^ -^-■'' Auction Sale: WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 27th and 28th. 191 1 WEDNESDAY at 2 O'CLOCK THURSDAY at 10 and 2 O'CLOCK CATALOGUE OF A PRIVATE COLLECTION OF LINCOLNIANA C F. LIBBIE & CO. Book and Art Auctioneers new book salesroom 597 Washington Street, Boston OPPOSITE HAYWARD PLACE /• -M^l^lSlSW. r. Please preserve this Catalogue for use at the sale. Books on Exhibition for three days be- fore the sale. Please Wail Your Orders Early. ['^ A Deposit required from Strangers. SPECIAL NOTICE All Books are sold by the volume, and Bids must be made accordingly. CATALOGUE OF AN Extensive Private Collection OF Books and Pamphlets RELATING TO Abraham Lincoln Collected during the last I 5 years by a genllemaui engaged in Literary Work, who no longer has use for them. The whole forming the largest collection of Lincolniana ever offered for sale. The Collection includes nearly all the Scarce and Rare Books and Pamphlets relating to Lincoln. Includes all the vsurious editions of the Complete Works and Writings of Lincoln, nearly all the separate Biographies, long series of FuneraJ Sermons and Addresses of 1 865, Accounts of the Assassination, Trials of the Conspirators, Histories of Lincoln's Administration and the kindred subjects of the Rebellion and Slavery. Lincoln's Speeches and Debates, Political Conventions, Campaign Documents, etc. TOGETHER WITH A LARGE NUMBER OF Lincoln Day Programmes, Proceedings of Societies and After Dinner Speeches by America's Famous Orators, Menus, School Exercises issued by various States and Cities. Memorial Meetings at Lincoln's Monument, Various Bibliog- raphies and Catalogues of Lincoln Literature. ALSO Autograph Letters and Documents of Lincoln Engraved Portraits and Broadsides. - TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 27th and 28th. 1911 A IN THE NEW GALLERY, 597 WASHINGTON STREET. TERMS CASH. C. F. LIBBIE & CO. BOOK AND ART AUCTIONEERS BOSTON. MASS. ri Zbc Hcgus print, PREFACE. The reference numbers given in this catalogue are those described in the " Lincoln Bibliog- raphy, a list of books and pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln. Compiled by Daniel Fish, of the Minnesota Bar. New York, Francis D. Tandy & Co., 1906." Since this bibliography was printed. Judge Fish has listed 410 additional items in three typewritten lists. These numbers when listed have been re- ferred to as *' Fish Sup." (Supplement) with the • number following. In this catalogue we have endeavored to make a straight alphabetical catalogue by authors or by title when author was unknown. In this way the books by each author will be found together rather than following the numbers according to the Fish Bibliog- raphy and the three Supplemental lists each with '..' its own alphabet. There are a number of titles described as not T mentioned in Fish which were printed previous to 1906, also many Lincoln Day Programmes, Menus, Addresses and Speeches which have been - printed in recent years and have not yet been listed. The collection includes a few books that are con- temporary with Lincoln and contain a biography or >j an account of his administration. These books have V not been listed in the Bibliography as bearing fully '^, upon Lincoln, but they are necessary for reference ? or historical research. *^ This collection is the most complete that has been ever offered for sale by auction. "^ It includes about 550 of the numbers listed in the ^ Fish Bibliography, 350 (out of 400) of the items ^ '^ listed in the Supplements and about 200 items not s!; yet listed, together over 1,100 items. There are only 1,490 items listed by Fish, including the ^ supplements. ; Also included are a few Lincoln Autographs, ^v Documents, Broadsides and Engraved Portraits. ORDER OF SALE. Morning Sessions at 10 o'clock Afternoon Sessions at 2 o'clock 412 LOTS WILL BE SOLD EACH SESSION. CATALOGUE. CONDITIONS OF SALE. nr' ERMS CASH. Bills must be paid before delivery of goods. * A d^osit reqmred from strangers of part or whole of the purchase money. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be imme- diately put up again and resold. To buyers present at the sale, books are sold withoul: re- course for imperfections or errors in description. On orders by mail all claims for allowance must be made within three days of receipt of goods or fifteen days after date of sale. All Books are Sold by the Volume, and Bids must be made accordingly 1 A BBOTT, John S. C. Lives of the Presidents "*• ^ of the United States from Washington to the Present Time. Steel portrait of Lincoln. 8° full roan (binding broken). Boston, 1867 Not mentioned by Fish. Life of Lincoln occupies pp. 375 to 435. 2 ABERNETHY, Alonzo. Glimpses of Abraham Lincoln delivered before the Mitchell County Farmers' In- stitute Feb. 12, 1909. Reprinted from the Osage News, Feb. 18, 1909. 8° original wrappers. Fish, Sup. No. 345. 3 ABOTT, Abott A. The Assassination and Death of Abraham Lincoln. Pp. 12. 8° stitched. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 3. Original edition. Very scarce. 4 ABRAHAM Africanus I ; his secret life as revealed under the mesmeric influence. Mysteries of the White House. 12° original covers. New York, 1864 Fish, No. 4. Scarce. 5 ABRAHAM Lincoln. The Battle of the Giants, by F. D. Hill. The Parents of Lincoln, by Ida M. Tarbell. An Appeal to Patriotism, by R. L. Jones. Illustrations. 16° paper. Lincoln Farm Association, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 2. 6 ABRAHAM Lincoln Centre and All Soul's Church, Annual Reports of, 1908. With an account of the Lincoln Centennial, 1909. Portraits. 8° original paper wrappers. Chicago, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. I. Prepared by Jenkin Lloyd Jones. 6 C. F. Libbie & Co. 7 ABRAHAM Lincoln as Attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad Company. Royal 4° limp morocco, uncut edges. (Chicago, 1905) Fish, No. 7. Fac-simile reproduction of original papers relating to bill for services and action to recover. Edition of May, 1905. 200 copies. 8 ABRAHAM Lincoln. Farmer's Boy to President. 8° paper. London, n. d. Fish', No. 10. 9 ABRAHAM Lincoln in the Latest Biography. Pp. 44. 8° original wrappers. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. II. The author was Aug. Clason. Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. A review with Confederate leanings of the Nicolay and Hay Biography. Extremely scarce. 10 ABRAHAM Lincoln an Appreciation. 18° paper. New York (1906) Fish, No. 15. 11 ABRAHAM Lincoln at Gettysburg, Nov. 19, 1863. His Address. 18° paper. Lehmaier & Brother, Printers, New York City, n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 303, 12 ABRAHAM Lincoln in Sculpture from the Hen- necke Studios, Milwaukee, Wis. Pp. 8. 18° stitched. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 346. 13 ABRAHAM Lincoln. America: " lingk'un," A. D. 1809-1865. 12° paper. Fish, Sup. No. 347. Reprint of an article from Alden's Encyclo- paedia. Scarce. 14 ABRAHAM Lincoln. Feb. 12, 1809. (a Public Library list of 6 pp., folded). 8° Library unknown. Not listed. 15 ADAMS, Charles Francis. An Address on the Life, Character and Services of William H. Seward. Por- trait. 8° cloth, uncut. Albany, 1873 Fish, No, 20. Contains certain remarks attributing superiority to Mr. Seward in contrast to Lincoln which led to protest and refutation. 16 ADAMS, George E. Address Delivered at Quincy, 111., Oct. 13, 1908, before the State Hist. Soc. of 111., and the Lincoln-Douglas Semi-Centennial Society, Pp. 12. Peterboro, N. H., 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 3. Autograph copy by the author. 17 ADAMS. Another copy. 8° paper. 18 ADAMS. Lincoln Address delivered in Chicago, Feb. 9, 1909, before the Columbia Post, G. A. R. 11 pp. 8°. N. p., n. d. Not yet listed. Autograph presentation copy. Book Auctioneers. 7 19 ADAMS, Isaac E. Political Oratory of Emery A. Storrs. From Lincoln to Garfield. Portrait. 12° cloth. Chicago, 1888 Not listed by Fish. 20 ABLER, Liebman. Fiinf Reden. 8° paper. Chicago, 1866 Extremely scarce. Unknown to any bibliographers. Sermons in German that relate to Lincoln. Extremely valuable to collectors of Lincolniana. 21 ALASKA. Lincoln Proclamation, Feb. 12, 1909, District of Alabama, Executive Department. Lincoln Proclamation, Lincoln Day. 4 pp. 4°. N. p., n. d. Not yet listed. Exceedingly rare. 22 ALBANY, N. Y. Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, Assembly Chamber, Feb. 12, 1909. 8° paper. Fish, Sup. No. 348. 23 ALBION Lodge. Tribute to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Pp. 14. 16° paper. New York (1906) Fish, Sup. No. 4. Signed by Robert Thompson, Jr., New York City. Scarce. > 24 ALGER, Horatio, Jr. The Backwoods Boy ; or, boyhood and manhood of Abraham Lincoln. 12° paper. New York, 1904 Fish, No. 24. Edition as mentioned in the note. 25 ALGER. The Backwoods Boy ; the boyhood and manhood of Abraham Lincoln. 12° cloth. Phila. Same as Fish, No. 24, but with different imprint. 26 ALLEN, Eugene C. Abraham Lincoln ; an his- torical essay in two parts. 8° original wrappers. Albion, Mich., 1895 Fish, No. 26. 27 ALLEN, Lyman W. Abraham Lincoln ; a poem. 12° cloth. New York, 1896 Fish, No. 27. A revised edition, of the prize poem published in the New York Herald, December 15, 1895. 28 ALLENTOWN, Pa. The One Hundredth Anni- versary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, Feb. 12, 1909. Address by Rev. John A. W. Haas. Embossed portrait on cover. Royal 4° paper. (Allentown, 1909) Not yet listed. 29 ALTON, 111. Souvenir Program Home Coming. Lincoln and Douglas Semi-Centennial Celebration, Oct. 14- 17, 1908. 8° paper. Alton Press. Fish. Sup. No. 225. 30 ALTON. Another copy. 31 AMERICAN Missionary Association. Programme for Lincoln Memorial Sunday. C. J. Ryder, Cor. Sec. 8° paper. New York, n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 305. Very scarce, lacking in some of the larger collections of Lincolniana. C. ' l.'T>rv U:n I -ST. ^0^ Jfc -i. _i. - ^ Hsfc. ^o. ^ lo C. F. Libbic & Co. 55 ATKINS, Samuel D. Abraham Lincoln. Address at the Opera House, Streator, 111., Feb. 12, 1909. 8° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 307. 56 ATKINS, Smith D. Chickamauga, Useless, Disastrous Battle. Talk of Smith D. Atkins, Mendota, 111., Feb. 22, 1907. Pp. 13. 8° stitched. Not yet listed. 57 ATKINSON, Eleanor. The Boyhood of Lincoln. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1908 Fish. Sup. No. 9. 58 ATKINSON. Lincoln's Love Story. Illustrated. 16° cloth, uncut. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 10. 59 ATLANTA, Ga. One Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, Commemorative Services, Atlanta, Ga. Illustrations. 8° paper. Atlanta, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. II. Scarce. 60 ATHENAEUM Club. Commemorative Pro- ceedings of the Athenaeum Club on the Death of Abra- ham Lincoln. Portrait. Royal 8° half roan. New York, n. d. Fish, No. 46. Large paper copy : only 50 copies so printed. Contains address by Parke Godwin, and others, and poem by Henry T. Tuckerman. 61 ATLANTIC Monthly. Vols. 16, 17 and 19. 3 vols. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1865-67 Contains various articles relating to Lincoln. 62 ATWOOD, Rev. E. S. In Memoriam ; discourses in commemoration of Abraham Lincoln delivered in the South Church, Salem, April 16 and June ist, 1865. 8° origi- nal wrappers. Salem, 1865 Fish, No. 47. AUTOGRAPHS. 63 DOUGLAS, S. A. /. .f. Washington, March 28, 1859. I page 4°. Charles Lanman, Georgetown, D. C. In regard to a biographical sketch of Ninnian Edwards. 64 LINCOLN, a. d. s. one page folio, July, 1846. Guardian's Petition for sale of real estate. Entirely written by Lincoln and signed Johnson Whaley, Guardian, per Lincoln. 65 LINCOLN. /. s., one page 8°, Springfield, 111., June 28, i860. Two lines in answer to a request for autograph. 66 LINCOLN, d. s., i page folio, July, 1861. Com- mission of the Sec. of New Mexico, with seal of the United States (worn in folds). Book Auctioneers. ii AUTOGRAPHS — Continued. 67 LINCOLN, d. s., Court Docket. Nichols and Gil- braith Plea vs. the People. Signed Lincoln and Logan. Filed, 26th July, 1841. One page 8°, written entirely in the hand of Lincoln. 68 LINCOLN. Ship's Paper (blank). Engraved certificate signed by AJbraham Lincoln and William H. Seward, Sec. of State, with the wax seal. Fine perfect con- dition, accompanied by a. I. s. of Jno. G. Nicolay at Spring- field, May 26, i860 to William E. Norris , Geologist of Illinois, enclosing this autograph of Lincoln. " Mr. Lincoln has been so much occupied w>ith men who have called to see him that I couldn't get a chance at him since the receipt of your letter until this morning. I herewith enclose you his auto- graph. Yours, Jno. G. Nicolay." Together with the endorsements of William E. Norris on the above. 69 LINCOLN. Original Autograph Poem by R. H. Stoddard on the Death of Lincoln. 6 verses signed and dated. New York, April 16, 1866. With India proof por- trait engraved by A. H. Ritchie. (Lot.) 70 l^ABCOCK, Rev. Samuel B. Discourse on the ■*-^ Death of President Lincoln preached in the Orthodox Congregational Church in Dedham, Wednesday, April 19, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Dedham, 1865 Fish, No. 48. 71 BACKUS, Wilson M. The Religion of Abraham Lincoln. Address delivered before the Saturday Lunch Club, Feb. 12. 4 pp. 8° (1910) Fish, Sup. No. 352. 72 BAKER, David Charles. Lincoln vs. Liquor. Portrait. 16° paper. St. Louis, Mo. (1908) Fish, Sup. No. 13. 73 BAKER. Another copy. 16° paper. 74 BACON, G. W. Abraham Lincoln geschetst in jijn Leven en Daden. Portrait on cover. 12° original wrappers, uncut. Amsterdam, 1865 Fish, No. 51. Fine copy. Scarce. 75 BACON. The same, 12° original wrappers, un- cut. Amsterdam, 1865 76 BALDWIN, James. Abraham Lincoln ; a true life. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1904 Fish, No. 57. 77 BALDWIN. Another copy. 12° cloth. New York, 1904 -. — -. >^, fc^ >■- ^- .nm, 12 C. F. Libbie & Co. 78 BANCROFT, George. Abraham Lincoln; a tribute. Portrait. 12° cloth. New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 14. A reprint without note or comment of the Memorial Address before Congress. 79 BANCROFT. Memorial Address on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait and fac-simile signature. First ed. 8° original cloth. Washington, 1866 Fish, No. 61. 80 BANCROFT. Another. Fine clean copy. Origi- nal cloth. Washington, 1866 81 BANCROFT. Another. 8 copies of the first edi- tion, in the original outside paper wrappers as issued from the Gov't Printing Office. Washington, 1866 82 [BARBER, Joseph.] War Letters of a Disbanded Volunteer; embracing his experiences as Honest Old Abe's Bosom friend and unofficial adviser. 12° cloth (worn). New York, 1864 Fish, No. 1017. 83 BARLER, O. L. Abraham Lincoln and the Irre- pressible Conflict ; a study of Abraham Lincoln and the last Glorified Decade of his Eventful Life. 16° original wrappers. Beatrice, Nebraska, 1903 Fish, No. 66. 84 BARNES, Albert. The State of the Country; a discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Phila., June I, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 67. Only 500 copies printed. 85 BARRETT, Frank W. Z. Mourning for Lincoln. 12° cloth., uncut. Phila., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 244. 86 BARRETT, J. H. Barrett's Authentic ed. Life of Abraham Lincoln of Illinois. Portrait. 12° cloth. Cincinnati, i860 Fish, No. 70. 87 BARRETT. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 8° new cloth. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 72. 88 BARRETT. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1888 Fish. No. 72. Reissue edition of 1888. 89 BARRETT. Abraham Lincoln and his Presidency. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Cincinnati, 1904 Fish, No. 74. Mr. Barrett was Commissioner of Pensions vmder the Lincoln Administration and his work is considered on-e of the best studies of Lincoln. 90 BARRETT, and C. W. Brown. Life of Abraham Lincoln "The Story Telling President." Illustrated. Square 8° cloth. Chicago (1902) Fish, Sup. No. 15. Autograph copy, with autograph of Charles Walter Brown on title page. Book Auctioneers. 13 91 BARRETT, and C. W. Brown. Life of Abraham Lincoln " The Story Telling President." Illustrations. Square 8° cloth. Chicago, 1902 Fish, Sup. No. 15. 92 BARTLETT, B. W. Life and Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 12° cloth. New York, i860 See Fish, No. 75. A variation of imprint. This one, A. B. Burdick, 115 Nassau street, with the words "Author's edition" at top of title Scarce. Different from any edition noted by Fish in his lists. 93 BARTLETT. Life and Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln. Portrait on title. 12° paper New York, i860 Fish, No. 75. With the imprint of Derby & Jackson. 94 BARTLETT. Life and Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln. Authorized ed. Portrait. 12° cloth. H. Dayton: New York, i860 Fish, No. 77. Scarce first edition, 357 pp. Contains letters of notification and acceptance. 95 BARTLETT, John R. Literature of the Rebel- lion ; a catalogue of books and pamphlets relating to the Civil War in the United States. Royal 4° sheets, folded, uncut. Boston, 1866 Large Paper: only 60 copies printed. Contains a large number of Lincoln items and a list of 300 eulogies, sermons, orations and poems on Lincoln. Not listed by Fish. 96 BATEMAN, Newton. Abraham Lincoln an Ad- dress. 12° paper, uncut. Cadmus Club, Galesburg, 111., 1909. Fish, No. 78. Scarce. 97 BATES, David H. Lincoln in the Telegraph Office. Recollections of the U. S. Military Telegraph Corps during the Civil War. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 18. 98 BATES, Finis L. Escape and Suicide of John Wilkes Booth, Assassin of President Lincoln. 16° cloth. Memphis, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 17. 99 BEACH, Edward S. Abraham Lincoln. Read at Mr. Woodworth's Lincoln Dinner, 204 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Feb. 12, 1904. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Printed by Request : n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 354 Rare, limited edition. 100 BEALE, J. F., Jr. Abraham Lincoln ; brief sketch, etc. 12° paper. Phila., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 226. loi BEALE. Another copy. 12° paper. 14 C. F. Libbic & Co. 102 BECKWITH, William P. Abraham Lincoln, an Historical Address. 12° paper Printed for the Author: 1903 Fish, No. 80. 103 BELL, John T. Abraham Lincoln ; an address before the Illinois Society of Oakland, California. Pp. 8. 12° paper. Oakland (1909) Fish, No. 85. Presentation copy from the author. 104 BENTON, Joel. Greeley on Lincoln; with Mr. Greeley's letters to Charles A. Dana and a lady friend. 12° cloth. New York (1893) Fish', No. 362. 105 BERGOLD, Lilian C. Abraham Lincoln ; a col- lection of authentic stories, with poems, songs, etc. Illus- trations. Square 8° cloth. Boston, 1908 Fish. Sup. No. 19. 106 BINGHAM, John A. Trial of the Conspirators for the Assassination of President Lincoln. Argument of John A. Bingham, Special Judge Advocate. 8° original wrappers. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 93. 107 BINNS, Henry B. Abraham Lincoln. Portrait and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 21. 108 BIRD, M. B. Wesleyan Missionary, Port-au- Prince, Hayti. The Victorious ; a small poem on the assassination of President Lincoln. 12° cloth (binding water stained). Kingston, Jamaica, 1866 Fish, No. 97. Very scarce. 109 BLACK, Frank S. Abraham Lincoln, an address before the Republican Club of New York City, Feb. 12, 1903. 12° paper, uncut. Fish, No. 99. Privately printed. 110 BLACK. Abraham Lincoln. An Address de- livered at the Celebration of the looth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln at Cornell University, Feb. 12, 1909. 8° paper. Fish, Sup. No. 227. With autograph of the author. 111 BLACKBURN, Rev. William M. The Crime against the Presidency, Sermon April 16, 1865, in the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Trenton. N. J. 8° original wrappers. Trenton, N. J., 1865 Fish, No. 100. 112 BLAINE, James G. Twenty Years of Congress from Lincoln to Garfield ; with a view of the events which led to the political Revolution of i860. Steel portraits of Lincoln and others. Illustrations. 2 vols, very thick 8° cloth. Norwich, 1884 Book Auctioneers. 15 113 BLAIR, Francis G. The One Hundredth Anni- versary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln. Issued by Fran- cis G. Blair, Supt. of Public Instruction for the Schools of Illinois. 8° paper. Springfield, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 245. 114 BLAIR. Another copy. 8° paper. 115 BLAIR, F. G. Semi-Centennial of the Lincoln- Douglas Debates in Illinois, 1858-1908. Circular of sugges- tions for school celebration. Pp. 41. 8° original wrappers. Springfield, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 22. 116 BLAIR, Another Copy. 8° paper. 117 BLAIR, Montgomery. Speech of, on the Revolu- tionary Schemes of the Ultra-Abolitionists and in Defence of the Policy of the President, delivered at the Unconstitu- tional Union Meeting held at Rockville, Montgomery Co., Maine, October 3, 1863. 8° original wrappers. New York, 1863 Fish. No. 102. Somewhat damaged by nail. 118 BLAKE, Rev. John Falkner. A Sermon on the Services and Death of Abraham Lincoln, preached in Christ Church, Bridgeport, Conn., April 16, 1865. 8° original wrappers. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 104. 119 BLANCHARD, Rufus. Abraham Lincoln the Type of American Genius ; an historical romance. Portrait. 8° paper, uncut. Wheaton, 1882 Fish, No. 105. 120 BOOK of the Prophet Stephen. Son of Douglas, Wherein Marvellous things are Foretold of the reign of Abraham. 12° original wrappers. New York (1863) Fish, No. 112. Original edition. 121 BOOK of the Prophet Stephen, Son of Douglas. Book Second. 12° original wrapper. New York, 1864 Fish, No. 113. 122 BOOKSELLER'S League. Souvenir of the Lin- coln Dinner. Feb. 17. 1909. Containing Lincoln's Gettys- burg Address. Portrait of Lincoln, i page 8°. Printed on Japanese vellum. New York, 1901 Not yet listed. 123 BOOTH. How Wilkes Booth Crossed the Potomac. (Magazine Excerpt.) 8° half morocco. N. p., n. d. 6 illustrations inserted. From G. Alfred Townsend's Library with the book plate of " Gath." 1 6 C. F. Libbie & Co. 124 BOOTH. The Trial of the Assassins and Con- spirators at Washington, D. C, May and June, 1865, for the murder of President Lincoln. Complete and unabridged ed. Containing the whole of the suppressed evidence. Por- trait of Booth on cover. 8° original paper wrappers, uncut. Phila. (1865) Fish, No. 218. Last cover missing. 125 BOOTH, Mary L. The Uprising of a Great People, the United States in 1861. 12° cloth. New York, 1861 Not listed by Fish, but contains much important Lincoln matter. 126 BOOTH, Robert R. Personal Forgiveness and Public Justice, a Sermon preached in the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, New York, April 22,, 1865. 8° original wrappers. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 116. 127 BOSTON. Bronze Group Commemorating Emancipation ; a gift to the City of Boston from Honorable Moses Kimball. Photograph. 8° original wrapper. Boston, 1879 Fish, No. 120. 128 BOSTON. A Memorial of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. 4° half morocco, uncut. Boston, 1865, Fish, No. 119. Large Paper Edition. Most of the edition issued in 8°. Contains Sumner's Eulogy and Poem by O. W. Holmes. 129 BOSTON. Memorial of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Royal 8° cloth. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 119. 130 BOSTON. Proceedings of the City Council of Boston, April 17th, 1865, on Occasion of the Death of Abra- ham Lincoln. 8° original wrappers. Boston, 1865, Fish, No. 118. Only 350 copies printed on alternate pages. 131 BOSTON. Programme of Memorial Services in Honor of Abraham Lincoln, Music Hall, June i, 1865, 3 P. M. 4 pp. 8°. The scarce programme mentioned in note to No. 119. 132 BOSTON Public Library. Abraham Lincoln. A short list of books for school use. 16° paper. Boston, 1909^ Fish, Sup. No. 247. 133 BOUNDY. Liberty's Martyr; a poem in eight cantos. Illustrated. 12° cloth. Jermyn, Pa., 1897^ Fish, No. 123. 134 BOUTWELL, George S. Eulogy on the Death of Abraham Lincoln delivered before the City Council and Citizens of Lowell, April 19, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Lowell, 1865- Fish, No. 124. Book Auctioneers. i? 135 BOUTWELL. Eulogy on the Death of Abra- ham Lincoln delivered before the City Council and Citizens of Lowell, April 19, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Lowell, 1865 Fish, No. 124. 136 BOUTWELL, Henry S. Abraham Lincoln. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 11, 1909. 8° stitched. Fish, Sup. No. 228. With autograph inscription on title page, with a signed typewritten letter inserted. 137 BOWLES, Samuel. Carrie E. S. Twing, Medium. Interviews with Spirits, No. 3. Includes interviews with Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth, Madame Surratt. 8° paper (slightly stained). Springfield, 1885 Not yet listed. 138 BOYD, Andrew. Abraham Lincoln Foully Assas- sinated April 14, 1865, a Poem. With an illustration from London Punch for May, 1865. Republished with an intro- duction. 4° sheets, folded, uncut. Albany, 1868 Fish, No. 125. One of 75 copies printed. Mr. Boyd was the first bibliographer of Lincoln and one of the earliest collectors of Lincolniana. A very scarce item, not in many Lincoln collections. 139 BOYD. A Memorial Lincoln Biography; being an account of books, eulogies, sermons, portraits, engrav- ings, medals, etc., published upon Abraham Lincoln. Pho- tographs. 4° cloth. Albany, 1870 Fish, No. 126. Part L an account of the Publications Occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln, is by Charles H. Hart, also the introduction. 140 BRADY, Rev. Cyrus T. Washington and Lin- coln ; a comparison and contrast and a consequence. Address, June 18, 1904, at Valley Forge, Pa. 8° paper, uncut. Phila., 1904 Fish, Sup. No. 355- Autograph presentation copy only 500 copies issued. 141 BRAKEMAN, Rev. N. S. A Great Man Fallen; a sermon preached in the Methodist Church, Baton Rouge, La., April 23, 1865, on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. 8° original wrappers. New Orleans, 1865 Fish, No. 131. Scarce. 142 BRAMANTIP, Bocardo. The Abraham Lincoln Myth ; an essay in higher criticism. 12° paper. New York, 1894 Fish, No. 132. The author was Oliver Prince Buel. A satirical argument that no emancipation proclamation was ever issued. 143 BRANIGAN, Rev. W. H. Abraham Lincoln. Sermon, Unitarian Church, Peterboro, N. H., Feb. 7, 1909. 8° paper. Peterboro, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 308. Presentation copy from the author. i8 C. F. Libbic & Co. 144 BRIGGS, George W. Eulog-y on Abraham Lin- coln, June I, 1865. 8° paper (worn and back cover miss- ing). Salem, 1865 Fish. No. 134. 145 BRIGGS, Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, with the Proceedings of the City Council on the Death of the Presi- dent. 8° original wrapper. Salem, Mass., 1865 Fish, No. 134. 146 BROADSIDE. The Original Lincoln Cabin. This cabin built by Abraham Lincoln and John Hanks, in Macon County, Illinois, in 1830, is now on exhibition on the Parade Ground, Boston Common. Herald Print, 4 Williams Court, Boston. Original broadside. 8° (soiled and mended and rebacked). Extremely rare Lincoln item. Not yet listed. 147 BROADSIDE. "Memento Mori." Woodcut portrait of Lincoln. Born Feb. 12, 1809, Assassinated April 15, 1865. " Most strict in his observance of what was right — Most rigid in his adherence to Justice." With heavy mourning border. Small folio (corner torn). 148 BROADSIDES. Lincoln. Poem by Ernest Mc- GafFey, Perkins Bass School, Chicago, 1905 (2 copies) ; — Tributes to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln, by George W. Churchwell, Congress Club, 1909; — Unveiling of the Bust of Lincoln, Address Adopted by the Lincoln Monu- ment League of San Francisco, n. d. (4) Not yet listed. 149 BROADSIDES. One page 8°. Each contains a verse or extract of a speech in regard to Abraham Lincoln. Specially printed on hand made paper, with titles printed in red. (6) Includes : A sonnet, by C. B., Springfield, Mass., Republican, April 5, 1865 ;— Poem of T. H. Elliott. Brattleboro. Vt. ;— Extract of Speech by Ignatius Donnelly, 1864 : — The Typical American, by Henry W. Grady; — A Remarkable Estimate, Final Paragraph in Scripp's Life of Lincoln; — An Appreciation from Life and Letters of E. L. Godwin. 150 BROCKETT, L. P. Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 8° full roan (worn). Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 135. 151 BROOKLYN, N. Y. Services and Addresses at the Unveiling of the Statue of Abraham Lincoln, Brooklyn, Oct. 21, 1869. 8° original wrapper. Brooklyn, 1869 Fish, No. 136. 152 BROOKLYN Public Library. Abraham Lincoln. A list of Lincoln's Writings and Works relating to Lincoln in the Brooklyn Public Library. 