Interview with the President, by J. T. Mills. — 2. Letter of General Grant to E. B. Wash- bourne. — 3. On the Chicago surrender [poem] by Bay- ard Taylor. 4743. National Inauguration Ball. March 4th, 1865. . . . The honor of company is requested, [n. p., 1865] 1 1. 26.6 x 19 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 3 Invitation form filled out in ms. for Mrs. Henry Smith. Accompanied by letters relating the history of the in- vitation. 4744. Presidential inauguration ball. Bill of fare. In the city of Washington, D. C, on the 6th of March, 1865. [Washington, 1865] 1 1. 26/2 x 14 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 34 4745. The Captors of Richmond! Help for fall- en heroes! . . . A. G. Cattell, Esq. & Rev. Dr. Patterson. April 3d, 1865. Direct from the battle- field, [n. p.] 1865. 1 1. 37.5x25.9 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 13 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4746. U. S. Navy Dept. General order no. 32, April 5, 1865 . . . the flag of the Union that was hauled down at Fort Sumter on the 14th April, 1 86 1, is to be restored to its place. Charleston Harbor, S. C., FLAGSHIP "PHILADELPHIA," April 5, 1865. 1 1. 20x125/2 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 28 Signed: John A. Dahlgren, Rear Admiral, Command- ing South Atlantic Blockading Squadron. 4747. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Closing certain ports, April 11, 1865. By the President of the United States of America. A proclamation . . . Port of Key West to remain open, April 1 1, 1865. By the President of the United States of America, A proclamation. Washington, 1865. 1 1. 32.7 x 21 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 14 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4748. Ford's Theatre, Washington, D.C. [Play- bill for Friday evening, April 14, 1865; featuring Laura Keene in Our American Cousin] Washing- ton, H. Polkinhorn & Son, Printers, 1865. 1 1. 47.7 x 13.7 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 18 "Brown" type reproduction. Cf. Brenner, Ford's The- atre Lincoln Assassination Playbills. Another copy: E or Buckingham reproduction re- printed as a "Lincoln Souvenir" and stamped: "En- graving, Copyright. 1891." 4749. Jamestown Journal, Jamestown, N. Y. Jamestown Journal, extra. The President's death. Second edition. — 10 o'c A.M. . . . Third edi- tion. — 1 1 140 A. M. [Jamestown, N. Y., 1865] 1 1. 51.8 x 6.3 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 19 4750. Milwaukee, Wis., Mayor (Abner Kirby) . The great crime at Washington. Proclamation by the mayor. Mayor's office, Saturday morning, 441 April 5th. Milwaukee, Wis., [1865] 1 1. 26.4 x 18.5 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 22 4751. New York (City) Mayor, 1864- (Gunther) Message from His Honor the Mayor. Mayor's office, New York, April 15, 1865. To the honorable the Common Council : Gentlemen — Abraham Lin- coln, the President of the United States, is dead. New York, 1865. 1 1. illus. 20.7x12.8 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 2 4752. The New York Herald. Whole no. 10459; Saturday, April 15, 1865. [2] p. 55.7 x 43.4 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 10 "Planographic reprint." The issue reporting Lincoln's assassination. 4753- U. S. Navy Dept. General order, no. 51. Navy Department, Washington, April 15, 1865 . . . Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy. [Washing- ton, 1865] 1 1. 18.4 x n cm. (M808) Broadside v. 7, no. 24 Announcement of Lincoln's death and instructions for mourning observances. 4754. Daily Monitor, Extra. Sunday, April 16, 1865. [Concord, N. H.] 1 p. 41 x 16.5 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 39 4755. Extra — latest news. The following are the headings of this (Sunday) morning, New York Herald! [April 16, 1865] 1 1. 34.9 x 18.5 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 19 4756. NICHOLSON, JAMES. A hymn on the death of President Lincoln . . . Sung at Wharton St. M. E. Church, April 16, 1865. [n. p., 1865] 1 1. 22.5 x 16.2 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 20 4757. U. S. War Dept. General orders, no. 66. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Wash- ington, April 16, 1865. [Washington, 1865] 2 p. 20.4 x 12.5 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 20 Announcement of Lincoln's death and instructions for mourning observances. A second copy has been classified as UB 502. 1865. 4758. McCULLOCH, HUGH M. Treasury De- partment, Washington, April 17, 1865. It is hereby ordered that, in honor to the memory of our late illustrious Chief Magistrate, all officers and others subject to the orders of the Secretary of the Treas- ury, wear crape upon the left arm for the period of six months. H. McCulloch, Secretary of the Treas- ury. Washington, 1865. 1 1. 22.7 x 18.8 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 1 5 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4759. Troy, N. Y. Common Council. . . . Pro- ceedings. Special meeting. Monday evening, April 17th, 1865. [Troy, N. Y., 1865] 1 1. 28 x21.5 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 6 4760. U. S. Navy Dept. General order no. 39, April 19, 1865. A grievous affliction has fallen upon the Nation. President Lincoln has been as- sassinated . . . Charleston Harbor, S. C, FLAG- SHIP "PHILADELPHIA," April 19, 1865. 1 1. 20 x 12^2 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 29 Signed : John A. Dahlgren, Rear Admiral, Commanding South Atlantic Blockading Squadron. Printed within a black border on ruled paper. 4761. Abraham Lincoln and his pall bearers, April 20, 1865. [ n - P-3 n - d.] 1 1. 27.9 x 21.8 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 13 Indicates which bearers are deceased. 4762. U. S. War Dept. War Department, Wash- ington, April 20, 1865. $100,000 reward! The murderer of our late beloved President, Abraham Lincoln, is still at large. New York, Geo. F. Nesbitt & Co., Printers, 1865. 1 1. 61.9 x 49 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 8 4763. U. S. War Dept. $ 1 00,000 Reward ! ! The murderer of our late beloved President Abraham Lincoln is still at large . . . Edwin M. Stanton, Secre- tary of War. [n. p., 1865] 1 1. 24.9 x 22.8 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 24 4764. U. S. Navy Dept. General order no. 43, April 21, 1865 ... in reference to the national calamity that has befallen us by the murder of President Lincoln. Charleston Harbor, S. C, FLAGSHIP "PHILADELPHIA," April 21, 1865. 1 1. 20x12/2 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 30 Signed: John A. Dahlgren, Rear Admiral, Command- ing, South Atlantic Blockading Squadron. 4765. U. S. Navy Dept. General order no. 51, April 15, 1865 . . . the death of Abraham Lincoln . . . FLAGSHIP "PHILADELPHIA," April 25, 1865. 1 1. 20 x 12 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 33 Printed within a black border. Signed: John A. Dahlgren, Rear Admiral, Command- ing South Atlantic Blockading Squadron. 442 4766. Reception of the remains of President Lin- coln, at Chicago, May 1, 1865. Order of proces- sion . . . R. M. Hough, Chief Marshal. [Chicago] 1865. 1 1. 30.4 x 23.3 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 16 4767. Chicago and Alton Railroad Company. Time table for the special train, conveying the funeral cortege with the remains of the late Presi- dent from Chicago to Springfield, Tuesday, May 2, 1865. 1 1. 35.4 x 21.5 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 23 4768. U. S. Navy Dept. General order no. 47, May 2, 1865 . . . the order for complimentary firing and colors for the victory of General Sher- man over the Rebel leader Johnston, is postponed until tomorrow. 1 1. 21 x 14 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 31 Signed : John A. Dahlgren, Rear Admiral, Command- ing, South Atlantic Blockading Squadron. 4769. Programme of funeral ceremonies! In honor of Pres't Lincoln. To be held in the ro- tunda of the Capitol! on Thursday, May 4th, 1865, at 3 o'clock P. M. [Washington, 1865] 1 1. 32 x 13 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 12 4770. Massachusetts. Governor, 1861- 1865 (John A. Andrew) Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. By his Excellency John A. Andrew. Governor: A proclamation for a day of special humiliation and prayer. Boston, 1865. 1 1. 71.9 x 50.7 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 17 Appointing June 1, 1865, as a day of prayer for the assassinated President. From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4771. Union League remember Lincoln! Coun- cils of the Union League, and loyal men through- out the State, are requested to unite in commemo- rating the death of our beloved brother, Abraham Lincoln, the martyr to the cause of liberty, on Thursday, June 1st. [Boston] Press Print [1865] 1 1. 60.5 x 45.6 cm. Broadside v. 6, no. 2 4772. Abraham Lincoln. Born, July 12, 1809 [sic] — Died, April 15, 1865 . . . Shakespeare ap- plied to our national bereavement. [Boston] B. B. Russell & Co., Loring, B. J. Remich, 1865. 1 1. 35.5 x 27.4 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 23 4773. Boston Globe. The President Dead! "God Reigns and the Government at Washington Still Lives." . . . Gen Garfield on Lincoln's As- sassination. [Boston, 1865] 1 1. 58 x 36 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 28 4774. Emancipation Proclamation, issued Janu- ary 1st, 1863. Philadelphia, G. R. Russell, 1865. 1 1. litho. 65.5 x 50.3 cm. Broadside v. 6, no. 7 "The original designed and executed entirely with a pen by Gilman R. Russell, Prof, of Penmanship." Lithographed by P. S. Duval & Son, Phila. 4775. GAY, JAMES D. Death of President Lin- coln! Air — Sword of Bunker Hill. Philadelphia, 1865. 1 1. 22.5x14.3 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 1 7 "Gay's illustrated Army Songs." 4776. In memory of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Born February 12th, 1809. Departed this life April 15th, 1865. "Yet speak- eth." "For thou art Freedom's now, and Fame's — One of the few — the immortal names — -That were not born to die." "With malice toward none, with charity for all." March 4th, 1865. Second in- augural. Requiescat in pace! [n. p., 1865.] 1 1. 12.4 x 8.6 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 12 White tombstone embossed on black background. 4777. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Golden sayings of Abraham Lincoln. Oneida, N. Y. D. P. Mann & Co., 1865. 1 1. 48.2x36.4 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 25 4778. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Second inau- gural address of the late President Lincoln. New York, James Miller [1865] 1 1. 54.9 x 38 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 6 From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 4779. Soldier's memorial. Company G, 30th Regt. Maine Vet. Vols. . . . Organized at Augus- ta, Me., Dec. 28, 1863. Mustered into the U. S. service for three years. Baltimore, J. L. Ander- son, 1865. 1 1. 55.9x42.6 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 1 1 History and roll call of Company G. 4780. South Carolina. The state of South Caro- lina. At a convention of the people . . . An ordinance to dissolve the union between the state of South Carolina and other states united with her under the compact entitled "The Constitution of 443 the United States of America." [n. p.] George A. Southworth and George De Baptiste, 1865. 1 1. 73 x 60.7 cm. Broadside v. 6, no. 13 Facsimile with insert: "This scroll of 'treason' was found in the house of Dr. Lamb, Secretary of State . . ." 4781. STEELE, SILAS S. Song, on the death of President Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia] 1865. 1 1. 20/2 cm. M1659.L7S Words only (to be sung to the tune "Annie Laurie") Mourning borders. 4782. To the Memory of Abraham Lincoln, Pres- ident of the United States of America, who died a martyr to his country falling under the hand of a traitor assassin, on the night of the 14th day of April, 1865, the fourth anniversary of the great war of rebellion through which he led the nation to a glorious triumph . . . [n. p., 1865] 1 1. 43 x 30 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 27 Enclosed in mourning borders. 4783. The Triumph of freedom over slavery. Thirty eighth Congress of the United States of America ... A resolution . . . that the follow- ing article be proposed ... as an amendment to the Constitution . . . [text of Thirteenth Amend- ment and list of Congressmen who voted aye] Phil- adelphia, Judson Holcomb, 1865. 1 1. litho. 58 x 44 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 1 Lithographed by J. Gibson, N. Y. 4784. WALLACE, WILLIAM ROSS. Na- tional anthem for the obsequies of the late Presi- dent Lincoln, in Union Square, N. Y. Air — Old Hundred. [New York? 1865?] 1 1. 23 x 14.2 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 18 Verses only. 4785. HERNDON, WILLIAM H. Abraham Lincoln, Miss Ann Rutledge. New Salem. Pio- neering, and the poem. [n. p., c i866] 1 1. 66 x 51 cm. (Mi926note) Broadside v. 6, no. 27 4786. Exposition Universelle, Paris, i86j. Souv- enir de l'exposition. Le President Lincoln. [Paris] Librairie francaise et etrangere, 1867. 1 1. 62 x 44.5 cm. Broadside v. 6, no. 1 Ecomium and large engraved portrait of Lincoln, on cardboard sheet. 4787. Joint resolution of the thirty eighth Congress of the United States of America, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, abolishing slavery, [followed by a list of Congressmen voting aye] [Chicago] 1868. 1 1. 60.7 x 45.7 cm. Broadside v. 6, no. 14 Copyright by D. R. Clark. Engraved by Western Bank Note and Engraving Co., Chicago. 4788. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Address of President Lincoln at Gettysburg, November 19, 1863. Read at the Arlington National Cemetery, by Hon. Halbert E. Paine, of Wisconsin, May 30, '68. [n. p., 1868] 1 1. 20.4x12.8 cm. (M198) Broadside v. 7, no. 8 4789. BRADBURY, WILLIAM B. Hold on Abraham! Uncle Sam's boys are coming right along. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co. ; Philadel- phia, Johnson, song publisher, [186-] 1 1. 23.7 x 15.8 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 15 Verses only. 4790. BRYANT, JAMES CULLEN. ... We are coming Father Abraham, 600,000 more. Words by J. Cullen Bryant, music by D. A. Warden. Phila- delphia, Johnson, song publisher [1 86-] 1 1. 24.5 x 16 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 13 Verses only. 4791. President Lincoln's farewell address to his old neighbors, Springfield, February 12, 1861. Providence, N. Bangs Williams [186-?] 1 1. 45.3 x 30.6 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 19 4792. The Autobiography of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, James R. Osgood, 1872. 1 1. litho. 68.2 x 53 cm. Broadside v. 6, no. 8 Facsimile of autobiography, engraved portrait of Lin- coln, and extracts from his writings. 4792a. Another edition. "Reproduced by the Ed- ward T. Kelly Company, Chicago, with the per- mission of the heirs and descendants of Jesse W. Fell." 63 x 48 cm. 4793. HERNDON, WILLIAM H. Lincoln's re- ligion. [Springfield, 111., 1873]. 1 1. 68.5 x51cm. Broadside Folio. Published as a supplement to the State Register. Notation, in pencil, on left-hand margin: "Mr. Lincoln was one of the noblest of men — full of veracity and integ- 444 rity. He loved justice and right above all things — he loved the good & true. [Signed:] Herndon." In one-quarter brown morocco slipcase. 4794. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. Facsimiles of notes made by Theodore Roosevelt at the Lincoln centennial dinner, February 13th, 1905. [n. p., 1905.] 1 1. 24 x 35.5 cm. Broadside v. 3, no 7 (2 copies) Second copy, pasted on chapboard. 4795. BULKLEY, L. H. Abraham Lincoln. A tribute written on the 100th anniversary of his birthday, [n. p., 1909?] 1 1. 23.4 x 10.5 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 19 Poem. 4796. Children and Friends of the Second School District, East Haddam, Conn. 1809. 1909. In commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln . . . Programme. East Haddam, Conn., 1909. 1 1. (2 p.) 23.3 x 15.2 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 15 4797. Oldroyd Lincoln Memorial Collection. The Centenary of Abraham Lincoln's birth. One hun- dred portraits of Lincoln from the Oldroyd Lin- coln Memorial Collection, in the house where Lin- coln died, 516 Tenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Portraits arranged from left to right. [Wash- ington, 1909] 1 1. 35.5 x 26.4 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 24 4798. England's tribute to Lincoln. [Wood en- graving from Punch, or the London Charivari, May 6, 1865, entitled Britannia sympathises with Colum- bia; followed by a poem entitled Abraham Lincoln foully assassinated, April 14, 1865] Washington, O. H. Oldroyd, 1910. 1 1. 50.6 x 48 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 2 1 4799. RISDON, F. RAY. Ode to Lincoln's log cabin; now enclosed within Lincoln Memorial Hall, which was deeded to the nation and accepted by President Wilson at Hodgenville, Kentucky, Sep- tember 4, 1 9 1 6 . . . Los Angeles, California, Septem- ber, 1916. [Los Angeles, 19 16] 1 1. illus. 24.1 x 1 1.4 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 14 4800. Lincoln Day proclamation. Five score and ten years ago . . . New York, Redfield, Kendrick, Odell Co. [19 1 9] 1 1. 48.4x32.4 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 35 Calvin Coolidge's proclamation, as Governor of Massa- chusetts, setting aside Feb. 12, as Lincoln Day. 480 1 . Abraham Lincoln. One hundred and fifteen years ago . . . [n. p., 1923.] 1 1. 39.4 x 17.8 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 34 "The above 'Tribute to Abraham Lincoln' was written by Col. George M. Baily, editor of the Houston (Texas) Daily Post and was published in that paper on Feb. 12, 1923. This information courtesy Seneca C. Beach. Typography by California Composition Co." 4802. U. S. 68th Cong., 2d sess. House. H. R. 9812. In the House of Representatives, Dec. 1, 1924, Mr. Kindred introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Dis- trict of Columbia and ordered to be printed. A bill to declare Lincoln's birthday a legal holiday. [Washington, 1924] 1 1. 28 x 19 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 26 4803. Non-Partisan Lincoln Memorial Commit- tee. . . . To the citizens of the United States. New York, 1925. 1 1. 27.8 x 21.5 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 7 Letter requesting worldwide observance of Lincoln's birthday. 4804. HANKS, DENNIS F. Abe Lincoln as a babe — as a boy and youth. An overlooked inter- view with Dennis F. Hanks, May 1892 — A cousin and close companion of Lincoln. [Lerna, 111.] T. B. Shoaff & Son, 1926. 1 1. 54.4 x 39.9 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 26 "Supplement to the Shelby County Leader, February 11, 1926." Interviewer: Duncan T. Mclntyre. 4805. Illinois. General Assembly. Senate. A bill for an act providing for the purchase of a tract of land in Coles County, in the State of Illinois, including the Lincoln Homestead, to be used as a State Park, and making an appropriation therefor. [Springfield] 1929. 1 1. (2 p.) 30.5 x 20.3 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 14 56th General Assembly; Senate Bill no. 55. 4806. The Spirit of Lincoln. [Gardena, Calif., 1929.] folder (1 p.) 48 x 32 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 36 "Original medal winning oration, delivered and printed by Manuel Jaramillo, at the Spanish American Institute, Gardena, California, February 12, 1929." 492745—60- -30 445 4807. . . . Abraham Lincoln, a pictorial outline of the life of the sixteenth President of the United States. Louisville, Ky.? 1934? 1 1. 44.2x63.1 cm. Broadside Print v. 6, no. 16 Scenes from Lincoln's life set on colored map-like sur- face, not drawn to scale. Historical data by John Speed, Louisville, Ky. Signed: Karl Smith, Jan. 1934, Louisville, Ky. 4808. Lincoln's Gettysburg address, as delivered by him at the dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1863. [n. p.] R. L. Parkinson, c i939. 1 1. facsim. 32 x 26.7 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 17 "Photographic reproduction, actual size, of the so- called 'Keyes' copy." 4809. McKNIGHT, A. G. Burns-Lincoln; Washington, D. C. — '62-65. [ n - P-] r 947- l 1- (2 p.) 29.3 x 21.6 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 10 "Reprinted from the Order of Scottish Clans Fiery Cross, May— June, 1947, pp. 9-10." 4810. BARRETT, OLIVER R. Exhibition from Tuesday, February 12. The Barrett Lincoln collection. Public auction sale, February 19 and 20 at 1 : 45 and 8 p.m. [New York, Parke-Bernet Galleries, 1952] 1 1. 52.9 x45 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 4 (2 copies) UNDATED 481 1. BONE, WILLIAM A. Abe Lincoln, [n. p., n. d.] 1 1. 17.7x15.1 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 16(2 copies) Poem. 4812. Discouraged? When Abraham Lincoln was a young man . . . Oshkosh, Wis., Globe Printing Co. [n. d.] 1 1. 35.4 x 21.5 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 4 4813. Ford's Theatre. Washington, D. C. [Two tickets] Ford's theatre, tenth Street. Erected A. D. 1863. [n. p., n. d.] 2 1. 5.5 x 9 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 31 An orange half-dollar ticket and a purple quarter-dol- lar' ticket. On verso, printed signature: H. Clay Ford. 4814. God governs the world. From Lincoln's last inaugural . . . Lincoln to Thurlow Weed, Washington, March 15, 1865. [Elmira, N. Y., Ru- fus Rockwell Wilson, n. d.] 1 1. 30.2 x 21.6 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 27 Two selections from Lincoln's writings, presented by Mr. Wilson on the occasion of his birthday, with expla- nation card attached. Done in red and black ink. 4815. The Great Lincoln memorial tableaux are now on exhibition at National Hall! [Philadel- phia] W. H. Beal & Co., [n. d.] 1 1. 