6 17/ u ^ 9 | S e_- '3 3 Special List No. 33 Tabular Analysis of the Records of the U.S. Colored Troops and Their Predecessor Units in the National Archives of the United States National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration Washington: 1973 RICHARD NIXON President of the United States ARTHUR F. SAMPSON Acting Administrator of General Services JAMES B. RHOADS Archivist of the United States Special List No. 33 Tabular Analysis of the Records of the U.S. Colored Troops and Their Predecessor Units in the National Archives of the United States Compiled by Joseph B. Ross National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration Washington: 1973 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 73-600083 Foreword The General Services Administration, through the National Archives and Records Service, is responsible for administering the permanent noncurrent records of the Federal Government. These archival holdings, now amounting to more than 1 million cubic feet, date from the days of the First Continental Congress and consist of the basic records of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of our Government. The Presidential libraries of Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson contain the papers of those Presidents and many of their associates in office. While many of the archival holdings document events of great moment in our Nation’s history, most of them are preserved because of their continuing practical use in the ordinary processes of government, for the protection of private rights, and for the research use of scholars and students. To facilitate the use of the records and to describe their nature and content, archivists prepare various kinds of finding aids. The present work is one such publication. We believe that it will prove valuable to anyone who wishes to use the records it describes. ARTHUR F. SAMPSON Acting Administrator of General Services Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/tabularanalysiso3319unse Preface Special lists are published by the National Archives as part of its records description program. The special list describes in detail the contents of certain important records series; that is, units of records of the same form or that deal with the same subject or activity or that are arranged serially. Its form and style are not fixed but vary according to the nature of the records to which it relates. Its distinguishing characteristic is that it goes beyond the general description contained in a record group registration statement, a preliminary inventory, or an inventory and describes records in terms of individual record items. In addition to lists and other finding aids that relate to particular record groups, the National Archives issues publications that give an overall picture of materials in its custody. A new, comprehensive Guide to the National Archives of the United States will be issued. A guide devoted to one geographical area— Guide to Materials on Latin America in the National Archives (1961)-has beep published. Reference information papers analyze records in the National Archives on such subjects as transportation, small business, and the Middle East. Records of the Civil War are described in Guide to Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War (1962), Guide to the Archives of the Government of the Confederate States of America (1968), and Civil War Maps in the National Archives (1961); those of World War I in Handbook of Federal World War Agencies and Their Records, 1917-1921 (1943); and those of World War II in the two-volume guide Federal Records of World War II (1950-51). Genealogical records are described in Guide to Genealogical Records in the National Archives (1964). Among the holdings of the National Archives are large quantities of audiovisual materials received from all sources: Government, private, and commercial. The Guide to the Ford Film Collection in the National Archives (1970) describes one of the largest private gift collections. The extensive body of maps and charts is described in the Guide to Cartographic Records in the National Archives ( 1971 ). Many bodies of records of high research value have been microfilmed by the National Archives as a form of publication. Positive prints of these microfilm publications, many of which are described in the current List of National Archives Microfilm Publications, are available for purchase. For other publications, see the most recent Select List of Publications of the National Archives and Records Service, General Information Leaflet No. 3. JAMES B. RHOADS Archivist of the United States v ; Contents Page Introduction. 1 U.S. Colored Troops and their predecessor units. 3 Notes. 17 Appendix . 19 vii Introduction The first regiment of U.S. Colored Troops was not mustered into Federal service until June 1863. Black troops were, however, organized to fight the Confederate forces prior to President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, which was issued as War Department General Order 1 on January 2, 1863. Gen. David Hunter organized the 1st Regiment of South Carolina Colored Volunteers in the spring and summer of 1862 without War Department authorization. The Second Confiscation Act and the Militia Act of July 17, 1862, authorized President Lincoln to receive blacks into the military service as soldiers, but on August 6, 1862, the President announced that he was still unready to enroll blacks as soldiers in the Union Army. Following the August 6th announcement, the 1st Regiment of South Carolina Colored Volunteers was disbanded by General Hunter only to be reorganized under Gen. Rufus Saxton with War Department authorization later in the same month. The 1st Regiment of Kansas Colored Volunteers was organized in August 1862 by Gen. James H. Lane without War Department approval but was not mustered into service until January 1863. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler ordered the enrollment of free black militiamen of Louisiana in August 1862, but, unlike the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers, the 1st, 2d, and 3d Regiments of Louisiana Native Guards (later the Corps d’Afrique) were mustered into Federal service between September and November 1862. The recruiting of black soldiers by the War Department after the Emancipation Proclamation was slow until Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton sent Adjutant General Lorenzo Thomas into the Mississippi Valley in March 1863 with the authority to recruit and organize free and contraband blacks for service in the U.S. volunteer service. The recruiting effort was successful, and on May 22, 1863, the War Department issued General Order 143, establishing the Colored Troops Bureau. This bureau was directly under the Adjutant General’s Office, and Maj. Charles W. Foster was appointed chief with the title of Assistant Adjutant General. The bureau was made responsible for recruiting colored troops, commissioning officers to command them, organizing regiments, and maintaining the records of the various colored troop organizations. The first regiment of U.S. Colored Troops was mustered into the Federal service on June 30, 1863, at Washington, D.C. The Corps d’Afrique and other State organizations were redesignated when they became part of the U.S. Colored Troops, with the exception of a few units raised in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Louisiana. Approximately 166 regiments and 200,000 offi¬ cers and men were recruited, commissioned, and organized into the U.S. Colored Troops from the federalizing of the first regiment on June 30, 1863, to December 31, 1867, when the last regiment was mustered out. A tabular list has been compiled for the bound regimental books and the unbound regimental papers of the U.S. Colored Troops and their predecessor units. The records are a part of Records of the Adjutant General’s Office, 1780’s-1917, Record Group 94, and they amount to approximately 82 linear feet of bound records and 56 linear feet of unbound records. The bound volumes of