16° paper. Brooklyn, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 23. Book Auctioneers. 19 153 BROOKS, Elbridge S. The Heroic Life of Abra- ham Lincoln. Colored plates and other illustrations. Square 8° pictorial boards. Boston, 1902 Fish, No. 411. 154 BROOKS. The True Story of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrations. 4° cloth. Boston (1896) Fish, No. 138. 155 BROOKS, Noah. Abraham Lincoln and the Downfall of American Slavery. Portrait. 12° cloth. New York, 1908 Fish, No. 140, 1908 edition. 156 BROOKS. Washington in Lincoln's Time. 12' cloth. New York, 1896 Fish, No. 141, the 1896 edition. 157 BROOKS, Phillips. Address. Abraham Lincoln. 16° half roan. Chicago, n. d. A cheap reprint of Phillips Brooks' Sermon. 158 [BROOM, W. W.] Abraham Lincoln's Charac- ter. Sketched by English Travellers. Pp. 4. 8°. Brooklyn (1865) Fish, No. 144. Very rare. 159 BROUGH, Hon. John. Loyal Publications of National Union Association of Ohio. No. 3. Cincinnati, O., July, 1863. Dayton Speech of Hon. John Brough. Presi- dent Lincoln's Responses relative to the Arrest of Vallan- digham. Pp. 31. 8° stitched. Cincinnati, 1863 Fish, Sup. No. 24. Very scarce. 160 BROWN, Charles F. Artemus Ward, His Book. Comic illustrations. First ed. 12° cloth (worn). New York, 1862 It was Ward's book which Lincoln delighted to read. 161 BROWN, Frances E. Ruth ; a sacred drama and original lyrical poems. 12° cloth. New York, 1871 Contains a poem on the Assassination of President Lincoln, 2 pp. Not Mentioned by Fish. 162 BROWN, J. H. Four Years in Secessia; or, ad- ventures within and beyond the Union Lines. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1865 163 BROWN, Theodore F. Abraham Lincoln. Ad- dress delivered at the George H. Thomas Post No. 13, G. A. R., Cincinnati, O., Feb. 8, 1909. Pp. 4. 8° paper. (Cincinnati, 1909) Fish, Sup. No. 229. 164 BROWNE, Robert H. Abraham Lincoln and Men of his Time. Revised 2nd ed. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Chicago, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 25. 20 C. F. Libbie & Co. 165 BROWNLOW, W. G. Sketches of the Rise, Progress and Decline of Secession ; with a narrative of per- sonal adventures among the rebels. Portrait and illustra- tions. 12° cloth. Phila., 1862 166 BRYAN. Masterful Tributes to the Memory of President Lincoln. By Hon. William Jennings Bryan and the Volunteer Soldier by Hon J. M. Thurster, delivered at the Columbia Theater, Washington, D. C, April 14, 1907. 8° paper. Washington, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 230. 167 BUCKINGHAM, J. E., Sr. Reminiscences and Souvenirs of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Illus- trations. 8° paper. Washington, 1894 Fish, No. 147. 168 BUENOS Aires. Tribute to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln by the American Citizens residing in Buenos Aires. 8° original wrappers. Buenos Aires, n. d. Fish, No. 148. One of the rarest of Lincohi items. 169 BUFFALO, In Memoriam. Abraham Lincoln Assassinated at Washington, April 14, 1865. With an account of proceedings at Buffalo, N. Y. 8° cloth. Bufifalo, 1865 Fish, No'. 149. 170 BULLOCK, Alexander H. Abraham Lincoln the Just Magistrate, the Representative Statesman, the Practical Philanthropist. 8° wrappers. Worcester (1865) Fish, No. 151. 171 BUNGAY, George W. The Bobolink Minstrel; or. Republican Songster for i860. " Lincoln and Liberty." 16° paper. New York, i860 Fish, No. 152. Scarce. 172 BUNGENER, F. Lincoln, sa Vie, son CEuvre et sa Mort. 12° original covers, uncut. Lausanne, 1865 Fish, No. 153, very scarce. 173 BUNGENER. Abraham Lincoln Sein Leben Wirken und Sterben. 16° boards. Bern, 1866 Fish, No. 154. Scarce, foreign edition. 174 BUNGENER. Lincoln Zijn Leven, Werk en Dood. Illuminated cover. 12° paper, uncut. Utrecht, 1866 Fish, No. 155. Scarce, foreign item. 175 BURNHAM, Rev. M. Abraham Lincoln. Ora- tion delivered May 30, 1895, Memorial Day, by request of Ransom Post 131, St. Louis Dept., of Missouri G. A. R., on the occasion of their pilgrimage to the temple of our Mar- tyred President at Springfield, 111. 8° paper. (St. Louis, 1895) Fish, Sup. No. 248. One of the rarest pamphlets of the Supple- mentary list. Lacking in many collections. Book Auctioneers. 21 176 BURRAGE, Henry S. Gettysburg and Lincoln. The Battle, the Cemetery and the National Park. Illus- trated. Small 8° cloth. New York, 1906 Fish, Sup. No. 27. 177 BURRELL, David J. Marble Collegiate Pulpit, Feb. 14, 1909. Sermon on the Righteousness of Lincoln. 16° paper. (New York, 1909) Fish, Sup. No. 249. 178 BURTON, John E. Abraham Lincoln; an Ora- tion, Lake Geneva, Wis., 1903. 8° paper, uncut. No imprint. Fish, No. 161. 179 BUTLER, Rev. C. M. Funeral Address on the Death of Abraham Lincoln delivered in the Church of the Covenant, April 19, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 163. 180 BUTLER, J. G. The Martyr President; our grief and our duty. Pp. 14. 8° sheets, folded and unopened. Washington, 1865 Fish, No. 165. 181 BUTTERWORTH, Hezekiah. The Heroine of the Wilderness ; the story of Lincoln's mother. Illustra- tions. 12° cloth. Phila., 1906 Fish, Sup. No. 28. 182 BUTTERWORTH. In the Boyhood of Lincoln ; a tale of the Tinker Schoolmaster and the Times of Black Hawk. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1907 Fish, No. 166, 1907 edition. 183 f^ AIRNES, J. E. The Slave Power ; its char- ^^ acter, career and probably designs. 8° cloth. New York, 1862 184 CALIFORNIA. Lincoln Centenary, Feb. 12, 1909, Veteran's Home of California, Napa County. Pro- gramme. 4 pp. 12°. (San Francisco, 1909) Not yet listed. 185 CALIFORNIA. Lincoln Day Programme for the Schools of California. 8° paper. Sacramento, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 250. 186 CALIFORNIA and Nevada G. A. R. Headquar- ters, Lincoln Post No. i. Lincoln Day Programmes and Details to Visit Pubhc Schools, 1907-1909. Each 4 pp. 8°. (2) Not yet listed. 187 CAMPAIGN of i860; comprising speeches of Abraham Lincoln, William H. Seward and others. 8° cloth. Albany, i860 Fish, No. 171. Scarce. Made up of various documents, paged separately, chiefly " Evening Journal Tracts " a series of pamphlets 22 C. F. Libbie & Co. issued by the Albany Evening Journal. Edited by Thurlow Weed. The volume presents a fairly complete view of the ground taken by the party which elected Lincoln to the Presidency. i88 CAMBRIDGE Public Library Bulletin, Feb., 1909. List of books relating to Abraham Lincoln. 16° paper. Fish, Sup. No. 251. 189 CAMPBELL, Helen M. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. 12° cloth. Boston, n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 252. 190 CANISIUS, Dr. Theodor. Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 12° original wrappers, uncut. Stuttgart. 1878 Fish, No. 173. Very scarce. 191 CANNON, Joseph G. Abraham Lincoln. Speech before the Chamber of Commerce, Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 12, 1910. 8° paper, uncut. Washington, 1910 Presentation copy, with the autograph of the author. Not yet listed. 192 CARPENTER, F. B. Six Months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln ; the story of a picture. 16° cloth. New York, 1866 Fish, No. 177. Scarce first issue, afterwards reprinted with different title. 193 CARR, Clarke E. Lincoln at Gettysburg; an ad- dress. Illustrated. 16° cloth, uncut. Chicago, 1906 Fish, Sup. No. 31. 194 CARR. The Illini; a story of the Prairies. 20 portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. Chicago, 1904 Contains a vast amount of Lincoln material by a contemporary. Not mentioned by Fish. 195 CARR. The Lincoln-Douglas Debates. An Ad- dress delivered before the Illinois State Bar Association, Galesburg, 111., July 11, 1907. 8° paper. N. p. Fish, Sup. No. 253. Presentation copy, with autograph of the author. 196 CARSON, Hampton L. Collection of Autograph Letters. Supplement to Part 2. Containing facsimile of Lincoln Letter. 4° paper. Phila., 1904 197 CARSON. The Real Greatness of Abraham Lin- coln. Speech in response to a toast at the Annual Dinner of the Union League of Philadelphia, Feb. 13, 1899. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Phila., 1899 Fish. Sup. No. z^. Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. 198 CASE Library, Cleveland, O. A List of Lincoln- iana. 16° sheets, folded. (Cleveland, 1909) Fish, Sup. No. 309. Book Auctioneers. 23 igg CASE Library. Another copy. 16° sheets, folded. 200 CASTLE, Capt. Henry A. Typical Americans. Address at Annual Banquet of Minnesota Commandery Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Minnesota, Feb. 12, 1901. 8° stitched. Fish, No. 178. 201 CATALOGUE (Part 2), of the Extensive Pri- vate Library of Major William H. Hodgkins, of Somer- ville, Mass., priced in ink. 8° paper, uncut. Boston, 1907 Much of this catalogue is devoted to Lincoln. Not yet listed. 202 CATHEY, James H. The Genesis of Lincoln. Portrait. 16° cloth. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 181. The addenda includes John E. Burton's oration. 203 CELEBRATION by the Colored People's Educa- tional Monument Association in Memory of Abraham Lin- coln, on the 4th of July, 1865, in the Presidential grounds, Washington, D. C. 8° paper. Washington, 1865 Fish, No. 183. 204 CENTURY Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Vols. 73 and 74. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth. New York, 1906-07 Contains among other articles David H. Bates' articles on Lincoln in the Telegraph Ofiice. 205 CHAFIN, Eugene W. Lincoln, the Man of Sor- row. 3rd ed. 12° cloth. Chicago, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 33. 206 CHAMBERLIN, Joseph E. The " Ifs " of His- tory. 16° cloth. Phila. (1907) Not yet listed. Contains an article on Lincoln " If Abraham Lincoln's father had Moved Southward not Northward." 207 CHAMBERLIN, General Joshua L. Abraham Lincoln. Seen from the Field in the War for the Union. A paper read before the Commandery of the State of Pennsyl- vania, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Feb. 12, 1909. 8" paper, uncut. Phila. (1909) Fish, Sup. No. 356. 98 copies privately printed for the author. 208 CHAMBERLIN, N. H. The Assassination of Presidenf Lincoln, a Sermon, St. James' Church, Birming- ham, Conn. 16° original wrappers. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 186. 209 CHAMBERLIN. The Assassination of Presi- dent Lincoln ; a sermon preached in St. James' Church, Bir- mingham, Conn., April 19, 1865. 16° original covers. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 186. 210 CHAMBERLIN. The same. Another copy (slightly foxed). 24 C. F. Libbie & Co. 211 CHAMPION, Frank. Campaign Handbook and Citizen's Manual, 1765-1872. With biographical sketches of the Presidents. 18° cloth. Hartford, 1872 Biography of Lincoln. 212 CHAPLIN, Jeremiah. Chips from the White House. 12° cloth. Boston, 1881 Contains an interesting chapter on Lincoln, pp. 223 to 283. 213 CHASE, Salmon P. (United States Senator and Gov. of Ohio). Life and Public Services of. By J. W. Schuckers. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1874 Gov. Chase was Secretary of the Treasury in Lincoln's Admin- istration. 214 CHASE & Sanborn. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 16° paper. (Boston.) Fish, Sup. No. 275. 215 CHICAGO Copperhead Convention. The Treasonable and Revolutionary Utterances of the Men who Composed it. Extracts from all the notable speeches de- livered in and out of the National Democratic Convention. 8° stitched (worn). Washington, 1864 Fish, No. 190. 216 CHICAGO Hebrew Institute. Ritual for the Centennial Celebration of President Abraham Lincoln. Pp. 4. 8° sheet, folded. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 370. 217 CHICAGO Hebrew Institute. Programme of Celebrations during Lincoln Week. 8° paper. Chicago, 1909 Fish. Sup. No. 371. 218 CHICAGO Public Library. List of Books and Magazine Articles on Abraham Lincoln. 8° paper. Chicago, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 34. 219 CHICAGO Public Library. Another copy. 8° paper. 220 CHINIQUY, Father. Lincoln's Assassination traced directly to the Doors of Rome. Every person con- nected with the murder was a Roman Catholic. Father Chiniquy and the Martyred President. 18° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 193-A. Scarce. 221 CHITTENDEN, L. E. Abrahain Lincoln's Speeches. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1908 Fish, No. 561. A reissue of the 1895 edition. 222 CHITTENDEN. Lincoln and the Sleeping Sentinel ; the true story. Portraits. 16° cloth, uncut. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 36. Book Auctioneers. 25 223 CHITTENDEN. Personal Reminiscences; in- cluding Lincoln and others, 1840-1890. 8° cloth. New York, 1893 Fish, No. 195. 224 CHITTENDEN. Recollections of President Lincoln and his Administration. Portrait. 8° cloth, un- cut. New York, 1904 Fish, No. 194, edition of 1904. 225 CHOATE, Joseph H. The Career and Character of Abraham Lincoln. Address delivered at the Philosophi- cal Institution of Edinburgh, Nov. 13, 1900. 12° paper. Chicago, (1901) Fish, No. 197. 226 CHOATE. (Translated into Japanese by Yama- gata Teisaburo). 8° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. iJ. Scarce. 227 CHOATE. Abraham Lincoln. 12° boards. New York, 1901 Fish, No. 198. The Edinburgh Address, 8th thousand. 228 CHOOSING "Abe Lincoln Captain and other Stories. 12° cloth. Akron, 1899 Fish, No. 199. 229 CHRISTIAN, George L. Abraham Lincoln ; an address delivered before the R. E. Lee Camp No. i. Con- federate Veterans, at Richmond, Va., Oct. 29, 1909. 8° paper. Richmond, 1909 Not yet listed. Scarce. 230 CINCINNATI. Programme of Celebration Commemorating the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, Feb. 12, 1909. 8° paper. Cincinnati, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 310. 231 CINCINNATI. Another copy. 232 CINCINNATI Public Library. Special Reading List. Works of Abraham Lincoln. Compiled by Margaret S. Thompson. Narrow 12° paper. Cincinnati, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 254. 233 CINCINNATI PubHc Schools. Program. Ger- man Text, Jan. 1909. By H. H. Fisk, Supervisor of Ger- man. Royal 8° paper. Fish, Sup. No. 357. 234 CINCINNATI. Souvenir of the Lincoln Day Celebration, Commemorating the Centennial Anniversary of the Death of Abraham Lincoln. 8° paper, uncut. Cincinnati, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 358. Presentation copy. 235 CINCINNATI. Another copy. 8° paper, uncut. 26 C. F. Libbic & Co. 236 CLARK, A. S. Catalogue of a Collection of Lin- coln Literature. No. 64. Pp. 12. Nos. i to 532. 8° sheets, folded (last 2 leaves torn into). Fish, Sup. No. 38. A poorly printed catalogue, but scarce. 237 CLARK, Daniel. Eulogy on the Life and Char- acter of Abraham Lincoln before the City Government of Manchester, N. H., June i, 1865. 8° paper (lower margins water stained). Manchester, 1885 Fish, No. 203. 238 CLARK, Henry. Eulogy on the Life and Ser- vices of President Lincoln pronounced before the Citizens of Poultney and Vicinity, April 19, 1865. 8° original wrap- pers. Rutland, 1865 Fish, No. 204. 239 CLARKE, Thomas. Sir Copp, a Poem for the Times in six cantos. First ed. 12° cloth, Chicago, 1865 Collateral to Lincoln, a Poem of the Civil War. Mentions Lincoln and Father Abraham. 240 CLEVELAND Public Library. Children's Leaf. Lincoln Birthday Number, Jan. 1909. 4pp. 8°. Fish, Sup. No. 256. 241 CLEVELAND. Another Copy. Corner torn. 242 CLEVELAND Public Library. Special Reading List. School Holiday Series. No. 3. Abraham Lincoln. 2nd ed. revised and enlarged. 16° limp cloth. Minneapolis, 1905 Fis'h, Sup. No. 255. 243 CLINTON, Mass. Order of Exercises, Centen- nial Programme. 12° card, folded. Clinton, 1909 Not yet listed. 244 CODDINGTON, David S. Eulogy on President Lincoln delivered in the Citadel Square Church, Charleston, S. C, May 6. 1865. 8° original wrappers. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 208. Original edition : only 500 copies printed. 245 COFFIN, C. C. Abraham Lincoln. Illustrations. Square 8° cloth. New York (1892) Fish, No. 209. 246 COGGESHALL, William T. Lincoln Memorial. The Journeys of Abraham Lincoln from Springfield to Washington, 1861, as President-elect and from Washington to Springfield, 1865, as President Martyred. Portrait. 12° half morocco. Columbus, 1865 Fish, No. 210. 247 COLFAX. Schuyler. Life of. By O. G. Hollis- ter. Portraits. 8° cloth. New York, 1886 Author's Presentation copy. Colfax was an intimate and con- fidante of President Lincoln and this work presents many interesting phases of the President drawn from Colfax's personal observation. Book Auctioneers. 27 248 COLLIER'S (The) National Weekly. Lincoln Centennial Number, Feb. 13, 1909. 2 sections. Sections i and 2. Small folio, paper. New York, 1909 Section 2 is Address of President Roosevelt at Lincoln's Birth- place, Feb. 2, 1909. Folio, broadside with page border in colors. Suitable for framing. 249 COLLINS, William H. Abraham Lincoln. Speech of Hon. William H. Collins in the Hall of Represen- tatives, April 15, 1887. Pp. 12. 8° stitched. Qiiincy, 1887 Fish, No. 214. With autograph signature and note by the author on last leaf. 250 COLLIS. The Religion of Abraham Lincoln. Correspondence between Gen. Charles H. T. Collis and Col- onel Robert G. Ingersoll. 8° paper. New York, 1900 Fish, No. 215. 251 [COLMAN, W. M.] The Evidence that Abra- ham Lincoln was not born in Lawful Wedlock. The sad story of Nancy Hanks. Pp. 18. 8° stitched. (Dallas, Texas, n. d.) Fish, Sup. No. 40. 252 CONGRESS. Message of the President of the United States and Reports Proper of the Heads of Depart- ment, made at the First Session of the 38th Congress. 8° stitched. Washington, 1863 Scarce. Not yet listed. 253 CONGRESS. Message of the President to 38th Congress, ist Session, Dec. 8, 1863. Pp. 15. 8° paper (cor- ner water stained). Not yet listed. 254 CONGRESS. Assassination of Lincoln, July, 1866. Report of Mr. Boutwell. 8° stitched. (Washington.) Fish, No. 995. 255 CONGRESS. Bills Presented to Congress relat- ing to Lincoln. Birthdays, Legal Holidays, Oldroyd Col- lection, Special Lincoln Postage Stamp, Lincoln Memorial Highway. From i to 4 pp. each. Royal 8°. (15) Not yet listed. 256 CONGRESS. Executive Documents. Printed by Order of the H. of R., First Session of the 38th Congress. 8° sheep (broken and water stained). Washington, 1864 Contains much valuable and interesting Lincoln matter pertain- ing to the administration. 257 CONGRESS. Executive Document, H. of R., First session of 39th Congress. 8° sheep (water stained and binding broken). Washington, 1866 Fish, No. 996. Bound in is the Awards for the capture of Booth and others. 2S C. F. Libbie & Co. 258 CONGRESS. Executive Documents. H. of R., 2nd Session of 39th Congress. 8° sheep (badly broken). Washington, 1867 Fish, No. 998. Bound in is the Message relating to the Dis- covery and Arrest of John H. Surratt. 259 CONGRESS. Executive Documents, H. of R., 2nd Session of the 40th Congress, 1867-68. 8° sheep. Washington, 1868 Fish. No. 1,000. Bound in is the Message from the President in regard to the Assassination of President Lincoln. 260 CONGRESS, House of Representatives. Sus- pension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Pp. 12. 8° stitched. Washington, 1861 Fish, Sup. No. 16. Edward Bates, author. 261 CONGRESS. John H. Surratt. Message from the President. Dec. 10, 1866. Pp. 33. 8° stitched. (Washington.) Fish, No. 998. 262 CONGRESS. John H. Surratt, March 2, 1867. 39th Congress, 2nd Session. H. R. Report No. 33. Pp. 18. Not listed by Fish. Extremely scarce. 263 CONGRESS. Journal of the H. of R.. First Ses- sion of the 30th Congress. 8° sheep (binding broken). Washington, 1847-48 Contains in detail, Lincoln's Congressional speeches and work. 264 CONGRESS. Journal of the H. of R., Second session of the 30th Congress. 8° sheep (binding worn). Washington. 1848-9 Contains in detail Lincoln's Congressional work in this Congress. 265 CONGRESS. Memorial Exercises of the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, Feb. 16, 1866; — Anni- versary of the Birthday of Abraham Lincoln, Petit on Feb. 21, 1874; — Making the looth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln a special Legal Holiday. Jan. 25, 1909; — Public Resolution No. 35. Joint Resolution for a Special Lincoln Postage Stamp, June 22, 1909; — House of Repre- sentative Bills. 8°. (5) Not yet listed. 266 CONGRESS. Message from the President. 2nd Session, 38th Congress. 8° cloth. Washington, 1864 Affairs relating to Lincoln's Administration. 267 CONGRESS. Message of the President of the United States. 37th Congress, 3rd Session, Dec. i, 1862. 8° stitched. Boston, 1862 Not listed by Fish. Book Auctioneers. 29 268 CONGRESS. Reports of Committees of the Sen- ate, First Session of the 50th Congress, 1807-08. Report No. 2331, Oct. 2, 1888. Refers to the purchase of the Travis Hfe size oil painting of Abraham Lincoln for the Congres- sional Library (3 pages). Bound in thick 8° sheep. Washington, 1888 Fish, Sup. No. 341. Scarce. 269 CONGRESS. Senate Concurrent Resolution on the Appointment of Lincoln's Birthday a National Holiday. Pp. 3. Royal 8°. December 14, 1908. Fish, Sup. No. 297. 270 CONGRESS to Aid the Lincoln Farm Associa- tion to build and endow a National Memorial on the site of Lincoln Birthplace Farm in Kentucky, dated May 12, 1908. 3 pp. 8°. Not yet listed. 271 CONGRESSIONAL Globe and Appendix, 1847, '48 and '49. 30th Congress. 3 vols. 4° half russia (worn). Washington. Contains much Lincohi- matter while in Congress', including the first publications of his speeches. 272 CONNOLLY, Charles Parker. Sermon; a re- vised version of a Sermon preached in the First Congrega- tional Church, Leavenworth, Kansas, on the looth Anniver- sary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in Milwau- kee, April 12, 191 1. 8° paper. Leavenworth, 1911 Not yet listed. 273 COOK, Katherine M. Colorado Memorial Day Annual, 1910. Washington and Lincoln Anniversary. Compiled and issued by Katherine M. Cook, State Supt. Portraits. 64 and 2 pp. 8° illuminated wrapper. Smith-Brooks Press : N. p., n. d. Not yet listed'. 274 COOPER, Peter. Loyal Publication Society No. 28. The Death of Slavery. Letter from Peter Cooper to Gov. Seymour. 8° stitched. New York (1863) See note, Fish, No. 225. 275 CORTELYOU, George B. Address at the Annual Banquet of the Lincoln Club and the Young Men's Republican Club, Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 12, 1906. Lin- coln's Influence on American life. 8° wrappers. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 229, with signed typewritten letter inserted. 276 CORTELYOU. Address of Sec. Cortelyou at the Dinner given by the Graduates Club, Hotel Astor, New York City, Feb. 12, 1909, in commemoration of the lOOth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln. 8° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 257. 30 C. F. Libbie & Co. 277 COTTON, Fassett A. Programme for the Lin- coln Centennial, Feb. 12, 1909. Prepared for the schools of Indiana. 8° paper. Indianapolis, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 311. 278 COULTER, John. Our Martyr Presidents, Lin- coln, Garfield and AIcKinley. Illustrations. 8° cloth. N. p., 1901 With a chapter and half tone illustration of Lincoln. 279 COWEN, Benjamin R. Abraham Lincoln ; an appreciation. By one who knew him. 12° boards. Cincinnati, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 42. 280 CRAIG, Katherine L. Washington and Lincoln Anniversaries. Illustrations, 8° paper. (Denver, 1908) Fish, Sup. No. 43. 281 CRANE, Rev. C. B. Sermon on the Occasion of the Death of President Lincoln, preached in the South Baptist Church, Hartford, Conn., April 16, 1865. 8° orig- inal wrappers. Hartford, 1865 Fish, No. 231. 282 [CRANE, Monroe.] Recollections of Lincoln and Douglas Forty Years Ago. By an Eye Witness. Portrait. 16° cloth, uncut. Privately Printed : New York, 1899 Only 200 copies printed. Fish, No. 793. 283 CRAVENS, Frances. The Story of Lincoln for Children. Illustrations. 16° cloth. Bloomington, 111., 1905 Fish, No. 232. Fifth edition. 284 CREELMAN, James. Why We Love Lincoln. Illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 45. 285 CROCKER, Samuel L., Jr. Eulogy upon the Character and Services of Abraham Lincoln, Taunton, June I, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 233. Only 550 copies printed. Few pages have corner stained. 286 CROCKER. Eulogy upon the Character and Services of Abraham Lincoln, Taunton, June i, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 233. 287 CROSBY, Frank. Library of Universal Litera- ture. Part 2, Biography: Life of Abraham Lincoln. Illus- trations. 8° half roan. New York, 1900 Evidently a reissue of Fish, No. 234. This edition not mentioned by Fish. 288 CROSBY. Life of Abraham Lincoln, i6th Presi- dent of the United States. Portrait. 12° cloth. Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 234. Book Auctioneers. 31 289 CUNNINGHAM, J. O. Recollections of Lincoln. Reprinted from the Bibliotheca Sacra, October, 1908. Pp. 636 to 656. 8° original wrappers. Urbana, 111., 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 47. 290 CUNNINGHAM. Some Recollections of Abra- ham Lincoln delivered before the Firelands Pioneer Asso- ciation, Norwalk, Ohio, July 4, 1907. A reprint from the Pioneer of Dec, 1909. 8° original wrappers. (Norwalk, 1909) Not mentioned by Fish. 291 CURRAN, W. R. Abraham Lincoln ; a memorial at Pekin, 111., Feb. 12, 1909. Royal 8° paper. Privately Printed : 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 312. Printed on one side of the leaf only. 292 CURTIS, B. R. Executive Power. 12° paper. Cambridge, 1862 Fish, No. 239. Pp. 29. Original edition. 293 CURTIS. Executive Pov/er. 8° paper. N. p., n. d. See Fish, No. 239. This edition is probably unknown to Fish. Has 15 pp. with an advertisement of " The World " on the back cover. The lower half of the title has the dedication by the author. This is evidently a contemporary reprint by the New York World. 294 CURTIS, William E. The True Abraham Lin- coln. 24 illustrations. 12° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1907 Fish, No. 240, 1907 edition. 295 CUTTER, Rev. Edward F. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln delivered at Rockland, Maine, April 19, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 242. Scarce, only 300 copies printed. 296 "P^AGGETT, O. E. Sermon on the Death of ^-^ Abraham Lincoln, April 15, 1865, First Congregational Church, Canandaigua, N. Y. 8° original wrappers. Canandaigua, 1865 Fish, No. 243. Only 750 copies printed. 297 DANA, Charles A. Lincoln and his Cabinet; a lecture delivered on Tuesday, March loth, 1896. before the New Haven Colony Hist. Soc. 16° boards, uncut. Cleveland, 1896 Fish, No. 245. One of 350 copies printed on hand made paper. 298 DANA. Recollections of the Civil War. With the Leaders at Washington and in the Field in the Sixties. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1902 Fish, No. 247, edition of 1902. 299 DARLING, Col. Jasper T. The Heart of Hope. 8° paper. Chicago, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 48. Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. 32 C. F. Libbie & Co. 300 DAVIS, J. McCan. How Abraham Lincoln be- came President. 16° paper. Spring-field, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 51. Original edition, October, 1908. 301 DAVIS. How Abraham Lincoln became Presi- dent. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Brookfield, 1909 Variation of Fish, Sup. No. 51. Centennial edition: containing 93 PP 302 DAVIS, Ozora S. Abraham Lincoln the Young- ]\Ian. Address in South Congregational Church, New Brit- ain, Conn. 18° paper. N. p., 1906 Fish, Sup. No. 50. Scarce. 303 DAY, P. B. Alemorial Discourse on the Character of Abraham Lincoln, Hollis, N. H., June i, 1865. 8° stitched (badly stained). Concord, 1865 Fish, No. 253. Scarce. 304 DEAN, Henry Clay. Crimes of the Civil War and Curse of the Funding System. 8° cloth. Baltimore, 1869 A very bitter attack on the War financiering. 305 DEAN, Rev. Sidney. Eulogy on the Occasion of the Burial of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in Providence. April 19, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Providence, 1865 Fish, No. 255. 306 DECATUR Free Public Library. Quarterly Bul- letin, Oct.-Dec, 1908. Abraham Lincoln Reading List. 8° paper. Fish, Sup. No. 258. 307 DEMING, Henry C. Eulogy on Abraham Lin- coln before the General Assembly of Connecticut, Hartford, June 8, 1865. 8° limp cloth. Hartford, 1865 Fish, No. 257. 308 DE NORMANDIE, James. The Lord Resigneth. A few words on Sunday morning, April 16, 1865, after the assassination of President Lincoln. Pp. 8. 16° paper, ucut. (Portsmouth, N. H., n. d.) Fish, No. 259. With autograph of the author on title; also autograph letter 2 pp. 8°, referring to this pamphlet laid in. 309 DE NORMANDIE. Another copy. 16° paper,, uncut. 310 DENVER, Colorado, Public Library Bulletin. Special series No. i. List of books and magazine articles on Abraham Lincoln in the library. 12° paper Edinburgh, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 259. 