18.8x11.5 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 18 4816. KNORR, H. O. Lincoln, man of destiny, [n. p., n. d.] 1 1. 27.9 x 10.7 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 1 7 Poem. 4817. [KNOX, WILLIAM] President Lincoln's favorite poem, Oh! why should the spirit of mor- tal be proud? Philadelphia, A. W. Auner [n. d.] 1 1. 31.8 x 17.3 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 11 Photostat. 4818. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. The cele- brated "Bixby" letter. Facsimile of the original manuscript on exhibition at Huber's Museum in New York City. [n. p., n. d.] 1 1. 27.5 x 21.3 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 8 4819. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. A collection of 16 caricatures and cartoons [n. p., n. d.] Broadside Cartoon, v. 5, no. 28-44 Some clipped from newspapers. Principal subject matter: The election campaign of 1864. 4820. LINCOLN, ABRAFIAM. Lincoln's Gettys- burg Address at the dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, November 19, 1863. [n. p., n. d.] 1 1. 26.6 x 20.3 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 13 4821. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Lincoln's invi- tation to Peoria . . . Facsimile of letter sent by Peorians in 1854 asking Lincoln to come here to reply to Douglas' speech, [n. p., n. d.] 1 1. 26.7 x 19 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 9 4822. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. The President to General McClellan. Washington, April 9, 1862. [n. p., n. d.] 1 1. 24.9 x 19.8 cm. Broadside v. 1, no. 15 446 4823. Lincoln's failure. H. Mclntire, [n. d.] 1 1. Evanston, 111., Christian 27.8 x 17.7 cm. Broadside v. 5, no. 1 1 4824. Massachusetts. Governor, igig-ig2i (Cal- vin Coolidge) President Coolidge's tribute to Abra- ham Lincoln. A proclamation issued January 30, 19 1 9 by Calvin Coolidge, then Governor of the State of Massachusetts, [n. p., n. d.] 1 1. port. 27.6 x 17.8 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 3 4825. RUDEEN, E. F. A Lincolnian Christian. [n. p., n. d.] 1 1. port. 21.6 x 13.4 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 1 4826. Second inaugural address of the late Presi- dent Lincoln. New York, James Miller [n. d.] 1 1. 56.6 x 38.5 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 37 4827. Three years' men wanted! for the sixth ward. Recruiting & substitute office, corner of Main and Water Streets, (in the old steamboat office, Peoria, Illinois) . Committee of sixth ward: Chas. Raymond, J. C. Eichhorn, David Wheeler. Peoria, 111. [n. d.] 1 1. 5.7 x 9.3 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 5 4828. UPHAM, NATHAN. Lincoln lies sleep- ing. Air: Under the willow. New York, H. De- Marsan [n. d.] 1 1. illus. 25.3 x 16.3 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 12 Verses only. 4829. Virginia. [Partial map of Virginia and sur- rounding area] [n. p., n. d.] 1 1. col. map. 48.6 x 47.6 cm. Broadside Map v. 6, no. 15 No scale given. Octagonal in shape, surrounded by 32 portraits of mili- tary heroes of the Civil War. 4830. WALL, JAMES W. Letter to Mr. Blair by James W. Wall and his reception and speech at Burlington, on Friday evening, Sept. 27th, 1861. [n.p.,n. d.] il. 53.4x34.3 cm. Broadside v. 2, no. 20 447 Sheet Music, Phonodiscs 4831. ARCHER, C. Rest, Noble Chieftain. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker [ c i865] 4832. BACH, C. H. Abraham Lincoln's Funeral March. Milwaukee, H. N. Hempsted [ c i865] 4833. BACH, C. H. Funeral March to the Mem- ory of Abraham Lincoln. Cleveland, S. Brainard's Sons [ c i865] 4834. BARDETTI, CARLO. How Sleep the Brave. Words by William Collins. St. Louis, En- dres & Compton [ c i865] 4835. BARNARD, J. C. Funeral March Dedi- cated to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. New York, Wm. A. Pond [ c i865] 4836. BARTON, GEORGE H. That's What the Niggers Then Will Do. Words by Tom Russell. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i865] 4837. BECKEL, J. C. Monody on the Death of A. Lincoln. Cincinnati, J. J. Dobmeyer [n. d.] 4838. BISHOP, T. BRIGHAM. Abraham the Great and Genl. Grant His Mate. Cincinnati, John Church, Jr. [ c 1 864] 4839. BOOTT, F. Jonathan to John. Words by Hosea Bigelow. Boston, Henry Tolman [ c i862] 4840. BRADBURY, WILLIAM B. "Hold On, Abraham." New York, Wm. A. Pond [ c i862] 4841. BRAINARD, C. S. Oh! Massa's Gwine to Washington. Written by Edmund Kirke. Cleve- land, S. Brainard [ c i862] 4842. BREYTSPRAAK, CHARLES. Lincoln Park March. Chicago, John Molter [ c i874] 4843. BRIGHAM, CHARLES B. Three Cheers for Abe and Andy. Chicago, H. M. Higgins [ c i864]. 4844. BROCKWAY, W. H. Young Eph's Jubi- lee. Words by J. B. Murphy. Chicago, Root & Cady [°i866] 4845. BROWN, FRANCIS H. The Bell and Ev- erett Schottisch. New York, Firth, Pond [ c i86o] 4846. BROWN, GEORGE A. Let the President Sleep. Written by James M. Stewart. Provi- dence, R. I., J. R. Cory [ c i865] 4847. BROWN, T. M. Lincoln's Funeral March. St. Louis, Balmer & Weber [ c i876] 4848. BUECHEL, AUG. We Mourn Our Country's Loss; National Funeral March. New York, P. A. Wundermann [°i88i] 4849. BUTTERFIELD, J. A. Lincoln's Re- quiem. Words by Irene Boynton. Chicago, H. M. Higgins [ c 1 865] 4850. Campaign Song for Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, H. M. Higgins [ c i864] 2 copies 4851. CAMPBELL, J. K. We'll Fight for Uncle Abe. Words by C. E. Pratt. Boston, Oliver Dit- son [ c i863J 4852. CLAPHAM, EDWARD. The American Volunteers' Triumphal March. Chicago, H. M. Higgins [ c i866] 449 4853 • CLARK, JAMES G. The Martyr of Lib- erty, in Memory of President Lincoln. New York, C. M. Tremaine [ e i865] 4854. CLARK, JAMES G. The People's Ad- vent. Words by Gerald Massy. Chicago, H. M. Higgins [ c i864] 4855. COMELLAS, JOSEPH. Washington et Lincoln. Elegie. New York, G. Schirmer [ c i867] 4856. COOK, SETH A. The Shooting of Our Presidents. Woonsocket, R. I., Cook, Pub. Co. [1901] 4857. CORA, KARL. Freedom's Call. Boston, Russell & Tolman [ c i86o] 4858. CROMWELL, HENRI. Oh! Speak To Me Once More! Written by W. Dexter Smith, Jr. Boston, G. D. Russell [ c i865] 4859. CROSS, M. H. Campaign Quick Step. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker [ c i86o] 4860. CULL, AUGUSTUS. Brave McClellan Is Our Leader Now, or Glory Hallelujah! New York, Horace Waters [ c i862] 4861. [CUMMING, WILLIAM. Lincoln Schot- tisch] Cincinnati, A. C. Peters [ c i86o] 4862. CUMMINGS, EDWARD S. The Presi- dent's Hymn; Give Thanks All Ye People. Words by Wm. A. Muhlenberg. New York, Wm. A. Pond [ c i864] 4863. CUTTERSON, A. C. President's Hymn. Give Thanks, All Ye People. Words by Dr. Muhlenberg. Chicago, H. M. Higgins [ c i864J 4864. DAVIS, E. C. Lincoln's Grove March. St. Louis, Balmer & Weber Music House Co. [ c i887] 4865. DAVIS, FRANK M. Do Not Leave Me Mother Darling. Words by Robert B. Johnson. Syracuse, H. W. Coon [ c i872] 4867. [DONIZETTI] Funeral March to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, Oliver Ditson, [n. d.] 4868. DRESSER, PAUL. Give Us Just An- other Lincoln. New York, Howley, Haviland [ c igoo] 4869. DRESSER, PAUL. Lincoln, Grant, & Lee; or, The War Is Over Many Years. [New York, Howley, Haviland, & Dresser, "1903] 4870. Emancipation; Song and Chorus. Boston, Oliver Ditson ['1864] 4871. EMMETT, DAN D. The Black Brigade; Plantation Song & Dance. New York, Wm. A. Pond [ c i863] 4872. EMMETT, DAN D. Greenbacks! New York, Wm. A. Pond [ c i863] 4873. EMMETT, DAN D. Jack on the Green. New York, Wm. A. Pond [ c i863] 4874. EMMETT, DAN D. U. S. G.; A Song For The Times. New York, Wm. A. Pond [ c i864] 4875. EMMETT, DAN D. Here We Are! Here We Are! or, "Cross Ober Jordan." New York, William Hall [ c i863] 4876. EVEREST, C. A National Hymn. Words by James Nicholson. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker [^864] 4877. EVEREST, C. President Lincoln's Favor- ite Poem. Oh! Why Should the Spirit of Mortal Be Proud? [Poem by William Knox] Philadelphia, Lee& Walker [ c 1 865] 4878. EVEREST, C. Toll the Bell Mournfully. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker [ c i865] 3 copies 4879. FARGO, J. F. The Death Knell Is Toll- ing. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i865] 2 copies Copy 2 : Chicago, Lyon & Healy. 4866. DONIZETTI. Funeral March Performed at the Funeral of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, Oliver Ditson, [n. d.] 4880. FAWCETT, GEORGE E. The Presi- dent's Emancipation March. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c i86 2 ] 450 488 1. FENOLLOSA, MANUEL. Emancipa- tion Hymn. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i863J 4882. FISCHER, JOSEPH. Lincoln's Funeral March. Cincinnati, A. C. Peters [ c 1 865] 4883. FORMES, KARL. In Memory of Abra- ham Lincoln. Chicago, Root & Cady ['1865] 4884. FRANK, M. H. Reply to the Bonnie Blue Flag. Words by Mrs. C. Sterett. New York, S. T. Gordon [ c i863] 4885. FRENCH, D. A. '63 Is the Jubilee. Words by J. L. Greene. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c i86 3 ] 4894. GRAFF, GEORGE P. Rest, Martyr, Rest . . . Words by Jas E. Glass. Chicago, H. M. Higgins [''1865] 2 copies 4895. GROBE, CHARLES. We Are Coming Father Abraham, Six Hundred Thousand More. New York, Horace Waters [ c i863] 4896. GROSCHEL, J. W. President Lincoln's Funeral March. New York, Theodore Hagen ['1865] 4897. GUMPERT, G. Our Country's Flag. Philadelphia, G. Andre & Co. [ c i86i] 3 copies ■ Copy 2 : "for Alto or Bariton". Copy 3: 10th Edition, with new illustration on 4886. GAUL, HARVEY. Lincoln's Second In- augural. Anthem for Mixed Voices. The text taken from Lincoln's Second Inaugural address, the music by Harvey Gaul. New York, H. W. Gray Co. [ c i 94 6] 4887. GETZE, J. A. Save Our Flag . . . Words by Mrs. Sara Wolverton. Detroit, J. Henry Whittemore [ e i862] 4888. GETZE, J. A. We Are Coming, Father Abraham, 300,000 More. Quickstep. Philadel- phia, Lee & Walker ["1862] 4889. GILMORE, P. S. We are Coming, Father Abraham, Three Hundred Thousand More. Bos- ton, Russell & Patee ['1862] 4890. GLOVER, CHARLES. How Are You Green-Backs! Words by E. Bowers. New York, Wm. A. Pond [/1863] 4891. GOMEZ. Come Back Massa, Come Back! Words by I. W. Lucas. New York, Wm. Hall & Son ['1863] 4898. HAASE, F. In Memoriam. In Honor of President Lincoln. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i865] 4899. HAMMOND, CHARLES T. Mount, Boys, Mount. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i864] 4900. HAYNES, EDWARD. Our Nation's Captain . . . Words by Chas Haynes. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c 1 864] 4901. HAYNES, JAMES EDWARD. Nomina- tion Song. Words by Charles Haynes. Chicago, H. M. Higgins [ c 1 864] 4902. HAYS, WILL S. The Unhappy Contra- band. Louisville, D. P. Faulds [ c i865] 4903. HELMSMULLER, F. B. President Lin- coln's Grand March. New York, Horace Waters [ c i862] 4904. HELMSMULLER, F. B. President Lin- coln's Grand March. New York, S. T. Gordon [ c i862] Copy 2. New York, Hamilton S. Gordon. 4892. GORDON, MALCOLM S. Massa Link- um's Boy. Cincinnati, John Church & Co. ['1884] 4893. GOUGLER, ISAIAH W. Lincoln's Grave. New York, Wm. A. Pond [ c 1 865] 2 copies M1659.L7G 4905. HESS, C. Lincoln's Funeral March. Cin- cinnati, A. C. Peters & Bro. [ c i865] Mi 659. L7H copy 2 4906. HOFFMAN, E. Rest, Spirit, Rest; Grand Requiem March. New York, Wm. A. Pond [ c i865J 451 4907. HOLBERTON, JAMES. The Flower From Lincoln's Grave. Words by Burton Lawrence. [San Francisco?, c i8g8] 4908. Honest Old Abe's Quick Step for the Piano. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i86o] 4909. Honest Old Abe . . . Words by D. Went- worth. Music by A Wide Awake. Buffalo, Blod- gett& Bradford [ c 1 860] 4910. HOWARD, FRANK. Down by the Brook at the End of the Lane. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c i868] 491 1. IRVING, A. B. We Are Coming Father Abraham, or Three Hundred Thousand More. Chi- cago, H. M. Higgins [ c i862] 4912. J.,G. L. The Mudsills Are Coming. Writ- ten by E. Bowers. Music by G. L. J. Boston, Russell &Patee[ c 1 862] 4913. JACKSON, ROBERT P. Will You Ever Give the Colored Race a Show. An Appeal to Con- gress. Chicago [ c i8g8] Mi 671. J 4914. Jeff's Last Proclamation. Words and Music by Union. Burlington, Vt., H. L. Story [ c i865] 4915. JOHNSON, HOWARD. The Name of Abraham, by Howard Johnson, Irving Bibo and Lew Klein. New York, Ager, Yellen & Bornstein [ c i925] 4916. KELLER, M. "In Memoriam Abraham Lincoln." Words by W. Dexter Smith. New York, Wm.Hall&Son[ c i866] 4917. KELLER, M. Requiem. Cleveland, S. Brainard's Sons [ c i865] Copy 2. Boston, Henry Tolman & Co. 4921. LADD, M. B. We Mourn Our Fallen Chieftain. Philadelphia, W. R. Smith, [ c i865] 4922. LAMPARD, G R. Uncle Abram, Bully for You! Chicago, H. M. Higgins [ c i862] 4923. Lincoln Quick Step. Philadelphia, Lee and Walker [ c i86o] 3 copies The first copy carries a portrait of a beardless Lincoln on the front cover; the other two, with differing advertise- ments on the back cover, carry a portrait of a bearded Lincoln on the front cover. 4924. Lincoln Quickstep. Cincinnati, John Church, Jr. [n. d.] 4925. LINDEN, OSCAR. Our Martyr President. Poetry by W. Dexter Smith, Jr. Boston, G. D. Russell & Co. [ c i865] 4926. LOCKE, E. W. Strike for the Right. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i86o] 4927. LOZIER, JOHN HOGARTH. The Old Union Wagon. Cincinnati, J. Church, Jr. [ c i863J 4928. LUNDBERG, C. O. Lincoln-Union-Vic- tory. March. Chicago, H. M. Higgins [ c 1864] 4929. MACK E. Dirge. Our Deeply Lamented Martyred President! Words Written by O. Whee- lock. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker [ c i865] 4930. MACK, E. President Lincoln's Funeral March. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i865] M1659.L7M Copy 2 Copy 2. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker. ■ Copy 3. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker. 4931. McNAUGHTON, JOHN HUGH. Abra- ham's Tea Party. Song & Chorus by J. H. Mc- Naughton. New York, Firth, Son & Co. ["1864] ML1659.L7M 4918. LADD, GERTRUDE I. "In Memoriam" A. Lincoln. New York, C. M. Tremaine [ c i866] 4919. LADD, M. B. The Freedman's Lament. New York, Horace Waters [ c 1 866] 4920. LADD, M. B. Lincoln's Dying Refrain. Philadelphia, W. R. Smith [ c i865] 4932. MARTIN, THOMAS J. Emancipation March. Chicago, S. Brainard's Sons ['1884] 4933. [MATTHEWS, S. The Good Old Union Wagon] Cincinnati, A. C. Peters & Bro. ["1863] 4934. MAYER, HENRY. Lincoln's Funeral March. New York, Wm. A. Pond [n. d.] 452 4935- MERRILL, H. T. In Memoriam; Quar- tette, on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Words by Mrs. E. J. Bugbee. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c i86 5 ] 4936. METZ, KARL. President Lincoln's Fu- neral March. Cincinnati, John Church, Jr. 4937. MILLER, L. B. The President's Grave . . . Words by Edwin S. Babbitt. Cleveland, S. Brainard's Sons [ c i865] 4938. MORSE, E. F. The Right Men in the Right Place. Boston, Charles D. Blake & Co. [ c i88 7 ] 4939. MUELLER, FRANCIS. President Lin- coln's Funeral March. Cincinnati, A. C. Peters & Bro. [=1865] 4940. MURDOCH, JAMES E. The Hurrah! for "The Red, White & Blue." Cincinnati, John Church Jr. [ c i864] 4941. MURPHY, J. B. Snolly-Goster Ebenezer. St. Louis, Endres & Compton [ c i864] 4942. MURPHY, J. B. Young Eph's Lament. St. Louis, Endres & Compton [ c i863] 4943. NELSON, S. The Patchwork Song. Words by W. Dexter Smith Jr. Cleveland, S. Brainard's Sons [ c i86-?] 4944. NEUMAN, A. The Rail Splitter's Polka. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i86o] 4945. OLDFIELD, F. H. H. Abraham's Daugh- ter. San Francisco, M. Gray [n. d.] 4946. PAINE, JOHN K. In Memory of Presi- dent Lincoln. A Funeral March. New York, Beer & Schirmer [ c i865] 4947. PARKHURST, Mrs. E. A. Dey Said We Wouldn't Fight. Words by Mrs. M. A. Kid- der. [New York] Horace Waters [ c i864] 4948. [PARKHURST, Mrs. E. A.] Funeral March to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. New York, Horace Waters [ c i865] ■ Copy 2. New York, Horace Waters. Plain cover. Copy 3. New York, S. T. Gordon & Son. Plain 4949. PARTRIDGE, W. W. The Darkies Rally. Cleveland, S. Brainard & Co. [ c i862] 4950. PAULL, E. T. Lincoln Centennial Grand March. New York, E. T. Paull Music Co. ["1909] M1659.L7P Copy 2. Copy 3. Uncolored title page. 4951. PEARSON, GEORGE C. Oh! Why Should the Spirit of Mortal Be Proud. Boston, Oliver Ditson ['1865] 4952. PERRY, WILLIAM H. Our Flag, Our Army, and Our President. Words by James T. Dudley. New York, Horace Waters [ c i864] 4953. PETTEE, W. E. M. President Lincoln's Funeral March. Providence, R. I., J. R. Cory [ c i86 5 ] 4954. PIKET, LOUIS. Mournful Sounds; Grand Heroic Funeral March. Cincinnati, A. C. Peters & Bro. ['1865] 4955. POPE, J. WILLIAM. Uncle Sam's Me- nagerie. Pittsburgh, Charles C. Mellor [ c i864] 4956. PORTER, JAMES W. Lincoln Medley Quadrille. Philadelphia, W. R. Smith [ c i874] 4957. PORTER, JAMES W. The Martyred Patriot, Grand Funeral March. Philadelphia, J. Marsh [ c i865] 4958. PORTER, JAMES W. The Savior of Our Country. Philadelphia, John Marsh ["1865] 4959. POULTON, GEORGE R. 300,000 More. [Words by William Cullen Bryant] Rochester, Jo- seph P. Shaw [ c i862] 4960. The President's Hymn: Give Thanks, All Ye People, In Response to the Proclamation of the President of the United States Recommending a General Thanksgiving on November 26, 1863. New York, A. D. F. Randolph [1863] 453 496 1. PRICE, REUBEN M. Our Lincoln's Act. [Words by R. M. Benjamin] [n. p., n. d.] 4962. RAPHLING, SAM. Anne Rutledge. [New York] Edition Musicus [ c i952] 4963. Raw Recruits, or Abraham's Daughter. New York, Firth, Son & Co. [ c i862] 4964. REHM, CHARLES. Our National Union March. New York J. F. Lovell [ c i862] 4965. ROBERTS, D. C. Lincoln Schottisch. Chicago, H. M. Higgins ['1859] 4966. ROOT, GEORGE F. Farewell, Father, Friend and Guardian . . . Words by L. M. Dawn. Cleveland, S. Brainard's Sons [ c i865] 2 copies Copy 2. Chicago, Root & Cady. 4967. ROOT, GEORGE F. Farewell, Father, Friend and Guardian. Chicago, Root & Cady P1865] 4968. ROOT, GEORGE F. Starved in Prison. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c i865] 4969. RYNDER, ROSE. President Lincoln's Funeral Dirge. Philadelphia, J. Marsh [ c i865] 4970. RYNDER, ROSE. Funeral Dirge of Presi- dent Lincoln. Philadelphia, Marsh & Bubna [ c i866] 4971. S., G. D. Old Honest Abe For Me . . . Ar- ranged by G. D. S. New York, Firth, Pond, & Co. [ c i86o] 4972. SAFFERY, E. C. The Union Volunteers. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c 1 861] 2 copies Copy 2. Without copyright notice, etc. 4973. "SAMBO." Year of Jubilee or Kingdom has come. Chicago, H. M. Higgins [ c i862] 4974. SCHLEIFFARTH, GEORGE. Lincoln Payilion. Souvenir Polka. Boston, Oliver Ditson [-=1877] 4975. SCHONACKER, J. E. National Funeral March. Cincinnati, John Church, Jr. [n. d.] 4976. SCHROEDER, HENRY. A Gloom Is Cast O'er All the Land. New York, Horace Waters [ c i86 5 ] 4977. SEDGWICK, A. Oh, Why Should the Spirit of Mortals Be Proud. New York, Wm. A. Pond [ c i865] 4978. [SHERWIN, W. F.] Abraham! Our Abra- ham! A Rallying Song and Chorus to the Popular Melody, Maryland! My Maryland! Newly ar- ranged by W. F. S. [Words by H.] Albany, W. F. Sherwin [ c i864] 4979. 600,000 More; We Are Coming, Father Abram, by a Volunteer. Cleveland, S. Brainard [ c i862] Seventeenth edition. 4980. SMITHE, N. CLARK. Frederick Doug- lass Funeral March. Chicago, S. Brainard's Sons Co. [ c i8 95 ] 4981. STARKWEATHER, L. B. Away Goes Cuffee, or Hooray for '63. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i86 3 ] 4982. STARKWEATHER, L. B. Liberty's Call, or, Hurrah for Abe and Andy. Words by W. S. Blanchard. Boston, Oliver Ditson [n. d.] 4983. STILLMAN, J. M. Stand! Father Abra- ham . . . Words by S. C. Burdick. Boston, Oliver Ditson [n. d.] 4984. [TATNALL, HARRY L] Rail Splitters Polka. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker [ c i86o] 4985. That's What's the Matter With the Purps. Cincinnati, A. C. Peters & Bro., etc. [ c i863] 4986. THOMAS, J. R. Our Noble Chief Has Passed Away; Elegy on the Death of Abraham Lin- coln. Words by Geo. Cooper. New York, Wm. A. Pond [ c i865] 4987. THOMPSON, H. S. A Nation Mourns Her Chief. St. Louis, Balmer & Weber [ c i865] 4988. TOBEY, A. BERT. Abraham's Covenant; A New Battle Song. Chicago, H. M. Higgins r c i862l 454 4989. TOWNE, T. MARTIN. "Old Abe," the Battle Eagle. Poetry by L. J. Bates. Milwaukee, H. N. Hempsted [ c i86s] 4990. TREUER, KONRAD. The Nation in Tears. Words by R. C. New York, Wm. Jen- nings Demorest [ c i865] 3 copies, all variant 4991. TURNER, J. W. Abraham's Draft; 600,- 000 More. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i862] 4992. TURNER, J. W. The Assassin's Vision. Cleveland, S. Brainard's Sons [ c i865] Copy 2. Boston, Henry Tolman & Co. 4993. TURNER, J. W. Lay Him to Rest . . . Poetry by W. Dexter Smith, Jr. Boston, Oliver Dit- son [ c i865] 4994. TURNER, J. W. Little Tad. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i865] 4995. TURNER, J. W. Live But One Moment. Boston, Henry Tolman & Co. [ c i865J 2 copies Copy 2. Cleveland, S. Brainard's Sons. 4996. TURNER, J. W. A Nation Weeps; Dirge on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c 1 865] 4997. TURNER, J. W. The President's Hymn . . . Words by Dr. Muhlenberg. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i863] 4998. Vote for Abraham; Campaign Song of '64, by Union. Burlington, Vt, H. L. Story [ c i864] 4999. WALSH, MARY E. The Campaign Pol- ka. Philadelphia, J. Marsh [ c i864] 5000. WAMELINK, J. T. President Lincoln's Funeral March. Pittsburg, Knake ['"1875] 5001. WANNEMACHER, HENRY. March, Lincoln Park. Philadelphia, Harry Coleman ["1895] 5002. WARING, FRED. Lincoln Victory Song ... by Fred Waring, Tom Waring & Pat fi. e. Francis Drake] Ballard [New York, c i94o] 3 copies M1958.L6B3 5003. WARREN, GEORGE WILLIAM. Re- quiem. New York, Wm. A. Pond [ c i865J 5004. WATSON, T. M. "Uncle Abe - ' and the Rebellious Boys. Chicago, H. M. Higgins [ c i863] 5005. WEBSTER, J. P. Northmen, Awake . . . Words by S. Fillmore Bennett. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c i868] 5006. WEBSTER, J. P. Old Abe Has Gone and Did It, Boys . . . Words by S. Fillmore Bennett. Chicago, H. M. Higgins [ c i862] 5007. WEBSTER, J. P. Old Abe Has Gone and Did It, Boys. Arranged by Rudolf de Roode. Chicago, H. M. Higgins [ c i862] 5008. WELS, CHARLES. Funeral March, in Memory of Our Lamented President . . . New York, Firth, Son & Co. [ c i865J 2 copies Copy 2. With wrappers. 5009. WENTWORTH, D. Honest Old Abe. Song & Chorus. Words by D. Wentworth, Esq., Music by A Wide Awake. Buffalo, Blodgett & Bradford [ c i86o] M1659.L7H 5010. WHAPLES, B. A. Saule-Pleureur. Weep- ing Willow. Marche Funebre du President Lin- coln. New York, Blelock [=1865] 501 1. The "Wigwam" Grand March. Dedicated to . . . Abrm. Lincoln. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i86o] 5012. WILLING, WILLIAM. The Flag is at Half Mast. Boston, Oliver Ditson [1865] 5013. WILLING, WILLIAM. The Union Re- stored. Boston, Oliver Ditson [ c i865J 5014. WILMARTH, F. Rebellion's Weak Back. Boston, Russell & Patee [ c i862] 5015. WINNER, SEP. He's Gone to the Arms of Abraham. Philadelphia ["1864] 5016. WINNER, SEP. A Nation Mourns Her Martyr'd Son. Words by Alice Hawthorne. Phila., Lee & Walker [ c i865] 2 copies Copy 2. Philadelphia, Sep. Winner. 455 5017. WOLSIEFFER, WILLIAM. Abraham Lincoln's Funeral March. Philadelphia, Louis Meyer [ c i865] 5018. WOOLCOTT, FRANCIS. In Memori- um, Lincoln. The words by Wm. P. Fox. Cincin- nati, John Church, Jr. [ c i865] 5019. WORK, HENRY C. Kingdom Coming. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c i86i] 5020. WORK, HENRY C. Kingdom Coming. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c i863J 5021. WORK, HENRY C. 'Tis Finished! or Sing Hallelujah. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c i865] 5022. WORK, HENRY C. Uncle Joe's Hail Columbia. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c i862] 5023. WORK, HENRY C. Washington and Lin- coln. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c i864] 5024. WORK, HENRY C. Washington and Lin- coln. Chicago, S. Brainard's Sons Co. [ c i8go] 5025. WURZEL, G. F. De Day Ob Liberty's Comin'. Chicago, Root & Cady [ c 1862] 5026. WURZEL, G. F. Fse on de Way. Chi- cago, Root & Cady [ c i864] 5027. YOUNG, J. Darky Sam. Brooklyn, D. S. Holmes [ c i866] 5028. ZOELLER, GEORGE. Enjolras, the Song of the Patriot. Louisville, D. P. Faulds ["1865] 5029. BALES, RICHARD HORNER. [The Con- federacy] Phonodisc. The Confederacy. [Based on music of the South during the years 1861-65] Columbia SL 220. [1954?] 2 s. 12 in. 33/4 rpm. microgroove. (Columbia masterworks ) Florence Kopleff, mezzo-soprano; Thomas Pyle, bari- tone; Edmund Jennings Lee, narrator; Cantata Choir, Lutheran Church of the Reformation; National Gallery Orchestra; conducted by the composer. Recorded at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. Introduction, by Goddard Lieberson, The Confederate legend, by Bruce Catton, Lee at Appomattox, by Clifford Dowdey, and The songs and their origins, by Richard Bales (32 p.) bound in album. 5030. BALES, RICHARD HORNER. [The Union. English] Phonodisc. The Union; a can- tata on music of the North during the years 1861- 65. Columbia DL 244. [1958] 2 s. 12 in. 33/3 rpm. microgroove. (Columbia masterworks) Peggy Zabawa, soprano; Jule Zabawa, baritone; Ray- mond Massey, narrator; Cantata Choir, Lutheran Church of the Reformation; National Gallery Orchestra; con- ducted by the composer. Recorded at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. Introduction, by Goddard Lieberson, essays, by Bruce Catton, Clifford Dowdey, and Allan Nevins, and bio- graphical notes, by Morris Hastings (60 p. illus., ports., facsims. ) bound in album. 45 6 Prints, Cartoons, Maps IN ORDER OF DATE 5031. Harpers Ferry. (From the Potomac side.) London, Geo. Virtue, 1838. col. litho. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 45 5032. Harper's Ferry (From the Blue Ridge) London, Geo. Virtue, 1839. col. litho. 27.3 x 20.6 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 44 5033. Taking a "smile." New York, N. Currier, 1854. litho. 34.5x45.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 20 5034. The Buck Chase of 1856. Philadelphia, J. Childs [1856] litho. 35 x50 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 1 7 Identified in pencil: Buchanan, Fillmore, Greely [sic], Fremont. 5035. "Buck" taking the "Pot." New York [Cur- rier & Ives, 1 856] litho. 34 x 45 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 16 Identified in pencil: Buchanan, Fremont, Fillmore. 5036. Forcing Slavery Down The Throat Of A Freesoiler. Philadelphia, J. L. Magee [1856] litho. 35.5 x 47.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 25 Identified : Douglas, Pierce, Buchanan, Cass. 5037. The Grand National Fight 2 Against 1 Fought On The 6th Nov. 1856 for One Hundred Thousand Dollars. Philadelphia, J. Childs [1856] litho. 3 1.5x50.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 19 Identified in pencil: Buchanan, Fremont, Fillmore. 5038. The Great Presidential Race Of 1856. [n. p., 1856] litho. 35.5 x45 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 27 Identified in pencil: Fillmore, Donnelson [sic], Buchan- an, Fremont, Breckenredge [sic]. 5039. Liberty, The Fair Maid Of Kansas — In the hands of the "Border Ruffians." [n. p., 1856] litho. 35.5x42.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 26 Identified: Marcy, Buchanan, Peirce [sic], Cass, Doug- las. 5040. The Morning after the Election — November 1856. Philadelphia, I. Childs [1856] litho. 32 x 42 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 18 Identified (partly in pencil) : H. Greeley, J. G. Ben- nett, J. W. Webb, Buchanan, Fillmore, Ned Buntlin [sic]. 5041. Shall I Vote For Ten Cents A Day? Phila- delphia, I. Childs [1856] litho. 35.5 x 45.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 28 Identified in pencil: Fremont, Fillmore, Buchanan. 5042. A Bad Egg For A Southern Stomach, [n. p., 185-?] litho. 34.5 x 46 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 1 3 Identified in pencil: Forney, Douglas, Davis, Kickman [sic]. 5043. Letting The Last "Democratic Drop" [n. p., 1 85-] litho. 32.5 x 42.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 1 1 Identified in pencil: Dayton, Buchanan, Fremont. 457 5044- The Great Exhibition Of i860. New York, Currier & Ives, i860, litho. 34.5 x 46 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 38 5045. An Heir To The Throne, Or The Next Republican Candidate. New York, Currier & Ives, i860, litho. 33.9 x 45.6 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 40 5046. The Rail Candidate. New York, Currier & Ives, i860, litho. 33.5 x 45.4 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 37 5047. Storming The Castle. "Old Abe" On Guard. New York, Currier & Ives, i860, litho. 34.3 x 45.4 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 39 Identified in pencil: John Bell, Stephen A. Douglas, James Buchanan. 5048. That Blessed Baby. [Philadelphia] J. L. Magee[i86i?] litho. 36 x49.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 22 5049. A Cure for Republican lock-jaw. New York, Benjamin Day, 1861. litho. 33.4 x 45.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 42 5050. The Dis-United States. Or The Southern Confederacy. New York, Currier & Ives [1861] litho. 35 x 46 cm. Broadside v. 4, no. 10 5051. The Folly of Secession. [New York, Cur- rier & Ives, 1861 ?] litho. 33.5 x 48.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 15 Identified: Governor Pickens, President Buchanan. 5052. The Fox Without A Tail. Philadelphia, J. L. Magee [1861] litho. 34.5 x 45 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 24 Identified in pencil: Wigfall, Thompson, Toombs, J. Davis. 5053. Gallant Capture Of A Ladys Wardrobe By The Brave Troops of Florida. Philadelphia, J. L. Magee [1861 ?] litho. 35.5 x 50 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 2 1 Identified in pencil: Mrs. Slemmer, Maj. Chase. 5054. Jeff Davis, On His Own Platform, or the last "act of secession." [New York, Currier & Ives, 1861?] litho. 43.5 x 34.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 14 Identified: Toombs, Beauregard, Stevens, Pickens. 5055. The Members of President Lincoln's Cab- inet, [n. p., 1 86 1?] 52.9 x 40.4 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 60 Engraved portraits of S. Cameron, S. P. Chase, G. Welles, W. H. Seward, M. Blair, C. B. Smith, E. Bates. Extracted from an undetermined publication. 5056. Presidents of the United States, [n. p.] F. Bouclet, 1 86 1. col. litho. 67.5 x 51.4 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 9 A. Feusier, del. & lith. Portrays 16 Presidents. 5057. Why don't you take it? Cincinnati, Vent, Starr & Co., 1 86 1. litho. 30 x45 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 1-3 By Frank Beard. Two other versions, no imprint, 29. 5 x 48 cm. and 30 x 45.5 cm. 5058. The Gunboat Candidate At The Battle Of Malvern Hill. New York, Currier & Ives [1862] litho. 34.5 x 45 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 9 5059. The Question Settled. New York, F. P. Whiting [1863-4?] c °l- htho. 24^2 x 33 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 84 E. B. & E. C. Kellogg, 248 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Philips & Watson, 18 Beekman St., New York. Geo. Whiting, 87 Fulton St., New York. "655" 5060. Democracy. 1832. 1864. Boston, L. Prang, 1864. litho. 28.9 x40 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 30 Identified: Calhoun, Gen. Jackson, Jeff, Little Mac. 5061. A Little game of bagatelle, between Old Abe the rail splitter & Little Mac the gunboat general. Philadelphia, J. L. Magee [1864] litho. 26.3 x 39.6 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 32 5062. Little Mac, in his great two horse act, in the Presidential canvass of 1864. [New York, T. W. Strong, 1864] wood engraving 26.3 x 39.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 34 5063. Little Mack and his party "going up" Salt River on a gunboat. Terrific explosion of the "Quaker gun" and destruction of the entire party. [n. p. 1864] 10.9 x 17.3 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 5, no. 26 458 5064- Little Mac's double feat of equitation. [Providence, R. I., N. Bangs Williams, 1864] litho. 33 x 42.3 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 33 5065. War-Peace, named McClellan An ambitious young blade . . [n. p., 1864] 15.7 x 19.7 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 5, no.27 Original drawing of an 1864 campaign caricature and a 4-line manuscript poem by "C. P. G." 5066. The Old General Ready for A "Move- ment." [New York, Currier & Ives, 1864] litho. 32.5 x 45.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 8 Identified: Beauregard, Jeff [Davis], Pillow. 5067. Platforms Illustrated. Baltimore. Chi- cago, [n. p., 1864] litho. 32.5 x 38.9 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 35-36 Identified: Sumner, Grant, Farragut, Seymour, Wood. Another copy 31.5 x 45.4 cm. 5068. Slow & Steady wins the race. [n. p., 1864?] litho. 2 7 J/2 x 42/2 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 22 Showing Lincoln, McClellan, and Pendleton. 5069. A Thrilling incident during voting — 18th ward, Philadelphia, Oct. 11. [n. p., 1864?] litho. 35.3 x 41.6 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 4 1 5070. View of transparency in front of headquar- ters of supervisory committee for recruiting colored regiments, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, in com- memoration of emancipation in Maryland, No- vember 1, 1864. Philadelphia, Ringwalt & Brown, Prs. [1864?] 2 1. Woodcut printed in color. 35^2 x 21 5/2 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 87 Second leaf contains the history of emancipation in Maryland and extracts from speeches and poems on liberty. 5071. Abraham Lincoln as a father. Yours truly A. Lincoln [facsimile signature] Philadelphia, Charles Desilver, 1865. col. litho. 35 x 28.2 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 51 5073. The Assassination of President Lincoln at Ford's Theatre, Washington, on the night of Fri- day, April 14, 1865. Philadelphia, A. Pharazyn [1865] col. litho. 27.4 x 35.2 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 58 5074. Assassination of President Lincoln, Ford's Theatre, Washington, April 14, 1865. Hartford, Conn., E. R. & E. C. Kellogg [1865] col. litho. 26.1 x 36.4 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 57 Identified: John Wilkes Booth, President Lincoln, Mrs. Lincoln, Major Rathbun [sic], Miss Harris. 5075. Assassination of the president Abraham Lincoln. Ermordung des Prasidenten Abraham Lincoln. L'assassinat du president Abraham Lincoln, [n. p., 1865?] col. litho. 19.9 x 24.8 cm. Broadside Print, v. 5, no. 1 5076. The Assassin's escape. London, Maclure, Macdonald & Macgregor [1865] litho. 27 x 36.8 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 55 Extracted from Transatlantic Sketches; or, Sixty days in America. London, S. Low, Son & Co., 1865. 5077. The Capture of an unprotected female, or the close of the rebellion. New York, Currier & Ives, 1865. litho. 34.5 x 46 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 7 5078. The Confederacy In Petticoats, [n. p., 1865] litho. 32.5x41.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 5 Jefferson Davis caught by Union soldiers. 5079. Death bed of Lincoln. New York, Jones & Clark, 1865. litho. 56.5 x 70.6 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 1 1 Printed by A Brett & Co., N. Y. 5080. Emancipation. [Above :] "And by virtue of the power and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves, . . . shall be free!" (Procl. of Eman.) Philadelphia, J. L. Magee, 1865. litho. 35.6 x 26.6 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 3 1 5072. The Assassin, John Wilkes Booth. London, A. M. Bailey's American Agency [1865?] litho. 26 9 x 18.2 cm. Broadside Print, v. 5, no. 5 C. J. Culliford lithographer. 5081. Execution of the conspirators. Praparing [sic] for execution, Springing of the trap [done in two panels], [n. p., 1865?] litho., each panel. 20 x 1 7 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 89 459 5082. Execution of the four conspirators: Mrs. Surratj Payne, Harold & Atzeroth. At Washing- ton, D. C. July 7, 1865. Philadelphia, J. L. Ma- gee, 1865. litho. 21 x 29,5/2 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 86 J. L. Magee Publisher, no. 305 Walnut St. Phila. 5083. In memory of Abraham Lincoln . . . the Nation's friend. New York, F. P. Whiting [1865] col. litho. 32/2 x 22 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 85 E. B. & E. C. Kellogg, 248 Main St., Hartford, Conn. F. P. Whiting, 87 Fulton St., New- York. Pub. by Golden & Sammons, No. 1 S. Clark St., Chicago. 5084. Jeff. Davis Caught At Last. Hoop Skirts & Southern Chivalry. Philadelphia, J. L. Magee [1865] litho. 36 x55 cm. Broadside Cartoon v. 4, no. 4 Above: The only true Picture of the Capture of Jeff Davis, from the account furnished by Col. Prichard [sic] of the 4th Mich. Cavalry. 5085. [Jefferson Davis's escape in woman's clothes] New York, Wheeler & Ely [1865] litho. 30.5 x 40 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 6 5086. John Brown Exhibiting His Hangman! [n. p.] G. Querner, 1865. litho. 32.5 x 42.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 1 2 letzte [n. p., 5087. Lincoln's last hour. Lincoln's Stunde. La derniere heure de Lincoln. 1865?] col. litho. 20.2 x 24.9 cm. Broadside Print, v. 5, no. 2 5088. Mrs. Lincoln, [n. p. 1865?] 1 1. litho. 27^2 x 19/2 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 88 5089. The Murderers doom. Miserable death of J. Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Lincoln. Shot through the head by Sergeant Boston Corbett in a barn on Garrett's Farm, near Port Royal, near the Rappahannock, April 25, 1865. Philadelphia, J. L. Magee [1865] litho. 26.3 x 36.8 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 46 5091. Seizure and death of the murderer Wilkie [sic] Booth. Gefangennehmung und Tod des Morders Wilkie Booth. L'arrestation et la mort de l'assassin Wilkie Booth, [n. p., 1865?] col. litho. 20.1 x 24.8 cm. Broadside Print, v. 5, no. 3 5092. Southern Tombstones; An Inside View of "Dixie" Taken by our "Special Artist" after the Rebellion, [n. p., 1865] litho. 35.5 x 59.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 29 5093. The True peace commissioners. Sheridan. Grant. Lee. Davis. Farragut. Sherman. New York, Currier & Ives, [1865] litho. 26/2 x 36/2 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 90 5094. Washington and Lincoln. The father and the saviour of our country. New York, Currier & Ives, 1865. col. litho. 44.8 x 32.5 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 61 5095. Washington, April 14th, 1865. London, Maclure, Macdonald & Macgregor [1865] litho. 27 x 36.8 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 56 Extracted from Transatlantic Sketches; or, Sixty days in America. London, S. Low, Son & Co., 1865. 5096. Abraham Lincoln, the Martyr, Victorious. New York, W. H. Hermans, Penn Yan Yates Co., 1866. engr. 50 x36 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 23 and v. 6, no. 5 (2 copies) Designed by W. H. Hermans. Engraved by John Sartain, Phila. "Proof" A third copy. "Artist's proof" without title, signed in ms. by John Sartain. 5097. The Man That Blocks Up The Highway. Philadelphia, J. L. Magee [1866] litho. 35 x 42.5 cm. Broadside Cartoon, v. 4, no. 23 Andrew Johnson as friend of the South and potential emperor. 5098. The Lincoln Family. New York, Currier & Ives, 1867. col. litho. 26.3 x 35.3 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 52 (2 copies) Copy 2, uncolored. 5090. Satan tempting Booth to the murder of the President. Philadelphia, J. L. Magee, 1865. litho. 26.7 x 19.9 cm. Broadside Print, v. 5, no. 4 5099. The Union Defenders Certificate In Sup- port & Defence Of The Government, The Union And The Constitution Of The United States, 460 Against The Great Rebellion. Cincinnati, Lith., by Gibson & Co. [186-] col. litho. 33 x 43.5 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 50 5100. [Lincoln and Admiral D. D. Porter visit Grant at Petersburg] [1897?] A wash drawing by B. West Clinedinst. 40/2 x 30 cm. Broadside Drawing, v. 6, no. 26 5101. Lincoln, Abraham. [Print illustrating the death of Lincoln] New York, M. David, c igo8. litho. 50.6 v 75.9 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 1 2 At base of print: "Jno. B. Bachelder, designer 1865. A. Chappel 1868." 5102. Abraham Lincoln. President of the United States 186 1- 1 865. Boston, Lowell Bank Note Co., 1910. 1 7.1 x 12.7 cm. Broadside Print, v. 5, no. 7 5103. HUBBARD, C. P. The Abe Lincoln map. Illinois & districts of Indiana & Kentucky where he lived until he became 16th President of the United States. Evanston, 111., 1932. 50.4 x 43 cm. Broadside Map, v. 6, no. 18 Scale: ca. 1 inch to 38 miles. Insets: Words and events in Lincoln's life. 5104. A 100th anniversary map of Abraham Lin- coln's visit to Massachusetts, September 11-23, 1848. Boston, Richard F. Lufkin Co. [1948] 48.9 x 65.8 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 19 Pictures of buildings in which Lincoln spoke set on map-like surface, not drawn to scale. Compilation by Richard F. Lufkin; delineation by Ugo A. Donofrio. Inset: Lincoln's visit to downtown Boston. 5105. Abraham Lincoln, 1809- 1865. Greens- boro, N. C? c i953- 43-2 x 56.9 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 1 7 Scenes from Lincoln's life set on colored map-like sur- face, not drawn to scale. Signed: Karl Smith. 5106. The Picture map of the Civil War, showing nearly 100 places, events and campaigns of de- cisive importance in the nation's epic struggle. New York, Grosset & Dunlap, 1956. 58.3 x 77.8 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 20 Not drawn to scale. "Published ... in conjunction with The Civil War by Otto Eisenschiml, Ralph Newman and E. B. Long." Insets: Battle scenes; list of "Places, events and campaigns." 5107. Abraham Lincoln and his family. Phila- delphia, Kelly & Sons, [n. d.] col. litho. 50 x 68/2 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 21 Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln and three sons. 5108. Abraham Lincoln. President of the United States. New York, J. C. Buttre [n. d.] litho. 81.4 x 61. 1 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 3 Portrait. 5109. [Allegorical representation of the freeing of the slaves] [n. p., n. d.] engr. 33 x 69^2 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 24 51 10. Assassination of President Lincoln. At Ford's Theatre, Washington, D. C, April 14th, 1865. [n. p., n. d.] 33.8x42.8 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 59 51 1 1. Battlefield of Antietam, Md. Sept. 1862. [n. p., n. d.] 68 x 53.2 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 4 Identified: Allan Pinkerton, Abraham Lincoln, Gen- eral John A. McClernand. Retouched version of a Brady photograph. 51 12. BERGHAUS, A. Appearance of Ford's Theatre, Washington, D. C, after the murder. — ■ From a sketch by A. Berghaus. [n. p., n. d.] 13.5 x 1 6 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 43 Engraving pasted on cardboard and tinted. 51 13. Death of President Lincoln, [n. p., n. d.] litho. 14.4 x 22.7 cm. Broadside Print, v. 5, no. 25 51 14. Grant, Lincoln, Sheridan, Sherman. New York, H. H. Lloyd & Co., [n. d.] 21. 1 x 15.4 cm. Broadside Print, v. 5, no. 6 Four portraits. 