REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY, SUBMITTING FOR CONSIDERATION A GENERAL PLAN OF STUDIES, CONFORMABLY TO A VOTE OF THE BOARD OF OVERSEERS OF THAT SEMINARY, PASSED FEBRUARY 4, 1830. CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY E. W. METCALF AND COMPANY, Printers to the University. 1830. ~ 0 ' ' , . M . ~ * . ■ * * REPORT The President of Harvard University has now the honor to submit for the consideration of the Corporation, in conformity with the Vote of the Overseers of the fourth of February last, a plan of studies directed chiefly to effect “ a more thorough education in the Greek and Latin languages, the Mathematics, and Rhetoric,” than the present course of studies is calculated to attain. The several alterations suggested in the instruction of the other branches, will have chief reference to that object ; but nothing here suggested will diminish either the time or efficient pursuit of those other branches. The im- provement, which the plan now proposed is intended to effect, as far as the interest: of the other branches will permit, has sole reference to providing that all recitations in the three branches first named should be by sec- tions, whereas they are now chiefly by divisions ; the advantage contemplated being the more exact examina- tion each instructer will thus be able to make into the acquisitions of each student, and the greater stimulus given to the student by the certainty that at every reci- tation he will be distinctly questioned, and his attainments more thoroughly investigated. The first change now proposed, in the course of the present studies, is to postpone the commencement of the study of the modern languages until the Sophomore year ; 4 and in lieu of the Freshmen’s two last terms, to extend that study into the first and second terms of the Senior year. The result of this arrangement will be, not only farther to occupy the Senior year, at present deficient in this respect, but also, which is the main purpose, to enable the instructers and students to give an exclusive at- tention to the acquisition of the learned languages and Mathematics in the Freshman year, thus correcting as far as possible the inequality of attainment which exists and is apparent in that year, arising from the different thoroughness of the instruction to which the students have been previously subjected ; and to prevent any apology for not paying an undivided attention to the ancient Classics and Mathematics in that year. A second principle adopted and endeavoured to be carried into effect in the plan now proposed, is, that one hour at least shall intervene between every two recitations. This principle is not carried so far as to prevent exercises in reading or speaking, or the hearing of lectures upon gen- eral topics, which occasionally, when it is unavoidable, are permitted to be in the hour which immediately succeeds that of recitation, or that of other lectures on general topics. The plan proposed adds nothing to the amount of in- struction in Theology, or in Intellectual and Moral Philo- sophy. The only change it effects in these, has respect to times of recitations and lectures, wdiich in some instances are altered to accommodate the general plan. The several alterations proposed are subjoined in the several documents annexed, marked A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. With respect to the provision to be made for teaching Declamation and the physical part of Elocution and Read- ing, the object embraced in this report only relates to 5 the time in which it may be conducted with most advan- tage. The time allotted is the hour immediately after morn- ing prayers, to be applied successively to those sections in each Class, which do not recite at that hour, at the dis- cretion of the instructers who may be employed in that service under the general superintendence of the Profes- sor of Oratory. In addition to the alterations suggested in this report and the accompanying documents, the President recom- mends, that both Rawle on the