311 DEPEW, Chauncey M. Address on the Occasion of the Celebration of the Birthday of Abraham Lincoln at Burlington, Vt., Feb. 12, 1895, etc. 8° paper. N. p., n. d.. Fish, No. 260. Presentation copy from the author. Scarce. Book Auctioneers. 33 312 DEPEW. Address at the Celebration of the 38th Anniversary of the Debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, at Galesburg, 111., Oct. 7, 1896. 8° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 261. 313 DEPEW. Addresses of, at Detroit. New York, Buffalo, Albany and Republican Club of New York, Lincoln Dinner, Feb. 12, 1896. 8°. Pp. 114. N. p., n. d. See Fish No. 802 for date of this dinner and address, being the lOth of the series. 314 DEPEW. Speech of, at the Centennial Celebra- tion of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln by the G. A. R., De- partment of New York, Feb. 12, 1909, 8° paper. (New York, 1909) Fish, Sup. No. 233. Presentation copy, with the autograph of the author. 315 DEWITT, David M. The Assassination of Abra- ham Lincoln and its Expiation. 8° cloth. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 52. 316 DE WITT. The Judicial Murder of Mary E. Sur- ratt. 12° cloth. Baltimore, 1895 Fish, No. 264. 317 DEXTER, Henry M. What Ought to be done with the Freed Men and the Rebels, a Sermon, Boston, April 23, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 265. 318 DICKINSON, Thomas W. Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the War of 1861-65. Vol. i. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1896 319 DIXON, W. Jonathan. La Guerre d'Amerique, 1860-65. Abolition de I'Esclavage par Abraham Lincoln avec un appendice contenant la bibliographic J. Wilkes Booth. 12° paper, uncut (front wrapper missing). Paris, 1865 Fish, No. 266-A. Second Edition : autograph presentation on half-title. 320 DISTRICT of Columbia. Public Schools of the District of Columbia. . Observations of Lincoln Centen- ary, Feb. 12, 1909. 8° original wrappers. Washington, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 53. 321 DISTRICT of Columbia. Another copy. 8° orig- inal wrappers. 322 DOCUMENT No. 13. Mr. Lincoln's Arbitrary Arrests the Acts which the Baltimore Platform Approves. 8° paper. (1864). Fish, No. 272. 34 C. F. Libbie & Co. 323 DODGE, Daniel K. University of Illinois Stud- ies. Vol. I, no. I. Abraham Lincoln, the Evolution of his Literary Style. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Champaign, 1900 Fish, No. 275. 324 DODGE. Another copy. Royal 8° paper. 325 DOLLIVER, J. P. Abraham Lincoln. Address at the Annual Banquet of the Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburg, Feb. 12, 1908. 8° paper. Fish. Sup. No. 361. 326 DOUGLAS. Stephen A. Douglas's Attitude Towards Slavery. A letter written by his son. Judge Robert M. Douglas, in reply to an invitation to attend the Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Lincoln-Douglas De- bates. 4 pp. 8° paper. Dated Greensboro, N. C, Oct. 14, 1908. With autograph signature of the author. 327 DOWNING, J. F. Abraham Lincoln. Address on the Occasion of the Celebration of Lincoln's Birthday at Erie, Pa., Feb. 12, 1903. 8° paper, uncut. Erie, Pa., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 260. 328 DRAPER, Andrew S. New York City Educa- tion Department. Lincoln. 8° paper. Albany, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 315. Presentation copy from the author. 329 DRAPER, Eben S. Governor of Massachusetts. Original Printer's Copy for the Proclamation of 1905, with typewritten notes and instructions to the printer, together with the Proclamation as printed, autographed by the Governor. 2 pieces. Not yet listed. A unique combination. 330 DRAPER. Original Typewritten copy for the Lincoln Day Programme, 1905, with cancellations and in- sertions in pencil and ink. Signed by the Governor. 2 pp. A unique Lincoln item. 331 DRAPER, President. The Illinois Life and the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln ; an address at the Univer- sity of Illinois, Lincoln's Birthday, 1896, by President Draper. 18° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 280. With signed typewritten letter of the author inserted. 332 DUANE, Rev. Richard B. Sermon in St. John's Church, Providence, April 19, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Providence, 1865 Fish, No. 283. Only 500 copies printed. 333 DUDLEY, John L. Discourse Preached in the South Congregational Church, Middletown, Conn., on the Sabbath morning after the Assassination of President Lin- coln. 8° original wrappers. Middletown, 1865 Fish, No. 284. Only 800 copies printed. Book Auctioneers. 35 334 DUFFIELD, George. The Nation's Wail; dis- course delivered in the First Presbyterian Church in De- troit, April i6, 1865, the day after receiving the intelligence of the Brutal Murder of President Abraham Lincoln. 8° paper. Detroit, 1865 Fish, No. 285. Only 600 copies printed. 335 DUGANNE, A. J. H. Utterances. First ed. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1865 Contains a poem " The Statue of Lincohi." Not mentioned by Fish. 336 DUNNING, Rev. H. Address Delivered on the Occasion of the Funeral Solemnities of the late President of the United States at the First Constitutional Presby- terian Church, April 19, 1865. 8° paper (back wrapper missing and lower corner of last leaf). Baltimore, 1865 Fish, No. 289. 337 DUNNING. The Nameless Crime. Discourse delivered in the First Constitutional Presbyterian Church, April 22,, 1865. 8° paper. Baltimore, 1865 Fish, No. 290. Only 500 copies printed. 338 DUTCHESS Co., Lincoln Society. First Dinner of. Nelson House, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 8° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 316. 339 DUTCHESS County Lincoln Society. Second Annual Dinner, Feb. 12, 1906. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Menu, etc. Not listed by Fish. 340 DUTCHESS County Lincoln Society. Third An- nual Dinner, Feb. 12, 1907. Menu, etc. 4 pp. Portrait on cover. 8°. Poughkeepsie, 1908 Not yet listed. 341 DUTCHESS County Lincoln Society. Fourth Annual Dinner, Feb. 12 (1908). The menu, etc. 4 pp. Portrait on cover. 8°. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1908 Not yet listed. 342 DUTCHESS County Lincoln Society. Fifth An- nual Dinner, 1909. Portrait, menu, etc. Narrow 8° sheets, folded. Poughkeepsie, 1909 Not yet listed. 343 DUYCKINCK, E. A. Lives and Portraits of the Presidents of the United States, from Washington to John- son. Biographies by Duyckinck. Portraits by Alonzo Chappel. Royal 4° cloth. New York (1865) Not mentioned by Fish. With a steel portrait and 12 page biography of Abraham Lincoln. 36 C. F. Libbie & Co. 344 DUYCKINCK. Portrait Gallery of Eminent Men and Women of Europe and America. Numerous steel portraits. 2 vols, royal 4° full morocco (worn). New York (1873) Not mentioned by Fish. Contains portrait and 12 page biography of Al)raliam Lincohi. 345 DWINNELL, Ellen S. Abraham Lincoln, a Tribute. Written for the Fitchburg Women's Club, Lin- coln Day (1909). 4 pp. 8°. Not yet listed. 346 DWINNELL. Another copy. 347 DYER, David. Discourse Occasioned by the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln delivered in the Albany Penitentiary and Military Prison of the United States. 8° wrappers, uncut. Albany, 1865 Fish, No. 293. Only 600 copies printed. 348 rj^DDY, Richard. The ^lartyr to Liberty. -■— ' Three Sermons preached in the First Uni- versalist Church, Phila., April 16 to June i. 1865. 8° orig- inal wrappers. . Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 297. Two-page letter of the author inserted. Only 300 copies printed. 349 EDDY, Rev. T. M. Abraham Lincoln, Memorial Discourse, Presbyterian Church, Waukegan, 111., April 19, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Chicago, 1865 Fish, No. 298. Original edition. 350 EDGAR, Rev. Cornelius H. Josiah and Lincoln the Great Reformers ; a tribute to the worth and work of our Martyr-President delivered in the Reformed Dutch Church, Easton, Pa., June i, 1865. 8° paper. Fish, No. 300. 351 EDWARDS, Rev. Henry L. Discourse Com- memorative of Our Illustrious Martyr delivered in the Con- gregational Church, Abington, June i, 1865. 8° stitched (covers missing). Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 303. Only 500 copies printed. 352 EMERSON. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Emerson's Per- sonal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. 8° paper. Rockford, 111., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 363. Privately printed. 353 ENOS, The Early Surveyors and Surveying in Illinois. Plans. 8° paper. Springfield, 1891 Fish, Sup. No. 364. Scarce. 354 EVANS, P. S. Funeral Eulogy on Abraham Lin- coln delivered before the Military Authorities in Norfolk, Va., April 19, 1865. 8° original wrapper. Norfolk, 1865 Fish, No. 311. Scarce. Book Auctioneers. 37 355 EVERETT, Charles C. Eulogy on, delivered be- fore the Citizens of Bangor, June i, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Bangor, 1865 Fish, No. 313. Only 500 copies printed. 356 EVERETT. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln deliv- ered before the Citizens of Bangor, June i, 1865. 8° original wrapper. Bangor, 1865 Fish, No. 313. 357 EVERETT. Sermon Preached on the Sunday after the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 8° original wrappers. Bangor, 1865 Fish, No. 312. Only 600 copies printed. 358 EVERETT, Edward. An Oration delivered on the Battlefield of Gettysburg, Nov. 19, 1863, at the Conse- cration of the Cemetery. 8° limp cloth. New York, 1863 Fish, No. 314. Contains Lincoln's Dedicatory Address. Probably its first appearance in book form, also reports of the occasion by correspondents of the Tribune, Herald, World and Times of New York. 359 EVERETT. Oration Delivered on the Battlefield of Gettysburg, Nov. 19, 1863. 8° stitched (worn). New York, 1863 Fish, No. 314. Contains Lincoln's Dedicatory Address. Probably its first appearance in book form. 360 EVERETT. Address at the Consecration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, 1863. With a dedicatory speech by President Lincoln. Maps. 8° limp morocco. Boston, 1864 Fish, No. 315. This fine historical oration furnishes the historical setting of Lincoln's memorable address. 361 "pACSIMILE of Ford's Theatre Programme, •*- Friday Evening, April 14, 1865. Narrow folio, broadside. Not yet listed. 362 FAIRBANKS, Charles W. (Vice-President). Lincoln Day Banquet, Union League of Maryland and the Young Men's Republican Club, Baltimore, Feb. 12, 1907. 8° original wrappers. Indianapolis, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 56. A presentation copy from the author, with his inscription and typewritten letter signed laid in. 363 FISCHKIN, Dr. E. A. Abraham Lincoln and the Jewish Spirit. Address delivered at the Lincoln Celebration of the Chicago Hebrew Institute. 12° paper. Chicago, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 365. 364 FISH, Daniel. Lincoln Bibliography; a list of books and pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln. Com- piled by Daniel Fish of the Minnesota Bar. Portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1906 Fish, Sup. No. 57. Only 75 signed and registered copies printed. 38 C. F. Libhic & Co. 365 FISH. Legal Phases of the Lincoln and Douglas Debates. Annual Address before the State Bar Association of Minnesota, July 14, 1909. Fish, Sup. No. 261. Presentation copy from the author. 366 FISH. Lincoln Literature ; a biographical ac- count of books and pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Minneapolis, 1900 Fish, No. 323. First Edition. Presentation copy. 367 FLEMINGTON, N. J. Discourses Memorial of Abraham Lincoln delivered in Flemington, N. J., by the Pastors of the different Churches. 12° original wrappers. Lambertville, N. J., 1865 Fish, No. 324. 368 FORNEY, John W. Anecdotes of Public Men. 12° cloth. New York, 1873 Contains much Lincoln matter. Not mentioned by Fish. 369 FOSTER, Ernest. The World's Workers. Abra- ham Lincoln. 2nd ed. Portrait. 16° cloth. London, 1887 Fish, No. 326. This is an earlier edition than that mentioned by Fish. Scarce. He mentions 1890 edition as the first. 370 FOWLER, Rev. H. Character and Death of Abraham Lincoln, a discourse preached at Auburn, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1865. Fish, No. 328. Only 500 copies printed. Scarce. 371 FOWLER, John, Jr. An Address on the Death of President Lincoln, New Rochelle, N. Y., April 20, 1865. 8° original wrapper. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 329. Only 390 copies printed. 372 FRANK Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, April 29, 1865. Folio. Not yet listed. Contains a poem on Abraham Lincoln by E. C. Stedman, woodcut drawing of the Assassination and double page woodcut of the Dying Moments of President Lincohi, Portrait of J. Wilke.5 Booth, etc. Rare. 373 FRANK Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, June 3, 1865. Contains an article on the Assassination Complicity of Davis. With a woodcut illustration of the capture of Jefferson Davis at Irwinsville, Ga., and large woodcut of the trial of the conspirators. Folio. Not yet listed. 374 FRELINGHUYSEN, Frederick T. Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln in Newark, N. J., April 19. 1865. 8° paper, uncut. Newark, 1865 See Fish, No. 331. A literal reprint, not yet listed. Re- printed by the Baker Printing Co., 1910. 375 FRENCH, Hon. B. B. A Letter and a Short Poem on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 4. 8° sheets, folded. Albany, 1870 Fish, No. i2>2. Only 75 copies printed. Very scarce. Book Auctioneers. 39 376 FRENCH, Charles W. Abraham Lincoln the Liberator; a biographical sketch. Portrait. 12° cloth. New York (1891) Fish, No. 334. 377 FRENCH. Words of Abraham Lincoln. May- nard's English Classics. 16° paper. (New York, 1892) Fish, No. 335. Reissue. 378 FROM Obscurity to World Wide Fame ; article on Lincoln mingled with an advertisement of the Elliott- Fisher Typewriter. 24° paper. n. p., n. d. Not yet listed. 379 FROST, Mrs. J. B. The Rebellion in the United States. Steel portraits. Vol. i. 8° cloth. Boston, 1862 Contains portrait of Lincohi by H. Wright Smith. 380 /^ALLAHER, J. E. Best Lincoln Stories VX Tersely Told. 16° cloth. Chicago (1898) Fish, No. 341. 381 GARRISON, Rev. J. T. The Teachings of the Crisis ; address delivered at St. Paul's Church, Camden, N. J., on the Occasion of the Funeral of Abraham Lincoln, April 19, 1865. 8° paper, uncut. Camden, 1865 Fish, No. 343. Only 600 copies printed. 382 GEARY, Margarita S. The Toy Shop ; a roman- tic history of Lincoln the man. Portrait. 16° cloth, uncut. New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 59. 383 GENERAL Order No. 51, Navy Department, Boston, April 15, 1865. Death notice issued by Gideon Wells, Sec. of the Navy. The front page printed with mourning border, on sheet of 4 pp. Original ed. Not Hsted by Fish, but will folloAv 988 the next edition. 384 GILDER, R. W. Lincoln the Leader and Lin- coln's Genius for Expression. 16° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 366. 385 GILDER. Lincoln, Passages from his Speeches and Letters, 24° stamped calf. New York, 1901 Fish, No. 570. 386 GILLESPIE, Joseph. Recollections of Early Illinois and her Noted Men, read before the Chicago His- torical Society, March 16, 1880. 12° stitched, uncut. Chicago, 1880 Contains an anecdote of how Lincoln and Gillespie avoided voting. Not yet listed. 387 GILMORE, James R. Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. Illustrated. 8° cloth. Boston, 1898 Fish, No. 347. 40 C. F. Libbic & Co. 388 GLAESER, August. Das Lincoln :\Ionument. Eine Rede das Senator Charles Sumner. 8° original wrap- pers. Frankfurt, 1868 Fish, No. 349. 389 GLEED, James W. Abraham Lincoln. An Ad- dress to the Republican Club of the City of Xew York, Feb. 12, 1902. 8° paper. n. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 367. 390 GOODWIN, Rev. William. Death of Abraham Lincoln ; a discourse delivered at North Colbrook, Conn., April 23, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Hartford (1865) Fish, No. 353. 391 GOTWALD, Rev. Frederick G. Gettysburg, Lincoln's Address and Our Educational Institutes. Illus- trations. 8° paper. York, Pa., 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 60. 392 GOTWALD. Another copy. 8° paper. 393 GRAND Army Association of Philadelphia, looth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, Com- memorative Services, Baptist Temple, Feb. 12. 1909. 8° paper, uncut. Phila., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 318. 394 GRAND Army Observance of the Centennial An- niversar}' of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, Feb. 12, 1909. under the Inspiration of the Grand Army of the Republic. Illustrations. Royal 8° cloth. (New York, 1910) Not mentioned by Fish. 395 GRAND Army of the Republic. Red Bank, X. J. Report of Committee on Plan for Observance of the looth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 3. 8°. Red Bank, 1908 Fish. Sup. No. 317. 396 GRANT, U. S. Personal Memoirs of. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1885 397 GRANT. Personal Memoirs of. 2 vols, in one. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1894 398 GRANT. Life of. Bv Henry C. Deming. Por- trait. 8° cloth. ' Hartford, 1868 399 GRANT. Life of. By John S. C. Abbott. 12° cloth (corners stained). Boston, 1868 400 GRANT. Proceedings in Congress on the Occa- sion of the Reception and Acceptance of the Statue of Uh'sses S. Grant, Presented by the Grand Army of the Re- pubHc, May 19, 1900. Royal 8° cloth. Washington, 1901 Book Auctioneers. 41 401 GRATER, Rev. Abraham. The Discourse Re- spectfully Dedicated to a Grateful People in Memory of the Worth of Our Late Lamented Chief Magistrate, delivered April 21, 1865. Copied by several German newspapers and translated from the German. Pp. 8. 12° original wrappers. Skippackville, Pa., 1865 Fish, No. 355. 402 GRAY, William C. Life of Abraham Lincoln, for the Young Man and the Sabbath School. 16° cloth. Cincinnati, 1868 Fish, No. 357, 1868 edition. 403 GREAT Issue (The) to be Decided in November next. Shall the Constitution and the Union Stand or Fall, Shall Sectionalism Triumph. Lincoln and his supporters. 8° stitched. Washington, n. d. Fish, No. 359. A compilation of extreme utterances of leading Republicans, touching slavery. 404 GREELEY, Horace, and John F. Cleveland. A Political Text Book for i860. 8° cloth. New York, i860 Fish, No. 361. 405 GREELEY. Autobiography of; or, recollections of a busy life. Illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 1872 406 GREENE, Major-General Francis V. Lincoln as Commander in Chief. Reprinted from Scribner's Magazine, July, 1909. Royal 8° stitched. New York, 1909 Not yet listed. Rare. Presentation copy from the author. 407 GREENE, Homer. A Lincoln Conscript. Illus- trations. 12° cloth. Boston, 1909 Not yet listed. 408 GRIDLEY, Eleanor. The Story of Abraham Lin- coln ; or, the journey from the Log Cabin to the White House. Illustrations. 4° cloth. N. p. (1900) Fish, No. 364. 409 GROSSCUP, Hon. Peter S. Celebration of Abra- ham Lincoln's Birthday and Second Anniversary of the In- stitution of General James Shields Council No. 967, Knights of Columbus, Chicago, 111. Address on Abraham Lincoln. Pp. 16. 8° stitched. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 61. 410 GUILD, Curtis, Jr. Gov. of Massachusetts. Proclamation for Lincoln Day, 12th of Feb., 1906. Folio, broadside. Autograph copy with signature of Gov. at bottom. Not yet listed. Very scarce. 411 GUILD. The same. Proclaination for Lincoln Day, 1907. Autograph by the Governor. Not yet listed. 42 C. F. Libbie & Co. 412 GUILD. The same. Proclamation for Lincoln Day, 1908. Autograph by the Governor. Not yet listed. 413 GURLEY, Rev. P. D. Voice of the Rod ; a ser- mon June I, 1865, in the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C. 8° original wrappers. Washington, 1865 Fish, No. 368. 414 GUROWSKI, Adam. Diary from March 4. 1861, to Nov. 12, 1862; — Diary, 1863, '64, '65. 2 vols. i2mo cloth. Boston and Washington, 1862-66 415 X-TaLL, Dr. Fayette. The Copperhead; or, -*- -■• the secret political history of our Civil War unveiled. 8° paper. New Haven, 1902 Fish. Xo. 273- Author's copy with autograph. 416 HALL, Fayette. The Secret and Political His- tory of the War of the Rebellion. No. i. Illustrations. Royal 8° paper. New Haven, 1890 Fish, Sup. No. 62. 417 HALL, Gordon. President Lincoln's Death ; its voice to the people, a discourse, First Church, Northampton, April 19, 1865. 8° wrapper. Northampton, 1865 Fish, No. 374. 418 HALL. Another copy. 8° wrapper. 419 HALL, Newman. A Sermon on the Assassina- tion of Abraham Lincoln, preached at Surrey Chapel, Lon- don, ]\Iay 14, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 375. 420 HALL. Another copy. 8° original wrappers. 421 HALLE, Robert J. Lincoln and the Liquor Question. 8° stitched. Chicago, n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 63. 422 [HALPINE, G. C] Life and Adventures, Songs, Services and Speeches of Private Miles O'Reilly, 47th Regi- ment, N. Y. V. Illustrations. 12° cloth (binding worn). New York, 1864 Collateral with Lincoln and contains the caricature portrait of Lincoln, " O'Reilly in the Presence Chamber." Not listed. 423 HALSTEAD, M. Caucuses of i860 ; a history of the National Political Conventions of the Current Presiden- tial Campaign. 8° original wrappers. Columbus, i860 Fish, No. 377. 424 HAMILTON, A. J., of Texas. A Letter of, to the President of the United States, July 28, 1863. 8° original wrapper. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 379. Book Auctioneers. 43 425 HAMILTON, Mary A. Story of Abraham Lin- coln. Pictures by S. F. Dadd. 16° cloth. London, n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 64. Children's Hero Series. 426 HANAFORD, Mrs. P. A. Our Martyred Presi- dent. Fine steel portrait. 8° paper. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 383. Inserted is a single page prospectus containing a woodcut portrait of Lincoln with a funeral hymn printed on the back. This prospectus is exceedingly scarce. 427 HANAFORD. Abraham Lincoln ; his life and public services. Portrait. 12° cloth (broken). Boston, 1866 Fish, No. 383. 1886 edition. 428 HANAFORD. Abraham Lincoln, his Life and Public Services. Portrait. 12° cloth (slightly worn). Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 384. 429 HANAFORD. Abraham Lincoln. Sein Leben und seine offentlichen Dienste. 12° original wrapper. New York (1865) Fish, No. 385. With an imprint of O. P. Ritter, Cleveland O. 430 HANAFORD. Abraham Lincoln, Seine Leben und seine offentlichen Dienste. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. New York (1865) Fish, No. 385. 431 HAPGOOD, Norman. Abraham Lincoln, the Man and the People. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1906 Fish, No. 388, 1906 edition. 432 HARDING, Samuel B. Lincoln Selections. 8° paper. Indianapolis, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 319. 433 HARDING. Another copy. 8° paper. 434 HARRIS, Joel C. On the Wing of Occasions; being the authorized version of certain curious epistles of the late Civil War, including the hitherto suppressed narra- tive of the Kidnapping of President Lincoln. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1900 Not listed by Fish. 435 HARRIS, T. N. Assassination of Lincoln ; a his- tory of the great conspiracy, trial of the conspirators by a Military Committee and a review of the trial of John H. Surratt' Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston (1892) Fish, No. 391 . 436 HAVEN, Rev. Gilbert. The Cause and Conse- quences of the Election of Abraham Lincoln. Sermon in Hartford Street M. E. Church, Cambridge, Nov. 11, i860. 8° paper. Boston, i860 Fish, No. 397. 44 C. F. Libbie & Co. 437 HAWLEY, Harriet E. A Suggestion as to the Most Feasible Plan by which to preserve to Posterity the House in which Abraham Lincoln Died, together with the almost invisible collection of relics and other matter con- nected with the life and deeds of the martyr President which it now contains. Pp. 7. 18° paper. Washington, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 68. 438 HAWLEY. Another copy. 18° paper. 439 HAWORTH, Ira. Reminiscences about Abraham Lincoln, also an address delivered before the Washington Temperance Society at the Second Presbyterian Church, Springfield, 111., Feb. 22, 1842, by Abraham Lincoln. Illus- trations. 8° paper. Kansas City, n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 69. Souvenir edition. 440 HAWORTH. Another copy. 8° paper. 441 HEADLEY, J. T. The Great Rebellion; a his- tory of the Civil War in the United States. Fine steel plates. 2 vols. 8° full roan (bindings broken). Hartford, 1863 442 HEADLEY, P. C. I^Iassachusetts in the Rebel- lion. Portraits. 8° cloth. Boston, 1866 Ten references to Lincoln, with his call for troops to serve for three years. 443 HEATH, Virginia. The Story of Lincoln. Illus- trations. Square 8° paper. Portland, Me., 1905 Fish, No. 405. 444 HEATH. Another copy. 8° paper. 445 HEISTAND, Col. H. O. S. Abraham Lincoln. Address delivered before the Men's League of the Broadway Tabernacle, Feb. 13, 1908. 18° paper, uncut. Privately printed: New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 262. Only 150 copies printed. Has a steel vignette portrait. 446 HENDRICK, Frank. Contribution of American Women to the Work of Lincoln ; an address delivered be- fore the National Society of Patriotic Women of America at the Waldorf Astoria, Feb. 11, 1909. 8° paper. Fish, Sup. No. 320. Presentation copy. 447 HERNDON, William H. Abraham Lincoln, Miss Ann Rutledge, New Salem, Pioneering, and the poem ; a lecture delivered in the Old Sangamon County Court House, Nov. 1866. Plan. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Springfield, 111., 1910 Collector's Edition: Only 150 signed copies. Not yet listed. Book Auctioneers. 45 448 HERNDON, William H. Herndon's Lincoln ; the true story of a great life. The History and Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. By William H. Herndon (for twenty years his friend and law partner), and Jesse W. Weik. 3 vols. 12° cloth. Chicago (1889) Fish, No. 409. The rare first issue (suppressed) described in the note. Has sold as high as $35 at auction. 449 HERNDON and Weik. Abraham Lincoln; the true story of a great life. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12° cloth. New York, 1908 Fish, No. 410. Revised edition, containing the introduction and a chapter by Horace White on the debate with Douglas. Herndon's analysis of the man is unexcelled. 450 HERRIOTT, F. L Iowa and the First Nomina- tion of Abraham Lincoln. Reprinted, with additions, from the Annals of Iowa. Vol. 8. Pp. 80. 8° paper, uncut. (Des Moines.) Fish, Sup. No. 70. 451 HERRIOTT. Republican Presidential Prelimin- aries in Iowa, 1859-60. Annals of Iowa, January, 1910. 3rd series, vol. 9, No. 10. 8° original wrappers, uncut. Des Moines, 1910 The original edition of Fish, No. 70, before the revision- 452 HERRIOTT. Another copy. 8° original wrappers. 453 HIATT, J. M. The Political Manual; compris- ing numerous important documents connected with the political history of America. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Indianapolis, 1864 Contains an account of Abraham Lincoln's Administration, with portrait. 454 HIBBARD, A. G. In Memory of Abraham Lin- coln ; a discourse delivered in the First Congregational Uni- tarian Church, Detroit, Mich., April 17, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Detroit, 1865 Fish, No. 412. Scarce. 455 HICKS, George. Abraham Lincoln. Square 8° paper. Kingston, Jamaica, n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 71. Reprinted from the Kingston (Jamaica), Gleaner, Jan. i, 1879. 456 HICKS. Another copy. 8° paper. 457 HILL, Frederick T. Lincoln the Lawyer. Por- trait and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1906 Fish. Sup. No. 72. 458 HILL, T. Lincoln's Legacy of Inspiration. 16° paper, uncut. New York, 1909 Fish. Sup. No. 373. 46 C. F. Libbie & Co. 459 HISTORY and Evidence of the Passage of Abra- ham Lincoln from Harrisburg, Pa., to Washington, D, C, Feb. 22-23, 1861. 8° original red russia (repaired). Chicago, n. d. Fish, No. 417. Scarce edition with 39 pp. written by Allan Pinkerton, in 1868, the great detective, to offset the public stories that Pinkerton had anything to do with the passage of the President-elect to the Capital. Only a few copies of this work were published, and this one bound in full red russia is a presentation copy from Robert A. and William A. Pinkerton to Mr. Samuel Sloan, of N. Y., and bears Sloan's name in gold letters on the front cover. 460 HISTORY and Evidence of the Passage of Abra- ham Lincoln from Harrisburg, Pa., to Washington, D. C, Feb. 22, and 23, 1861. Portraits. 8° full russia, uncut. Chicago, n. d. Fish, No. 417. New edition, unknown to Fish, comprising 42 pages, three other editions are known, 20 pp., 30 pp. and 39 pp. 461 HITCHCOCK, Caroline H. Nancy Hanks; the story of Abraham Lincoln's mother. Frontispiece. 