51 15. In memory of Abraham Lincoln. The reward of the just. Philadelphia, William Smith [n. d.] 76.5 x 59.5 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 6 Artist: D. Wiost. 51 16. [Lincoln apotheosis] Berlin, Justin Wend- land [n. d.] litho. 48/2 x 66 cm. Broadside Print, v. 6, no. 25 "Entworten von J. A. Milbeck." "Lithographirt von C. Siifsnapp." 461 51 17- Lincoln At Home. Hartford, E. B. & C. damnation of his taking off." [n. p., n. d.] 39 x C. Kellogg; New York, F. P. Whiting [n. d.] col. 30.6 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 53-54 litho. 35.5 x 25.5 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 49 Booth shooting Lincoln. Another copy, 40.8 x 30.4 cm. 51 18. Lincoln in City Point, [n. p.] G. Bartsch [n. d.] col. litho. 52 x 62.9 cm. 5 120 - Theory. Practice. Effect. Bickley, Head Broadside Print v. 6 no. 10 OI ^ ie Knights of the Golden Circle. Booth, the Assassin. The Martyr President, [n. p., n. d.] 51 19. The Martyr of liberty. "This Lincoln 24.8 x 36.2 cm. Broadside Print, v. 4, no. 47-48 Hath born his faculties so meek . . . The deep Another copy, 21.7 x 34.7 cm. 462 Newspapers 5 1 21. Daily Register, Springfield, III. V. i, no. 209; Monday, September 3, 1849. Springfield, Lanphier & Walker, 1849. [4] p. 45.3 x 30.5 cm. Broadside v. 1 , no. 2 Lincoln cited as reference by law firm, p. [4]. 5122. The Democratic Times. Chapter I. A dishonorable peace with rebellion! [n. p., 1864?] folder (4 p.) 21.6x14.3 cm. Broadside v. 7, no. 9 5123. Gem of the prairie; a family newspaper devoted to education, literature, art, science, news, agriculture, horticulture, commerce, political intel- ligence, markets, etc. v. 4, no. 33 — v. 9, no. 49; Jan. 8, 1848-June 19, 1852. Chicago, Stewart, Waite & Co. 50 cm. weekly. Publisher varies. Editors: John E. Wheeler, Thomas A. Stewart, later also John L. Scripps. Subtitle varies: v. 4, no. 33 — v. 5, no. 52, "a weekly newspaper devoted to literature, education, agriculture, commerce, statistics, politics, news, etc."; v. 6, no. 1-3 1, no subtitle; v. 6, no. 32 — v. 9, no. 49, as above. Many numbers signed by Calvin Burton. Scattered issues missing. Holdings total 137 issues. v. 4, no. 37—38 also in negative and positive photostats. From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 5124. The Philadelphia Inquirer. Philadelphia, Friday, April 21, 1865. 8p. 52 cm. Broadside vol. 3, no. 38 Caption title: The Nation Mourns Its Loss. 5125. The Rail Splitter, v. 1, no. 1-18; June 23- Oct. 27, i860. Chicago. 1 v. (in portfolio) illus. 59 cm. weekly. E440.R282 folio No. 2 is a photocopy (positive). Edited by C. Leib. No more published. The collection includes second copies of v. 1, no. 10 and v. 1, no. 18. Broadside, v. 1, no. 3 5126. The Railsplitter, for the presidential cam- paign of i860. J. H. Jordan and J. B. McKeehan, editors. Dory, Spring & Co., publishers, 60 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. A facsimile re- production of the complete file of this rare news- paper which was issued to help elect Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency of the United States. v. 1, no. 1-13; Aug. i-Oct. 27, i860. Chicago, Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, 1950. [4] p., facsim. : 13 no. illus. 46 cm. E440.R285 folio 5127. The Rail splitter, v. 1, no. 1— 1 3 ; Aug. 1- Oct. 27, i860. Cincinnati [Dary, Spring] 1 v. (in portfolio) 47 cm. weekly (irregular) E440.R283 folio Editors: Aug. 22-Oct. 27, i860, by J. B. McKeehan (with J. H. Jordan, Aug. 22-Sept. 19, i860). 5128. Voice of the fair. v. 1, no. 1-22; April 27- June 24, 1865. Chicago, Northwestern Sanitary Fair. 48 cm. irregular Complete file, many with unopened pages. Contains many reminiscences of Lincoln. From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection. 463 Autograph Letters and Another Manuscript 5129. DOUGLAS, STEPHEN A. ALS, Chi- cago, to Henry A. Wise, November 7, 1858. 1 p. Refers to success of the Democratic Party in recent State elections in Illinois. Cf. Library of Congress Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions, vol. 12, no. 2, February 1955, p. 53"54- 5130. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. ALS, Spring- field, to C. H. Ray, November 20, 1858. 2 p. Requests newspaper reports of the debates with Douglas. From the Oliver R. Barrett Collection (147). Cf. Library of Congress Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions, vol. 9, no. 4, August 1952, p. 183. 5 13 1. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. ALS, Spring- field, to Henry Clay Whitney, November 30, 1858. 1 p. Requests copies of the Lincoln-Douglas debates as they were reported in the Tribune. Cf. Library of Congress Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions, vol. 12, no. 2, February 1955, p. 53. 5132. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. ALS, Spring- field, to Henry Clay Whitney, December 25, 1858. 1 p. Acknowledges receipt of newspapers containing text of Lincoln-Douglas debates. Cf. Library of Congress Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions, vol. 12, no. 2, February 1955, p. 53. 5133. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. ALS, Washing- ton, to Major General Joseph Hooker, January 26, 1863. 2 p. Relates to the appointment of Major General Hooker as head of the Army of the Potomac. Reproduced in facsimile in 1942 by the Caxton Club of Chicago. 5134. LINCOLN, ROBERT TODD. ALS [London] to Duchess of St. Albans, 17 September 1892. 4 p. Broadside v. 3, no. 30 Transmits a note in his father's holograph relating to one of the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Accompanied by typescript of text. 5135. Texas, Legislature. Copy of joint resolu- tion of the legislature of Texas, approving t [sic] "retaliatory" policy of the administration in refer- ence to the privateersmen of the "Savannah." Austin, Texas, Dec. 9, 1861. 1 1. 39.1 x 26.2 cm. Broadside v. 3, no. 14 Ms. copy of resolution, certified Dec. 9, 1 861, by C. S. West, Secretary of State. Accompanied by a typed text. 4 6 5 Leonard Volk Materials 5136. VOLK, LEONARD W. ALS, Chicago, to 0. H. Oldroyd, Esq. Springfield, Illinois, January 1, 1882. 7 1. 25/2 cm. Original manuscript for Volk's contribution to The Lincoln Memorial: Album Immortelles, p. 2 1 7-220. In one-half blue morocco slip-case. 5137. Autograph manuscript, in pencil, of Remi- niscences of Leonard W. Volk; approximately 600 pages, bound in six sections. In cloth folding case. 5138. Manuscript note by Douglas Volk. 1 1. 7/2x9 cm. "Modeling tools made by Father (L. W. Volk) in Rome, Italy 1856. Used by him in modeling the bust of Lincoln, from life in Chicago i860, the bust of Ste- phen A. Douglas and all his other works. [Signed] Douglas Volk." 5139. Copyright registration, September 16, 1907, for "a life mask taken from the face of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas by L. W. Volk in Chicago in 1857." Class I. XXc. No. 23040. Signed by Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress, and Thorvald Solberg, Register of Copyrights. 1 1. 29/2 x 21/2 cm. 5140. Manuscript note. 1 1. io 1 /^ x 13 cm. "Original cast (from life) of Senator Stephen A. Douglas. Made in Chicago 1857 by Leonard W. Volk in his Chicago studio. This is written by his son. . . ." 5 141. Manuscript note, signed L. W. V. 1 1. 4/2 x 12/2 cm. "Hickory Mallet, Used by my father sixteen years in New York and Massachusetts. Given me by him in 1847. Since which time I have used it. [Signed] L. W. V." 5142. Photograph from the original life mask of Stephen A. Douglas. 10x8 cm. 5143. Side view of the Lincoln mask and half full-view of the Douglas mask. 23 x 19 cm. 5144. Three-quarter face view of Volk. 23 x 19 cm. 5145. View of Volk in his studio working on bust of Lincoln which was produced from the Lincoln life mask. 23 x 19 cm. 5146. Photograph of the Douglas mask, its box, the hickory mallet, and modeling tools. 23 x 19 cm. 5147. Half-full face view of Lincoln mask and side view of Douglas mask. 23 x 19 cm. 5148. Full-face view of Douglas mask. 23 x 19 cm. 5149. Hickory mallet used by Leonard W. Volk in making his busts of Lincoln and Douglas. In chestnut cabinet, with brass nameplate. 5150. Fifteen modeling tools made by Leonard Wells Volk and used by him in making the life masks of Lincoln and Douglas and all his other works. In chestnut cabinet, with brass nameplate. 5 15 1. Original life mask of Stephen A. Douglas, made by Leonard W. Volk in 1857 in Chicago. In original wooden box, with brass nameplate. 467 5152. Bronze cast of Lincoln's head from the in Springfield, Illinois, May 21, i860, by L. W. original made during April i860 in Chicago by Volk. L. W. Volk. 5154. Bronze cast of Lincoln's left hand from the 5153. Bronze cast of Lincoln's right hand holding original made in Springfield, Illinois, May 21, a piece of a broom handle from the original made i860, by L. W. Volk. 468 The Merwin Collection 5155. The papers of James Burtis Merwin, con- tained in four boxes and two black binders. Mer- win was a chaplain during the Civil War, ap- pointed by Lincoln. The papers include letters, photostats, reproductions, photographs, and clip- pings concerning Chaplain Merwin, Abraham Lin- coln, Merwin's statements on Lincoln, and his statements concerning Lincoln and the liquor question. 5156. The more important pieces in the Merwin papers include one autograph of President Lincoln. It is an endorsement written July 17, 1861 on the verso of a petition requesting the appointment of Merwin to be a chaplain in the Army. Others are : letters, as follows : 1929 Nov. 25 Paul Angle to Chas. T. White. 1929 Dec. 5 Paul Angle to Chas. T. White. 1929 Dec. 21 Paul Angle to Chas. T. White. 1930 Jan. 16 Paul Angle to Chas. T. White. •932 June 23 Paul Angle to Chas. T. White. 1926 Oct. 2 William E. Barton to Chas. T. White. No date. Henry Ward Beecher to Chas. T. White. 19 1 7 Feb. 14 C. P. Caldwell to Chas. T. White. 19 1 7 Feb. 20 C. P. Caldwell to Chas. T. White. 19 1 7 Mar. 1 C. P. Caldwell to Chas. T. White. 1900 June 13 F. M. Cockrell to J. B. Merwin. 1927 Apr. 23 J. A. Danielson to Chas. T. White. 1932 Feb. 15 U. S. Grant III to Chas. T. White. 1863 Jan. 18 William A. Hammond to C. McDougall. 1 92 1 Aug. 30 Will H. Hays to Chas. T. White. 1921 Sept. 14 Will H. Hays to Chas. T. White. 19 1 7 Apr. 30 R. T. Lincoln to Chas. T. White. 1 92 1 Mar. 25 R. T. Lincoln to Chas. T. White. 192 1 Apr. 1 1 R. T. Lincoln to Chas. T. White. Sept. 2 S. S. McClure to Chas. T. White. 1863 Jan. 6 C. McDougall to J. Harlan. Dec. 8 S. C. Pomeroy to J. B. Merwin. 1863 Jan. 20 S. C. Pomeroy to T. A. Scott. 1938 Dec. 24 F. Ray Risdon to Chas. T. White. 19 1 7 Feb. 2 F. W. Rowe to Chas. T. White. 19 1 7 Feb. 1 Morris Sheppard to Chas. T. White. 1928 Dec. 30 Bernardt Hale to Chas. T. White. 191 7 Apr. 30 Richard Yates to Chas. T. White. 19 1 7 May 7 Richard Yates to Chas. T. White. 19 1 7 May 28 Richard Yates to Chas. T. White. There are only two letters of J. B. Merwin in the col- lection. They were addressed to Charles T. White on October 23 and December 5, 19 16. 5157. Correspondence and papers of Charles T. White: 1. Eleven typed articles on Lincoln. Anonymous, but possibly by White. 2. Folder of letters on Smith-Nye-Sinclair controversy. 3. Large folder of letters about Lincoln and prohibi- tion. 4. Envelope of letters & clippings re: Lincoln letters published in Atlantic Monthly, Dec. 1928. 5. Seven large blue buckram boxes : ( 1 ) Empty. (2) Manuscripts of magazine articles and speeches. (3) Letters to White. (4) Non-Lincoln correspondence. (5) Letters to and from White re: permissions, re- prints, etc. (6) Manuscripts of articles and speeches. (7) Miscellaneous letters, clippings, and scraps of paper. 492745—60- :;i 469 Stamps and Coins 5158. Looseleaf album of Lincoln head pennies, 1909 through 1952; 125 pennies in all. 5159. Collection of stamps and covers containing stamps depicting or commemorating Abraham Lincoln; mounted in looseleaf album of 10 leaves; in slip-case. 5160. Two Lincoln first-day covers bearing the Lincoln 4-cent stamp; the regular issue and the general postage issue; dated New York, November r 9> i954> 9— A - M - 5 1 61. One first-day cover commemorating the 85th anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Dated Gettysburg, November 19, 1948, 9 — A.M. 5162. One block of 50 stamps issued to com- memorate the 85th anniversary of Lincoln's Gettys- burg Address. 471 Other Ephemera (Prospectuses, Mimeographed Addresses, Programs, Proofs, Lincoln Associations, Lecture Announcements, Clippings, Etc. 5163. Prospectuses of the following books, prints, facsimiles, etc. : 1. Abraham Lincoln, His Autobiographical Writings ( 1 947 ) , ed. by Paul Angle. 2. A Man for the Ages (1919), by Irving Bacheller (a review by Senator Beveridge, M2404) . 3. Lincoln's Last Speech in Springfield in the Cam- paign of 1858 (1925), ed. by Oliver R. Barrett. 4. President Lincoln (1933), by William Eleazar Barton. 5. The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (1952), ed. by Roy P. Basler, Marion Dolores Pratt, and Lloyd A. Dunlap. 6. Lincoln in the Telegraph Office; Recollections of the United States Military Telegraph Corps during the Civil War (1907), by David Homer Bates (M1518 note). 7. The Life of Lincoln in Pictures (1943), by Louis Bonhajo. 8. The Great American Myth (1940), by George W. Bryan. 9. Abraham Lincoln in Peoria, Illinois (1924), by B. C. Bryner. 10. Memoirs of Lincoln (1927), by Herring Chrisman (M3179). 11. Lincoln, a Psycho-Biography (1933), by Leon Pierce Clark. 12. Our Martyr Presidents (1-901), by John Coulter. 13. Lincoln in the Political Circus (1936), by Blaine Brooks Gernon. 14. What I Think of Lincoln, ed. by V. Rector Griffith. (Outline of a proposed book and petition to contribute, with marginal additions by Griffith. Never published. 2 copies) 15. Abraham Lincoln, Ann Rutledge, New Salem, Pioneering and the Poem ( 1910), by William H. Herndon. 16. Abraham Lincoln, a New Portrait (1931), by Emanuel Hertz. 17. Abraham Lincoln, the Tribute of the Synagogue (1927), ed. by Emanuel Hertz. 18. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, 1 847—1 865 (191 1 ), by Ward Hill Lamon (Mi 168 note). 19. History of the Lincoln Family (1923), by Waldo Lincoln (M2646 note). 20. Lincoln, His Life in Photographs (1941), by Stefan Lorant. 21. Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln (1926), by Robert W. McBride. 22. Let's Talk of Lincoln (1939), by R. Gerald McMurtry. 23. Lincoln Esteemed Washington ( 1933), by Edmond S. Meany. 24. Abraham Lincoln: A History (10-voI. ed., 1890), by John G. Nicolay and John Hay. 25. Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln (1905, both regular and biographical eds.), ed. by John G. Nicolay and John Hay (M1471 note). 26. The Lincoln Memorial: Album Immortelles (1882), ed. by Osborn H. Oldroyd (M987 note). 27. When Lincoln Came to Egypt (1940), by George W. Smith (2 copies, one for autographed ed.). 28. Lincoln's Kalamazoo Address against Extending Slavery, also his life by Joseph J. Lewis (1941) ed. by Thomas I. Starr. (2 copies) 29. The Life of Abraham Lincoln (1907), by Ida M. Tarbell (M1312 note). 30. Lincoln the Litigant (1925), by William H. Townsend. 473 3i. A French Tribute to Lincoln and a Three Part Poem, Abraham Lincoln (1936) Valley Press Lincolniana Reprints [no. 1] 32. Lincoln and Prohibition (1921), by Charles T. White (2 copies) 33. The Works of Abraham Lincoln (1941), ed. by Rufus Rockwell Wilson (also prospectus article: Elmira Star-Gazette, March 15, 1940). 34. Lawyer Lincoln (1936), by Albert A. Woldman (a review by Emanuel Hertz, M3568) . 35. Lincoln's letter to a discouraged student, July 22, i860 (facsimile, 1927), H. E. Barker. 36. Lincoln's last photograph (ca. 1931), Reed Pub- lishing Co. (M3304 note). 37. Photogravure portrait of Charles G. Barry's portrait from life (photogravure copies, ca. 191 2), Otho Wiecker (M2063). 5164. Addresses: In addition to the published addresses included in the body of the bibliography, there is a group of 27 mimeographed or otherwise nearprinted ad- dresses, the majority of which were delivered on Lincoln Day occasions. Many of these addresses have been autographed by their authors or are accompanied by letters of transmittal to Charles T. White. The following men are among the speakers identified: P. M. Angle, W. J. Baird, H. S. Bridges, C. Cool- idge, T. E. Dewey, W. N. Doak, U. S. Grant III, G. P. Hambrecht, W. G. Harding, H. D. Hatfield, R. A. Haynes, W. H. Hays, J. W. Hill, H Hoover, E. L. Jahncke, H. Kaufman, C. H. Lyttle, G. Pinchot, J. M. Puig Casaurance, A. E. Stevenson, D. H. Tippett. Brief author cards exist for these addresses in the Stern card catalog. They are shelved, by author, in the pamphlet boxes. 5 1 65. Programs, invitations, etc. : Thirty-six programs, invitations, menus for Lin- coln festivities, memorial occasions, dinners, etc., held by Lincoln societies, political organizations, and other interested groups. These do not have author cards in the Stern card catalog. They are shelved as a group at the end of the pamphlet boxes. 5 166. Galley sheets, page proof, etc. The following articles are available in this form, shelved by author in the pamphlet boxes. Bullard, Frederic Lauriston. "Abraham Lincoln; an interpretation." [n. p., n. d.] Illinois state register, Feb. 12, 1920. "Rankin laments failure of Springfield to mark historic Lincoln spots." Moton, Robert Russa. [Speech at the dedication of Lincoln Memorial, May 30th, 1922] Tuskegee Institute press service, 1922. With letter of transmittal to Charles T. White laid in. Scoville, Samuel. "When Lincoln and Beecher met; a revealing episode in Lincoln's life." The Independent, v. 116, no. 3950; p. 180-182. Silver, Abba Hillel. "A saint of democracy." [n. p., n. d.] 5167. Material on the following Lincoln organ- izations: The Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hall Association of Washington, D. C. Articles of incorporation and by-laws. 1890. Grand army of the republic. Department of the Potomac. Lincoln post no. 3. By-laws, rule of order, and roster. 1 9 1 1 . The Lincoln Centenary Committee of the City of New York. [Membership list. 1908] Lincoln Centennial Association, Springfield, 111. [Invitation to become a sustaining member] 1 924. (Blank form filled out for Judge J. B. Oakleaf.) The Lincoln-Douglas Society of Freeport, Illinois. By-laws, objects & purposes. [1929] (2 copies; with souvenir ribbons commemorating the Lin- coln statue unveiling celebration, Freeport, 111., August 27, 1929, laid in.) The Lincoln Group of Boston. [Purpose and membership list] 193 9- 1940. 5168. Announcements for lectures by the follow- ing men: (The place and date given are those for the lecture itself and are not the imprint information of the lecture announcement. In most cases such announcements have no imprint data.) Barton, William Eleazar. Twenty christian cen- turies and the men who made them significant. Oak Park, 111., The First Church, 1921-22. (Lincoln enters into the 19th lecture entitled A century of discordant voices.) Farrington, Frank. Abraham Lincoln nominated on third ballot! And how? (An advertisement for Mr. Farrington's lectures services.) 474 Gage, Merrell. Lincoln as the sculptor sees him. Los Angeles, Univ. of Southern California, June 14, 1941. Lacock, John Kennedy. Illustrated lecture. Abra- ham Lincoln ... 100 beautifully colored lan- tern slides, accompanied by illustrated patriotic songs, [n. p., n. d.] (An advertisement for Mr. Lacock's lecture services.) Monaghan, Jay. Fifth annual Monsignor Reilly Lincoln memorial lecture. Schenectady, N. Y., Union College Memorial Chapel, April 26, 1950. Pillow, Gideon J. Abraham Lincoln and his times; an inspiring story of a great life [n. p., n. d.] (An advertisement for a lecture with stereopticon slides.) Rudeen, E. F. [Lecture on Lincoln, with Lincoln's hickory rocking chair as an exhibit. Mr. Rudeen also whistles and mimics song birds] [n. p., n. d.] Warren, Louis A. Addresses on Abraham Lincoln, [n. p., n. d.] (An advertisement for Mr. War- ren's lecture services.) White, Abel Mortimer. Abraham Lincoln noticed me! [n. p., n. d.] (An advertisement for Mr. White's lecture services.) White, Charles T. Lectures on Lincoln, [n. p., n. d.] (13 copies) (An advertisement.) 5169. [Lincoln items]. One volume containing eleven magazine articles about Abraham Lincoln bound together. 1 v. 41 J/2 cm. Put together by George P. Hambrecht. Contains: The Youth's Companion, December 9, 1880, February 11, 1909. The Independent, April 4, 1895. Harper's Weekly, May 8, 1909, February 13, 1909. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, February 4, 1909. Collier's Weekly, February 13, 1909. Woman's Home Companion, February 1909. The Dearborn Independent, February 7, 1925. The New York Times Magazine, (75th Anniversary Issue), September 19, 1926. LaFollette's Magazine, February 1927. 5170. Newspaper clippings: One carton of news- paper clippings and whole issues of newspapers containing Lincoln articles; ranging from 1909 to ^SO- Si 7 1 . Miscellaneous : One folder of miscellaneous Lincolniana. Mimeographed material: Brown University Library. McLellan Lincoln Col- lection. "Manuscripts in Lincoln's handwriting." Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vt. Catalog No. 106. "Lin- coln and the Civil War period." Consolidated Edison Co. "Lincoln visits 'Five Points.' " ( Radio script. ) Lincoln-Douglas Society, Freeport, 111. Press re- leases. Works Progress Administration. American Guide Project. "Why Lincoln grew a beard." (Briefs, second series.) 5172. Other material: Blotters and postcards with Lincoln quotations. Calendar with Lincoln portrait, 1927. Leaf from Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, 111. Illustrations used in C. T. White's article in The Christian Advocate, Feb. 1949: "Abraham Lin- coln, framer of prohibition law." 5 playbills for plays concerning Lincoln. Brochures, descriptive folders, etc., dealing with Lincoln Memorial University. Dealers' and collectors' catalogs containing Lincoln items. Certifications of contributions to various Lincoln memorial funds. Tickets for dances and balls of the Lincoln Union. A. Lincoln bookmark. Postcards of Lincoln's birthplace, memorials, etc. Lincoln Christmas cards. 