^ LONG tIANE L. STEWART THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Camp Fire Girls Series, Volume III « The Camp Fire Girls at Long Lake or Bessie King in Summer C^mp by JANE L. STEWART □ The Saalfield Publishing Company Chicago Akron, Ohio New Yoik Copyright, 1914 The Saalfield Publishing- Company The Camp Fire Girls / at Long Lake CHAPTEE I A GEOUNDLESS JEALOUSY “I told you we were going to be bappy berCj didn’t I, Zara?” Tbe speaker was Dolly Eansom, a black-haired, mischievous Wood Gatherer of the Camp Fire Girls, and a member of the Manasquan Camp Fire, the Guardian of which was Miss Eleanor Mercer, or Wanaka, as she was known in the ceremonial camp fires that were held each month. The girls were staying with her at her father’s farm, and only a fevv days before Zara, who had enemies determined to keep her from her friends of the Camp Fire, had been restored to them, through the shrewd suspicions that a faithless friend had aroused in Bessie King, Zara’s best chum. Zara and Dolly were on top of a big wagon, half filled with new mown hay, the sweet smell of which delighted Dolly, although Zara who had lived in the country, knew it too well to become 4 THE CAMP PIPE GIELS wildly entlniaiastie over an3H;liing tliat was so coimnonplace to her. Below them, on the ground, two other Camp Fire Girls in the regular work- ing costume of the Camp Fire— middy blouses and wide blue bloomers— were tossing up the hay, tinder the amused direction of Walter Stuhhs, one of the hoys who worked on the farm. “I’m awfully glad to he here with the girls again, Dolly,” said Zara. “No, that’s not the way! Here, use your rake like this. The way you’re doing it the wagon w’on’t hold half as much hay as it should.” “Is Bessie acting as if she was your teachei’, Margery!” Dolly called down laughingly to Mar- gery Burton, who, because she was always laugh- ing, was called Minnehaha hy the Camp Fire Girls. “Zara acts just as if we were in school, and she’s as superior and tiresome as she can he.” “She’s a regular farm girl, that Zara,” said Walt, with a grin. “Knows as much about packin’ hay as I do— ’most. Bessie, thought you’d lived on a farm all yer life! Zara there can heat yer all hollow at this. You’re only gettin’ half a pickful every time yon toss the hay up. Here— let me show you!” “I’d be a pretty poor teacher if I tried to show Margery, Dolly,” laughed Bessie King. . “You hear how Walter is scolding me!” “He’s quite right, too,” said Dolly, with a little AT LONG LAKE &■ pent. “You know too inueh, Bessie— I ‘m glad to- find there’s something yon don’t do right. Yon ninst be stupid about some things, just like the rest of us, if you lived on a' farm and don’t know how to pitch hay properly after all these years ! ’ ’ Bessie laughed, Dolly’s smile was ample proof that there was nothing ill natured about her little gibe. “Girls on farms in this country don’t work in the fields— the men wouldn’t let thein,” said Bessie. ‘They’d rather have them stay in a hot kitchen all day, cooking, and washing dishes. And when they want a change, the men let them chop wood, and fetch water, and run around t» collect the eggs, and milk the cows, and churn butter and fix the garden truck! Oh, it’s easy for girls and women on a farm — all they have to do is a few little things like that. The men do all the h^rd work. You wouldn’t let your wife do more than that, would you, Walter?” The boy flushed. “When I get married, I’m aimin’ to have a hired gal to do all them chores,” he said. “They’s some farmers seem to think when they marry they’re just gettin’ an extra lot of hired help they don’t have to pay fer, but we don’t figger that way in these parts. 'No, ma’am.” He looked shyly at Dolly as he spoke, and Dolly, who was an accomplished little flirt, saw 6 THE CAMP FIKE GIELS the look and understood it very well. She tossed her pretty head. “You needn’t look at me that way, "Walt Stubbs,” she said. “I’m never going to marry any farmer— so there! I’m going to marry a rich man, and live in the city, and have my own auto- mobile and all the servants I want, and never do anything at all unless I like. So you needn’t waste your breath telling me what a good time your wife is going to have.” Walter, already as brown as a berry from the hot sun under which he worked every day, turned redder than he had been before, if that was possible. But, wisely, he made no attempt to an-, swer Dolly. He had already been inveigled into two or three arguments with the sharp witted girl from the city, and he had no mind for any more of the cutting sarcasm with which she had with- ered him up each time just as he thought he had got the best of her. Still, in spite of her sharp tongue and her fond- ness for teasing him, Walt liked Dolly better than any of the girls from the city who were staying on the farm, and he was always glad to welcome her when she appeared where he was working, even though she interrupted his work, and made .it necessary for him to stick to his job after the others were through in order to make up for lost time. But Dolly had little use for him, in spite of his obvious devotion, which all the other girls AT LONG LAKE 7 had noticed. And this time his silence didn’t save him from another sharp thrust. “Goin’ to that ice cream festival over to the Methodist Church at Deer Crossin’ to-night?” she asked him, trying to imitate his peculiar country accent. “I’m aimin’ to,” he said uncomfortably. “You said you was goin’ to let me take you. Isn’t that so?” “Oh, yes— I suppose so,” she said, tossing her head again. “But I never said I’d let you bring me home, did I? Maybe I’ll find some one over there I like better to come home with,’-’ Walter didn’t answer, which proved that, young as he was, and inexperienced in the way» of city girls like Dolly, he was learning fast. But just then a bell sounded from the farm, and the girls dropped their pitchforks quickly, “Dinner time!” cried Margery Burton, hap- pily. “Come on down, you two, and we’ll go over to that big tree and eat our dinner in the shade. Walter, if you’ll go and fetch us a pail of water from the spring, we ’ll have dinner ready when you get back. And I bet you’ll be surprised when you see what we’ve got, too— something awfully good. We got Mrs. Farnham to let us put up the best lunch you ever saw!” “Yes you did!” gibed Walter. He wasn’t half as much afraid of Margery and the other girls, who never teased him, as he was of Dolly Ran- 8 THE CAMP PIEE GIELS som, and he didn’t like them as well, either. Per- haps it was jnst because Doily made a point of teasing him that he was so fond of hei*. But he picked up the pail, obediently enough, and went otf. When he was out of hearing Bessie shook her finger reproachfully at Dolly. “I thought you w’ere going to be good and not tease Walter any more!” she said, half smiling. '“Oh, he’s so stupid— it’s just fun to tease him, and he’s so easy that I just can’t help it!” said Dolly. “1 don’t think he’s stupid— I think he^'s a very nice' boy,” said Bessie. “Don’t you, Margery?” “I certainly do, Bessie— much too nice for a little flirt like Dolly to torment him the way she does.” “Well, if you two like him so much you can have him, and welcome!” cried Dolly, tossing her head. “I’m sure I don’t want him tagging around after me all the time tlie way he does. ’ ’ “Better be careful, Dolly,” advised Margery, who knew her of old. “They say pride goes be- fore a fall, and if you’re not nice to him you may have to come home from the festival to-night with- out a beau— and you know you wouldn’t like that. ” “I’d just as soon not have a beau at all as have some of these boys around here,” declared Dolly, pugnaciously. “I like the country, but I don’t see why the people have to be so stupid. They’re AT LONG LAKE 9 not half as bright as the ones we know in the city.” ‘‘I don’t know about that, Dolly. Bessie’s from the country, but I think she’s as bright as most of the people in the city. They haven’t been able to fool her very much since she left Hedgeville, you know.” ‘‘Oh, I didn’t mean Bessie!” cried Dolly, throwing her arms aroimd Bessie’s neck affec- tionately. “You know I didn’t, don’t you, dear? And I’m only joking about half the time anyhow, when I say things like that.” “Here comes Walter now— we’ll see whether he doesn’t admit that this is the best dinner he over ate in the fields!” said Margery. It was, too. There was no doubt at all about that. There were cold chicken, and rolls, and plenty of fresh butter, an(i new milk, and hard boiled eggs, that the girls had stuffed, and a lus-< ciousi blueberry pie that Bessie herself had been allowed to bake in the big farm kitchen. They made a great dinner of it, and Walter was loud in his praises. “That certainly beats what we have out here most days!” he said. “We have plenty— but it’s just bread and cold meat and water, as a rule, and no dessert. It’s better than they get at most farms, though,- at that. ’ ’ When the meal was finished the girls quickly made neat parcels of the dishes that were to be 10 THE CAMP PIPE GIELS taken back, and all the litter tbat remained under the tree was gathered up" in to a neat heap and burned. ‘‘My, but you’re neat!” exclaimed Walter, as he watched them. “It’s one of our Camp Fire rules,” explained Margery. “We’re used to camping out and eat- ing in the open air, you know, and it isn’t fair to leave a place so that the next people who camp out there have to do a lot of work to clean up after you before they can begin having a good time themselves. We wouldn’t like it if we had to do it after others, so we try always to leave things just as we’d like to find them ourselves. And it wouldn’t be good for the Camp Fire Girls if people thought we were careless and untidy.” Then they got back to work again, and the long summer afternoon passed happily, with all four of the girls doing their share of the work. The ,sun was "still high when they had finished their work, and Walter gave the word to stop happily, since he wanted time to put on his best clothes for the trip to Deer Crossing, where the ice cream fes- tival was to be held. Such festivities were rare enough in the country to be made mightily wel- come when they came, especially when the date chosen was a Saturday, since on Sunday those who worked in the fields every other day of the week could take things easily and lie abed late. “Well, I’ll see all you girls again to-night,” he AT LONG LAKE 11 said. “I’ll be along after supper, Dolly— don’t forget. We’re goin’ to ride over together in the first wagon.” “All right,” said Dolly, smiling at him, and winking shamelessly’ at Bessie. “Don’t forget to put on that new blue necktie and to wear those pink socks, Walter.” “I sure won’t,” he said, not having Seen her wink, and, as he turned away, Dolly looked at Bessie with a gesture of comic despair. “I think it’s very mean to laugh at Walter’s clothes, Dolly,” said Bessie. “They’re not a bit sillier than some of the things the boys in the city wear, are they, Margery?” “I should say not— not half as foolish. I’ve seen some of your pet boys wearing the sort of clothes one would expect men at the racetrack to wear, and nobody else, Dolly. You w^ant to get over thinking you’re so much better than every- one else— if you don’t, it’s going to make you unhappy. ’ ’ Once they were at the ice cream festival, where all the girls and young fellows from miles around seemed to have gathered, Dolly seamed prepared to have a very good time, however. She entered into the spirit of the occasion, and, though she, like Bessie and most of the Camp Fire Girls, would not take part in the kissing games that were popular, she wasn’t a bit stitf or superior. “I wonder where that nice boy that thrashed 12 THE CAMP FIEB GIELS Jake Hoover is?” slie asked Bessie, after they;' had been there for a while. “Oh, that’s whom you’re looking for!” ex- claimed Bessie, with a laugh. “Will Burns, you mean? That’s so, Dolly— he said he was coming- here, didn’t he?” “He certainly did. I’d like to see him again, Bessie. He wasn’t as stupid as most of these country boys.” “Tie was splendid,” said Bessie, w-armly. “If it hadn’t been for him, I might net be here now'', Dolly. .Jake would have got me back into the other state— he was strong enough to make me go wEere he wanted. And if I’d been caught there, they’d have made me stay.” “There he is now!” exclaimed Dolly, as a tall, sunburned boj'' appeared in the doorway. “I was beginning to be afraid he wasn’t coming at all.” Will Burns, who was a cousin of Walter Stubbs, seemed to be well known to the young people of the neighborhood, though his home was near Jericho, some twmnty miles away. He was greeted on all sides as he made his way through the Sunday School room, wdiere the festival was being held, and it was some minutes before the girls from the farm saw that he was nearing them. “Well— well, so you got home all right?” he said, smiling at Bessie. “I thought you wouldn’t AT LONG LAKE 13 \ have any more trouble, once yon got on the train, pm glad to see yon again.” ( And then Dolly’s vanity got a rnde shock. For "will Burns began to devote himself at once, after lie had greeted Dolly and been introduced to Zara and some of the other girls, to Bessie. Everyone in the room soon noticed this, and since most of the girls there had tried to make him pay atten- tion to them, at one time or another, his evident fondness for Bessie caused a little sensation. Dolly, so surprised to find a boy she fancied will- ing to talk to anyone else that she didn’t know what to do, stood it as long as she could, and then went in search of Walter Stubbs, whom she had snubbed unmercifully all evening. But Walter had at last plucked up courage enough to resent the way she treated him, and she found that he had bought two plates of ice cream for Margery Burton and himself, and that they were sitting in a corner, eating their ice cream, and talking away as merrily as if they had known one another all their lives ! Eleanor Mercer, who had come over to have an eye on the girls, saw the little comedy. She waa sorry for Dolly, who was sensitive, but she knew that the lesson would be a wholesome one for the little flirt, who had been flattered so much by the boys in the city that she had come to believe that she could make any boy do just what she de- sired. So she said nothing, even when Dolly, with- 14 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS out a single boy to keep her in countenance, was redueed to sitting with one or two other girls who were in the same predicament, since there were more girls there than boys. Walter did not even come to get her to ride home with him. Instead, he found a place with Margery Burton, and Dolly had to climb into her wagon alone. There she found Bessie. “You’re a mean old thing, Bessie King!” she said, half crying. CHAPTEE II GOOD-BYE TO THE FARM Dolly had spoken in a low tone, her sobs seem- ing to strangle her speech, and only Bessie, who was amazed by this outburst, heard her. Grieved and astonished, she put her arin about Dolly, but the other girl threw it off, roughly. “Don’t you pretend you love me — I know the mean sort of a cat you are now!” she said, bit- terly. “Why, Dolly! Whatever is the matter with you! What have I done to make you angry!” “If you were so mad at me the other day for getting you into that automobile ride with Mr. Holmes you might have said so — instead of pre- tending that you’d forgiven me, and then turning around and making everyone laugh at me to-night ! You’re prettier than I am— and cleverer— but I think it’s pretty mean to make that Burns boy spend the whole evening with you!” Gradually, and very faintly, Bessie began to have a glimmering of what was wrong with her friend. She found it hard work not to smile, or even to laugh outright, but she resisted the temp- tation nobly, for she Imew only too well that to Dolly, sensitive and nervous, laughter would be 15 16 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS just tlie one thing needed to make it harder than ever to patch up this senseless and silly quarrel, ■which, so far, was only one sided. To Bessie, who thought little of boys, and to whom jealousy was alien, the idea that Dolly was really jealous of her seemed absurd, since she knew how little cause there was for such a feel- ing, But, very wisely, she determined to proceed slowly, and not to do anything that could possibly give Dolly any fresh cause of offence. “Dolly,” she said, “you mustn’t feel that. way. Eeally, dear, I didn’t do that at all. I talked to him when he came to sit down by me, but that was all. I couldn’t very well tell him to go away, or not answer him when he spoke to me, could I?” “Oh, I know what you’re going to say— that it was all his fault. But if you hadn’t tried to make him come he wouldn’t have done it.” “I didn’t try to make him come, Dolly. Did you?” Dolly stared at her a moment. Thq question seemed to force her to give attention to a new idea, to something she had not thought of before. But when she spoke her voice was still defiant. “Suppose I did!” she said, angrily. “I wanted to have a good time— and he was the nicest boy there — ” ‘ ‘ Maybe he saw that you were waiting for him too plainly, Dolly, Maybe he wanted to pick out someone for himself— and if you’d pretended that AT LONG LAKE 17 you didn’t 'care whether he talked to you or not he would have been more anxious to be with you. ” Dolly blushed slightly at that, though it was too dark for Bessie to see the color in her cheeks. She knew very well that Bessie was right, but she wondered how Bessie knew it. That feigned indifference had brought her the attentions of more than one boy who had boasted that he was not going to pay any attention to her just because everyone else did. But the gradually dawning suspicion that she might, after all, have only herself to blame for the spoiling of her evening’s fun, and that she had acted in rather a silly fashion, didn’t soften Dolly particularly. Very few people are able to re- cover a lost temper just because they find out, at the height of their anger, that they are them- selves to blame for what made them angry, and Dolly was not yet one of them. “I suppose you’ll tell all the other girls about this,” she said. She wasn’t crying any more, but her voice was as hard as ever. ‘‘I think you’re horrid— and I thought I was going to like you so much. I think I’ll ask Miss Eleanor to let me share a room with someone else.” Bessie didn’t answer, though Dolly waited while the wagon drove on for quite a hundred yards. Bessie was thinking hard. She liked Dolly; she was sure that this was only a show of Dolly’s 18 TPIE QAMP FIEE GIRLS' temper, ■vvliieli, despite tlie restrictions tliat sur- rounded her in her home, and had a good deal to do with her mischievous ways, had never been properly curbed. But, though Bessie was not angry in her turn, she understood thoroughly that if she and Dolly were to continue the friendship that had begun so promisingly, this trouble between them must he settled, and settled in the proper fashion. If Dolly were allowed to sleep on her anger, it vrould he infinitely harder to restore their relations to a friendly basis. “I suppose you don’t care!” said Dolly, fin- ally, when she decided fhat Bessie was not going to answ’er her. And now Bessie decided on a change of tactics. She had tried arguing with Dolly, and it had seemed to do no good at all. Itxwas time to see if a little ridicule would not he more useful. “I didn’t say so, Dolly,” she answered, very quietly. And she smiled at her friend. “What’s the use of my saying anything? I told you the truth about what happened this evening, and you didn’t believe me. So there’s not much use talk- ing, is there?” “You know I’m right, or you’d have plenty to talk about,” said Dolly, unhappily. “Oh, I wish we’d never seen Will Burns!” “I wish we hadn’t seen him until to-night, Dolly,” said Bessie, gravely. “You know, that AT LONO LAKE 19 trip in the automobile with Mr. Holmes the o&ar day waisn’t very nice for me, Dolly. If they had caught me, as Mr. Holmee had planned to do, I’d have been taken back to Hedgeville, and bound pver to Farmer Weeks— and he’s a miser, who hates me, and would have been as mean to me as he could possibly be. That’s how we met Will Burns, you know— because you insisted on going with Mr. Holmes in his car to get an ice cream soda.” “That’s just what I said— you pretended to for- give me for that, and you haven’t at all— you’re still angry, and you humiliated me before all those people just to get even! I didn’t think you were like that, Bessie— I thought you were nicer than I. But-” “Dolly, stop talking a little, and just think it over. You say you didn’t have a good time, and you mean that you didn’t have a boy waiting around to do what you told him all evening. Isn’t that so?” “All the other girls had boys around them all the time—’? I “You went with Walter Stubbs, didn’t you? And you told him that maybe you’d come home with him and maybe you wouldn’t— and that if anyone you liked better came along you were go- ing to stay with them. You didn’t know Will Burns was coming, did you?” “No, but— I thought if he did come—” 20 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS “That’s just it. You didn’t think about Walter nt all, did you? You wanted to have a good time yourself— and you didn’t care what sort of a time he had? You just thought that if Will Burns did come he was sure to want to be with you, and so, as soon as you saw him come in you sent Walter off. Oh, you were silly, Dolly— and it was nil your own fault. Don’t you think it’s rather mean to blame me? We were together when Will Burns was coming toward us, and I wanted to go away and let you stay there— but you said I must stay. Don’t you remember that?” Dolly, as a matter of fact, had quite forgotten it. But she remembered well enough, now that Bessie had reminded her of it. And, though she had a hot temper, and was fond of mischief, Dolly was not sly. She admitted it at once. “I do remember it now, Bessie.” “Well, don’t you see how absurd it is to say that I took Will away from you? We were both there together— I couldn’t tell when we saw him coming that he was going to talk to me, could 11 And listen, Dolly— he asked me to go home with him in his buggy, and I said I wouldn’t.’’ With some girls that would have made the chance of mending things very remote. But Dolly, although her jealousy had been so quickly aroused, was not the sort to get still angrier at this fresh proof that she had been mistaken in thinking that Will Burns had liked her better than Bessie. A.T LONG LAKE 21 “'Why, Bessie— why did you do that?” Bessie laughed. “We’re not going to be here very much longer, , are we, Dolly?” she said. “Well— if we’re not going to be here, we’re not going to see much of Will Burns. You’re not the only giid who— was —who thought that he ought to be j)aying' more attention to her than to me. There was a pretty girl from Jericho, and he’s known her a long time. "Walter told me about them.. “And I oould see that she wanted him to drive her home, so I asked him why he didn’t do it. And he got very much confuted, but he went over to her, finally, and she looked just as happy as she could he when he handed her up into his buggy, and they all went off along. the road to- gether, "Will and she and two or three other fel- lows who had driven over together from Jericho.” Dolly’s expression had changed two or three times, very swiftly, as she listened. Now she sighed, and her hand crept out to find Bes.sie’s. “Oh, Bessie,” she said, softly, “vv-on’t you for- give me, dear? I’ve made a fool of myself again -^I’m always doing that, it seems to me. And every time I promise myself or you or someone not to do it again. But the trouble is there are so many different ways of being foolish. I seem to find new ones all the time, and every one is so different from the others that I never know about it until it’s too late.” 22 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS never too late to find out one’s been in tbe wrong, Doily, if one admits it. There aren’t many girls like you, who are ready to say they’ve been wrong, no matter how well they know it. I haven’t anything, to forgive you for— so don’t let’s talk any more about that. Everyone makes mistakes. If I thought anyone had treated me as you thought I had treated you to-night I’d have been angry.^ too.” Poor Dolly sighed disconsolately. “ You’re the best friend I ever had, Bessie,” she said. “I make everyone angry with me, and when I say I’m sorry, they pretend that they’ve forgiven me, but they haven’t, really, at all. That’s why I said that about your still being angry with me. I thought you must be. I really am going to try to be more sensible.” And so the little misunderstanding, which might easily, had Bessie been less patient and tactful, have grown into a quarrel that would have ended their friendship before it was well begun, was smoothed over, and Dolly and Bessie, tired but happy, went upstairs to their room together, and were asleep so quickly that they didn’t even take the time to talk matters over. Eleanor Mercer, standing in the big hall of the farm house as the girls went upstairs, smiled after Dolly and Bessie. “I think you thought I was foolish to put those two in a room together,” she said to Mrs. Earn- AT LONG LAKE 33 ham, the motherly housekeeper, whom Eleanor 'had known since, as a little girl, she had played about the farm. “I wouldn’t say that. Miss Eleanor,” said Mrs. Farnham. ‘‘I didn’t see how they were going tc get along together, because they were so differ* ent. But it’s not for me to say that you’re fool** ish, no matter what you do.” “Oh, yes, it is,” laughed Eleanor. “You used to have to tell me I was foolish in the old days, when I wanted to eat green apples, and all sorts of other things that would have made me sick, and just because I’m grown up doesn’t keep me from wanting to do lots of things that are just as foolish now. But I do think I was right in that.” “They do seem to get on well,” agreed Mrs. Farnham. “It’s just because they are so different,” said Eleanor. “Dolly does everything on impulse— she doesn’t stop to think. ’With Bessie it’s just the opposite. She’s almost too old— she isn’t im- pulsive enough. And I think each of them will work a little on the other, so that they’ll both bene- fit by being together. Bessie likes looking after people, and she may make Dolly think a little more. “There isn’t a nicer, sweeter girl in the whole Camp Fire than Dolly, but lots of people don’t like her, because they don’t unders-?-nd her. Oh, pfiTT-'iT' _L ,i.X C- FIEE GISL I’m sure it’s going to be splendid for both of them. Dolly was awfully angrj’ at Bessie before they started from the church — but you saw how they' were wdien they got here to-night?” ^‘1 did, indeed, Miss Eleanor. And I’d say Dolly has a high temper, too, just to look at her.” “Oh, she has— and Bessie never seems to get angry. I don’t understand that— it’s my worst fault, I think. Losing my temper, I mean. Though I’m better than I used to be. Well- good-night. ’ ’ The next day was Sunday, and, of course, there was none of the work about the farm that the girls of the Camp Fire had enjoyed so much. They weut to church in the morning, and when they re- turned Bessie was surprised to see Charlie Jamie- son, the lawyer, Eleanor Mercer’s cousin, sitting on the front piazza. Eleanor took Bessie with her wEen she went to greet him. “No had news, Charlie?” she said, anxiously. He was looking after the interests of Bessie and of Zara, whose father, unjustly accused as Charlie and the girls believed, of counterfeiting, was in prison in the city from which the Camp Eire Girls came. Charlie Jamieson had about decided that his imprisonment was the result of a con- spiracy in which Parmer Weeks, from. Bessie’s home town, Hedgeville, was mixed up with a Mr. Holmes, a rich merchant of the city. The reason for the persecution of the two girls and of Zara’s AT LONG LAKE .25 fatlier was a mystery, bat Jamieson had made up his mind to solve it. ‘E'To— not bad news, exactly,” he said. ‘‘Bat I’ve had a talk with Holmes, and I’m worried, Eleanor. You know'^, that wans a pretty bold thing he did the other day, when he trapped Bessie into going v/ith him for an auto^niobile ride and tried to kidnap her. That ’s a serious offence, and a man in Holmes’s position in the city wmaldn’t be mixed up in it unless there was a very important reason. And from the way he talked to me' I ’m more convinced than ever that he will just be wait- ing for a chance to try it again.” “What did he say to you, Charlie!” “Oh, nothing very definite. He advised me to drop this case. He reminded me that he had a good deal of influence— and that he could bring me a lot of business, or keep it away. And he said that if I didn’t quit meddling with this business I’d have reason to feel sorry.” “What did you tell him!” “To get out of my office before I kicked bim out! He didn’t like that, I can tell you. But I noticed that he got out. But here’s the point. Are you still planning that camping trip to Long Lake!” “Yes— I think it would be splendid there.” “Well, why don’t yoii start pretty soon! Holmes knows this country very well, and he ’s got so much money that, if he spends it, he can probably 26 THE CAMP FIKE GIELS ! find people to do what lie wants. Up there it’s lonely country, and pretty wild, and you could keep an eye on Bessie and Zara even better than you can here. I don’t know why he wants to have them in his power, but it’s quite evident that their plans depend on that for success, and our best plan, as long as we’re in the dark this way, and don’t know the answer to all these puzzling things, is to keep things as they are. I’m con- vinced that they can’t do anything that need worry us much as long as we have Bessie and Zara safe and sound.” ‘AVe can start to-morrow,” said Eleanor. “Bessie— will you tell the girls to get ready? I’ll go and make arrangements, Charlie.” And so, the next day, after lunch, the Camp Fire Girls, waving their hands to kindly Mrs. Farnham, and making a great fuss over Walter, who drove them to the station, said good-bye, for the time, at least, to the farm. And Dolly Ran- som, Bessie noticed, took pains to be particularly nice to Walter Stubbs, CHAPTER III LONG LAKE “I love travelling,” said Dolly, when they were settled in their places in the train that was to take them up into the hills and on the first stage of the journey to Long Lake. “I like to see new places and new neople.” “Dolly’s never content for very long in one place,” said Eleanor Mercer, who overheard her remark, smiling. “If she had her way she’d be flying aU over the country all the time. Wouldn’t you, Dolly?” “I don’t like to know w^hat’s going to happen next all the time,” said Dolly. “I know just how" you feel,” Bessie surprised her by saying. ‘ ‘ I used to think, sometimes, when I was on Paw Hoover’s farm in Hedgeville, that- if only I could go to sleep some nig*ht without knowing just what was going to happen the next day I’d be happy. It was always the same, too— just the same things to do, and the same places to see—” “I should think Jake Hoover would have kept you guessing what he was going to do next,” said Doily, spitefully. ‘ ‘ The great big bully ! Oh, how glad I was when Will Burns knocked him down the other day ! ’ ’ 27 28 THE CAMP FIRE GIRLS ‘‘Yes/’ admitted Bessie^ “I didn’t know jnsti what Jake was going to tell Maw ^oover ahont \ me next— hut then, you see, I always knew it was t something that vrould get me into trouble, and I that I’d either get beaten or get a scolding and! have to do without my supper. So even about I that it wasn ’t very difficult to Imow what was 1 going to happen,” j “Heavens— I’d have run away long'before. you did,” said Dolly, with a shudder, “I don’t see how you ever stood it as long as you did, Bessie. 1 It must have been awful. ” , i' “It was, Dolly,” said Eleanor, gravely. “I was| there, and I made a point of looking into things,' so that if anyone ever blamed me for helping; Bessie and Zara to get away, I could explain that: I hadn’t just taken Bessie’s word for things. But' running away was a pretty hard thing to do. It’s easy to talk about— but where was Bessie to go? She isn’t like you— or she wmsn’t. “She didn’t have a lot of friends, who would have thought it was just a fine joke for her to have run off that way. If you did it, you’d have a good time, and when you got tired of it, you’d go back to your Aunt Mabel, and she’d scold you a little, and that would be the end of it. You must have thought of trying to get away, Bessie, didn’t you?” “Oh, I did. Miss Eleanor, often and often. "When Jake was very bad, or Maw Hoover was AT LONG LAKE 29 meaner tlian usual. But it’s just as you say. I was afraid that wherever I went it would he worse than it was there. I didn’t know where to go or what to do. ’ ’ “ Well--that’s so,” ‘said Dolly. “It must have been awfully hard. But then, how did you ever get the nen^e to do it at ail, Bessie? That’s what I don’t understand. The way you act now^, it seems as if you always w'-anted to do just as you are told.” “I thought you’d heard all about that, Dolly. You see, when we really did run aivay, we couldn’t help it, Zara and I. And I don’t believe v/e really meant to go quite away, the way we did— not at first. You remember when we saw you girls first— when you were in cam^p in the woods?” “Oh, yes; I remember seeing you, with your head just poking out of the door of that funny old hut by the lake. I thought it was awfully funny, but I didn’t know you then, of course.” “I expect you’d have thought it was funny wLether you knew us or not, Dolly. Well, you see, Zara had come over to see me the day it all hap- pened, and Jake caught her talking v/ith me, and locked her in the ■woodshed. Maw Hoover didn’t like Zara, because she was a foreigner, and Maw thought she stole eggs and chickens- but Zara never did such a thing in her life. So Jake locked her in the woodshed, and said that he was going to keep her there till Maw Hoover came home. She’d gone to town.” THE CAMP EIRE GIRLS ^^0 ‘‘MHay did lie want to do that?” ^‘Because Maw had said that if she ever caught Zara around their place again she was going to take a stick to her and heat her until she was hlack and blue^and I ghess she meant it, too. She liked to give people heatings— me, I mean. She never touched Jake, though, and she never helieved he did anything wrong.” Dolly whistled. ”If she k?iew him the way I do, she would,” she said. ”And I’ve only seen him twice — hut that’s two times too many!” “Well, after he’d locked her in, Jake went off, and I tried to let her out. I couldn’t find the key, and I was trying to break the lock on the door with a stone. I’d nearly got it done, when Jake came along and found me doing it. So he stood off and threw hits of burning wood from the fire near me, to frighten me. That was an old trick of his. ‘ ' But that time the woodshed caught fire, and he was scared. He got the key, and we let Zara out, and then he said he was going to tell Maw Hoover that we’d set the place on fire on pur- pose. I knew she’d believe him, and we were frightened, and ran off.” “Well, I should say so! Who wouldn’t? Why, he’s worse than I thought he was, even, and I knew he was pretty had.” “We were going to Zara’s place first, but that AT LONG LAKE 31 was tlie day they arrested Zara’s father. They said he’d been making bad money, but I don’t believe it. But anyhow, we heard them talking in their place— Zara’s and her father’s— and they said that I’d set the barn on fire, and they were going to have me arrested, and that Zara would have to go and live with old Farmer Weeks, who’s the meanest man in that state. And so we kept on running away, because we knew that it couldn’t be any worse for us if we went than if we stayed. So that’s how we finally came away.” “Oh, how exciting! I wish I ever had adven- tures like that!” “Don’t be silly, Dolly,” said Eleanor, severely. “Bessie and Zara were very lucky— they might have had a very hard time. And you had all the adventure you need the other day when you made Bessie go off looking for ice-cream sodas with you. You be content to go along the way you ought to and you’ll have plenty of fun without the danger of adventures. They sound very nice, after they’re all over, but when, they’re happen- ing they’re not very pleasant” “That’s so,” admitted Dolly, becoming grave. It was late in the afternoon before they reached the station at which they had to change from the main line. There they waited for a time before the little two-car train on the branch line was ready to start. Short and light as it was, that train had to be drawn by two puffing, snorting en- 32 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS gines, for the rest o'f the trip was a climlb, and a stilf cue, since Long Lake was fairly high up, though the train, after it passed the station near- est to the lake, would climh a good deal higher. Even after they left the train finally, they w^ere still some distance from their destination. “Yon needn’t look at that hnckboard as if yon were going to ride in it, girls,” said Eleanor, laughing, as they surveyed the single vehicle that v/as vfaiting near the track. “That’s just for the baggage. Now you can see, maybe, why you were told yon couldn’t bring" many things with you. And if that isn’t enough, wait until yon see the trail ! ” Soon all the baggage vvas stowed away on th^ back pf the backboard and securely tied on, and then the driver whipped up the stocky horses, and drove off, while the girls gave him the Wohelo cheer.. “But hov7 are we going to get to Long Lake?” asked Dolly, apprehensively. “We’re going to walk!” langhed Eleanor. “Come on nova or we won’t get there in time for snpper— and I’ll bet we’lj all have a fine appe- tite for su|)per to-night!” Then she took the van, and led the way across a field and into the woods that grew thickly near the track. “This isn’t the way the backboard vfent!” said Dolly. AT LONG LAKE 33 “No— we’il strike tlie road pretty soon, tlio'iigii,” said Eleanor. “Yv^e save a little time by taking tiiis trail. In the old days tbere wasn’t any way to get to tbo lake, or to. carry anything there, except by walking. And when they built the cordti- I'oy road they couldn’t make it as short as the trail, although, wherever they could, they followed the old trail. So this is a sort of short cut.” ^‘Wl-iat’s a corduroy road?” asked Lolly. “Don’t yon know that? I thought you knew something about the woods, Dolly. My, what a lot you’ve got to learn. It’s, made of logs and they’re built in woods and places where it’s hard to make a regular road, or would cost too much. All that’s needed, you see, is to chop dovni trees enough to make a clear path, and then to put down the logs, close together. It’s rough going, and no wagon with spinngs can be driven over it, but it’s all right for a hnckboard.” “Ugh!” said Dolly. “I should think it would shake you to pieces.” “It does, pretty nearly,” said Eleahor, with a smile. “One usuallj^ only rides' over one ^once — after &at one walks, and is glad of the chance.” When, after a three-mile tramp, Eleanor, who was in front, stopped suddenly at a point where the trees thinned out, on top of a ridge, and called out, “Here’s the lake, girls!” there was a wild rush to reach her side. And the view. 34 THE CAMP FIEE GIKLS wlien they got the first glimpse of it^ was cer- tainly worth all the trouble it had caused them. Before them stretched a long body of water, sapphire blue in the twilight, with pink shadows where the setting sun was reflected. Perhaps two miles longj the lake was, at its widest point, not more than a quarter of a mile across, whence, of course, came its name. About it the land sloped do\vn on all sides, into a cup-like depression that formed the lake, so that there was, on all four sides, a tree crowned ridge. From a point about half way to the far end of the lake smoke rose in the calm evening air. “Oh, how beautiful!” cried Bessie. “It’s the loveliest place I ever saw. And how wonderful the smell is.” “That’s from the pine trees,” said Eleanor. She sighed, as if overcome by the calm beauty of ■ the scene, as, indeed, she was. “It’s always beau- tiful here— but sometimes I think it’s most beau- tiful in winter, when, the lake is covered with ice, and the trees are all weighed down with snow. Then, of course, you can walk or skate all over the lake— it’s frozen four and five feet deep, as a rule, by January.” Dolly shivered. “But isn’t it awfully cold here?” she inquired. “Oh, yes; but it’s so dry that one doesn’t mind the cold half as much as we do at home when it’s- really ten or fifteen degrees warmer, Dolly. One- AT LONG LAKE 35 dresses for it, too, you see, in thick, woolen things, . and furs, and there’s such glorious sport. You can break holes through the ice and fish, and then there are ice boats, and skating races, and all sorts of things. Oh, it’s glorious. I’ve been up here in winter a lot, and I really do think that’s best of all.” Then she looked at the rising smoke. “Well, we mustn’t stay here and talk any more,” she said. “Come along, girls, it’s getting near to supper time.” “Have we got to cook supper?” asked' Dolly, anxiously. “No, not tomight,” said Eleanor, with a laugh* “The guides have done it for us, because I knew” we’d all be tired and ready for a good rest, with- out any work to do. But with breakfast to- morrow we’ll start in and do all our own work,, just as we’ve done when we’ve been in camp before. ’ ’ Half an hour’s brisk walk took them to the site of the camp. There there was a little sandy beach, and the tents had been pitched on ground that was slightly higher. Behind each tent a trench had been dug, so that, in case of rain, the water flow- ing down from the high ground in the rear would be diverted and carried down into the lake. Before the tents a great fire was burning, and the girls cried out happily at the sight of plates, with knives and forks and tin pannikins set by 3G THE CAMP FIEE GIELS Eiem, all spread out in a great circle near the fire. At the fire itself two or three men were busy with frying pans and great coffee pots, and the savory smell of frying bacon, that never tastes half as good as when it is eaten in the woods, rose and mingled with the sweet, spicy smell of the balsams and the firs, the pines and the spruces. “Oh, but I’m glad we’re here!” cried Dolly, with a huge sigh of content. “And I’m glad toi see supper— and smell it!” And what a supper that was ! For many of the girls, like Bessie, and Zara, and Dolly, it was the first woods meal. How good the bacon was, and the raised biscuit, as light and flaky as snow- flakes, cooked as only woods guides know how to cook them ! And then, afterward, the great plates heaped high with flapjacks, that were to be eaten with butter and maple syrup that came from the trees all about them. Not the adulterated, wishy- washy maple syrup that is sold, as a rule, even in the best grocery stores of the cities, but the real, luscious maple syrup that is taken from the run- ning sap in the first warm days of February, and refined in great kettles, right under the trees that yielded the sap. And then, when it was time to turn in, how they did sleep! The air seemed to have some myster- ious qualities of making one v/ant to sleep. And the peape of the great out-of-doors brooded over the camp that night. CHAPTER IV A EECKLESS ErCUESIOir In the morning, when the girls awoke, there was no sign of the guides who had cooked that tempt- ing and delicious supper the night before. “V/’ell, we’re on our own resources now, girls,” said the Guardian. “This may be a sort of Eden —I hope we’ll find it so. But it’s goin?; to oe a manless one. There’ll be no men wrc un. " we get ready to go away, if I can help it— exce; as visitors. ” “Well, I guess we. can get along without them all right, for a change,” said Dolly, blushing a little. “Some of the men I know who are interested in the Boy Scouts think the Camp Eire Girls are a good deal of a joke,” said Eleanor, with a light in her eyes that might have made some of the scoffers she referred to anxious to eat their words. “They say we get along all right because we ahvays have some man ready to help us out if we get into any trouble. So I planned this camp just to show them that we can do just as well as any troop of Boy Scouts ever did.” “I bet we can, too,” said Dolly, eagerly. “V/hy, with such a lot of us to do the work, it won’t be very hard for any one of us.” S3 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS “Not if we all do our share, Dolly,” said Eleanor, looking at her rather pointedly. “But if some of us are always managing to disappear just when there’s work to he done, someone will have to do double duty— and that’s not fair.” “I won’t— really I won’t. Miss Eleanor,” said Dolly. “I know I’ve shirked sometimes, hut I’m not going to this time. I’m going to work hard now to be a Eire Maker. I think I’ve been a Wood Gatherer long enough, don’t you!” “You’ve served more time than is needed for promotion, Dolly. It’s all up to you, as the boys say. As soon as you win the honors you need you can be a Eire Maker. You can have your new rank just as soon as you earn it. ” “Bessie and I are going to be made Eire Mak- ers together, if we can. Miss Eleanor. We talked that over the other day, at the farm, and I think we’ll be ready at the first camp fire we have after We get home. ’ ’ “Well, you’ll please me very much if you do. It’s time the other girls were getting up now — we’ve got to cook breakfast now. I’ll call them while you two build a fire— there’s plenty of wood for to-day, piled up over there.” As Dolly had said, with each girl doing her share, the work of the camp was light. While some of the girls did the cooking, others prepared the “dining table”— a smooth place on the ground— and others pinned up the bottom flaps of AT LONG LAKE 39 tlie tents, after turning out the bedding, so that the floors of the tents might be well aired. And then they all sat down, happily and hungrily, to a breakfast that tasted just as good as had supper the night before. “Can we swim in the lake. Miss Eleanor?’’ asked Margery Burton. “If you want to,” said Eleanor, with a smile. “It’s pretty cold water, though; a good deal colder than it was at the sea shore last year. You see, this lake is fed by springs, and in the spring the ice melts, and the water in April and May is just like ice water. But you’ll get used to it, if you only stay in a couple of minutes at first, and get accustomed to the chill gradually. But re- member the rule: no one is ever to go in unless I’m right at hand, and there must always be some- one in a boat, ready to help if a girl gets a cramp or any other sort of trouble.” “Oh, are there boats?” cried Dolly. “That’s fine! Where are they. Miss Eleanor?” “You shall see them after we’ve cleared away the breakfast things and washed up. But there’s a rule about the boats, too: no one is to go out in them except in bathing suits. And remember this, when you’re out on the lake. It’s very nar- row, and it looks very calm and safe, now. “But at this time of the year there are often severe squalls up here, and they come over the hills so quickly that it’s easy to get caught unless 40 '■THE CAMP FIEE'GlIii.3 you’re very careful. I think there had better al- ways be two girls in each boat. We don’t want any accidents.” .1 “Can we go for walks through the woods, Miss Eleanor!” “Oh, yes; that’s the most beautiful x)art cf ’oe- ing up here. But it’s easy to get lost. When you start on a trail alvrays stick to it. Don’t be, tempted, to go off e:q)loring. I ’in going to give you all some lessons in finding your way in the woods. You know, the moss is always on the south side of a tree, and there are other ways of telling direction, by the leaves. I expect you all to he regular woodsmen v»dien we go away from here, and I’m sure you’ll learn things about the woods that will give you a good many pleasant times in the future.” “Isn’t there anyone else at all up here, Miss Eleanor? I should think there ’d be a hotel or something like that here. ’ ’ “No, not yet; not right near here. This lake is part of a big preserve that is owned by a lot of men in the city. My father is one of them, and they have tried to keep all this part of the woods just as nature left it. There are a lot of deer here, and in the fall, when hunters come into the woods, they have to keep out of this part of them. A few deer are shot here, because if only a few are taken each year, it’s all right. But there will be no hotels in this tract. Hotels mean the end AT LONG LAKE 41 of the real woods life. There are half a dozen lakes in the preserve, and each of the families that owns a share in it has a camp at one of the lakes. I mean a regular camp, with wooden build- ings, where one can stay in the winter, even. But this lake was set apart for trips like this, where people can gfet right back to nature, and sleep in tents. ’ ’ ‘ ‘ Then we can go over and see some of the other lakes?” “Yes; I don’t know whether we’ll find anyone at home in any of the camps or not, but they’ll be glad to see us if they are there. A lot of people wait until later in the year to come up here— until the hunting season l?egins. But we can do some hunting even now, though it’s against the law to do any shooting. ” “Oh, I know^ what you mean. Miss Eleanor— with a camera?” It was Margery Burton who thought of that. “Yes. And that’s really the best sort of hunt- ing, I think. If you’ve ever seen a deer, and had it look at you with (its big, soft eyes I cton’t see how you can kill it. It’s almost as hard to get a good picture of a deer as it is to kill it — in fact, I think it’s harder, because you have to get so much closer to it. And it’s awfully good fun at night. “Yon go to one of their runways, and settle down, with your camera and a flashlight powder, 42 THE CAMP FIRE GIRLS and then when the deer comes, if you’re very quick, you can get a really beautiful picture. The deer may be a little frightened, but he isn’t hurt, and you have a picture that you can keep for years and show to people. And an experienced hunter will tell you that any time you can get close enough to a deer to get a good flashlight pic- ture of him you could easily have killed him.” “Why is it so very hard to do that?” “Well, for lots of reasons. You have to figure on the wind— because if the wind is blowing away from you and toward the deer he can smell you long before he’s in sight, and off he goes, afraid to come any nearer.” “But how can you tell where a deer will be?” “They have regular runways— just as we have trails. And at night they come down to the lake to drink. So you can station yourself on one of those runways, and be pretty sure that sooner or later a deer vdll come along.” The morning passed quickly and happily. To the girls who had never before been in that coun- try, there seemed to ‘be an unending number of new discoveries. Timid as the deer might be, there was nothing nervous about the squirrels and chipmunks which abounded in the woods near the lake, and as soon as they saw the girls they came running about, so that there were often half a dozen or more begging noisily for dainties to af- ford them a change from their diet of nuts, sitting AT LONG LAKE 43 up, and chattering prettily as they got the mor- sels that were tossed to them. “I never saw them so tame, even at home,” said Bessie, surprised. “We had plenty of them there, but I suppose they were wilder because the boys used to shoot them. They don’t do that here, I suppose?” “No; the people who hunt around here go in for bigger game. They would think they were wasting their time if they bothered to shoot chip- munks and squirrels.” “I’ve seen them tame before, but that was in the park, at home, and it isn’t the same thing at all,” said Dolly. “No; though they’re very cute, and I’m glad there afe so many of them there. But here, of course, they’re in their real home, and it’s differ- ent, and much nicer, I think.” Then, after luncheon. Miss Eleanor divided the girls into watches. “I think we’ll have more fun if a certain num- ber stay home every afternoon to prepare dinner and cook it,” she said. “Then the rest of you can go for walks, or do anything you like, so long as you are back in time for dinner. In that way, some of you will be free every afternoon, and those who have to work won’t mind, because they will know that the next day they will be free, and so on.” Zara was one of those who drew a piece of 44 THE CAMP FIEE GIRLS paper marked “work” from the big hat in which Miss Eleanor put a slip of paper for every girl, while Bessie and Dolly each drew a slip marked “play.” “To-morrow the girls who work to-day will play,” said Miss Eleanor, “and those who play to-day will draw again. Fonr of them will play again to-morrow, and the other four will work, and then, on the third day, those who play to- morrow will work, and on the fourth day to-day’s four will work again. That will give everyone two days off and one day to work while we’re in camp. And I think that’s fair.” So did everyone else, and Dolly, always willing to put off work as long as she could, was delighted. “Let’s take a long walk this afternoon, Bessie,” she said. “The air up here makes me feel more like walking than I ever do when I’m at home. There I usually take a car whenever I can, though I’ve been trying to walk more lately, so as to get an honor bead.” “I’ll be glad to take a walk, Dolly,” said Bessie, laughing. “I think you ought to be encouraged any time you really want to do something that’s good for you.” “Oh, if I stay with you long enough I’ll be too good to keep on living,” said Dolly. “Don’t you see the difference between us, Bessie? You’re good because you like to do the things you ought to do. And when anyone tells me something’s AT LONG LAKE 45 good for me, I always get so tliat I don ’I w^ast to do it. We’ll start riglit after I'aneL, shall wre?*’ “All riglit,” said Bessie. But before it was tipae to maLe a start sLe sought out Miss Eleanoi'. “I’m not really afraid, Yfanaka,” she sahl, using the Indian name, Lince, here in the Woods,, it Seemed natural to do it. ‘ ‘ But I thought I ViigM to ask you if you think it’s all yight for me m go- off with Dolly? I suppose none of those pe^le who were trying to get hold of me wmuld do a^- thing up here, would they?” ' l “Oh, I don’t think so, Bessie. No, I thiii^ you’re just as safe anywhere in these w'oods as you would be right here in the camp. There are a few guides around— they have to be kept here to warn people who make camt) and don’t put. out their fires properly. You see, my father and the rest of the people don’t mind letting nice peo- ple come here into their preserve to camp, but they’ve got to be careful about fire. “You can imagine what rvould happen here if the woods caught fire ; it would be dreadful. Fur- ther on, the woods are only just beginning to grow' up again. They were all burned out a year or so ago, and they look horrid. This preserve is so beautiful that we all want to keep it looking just as nice as possible. But the guides would look after you: there’s nothing to be afraid of witk them. 46 THl? CAMP FIRE GIRLS “And I djn't believe that you’d be at all likely to meet an/one else. Suppose you take the trail that start^ at the far end of the lake, and follow it straigOT over until you come to Little Bear Lake, ^at’s a very pretty walk. But don’t go off the /preserve. There’s a trail that leads over to Loon Pond, but you’d better not try that until we all go as a party.” So, when the midday meal had been eaten, Bessie and Dolly started off, skirting the edge of the lake until they came to the beginning of the trail Miss Mercer had spoken of, which was marked by a birch bark sign on a tree. There they left the lake, and plunged so quickly into thick woods that the water was soon out of sight. “Isn’t this lovely? Oh, I could walk miles and miles here and never get tired at all, I believe!” said Dolly. “But I do sort of wish there was a hotel somevirhere around. They have dances, and parties, and all sorts of fun at those hotels. And, Bessie, do you know I heard there was one near here, at a place called Loon Pond?” “Is there?” “Yes; I think it would be fun to go there some time.” “Well, maybe we can, some time, Dolly. When Miss Eleanor is along. But we’d better not do it to-day. You Imow she said we were to stick to the preserve. ’ ’ “Oh, bother; as if we could get into any mis- AT LONG LAKE 47 chief up here! But I suppose there wouldn’t be any use in trying to persuade you ; you always do just us you’re told.” “Oh, I’d like to see the hotel, too, Dolly, but not to-day. The woods are enough for me now. And we can go there some other time, I’m sure.” Dolly said nothing more just then, and for a time they walked along quietly. “We’re about half way to Little Bear Lake now,” announced Dolly, after a spell of silence. “IVliy, how do you know!” “Because I saw a map, and this ridge we’ve just come to is half way between the two lakes.” “Oh,” said Bessie. “Yes. WY’ve been coming up hill so far now, the rest of the way is down hill, so it will be easier walking. ’ ’ “That’s good; it means that when we’re going' home Ave’ll be going down for the last half of the trip, v/hen we’re tired. That’s much easier than if it was the other way, I think.” “You look tired, Bessie; why don’t you sit down and rest?” “Well, that’s not a bad idea, Dolly. I’m not used to so much walking lately.” “All right, sit down. I’m thirsty. I th,ink I’ll just run ahead and see if I can find a spring while you rest.” So Dolly ran ahead, and disappeared after a moment. Presently, when Bessie was rested, she 48 THWCAMP FIEE GIELS started again/jand soon overtook Dolly. “We turn here,” said Dolly. “See, here’s another trail, and the signs sho;\v which one we ’re to take.” , “That’s funny,” said Bessie, puzzled. “I thought we went to Little Bear in a perfectly straight line. Miss Eleanor didn’t say anything about changing direction. ’ ’ “Weil, there’s the sign, Bessie. If we keep straight on it says that we’ll come to Loon Pond. We turn off to the right here to get to Little Bear. ’ ’ “Weli, I guess the sign must he right. But it certainly seems funny. I hope there isn’t any mistake.” “Mistake! How can there he! Don’t he silly, Bessie. There wouldn’t he any chanCe of that. Come on.” So they turned off, and, as they followed the nev/ trail, the trees began to grow thinner, j^res- ently. The whole character 6f the woods seemed to change, too. They passed numerous places where picnic parties had evidently eaten their meals, and had left blackened spots, and the rem- nants of their feasts. “It seems to me some of the people who’ve been here have been very careless, Dolly, ’ ’ said Bessie. “Look, tliei'e’s a place where a fire started. It didn’t get very far, hnt it burnt over quite a little hit of ground before it was put out.” AT LONG LAKE 49 The trail begaii to dip sharply, too, and before long they were waiting in vfhat was almost open Goniitr].'. Stamps of trees were all . about, c^nd evidently wood-cutters had been at rvork. “This isn’t half as pretty as Long Lake,” said Bessie. “Oh, Dolly, look! What’s that!” Dolly laughed in a peculiar fashion. For they had come in sight of a sheet of water, and, in plain view', not far from them, by the shore of the lake, they saw a place that could not be mis- taken. It proclaimed its nature at once— a reg- ular summer hotel, with wide piazzas, full of peo- ple. And on the water there were a score of boats and canoes, and one or two launches. “This isn’t Little Bear Lake!” said Bessie. “Of course it isn’t, silly; it’s Loon Pond. I changed the signs while you rested, becau.se I meant to come here, and I knew you wouldn’t, if you knew what you were doing!” CHAPTER V THE GYPSY CAMP Bessie grew red witli indignation for a moment, out before she spoke she was calm again. “Don’t you think that’s a pretty mean trick, Dolly?” she said, gently. “It seems to me it’s a good deal like lying.” “Why, Bessie King! Can’t you ever take a joke? I didn’t say a single, solitary thing that, wasn’t so. I said the signs said this was the way to Little Bear Lake, and you never asked me if I’d changed them, did you?” Bessie laughed, helplessly. “Oh, Dolly!” she said. “Of course I didn’t; why should I? Who would ever think of doing such a thing, except you? You don’t expect people to guess what you’re going to do next, do you?” “I suppose not,” said Dolly, impenitently, her eyes still twinkling. “I do manage to surprise people pretty often. My Aunt Mabel says that if I spent half as much time studying as I do think- ing up new sorts of mischief I’d be at the top of every class I’m in at school.” “She’s perfectly right. I thought at first you had a hard time with your aunt, Dolly, but I’m through being sorry for you. She needs all the 50 A.T LONG LAKE 51 sympathy anyone has got for having to try to look after you!” '‘Oh, what’s the harm? We’re here now, and it isn’t so very dreadful, is it? Come on, let’s go over to the hotel.” “Indeed we shan’t do anything of the soit Dolly Eansom. We’ll turn around and go right straight back to Long Lake, that’s what v/e’il do.” “I guess not. You don’t think I’ve come this far and that I’m going to turn around without seeing what the place is like, do you?” “Why, Dolly, you know we weren’t supposed to come here alone. I don’t think much of it; it isn’t half as pretty as Long Lake. What’s the use of wasting our time here, anyhow?” “Why— why— because there are people here! I just love seemg people, Bessie, they’re so in- teresting, because they’re all so different, and you never know what they’re going to say or do. And there may be someone we know here, too.” “There can’t be anyone I know, Dolly.” “Oh, bother! Well, there may be someone I know, and that’s the same thing, isn’t it? Come on, be a sport, Bessie.” “That’s what you said about going in the ear with Mr. Holmes the other day, too.” “Oh, but this isn’t a bit like that, Bessie.” “It might get us into just as much mischief, Dolly. No, I’m not going over there. It’s silly, and it’s wrong.” THE CAMP FIEE GIRLS S2 And this time Bessie stood firm. Despite Doily’s pleading, which turned, presently, to angry threats, she refused afesolutely to go any nearer the hotel, and Dolly was afraid to venture there alone, thougli there was very little she was afraid to do. In her inmost heart, of course, Doily knew that Bessie was right, and that sh§ had had no business to trick her chum into seem- ing to break her promise to Miss Eleanor. “Oh, well,” she said, “I might have known that 1 couldn’t always make you do what you don’t want to do, Bessie. You’re not mad at me, are you?” Bessie, pleased by this sign of surrender, re- turned the smile. “I ought to be, hut I’m not, Dolly,” she an- swered. “I think that is one of the reasons you keep on doing these things— that no one ever really does get angry with you, as they should. If ■someone you really cared for got properly angry at you just once for one of your little tricks, I tldnlc it would teach you not to do anything of the sort for a long time.” “Oh, I don’t mean any harm, Bessie, and you know it, and when people really like you they don’t get angry unless they think you’re really trying to be mean. I say, Bessie, if you won’t go over to the hotel, will you walk just a little way over to the other side, and see what that funny AT LONG LAKE 53 looking place is where those big wagons are all spread out?” Bessie followed Dolly’s pointing finger, and saw, on the side of Loon Pond opposite the hotel, several wagons, among which smoke vms rising. “It looks like a circus,” said Doily. “It isn’t, though. I know what they are,” said Bessie, promptly. “It’s a gypsy encampment. Do you mean you’ve never seen one, Dolly?” “No; and oh dear, Bessie, I’ve always wanted to. Surely we could go a little nearer, couldn’t we ? As long as we ’re here ? ” Bessie thought it over for a moment, and, as a matter of fact, really could see no harm in spend- ing ten minutes or so in walking over toward the gypsy camp. She herself had seen a few gypsies near Hedgeville in her time, but in that part of the country those strange wanderers were not pop- ular, “All right,” she said. “But if I do that will you promise to start for home as soon as we’ve had a look at them, and never to play such a trick on me again?” “I certainly will. Bessie, you’re a darling. And I’ll tell you something else, too; you were so nice about the way I changed those signs that I’m really sorry I did it. And I just thought it would be a good joke. Usually I’m glad when people get angry at my jokes, it shows they were good ones.” 54 THE CAMP FIEE GIRLS Bessie smiled wisely to herself. Gradually she was learning that the way to rob Dolly’s jokes and teasing tricks of their sting, and the best way, at the same time, to cure Dolly herself of her fondness for them, was never to let the joker know that they had had the effect she planned. Dolly, considerably relieved, as a matter of fact, when she found that Bessie was really not angry at her for the trick she had played with the sign post, chattered volubly as they turned to walk over toward the gypsy camp. “I don’t see why they call this a pond and the one we’re on a lake,” she said. “This is ever so much bigger than Long Lake. Why, it must be four or five miles long, don’t you think, Bessie!” “Yes. I guess they call it a pond because it looks just like a big, overgrown ice pond. See, it’s round. I think Long Lake is ever so much prettier, don’t you, even though it’s smaller?” “I certainly do. This place isn’t like the woods at all, it’s more like regular country, that you can find by just taking a trolley car and riding a few miles out from the city.” “It used to be just as it is now around Long Lake, I suppose,” said Bessie. “But they’ve cut the trees down, and made room for tennis courts and all sorts of things like that, and then, I sup- pose, they needed wood to build the hotel, too. It’s quite a big place, isn’t it, Dolly?” “Yes, and I’ve heard of it before, too,” said AT LONG LAKE 55 Ddfly. “A frim4 of mae stefied up here for a monlii tw© or years go. ®te says they ad- vertise &at it’s wild aud jr^t like Bving right ia the woods, but it isn’t, at ail. I it’s for peo- ple who like to feiak feey’re rm^hing it when they’re really just as oemfortafele as they would be if tliey stayed at home. Comfortable the same way, I mean.” “Yes, that’s better, Dolly. Because I think we’re comfortable, though it’s very different from the way we would live in the city, or even from the way we lived at the farm. But we’re really roughing it, I guess.” “Yes, and it’s fine, too! Tell me, Bessie, did you ever see any gypsies like these when you lived in the country?” ‘ ‘ There were gypsies around Hedgeville two or three times, but the farmers all hated them, and used to try to drive them away, and Maw Hoover told me not to go near them when they were around. She usually gave me so many things to do that I couldn’t, anyhow. You know, the farm- ers say that they’ll steal anything, but I think one reason for that is that the farmers drove them into doing it, in the beginning, I mean. They, wouldn’t let them act like other people, and they didn’t like to sell them things. So I Ijiink the poor gypsies wanted to get even, and that’s how they began to steal.” 