SWARTHMORE COLLEGE Bulletin ALUMNI NUMBER Vol. XI, No. 4 SWARTHMORE, PENNSYLVANIA Printed for the College 1914 Sixth Month, 1914 The Bulletin is published quarterly by Swarthmore College, from the College Office, Swarthmore, Pa. Entered as mail matter of the second class, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN rfaliitH UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 1 OCT 1914 The Register of SWARTHMORE COLLEGE Being a Biographical Dictionary of the Board of Managers, the former Members of the Faculty, the Graduates and the Non-Graduates of Swarthmore College 1862-1914 SWARTHMORE, PENNSYLVANIA Printed for the College Vol. XII. No. 1. Sixth Month, 1914 Entered at the Post-Office at Swarthmore, Pa., as second-class matter Printed by the Franklin Printing Company Philadelphia, Pa. 1914 THE REGISTER OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE CL. 2. f— In this issue of the Swarthmore College Bulletin, an attempt has been made to gather into one volume, not only the names of all the students who have ever attended Swarthmore, but also the names of all members of the Faculty and Board of Man- agers since the foundation of the College. No such volume has been attempted by the College before, although work tending to the appearance of the present publication has been under way for nearly four years. The Register of Graduates is printed as in the recent cata- logues; giving an alphabetical list, a list by classes, and a geo- graphical list. The names of the members of the Board of Man- agers, the Faculty, and the Non-graduates are arranged only in alphabetical lists, each list giving such information as has been obtained concerning the individuals included therein. Much of the information herein contained bears witness to the interest and kindness of many persons — the present mem- bers of the Board of Managers, the older members of the Faculty, and many other individuals to whom the College has appealed, and rarely in vain. Swarthmore College is greatly indebted to each and every one of these persons. They have aided materially in producing a book which should be of the greatest interest and value to all who have ever been connected with this insti- tution. The information contained in these records is derived from many sources, and it is to be feared that, in spite of the great care which has been taken to insure accuracy of statement, numerous errors may have crept in. Such errors are prac- tically unavoidable, in a publication of this kind, appearing for the first time, and covering a period of fifty years. No ef- fort has been spared, however, to reduce these errors to the smallest possible number. It will be esteemed a favor if any one noting needed corrections or additions in any list will send to the Dean such information as will improve the volume in fu- ture editions. ( 3 ) 4 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Revised editions of this Register will be issued from time to time. The College will keep on file all changes and additions to the lists included herein, and will send copies of this Register, or of any desired list or part of list, including the latest revisions, to anyone who may desire the information contained therein. THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE 1862-1914 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/registerofswarthOOswar MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE, FROM 1862-1914 It was about the end of the year 1860 that a little company of Friends, assembled in Baltimore at the home of Martha Tyson, decided that one of the chief needs of the Society was a greater opportunity for the education of their children, and resolved to take such steps as would afford this opportunity, and lessen this need. Such was the inception of Swarthmore College. Two years later, we read of “a meeting held at Race Street Meeting House, Philadelphia, on Twelfth Month Third, 1862, of the Subscribers to the fund for establishing a Boarding School under the care of Friends, in which a liberal education may be obtained by the youth of both sexes.” At this meeting it was decided that “The name of this Association shall be ‘Friends’ Educational Association.’ ” It was also decided that the As- sociation should “consist of those persons, male and female, who shall become stockholders,” under the Act of Incorporation, and that the stockholders should annually elect “sixteen Managers of each sex.” After much examination of possible locations for the proposed “Boarding School,” the Board of Managers, early in 1864, pur- chased the property “known as the West Dale property.” In December of the same year, the Board reported to the entire body of the Friends’ Educational Association that they had “procured from the Legislature of Pennsylvania a charter con- stituting a body politic and Corporate under the Corporate title of Swarthmore College.” Approving this action of the Board, the Association declared that, as all the action and organization of their body had £ £ tended to the procurement of such a charter,” the Friends’ Educational Association “is hereby declared to be merged into the Corpora- tion of Swarthmore College, conveying to said^ Corporation all its rights and interests. ’ ’ There was no change in officers, meth- ods of organization, or in anything except name. The Corpora- tion and Board of Managers of Swarthmore College are, there- ( 7 ) 8 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN fore, identical with the corresponding bodies of the Friends’ Educational Association. It will be noticed that the list of the members of the Board of Managers which here follows, dates from 1862. Many members of the College Board after 1864 had been, before that date, mem- bers of the Board of the Friends’ Educational Association. As this body, after two years, became the College organization, it has seemed advisable to make no distinction of service, in the lists, giving only this brief history by way of preface. The names of the members of the Board are arranged alpha- betically. Each person’s name is followed by his present ad- dress, or by the date and place of death, and this, in turn, by the date or dates of service on the Board, with the offices held, if any. Mary W. Albertson, Westbury, Long Island, N. Y. 1899- Edith W. Atlee, Died , Abington, Pa. Clerk of Corporation, 1862-71. Sarah H. Baker. 1874-81. Emma C. Bancroft, Wilmington, Del. 1896- Eliza H. Bell, Died 1901, Flushing, N. Y. 1862-82. Edith D. Bentley. 1881-89. Charles M. Biddle, 513 Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1887-1901. Treas- urer, 1901- Clement Biddle, Died June 27, 1895, Philadelphia, Pa. 1864-86. Clement M. Biddle, Died August 27, 1902, Lansdowne, Pa. 1874-82; 1883- 84; 1886-94; Clerk of Corporation, 1868-73; Secretary of Board, 1870-72; Treasurer, 1873-84. Rachel M. Biddle, Died October 8, 1892, Haverford, Pa. 1872-75. Robert Biddle, Box 85, Riverton, N. J. Treasurer, 1875-1901. William Canby Biddle, Died December 22, 1887, Philadelphia, Pa. Treas- urer, 1862-66; 1870-73. Mary C. Blackburn, P. O. Station H, Baltimore, Md. 1876-81. Rebecca J. Broomell, 2128 Bolton St., Baltimore, Md. 1904-11. Elizabeth Martin Booth, Died January 14, 1882, Chester, Pa. 1869-70. Levi K. Brown, Died , Goshen, Lancaster County, Pa. 1862-65. Elsie Palmer Brown, 1622 Twenty-ninth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 1912- Charles T. Bunting, Died January 3, 1881, New York, N. Y. 1866-74. Phebe M. Bunting, Died January 21, 1892, New York, N. Y. 1862-66. Elwood Burdsall, Died December 30, 1889, Port Chester, N. Y. 1862-78. Letitia S. Cadwallader. 1864-71. Isaac H. Clothier, Eighth and Market Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. 1873- ; Clerk of Corporation, 1873-78; Chairman of Board, 1907-10; Presi- dent of Board and Corporation, 1910-12; President of Corpora- tion, 1912- Mary C. Clothier, Wynnewood, Pa. 1888- Elizabeth W. Cock. 1862-63. Mary W. Cocks, Died December, 1907, Old Westbury, N. Y. 1877-89. William W. Cocks, Westbury, L. I., N. Y. 1907- Helen T. Comly (Mrs. Howard White), Lansdowne, Pa. 1885-93. Rowland Comly, Logan Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 1908- BOARD OF MANAGERS 9 Annie Cooper (Mrs. Lippincott), Died June 9, 1910, Conshohocken, Pa. 1874-79. Emma Mcllvain Cooper, 715 Cooper St., Camden, N. J. 1882- Margaret G. Corlies, Died December 19, 1904, Philadelphia, Pa. 1869-81. Sarah F. Corlies, Deceased. Clerk of Corporation, 1873-78. Martha Dodgson, Died February 9, 1901, West Chester, Pa. Clerk of Corporation, 1872-73. Elizabeth Dorsey, Died October 1, 1906, Colorado Springs, Colo. 1868-70. William Dorsey, Died 1874, Germantown, Pa. 1862-74; Clerk of Corpora- tion, 1862-64. Jane P. Downing, Died October 11, 1910, Philadelphia, Pa. 1869-1904. Ann S. Dudley, Died November 21, 1889, New York, N. Y. 1863-68. Valentine Everett, Died October 23, 1874, New York, N. Y. 1863-64. Anna M. Ferris, Died October, 1890, Wilmington, Del. 1871-87. Lydia S. Haviland Field, 106 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1862-65. Sarah P. Flowers. 1862-64. Phebe W. Foulke, Died 1904, Redlands, Cal. 1862-68. Matilda Garrigues, 304 N. Thirty-fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Clerk of Corporation, 1878-82. David J. Griscom, Died 1865, Woodbury, N. J. 1862-65. Lydia H. Hall, Died March 28, 1908, Swarthmore, Pa. 1883-1908. Benjamin Hallowell, Died September 7, 1877, Sandy Spring, Md. 1862-68. Benjamin Hallowell, Jr., Lansdowne, Pa. 1880-84. Henry C. Hallowell, Died , Sandy Spring, Md. 1870-76. Margaret E. Hallowell. 1862-63. George W. Hancock, Died March 22, 1903, Merion, Pa. Clerk of Cor- poration, 1878-94. Elizabeth E. Hart, Died February 23, 1891, Hibernia, Fla. 1887-88. John G. Haviland, Died December 5, 1882, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1864-66. Hannah W. Haydock, Died July 15, 1893, New York, N. Y. 1862-83. John D. Hicks, Died December 20, 1907, Old Westbury, L. I., N. Y. 1862-87. Rachel W. Hillbom, Swarthmore, Pa. 1887-1913. Barton Hoopes, Died November 15, 1905, Philadelphia, Pa. 1870-71. Edward Hoopes, Died December 31, 1890, Philadelphia, Pa. 1862-76. Herman Hoopes, 505 Real Estate Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 1882-84; 1886-1901. Secretary of Board, 1891-1900. Anna Mott Hopper, Died 1874, Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 1868-74. Anna M. Hunt, Died March 12, 1897, Philadelphia, Pa. 1875-96. Rachel T. Jackson, Died September 4, 1883, Germantown, Pa. 1862-83. William M. Jackson, 50 Beekman St., New York, N. Y. 1887-1906. O. Edward Janney, M.D., 837 Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. 1904-06. Robert M. Janney, 1015 Pennsylvania Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 1910-12. Clerk of Corporation, 1894-1903; President of Corporation, 1903-10; Vice President of Board, 1910-12; Vice President of Corporation, 1912- Charles Francis Jenkins, West Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pa. 1904- Howard M. Jenkins, Died November 11, 1902, Gwynedd, Pa. 1901-02. Howard Cooper Johnson, 1301-05 Commonwealth Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 1901-11; Secretary of Board and Corporation, 1911-12; Secretary of Corporation, 1912- Susan H. Jones, Died , Philadelphia, Pa. 1864-67. Henry M. Laing, Died August 1, 1900, Colorado Springs, Colo. Treas- urer, 1866-70. Eli M. Lamb, Died January 25, 1911, Baltimore, Md. 1876-1911. George M. Lamb, Jr., Station H, Baltimore, Md. 1906- Lucy Biddle Lewis, Lansdowne, Pa. 1908- 10 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Elizabeth W. Lippincott, Died , Philadelphia, Pa. 1866-68. Howard W. Lippincott, 509 Eeal Estate Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 1894- Joanna W. Lippincott, 1712 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1894- Susan W. Lippincott, Died March 20, 1906, Cinnaminson, N. J. 1879-1906. Lydia A. Lockwood, Died, 1908, New York, N. Y. 1866-70. Stephen Loines, 49 Wall St., New York, N. Y. 1909-11. Helen G-. Longstreth, Died June 6, 1901, Atlantic City, N. J. *1862-68. M. Fisher Longstreth, Died December 27, 1891, Sharon Hill, Pa. 1871-91; Secretary of Board, 1872-91. Mary T. Longstreth, Died March 22, 1890, Sharon Hill, Pa. 1872-87. Rebecca C. Longstreth, Haverford, Pa. 1886- ; Secretary of Board, 1902- 10; Secretary of Board and Corporation, 1910-11. Fannie Willets Lowthorp, 152 Greenwood Ave., Trenton, N. J. 1894-1910; Clerk of Corporation, 1883-1894. Harriett Cox McDowell, 310- Kenmore Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1906- ; Clerk of Corporation, 1902-03; Secretary of Corporation, 1903-06. Hugh Mcllvain, Died February 25, 1879, Philadelphia, Pa. 1864-77. Martha Gibson McHvain, Died December 6, 1890, Philadelphia, Pa. 1866-90. William H. Macy, Died May 19, 1889, New York, N. Y. 1868-76. Sarah L. Macy, Died , New York, N. Y. 1862-63. Edward Martin, M.D., 1506 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1892- Thomas H. Matthews, Died , Baltimore, Md. 1863-66. Albert A. Merritt, 10 Garden St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1899-1907. Edward Merritt, 3 Monroe Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1862-71; 1884-88. Sarah H. Merritt, Died 1890, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1882-90. Ezra Michener, Died June 24, 1887, New Garden, Pa. 1862-63. Abigail Woodnutt Miller, Bed Oak Boad, Wilmington, Del. 1883-84; 1893-94; Clerk of Corporation, 1882-83; 1894-1902; Secretary of Board, 1900-02. Hetty Lippincott Miller, Biverton, N. J. 1911- ; Secretary of Corpora- tion, 1906-11. Edward H. Ogden, Died December 9, 1903, Biverton, N. J. 1878-87; 1888-1903. Sarah M. Ogden, Biverton, N. J. 1879-86. Mary S. Pancoast, Died May, 1907, Philadelphia, Pa. 1870-71. Edward Parrish, Died September 9, 1872, Fort Sill, Ind. Ter. Clerk of Corporation, 1864-68. William D. Parrish, Died 1864, Philadelphia, Pa. Clerk of Corporation, 1862-64. Elizabeth B. Passmore, Oxford, Pa. 1885-1911. Charles Paxson, Swarthmore, Pa. 1901-02. Abigail Foulke Pirn, Penllyn, Pa. 1908- Joseph Powell, Died January 15, 1909, Philadelphia, Pa. 1863-70. Sarah H. Powell, Died May 25, 1905, New York, N. Y. 1881-99. Wilson M. Powell, 490 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. 1887-99. Wilson M. Powell, Jr., 130 E. Seventieth St., New York, N. Y. 1906- Robert Pyle, West Grove, Pa. 1909- Marianna Smith Rawson, 11 Clifton Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1899- Gerard H. Reese, Died August 31, 1879, Baltimore, Md. 1862-70. E. Ellen Riley, Died , Baltimore, Md. 1865-70. Benjamin Rush Roberts, Died 1880, Baltimore, Md. 1862-80. Emmor Roberts, Died 1908, Fellowship, N. J. 1877-1908. Mary L. Roberts. 1863-66. Annie Shoemaker, Died 1911, Philadelphia, Pa. 1876-83; 1891-1903; Clerk of Corporation, 1871-72. Franklin Shoemaker, Died September 2, 1878, Germantown, Pa. 1874-75. BOARD OF MANAGERS 11 Elizabeth B. Smith, Died October 21, 1905, Baltimore, Md. 1867-70; 1871-72. Philip N. Sharpies, West Chester, Pa. 1909- William C. Sproul, Chester, Pa. 1902- Edward Stabler, Jr., 610 Reservoir St., Baltimore, Md. 1884-1904. Louisa M. Stabler, Died February 12, 1914, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1870-77. Isaac Stephens, Died March 29, 1891, Ttenton, N. J. 1862-86. Harriet E. Stockly (Mrs. Kirk), Died 1900, Philadelphia, Pa. 1863-69; Clerk of Board, 1864-69. Edward Taylor, Died March 25, 1899, Philadelphia, Pa. 1870-78. T. Clarkson Taylor, Died November 25, 1871, Wilmington, Del. 1866-68. Mary Hibbard Thatcher, Swarthmore, Pa. 1913- Ann A. Townsend, Died February, 1882, Philadelphia, Pa. 1862-63. Jane S. Townsend, Deceased. 1862-65. Henry C. Turner, 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1912- Jonathan Thorne, Died October 9, 1884, New York, N. Y. 1862-63. Rebecca Turner, Died January 11, 1877, Philadelphia, Pa. 1862-68. Martha E. Tyson, Died March 5, 1873, Baltimore, Md. 1862-64. Caroline Underhill, Died January 12, 1882, Jericho, N. Y. 1863-82. Catharine Underhill, Jericho, N. Y. 1890-99. Daniel Underhill, Died February 10, 1899, Jericho, N. Y. 1868-99. Daniel Underhill, Jr., 26 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1899-1909; 1912- Samuel J. Underhill, Died November 7, 1868, Jericho, N. Y. 1862-68. William G. Underwood, Hertford, N. C. 1902-09. Robert Hunt Walker, 914 Fidelity Bldg., Baltimore, Md. 1911- James V. Watson, Died December 21, 1910, Philadelphia, Pa. 1875-1901. Edmund Webster, 1324 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1882- Deborah F. Wharton, Died August 16, 1888, Jamestown, Newport, R. I. 1862-70. Joseph Wharton, Died January 11, 1909, Philadelphia, Pa. 1870-09; President of Board, 1883-1907. Eliza Keese Willets, Roslyn, L. I., N. Y. 1910- John Titus Willets, Died November 15, 1912, New York, N. Y. 1883- 1912. Joseph Willets, 152 Greenwood Ave., Trenton, N. J. 1876-85. Mary Willets, Sea Girt, N. J. 1883-1910. Robert Willets, Died , Flushing, N. Y. 1871-87. Samuel Willets, Died February 6, 1883, New York, N. Y. 1862-76; Presi- dent of Board, 1876-83. Sophia U. Willets, Jericho, L. I., N. Y. 1881-94. Abigail Woodnutt. (See Abigail Woodnutt Miller). Hannah H. Woodnutt, Died November 15, 1911, Philadelphia, Pa. 1884- 1908. Caroline H. Worth, Coatesville, Pa. 1903- Elizabeth S. Worth, Died July 12, 1879, Coatesville, Pa. 1868-79. S. B. Worth, Died November, 1874. Coatesville, Pa. 1868-74. Phebe Wright, Sea Girt, N. J. 1864-66. Elizabeth T. Yardley, Died 1876. 1870-76. COMMITTEE WHICH SOLICITED SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE During the half dozen years prior to the opening of Swarth- more College, an increasing number of interested Friends were included in a Committee for the collection of funds for the help of the new enterprise. Many of these Friends were, at the same time, or later, members of the Board of Managers. Others were never associated with the College in this way, and as this is true of some of those who had most to do with the foundation of Swarthmore, it has seemed advisable to print this list in its en- tirety. Benjamin Bassett, Died Salem, N. J. Eliza H. Bell, Died 1901, Flushing, N. Y. Clement Biddle, Died June 27, 1895, Philadelphia, Pa. William Canby Biddle, Died December 22, 1887, Philadelphia, Pa. Charles T. Bunting, Died January 3, 881, New York, N. Y. Elwood Burdsall, Died December 30, 1889, Port Chester, N. Y. Isaac H. Clothier, Eighth and Market Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Isaac H. Cock. Edwin Craft, Died Clarkesboro, N. J. Henry T. Darlington, Died Nov. 24, 1878, Doylestown, Pa. Martha Dodgson, Died February, 1901, West Chester, Pa. William Dorsey, Died 1874, Germantown, Pa. David Ferris, Died April 4, 1908, Wilmington, Del. Richard Fogg, Died Salem, N. J. Thomas Garrigues, Died May 31, 1898, Philadelphia, Pa. Lydia Hall, Died March 28, 1908, Swarthmore, Pa. Benjamin Hallowell, Died September 7, 1877, Sandy Spring, Md. John D. Hicks, Died December 20, 1907, Old Westbury, L. I., N. Y. Edward Hoopes, Chairman, Died December 31, 1890, Philadelphia, Pa. Rachel T. Jackson, Died 1883, Germantown, Pa. Job H. Jackson, Died August 8, 1900, West Grove, Pa. Henry M. Laing, Died August 1, 1900, Colorado Springs, Colo. C. C. Lippincott, Died Woodstown, N. J. Joshua Lippincott, Died January 19, 1899, Philadelphia, Pa. Reeve L. Knight. Helen G. Longstreth, Died June 6, 1901, Atlantic City, N. J. Lewis A. Lukens, Died Conshohocken, Pa. Sylvester D. Lynville, Died Bart, Pa. Hugh Mcllvain, Died February 28, 1879, Philadelphia, Pa. Samuel Martin, Died June 17, 1880, Kehnett Square, Pa. James Mott, Died January 26, 1868, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lucretia Mott, Died November 11, 1880, Philadelphia, Pa. Dillwyn Parrish, Died September 17, 1886, Philadelphia, Pa. Edward Parrish, Died September 9, 1872, Fort Sill, Ind. Ter. ( 12 ) SUBSCRIPTION COMMITTEE 13 William Parry, Died February 28, 1888, Cinnaminson, N. J. Joseph. Powell, Died January 15, 1909, Philadelphia, Pa. Levi Pownall, Died Christiana, Pa. G-erard H. Reese, Died August 21, 1879, Baltimore, Md. Thomas Ridgway, Died 1887, Philadelphia, Pa. E. Ellen Riley, Died Baltimore, Md. B. Rush Roberts, Died 1880, Baltimore, Md. Elizabeth B. Smith, Died October 21, 1895, Baltimore, Md. Priscilla T. Speakman, Died Wilmington, Del. Thomas H. Speakman, Died January 4, 1904, Philadelphia, Pa. Isaac Stephens, Died March 29, 1891, Trenton, N. J. Charles M. Taylor, Died October 18, 1893, Philadelphia, Pa. Mahlon K. Taylor, Died Taylorsville, Pa. T. Clarkson Taylor, Died November 25, 1871, Wilmington, Del. George Truman, Died November 21, 1879, Philadelphia, Pa. Rebecca Turner, Died January 11, 1877, Philadelphia, Pa. Caroline Underhill, Died January 12, 1882, Jericho, N. Y. Daniel Underhill, Died February 10, 1899, Jericho, N. Y. Lewis Walker. Deborah Wharton, Died August 16, 1888, Jamestown, Newport, R. I. Joseph Wharton, Died January 11, 1909, Philadelphia, Pa. Robert Willets, Died Flushing, N. Y. Samuel Willets, Died February 6, 1883, New York, N. Y. O. Howard Wilson, Died Philadelphia, Pa. Franklin S. Wilson, Died Philadelphia, Pa. Alan Wood, Died November 24, 1881, Philadelphia, Pa. MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY AND THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE 1864 - 1913 LIST OF FORMER PROFESSORS, INSTRUCTORS, AND OTHER OFFICERS OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL, FROM ITS FOUNDATION TO THE COLLEGE YEAR, 1913-14 This list of the Faculty and Administrative Officers of Swarth- more College is intended to be a record of the past. Except in the Register of the Presidents of the College, no name is in- cluded which is to be found in the present list of Faculty mem- bers, active or emeritus. In each case, the title following the name is that which was last held by the individual during his term of service at Swarth- more. This is followed by the years during which this title was held, and then by the present address, or date and place of death. Below this are given degrees, additional term of service at the College, if any, and present occupation, where known to the College. THE PRESIDENTS OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. Edward Parrish, President, 1864-January, 1871. Died September 9, 1872, at Fort Sill, Ind. Ter. Edward Hicks Magill, Principal, 1869-72; President, 1872-89. Died De- cember 10, 1907, New York, N. Y. A.B., Brown Univ., 1852; A.M., Ibid., 1855; LL.D., Haverford College, 1886. Professor of Latin and French, 1869-72; Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, 1872-77; Professor of Latin, 1878-83; 1884-85; Professor of French, 1888-1900; Emeritus Professor of French, 1900-07. William Hyde Appleton, Acting President, 1889-90; President, 1890-91. Swarthmore, Pa. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1864; A. M., 1867; LL.B., 1869; Ph.D., Hon., Swarthmore, 1888; LL.D., 1912. Professor of Greek and German, Swarth- more, 1872-88; Professor of Greek and Early English, 1891-1905; Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, 1905-09 ; Emeritus Professor, since 1909. Charles De Garmo, President, 1891-98. 809 E. State St., Ithaca, N. Y. Ph.D., Univ. of Halle, 1886. Professor of Philosophy, 1891-98. Head of School of Pedagogy, Cornell Univ. William Wilfred Birdsall, President, 1898-1902. Died March 17, 1909, Philadelphia, Pa. Professor of Pedagogy, 1898-99. Joseph Swain, President, 1902- Swarthmore, Pa. B. L., Indiana Univ., 1883; M.S., 1885; LL.D., Wabash Univ., 1893; LL.D., Lafayette College, 1911; LL.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1912. 2 (17) 18 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN LIST OF FORMER PROFESSORS, INSTRUCTORS AND ADMINIS- TRATIVE OFFICERS OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL FROM ITS FOUNDATION TO 1914. William H. Adey, Assistant in Engineering, 1895-98. Care of D. & H. Co., Albany, N. Y. C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Assistant engineer. Lome McKenzie Arkley, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1905-09. 61 Indian Road, Crescent St., Toronto, Canada. B.Sc., McGill Univ., 1900. Member of Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, Univ. of Toronto. Jane Allen, Reader in English, 1906-08. 1147 S. Broad St., Philadel- phia, Pa. A.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1904. Alice Minerva Atkinson (Mrs. Benjamin Kirson), Assistant in Greek, 1899-1901. Crozet, Va. A. B., Swarthmore College, 1888; A.B., Cornell Univ., 1889; A.M., Univ. of Pa., 1893; Ph.D., 1895. Mary L. Austin, Assistant Professor in Latin, 1878-85. Congdon St., Providence, R. I. Teacher of Latin and History, 1870-71; Teacher of Latin and English Branches, 1871-72; Instructor in Latin and English Branches, 1872-75; In- structor in Latin, 1875-78. Milton H. Bancroft, Professor of Art and Mechanical Drawing, 1888-92. 58 W. Fifty-seventh St., New York, N. Y. Instructor in Mechanical Drawing, 1886-88. Artist. Ellen M. Barlow, Instructor in Elocution, 1874-75. Deceased. Anna W. Barnard, Teacher of English Branches, 1870-71. Elias Hudson Bartley, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1875-78. 65 S. Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. B. S., Cornell Univ., 1873; M.D., Long Island College Hospital, 1879. Physician and Professor of Chemistry, Toxicology and Pediatrics, Long Island College Hospital. Samuel Goodwin Barton, Assistant Professor of Astronomy, 1912-13. 26 N. Millick St., Philadelphia, Pa. A.B., Temple Univ., 1903 ; Ph.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1906. Acting Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, 1911-12. Josephine H. Batchelder, Instructor in English, 1906-08. Leighton Road, Wellesley, Mass. A.B., Wellesley College, 1896. Mary Elizabeth Bates, Director of Physical Training for Women, 1903-11. 118 Cushing St., Providence, R. I. Graduate Boston Normal School of Gymnastics, 1893. Head of Depart- ment of Physical Training for Women, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. Henry Baur, Instructor in Argumentation, 1910-11. 516 Girard Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. LL.B., University of Pennsylvania. Lawyer. Gregory Paul Baxter, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1900-02. 2 Boyls- ton Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Ph.D., Harvard Univ., 1899. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Harvard Univ. MEMBERS OP THE FACULTY 19 Joseph Bayley, Assistant in Engineering, 1891-99. West Allis, Wis. Carol H. Beck, Instructor in Drawing, 1893-94. Died 1908, Philadelphia, Pa. Minnie S. Blakie, Teacher of Writing and Spelling, 1883-87. Crosswicks, N. J. Marion Bolan, Assistant in Drawing, 1891-92. Died November 1, 1892, Augusta, Me. John Broomall Booth, Instructor in English Branches, 1875-78. 321 Grant St., Sewickley, Pa. A. B., Swarthmore College, 1875. Iron and steel merchant. Jesse I. Brewer, Assistant in Engineering, 1900-01. Care of Interbor- ough Rapid Transit Company, 32 Park Place, New York, N. Y. B. S., Rose Polytechnic Inst., 1900. Assistant engineer. Edgar L. Brother, Instructor in Forging and Machine Work, 1886-88. Graduate of Manual Training School, Washington Univ. Arthur Peyton Bryant, Assistant in Chemistry, 1893-94. 623 Fifth Ave., Clinton, Iowa. B.S., Wesleyan Univ., 1892. Charles Andrews Bunting, Superintendent, 1900-01. Swarthmore, Pa. B.S., Swarthmore College, 1883. Chief Engineer, John Wanamaker, Phila- delphia, Pa. William Burdick, Director of Physical Training of Men, 1903-04. 2706 Elsinore Ave., Wallbrook, Baltimore, Md. A. B., Brown Univ., 1893; M.D. Amelia P. Butler, Lecturer in Theory of Teaching, 1884-85. Instructor in Teaching and History, 1879-80; Instructor in Teaching and English Branches, 1880-84. Elizabeth W. Cabeen, Teacher of French, 1870-71. Deceased. Teacher of French and English Branches, 1869-70. Frank Cawley, Instructor in Shop Work, 1888-90. Died April 6, 1896, Haddonfield, N. J. B. S., Swarthmore College, 1888; C.E., 1891. Susanna P. Chambers, Instructor in Free-hand Drawing, 1872-74. De- ceased. Teacher of Drawing, 1870-72. Frederick A. Chouteau, Instructor in Wood-working, 1886-87. Anna W. Frost Clapp, Matron, 1882-86. Died March 20, 1899, Brooklyn, N. Y. Thomas A. Clark, Assistant in Mathematics and Engineering, 1900-01. Died July, 1901. B.S., Purdue Univ., 1897; C.E., 1899. Thomas M. Cleeman, A.M., C.E., Instructor in Railroad Engineering, 1884-86. Deceased. Guy Blandin Colburn, Instructor in Greek and Latin, 1910-12. Care of Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. A.B., Brown Univ., 1904; A.M., 1905; Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1908. Instructor of Greek and Latin, Univ. of Missouri. 20 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Mary M. Coleman, Instructor in English Branches, 1872-75. Isaac Richard Coles, Assistant in Engineering and Instructor in Geog- raphy, 1879-80. Glen Cove, N. Y. B.S., Swarthmore College, 1879; C.E., 1880. Secretary and Treasurer, Ruggles-Coles Engineering Company. Helen Trump Comly (Mrs. Howard White), Instructor in English Branches, 1875-76. Lansdowne, Pa. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1875. J. A. Congdon, Professor of Penmanship, 1869-70. Jeannette Curtis Cons (Mrs. Louis Cons), Assistant in French, 1912-13. 512 E. Fifty-eighth St., New York, N. Y. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1907 ; A.M., 1909. Frank E. Craig, Assistant in Engineering, 1899-1900. Died 1903. Worcester Inst, of Tech., 1893. William Sinnott Cummings, Physical Director of Men, 1899-1903; 1904-06. Asbury Park, N. J. M.D., Tufts Medical College, 1897. Frederick Smillie Curtis, Assistant Professor in Chemistry, 1873-75. Brookfield Center, Conn. Ph.B., Sheffield Scientific School, 1869. Instructor in Chemistry, 1872- 73; Principal Curtis School for Young Boys. Frances M. Dadmun, Instructor in Art, 1905-08. 1039 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., Wellesley College, 1899; A.M., 1901. Engaged in religious educa- tion. Lewis A. Darling, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1904- OS. Care of R. G. Peter Mfg. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. B. M.E., Ky. State College, 1900; E. in M.E., Leland Stanford Univ., 1904. Joseph B. Davis, Teacher of Physics and Civil Engineering, 1871-72. Ann Arbor, Mich. Professor Emeritus of Geodesy and Surveying, Univ. of Michigan. Maria Davis, Assistant in Drawing, 1889-91. Arthur Colman Dawson, Assistant Professor of German and French, 1882-83. Edson, Meade County, S. D. B.L., Swarthmore College, 1880. Instructor in German and French, 1881-82. William Cathcart Day, Professor of Chemistry, 1888-1901. Died August 3, 1905, Swarthmore, Pa. A.B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1880; Ph.D., 1883. Professor of Physics and Chemistry, 1887-88. Charles Sumner Dolley, Professor of Natural History, 1886-88. 1121 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Assistant Professor of Natural History, 1885-86; Lecturer on Physiology and Hygiene, 1885-88 ; Professor of Biology, Central High School, Philadel- phia. Charles C. Eames, Assistant Professor of German, 1883-85. Adrian G. Ebell, M.D., Lecturer on Natural History, 1869-70. MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY 21 Franklin S. Edmonds, Assistant Professor of Law, 1904-10. 614 Frank- lin Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Ph.B., Univ. of Penna., 1893; LL.B., 1903. Lawyer, and Lecturer in Political Science, Central High School, Philadelphia. Mabel S. Edwards, Instructor in Drawing and Painting, 1894-95. Rectina Espy, Teacher of French, 1871-72. Sarah Brooke Farquhar, Physical Director of Women, 1899-1902. Rock- ville, Md. Sargent School of Physical Training, 1898. Edwin Fauver, Professor of Hygiene and Physical Education, 1910-11. Princeton, N. J. A. B., Oberlin College, 1899; M.D., Columbia Univ., 1909. Assistant Pro- fessor of Hygiene and Physical Education, Swarthmore College, 1909-10; Head of Department of Physical Education, Princeton Univ. Mary R. Field, Instructor in Mathematics and English, 1887-89. Walter A. Ford, M.D., Director of Physical Culture, 1884-86. Phebe W. Foulke, Matron, 1870-78. Died 1904, Redlands, Cal. Thomas S. Foulke, Superintendent, 1870-84. Died April 10, 1884, Swarth- more, Pa. W. Frederic Friedgen, Instructor in Wood-working, 1884-86. Mary Ann Fulton, Teacher of English Branches, 1870-71. Deceased. Myrtie Eldora Furman, Assistant Professor in Charge of Elocution, 1888- 1902. 312 Carter Bldg., Scranton, Pa. B. O., National School of Oratory, 1884; M.O., 1892. With Furman School of Elocution, Scranton, Pa. Samuel S. Green, Professor of Physics, 1886-87. Bartow, Fla. Teacher of Mathematics, 1871-72; Instructor in Physics and Chemistry, 1872-73; Instructor in Physics, 1873-75; Assistant Professor of Physics, 1875- 77; Professor of Physics, 1877-78; Professor of Physics and Chemistry, 1878-86. Seymour S. Garrett, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, 1908-09. 324 College Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. C. E., Cornell Univ., 1904. John Clayton Gifford, Instructor in Botany, 1891-94. Cocoanut Grove, Fla. B.S., Swarthmore College, 1890. Forester. Susan Woolston Gillam, Assistant Professor of Elocution, 1886-88. Langhorne, Pa. Instructor in Mathematics, 1883-84; Instructor in Elocution and Read- ing, 1886-88. Charles Goggio, Instructor in French and Spanish, 1912-13. 1259 S. St. Bernard St., W. Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate Reggia Scuola Tecnica Valperga Caluso di Torino, 1898; A.B., Harvard Univ., 1910. Mary V. Mitchell Green, Medical Examiner for Young Women, 1903-09. Died October 10, 1911, Swarthmore, Pa. M.D., Woman’s Medical College of Penna., 1884. Director of Physical Culture for Young Women, 1894-1903. 22 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Ellen M. Griscom (Mrs. Russell S. Penniman), Instructor in Freehand Drawing, 1876-79. Died September 9, 1896, Dover, Del. Henry C. Gummere, Assistant in Mathematics, 1893-98. Tenby Road, Llanerch, Pa. B.S., Haverford College, 1888; A.M., 1889; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1890. Professor of Mathematics, Drexel Institute. Abby M. Hall (Mrs. Chester Roberts), Instructor in Latin, 1906-07. Swarthmore, Pa. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1890; A.B., Cornell Univ., 1893. Assistant in Greek, 1893-94. Florence Hall (Mrs. John Commons Philips), Instructor in French and Reading, 1881-82. Box 135, Wilmington, Del. A. B., Swarthmore College, 1880. William J. Hall, Superintendent, 1884-1900. Died July 12, 1900, Albu- querque, N. Mex. Edward J. Hallock, Teacher of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy, 1870-71. Anna Hallowell, Professor of History and English Literature, 1869. Died April 6, 1905, Philadelphia, Pa. Emily Hallowell, Teacher of English Branches, 1869-71. 908 Clinton St., Philadelphia, Pa. Edwin Haviland, Jr., Assistant in Mathematics, 1899-1900. 5201 Nine- teenth Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. B. S., Swarthmore College, 1884; A.M., Cornell Univ., 1889. Civil Engi- neer, Seattle Lighting Company. Thomas W. Heslin, Assistant in Engineering, 1901-10. 1750 N. Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Harold L. Higgins, Instructor in Chemistry, 1907-08. 23 Cumberland St., Boston, Mass. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1907. Sara R. Hogan, Instructor in Freehand Drawing, 1875-76. William Penn Holcomb, Professor of History and Political Science, 1886- 94. Green Haven, N. Y. B. L., Swarthmore College, 1878; M.L., 1882; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1886. Instructor in English Branches, 1878-81; Assistant Professor of History and Instructor in English, 1881-83; Lecturer on Pedagogics, 1886-94. Farmer. Charles C. Houghton, Director of Physical Training for Young Men, 1898-99. James D. Hull, Superintendent, 1901-03. Station D, Baltimore, Md. John H. Humphries, Assistant in Mathematics, 1891-92. Towanda, Pa. Emily G. Hunt, Lecturer on Physiology to Young Women, 1890-1905. Pasadena, Cal., care of Keturah Yeo. M.D., Woman’s Medical College of Penna., 1889. Marion Hunter, Assistant in Physical Culture for Young Women, 1894-96. West Newton, Mass, MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY 23 Rachel Lloyd Hutchinson (Mrs. John J. Lincoln), Assistant in Physical Culture for Young Women, 1896-98. Elkhorn, W. Ya. George W. Ingraham, Instructor in Latin and English Branches, 1872-74. Died 1874. Fleming James, Acting Assistant Professor of Latin, 1909-10. 5608 Wal- nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. A.B., Univ. of Penna., 1895; A.M., 1898; Ph.D., 1899. Susan W. Janney, Instructor in Penmanship and Botany, 1869-78. 1627 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Thomas Atkinson Jenkins, Professor of French, 1900-01. 5411 Green- wood Ave., Chicago, 111. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1887; Ph.B., Univ. of Penna., 1888; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1894. Professor of French Philology, Chicago Univ. Richard Jones, Professor of English, 1894-96. Tufts College, Mass. A. B., Univ. of Iowa, 1878; A.M., 1881; Ph.D., Univ. of Heidelberg, 1893. Professor of Literature, Tufts College. Edward H. Keiser, Instructor in Chemistry and English Branches, 1880- 81. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. B. L., Swarthmore College, 1880; M.S., 1881; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1884. Professor of Chemistry, Washington Univ. Marie Antoinette Kemp (Mrs. George A. Hoadley), Professor of Ger- man, 1892-1900. Died February 16, 1907, Swarthmore, Pa. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1879; A.M., 1892. Assistant Professor of German, 1891-92. William E. Kern, Instructor in Mechanical Drawing, 1870-72. Gustavus Adolphus Kleene, Instructor in Economics, 1902-03. Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. Ph.D., Univ. of Penna., 1896. Professor of Economics, Trinity College. Charles Herschel Koyl, Instructor in Physics and Electrical Engineering, 1887-89. 79 Hamilton Place, New York, N. Y. A.B., Victoria College, Cobourg, Ont., 1877. Consulting engineer, Indus- trial Water Company. Thomas W. Lamb, A.M., M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Physiology, 1871-72. Teacher of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy, 1870-71. Mary Corwin Lane, Instructor in Greek and Latin, 1901-06. 100 Jaggert Ave., Flushing, N. Y. ^ ^A.B., Cornell Univ., 1898. Teacher of Latin, High School, Flushing, Esther Everett Lape, Instructor in English, 1908-11. 3217 Hamilton St., Philadelphia, Pa. A.B., Wellesley College, 1905. Enoch C. Lavers, Instructor in Botany, 1881-82. Albert Rogers Lawton, Assistant Professor of German and French, 1886- 87. 224 E. Fifteenth St., New York, N. Y. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1881; A.M., 1885. Assistant Professor of German, 1884-86. With Wilson M. Powell, lawyer. 24 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Joseph Leidy, Emeritus Professor of Natural History, 1885-91. Died April 30, 1891, Philadelphia, Pa. M.D., Univ. of Penna., 1844; LL.D. Professor of Natural History, 1870- 85. Joseph Lewis, Jr., Superintendent, 1869-70. Louis Lewis, Instructor in Gymnastics, 1872-74. Elizabeth Thornton Letchworth, Instructor in Penmanship and Geog- raphy, 1878-79. Box 788, Narberth, Pa. Frances Linton (Mrs. William P. Sharpless), Instructor in English and Latin, 1881-83. Died May 15, 1906, West Chester, Pa. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1876; A.M., 1881; M.D., Woman’s Medical College, 1886. Elizabeth Lloyd, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Teaching, 1884-85. 140 N. Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Helen G. Longstreth, Matron, 1869-70. Died June 6, 1901, Atlantic City, N. J. John Livingston Lowes, Professor of English, 1905-09. Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. A.B., Washington and Jefferson College, 1888; A.M., 1891; Ph.D., Har- vard Univ., 1905. Professor of English, Washington Univ. Elizabeth G. Macy (Mrs. Barney), Instructor in Elocution, 1872-74. Nantucket, Mass. Teacher of Vocal Culture and Reading, 1869-71; Teacher of Elocution, 1871- 72. Beatrice Magill (Mrs. John C. Robinson), Instructor in Drawing and Painting, 1884-88; 1892-1902. 191 Forest Hills Road, Jamaica Plains, Boston, Mass. Helen Magill (Mrs. Andrew Dickson W T hite), President’s Secretary and Instructor in Gymnasium, 1874-75. 27 East Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1873; Ph.D., Boston Univ., 1877. George L. Maris, Professor of Theory and Practice of Teaching, 1881-82. Sanford, Fla. Edward Martin, Instructor in Chemistry and Physics, 1878-80. 1506 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1878; A.M., 1882; M.D., Univ. of Penna., 1883. John Rhea Barton Professor of Surgery, Univ. of Penna. Jean Baker Martin, Assistant Librarian, 1908-09. William McClellan, Assistant in Engineering, 1890-91. 141 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Elizabeth C. Miller (Mrs. William Penn Holcomb), Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Instructor in Greek, 1881-86. Green Haven, N. Y. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1873. Assistant Instructor in French and English Branches, 1873-74; Instructor, 1874-79; Instructor in Rhetoric and Composition, 1879-81. Edith Harriet Moore, Director of Studio, 1908-10. 173 Oakleigh Road, Newton, Mass. A.B., Wellesley College, 1900. MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY 25 Esther Townsend Moore (Mrs. William Hyde Appleton), Assistant to President, 1889-1900. Swarthmore, Pa. A. B., Swarthmore College, 1873. Assistant Instructor in Mathematics, 1873-74; Instructor in Mathematics, 1874-79; Instructor in Mathematics and English Grammar, 1879-83 ; Instructor in Charge of Study Room, 1884-89. Mary J. Murphy (Mrs. Robert Simpson), Director of Physical Culture for Women, 1886-92. Died December 18, 1894. Albert Cook Myers, Registrar, 1900-01. “Kentmere Lodge ,’ ’ Moylan, Pa. B. L., Swarthmore College, 1898; M.L., 1901. Historical writer. Scott Nearing, Acting Instructor in Economics, 1908-13. 5222 Laurens St., Germantown, Pa. B.S., Univ. of Penna., 1905; Ph.D., 1909. Instructor in Economics, Univ. of Penna. Hortense Nicolai, Assistant in French, 1898-99. Sarah March Nowell, Librarian, 1888-1906. 64 Church St., Winchester, Mass. Hon. A.M., Swarthmore, 1906. Ellen E. Osgood, Instructor in History, 1883-84. Elizabeth S. Owen, Instructor in Mathematics, 1872-74. Instructor in English Branches, 1871-72. Albert G. Palmer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1885-87. Sandy Spring, Md. B. S., Johns Hopkins Univ. Edward Parrish, Jr., Instructor in Physics and Mechanical Drawing, 1870-71. 28 Catherine St., Newport, R. I. C. E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., 1870. Assistant engineer, United States Engineer Department, Newport, R. I. Elizabeth Paulin, Instructor in French, 1872-78. Died June 18, 1911, London, England. Eugene Paulin, Professor of French and Philosophy, 1887-88. 88 West- bourne Park Road, Bayswater, London, W., England. Professor of Latin and French, 1872-78; Professor of French, 1878-80; Professor of French and Mental and Moral Philosophy, 1880-83 ; of French, Latin, Mental and Moral Philosophy, 1883-84; of French, Mental and Moral Philosophy, 1884-85; of French, Spanish and Philosophy, 1885-87. Elizabeth L. Peck, Lecturer on Physiology and Hygiene to Young Women, 1888-90. 4113 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. M.D., Woman’s Medical College of Philadelphia. William B. Phillips, A. M., Professor of Greek and German, 1870-72. Deceased. L. Maria C. Pierce (Mrs. Samuel S. Green), Assistant Instructor in Ger- man and English Branches, 1873-76. Died June 19, 1877, Paris, France. Mary D. Pratt (Mrs. John Rhodes), Instructor in Mathematics, 1889-91. Bowdle, N. D. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1885. 26 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Ann Preston, M.D., Lecturer on Physiology and Hygiene to the Young Women, 1869-70. Deceased. Lucy R. Price (Mrs. Frank Mclntire), Instructor in Charge of Study Room, 1879-80. Glassboro, N. J. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1876. Ferris W. Price, Professor of Latin, 1890-1909. Died September 9, 1909, Philadelphia, Pa. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1873 ; A.M., 1887. Assistant Professor of Latin and English, 1885-90. Mary G. Procter (Mrs. Samuel S. Green), Instructor in German and Eng- lish Branches, 1876-79. Bartow, Fla. Robert Pyle, Superintendent, 1897-98. West Grove, Pa. A. B., Swarthmore College, 1897. Florist. Edward Briggs Rawson, Lecturer in Education, 1906-12. 226 E. Sixteenth St., New York, N. Y. B. S., Massachusetts Agricultural College, 1881; Pd.M., New York Univ., 1910. Principal Friends’ Seminary, New York. Elizabeth Fisher Read, Instructor in English, 1910-13. 3217 Hamilton St., Philadelphia, Pa. B.L., Smith College, 1896; A.M., Columbia Univ., 1899. Reader in Eng- lish, Swarthmore, 1908-10. J. Howard Redfield, Acting Instructor in French, 1910-11. Wayne, Pa. A.B., Haverford College, 1899; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1910. William D. Rich, Instructor in Machine Tools, 1884-86. Care of J. and G. Rich, 120 N. Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Kate Louise Rockwell (Mrs. Grove Sackett), Librarian, 1872-79. Died October .23, 1884, Winsted, Conn. Mary P. H. Rockwell (Mrs. Wilcox), Instructor in Latin and English Branches, 1872-74. Winsted, Conn. Lillian M. Rockwell, Instructor in Charge of Study Room, 1879-80. Died February 18, 1898, Denver, Colo. Olivia Rodham, Acting Librarian, 1887-88. Chesham, N. H. Hon. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1890. Assistant Librarian, 1881-87. Henry W. Rolfe, Professor of Latin, 1884-90. Stanford University, Cal. A.B., Amherst College, 1880; A.M., 1885. S. L. Millard Rosenberg, Instructor in French and Spanish, 1910-12. 9 Violet Lane, Lansdowne, Pa. A.M., Univ. of Penna., 1907 ; Ph.D., 1909. Professor of French, Girard College, Philadelphia, Pa. Frederic A. Sabbaton, Jr., C.E., Assistant in Engineering, 1892-93. Maria L. Sanford, Professor of History, 1870-79. 1050 Thirteenth Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Teacher of English and History, 1869-70. Emeritus Professor of Rhetoric. Univ. of Minnesota. Harriet Sartain, Lecturer in Art and Director of Studio, 1902-03. Fif- teenth and Jefferson Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate Philadelphia School of Design for Women. MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY 27 Jacob Kinzer Shell, Director of Physical Training of Men, 1888-98; 1906- 09. 1228 S. Forty-sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. M.D., Univ. of Penna., 1881. Susan A. Sherman, Instructor in French, 1889-90. Benjamin Smith, Professor of Logic, Mental and Moral Philosophy, 1891-92. Died May 18, 1913, Moorestown, N. J. A. M., Yale Univ. Professor of Rhetoric and English, 1886-88 ; Pro- fessor of Rhetoric, Logic, Mental and Moral Philosophy, 1888-91. Clement L. Smith, Secretary; Professor of Greek and German, 1869-70. Died July 1, 1909, Cambridge, Mass. J. Mott Smith, Instructor in English, 1882-83. J. Russell Smith, Lecturer in Economics, 1908-11. Swarthmore, Pa. B. S. in Economics, Univ. of Penna., 1898; Ph.D., 1903. Professor of Industry, Univ. of Penna. D. Laura May Smith (Mrs. Wood), Director of Physical Culture for Young Women, 1892-93. Petaluma, Cal. Frederick William Speirs, Lecturer in Economics, 1903-04. Deceased. B.S., Worcester Polytechnical Inst., 1888; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1896. Susan P. Stackhouse, Lecturer on Physiology and Hygiene, 1885-88. Died May, 1888, Fallsington, Pa. M.D., Woman’s Medical College of Philadelphia, 1883. George Gurdon Steele, Instructor in Chemistry, 1905-07. Deceased. A.B., Harvard Univ., 1905. Wilbur Morris Stine, Professor of Engineering, 1898-1908. 334 Main St., Mechanicsburg, Pa. Ph.B., Dickinson College, 1886; M.S., 1889; D.Sc., 1893. Author. Elizabeth D. Storer, Teacher of English Grammar and Chemistry, 1871- 72. Died December 25, 1913, Lausanne, Switzerland. Glen Levin Swiggett, Assistant in German, 1900-01. Sewanee, Tenn. A.B., Indiana Univ., 1888; A.M., 1890; Ph.D., Univ. of Penna., 1901. Professor of Modern Languages, Univ. of the South. Arthur Percival Tanberg, Instructor in Chemistry, 1912-13. 2940 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. A.B., Swarthmore College, 1911; A.M., 1913. Graduate Student Columbia Univ. Joseph W. Teets, Professor of Elocution, 1883-84. Instructor in Elocution, 1881-82; Assistant Professor, 1882-83. George Edward Thomas, Assistant in Chemistry, 1898-1900. Ph.D., Univ. of Penna., 1898. Joseph Thomas, Professor of English, 1874-87. Died 1891. M.D., LL.D. Garrett W. Thompson, Instructor in Composition, 1904-05. Orono, Me. A.B., Amherst College, 1888; A.M., 1891. Professor of German, Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me. 28 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Alice Willets Titus, Assistant in History, 1898-99. Old Westbury, N. Y. B.L., Swarthmore, 1890; M.L., 1892. Esther J. Trimble, Instructor in English Literature, Rhetoric and Elocu- tion, 1871-75. Deceased. M. Marie Underwood, Instructor in Elocution, 1877-80. Deceased. Jennie Fonda Waddington, Assistant in Biology, 1890-91. R. D. No. 3, Salem, N. J. B.S., Swarthmore College, 1889; M.S., 1892. Mary J. Walter, Instructor in Freehand Drawing, 1874-75. Joseph Solomon Walton, Lecturer in Education, 1906-12. Died Janu- ary 22, 1912. George School, Pa. H. Lee Ward, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1911-12. Middletown, Conn. A. B., Yale Univ., 1906; Ph.D., 1909. Instructor in Chemistry, 1909-11; Instructor in Chemistry, Wesleyan Univ. Alma G. Watson, Instructor in Charge of Study Room, 1883-84. Frank D. Watson, Acting Instructor in Economics, 1908-11. 105 E. Twenty-second St., New York, N. Y. B. S., in Economics, Univ. of Penna., 1905. Gerrit E. H. Weaver, Professor of German, 1889-91. Died February 21, 1904, Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., Swarthmore College, 1882; A.M., 1886. Instructor in History, 1884-85; Assistant Professor of History, 1885-86; Assistant Professor of German and French, 1887-88; Assistant Professor of German, 1888-89. James E. Weld, Instructor in Elocution and Botany, 1880-81. J. Paul J. Williams, Assistant in Engineering, 1901-02. 610 Thirteenth Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. B. S., Univ. of Penna., 1898; M.S., 1899. Assistant Professor of Struc- tural Engineering, Univ. of Minnesota. Lucius E. Williams, Instructor in Chemistry, 1889-91. Died October 27, 1891, Baltimore, Md. A.B., Mercer College. Emily E. Wilson (Mrs. Albert R. Lawton), Instructor in Mathematics, 1884-87. 224 E. Fifteenth St., New York, N. Y. A. B., Swarthmore College, 1882; A.M., 1885. Edith May Winder, Assistant Librarian, 1909-11. The Wayne, Rich- mond, Ind. B. L., Swarthmore College, 1901. Field Secretary, Illinois and Indiana Yearly Meetings of Friends. Mary Stevenson Wistar, Director of Physical Culture for Young Women, 1893-94. Salem, N. J. Caroline S. Wood, Matron, 1878-82. 1327 Manhattan Place, Los Angeles, Cal. MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY 29 Walter Wood, Teacher of Latin and Greek, 1871-72. Teacher of Latin and English Branches, 1870-71. Charles Francis Woods, Asssistant in French and German, 1899-1900. Died December 29, 1912. A. B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1891; Ph.D., 1897. Frederick A. Wyers, Assistant Professor of French, 1883-84. Florence L. Yost (Mrs. John H. Humphries), Instructor in Rhetoric and Composition, 1891-92. Towanda, Pa. Assistant in Latin and English, 1889-90. Stewart Woodford Young, Assistant in Chemistry, 1891-93. Leland Stan- ford Univ., Cal. B. S.C., Cornell Univ., 1890. Professor of Chemistry, Univ. Leland Stanford REGISTER OF GRADUATES OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE Including Advanced and Honorary Degrees 1873-1913 REGISTER OF GRADUATES This register of the graduates of Swarthmore College aims to present in Part I a list of the alumni arranged by years of graduation; in Part II, the names of graduates grouped by localities of present residence; in Part III, an alphabetical list of the graduates. Part I is arranged chronologically by years of graduation, and sub-sections are made for the different degrees conferred. The graduates are arranged alphabetically under each degree. The names of married women are arranged according to the maiden name. The following information is given after the names of graduates: Subsequent degrees (with dates) conferred by Swarthmore College ; degrees, so far as obtainable, received from other institutions; address; occupation; public service per- formed. To the names of persons known to be deceased an asterisk (*) is prefixed, and the date and place of death are added. Beginning with the year 1903 the major subject is in- dicated by the abbreviation in italics following the name. The degrees received from other institutions, the address, occupation and public service of a graduate are given but once, under the year of the first degree conferred. In the cases of the recipients of subsequent degrees the names are listed under the proper years and reference is made to the year of the first degree con- ferred. Where a second degree is given, with no indication of the institution conferring it, Swarthmore College is to be under- stood. If, when a student graduated, he was allowed by the faculty to receive his degree as with an earlier class, two entries of the name are made — one under the year of the class of which he was formerly a member and the other under the year in which the degree was conferred. In the first entry full information is given and the year in which the degree was actually conferred is inserted in brackets. In the second entry the name is pre- ceded by an obelisk (f ) and reference is made to the first entry. Part II is divided into two main groups. The first is a list 3 ( 33 ) 34 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN of the graduates residing in the United States and the names are arranged by States, the post offices being placed alphabet- ically under each State. The second group contains the names of graduates living in other countries, the post offices being ar- ranged alphabetically under each country. The names of gradu- ates have been arranged in alphabetical order under each post office. In the case of married women, only the maiden name is considered in the alphabetical arrangement; the married name, however, is given in parenthesis. After the name of each gradu- ate are added the degrees (with dates) conferred by Swarth- more College, and, if in large cities, the street address. The names of graduates having both a temporary and permanent address are inserted in both places. Part III, which is an alphabetical list of the alumni, may serve as an index. Following the name of each graduate the degrees (with dates) received from Swarthmore College are given. By referring to Part I under the year of the first degree conferred, additional information concerning a particular grad- uate may be found. In ’the case of married women entry has been made under both the maiden name and the married name. As in Part I, deceased graduates are indicated by an asterisk (*). I LIST OF ALUMNI ARRANGED BY YEARS OF GRADUATION ABBREVIATIONS In 1903 the major subject system of instruction was adopted. Beginning with the class of 1903 the major subjects of the graduates are indicated by means of the abbreviations following the names of graduates. Biol.=Biology; Ohem.=Chemistry; Ch. Eng = Chemical Engineering; Civ. Eng. = Civil Engineering; Econ. = Economics; El. Eng. — Electrical Engineering; Eng. = General Engineering; Engl. = English ; French = French; Ger. = German; Gk. & Lat. — Greek and Latin; Gk. = Greek; Hist. == History; Lat. = Latin; Math. — Mathematics; M. Eng. = Me- chanical Engineering; Phil. = History of Religion and Philosophy; Phys. = Physics; Pol. Sci. = Political Science; Pub. Sp. = Public Speaking. 1873 BACHELORS OF ARTS Sarah H. Acton (Mrs. J. Bernard Hilliard) 109 W. Broadway, Salem, N. J. Helen Magill (Mrs. Andrew Dick- son White) Ph.D., Boston University, 1877. 27 East Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Elizabeth Clarke Miller (Mrs. William Penn Holcomb) Green Haven, N. Y. Esther Townsend Moore (Mrs. William Hyde Appleton) Swarthmore, Pa. *Lydia Maria Child Pierce (Mrs. Samuel S. Green) Died June 19, 1877, at Paris, France. Lowndes Taylor P. O. Box 3, Route 1, West Ches- ter, Pa. 6*1 1874 BACHELORS OF ARTS . . Ellen H. Evans (Mrs. Ferris Wal- ton Price) A.M. 1884. 120 S. Thirty-fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sec’y Swarth- more, Pa., School Board for 15 years ; Supt. Educational Interests of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends. Amy Williams Hall (Mrs. Ell- wood S. Hickman) The Cedarcroft, Atlantic City, N. J. Mary Hibbard (Mrs. Albert G. Thatcher) 120 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Member Board of Managers, Swarthmore College. *Ferris Walton Price A.M. 1887. Assistant Professor of Latin and English, Swarthmore College, 1885-89; Professor of Latin, 1889-1904; Isaac H. Cloth- ier Professor of Latin, 1904-09. Died September 22, 1909, at Philadelphia, Pa. Elizabeth Stockton Woolston (Mrs. Arthur T. Collins) A.M. 1901. Swarthmore, Pa. 5*1. BACHELORS OF SCIENCE * Alfred Tredway Haviland Died August 31, 1874, at Millbrook, N. Y. Herman Hoopes C.E. 1879. 505 Real Estate Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Vice- President, Fidelity and Deposit Surety Company of Maryland. 2*1 1875 BACHELORS OF ARTS John Broomall Booth 321 Grant St., Sewickley, Pa. Iron and steel merchant. Helen Trump Comly (Mrs. How- ard White) Lansdowne, Pa. •Herbert George Dow A.B. Harvard Univ., 1877. Died March 13, 1878. ( 35 ) 36 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1876 Elizabeth Hanes (Mrs. William Taylor) 310 E. Market St., York, Pa. Edith Robinson Hooper (Mrs. Horace W. Roberts) Howard White Lippincott 509 Real Estate Trust Bldg., Phila- delphia, Pa. Member Board of Managers, Swarthmore College. Martha Mcllvain (Mrs. Andrew M. Eastwick) 5901 Elmwood Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. *John Kelvey Richards LL.D. 1903. A.B. Harvard Univ., 1877. U. S. Circuit Judge for Sixth Circuit, Prosecuting Att’y, Lawrence Co., Ohio, 1880-82; State Senator, Ohio, 1890-92 ; At- torney General of Ohio, 1892-96; Solicitor General of U. S., 1897- 1903. Died March 1, 1909, at Cincinnati, Ohio. 8*2 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE *Franklin Haines Corlies Died January 31, 1898. Barton Hoopes 1330 Buttonwood St., Philadelphia, Pa. Manufacturer. ^Oliver Keese, Jr. Died January 24, 1889, at Titus- ville, Pa. *J. Reece Lewis Died October 8, 1898, at Waynes- ville, N. C. William Hance Ridgway C.E. 1879. El Nidito, Coatesville, Pa. Manufacturer. 5*3 1876 BACHELORS OF ARTS Arthur Wadsworth Bradley 337 Superior Ave., N. W., Cleve- land, Ohio. Lawyer and insur- ance expert. *Frances Linton (Mrs. William P. Sharpless) A. M. 1881. M.D. Woman’s Med- ical College, 1886. Died May 15, 1906, at West Chester, Pa. *Elizabeth Jackson Longstreth (Mrs. James Boyd) Died January 1, 1908, at Haver- ford, Pa. Emma Mcllvain (Mrs. Wm. J. Cooper) 715 Cooper St., Camden, N. J. Member Board of Managers, Swarthmore College. *Edwin Mitchell, Jr. B. S.R. Sorhonne, Paris, 1879. Died May 25, 1912, at New York, N. Y. Lucy R. Price (Mrs. Frank H. Mclntire) [A.B. 1880.] Glassboro, N. J. Herbert Weir Smyth A.B. Harvard Univ., 1878. Ph.D. Gottingen, 1884. 15 Elmwood Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Eliot Professor of Greek Literature, Harvard Univ. *Mary Willits A.M. 1881. M.D. Woman’s Med- ical College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1881. Died December 16, 1903, at Norristown, Pa. 8*4 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Franklin Lippincott Bassett D.D.S. Phila. Dental College, 1878. 31 Market St., Salem, N. J. Dentist. James T. McClure 1919 Wallace St., Philadelphia, Pa. * Isaac Garrett Smedley M.D. Hahnemann Medical College, 1879. Died December 1, 1899, at Bryn Mawr, Pa. William Penn Worth Coatesville, Pa. Manufacturer. 4*1 1877 BACHELORS OF ARTS Norman B. Corson Norristown, Pa. Eudora Magill 128 W. Forty-third St., New York, N. Y. * Jesse Rowland Norton A.B. Harvard Univ., 1879. Died June 25, 1900, at Nashville, Tenn. Carroll R. Williams A.M. 1882. LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1880. 3708 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Lawyer. School Director, 24th Ward, 1884-85; Member of Common Councils, Phila., 1885-89. Mary Florence Yeatman A.M. 1897. R. F. D. 1, Kennett Square, Pa. Farmer. 5*1 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Joseph T. Bunting LL.B. Univ. of Pa., 1880. 560 Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer. 1 1878 BACHELORS OF ARTS Caroline E. Burr (Mrs. William John Hall) 515 Elm Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 1879] REGISTER OF GRADUATES Maybell Paulina Davis (Mrs. Theodore Waters Foster) 78 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Howard Dawson A.M. 1882. 70 Albion St., Somer- ville, Mass. Bookkeeper. Teacher in Somerville Evening High School. Tacy A. Gleim (Mrs. Eber T. Dunning) 1880 W. Adams St., Los Angeles, Cal. Mary Paul Hallowell (Mrs. Charles P. Hough) A.M. 1881. M.D. Woman’s Med- ical College, Phila., 1881. Am- bler, Pa. Physician. Charles Augustine Hawkins 228 W. Springetsbury Ave., York, Pa. Lawyer. City Solicitor of York, 1887-92; Member Pa. House of Representatives, 1895-96. Rebecca Smith Hunt (Mrs. Jo- seph Weaver White) A.M. 1881. M.D. Woman’s Med- ical College, Phila., 1883. 370 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Physician. Edward Martin A.M. 1882. M.D. Univ. of Pa., 1883. 1506 Locust St., Phila., Pa. Surgeon. John Rhea Barton Professor of Surgery, Univ. of Pa. Director of Public Health and Charities, Phila., 1903-05 ; Con- sulting Surgeon, 5th Army Corps, Spanish-American War, U. S. A. ; Member Board of Managers, Swarthmore College. 8 BACHELORS OF LETTERS William Penn Holcomb M.L. 1882. Ph.D. Johns Hopkins Univ., 1886. Green Haven, N. Y. Farmer. Anna Elizabeth Jackson (Mrs. James Monaghan) 3309 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa. 2 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE * William John Hall Died July 12, 1900, in Albuquer- que, N. M. Llewellyn Haskell Johnson Los Angeles, Cal. Merchant. Francis Jackson Palmer Fanwood, N. J. Manufacturer. Member of Fanwood Borough Council six years. Israel Roberts 33 N. Second St., Camden, N. J. Lawyer. 37 * William Seaman C.E. 1884. Died February 26, 1892, at Wilmington, Del. Charles Harry Shoemaker Topsfield, Mass. 6*2 1879 BACHELORS OF ARTS William Preston Fender 448 Market St., Williamsport, Pa. Manufacturer. "William Lea Ferris Died Aug. 27, 1911, in Belvidere, Cal. Joseph Fitch 118 Amity St., Flushing, Queens Co., N. Y. Lawyer. City Magistrate, City of New York; Member of N. Y. State Assembly, 1886-87; Member of Flushing, N. Y., Board of Education, 1898 ; Asst. Dist. Att’y, Queens Co., 1905. Ruth Anna Forsythe 330 N. Orange St., Media, Pa. Teacher. Peter Lesley Hopper LL.B. Univ. of Maryland, 1881. Havre de Grace, Md. Lawyer. *Marie Antoinette Kemp (Mrs. George Arthur Hoadley) A.M., 1892. Died February 16, 1907, at Swarthmore, Pa. Josephine White (Mrs. Joseph Al- lison Breckens) 1814 G. St., Washington, D. C. Newspaper correspondent. Super- intendent of Schools, Laramie Co., Wyoming, 1888-90. 