Constitution and Smellie’s Philosophy of Natural History should be made “ required studies ,” and be no longer optional. He also recommends, that a recitation every Saturday in General History should be required of the Freshman Class, and a person appointed, whose duty it shall also be to give them at the same time instruction as to the best mode of employing their leisure hours in reading, and the course to be adopted in availing themselves, to the best advantage, of the Library. To carry into effect this system, the following additional provision for instruction will be required. One Tutor in Greek, at the present rate of compensation $647 The assistance of two Proctors in the Mathematical > gg^ branch, 320 hours each, estimated at . ) $1031 besides the entire services of both the present Latin Instructers. The President also submits three Tabular Views of the course of studies of each of the three terms respectively, showing the relations of each branch to all the other branches. Notwithstanding that these views and the principles of this report have been acceded to by each principal instructer in the respective departments as being satisfactory, yet, 6 considering the importance of the subject, and the liability to error to which so complicated an arrangement is neces- sarily exposed, the President is of opinion that it would be expedient to have this report and the accompanying docu- ments printed, and a copy delivered to each instructer, and to each member of the Board of Corporation, before its final adoption. All which is submitted by JOSIAH QUINCY, President . June 14, 1830. APPENDIX A. In the Department of Theology, it is proposed as follows, viz . — Instruction in Theology to commence in the first term of the Ju- nior year, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, from X to XII, A. M. This extends through the first term, the Class being heard in Divisions an hour each, and may, if necessary, be continued through the first four weeks of the second term. In the second term, the Seniors commence this branch, and lectures are given by the Professor three times a week, viz. on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, for one hour each day, at the 2d hour be- fore the prayer bell in the afternoon. The instruction in this branch closes with the term. B. In the Department of Moral Philosophy, Civil Polity, and Political Economy, it is proposed as follows, viz . — Junior Year . Instruction to commence with the first term, the Class being heard in Divisions ; 1st Division, after Prayers, A. M. 2d do. at Study Bell, do. every day in the week, to the end of the term. Forensics every other week, on Friday, occupying three hours before the evening prayers, alternating with the Seniors. Senior Year. Instruction recommences in this branch in the first term, the Class being taught in Divisions ; 1st Division, at 2d hour before Prayers, P. M- 2d do. 1st do. do. do. four days in the week. / 8 In the second and third terms it is also taught in Divisions ; 1st Division, after Prayers, A. M. 2d do. at Study Bell, do. Forensics every other Friday, alternating with the Juniors, for three hours before evening prayers. In the second term of the Senior year a lecture is delivered by the Professsor on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 10 o’clock, one hour each day, during the whole term. c. In the Mathematical Branch, it is proposed as follows, viz . — In the Freshman Year. The Class to be heard in Sections every day in the week, except Saturday, allowing one hour to each Section ; and if the Instructer see fit, he may divide the hour between demisections, allowing half an hour to each. fist Section from 10 to 11. To be heard I 2d “ “ 11 to 12. by the Tutor. 1 3d “ in the 2d hour before P. M. Prayers. f 4th “ in the 1st “ “ “ Five hours a week (for 40 weeks) to each Student will be 5x40 = 200 hours, and 200 lessons for the Freshman year. At present the time occupied by him (i. e. each section) is but 100 hours. The time required of Instructers will be 4 X 200 = 800 hours. At present it is but 400 hours. In the Sophomore Year. The Class to be heard in Sections, four days in the week, viz. on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, at the following hours, viz. 1st Proctor. 