regimental book records consist mainly of copies of letters sent, registers of letters received, endorsements and memorandums, regimental and company order books, and regimental and company descriptive books. The volume containing the regimental descriptive book frequently contains such other records as guard reports, morning reports, court-martial proceedings, proceedings of regimental councils of administra¬ tion, requisitions for clothing, camp, and garrison equipment, various account books, and other miscellaneous records. Copies of letters sent, registers of letters received, and endorsements and memorandums are usually bound in the same volume. Most of these records were maintained as separate books by the regiments, but during the 1880’s the books were bound together into the present volumes by the Adjutant General’s Office. The number of volumes shown in the table for each regiment refers to the total number of bound volumes rather than to the number of individual books contained therein. Date spans have been provided in the table for some of the letters sent, registers of letters received, endorsements and memorandums, and general and special orders. Dates have not been provided for the remainder of the bound records since they often span the entire period of a regiment’s existence. A list showing the dates of organization and muster-out for each regiment can be found in the appendix. 1 2 INTRODUCTION No distinction has been made between the separate order books maintained by the regimental headquarters and those kept by each company of the regiment, since both contain orders from regimental headquarters. Occasionally, orders issued by other commands have been copied into the regimental order book. Periods covered by the regimental and company order books sometimes vary, and the dates shown in the table for each type of order are the combined periods of coverage of both regimental and company order books. Regimental and company descriptive books are shown in the tables as “R” and “C.” From the regimental descriptive book of a typical U.S. Colored Troops unit, one can obtain the names and dates of appointment of the colonel commanding the regiment, the lieutenant colonel, major, adjutant, quartermaster, chaplain, surgeon (and first and second assistant surgeons, if any), and the captains and lieutenants of each company. The company descriptive books list only the names and dates of appointment of the commissioned officers for each company. Both regimental and company descriptive books list and describe the noncommissioned officers and enlisted men of each company. At the end of the regimental books are volumes containing descriptive lists of enlisted men mustered into service at Camp Nelson, Ky. (4 vols.), and Benton Barracks, Mo. (2 vols.), during 1864-65 and assigned to various U.S. Colored Troops regiments. These volumes are not indexed. The unbound regimental papers consist primarily of letters and telegrams received; general, special, and court-martial orders; circulars; court-martial proceedings and sentences; and rosters. The unbound papers frequently include other records, such as morning reports, casualty lists, descriptive lists of deserters, lists of men detailed, recommendations for appointments, resignations, discharges, inspection reports, and other miscellaneous papers. For convenience, the unbound regimental papers have been grouped into three categories: letters received; issuances; and rosters, reports, lists, and other miscellaneous records. All three types of records are listed in chronological order. Some of the letters have been recorded in the registers of letters received, but others have not. Filed at the end of the letters received for some units are a few copies of requests for information concerning enlisted men’s service. These requests were received and completed by the Adjutant General’s Office during the 1870’s and 1880’s, and copies were filed with the regimental papers. The issuances include orders and circulars from regimental headquarters as well as incomplete series of orders issued by other commands and received at regimental headquarters. Complete series of general and special orders issued by regimental headquarters are more likely to be found with the bound than with the unbound issuances. The table includes names of predecessor units whose records have been found with records belonging to the regiment, and explanatory notes are provided for those regiments that underwent one or more consolidations and to identify any special arrangements or types of records. Records relating to the U.S. Colored Troops can be found in other series of Records of the Adjutant General’s Office, 1780’s-1917 (Record Group 94). There are the records of the Colored Troops Division, 1863-89, which include a compilation of historical extracts and official papers concerning the military service of blacks from the colonial period through the Civil War (published as Microfilm Publication M858). Information concerning the stations, movements, and battles participated in by units of the U.S. Colored Troops can be found in the regimental returns and muster rolls. There are compiled records showing service of U.S. Colored Troops units and other volunteer Union organizations (published as Microfilm Publication M594) and compiled service records of soldiers who served in the U.S. Colored Troops. Also in this record group are registers of sick and wounded, field hospital records, and other medical records of the U.S. Colored Troops. Additional records pertaining to U.S. Colored Troops can be found in Records of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Record Group 105; Records of the Provost Marshal General’s Bureau (Civil War), Record Group 110; Records of United States Army Continental Commands, 1821 — 1920, Record Group 393; and War Department Collection of Confederate Records, Record Group 109. The correspondence, issuances, and other records found in the regimental books and unbound papers of the U.S. Colored Troops are not likely to be found in U.S. War Department, The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (Washington, 1880-1901). Abbreviations used in the table and the appendix include the following: A. D. (African descent), Arty, (artillery), Bn. (battalion), Btry. (battery), Cav. (cavalry), C. d’Afr. (Corps d’Afrique), Inf. (infantry), Hv. Arty, (heavy artillery), and Lt. Arty, (light artillery). Bound volumes Unbound records U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS 3 Rosters, reports, Lists, and misc. records Dec. 1863- Mar. 1866 3 in. Feb. 1864- Feb.1866 6 in. Feb. 1863- Jan. 1866 2 in. Nov. 1863- Mar. 1866 3 in. Aug. 1864- Apr. 1866 Mar. 1864- Apr. 1866 2 in. Sept. 1863- June 1866 2 in. June 1863- Apr. 1866 1 in. Dec. 1863- Jan. 1865 3 in. Jan. 1863- May 1866 5 in. Issuances Sept. 1863- July 1866 2 in. Dec. 1863- Apr. 1866 5 in. July 1864- Jan. 1866 1 in. Oct. 1863- Dec. 1866 1 in. Nov. 1864- Mar. 1866 Mar. 1865- Apr. 1866 1 in. Apr. 1864- Mar. 1866 1 in. Apr. 1863- Apr. 1866 8 in. 1 - June 1863- Apr. 1866 2 in. Feb. 1864- May 1866 2 in. . Letters received Jan. 1864- Feb.1866 2 in. Nov. 1863- Apr. 1866 5 in. Sept. 1863- Jan. 1866 2 in. Oct. 1863- Mar. 1866 3 in. May 1864- June 1866 Oct. 1864- Apr. 1866 2 in. Jan. 1864- Apr. 1866 2 in. Dec. 1863- Apr. 1866 4 in. June 1863- Apr. 1866 1 in. Aug. 1864- Dec. 1866 1 in. punj pueq ro ‘^jooq junoooc ‘punj ‘°D X X X X jjbjs pauoissiunuoouou roj )jooq junoooB SunpoiQ X X X aSEdmba uosujeS put? ‘dureo ‘lurqjop ioj bay X X uoijBJjsninxipe jo jpunoo •j8ar jo sSuipaaooij X X X s8uipaaooid jBijJBUi-jrno^ syodai Suiuropj X X X X X X X X X X sjrodai preng X X X X X X ajooq 3Ai}duosaQ OS o u Oh U p£ o o£ u X O oi u a< o OS V OS u Special orders Dec. 1863- Jan. 1866 Jan. 1864- Feb.1866 Oct. 1863- Jan. 1866 Nov. 1864- Apr. 1866 Mar. 1864- Mar. 1866 June 1863- Apr. 1866 June 1863- Feb. 1866 Sept. 1863- May 1866 General orders Dec. 1863- Aug. 1866 Jan. 1864- Feb.1866 Oct. 1863- Jan. 1866 Jan. 1864- Oct. 1865 Jan. 1864- Oct. 1865 Nov. 1864- Apr. 1866 Mar. 1864- Mar. 1866 June 