7 *2 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Elizabeth Furnas (Mrs. Joseph A. Bogardus) Swarthmore, Pa. Charles R. Miller LL.B. Univ. of Pa., 1881. 570 Bullitt Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Governor of Delaware. Abby M. Woodnutt (Mrs. Charles R. Miller) Red Oak Road, Wilmington, Del. Member Delaware State Library Commission. 3 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Isaac Richard Coles C.E. 1880. Glen Cove, N. Y., and 39 Cortlandt St., New York, N. Y. Sec’y and Treas. Ruggles-Coles Engineering Co. 38 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1880 Elisha Eden Lippincott Station “B,” Long Branch, N. J. "Samuel Craig McComh C.E. 1882. Died in 1891. 3*1 CIVIL ENGINEERS Herman Hoopes See B.S. 1874. William Hance Ridgway See B.S. 1875. 2 1880 BACHELORS OF ARTS Anna E. Constable (Mrs. Geo. W. Martin) 233 Erie St., Camden, N. J. Florence Hall (Mrs. John Com- mons Philips) P. O. Box 135, Wilmington, Del. Residence, Gordon Heights, Del. Myra Townsend Hillman 227 Third St., N. W„ Washington, D.C. Accountant U. S. Bureau of Pensions. Emily Louise Hough (Mrs. Wm. H. Savidge) A.B. Univ. of Minn., 1881. Box 165, Boise, Idaho. City Clerk since 1905. Asst. Sec’y> Idaho State Senate, 1904. Georgeine Kurtz (Mrs. Nicholas Hunter Muhlenberg) 412 S. Fifth St., Reading, Pa. Albert Rogers Lawton A.M. 1885. 224 E. Fifteenth St., New York, N. Y. With Wilson M. Powell, lawyer. Thomas Leggett Moore 819 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Ya. Manufacturer. Ellen S. Preston (Mrs. Frank Griest) Graduate Pa. State Normal School, 1871. R. F. D. No. 3, Lititz, Pa. fLucy R. Price (Mrs. Frank H. Mclntire) See A.B. 1876. Fannie Amelia Willets (Mrs. Francis Cowlyn Lowthorp) 152 Greenwood Ave., Trenton, N. J. 9 BACHELOR OF LETTERS Arthur Colman Dawson [B.L. 1882.] Edson, Meade Co., S. D. College Professor of French and German twenty-five years. 1 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Edward H. Keiser M.S. 1881. Ph.D. Johns Hop- kins Univ., 1884. Clayton, Mo. Professor of Chemistry, Washing- ton Univ. Member U. S. Assay Commission. Robert J. Marcher C.E. 1901. 1304 Park St., Syra- cuse, N. Y. Civil Engineer. John Turton 16-18 Exchange Place, New York, N. Y. Merchant. *JIenry Shotwell Wood C.E. 1883. Died December 5, 1913, at Glen Ridge, N. J. 4*1 CIVIL ENGINEER Isaac Richard Coles See B.S. 1879. 1 1881 BACHELORS OF ARTS Gertrude B. Magill Care of Mrs. C. S. Williamson, 18 Parker Ave., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Louis Robert Eugene Paulin A.B. Harvard Univ., 1883. 13 Wiener Place, Tompkinsville, S. I., N.Y. Journalist, New York World. Martha Ellinger Reinoehl (Mrs. Francis A. Osbourn) 1329 Jefferson St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ernest Fanning Tucker M.D. Harvard Univ., 1884. Med- ical Bldg., Portland, Ore. Phy- sician. 4 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Martha Bunting Ph.D. Bryn Mawr College, 1895. The Newport, Sixteenth and Spruce Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. William Canby 735 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Real Estate business. Charles Bedell Doron D.O. American School of Osteop- athy, 1912. Pearl Bldg., corner State and Harlow Sts., Bangor, Me. Mary Jones Elliot 3204 Summer St., Philadelphia, Pa. Librarian, Pocono Manor Inn, Pocono Manor, Pa. Emma Kirk Wayne, Pa. 1882] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 39 Alvin Tomlinson Shoemaker 59 Pearl St., New York, N. Y. Manufacturer Arc Lamps and Elec. Signs. 6 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Edward Cary Rushmore M.D. College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Columbia Univ., N. Y., 1886. Tuxedo Park, N. Y. Phy- sician. Henry B. Seaman C.E. 1884. 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Chief Engineer, Public Service Commission, New York City. Charles Edward Sharpless C.E. 1884. Cresson, Pa. Mining Engineer. Inspector of Mines for N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co. *Isaac Byron Thomas Died November 13, 1891, at Chey- ney, Pa. 4*1 MASTERS OF ARTS Mary Paul Hallowell (Mrs. Charles P. Hough) See A.B. 1878. Rebecca Smith Hunt (Mrs. Jo- seph Weaver White) See A.B. 1878. ^Frances Linton (Mrs. William P. Sharpless) See A.B. 1876. *Mary Willits See A.B. 1876. 4 *2 MASTER OF SCIENCE Edward H. Keiser See B.S. 1880. 1 1882 BACHELORS OF ARTS William Llewellyn Baner M.D. Columbia Univ., 1885. 40 W. Sixty-eighth St., New York, N. Y. Physician. *Edith Browning Blackwell M.D. Woman’s Medical College, N. Y. Infirmary, 1891. Died Oc- tober 4, 1906, at Martha’s Vine- yard, Mass. William Butler, Jr. West Chester, Pa. Judge 15th Judi- cial District. C. Herbert Cochran 1426 N. Fifty-second St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Phoebe Frances Foulke 597 Stowell Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Mary Eastman Gale (Mrs. Charles Bell Hibbard) A.M. 1891. 176 Pleasant St., La- conia, N. H. Member Board of Education. *Sarah S. Green (Mrs. Jonathan C. Pierce) Died June 15, 1886. Margaret Elgar Hallowell (Mrs. Walter C. Powell) 96 McKinley Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Charles Palmer A.M. 1885. £41 E. Fourth St., Chester, Pa. Lawyer. ^Horace L. Rossiter Died January, 1903, at Cleveland, Ohio. *Gerrit E. H. Weaver A.M. 1886. A.B. Harvard Univ., 1884. Died February 21, 1904, at Philadelphia, Pa. Emily E. Wilson (Mrs. Albert Rogers Lawton) A.M. 1885. 224 E. Fifteenth St., New York, N. Y. Edgar Merritt Zavitz Coldstream, Ont., Canada. Farmer. 13 * 4 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Charlotte Elizabeth Brewster (Mrs. Edgar F. Jordan) M.L. 1886. 2304 DeLancey St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bertha Cooper (Mrs. Paul Clisby Brewer) 261 W. Rittenhouse St., German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. f Arthur Colman Dawson See B.L. 1880. -Elizabeth Eastburn Hart Died February 23, 1891, at Hiber- nia, Fla. Elizabeth Haslam 213 N. 33d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Elizabeth Massey Ogden 1745 Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal. 5 * 1 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE *George Chapman Phillips Died August 7, 1883, at Colorado Springs, Colo. * Charles B. Turton Died March 21, 1896. 2 *2 MASTERS OF ARTS Howard Dawson See A.B. 1878. 40 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1883 Edward Martin See A.B. 1878. Carroll R. Williams See A.B. 1877. 3 MASTER OF LETTERS William Penn Holcomb See B.L. 1878. 1 CIVIL ENGINEER *Samuel Craig McComb See B.S. 1879. • 1*1 1883 BACHELORS OF ARTS Lydia Sharpless Green (Mrs. Al- fred L. Hawkins) Idlewild, Media, Pa. ^Florence N. Hanes Died April 1, 1897, at Woodbury, N. J. Alice Wilson Jackson Swarthmore, Pa. Teacher of English, Mary Lyon School, Swarthmore, Pa. Guion Miller A.M. 1888. LL.B. Columbia Univ., 1885. LL.M. Ibid., 1886. Easton, Md. Special Commissioner U. S. Court of Claims. Lawyer. Samuel Duffield Mitchell LL.B. Univ. of Pa., 1887. Carth- age, Mo. 1909-13, member of Bureau of Geology and Mines of Missouri. Lawyer. Edward Abraham Pennock Chatham, Pa. Lumber and coal merchant. Emma Webb (Mrs. William Liglit- foot Price) Moylan, Pa. 7*1 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Edgar Conrow Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo Co., Cal. Bertha Matlack (Mrs. John Her- bert Rue) 578 Washington St., Camden, N. J. Helen Cyrus Pyle (Mrs. Charles Andrews Bunting) Swarthmore, Pa. Annie E. Tylor (Mrs. Guion Miller) M.L. 1888. Easton, Md. James E. Verree Boyce Bldg., Chicago, 111. Adver- tising agent. 5 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Charles Andrews Bunting Swarthmore, Pa. Chief Engineer, John Wanamaker, Philadelphia. *John Lynn Cochran Died January 22, 1887, at Folly Mills, Ya. *William A. Kissam Died April 8, 1914, at Great Neck, N. Y. George Liddon Pennock 165 W. Essex Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Florist and coal merchant. Charles Sumner Pyle Rising Sim, Md. President, Rising Sun National Bank. Frederick Augustus Seaman 117 W. Seventy-ninth St., New York, N. Y. Manufacturer of rubber tires. 6*2 CIVIL ENGINEER * Henry Shotwell Wood See B.S. 1880. 1 *1 1884 BACHELORS OF ARTS Sarah Lucinda Hall (Mrs. Sam- uel R. Stirling) A.M. 1906. 1931 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher of Latin and Greek, Friends’ Central School. *Henry James Hancock LL.B. Univ. of Pa., 1886. Died February 3, 1906, at New York, N. Y. Mary Elizabeth Hughes Hamilton, Ya. Farmer. Laura Henderson Satterthwaite M.D. Woman’s Medical College, Philadelphia, 1888. R. F. D. 2, Trenton, N. J. Farmer. Mary Willits M.D. Woman’s Medical College, N. Y. Infirmary, 1898. 144 E. Thirty-seventh St., New York, N. Y. Physician. 5*1 BACHELOR OF LETTERS Rebecca Malin Downing (Mrs. John Griscom Bullock) 6439 Greene St., Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. 1 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Horace Lincoln Dilworth R. F. D. No. 1, Montchanin, Del. Farmer. 1885] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 41 *John D. Furnas Died October 12, 1904. Edwin Haviland [B.S. 1885.] A.M. Cornell Univ., 1899. 5201 Nineteenth Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Civil En- gineer, Seattle Lighting Co. Frederic Jackson Taylor Box 117, Livingston, Mont. Civil Engineer. Division Engineer, Northern Pacific Railway. 4*1 MASTER OF ARTS Ellen H. Evans (Mrs. Ferris Wal- ton Price) See A.B. 1874. 1 CIVIL ENGINEERS Henry B. Seaman See B.S. 1881. *William Seaman See B.S. 1878. Charles Edward Sharpless See B.S. 1881. 3*1 1885 BACHELORS OF ARTS *Minnie F. Baker Died November 22, 1901, at Swarth- more, Pa. Abigail Evans 19 E. Central Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Teacher, Friends’ Central School, Philadelphia, Pa. Frederick Potts Moore 71 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Banker and broker. Mary D. Pratt (Mrs. John Rhodes) Bowdle, S. D. 4*1 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE fEdwin Haviland, Jr. See B.S. 1884. 1 MASTERS OF ARTS Albert Rogers Lawton See A.B. 1880. Charles Palmer See A.B. 1882. Emily E. Wilson (Mrs. Albert Rogers Lawton) See A.B. 1882. 3 1886 BACHELORS OF ARTS Helen Gertrude Johnson 901 W. Fourth St., Williamsport, Pa. Ella Merrick (Mrs. Alvan H. Tomlinson) Wrightstown, Pa. Martha Magill Watson (Mrs. James Garretson Sutphen) A.M. 1891. Hope College, Hol- land, Mich. 3 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Emma Stirling Bones (Mrs. Medad E. Stone) New Brighton, N. Y. Rowland Jesse Spencer 2675 Church St., Salem, Oregon. Literary Work. 2 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE * Arthur S. Cochran Died January 1, 1899. George Jacoby Freedley 1900 E. Cary St., Richmond, Va. Vice Pres, and Gen’l Manager Cardwell Machine Co. Edgar Miller Smedley Media, Pa. Farmer. Charles Percy Willcox Ph.B. Yale Univ., 1887. LL.B. Univ. of Pa., 1891. Stephen Girard Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer. Trust officer, Conti- nental Equitable Title and Trust Co. 4*1 MASTER OF ARTS *Gerrit E. H. Weaver See A.B. 1882. 1 *1 MASTER OF LETTERS Charlotte Elizabeth Brewster (Mrs. Edgar F. Jordan) See B.L. 1882. 1 1887 BACHELORS OF ARTS Alice Taylor Battin (Mrs. Ralph Lewis) Lyons Falls, N. Y. Anna Mary Jenkins (Mrs. Isaac Daniel Webster) 1028 Thirty-second St., San Diego, Cal. 42 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1888 Thomas Atkinson Jenkins Ph.B. Univ. of Pa., 1888. Ph.D. Johns Hopkins Univ., 1894. 5411 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. Professor of French Philology, Chicago University. Linda Belle Palmer (Mrs. Frank Morton Jones) A.M. 1893. 802 Washington St., Wilmington, Del. Horace Roberts Moorestown, N. J. Farmer. ^Elizabeth B. Smedley (Mrs. Mar- shall J. Reynolds) A.M. 1896. Died July 30, 1908, at Malvern, Pa. Elizabeth B. Smith (Mrs. Wil- liam H. Wilson) Purcellville, Va. 7*1 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Harriett Jane Cox (Mrs. Charles McDowell) 310 Kenmore Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Member Board of Managers, Swarthmore College. Horace Darlington Darling, Pa. Dairy farmer. Harry Blynn Goodwin Bordentown, N. J. Manufacturer. Frederick K. Lane Seattle Lighting Co., Seattle, Wash. William Griest Underwood Hertford, N. C. Manufacture 1- . Albemarle Lumber Co. 5 MASTER OF ARTS • Ferris Walton Price See A.B. 1874. 1 *1 1888 BACHELORS OF ARTS Alice Minerva Atkinson (Mrs. Benjamin Kirson) A.B. Cornell Univ., 1889. A.M. Univ. of Pa., 1893. Ph.D. Ibid., 1895. Crozet, Va. Sarah M. Conrow (Mrs. Edward D. Hutchinson) 154 Westervelt Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Joyeuse Lennig Fullerton (Mrs. William Ellery Sweet) A.B. Cornell Univ., 1889. 1075 Humboldt St., Denver, Colo. Alice Hall (Mrs. Charles Paxson) Swarthmore, Pa. John Russell Hayes A.B. Harvard Univ., 1889. LL.B. Univ. of Pa. 1892. Swarthmore, Pa. Librarian, Swarthmore Col- lege. Martha Potts Jones (Mrs. Her- man P. Miller) 2117 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. Hetty Coale Lippincott (Mrs. Charles C. Miller) 101 Lippincott Ave., Riverton, N. J. Member of Public School Board. Member, Board of Managers, Swarthmore College. Jessie Pyle A.B. Cornell Univ., 1889. London Grove, Pa. * Amelia Skillin Died May 4, 1906, at Plainfield, N. J. Carroll Hopkins Sudler 423 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111. Second Vice Pres., Ketterlinus Litho. Mfg. Co. Annie Eliza Willits. Syosset, N. Y. Franklin Pope Wilson 1339 Girard St., N. W. ; office, Colo- rado Bldg., Washington, D. C. Gen’l Agent, New Eng. Mutual Life Ins. Co. 12 * 1 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Catharine Mailler Rider Pd.B. N. Y. State Normal, 1893. A.M. Columbia Univ., 1911. Mountainville, Orange Co., N. Y. Esther M. Willits (Mrs. Edward Lawrence Fell) 433 W. School Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. 2 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Thomas Janney Brown 1622 Twenty-ninth St., N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. Gen’l Agent, Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. "Frank Cawley C.E. 1891. Died April 6, 1896, at Haddonfield, N. J. Jessie Lippincott Colson R. F. D. No. 3, Elmer, N. J. William Lawrence Dudley 140 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Editor and publisher. Home ad- dress, Red Bank, N. J. Robert P. Ervien Clayton, N. M. Edward Lawrence Fell 433 W. School Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Printer and publisher. President, Franklin Printing Co. Emma Gawthrop (Mrs. John Rus- sell Hayes) Swarthmore, Pa. 1889J REGISTER OF GRADUATES 43 Philip Sharpies Hall M.D. Hahnemann Med. Col., Phila- delphia, 1891. 4615 Chester Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Physician. Walter West Hancock Fortieth St. and Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Real estate and insurance business. Thomas Montgomery Lightfoot M.S. 1890. Ph.D. Univ. of Pa., 1893. 5935 Greene St., German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. Profes- sor of Biology, Central High School for Boys, Philadelphia. Ellis P. Marshall Embreeville, Pa. Florist and farmer. William Stanley Marshall Ph.D. Leipsic, Germany, 1892. 139 E. Gilman St., Madison, Wis. As- sociate Professor of Entomology, Univ. of Wis. Aaron Cooper Pancoast 102 Turner St., San Antonio, Texas. Civil Engineer for city of San Antonio. Joseph James Rhoads 5 E. Washington St., Media, Pa. Division Engineer, Central Div., Penna. R. R. Co. William Henry Seaman C.E. 1905. Glen Cove, Nassau Co., N. Y. Civil Engineer. County Engineer, Nassau Co., N. Y. Charlotte M. Way B.S. Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1894. Diploma in Domestic Science, Columbia Univ., 1905. Rockford College, Rockford, 111. Domestic Supervisor and Asst, in Home Economics, Rockford Col- lege. 16 * 1 MASTER OF ARTS Guion Miller See A. B. 1883. 1 MASTER OF LETTERS Annie E. Tylor (Mrs. Guion Miller) See B.L. 1883. 1 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Honorary) William Hyde Appleton LL.D. 1912. A.B. Harvard Univ. 1864. A.M. 1867. LL.B., 1869. Swarthmore, Pa. Emeritus Pro- fessor of Greek, Swarthmore Col- lege. 1 DOCTOR OF SCIENCE (Honorary) Susan J. Cunningham * 3308 Arch St., West Philadelphia, Pa. Emeritus Professor of Mathe- matics, Swarthmore College. 1 1889 BACHELORS OF ARTS Alexander Griswold Cummins Litt.D. 1909. A.M. Columbia Univ., 1898. Christ Church Rec- tory, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Clergy- man. Jacob Carroll Hayes A.B. Harvard Univ., 1890. LL.B. Univ. of Pa., 1893. P. O. Box 105, West Chester, Pa. Lawyer. Mary Kirk “The Maury,” Nineteenth and G Sts., Washington, D. C. At pres- ent, Legation of the United States of America, Lisbon, Portugal. Margaret J. Laurie (Mrs. Wil- liam H. Seaman) Box 466, Glen Cove, Nassau Co., N. Y. Alice Smedley Palmer 215 E. 15th St., New York, N. Y. Ass’t Principal, Friends’ Seminary, New York City. Louella Passmore (Mrs. Jacob Carroll Hayes) West Chester, Pa. Ralph Stone LL.B. Univ. of Michigan, 1892. 975 Cass Ave., Detroit, Mich. Director and active Vice President, Detroit Trust Co.; Sec’y to Gov- ernor of Michigan, 1899-1901 ; Sec’y Detroit Street Railway Com- mission, 1899; State Bank Ex- aminer, 1901; Vice President, De- troit Board of Commerce. 7 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Clara Noyes Haydock B.E. National School of Elocution, Philadelphia, 1890. Locust Val- ley, L. I., N. Y. Elsie Davis Stoner (Mrs. Maurice H. Wildes) 2319 Hoyt Ave., Everett, Wash. 2 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Justin Kenderdine Anderson 1414 Virginia St., Charleston, W. Va. Chief engineer and chief in- spector of Public 'Service Commis- sion, The Capitol, Charleston, W. Va. Howard Albert Dill B.S. Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1891. 16 N. Eighth St., Rich- mond, Ind. Treas. and Sup’t Richmond City Water Works. Horace Baker Forman, Jr. Haverford, Pa. Engineer and con- tractor. With Turner-Forman Concrete Co. 44 Ellis Marshall Harvey M.D. Univ. of Pa., 1893. Wash- ington and Monroe Sts., Media, Pa. Physician. Julia Hicks 85 Clarkson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George A. Masters West Mermaid Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Wholesale merchant. Frederic Bennett Pyle 3319 Newark St., Cleveland Park, Washington, D. C. Architect. Willis Wilson Vail R. R., No. 1, Farmville, Ya. Civil Engineer. Jennie Fonda Waddington M.S. 1892. R. D. No. 3, Salem, N. J. 9 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Honorary) Arthur Beardsley C.E. Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- tute, 1867. Swarthmore, Pa. Emeritus Professor of Engineer- ing and Librarian of Friends’ His- torical Library, Swarthmore Col- lege. 1 DOCTOR OF LAWS (Honorary) Isaac Sharpless B.S. Harvard Univ., 1873. Sc.D. Univ. of Pa., 1883. Haverford, Pa. President of Haverford Col- lege. 1 1890 BACHELORS OF ARTS Alvan Williams Atkinson M.D. Hahnemann Med. College, Philadelphia, 1893. 423 E. State St., Trenton, N. J. Physician. Sarah H. Atkinson (Mrs. Robert Fry Engle) The Covington, 37th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Beulah Walter Darlington (Mrs. Maurice Baldwin Pratt) 305 N. High St., West Chester, Pa. George R. Ellsler 711 E. Twenty-first St., Baltimore, Md. Representative in Educa- tional Department, The MacMillan Co. Caroline R. Gaston (Mrs. Chas. Edward Barber) A.M. 1895. 1625 N. Seventeenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. [1890 Abby Mary Hall (Mrs. Chester Roberts) A.B. Cornell Univ., 1893. 409 College Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Clara A. Hughes (Mrs. William Stanley Marshall) 139 E. Gilman St., Madison, Wis. Frances Eggleston Ottley (Mrs. Louis Goldbeck) 2700 Guadalupe St., Austin, Texas. *Mary Darlington Palmer Died January 22, 1892, at Chester, Pa. James Waples Ponder 909 Market St., Wilmington, Del. Attorney. Walter Roberts M.D. Univ. of Pa., 1893. 1732 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Physician. Frances Briggs Smith (Mrs. Frank Strohm Herr) 5 W. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Robert Barclay Spicer 140 N. Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Associate Editor Friends’ Intelligencer. William Ellery Sweet 1075 Humboldt St., Denver, Colo. Investment banker. Mary Hayes White (Mrs. J. Henry Bartram) Lansdowne, Pa. 15 * 1 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Martha Mcllvain Biddle Riverton, N. J. Mary Elizabeth Pancoast 932 B St., S. W., Washington, D. C. Corresponding Sec’y Co- lumbian Correspondence College. Alice Willets Titus M.L. 1892. Old Westbury, L. I., N. Y. At present, 285 Quincy St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 3 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE George Hibberd Bartram R. F. D. 5. West Chester, Pa. Farmer. School Director. Emma Judith Broomell (Mrs. Her- man Newman) B.S. Univ. of Mich., 1893. 10414 Prospect Ave., Chicago, 111. Morris L. Clothier A.M. Univ. of Pa., 1910. LL.D. Villa Nova College, 1912. Eighth and Market Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Merchant. Edward Darlington Chadd’s Ford Junction, Pa. Cream- ery operator. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN 1891] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 45 John Clayton Gifford [B. S. 1893.] D.Oe.C. Univ. of Munich, 1899. Cocoanut Grove, Fla., winter; Princeton, N. J., summer. Forester. Member of Society of American Foresters ; author of “Practical Forestry” and Bulletin 54 of the U. S. Forest Service. Samuel Roberts Lippincott 1021 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wholesale merchant. William Dunton Lippincott 33 N. Second St., Camden, N. J. Lawyer. Judge of Court of Com- mon Pleas, Burlington Co., N. J. Robert Steffan McConnell 500 N. Broad St., Baldwin Loco- motive Works, Philadelphia, Pa., or 3328 N. Sixteenth St. Mechan- ical Designer. *Willard Lorraine Maris M.S. 1892. B.S. Univ. of Mich., 1891. M.D. Univ. of Pa., 1895. Died December 11, 1895. Ellis Branson Ridgway 367 W. Main St., Coatesville, Pa. Manufacturer. Richard Chase Sellers Swarthmore, Pa. With H. T. Paiste Co., Manufacturers, Philadelphia, Pa. Mary Florence Soper (Mrs. Aaron Cooper Pancoast) 102 Turner St., San Antonio, Tex. 12 * 1 MASTER OF SCIENCE Thomas Montgomery Lightfoot See B.S. 1888. 1 BACHELOR OF ARTS (Honorary) Olivia Rodham Chesham, N. H. 1 1891 BACHELORS OF ARTS Emily Atkinson George School, Pa. Matron, George School. Eliza Rebecca Hampton 467 Vermont St., Buffalo, N. Y. Teacher. Eliza Gillingham Holmes (Mrs. Reuben Grant Bennett) Hastings-upon-Hudson, N. Y. *Lucy Sutton Lippincott Died September 11, 1891, at River- ton. N. J. A. Mitchell Palmer Stroudsburg, Pa. Lawyer. Con- gressman, 26th Dist. of Penna. ; President of “Stroudsburg Times” Co. Mary Lillian Yamall (Mrs. Sam- uel S. De Cou) Trenton Junction, N. J. 6*1 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Cosmelia Janney Brown (Mrs. Daniel McPh. Hughes) Lincoln, Loudoun C6., Va. Hannah Hallowell Clothier (Mrs. William Isaac Hull) Swarthmore, Pa. Esther Haviland (Mrs. Edward H. Cornell) 43 Willow St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dora Lewis Moylan, Pa. Chester Passmore Martindale West Chester, Pa. Insurance busi- ness. Sarah Thomas Moore (Mrs. Her- bert Sergeant Adams) Catonsville, Md. Ellen Passmore (Mrs. Frederic B. Pyle) 3319 Newark St., Cleveland Park, Washington, D. C. Marianna Smith (Mrs. Edward B. Rawson) A.M. 1911. 11 Clifton Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Member Board of Managers, Swarthmore College. Frances M. White Cardington, Pa. 9 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Louis P. Clark Ridley Park, Pa. Wholesale mer- chant. Eva M. Daniels (Mrs. Barnard Capen) [B.S. 1892.] 534 E. Fourth St., South Boston, Mass. Isaac Onward Harper Ten Hills, Station D, Baltimore, Md. Sec’y-Treas. Lauer and Harper Co. John W. Hutchinson, Jr. 37 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Harry Lee McDonald William Cameron Sproul LL.D. Franklin and Marshall Col- lege, 1912. 418 Market St., Ches- ter, Pa. Publisher. Senator 9th District Pa. since 1896; President of Senate, Pa., 1903-05; mem- ber Board of Managers, Swarth- more College. 46 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1892 Edward Brinton Temple 315 Maple Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Asst. Chief Engineer, Pa. R. R. Co. Katharine Lowe Tyler (Mrs. George Whittemore Mehaf- fey) 1079 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Edward Clarkson Wilson 1925 Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. Principal of Baltimore Friends’ School. 9 MASTERS OF ARTS Mary Eastman Gale (Mrs. Charles Bell Hibbard) See A.B. 1882. Martha Magill Watson (Mrs. James Garretson Sutphen) See A.B. 1886. 2 CIVIL ENGINEER *Frank Cawley See B.S. 1888. 1 *1 1892 BACHELORS OF ARTS M. Rosamond Baker (Mrs. Joseph E. Haines) Swarthmore, Pa. Benjamin Franklin Battin PhD. Jena, 1900. West House, Swarthmore, Pa. Professor of German, Swarthmore College. Josephine Beistle Swarthmore, Pa. Frederic Neal Carr LL.B. Univ. of Virginia. Box 687, Charleston, W. Va. Lawyer. Charles B. Ketcham [A.B. 1893.] N. Y. Stock Ex- change, New York, N. Y. Ellen Pyle A.M. Columbia Univ., 1899. Lon- don Grove, Pa. Florence Nightingale Wolverton Care of Mrs. H. B. Green, Swarth- more, Pa. Mary Laing Wolverton (Mrs. Howard Burkhardt Green) Swarthmore, Pa. 8 BACHELORS OF LETTERS M. Ellen Atkinson (Mrs. Edward Atkinson Jenkins) Swarthmore, Pa. Mary Elizabeth Broomell (Mrs. James Dixon Hull) Station. D, Baltimore, Md. Annie Hillborn Swarthmore, Pa. Teacher. Henry McAllister, Jr. 420 Equitable Bldg., Denver, Colo. Lawyer. Ass’t Dist. Att’y, 4th Judicial Dist., Colo., 1898-1900. ^Bernard Stump Mcllvain Died July 8, 1908, at Baltimore, Md. Mary Elizabeth Stebbins (Mrs. Edward Dorsey Ellis) 2104 Mt. Royal Terrace, Baltimore, Md. 6*1 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE fEva M. Daniels (Mrs. Barnard Capen) See B.S. 1891. Howard Nicholas Eavenson C.E. 1897. Gary, W. Va. Chief Engineer, U. S. Coal and Coke Co. Henry Huddy Garrett Wallingford, Pa. Civil Engineer. Howard Burkhardt Green Swarthmore, Pa. Feed and coal business; President Board of Health, Swarthmore. Charles Hart Ninth and Highland Ave., Chester, Pa. Edward Atkinson Jenkins Swarthmore, Pa. Sec’y, H. T. Paiste Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Phebe Hallock Ketcham (Mrs. Henry McAllister, Jr.) 1880 Gaylord St., Denver, Colo. John Francis Murray 607 Broad Street Station, Philadel- phia, Pa. Asst, to Chief Engineer, Pa. R. R. Co. Joseph Jeanes Walker C.E. 1911. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y„ and 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. Engineer, American Bridge Co. William Emley Walter Swarthmore, Pa. Ass’t Sec’y, Curtis Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 9 MASTER OF ARTS * Marie Antoinette Kemp (Mrs. George Arthur Hoadley) See A.B. 1879. 1 *1 MASTER OF LETTERS Alice Willets Titus See B.L. 1890. 1 MASTERS OF SCIENCE *Willard Lorraine Maris See B.S. 1890. Jennie Fonda Waddington See B.S. 1889. 2*1 1893] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 47 1893 BACHELORS OF ARTS Jane Atkinson Holicong, Pa. Dora Anne Gilbert 306 W. Broad St., Chester, Pa. Tutor. fCharles B. Ketcham See. A.B. 1892. Carlie McClure (Mrs. John Frank- lin Springer) Lorena Brinton Matlack 17 W. Biddle St., West Chester, Pa. * Julius Staab Died August, 1913, Albuquerque, N. M. Frances Brewster Stevenson (Mrs. C. Hamlet Pettus) Harris Springs, S. C. George H. Strout Kokomo, Ind. Automobile manufac- turer, with Apperson Brothers Automobile Co. *Genevieve Stanbury Zane [A.B. 1894.] Died March 15, 1909, at Norristown, Pa. 8*2 BACHELORS OF LETTERS John Linton Carver A.M. Univ. of Pa., 1903. Ph.D. Ibid., 1905. 281 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Principal, Brook- lyn Friends’ School, 112 Schermer- horn St. Esther E. Spicer 2004 Park Aye., Baltimore, Md. Trained nurse. Esther Haviland Sutton American College for Girls, Arnaout- keny, Constantinople, Turkey. Financial Secretary, American Col- lege for Girls. At present, care of Carolena Wood, Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Carrie Belle Way (Mrs. Martin Benjamin Yarnall) Cochranville, Pa. Eliza Keese Willets “Homewood,” Roslyn, L. I., N. Y. Member Board of Managers, Swarthmore College. 5 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE George Haydock Brooke Ph.B. Univ. of Pa., 1895. LL.B. Ibid., 1898. Manhattan Bldg., Fourth and Walnut Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa. Insurance broker. Francis Ely Broomell 920 Argyle Ave., Chicago, HI. Real estate business. Joseph Thorn Freeman C.E. 1899. Office of State Archi- tect, Albany, N. Y. Heating and Ventilating Engineer. fjohn Clayton Gifford See B.S. 1890. Charles Shreve Hallowell Douglas Manor, Douglaston, L. I., N. Y. *Clement Lodge Died January 24, 1895. Omar Barton Pancoast M.D. Johns Hopkins Univ., 1897. 1500 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md. Jesse Hawley Reinhardt 61 Church St., Hartford, Conn. En- gineer. John B. Stetson M.D. Medico-Chi College, Philadel- phia, 1896. 2354 N. Sixty-third St., Seattle, Wash. Business ad- dress, 1001 American Bank Bldg. Director Clinical and Bacteriolog- ical Laboratory. Henry Chandlee Turner C.E. 1903. 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Home, 26 Garden Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Engineer and Contractor. President of Turner Construction Co. Member Board of Managers. *E. Newlin Williams M.D. Univ. of Pa., 1898. Died January 31, 1902, near Warren, N. H. ' Sarah Ellen Williams (Mrs. Ben- jamin Franklin Battin) West House, Swarthmore, Pa. 11*2 MASTER OF ARTS Linda Belle Palmer (Mrs. Frank Morton Jones) See A.B. 1887. 1 1894 BACHELORS OF ARTS Anna Smith Atkinson (Mrs. Rich- ard Chase Sellers) Swarthmore, Pa. Edwin P. Bond 53 Greene St., New York, N. Y. Manufacturer at 111 Prince St., New York, N. Y. Emma Seal Chambers (Mrs. Allen Kirby White) Marlborough-Blenheim, Atlantic City, N. J. Elizabeth Conrow (Mrs. Morris Cranford Valentine) Ph.B. Cornell Univ., 1896. A.M. Ibid., 1902. 1200 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 48 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1894 Mary Amelia Hayes (Mrs. Fred- erick Herman Gawthrop) 1110 Shallcross Ave., Wilmington, Del. Helen Ruth Hillhorn (Mrs. Jesse Watson Philips) 1803 Monroe St., Wilmington, Del. Harriet Mary Kent (Mrs. Arthur Dickinson Hilton) 15 W. Main St., Moorestown, N. J. Marion D. Perkins (Mrs. Cooper Jessup, Jr.) 115 Euclid St., Woodbury, N. J. Caroline Packer Sargent (Mrs. William Emley Walter) Swarthmore, Pa. Edward Adolph Staab A.B. Harvard Univ., 1896. M.D. Univ. of Pa., 1900. 112 W. 44th St., New York, N. Y. Physician. f*Genevieve Stanbury Zane See A.B. 1893. 10 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Mabel Alexander (Mrs. Edgar Os- borne Macferran) 5514 Morris St., Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. Lydia Biddle Graduate Johns Hopkins Training School for Nurses. Lansdowne, Pa. Trained nurse. Esther Lamb Cox 3016 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. John W. Gregg A.M. Cornell Univ., 1898. LL.B. George Washington Univ., 1906. Purcellville, Ya. Lawyer. Post- master. Mary B. Janvier (Mrs. Joseph Meredith Pugh) Graduate Drexel Inst., Library Course. 39 E. Greenwood Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Helen Philena Lamb (Mrs. Thomas B. Hull, Jr.) 3510 Duvall Ave., Baltimore, Md. M. Elizabeth Lamb 220 E. Central Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Teacher of German and Latin in Moorestown Friends’ School. Cornelia Janney Shoemaker Lincoln, Ya. At present, Media, Pa. Teacher of Biology in Friends’ School. Mary Willets Titus Old Westbury, L. I., N. Y. *Susanna Sherwood Yeo Died January 6, 1895, at Easton, Md. 10 * 1 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Bertha Lillian Broomell 2128 Bolton St., Baltimore, Md. At present, Fifteenth and Race Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Ass’t Principal Friends’ Central School. Herman Conrow C.E. 1897. San Juan, Porto Rico. Farmer and Engineer. Altha Titsworth Coons “The Mendota,” Twentieth St. and Kalorama Road, Washington, D. C. With U. S. Geological Survey. Joseph Cook Emley 1134 Park Row Bldg., New York, N. Y. Manager Duhrkop Oven Co. Frederick Herman Gawthrop 1110 Shallcross Ave., Wilmington, Del. Plumbing and Heating Con- tractor. George G. Griest 29 W. Thirty-fourth St., New York, N. Y. Civil Engineer. Helen Stanley Hutchinson (Mrs. Martin Joseph Caples) Graduate Johns Hopkins Hospital Training School for Nurses. 1824 Park Ave., Richmond, Va. Owen Moon, Jr. 408 Bellevue Ave., Trenton, N. J. Business Mgr. and Treas., “Tren- ton Times.” Margaret Denn Pfahler 4046 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. David Barker Rushmore C.E. 1897. M.E. Cornell Univ., 1895. Gen’l Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Chief Engineer, Power and Mining Dept. Philip Sellers C.E. 1897. 756 Chapel St., New Haven, Conn. Mill Engineer and Architect. Helen Train (Mrs. P. H. Tanne- hill) [B.S. 1895.7 R. F. D. No. 4, Zanesville, Ohio. Daniel Underhill, Jr. LL.B. New York Law School, 1896. Jericho, N. Y. Lawyer, with firm of Davison & Underhill, 26 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Member of Board of Managers, Swarthmore College. Mary Underhill M.S. 1895. Glen Head, L. I., N. Y. Allen Kirby White Hotel Marlborough-Blenheim, Atlan- tic City, N. J. Hotel proprietor. 1895] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 49 Stuart Wilder First Ave. and G St., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Vice Pres, and Gen’l Mgr. Northern Westchester Lighting Co., and Peekskill Lighting and R. R. Co. John M. Willis B18 Penna. Ave., North Wales, Pa. Manufacturer. Mary E. Yeo (Mrs. Oscar Pink- ney Thornton) Bard, Imperial Co., Cal. Harry Paulding Young 192 Horton Ave., Detroit, Mich. Eng. Dep’t, Anderson Carriage Co. 19 1895 BACHELORS OF ARTS Mary B. Hollingshead (Mrs. Wal- ter C. Hancock) 3720 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Roland Grubb Kent B.L. 1896. A.M. 1898. Ph.D. Univ. of Pa., 1903. 204 St. Mark’s Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Assistant Professor of Indo-Euro- pean Philology, Univ. of Pa. Joseph R. Lippincott Moorestown, N. J. Farmer. Elizabeth Booth Miller (Mrs. Franklin Taylor Nevin) A.M. 1900. 601 Hopkins St., Se- wickley, Pa. Samuel Copeland Palmer A.M. 1907. A.M. Harvard, 1909. Ph.D. Ibid., 1912. Swarthmore, Pa. Ass’t Professor of Biology, Swarthmore College. Lydia M. Parry Hainesport, N. J. *Frank Lee Price Drowned February 14, 1896, at At- lantic City, N. J. Helen Bright Smith (Mrs. Joseph Hill Brinton) A.M. 1899. 412 W. State St., Media, Pa. William Henry Wanzer R. F. D. No. 1, Box 106, Slinger- lands, N. Y. Teacher. Alice Platt Willits Syosset, N. Y. Teacher. 10 * 1 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Frances N. Cheairs (Mrs. Robert Caldwell Manning) 739 W. State St., Trenton, N. J. Walter Clothier Wynnewood, Pa. Ketterlinus Litho. Co., Arch and Fourth Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. 4 May Gifford (Mrs. Daniel South- wick Hubbell) 33 E. State St., Trenton, N. J. *Anna R. H. Harrison (Mrs. Roger Widdrington Whin- field) Died December 30, 1907, at New York, N. Y. Emma S. Hutchinson (Mrs. Her- man Conrow) San Juan, Porto Rico. Bertha Lippincott (Mrs. Henry C. Parrish) Riverton, N. J. Charles Sumner Moore Hotel Muncaster, Atlantic City, N. J. Lawyer. Prosecutor of Atlantic Co. M. Elizabeth Pownall (Mrs. E. Clayton Walton) Swarthmore, Pa. Jane Caroline Shaw (Mrs. Wm. Williamson Hepburn) 121 S. Thirty-ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Emma Adele Wasley (Mrs. John J. Snyder) 24 E. Oak St., Shenandoah, Pa. Albert Thatcher Yarnall Yeadon, Pa. Sec’y and Treas., J. T. Jackson Co., Brokers, Philadel- phia, Pa. 11 * 1 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Frank Colson Andrews M.E. Cornell Univ., 1897. 1707 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. En- gineer with Hoopes and Townsend Co. Elizabeth Margaret Baily (Mrs. Benajah B. Powell) 320 Chester Ave., Moorestown, N. J. William Shurtleff Barker Residence, 22 Midland Ave., East Orange, N. J. Business address, 7591 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Ass’t to Comptroller, Public Serv- ice Corp’n of N. J. Henry Edgar Bean 2116 West Twenty-ninth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Architectural Engi- neer, 717 Central Building. Hildegard Brooks (Mrs. Sidney Paige) Care of T. E. Owen, Esq., Rich- mond, Va. John Armand Lafore C.E. 1898. E.E. 1901. M.E. 1903. Cynwyd, Pa. Vice Pres. D’Olier Engineering Co., 121 S. Eleventh St., Philadelphia, Pa. 50 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1896 Callender Irvine Leiper [B.S. 1896.] 1111 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Division Engineer, P. T. and T. Co. Egbert Powell Lincoln Mahwah, N. J. Business address, Dept, of Yards and Docks, U. S. Navy Yards, Brooklyn, N. Y. Draftsman, U. S. Navy Depot. Edgar Lippincott Riverton, N. J., or 1021 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wholesale woolen merchant. Alfred Edward Pfahler Union League, Philadelphia, Pa. Merchant and manufacturer. Arthur Hoyt Scott Valley Road, Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Paper manufacturer. George Edmund Strattan 332 Newbold Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Car Shops, P. R. R., Phila- delphia, Pa. fHelen Train (Mrs. P. H. Tanne- hill) See B.S. 1894. "Howard White, Jr. C.E. 1900. M.S. Univ. of Mich., 1896. Died April 21, 1903, at Philadelphia, Pa. 13 * 1 MASTER OF ARTS Caroline R, Gaston (Mrs. Charles Edward Barber) See A.B. 1890. 1 MASTER OF SCIENCE Mary Underhill See B.S. 1894. 1 1896 BACHELORS OF ARTS Mary Story Bartram 228 Meredith St., Kennett Square, Pa. William Ingram Battin 911 Pontiac Ave., La Fayette, Ind. Engineer, Indiana Lighting Co. Albert L. Buffington Rising Sun, Md. Merchant. Isaac Hallo well Clothier, Jr. Eighth and Market Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Merchant. Frances Darlington 36 E. Front St., Media, Pa. At present, 20 Crooke Ave., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Teacher in Brooklyn Friends’ School. Ellen Gunton (Mrs. John Vinal Gunnison) A.M. Columbia Univ., 1898. Mil- ford, N. H. Violette Taylor Haines Buckingham Place, 4406 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Iolene Mabel Hollenshead (Mrs. Elmer Menzo Smith) 1013 *4 Green St., San Francisco, Cal. Philip Sheridan Knauer Graduate, West Chester, Pa., State Normal School. 4 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. Lawyer. Mary C. McAllister (Mrs. George M. Taylor) 423 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Mary Stone McDowell A.M. Columbia Univ., 1903. 20 Crooke Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jonathan Chauncey Shortlidge A.B. Harvard Univ., 1898. Con- cordville, Pa. Teacher in Maple- wood Institute. Town Clerk. Lauretta Thomas Smedley (Mrs. John F. Dutton) 16 Gardiner Place, Montclair, N. J. Abra Ella Spicer 2004 Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. Stenographer. 14 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Mellie E. Bishop “The Oakwood,” Charleston, 111. Carolien Hayes Chambers (Mrs. George W. Turner) Unionville, Pa. Aida T. Evans (Mrs. Chas. Corson Highley) Graduate, Drexel Inst. Library School. Malvern, Pa. At present, cor. of Franklin and High Sts., West Chester, Pa. Hallie Hanson Haines (Mrs. Charles Gordon Hodge) 1406 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Charles Gordon Hodge 1406 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Actuary, Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Co. Howard Cooper Johnson LL.B. Univ. of Pa., 1899. 1301- 1305 Commonwealth Bldg., Phila- delphia, Pa. Lawyer. Member Board of Managers, Swarthmore College. Instructor in Law, Swarth- more College. Roland Grubb Kent See A.B. 1895. A.M. 1898. * Arabella Elizabeth Moore Died February 21, 1906, at Phila- delphia, Pa. 1897] register op graduates 51 Percival Parrish 1500 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Stock and bond broker. Member of firm of Parrish & Co. Mary Tate Shoemaker Lincoln, Ya. Teacher. * Franklin D. Walton Died November 23, 1905, at London Grove, Pa. John Edwin Wells M.L. 1899. A.M. Columbia Univ., 1900. 911 Park Ave., Beloit, Wis. Professor of English Litera- ture and head of Department, Be- loit College. 12 * 2 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Leopold William Bierwirth Constructing Engineer. Care of E. I. DuPont Powder Co., Wilming- ton, Del. Charles Chandler 1511 E. Sixtieth St., Chicago, 111. *William Bushnell Chapin Died March 9, 1914, at Washington, D. C. George B. Ferrier, Jr. Moorestown, N. J. Supt. Phila. Branch Power Specialty Co. of Danville, N. Y. *E. Harper Firth C.E. 1899. Died in 1901. Harrie House Fouse [B.S. 1898.] 4335 Pine St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Insurance business. Sylvester Sharpless Garrett 25 Park Ave., Elkins Park, Pa. Paper business. T. Russell Gleim Charles Kaighn Care of Midland Yalley R. R. Co., Muskogee, Okla. fCallender Irvine Leiper See B.S. 1895. * William John Morrison A.M. Columbia Univ., 1913. Died May 21, 1914, Brooklyn, N. Y. Nathan Wilmer Plummer Relay, Md. At present, Winslow, N. J. Charles Asa Schooley Box 12, Harrisburg, Texas. Mech. Supt. Harrisburg Machine & Ship- ping Co. Albert Hibbs Taylor 305 Parson St., Easton, Pa. Me- chanical Engineer, Ingersoll-Rand Co. Hanson Zimri Wilson C.E. 1899. Room 308, 26 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Construction Engineer, domestic trade, Standard Oil Co. of N. J. Keturah E. Yeo 1719 E. Colorado St., Pasadena, Cal. 15 * 3 MASTER OF ARTS *Elizabeth B. Smedley (Mrs. Mar- shall J. Reynolds) See A.B. 1887. 1 *1 1897 BACHELORS OF ARTS Gerry B. Dudley M.D. Cornell Univ., 1904. 783 S. Tenth St., Charleston, 111. Phy- sician. Member Board of Edu- cation. Frederic Seward Larison El Paso, 111. Grain, coal and lum- ber merchant. City Treasurer of El Paso, three terms. Walker Matteson Utica, N. Y. Lawyer. Laura Cecilia Miller (Mrs. John P. Curry) Riverside, Conn. Robert Pyle West Grove, Pa. Florist. Member of Board of Managers, Swarth- more College. Henrietta Florence Wanzer (Mrs. Theron Skidmore Dean) 401 S. Union St., Burlington, Vt. Channing Way West Chester, Pa. Real estate and insurance business. 7 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Mary Elizabeth Bartleson 703 Highland Ave., Chester, Pa. Grace Anna Brosius (Mrs. Clem- ent Miller Biddle) 257 Claremont Ave., Mount Yernon, N. Y. Thomas Cahall LL.B. Univ. of Pa., 1900. 1218 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer. Home address, Walling- ford, Pa. Iola Kay Eastbum A.M. Univ. of Pa., 1906. Ph.D. Univ. of Pa., 1913. Hockessin, Del. Professor of German, Oxford College, Oxford, Ohio. Jessie Drysdale Ellis (Mrs. Wil- liam Bradford Peirce) 145 Bryant St., North Tonawanda, N. Y. Marietta Hicks Westbury, L. I., N. Y. Secretary, Isaac Hicks & Son, Nurserymen. 52 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1898 Edith Heywood John 80 Willoughby St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Librarian Ozone Park Branch Queensborough Public Library. Ellwood Comly Parry M.L. 1900. Ph.D. Univ. of Pa., 1903. Wyncote, Pa. Instructor in German, Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa. Miriam Sener 233 Charlotte St., Lancaster, Pa. Bertha Janney Smith (Mrs. Wil- liam Townsend Brown) Purcellville, Ya. Marshall Phillips Sullivan Fourth and Walnut Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa. Home address, Ogontz, Pa. Insurance business. Lydia Parry Williams (Mrs. Wal- ter Roberts) Nether Providence, Chester, Pa. 12 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Sarah Bancroft (Mrs. Roger Clark) Street, Somerset, England. Frederic De Los Barber A.M. 1912. 309 Florence Ave., Normal, 111. Professor of Physics, Illinois State Normal Univ. Mem- ber of City Council. Reuben Grant Bennett A. M. Columbia Univ., 1905. Has- tings-upon-Hudson, N. Y. Teacher in High School of Commerce, New York City. Francis Grant Blair 629 S. Second St., Springfield, 111. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Susan Rogers Corson M.D. Woman’s Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1901. 116 W. Baltimore Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Physician to Church Home for Children, Philadelphia. Jared W. Darlington Darling, Pa. Walter Charles De Garmo B. Arch. Cornell, 1900. Cocoanut Grove, Fla. Architect. George Gleim, Jr. Lansdowne, Pa. Clarence Burtch Hoadley 1638 Formosa Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Pres. California Magnesite Co. Nellie Lodge A.M. Columbia Univ., 1913. 132 E. State St., Doylestown, Pa. Teacher. Robert Early Manley C. E. 1904. M.E. Stevens Inst, of Technology, 1900. 18 Fountain Square, Hanover, Pa. Gen’l Mgr., Hanover & McS. Street Ry. Co. and Light, Heat and Power Co. Herbert Lome Noxon 2117 E. Fourth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Supt. Globe Oil Co. Samuel Riddle Care of Louisville Ry. Co., Louisville, Ky. Supt. Ry. Co. Howard Jeffries Webster 1110 Harrison Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Consulting Engineer. Joseph Addison Willis North Wales, Pa. Manufacturer. 15 MASTER OF ARTS Mary Florence Yeatman See A.B. 1877. 1 CIVIL ENGINEERS Herman Conrow See B.S. 1894. Howard Nicholas Eavenson See B.S. 1892. David Barker Rushmore See B.S. 1894. Philip Sellers See B.S. 1894. 4 MASTER OF ARTS (Honorary) Elizabeth Powell Bond 6300 Greene St., Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. Dean Emeritus Swarthmore College. 1 1898 BACHELORS OF ARTS Charles Thomas Brown A.B. Harvard Univ., 1899. 54 E. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Treasurer, A. H. Sickler Co., print- ers. Mary Sutton Howell (Mrs. Levi S. Taylor) R. F. D., Box 48C, San Dimas, Cal. 2 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Eva Emma Foster (Mrs. Walter Coates Webster) 179 Prospect St., East Orange, N. J. A. Virginia Gillespie (Mrs. Guy T. Viskniskki) 174 Valley Road, Montclair, N. J. Summer address, Ross Park, New Florence, Pa. Mabel Abbott Harris (Mrs. Chas. Wittgenstein Codwise) Graduate Boston Normal School, 1906. West Stoughton, Mass. 1899] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 53 Rachel Knight A.M. 1909. Somerton, Pa. Prin- cipal Byberry Public School, Phila- delphia, Pa. Edith Lamb (Mrs. Howard Cooper Johnson) 101 W. Mermaid Lane. Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Caroline Augusta Lukens Swarthmore, Pa. Matron of Parrish Hall, Center, Swarthmore College. Albert Cook Myers M.L. 1901. “Kentmere Lodge,” Moylan, Pa., also Devonshire House, Bishopsgate, London, Eng- land. Historical Writer. Edna Marion Nicholl (Mrs. J. A. Rawson, Jr.) 504 E. Front St., Plainfield, N. J. S. Edna Pownall (Mrs. Albert L. Buffington) Rising Sun, Md. Edna Harriet Richards A.M. Columbia Univ., 1904. 283 Goshen Ave., Salem, Ohio. Teacher of German, High School. Ely John Smith Chelten Trust Co., 5614 German- town Ave., Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa. Ass’t Trust Officer. * Alice Witbeck Died in 1908. 12 * 1 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Hiram D. Campbell 5914 Alder St., E. E., Pittsburgh, Pa. fHarrie House Fouse See B.S. 1896. Jonathan Yates Higginson Colon, Panama. Care of Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Engineer. William Booth Miller C.E. 1901. M.E. Cornell Univ., 1899. 231 Thorn St., Sewickley, Pa. Engineer and contractor. Arthur Lewis Patton 1060 York St., Denver, Colo. Teacher, West Side High School. Arthur Cox Smedley Montchanin, Del. Farm Lands Mgr. for Woodlawn Co. Levi S. Taylor Ph.D. Johns Hopkins Univ., 1905. R. F. D., Box 48C, San Dimas, Cal. Frederick L. Thomas Ashton, Md. Cashier of First Na- tional Bank. Abner Pugh Way M.D. Hahnemann Med. College, 1901. 345 E. 15th St., New York, N. Y. Teacher of Physical Training, Stuyvesant High School. 8 MASTER OF ARTS Roland Grubb Kent See A. B. 1895. B.L. 1896. 1 CIVIL ENGINEER John Armand Lafore See B.S. 1895. E.E. 1901. M.E. 1903. 1 1899 BACHELORS OF ARTS John Paul Broomell LL.B. New York Law School, 1903. Trinity Bldg., Ill Broadway, New York, N. Y. Residence, 6 River- view Terrace. Lawyer, with Shelp & Broomell. Anna Belle Eisenhower A.B. Radcliffe College, 1900. A.M. Ibid., 1907. 802 DeKalb St., Nor- ristown, Pa. Head of French Dep’t, Friends’ Central School, Philadelphia, Pa. Edith Flitcraft (Mrs. Luis An- tonio Dastas) Hacienda “Monserrate,” Yanco, Porto Rico. Gilbert Lewis Hall Warmsprings Indian Agency, Warm- springs, Ore. Supt. of Reserva- tion. Nine years in employ of Government of Philippines. Mary Elizabeth Seaman Wantagh, L. I., N. Y. Teacher. Benjamin Abraham Thomas A.M. 1908. M.D. Univ. of Pa., 1903. 116 S. Nineteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Physician. Pro- fessor of Genito-Urinary Surgery in Philadelphia Polyclinic Hos- pital and College for Graduates in Medicine. Instructor in Surgery, Univ. of Pa. 6 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Mary Evelyn Armstrong 10 St. Francis Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Assistant, Brooklyn Public Library. *Mary Gertrude Ball (Mrs. Hus- ton) Died in 1904. Anna Bradbury 308 N. Fourteenth St., Richmond, Ind. Teacher. Emily Willets Carter (Mrs. George Kelsey Gillette) Sugar Brook Farm, Central Village, Conn. Helen Moore Fogg Cynwyd, Pa. 54 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1900 Mabel Clare Gillespie (Mrs. Charles N. Evans) 505 Chestnut St., Wilmington, N. C. M. Katharine Lackey (Mrs. Thomas Wallace Wilson) 5438 Mills Ave., Oakland, Cal. Mary Gray Leiper Swarthmore, Pa. Manager of Leiper Quarry. Jane Eachus Linvill (Mrs. Asa Pound Way) 316 Owen Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Alice Lippincott (Mrs. Levis Miller Booth) 975 Cedar Brook Road, Plainfield, N. J. Helen Supplee Moore (Mrs. Er- win E. Lanpher) 830 Melon St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Marshall Pancoast Hiram, Ohio. Head of Public Speak- ing Department, Hiram College. Annie B. Parrish Windsor, Vt. Emily Rushmore Underhill Glen Head, L. I., N. Y. At present, The Shippen School, Lancaster, Pa. Principal, The Shippen School. ^Elizabeth E. Willits Died June 30, 1903, at Venice, Italy. 15 * 2 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Richard Jones Bond 915 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Supervisor P. R. R. Co. Bus. add., Union Station. Levis Miller Booth 975 Cedar Brook Road, Plainfield, N. J. President, L. M. Booth Water Softener Co. Chemical En- gineer and Contractor. Calvin Freeman Crowell 237 E. Main St., Moorestown, N. J. Business, 124 N. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Abner Davis Jackson 422 Perry Bldg., Sixteenth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Residence, 455 Winona Ave., Ger- mantown, Pa. With Pa. State Bureau of Professional Education. Walter Heulings Lippincott Riverton, N. J. Annie Lodge (Mrs. Stephen St. John Malven) Missoula, Mont. Jacob Serrill Verlenden Darby, Pa. Manufacturer. 7 MASTER OF ARTS Helen Bright Smith (Mrs. Joseph Hill Brinton) See A.B. 1895. 1 MASTER OF LETTERS John Edwin Wells See B.L. 1896. 1 CIVIL ENGINEERS *E. Harper Firth See B.S. 1896. Joseph Thorn Freeman See B.S. 1893. Hanson Z. Wilson See B.S. 1896. 3 *1 1900 BACHELORS OF ARTS Lucy Bancroft (Mrs. Henry Gil- lett) 8 Charlburv Road, Oxford, England. Anna Gillingham A.B. Radcliffe, 1901. A.M. Teach- ers’ College, Columbia Univ., 1910. 419 W. 118th St., New York, N. Y. Teacher in Ethical Culture School of New York City. Edmund Allan Harvey Brandywine Summit, Pa. Dairyman and florist. Caroline Lukens Hawke (Mrs. William Sinnott Cummings) Swarthmore, Pa. Student, Berlin University. Margery Pyle London Grove, Pa. 5 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Alice Mary Brown (Mrs. Robert T. Hume) Walden, N. Y. Florence E. Christy (Mrs. James Penrose Anglin) 682 Roslyn Ave., Westmount, Mon- treal, Canada. Caroline Farren Comly (Mrs. Ed- son S. Harris) Chester Heights, Pa. Margaret Eves (Mrs. John W. Bruner) Bloomsburg, Pa. Joseph Curtis Haines 301 Market St., Camden, N. J. Lawyer. Mary S. Haviland A.B. Radcliffe 1901. Gen. Sec. Children’s Aid Society, 39 Erie St., Buffalo, N. Y. 1901] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 55 Anna Katharine Himes (Mrs. Robert Early Manley) Tarpon Springs, Fla. Anna Coates Holmes (Mrs. John Edwin Wells) B.E. National School of Elocution, 1895. A.M. Hiram College, 1909. Public Reader. 911 Park Ave., Beloit, Wis. Anna H. Lippincott (Mrs. Chas. Miller Biddle, Jr.) Riverton, N. J. Jessie May Lukens 1825 Jefferson St., Philadelphia, Pa. Edna May Miller 148 N. Prince St., Lancaster, Pa. E. Mae Myers A.M. 1912. Moylan, Pa. Teacher in Friends’ Select School, Media, Pa. Georgia Cook Myers (Mrs. Ben- jamin Mott Underhill) Media, Pa. Katharine Pfeiffer 52 W. Thirty-ninth St., New York, N. Y. Executive Secretary. Helen Thomas Sullivan (Mrs. Charles Thomas Brown) 54 E. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Jane Ethel Thompson (Mrs. Wil- liam S. Brooke) 603 Edgevale Road, Roland Park, Md. 16 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Bird Thomas Baldwin A.M. Harvard Univ., 1903. Ph.D. Ibid., 1905. Swarthmore, Pa. Professor of Psychology and Edu- cation, Swarthmore College. George Lewis Bean 1729 N. Nineteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Civil Engineer. Robert L. Brownfield, Jr. Box 884, Philadelphia, Pa. Paul Darlington Darling, Pa. Roger Brooke Farquhar, Jr. Germantown, Pa. Engineer, Midvale Steel Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Otley Ellwood Jackson 141 S. Fifty-ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Civil Engineer, Pa. R. R. Co. George Michael Lamb, Jr. Station H. Baltimore, Md. Member Board of Managers, Swarthmore College. Alice Mullin Lukens Swarthmore, Pa. William Hibbard Thatcher Swarthmore, Pa. With Standard Processing Co., of Chattanooga, Tenn. 9 MASTER OF ARTS Elizabeth Booth Miller (Mrs. Franklin Taylor Nevin) See A.B. 1895. 1 MASTER OF LETTERS Ellwood Comly Parry See B.L. 1897. 1 CIVIL ENGINEER * Howard White, Jr. See B.S. 1895. 1 *1 1901 BACHELORS OF ARTS Emily Macklin Atkinson (Mrs. James Dunton Carpenter, Jr.) A.M. Univ. of Pa., 1907. 31 Has- brouck Place, Rutherford, N. J. Fanny B. Cheyney Absecon, N. J. At present, Nutley, N. J. Teacher in Primary Depart- ment of School. Thomas Walter Gilkyson A.M. 1904. LL.B. Univ. of Pa., 1908. 1301-1305 Commonwealth Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer. ' Instructor in Law, Swarthmore College. Lillian Winifred Rogers (Mrs. Louis Illmer, Jr.) 117 Windsor St., Reading, Pa. -George Arthur Seaman Died October 30, 1906, at Marietta, Pa. Mary Florence Wynn (Mrs. Jo- seph Faucett Kirkpatrick) Brandywine Summit, Pa. Mary Alma Young 1020 Ferry St., Easton, Pa. 7*1 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Susan E. Atkinson (Mrs. Frank Dillman Rash) Earlington, Ky. Elizabeth Dinsmore 424 W. Chelten Ave., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. James Edward Downing LL.B. New York Law School, 1903. Mineola, N. Y. Lawyer. Mary Katharine Flannery Wynnewood, Pa. Gertrude Frances Gilbert (Mrs. Robert Milton Purcell) Graduate Jamaica Normal School, 1903. 100 Twenty-ninth St., Flushing, N. Y. 56 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1902 Ethel Griest (Mrs. Clinton Hies- ter Snyder) 5239 Archer St., Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. William Lyndon Hess B.E. National School of Elocution and Oratory, 1898. A.M. Co- lumbia Univ., 1910. 147 Frazer Ave., Collingswood, N. J. Teacher. Anna Broomall Howard (Mrs. William Montelius Price) 703 Thirtieth Ave., Seattle, Wash. Edith Hunter Janney (Mrs. Simp- son Y. Hildebrand) Hamilton, Ya. Arthur Hugh Jenkins Gwynedd, Pa. Circulation Manager, “Farm Journal.” Amy Wilda Knickerbocker (Mrs. Arthur Richard Webb) Hot Springs, Ya. Mabel Wilson Latimer (Mrs. Frank B. Foster) Summer, 353 Iroquois Place, Beaver, Pa. ; winter, 6102 Walnut St., E. E., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mary Woodward Lippincott A.M. 1904. Riverton, N. J. Martha Washington Moore 4042 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mary Baily Richards (Mrs. Percy Webster) Swarthmore, Pa. Mark Thistlethwaite Washington, D. C. Sec’y to Yice President of U. S. Edward Williams Care of H. T. Paiste Co., 3309 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Advertising Mgr. Edith May Winder “The Wayne,” Richmond, Ind. Field Secretary, Illinois and Indiana Yearly Meetings. 18 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Harry Newton Benkert C.E. 1904. Drexel Institute, Phila- delphia, Pa. Prof. Civil Engineer- ing, Drexel. Deborah Larimer Ferrier (Mrs. George Edmund Stratton) 332 Newbold Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Percival Morris Fogg C.E. 1905. Rupert, Idaho, En- gineer, L T . S. Reclamation Serv- ice. Joseph Warner Edwards Love C.E. 1904. 142 E. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Southeastern Sales Mgr. Keystone Fireproofing Co. Frank M. McVaugh, Jr. Hockessin, Del. Joseph Wilmer Pancoast George School, Pa. Head of Mathe- matics’ Dept., George School. Ellwood Ramsey, Jr. [B.S. 1902.] C.E. 1904. 113 Monument Place, Indianapolis, Ind. Asst. Engineer, in charge of Waste Water Survey, Indian- apolis Water Co. Ira Smedley Box 133, Martin’s Ferry, Ohio. Chief Draftsman, Riverside Bridge Co. Thomas Arthur Smith [B.S. 1902.] Care Turner Const. Co., 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Gen’l Supt. Turner Construc- tion Co. William Cyrus Tyson Guernsey, Pa. Merchant and fruit grower. 10 MASTER OF ARTS Elizabeth Stockton Woolston (Mrs. Arthur T. Collins) See A.B. 1874. 1 MASTER OF LETTERS Albert Cook Myers See B.L. 1898. 1 CIVIL ENGINEERS Robert J. Marcher See B.S. 1880. William Booth Miller See B.S. 1898. 2 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER John Armand Lafore See B.S. 1895. C.E. 1898. M.E. 1903. 1 1902 BACHELORS OF ARTS Ethel Beardsley (Mrs. William Moon Muschert) 110 Greenwood Ave., Trenton, N. J. Edith Haviland Cooley (Mrs. Robert Moore Steer) 263 Somerset St., Plainfield, N. J. Ernest LeRoy Green LL.B. Univ. of Pa., 1905. Media Pa. Lawyer. Member Media School Board. Mary Briggs Hawke (Mrs. Fran- cois Josef Torchiana) Moylan, Pa. 1902] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 57 Fred Arn Johnson [A.B. 1909.] LL.B. Dickinson Law School, 1906. Emporium, Pa. Lawyer. District Attorney, Cameron Co., Pa. Helen Waldo Speakman R. F. D. No. 1, Edgemoor, Del. Clara May Thomas 332 W. Miner St., West Chester, Pa. Secretary to Supt. of Public Schools. Anna Walton Waters (Mrs. Wil- liam Dolby Palmer) Stroudsburg, Pa. Maude Lucile Watters 501 Goepp St., Bethlehem, Pa. 8 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Elizabeth Newlin Baker Coatesville, Pa. Edith Coale Riverton, N. J. Trained nurse. Lina Belle Dillistin (Mrs. Frank- lin Crosse) 587 Summer Ave., Newark, N. J. Helen Mcllvain Eastwick (Mrs. John K. Harper) Stuart and Ridgely Aves., Mt. Wash- ington, Md. Edith Glenna Elmore (Mrs. Bevier Smith) Ridgewood, N. J. Rebecca Mulford Ely (Mrs. Her- bert Paul King) A.M. 1904. Trumansburg, N. Y. Marion Farcpihar (Mrs. Ronald V. Mills) Sandy Spring, Md. Gertrude P. Griscom (Mrs. Wm. Wallace Barr) 564 Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Emma Frederica Hamilton 50 Linwood Ave., Ardmore, Pa. Amelia E. Himes (Mrs. Robert Hunt Walker) 25 W. Chase St., Baltimore, Md. Elsie Helen Koenig (Mrs. Albert S. Myers) 4825 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Stella Leonora Koenig (Mrs. Lewis D. Stem) Lewistown, Pa. Margaretta Walton Lamb 3618 Duvall Ave., Baltimore, Md. Graduate Baltimore Kindergarten Training School. Kindergarten di- rector, Pub. Sch., No. 76. Alice Roberts Linvill Graduate of Domestic Science Dept., Drexel Inst., Philadelphia, 1904. Swarthmore, Pa. At present, 512 E. 58th St., New York, N. Y. Teacher of Domestic Science, New York City Public Schools. Marion Lukens 1325 Jefferson St., Philadelphia, Pa. At present, Merchantville, N. J. Teacher in High School. Roy McVaugh Kinderhook, N. Y. Fruit grower. Cyrus Dressier Marter LL.B. Univ. of Pa., 1905. 25 N. Third St., Camden, N. J. Lawyer. Allen R. Mitchell, Jr. 153 W. Allegheny Ave., Philadel- phia, Pa. Manufacturer. Anna Richardson Paxson Box 159, Langhorne, Pa. Teacher of English, High School. Frances Preston Nottingham, Pa. Alice Post Tabor A.M. Univ. of Chicago, 1913. Charlotte, N. Y. At present, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Student. Margaret Hood Taylor 310 E. Market St., York, Pa. Sarah Eliza Tracy 17 Memorial St., Baldwinsville, Mass. Principal Templeton High School, Baldwinsville, Mass. William W. Turner Swarthmore, Pa. Engineer and con- tractor. Edith Lane Verlenden (Mrs. Irvin Francis Paschall) 262 Mather Road, Jenkintown, Pa. Ida Wright (Mrs. Frederick Lancelot Bowman) Sicamore Road, Wyckoff, N. J. P. O. address, Midland Park, R. F. D. No. 1. 27 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Mary Ida Alley A.M. Columbia Univ., 1909. 215 E. Fifteenth St., New York, N. Y. Teacher of Physics, Washington Irving High School. Stephen Roscoe Bateman Grenloch, N. J. Farmer. Charles Cadwallader Corson M.D. Univ. of Pa., 1906. 6374 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Physician. Lewis Fussell M.S. 1903. E.E. and Ph.D. Univ. of Wis., 1907. Riverview Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Assistant Pro- fessor of Electrical Engineering, Swarthmore College. 58 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1903 John Milton Griscom M.D. Univ. of Pa., 1906. 1925 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Physician. Chief of Eye Clinic, Dispensary Staff of Presbyterian Hospital of Philadelphia. Edson Sheppard Harris Chester Heights, Pa. Engineer, Mid- vale Steel Co., Philadelphia, Pa. John Howard Hopkins C.E. 1908. 523 Centennial Ave., Sewickley, Pa. Analyzing opera- tions, P. R. R. Nathan Haines Mannakee M.S. 1904. Williamson, W. Ya. Civil and Mining Engineer. Thomas Stockton Matthews Cor. Calvert and German Sts., Bal- timore, Md. With Baker, Watts & Co., Bankers. *Margaret May Patterson Died June 9, 1905, in Philadelphia, Pa. Robert L. Pearson Saugatuck, Conn. Asst. Division Engineer, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. jEllwood Ramsey, Jr. See B.S. 1901. C.E. 1904. Elliott Richardson C.E. 1905. 1630 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Engineer, with Midvale Steel Co. tThomas Arthur Smith See B.S. 1901. Jackson Taylor, Jr. C.E. 1908. Swarthmore, Pa. Civil Engineer. Elmer John Temple Care Gen’l Elect. Co., Pittsfield, Mass. Electrical Engineer. Robert Hunt Walker 914 Fidelity Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Life insurance business. Member Board of Managers, Swarthmore College. Albert Mahlon Williams 608 Penn St., Huntingdon, Pa. Asst. Supervisor, M. W. Dept., P. R. R. Co. George Sheshbazzar Worth C.E. 1905: Coatesville, Pa. 17*1 1903 BACHELORS OF ARTS Byron Beans (Hist.) Stevenage House, 40-44 Holborn Via- duct, London, E. C. Sec’y. Key- stone Watch Case Co., Ltd., of Lopdon. Elizabeth Martin Booth (Mrs. Robert Emerson Lamb) (Hist.) A.M. 1906. 