2d Proctor. On Tuesdays and Thursdays. 1st Sect, to be heard in the 2d h. bef. P. M. Prayers. 2d “ a 1st h. cc u 3d “ (( 2d h. (( it 4th “ it 1st h. (C a 9 On Fridays. 1st Proctor. C 1st Section to be heard from 10 to 11, A. M. ) 2d “ “ 11 to 12, “ 2d Proctor. ( 3d “ l 4th “ “ 10 to 11, « « 11 to 12, “ On Saturdays. 1st Proctor. (1st Sect, to be heard in the hour after A. M. Prayers. ( 2d “ “ at Study Bell. 2d Proctor. ( 3d “ 1 4th “ “ in the hour after A. M. Prayers. “ at Study Bell. Four hours to each Student is 4x40 = 160 hours, or 160 lessons for the Sophomore year ; occupying an hour for each Section. At present the number of lessons is 120, occupying half an hour each. The time required of Instructers will be 4X 160 = 640 hours ; at present it is 340 hours. In the Junior Year. First term, no instruction in this branch. Second and third terms. To be heard by > 1st Section, after A. M. Prayers, f hour. Professor. ) 2d “ “ “ “ f “ To be heard by ) 3d “ “ “ “ J u Tutor. \ 4th “ “ “ “ f “ viz. 4J hours for each Section or Student, X25 = 112J hours, or 150 lessons ; at present there is the same number of lessons at half an hour each. Time required of Instructers 4x 1 12| = 450 ; at present it is 261 hours. Besides the above the Professor gives a lecture to the whole Class, from 11 to 12, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, of the third term. In the Senior Year. Instruction in this branch ends with the first term. First Term. To be heard by ) 1st Section, after A. M. Prayers, Professor. ) 2d “ “ “ “ To be heard by > 3d “ “ “ “ Tutor. \ 4th “ “ “ S hour. * “ S “ 2 10 viz. 4} hours weekly for each Student, x 15 = 67 or 90 lessons ; at present the number of lessons is the same, at f of an hour each. The time required of Instructors will be 4x67| = 270 hours; at present it is 135 hours. Besides the above, two Recitations are given weekly, on Tues- days and Thursdays, to this Class, from 10 to 12. General Comparative Result. Present System. hours. hours. Freshmen-Each Student is occupied in 200 Lessons 100, and Instructers 400 Sophomores — tt tt 170 “ 85, ££ 340 Juniors — tt it 150 “ 94J, “ 261 Seniors — u it 90 “ 67i, “ 135 Whole No. of Lessons in Coll. Course 610 hours 347, hours 1136 By the proposed System. Freshmen-Each Student is occupied in 200 Lessons 200, and Instructers 800 Sophomores — tt a 160 “ 160, it 640 Juniors — tt tt 150 “ 1124, tt 450 Seniors — tt it 90 “ 674, tt 270 Whole No. of Lessons in Coll. Course 600 hours 540, hours 2160 On this plan, in the first term, the Professor hears the 1st Section of Seniors f of an hour, after Prayers, A. M. 2d ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ « 1 i hours every day. The Tutor hears the 3d Section of Seniors f of an hour, after Prayers, A. M. 4th ££ ££ £ £t << << « 1 } hours every day. Second and third terms the Juniors are heard in the same way. The Tutor also hears every day the 1st Section of Freshmen from 10 to 11. 2d ££ ££ ££ ££ 11 to 12. 3d ££ ££ ££ ££ 2d hour before Prayers, P. M. 4th “ ££ ££ ££ 1st “ ££ ££ ££ 11 The first Proctor hears, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1st Section of Sophomores at 2d hour before Prayers, P. M. 2d “ “ “ 1st £< “ “ ££ 1st ££ ££ 2d ££ ££ On Fridays, from 10 to 11. ££ 11 to 12. 1st * £ 2d ££ On Saturdays, immediately after Prayers, A. M. at Study Bell. The second Proctor hears, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3d Section of Sophomores at 2d hour before Prayers, P. M. 4th ££ ££ ££ ££ 1st ££ £< ££ ££ 3d ££ 4th ££ On Fridays, from 10 to 11. ££ 11 to 12. On Saturdays, 3d ££ ££ ££ immediately after Prayers, A. M. 4th ££ ££ ££ at Study Bell. On this plan, the Professor will hear two sections of the Seniors in the first, and of the Juniors in the second and third terms, 1 i hours every day in the week, or 9 hours weekly, equal to annual labor of 360 hours ; and in the first term he will give two lectures to the Seniors of two hours each week, or four hours weekly ; and to the Juniors the same number of hours, but divided among four days, in the third term. The Tutor will hear two sections of the Seniors in the first, and of the Juniors in the second and third terms, after morning prayers . . . . l£ hours. And the Freshmen ... 