475 Medals, Plaques, Sculpture, Etc. 5173. Bronze medal, right profile in relief, lettered : Abraham Lincoln President United States, signed Barber. Lettering on reverse within wreath: March 4, 1861 to April 15, 1865. Emanci- pation Proclaimed Jan. 1, 1863. Medal Series Of The U. S. Mint. J. Pollock 187 1 Director. Diam- eter 1% in. 5 1 74. Bronze medal, left profile in relief, lettered : With. Malice. Toward. None. With. Charity. For. All. 1 809- 1 909, signed: Copyright Davison's Sons, Philadelphia. Lettering on reverse within wreath of laurel and oak leaves: This Medal Was Struck For The Grand Army Of The Republic In Commemoration Of The Anniversary Of The Birth Of Abraham Lincoln. Mounted in zinc (?) case lined with blue velvet together with note reading: "Surgeon General will send Mr. Merwin whenever he may think the public service may require. A. Lincoln. July 24, 1862." Diameter 3 in - 5 1 75. Bronze medal, right profile in relief, lettered : Abraham Lincoln. Lettering on reverse: 1809- 1909. With Malice Toward None With Charity For All. E Pluribus Unum. Diameter 2^ in. 5176. Bronze (?) medal, right profile in relief, lettered: Centennial Of Abraham Lincoln mcmdc, signed B. L. Pratt. Lettering on reverse between eagle at top and fasces at the bottom: Government Of The People By The People For The People Shall Not Perish From The Earth. Diameter 1% in. A second copy is painted (?) a light tan. 5177. Bronze (?) medal lettered: 70th Anniver- sary Rock Island. 1852-1922. Scene on reverse shows head of Lincoln, right profile, two trains dated 1852 and 1922 and bridge. Lettering below : First Bridge Mississippi River Rock Island Lines 70 Years of Service; red, white, & blue ribbon inserted through slit at the top. Diameter 1% in. 5178. Bronze medal, left profiles of Lincoln and Eisenhower in relief, lettered : Republican Centen- nial 1854-1954, signed G. R. [Gilroy Roberts] Let- tering on reverse, between two torches: With Malice Toward None ; With Charity For All ; With Firmness In The Right, As God Give Us To See The Right, Let Us Strive On To Finish The Work We Are In. A. Lincoln. In All Those Things Which Deal With People, Be Liberal, Be Human. In All Those Things Which Deal With The People's Money Or Their Economy, Or Their Form Of Government, Be Conservative. Dwight D. Eisen- hower e Republican Centennial Committee. Di- ameter 2J/2 in. With small metal easel stand. 5179. Bronze medal, right profile in relief, let- tered: Feb. 12, 1809-April, 14, 1865 Abraham Lincoln, signed: Calverley. Lettering on reverse between two fasces: With Malice Toward None With Charity For All With Firmness In The Right As God Gives Us To See The Right Let Us Strive On To Finish The Work We Are In. A. Lincoln. Stamped on side: Medallic Art Co., N. Y. Di- ameter 2 11 /ie m - 5180. Bronze medal, right profile in relief, let- tered : Abraham Lincoln, President Of The United States 1862. Patented. Signed: S. Ellis. Del. 492745— GO -32 477 Sc. On reverse in outer circle in relief Indian brave is depicted scalping a nude man; woman's head at bottom. Inner circle shows a pastoral scene with Indian plowing. Diameter 3 in. 5 18 1 . Bronze medal, right profile in relief, lettered "Lincoln" and "1809-1865," signed: Douglas Volk/, Del/Chas. L. Hinton/Sc. Mounted in leatherette case lined with blue velvet. Lettering on inside : Presented by Illinois Watch Co., Spring- field. Diameter 2 7 /q in. 5182. Bronze medal, right profile in relief, let- tered: Abraham Lincoln. Signed: Morgan. Let- tering on reverse within wreath of oak and laurel leaves: Inaugurated President of The United States March 4, 1861. Second Term March 4, 1865. Assassinated April 14, 1865. Diameter 3 in. 5 1 83. Bronze medal, right profile in relief, signed : B. Right profile of Washington in relief on re- verse, signed: P. Diameter ii/ie in. 2 copies 5 1 84. Bronze medal, right profile in relief, signed : B. Right profile of U. S. Grant in relief on reverse. Diameter 1x /\q in. 5185. Bronze medal, right profile in relief, signed: B. Left profile of R. E. Lee in relief on reverse. Diameter 11 /iq in. 5 1 86. Bronze medal, right profile in relief, signed : B. Shield of flags scroll and broken column on reverse. Diameter i^g in. 5187. Aluminum medal, right profile in relief, lettered: Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865. Signed: Eue, N. Y. Lettering on reverse within wreath: 1 6th President Born Feb. 12, 1809. Died April 15, 1865. Kentucky Republican. Diameter i}4 in. 5188. Aluminum medal, right profile in relief, lettered: Abraham Lincoln. Signed: Eue. Let- tering on reverse : Lucky Play Money 25 Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Diameter 1 inch. 5189. Brass plaque, right profile in relief (affixed with screws) . In walnut oval frame. 9J/4 x 9J/2 in. 5190. Bronze plaque, right profile in relief, let- tered : The Republican Club Of The City Of New York February 12 In 1910. Lettering on reverse: Tresal Bronzing-Plating Co. New York. 5 x 4% m - 5 191. Plaster of paris plaque, right profile in re- lief, lettered: "The Great Heart" In "The Birth of A Nation." 4% x 4 in. 5192. White porcelain (?) plaque, right profile in relief, inset within a hexagonal frame of gilt on blue background. 5 x 4/2 in. 5193. Silvered medal, right profile in relief, sur- rounded by stars. On reverse in circlet of palm branches is lettered: Souvenir Penny Of Portland. Medal is loosely set in base of a 7-pointed glass paperweight in the shape of a star. Diameter 2% in. 5194. Bronze bust of Lincoln on a base. Height 8 in. 2 copies 5195. Plaster bust of Lincoln, lettered: Jo David- son 1943. Height 10 in. 5196. Bust of Lincoln made from discarded paper currency. Height 3/2 in. 5197. Rectangular glass paperweight, with right profile pressed into the bottom. \ l /% x 3 in. 5198. Full-face photograph of Lincoln on a cellu- loid medallion; part of a badge. Above the photo- graph are two American flags and within a pin, the words: "Let us keep step to the Music of the Republic." Below the photograph, stamped in gold on red, white, and blue silk is: Chicago Citi- zen's Committee 1865-19 15 The Illinois Half Century Anniversary Of Negro Freedom & The Lincoln Jubilee Chicago Aug. Sept. 19 15 Member. Badge is fringed with gold tassels. Ca. 8/2x3 in. 5199. Small brown pottery vase, with portrait bust of Lincoln in relief on two sides in a circle of leaves and an eagle over his head. Height 5 in. 5200. Mourning badges. Four mourning badges worn at the funeral of Abraham Lincoln. Broadside v. 3, no. 32 478 5201. Straight razor; ivory (?) handle; in light on my face. One day I asked him how much he tan case. Inserted in case is the note: "About 1902 would take for it. He said $3.50. As I paid him I was being regularly (shaved) by an old English- he said, — 'Don't suppose I ought to part with that man named Brown ?? about 70 years old who had razor because I shaved Abe Lincoln many times the shop in the old Astor House. He had a white with that blade.' W. R. Wengrovins, D. D. S. handled razor which always seemed to work smooth Aeolian Building, N. Y. C." 479 Index Index references to numbered parts are given by bracketed numbers. Thus, Abbatt, William, 3504 [43-44] indicates that his name is found in parts 43 and 44 of entry 3504. Abarbanel, David, 379 Abbatt, William, 294, 3504 [43-44] Abbey, Henry, 2476 Abbott, Francis E., 2621 Abbott, Lyman, 267, 3262 Abbott, N. C, 3093 Adam, G. Mercer, 240, 3806 Adams, B. P., 1516 Adams, Charles, 115 Adams, Charles Francis, 1582, 2556 [29, 37], 449i Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 1582, 3504 [35] Adams, Green, 4263 Adams, Henry, 1582, 1879 Adams, Mrs. Henry, 323 Adams, Mrs. Herbert, 374 Adams, John Colman, 304 Adams, John Quincy, 898, 1527, 37 13, 4272 Adams, John Wolcott, 495 Adams, Richard F., 3996 Adams, William, 3260 Addams, Jane, 3515 Agnew, Benjamin L., 2963 Agnew, J. Holmes, 4670 Ahithophel, 3658 Aiken, William A., 3504 [37] Alberg, Albert, 1461 Alden, Betty, 2500 Alexander I, King of Serbia, 2320 Allen, Edward Frank, 153 Allen, Ethan, 3504 [49] Allen, Francis H., 249 Allen, Henry S., 764 Allen, Jonathan, 352 Allen, Leo E., 3978 Allen, Lyman Whitney, 1082 Allen, Winthrop S. G., 2238 [24] Alley, John B., 2556 [19] AltorfTer, J. C, 3504[i5] Ames, Charles Gordon, 1086 Ames, Lee, 3177, 3180, 3305 Ander, O. Fritiof, 477 Anderson, Charles P., 1720 [19] Anderson, John D., 3504 [17] Anderson, John Q., 2087 Anderson, Rasmus P., 3731 Anderson, Robert, 447, 4389 Anderson, William J., 3504 [37] Andrew, John, 2424 Andrew, John A., 1386, 3308, 4721, 4770 Andrews, James J., 3247 Andrews, Samuel C, 4140 Angle, Paul M., 7, 27, 157, 171, 178, 229, 284, 289, 296, 474, 477, 1366, 1916, 1928, 2238 [21, 31], 2240, 2256, 2268, 2584, 2631, 2649, 321 1, 3555, 3692-3693, 3697, 3942, 4332, 4554> 5156, 5163-5164 Anthony, Elliott, 2566 [15-17] Appel, John W., 1 1 1 7 Appleton, W. S., 1855 Archer, , 3504 [17] Archer, Robert L., 3081 Armstrong, George D., 4192 Armstrong, John, 284 Armstrong, W. D., 2238 [22] Armstrong, William D. ("Duff"), 376, 1756, 2238 [3, 15] Arnold, Isaac N., 4, 1456, 1916, 2777, 2881,3233, 3504 [52], 3540 Arnold, Laurence F., 21 19 Arnold, Samuel, 466, 701, 3389, 4224 Arnold, Samuel Greene, 3306 Arnold, Wade, 2427 Artevelde, Jacob van, 3504 [15] Arthur, Chester A., 3866 Asbury, Henry, 1941 Ashbee, Charles R., 4551 Ashley, James M., 2556 [28] Athearn, Robert G., 2122, 4365 Atkinson, Eleanor (Stackhouse), 386, 1826 Atkinson, Frank H., Jr., 1666 Atkinson, Robert J., 4662 Atwood, Jesse T., 4684 Atzerodt, George A., 466, 701, 953, 3389, 4224, 5082 Aubigne, Theodore Agrippa d', 4230 Aulaire, Edgar Parin d', 479-480 Austin, Benjamin F., 157 1 B B., 5183^5186 B., C. F., 1 92 1 B., J. G., 1609 B., M., 885 B., R., 720, 3504 [26] B., W. W., 824 Babbitt, Edwin S., 4937 Babcock, Bernie (Smade), 4189 Bachelder, John B., 5101 Bacheller, Irving, 5163 Bacon, Albion Fellows, 2256 Bacon, Henry Elbridge, 4334 Bagby, A. M., 2702 Bailey, , 2641 Bailey, Joseph W., 284, 3778 Bailey, Wilfred Ormrod, 3504 [3] Baily, George M., 4801 Baine, Frank L, 754 Baird, Claude, 509 Baird, William Jesse, 5164 Baker, C. T., 2626 Baker, Edward D., 2566 [1], 3833 Baker, George E., 3784 Baker, L.B., 2238 [39] Baldensperger, Fernand, 2467 Baldwin, Hannah A., 1602 Baldwin, John N., 3086 [15] Ballard, Francis Drake, 5002 Ballard, Frank W., 42 Bancroft, Frederic, 3744 Bancroft, George, 31 14, 3260, 4133, 4270,4274,4594 Bancroft, T. B., 267, 282 481 Bancroft, T. D., 38 Bank, Arnold, 2517 Banks, Nathaniel P., 706, 1846 Bannwart, Carl, 1575 Barbee, David R., 4256 Barber, , 5173 Baringer, William E., 2240, 3416 Barker, Harry E., 4, 150, 641, 931, 1909-1910, 1912-1913, 1918-1920, 2544, 3458, 4401, 5163 Barker, William L., 4456 Barler, A. C, 549 Barnard, George Grey, 455, 555, 3504 [28], 4058 Barnes, John S., 3504 [39] Barnes, Thurlow Weed, 4481 Barnes, Walter, 1092 Barnum, Jay Hyde, 2430 Barondess, Benjamin, 482, 2851 Barrett, Oliver R., 148, 244, 474, 482, 1286, 1730, 2030, 3140, 3689, 3940, 4143, 4691, 4694-4695, 4697, 4705- 4709, 4711-4714,4716-4717, 4727, 4734-4736, 4738, 4745, 4747, 4758, 4770, 4778, 4810, 5123, 5128, 5130, 5163 Barrett, Roger W., 244 Barritt, , 2689 Barron, John N., 1830 Barry, Charles G., 5163 Barry, George D., 3504 [33] Barthell, Edward E., Jr., 2642 Bartlett, Joseph, 2259 Bartlett, Truman H., 3504 [14, 38], 3738 Bartlett, William A., 3504 [16] Barton, Albert O., 2238 [22] Barton, Bruce, 605 Barton, Robert S., 620, 3924 Barton, William E., 102, 775, 1082, 1 182, 1228, 1338, 1720 [24], 2238. [19, 20, 22], 2240, 2251, 2550, 2841, 2875, 3252, 3262, 3492, 3504 [16, 22, 26, 33, 34, 35, 38, 40, 46], 3826, 4096, 4214, 4248, 4252, 5156, 5163, 5168 Basler, Roy P., n, 54, 4581, 5163 Bateman, Newton, 2222 Bates, David Homer, 267 [v. a], 3504 [50], 5163 Bates, Edward, 1941, 2238 [7], 2556 [40], 3149, 3557 Bates, J. A., 2587 Bates, L. J., 4989 Baumbach, A., 5020 Baumgartner, Warren, 513 Bayne, Julia Taft, 2844 Beach, Seneca C, 4801 Beale, Howard K., 644 Beall, Edmond, 2238 [5] Bean, B. C, 3925 Beard, Charles A., 2609 Beard, Daniel C. ("Dan"), 4022 Beard, Frank, 5057 Beardsley, Harry M., 1532 Beare, Cornelia, 221 Beatty, Albert R., 3081 Beauchamp, P., 1059 Beauregard, Pierre G. T., 4586, 5054, 5066 Beaver, James A., 2639 Beck, James M., 4269 Becker, J. W., 2238 [9] Beckner, Lucien, 775 Beckner, W. M., 775 Bedell, Grace, 134, 3003 Beecher, Henry Ward, 1289, 2016, 2926, 3079-3083, 3260, 3504 [40], 392i, 3954, 3973, 5156, 5166 Belden, Marva Robins, 670 Bell, J. D, 132 Bell, John, 1736, 4845, 5047 Bellamy, Francis, 2246 Bellows, Henry W., 3260 Benet, Stephen Vincent, 676 Benjamin, Judah P., 1343, 2556 [27] Benjamin, R. M., 4961 Bennett, Arnold, 14 19 Bennett, Ira, 2595, 2598 Bennett, James Gordon, 5040 Bennett, John, 68 Bennett, S. Fillmore, 5005-5006 Benton, Joel, 1 734 Benton, Thomas Hart, 1483 Berghaus, A., 51 12 Bernstorff , Johann Heinrich, Graf von, 284 Berry, William F., 3924 Bestor, Arthur, 4, 182 Beveridge, Albert J., 537, 624, 1438, 1955, 2014, 2191, 2741, 3045, 3086 [12], 3333, 3504 [29], 5163 Beyer, Richard L., 2240 Biblicus [pseud.], 1427 Bibo, Irving, 4915 Bickley, , 5120 Bicknell, A. B., 3359 Bicknell, Albion H., 1 385-1 386 Biddle, Charles J., 4725 Bidwell, Daniel D., 3504 [49] Bidwell, John N., 468 Bigelow, Frederick S., 265 Bigelow, John, 4185 Biggs, George W., 3710 Biglow, Hosea [pseud.], 4675, 4839 Billings, George A., 4558 Bingham, John A., 2556 [25] Bingham, Robert W., 2043 Binney, William, 3446 Birch, George W. F., 3504 [50] Birrell, Augustine, 3073 Bishop, H. O., 3083 482 Bishop, Richard E., 2255 Bismarck, Otto, Furst von, 3838 Bissell, George E., 3751-3752 Bissell, William H., 975 Bissett, Clark Prescott, 4176 Bixby, 3504 [26] Bixby, Lydia A., 70, 136, 456, 606, 639, 779, 874, 1218, 1338, 1665, 1674, 2749, 3504 [32], 3774, 4256, 4383-4384, 4386, 4818 Bixby, William K., 1 18-1 19 Black, Arthur, 719 Black, Chauncey F., 2124, 2238 [31], 2459 Black, F. L., 1338 Black, FrankS., 3086 [17] Black Hawk, 992, 2837, 3994 Blackett, H. Field, 13 16 Blackstock, Josephine, 3515 Blada, V. [pseud.], 4371 Blades, Franklin, 295 Blaine, James G., 3062, 3298, 4132, 4270 Blair, Albert L., 3504 [32] Blair, Francis G., 2201 Blair, Montgomery, 1332, 2556 [16], 2721, 4830, 5055 Blaisdell, Elinore, 1505 Blake, George W., 4061 Blake, John Falkner, 1537 Blakely, Paul L., 367 Blakesbee, Francis D., 1560, 4687 Blanc, Louis, 1657 Blanchard, W. S., 4982 Bland, Harry MacNeill, 3290 Blatch, Harriot Stanton, 1255 Blatchford, E. W., 2881 Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 2240 Blessing-Eyster, Nellie, 4562 Bliss, Alexander, 2388 Blumenthal, Walther Hart, 379 Bohrod, Aaron, 1727 Boker, George H., 3060, 3467 Bollinger, James W., 1645, 19 16. 2268-2269, 2533 Bolton, John T., 3504 [6] Bone, William A., 481 1 Bonhajo, Louis, 5163 Bontemps, Arna, 3515 Boone Family, 3608 Booth, Edwin, 267, 3652 Booth, John Wilkes, 267, 279, a82, 487, 514, 646-647, 779, 851, 944, 1085, 1 108, 1 158, 1 176, 1338, 1359, 1394, i486, 1549, 1584, 1645, 1689, 173', 1787, 1843, 2149, 2338 [33, 39], 3284, 2310, 2345, 2389, 2477, 2532, 2846, 2966-2967, 3053, 3504 [4, 30, 44], 3730, 3991-3992, 4202- 4204, 4278, 4599, 4601, 4655, 5072, 5074, 5089, 5090-5091, 51 19-5120 Booth, Junius Brutus, 1 731 Booth, Mary L., 1653, 1656 Booth, Robert R., 3079-3080 Booth family, 1584, 2399, 2846 Boo ton, Joseph F., 2210 Borden, John, 2556 [38] Borgese, G. A., 1 168 Borglum, Gutzon, 284, 386, 1575, 2198, 3128, 3504 [44] Borrett, George T., 3504 [36] Bosbyshell, Oliver C, 2963 Botta, Anne C, 445 Botta, Charlotte (Lynch), 1751 Boutwell, George S., 308, 2093, 3504 [48], 4282 Bowen, A. L., 289 Bowen, Henry C., 308, 3504 [47] Bowers, Claude G, 289, 674 Bowers, E., 4890, 4912 Bowles, Samuel, III, 2927 Box, Henry W., 869 Boyd, Andrew, 400, 1855, 41 21 Boyd, Belle, 2108, 2367, 3840-3841 Boyle, John Richards, 2963 Boynton, Irene, 4849 Boyton, H. V., 17 16 Bracken, Dorothy Kendall, 3523 Bradbury, William B., 4789 Bradford, H. A., 2192 Bradford, Larned G., 649 Bradley, Chester D., 4365 Bradley, Preston, 1720 [32, 38] Bradshaw, Emerson O., 2362 Bradwell, James B., 2566 [27] Brady, Cyrus T., 3504 [17] Brady, James T., 3 1 1 3 Brady, Mathew B., 1459, 2109, 2921- 2922, 2961, 2970 Brainerd, Cephas, 42, 2416, 2556 [7], 3453, 3455 Bramantip, Bocardo [pseud.], 867 Brandon, Rodney H., 1720 [33] Bray, Martha (Coleman), 2216 Breckinridge, John C, 980, 1736, 5038 Breese, Sidney, 2224 Bret, , 892 Brewster, Andre, 2948 Brewster, Benjamin H., 3473 Bridges, H. Styles, 5164 Briggs, Ernestine B., 797 Briggs, James A., 204 Briggs, Lilian Marie, 1 73 Briggs, M. L., 1744 Briggs, Morris H., 226, 1404, 1465, 3387 Brigham, William E., 3504 [24] Bright, John, 445, 879, 3362, 3504 [3] Bristol, Calvin E., 4735 Brooks, Edmund D., 2703 Brooks, James, 2590 [20, 37, 38] Brooks, Noah, 266, 1843, 3757 Brooks, Phillips, 1362 Brough, John, 3088 Brown, , 5201 Brown, Billy, 4 108-4 109 Brown, C. L., 2238 [36] Brown, Charles Walter, 572 Brown, George, 2804 Brown, Hilton U., 3839 Brown, James N., 9 Brown, John, 612, 1533, 2306, 2668, 3522, 3612, 4356, 5086 Brown, L., 4748 Brown, Marion E., 752, 2851 Brown, Paul V., 2252 Brown, Richard A., 2950 Brown, Virginia Stuart, 42 1 Brown, Wilbur F., 1721 Brown, William P., 583 Browne, Charles Farrar, 3769 Browning, Orville H., 4, 651, 194 1, 2233, 3309, 4701 Browning, Mrs. Orville H., 4, 129 Browning, William, 3504 [16] Brownson, Marcus A., 3347 Bruce, Wallace, 3751-3752 Bruno, Guido, 850 Bryan, George W., 5163 Bryan, James A., 4067 Bryan, William Jennings, 1877, 2497, 2612, 2926, 4265 Bryant, James C, 4790 Bryant, William Cullen, 529, 798, 3448, 4959 Bryce, James, 237 Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount, 374 Brydges, C. J., 3504 [41] Bryner, Byron C, 5163 Buchanan, James, 11 17, 1287, 1302, 1366-1367, 2409, 2874, 3181, 3298, 5034-5041, 5043, 5047, 5051 Buckingham, John E., 4748 Buckingham, William A., 866 Budington, William I., 3260 Buel, Clarence C, 649-650 Bugbee, Mrs. E. J., 4935 Buley, R. C, 2256 Bulkley, Lorenzo Hill, 4795 Bullard, Carrie, 746 Bullard, F. Lauriston, 154, 1366, 2583, 3504 [31], 4384, 5i66 Bullock, C. Seymour, 3504 [17] Bullock, John M., 304 Bungay, George W., 2187 Bunn, George W., Jr., 285, 419 Bunn, John W., 295 Buntline, Ned. [pseud.], 2360, 5040 Burchard, S. D., 3260 Burdick, S. C, 4983 Burdick, Usher L., 1260 Burford, C. C, 2442 Burke, Harry Rosecrans, 19 10 Burke, Katherine Mcintosh, 3972 Burla, Yair, 13 18 Burnham, Benjamin F., 3504 [9] Burnham, Samuel, 11 78 Burns, John, 3433 Burns, Robert F., 2852, 3504 [19] Burnside, Ambrose E., 2566 [19-20] Burr, C. Chauncey, 3219 Burr, William H., 1060 Burrell, David James, 2854 Bursum, Holm O., 1987 Burton, Calvin, 5123 Burton, John E., 401, 502, 775, 1796, 2639, 3760 Burton, Theodore E., 3086 [23] Butcher, Fanny, 241 1 Butler, Benjamin F., 1386, 2095, 3369, 3504 [15L 4220, 4262 [8], 4712 Butler, Donald Hege, 2233 Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1943, 1976— 1977 Butler, W. I., 4624 Butterfield, William, 4694 Button, Charles P., 3504 [40] Butts, Arthur C, 2797 Butts, J. T., 2765 Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, baron, 1837 C, L. D., 279 C, P. C, 5065 C, R., 4990 C, T., 2528 Cadman, S. Parkes, 2497, 3086 [30] Cain, Jewett P., 1663 Caldwell, Charles P., 5156 Calhoun, John C, 462, 2556 [t, 28], 3504 [29], 5060 Calver, William L., 312 I Calverley, Charles, 5 1 79 Camacho Roldan, Salvador, 3504 [25] Cameron, Angus, 2514 Cameron, Simon, 22, 1254, 3281, 4705, 5055 Campbell, Antrim, 3496 Campbell, Blendon, 4099 Campbell, John A., 177, 1 175 Canisius, Theodore, 1938 Canning, George, 1527 Cannon, Joseph G., 1285 Capen, Nahum, 2590 [39] Carey, Henry C, 2566 [22-23] Carey, John, 2556 [18] Carlstrom, Oscar E., 2199 Carlyle, Thomas, 665 Carman, E. A., 4536 Carnegie, Andrew, 451, 2918 Carpenter, C. C, 3504 [38] 483 Carpenter, Francis B., 264, 1360, 1642-1643, 3331, 3337, 3504 [6, 48], 35 1 1 Carpenter, Richard V., 2238 [4] Carpenter, Stephen D., 3504 [6] Carr, Clark E., 229, 1599, 2240 Carr, Edwin Hamlin, 1082 Carr, William A., 599 Carroll, Anna Ella, 727, 1 744-1 745, 2256 Carroll, Gordon, 4231 Carrott, M. Finlay, 2233 Carruthers, H. W., 4695 Carson, Hampton L., 3347 Carter, Mary D., 2986 Carter, William, 3086 [27] Cartwright, Charles E., 3032, 3037 Cartwright, Peter, 1723, 3251 Carver, George Washington, 3515 Cary, Edward, 16 13 Casauranc, Jose Manuel Puig See Puig Casauranc, Jose Manuel Cass, Lewis, 1736, 5036, 5039 Caswell, Edward C, 2907 Cater, Harold Dean, 320 Caton, John D., 2224 Cattell, A. G., 4745 Catton, Bruce, 381, 1 095-1 096, 1824, 2348, 5029-5030 Cavanah, Frances, 3515 Caverno, Charles, 3504 [34] Cawein, Madison, 2691 Challen, Joseph, 3504 [20] Chamberlain, Daniel H., 3504 [17] Chamberlain, Joshua L., 2964, 3504 [5] Chandler, Albert B., 3504 [50] Chandler, Josephine Craven, 2238 [22], 2240, 3081 Chapman, Ervin S., 932, 1 154 Chappel, A., 5101 Charnwood, Godfrey Rathbone Ben- son, baron, 2238 [12], 2636, 4044 Chase, Major , 5053 Chase, Catherine ("Kate"), 670, 3342, 3637 Chase, Salmon P., 282, 382, 538, 670, 1386, 2382, 3181, 3263, 3342, 3637, 3735, 5055 Cheever, George Barrell, 3615, 3865 Chenery, William Dodd, 3939 Cheney, Charles Edward, 1720 [15] Child, Charles, 493, 676 Childs, G. W.,3258 Chiniquy, Charles P., 2876 Chiperfield, Burnett M., 4195 Chittenden, Albert J., 1070 Chittenden, Brace, 1070 Chittenden, Lucius E., 33, 3504 [49] Choate, Joseph H., 264, 266, 2229, 3504 [44] Choate, Rufus, 765 Chrisman, Herring, 5163 Chrisman, William H., 1079 Christy, Howard Chandler, 1091 Chubb, Percival, 216 Church, Sanford E., 2590 [33] Church, William C, 3504 [7] Churchman, H., 192, 4528 Churchman, Philip H., 