^ <2 O WV Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Feb. 21, 1895. 10 ~ ?>l, NOTES ON SOME SPECIMENS OF PYRENOMYCETES IN THE SCHWEINITZ HERBARIUM OF THE ACADEMY. BY J. B. ELLIS. Some time during the past year (1894) there was found in the Herbarium of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, a package that had lain unnoticed for many years. The package was found to contain many of the missing specimens mentioned in the preface to The North Am. Pyrenomycetes. These specimens are evidently authentic and reliable, the writing on the papers in which they are wrapped being in Schweinitz’s own hand, with the abbreviation L. v. S. 1 after the names of the species described by him. In only a few cases are the habitats given, but almost all are marked as collected either at Bethlehem, Pa., or Salem, N. C. They are all very small — many of them old and without fruit. From a careful examination of the specimens the following notes were made to enable one to recognize some of the Schweinitzian species that have hitherto been only imperfectly understood. Dr. Karl Starback in his “ Studier i Elias Fries Svamparherbarium:” Bihang till K. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., Band 19, Afd. Ill, No. 2, 1894, has also examined some of the specimens noted and his observations agree with those here recorded: — Chaetomium olivaceum C. & E., Grev., VI, p. 96. Sphceria Douglasii Schw., in Herb. Schw. On dead herbaceous stems. Shores of Lake Huron (Prof. Doug- las). Comm. Dr. Torrey. Venturia cincinnata Fr., Summ. Yeg. Scand., p. 405. Sphceria cincinnata Fr., S. M., II, p. 451. Perithecia clustered, ovate- globose, 150/* diam., clothed with black, spreading spines 25-40 x 4-5/*. Asci subsessile, clavate-cylin- drical, 40-50 x 8-10/*, paraphysate. The specc. were not fully ma- ture and the sporidia could not be accurately made out. On the lower surface of leaves of Vaccinium. Bethlehem, Pa. (Schw.). 1 L. v. S. is the abbreviation used by Schweinitz hweinitz. to indicate his name: Lasiosphseria setosa (Schw.), Sphceria setosa Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,533. Perithecia gregarious, superficial, ovate- conical, about f mm. high and 2 mm. broad, clothed except the black, entire or subsulcate, ob- tuse ostiolum, with tuberculiform tufts of matted hairs among which arise other, darker, longer hairs. Asci elongated, narrowed above, short-stipitate, paraphysate, 8-spored, 100-120 x 12-15 //. Sporidia biseriate, cylindrical, hyaline, nucleate, curved near the lower end, 45-55 x 4-5//; about the same as in L. hirsuta. On rotten wood, Bethlehem, Pa. (Schw.). Lasiosphaeria emergens (Schw.). Sphceria emergens Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,534. Mycelium of brown, branching threads septate and undulate, bear- ing terminally (and laterally)? yellowish-brown, globose conidia 12- 15// diam. with coarsely granular contents. Sporidia nearly straight, cylindrical, hyaline, 28-32 x 4//, apparently becoming 3-septate. Differs from L . Rhacodium in its ovate- conical perithecia. Chaetosphaeria squamulata (Schw.). Sphceria squamata Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,538. Melanomma squamulata E. & E., N. A. Pyr., p. 184. Sphceria squamata in Herb. Schw. Chceto sphceria squamulata Starback, Studier i Elias Fr. Svamp. Herb., p. 31. When the N. A. P. was published we had not seen an authentic spec, of this species, which is accurately described by Starback, l.c., the description there given applying perfectly to the spec, in Herb. Schw. This spec., however, is