4 Daily ..... 5J hours. Number of days in the week . . 5 Hours, weekly . . . . 27 J hours. Saturday morning . • . 1} Weekly . . * . .29 hours. Weeks in the year ... 40 Hours for the Tutor 1160 12 The first Proctor would hear the Sophomores two hours for four days in the week, Or 8 hours weekly. 40 “ “ in lectures ) to the Seniors in the first term ) “ “ in lectures > to the Juniors in the third term ) 320 u 320 u 640 9X40 • 4X15 60 4X13 52 3G0 hours. 112 Total of Professor’s occupation . . 472 hours. Total of Professor’s occu- ) pation in recitation . $ “ Tutor’s occupation “ Proctors’ “ 360 hours. 1160 “ 640 “ In recitations In lectures 2160 hours. 112 “ Total occupation of Instructers in recita- tions and lectures 2272 hours. Any excess of occupation above assigned to the Tutor beyond that assigned to the Professor, to be reduced by the coming of the latter in aid of the former, at such times as may be found convenient or deemed reasonable. D. In the Branch of Rhetoric and Oratory, it is proposed as fol- lows, viz . — The Declamations and all the exercises in Reading to be under the superintendence of the Professor, and to be always with that part (division or two sections) of each Class, which does not recite after prayers in the morning ; to be divided fon practice, or to be assembled in a body, as often, at that hour, as shall be found expedient. The Professor to have such assistants as he may find necessary. 13 All that the Freshman Class has to attend to in this branch is in- cluded in the above. The Sophomores attend the Professor in Rhetoric and Logic on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 10 to 12, A. M. — heard in sections, half an hour each, during the whole year ; and attend with Themes at the Study Bell, from two to three hours, as may be necessary, every Saturday. The Class to bring in their Themes by divisions every week, a division each week at the study bell ; or if the Pro- fessor prefer, he can take his two hours for Themes for this Class from 9 to 1 1 o’clock on every Saturday. In the Junior Year . Themes are to be delivered in by this Class every other Friday (the intermediate Friday being reserved for Forensics), in the three hours preceding prayers in the afternoon. The lectures on Rhetoric to be given in the second term of this year, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 1 1 o’clock. In the Senior Year. Themes are to be delivered in by this Class every alternate Friday (every intermediate Friday being reserved for Forensics), in the three hours preceding prayers in the afternoon. E. In the Greek Branch, it is proposed as follows, viz . — To be heard always in sections. In the Freshman Year. Half the Class to be heard the first five days of the week, in sections alternating weekly with the other half, in Latin. f 1st To be heard ! 2d by the Tutor. | 1st I2d Section after Prayers, A. M. . 1 hour. “ at Study Bell “ . 1 “ “ at 2d h. before Prayers, P. M. 1 “ “ at 1st h. “ “ “ 1 “ 4 hours. 20 Greek 14 Do. On Saturdays. 1st Section, Greek Antiquities 2d “ “ “ 1 hour. 1 “ For the Student 11 hours per week — For the Instructer 22 hours, (weeks) 20 (weeks) 40 220 Whole year .... 880 hours. At present heard in divisions, occupying for the Student 172J hours — for Instructers 345. In the Sophomore Year. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 1st Section after Prayers, A. M. . . 1 hour. 2d “ at Study Bell “ . 1 “ On Tuesdays and Thursdays. 1st Section after Prayers, A. M. 2d “ at Study Bell “ 1st “ from 10 o’clock to 11 2d “ “11 “ to 12 2 hours. 1 hour. 1 “ 1 “ 1 “ 4 hours. viz. for each Student 1 hour for 3 days — for Instructer 2 hours. 