192 Clampitt, John W., 3 181 Clark, Allen C, 1163 Clark, Champ, 1018 Clark, Clarence Don, 75 Clark, D. W. C, 4705 Clark, Dale, 1843 Clark, Edward, 3623 Clark, Frank M., 1636 Clark, Helen P. [Bright], 3362 Clark, Leon P., 5163 Clark, Mary King, 282 Clark, Thomas Curtis, 1083 Clarke, John Vaughan, 42 Clarkson, James S., 4377 Clay, Henry, 310, 2044, 2335, 2556 [42] Cleaveland, Harry H., 1647 Clemens, Sherrard, 2566 [8] Clements, William L., 1565 Cleveland, Grover, 3750 Cleveland, John F., 1736 Clifford, John H., 264 Clinedinst, B. West, 5100 Clinton, George, 680 Clough, William O., 1722 Clune, Michael, 3086 [24] Cobden, Richard, 3504 [15] Cochin, Augustin, 1652-1655 Cochrane, Henry C, 2963 [2] Cockrell, Francis M., 5156 Cockrell, Monroe F., 1432, 1493, 3381 Cody, H. H., 4879 Coggeshall, William T., 186, 190, 192 Colby, Homer W., 2794 Cole, Arthur Charles, 289, 2238 [19], 2240, 2988 Cole, Cornelius, 3352, 4497 Cole, Robert J., 818 Colfax, Schuyler, 2566 [22-23], 35°4 [30, 33], 3922 Collamer, Jacob, 2556 [12] Collins, Charles, 1054 Collins, William, 4834 Colton, Clara, 665 Colyer, Walter, 2238 [9] Commager, Henry Steele, 2609, 2969, 4535 Comstock, George F., 2590 [2, 35] Conant, Alban Jasper, 267 Concklin, Edward F., 4313 Congdon, Charles T., 3866, 4039 Conger, A. L., 4627 Conkling, Clinton L., 2238 [7], 2240 Conkling, James C, 195, 2240, 3776 Conkling, Roscoe, 1 182 Conrade, Mary S., 1666 Converse, Henry A., 289, 2240 Conway, Moncure D., 445 Cook, Mrs. Anthony Wayne, 3082 Cook, Frank B., 1 134 Cook, Giles B., 1 171 Cook, John W., 3 Cook, Katherine M., 1 161 Cook, Sherwin L., 3504 [25] Coolidge, Calvin, 2601, 3086 [38], 4014, 4800, 4824, 5164 Coonley, Lydia (Avery), 1666 Cooper, George, 4986 Cooper, Homer H., 2238 [10] Cooper, Peter, 2415 Copeland, Royal S., 1989-1990, 2006 Corbett, Boston, 2310, 2504, 5089 Corbin, M. M., 3504 [39] Corneau, Octavia (Roberts), 2170 Corning, Erastus, 95, 196, 338 Cortelyou, George B., 2810 Corwin, Thomas, 2556 [4], 2566 [13] Cosgrave, John O'Hara, II, 4122 Coulter, John, 5163 Cowan, Andrew, 2691 Cowan, Edgar, 2590 [9] Cowgill, Frank Brooks, 3726 Cowgill, William M., 182 Cowing, John P., 199 Cox, Jennie W., 1650 Crane, W. C, 1768 Craven, Avery D., 2240, 4332 Craven, John J., 4365 Cravens, Joseph M., 2249 Cresson, Margaret F., 380 Crews, Monte, 3178 Crittenden, John J., 223, 2566 [14, 18] Crocker, Bertha, 215 Crook, William H., 267 Crosby, Edward N., 2590 [21] Crothers, , 3504 [42] Croushore, James H., 1 340-1 341 Croy, Homer, 1185 Crunelle, Leonard, 161 1, 2572 Cudworth, Warren H., 3504 [41] Culliford, C. J., 5072 Cullom, Shelby M., 1189, 3086 [4], 3504 [32] Culver, , 204 Culyer, John Y., 3504 [32] Cummings, , 4466 Cunard, , 3244, 3405 [37] Cunningham, Joseph O., 106 Cunningham, Robert E., 3440 Curran, John W., 2584 Current, Richard N., 380, 3483-3484, 3486 Currey, J. Seymour, 2238 [4, 12] 484 Currie, George E., 3504 [38] Curry, John Steuart, 156 Curti, Merle, 477 Curtin, Andrew G., 3375, 35°4 [28], 4695-4696 Curtis, Benjamin R., 1502, 24 15-24 16, 2699, 3188, 3504 [10], 4315 Curtis, Charles, 2595 Curtis, Edmund, 2272 Curtis, George William, 3504 [47], 392 1 Curtiss, George B., 1339 Curtiss, George Ticknor, 2590 [8, 11, 18, 22] Cushing, William B., 3633 Cushman, Charles Rowley, 4270 Cushman, Esther Cowles, 120, 2126, 33 86 > 3568 Cushman, J. B., 31 18 Cutting, Charles Sidney, 1720 [18] Cutts, James M., 123 Cuyler, Theodore L., 308, 3260, 3504 [49] D D.,M.F., 3504 1 1 8] Dadd, S. T., 1813 Dahlgren, John A., 4746, 4760, 4764- 4765, 4768 Dailey, J. P., 137 1 Damon, Samuel C, 1615, 3504 [1 1] Dana, Charles A., 1734 Dana, John Cotton, 3128 Dana, Richard H., 3 18 1 Daniel, Auguste, 4127 Daniels, Jonathan, 4182 Danielson, J. A., 5156 Darlington, Joseph G., 3347 Darnell, Mrs. James, 2392 Darwin, Charles, 1152, 2439, 3863 Daugherty, James, 2951, 3675 Davenport, John L., 913, 3083 Davidson, Jo, 5195 Davies, Joseph E., 142 1 Davis, Bancroft, 765 Davis, Charles Augustus, 2502 Davis, David, 2238 [7], 2240, 3417, 3540, 4553 Davis, Edwin D., 2238 [25], 2240 Davis, Mrs. Harriet R., 3504 [17] Davis, Henry C, 4461 Davis, Henry Winter, 2566 [13], 2721, 3552 Davis, J. McCan, 9, 4096 Davis, Jefferson, 739, 762, 940 [3], 1175, 1530, 1679, 1869, 2092- 2093, 2310, 2491, 2556 [5], 2584, 2798, 2919, 3504 [26], 3661, 3665, 3995, 4050, 4239, 4282, 4365, 4565, 4720, 5042, 5052, 5054, 5060, 5066, 5078, 5084-5085, 5093 Davis, Moshe, 384 Dawes, Henry L., 308, 3504 [47] Dawes, Rufus Fearing, 1334 Dawes, Rufus R., 1334 Dawn, L. M., 4966 Dawson, Warrington, 4402 Dawson, William Forrest, 1580 Day, Adam F., 4735 Dayton, Aretas A., 2238 [34] Dayton, William L., 5043 Dean, Mallette, 2520 Dearden, — — , 3504 [44] DeBruler family, 2194 DeFontaine, Felix G., 1 1 74 Delmar, Alexander, 3504 [30] DeMotte, William H., 2238 [20] Dempster, John, 3301 Denio, C. B., 4263 Dennett, Tyler, 289, 1880 Depew, Chauncey M., 267, 2997, 3081, 3086 [10] De Renne, Wymberley Jones, 2491 De Thulstrup, T., 1747 Detje, Harold C, 2950 Dewey, Thomas E., 5164 DeWitt, Robert M., 32 14-32 15 Dexter, H. M., 1 178 Dicey, Edward, 3504 [45] Dickey, T. Lyle, 3540 Dickinson, Anna E., 1040 Dickson, Edward A., 2569 Dickson, Frederick S., 3504 [25] Dickson, John L., 2601 Dickson, William M., 3504 [15] Dingley, Edward Nelson, 3083 Disraeli, Benjamin, earl of Beacons- field, 2035 Dix, John A., 3504 [34], 4262 [8] Dixon, James, 1403 Doak, William N., 2595, 5164 Dodd, Ira S., 3504 [24] Dodd, William E., 289, 1228, 3492, 3504 [33], 3990 Dodge, Daniel Kilham, 144 Dodge, Grenville M., 282, 1936, 2963 Dodge, Paul Hunter, 124 Dollins, Achilles D., 2213 Dolliver, Jonathan P., 3086 [19] Donald, David, 752, 1034, 1374, 2238 [40], 3'07 Dondero, George A., 2120, 2238 [24], 3968 Donelson, Andrew J., 5038 Donnelly, J. H., 3473 Donofrio, Ugo A., 5104 Doolittle, James R., 170, 940 [5], 2556 [1,481,3761 Dorsey, Azel W., 2238 [22], 3198, 3504 [39] Doubleday, Abner, 2094 Douglas, Martin F., 1401 Douglas, Stephen A., 32, 53, 63, 71, 73, 76, 87, 89, 113-114, 173, '79. 182, 187, 192, 194, 231, 266, 267, 282, 289, 310, 327, 364, 432, 443, 590, 616, 770, 779, 855-856, 940 [17], 97i, 974, 976, 985, 1 196, 1246, 1272, 1351, 1401, 1411, 1456, 1564, '573, 1576, 1611, 1703, 1736, 1770, 1841, 1851, 1898, 1918, 1939, 1948, 2051, 2055, 2153, 2200, 2202, 2233, 2238 [5, 8, 13, 16, 21-23, 26-27, 29, 42], 2240, 2297, 23 1 1, 2386, 2419, 2425-2427, 2545, 2556 [3, 27, 41, 45], 2572, 2585, 2641, 2652, 2719, 2729, 2793, 281 1, 2822, 2830, 2845, 2981, 3002, 3147, 3 1 78-3 1 79, 3254, 3285, 3327, 3335, 3384, 3386, 3504 [23, 35], 3787, 3861, 4002, 4163, 4194, 4273, 4373, 4469, 4480, 4499, 4528, 4575, 4691, 4821, 5036, 5039, 5042, 5047, 5129-5132, 5134, 5138-5140, 5 142-5 143, 5 146-5 15 1, 5167, 5171 Douglass, Frederick, 1386, 4980 Dow, Neal, 308, 3504 [48] Dowdey, Clifford, 5029-5030 Downing, Jack [pseud.], 2502-2503, 4675 Doyle, Alexander, 3504 [14] Doyle, Clyde, 2406, 2627 Doyle, Cornelius J., 1749 Draper, Andrew S., 214 Drell, Muriel Bernitt, 2585, 3763 Drien, Augusto, 3692 Drinkwater, John, 534, 1154, 2374, 2636, 3504 [22, 36], 3721 Drury, Newton B., 4309-4310 Dudley, James T., 4952 Duffield, George, 3504 [17] Duffield, Howard, 3086 [13] Dugan, Mrs. Irwin, 2919 Dummer, Henry E., 2238 [31] Dunlap, Leslie W., 2226 Dunlap, Lloyd A., 54, 5163 Dunn, Charles, 782 Dunn, George R., 3375 Dunn, Waldo IL, 3047 Dunne, Edward F., 284, 2238 [9] Dunning, William A., 3744 Duval, P. S., 4774 Dwiggins, Clare Victor, 92 1 Dyche, Grace L. (Scripps), 2240, 3758 Dyson, Howard F., 4104 E Early, Jubal A., 1244 East, Ernest E., 2238 [28-29, 4 2 1, 2585 485 Eaton, Edward Bailey, 2970 Eaton, Vincent L., 4305 Eben, Carl Theodor, 1263 Edison, Thomas A., 3515 Edmonds, George [pseud.], 2925, 2983 Edmunds, J. M., 4263 Edwards, Everett E., 4266 Edwards, Richard, 3504 [9] Eells, James, 3260 Eggers, Johann L. C, 566 Eggleston, Allegra, 1469 Eggleston, Benjamin, 419 1 Ehrmann, Bess V., 2256 Ehrmann, Eugenia (De Bruler), 2194 Eichhorn, J. C, 4827 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 5 1 78 Eisenschiml, Otto, 1095, 1218, 1774, 2584, 3463, 5106 Elderkin, Mrs. , 3504 [27] Eliot, George Fielding, 2738 Elliot, J. H., 3504 [44] Elliot, Lester, 209 Ellis, Charles M., 3504 [14] Ellis, George D., 4277 Ellis, S., 5180 Ellsworth, Ephraim Elmer, 93, 136, 2267, 361 1, 4706 Ellsworth, James William, 182 Embert, John H. R., 2859 Embree, Clotilde, 4003 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 2035, 2156, 3504 [3l> 3736,3740 Enelow, H. G., 1508, 2691 Engelbrecht, Trientja, 1122 Erdman, Charles R., 3653 Estcourt, J. H., 663 Etheridge, Emerson, 2566 [9] Eubank, William D., 1533 Euclid, 2390 Eue, ,5187-5188 Evans, A. L., 4273 Evans, Evan A., 289 Evans, Joseph F., 2238 [8] Evans, John C, 1720 [37] Evans, Luther H., 2955 Evans, Walter, 2957 Evarts, William M., 940 [18], 3086 M, 3735 Everett, Edward, 253, 403, 617, 759, 1386, 1619, 1736, 2147, 2585, 3322, 4262 [8], 441 1, 4845 Ewing, James S., 295, 3053 Ewing, Thomas, 2238 [25-26] Eytinge, Sol., Jr., 4188 Fairbanks, Avard T., 3967, 3972 Fallows, Samuel, 284 Farjeon, Eleanor, 1108 Farnum, George R., 87 Farquhar, Arthur Briggs, 2783 Farragut, David G., 5067, 5093 Farrell, C. F., 905 Farrington, Frank, 5168 Fay, Herbert Wells, 1063, 2294, 2319, 3942 Felin, Jose, 12 14 Fell, Jesse W., 2, 22, 47-50, 107, 133, 2135, 3021, 4792a Felton, S. M., 3375 Fenton, Reuben E., 31 18, 4262 [3] Fergus, Robert, 443 Ferguson, Benjamin, 37 Ferguson, Duncan, 2238 [15] Ferguson, William J., 386, 3504 [47] Ferris, Aaron A., 3 1 8 1 Ferris, J. L. G., 2636 Fess, Simeon D., 3086 [29], 4269 Fessenden, William P., 432, 1386, 2566 [26] Feusier, A., 5056 Field, David Dudley, 2556 [36] Field, Henry M., 3504 [50] Field, Stephen J., 2475 Field, Thomas P., 3108 Field, Thomas W., 4039 Fields, James T., 4065 Fifer, Joseph W., 1167 Fifer, Orien W., 1082 Fillmore, Millard, 5034-5035, 5037- 5038, 5040-5041 Finer, Herman, 4332 Finley, John H., 289, 1082 Fish, Daniel, 55, 694, 3202, 3953 Fish, Hamilton, 3103 Fisher, Archibald, 244 Fisher, George P., 3548, 4223 Fisher, Helen, 2619 Fisher, John S., 1395 Fisher, Thomas C, 3371 Fisk, Archibald Barrow, 1037 Fite, Mrs. E. M. S., 2408 Fitzgerald, John, 297 Fletcher, Duncan U., 4580, 4618 Flick, Alexander C, 31 19 Flocon, Ferdinand, 1657 Fogelquist, Donald F., 3707 Fogg, George G., 105 Foner, Philip S., 20 Forbes, Archibald, 304, 3 181 Forbes, Edwin, 3504 [24] Ford, Gordon Lester, 3436 Ford, H. Clay, 4813 Ford, Worthington C, 321, 474 Forman, Allan, 3504 [15] Forney, John W., 5042 Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 1907 Forster, William E., 2035 Forsyth, Mary I., 3504 [34] Foster, B. S., 3473 Foster, F. E., 192, 4528 Foster, Fisher A., 2309 Fountain, Samuel W., 2963 Fowle, Alonzo, 905-907 Fowler, , 1920 Fowler, Carl H., 1 594-1595 Fox, Henry J., 3260 Fox, Paul, 3504 [45] Fox, William P., 5018 Francis, Earl Elliott, 329 Francis, Julius E., 2591 Franciscus, G. C, 3375 Frank, Augustus, 2552 Frank, Glenn, 2086, 4068 Frank, Josette, 2430 Frankenberg, Robert, 2359 Frankenburger, David B., 591 Frankland, Abraham E., 383 Franklin, Benjamin, 517, 655, 734, 1309, 2156, 3542 Franklin, John Hope, 486 Frasconi, Antonio, 78 Freeman, Douglas Southall, 294, 314, 2491 Freeman, James E., 3082 Frelinghuysen, Frederick T., 3127 Frelinghuysen, Joseph S., 3127 Fremantle, Sir Arthur James Lyon, 1865 Fremont, Jessie (Benton), 4030 Fremont, John C, 3120, 3552, 4030, 5034-5035, 5037-5038, 5041, 5043 French, Benjamin B., 5304 [9] French, Mrs. Daniel Chester, 16 14 F'riederang, Max., 1369 Frost, William G., 3504 [12] Frothingham, James H., 4039 Frye, William P., 1285 Fuller, , 1529 Fuller, Melville W., 262 Fuller, Richard, 538 Fulwiler, D. M., 155 Funk, Isaac, 4183 Gabbert, Mary Lee, 1477 Gable, William F., 1751 Gage, Merrell, 5168 Gair, Robert, 929 Galbreath, Charles B., 3666 Gallagher, Sears, 4025 Gallatin, James, 2590 [41] Gansevoort-Lansing, Catherine, 3246 Gantt, Edward W., 3984 Gardiner, James G., 2816 Gardner, Alexander, 1459, 2970 Garfield, James A., 729, 2099, 2101- 2102, 3886, 4132, 4247, 4270, 4773 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 1662, 2238 [36], 3504 [35] 486 Garner, James W., 327 Garrison, Francis Jackson, 1649 Garrison, William Lloyd, 272, 1649, 2322, 2433, 3593 "Gath" [pseud.], 4203, 4207 Gay, Henry, 3752 Gay, James D., 4775 Gay, William H., 2238 [7] Geary, Clifford, 2386 Gehrmann, Mrs. Carrie H., 3504 [10] Gentry, Matthew, 1 78 Genung, John F., 3504 [35] Georg, Herbert, 4157 George, David E., 646 George, John H., 4694 Gernon, Blaine Brooks, 1049, 2238 [271,2584,5163 Gerry, Margarita (Spalding), 267, 1258 Gibson, J., 4783 Gibson, W. R., 4279 Giddings, Joshua R., 185 Gilbert, Cass, 374 Gilbert, N. D., 853 Gilder, Richard Watson, 55, 121, 267, 282, 1007, 3738, 3921 Gilder, Rosamond, 1680 Gilkey, Charles W., 1720 [34] Gillespie, Joseph, 444 Gittings, John S., 2859 Givin, James, 4695 Gladstone, William E., 334, 3863 Glaeser, August, 4064 Glass, James E., 4894 Gleed, James Willis, 3086 [16] Glennon, John P., 284 Gobin, John P. S., 2963 Goddard, Samuel A., 3504 [1] Godfrey, Frank Turner, 3307 Godoy, Jose F., 3453 Godwin, Parke, 2450 Goff, Frederick R., 4305 Goff, Guy D., 4269 Goff, Nathan, 3086 [28] Gollaher, Austin, 171 1 Gonzalez, Manuel Pedro, 3707 Good, Burrow Diskin, 2233 Goodfellow, William, 868 Goodloe, Daniel R., 2556 [44] Goodrich, Edward Payson, 3701 Goodspeed, Thomas Wakefield, 2238 Goodwin, Philip R., 2103 Gorham, Miachel [pseud.], 1505 Gorman, F. P., 3625 Gorsline, Douglas, 380 Gotwald, Frederick G., 1664 Goudy, Bertha M., 1426 Goudy, Frederic W., 1426 Gould, Norman J., 4285-4286 Grady, Henry W., 3593 Graham, Mentor, 1439, 3912 Graham, Winifred Wise, 3515 Grant, Frederick Dent, 3083 Grant, Ulysses S., 118, 586, 765, 926, 1361, 1384, 1386, 1451, 1460, 1626, 1737, 2200, 2338, 2513-2514, 2590 [42], 2733, 2787, 2932, 2953, 3103, 3294, 3468, 3504 [39, 44], 3542, 3767, 3930, 4014, 4262 [8], 4520, 4553, 4603, 4679, 4742, 4838, 4869, 5067, 5093, 5100, 51 14, 5184 Grant, Ulysses S., Ill, 5156, 5164 Gratz, Simon, 3473 Gratz, W. E. J., 15 14 Gray, Beulah B., 870 Gray, Ralph, 3074 Greeley, Horace, 82, 101, 112, 204, 304, 779, 1225, 1386, 1788, 1869, 21 15, 2129, 31 17, 3504 [38], 3560, 4229, 4340, 5034, 5040 Green, Horace, 3328 Green, John B., 2997 Green, John Pugh, 2963 Greenbie, Marjorie (Barstow), 1745 Greene, Gilbert J., 2783, 4524 Greene, J. L., 4885 Greenhow, Rose (O'Neal), 2108, 3636 Greenleaf, C. J., 2238 [22] Greenly, Albert H., 3969 Greenwood, Grace, 3504 [30, 48] Gregg, David, 3504 [49] Grenier, Edouard, 3504 [14] Grey, Sir George, 2035 Gribbel, John, 2938, 3473 Gridley, Asahel, 2458 Gridley, J. N, 2238 [3] Grierson, Benjamin H., 830, 3847 Grierson, Francis, 3504 [36] Griffith, Albert H., 685, 733, 846, 889, 910, 1221, 1300, 1313, 1322, 1388, 1399, 1538, 1564, 1786, 2043, 2089, 2152, 2199, 2280, 2846, 2862, 2974, 3189, 3613, 3621, 3645, 3686, 4334, 4498, 4529, 4654, 4684 Griffith, Katharine, 2233 Griffith, V. Rector, 5163 Griffith, Will, 2233 Grimsly, Elizabeth (Todd), 2544 Griswold, John A., 4262 [8] Grover, Leonard, 267 Grow, Galusha A., 2556 [9] Gruber, Abraham, 7 1 7 Guibal, George, 4230 Guiterman, Arthur, 1094 Gulick, A. C, 3510 Gunn, John W., 2177 Gunsaulus, Frank W., 3086 [25] Gunther, Charles Godfrey, 3999, 4751 Gurley, Phineas D., 3079-3080, 3443 Gurowski, Adam, 1561 Guthrie, James, 2590 [46] Guthrie, Kenneth S., 13 16 Guthrie, William E., 1315 H H, 4978 H., M. L., 2134 Hagedorn, Hermann N., 3504 [5] Hager, J. M., 3023 Hahn, Michael, 3 181 Halbert, Sherill, 1 1 16 Hale, A., 4734 Hale, Bernardt, 5156 Hale, Charles, 953 Hale, Edward Everett, 198, 1 109 Hale, G. W. B., 1171 Hale, John P., 1790, 2556 [6], 2566 [ii] Hall, Benjamin Homer, 4232 Hall, Edward H., 3940 Hall, George E., 2549 Hall, Kleber, 3354 Hall, Nathaniel, 2590 [39] Hall, Newman, 3504 [7, 34] Hall, Samuel K., 2959 Hall, T. Victor, 4036 Halleck, Henry W., 3504 [38] Halleran, John J., 4482 Halpine, Charles G., 3504 [27] Halsted, Murat, 3504 [47], 4371 Hambidge, Jay, 3150 Hambrecht, George P., 33, 53, 72, 83, 101a, 137, 150-151, 173, '97. 263, 267, 272, 275, 294, 299, 304, 332, 337. 354, 377, 444, 464, 495, 582, 720, 740, 749, 755, 789, 798, 831, 841, 890, 894, 906-907, 939, 962, 985, 1011, 1025, 1043, 1067, 1080, 1 140, 1 146, 1 188, 1299, 1324, 1381, 1423, 1466, 1609, 1630, 1679, 1701, 1710, 1720 [25], 1741, 1754, 1806, 1834, 1893, 1916, 1936, 1965, 1975, •994, 2002, 2005, 2009, 2015, 2059, 21 17, 2154, 2163, 2173, 2180, 2245, 2259, 2288, 2294, 2345, 2395, 2397, 2490, 2505, 2526, 2582, 2590, 2594, 2632, 2665, 2708, 2778, 2819, 2896, 2926, 2932-2933, 2963, 3063, 3086 [1], 3184, 3200, 3224, 3297, 3315, 33i8, 3376, 34i i, 3417, 3463,3476, 3493, 3496, 3526, 3531, 3537, 3540- 3541, 3626, 3653, 3664, 3708, 3786, 3822, 3825, 3878, 3937, 3955-3956, 3960, 4020, 4026-4027, 4039, 4068, 4070, 4101, 4108, 4124, 4129, 4196, 4230, 4244, 4262, 4363, 4364, 4379, 453i, 4536, 4544, 4566, 4591, 4670, 5164, 5169 Hamilton, Alexander, 680, 4056 Hamilton, Joseph Gregoire de Roul- hac, 19, 387 487 Hamilton, John W., 1022 Hamlin, Charles, 3504 [3, 50] Hamlin, Hannibal, 42, 185, 310, 567, 580, 583, 940 [10], 1386, 1441, 1815, 1825, 2151, 2533-2535, 2541, 2552, 2556 [40], 2643, 2646, 2949, 2882, 3086 [5], 3557, 3562, 3884, 4375, 4494, 4695-4696, 4699 Hamlin, Teunis S., 262 Hammond, S. H., 940 [4] Hammond, William A., 700, 5156 Hammond, William F., 3504 [44] Hampton, Wade, 4493 Hanaford, Phebe A. (Coffin), 3504 [25] Hancher, Virgil M., 2268 Hand, John P., 2223 Handrough, H. E., 2295 Handy, Richard [pseud,], 1070 Hanks, Dennis F., 386, 3826, 4804 Hanks, John, 3826 Hanks, Lucien S., 1338 Hanks, Nancy. See Lincoln, Nancy (Hanks) Hanks family, 2240, 3608 Hanson, Henry W. A., 1675 Harbison, Winifred A., 1357 Harding, Warren G., 631, 4248, 4306, 5164 Hardinge, Emma, 802 Harlan, James, 2556 [2], 2566 [3], 3076, 5156 Harmon, George D., 2238 [21] Harnsberger, Caroline Thomas, 125 Harris, C. X., 3863 Harris, Clara, 5074 Harris, Thomas M., 3224 Harris, W. O., 2691 Harris, Mrs. William T., 2 152 Harrison, B. F., 185 Harrison, Benjamin, 3839 Harrison, Mary (Lord), 1854 Harrison, P. Quinn, 3284 Hart, Abraham, 384 Hart, Albert Bushnell, 211, 267, 2918 Hart, B. H. Liddell, 3814 Hart, Charles Henry, 774, 1468, 1768, 1769, 1816, 2378, 2621, 2639, 2973, 3764, 4091, 4648, 4650 Hartzell, J. H., 2621 Harvey, Cordelia A. P., 1039 Harvey, Isaac, 5462 Harvey, Sarah, 4562 Harwell, Richard Barksdale, 2027, 2121, 3913, 4120 Haskin, John B., 2590 [48] Hastings, Harry W., 220 Hastings, Morris, 5030 Hatfield, Henry D., 5164 Hatton, Richard, 309 Hauberg, John H., 477 Hauerbach, Otto A., 1833 Haultain, Arnold, 3881 Haven, Gilbert, 1894 Haven, Luther, 447 Haverland, Delia, 3267 Haverlin, Carl, 3539 Hawley, Charles Arthur, 2238 [42] Hawthorne, Alice, 5016 Hay, Clara (Stone), 1879 Hay, John, 5, 46, 50, 55, 60, 171, 251, 1349, 2233, 2810, 3162-3163, 3165, 3504 [29], 3739, 4146, 4270, 4384, 5163 Hay, Logan, 419, 427 Hay, Thomas Robson, 3702 Hayes, John L., 2643 Hayes, Rutherford B., 553, 3782 Haynes, Charles, 4900-4901 Haynes, R. A., 5164 Hays, Roy, 146 Hays, Will H., 4521, 5156, 5164 Hazelton, Gerry W., 3504 [13] Head, Jane (Ramsey), 623 Head, Jesse, 623, 1082, 1 149 Healy, George P. A., 1344 Hearn, Samuel B., 2859 Heartman, Charles F., 1751, 1889 Heinl, Frank J., 2238 [23] Helm, Benjamin Hardin, 1900, 2821 Helm, Emile Paret (Todd), 1900, 2821 Hemingway, Thomas, 4210 Hemminger, A., 2238 [33] Henderson, Thomas J., 229, 2815 Henkels, Stanislaus V., 705, 2992- 2993 Henninghausen, L. P., 3906 Henry, Jesse P., 19 10 Henry, Robert S., 2343, 2347 Henschen, Dagny, 1 164 Hensel, William U., 1 1 17 Hermans, W. H., 5096 Herndon, William Henry, 752, 954, 1009, 1286, 1388, 1390-1391, 1878, 2256, 2459, 2585, 3107, 3144, 3458, 3504 [44, 47], 3538, 3940, 4206, 4444, 4488, 4785, 4793, 5163 Herold, David E., 466, 701, 953, 1000, 3389, 4224, 5082 Herriott, Frank I., 431, 2240 Hertz, Emmanuel, 6, 119, 379, 385, 483, 704, 988, 1781, 1914, 2014, 2299-2301, 2523,, 3473, 3504 [34, 36-38, 40, 42, 44], 4269, 4520, 5163 Hertz, Joseph H. 1976 Hewitt, Robert, Jr., 3213, 3713 Heysinger, Isaac W., 3504 [11] Hibben, John Grier, 284 Hickman, Francis G., 1698 Hickman, John, 202, 2556 [20, 34], 5042 Hickok, Paul K., 2042 Hicks, Frederick C, 2238 [39] Hicks, George, 3504 [13] Hicks, Thomas, 50, 107, 3290 Hill, Alsager Hay, 15 10 Hill, Frederick T., 305, 2917 Hill, Henry Bertram, 2609 Hill, James Jerome, 3515 Hill, John Wesley, 56, 1595, 2595, 2598, 2601, 3081, 3083, 5164 Hillel, , 379, 1945 Hines, Frank T., 2595 Hines, Thomas, H., 1437, 2107 Hinton, Charles L., 5 181 Hironori, Ishizu, 382 1 Hirsch, Emil G., 1484, 2997, 3086 [10] Hitt, Robert R., 3181 Hoare, Joseph A., 2093 Hobart, Garrett A., 3237 Hobeika, John E., 4215 Hobson, Jonathan T., 128 Hodges, Albert G., 3922 Hodges, Leigh Mitchell, 4044 Hoehn, E. W., 3307 Holbrook, Florence, 2075 Holland, John W., 1720 [36] Holland, Josiah G., 3520, 3938 Holliday, Carl, 1093 Hollo, J., 2712 Hollywood, J., 3504 [20] Holmberg, Nils, 3678 Holmes, Fred L., 2572 Holmes, George Sanford, 308 1 Holmes, Obadiah, 3099 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 3736, 3740, 3863 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 2238 [39] Holt, Erastus, E., 3504 [9] Holt, Joseph, 2590 [30], 3 181, 4262 [.0] Hood, John B., 1454, 3208, 3329, 3998 Hooker, Joseph, 26-27, 96-97, 599; 779, 1665, 1 7 16, 1827, 1843, 2161, 2587, 5133 Hooker family, 17 16 Hoopes, Harold D., 125 Hoover, Herbert, 3082, 5164 Hopkins, John H., 1427, 2590 [25] Horan, Gertrude, 2109 Horn, Stanley F., 1096 Horn, William Jefferson, 4482 Hornby, Lester G., 3602 Horner, Harlan Hoyt, 1415, 2226, 3120 Horner, Henrietta (Calhoun), 2226 Horner, Henry, 188, 289, 1720 [28], 1916, 2219, 3492, 3942 Horner, W. N., 3078 Hoskins, Gayle, 489, 491 Hosmer, Hezekiah L., 185 488 Hough, John Newbold, 2122 Hough, R. M., 4766 House, Albert V., Jr., 2238 [31] Houseman, Harry A., 2665 Houser, Martin L. 26, 208, 2247, 2584-2585, 3759 Howard, Benjamin C, 4316 Howard, Jacob M., 4263 Howard, James, 3504 [27] Howard, Jerome B., 4484 Howard, Oliver O., 308, 1386, 2598, 3086 [21], 3322, 3504 [47] Howard, William Clyde, 1720 [39] Howe, Beverly W., 2585 Howe, Julia (Ward), 397 Howells, William Dean, 185, 190, 2643, 2649 Howser, Frances Amanda (Summers), 2134 Howser, James W., 2134 Hoxie, Vinnie (Ream) See Ream, Vinnie Hoyt, Wayland, 3504 [49] Hsing-jen, Shen, 1425 Hubbard, C. P., 5103 Hubbard, Elbert, 1227, 1599, 2156, 2474 Hubbard, John H., 3530 Hudson, Henry N., 913 Huebsch, Gertrude, 2879 Hughes, Charles E., 264 Hughes, D. L., 2621 Hughes, Edwin Holt, 1720 [30] Hughes, Sarah (Forbes), 1581 Hugo, Victor, 1348, 1657 Hulburd, Justin, 2175 Humboldt, Archibald, 2855 Humphrey, J. Otis, 284 Humphrey, Lizbeth B., 2424 Humphrey, Mary E., 289 Hunt, Albert S., 3260 Hunt, Elmer Munson, 2583 Hunt, Washington, 2590 [31] Hunter, David, 3920 Hunter, the poet [pseud.], 124 Hunter, Robert M. T., 177, 11 75 Hutchins, John, 2556 [21] Hutchins, Robert M., 2514 Hutchins, Will, 4449 Hutchinson, J. R., 2484 Hutchinson, William, 984 Hutchinson family singers, 2826 Ickes, Harold L., 4309 Iglehart, Ferdinand O, 1085 Ingersoll, Robert G., 264, 1157, 1599, 2156, 2585, 3083, 3181, 3593 .1 Jackson, Andrew, 1440, 3219, 5060 Jackson, Charles T., 3504 [20] Jackson, Ed., 2252 Jackson, J. R., 161 1 Jackson, Joseph O, 3504 [31] Jackson, Stuart W., 2991 Jackson, Thomas J. ("Stonewall"), 1 197, 1326, 2365, 3381, 4341 Jackson, W. R., 3092 Jacob, Edward J., 17, 855-856, 1637, 2126, 3759, 3867 Jacobs, Warren, 3475 Jacobstein, Meyer, 6 Jahncke, Ernest Lee, 5164 James, D. D., 2238 [8] James, Edmund J., 2467 James, Marquis, 385 James, Thomas L., 3246, 3353, 3504 [48] Jancway, J. L., 1371 Janvier, Francis De Haes, 3060 Jaquess, James F., 1686, 2876 Jaquette, Henrietta (Stratton), 1824 Jaquith, Harold O, 289 Jaramillo, Manuel O, 1243, 2631, 4806 Jardine, William M., 3082 Jefferson, Thomas, 94, 877, 898, 1309, 1440, 2156, 3339, 3471, 3542, 3709, 3809, 4182, 4266 Jennings, Janet, 3504 [51] Jesus Christ, 2067, 2188, 3734, 4051 John, Don D., 1437 John, Evan [pseud.], 3845 Johns, Mrs. Jane M., 2238 [10], 3504 [12] Johnson, Andrew, 647, 657, 1364, 1386, 1396-1397, 2309, 2556 [46], 2566 [12], 2685, 2874, 3443, 3504 [38], 35'3, 3733. 