16° red roan. New York, 1900 Fish, No. 418. 462 HOBSON, J. T. The Lincoln Year Book; con- taining immortal words of Abraham Lincoln. 12° cloth. Dayton, 1906 Fish, Sup. No. 7;^. 463 HOBSON. Footprints of Abraham Lincoln. Presenting: manv interesting facts, reminiscences and illus- trations never before published. 16° cloth. Dayton, O., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 234. 464 HOFFMAN, Wilhelm. Abraham Lincoln, der Befreier der Negersklaven eine erzahlung fiir die Jugend. Steel portrait. 16° boards. Breslau, n. d. Fish, No. 423. Fine clean copy. Scarce foreign item. 465 HOLDOM, Jesse. Lincoln Centennial Address delivered at the McKinley High School, Chicago, Feb. 9, 1909. 8° original wrappers, uncut. (Chicago, 1909) Fish, Sup. No. 74. 466 HOLDOM. Lincoln Centennial Address before the West End Women's Club, Chicago, Feb. 12, 1909. 8° paper, uncut. (Chicago, 1909) Fish, Sup. No. 75. 467 HOLLAND, J. G. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, City Hall, Springfield, Mass., April 19, 1865. 8° paper. Springfield, 1865 Fish, No. 425. 468 HOLLAND. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. 8° cloth. Springfield, 1866 Fish, No. 426. Book Auctioneers. 47 469 HOLLAND. Das Leben Abram Lincoln's. Por- trait. 8° full roan. Springfield, 1866 Fish, No. 427. 470 HOLT, Erastus E. Address delivered at the Auditorium, Portland. Maine, on the nth Annual Banquet of the Lincoln Club, 1901. 8° original wrappers. Portland, 1901 Fish, Sup. Xo. 76. Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. 471 HORNER, Harlan H. New York City Educa- tional Department. Lincoln Centenary and Prospectus for Schools of the State. Illustrations. 8° paper. Albany, 1909 Fish. Sup. No. 77. 472 HORNER. Another copy. 8° paper. 473 HOUSE that Jeff Built (The). 8° paper. (New York), n. d. Fish, No. 430. Copyright 1868, by the author John J. Reed. Satirical parody illustrating the Rise and Fall of the Confederacy. One verse relating to the Assassination. Rare. 474 HOWE, M. A. DeWolfe. The ^lemory of Lin- coln. Poems, selected. \\'ith an introduction. Portrait. 16° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1907 Fish, No. 432. 475 [HOWELLS.] Lives and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. 12° cloth. New* York, i860 Fish. No. 597. The Lincoln biography is by William D. Howells. 476 [HUDSON, Charles.] Character of Abraham Lincoln and the Constitutionality of his Emancipation Policy. Pp. 16. Boston, 1863 Fish, No. 187. 477 [HUDSON.]. The Character of Abraham Lin- coln, President of the L'nited States. 8° stitched. (Boston, 1863) Fish, No. 187. A slight variation in the title from this number. 478 HUGHES. Speech of Hon. Charles E. Hughes at the Lincoln Dinner of the Reptiblican Club. New York, 1908. Pp. 10. Royal 8° paper. New York. Fish. Sup. No. 235. 479 HUMBOLDT, Archibald. The Fin de Siecle. Lincoln Birthday Exercises for Schools. Lebanon, O. (1900). Fish, No. 436. 480 HUNT, A. B. Address on the Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln, Alameda, Cal.. Feb. 12, 1899. 8° paper. Privately Printed: 1899 Fish. No 439. Presentation copy of a privately printed and limited edition. iidlEB&i 48 C. F. Libbie & Co. 481 HYDE, C. W. G. Minnesota Department of Pub- lic Instruction, Lincoln Centennial, Feb. 12, 1909. Com- piled for Commemorative Exercises in Minnesota Public Schools. 8° paper. N. p., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 265. 482 TlLINOIS. Department of Public Instruction, •*- Circular 53. Memorial Day, 1903. Contains address by Joseph H. Choate, Abraham Lincoln the Most American of all Americans. 8° paper. Not yet listed. 483 ILLINOIS Building. Lewis and Clark Exposi- tion, 1905. A souvenir illustration of America, Lincoln and Family, etc. 8 pp. 18° paper. Portland, 1905 Not yet listed. 484 ILLINOIS. Issued by Francis G. Blair, Supt. of Public Instruction, Memorial Day, May 30, 1:909. Circular 33. 8° paper. Springfield, 1909 Contains much Lincoln matter. Not yet listed. 485 ILLINOIS. Memorial Day, 1902. Circular No. 44. Contains Words of Lincoln, etc. 8° paper. Not yet listed. 486 ILLINOIS Memorial Day, 1904 and 1905. 2 pamphlets. Not yet listed. 487 ILLINOIS. Memorial Day, 1906. Circular 81, Supt. of Public Instruction. 8° paper. (Springfield, 1906) Not yet listed. Contains much Lincoln matter. 488 ILLINOIS. A Souvenir for the School Children to be Used in the Celebration of Lincoln's Birthday and Washington's Birthday. By Samuel M. Inglis. 8° paper. Springfield, 1898 Not yet listed. Partly devoted to Lincoln. 489 ILLINOIS Supreme Court. Proceedings of; commemorating the looth Anniversary of the Birth of Abra- ham Lincoln. 8° paper. N. p., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 267. 490 ILLUSTRATED Life, Services, Martyrdom and Funeral of Abraham Lincoln. 12° cloth (foxed). Phila. (1865) Fish, No. 444. 491 ILLINOIS State Hist. Library. Vol. 6. Biblio- graphical Series, vol. i. Newspapers and periodicals of Ill- inois, 1814-1879. Revised and enlarged edition. By Frank- lin W. Scott. Illustrations. Thick 8° cloth. Springfield, 1910 492 ILLINOIS State Historical Library. Vols. 4 and 5. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Springfield, 1909 Book Auctioneers. 49 493 ILLINOIS State Historical Library. Collections of. Vol. 3. Lincoln Series, vol. i. Lincoln-Douglas De- bates of 1858. Edited with introduction and notes by E. E. Sparks. Portraits. 8° cloth (corner of one page missing). Springfield, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 203. 494 ILLINOIS State Historical Society, April, 1910. Lincoln's Defence of Dufif Armstrong. The story of the trial and the celebrated Almanac. By J. N. Gridley. Re- print from the Journal of the Society. Illustrations. 8° paper. N. p., 1910 Not yet listed. 495 ILLINOIS State Historical Society. Journal of. Vol. I, No. I, April, 1908. 8° wrappers. Springfield, 1908 Not yet listed. Contains suggestions to the Local Committees on the Celebration of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858. 496 ILLINOIS State Historical Society, Journal of, vol. I, nos. 2 and 3. 8° paper. Springfield, 111., 1908 Contains : Lincoln and Douglas Debates, etc. Not yet listed. 497 ILLINOIS State Historical Society. Journal of. Vol. I, no. 4. 8° paper. Springfield, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 266. Contains an address " The Typical American," by Jessie P. Weber and other material relating to Lincoln. 498 ILLINOIS State Historical Library Circular. Vol. I, no. I., Nov., 1905. An Outline for the study of Ill- inois State History by Jessie P. Weber. 8° paper. Springfield, 1905 Contains much Lincoln matter. Not yet listed. 499 ILLINOIS State Historical Library. Trans- actions of for 1907. Numerous illustrations. 8° cloth. Springfield, 1908 Contains much Lincoln matter. 500 ILLINOIS State Historical Library. Publica- tion No, 13. Portraits and maps. 8° cloth. Springfield, 1909 Not yet listed. Contains much valuable Lincoln matter. 501 INDIANAPOLIS Public Library Bulletin, Feb., 1909. Select reading list on Abraham Lincoln. 4 pp. Royal 8° (torn). Fish, Sup. No. 268. 502 INGERSOLL. Abraham Lincoln, an Oration. 16° paper. London, 1893 Fish, Sup. No. 78. Scarce. Believed by Judge Fish to be the first pamphlet edition. 503 INGERSOLL. Another copy. 16° paper. 504 INGERSOLL. Abraham Lincoln, a lecture. Portrait. 12° original wrappers. C. P. Farrell: New York, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 80. 50 C. F. Libbie & Co. 505 INGERSOLL. Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 16° cloth. New York, 1907 Authorized Special Edition. 506 INGLIS, Samuel M. Department of Public In- struction, J\Iemorial Day, May 30, 1898. Aids for its proper observance by the Schools of Illinois. Oblong 8° paper. (Springfield, 1898) Not yet listed. Contains much Lincoln matter. 507 INGLIS. Souvenir for the School Children of Illinois to be used in the Celebration of Lincoln's Birthday, Feb. I2th, and Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22nd. 8° or- iginal wrappers. Springfield, 111., 1898 Fish, Sup. No. 81. 508 IRISH, E. M. Abraham Lincoln, an Address De- livered before the Lincoln Club at Kalamazoo, Mich., Feb. 9, 1907. 8° original wrappers. (Kalamazoo, 1907) Fish, Sup. No. 82. 509 INGHAM, John A. Abraham Lincoln; an ad- dress delivered at the Commencement Exercises at the Irv- ington High School, New York, June 26, 1902. 8° paper, uncut. New York (1902) Fish, No. 451. Presentation copy from the author. 510 Jackson, S. Trevena. Lincoln's Use of the •^ Bible. Portrait. 16° paper covers. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 83. 511 JACKSON, William R. Programmes for Special Day Exercises, Issued by the Department of Public Instruc- tion, for the use of schools in Nebraska. 8° paper. Lincoln, 1899 Fish, Sup. No. 84. 512 JANVIER, Francis D. H. The Sleeping Senti- nel. 12° original brown paper wrappers. Phila., 1863 Fish, No. 459. A metrical version of the pardon of Thomas Scott. 513 JANVIER. Another copy. Variation of wrap- per. 12° light yellow wrappers. 514 JAPANESE. Story of Lincoln's Life. By Fu- niro Yamagata, Tokio, 1909. Translation of the title of a new Japanese work. Contains portrait of Lincoln. 12° cloth. Not yet listed. 515 JAYNE, Dr. William. Abraham Lincoln. Per- sonal Reminiscences of the IMartyred President. By his neighbor and intimate friend Dr. Jayne. Square 8° limp boards. (Chicago, 1908) Fish, Supp. No. 270. Presentation copy from the author. Book Auctioneers. 5^ 516 JAYNE. Lincoln's Birthday, 1907. Personal Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln, an Address by Dr. Wil- liam Jayne, delivered before the Springfield Chapter of the D. A. R., Feb. 12, 1907, at the Lincoln Home. Pp. 21, in- serted in a cloth cover. Fish, Sup. No. 85. 517 JAYNE. Personal Reminiscences of the Mar- tyred President. Portraits. Square 12° paper. N. p., 1900 Fish, Sup. No. 270. 518 JAYNE. Another copy. 12° paper. 519 JENNINGS, Janet. Abraham Lincoln, the Great- est American. Illustrations. 16° boards. Madison, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 322. 520 JERMON, J. Wagner. Abraham Lincoln and South Carolina. 8° original wrappers. Phila., 1861 Fish, No. 462. A very scarce Lincoln item. 521 JEROME, Alonzo W. The Great Debate, a plat- form scene and the Seven Joint Discussions between Lin- coln and Douglas. One of the relief pictures in the dome of the State Capital at Springfield, 111. Square 8° paper. Springfield (1899) Fish, No. 463. 522 JOHNSON, Reverdy. An Argument to Establish the Illegality of Military Commissions in the United States, and especially of the one organized for the trial of the par- ties charged with conspiring to assassinate the late Presi- dent. 8° original blue wrappers. Baltimore, 1865 Fish, No. 466. 523 JOHNSON. Another copy. 8° original light brown wrappers. 524 [JOHNSON, Edward S.] Abraham Lincoln and his last Resting Place. A leaflet published for distribution at the Lincoln National Monument, Springfield, 111. 8° paper. N. p., 1903 Fish, No. 5. Scarce original edition. Portrait slightly damaged. (Compiled by Edward S. Johnson, Custodian.) 525 JOHNSON, Edward S. Abraham Lincoln ; his last resting place, a leaflet published for distribution at the National Lincoln Monument in the City of Springfield, 111. Illustrations. 8° paper. Danville, n. d. (1908?) Fish, No. 5. Late edition. 526 JOHNSON. The same. 8° paper. (N. p., 1909?) New edition. Not yet listed. 527 JOHNSON, "Rossiter. Campfire and Battlefield; history of the conflicts and campaigns of the great Civil War in the United States. Numerous illustrations, includ- ing full-page frontispiece portrait of Lincoln. Royal 4° cloth. New York, 1896 Not mentioned by Fish. 52 C. F. Libbie & Co. 528 JOHNSON, Rossiter. The Story of a Great Con- flict ; a history of the War of Secession, 1861-65. 60 illus- trations. 8° cloth (badly worn). New York, 1894 529 JOHNSTON, Howard A. An Estimate of Lin- coln, 41st Street Presbyterian Church, Chicago, Feb. i, 1896. 8° paper. Chicago, 1896 Fish, No. 469-A. Presentation copy with autograph of the author. 530 JOHNSTON. An Estimate of Lincoln. A ser- mon preached in Chicago, Feb. 9, 1896. Pp. 7. Chicago, n. d. Fish, No. 469-A. 531 JOHNSTON. Another copy. 532 JONES, Alonzo T. Political Speeches and De- bates of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, 1854- 1861. Portraits. 8° cloth. Battle Creek, 1895 Fish, No. 589. Includes the Cooper Institute Speech, Gettysburg Address and first Inaugural. 533 JONES, ]\Iajor E. R. Lincoln, Stanton and Grant. Historical Sketches. Steel portraits. 8° cloth. London, n. d. Fish, No. 470, preface dated 1875. 534 JONES, William D. Mirror of Modern Democ- racy; the history of the Democratic Party from 1825 to 1861. 12° cloth. New York, 1864 Many references to Abraham Lincoln, with an account of his administration. Not mentioned by Fish. 535 JONES, W. Martin. Abraham Lincoln ; an ad- dress delivered at Phoenix, N. Y., May 30, 1904. Portrait. 12° paper. Rochester, 1904 Fish, No. 473. Scarce. 536 JOSEPH, Philip. The Fame of Abraham Lin- coln. Oration before the Euepia Debating Society of the Moline High School, April 16, 1904. Portrait. Royal 8° paper, uncut. ]\Ioline, 111., 1905 Fish, No. 475. Only 50 copies privately printed by Joseph B. Oakleaf, with autograph of the author. 537 JOUAULT, Alphonse. Abraham Lincoln, sa jeun- esse et sa vie politique, histoire de I'abolition de I'esclavage aux £tats-Unis. 12° original paper covers, uncut. Paris, 1875 Fish, No. 476. Scarce foreign item. 538 JOUAULT. Abraham Lincoln, sa jeunesse et sa vie politique. Portrait. 12° paper, uncut. Paris, 1885 Fish, No. 476, 1883 edition. 539 JOUAULT. Abraham Lincoln su juventud y su vida politica. Historia de la abolicion de la esclavitud en los Estados-Unidos. 16° original paper, uncut. Barcelona, 1876 Fish, Sup. No. 86. Very scarce. Book Auctioneers. 53 540 JUSTE, Theodore. Bibliotheque dc la Jeunesse Beige Abraham Lincoln, I'Affranchissement des Esclaves aux £tats-Unis. Illustrations. 8° paper, uncut. Mons, 1886 Fish, Sup. No. 87. Very scarce. Original cover mended. 541 \r AMANSKI. (Hebrew Work.) Abraham •*-^ Lincoln the Emancipator of the Slaves, his Life and Work. A biographical work by A. Kamanski. 12° cloth. Warsaw, 1910 Fish, Sup. No. 375. Scarce. 542 KAUFMANN, J. L. Die Ermordung Abraham Lincoln's und die geschichte der Grossen Verschworung. Frontispiece. 8° boards (broken). Cincinnati, 1865 Fish, No. 310. This translation in German contains an account of the Conspiracy Trial not in the English pamphlet. Scarce. 543 KECKLEY, Elizabeth. Behind the Scenes; or, thirty years a slave and four years in the White House. Portrait. 12° new cloth. New York, 1868 Fish, No. 481. Incredible but for the accompanying documents. 544 KEELING, Rev. R. K. The Death of Moses, a sermon preached in the Trinity P. E. Church, April 23, 1865, as a Tribute of Respect to the Memory of Abraham Lin- coln. 8° stitched. Washington, 1865 Fish, No. 482. Only 500 copies printed. 545 KEITH, Elbridge G. A Paper on the National Republican Convention of i860, at the University of Illinois, June 19, 1904. 8° paper. Urbana, 1904 Fish, Sup. No. 88. 546 KEITH, E. G. Another copy. 8° paper. 547 KELLEY, William D. Lincoln and Stanton; a study of the real administration of the War of 1861 and '62, with special consideration of some recent statements of General George D. McClellan. 8° wrappers. New York, 1885 Fish, No. 484. 548 KELLOGG, Alice M. Lincoln the Patriot, a ready programme for Lincoln's Birthday. 12° paper. Phila. (1897) Fish, Sup. No. 89. 549 KELLOGG. Another copy. 12° paper. 550 KENNEDY, John P. Mr. Ambrose's Letters on the Rebellion. 16° cloth. New York, 1865 551 KEPLINGER, L. W. An Address delivered before the Springfield Washingtonian Temperance Society at the Second Presbyterian Church, Feb. 22, 1842. By Abraham Lincoln. 8° paper. Kansas City, n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 104. Scarce. 54 C. F. Libbic & Co. 552 KETCHAM, Henry. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait and illustrations. 12° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. New York (1901) Fish, No. 486. This imprint, Perkins Book Co., differs from that given by Fish. ! 553 KETTELL, James P. History of the Great Rebellion. Advance Sheets, pp. i to 144. Containing steel portrait of Lincoln. 8° stitched. Not listed by Fish. Scarce. 554 KETTELL, Thomas P. History of the Great Rebellion from its Commencement to its Close ; giving an account of its origin, the secession of the Southern States and the formation of the Confederate Government. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Worcester, 1862 Vol. I shows portrait of Lincoln and his Cabinet, vol 2 shows portraits of 24 Confederate leaders and also steel plates of the funeral obsequies of President Lincoln at the Presidential Mansion. 555 KETTELL. History of the Great Rebellion. 2 vols, in one. Thick 8° full roan. Hartford, 1866 Portrait of Lincoln and many references to him. 556 KEYNOTES of American Liberty; comprising the most important speeches, proclamations and acts of Congress from the foundation of the Government to the present time, with a history of the flag. 12° cloth. New York, (1866) Not mentioned by Fish. Pp. 194 to 231 relate to Lincoln, his proclamations, etc 557 KINDERHOOK, N. Y., Reformed Church, Feb. 12, 1909. Lincoln's Birthday Programme. 4 pp. 8°. Not yet listed. 558 KINDERHOOK, N. Y. Another copy. 559 KIRKLAND, Charles P. A Letter to Hon. Ben- jamin R. Curtis, late Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, in review of his recently published pamphlet on the Emancipation Proclamation of the President. 8^ paper. New York, 1862 Fish, No. 488. 560 KIRKLAND. Letter to Peter Cooper, with a letter from President Lincoln. 8° paper. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 489. 561 KOREN, Paul. Abraham Lincoln. Et foredrag for studenterne ved Luther-College paa Lincolns fodelsdag den I2te February. 8° original wrappers. Decorah, la., 1901 Fish, No. 490. 562 KRANS, Horatio S. The Lincoln Tribute Book. Appreciations by Statesmen, Men of Letters and Poets, at home and abroad, together with the Lincoln Centenary medal inserted. 16° cloth. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 90. Book Auctioneers. 55 563 KRAUSKOPF, Rabbi Jos. Nineteenth Birthday of Lincohi and Darwin, a Sunday lecture. 8° original wrap- pers. Chicago, 1899 Fish, Sup. No. 91. 564 KRAUSKOPF. Lincoln an Inspiration. 8° wrappers. Phila., 1905 Fish, Sup. No. 92. 565 KRAUSKOPF. Lincoln the Chosen of God. 8° paper. Phila., 1906 Fish, Sup. No. 93. 566 KRAUSKOPF. Centennial of Lincoln's Birth; — The Great White Plague, etc. 8° paper. Feb. 21, 1909. Fish, Sup. No. 376. 567 KREBS, Rev. Dr. Hugo. A Sermon in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, delivered April 19, 1865, at noon in the Church of the Holy Ghost, in St. Louis, Miss. Trans- lated by a lady hearer. 8° original wrapper. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 493. 568 KRAUTH, Charles P. The Two Pageants; a discourse delivered in the first Eng. Evan. Lutheran Church, Pittsburg, Pa., June i, 1865. 8° paper (water stained). Pittsburg, 1865 Fish, No. 491. 569 T AMBERT, William H. Abraham Lincoln, -*— ' Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. Annual Oration delivered before the Society of the Army of the Potomac, Pittsburg, Oct. II, 1899. Royal 8° wrapper. Privately Printed: 1900 Fish, No. 496. Only 40 copies printed. Scarce. 570 LAMBERT. The Society of the Army of the Potomac. Report of the 13th Annual Reunion at Pittsburg, Oct. II and 12, 1899. New York, 1899 See Fish, No. 496. Contains the address of Major Lambert as originally printed. 571 LAMBERT. Versions of the Gettysburg Address cited by Major William H. Lambert in his paper entitled " The Gettysburg Address, when written, how received, its true form." Small 4° paper. Phila., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 94. Pp. 7. 572 LAMBERT. The same. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, October, 1909. Pp. 27. 8° original wrappers, uncut. Phila., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 94. A variation of above. Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. 56 ■ C. F. Libbie & Co. 573 LAMBERT. Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1909. Lin- coln Literature. Address before the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Memorial Meeting Feb. 3, 1909. Square 12° paper. (Phila., 1909) Fish, Sup. Xo. 95. 574 LAMBERT. Abraham Lincoln. Address before the L'nion League of Philadelphia, Feb. 12, 1909. Portrait. 8° paper. Philadelphia (1909) Fish, Sup. No. 96. 575 LAMBERT. Another copy. 8° paper. 576 LAMBERT, A Lincoln Correspondence, with introduction and notes. Reprinted from the Century Maga- zine. Feb., 1909. 8° paper. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 236. Presentation copy, with autograph of the author. 577 LANMAN. Dictionary of the L'nited States Congress. 5th ed. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1868 Contains a biographical notice of Lincoln. 578 LAUGHLIN, Clara E. The Death of Lincoln; the story of Booth's plot, his deed and penalty. Illustra- tions. 12° cloth. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. Xo. 271. 579 LAW Association, Philadelphia. Minutes of the Meetings and Exercises held at the Rooms of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in Commemoration of the Cen- tennial of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln. Orations by Hon. Samuel "\\'. Pennypacker and Col. Alexander K. ]\IcClure. Portraits. 8° paper. (Phila., 1909) Fish, Sup. X'o. 97. Presentation copy from Gov. Penn\-packer. 580 LAWLER, Daniel \V. Lincoln Day Address at a ^Meeting held under the Auspices of St. Louis Camp Xo. I, Sons of \'eterans, at Assembly Hall, Old State Capital, St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 12, 1907. 8° paper. (St. Paul, 1907) Fish, Sup. No. 98. 581 LEA, John Henry and J. R. Hutchinson. The Ancestry- of Abraham Lincoln. Portraits and photogravure illustrations. Royal 8° half English calf. Houghton & ^lifflin Co. : Boston, 1909 Fish, Sup. Xo. 272. Limited Edition. 582 LEARNED, Z^Iarion D. Abraham Lincoln and American Migration. Family English not German. With photographic illustrations. 8° boards. Phila., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 378. Only 500 copies printed. 583 LEE, James \V. Abraham Lincoln, a Tribute Delivered Feb. 14, 1909 upon the Occasion of a Special Memorial Service. 8° paper. Augusta, Ga. (1909) Fish, Sup. No. 99. Book Auctioneers. r/ 9 O 584 LEHMANN, Frederick W. Abraham Lincoln Address at Memorial Hall, Chicago, Feb. 12. 1908. 12 paper. Chicago (1908) Fish. Stip. No. 100. 585 LELAND, Charles G. Abraham Lincoln. 12 cloth. Marcus Ward & Co.: London ^1879) See Fish. No. 504. With English imprint. First Ea^sh edtticm, 246 pp. This edition not mentioned by Fish. 586 LEMMON, George t' Lincoln the Light of His Age, a Centennial Memorial and Prospectus of a two vol- ume edition published by the Cochrane Pub. Co. Pp. 16. 8" paper. Fish. Sup. Xo. loi. Scarce. 587 LETTER to the President of the United States by a Refugee. 8" stitched. Phila., 1863 Fish. Xo. 509- The author was F. A. P. Barnard, afterwards President of Columbia College. 588 LEVY, Rabbi T. Leonard. The Message of Lin- coln. Pp. 22. 8' stitched. Pittsburg. 191 1 Not yet listed. 589 LEVY. The Reformed Pulpit, 19th Centur>- Prophets. IX Abraham Lincoln. Sunday Lecture before Congregation Rodeph Shalom. Pittsburg. Pa., April 16, 1905. 8° paper. l^ Pittsburg, 1905) Unknown ro Fish. Extremely scarce. 590 LIBERTY Theatre. Dec. 13, 1909. Lincoln Proclamation. 4 pp. Royal 4". Xot yet listed. 591 LIEBER. Loyal Pubhcation Society. Xew York. Lincoln oder McCIellan. 4 pp. 8°. New York (1864) Fish. Xo. 511. 592 LIFE and Martyrdom of Abraham Lincoln. i6th President of the L'nited States and Commander in Chief of the Armv and Xa\-^' of the L'nited States. Portrait. 12" cloth. ' ' Phila. (1864) Fish. Xo. 516. The scarce first issue. This edition not men- tioned by Fish, but he mentions the edition of 1S65. 593 LIFE and Public Ser^-ices of Hon. Abraham Lin- coln, of Illinois and Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine. 12° original wrappers. Boston, i860 Fish, Xo. 514. 594 LIFE of. The same. Another copy (lacks back wrapper). 595 LIGHT and Dark of the Rebellion. 12= cloth. Phila.. 1S63 596 LINCOLN. Complete Works : comprising his speeches, letters. State papers and miscellaneous writings. Edited by John G. Xicolay and John Hay. 2 vols. S'' sheep. Centura- Co. : Xew York, 1894 Fish, Xo. 559. 58 C. F. Libbie & Co. 597 LINCOLN. Complete Works of. Edited by John G. Nicolay and John Hay. With a general introduc- tion by Richard Watson Gilder and special articles by other eminent persons. New and enlarged ed. 12 vols. 8° half red morocco, uncut, gilt tops. New York (1905) Fish, No. 575. 598 LINCOLN. Complete Works of. Edited by Nicolay and Hay, Publisher's Prospectus. 8° paper. Fish, No. 575. See note. 599 LINCOLN. Life and Works of. Centenary ed. Edited by Marion M. Miller. 9 vols. 12° half morocco, un- cut, gilt top. Lincoln Centenary Association: 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 122. Printed for Subscribers only. 600 LINCOLN. Life and Works of. Commemora- tive ed. Edited by Marion M. Miller. 10 vols. 12° half red roan. Current Literature Pub. Co. : New York, 1907 Not yet listed. 601 LINCOLN. Works of. Introduction and spe- cial articles by Theodore Roosevelt and others. Managing Editors John H. Clifford and Marion M. Miller. 6 vols. 18° cloth. New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 115. 602 LINCOLN. Works of. With introductions and special articles by Theodore Roosevelt and others. Man- aging Editors John H, Clifford and Marion M. Miller. 4 vols. 16° cloth. New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 116. . 603 LINCOLN. Writings of. Edited by A. B. Laps- ley. With an introduction by Theodore Roosevelt. Por- traits. 8 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1905 Fish, No. 574. The Federal Edition of 1,000 signed and numbered copies. 604 LINCOLN. Writings of. Edited by A. B. Laps- ley after an introduction by Theodore Roosevelt, etc. 8 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Lamb Pub. Co.: New York (1905) This edition not mentioned by Fish. 605 LINCOLN. Writings of. Edited by A. B. Laps- ley. With introduction by Theodore Roosevelt. 8 vols, square 8° brown morocco, gilt backs and tops. Collier: New York (1905) Centennial Edition. This particular edition not mentioned by Fish. 606 LINCOLN. Abraham Lincoln ; his book, a fac- simile reproduction of the original, with an explanatory note of J. McCan Davis. 24° roan. New York, 1901 Fish, No. 569. o Book Auctioneers. 59 607 LINCOLN. Abraham Lincoln's Lost Speech, May 29, 1856. Portrait. 8° white cloth, uncut. New York, 1897 Fish, No. 524. The version of Henry C. Whitney, written many years after the event, accuracy much doubted. 500 copies printed at the DeVinne Press. 608 LINCOLN'S Account of the Hampton Roads Conference. With facsimiles from the original documents in the collection of Judd Stewart. Original photographic portrait and facsimile letter. Royal 4° boards. Privately Printed: 1910 Presentation copy from the author. 609 [LINCOLN.] "A. L." Souvenir Booklet in Double Page. Numerous illustrations. Royal 8° paper. N. W. Alger & Son : Phila., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 304. 610 LINCOLN Album. Life of the Preserver of the Union, the Liberty of a People and the First American. Told by authentic pictures. Numerous illustrations. Ob- long 4° full limp morocco. St. Louis, Mo., 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 124. 611 LINCOLN. American History Leaflets No. 18 Lincoln Inaugural and First Message to Congress. 12 wrapper. Parker P. Stimmons : 1906 Fish, No. 558. Reissue. 612 LINCOLN. American Historical Leaflets No. 26. Extracts from Lincoln's State papers. New York, 1896 Fish, No. 563. 613 LINCOLN. Another. Reissue of Parker P. Stimmons' 1905. Fish, No. 563. Reissue. 614 LINCOLN Amnesty Proclamation and Third An- nual Message of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Read in Congress Dec. 9, 1863. 8° paper. No imprint. Fish, No. 538. 615 LINCOLN. An Address delivered by Abraham Lincoln before the Springfield Washingtonian Temperance Society at the Second Presbyterian Church, Springfield, 111., 1842. 8° original wrappers. Springfield, 1889 Fish, No. 520. 616 LINCOLN and Douglas Debates. With intro- duction and notes by A. L. Bouton. 16° cloth. New York, 1905 Fish, No. 592. 617 LINCOLN and Douglas. Political Debates. 8° original cloth. Columbus, i860 Fish, No. 586. Scarce original edition. 6o C. F. Libbie & Co. 6i8 LINCOLN and Douglas. Political Debates. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Cleveland, 1894 Fish, No. 587. The scarce limited edition. 619 LINCOLN and Douglas. Political Debates. Por- trait. 12° cloth. Cleveland, 1907 Fish, No. 587, 1897 edition. Sup. 128. 620 LINCOLN and Douglas Political Debates ; also two great speeches of Abraham Lincoln in Ohio in 1859 and the complete index to the whole. Royal 8° cloth. Cleveland, 1895 Fish, No. 588. 