1 x3 = 3 hours 2 for 2 = 4 “ 6 hours. 8 “ “ “ “ per week 7 hours, for Inst. 14 hours. 20 40 Occupation for each Student > 14Q hours . For ) 5g0 hmjrs tor Sophomore year . ) Inst. ) At present it is 125 hours for the Student — 250 for the Instructer. In the Junior Year. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. 1st Section at 2d hour before P. M. Prayers 1 hour. 2d at 1st “ “ “ 1 “ 2 15 viz. for each Student 1 hour for 4 days — for Instructer 2 hours for 4 days. Equal to 4 hours weekly “ 8 h. weekly 20 40 Occupation for each Stu- ? Qn Occupation for ? qoh 5 hours dent in Junior year \ 80 hours i nstr ucter $ \ the year. At present it is 60f hours for the Student — 121J for the In- structer. General comparative Result. At present, during the College Course, occupation in recitation for the Student for Instructer s 358J hours. 729J- “ As proposed above, it will be In Freshman year, for Student 220 hours — for Instructer 880 hours. Sophomore “ “ 140 “ “ 560 “ Junior “ “ 80 “ “ 320 “ Total for the Student 440 For Instructer 1760 hours. Arranged between the present instsucters, the labor will be as fol- lows. Tutor attends Freshmen exclusively, viz. 880 hours. 2d “ 1st “ 2d “ a Juniors For the Professor — Monday and Wednesday. 1st Section of Sophomores after Prayers, A. M. 1 hour. at Study Bell, “ 1 “ 2d hour before Prayers, P. M. 1 “ 1st u 61 t£ «< ] tc 2 days — 4 hours Tuesday and Thursday. 1st Section of Sophomores after Prayers, A. M. 2d “ “ at Study Bell, “ 1st “ “ from 10 to 11 “ 2d “ “ from 11 to 12 “ 1st « 2d “ 1st 4 hours. 1 hour. 1 « 1 “ 1 “ Juniors 2d hour before Prayers, P. M. 1 1 2 days — 6 hours 6 hours. 16 Friday. 1st Section of Sophomores after Prayers, A. M. 1 hour. 2d “ “ at Study Bell, “ 1 “ 1 day — 2 hours 2 hours. 2 days — 4 hours = 8 hours 2 “ 6 “ =12 « 1 “ 2 “ = 2 “ 22 hours 40 = 880 hours for the Professor. F. In the Latin Branch, it is proposed as follows, viz. Half the Class to be heard the first five days of the week in sec- tions, alternating weekly with the other half in Greek. In the Freshman Year. 3d 4th 3d 4th Section to be heard after Prayers, A. M. “ “ at Study Bell, “ “ “ from 10 o’clock to 11 “ “ “ 11 “ to 12 1 hour. 1 “ 1 “ 1 “ Pure Latin On Saturdays. 3d Section to be heard in Roman Antiquities a a a u a it 4 hours. 5 20 1 hour. 1 “ To each Student 1 1 hours per week — To Instructers 22 hours. 20 40 “ 220 “ for the year — “ “ 880 hours. At present the Student is occupied 186J hours. “ the Instructers . 720 “ In consequence of the alternations between the Latin and Greek branches, the number of the recitations of the Student occupies only one fourth of the time required of the Instructers in these branches. 17 In the Sophomore Year . On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 3d Section after Prayers, A. M. 1 hour. 4th “ at Study Bell, “ 1 “ 2 hours. On Tuesdays and Thursdays. 3d Section after Prayers, A. M. 1 hour. 4th tt at Study Bell, “ 1 tt 3d it from 10 to 11 , “ 1 tt 4th u from 11 to 12 , “ 1 tt 4 For each Student 1 hour for 3 days — for Instructer 2 hours for 3 days = 6 h. 3 “ 2 h. for 2 days = 4 h. “ “ 4 hours for 2 days = 8 h. Weekly occupation for Stud. 7 hours for Instructer . . . 14 h. 20 40 Occupation for each Stud. > 14Qh For the Instructer 560 h. for Sophomore year $ At present it is 135 hours for the Student, and 270 for the In- structer. In the Junior Year . On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. 3d Section at 2d hour before Prayers, P. M. 1 hour. 4th “ 1st “ “ “ 1 “ 2 hours. viz. for each Student 1 hour for 4 days. For Instructer 2 “ — 4 4 h. weekly “ 8 hours. 20 40 Occupation for the Student in the Junior year 80 hours. Occupation for ) the Instructer $ 320 hours. At present it is 60| hours for the Student, and 121 J for the In- structer. cy O 18 General Comparative Result. At present, during the College Course, occupation > in recitation for the Student, is 5 “ for the Instructers . , 382 hours. 