labeled Sphceria “ squamata ” L. v. S., instead of squamulata as given in Syn. N. Am. with the added note “olim S. fuscospora.” Herpotrichia diffusa (Schw.) var. rhodomphala B. & C. Sphceria diffusa Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,502. Sphceria rhodomphala Berk. Hook., Lond. Journ. Bot. , IV, p. 212. Sph. tris- tis in Herb. Schw. Amphisphceria subiculosa E. & E., Journ. Mycol. , II, p. 103. Neopeckia diffusa Starback, Stud, i Elias Fries Svamp. Herb., Yet. Akad Handl., 1894. Didymotrichia diffusa Berlese, in the Proc. of the International Bot. Con- gress, 1892. The specc. distributed in Ell. & Evrht’s N. A. F., 2,130, differ from the Schweinitzian spec, in having the perithecia smaller (about f mm.), and less crowded, and in their rather smaller, less distinctly constricted sporidia. These differences, however, seem hardly to be of specific value, all the other characters being the same- better to put the N. A. F. specc. as a mere var. of that in Herb. Schw., viz., var. rhodomphala Berk. Sphceria rhodomphala Berk., 1. c. Rosellinia araneosa (Pers. ). Sphceria araneosa Pers., Icon, et deser., 1, p. 24, tab. VII, fig. 6, a-h. Rosellinia araneosa Sacc., Syll., I, p. 259. Perithecia crowded in elongated groups $-1 cm. long, 3-4 mm. wide, globose, papillate, f mm. diam. Sporidia (free spores) in- equilateral ly elliptical, brown, continuous, 7—9 x 5—6//. Has the external aspect of Rosellinia medidlaris ( Wallr. ), from which it differs in its rather smaller perithecia and very different sporidia. Rosellinia thelena Fr., var. terrestris. Sphceria terrestris Schw. in Herb. Perithecia depressed- globose, grayish-brown, smooth, with a dis- tinct papilliform ostiolum, gregarious, or crowded, about f mm. diam., connected at base by a thin, brown subiculum of matted hairs. Asci (p. sp.) 130x6//, paraphysate, 8-spored. Sporidia overlapping-uniseriate, oblong - fusoid, deep brown, continuous, straight, 22-25 x 5-7//, with a straight, hyaline, mucronate append- age at each end. On the ground, New York State (Schw.). Melanomma exile (Schw.). Sphceria exile , Schw. in Herb. Schw. Perithecia scattered, erumpent-superficial, black, minute, 120— 150// diam., finally slightly collapsed. Ostiolum conic- papilliform. The asci could not be made out but sporidia (free spores) were abundant, oblong-elliptical, 13-16 x 5-6//, 3-septate and brown, occasionally with one or two cells divided by a longitudinal septum. The subiculum (arachnoid, whitish) is hardly perceptible. The perithecia, if pilose at all, are very indistinctly so. Rosellinia medullaris (Wallr.). Sphceria medullaris Wallr., FI. Crypt. Germ., II, p. 792. The spec, in Herb. Schw. labeled Sphceria mammiformis is this species. The perithecia are too small for R. mammiformis, and dis- tinctly ovate. The purplish pruinose pubescence is also distinctly to be seen. Sporidia oblong or oblong-elliptical, often subinequi- lateral, 18-22 x 8-10//. Rosellinia rhodomela (Schw.), not Fr. Perithecia gregarious, superficial, minute (200//), ovate or sub- p .3964-3 4 globose, with a papilliform ostiolum soon perforated, seated on a red subiculum and clothed with a thin, dirty rose-colored, pulveraceo- tomentose coat. The mycelium is very thin and scanty and the wood is stained red in the part occupied by the perithecia. The substance of the perithecia themselves also has a reddish tint. Asci cylindrical, p. sp. 68-75 x 8/Jt, short- stipitate, 8-spored, paraphy- sate. Sporidia uniseriate, elliptical or subglobose, opake, 8-12 x 5-7 //.. Rosellinia imposita Schw. Sphceria