621 LINCOLN and Douglas. Speeches of. May- nard's English Classic Series No. 216. 16° paper. New York (1899) Fish, No. 591. 622 LINCOLN and Douglas. The First Lincoln and Douglas Debate at Ottawa, III, Aug. 21, 1858. Old South Leaflets No. 85. 16° paper. Boston, n. d. Fish, No. 585. 623 LINCOLN. Another copy. 16° paper. 624 LINCOLN. Annual Message to Congress, Dec. 8, 1863. 8° sheets. 625 LINCOLN at Gettysburg. Published in Connec- tion with the Exhibition of the Historical Painting of Lin- coln at Gettysburg. By Albion H. Bicknell. 12° paper. Boston, 1879 Fish, No. 581. Scarce. 626 LINCOLN. Autobiography of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 16° cloth, uncut. New York, 1905 Fish, No. 573. 627 LINCOLN. The Autobiography of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 16° boards, uncut. New York (1905) Fish, No. 573. Besides the three autobiographical notes, it con- tains the " House Divided " speech. 628 LINCOLN. Autobiography of Abraham Lincoln. The original, which was written for Campaign purposes, seems to have disappeared. Facsimile of the handwriting of Lincoln. 3 pp. 8°. Not yet listed. 629 LINCOLN'S Autograph. Reproduced from the original MSS. in facsimile. Oblong 16° paper. Current Literature Pub. Co. : New York, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 121. 630 LINCOLN'S Birthday. Exercises for the School- room. Teacher's Help Series. Boston, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 384. Book Auctioneers. (>i 631 LINCOLN. The Bixby Letter and Gettysburg Address. 8° card. Published by the Lincohi Alemorial Company, Washington, D. C. Not yet listed. 632 LINCOLN. Book Prospectuses, Book Advertise- ments, etc., all containing extracts and notices of Lincoln. 48 pieces. 633 LINCOLN Centennial. Special Lincoln Services, Sunday School First Unitarian Church, Clinton, Mass., Feb. 7, 1909. 4 pp. 8°. Clinton. Not yet listed. 634 LINCOLN Centennial Association Banquet given on the lOOth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, Feb. 12, 1909, Illinois State Armory, Springfield. Portrait on cover, menu, etc. List of Members. 4° boards. Springfield, 1909 Not yet listed. Scarce. 635 LINCOLN Centennial Medal. Presenting the Medal of Abraham Lincoln. By Jules Edouard Roime, to- gether with papers of the medal, its origin and symbolism. By George N. Olcott, etc., with the bronze medal inserted. 12° cloth. New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. III. 636 LINCOLN Centennial Medal. Prospectus of. Issued by Daniel H. Newhall, New York. 4 pp. 12°. Not yet listed. 637 LINCOLN Centennial Meetings, Feb. 12, 1909, of the 7th Infantry, Illinois National Guard ; — Battery B. of the 2nd Infantry, etc., giving programme and verses of patriotic songs. 4 pp. each. (5) Not yet listed. 638 LINCOLN Club. Fourteenth Annual Banquet, Feb. 12, 1908. Jackson, Michigan. Menu and programme in colors. Folded, card. Small 4°. 639 LINCOLN. Debate with Douglas and War Speeches and Papers. The Irving Library, vol. 7, No. 949. 16^ paper. John B. Alden: New York, 1900 Fish, Sup. No. 381. Variation mentioned in the note. Scarce. 640 LINCOLN. The same. 12° paper. Fish, Sup. No. 381. This and the above are separate reprints from Alden's Cyclopaedia. 641 LINCOLN Educational League. List of Officers, Constitution, Gettysburg Tablet, etc. 4 pp. 8°. Not yet listed. 62 C. F. Libbie & Co. 642 LINCOLN Farm Association. The Lincoln Cen- tenary Programme of the National Centennial Celebration, together with the Report of the Executive Committee of the Lincoln Farm Association and other matters in connection with the Lincoln Birthplace Memorial. 12° paper. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 326. 643 LINCOLN Farm. Another copy. 12° paper. 644 LINCOLN Fellowship. First Annual Meeting and Dinner of the Lincoln Fellowship held at Delmonico's, New York City, Feb. 12, 1908. Photograph of Lincoln from the original negative made by M. B. Brady, 1864. 8° paper, uncut. New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 126. 645 LINCOLN Fellowship. Proceedings at the First Annual ]\Ieeting and Dinner of the Lincoln Fellowship held at Delmonico's Feb. 12, 1908. Portrait. Pp. 62. 8° orig- inal wrapper, uncut. New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 127. 646 LINCOLN Fellowship. Proceedings of the Sec- ond and Third Annual Meetings, Feb. 20, 1909, and Feb. 12, 1910. Photograph from original negative. 8° original wrappers. New York (1910) Fish, Sup. No. 127. Menu, Digest of Constitution, Officers and Members. 647 LINCOLN Fellowship. Proceedings at the Fourth Annual Meeting and dinner of the Lincoln Fellow- ship, New York, Feb. 11, 191 1. Photograph from original negative, of Lincoln and Tad. 8° paper. New York, 191 1 Not yet listed. 648 LINCOLN, Abraham. First and Second Inaugu- ral Addresses. Message July 5, 1861, Proclamation Jan. i, 1863, Gettysburg Address Nov. 19, 1863. 8° paper, Washington, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 237. 649 LINCOLN. Gems from Abraham Lincoln, born Feb, II, 1809, in Hardin Co., Ky., died, April 15, 1865, Wash- ington, D. C. Portrait. 8° stitched. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 554. Scarce. 650 LINCOLN'S Gettysburg Address. 4 pp. 12°, Advertisement. Published by the Revere Rubber Co., Bos- ton, Designed and printed by the Artgravers, N. Y., n. d. Not 3^et listed. 651 LINCOLN. Gettysburg Address. Beautifully printed in colors. 4° card. C. Brown & Co. : New York, 1908 652 LINCOLN. Another copy. Printed on paper (margins torn). Book Auctioneers. 63 653 LINCOLN'S Gettysburg Oration and First and Second Inaugural Addresses. 12° boards, uncut. New York, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 123. 654 LINCOLN'S Gettysburg Speech and Inaugural Addresses. Cadogan Booklet No. 22. 24° paper. Fish, Sup. No. 385. 655 LINCOLN Guard of Honor. Organization and Objects of the Lincoln Guard of Honor and First Memorial Services, Springfield, 111., April 15, 1880. 8° wrappers. Springfield, n. d. Fish, No. 722. Scarce. 656 LINCOLN. Another copy. 8° wrappers. 657 LINCOLN Guard of Honor, Springfield, 111. Programmes of Memorial Services for 1881, '82, '83, '84 and '86. 4 pp. each. (5) Not yet listed. 658 LINCOLN. The Influence of Abraham Lincoln upon Slavery and its Issues : Indicated by his Speeches, Letters, Messages and Proclamations. Pp. 16. 8° sti+ched, uncut. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 550. 659 LINCOLN. In Memoriam. Trent, Filmer & Co., New York. (1865). Small 4°. Fish, No. 555. Printed on alternate pages. Contains besides various addresses and papers the favorite poem, with the letter con- taining it, from F. B. Carpenter. Scarce. 660 LINCOLN. In Memoriam. Square 8° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 593. Compiled by the publisher, William V. Spencer. Contains many sermons, eulogies, letters, etc., and a list of some 300 publications on Mr. Lincoln's death. 661 LINCOLN. Letters and Addresses of Abraham Lincoln. 12° paper. New York, 1905 Fish, No. 572. 662 LINCOLN, Abraham. Letters and Addresses; with a brief biography, the story of the book, notes on the text, list of authorities and index. Portrait. 12° cloth. 1908. Not mentioned in the bibliographies. Published by the Sun Dial Classics Co. 663 LINCOLN. The Letters of President Lincoln on the Questions of National Policy. 12° original wrap- pers. New York, 1863 Fish, No. 547. 664 LINCOLN. Life, Speeches and Anecdotes. Portrait. 18° boards. New York, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 120. 64 C. F. Libbie & Co. 665 LINCOLN. Little Masterpieces. Edited by Bliss Perry. Abraham Lincoln, Early Speeches, etc. 16° cloth. New York, 1901 Fish, No. 565. Reissue of the 1898 edition. 666 LINCOLN, The Martyr's Monument ; being the patriotism and political wisdom of Abraham Lincoln. 12° cloth (bottom margins ink stained). New York (1865) Fish, No. 553. Edited by Dr. Francis Leiber. 667 LINCOLN Memorial Tablet on board the S. S. " President Lincoln '' of the Hamburg- American Line, at the Piers Hoboken, N. J., June 5, 1908, under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic. Portrait and illustra- tion of the tablet and steamship. Programme. Royal 8°, folded. Not listed. Scarce. 668 LINCOLN. Old South Leaflets No. 11. Lin- coln's Inaugurals. The Emancipation Proclamation, etc. 12°. Boston, n. d. Fish, No. 541. 669 LINCOLN. Another copy. 12°. 670 LINCOLN. Old South Leaflets No. 107. Lin- coln's Cooper Institute Address. 12° paper. Boston, n. d. Fish, No. 534. 671 LINCOLN. Another copy. 12° paper. 672 LINCOLN. President Lincoln's Views; an im- portant letter on the principles involved in the Vallandig- ham case. 8° original wrappers. Phila., 1863 Fish, No. 546. The cover title not mentioned by Fish is " The Truth from an Honest man, the Letter of the President." 673 LINCOLN. The Republican Party Vindicated. The Demands of the South Explained. Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of 111., at the Cooper Institute, New York City, Feb. 20, i860. 8° sheets. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 533. 674 LINCOLN Republican Club. Twentieth Annual Banquet, Feb. 10, 1909. Royal 8° paper. Detroit (1909) Fish, Sup. No. 387. 675 LINCOLN. Selections from the Works of Abra- ham Lincoln ; a souvenir of the 7th Annual Lincoln dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York at Del- monico's Feb. 11, 1893. 9 portraits of Lincoln. 16° cloth, uncut. New York, 1893 Fish, No. 556. 676 LINCOLN Society, Peekskill, Westchester Co., N. Y. Oflficers and By-Laws. 18° paper. N. p., n. d. (1910) Not yet listed. 677 LINCOLN Souvenir. Issued by the Valentine Varnish Co., 1908. 8 pp. folded. Not yet listed. Book Auctioneers. 65 678 LINCOLN. Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln deHvered in Springfield, Saturday evening, July 17, 1818. 8 pp. No imprint. Fish, No. 526. One of the very rarest of the earlier speeches of Lincohi. Copies rarely offered at auction. 679 LINCOLN, The Speeches of Abraham Lincoln ; including inaugurals and proclamations. With biographical introductions and prefatory notes. Portrait, from an un- touched negative made in 1864. 8° half red morocco, uncut, gilt top. Lincoln Centenary Association : New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 108. Centenary Edition de Luxe. 680 LINCOLN. Speech of. National Cemetery Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 19, 1863. 12° paper. Kalamazoo, Mich. (1907) Fish, Sup. No. 383. Scarce. 681 LINCOLN. Speeches of ; including Inaugurals and Proclamations. Selected and edited, with an introduc- tion and prefatory notes by G. Mercer Adam. Portrait. 12° cloth. New York (1906) Fish, No. 575-A. 682 LINCOLN'S Speeches. Young Folk's Library of Choice Literature No. 142. Small 4° original wrappers. V Educational Pub. Co., Boston, n. d. Not yet listed. 683 LINCOLN. Three Great Speeches, Abraham Lincoln. 16° paper. Phila., n. d. Fish, No. 557. 684 LINCOLN. To Lincoln Republicans on the Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, Feb. 12, 1900. 12° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 566. Lincoln extracts circulated at Minneapolis, Minn., by Anti-Imperialist Partisans. 685 LINCOLN. Tribune Tracts No. 4. National Politics. Speech of Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, delivered at the Cooper Institute, Feb. 27, i860. 8° stitched. New York (i860) Fish, No. 529. Originally issued by the New York Tribune. Very scarce. 686 LINCOLN'S Words on Living Questions. Ed- ited by H. S. Taylor and D. M. Fulwiller. 8° original covers. Chicago (1900) Fish, No. 567. LINCOLN PORTRAITS. 687 ABRAHAM Lincoln. i6th President of the United States. Wood engraving colored by hand. En- graved by Ensign, Bridgman & Fanning. Small folio, col- ored, wood engraving. 66 C. F. Libbie & Co. LINCOLN PORTRAITS — Continued. 688 ABRAHAM Lincoln and Family. Designed and Drawn by H. A. Thomas. Published by \V. C. Robertson, N. Y., 1865. Oblong- folio, lithograph. 689 [APOTHEOSIS of Lincoln.] In Memory of Abraham Lincoln. The reward of the just. Folio, litho- graph. Published by William Smith, Philadelphia (one margin slightly torn into). 690 LINCOLN and His Cabinet. The First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation before the Cabinet. From the original picture painted at the White House in 1864. Engraved by A. H. Ritchie, painted by F. B. Carpenter, 1866. Large folio. 691 LINCOLN Portrait. Specimen of Engraved Bond having a vignette portrait of Lincoln at the top. with coupons at the bottom of vignettes cancelled. Small folio. 692 LINCOLN. Portrait of. Engraved by A. H. Ritchie after a photo by Brady. Cut down with mount for framing in oval frame. 693 LINCOLN. Portrait of. Engraved by William E. Marshall. India proof before all letters. New York, 1866 694 LINCOLN. Another copy. Plain proof, bril- liant impression. 695 LINCOLN. The Martyr of Liberty. Litho- graphic view of John Wilkes Booth shooting Lincoln in the Box at Ford's Theatre. The front view. Small folio. Rare. 696 LINCOLN. Portrait of. Lithographed by J. H. BufTord's, Boston. Large folio. 697 LINCOLN. Engraved by A. H. Ritchie, after photo by Brady. Published by Derby and Miller, New York. Small folio. 698 LINCOLN. Engraved by George E. Ferine, New York, 1864. Small folio. 699 LINCOLN. Copied by permission from the or- iginal picture by iSIatthew Wilson, now in the possession of Hon. Gideon Wells, Sec. of the Navy. Published by L. Prang & Co.. Boston, 1865. Folio, lithograph. 700 LINCOLN. Proclamation of Emancipation. Lithographic broadside, with allegorical pictures. Pub- lished by B. B. Russell, Cornhill, Boston, 1865. Folio, tinted lithograph. 701 LINCOLN. Gettysburg Address of Abraham Lincoln. Designed and engraved by Sidney L. Smith, 1907. Published by Charles E. Goodspeed, Boston, 1907. Large folio. Beautiful design for framing for schools, etc. Book Auctioneers. ^7 LINCOLN PORTRAITS — Continued. 702 LINCOLN. The Latest Photograph of President Lincoln, taken on the balcony of the White House, March 6, 1865. H. F. Warren, Waltham, Mass. Small 4° mounted on card. Extremely rare. 703 LINCOLN Portraits. Engraved by J. C. McRae, J. C. Buttre, A. B. Walter, Alonzo Chappel, Photogravure by A. W. Elson & Co., Colored lithograph by G. H. Bueck & Co., and small photograph. 9 pieces. 704 LINCOLN Portraits. Engraved by H. Wright Smith ; — Manhattan Engraving Co., vignette head ; — Treas- ury Department ; — A. H. Ritchie ; — Thomas Chubbock, proof before letters, half length, sitting; — Photogravure by A. W. Elson & Co., 1891. (7) 705 LINCOLN, Solomon. Notes on the Lincoln Fam- ilies in Massachusetts, with some account of the family of Abraham Lincoln. 8° paper, uncut. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 595. Only 50 copies printed. Extremely rare and seldom occur for sale. 706 LITTELL'S Living Age, Jan. 28, 1865. Contains Comments on the President's Message from the Spectator. 8° wrappers, uncut. Boston. Not yet Ifsted. 707 LITTLE, Charles J. Abraham Lincoln; an ad- dress delivered on Lincoln Day, 1907, at Chicago. Pp. 16. 8° stitched. Chicago, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 129. 708 LITTLE Classic Series. Speeches by Lincoln. 12° paper. A. Flanagan & Co. : Chicago, n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 380. 709 LIVES and Speeches of Abrahaman Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. Portraits. 12° cloth. New York, i860 Fish, No. 597. With a New York Imprint of W. A. Townsend & Co. The Lincoln Biography is by W. D. Howells. 710 LODGE, Henry Cabot. Address before General Court of Massachusetts on the occasion of the looth Anni- versary of the Birth of Lincoln. Portraits. 8° cloth. Boston, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 130. 711 LONDON Punch, 1862-1865. (9 nos.). All containing caricatures or references to Lincoln or the Civil War. These original caricatures are now exceedingly scarce. 712 LONG, John D. Abraham Lincoln. An Address at the Centennial and Symphony Hall, Feb. 12, 1909. 8° or- iginal wrappers, uncut. Boston, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 388. 68 C. F. Libbie & Co. 713 LONG. The Republican Party; its history, prin- ciples and policies. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1888 Portrait of Lincoln. Contains President Lincoln's Inauguration Emancipation Proclamation, etc. Not mentioned by Fish. 714 LORD, James J. Lincoln Monument. Dedica- tion Poem delivered at Oak Ridge Ceinetery, Springfield, 111., October 15, 1874. Illustrated. Square 8° cloth. (Danville, 111., 1907) Fish, Sup. No. 132. 715 LOSSING, B. J. The Civil War in America. Vols. I and 3. 2 vols. 8° cloth and full morocco. Hartford, 1868-76 Vol. I contains a full-page steel group portrait of Lincoln and his Cabinet with General Scott. 716 LOUISVILLE, Ky. Lincoln Centennial Ser- vices, 1909, Temple Adath Israel. 8° paper. Louisville (1909) Fish, Sup. No. 294. 717 LOVE, John L. Lincoln the Emancipator. Ad- dress delivered before the Excelsior Club, Guthrie, Okla., Feb. 12, 1909. 8° paper. Langston, Okla. (1909) Fish, Sup. No. 277. 718 [LOVETT, Richard.] Abraham Lincoln. The Religious Tract Society, London. Small 4° original wrap- pers. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 601. 719 LOWELL, James Russell. My Study Windows. First ed. 12° cloth (shaken). Boston, 1871 Contains Lowell's Sketch of the Life of Lincoln, 15 pp. Not listed by Fish. 720 LOWELL. North American Review, Jan., 1864. 8° paper, uncut. Boston, 1864 See Fish, No. 603. First appearance of James Russell Lowell's famous article on the President's Policy. Copies of this magazine containing this article are extremely scarce. Reprints of Lowell's article in book form has sold as high as $85. 721 LOWELL. The Gettysburg Speech and other Papers. By Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln and an Essay on Lincoln by James Russell Lowell. With preface and notes. 16° original wrappers. Boston, 1888 Fish, No. 604. 722 LOWELL City Library. Abraham Lincoln. A List of Lincoln's Writings and works relating to Lincoln. 18° pap-er. Lowell. Fish, Sup. No. 278. 723 LOYAL Legion. Address before the Command- ery of the State of New York, Feb. 3, 1909. 8° paper. New York (1909) Fish, Sup. No. 279. J Book Auctioneers. 69 724 LOYAL Legion. Commemoration of the Lincoln Centennial by the Ohio Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Feb, 12, 1909. Douglas A. Brown, Official Reporter. 8° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 131. 725 LOYAL Legion. State of Pennsylvania. Abra- ham Lincoln. Memorial Meeting Feb. 12, 1908. 8° paper. (Phila., 1908) Fish, Sup. No. 134. Includes addresses of Major-General G. M. Dodge. " My Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln." 726 LOYAL Legion, State of Pennsylvania, Me- morial Meeting Feb. 3, 1909. 8° paper. Phila., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 135. Contains " Lincoln and his Veterans," by- Henry C. McCook, and Lincoln Literature, by W. H. Lambert. 727 LOYAL Legion of the United States. Command- ery of the State of Pennsylvania. Abraham Lincoln. Me- morial Meeting Feb. 12, 1908. Address by Grenville M. Dodge. 8° paper. Phila., 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 134. 728 LOYAL Legion of the United States. Command- ery of the State of Pennsylvania. Ceremonies in Commem- oration of the Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln. Phila., Feb. 12, 1909. Portrait and flags in colors. 8° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 280. Scarce. 729 LOYAL Publication Society. Pamphlets issued by, from Feb. i, 1863, to Feb. i, 1864. Nos. i to 44. Bound together. 8° half roan, original covers bound in. New York, 1864 Fine clean copies. No. 26, Letter to the President by General A. J. Hamilton, of Texas (Fish, No. 379) ; No. 32, War Power of the President, by J. Heermans (Fish, No. 608) and others. 730 LOYAL Publication Society. Pamphlets issued from Feb. i, 1864, to Feb. i, 1865. Nos. 45 to 78. Bound in one vol. 8° half roan. New York. Fish, Nos. 511, 512 and 513, are included in this volume. 731 LOYAL Publication Society No. 32. War Powers of the President. By H. Heemans. 8° paper. New York, 1864 Fish, No. 608. 732 LOYAL Legion. Military Order State of Penn- sylvania. Abraham Lincoln, Memorial Meeting Feb. 13, 1907. 8° paper. Phila. (1907) Fish, Sup. No. 133, with address by James A. Worden and others. 733 LUBY. J. Wilkes Booth ; or, the National Trag- edy. An original tragedy in 5 acts. By William A. Luby. 12° original wrappers. Kalamazoo, 1880 Fish, Sup. No. 136. Very scarce. Many collectors lack this item. 70 C. F. Libhie & Co. 734 LUDLOW, John M. President Lincoln Self-Por- trayed. Portrait. i6° cloth, uncut. London, 1866 Fish, No. 610. A reprint with slight changes and additions to articles in " Good Words " for August and December, 1865. 735 LYAL, Edna. Autobiography of a Slander. By Edna Lyal and Abraham Lincoln. 12° boards. Wolfenbuttel, 1898 Fish, Sup. No. 109, 736 TVTcCARTHY, Charles H. Lincoln's Plan of -*-^-*- Reconstruction. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1901 Fish, No. 612. 737 McCASKEY, J. P. One Hundred Years. Abra- ham Lincoln. Royal 8° paper. Lancaster, Pa. Fish, Sup. No. 137. Reprinted from the January number of the Pennsylvania School Journal. 738 MacCHESNEY, Nathan W. Abraham Lincoln, a Tribute of a Century, 1809-1909, Commemorative of the Lincoln Centenary and containing the principal speeches made in connection therewith. Illustrations. 8° boards, uncut. Chicago, 1910 Fish, Sup. No. 391. 739 McCLEARY. What Shall the Lincoln Memorial Be. Pp. 334 to 341. 8° stitched. Reprinted from the Re- view of Reviews, Sept., 1908. Fish, Sup. No. 139. 740 McCLEARY. Another copy. 8° stitched. 741 McCLELLAN, George B. Report on the Organ- ization and Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. Map. 8° cloth. New York, 1864 Shows copy of one of the many letters written by President Lincoln to General McClellan. 742 McCLELLAN. The Saint-Gaudens Lincoln, From Memorial Oration Augustus Saint-Gaudens, delivered in New York, Feb. 29, 1908. Printed in Putnam's Monthly August, 1908. 4 pp. small 4°. Not yet listed. 743 McCLURE, A. K. Abraham Lincoln and Men of War-Times. Some personal recollections of War and Poli- tics during the Lincoln Administration. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Phila., 1892 Fish, No. 617. 744 McCLURE. "Abe " Lincoln's Yarns and Stories ; a complete collection of the funny and witty anecdotes that made Lincoln famous as America's greatest story teller. Illustrations. Square 8° cloth. Chicago, 1901 Fish, No. 618. With a variation on title-page and imprint. Book Auctioneers. 7^ 745 McCLURE, J. B. Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's Stories. Portrait. 8° cloth. Chicago, 1879 Fish, No. 619. Rare original edition of 188 pp. 746 McCLURE. Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's Stories. 8° paper (cover worn). Chicago, 1879 Fish, No. 619. Pp. 188 and 18 pp. at the end. 747 McCLURE. Another copy, 1879. 188 pp. and 36 pp. at the end. 748 McCLURE. Anecdoten von Abraham Lincoln und Lincoln's Erzahlungen. Portrait and illustrations. 8° cloth (worn copy). Chicago, 1885 Fish, No. 620, the 1885 edition. 749 McCLURE. Abraham Lincoln's Stories and Speeches. 12° cloth. Chicago, 1900 Fish, No. 621, 1900 edition. 750 McCLURE. Abraham Lincoln's Speeches Chron- ologically arranged and illustrated. 12° paper. Chicago, 1891 Fish, Sup. No. 281. This work in this particular form differs from most of the other editions. Scarce. 751 McCLURE. Col. McClure's Statement of Lin- coln's Journey. 3 pp. 8°. Reprinted from the Philadelphia Press, Jan., 1908. Fish, Sup. No. 327. Scarce. 752 McCOOK, Rev. Henry C. Some Characteristics of Abraham Lincoln. 8° half morocco (original wrappers bound in). Phila., 1901 Fish, No. 622. With the book-plate of a Lincoln collector con- taining the portrait of Lincoln. 753 McCOOK. Lincoln and his Veterans, a Centen- ary Ode. 12° paper. N. p., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 140. Presentation copy from the author, with his autograph. 754 McCOOK. Address delivered before the Com- mandery of the State of New York, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Feb. 3, 1909, in Observance of the looth Anni- versary of the Birth of President Abraham Lincoln. 8° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 140-A. Contains address by General Anson G. McCook, " President Abraham Lincoln." Contains also address of General Horace Porter and Horace White and Lincoln's Last Hours by Charles A. Leale. 755 McDonald, James M. President Lincoln ; his figure in history. Discourse, First Presbyterian Church, Princeton, N. J., June, 1865. 8° wrappers. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 623. Scarce, only 250 copies printed. 72 C. F. Libbic & Co. 756 McEL'REY, Rev. J. H. The Substance of Two Discourses Occasioned by the National Bereavement, the Assassination of the President, etc. 12° original wrappers. Wooster, O., 1865 Fish, No. 624. Only 400 copies printed. 757 MACKAYE, Percy. Ode on the Centenary of Abraham Lincoln. Square 16° cloth, uncut. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 138. 758 McKINLEY, William. Abraham Lincoln ; an ad- dress before the Marquette Club, Chicago, Feb. 12, 1896. 8° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 627. 759 MACLEAN, Mary. Letters and Addresses of Abraham Lincoln. 12° cloth. New York, 1907 Not yet listed. 760 McLEAN County Historical Society. Transac- tions of. Vol. 3. Illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. Bloomington, 1900 Fish, No. 628. A valuable contribution to History of the " Lost Speech " Convention and of Lincohi's part in formation of the Republican Party. 761 McNAIR, John. Eighty Original Poems, Secular and Secret and Chiefly Adapted to the Times. 16° cloth. Lancaster, Pa., 1865 Contains a Poem " The Murdered President," 25 verses. 762 MALTBY, Charles. Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln. 8° cloth. Stockton, Cal., 1884 Fish, No. 629. 763 MANOEL, Jose. As Exequias de Abrahao Lin- coln. 16° paper. Rio Janeiro, n. d. Fish, No. 630. An extremely rare Lincoln item. 764 MANSHIP, Rev. Andrew. National Jewels. Washington, Lincoln and the Fathers of the Revolution. Portrait. 3rd ed. 8° cloth. Phila., 1866 Fish, No. 631. Later edition contains several of Lincoln's speeches and papers, the Funeral sermons of Dr. Gurley and Bishop Simpson. 765 MARKENS, Isaac. Abraham Lincoln and the Jews. 8° original wrapper. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 141. Printed for the author. Pp. 1-60. Private reprint of the next title. 766 MARKENS. Lincoln and the Jews. Reprinted from the publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, No. 17, 1909. Pp. 109 to 165. Portrait. 8° orig- inal wrapper, uncut. Fish, Sup. No. 14T. Same as the above as originally issued. 767 MARKENS. President Lincoln and the Case of John Y. Beall. Small 4° paper. Printed for the Author: New York, 191 1 Not yet listed. Book Auctioneers. 73 768 MARKENS. Why President Lincoln Spared Three Lives. Small 4° stitched, uncut. Printed for the Author: New York, 191 1 Not yet listed. 769 MARKHAM, Edwin. Lincoln and other Poems. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1901 Fish, No. 636. 770 MARSHALL, James. The Nation's Grief. Death of Abraham Lincoln. Discourse United States General Hospital, April 29, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Syracuse, 1865 Fish, No. 638. Scarce. 771 MARYLAND. Fifteenth Annual Report of the Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland. 8° paper. (Baltimore, 1901) Contains an article on Abraham Lincoln, or " Linkhorn." An argument read by L. P. Hennighausen at the yearly meeting of the Society of 1901. Not yet listed. Autograph of the author. 772 MASON, Roswell H. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, an Address before the Arche Club of Illinois, Feb. 21, 1908. Pp. 5. 8° paper. (Chicago), 1908 Not yet listed. 773 MASSACHUSETTS Adjutant General's Reports, 1862-65. 4 vols, thick 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1863-66 774 MAURICE, Arthur B. and F. T. Cooper. The History of the 19th Century in Caricature. Numerous illus- trations. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1904 With caricatures of Lincoln and the Rebellion. 775 MAWSON, Agnes. Winnowings for Lincoln's Birthday. 12° paper. New York (1903) Fish, No. 644. 776 MAYNARD, Mrs. Nettie C. Was Abraham Lin- coln a Spiritualist? or, curious revelations from the life of a trance medium. Portraits and illustrations, 12° cloth. Phila., 1891 Fish, No. 645 . 777 MAYO, A. D. The Nation's Sacrifice. Abraham Lincoln. Two discourses, April 16 and April 19, 1865. 8° paper. Cincinnati, 1865 Fish, No. 646. 778 MEGA, J. Biblioteca Universal. Abraham Lin- coln Intimo. Por J. Meca. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Barcelona, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 392. Scarce foreign item. 779 MEESE, William A. Abraham Lincoln on Waterways. Portrait. 8° original paper, uncut. Moline, 111. (1908) Fish, Sup. No. 143. Presentation copy, with autograph of the author. 