1863- Apr. 1866 June 1863- Feb. 1866 Aug. 1863- May 1866 Register of letters received Jan. 1864- Feb.1866 June 1865- Jan. 1866 Feb. 1864- Dec. 1864 Sept. 1863- Apr. 1866 Jan. 1865- May 1866 Endorsements and memorandums Sept. 1864- Mar. 1865 Jan. 1865- Mar. 1866 Jan. 1864- Apr. 1866 May 1864- Feb.1866 Letters sent Jan. 1864- Feb.1866 Apr. 1865- Feb.1866 Oct. 1863- Apr. 1865 Oct. 1864- Mar. 1866 1 Feb. 1864- Mar. 1866 June 1863- Apr. 1866 June 1863- Feb.1866 Aug. 1863- May 1866 Name of unit and predecessor unit(s) and No. of vols. 1st Cav. 6 vols. 2d Cav. 4 vols. 3d Cav. (1st Miss. Cav., A.D.) 6 vols. 4th Cav. (1st Cav., C. d’Afr.) 1 vol. 5th Cav. 5 vols. 5th Mass. Cav. (Colored) 7 vols. 6th Cav. 5 vols. 1st Hv. Arty. 6 vols. 3d Hv. Arty. (1st Tenn. Hv. Arty., A. D.; 2d U.S. Colored Hv. Arty.) 11 vols. 4th Hv. Arty. (2d Tenn. Hv. Arty., A.D.; 3d U.S. Colored Hv. Arty.) 5 vols. 5th Hv. Arty. (9th La. Inf., A.D.; 1st Miss. Hv. Arty., A.D.; 4th U.S. Colored Hv. Arty.) 10 vols. Bound volumes I Unbound records 4 U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS Rosters, reports, lists, and misc. records Oct. 1863- Apr. 1866 1 in. Apr. 1864- Apr. 1866 2 in. Dec. 1863 Sept. 1866 5 in. Nov. 1862- Oct. 1866 6 in. Oct. 1863- Feb. 1866 6 in. July 1864- Oct. 1867 3 in. Feb. 1864- Feb. 1866 1 in. Jan. 1864- May 1866 4 in. Oct. 1863- Mar. 1866 3 in. ► Issuances Feb. 1864- June 1866 2 in. Apr. 1864- Dec. 1865 1 in. Dec. 1863- Jan. 1866 1 in. June 1863- Nov. 1866 3 in. July 1863- Apr. 1866 3 in. Aug. 1864- June1866 2 in. Aug. 1864- Nov. 1865 lin Oct. 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. Aug. 1863- July 1866 1 in. Letters received Mar. 1864- May 1866 1 in. Jan. 1864- June 1866 1 in. Oct. 1864- Jan. 1866 1 in. Jan. 1864- Feb.1867 3 in. Aug. 1863- Dec. 1865 4 in. Sept. 1864- Apr. 1866 2 in. Aug. 1864- Feb. 1866 1 in. Sept. 1864- Nov. 1865 1 in. Jan. 1864- Jan. 1866 1 in. punj pueq 10 ‘ 5 (ooq junoooe ‘punj '03 X X jjejs pauoissiunuoouou joj >[oo q tunoooeSuiqtoo X X X X X X aScdinbc uosuieS pue ‘dureo ‘Suopop joj X uoijEJjsninupe jo pounoa •jSaj jo sSurpsaoojj X X sSutpasooid [EijJEUi-jjno 3 sjjodaj SuruiopAj X X X X X X X X X X X sjjodaj pJEng X 5{00q 3AIjdUDS3(J a u Pi <_> oi u Pi u oS 0 O at u X X X Special orders Oct. 1863- May 1866 May 1864- Feb.1866 Oct. 1864- July 1865 Jan. 1866- Jan. 1867 1 Nov. 1863- Sept. 1865 Sept. 1864- Apr. 1866 Aug. 1864- Nov. 1865 July 1864- Nov. 1865 Apr. 1864- Jan. 1866 Dec. 1864- Feb. 1866 Sept. 1863- Feb. 1865 General orders Oct. 1863- May 1866 May 1864- Feb.1866 Nov. 1864- July 1865 Oct. 1865- Nov. 1866 Nov. 1863- Sept. 1865 Aug. 1864- Apr. 1866 Nov. 1864- Sept. 1865 July 1864- Sept. 1865 Apr. 1864- Nov. 1865 Jan. 1864- Jan. 1866 Nov. 1864- Oct. 1865 Register of letters received Sept. 1864- Dec. 1865 Sept. 1863- Sept. 1865 Jan. 1865- Mar. 1865 Aug. 1864- Sept. 1865 Aug. 1864- Oct. 1865 Aug. 1865- Nov. 1865 Endorsements and memorandums Oct. 1864- Jan. 1866 Mar. 1865- July 1865 Aug. 1864- Sept. 1865 Sept. 1864- Dec. 1865 Letters sent June 1864- Feb. 1866 Aug. 1864- Sept. 1865 Jan. 1865- Mar. 1866 Aug. 1864- Mar. 1865 Aug. 1864- Nov. 1865 Apr. 1864- Aug. 1865 Name of unit and predecessor unit(s) and No. of vols. 6 th Hv. Arty . 3 (2d Miss. Hv. Arty., A.D.; 5th U.S. Colored Hv. Arty.) 8 vols. 8 th Hv. Arty. 5 vols. 9th Hv. Arty. 4 vols. 10th Hv. Arty . 3 (IstLa.Hv. Arty., A.D.; 1 st La. Hv. Arty., C. d’Afr.; 7th U.S. Colored Hv. Arty.) 1 vol. 11 tli Hv. Arty. (14th R.I. Hv. Arty., Colored; 8 th U.S. Colored Hv. Arty.) 11 vols. 12 Hv. Arty. 8 vols. 13 Hv. Arty. 5 vols. 14th Hv. Arty. (1st N.C. Hv. Arty., A.D.) 5 vols. 2d Lt. Arty . 4 (1st Btry. Tenn. Lt. Arty., A.D.) Btry. A, 1 vol. Btry. B 1 vol. Btry. C 1 vol. U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS 5 Apr. 1865- July 1865 7 items Jan. 1863- Oct. 1865 4 in. Mar. 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. June 1863- Nov. 1865 2 in. Nov. 1863- Sept. 1865 1 in. Dec. 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. July 1863- Dec. 1865 3 in. May 1863- Dec. 1865 4 in. Dec. 1863 Dec. 1865 3 in. Apr. 1863- Sept. 1865 3 in. June 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. July 1863- Nov. 1865 1 in. Sept. 1863- Jan. 1865 1 in. Oct. 1863- Sept. 1865 2 in. Sept. 1863- Sept. 1865 3 in. Dec. 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. July 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. Jan. 1863- Oct. 1865 3 in. July 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. Jan. 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. July 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. Aug. 1863- Oct. 1865 2 in. Nov. 1862- Nov. 1865 3 in. Mar. 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. May 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X o5 O 05 u 05 u 05 O 05 O 05 o 05 u 05 u May 1864- Nov. 1864 June 1864- Feb. 1865 July 1863- Dec. 1865 Aug. 1863- Oct. 1865 July 1863- Apr. 1866 Nov. 1863- Dec. 1865 Aug. 1863- Sept. 1865 Sept. 1863- Oct. 1866 Oct. 1863- Oct. 1865 Dec. 1863- Nov. 1865 Dec. 1863- July 1865 Mar. 1865- June 1865 June 1863- Sept. 1865 July 1863- Dec. 1865 Sept. 1863- Oct. 1865 Sept. 1863- Feb. 1866 Sept. 1863- Sept. 1865 Sept. 1863- June 1865 Nov. 1863- Sept. 1866 Oct. 1863- Oct. 1865 ' Mar. 1864- Sept. 1865 Dec. 1863- July 1865 Aug. 1865- Sept. 1866 July 1863- Sept. 1865 May 1864- July 1865 Aug. 1863 Jan. 1866 Aug. 1863- ■Oct. 1865 Oct. 1863- Apr. 1866 Oct. 1863- Mar. 1864 Nov. 1863- Sept. 1865 Apr. 1864- Oct. 1866 Dec. 1863- Oct. 1865 2d Lt. Arty, (con.) Btry. D 1 vol Btry. E 1 vol. Btry. F s 1 vol. Btry. G 1 vol. Btry. H 1 vol. Btry. I See Btry. F. Ind. Btry., Lt. Arty. (1st Btry., Kans. Lt. Arty., A.D.) 1 vol. 1st Inf. 3 vols. 2d Inf. 6 vols. 3d Inf. 7 vols. 4th Inf. 6 vols. 5th Inf. 6 vols. 6th Inf. 6 vols. 7th Inf. 8 vols. 8th Inf. 4 vols. Bound volumes Unbound records 6 U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS Rosters, reports, lists, and misc. records Nov. 1863- Dec. 1865 4 in. Apr. 1863- Dec. 1865 3 in. Dec. 1864- Apr. 1865 1 in. Dec. 1863- July 1865 1 in. Aug. 1863- Dec. 1865 3 in. Jan. 1864- Dec. 1865 2 in. Nov. 1863- Feb. 1865 2 in. Dec. 1863- Apr. 1866 2 in. Dec. 1863- Nov. 1865 2 in. Jan. 1864- Feb.1866 3 in. Mar. 1864- Jan. 1866 2 in. Issuances July 1863- Dec. 1865 5 in. Dec. 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. Dec. 1863- June 1865 1 in. Jan. 1864- Dec. 1865 3 in. Aug. 1863- Jan. 1866 2 in. Nov. 1863- July 1866 1 in. July 1864- Mar. 1866 2 in. May 1863- Apr. 1866 1 in. Aug. 1863- Apr. 1866 1 in. Mar. 1864- Nov. 1866 1 in. Feb. 1864- Apr. 1866 2 in. Letters received Oct. 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. Aug. 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. Oct. 1863- Apr. 1865 1 in. Jan. 1864- Dec. 1865 3 in. July 1863- Jan. 1866 3 in. Dec. 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. Apr. 1863- Apr. 1866 2 in. Dec. 1863- Mar. 1866 1 in. Jan. 1863- Apr. 1866 2 in. Aug. 1863- Sept. 1866 1 in. Jan. 1864- Dec. 1867 3 in. punj pueq jo ‘jjooq junoooB ‘punj -03 iSoy jjejs pauoisstuiuioouou joj >[ooq ;unoooE Suiqjoj;} aScdmba uosuje3 puB ‘dureo ‘3urq;op joj 'bay uoijBJjsiuiurpE jo jpunoo jo sSuipaaooij X sSurpaaoojd [EijiBiu-pno 3 sjjodaj Suturoj^ X X X X X X X X X X sjjodaj pjsnQ X X X X JjOOq 3AtjdlJ0S3Q o£ u aS u aS u ntf u as v C£ 0 OS u aS 0 oi 0 1- Special orders Nov. 1863- Nov. 1866 Dec. 1863- Apr. 1866 June 1863- Jan. 1866 Sept. 1863- Jan. 1866 Dec. 1863- Dec. 1865 Dec. 1863- Mar. 1866 Dec. 1863- Apr. 1866 Dec. 1863- Apr. 1866 Feb. 1864- Apr. 1866 Jan. 1864- Feb. 1866 General orders Nov. 1863- Oct. 1866 Nov. 1863- Feb.1866 Feb. 1864- Dec. 1865 Aug. 1863- Dec. 1865 Nov. 1863- Dec. 1865 Dec. 1863- Feb.1866 Dec. 1863- Sept. 1865 Dec. 1863- Mar. 1866 Feb. 1864- Jan. 1866 May 1864- Feb.1866 Register of letters received Mar. 1864- Dec. 1865 Oct. 1864 Nov. 1865 Apr. 1864- Mar. 1866 Feb. 1864- Apr. 1866 Sept. 1864- Apr. 1866 Sept. 1865- Jan. 1866 Endorsements and memorandums Oct. 1865- Nov. 1866 Mar. 1864- Oct. 1865 Letters sent June 1864- Nov. 1866 Oct. 1863- May 1866 1 i Mar. 1864- } Nov. 1865 ! Aug. 1863- Jan. 1866 Dec. 