135 E. Mt. Pleasant St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Caroline Clothier (Engl.) Wynnewood, Pa. Edmund Cocks (Biol.) A.M. 1913. B.Pd. New York State Normal College, 1904. West Point, N. Y. Principal of Schools. Helen Nesbitt Emley (Mrs. Brit- tain Ely Lukens) (Engl.) 112 Township Line, Jenkintown, Pa. Margaret Gleim (Biol.) 36 E. Baltimore Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Edgar Thomson Greene (Chem.) 6316 Ambrose St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Chemist, with Henry S. Spackman Engineering Co. William E. Hannum (Phys.) E.E. 1906. 54 Holdernesse St., Atlanta, Ga. Assistant District Engineer, with General Electric Co. Hallie Gundaker Hulburt (Mrs. James Bacon Douglas) (Engl.) Swarthmore, Pa. Elizabeth Westfield Jackson (Engl.) Bartville, Pa. Teacher, Friends’ Central School. Carrie Burnham Kilgore (Gk. & Lat.) A.M. 1904. Swarthmore, Pa. Fannie Burnham Kilgore (Mrs. George Arthur Hoadley) (Gk. & Lat.) A.M. 1906. Swarthmore, Pa. Helen Elizabeth Lease (Ger.) 25 Broadway, Salem, Ohio. Clara Price Newport (Gk. & Lat.) Ph.D. ITniv. of Wisconsin, 1908. Swarthmore, Pa. Assistant Pro- fessor of German, Swarthmore College. Anna Elizabeth Nichols (French) 1607 Mt. Salem Lane, Wilmington, Del. Norman Sumner Passmore (Gk. & Lat.) Swarthmore, Pa. Banker. Marion Virginia Peirce (Gk. & Lat.) A.M. Univ. of Chicago, 1904. Swarthmore, Pa. Instructor in French, Swarthmore College. Mabel Pryor (Mrs. Harry Peters Rothermel) (Engl.) 116 Winchester Ave., Langhorne, Pa. 1904] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 59 Lulu von Ramdohr (Mrs. Edward Charles von Palmenberg) (Ger.) Box 77, Tuckahoe, N. Y. Maud Esther Rice (Mrs. Wm. R. Stuckert) (Gk. & Lat.) Newtown, Pa. William Ely Roberts (Engl.) A.M. Univ. of Pa., 1912. 5513 Irving St., Philadelphia, Pa. In- structor in Ancient History, West Philadelphia High School for Boys, Philadelphia. Annie Ross (French) Ph.M. Univ. of Chicago, 1904. 659 Sanford Ave., Flushing, N. Y. Teacher of French, Flushing High School. Helen Dewees Souder (Mrs. Les- ter Reed Norton) (Engl.) 201 Main St., Olyphant, Pa. Nora Leland Stabler (Mrs. George S. Worth) (Ger.) A.M. Columbia Univ., 1904. Box 672, Coatesville, Pa. Samuel Townsend Stewart (Econ.) 45 E. Forty-second St., New York, N. Y. Real estate business. Elizabeth Sutton (Mrs. John Crocker Percy) (Etngl.) 347 New York Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Joshua Hibberd Taylor (Hist.) 104 W. Forty-second St., New York, N. Y. Lawyer. Louis Ely Thompson (Hist.) 35 Douglas Road, Glen Ridge, N. J. Lithograph and printing sales- man. Pennock M. Way (Chem.) 1906 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. With Arthur H. Thomas & Co., laboratory supplies. 29 BACHELORS OF LETTERS Inez Helen Lord (Mrs. George Satterthwaite) (Engl.) Southampton, Pa. 1 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Walker McClun Bond (Eng.) C.E. 1908. Asst. Engineer, B. & O. R. R. System, B. & O. Bldg , 2339 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. John Horace Ervien (Eng.) C.E. 1910. Wyncote, Pa. En- gineer, with Turner-Forman Con- crete & Steel Co. Howard Sterr Evans (Eng.) 606 Railway Exchange Bldg., Chi- cago, 111. Chief Engineer, The Buda Co. Robert Emerson Lamb (Civ. Eng.) C.E. 1908. 135 E. Mt. Pleasant Ave., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Civil Engineer. Sec’y of Harrison C. Rea Co. Edward Roy Meredith (Eng.) Care of P. & R. Ry. Co., Coates- ville, Pa. Supervisor, P. & R. Ry., Harrisburg Div. Marriott Price (Eng.) 3031 S. Wayne Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. Civil Engineer of Dept, of Public Parks of Fort Wayne. George Satterthwaite (Eng.) Southampton, Pa. Asst. Supt. of Midvale • Steel Co., Nicetown, Phil- adelphia, Pa. Asa Pound Way (El. Eng.) E.E. 1907. 316 Owen Ave., Lans- downe, Pa. Electrical Engineer, with American Railways Co. 8 MASTER OF SCIENCE Lewis Fussell See B.S. 1902. 1 CIVIL ENGINEER Henry Chandlee Turner See B.S. 1893. 1 MECHANICAL ENGINEER John Armand Lafore See B.S. 1895. C.E. 1898. E.E. 1901. 1 MASTER OF ARTS (Honorary) Isaac Hallowell Clothier Eighth and Market Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa. Residence, Wynne- wood, Pa. Retired merchant. President of Board of Managers, Swarthmore College. 1 DOCTORS OF LAWS (Honorary) *John Kelvey Richards See A.B. 1875. *Joseph Wharton Sc.D. Univ. of Pa., 1902. Mem- ber Board of Managers, Swarth- more College, 1870-1909. Died January 11, 1909, at Philadel- phia, Pa. 2*2 1904 BACHELORS OF ARTS Elva Lulu Ash (Mrs. Arthur Ralston Yearsley) (Phil.) 552 E. Main St., Coatesville, Pei. 60 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1904 Mary Louise Bartlett (Mrs. Skip- with Peyton Coale) (French) Tokoma Park, Washington, D. C. Charlotte Ritzema Bogert (Lat.) A.M. Columbia Univ., 1905. 189 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Floyd Henry Bradley (Phil.) LL.B. Harvard Univ., 1907. 811 Cooper St., Camden, N. J. Law- yer. Blanche Estelle Brown (Gk.) Cornwall, N. Y. Teacher of Latin, High School. Martha Kennedy Buyers (Mrs. Chas. A. Lemmon) (French) 509 Locust St., Anaconda, Mont. Marguerite Campion (Hist.) 179 Summit Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J. Editor of Book Department, “Metropolitan Magazine.” Con- sulting Critic the “American.” Gertrude Fritz Chandler (Mrs. John Horace Ervien) (Eng.) Wyncote, Pa. Anna Louise Curtis (Biol.) 512 E. 58th St., New York, N. Y. Louise Caroline Fahnestock (Mrs. Edward Gilpin Poole) (Ger.) 102 McKinley Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Dorothy Farquhar Green (Lat.) W. Palm Beach, Fla. Teacher in High School. Mary Amelia Gutelius (Mrs. Harold Sibley Rambo) (Lat.) 1210 Evergreen Ave., New York, N. Y. Maurice Tracy Hansell (Phil.) M.D. Univ. of Pa., 1908. 813 Elsmere Place, New York, N. Y. Physician. Annie Shoemaker Hawke (French) Swarthmore, Pa. Halliday Rogers Jackson (Gk.) 77 W. Broadway, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Supervising Principal of Schools. Mary Elma Lewis (Mrs. Daniel Roberts Harper, 3d.) (Hist.) Chevy Chase, Md. Millo Marie McCain (Mrs. Ever- ett E. Kehew) (Engl.) 427 Emerson St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Alice Pauline Merriman (Engl.) A.M. Univ. of Wisconsin, 1913. Essex Fells, N. J. At present, Box 1078, Madison, Wis. Agnes Hallowell Sibbald (Ger.) Fox Chase, Pa. Alice Roberts Sullivan (Mrs. T. H. Dudley Perkins) (Lat.) Haddonfield Road, Moorestown, N. J. Caleb Marshall Taylor (Chem.) 418 Chilton St., Elizabeth, N. J. Supt. Port Reading Creosoting Plant, P. & R. Ry. Edith Maddock West (French) Bridgewater Road, Chester, Pa. Asst. Librarian, Crozer Theological Semi- nary. Aldus Wilbur (Hist.) Swarthmore, Pa. William West Wilson (Civ. Eng.) 95 Montclair Ave., Newark, N. J. Civil Engineer, in construction work with Canadian Stewart Co. Anna Kunigunda Wolff (Mrs. Stanley Rand Miller) (Ger.) 7 Lagrange St., Winchester, Mass. Sarah Eastburn Wood (Mrs. Norman Sumner Passmore) (Engl.) Swarthmore, Pa. 26 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Frederick Gunby Bell (Eng.) Care of Electro Dynamic Co., Bay- onne, N. J. Thomas Christy Bell (Civ. Eng.) Bell Ave., Bayside, L. I., N. Y. Civil Engineer. Frederic Erie Griest (Eng.) Santa Lucia, Cuba. Chief Engineer, R. R. of Santa Lucia Sugar Co. Maurice E. Griest (Eng.) 105 W. 163d St., New York, N. Y. Designing Engineer, Public Service Commission for the 1st Dist., N. Y. Brittain Ely Lukens (Eng.) 112 Township Line, Jenkintown, Pa. Lumber business. 5 MASTERS OF ARTS Rebecca Mulford Ely (Mrs. Her- bert Paul King) See B.L. 1902. Thomas Walter Gilkyson See A.B. 1901. Carrie Burnham Kilgore See A.B. 1903. Mary Woodward Lippincott See B. L. 1901. Orrin Hardin Markel A.B. Indiana Univ., 1903. LL.B. Ibid., 1906. Elkhart, Ind. Law- yer. 5 MASTER OF SCIENCE Nathan Haines Mannakee See B.S. 1902. 1 1905] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 61 CIVIL ENGINEERS Harry Newton Benkert See B.S. 1901. Joseph Warner Edwards Love See B.S. 1901. Robert Early Manley See B.S. 1897. Ellwood Ramsey, Jr. See B.S. 1901. [B.S. 1902.] 4 1905 BACHELORS OF ARTS Helen Margaret Carre (Mrs. Joseph Archer Turner) (French) Swarthmore, Pa. Winifred Neville Craig (Mrs. Walter S. Gee) (Ger.) 67 W. Washington Lane, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. Lydia Walton Foulke (Mrs. Joshua Hibberd Taylor) (Pub. Sp.) 950 Anderson Ave., New York, N. Y. Esther Casselberry Garwood (Mrs. David Henley Couch) (Lat.) Guilford College, N. C. At present, Mayaguez, Porto Rico. Elizabeth Hall (Biol.) A.M. Columbia Univ., 1906. 101 W. Second St., Media, Pa. Helen Heed (Phil.) 322 W. Union St., West Chester, Pa. At present, Pleasantville Sta- tion, N. Y. Teacher in High School. Philip Marshall Hicks (Pub. Sp.) A.M. 1913. R. D., No. 2, Avon- dale, Pa. Instructor in Public Speaking, Swarthmore College. Elsie Phebe Hoyt (Ger.) Clearwater, Fla. At present, 303 Francis Ave., Tampa, Fla. Teacher of German, Tampa High School. Ralph Garfield Jackson (Phil.) 705 Botetourt Apts., Norfolk, Va. Engineer, with American Pipe and Construction Co. Margaret Dale Leiper (Lat.) Swarthmore, Pa. Teacher. William Hancock Linton (Biol.) 234 Newbold Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Restaurant business in Philadel- phia. James Janney Lippincott (Phys.) 10 Crane Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Member of firm, Ward, Carpenter & Co., civil engineers and sur- veyors ; member real estate firm Westchester Homes Co., both of Tarrytown, N. Y. Eliza Walker McFarland (Mrs. J. Aubrey Anderson) (Hist.) 1011 Fayette St., Conshohocken, Pa. Lynne Lionel Merritt (Gk.) Canton, Pa. Merchant. Serena Helen Miller (Gk.) 112 W. Tulpehocken St., German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. At pres- ent, Dumont, N. J. Teacher of Latin and English in High School. Alice Paul (Biol.) A.M. Univ. of Pa., 1907. Ph.D. Ibid., 1912. Moorestown, N. J. Edward Gilpin Poole (Eng.) 102 McKinley Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Engineer, P. R. R. Co. Edith Needles Powell (French) Trappe, Md. Frederick Newlin Price (Hist.) Solebury, Bucks Co., Pa. At pres- ent, i6 E. Fortieth St., New York, With Holophane Works of General Electric Co., of Cleveland, Ohio. Alice May Ridings (Mrs. James S. Bechtold) (Engl.) 5302 Catherine St., W. Philadelphia, Pa. Percival Rudolph Roberts (Hist.) A.M. 1907. 307 S. William St., Johnstown, N. Y. Mgr. G. Levor & Co., Gloversville, N. Y. Edmund Grubb Robinson (Chem.) 2000 Van Buren St., Wilmington, Del. Chemist. Louis Newton Robinson (Gk.) Ph.D. Cornell Univ., 1911. Swarth- more, Pa. Professor of Economics, Swarthmore College. Phebe Elizabeth Scheibley (Mrs. Winfred J. Wright) (Pub. Sp.) Skippack, Pa. Robert Emory Pattison Sensen- derfer (Phil.) 1855 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Reporter, “The Bulletin.” Herbert Spencer Thatcher (Eng.) 503 Bank for Savings Bldg, or Clover Club, Edgewood Park, Pittsburgh, Pa. With the Hydro Electric Co., W. Va. Carolyn Agnes Underhill (Hist.) LL.B. Univ. of Pa., 1909. 3210 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa. At- torney. 27 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE James Ramsay Baldridge (Civ. Eng.) C.E. 1908. Care of Hennebique Construction Co., 1170 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Civil Engineer. 62 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1906 Edward Morris Bassett (Civ. Eng.) C.E. 1911. Swarthmore, Pa. Civil Engineer, with Doyle & Co., con- tractors, 1519 Sansom St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Howard Keen Bunting (Eng.) 315 Broad St., Chester, Pa. Engi- neer. Ruden Wheeler Post (Civ. Eng.) C.E. 1908. 101 Pearl St., Roches- ter, N. Y. Civil Engineer. Samuel Sinclair, 4th (Civ. Eng.) C.E. 1908. Kennett Square, Pa. Joseph Archer Turner (Civ. Eng.) C.E. 1911. Swarthmore, Pa., and 1314 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Civil Engineer, with Turner- Forman Concrete Steel Co. 6 CIVIL ENGINEERS Percival Morris Fogg See B.S. 1901. Elliott Richardson See B.S. 1902. William Henry Seaman See B.S. 1888. George Sheshbazzar Worth See B.S. 1902. 4 1906 BACHELORS OF ARTS Gertrude Mason Adams (Hist.) 135 N. Fiftieth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Walter Trainer Baker (Civ. Eng.) C.E. 1912. 340 Woodbridge Ave., Buffalo, N. Y., or 312 Prudential Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Engineer. Supt. Turner Const. Co. Margery Beddoes (Mrs. Charles Heyfield Pike) (Biol.) Riverton, N. J. Anna Dripps Bramble (Biol.) W. Monastery Ave., Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher in Philadelphia High School for Girls. Mary Gertrude Bricker (Lat.) 4723 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher of Latin, Philadel- phia High School for Girls. Arthur Williams Broomell (Chem.) Bureau of Chemistry, Dept, of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C. At present, 218 Metropolitan Bank Bldg., care of U. S. Grain Stan- dardization, New Orleans, La. An- alytical chemist. George Lupton Broomell (Civ. Eng.) C.E. 1910. 4929 Rubicam Ave., Germantown, Pa. President Frank Pettit Ornamental Iron Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Grace Gertrude Broomell (Lat.) 1827 Green St., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher. Elizabeth Kathryn Carter (Mrs. Stanley H. Murdock) (Hist.) Mabel Cheyney (Hist.) 23 E. Front St., Media, Pa. Teacher of History, William Penn School, Philadelphia, Pa. Marion S. Comly (Ger.) 3311 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mary Barnard Cranston (Mrs. Thomas Victor Hodges) (Biol.) Cynwyd, Pa. William DeCou, Jr. (Eng.) Crosswicks, N. J. At present, 219 Gowen Ave., Mt. Airy, Philadel- phia, Pa. Engineer. Richard Downing, Jr. (Chem.) East Norwich, L. I., N. Y. Real estate and insurance business. Andrew Maurice Eastwick (Eng.) 5901 Elmwood Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Engineer. At present, 122 W. Worth Ave., Baltimore, Md. Automobile business. Esther Livezey Eisenhower (Gk.) 802 DeKalb St., Norristown, Pa. Teacher of French and Latin, Norristown High School. Rosalie Louise Faltermayer (Ger.) 3015 N. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Instructor in German and English, Brown College Preparatory School, Philadelphia, Pa. Lois Fornance (Econ.) Norristown, Pa. Jessie Bartlett Ginn (Phil.) 43 Continental St., Springfield, Mass. Caroline Hadley (Mrs. Louis New- ton Robinson) (Gk.) A.M. Columbia Univ., 1907. Swarth- more, Pa. Alice Edna Hamilton (Hist.) 50 Linwood Ave., Ardmore, Pa. Jane Roberts Harper (Math.) A.M. Univ. of Penna., 1909. 211 W. Chelten Ave., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Emilie Hill (Hist.) Short Hills, N. J. Thomas Victor Hodges (Civ. Eng.) Cynwyd, Pa. Civil Engineer. Henry Dennis Holme (Eng.) 136 Sumac St., Wissahickon, Phila- delphia, Pa. At present, Culebra, Canal Zone. Structural Drafts- man for Panama Canal. Mary Talbott Janney (Mrs. Spen- cer Lawrence Coxe) (Ger.) 3412 Hamilton St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1906] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 63 Elizabeth Edith Johnson (Mrs. Maurice Ashbrook Griffith) (French) 115 Edgewood Road, Ardmore, Pa. Alice Keim (Mrs. Roberts Leinau, Jr.) (Ger.) Cynwyd, Pa. Herbert Stokes Killie (Hist.) 115 Broad St., Mt. Holly, N. J. Real estate and insurance business. Lawyer. Philip Edward Lamb (Econ.) LL.D. Univ. of Maryland Law School, 1912. Station H, Balti- more, Md. At present, Govans- town, Md. Real estate business. Munsey Trust Co. Edith Spencer Lewis (Mrs. Bar- clay White) (Lat.) Hilldale Road, Lansdowne, Pa. Ellen Beulah Lewis (Ger.) 511 S. Church St., West Chester, Pa. Editor’s Asst, and Trans- lator, Phila. Commercial Museum. Lydia Cooper Lewis (Econ.) 504 S. Lansdowne Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Jane Humphreys Lippincott (Mrs. Alpheus Bilderback) (Hist.) Woodstown, N. J. S. Blair Luckie (Eng.) 105 W. 163d St., New York, N. Y. Engineer, with Penna. R. R. Co. Emily Crawford McKee (French) 201 Crawford Ave., West Consho- hocken, Pa. Teacher. Alice Hart Maris (Mrs. William Gibson Bird) (French) 516 E. Broad St., Chester, Pa. Grace Evans Mickle (Mrs. C. Walter Durnell) (French) Swarthmore, Pa. George Schofield Nobles (Eng.) 8.3 St. Nicholas Place, New York, N. Y. Engineer, with Penna. Tun- nel & Terminal R. R. Co. Edward Pennock Palmer (Eng.) 110 E. Sixteenth St., New York, N. Y. Engineer with Penna. R. R. Co. John Walter Passmore (Econ.) Nottingham, Pa. Grain, hay, and feed business. Bertha Caroline Peirce (Lat.) A.M. Cornell, 1907. Swarthmore, Pa. Thomas Haines Dudley Perkins (Econ.) Haddonfield Road, Moorestown, N. J. Bond salesman, Bioren & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Henry Ferris Price (Eng.) A.M. Univ. of Penna., 1913. 3335 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. At present, Swarthmore, Pa. Teacher in High School. Alfred Lawrence Rhoads (Biol.) M.D. Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1910. 702 Prescott Ave., Scranton, Pa. Physician. Ruth Emily Richards (Biol.) Toughkenamon, Chester Co., Pa. George Simpson Roberts (Math.) 327 W. Logan St., Germantown, Pa. Chemical Engineer, Midvale Steel Co. Rachel Robinson (Ger.) 100 W. Eighteenth St., Wilmington, Del. Teacher in Wilmington High School. Lillian Rosenbluth (Mrs. Nathan Clarence Solomon) (Ger.) Hawthorne, N. Y. Robert Leslie Ryder (Pub. Sp.) LL.B. Harvard Law School, 1909. 108 Maple St., Lexington, Mass. Lawyer, 85 Devonshire St., Bos- ton, Mass. Marie Gregorivna Sabsovich (Mrs. Alexander J. Orenstein) (Ger.) 799 Jennings St., Bronx, New York, N. Y. Factory Inspector. Grace Althouse Schwenk (Mrs. John Franklin Hay) (Engl.) Minersville, Pa. Laurence Thomas Sherwood (Chem.) A.M. 1907. Lexington, Ohio. Chemist. The Smith Gas Power Co. Laura Josephine Strode (Mrs. Henry B. Coleman) (Lat.) 121 Dean St., West Chester, Pa. Richard Cassin Thatcher (Eng.) Piedmont, Ala. Secretary Coosa Manufacturing Co. Mabel Vernon (Ger.) 505 W. Fifth St., Wilmington, Del. Delaware chairman of congres- sional Union for Woman Suffrage. William Cooper Walker (Eng.) 401 S. A. & K. Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. Engineer, Humphrey Gas Pump Co. Caroline Alfreda Washburn (Mrs. Henry H. Wells) (Gk.) Brewster, N. Y. George Lawrence Watters (Civ. Eng.) 501 Goepp St., Bethlehem, Pa. Hy- draulic Engineer, with Lehigh Val- ley R. R. 64 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1907 Barclay White (Civ. Eng.) C.E. 1909. Hilldale Road, Lans- downe, Pa. Civil Engineer, with Barclay White & Co., 1530 Chest- nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Emma Jane Wilson (Mrs. Walter Shoemaker) (French) Swarthmore, Pa. 61 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE William Diebold (Eng.) A.B. 1908. 314 W. 134th St., New York, N. Y. Secretary to president of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. 1 MASTERS OF ARTS Elizabeth Martin Booth (Mrs. Robert Emerson Lamb) (French) See A.B. 1903. Sarah Lucinda Hall (Mrs. Sam- uel R. Stirling) (Lat.) See A.B. 1884. Fannie Burnham Kilgore (Mrs. George Arthur Hoadley) (Phys.) See A.B. 1903. 3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER William E. Hannum (El. Eng.) See A.B. 1903. 1 MASTER OF ARTS (Honorary) Sarah March Nowell 64 Church St., Winchester, Mass. Librarian, Swarthmore College, 1888-1906. 1 1907 BACHELORS OF ARTS Julia Yerkes Atkinson (Biol.) Doylestown, Pa. Teacher. Ralph Jackson Baker (Econ.) LL.B. Univ. of Penna., 1911. 107 N. Owen Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Office, 3400 Chestnut St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Instructor, School of Law, Univ. of Penna. Newlin Trainer Booth (Civ. Eng.) Chester, Pa. With Homestead Steel Works of Carnegie Steel Co. Ethel Hampson Brewster (Gk.) A.M. Univ. of Penna., 1911. 605 E. Fourteenth St., Chester, Pa. Edwin Angell Cottrell (Econ.) 11 Francis St., Newport, R. I. At present, 42 Crescent St., Cam- bridge, Mass. Asst, in Govern- ment, Harvard Univ. Instructor in Government, Wellesley College. Spencer Lawrence Coxe (Econ.) 3412 Hamilton St., Philadelphia, Pa. With Curtis Publishing Co. Jeannette Curtis (Mrs. Louis Cons) (Biol.) A.M. 1909. The Abernethy, Gulf Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. William Seth Daniels (Civ. Eng.) C.E. 1911. Paisley, Ore., Asst. Engineer, Paisley Irrigation Pro- ject. Nellie Gray Davidson (Mrs. John Gilbert Mearns) (Ger.) Hohokus, N. J. Alma Eva Dickinson (Mrs. Ro- land Bloom Thompson) (Ger.) 725 Old Town Road, Clearfield, Pa. Edith Manson Douglass (Biol.) A.M. 1908. 1503 Bond St., As- bury Park, N. J. Teacher in Friends’ Central School, Philadel- phia, Pa. Henry Moore Fussell, Jr. (El. Eng.) Moylan, Pa. Howard Lewis Fussell (Lat.) 2004 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, Pa. Office, 505 Chestnut St. Lawyer. Edith Sykes Gibbs (Mrs. Walter Lewis Reeder) (Phil.) Columbus, N. J. Sara Pennock Godfrey (Biol.) Box 14, Roseland, N. J. Ada Clara Graham (Mrs. John Stokes Clement) (French) 146 Hillsdale St., Lansdowne, Pa. Katharine Proctor Green (French) Pleasantville Station, N. Y. Teacher of French and German, Pleasant- ville High School. Charles Kaler Hackman (M. Eng.) [A.B. 1908.] B.S. 1908. Wom- elsdorf, Pa. Business. Samuel Darlington Heed (Civ. Eng.) 410 W. Miner St., West Chester, Pa. At present, 110 E. Sixteenth St., New York, N. Y. Civil En- gineer, with New Yorl* Connecting Railroad. Louise Wright Hornor (Mrs. Ed- win Angell Cottrell) (Hist.) 11 Francis St., Newport, R. I. At present, 42 Crescent St., Cam- bridge, Mass. Clementine . Gundaker Hulburt (Mrs. J. Donald Gibson) (Engl.) Primos, Pa. 1907] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 65 Edwin Peirce Jones (M. Eng.) 1811 S. Fifty-fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Draftsman. Joseph Walter Keller (Econ.) Box 238, Morton, Del. Co., Pa. Asst. Purchasing Agent, Pratt Food Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Maude Kemmerer (Biol.) 2331 N. Sixteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher. Benjamin Kline (Biol.) M.D. Johns Hopkins Univ., 1911. 208 S. Connecticut Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. At present, 211 N. Milton Ave., Baltimore, Md. Phy- sician. Assistant in Pathology, Johns Hopkins Univ. Joseph Sherwood Knight (Civ. Eng.) Somerton, Pa. At present, Foster, care of Whitcomb, Ore. Drafts- man, Hegardt and Clarke, engi- neers. Mary Wyman Lawrence (Mrs. William Blaine Webb) (Lat.) Wabasha, Minn. Ella Cannon Levis (Mrs. Julian C. Smith) (Econ.) Elkton, Md. Rachel Elsie Love (Mrs. Chester Clark Neal) (Pub. Sp.) . Swarthmore, Pa. William R. McDonough (Phys.) M.E. 1912. A.B. in Engineering, 1908. 1246 Amherst Place, St. Louis, Mo. Production Engineer, St. Louis Steel Foundry. Mary Eliza North (Mrs. Arthur S. Chenoweth) (Phil.) A.M. ’1910. 241 S. East St., Oak Park, 111. Mary Emma Ogden (Mrs. James Dawson Whitall) (Ger.) 2124 N. Twentieth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Rosalie Middleton Painter (Mrs. Roger Wood) (Biol.) Linwood, Pa. Amos Jenkins Peaslee (Phil.) LL.B. Columbia Univ., 1911. 558 W. 113th St., New York, N. Y. Bus. add., 34 Nassau St., care of Davies, Auerbach & Cornell. Lawyer. Anna Frances Thompson Pettit Mrs. George Lupton Broom- ell) (Phil.) A.M. Columbia Univ., 1908. 4929 Rubicam Ave., Germantown, Pa. Lillian May Pike (Mrs. Harry H. Appleton) (Engl.) 361 S. Eighteenth St., Harrisburg, Pa. 5 Edith Victorine Power (French) 4166 Girard Ave., West Philadel- phia, Pa. Teacher. Alda Hill Preston (Mrs. Paul Bentley Lum (Biol.) 1361 Ohio Place, N. W., Washington, D. C. Helen Price (Lat.) 120 S. Thirty-fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate student Univ. of Penna. James Nevins Richardson (Chem.) Torresdale, Pa. Manufacturing Chemist. Helen Hanes Ridgway (Ger.) Leblanc Apartments, 5506 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Student of Music. Harvey Tomlinson Satterthwaite (Phil.) 137 E. State St., Trenton, N. J. Lawyer. Mary Laura Sproul (Ger.) 721 W. Eighth St., Chester, Pa. Student of Music. Phoebe Edna Stradling (Lat.) Oxford Valley, Pa. Teacher in High School. Mabel Creth Sullivan (Mrs. Fran- cis Walker D’Olier) (French) 50 E. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Marietta Lindsay Van De Verg (Art) 837 Garden St., Hoboken., N. J. Artist. Elizabeth Lane Verlenden (French) 28 N. Ninth St., Darby, Pa. Mary Verlenden (French) 15 Ridge Ave., Darby, Pa. Beatrice Marguerite Victory (French) A.M. 1908. Ph.D. Univ. of Penna., 1913. 4845 Cedar Ave., West Philadelphia, Pa. At present, in- structor in German, George School, Pa. Catharine Elma Way (Biol.) 152 N. Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher in William Penn High School. 50 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE George Blyth (Civ. Eng.) 24 Bradley St., Putnam, Conn. Track Supervisor, with N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Samuel Dean Caldwell, Jr. (Civ. Eng.) Bethesda, Md. Member of firm, Knox & Caldwell, Gen. Insurance and Bonding. 327 Woodward Bldg., Washington, D. C. 66 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1908 Walter White Carter (Civ. Eng.) Aquetong, Pa. Isaac Garrett Darlington (Civ. Eng.) 1029 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Engineering Supt. for Turner- Forman Concrete Steel Co. Francis Walker D’Olier (Civ. Eng.) 50 E. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. With Wm. D’Olier & Co. Lesley William Hallock (Civ. Eng.) 79 Willow Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Civil Engineer, C. R. R. of N. J. Frank Kelso Hyatt (Civ. Eng.) Pennsylvania Military College, Ches- ter, Pa. Teacher. Samuel Raymer Millman (Civ. Eng.) 312 Livingston Ave., Albany, N. Y. Pres. Capital City Construction Co., 346-348 Broadway. 8 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Asa Pound Way See B.S. 1903. 1 MASTERS OF ARTS Ross Walter Marriott (Math.) B.S. Valparaiso College, 1902. A.B. Indiana Univ., 1906. Ph.D. Univ. of Penna., 1911. Swarth- more, Pa. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Swarthmore College. Egbert J. Miles (Math.) A. B. Indiana Univ., 1906. Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago, 1910. Box 913, Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. Instructor in Mathematics, Shef- field Scientific School, Yale Univ. Samuel Copeland Palmer (Biol.) See A.B. 1895. Percy Rudolph Roberts (Chem.) See A.B. 1905. Laurence Thomas Sherwood (Chem.) See A.B. 1906. Harold Christopher Sprague (Phys.) B. S. Syracuse Univ., 1901. Swarth- more, Pa. Prin. Swarthmore Pre- paratory School. 6 1908 BACHELORS OF ARTS Helen Minerva Baker (Lat.) 331 W. Union St., West Chester, Pa. Edith Sellers Bunting (Hist.) 315 Broad St., Chester, Pa. Samuel Francis Butler (Civ. Eng.) Moore, Pa. Road Engineer for Association of American Portland Cement Mfrs., 1526 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. John Stokes Clement (Econ.) 146 Hillsdale St., Lansdowne, Pa. Ida Virginia Cray thorn (Econ.) Graduate of Domestic Science Dept., Drexel Inst., Philadelphia, Pa., 1912. 302 W. State St., Trenton, N. J. Teacher of Domestic Science. William Diebold (Econ.) See B.S. 1906. George Gustavus Dilworth (Pub. Sp.) Willow Grove, Pa. Clergyman. Anna Dorathy Dotger (Mrs. Wil- liam C. Kirby) (Ger.) Charlotte, N. C. Harwell Beeson Dutton (Econ.) LL.B. Univ. of Penna., 1912. 607 W. Seventh St., Chester, Pa. Office, 12 E. Fifth St. Lawyer. Edith May Fisher (Biol.) 227 N. First St., Jeannette, Pa. Teacher, Jeannette High School. Katherine Griest (Ger.) 5239 Archer St., Germantown, Pa. Teacher of Physical Training. Friends’ Central School, Philadel- phia, Pa. f Charles Kaler Hackman (M. Eng.) See A.B. 1907. B.S. 1908. George Masters Henri© (Econ.) 3308 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa. Salesman, Hess-Bright Mfg. Co., Front St., and Erie Ave., Phila- delphia, Pa. Roy Linden Hill (Chem.) A.M. 1909. 118 E. Twenty-third St., Chester, Pa. Chemist, Re- search Division, DuPont Powder Co. Lizzie Sikes James (Lat.) A.M. Univ. of Penna, 1911. 677 Union St., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher of Latin and German, William Penn High School. Stu- dent at Univ. of Penna. Eleanor Janney (Mrs. Walter Robinson Johns) (Phil.,) 32 E. Second St., Media, Pa. Simeon van Trump Jester (Civ. En S-) . , , Moorestown, N. J. Principal of Friends’ School. Laura Dorothy Lister (French) 58 W. Upsal St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher in Ger- mantown Friends’ School. William R. McDonough (El. Eng.) See A.B. 1907. 1908] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 67 Grace Bowen Maxwell (French) 64 E. Greenwood Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Teacher of History, Swarth- more High School. Madelaine Marian Morrison (Engl.) Bryn Mawr, Pa. Teacher in Miss Baldwin’s School for Girls. Susanna Haines Parry (Biol.) Box 66, Riverton, N. J. Louise Adams Pfouts (Engl.) 4 Aberdeen Place, Atlantic City, N. J. Frances Richardson (Biol.) Torresdale, Pa. Walter Frank Rittman (M. Eng.) A.M. 1909. M.E. 1911. 510 W. 124th St., New York, N. Y. Grad- uate Student, Columbia Univ. Walter Ernest Roberts (Civ. Eng.) 462 Garfield Ave., Richmond Hill, L. I., N. Y. Civil Engineer, Pa. R. R. Mary Deborah Satterthwaite (Mrs. John Eastburn Mc- Yaugh) (Biol.) Riverton, N. J. Emma Florence Stapler (French) Abington, Pa. Teacher in Friends’ Academy, Moorestown, N. J. Norman Walton Swayne (Gen. Eng.) George School, Pa. Head of Chem- istry and Physics Dept., George School. Granville Taylor (M. Eng.) 1021 W. Main St., Norristown, Pa. Asst, in Concrete Fiber Co. William Pierce Wilbur (Civ. Eng.) 8 Bradford Ave., Crafton, Pitts- burgh, Pa. With H. L. Dixon Co., Roslyn, Pittsburgh. Designing engineer. Elizabeth Gordon Wilgus (French) 50 Park St., Bordentown, N. J. Helen Wintringham Williams (Engl.) Cor. Oak and High Sts., Norristown, Pa. Stenographer. Naomi Williams (Mrs. Thomas Atkinson) (French) Ambler, Pa. Katherine Wolff (Ger.) 229 S. Forty-second St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Alice Worth (Mrs. Frank Bram- well Geddes) (Hist.) 135 Prospect Park, West, Brooklyn, N. Y. 34 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING George Warder Cresson (Civ. Eng.) 131 W. Durham St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. With Engineer- ing Department, Bell Telephone Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Charles Kaler Hackman (Civ. Eng.) See A.B. 1907. Jacob Kenneth Hoffman (M. Eng.) 605 McCormick Bldg., Chicago, 111. Engineering salesman. Walter Lysle Lewis (Civ. Eng.) Pendleton, Ind. Business. Sherman Coxe Lloyd (El. Eng.) 908 W. Eleventh St., Wilmington, Del. Asst. Ballistic Engineer, DuPont Powder Co., Wilmington, Del. Herman Pritchard (Civ. Eng.) A.M. 1911. Norristown, Pa. Teacher of Mathematics, High School. Nathan Lewis Smith (Civ. Eng.) Linwood, Md. At present, 401 Hawthorne Road, Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. Civil Engineer, with Balto. & Ohio R. R. Clifford Howard Vernon (Civ. Eng.) 321 S. Olive St., or Washington and Main Sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Sales manager for M. S. Bulkley & Co., Autocar distributors. 8 MASTERS OF ARTS Edith Manson Douglass (An- throp.) See A.B. 1907. Benjamin Abraham Thomas (Med. Biol.) See A.B. 1899. Beatrice Marguerite Victory (French) See A.B. 1907. 3 CIVIL ENGINEERS James Ramsay Baldridge See B.S. 1905. Walker McClun Bond See B.S. 1903. John Howard Hopkins See B.S. 1902. Robert Emerson Lamb See B.S. 1903. Ruden Wheeler Post See B.S. 1905. 68 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1909 Samuel Sinclair, 4th See B.S. 1905. Jackson Taylor, Jr. See B.S. 1902. 7 1909 BACHELORS OF ARTS Alice Clement Adamson (Ger.) Paulsboro, N. J. Teacher in High School. Graduate student, Univ. of Pa. Newell Gilder Alford (Engl.) Earlington, Ky. Asst. Mining En- gineer, St. Bernard Mining Co. Anna Hollingsworth Armstrong (Hist.) Wallingford, Pa. Teacher in High School. George Norman Ash (Civ. Eng.) R. F. D., No. 1, Coatesville, Pa. At present, Betteravia, Cal. Civil Engineer. Caroline Farren Atkinson (Mrs. Newell Gilder Alford) (Hist.) Earlington, Ky. Esther Elizabeth Baldwin (Engl.) A.M. Columbia University, 1913. 207 W. Gay St., West Chester, Pa. At present, 105 E. Twenty-second St., New York, N. Y. Investi- gator for Charity Organization Society. Emily Maltby Bird (Engl.) Box 45, Gwynedd, Pa. At present, The Stevens School, 221 W. Chel- ten Ave., Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa. Teacher of English and History. William James Bradley, Jr. (Econ.) 811 Cooper St., Camden, N. J. At present, 170 Washington St., New- ark, N. J. With Prudential In- surance Co. Anne Hibberd Bunting (Mrs. James Gibson Lamb) (Lat.) 133 W. Nippon St., Germantown, Pa. Elizabeth Ann Burton (Engl.) Willowgrove Ave., Chestnut Hill, Pa. Alice Cary Byers (Mrs. Henry- Bishop Johnson) (Ger.) Chester Heights, Pa. Maybell Lucy Carpenter (Mrs. Carl A. Hoagland) (Gk.) Brodhead, Wis. Lee Elbert Coble (Engl.) Stilesville, Ind. Farmer. Helen Smith Cooper (Engl.) 32 Red Bank Ave., Woodbury, N. J. Jay Barnard Cranston (Econ.) Cynwyd, Pa. Coal and building ma- terial business. Helen Beveridge Dillistin (Mrs. Will Wiseman Berdan) (Econ.) 732 E. Twenty-third St., Paterson, N. ,T. Edith Barde Eachus (Ger.) 21 S. Church St., West Chester, Pa. Frederick Warren Ely (Civ. Eng.) 140 State St., Doylestown, Pa. At present, 414 Washington St., Rome, N. Y. Herbert Hollingshead Evans (Civ. Eng.) Masonville, N. J. At present, 110 E. Sixteenth St., New York, N. Y. With Gustav Lindenthal, Consult- ing Engineer N. Y. Connecting R. R., 68 William St., New York City. Anna Fell (Ger.) Oakland Ave., Doylestown, Pa. Henry Cromwell Field (Lat.) LL.B. Columbia Univ., 1910. 155 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. With Davis, Auerbach, Cornell & Barry, 34 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Anna Entwistle Fussell (Math.) 421 Lyceum Ave., Roxborough, Phila- delphia, Pa. Teacher, Gordon School, 4112 Spruce St. Esther Carpenter Green (Ger.) 26 W. Washington St., Media, Pa. Teacher. Mabel Irene Hancock (Ger.) Home: 439 Wheeler Ave., Scranton, Pa. Teacher of German, High School, Flemington, N. J. Emma Britton Hartpence (French) 315 Hudson St., Trenton, N. J. Teacher in Carroll Robbins Train- ing School. Sara Sharpless Hawkins (Mrs. Paul Freeman) (Biol.) Moylan, Pa. Mary Josephine Henry (Ger.) 366 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Teacher in Pemberton, N. J., Pub- lic School. Helen Hibberd (Mrs. Paul Tay- lor) (Biol.) 5 S. Vermont Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Russell Cowles Hoadley (Civ. Eng.) 321 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal. With Autocar Co. Anna Estella James (Mrs. Jethro Johnson) (Engl.) Chester, Pa., R. F. D., No. 1. Edith Rawson Janes (Mrs. Ed- ward Thomas Steel) (Engl.) 8 Seymour St., Roslindale, Mass. 1909] Edwin James Johnson (Civ. Eng.) Eastern Ave., Chestnut Hill, Pa. Building Engineer, Bell Telephone Co. of Pa. fFred Arn Johnson See A.B. 1902. Murat Louis Johnson (Math.) 92B Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. With Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co. Emma Regina Kleefeld (Ger.) 628 N. Thirty-fourth St., Philadel- phia, Pa. At present, Tuckahoe, N. J., High School Assistant. William Frederick Krueger (Ger.) Watertown, Wis. Jessie Beulah Lane (Lat.) 32 Union Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. Marian Elizabeth Leedom (Ger.) 309 Dean St., West Chester, Pa. Teacher. Helen Boardman Loughlin (Lat.) 1332 N. Fifty-fourth St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Teacher in Glen Mills School, Pa. Ethel Taylor MacCarthy (Hist.) Mount Union, Pa. At present, 343 E. Main St., Haddonfield, N. J. Teacher. Edwin Carleton Macdowell (Biol.) M.S. Harvard Univ., 1911. Ph.D. Ibid., 1912. 20 Crooke Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. Care of Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Instructor in Genetics. Joao Martins Machado (El. Eng.) Rio Grande do Sul, Bage, Brazil. Anne Norris Pearson (Engl.) Bustleton, Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher, Friends’ Central School, Philadel- phia, Pa. Emily Corson Poley (Engl.) 33 E. Upsal St., Mt. Airy, Philadel- phia, Pa. Visitor Bureau of Or- ganized Charities. Helen Harriet Porterfield (French) Tidioute, Pa. Frank Bowen Ridgway (Chem.) Texarkana, Tex. Chemist, Interna- tional Creosoting and Construc- tion Co. Harold Earl Roy (Biol.) D.D.S. College of Dental Surgery, New York, N. Y., 1912. 527 Fifth Ave., New York City. Den- tist. Harriet White Sheppard (Math.) R. D. 4, Norristown, Pa. At pres- ent, 26 Westview Ave., German- town, Pa. Teacher, Northeast High School for Girls, Philadel- phia, Pa. Lucretia Shoemaker (Mrs. Thomas Lightfoot Green) (French) Blue Springs, Neb. Frederick Myerle Simons, Jr. (Econ.) A.M. 1912. Swarthmore, Pa. At present. Faculty exchange, Box 208, Chicago, 111. Asst, in Dept, of Economics and Industry, Univ. of Chicago. Thomas Jay Sproul (Chem.) A.M. 1911. 718 Kerlin St., Ches- ter, Pa. Member of firm of Lewis Bros. Co., Wholesale Grocers. Hannah Bard Steele (Math.) A.M. 1912. Swarthmore, Pa. Graduate student, Swarthmore College. Helen Stelwagon (French) 8 Chester Ave., Ridley Park, Pa. Edna Brown Sterner (Engl.) Stroudsburg, Pa. Teacher. Ralph Stephen Straub (Engl.) 209 Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa. Law student at Univ. of Pa. Frank Brinton Strode (Chem.) 314 S. Walnut St., West Chester, Pa. At present, P. O. Box 445, State College, Pa. Instructor in Chemistry, State College. Walter Cyrus Strunk (El. Eng.) Harrington Park, N. J. or 68 W. Forty-ninth St., New York, N. Y. Metropolitan Street Ry. Co., Elec- trical Dept., New York, N. Y. Anna Elizabeth Stubbs (Mrs. Walter Kay Groff) (Ger.) London Grove, Pa. Archer Taylor (Ger.) A.M. Univ. of Pa., 1910. 35 Conant Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Graduate student, Harvard Uni- versity. Edith Belcher Taylor (Engl.) 504 Fourth Ave., Asbury Park, N. J. Teacher in High School, Newton, N. J. Edith May Taylor (Lat.) Kennett Square, Pa. Mary Alice Taylor (Ger.) Moore, Pa. Teacher in High School. Mary Truman (Engl.) 1600 Jenny Lind St., McKeesport, Pa. Gen. Secretary Y. W. C. A. Edna Anna Tyson (Engl.) Northside West, Reading, Pa. Teacher in Girls’ High School. Eugene Underhill, Jr. (Hist.) Swarthmore, Pa. Medical student, Univ. of Penna. Helen Underhill (Engl.) Jericho, N. Y. George Henry Van Cott (Civ. Eng.) Southboro, Mass. Engineer, with Elliot C. Brown Co., New York, N. Y. REGISTER of graduates 70 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1910 Charles Hart Wetter (Econ.) LL.B. 1912. Univ. of Penna. 4035 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Law- yer. Andrew Bracken White (Civ. Eng.) C.E. 1910. 654 Chippewa Ave., Detroit, Mich. Estimator, Trussed Concrete Steel Co. John Finch Wilbur (Civ. Eng.) Swarthmore, Pa. Engineer, with Midvale Steel Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Susanne Yardley Willets (Lat.) 219 Greenwood Ave., Trenton, N. J. Jean Margaret Williamson (Mrs. Walter Roberts) (Lat.) 462 Garfield Ave., Richmond Hill, L. I., N. Y. 71 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING Edward Houser Cavin (Civ. Eng.) 357 Charles St., Boston, Mass. So- cial Worker. Louis Fussell Coffin (M. Eng.) Box 158, New Brighton, Pa. With Beaver Valley Traction Co. John Alfred Miller, Jr. (Civ. Eng.) McCormick Bldg., Chicago, 111. With Penna. Steel Co. Max Bruno Miller (Civ. Eng.) Chicago, 111., care of Sharpies Separator Co. Sales manager. David Dwight Rowlands (M. Eng.) M.E. 1913. 612 St. Clair Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Consulting En- gineer, Falls Machine Co. Vice Pres., John H. Allan Seed Co. Thomas D. Smedley (Civ. Eng.) R. F. D., No. 3, West Chester, Pa. 6 MASTERS OF ARTS Jeannette Curtis (Mrs. Louis Cons) (Biol.) See A.B. 1907. Roy Linden Hill (Chem.) See A.B. 1908. Rachel Knight (Pub. Sp.) See B.L. 1898. Walter Frank Rittman (Ch. Eng.) See A.B. 1908. 4 CIVIL ENGINEER Barclay White See A.B. 1906. 1 DOCTOR OF LITERATURE (Honorary) Alexander Griswold Cummins See A.B. 1889. 1 1910 BACHELORS OF ARTS Ethel Mary Albertson (Mrs. Arthur Wood Post) (Ger.) Westbury, L. I., N. Y. Esther Barnes (Mrs. Paul Willis Shepherd) (Engl.) 310 Bailey Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn. Frederick John Blatz (Chem.) 822 Harrison St., Wilmington, Del. Chris Bockius (Ch. Eng.) 207 E. Ohio St., Chicago, 111. Chemical Engineer, Underwriters’ Laboratories. Hazel Brown (Engl.) R. F. D., No. 3, Leesburg, Va. Samuel Joseph Bunting, Jr. (Econ.) Fifty-seventh St. and Elmwood Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 830 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Bond business. Anna Frances Campbell (Mrs. Walter Rittman) (Lat.) 510 W. 124th St., New York, N. Y. Guy Carroll Carr (Math.) 185 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher of Mathematics, Brooklyn Friends’ School. Louise Keene Corkran (Ger.) 15 E. Washington St., Media, Pa. Teacher of Gymnastics, Friends’ School, Media, Pa. George Cadwallader Corson (Econ.) Plymouth Meeting, Pa. Alma Daniels (Ger.) A.M. Univ. of Wis,, 1911. Swarth- more, Pa. Mary Beatrice Dunlevy (Lat.) 109 N. Laurel St., Hazelton, Pa. Teacher in Drifton Private School, Drifton, Pa. Pauline Ruby Fay (Mrs. Howard Hamilton Wright) (Engl.) Eldred, Florida. Edward Watson Fell (Econ.) 1534 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. LL.B. Univ. of Penna., 1913. Office, 618 N. American Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer. *Elsie Fenton (Ger.) Died September 19, 1910, at Tren- ton, N. J. 1910] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 71 George Dock Fussell (Biol.) 421 Lyceum Aye., Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa. Student, School of Medicine, Univ. of Penna. Rodger F. Gephart (Lat.) A.M. Univ. of Pa., 1913. 103 N. “E” St., Marion, Ind. At pres- ent, Room 42, Graduate House, Univ. of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa. Priscilla Cooper Goodwyn (Mrs. Frank Hastings Griffin) (Engl.) 5424 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Beulah Reece Green (Ger.) 615 N. Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa. With Children’s Aid Society, Philadelphia, Pa. Anna Bassett Griscom (Engl.) 135 E. Central Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Investigating Agent Chil- dren’s Bureau. Mary Linton Hallowell (French) Jenkintown, Pa. Teacher. Bertha Brooke Hepworth (Ger.) A.M. Univ. of Pa., 1913. Upland, Pa. Teacher, Chester High School. Miriam White Hines (Engl.) 106 McKinley Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. William Lancaster Jenkins (Engl.) Gwynedd, Pa. Edna Clayton Jones (French) Swarthmore, Pa. Gurdon Blodgett Jones (Engl.) Swarthmore, Pa. Virginia Drysdale Keeney (Engl.) 108 N. Sixteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Tutor. Sara Kelsall Kirk (Ger.) 1005 E. Allegheny St., Hollidays- burg, Pa. James Gibson Lamb (Econ.) 133 W. Nippon St., Germantown, Pa. With Scott Paper Co. Grace Frances Lee (Ger.) 1131 Potter St., Chester, Pa. Teacher, Chester High School. Helen Lukens (Mrs. George W. Cresson) (Ger.) 131 W. Durham St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Adelaide Stuart McGinnis (Ger.) 635 W. Main St., Norristown, Pa. Helen Christine Maynard (Ger.) West Chester, Pa. At present, Tuckahoe, N. J. Principal of Grammar School. Margaret Fulton Means (Mrs. William V. Fulton) (Engl.) 3228 Grand Ave., Everett, Wash. Hattie Knox Pentz (Ger.) 2 Highland St., Du Bois, Pa. John Himes Pitman (Math.) A.M. 1911. 319 E. Tenth St., Conshohocken, Pa. At present, Swarthmore, Pa. Instructor in Mathematics, Swarthmore College. Annie Stagg Pollitt (Lat.) 113 Hamilton Ave., Paterson, N. J. Mary Winifred Rennard (Lat.) Lares, Porto Rico. Teacher. Jesse Charles Roberts (Phil.) 2148 N. Camac St., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher in Thomas Potter Public School, Philadelphia, Pa. Marie Sellers (Ger.) 14 W. Chestnut St., West Chester, Pa. With Ladies’ Home Journal Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Philip Triest Sharpies (Chem.) “Greystone,” West Chester, Pa. Vice- Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Sharpies Separator Co. Martha Ellis Soyars (Lat.) Hopkinsville, Ky. James Austin Stone (Econ.) 1618 R. I. Ave., Washington, D. C. Law student. Arthur Percival Tanberg (Chem.) A.M. 1913. 2940 Broadway, New York. Graduate student Columbia University. Lewin Hepbron Usilton (Civ. Eng.) Kennedyville, Md. At present, Y. M. C. A., 179 Marcy St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Steel Foreman with Turner Construction Co. Jean Hamilton Walker (French) Swarthmore, Pa. Teacher of French, Mary Lyon School, and Instructor in French, Swarthmore College. Marguerite Carswell Wallace (French) 1022 N. Tenth St., Wilmington, Del. Florence Estelle Wallworth (Mrs. Charles N. Ulrich) (Ger.) 306 Bridge St., Catasauqua, Pa. John Atlee White (Math.) A.M. 1913. Cossart, Pa. At pres- ent, Elizabeth, N. J. Teacher of Mathematics, High School. Irvana Margaret Wood (French) Box 337, Ridley Park, Pa. Student of Domestic Science, Drexel Insti- tute, Philadelphia, Pa. I. N. Earl Wynn (Econ.) 105 S. High St., West Chester,. Pa. Law student. 51 * 1 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING H. Lawrence Beecher (El. Eng.) 179 N. Tenth St., Newark, Ohio. At present, 8 W. Chestnut St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Draftsman, Mt. Vernon Bridge Co. 72 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1911 Riley Anton Bressler (M. Eng.) Tower City, Pa. At present, 812 University Place., Schenectady, N. Y. With General Electric Co. Louis Herman Buek (M. Eng.) 1719 N. Wilton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Mgr., with Buek & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph Franklin Gaskill (Civ. Eng.) Laneville, Tucker Co., W. Ya. Frank Hastings Griffin (Chem.) 5424 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Instructor in Chemistry, Drexel In- stitute. John Johnson (Civ. Eng.) Box 226, Neillsville, Wis. Civil En- gineer. *Robert Montgomery Marr (M. Eng.) Died June 11, 1911, at Columbus, Ohio. John Norman Ogden (El. Eng.) 16 N. Maple Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. At present, University Club, Al- toona, Pa. Draftsman for P. R. R. Frederick Willits Seaman (M. Eng.) Glen Cove, N. Y. Automobile re- pairing and rebuilding. 9*1 MASTER OF ARTS Mary Eliza North (Mrs. Arthur S. Chenoweth) (Engl.) See A.B. 1907. 1 CIVIL ENGINEERS George Lupton Broomell See A.B. 1906. John Horace Ervien See A.B. 1903. Andrew Bracken White See A.B. 1909. 3 1911 BACHELORS OF ARTS Anna Broomall Allen (Engl.) R. F. D., No. 1, Schaghticoke, N. Y. Teacher. Francis Whitmer Atkinson (El. Eng.) 14 High St., Moorestown, N. J. At present, 83 Westfield Ave., Eliza- beth, N. J. Student Engineer, with the Public Service Railway of New Jersey. Edith Harriet Baker (Phil.) 1727 Oxford St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ethel Hannah Barnard (Ger.) Westtown, Pa. 305 N. State St., Dover, Del. Lenore Mildred Bartow (Mrs. Al- bert Reiff Bechtel) (Engl.) State College, Pa. Zelma Jane Bartow (Mrs. John Bechtel) (French) State College, Pa. Laura Allen Boram (Phil.) Markleville, Ind. Annabelle Boyle (French) 266 Main St., Coatesville, Pa. Sarah Ethel Boyt (French) Secane, Pa. At present, Pember- ton, N. J. Teacher in Pember- ton High School. Emma Getz Brooks (French) 1123 Madison Ave., Chester, Pa. Teacher in Chester High School. Margaret Broomell (Engl.) 2128 Bolton St., Baltimore, Md. Teacher, Friends’ School, Balti- more. Elizabeth Weeks Cadwallader (French) Yardley, Pa. Edna Carpenter (Chem.) 8 Adams St., Mount Yernon, N. Y. Gladys Coker (Lat.) Hartsville, S. C. Benjamin Woolston Collins (Chem.) Swarthmore, Pa. Chemist, with Du- Pont Powder Co. Robert Allen Crews (Hist.) Charleston, 111. Business. Raymond Keenan Denworth (Econ.) Graduate West Chester, Pa., State Normal School. 8 E. Pleasant St., Baltimore, Md. Teacher of Eng- lish, Friends’ School, Baltimore. Susannah Maree Gregg (Pub. Sp.) Pennville, Ind. Teacher. Thomas Heston Hall (Ch. Eng.) Swarthmore, Pa. Chemist, with U. G. I. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Elizabeth Anderson Hallock (Math.) 303 State St., Brooklyn, N. Y. At present, 36 Model Ave., Trenton, N. J. Teacher, Trenton High School. Adele Bower Hammond (Ger.) 415 Old Boonton Road, Boonton, N. J. Teacher in High School, Union, N. J. Margaret Vail Harned (Mrs. Alexander Clark) (French) Mound, La. 1911 ] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 73 Louisa Anna Harvey (Phil.) Moorestown, N. J. At present, 215 E. Fifteenth St., New York, N. Y. Teacher at Friends’ Seminary, New York. Elsie Haviland (Mrs. Francis Whitmer Atkinson) (Hist.) B.S. 1913. 83 Westfield Ave., Eliza- beth, N. J. Anna Marie Heller (Ger.) 541 N. Seventh St., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher of German and French, William Penn High School for Girls, Philadelphia, Pa. Helen Alberta Herr (Chem.) Box 36, Strasburg, Pa. Sarah Gilpin Heyburn (Ger.) Swarthmore, Pa. At present, Bend, Oregon. Anna Heydt (Lat.) A.M. Radcliffe College, 1912. 301 S. Third St., Lehighton, Pa. Teacher, White School, New Brighton, N. Y. William Worrell Hill, Jr. (Chem.) Markham, Pa. At present, Sewaren, N. J. Chemist, with creosoting plant of Philadelphia and Reading Railway. Jane Frances Hoag (Engl.) Sayville, N. Y. Newspaper work. Elizabeth Dunlap Hutchinson (Hist.) Franklin Ave., Hempstead, N. Y. Instructor of Girls’ Gymnastics, Brooklyn Friends’ School. Benjamin Kirson (Lat.) Crozet, Va. Arthur Denny Latimer (Math.) A.M. 1912. Aledo, 111. Professor of Mathematics, William and Yashti College. Emma Dora Marshall (Pub. Sp.) Lyndell, Pa. Field worker for Phila. Soc. for Organizing Charities. Florence Turner Michener (Lat.) Northbrook, Pa. Teacher in Ken- nett Square, Pa. Glenn Earl Miller (Chem.) Youngstown, Ohio. R. F. D., No. 4. Chemist with Republic Iron and Steel Co. Prentiss Allen Myrick (Ger.) Hammonton, N. J. Helen Roderfield Parker (French) Swarthmore, Pa. Teacher. Edna Walter Passmore (Ger.) 202 Pine St., Oxford, Pa. At pres- ent, Sussex, N. J. Teacher of Latin and German, Sussex High School. Edward Russell Perkins (Econ.) 397 Main St., Moorestown, N. J. Bioren & Co., 314 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Albert Merritt Pitcher (Ch. Eng.) 8 Curtis Ave., Woodbury, N. J. With DuPont Powder Co. Dorothy MacDowell Plack (Engl.) 5106 Hazel Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher, High School, Kingston, Tenn. Angeline Johnson Power (Phil.) 4166 Girard Ave., West Philadel- phia, Pa. Elizabeth Evans Price (Lat.) Plymouth Meeting, Pa. Teacher, Germantown Friends’ School. Emmor Roberts, Jr. (Math.) Moorestown, N. J. Farmer. Arthur Springer Robinson (M. Eng.) 4 Toledo Ave., Elmhurst, L. I. Doing construction work for N. Y. Con- necting R. R. Ruth Clement Sharp (Mrs. Joseph Henry Willits) (Elngl.) Lansdowne, Pa. Finley Hall Shiland (M. Eng.) 11 Princeton Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. With Chester Paper Co., Chester, Pa. Therese Dorrance Spackman (Engl.) Riverton, N. J. Alice Mulford Stover (Ger.) Riverton, N. J. Teacher. Grace Rebekah Tucker (Hist.) 313 Dean St., West Chester, Pa. At present, E. Setauket, L. I., N. Y. Teacher of 6th dnd 7th grades in Public School, of Setauket, N. Y. William Russell Tylor (Chem.) 221 E. Fifteenth St., New York, N. Y. Secretary of New York Monthly Meeting of Friends. Ruth Verlenden (Ger.) 15 Ridge Ave., Darby, Pa. Elizabeth Merrow Washburn (Chem.) A.M. Columbia Univ., 1912. Farm School, Pa. Secretary. James Aloysius Watson (Ch. Eng.) Taltal, Chile. Elizabeth White (Engl.) Marlborough-Blenheim, Atlantic City, N. J. Mabelle Gertrude Whitehead (Lat.) 407 Market St., Trenton, N. J. At present, 103 Broad St., Bridge- ton, N. J. Teacher in High School. Joseph Henry Willits (Econ.) A.M. 1912. Lansdowne, Pa. Grad- uate student and assistant in Dept, of Industry, Wharton School of Fi- nance, Univ. of Pa. 74 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1912 Rata Emma Willitt (Ger.) Mayville, N. Y. Asst. Principal, High School. Katharine Reinoehl Witmeyer (French) 502 Cumberland St., Lebanon, Pa. Elizabeth Clarke Yocum (Ger.) 502 Swede St., Norristown, Pa. At present, 12 Forest Ave., East De- troit, Mich. Asst, in Dept, of Hygiene, Central High School. 60 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING John Arthur Barnard (El. Eng.) 801 Franklin Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Apprentice, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. George Ernest Boughton (Civ. Eng.) Care of United States Gypsum Co., 1170 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Louis Jacquelin Bradford (M. Eng.) 811 E. State St., Ithaca, N. Y. In- structor in Dept, of Machine De- sign, Sibley College, Cornell Univ. Henry Lawrence Hess (M. Eng.) 1510 Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. At present, Hess Steel Cast- ings Co., Bridgeton, N. J. Harold Hutcheon Millar (M. Eng.) 718 Madison Ave., Plainfield, N. J. At present, with Hudson Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Harry Lynn Miller (Civ. Eng.) Swarthmore, Pa. At present, 1130 Dundas St., Toronto, Canada. With Sharpies Separator Co. Ellwood Zavitz Way (El. Eng.) 33 S. Fifty-third St., Philadelphia, Pa. Salesman with General Elec- tric Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Conrad August Wickham (Civ. Eng.) 2111 E. Thirtieth St., Kansas City, Mo. Dist. Sales Mgr., Sharpies Separator Co. 8 MASTERS OF ARTS John Himes Pitman (Astron.) See A.B. 1910. Herman Pritchard (Math.) See B.S. 1908. Marianna Smith (Mrs. Edward Briggs Rawson) (Phil.) See B.L. 1891. Thomas Jay Sproul (Chem.) See A.B. 1909. 4 CIVIL ENGINEERS Edward Morris Bassett See B.S. 1905. William Seth Daniels See A.B. 1907. Joseph Archer Turner See B.S. 1905. Joseph Jeanes Walker See B.S. 1892. 4 MECHANICAL ENGINEER Walter Frank Rittman See A.B. 1908. A.M. 1909. 1 MASTER OF ARTS (Honorary) John M. Shrigley 436 S. Lansdowne Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. President of Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades. 1 DOCTORS OF LAWS (Honorary) David Newlin Fell LL.D. Lafayette College, 1910. 1534 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Justice Supreme Court of Pa., since 1894. William Plumer Potter LL.D. Lafayette College, 1907. Swarthmore, Pa. Justice Supreme Court of Pa., since 1902. 2 1912 BACHELORS OF ARTS Eugene Edmond Ayres, Jr. (Ch. Eng.) Crozer Seminary, Chester, Pa. With Dupont de Nemours Powder Co. Amy Baker (Engl.) Hamilton Court, Philadelphia, Pa. Elisabeth Hallowell Bartlett (Engl.) 1922 Mt. Royal Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Bessie Bew (Mrs. George Bond) (French) Swarthmore, Pa. Helen Leigh Blanton (French) 1232 S. Fifty-seventh St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Social worker. Alice Marie Bolton (Mrs. William Biggerstaff) (French) 712 N. Twentieth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Madeleine Brown (Mrs. Robert Titus Naisby) (Engl.) 750 Harvard Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 1912] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 75 Fay Burger (Hist.) 1215 W. Tioga St., Philadelphia, Pa. Private Teacher. J. Augustus Cadwallader (Pub. Sp.) Fairfield Terrace, Yardley, Pa. Exec. Secretary Penna. Arbitration and Peace Society, Baily Bldg., Phila- delphia, Pa. Charles Aaron Collins (Econ.) Moorestown, N. ,J. Farmer. Anna Washington Detweiler (Ger.) 137 S. Fifth St., Reading, Pa. At present, care of Library Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. Cata- loguer in Library. Charles Shambaugh Doan (Math.) Wilmington, Ohio. Teacher of Mathematics in High School. Wilmer Coffman Dutton (Civ. Eng.) 5827 Windsor Place, W. Philadel- phia, Pa. With James Boyd & Bros., Philadelphia, Pa. Donald Renwick Ferguson (Biol.) 1937 N. Thirty-second St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Student of medicine at Hahnemann Medical School. Avis Loraine Fitch (Hist.) 118 Amity St., Flushing, N. Y. Clara Elizabeth Frazee (Engl.) 1705 Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. With Federated Charities. Claude Francis Gilchrist (Econ.) Kennett Square, Pa. With Amer- ican Road Machine Co., Goderich, Ontario, Canada. Marion Duffield Grau (Phil.) Swarthmore, Pa. Teacher in Public School, Swedesboro, N. J. Margaret Elizabeth Green (French) Box 82, Bartow, Fla. Anne Shoemaker Haines (Ger.) Swarthmore, Pa. At present, 1904 Washington St., Wilmington, Del. Teacher of German in Wilming- ton Friends’ School. Eleanor Halsey (Engl.) Swarthmore, Pa. Teacher, Flint Hill, Ya. William Darrach Halsey (M. Eng.) Swarthmore, Pa. Assistant to chief engineer, Sharpies Separator Co., West Chester, Pa. John Ernest Hartman (Math.) Dillsburg, Pa. At present, 110 E. Sixteenth St., New York, N. Y. Teacher of Mathematics, Friends’ Seminary, New York. Anna May Haslett (Ger.) 1247 E. Columbia Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher of Language, West Chester, Pa. Mildred Grace Hoadley (Ger.) Sheffield, Mass. Office assistant. William King Hoyt (Econ.) Y. M. C. A., Trenton, N. J. Re- porter on “Trenton Times.” Horace Carroll Jenkins (French) Gwynedd, Pa. At present, Elkins Park, Pa. Teacher of French in High School. Florence Manning Lippincott (Hist.) Woodstown, N. J. Teacher of His- tory in High School. Cornelia Lillian Lounsbury (Hist.) 129 Plainfield Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Teacher of History in Plain- field High School. Phebe Lukens (French) Swarthmore, Pa. Walter Lee Lukens (Hist.) 1325 Jefferson St., Philadelphia, Pa. In advertising dept., F. Wallis Armstrong Co., 603 North Amer- ican Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Sallie Sides McSparran (Econ.) A.M. Bucknell Univ., 1913. 4063 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. Helen Crawford Marr (Engl.) Swarthmore, Pa. Student of Music and Domestic Science. James Ellsworth Mitchell (Econ.) 215 Pine St., Millville, N. J. At present, 416 Ardmore Ave., Tren- ton, N. J. Student in Law. Mary Eliza Osgood (Hist.) Hammonton, N. J. Mattie Helen Pressey (Engl.) 380 Ridgewood Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J. William Webb Price (Engl.) Moylan, Pa. At present, Agent for Hoopes Bros. & Thomas Co. Phila- delphia, Pa. Malvin Herman Reinheimer (Engl.) 870 N. Twenty-third St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Student of Law, Univ. of Penna. Marco Tulio Ricaurte (Chem.) The Midvale Steel Co., Ltd., Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. Repre- sentative of Midvale Steel Co., Ltd. 76 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1912 Eleanor Augusta Rittenhouse (French) 303 Claremont Ave., Montclair, N. J. At present, Merchantville, N. J. Teacher in High School. Byron Thomas Roberts (Math.) Moorestown, N. J. Farmer and fruit-grower. Harold Stine Roberts (Ger.) 20 Harvey Ave., Merchantville, N. J. At present, 192 Nassau St., Princeton, N. J. Teacher, French and German, Princeton Model School. Preston Thomas Roberts (Math.) Moorestown, N. J. Farmer and fruit-grower. Anna Mullin Rogers (Ger.) 255 Dean St., West Chester, Pa. At present, 1215 W. Eighth St., Wilmington, Del. Teacher in DuPont School. Austin Allan Scott (Chem.) 505 Bayard St., Wilmington, Del. At present, Enosburg Falls, Vt. Chemist and Supt. Federal Pack- ing Co., operated by Hires Root Beer Co. Laurence Price Sharpies (Ch. v Eng.) West Chester, Pa. With Sharpies Separator Co. Helen Shinn (Ger.) 121 States Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Caroline Hallowell Smedley (French) 1638 Formosa Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. At present, Student of medicine, Univ. of Cal. Mabel Lydia Stiner (Engl.) Kennett Square, Pa. At present, Moorestown, N. J. Teacher of English in High School. Raymond Clarke Storb (Eeon.) 172 N. Hanover St., Pottstown, Pa. Stone quarry business. Ida Dorothy Strode (Biol.) 314 S. Walnut St., West Chester, Pa. At present, 59 Chatham St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Secretary of Y. W. C. A. Edith Neal Swayne (Engl.) Graduate, West Chester State Normal School. R. F. D., No. 7, West Chester, Pa. At present, 23 Princeton Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Tutor. Thomas Rothwell Taylor (Civ. Eng.) A.M. 1913. Swarthmore, Pa. In- structor in Wharton School, Univ. of Pa. Charles Garrett Thatcher (M. Eng.) Swarthmore, Pa. Engineer, Jas. Boyd & Bro., Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Edith Freeman Tracey (French) Glyndon, Md. Natalie Sudler Turner (Engl.) Asbury Park, N. J. Teacher in High School. Evalynn Walker (Ger.) 435 E. Jefferson St., Media, Pa. Teacher, Sprogall Primary School, Media, Pa. Anna Deborah White (Biol.) Lansdowne, Pa. Martha Willets (French) 219 Greenwood Ave., Trenton, N. J. Sec. Friends’ Association. BACHELORS OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING Charles Albert Eberle (Civ. Eng.) 647 N. Fortieth St., Philadelphia, Pa. With David Lupton Sons Co., Allegheny and Tulip Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. Robert Wright Hackman (El. Eng.) Womelsdorf, Pa. Cigar manufactur- ing business. Charles Alfred Smith (Civ. Eng.) 832 N. Sixty-third St., West Phila- delphia, Pa. Building Inspector. Herman Elliott Wells (Civ. Eng.) Nottingham, Pa. At present, Swarth- more, Pa. Supt. of Equipment for Chautauqua Association of Pennsylvania. 4 MASTERS OF ARTS Frederic De Los Barber (Phys.) See B.S. 1897. Arthur Denny Latimer (Math.) See A.B. 1911. E. Mae Myers (Hist.) See B.L. 1900. Frederick Myerle Simons, Jr. (Econ.) See A.B. 1909. Hannah Bard Steele (Math.) See A.B. 1909. Joseph Henry Willits (Econ.) See A.B. 1911. 6 CIVIL ENGINEER Walter Trainer Baker See A.B. 1906. 1 MECHANICAL ENGINEER William R. McDonough See A.B. 1907. 1 1913] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 77 DOCTOR OF LAWS (Honorary) William Hyde Appleton See Hon. Ph.D. 1888. 1 1913 BACHELORS OF ARTS Katharine Elsie Anders (Ger.) Fairview Village, Mont. Co., Pa. Iva Adele Appleby (Hist.) 1409 Harrison St., Wilmington, Del. Arthur Underwood Ayres (Econ.) Crozer Seminary, Chester, Pa. Elec- trical Engineer, Valdosta Lighting Co., Valdosta, Ga. William Mark Bittle (Ch. Eng.) Swarthmore, Pa. At present, Chrome, N. J. Chemist with creosoting plant of Phila. & Reading R. R. Mary Ferris Blackburn (Hist.) Station H, Baltimore, Md. Teacher of Physical Training in Friends’ School, Baltimore, Md. Lillian Boyt (French) Secane, Pa. Ruth Anna Carlile (Lat.) West Grove, Pa. Philip Jackson Carpenter (Econ.) 1107 Franklin St., Wilmington, Del. At present, care of American Road Machine Co., Kennett Square, Pa. Lucy Merritt Carvin (Engl.) 6 E. Fourteenth St., Wilmington, Del. Teacher of English in High School. Sarah Mildred Chandler (Engl.) Oxford, Pa. At present, governess with H. H. Lippincott, Riverton, N. J. Margaret Clifford (French) Swarthmore, Pa. Marion Coles (Engl.) Merchantville, N. J., R. F. D., No. 1. At present, Camden, N. J. Teacher in Friends’ School. Russell Mahlon Cook (Ch. Eng.) 133 W. Main St., Salem, Ohio. At present, Chrome, N. ‘J. With Creosoting Co. Mary Anne Cordingley (Hist.) 2117 Brandywine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Walter Edwin Cox (Econ.) Malvern, Pa. With Sharpies Sepa- rator Co., West Chester, Pa. Roland Homer Crew (Civ. Eng.) Betterton, Md. At present, Jersey City, N. J. Dept, of Maintenance of Way, P. R. R. Roy Welty Delaplaine (Math.) 8 W. Third St., Waynesboro, Pa. At present, 1904 Washington St., Wilmington, Del. Teacher of Sci- ence and Physical Education in Friends’ School. Josephine House Dennisson (Ger.) 443 S. High St., West Chester, Pa. At present, Philadelphia, Pa., with the Curtis Pub. Co. Juanita May Downes (Gk.) 813 W. Eighth St., Chester, Pa. Graduate student, Univ. of Pa. David Tully Dunning (M. Eng.) Sussex, N. J. At present, Seventh and Glenwood Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. With the Albro-Clem Eleva- tor Co. Kenneth Vernon Farmer (M. Eng.) 221 N. Fourth St., Newark, Ohio. At present, 721 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. Cadet Engineer with United Gas Improvement Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Esther Kathryn Fell (French) 433 W. School Lane, Germantown, Pa. At present, student at Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. Eliza Josephine Foster (Biol.) 315 Greenwood Ave., Trenton, N. J. Studying social work in New York. Alice Pitman Garwood (Engl.) Swarthmore, Pa. Blanche Harriet Gibson (Engl.) 3437 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher. Louis Fred Gieg (Ch. Eng.) At present, David Lupton Sons Co., Allegheny and Tulip Sts., Philar- delphia, Pa. Dorothy May Gill (Hist.) 1324 Brown St., Philadelphia, Pa. William Henry Gillam, Jr. (M. Eng.) 121 E. Maple Ave., Langhorne, Pa. At present, 2004 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, Pa. Asst. Supt. James T. Boyd & Bro., Fire Ap- paratus. Washington Russell Green (Econ.) Trenton, N. J., R. F. D„ No. 4. At present, 3335 Woodland Ave., West Philadelphia, Law student, Univ. of Pa. Grace Winter Greene (Engl.) 309 S. Governor Ave., Dover, Del. At present, Swarthmore, Pa. Asst, in Education Dept, of Swarthmore College. Virginia Preston Griest (Econ.) Lititz, Pa., R. F. D., No. 3. At present, Joanna, Pa. Teacher. 