74 C. F. Libbie & Co. 780 MEESE. Another copy. 8° original paper, uncut. 781 MEMORIAL Association of the District of Co- lumbia. Historic Washington, pp. 2y. 16° paper. N. p., n. d. Illustration on cover, of the house in which President Lincoln died. 782 MENARD-SALEM-LINCOLN. Souvenir Al- bum, Edited and Published by the Illinois Women's Co- lumbian Club. Oblong 4° cloth. Petersburg, 111., 1893 Fish, No. 649. Contains portraits, a sketch of Lincoln and views of New Salem and vicmitv. 783 MERWIN-CLAYTON Sales Co. A Collection of Lincoln Literature, May 21, 1906. 8° paper. New York. Fish, Sup. Xo. 145. 784 MERWIN-CLAYTON Sales Co. Catalogue of Lincoln Literature. Sold Nov. 19, 1906. 8° paper. New York. Fish, Sup. No. 146. 785 MERWIN, Major J. B., of St. Louis. An Evening with Abraham Lincoln, a Lecture. 4 pp. 8°. n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 393. An advertisement of a Prohibition Address. 786 MESERVE, Frederick H. Photographs of Abra- ham Lincoln. An advertisement of a book which will con- tain photographic prints of all known photographs of Abra- ham Lincoln, printed from the original negatives and from copies of the daguerrotypes, ambrotypes and photographs, with a history of each print. Photograph from original negative. 8° boards, uncut. New York, 1910 Only a limited edition. Will be listed in the Supplement to Fish's Bibliography. 787 MESERVE, Frederick H. Photographs of Abra- ham Lincoln. Numerous photographs from the original negatives. Royal 4° boards, uncut. Privately Printed: New York, 191 1 Only 102 numbered and signed copies. Published at $35. The edition was quickly subscribed for. 788 MESSAGE of the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress at the Commencement of the First Session of the 37th Congress. 8° half roan. Washington, 1861 Lincoln's Message, pp. 17, together with the report of the Secretary of War, pp. 19 to iii. Very scarce. Not listed in any bibliography. 789 MILLER, S. F. Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln; a memorial oration, Brooklyn, N. Y., June i. 1865. 8° original wrappers. Delhi, 1865 Fish, Xo. 650. Only 100 copies printed. Scarce. Book Auctioneers. 75 790 MILLER, Thomas C. West Virginia Depart- ment of Schools. Programme for Lincoln's Day and sug- gestions for the observance of the birthdays of other eminent men. Illustrations. 8° paper. Charleston, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 148. 791 MINOR, Charles L. C. The Real Lincoln, from the Testimony of his Contemporaries, 2nd ed., revised. Portrait. 12° cloth. Richmond, 1904 Fish, No. 654. 792 MINOR. The Real Lincoln, from the testimony of his Contemporaries. 2nd ed., revised and enlarged. Por- trait. 12° cloth. Richmond, Va., 1904 Fish, No. 654. 793 [MITCHELL, James.] Letter on the Relation of the White and African Races in the United States ad- dressed to the President of the United States. 8° paper. Washington, 1862 Fish, No. 657. A strong plea for colonization probably drawn up at Lincoln's request. 794 MITCHELL, S. S. Presbyterian Church at Har- risburg, April 19, 1865. In Memoriam; an address by the pastor. 8° original wrappers. Harrisburg, 1865 Fish, No. 658. 795 MITCHELL, Wilmot B. Professor of Rhetoric and Orator, Bowdoin College. Abraham Lincoln, the Man and the Crisis, Narrow 8° boards. Portland, 1910 Not yet listed. 796 MONROE, Nelson. Grand Army Button ; a sou- venir reminiscence of the days of dark season, 1861 and 1865. 2nd ed. 12° paper. Boston, 1899 Not mentioned by Fish. Contains a sketch of Abraham Lincoln. 797 MONTGOMERY, Charles M. The Lincoln Me- morial Boulder; an inspiration to the living, a tribute to the dead. Dedicated June 13, 1908. Square 12° paper. Nyack-on-Hudson (1908) Fish, Sup. No. 201. 798 MOORE, Frank. Anecdotes, Poetry and Inci- dents of the War North and South, 1860-65. Portraits. Royal 8° cloth. New York, 1866 Portrait of Lincoln and many anecdotes. 799 MOORE. The Civil War in Song and Story, 1860-65, Numerous illustrations, Roval 8° cloth. Collier: New York, 1865 Not mentioned by Fish. Contains many Lincoln anecdotes. 800 MOORE. Anecdotes, Poetry and Incidents of the War, North and South, 1860-65. Contains portrait and nu- merous anecdotes of Lincoln. 8° cloth. New York, 1882 7^ C. F. Libbie & Co. 8oi MOORE. The Rebellion Record; a diary of American events. Numerous portraits and maps. With supplemental volume, ii vols. 8° half morocco and one vol. cloth. Together 12 vols, royal 8°. New York, 1861-66 802 MOORE. Women of the War; their heroism and self-sacrifice. Steel plates. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1866 803 MOORE. Women of the War; their heroism and self-sacrifice. Steel portraits. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1867 804 MOORES, Charles W. Life of Abraham Lin- coln for Boys and Girls. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Boston, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 149. 805 MORGAN, James. Abraham Lincoln, the Boy and the Man. Portraits and illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 151. 806 MORGAN, Rev. W. F. In Memoriam. Sermon preached St. James' Church, New York, April 16, 1865. 8° paper. (New York, 1865) Fish, No. 664. Only 300 copies printed. 807 MORRIS, B. F. Memorial Record of the Na- tion's Tribute to Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 8° cloth. Washington, 1865 Fish, No. 665. 808 MORRIS, Charles. Decisive Events in the Story of the Great Republic ; or, half hours with American his- tory. 4 colored plates and 32 full-page engravings. Thick 8° half leather (binding worn and broken). Boston, 1892 Contains the era of the Civil War and a view of the early home of Lincoln. 809 MORSE, John T., Jr. American Statesmen Series. Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 2 vols. 16° cloth. Boston, 1893 Fish, No. 666. 810 [MOTT, Edward H.] Lincoln, New Birth of our New Soil, the First American ; a brief biographical sketch of Lincoln, etc. Prepared by the Lincoln Centenary Com- mittee of the City of New York, 1908. Portrait. 8° paper. Fish, Sup. No. 152. 811 MUDD, Dr. Samuel A. Life of; containing his letters from Fort Jefferson and Dry Tortugas Island where he was imprisoned four years for the alleged conspiracy in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Edited by his daughter. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1906 Fish, Sup. No. 153. 812 MUDGE, Z. A. The Forest Boy; a sketch of the life of Abraham Lincoln for young people. 12° cloth (bind- ing worn and soiled). New York (1867) Fish, No. 669. Book Auctioneers. yy 813 MUDGE. The Forest Boy; a sketch of the Hfe of Abraham Lincoln for young people. 12° colth. New York, n. d. Fish, No. 669. Reprinted with the Imprint of Eaton & Mains : New York. 814 MURDOCH, James E. Patriotism in Poetry and Prose. 12° cloth. Phila., 1865 Not listed by Fish. Contains much interesting Lincoln matter, pp. 22 to 35. 815 MURRAY, Rev. W. H. H. Address delivered on the Sabbath following the Assassination of President Lin- coln. 8° half roan. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 672. 816 MYERS, Leonard. Abraham Lincoln ; a me- morial address before the Union League of the 13th Ward, June 15, 1865. 8° half roan (original cover bound in). Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 674. 817 I^TABUCO, Joaquin. Remarks of the Brazilian -*- ^ Ambassador at the 14th Annual Banquet of the Lincoln Republican Club and of the Young Men's Republican Club of Grand Rapids, Feb. 12, 1906. Lincoln's World Influence. 4 pp. 8° wrapper. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 154. 818 NABUCO. Lincoln Centenary. Speech of the Brazilian Ambassador, Joachim Nabuco, at the Celebration in Washington of Lincoln's Centenary. Organized by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, Feb. 12, 1909. Pp. 4. 8° wrappers. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 154. 819 NASH, John F. Abraham Lincoln ; an address delivered by Mr. John F. Nash at Ottawa, 111., Feb. 12, 1907. 12° paper, uncut. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 155. Scarce. 820 NASON, Elias. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln de- livered before N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc, May 3, 1865. 8° orig- inal wrappers, uncut. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 677. Only 1,000 copies printed. 821 NASON. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. 12" leather cover. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 677. 822 NATIONAL Documents. State Papers arranged to illustrate the Growth of the North American Colonies and the United States from 1606 to the present day. 12° cloth. New York, 1908 Not yet listed. Includes Lincoln's first Inaugural address, 1861, Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg Address, Prolamation of Amnesty, Second Inaugural address, 1865, etc. 78 C. F. Libbie & Co. 823 NATIONAL Freedmen, May i, 1865. Vol. i, no. 4. 8° sheets, folded. New York. Contains R. H. Stoddard's Poem on Abraham Lincoln and other interesting Lincoln matter. Not yet listed. 824 NATIONAL Portrait Gallery of Eminent Ameri- cans. Portraits by Alonzo Chappel. With biographical and historical notes of E. A. Duyckinck. 2 vols, royal 4° half morocco (worn). New York (1861) Contains among others steel portraits of Sec. Edwin M. Stanton and Abraham Lincoln, with 3 pp. of biography. 825 NEWELL, R. H. (Orpheus C. Kerr). The Mar- tyr President. 12° paper (water-stained). New York, 1865 Fish, No. 640. Only 500 copies printed. 826 NEWHALL, D. H. Catalogue of Books, Pam- phlets and other Items mostly relating to Abraham Lin- coln, Offered for sale by D. H. Newhall, 28 Bruce Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Pp. 29. Nos. i to 344. 8° paper. Fish, No. 686. 827 NEWHALL. The same. Catalogue Nos. 373 to 773. Pp. 23. Address 59 Maiden Lane, New York City. 8° paper. Fish, No. 686. 828 NEWHALL. Catalogue No. 7, 1906. Nos. 1000 to 1641. Pp. 40. 8° paper. New York. Fish, Sup. No. 161. 829 NEW MEXICO. Lincoln and Flag Day. Proc- lamation Issued by the Dept. of Public Instruction, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 8° paper. Fish, Sup. No. 162 830 NEWSPAPERS. New York World, April 19 and May 3, 1865; July 6; — New York Tribune, Dec. 22, i860; Oct. 31, 1863; — New York Herald, April 16 and April 25, 1865 ; — Brooklyn Evening Star, Nov. 29, 1861 ; — New York Sun, May 16, 1862; — New York Daily Times, April 17, 1865; — New York Times, Nov. 8, 1864. (11) Some have mourning borders and contain long notices to Lincoln's Assassination and Funeral Ceremonies. 831 NEWTON, Joseph F. Lincoln and Herndon. Portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. Cedar Rapids, 1910 Autograph copy from the author. Not yet listed. 832 NEWTON Free Library Bulletin, Jan. 1909. With list of books on Lincoln. Royal 8° paper. Newton. Not yet listed. 833 Another copy. 834 NEW York Department of Public Instruction. Suggestive Programmes for the Observance of Lincoln and Washington's Birthdays. Issued by Charles R. Skinner. 4 PP- 4°. Not yet listed. Book Auctioneers. 79 835 NEW York Herald, April 15, 1865. Reissue. Not yet listed. 836 NEW York Legislative Honors in Memory of Abraham Lincoln. 8° stitched. Albany, 1865 Fish, No. 692. 837 NEW York. Legislative Honors to the Memory of President Lincoln. Printed under the direction of J, B. Cushman, Clerk of the Assembly. 8° cloth. Albany, 1865 Fish, No. 692. 838 NICCOLLS, Rev. Samuel J. In Memoriam. A discourse on the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Sec- ond Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, April 23, 1865. 8° or- iginal wrappers. St. Louis, 1865 Fish, No. 696. Only 1,000 copies printed. 839 NICHOLS, George W. The Story of the Great March; from the Diary of a Stafif Officer. Map and illus- trations. 12° cloth (worn). New York, 1865 Contains letters of Lincoln and Documentary references. Not mentioned by Fish. 840 NICOLA Y, Helen. The Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 164. 841 NICOLAY, John G. Abraham Lincoln. 16° paper. Boston, 1882 Fish, No. 699. Only 50 copies printed for copyright purposes. One of the choicest items in the sale. Copies appear for sale very seldom. 842 NICOLAY. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Por- trait. Reprinted from the Century Magazine for Feb., 1894. 8° boards. Fish, Sup. No. 163. Presentation copy from Robert T. Lincoln, with autograph. Very scarce. 843 NICOLAY. A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln. Condensed from Nicolay and Hay's Abraham Lincoln, a History. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1902 Fish, No. 700. 844 NICOLAY and Hay. Abraham Lincoln, a His- tory. Illustrations. 10 vols. 8° sheep. Century Co. : New York, 1890 Fish, No. 701. 845 NICOLETTI, Captain S., of Los Angeles, Califor- nia. A Gold Conspiracy ; or, the worst financial system in the world, with the true secret of Lincoln's Assassination. Pp. 123. 8° paper. New York, 1896 Not yet listed. 8o C. F. Libbie & Co. 846 NOBLE, Mason. Sermon Delivered in the United States Naval Academy on the day of the Funeral of the late President Abraham Lincoln. 8° original wrappers. Newport, 1865 Fish, No. 703. Scarce sermon. 847 NORTHCOTT, W. A. Lincoln Address Deliv- ered by Ex-Lieut.-Governor W. A. Northcott, of Spring- field, 111., at Chicago, Feb. 11, 1909. 8° paper. Fish, Sup. No. 330. 848 NOYES, Isaac P. Battery H, First Rhode Island Light Infantry. Ode on Lincoln. 7 pp. 12° stitched. Fish, Sup. No. 166. Scarce. 849 NYE, Frank, of Minnesota. Celebration of the looth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln. Ad- dress in the House of Representatives, Feb. 12, 1909. 8° paper, uncut. Washington, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 167. Presentation copy from the author with autograph. 850 /^AKLEAF, Joseph B. The Analysis of the V-' Gettysburg Address. Portrait. 16° paper, uncut. Moline, 111., 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 168. 851 OAKLEAF. Abraham Lincoln; his friendship for humanity and sacrifice for others. Delivered at Augustana College, Rock Island, III, Feb. 12, 1909. Portraits. Small 4° boards. Moline, 111., 1910 Only a small edition printed. Not yet listed. Presentation copy from the author. 852 OBERHOLTZER, Eppis P. American Crisis Biographies: Abraham Lincoln. 12° cloth. Phila. (1904) Fish, No. 707. 853 O'BRIEN, Thomas M., and Oliver Diefendorf. General Orders of the War Department of the United States, 1861, '62 and '63. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1864 Presentation copj^ from one of the authors. 854 OLCOTT, George N. Columbia University. The Lincoln Centennial. The Robert Hewitt Collection of Medallic Lincolniana. 16° paper. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. i6g. Scarce. 855 OLD Abe's Jokes. Fresh from Abraham's Bosom. Illustrations. 12° paper. Hurst &: Co.: New York (1864) Fish, No. 710. Outer cover caption, " Honest Abe's Jokes." 856 OLDROYD, Osborn H. The Lincoln Memorial: Album Immortelles. Portrait. 8° sheep. New York, 1883 Fish, No. 711. Book Auctioneers. 8i 857 OLDROYD, Lincoln's Campaign ; or, the politi- cal revolution of i860. Illustrations. 12° paper. Chicago, 1896 Fish, No. 712. 858 OLDROYD. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Flight, pursuit, capture and punishment of the conspirators. 12° cloth. Washington, 1901 Fish, No. 714. 859 OLDROYD. The Centenary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1909. Program of Exercises in Commemoration of that event. Portrait on cover. 8° paper. Washington, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 171. 860 OLDROYD. An Interview with Osborn H. Old- royd in the House in which Lincoln Died. Portrait. 18° paper. New York, n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 170. 861 OLDROYD. Lincoln Memorial Collection lo- cated in the house in which Lincoln Died. 12° paper, un- cut. Washington, 1903 Fish, No. 175. Description of the Lincoln collection in this house. 862 OLDROYD. The March to Victory; the great Republican campaigns of i860 and 1896. Illustrated. 12° paper. Chicago (1896) Fish, No. 713. Mostly devoted to a resume of the Lincoln campaign of i860. 863 OLDROYD. Words of Lincoln; including sev- eral hundred opinions of his life and character by eminent persons of this and other lands. 12° cloth. Washington (1895) Fish, No. 560. 864 OLD South Leaflets No. 189. Lincoln's First Message to Congress. 12° paper. Boston, n. d. Not yet listed. 865 ONSTOT, T. G. Lincolniana Picturettes. 8° paper. Forest City, 111., n. d. Fish, No. 719. 866 ONSTOT. Pioneers of Minard and Mason Coun- ties, 111. ; made up of personal reminiscences of an early life in Minard County which were gathered in a Salem life from 1830 to 1840 and a Petersburg life from 1840 to 1850, including personal reminiscences of Abraham Lin- coln and Peter Cartwright. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Forest City, 1902 Fish, No. 720. 867 OTTO, E. Abraham Lincoln. Eine Lebensbild gezeichnet von E. Otto. 16° cloth. St. Louis, 1897 Fish, No. 723. Scarce. 82 C. F. Libbie & Co. 868 OUR Martyr President. Abraham Lincoln. Voices from the pulpit of New York and Brooklyn, oration by Hon. George Bancroft, etc, 12° cloth. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 724. The rare 476 page edition, containing many sermons and eulogies. 869 OWEN, Robert D. The Policy of Emancipation in Three Letters. 12° paper. Phila., 1863 Fish, No. 725. 870 Pamphlets issued during the Civil War re- -■- lating to Slavery and PoHtical Matters. (50) All collateral with Lincoln. 871 PARKE, Rev. N. G. The Assassination of the President of the United States. Discourse in M. E. Church, Pittston, Pa., June i, 1865. 8° wrappers. Pittston, 1865 Fish, No. 728. Only 500 copies printed. 872 PARKER, Henry E. Discourse the Day after the Reception of the Tidings of the Assassination of Presi- dent Lincoln preached in South Congregational Church, Concord, N. H., April 16, 1865. 8° original wrapper. Concord, 1865 Fish, No. 730. Only 500 copies printed. 873 PARTON, James. The Life of Horace Greeley. Portrait and illustrations. 12° cloth (worn). Boston, 1872 Chapters 30 and 31 contain much important Lincoln material. Not mentioned by Fish. 874 PASCAL, Cesar. Abraham Lincoln, sa Vie, son caractere son administration. 12° original wrappers. Paris, 1865 Fish, No. 731. Very scarce foreign item. 875 PATTERSON, Adoniram J. Eulogy on Abra- ham Lincoln delivered in Portsmouth, N. H., April 19, 1865. 8° original wrapper. Portsmouth, 1865 Fish, No. 732. Only i.ooo copies printed. 876 PATTERSON, James W. Memorial Address on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, Concord, N. H., June I, 1865. 8° original wrapper. Concord, 1865 Fish, No. 733. Rare sermon. 877 PATTON, Rev. W. W. President Lincoln and the Chicago Memorial on Emancipation. Paper read before the Maryland Hist. Soc, Dec. 12, 1887. 8° paper, uncut. Baltimore, 1888 Fish, No. 736. 878 PAU, Augusto. Abramo Lincoln a la Guerra fra i Federali ed I Confederati negli Stati Uniti narrazione stoireo-biografica scritta da Augusto Pau. Royal 8° half roan (binding broken). Livorno, 1866 Fish, Sup. No. 331. Scarce. Book Auctioneers. 83 879 PAULLIN, Charles O. President Lincoln and the Navy. Reprinted from the Am, Historical Review for Jan., 1909. 8° original wrapper. Royal 8° cloth. (New York, 1909) Fish, Sup. No. 172. 880 PEARCE, John I., Jr. Last Days of Lincoln and Lyrical Sketches. 50 illustrations. 12° half roan, uncut. Chicago, 1904 Not yet listed. 881 PECK, George R. Abraham Lincoln. Address at Janesville, Wis., Feb. 12, 1909. 8° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 395. 882 PEIRCE, J. D. An Address on the Death of President Lincoln, Universalist Church, North Attleboro, Mass., April 19, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 738. Only 500 copies printed. No copy has been offered for sale for many years. 883 PENNELL, Rev. O. H. Religious views of Abra- ham Lincoln. Portrait. 8° limp cloth. Alliance, O. (1904) Fish, No. 741. 884 PENNY, Rev. William L. Abraham Lincoln. A Lecture before the Nyack Rowing Association. 18° paper. Nyack, 1886 Fish, No. 744. Scarce. 885 PERKINS, Fred B. The Picture and the Men. Illustrations. 16° cloth. New York, 1SC9 Fish, No. 745. 886 PERKINS, George D. Lincoln Centennial An- niversary, Sioux City, Feb. 12, 1909. 8° paper. Sioux City, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 173. Autograph copy with signature of the author. 887 PETERS, Madison C. Abraham Lincoln's Reli- gion. 12° boards, uncut. Boston, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 174. 888 PETERSON, O. M. Abraham Lincoln's Barn- dom og Ungdom saint Forberedelse til sin Livsgjerning. Il- lustrations. 16° cloth. Chicago, 1889 Fish, No. 746. Scarce, seldom occurs for sale at auction. 889 PETERSON. Abraham Lincoln som praesident. 16° cloth. Chicago, i8vS9 Fish, No. 746. 890 PETERSON. Abraham Lincoln og Negerslave- riet. 16° cloth. Chicago, ;889 Fish, No. 746. 84 C. F. Libhie & Co. 891 PHILIPPINES. Department of Public Instruc- tion, Bureau of Education. A Selection of Passages from his Speeches and letters, with brief comments. 12° paper. Manilla, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 332. Scarce. 892 PHILLIPS, Isaac N. Abraham Lincoln. By some men who knew him, being personal recollections of Judge O. T. Reeves and others. Illustrations. 12° cloth, uncut. Bloomington, 1910 Not yet listed. 893 PHILLIPS. Lincoln. Portrait. 16° boards. Chicago, 1910 Fish, Sup. No. 396. With autograph of the author. 894 PHILLIPS. Another copy. Boards, uncut. 895 PIATT, Donn. Memories of the Men who Saved the Nation. 12° original wrappers. New York, 1887 Fish, No. 750. Date given by Fish 1897 is evidently an error. Contains a chapter devoted to Lincoln. 896 PICKETT, William P. The Negro Problem. Abraham Lincoln's solution. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 283. 897 PIERREPONT, Edwards. Argument of, to the Jury on the Trial of John H. Surratt for the Murder of President Lincoln. 8° paper. Washington, 1867 Fish, No. 751. 898 PITMAN, Benn. The Assassination of Presi- dent Lincoln and the Trial of the Conspirators. Group por- traits. 8° cloth (worn). Cincinnati, 1865 Fish, No. 752. Scarce. 899 PITTSBURG. Memorial Sermon and Address upon the Death of President Lincoln, St. Andrew's Church, April 16 and 19, 1865. 8° paper. Pittsburg, 1865 Fish, No. 828. Only 750 copies printed. 900 POETICAL Tributes to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 12° cloth. Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 753. Collected and arranged by J. N. Plotts of New- York. 901 PORTO Rico. Address Prepared by the Com- missioner of Education to be read in all the Schools of Porto Rico on the Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, Feb. 12, 1909. Printed in English and Spanish. 9 pp. 8° stitched. N. p., n. d. Not yet listed. Scarce. 902 POTTER, William J. National Tragedy. Four sermons, First Congregational Society, New Bedford, Mass., on the Life and Death of Abraham Lincoln. 8° original wrappers. New Bedford, 1865 Fish, No. 758. Book Auctioneers. 85 903 POWER, J. C. Abraham Lincoln ; his great funeral cortege from Washington City to Springfield, 111. With a history and description of the National Lincoln Monument. Portraits. 12° cloth. Springfield, 1872 Fish, No. 761. 904 POWER. Abraham Lincoln, his Life, Public Services, Death and great Funeral Cortege. Portrait and map. 12° cloth. Chicago, 1889 Fish, No. 763. 1889 edition. 458 pp. This edition not mentioned by Fish. 905 POWER. Abraham Lincoln ; his life, public ser- vices and death and great funeral cortege, with a history and description of the National Lincoln Monument. Por- trait and map. 12° cloth. Springfield, 1875 Fish, No. 763. Original edition. 906 POWER. History of an Attempt to Steal the Body of Abraham Lincoln ; including a history of the Lin- coln Guard of Honor with eight years Lincoln Memorial Services. Portraits. 8° cloth. Springfield, 111., 1890 Fish, No. 766. Pp. 8 and 287 the original edition. Another issue same year omits the imprint and only 286 pp. 907 PRATT, Silas G. Lincoln in Story; the life of the Martyred President told in authentic anecdotes illus- trated. 16° cloth. New York, 1903 Fish, No. 769. 1903 edition. 908 PRATT. Lincoln in Story; the life of the Mar- tyr President told in authentic anecdotes. 12° original wrappers. Tokio, 1904 Fish, Sup. No. 175. Scarce foreign edition. 909 PRESIDENT'S Hymn (The). Give Thanks All Ye People. In Response to the Proclamation of the Presi- dent of the United States recommending a General Thanks- giving, Nov. 26, 1863. 3 pp. royal 8°. New York (1863) Unknown to Fish. 910 PRESIDENT Lincoln. From the Princeton Re- view, July, 1865. 8° wrapper. No imprint. Fish, No. 772. Separate issue pp. 435 to 458 with a half-title. 911 PRESIDENT Lincoln's Speech at Gettysburg. pp. 3. 8° sheet, folded. Boston, 1901 Fish, No. 770. Remarks of Dr. Samuel A. Green at a meeting of the Mass. Hist. Soc. Very scarce. 912 PRESIDENTS of the United States. Published by J. Murray Jordan, Phila. Portraits, Washington to Roosevelt. Small 4° paper. Contains portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Not yet listed. 913 PRESIDENT'S Words. A Selection of Passages from the Speeches, Addresses and Letters of Abraham Lincoln. 16° cloth. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 771. Compiled by Rev. Edward Everett Hale. 86 C. F. Lihbie & Co. 914 PRIME, Rev. G. W. Sermon, Westminster Church, Detroit, April 16, 1865, after the death of President Lincohi. 8° wrapper. Detroit, 1865 Fish, No. 774. Only 500 copies printed. 915 PRITCHARD, Rev. Arthur O. The Religious Life of Abraham Lincoln, a Centennial Sermon Preached in the Westchester Congregational Church, Feb. 7, 1909. 8° original wrapper. Printed by request. Fish, Sup. No. 333. Scarce. 916 PROCEEDINGS of the First Three Republican Conventions of 1856, '60 and '64. 8° cloth. Minneapolis (1893) Fish, No. 775. A reprint of the official proceedings by direction of the National Convention of 1892. The three Conventions in which Lincohi figured as a Candidate. 917 PROVIDENCE. Proceedings of the City Coun- cil of Providence on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. With the oration by William Binney. 8° original wrappers. Providence, 1865 Fish, No. 777. Only 1,500 copies. 918 PROVIDENCE. Another copy. 8° original wrappers. 919 PROVISIONAL Ritual (Order of Lincoln). pp. 16. 8° paper. n. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 394. This is vi^ithout question the rarest item in the collection. So far as known this is the only copy extant of tlie ritual of the Order of Lincoln, the secret organization which flourished in parts of Indiana some twenty or more years ago. "The practical objects of this Order are to acquire the ownership and control of the places and articles which are of special interest from their relation to the life of the great American, whose name we bear ; to authenti- cate and verify the words and incidents of his life ; to erect and care for monuments and tablets to his memory; but especially to create and foster in our members the broad spirit of patriotism which dominated his life." — From Address to candidates. 921 PURINGTON, Rev. J. M. On the Death of President Abraham Lincoln. Discourse, Baptist Church, Smithfield, Fayette Co., Pa., June i, 1865. 8° original wrap- per (soiled). Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 779. Only 500 copies printed. 922 PUTNAM, George. An Address Delivered be- fore the City Government and Citizens of Roxbury on the Occasion of the Death of Abraham Lincoln. 8° paper. Roxbury, 1865 Fish, No. 780. Only i.ooo copies printed. 923 PUTNAM, George H. Abraham Lincoln, the People's Leader in the Struggle for Nation Existence. Por- trait. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 397. " Book Auctioneers. 87 924 PUTNAM, M. Louise. The Children's Life of Abraham Lincoln. New ed., revised. 12° cloth. Chicago, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 176. 925 /^UILL Club, New York. A Life Portrait of V^ Abraham Lincoln. Annual ladies' night and celebration of the Lincoln Centenary. Photograph from the original negative, 1864. 8° paper, uncut. New York (1909) Fish, Sup. TSIo. 177. Only 300 copies printed. Scarce. 926 "D AISING the Stars and Stripes over the -'-^ Lincoln Homestead, Springfield, 111., Oct. 16, 1889. 16° paper. Springfield, 1889 Fish, No. 783. With an account of Robert T. Lincohi's gift of the Homestead to the City. 927 RANDALL, Rev. E. H. An Address on the Occasion of the Funeral Obsequies of the Late President Lincoln delivered before the Citizens of Randolph, Vt., April 19, 1865. 8° wrappers. Montpelier, 1865 Fish, No. 784. Only 200 copies printed, now scarce. 928 RANKIN, Rev. J. E. Moses and Joshua. Dis- course on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Winthrop Church, Charlestown, April 19, 1865. 8° wrappers. Boston, n. d. Fish, No. 785. Only 700 copies printed. 