18oj- Mar. 1866 Apr. 1864- Mar. 1866 Jan. 1864- Apr. 1866 Oct. 1864- Mar. 1866 Sept. 1863- Feb. 1866 7 Name of unit and predecessor Unit(s) and No. of vols. 9th Inf. 8 vols. 10th Inf. 7 vols. 11th Inf. (old ) 6 11th Inf. (new) (1st Ala. Siege Arty., A.D.; 6 th and 7th U.S. Colored Hv. Arty.) 8 vols. 12th Inf. 6 vols. 13th Inf. 5 vols. 14th Inf. 6 vols. 15 th Inf. 5 vols. 16th Inf. 7 vols. 17 th Inf. 7 vols. 18 th Inf. 6 vols. U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS 7 Dec. 1863- Apr. 1866 5 in. Jan. 1863- Feb. 1866 9 in. Sept. 1863- May 1866 4 in. Jan. 1863- Dec. 1865 4 in. Jan. 1864- Nov. 1865 4 in. Jan. 1864- Oct. 1865 6 in. Jan. 1864- Dec. 1865 3 in. Jan. 1864- Oct. 1865 4 in. Jan. 1864- Feb.1866 3 in. Feb. 1864- Oct. 1866 4 in. Apr. 1864- Sept. 1865 3 in. Feb. 1864- Oct. 1865 2 in. Apr. 1863- Jan. 1866 4 in. Feb. 1864- Aug. 1865 5 in. Feb. 1863- Nov. 1866 7 in. Dec. 1863- Apr. 1866 4 in. Dec. 1863- May 1866 1 in. Jan. 1864- Dec. 1865 1 in. Feb. 1864- Oct. 1865 2 in. Jan. 1864- May 1865 1 in. Jan. 1864- July 1866 2 in. Jan. 1864- Aug. 1865 2 in. May 1864- Mar. 1866 1 in. Aug. 1864- Nov. 1865 3 items May 1864- Oct. 1865 4 in. Feb. 1864- Dec. 1865 2 in. Nov. 1863- Mar. 1866 4 in. Mar. 1864- Aug. 1865 2 in. Nov. 1863- Jan. 1867 2 in. Dec. 1863- Oct. 1865 3 in. Feb. 1863- June 1866 2 in. Dec. 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. Dec. 1863- Nov. 1865 1 in. Jan. 1864- Oct. 1865 1 in. Jan. 1864- Dec. 1865 3 in. Jan. 1864- Oct. 1865 2 in. Jan. 1864- Oct. 1865 1 in. Jan. 1864- Nov. 1865 1 in. Sept. 1863- Nov. 1866 6 in. Feb.1864- Dec. 1865 1 in. Jan. 1863- May 1866 3 in. Feb. 1864- Sept. 1865 3 in. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X o6 u 06 u OS u 06 u 06 U 06 U 0 6 U Q6 u 06 O 06 u 06 O 06 o 06 U Dec. 1863- Nov. 1866 Feb. 1864- Oct. 1865 May 1863- Apr. 1866 Jan. 1864- Sept. 1865 Jan. 1864- Nov. 1865 Apr. 1865- Sept. 1865 Feb. 1864- Dec. 1865 Jan. 1864- Aug. 1865 Apr. 1864- Oct. 1865 Jan. 1865- Nov. 1865 Mar. 1864- Oct. 1865 Mar. 1864- Dec. 1865 Mar. 1864- Aug. 1865 Dec. 1863- Nov. 1866 Dec. 1863 Aug. 1865 May 1863- Dec. 1864 Jan. 1864- Aug. 1865 Jan. 1864- Oct. 1865 Jan. 1865- Sept. 1865 Jan. 1864- Nov. 1865 Feb. 1864- Aug. 1865 Mar. 1864- May 1865 Jan. 1865- Nov. 1865 Dec. 1863- Sept. 1865 Feb. 1864- Dec. 1865 Sept. 1863- July 1865 Aug. 1865- Nov. 1866 May 1865- Sept. 1865 Apr. 1864- Mar. 1866 Feb. 1864- Sept. 1865 Feb. 1865- Oct. 1865 June 1865- Aug. 1865 Aug. 1864- Dec. 1865 Mar. 1864- May 1865 June 1865- Nov. 1865 Jan. 1865- Oct. 1865 June 1864- July 1865 Dec. 1863- Nov. 1866 Apr. 1864- Oct. 1865 May 1863- June 1865 Jan. 1864- Feb. 1865 Oct. 1864- Nov. 1865 Dec. 1864- Sept. 1865 s Feb. 1864- Dec. 1865 Apr. 1864- Aug. 1865 July 1865- Oct. 1865 Apr. 1864- Nov. 1865 Mar. 1864- July 1865 19th Inf. 8 vols. 20th Inf. 5 vols. 21st Inf. (3d & 4th S.C. Inf., A.D.) 5 vols. 22d Inf. 5 vols. 23d Inf. 5 vols. 24th Inf. 4 vols. 25th Inf. 7 vols. 26th Inf. 5 vols. 27th Inf. 4 vols. 28th Inf. 4 vols. 29th Inf. 8 vols. 30th Inf. 4 vols. 31st Inf. 5 vols. 32d Inf. 4 vols. Bound volumes Unbound records 8 U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS Rosters, reports, lists, and misc. records Sept. 1862- Dec. 1865 3 in. Oct. 1863- June 1865 1 in. Oct. 1863- Dec. 1865 4 in. Jan. 1863- Nov. 1865 3 in. Jan. 1864- Mar. 1865 4 in. Sept. 1864- July 1866 1 in. Mar. 1864- Sept. 1865 2 in. Mar. 1865- Mar. 1866 1 in. Sept. 1864- Jan. 1866 5 in. Mar. 1864- May 1865 1 in. Feb. 1864- Nov. 1865 4 in. Issuances May 1863- Oct. 1865 1 in. Oct. 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. Mar. 1863' Dec. 1865 4 in. Sept. 1863- Dec. 1865 6 in. Nov. 1863- Dec. 1865 4 in. Dec. 1864- July 1865 2 items Mar. 1864- Jan. 1866 1 in. July 1864- June 1866 2 in. Sept. 1864- Jan. 1866 4 in. June 1864- Jan. 1866 3 in. Jan. 1864- Nov. 1865 1 in. Letters received Sept. 1862- Dec. 1865 2 in. June 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. June 1863- Dec. 1865 7 in. Sept. 1863- Dec. 1865 4 in. June 1864- Dec. 1865 3 in. Jan. 1864- Mar. 1867 6 in. Feb. 1864- Aug. 1866 1 in. Jan. 1864- Nov. 1866 4 in. Jan. 1864- Oct. 1865 4 in. Jan. 1864- Feb. 1866 2 in. Apr. 1864- Oct. 1866 2 in. punj pueq 10 ‘jjooq junoooe ‘punj ‘03 • JJBJS pSUOISSIUIUIODUOU roj >[ 00 q junoooc Suxqjoo aSedmba uosujeS pro ‘duieo ‘fiuiqjop joj -ba^ UOtJEJlSIUIUipB jo fiounoo •jSar jo sSurpaaoorj sSuxpaaoord [Bipreui-yno^ X sjjodar Surtuopj X X X X X X X X X X X sjiodar preng X X X X >[00q 3AIjdU0S3G X 0 X u X U X U X U X u X U X u X 0 X V X 0 Special orders Dec. 1862- Feb. 1866 Jan. 1864- Feb.1866 June 1863- May 1866 July 1863- Oct. 1866 Feb. 1864- Feb.1867 Dec. 1863- Jan. 1867 Mar. 1864- Dec. 1865 Apr. 1864- Apr. 1866 : Oct. 1864- Oct. 1865 May 1864- Jan. 1866 Apr. 1864- Oct. 1865 General orders Apr. 1863- Sept. 1865 June 1863- Dec. 1865 Aug. 1863- Aug. 1866 Feb. 1864- Dec. 1866 Dec. 1863- Jan. 1867 Mar. 1864- Aug. 1865 Jan. 1865- Feb. 1866 Oct. 1864- Oct. 1865 May 1864- Jan. 1866 Mar. 1864- Sept. 1865 Register of letters received Nov. 1862- Oct. 1865 Nov. 1863- Oct. 1865 July 1864- Nov. i864 July 1865- Oct. 1865 Apr. 1865- Jan. 1867 Jan. 1865- Jan. 1867 Jan. 1865- Apr. 1866 Nov. 1864- Sept. 1865 June 1864- Jan. 1866 Endorsements and memorandums Oct. 1865- Mar. 1866 Feb. 1865- Sept. 1865 Letters sent Aug. 1864- July 1865 Apr. 1863- Mar. 1866 Nov. 1863- May 1866 Aug. 1863- July 1866 Jan. 1864 Feb. 1867 June 1864- Jan. 1867 Nov. 1865- Apr. 1866 Oct. 1864- Oct. 1865 May 1864- Jan. 1866 Apr. 1864- Oct. 1865 Name of unit and predecessor unit(s) and No. of vols. 33d Inf . 9 (1st S.C. IrX.A.D.) 6 vols. 34th Inf. (2d S.C. Inf., A.D.) 7 vols. 35th Inf. (1st N.C. Inf., A.D.) 7 vols. 36th Inf. (2d N.C. Inf., A.D.) 8 vols. 37th Inf. (3d N.C. Inf., A.D.) 7 vols. 38 th Inf . 10 (1st Va. Colored Inf.) 9 vols. 39th Inf. 5 vols. 40th Inf . 11 4 vols. 41st Inf. 6 vols. 42d Inf. 6 vols. 43d Inf. 4 vols. U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS 9 Feb. 1864- Apr. 1866 2 in. Mar. 1864- Oct. 1865 2 in. Apr. 1863- Jan. 1866 1 in. May 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. Jan. 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. Nov. 1864- Dec. 1865 1 in. Dec. 1863- Sept. 1865 1 in. July 1864- May 1866 1 in. Jan. 1863- Sept. 1865 2 in. July 1863- Jan. 1866 1 in. Aug. 1863- Sept. 1865 1 in. June 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. Apr. 1864- May 1866 2 in. June 1864- June 1866 2 in. Jan. 1863- Jan. 1866 2 in. Apr. 1863- Aug. 1865 1 in. Apr. 1863- Sept. 1865 1 in. Apr. 1863- Mar. 1866 3 in. Nov. 1863- June 1866 1 in. May 1863- Apr. 1866 1 in. June 1863- Dec. 1865 4 in. May 1863- May 1866 5 in. Dec. 1863- Aug. 1865 1 in. Apr. 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. Mar. 1864- Apr. 1866 2 in. Mar. 1864- Oct. 1866 2 in. Aug. 1863- Jan. 1866 1 in. Oct. 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. July 1863- Feb.1866 1 in. July 1863- Mar. 1866 1 in. Nov. 1863- Jan. 1866 1 in. May 1863- May 1866 2 in. Jan. 1863- July 1866 4 in. June 1863- Feb. 1866 3 in. Feb. 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. May 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Pi U oi o Pi u u o Pi u Pi u Pi o a u Pi o <_) Pi u Pi CJ Oct. 1864- Apr. 1866 June 1864- Oct. 1865 July 1863- Jan. 1866 June 1863- Sept. 1865 Dec. 1863- Nov. 1865 May 1863- Feb.1866 Sept. 1863 Mar. 1866 June 1863- Mar. 1866 Dec. 1863- Feb.1866 Feb. 1863- Aug. 1865 Jan. 1864- Sept. 1866 July 1863- July 1865 June 1863- Dec. 1865 Oct. 1864- Feb. 1866 Sept. 1863- Oct. 1865 Sept. 1863- Dec. 1865 May 1863- Sept. 1865 June 1864- Nov. 1865 June 1863- Jan. 1866 Oct. 1863- Jan. 1866 June 1863- Mar. 1866 June 1863- Nov. 1865 Mar. 1863- May 1865 Jan. 1864- Sept. 1866 May 1863- Aug. 1865 May 1863- Dec. 1865 Oct. 1864- Apr. 1866 Nov. 1864- Jan. 1866 Nov. 1863- Jan. 1866 July 1864- Jan. 1865 Apr. 1864- Aug. 1865 Sept. 1865- July 1866 Dec. 1863- July 1865 July 1863- Dec. 1865 Aug. 1864- Jan. 1865 Nov. 1864- Mar. 1866 Aug. 1864- Sept. 1865 Sept. 1864- Jan. 1866 Aug. 1863- Jan. 1865 June 1863- Apr. 1866 June 1863- Feb. 1866 June 1863- Aug. 1865 Apr. 1864- Sept. 1866 May 1863- June 1865 June 1863- Nov. 1865 44th Inf. 4 vols. 45th Inf. 7 vols. 46 th Inf. (1st Ark. Inf., A.D.) 5 vols. 47th Inf. (8th La. Inf., A.D.) 3 vols. 48th Inf. (10th La. Inf., A.D.) 4 vols. 49th Inf. (11th La. Inf., A.D.) 8 vols. 50th Inf. (12th La. Inf., A.D.) 6 vols. 51st Inf. (1st Miss. Inf., A.D.) 5 2d Inf. 2d Miss. Inf., A.D.) 6 vols. 53d Inf. (3d Miss. Inf., A.D.) 4 vols. 54th Mass. Colored Inf. 7 vols. 54th Inf. (2d Ark. Inf., A.D.) 6 vols. 55th Mass. Colored Inf. 7 vols. 55th Inf. (1st Ala. Inf., A.D.) 8 vols. Bound volumes I Unbound records 10 U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS Rosters, reports, lists, and misc. records Sept. 1863- Dec. 1865 7 items Sept. 