378o, 3782, 3884, 3973, 4016, 4054, 4125, 4226, 4239-4240, 4263, 4276, 4320, 4490, 4492, 4739, 5097 Johnson, Charles B., 2240 Johnson, Charles J., 2240 Johnson, E. Harper, 2094 Johnson, Eastman, 773 Johnson, Herschel V., 1736 Johnson, Reverdy, 2590 [30, 40, 46], 4224 Johnson, Richard L., 3646 Johnson, Robert B., 4865 Johnson, Robert U., 649-650 Johnson, William J., 2332 Johnston, John D., 118 Johnston, Joseph E., 17 14, 4768 Johnston, Sarah (Bush) See Lincoln, Sarah (Bush) Johnston Joline, Adrian H., 1360 Jonas, Abraham, 379, 384, 1942 Jones, Alonzo T., 194 Jones, Charles A., 3504 [52] Jones, Edgar DeWitt, 1005, 1083, 2585 Jones, Jenkin L., 298 Jones, Marguerite M., 4621 Jones, Richard Lloyd, 305, 1 154, 2427, 2562 Jones, Thomas D., 2257 Jordan, David Starr, 2497 Jordan, J. H., 5 126-5 127 Jordan, Philip D., 2238 [25] Jordan, Wilhelm, 4092 Joshua, 3501 Joy, James R., 3954 Judd, N. B., 3375 Judson, Clara Ingram, 3515 Judson, Harry Pratt, 1720 [17] Julian, George W., 3504 [33] Jung, V. A., 3712 K K., M. C, de, 3504 [17] Kaplan, Milton, 1374, 2955 Kase, Simon P., 3516 Kaucher, Harriet, 1229 Kaufman, Herbert, 5164 Kazemzadeh, Hossein, 505 Keckley, Elizabeth (Hobbs), 2397 Keene, Laura, 4748 Keller, Arthur I., 536 Kelley, William D., 3068, 4263 Kellogg, Frank, 3504 [33] Kellogg, William P., 4301 Kcllstrom, Axel, 2787 Kelly, Annie L., 298 Kelly, J. Redding, 1094 Kelso, Jack, 2886 Kemmerich, M., 3008 Kennedy, John P., 742 Kenney, H. F., 3375 Kent, Carol V. [pseud.], 1322 Kent, Charles A., 2238 [9] Kent, William, 4185 Kernan, John D., 3504 [49] Kerr, Orpheus C. [pseud.], 3 13 1-3 132, 4675 Kessinger, Harold O, 3778 Ketchum, Hiram, 2590 [6] Ketchum, Richard M., 381 Kettell, Thomas P., 2590 [34] Key, Thomas M., 4317 Keyes, Henry W., 41 Keys, John W., 191 7 Kidd, T. W. S., 2238 [15] Kidder, Mrs. M. A., 4860, 4947 Kieran, John T., 4147 Kilpatrick, William Heard, 2169 489 Kilstofte, June, 2920 Kimball, Moses, 757 Kincaid, Robert L., 1557, 16 17, 2595, 2604, 4366 Kindred, John J., 4802 King, Austin A., 1 18-1 19 King, Horatio, 3504 [15] King, Preston, 2556 [32] King, Rufus, 953 King, Williard, 380 Kingsbury, Frederick John, 3399 Kinnaird, Virginia, 2240 Kinsey, John L., 3473 Kirby, Abner, 4750 Kirk, E. N., 1 1 78 Kirke, Edmund [pseud.], 473, 1685- 1687, 4841 Kirkland, Caroline Matilda (Stans- bury), 2238 [25] Kirkland, Charles P., 3188 Kirwan, Albert D., 1738 Kitto, Eunice, 1650 Klein, Lew, 4915 Knapp, George L., 282 Kniffel, William, 4147 Kniffin, Gilbert Crawford, 2958 Knight, Henry W., 3504 [50] Knorr, H. O., 4816 Knox, John, 665 Knox, Joseph, 975 Knox, William, 2128, 4817, 4877 Kohler, H. W., 1786 Kohler, Kaufmann, 1484 Kokkole, Natas, 4149 Konstantinos, G., 4139 Kopleff, Florence, 5029 Korn, Bertram, W., 3075 Kramer, Edgar Daniel, 15 14 Krass, Nathan, 1976 Kredel, Fritz, 3303 Krug, Julius A., 4310 Krummacher, , 4057 L., R., 496 Laboulaye, Edouard Rene Lefebvre de, 1 125, 1 127, 1652-1655 Lacock, John K., 5168 La Follette family, 4421, 4427 La Guardia, Fiorello H., 1983 Lake, Harry F., 87 Lalor, John J., 2088 Lamb, , 4780 Lambdin, A. C, 2767 Lambert, William H., 111, 182, 252, 267, 282, 464, 589, 760, 1007, 1414, •565, 1768, 1888, 1917, 2069, 2079, 2378, 2579, 2639, 2691, 2755, 2897, 2917, 2963, 3760-3761, 3907, 4506 Lamborn, Josiah, 1 749 Lamon, Dorothy See Teillard, Dor- othy (Lamon) Lamon, Ward Hill, 1803, 2124, 2238 [31], 2240, 2585, 2884, 4187, 5163 Lander, Frederick W., 471 1 Lane, Henry S., 4263 Lang, H. Jack, 257 Langdon, Andrew, 2043 Lanier, Robert S., 2969 Lanman, Charles, 107 Lansden, John M., 2238 [7] Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, 266 La Rue, Daniel Wolford, 1086 Latham, William W., 67 Lathrop, Stanley E., 3504 [33] Latta, James W., 2963 Laughlin, Alice D., 2714 Laughlin, Clara E., 267, 282 Laune, Paul, 4004 Laurie, James, 2873 Lawrence, Burton, 4907 Lawson, J. Gilchrist, 4451 Lawton, Alice, 3504 [42] Leale, Charles A., 2962 Lee, Edmund Jennings, 5029 Lee, Fitzhugh, 21 13 Lee, James W., 3781 Lee, Manning De V., 1481-1482 Lee, Mary Randolph (Custis), 2366 Lee, Robert E., 314, 375, 936, 984, 1173, 1200, 1325, 1379, 1620, 1626, 21 13, 2920, 2952,3196, 3515, 3599, 3632, 39i3, 3930, 4252, 4869, 5029, 5093, 5'85 Leeds, Samuel P., 3504 [1 1] Lees, Harry, 4567 Lehmann, Frederick W., 1720 [9] Leib, C, 5125 Leland, Charles Godfrey, 3467 Leland, Henry P., 2495 Lemon, Mark, 2748, 3450 Leo, Alexander H., 2963 Lerner, Max, 2609 Leslie, Harry G., 2250 Lewis, Enoch, 3375 Lewis, Sir George C, 1467 Lewis, Howard Benton, 1395 Lewis, James Hamilton, 284 Lewis, Joseph J., 22, 146, 5163 Lewis, L. R., 746 Lewis, Lloyd, 1228, 1439, 2238 [41], 2609, 291 1, 3285, 3492 Lewis, Oscar, 534 Libertas [pseud.], 1502 Lieber, Richard, 3081 Lieberson, Goddard, 5029-5030 Liebling, A. J., 3126 Lincoln, Mrs. Abraham See Lincoln, Mary (Todd) Lincoln, Abraham II [j. e. Ill], 309 Lincoln, Hananiah, 4419 Lincoln, Levi, 373 Lincoln, Mary (Todd), 267, 282, 380, 488, 583, 744, 752, 781, 790, 1037, 1 165, 1521, 1700, 1900, 2238 [30], 2240, 2285, 2397, 2410, 2492, 2667, 2880, 2971, 3039, 3210, 3271, 3408, 3490, 3692-3693, 3908, 4027, 4031, 4567, 5074, 5088 Lincoln, Nancy (Hanks), 627, 666, 775, 797, 939, 1007, 1150, 2061, 2157, 2248, 2253, 2255, 2340, 2500, 2587, 3081, 3206, 3354, 3504 [32], 4004, 4440, 4443 Lincoln, Robert Todd, 323, 446, 1 141, 291 1, 3158, 3163, 3358, 3504 [27, 3i, 33-34, 44], 4189, 5'34, 5156 Lincoln, Samuel, 2547 Lincoln, Sarah (Bush) Johnston, 506, 1 144-1 145, 1498, 2240, 2632, 3275, 4201, 4642 Lincoln, Thomas, 301, 626-627, 2632, 3826, 4162, 4201, 4440 Lincoln, Mrs. Thomas See Lincoln, Nancy (Hanks) ; Lincoln, Sarah (Bush) Johnston Lincoln, Thomas ("Tad"), 654, 882, 1 169, 1616, 2677, 2844, 2971, 3504 [34], 45i6, 4865, 4994 Lincoln, Waldo, 5163 Lincoln family, 1932, 2484, 2488, 2546-2547, 3608, 3897, 41 10, 4421, 4427, 4475,5098, 5107 Lindsay, Vachel, 2200 Lindstrom, Ralph G. 1232, 2405, 2585, 2757-2758, 3726 Linn, James Weber, 289 Little, John S., 61 Little, Virginia E., 3759 Littlefield, John H., 656, 3504 [50] Littlejohn, A. N., 3260 Littlejohn, F. G., 4705 Littleton, Martin, W., 284 Livermore, T. L., 3504 [29] Livingood, James W., 1 7 14 Lizaso, Felix, 3706 Lloyd George, David, Lloyd George, earl, 374, 3504 [44] Locke, David R., 3504 [1] Lodge, Henry Cabot, 284, 313 Lodge, J. Friend, 2818 Loesch, Frank J., 1720 [22] Logan, John A., 2566 [28], 3540 Logan, Stephen T., 2216, 2917 Long, Barbara, 1488, 1496 Long, E. B., 1095, 1496, 5106 Long, John D., 2334 Longstreet, James, 3702 Loomis, Nelson H., 4335 Lorant, Stefan, 708, 5163 Lossing, Benson J., 762 Lovejoy, E. P., 1886 490 Lovejoy, Owen, 975, 1886, 2556 [14], 2566 [18] Loveless, Milo J., 2281 Lovingood, Sut [pseud.], 1847 Low, F. F., 2475 Low, Henry R., 31 18 Lowden, Frank O., 2632 Lowell, James Russell, 82, 372, 2553, 2748, 3504 [1, 22], 3736, 3740, 3921 Lowenstein, Henry P., 1749 Lowenstein, Solomon, 2169 Lowrie, John M., 3504 [43] Lowry, Beatrice M., 2702 Lowry, Robert, 3260 Luby, William A., 3504 [4] Lucas, I. W., 4891 Ludlow, Louis, 2723 Ludwig, Emil, 1887 Lufkin, Richard Friend, 2587, 5104 Luft, Marie Renee, 2730 Luthin, Reinhard H., 958 Lutz, Philip, Jr., 4456 Lynch, Charles J., Jr., 2268 Lynch, William O., 2240 Lyon, Braxton, 2859 Lytle, Harry J., 2132, 2269, 2585, 3283 Lyttle, C. H., 5164 M M., B., 891 M. C. deK., 3504 [17] M., C. L., 181 Maas, Charles O., 3086 [26] Mabbott, Thomas O., 2238 [25] Mabie, Hamilton W., 3086 [18] McAdam, David, 3934 Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Macau- lay, baron, 2965 McBain, L. H., 4590 McBride, Robert W., 385, 5163 McCaffrey, Frank, 2909 McCann, William, 696 McCarthy, Justin, 3504 [15] MacChesney, Nathan William, 2223 McClellan, George B., 10 1, 728, 997, 1386, 1868, 2136, 2358, 2383, 2409, 2526-2528, 2538, 2566 [20-21], 2590 [1-6, 17, 36, 40-42, 46-47], 3052, 3068, 3 181, 3219, 3248-3249, 4196, 4262 [4, 7], 4553, 4566, 4725, 4733> 4740, 4822, 4860, 5060-5065, 5068 McClelland, Stewart W., 2132, 2604, 4366 McClernand, John A., 667, 51 1 1 McClintock, John, 3260 McClure, Alexander K., 304, 11 18, 1360, 3350 McClure, S. S., 5156 McConnell, Burt M., 2784 McConnell, George M., 2240 McConnell, Jean, 3335 McCook, Anson G., 2962 McCook, Henry C, 2963 McCormick, Howard, 2918 McCulloch, Hugh M., 4758 McCurdy, R. H., 587 MacDonell, Agnes, 3504 [14] McDougall, C, 5156 McDougall, J. A., 2475 McFadden, Louis T., 1980 McFedries, Archie, 12 18 McGrath, John W., 3629 McGregor, Thomas B., 3504 [18] Mcllvaine, Caroline M., 1720 [18] Mclntyre, Duncan T., 4804 "Mack," 2666 McKay, Donald, 2371 McKay, James Thompson, 392 1 McKaye, James, 1654, 2450 McKee, Thomas H., 2957 McKeehan, J. B., 5 126-5 127 McKelvie, Samuel Roy, 2948 McKenna. James Brent, 1082 Mackey, Louis J., 2967 Mackie, Pauline Bradford, 2103 McKinley, William, 2612, 2865, 3237, 3294, 3564, 4270 McKnight, A. G., 4809 McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham, 289, 3384 McLaughlin, Robert W., 1663 MacLeish, Archibald, 27 McLellan, Charles Woodberry, 120, 1593. 3974, 5i7i McLellan, Hugh, 733, 816, 1251, 3201, 3974 McMurtrie, Douglas C, 88, 1921, 2584 McMurtry, R. Gerald, 365, 981, 2238 [27], 2584, 2604, 4608, 5163 McPherson, Edward, 2674 McPherson, James B., 4505 McPike, H. G., 3504 [34-35] MacVeagh, Wayne, 267 McWhiney, Grady, 2491 Magee, J. Homer, 4408 Magoffin, Beriah, 3504 [40] Malan, B., 891 Malet, W. W., 3504 [3] Mallory, Stephen R., 1448 Malone, Thomas J., 385 Manhattan [pseud.], 3754 Manierre, George, 447 Manship, Paul, 2608, 2905-2906 Manzo, Juano, 371 1 Marble, John N., 840 Marble, Manton, 2590 [16] Marchand, J. N., 1378 Marcy, William L., 5039 Markens, Isaac, 1997, 3504 [17], 3752 Markham, Edwin, 1085, 2879, 3921 Marraro, Howard R., 2238 [36] Marsh, Raymond, 2587 Marsh, William L., 125 Marti, Jose, 37°6-37°7 Martin, Henri, 1 652-1 655 Martin, Lorene, 2238 [22] Martini, Ferdinando, 1660 Marvin, Thomas O., 2346 Masaryk, Tomas Garrigue, 3712 Mason, Charles, 2590 [28] Mason, Ethel Osgood, 1460 Mason, Victor Lewis, 304 Massey, Raymond, 546-547, 381 7— 3820, 5030 Massy, Gerald, 4854 Masters, Edgar Lee, 2238 [18], 4962 Masters, Hardin W., 1009 Matthews, Robert Orville, 1212, 4522 Mattingly, Ezra, 1324 Mattingly, J. B., 2345 Maulsby, Daniel L., 746 Maxcy, W. H., 281 Maxwell, Gilbert, 1843 Maxwell, John Alan, 2430, 4045 Maynard, Henrietta S. (Colburn), 3447 Meade, George G., 1386, 3196 Meadowcraft, Enid (La Monte), 2678 Meany, Edmond S., 1609, 5163 Mearns, David C, 1, 21, 116, 397, 563, 3473,4i82, 4305 Mecum, E. W., 2766 Medill, Joseph, 1054, 1673, 2240 Meine, Franklin J., 2639 Melhus, Ole, 4561 Melvin, Henry A., 60 Meredith, Roy, 2797 Meredith, Solomon, 3862 Meriam, Arthur L., 2238 [23] Merriam, Charles E., 4332 Merriam, Dyer, 1141 Merritt, Edward L., 2240 Merwin, James B., 1256, 2217, 5155- 5'56, 5174 Meserve, Frederick Hill, 12, 136, 267, 1510, 1931, 2600, 2603, 2713, 3470, 4236, 4688 Michell, Gladys, 4681 Middling, Theophilus [pseud.], 3902 Miers, Earl Schenck, 7, 78, 157, 178 Milbeck, J. A., 51 16 Miles, Nelson A., 2497 Milhollen, Hirst D., 1374 Miller, DeWitt, 308 Miller, Joe, 326 Miller, Kelly, 3504 [27] Miller, Marion Mills, 264, 4552 Mills, Clark, 3089 Mills, John T., 4742 491 Milton, George Fort, 251, 2238 [26], 2911 Miner, H. E., 3657 Miner, William Harry, 3657 Minor, Berkeley, 2985 Minor, Charles L. C, 2983 Minor, Mary Willis, 2985 Minor, Wilma Frances, 474 Mischler, Wendell W., 4084 Mitchell, Samuel C, 3504 [32] Mitsuyoshi, Natsuya, 480 Moldenhawer, J. V., 289, 1090 Molter, John, 5019 Monaghan, James (Jay), 1042, 1367, 2238 [34-35,42], 5168 Monroe, D. Eldridge, 3053 Monroe, Harriet, 1007 Monroe, Henrietta L., 3223 Moore, Charles, 140 Moore, Frank, 3456 Moore, John Bassett, 3103 Moore, Stephen R., 1059 Moores, Charles W., 43 Moorman, Henry D., 4279 Morgan, Cole E., 2168 Morgan, Edwin D.. 3508 Morgan, George T., 5182 Morgan, John H., 148 Morgan, John Hunt, 1437 Morgan, John T., 308, 3504 [49] Morgan, Joy Elmer, 213 Morgan, Matthew S., 4218 Morgan, Michael R., 3504 [39] Morgan, Richard P., 295 Morin, John M., 4279 Morley, John, 3504 [15] Morris, C. D., 15 15 Morris, Daniel, 2093 Morris, Edwin Bateman, 4267 Morris, T. B., 2342 Morrison, James, 3975 Morrow, Honore (McCue) Willsie, 1085 Morse, Charlotte (Ingersoll), 2258 Morse, John T., Jr., 44.90 Morse, N. B., Jr., 43 1 5 Morse, Samuel F. B., 2590 [18, 21, 29] Morton, Oliver P., 1386 Mosby, John S., 2349 Moses, 2378, 3501 Moss, M. Helen Palmer, 267 Moton, Robert Russa, 5166 Mott, Edward H., 307 Mudd, Nettie, 3053 Mudd, Samuel A., 466, 701, iooo, 3389, 4224 Muhlenberg, William A., 154, 4862- 4863, 4997 Mullen, , 1800 Mundelein, George William, cardinal, 3504 [38] Munroe, Seaton, 3 181 Munsell, Oliver S., 1 157 Murphy, D. F., 2309, 3548, 3563 Murphy, J. B., 4844 Murphy, James J., 3548 Murphy, James T., 2309 Murphy, P. P., 940 [6] Murr, J. Edward, 2256 Murray, Margaret, 3081 Murray, William H., 1251 Myers, H. B., 3359 N Nagel, Charles, 289, 2947 Naglee, Henry M., 2590 [47] Nail, T. Otto, 15 14 Nasby, Petroleum V. [pseud.], 2656- 2657, 3504 [1], 4675 Nash, Ogden, 734 Nast, Thomas, 2657 Nevins, Allan, 103, 289, 1095-1096, 2238 [42], 2901, 5030 Newcomb, Rexford, 2584 Newman, John P., 3086 [8] Newman, Louis C, 1427 Newman, Ralph G, 229, 1046, 1095, 1227, 2968, 3473, 5106 Newton, Joseph Fort, 289, 3499 Ney, Ivin, 1633 Nichols, Roy F., 650 Nicholson, James, 4756, 4876 Nicholson, John P., 96, 2963-2964 Nickerson, A. H., 3504 [22] Nickols, D. F., 1439 Nicolay, Helen, 644, 2238 [42], 4313 Nicolay, John G., 5, 46, 50, 55, 60, 171, 251, 304, 2233, 2815, 3151, 3504 [29], 3739, 4630, 5163 Nitobe, Inazo, 3672 Noe, Cotton, 2587 Nolte, Mary, 3743 Norris, Thomas W., 2475 Norton, Lot, 3530 Norton, Robert, 2852, 3504 [19] Nott, Charles C, 42, 2556 [7], 3453, 3455, 3504 [10] Nourse, Charles C, 1936 Noyes, Edith, 3189 Nye, Gerald P., 5157 Nye, James W., 204, 4705 o Oakleaf, J. L., 2247 Oakleaf, Joseph Benjamin, 175, 301, 478, 924, 1567, 1593, 2238 [5, 22], 2247, 2353, 3204, 3234, 3494, 3500, 3504 [39, 45]. 3528, 3621, 3953, 4260, 4506, 5167 Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson, 282 O'Brien, Robert Lincoln, 15 12 O'Connell, Daniel, 4726 O'Connor, Charles, 940 [1] O'Connor, Thomas Power, 284 Oderigo, Nestor R. Ortiz See Ortiz Oderigo, Nestor R. Ogg, Oscar, 1446 Oglesby, Richard J., 2307 O'Gorman, Richard, 3785 O'Laughlin, John C, 289 O'Laughlin, Michael, 466, 701, 3389, 4224 Olcott, George N., 2562 Oldham, Edward, 4210 Oldroyd, Osborn H., 262, 677, 2894, 4260, 4797, 5136, 5163 Olney, Henry, 3081 Optic, Oliver [pseud.], 325 O'Reilly, Miles [pseud.], 1462, 1799, 1800, 3504 [27] Orendorff, Alfred, 3458 Ortiz Oderigo, Nestor R., 3699 Osborne, Georgia L., 2170, 2234, 2236 Ottiwell, John D., 31 16 Ottolengul, Daniel, 2397 Overall, Charles, 1020 Owen, Robert D., 3504 [8] Owens, Mary S., 4, 1 29, 98 1 P., 5183 Pacheco, Armando Correia, 1, 21 Packard, Roy D., 3522, 3908 Page, Elwin L., 2583 Page, Herman, 1720 [14] Page, William Tyler, 4277 Paine, Halbert E., 4788 Paine, Thomas, 2156, 3542 Palfrey, John G., 320 Palmer, A. J., 1082 Palmer, Albert G., 3504 [10] Palmer, Albert W., 1720 [27], 2362 Palmer, John McAuley, 289, 667, 2238 [21], 2240, 2344, 3285 Palmer, William P., 2483 Palmerston, Henry John Temple, viscount, 1778 Pargeter, Irene, 665 Parish, John O, 3283 Park, William E., 2997 Parker, Amasa J., 2590 [32] Parker, H. T., 3504 [22] Parker, Joel, 2590 [7] Parker, Moses Greeley, 3504 [13] Parker, Theodore, 4488 Parkhurst, John G., 1347 Parks, Edd Winfield, 1847 Parks, Samuel C, 2 151 Parlando, Pablo, 951 492 Parrott, Marcus J., 2556 [15] Parsons, Theophilus, 1502 Patrick, John [pseud.], 1697 Patterson, , 4745 Patterson, James W., 4263 Patton, Lucia, 16 16 Paul, Cedar, 2713 Paul, Eden, 2713 Paullin, Charles O., 2238 [14, 33], 3504 [39,4i] Paxson, Frederic L., 289 Payne, Frank O., 3504 [52] Payne, John Barton, 3082 Payne, Lewis, 466, 701, 953, 3389, 4224 Pearson, Amos W., 3504 [50] Pearson, Paul M., 3921 Pease, Theodore Calvin, 845 Peets, Elbert, 387 Pendel, Tom, 3504 [31] Pendleton, George H., 2590 [48], 3785, 3999, 4262 [2], 4740, 5068 Pennypacker, Isaac R., 3504 [46] Pennypackcr, Samuel W., 1565, 3350, 3473 Pentecost, Hugh [pseud.], 3351 Pentz, Albert D., 3504 [17] Pepper, George Wharton, 1530, 3504 [50] Pericles, 340, 1 168 Perkins, John C, 3395 Perris, Harry S., 4058 Perry, Bliss, 64, 215 Perry, John J., 2556 [1 1], 2566 [6] Perry, Leslie J., 304 Pershing, Cyrus L., 3377 Petersen, William J., 21 19, 3283 Pezet, Federico Alfonso, 1861 Phelps, T. W., 2475 Phelps, William Lyon, 3035 Philbrick, Allen E., 3307 Philip II, King of Macedonia, 2320 Phillips, Isaac N., 295 Phillips, John Wilson, 4365 Phillips, Leon, 57 Phillips, Wendell, 272, 2433, 3086 [17], 3973 Phoenix, John [pseud.], 1356 Piatt, Donn, 3181,3504 [30,3520 Pickard, Samuel T., 4555 Pickens, Francis W., 505 1, 5054 Pierce, Franklin, 2865, 5036, 5039 Pierce, Henry L., 94 Pike, James Shepherd, 1447 Pillow, Gideon J., 5066 Pillow, Gideon J., Jr., 5168 Pinchot, Gifford, 5164 Pinkerton, Allan, 1218, 1295, 2238 [41], 2584, 3504 [5], 51 1 1 Pinkerton, Robert A., 3377-3379 Pinkerton, William A., 3377-3379 Pitcairn, John, Jr., 3375 Pitman, Benn, 466-467, 4484 Poe, Edgar Allan, 3863 Poling, Daniel A., 1085 Pollock, James, 5173 Pomeroy, Samuel C, 3552, 5156 Pomroy, Rebecca R. (Holliday), 776 Pond, Fern Nance, 2585, 3714 Poore, Benjamin Perley, 2309, 4459 Porter, David D., 5100 Porter, Elbert S., 3260 Porter, Fitz-John, 1488, 2259, 2590 [30] Porter, George Loring, 3394, 3504 [36] Porter, Herbert G., 222 Porter, Horace, 2962, 3086 [20] Post, Arthur E., 4181 Potter, David Morris, 1340, 4673 Powell, Aaron M., 3504 [50] Powell, Lewis Thornton See Payne, Lewis Powell, Mary B., 298 Power, Sarah A. (Harris), 341 1 Prada, A. Gonzales, 3340 Pratt, C. E., 4851 Pratt, Bela L., 5176 Pratt, Fletcher, 522, 3660 Pratt, Harry E., 285, 360, 477, 865, 2220, 2228, 2233, 2238 [24, 29, 37]— 2240, 2268, 2583, 2585, 3256 Pratt, Marion Dolores, 54, 477, 5163 Price, Andrew, 3081 Prince, Ezra M., 2815, 3504 [14] Prince, Frederick O., 757 Pritchard, Benjamin D., 5084 Proctor, Addison G., 284, 630, 1720 [24] Proctor, George F., 3254 Proctor, Romaine, 545, 4157, 4160 Prophet, James [pseud.], 862 Prouty, Homer, 2974 Provost, Andrew J., 3504 [20] Pruyn, John V. L., 2590 [27] Pryor, Roger A., 2566 Pugh, George E., 2590 [26] Puig, Casauranc, Jose Manuel, 5164 Pupin, Michael, 289 Putnam, George Haven, 267 [v. 2] Putnam, Herbert, 5139 Putnam, Israel, 680 Putnam, James O, 940 [9, 13], 2556 [45], 4378 Pyle, Thomas, 5029 Q Quaife, Milo Milton, 3384 Quantrill, William C, 1 185 Quarles, Joseph V., 3341 Quayle, William A., 284, 2497 Quinet, Edgar, 1657 Quinn, Joseph A., 34 R R., 3504 [45] Ralston, Samuel M., 2249 Rammelkamp, Charles H., 2988 Ramseyer, C. M., 3082 Randall, A. W., 4263 Randall, James G., 380, 845, 1397, 3001, 4332 Randall, Ruth (Painter), 380, 2742, 3715 Rankin, Henry B., 5166 Rankin, John E., 4269 Rapp, E. M., 684 Rathbone, Henry Reed, 5074 Rathbone, Henry Riggs, 3445 Rawleigh, William Thomas, 161 1, 2572 Rawlins, John, 1361 Ray, Charles H., 3003, 5130 Ray, Clark, 4581 Raymond, Charles, 4827 Raymond, Henry J., 3504 [38] Rayner-Altman, Sadie, 468 Read, Thomas Buchanan, 2445, 3060, 4183 Ream, Vinnie, 2167, 4064, 4364 Reece, B. Carroll, 1 2 1 1, 2053, 3978 Reed, Daniel A., 3978 Reed, James A., 192 1, 3538, 3757 Reed, John J., 762 Reed, W. C, 4358 Reeves, Owen T., 295 Reichlin-Meldegg, Karl Alexander, Frieherr von, 1070 Reid, Ogden, 3531 Reid, Whitelaw, 1224 Remensnyder, Junius B., 3504 [29] Remington, Franc, 438 Remsburg, John E., 19 12 Rennick, P. G., 2040 Rennick, Percival A., 284 Reuss, Rodolphe A., 4230 Reynolds, James, 680 Reynolds, Lewis A., 4269 Rhys, Ernest, 703 Rice, Alexander H., 2556 [17], 3504 [47] Rice, Allen Thorndike, 3 181 Rice, Helen H., 3504 [44] Rice, O. S., 4628 Rice, Wallace, 126 Richards, George W., 1 1 17 Richards, John T., 988 Richardson, Albert D., 3504 [30] Richardson, Charles Addison, 1 1 78 Richardson, Mary A., 1 178 493 Richardson, Robert Dale, 22, 1086 Riddell, William Renwick, 284 Ridgely, Anna, 2 1 70 Ridgley, Nicholas H., 4691 Rieder, Hans Rudolf, 2036 Rigol, Jorge, 3706 Riley, Joseph J., 1770 Rindlaub, Martin P., 2419 Ringwalt, Roland, 3083 Ripstra, J. Henri, 2585 Risdon, F. Ray, 57, 1239, 1301, 2631, 3726, 3983, 4359, 4799, 5156 Ritze, C. C, 2238 [30] Rivers, John C, 4222 Roberts, Edward R., 1019 Roberts, Gilroy, 5178 Roberts, Octavia See Corneau, Oc- tavia (Roberts) Roberts, W. C, 3353 Roberts, William H., 2093 Robertson, George, 1 148, 3504 [29] Robespierre, Maximilien Marie Isidore de, 3219 Robinson, Charles H., 1720 [29] Robinson, Charles S., 3260 Robinson, Harriet Jane (Hanson), 3612 Robinson, I. J., 3915 Robinson, Joseph T., 284 Robinson, L. E., 1169 Robsion, John M., 2763 Rockett, A. L., 4666 Rockett, Ray, 3614, 4666 Rockwell, J. E., 3260 Rockwell, John A., 3504 [40] Rodgers, Tiny Speed, 3929 Roe, Merwin, 237 Rogers, Andrew J., 4282 Rogers, E. P., 3260 Rogers, James W., 3504 [2] Rogers, John B., 2561 Rogers, Mrs. Kate Brainerd, 2238 [7] Roine, Jules Edouard, 2434, 2562 Roode, Rudolf de, 5007 Roosevelt, Eleanor (Roosevelt), 1344 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 3269, 4182 Roosevelt, Theodore, 264, 266-267, 278, 1088, 1 154, 1285, 1755, 2598, 2667, 2926, 3083, 3086 [25], 3128, 3314,4006, 4418,4794 Root, Elihu, 372, 374, 1881, 2636, 2663, 3504 [32] Root, Frederic W., 1666 Rosecrans, William S., 3473, 4183 Rosewater, Edward, 383 Roth, Lawrence V., 15, 100 Rothchild, John, 3639 Rouss, C. B., 3504 [38] Rowe, Frederick W., 5156 Rowland, Kate Mason, 2984 Rubery, Alfred, 879 Ruddiman, William H., 3319 Rudeen, E. F., 4825, 5168 Rudge, William E., 1426 Rusling, James F., 2963, 3504 [47] Russell, Don, 2238 [34], 2240 Russell, Gilman R., 4774 Russell, Howard H., 1 177 Russell, John Russell, earl, 1730 Russell, Tom, 4836 Rutledge, Ann, 430, 472, 491, 744, 889, 1639, 1659, 1909-1910, 2835, 3496, 3545> 3867, 3900, 4785. 