56 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS “MTiat do you suppose they’re doing up here, Bessie ? ’ ’ ‘‘They always go around to the summer places, and in the winter they go south, to where the people from the north go to get warm when it’s winter at home. They tell fortunes, and they make all sorts of queer things that people like to buy; lace, and bead things. And I suppose up here they sell all sorts of souvenirs, too; baskets, and things like that.” “Don’t they have any real homes, Bessie?” “No; except in their wagons. They live in them all the time, and they always manage to be where it’s warm in the winter. They don’t care where they go, you see. One place is just like another to them. They never have settled in towns. They’ve been wanderers for ages and ages, and they have their own language. They know all sorts of things about the weather, and they can find their way anywhere.” “How do you know so much about thfem, Bessie, if you never saw anything of them when you were in Hedgeville?” “I read a book about them once. It’s called ‘Lavengro,’ and it’s by a man who’s been dead a long time now ; his name was Borrow. ’ ’ “IVliat a funny name! I never heard of that book, but I’ll get it and read it when I get home. It tells about the gypsies, you say?” “Yes. But I guess not about the gypsies as AT LONG LAKE 57 they are now, hut more as they used to be. We’re getting close, now. See all the babies! Aren’t they cute and brown?” Two or three parties, evidently from the hotel, were looking about the camp, but they paid little attention to the two Camp Fire Girls, evidently recognizing that they did not come from the hotel. The gypsies, however, always on the alert when they see a chance to make money by selling their wares or by telling fortunes, flocked about them, particularly the women. Bessie, fair haired and blond, they seemed disposed to neglect, but Bessie noticed that several of the men looked admiringly at Dolly, whose dark hair and eyes, though she was, of course, much fairer than their own women, seemed to appeal to them. “I’d like to have my fortune told!” Dolly whispered. “I think we’d better not do that, Dolly, really; and you remember you said you’d stay just for a minute.” “I don’t see what harm it would do,” Dolly pouted. But she gave in, nevertheless. They passed the door of the strangely decorated tent inside of which the secrets of the future were sup- posed to be revealed, and, followed by a curious pack of children, walked on to a wagon where a pretty girl, who seemed no older than themselves but was probably, because the gypsy women grow old so much more quickly than American girls. 58 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS actually younger, was sitting. She was sewing beads to a jacket, and she looked up with a bright ^ smile as they approached. “You come from the hotel?” she said. “You live there?” “No,” said Dolly. “We come from a long way off. Are you going to wear that jacket?” The gypsy girl laughed. “No. I’m making that for my man, him over there by the tree, smoking, see? He’s my man; he’s goin’ marry me when I get it done.” Bessie laughed. “Marry you? Why, you’re only a girl like me!” she exclaimed. “No, no; me woman,” protested the gypsy, eagerly. “See, I’m so tall already!” And she sprang up to show them how tall she was. But Bessie and Dolly only laughed the more, until Bessie saw that something like anger was coming into her black eyes, and checked Dolly’s laugh. “I hope you’ll be very happy,” she said. “Come on, Dolly, we really must be going.” Dolly was inclined to resist once more. She hadn’t seen half as much as she wanted to of the strange, exotie life of the gypsy caravan, so differ- ent from the things she was used to, but Bessie was firm, and they began to make their way back toward the trail. And, as they neared the spot from which they had had their first view of AT LONG LAKE 59 Loon Pond and the gypsy camp, Bessie was startled and frightened by the sudden appearance in their path of the good looking yming gypsy for whom th« girl they had been talking to was deco- rating the jacket. His keen eyes devoured Dolly as he stood be- fore her, and he put out his hand, gently enough, to bar their way. “Will you mai’ry me?” he said, in English much better than that of most of his tribe. Dolly laughed, although Bessie looked serious. “Oh, yes, of course,” said Dolly. “I always marry the first man who asks me, every day; especially if he’s a gypsy and I’ve never seen him before.” “You’re too young now; you think you are, I suppose, ’ ’ said the gypsy, showing his white teeth. “You come back with me and wait; by and by we will get married.” “Nonsense,” said Bessie, decisively. “He means it, Dolly, he’s not joldng. Come, we must hurry.” “Wait, stay,” said the gypsy, eagerly. And he put out his hand as if to hold Dolly. But she screamed before he could touch her, and darted past him. And in a moment both girls, running hard, were out of sight. ! ( 1 ; * ' . V CHAPTER Vr A SEKIOUS JOKE Bessie, seriously alarmed, led ttie race through the woods and they had gone for nearly a quarter of a mile before she would even stop to listen. When she felt that if the gypsy were going to over- take them he ■would have done it, she stopped, and, breathing hard, listened eagerly for some sign that he was still behind them. But only the noises of the forest came to their ears, the rustling of the leaves in the trees, the call of a bird, the sudden sharp chattering of a squirrel or a chip- munk, and, of course, their own breathing. “I guess we got away from him all right,” she said. ”Oh, Dolly, I was frightened!” “"V^Tiat?” cried Dolly, amazed. “Do you mean to say that you let that silly gypsy frighten you? I thought you were braver than that, Bessie!” “You don’t know anything about it, Dolly,” said Bessie, a little irritated. “It really wasn’t your fault, but those people aren’t like our men. He probably meant just what he said, and if he thought you were laughing at him, it ■would have made hiin furious. V/hen you said you would marry him, . of course I knew you were joking, and so would anyone like us, but I think he took you seriously, Ea thought you meant it!” 60 AT LONG LAKE 61 ‘‘Bessie! How absurd! He couldn’t! Wby, I won’t marry anyone for ever so long, and be surely doesn’t tbink an American girl would ever marry one of bis nasty tribe! You’re joking, aren’t you? He couldn’t ever have really thought any- thing so perfectly absurd!” “I only hope we won’t find out that he was serious, Dolly. You couldn’t be expected to under- stand, but people like that are very different from ourselves. They haven’t got a lot' of civilized ideas to hold them in check, the way we have, and when they want something they come right out and say so, and if they can’t get what they want by asking for it, they’re apt to take it.” “But I didn’t think anyone ever acted like that! And he is going to marry that pretty gypsy girl who is putting the beads and buttons on a jacket for him, anyhow. She said so ; she said they were engaged. ’ ’ “Men have changed their minds about the women they were going to marry, Dolly, even American men. And that’s another thing that bothers me. I think that girl’s very much in love with him, and if she thought he was fond of you, she ’d be furious. There ’s no telling what a gypsy girl might do if she was jealous. You see, she’d blame you, instead of him. She’d say you had turned his head.” “Oh, Bessie, what a dreadful mess. Oh, dear! 62 THE GAMP FIRE GIRLS I seem to be getting into trouble all the time! I think I’m just going to have a little harmless fun and then I find that I’ve started all sorts of trouble that I couldn’t foresee at all.” “Never mind, Doily. You didn’t mean to do it, and, of course, I may be exaggerating it anyhow. I’ll admit I’m frightened, but it’s because of what I know about the gypsies. They’re strange people and they carry a grudge a long time. If they think anyone has hurt them, or otfended them, they’re never satisfied until they have had their revenge. But, after all, he may not do anything at ail. He may have been joking. Perhaps he just wanted to frighten you.” “Oh, I really do think that must have been it, Bessie. Don’t you remember that he was differ- ent from die others? He spoke just as well as we do, as if he’d been to school, and he must know more about our (jastoms.” Bessie shook her head. “That doesn’t mean that he isn’t just as wild and untamed as the others down at bottom, Dolly. I’ve heard the same thing about Indians; that some of those who make the most trouble are the very ones who’ve been to Carlisle. It isn’t be- cause they’re educated, because they would have been wild and wicked anyhow, but the very fact that they are educated seems to make them more dangerous. I hope it isn’t the same with this gypsy; but we’ve got to be oarefoJ ” 63 .li’ LONG LAKE “Oil, I’li be careful, Bessie,” said Dolly, with a shudder. “I’ll do whatever I’m told. You needn’t worry about that.” “That’s good, Dolly. The first thing, of course, is never to get far away from the camp alone. We mustn’t come over this way at all, or go any- where near Loon Pond as long as those gypsies are still there.” “Oh, Bessie, do you think we’ll have to tell Miss Eleanor about this?” “I’m afraid so, Dolly. But there’s no reason why you should mind doing that. She won’t blame you, it really wasn’t your fault.” “Yes, it was, Bessie. Don’t you remember the way I changed the signs? If I hadn’t done that we wouldn’t have gone to Loon Pond, and if we hadn’t gone there—” “We wouldn’t have seen the gypsies? Yes, I know, Dolly. But Miss Eleanor is fair, you know that. And she may scold you for playing the trick with the signs, but that’s all. She won’t blame you for having misunderstood that gypsy.” Then they came to the crossing of the trails, and Dolly replaced the signs as they had been be- fore she had played her thoughtless prank. “We must hurry along, Dolly,” said Bessie. “It’s getting dark, and we don’t want to be out here when it’s too dark. I think it’s safe enough, but— ’ ’ “Oh, suppose that horrid gypsy followed us 64 'THE CAMP PIEE GIELS througli the woods, Bessie? That’s what you mean, isn’t it? Let’s get hack to the camp just as fast as ever we can.” “Bessie, I’m an awful coward, I’m afraid,’^ Dolly said, as the camp was approached. “Will you tell Miss Eleanor what happened; everything? I’m afraid that if I told her myself I wouldn’t put in what I did wdth the signs.” “You wouldn’t tell her a story, Dolly?” “'No, hut I might just not tell her that. You see, I wouldn’t have really to tell her a story, and, oh, Bessie, I want her to know all about it. Then if she scolds me, all right. Can’t you under- stand?” “I’ll do it if you like, Dolly, hut I’m quite sure you’d tell her everything yourself. You’re not a hit of a coward, Dolly, because when you’ve done something wrong you never try to pretend that it was the fault of someone else, or an accident.” “Do you think I ought to tell Miss Eleanor my- self?” said Dolly, wistfully. “I will if you say so, Bessie, hut I’d much rather not.” “No, I’ll tell her,” Bessie decided. “I think you’re mistaken about yourself, Dolly, and the reason I’m going to tell her is because I think you’d make her think you were worse than you were, instead of not telling her the whole thing. Do you see?” “You’re ever so good, Bessie. Really, I’m go- ing to try to stop worrying you so much after AT LONG LAKE 65 this. It seems to me that you’re always having things to bother you on account of me.” Miss Eleanor, at first, like Dolly, was inclined to laugh at what Bessie told her of the gypsy and his absurd suggestion that Dolly should stay with his tribe until she was old enough to be married to him. “Why, he must have been joking, Bessie,” she said. “You say he talked well; as if he were educated? Then he surely knows that no Ameri- can girl would take such an idea seriously for a moment.” “But American girls do live with the gypsied and marry them. Miss Eleanor. Often, I’ve heard of that. And if you’d seen him when he got in our way on the trail you’d know why he fright- ened me. His face was perfectly black, he wafe so angry. And when Dolly laughed at him he looked as if he would like to beat her,” “I can understand that,” laughed Miss Eleanor. “I’ve wanted to beat Dolly myself sometimes when she laughed when she was being scolded for something!” “Oh, but this was different,” said Bessie, earnestly. “Eeally, Miss Eleanor, you’d have been frightened too, if you’d seen him. And I do think Dolly ought to be very careful until they’ve gone away from Loon Pond.” Bessie was so serious that Miss Eleanor was impressed, almost despite herself. 66 THE CAMP FIEE GIRLS ‘‘Well, yes, she must be careful, of course. I don’t want the girls going over to Loon Pond, anyway. I want them to have this time in the woods, and live in a natural way, and the Loon Pond people at the hotel just spoil the woods for me. But I don’t believe there’s any reason for being really frightened, Bessie.” “Suppose that man tried to carry her off?” “Oh, he wouldn’t dare to try anything like that, Bessie. I don’t believe the gypsies are half as bad as they are painted, anyhow’, but, even if he would be willing to do it, he’d be afraid. The guides would soon run him out of the preserve if they found him here ; no one is supposed to be on it, without permission. And a gypsy couldn’t get that, I know.” “But it’s a pretty big place, and there aren’t so very many guides. We didn’t see one to-day, and we really took quite a long walk.” “But, Bessie, what would he do with her if he did carry her off? Those people travel along the roads, and they travel slowly. He must know that if anything happened to Dolly, or if she dis- appeared, he’d be suspected right away, and he’d be chased everywhere he went.” “I think it would be easy to hide someone in their caravans, though. Miss Eleanor. And those people stick together, so that no one would betray him if he did anything like that. We might be perfectly sure that he had done it, but we wouldn’t be able to prove it.” AT LONG LAKE 67 “I’ll speak to the guides and have them keep a good watch in the direction of Loon Pond, Bessie. There, will that make you feel any bet- ter? And those gypsies won’t stay over there very long. They never do. ” “Have they been here before, Miss Eleanor?” “Oh, yes; every year when I’ve been here.” “Well, I’ll feel better when they’ve gone. Miss Eleanor. ’ ’ “So will 1. You’ve made me quite nervous, Bessie. I think you’d better tell Dolly, and be careful yourself, not to tell the other girls any- thing about this. There’s no use in scaring them, and making them feel nervous, too.” “No. I thought of that, too. Some of them would be frightened, I’m sure. I think Zara would be. She ’s been very nervous, anyhow, ever since we got her away from that awful house where Mr. Holmes had hidden her away from us.” . “I don’t blame her a bit; I would be, too. It was really a dreadful experience, Bessie, and par- ticularly because she knew it wa^, in a way, her own fault.” “You mean because she believed what they said about being her friends, and that she would get you and me into trouble unless she went with them that night when they came for her?” “Yes. Poor Zara! I’m afraid she guessed, somehow, that I had been angry with her, at first. m THE CAMP FIHE GIKLS She’s terribly sensitive, and she seems to be able to gness what’s in your mind when you’ve really scarcely thought the things yourself.” “Weil, I think it will be a good thing if she doesn’t know about this gypsy trouble. Miss Eleanor. S9 I’ll go and find Holly, and tell her not to say anything.” “Do, Bessie. And get Dolly to come to me be- fore dinner. She wms wrong to play, that trick with the signs, but I don’t mean to scold her. I want to comfort her, instead. I think she’s been punished enough already if she’s really fright- ened about that gypsy.” i Dolly seemed to be a good deal chastened,' after her talk with Eleanor, and Bessie felt glad that the Guardian, though she evidently did not take the episode of the gypsy as seriously as did Bessie, had still thought it worth while to let Dolly think she did. “I’m going to stay close to the camp after this, Bessie,” she said. “And, oh. Miss Eleanor said that there were footprints this morning near the water that a deer must have made. I’ve got my camera here; suppose we try to get a picture of one to-night? We could go to sleep early, and then get up. Miss Eleanor said it would be all right, just for the two of us. She said if any more sat up it would frighten the deer.” “All right,” agreed Bessie. “That would be lots of fun. ’ ’ I.ONG LAKE 69 So they slept for an hour or so, and then, about midnight, got up and went down to the shore of the lake, to a spot where a narrow trail came out of the woods. There they hid themselves behind some brush and placed Dolly’s camera and a flash- light powder, to be ready^ in case the deer ap- peared. They waited a long time. But at last there was a rustling in the trees, and they could hear the branches being pushed aside as some creature made its way slowly toward the water. “All ready, Bessie?” whispered Dolly. “When I give you a squeeze press that button; that will set the flashlight off, and I’ll take the picture as you do it. ” They waited tensely, and Bessie was as excited as Dolly herself. She felt as if she could scarcely wait for the signal. Dolly held her left hand loose- ly, and two or three times she thought the grip was tightening. But the signal came at last, and there was a blinding flash. But it was not a deer which stood out in. the glare ; it was the gypsy who had pursued Dolly ! CHAPTER VII A THIEF IN THE NIGHT The glare of the explosion lasted for only a moment. Dolly's eyes were fixed on the camera, as she bent her head down, and Bessie realized, thankfully, that she had not seen the evil face of the gypsy. As for the man, he cried out once, but the sound of his voice was drowned by the noise of the explosion. And then, as soon as the flash- light powder had burned out, the light was suc- ceeded by a darkness so black that no one could have seen anything, so great was the contrast be- tween it and the preceding illumination. “Come, Dolly! Quick! Don’t stop to argue! Bun!” urged Bessie. She seized Dolly’s hand in hers, and made otf, running down by the lake, and, for a few steps, actually through the water. Her one object was to get back to the camp as quickly as possible. She thought, and the event proved that she was right, the gypsy, if he saw them nearing the camp fire, which was still burning brightly, would not dare to follow them very closely. He had no means of knowing that there were no men in the camp, and, while he might not have been afraid to follow them right into camp had 70 AT LONG LAKE 71 he known that, Bessie judged correctly that he would take no more chances than were necessary. “Bessie, are yon crazy!” gasped Dolly, as they came into the circle of light from the fire. “My feet are all wet! ¥7hatever is the matter with you! You nearly made me smash rny camera!” “I don’t care,” said Bessie, panting, hut im- mensely relieved. “Sit down here by the fire and take off your shoes and stocldngs; they’ll soon get dry. I ’m going to do it. ” She was as good as her w’ord, and not until they had dried their feet and set the slices and stock- ings to dry, would she explain what had caused her wild dash from the scene of the trap they had laid for the deer, and which had so nearly proved to be a trap for them, instead. “If you’d looked up when that powder went off you’d have ran yourself, Dolly, without being made to do it,” she said, then. “That wasn’t a deer -we heard, Dolly. ” “What was it, a hear or some sort of a wild animal!” “No, it was a man.” Dolly’s face was pale, even in the ruddy glow of the fire. “You don’t mean— it wasn’t—” “The gypsy? Yes, that’s just who it was, Dolly. He’s found out somehow where we are, you see. It’s just what I was afraid of, that he would manage to follow us over here. But I’m 72 THE CAMP FIRE GIRLS not afraid now, as long as we know he’s around. I don’t see how he can possibly do you any harm,” “Oh, Bessie, what a lucky, lucky thing that we saw him! If we hadn’t just happened to try to get tha,t picture we would never have done it. The nasty brute ! The idea of his daring to follow us over here. Do you think he would have really tried to carry me back to his tribe, Bessie ? ’ ’ “I don’t know, Dolly. His face looked avffiil when I saw it in the glare. But then, of course, he was terribly surprised. He probably thought he was the only soul awake for miles and miles, and to have that thing go off in one’s face would startle anybody, and make them look pretty scary.” “I should say so! You have to pucker up your face and shut your eyes. Do you think he saw us, Bessie!” “I shouldn’t think it was very likely, Dolly. You see, it’s just as you say. The glare of a flashlight is blinding, when it goes oft' suddenly like that, right in front of you. I don’t think you’re likely to see much of anything except the glare. And, of course, he hadn’t the slightest rea- son to be expecting to see us. I expect he’s more puzzled and frightened than we are; he’s certain- ly a good deal more puzzled.” “Then maybe he’ll be so frightened that he’ll go back to his people and let me alone, Bessie.” “I certainly hope so, Dolly. It really doesn’t AT LONG LAKE 73 seem possible that be’d dare to carry yon off, even if he could get hold of you. He’d know that we’d be sure to suspect that he was the one who had done iV and even a gypsy ought to know what happens to people who do things like that. I don’t see how he could hope to escape.” “But, Bessie, I was thinking: suppose he didn’t carry me to the place where the other gypsies are ? Suppose he took rne right off into the woods some- where, and hid?” “You’d both have to have food, Holly, And as he couldn’t get that very easily, he’d be taking a big chance of getting caught. No, what I really think is that he wants to see you, and try to per- suade you to go with him willingly. Then he wouldn’t be in any danger, you see.” “Ugh! He must be an awful fool to think he could do that!” “Well, he’s not bad looking, Dolly. And he’s probably vain. The chances are that all the gypsy girls set their caps at him, because, if you remem- ber, he was about the only good looking young man there in their camp. Most of the men were married. So, if he’s always been popular with the girls of his own people, he may have got the idea that he’s quite irresistible. That all he’s got to do is to tell a girl he wants to marry her to have her fall right into his apns, like a ripe apple falling from a tree.” ‘ ‘ The horrid brute ! If he ever comes near me again, I’ll slap his face for him.” 74 THE CAMP FIEE GIRLS “You’d better not do anything of the sort. The best thing for you to do if yon ever see him any- where near you again is to run, just as hard as you can. Dolly, you’ve no idea of the rage a man like that can fly into. If you struck him you can ’t tell what he might try to do. But I hope you’ll never see him again.” Dolly shivered a little. “Are you sleepy, Bessie?” she asked. “No, I think I’m too excited to be sleepy. It was so startling to be expecting to see a deer, and then to see his face in the light. No, I’m not sleepy.” “Oh, Bessie! Isn’t it possible that you were mistaken? You know, you couldn’t have seen his face for more than a moment, if you did see it. Weren’t you thinking so much of that gypsy that you just fancied you saw him, when you really didn’t at all?” 1 “No, no, I’m quite sure, Dolly. I was perfectly certain it was a deer, and that was all I was think- ing about. And I heard him cry out, too. That would be enough to make me certain that I was right. A deer wouldn’t have cried out, and it wouldn’t have stood perfectly still, either. It would have turned around and run as soon as it saw the light; any animal would have. It would have been too terrified to do anything else.” “But don’t you suppose he was frightened? Why didn’t he run?” LONG LAKE 75 “Were you ever so frightened that you couldn’t do a thing but just stand still? I have been; so frightened that I couldn’t even have cried out for help, and couldn’t have moved for a minute or so, for anything in the world. “I think he may have been frightened that way. Men aren’t like animals, they’re more likely to be too frightened to move than to run away because they’re afraid. And the fear that makes a man run away is a different sort, anyhow. ’ ’ “It’s getting cold, isn’t it?” “Yes, the fire’s burning low. We’d better get to bed, Dolly.” “Oh, no; I couldn’t. I don’t want to be there in the dark. I’m sure I couldn’t sleep if I -went to bed. I’d much rather sit out here by the fire and talk, if you’re not sleepy. And you said you weren’t.” “I suppose we could get some more wood and throw it on the fire. It would be warm enough then, if we got a couple of blankets to wrap around us.” “I think it’s a good idea to stay awake and keep watch, anyhow, in case he should come back. Then, if he saw some one sitting up by the fire he would be scared off, I should think.” ' ‘ All right. Slip in as quietly as you can, Dolly, and get our blankets from the tent, while I put on some more wood. There’s lots of it, that’s a good thing. Thei'e’s no reason why we shouldn’t use it.” 76 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS So, while Dolly crept into their tent to get the blankets, Bessie piled wood high on the embers of the camp fire, until the sparks began to fly, and the wood began to burn with a high, clear flame. And when Dolly returned she had with her a box of marshmallows. “Now we’ll have a treat,” she said. “I for- got all about these. I didn’t remember I’d brought them with me. Give me a pointed stick and I’U toast you one.” Bessie looked on curiously. The joys of toasted marshmallows were new to her, but when she tasted her first one she was prepared to agree with Dolly that they were just the things to eat in such a spot. “I never liked them much before,” said Bessie. “They’re ever so much better when they’re toasted this way.” “They’re good for you, too,” said Dolly, her mouth full of the soft confection. “At least, that’s what everyone says, and I know they’ve never hurt me. Sometimes I eat so much candy that I don’t feel well afterwards, but it’s never been that vray with toasted marshmallows. My, but I’m glad I found that box!” “So’m I,” admitted Bessie. “It seems to make the time pass to have them to eat. Here, let me toast some of them, now. You’re doing all the work.” 1 “I will not, you’d spoil them. It takes a lot of AT LONG LAKE 77 skill to toast ffiarshmallows properly,” Dolly boasted. “Heavens, Bessie, when there is some- thing I can do well, let me do it. Aunt Mabel says she thinks I’d be a good cook if I world put my mind to it, but that’s only because she likes the fudge I make.” “How do you make fudge?” “Why, Bessie King! Do you mean to say you don’t know? I thought you were such a goolatiation. And now her mind was bent en- tirely upon the problem of getting Dolly back to her friends, in order that John might turn back to ber and forget the American girl whose appeal to him had lain chiefly in the fact that she was so different from the women of his o^vn race. “He will not take her back to camp,” said Lolla, thoughtfully . ' “He knows they would look there first.” “But will the others— your people— help him?” “He may tell them that he has stolen her to get a ransom; to keep her until her friends pay well for her to be returned. Our old men do not like that, they say it is too dangerous. But if he were to say that he had done so, they might help him, because our people stand and fall together. But,” and her eyes shone, “I will tell my brothers the truth. They will believe me, and— Quick! Hide in those bushes; someone is coming!” Bessie obeyed instantly. But, once she had hidden herself, she heard nothing. It was not for a minute or more after she had slipped into the bushes that she heard the sound that had disturbed Lolla. But then, looking out, she saw John com- ing down one of the paths, peering about him eautiously. CHAPTEE IX AN UNEXPECTED ALLY Bessie’s heart leaped at the sight of the mao who had given her her wild tramp through the night, and it was ail she could do to resist her impulse to rush out, accuse him of the crime she knew he had committed, and demand that he give Dolly up to her at once. It was hard to believe that he was really dangerous. Here, in the early morning light, his clothes soaked by the wet woods, as were Bessie ’s for that matter, he looked very cheap and tawdry, and not at all like a man to be feared. But a moment’s reflection convinced Bessie that, for the time at least, it would be far wiser to leave mattei's in the hands of Lolla, the gypsy girl, who under- stood this man, and, if she feared him, and with cause, did so from reasons very different from Bessie ’s. For a moment after he came in sight John did not see Lolla. Bessie watched the pair, so differ- ent from any people she had ever seen at close range before, narrowly. She was intensely inter- ested in Lolla, and wondered mightily what the gypsy girl intended to do. But she did not have long to wait. Lolla, with a little cry, rushed forward, and, 91 THE CAMP FIRE GIRLS oo casting herself on the, ground at her lover’s feet, seised his hand and kissed it. At first she said not a word; only looked. up at him with her black, brilliant eyes, in which Bessie could see that a tear was glistening. “Lolla! What are you doing here?” At the sight of the girl John had started, ner- vously. It was plain that he did not feel secure; that he thought his pursuers might, even thus early, have tracked him down, and, in the mo- ment before he had recognized Lolla Bessie saw him quail, while his face whitened, so that Bessie knew he was afraid. That Imowledge, somehow, comforted her vast- ly. It removed at once some of the formidable quality which John had acquired in her eyes when he stole Dolly after the fright that he must have had when the flashlight powder exploded, almost in his face. But Bessie remembered that he had plucked up his courage after that scare; the chances were that he would do so again now. But, if Bessie v/as afraid of the kidnapper, Lolla was not. She rose, and faced him defiantly. Bessie thought there was something splencM about the gypsy girl, and she wondered why John, with such a girl ready and anxious to marry him, had been diverted from her by Dolly, charming though she was. “I have come to save you, John,” said Leila. AT LONG LAKE 93 “Where is the American girl yon stole from her friends?” John started, evidently surprised by Lolla’S knowledge of what he had done, and said some- thing, sharply, in the gypsy tongue, which Bessie, of course, could not understand. Her question, it was plain, had frightened, as well as startled h im ; but it had also made him veiy angry. Lolla, however, did not seem to mind his anger. She faced him boldly, without giving ground, although he had moved toward her with a threatening ges- ture of his uplifted hand. ‘ ‘ Hit me, if you will, ’ ’ she said. ‘ ‘ I am not your wife yet, but when I am it will be your right to strike me if you wish. But I know what you have done. I know, too, that the Americans know it. Do you think you can escape from these woods without being caught?” John stared at her angrily. “I am going now to the camp,” he said, “If they come looking for news of the girl, they will find me there, and plenty to swear that I have been there all this night, and so could not have done what they charge. My tribe will help me; it is my right to call upon it for help. ’ ’ “You forget me,” said Lolla, dangerously. “I will swear that I saw you here, where I came to look for you because you had stayed away from the camp all the night. And when I tell my brothers, what will they swear?” 94 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS Again tlie man muttered sometliing in tlie gypsy tongue, but under bis breath. When he spoke aloud to Lolla it was in English. “They are Barlomengri; they will support me. They will never let the policemen take me away. They are my brothers—” “Do you think you can jilt their sister, the girl you asked for as your wife before all the tribe, and escape their vengeance? Do ymu think they will not punish you, even by seeing that you die in a prison, in a cell?” And now John, beside himself with anger, ful- filled the threat of his uplifted hand, and struck Lolla sharply. “Strike me again!” cried Lolla, furiouslya “I have done no wrong! I am trying only to save you from your own folly. Tell me, at least, where you have hidden the girl? Would you have her starve? Yon will be watched, so that you may not bring her food. Had you thought of that?” “Will you betray me? If you do not I shall not be watched. They will know as soon as they look for me that I was in the camp all through the night. Lolla, you fool, I love you,, only you. I want her to win a ransom. They will pay to have her back, those Americans.” Lolla had guessed right when she had said that this would be his plea. But Bessie was surprised, and thought Lolla must also wonder at his telling her such a story. Lolla looked scornfully at John. AT LONG LAKE 95 ‘‘I am no baby that I should believe such a tale as that,” she said, witheringly. “I give you your cbanee, John, your last chance. Will you take this girl back to her people, or set her free and show her the road! Or must I bear witness against you, and tell the tribe that you would shame me by forsaking me even before I am your wife ! ” “Let me go,” said John, furiously. “We shall see if a woman’s talk is to be taken before mine. You fool ! Even your brothers will laugh at your jealousy, and rejoice with me over the money this girl will bring us. Let me pass — ” “Tell me, at least, where you have hidden her! She will starve, I tell you—” “She will not starve. Think you I know no more than that of doing such a piece of work? It is not the first time we have made anxious fathers pay to win their children back! Ha-ha! . Peter, my friend, comes to take my watch. He will see to it that she does not suffer for food. And he will keep her safe from me. Out of my way!” He brushed Lolla aside roughly, and strode off down the trail that Bessie had followed. For a moment, while she could hear the sound of his retreating footsteps, Lolla did not move. But then she raised herself, a smile in her eyes, and beck- oned to Bessie. “Go up that path, quickly,” she whispered. “Somewhere up there, hidden, you will find your 9G THE CAMP FIEE GIELS frieud. Comfort her, but do not let her move. If she is tied up, leave her so. Tell her that help is near. I will free her.” “But why— why not come with me, and free her now?” protested Bessie, eagerly. “We can find her, for he came down that path, so he must have left her somewhere up there. Oh, come, Lolla, you will never regret it!” “Did you not hear him say that Peter was com- i ing? Peter is his best friend; they are closer together, and are more to one another, than • brothers. If we tried to escape with her now, Peter would find us, and his hand is heavy. We should do your friend no good, and be punished ' ourselves. We must wait. But hurry, before he j comes. Tell her to be happy, and not to fear. I | will save her, and you. We will work together to save her.” And with that Bessie, much as she would have liked to get Dolly out of the clutches of her cap- tor at once, had to be content. She realized fully that in Lolla she had gained an utterly unexpected j ally, in whom lay the best possible chance for the ; immediate release of her chum, and the mere ' knowledge of where Dolly was hidden would be extremely valuable. After all, it was all, and, possibly, more, than ^ she had expected to accomplish when she had ^ plunged into the woods after the gypsy and his | prisoner, and she felt that she ought to be satis- a AT LONG LAKE 97 fied. So slie liiirried at once up the path that Lolla pointed out, leaving the gypsy girl below as a guard. The path was rough and steep, rising sharply, but Bessie paid little heed to its difficulties, since she felt that it was taking her to Dolly. She kept her eyes and ears open for any sight or sound that might make it easier to find Dolly, but she did not call out, since she felt that it was prac- tically certain the gypsy had managed, in some manner, to make it impossible for poor Doily to cry out, lest, in his absence, she alarm some passerby and so obtain her freedom. Bessie was sure that Dolly would not be left in some place that could be seen from the path, but she was also sure that she could not be far from it, since there had not been time for the gypsy to make any extended trip through the woods off the trail. Bessie had traveled fast throu^ the night, and she was sure that John, with the weight of Dolly to carry, had not been able t® move as fast as she, and could not, there- fore, have been more than twenty minutes or half un heiiir ahead of her in reaching the trail she was now following. So she watched carefully for some break in the thick undergrowth that lined the trail, for some opening through which John might have gone with his burden. There might even, she thought, be another of those precious sign posts that, back 98 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS on the other trail, had been made by the torn pieces from Dolly’s skirt. But, careful as was her search, she reached the end of the trail without finding anything that looked like a promising place, or seeing anything that made her think Dolly was within a short dis- tance of her. The trail led to an exposed peak, a rugged outcrop of rock, bare of trees, and cov- ered only with a slight undergrowth. Once there Bessie understood why the trail had been made through the woods. The view was won- derful. Below her were the waving tops of count- less trees, and beyond them she could look down and over the cultivated valleys, full of farms, whose fields, marked off by stone fences, looked small and insignificant from her high perch. Bessie, however, was in no mood to enjoy a view. She wasted no time in admiring it, but only peered over the edge of the peak on which she stood, to satisfy herself that Dolly was not hidden just below her. One look was enough to do that. There was a way, she soon saw, of de- scending, and reaching the woods again, but no man, carrying any sort of a burden, could have accomplished that descent. It was a task that called for the use of feet and hands and Bessie turned desperately, convinced that she must, in some manner, have overlooked the place at which John had turned off the main trail with his burden. AT LONG LAKE 99 Now, as she went downward, she searched the woods at each side with redoubled care, and at last she found what she had been looking for, or what, it seemed to her, must be the place, since she had seen no other that offered even a chance for a succssful passage through the thick growth of trees and underbrush. Without hesitation she turned off the trail, and, though the going was rough, and her hands and face were scratched, while her clothes were torn, she was rewarded at last by finding that the ground below her grew smooth, showing that human feet had passed that way often enough to wear the faintest sort of a path. Once she became aware of the path her heart grew light, for she was sure now that she was going in the right direction at last. And, indeed, it was not more than five minutes before she al- most stumbled over Dolly herself, bound to a tree, and with a handkerchief stuffed in her mouth so that she could not cry out. “Oh, Dolly! I’m so glad, so glad! Listen, dear; I can’t stay. You’ll have to be here a little while longer, but we will soon have you back at the camp, as safe and well as ever. Are you hurt? Does it give you pain? If it doesn’t, shake your head sideways.” Dolly managed to shake her head, and in her eyes Bessie saw that now that she knew help was near Dolly’s courage would sustain her. 100 THE CAMP PIPE GIELS “That gypsy girl we saw is near, hut the man who carried you off is going to send another man to watch, -and if I let you go now we’d only meet him, and be in more trouble than ever. But be brave, dear; it won’t be long now.” Poor Dolly could not answer, for Bessie, re- membering that Lolla had seemed to fear the man Peter more than she did John, dared not even loosen the gag. She saw, however, that while it must be making Dolly terribly uncomfortable, she could breathe, and that it was probably worse in appearance than in fact. So she leaned down and kissed her chum, and whispered in her ear. “I’m going back to Lolla now, dear, but I’ll soon be back with enough help so that we needn’t care how many of the gypsies there are near us. If I stay now I’m afraid they’ll catch me, too, and then no one would know where you were. They can’t get you away from here, so you’re sure to be safe soon.” DoUy nodded to show that she understood, and Bessie moved silently away. But, as she turned down the trail that would take her back to the spot where she had left Lolla, she had a new causa for fright. She hoard Lolla ’s voice, raised loudly, arguing with a man who answered in low, gut- tural tones. "Wiiat they were saying she could not distinguish, hut somehow she understood that Peter had come even sooner than Lolla had feared, and the gjjMj girl, at the risk of angering AT LONG LAKE 101 him, was trying to warn her, so that she might not descend the trail and so stumble right into his arms. So, although the prospect frightened her, she turned and made her way swiftly up to the peak again, determined that if the man should go past the opening that led to the place where Dolly lay, she would risk the danger and the difficulty of the rocky descent from the peak itself. As she hastened along silence fell behind her, and she knew that Peter must have started. He was whistling a queer gypsy tune and Bessie heard him pass the partly masked opening that she had herself found with so much difficulty. After that she hesitated no longer, but rushed to the reeky top of the peak, and in a moment she was making her way down, with as much caution as possible, swinging from one ledge to the next, hanging on to a bush here, and a projecting piece of rock there. Even an expert climber, equipped with rope and sharp pointed stick, would have found the descent difficult. And all that enabled Bessie to succeed was her knowledge that she must. CHAPTER X A TEEEIBLK StTRPKISE Bessie, tiiongli slie had to pause more than once in her wild descent of the rocks, dared not look hack to see if the gypsy, Peter, was pursuing her, or even whether he was looking down after her. She had two reasons. For one thing, the task was difficult and terrifying enough as it was, and to know that there was danger from behind, as well as the peril involved in the descent itself, would, she feared, unnerve her. And, moreover, even if Peter saw her, he might not, if she paid no attention to him, suspect that she had anything to do with Dolly, or that he and his companion had anything to dread from her. Bessie did not know whether he would recognize her as having been at the gypsy camp with Dolly, but she felt that it would be as well not to take the chance. Things were bad enough without run- ning the risk of complicating them still further. The descent was a long and hard one, but when she was about half way down to the comparatively level ground at the foot of the peak, all real dan- ger of a crippling fall was over, since there a path began. Evidently some trampers who were fond of climbing had worn it through the rough surface to a point where a good view was to be 102 AT LONG LAKE 103 had, and liad stopped there, content with the dis- tance they had gone, and not disposed to try the further ascent. And, as soon as Bessie reached that point she was able to stop and get her breath. Meanwhile she 'wondered what had become of Loila. The gypsy girl, as Bessie understood thor- oughly, was rimning severe risks. If the t'wo men knew that she was in league with Dolly’s friends they would certainly take some steps to silence her. But John, Bessie felt sure, did not believe that Loila, no matter how jealous she might be, would actually betray her own people to the hated Americans. He had smiled in a confident man- ner while Loila had made her threats, and Bessie thought he regarded tile girl as a child in a tem- per, but sure to come to her senses before she actually put him in danger. What to do next was a problem. Bessie, when she had followed the rough path until it led to a trail, was completely lost. She knew, roughly, and in a general way, the direction of Camp Man- asquan, as the camp at Long Lake was called, but that was about all. “If I go straight ahead I may be going just as straight as I can aw’ay from anyone who can help DollyJ’ she reflected. “Or I may get over toward Loon Pond, and run into that awful gypsy, and then I’d be worse off than ever! Oh, I do wish I knew where I was, or how I can find Loila. She 104 THE CAMP FISE GIRLS must know these woods, and she’d he able to help me, I’m sure.” Finally, however, Bessie determined to move slowly along the trail in a direction that would, she thought, take her around the bottom of Deer Mountain. She remembered that just a little while before she had come to the place where she had first seen Lolla, a side path had crossed the trail on which she had followed Dolly and her captor, and it seemed likely to her that that path would also cross the trail she was now on. If it did she could work back to a spot she knew, and so find her bearings, at least. Then, if there was nothing else to be done, she would cer- tainly be able to get back to Long Lake. For her to stay in the woods, lost and hungry, would not help Dolly. So she set out bravely, walking as fast as she could. The sun wms high in the heavens now, and it was long after breakfast time, so that Bessie was hungry, but she thought little of that. As she ha'd hoped, and half expected, she came, presently, and at what seemed to her the proper place, upon a trail that crossed the one she was following, and she turned to the left without hesi- tation. She might, she felt, be going in the wrong direction altogether, but she could not very well be more hopelessly lost than she was already, and, if she had to be out in the woods without a clue to the proper way to turn, she felt that it made AT LONG LAKE 105 very little difference whether she was in one place or in another. The new trail was one evidently little nsed, and when Bessie had been on it for perhaps ten min- ntes, and was beginning to think that it was time she came in sight of the larger trail from Long Lake to Deer Mountain, she heard someone coming toward her, and, rounding a bend, came into sight of Lolla. The gypsy girl seemed overwhelmed with joy at the sight of Bessie. “Oh, how glad I am!” she exclaimed. “I was afraid that Peter had caught and tied yon np with 3^onr friend, and that yon would think I had sent yon np there so that he wonld trap yon ! How did yon escape?” “I climbed down the rocks,” said Bessie simply, and smiled at Lolla ’s gasp of astonishment, ‘^You climbed down the rocks!” cried the gypsy. “However did yon do that? There ain’t many men~not even many of onr men— wonld try that, I can tell yon. I thohght perhaps yon wonld try to do that, and I was coming aronnd this way to get to the foot of the rocks and see if I eonld find ont what had become of yon. ’ ’ “Yon know where we are and how to get back, then?” asked Bessie. “Of eonrse I do. I know all these woods.” I^olla langhed. “I have set traps for partridges rabbits here many and many a time, bnt the 106 THE CAMP FIRE GIRLS guides never saw me. You knew wkere you were going, didn’t you I If you’d kept on as you were ■ going when you met me you would have come to the main trail in a minute or two, and then, if you’d turned to the right, and kejDt straight on, you ’d have come to Long Lake, where you started from. ’ ’ “I thought that was what would happen, Lolla, but I wasn’t quite sure.” “Did you hear me shouting when Peter came along? I hoped you would understand and hide yourself some way, so that he wouldn’t find you. What I was most afraid of was that you would be in the woods with your friend, and that you wouldn’t hear us.” “Yes, I heard you, and I knew what you were doing, Lolla; that you meant to warn me that Peter had come sooner than you thought he would. I was grateful, too, but I was afraid just to hide myself and let him go by, because the woods were so thick on each side of the trail that I was afraid he would see where I had broken through and catch me.” Lolla nodded her head. “You are wise. You would be a good gypsy, Bessie. You -would soon learn all the things we know ourselves. Peter has very quick eyes, and he is very suspicious, too. He saw you at the camp, you know, and he would have guessed right I AT LONG LAKE 107 away, if he had seen you there, that you were looking for Dolly.” “That was just what I was afraid of, Lolla. He would have tied me up with her if he had found me, wouldn’t he?” “Yes. He’s a bad man, that Peter. I think if John and he were not so friendly John would not have done this. He is kind, and brave, and he always tried to stop anyone who wanted to steal children. He would steal a horse, or a deer, but never a child ; that was cowardly, he said.” “He didn’t hurt you, did he, Lolla?” The gypsy girl laughed. “Oh, no. He tried to hit me, but I got away from him too quickly. I would not let him touch me. With John it is different. He is my man; he may beat me if he likes. But not Peter ; I hate him. If he beat me I would put this into him.” Bessie, surprised by the look of hate in Lolla ’s eyes, drew back in fear as Lolla produced a long, sharp knife from the folds of her dress, and flourished it for a moment. “Oh, Lolla, please put that away!” she ex- claimed. “There’s no one here to be afraid of.” Lolla laughed. “No, but I have it if I need it,” she said, mean- ingly. “What are we going to do now, Lolla? We can’t leave Dolly up there much longer. They’ve got her tied up, and gagged, so that she can’t 108 THE CAMP FIEE GIRLS call out, and she’s terribly uncomfortable, though I don’t think she’s suffering much.” “We will get her soon,” said Lolla, confidently. ‘“You stay near where she is, so that they can’t get her away,” said Bessie, “and I’ll go and get help. Then we shan’t have any trouble.” But Lolla frowned at the suggestion. “You would get those guides, and they would catch my man and put him in prison, oh, for years, perhaps ! No, no ; I will get her away, with you to help me. Leave that to me. Peter is stupid. ComQ with me now; I know what we must do.” “YTiere are you going? This isn’t the way back to where Dolly is, ’ ’ protested Bessie, as Lolla pressed on in the direction from which Bessie had come. “We can never get up those rocks, Lolla; it was hard enough to come down. ” . “We are not going there, not yet,” said Lolla. “I must go to the camp and find out what John is doing. If he comes back to watch her himself it will be harder. But if he has to stay, and Peter looks after her, then we shall have no trouble. You shall see ; only trust me. I managed so that you saw her, didn’t I? Doesn’t that show you that I can do what I say?” “I suppose so,” sighed Bessie. “I should think you wouldn’t care if that man does go to prison, though, Lolla. He isn’t nice to you, and you say he’ll beat you when you’re married. American men don’t beat their wives. If they did they would AT LONG LAKE 109 be sent to prison. I sbonld think yon’d give h.im up—” Lolla’s dark eyes flamed for a moment, but then sbe smiled, as if she had remembered that Bessie^ not being a gypsy, could not be expected to under- stand the gypsy ways. “He is a good man,” she said. “He will always see that I have enough to eat, and pretty things to wear. And if he beats me, it will be because I have been wicked, and deserve to be beaten. 'When I am his wife he will be like my father; if I am bad he will punish me. Is it not so among your people!” Bessie struggled with a laugh at the thought of the only married couple she had ever knovm at ali well : Paw and Maw Hoover. The idea that Paw Hoover, the mildest and most inoffensive of men, might ever beat his wife would have made any- one who knew that couple laugh. Instead of turning when they reached the trail which Bessie had followed after her descent from the rocks, Lolla led the way straight on. “Are you sure you know whei'e you are going, Lolla!” asked Bessie. Lolla smiled at her scornfully. “Yes, but it is not the way you would go,” she said. “The trail to the camp will be full of peo- ple. They will be out all over the camp partic- ularly. We must come to it from another direc- tion. That is why we are going this way. ’ ’ 110 THE CAMP FIRE GIRLS It was not long before Bessie was as thoroughly lost as if she had been in a maze. Lolla, however, seemed to know just Where she was going. She left one trail to turn into another without ever showing the slightest doubt of her direction, and, at times, when the v/oods were thin, she would take short cuts, leading the way through entirely path- less portions of the forest with as much assurance as if she had been walking through the streets of a city where she had lived all her life. Even Bessie, used to long walks around Hedgeville, in which ■she had learned the country thoroughly, was sur- prised. “I don’t believe I’d ever get to know these woods as weU as you do,” she said, admiringly. “Why, you never seem even to hesitate.” “I’ve been here every summer since I was born,” said Lolla, in a laughing tone. “I ought to know these woods pretty well, I think.” “I hope no one sees us now,” said Bessie, ner- vously. “I really do feel as if it were wrong for me to keep away. Miss Mercer must be as anxious about me as she is about Dolly.’’ “Is she the lady who is with you girls'?” ^‘Yes, You see, she probably thinks that I was carried off, as well as Dolly.” “She will stop being anxious all the sooner for not knowing where you are. I think it will not be long now before we get your friend away from that place where she is hidden,” AT LONG LAKE 111 “Well, I certainly hope so. Listen! I think I can hear voices in front of us. ” “I heard them two or three minutes ago,” said Lolla, with a smile. “Stay here, now; hide be- hind that clump of hushes. I will go ahead and see what I can find. Even if it is some of your friends they would not suspect me ; they would think I was just out for a walk. ’ ’ So Bessie waited for perhaps ten minutes, while Lolla crept forward alonfe. But the gypsy was back soon, smiling. “All is safe now,” she said. “Come quickly, though, so we shall get behind them and be able to get near the camp. There is a place there where you may hide while I find out what is going on.” They reached the spot Lolla meant in a few minutes more, and again Bessie had to play the inactive part and wait while Lolla went on to gain the information she needed. When she came back she was smiling happily. “That John is stupid, though he is so brave,” she said to Bessie. “He went back there to the camp, and he is sitting in front of his wagon. There is a guide with a gun sitting near him, and my sister tells me that the guide says he will fol- low hi m and shoot him if he tries to get away. “There are many people there, and the whole camp is angry and frightened. The king says he will punish John, but John will not admit that he 112 THE CAMP PIPE GIELS knows where ypnr friend is. We are safe from him. They will not let him get away for a long time. ’ ’ Bessie was comforted by the news. With her captor under guard, Dolly had nothing to fear from him, and, though Peter might be a sullen and a dangerous man, Bessie felt that Lolla was right, and that he was too thick witted to be greatly feared. They made the return trip with hearts far lighter than they had been as they made their way to the gypsy camp. Bessie had seen that Lolla was afraid of John, though now that he had been over-reached she was ready enough to laugh at him. ‘ ‘ What are you going to do 1 How are you go- ing to get her away, Lolla f ’ ’ asked Bessie, as they neared the point where she had first seen her ally. “I don’t know yet,” said Lolla, frankly. “If Peter is on the trail it will be harder. I hope he will be inside, so that we can slip by without his seeing us. If he is, and we get by, then you are to wait until you hear me sing. So. ’ ’ She sang a bar or two of a gypsy melody, and repeated it until Bessie, too, could hum it, to prove that she had it right, and would not fail to recog- nize it. ‘ When you hear me sing that, remember that you must run down and, go to your friend. Here i? toy knife. Use it to cut the cords that tie her. AT LONG LAKE 113 Then yon and slie must go back toward the rocks where you went down. And when you hear me sing again you are to go down, as quickly as you can, but quietly, and, as soon as you are past the place where she was hidden, you must start run- ning. I will try to catch up with you and go wdth you, but do not wait for me. ” “I don’t quite understand,” Bessie began. But now Lolla was the general, brooking no de- fiance. She stamped her foot. “It does not matter whether you understand or not,” she said sharply. “If you want me to save your friend and get back to the others you must do as you are told, and quicldy. Now, come.” They went on up the trail, and, at a bend just below the spot where she had broken through to reach Dolly before, Bessie waited while Lolla, who had recognized the place from Bessie’s de- scription of it, crept forward to make sure that the way was clear. “All ^•ight,” she whispered. “Come on.” Silently, but as swiftly as they could, they crept past the place, and, w'hen they were out of sight, stopped. “Now, you will know my song when you hear it?” “Yes, indeed, Lolla. Why, what have you got there?” “What I need to make Peter come with me,” laughed Lolla. “See, a fine meal, is it not? I 114 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS got it at the camp. Let him smell that stew and he would follow me out of the woods.” Bessie began to understand Lotla’s plan at last. She was going to tempt Peter to betray his orders from his friend by appealing to his stomach. And Bessie wondered again, as she had many times since she had met Lolla, at the cunning of the gypsy girl. Her confidence in Lolla was complete by now, and she did not at all mind waiting as she saw the little brightly clad figure disappear amidst the green of the trail. It was some time, however, before she heard any signs that indicated that Lolla had obtained any results. And then it was not the song she heard, but Lolla ’s clear laugh, rising above the heavy tones of Peter. “Oh, oh! You would give me orders when I bring your breakfast? No, no, Peter; that won’t do. Come, she is safe there ; come and eat with me, where she cannot put a spell on your food to make it choke you.” “Do you think she would do that?” That was Peter’s voice, stupid and filled with doubt. Bessie laughed at Lolla’s cleverness. Peter, she thought, would be just the sort of man to yield to the fears of superstition. “I know she would; she hates us. Come, Peter; does it not look good?” AT LONG LAKE 115 * ‘ G ive it to me. There, I ’ll catch y or.— ” Then there was a sound of scuffling and running^ but Bessie, noticing that it drew further and fur- ther away, laughed. Lolla was a real strategist. She understood how to handle the big gypsy, evi- dently. And a moment later Bessie, her nerves quivering, all alert as she waited for the signal, heard the notes of Lolla ’s song. At once she rushed down, broke through the tangled growth, and was at Dolly ’s side, cutting away at the cords that bound Dolly, and, first of all, tearing the handkerchief from her mouth. “It’s all right now, we’re safe, Dolly. Only you’ll have to come quickly, dear, when I get yon free. There, that’s it. Are you stiff? Can yon stand up?” “I guess so,” gasped Dolly. “Oh, I’d do any- thing to get away from here. Bessie, look!” Bessie turned, to face Peter and Lolla, their faces twisted into malignant grins. Lolla had be- trayed her! ' CHAPTEE XI THE MYSTEKIOtrS VOICE For a moment Bessie stared at the two gypsies, their eyes glowing with malicious triumph and de- light at her shocked face, in such dazed astonish- ment that 'she could not speak at all. She had been completely outwitted and hoodwinked. She had trusted Loila utterly ; had made up her mind that the girl’s jealousy was not feigned. Even now, for a wild moment, the thought flashed through her mind that perhaps Lolla had been unable to help herself ; that Peter might have insisted on ceming back, and that Lolla was forced, in order to be of help later on, to seem to fall in with his plans. But Lolla herself soon robbed her of the com- fort that lay in such a thought. ‘‘You thought I would betray my people!” she oried, shrilly. “We do not do that; no, no. Ah, but it was easy to deceive you ! When I saw you I knew you would be dangerous. I could not hold you by force until John came, I had to trick you. I thought we would catch you when you went up there. I did not think you would be brave enough to go down the rocks.” Bessie said not a word, but only clung to Dolly’s hand and stared at the treacherous gypsy. 116 AT LONG LAKE 117 “So then, when you had gone, I had to find you again, and send word to Peter to do as I said, so that we could catch you, and stop you from going to your friends and telling them where we had hidden your friend who is there with you now. Now we have two, instead of one. Oh, I have done well, have I not, Peter?” Peter grinned, and grunted something in his own tongue that made Lolla smile. “Tie them up again, Peter,” said Lolla, look- ing viciously at Bessie, and obviously gloating over the way in which she had tricked the Amer- ican girl. And Peter, nothing loath, advanced to do so. But Bessie had stood all she could. Dolly, terribly cast down by this sudden upset- ting of all the hopes of rescue that the coming of Bessie and her release from the cords that bound her had raised, was close beside her, shivering with fright and despair. And Bessie, with a sudden cry of anger, seized the knife Lolla had given her, which had been lying at her feet. Furiously she brandished it. “If either of you come a step nearer I’ll use it!” she said, scarcely able to recognize her own voice, so changed was it by the anger that Lolla ’s treachery had aroused in her. “You’d better not think I’m joking. I mean it!” Peter hesitated, but Lolla, her eyes flashing, urged him on. “Go on! Do you want me to tell all the women 118 THE CAMP PIPE GIELS that you were frightened by a little girl ; a girl I you could crush with one hand?” she cried, I angrily. “You coward! Tie them up, I tell you! I Oh, if my man John were here he’d show you 1 1 Here-” 1 Peter, stung by her taunts, made a quick rush | forward. For a moment Bessie did not know I what to do. She wondered if, when it came to the ; test, slie would really be able to use the knife ; to ^ try to cut or stab this man. He was getting nearer > each moment, and, just as she was almost within his grasp she darted back and aimed a blow at him with the knife. There was no danger that it would strike him; Bessie thought that, if she could only convince i him that she had meant what she said, he would ' hesitate. And she was right. He gave a cry of * alarm as he saw the steel flash toward him and drew back. “She would stab me!” he exclaimed, furiously, to Lolla. “I was not to be struck with a knife. John said nothing about that. He told me only to guard this girl—” “She wouldn’t really touch you with it,” screamed Lolla, so furious that she forgot the need of keeping her voice low. “John wouldn’t let her frighten him that way, he is too brave. Oh, how the women will laugh when they hear how the brave Peter was frightened by a girl with a little knife!” AT LONG LAKE 119 But Bessie, in spite of her own indecision, had managed, somehow, to convince the man that she was serious, and Lolla’s taunts no longer affected him. He drew back still further, and stood look- ing stupidly at the two girls. “You’re wiser than she,” said Bessie, approv- ingly. “I meant just what I said. Keep as far as that from me, and you’ll be safe. I’m not afraid of you any more.” Nor was she. Her victory, brief though it might be, had encouraged her, and revived her droop- ing spirits. Dolly, too, seemed to have gained new life from the sight of the big gypsy quailing be- fore her chum. She had stopped trembling, and stood up bravely now, ready to face whatever might come. “Good for you, Bessie!” she exclaimed. She darted a vicious look at Lolla. “I wish that treacherous little gypsy would come somewhere near me,” she went on, angrily. “I’d pull her hair and make her sorry she ever tried to help those villians to keep us. When they put her in prison I’m going to see her, and jeer at her!” Lolla, looking helpless now in her anger, said nothing, but she glared at the two girls. “I think these people are very superstitious,” whispered Dolly to Bessie, when it became plain that, for the moment, the two gypsies intended only to watch them, without making any further attempt to tie them up. 120 THE CAMP FIEE GIRLS ‘H think so too,” returned Bessie, in the same tone. “But I don’t see what good that is going to do us, Dolly.” “Neither do I, just yet, Bessie. But I can’t help thinking that there must be some way that we could frighten them, if we could only think of it; so that they would be frightened and run away.” “We might tell them— Oh, I’ve got an idea, Dolly.” She looked at Peter and Lolla. They were at the very edge of the little clearing in which Dolly had been imprisoned. “Listen, Lolla,” said Bessie, calmly. “I be- lieve that you are a good girl, though you have lied to me, and tried to make me think you were my friend, when all the time you were planning how you could betray me. This place is dan- gerous. ’ ’ Lolla looked at her scornfully and tossed her head. “Don’t think you can frighten me with your stories,” she said, with a laugh. “It is dangerous — for you. When my man comes you will find that he is not a coward, like Peter, to be fright- ened with your knife. He will take it away from you and beat you, too, for trying to frighten Peter with it. ” “Yes, he is brave, Lolla. We saw that when he ran away from the fire that he saw last night near the lake. ’ ’ AT LONG LAKE 121 . Bes&ie was taking a cliance when she said that. She did not know whether Lolla had heard of the- mysterions flashlight explosion or not, bnt she thought it more than probable that John had told her of it. And she was reasonably sure that he was still wondering Avhat had caused the light that had so suddenly blinded him. Her swift look at Lolla showed her that her blow had struck home. “He is a brave man, indeed, to keep on with his wicked plan to steal my friend after such a warning,” Bessie went on sternly. “But his bravery will do him no good. There is a spirit looking after us. It made the fire that frightened him, and the next time he will not only see the fire; he will feel it, too.” Now she looked not only at Lolla, who seemed shaken, but at Peter, who was staring at her as if fascinated. Evidently he, too, had heard of the strange fire. Bessie had reckoned on the prob- ability, that seemed almost a certainty, that John would not have been able to explain, even to him- self, the nature of the flashlight explosion. And evidently she was right. Then she took another chance, guessing at what she thought John would probably have said to explain the fire. “I know what he told you,” she said, slowly. “He said that the fire came from a spirit that was guiding him, and was trying to help him. But he only said that because he did not understand. It meant just the opposite ; that it would be better 122 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS for him to go home, and forget the wicked plot he had thought of.” Peter seemed to be weakening, but Lolla tossed her head again. “Are you a baby? Do you think that is true?” she said to him. “Don’t you see that she is only trying to frighten you, as she did with the knife?” ^‘Indeed I am not,” said Bessie, earnestly. “I am not angry with you, any more than I am afraid of you now. If you stay here something dreadful will happen to you both. You would not like to go to prison, would you, and stay there all through this summer, and the next winter, and the sum- mer of next year, when you might be travelling the road with your brothers?” “Make them keep quiet, Peter,” cried Lolla, furiously. “She is quite right. There is danger here, but it comes from her friends. She thinks that if she can fool us into letting her talk, they may pass by and hear her voice.” “You keep quiet,” said Peter, doggedly, evi- dently deciding that, this time, he could safely ©bey Lolla ’s orders, and quite ready to do so. “If you make any more noise I will—” He left the sentence uncompleted, but a savage gesture showed what he meant. He had a stout stick, and this he now swung with a threatening air. Bessie had hoped to work on the superstitious nature of the gypsy man, and to frighten him, per- AT LONG LAKE 123 haps, if she had good luck, into letting her go off with Dolly. Bnt Lolla’s interference had put that out of the question. She turned sadly to Dolly, to see her companion’s eyes twinkling. “Never you mind, Bessie,” she said. “They’re stupid, anyhow. And as long as they don’t tie us up we’re all right. I’d just as soon be here as anywhere. Someone will go along that trail pres- ently looking for us, and when they do we can shout. They’ll probably make a noise themselves, so as to let us know they are near. And I’m not frightened any more; really I’m not.” But Bessie, tired and disappointed, was nearer to giving in than she had been since the moment when she had awakened and found that Dolly was missing. She felt that she ought to have dis- trusted Lolla; that she had made a great mistake in thinking, even for a moment, that the gypsy girl meant to betray her own people. Then, suddenly a strange thing happened. A new voice, that belonged to none of the four who were in the clearing, suddenly broke the silence. It seemed to come from a tree directly over the heads of Lolla and Peter, and, as it spoke, they stared upward with one accord, listening intently to what it said. “Will you make me come down and punish you?” said the voice. It was that of an old, old man, feeble with age, but still clear. Bessie stared too, as surprised as the gypsy, and the voice went on: 124 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS “I gave your companion a sign last night that should have warned him. I speak to you now, to warn you again. The next time I shall not give a warning ; I shall act, and your punishment will he swift and terrible. Take heed ; go, while there is time.” For a moment the two gypsies were speechless, looking at one another in wonder, and Bessie was not disposed to blame them. Her own head was in a whirl. “Quick; it is in that tree!” said Lolla, easily the braver of the two of them. “Climb up there, and see who it is that is trying to frighten us, Peter.” But Peter was not prepared to do anything of the sort. He was trembling, and casting nervous glances behind him, as if he were more minded to make a break and run down the trail. “Climb yourself ! I shall stay here,” he retorted. And Lolla, without further hesitation, sprang into the branches of the tree and began to climb. As she did so the mysterious voice sounded again. “You cannot see me, yet,” it said. “You can only hear me. See, my voice is in your ears, but you cannot see as much as my little finger. Be- ware ; go before you do see me. For when you do, you will regret it; regret it as long as you live!” "When Lolla, a moment later, reached firm AT LONG LAKE 125 ground again, slie was trembling, and Bessie saw that her courage was beginning to fail. She looked about her nervously, as Peter was doing. And sudd.enly the voice spoke again, but this time it shouted, and it was in a stronger, more vigorous tone, and one of great anger. ‘‘Must I show myself? Must I punish you?” it said, furiously. “Pear me; you will do well! Go-GO!” With a yell of terror Peter turned suddenly, and ran through the thick bushes toward the trail, crying out as he went, and stumbling. ‘ ‘ Come ; it is the devil ! I saw his horns and his tail then,” he screamed. “Come, Lolla; this is an accursed place. I told John it was wrong to try to do this ; that we ’would get into trouble. ’ ’ “He is wise; he is safe!” said the mysterious voice. “Gro too, Lolla; I am gro-wing impatient. Go, if you want to see John, your lover, and the brothers that you love, again. The time is grow- ing short. I come; I come; and when I come—” And then at last Lolla ’s nerves, too, gave way, and she followed Peter, screaming, as he had done, while she ran. Bessie, as astonished and almost as frightened as the two gypsies had been, turned then to see how Dolly was bearing this extra- ordinary affair, to see her chum rolling about on the ground, with tears in her eyes. ‘ ‘ Oh, that was funny ! ’ ’ Dolly exclaimed. ‘ ‘ They were easy, after all, Bessie.” 126 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS “TheyVe gone! It’s all right now,” said Bessie. “But who was it, Doily? "Who could it have been?” “It was me!” exclaimed Dolly, weakly, between gasps of laughter, forgetting her grammar alto- gether. “I learned that trick last summer. They call it ventriloquism. It just means throwing your voice out so that it doesn’t seem to come from you at all, and changing it, so that people won’t recog- nize it.” Bessie stared at her, in wonder and admiration, “Why, DoUy Eansom!” she said. “However do you do it? I never heard of such a thing!” “I don’t know how I do it,” said Dolly, re- covering her breath. “No one who can does, I guess. It’s just smnething you happen to be able to do.” “You certainly frightened them,” said Bessie. “And you saved us with your trick, Dolly. I think they’ve run dear away. We can follow them down the trail; they won’t stick to it, and I think we can go right back to Long Lake, now, without being afraid any more. Come on, we’d better start. I don’t want to stay here.” CHAPTER Xn. OUT OP THE PRYING PAN . “Stay lioref I should say not!” exclaimed Doiiy, “I’m almost starved— and, Bessie, they must be terribly worried about us, too. And now teil me, as we go along, how you ever found me. I don’t see how you managed that.” So, as they made their way down the trail, Bessie told her of all that had happened since her rude awakening at the camp fire, just after the gyj:!Sj had carried Dolly off. “Oh, Bessie, it was perfectly fine of you, and it’s only because of you that we’re safe now! But you oughtn’t to have taken such a risk! Just think of what might have happened!” “That’s just it, Dolly. I’ve got time to think about it now, but then I could only think of you, and what was happening to you. If I’d stopped to tiiink about the danger I’m afraid I wouldn’t liave come.” “But you must have known it was dangerous! I don’t know anyone else who would have done it for me.” “Gc, yes, they would, Dolly. That’s one of the things we promise when we join the Camp Fire Girls— always to help another member of the Camp Fire who is in trouble or in danger.” 127 128 THE CAMP FIRE GIRLS “Yes— but not like that. It doesn’t say any- thing about going into danger yourself, you know.” “Listen, Dolly. If you saw me drowning in the water, you’d jump in after me, wouldn’t you I Or after any of tbe girls— if there wasn’t time lo get help?” “I suppose so— but that’s different. It just means going in quickly, without time to think very much about it. And you had plenty of time to think while you were tramping along that horrid dark trail after me.” “Well, it’s all over now, Dolly, and, after all, you had to save both of us in the end.” “That was just a piece of luck, and a trick, Bessie. It didn’t take any courage to do that — and, beside, if it hadn’t been for you I would never have had the chance to do that. I wonder why Lolla let you have her knife to cut those cords about me?” “I think she’s a regular actress, Dolly, and that she wanted to make me feel absolutely sure she was on our side, so that we would both be there in that trap when she and Peter came back.”^ “It’s a good thing he was such a coward, Bes- sie.” “Oh, I think he’d be brave enough if he just had to fight with a man, so that it was the sort of fighting he was used to. You see it wasn’t his plan, and when I said I’d use that knife he AT LONG LAKE 129 couldn’t see why he should run any risk when all the profit was for the other man.” “And when you played that trick with your voice he was frightened, because he’d never heard of anything of that sort, and he didn’t know what was coming next, I think that would frighten a good many people who are really brave.” “Bessie, why do I always get into so much- trouble ? x\ll this happened just because I changed those signs that day.” “Oh, I don’t know about that, Dolly. It might have happened anyhow. I’ve got an idea now that they knew we were around, and that John planned to kidnap one of us and keep us until someone paid him a lot of money to let us go. Something Lolla said made me think that.” “Then he was just playing a joke when he said he wanted to marry me!” “Yes, I think so, because I don’t think he was foolish enough to think he could ever really get you to do that. I did think so at first, but if that had been so I’m quite sure that Lolla wouldn’t have helped him.” “She’d have been jealous, you mean?” “Yes, I’m quite sure, you see, that she saw him and talked to him when we went over to their camp that time, so that she could take orders from him to Peter. He knew he’d be watched, so he mur'c have made up his mind from the first that he ;ould have to have help. ’ ’ 130 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS “I wonder wliat he is doing now, Bessie.” “I certainly hope he’s still over there at the camp, sitting near that guide. The guide said he would shoot him if he tried to get away, you know. ’ ’ “My, hut I’ll het there’s heen a lot of commo- tion over this. ” “I’m sure there has, Dolly. Probably all the people at the hotel heard about it, too. I’ll bet they’ve got people out all through the woods look- ing for us.” “I wish we’d meet some of them— and that they’d have a lot of sandwiches and things. Bes- sie, I’ve simply got to sit down and rest. I want to get back to Miss Eleanor and the girls, but if I keep on any longer I’ll drop just where we are. I’m too tired to take another step without a rest.” “I am, too, Dolly. Here— here’s a good place to sit down for a little while. We really can’t be so very far from Long Lake now. ’ ’ “No,” said a voice, behind them. “But you’re so far that you’ll never reach there, my dears!” And, turning, they saw John, the gypsy, leering at them. His clothes were torn, and he was hot and dirty, so that it was plain that he had had a long run, and a narrow escape from capture. But at the sight of them he smiled, evilly and trium- phantly, as if that repaid him amply for any hard- ships he had undergone. “Don’t you dare touch us!” said Bessie, shrilly. AT LONG LAKE i«j>i She realized even as she said it, that he was not likely to pay any attention to her, but the sight of his grinning face, when she had been so sure that their troubles were over at last, was too much for her. She sank down on a log beside Dolly, and hid her face in her hands, beginning to cry. Most men, no matter how bad, would have been moved to pity by the sight of her sufferings. But John was not. “Don’t cry,” he said, with mock sympathy. “I am not going to treat you badly. Yon shall stay in the woods with me. I have a good hiding place— a place where your friends will never find you until I am ready. You are tired. So am I. We will rest here. It is quite safe. A party of your friends passed this way five minutes ago. They will not come again— not soon. I was with- in a few feet of them, but they did not see me.” Bessie groaned at the news. Had they only reached the place five minutes earlier, then, they would have been safe. She was struck by an idea, however, and lifted her voice in a shout for aid. In a moment the gypsy’s hand covered her mouth and he was snarling in her ear. “None of that,” he said, grittingly, “or I will find a way to make you keep still. You must do as I tell you now, or it will be the worse for you. Will you promise to keep quiet?” Bessie realized that there was no telling what 132 THE CAMP FISE GIELS this man would do if she did not promise— and keep her promise. He was cleverer than Peter, and, therefore, much more dangerous. She felt, somehow, that the trick which had worked so well when Dolly had used it before would he of no avail now. He might even tmderstand it; he was most unlikely, she was sure, to yield to supersti- tious terror as Peter and Lolla had done. And, leaning over to Dolly, she whispered to her. “Don’t try that trick, Dolly. You see, if the others had dared the voice to do something they would have found out that there was really noth- ing to be afraid of— and I’m afraid he’d wait. It may be useful again, but not with him, now. If we tried it, and it didn ’t work— ’ ’ “I understand,” Dolly whispered back. “I think you are right, too, Bessie. We’d be worse off than ever. I was thinking that if only some of the other gypsies were here we might frighten them so much with it that they’d make him let us go.” “Yes. We’ll save it for that.” The gypsy was still breathing hard. He looked at the two girls malignantly, but he saw that they were too tired to walk much unless he let them rest, and, purely out of policy, and not at all because he was sorry for them, and for the hard- ships he had made them endure, he let them sit still for a while. But finally he rose. “Come,” he said. “You’ve been loafing here AT LONG lAKE 133 - long snongli. Get up now, and walk in front of me— back, tlie way you came.” They groaned at tbe prospect of retracing tbeir footsteps once more, but be held tbe upper band, and there was nothing for it but obedience. That much was plain. Desperately, as they began to drag their tired feet once more along the trail, they listened, hoping against hope for the sounds that would indicate that some of the searchers they were sure filled the woods were in the neigh- borhood. But no comforting shouts greeted them. The woods were silent, save for the calls of birds and animals, which, friendly though they might be, were powerless to aid the two girls against this traditional enemy of every furred and feathered creature in the forest. Steadily they plodded on. Bessie knew the ground well by this time, and, one by one they passed the landmarks she knew so well, until they came at last to the cross path which had brought Bessie back to the trap Lolla had prepared for her. And there they came upon a startling inter- ruption of their journey. For suddenly Lolla herself, who had evidently” been hiding there when they had passed, alone, be- fore their meeting with John, sprang out and stood in front of them. Long as she had resisted her fear of the supernatural force that had come to the aid of the girls, she was plainly afraid of 134 THE CAMP FIEE GIRLS it still, for at sight of them her cheeks paled, and v, she cried out in terror. And behind her, as scared i ■ \ as she was herself, came Peter, the big gypsy, shaking in every limb. | ‘‘A fine mess you made of things— letting them | escape,” growled John, as he saw his two com- ? patriots. “If I hadn’t found them on the trail, t by sheer luck, they’d have been back at the lake by this time.” ■ “Let them go— for heaven’s sake, let them go,, i John,” wailed Lolla. “There is a devil fighting ^ for them— he will kill you if you try any longer to keep them from their friends.” “Pah! What child’s talk is. this! Be thankful that I do not beat you with my stick for letting them get free!” “Listen to her, John,” said Peter, warningly. “She speaks the truth. It was a devil that spoke from the air. I saw his horns and his red tail. Be careful— he may be here now.” John laughed, scornfully. “Run away, if you are afraid,” he said. “I will manage alone now. I would not trust you — you have failed me once, both of you. Do not think you can frighten me into failure because you are as brave as a— chicken!” “Let them go, I say,” said Peter, wuth a stern- ness in his voice that gave Bessie a new ray of hope. “I have had my warning, I will profit by it.”- “You coward!” sneered John. AT LONG LAKE 135 But that was too much for Peter. With a cry; of rage he sprang forward. “I fear no man, no man I can see or touch,” he cried. “And no man shall call me coward!” In a moment the two were grappling in a furious fight. John was smaller than Peter, but he was wiry and as lithe and powerful as a trained athlete, so that he was a match, at first, for the rugged strength of Peter. But he had had a hard day, and gradually Peter’s strength wore him down, and, as they crashed to the ground together, Peter was on top, and plainly destined to be victor in the fight. He looked up at the two girls. “Go!” he said. “I will have nothing to do with you. I am fighting with my friend to save him, not for your sakes, you who have a devil to hek: you. If he keeps you harm will come to him. cCin, listen to me: I do this because you are my friend.” Bessie and Doily needed no second invitation. Amazing as was this latest intervention in their favor, they were too happy to stop to question it. It was their chance to escape, and five min- utes later they were, out of sight, and making their way, as fast as their tired bodies would allow them to do, toward Long Lake and safety. CHAPTEE Xm SAFE AT LAST Indeed, any lingering fear Bessie and Dolly might have had that John had succeeded in escaping from his two anxious friends who were so determined to protect him against his own reck- lessness, was dissipated before they came in sight of the lake, when, at a crossing of the trail, a glad cry hailed them and a sturdy guide stepped across their path. “Well, I’ll be hornswoggled ! ” he exclaimed. “Ain’t you the two that was lost, or stolen by that gypsy critter?” “We certainly are,” said Dolly and Bessie, in one breath. “Were you looking for us?” ‘ ‘ Lookin ’ f er you ! ” he exclaimed. ‘ ‘ Every one in these here woods has been a-lookin’ fer you two since sun-up, I guess. Godfrey, but we was scared! Didn’t know but that there gypsy might have snaked you clean out of the woods! How did you all ever come to get loose? Or was you just plain lost?” “No, we weren’t lost,” said Bessie. “He car- ried Dolly off all right ; this is Dolly Kansom, you know. But he didn’t catch me.” “Then how in tarnation did you come to be lost, too? You was, wasn’t you? They told us two girls was missin’.” 136 AT LONG LAKE 137 “Well, we were asleep in the open air, outside the tent, and I woke np jnst as he was carrying Dolly off. I didn’t wake up until he’d got out of the firelight, and there wasn’t any use calling any- one else. So I just followed myself. ’ ’ “She says anyone would have done it,” Dolly broke in, her eyes shining. “But I don’t believe it, do youl” “No, by Godfrey!” he said, emphatically. “A greenhorn, goin’ out in them woods at night, in the dark, and a girl, at that! I guess not!” He looked at Bessie, as if puzzled to learn that she had actually done such a thing. “Well, you’re all right now,” he said. “Here, I’ll just give the signal we fi:sed up. Listjen, now!” He raised his rifle, and, pointing it straight in the air, fired two shots, and then, after a brief interval, two more. “The sound of that’ll carry a long way,” ho explained, “and that means that you’re both found. The other fellows who are searchin’ for you will quit lookin’, now, and come into Long Lake. If I’d fired just two shots, and hadn’t fired the second two, that would have meant that one of you was found, and they’d have kept right on a-lookin’ fer the other. I’ll walk along with you now, an’ I guess that varmint won’t bother you no more. If he does — ” 138 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS He patted his rifle with a gesture that spoke more plainly than words could have done. “Tell me all about it as we go along,” he said. “I guess maybe there’ll be some work for us to do after we all get together— runnin’ those gypsies out. They’re a bad lot, but this is the fust time they ever done anythin’ around here that give ns a real chance to get even with them. We’ve sus- pected them of doin’ lots of things, but a deer can’t tell you who killed him out o’ season, ’specially when all you find of the deer is a little skin and bones.” He listened admiringly as Bessie told her story. At the tale of Lolla’s treachery he laughed. “They’re all tarred with the same brush,” he said. “One’s as bad as another.” And when he heard of the trick by which Dolly had worked on the superstitious fears of Lolla and Peter his merriment knew no bounds, and he absolutely refused to keep on the trail until Dplly had given him a demonstration of just how she had managed it. “Well, by Godfrey!” he said, when she had thrown her voice far overhead, and once so that it seemed to come from just above his shomcicr. “Don’t that beat the Dutch! I don’t wonder you skeered ’em! You’d have had me gpin’, I guess, an’ I ain’t no chicken, nor easy to skeer, neither. You cwo certainly done a smart job gettin’ away from them.” AT LONG LAKE 139 And, so when they reached Long Lake, the girls and the guides, who had scattered all over the woods searching for them, agreed, when they straggled in, one party after another. Eleanor Mercer was one of the first to return, and when she had finished proving her gratitude for their safe return, she turned a laughing face toward thfe chief guide. “Do you know the thing that pleases me best about this, Andrew?’' she asked him. “I can guess, ma’am,” he said, with a grin. “You told us when you come up here that you was goin’ to prove that a party of girls could get along without help from men. And I reckon it looked to you this morning as if you was goin’ to need us pretty bad, didn’t it?” “It certainly did, Andrew,” she answered, gravely. “And I don’t want you to think for a moment that we’re not grateful to you for the way you turned out and scoured the woods. ’ ’ “Don’t talk of gratitude, Miss Eleanor. We’ve known you for years, but even if we’d never seen you before, and didn’t know nothin’ about the girls that thief had stolen, we’d ha’ turned out jest the same way to rescue them. An’ I guess any white men anywhere would ha’ done the same thing. “But if it was only us you’d had to depend on, I’m afraid the young lady’d still be out there. It was her friend that saved her. Too bad she 140 THE CAMP FIRE GIRLS trusted tliat Lolla witch. If she’d gone to Jim Shelly when she was near the gypsy camp that time, an’ told him where her chum was, he’d have had her free in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.” think Dolly and Bessie must be awfully hungry,” said Zara, who had listened with shining eyes to the tale of her friends’ adventures. “Oh, they must, indeed!” said Eleanor, re- morsefully. “And here we’ve been listening to them, and letting them talk while they were starv- ing. ’ ’ She turned toward the fire, but already two of the guides had leaped forward, and in a moment the smell of crisp bacon filled the air, and coffee was being made. “Oh, how good that smells!” said Dolly. “I am hungry, but it was so exciting, remembering everything that happened, that I forgot all about it! Isn’t it funny? I was dreadfully scared when I was alone there, and again afterward, when we thought we were safe, and that horrid man caught us. “But now that it’s all over, it seems like good fun. If one only knew that everything was com- ing out all right when things like that happen, one could enjoy them while they v/ere going