11114 “ As proposed, it will be In Freshman year, for Student 220 hours. Sophomore “ “ 140 “ Junior “ “ 80 “ For Instructers 880 hours. “ “ 560 “ “ “ 320 “ Total for the Student 440 hours. Total for Instructers 1760 hours. Arranged between the present Instructers, the labor will be as follows. Tutor attends Freshmen exclusively, viz. 880 hours. For the Professor — Monday and Wednesday. 1st Section of Sophomores after Prayers, A. M. 1 hour. at Study Bell, 66 1 “ 2d hour before Prayers, P. M. 1 “ 2d “ 1st “ 2d “ cc u Juniors u a 1st 1 2 days — 4 hours Tuesday and Thursday. 1st Section of Sophomores after Prayers, A. M. 2d u “ “ at Study Bell, “ 1st “ “ u from 10 to 11, “ 2d “ “ “ 11 to 12, “ 4 hours. 1 hour. 1 1 “ 1 “ 1st 2d Juniors U ii 2d hour before Prayers, P. M. 1 1st 2 days — 6 hours Friday. 1st Section of Sophomores after Prayers, A. M, 2d “ “ “ at Study Bell, “ 2 days — 4 hours = 8 hours. 2 “ 6 “ =: 12 “ 1 « 2 “ = 2 “ Labor of the Professor 22 hours, weekly. 40 or for the year Tutor attends the Freshmen exclusively, as now 1 “ 6 hours. 1 hour. 1 “ 2 hours. 880 hours. 880 “ 1760 hours. 19 G. In the Department or Chemistry, it is proposed as follows, viz . — In the Junior Year. Instruction in Chemistry begins as soon after the commencement of the second term as the Medical Lectures close in Boston, on TuesdaySj Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 1 0 o’clock, A. M., to con- tinue through the term, and finishes about the middle of the third term. The Seniors having liberty to attend. The Seniors commence the study of Mineralogy about the middle of the third term, as soon as the Professor has finished Chemistry with the Juniors, commencing at the 2d hour before the prayer bell in the afternoon, and extending through the Senior year. H. In the Department of Modern Languages. It is proposed not to commence the Modern Languages until the Sophomore year, and to extend the study of them as a required exercise through the first and second terms of the Senior year. The days to be as now, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from study bell to twelve, and from two o’clock till prayers. The whole space is left without being trenched upon by other exercises, except in the case of the Junior Class in the first term and in the third term. In respect of which Class, in the first term, their exercises in Modern Languages must be so arranged, as that the Juniors shall not be required to recite at the first hour after the study bell ; and in the third term their exercises must be so arranged, on Mondays and Wednesdays, as that they shall not be required to recite at the hour between 11 and 12 o’clock. Oj '.Vi ■ ■ . - • V -»:• j ru ■ bliiii i f lo : 1 j , . . t. bf!)*' .hi! ;g ifii o : ii oibhlr :i[ riod a r 1 i v. cil'i uo<:?. m .nrpf Ihhft oif> lot". . \f( ■ > ./ . fill, o; ' • ft*! / , Vi ■ i T abular Views. FIRST TERM. FIRST TERM CONTINUED. ft 1-i (—1 L gq 1— 1 # * o * o . . 00 03 03 . 13 >-» B rB * O §< j 03 S 03 . +3 H cd ^ £ 03 B .03 • 03 Id >» B rB ’ o o' 03 B • 03 . +3 H cd "cd "cd . s . s 03 03 o .1 . 1 r-C 03 3 w pp o O H- jSl! r-^H o> 3 _a> m Pi o Q r-H O ft -5 a cd cd O -5 cd m * e ft hS Pli <53 <5 • -a • • 4-> ’<-« ^S • -a a> H ft <53 ft rS • • • • . hour bei Prayers, P. M. 13 >■> B rB -4-J Q_i • • O o <13 OT B=1 o ». • § .... § ££ ■‘I** • • • • HS 03 L • • • ♦ <1 Q u. i W <1 o m rt Q P W B £ H r/ . 3 Q n GQ to HH HH X o hh %D bD O . . ft thematic Latin Optics £*■> be . . ^ 'o 03 Greek Latin ithemati Latin X <53 <5 . . 03 rB cd ^ * • • .B . -. Cv ^ ‘ ft ir> <53 J* 02 GQ ft ft <55 <5 • * o • O X 3 • , < cd rB cd <5 o £ 03 hb ft a * * H * • a • * X q JH +-> X A O (= 5 ft ® w 13 >> B4 03 _B Bd B 03 *rt 13 >>5 B rB Bd B 03 3C3 M B 03 *X3 ►» H3 B . . -H ' o 03 "E, o 03 o . Q3 • H 0 "cd ft ■ ® • ta o ^ • • • • . . H> CL O o 03 m Ph o i *03 • cd & J • 03 • cd O ft -H> in r Q3 ! 03 rB # , . * B : HH 1 B ft * ‘IS ft ft ft ft ft ft . . xh u CD b rH ft P <1 i O 'rB P-i 6 ^ir ° If Intellectual Philosophy • Greek Latin • Greek Latin tural Philo- ophy Do. 13 >> . . B rB H> CL, O o 03 on PI o • . 