4962, 5163 Rutledge, Archibald, 2918, 391 1 Rutledge, David, 3496 Rutledge, James, 3496 Ryan, Abram J., 2919 Rywell, Martin, 3747 S., L., 3982 Sabatier, Auguste, 4230 St. Albans, Duchess of, 5134 St. Benjamin [pseud.], 4532 Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 374, 2755, 2929, 3061,3631, 3997 St. Helen, John, 646 Sainte-Marie, Henry B., 4326 Sala, George A., 3504 [36], 4675 Salisbury, Stephen, 373 Sami, Seniha, 594 Sanborn, Frank B., 308, 3504 [50] Sandburg, Carl, 11, 289, 1228, 1358, 1366, 1390, 2074, 2238 [32], 2516- 2518, 2603, 2609, 2640, 291 1, 2939- 2940, 3492, 3504 [34], 3514, 3539, 3817, 3819, 4463 Sanford, John F. A., 4316 Sanger, William Thomas, 3359 Sangster, Margaret E., 1085 Sargent, A. A., 2475 Sargent, George H., 3504 [22] Sartain, John, 5096 Saunders, Horace, 2585 Savage, Cornelius, 379 Savage, John, 3513 Savage, Maxwell, 2948 Scammon, J. Young, 447 Schaefer, Carl W., 2600, 2936 Schaub, Howard C, 2307 Schechter, S., 3504 [27] Schlaich, Eleonore, 4150 Schlesinger, Arthur M., 3242 Schneider, George, 2815 Schoelcher, Victor, 1657 Schoonover, Frank E., 2843 Schulz, C. G., 2960 Schurz, Agathe, 3744 Schurz, Carl 266, 940 [8, 11, 14], 1622,2556 [3, 35,45], 2730 Schurz, Carl Lincoln, 3744 Schurz, Marianne, 3744 Schutz, Fr., 1652 Scott, Dred, 71, 354, 2556 [26], 4315- 43i6 Scott, John M., 3540 Scott, T. A., 5156 Scott, Temple, 255 Scott, William, 1066, 2287 Scott, Mrs. William T., 1466 Scott, Winfield, 2964, 3754, 4653, 4707 Scotus, Edmundus, 5028 Scovel, James M., 2633 Scoville, Samuel, 5166 Scripps, James E., 3758 Scripps, John Locke, 107, 2240, 5123 Scripps, Lydia E., 3761 Scrymser, James A., 3504 [16] Search, R. E. [pseud.], 916 Segal, Charles M., 384 Seiler, Grace, 2587 Selby, Paul, 2240 Semmes, Raphael, 778 Servius Tullius, King of Rome, 22 19 Serz, J., 3255 Seward, Frederick W., 267 [v. 2], 3504 [47L 3783, 4292 Seward, William H., 272, 311, 315, 462, 528, 940 [1, 2, 12], 1000, 1386, 1736, 2556 [8], 2566 [4], 3 181, 3526, 3730, 3733, 3754, 4'25, 4262 [1], 4292, 4301, 4491,5055 Seymour, Glenn H., 2238 [29] Seymour, Horatio, 10 1, 1208, 1386, 2590 [15], 3998, 5067 Seymour, Ralph Fletcher, 2227 Shakespeare, William, 2827, 4772 Shannon, Frederick F., 1720 [25] Shapiro, Harry L., 3089 Sharpe, Charles Wheeler, 2192 Shaw, Archer H., 1 16 Shaw, James, 2240 Shaw, Robert Gould, 3504 [42] Sheahan, James W., 443, 445 Sheffield, James R., 3086 [30] Shelby, Joseph O., 3212 Sheldon, Addison E., 3093 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 665 Shelton, William H., 3504 [37] Shenton, Edward, 1824 Shepard, Julia Adelaide, 267 Shepardson, Francis W., 1720 [16], 3806 Shepherd, William G, 1843 Sheppard, Morris, 3086 [22], 5156 Sherer, Augustus H., 3504 [32] Sheridan, Philip H., 996, 5093, 51 14 Sherman, John, 2556 [24, 33], 2566 [7] Sherman, Mrs. John Dickinson, 3082 494 Sherman, Lawrence Y., 284 Sherman, William T., 794, 1384, 1451, 3504 [20], 3813, 3998, 4262 [8], 4553,4768, 5093, 5114 Sherwood, Robert E., 2609 Shields, James, 1772, 3504 [34] Shih, Hu, 1425 Shike, Charles E., 2362 Shinshi, Masuta, 480 Shipley family, 4443 Shipman, Mrs. Robert, 3290 Shontz, Vernon L., 2987 Shortridge, Samuel M., 4269 Sibley, Henry H., 69 Sickles, Daniel E., 1157, 3374, 3655, 4075 Sickles, Harry D., 67 Sidney, Edward William [pseud.], 4241 Siegel, Isaac, 2018 Siegfried, Andre, 1600 Silver, Abba Hillel, 5166 Simmons, Gladyce W., 3081 Simon, ■ , 4057 Simon, Andreas, 2776 Simon, Howard, 506 Simpson, Matthew, 1103, 1262, 2238 [7], 30 8 3, 3233, 3260, 3294, 4598 Sinclair, Harry F., 5157 Singer, Donald B., 2240 Sinn, William E., 3504 [49] Sizoo, Joseph R., 3081 Skinner, Mark, 2881 Slayden, James L., 4284 Sledd, John A., 1082 Slemmer, Caroline (Mrs. Adam J.), 5053 Slidell, John, 2556 [32] Small, Albion W., 2691 Smith, Alfred E., 5157 Smith, Augusta S. (Mrs. Henry), 4743 Smith, Betty, 4477 Smith, Caleb B., 5055 Smith, Chester A., 2615 Smith, Dudley C, 2238 [10] Smith, Edmund Kirby, 3293 Smith, George D., 1 19 Smith, George W., 2881, 5163 Smith, Gerrit, 4262 [7] Smith, Goldwin, 2636, 3504 [45], 3806 Smith, Harry Fred, 3081 Smith, Henry B., 3260 Smith, Isaac, 63 1 , 4248 Smith, James Y., 1336 Smith, Jesse Lowe, 2584, 4569 Smith, Karl, 4807, 5105 Smith, Lloyd E., 238 Smith, Roy L., 1082 Smith, Seba, 2502, 4664 Smith, Thomas V., 289, 4332 Smith, W. Dexter, Jr., 4858, 4916, 4925, 4943, 4993 Smith, Walter F., 178 Smith, William Hawley, 2238 [13] Smoot, Reed, 4269 Smyser, George H., 2238 [22] Snow, Marshall S., 3504 [35] Snowden, George R., 2963, 3504 [5] Solberg, Marshall, 2585 Solberg, Thorvald, 5139 Solem, Elizabeth Kinloch, 3515 Somers, James W., 106 Spangler, Edward, 466, 701, 3053, 3389, 4224 Sparks, Edwin Erie, 87, 113-114 Spaulding, W. W., 3378 Spear, Samuel T., 3079-3080, 3260 Speed, James, 3 181 Speed, John, 4807 Speed, Joshua Fry, 244, 1557, 2090, 2403 Spencer, Christopher M., 863 Spencer, Theodore, 1760 Spooner, Harry L., 871 Sprague, Catherine (Chase) See Chase, Catherine Sprague, William, 670 Springer, William L., 2802 Spruance, Benton, 12 18 Stafford, Wendell Phillips, 2947, 3086 [17] Stamp, Kenneth M., 2256 Stanchfield, John B., 381 1 Stansfeld, Sir James, 2035 Stansil, James H., 2377 Stanton, Benjamin, 2556 [22] Stanton, Edwin M., 1366—1367, 1386, 1578, 2093, 2338, 2383, 3086 [17], 3181, 3504 [13], 3520, 3730, 4164, 4362, 4573, 4763 Staples, John Summerfield, 962 Starr, John W., Jr., 34, 347, 620, 684, 826, 916, 950, 1395, 1410, 1480, 1500, 1927, 1935, 2266, 2746, 2791, 2800, 2818, 2839, 2902, 2946, 3086 [2], 3H5, 3158, 3241, 3504 [16, 40], 3535, 3775, 3978, 4136, 4358, 4469, 4664 Starr, Leander, 3313 Starr, Merritt, 1720 [21] Starr, Thomas I., 146-147,5163 Starrett, Vincent, 2834 Stead, W.T., 3504 [18] Stearns, J. S., 2587 Stearns, William, 3375 Stedman, Edmund C, 667, 2860, 3504 [33], 3738 Steele, Silas S., 4781 Steell, Willis, 267 [v. 1], 282 Steichen, Edward, 1358, 3677 Stein, Harve, 1001, 3037 Stelzner, H., 1777 Stephen, son of Douglas, 4531 Stephens, Alexander H., 177, 223, 1 1 75, 1525,4374,4710 Stephens, Linton, 1667 Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright, 51 Sterett, Mrs. C, 4884 Sterling, Thomas, 284 Stern, Agnes N. (Wolf), 3697 Stern, Alfred Whital, 11-12, 26-27, 89, 123, 125, 147, 178, 182, 249, 416-417, 427-428, 477, 544, 547, 593, 981, 1053, 1079, 1 104, 1 197, 1215, 1227, 1390, 1404, 1465, 1488, 1490, 1493, 1496, 1561, 1669, 1674, 1683, 1810, 1829, 1914, 1928, 1943, 2023-2024, 2077-2078, 21 13, 2147, 2269, 2336, 2359, 2405, 2433, 2533, 2539, 2584, 2587, 2821-2833, 291 1, 2922, 3004, 3101, 3151, 3155, 3199, 3289-3290, 3387, 3418, 3479, 3482- 3483, 3639, 3667, 3676, 3685, 3697, 3817, 3847, 3969,4032,4071, 4160, 42 15, 4305, 4380, 4392, 4395, 4397- 4398, 4410, 4451, 4453, 4486, 4490, 4581,4595,4685 Stern, Philip van Doren, 103, 380, 467, 1 154 Stevens, 5054 Stevens, Frank E., 1402, 2238 [16, 24], 2240, 2584, 3504 [17] Stevens, John Austin, Jr., 1654, 2706 Stevens, Lucia A., 2240 Stevens, Thaddeus, 1280, 2432 Stevenson, Adlai E., 2240 Stevenson, Adlai E., II, 5164 Stewart, Andrew, 2415 Stewart, George, 3504 [16] Stewart, James M., 4846 Stewart, Judd, 105, 132, 137, 223, 532, 762, 1593, 2238 [9], 3504 [43], 3538, 3905 Stewart, Thomas A., 5123 Stidger, William L., 1082, 4687 Stille, Charles J., 3344 Stoddard, William O., 246, 3504 [47] Stokes, Edward C, 3086 [28] Stoler, Mildred C, 2240 Stolz, Leon, 1053 Stone, A. P., 42 Stone, Orra L., 3896 Stone, Sarah Katherine ("Kate"), 2087 Storrs, Richard S., Jr., 806, 3260 Stowe, Harriet (Beecher), 1356, 2636 Strevey, Tracy E., 2240 Strickland, Edward P., 10 19 Stripp, Fred, 1097 Strobridge, G. E., 3086 [6] Strong, George C, 4712 Stuart, Hulen, 1374 Stuart, James E. B. ("Jeb"), 723 Stuart, Jay, 2233 495 Stuart, John T., 427, 2238 [24], 3431 Stubbs, Joseph Edward, 671 Siifsnapp, C, 51 16 Sugarman, Tracy, 668 Summer, Charles A., 4665 Summer, G. Lynn, 687 Sumner, Charles, 432, 755, 940 [10], 1386, 2556 [30], 2566 [24], 2657, 3071, 5067 Sumner, S. S., 3504 [37] Surratt, John H., 953, 1731, 1844, 1853, 2532, 3370, 3548, 4204, 4223, 4283, 4296-4297, 4326, 4484 Surratt, Mary E. (Jenkins), 466, 701, 941, 953, 1000, 1365, 1697, 1731, 2091, 2323, 3014, 3181, 3389, 3504 [2], 3623, 4224, 5082 Sutton, Cicero T., 304 Sutton, Richard, 2309, 3548 Swaim, Thomas, 1371 Sweet, William Warren, 2238 [7] Swett, Leonard, 2238 [24], 3431, 3540, 4553 Swift, Clarence F., 3504 [35] Swift, H. T., 2200 Swift, Lester L., 2238 [33] Swinton, William, 4262 [4, 5] Switzler, William F., 1 162 T., H. L., 1575 T., W. E., 885 Taft, Charles P., 555 Taft, Charles Sabin, 2913 Taft, Lorado, 2238 [20] Taft, William Howard, 264, 284, 555, 3086 [24], 4418 Talbot, Hugh [pseud.], 350 Talcott, Mrs. William A., 4079 Tandy, Francis D., 46, 282, 1566 Taney, Roger B., 4315 Tanner, James, 1606 Tappan, H. P., 4057 Tarbell, Ida M., 218, 249, 267, 282, 305, 1082, 1 154, 2061, 3495, 5163 Tarbox, John W., 3504 [15] Taylor, A. R., 1645 Taylor, Bayard, 3504 [12], 4742 Taylor, Catherine W., 1298 Taylor, Florence W., 2240 Taylor, H. S., 155 Taylor, Hannis, 267, 282 Taylor, Jonathan K., 4562 Taylor, Robert W., 3086 [17] Taylor, Tom, 3504 [9, 18] Taylor, Zachary, 102, 18 10, 3504 [40] Teillard, Dorothy ( Lamon), 2462- 2463 Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, baron, 3863 Terry, Schuyler B., 114 Thatch, Frank E., 583 Thatcher, Maurice H., 4279 Thayer, H. E., 3375 Thayer, William M., 4305 Thomas, Benjamin P., 285, 289, 848, 926, 1096, 2240, 2268, 2584, 3420, 3732 Thomas, George H., 1 1 15, 3209 Thomas, Isaac, 260 Thompson, A. R., 3312 Thompson, Charles M., 2235, 2237- 2238 [7], 3504 [18] Thompson, Charles W., 2798 Thompson, David D., 3888 Thompson, Harold W., 220 Thompson, Henry P., 3504 [5] Thompson, J. C, 2582 Thompson, Jacob, 5052 Thompson, John, 1720 [31] Thompson, Joseph P., 1 178, 3260 Thompson, Lorenzo D., 3504 [17] Thompson, William T., 2676 Thomson, Edward William, 3504 [44] Thorn, James S., 3504 [14] Thorne, Jack [pseud.], 1627 Thornton, Anthony, 1205, 2238 [10], 4195 Thoron, Ward, 323 Thorsen, J. Mitchell, 440 Thruston, R. C. B., 3371 Thucydides, 507 Thurston, John M., 392 1, 4265 Tice, Homer J., 68 Ticknor, Howard, 4041 Tilberg, Frederick, 4310 Tilden, Samuel J., 2590 [18] Tilton, Clint Clay, 2221, 2240, 2584- 2585 Tilton, Lucian, 4188 Tilton, Theodore, 3504 [20] Timmins, Harry, 1829 Tinker, A. L., 4 191 Tinker, Charles A., 3504 [49] Tippett, Donald H., 5164 Tittemore, J. N., 3312 Tobey, Charles W., 3978 Todd, Elizabeth See Grimsley, Eliza- beth (Todd) Todd, Emilie See Helm, Emilie Paret (Todd) Todd, J. B. S., 3504 [41] Todd, Mary See Lincoln, Mary (Todd) Todd family, 2821 Toombs, Robert, 5052, 5054 Topping, Helen F., 2362 Torrance, Ell, 3504 [41], 4012 Torrie, Hiram D., 3504 [7] Tounley, Wayne C, 2233, 2632 Townsend, George Alfred, 2532 Townsend, William H., 71-72, 376, 628, 775, 1 147, 2216, 2335-2336, 2451, 2583, 3458, 3762, 4062, 5163 Tracy, Gilbert A., 171, 249, 2504, 2771 Trailor, Archibald, 178 Trailor, Henry, 178 Trailor, William, 178 Train, George Francis, 4718 Traubel, Horace, 4548 Trautwcin, Joseph, 1493 Travers, William Frederick Karel, 2232 Travis, George W. F., 4291 Traylor, Josiah, 496-497 Trientja [pseud.], 1122 Trimble, Carey A., 2556 [23] Trovillion, Hal W., 129 Truman, Harry S., 2685, 4036 Trumbull, Lyman, 111, 267, 282, 1007, 2552, 2590 [9], 3285, 4527 Tsu-shao, Ho, 4159 Tuckerman, Charles K., 3504 [15] Tuckerman, Frederick, 3504 [38] Tupper, Kerr B., 4269 Turner, A. M., 1229 Turner, L. C, 2093 Turner, Lottie B., 3606 Turpie, David, 2590 [19] Tuttle, J. F., 531 Tweed, William M. ("Boss"), 2728 Tyler, John, 4255 Tyler, Lyon Gardiner, 1 1 7 1, 2065, 2984, 4215 Tyler, Moses Coit, 2238 [28] Tyler, W. S., 11 78 Tyng, Stephen H., 3079-3080, 3260, 4257 u Upham, Nathan, 4828 Vagts, Alfred, 390 Valentine, David T., 31 15 Valentine, John, 16 15 Vallandigham, Clement L., 196, 2590 [26], 3088, 4222, 4262 [10], 4337 Van Amringe, W. B., 17 16 Van Buren, George M., 30 Van Buren, John, 2590 [46], 31 13 Vance, Zebulon B., 4716 Van Doren, Carl, 156 Van Doren, Charles, 3633 Van Dorn, Earl, 1432 Van Dyke, Henry, 2497, 3083, 3865 Van Hoesen, H. B., 752 Van Horn, Amos H., 3128 496 Van Natter, F. M., 3081 Vanosdel, John M., 2556 [39] Vanuxem, Louis C, 191 7 Van Wyck, Charles H., 2556 [10] Veale, Moses, 2963 Victor, Orville J., 3504 [21] Viele, Egbert L., 3504 [48] Villard, Harold G., 4355 Villard, Oswald Garrison, 4355 Vincent, Elizabeth K., 1301 Vincent, Ray, 2918 Vincent, Thomas M., 3504 [13] Vinson, John W., 2238 [8] Volck, Adalbert J., 1802 Volk, Douglas, 3504 [18], 4373, 5138, 5>8i Volk, Leonard W., 744, 2238 [8], 3498, 4373 Voorhees, Daniel W., 4291 w W., W., 3359 Wade, Benjamin F., 940 [9], 2556 [47], 3552, 3588 Wahlstrom, Carl E., 16 Wait, Horatio L., 3504 [10] Wakeman, Wilbur F., 1339 Walker, Edwin K., 1720 [40] Walker, Edwin S., 2238 [5], 3937 Walker, Evelyn H., 298 Walker, Robert J., 3504 [33] Wall, Bernhardt, 85-86, 123, 141, 593, 2758, 2790, 2862-2863, 3556, 4595 Wall, James W., 4830 Wallace, Joseph, 2240 Wallace, William Ross, 4784 Walton, Clyde C, Jr., 2268-2269 Ward, Anna, 3504 [18] Ward, Artemus [pseud.], 835-836, 3769, 4675 Ward, C. L., 2590 [48] Ward, Julius H., 821 Ward, Lydia (Avery) Coonley See Coonley, Lydia (Avery) Ward, Lynd, 2836, 2890, 331 1 Ward, Samuel, 397 Ward, William Hayes, 308 Warden, D. A., 4790 Warren, Louis A., 13, 107, 117, 289, 1008, 1449, 2193, 2238 [23], 2240, 2256, 2268, 2572, 2588, 2606, 3081, 3371, 3669, 4376,5168 Warren, Philip Barton, 297 Warren, Raymond, 608, 2231 Warrington [pseud.], 3612 Washburn, Israel, 2556 [26] Washburne, Elihu B., 2552, 2881, 3 181, 3504 [8], 4670, 4742 Washington, Booker T., 2497, 3086 [23], 3504 [27, 3i] Washington, George, 375, 517, 665, 680, 785, 898, 932, 938, 1032, 1 120, 1302, 1309, 1362, 1546, 1632, 1658, 1666, 1750, 2020, 2030, 2667, 2685, 2788, 2803, 2813, 2850, 2909, 3183, 3286, 3339, 3504 [17, 46], 3519, 3542, 3709, 3726, 3796, 3836, 4079, 4174, 4266, 4402, 4465, 4482, 4603, 4686, 4855, 5023-5024, 5094, 5183 Watson, Aldren A., 2501 Watson, Benjamin F., 3504 [49] Watson, Edward L., 2875 Watson, Henry S., 2837 Watson, James E., 3082 Watt, Harold L., 2790 Watterson, Henry, 264, 3504 [18] Waud, A. W. [i.e. Alfred R. (?)], 316 Wayland, H. L., 3086 [5] Wayne, Bernie [pseud.], 4489 Webb, David, 4705 Webb, James W., 5040 Weber, Jessie (Palmer), 1720 [17] Webster, Daniel, 354, 517, 765, 1623, 1658 Webster, E. D., 4301 Webster, S. D., 899 Weed, Harriet A., 4481 Weed, Thurlow, 4814 Weet, Herbert S., 3613 Weger, A., 2468 Weik, Jesse W., 267, 282, 1922, 2014, 2249, 3262 Weinman, Adolph A., 2581 Weiss, Emil, 3072 Weld, Theodore D., 4 161 Weldon, Lawrence, 3504 [50], 3540 Welles, Charles R., 2238 [7] Welles, Edgar T., 4490 Welles, Gideon, 282, 1386, 3504 [11, 24], 450i, 4753, 5055 Welling, James C, 304, 3 181 Wells, Gabriel, 1878 Wells, Hezekiah G., 146-147 Wells, Lillian, 1 121 Wells, Percival W. [pseud.], 1121 Wengrovins, W. R., 5201 Wentworth, D., 4909 Wessen, Ernest J., 182 (note 2), 2240, 2643 (note 2), 3271, 3761 West, C. S., 5135 Wcthcrbee, S. Ambrose, 2232 Wetmore, George P., 4290 Wettstein, Carl T., 3504 [30] Wharton, Oliver P., 2240 Wheeler, David, 4827 Wheeler, Ebenezer F., 2192 Wheeler, Harriet, 1633 Wheeler, John E., 5123 Wheelock, O., 4929 Whinery, Charles C, 3 161 Whipp, Frank D., 2242 Whipple, Wayne, 23, 26 17-26 18 White, Abel Mortimer, 5168 White, Charles T., 41, 44, 46, 52, 62, 75, 99, 105, 180, 185, 197, 208, 218, 244, 309, 316, 372, 398, 409, 464 504-505, 509, 537, 549, 624, 662, 671, 701-702, 713, 719, 727, 735, 761, 806, 809, 814-816, 835, 855-856, 867, 876, 880, 892, 905, 940, 946, 959, 978, 1037, 1059, 1062, 1064, 1077, 1082, 1 1 16, 1 1 19, 1141, 1 1 57, 1 1 84, 1202, 1222— 1223, 1225, 1236, 1239, 1345, I352-I353. 1355, 1381, 1384, 1401, 1451, H56, 1461, 1510, 1513, 1526, 1542, 1594- 1595, 1606, 1612, 1720 [28], 1728, 1735, 1756, 1759, 1761-1763, 1769, 1777, 1800, 1806, 1821, 1854, 1858, 1881, 1886, 1926, 1948, 1977, 2035, 2042, 2051, 2071, 2083, 2101-2102, 2125-2126, 2130, 2133-2134, 2168, 2217, 2224, 2235, 2252, 2256, 2279, 2292, 2330, 2346, 2356, 2364, 2388, 2408, 2424, 2463, 2466-2467, 2504, 2507, 2545, 2569, 2580, 2586, 2615, 2630, 2728, 2771, 2810, 2815, 2837, 2842, 2846, 2850, 2853, 2875-2876, 2878, 2909, 2917, 2962, 2977, 2997, 3017, 3051-3052, 3056, 3086 [39], 3096, 3098, 31 16, 31 18, 3127, 3 161, 3201, 3236, 3243, 3251, 3271, 3273, 332i, 3325, 3336, 3340, 3395, 3405. 3454, 3497, 3504 [33, 39], 353', 3538, 356o, 3579, 3605, 3628-3629, 3631, 3640, 3663, 3674, 3726, 3759, 3789-3790, 3804-3805, 3816, 3856, 3894, 3906-3907, 3942, 3949, 3951- 3952, 3954, 3957, 3962, 3964, 3974, 3999, 4017, 4025, 4053, 4060-4061, 4084, 4144, 4176-4177, 4191, 4199, 4232, 4254, 4258, 4275, 4286, 4351, 4362, 4405, 4460, 4468, 4472, 4482, 4508, 4526, 4533, 4541, 4549-4551, 4555, 4606, 461 1, 4624-4625, 4643, 4672, 4686, 5156-5157, 5163-5164, 5166, 5168, 5172 White, Horace, 1925, 2240, 3504 [17, 33] White, Peter J., 3585 White, R. A., 1720 [35] White, Ruth (Morris), 4535 White, William Allen, 267, 1 154, 2554 Whitehead, John M., 2238 [13] Whiteman, Maxwell, 383 Whitman, Walt, 82, 601, 2156, 2587, 2625, 2728, 2748, 3081, 3448, 3504 [18, 30], 3921 Whitney, Henry C, 29, 106, 224, 304, 5I3I-5I32 Whittcmore, George H., 3887 497 Whittier, John Greenleaf, 2322, 3363, 3736, 3740 Wickersham, George W., 3595 Wickliffe, Charles A., 2566 [18] Wiecker, Otho, 5163 Wigfall, Louis T., 5052 Wilbur, Curtis D., 3082 Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 2595, 4683 Wiley, Alma Adams, 4408 Wiley, Bell Irvin, 1096, 1574, 1890, 3049, 3381,4470, 4645 Wiley, Earl Wellington, 77, 2238 [21- 22] Wilgus, A. Curtis, 2238 [17] Wilkes, George, 2566 [21] Wilkes, John, 1731 Wilkins, Abraham, 279 Wilkins, Raymond S., 1538 Wilkinson, Morton S., 2556 [13] Willcox, George B., 3108 Willcox, Orlando B., 1437 Willett, Henry, 822 William I, Prince of Orange, 4230 Williams, A. J., 1347 Williams, Henry Llewellyn, 130 Williams, John Sharp, 2497 Williams, Kenneth P., 2256 Williams, Robert H., 3504 [13] Williams, Samuel C, 2587 Williams, Stanley T., 1341 Williams, T. Harry, 18, 210, 4342 Williams, William R., 3079-3080, 3260 Willis, Frank B., 284 Willoughby, W. Jerome, 2686 Wills, David, 586-587, 3322 Willsie, Honore (McCue), 3032 Wilmot, David, 1698 Wilson, Charles Banks, 3147 Wilson, Clarence True, 1082 Wilson, Edward A., 413 Wilson, Francis, 1365 Wilson, Henry, 433, 940 [3], 1386, 2556 t5L 2566 [14] Wilson, James F., 2093 Wilson, James Grant, 282, 2579, 3504 [6, 15] Wilson, James H., 3086 [21] Wilson, Montgomery, 12 13 Wilson, Rufus Rockwell, 251, 2346, 2537, 3635,48'4, 5163 Wilson, Woodrow, 278, 682, 2926, 4418, 4799 Winder, John C, 4716 Windom, William, 4273 Wing, Henry E., 41 1 1, 4520 Winthrop, Robert C, 2590 [10, 17] Wiost, D., 51 15 Wise, Henry A., 5129 Wise, Stephen S., 284, 1608 Withee, Charles R., 2275 Withers, William, 3504 [12] Woldman, Albert A., 5163 Wolf, Henry M., 4685 Wolverton, Sara, 4887 Wood, Earle C, 3726 Wood, Fernando, 10 1, 12 13, 4495, 5067 Wood, Lindsay (Lomax), 2669 Wood, Melvin S., 2631 Wood, W. S., 4701 Woodbridge, Frederick E., 4283 Woods, Byron A., 3504 [3] Woods, George B., 3504 [37] Woodworth, , 655 Wool, John E., 4262 [8] Worden, James A., 2963 Work, Hubert, 3082 Wormeley, Katharine P., 3504 [34] Wright, Allen H., 3909 Wright, Elizur, Jr., 4555 Wright, Horatio G., 2238 [39] Wright, R. R., 3504 [49] Wiirzburger, Julius, 1821 Wyatt, John, 666 Wyles, William, 3703 Wynne, Andrew, 3375 Y., R., 280, 3504 [10] Yard, Robert B., 3504 [16] Yates, Richard, 2398, 2556 [31], 2566 [2,5] Yates, Richard, Jr., 3340, 3504 [20], 5156 Young, Charles H., 3085 Young, Edward J., 3504 [8] Young, J. W., 4684 Young, James C, 267 [v. 2] Young, James Harvey, 4240 Youngblood, Union W., 4456 Younger, Edward, 2375 Yung, Choi Tai, 17 10 Zabawa, Jule, 5030 Zabawa, Peggy, 5030 Zacharie, Isachar, 384 Zane, Charles S., 2238 [14] Zane, John M., 289 498 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: I960