on, couldn’t one? But when one is frightened half to death there isn’t much chance to think of how nice it’s going to be when it’s all over, and you’re safe at home again.” AT LONG LAKE 141 “That’s jnst the trouble with adventures, Dolly,” said Eleanor. “You never can be sure that they will come out all right, and lots of times they don’t. It’s like the thrilling story that the man told about being chased by the bear.” “What was that. Miss Eleanor?” “Well, he told about how the bear chased him, and he got into a trap, and the bear was between him and the only way of getting out, and it seemed to him as if he was going to be killed. Se they asked him what happened; how he got away!” “And how did he?” “He said he didn’t; that the bear ate him up!” “Miss Eleanor,” said Andrew, the old chief guide, as the two ^rls began, ravenously, to eat the tempting camp meal that the other guides had so quickly prepared, “we’ve got something more to do here. ’ ’ Eleanor looked at him questioningly. “We’ve got to find that gypsy,” he said, “and see that he spends the night in jail, where he be- longs. If I’m not mistaken, he’ll spend a good many nights and days there, too, after he’s been tried.” “I suppose he must be caught and taken to a place where he can be tried,” said Eleanor. “I don’t like the idea of revenge, but—” “But this ain’t revenge. Miss Eleanor. If yon was a-goin’ to say that you was quite right. It’s 142 THE CAMP. FIRE GIRLS self protection, and protection for yonng girls everywhere.” “Yes, you’re right, Andrew. Well, what do you want me to do? I am afraid I wouldn’t be much good in helping you to catch him.” Andrew laughed heartily. ■“I ain’t sayin’ that, ma’am, but there’s men enough of us to catch him, all right. Maybe you didn’t notice it, but I sent out some of the men ’most as soon as they got here, just so’s they’d be able to fix things for him to have to stay where we could catdi him. Trouble is, none of us don’t know him when we see him. I was wonderin’—” “Oh, no, not now, Andrew. I know what you mean. You want the girls to go with you, so as to point him out, don’t you? But they’re so tired, I’m sure they couldn’t do any more tramp- ing to-day.” “I know they’re tired, ma’am, and I wasn’t aimin’ to let them do any more walkin’. I’ve got more sense than that. But we could rig up a sort of a swing chair, so’s two of the boys could carry one of them, easily. Then we could take her over there, and she could tell us which was him, and never be tired at all. She’d be jest as comfort- able, ma’am, as if she was a settin’ here by the lake, watchin’ the water.” “Well, I suppose we can manage it if you do it that way, Andrew, if you think it’s really nec- essary.” AT LONG LAKE 143 WLen it came to a clioice, since it was neces- sary for only one of the girls to go, Dolly insisted on being the one. ‘‘Bessie is mneh more tired than I am,” she said, stoutly. “I was carried a good part of the way and she tramped all around with that wretched little liolla, when she thought Lolla wanted to help her get me away. So I’m going, and Bessie shall stay here and rest.” “Don’t make no difference to me,” said An- drew. “Let the other girls come along with us, if you like, kliss Eleanor. And you can stay be- hind here with the one that stays to rest. See?” And so it was arranged. Bessie, lying on a cot that had been brought from Eleanor’s tent, watched Dolly being carried off in the litter that had been hastily improvised, and Eleanor sat be- side her. “You’ve certainly earned a rest, Bessie,” said Eleanor, happily. It delighted her to think that Bessie, whom she had befriended, should prove herself so well worthy of her confidence. “I don’t know what we’d have done witiiout you. I’m afraid that Dolly would still be there in the woods if you’d just called us, as most girls would have done. ’ ’ “I don’t quite understand one thing, even yet, Bessie,” continued Eleanor, frowning. “You know, at first, it seemed as if the idea we had wns right; that this man hgd some crazy idea that ho might be able to mmke a gJT^y of Dolly. 144 THE CAMP FIEE GIRLS “I’m beginning to think that there was some powerful reason back of what he did ; that he ex- pected to make a great deal of money out of kid- napping her. It seems, too, as if he knew where we were going to be, and who we all were, more than he had had any chance to find out. ’ ’ “I thought of ^at, too,” said Bessie. “If it had been Zara he tried to steal— but it was Dolly. And she hasn’t been mixed up at ail in our affairs.” “I know, and that’s what is so puzzling, Bessie. Maybe if they catch him, though, he’ll tell why he did it. I think those guides will frighten him. They’re all perfectly furious, and they’ll make him sorry he ever tried to do anything of the sort, I think— Why, Bessie! What’s the matter?” “Don’t turn around. Miss Eleanor. But I saw a pair of eyes, just behind you. I wonder if he could have sneaked back around and come here ? ’ ’ “Oh, I wish we’d had one of the men stay. I was afraid of something like that, Bessie. ’ ’ “I’m going to find out. Miss Eleanor. I’ll pre- tend I don’t suspect anything, and get up to go into the tent. Then, if it’s John, I think he’ll show himself. ’ ’ She rose; and in a moment their fears were con- firmed. John, his eyes triumphant, stepped out, abandoning the concealment of the bushes. “'Where is the other?” he said. “The one called Bessie— Bessie King? It’s not you I want— ’ ’ AT LONG LAKE 145 “Hands up!” cried the voice of Andrew, the chief guide. And the gypsy, wheeling 'with a savage cry, faced a half circle of grinning faces. He made one wild dash to escape, but it was useless, and in a moment he was on the ground, and his hands were tied. In the struggle a letter fell from his pocket, and Bessie picked it up. Suddenly, as ^e was looking at it idly, she saw something that made her cry out in surprise, and the next moment she and Miss Mercer were reading it' together. “Get this girl, Bessie King, and I will pay you a thousand dollars,” it read. “She is dark, and goes around with a fair girl called Dolly. It will be easy, and if you once get them to me and out of the woods, I will pay you the mosey, and see that you are not in danger of being arrested. I will back you up.” “Who wrote that letter? Turn over, quickly!” cried Eleanor. “I know without looking,” said Bessie. “Now we can guess why he was so reckless ; why he took such chances ! He thotight I was Dolly, because of that mistake about our hair! Yes, see; it is Mr. Holmes who sent him this letter!” CHAPTER XIV THE gypsy's motive But, despite tlie revelation of that letter, the gypsy himself maintained a sullen silence when efforts were made to make him tell all he knew and the reason for his determined effort to kid- nap Dolly. He snarled at his captors when they asked h i m questions, and so enraged Andrew and the other guides by his refusal to answer that only Eleanor’s intervention saved him from rough handling. “No, I won’t let you use violence, Andrew,” said Eleanor, firmly. “It would do no good. He won’t talk; that is his nature. You have him now, and the law will take him from you. There isn’t any question of his guilt; there will be evidence enough to convict him anywhere, and he will go to prison, as he deserves to do. All I hope is that he won’t be the only one, that we can get the man who bribed him to do this, and see that he gets punished properly, too.” “I’m sure with you there, ma’am,” said old Andrew. “He’s a worthless critter enough, I know, but he ain’t as bad as the man that set him on. If the law lets that other snake go, ma’am, jest you get him to come up here for a little hunt- ing, and we’ll make him sorry he ever went inttf 146 AT LONG LAKE 147 such business. I’d like to get my hands on him. I’m an old man, but I reckon I’m strong enough to thrash any imitation of a man what would play such a cowardly trick as that. Afraid to do his. own dirty work, is he! So he hires it done. Well, much good it’s done him this time.” “I’ll keep this letter,” said Eleanor. “I think it was mighty foolish of him to sign his name to it. ‘It’s a pretty good piece of evidence against the man, if he is rich and powerful. If there’s any justice to be had, I think he’ll suffer this time.” “How did you ever get back here, just when you were so badly needed 1 ’ ’ Bessie asked Andrew, He smiled at that. “Well, we get sort o’ used to readin’ tracks in our work around here. Miss, and we seen that someone who might be this feller was doublin’' around mighty suspicious. So, bein’ some worried about leavin’ you two here alone anyhow, I de- cided to come back v/ith three or four of the men here, an’ we did it, leavin’ the others to go on an’ see if they could pick up the other two gypsies. “To tell the truth, I thought it’d be mighty strange if we found him anywhere near that camp. Seemed like he must know that we’d be lookin’^ fer him, and that there was the fust place we’d go to. So here we were, and mighty timely, as you say, Miss.” 148 THE CAMP FIEE GIRLS It was no great while before the sounds of the other party, returning, resounded through the woods, and soon Lolla and Peter, the man bound, and the girl carefully guarded by two guides, each of whom held one of her arms, were brought into the clearing about the camp. Lolla, at the sight of John, lying against a tree, his arms and his feet bound, gave a cry of rage, and, snatching her arms from her guardians ran toward him, wail- ing. ‘ ‘ Go away, you fool ! ’ ’ muttered J ohn. ‘ ‘ This is your doing. If you and Peter had not been afraid of your own shadow, this would not have happened. I am glad they have caught you; you will go to prison now, like me.” “Look here, young feller,” said Andrew, angrily, “that ain’t no way to talk to a lady, hear me? She may be a bad one, but she’s stuck to you. If you get off any more talk like that I’ll see if a dip in the lake will make you feel more polite, like. See?” John gave no answer, but relapsed into his sul-^ len silence again. Eleanor approached Lolla gently. “We are not angry with you, Lolla,” she said, kindly. “No, nor with John. You love him, do you?” Lolla gave no answer, but looked up into Eleanor’s face with eyes that spoke plainly enough. AT LONG LAKE 149 thought so. Then you do not want him to go to prison. Try to make him tell why he did this. If he will do that, perhaps he can go free, and you and Peter, too. You wouldn’t like to have to leave your people, and not be able to travel along the road, and do all the things you are used to doing, would you? ‘‘Well, I am afraid that is what will happen to you, unless John will tell all he knows. They will take you away, soon now, and you will go down to the town and there you will be locked up, all three of you, and you and John will not even see one another, for a long time— two or three years, maybe, or even longer— ” Still Lolla could not speak. But she began to cry, quietly, but with a display of suffering that moved Eleanor. After all, she felt, Lolla was little more than a girl, and, though she had done wrong, very wrong, she had never had a proper chance to learn how tg do what was right. “I’m sorry for you, Lolla,” said Eleanor. “We all are. We think you didn’t know what you were doing, and how wicked it was. I will do my best for you, but your best chance is to make John tell all he knows. ’ ’ “How can I? He blames me. He says if I and Peter hadn’t been such cowards all would have been well. He is angry at me ; he will not forgive me.” ' ..“Oh, yes, he will, Lolla. I am sure he loves 150 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS you, and that he did this wicked thing because he wanted to have much money to spend buying nice things for you; pret^ dresses, and a fine wagon, with good horses. So he will be sorry for speak- ing angrily to you, soon, and you will be able to make him tell the truth, if you only try. Will you try?” “Yes,” d,ecided Lolla, suddenly. “I think you are good— that you forgive us. Do you!” “I certainly do. After ail, you see, Lolla, you haven’t done us any harm.” Lolla pointed to Bessie. “Will she forgive me!” she inquired. “I tricked her— made a fool of her— but she made a fool of me afterward. I lied to her ; will she for- give me, too, like you!” “Did you hear that, Bessie!” asked Eleanor, by way of answer to the gypsy girl’s question. “Yes,” said Bessie. “I’m sorry you did it, Lolla, because I only wapted to help your man, and if you hadn’t done what you said you were going to do, and helped me to get Dolly away from him, he wouldn’t be in all this!> trouble now. ‘ ‘ But you didn ’t understand about that, and you helped your oWn people instead of a stranger. I don’t think that’s such a dreadful thing to do. It’s something like a soldier in a war. He may think his country is wrong, but if there ’s a battle he has to fight for it, just the same.” “But remember that the best way to help John AT LONG LAKE 151 now is to make him see that he has been wrong, and to try to make him understand that he can make np for his wickedness by helping us to pun- ish the bad man who got him to do this,” said Eleanor. ‘^That man, you see, was too much of a coward, to do liis work himself, so he got youi’ man to do it, knowing that if anyone was to be- punished he would escape, and John would get into trouble. “John doesn’t owe anything to a man like that; he needn’t think he’s got to keep him out of trouble. The man -wouldn’t do it for him. He won’t help him now. He’ll pretend he doesn’t know anything about this at all.” “I will try,” promised Lolla. “But I think John is angry with me, and will not listen. But I^will do my best.” And, after a little while, which the guides used to cook a meal, and to rest after their strenuous tramping in the effort to find the missing girls, Andrew told off half a .dozen of them to make their way to the county seat, a dozen miles away, with the three gypsies. “Just get them there and turn them over to the sheriff, boys,” said the old guide. “He’ll hold them safe until they’ve been tried, and we won’t have any call to worry about them no more. But be careful while you’re on your way down. , They’re slippery customers, and as like as not to try to run away from you and get to their own people. ’ ’ 15^ THE CAMP FIEE GIKLS '‘‘You leave that to me,” said the guide who was to be in charge of the party. ‘ ‘ If they get away from us, Andrew, they’ll be slicker than any- one I ever heard tell of, anywhere. We won’t hurt them none, but they’ll walk a chalk line, right in front of us, or I’ll know the reason why.” “All right,” said Andrew. “Better be getting started, then. Don’t want to make it too late when you get into town with them. Let the girl rest once in a w;hile; she looks purty tired to me.” Bessie and Dolly and the other girls watched the little procession start off on the trail, and Bessie, for one, felt sorry for Lolla, who looked utterly disconsolate and hopeless. “We couldn’t let them go free, I suppose,” said Eleanor, regretfully. “But I do feel sorry for that poor girl. I don’t think she liked the idea from the very first, but she couldn’t help herself. She had to do what the men told her. Women don’t rank very high among the gypsies ; they have to do what the men tell them, and they’re ex- pected to do all the work and take all the hard knocks beside.” “‘You ’re right; there’s nothing else to do, ma’am,” said old Andrew. “Well, guess the rest of us guides had better be gettin’ back to work. Ain’t nothin’ else we can do fer you, is there, ma’am?” “I don’t think so. I don’t suppose we need be afraid of the other gypsies, Andrew? Are they AT LONG LAKE 15a likely to try to get revenge for what Las happened to their companions?” Pshaw! They’ll he as qniet as lambs for a long time now. They was a breakin’ up camp over there by lujoon Pond when the boys come away last time. Truth is, I reckon they’re madder at John and his pals for gettin’ the whole camp into trouble than they are at us. “You see, they know they needn’t show their noses around here fer a long time now; not until this here shindy’s had a chance to blow over an’’ be forgotten. And there ain’t many places where they’ve been as welcome as over to the pond.” “I shouldn’t think they’d be very popular here in the woods.” “They ain’t, ma’am; they ain’t, fer a fact. More’n once we’ve tried to make the hotel folks' chase themmway, but they sort of tickled the sum> mer boarders over there, and so the hotel folks made out as they weren’t as bad as they were painted, and was entitled to a chance to make camp around there as long as they behaved themselves.” “I suppose they never stole any stuff from the hotel?” “That’s jest it. They knew enough to keep out the right side of them people, you see, an’ they did their poaehin’ in our woods. Any time they’ve been around it’s always meant more work for us, and hard work, too.” 154 THE CAMP, FIEE GIELS “Well, I should think that after this experience the people at the hotel would see that the gypsies -aren’t very good neighbors, after all.” ■“That’s what we’re counting on, ma’am. Seems to me, from what I just happened to pick up, that there was some special reason, like, for this var- mint to have acted that way to-day, or last night, maybe it was. Some feller in the city as was back of him.” There was, Andrew, I’m afraid; a man who "Ought to know better, and whom you wouldn’t sus- pect of allowing such a dreadful thing to be •done. ’ ’ Andrew shook his head wisely. “It’s hard to know what to wish,” she said. “Sometimes a man is much worse when he comes out of prison than he was when he went in. It seems just to harden them, and make it impossible for them to get started on the right road again.” “It’s their fault for going wrong in the fust place,” said the old guide, sternly. “That’s what I say. I don’t take any stock in these new f angled notions of makin’ the jail pleasant for them as does wrong. Make ’em know they’re goin’ to have a hard time, an’ they’ll be less willin’ to take chances of goin’ wrong and bein’ caught with the goods, like this feller here to-day. I bet you when he gets out of jail he’ll be so scared of gettin’ back that he’ll be pretty nearly «s good as a white man.” AT LONG LAKE 155 “Of course, tlie main thing is to frighten any of the others from acting the same way,” said Eleanor. “I think the hotel will be sorry it let those gypsies stay around there. Because it’s very sure that mothers who have children there will be nervous, and they’ll go away to some place where they can feel their children are safe. “Well, good-bye, Andrew. I’m glad you think it’s safe now. I really would like to feel that we can get along by ourselves here, but, of course, I wouldn’t let any pride stand in the way of safety, and if you thought it was better I’d ask you to leave one of the men here.” “No call for that, ma’am. You’ve shown you can get along all right. We didn’t have nothin’ to do with gettin’ Miss Dolly away from that scamp to-day. It was her chum done that. Good- bye.” CHAPTEE XV A FBIENDLY CONTEST Morning found both Dolly and Bessie refreshed^ nd, though the other girls asked them anxiously about themselves, neither seemed to feel any ill effects after the excitement of the previous dhy, with its series of surprising events. Dolly, at first, was a little chastened, and seemed wholly ready to stay quietly in camp. And, indeed, all the girls decided that it would be better, for the time at least, not to venture far into the woods. “I think it’s as safe as ever now, along the well known trails that are used all the time, ’ ’ said Miss Eleanor, “but, after all, we don’t know much about the gypsies. Some of them may be hanging around still, even if the main party of them has moved on, and we do know that they are a re- vengeful race; that when one of them is hurt, or injured in any way, they are very likely not to rest until the injury is avenged. They don’t care much whether they hurt the person who is guilty or not; his relatives or his friends will satisfy them equally well.” “I’m perfectly willing to stay right here by the lake,” said Margery Burton, “for one. It’s as nice here as it can possibly be anywhere dse I’d like someone to go in swimming with me.” AT LONG LAKE 157 “If it isn’t too cold I will,” cried Dolly, eheer-- fnlly. And so, after the midday meal— two honrs afterward, too, for Eleanor Mercer was too vase a Guardian to allow them to run any risk by going into the water before their food had been thor- oughly digested— bathing suits were brought out, and Margei’y Burton, or Minnehaha, as the one who had proposed the sport, was unanimously elected a committee of one to try the water, and see if it was warm enough for swimming. “And no tricks, Margery!” warned Dolly. “I know you, and if you found it was cold it would be just like you to pretend it was fine so that we’d all get in and be as cold as you were yourself I ’ ’ “I’ll be good; I promise,” laughed Margery, and, without any preliminary hesitation on the water’s edge, she walked to the end of the little dock that was used for the boats and plunged boldly in. She was a splendid swimmer, a fact that had once, when Bessie had first joined the Camp Fire, nearly cost her her life, for, seeing her upset, no one except Bessie had thought it nec- essary to jump in after her, and she had actually been slightly stunned, so that she had been unable to swim. But this time there was no accident. She dis- appeared under the water with a beautiful for- ward dive, and plunged along for many feet be- fore she rose to the surface, laughing, and shak- 158 THE CAMP FIEE GIELS ing the water out of her eyes. Then, treading water, she called to the group on the dock. ‘Ht’s all right for everyone hut Dolly, I think,” she cried. “I’m afraid it would he too cold for her. I like it; I think it’s great!” “You can’t fool me,” said Dolly, and, without any more delay, she too plunged in. But she rose to the surface at once, gasping for hreath, and looking about for Margery. “Why, it’s as cold aS ice!” she exclaimed. <e Saalfield TttbUshin^ Co, AKRON, OHIO FICTION FOR GIRLS BETTY, The SCRIBE By LILIAN TURNER Drawings by Katharine Hayward Greenland Betty is a brilliant, talented, impulsive seventeen-year-old girl, who is suddenly required to fill her, mother’s place at the head of a household, with a literary, impractical father to manage. Betty writes, too, and every time she mounts her Pegasus dis- aster follows for home duties are neglected. Learning of one of these lapses, her elder sister comes home. Betty storms and refuses to share the honors until she remembers that this means long hours free to devote to her beloved pen. She finally moves to the city to begin her career in earnest, and then — well, then comes the story. “Miss Turner is Miss Alcott’s true successor. 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