78 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [1913 Marguerite Hallowell (Engl.) Ivyland, Pa. At present, 809 Linden St., Scranton, Pa. Teacher in the School of Lackawanna. Emma Knox Hawthorne (Ger.) 549 Haws Ave., Norristown, Pa. At present, Shiloh, N. J. Teacher. Tacy Paul Hough (Biol.) 524 Butler Ave., Ambler, Pa. At present, Glenolden, Pa. With Mulford Vaccine Laboratories. Folger Branson Howell (Biol.) Springfield, Ohio. Farmer. Edith Mary Jackson (Lat.) 310 W. Fayette St., West Chester, Pa. At present, Rockaway, N. J. Teacher in High School. Elizabeth Eachus Jackson (Pub. Sp.) 101 Owen Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. At present, 203 W. Thomas St., Rome, N. Y. Supervisor of Reading in Public Schools. Alden Bliss Jones (Biol.) Hillborn Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. At present, Hightstown, N. J. Teacher in High School. Elizabeth Keller (Econ.) Box 238, Morton, Pa. William Vernon Kerns (Civ. Eng.) 1930 Sixth Ave., Moline, 111. At present, Jersey City, N. J. With Dept. Maintenance of Way, P. R. R. Roswitha Agnes Kudlich (Ger.) 104 W. Eighty-seventh St., New York, N. Y. Graduate student, Columbia Univ. Louise Marie Lawton (Engl.) 224 E. 15th St., New York, N. Y. Financial Secretary of the Jacob Riis Settlement. Lloyd Downes Lewis (Engl.) Pendleton, Ind. At present, Phila- delphia, Pa. Reporter with “The North American.” Margaret Hoar Livingston "(Ger.) 23 Runnemede Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. At present, Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher in Friends’ School. William Penn Lukens (M. Eng.) Swarthmore, Pa. At present, 258 Field Ave., Detroit, Mich. With the Hupp Motor Car Co. Helen May McConaghy (Ger.) Media, Pa. R. F. D., No. 3. Teacher in Oakdale School. Francis Miller MacDowell (M. Eng.) Phoenicia, Ulster Co., N. Y. At present, Danville, N. Y. With the Power Specialty Co. Letitia McHose (Lat.) 302 S. Fifth St., Reading, Pa. At present, Clinton, N. J. Teacher of Latin in High School. Edith May Martin (French) 509 Hamilton St., Norristown, Pa. Teacher. Florence Meredith (Engl.) 80 Sea View Ave., Long Branch, N. J. Teacher. Henry Lee Messner (Econ.) Roaring Branch, Pa. Teacher in Friends’ School, Baltimore, Md. Esther Midler (Econ.) 1423 Forty-first St., Brooklyn, N. Y. At present, care of American Ex- press Co., Berlin, Germany. Stu- dent in Univ. of Berlin. James Monaghan, Jr. (Biol.) 3309 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate student, Swarthmore College. At present, Jensen, Utah. Mary Wallace Mullen, 2d (French) “Hillside,” Claymont, Del. Earl Anson Oakley (Math.) Greenwood, Ind. At present, Cald- well, Idaho. Teacher in High School. Elizabeth Biggins Oliver (Pub. Sp.) 615 W. Broad St., Chester, Pa. Graduate student, Swarthmore Col- lege. Anna Pauline Katharine Oppen- lander (Engl.) 3132 Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Director Junior Chautauqua, with Chautauqua Assn, of Pa. Rebecca Tyler Osier (Engl.) 42 S. Union Ave., Merchantville, N. J. At present, Elmira, N. Y. Asst, in Finance Dept., Elmira College. Josiah Arthur Pancoast (Econ.) 210 Seventh St., Miami, Fla. With Miami Beach Improvement Co. Anita Peck (Engl.) Riverside, Conn. At present, Lan- caster, Mass. Teacher in Indus- trial School for Girls. Dorothy Phillips (Engl.) 330 W. Duval St., Germantown, Pa. At present, Camden, N. J. Teacher in Friends’ School. Elizabeth Johnson Phillips (French) Waterford, Va. Asst. Principal, Waterford High School. Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon (Engl.) Wadesville, Va. John Stewart Reid (El. Eng.) 1924 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. Alexandra Beatrice Rogers (Engl.) 522 N. Centre St., Corry, Pa. At present, 433 W. School Lane, Ger- mantown, Pa. Student at In- dustrial Art School, Philadelphia. 1913] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 79 John Shee Rush (M. Eng.) Concordville, Pa. At present, War- ren, Ohio. Anna Yardley Satterthwaite (Engl.) Yardley, Pa. At present, Swarth- more, Pa. Secretary to Dr. J. Russell Smith. James Jacob Schock (Math.) Okmulgee, Oklahoma. At- present, 1534 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Actuarial Dept. Fidelity Mutual Life Ins. Co. Adaline Semple (Engl.) 1904 Washington St., Wilmington, Del. Teacher of English and Latin in DuPont School. Charles Carll Sheppard (Chem.) 91 Broad St., Bridgeton, N. J. At present, room 332, City Hall, Phila. With the Bureau of Gas. James Russell Snyder (M. Eng.) 319 Vassar Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. With the United Gas Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Marian Redfield Stearne (Math.) 4520 Mulberry St., Frankford, Phila- delphia, Pa. Teacher in West Philadelphia High School. George Edmund Tarble (Econ.) Martinsville, 111. Farmer. Newton Edward Tarble (Econ.) Martinsville, 111. At present, Fourth and Arch Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. With the Ketterlinus Lithograph- ing Co. Helen Tatman (Ger.) Milford, Del. At present, Aberdeen, Md. Teacher in High School. Mary Welsh (Pub. Sp.) Rockville, Md. Charles Edgar West (Math.) Wilmington, Ohio. At present, Philadelphia, Pa. With Provident Life and Trust Insurance Co. Catharine Boyd Williams (French) 3708 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Martha May Williams (Lat.) Sellersville, Pa. At present, Quaker- town, Pa. Teacher in High School. Anna Worrell (Ger.) Ogden, Pa. Teacher in Holman School, 2204 Walnut St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Katharine Lower Wray (Engl.) Bellwood, Pa. At present, Orange, N. J. Teacher of French in High School. Fred Garfield Young (Econ.) West Chester, Pa. R. F. D., No. 7. At present, Woodlawn, Pa. With the Jones Co., Steel Works. 82 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Joseph Durbin Stites (El. Eng.) 132 N. East St., Williamstown, Pa. At present Langford, Pa. Elec- trical Engineer with the Lehigh Coal and Navigating Co. Warren Wallace Weaver (El. Eng.) 6105 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. With the Valuation Dept, of Penna. R. R., Philadelphia, Pa. 2 MASTERS OF ARTS Edmund Cocks (Biol.) See A.B. 1903. Philip Marshall Hicks (Pub. Sp.) See A.B. 1905. Arthur Percival Tanberg (Chem.) See A.B. 1910. Thomas Rothwell Taylor (Econ.) See A.B. 1912. John Atlee White (Math.) See A.B. 1910. 5 MECHANICAL ENGINEER David Dwight Rowlands See B.S. 1909. 1 II LIST OF ALUMNI ARRANGED BY LOCALITIES OF RESIDENCE UNITED STATES ALABAMA Piedmont Richard Cassin Thatcher A.B. 1906. CALIFORNIA Bard, Imperial Co. Mary E. Yeo (Mrs. Oscar Pink- ney Thornton) B.S. 1894. Bet ter a via George Norman Ash A. B. 1909. See Coatesville, Pa. Los Angeles Henry E. Bean B. S. 1895. 2116 W. Twenty-ninth St. Tacy A. Gleim (Mrs. Eber T. Dunning) A. B. 1878. 1880 W. Adams St. Clarence Burtch Hoadley B. S. 1897. 1638 Formosa Ave. Llewellyn Haskell Johnson B.S. 1878. Herbert Lome Noxon B.S. 1897. 2117 E. Fourth St. Elizabeth Massey Ogden B.L. 1882. 1745 Hobart Blvd. Caroline Hallowell Smedley A. B. 1912. 1638 Formosa Ave. Clifford Howard Vernon B. S. 1908. 321 S. Olive St., or Washington and Main Sts., care of Bulkley & Co. Oakland M. Katharine Lackey (Mrs. Thomas Wallace Wilson) B.L. 1899. 5438 Miles Ave. Pasadena Rebecca Smith Hunt (Mrs. Joseph Weaver White) A. B. 1878. A.M. 1881. 370 N. Lake Ave. Keturah E. Yeo B. S. 1896. 1719 E. Colorado St. San Diego Anna Mary Jenkins (Mrs. Isaac Daniel Webster) A.B. 1887. 1028 Thirty-second St. San Dimas Mary Sutton Howell (Mrs. Levi S. Taylor) A. B. 1898. R. F. D., Box 48C. Levi S. Taylor B. S. 1898. R. F. D., Box 48C. San Francisco Iolene Mabel Hollenshead (Mrs. Elmer Menzo Smith) A. B. 1896. 1013% Green St. San Luis Obispo County Edgar Conrow B. L. 1883. Arroyo Grande. COLORADO Colorado Springs Mary C. McAllister (Mrs. Geo. M. Taylor) A.B. 1896. 423 N. Cascade Ave. Denver Joyeuse Lennig Fullerton (Mrs. Wm. Ellery Sweet) A. B. 1888. 1075 Humboldt St. Phebe Hallock Ketcham (Mrs, Henry McAllister, Jr.) B. S. 1892. 1880 Gaylord St. Henry McAllister, Jr. B.L. 1892. 420 Equitable Bldg. Arthur Lewis Patton B.S. 1898. 1060 York St. William Ellery Sweet A.B. 1890. 1075 Humboldt St. [ 80 ] Conn.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 81 CONNECTICUT Central Village Emily Willets Carter (Mrs. George Kelsey Gillette) B.L. 1899. Sugar Brook Farm. Hartford Jesse Hawley Reinhardt B.S. 1893. 61 Church St. New Haven Edwin Carleton MacDowell A.B. 1909. Care of Yale Univ. See Brooklyn, N. Y. Egbert J. Miles A. M. 1907. Box 913, Yale Station. Philip Sellers B. S. 1894. C.E. 1897. 756 Chapel St. Putnam George Blyth B.S. 1907. 24 Bradley St. Riverside Laura Cecilia Miller (Mrs. John P. Curry) A.B. 1897. Anita Peck A. B. 1913. At present, Lancaster, Mass. Saugatuck Robert L. Pearson B. S. 1902. DELAWARE Claymont Mary Wallace Mullen A.B. 1913. “Hillside.” Dover Ethel Hannah Barnard A.B. 1911. 305 N. State St. See Westtown, Pa. Grace Winter Greene A.B. 1913. 309 S. Governor Ave. At present, Swarthmore, Pa. Edgemoor Helen Waldo Speakman A. B. 1902. R. F. D.. No. 1. Hockessin Iola Kay Eastburn B. L. 1897. See Oxford, Ohio. Frank H. McVaugh, Jr. B.S. 1901. Milford Helen Tatman A. B. 1913. At present, Aberdeen, Md. Montchanin Horace Lincoln Dilworth B. S. 1884. R. F. D., No. 1. Arthur Cox Smedley B.S. 1898. Wilmington Iva Adele Appleby A. B. 1913. 1409 Harrison St. Leopold William Bierwirth B. S. 1896. Care of E. I. DuPont Powder Co. Frederick John Blatz A.B. 1910. 822 Harrison St. Philip Jackson Carpenter A.B. 1913. 1107 Franklin St. Lucy Merritt Carvin A.B. 1913. 6 E. Fourteenth St. Roy Welty Delaplaine A. B. 1913. 1904 Washington St. See Waynesboro, Pa. Frederick Herman Gawthrop B. S. 1894. 1110 Shallcross Ave. Anne Shoemaker Haines A.B. 1912. 1324 Washington St. See Swarthmore, Pa. Florence Hall (Mrs. John Com- mons Philips) A.B. 1880. P. O. Box, 135. Res- idence, Gordon Heights. Mary Amelia Hayes (Mrs. Fred- erick Herman Gawthrop) A.B. 1894. 1110 Shallcross Ave. Helen Ruth Hillborn (Mrs. Jesse Watson Philips) A. B. 1894. 1803 Monroe St. Sherman Coxe Lloyd B. S. 1908. 908 W. Eleventh St. Anna Elizabeth Nichols A.B. 1903. 1607 Mt. Salem Lane. Linda Belle Palmer (Mrs. Frank Morton Jones) A.B. 1887. A.M. 1893. 802 Washington St. James Waples Ponder A.B. 1890. 909 Market St. Edmund Grubb Robinson A.B. 1905. 2000 Van Buren St. Rachel Robinson A.B 1906. 100 W. Eighteenth St. Anna Mullin Rogers A.B. 1912. 1215 W. Eighth St.. See West Chester, Pa. Austin Allan Scott A.B. 1912. 505 Bayard St. Afc present, Enosburg Falls, Vt. 82 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [D. G. Adaline Semple A.B. 1913. 1904 Washington St. Mabel Vernon A.B. 1906. 505 W. Fifth St. Marguerite Carswell Wallace A. B. 1910. 1022 N. Tenth St. Abby M. Woodnutt (Mrs. Charles R. Miller) B. L. 1879. Red Oak Road DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington Mary Louise Bartlett (Mrs. Skip- with Peyton Coale) A.B. 1904. Tokoma Park. Arthur Williams Broomell A. B. 1906. Bureau of Chemistry, Dept, of Agriculture. At present, New Orleans, La. Thomas Janney Brown B. S. 1888. 1622 Twenty-ninth St., N. W. Samuel Dean Caldwell, Jr. B.S. 1907. Woodward Bldg. See Bethesda, Md. Altha Titsworth Coons B.S. 1894 “The Mendota.” Twen- tieth St. and Kalorama Road. Myra Townsend Hillman A.B. 1880. 227 Third St., N. W. Mary Kirk A. B. 1889. “The Maury,” Nine- teenth and G Sts. At present. Lisbon, Portugal. Mary Elizabeth Pancoast B. L. 1890. 932 B St., S. W. Ellen Passmore (Mrs. Frederic B. Pyle) B.L. 1891. 3319 Newark St., Cleveland Park. Alda Hill Preston (Mrs. Paul Bentley Lum) A. B. 1907. 1361 Ohio Place, N. W. Frederic Bennett Pyle B. S. 1889. 3319 Newark St., Cleveland Park. James Austin Stone A. B. 1910. 1618 R. I. Ave. Mark Thistlethwaite B. L. 1901. Sec’y to Vice-President of U. S. Josephine White (Mrs. Joseph Allison Breckens) A.B. 1879. 1814 G. St. Franklin Pope Wilson A.B. 1888. 1339 Girard St., N. W. Office, Colorado Bldg. FLORIDA Bartow Margaret Elizabeth Green A.B. 1912. Clearwater Elsie Phebe Hoyt A. B. 1905. At present, Tampa. Cocoanut Grove Walter Charles DeGarmo B. S. 1897. John Clayton Gifford B.S. 1890. From June to Novem- ber, Princeton, N. J. Eldred Pauline Ruby Fay (Mrs. Howard Hamilton Wright) A.B. 1910. Miami Josiah Arthur Pancoast A.B. 1913. 210 Seventh St. Tampa Elsie Phebe Hoyt A. B. 1905. 303 Francis Ave. See Clearwater. Tarpon Springs Anna Katharine Himes (Mrs. Robert Early Manley) B. L. 1900. West Palm Beach Dorothy Farquhar Green A.B. 1904. GEORGIA Atlanta William E. H annum A.B. 1903. E.E. 1906. 54 Hol- dernesse St. Valdosta Arthur Underwood Ayres A.B. 1913. See Chester, Pa. IDAHO Boise Emily Louise Hough (Mrs. Wil- liam H. Savidge) A.B. 1880. Box 165. 111 .] REGISTER OF GRADUATE^ S3 Caldwell Earl Anson Oakley A. B. 1913. See Greenwood, Ind. Rupert Percival Morris Fogg B. S. 1901. C.E. 1905. ILLINOIS Aledo Arthur Denny Latimer A. B. 1911. A.M. 1912. Charleston Mellie E. Bishop B. L. 1896. “The Oakwood.” Robert Allen Crews A.B. 1911. Gerry B. Dudley A.B. 1897. 783 S. Tenth St. Chicago Chris Bockius A. B. 1910. 207 E. Ohio St. Emma Judith Broomell (Mrs. Her- man Newman) B. S. 1890. 10414 Prospect Ave. Francis Ely Broomell B.S. 1893. 920 Argyle Ave. Charles Chandler B.S. 1896. 1511 E. Sixtieth St. Howard Sterr Evans B.S. 1903. 606 Railway Exchange Bldg. Jacob Kenneth Hoffman B.S. 1908. 605 McCormick Bldg. Thomas Atkinson Jenkins A. B. 1887. 5411 Greenwood Ave. John Alfred Miller B. S. 1909. McCormick Bldg. Max Bruno Miller B.S. 1909. Care of Sharpies Sep- arator Co. Frederick Myerle Simons, Jr. A.B. 1909. Faculty Exchange, Box 208, University of Chicago. Carroll Hopkins Sudler A. B. 1888. 423 Monadnock Bldg. Alice Post Tabor B. L. 1902. 39 Green Hall, Univ. of Chicago. See Charlotte, N. Y. James E. Verree B.L. 1883. Boyce Bldg. El Paso Frederic Seward Larison A.B. 1897. Martinsville George Edmund Tarble A.B. 1913. Newton Edward Tarble A.B. 1913. At present, Philadel- phia, Pa. Moline William Vernon Kerns A. B. 1913. 1930 Sixth Ave. At present. Jersey City, N. J. Normal Frederic De Los Barber B. S. 1897. A.M. 1912. 309 Florence Ave. Oak Park Mary Eliza North (Mrs. Arthur S. Chenoweth) A. B. 1907. A.M. 1910. 241 S. East St. Rockford Charlotte M. Way B. S. 1888. Rockford College. Springfield Francis Grant Blair B.S. 1897. 629 S. Second St. INDIANA Elkhart Orrin Hardin Markel A. M. 1904. Fort Wayne Marriott Price B. S. 1903. 3031 S. Wayne Ave. Greenwood Earl Anson Oakley A. B. 1913. At present, Caldwell, Idaho. Indianapolis Ellwood Ramsey, Jr. B. S. 1901. C.E. 1904. 113 Monu- ment Place. Kokomo George H. Strout A.B. 1893. La Fayette William Ingram Battin A.B. 1896. Indiana Lighting Co. 84 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [Ky. Marion Rodger F. Gephart A.B. 1910. 103 N. E St. At pres- ent, Philadelphia, Pa. Markleville Laura Allen Boram A.B. 1911. Pendleton Lloyd Downes Lewis A. B. 1913. At present, Philadel- phia, Pa., Reporter with “North American.” Walter Lysle Lewis B. S. 1908. Pennville Susannah Maree Gregg A. B. 1911. Richmond Anna Bradbury B. L. 1899. 308 N. Fourteenth St. Howard Albert Dill B.S. 1889. 16 N. Eighth St. Edith May Winder B.L. 1901. Cor. N. Eleventh and B Sts. Stilesville Lee Elbert Coble A.B. 1909. KENTUCKY Earlington Newell Gilder Alford A.B. 1909. Caroline Farren Atkinson (Mrs. Newell Gilder Alford) A. B. 1909. Susan E. Atkinson (Mrs. Frank Dillman Rash) B. L. 1901. Hopkinsville Martha Ellis Soyars A. B. 1910. Louisville Samuel Riddle B. S. 1897. Care of Louisville Ry. Co. LOUISIANA Mound Margaret Vail Harned (Mrs. Alexander Clark) A.B. 1911. New Orleans Arthur Williams Broomell A.B. 1906. 218 Metropolitan Bank Bldg. See Washington, D. C. MAINE Bangor Charles Bedell Doron B.S. 1881. Pearl Bldg. MARYLAND Aberdeen Helen Tatman A. B. 1913. See Milford, Del. Ashton Frederick L. Thomas B. S. 1898. Baltimore Elisabeth Hallo well Bartlett A.B. 1912. 1922 Mt. Royal Ter- race. Mary Ferris Blackburn A. B. 1913. Station H. Walker McClun Bond B. S. 1903. C.E. 1908. 2339 N. Calvert St. Bertha Lillian Broomell B.S. 1894. 2128 Bolton St. Margaret Broomell A. B. 1911. 2128 Bolton St. At present, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Mary Elizabeth Broomell (Mrs. James Dixon Hull) B. L. 1892. Station D. Esther Lamb Cox B.L. 1894. 3016 St. Paul St. Raymond Keenan Denworth A.B. 1911. Care of Friends’ School or 8 E. Pleasant St. Andrew Maurice Eastwick A.B. 1906. 122 W. Worth Ave. See Philadelphia, Pa. George R. Ellsler A.B. 1890. 711 E. Twenty-first St. Clara Elizabeth Frazee A.B. 1912. 1705 Park Ave. Amelia E. Himes (Mrs. Robert Hunt Walker) A.B. 1902. 25 W. Chase St. Benjamin Kline A. B. 1907. 211 N. Milton Ave. See Atlantic City, N. J. George Michael Lamb, Jr. B. S. 1900. Station H. Md.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 85 Helen Philena Lamb (Mrs. Thomas B. Hull, Jr.) B.L. 1894. 3510 Duvall Ave. Margaretta Walton Lamb B.L. 1902. 3618 Duvall Ave. Philip Edward Lamb A. B. 1906. Station H. At present, Govanstown, Md. Thomas Stockton Matthews B. S. 1902. Cor. Calvert and Ger- man Sts. Omar Barton Pancoast B.S. 1893. 1500 Madison Ave. Nathan Lewis Smith B.S. 1908. 241 W. Lanvale St. See Linwood. Abra Ella Spicer A. B. 1896. 2004 Park Ave. Esther E. Spicer B. L. 1893. 2004 Park Ave. Mary Elizabeth Stebbins (Mrs. Edward Dorsey Ellis) B.L. 1892. 2104 Mt. Royal Ter- race. Robert Hunt Walker B.S. 1902. 914 Fidelity Bldg. Edward Clarkson Wilson B.S. 1891. 1925 Park Ave. Bethesda Samuel Dean Caldwell, Jr. B.S. 1907. See Washington, D. C. Betterton Roland Homer Crew A. B. 1913. At present Jersey City, N. J. Catonsville Sarah Thomas Moore (Mrs. Her- bert Sergeant Adams) B. L. 1891. Chevy Chase Mary Elma Lewis (Mrs. Daniel Roberts Harper, 3d) A.B. 1904. Easton Guion Miller A. B. 1883. A.M. 1888. Annie E. Tylor (Mrs. Guion Mil- ler) B. L. 1883. M.L. 1888. Elkton Ella Cannon Levis (Mrs. Julian C. Smith) A.B. 1907. Glyndon Edith Freeman Tracey A.B. 1912. Govanstown Philip Edward Lamb A.B. 1906. See Baltimore, Md. Havre de Grace Peter Lesley Hopper A.B. 1879. Kennedyville Lewin Hepbron Usilton A. B. 1910. At present, Brooklyn, N. Y. Linwood Nathan Lewis Smith B. S. 1908. At present, Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. Mt. Washington Helen Mcllvain Eastwick (Mrs. John K. Harper) B.L. 1902. Rising Sun Albert L. Buffington A. B. 1896. S. Edna Pownall (Mrs. Albert L. Buffington) B. L. 1898. Charles Sumner Pyle B.S. 1883. Rockville Mary Welsh A. B. 1913. Roland Park Nathan Lewis Smith B. S. 1908. 401 Hawthorn Road. Jane Ethel Thompson (Mrs. Wil- liam S. Brooke) B.L. 1900. 603 Edgevale Road. Sandy Spring Marion Farquhar (Mrs. Ronald Y. Mills) B.L. 1902. Ten Hills, Baltimore Isaac Onward Harper B.S. 1891. Station D. Trappe Edith Needles Powell A.B. 1905. 86 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [Mass. MASSACHUSETTS Baldwinsville Sarah Eliza Tracy B.L. 1902. 17 Memorial St. Boston Edward Houser Cavin B.S. 1909. 357 Charles St. Robert Leslie Ryder A. B. 1906. 85 Devonshire St. See Lexington. Katharine Lowe Tyier (Mrs. George Whittemore Mehaf- fey) B. S. 1891. 1079 Boylston St. South Boston Eva M. Daniels (Mrs. Barnard Capen) B.S. 1891. 534 E. Fourth St. Cambridge Edwin Angell Cottrell A.B. 1907. 42 Crescent St. See Newport, R. I. Louise Wright Hornor (Mrs. Ed- win Angell Cottrell) A.B. 1907. 42 Crescent St. See Newport, R. I. Herbert Weir Smyth A.B. 1876. 15 Elmwood Ave. Archer Taylor A.B. 1909. 35 Conant Hall. Lancaster Anita Peck A.B. 1913. See Riverside, Conn. Lexington Robert Leslie Ryder A. B. 1906. 108 Maple St. See Boston. Pittsfield Elmer John Temple B. S. 1902. Care General Electric Co. Roslindale Edith Rawson Janes (Mrs. Ed- ward Thomas Steel) A.B. 1909. 8 Seymour St. Sheffield Mildred Grace Hoadley A.B. 1912. Somerville Howard Dawson A.B. 1878. A.M. 1882. 70 Al- bion St. Springfield Jessie Bartlett Ginn A. B. 1906. 43 Continental St. Topsfield Charles Harry Shoemaker B. S. 1878. West Stoughton Mabel Abbott Harris (Mrs. Charles Wittgenstein Cod- wise) B.L. 1898. Winchester Sarah March Nowell Hon. A.M. 1906. 64 Church St. Anna Kunigunda Wolff (Mrs. Stanley Rand Miller) A.B. 1904. 7 Lagrange St. MICHIGAN Detroit William Penn Lukens A. B. 1913. 258 Field Ave. See Swarthmore, Pa. Harold Hutcheon Millar B. S. 1911. Care of Hudson Motor Car Co. See Plainfield, N. J. Ralph Stone A.B. 1889. 975 Cass Ave. Andrew Bracken White A.B. 1909. C.E. 1910. 654 Chip- pewa Ave. Elizabeth Clarke Yocum A. B. 1911. 12 Forest Ave., E. See Norristown, Pa. Harry Paulding Young B. S. 1894. 192 Horton Ave. Holland Martha Magill Watson (Mrs. James Garretson Sutphen) A.B. 1886. A.M. 1891. Hope College. MINNESOTA St. Paul William Canby B.L. 1881. 735 Lincoln Ave. Wabasha Mary Wyman Lawrence (Mrs. William Blaine Webb) A.B. 1907. Mo.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 87 MISSOURI Carthage Samuel Duffield Mitchell A. B. 1883. Clayton Edward H. Keiser B. S. 1880. M.S. 1881. Kansas City Conrad August Wickham B.S. 1911. 2111 E. Thirtieth St. St. Louis William R. McDonough A.B. 1907. A.B. in Engineering, 1908. M.E. 1912. 1246 Am- herst Place. MONTANA Anaconda Martha Kennedy Buyers (Mrs. Chas. A. Lemmon) A. B. 1904. 509 Locust St. Livingston Frederic Jackson Taylor B. S. 1884. Box 117. Missoula Annie Lodge (Mrs. Stephen St. John Malven) B.S. 1899. NEBRASKA Blue Springs Lucretia Shoemaker (Mrs. Thomas Lightfoot Green) A.B. 1909. NEW HAMPSHIRE Chesham Olivia Rodham Hon. A.B. 1890. Laconia Mary Eastman Gale (Mrs. Charles Bell Hibbard) A.B. 1882. A.M. 1891. 176 Pleasant St. Milford Ellen Gunton (Mrs. John Yinal Gunnison) A.B. 1896. NEW JERSEY Absecon Fanny B. Cheyney A.B. 1901. At present, Nutley, N. J. Asbury Park Edith Manson Douglass A.B. 1907. A.M. 1908. 1503 Bond St. Edith Belcher Taylor A.B. 1909. 504 Fourth Ave. Natalie Sudler Turner A.B. 1912. Atlantic City Emma Seal Chambers (Mrs. Allen Kirby White) A.B. 1894. Marlborough-Blenheim. Amy Williams Hall (Mrs. Ell- wood S. Hickman) A.B. 1874. The Cedarcroft. Helen Hibberd (Mrs. Paul Tay- lor) A.B. 1909. 5 S. Vermont Ave. Benjamin Kline A. B. 1907. 208 S. Connecticut Ave. At present, 211 N. Milton Ave., Baltimore, Md. Charles Sumner Moore B. L. 1895. Hotel Muncaster. Louise A. Pfouts A.B. 1908. 4 Aberdeen Place. Helen Shinn A. B. 1912. 121 States Ave. Allen Kirby White B. S. 1894. Marlborough-Blenheim. Elizabeth White A. B. 1911. Marlborough-Blenheim. Bayonne Frederick Gunby Bell B. S. 1904. Electro Dynamic Co. Boonton Adele Bower Hammond A.B. 1911. 415 Old Boonton Road. Bordentown Harry Blynn Goodwin B.S. 1887. Henry Lawrence Hess B.S. 1911. Care of Hess Steel Castings Co. See Philadelphia, Pa. Elizabeth G. Wilgus A.B. 1908. 50 Park St. 88 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [N. J. Bridgeton Charles Carll Sheppard A.B. 1913. 91 Broad St. At present, Philadelphia, Pa. Mabelle Gertrude Whitehead A.B. 1911. 103 Broad St. See Trenton, N. J. Camden Floyd Henry Bradley A.B. 1904. 811 Cooper St. William James Bradley, Jr. A.B. 1909. 811 Cooper St. At present, Newark, N. J. Marion Coles A.B. 1913. Care of Friends’ School. See Merchantville, N. J. Anna E. Constable (Mrs. Geo. W. Martin) A. B. 1880. 233 Erie St. Joseph C. Haines B. L. 1900. 301 Market St. William Dunton Lippincott B.S. 1890. 33 N. Second St. Emma Mcllvain (Mrs. Wm. J. Cooper) A. B. 1876. 715 Cooper St. Cyrus Dressier Marter B. L. 1902. 25 N. Third St. Bertha Matlack (Mrs. John Her- bert Rue) B.L. 1883. 578 Washington St. Israel Roberts B.S. 1878. 33 N. Second St. Chrome William Mark Bittle A.B. 1913. See Swarthmore, Pa. Russell Mahlon Cook A.B. 1913. See Salem, Ohio. Clinton Letitia McHose A. B. 1913. See Reading, Pa. Collingswood William Lyndon Hess B. L. 1901. 147 Frazer Ave. Columbus Edith Sykes Gibbs (Mrs. Walter Lewis Reeder) A.B. 1907. Crosswicks William DeCou, Jr. A.B. 1906. At present, Philadel- phia, Pa. Dumont Serena Helen Miller A. B. 1905. See Philadelphia, Pa. East Orange William Shurtleff Barker B. S. 1895. 22 Midland Ave. See Newark. Eva Emma Foster (Mrs. Walter C. Webster) B.L. 1898. 179 Prospect St. Elizabeth Francis Whitmer Atkinson A.B. 1911. 83 Westfield Ave. See Moorestown, N. J. Elsie Haviland (Mrs. Francis Whitmer Atkinson) A.B. 1911. B.S. 1913. 83 West- field Ave. Caleb Marshall Taylor A.B. 1904. 418 Chilton St. John Atlee White A. B. 1910. See Cossart, Pa. Elmer Jessie Lippincott Colson B. S. 1888. R. F. D., No. 3. Essex Fells Alice Pauline Merriman A. B. 1904. See Madison, Wis. Fanwood Francis Jackson Palmer B. S. 1878. Flemington Mabel Irene Hancock A.B. 1909. See Scranton, Pa. Glassboro Lucy R. Price (Mrs. Frank H. Mclntire) A.B. 1876. Glen Ridge Mattie Helen Pressey A.B. 1912. 380 Ridgewood Ave. Louis Ely Thompson A. B. 1903. 35 Douglas Road. Grenloch Stephen Roscoe Bateman B. S. 1902. Haddonfield Ethel Taylor MacCarthy A.B. 1909. 343 E. Main St. See Mt. Union, Pa. N. J.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 89 Hainesport Lydia M. Parry A.B. 1895. Hammonton Prentiss Allen Myrick A.B. 1911. Mary Eliza Osgood A.B. 1912. Harrington Park Walter Cyrus Strunk A.B. 1909. Hoboken Marietta Lindsay Van De Verg A.B. 1907. 337 Garden St. Ho-ho-kus Nellie Gray Davidson (Mrs. John Gilbert Mearns) A.B. 1907. Jersey City Roland Homer Crew A.B. 1913. Care of Dept, of Main- tenance of Way, P. R. R. See Betterton, Md. William Vernon Kerns A. B. 1913. Care of Dept. Main- tenance of Way, P. R. R. See Moline, 111. Long Branch Elisha Eden Lippincott B. S. 1879. Station “B.” Florence Meredith A. B. 1913. 80 Sea View Ave. Mahwah Egbert Powell Lincoln B. S. 1895. See Brooklyn, N. Y. Masonville Herbert Hollingshead Evans A.B. 1909. At present, New York City. Merchantville Marion Coles A. B. 1913. R. F. D., No. 1. At present, Camden, N. J. Marion Lukens B. L. 1902. See Philadelphia, Pa. Rebecca Tyler Osier A.B. 1913. 42 S. Union Ave. At present, Elmira, N. Y. Eleanor Augusta Rittenhouse A.B. 1912 See Montclair, N. J. Harold Stine Roberts A.B. 1912. At present, Princeton, N. J. Millville James Ellsworth Mitchell A. B. 1912. At present, Trenton, N. J. Montclair A. Virginia Gillespie (Mrs. Guy T. Viskniskki) B. L. 1898. 174 Valley Road. See New Florence, Pa., summer. Eleanor Augusta Rittenhouse A.B. 1912. 303 Claremont Ave. At present, Merchantville, N. J. Lauretta Thomas Smedley (Mrs. John F. Dutton) A.B. 1896. 16 Gardiner Place. Moorestown Francis Whitmer Atkinson A. B. 1911. 14 High St. At pres- ent, Elizabeth, N. J. Elizabeth Margaret Baily (Mrs. B. B. Powell) B. S. 1895. 320 Chester Ave. Charles Thomas Brown A.B. 1898. 54 E. Oak Ave. Charles Aaron Collins A. B. 1912. Calvin Freeman Crowell B. S. 1899. 237 E. Main St. Francis Walker D’Olier B.S. 1907. 50 E. Oak Ave. Abigail Evans A. B. 1885. 19 E. Central Ave. Deborah Larimer Ferrier (Mrs. George Edmund Stratton) B. S. 1901. 332 Newbold Ave. George B. Ferrier, Jr. B.S. 1896. Anna Bassett Griscom A.B. 1910. 135 E. Central Ave. Louisa Anna Harvey A.B. 1911. At present, New York, N. Y. Simeon Van Trump Jester A.B. 1908. Harriet Mary Kent (Mrs. Arthur D. Hilton) A. B. 1894. 15 W. Main St. Mary Elizabeth Lamb B. L. 1894. 220 E. Central Ave. William Hancock Linton A.B. 1905. 234 Newbold Ave. Joseph R. Lippincott A.B. 1895. 90 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [N. J. Joseph Warner Edwards Love B.S. 1901. C.E. 1904. 142 E. Oak Aye. Alice Paul A.B. 1905. Edward Russell Perkins A.B. 1911. 397 Main St. Thomas Haines Dudley Perkins A.B. 1906. Haddonfield Road. Byron Thomas Roberts A.B. 1912. Emmor Roberts, Jr. A.B. 1911. Horace Roberts A.B. 1887. Preston Thomas Roberts A.B. 1912. Frances Briggs Smith (Mrs. Frank Strohm Herr) A.B. 1890. 5 W. Oak Ave. Mabel Lydia Stiner A. B. 1912. See Kennett Square, Pa. George Edmund Stratton B. S. 1895. 332 Newbold Ave. Alice Roberts Sullivan (Mrs. T. H. Dudley Perkins) A. B. 1904. Haddonfield Road. Helen Thomas Sullivan (Mrs. Charles Thomas Brown) B. L. 1900. 54 E. Oak" Ave. Mabel Creth Sullivan (Mrs. Fran- cis Walker D'Olier) A.B. 1907. 50 E. Oak Ave. Mt. Holly Herbert Stokes Killie A.B. 1906. 115 Broad St. Newark William Shurtleff Barker A.B. 1895. 7591 Broad St. See East Orange. William James Bradley, Jr. A. B. 1909. 170 Washington St. See Camden, N. J. Lina Belle Dillistin (Mrs. Frank- lin Crosse) B. L. 1902. 587 Summer Ave. Callender Irvine Leiper A.B. 1895. B.S. 1896. 1111 Broad St. William West Wilson A.B. 1904. 95 Montclair Ave. Nutley Fanny B. Cheyney A.B. 1901. See Absecon, N. J. Orange Katharine Lower Wray A.B. 1913. High School. See Bellwood, Pa. Paterson Helen Beveridge Dillistin (Mrs. Will Wiseman Berdan) A.B. 1909. 732 E. Twenty-third St. Annie Stagg Pollitt A.B. 1910. 113 Hamilton Ave. Paulsboro Alice Clement Adamson A.B. 1909. Pemberton Sarah Ethel Boyt A.B. 1911. See Secane, Pa. Mary Josephine Henry A. B. 1909. See Swarthmore, Pa. Plainfield Levis Miller Booth B. S. 1899. 975 Cedar Brook Road. Sarah M. Conrow (Mrs. Edward D. Hutchinson) A.B. 1888. 154 Westervelt Ave. Edith Haviland Cooley (Mrs. Robert Moore Steer) A. B. 1902. 263 Somerset St. Lesley Wm. Hallock B. S. 1907. 79 Willow Ave. Alice Lippincott (Mrs. Levis Mil- ler Booth) B.L. 1899. 975 Cedar Brook Road. Cornelia Lillian Lounsbury A. B. 1912. 129 Plainfield Ave. Harold Hutcheon Millar B. S. 1911. 718 Madison Ave. At present, Detroit, Mich. Edna Marion Nicholl (Mrs. J. A. Rawsofi, Jr.) B.L. 1898. 504 E. Front St. Princeton John Clayton Gifford B.S. 1890. From November to June, Cocoanut Grove, Fla. Harold Stine Roberts A. B. 1912. 192 Nassau St. See Merchantville, N. J. Ridgewood Edith Glenna Elmore (Mrs. Bevier Smith) B. L. 1902. N. J.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 91 Riverton Margery Beddoes (Mrs. Charles Heyfield Pike) A. B. 1906. Martha Mcllvain Biddle B. L. 1890. Edith Coale B.L. 1902. Sarah Mildred Chandler A. B. 1913. Care of H. H. Lippin- cott. See Oxford, Pa. Anna H. Lippincott (Mrs. Charles Miller Biddle, Jr.) B. L. 1900. Bertha Lippincott (Mrs. Henry C. Parrish) B.L. 1895. Edgar Lippincott B.S. 1895. See Philadelphia, Pa. Hetty Coale Lippincott (Mrs. Charles C. Miller) A. B. 1888. 101 Lippincott Ave. Mary Woodward Lippincott B. L. 1901. A.M. 1904. Walter Heulings Lippincott B.S. 1899. Susanna H. Parry A.B. 1908. Box 66. Mary Deborah Satterthwaite (Mrs. John Eastburn Mc- Vaugh) A.B. 1908. Therese Dorrance Spackman A.B. 1911. Alice Mulford Stover A.B. 1911. Rockaway Edith Mary Jackson A.B. 1913. See West Chester, Pa. Roseland Sara Pennock Godfrey A.B. 1907. Box 14. Rutherford Emily Macklin Atkinson (Mrs. James Dunton Carpenter, Jr.) A.B. 1901. 31 Hasbrouck Place. Salem Sarah H. Acton (Mrs. J. Bernard Hilliard) A. B. 1873. 105 W. Broadway. Franklin Lippincott Bassett B. S. 1876. Jennie Fonda Waddington B.S. 1889. M.S. 1892. R. D., No. 3. Sewaren William Worrell Hill, Jr. A.B. 1911. See Markham, Pa. Shiloh Emma Knox Hawthorne A.B. 1913. See Norristown, Pa. Short Hills Emilie Hill A.B. 1906. Sussex Edna Walter Passmore A.B. 1911. See Oxford, Pa. David Tully Dunning A.B. 1913. At present, Philadel- phia, Pa. Swedesboro Marion Grau A.B. 1912. See Swarthmore, Pa. Trenton Alvan Williams Atkinson A.B. 1890. 423 E. State St. Ethel Beardsley (Mrs. William Moon Muschert) A. B. 1902. 110 Greenwood Ave. Frances N. Cheairs (Mrs. Robert Caldwell Manning) B. L. 1895. 739 W. State St. Ida Virginia Craythorn A.B. 1908. 302 W. State St. Eliza Josephine Foster A. B. 1913. 315 Greenwood Ave. May Gifford (Mrs. Daniel South- wick Hubbell) B. L. 1895. 33 E. State St. Washington Russell Green A.B. 1913. R. F. D., No. 4. At present, Philadelphia, Pa. Elizabeth Anderson Hallock A.B. 1911. 36 Model Ave. See Brooklyn, N. Y. Emma Britton Hartpence A.B. 1909. 315 Hudson St. William King Hoyt A.B. 1912. Y. M. C. A. Bldg. James Ellsworth Mitchell A. B. 1912. 416 Ardmore Ave. See Millville, N. J. Owen Moon, Jr. B. S. 1894. 408 Bellevue Ave. Harvey Tomlinson Satterthwaite A.B. 1907. 137 E. State St. Laura Henderson Satterthwaite A.B. 1884. R. F. D., No. 2. 92 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [N. M. Mabelle Gertrude Whitehead A.B. 1911. 407 Market St. At present, Bridgeton, N. J. Fannie Amelia Willets (Mrs. Francis Cowlyn Lowthorp) A.B. 1880. 152 Greenwood Ave. Martha Willets A.B. 1912. 219 Greenwood Ave. Susanne Yardley Willets A.B. 1909. 219 Greenwood Ave. Trenton Junction Mary Lillian Yamall (Mrs. Sam- uel S. DeCou) A.B. 1891. Tuckahoe Emma Regina Kleefeld A.B. 1909. See Philadelphia, Pa. Helen Christine Maynard A.B. 1910. See West Chester, Pa. Upper Montclair Marguerite Campion A. B. 1904. 179 Summit Ave. Winslow Nathan Wilmer Plummer B. S. 1896. Woodbury Helen Smith Cooper A.B. 1909. 32 Red Bank Ave. Marion D. Perkins (Mrs. Cooper Jessup, Jr.) A.B. 1894. 115 Euclid Ave. Albert Merritt Pitcher A.B. 1911. 8 Curtis Ave. Woodstown Florence Manning Lippincott A.B. 1912. Jane Humphreys Lippincott (Mrs. Alpheus Bilderback) A. B. 1906. Wyckoff Ida Wright (Mrs. Frederick Lancelot Bowman) B. L. 1902. Sicamore Road. P. O. Address, Midland Park, R. F. D., No. 1. NEW MEXICO Clayton Robert P. Ervien B.S. 1888. NEW YORK Albany Joseph Thorn Freeman B.S. 1893. C.E. 1899. Office of State Architect. Samuel Raymer Millman B.S. 1907. 312 Livingston Ave., or 346 Broadway. Bayside, L. I. Thomas Christy Bell B.S. 1904. Brewster Caroline Alfreda Washburn (Mrs. Henry H. Wells) A. B. 1906. Brooklyn Mary Evelyn Armstrong B. L. 1899. 10 St. Francis Place. Charlotte Ritzema Bogert A.B. 1904. 189 S. Oxford St. Guy Carroll Carr A. B. 1910. 185 Dean St. John Linton Carver B. L. 1893. 281 Sterling Place. Elizabeth Conrow (Mrs. Morris Crawford Valentine) A. B. 1894. 1200 Pacific St. Harriett Jane Cox (Mrs. Charles McDowell) B. S. 1887. 310 Kenmore Place. Frances Darlington A.B. 1896. 20 Crooke Ave. See Media, Pa. Henry Cromwell Field A.B. 1909. 155 Remsen St. See New York, N. Y. Elizabeth Anderson Hallock A. B. 1911. 303 State St. At pres- ent, Trenton, N. J. Esther Haviland (Mrs. Edward H. Cornell) B. L. 1891. 43 Willow St. Julia Hicks B.S. 1889. 85 Clarkson St. Russell Cowles Hoadley A. B. 1909. 487 Ninth Ave. Edith Heywood John B. L. 1897. 80 Willoughby St. Egbert Powell Lincoln B.S. 1895. U. S. Navy Yards. See Mahwah, N. J. N. Y.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 93 Margaret Hoar Livingston A.B. 1913. Care of Friends’ School. See Lansdowne, Pa. Edwin Carleton MacDowell A.B. 1909. 20 Crooke Ave. At present, New Haven, Conn. Mary Stone McDowell A.B. 1896. 20 Crooke Ave. Esther Midler A. B. 1913. 1423 Forty-first St. At present, Berlin, Germany. Marianna Smith (Mrs. Edward B. Rawson) B. L. 1891. A.M. 1911. 11 Clif- ton Place. Elizabeth Sutton (Mrs. John Crocker Percy) A. B. 1903. 347 New York Ave. Alice Willets Titus B. L. 1890. 285 Quincy St. See Old Westbury, L. I., N. Y. Henry Chandlee Turner B.S. 1893. 26 Garden Place. See New York, N. Y., for bus. add. Daniel Underhill, Jr. B.S. 1894. 26 Court St. See Jericho, N.Y. Lewin Hephron Usilton A.B. 1910. Y. M. C. A., 179 Marcy St. See Kennedy ville, Md. Alice Worth (Mrs. Frank Bram- well Geddes) A.B. 1908. 135 Prospect Park, West. Buffalo Walter Trainer Baker A.B. 1906. C.E. 1912. 340 Woodbridge Ave. Eliza Rebecca Hampton A.B. 1891. 467 Vermont St. Mary S. Haviland A. B. 1900. 39 Erie St. Charlotte Alice Post Tabor B. L. 1902. At present, Chicago, 111 . Cornwall Blanche Estelle Brown A.B. 1904. Danville Francis Miller MacDowell A. B. 1913. Care of Power Spe- cialty Co. See Phoenicia, N. Y. Dobbs Ferry Joseph Jeanes Walker B. S. 1892. See New York, N. Y. Douglaston, L. I. Charles Shreve Hallowell B.S. 1893. Douglas Manor. East Norwich, L. I. Richard Downing, Jr. A.B. 1906. Elmhurst L. I. Arthur Springer Robinson A.B. 1911. 4 Toledo Ave. Elmira Rebecca Tyler Osier A.B. 1913. Elmira College. See Merchantville, N. J. Flushing Avis Loraine Fitch A.B. 1912. 118 Amity St. Joseph Fitch A. B. 1879. 118 Amity St. Gertrude Frances Gilbert (Mrs. Robert Milton Purcell) B. L. 1901. 100 Twenty-ninth St. Annie Ross A. B. 1903. 659 Sanford Ave. Glen Cove, L. I. Isaac Richard Coles B. S. 1879. C.E. 1880. See New York, N. Y. Margaret J. Laurie (Mrs. Wil- liam H. Seaman) A. B. 1889. Box 466. Frederick Willits Seaman B. S. 1910. William Henry Seaman B.S. 1888. C.E. 1905. Glen Head, L. I. Emily Rushmore Underhill B.L. 1899. At present, Lancaster, Pa. Mary Underhill B.S. 1894. M.S. 1895. Green Haven Elizabeth Clarke Miller (Mrs. William Penn Holcomb) A. B. 1873. William Penn Holcomb B. L. 1878. M.L. 1882. Hastings-upon-Hudson Reuben Grant Bennett B.S. 1897. Eliza Gillingham Holmes (Mrs. Reuben Grant Bennett) A.B. 1891. 94 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [N. Y. Hawthorne Lillian Rosenbluth (Mrs. Nathan C. Solomon) A.B. 1906. Hempstead Elizabeth Hutchinson A. B. 1911. Franklin Ave. Ithaca Louis Jacquelin Bradford B. S. 1911. 811 E. State St. Helen Magill (Mrs. Andrew Dick- son White) A. B. 1873. 27 East Aye. Jericho Daniel Underhill, Jr. B. S. 1894. See Brooklyn, N. Y. Helen Underhill A.B. 1909. Johnstown Percival Rudolph Roberts A. B. 1905. A.M. 1907. 307 S. Williams St. Kinderhook Roy McVaugh B. L. 1902. Locust Valley, Nassau County Clara Noyes Haydock B.L. 1889. Lyons Falls Alice Taylor Battin (Mrs. Ralph Lewis) A.B. 1887. Mayville Rata Emma Willitt A. B. 1911. Mineola James Edward Downing B. L. 1901. Mountainville, Orange County Catharine Mailler Rider B.L. 1888. Mount Vernon Grace Anna Brosius (Mrs. Clem- ent Miller Biddle)- B.L. 1897. 257 Claremont Ave. Edna Carpenter A.B. 1911. 8 Adams St. Stuart Wilder B.S. 1894. First Ave and First St. Mt. Kisco Esther Haviland Sutton B.L. 1893. See Turkey. New Brighton Emma Stirling Bones (Mrs. Me- dad E. Stone) B.L. 1886. Anna Heydt A.B. 1911. See Lehighton, Pa. New York City Mary Ida Alley B.S. 1902. 215 E. Fifteenth St. James Ramsay Baldridge B.S. 1905. C.E. 1908. Care of Hennebique Construction Co., 1170 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Esther Elizabeth Baldwin A.B. 1909. 105 E. Twenty-second St. See West Chester, Pa. William Llewellyn Baner A.B. 1882. 40 W. Sixty-eighth St. Edwin P. Bond A. B. 1894. 53 Greene St. George Ernest Boughton B. S. 1911. 1170 Broadway. Care of U. S. Gypsum Co. John Paul Broomell A.B. 1899. Trinity Bldg., Ill Broadway. Residence, 6 River- view Terrace. Anna Frances Campbell (Mrs. Walter Rittman) A. B. 1910. 510 W. 124th St. Isaac Richard Coles B. S. 1879. C.E. 1880. 39 Cort- landt St. See Glen Cove, N. Y. Anna Louise Curtis A. B. 1904. 512 E. Fifty-eighth St. William Diebold B. S. 1906. A.B. 1908. 314 W. 134th St. Anna Washington Detweiler A. B. 1912. Care of Library, Col- umbia Univ. See Reading, Pa. William Lawrence Dudley B. S. 1888. 140 Liberty St. Joseph Cook Emley B.S. 1894. 1134 Park Row Bldg. Herbert Hollingshead Evans A.B. 1909. 110 E. Sixteenth St. See Masonville, N. J. Henry Cromwell Field A.B. 1909. 34 Nassau St. See Brooklyn, N. Y. N. Y.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 95 Lydia Walton Foulke (Mrs. Joshua Hibberd Taylor) A.B. 1905. 950 Anderson Ave. Anna Gillingham A. B. 1900. 419 W. 118th St. Georg© G. Griest B. S. 1894. 29 W. Thirty-fourth St. Maurice E. Griest B.S. 1904. 105 W. 163d St. Mary Amelia Gutelius (Mrs. Har- old Sibley Rambo) A.B. 1904. 1210 Evergreen Ave. Maurice Tracy Hansell A.B. 1904. 813 Elsmere Place. John Ernest Hartman A.B. 1912. 110 E. Sixteenth St. See Dillsburg, Pa. Louisa Anna Harvey A.B. 1911. 215 E. Fifteenth St. Samuel Darlington Heed A. B. 1907. 110 E. Sixteenth St. See West Chester, Pa. John W. Hutchinson, Jr. B. S. 1891. 37 Wall St. Charles B. Ketcham A.B. 1892. N. Y. Stock Exchange. Roswitha Agnes Kudlich A.B. 1913. 104 W. Eighty-seventh St. Albert Rogers Lawton A.B. 1880. A.M. 1885. 224 E. Fifteenth St. Louise Marie Lawton A. B. 1913. 224 E. Fifteenth St. Alice Roberts Linvill B. L. 1902. 512 E. Fifty-eighth St. See Swarthmore, Pa. S. Blair Luckie A.B. 1906. 105 W. 163d St. Eudora Magill A.B. 1877. 128 W. Forty-third St. Frederick Potts Moore A.B. 1885. 71 Broadway . George Schofield Nobles A.B. 1906. 83 St. Nicholas Place. Alice Smedley Palmer A.B. 1889. 215 E. Fifteenth St. Edward Pennock Palmer A.B. 1906. 110 E. Sixteenth St. Amos Jenkins Peaslee A. B. 1907. 558 W. 113th St. Bus. add., 34 Nassau St., care of Davies, Auerbach & Cornell. Katharine Pfeiffer B. L. 1900. 52 W. Thirty-ninth St. Frederick Newlin Price A.B. 1905. 16 E. Fortieth St. See Solebury, Pa. Walter Frank Rittman A.B. 1908. A.M. 1909. ME. 1911. 510 W. 124th St. Harold Earl Roy A.B. 1909. 527 Fifth Ave. Marie Gregorivna Sabsovich (Mrs. Alexander J. Oren- stein) A. B. 1906. 799 Jennings St., Bronx. Frederick Augustus Seaman B. S. 1883. 117 W. Seventy-ninth St. Henry B. Seaman B.S. 1881. C.E. 1884. 165 Broadway. Alvin Tomlinson Shoemaker B.L. 1881. 59 Pearl St. Thomas Arthur Smith B.S. 1901. 11 Broadway, care of Turner Construction Co. Edward Adolph Staab A.B. 1894. 112 W. Forty-fourth St. Samuel Townsend Stewart A.B. 1903. 45 E. Forty-second St. Walter Cyrus Strunk A.B. 1909. 68 W. Forty-ninth St. Arthur Percival Tajiberg A.B. 1910. A.M. 1913. 2940 Broadway. Joshua Hibberd Taylor A. B. 1903. 104 W. Forty-second St. Henry Chandlee Turner B. S. 1893. C.E. 1903. 11 Broad- way. See Brooklyn, N. Y. John Turton B.S. 1880. 16-18 Exchange Place. William Russell Tylor A. B. 1911. 221 E. Fifteenth St. Joseph Jeanes Walker B. S. 1892. C. E. 1911. 30 Church St. See Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Abner Pugh Way B.S. 1898. 345 E. Fifteenth St. Mary Willits A. B. 1884. 144 E. Thirty-seventh St. Hanson Zimri Wilson B. S. 1896. Room 308, 26 Broad- way. Emily E. Wilson (Mrs. Albert Rogers Lawton) A.B. 1882. A.M. 1885. 224 E. Fifteenth St. North Tonawanda Jessie Drysdale Ellis (Mrs. Wil- liam Bradford Peirce) B.L. 1897. 145 Bryant St. 96 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [N. Y. Old Westbury, L. I. Alice Willets Titus B.L. 1890. M.L. 1892. At pres- ent, 285 Quincy St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mary Willets Titus B.L. 1894. Oyster Bay George Henry Van Cott A.B. 1909. Phoenicia, Ulster Co. Francis Miller MacDowell . A.B. 1913. At present, Danville, N. Y. Pleasantville Station Katharine Procter Green A.B. 1907. Helen Heed A.B. 1905. Poughkeepsie Alexander Griswold Cummins A.B. 1889. Litt.D. 1909. Christ Cliurch Re'ctory. Gertrude B. Magill A.B. 1881. Care of Mrs. C. S. Williamson, 18 Parker Ave. Richmond Hill, L. I. Walter Ernest Roberts A.B. 1908. 462 Garfield Ave. Jean Margaret Williamson (Mrs. Walter Ernest Roberts) A.B. 1909. 462 Garfield Ave. Rochester Schenectady Riley Anton Bressler B.S. 1910. 812 University Place. See Tower City, Pa. Jessie Beulah Lane A. B. 1909. 32 Union Ave. David Barker Rushmore B. S. 1894. c. E. 1897. Care of General Electric Co. Setauket, L. I. Grace Rebekah Tucker A.B. 1911. See West Chester, Pa. Slingerlands William Henry Wanzer A.B. 1895. R. F. D., No. 1, Box 106. Sy osset Alice Platt Willits A.B. 1895. Annie Eliza Willits A.B. 1888. Syracuse Kenneth Vernon Farmer A. B. 1913. 721 E. Genesee St. See Newark, Ohio. Robert J. Marcher B. S. 1880. C. E. 1901. 1304 Park St. William Cooper Walker A.B. 1906. 401 S. A. & K. Bldg. Tompkinsville, S. I. Louis Robert Eugene Paulin A.B. 1881. 13 Wiener Place. Ruden Wheeler Post B.S. 1905. C.E. 1908. 101 Pearl St. Rome Frederick Warren Ely A.B. 1909. 414 Washington St. See Doylestown, Pa. Elizabeth Eachus Jackson A.B. 1913. 203 W. Thomas St. See Lansdowne, Pa. Trumansburg Rebecca Mulford Ely (Mrs. Her- bert Paul King) B.L. 1902. A.M. 1904. Tuckahoe Lulu von Ramdohr (Mrs. Edward Charles von Palmenberg) A.B. 1903. Box 77. Roslyn, L. I. Eliza Keese Willets B.L. 1893. “Homewood.” Sayville Jane Frances Hoag A.B. 1911. Schaghticoke Anna Broomall Allen A.B. 1911. R. F. D., No. 1. Tuxedo Park Edward Cary Rushmore B.S. 1881. Utica Walker Matteson A. B. 1897. Walden Alice Mary Brown (Mrs. Robert. T. Hume) B. L. 1900. N. C.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 97 Wantagh, L. I. Mary Elizabeth Seaman A.B. 1899. Westbury Station, L. I. Ethel Mary Albertson (Mrs. Arthur Wood Post) A. B. 1910. Marietta Hicks B. L. 1897. West Point Edmund Cocks A.B. 1903. White Plains James Janney Lippincott A.B. 1905. 10 Crane Ave. NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Anna Dorathy Dotger (Mrs. Wil- liam C. Kirby) A.B. 1908. Guilford College Esther Garwood (Mrs. David Henley Couch) A. B. 1905. At present, Mayaguez, Porto Rico. Hertford William Griest Underwood B. S. 1887. Wilmington Mabel Clare Gillespie (Mrs. Charles N. Evans) B.L. 1899. 505 Chestnut St. OHIO Cleveland Arthur Wadsworth Bradley A. B. 1876. 337 Superior Ave., N. W. Hiram Marshall Pancoast B. L. 1899. Care of- Hiram College. Lexington Laurence Thomas Sherwood A.B. 1906. A.M. 1907. 7 Martin’s Ferry Ira Smedley B.S. 1901. Box 133. Mount Vernon H. Lawrence Beecher B.S. 1910. W. Chestnut St. Newark H. Lawrence Beecher B.S. 1910. 179 N. Tenth St. At present, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Kenneth Vernon Farmer A. B. 1913. 221 N. Fourth St. At present, Syracuse, N. Y. Oxford Iola Kay Eastburn B. L. 1897. See Hockessin, Del. Salem Russell Mahlon Cook A.B. 1913. 133 W. Main St. At present, Chrome, N. J. Helen Elizabeth Lease A. B. 1903. 25 Broadway. Edna Harriet Richards B. L. 1898. 283 Goshen Ave. Springfield Folger Branson Howell A.B. 1913. Warren John Shee Rush A.B. 1913. See Concordville, Pa. Wilmington Charles Shambaugh Doan A.B. 1912. Charles Edgar West A.B. 1913. At present, Philadel- phia, Pa. Youngstown Glenn Earl Miller A. B. 1911. R. F. D., No. 4. Zanesville Helen Train (Mrs. P. H. Tanne- hill) B. S. 1894. R. F. D., No. 4. OKLAHOMA Okmulgee James Jacob Schock A.B. 1913. At present, Philadel- phia, Pa. 98 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [Ore. Muskogee Chas. Kaighn B.S. 1896. Care of Midland Val- ley R. R. Co. OREGON Bend Sarah Gilpin Heyburn A.B. 1911. See Swarthmore, Pa. Paisley William Seth Daniels A.B. 1907. C.E. 1911. Foster, Care of Whitcomb Joseph Sherwood Knight A.B. 1907. See Somerton, Pa. Portland Ernest Fanning Tucker A. B. 1881. Medical Bldg. Salem Rowland Jesse Spencer B. L. 1886. 2675 Church St. Warmsprings Gilbert Lewis Hall A.B. 1899. PENNSYLVANIA Abington Emma Florence Stapler A. B. 1908. Altoona John Norman Ogden B. S. 1910. University Club. See Lansdowne, Pa. Ambler Mary Paul Hallowell (Mrs. Charles P. Hough) A.B. 1878. A.M. 1881. Tacy Paul Hough A.B. 1913. 524 Butler Ave. At present, Glenolden, Pa. Naomi Williams (Mrs. Thomas Atkinson) A.B. 1908. Ardmore Alice Edna Hamilton A. B. 1906. 50 Linwood Ave. Emma Frederica Hamilton B. L. 1902. 50 Linwood Ave. Elizabeth Edith Johnson (Mrs. Maurice Ashbrook Griffith) A.B. 1906. 115 Edgewood Road. Avondale Philip Marshall Hicks A.B. 1905. R. D., No. 2. Bartville Elizabeth Westfield Jackson A. B. 1903. Beaver Mabel Wilson Latimer (Mrs. Frank B. Foster) B. L. 1901. 353 Iroquois Place. (Summer.) See Pittsburgh. Bellwood Katharine Lower Wray A.B. 1913. At present, Orange, N. J. Bethlehem George Lawrence Watters A.B. 1906. 501 Goepp St. Maude Lucile Watters A. B. 1902. 501 Goepp St. Blairsville Richard Jones Bond B. S. 1899. 258 Walnut St. Bloomsburg Margaret Eves (Mrs. John W. Bruner) B.L. 1900. Brandywine Summit Edmund Allan Harvey A.B. 1900. Mary Florence Wynn (Mrs. Jo- seph Faucett Kirkpatrick) A.B. 1901. Bryn Mawr Madelaine Marian Morrison A.B. 1908. Care of Miss Bald- win’s School. Aquetong Canton Walter White Carter B.S. 1907. Lynne Lionel Merritt A.B. 1905. Pa.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 99 Cardington Frances M. White B.L. 1891. Catasauqua Florence Estelle Wallworth (Mrs. Charles N. Ulrich) A. B. 1910. 306 Bridge St. Chadd’s Ford Junction Edward Darlington B. S. 1890. Chatham Edward Abraham Pennock A.B. 1883. Chester Arthur Underwood Ayres A.B. 1913. Crozer Seminary. At present, Valdosta, Ga. Eugene Edmond Ayres, Jr. A. B. 1912. Crozer Seminary. Mary Elizabeth Bartleson B. L. 1897. 703 Highland Ave. Ethel Hampson Brewster A.B. 1907. 605 E. Fourteenth St. Emma Getz Brooks A.B. 1911. 1123 Madison Ave. Newlin Trainer Booth A.B. 1907. Edith Sellers Bunting A. B. 1908. 315 Broad St. Howard Keen Bunting B. S. 1905. 315 Broad St. Juanita May Downes A.B. 1913. 813 W. Eighth St. Harwell Beeson Dutton A.B. 1908. 607 W. Seventh St. Dora Anne Gilbert A. B. 1893. 306 W. Broad St. Charles Hart B. S. 1892. Ninth and Highland Ave. Roy Linden Hill A. B. 1908. A.M. 1909. 118 E. Twenty-third St. Frank Kelso Hyatt B. S. 1907. Care of P. M. C. Anna Estella James (Mrs. Jethro Johnson) A.B. 1909. R. F. D., No. 1. Grace Frances Lee A.B. 1910. 1131 Potter St. Alice Hart Maris (Mrs. Wm. Gibson Bird) A.B. 1906. 516 E. Broad St. Elizabeth Biggins Oliver A.B. 1913. 615 W. Broad St. Charles Palmer A.B. 1882. A.M. 1885. 241 E. Fourth St. Mary Laura Sproul A.B. 1907. 721 W. Eighth St. Thomas Jay Sproul A. B. 1909. A.M. 1911. 718 Kerlin St. William Cameron Sproul B. S. 1891. 418 Market St. Edith Maddock West A. B. 1904. Bridgewater Road. Lydia Parry Williams (Mrs. Wal- ter Roberts) B. L. 1897. Nether Providence. Chester Heights Alice Cary Byers (Mrs. Henry Bishop Johnson) A. B. 1909. Caroline Farren Comly (Mrs. Ed- son S. Harris) B. L. 1900. Edson Sheppard Harris B.S. 1902. Chestnut Hill Elizabeth Ann Burton A.B. 1909. Willow Grove Ave. Edwin James Johnson A.B. 1909. Eastern Ave. Clearfield Alma Eva Dickinson (Mrs. Ro- land Bloom Thompson) A.B. 1907. 725 Old Town Road. Coatesville Elva Lulu Ash (Mrs. Arthur R. Yearsley) > A.B. 1904. 552 E. Main St. George Norman Ash A. B. 1909. R. F. D„ No. 1. At present, Betteravia, Cal. Elizabeth Newlin Baker B. L. 1902. Annabelle Boyle A. B. 1911. 266 Main St. Edward Roy Meredith B. S. 1903. Care of P. & R. Ry. Co. Ellis Branson Ridgway B.S. 1890. 367 W. Main St. William Hance Ridgway B.S. 1875. C.E. 1879. El Nidito. Nora Leland Stabler (Mrs. George S. Worth) A. B. 1903. Box 672. George Sheshbazzar Worth B. S. 1902. C.E. 1905. 100 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [Pa. William Penn Worth B.S. 1876. Cochranville Carrie Belle Way (Mrs. Martin Benjamin Yarnall) B.L. 1893. Concordville John Shee Rush A.B. 1913. At present, Warren, Ohio. Jonathan Chauncey Shortlidge A.B. 1896. Conshohocken Eliza Walker McFarland (Mrs. J. Aubrey Anderson) A.B. 1905. 1611 Fayette St. John Himes Pitman A.B. 1910. A.M. 1911. 319 E. Tenth St. At present, Swarth- more, Pa. Corry Alexandra Beatrice Rogers A.B. 1913. 522 N. Centre St. At present, Philadelphia, Pa. Cossart John Atlee White A.B. 1910. At present, Elizabeth, N. J. Crafton William Pierce Wilbur A. B. 1908. 8 Bradford Ave. Cresson Charles Edward Sharpless B. S. 1881. C.E. 1884. Cynwyd Jay Barnard Cranston A.B. 1909. Mary Barnard Cranston (Mrs. Thomas Victor Hodges) A. B. 1906. Helen Moore Fogg B. L. 1899. Thomas Victor Hodges A.B. 1906. Alice Keim (Mrs. Roberts Leinau, Jr.) A. B. 1906. John Armand Lafore B. S. 1895. C.E. 1898. E.E. 1901. M.E. 1903. See Philadel- phia, Pa. Darby Elizabeth Lane Verlenden A. B. 1907. 28 N. Ninth St. Jacob Serrill Verlenden B. S. 1899. Mary Verlenden A.B. 1907. 15 Ridge Ave. Ruth Verlenden A. B. 1911. 15 Ridge Ave. Darling Horace Darlington B. S. 1887. Jared W. Darlington B.S. 1897. Paul Darlington B.S. 1900. Dillsburg John Ernest Hartman A.B. 1912. At present, 110 E. Sixteenth St. New York City. Doylestown Julia Yerkes Atkinson A.B. 1907. Frederick Warren Ely A.B. 1909. 140 State St. See Rome, N. Y. Anna Fell A. B. 1909. Oakland Ave. Nellie Lodge B. S. 1897. 132 E. State St. Du Bois Hattie Knox Pentz A. B. 1910. 2 Highland St. Easton Albert Hibbs Taylor B. S. 1896. 305 Parson St. Mary Alma Young A. B. 1901. 1020 Ferry St. Elkins Park Sylvester Sharpless Garrett B. S. 1896. 25 Park Ave. Horace Carroll Jenkins A. B. 1912. Care of High School. See Gwynedd, Pa. Embreeville Ellis P. Marshall B. S. 1888. Emporium Fred Arn Johnson A.B. 1902. [A.B. 1909.] REGISTER OE GRADUATES 101 Pa.] Farm School Elizabeth Merrow Washburn A.B. 1911. Fairview Village Katharine Elsie Anders A.B. 1913. Fox Chase Agnes Hallowell Sibbald A.B. 1904. George School Emily Atkinson A. B. 1891. Joseph Wilmer Pancoast B. S. 1901. Norman Walton Swayne A. B. 1908. Guernsey William Cyrus Tyson B. S. 1901. Gwynedd Emily Maltby Bird A. B. 1909. Box 45. At present, Germantown, Pa. Arthur Hugh Jenkins B. L. 1901. Horace Carroll Jenkins A.B. 1912. At present, Elkins Park, Pa. William Lancaster Jenkins A. B. 1910. Hanover Robert Early Manley B. S. 1897. 18 Fountain Square. Harrisburg Martha Potts Jones (Mrs. Herman P. Miller) A.B. 1888. 2117 N. Third St. Lillian May Pike (Mrs. Harry H. Appleton) A. B. 1907. 361 S. Eighteenth St. Haverford Horace Baker Forman, Jr. B. S. 1889. Isaac Sharpless Hon. LL.D. 1889. Hazleton Mary Beatrice Dunlevy A.B. 1910. 109 N. Laurel St. Holicong Jane Atkinson A.B. 1893. Alice Minerva Atkinson A.B. 1888. Hollidaysburg Sara Kelsall Kirk A. B. 1910. 1005 E. Allegheny St. Huntingdon Albert Mahlon Williams B. S. 1902. 608 Penn St. Ivyland Marguerite Hallowell A.B. 1913. At present, Scranton, Pa. Jeannette Edith May Fisher A.B. 1908. 227 N. First St. Jenkintown Helen Nesbit Emley (Mrs. Brit- tain Ely Lukens) A.B. 1903. 112 Township Line. Mary Linton Hallowell A. B. 1910. Brittain Ely Lukens B. S. 1904. 112 Township Line. Edith Lane Verlenden (Mrs. Irvin Francis Paschall) B.L. 1902. 262 Mather Road. Kennett Square Mary Story Bartram A.B. 1896. 228 Meredith St. Claude Francis Gilchrist A. B. 1912. American Road Ma- chine Co. At present, Goderich, Ont., Canada. Samuel Sinclair, 4th B. S. 1905. C.E. 1908. Mabel Lydia Stiner A.B. 1912. At present, Moores- town, N. «T. Edith May Taylor A.B. 1909. Mary Florence Yeatman A. B. 1877. A.M. 1897. R. F. D„ No. 1. Lancaster Edna May Miller B. L. 1900. 148 N. Prince St. Emily Rushmore Underhill B.L. 1899. Care of The Shippen School. See Glen Head, N. Y. Miriam Sener B.L. 1897. 233 Charlotte St. 102 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [Pa. Langford Joseph Durbin Stites B.S. 1913. See Williamstown, Pa. Langhorne William Henry Gillam, Jr. A. B. 1913. 121 E. Maple St. At present, Philadelphia, Pa. Anna Richardson Paxson B. L. 1902. Box 159. Mabel Pryor (Mrs. Harry Peters Rothermel) A.B. 1903. 116 Winchester Ave. Lansdowne Ralph Jackson Baker A. B. 1907. 107 N. Owen Ave. See Philadelphia, Pa. Lydia Biddle B. L. 1894. John Stokes Clement A.B. 1908. 146 Hillsdale St. Helen Trump Comly (Mrs. How- ard White) A. B. 1875. Susan Rogers' Corson B. S. 1897. 116 W. Baltimore Ave. Louise Fahnestock (Mrs. Edward Gilpin Poole) A.B. 1904. 102 McKinley Ave. Margaret Gleim A. B. 1903. 36 E. Baltimore Ave. George Gleim, Jr. B. S. 1897. Ada Clara Graham (Mrs. John Stokes Clement) A.B. 1907. 146 Hillsdale St. Margaret Elgar Hallowell (Mrs. W'alter C. Powell) A.B. 1882. 96 McKinley Ave. Miriam White Hines A.B. 1910. 106 McKinley Ave. Elizabeth Eachus Jackson A. B. 1913. 101 Owen Ave. At present, Rome, N. Y. Mary B. Janvier (Mrs. Joseph Meredith Pugh) B. L. 1894. 39 E. Greenwood Ave. Edith Spencer Lewis (Mrs. Bar- clay W T hite) A.B. 1906. Hilldale Road. Lydia Cooper Lewis A. B. 1906. 504 S. Lansdowne Ave. Jane Eachus Linvill (Mrs. Asa Pound Way) B. L. 1899. 316 Owen Ave. Margaret Hoar Livingston A.B. 1913. 23 Runnemede Ave. At present, Brooklyn, N. Y. Grace Bowen Maxwell A. B. 1908. 64 E. Greenwood Ave. John Norman Ogden B. S. 1910. 16 N. Maple Ave. At present, University Club, Altoona, Pa. George Liddon Pennock B.S. 1883. 165 W. Essex Ave. Edward Gilpin Poole A.B. 1905. 102 McKinley Ave. Ruth Clement Sharp (Mrs. Joseph Henry Willits) A. B. 1911. John M. Shrigley Hon. A. M. 1911. 436 S. Lans- downe Ave. Asa Pound Way B. S. 1903. E.E. 1907. 316 Owen Ave. Anna Deborah White A.B. 1912. Barclay White A.B. 1906. C.E. 1909. Hilldale Road. Mary Hayes White (Mrs. J. Henry Bartram) A.B. 1890. Joseph Henry Willits A.B. 1911. Lebanon Katharine Reinoehl Witmeyer A.B. 1911. 502 Cumberland St. Lehighton Anna Heydt A. B. 1911. 301 S. Third St. See New Brighton, N. Y. Lewistown Stella Leonora Koenig (Mrs. Lewis D. Stern) B. L. 1902. Linwood Rosalie Middleton Painter (Mrs. Roger Wood) A.B. 1907. Lititz Virginia Preston Griest A.B. 1913. R. F. D., No. 3. At present, Joanna, Pa. Ellen S. Preston (Mrs. Frank Griest) A.B. 1880. R. F. D„ No. 3. London Grove Jessie Pyle A.B. 1888. Pa.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 103 Ellen Pyle A.B. 1892. Margery Pyle A.B. 1900. Anna Elizabeth Stubbs (Mrs. Walter Kay Groff) A.B. 1909. Lyndell Emma Dora Marshall A.B. 1911. McKeesport Mary Truman A.B. 1909. 1600 Jenny Lind St. Malvern Walter Edwin Cox A. B. 1913. At present, West Ches- ter, Pa. Aida T. Evans (Mrs. Charles C. Highley) B. L. 1896. At present, West Ches- ter, Pa. Markham William Worrell Hill, Jr. A.B. 1911. At present, Sewaren, N. J. Mauch Chunk Halliday Rogers Jackson A.B. 1904. 77 W. Broadway. Media Mabel Cheyney A.B. 1906. 23 E. Front St. Louise Keene Corkran A.B. 1910. 15 E. Washington St. Frances Darlington A.B. 1896. 36 E. Front St. At present, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ruth Anna Forsythe A.B. 1879. 330 N. Orange St. Ernest LeRroy Green A.B. 1902. Esther Carpenter Green A.B. 1909. 26 W. Washington St. Lydia Sharpless Green (Mrs. Alfred L. Hawkins) A.B. 1883. Idlewild. Elizabeth Hall A. B. 1905. 101 W. Second St. Ellis Marshall Harvey B. S. 1889. Washington and Mon- roe Sts. Eleanor Janney (Mrs. Walter Robinson Johns) A.B. 1908. 32 E. Second St. Helen McConaghy A. B. 1913. R. F. D., No. 3. E. Mae Myers B. L. 1900. A.M. 1912. Friends’ Select School. See Moylan, Pa. Georgia Cook Myers (Mrs. Ben- jamin Mott Underhill) B.L. 1900. Joseph James Rhoads B.S. 1888. 5 E. Washington St. Cornelia Janney Shoemaker B.L. 1894. Care of Friends’ School. See Lincoln, Va. Edgar Miller Smedley B.S. 1886. Helen Bright Smith (Mrs. Joseph Hill Brinton) A.B. 1895. A.M. 1899. 412 W. State St. Evalynn Walker A.B. 1912. 435 E. Jefferson St. Minersville Grace Althouse Schwenk (Mrs. John Franklin Hay) Moore Samuel Francis Butler A.B. 1908. Mary Alice Taylor A.B. 1909. Morton Elizabeth Keller A.B. 1913. Box 238. Joseph Walter Keller A.B. 1907. Box 238. Mt. Union Ethel Taylor McCarthy A.B. 1909. At present, Haddon- field, N. J. Moylan Henry Moore Fussell, Jr. A.B. 1907. Mary Briggs Hawke (Mrs. Fran- cois Josef Torchiana) A.B. 1902. Sara Sharpless Hawkins (Mrs. Paul Freeman) A. B. 1909. Dora Lewis B. L. 1891. Albert Cook Myers B.L. 1898. M.L. 1901. E. Mae Myers B.L. 1900. A.M. 1912. See Media, Pa. 104 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [Pa. William Webb Price A.B. 1912. Emma Webb (Mrs. William Light- foot Price) A. B. 1883. New Brighton Louis Fussell Coffin B. S. 1909. Box 158. New Florence A. Virginia Gillespie (Mrs. Guy T. Viskniskki) B.L. 1898. Ross Park, summer. See Montclair, N. J. Newtown Maud Esther Rice (Mrs. Wm. R. Stuckert) A.B. 1903. Norristown Norman B. Corson A.B. 1877. Anna Belle Eisenhower A.B. 1899. 802 DeKalb St. Esther Livezey Eisenhower A.B. 1906. 802 DeKalb St. Lois Fornance A.B. 1906. Emma Knox Hawthorne A.B. 1913. 649 Haws Ave. At present, Shiloh, N. J. Adelaide Stuart McGinnis A.B. 1910. 635 N. Main St. Edith May Martin A. B. 1913. 509 Hamilton St. Herman Pritchard B. S. 1908. A.M. 1911. High School. Harriet White Sheppard A.B. 1909. R. D. 4. At present, Philadelphia, Pa. Granville Taylor A.B. 1908. 1021 W. Main St. Helen Wintringham Williams A.B. 1908. Cor. Oak and High Sts. Elizabeth Clarke Yocum A.B. 1911. 502 Swede St. At pres- ent, Detroit, Mich. Northbrook Florence Turner Michener A. B. 1911. North Wales John M. Willis B. S. 1894. 318 Penna. Ave. Joseph Addison Willis B.S. 1897. Nottingham Frances Preston B.L. 1902. John Walter Passmore A.B. 1906. Herman Elliott Wells A.B. 1912. At present, Swarth- more, Pa. Ogden Anna Worrell A. B. 1913. At present, Philadel- phia, Pa. Ogontz Marshall Phillips Sullivan B. L. 1897. See Philadelphia. Olyphant Helen Dewees Souder (Mrs. Les- ter Reed Norton) A.B. 1903. 201 Main St. Oxford Sarah Mildred Chandler A.B. 1913. At present, Riverton, N. J. Edna Walter Passmore A.B. 1911. 202 Pine St. At pres- ent, Sussex, N. J. Oxford Valley Phoebe Edna Stradling A.B. 1907. Philadelphia Gertrude Mason Adams A. B. 1906. 135 N. Fiftieth St. Mabel Alexander (Mrs. Edgar Osborne Macferran) B. L. 1894. 5514 Morris St., Ger- mantown. Frank Colson Andrews B.S. 1895. 1707 Arch St. Sarah H. Atkinson (Mrs. Robert F. Engle) A.B. 1890. The Covington, Thirty- seventh and Chestnut Sts. Amy Baker A.B. 1912. Hamilton Court. Edith Harriet Baker A.B. 1911. 1727 Oxford St. Ralph Baker A. B. 1907. 3400 Chestnut St. See Lansdowne, Pa. George Lewis Bean B. S. 1900. 1729 N. Nineteenth St. Pa.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 105 Harry Newton Benkert B.S. 1901. C.E. 1904. Drexel Institute. Emily Maltby Bird A.B. 1909. The Stevens School, 221 W. Chelten Ave., Germantown. See Gwynedd, Pa. Helen Leigh Blanton A.B. 1912. 1232 S. Fifty-seventh St. Alice Marie Bolton (Mrs. William Biggerstaff) A.B. 1912. 712 N. Twentieth St. Elizabeth Powell Bond Hon. A.M. 1897. 6300 Greene St., Germantown. Elizabeth Martin Booth (Mrs. Robert E. Lamb) A.B. 1903. A.M. 1906. 135 E. Mt. Pleasant St., Germantown. Anna Dripps Bramble A. B. 1906. W. Monastery Ave., Roxborough. Charlotte E. Brewster (Mrs. Ed- gar F. Jordan) B. L. 1882. M.L. 1886. 2304 DeLancey St. Mary Gertrude Bricker A. B. 1906. 4723 Baltimore Ave. George Haydock Brooke B. S. 1893. S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnut Sts. George Lupton Broomell A.B. 1906. C.E. 1910. 4929 Rubicam Ave., Germantown. Grace Gertrude Broomell A. B. 1906. 1827 Green St. Robert L. Brownfield, Jr. B. S. 1900. Box 884. Louis Herman Buek B.S. 1910. 1719 N. Wilton Ave. Anne Hibberd Bunting (Mrs. James Gibson Lamb) A. B. 1909. 133 W. Nippon St., Germantown. Joseph T. Bunting B. S. 1877. 560 Drexel Bldg. Martha Bunting B.L. 1881. The Newport, Sixteenth and Spruce Sts. Samuel Joseph Bunting, Jr. A.B. 1910. Fifty-sevehth and Elm- wood Ave. Fay Burger A. B. 1912. 1215 W. Tioga St. Thomas Cahall B. L. 1897. 1218 Chestnut St. See Wallingford, Pa. Isaac Hallowell Clothier Hon. A.M. 1903. Eighth and Mar- ket Sts. See Wynnewood, Pa. Isaac Hallowell Clothier, Jr. A. B. 1896. Eighth and Market Sts. Morris L. Clothier B. S. 1890. Eighth and Market Sts. Walter Clothier B.L. 1895. Fourth and Arch Sts. See Wynnewood, Pa. C. Herbert Cochran A.B. 1882. 