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. Sept. 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. Jan. 1864- Oct. 1865 2 in. Mar. 1864- Oct. 1865 1 in. Feb. 1864- Dec. 1865 1 in. Dec. 1863- Jan. 1866 2 in. Nov. 1863- May 1865 1 in. Dec. 1863- Mar. 1866 1 in. Jan. 1864- July 1866 4 in. Mar. 1864- Mar. 1866 4 items Issuances Feb. 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. Feb. 1863- Dec. 1865 6 in. Feb. 1863- Dec. 1865 3 in. Apr. 1863- Jan. 1866 7 in. Apr. 1863- Feb.1866 9 in. Jan. 1864- Dec. 1865 2 in. Oct. 1863- Jan. 1866 1 in. Oct. 1863- Feb. 1866 2 in. Nov. 1863- Mar. 1866 2 in. Dec. 1863- Jan. 1867 1 in. Feb. 1863- Jan. 1867 4 in. Letters received July 1863- Dec. 1865 5 in. Aug. 1863- Dec. 1865 5 in. Aug. 1863- Jan. 1866 8 in. Aug. 1863- Jan. 1866 10 in. Sept. 1863- Oct. 1865 4 in. May 1863- Jan. 1866 3 in. Dec. 1863- Apr. 1866 2 in. Apr. 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. Jan. 1864- Mar. 1866 2 in. Dec. 1863- Dec. 1866 3 in. Nov. 1863- Feb.1866 6 items punj pueq jo ‘ijooq junoooe ‘punj ‘03 'iSe'H X jjbjs psuorssmiuioouou ioj ^ooq ;unoooE 3uiipoi3 aScdmba uosujeS puE ‘duiBO ‘Suiqjop joj bo^f uoqEJjsruiuipE jo pounoa •}S 3J jo sSuipaaoorj X sSuipaaoord [EjuEui-uno 3 syodar Suruio^j X X X X X X X X X X X sjrodai pienQ X >jooq aAtjduosaQ 06 U 06 <_> 06 u 06 u 06 O 06 <_> 0 06 u 06 u 0 06 U Special orders Aug. 1863- Sept. 1866 Sept. 1863 Dec. 1866 Sept. 1863- Apr. 1866 Oct. 1863- Jan. 1866 Sept. 1863- Oct. 1865 July 1863- Oct. 1865 Dec. 1863- Mar. 1866 Oct. 1863- Dec. 1865 Nov. 1863- Mar. 1866 Jan. 1864- Dec. 1866 Mar. 1864- Feb.1866 General orders Aug. 1863- Sept. 1866 Sept. 1863- Oct. 1866 Sept. 1863- Apr. 1866 Sept. 1863 j Dec. 1865 Oct. 1863- Dec. 1865 July 1863- July 1865 Dec. 1863- Mar. 1866 Oct. 1863- Dec. 1865 Dec. 1863- Feb.1866 Jan. 1864- Nov. 1866 Jan. 1864- Mar. 1866 Register of letters received Oct. 1864- Dec. 1866 Apr. 1864- Apr. 1866 Oct. 1863- Jan. 1866 June 1864- Mar. 1865 Oct. 1864- Feb. 1866 Jan. 1864- Oct. 1866 Jan. 1864- Mar. 1865 Endorsements and memorandums Oct. 1863- Jan. 1866 Jan. 1864- June1865 Feb. 1864- Sept. 1864 Jan. 1865- Feb.1866 Letters sent Nov. 1863- Sept., 1866 Oct. 1864- Dec. 1866 Apr. 1865- Apr. 1866 Oct. 1863- Oct. 1865 July 1863- Mar. 1865 Dec. 1863- Mar. 1866 Nov. 1864- Feb. 1866 Jan. 1864- Aug. 1866 Jan. 1864- Feb. 1866 Name of unit and predecessor unit(s) and No. of vols. 56th Inf. (3d Ark. Inf., A.D.) 7 vols. 57th Inf. (4th Ark. Inf., A.D.) 5 vols. 58th Inf. (6th Miss. Inf., A.D.) 5 vols. 59th Inf. (1st Tenn. Inf., A.D.) 7 vols. 60 til Inf. (1st Iowa Inf., A.D.) 5 vols. 61st Inf. (2d Tenn. (W. Tenn.) Inf., A.D.) 4 vols. 62d Inf. (1st Mo. Inf., A.D.) 5 vols. 63d Inf. (9th La. Inf., A.D.) 4 vols. 64th Inf. (7th La. Inf., A.D.) 6 vols. 65th Inf. 12 (2d Mo. Inf., A.D.) 7 vols. 66th Inf. (4th Miss. Inf., A.D.) 7 vols. U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS 11 Feb. 1864- Dec. 1865 1 in. Feb. 1864- Jan. 1866 3 in. Jan. 1864- Sept. 1865 1 in. June 1864- June 1865 1 in. May 1864- Oct. 1864 1 in. July 1864- July 1865 1 in. Sept. 1862- Sept. 1865 1 in. Oct. 1862- Dec. 1865 3 in. Nov. 1862- Sept. 1865 2 in. Mar. 1863- Jan. 1866 2 in. Dec. 1863- Sept. 1865 2 in. Sept. 1863- Sept. 1866 3 in. Jan. 1863- Aug. 1864 1 in. Aug. 1863- Mar. 1866 2 in. Sept. 1864- Apr. 1866 1 in. Oct. 1863- Sept. 1865 1 in. Apr. 1864- Oct. 1865 1 in. Mar. 1864- Feb.1866 1 in. Aug. 1864- Sept. 1865 2 items July 1864- Aug. 1865 1 in. Apr. 1864- Dec. 1865 1 in. Feb. 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. Feb. 1863- June 1866 1 in. Mar. 1863- Jan. 1866 1 in. May 1864- Jan. 1866 1 in. Aug. 1865- Jan. 1866 1 in. Apr. 1863- Mar. 1864 1 in. Feb. 1863- Sept. 1865 1 in. Feb. 1864- Oct. 1866 2 in. Mar. 1864- Jan. 1866 1 in. Mar. 1864- Jan. 1866 1 in. Nov. 1865- June 1866 1 in. Mar. 1864- Sept. 1864 8 items June 1864- July 1866 1 in. Jan. 1863- Oct. 1865 4 in. July 1863- Nov. 1865 2 in. Jan. 1863- Nov. 1865 1 in. Feb. 1863- Jan. 1866 1 in. Aug. 1863- Jan. 1867 3 in. Feb. 1863- Feb. 1866 3 in. Aug. 1863- June 1864 1 in. Dec. 1862- Oct. 1865 2 in. X X X X X X X X 04 o u u 04 U O 04 U o o u Feb. 1864- Aug. 1865 Mar. 1864- Jan. 1866 Aug. 1864- Aug. 1865 Apr. 1864- Feb. 1866 Oct. 1864- June 1865 Jan. 1863- Oct. 1865 Nov. 1863- Nov. 1865 Jan. 1865- Dec. 1865 Jan. 1863- Oct. 1865 Jan. 1864- July 1865 Apr. 1864- Jan. 1866 Sept. 1864 June 1865 May 1864- Feb.1866 Feb. 1864- June 1866 Oct. 1862- Sept. 1865 Dec. 1863- Nov. 1865 • Jan. 1863- Oct. 1865 Jan. 1864- Aug. 1865 Apr. 1864- Dec. 1864 May 1864- Feb.1866 Mar. 1864- Aug. 1865 May 1864- Feb.1866 67th Inf. 13 (3d Mo. Inf., A.D.) 6 vols. 68th Inf. (4th Mo. Inf., A.D.) 3 vols. 69th Inf. 14 3 vols. ... V) C . C/J 5 O o > r-~ 71st Inf. 15 1 vol. 72d Inf. 2 vols. 73d Inf. 16 (1st La. Native Guards, Hv. Arty., A.D.; 1st Inf., C. d’Afr.) 1 vol. 74th Inf. 17 (2d La. Native Guards, A.D.; 2d Inf., C. d’Afr.) 3 vols. 75th Inf. (3d La. Native Guards, A.D.; 3d Inf., C. d’Afr.) 3 vols. 76th Inf. (4th La. Native Guards, A.D.; 4th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 1 vol. 77th Inf. 18 (5th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 78th Inf. 19 (6th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 79th Inf. (old) (7th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 79th Inf. (new) (1st Kans. Inf., A.D.) 4 vols. Bound volumes Unbound records 12 U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS Rosters, reports, lists, and misc. records Aug. 1863- Sept. 1866 2 in. Sept. 1863- Jan. 1867 3 in. Aug. 1863- Apr. 1866 1 in. Aug. 1863- July 1864 1 in. Apr. 1864- Apr. 1865 1 in. Oct. 1863- Feb.1866 2 in. Dec. 1863- Sept. 1864 7 items Sept. 1863- Feb.1865 1 in. Oct. 1863- Aug. 1865 1 in. Jan. 1865- Aug. 1865 1 in. Sept. 1863- Feb. 1865 1 in. Issuances Dec. 1863- July 1866 1 in. July 1863- Oct. 1865 1 in. Jan. 1866- Aug. 1866 1 in. Aug. 1864- Dec. 1865 5 items Sept. 1863- Oct. 1865 3 in. Apr. 1864- Jan. 1866 1 in. Mar. 1864- 1 item Dec. 1863- 7 items — Sept. 1864- Jan. 1866 5 items Nov. 1863- Sept. 1864 4 items Letters received July 1863- Nov. 1866 2 in. July 1863- Jan. 1867 3 in. Aug. 1863- Aug. 1866 1 in. Sept. 1863- Dec. 1864 1 in. June 1863- Dec. 1865 2 in. Sept. 1863- Mar. 1866 3 in. Nov. 1863- June1864 6 items Dec. 1863- May 1866 1 in. Oct. 1863- Oct. 1865 1 in. Jan. 1865- Aug. 1865 1 in. — Oct. 1863- Dec. 1863 3 items punj pireq jo ‘ajooq tunoooE ‘punj ‘03 ‘tSay jjejs pauoisstuiuioouou joj >{ooq junoooE SurqjoQ aScdinba uosuibS puB ‘duiBO ‘Surqjop joj bay uoijBjjsrurujpE jo pounoo •;8ar jo sSutpaaoorj sSuipaaooid jBi}iEui-yno3 syodar Suiujo^ X X X X X syodai pjenQ 5(00q 3AI}dU0S3Q u oi u O O Special orders May 1863- June 1866 Oct. 1863- Oct. 1865 Sept. 1863- Feb.1866 Sept. 1864- June 1865 Dec. 1864- Aug. 1865 ' General orders Apr. 1863- Jan. 1866 Nov. 1863- Aug. 1865 Sept. 1863- Jan. 1866 Oct. 1863- Aug. 1864 Dec. 1864- Aug. 1865 Register of letters received Oct. 1863- Oct. 1865 Endorsements and memorandums Letters sent Sept. 1864 Oct. 1865 Name of unit and predecessor unit(s) and No. of vols. 80th Inf. (8th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 81st Inf. (9th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 1 vol. 82d Inf. (10th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 2 vols. 83d Inf. (old) (11th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 83d Inf. (new) (2d Inf., Kans. Colored Volunteers) 6 vols. 84th Inf. (12th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 4 vols. 85th Inf. 20 (13th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 86th Inf. (14th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 1 vol. 87th Inf. (old) 21 (16th Inf., C. d’Afr.) c« T c <4-4 G 1 CO > 00 ro 88th Inf. (old) (17th Inf., C. d’Afr.) U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS 13 Feb. 1865- Sept. 1866 6 items Oct. 1863- May 1866 3 in. Nov. 1863- Aug. 1864 1 in. Oct. 1863- June 1864 1 in. Oct. 1863- Jan. 1866 2 in. Jan. 1864- June 1865 2 in. June 1863- Aug. 1864 1 in. Sept. 1863- Jan. 1866 2 in. Dec. 1863- June 1865 1 in. Dec. 1863- Aug. 1865 1 in. Sept. 1863- July 1865 2 in. July 1864- Dec. 1865 4 in. June 1864- July 1865 1 in. Apr. 1864- Aug. 1865 2 in. Mar. 1865- Dec. 1865 7 items Jan. 1865- Mar. 1866 1 in. Sept. 1864- Mar. 1865 4 items June 1863- Dec. 1864 4 items July 1863- Feb. 1866 1 in. Jan. 1866 1 item Sept. 1864- Aug. 1865 7 items Oct. 1864- Apr. 1866 1 in. Feb. 1864- Dec. 1865 2 in. Jan. 1864- Jan. 1866 3 in. Dec. 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. Oct. 1863- Oct. 1865 2 in. Nov. 1863- Aug. 1864 4 items Sept. 1863- July 1865 1 in. May 1862- June 1864 1 in. Oct. 1863- Jan. 1866 2 in. Oct. 1863- June 1865 1 in. June 1863- July 1864 1 in. Aug. 1863- Apr. 1866 2 in. Nov. 1863- Apr. 1866 2 in. Oct. 1863- July 1865 1 in. Aug. 1863- Apr. 1866 2 in. July 1864- Jan. 1866 2 in. Apr. 1864- Feb.1866 2 in. Jan. 1864- Oct. 1865 2 in. X X X X X X X X X X as o o V O o o as u as u Aug. 1865- Dec. 1865 Sept. 1863- Aug. 1864 Jan. 1864- Dec. 1865 Oct. 1863- June 1865 Aug. 1863- Sept. 1865 June 1864- Dec. 1865 July 1864- Dec. 1865 Apr. 1864- Sept. 1865 Mar. 1965- Dec. 1865 Sept. 1863- June 1864 Nov. 1863- May 1865 Oct. 1863- June 1865 Aug. 1863- Sept. 1865 June 1864- Dec. 1865 Aug. 1865- Dec. 1865 Apr. 1864- July 1864 Feb. 1865- Dec. 1865 Aug. 1864- Nov. 1865 Apr. 1865- Dec. 1865 May 1865- July 1865 May 1865- Dec. 1865 June 1864- Aug. 1865 /—N £ 4> G 'w' a . GO •5 o 00 > 00 sO 89th Inf. (18th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 4 vols. 90th Inf. (19th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 91st Inf. 24 (20th Inf. C. d’Afr.) 1 vol. 92d Inf. (22d Inf., C. d’Afr.) 1 vol. 93d Inf. (25th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 3 vols. 95th Inf. 25 (1st & 3d Engineers, C. d’Afr.) 96th Inf. (2d Engineers, C. d’Afr.) 97th Inf. (3d Engineers, C. d’Afr.) 98th Inf. 26 (4th Engineers, C. d’Afr.) 99th Inf. (15th Inf., C. d’Afr.) 4 vols. 100th Inf. 4 vols. 101st Inf. 4 vols. 102d Inf. (1st Mich. Inf., A.D.) 5 vols. Bound volumes Unbound records 14 U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS Rosters, reports, lists, and misc. records Apr. 1865- May 1866 1 in. July 1864- Dec. 1865 1 in. July 1864- June 1865 1 in. Sept. 1864- Oct. 1866 1 in. Jan. 1864- Mar. 1866 2 in. July 1864- Mar. 1866 1 in. July 1863- Dec. 1865 1 in. Mar. 1865- July 1867 1 in. Apr. 1864- Mar. 1865 1 in. July 1864- June 1865 1 in. Jan. 1865- Jan. 1866 2 in. Issuances Feb. 1865- Apr. 1866 1 in. June 1865- Dec. 1865 1 in. Apr. 1864- June 1865 3 items June 1864- Mar. 1867 7 in. Apr. 1863- Apr. 1866 4 in. July 1864- Feb.1866 1 in. Jan. 1864- Jan. 1866 2 in. Nov. 1864- Nov. 1866 1 in. Apr. 1864- May 1865 2 in. Jan. 1865- Feb.1865 7 items Feb. 1865- Apr. 1866 2 in. Letters received Feb. 1865- May 1866 1 in. June 1865- Feb.1866 1 in. July 1864- Oct. 1865 7 items Jan. 1864- Dec. 1866 5 in. Jan. 1864- Mar. 1866 6 in. Jan. 1864- Mar. 1866 1 in. Mar. 1864- Jan. 1866 1 in. Jan. 1865- June 1866 1 in. May 1864- May 1865 5 items Oct. 1864- Aug. 1865 1 in. Apr. 1865- Aug. 1866 1 in. punj pireq jo ‘>[ooq tunoooe ‘punj '03 'tSa'a jjejs psuoissxuruioDuou joj 5 ( 00 q junoooB SunpoQ aSEdmba uostucS puB ‘duiBo ‘Surqjop joj 'ba^j uopEJjsruiuipB jo pounoo •j 8 aJ jo sSurpaaoojj sSurpaaoojd (BpjBin-pno^ sjjodaj 8 uruiopj X X X X X X X X X X sjjodsj pjBnQ X X X 5(00q SApdUOSSQ o& 0 O u os 0 OS 0 OS u OS 0 oS —« -S •s 43 § 2 U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS 15 Oct. 1864- Jan. 1867 4 in. Mar. 1863- Jan. 1866 1 in. Dec. 1863- Oct. 1866 3 in. Sept. 1864- July 1867 2 in. Oct. 1864- Jan. 1866 1 in. Apr. 1865- Dec. 1865 1 in. Mar. 1865- Oct. 1865 1 in. N.d. 1 in. Jan. 1864- Apr. 1866 3 in. Jan. 1865- Sept. 1865 1 in. Jan. 1865- June 1865 1 in. Dec. 1864- Mar. 1867 3 in. Aug. 1864- June 1865 2 in. Apr. 1865- July 1866 5 in. July 1864- Apr. 1867 7 in. Jan. 1864- Jan. 1866 1 in. July 1864- Oct. 1867 2 in. Oct. 1864- July 1867 1 in. Feb. 1864- Oct. 1866 1 in. July 1864- May 1866 2 in. L Apr. 1865- Nov. 1865 1 in. June 1865- Aug. 1865 3 items Jan. 1864- Feb.1866 1 in. Jan. 1864- Jan. 1866 lin. Nov. 1864- Apr. 1866 1 in. Feb. 1865- Dec. 1867 8 in. Aug. 1864- Nov. 1865 1 in. Mar. 1865- Oct. 1866 1 in. July 1864- May 1867 4 in. July 1864- Mar. 1866 1 in. _ July 1864- June 1867 2 in. July 1864- July 1867 1 in. Aug. 1864- Jan. 1867 4 in. Sept. 1864- May 1866 4 in. Mar. 1865- Aug. 1867 1 in. July 1864- Oct. 1864 3 items Sept. 1864- Mar. 1866 1 in. Sept. 1864- Nov. 1865 1 in. Dec. 1864- Jan. 1866 1 in. Jan. 1865- Dec. 1867 6 in. Aug. 1864- Dec. 1865 1 in. Mar. 1865- Dec. 1866 1 in. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 04 o OS u OS o oS u OS CJ 04 o o U OS o OS U 04 U o4 u 04 04 U Mar. 1865- Mar. 1867 July 1864- Feb.1866 July 1864- Dec. 1866 July 1864- Aug. 1867 Aug. 1864- Feb.1866 Mar. 1865- Apr. 1866 Jan. 1865- Aug. 1865 Oct. 1864- Jan. 1866 Oct. 1864- Oct. 1865 Jan. 1865- Oct. 1865 Apr. 1865- Dec. 1867 Sept. 1864- Sept. 1865 Apr. 1865- Oct. 1866 Sept. 1864- Mar. 1867 July 1864- Jan. 1866 July 1864- Nov. 1866 Aug. 1864- Aug. 1867 Sept. 1864- Jan. 1866 Sept. 1864- Apr. 1866 Mar. 1865- Apr. 1865 Oct. 1864- Dec. 1865 Jan. 1865- Sept. 1865 Jan. 1865- Sept. 1865 June 1865- Dec. 1867 Sept. 1864- Oct. 1865 Apr. 1865- Sept. 1866 o Jan. 1865- Dec. 1866 Sept. 1864- Dec. 1865 June 1865- Apr. 1866 Sept. 1864- Jan. 1866 Oct. 1864- Oct. 1865 Mar. 1865- Sept. 1865 Dec. 1865- Dec. 1867 May 1865- Mar. 1866 1865-66 (gaps) Oct. 1864- Jan. 1866 (telegrams) Nov. 1864- Jan. 1867 Jan. 1865- May 1865 Sept. 1864- Jan. 1867 July 1864- Aug. 1867 Sept. 1864- Jan. 1866 Sept. 1864- Apr. 1866 Oct. 1864- Feb. 1866 Jan. 1865- Sept. 1865 Jan. 1865- Oct. 1865 Aug. 1865- Dec. 1867 Oct. 1864- Sept. 1865 Mar. 1865- Aug. 1866 114th Inf. 6 vols. 115th Inf. 5 vols. 116th Inf. 8 vols. 117th Inf. 6 vols. 118th Inf. 5 vols. C M X «2 —« VO 120th Inf. 1 vol. 121st Inf. 2 vols. 122d Inf. 32 5 vols. 123d Inf. 4 vols. 124th Inf. 4 vols. 125 th Inf. 8 vols. 127th Inf. 33 4 vols. 128th Inf. 4 vols. Bound volumes Unbound records 16 U.S. COLORED TROOPS AND THEIR PREDECESSOR UNITS Rosters, reports, lists, and misc. records Aug. 1865- Nov. 1865 1 in. Aug. 1865- Nov. 1867 1 in. May 1865- June 1865 1 in. July 1865 1 in. Jan. 1865 4 items Issuances Mar. 1865- Oct. 1865 1 in. May 1865- Oct. 1865 1 in. June 1865- Dec. 1865 1 in. Aug. 1865- 1 item Nov. 1864 1 item May 1864- Jan. 1865 2 in. Letters received Jan. 1865- Jan. 1866 1 in. Sept. 1865- Dec. 1867 1 in. Sept. 1865- Oct. 1865 2 items Apr. 1864- May 1865 4 in. punj pueq jo ‘>[ooq HinoDoe ‘punj oj jjbjs pouoissiuiuioouou joj >jooq junoDoe SunpoQ X X a^edinba uosmeg pue ‘duiED ‘guiqjop joj -ba^j uorjEJjsiuruipE jo pounoo •jxfoj jo sSuipaaooij sSutpaaDOid jEipEui-pno;) sjrodaJ SuruJopj X X X X X X spodsi pien 0 >[Oo q 3 Ai}drJ 0 S 3 Q DC U DC U DC <_> 0 c u X X X X Special orders June 1865- Sept. 1865 July 1865- Dec. 1865 June 1865- Jan. 1866 July 1865- Nov. 1865 General orders Apr. 1865- Sept. 1865 (2 orders) July 1865- Dec. 1865 June 1865- Jan. 1865 July 1865- Sept. 1865 Register of letters received Endorsements and memorandums Letters sent July 1865- Dec. 1865 June 1865- Aug. 1865 ■Sept. 1865 (5 letters) Name of unit and predecessor unit(s) and No. of vols. 135 th Inf. 4 vols. 136th Inf. 4 vols. 137th Inf. 4 vols. 138th Inf. 4 vols. Unattached Co. A (Va. Colored Guards) 1 vol. Pioneer Co., 1st Div. 16th Army Corps 1 vol. Capt. Powell’s Regt „ 34 Inf. Unassigned men Troops enlisted at Camp Nelson, Ky. 4 vols. Troops enlisted at Benton Barracks, Mo. 2 vols. Notes 1 Includes letters received and endorsements. There are telegrams received for June-July 1865. 2 Records also include a register showing the residences and names of former owners of enlisted men of the regiment. 3 Consolidated with the 77th U.S. Colored Infantry on October 1, 1865. 4 All regimental papers for batteries A through I have been interfiled under 2d U.S. Colored Light Artillery. 5 Consolidated with 3d U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery on December 28, 1865. Consolidated with the 112th U.S. Colored Infantry and 113th U.S. Colored Infantry (old) on April 1, 1864, to form the 113th U.S. Colored Infantry (new). Records of the 11th U.S. Colored Infantry (old) are with those of the 113th U.S. Colored Infantry (new). 7 Includes letters sent by Headquarters, 18th Infantry, Corps d’Afrique, from September 1863 to March 1864 and letters sent by Headquarters, 89th U.S. Colored Infantry, from April to July 1864. 8 Earlier letters were sent from Camp William Penn, Pa., prior to the official date of organization of the regiment. includes records of the 1st South Carolina Infantry, A. D., following the assumption of command by Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson in November 1862. 1 0 Includes orders issued by headquarters of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina, the 18th Army Corps, and the 25th Army Corps from December 1863 to January 1866. 1 Consolidated with the 106th U.S. Colored Infantry on November 7, 1865. 1 2 Consolidated with the 67th U.S. Colored Infantry on July 12, 1865. 1 3 Consolidated with the 65th U.S. Colored Infantry on July 12, 1865. 14 Discontinued on September 20, 1865, and officers and men transferred to 63d and 64th U.S. Colored Infantry. 15 Four companies of the 70th U.S. Colored Infantry were organized from April 23 to October 1, 1864. The organization of the regiment was completed on November 8, 1864, by consolidation with the 71st U.S. Colored Infantry, which had been organized from March 3 to August 13, 1864. 16 Consolidated with the 96th U.S. Colored Infantry on September 27, 1865. 1 7 Consolidated with the 91st U.S. Colored Infantry on July 7, 1864. 1 8 Consolidated with the 85th U.S. Colored Infantry on May 24, 1864, and with the 10th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery on October 1, 1865. 1 Consolidated with the 98th U.S. Colored Infantry on August 26, 1865. 20 Consolidated with the 77th U.S. Colored Infantry on May 24, 1864. 21 Consolidated with the 95th U.S. Colored Infantry on November 26, 1864, to form the 81st U.S. Colored Infantry (new), which subsequently became the 87th U.S. Colored Infantry (new). 22 Consolidated with the 84th U.S. Colored Infantry on August 14, 1865. 2 3 Consolidated with the 3d U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery on December 16, 1865. 24 Consolidated with the 74th U.S. Colored Infantry on July 7, 1864. 2 5 Consolidated with the 87th U.S. Colored Infantry on November 26, 1864, to form the 81st U.S. Colored Infantry (new), which subsequently became the 87th U.S. Colored Infantry (new). 26 Consolidated with the 78th U.S. Colored Infantry on August 26, 1865. 2 7 Consolidated with the 40th U.S. Colored Infantry on November 7, 1865. 2 8 Consolidated with the 11th U.S. Colored Infantry (old) and the 113th U.S. Colored Infantry (old) to form the 113th U.S. Colored Infantry (new) on April 1, 1865. 29 Records of the 113th U.S. Colored Infantry (old) and 113th U.S. Colored Infantry (new) have been bound together. Records of the 11th U.S. Colored Infantry (old) can be found with those of the 113th U.S. Colored Infantry (new). 30 Organized on April 1, 1865, by a consolidation of the 11th U.S. Colored Infantry (old), the 112th U.S. Colored Infantry (old), and the 113th U.S. Colored Infantry (old). 17 I 18 NOTES 31 There are two pages in a small volume on which are listed the names of wives and the number of children of enlisted men of this regiment. 3 2 Consolidated into a battalion of three companies on January 17, 1866. 3 3 Consolidated into a battalion of three companies on September 11, 1865. 34 This company was organized pursuant to Special Order No. 322, HQ, 16th Army Corps, Memphis, Tenn., on December 16, 1863, and mustered out of service on November 27, 1865, at Montgomery, Ala. Appendix Dates of Organization and Muster-Out of U.S. Colored Troops Units [From U.S. War Department, Official Army Register of the Volunteer Force of the United States Army, 1861-65, part VIII (Washington, 1867)] Unit Date or period of organization Date of muster-out 1st Cav. Dec. 22, 1863 Feb. 4, 1866 2d Cav. Dec. 22, 1863-Jan 8, 1864 Feb. 12, 1866 3d Cav. Oct. 9, 1863-Mar. 1, 1864, as 1st Miss. Cav. (A. D.) Jan. 26, 1866 4th Cav. Sept. 12, 1863-July 19, 1864, as 1st Cav., C. d’Afr. Mar. 20, 1866 5th Cav. Oct. 24-30, 1864 Mar. 16, 1866 6th Cav. Nov. 1, 1864-June 21, 1865 Apr. 15, 1866 5th Mass. Colored Cav. Jan. 9-May 5, 1864 Oct. 31, 1865 1st Hv. Arty. Feb. 20-Nov. 12, 1864 Mar. 31, 1866 3d Hv. Arty. June 5-Dec. 22, 1863, as 1st Tenn. Hv. Arty. (A. D.) Apr. 30, 1866 4 th Hv. Arty. June 16, 1863-Apr. 19, 1864, as 2d Tenn. Hv. Arty. (A. D.) Feb. 25, 1866 5th Hv. Arty. Aug. 7, 1863-Jan. 17, 1864, as 9th La. Volunteers (A. D.) May 20, 1866 6th Hv. Arty. Sept. 12, 1863-Jan. 21, 1864, as 2d Miss. Hv. Arty. (A. D.) May 13, 1866 8th Hv. Arty. Apr. 26-Oct. 13, 1864 Feb. 10, 1866 9th Hv. Arty. Oct. 8-Nov. 1, 1864 Broken up May 5, 1865 10th Hv. Arty. Nov. 29, 1862-Nov. 8, 1864, as 1st Regt., La. Hv. Arty. (A. D.) Feb.22,1867 11th Hv. Arty. Aug. 28, 1863-Jan. 25, 1864, as 14th R.I. Colored Hv. Arty. Oct. 2, 1865 12th Hv. Arty. July 15, 1864-July 15, 1865 Apr. 24, 1866 19 20 APPENDIX Unit Date or period of organization Date of muster-out 13th Hv. Arty. June 23, 1865 Nov. 18, 1865 14th Hv. Arty. Mar. 14, 1864-Apr. 30, 1865, as 1st N.C. Hv. Arty. (Colored) Dec. 11, 1865 2d Lt. Arty. Btry. A Apr. 30, 1864 Jan. 13, 1866 Btry. B Jan. 8-Feb. 27, 1864 Mar. 17, 1866 Btry.C Nov. 6, 1863, as 1st Btry., La. Arty. (A. D.) Dec. 28, 1865 Btry. D Dec. 21, 1863, as 2d Btry., La. Lt. Arty. (A. D.) Dec. 28, 1865 Btry. E Dec. 1, 1863, as 3d Btry., La. Arty. (A. D.) Sept. 26, 1865 % Btry. F Nov. 23, 1863, as Memphis Lt. Btry. Dec. 28, 1865 Btry. G May 24, 1864 Aug. 12, 1865 Btry. H June 4, 1864, as 1st Ark. Colored Btry. Sept. 15, 1865 Btry. I Apr. 19, 1864 Jan. 10, 1866 Independent Btry. Dec. 23, 1864 July 22, 1865 1st Inf. May 19-June 30, 1863 Sept. 29, 1865 2d Inf. June 23-Nov. 11, 1863 Jan. 5, 1866 3d Inf. Aug. 3-10, 1863 Oct. 31, 1865 4th Inf. July 15-Sept. 1, 1863 May 4, 1866 5th Inf. Aug. 6, 1863-Jan. 15, 1864 Sept. 20, 1865 6th Inf. July 28-Sept. 12, 1863 Sept. 20, 1865 7th Inf. Sept. 26-Nov. 12, 1863 Oct. 13, 1866 8th Inf. Sept. 22-Dec. 4, 1863 Nov. 10, 1865 9th Inf. Nov. 11-30, 1863 Nov. 26, 1866 10th Inf. Nov. 18, 1863-Sept. 23, 1864 May 17, 1866 11th Inf. Dec. 19, 1863-Sept. 23, 1864 Consolidated with 113th Regt., Apr. 22, 1865 APPENDIX 21 Unit Date or period of organization Date of muster-out 11 th Inf. (new) June 20, 1863-Apr. 2, 1864, as 1st Ala. Siege Arty. (A. D.) Jan. 12, 1866 12th Inf. July 24-Aug. 14, 1863 Jan. 16, 1866 13th Inf. Nov. 19, 1863 Jan. 10,1866 14th Inf. Nov. 16, 1863-Jan. 8, 1864 Mar. 26, 1866 15th Inf. Dec. 2, 1863-Mar. 11, 1864 Apr. 7, 1866 16th Inf. Dec. 4, 1863-Feb. 13, 1864 Apr. 30, 1866 17th Inf. Dec. 12-21, 1863 Apr. 25, 1866 18th Inf. Feb. 1-Sept. 28, 1864 Feb.21,1866 19th Inf. Dec. 25, 1863-Jan. 16, 1864 Jan. 15,1867 20th Inf. Feb.9, 1864 Oct. 7, 1865 21st Inf. June 19, 1863-Oct. 1, 1864 Apr. 25, 1866 22d Inf. Jan. 10-29, 1864 Oct. 16, 1865 23d Inf. Nov. 23, 1863-June 30, 1864 Nov. 30, 1865 24th Inf. Jan. 30-Mar. 30, 1865 Oct. 1, 1865 25th Inf. Jan.13-Feb. 12, 1864 Dec. 6, 1865 26th Inf. Feb. 27, 1864 Aug. 28, 1865 27th Inf. Jan. 16-Aug. 6, 1864 Sept. 21, 1865 28th Inf. Dec. 24, 1863-Mar. 31, 1864 Nov. 8, 1865 29th Inf. 6 companies organized Apr. 24, 1864; 4 companies organized Oct. 23, 1864- Jan. 1, 1865 Nov. 6, 1865 30th Inf. Feb. 12-Mar. 18, 1864 Dec. 10, 1865 31st Inf. Apr. 29-Nov. 14, 1864, as 30th Conn. Colored Volunteers Nov. 7, 1865 32d Inf. Feb. 17-Mar. 7, 1864 Aug. 22, 1865 33d Inf. Jan. 31, 1863, as 1st S.C. Volunteers Jan. 31, 1866 22 APPENDIX Unit Date or period of organization Date of muster-out 34th Inf. May 22, 1863-Dec. 31, 1864, as 2d S.C. Colored Volunteers Feb.28,1866 35th Inf. June 30, 1863, as 1st N.C. Volunteers June 1, 1866 36th Inf. Oct. 28, 1863, as 2d N.C. Colored Volunteers Oct. 28, 1866 37th Inf. Jan. 30-Sept. 19, 1864, as 3d N.C. Volunteers Feb.11,1867 38th Inf. Jan. 23, 1864-Mar. 30, 1865 Jan. 25,1867 39th Inf. Mar. 22-31, 1864 Dec. 4, 1865 40th Inf. Feb. 29, 1864-May 6, 1865 Apr. 25, 1866 41st Inf. (Bn. of) Sept. 30-Dec. 7, 1864 Dec. 10, 1865 42d Inf. April 20, 1864-July 6, 1865 Jan. 31,1866 43d Inf. Mar. 12-June 3, 1864 Oct. 20, 1865 44th Inf. Apr. 7-Sept. 16, 1864 Apr. 30, 1866 45th Inf. June 13-Aug. 19, 1864 Nov. 4, 1865 46th Inf. May 1, 1863, as 1st Ark. Volunteers (A. D.) Jan. 30, 1866 47th Inf. May 5, 1863, as 8th La. Volunteers (A. D.) Jan. 5, 1866 48th Inf. May 6-Aug. 8, 1863, as 10th La. Volunteers (A. D.) Jan. 4, 1866 49th Inf. May 23-Aug. 22, 1863, as 11th La. Volunteers (A. D.) Mar. 22, 1866 50th Inf. July 11-27, 1863, as 12th La. Volunteers (A. D.) Mar. 20, 1866 51st Inf. May 16, 1863-Mar. 7, 1864, as 1st Miss. Volunteers (A. D.) June 16,1866 52d Inf. July 27-Dec. 22, 1863, as 2d Miss. Volunteers (A. D.) May 5, 1866 53d Inf. May 19, 1863, as 3d Miss. Volunteers (A. D.) Mar. 8, 1866 APPENDIX 23 Unit Date or period of organization 54th Inf. Sept. 4-Dec. 25, 1863, as 2d Ark. Volunteers (A. D.) 55th Inf. May 21, 1863, as 1st Ala. Volunteers (A. D.) 56th Inf. Aug. 12-Sept. 29, 1863, as 3d Ark. Volunteers (A. D.) 57th Inf. Dec. 2, 1863-Mar. 1, 1864, as 4th Ark. Volunteers (A. D.) 58th Inf. Aug. 27, 1863, as 6th Miss. Volunteers (A. D.) 59th Inf. June 6-27, 1863, as 1st Tenn. Volunteers (A. D.) 60th Inf. Oct. 15-Dec. 4, 1863, as 1st Iowa Volunteers (A. D.) 61st Inf. June 30-Aug. 8, 1863, as 2d Tenn. Volunteers (A. D.) 62d Inf. Dec. 7-14, 1863, as 1st Mo. Volunteers (A. D.) 63d Inf. Nov. 19-Dec. 14, 1863, as 9th La. Volunteers (A. D.) 64th Inf. Dec. 1, 1863-Feb. 1, 1864, as 7th La. Volunteers (A. D.) 65th Inf. Dec. 18, 1863-Jan. 16, 1864, as 2d Mo. Volunteers (A. D.) 66th Inf. Dec. 11, 1863-Jan. 11, 1864, as 4th Miss. Volunteers (A. D.) 67th Inf. Jan. 19-Feb. 13, 1864, 3d Mo. Volunteers (A. D.) 68th Inf. Mar. 8-Apr. 23, 1864, as 4th Mo. Volunteers (A. D.) 69th Inf. Dec. 14, 1864-Mar. 17, 1865 70th Inf. Apr. 23-Oct. 1, 1864 71st Inf. Mar. 3-Aug. 13, 1864 Date of muster-out Dec. 31, 1866 Dec. 31, 1866 Sept. 15, 1866 Dec. 13, 1866 Apr. 30, 1866 Jan.31,1866 Oct. 15, 1865 Dec. 30, 1865 Mar. 31, 1866 Jan. 9,1866 Mar. 13, 1866 Jan. 8, 1867 Mar. 20, 1866 July 12, 1865 Feb.5,1866 Discontinued Sept. 20, 1865 Mar. 7, 1866 Nov. 8, 1864 24 APPENDIX Unit 72d Inf. 73d Inf. 74th Inf. 75th Inf. 76th Inf. 77th Inf. 78th Inf. Date or period of organization Date of muster-out Apr. 18-22, 1865 Discontinued May 3, 1865 Sept. 27, 1862, as La. Native Guards (A. D.) Mustered-out when terms of service expired Oct. 12, 1862, as 2d La. Native Guards (A. D.) Oct. 11, 1865 Nov. 24, 1862, as 3d La. Native Guards (A. D.) Nov. 25, 1865 Feb. 10-Mar. 6, 1863, as 4th La. Native Guards (A. D.) Dec. 31, 1865 Dec. 8, 1863, as 5th Inf., C. d’Afr. Consolidated with 10th U.S. Colored Hv. Arty., Oct. 1, 1865 Sept. 4, 1863, as 6th Inf., C. d’Afr. Jan. 6, 1866 79th Inf. (old) Aug. 31, 1863, as 7th Inf. Broken up July 28, 1864 C. d’Afr. 79th Inf. (new) Jan. 13-May 2, 1863, as 1st Oct. 1, 1865 Kans. Colored Volunteers 80th Inf. Sept. 1, 1863, 8th Inf., Mar. 1,1867 C. d’Afr. 81st Inf. Sept. 2, 1863, as 9th Inf., Nov. 30, 1866 C. d’Afr. 82d Inf. Sept. 1, 1863, as 10th Inf., Sept. 10, 1866 C. d’Afr. 83d Inf. (old) Aug. 17, 1863, as 11th Inf., Broken up July 28, 1864 C. d’Afr. 83d Inf. (new) Aug. 11-Oct. 17, 1863, as Oct. 9, 1865 2d Kans. Colored Volunteers 84th Inf. Sept. 24-Oct. 16, 1863, as Mar. 14, 1866 12th Inf., C. d’Afr. 85th Inf. 86th Inf. Mar. 11, 1864, as 13th Inf., C. d’Afr. Aug. 12-Sept. 3, 1863, as 14th Inf., C. d’Afr. Consolidated with 77th U.S. Colored Inf., May 24, 1864 Apr. 10, 1866 APPENDIX 25 Unit Date or period of organization Date of muster-out 87th Inf. (old) Oct. 8-16, 1863, as 16th Inf., C. d’Afr. Subsequently changed to 87th U.S. Colored Inf. (new), Dec. 19, 1864 87th Inf. (new) Nov. 26, 1864, as 81st U.S. Colored Inf. (new); designated 87th U.S. Colored Inf. (new) on Dec. 19, 1864 Consolidated with 84th U.S. Colored Inf., Aug. 14, 1865 88th Inf. (old) Sept. 24, 1863, as 17th Inf., C. d’Afr. Broken up July 28, 1864 88th Inf. (new) Feb. 20-Aug. 10, 1865 Consolidated with 3d U.S Colored Hv. Arty., Dec. 16, 1865 89th Inf. Oct. 9-Nov. 8, 1863, as 18th Inf.,C. d’Afr. Broken up July 28, 1864 90th Inf. Feb. 11, 1864, as 19th Inf., C. d’Afr. Broken up July 28, 1864 91st Inf. Sept. 1, 1863, as 20th Inf., C. d’Afr. Consolidated with 74th U.S. Colored Inf., July 7, 1864 92d Inf. Sept. 30-Oct. 24, 1863, as 22d Inf., C. d’Afr. Dec. 31, 1865 93d Inf. Nov. 21, 1863, as 25th Inf., C. d’Afr. Broken up June 23, 1865 95th Inf. Apr. 28, 1863, as 1st Engineers, C. d’Afr. Consolidated with 87th U.S. Colored Inf. to form 81st U.S. Colored Inf., Nov. 26, 1864 96th Inf. Aug. 15, 1863, as 2d Engineers, C. d’Afr. Jan. 29, 1866 97th Inf. Aug. 26, 1863, as 3d Engi¬ neers, C. d’Afr. Apr. 6, 1866 98th Inf. Sept. 3, 1863-Mar. 3, 1864, as 4th Engineers, C. d’Afr. Consolidated with 78th Regt., Aug. 26, 1865 99th Inf. (Bn. of) Aug. 27, 1863, as 15th Inf., C. d’Afr. Apr. 23, 1866 100th Inf. May 3-June 1, 1864 Dec. 26, 1865 101st Inf. Sept. 16, 1864-Aug. 5, 1865 Jan. 21,1866 26 APPENDIX Unit Date or period of organization Date of muster-out 102d Inf. Feb. 17, 1864, as 1st Mich. Colored Volunteers Sept. 30, 1865 103d Inf. Mar. 10, 1865 Apr. 15-20, 1866 104th Inf. Apr. 28-June 25, 1865 Feb.5,1866 106th Inf. Mar. 31-Aug. 10, 1864, as 4th Ala. Inf. (A. D.) Consolidated with 40th U.S. Colored Inf., Nov. 7, 1865 107th Inf. May 3-Sept. 15, 1864 Nov. 22, 1866 108th Inf. June 20-Aug. 22, 1864 Mar. 21, 1866 109th Inf. July 5, 1864 Feb.6,1866 110th Inf. Nov. 20, 1863-Jan. 14, 1864, as 2d Ala. Volunteers (A. D.) Feb. 6,1866 111th Inf. Jan. 13-Apr. 5, 1864, as 3d Regt., Ala. Volunteers (A. D.) Apr. 30, 1866 112th Inf. Apr. 23-Nov. 8, 1864 Consolidated with 11th U.S. Colored Inf. (old) to form 113th U.S. Colored Inf. (new), Apr. 1, 1865 113th Inf. (old) Mar. 1-June 20, 1864, as 6th Ark. Volunteers (A. D.) Consolidated with 11th U.S. Colored Inf. and 112th U.S. Colored Inf. to form 113th U.S. Colored Inf. (new) on Apr. 1, 1865 113th Inf. (new) Apr. 1, 1865, by consolida¬ tion of the 11th (old), 112th, and 113th (old) U.S. Colored Infantries Apr. 9, 1866 114th Inf. July 4, 1864 Apr. 2, 1867 115th Inf. July 15-Oct. 21, 1864 Feb. 10, 1866 116th Inf. June 6-July 12, 1864 Jan. 17, 1867 117th Inf. July 18-Sept. 27, 1864 Aug. 10, 1867 118th Inf. * Oct. 19, 1864 Feb. 6,1866 119th Inf. Jan. 18-May 16, 1865 Apr. 27, 1866 APPENDIX Unit Date or period of organization Date of muster-out 120th Inf. Nov. 1864-June 1865 Discontinued June 21, 1865 121st Inf. Oct. 8, 1864-May 31, 1865 Discontinued June 30, 1865 122d Inf. (Bn. of) Dec. 31, 1864 Feb.8,1866 123d Inf. Dec. 2, 1864 Oct. 16, 1865 124th Inf. Jan. 1-Apr. 27, 1865 Oct. 24, 1865 125th Inf. Feb. 13-June 2, 1865 Oct. 31, 1867- Dec. 20, 1867 127th Inf. (Bn.) Aug. 23-Sept. 10, 1864 Oct. 20, 1865 128th Inf. Apr. 23-29, 1865 Oct. 10, 1866 135th Inf. Mar. 28, 1865 Oct. 23, 1865 136th Inf. July 15, 1865 Jan. 4,1866 137th Inf. Enrolled Apr. 8, 1865; mustered into U.S. service June 1, 1865 Jan. 15, 1866 138th Inf. July 15, 1865 Jan. 6, 1866 54th Mass. Colored Inf. Mar. 30-May 13, 1863 Aug. 20, 1865 55th Mass. Colored Inf. May 31-June 22, 1863 Aug. 29, 1865 29th Conn. Colored Inf. Mar. 8, 1864 Oct. 24, 1865 6th La. Colored Inf. (60 days) July 4, 1863 Aug. 13, 1863 7th La. Colored Inf. July 10, 1863 Aug. 6, 1863 Company A, unassigned (1 year) Sept. 28, 1864 July 29, 1865 Independent Company A (100 days) July 20, 1864 Nov. 14, 1864 27 • university of illinois-urbana 025.171 U581SE SPECIAL LIST. WASH OL 33 1973 C003 3 0112 025272508