03 rB IS Greek Latin Greek Latin cd OT • • • • • cd w • • • 2 X •suorpag GQ = H HK> HH 1— i ~ K 3i > H KK > M K£!> HH HH HH HH "SH> h hh ^ K ft X CD in % o Seniors. Juniors Sophomores. . Freshmen. Seniors. Juniors. Sophomores, . Freshmen. FIRST TERM CONTINUED. a> m d a • o f-i Pl, ^ pp QJ &? © TO rQ *H . a> . I fcs ie-p a> rt rP >H <1 0 2 >> 02 M . a> £ ri £ © • . w _ gu S 2 0 o a> .2 ^ S © 'O © 2 £ ^ ’to C • © g^ £ P*S .0) TO | % Sj ■s ? on ° o'2 u >> © © © © "p ^ 2 > © TO © 2 © ,© suorpog CD <5 © .2 ’to C ."2 ’iS a "-' > _ g b cS ° © ^ P > © TO © 2 © rP Eh P P HH O - Q £ -p H KP> hH I— I Seniors. O Ph © o © O +j • — i a <*> P4 © © • 0 ri c3 2 .-§ © • s 5 p O P 4 • a © -J3 2 « <5 • ^ eS 6 .J Juniors. H M I— ( l-H Sophomores. H 5K> l-H HH Freshmen. Q H <1 l/l P P ~q Ah 6 jP Q 5^ a m £ P3 Ah ►» -4 -p _C 2 « Ph © o ^ TO © o i-> i— i a Sp” S ^ © cp 3 h .2 «2 r. o -5 « 1 a-g P ^ ^Or^J h^I.S c c © +j © rt .goti TO ? (D td p p M ffl Eh S (S .2 o “ - C 3 s s .S' ..a* a ps TO TO . © 2 5 l .# 2 o O -A 3 ~PP> H PP> Seniors. Juniors. Sophomores. Freshmen. SECOND TERM, 03 M £ . . * i • . • . • o3 C3 .... • . tn . eo o _o . . to .a o Ul ft rH ft d ■ft d "d "d ft d ^ 02 I *2 O Ul Ph ft pH • . . • • Gree Latii 03 d •s - I o -5 cd .... 03 ft * 03 * -d t-i <% O ft . a . a 03 03 ■3 3 d "d . 03 . g 8 M O ^5 • . . . • • <33 • *a .... • • •a -a • *a <3 0) <33 hour befor Prayers, P. M. w 0) Ul 3 -u> O 03 Ul Ul d d a° o o » ft Greek Latin Greek athematics Ul Ul Ul 03 |fi 0 B O U > . 3 cSy o H •d o .ft ithema Latin - O 52^ Greek Latin Latin thema Latin X <33 <3 , . 03 ft Cw •a • o ont 03^0 £ J Ph B d •a • ir> <33 <33 Ul cn . Ul ft ft TD X to XI. <3 v ft M Ph o ft o • d a • • O g 4-» PC | 4ft x Uh u* 3 X 30 ft a ft . . . . r— < 0) PQ >» ft . 8 .*• d d ft d • | • d o . . Ph o. 4 . • • ft d 03 ”3 • 03 »-t§ ft d 03 ft . 03 • d T3 d ^ 1 o > <3 J ^ w U< H o 1-1 O ft 4-> ui *-< n3 • o *zl Uh ft ‘ aPn wh ^ ^Ph f 3 . . ft ft ft ft Ul t-4 1 , >* ft h ’■£> Q Ph * ‘ o rd r— < i * d . ft * d * ■d ft ft Ph • • o o o ft * d * ft * d * H Ph Ui 03 Ph ' 1 ft, * ’ ft Ph 6 t>4 ft 03 -J3 03 rf O . 03 3j3 2 d o -A • n . ^ ^ O °^3 • • ft Ph o ■— < >■> ft 03 d £ .-3 . 03 ‘ft 02 d o • <£ c Id C iPh . . p ft Ul Q. B o d M O g . . sf d m S ! ° a a •BUOIJ03S ! H- kk> 1— i ft ft ► U—H t— 1 <■ > ^ ft ft X HH UH HH <> HHMK,; c/5 HH HH 1— 1 HH HH l-H l_ * ft UH HH HH HH o C/J 09 oJ Seniors. Juniors. Sophomores. Freshmen. Seniors. Juniors. Sophomores. Freshmen. o 1 SECOJYD TERM CONTINUED. o r* cd n * Sh P-i pH 0> W § h ns ^ H.O Q CZ3 H £ Q W £ gg >> cd g'S « -£| ^ £ o i !>» 4-3 ,£) O o Ph § <=£ ”p £ cd O P P P Ph O 3^« 3 o' 'KS> Seniors. HH (-H Juniors. m fcuo o P «8 a> -S P$ U1 o p =3 cd o pp> HH I— f Sophomores. Freshmen. >H < n (/} K H Greek Latin Mathematics Mathematics Greek Mathematics Greek Latin Mathematics Mathematics Greek Mathematics . . . . . . . . .... Lectures on Rhetoric and f Oratory ? to whole Class j Greek | Latin Mathematics | Latin -i m P P m . Lectures or Intellectual Philos ophy to whole Clas b m 1 p -sp o Greek Latin Mathematic Latin P Mor. & Pol. j Philosophy < .... Greek Latin Greek | Latin P . . p P . . Moral & Politi- \ cal Philosophy \ o Ph o -a >> Q g -G 5 CU £ o Cd CQ 6 Greek Latin Greek Latin I. 1 II. | III. 1 IV. I M ^ "SS> Seniors. Juniors. Sophomores. Freshmen. 2 SECOND TERM CONTINUED. a> 1st. hour befor Prayers, P. M., a> cd £ bn a Id a Vi 3 "rf be _C3 Id S3 Vi S * •«> <35 <2 Greek Mathematics lid. hour before Prayers, . P. M. 3nsics every other r intermediate wee with the Juniors, 'o the whole Clas ensics every other f intermediate wee with the Seniors. ]*o the whole Clas $-> Greek Mathematics [Id. hour be- )re Prayers, P. M. Vi O ft CD > CD i n (D s CD 43 Eh o ft W t* 1 CD > (D xn . . . . "1 v‘o3 co ^ CD cd g bO*^ h c xn 2 fl G 43 {d O o .... o EH S'" So ft ft .GO .GO J® xn * .2 * CD Study Be] Mor. & Pol. Philosophy Greek fl td Greek Latin Mor. & Pol. Philosophy . . . . Mathematic Mathematic .1 i '3 "•§ <1 o 'tS ‘»s ft ft ft ft ft ft GO GO . CD CD * .S * After Prayers Moral & Politi- cal Philosophy , c 4= ft 13 V ' ci X i d I >-» ft ! & l <» Greek Latin • Greek Latin Moral & Politi- i cal Philosophy o ft O 3 & id «> X Mathematics Mathematics Greek Antiquiti Roman Antiquit (3 C Classes. £ h- Seniors. h- 'hh> Juniors. Sophomores. ~Kft> hH HH ► Freshmen. 1— 1 VH Seniors. Juniors. ~KK> HH HH Sophomores. HH HH . Freshmen. THIRD TERM, 05 1st. hour befoi Prayers, P.M. Lectures on Anatomy to whole Class Greek Latin re Prayers, P. M. o . . . . t— i « <1 P TUESDAY. o a XI to XII. .... Experimental } Lectures in f Natural Philos. £ to whole Class ) • m fci) o .p 4-3 . o Ph ! . Mathematics Latin . . . . Experimental ^ Lectures in f Natural Philos. ? to whole Class ) Greek Latin | Mathematics Latin r/^ /-S H 05 _ p Chemistry, to about the middle of the term, , , :o whole Class j 05 X to XI. V. 4J O ,05 * * 05 K o . B ^ Q ** *y> CD Rhet. & Log. . , Mathematic Latin -v eti 4-3 O ,05 * * 05 K o B p Greek Latin Mathematic Latin CD IX to X. Philos, of Nat. Hist. . Philos, of Nat. Hist. P ?-► P Study Bel Mor. & Pol. Philosophy o Greek Latin Greek Latin o . .p n . O t-l r-H .... Greek Latin Greek Latin ^P P . . p p . P P P . t . . After Prayers ,A >> 33 &, • • r o o ' 05 P -A* S'a . . ■ 3 ° s 1 o S ^ 6 - P g A fa Qh 2 ° s « Greek Latin Greek . Latin ( < ( t .A >» o o' * : 2_, 05 Si..: a* s g . • • 3 S i o B ^ o q c 5 o cd ® 5 i4 * G ‘ - 05 ® cd 5 .P x • a • s 1 s • Classes. B o *-H hH Juniors. P *— 1 1— 1 > HH HH £ Sophomores. 1 ^ Freshmen. ► H 5C> H Seniors. - Juniors. S h Sophomores. 1 HS S£ Freshmen. THIRD TERM CONTINUED. O TO D f-l o> fa § 2 2 rP 0 Eg § 2 « . ^ ?H I— ( M ® g 3 >* • 2 *P< ■T 3 >H <1 Q m W £ Q £ CD PQ H 3 3 m suoiioag O O .TO TO M o . 3 42 Ph£ ssS ££ • ‘ g£ " K 3fe Seniors. O TO $=j rp 42 .5 a ^3 ® >- -3 o g O £ Jh w o Q ft Ph o ^ « a 3 «2 £ H KK> i — 1 1 — i Juniors. m fee o J O -3 ^ K 3fe Sophomores . a a> rg •g O J rX ' rj h d O -h3 H HH> Freshmen. t* Q m Ph & PC H § a° 3 fl O o “°d^ 2 e 4 P J c £ o to M 3 • 3 3 Ph & 3^ 3 & * Ph § 3 * O * • Seniors. O J a 2 pH *3 c 42 -G 0 ) S SJg'S 2 B - 2 0 ’S ° £ n Q o ^ ft a . a 02 02 s -a • O J O h3 O 3 KK> h Kh> Juniors. Sophomores. Freshmen • o a * CD a ‘ P4 - o .g CD • 4 P fn d O J HHHKj. THIRD TERM CONTINUED. 1st. hour before Prayers, P. M. tUD .s td 0 . CD C2 Greek Mathematics lid. hour before Prayers, P. M. Forensics every other 1 rhemes every intermediate wee with the Juniors. To the whole Clas ensics every other Y intermediate wee with the Seniors, 'o the whole Class CD <2 sp A Greek Mathematics Id. hour be- >re Prayers, P. M. o a; > CJ GO O) s a) X! O n <1 SATURDAY. h—l KH Ph XI to XII. See note 1 A ’ y> Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Latin it; — | . A Q HH U1 03 xn H . Divisions, altei kly, so that Div mg at Study Be nd with Themes X to XI. ^4-H o * * GQ ffi ' o . X ^ Q <2 CD <2 Mathematic Mathematic . Mathematic Latin !d. Philos, of ] Nat. Hist. Chemistry, to about the midd of the term, to whole Clas Gen. History Gen. History H ffl -p (!) IX to X. Philos, of Nat. Hist. in < 4 * A o Philos, of Nat. Hist. .... Themes, nating we sions reci do not att .... Q § Q .GO .CO 5 n 03 • • Q Study Bel gj? . ,W ft 03 . o • * o [s Greek Latin Greek Latin 'i b . . Ph ii 03 . O J . o ^ . . . . O CJ Id td . s . s CD CD . HH .PH +5 ’-3 i *3 . 2 * cr • ^ • • rl « a < < ft Q Q Q . . . . 03 GO . 0 ) . CJ ‘rt After Prayers Moral & Politi- cal Philosophy 1 Natural Philo- o >» Q a, o 02 Greek Latin • Greek Latin Moral & Politi- i cal Philosophy ; o XI Ph o •a£> Q 3 f Mathematics Mathematics Greek Antiquiti Roman Antiquit g Classes. £ o <5 Xfi HHHk; HH HH Seniors. H hm> HH HH Juniors. W M H Sophomores. Freshmen. HH HH Seniors. Juniors. H HS> HH HH Sophomores. w Kh> HH HH Freshmen. % 3 A. — The hour from XI to XII for the first five secular days of the week in the third tei^u of the Senior year is reserved for general lectures, on topics, not specified in these Tables, which the government may provide or authorize. D. indicates that recitations are by divisions, each consisting of two sections. , S. indicates that the time specified is equally divided beween the two sections in recitation.