1426 N. Fifty-second St. Marion S. Comly A. B. 1906. 3311 Arch St. Bertha Cooper (Mrs. Paul C. Brewer) B. L. 1882. 261 W. Rittenhouse St., Germantown. Mary Anne Cordingley A.B. 1913. 2117 Brandywine St. Spencer Lawrence Coxe A.B. 1907. 3412 Hamilton St. Winifred Neville Craig (Mrs. Walter S. Gee) A. B. 1905. 67 W. Washington Lane, Germantown. George Warder Cresson B. S. 1908. 131 W. Durham St., Germantown. Susan J. Cunningham Hon. Sc.D. 1888. 3308 Arch St. Isaac Garrett Darlington B.S. 1907. 1029 Spruce St. William DeCou, Jr. A. B. 1906. 219 Gowen Ave., Mt. Airy. See Crosswicks, N. J. Elizabeth Dinsmore B. L. 1901. 424 W. Chelten Ave., Germantown. Rebecca Malin Downing (Mrs. John Griscom Bullock) B.L. 1884. 6439 Greene St., Ger- mantown. David Tully Dunning A.B. 1913. Seventh and Glenwood Sts. See Sussex, N. J. Wilmer Coffman Dutton A.B. 1912. 5827 Windsor Place. Andrew Maurice Eastwick A. B. 1906. 5901 Elmwood Ave. At present, Baltimore, Md. Charles Albert Eberle B. S. 1912. 647 N. Fortieth St. Mary Jones Elliott B.L. 1881. 3204 Summer St. Ellen H. Evans (Mrs. Ferris Walton Price) A.B. 1874. A.M. 1884. 120 S. Thirty-fourth St. Rosalie Louise Faltermayer A. B. 1906. 3015 N. Ninth St. Roger Brooke Farquhar, Jr. B. S. 1900. Germantown. 106 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [Pa. David Newlin Fell Hon. LL.D. 1911. 1534 N. Broad St. Edward Lawrence Fell B.S. 1888. 433 W. School Lane, Germantown. Edward Watson Fell A.B. 1910. 1534 N. Broad St. Esther Kathryn Fell A.B. 1913. 433 W. School Lane, Germantown. Donald Renwick Ferguson A. B. 1912. 1937 N. Thirty-second St. Harrie House Fouse B. S. 1896. 4335 Pine St. Anna Entwistle Fussell A.B. 1909. 421 Lyceum Ave., Rox- borough. George Dock Fussell A.B. 1910. 421 Lyceum Ave., Rox- borough. Howard Lewis Fussell A.B. 1907. 2004 Mt. Vernon St. Bus. 505 Chestnut St. Caroline R. Gaston (Mrs. Charles Edward Barber) A.B. 1890. A.M. 1895. 1625 N. Seventeenth St. Rodger F. Gephart A.B. 1910. Room 42 Graduate House. Univ. of Pa. See Marion, Ind. Blanche Harriet Gibson A.B. 1913. 3437 Walnut St. Louis Fred Gieg A.B. 1913. Allegheny and Tulip Sts. Dorothy May Gill A.B. 1913. 1324 Brown St. William Henry Gillam, Jr. A.B. 1913. 2004 Mt. Vernon St. See Langhorne, Pa. Thomas Walter Gilkyson A.B. 1901. A.M. 1904. 1301- 1305 Commonwealth Bldg. Priscilla Cooper Goodwyn (Mrs. Frank Hastings Griffin) A.B. 1910. 5424 Walnut St. Edgar Thomson Greene A.B. 1903. 6316 Ambrose St., Ger- mantown. Washington Russell Green A. B. 1913. 3335 Woodland Ave. See Trenton, N. J. Ethel Griest (Mrs. Clinton Hies- ter Snyder) B. L. 190*1. 5239 Archer St., Ger- mantown. Katherine Griest A.B. 1908. 5239 Archer St., Ger- mantown. Frank Hastings Griffin B.S. 1910. 5424 Walnut St. John Milton Griscom B.S. 1902. 1925 Chestnut St. Hallie Hanson Haines (Mrs. Charles Gordon Hodge) B.L. 1896. 1406 Walnut St. Violette Taylor Haines A. B. 1896. Buckingham Place, 4406 Walnut St. Philip Sharpies Hall B. S. 1888. 4615 Chester Ave. Sarah Lucinda Hall (Mrs. Samuel R. Stirling) A. B. 1884. A.M. 1906. 1931 E. Cumberland St. Walter West Hancock B. S. 1888. Fortieth St. and Lan- caster Ave. Jane Roberts Harper A. B. 1906. 211 W. Chelten Ave., Germantown. Elizabeth Haslam B. L. 1882. 213 N. Thirty-third St. Anna May Haslett A.B. 1912. 1247 E. Columbia Ave. Anna Marie Heller A.B. 1911. 541 N. Seventh St. George Masters Henrie A. B. 1908. 3308 Baring St. Henry Lawrence Hess B. S. 1911. 1510 Allegheny Ave. At present, Bridgeton, N. J. Charles Gordon Hodge B.L. 1896. 1406 Walnut St. Mary B. Hollingshead (Mrs. Wal- ter C. Hancock) A. B. 1895. 3720 Chestnut St. Henry D. Holme 136 Sumac St., Wissahickon. At present, Culebra, Canal Zone, Panama. Barton Hoopes B. S. 1875. 1330 Buttonwood St. Herman Hoopes B.S. 1874. C.E. 1879. 505 Real Estate Trust Bldg. Abner Davis Jackson B.S. 1899. 422 Perry Bldg., Six- teenth and Chestnut Sts. Anna Elizabeth Jackson (Mrs. James Monaghan) B.L. 1878. 3309 Baring St. Otley Ellwood Jackson B.S. 1900. 141 S. Fifty-ninth St. Lizzie Sikes James A.B. 1908. 677 Union St. Mary Talbott Janney (Mrs. Spen- cer Lawrence Coxe) A.B. 1906. 3412 Hamilton St. Pa.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 107 Howard Cooper Johnson B.L. 1896. 1301-1305 Common- wealth Bldg. Murat Louis Johnson A.B. 1909. 923 Chestnut St. Edwin Peirce Jones A.B. 1907. 1811 S. Fifty-fifth St. Virginia Drysdale Keeney A.B. 1910. 108 N. Sixteenth St. Maude Kemmerer A.B. 1907. 2331 N. Sixteenth St. Roland Gruhb Kent A.B. 1895. B.L. 1896. A.M. 1898. 204 St. Mark’s Square. Emma Regina Kleefeld A. B. 1909. 628 N. Thirty-fourth St. At present, Tuckahoe, N. J. Elsie Helen Koenig (Mrs. Albert S. Myers) B. L. 1902. 4825 Walnut St. John Armand Lafore B.S. 1895. C.E. 1898. E.E. 1901. M.E. 1903. 121 S. Eleventh St. See Cynwyd, Pa. Edith Lamb (Mrs. Howard Cooper Johnson B.L. 1898. 101 W. Mermaid Lane, Chestnut Hill. James Gibson Lamb A. B. 1910. 133 W. Nippon St., Germantown. Robert Emerson Lamb B. S. 1903. C.E. 1908. 135 E. Mt. Pleasant St., Germantown. Thomas Montgomery Lightfoot B.S. 1888. M.S. 1890. 5935 Greene St., Germantown. Edgar Lippincott B.S. 1895. 1021 Walnut St. See Riverton, N. J. Howard White Lippincott A. B. 1875. 509 Real Estate Trust Bldg. Samuel Roberts Lippincott B. S. 1890. 1021 Walnut St. Laura Dorothy Lister A.B. 1908. 58 W. Upsal St., Ger- mantown. Helen Boardman Loughlin A.B. 1909. 1332 W. Fifty-fourth St. Helen Lukens (Mrs. George W. Cresson) A. B. 1910. 131 W. Durham St., Germantown. Jessie May Lukens B. L. 1900. 1325 Jefferson St. Marion Lukens B.L. 1902. 1325 Jefferson St. Walter Lee Lukens A.B. 1912. 1325 Jefferson St. Robert Steffan McConnell B.S. 1890. 3328 N. Sixteenth St., or 500 N. Broad St., Baldwin Locomotive Works. James T. McClure B.S. 1876. 1919 Wallace St. Martha Mcllvain (Mrs. Andrew M. Eastwick) A.B. 1875. 5901 Elmwood Ave. Sallie Sides McSparran A.B. 1912. 4063 Spring Garden St. Edward Martin A. B. 1878. A.M. 1882. 1506 Locust St. George A. Masters B. S. 1889. West Mermaid Lane. Charles R. Miller B.L. 1879. 570 Bullitt Bldg. Serena Helen Miller A. B. 1905. 112 W. Tulpehocken St., Germantown. At present, Du- mont, N. J. Allen R. Mitchell, Jr. B. L. 1902. 153 W. Allegheny Ave. James Monaghan A. B. 1913. 3309 Baring St. At present, Jensen, Utah. Martha Washington Moore B. L. 1901. 4042 Walnut St. John Francis Murray B.S. 1892. 607 Broad Street Sta- tion. Mary Emma Ogden (Mrs. James Dawson Whitall) A.B. 1907. 2124 N. Twentieth St. Anna Pauline Katharine Oppen- lander A. B. 1913. 3132 Montgomery Ave. Percival Parrish B. L. 1896. 1500 Walnut St. Ellwood Comly Parry B.L. 1897. M.L. 1900. Central High School. See Wyncote, Pa. Anne Norris Pearson A.B. 1909. Bustleton. Anna Frances Thompson Pettit (Mrs. George Lupton Broom- ell) A. B. 1907. 4929 Rubicam Ave., Germantown. Alfred Edward Pfahler B. S. 1895. Union League. Margaret Denn Pfahler B.S. 1894. 4046 Walnut St. Dorothy Phillips A.B. 1913. 330 W. Duval St. Dorothy MacDowell Plack A.B. 1911. 5106 Hazel Ave. At present, Kingston, Tenn. 108 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [Pa. Emily Corson Poley A.B. 1909. 33 E. Upsal St., Mt. Airy. Angeline Johnson Power • A.B. 1911. 4166 Girard Ave. Edith Victorine Power A.B. 1907. 4166 Girard Ave. Helen Price A.B. 1907. 120 S. Thirty-fourth St. Henry Ferris Price A.B. 1906. 3335 Woodland Ave. At present, Swarthmore, Pa. John Stewart Reid A.B. 1913. 1924 Race St. See Corry, Pa. Malvin Herman Reinheimer A.B. 1912. 870 N. Twenty-third St. Martha Ellinger Reinoehl (Mrs. Francis A. Osbourn) A.B. 1881. 1329 Jefferson St. Helen Hanes Ridgway A.B. 1907. Leblanc Apts., 5506 Walnut St. Alice May Ridings (Mrs. James S. Bechtold) A.B. 1905. 5302 Catherine St. George Simpson Roberts A.B. 1906. 327 W. Logan St., Germantown. Jesse Charles Roberts A.B. 1910. 2148 N. Camac St. William Ely Roberts A.B. 1903. 5513 Irving St. Walter Roberts A.B. 1890. 1732 Spruce St. Alexandra Beatrice Rogers A.B. 1913. 433 W. School Lane. See Corry, Pa. James Jacob Schock A. B. 1913. 1534 Pine St. See Okmulgee. Okla. Arthur Hoyt Scott B. S. 1895. Valley Road, Oak Lane. Robert Emory Pattison Sensen- derfer A. B. 1905. 1855 N. Park Ave. Jane Caroline Shaw (Mrs. Wm. W. Hepburn) B. L. 1895. 121 S. Thirty-ninth St. Charles Carll Sheppard A.B. 1913. Room 332 City Hall. See Bridgeton, N. J. Harriet White Sheppard A. B. 1909. 26 Westview Ave., Germantown. See Norristown, Pa. Charles Alfred Smith B. S. 1912. 832 N. Sixty-third St. Ely John Smith B.L. 1898. Chelten Trust Co., Ger- mantown. Robert Barclay Spicer A.B. 1890. 140 N. Fifteenth St. Marian Redfield Stearne A. B. 1913. 4520 Mulberry St. Marshall Phillips Sullivan B. L. 1897. Fourth and Walnut Sts. See Ogontz, Pa. Newton Edward Tarble A.B. 1913. Fourth and Arch Sts. See Martinsville, 111. Benjamin Abraham Thomas A. B. 1899. 116 S. Nineteenth St. Joseph Archer Turner B. S. 1905. C.E. 1911. 1314 Arch St. See Swarthmore, Pa. Carolyn Agnes Underhill A.B. 1905. 3210 Baring St. Beatrice Marguerite Victory A.B. 1907. A.M. 1908. 4845 Cedar Ave., West Philadelphia. Catharine Elma Way A. B. 1907. 152 N. Fifteenth St. Ellwood Zavitz Way B. S. 1911. 33 S. Fifty-third St. Pennock M. Way A. B. 1903. 1906 Sansom St. Warren Wallace Weaver B. S. 1913. 6105 Woodland Ave. Howard Jeffries Webster B.S. 1897. 1110 Harrison Bldg. Charles Edgar West A.B. 1913. Care of Provident Life and Trust Co. See Wilming- ton, Ohio. Charles Hart Wetter A. B. 1909. 4035 Pine St. Charles Percy Willcox B. S. 1886. Stephen Girard Bldg. Carroll R. Williams A.B. 1877. A.M. 1882. 3708 Chestnut St. Catharine Boyd Williams A. B. 1913. 3708 Chestnut St. Edward Williams B. L. 1901. Care of H. T. Paiste Co., 3309 Arch St. Esther M. Willits (Mrs. Edward Lawrence Fell) B.L. 1888. 433 W. School Lane, Germantown. Joseph Henry Willits A.B. 1911. Logan Hall, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. See Lans- downe, Pa. Katherine Wolff A.B. 1908. 229 S. Forty-second St. Pa.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 109 Anna Worrell A. B. 1913. Cale of Holman School, 2204 Walnut St. See Ogden, Pa. Pittsburgh Hiram D. Campbell B. S. 1898. 5914 Alder St., E.E. Edith Robinson Hooper (Mrs. Horace W. Roberts) A. B. 1875. 347 Lehigh Ave. Mabel Wilson Latimer (Mrs. Frank B. Foster) B. L. 1901. 6102 Walnut St., E. E. (Winter.) See Beaver, Pa. Millo Marie McCain (Mrs. Ever- ett E. Kehew) A. B. 1904. 427 Emerson St. Helen Supplee Moore (Mrs. Erwin E. Lanpher) B. L. 1899. 830 Mellon St. Elliott Richardson B.S. 1902. C.E. 1905. 1630 Oliver Bldg. Ida Dorothy Strode A.B. 1912. 59 Chatham St. See West Chester, Pa. Herbert Spencer Thatcher A. B. 1905. 503 Bank for Savings Bldg. Plymouth Meeting Charles Cadwallader Corson B. S. 1902. George Cadwallader Corson A.B. 1910. Elizabeth Evans Price A.B. 1911. Pottstown Raymond Clarke Storb A.B. 1912. 172 N. Hanover St. Primos Clementine Gundaker Hulburt (Mrs. J. D. Gibson) A.B. 1907. Quakertown Martha May Williams A.B. 1913. See Sellersville, Pa. Reading Anna Washington Detweiler A.B. 1912. 137 S. Fifth St. At present, New York, N. Y. Georgeine Kurtz (Mrs. Nicholas Hunter Muhlenberg) A.B. 1880. 412 S. Fifth St. Letitia McHose A.B. 1913. 302 S. Fifth St. At present, Clinton, N. J. Lillian Winifred Rogers (Mrs. Louis Illmer, Jr.) A.B. 1901. 117 Windsor St. Edna Anna Tyson A. B. 1909. Northside, West Read- ing. Ridley Park Louis P. Clark B. S. 1891. Helen Stelwagon A.B. 1909. 8 Chester Ave. Irvana Margaret Wood A.B. 1910. Roaring Branch Henry Lee Messner A.B. 1913. Scranton Marguerite Hallowell A.B. 1913. 809 Linden St. See Ivyland, Pa. Mabel Irene Hancock A.B. 1909. 439 Wheeler Ave. See Flemington, N. J. Alfred Lawrence Rhoads A.B. 1906. 702 Prescott Ave. Secane Lillian Boyt A.B. 1913. Sarah Ethel Boyt A.B. 1911. At present, Pemberton, N. J. Sellersville Martha May Williams A.B. 1913. At present, Quaker- town, Pa. Sewickley John Broomall Booth A. B. 1875. 321 Grant St. John Howard Hopkins B. S. 1902. C.E. 1908. 523 Cen- tennial Ave. Elizabeth Booth Miller (Mrs. Franklin Taylor Nevin) A. B. 1895. A.M. 1900. 601 Hop- kins St. William Booth Miller B. S. 1898. C.E. 1901. 231 Thorn St. Shenandoah Emma Adele Wasley (Mrs. John J. Snyder) B.L. 1895. 24 E. Oak St. 110 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [Pa. Skippack Phebe Elizabeth Scheibley (Mrs. Winfred J. Wright) A.B. 1905. Solebury Frederick Newlin Price A.B. 1905. At present, New York, N. Y. Somerton Joseph Sherwood Knight A.B. 1907. At present, Foster, care of Whitcomb, Ore. Rachel Knight A. B. 1898. A.M. 1909. Southampton Inez Helen Lord (Mrs. George Sattertliwaite) B. L. 1903. George Satterthwaite B.S. 1903. State College Lenore Mildred Bartow (Mrs. Albert R. Bechtel) A.B. 1911. Zelma Jane Bartow (Mrs. John Bechtel) A.B. 1911. Frank Brinton Strode A.B. 1909. P. O. Box 445. See West Chester, Pa. Strasburg Helen Alberta Herr A.B. 1911. Stroudsburg A. Mitchell Palmer A.B. 1891. Edna Brown Sterner A.B. 1909. Anna Walton Waters (Mrs. Wil- liam Dolby Palmer) A.B. 1902. Swarthmore William Hyde Appleton Hon. Ph.D. 1888. LL.D. 1912. Anna Smith Atkinson (Mrs. Rich- ard Chase Sellers) A. B. 1894. M. Ellen Atkinson (Mrs. Edward Atkinson Jenkins) B. L. 1892. M. Rosamond Baker (Mrs. Joseph E. Haines) A. B. 1892. Bird T. Baldwin B. S. 1900. Swarthmore College. Edward Morris Bassett B.S. 1905. C.E. 1911. Benjamin Franklin Battin A.B. 1892. West House. Arthur Beardsley Hon. Ph.D. 1889. Josephine Beistle A.B. 1892. Bessie Bew (Mrs. George Bond) A.B. 1912. William Mark Bittle A.B. 1913. At present, Chrome, N. J. Madeleine Brown (Mrs. Robert Titus Naisby) A. B. 1912. 750 Harvard Ave. Charles Andrews Bunting B. S. 1883. Caroline E. Burr (Mrs. William John Hall) A.B. 1878. 515 Elm St. Helen Margaret Carre (Mrs. Jo- seph Archer Turner) A.B. 1905. Margaret Clifford A. B. 1913. Hannah Hallowell Clothier (Mrs. William Isaac Hull) B. L. 1891. Benjamin Woolston Collins A.B. 1911. Alma Daniels A. B. 1910. Elizabeth Furnas (Mrs. Joseph A. Bogardus) B. L. 1879. Lewis Fussell B.S. 1902. M.S. 1903. River- view Ave. Alice Pitman Garwood A. B. 1913. Emma Gawthrop (Mrs. John Rus- sell Hayes) B. S. 1888. Marion Grau A.B. 1912. At present, Swedes- boro, N. J. Beulah Reece Green A. B. 1910. 615 N. Chester Road. Howard Burkhardt Green B. S. 1892. Grace Winter Greene A.B. 1913. Swarthmore College. See Dover, Del. Pa.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 111 Caroline Hadley (Mrs. Louis N. Robinson) A.B. 1906. Anne Shoemaker Haines A.B. 1912. At present, Wilming- ton, Del. Abby Mary Hall (Mrs. Chester Roberts) A.B. 1890. 409 College Ave. Alice Hall (Mrs. Charles Paxson) A.B. 1888. Thomas Heston Hall, Jr. A.B. 1911. Eleanor Halsey A.B. 1912. At present, Flint Hill, Ya. William Darrach Halsey A.B. 1912. Annie Shoemaker Hawke A.B. 1904. Caroline Lukens Hawke (Mrs. William Sinnott Cummings) A.B. 1900. John Russell Hayes A.B. 1888. Swarthmore College. Mary Josephine Henry A.B. 1909. 336 Park Ave. At present, Pemberton, N. J. Sarah Gilpin Heyburn A.B. 1911. 307 N. Chester Road. •At present, Bend, Oregon. Mary Hibbard (Mrs. Albert G. Thatcher) A. B. 1874. 120 Park Ave. Annie Hillborn B. L. 1892. Hallie Gundaker Hulburt (Mrs. James Bacon Douglas) A.B. 1903. Alice Wilson Jackson A. B. 1883. Edward Atkinson Jenkins B. S. 1892. Alden Bliss Jones A.B. 1913. 301 Lafayette Ave. Edna Clayton Jones A.B. 1910. Gurdon Blodgett Jones A.B. 1910. Carrie Burnham Kilgore A.B. 1903. A.M. 1904. Fannie Burnham Kilgore (Mrs. Geo. Arthur Hoadley) A.B. 1903. A.M. 1906. Margaret Dale Leiper A. B. 1905. Mary Gray Leiper B. L. 1899. Alice Roberts Linvill B.L. 1902. At present, New York, N. Y. Alice Mullin Lukens B.S. 1900. Caroline Augusta Lukens B.L. 1898. Phebe Lukens A.B. 1912. William Penn Lukens A.B. 1913. At present, Detroit, Mich. Helen Crawford Marr A.B. 1912. Ross Walter Marriott A.M. 1907. Grace Evans Mickle (Mrs. C. Walter Durnell) A. B. 1906. Harry Lynn Miller B. S. 1911. At present, Toronto, Canada. Esther Townsend Moore (Mrs. William Hyde Appleton) A.B. 1873. Clara Price Newport A.B. 1903. Swarthmore College. Samuel Copeland Palmer A.B. 1895. A.M. 1907. Helen Roderfield Parker A.B. 1911. Norman Sumner Passmore A.B. 1903. Bertha Caroline Peirce A.B. 1906. Marion Virginia Peirce A.B. 1903. John Himes Pitman A. B. 1910. A.M. 1911. See Conshohocken, Pa. William Plumer Potter Hon. LL.D. 1911. M. Elizabeth Pownall (Mrs. E. Clayton Walton) B. L. 1895. Henry Ferris Price A. B. 1906. See Philadelphia, Pa. Helen Cyrus Pyle (Mrs. Charles Andrew Bunting) B. L. 1883. Mary Baily Richards (Mrs. Percy Webster) B.L. 1901. Louis N. Robinson A.B. 1905. Caroline P. Sargent (Mrs. Wm. E. Walter) A.B. 1894. 112 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [Pa. Anna Yardley Satterthwaite A. B. 1913. See Yardley, Pa. Richard Chase Sellers B. S. 1890. Finley Hall Shiland A.B. 1911. 11 Princeton Ave. Frederick Myerle Simons, Jr. A.B. 1909. At present, Chicago, 111 . James Russell Snyder A.B. 1913. 319 Vassar Ave. Harold C. Sprague A.M. 1907. Hannah Bard Steele A.B. 1909. A.M. 1912. Swarth- more College. Ralph Stephen Straub A.B. 1909. Edith Neal S wayne A. B. 1912. 23 Princeton Ave. See West Chester, Pa. Jackson Taylor, Jr. B. S. 1902. C.E. 1908. Thomas Rothwell Taylor A. B. 1912. Edward Brinton Temple B. S. 1891. 315 Maple Ave. Charles Garrett Thatcher A. B. 1912. Wm. Hibbard Thatcher B. S. 1900. Joseph Archer Turner B.S. 1905. C.E. 1911. See Philadelphia, Pa. William W. Turner B.L. 1902. Eugene Underhill, Jr. A.B. 1909. Jean Hamilton Walker A. B. 1910. Wm. Emley Walter B. S. 1892. Herman Elliott Wells B.S. 1912. See Nottingham, Pa. Aldus Wilbur A.B. 1904. John Finch Wilbur A. B. 1909. Sarah Ellen Williams (Mrs. Ben- jamin Franklin Battin) B. S. 1893. West House. Emma Jane Wilson (Mrs. Walter Shoemaker) A.B. 1906. Florence Nightingale Wolverton A.B. 1892. Care of Mrs. H. B. Green. Mary Laing Wolverton (Mrs. Howard Burkhardt Green) A.B. 1892. Sarah E. Wood (Mrs. Norman S. Passmore) A.B. 1904. Elizabeth Stockton Woolston (Mrs. Arthur T. Collins) A.B. 1874. A.M. 1901. Tidioute Helen Harriet Porterfield A.B. 1909. Torresdale James Nevins Richardson A.B. 1907. Frances Richardson A. B. 1908. Tower City Riley Anton Bressler B. S. 1910. At present, Schenec- tady, N. Y. Toughkenamon Ruth Emily Richards A. B. 1906. Unionville Carolien Hayes Chambers (Mrs. George W. Turner) B. L. 1896. Upland Bertha Brooke Hepworth A.B. 1910. Wallingford Anna Hollingsworth Armstrong A. B. 1909. Thomas Cahall B. L. 1897. See Philadelphia. Henry Huddy Garrett B.S. 1892. Wayne Emma Kirk B.L. 1881. Waynesboro Roy Welty Delaplaine A.B. 1913. 8 W. Third St. At present, Wilmington, Del. West Chester Helen Minerva Baker A.B. 1908. 331 W. Union St. Esther Elizabeth Baldwin A. B. 1909. 207 W. Gay St. See New York, N. Y. George Hibberd Bartram B. S. 1890. R. F. D., No. 5. Pa.] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 113 William Butler, Jr. A.B. 1882. Walter Edwin Cox A.B. 1913. See Malvern, Pa. Beulah Walter Darlington (Mrs. Maurice Baldwin Pratt) A.B. 1890. 305 N. High St. Edith Barde Eachus A.B. 1909. 21 S. Church St. Josephine House Dennisson A. B. 1913. 443 S. High St. With Curtis Pub. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Aida T. Evans (Mrs. Charles Cor- son Highley) B. L. 1896. Cor. Matlack and High Sts. See Malvern, Pa. Jacob Carroll Hayes A.B. 1889. P. O. Box 105. Samuel Darlington Heed 410 W. Miner St. At present, 110 E. Sixteenth St., New York, N. Y. Edith Mary Jackson A.B. 1913. 310 W. Fayette St. At present, Rockaway, N. J. Marian Elizabeth Leedom A.B. 1909. 309 Dean St. Ellen Beulah Lewis A. B. 1906. 511 S. Church St. Chester Passmore Martindale B. L. 1891. Lorena Brinton Matlack A.B. 1893. 17 W. Biddle St. Helen Christine Maynard A.B. 1910. At present, Tuckahoe, N. J. Louella Passmore (Mrs. Jacob Carroll Hayes) A.B. 1889. Anna Mullin Rogers A.B. 1912. 255 Dean St. At pres- ent, Wilmington, Del. Marie Sellers A.B. 1910. 14 W. Chestnut St. Philip Triest Sharpies A.B. 1910. Lawrence Price Sharpies A.B. 1912. Thomas D. Smedley A.B. 1909. R. F. D., No. 3. Frank Brinton Strode A.B. 1909. 314 S. Walnut St. At present, State College, Pa. Ida Dorothy Strode A.B. 1912. 314 S. Walnut St. At present, Pittsburgh, Pa. Laura Josephine Strode (Mrs. Henry B. Coleman) A.B. 1906. 121 Dean St. Edith Neal Swayne A.B. 1912. R. F. D., No. 7. At present, Swarthmore, Pa. 8 Lowndes Taylor A.B. 1873. P. O. Box 3, Route 1. Clara May Thomas A.B. 1902. 332 W. Miner St. Grace Rebekah Tucker A.B. 1911. 313 Dean St. At present, Setauket, N. Y. Channing Way A.B. 1897. I. N. Earl Wynn A.B. 1910. 105 S. High St. Fred Garfield Young A.B. 1913. R. F. D., No. 7. At present, Woodlawn, Pa. West Conshohocken Emily Crawford McKee A.B. 1906. 201 Crawford Ave. West Grove Ruth Anna Carlile A.B. 1913. Robert Pyre A.B. 1897. Westtown Ethel Hannah Barnard A.B. 1911. At present, Dover, Del. Wilkinsburg John Arthur Barnard A.B. 1911. 801 Franklin Ave. Williamsport William Preston Fender A.B. 1879. 448 Market St. Helen Gertrude Johnson A. B. 1886. 901 W. Fourth St. Williamstown Joseph Durbin Stites B. S. 1913. 132 N. East St. At present, Langford, Pa. Willow Grove George Gustavus Dilworth A.B. 1908. Womelsdorf Charles Kaler Hackman A. B. 1907. [A.B. 1908.] B.S. 1908. Robert Wright Hackman B. S. 1912. Woodlawn Fred Garfield Young A.B. 1913. See West Chester, Pa. 114 SWABTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [R. I. Wrightstown Ella Merrick (Mrs. Alvan H. Tomlinson) A.B. 1886. Wyncote Gertrude Fritz Chandler (Mrs. John Horace Ervien) A. B. 1904. John Horace Ervien B. S. 1903. C.E. 1910. Ellwood Comly Parry B.L. 1897. M.L. 1900. See Philadelphia. Wynnewood Caroline Clothier A. B. 1903. Isaac H. Clothier Hon. A.M. 1903. See Philadelphia, Pa. Walter Clothier B. L. 1895. See Philadelphia, Pa. Mary Katharine Flannery B.L. 1901. Yardley Elizabeth Weeks Cadwallader A.B. 1911. J. Augustus Cadwallader A.B. 1912. Fairfield Terrace. Anna Yardley Satterthwaite A. B. 1913. At present, Swarthmore, Pa. Yeadon Albert Thatcher Yarnall B. L 1895. York Elizabeth Hanes (Mrs. William Taylor) A.B. 1875. 310 E. Market St. Charles Augustine Hawkins A. B. 1878. 223 W. Springetsbury Ave. Margaret Hood Taylor B. L. 1902. 310 E. Market St. RHODE ISLAND Newport Edwin Angell Cottrell A.B. 1907. 11 Francis St. At present, Cambridge, Mass. Louise Wright Homor (Mrs. Ed- win Angell Cottrell) A.B. 1907. 11 Francis St. At present, Cambridge, Mass. Providence Maybell Paulina Davis (Mrs. Theodore Waters Foster) A.B. 1878. 78 Waterman St. Philip Sheridan Knauer A.B. 1896. 4 Weybosset St. SOUTH CAROLINA Harris Springs Frances Brewster Stevenson (Mrs. C. Hamlet Pettus) A.B. 1893. Hartsville Gladys Coker A.B. 1911. SOUTH DAKOTA Bowdle Mary D. Pratt (Mrs. John Rhodes) A. B. 1885. Edson, Meade County Arthur Colman Dawson B. L. 1880. TENNESSEE Chattanooga Esther Barnes (Mrs. Paul Willis Shepherd) A.B. 1910. 310 Bailey Ave. Kingston Dorothy MacDowell Plack A.B. 1911. See Philadelphia, Pa. TEXAS Austin Frances Eggleston Ottley (Mrs. Louis Goldbeck) A. B. 1890. 2700 Guadalupe St. Harrisburg Chas. Asa Schooley B. S. 1896. Box 12. San Antonio Aaron Cooper Pancoast B.S. 1888. 102 Turner St. Mary Florence Soper (Mrs. Aaron Cooper Pancoast) B.S. 1890. 102 Turner St. REGiSTfiR OF GRADUATES Ilo Vt.l Texarkana Frank Bowen Ridgway A.B. 1909. Care of International Creosoting and Construction Co. VERMONT Burlington Henrietta Florence Wanzer (Mrs. Theron Skidmore Dean) A.B. 1897. 401 S. Union St. Enosburg Falls Austin Allan Scott A. B. 1912. Care of Federal Pack- ing Co. Windsor Annie B. Parrish B. L. 1899. VIRGINIA Crozet Alice Minerva Atkinson (Mrs. Benjamin Kirson) A.B. 1888. Benjamin Kirson A. B. 1911. Farmville Willis Wilson Vail B. S. 1889. R.. F. D., No. 1. Flint Hill Eleanor Halsey A.B. 1912. See Swarthmore, Pa. Hamilton Mary Elizabeth Hughes A. B. 1884. Edith Hunter Janney (Mrs. Simp- son V. Hildebrand) B. L. 1901. Hot Springs Amy Wilda Knickerbocker (Mrs. Arthur Richard Webb) B.L. 1901. Leesburg Hazel Brown A. B. 1910. R. F. D., No. 3. Lincoln Cosmelia Janney Brown (Mrs. Daniel McPh. Hughes) B. L. 1891. Cornelia Janney Shoemaker B.'L. 1894. At present, Media, Pa. Mary Tate Shoemaker B.L. 1896. Norfolk Ralph Garfield Jackson 705 Botetourt Apts. Purcellville John W. Gregg B.L. 1894. Bertha Janney Smith (Mrs. Wm. Townsend Brown) B.L. 1897. Elizabeth B. Smith (Mrs. William H. Wilson) A. B. 1887. Richmond Hildegard Brooks (Mrs. Sidney Paige) B. S. 1895. Care of T. E. Owen, Esq. George Jacoby Freedley B.S. 1886. 1900 E. Cary St. Helen Stanley Hutchinson (Mrs. Martin Joseph Caples) B.S. 1894. 1824 Park Ave. Thomas Leggett Moore A.B. 1880. 819 W. Franklin St. Wadesville Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon A.B. 1913. Waterford Elizabeth Johnson Phillips A.B. 1913. WASHINGTON Everett Margaret Fulton Means (Mrs. William V. Fulton) A. B. 1910. 3228 Grand Ave. Elsie Davis Stoner (Mrs. Maurice H. Wildes) B. L. 1889. 2319 Hoyt Ave. Seattle Gertrude P. Griscom (Mrs. Wm. Wallace Barr) B.L. 1902. 564 Colman Bldg. Edwin Haviland B.S. 1884. 5201 Nineteenth Ave., N. E. 116 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN [W. Ya. Anna Broomall Howard (Mrs. William Montelius Price) B.L. 1901. 703 Thirtieth Ave. Frederick K. Lane B.S. 1887. Seattle Lighting Co. John B. Stetson B.S. 1893. 2354 N. Sixty-third St. Bus. add., 1001 American Bank Bldg. WEST VIRGINIA Charleston Justin Kenderdine Anderson B.S. 1889. 1414 Virginia St. Frederic Neal Carr A. B. 1892. Box 687. Gary Howard Nicholas Eavenson B. S. 1892. C.E. 1897. Laneville, Tucker County Joseph Franklin Gaskill B.S. 1910. Williamson Nathan Haines Mannakee B.S. 1902. M.S. 1904. WISCONSIN Brodhead Mayhell Lucy Carpenter (Mrs. Carl A. Hoagland) A. B. 1909. Beloit Anna Coates Holmes (Mrs. John E. Wells) B. L. 1900. 911 Park Ave. John Edwin Wells B.L. 1896. M.L. 1899. 911 Park Ave. Madison Clara A. Hughes (Mrs. William Stanley Marshall) A. B. 1890. 139 E. Gilman St. William Stanley Marshall B. S. 1888. 139 E. Gilman St. Alice Pauline Merriman A.B. 1904. Box 1078. See Es- sex Fells, N. J. Milwaukee Phoebe Frances Foulke A.B. 1882. 597 Stowell Ave. Neillsville John Johnson B.S. 1910. P. O. Box 226. Sheboygan David Dwight Rowlands B.S. 1909. 612 St. Clair St. Watertown William Frederick Krueger A.B. 1909. CANADA Coldstream, Ontario Edgar Merritt Zavitz A.B. 1882. Goderich, Ontario Claude Francis Gilchrist A. B. 1912. See Kennett Square, Pa. Montreal Florence E. Christy (Mrs. James P. Anglin) B. L. 1900. 682 Roslyn Ave., Westmount. Toronto Harry Lynn Miller B.S. 1911. 1130 Dundas St. See Swarthmore, Pa. CUBA Santa Lucia Frederic Erie Griest B.S. 1904. ENGLAND London Byron Beans A.B. 1903. Stevenage House, 40- 44 Holborn Viaduct, E. C. Oxford Lucy Bancroft (Mrs. Henry Gil- lett) A. B. 1900. 6 Charlbury Road. Street, Somerset Sarah Bancroft (Mrs. Roger Clark) B. S. 1897. Panama] REGISTER OF GRADUATES 117 PANAMA Culebra, Canal Zone Henry D. Holme A. B. 1906. See Philadelphia, Pa. Colon Jonathan Yates Higginson B. S. 1898. Care of Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. PORTO RICO Lares Mary Winifred Rennard A.B. 1910. Mayaguez Esther Casselberry Garwood (Mrs. David Henley Couch) A. B. 1905. See Guilford College, N. C. San Juan Herman Conrow B. S. 1894. C.E. 1897. Emma S. Hutchinson (Mrs. Her- man Conrow) B.L. 1895. Yanco Edith Flitcraft (Mrs. Luis An- tonio Dastas) A.B. 1899. Hacienda “Monser- rate.” PORTUGAL Lisbon Mary Kirk A.B. 1889. Legation of the United States of America. See Washington, D. C. SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINE REPUBLIC Buenos Aires Mareo Tulio Ricaurte A.B. 1912. The Midvale Steel Co., Ltd. BRAZIL Bage Joao Martins Machado A.B. 1909. Rio Grande do Sul. CHILE Taltal James Aloysius Watson A. B. 1911. TURKEY Constantinople Esther Haviland Sutton B. L. 1893. American College for Girls, Arnaoutkeny. Financial Secretary College for Girls. At present, Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Ill ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE ALUMNI A Acton, Sarah H. (Mrs. J. Bernard Hilliard), A.B. 1873. Adams, Gertrude Mason, A.B. 1906. Adams, Mrs. Herbert Sergeant (Sarah Thomas Moore), B.L. 1891. Adamson, Alice Clement, A.B. 1909. Albertson, Ethel Mary (Mrs. Arthur Wood Post), A.B. 1910. Alexander, Mabel (Mrs. Edgar Os- borne Macferran), B.L. 1894. Alford, Newell Gilder, A.B. 1909. Alford, Mrs. Newell Gilder (Caro- line Farren Atkinson), A.B. 1909. Allen, Anna Broomall, A.B. 1911. Alley, Mary Ida, B.S. 1902. Anders, Katharine Elsie, A.B. 1913. Anderson, Mrs. J. Aubrey (Eliza Walker McFarland), A.B. 1905. Anderson, Justin Kenderdine, B.S. 1889. Andrews, Frank C., B.S. 1895. Anglin, Mrs. James Penrose (Flor- ence E. Christy), B.L. 1900. Appleby, Iva Adele, A.B. 1913. Appleton, Mrs. Harry H. (Lillian May Pike), A.B. 1907. Appleton, William Hyde, Hon. Ph.D. 1888. Appleton, Mrs. Wm. Hyde (Es- ther Townsend Moore), A.B. 1873. Armstrong, Anna Hollingsworth, A.B. 1909. Armstrong, Mary Evelyn, B.L. 1899. Ash, Elva Lulu (Mrs. Arthur Ralston Yearsley), A.B. 1904. Ash, George Norman, A.B. 1909. Atkinson, Alice Minerva (Mrs. Benjamin Kirson), A.B. 1888. Atkinson, Alvan Williams, A.B. 1890. Atkinson, Anna Smith (Mrs. Rich- ard Chase Sellers), A.B. 1894. Atkinson, Caroline Farren (Mrs. Newell Gilder Alford), A. B. 1909. Atkinson, Emily, A.B. 1891. Atkinson, Emily Macklin (Mrs. James Dunton Carpenter, Jr.), A.B. 1901. Atkinson, Francis Whitmer, A.B. 1911. Atkinson, Mrs. Francis Whitmer (Elsie Haviland), A.B. 1911. Atkinson, Jane, A.B. 1893. Atkinson, Julia Yerkes, A.B. 1907. Atkinson, M. Ellen (Mrs. Edward Atkinson Jenkins), B.L. 1892. Atkinson, Sarah H. (Mrs. Robert F. Engle), A.B. 1890. Atkinson, Susan E. (Mrs. Frank Dillman Rash), B.L. 1901. Atkinson, Mrs. Thomas (Naomi Williams), A.B. 1908. Ayres, Arthur Underwood, A.B. 1913. Ayres, Eugene Edmond, Jr., A.B. 1912. B Baily, Elizabeth Margaret (Mrs. B. B. Powell), B.S. 1895. Baker, Amy, A.B. 1912. Baker, Edith Harriet, A.B. 1911. Baker, Elizabeth Newlin, B.L. 1902. Baker, Helen Minerva, A.B. 1908. *Baker, Minnie F., A.B. 1885. Baker, M. Rosamond (Mrs. Jo- seph E. Haines), A.B. 1892. Baker, Ralph Jackson, A.B. 1907. Baker, Walter Trainer, A.B. 1906; C. E. 1912. Baldridge, James Ramsay, B.S. 1905; C.E. 1908. Baldwin, Bird Thomas, B.S. 1900. ( 118 ) REGISTER OF GRADUATES 119 Baldwin, Esther Elizabeth, A.B. 1909. *Ball, Mary Gertrude (Mrs. Hus- ton), B.L. 1899. Bancroft, Lucy (Mrs. Henry Gil- lett), A.B. 1900. Bancroft, Sarah (Mrs. Roger Clark), B.S. 1897. Baner, William Llewellyn, A.B. 1882. Barber, Mrs. Charles Edward (Caroline R. Gaston), A.B. 1890; A.M. 1895. Barber, Frederic De Los, B.S. 1897; A.M. 1912. Barker, William Shurtleif, B.S. 1895. Barnard, Ethel Hannah, A.B. 1911. Barnard, John Arthur, B.S. 1911. Barnes, Esther (Mrs. Paul Willis Shepherd), A.B. 1910. Barr, Mrs. William Wallace (Ger- trude P. Griscom), B.L. 1902. Bartleson, Mary Elizabeth, B.L. 1897. Bartlett, Elisabeth Hallowell, A.B. 1912. Bartlett, Mary Louise (Mrs. Skip- with Peyton Coale), A.B. 1904. Bartow, Lenore Mildred (Mrs. Albert Bechtel), A.B. 1911. Bartow, Zelma Jane (Mrs. John Bechtel), A.B. 1911. Bartram, George Hibberd, B.S. 1890. Bartram, Mrs. J. Henry (Mary H. White), A.B. 1890. Bartram, Mary Story, A.B. 1896. Bassett, Edward Morris, B.S. 1905; C.E. 1911. Bassett, Franklin Lippincott, B.S. 1876. Bateman, Stephen Roscoe, B.S. 1902. Battin, Alice Taylor (Mrs. Ralph Lewis), A.B. 1887. Battin, Benjamin Franklin, A.B. 1892. Battin, Mrs. Benjamin Franklin (Sarah Ellen Williams), B.S. 1893. Battin, William Ingram, A.B. 1896. Bean, George Lewis, B.S. 1900. Bean, Henry E., B.S. 1895. Beans, Byron, A.B. 1903. Beardsley, Arthur, Hon. Ph.D. 1889. Beardsley, Ethel (Mrs. William Muschert), A.B. 1902. Bechtel, Mrs. Albert (Lenore Mil- dred Bartow), A.B. 1911. Bechtel, Mrs. John (Zelma Jane Bartow), A.B. 1911. Bechtold, Mrs. James (Alice M. Ridings), A.B. 1905. Beddoes, Margery (Mrs. Charles Heyfield Pike), A.B. 1906. Beecher, H. Lawrence, B.S. 1910. Beistle, Josephine, A.B. 1892. Bell, Frederick Gunby, B.S. 1904. Bell, Thomas Christy, B.S. 1904. Benkert, Harry Newton, B.S. 1901; C.E. 1904. Bennett, Reuben Grant, B.S. 1897. Bennett, Mrs. Reuben Grant (Eliza Gillingham Holmes), A.B. 1891. Berdan, Mrs. Will Wiseman (Helen B. Dillistin), A.B. 1909. Bew, Bessie (Mrs. George Bond), A.B. 1912. Biddle, Mrs. Charles Miller, Jr. (Anna H. Lippincott), B.L. 1900. Biddle, Mrs. Clement Miller (Grace Anna Brosius), B.L. 1897. Biddle, Lydia, B.L. 1894. Biddle, Martha Mcllvain, B.L. 1890. Bierwirth, Leopold William, B.S. 1896. Biggerstaff, Mrs. William (Alice Marie Bolton), A. B. 1912. Bilderback, Mrs. Alpheus (Jane Humphreys Lippincott), A.B. 1906. Bird, Emily Maltby, A.B. 1909. Bird, Mrs. William Gibson (Alice Hart Maris), A.B. 1906. Bishop, Mellie E., B.L. 1896. Bittle, William Mark, A.B. 1913. Blackburn, Mary Ferris, A.B. 1913. *Blackwell, Edith Browning, A.B. 1882. Blair, Francis Grant, B.S. 1897. Blanton, Helen Leigh, A.B. 1912. Blatz, Frederick John, A.B. 1910. Blyth, George, B.S. 1907. Bockius, Chris, A.B., 1910. 120 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Bogardus, Mrs. Joseph A. (Eliza- beth Furnas), B.L. 1879. Bogert, Charlotte Ritzema, A.B. 1904. Bolton, Alice Marie (Mrs. Wil- liam Biggerstaff), A.B. 1912. Bond, Edwin P., A.B. 1894. Bond, Elizabeth Powell, Hon. A.M. 1897. Bond, Mrs. George (Bessie Bew), A.B. 1912. Bond, Richard Jones, B.S. 1899. Bond, Walker McClun, B.S. 1903; C.E. 1908. Bones, Emma Stirling (Mrs. Me- dad E. Stone), B.L. 1886. Booth, Elizabeth Martin (Mrs. Robert Emerson Lamb), A.B. 1903; A.M. 1906. Booth, John Broomall, A.B. 1875. Booth, Levis Miller, B.S. 1899. Booth, Mrs. Levis Miller (Alice Lippincott), B.L. 1899. Booth, Newlin Trainer, A.B. 1907. Boram, Laura Allen, A.B. 1911. Boughton, George Ernest, B.S. 1911. Bowman, Mrs: Frederick Lancelot (Ida Wright), B.L. 1902. *Boyd, Mrs. James (Elizabeth J. Longstreth), A.B. 1876. Boyle, Annabelle, A.B. 1911. Boyt, Lillian, A.B. 1913. Boyt, Sarah Ethel, A.B. 1911. Bradbury, Anna, B.L. 1899. Bradford, Louis Jacquelin, B.S. 1911. Bradley, Arthur Wadsworth, A.B. 1876. Bradley, Floyd Henry, A.B. 1904. Bradley, William James, Jr., A.B. 1909. Bramble, Anna Dripps, A.B. 1906. Breckens, Mrs. Joseph Allison (Josephine White), A.B. 1879. Bressler, Riley Anton, B.S. 1910. Brewer, Mrs. Paul C. (Bertha Cooper), B.L. 1882. Brewster, Charlotte Elizabeth (Mrs. Edgar F. Jordan), B.L. 1882; M.L. 1886. Brewster, Ethel Hampson, A.B. 1907. Bricker, Mary Gertrude, A.B. 1906. Brinton, Mrs. Joseph Hill (Helen Bright Smith), A.B. 1895; A. M. 1899. Brooke, George Haydock, B.S. 1893. Brooke, Mrs. William S. (Jane Ethel Thompson), B.L. 1900. Brooks, Emma Getz, A.B. 1911. Brooks, Hildegard (Mrs. Sidney Paige), B.S. 1895. Broomell, Arthur Williams, A.B. 1906. Broomell, Bertha Lillian, B.S. 1894. Broomell, Emma Judith (Mrs. Herman Newman), B.S. 1890. Broomell, Francis E., B.S. 1893. Broomell, George Lupton, A.B. 1906; C.E. 1910. Broomell, Mrs. George Lupton (Anna Frances Thompson Pettit), A.B. 1907. Broomell, Grace Gertrude, A.B. 1906. Broomell, John Paul, A.B. 1899. Broomell, Margaret, A.B. 1911. Broomell, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. James Dixon Hull), B.L. 1892. Brosius, Grace Anna (Mrs. Clem- ent Miller Biddle), B.L. 1897. Brown, Alice Mary (Mrs. Robert T. Hume), B.L. 1900. Brown, Blanche Estelle, A.B. 1904. Brown, Charles Thomas, A.B. 1898. Brown, Mrs. Charles Thomas (Helen Thomas Sullivan), B. L. 1900. Brown, Cosmelia Janney (Mrs. Daniel McP. Hughes), B.L. 1891. Brown, Hazel, A.B. 1910. Brown, Madeleine (Mrs. Robert Titus Naisby), A.B. 1912. Brown, Thomas Janney, B.S. 1888. Brown, Mrs. Wm. Townsend (Ber- tha Janney Smith), B.L. 1897. Brownfield, Robert L., Jr., B.S. 1900. Bruner, Mrs. John W. (Margaret Eves), B.L. 1900. Buek, Louis Herman, B.S. 1910. Buffington, Albert L., A.B. 1896. REGISTER OF GRADUATES 121 Buffington, Mrs. Albert L. (S. Edna Pownall), B.L. 1898. Bullock, Mrs. John Griscom (Re- becca Malin Downing), B.L. 1884. Bunting, Anne Hibberd (Mrs. James Gibson Lamb), A. B. 1909. Bunting, Charles Andrews, B.S. 1883. Bunting, Mrs. Charles Andrews (Helen Cyrus Pyle), B.L. 1883. Bunting, Edith Sellers, A.B. 1908. Bunting, Howard Keen, B.S. 1905. Bunting, Joseph T., B.S. 1877. Bunting, Martha, B.L. 1881. Bunting, Samuel Joseph, A.B. 1910. Burger, Fay, A.B. 1912. Burr, Caroline E. (Mrs. William John Hall), A.B. 1878. Burton, Elizabeth Ann, A.B. 1909. Butler, Samuel Francis, A.B. 1908. Butler, William, Jr., A.B. 1882. Buyers, Martha Kennedy (Mrs. Chas. A. Lemmon), A.B. 1904. Byers, Alice Cary (Mrs. Henry Bishop Johnson), A.B. 1909. C Cadwallader, Elizabeth Weeks, A. B. 1911. Cadwallader, J. Augustus, A.B. 1912. Cahall, Thomas, B.L. 1897. Caldwell, Samuel Dean, Jr., B.S. 1907. Campbell, Anna Frances (Mrs. Walter Frank Rittman), A.B. 1910. Campbell, Hiram D., B.S. 1898. Campion, Marguerite, A.B. 1904. Canby, William, B.L. 1881. Capen, Mrs. Barnard (Eva M. Daniels), B.S. 1891. [B.S. 1892.] Caples, Mrs. Martin Joseph (Helen Stanley Hutchinson), B. S. 1894. Carlile, Ruth Anna, A.B. 1913. Carpenter, Edna, A.B. 1911. Carpenter, Mrs. James Dunton, Jr. (Emily Macklin Atkin- son), A.B. 1901. Carpenter, Maybell Lucy (Mrs. Carl A. Hoagland), A.B. 1909. Carpenter, Philip Jackson, A.B. 1913. Carr, Frederic Neal, A.B. 1892. Carr, Guy Carroll, A.B. 1910. Carre, Helen Margaret (Mrs. Jo- seph Archer Turner), A.B. 1905. Carter, Elizabeth Kathryn (Mrs. Stanley H. Murdock), A.B. 1906. Carter, Emily Willets (Mrs. George Kelsey Gillette), B.L. 1899. Carter, Walter White, B.S. 1907. Carver, John Linton, B.L. 1893. Carvin, Lucy Merritt, A.B. 1913. Cavin, Edward Houser, B.S. 1909. * Cawley, Frank, B.S. 1888; C.E. 1891. Chambers, Carolien Hayes (Mrs. George W. Turner), B.L. 1896. Chambers, Emma S. (Mrs. Allen Kirby White), A.B. 1894. Chandler,' Charles, B.S. 1896. Chandler, Gertrude Fritz (Mrs. John Horace Ervien), A.B. 1904. Chandler, Sarah Mildred, A.B. , 1913. ^Chapin, William Bushnell, B.S. 1896. Cheairs, Frances N. (Mrs. Rob- ert Caldwell Manning), B.L. 1895. Chenoweth, Mrs. Arthur S. (Mary Eliza North), A.B. 1907; A.M. 1910. Cheyney, Fanny B., A.B. 1901. Cheyney, Mabel, A.B. 1906. Christy, Florence E. (Mrs. James Penrose Anglin), B.L. 1900. Clark, Mrs. Alexander (Margaret Vail Harned), A.B. 1911. Clark, Louis P., B.S. 1891. Clark, Mrs. Roger (Sarah Ban- croft), B.S. 1897. Clement, John Stokes, A.B. 1908. Clement, Mrs. John Stokes (Ada Clara Graham), A.B. 1907. Clifford, Margaret, A.B. 1913. Clothier, Caroline, A.B. 1903. Clothier, Hannah Hallo well (Mrs. William Isaac Hull), B.L. 1891. 122 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Clothier, Isaac Hallowell, Hon. A.M. 1903. Clothier, Isaac Hallowell, Jr., A. B. 1896. Clothier, Morris L., B.S. 1890. Clothier, Walter, B.L. 1895. Coale, Edith, B.L. 1902. Coale, Mrs. Skipwith Peyton (Mary Louise Bartlett), A.B. 1904. Coble, Lee Elbert, A.B. 1909. *Cochran, Arthur S., B.S. 1886. Cochran, C. Herbert, A.B. 1882. *Cochran, John Lynn, B.S. 1883. Cocks, Edmund, A.B. 1903; A.M. 1913. Codwise, Mrs. Charles Wittgen- stein (Mabel Abbott Harris), B. L. 1898. Coffin, Louis Fussell, B.S. 1909. Coker, Gladys, A.B. 1911. Coleman, Mrs. Henry B. (Laura Josephine Strode), A.B. 1906. Coles, Isaac Richard, B.S. 1879; C. E. 1880. Coles, Marion, A.B. 1913. Collins, Mrs. Arthur T. (Elizabeth Stockton Woolston), A.B. 1874; A.M. 1901. Collins, Benjamin Woolston, A.B. 1911. Collins, Charles Aaron, A.B. 1912. Colson, Jessie Lippincott, B.S. 1888. Comly, Caroline Farren (Mrs. Ed- son S. Harris), B.L. 1900. Comly, Helen Trump (Mrs. How- ard White), A.B. 1875. Comly, Marion S., A.B. 1906. Conrow, Edgar, B.L. 1883. Conrow, Elizabeth (Mrs. Morris Crawford Valentine), A.B. 1894. Conrow, Herman, B.S. 1894; C.E. 1897. Conrow, Mrs. Herman (Emma S. Hutchinson), B.L. 1895. Conrow, Sarah M. (Mrs. Edward D. Hutchinson), A.B. 1888. Cons, Mrs. Louis (Jeannette Cur- tis), A.B. 1907; A.M. 1909. Constable, Anna E. (Mrs. George W. Martin), A.B. 1880. Cook, Russell Mahlon, A.B. 1913. Cooley, Edith Haviland (Mrs. Robert Moore Steer), A.B. 1902. Coons, Altha Titsworth, B.S. 1894. Cooper, Bertha (Mrs. Paul C. Brewer), B.L. 1882. Cooper, Helen Smith, A.B. 1909. Cooper, Mrs. William J. (Emma Mcllvain), A.B. 1876. Cordingley, Mary Anne, A.B. 1913. *Corlies, Franklin Haines, B.S. 1875. Corkran, Louise Keene, A.B. 1910. Cornell, Mrs. Edward H. (Esther Haviland), B.L. 1891. Corson, Charles Cadwallader, B.S. 1902. Corson, George Cadwallader, A.B. 1910. Corson, Susan Rogers, B.S. 1897. Corson, Norman B., A.B. 1877. Cottrell, Edwin Angell, A.B. 1907. Cottrell, Mrs. Edwin Angell (Louise Wright Hornor), A.B. 1907. Couch, Mrs. David Henley (Esther Casselberry Garwood), A.B. 1905. Cox, Esther Lamb, B.L. 1894. Cox, Harriett Jane (Mrs. Charles McDowell), B.S. 1887. Cox, Walter Edwin, A.B. 1913. Coxe, Spencer Lawrence, A.B. 1907. Coxe, Mrs. Spencer Lawrence (Mary Talbott Janney), A.B. 1906. Craig, Winifred Neville (Mrs. Walter S. Gee), A.B. 1905. Cranston, Jay Barnard, A.B. 1909. Cranston, Mary Barnard (Mrs. Thomas Victor Hodges), A.B. 1906. Craythorn, Ida Virginia, A.B. 1908. Cresson, Geo. Warder, B.S. 1908. Cresson, Mrs. George W. (Helen Lukens), A.B. 1910. Crew, Roland Homer, A.B. 1913. Crews, Robert Allen, A.B. 1911. Crosse, Mrs. Franklin (Lina Belle Dillistin), B.L. 1902. Crowell, Calvin Freeman, B.S. 1899. REGISTER OF GRADUATES 123 Cummings, Mrs. William Sinnott Caroline Lukens Hawke), A.B. 19Q0. Cummins, Alexander Griswold, A.B. 1889; Litt.D. 1909. Cunningham, Susan J., Hon. Sc.D. 1888. Curry, Mrs. John P. (Laura Ce- cilia Miller), A.B. 1897. Curtis, Anna Louise, A.B. 1904. Curtis, Jeannette (Mrs. Louis Cons), A.B. 1907; A.M. 1909. D Daniels, Alma, A.B. 1910. Daniels, Eva M. (Mrs. Barnard Capen), B.S. 1891. [B.S. 1892.] Daniels, William Seth, A.B. 1907; C.E. 1911. Darlington, Beulah Walter (Mrs. Maurice Baldwin Pratt), A.B. 1890. Darlington, Edward, B.S. 1890. Darlington, Frances, A.B. 1896. Darlington, Horace, B.S. 1887. Darlington, Isaac Garrett, B.S. 1907. Darlington, Jared W., B.S. 1897. Darlington, Paul, B.S. 1900. Dastas, Mrs. Luis Antonio (Edith Flitcraft), A.B. 1899. Davidson, Nellie Gray (Mrs. John Gilbert Mearns), A.B. 1907. Davis, Maybell Paulina (Mrs. Theodore Waters Foster), A.B. 1878. Dawson, Arthur Colman, B.L. 1880. [B.L. 1882.] Dawson, Howard, A.B. 1878; A.M. 1882. Dean, Mrs. Theron Skidmore (Henrietta Florence Wanzer), A.B. 1897. DeCou, Mrs. Samuel S. (M. Lillian Yarnall), A.B. 1891. DeCou, William, Jr., A.B. 1906. DeGarmo, Walter Charles, B.S. 1897. Delaplaine, Roy Welty, A.B. 1913. Dennisson, Josephine House, A.B. 1913. Denworth, Raymond Keenan, A.B. 1911. Detweiler, Anna Washington, A.B. 1912, Dickinson, Alma Eva (Mrs. Ro- land Bloom Thompson), A.B. 1907. Diebold, William, B.S. 1906; A.B. 1908. Dill, Howard Albert, B.S. 1889. Dillistin, Helen Beveridge (Mrs. Will Wiseman Berdan), A.B. 1909. Dillistin, Lina Belle (Mrs. Frank- lin Crosse), B.L. 1902. Dilworth, George Gustavus, A.B. 1908. Dilworth, Horace L., B.S. 1884. Dinsmore, Elizabeth, B.L. 1901. Doan, Charles Shambaugh, A.B. 1912. D’Olier, Francis Walker, B.S. 1907. ' D’Olier, Mrs. Francis Walker (Mabel Creth Sullivan), A.B. 1907. Doron, Charles Bedell, B.L. 1881. Dotger, Anna Dorathy (Mrs. Wil- liam C. Kirby), A.B. 1908. Douglas, Mrs. James Bacon (Hal- lie Gundaker Hulburt), A.B. 1903. Douglass, Edith Manson, A.B. 1907; A.M. 1908. *Dow, Herbert George, A.B. 1875. Downes, Juanita May, A.B. 1913. Downing, James Edward, B.L. 1901. Downing, Rebecca Malin (Mrs. John Griscom Bullock), B.L. 1884. Downing, Richard, Jr., A.B. 1906. Dudley, Gerry B., A.B. 1897. Dudley, William Lawrence, B.S. 1888. Dunlevy, Mary Beatrice, A.B. 1910. Dunning, David Tully, A.B. 1913. Dunning, Mrs. Eber T. (Tacy A. Gleim), A.B. 1878. Durnell, Mrs. C. Walter (Grace Evans Mickle), A.B. 1906. Dutton, Harwell Beeson, A.B. 1908. Dutton, Mrs. John F. (Lauretta Thomas Smedley), A.B. 1896, Dutton, Wilmer Coffman, A.B. 1912. E Eachus, Edith Barde, A.B. 1909. Eastburn, Iola Kay, B.L. 1897. 124 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Eastwick, Andrew Maurice, A.B. 1906. Eastwick, Mrs. Andrew M. (Mar- tha Mcllvain), A.B. 1875. Eastwick, Helen Mcllvain (Mrs. John K. Harper), B.L. 1902. Eavenson, Howard Nicholas, B.S. 1892; C.E. 1897. Eberle, Charles Albert, B.S. 1912. Eisenhower, Anna Belle, A.B. 1899. Eisenhower, Esther Livezey, A.B. 1906. Elliott, Mary Jones, B.L. 1881. Ellis, Mrs. Edward Dorsey (Mary Elizabeth Stebbins), B.L. 1892. Ellis, Jessie Drysdale (Mrs. Wm. Bradford Peirce), B.L. 1897. Ellsler, GeorgeR., A.B. 1890. Elmore, Edith Glenna (Mrs. Bevier Smith), B.L. 1902. Ely, Frederick Warren, A.B. 1909. Ely, Rebecca Mulford (Mrs. Her- bert Paul King), B.L: 1902; A.M. 1904. Emley, Helen Nesbitt (Mrs. Brit- tain Ely Lukens), A.B. 1903. Emley, Joseph Cook, B.S. 1894. Engle, Mrs. Robert F. (Sarah H. Atkinson), A.B. 1890. Ervien, John Horace, B.S. 1903; C.E. 1910. Ervien, Mrs. John Horace (Ger- trude Fritz Chandler), A.B. 1904. Ervien, Robert P., B.S. 1888. Evans, Abigail, A.B. 1885. Evans, Aida T. (Mrs. Charles R. Highley), B.L. 1896. Evans, Mrs. Charles N. (Mabel Clare Gillespie), B.L. 1899. Evans, Ellen H. (Mrs. Ferris Wal- ton Price), A.B. 1874; A.M. 1884. Evans, Herbert Hollingshead, A.B. 1909. Evans, Howard Sterr, B.S. 1903. Eves, Margaret (Mrs. John W. Bruner), B.L. 1900. F Fahnestock, Louise Caroline (Mrs. Edward Gilpin Poole), A.B. 1904. Faltermayer, Rosalie Louise, A.B. 1906. Farmer, Kenneth Vernon, A.B. 1913. Farquhar, Marion (Mrs. Ronald V. Mills), B.L. 1902. Farquhar, Roger Brooke, Jr., B.S. 1900. Fay, Pauline Ruby (Mrs. Howard H. Wright), A.B. 1910. Fell, Anna, A.B. 1909. Fell, David Newlin, Hon. LL.D. 1911. Fell Edward Lawrence, B.S. 1888. Fell, Mrs. Edward Lawrence (Esther M. Willits), B.L. 1888. Fell, Edward Watson, A.B. 1910. Fell, Esther Kathryn, A.B. 1913. Fender, William Preston, A.B. 1879. * Fenton, Elsie, A.B. 1910. Ferguson, Donald Renwick, A.B. 1912. Ferrier, Deborah Larimer (Mrs. George Edmund Stratton), B. S. 1901. Ferrier, George B., Jr., B.S. 1896. * Ferris, William Lea, A.B. 1879. Field, Henry Cromwell, A.B. 1909. * Firth, E. Harper, B.S. 1896.; C. E. 1899. Firth, Mrs. E. Harper (See Eva Emma- Foster), B.L. 1898. Fisher, Edith May, A.B. 1908. Fitch, Avis Loraine, A.B. 1912. Fitch, Joseph, A.B. 1879. Flannery, Mary Katharine, B.L. 1901. Flitcraft, Edith (Mrs. Luis An- tonio Dastas), A.B. 1899. Fogg, Helen Moore, B.L. 1899. Fogg, Percival Morris, B.S. 1901; C.E. 1905. Forman, Horace Baker, Jr., B.S. 1889. Fornance, Lois, A.B. 1906. Forsythe, Ruth Anna, A.B. 1879. Foster, Eliza Josephine, A.B. 1913. Foster, Eva Emma (Mrs. Walter C. Webster), B.L. 1898. Foster, Mrs. Frank B. (Mabel Wil- son Latimer), B. L. 1901. Foster, Mrs. Theodore W. (May- bell P. Davis), A.B. 1878. Foulke, Lydia Walton (Mrs. Joshua Hibberd Taylor), A.B. 1905. REGISTER OF GRADUATES 125 Foulke, Phoebe Frances, A.B. 1882. Fouse, Harrie House, B.S. 1896. [B.S. 1898.] Frazee, Clara Elizabeth, A.B. 1912. Freedley, George Jacoby, B.S. 1886. Freeman, Joseph Thorn, B.S. 1893; C.E. 1899. Freeman, Mrs. Paul (Sara Sharp- less Hawkins), A.B. 1909. Fulton, Mrs. William V. (Mar- garet Fulton Means), A.B. 1910. Fullerton, Joyeuse Lennig (Mrs. William Ellery Sweet), A.B. 1888. Furnas, Elizabeth (Mrs. Joseph A. Bogardus), B.L. 1879. *Furnas, John D., B.S. 1884. Fussell, Anna Entwistle, A.B. 1909. Fussell, George Dock, A.B. 1910. Fussell, Henry Moore, Jr., A.B. 1907. Fussell, Howard Lewis, A.B. 1907. Fussell, Lewis, B.S. 1902; M.S. 1903. G Gale, Mary Eastman (Mrs. Charles Bell Hibbard), A.B. 1882; A.M. 1891. Garrett, Henry Huddy, B.S. 1892. Garrett, Sylvester Sharpless, B.S. 1896. Garwood, Alice Pitman, A.B. 1913. Garwood, Esther Casselberry (Mrs. David Henley Couch), A.B. 1905. Gaskill, Joseph Franklin, B.S. 1910. Gaston, Caroline R. (Mrs. Charles Edward Barber), A.B. 1890; A. M. 1895. Gawthrop, Emma (Mrs. John Russell Hayes), B.S. 1888. Gawthrop, Frederick Herman, B. S. 1894. Gawthrop, Mrs. Frederick Her- man (Mary Amelia Hayes), A.B. 1894. Geddes, Mrs. Frank Bramwell (Alice Worth), A.B. 1908. Gee, Mrs. Walter S. (Winifred Neville Craig), A.B. 1905, Gephart, Rodger F., A.B. 1910. Gibbs, Edith Sykes (Mrs. Walter Lewis Reeder), A.B. 1907. Gibson, Blanche Harriet, A.B. 1913. Gibson, Mrs. J. D. (Clementine Gundaker Hulburt), A.B. 1907. Gieg, Louis Fred, A.B. 1913. Gifford, John Clayton, B.S. 1890. [B.S. 1893.] Gifford, May (Mrs. Daniel South- wick Hubbell), B. L. 1895. Gilbert, Dora Anne, A.B. 1893. Gilbert, Gertrude Frances (Mrs. Robert M. Purcell), B.L. 1901. Gilchrist, Claude Francis, A.B. 1912. Gilkyson, Thomas Walter, A.B. 1901; A.M. 1904. Gill, Dorothy May, A.B. 1913. Gillam, William Henry, A.B. 1913. Gillespie, A. Virginia (Mrs. Guy T. Viskniskki), B.L. 1898. Gillespie, Mabel Clare (Mrs. Charles N. Evans), B.L. 1899. Gillett, Mrs. Henry (Lucy Ban- croft), A.B. 1900. Gillette, Mrs. George Kelsey (Emily Willets Carter), B.L. 1899. Gillingham, Anna, A.B. 1900. Ginn, Jessie Bartlett, A.B. 1906. Gleim, George, Jr., B.S. 1897. Gleim, Margaret, A.B. 1903. Gleim, Tacy A. (Mrs. Eber T. Dunning), A.B. 1878. Gleim, T. Russell, B.S. 1896. Godfrey, Sara Pennock, A.B. 1907. Goldbeck, Mrs. Louis (Frances E. Ottley), A.B. 1890. Goodwin, Harry Blynn, B.S. 1887. Goodwyn, Priscilla Cooper (Mrs. Frank Hastings Griffin), A.B. 1910. Graham, Ada Clara (Mrs. John Stokes Clement), A.B. 1907. Grau, Marion Duffield, A.B. 1912. Green, Beulah Reece, A.B. 1910. Green, Dorothy Farquhar, A.B. 1904. Green, Ernest LeRoy, ^.B. 1902. 126 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Green, Esther Carpenter, A.B. 1909. Green, Howard Burkhardt, B.S. 1892. Green, Mrs. Howard Burkhardt (Mary Laing Wolverton), A.B. 1892. Green, Katharine Procter, A.B. 1907. Green, Lydia Sharpless (Mrs. Al- fred L. Hawkins), A.B. 1883. Green, Margaret Elizabeth, A.B. 1912. *Green, Mrs. Samuel S. (Lydia Maria Child Pierce), A.B. 1873. *Green, Sarah S. (Mrs. Jonathan C. Pierce), A.B. 1882. Green, Mrs. Thomas Lightfoot Lucretia Shoemaker), A.B. 1909. Green, Washington Russell, A.B. 1913. Greene, Edgar Thomson, A.B. 1903. Greene, Grace Winter, A.B. 1913. Gregg, John W., B.L. 1894. Gregg, Susannah Maree, A.B. 1911. Griest, Ethel (Mrs. Clinton H. Snyder), B.L. 1901. Griest, Mrs. Frank (Ellen S. Pres- ton), A.B. 1880. Griest, Frederic Erie, B.S. 1904. Griest, George G., B.S. 1894. Griest, Katherine, A.B. 1908. Griest, Maurice E., B.S. 1904. Griest, Virginia Preston, A.B. 1913. Griffin, Frank Hastings, B.S. 1910. Griffin, Mrs. Frank Hastings (Priscilla Cooper Goodwyn), A.B. 1910. Griffith, Mrs. Maurice Ashbrook (Elizabeth Edith Johnson), A.B. 1906. Griscom, Anna Bassett, A.B. 1910. Griscom, Gertrude P. (Mrs. Wm. Wallace Barr), B.L. 1902. Griscom, John Milton, B.S. 1902. Groff, Mrs. Walter Kay (Anna Elizabeth Stubbs), A.B. 1909. Gunnison, Mrs. John Vinal (Ellen Gunton), A.B. 1896. Gunton, Ellen (Mrs. John Vinal Gunnison), A.B. 1896. Gutelius, Mary Amelia (Mrs. Har- old Sibley Rambo), A.B. 1904. H Hackman, Charles Kaler, A.B. 1907; B.S. 1908. [A.B. 1908.] Hackman, Robert Wright, B.S. 1912. Hadley, Caroline (Mrs. Louis N. Robinson), A.B. 1906. Haines, Anne Shoemaker, A.B. 1912. Haines, Hallie Hanson (Mrs. Charles Gordon Hodge), B.L. 1896. Haines, Joseph Curtis, B.L. 1900. Haines, Mrs. Joseph E. (M. Rosa- mond Baker), A.B. 1892. Haines, Violette Taylor, A.B. 1896. Hall, Abby Mary (Mrs. Chester Roberts), A.B. 1890. Hall, Alice (Mrs. Charles Pax- son), A.B. 1888. Hall, Amy Williams (Mrs. Ell- wood S. Hickman), A.B. 1874. Hall, Elizabeth, A.B. 1905. Hall, Florence (Mrs. John Com- mons Philips), A.B. 1880. Hall, Gilbert Lewis, A.B. 1899. Hall, Philip Sharpies, B.S. 1888. Hall, Sarah Lucinda (Mrs. Samuel R. Stirling), A.B. 1884; A.M. 1906. Hall, Thomas Heston, Jr., A.B. 1911. *Hall, William John, B.S. 1878. Hall, Mrs. William John (Caro- line E. Burr), A.B. 1878. Hallock, Elizabeth Anderson, A.B. 1911. Hallock, Lesley William, B.S. 1907. Hallowell, Charles Shreve, B.S. 1893. Hallowell, Margaret E. (Mrs. Wal- ter C. Powell), A.B. 1882. Hallowell, Marguerite, A.B. 1913. Hallowell, Mary Linton, A.B. 1910. Hallowell, Mary Paul (Mrs. Charles P. Hough), A.B. 1878; A.M. 1881. Halsey, Eleanor, A.B. 1912. Halsey, William Darrach, A.B. 1912. REGISTER OF GRADUATES 127 Hamilton, Alice Edna, A.B. 1906. Hamilton, Emma Frederica, B.L. 1902. Hammond, Adele Bower, A.B. 1911. Hampton, Eliza Rebecca, A.B. 1891. Hancock, Mabel Irene, A.B. 1909. Hancock, Walter West, B.S. 1888. Hancock, Mrs. Walter C. (Mary B. Hollingshead), A.B. 1895. ^Hancock, Henry James, A.B. 1884. Hanes, Elizabeth (Mrs. William Taylor), A.B. 1875. *Hanes, Florence N., A.B. 1883. Hannum, William E., A.B. 1903; E.E. 1906. Hansell, Maurice Tracy, A.B. 1904. Harned, Margaret Vail (Mrs. Alexander Clark), A.B. 1911. Harper, Mrs. Daniel Roberts (Mary Elma Lewis), A.B. 1904. Harper, Isaac Onward, B.S. 1891. Harper, Jane Roberts, A.B. 1906. Harper, Mrs. John K. (Helen Mc- Ilvain Eastwick), B.L. 1902. Harris, Edson Sheppard, B.S. 1902. Harris, Mrs. Edson Sheppard (Caroline Earren Comly), B.L, 1900. Harris, Mabel Abbott (Mrs. Charles Wittgenstein Cod- wise), B.L. 1898. *Harrison, Anna R. H. (Mrs. Roger Widdrington Whin- field), B.L. 1895. Hart, Charles, B.S. 1892. *Hart, Elizabeth Eastbum, B.L. 1882. Hartman, John Ernest, A.B. 1912. Hartpence, Emma Britton, A.B. 1909. Harvey, Edmund Allan, A.B. 1900. Harvey, Ellis Marshall, B.S. 1S89. Harvey, Louisa Anna, A.B. 1911. Haslam, Elizabeth, B.L. 1882. Haslett, Anna May, A.B. 1912. *Haviland, Alfred Tredway, B.S. 1874. Haviland, Edwin, Jr., B.S. 1884. [B.S. 1885.] Haviland, Elsie (Mrs. Francis Whitmer Atkinson), A.B. 1911. Haviland, Esther (Mrs. Edward H. Cornell), B.L. 1891. Haviland, Mary S., B.L. 1900. Hawke, Annie Shoemaker, A.B. 1904. Hawke, Caroline Lukens (Mrs. William Sinnott Cummings), A.B. 1900. Hawke, Mary Briggs (Mrs. Fran- cois Josef Torchiana), A.B. 1902. Hawkins, Mrs. Alfred L. (Lydia Sharpless Green), A.B. 1883. Hawkins, Charles Augustine, A.B. 1878. Hawkins, Sara Sharpless (Mrs. Paul Freeman), A.B. 1909. Hawthorne, Emma Knox, A.B. 1913. Hay, Mrs. John Franklin (Grace Althouse Schwenk), A.B. 1906. Haydock, Clara Noyes, B.L. 1889. Hayes, Jacob Carroll, A.B. 1889. Hayes, Mrs. Jacob Carroll (Lou- ella Passmore), A.B. 1889. Hayes, John Russell, A.B. 1888. Hayes, Mrs. John Russell (Emma Gawthrop), B.S. 1888. Hayes, Mary Amelia (Mrs. Fred- erick Herman Gawthrop), A.B. 1894. Heed, Helen, A.B. 1905. Heed, Samuel Darlington, A.B. 1907. Heller, Anna Marie, A.B. 1911. Henrie, Geo. Masters, A.B. 1908. Hepburn, Mrs. Wm. Williamson (Jane Caroline Shaw), B.L. 1895. Hepworth, Bertha Brooke, A.B. 1910. Henry, Mary Josephine, A.B. 1909. Herr, Mrs. Frank Strohm (Frances Briggs Smith), A.B. 1890. Herr, Helen Alberta, A.B. 1911. Hess, Wm. Lyndon, B.L. 1901. Hess, Henry Lawrence, B.S. 1911. Heyburn, Sarah Gilpin, A.B. 1911. Heydt, Anna, A.B. 1911. Hibbard, Mrs. Chas. Bell (Mary Eastman Gale), A.B. 1882; A.M. 1891. Hibbard, Mary (Mrs. Albert G. Thatcher), A.B. 1874. Hibberd, Helen (Mrs. Paul Tay- lor), A.B. 1909. 128 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Hickman, Mrs. Ellwood S. (Amy Williams Hall), A.B. 1874. Hicks, Julia, B.S. 1889. Hicks, Marietta, B.L. 1897. Hicks, Philip Marshall, A.B. 1905; A.M. 1913. Higginson, Jonathan Yates, B.S. 1898. Highley, Mrs. Charles R. (Aida T. Evans), B.L. 1896. Hildebrand, Mrs. Simpson V. (Edith Hunter Janney), B.L. 1901. Hill, Emilie, A.B. 1906. Hill, Roy Linden, A.B. 1908; A.M. 1909. Hill, William Worrell, Jr., A.B. 1911. Hillborn, Annie, B.L. 1892. Hillborn, Helen Ruth (Mrs. Jesse Watson Philips), A.B. 1894. Hilliard, Mrs. J. Bernard (Sarah H. Acton), A.B. 1873. Hillman, Myra Townsend, A.B. 1880. Hilton, Mrs. Arthur Dickinson (Harriet Mary Kent), A.B. 1894. Himes, Amelia E. (Mrs. Robert Hunt Walker), B.L. 1902. Himes, Anna Katharine (Mrs. Robert Early Manley), B.L. 1900. Hines, Miriam White, A.B. 1910. Hoadley, Clarence Burtch, B.S. 1897. *Hoadley, Mrs. George Arthur (Marie Antoinette Kemp), A.B. 1879; A.M. 1892. Hoadley, Mrs. George Arthur (Fannie Burnham Kilgore), A.B. 1903; A.M. 1906. Hoadley, Mildred Grace, A.B. 1912. Hoadley, Russell Cowles, A.B. 1909. Hoag, Jane Frances, A.B. 1911. Hoagland, Mrs. Carl A. (Maybell Lucy Carpenter), A.B. 1909. Hodge, Charles Gordon, BL. 1896. Hodge, Mrs. Charles Gordon (Hal- lie Hanson Haines), B.L. 1896. Hodges, Thomas Victor, A.B. 1906. Hodges, Mrs. Thomas Victor (Mary Barnard Cranston), A.B. 1906. Hoffman, Jacob Kenneth, B.S. 1908. Holcomb, William Penn, B.L. 1878; M.L. 1882. Holcomb, Mrs. William Penn (Elizabeth Clarke Miller), A.B. 1873. Hollenshead, Iolene Mabel (Mrs. Elmer Menzo Smith), A.B. 1896. Hollingshead, Mary B. (Mrs. Wal- ter C. Hancock), A.B. 1895. Holme, Henry Dennis, A.B. 1906. Holmes, Anna Coates (Mrs. John Edwin Wells), B.L. 1899. [B.L. 1900.] Holmes, Eliza Gillingham (Mrs. Reuben Grant Bennett), A.B. 1891. Hooper, Edith Robinson (Mrs. Horace W. Roberts), A.B. 1875. Hoopes, Barton, B.S. 1875. Hoopes, Herman, B.S. 1874; C.E. 1879. Hopkins, John Howard, B.S. 1902; C.E. 1908. Hopper, Peter Lesley, A.B. 1879. Hornor, Louise Wright (Mrs. Ed- win Angell Cottrell)^ A.B. 1907. Hough, Mrs. Charles P. (Mary Paul Hallowell), A.B. 1878; A. M. 1881. Hough, Emily Louise (Mrs. Wm. H. Savidge), A.B. 1880. Hough, Tacy Paul, A.B. 1913. Howard, Anna Broomall (Mrs. William Montelius Price), B. L. 1901. Howell, Folger Branson, A.B. 1913. Howell, Mary Sutton (Mrs. Levi S. Taylor), A.B. 1898. Hoyt, Elsie Phebe, A.B. 1905. Hoyt, William King, A.B. 1912. Hubbell, Mrs. Daniel Southwick (May Gifford), B.L. 1895. Hughes, Clara A. (Mrs. William Stanley Marshall), A.B. 1890. Hughes, Mrs. Daniel McP. (Cos- melia Janney Brown), B.L. 1891. Hughes, Mary Elizabeth, A.B. 1884. Hulburt, Clementine Gundaker (Mrs. J. Donald Gibson), A.B. 1907. REGISTER OF GRADUATES 129 Hulburt, Hallie Gundaker (Mrs. James Bacon Douglas), A.B. 1903. Hull, Mrs. Thomas B., Jr. (Helen Philena Lamb), B.L. 1894. Hull, Mrs. James Dixon (Mary Elizabeth Broomell), B.L. 1892. Hull, Mrs. Wm. Isaac (Hannah Hallowell Clothier), B.L. 1891. Hume, Mrs. Robert T. (Alice Mary Brown), B.L. 1900. Hunt, Rebecca Smith (Mrs. Jo- seph Weaver White), A.B. 1878; A.M. 1881. *Huston, Mrs. (Mary Gertrude Ball), B.L. 1899. Hutchinson, Mrs. Edward D. (Sarah M. Conrow), A.B. 1888. Hutchinson, Elizabeth Dunlap, A.B. 1911. Hutchinson, Emma S, (Mrs. Her- man Conrow), B.L. 1895. Hutchinson, Helen Stanley (Mrs. Martin Joseph Caples), B.S. 1894. Hutchinson, John W., Jr., B.S. 1891. Hyatt, Frank Kelso, B.S. 1907. I Illmer, Mrs. Louis, Jr. (Lillian Winifred Rogers), A.B. 1901. J Jackson, Abner Davis, B.S. 1899. Jackson, Alice Wilson, A.B. 1883. Jackson, Anna Elizabeth (Mrs. James Monaghan), B.L. 1878. Jackson, Edith Mary, A.B. 1913. Jackson, Elizabeth Eachus, A.B. 1913. Jackson, Elizabeth Westfield, A.B. 1903. Jackson, Halliday Rogers, A.B. 1904. Jackson, Otley Ellwood, B.S. 1900. Jackson, Ralph Garfield, A.B. 1905. James, Anna Estella (Mrs. Jethro Johnson), A.B. 1909. James, Lizzie Sikes, A.B. 1908. Janes, Edith Rawson (Mrs. Ed- ward Thomas Steel), A.B. 1909. 9 Janney, Edith Hunter (Mrs. Simp- son Y. Hildebrand), B.L. 1901. Janney, Eleanor (Mrs. Walter Robinson Johns), A.B. 1908. Janney, Mary Talbott (Mrs. Spen- cer Lawrence Coxe), A.B. 1906. Janvier, Mary B. (Mrs. Joseph Meredith Pugh), B.L. 1894. Jenkins, Anna Mary (Mrs. Isaac Daniel Webster), A.B. 1887. Jenkins, Arthur Hugh, B.L. 1901. Jenkins, Edward Atkinson, B.S. 1892. Jenkins, Mrs. Edward Atkinson (M. Ellen Atkinson), B.L. 1892. Jenkins, Horace Carroll, A.B. 1912. Jenkins, Thomas Atkinson, A.B. 1887. Jenkins, William Lancaster, A.B. 1910. Jessup, Mrs. Cooper, Jr. (Marion D. Perkins), A.B. 1894. Jester, Simeon van Trump, A.B. 1908. John, Edith Heywood, B.L. 1897. Johns, Mrs. Walter Robinson (Eleanor Janney), A.B. 1908. Johnson, Edwin James, A.B. 1909. Johnson, Elizabeth Edith (Mrs. Maurice Ashbrook Griffith), A.B. 1906. Johnson, Fred Arn, A.B. 1902. [A.B. 1909.] Johnson, Helen Gertrude, A.B. 1886. Johnson, Mrs. Henry Bishop (Alice Cary Byers), A.B. 1909. Johnson, Howard Cooper, B.L. 1896. Johnson, Mrs. Howard Cooper (Edith Lamb), B.L. 1898. Johnson, Mrs. Jethro (Anna Es- tella James), A.B. 1909. Johnson, John, B.S. 1910. Johnson, Llewellyn Haskell, B.S. 1878. Johnson, Murat Louis, A.B. 1909. Jones, Alden Bliss, A.B. 1913. Jones, Edna Clayton, A.B. 1910. Jones, Edwin Peirce, A.B. 1907. Jones, Mrs. Frank Morton (Linda Belle Palmer), A.B. 1887; A.M. 1893. 130 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Jones, Gurdon Blodgett, A.B. 1910. Jones, Martha Potts (Mrs. Her- man P. Miller), A.B. 1888. Jordan, Mrs. Edgar F. (Charlotte Elizabeth Brewster), B.L. 1882; M.L. 1886. K Kaighn, Charles, B.S. 1896. Keeney, Virginia Drysdale, A.B. 1910. *Keese, Oliver, Jr., B.S. 1875. Kehew, Mrs. Everett E. (Millo Marie McCain), A.B. 1904. Keim, Alice (Mrs. Roberts Leinau, Jr.), A.B. 1906. Keiser, Edward H., B.S. 1880; M.S. 1881. Keller, Elizabeth, A.B. 1913. Keller, Joseph Walter, A.B. 1907. Kemmerer, Maude, A.B. 1907. *Kemp, Marie Antoinette (Mrs. George Arthur Hoadley), A.B. 1879; A. M. 1892. Kent, Harriet Mary (Mrs. Arthur Dickinson Hilton), A.B. 1894. Kent, Roland Grubb, A.B. 1895; B.L. 1896; A.M. 1898. Kerns, William Vernon, A.B. 1913. Ketcham, Charles B., A.B. 1892. [A.B. 1893.] Ketcham, Phebe Hallock (Mrs. Henry McAllister, Jr.), B.S. 1892.* Kilgore, Carrie Burnham, A.B. 1903; A.M. 1904. Kilgore, Fannie Burnham (Mrs. George Arthur Hoadley), A.B. 1903; A. M. 1906. Killie, Herbert Stokes, A.B. 1906. King, Mrs. Herbert Paul (Re- becca Mulford Ely), B.L. 1902; A.M. 1904. Kirby, Mrs. William C. (Anna Dorathv Dotger), A.B. 1908. Kirk, Emma, B.L. 1881. Kirk, Mary, A.B. 1889. Kirk, Sara Kelsall, A.B. 1910. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Joseph Faucett (Mary Florence Wynn), A.B. 1901. Kirson, Benjamin, A.B. 1911. Kirson, Mrs. Benjamin (Alice Minerva Atkinson), A.B. 1888. *Kissam, William A., B.S. 1883. Kleefeld, Emma Regina, A.B. 1909. Kline, Benjamin, A.B. 1907. Knauer, Philip Sheridan, A.B. 1896. Knickerbocker, Amy Wilda (Mrs. Arthur Richard Webb), B.L. 1901. Knight, Rachel, B.L. 1898; A.M. 1909. Knight, Joseph Sherwood, A.B. 1907. Koenig, Elsie Helen (Mrs. Myers), B.L. 1902. Koenig, Stella Leonora (Mrs. Lewis D. Stern), B.L. 1902. Krueger, William Frederick, A.B. 1909. Kudlich, Roswitha Agnes, A.B. 1913. Kurtz, Georgeine (Mrs. Nicholas Hunter Muhlenberg), A.B. 1880. L Lackey, M. Katharine Mrs. Thomas Wallace Wilson), B. L. 1899. Lafore, John Armand, B.S. 1895; C. E. 1898; E.E. 1901; M.E. 1903. Lamb, Edith (Mrs. Howard Cooper Johnson), B.L. 1898. Lamb, George Michael, Jr., B.S. 1900. Lamb, Helen Philena (Mrs. Thos. B. Hull, Jr.), B.L. 1894. Lamb, James Gibson, A.B. 1910. Lamb, Mrs. James Gibson (Anne Hibberd Bunting), A.B. 1909. Lamb, Margaretta Walton, B.L. 1902. Lamb, Mary Elizabeth, B.L. 1894’ Lamb, Philip Edward, A.B. 1906. Lamb, Robert Emerson, B.S. 1903 ; C. E. 1908. Lamb, Mrs. Robert Emerson (Eliz- abeth Martin Booth), A.B. 1903; A.M. 1906. Lane, Frederick K., B.S. 1887. Lane, Jessie Beulah, A.B. 1909. Lanpher, Mrs. Erwin E. (Helen Supplee Moore), B.L. 1899. Larison, Frederick Seward, A.B. 1897. Latimer, Arthur Denny, A.B. 1911; A.M. 1912. REGISTER OF GRADUATES 131 Latimer, Mabel Wilson (Mrs. Frank B. Foster), B.L. 1901. Laurie, Margaret J. (Mrs. Wm. H. Seaman), A.B. 1889. Lawrence, Mary Wyman (Mrs. William Blaine Webb), A.B. 1907. Lawton, Albert Rogers, A.B. 1880; A.M. 1885. Lawton, Mrs. Albert Rogers (Emily E. Wilson), A.B. 1882; A.M. 1885. Lawton, Louise Marie, A.B. 1913. Lease, Helen Elizabeth, A.B. 1903. Lee, Grace Frances, A.B. 1910. Leedom, Marian Elizabeth, A.B. 1909. Leinau, Mrs. Roberts, Jr. (Alice Keim), A.B. 1906. Leiper, Callender Irvine, B.S. 1895. [B.S. 1896.] Leiper, Margaret Dale, A.B. 1905. Leiper, Mary Gray, B.L. 1899. Lemmon, Mrs. Chas. A. (Martha Kennedy Buyers), A.B. 1904. Levis, Ella Cannon (Mrs. Julian C. Smith), A.B. 1907. Lewis, Dora, B.L. 1891. Lewis, Edith Spencer (Mrs. Bar- clay White), A.B. 1906. Lewis, Ellen Beulah, A.B. 1906. *Lewis, J. Reece, B.S. 1875. Lewis, Lloyd Downes, A.B. 1913. Lewis, Lydia Cooper, A.B. 1906. Lewis, Mary Elma (Mrs. Daniel Roberts Harper, 3d), A.B. 1904. Lewis, Mrs. Ralph (Alice Taylor Battin), A.B. 1887. Lewis, Walter Lysle, B.S. 1908. Lightfoot, Thomas Montgomery, B. S. 1888; M.S. 1890. Lincoln, Egbert Powell, B.S. 1895. *Linton, Frances (Mrs. William P. Sharpless), A. B. 1876; A.M. 1881. Linton, William Hancock, A.B. 1905. Linvill, Alice Roberts, B.L. 1902. Linvill, Jane Eachus (Mrs. Asa Pound Way), B.L. 1899. Lippincott, Alice (Mrs. Levis Miller Booth), B.L. 1899. Lippincott, Anna H. (Mrs. Charles Miller Biddle, Jr.) , B.L. 1900. Lippincott, Bertha (Mrs. Henry C. Parrish), B.L. 1895. Lippincott, Edgar, B.S. 1895. Lippincott, Elisha E., B.S. 1879. Lippincott, Florence Manning, A.B. 1912. Lippincott, Hetty Coale (Mrs. Charles C. Miller), A.B. 1888. Lippincott, Howard White, A.B. 1875. Lippincott, James Janney, A.B. 1905. Lippincott, Jane Humphreys (Mrs. Alpheus Bilderback), A. B. 1906. Lippincott, Joseph R., A.B. 1895. *Lippincott, Lucy Sutton, A.B. 1891. . Lippincott, Mary Woodward, B.L. 1901; A. M. 1904. Lippincott, Samuel Roberts, B.S. 1890. Lippincott, Walter Heulings, B.S. 1899. Lippincott, William Dunton, B.S. 1890. Lister, Laura Dorothy, A.B. 1908. Livingston, Margaret Hoar, A.B. 1913. Lloyd, Sherman Coxe, B.S. 1908. Lodge, Annie (Mrs. Stephen St. John Malven), B.S. 1899. *Lodge, Clement, B.S. 1893. Lodge, Nellie, B.S. 1897. *Longstreth, Elizabeth Jackson (Mrs. James Boyd), A.B. 1876. Lord, Inez Helen (Mrs. George Satterthwaite), B. L. 1903. Loughlin, Helen Boardman, A.B. 1909. Lounsbury, Cornelia Lillian, A.B. 1912. Love, Joseph Warner Edwards, B. S. 1901; C.E. 1904. Love, Rachel Elsie (Mrs. Chester Clark Neal), A.B. 1907. Lowthorp, Mrs. Francis Cowlyn (Fannie Amelia Willets), A.B. 1880. Luckie, S. Blair, A.B. 1906. Lukens, Alice Mullin, B.S. 1900. Lukens, Brittain Ely, B.S. 1904. Lukens, Mrs. Brittain Ely (Helen Nesbitt Emley), A.B. 1903. Lukens, Caroline Augusta, B.L. 1898. Lukens, Helen (Mrs. George W. Cresson), A.B. 1910. Lukens, Jessie May, B.L. 1900. Lukens, Marion, B.L. 1902. 132 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Lukens, Phebe, A.B. 1912. Lukens, Walter Lee, A.B. 1912. Lukens, William Penn, A.B. 1913. Lum, Mrs. Paul Bentley (Alda Hill Preston), A.B. 1907. M McAllister, Henry, Jr., B.L. 1892. McAllister, Mrs. Henry, Jr. (Phebe Hallock Ketcham), B.S. 1892. McAllister, Mary C. (Mrs. George M. Taylor), A.B. 1896. McCain, Millo Marie (Mrs. Ever- ett E. Kehew), A.B. 1904. MacCarthy, Ethel Taylor, A.B. 1909. *McComb, Samuel Craig, B.S. 1879; C.E. 1882. McConaghy, Helen May, A.B. 1913. McConnell, Robert Steffan, B.S. 1890. McClure, Carlie (Mrs. John Frank- lin Springer), A.B. 1893. McClure, James T., B.S. 1876. McDonald, Harry Lee, B.S. 1891. McDonough, William Raphael, A.B. 1907. A.B. in Engin. 1908; M.E. 1912. MacDowell, Edwin Carleton, A.B. 1909. McDowell, Mrs. Charles (Harriett Jane Cox), B.S. 1887. McDowell, Francis Miller, A.B. 1913. McDowell, Mary Stone, A.B. 1896. McFarland, Eliza Walker (Mrs. J. Aubrey Anderson) ’ A.B. 1905. Macferran, Mrs. Edgar Osborne (Mabel Alexander), B.L. 1894. McGinnis, Adelaide Stuart, A.B. 1910. Machado, Joao Martins, A.B. 1909. McHose, Letitia, A.B. 1913. *McIlvain, Bernard Stump, B.L. 1892. Mcllvain, Emma (Mrs. William J. Cooper), A.B. 1876. Mcllvain, Martha (Mrs. Andrew M. Eastwick), A.B. 1875. Mclntire, Mrs. Frank H. (Lucy R. Price), A.B. 1876. [A.B. 1880.] McKee, Emily Crawford, A.B. 1906. McSparran, Sallie Sides, A.B. 1912. McVaugh, Frank M., Jr., B.S. 1901. McVaugh, Mrs. John Eastburn (Mary Deborah Satter- thwaite), A.B. 1908. McVaugh, Roy, B.L. 1902. Magill, Eudora, A.B. 1877. Magill, Gertrude B., A.B. 1881. Magill, Helen (Mrs. Andrew Dick- son White), A. B. 1873. Malven, Mrs, Stephen St. John (Annie Lodge), B.S. 1899. Manley, Robert Early, B.S. 1897; C.E. 1904. Manley, Mrs. Robert Early (Anna Katharine Himes), B.L. 1900. Mannakee, Nathan Haines, B.S. 1902; M.S. 1904. Manning, Mrs. Robert Caldwell (Frances N. Cheairs), B.L. 1895. Marcher, Robert J., B.S. 1880; C.E. 1901. Maris, Alice Hart (Mrs. William Gibson Bird), A.B. 1906. *Maris, Willard Lorraine, B.S. 1890; M.S. 1892. Markel, Orrin Hardin, A.M. 1904. Marr, Helen Crawford, A.B. 1912. *Marr, Robert Montgomery, B.S. 1910. Marriott, Ross Walter, A.M. 1907. Marshall, Ellis P., Jr., B.S. 1888. Marshall, Emma Dora, A.B. 1911. Marshall, Wm. Stanley, B.S. 1888. Marshall, Mrs. Wm. Stanley (Clara A. Hughes), A.B. 1890. Marter, Cyrus Dressier, B.L. 1902. Martin, Edith May, A.B. 1913. Martin, Edward, A.B. 1878; A.M. 1882. Martin, Mrs. George W. (Anna E. Constable), A.B. 1880. Martindale, Chester Passmore, B.L. 1891. Masters, George A., B.S. 1889. Matlack, Bertha (Mrs. John Her- bert Rue), B.L. 1883. Matlack, Lorena Brinton, A.B. 1893. Matteson, Walker, A.B. 1897. REGISTER OF GRADUATES 133 Matthews, Thomas Stockton, B.S. 1902. Maxwell, Grace Bowen, A.B. 1908. Maynard, Helen Christine, A.B. 1910. Means, Margaret Fulton (Mrs. William Y. Fulton), A.B. 1910. Mearns, Mrs. John Gilbert (Nellie Gray Davidson), A.B. 1907. Mehaffey, Mrs. George Whittemore (Katharine Lowe Tyler), B.S. 1891. Meredith, Edward Roy, B.S. 1903. Meredith, Florence, A.B. 1913. Merrick, Ella (Mrs. Alvan H. Tomlinson), A.B. 1886. Merriman, Alice Pauline, A.B. 1904. Merritt, Lynne Lionel, A.B. 1905. Messner, Henry Lee, A.B. 1913. Michener, Florence Turner, A.B. 1911. Mickle, Grace Evans (Mrs. C. Walter Durnell), A.B. 1906. Midler, Esther, A.B. 1913. Miles, Egbert J., A.M. 1907. Millar, Harold Hutcheon, B.S. 1911. Miller, Mrs. Charles C. (Hetty Coale Lippincott), A.B. 1888. Miller, Charles R., B.L. 1879. Miller, Mrs. Charles R. (Abby M. Woodnutt), B.L. 1879. Miller, Edna May, B.L. 1900. Miller, Elizabeth Booth (Mrs. Franklin Taylor Nevin), A.B. 1895; A.M. 1900. Miller, Elizabeth Clarke (Mrs. Wm. Penn Holcomb), A.B. 1873. Miller, Glenn Earl, A.B. 1911. Miller, Guion, A.B. 1883; A.M. 1888. Miller, Mrs. Guion (Annie E. Tylor), B.L. 1883 ; M.L. 1888. Miller, Harry Lynn, B.S. 1911. Miller, Mrs Herman P. (Martha Potts Jones), A.B. 1888. Miller, John Alfred, Jr., B.S. 1909. Miller, Laura Cecilia (Mrs. John P. Curry), A.B. 1897. Miller, Max Bruno, B.S. 1909. Miller, Serena Helen, A.B. 1905. Miller, Mrs. Stanley (Anna Kun- igunda Wolff), A.B. 1904. Miller, William Booth, B.S. 1898; C.E. 1901. Millman, Samuel Raymer, B.S. 1907. Mills, Mrs. Ronald V. (Marion Farquhar), B.L. 1902. Mitchell, Allen R., Jr., B.L. 1902. *Mitchell, Edwin, Jr., A.B. 1876. Mitchell, James Ellsworth, A.B. 1912. Mitchell, Samuel Duffield, A.B. 1883. Monaghan, James, Jr., A.B. 1913. Monaghan, Mrs. James (Anna Elizabeth Jackson), B.L. 1878. Moon, Owen, Jr., B.S. 1894. *Moore, Arabella Elizabeth, B.L. 1896. Moore, Charles Sumner, B.L. 1895. Moore, Esther Townsend (Mrs. Wm. Hyde Appleton), A.B. 1873. Moore, Frederick Potts, A.B. 1885. Moore, Helen Supplee (Mrs. Er- win E. Lanpher), B.L. 1899. Moore, Martha Washington, B.L. 1901. Moore, Sarah Thomas (Mrs. Her- bert Sergeant Adams), B.L. 1891. Moore, Thomas Leggett, A.B. 1880. Morrison, Madelaine Marian, A.B. 1908. *Morrison, William John, B.S. 1896. Muhlenberg, Mrs. Nicholas Hun- ter (Georgeine Kurtz), A.B. 1880. Mullen, Mary Wallace, 2d, A.B. 1913. Murdock, Mrs. Stanley H. (Eliza- beth K. Carter), A.B. 1906. Murray, John Francis, B.S. 1892. Muschert, Mrs. William (Ethel Beardsley), A.B. 1902. Myers, Mrs. Albert S. (Elsie Helen Koenig), B.L. 1902. Myers, Albert Cook, B.L. 1898; M.L. 1901. Myers, E. Mae, B.L. 1900; A.M. 1912. Myers, Georgia Cook (Mrs. Ben- jamin Mott Underhill), B.L. 1900. Myrick, Prentiss Allen, A.B. 1911. 134 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN N Naisby, Mrs. Robert Titus (Mad- eleine Brown), A.B. 1912. Neal, Mrs. Chester Clark (Rachel Elsie Love), A.B. 1907. Nevin, Mrs. Franklin Taylor (Elizabeth Booth Miller), A.B. 1895; A.M. 1900. Newman, Mrs. Herman (Emma Judith Broomell), B.S. 1890. Newport, Clara Price, A.B. 1903. Nicholl, Edna Marion (Mrs. J. A. Rawson), B.L. 1898. Nichols, Anna Elizabeth, A.B. 1903. Nobles, George Schofield, A.B. 1906. North, Mary Eliza (Mrs. Arthur S. Chenoweth), A.B. 1907; A.M. 1910. ^Norton, Jesse Rowland, A.B. 1877. Norton, Mrs. Lester Reed (Helen Dewees Souder), A.B. 1903. Nowell, Sarah March, Hon. A.M. 1906. Noxon, Herbert Lome, B.S. 1897. O Oakley, Earl Anson, A.B. 1913. Ogden, Elizabeth Massey, B.L. 1882. Ogden, John Norman, B.S. 1910. Ogden, Mary Emma (Mrs. James Dawson Whitall), A.B. 1907. Oliver, Elizabeth Biggins, A.B. 1913. Oppenlander, Anna Pauline Kath- arine, A.B. 1913.' Orenstein, Mrs. Alexander J. (Marie G. Sabsovich), A.B. 1906. Osbourn, Mrs. Francis A. (Martha Ellinger Reinoehl), A.B. 1881. Osgood, Mary Eliza, A.B. 1912. Osier, Rebecca Tyler, A.B. 1913. Ottley, Frances Eggleston (Mrs. Louis Goldbeck), A.B. 1890. P Paige, Mrs. Sidney (Hildegard Brooks), B.S. 1895. Painter, Rosalie Middleton (Mrs. Roger Wood), A.B. 1907. Palmenburg, Mrs. Edward Chas. von (Lulu von Ramdohr), A.B. 1903. Palmer, A. Mitchell, A.B. 1891. Palmer, Alice Smedley, A.B 1889. Palmer, Charles, A.B. 1882; A.M. 1885. Palmer, Edward Pennock, A.B. 1906. Palmer, Francis Jackson, B.S. 1878. Palmer, Linda Belle (Mrs. Frank Morton Jones), A.B. 1887; A. M. 1893. *Palmer, Mary Darlington, A.B. 1890. Palmer, Samuel Copeland, A.B. 1895; A.M. 1907. Palmer, Mrs. William Dolby (Anna Walton Waters), A.B. 1902. Pancoast, Aaron Cooper, B.S. 1888. Pancoast, Mrs. Aaron Cooper (Mary Florence Soper), B.S. 1890. Pancoast, Joseph Wilmer, B.S. 1901. Pancoast, Josiah Arthur, A.B. 1913. Pancoast, Marshall, B.L. 1899. Pancoast, Mary Elizabeth, B.L. 1890. Pancoast, Omar Barton, B.S. 1893. Parker, Helen Roderfield, A.B. 1911. Parrish, Annie B., B.L. 1899. Parrish, Mrs. Henry C. (Bertha Lippincott), B.L. 1895. Parrish, Percival, B.L. 1896. Parry, Ellwood Comly, B.L. 1897; M.L. 1900. Parry, Lydia M., A.B. 1895. Parry, Susanna Haines, A.B. 1908. Paschall, Mrs. Irvin F. (Edith Lane Yerlenden), B.L. 1902. Passmore, Edna Walter, A.B. 1911. Passmore, Ellen (Mrs. Frederic B. Pyle), B.L. 1891. Passmore, John Walter, A.B. 1906. Passmore, Louella (Mrs. Jacob Carroll Hayes), A.B. 1889. Passmore, Norman Sumner, A.B. 1903. Passmore, Mrs. Norman Sumner (Sarah Eastburn Wood), A.B. 1904. REGISTER OF GRADUATES 135 * Patterson, Margaret May, B.S. 1902. Patton, Arthur Lewis, B.S. 1898. Paul, Alice, A.B. 1905. Paulin, Louis Robert Eugene, A.B. 1881. Paxson, Anna Richardson, B.L. 1902. Paxson, Mrs. Charles (Alice Hall), A.B. 1888. Pearson, Anne Norris, A.B. 1909. Pearson, Robert L., B.S. 1902. Peaslee, Amos Jenkins, A.B. 1907. Peck, Anita, A.B. 1913. Peirce, Bertha Caroline, A.B. 1906. Peirce, Marion Virginia, A.B. 1903. Peirce, Mrs. Wm. Bradford (Jessie Drysdale Ellis), B.L. 1897. Pennock, Edward Abraham, A.B. 1883. Pennock, George Liddon, B.S. 1883 Pentz, Hattie Knox, A.B. 1910. Percy, Mrs. John Crocker (Eliza- beth Sutton), A.B. 1903. Perkins, Edward Russell, A.B. 1911. Perkins, Marion D. (Mrs. Cooper Jessup, Jr.), A.B. 1894. Perkins, Thomas Haines Dudley, A.B. 1906. Perkins, Mrs. T. H. Dudley (Alice Roberts Sullivan), A.B. 1904. Pettit, Anna Frances Thompson (Mrs. George Lupton Broom- ell), A.B. 1907. Pettus, Mrs. C. Hamlet (Frances Brewster Stevenson), A.B. 1893 Pfahler, Alfred Edward, B.S. 1895. Pfahler, Margaret Denn, B.S. 1894. Pfeiffer, Katharine, B.L. 1900. Pfouts, Louise Adams, A.B. 1908. Philips, Mrs. Jesse Watson (Helen Ruth Hillborn), A.B. 1894. Philips, Mrs. John Commons (Florence Hall), A.B. 1880. Phillips, Dorothy, A.B. 1913. Phillips, Elizabeth Johnson, A.B. 1913. *Phillips, George Chapman, B.S. 1882. Pidgeon, Mary Elizabeth, A.B. 1913. *Pierce, Mrs. Jonathan C. (Sarah S. Green), A.B. 1882. *Pierce, Lydia Maria Child (Mrs. Samuel S. Green), A.B. 1873. Pike, Mrs. Charles Heyfield (Mar- gery Beddoes), A.B. 1906. Pike, Lillian May (Mrs. Harry H. Appleton), A.B. 1907. Pitcher, Albert Merritt, A.B. 1911. Pitman, John Himes, A.B. 1910; A.M. 1911. Plack, Dorothy MacDowell, A.B. 1911. Plummer, Nathan Wilmer, B.S. 1896. Poley, Emily Corson, A.B. 1909. Pollitt, Annie Stagg, A.B. 1910. Ponder, James Waples, A.B. 1890- Poole, Edward Gilpin, A.B. 1905. Poole, Mrs. Edward Gilpin (Louise Caroline Fahnestock), A.B. 1904. Porterfield, Helen Harriet, A.B. 1909. Post, Ruden Wheeler, B.S. 1905; C.E. 1908. Post, Mrs. Arthur Wood (Ethel Mary Albertson), A.B. 1910. Potter, William Plumer, Hon. LL.D. 1911. Powell, Edith Needles, A.B. 1905. Powell, Mrs. B. B. (Elizabeth Margaret Baily), B.S. 1895. Powell, Mrs. Walter C. (Margaret E. Hallowell), A.B. 1882. Power, Angeline Johnson, A.B. 1911. Power, Edith Victorine, A.B. 1907. Pownall, M. Elizabeth (Mrs. E. Clayton Walton), B.L. 1895. Pownali, S. Edna (Mrs. Albert L. Buffington), B.L. 1898. Pratt, Mary D. (Mrs. John Rhodes), A.B. 1885. Pratt, Mrs. Maurice Baldwin (Beulah Walter Darlington), A.B. 1890. Pressey, Mattie Helen, A.B. 1912. Preston, Alda Hill (Mrs. Paul Bentley Lum), A.B. 1907. Preston, Ellen S. (Mrs. Frank Griest), A.B. 1880. Preston, Frances, B.L. 1902 Price, Elizabeth Evans, A.B. 1911. 136 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN *Price, Ferris Walton, A. B. 1874; A. M. 1887. Price, Mrs. Ferris Walton (Ellen H. Evans), A.B. 1874; A.M. 1884. *Price, Frank Lee, A.B. 1895. Price, Frederick Newlin, A.B. 1905. Price, Helen, A.B. 1907. Price, Henry Ferris, A.B. 1906. Price, Lucy R. (Mrs. Frank H. Mclntire), A.B. 1876. [A.B. 1880.] Price, Marriott, B.S. 1903. Price, Mrs. Wm. Lightfoot (Emma Webb), A.B. 1883. Price, Mrs. William Montelius (Anna Broomall Howard), B. L. 1901. Price, William Webb, A.B. 1912. Pritchard, Herman, B.S. 1908. A.M. 1911. Pryor, Mabel (Mrs. Harry Peters Rothermel), A.B. 1903. Pugh, Mrs. Joseph Meredith (Mary B. Janvier), B.L. 1894. Purcell, Mrs. Robert M. (Gertrude Frances Gilbert), B.L. 1901. Pyle, Charles Sumner, B.S. 1883. Pyle, Ellen, A.B. 1892. Pyle, Frederic Bennett, B.S. 1889. Pyle, Mrs. Frederick Bennett (Ellen Passmore), B.L. 1891. Pyle, Helen Cyrus (Mrs. Charles Andrew Bunting), B.L. 1883. Pyle, Jessie, A.B. 1888. Pyle, Margery, A.B. 1900. Pyle, Robert, A.B. 1897. R Rambo, Mrs. Harold Sibley (Mary Amelia Gutelius), A.B. 1904. Ramdohr, Lulu von (Mrs. Edward Charles von Palmenburg), A.B. 1903. Ramsey, Ellwood, Jr., B.S. 1901; [B.S. 1902]; C.E. 1904. Rash, Mrs. Frank Dillman (Susan E. Atkinson), B.L. 1901. Rawson, Mrs. Edward B. (Mari- anna Smith), B.L. 1891; A.M. 1911. Rawson, Mrs. J. A. (Edna Marion Nicholl), B.L. 1898. Reeder, Mrs Walter Lewis (Edith Sykes Gibbs), A.B. 1907. Reid, John Stewart, A.B. 1913. Reinhardt, Jesse Hawley, B.S. 1893. Reinheimer, Malvin Herman, A.B. 1912. Reinoehl, Martha Ellinger (Mrs. Francis A. Osbourn), A.B. 1881. Rermard, Mary Winifred, A.B. 1910. * Reynolds, Mrs. Marshall J. (Elizabeth B. Smedley), A.B. 1887; A.M. 1896. Rhoads, Alfred Lawrence, A.B. 1906. Rhoads, Joseph James, B.S. 1888. Rhodes, Mrs. John (Mary D. Pratt), A.B. 1885. Ricaurte, Marco Tulio, A.B. 1912. Rice, Maud Esther (Mrs. Wm. R. Stuckert), A.B. 1903. Richards, Edna Harriet, B.L. 1898. ^Richards, John Kelvey, A.B. 1875; Hon. LL.D. 1903. Richards, Mary Baily (Mrs. Percy Webster), B.L. 1901. Richards, Ruth Emily, A.B. 1906. Richardson, Elliott, B.S. 1902; C.E. 1905. Richardson, Frances, A.B. 1908. Richardson, James Nevins, A.B. 1907. Riddle, Samuel, B.S. 1897. Rider, Catharine Mailler, B.L. 1888. Ridgway, Ellis Branson, B.S. 1890. Ridgway, Frank Bowen, A.B. 1909. Ridgway, Helen Hanes, A.B. 1907. Ridgway, William Hance, B.S. 1875; C.E. 1879. Ridings, Alice May (Mrs. James S. Bechtold), A.B. 1905. Rittenhouse, Eleanor Augusta, A.B. 1912. Rittman, Walter Frank, A.B. 1908; A.M. 1909; M.E. 1911. Rittman, Mrs. Walter Frank (Anna Frances Campbell), A.B. 1910. Roberts, Byron Thomas, A.B. 1912. Roberts, Mrs. Chester ( Abby Mary Hall), A.B. 1890. Roberts, Emmor, Jr., A.B. 1911. Roberts, George Simpson, A.B. 1906. REGISTER OF GRADUATES 137 Roberts, Harold Stine, A.B. 1912. Roberts, Mrs. Horace W. (Edith Robinson Hooper), A.B. 1875. Roberts, Horace, A.B. 1887. Roberts, Israel, B.S. 1878. Roberts, Jesse Charles, A.B. 1910. Roberts, Percival Rudolph, A.B. 1905; A.M. 1907. Roberts, Preston Thomas, A.B. 1912. Roberts, Mrs. Walter (Lydia Parry Williams), B.L. 1897. Roberts, Walter, A.B. 1890. Roberts, Walter Ernest, A.B. 1908. Roberts, Mrs. Walter Ernest (Jean Margaret Williamson), A.B. 1909. Roberts, William Ely, A.B. 1903. Robinson, Arthur Springer, A.B. 1911. Robinson, Edmund Grubb, A.B. 1905. Robinson, Louis Newton, A.B. 1905. Robinson, Mrs. Louis N. (Caro- line Hadley), A.B. 1906. Robinson, Rachel, A.B. 1906. Rodham, Olivia, Hon. A.B. 1890. Rogers, Alexandra Beatrice, A.B. 1913. Rogers, Anna Mullin, A.B. 1912. Rogers, Lillian Winifred, (Mrs. Louis Illmer, Jr.), A.B. 1901. Rosenbluth, Lillian (Mrs. Nathan Clarence Solomon), A.B. 1906. Ross, Annie, A.B. 1903. *Rossiter, Horace L., A.B. 1882. Rothermel, Mrs. Harry Peters (Mabel Pryor), A.B. 1903. Rowlands, David Dwight, B.S. 1909; M.E. 1913. Roy, Harold Earl, A.B. 1909. Rue, Mrs. John Herbert (Bertha Matlack), B.L. 1883. Rush, John Shee, A.B. 1913. Rushmore, David Barker, B.S. 1894; C.E. 1897. Rushmore, Edward Cary, B.S. 1881. Ryder, Robert Leslie, A.B. 1906. S Sabsovich, Marie Gregorivna (Mrs. Alexander J. Oren- stein), A.B. 1906. Sargent, Caroline Packer (Mrs. William Emley Walter), A.B. 1894. Satterthwaite, Anna Yardley, A.B. 1913. Satterthwaite, George, B.S. 1903. Satterthwaite, Mrs. George (Inez Helen Lord), B.L. 1903. Satterthwaite, Harvey Tomlinson, A.B. 1907. Satterthwaite, Laura Henderson, A.B. 1884. Satterthwaite, Mary Deborah (Mrs. John Eastburn Mc- Yaugh), A.B. 1908. Savidge, Mrs. William H. (Emily Louise Hough), A.B. 1880. Schock, James Jacob, A.B. 1913. Schooley, Charles Asa, B.S. 1896. Scheibley, Phebe Elizabeth (Mrs. Winfred J. Wright), A.B. 1905. Schwenk, Grace Althouse (Mrs. John Franklin Hay), A.B. 1906. Scott, Arthur Hoyt, B.S. 1895. Scott, Austin Allan, A.B. 1912. Seaman, Frederick Augustus, B.S. 1883. Seaman, Frederick Willits, B.S. 1910. *Seaman, George Arthur, A.B. 1901. Seaman, Mrs. George Arthur (See M. Katharine Lackey), B.L. 1899. Seaman, Henry B., B.S. 1881; C.E. 1884. Seaman, Mary Elizabeth, A.B. 1899. *Seaman, William, B.S. 1878; C.E, 1884. Seaman, William Henry, B.S. 1888; C.E. 1905. Seaman, Mrs. Wm. Henry (Mar- garet J. Laurie), A.B. 1889. Sellers, Marie, A.B. 1910. Sellers, Philip, B.S. 1894; C.E. 1897. Sellers, Richard Chase, B.S. 1890. Sellers, Mrs. Richard Chase (Anna Smith Atkinson), A.B. 1894. Semple, Adaline, A.B. 1913. Sener, Miriam, B.L. 1897. Sensenderfer, Robert Emory Pat- tison, A.B. 1905. 138 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Sharp, Ruth Clement (Mrs. Joseph Henry Willits), A.B. 1911. Sharpies, Isaac, Hon. LL.D. 1889. Sharpies, Lawrence Price, A.B. 1912. Sharpies, Philip Triest, A.B. 1910. Sharpless, Charles Edward, B.S. 1881; C.E. 1884. * Sharpless, Mrs. William P. (Prances Linton), A.B. 1876; A.M. 1881. Shaw, Jane Caroline (Mrs. Wm. Williamson Hepburn), B.L. 1895. Shepherd, Mrs. Paul Willis (Esther Barnes), A.B. 1910. Sheppard, Charles Carll, A.B. 1913. Sheppard, Harriet White, A.B. 1909. Sherwood, Laurence Thomas, A.B. 1906; A.M. 1907. Shiland, Finley Hall, A.B. 1911. Shinn, Helen, A.B. 1912. Shoemaker, Alvin Tomlinson, B.L. 1881. Shoemaker, Charles Harry, B.S. 1878. Shoemaker, Cornelia Janney, B.L. 1894. Shoemaker, Lucretia (Mrs. Thomas Lightfoot Green), A.B. 1909. Shoemaker, Mary Tate, B.L. 1896. Shoemaker, Mrs. Walter (Emma Jane Wilson), A.B. 1906. Shortlidge, Jonathan Chauncey, A.B. 1896. Shrigley, John M., Hon. A.M. 1911. Sibbald, Agnes Hallowell, A.B. 1904. Simons, Frederick Myerle, Jr., A.B. 1909; A.M. 1912. Sinclair, Samuel, 4th, B.S. 1905; C.E. 1908. *Skillin, Amelia, A.B. 1888. Smedley, Arthur Cox, B. S. 1898. Smedley, Caroline Hallowell, A.B. 1912. Smedley, Edgar Miller, B.S. 1886. *Smedley, Elizabeth B. (Mrs. Marshall J. Reynolds), A.B. 1887; A.M. 1896. Smedley, Ira, B.S. 1901. * Smedley, Isaac Garrett, B.S. 1876. Smedley, Lauretta Thomas (Mrs. John F. Dutton), A.B. 1886. Smedley, Thomas D., B.S. 1909. Smith, Bertha Janney (Mrs. Wil- liam Townsend Brown), B.L. 1897. Smith, Mrs. Bevier (Edith Glenna Elmore), B.L. 1902. Smith, Charles Alfred, B.S. 1912. Smith, Elizabeth B. (Mrs. Wil- liam H. Wilson), A.B. 1887. Smith, Mrs. Elmer Menzo (Iolene Mabel Hollenshead), A.B. 1896. • Smith, Ely John, B.L. 1898. Smith, Frances Briggs (Mrs. Frank Strohm Herr), A.B. 1890. Smith, Helen Bright (Mrs. Joseph Hill Brinton), A.B. 1895; A. M. 1899. Smith, Mrs. Julian C. (Ella Can- non Levis), A.B. 1907. Smith, Marianna (Mrs. Edward B. Rawson), B.L. 1891; A.M. 1911. Smith, Nathan Lewis, B.S. 1908. Smith, Thomas Arthur, B.S. 1901. [B.S. 1902.] Smyth, Herbert Weir, A.B. 1876. Snyder, Mrs. Clinton H. (Ethel Griest), B.L. 1901. Snyder, James Russell, A.B. 1913. Snyder, Mrs. John J. (Emma Adele Wasley), B.L. 1895. Solomon, Mrs. Nathan Clarence (Lillian Rosenbluth), A.B. 1906. Soper, Mary Florence (Mrs. Aaron Cooper Pancoast), B.S. 1890. Souder, Helen Dewees (Mrs. Les- ter Reed Norton), A.B. 1903. Soyars, Martha Ellis, A.B. 1910. Spackman, Therese Dorrance, A.B. 1911. Speakman, Helen Waldo, A.B. 1902. Spencer, Rowland J., B.L. 1886. Spicer, Abra Ella, A.B. 1896. Spicer, Esther E., B.L. 1893. Spicer, Robert Barclay, A.B. 1890. Sprague, Harold Christopher, A.M. 1907. Springer, Mrs. John Franklin (Carlie McClure), A.B. 1893. Sproul, Mary Laura, A.B. 1907. Sproul, Thomas Jay, A.B. 1909; A.M. 1911. REGISTER OF GRADUATES 139 Sproul, William Cameron, B.S. 1891. Staafo, Edward Adolph, A.B. 1894. *Staab, Julius, A.B. 1893. Stabler, Nora Leland (Mrs. George S. Worth), A.B. 1903. Stapler, Emma Florence, A.B. 1908. Stearne, Marian Redfield, A.B. A.B. 1913. Stebbins, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Edward Dorsey Ellis), B.L. 1892. Steel, Mrs. Edward Thomas, (Edith Rawson Janes), A.B. 1909. Steele, Hannah Bard, A.B. 1909; A.M. 1912. Steer, Mrs. Robert Moore (Edith Haviland Cooley), A.B. 1902. Stelwagon, Helen, A.B. 1909. Stern, Mrs. Lewis D. (Stella Leo- nora Koenig), B.L. 1902. Sterner, Edna Brown, A.B. 1909. Stetson, John B., B.S. 1893. Stevenson, Frances Brewster (Mrs. C. Hamlet Pettus), A.B. 1893. Stewart, Samuel Townsend, A.B. 1903. Stiner, Mabel Lydia, A.B. 1912. Stirling, Mrs. Samuel R. (Sarah Lucinda Hall), A.B. 1884; A. M. 1906. Stites, Joseph Durbin, B.S. 1913. Stone, James Austin, A.B. 1910. Stone, Mrs. Medad E. (Emma Stirling Bones), B.L. 1886. Stone, Ralph, A.B. 1889. Stoner, Elsie Davis (Mrs. Maurice IL Wildes), B.L. 1889. Storb, Raymond Clarke, A.B. 1912. Stover, Alice Mulford, A.B. 1911. Stowe, Mrs. Roswell Peter (See Gertrude Frances Gilbert), B. L. 1901. Stradling, Phoebe Edna, A.B. 1907. Strattan, George Edmund, B.S. 1895. Stratton, Mrs. George Edmund (Deborah Larimer Ferrier), B.S. 1901. Straub, Ralph Stephen, A.B. 1909. Strode, Frank Brinton, A.B. 1909. Strode, Ida Dorothy, A.B. 1912. Strode, Laura Josephine (Mrs. Henry B. Coleman), A.B. 1906. Stout, George H., A.B. 1893. Strunk, Walter Cyrus, A.B. 1909. Stubbs, Anna Elizabeth (Mrs. Walter Kay Groff), A.B. 1909. Stuckert, Mrs. Wm. R. (Maud Esther Rice), A.B. 1903. Sudler, Carroll Hopkins, A.B. 1888. Sullivan, Alice Roberts (Mrs. T. H. Dudley Perkins), A.B. 1904. Sullivan, Helen Thomas (Mrs. Charles Thomas Brown), B.L. 1900. Sullivan, Mabel Creth (Mrs. Francis Walker D ’Olier), A.B. 1907. Sullivan, Marshall Phillips, B.L. 1897. Sutphen, Mrs. James Garretson (Martha Magill Watson), A.B. 1886; A.M. 1891. Sutton, Elizabeth (Mrs. John Crocker Percy), A.B. 1903. Sutton, Esther Haviland, B.L. 1893. Swayne, Edith Neal, A.B. 1912. Swayne, Norman Walton, A.B. 1908. Sweet, William Ellery, A.B. 1890. Sweet, Mrs. William Ellery (Joyeuse Lennig Fullerton), A.B. 1888. T Tabor, Alice Post, B.L. 1902. Tanberg, Arthur Percival, A.B. 1910; A.M. 1913. Tannehill, Mrs. P. H. (Helen Train), B.S. 1894. [B.S. 1895.] Tarble, George Edmund, A.B. 1913. Tarble, Newton Edward, A.B. 1913. Tatman, Helen, A.B. 1913. Taylor, Albert Hibbs, B.S. 1896. Taylor, Archer, A.B. 1909. Taylor, Caleb Marshall, A.B. 1904. Taylor, Edith Belcher, A.B. 1909. Taylor, Edith May, A.B. 1909. Taylor, Frederic Jackson, B.S. 1884. 140 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Taylor, Mrs. George M. (Mary C. McAllister), A.B. 1896. Taylor, Granville, A.B. 1908. Taylor, Jackson, Jr., B.S. 1902; C.E. 1908. Taylor, Joshua Hibberd, A.B. 1903. Taylor, Mrs. Joshua Hibberd (Lydia Foulke), A.B. 1905. Taylor, Levi S., B.S. 1898. Taylor, Mrs. Levi S. (Mary Sut- ton Howell),/ A.B. 1898. Taylor, Lowndes, A.B. 1873. Taylor, Margaret Hood, B.L. 1902. Taylor, Mary Alice, A.B. 1909. Taylor, Mrs. Paul (Helen Hib- berd), A.B. 1909. Taylor, Thomas Rothwell, A.B. 1912; A.M. 1913. Taylor, Mrs. William (Elizabeth Hanes), A.B. 1875. Temple, Edward Brinton, B.S. 1891. Temple, Elmer John, B.S. 1902. Thatcher, Mrs. Albert G. (Mary Hibbard), A.B. 1874. Thatcher, Charles Garrett, A.B. 1912. Thatcher, Herbert Spencer, A.B. 1905. Thatcher, Richard Cassin, A.B. 1906. Thatcher, William Hibbard, B.S. 1900. Thistlethwaite, Mark, B.L. 1901. Thomas, Benjamin Abraham, A.B. 1899; A.M. 1908. Thomas, Clara May, A.B. 1902. Thomas, Frederick L., B.S. 1898. "Thomas, Isaac Byron, B.S. 1881. Thompson, Jane Ethel (Mrs. Wil- liam S. Brooke), B.L. 1900. Thompson, Louis Ely, A.B. 1903. Thompson, Mrs. Roland Bloom (Alma Eva Dickinson), A.B. 1907. Titus, Alice Willets, B.L. 1890; M.L. 1892. Titus, Mary Willets, B.L. 1894. Tomlinson, Mrs. Alvan H. (Ella Merrick), A.B. 1886. Torchiana, Mrs. Francois Josef (Mary Briggs Hawke), A.B. 1902. Tracey, Edith Freeman, A.B. 1912. Tracy, Sarah Eliza, B.L. 1902. Train, Helen (Mrs. P. H. Tanne- hill), B.S. 1894. [B.S. 1895.] Truman, Mary, A.B. 1909. Tucker, Ernest Fanning, A.B. 1881. Tucker, Grace Rebekah, A.B. 1911. Turner, Mrs. George W. (Caro- lien Hayes Chambers), B.L. 1896. Turner, Henry Chandlee, B.S. 1893; C.E. 1903. Turner, Joseph Archer, B.S. 1905; C.E. 1911. Turner, Mrs. Joseph Archer(Helen Margaret Carre), A.B. 1905. Turner, Natalie Sudler, A.B. 1912. Turner, William W., B.L. 1902. *Turton, Charles B., B.S. 1882. Turton, John, B.S. 1880. Tyler, Katharine Lowe (Mrs. George Whittemore Mehaf- fey), B.S. 1891. Tylor, Annie E. (Mrs. Guion Miller), B.L. 1883; M.L. 1888. Tylor, William Russell, A.B. 1911. Tyson, Edna Anna, A.B. 1909. Tyson, William Cyrus, B.S. 1901. Ulrich, Mrs. Charles N. (Florence Estelle Wallworth), A.B. 1910. Underhill, Mrs. Benjamin Mott (Georgia Cook Myers), B.L. 1900. Underhill, Carolyn Agnes, A.B. 1905. Underhill, Daniel, Jr., B.S. 1894. Underhill, Emily Rushmore, B.L. 1899. Underhill, Eugene, Jr., A.B. 1909. Underhill, Helen, A.B. 1909. Underhill, Mary, B.S. 1894; M.S. 1895. Underwood, William Griest, B.S. 1887. Usilton, Lewin Hepbron, A.B. 1910. i V Vail, Willis Wilson, B.S. 1889. Valentine, Mrs. Morris Crawford (Elizabeth Conrow), A.B. 1894. Van Cott, George Henry, A.B. 1909. REGISTER OF GRADUATES 141 Van De Verg, Marietta Lindsay, A.B. 1907. Verlenden, Edith Lane (Mrs. Irvin F. Paschall), B.L. 1902. Verlenden, Elizabeth Lane, A.B. 1907. Verlenden, Jacob Serrill, B.S. 1899. Verlenden, Mary, A.B. 1907. Verlenden, Ruth, A.B. 1911. Vernon, Clifford Howard, B.S. 1908. Vernon, Mabel, A.B. 1906. Verree, Janies E., B.L. 1883. Victory, Beatrice Marguerite, A.B. 1907; A.M. 1908. Viskniskki, Mrs. Guy T. (A. Vir- ginia Gillespie), B.L. 1898. W Waddington, Jennie Fonda, B.S. 1889; M.S. 1892. Walker, Evalynn, A.B. 1912. Walker, Jean Hamilton, A.B. 1910. Walker, Joseph Jeanes, B.S. 1892; C.E. 1911. Walker, Robert Hunt, B.S. 1902. Walker, Mrs. Robert Hunt (Amelia Himes), B.L. 1902. Walker, William Cooper, A.B. 1906. Wallace, Marguerite Carswell, A.B. 1910. Wallworth, Florence Estelle (Mrs. Charles N. Ulrich), A.B. 1910. Walter, William Emley, B.S. 1892. Walter, Mrs. Wm. Emley (Caro- line Packer Sargent), A.B. 1894. Walton, Mrs. E. Clayton (M. Elizabeth Pownall), B.L. 1895. *Walton, Franklin D., B.L. 1896. Wanzer, Henrietta Florence (Mrs. Theron Skidmore Dean), A.B. 1897. Wanzer, William Henry, A.B. 1895. Washburn, Caroline Alfreda (Mrs. Henry H. Wells), A.B. 1906. Washburn, Elizabeth Merrow, A.B. 1911. Wasley, Emma Adele (Mrs. John J. Snyder), B.L. 1895. Waters, Anna Walton (Mrs. Wil- liam Dolby Palmer), A.B. 1902. Watson, James Aloysius, A.B. 1931. Watson, Martha Magill (Mrs. James Garretson Sutphen), A.B. 1886; A.M. 1891. Watters, George Lawrence, A.B. 1906. Watters, Maude Lucile, A.B. 1902. Way, Abner Pugh, B.S. 1898. Way, Asa Pound, B.S. 1903; E.E. 1907. Way, Mrs. Asa Pound (Jane Eachus Linvill), B.L. 1899. Way, Carrie Belle (Mrs. Martin Benjamin Yarnall), B.L. 1893. Way, Catharine, Elma, A.B. 1907. Way, Channing, A.B. 1897. Way, Charlotte M., B.S. 1888. Way, Ellwood Zavitz, B.S. 1911. Way, Pennock M., A.B. 1903. * Weaver, Gerrit E. H., A.B. 1882; A.M. 1886. Weaver, Warren Wallace, B.S. 1913. Webb, Mrs. Arthur Richard (Amy Wilda Knickerbocker), B.L. 1901. • Webb, Emma (Mrs. William Lightfoot Price), A.B. 1883. Webb, Mrs. William Blaine (Mary Wyman Lawrence), A.B. 1907. Webster, Howard Jeffries, B.S. 1897. Webster, Mrs. Isaac Daniel (Anna Mary Jenkins), A.B. 1887. Webster, Mrs. Percy (MaryBaily Richards), B.L. 1901. Webster, Mrs. Walter E. (Eva Emma Foster), B.L. 1898. Wells, Herman Elliott, B.S. 1912. Wells, Mrs. Henry H. (Caroline Alfreda Washburn), A.B. 1906. Wells, John Edwin, B.L. 1896; M.L. 1899. Wells, Mrs. John Edwin (Anna Coates Holmes), B.L. 1899. [B.L. 1900.] Welsh, Mary, A.B. 1913. West, Charles Edgar, A.B. 1913. West, Edith Maddock, A.B. 1904. Wetter, Charles Hart, A.B. 1909. 142 SWARTIIMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN * Wharton, Joseph, Hon. LL.D. 1903. *Whinfield, Mrs. Roger Widdring- ton (Anna R. H. Harrison), B. L. 1895. Whitall, Mrs. Janies Dawson (Mary Emma Ogden), A.B. 1907. White, Allen Kirby, B.S. 1894. White, Mrs. Allen Kirby (Emma S. Chambers), A.B. 1894. White, Andrew Bracken, A.B. 1909; C.E. 1910. White, Mrs. Andrew Dickson (Helen Magill), A.B. 1873. White, Anna Deborah, A.B. 1912. White, Barclay, A.B. 1906; C.E.. 1909. White, Mrs. Barclay (Edith Spen- cer Lewis), A.B. 1906. White, Elizabeth, A.B. 1911. White, Frances M., B.L. 1891. White, Mrs. Howard (Helen Trump Comly), A.B. 1875. * White, Howard, Jr., B.S. 1895; C. E. 1900. White, John Atlee, A.B. 1910; A.M. 1913. White, Mrs. Joseph Weaver (Re- becca Smith Hunt), A.B. 1878; A.M. 1881. White, Josephine (Mrs. Joseph Allison Breckens), A.B. 1879. White, Mary H. (Mrs. J. Henry Bartram), A.B. 1890. Whitehead, Mabelle Gertrude, A.B. 1911. Wickham, Conrad August, B.S. 1911. Wilbur, Aldus, A.B. 1904. Wilbur, John Finch, A.B. 1909. Wilbur, Wm. Pierce, A.B. 1908. Wilder, Stuart, B.S. 1894. Wildes, Mrs. Maurice H. (Elsie Davis Stoner), B.L. 1889. Wilgus, Elizabeth Gordon, A.B. 1908. Willcox, Charles Percy, B.S. 1886. Willets, Eliza Keese, B.L. 1893. Willets, Fannie Amelia (Mrs. Francis Cowlyn Lowthorp), A.B. 1880. Willets, Martha, A.B. 1912. Willets, Susanne Yardley, A.B. 1909. Williams, Albert Mahlon, B.S. 1902. Williams, Carroll R., A.B. 1877; A.M. 1882. Williams, Catharine Boyd, A.B. 1913. ^Williams, E. Newlin, B.S. 1893. Williams, Edward, B.L. 1901. Williams, Helen Wintringham, A.B. 1908. Williams, Lydia Parry (Mrs. Wal- ter Roberts), B.L. 1897. Williams, Martha May, A.B. 1913. Williams, Naomi (Mrs. Thomas Atkinson), A.B. 1908. Williams, Sarah Ellen (Mrs. Ben- jamin Franklin Battin), B.S. 1893. Williamson, Jean Margaret (Mrs. Walter Ernest Roberts), A.B. 1909. Willis, John M., B.S. 1894. Willis, Joseph Addison, B.S. 1897. Willits, Alice Platt, A.B. 1895. Willits, Annie Eliza, A.B. 1888. * Willits, Elizabeth E., B.L. 1899. Willits, Esther M. (Mrs. Edward Lawrence Fell), B.L. 1888. Willits, Joseph Henry, A.B. 1911; A.M. 1912. Willits, Mrs. Joseph Henry (Ruth Clement Sharp), A.B. 1911. Willits, Mary, A.B. 1884. * Willits, Mary, A.B. 1876; A.M. 1881. Willitt, Rata Emma, A.B. 1911. Wilson, Edward Clarkson, B.S. 1891. Wilson, Emily E. (Mrs. Albert Rogers Lawton), A.B. 1882; A.M. 1885. Wilson, Emma Jane (Mrs. Walter Shoemaker), A.B. 1906. Wilson, Franklin Pope, A.B. 1888. Wilson, Hanson Z., B.S. 1896; C.E. 1899. Wilson, Mrs. Thomas Wallace (M. Katharine Lackey), B.L. 1899. Wilson, Mrs. William H. (Eliza- beth B. Smith), A.B. 1887. Wilson, William West, A.B. 1904. Winder, Edith May, B.L. 1901. *Witbeck, Alice, B.L. 1898. Witmeyer, Katharine Reinoehl, A.B. 1911. Wolff, Anna Kunigunda (Mrs. Stanley Miller), A.B. 1904. REGISTER OF GRADUATES 143 Wolff, Katherine, A.B. 1908. Wolverton, Florence Nightingale, A.B. 1892. Wolverton, Mary Laing (Mrs. Howard Burkhardt Green), A.B. 1892. *Wood, Henry Shotwell, B.S. 1880; C.E. 1883. Wood, Irvana Margaret, A.B. 1910. Wood, Mrs. Roger (Rosalie Painter), A.B. 1907. Wood, Sarah Easthurn (Mrs. Nor- man Sumner Passmore), A.B. 1904. Woodnutt, Abby M. (Mrs. Charles R. Miller), B.L. 1879. Woolston, Elizabeth Stockton (Mrs. Arthur T. Collins), A.B. 1874; A.M. 1901. Worrell, Anna, A.B. 1913. Worth, Alice (Mrs. Frank Bram- well Geddes), A.B. 1908. Worth, Mrs. George S. (Nora Le- land Stabler), A.B. 1903. Worth, George Sheshbazzar, B.S. 1902; C.E. 1905. Worth, William Penn, B.S. 1876. Wray, Katharine Lower, A.B. 1913. Wright, Mrs. Howard Hamilton (Pauline Ruby Fay), A.B. 1910. Wright, Ida (Mrs. Frederick Lan- celot Bowman), B.L. 1902. Wright, Mrs. Winfred J. (Phebe Elizabeth Scheibley), A.B. 1905. Wynn, I. N. Earl, A.B. 1910. Wynn, Mary Florence (Mrs. Joseph Faucett Kirkpatrick), A.B. 1901. Y Yarnall, Albert Thatcher, B.L. 1895. Yarnall, Mrs. Martin Benjamin (Carrie Belle Way), B.L. 1893. Yarnall, May Lillian (Mrs. Sam- uel S. DeCou), A.B. 1891. Yearsley, Mrs. Arthur Ralston (Elva Lulu Ash), A.B. 1904. Yeatman, Mary Florence, A.B. 1877; A.M. 1897. Yeo, Keturah E., B.S. 1896. Yeo, Mary E., B.S. 1894. *Yeo, Susanna Sherwood, B.L. 1894. Yocum, Elizabeth Clarke, A.B. 1911. Young, Fred Garfield, A.B. 1913. Young, Harry Paulding, B.S. 1894. Young, Mary Alma, A.B. 1901. Z *Zane, Genevieve Stanbury, A.B. 1893. [A.B. 1894.] Zavitz, Edgar Merritt, A.B. 1882. SUMMARY Bachelors of Arts 772 Bachelors of Science 294 Bachelors of Letters 187 Masters of Arts 62 Civil Engineers 45 Masters of Letters 7 Masters of Science 7 Electrical Engineers 3 Mechanical Engineers 4 Honorary degrees conferred. 15 Total degrees conferred 1396 Deduct for repetitions 131 Total Alumni of College 1265 Reported as deceased 61 Presumed to be living 1204 144 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The Alumni Association was organized May 8, 1875, and in- corporated January 16, 1882. Its object is “to promote union and good feeling among the Alumni, and to advance in all proper ways the . interests of Swarthmore College.” All graduates are ipso facto members of the Association. The Annual Reunion is held on Tuesday of Commencement Week. OFFICERS FOR 1913-’14 President Howard Cooper Johnson, ’96 Philadelphia, Pa. ViCe Presidents Henry Chandlee Turner, ’93 New York, N. Y. Alvan Williams Atkinson, ’90 Philadelphia, Pa. Edgar Miller Smedley, ’86 Media, Pa. Directors Term expires June, 1914 E. Lawrence Fell, ’88 Philadelphia, Pa. Hannah Clothier Hull, ’91 Swarthmore, Pa. Benjamin F. Battin, ’92 Swarthmore, Pa. Term expires June, 1915 Frederick A. Seaman, ’83 New York, N. Y. Horace Roberts, ’87 Moorestown, N. J. Louella Passmore Hayes, ’89 West Chester, Pa. Secretary and Treasurer Abby Mary Hall Roberts, ’90 Swarthmore, Pa. SWARTHMORE CLUBS THE PHILADELPHIA SWARTHMORE CLUB The Philadelphia Swarthmore Club was founded in 1889. Good fellowship and love of Alma Mater have been the key- stones in the arch of the club’s continued success. Since 1899 the club has held without interruption an annual meeting and dinner, the Philadelphia association being the only one which has such a record. The first annual dinner was held on April 14, 1889, and was attended by some sixty members. The at- tendance now averages about one hundred and seventy-five. The club has never had any regular officers, but it is the practice to appoint each year a committee to take charge of the ensuing SWARTHMORE CLUBS 145 year’s meeting and dinner. During his lifetime, Mr. Gerrit E. H. Weaver was the moving spirit and chairman of this committee. Since his death Howard Cooper Johnson has acted as chairman. THE WESTERN SWARTHMORE CLUB The Western Swarthmore Club originated in December, 1903, when at an informal dinner about a dozen Swarthmoreans met and organized the Chicago Swarthmore Club. The Chicago Club met for a year or so at irregular intervals, and, having elected Francis E. Broomell, secretary and treasurer, decided to widen its field, and offer an annual free scholarship, consisting of board, room and tuition. The club was then called the Western Swarth- more Club, and its membership increased to upward of sixty graduates in the West. The scholarship is open for competi- tion to all high and preparatory school graduates west of the Allegheny Mountains, and the club has sent six students through the freshman year, and has been the means of inducing more than twice that number to choose Swarthmore. In this way all the principal high schools in the Middle West hear of Swarth- more every year, and the scholars carry her good name wherever they go. The Western Swarthmore Club has thus proved Swarthmore spirit not by words, but by deeds. Club Scholars : 1906-07, Murat Louis Johnson, A.B., 1909, Kentucky; 1907-08, Clyde Insley Blanchard, ex-1911, Missouri; 1907-08, Alice Elizabeth Masten, ex-1912, Indiana; 1909-10, James Jacob Schock, 1913, Oklahoma; 1910-11, Edwin Adams Lucas, 1914, Illinois; 1911-12, Lelia Eloise Vest, 1915, Iowa; 1912-13, John Ewing Orchard, 1916, Nebraska; 1913-14, Clar- ence Gates Myers, 1917, Iowa. TRENTON SWARTHMORE CLUB The Trenton Swarthmore Club is an organization of five Swarthmore men located in Trenton, N. J., formed primarily for the purpose of furnishing a scholarship in Swarthmore Col- lege to the preparatory schools in Trenton and vicinity. The organization offers yearly a full, free competitive honor scholarship of $400 which is awarded to the most worthy male applicant from the neighboring territory, which includes seven 10 146 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN of the most prominent preparatory schools within a radius of ten miles. The requirements of application are based somewhat on those of the Rhodes Scholarship. The purpose of the award is to se- cure and to induce men from that vicinity to enter Swarthmore, the aim of the committee being to attract and develop all-around men, since no particular stress is given to any one line of activity. Club Scholars: 1910-11, Howard Buckman, 1914, Trenton High School ; 1911-12, Hyland Lorraine Hodgson, ex-1915, Trenton High School; 1912-13, Edwin Augustus Tomlinson, 1916, George School; Stanley Avoy Pennock, 1917, Peddie In- stitute. SWARTHMORE CLUB OF WEST JERSEY A meeting of Swarthmore graduates and ex-students living in and around Riverton and Moorestown, N. J., was held on March 31, 1911, and the name agreed upon as the “Swarthmore Club of West Jersey.” Its purpose is expressed in the following: “We the subscribers, hereby form ourselves into an association under the name of the ‘Swarthmore Club of West Jersey,’ for the pur- pose of promoting the best interests of Swarthmore College. Dated this the 31st day of March, A. D. 1911.” This associa- tion now numbers thirty-six members. THE NEW YORK SWARTHMORE CLUB The New York Swarthmore Club is an informal organization somewhat similar to the Philadelphia club, possessing neither constitution nor by-laws, although it has recently elected offi- cers and a board of governors. The club, which now includes in its membership over eighty Swarthmore men resident in New York or nearby towns, holds a semi-annual reunion, which is either a dinner or a smoker and is attended usually by about sixty Swarthmoreans. The officers lately elected under a reor- ganization of the club are: President, Joseph Pitch, 1879; Sec- retary-Treasurer, John P. Broomell, 1899; Board of Governors, Frederick A. Seaman, 1883; William L. Dudley, 1888; Henry C. Turner, 1893; Maurice E. Griest, 1904; Edward P. Palmer, 1906; Walter W. Krider, ex-1909 ; J. Ernest Hartman, 1912; President Fitch and Secretary-Treasurer Broomell. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE From the Class of 1873 to the Class of 1916 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF NON-GRADUATES This list of non-graduates of Swarthmore College is intended to give all the information in the possession of the College con- cerning all former students who have completed at least one semester of work at the College. To this general rule, one exception must be noted. Many students, who had completed one or more years of work in the Preparatory Department, en- tered the College, but were unable to complete even one semes- ter’s work therein. Such students have been included in this list rather than in that of the Preparatory School. In this list, and the list of the Preparatory School students as well, married women are listed twice, as in the alphabetical list of the Alumni. The figures indicate the year of graduation was a member. A Abele, Richard. Peter, 1911 4306 Junius St., Pallas, Tex. Con- tractor. Abrams, Lucile (Mrs. Lieut. Don- ald G. Cubbison), 1905 Care of Lieut. D. G. Cubbison, Manila, P. I. Abrams, Myra Genevieve (Mrs. George A. Cypher), 1904 Cor. Monroe and Fulton Sts., But- ler, Pa. Albertson, Anna Mary, 1909 Magnolia, N. J. Albertson, Mrs. Augustus (See Mary W. Willis, 1886) Albertson, Phebe Ella (Mrs. Jacob W. Jackson), 1885 601 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Albertson, Raymond Augustus, 1916 Westbury, L. I., N. Y. Aikman, Hal N., 1896 Alderdice, William Hillary, 1877 Deceased. Allen, Mrs. (See Margaret Coles, 1884) Allen, Elizabeth Coles, 1907 Woodstown, N. J. after the name, in each instance, of the class of which the student Allen, Joseph Michael, 1910 Woodstown, N. J. Allen, Maude, 1915 423 Ninth St., Wilmette, 111. Allen, Virginia (Mrs. Smith), 1883 218 W. Chelten Ave., Germantown, Pa. Althouse, Mary Ella (Mrs. Thomas M. Lightfoot), 1888 5935 Greene St., Germantown, Pa. Ambler, Mrs. (See Annie Foulke Webster, 1880) Ambler, Elizabeth Beans, 1891 1727 Oxford St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ancona, Josephine Feger, 1891 530 Walnut St., Reading, Pa. Ancona, Rose, 1891 Deceased. Anderson, Mrs. Carlotta A., Special, 1906-08 Bristol Pike, Torresdale, Pa. Anderson, Mrs. J. Robert (See Mary A. Hannum, 1915) Andrews, Benjamin D., 1886 Died 1910, Moorestown, N. J. Andrews, Mrs. James (See Edith F. Kenderdine, 1897) ( 149 ) 150 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Andrews, J. Charles, 1895 840 West End Ave., New York, N. Y., or 11 Broadway, care of Turner Construction Co. Andrews, Martha Collins (Mrs. David R. Lippincott), 1893 15 E. Oak St., Moorestown, N. J. Angell, Caroline B. (Mrs. Homer Brown), 1905 5541 Harmer St., Philadelphia, Pa. Angell, Caroline M. (Mrs. Hal- loek), 1883 39 Willow St., Plainfield, N. J. Angell, Elizabeth Ham, 1887 39 Willow St., Plainfield, N. J. Angell, Hannah Mary, 1881 Friends’ Boarding House, 16 Arling- ton Place, Plainfield, N. J. Antrim, Ella Wandell, 1874 Appel, Mrs. (See Eva T. Reugier, 1898) Araujo, Alberico Bevilaguada, 1912 Mancios, Brazil. Arey, William G-., 1892 Arnold, Archie Dodge, 1905 Pawling, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Asbury, Harry Francis, 1880 Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Ash, Henry Caleb, 1884 1207 Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Ash, Mary Schofield (Mrs. G. Her- bert Jenkins), 1897 Box 89, Gwynedd, Pa. Ashbumer, Elizabeth Atkins, 1902 46 E. Twenty-ninth St., New York, N. Y. Private instructor in busi- ness subjects. Ashton, Dorothy Laing, 1909 Swarthmore, Pa. Ashton, George Tabor, 1912 Swarthmore, Pa. Ashton, Leonard Capron, 1908 Swarthmore, Pa. Atkinson, Mrs. (See Ellen Rog- ers), 1874 Atkinson, Emily Quimby (Mrs. Thomas B. Ellis), 1894 4106 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa., or Three Tuns, Pa. (summer). Atkinson, James Clarence, 1907 (Home) 5767 Beechwood St., Ger- mantown, Pa. (Office) Room 51, 1112 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Atkinson, J. Willis, 1888 Buckingham, Pa. Atkinson, Susan Wollaston (Mrs. George Howell), 1898 Pasadena, Cal. Atlee, Mrs. Joshua (See Anna Biddle, 1890) Austin, Mrs. John B. (See Emily Thomas Brooke, 1896) Avery, Julia Foster, 1914 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Avery, Laura Mae, 1891 Avery, Rose Foster (Mrs. William Walton), 1913 Moylan, Pa. Ayres, Cecile Ada, 1908 Crozer Seminary, Chester, Pa. Ayres, Ruth Naomi, 1912 N. Thirteenth St., Easton, Pa. B Bachrach, Benjamin, 1900 Suite 509, Powers Bldg., Decatur, 111 . Bachrach, Helen Lucile, 1905 Decatur, 111. Bachrach, Rose Evelyn (Mrs. Samuel L. Smith), 1901 Care of H. Bachrach, 722 W. Wood St., Decatur, 111. Bailey, Estelle, 1891 Bailey, Pauline Marguerite, 1913 Swarthmore, Pa. Baily, Isaac Meredith, 1877 Died March 23, 1884. Baker, Mrs. (See Annie P. Harri- son, 1875) Baker, Albert Brewer, 1913 Mt. Washington, Md. Baker, Alice C., 1883 East Hamburg, N. Y. Baker, Arthur Ernest, 1879 (Home) 1807 Madison Ave., Toledo, Ohio. (Bus.) Post St. and West- lake Ave. Member of firm, Baker Bros., Foundry and Machine Works, owners. Baker, Jane Wetherby, 1911 Deceased. Baker, Mrs. Louis C., Jr. (See Sarah Andrews Hoopes, 1886) Baker, Mattie A. (Mrs. Albert Gifford), 1884 Deceased. Baker, Richard Downing, 1881 208 Mekehorn Bldg., Seattle, Wash. With Baker-Richards Co. Baker, Thomas Brown, 1913 Purcellville, Ya. Baldwin, Annie Evelyn (Mrs. Stanley Sloat), 1900 Patterson, N. Y. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 151 Baldwin, Ida L. (Mrs. Harry L. Snyder), 1884 Died July 28, 1907. Ballinger, Charles Albert, 1894 Killed in Philippines, during Span- ish- American War. Baltadino, Moises, 1893 Bancroft, Edward, 1889 Deceased. Bancroft, Mrs. Milton C. (See Margaret C. Moore, 1893) Barber, Mrs. Ernest E. (See Jessie Margaret Kyle, 1898) Bardsley, Elizabeth E., 1883 Deceased. Barker, William S., 1877 Deceased. Barnard, Elizabeth Hannah (Mrs. Joseph M. Cranston), 1879 Cynwyd, Pa. Barnard, Helen Painter, 1891 Deceased. Barnes, Alice Lee (Mrs. Lewis Edward Hollingsworth), 1896 Jerusalem Mills, Md. ; Wilna P. O., Harford Co., Md. Barnsley, George Thomas, 1887 Died October 1, 1909. Barnum, Benjamin, 1895 328 Harrison St., Topeka, Kans. Barr, William Wallace, 1902 564 Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Lumberman. Barrett, Charles Provost, 1909 917 N. Tenth St., Atchison, Kans. Barrett, Elizabeth, 1913 401 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Bartel, Gertrude Mary, 1913 115 S. Sixteenth St., Richmond, Ind. Barth, Carl George Lange, 1906 6151 Columbia Ave., West Park Sta- tion, Philadelphia, Pa. Barth, Jacob Christian, 1906 6151 Columbia Ave., West Park Sta- tion, Philadelphia, Pa. Bartlett, Mrs. J. Kemp (See Mary Garrett Dixon, 1885) Bartram, Alice Cary, 1899 Malvern, Pa. Bartram, Hannah Massey (Mrs. William Hippie), 1886 Media, Pa. Bartram, Mrs. Wilson (See Anna L. Smedley, 1904) Bassett, Mrs. Arthur (See Ver- non Rose Waddell, 1912) Bassett, Clement, 1879 Salem, N. J. Bassett, Mrs. Edward M. (See Ellie Lesley Simons, 1910) Bassett, Norman Hallowell, M.D., 1907 Salem, N. J. Bates, Ethel Atwood, 1913 1000 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Bates, Mary Elizabeth, Special, 1908-10 144 Winthrop Ave., Wollaston, Mass. Battelle, William Smull, 1878 Deceased. Battersby, Louis Heath, 1904 Central High School, Cleveland, Ohio. Battin, Nancy Manns, 1898 Swarthmore, Pa. Teacher of Music. Baum, David A., 1884 3545 Harvey St., Omaha, Neb. Hardware business. Baum, James E., 1883 3545 Harvey St., Omaha, Neb. Hardware business. Baum, James Edwin, Jr., 1909 3545 Harvey St., Omaha, Neb. Baum, Richard Thompson, 1909 3545 Harvey St., Omaha, Neb. Baxter, Mrs. (See Mabel W. Wills, 1899) Baylis, Sara Cornelia (Mrs. Byron Brown), 1901 300 Merrick Road, Rockville Center, L. I., N. Y. Elocutionist. Beadenkopf, Marion, 1913 808 Franklin St., Wilmington, Del. Beall, Hallie Madeline, 1916 909 W. Quartz St., Butte, Mont. Care of Miss Alice Dinsmore. Bean, B. Franklin, 1900 Pawling, Pa. Beard, William Henry, 1903 Rockville, Md. Beardsley, Clara Daggett, 1895 Swarthmore, Pa. Beatty, Emma Cooke (Mrs. How- ard Satterthwaite), 1906 Morton, Pa,. Beddoes, Hubert, 1910 412 Thomas Ave., Riverton, N. J. Chief engineer, Merritt Hydraulic Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Bedell, Bradbury, 1874 Deceased. Bedell, Ellen B. (Mrs. Homer), 1880 33 Windermere Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Bedell, Matilda (Mrs. Charles W. Comfort), 1876 500 Stanbridgc St., Norristown, Pa. 152 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Beecher, Mrs. Henry Lawrence (See Alice Elizabeth Masten, 1912) Beeson, Louise (Mrs. Hugh T. Mathers), 1887 Died April 19, 1913, Sidney, Ohio. Beistle, Charles Preston, 1896 Freehold, N. J. Bell, Brinton Chambers, 1898 Bayside, L. I., N. Y. Bell, Mary Christy, 1899 Bell Ave., Bayside, L. I., N. Y. Belsinger, Walter Seligman, 1896 13 S. Ruby St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bentley, Marguerite, 1909 311 Swarthmore Ave., Ridley Park, Pa. Bentley, Mildred Hallowell, 1908 Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Berdan, Frederick Thomas, 1890 Deceased. Bernard, William Osborn, 1890 Ruther Glen, Va., care of Mrs. E. Kundsen. Betts, Josephine (Mrs. Frank G. Caldwell), 1884 4814 Chester Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Betts, Mahlon, 1887 906 Adams St., Wilmington, Del. Bevan, Raymond Tubbs, 1910 1517 Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Biddle, Anna (Mrs. Joshua Atlee), 1890 Riverton, N. J. Biddle, Annie (Mrs. Edmund Stir- ling), 1876 4517 Kingsessing Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Biddle, Caroline Cooper (Mrs. J. Lawrence Lippincott), 1894 Riverton, N. J. Biddle, Clement Miller, Jr., 1896 257 Claremont Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Biddle, Elizabeth (Mrs. Howard Conrow), 1880 404 High St., Germantown, Pa. Biddle, Martha Canby, 1878 309 Bank Ave., Riverton, N. J. Bilderback, Alfred, 1875 631 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bilderback, Joseph, 1902 Died, 1900. Birdsall, Alvin Charles, 1904 1622 Greene St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bisler, Raymond C., 1902 Died, December 25, 1910, San An- gelo, Tex. Blabon, Walter Davis, 1896 Care of The George W. Blabon Co., Station R, Philadelphia, Pa. Black, George W., 1883 Deceased. Black, Walter, 1890 Chesterfield, N. J. Blackburn, Dr. Albert Engles, 1895 3813 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Blackburn, Mrs. Elias (See Anna D. Furnas, 1880) Blackstone, Mary Carolyn, 1915 4050 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Blades, Levin Carl, 1902 Elizabeth City, N. C. Blair, Lua Eulela, 1914 823 Mundy Ave., El Paso, Tex. Blair, Treva Gladys, 1913 823 Mundy Ave., El Paso, Tex. Blakelee, Grace Albertine (Mrs. Rockwood), 1901 Elmhurst, 111. Blakely, Mrs. Roy (See Edith Kinnard, 1913) Blanchard, Clyde Insley, 1911 800 Kensington St., Kansas City, Mo. At present, Ottumwa, Iowa. In charge of Commercial Dept, of High School. Blankenberg, Lucretia S. (Mrs. Daniel G. Malcolm, Jr.), 1899 Mohegan Heights, Bronxville, N. Y. Blanton, Georgene Howard (Mrs. W. H. Sickels), 1910 R. F. D., No. 3, Newtown Square, Pa. Blasdel, Mrs. Girard D. (See Mary Worrall Lukens, 1914) Bleakly, Helen M., 1882 Blood, Mrs. Ernest (See Bertha Chandler Weaver, 1902) Blum, Minette Sadonia (Mrs. Jo- seph L. Moyse), 1904 157 W. Seventy-ninth St., New York, N. Y. Blumhard, Frederick Denard, 1914 2030 Westmoreland St., Philadelphia, Pa, Blumhard, Herbert Louis, 1913 2030 Westmoreland St., Philadelphia, Pa. At present, Y. M. C. A., Newark, N. J. Boanie, Mrs. Joel Frazier (See Clara B. Haldeman, 1898) Bodder, Benjamin Griffith, 1888 Deceased. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 153 Boggs, Harry Leslie, 1891 Charleston, W. Ya. Bond, Alfred Huidekoper, 1881 127 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Bond, Samuel Steer, 1891 Spencerville, Md. Bonsall, Abbie Louise, 1905 Salem, Ohio. Booth, George Martin, 1873 304 E. Broad St., Chester, Pa. Boothby, Hulda Ellen, 1890 Borton, Samuel Lippincott, 1905 Woodstown, N. J. Bosee, John Kennard, Jr., 1906 2233 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. Boudart, Jane Raymond, 1914 817 Edgmont St., Chester, Pa. Bower, Chester Bertolette, 1906 Care of Otis Elevator Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Bowne, George I., 1882 Box 332, Mt. Holly, N. J. Bowne, William H., 1885 Glen Cove, L. I., N. Y. Boyd, Fisher Longstreth, 1908 Haverford, Pa. Boyd, Rebekah Matilda (Mrs. Hensel), 1886 Deceased. Boyer, Elizabeth Leona, 1913 31 S. Stenton Place, Atlantic City, N. J. Boyer, George Henry, 1888 Deceased. Boyer, Warren G., 1894 Deceased. Boyle, Clara Louise (Mrs. Benja- min Carl McClure), 1906 498 Sixth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Boyle, Flora May, 1907 266 E. Main St., Coatesville, Pa. Bradbury, Clifford Clarence, 1904 405 Nuber Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Bradford, Ernest C., 1911 Hindsboro, Douglas Co., HI. Brady, William H., 1897 Died June, 1911, Middletown, Del. Braman, Bertha Virginia, 1911, Special 19 Park Ave., Ogontz, Pa. Brann, Mrs. (See Jane D. Groot, 1896) Branson, Mrs. Charles Fox (See Anna Morris Jackson, 1902) Branson, Dr. Joseph Holmes, 1888 1231 New Jersey Ave., N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. Branson, Lillian, 1894 Deceased. Branson, Mary Elizabeth, 1894 1428 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. Branson, William E., 1888 Clear Brook, Ya. Brazer, Alice Troth, 1910 504 Fifth Ave., Ashury Park, N. J. Brendel, Mrs. (See Edna R. John- ston, 1900) Brewer, Paul Clisby, 1882 Deceased. Brick, Charles W., 1895 Crosswicks, N. J. Owner Cross- wicks Poultry Farm. Brightson, Susanne S. (Mrs. Charles B. Ketcham), 1894 238 S. Twenty-first St., Philadelphia, Pa. ' Bringhurst, Anna, 1877 Deceased. Bringhurst, Dr. Joseph, 1891 122 W. Miner St., West Chester, Pa. Proprietor Roselyn Farm Dairy. Brinton, Frederick Cruse, Jr., 1902 West Chester, Pa. Brinton, Joseph Hill, Jr., 1890 Media, Pa. Brinton, Dr. Lewis, 1882 802 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Brinton, Maurice Jackson, 1892 Christiana, Pa. Bristol, Winifred M., 1897 Picton, Ontario, Canada. Brock, William Cartright, 1914 Box 70, Nantucket, Mass. Brooke, Edward Pleasant, 1902 Oakdale, Md. ; or, District Engineer’s Office, Washington, D. C. Brooke, Edward Thomas, 1903 Sandy Spring, Md. Brooke, Emily Thomas (Mrs. John B. Austin), 1896 Brooke, Katharine Leggett (Mrs. Edward Stone), 1901 Audubon St., Lexington, Mass. Brooke, Robert Haydock, 1891 1419 Harmony St., New Orleans, La. Gen. Supt., Insurance Co. of New Orleans. Brooke, Walter Henry, Jr., 1893 Care of Am. Multigraph Co., Sales Dept., Minneapolis, Minn. Brooke, William Shropshire, 1897 Died May 26, 1913, Asheville, N. C. Brooks, Annie Elizabeth (Mrs. Grevemeyer), 1895 Forrest Hill, Md. 154 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Broomall, Henry Lewis, 1880 Media, Pa. Broomell, Mrs. John Paul (See Ethel Brooke Close, 1905) Broomell, Pauline (Mrs. Charles F. Humpton), 1899 Coatesville, Pa. Brosius, Arthur, 1904 Avondale, Pa. Brosius, Gertrude Coates (Mrs. Coho), 1894 25 Archer Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Brown, Edgar Allen, 1890 Died October 16, 1889, Philadel- phia, Pa. Brown, Mrs. Byron (See Sara Cor- nelia Baylis, 1901) Brown, Ethel Grace (Mrs. Well- ington B. Butler), 1909 720 Penn St., Camden, N. J. Brown, Mrs. Homer (See Caroline B. Angell, 1905) Brown, Martha Jane, 1896 Lincoln, Va. Brown, Mary Parr, 1892 Lincoln, Va. Brown, Samuel Neill, 1891 Deceased. Brown, Theodate Pope, 1892 Lincoln, Va. Brown, Mrs. Thomas Janney (See Elsie Palmer, 1888) Brown, Walter Angus, 1887 1423 Pennsylvania Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. Brown, William Holmes Duvall, 1913 Leesburg, Va. Browning, Charles Ross, 1882 Llewellyn Park, W. Orange, N. J., or Metropolitan Spec. Co., 2026 Lex- ington Ave., New York. Browning, Noah Harrison, 1885 609 Warren St., Hudson, N. Y. With Collier, Collier & Browning. Browning, Paul Babcock, 1914 1099 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Buchanan, Herbert, 1902 2123 N. Twenty-first St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Buck, Clifford Rose, 1895 5025 Knox St... Germantown, Pa., or Bramwell, W. Va. Buckman, Edwin H., 1895 Fallsington, Bucks Co., Pa. Buffington, Walter R., 1894 Deceased. Bullock, Mrs. Finley Highlahd Burns (See Mary Parker Hal- liday Thomas, 1898) Bunting, Anna Miller (Mrs. Mor- gan Bunting), 1880 Box 40, Darby, Pa. Bunting, Edith Caroline, 1912 Swarthmore, Pa. Bunting, George Miller, 1876 112 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa., or 315 Broad St., Chester, Pa. Bunting, Dr. Henry Mulford, 1879 521 Swede St., Norristown, Pa. Bunting, Mrs. Morgan (See Anna Miller Bunting, 1880) Burbank, Robert Abraham, 1893 30 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Burdsall, Ellwood, Jr., 1877 King St., Portchester, N. Y. Burdsall, Richard Howard, 1877 Portchester, N. Y. Burr, Walter Lincoln, 1881 Swarthmore, Pa. Burrough, Irad Cochran, 1895 Deceased. Burt, Blanche Florence, 1911 1336 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bush, George True, 1888 Bellefonte, Pa. Bushong, Mrs. Marvin E. (See Lydia Rakestraw, 1898) Butler, Mrs. Wellington B. (See Grace Ethel Brown, 1909) Bye, Mary Lois, 1912 201 College Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Byerly, Martha Gibson, 1874 Eighth and Spruce Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Housekeeper Pennsylvania Hospital. C Cadwallader, Andrew Whitacre, 1887 483 S. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Cadwallader, Dora (Mrs. Gallag- her), 1882 320 N. Fourth St., Steubenville, Ohio. Cadwallader, John Seymour, 1879 Deceased. Cadwallader, Mrs. J. Augustus (See Laura Elizabeth Parry, 1914) Cadwallader, Mary (Mrs. Lewis Donnally), 1890 Cady, Alice May (Mrs. Clough), 1876 Deceased. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 155 Cain, Raymond William, 1911 2924 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Caldwell, Frank G., 1884 4814 Chester Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Caldwell, Mrs. Frank G. (See Jo- sephine Betts, 1884) Caldwell, Mrs. Samuel Dean (See Hazel Lialette Davis, 1907) Caley, Dr. Joseph M., 1882 1513 Green St., Philadelphia, Pa. Caley, Mary Matlack, 1884 Newtown Square, Pa. Calkins, Hugh Gilman, 1906 Care of Forest Service, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Callender, Herman B., 1898 Lakeville, Conn. Cameron, Warren Melrath, 1916 Nottingham, Pa. Campbell, Charles, 1882 Died, May 6, 1900, Shickshinny, Pa. Canaday, Cora B. (Mrs. Powell), 1908 1125 Jackson St., Anderson, Ind. Canby, Laura, 1876 520 Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. Carpenter, Amy Lee (Mrs. J. Er- nest Lewis), 1910 Eldora, Colo. Carpenter, Howard Haldstead, 1905 Eldora, Colo. Carpenter, Mrs. Howard Hald- stead (See Esther Lewis Rogers, 1905) Carpenter, Margaret Hagan (Mrs. Willets), 1873 16 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Carr, Charles Edmund, 1907 A. B. Indiana Univ., 1905. 917 Boulevard, Bayonne, N. J. Carr, Harry Ashcraft, 1908 111 William St., New York, N. Y. Mgr. Inspection Dept. J. S. Freling- huysen Fire Ins. Co. Carter, Alfred Betz, Special, 1911 Pitman, N. J. Carter, Dorothea May, 1911 4 Hawthorne Place, Montclair, N. J. Carter, Vaulx, 1883 Carver, Miranda Caroline, 1873 Case, Irven Hamilton, 1912 Meagley, Ind. Cass, Alfred Cookman, 1895 11 E. Twenty-fourth St., New York, N. Y. With Charles A. Platt, Archi- tect. Cass, Eleanor Lansing, 1899 500 S. Lansdowne Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Cassell, Howard Neff, 1900 Poteau, Olda. Catlin, Helen Minnie, 1898 1680 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Cavender, Charles M., 1875 Care of Charles R. Miller, Leadville, Colo. Cavender, Mary (Mrs. William Wilcox), 1875 2011 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Cawley, Mary Allen (Mrs. Samuel Nicholson Rhoads), 1892 218 Redman Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. Chabot, Charles Jasper, 1887 San Antonio, Texas. Chadbourne, Anna, 1881 Chaffey, Ruth Laura, 1910 Swarthmore, Pa. Chalfant, Sara Woodward, 1910 East Linden St., Kennett Square, Pa. Chambers, Caleb E., 1903 Chatham, Pa. Chambers, Mrs. David J. (See Anna Thomas Lippincott, 1889) Chambers, John Howard, 1877 Fifty-third and Media Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa. Chambers, Dr. John Paul, 1878 5300 Media St., W. Philadelphia, Pa. Chambers, Simon Bernard, 1877 1506 N. Fifty-second St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Chandlee, Eliza (Mrs. Platts), 1877 Haverford, Pa. Chandlee, Dr. Henry, 1873 1013 Linden Ave., Baltimore, Md., or Still Pond, Md. Chandlee, Lucy (Mrs. Horace B. Forman, Jr.), 1889 Deceased. Chapin, Mabel Louise, 1912 519 Stanton Place, Washington, D. C. Chapman, Mrs. A. Wright (Grace W. Stevenson), 1896 55 Pineapple St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Chapman, Paschall Hall, 1901 Died 1899. Chase, Richard Carony, 1897 77 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio. Cheairs, Helen Price (Mrs. Syl- vester Townsend), 1898 2104 Bayard Ave., Wilmington, Del. 156 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Christian, Mrs. (See Julia Etta Eves, 1887) Churchman, Philip Quigley, 1885 8B2 Market St., Wilmington, Del. Clark, Mrs. (See Mary Ella Weeks, 1887) Clark, Bessie P. (Mrs. Donald Campbell M. Clark), 1881 Died about 1896, Bangor, Me. Clark, Bouic Louis, 1896 Sligo, Md. Clark, Frank David, 1894 71 N. Main St., Chambersburg, Pa. Clark, Ida (Mrs. Edward Y. Kane), 1878 715 Lincoln Drive, Germantown, Pa. Clark, Laura J., 1883 Deceased. Clark, Mary T. (Mrs. Charles Carroll Marden), 1897 2416 Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. Clark, Mortimer, 1888 Bradford, Pa. Clarke, William Hall, 1880 Clayton, Samuel Lodge, 3882 Deceased, 1907, Chester, Pa. Cleaver, Horace Jones, 1908 Ardmore, Pa. Clifford, Frank Daniel, 1906 Jenkintown, Pa., or 35-45 N. Thir- teenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Real Estate and Insurance. Cline, George A., 1883 Close, Ethel Brooke (Mrs. John Paul Broomell), 1905 No. 6 Riverview Terrace, New York, N. Y. Clothier, Elizabeth Jackson (Mrs. Thomas H. Powers Sailer), 1888 Englewood, N. J. Clothier, Lydia Biddle (Mrs. John R. Maxwell), 1900 Villa Nova, Pa. Clothier, Mary Jackson (Mrs. Wil- liam E. Hyle), 1887 Wynnewood, Pa. Clothier, William Jackson, 1903 Wynnewood, Pa. Cloud, Mrs. E. P. (See Roselda Kester, 1881) Cloud, Rhoda May, 1916 Boothwyn, Pa. Clough, Mrs. (See Alice May Cady, 1876) Coale, James Sutton, 1891 Riverton, N. J., or care of J. P. Thomas & Son Co., 2 S. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Cochran, George Thomas, 1892 111 N. Alfred St., Alexandria, Va. Cochran, Mrs. Helen Scudder, Spe- cial, 1908-09 Died April 12, 1914, in Swarth- more, Pa. Cochran, Joseph Donaghe, 1885 Cock, Alice H. (Mrs. Shannon Evarts), 1886 Windsor, Vt. v Cocks, Elizabeth Hicks (Mrs. George A. Thayer), 1886. Box 146, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y. Cocks, Mary Ann, 1880 Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. Cocks, William Bull, 1906 Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. Cocks, William Willets, 1881 Westbury, L. I., N. Y. Coho, Mrs. (See Gertrude Coates Brosius, 1894) Cole, Emma Adele (Mrs. Louis Jackson), 1887 901 Adella Ave., Coronado, Cal. Coker, Jennie (Mrs. Duncan Gay), 1900 Redding, Conn. Coles, Henry Braid, 1892 224 E. Main St., Moorestown, N. J. Coles, John Woolston, 1900 1138 Real Estate Trust Bldg., Phila- delphia, Pa. Coles, Joseph Heuling, 1898 Care of Isaac W. Coles, Camden, N. J. Coles, Margaret (Mrs. Allen), 1884 Woodstown, N. J. Coles, Mrs. (See Sallie Emma Pan- coast, 1878) Coles, Mrs. William C. (See Mary P. Wilkinson, 1890) Collins, Mrs. (See Anna Holstein Johnson), 1888 Collins, Bessie Coles, 1914 Moorestown, N. J. Collins, Harold Levi, 1914 Moorestown, N. J. Collins, Lester, 1900 Moorestown, N. J. Collins, Sarah Ethel, 1915 Moorestown, N. J. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 157 Collins, William James, 1886 Columbia City, Ind. Colson, Sarah Ann, 1901 R. F. D., No. 3, Elmer, N. J. Colt, Howard Frederick, 1910 9214 Houston Ave., Chicago, HI. Rodm'an C. & W. I. R. R. Colton, James Zearing, 1912 3600 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Comfort, Mrs. Charles W. (See Matilda Bedell, 1876) Comfort, Georgiana, 1876 Comly, Mrs. (See Elizabeth Har- mer, 1882) Comly, Harold Iredell, 1905 Horsham, Pa. Comly, Mary, 1909 Woodstown, N. J. Condo, Archibald Allison, 1914 Howard, Pa. Connelly, Mary Hora, 1882 Rahway, N. J. Conrad, Mrs. William Yerkes (See Elizabeth Haldeman West, 1891) Conrow, Alfred Thornton, 1887 Care of Joseph D. Conrow, 4218 Chester Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Conrow, George Eckelton Barber, 1874 Deceased. Conrow, Hannah A. (Mrs. Wil- liams), 1881 Deceased. Conrow, Howard F., 1880 Deceased. Conrow, Mrs. Howard (See Eliza- beth Biddle, 1880) Conrow, Joseph Darnell, 1873 372 Spring Road, Elgin, 111. Conrow, Mary West, 1907 Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo Co.. Cal. Conrow, Nathan Herbert, 1886 Cinnaminson, N. J. Conrow, Roland, 1893 Deceased. Conrow, Sarah Engle (Mrs. Thomas), 1886 Moorestown, N. J. Conrow, William Henry, 1875 Deceased. Coogan, John Joseph, Jr. Philadelphia, Pa. Student Drexel Institute. Cook, George Earle, 1895 Olney, Md., or Sandy Spring, Md. Cooke, Samuel Boone, 1875 1613 Thirtieth St., Washington, D. C. Cooper, Anne Roberts, 1894 Deceased. Cope, Caleb Frederick, 1888 1710 N. Fifty-second St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Corle, Salome Beck, 1912 1626 N. Fifty-second St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Corlies, Sara Roxy (Mrs. Trainer), 1901 695 Jackson St., Media, Pa. Cornell, A. Jennie, 1884 Fifth and Race Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher in Friends’ Central School. Cornell, Margery Kirk (Mrs. Wat- son H. Magill), 1910 Tenth and Oak Lane Sts., Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Corse, Mrs. (See Sarah H. Mat- thews, 1880) Corson, Alice Vincent, 1897 Care of John J. Corson, Cor. Main and Cherry Sts., Norristown, Pa. Corson, Dorothy Hiester, 1912 31 W. Main St., Norristown, Pa. Cowgill, Alice Clark, 1875 Dover, Del. Cox, Charles B., 1881 Pt. Washington, N. Y. Cox, Ed., 1914 320 N. Seventeenth St., Richmond, Ind. Cox, Mrs. Edmund Van Dyke (See Katharine D. Frame, 1879) Cox, John Roberts, 1898 Deceased. Cox, Mrs. John S. (See Minnie Franklin, 1884) Craft, Mabel Louise, 1915 630 W. State St., Trenton, N. J. Craig, Margaret, 1905 Saratoga Cure, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Supt. Saratoga Cure and Infimary. Cranston, Helen Armstrong, 1901 Newport, Del. Cranston, Mrs. Joseph M. (See Elizabeth H. Barnard, 1879) Cranor, Mrs. Henry D. (See Abbie Conrad Jones, 1878) Crawford, Robert Jones, 1898 Died 1895. Crewitt, Alfred B., 1904 Died Newton, Pa. Crewitt, John Aubrey, 1910 Newtown, Pa., or 113 S. Thirty-sev- enth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Crisfield, Caroline Martin, 1891 Wyanflete School, Portland, Me. 158 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Croasdale, Annie L. (Mrs. Croas- dale), 1891 Norristown, Pa. Croasdale, Ethel Anna (Mrs. Harry F. Rieser), 1909 W. Leesport, Pa. Cromwell, Albert, 1873 Crounse, Nettie (Mrs. Henry Z. Weissert), 1894 84 Bloomfield Ave., Passaic, N. J. Crowe, John Harold, 1906 140 Morgantown St., Uniontown, Pa. Crowell, Wilmer Gardiner, 1906 338 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Cubbison, Mrs. Lieut. Donald G. (See Lucile Abrams, 1906) Cummins, Elsie Anna, 1913 120 W. Union St., West Chester, Pa. Curtiss, Arthur David, 1906 Curtiss, Mary Louise, 1896 1732 Twenty-first St., N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. Curtiss, William Wooster, 1898 3642 Eleventh St., N. W., Washing- ton, D. C. Civil engineer. Cutler, Anna M. (Mrs. Hallowell), 1884 Hallowell P. O., Mont. Co., Pa. Cutler, Arietta (Mrs. Charles Palmer), 1895 Box 218, or 630 E. Sixteenth St., Chester, Pa. Cutler, Chester, 1901 Johnson City, Tenn. Care of C. C. & O. Offices. Cutler, Edith Hannah (Mrs. Heller), 1888 Millville, Pa. Cutler, Elveretta (Mrs. Clarence B. Yail), 1901 30 Norwood Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Cypher, Mrs. George A. (See Myra Genevieve Abrams, 1904) D Dagen, Mrs. (See Emma Thomas, 1897) Dale, Mrs. F. C. (See Francenia Haines, 1879) Dallett, Elijah James, 1881 613 Crozer Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Dallett, Elizabeth Hemphill, 1881 West Chester, Pa. Dalton, Mary Anna, 1914 1601 Providence Ave., Chester, Pa. Dana, Anna Emeline, 1914 Jenks, Pa. Daniels, Mrs. (See Annie Mary Lukens, 1874) Darling, Mrs. Elmer H. (See Clara Alicia Paul, 1893) Darlington, Alice Lea, 1874 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Darlington, Anna S. (Mrs. Walter Styer), 1887 Woodbourne, Pa. Darlington, Charles Palmer, 1885 Deceased. Darlington, E. Dillwyn, 1878 Deceased. Darlington, Ethel, 1895 Westtown, Pa. (?) * Darlington, Mrs. Jared W. (See Mary Sharpies, 1898) Darlington, Jessie, 1906 Media, Pa. Darlington, Margaret S. (Mrs. Ernest C. Quigley), 1904 St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s, Kans. Darnall, Lew Wallace, 1911 Died November 29, 1910, Philadel- phia, Pa. Darnell, Mary Eunice (Mrs. Mar- vin S. Mitchell), 1907 423 Riverside Ave., Wellsville, Ohio. Davidson, Effie, 1886 Davis, Annie, 1891 Davis, Edward Nathan Grimm, 1903 Newtown Square, Pa. Davis, Emilie Yocum, 1888 W. Conshohocken, Pa. Davis, Hazel Lialette (Mrs. Sam- uel Dean Caldwell), 1907 Bethesda, Md. Davis, Helen Watson, 1913 Shiloh, N. J. Davis, James Keemer, 1902 Selins Grove, Pa. (?) Davis, Lewis Ketcham, 1890 707 Empire Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Davis, Susie Merrill, 1891 Davis, Walter Eugene, 1892 Deceased. Davison, Thomas, 1895 4 Dawe, Jessie Maud, 1916 Pawling, N. Y. Dawson, Anne Baily, 1890 Uniontown, Pa. Day, Anna, 1881 10 College St., New Haven, Conn. Day, De Lancey Wells, 1896 Pylesville, Md. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 159 Day, Margery Isabel (Mrs. Harry Telford Cubberly), 1912 6388 Woodbine Ave., Overbrook, Pa. Day, William L., 1907 Swarthmore, Pa. Deacon, Anna H., 1881 Mt. Holly, N. J. Deacon, George Hartley, 1878 School Lane, Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa. Teacher in German- town Academy. Deacon, Joseph T., 1874 Mt. Holly, N. J. (?) deArmond, Mrs. James Keyser (See Emily Janney, 1904) DeBow, Robert Garrett, 1909 989 N. Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Decker, Helen Coolbaugh, 1914 203 Washington St., E. Stroudsburg, Pa. De Cou, Clayton Lippincott, 1896 R. F. D., Moorestown, Pa. De Cou, Joseph, 1896 Trenton Junction, N. J. De Cou, Rachel Lippincott (Mrs. Harry E. Herr), 1891 Moorestown, N. J. De Laughter, Mrs. Joseph Walter (See Nellie McCreary, 1895) Dell, Josephine (Mrs. William Griscom), 1881 33 Sycamore Ave., Plainfield, N. J. De Normandie, Myra, 1884 Deceased. Denton, Grace (Mrs. James Henry Pinckney), 1906 New Hyde Park, L. I., N. Y. De Puy, Alice Almeda, 1912 1610 Seventh St., Des Moines, Iowa. Derr, Mrs. (See Clara Stauffer Keely, 1895) Derrick, Leslie C., 1900 Prescott, Ariz. Ass’t Cashier Pres- cott National Bank. De Schweinetz, Mrs. (See Ellen Lord, 1875) Detrick, Ann Eliza, 1880 104 E. Biddle St., Baltimore, Md. Detrick, Louis Frederick, 1910 Meadow Farm, Glencoe, Md. Detrick, William Henry, 1880 Ruxton, Baltimore Co., Md., or Equitable Bldg., Baltimore, Md. With A. A. C. Co. Dewees, Arthur Markley, 1903 800 Reservoir St., Baltimore, Md. Gen. Sec’y Baltimore Yearly Meet- ■ ing. Dibert, Grant, 1891 Stanton and McCandles Aves., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Dice, Elizabeth M., 1906 Deceased. Dick, Mrs. H. Lennox H. (See Rebecca Verlenden, 1910) Dickinson, David Knox, 1890 511 Washington Ave., Wilmette, 111. Dickinson, Mrs. George C. (See Mary C. Hibbard, 1883) Dickinson, Joseph Haines, 1888 79 Midland Ave., Montclair, N. J. Dickinson, Mahlon Haines, 2d, 1893 1524 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dickinson, Merian Haines, 1905 Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Wash. With Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. Dickson, Luna Horton (Mrs. Ed- ward N. MacMillan), 1902 5026 Pine St., W. Philadelphia, Pa. Dill, Frank Eugene, 1892 Deceased. Dill, Ralph Judson, 1908 Care of St. S. Eckels Chemical Co., 1922 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Traveling salesman in Ind., 111., Ohio. Dill, William Russell, 1884 Richmond, Ind. Dillistin, Hazel Barbara, 1906 732 E. Twenty-third St., Paterson, N. J. Dillistin, Walter White, 1912 Died April 2, 1910, Paterson, N. J. Dilworth, Dwight Paterson, 1896 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Kans. Dilworth, Frederick B., 1887 Died December 4, 1886, Swarthmore,- Pa. Dixon, Mrs. Isaac (See Elizabeth White, 1884) Dixon, Laura Lee (Mrs. W. P. Norris), 1889 Easton, Md. Dixon, Mary Garrett (Mrs. J. Kemp Bartlett), 1885 2100 Mt. Royal Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Dixon, Roberta Bartlett (Mrs. A. Mitchell Palmer) 1892 Stroudsburg, Pa. Dixon, William Amoss, 1895 Care of Dixon, Bartlett & Co., 1806 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. Dixon, Mrs. William Amoss (See Emma S. Needles, 1882) Dodge, Caroline Louise, 1887 328 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. 160 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Doeg, Ida Hope, 1894 Donnally, Mrs. Lewis (Mary Cad- wallader), 1890 Donohugh, Thomas Smith, 1895 LL.B. Univ. of Pa. Meerut, India. Missionary. Donohugh, William Lincoln, 1892 1923 New England Ave., Los An- geles, Cal. Dorsey, Frances, 1879 Deceased. Dowdall, Lillie J., 1884 Avondale, Pa. Dowdall, William Francis, 1884 Died April 24, 1909. Downing, Dr. Henry M., 1883 Died Jan. 21, 1909, West Chester, Pa. Dryden, Ruth Holmes (Mrs. Her- bert Kendall), 1908 Tremont, Neb. Dudley, James Lawrence, 1891 527 Tenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Duffield, Orville Strang, 1904 New Brunswick, N. J. Duncan, Anna Keturah, 1899 1719 E. Colorado St., Pasadena, Cal. Duncan, Lydia Frances, 1880 Deceased. Dunham, Mrs. (See Martha Lee Harman, 1894) Dunn, Henry Waddington, 1916 645 W. Eleventh St., Long Beach, Cal. Student at Univ. of Cali- fornia. Dunn, Norman C., 1900 4631 Kingsessing Ave. (Resid.) or 4520 Baltimore Ave., Philadel- phia, Pa. Dunnell, Elizabeth Hartland, 1904 418 W. 118th St., New York, N. Y. Dunning, Caroline Josephine, 1885 138 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Durnall, Charles Roberts, 1902 Swarthmore, Pa. Durnall, Pauline May, 1907 Swarthmore, Pa. Dutscher, Mrs. John (See Helen Willets, 1890) Dutton, Mrs. (See Mary Anna Tyler, 1888) E Earle, Alice, 1873 Earle, Arthur H., 1884 Earle, Mrs. George H. (See Cath- arine Hansell French, 1879) Eastburn, Arthur Moses, 1909 Doylestown, Pa. Eastburn, Sara Palmer, 1913 Lahaska, Pa. Eavenson, Susan Bean, 1915 Masonville, N. J. Eckstein, Norma, 1902 318 E. Huntington St., Savannah, Ga. Eckstein, Viola, 1901 225 E. Sixty-third St., New York, N. Y. Asst. Supt. Clara de Hirsch Home for Working Girls. Edel, Augusta Cacilia (Mrs. Claude Gilbert), 1899 605 Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. Eggleston, Mrs. (See Ray Sloan, 1876) Elder, Genevieve Clifford (Mrs. Jowett), 1891 “The Arlington Apartments,” 508 W. 113th St., New York, N. Y. Elder, George R., 1882 Easton, Pa. With Ingersoll, Ser- geant Drill Co. Elfreth, Anna Elizabeth, 1905 Care of 19 Times Bldg., Chicago, 111. Ekins, Ethelbert, 1888 Died, 1909, Mexico City, Mexico. Elkins, William Lukens, 1886 Deceased. Elliott, Beulah Thomas, 1914 A.B. Univ. of Iowa, 1914. West Liberty, Iowa. Elliott, Warren, 1913 Died, September 7, 1910, Marquette, Mich. Ellis, Mrs. Thomas Biddle (See Emily Quimby Atkinson, 1894) Elwell, Alice, 1908 86 W. Laurel St., Bridgeton, N. J. Ely, Sallie Wilhelmina, 1878 Lambertville, N. J. Ely, Mrs. Eugene (See Mary B. Mulford, 1876) Ely, Mrs. Warren Smedley (See Hanna Smith Michener, 1878) Emerson, William S., 1882. 136 and 138 S. Fourth St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Enders, Leila, 1911 Queen Anne Road, Ridgefield Park, N. J. Endicott, Minnie Bradford, 1912 Merion, Pa. Engle, Mrs. Christian (See Mabel G. Miller, 1898) REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 161 Ennis, Harold Ellsworth, 1911 Georgetown, British Guiana. Repre- sentative of West India Oil Co., of British Guiana. Entriken, Samuel John, 1895 Route 3, Spring City, Pa. Essig, George Sturges, 1896 1700 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Evans, Alfred Nathan, 1913 Masonville. N. J. Evans, Clara, 1890 Columbus, N. J. Evans, Cyrus Earl, 1916 Collingdale, Pa. Evans, David, 1875 Waynesville, Ohio. Evans, George Brinnen, 1900 Moorestown, N. J. Evans, Gwendolen, 1911 Gwynedd Valley, Hoyt P. O., Pa. Evans, Mrs. William S. (See Helen Idelle Rogers, 1902) Evarts, Mrs. Shannon (See Alice H. Cock, 1886) Eves, Bessie Hawkins (Mrs. Mus- selman), 1898 Gettysburg, Pa. Eves, Frank Cleo, 1905 Millville, Pa. Eves, Julia Etta (Mrs. Christian), 1887 Millville, Pa. Ewart, Mrs. Ralph (See Mary L. Hoopes, 1907) Eyre, Clarence Preston, 1876 Woodbury, N. J. F Fairlamb, Harry Gardiner, 1916 Brandywine Summit, Pa. Fairlamb, Joseph Maris, 1874 Deceased. Farley, Helen Marot (Mrs. Thorn- ton W. Price), 1915 519 Burnham Road, Elizabeth, N. J. Farley, Nellie Rose, 1914 300 Lake St., Bellingham, Wash. Farley, Robert Howard, 1909 M.D. Hering Homeopathic Medical Coll., Chicago, 111. 1300 S. Division Ave., Spokane, Wash. Farley, Mrs. Robert (See Alice Paxson Malone, 1909) Farley, Walter Shoemaker, 1915 224 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Student at State College, Pa. 11 Farley, Wilford Garrett, 1912 1011 Fourth Ave., Asbury Park, N. J. Farquhar, Henry Hallowell, 1908 Missoula, Mont. Government For- ester. Farson, Henry Clay, Jr., 1909 363 Grove St., Upper Montclair, N. J. Telephone Equipment. Faust, Marion Murdock, 1914 Merion, Pa. Fawcett, Mrs. (See Charlotte Overend, 1903) Felch, Mrs. (See Elsie Jane Stephens, 1892) Fell, Emma Trego, 1902 1534 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Fell, Mrs. William (See Sara S. Haines, 1901) Fell, Robert Newlin, 1892 Ogontz, Pa., or 518 Ludlow St., Philadelphia, Pa. Felter, Mrs. (See Elizabeth H. Smith, 1899) Fennimore, Henry Deacon, 1881 Lumberton, N. ,T. (?) Ferris, Mrs. George F. (See Louise C. Wood, 1883) Field, Charles Cromwell, 1881 158 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Field, Fannie Ellis (Mrs. Henry E. Griffin), 1875 37 Brevoort Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Field, Phebe Anna, 1873 Port Chester, N. Y. Field, William D. Cromwell, 1880 224 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Fink, Mrs. (See Ada Byron Pan- coast, 1875) Fisher, Elmer Owen, 1897 Fisher, Helen F., 1911 Central Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Fisher, William Penn, 1885 Cor. Wash. St. and Hillside Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J. Fleming, Kathrine Dickey (Mrs. William Gibson Hutchinson), 1912, Special. New London, Pa. Flick, Edward, 1914 Box 714, Oklahoma City, Okla. Flitcraft, Laurence, 1904 609 Maple Ave., Oak Park, 111. Flitcraft, Roland Bruce, 1900 313 Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park, 111., or Majestic Theater Bldg., Chi- cago. With Illinois Life Insur- ance Co. 162 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Flomenhaft, Max, 1913 1737 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Flower, Jewell, 1894 Fogg, Mrs. (See Sarah Ware Powell, 1877) Fogle, Mrs. Bert J. (See Mary Jean Francy, 1901) Fooks, Charles E., 1896 Deceased. Force, Norman Louis, 1913 1840 N. Sixteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Forman, Emma Idalene (Mrs. Charles M. Tyson), 1887 Kitchawan, N. Y. Forman, Mrs. Horace B. (See Lucy Chandlee, 1889) Forman, Mary Margaret, 1915 614 N. Iowa Ave., Washington, Iowa. Forsythe, Anna Stillwell, 1884 Deceased. Foulke, Mrs. Joseph (See Laura Lydia Lippincott, 1888) Foulke, Maria McCulley, 1895 Highland Dell House, Stroudsburg, Pa. Fox, Mrs. (See Ida Y. Phillips, 1883) Fowler, Clara Keen (Mrs. Louis m Thompson), 1906 35 Douglas Road, Glen Ridge, N. J. Fowler, George R., 1884 Cienfuegos, Cuba. Frame, Emlen P., 1884 790 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Frame, Katharine Davis (Mrs. Edmund Van Dyke Cox), 1879 339 Sanford Ave., Flushing, N. Y. France, Abbott Wesley, 1916 1419 Chestnut St. Chester, Pa. Francy, Mary Jean (Mrs. Bert J. Fogle), 1901 A.B. Washington College, 1900. Toronto, Ohio. Franklin, Minnie (Mrs. John S. Cox, 1884) 837 Potomac Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Franklin, Joseph Frederick, 1877 Deceased. Frantz, Howard Remsen, 1910 504 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, Del. Freedley, Mrs. Paul (See Mar- garet C. Hall, 1910) Freeman, Elisha, 1892 Orchard Park, N. Y. Freeman, George Clendenin, 1896 Res. 5436 Greene St., Germantown, Pa. Office, 1200 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Freeman, Margaret May (Mrs. S. W. Stickney), 1891 94 Normal Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Freemont, Henrietta Read Bancroft, Neb. (?) French, Catharine Hansell (Mrs. George H. Earle, Jr.), 1879 1714 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., or Bryn Mawr, Pa. French, Margaret Bavington, 1881 1817 N. Eighteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. French, Samuel Harrison, 1881 Deceased. Fridenberg, Eugene L., 1882 Deceased. Fronfield, Marion, 1910 200 N. Jackson St., Media, Pa. Fry, Mrs. Horace P. (See Lucre- tia M. Gaskill, 1898) Fuqua, Ferd Oliver, 1909 Ingalls, Ind. • Furnas, Anna D. (Mrs. Elias Blackburn), 1880 Fishertown, Pa. G Gansman, Hilda, 1902 2311 Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Gaddis, Mrs. Cyrus I. (See Daisy A. Inglis, 1894) Gallagher, Mrs. (See Dora Cad- wallader, 1882) Gallagher, Esther Cadwallader, 1905 320 N. Fourth St., Steubenville, Ohio. Garber, John H., 1907 Deceased. Ridley Park, Pa. Garesche, Louis, 1896 Moorestown, N. J. Garey, Lena Rebecca, 1912 Gay St., Denton, Md. Garey, Vashti Louise, 1912 Gay St., Denton, Md. Garretson, Davis Rogers, 1908 Friendswoods, Tex. Farmer. Garrett, Albert Nicholson, 1904 Swarthmore, Pa. Garrett, Mrs. Arthur H. J. (See Elizabeth Josephine Pusey, 1886) Garrett, Emilie Cleveland (See Mrs. R. Spottswood Pollard, 1893) REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 163 Garrett, Susanna Miller (Mrs. Philip Sellers), 1894 McKinley Ave., Westville, New Haven, Conn. Garrison, Walter Sherman, 1910 Cedarville, N. J. Garwood, Justice Pitman, 1914 747 N. Manton Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Fire Insurance. Gaskill, Lucretia Mott (Mrs. Horace P. Pry), 1898 4806 Regent St., Philadelphia, Pa. Gaskill, Mary Naomi, 1887 Swarthmore, Pa. Gaston, Agnes (Mrs. W. G. Law- son), 1883 148 Sumac St., Wissahickon, Pa. Gates, John Miller, 1902 Res. 1955 Locust St.; Bus. Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Gauntt, Maud Halcyon (Mrs. Wil- liam Mann), 1891 Deceased. Gawthrop, Annie, 1882 Swarthmore, Pa. Gawthrop, Edith N., 1882 Swarthmore, Pa. Gawthrop, Evan B., 1882 West Grove, Pa. Gay, Mrs. Duncan (See Jennie Coker, 1900) Geddes, Frank Bramwell Rose, 1905 135 Prospect Park, West, Brooklyn, N. Y. Gee, Walter Still, 1907 67 W. Washington Lane, German- town, Pa. With Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery, Accountants, Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Gesner, Mrs. Thomas H. (See Myra W. Leedom, 1882) Gideon, Marjorie Malvine, 1914 4518 Osage Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Giesecke, Mrs. (See Agnes Smed- ley, 1905) Gifford, Mrs. Albert (See Mattie A. Baker, 1884) Gilbert, Mrs. Claude (See Augusta Cacilia Edel, 1899) Gildersleeve, Mrs. (See Kate C. Thomas, 1889) Gilkyson, Anna Elizabeth, 1911 Phcenixville, Pa. Gilkyson, Hamilton Henry, 1905 Phcenixville, Pa. Gill, Earnest Adams, 1899 Govanstown, Baltimore, Md. Gill, Mrs. Harry Blair (See Re- becca Evans Simmons, 1888) Gillingham, Elizabeth L., 1901 Moorestown, N. J. Gillis, Herman Donald, 1914 823 W. Quartz St., Butte, Mont. Gilmore, Jay Campbell, 1911 Ridley Park, Pa. Gilpin, Charles Edward, 1894 Haverford, Pa. Graduate of Naval Academy. Ginsburg, Elizabeth, 1908 Gleim, Anna Cooke, 1878 524 S. Lansdowne Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Gleim, Charlotte Isadore (Mrs. Robert C. Wish), 1885 1006 Council Crest Drive, Portland, Ore. Goehring, Francis Rudolph, 1913 2841 Diamond St., Philadelphia, Pa. Goldsborough, Thaddeus Reamy, 1912 Gomez, Gustavo, 1899 Managua, Nicaraugua. Good, Hattie Arline, 1913 Havre de Grace, Md. Goodrich, Joseph Vowles, 1896 Waynesville, N. C. With Waynes- ville Book Co. Goodrich, Nellie Harper 207 S. Forty-second St., Philadelphia, Pa. Post-Grad. A.B. Wellesley, 1907. Gordon, Loy Gordon, 1915 Waynesboro, Pa. Gossler, Katherine (Mrs. Fon Der Smith), 1884 Wrightsville, Pa. Gould, Ada C. (Mrs. Winfred Quigley), 1883 Elsmere, Del. Gould, Rebekah Wright (Mrs. Bernard Gilpin Smith), 1878 Berkley, Md. Gould, Zoe, 1880 Deceased. Gozdzicki, Henry Roman, 1916 206 Poplar St., Wilmington, Del. Greason, Ralph, 1892 Deming, N. Mex. Ticket-agent, with Southern Pacific . Co. Green, Mrs. (See Lydia L. Han- cock, 1875) Green, Lydia Reece, 1912 615 N. Chester Rd., Swarthmore, Pa. Green, Katharine Maud (Mrs. W, J. Seeley), 1897 Salt Lake City, Utah. 164 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Green, Malcolm MacKenzie, 1914 604 W. Seventh St., Chester, Pa. Green, Mrs. Robert P. (See Lydia D. Reece, 1881) Green, Sabina Knox, 1898 Deceased. Green, Samuel Pennock, 1897 Kennett Square, Pa. Green, Mrs. Samuel S. (See Mary Goldsmith Proctor, 1874) Greer, Annie N., 1884 Gridley, Maude Lavinia (Mrs. A. E. Peterson, 1896) South Coventry, Conn. Grier, R. Henry, 1884 Salem, N. J. Griest, Elizabeth, 1891 Guernsey, Pa. Griest, Ella Martha (Mrs. Prick- ett), 1886 Flora Dale, Pa. Griest, George Whittier, 1914 208 S. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Griest, Mrs. George Whittier (See Mabel M. Richards), ex. -’15 Griest, Mrs. Thomas H. (See Mary Cooper Johnson, 1902) Griffen, Anna Titus Valentine (Mrs. Richard Lawrence Walker), 1874 252 Cambridge St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Griffen, Elizabeth Valentine (Mrs. Jos. S. Haviland), 1875 Forest Heights, New Rochelle, N. Y. Griffen, Jennie Haydock (Mrs. Raymond Roberts), 1873 Glen Ridge, N. J. Griffen, Walter Haydock, 1875 Deceased. Griffin, Mrs. Henry E. (See Fan- nie Ellis Field, 1875) Griffin, William E., 1889 Santa Fe, N. Mex. Griscom, Grace Mary, 1911 400 Harrison St., Pottsville, Pa. Griscom, Lydia, 1895 Woodbury, N. J. Griscom, Mrs. William (See Jose- phine Dell, 1881) Groot, Jane D. (Mrs. Brann), 1896 Springfield, S. D. Grover, Ralph Waldo, 1877 Deceased. Grubb, Mrs. (See Mary E. Trim- ble, 1883) Grumbine, Lucy C., 1900 Titusville, Pa. Grundy, Joseph R., 1883 108 S. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. Guilford, Elizabeth Gleim (Mrs. John L. Priestley, 1893) 816 Ivy St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Gunby, Charlotte (Mrs. William Rule, Jr.), 1906 1648 Cheech Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Gunderson, Grace Alberta, 1912 181 Pierce St., Pierre, S. Dak. Gutelius, Catherine Sarah (Mrs. Samuel Eastburn Phipps), 1913 Ward, Pa. Gutelius, Samuel Jones, 1910 110 E. Sixteenth St., New York, N. Y. Guthrie, Mrs. Edward M. (See Ella B. Porter, 1884) Gutman, Carrie Elder (Mrs. Mo- ses), 1895 1803 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. H Hadley, Evelyn Isabella, 1905 Santa Barbara, Cal. Hagerty, Sadie, 1909 153 S. Main St., Phillipsburg, N. J. Haight, L. Louisa, 1896 5658 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Haines, Elma Laura, 1906 1712 Green St., Philadelphia, Pa. Haines, Francenia (Mrs. F. C. Dale), 1879 404 Park St., Pacific Grove, Cal. Haines, Hannah Williams (Mrs. Michener), 1893 235 E. Jefferson St., Media, Pa. Haines, Harry Isaac, 1894 Coatesville, Pa. Haines, Mabel Lawrence, 1895 1628 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Haines, Mabel Borden (Mrs. Os- car B. Redrow), 1903 Wenonah, N. J. Haines, Parry, 1878 Haines, Dr. Roland Louis, 1888 300 Kaighn Ave., Camden, N. J. Haines, Sara Shoemaker (Mrs. William Fell), 1901 445 Winona Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Haines, Seaman Willets, 1879 Chula Vista, Cal. Orchardist. Haldeman, Clara B. (Mrs. Joel Frazier Boanie), 1898 517 W. Ormsby Ave., Louisville, Ky. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 165 Halkett, Adelaide Bruce (Mrs. Freeman Kershaw, Jr.), 1906 100 Delmar Ave., Ridley Park, Pa. Hall, Albert Paxson, 1902 West Chester, Pa. Sporting Editor West Chester “Star.” Hall, Mrs. (See Sara Johnson, 1882) Hall, Annette (Mrs. Clarence Lan- ning), 1897 329 Hansbury St., Germantown, Pa. Hall, Estelle (Mrs. Allen Speak- man), 1878 Claymont, Del. Hall, Mrs. F. Irving, (See Sarah P. Hunt, 1906) Hall, Margaret Caroline (Mrs. Paul Freedley), 1910 Swarthmore, Pa. Hall, Samuel Warren, 1897 St. Davids, Pa. In Bond Dept., Parrish & Co., 1500 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hall, Mrs. Samuel Warren (See M. Gertrude Scott, 1896) Hallock, Mrs. (See Caroline M. Angell, 1883) Hallock, Ralph Ellwood, 1911 39 Willow Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Hallowell, Anna (Mrs. Penrose), 1884 Neshaminy, Pa. Hallowell, Mrs. (See Anna M. Cutler, 1884) Hallowell, Caroline (Mrs. William P. Worth), 1879 Coatesville, Pa. Hallowell, Edith, 1880 Deceased. Hallowell, Elizabeth (Mrs. Clar- ence B. Hoadley), 1883 1638 Formosa Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Hallowell, Mary Ashbridge (Mrs. John Howard Sibbald), 1878 Fox Chase, Pa. Hallowell, William Penrose, 1884 401 First Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Hallowell, William S., 1877 3305 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bus. Add. Harrison Safety Boiler Works, Seventeenth St. and Alle- gheny Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. Hamlin, Mrs. William (See Ele- anor Mulford, 1878) Hanan, Mrs. Addison G. (See Lillian Josephine McDowell, 1899) Hancock, Lydia Lippincott (Mrs. Green), 1875 Deceased. Hannum, Mary Agnes (Mrs. J. Robert Anderson), 1915 6140 Catherine St., W. Philadelphia, Pa. Harbaugh, Annie Sophia (Mrs. Strobel), 1885 1537 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Harbaugh, Sophronia Elizabeth (Mrs. William Stanton), 1876 “Grace Hill,” Pasadena, Cal. Harcourt, Ralph Eldridge, 1911 Longport, N. J. Mayor of Longport. Hardy, Solomon Frank, 1910 Pendleton, Ind. Harley, Fannie Maugle, 1902 Died November 5, 1913, Saranac Lake, N. Y. Harman, Martha Lee (Mrs. Dun- ham), 1894 Harmer, Elizabeth (Mrs. Comly), 1882 Horsham, Pa. Harold, Edward Byron, 1911 122 Johnson Ave., Kearny, N. J. LL.B. Yale Univ., 1912. Harper, Esther, 1883 Fox Chase, Philadelphia, Pa. Harper, Mrs. Harry L. (See Clara Satterfield, 1881) Harper, John Krause, 1900 5901 Elmwood Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Harrah, Bernardo de Souza Frank, 1879 A.B. Univ. of Pa., 1880. Died January 23, 1883, Philadelphia, Pa. Harrison, Annie P. (Mrs. Baker), 1875 Deceased. Harrison, Ellwood Garrett, 1895 Deceased. Harrison, Marks Montifore, 1908 Care of Jos. H. Harrison & Co., 517-20 Symes Bldg., Denver, Colo. Hart, Anna Ethel, 1914 344 N. Lansdowne Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Hart, Edward William, 1893 1444 N. Fifty-seventh St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Hartley, Frances Elvira (Mrs. Daniel N. Shoemaker), 1891 82 Eastern Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Harvey, Annie Leworthy, 1912 Moorestown, N. J. 166 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Harvey, Thomas Ellis, 1892 Columbus, N. J. Haslam, Katie (Mrs. Williams), 1881 Atglen, Chester Co., Pa. Hatch, Charles Edward Lex, 1878 Hamilton Court, Thirty-ninth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. With Merchants’ Nat’l Bank. Hathaway, Marion Julie (Mrs. Johnson), 1913 Wallingford, Pa. Haven, Nathaniel, 1882 Died New York, N. Y. Haviland, Annie (Mrs. Rose), 1883 Tuckahoe, N. Y. Haviland, Cleora Marjorie (Mrs. Shattuck), 1903 Haviland, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Dr. Percy Thompson), 1900 Bloomfield, N. J. Hawkins, Eldred Birmington, 1910 223 Springetsbury Ave., York, Pa. Hawkins, Margaret Buffington, 1913 Media, Pa. Hawkins, Vallandigham, 1883 M. D. Pawn Grove, Pa. Hawkins, Virginia Thomas, 1915 Idlewild, Media, Pa. Hawley, Mary Elizabeth, 1896 Duncannon, Pa. Hawley, Mary Miller (Mrs. Jus- tice M. Thompson), 1889 25 W. Washington St., Media, Pa. Hays, Jesse A., 1891 Heckel, Mary Louise, 1912 104 S. Second St., Columbia, Pa. Heilner, Benjamin Franklin, 1875 Deceased. Heller, Mrs. (feee Edith Hannah Cutler, 1888) Helmick, Grace Raymond, 1913 1117 Eighth Ave., Helena, Mont. Henderson, Mrs. Jesse (See Sara Thomas Muxen, 1911) Henry, Lewis William, 1907 5413 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. Henry, Russell Alger, 1911 Tower City, Pa. At present, County Clerk’s Office, Pottsville, Pa. Hensel, Mrs. (See Rebekah M. Boyd, 1886) Heritage, Eba Myres, 1913 Bettlewood Ave., Collingwood, N. J. Herr, Elsie Martha, 1911 Strasburg, Pa. Herr, Mrs. Harry E. (See Rachel L. De Cou, 1891) Heulings, Henry Lippincott, 1894 1808 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hewlett, Mrs. Samuel L. (See Mary Rebecca Phillips, 1891) Heyer, Charles Henry, 1879 Hibberd, Mary C. (Mrs. George C. Dickinson), 1883 Llanerch, Pa. Hibbert, Walter Weaver, 1893 27 E. Washington St., Media, Pa. Hickman, Anita Kervey (Mrs. Charles Paxson), 1897 302 S. Walnut St., West Chester, Pa. Hicks, Mrs. Albertson W. (See Anna Louise Seaman, 1906) Hicks, Emily (Mrs. Harold Trues- del Patterson), 1898 Westbury Station, L. I., N. Y. Hicks, Frederick Cocks, 1893 Res. Port Washington, N. Y. Bus. 15 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Hicks, Mrs. Henry (See Caroline Underhill Jackson, 1892) Hicks, Mary Rebecca, 1900 Avondale, Pa. Hickson, Ethel Mae, 1913 New Providence, N. J. Higgins, Robert Barnard, 1880 Care of Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Higham, Frederick George, 1914 411 Wister St., Germantown, Pa. Agent for Wetherill White Lead Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Hill, Elizabeth Jane (Mrs. Pusey), 1877 Deceased. Hill, Emma Webster, 1909 Springfield, S. D. Hill, Nathaniel Usher, Jr., 1907 Bloomington, Ind. Hill, Sara Dorothy, 1914 515 S. High St., West Chester, Pa. Hilliard, Joseph Bernard, 1874 Salem, N. J. Hilton, Hannah Dudley (Mrs. Charles H. Leeds), 1894 Marlton, N. J. Hilton, Joseph Stanley, 1916 Moorestown, N. J. Himes, William Daniel, 1908 New Oxford, Pa. Himes, Mrs. William Daniel (See Grace Taylor, 1909) REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 167 Hinchman, Marguerite Stewart, 1913 730 Napoleon St., Johnstown, Pa. Hippie, Mrs. William (See Han- nah M. Bartram, 1886) Hird, James Pellett, 1916 19010 Detroit Ave., Lakewood, Cleve- land, Ohio. Hires, John Edgar, 1908 Merion, Pa. Hizar, Emma Jane, 1885 Fruithurst, Ala. Merchant; retail and general merchandise. Hoadley, Arthur George, 1902 Res. 30 Arrietta St., Tompkinsville, S. I., N. Y. Bus. 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Hoadley, Mrs. Clarence B. (See Elizabeth Hallowell, 1883) Hoag, Mrs. Butler M. (See Mary Elizabeth La Fetra, 1887) Hoag, Francis, Jr., 1889 Sayville, L. I., N. Y. Hodgson, Hyland Lorraine, 1915 241 Bellevue Ave., Trenton, N. J. Hoffman, Agnes, 1881 Sixtieth St., above Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Hoffman, Bertha Livingstone, 1909 Sixtieth St., above Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Hoffman, Mrs. Jacob (See Jane Smith Holme, 1881) Hoge, Mrs. Howard (See Sara H. Smith, 1883) Holcomb, Anna (Mrs. Kirk), 1889 Pineville, Pa. Holgate, Ellen Josephine, 1880 Hollingshead, Lyman Benajah, 1898 Pemberton, N. J. Hollingshead, Mabel E., 1903 Forest Brook Farm, Moorestown, N. J. Hollingsworth, Anna T. (Mrs. Hoskins), 1882 1420 Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore, Md. Hollingsworth, Edward West, 1913 Bel Air, Md. Hollingsworth, Lewis Edward, 1896 Wilna, Harford Co., Md. Hollingsworth, Mrs. Lewis Ed- ward (See Alice Lee Barnes, 1896) Hollinshead, Martha Haines, 1886 Moorestown, N. J. Hollowly, Emma Gillingham, M.D. 1902 Box 304, North Manchester, Ind. Holme, Anna Waddington, 1904 1422 Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore, Md. Holme, Elizabeth Dennis, 1889 109 Seventh St., Salem, N. J. Holme, Jane Smith (Mrs. Jacob Hoffman), 1881 Sixtieth St. and Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Holme, Mary Woolman (Mrs. Troth), 1894 5034 Catharine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Holmes, Mrs. Jesse H. (See Re- becca Sinclair Webb, 1889) Holmes, Mary, 1896 Died February, 1894. Holz, Ernest Richard, 1913 4816 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. At present, 130 W. Four- teenth St., New York, N. Y. Hood, Albert L., 1905 1909 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hoopes, Albert Warfield, 1912 Highland Farm, West Chester, Pa. Agriculturist. Hoopes, Anna Warner, 1885 912 W. Tenth St., Wilmington, Del. Hoopes, Edgar Malin, Jr., 1908 1305 Rodney St., Wilmington, Del. Hoopes, Gertrude Walter (Mrs. McCarthy), 1911 Cheyenne Wells, Colo. Hoopes, Mary Connard, 1885 912 W. Tenth St., Wilmington, Del. Hoopes, Mary Louise (Mrs. Ralph Ewart), 1907 1601 W. Fourteenth St., Wilming- ton, Del. Hoopes, Percy Marion, 1905 333 N. Franklin St., West Chester, Pa. Hoopes, Russell, 1884 416 W. Union St., West Chester, Pa. Hoopes, Sarah Andrews (Mrs. Louis C. Baker, Jr.), 1886 Bala, Pa. Hopkins, Edith Dixon, 1904 721 Garland Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Hopkins, Helen Lee (Mrs. John Barclay Jones), 1881 Died about 1904, near London Grove, Pa. Hornor, Eugenia, 1910 315 S Ave., Media, Pa. 168 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Hornor, Louise S., 1883 1636 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hoskins, Mrs. Joseph B. (See Anna T. Hollingsworth, 1882) Hoskins, John Robinson, 1904 Died, April 6, 1911. Hough, Margaret Fries, 1913 528 Butler Ave., Ambler, Pa. Houston, Lenore, 1900 238 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. Howell, Mrs. George (See Susan W. Atkinson, 1898) Hoyt, Frances Morey, 1911 647 South Grand Ave., Los An- geles, Cal. Hoyt, Robert Denny, 1909 Seven Oaks, Fla. Hubbard, Edwin Douglas, 1898 203 W. Eighty-first St., New York, N. Y. Hubbard, Sara Elizabeth, 1901 Red Bank, N. J. Hughes, Earle Albion, 1915 The Clinton, Philadelphia, Pa. Hughes, George Maurice, 1889 241 N. Eighteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hughes, Kent Worley, 1894 Times Bldg., Lima, O. Hull, Alma A., 1902 Died, January 23, 1900. Hull, Robert Haviland, 1914 152 Groton St., Cortland, N. Y. Hulley, Mrs. Lincoln (See Eloise Maybam, 1890) Humbert, William Arthur, 1906 Hume, Arthur Pringle, 1899 11 Rochelle Ave., Wissahickon, Phila- delphia, Pa. Humphrey, Harold, 1910 “The Ansonia,” Broadway & Sev- enty-third St., New York, N. Y. Humpton, Mrs. Charles (See Paul- ine Broomell, 1899) Hunt, Mrs. (See Rebecca F. Rob- erts, 1877) Hunt, David, 1876 Deceased. Hunt, James Lewis, 1904 Holmes, Pa. Hunt, Sarah P. (Mrs. F. Irving Hall), 1906 105 Franklin Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Hunter, Watson Everett, 1890 Hupe, Henry Lloyd, 1908 122 Glendale Road, Quincy, Mass. Hurley, Mrs. William W. (See Achsah Leonore Paxson, 1878) Huston, Warren Ayres, 1908 119 E. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Hutchings, Gertrude (Mrs. Mills), 1892 Waitesfield, Washington Co., Vt. Hutchinson, Anna Caroline (Mrs. Lionel Wurtz), 1903 162 W. 132d St., New York, N. Y. Hutchinson, Barclay Hite, 1907 Fulton Ave., Hempstead, N. Y. Hutchinson, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Jose R. F. Savage), 1899 San Juan, Porto Rico. Hutchinson, Rachel Lloyd (Mrs. John J. Lincoln), 1894 Elkhorn, McDowell Co., W. Va. Hutchison, Mrs. William Gibson (See Katlirine Dickey Flem- ing, 1912) Hutton, Camilla R. (Mrs. James D. Stanley), 1883 1224 North N. J. Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Hutton, Walter Joseph, 1888 Richmond, Ind. Hyle, Mrs. William E. (See Mary Jackson Clothier, 1887) I Inglis, Daisy A. (Mrs. Cyrus I. Gaddis), 1894 Hill Valley, Cal. Ingram, Henry Atlee, 1877 911 Crozer Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Ireland, Alfred Warfield, 1916 1024 Edmondson Ave., Baltimore, Md. Irish, David A., 1873 Died, Quaker Hill, N. Y. Ivins, Horace Fremont, 1877 Deceased. Irwin, Mrs. (See Anna C. Rush- more, 1892) J Jackson, Adaline B., 1878 Jackson, Anna, 1887 56 Price Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Jackson, Anna Morris (Mrs. Charles Fox Branson), 1902 2066 E. Ninety-third St., Cleveland, Ohio. Jackson, Mrs. Arthur C. (See Edith Marion Wilson, 1900) REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 169 Jackson, Caroline Underhill (Mrs. Henry Hicks), 1892 Westbury, L. I., N. Y. Jackson, Caroline H. (Mrs. Her- bert P. Worth), 1883 310 N. Matlack St., West Chester, Pa. Jackson, Harold Albertson, 1914 601 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jackson, Mrs. Henry E. (See Mary Viola Lawhead, 1887) Jackson, Mrs. Jacob W. (See Phebe Ella Albertson, 1885) Jackson, Josephine, 1879 Deceased. Jackson, Mrs. Louis H. (See Emma Adele Cole, 1887) Jackson, Louis Herbert, 1887 901 Adella Ave., Coronado, Cal. Jackson, Mrs. Otley E. (See Georgiana Walter, 1899) Jacobs, Charlotte Frisch, 1913 Lawnton Ave., Oak Lane, Philadel- phia, Pa. Jacobs, Marie Brothwell, 1913 Lawnton Ave., Oak Lane, Philadel- phia, Pa. Jaekel, Mrs. Frederick Blair (See Edith Overliolt McCain, 1903) James, Mrs. W. Henry A. (See Miriam Watson, 1887) Jamison, Alfred Robert, 1911 203 Stanbridge St., Norristown, Pa. Janeway, Helen Hamilton, 1915 218 Edgemont St., Media, Pa. Janney, Anna Miller (Mrs. How- ard W. Lippincott), 1872 1627 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Janney, Bertha, 1891 1923 Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. Janney, Bertha Betts, 1909 21 Claremont Ave., New York, N. Y. Janney, Elizabeth Howard (Mrs. G. Wilmer Koser), 1891 Deceased. Janney, Emily (Mrs. James Key- ser de Armond), 1904 877 Highland Ave., Overbrook, Phila- delphia, Pa. Janney, Frances Sumner (Mrs. Stoddart), 1887 Rydal, Pa. Janney, Rebecca Talbott (Mrs. Albert B. Williams), 1877 Jenkintown, Pa. Janney, Samuel M., 1878 6 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Jannison, Kate, 1876 Deceased. Jeffries, Jesse Willis, 1897 5522 Morris St., Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. Jefferis, Lucile, 1873 Deceased, 1870. Jenkins, Mrs. G. Herbert (See Mary Schofield Ash, 1897) Jenks, Herbert Emery, 1903 142 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, Pa. Jenks, Oliver Martin, 1874 400-402 Equitable Bldg., Wilmington, Del. Jessup, Charles Biddle, 1889 Riverton, N. J. Jessup, Elizabeth Conrow, 1891 Deceased. John, Chad Launcelot, 1906 Uni onto wn, Pa. Lawyer. Johns, Samuel, 1896 Shamokin, Pa. Johnson, Mrs. Alba B. (See Lizzie T. Reeves, 1882) Johnson, Anna Holstein (Mrs. Collins), 1888 901 W. Fourth St., Williamsport, Pa. Johnson, Charles Dawson, 1895 Hillsboro, Ohio. Johnson, Emma, 1882 Johnson, Helen Rowland, 1877 6316 Germantown Road, German- town, Pa. Johnson, Mary Cooper (Mrs. Thomas H. Griest), 1901 275 W. Rittenhouse St., Germantown, Pa. Johnson, Sara E. (Mrs. Hall), . 1882 202 High St., Newburyport, Mass. Johnston, Edna Roberta (Mrs. Brendel), 1900 Hillen Sta., N. W. R. R., Baltimore, Md. Johnston, Frank Howard, 1907 Anderson, Ind. Johnston, Linda L. (Mrs. Charles McCloud), 1884 1706 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Jones, Conrad Aaron, 1881 Res. 125 Fourth Ave., Conshohocken, Pa. Bus. care of Thomas & Son Co., 2 S. Delaware Ave., Phila- delphia, Pa. Jones, Abbie Conrad (Mrs. Henry D. Cranor), 1878 145 Fourth Ave., Conshohocken, Pa. Jones, Alister Ross, 1913 Swarthmore, Pa. At present, Twin Falls, Id. 170 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Jones, Charles Wood, 1888 Care of Evan D. Jones Co., Consho- hocken, Pa. Jones, Dr. Eleanor C., 1882 1531 N. Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Jones, Ellwood Conrad, 1889 Hamilton, Va. Jones, Mrs. Ellwood C. (See Martha Sommer, 1897) Jones, Ermina Louise, 1895 South China, Me. Student at Mount Holyoke College. Jones, Mrs. Horace Maynard (See Marion Alice Stutzbach, 1899) Jones, Isaac Busby, 1911 Pendleton, Ind. Jones, Mrs. John Barclay (See Helen Lee Hopkins, 1881) Jones, Lillian, 1890 Conshohocken, Pa. Jones, Mrs. (See Mary Catharine Passmore, 1879) Jones, William Hill, 1875 Norristown, Pa. Jones, William Potts, 1883 Conshohocken, Pa. Jowett, Mrs. (See Genevieve Clif- ford Elder, 1891) Justice, Marion Thornton, 1910 Grad. Phila. Sch. of Industrial Art. 616 Montgomery St., Narberth, Pa., or The Arts and Crafts Guild Bldg., 235 S. Eleventh St., Phila- delphia, Pa. K Kabakjian, Mrs. D. H. (See Dic- ranouhi G. Kulludjian, 1914) Kappeler, Alfred, 1897 The Lambs’ Club, New York, N. Y. Keane, Mary Winter (Mrs. John Bacon Miller), 1903 Keely, Clara Stauffer (Mrs. Derr), 1895 Deceased. Keenan, Sarah Lucretia (Mrs. Stone), 1893 Keller, Mrs. (See Fannie Clift Shroyer, 1888) Kemp, Annie (Mrs. Ridgely), 1884 202 Dover St., Easton, Md. Kendall, Mrs. Herbert (See Ruth Holmes Dryden, 1908) Kendall, Herbert Clemson, 1892 Box 498, Reading, Pa. Kenderdine, Edith Flint (Mrs. James Andrews), 1897 620 Carpenter St., Germantown, Pa. Kent, Annie Mathews, 1891 Died March 1, 1909. Kent, Evelyn, 1915 Clifton Heights, Pa. Kent, Gertrude W. (Mrs. Lewis E. Walton), 1887 Swarthmore, Pa. Kent, Homer Simons, 1906 E. 2027 Hartman Ave., Spokane, Wash. Kent, Mrs. Homer Simons (See Mary H. Yarnall, 1908) Kenworthy, Mrs. (See Mary R. Sharpless, 1883) Kerns, Arthur Blaine, 1915 1930 Sixth Ave., Moline, 111. Kershaw, Mrs. Freeman, Jr. (See Adelaide Bruce Halkett, 1906) Kessler, Katharine Burga, 1910 221 N. Eighth St., Lebanon, Pa. Kester, Edith Mae, 1916 279 N. Second Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Kester, Roselda (Mrs. E. P. Cloud), 1881 Kennett Square, Pa. Ketcham, Mrs. Charles B. (See Susanne B. Brightson, 1894) Ketcham, George H., 1883 312 Summit St., Toledo, Ohio, or 2005 Madison Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Ketcham, Walter Ernest, 1879 Deceased. Killam, Mrs. (See Florence Du Rose Reid, 1892) Killen, Mrs. (See Mary Evelyn Meredith, 1893) Kimball, Mrs. Gardner W. (See Lillian C. Swayne, 1897) King, Jesse Myron, 1885 74 Mass. Ave., Springfield, Mass. U. S. R. M. Service. Kinnard, Edith Mary (Mrs. Roy Blakely), 1913 Pendleton, Ind. Kinsey, Emma Deborah (Mrs. Walton), 1913 Willow Grove, Pa. Kirby, Georgiana Bruce, 1877 Deceased. Kirk, Mrs. (See Anna Holcomb, 1889) Kirk, Frances Rachel, 1880 R. F. D., No. 6, Norbeck, Md. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 171 Kirk, Frank Hall, 1901 Curwensville, Pa. Kirk, Mary, 1878 Died September 10, 1910, Ithan, Pa. Kirk, Milton Day, 1905 Curwensville, Pa. Kirk, Samuel, 1884 White Horse, Chester Co., Pa. Kirk, Samuel Bird, 1891 1400 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Kirtland, Frederick, 1883 Kleinstuck, Irene Margaret, 1906 A.B. Univ. of Michigan, 1907. Asylum Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. Charity and suffrage worker. Kline, Mary Elizabeth, 1896 Millville, Pa. Knight, Eva B. (Mrs. Ezekiel L. Pryor), 1882 Langhorne, Pa. Knight, Harry William, 1905 Sedalia, Mo. Hardware Merchant. Knight, Martha Paul (Mrs. Har- old Mein Selser), 1908 141 Walnut St., Jenkintown, Pa. Knight, Mary Louisa, 1877 Knipe, George Victor, 1904 Died January 9, 1911, New York, N. Y. Knox, Mrs. Samuel (See Florence Anne Pusey, 1886) Knox, William Solsbury, 1883 1804 New Hampshire Ave., Washing- ton, D. C. Head of firm, Knox & Caldwell, Insurance & Bonding. Koenig, Lillie H., 1907 130 E. Market St., Lewistown, Pa. Kohl, Charles Frederick, 1886 310 Sansom St., San Francisco, Cal. Koser, George Wilmer, 1891 Biglerville, Adams Co., Pa. Grain and lumber merchant. Koser, Mrs. George Wilmer (See Elizabeth H. Janney, 1891) Krakauer, Adolf Max, 1895 Chihuohuo, Mexico. Kremens, David, 1915 2334 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Stenographer to Chief Mech. En- gineer, Baldwin Locomotive Works. Kretschman, Aubrey Constantine, 1901 830 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Krider, Walter Wright, 1910 453 Welling St., Richmond Hill, L. I. With Wm. A. Thomas Co., Building Materials, 422 E. 3d St., New York, N. Y. Kruse, William Roberts, 1911 Elwyn, Pa. Kulludjian, Dicranouhi G. (Mrs. D. H. Kabakjian), 1914 4712 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Kyle, Jessie Margaret (Mrs. Ernest E. Barber), 1898 1700 B St., Lincoln, Neb. L La Domus, Mrs. Richard (See Anne Augusta Wallace, 1909) La Fetra, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Butler M. Hoag), 1887 Schaghticoke, N. Y. R., No. 1. Lafore, Paul Jules, 1908 Care of United Gas Improvement Co., 1401 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Laing, George Truman, 1880 904 S. Forty-ninth * St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Laing, Katherine Moore (Mrs. Ellis Spackman), 1878 1632 Wood Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Laird, Mary Buchanan, 1914 318 E. Nineteenth St., Chester, Pa. Lamb, Mrs. George Harrington (See Harriet Anna Smith, 1890) Lamb, Mrs. John Emerson (See Louise E. Matthews, 1882) La Motte, Clarence King, 1899 Lane, Victor Hugo, Jr., 1912 140 Hindrie Ave., Detroit, Mich. Chassis Demonstrator, Cadillac Auto Co. Lang, Arvilla* 1906 M.D. Univ. of Pa. Tuxedo Park, N. Y. Assistant physician in sani- torium. Lang, James Traquair, 1878 1432 S. Penn Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Langhead, Mrs. (See Lucy Rosa Smith, 1890) Lanning, Mrs. Clarence (See An- nette Hall, 1897) Large, Mrs. Watson J. (See Re- becca Roman Twining, 1876) Larkin, Mrs. Richard (See Greta Weston Morse, 1909) Lawhead, Mary Viola (Mrs. Henry E. Jackson), 1887 160 Cooper Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J. Lawrence, Effingham, Jr., 1898 15 Wall St., New York, N. Y. 172 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Lawson, Mrs. W. G. (See Agnes Gaston, 1883) Lea, Edward Tatnall, 1894 1903 Market St., Wilmington, Del. With Wm. Lea & Sons Co. Lea, Elsie, 1916 1504 N. Eighteenth St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Leaman, Mary Amanda, 1909 Nanking, China. Leedom, Myra W. (Mrs. Thomas H. Gesner), 1882 6815 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Leeds, Mrs. Charles H. (See Han- nah Dudley Hilton, 1894) Leeds, Charles S., 1879 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. Lehman, Eric Maurice, 1916 208 S. Forty-third St., Philadelphia, Pa. Student at Univ. of Illinois, Champaign, 111. Leinau, Roberts, Jr., 1906 “Overbridge,” Cynwyd, Pa. Leisenring, Albert Conrad, 1876 Upper Lehigh, Pa. Leisenring, Walter, 1879 Deceased. Leitch, Jean Melrose, 1901 170 Braddock Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Leonard, Francis Henry, 1904 Wayne, Pa. Engineer. Letchworth, Elizabeth Thornton, 1874 Box 788, Narberth, Pa. Levick, Florence Mather (Mrs. Joseph G. Sullivan), 1900 Bala, Pa. Levin, Oscar, 1909 918 S. Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. Levis, Charles, 1883 3407 Clifton Ave., Baltimore, Md. Levis, Charles Raymond, 1900 3407 Clifton Ave., Baltimore, Md. Lewis, Clement Biddle, 1913 Riverton, N. J. Lewis, Dillwyn Hunter, 1902 Newtown Square, Pa. Lewis, Harry West, 1896 Died, January 20, 1895, Swarthmore, Pa. Lewis, Helen Ruth (Mrs. J. War- ren Richards), 1906 Toughkenamon, Pa. Lewis, Henry Richard, 1889 1827 Yenango St., Philadelphia, Pa., or 3504 N. Broad St. Lewis, Mrs. J. Ernest (See Amy Lee Carpenter, 1910) Lewis, Mary Miller (Mrs. Charles S. Jack), 1896 W. State St., Media, Pa. Lewis, Oborn Garrett Levis, 1898 1529 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lewis, Ralph, 1892 Lyons’ Falls, N. Y. Libby, Mrs. Scott (See Lillian E. Post, 1906) Lightfoot, Thomas Ellwood, 1901 Woodbury, N. J. Lightfoot, Mrs. Thomas Mont- gomery (See Mary Ella Alt- house, 1888) Lincoln, Mrs. John J. (See Raehel Lloyd Hutchinson, 1894) Linton, Roger, 1907 British Bank of S. America; or, Avenida de Mayo, Piso, 3d, Buenos Ayres, Argentine, S. A. Book- keeper. Lippincott, Alfred H., 1882 8104 St. Martin’s Lane, Philadel- phia, Pa. Lippincott, Anna Thomas (Mrs. David J. Chambers), 1889 London Grove, Pa. Lippincott, Caroline, 1881 Wyncote, Pa. Lippincott, Clarence, 1897 Died February 23, 1895, Swarth- more, Pa. Lippincott, David Robert, 1893 Moorestown, N. J. Lippincott, Mrs. David Robert (See Martha C. Andrews, 1893) Lippincott, Mrs. Edgar (See Elea- nora Haines, 1891) Lippincott, Eleanora Haines (Mrs. Edgar Lippincott), 1891 Riverton, N. J. Lippincott, Elizabeth, 1907 Box 57, Moorestown, N. J. Lippincott, Franklin, 1875 Westville, N. J. Lippincott, George, 1881 Deceased. Lippincott, Henry H., 1887 Cinnaminson, N. J. Lippincott, Mrs. Howard W. (See Anna Janney, 1876) Lippincott, Mrs. James Janney (See Mary Stuart Washburn, 1906) Lippincott, James Lawrence, 1886 Riverton, N. J. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 173 Lippincott, Mrs. James Lawrence (See Caroline Cooper Biddle, 1886) Lippincott, Jason Evans, 1882 C.E. Rensselaer Poly. Inst., 1883. 1005 Dana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lippincott, Jesse, 1908 Woodstown, N. J. Lippincott, John Haines, 1887 Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N. J. Lippincott, Laura Lydia (Mrs. Joseph Foulke), 1888 Ambler, Pa. Lippincott, Martha C., 1907 Woodstown, N. J. Lippincott, Martha Shepperd, 1889 Moorestown, N. J. Lippincott, Mary Ogden, 1874 Salem, N. J. Lippincott, Robert Woodward, 1894 Haddonfield, N. J. Lippincott, William Thorne, 1874 Moorestown, N. J. Little, Harold Bedean, 1898 Media, Pa. Little, Marion White, 1896 Box 344, Media, Pa. Lloyd, Charles White, 1879 Deceased. Lloyd, Morris, 1879 Chambersburg, Pa. Editor and Publisher “The People’s Register.” Lloyd, Rebecca Elizabeth, 1900 Purcellville, Va. Lobdell, Alice Dike, 1878 1108 Broome St., Wilmington, Del. Loeb, Ferdinand Grant, 1883 Died July 11, 1913, New York, N. Y. Loeb, Mrs. (See Regena Scham- berg, 1896) Longstreth, Charles, 1888 425 N. Thirteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lord, Ellen (Mrs. De Scliweinetz), 1875 Died 1896. Lord, Mrs. Frederic Pomeroy (See Lydia Jeannette Mather, 1911) Love, Eleanor Corse, 1890 Lovett, Mrs. Edmund (See Eva Wallen, 1903) Lowder, Franklin Edward, 1916 209 S. Twenty-fourth St., San Jose, Cal. Lowe, Marie Corinne Martin, 1904 Waynesboro, Pa. At present, “The Judson,” Washington Place, New York, N. Y. Luckie, Edward Boyd, 1912 333 E. Broad St., Chester, Pa. Ludlow, Mrs. Gabriel (See M. Louise Richards, 1898) Lukens, Annie Mary (Mrs. Dan- iels), 1874 Swarthmore, Pa. Lukens, Gertrude (Mrs. Charles C. Price), 1905 Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Lukens, Dr. Joseph Paul, 1877 911 Washington St., Wilmington, Del. Lukens, Mary Worrall (Mrs. Gi- rard Davis Blasdel), 1914 Akron, Ohio, or Swarthmore, Pa. Lukens, Myra Elizabeth, 1893 Lukens, Nathan, 1883 Died in Coatesville, Pa. Lukens, William Briscoe, 1893 1229 Real Estate Trust Bldg., or, 137 E. Walnut Lane, Germantown, Pa. Lungren, Lila Cameron, 1894 Deceased. Lynd, Mrs. Ernest (See Rose C. Spencer, 1894) Lynde, Frank Engle Patterson, 1884 Died September 2, 1907. M McAllister, Janet Cook, 1909 W. State St., Media, Pa. McAllister, John, 1911 Media, Pa. McCain, Edith Overholt (Mrs. Frederick Blair Jaekel), 1903 4014 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. McCain, Helen Katharine, 1910 4014 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. McCarthy, Mrs. (See Gertrude Walter Hoopes, 1911) McCauley, John Edmund, 1907 413 Douglass St., Reading, Pa. McClenahan, Charles A., 1883 Deceased. McCloud, Mrs. Charles (See Linda L. Johnston, 1884) McClure, Andrew James, 1911 Ninth and Main Sts., Darby, Pa. McClure, John James, 1909 Twentieth St. and Prov. Ave., Ches- ter, Pa. Director First National Bank. Director Consumer’s Ice Co. 174 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN McClure, Mrs. John James (See Alice W. Timmons, 1909) McComh, Martha J. '(Mrs. Ed- ward R. Snader), 1880 1919 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. McConner, Charles Raymond, 1913 Salem, Ohio. McCreary, Nellie (Mrs. Joseph Walter De Laughter), 1895 6800 Michigan Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Librarian Carondelet Branch, St. "Louis Public Library. McDonald, Laurie Agnes, 1913 2603 N. Twenty-fourth St., Phila- delphia, Pa. McDowell, Dr. Charles, 1877 310 Kenmore Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. McDowell, Lillian Josephine (Mrs. Addison G. Hanan), 1899 1222 Albemarle Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. MacFarland, Florence S. (Mrs. Horace Sinclair), 1914 R. P. D., No. 8, West Chester, Pa. McFetridge, Horace Wilbur, 1899 1635 S. Seventeenth St., Philadel- phia, Pa. McGovern, John Augustus, 1910 Died July 14, 1909, Cleveland, Ohio. Mcllvaine, Henry Stump, 1898 Darlington, Md. Mcllvain, John Morton, 1890 31 Grove St., Pawtucket, R. I. Mclntire, Benjamin Meredith, 1910 4135 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mackenzie, Mrs. (See Sallie But- ler Mutthersbough, 1886) McKinley, William Gibson, 1876 McMichael, Margaret Koch, 1912 124 S. Walnut St., W. Chester, Pa. MacMillan, Mrs. Edward N. (See Luna Horton Dickson, 1902) McNeil, Ruth L. (Mrs. H. War die Yerkes), 1912 West Chester, Pa. MacPherson, Elizabeth Cordelia, 1911 104 N. Clinton Ave., Trenton, N. J. At present, Charleston, W. Va. Asst. Sec’y- and Phys. Dir. Y. W. C. A. MacPherson, Lydia Bleu, 1911 104 N. Clinton St., Trenton, N. J. Mace, Mrs. (See Susan Newbold Van Trump, 1892) Macy, Everitt E., 1882 Nantucket, Mass. Maddock, William Worrall, 1880 88 Asbury Ave., Ocean City, N. J. Magill, Watson Harvey, 1910 Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Magill, Mrs. Watson H. (Margery Kirk Cornell), 1910 Magruder, Emma, 1891 Olney, Md. • Maher, Philip Joseph, 1909 Major, Charles Webb, 1913 Thirty-seventh and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Malcolm, Mrs. Daniel G., Jr. (See Lucretia S. Blankenburgf, 1899) Malcolm, Sarah Jackson, 1885 Jericho, L. I., N. Y. Malcolm, William Jackson, 1888 Jericho, L. I., N. Y. Malone, Alice Paxson (Mrs. Rob- ert Farley), 1909 1300 S. Division Ave., Spokane, Wash. Malott, Mrs. J. R. (See Edith M. Spencer, 1907) Mann, Alice Eloise, 1891 Mann, Mrs. William Henry Har- rison (See Maud Halcyon Gauntt, 1891) Manning, Robert Caldwell, 1893 110 Greenwood Ave., Trenton, N. J. Automobile Business. Marden, Mrs. Charles Carroll (See Mary T. Clark, 1897) Maris, Lucy Alice, 1891 Deceased. Marot, Mary Stuart, 1881 413 W. Forty-sixth St., New York, N. Y. Marot, William Griscom, 1893 715 Lancaster Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. With -Solway Process Co. Marsh, Mrs. William (See Mary Louise Montgomery, 1895) Marshall, Charles Ilsley, 1886 40 Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Marshall, Elizabeth G., 1881 40 Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Marshall, Helen Southwick (Mrs. William L. Potter), 1899 228 W. Fifty-second St., New York, N. Y. Marshall, Margaret Southwick, 1891 Deceased. Marshall, Richard Betts, 1897 Died, 1895, Swarthmore, Pa. Marshall, Sara Thompson, 1911 Langhorne, Pa. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 175 Marshall, Thomas Bayne, 1904 1305 Locust St., Allegheny, Pa. Martin, Mrs. (See Helen Riemen- snyder, 1893) Martin, Henry Clay, 1915 509 Hamilton St., Norristown, Pa. Masten, Alice Elizabeth (Mrs. H. Lawrence Beecher), 1912 1130 Olney St., Indianapolis, Ind. Masters, Jessie Willits, 1891 3308 Baring St.., Philadelphia, Pa. Mather, Edith Louise (Mrs. Henry Houghton Schumacher), 1908 215 Fairchild St., Iowa City, Iowa. Mather, Eleanor, 1885 1301 Commonwealth Ave., Allston, Mass. Mather, Lydia Jeannette (Mrs. Frederick Pomeroy Lord), 1911 Care of Dartmouth College, Han- over, N. H. Mathers, Mrs. Hugh T. (See Louise Beeson, 1887) Matthews, Louise E. (Mrs. John Emerson Lamb), 1882 1608 Mt. Royal Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Matthews, Margaret Lamb (Mrs. Yelverton), 1886 Died 1910. Matthews, Marjory Woolston, 1907 Ellicott City, Md. Matthews, Sarah Hopkins (Mrs. Corse), 1880 Toll Gate, Gardenville, Baltimore Co., Md. Mattice, Mrs. H. L. (See Mabel Clare Young, 1895) Mattson, Samuel Hewes, 1895 1417 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mattson, Thomas Levi, 1875 221 S. Forty-first St., Philadelphia, Pa. (?) Maule, Philip Kent, 1906 759 Wasco St., Portland, Ore. Maule, William Maris, 1901 Collins, Pa. Maxey, John, 1894 “Maxey Ranch,” Bozeman, Mont. Maxey, William, 1895 Bozeman, Mont. Maxwell, Mrs. John R. (See Lydia Biddle Clothier, 1900) Maxwell, Robert Wallace, 1907 5931 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. Mayham, Eloise (Mrs. Lincoln Hulley), 1890 John B. Stetson Univ., De Land, Fla. Mazer, Harry A., 1914 1420 S. Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. With Philadelphia Athletics. Means, Helen Dare, 1915 Swarthmore, Pa. Student at Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pa. Mears, Willard Saulsbury, 1900 171 Duane St., New York, N. Y. Mgr. The Velvitol Co. Megargee, William Clifford, 1894 Deceased. Mendenhall, Anna, 1881 Hamorton, Pa. Meredith, Mary Evelyn (Mrs. Killen), 1893 Felton, Del. Merrill, Grace Ethel, 1912 2101 Wallace St., Philadelphia, Pa. Merritt, Alfred, 1874 Merritt, Caroline, 1882 Deceased. Merritt, Daniel Tobey, 1877 Res. 418 Grand Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bus. 130 Duane St., New York, N. Y. Merritt, Frances Jane, 1915 2031 W. Ninth St., Chester, Pa. Merritt, Lilia Hart, 1898 25 Grace Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. Meyer, Edgar Lumley, 1902 St. George’s, Bermuda. Mem. Firm, Wm. E. Meyer & Co., Steamship Agts. and Coal Merchants. Deputy Amer. Consul of Bermuda. Meyer, Victor S., 1900 Died, 1906, Bermuda. Michener, Hanna Smith (Mrs. Warren Smedley Ely), 1878 Died February, 1907. Michener, Mrs. (See Hannah Wil- liams Haines, 1893) Michener, Mrs. Maurice (See Mary Patience Walton, 1914) Miles, Earl S., 1910 Villard, Minn. Miller, Brooke Wise, 1910 200 N. Adams St., West Chester, Pa. Miller, Caleb S., 1882 Sandy Spring, Md. Bus. Room 31, Home Life Bldg., Washington, D. C. Miller, Charles Cooper, 1886 Riverton, N. J. Miller, Mrs. Emery H. (See Emily Butler Stabler, 1891) 176 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Miller, Helen Elizabeth, 1905 525 Centre St., Pottsville, Pa. Miller, Mrs. John Bacon (See Mary Winter Keane, 1903) Miller, J. Spencer, 1893 Miller, Lawrence Carl T., 1914 100 Somerset Ave., Taunton, Mass. Miller, Mabel Grace (Mrs. Chris- tian Engle), 1898 366 Chestnut St., Lancaster, Pa. Miller, Martha Blanche, 1886 Miller, Morris Booth, 1889 M.D. 414 S. Fifteenth St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Miller, Pattie Thomas, 1891 Deceased. Mills, Mrs. (See Gertrude Hutch- ings, 1892) Mills, Maude Perry, 1888 215 E. Fifteenth St., New York, N. Y. Millspaugh, Mabel Bernice (Mrs. J. A. Newman), 1895 4520 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111. Mitchell, Abner Thompson, 1913 403 S. Chester Ave., Glenolden, Pa. Mitchell, Mrs. Marvin S. (See Mary Eunice Darnell, 1907) Mode, Herbert Comly, 1895 Modena, Pa. Mode, William Alexander, 1891 1110 Shallcross Ave., Wilmington, Del. Molarsky, Mrs. (See Sarah A. Shreve, 1898) Monaghan, Gertrude, 1909 3309 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa. Montalvo, Marie de (Mrs. Effing- ham Murray), 1905 414 Clifton Ave., Lakewood, N. J. Montgomery, Mary Louise (Mrs. William Marsh), 1895 Woman’s Hospital, Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Moore, Ellen Gertrude (Mrs. Fran- cis Carlton Wright), 1888 315 E. Fourth St., Rome, Ga. Moore, George Haydock, 1887 71 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Moore, Henry Tyson, 1911 Ashton, Md. Moore, Joseph T., Jr., 1882 Deceased. Moore, Margaret Corlies (Mrs. Milton C. Bancroft), 1893 58 W. Fifty-seventh St., New York, N. Y. Moore, Mary L. (Mrs. J. W. Til- ton), 1879 124 E. Thirtieth St., New York, N. Y. Moore , Rebecca Thomas (Mrs. Stabler), 1893 Sandy Springs, Md. Moore, Robert Rowland, 1883 Sandy Springs, Md. Moore, William Wilson, 1909 Ashton, Md. Moreira, Innocente, 1897 Morey, Mrs. James S. (See Nettie Estella Morey, 1884) Morey, Nettie Estella (Mrs. James S. Morey), 1884 1211 Ditmas Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Morgan, Elizabeth, 1885 140 Church St., Phoenixville, Pa. Morgan, Mary Denn, 1911 139 Atlantic St., Bridgeton, N. J. Morrill, Sarah Holden (Mrs. Pierce), 1876 Deceased. Morris, Joel Nelson, 1895 614 F St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Lawyer and Solicitor of Patents. Morrison, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Warren Webster), 1899 Lincoln Univ., Chester Co., Pa. Morse, Greta Weston (Mrs. Rich- ard Larkin), 1909 West Main St., Georgetown, Mass. Moses, Mrs. (See Carrie Elder Gutman, 1895) Mowers, Raymond, 1902 520 Federal St., Camden, N. J. Teacher. Mowery, Harold Weaver, 1904 Marietta, Pa. At present, 50 Church St., New York, N. Y. With Abrasive Metal Co. Moyse, Mrs. Joseph L. (See Min- ette Sadonia Blum, 1904) Mudge, Henry Willets, 1878 Deceased. Mulford, Eleanor (Mrs. William Hamlin), 1878 Haddonfield, N. J. Mulford, Mary Busby (Mrs. Eu- gene Ely), 1876 Trumansburg, N. Y. Murfit, Richard Henry, 1912 Somerton, Pa. At present, Bridge- ton, N. J. With Hess Steel Cast- ings Co. Murphy, Mary Jones (Mrs. Rob- ert Simpson), 1892 Died December 18, 1894. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 177 Murphy, Mary Clement, 1910 2124 N. Hancock St., Philadelphia, Pa. Murray, Mrs. Effingham (See Marie de Montalvo, 1905) Muschert, William Moon, 1902 110 Greenwood Ave., Trenton, N. J. Musselman, Mrs. (See Bessie F. Eves, 1898) Musser, Emma Alden, 1877 Muncy, Pa. Musser, Francis Reber, 1881 M.D. 1155 Brinton St., Oakland, Cal. Mutschler, Mrs. Louis H. (See Lucy Brooks Price, 1896) Mutthershough, Sallie Butler (Mrs. Mackenzie), 1886 Muxen, Sara Thomas (Mrs. Jesse Henderson), 1911 Chattanooga, Tenn. Myers, Edith Cook, 1905 A.B. Wellesley College, 1906. Moy- lan, Pa. With Children’s Bureau, Philadelphia, Pa. Myers, Penn Jones, 1913 226 E. Maple St., Jeffersonville, Ind. N Needles, Emma Strattan (Mrs. William A. Dixon), 1882 1806 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. Negendank, Egmont, 1886 M.D. 901 Washington St., Wilming- ton, Del. Nehls, Edward Carl, Jr., 1911 40 Poplar Ave., Newark, Ohio. Nelson, Florence Elizabeth, 1910 1924 N. Thirteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nesbitt, Mrs. (See Anna L. Thomas, 1893) Newbold, George Black, 1909 1618 Barret Ave., Louisville, Ky. Newman, Mrs. J. A. (See Mabel Bernice Millspaugh, 1895) Nichols, Howard Tyson, 1892 Nivin, Evelyn Stone, 1901 Landenberg, Pa. Nivin, Sophia Lewis Stone, 1902 Landenberg, Pa. Norris, Mrs. W. L. (See Laura Lee Dixon, 1889) Norton, Robert W., 1881 Nunez, Robert Flournoy, 1916 1707 Florida Ave., Tampa, Fla. 12 O O’Brien, Harry James, 1910 199 Edgewood Ave., New Haven, Conn. Ogden, Clement, 1915 Swarthmore, Pa. Osborn, Franklin, 1877 Middletown, N. J. Overend, Charlotte Finley (Mrs. Fawcett), 1902 237 E. Dunham St., Germantown, Pa. Overfield, William, Jr., 1903 Neshappen, Pa. Owens, Mrs. Thomas E. (See Ag- nes E. Walker, 1896) P Paine, Charles William, 1877 Deceased. Painter, Annie, 1873 5136 Larchmont St., Philadelphia, Pa. Painter, Margaret, 1909 341 Summer St., Stamford, Conn. Palmenberg, Mrs. O. W. (See Elsa Stohlmann von Ramdohr, 1905) Palmer, Mrs. A. Mitchell (See Roberta Bartlett Dixon, 1892) Palmer, Mrs. Charles (See Arietta Cutler, 1895) Palmer, Edwin Lewis, 1890 Primos, Pa. Palmer, Elsie (Mrs. Thomas Jan- ney Brown), 1888 1622 Twenty-ninth St., N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. Palmer, Mrs. Mark (See Agnes Blackfare Williams, 1880) Palmer, Mary Ida (Mrs. Charles Stabler), 1898 George School, Pa. Teacher of Psychology and Pedagogy. Pancoast, Ada Byron (Mrs. Fink), 1875 619 W. 179th St., New York, N. Y. Pancoast, Francis Willard, 1913 Care of Barber Asphalt Paving Co., Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Pancoast, Henry Taylor, 1892 Lincoln, Ya. Pancoast, James Walter, 1873 Sharptown, N. J. Pancoast, Sallie Emma (Mrs. Coles), 1878 Glen Cove, L. I., N. Y. 178 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Pancoast, William Test, 1879 306-8 E. Houston St., San Antonio, Tex. Parker, Elizabeth Bailey, 1889 Virginia Ave., West Chester, Pa. Parrish, Edward, 1894 M.D. 299 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Parrish, Elizabeth Williams (Mrs. Louis J. Warren), 1900 Died August 26, 1907, Honolulu, Hawaii. Parrish, Henry Clay Shinn, 1895 Riverton, N. J. Parrish, Mary (Mrs. Louis Starr), 1876 Parrish, Richard P., 1883 Deceased. Parrish, Samuel Franklin, 1873 1400 Hibernian Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Parry, Beulah Haines, 1909 Riverton, N. J. Parry, John Carle, 1907 202 Hillside Ave., Jenkintown, Pa. Parry, Laura Elizabeth (Mrs. J. Augustus Cadwallader), 1914 Yardley, Pa. Parry, Mary A. (Mrs. William Webb Turner), 1904 Died March, 1911, Swarthmore, Pa. Parry, Oliver, 1873 Deceased. Parry, Mrs. Oliver H. (See Lydia Paul Satterthwaite, 1875) Parry, Tacie (Mrs. William M. Paul), 1881 Moorestown, N. J. Paschall, Alfred, 1873 Died January 16, 1912, West Ches- ter, Pa. Paschall, Samuel Edward, 1873 Chico, Kibsak Co., Wash. Passmore, Blair Sumner, 1909 Drowned, June, 1906, Swarthmore, Pa. Passmore, Ellis Pusey, 1893 Res. Coulter and Stokley Sts., Ger- mantown. Bus. Franklin National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. Passmore, Mrs. Ellis Pusey (See Emily P. Shelmire, 1900) Passmore, Mary Catharine (Mrs. Jones), 1879 Auburn Hotel, Cincinatti, Ohio. Passmore, Paul Benton, 1913 717 W. Granite St., Butte, Mont. Passmore, Sara Florence, 1909 Mendenhall, Pa. Patterson, Frank E., 1884 Patterson, Mrs. Harold Truesdel (See Emily Hicks, 1898) Patterson, Henry Lippincott, 1884 4430 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Paul, Clara Alicia (Mrs. Elmer H. Darling), 1893 Elm Grove Ave., Troy, N. Y. Paul, Helen, 1911 Moorestown, N. J. Paul, Mrs. William M. (See Tacie Parry, 1881) Paulin, Amelie Antoinette (Mrs. M. P. Stansbury), 1879 32 Belsize Park Gardens, N. W., London, W., England. Paxson, Achsah Leonore (Mrs. William W. Hurley), 1878 New Hope, Pa. Paxson, Mrs. Charles (See Anita Hickman, 1897) Pearson, James, 1877 Deceased. Pease, Mrs. Charles Harlow (See Frances Peters, 1891) Pecht, Ida May, 1897 1617 Wallace St., Philadelphia, Pa. Pennock, Jean Scarlett, 1914 Kennett Square, Pa. Pennock, Margaret, 1907 Deceased. Penrose, Mrs. (See Anna Hallo- well, 1884) Peoples, Jean S., 1907 810 Barcelon St., Chester, Pa. Perrine, William Morford, 1888 Res. 2043 N. Nineteenth St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Bus. 37 N. Front St., Philadelphia. Peters, Frances (Mrs. Charles Harlow Pease), 1891 841 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Peters, Richard, 3d, 1901 3219 Glen Ave., Birmingham,. Ala. Mgr. Birmingham Coal and Iron Co. Peterson, Mrs. A. E. (See Maude Lavinia Gridley, 1896) Pettibone, Herman Speck, 1895 Deceased. Pettit, Mrs. Frank (See Hannah B. Thompson, 1878) Pfeiffer, Howard David, 1902 Merchantville, N. J. Phillips, Arthur W., 1881 Waterford, Va. Phillips, Bertha Hull, 1900 21 Park Ave., Rochester, N. Y. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATE^ 179 Phillips, Mrs. Charles Hill (See Emma Greybill Schooley, 1899) Philips, Earle Stanton, 1913 Kennett Square, Pa. Phillips, Emma Mary, 1878 200 N. Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Phillips, Gilbert Richard, 1914 Mahanoy City, Pa. Phillips, Howard M., 1890 Res. 6809 Cresham Road, German- town. Bus. 1507 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Phillips, Ida V. (Mrs. Fox), 1883 Phillips, Mary Rebecca (Mrs. Samuel L. Hewlett), 1891 Roslyn, N. Y. Phipps, Samuel Eastbum, 1912 Ward, Pa. At present, care of Johnson Motor Car Co., Broad and Spring Garden Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa. Phipps, Mrs. Samuel Eastburn (See Catherine Sarah Gute- lins, 1913) Pidgeon, Charles, 1886 2207 Harvard St., Washington, D. C. Pidgeon, Lewis, 1883 Wadesville, Ya. Pidgeon, Mrs. Lewis (See Susan T. Williams, 1881) Pierce, Mrs. (See Sarah H. Mor- rill, 1876) Pierce, Henry, 1879 Died, August, 1911, Richmond, Ind. Pierce, Marian Marshall, 1914 205 S. Walnut St., West Chester, Pa. Pierce, Mary Walker, 1898 “The Marlborough,” Washington, D. C. Piggott, Clara Elma, 1897 Silcott Springs, Va. Pike, Charles Heyfield, 1909 Riverton, N. J. Pike, Daniel Herbert, 1891 Erie, Kans. Pike, James Frederick, 1891 Erie, Kans. Pinckney, Mrs. James Henry (See Grace Denton, 1906) Pitcher, Margaret Anita, 1910 37 Columbus Ave., New York, N. Y. Plank, Mrs. (See Martha Knight Wildman, 1889) Platts, Mrs. (See Eliza Chandlee, 1877) Pollard, Mrs. R. Spottswood (See Emilie Cleveland Garrett, 1893) Pollitt, Jean Hamilton, 1916 13 Hamilton Ave., Paterson, N. J. Pollock, Benjamin Harrison, 1913 5015 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Pomeroy, Margaret M., 1907 233 Boas St., Harrisburg, Pa. Porter, Ella B. (Mrs. Edward M. Guthrie), 1884 1233 Arapahoe St., Los Angeles, Cal. Porter, Mrs. Frank (See Mary Booth Walker, 1892) Porter, Georgia, 1892 1116 Wallace St., Philadelphia, Pa. Post, Lillian Estelle, (Mrs. Scott Libby), 1906 Roslyn, L. I., N. Y. Postlethwaite, Mrs. Clarence E. (See Charlotte Lewis Strat- ton, 1888) Potter, Annabel, 1909 Swarthmore, Pa. Potter, Mrs. William L. (See Helen Southwick Marshall, 1899) Potts, Ella Holstein, 1914 901 Swede St., Norristown, Pa. Potts, George Henry, 1877 Deceased. Pound, Irena, 1883 Kennett Square, Pa. Pound, Robinson, 1880 Deceased. Powell, Mrs. (See Cora Canaday, 1908) Powell, Mabel Alger, 1900 Ghent, N. Y. Powell, Sarah Ware (Mrs. Fogg), 1877 Hancock’s Bridge, Salem, N. J. Powell, Thomas M., 1883 Powell, William Walmsley, 1902 303 Hillside Ave., Jenkintown, Pa. Preston, Forest, 1873 Spruce Grove, Pa. Price, Charles Evans, 1902 Huntingdon Yalley, Pa. Price, Mrs. Charles Evans (See Gertrude Lukens, 1905) Price, George Ward, 1877 75 Broadway, Salem, N. J. Price, Harrie Bertsch, 1888 1723 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 180 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Price, Lucy Brooks (Mrs. Louis H. Mutschler), 1896 2030 W. Tioga St., Philadelphia, Pa. Price, Margaret Lightfoot, 1912 Grad, of Teachers’ College, Columbia Univ., Moylan, Pa. Kindergarten teacher. Price, Mary Roberts (Mrs. Slad- den), 1892 Deceased. Price, Reginald Cooper, 1906 1012 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md. Price, Samuel B., Jr., 1881 Hazleton, Pa. Price, Thornton Walton, 1908 519 Burnham Road, Elizabeth, N. J. Price, Mrs. Thornton Walton (See Helen Marot Farley, 1915) Prickett, Mrs. (See Ella Martha Griest, 1884) Prickett, Grace May, 1914 Swarthmore, Pa. Priestley, Anna Sarah, 1877 Cor. King and Front Sts., Northum- berland, Pa. Priestley, Mrs. John L. (See Eliza- beth Gleim Guilford, 1893) Prince, Alfred Artemus, 1915 301 W. Evergreen St., San An- tonio, Tex. Proctor, Mary Goldsmith (Mrs. Samuel S. Green), 1874 Box 82, Bartow, Fla. Pryor, Mrs. Ezekiel L. (See Eva B. Knight, 1882) Pugh, Joseph Meredith, 1893 Res. 39 E. Greenwood Ave., Lans- downe, Pa. Bus. Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. With Lybrand, Ross Bros & Montgomery. Purdy, Elizabeth Mathews (Mrs. Frank Haviland Quimby), 1899 7 Tennis Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. Purdy, George Washington, Jr., 1878 Purdy, James Garfield, 1901 Care of Robertson & Garrett, White Plains, N. Y. Pusey, Mrs. (See Elizabeth I. Hill, 1877) Pusey, Elizabeth Josephine (Mrs. Arthur H. J. Garrett), 1886 1304 W. Thirteenth St., Wilming- ton, Del. Pusey, Florence Anne (Mrs. Sam- uel Knox), 1886 Lansdowne, Pa. Pusey, Mary Sickels, 1912 411 Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa. Pyle, Irma Virginia, 1902 338 Bergen Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Pyott, Mary Hallowell, 1894 105 Troup St., Rochester, N. Y. Q Quigley, Mrs. Ernest C. (See Mar- garet S. Darlington, 1904) Quigley, Mrs. Winfred (See Ada C. Gould, 1883) Quimby, Mrs. Frank Haviland (See Elizabeth Purdy, 1899) Quimby, Mrs. Courtland F. (See Marion G. Way, 1896) Quinter, Mary Nancy, 1892 Died 1913, Jalalpor, Surat District, India. R Rakestraw, Lydia (Mrs. Marvin E, Bushong), 1898 R. F. D., No. 4, Quarryville, Pa. Ramdohr, Elsa Stohlmann von (Mrs. O. W. Palmenburg), 1905 202 E. 199th St., New York, N. Y. Ramsey, Mary Stuart (Mrs. Her- bert Townsend Bassett), 1912 Salem, N. J. Randolph, Harry Fitz, 1892 Scott Haven, Pa. Randolph, Richard Wood, Jr., 1896 Albay, Albay Prov., Philippine Is- lands. Rath, Morris Charles, 1911 Sharon Hill, Pa. At present, care of American League Baseball Team, Chicago, 111. Read, Alfred H., 1883 M.D. Norristown, Pa. Read, James Charles, 1889 525 Third Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Redding, Mrs. William Allen (See Emily Schoenemann, 1906) Redrow, Mrs. Oscar B. (See Ma- bel Haines, 1903) Reece, Lydia D. (Mrs. Robert P. Green), 1881 Deceased. Reeder, Elizabeth (Mrs. Newton Evans Wood), 1878 Hatboro, Pa. ' Reeder, Watson Kenderdine, 1877 New Hope, Pa. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 181 Reeves, Elizabeth T. (Mrs. Alba B. Johnson), 1882 Deceased. Reid, Florence Du Rose (Mrs. Killam), 1892 1250 Orange Grove Blvd., Pasadena, Cal. Reinhard, Walter Arnold, 1912 Moores, Pa. Reppert, Eloise, 1892 Rengier, Eva Thressa (Mrs. Ap- pel), 1898 531 Lime St., Lancaster, Pa. Rex, Wallace Wiltberger, 1913 Churchville, Pa. Rhoads, Jacob Zimmerman, 1879 Deceased. Rhoads, Mrs. Samuel Nicholson (See Mary Allen Cawley, 1892) Rich, Edward Yarnall, 1898 Doylestown, Pa. Richards, Elizabeth, 1911 32 Paradise Road, Northampton, Mass. Instr. in Hygiene and Physical Education, Smith College. Richards, Mrs. J. Warren (See Helen Ruth Lewis, 1906) Richards, Jessie Theodora, 1911 283 Goshen Ave., Salem, Ohio. Richards, Mabel Mosser (Mrs. George Whittier Griest), 1915 Lancaster, Pa. Richards, Marie Louise (Mrs. Gabriel Ludlow), 1898 “The College Hill,” 472 College St., Macon, Ga. Richards, Rowland A., 1894 Mendenhall, Pa. Richardson, Anna Bringhurst, 1885 Deceased. Richardson, Edith Millicent, 1911 15 Jackson St., Cape May, N. J. Richardson, Elizabeth C., 1884 Torresdale, Pa. Richardson, John, Jr., 1883 P. O. Box 207, Wilmington, Del. Pres. National Bank of Delaware. Richardson, Maggie, 1877 Deceased. Richardson, Mary Andrews, 1877 Died September 28, 1911, Wilming- ton, Del. Ridgely, Mrs. (See Annie Kemp, 1884) Riemensnyder, Helen (Mrs. Mar- tin), 1893 Riverside Drive and Lewis, Harris- burg, Pa. Authoress. Rieser, Mrs. Harry F. (See Ethel Anna Croasdale, 1909) Rios, Jose Antonio, 1911 Tacubaya, Piedad 1420, Mexico. Risley, Wallace Somers, 1888 Box 41, Tacoma, Wash. Roach, John, 1900 344 W. Seventy-second St., New York, N. Y. Robb, John Archimedes, 1909 152 S. Main St., Phoenixville, Pa. Robbins, Cora Sarah (Mrs. Rush- more), 1901 Mineola, L. I., N. Y. Robbins, Mrs. (See Deborah Gay Thomas, 1902) Roberts, Mrs. (See Frances Ase- nath Walton, 1893) Roberts, Alice (Mrs. John J. Wil- liams), 1881 Oak and High Sts., Norristown, Pa. Roberts, Caroline, 1882 2000 Mt. Royal Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Roberts, Edith Adeline, 1909 24 Douglas Road, Glen Ridge, N. J. Roberts, Ernest Marion, 1911 A.B. Amherst College, 1911. White Cottage, Ohio. At present, asst, coach and in Dept, of Physical Training, Amherst College, Am- herst, Mass. Roberts, Gertrude E. (Mrs. Rog- ers), 1893. Medford, N. J. Roberts, Mrs. Horace (See Emma Elizabeth Thomas, 1888) Roberts, Mrs. Isaac (See Ruth K. Thomas, 1884) Roberts, J. Paul, 1890 Phoenixville, Pa. Roberts, Jesse Rubicum, 1916 Jarrettown, Pa. Roberts, Mary French, 1874 Deceased. Roberts, Mrs. Raymond (See Jen- nie Haydock Griffin, 1873) Roberts, Rebecca Hunt (Mrs. Hunt), 1877 209 E. Union St., Burlington, N. J. Roberts, Russell, 1916 114 Elmwood Ave., Narberth, Pa. Roberts, Susan Abbott, 1875 Burlington, N. J. Robinson, Clarence Josiah, 1915 Winchester, Ya. Rockhill, Clement B., 1882 Rockwell, Edward Russell, 1897 182 * SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Rockwood, Mrs. (See Grace Blakely, 1901) Roehm, Sophie Dorothy, 1910 521 Stanbridge St., Norristown, Pa. ‘Rogers, Mrs. (Gertrude E. Rob- erts), 1893 Rogers, Ellen (Mrs. Isaiah E. At- kinson), 1874 Mt. Holly, N. J. Rogers, Esther Lewis (Mrs. Howard H. Carpenter), 1905 Eldora, Colo. Rogers, Helen Idelle (Mrs. Wil- liam S. Evans), 1902 310 S. Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa. Rogers, John Allyn, 1915 Swarthmore, Pa. Romer, Mary S., 1907 1193 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Rooks, William Willard, 1905 Salamanca, N. Y. Rose, Mrs. (See Annie Haviland, 1883) Rose, Marguerite Thayer, 1910 Tuckahoe, N. Y. Rossiter, Uriah Pennypacker, 1884 Erie, Pa. Ruckman, John Horner, 1892 Lahaska, Pa. Rudderow, Edith Dudley, 1914 Moorestown, N. J. Rule, Mrs. William, Jr. (See Char- lotte Gunby, 1906) Rushmore, Mrs. (See Cora S. Rob- bins, 1901) Rushmore, Anna C. (Mrs. Irwin), 1892 Catskill, N. Y. Rushmore, Charles E., 1881 Athens, N. Y. Rushmore, Jane P., 1883 1519 N. Bouvier St., Philadelphia, Pa. Russell, Helen Kirk, 1909 Bedford, Pa. Ryan, Gertrude Anna (Mrs. Luther Wallace), 1892 Marble Falls, Tex. Ryan, Horton Casparis, 1891 Care of Mrs. Luther Wallace, Marble Falls, Tex. S Sailer, Mrs. Thomas H. Powers (See Elizabeth Jackson Cloth- ier, 1888) Sands, Mary Elizabeth, 1S91 Sapp, Harry Antrim, 1898 4936 Camac St., Philadelphia, Pa. Satterfield, Clara (Mrs. Harry L. Harper), 1881 Chestnut Hill Academy, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Matron and housekeeper. Satterthwaite, Benjamin, Jr., 1912 44 Montgomery Place, Trenton, N. J. Satterthwaite, Mrs. Howard (See Emma Cooke Beatty, 1906) Satterthwaite, Lydia Paul (Mrs. Oliver H. Parry), 1875 Care of W. W. Turner, Swarthmore, Pa. Saulsbury, James, 1898 Wilmington, Del. Lawyer. Savage, Mrs. Jose R. F. (See Mary Elizabeth Hutchinson, 1899) Saxman, Charles, 1894 Salt Lake City, Utah. Scarlett, Anna (Mrs. Sharpless), 1907 Toughkenamon, Pa. Scarlett, Phebe Thompson (Mrs. Ellis M. Harvey), 1890 Media, Pa. Scattergood, Eugene Robert, 1904 Burlington, N. J. Scattergood, Lucy Woolman, 1904 Moorestown, N. J. Trained nurse. Schaefer, William Philip, 1915 1908 Crotona Ave., Bronx, New York, N.- Y. Schamberg, Regena (Mrs. Loeb), 1896 1525 Poplar St., Philadelphia, Pa. Schoenemann, Emily (Mrs. Wm. Allen Redding), 1906 68 Cambridge Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Schooley, Emma Greybill (Mrs. Charles Hill Phillips), 1899 85 Manchester Place, Buffalo, N. Y. Schooley, John Curtis, 1885 Schuler, Mary Evelyn, 1911 Crothersville, Ind. Schumacher, Mrs. Henry Hough- ton (See Edith L. Mather, 1908) Scott, Mrs. Arthur Hoyt (See Edith Wilder, 1896) Scott, Mary Gertrude (Mrs. Sam- uel Warren Hall), 1896 St. Davids, Pa. Scull, Laura Down, 1912 17 N. Delaware Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 183 Seal, Emma, 1906 Swarthmore, Pa. Seal, Mary Capelle, 1883 915 Adams St., Wilmington, Del. Teacher Willard Hall School. Seaman, Anna Louise (Mrs. Al- bertson W. Hicks), 1906 Roslyn, L. I., N. Y. Seaman, Earle Raudenbush, 1913 115 Douglass St., Reading, Pa. At present, 3651 N. Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Seaman, James Pierre, 1906 Woodbury Falls, N. Y. At present, 467 W. 152d St., New York, N. Y. Seaman, Samuel Jackson Under- hill, 1878 Glen Cove, L. I., N. Y. Seaman, Mrs. Samuel Jackson Underhill (See Jane Rush- more Willets), 1873 Seaman, Mrs. Robert (See Han- nah Willets, 1879) Searing Adolphus Hawxhurst, 1879 Died 1907, Auburn, N. Y. Was County Judge. Secor, Arthur J., 1879 Care of J. K. Secor, 2535 Monroe St., Toledo, Ohio. Seeley, Mrs. J. W. (See K. Maud Green, 1897) Seidle, Norman Robert, 1898 Lebanon, Pa. Seipt, Manilius D., 1882 “Edgemont Farm,” P. O. Box 88, Bridgeport, Pa. Seligman, James Leon, 1888 Santa Fe, N. Mex. Sellers, Mrs. Philip (See Susanne Miller Garrett, 1895) Sellers, Bertha, Special, 1905-09 Swarthmore, Pa. Selser. Mrs. Harold Mein (See Martha Paul Knight, 1908) Servoss, Laura Dunn, 1911 Queen Anne Road, Ridgefield Park, N. J. Shaff, Dewitt Clinton, 1898 Cisco, Pratt Co., 111. Shannon, Mary Matilda (Mrs. Shellenberger, 1876) Deceased. Sharp, Benjamin, 1878 24 Elm St., Brookline, Mass. Sharpies, David T., 1883 West Chester, Pa. Sharpless, Mrs. (See Anna Scar- lett, 1907) Sharpless, Marion, 1888 Oxford, Pa. Sharpless, Hannah Mary (Mrs. Jared W. Darlington), 1898 Darling, Pa. Sharpless, Mary R. (Mrs. Ken- worthy), 1883 1125 West St., Wilmington, Del. Sharpless, Townsend, 1882 Wyncote, Pa. Shattuck, Mrs. (See Cleora M. Haviland, 1903) Shattuck, Ethel Victoria (Mrs. Venning), 1895 30 Highland Terrace, Orange, N. J. Shattuck, Melissa Martha, 1894 “Circle Apts.,” 114 Morningside, West, New York, N. Y. Shattuck, Winthrop William, 1894 Demarest, N. J. Merchant, in New York, N. Y. Shaver, Frank Gray, 1895 315 S. Green Bay Road, Highland Park, 111. Shaw, Mary Frances, 1911 Died September 2, 1912, Jersey Shore, Pa. Shellenburger, Mrs. (See Mary Shannon, 1876) Shelmire, Emily Pusey (Mrs. E. Pusey Passmore), 1900 Coulter and Stokley Sts., German- town, Pa. Shemeley, William Glovier, 1909 No. 7 Haddon Ave., Camden, N. J. Shields, Frances Emily, 1911 504 W. Union St., West Chester, Pa. Shimer, Stanley Douglass, 1910 335 E. Broad St., Bethlehem, Pa. Shoemaker, Anna Caroline, 1913 2029 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Shoemaker, Mrs. Daniel N. (See Frances Elvira Hartley, 1891) Shoemaker, William Anderson, 1889 Shreve, Hannah Taylor, 1892 Deceased. Shreve, Helen Hulme (Mrs. Wright), 1887 513 Fifth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Shreve, Sarah Ann (Mrs. Molar- sky), 1898 68 Freeman St., Norfolk Downs, Mass. Shroyer, Fannie Clift (Mrs. Keller), 1888 184 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Sibbald, Mrs. John Howard (See Mary Ashbridge Hallowell, 1878) Sickels, Mrs. W. H. (See Georg- ene Blanton, 1910) Siggons, Walter F., 1907 Simons, Ellie Lesley (Mrs. Ed- ward M. Bassett), 1910 Swarthmore, Pa. Simons, Marian, 1915 Moylan, Pa. Simmons, Harry Edward, 1894 Simmons, Mrs. James A. (See Isa- bella Florence Walton, 1880) Simmons, Rebecca Evans (Mrs. Harry Blair Gill), 1888 6427 Sherwood Road, Overbrook, Pa. Simpson, Mrs. (See Mary Jones Murphy, 1892) Sims, Walter Fred, 1898 Broad St. Station, Philadelphia, Pa. Sinclair, Mrs. Horace (See Flor- ence S. MacFarland, 1914) Skerrett, Delamere, 1887 Care of Military Secretaries’ Office, Washington, D. C. Adj. Gen. U. S. Army. Skidelsky, Bernice C., 1908 1741 N. Eighteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Slack, Ethel Phoebe Broomell, 1907 1125 Upland St., Chester, Pa. Sladden, Mrs. (See Mary Roberts Price, 1892) Sloat, Mrs. Stanley (See Annie Evelyn Baldwin, 1900) Slocum, Matilda Hughes, 1891 Smedley, Agnes May (Mrs. Max Giesecke), 1905 2609 Eudora St., Denver, Colo. Smedley, Anna Lucretia (Mrs. Wilson Bartram), 1904 Newtown Square, Pa. Smedley, Elizabeth Ann, 1887 Media, Pa. Smedley, Florence Elizabeth (Mrs. Clifford Vernon), 1911 321 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal. Smedley, Samuel, 1886 Media, Pa. Smedley, Susan, 1910 West Chester, Pa. Smith, Mrs. (See Elizabeth S. Williams, 1898) Smith, Adeline Mead, 1910 Glen Cove, N. Y. Smith, Mrs. (See Virginia Allen, 1883) Smith, Albert Hatcher, 1891 First Baptist Church, Pasadena, Cal. Smith, Mrs. Bernard Gilpin (See Rebekah Wright Gould, 1878) Smith, Caroline S., 1890 Ogontz, Pa. Smith, Clarence William, 1893 Res. 68 E. Second St., Moorestown, N. J. Bus., care of Phila. “Even- ing Times,” Sixth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Elizabeth Hutchinson (Mrs. Fetter), 1898 414 West Ave., Jenkintown, Pa. Smith, Ella Bowne, 1874 Deceased. Smith, Frances Emma, 1914 Chatham, Pa. Smith, Mrs. Fon Der (See Kath- erine Gossler, 1884) Smith, D. Laura May (Mrs. Wood), 1892 Petaluma, Cal. Smith, Gilbert Tyson, Jr., 1895 Box 91, Stamford, Conn. Specialist in nervous disorders. Smith, Gladys Keyser, 1911 323 State St., Media, Pa. Smith, Harriet Anna (Mrs. George Harrington Lamb), 1890 Old St. David’s Rectory, Radnor, Pa. Smith, Harvey Thomas, 1888 Deceased. Smith, Herschel Gaston, 1911 Care of Pearson Engineering Cor- poration, Barcelona, Spain, Chem- ical Engineer. Smith, Herbert Thomas, 1895 Cinnaminson, N. J. Smith, Ida May, 1905 509 S. High St., West Chester, Pa. Smith, Lemuel David, 1906 Spokane, Wash. Smith, Lucy Rosa (Mrs. Lang- head), 1890 Oliphant Furnace, Fayette Co., Pa. Smith, Mary Anna, 1914 Newtown, Pa. Smith, Mary H., 1888 Unionville, Pa. Smith, Percival C., 1881 123 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N. Y., or 46 Cedar St., New York, N. Y. Smith, Percy Maltby, 1911 369 Howard St., New Haven, Conn. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 185 Smith, Raymond Conrad, 1909 567 Bird Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Smith, Mrs. Samuel L. (See Rose Bachrach, 1901) Smith, Sara H. (Mrs. Howard Hoge), 1883 Lincoln, Va. President Virginia W. C. T. U. Smith, W. Dulty, 1905 Care of Headquarters U. S. M. C., Washington, D. C. At present, U. S. M. C. Recruiting Office, 61 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. First Lieut. U. S. Marine Corps. Smith, William Thes, 1906 6 Merlin St., Dorchester, Mass. Smock, Elsie Bradfield, 1913 3330 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Snader, Mrs. Edward R. (See Martha J. McComb, 1880) Snyder, Mrs. Harry L. (See Ida L. Baldwin), 1884 Sokolofsky, Stephen Gregory, 1914 610 S. American St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sommer, Martha W. (Mrs. Ell- wood C. Jones), 1897 Hamilton, Loudoun Co., Va. Spackman, Mrs. Ellis (See Kath- erine W. Laing, 1878) Spackman, Helen Moore, 1912 503 Chestnut St., Coatesville, Pa. Speakman, Mrs. Allen (See Estelle Hall, 1878) Speakman, Elizabeth Pancoast, 1900 Clayinont, Del. Speakman, Frederic William, 1893 Coatesville, Pa. Speakman, Mrs. Frederic (See Martha Titus Valentine, 1895) Speakman, Mrs. William (See Anna Travilla, 1887) Spencer, Edith Mary (Mrs. J. R. Malott), 1907 Care of Mrs. A. B. Spencer, 36 Randolph St., Huntington, Ind. Spencer, Rose C. (Mrs. Ernest Lynd), 1894 818 S. Forty-eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Springer, Charles Edward, 1911 709 N. Urain St., El Paso, Tex. Sproat, Ronald Sheepshanks, 1911 Westtown, Pa. Staab, Arthur, 1893 1106 W. Eleventh St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Stabler, Mrs. Charles (See Ida Palmer, 1898) Stabler, Mrs. (See Rebecca Thomas Moore, 1893) Stabler, Edward Alford, 1900 Reservoir St., Baltimore, Md. Stabler, Emily Butler (Mrs. Emery H. Miller), 1891 606 Summit Ave., Hagerstown, Md. Stackhouse, Martha (Mrs. Wat- son), 1878 Deceased. Standish, Harold Selfridge, 1895 Lima, Ohio. Stanford, Monnie Clara, 1891 Stansbury, Mrs. M. P. (See Amelie Antoinette Paulin, 1879) Stapler, Anna Paul Kirk, 1914 Abington, Pa. Starr, Mrs. Louis (See Mary Par- rish, 1876) Stebbins, John Higgins, 1916 North East, Pa. Steele, Hugh Exton, 1887 Pocopson, Pa. Steele, John Hall, 1874 Pittstown, N. J. Steer, James Dutton, 1888 Deceased. Steffian, Peter August, 1895 Stephens, Alida Miriam, 1902 Catalogue Dept., Congressional Li- brary, Washington, D. C. Stephens, Elsie Jane (Mrs. Felch), 1892 1348 E. Fifteenth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Stephens, Martha Blades, 1898 1618 John St., Baltimore, Md. Teacher, Baltimore Public Schools. Stevens, Bessie, 1884 Deceased. Stevens, George Black, 1899 Deceased. Stevenson, Grace Walton (Mrs. A. W. Chapman), 1896 55 Pineapple St. Brooklyn, N. Y. Stewart, Nellie Dysart, 1899 Stewart, Thomas Selby, 1877 Stewart, Victor Woodward, 1904 Fostoria, Ohio. At present, Wilson, N. C. Timber Manufacturer. Stuart, William Godman, 1907 45 E. Forty-second St., New York, N. Y. Stickney, Edwin Lester, 1895 Moulton, Iowa. Cashier, First Nat’l Bank of Moulton. 186 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Stickney, Mrs. S. W. (See Mar- garet May Freeman, 1891) Stiles, Charles Pratt, 1913 319 Penn St., Camden, N. J. Stirling, Mrs. Edmund (See Annie Biddle, 1876) Stockton, Max Riebenack, 1914 Swarthmore, Pa. Stoddart, Mrs. (See Frances Sum- ner Janney, 1887) Stone, Mrs. (See Sarah Lucretia Keenan, 1893) Stone, Mrs. Edward (See Kather- ine L. Brooke, 1901) Stone, Fred Edward, 1891 211-219 Shipley St., Wilmington, Del., or R. P. D., No. 1, Edge- moor, Del. Stoner, Clarence Davis, 1893 Columbia, Pa. Stover, Bertha Lloyd, Special, 1906-07. Stover, Hugh C., 1886 Erwinia, Pa. Stover, Murray A., 1903 Imperial, Cal. Stover, Mrs. Murray A. (See Georgia Zavitz, 1908) Stratton, Carolyn Lucy, 1914 Mission Ridge, E. Chattanooga, Tenn. Stratton, Lewis (Mrs. Clarence E. Postlethwaite), 1888 319 Frederick Ave., Sewickley, Pa. Stritzinger, Frederick G., 3d, 1916 34 W. Main St., Norristown, Pa. Strobel, Mrs. (See Annie Sophia Harbaugh, 1885) Strode, Ellwood Palmer, 1915 423 W. Union St., West Chester, Pa. Stroh, Elizabeth Lavinia, 1898 Strong, Helen Bishop, 1911 104 Franklin St., Media, Pa. Strong, Mrs. James B. (See Mary Janney Williams, 1898) Stutzbach, Marion Alice (Mrs. Horace Maynard Jones), 1899 4811 Windsor Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Styer, Alice Marie, 1915 1019 De Kalb St., Norristown, Pa. Styer, Mrs. Walter (See Anna S. Darlington, 1887) Sudler, Charles Edward, 1892 Care of' Carroll H. Sudler, 423 Monad- nock Bldg., Chicago, 111. Sudler, Martha Virginia, 1894 Sullivan, Mrs. Joseph G. (See Florence Mather Levick, 1900) Sutton, Charles Thomas, 1874 15 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Sutton, Ella, 1873 621 W. North Ave., Baltimore, Md. Swank, James M., Jr., 1884 Deceased. Swayne, Charles Sumner, 1894 313 Avenue Road, Toronto, Canada. Swayne, Lillian Conard (Mrs. Gardner W. Kimball), 1897 Guyencourt, Del. Sweeney, John Rowan, Jr., 1914 918 Potter St., Chester, Pa. Swisher, Mary Anna, 1915 Christiana, Pa. T Taggart, David, 1877 Frackville, Pa. Physician. Tanger, John Carroll, 1909 Hanover, Pa. Taylor, Alice B. (Mrs. William Trimble), 1887 2504 Garfield Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Taylor, Andrew Ruffner, 1909 Swarthmore, Pa. Taylor, Caroline, 1892 Lincoln, Va. Taylor, Mrs. Edgar Jefferson (See Mary Esther Whitson, 1885) Taylor, Grace (Mrs. William Dan- iel Himes), 1909 New Oxford, Pa. Taylor, Helen, 1881 2030 Middle City Station, Philadel- phia, Pa. Taylor, Mahlon Kirkbride, 1876 Taylor, Ruth Elizabeth, 1887 Deceased. Temple, Horace, 1896 Ward, Pa. Temple, Jacob Paxson, 1902 Tanguy, Pa. Temple, Mrs. Jacob Paxson (See Ada Underhill, 1901) Temple, William Paxson, 1895 Brandywine Summit, Pa. Terrell, Frederic Brahan, 1905 Kemper Military School, Boonville, Mo. Professor Military Science. First Lieut. U. S. Army. Terrell, Robert Weakley Brahan, 1911 417 Oakland St., San Antonio, Tex. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 187 Thatcher, Helen M., Special, 1906- 1907 West Chester, Pa. Thayer, Mrs. George A. (See Elizabeth Hicks Cocks, 1886) Thayer, John Atkinson, 1893 Charleston, W. Ya. Thomas, Mrs. (See Sarah Engle Conrow, 1886) Thomas, Anna Leggett (Mrs. Nes- bitt), 1893 Ashton, Md. Thomas, Carleton Meloney, 1915 Avondale, Pa. Plumbing and Roof- ing. Thomas, Deborah Gay (Mrs. Bob- bins), 1902 Morrisville, Pa. Thomas, Edwin, 1876 Deceased. Thomas, Edwin W., 1882 King of Prussia, Montgomery Co., Pa. Thomas, Emma (Mrs. Dagen), 1897 Moorestown, N. J. Thomas, Emma Elizabeth (Mrs. Horace Roberts), 1888 Deceased. Thomas, Frederick Benjamin, 1896 302 W. Market St., Lima, Ohio. Thomas, John G., 1903 Thomas, Kate C. (Mrs. Gilder- sleeve), 1889 229 Main St., Hempstead, L. I., N. Y. Thomas, Mary Conrow, 1914 Moorestown, N. J. Thomas, Mary Elizabeth, 1891 Ednor, Md. Thomas, Mary Parker Halliday (Mrs. Findley Highland Burns Bullock), 1898 S. E. Cor. Westwood Ave and Pu- laski St., Baltimore, Md. Thomas, Ruth K. (Mrs. Isaac Roberts), 1884 Swarthmore, Pa. Thomas, Mrs. Sterling (See Edith Needles Trump, 1892) Thomas, William Francis, 1892 Ednor, Md. Thompson, Hannah B. (Mrs. Frank Pettit), 1878 1521 N. Nineteenth St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Thompson, Mrs. Justice N. (See Mary Miller Hawley, 1889) Thompson, Mrs. Louis (See Clara Keen Fowler, 1906) Thompson, Mary Iredell, 1884 2029 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Thompson, Mrs. Percy W. (See Mary Elizabeth Haviland, 1900) Thorne, Edward C., 1883 Deceased. Thorne, Howard Ellsworth, 1880 232 West St., New York, N. Y. Res. 1 Tower Place, Yonkers, N. Y. Thornton, Samuel Stokes, 1887 222 Windermere Ave., Wayne, Pa. Tilton, Josephine Hannah, 1886 120 S. Second Ave., Mt. Yernon, N. Y. Tilton, Mrs. J. W. (See Mary L. Moore, 1879) Tily, Harry Coleman, Jr., 1913 121 Montgomery Ave., Cynwyd, Pa. Timmons, Alice Whaley (Mrs. John McClure), 1909 8 Chester Pike, Sharon Hill, Pa. Tindall, Rev. John William, 1897 149 Church St., Phoenixville, Pa. Titus, Georgiana, 1898 Old Westbury, L. I., N. Y. Todd, James Campbell, 1895 Boulder, Colo. Professor of Pathol- ogy, Univ. of Colorado. Townsend, Mrs. Sylvester (See Helen P. Cheairs, 1898) Trainer, Mrs. (See Sara Roxy Cor- lies, 1901) Transue, William Thomas, 1910 Shawnee, Pa. Travilla, Anna (Mrs. William W. Speakman), 1887 Swarthmore, Pa. Travilla, Florence, 1907 West Chester, Pa. Travilla, Thomas Hastings, 1912 308 W. Miner St., West Chester, Pa. Student of Dentistry, Univ. of Pa. Trickle, Mrs. (See Lillie C. White, 1892) Trimble, Mary E. (Mrs. Grubb), 1883 West Chester, Pa. Trimble, Mrs. William (See Alice B. Taylor, 1887) Troth, Mrs. (See Mary Woolman Holme, 1894) Trump, Edith Needles (Mrs. Ster- ling Thomas), 1892 25 Willard St., Wilmington, Del. 188 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Tschudy, Mrs. Harry Carpenter (See Estelle Waters, 1894) Turner, Elwood Jackson, 1908 Ridley Park, Pa. Turner, Gertrude T., 1884 Turner, Mrs. William Webb (See Mary A. Parry, 1904) Twining, Rebecca Roman (Mrs. Watson J. Large), 1876 Yardley, Pa. Tyler, Caleb Ridgeway, 1906 Deceased. Tyler, Helena Woolman, 1888 Deceased. Tyler, Mary Anna (Mrs. Dutton), 1888 Care of Friends’ Central School, Fifteenth and Race Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa. Tyndall, Gertrude Van Anken, 1910 137 S. Sixth Aye., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Tyson, Charles Elwood, 1907 University and Raymond Aves., St. Paul, Minn. Tyson, Mrs. Charles M. (See Emma Idalene Forman, 1887) Tyson, Chester, 1900 Flora Dale, Pa. Apple-grower. u Udall, Julian Athol, 1898 Great Neck, N. Y. Udell, Zaida Elvira, 1891 A.B. A.M. Univ. of Michigan. N. J. State Home for Girls, Tren- ton, N. J. Social worker and in- vestigator. Underhill, Ada (Mrs. Jacob Tem- ple), 1901 Tanguy, Pa. Underhill, Annie, 1886 Glen Head, L. I., N. Y. Underwood, Edwin Mahlon, 1892 New Castle, Pa. Upson, James Vance, 1889 Urie, Mary Louise, 1911 Chestertown, Md. V Vail, Mrs. Clarence B. (See El- veretta Cutler, 1901) Vail, Evangeline, 1891 San Diego, Cal. Vail, James Bindley, 1896 21 Holly St., Cranford, N. J. Valentine, Martha Titus (Mrs. Frederic Speakman), 1895 Died April 19, 1912, Coatesville, Pa. Valentine, Richard Kirk, 1875 Deceased. Valentine, Stephen, 1874 111 St. Marks Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., or 62 Eighth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Valentine-Dee, Mary Pauline, 1901 Media, Pa. Valentine-Dee, Olga, 1905 Media, Pa. Van Haagen, Elizabeth, 1915 Swarthmore, Pa. Vansant, Joshua Riley, 1889 3755 Pennsylvania Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Real Estate and Brok- erage Business. Van Syckel, James Stephens, 1913 224 Greenwood Ave., Trenton, N. J. Van Trump, Donald Harpertson, 1913 Edgemoor, Del. Van Trump, Susan Newbold (Mrs. Mace), 1892 Rossville, Baltimore Co., Md. Vargas, Stephen Manuel, 1894 Grenada, Nicaraugua, C. Am. VauClain, Emma Frances, 1910 Care of S. M. VauClain, Rosemont, Pa. Venning, Mrs. (See Ethel Vic- toria Shattuck, 1895) Verlenden, Albert Thatcher, 1898 Darby, Pa. Verlenden, Rebecca Lewis, (Mrs. H. Lennox H. Dick), 1910 28 N. Ninth St., Darby, Pa. Vernon, Clarence Franklin, 1910 Ottumwa, Iowa. Vernon, Mrs. Clifford (See Flor- ence Elizabeth Smedley, 1911) Vernon, Horace Greeley, 1891 Pomeroy, Pa. Vernon, Norman Darlington, 1903 Lamokin, Pa. Asst. Supt. with Pennsylvania R. R. Vernon, Ralph B., 1913 Ottumwa, Iowa. Vibbert, Yensie Winifred, 1912 Milford, Del. Viskniskki, Evelyn Roberts, 1905 Carmi, 111. Viskniskki, Guy Thomas, 1898 174 Valley Road, Montclair, N. J. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 189 W Waddell, Vernon Rose (Mrs. Ar- thur Bassett), 1912 Swarthmore, Pa. Wagner, Pearl Thresa, Special, 1907-1908 218 Swarthmore Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Wakefield, Gerald Ross, 1913 Highland Falls, N. Y. Walker, Agnes Eliza (Mrs. Thomas E. Owens), 1896 Manchester, Ya. Walker, Anna Bathsheba, 1890 Deceased. Walker, Arthur Harrison, 1897 South Charleston, Ohio. Walker, Charles Platt, 1880 Walker, Cornelia Needles, 1913 Waterford, Va. Walker, Hamilton Willett, 1892 Care of Fulton, Walker & Co., Twen- tieth and Filbert Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa. Carriage Maker. Walker, Helen Duer, 1901 Seventeenth and Green Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. Walker, James. Mendenhall, 1892 1320 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Southern representative of Corlies, Macy & Co., Printers, New York, N. Y. Walker, Maiy Booth (Mrs. Frank Porter), 1892 West Downingtown, Pa. R. F. D., No. 2. Walker, Richard Lawrence, 1876 Res. 252 Cambridge St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bus. 24 State St. With Cunard S. S. Ltd. Walker, Mrs. Richard Lawrence (See Anna Titus Griffin, 1874) Walker, William J. Latta, 1903 Gap, Pa. Wallace, Anne Augusta (Mrs. Richard La Domus), 1909 “The Lawnside,” 1441 N. Sixteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wallace, Emma Barnes, 1899 1519 N. Bouvier St., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher, Seventeenth and Girard Sts. Wallace, Mrs. Luther (See Ger- trude A. Ryan, 1892) Wallen, Eva (Mrs. Edmund Lov- ett), 1903 Morrisville, Pa. Wallen, Seeley Arthur, 1902 Central, N. Mex. Poultryman. First Lieut., Retired, U. S. Army. Walter, Emily, 1876 Deceased. Walter, Georgiana (Mrs. Otley Ellwood Jackson), 1899 141 S. Fifty-ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Walter, Harry James, 1910 West Chester, Pa. Walton, Mrs. (See Emma De- borah Kinsey, 1913) Walton, Charles Henry, 1893 145 Grant Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Chief owner of “Opal Stores,” San Jose, Los Angeles, San Fran- cisco. Walton, Frances Asenath (Mrs. Roberts), 1893 1921 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Walton, Horace Kent, 1908 Died, February. 2, 1913, Concordville, Pa. Walton, Isabella Florence (Mrs. James A. Simmons), 1880 Walton, Mrs. Louis E. (See Ger- trude W. Kent, 1887) Walton, Louis Stockton, 1899 47 Bogg Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Walton, Mary Patience (Mrs. Maurice Michener), 1914 306 Jackson St., Media, Pa. Walton, Mrs. William (See Rose Foster Avery, 1913) Ward, Mrs. Newton Evans (See Elizabeth Reeder, 1878) Ware, Herschel Corson, 1914 Died, July 23, 1912, near Millville, N. J. Waring, Lee Koseter, 1910 Warner, Charles Lathrop, 1893 Titusville, Pa. Warner, George William, 1893 Deceased. Warren, Mrs. G. F. (See Mary Whitson, 1898) Warren, Mrs. Louis J. (See Eliza- beth Parrish, 1900) Washburn, Mabel Thacher Rose- mary, 1894 Grad. Amer. Acad. Dram. Art, 1894. Care of Frank Allaber Co., 3 W. Forty-second St., New York, N. Y. Genealogical Editor, Jour. Amer. History and Sec’y Frank Allaber Genealogical Co. Washburn, Charles Ezra, 1888 Delanson, N. Y. Washburn, Howard R., 1894 Chappaqua, N. Y. 190 SWARTPIMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Washburn, Inez Mora, 1912 Box 75, Pleasantville, N. Y. Washburn, Jane Caroline, 1888 8 Lennox Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Washburn, Mary Stuart (Mrs. James J. Lippincott), 1906 10 Crane Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Waters, Estelle (Mrs. Harry Car- penter Tschudy), 1894 Smyrna, Del. Watson, Mrs. (See Martha Stack- house, 1878) Watson, Edith Wolverton, 1912 412 N. Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa. Watson, Ellen, 1913 719 Eighth Ave., Lewiston, Idaho. Watson, George Hart, 1889 Doylestown, Pa. Asst. Trust Officer, Berks Co. Trust Co. Watson, Henry Winfield, 1877 Langhorne, Pa. Watson, Jane, 1891 80 N. Main St., Doylestown, Pa. Watson, James Verree, Jr., 1900 313 Earlham Terrace, Philadelphia, Pa. With Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery, Land Title Bldg. Watson, Miriam (Mrs. W. Henry A. James), 1887 90 N. Main St., Doylestown, Pa. Watson, Walter Leisenring, 1893 1220 Beacon St., E. Chicago, Ind. Mgr. E. Chicago and Indiana Harbor Water Co. Watters, Marion Catherine, 1911 Swarthmore, Pa. At present, Rock- ford College, Rockford, 111. Instr. in Phys. Training. Way, Joseph Sullivan, 1898 Kennett Square, Pa. Horticulturist. Way, Marion Genevra (Mrs. Courtland F. Quimby), 1896 Prospect Ave., West Grove, Pa. Weaver, Amy, 1912 25 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Weaver, Bertha, 1912 25 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Weaver, Bertha Chandler (Mrs. Ernest Blood), 1902 6334 Greene St., Germantown, Pa. Weaver, Helen Motz, 1912 6105 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Webb, Henry Pusey, 1896 Webb, Joseph Shallcross, 1913 Swarthmore, Pa. Webb, Rebecca Sinclair (Mrs. Jesse Holmes), 1889 Swarthmore, Pa. Webb, Walter Caldwell, 1916 Swarthmore, Pa. Student at Univ. of Pa. Law School. Webber, Hazel Irene, 1913 3341 N. Seventeenth St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Webster, Mrs. (See Mary E. Mor- rison, 1899) Webster, Annie Foulke (Mrs. Ambler), 1880 Plymouth Meeting, Pa. Webster, Isaac Daniel, 1889 6028 Thirty-second St., San Diego, Cal. Webster, Jonathan, 1883 Norristown, Pa. Webster, Mary Adalaide, 1878 Care of Jos. G. Webster, 142 Duane St., New York, N. Y. Webster, Sara Holmes, 1914 418 N. Fifth St., Camden, N. J. Week, Edmund Richard, 1903 1914 First Ave., Spokane, Wash. Weeks, Mary Ella (Mrs Clark), 1887 Deceased. Weeks, Walter Allen, 1915 655 Tenth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Weigert, Antoinette Florence, 1900 819 Adams St., Saginaw, W. Side, Mich. Weintraub, Rose Lillian, 1915 919 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Weissert, Mrs. Henry Z. (See Nettie Crounse, 1894) Weller, Felton Parker, 1913 Arlington, Md. Welsh, Frederic Barnard, 1904 Grand Junction, Colo. Wescott, Sarah Pennock (Mrs. Frank Morton Woodward), 1901 Central Valley, N. Y. West, Elizabeth Haldeman (Mrs. William Yerkes Conrad), 1891 1014 De Kalb St., Norristown, Pa. Wetzel, Daniel Hart, 1902 824 De Kalb St., Norristown, Pa. Weyant, Clarence Jasper, 1913 Fort Montgomery, N. Y. •Wharton, William Rodman, 1875 5128 Newhall St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Wheeler, Edith Lenore (Mrs. Leigh Lawrence Williams), 1909 1116 E. Blaine St., Seattle, Wash. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 191 White, Charles Doughty, 1895 Marlborough-Blenheim, Atlantic City, N. J. White, Charles Harry, 1899 Atlantic Highlands, N. J. White, Elizabeth (Mrs. Isaac Dixon), 1884 Mt. Washington, Md. White, Helen Josephine, 1913 747 N. Newton Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Student at Univ. of California. White, John J., 1883 Marlborough-Blenheim, Atlantic City, N. J. White, Joseph Weaver, 1878 Died, December, 1910. White, Lillie Cooper (Mrs. Trickle), 1892 Deceased. Whitson, Abraham Underhill, 1899 Flushing, N. Y. Whitson, Mary (Mrs. G. F. War- ren), 1898 Forest Home, Ithaca, N. Y. Whitson, Mary Esther (Mrs. Ed- gar Jefferson Taylor), 1885 Westbrook, Conn. Wickham, Otto Wilman, 1911 3930 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wightman, Sherburne Henry, 1906 R. F. D., No. 34, Barberton, Ohio. Wilbur, Charles Elias, 1885 R. D. Route, No. 1, Greenwich, N. Y. Wilcox, Mrs. William (See Mary Cavender, 1875) Wilder, Edith (Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott), 1895 Valley Road, Oak Lane, Philadel- phia, Pa. Wildman, Anna, 1900 1639 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wildman, Martha Knight (Mrs. Plank), 1889 York Road, Willow Grove, Philadel- phia, Pa. Wilkinson, Mary P. (Mrs. William C. Coles), 1890 400 Chester Road, Moorestown, N. J. Willets, Mrs. (Margaret Hagan Carpenter), 1873 Willets, Amy, 1873 Jericho, N. Y. Willets, Charlotte Moore, 1876 Jericho, L. I., N. Y. Willets, Elma Clinton, 1885 Willets, Hannah (Mrs. Robert Seaman), 1879 Deceased. Willets, Helen Titus (Mrs. John Dutscher), 1890 “Maplecroft,” Pawling, N. Y. Willits, Herbert P., 1904 3635 Spring Garden St., Philadel- phia, Pa. At present, 874 Wood- ward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Care of Detroit Tire Filler Co. Willets, Isaac D., 1878 Deceased. Willets, Jane Rushmore (Mrs. Samuel Jackson Underhill Seaman), 1873 Glen Cove, N. Y. Williams, Mrs. (See Hannah A. Conrow, 1881) Williams, Mrs. (See Katie Has- lam, 1881) Williams, Agnes Blackfare (Mrs. Mark Palmer), 1880 “The Hedges,” New Hope, Pa. Williams, Mrs. Albert B. (See Re- becca Talbot Janney, 1877) Williams, Elizabeth Smith (Mrs. Smith), 1898 Stockton, N. J. Williams, Frank Howard, 1874 Rivercroft, Green Cove Springs, Fla. Williams, James Bennette, 1909 909 Washington Ave., Racine, Wis. Williams, Mrs. John J. (See Alice Roberts, 1881) Williams, Mrs. Leigh Lawrence (See Edith Lenore Wheeler, 1909) Williams, Mary Janney (Mrs. James B. Strong), 1898 Hillburn, Rockland Co., N. Y. Williams, Susan Talbot (Mrs. Lewis Pidgeon), 1881 Wadesville, Va. Williams, Willard Fell, 1913 Died June 27, 1912, near Atlantic City, N. J. Williamson, Abbie (Mrs. Wood- man), 1886 510 N. Thirty-fourth St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Williams, Anna Jefferis, 1889 “The Bartram,” 3310 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Willis, Mary W. (Mrs. Augustus Albertson), 1886 Westbury, L. I., N. Y. Willis, Phebe Post, 1890 Westbury, L. I., N. Y. Willits, Everett T., 1899 Deceased. 192 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Willits, Samuel, 1880 Deceased. Wills, Herbert, 1901 R. D., No. 1, Mt. Ephraim, N. J. Wills, Mabel Wain (Mrs. Baxter), 1899 Mt. Holly, N. J. Wilson, Alberta, 1894 1906 H St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Wilson, Edith, 1905 R. F. D., No. 1, Selma, Ohio. Wilson, Edith Marion (Mrs. Ar- thur Jackson), 1900 6445 Greene St., Germantown, Pa. Wilson, Edith V. (Mrs. Roberts), 1895 Wilson, Frederick Fountain, 1898 5438 Miles Ave., Oakland, Cal. Wilson, Hannah Broomall, 1909 Wilson, J. Frank, 1883 Kensington, Md. Wilson, Mabel Etta, 1903 R. F. D., Selma, Ohio. Wilson, Walter Warren, 1907 Selma, Ohio. Wimer, Caroline, 1876 Deceased. Wintringham, Clement V., 1883 Millbrook, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Wish, Mrs. Robert C. (See Char- lotte I. Gleim, 1885) Wistar, Arthur Thompson, 1908 37 Market St., Salem, N. J. Woddrop, William Harvey, 1910 Died March 26, 1913, Westfield. N. J. Wolverton, William E., 1900 Died in Quakertown, n. j. Wood, Mrs. (See D. Laura M. Smith, 1892) Wood, Alice Emily, 1911 Bryant Ave., Roslyn, N. Y. Wood, Cora, Special, 1906-07 1019 Main St., Darby, Pa. Wood, Katharine Heaward, 1912 43 Washington St., Media, Pa. Wood, Laura Aline, 1907 Deceased. Wood, Louisa C. (Mrs. George F. Ferris), 1883 1327 Manhattan Place, Los Angeles. Cal. Wood, Samuel B., 1887 Deceased. Wood, Samuel Riggs, 1901 18 N. Howard St., Baltimore, Md. Woodman, Mrs. (See Abbie Wil- liamson, 1886) Woodnutt, Clement A., 1883 Deceased. Woodward, Archimedes Bucknor, 1885 First National Bank, San Francisco, Cal. Woodward, Mrs. Frank Morton (See Sarah Pennock Wescott, 1901) Woodward, Mabel Ferree (Mrs. Walter Woolman), 1900 . Second and Fulton Sts., Riverton, N. J. Woodworth, Henry Spencer, 1887 Rochester, N. Y. Woolman, Henry Middleton, 1888 Res. Crosswicks, N. J. Bus. 54 Thir- teenth St., Newark, N. J. Woolman, Mrs. Walter (See Mabel Ferree Woodward, 1900) Worrell, Anna Levis, 1910 502 Swarthmore Ave., Ridley Park, Pa. Worrell, Lucie Levis, 1909 502 Swarthmore Ave., Ridley Park, Pa. Worth, Edward Hallowell, 1902 Coatesville, Pa. Worth, Mrs. Herbert P. (See Caro- line Jackson, 1883) Worth, John Sharpless, 1873 Coatesville, Pa. Worth, Samuel Harry, 1888 Franklin Bank Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Worth, William Alexander, 1914 Coatesville, Pa. Worth, Mrs. William P. (See Caro- line Hallowell, 1879) Wright, Mrs. (See Helen H. Shreve, 1887) Wright, Mrs. Francis Carlton (See Ellen Gertrude Moore, 1888) Wright, Gertrude Lavinia, 1901 106 Fifth Ave., Rome, Ga. Wight, Luessa, 1896 48 Yernon Ave., Mt. Yernon, N. Y. Wurtz, Mrs. Lionel (See Anna C. Hutchinson, 1903) Wynn, Mignon lone, 1908 105 S. High St., West Chester, Pa. Teacher in Girls’ School, Ogontz, Pa. REGISTER OF NON-GRADUATES 193 Y Yarnall, Mary Elsie, 1910 815 Jackson St., Wilmington, Del. Yarnall, Mary Heacock (Mrs. Homer Simmons Kent), 1908 E. 2027 Hartman Ave., Spokane, Wash. Yates, Max Richard, 1909 Yeater, Harriett Ellena, 1914 Pleasantville, Iowa. Yelverton, Mrs. (See Margaret Lamb Matthews, 1886) Yeo, Samuel Duncan, 1899 55 Marion Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Yerkes, Harry Wardle, 1911 West Chester, Pa. Yerkes, Mrs. Harry Wardle (See Ruth L. McNeil, 1912) Youmans, Alice C., 1893 Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Young, Amy Mabelle (Mrs. Hor- ace Bingham), 1899 425 Oakdale Ave., Chicago, 111. Young, Helen Amanda, 1916 1020 Ferry St., Easton, Pa. Young, Mabel Clare (Mrs. H. L. Mattice), 1895 43 Firglade Ave., Springfield, Mass. Young, Mary J. (Mrs. W. How- ard Smith), 1897 Morton, Pa. Young, Ogden Westcott, 1915 33 S. Nineteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Yount, Nellie Sadler, Special, 1906-07 Z Zahnizer, Charles McGill, 1877 Sharon, Pa. Zane, Randolph Talcott, 1909 U. S. Battleship New Hampshire, Washington, D. C. Second Lieut. U. S. Marine Corps. Zavitz, Georgia (Mrs. Murray A. Stover), 1908 Imperial, Cal. Zimmerman, Marion Christine, 1912 Ridgely, Md. Zorns, Marian Wainwright, 1886 139 W. Upsal St., Germantown, Pa. 13 REGISTER OF STUDENTS IN THE SWARTHMORE COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL 1869-1893 STUDENTS OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL WHO DID NOT ENTER COLLEGE At the time of the foundation of Swarthmore College, the Preparatory School was of quite as great importance as, and included many more students than the Collegiate Department. As other Friends’ preparatory schools sprang up, the need for one in connection with the College decreased, while it became more and more evident that the institution could never attain to high rank as a College, while hampered with the Preparatory School. As early as 1880, therefore, the lowest class of the Pre- paratory School was discontinued. By slow degrees, the lower grades were eliminated, and in 1893 there was left only a Sub- Collegiate Class, which by the next year had changed to “un- classified students” — of the College. From 1869 to 1893 — this was the length of life of the old Preparatory School of Swarth- more College. The following list is intended to include only those students at Swarthmore who attended the institution, but did not attain to collegiate rank. All the information thus far obtained in regard to residence, occupation, etc., of these students is here given. The two dates immediately after each name indicate the years during which the person was a student at Swarth- more. A Abbott, Mrs. (See Harriet Hughes Boone, '69- >71) Abbott, Charles Wallar, '73-’74 Abbott, Robert Merritt, >72- ’73 Acuff, Annie Rhoads (Mrs. Moses Ralph Knapp, M.D.), , 70- , '71 Gwynedd, Pa. Adams, John L., , 83- , 84 Westport, Conn. Africa, Mrs. James Murray (See Eleanor McKnight), ’79- ’82 Aguilera, Gabriel, >83- ’ 85 Albertson, Carrie (Mrs. John S, Hicks), ’ 73- ’76 Roslyn, L. I., N. Y. Albertson, Charles Cathrall, '74- ’75 Albertson, Elizabeth A., '81- ’84 Norristown, Pa. Albertson, Ida (Mrs. Edwin C. Willets), ’ 73- ’76 Somerville, N. J. R. R., No. 3. Albertson, Martha, '74- '76 Albertson, Mary, ’ 75- ’77 Norristown, Pa. Albertson, Silas Lyon, ’ 73-’75 Roslyn, N. Y. ( 197 ) 198 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Albertson, William, ’74- ’75 Allen, Benjamin F., ’77- ’80 Allen, Benj., Jr., ’81- ’83 Care of J. and B. Allen, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. Allen, John M., ’76- ’78 Germantown, Pa. Care of J. and B. Allen. Allen, Mary, ’81- ’83 159 Wister St., Germantown, Pa. Care of J. and B. Allen. Allen, Rachel R., ’83- ’85 Allen, Theodore R., ’80- ’81 154 S. Broadway, Gloucester City, Camden Co., N. J. Allen, William, ’78- ’81 Care of J. and B. Allen, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. Alston, J. Cowgill, ’82- ’84 Middletown, Del. Ames, Georgianna Buckham, ’73- ’74 Anderson, Frank, ’72- ’73 Andrews, Clayton L., ’83- ’85 Moorestown, N. J. Andrews, Mary, ’84- ’86 Died about 1906. Angell, Mabel, ’79- ’80 Arkins, Edwin G., ’84- ’85 Arrison, J. Maurice, ’82- ’83 Ash, Samuel Earl, ’87- ’88 Deceased. Askew, Elizabeth N., ’84- ’86 304 N. Thirty-fifth St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Atkinson, Fannie Newlin, ’69- ’71 305 W. Main St., Moorestown, N. J. Atkinson, John B., ’84- ’86 Died October 31, 1886, Swarth- more, Pa. Atkinson, Mary M., ’80- ’81 New Hope. Pa. Atlee, Edwin I., ’78- ’80 Res. 3012 Coulter St., Station Z. Bus. 911 Arcade Bldg., Philadel- phia, Pa. Atlee, Lillie, ’69- ’70 Waverley Heights, Pa. Atlee, Margaret, ’78- ’80 Atwood, Walter Lippincott, ’83- ’84 4236 Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Axtell, Bruce, ’85- ’87 Santa Fe., N. Mex. B Bacon, Mary Wright, ’89- ’91 Deceased. Baeder, Henry Hudson, ’71- ’72 Deceased. Baeder, William Adamson, ’70- ’71 Baeder- Adamson Glue Mfg. Co., Alle- gheny Ave. and Richmond St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bailey, Charles Weaver, ’74- ’75 2100 DeLancey St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bailey, Daniel, ’84- ’85 Smyrna, Del. Bailey, Joseph Trowbridge, Jr., ’73- ’74 2100 DeLancey St., Philadelphia, Pa. Baily, Robert Miller, ’87- ’89 Worth, Baily & Co., Arcade Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Baker, Anna, ’69- ’71 Deal, N. J. Baker, Frederick R., ’80- ’84 Care of John R. Baker, 1414 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Baker, John C. W., ’80- ’81 Jenkintown, Pa. Baker, Laura Phebe (Mrs. B. B. Lister), ’74- ’75 58 W. Upsal St., Germantown, Pa. Baker, Robert B., ’82- ’85 29 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Ballinger, Caroline, ’76- ’77 Accotink, Va. Ballinger, D. Walter, ’82- ’83 Accotink, Ya. Ballinger, Helen, ’83- ’85 Bancroft, Henry, ’83- ’87 Died January 19, 1911, Wilming- ton, Del. Barber, Esther M., ’77- ’78 Barclay, Morrison, ’88- ’89 Greensburg, Pa. Barnard, Josephine, ’77- ’78 New Garden, Pa. Barnes, Ida Platt, ’69- ’71 Died, 1871. Barrington, Josephine C., ’87- ’88 Wallingford, Pa. Bartleson, Linda Viola, ’70- ’71 Bartram, Mrs. Mordecai T. (See Rebecca G. Smedley, ’71- ’72) Bassett, Harriett, ’72- ’73 Died 1874. Battelle, Frederic Cutler, ’69- ’73 Battelle, Minnie Fuller, ’69- ’71 Baum, Solomon, ’74- ’75 REGISTER OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL 199 Beans, Mrs. Eugene L. (See Ada- line Brock, ’78- ’79) Beardsley, Laura, , 83- , 84 Swarthmore, Pa. Beatty, Ella Maria, ’ 71- ’73 Morton, Pa. Beatty, John Franklin, ’71- ’74 Care of Ella M. Beatty, Morton, Pa. Bedell, Emma (Mrs. Conrow), ’70- ’72 1035 De Kalb St., Norristown, Pa. Beeson, Jennie B., ’83- ’84 Died April 19, 1913, Sidney, Ohio. Beisel, R. Alvan, ’89- ’90 219 W. Diamond Ave., Hazleton, Pa. Beitler, Mrs. Luman (See Anna Rachel Pyle, ’83- ’84) Bell, Edmund Hayes, ’71- ’72 Easton, Talbot Co., Md. Bennett, Alice H., ’80- ’82 Care of Daniel Bennett, 40 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bennett, Mary Louise, ’87- ’88 Bentley, Alice B., ’91- ’92 Bentley, Edward Needles, ’70- ’71 Sandy Spring, Md. Benton, Hattie E., ’79- ’80 Benton, Jessie Sarah, ’69- ’71 Benton, Lillian J., ’79- ’80 Berry, Mary Jane, ’74- ’75 Betts, Edward T., Jr., ’85- ’87 Betts, Ellen Hart, ’83- ’84 Died May 22, 1889, New Hope, Pa. Betts, Minnie (Mrs. E. James Dallett), ’80- ’81 1515 W. Fourteenth St., Wilming- ton, Del. Beyea, Edwin M., ’80- ’82 Dunmore, Pa. Birdsall, Rebecca, ’78- ’79 Lincoln, Ya. Birkey, John W., ’82- ’83 Newportville, Bucks Co., Pa. Bishop, George A., ’76- ’77 Bitting, Julia D., ’74- ’75 Black, George, ’79- ’80 Columbus, N. J. Black, Sarah Ingram, ’86- ’87 Millsboro, Del. Blair, Carrie Rose (Mrs. Wil- liams), ’72- ’73 Died 1912, Columbus, Pa. Blake, Francis, ’85- ’86 LasVegas, N. Mex. Blake, Henry, ’85- ’86 LasVegas, N. Mex. Bloodgood, Mary Amelia, ’69- ’70 Manchester, N. Y. Blynn, Lloyd Ross, ’88- ’91 Ph.D. Univ. of Pa., 1893. Three Tuns, Pa. Farmer and magazine writer. Boice, Carrie C., ’88- ’89 Plainfield, N. J. Bond, Chas. E., ’78- ’79 Spencerville, Md. Bond, George Gorham, ’73- ’76 Bond, Henry A., ’83- ’84 Bones, George, ’85- ’87 Care of Mrs. Medad E. Stone, New Brighton, N. Y. Bones, Ward Hubbard, ’78- ’80 Marion, Ohio. Manufacturer. Bonner, Elizabeth P., ’85- ’86 Torresdale, Pa. Bonner, Ida R. (Mrs. Edgerton), ’81- ’82 Haverford, Pa. Bonner, James, Jr., ’88- ’89 Torresdale, Pa. Bonsall, Ethel, ’69- ’70 Upper Darby, Pa. Boone, Harriet Hughes (Mrs. Ab- bott), ’69- ’71 St. Clair, Pa. Booth, Mrs. George M. (See Ella Miller, ’69- ’71) Boquin, Francisco, ’84- ’85 Borden, Frank Pew, ’75- ’77 Mt. Holly, N. J. Bothwell, James B. ’83- ’84 Breckenridge, Mo. Bowers, Olive, ’82- ’83 Fallsington, Pa. Bowers, Rosamond L., ’83- ’86 Bowly, Mrs. Geo. W. (See Anna M. Wood), ’74- ’75 Bowne, Ella Frost, ’69- ’71 Deceased. Bowne, Richard Franklin, ’74- ’76 Glen Cove, L. I., New York. Bowne, Watson Honewell, ’70- ’71 Died in West Chester, N. Y. Bowne, William Neill, ’82- ’84 Bordentown, N. J., or care of Geo. I. Bowne, Box 332, Mt. Holly, N. J. Bowyer, Villeroy R., ’83- ’84 Bradfield, Jessie Virginia (Mrs. Ladru P. Smock), ’75- ’76 3330 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 200 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Bradley, Wm. Morse, ’75- ’76 Clearvale Farm, Lake Villa, Lake Co., 111. President of Lake Villa. Branson, Tacy (Mrs. James Her- ald Doing), ’84- ’85 Died August 2, 1906, Clear Brook, Wash. Brastow, Frank A., ’82- ’84 Died September 25, 1905, Philadel- phia, Pa. Brewer, Mary, ’72- ’73 Brewster, Rachel W., ’80- ’81 Lansdowne, Pa. Prin. Brushwood Farm School for Feeble-minded and Backward Children. Brewster, Sarah (Mrs. Henry P. Lincoln), ’79- ’80 Grampian Boulevard, Williamsport, Pa. Brightson, Cora Adelene (Mrs. William Joslyn Farquhar), ’90- ’92 Brompton Road, Garden City, L. I., N. Y. Brinton, Geo. H., ’76- ’77 Westtown, Pa. Brinton, Horace, ’88- ’89 Route No. 3, Roanoke, Va. Brinton, Howard J., ’82- ’84 Gap, Pa. Brinton, Lucy C. (Mrs. Morris Phillips), ’85- ’86 Pomeroy, Pa. Brodhead, Wessales, ’73- ’75 Brognard, Mary C., ’79- ’81 Brooke, Charles, ’71- ’72 West Haverford, Pa. Brooke, Hunter, Jr., ’82- ’85 Media, Pa. Brooke, Jones, ’81- ’82 Brooke, Louis Roberts, ’84- ’85 Fort Shaw, Mont. Brooks, Francis Murphy, ’81- ’83 509 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Brooks, Wm. Henry, ’81- ’85 509 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Broomall, John Martin, Jr., ’70- ’72 Died July, 1884, Media, Pa. Brosius, William E., ’82- ’85 Brown, Charles L., ’76- ’78 Brown, Charles Perrin, ’74- ’75 Brown, Florence M., ’80- ’81 1623 S. Fifty-third St., Philadelphia, Pa. Brown, Francis Shunk, ’72- ’73 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Res. 5927 Drexel Road. Brown, Joshua P., ’74- ’75 Leesburg, R. F. D., No. 3, Va. Brown, Samuel H., ’82- ’84 Brownfield, Harold E., ’81- ’85 1901 Vine St., Philadelphia, Pa., or care of Robt. L. Brownfield, Jr., Box 884, Philadelphia, Pa. Bruere, John Hankons, ’71- ’75 Bryan, Mrs. John Stokes (See Frederica M. Heyd, ’75- ’76) Buckholz, William H., ’77- ’78 Buckman, Edward H., ’83- ’85 Doylestown, Pa. Bullock, Mary Steward, ’84- ’85 Jacobstown, N. J. Bunting, John Antrim, ’69- ’71 Centerville, Cal. Burgess, Hamtonetta, ’89- ’90 Fallsington, Pa. Burnley, John Edward, ’71- ’72 Lenni, Pa. Burnley, John Henry, ’88- ’90 Lenni Mills, Pa. Burnley, Michael, ’75- ’78 Garrettsford, Pa. Burton, Ida C. (Mrs. A. Brock Shoemaker), ’80- ’81 Tullytown, Pa. Bush, Henry, ’81- ’83 Puerto Oscuro, Illapel, Chile, S. Am. Gold Miner. Bustamente, Manuel, ’83- ’84 Butterworth, Mrs. Albert Spencer (See Minnie Belle Long, ’82- ’86) C Cabada, Emilio F., ’80- ’81 Cadwallader, Lydia Yardley (Mrs. George Warner), ’69- ’71 1506 N. Seventeenth St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Cadwallader, William Yardley, ’70- ’72 1036 Stanford Road, Thornbury, Pittsburgh, Pa. Cake, Edward Knight, ’70- ’72 211 Arcade Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Cake, Horace Mann, ’71- ’72 Normandie Hotel, Washington, D. C. Caley, Emma, ’74- ’75 Newtown Square, Pa. Calvert, James, ’83- ’84 St. Davids, Pa. Campbell, George B., ’91- ’92 Campbell, Hamilton J., ’91- ’92 Carey, Sarah Margaret, ’69- ’71 Willow Grove Pike, Glenside, Pa. REGISTER OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL 201 Carpenter, Estelle, ’80- ’82 Liberty, Sullivan Co., N. Y. Carter, Arabella, ’84- ’86 Logan Bldg., 1305 Arch St. Care of Universal Peace Union, Phila- delphia, Pa. Carter, Carroll B., ’84- ’85 Oceano, Cal. Carter, Robert D., ’79- ’81 Elkton, Md. Cary, Mary Louise (Mrs. Frank- lin J. Linton), ’81- ’82 126 N. Chancellor St., Newtown, Pa. Cary, Robert, ’81- ’82 Newtown, Pa. Cassin, Eliza Hunter (Mrs. Sny- der), ’69- ’71 Cassin, Emily, ’72- ’73 1406 N. Twelfth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Cassin, Isaac Sharpless, ’69- ’73 1720 W. Erie Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Cassin, John, ’69- ’73 Deceased. Chabot, George, ’81- ’83 Care of Chas. J. Chabot, San An- tonio, Tex. Chadwick, Elizabeth (Mrs. Chas. E. Washburn), ’85- ’87 Delanson, N. Y. Chain, Samuel Hugh, ’72- ’73 Chalfant, Charles Edgar, ’70- ’71 Died 1912. Chalfant, Edwin, ’81- ’83 Unionville, Pa. Chalfant, John M., ’77- ’78 Kennett Square, Pa. Chamberlain, Henry Clarence, ’71- ’73 Chambers, Alexander, ’81- ’83 Titusville, Pa. Chambers, William W., ’85- ’86 Care of D. W. Chambers, 1906 Green St., Philadelphia, Pa. Chamorro, Filadelfo, ’83- ’84 Chandlee, Annie Turner, ’69- ’70 Died 1898. Chandlee, Richard Turner, ’69- ’70 Died about 1903, in Mexico. Chandler, Frazer P., ’80- ’81 Chandler, John B., ’77- ’78 Chandler, M. Jennie, ’85- ’87 Chandler, William H., ’83- ’84 Chase, Charles Adams, ’77- ’78 1420 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Childs, Mrs. John (See Katharine Fundenberg, ’81- ’83) Christy, Wm. Albert, ’86- ’88 Bloomfield, Ont., Canada. Clapham, George G., ’82- ’83 Res. Port Washington, L. I., N. Y. Bus. Add. 245 W. Thirty-fourth St., New York, N. Y. Real Estate Business. Lecturer for New York Board of Education. Clapham, Thomas E., ’82- ’83 Roslyn, L. I., N. Y. Clarenbach, Sophia, ’80- ’81 Clarendon, Thomas, ’80- ’82 17 Clark St. Lyon’s Farms, Union Co., N. J. Clark, Ella (Mrs. Howard Wool- man), ’69- ’71 Died about 1900, Woodstown, N. J. Clark, Mrs. George (See Amelia Hicks, ’74- ’75, ’76- ’77) Clark, J. Potter, ’89- ’90 Died of pneumonia, June, 1912, Hazleton, Pa. Clawson, Mary R., ’88- ’89 Plainfield, N. J. Clement, Samuel Walter, ’71- ’73 Clifton, Ella Dakin, ’69- ’70 Clow, William E. E., ’71- ’72 Coates, Leora, ’78- ’79 Deceased. Cochran, Edwin R., ’83- ’84 Middletown, Del. Cock, Effingham Moses, ’69- ’70 Cohen, Mrs. Emanuel (See Eva May Seligman, ’81- ’84) Colley, Edward, ’71- ’73 Colley, Frank, ’71- ’73 Collins, Edward B., ’77- ’78 Pemberton, N. J. Collins, Katharine R. (Mrs. T. J. Pancoast), ’82- ’83 Miami, Fla. Collins, Mary S., ’81- ’82 Moorestown, N. J. Comfort, Emma Walraven (Mrs. H. Crookshank Pacha), ’83- ’84 Maadi, near Cairo, Egypt. A.B. Yassar College, 1889. Comly, Alice Bowman, ’83- ’86 Deceased. Comly, Cora E., ’84- ’85 Comly, Esther, Shallcross, ’73- ’74 Bustleton, Pa. Comly, Franklin Ayres, ’70- ’72 Deceased. Comly, John Iredell, ’73- ’74 Horsham, Pa. 202 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Comly, Rachel Ridge (Mrs. George K. Wildman), ’70- ’71 Maud, Pa. Conard, John Lefferts, ’89- ’91 Res. 17 Colonial Ave., Trenton, N. J. ; Office, 305 Commonwealth Bldg. Lawyer. Corporation counsel for Mercer County, 1901-’08. Cone, Lorenzo Hall, ’73- ’74 Bristol, Pa. Conrow, Mrs. (See Emma Bedell, >70- ’72) Conrow, A. Alida, ’76- ’79 Care of Dr. Joseph D. Conrow, 4218 Chester Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Cooke, Ruth (Mrs. Smedley), >69- ’71 Deceased. Cooper, Frank L., ’89- ’90 Cooper, Wm. Alfred, ’69- ’71 ’Conshohocken, Pa. Cooper, William L., ’84- ’85 Corkran, Clarence G., ’85- ’86 Lutherville, Md. Corlies, George, ’77- ’78 Corlies, Margaret Longstreth, ’73- ’75 264 S. Twenty-first St., Philadelphia, Pa. Corlies, Phebe L., ’71- ’72 Cornell, J. Russell, ’86- ’87 Holland, Pa. Cornett, Elizabeth Alice, ’86- ’87 Phoenixville, Pa. Cornwell, Walter, J., ’81- ’83 Port Washington, N. Y. Cornwell, William D. S., ’81- ’83 Port Washington, N. Y. Courtright, Wm. Badger, ’79- ’81 Cowdrey, Harry, ’69- ’71 Cromwell, Daniel, ’70- ’71 Cromwell, Everett, ’70- ’72 Cromwell, Oliver, ’92- ’93 Clark’s Green, Pa. Crookshank, Mrs. H., Pacha (See Emma Walraven Comfort, ’83- ’84) Crozer, Lillie C. (Mrs. Yernan), ’77- ’79 R. F. D., No. 1, Trenton, N. J. Cuadra, Constantino, ’86- ’88 Cummins, James Sheldon, ’72- ’73 Media, Pa. Curtis, Penrose Dunwoody, ’69- ’70 R. F. D., Route 3, Media, Pa. Farmer. D Dallett, Mrs. E. James (See Min- nie Betts, ’83- ’84) Dallett, Joseph H., ’77- ’78 Care of Elizabeth H. Dallett, West Chester, Pa. Dalton, Walter, '’86- ’88 914 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dankel, Nathaniel, ’72- ’74 Alburtis, Pa. Darlington, Frances, ’76- ’77 Doylestown, Pa. Davidson, A. Brady, ’76- ’77 Fort Scott, Kans. Davis, Adaline Brock (Mrs. Eu- gene L. Beans), ’78- ’79 Taylorsville, Pa. Davis, Alonzo B., ’88- ’90 Davis, Charles Gibbons, ’78- ’80 Care of Union League, Philadelphia, Pa. