Library reports Why issued Library law in states, Illinois, Ohio in cities, Los Angelos Wish of proprietors or directors Long established custom Wa t e rt o wn , Mas s . By whom issued Board of managers o^ directors Minneapolis, St. Louis public, St Joseph, etc. Libr ar ian Cornell, Harvard, University of Michigan To whom addressed Mayor or council or both Proprietors (Redwood library - Providence Athenaeum) President of University (Cornell) Form Pamphlet Examples : Most all reports Minneapolis, Chicago public, Cleveland, etc. 9 Je l5r\a. 2 OVbs\ , Book Example Report of State librarian of Iowa Lea fie t Examples: Cornell, Aurora public Form of printing Tabulated Providence Public mostly Paragraphed University of Michigan Enoch Pratt, Balt. (May be either printed, ( (typewritten or ( (wr i tte n by hand Mixed (most common) Number printed State libraries, usually 500 Public " depends upon no. needed Where sent If state, 1 each to members of legislature, state officers, all state & territorial lib. Washington, 50 distributed, >'*emaining to any one Why s ent Usually by request Exchange Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates Kinds of reports, according to frequency of issue Daily, Used at Detroit Simply a report of each assistant, telling time he be- gan work went to dinner, returned, went to supper, returned, finished work, net time. Monthly. Used at Evanston, in New York free circulating li- brary. States circulation, sometimes by classes, daily aver- age, increase or decrease since previous month, regis- tration of month, reading room circulati on, sometimes by classes, reading-room readers, whether male, female adult, minor, total no., average, increase or decrease gifts, purchases, losses, volumes bound, cash account. Annual Annual Material contained List of officers oflibrary, both board & staff General statement of condition of library, signed by President of Board of Managers or directors, or by Chairman of committee, or by entire Board of directors or by entire committee. This is introductory to what follows, & usually tells the general condition of the various departments, which the librarian takes up in detail. It tells the progress of the library & any changes in administration or b’ldg. Librarian's report Statement of no. of- days, secular, & Sundays, library has been open Full book account No. in lib. at last report, both books & pamphlets No. added by purchase, gift or exchange No lost, sold, worn out No. in lib. at present time usually by classes Binding account No. Newly bound No. rebound or mended 4 Circulat ion Monthly Classified, for year Reference department & reading room Mo. of days open & how long each day No. of bks. used, sometimes by classes Ho. of persons Daily average of books consulted & of persons consulting them . Registration No. of cards out at beginning of year No. of new cards given out No. at end of year Catalo ging Progress & condition Cash account Receipts Expendi tures Special funds Other items of special interest, depending upon individual case. Ex. :Milwaukee public library would at present • give account & progress of new b'ld'g. Appendices List of donors, with no. of vol . or pamph. given Usually a straight alphabetical list but sometimes divided into Individuals, Libraries, Government, or Residents, Non-residents, (Concord, Mass.) Gifts of each donor given in rept . of Burlington, Vt . List of periodicals Usually a straight alphabetical list, but sometimes divided into ;I Reading room. To be called for at desk. 5 Various other lists, tabular statements of different de- partments expenses, etc. Copy of act of legislature or incorporat i on sometimes Rules of library, sometimes (Cleveland) Finding list, sometimes (Iowa state library) Index, or contents Biennial State libraries, Iowa, Indiana College libraries, University of Michigan Maude W. Straight 1895 v\ \