929 RANTOUL, Robert S. Abraham Lincoln. An Address delivered before the Essex Institute and the City Government of Salem, at the Tabernacle Church, Salem, Feb. 12, 1909. Reprinted from the Historical Collection of the Essex Institute. Portraits. 8° paper. Salem, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 238. Presentation copy, with autograph of the author. 930 RANTOUL. Another copy. 931 RASMUSSEN, H. Abraham Lincoln's Liv og Gjerning. 12° paper, uncut. Kiebenhavn, 1882 Fish, No. 13. Scarce foreign item. 932 RAYMOND, Henry J. History of the Adminis- tration of President Lincoln. Portrait. 12° cloth. New York, 1864 Fish, No. 790. 933 RAYMOND. Life of Abraham Lincoln and of Andrew Johnson. By John Savage. Portraits. 12° front wrapper (last cover missing). New York, 1864 Fish, No. 788. 88 C. F. Libhie & Co. 934 RAYMOND. Life and Public Services of. Por- trait. 8° cloth (worn and slightly water-stained). New York, 1865 Fish, No. 791. 935 RAYMOND. Life and Public Services of Abra- ham Lincoln. Portraits. 8° cloth. New York, 1865 Subscription Agent's sample copy, with the names of a number of subscribers. Unknown to any bibliographer altho' prospectuses of all the recent editions of Lincoln's Biographies and Works are included in the Bibliography. Very .scarce Lincoln item. Contains among others, autograph of John G. Whittier, one of the subscribers. 936 REBELLION (The) ; its consequences and the Congressional, Denominated the Reconstruction Committee, with their action. By " Investigator." 8° half roan (worn). New Orleans, 1866 An important and almost unknown Lincoln item in which the author reviews Lincoln's Administration, the causes of the War and contains Mr. Parker's letter to Mr. Lincoln and other important matter. Not mentioned by Fish. 937 REED, Emily H. Life of A. P. Dostie ; or, the conflict in New Orleans. Portrait. 12° cloth. New York, 1868 Not mentioned by Fish. Chapter 18 on President Lincoln occupies pp. 161 to 174. 938 REED, Rev. S. Discourse upon the Occasion of the Funeral Obsequies of President Lincoln, April 19, 1865, Edgartown, Mass. 8° paper. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 794. Only 400 copies printed. 939 REED, Rev. V. D. The Conflict of Truth, a Ser- mon in the First Presbyterian Church, Camden, N. J., April 30, 1865. 8° original wrapper. Camden, 1865 Fish, No. 795. Only 500 copies printed. 940 REEVES, Robert M. Abraham Lincoln, his Re- ligion. 8° stitched. Chicago, n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 178. 941 REITER, Harriet G. The Story of Lincoln. The Instructor Classic Series. 12° paper. Dansville, N. Y., 1906 Fish, Sup. No. 179. 942 RELYEA, Rev. B. J. The Nation's Mourning; a sermon at Green's farms. Conn., occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln. 8° original wrappers. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 798. 943 REMSBURG, John E. Six Historic Americans; Payne, Jefiferson, Washington, Franklin, Lincoln, Grant. Illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, n. d. A new edition, not listed. Contains article on Lincoln of 300 pp. or more. Book Auctioneers. 89 944 REPORTER (The) ; a periodical devoted to re- ligion, law, legislation and public events. Vols. 3 and 4. Containing the trial of John H. Siirratt for the Murder of President Lincoln. Conducted by R. Sutton, chief of the official corps of reporters of the United States Senate. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth (vol. 3 badly ink-stained at the bottom). Washington, 1867 Unknown to any Lincoln bibliographers. Highly valuable from a collector's standpoint being as complete and unabridged as the other stenographic reports of the trial of John H. Surratt. Extremely scarce. From George A. Townsend's library with his book-plate in one vol. 945 REPUBLICAN Club of the City of New York. I2th Annual Dinner, Feb. 12, 1898. Oration by Albert J. Beveridge. 8° cloth, uncut. New York (1898) Fish, No. 802. Compliments of Chauncey M. Depew. 946 REPUBLICAN Club of New York, Feb. 13, 1899. 8° original wrapper, uncut. New York, 1899 Fish, No. 802. Oration by Rev. Howard Duffield. 947 REPUBLICAN Club of the City of New York. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Lincoln Dinner at Del- monico's, Feb. 12, 1900. Contains the address Abraham Lincoln, by Robert G. Cousins and poem by Edwin Mark- ham. 8° boards, uncut. Fish, Sup. No. 802. Presentation copy from Chauncej^ M. Depew. 948 REPUBLICAN Club of the City of New York. 19th Annual Lincoln Dinner, Feb. 13, 1905. 8° paper. New York, 1905 Fish, No. 802. Oration by Senator Jonathan P. Dolliver. 949 REPUBLICAN Club of the City of New York. 20th Annual Lincoln Dinner, Feb. 12, 1906. 8° paper. New York, 1906 Fish, No. 802. This one not listed. Contains oration of General Horace Porter. 950 REPUBLICAN Club. Addresses Delivered at the Lincoln Dinners of the Republican Club of the City of New York in Response to the toast " Abraham Lincoln," 1887-1909. Portrait. 8° three-quarters yellow morocco, un- cut, gilt top. Privately Printed : New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 286. Only 500 copies printed : signed by the President. Scarce. 951 RESOLUTIONS Presented in the United States Circuit Court in Relation to the Death of Mr. Lincoln, with the response of Judge Davis, May 19, 1865. 12° paper. Indianapolis, 1865 Fish, No. 803. Excessively rare. This item is lacking in most collections and it seldom occurs for sale. 90 C. F. Libbie & Co. 952 REUSS, Rod. Trois Conferences Strasbour- geoises. Guillaume le Taciturne, par A. Sabatier. Abra- ham Lincoln, par Rod. Reuss. Agrippa D'Aubigne, par George Guibal. 12° original wrappers, uncut. Strasbourg, 1872 Fish, Sup. No. 180. Rare. 953 REVELATIONS: a Companion to the "New Gospel of Peace " according to Abraham. 12° original wrapper. New York, 1863 Fish, No. 805. Fine clean copy. 954 RHODE Island Adjutant General's Reports, 1865. 2 vols, thick royal 8° half morocco. Providence, 1893-95 Contains a Register of Rhode Island Volunteers, 1861-65. 955 RHODE Island. Grand Arm}^ Flag Day, Feb. 12, 1909. 8° paper. (Providence, r909j Fish, Sup. No. 239. 956 RICE, Allen T. Reminiscences of Abraham Lin- coln. By distinguished men of his time. 7th ed. 8° cloth. New York, i888 Fish, No. 809. Contains upwards of 30 articles by personal acquaintances. 957 RICE. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. By distinguished men of his time. New and revised ed. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 182. Only 21 of the original chapters are retained. 958 RICE, N. L. Sermon on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Presbyterian Church, Fifth Avenue, New York, April 19, 1865. 8° original wrapper. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 811. Only 500 copies printed. 959 RICE, O. S. Wisconsin Memorial Day Annual. Lincoln Centennial Number, 1909. Fish, Sup. No. 287 960 RICE, Wallace. The Lincoln Year Book. Axioms and Aphorisms from the great Emancipator. Illus- trations. Narrow 8° boards, uncut. Chicago, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 118. 961 RICHARDS, George W. Cliosophic Essays No. 3. Related to Abraham Lincoln, the Problem, the Man, the Solution. 8° paper. Lancaster, Pa., 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 288. 962 RICHARDS, John T. Abraham Lincoln at the Bar of Illinois, an address delivered before the Chicago Bar Association, Feb. 11, 1909. 8° paper. (Chicago, 1909) Fish, Sup. No. 289. Presentation copy with autograph inscription. Book Auctioneers. 91 963 RICHARDSON, Albert D. The Secret Service, the Field, the Dungeon and the Escape. Portrait. 8° cloth (worn). Hartford, 1865 Contains a facsimile of autograph letter of President Lincoln, an account of a hour with President Lincoln, a visit to President Lincoln and other material. Not mentioned by Fish. 964 RICHARDSON, James D. Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. Vol. 6. 8° cloth. Washington, 1897 Fish, No. 564. Includes the Administrations of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. 965 RIDDLE, Albert G. Recollections of War Times. Reminiscences of men and events in Washington, 1860-65. 8° cloth,. uncut. New York, 1895 Contains much Lincoln matter, with an account of Lincoln's Inauguration, Lincoln's Message to Congress, etc. Not mentioned by Fish. 966 RITCHIE, George Thomas. List of Lincolniana in the Library of Congress. Revised ed., with supplement. Royal 8° cloth. Washington, 1906 Fish, No. 813. 967 ROBIE, Frederick. Abraham Lincoln (an ex- cerpt of 2 signatures comprising pp. 99 to 125 from some publication). 968 ROCHESTER. Lincoln Centennial Celebration, Convention Hall. Programme of exercises. 4 pp. Royal 8°. (Rochester, 1909) Fish, Sup. No. 398. 969 ROCHESTER, N. Y. Commemorative Exercises of the 19th Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln in PubHc Schools of Rochester, Feb. 13, 1899. 8° paper. (Rochester, 1899) Fish, Sup. No. 336. 970 ROOSEVELT, Theodore. Abraham Lincoln. Reprinted from Collier's for February 13, 1909. 16° paper, uncut. n. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 185. 971 ROOSEVELT. Address of at the Lincoln Din- ner of the Republican Club of the City of New York, Feb. I3j 1905- 8° paper. Washington, 1905 Fish, No. 819. 972 ROOSEVELT. Address of President Roosevelt on the Occasion of the Celebration of the looth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, Hodgenville, Ky., Feb. 12, 1909. 8° paper. Washington, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 184. 973 ROOSEVELT. Addresses and Papers. Edited by Willis F. Johnson. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1909 Contains a number of references to Lincoln. 92 C. F. Libhie & Co. 974 ROSEMOND Grove Cemetery Association. His- torical Sketch and By-Laws. Statue of Abraham Lincohi presented by John W. and Mary F. Kitchell, dedicated Oct. 29, 1903, with a description of the monument and address by J. W. Kitchell, and also of the gun Mary Lincoln. 4° paper. Rosemond, 111., 1905 Not mentioned by Fish or other bibliographers. 975 RUSSELL, Isaac F. Lessons from the Life of Lincoln ; an address in New York, Feb. 12, 1909, on Invita- tion of the Board of Education. 12° paper. Brooklyn, N. Y. (1909) Fish, Sup. No. 338. With autograph of the author. 976 RUSSELL, L. E. Abraham Lincoln ; a contribu- tion towards a bibliography. 18° paper. Cedar Rapids, la., 1910 Not yet listed. 977 RUSSELL. Another copy. 18° paper. 978 RUSSELL, Rev. Peter. Our Great National Re- proach and the Council of Ahithophel turned into Foolish- ness. Two sermons at the St. James Church, Exkley, Pa., the first on the occasion of the funeral solemnities of Presi- dent Lincoln. 8° original paper covers. Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 824. Only 250 copies printed. Scarce sermon. 979 Ct. LOUIS. Observance of the 20th Anniver- ^ sary of the Death of Abraham Lincoln under the Auspices of the German Turners, St. Louis District, April 15, 1885, at the Lincoln National Monument. 4 pp. 8°. Not yet listed. 980 ST. LOUIS Public Library. Monthly Bulletin, Jan., 1909. Abraham Lincoln and the Proposed Lincoln Memorial, with list of books, pp. 16. 8° paper. (St. Louis, 1909) 981 SALEM Public Library. Bulletin of, Feb., 1909. Reading list of Lincoln books. 4 pp. 8°. Fish, Sup. No. 291. 982 SAMPLE, Rev. Robert F. The Curtained Throne ; a sermon suggested by the Death of President Lincoln, Presbyterian Church, Bedford, Pa., April 23 and 30, 1865. 8° original paper wrappers. Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 830. Only 500 copies printed. 983 SAMPLE. Another copy. 8° original wrappers. 984 SAN FRANCISCO. Celebration of the looth Birthday of Abraham Lincoln, Temple Israel, Feb. 12, 1909. 4 pp. 8°. Not yet listed. Book Auctioneers. 93 985 SAN FRANCISCO. Lincoln Monument League. Annual Address of W. W. Stone, Feb. 12, 1900. The Story and x^necdotes of Lincoln. 4 pp. 8°. Not yet listed. Extremely rare, most of the edition destroyed in the earthquake. The item was not listed until after the disaster and being unknown to most collectors is still lacking in most collections. 986 SAN FRANCISCO. Musical and Literary Enter- tainment Given by Lincoln Monument League. Feb. 12, 1901. 8 pp. 8°. Not yet listed. 987 SAREDO, Giuseppe. Abramo Lincoln. 16° stitched. Milano, 1869 Fish, No. 832. Edition mentioned in the note. Scarce. 988 SAUNDERS, Rolfe S. Oration on the Death of Abraham Lincoln delivered on Island 40, April 25, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Memphis, 1865 Fish, No. 835. Only 2,000 copies printed. 989 SAVAGE, M. J. Messiah Pulpit, New York. Some Lessons from the Life of Abraham Lincoln. 12° paper. Boston, 1900 Fish, No. 836. 990 SCHAUFFLER, Robert H. Our American Holi- days. Lincoln's Birthday ; a comprehensive view of Lin- coln as given in the most noteworthy essays, etc. Portrait. 12° cloth. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 186. 991 SCHECKTER, S. Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln Memorial Address delivered at the Lincoln Centennial Cele- bration of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. 12° paper, uncut. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 187. Presentation copy with autograph of the author. 992 SCHMUCKER, Samuel M. History of the Civil War in the United States with Preliminary View of its Causes and Biographical Sketches of its Heroes. Steel plates. 8° cloth. Phila., 1863 993 SCHMUCKER. The same. 8° cloth. Phila., 1863 994 SCHURZ, Carl. Abraham Lincoln ; an essay. Portrait. 16° cloth. Boston (1891) Fish, No. 839. 995 SCHURZ. Abraham Lincoln. Riverside Litera- ture Series, No. 133. 16° paper. Boston (1899) Fish, No. 840. 996 SCHURZ. Abraham Lincoln, the Gettysburg Speech and other Papers of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 16° cloth. Cleveland (1899) Fish, No. 841, 94 C. F. Lihbie & Co. 997 SCHURZ. Abraham Lincoln ; a biographical es- say, with an essay on the portraits of Lincoln, by Truman H. Bartlett. Photogravure illustrations. Houghton, Mifflin: Boston, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 189. Edition de Luxe: only 1.040 copies printed. 998 SCHURZ. Abraham Lincoln. Excerpt from the Atlantic Monthly, June, 1891. pp. 721 to 750, inclusive. 8° stitched. Not listed by Fish. The original publication of Hon. Carl Schurz's famous Essay on Abraham Lincoln. 999 SCHUYLER, Hamilton. Lincoln Centenary Ode Read at the Civic Celebration, Feb. 12, 1909, Trenton, N. H. 8° original wrappers. n. p. Fish, Sup. No. 339. Presentation copy from the author. 1000 SCHUYLER. The same. 8° paper, n. p., n. d. looi SCOTT, Lieut.-Gen. Memoirs of. Written by himself. Portraits. 2 vols. 12° cloth. New York, 1864 1002 SCOTT, Miltcn R. Essay on Lincoln : Was he an Inspired Prophet? Portrait. 12° paper. Newark, O., 1906 Fish, Sup. No. 190. With autograph of the author. 1003 SCOTT, Temple. The Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln. Selected and edited with introduction by Temple Scott. Square 16° limp russia. New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 113. 1004 SCRIPPS, John L. Tribute Tracts No. 6. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 8° stitched. New York (i860) Fish, No. 842. Original edition. Extremely rare, fine cop3'. " The form is that of the original campaign document and though distributed in large numbers it has long been exceedingly rare. If not the ' First Published Life,' it is easily the best of its period." — Fish. 1005 SEAMAN, L. What Miscegenation Is and what we are to Expect now that Mr. Lincoln is re-elected. 8° original wrappers. New York (1865) Fish. No. 844. 1006 SEARS, Rev. Hiram. The People's Keepsake; or, funeral address on the death of Abraham Lincoln, with the principal incidents of his life. 8° paper. Cincinnati, 1865 Fish, No. 846. Only 500 copies printed. 1007 SEATTLE Public Library Bulletin, Jan., 1906. List of Lincoln books. 8 pp. 8°. Not yet listed. 1008 SEISS, Joseph A. The Assassinated President; or, the day of National Mourning for Abraham Lincoln at St. John's (Luth.) Church, Phila., June i, 1865. 8° wrap- pers. Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 848. Book Auctioneers. 95 1009 SELBY, Paul. The Life, Stories and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln ; a compilation of Lincoln's most re- markable utterances. 12° cloth. Chicago, 1900 Fish, No. 568. loio SELBY. Anecdotal Lincoln. Speeches, Stories and Yarns of the " Immortal Abe." Illustrations. 8° cloth. Chicago, 1900 Fish, Sup. No. 8. loii SELBY. Abraham Lincoln; the evolution of his Emancipation Policy. An Address delivered before the Chicago Historical Society, Feb. 27, 1906. 8° paper. (Chicago, 1906) Fish, Sup. No. 191. Presentation copy, with autograph of the author. 1012 SELBY. Stories and Speeches of Abraham Lin- coln ; including stories of Lincoln's early life, stories of Lincoln as a Lawyer, etc. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Chicago, 1900 Fish, Sup. No. 191. 1013 SELBY. The Lincoln-Conkling Correspondence ; a contribution to the transactions of the Illinois State His- torical Society, 1908. 8° original wrappers. Springfield, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 399. 1014 SELBY. Another copy. 1015 SELBY. Lincoln's Life, Stories and Speeches. Letters and speeches chronologically arranged. Illustra- tions. 8° cloth. Chicago, 1902 Fish, Sup. No. 400. 1016 SELECTIONS for Lincoln's Birthday. 8 pp. 8°. n. p., n. d. 1017 SELLERY, George C. Lincoln's Suspension of Habeas Corpus as Viewed by Congress. Bulletin of the Univ. of Wisconsin. 8° paper. Madison, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 192. 1018 SELLERY. Lincoln's Suspension of Habeas Corpus as Viewed by Congress. Reprinted from the Bul- letin of the University of Wisconsin, History Series, vol. i, and printed for the Dept. of History of the University of Chicago. 8° paper, uncut. Madison, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 240. 1019 SERMONS Preached in Boston on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. 12° cloth. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 850. Contains 25 sermons. The last page, un- numbered, contains a Proclamation by President Johnson offering rewards for the arrest of Jefferson Davis and others charged with murder. n?s= — *Si K ' 96 C. F. Libbic & Co. 1020 SEWARD, William H. Autobiography of; from 1801 to 1834. 8° cloth. Xew York, 1877 Contains much Lincoln material. From G. A. Townsend's library with his book-plate. 1021 SHAW, Albert. Abraham Lincoln in Contempo- rary Caricature from the American Monthly Review of Reviews, Feb., 1901. Royal 4° paper. Fish, No. 852. 1022 SHEA, J. G. The Lincoln Memorial. Illustra- tions. 8° cloth. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 853. Rare original edition with the name of the editor. 1023 [SHEA.] The same. 8° cloth. New York, 1865 Reissue without the name of the editor on title-page. Contains many sermons and addresses including that of Ralph Waldo Emerson at Concord. 1024 SHELBURNE Falls Club. Eighth Annual Ban- quet, Feb. II, 1910. Portrait of Lincoln, menu, etc. Not yet listed. 1025 SHEPPARD, Morris. Abraham Lincoln. Speech of at Republican Club Banquet, New York, Feb. 12, 1908. 8° original wrappers. (New York, 1908) Fish, Sup. No. 194. 1026 SHEPPARD, Robert D. Abraham Lincoln; a character sketch, with anecdotes, characteristics and chro- nology. 16° cloth. Dawsville, N. Y. (1899) See Fish, No. 854. With the imprint of the Instructor Pub. Co. 1027 SHEPPARD. Great Americans of History. Abraham Lincoln, a character sketch. Portrait and illus- trations. 12° half russia. Milwaukee, 1903 Fish, No. 855. 1028 SHERIDAN, P. H. Personal Memoirs. Por- traits. 2 vols. 8° sheep (bindings badly broken). New York, 1888 1029 SHERMAN, W. T. Headquarters Military Di- vision of the Mississippi, in the Field, Raleigh, N. C, April 17, 1865. Special Field Orders, No. 56. Announcing the Assassination of Lincoln. One page 8° (pp. 229-30). From General Orders. 1030 SHERMAN atid his Campaigns ; a military biography. By Col. S. M. Bowman and R. B. Irwin. Por- traits. 8'° cloth. New York, 1865 1031 SHERMAN. The same. 8° cloth. New York, 1865 1032 SINDELAR, Jos. C. Lincoln Day Entertain- ments. Recitations, plays, dialogues, trials, tableaux, panto- mimes, quotations, songs, tributes, stories, facts. 12° orig- inal paper covers. Chicago, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 196. Book Auctioneers. 97 1033 SKEVINGTON, Rev. Samuel J. Abraham Lincoln. An oration delivered on the occasion of the Lin- coln Centennial Celebration, Nyack-on-Hudson, Feb. 12, 1909. 16° paper. Nyack, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 197. 1034 SLATER, Edward C. The Nation's Loss, a Sermon from the Death of Abraham Lincoln, preached at Paducah, Ky., April 19, 1865. 8° paper wrappers. Padvicah, 1865 Fish, No. 862. Only 1,000 copies printed. 1035 SMITH, Henry. The Religious Sentiments Proper for our National Crisis; a sermon, April 23, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Buffalo, 1865 Fish, No. 865. 1036 SMITH, H. W. The Presidents of America; a series of original steel engravings taken from paintings and photographs by distinguished artists. Biographical sketches and an introductory essay by John Fiske. Fine portrait of Lincoln engraved by H. W. Smith, with one page of biography. Royal 4° cloth. Boston, 1879 Not mentioned by Fish. Contains newspaper scraps relating to Lincoln laid in. 1037 SMITH, Samuel G. The Hero Series. Abra- ham Lincoln. Portrait. 12° cloth. Cincinnati, 1902 Fish, No. 868. 1038 SMITH, William H. A Priced Lincoln Biblio- graphy. 8° cloth, uncut. Privately Printed : New York, 1906 Fish, Sup. No. 198. Only 250 copies printed. 1039 SMOOT, Richard M. The Unwritten History of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 12° paper. Clinton, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 199. Only 100 copies privately printed. 1040 SNIDER, Denton J. Abraham Lincoln ; an in- terpretation in biography. 8° cloth. St. Louis, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 200. 1041 SNODGRASS, Rev. Winfield C. Abraham Lin- coln the Typical American, a Sermon in the First M. E. Church, Plainfield, N. J., Feb. 12, 1905. Royal 4° paper. Plainfield, N. J., 1905 Fish, No. 871. Only 50 copies printed for private circulation by Judd Stewart. 1042 SOUVENIR of Lincoln's Birthplace. Issued by Thomas B. Kirkpatrick, Hodgensville, Ky. Oblong 12° paper. N. p., 1903 Fish, No. 873. 1043 SOUVENIR. Another copy. Oblong 12° paper. 98 C. F. Libbie & Co. 1044 SPAETH, Pastor A. Abraham Lincoln. Rede beim Trauergottesdienst in der Zionstirche zu Philadelphia, April 19, 1865. 16° paper. Phila., 1865 Fish, Sup. No. 241. Scarce in this form. 1045 SPARHAWK, Frances C. The Life of Lincoln for Boys. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 202. 1046 SPATH, Pastor A. Rede bei der begratniszseier des Prasidenten Abraham Lincoln. 8° paper. Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 873. Only 300 copies printed. Scarce sermon. 1047 SPEAR, Rev. Samuel T. The Punishment of Treason; a discourse preached April 23, 1865, in the South Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn. 8° wrappers. Brooklyn, 1865 Fish, No. 876. 1048 SPEECHES and Letters of Abraham Lincoln, 1832- 1865. Every Man's Library Series. Edited by Ernest Rhys. 16° cloth. London, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 119. 1049 SPEECHES of Lincoln. Instructor Classic Series. 12° paper. Dansville. N. Y., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 276. 1050 SPEED, James. Opinion on the Constitutional Power of the Military to Try and Execute the Assassins of the President. 8° wrapper. Washington, 1865 Fish, No. 878. Scarce. 1051 SPEED. Oration upon the Inauguration of the Bust of Abraham Lincoln, Louisville, Ky., Feb. 12, 1867. 8° wrappers. Louisville, 1867 Fish, No. 879. Scarce. 1052 SPEED. Address before the Loyal Legion, Cincinnati, May 4, 1887, in response to a toast " Abraham Lincoln." 8° paper. Louisville, 1888 Fish, No. 880. Scarce, seldom occurs for sale. 1053 SPRAGUE, William B. Discourse Delivered at the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, April 16, 1865. 16° stitched. Albany, 1865 Fish, No. 883. Only 100 copies printed, most of the edition destroyed by fire, extremely rare. 1054 SPRINGFIELD, 111. Official Programme of the Order of Exercises Connected with the Unveiling of the Statue of Abraham Lincoln upon the National Lincoln Monument, 1874. 8° boards. Springfield, 1874 Fish, No. 885. Book Auctioneers. 99 1055 SPRINGFIELD, 111. Official Programme of the Order of Exercises connected with the Unveiling of the Statue of Abraham Lincoln upon the National Lincoln Monument, Springfield, III, Oct. 15, 1874. 8° original wrappers. Springfield, 1874 Fish, No. 885. Fine clean copy, scarce. 1056 SPRINGFIELD, Mass. Lincoln's Centenary Memorial. First Congregational Church, Feb. 12, 1901. 8° paper. Phila., 1881 Fish, Sup. No. 401. 1057 STAFFORD, Wendell P. Lincoln and his Times ; an address before the Lawyer's Club of Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1909. 8° paper, uncut. (Buffalo, 1909) Fish, Sup. No. 402. Privately printed. 1058 STAPLES, Ernest L. A Man of Destiny ; being the Story of Abraham Lincoln, an epic poem. Illustrations. 8° limp cloth. Springfield, 1909 Fish, No. 888. 1059 STARR, Rev. Frederick, Jr. The Martyr Presi- dent. Discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Penn Yan, N. Y., April 16, 1865. 8° wrappers. St. Louis, 1865 Fish, No. 889. 1060 STARR, Jno. W., Jr. Lincoln as President. An oration delivered June 4, 1906, at the Graduation from the Public Schools at Millersburg, Pa. Small 4° paper. Only 100 copies privately printed June, 1910. Not yet listed. 1061 STEINER, Lewis H. Abraham Lincoln. The Lessons Taught by his Life and the Obligations Imposed by his Death. 8° paper. Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 891. Only 155 copies printed. Very scarce sermon. 1062 STEPHENS, Alexander H. Constitutional View of the Late War between the States. Vol. i. Por- traits. 8° half calf. Chicago, 1868 1063 STEVENS, Frank E. The Black Hawk War; including a review of Black Hawk's life. 300 rare and in- teresting portraits and views. Royal 8° cloth. Chicago, 1903 Contains full and exhaustive account of Lincoln's connection with this war, with illustrations of his muster roll, etc. Not men- tioned by Fish. 1064 STEVENS, Hiram F. Abraham Lincoln. An Address delivered before the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Commandery of Minnesota, St. Paul, Feb. 12, 1900. 12° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 895. Scarce. lOG C. F. Libbie & Co. 1065 STEWART, Rev. Daniel. Our National Sor- row. Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Presby- terian Church, Johnstown (N. Y.), April 16 and 19. 1865. 8° wrappers. Johnstown, 1865 Fish. No. 897. Only 500 copies printed. 1066 STEWART, Judd. Lincoln and the New York Herald. Unpublished letters of Abraham Lincoln from the collection of Judd Stewart. Portrait and illustrations. 8° boards, uncut. Privately Printed : Plainfield, X. J., 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 125. 1067 STEWART. Some Lincoln Correspondence with Southern leaders before the outbreak of the Civil War. 8° wrappers. (New York) 1909 Fish. Sup. No. 403. 1068 STOCKWELL, \V. L. Abraham Lincoln Cen- tennial. Issued by the Department of Public Instruction, North Dakota, Jan. i, 1909. 8° paper. N. p., 1909 Fish, Sup.' No. 340. 1069 STOCKWELL. North Dakota Special Day Programmes, 1909. Issued by the Department of Public Instruction, pp. 158. 8° paper. (Bismarck, 1909) Not yet listed. Contains much Lincoln matter, including a reprint of the one above. 1070 STODDARD, Richard Henry. Abraham Lin- coln, an oration ode. 8° original wrappers. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 898. Very scarce first edition. 1071 STODDARD, William O. Abraham Lincoln; the true story of a great life. Illustrations. 8° roan (cover missing). New York, 1885 Fish, No. 899, edition of 1885. 1072 STODDARD. Lives of the Presidents. Abra- ham Lincoln. 12° cloth. New York (1888) Fish, No. 900. 1073 STODDARD. Inside of the White House in War Times. Illustrations. 12° cloth. New York, 1890 Fish, No. 901. 1074 STODDARD. Table Talk of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated. 24° cloth, uncut. New York (1894) Fish, No. 902. 1075 STODDARD. Lincoln at Work, Sketches from Life. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Boston, 1900 Fish, No. 904. 1076 STODDARD. The Boy Lincoln. Illustrated. 12° cloth. New York, 1905 Fish, No. 905. Book Auctioneers. loi 1077 STONE, Andrew L. Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Park Street Church, April 14, 1865. 8° stitched, uncut. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 906. Only 300 copies printed. 1078 STONE, W. W., President of the Lincoln Monu- ment League, San Francisco. Address to the Public. 8° paper. N. p., n. d. (1899) Fish, Sup. No. 386. Very scarce. 1079 STORES, Richard S. An Oration Commemo- rative of President Lincoln, delivered at Brooklyn, N. Y., June I, 1865. 8° paper. Brooklyn, 1865 Fish, No. 907. 1080 STOREY, Moorfield. Abraham Lincoln ; an ad- dress delivered at the Shawmut Congregational Church, Boston, Feb. 14, 1909. 8° wrappers. Boston, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 204. Presentation copy, with autograph of the author. 1081 STORY of Abraham Lincoln. Enghsh Readings for Schools. Lakeside Series, No. 78. 16° paper. Ainsworth & Co. : Chicago. Fish, Sup. No. 404. 1082 STOWE, Harriet B. Men of Our Times; or, leading patriots of the day. 18 steel portraits. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1868 Fish, No. 908. Chapter on Lincoln, contains 100 pp. 1083 SULLIVAN, Alexander. Lincoln the Gift of IlHnois to Mankind. Portrait. 16° paper. Chicago (1908) Fish, Sup. No. 242. Presentation copy, with autograph in- scription by the author. 1084 SULZER, Hon. William. " Abraham Lincoln the Man." Response to the above Toast at the Banquet of the Lincoln Association of Jersey City, N. J., Feb. 12, 1907. 8° stitched. Washington, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 205. Presentation copy, with autograph in- scription on title-page. 1085 SUMNER, Charles. Works of. 12 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1874 We have vols. 2, 3, 4 and 9, balance of set to come. 1086 SUMNER. Memoir and Letters of. By Ed- ward L. Pierce. Portrait. 4 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1878-93 Contains 2 page autograph letter of Charles Sumner inserted. 1087 SUMNER. The Promises of the Declaration of Independence. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered be- fore the Municipal authorities of the City of Boston, June i, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 913. 1088 SUMNER. Another copy. 8° stitched (lacks wrapper). I02 C. F. Libbie & Co. 1089 SUMNER. The same. 8° original wrappers. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 914. 1090 SUMNER, Edward A. Abraham Lincoln. Ad- dress before the Men s League, New York, 1902. 8° paper. New York, 1910 Fish, Sup. No. 405. 1091 SURRATT. Life, Trial and Extraordinary Ad- ventures of John H. Surratt, the Conspirator. A correct account and highly interesting narrative of his doings and adventures in childhood to the present time. 8° stitched (covers missing and corner mouse-eaten). Phila. (1867) Fish, No. 918. Scarce. 1092 SURRATT. Trial of. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Gov't Printing Office: Washington, 1867 Fish, No. 920. 1093 SWAIN, Rev. Leonard. A Nation's Sorrow ; sermon in Central Congregational Church, Providence, April 15, 1865. 8° stitched. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 922. 1094 SWEETSER, Seth. Commemorative Dis- course on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. 8° boards. Worcester, 1865 Fish, No. 923. Only 600 copies printed. 1095 SWING, David. Address to the New Gener- ation, Washington and Lincoln, Feb. I2tli and 22nd, 1888. 8° wrapper. Rockfield, 111., n. d. Fish, No. 925. Scarce. 1096 SYLVAIN, Leo. Les Contemporains Lincoln, 1809-1865. Pp. 16. Royal 8° paper. Paris, n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 207. Scarce. 1097 SYRACUSE Public Library Bulletin, 1908. With list of Lincoln's Works. 12° paper. Not yet listed. 1098 SZOLD, Benjamin. Vaterland und Freiheit, etc. 12° paper. Baltimore, 1865 Fish, No. 927. Extremely scarce. 1099 T^AFT. Address of President Taft at the -*- Lincoln Birthday Banquet of the Republi- can Club of the City of New 'York, Feb. 12, 1910. 8° stitched. Washington, 19 10 Not yet listed. 1 100 TANDY, Francis D. An Anthology of the Epi- grams and Sayings of Abraham Lincoln. Collected from his writings and speeches. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 107. Book Auctioneers. 103 iioi TAPLEY, Rufus P. Eulogy of Abraham Lin- coln pronounced at Saco, Me., April 19, 1865. 8° wrappers. Biddeford, 1865 Fish, No. 929. Fine clean copy. 1102 TAPPAN, H. P. Abraham Lincoln Rede bei der Gedachtnessfeier in der Dorothen Kircke zu Berlin, 2 Mai 1865. 8° original wrappers. Frankfurt, 1865 Fish, No. 930. Scarce foreign item. 1 103 TAPPAN. The same. 8° original wrappers, uncut. Frankfurt, 1865 1 104 TARBELL, Ida M. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Drawn from original sources and containing many- speeches, letters and telegrams hitherto unpublished. Por- traits and illustrations. 2 vols, royal 8° boards. New York, 1900 Fish, No. 933. Author's Autograph Edition : only 25 copies printed, signed by the author. 1 105 TARBELL, He Knew Lincoln. Illustrations. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1907 Fish, Sup. No. 208. 1106 TARBELL. Publisher's Prospectus of Tar- bell's Life of Lincoln. Illustrations. 8° wrappers. New York (1902) Not yet Hsted. 1 107 TARBELL. Assisted by J. McCan Davis. The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln ; containing many unpub- lished documents and unpublished reminiscences of Lin- coln's early friends. Illustrations, including 20 portraits of Lincoln. Royal 8° paper, uncut. New York, 1896 Fish, No. 932. 1 108 TAYLOR, Rev. A. A. E. Our Fallen Leader. Discourse June i, 1865, Georgetown, D. C. 8° stitched. Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 935. 1109 TAYLOR, Bayard. The Ballad of Abraham Lincoln. With illustrations by Sol. Eytinge, Jr., engraved and printed in colors by Bobbett, Hooper & Co. Rare first ed. 8° cloth. Field, Osgood & Co.: Boston, 1870 Fish, No. 936. Extremely rare first edition. mo TERMANSEN, N. J. Abraham Lincoln. En Levnedstegning af N. J. Termansen. Portrait. 12° paper, uncut. Kjobenhavn, 1892 Fish, Sup. No. 406. Scarce. iiii TERMANSEN. Abraham Lincoln. En Lev- nedstegning af N. J. Termansen et efterladt Brudstykke med Lincoln's portrset. 12° original paper, uncut. Kjobenhavn, 1892 Fish, Sup. No. 406. 104 C. F. Libbie & Co. 1 1 12 TERRIBLE Tragedy at Washington. Assassi- nation of President Lincoln, etc. 8° original wrappers (worn and foxed), Phila. (1865) Fish, No. 937. 11 13 THAYER, William M. Character and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln. 12° original wrappers. Boston, 1864 Fish, No. 942. 1 1 14 THAYER. Fran Nybyggarehemmet till Hvita Huset. Presidenten Abraham Lincolns Lif. Portrait. 12° cloth. Stockholm, 1886 Fish, Sup. No. 209. Scarce foreign item. 1 1 15 THAYER. The Pioneer Boy and How he Be- came President. 12° cloth. Boston, 1864 Fish, No. 941. 1864 edition. 11 16 THAYER. The Pioneer Boy and How he Be- came President. 8th thousand. 16° cloth. Boston, 1863 Fish, No. 941. 1863 edition. 11 17 THAYER. From Pioneer Home to W^hite House. Life of Abraham Lincoln, boyhood, youth, man- hood, assassination and death. 12° cloth. New York (1882) See Fish, No. 945. Variation of imprint, " Hurst & Co." Not mentioned by Ffsh. 1 118 THAYER. Abraham Lincoln's Leben von Wil- liam M. Thayer. 8° cloth. Gotha, 1897 Fish, No. 946. 1 1 19 THOMAS, Isaac. The Words of Abraham Lin- coln for Use in Schools. 12° cloth. Chicago (1898) Fish, No. 949. 1120 THOMPSON, D. D. Abraham Lincoln; the first American. Popular edition. 16° cloth. Cincinnati, 1894 Fish, No. 951. Different imprint. 1121 THOMPSON, E. D. Abraham Lincoln and Temperance. 20th Century Brochures, No. 2. 18° paper. Chicago, 1901 Fish, Sup. No. 407. 1 122 THOMPSON, Rev. Henry P. The Pulpit and the Rostrum. No. 36. In Memoriam. A sermon delivered Sunday, April 16, 1865, in the Reformed Protestant Church of Peapack, N. J. 12° paper. New York, 1865 Fish, Sup. No. 210. Unknown to most collectors in this form. Extremely scarce. No copies have been sold as far as known. 1123 THOMPSON, Rev. John C. In Memoriam. A discourse upon the character and death of Abraham Lin- coln, Pottstown Presbyterian Church, June i, 1865. 8° or- iginal wrappers. Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 952. Only 500 copies printed. Book Auctioneers. 105 1 124 THOMPSON, Joseph P. Loyal Publication So- ciety No. 85. Abraham Lincoln, his life and its lessons. 8° original wrapper. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 953. 1 125 THOMPSON, Maurice. Lincoln's Grave, a Poem. 16° boards, uncut. Stone & Kimball : Cambridge, 1894 Fish, No. 955- 1 126 THORNDIKE, Rachel S. The Sherman Let- ters. Correspondence between General and Senator Sher- man from 1837 to 1 891. Portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1894 Many references to Lincoln. 1 127 THREE Letters from Lincoln. The letter to Horace Greeley, the letter to J. C. Conkling, the letter to Mrs. Bixby. Portrait. 24° paper. Phila., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 106. 1128 TILESTON, Edward G. Hand Book of the Administration of the United States. Photographic por- traits of the Presidents. 16° cloth. Boston, 1871 Not mentioned by Fish. Contains an account of Lincoln's Administration, pp. 185 to 204. 1 129 TINKER, Charles A. A Simple Tribute to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Address at the unveiling of the painting by Benjamin Eggleston of Abraham Lin- coln, at the Lincoln Club, Brooklyn, 1907. 16° paper. (Brooklyn, 1907) Fish, Sup. No. 296. Presentation copy from the author. 1 130 TOPEKA, Kansas. Memorial Souvenir, Feb. 12, 1904. 4 pp. 8°. Not yet listed. 1131 TOWNSEND, George A. The Life, Crime and Capture of John Wilkes Booth. Pp. 80. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 960. Original covers bound in, with newspaper clippings at the end. The author's own copy, with a photograph at the age of 29 inserted, together with his book-plate. 1 132 TOWNSEND. The Real Life of Abraham Lin- coln ; a talk with Mr. Herndon, his late law partner. 8° paper (portrait missing). New York, 1867 Fish, No. 961. Scarce. 1 133 TRIAL of Abraham Lincoln by the Great States- men of the Republic ; a council of the past on the tyranny of the President, etc, 8° original wrappers. New York, 1863 Fish, No. 967. Original edition. io6 C. F. Libbie & Co. 1 134 TRIP of the Steamer " Oceanus " to Fort Sum- ter and Charleston, S. C, April 14, 1865. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Brooklyn, 1865 Fish, No. 916. The lowering of the colors at Fort Sumter was the first concession to armed rebellion, so the restoration of the same flag to its rightful place above the ruin marked in a dramatic way the reinstatement of National authority throughout the land. Lincoln's mission and his martyrdom were both accomplished that day. 1 135 TROY, N. Y. A Tribute of Respect by the Citi- zens of Troy to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. 8° cloth. Albany, 1865 Fish, No. 969. 1 136 TUCKER, J. T. A Discourse in Memory of Our Late President, Abraham Lincoln, First Parish Church, Holliston, Mass., June i, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Holliston. 1865 Fish, No. 971. Only 500 copies printed. Presentation copy from the author. 1137 T TnION League Club of Brooklyn. Lincoln ^^ Portraits. The Annual Dinner of the Union League Club, Feb. 12, 1908, in celebration of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. 5 photographic portraits from orig- inal negatives. 12° paper, uncut. New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 211. 1 138 UNION League of Philadelphia, No. 17. Abra- ham Lincoln. Pp. 12. 8° stitched. N. p., n. d. Fish, No. 983. 1 139 UNION League of Philadelphia. Proceedings of, recording the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 8° original wrappers. Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 984. Back covers slightly oil stained, but extremely rare. 1 140 UNION League Club of Philadelphia. Address before the Union League Club to the Citizens of Pennsyl- vania in favor of the re-election of Abraham Lincoln. 8° stitched. Phila., 1864 Fish, No. 985. Scarce. 1141 UNION Republican Congressional Committee, Washington, D. C. The Party of Freedom and its Can- didates. The duty of the colored voter. Portrait of Lin- coln and Grant. 4 pp. 8°. Printed at the Office of the Great Republic : Washington, D. C. (1868) Not yet listed. 1 142 UNITED States. Appendix to Diplomatic Cor- respondence of 1865. Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 8° cloth. Washington, 1866 Fish, No. 992. Book Auctioneers. 107 1 143 UNITED States. The Assassination of Abra- ham Lincoln and the Attempted Assassination of WilHam H. Seward and Frederick W, Seward, 14th of April, 1865. Portraits. Royal 4° half new morocco, marbled edges. Washington, 1867 Fish, No. 993. Edited by John H. Haswell. 1144 UNITED States. The same. Royal 4° half morocco (worn). Washington, 1867 Fish, No. 993. 1 145 UNITED States. Military Addresses Deliv- ered before the Two Houses of Congress on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield and Wil- Ham McKinley. Prepared by Charles R. Cushman. Por- traits. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Washington, 1903 Fish, No. 1002. A handsome reprint of the Three Notable Addresses before Congress by George Bancroft, James G. Blaine and John Hay, respectively, occasioned by our woful trilogy of Presidential murders. Appended to each is an official account of the Presidents. 1 146 T^ALENTINE, David T. Obsequies of Abra- ^ ham Lincoln in the City of New York. Portrait. Royal 8° cloth. New York, 1866 Fish, No. 1003. Presentation copy, from Charles H. Hart, one of the earlier bibliographers of Lincoln. 1147 VALENTINE. Another copy. Royal 8° full morocco, uncut, gilt top. New York, 1866 Fish, No. 1003. 1 148 VAN BUREN, G. M. Abraham Lincoln's Pen and Voice; being a complete compilation of his letters, civil, political and military, from his nominaton to the Presidency to his death, etc. Portrait. 8° cloth. Cincinnati, 1890 Fish, No. 1004. 1 149 VANITY Fair. Vols, i and 2. Numerous comic illustrations. 2 vols, royal 4° cloth. New York, i860 Vol. I shows a cartoon of Mr. Seward. Vol. 2 shows a cartoon of Artemus Ward's Visit to Lincoln. Not mentioned by Fish. 1 150 VICTOR, Orville J. The History, Civil, Politi- cal and Military, of the Southern Rebellion. Portraits. 4 vols, royal 8° full roan. New York, 1861 Not mentioned by Fish. Contains a history of Lincoln's Administration. 1151 VICTOR. Private and Public Life of Abraham Lincoln. 12° original colored wrapper. Beadle & Adams: New York (1864) Fish, No. 1006. Lives of Great Americans, No. 11. 1 152 VINCENT, Rev. Marvin R. A Sermon on the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Troy, April 23, 1865. 8° original wrapper. Troy, N. Y., 1865 Fish, No. 1009. The rare first edition, containing 47 pp. io8 C. F. Ltbbie & Co. 1 153 VINCENT, Thomas M. Abraham Lincoln and Edwin M, Stanton. Address before the Burnside Post No. 8, Department of the Potomac, G. A. R., April 25, 1889. 8° original wrapper. Washington, 1890 Fish, No. loio. Scarce. 1 154 VINCENT. Military Order of the Loyal Le- gion of the United States, Commandery of the District of Columbia. War papers, 8. Abraham Lincoln and Edwin M. Stanton, n. p., 1892. 8° original wrappers. Fish, No. ion. Scarce. 1155 VINCENT'S Semi-Annual United States Regis- ter from Jan. ist to the ist of July, i860. 8° cloth. Phila., i860 1 156 VON HOLST, H. E. Abraham Lincoln. Broadside card. 4°. N. p., n. d. Not yet listed. "57 \\rALDEN, Rev. Treadwell. The National * ~ Sacrifice, Sermon St. Clement's Church, Phila. 8° original wrappers. Phila., 1865 Fish, No. 1014. 1 158 WALKER, R. J. Letter of, in Favor of Re- -election of Abraham Lincoln, London, Sept. 30, 1864. 8° stitched. Fish, No. 1015. Scarce. 1 159 WALLER, Mary E. Our Benny. 12° cloth. Boston, 1909 Contains poem on Lincoln, pp. 71-85, not mentioned in the bibliographies. 1 160 WALSH, William S. Abraham Lincoln and the London Punch. Cartoons, comments and poems. Pub- lished in the London Charivari during the American Civil War, 1861-65. 8° clol;h. New York, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 212. 1161 WANAMAKER Primer on Abraham Lincoln. 12° boards. Phila., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 302. 1 162 WAR Department. General Orders, Nos. 67 and 69, April 16, 1865. Announcement of the Death of Lincoln and April 17, 1865, Announcement of the Day of Funeral Services. 2 pp. 12°. Not yet listed. 1 163 WARD, William H. Abraham Lincoln; tri- butes from his associates, reminiscences of soldiers, states- men and citizens. Portrait. 12° cloth. New York (1895) Fish, No. 1018. A reprint of the Lincoln papers in the New York Independent of April 4, 1895. Book Auctioneers. 109 1164 WARFIELD, Ethelbert D. Abraham Lincoln; a memorial address before the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching in Witherspoon Hall, Phila., Feb. 12, 1909. Portrait. 8° paper. Phila., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 213. 1 165 WARREN, George Washington. Address be- fore the Bunker Hill Monument Association, 1865. Por- trait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1865 Not mentioned by Fish. Contains Robert C. Winthrop's Ad- dress and Resolutions on the Death of Lincoln. 1 166 WASHINGTON, Booker T. An Address on Abraham Lincoln before the Republican Club of New York City, Feb. 12, 1909. 8° paper, uncut. (New York, 1909) Fish, Sup. No. 342. With autograph of the author on cover. 1 167 WASHINGTON, George. Life of. By David Ramsay. Portrait. 8° old calf. New York, 1807 It was Ramsay's Life of Washington that Lincoln read when a boy, one of the few books that he knew before reaching manhood. 1 168 WASHINGTON. Memorial Day Services un- der the Auspices of the Department of the Potomac,. G. A. R. 16 pp. 8° stitched. The Carnahan Press : (Washington, 1909) Not yet listed. Contains Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. 1 169 WASHINGTON Public Library. Abraham Lincoln. List of Works. 4 pp. 12°. Monograph process.. Not yet listed. 1170 WATTERSON, Henry. Abraham Lincoln; an Oration delivered before the Lincoln Union. Portrait. Royal 4° cloth. (Chicago, 1895) Fish, No. 1027. 1171 WATKINS, Albert. Douglas, Lincoln and the Nebraska Bill. Reprint from the Am. Historical Magazine, May and July, 1908. 8° paper. With autograph note of the author inserted. Not yet listed. 1172 WEBB, Edwin B. Memorial Sermons. The Capture of Richmond. Some of the Results of War. The Assassination of the President. 8° original wrappers. Boston, 1865 Fish, No. 1029. 1 173 WELLES, Gideon. Lincoln and Seward. 12 cloth. New York, 1874 Fish, No. 1 031. (Library stamps on title.) 1 174 WELLS' Illustrated National Handbook. 12° cloth (binding broken). New York, 1864 Contains an account of the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln.. A later edition of Fish, No. 1032. o no C. F. Libbie & Co. 1 175 WEST, Captain J. E. Immortal Fame of Abra- ham Lincoln. Grand and sublime thoughts picked up and heaped together by Captain J. E. West, Patriotic instructor, James M, McKelby Post No. 134, Department of Minne- sota, St, Cloud, Minn. 8° paper. St. Cloud, n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 214. 1 1 76 WEST. Collection of Beautiful and Patriotic Sayings. Compiled by Captain J. E. West, Patriotic In- structor, Post 134, St. Cloud, Minn. 8° stitched. N. p., n. d. Contains much Lincoln matter. Not yet listed. 1177 WESTALL, John. In Memoriam. Read before the Municipal Authorities and Citizens of Fall River at the Memorial Services in view of the Death of Abraham Lin- coln, held in City Hall, June i, 1865. Poem. 8° original wrappers. Fall River, 1865 Fish, No. 1035. Only 185 copies printed. 1178 WHIPPLE, E. P. Outlooks of Society, Litera- ture and Politics. First ed. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston. 1888 Contains a chapter on the Conspiracy at Washington, The Johnson Party and the Moral significance of the Republican triumph. 1 179 WHIPPLE, Wayne. The Story-Life of Lin- coln; a biography composed of 500 true stories. Illustra- tions. 12° cloth. N. p., 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 215. 1 180 WHIPPLE. The same. N. p., 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 215. Subscription Agent's Dummy. 1 181 WHIPPLE. The Story Life of Lincoln. Pros- pectus and supplement, illustrations and sample pages. 8° paper. Published by John C. Winston Co. : Phila., 1908 Fish. Sup. No 216. 1 182 WHIPPLE. The Heart of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 16° cloth. Phila., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 217. 1 183 WHIPPLE. The Little Life of Lincoln in Short Stories. 18° paper. Phila. (1909) Fish, Sup. No. 298. 1 184 WHITE, Erskine N. The Personal Influence of Abraham Lincoln. A Sermon June i, 1865, New Rochelle, N. Y. 8° original wrapper. New York, 1865 Fish, No. 1038. 1 185 WHITE, Horace. Illinois State Historical So- ciety. Abraham Lincoln in 1845. An address at the 9th Annual Meeting, Springfield, 111., Jan. 30, 1908. 8° paper. N. p., n. d. Fish, Sup. No. 218. Book Auctioneers. m ii86 WHITE, Rev. Pliny H. A Sermon Occasioned by the Assassination of Abraham Lincohi, Preached at Coventry, Vt., April 23, 1865. 8° original wrappers. Brattleboro, 1865 Fish, No. 1039. Only 150 copies printed. Scarce. 1 187 [WHITE, Richard Grant.] The New Gospel of Peace According to St. Benjamin. 12° original red wrap- per. New York, 1863 Fish, Sup. No. 157. Pp. 42. 1 188 [WHITE.] The same. 12° original red wrap- pers. New York, 1863 Fish, Sup. No. 157. Pp. 42. 1 189 [WHITE.] The same. Book the Second. 12° original wrappers. New York, 1863 Fish, Sup. No. 158. Pp. 48. 1 190 [WHITE.] Another copy. 12° original wrap- pers. 1 191 [WHITE.] The same. Book Third. 12° orig- inal wrappers. New York, 1864 Fish, Sup. No. 159. Pp. 47. 1 192 [WHITE.] The same. Book Fourth. 12° stitched (original covers missing). New York, 1866 Fish, Sup. No. 160. Pp. 55. ri93 [WHITE.] The New Gospel of Peace Accord- ing to St. Benjamin. 12° cloth. New York, 1877 Fish, Sup. No. 329. Later edition. A revised reprint of the edition of 1866. 1 194 [WHITE.] The New Gospel of Peace Accord- ing to St. Benjamin. 12° cloth (worn). New York, 1866 Fish, Sup. No. 329. 1 195 WHITING, William. The War Powers of the President, Military Arrests, and Reconstruction of the Union. 8th ed. 8° half roan. Boston, 1864 Fish, No. 1040. Presentation copy to the " Hon. Titian J. Coffey, Assistant Atty.-Gen., U. S., with the compliments of William Whiting." 1 196 WHITING. The War Powers of the President and the Legislative Powers of Congress in relation to Re- bellion, Treason and Slavery. 4th ed. Published for the Emancipation League. 8° paper. Boston, 1863 Fish, No. 1040. 1 197 WHITLOCK, Brand. Abraham Lincoln. Por- trait. 18° cloth. Boston, 1909 Fish, Sup. No, 299. 1 198 WHITMAN, W. Complete Prose Works of. Thick 12° cloth, uncut. McKay: Phila., 1892 Contains Whitman's allusions to Lincoln. 112 C. F. Lihbie & Co. 1199 WHITMAN. Hymn, " O Captain, My Captain.'" Words by Walt Whitman, music by Joshua Phippen. Royal 8° paper. Salem, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 300. 1200 WHITMAN. Memories of President Lincoln and other Lyrics of War. By Walt Whitman. 16° paper, uncut. T. B. Mosher: Portland, 1904 See Fish, No. 1045 and Sup. No. 20. 1201 WHITMAN. Memories of President Lincoln and other Lyrics of the War. 16° boards, uncut. T. B. Mosher: Portland, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 219. 1202 WHITMAN. Poems by. Penny Poets XXVIL The Masterpiece Library. 16° original wrappers. London, n. d. Contains Whitman's " Oh Captain, my Captain." 1203 WHITMAN. Specimen Days and Collect. First ed. Portrait. Glasgow, 1883 Contains Whitman's allusions to Lincoln and the announce- ment of Whitman's " Leaves of Grass." 1204 WHITMAN and True. Maine and the War for the Union ; a history of the part borne by Maine troops in the Suppression of the American Rebellion. 8° cloth (worn). Lewiston, 1865 1205 WHITNEY, Henry C. Lincoln the Citizen. Edited by Marion M. Miller. Portraits. 2 vols. I2° cloth. New York, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 220. 1206 WHITNEY. Souvenir of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. Royal 4° cloth. Chicago, 1891 Fish, No. 1046. 1207 WHITTAKER, J. S. Louisiana's Tribute to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Public demonstration in the City of New Orleans, April 22, 1865. 8° original wrapper. New Orleans, 1881 Fish, No. 1037. Autograph inscription on wrapper. 1208 WIGWAM Edition. The Life, Speeches and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln. 12° original wrap- pers. New York, i860 Fish, No. 1052. Probably the earliest biography in book or pamphlet form, copyright entry being dated June 8, i860. Fine copy of the rare " Wigwam Edition." 1209 WILLIAMS, Francis H. The Burden Bearer; an epic of Lincoln. 8° boards, uncut. Phila., 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 221. Only 300 copies printed. 1210 WILLIAMS, Henry L. Lincolnics. Familiar Sayings of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 16° full crimson roan, uncut. New York, 1906 Fish, Sup. No. 117. Book Auctioneers. 113 1211 WILLIAMS. The Lincoln Story Book. 12° cloth. New York (1907) Fish, Sup. No. 222. 12 12 WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. Lincoln Centenary under the Auspices of the G. A. R., Feb. 12, 1909. Pro- gramme, 4 pp. 8°. 1213 WILLSON, Rev. D. B. A Life and a Lesson; an address on Lincoln. Pp. 16. 8° original wrappers. Pittsburg, 1893 Fish, No. 343. 12 14 WILSON, Bender W. Abraham Lincoln as I Knew Him; an Address at King Library, Andalusia (Pa.), Feb. 12, 1909. 8° paper. N. p., 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 408. Presentation copy from the author with inscription. Scarce. 12 15 WILLSON, Edmund B. Proclamation of Free- dom, a Sermon Preached in North Church, Salem, Jan. 4, 1863. 8° wrappers. Salem, 1863 Fish, No. 105Q. 12 16 WILSON, James Grant. Washington. Lincoln and Grant. An Address delivered before the New York Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of Amer- ica, April 6, 1903. Facsimiles. 8° original wrappers. New York Fish, No. 1060. 1217 WILSON, General James Grant. Recollections of Lincoln and Grant; — Abraham Lincoln, by Hon. Thomas L. James. Excerpt of 6 pp. from the Onida Hist. Soc. Publications. 8° cloth. 1218 WILSON, Rufus R. Lincoln in Caricature. Il- lustrated with 32 plates. Royal 4° sheets, folded, uncut, in portfolio. Printed for Private Distribution: 1903 Fish, No. 1062. i2ig WILSON, William B. A Glimpse of the United States Military Telegraph Corps and of Abraham Lincoln. 8° paper. Holmesburg, Pa. (1889) Fish, No. 1063. 1220 WILSON, William T. Death of President Lin- coln, a Sermon preached at St. Peter's Church, Albany, April 19, 1865. 8° stitched (soiled). Albany, 1865 Fish No. 1064. 1221 WINES, Frederick H. Forty Years After. The Greatness of Abraham Lincoln. An Address delivered at the Lincoln Monument, May 30, 1905. 8° paper, uncut. Springfield, 111., 1905 Fish, No. 1066. 114 C. F. Libbie & Co. '" 1222 WISE, John S. Recollections of Thirteen Presidents. Illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1906 Contains portrait and chapter on Lincoln. Not mentioned by Fish. 1223 WOODBURY, Augustus. The Son of God Callcth the Dead to Life. A sermon suggested by the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, preached in the West- minster Church, Providence. R. L, April 16, 1865. 12° paper. Providence, 1865 Fish, No. 1067. Only 300 copies printed. Very scarce. Fine copy. ' 1224 WOODBURY. The Son of God Calleth the Dead to Life. Sermon suggested by the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Westminster Church, Providence, R. L, April 16, 1865. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Providence, 1865 Fish, No. 1067, see note. Large paper copy: only 25 copies so issued. 1225 WOODBURY. A Sketch of the Character of Abraham Lincoln, preached in the Westminster Church, Providence, R. L, June i, 1865. 12° paper. Providence, 1865 Fish, No. 1068. Only 300 copies printed. Scarce. 1226 WOODS, Rev. Byron A. Abraham Lincoln ; a sermon delivered before the Winfield Scott Post No. 114, Department of the Pennsylvania, G. A. R. 8° paper. Phila., 1895 Fish. Sup. No. 223. Very scarce. Only a few collections contain this item. 1227 WORCESTER, Mass. History of Worcester in the War of the Rebellion. By A. P. Marvin. Portraits. 8° cloth. Worcester, 1870 1228 WORCESTER. Public Exercises by the Citi- zens of Worcester, Mass., in Commemoration of the looth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, Feb. 12, 1909. Portraits. 8° paper. Worcester, 1909 Fish, No. 410. Oration, with portrait of Judge Arthur P. Rugg. 1229 WORCESTER. Another copy. 8° paper. 1230 WORCESTER Free Public Library Bulletin. A Select List on Abraham Lincoln. 12° paper. Worcester, 1909 Fish, Sup. No. 301. 1 23 1 WORDS of Wisdom from Abraham Lincoln. Narrow 18° green rough calf. Dodge Pub. Co. : New York, n. d. Fish. Sup. Xo. 379. 1232 WORDSWORTH, R. D. "Abe " Lincoln's An- ecdotes and Stories. 16° cloth. Boston, 1908 Fish, Sup. No. 344. Book Auctioneers. 115 1233 WORKING Man's Reasons for the Re-election of Abraham Lincoln. Pp. 8. 8° stitched. N. p. (1864) Fish, No. 1071. 1234 WRIGHT, Carrie Douglas. Lincoln's First Love; a true story. Frontispiece. 16" cloth, gilt edges. Chicago, 1 90 1 Fish, No. 1073. Scarce. 1235 "V^OUNG Folks' Library of Choice Literature -■- No. 31. Abraham Lincoln. Square 12° paper. Boston, 1895 Fish, No. 1076. 1236 [Y. R.] Abraham Lincoln, a Study. Entered at the Stationers Hall. Right of translation reserved. 16° stitched. Liverpool, 1865 Fish, No. 1078. Scarce. 1237 ^ WART, A. C. de. Hoe