imposita Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,503. This differs from R. aquila only in the scanty subiculum. Sporidia oblong, continuous, brown, 18-24 x 6-8//.. Ceratostomella investita (Schw.). Sphceria investita Schw., in Herb. Fries. Sphceria investita in Schw. Syn. N. Am., 1,621? Sphceria vestita Schw., in Herb. Schw. Ceratostomella investita Starback, 1. c. Perithecia gregarious, immersed, or partly superficial, 400//. diam. , beset around the lower part with slender, black, septate hairs 80-120 x 3, a, and pubescent with shorter, finer hairs above. Ostiola cylin- drical, 1 mm. or more long, erumpent through a felt-like brownish- yellow tomentum overspreading the surface of the wood. Asci cylindrical, 60-65 x 6-7//., with a short stipe, p. sp. 50-60//. long. Paraphyses none. Sporidia uniseriate, or subbiseriate above, oblong-elliptical, 6-8 x 3^//., hyaline, 2- nucleate. There can be no doubt that this is the same as the spec, examined by Starback, in Herb. Fries, but it does not agree entirely with the diagnosis given by Schweinitz, as the ostiola are not “sulcate-tuber- culose,” nor are they ‘ ‘ thickened above. ’ ’ The spec, from Herb. Schw. was labeled “ Sphceria vestita” L. v. S., and was on rotten wood, Bethlehem Pa., “ vestita ” being apparently a lapsus calami for investita. Amphisphaeria papilla (Schw.). Sphceria papilla Schw., Syn. Car., 159. Melanopsamma papilla (Schw.), N. A. Pyr., p. 178. Perithecia conic- hemispherical, with the base slightly sunk in the wood, f-1 mm. diam. with a distinct conic- papilliform ostiolum. Asci cylindrical, short- stipitate, paraphysate, p. sp. 100-120 x 12-15//.. Sporidia overlapping- uniseriate, fusoid- oblong, subinequilateral, brown, uniseptate, slightly constricted, 25-32 x 8-12 //. On rotten wood, Bethlehem, Pa. This has the outward appearance of the specc. on white oak bark, mentioned in N. A. Pyr. , p. 178, but the asci and sporidia are smaller, and the latter are brown. Notwithstanding these discrep- ancies, the Newfield specc. are no doubt referable to Sphceria papilla Schw. Trematosphseria mastoidea (Fr.). Starback, 1. c., gives as syn. of this species: Sphceria albicans Schw., Syn. Car., 176, and Sphceria obtecta , Schw., Syn. Car., 206. The spec, in Herb. Schw. is entirely without fruit. Sphceria denudans Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,625, is apparently a Trematosphceria , but the spec, in Herb. Schw. is old, and the peri- thecia mostly broken down. A few free spores were seen, oblong, dark brown, 3- septate, 20-22 x 7-8/*. Trematosphseria applanata (Fr.). Sphceria applanata Fr., S. M., II, p. 463 (in part at least). Sphceria applanata Oudem. , Anwinst. Myc. Neder., 1875-1876, p. 11. Sphceria Aspergrenii Fr., in Herb. Schw. Trematosphceria applanata Sacc., Syll., II, p. 120. From the spec, in Herb. Schw. the following diagnosis has been made : — Perithecia scattered, erumpent-superficial, depressed-hemispherical, 170-200/7. diam., becoming more or less collapsed above, with a papilliform ostiolum. Asci oblong-cylindrical, short- stipitate, p. sp. 75-80 x 18-22/7., paraphysate, 8-spored. Sporidia obliquely uniseriate, or biseriate, clavate- oblong, 4-5- (mostly 4-) septate, and finally constricted at the septa, 24-30 x 7-9/7., surrounded with a hyaline envelope. This is certainly different from Trematosphceria applanata (Fr.), Fckl. Symbolse Myc., p. 162, N. Am. Pyr., p. 206, which is an Amphisphceria, having uniseptate sporidia broader below, while this has 4-5-septate sporidia narrower below. Apparently it is the same as that described by Oudemans, 1. c., though he says nothing of the hyaline envelope, which is very distinct in the Schweinitzian spec. Trematosphseria astroidea (Fr.)? Sphceria astroidea Fr. ? (in Herb. Schw. ). Perithecia gregarious, superficial ovate-globose, black, with a few, short, spreading, bristle- like hairs around the base. Ostiolum minute, acutely conical. Asci not seen. Sporidia oblong-fusoid, 3-4- septate, pale brown, 12-15 x 3-3 \p.. On rotten wood, Bethlehem, Pa. (Schweinitz). 6 Trematosphaeria confertula (Schw.). Sphceria confertula Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,508. Perithecia densely crowded, seated on a felt-like brown snbiculum and clothed below with straight, septate, bristle-like brown hairs, globose, about i mm. diam., finally collapsing to cup-shaped. Asci clavate-cylindrical, stipitate, paraphysate, 8-spored, p. sp. 60-67 x 1 2,a. Sporidia biseriate, oblong, slightly curved, hyaline and uni- septate at first, becoming brown and 3-septate but not constricted, 18-22 x 6-7// Whether this is the same as Amphisperia conferta Schw., in N. A. P., p. 206, is doubtful. The spec, referred to in Syn. Car. was on bark of Sassafras, and is described as having the perithecia depressed at the apex, while in the Bethlehem spec, here described, they are deeply collapsed. Dr. Cooke who examined a spec, from Carolina, in Herb. Berk., found the sporidia uniseptate, 12 x 4//.. Probably the Carolina spec, is a different thing from the Bethlehem spec., though Schweinitz in Syn. N. Am. considers them the same. On rotten wood, Bethlehem, Pa. (Schw.). Trematosphaeria Schweinitzii E. & E. Perithecia gregarious, semiemergent or erumpent-superficial, 1-1 mm. diam. , ovate-conical, gradually attenuated above into the conical or short-cylindrical ostiolum, or when erumpent, depressed- globose with tuberculo-papilliform ostiolum, roughish and brownish-black. Asci cylindrical, stipitate, paraphysate, p. sp. about 90 x 8-10//. Sporidia overlapping-uniseriate, fusoid, brown, 3-septate and con- stricted at the middle septum, the end cells attenuated to an obtuse point and a little paler, 19-22 x 5—6//. On dead canes of Rubus, Bethlehem, Pa., Schw. (in Herb.), un- der the name of Sphceria rostellata Fr. Teichospora tehacella (Fr.). Sphceria tenacella Fr., S. M., II, p. 492. Perithecia subseriate, semierumpent through longitudinal cracks in the epidermis, subglobose, smooth, about 1 mm. diam., finally collapsing above. Asci not seen. Sporidia oblong or oblong-ellip- tical, brown, the end cells paler, 3-5 (mostly 3-) septate, with a more or less continuous longitudinal septum, 20-26x10-11//. In the oblong sporidia there are mostly only the three transverse septa with constrictions at each septum, but in the oblong- elliptical sporidia, ^ / 7 which make up the greater number, there is a single longitudinal septum and no constrictions. On small, dead limbs, Bethlehem, Pa., Schw. Amphisphaeria mobilis (Schw.) Sphceria mobilis, in Herb. Schw, Sphceria mobilis Tode Meckl. II, tab. 9, fig. 71? Perithecia superficial, ovate- globose, black, 350-400// diam., glabrous, with an acutely papilliform ostiolum. Asci clavate- cylindrical, short- sti pi tate, paraphysate, 75-80x12-15//, 8-spored. Sporidia crowded-biseriate, oblong-fusoid, slightly curved, obtuse, brown, uniseptate, scarcely constricted, each cell with a large nucleus, 18-22 x 6-7//. The base of the perithecia is only slightly sunk in the surface of the wood, but there is nothing to indicate that they ever become movable. On rotten wood, Salem, N. C. (Schw.). Lophiostoma tingens (Schw.). Sphceria tingens Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,591. Perithecia entirely buried in the wood, ovate-globose, about f mm. diam., subcompressed, neck flattened with the obtusely conical, sub- tubercular, stout; ostiolum erumpent and only slightly compressed. Asci clavate- cylindrical, short- sti pi tate, 110-120 x 15-18//, 8-spored, with abundant, filiform paraphyses. Sporidia biseriate or oblique, broad-fusoid, hyaline, becoming brownish, 4-6- (mostly 5-) septate, 22-30 x 6-7//. On decorticated, weather-beaten wood of Sassafras, Bethlehem, Pa. This, of course, is very different from Lophidium tingens (Ell.), in N. A. P., p. 235. Lophiostoma Spirseae (Schw.). Sphceria Spircece and Sphceria crenata Schw. in Herb. Schw. Sphceria crenata Pers., var. Spircece Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,599. Lophiostoma Spircece Pk. 28th Kep., p. 76. The diagnosis of Lophiostoma Spiraea, as given in N. Am. Pyr. , p. 232, fits the Schweinitzian specimen exactly. Sec. Schw. ; very common on dead branches of Spircece opulifolia, Bethlehem, Pa., and Salem, N. C. Calosphaeria assecla (Schw.). Sphceria assecla Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,622. Valsa pulchelloidea C. & E., G-rev., VI, p. 92. The diagnosis of Calosphceria pulchelloidea fits the Schweinitzian specimen of Sphceria assecla Schw. perfectly. Valsa microtheca , C. & E., 1. c., is hardly more than a scattered, dwarf form. 8 2-1 Cryptosphaeria paetula (Fr.). Sphceria pcetulaYx., S. M., II, p. 483. Sphceria seer eta C. & E., Grey., V, p. 94. Crytosphceria seer eta (C. & E.) Sacc., Syll., No. 688, and Ell. & Evrht., N. A. Pyr., p. 514. The Schweinitzian spec, shows no asci, but the perithecia, habit, and sporidia are the same as in Sphceria secreta, C. & E. , leaving no doubt that the latter is the same as Sphceria pcetula (Fr. ) if, as seems probable^ the spec, in Herb. Schw. is reliable. Pseudovalsa occulta (Schw.) Sphceria occulta in Herb. Schw. Stroma cortical, orbicular, not circumscribed, 2—3 mm. diam., convex. Perithecia 1-5 in a stroma, f-1 mm. diam., globose, their bases slightly sunk in the surface of the wood, ascigerous nucleus light colored. Ostiola obscure, erumpent in a small black disk, which is orbicular or narrowly and transversely elliptical, slightly raising and perforating the epidermis and closely embraced by it. Asci broad clavate-cylindrical, 180-210 x 20-30// (including the very short stipe, 8-spored, with filiform, sparingly branched or mostly simple paraphyses. Sporidia biseriate, broad-fusoid-oblong, obtuse, 3-septate, 45-62 x 13-16//, hyaline, becoming brownish. Differs from P. malbrancheana Sacc. in its 8-spored asci and only 3-septate sporidia not hyaline at the ends. Diatrypella obscurata (Schw.). Sphceria obscurata Schw. (in Herb.). Perithecia large (f mm.), either lying singly, or 2-6 together in a subcuticular stroma 2-6 mm. diam., black and rough outside, white within, blackening the surface of the wood which is also deeply penetrated by a dark, circumscribing line enclosing several stromata. Asci clavate, 75-80 x 12-15//, p. sp. about 50//, long, polysporous. Sporidia irregularly crowded, yellow in the mass, hyaline when seen singly, allantoid, moderately curved, with a nucleus near each end, 5-6 x 14//. On limbs of some shrub or tree, Bethlehem, Pa., Schw. Hypoxylon annulatum (Schw.) Mont. Sphceria annulata Schw. in litteris ad Fries. See Fr. Elench., II, p. 64. Sphceria annulata B. depressa Fr., 1. c. Sphceria truncata Schw. in litt. Fr. Elech., 1. c., but (sec. Fries) not Sphceria truncata Schw. in Syn. Car. Hypoxylon annulatum Mont., Syll. Crypt., p. 213. The spec, of Sphceria truncata Schw. from Herb. Schw. agrees perfectly with specc. of Hypoxylon annulatum distributed in Ell. & Evrht’ s N. Am. Fungi, 2d Series, 2,353. I 9 Phoma pyrina (Schw.). Sphceria pyrina Schw. in Herb. Schw. Perithecia thickly scattered, subepidermal, small (1 mm.), finally rupturing the epidermis but not prominent. Sporules hyaline, com- pressed ; when viewed in front, ovate, 5-6 x 3 ;j. ; seen edgewise, allan- toid, 5-6 x 1-1 37 - 4 . On dead apple tree limbs, Bethlehem, Pa. (Schw.). * Phoma Samararum Desm. Sphceria Samarce Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,703. On Samarse of Fraxinus, Bethlehem, Pa. (Schw.). Starback (1. c.) also finds a Sphceropsis on the spec, of Sphceria Samarce- , in Herb. Fries. Phoma tageticola (Schw.). Sphceria tageticola Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,729. Phoma herbarum, var. tageticola Starback', 1. c., p. 52. Perithecia aggregated or solitary, papillate, white inside, globose- depressed. Sporules cylindrical, hyaline, 2-3- nucleate, obtuse, 8-12 x 2-3/./.. Vermicularia Cacti (Schw.). Sphceria Cacti Schw., Syn. Car., 227. Vermicularia Cacti (Schw.). Starback, 1. c., p. 63, with a full description. The specc. in Herb. Schw. are evidently a Vermicularia , but too poorly developed to allow of an accurate diagnosis. Sphaeropsis Taxi (Schw.). Sphceria Taxi Schw. in Herb. Sphceropsis Ta^r/Berk., Outlines, p. 316. Phoma Taxi Sacc., Syll., Ill, p. 128. Perithecia subcuticular, small (200 mm.), finally perforated, the papilliform ostiolum erumpent. Sporules oblong- elliptical, brown, continuous, 17-20 x 8-1 0,u. On dead leaves of Taxus, Bethlehem, Pa. (Schw.). Sphceria Taxi, Sow., sec. De Not. is a Diplodia. Sphaeropsis Schweinitzii E. & E. Sphceria caulium Schw. (in Herb.). On dead herbaceous stems, Bethlehem, Pa. , Schw. Perithecia erumpent-superficial, hemispherical, rough, mm. diam. , with a papilliform ostiolum. Sporules oblong- elliptical, brown, with a single large nucleus, 15-20 x 8-1 0/z. 10 Z r t Sphaeropsis Sumachi (Schw.) C. & E. hceria Sumachi Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,425. f hceria subsolitaria Schw. in Herb. Schw. „ hceropsis Sumachi C. & E., Grev., V, p. 31, pi. 75, fig. 11. These are all pycnidia of Sphceria ambigua Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,492 = Botryosphceria fuliginosa (M. &N. ). SeeN. A. Pyr. , p. 546. Sphaeropsis Ruborum (Schw.). Sphceria Ruborum Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,677. Sphceropsis rubicola C. & E., Grev., VI, p. 2, pi. 95, fig. 2. The spec, in Herb. Schw. affords no spores; but Starback (1. c.J finds specc. of Sphceria Ruborum Schw. in Herb. Fr., which are identical with specc. of Sphceropsis rubicola C. & E. Sphseropsis pericarpii (Schw.). Sphceria pericarpii Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,590. Sphceropsis pericarpii Pk. 25th Rep., p. 85. Sphceropsis Caryce C. & E., Grev., V, p. 52? Sphceria involucri Schw. in Herb. Schw.? On pericarp of hickory nuts, Bethlehem, Pa. (Schw.), N. York State (Peck), New Jersey (Ellis). In the Schweinitzian spec, of S. involucri, some of the sporules are uniseptate, but the greater number are without septa. The sporules in all the above quoted specc. are about 20-25 x 10-12/7.. Discosia placentula (Schw.). Sphceria piacentula Schw. in Herb. Discoid, orbicular, about 4 mm. diam. , black, somewhat wrinkled, umbilicate- depressed in the center, the papilliform ostiolum seated in the center of the depression. Sporules oblong-cylindrical, slightly curved, hyaline, faintly 4-nucleate, 10-13 x 14-2/7., with an oblique, hyaline, slender bristle at each end about as long as the spore itself. On some decaying leaf (Tilia)?, Bethlehem, Pa. (Schweinitz.). Sphceria fibriseda Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,542. Perithecia globose or oftener suboblong, 55-7 5/7. diam., very abundant but entirely sterile — no asci or sporidia. Apparently an abortive Nectria. Sphceria viridiatra Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,537. The perithecia are immature, but to all outward appearance, this is, as stated in N. A. P., p. 748, Calonedma chlorinella Cke. Sphceria palina Fr. (in Herb. Schw.). Cytispora exasperans E. & E. in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Nov. 1884, p. 360, is the same as this. Sec Starback, 1. e., p. 59, Sphceria palina Fr., belongs to the Friesian genus Glutinium , 11 “Perithecia loosely gregarious, cespitose or subconfluent, subglobose at first, then erumpent-superficial, depressed- cylindrical, or almost thick-discoid, with a large, irregular opening; almost rimose-dehis- cent, black, about 150, a high and 250// broad. Sporules cylindrical, straight, hyaline, 7-10 x 2-2 £//, borne terminally or laterally on filiform basidia of various length.” From the above diagnosis it is plain that the Sphceria palina in Herb. Schw. is quite distinct from Sphceria palina Fr. Sphceria Gossypii Schw., Syn. Car. , 207. This is an obscure thing. The inner membrane of the cotton boll is wrinkled or roughened in drying so as to give the appearance of minute perithecia, but there is no fruit or even any real perithecia. Sphceria fraxicola Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,787. The spec, has the aspect of Sphcerella maculiformis, but is entirely sterile. Sphceria vilis Fr., in Herb. Schw., is Ohleria modesta, Fekl., and quite different from Sphceria vilis, Fr. , in Fr. S. M. , II, p. 466. See Ell. & Evrht., N. A. Pyr., p. 217. Sphceria strict a Pers., Syn., p. 59. There are two specc. ; one with scattered, buried perithecia ( Cera- tostoma cirrhosa (Pers.), the other with clustered, superficial peri- thecia. The latter may be Ceratostomella stricta, but the perithecia are empty and broken, only the lower part remaining. Sphceria mamillana Fr. in Herb. Schw. The spec, so labeled is the same as Myxosporium nitidum B. & C. Sphceria Tilice Schw. , in Herb. Schw. and Sphceria distinda Schw. , Syn. North Am., 1,655, are (sec. specc. in Herb. Schw.) only the Sterile pycnidia of Melanconis Tilice Tul. , or of M. tiliacea (Ell.). Sphceria Polygonati Schw., Syn. N. Am., 1,793, is a young and undeterminable Vermicularia. Sphceria Andromedce Schw., Syn. N. Am ., 1,796. Perithecia subcuticular, minute, thickly scattered over the lower side of the leaf, not in spots. Old and without fruit of any sort. / The following species as represented in Herb. Schw. are undeter- minable ; either old, immature, or sterile, vh Sphceria aggregata Schw. Sphceria lilacina l 3chw. ft albocrustata t f tt moricola tt tt andromedicola 1 1 ft navicularis 1 1 ff apertiuscula ft tt nigrella tt ff Asclepiadis ft tt nigrocincta tt u boleticola tt tt obsita ft ff castanicola a ft Panici tt t t cinerascens ft tt pruina ft t ( circumscissa i t tt punctans ft it Corni tt tt rudis tt If Cucurbitacearum tt tt scapincola ft ff Daphnidis ft ft seriata tt if her bicola ft ft subbullans ft ff incanescens 1 1 tt subseriata ft t f Juglandis t f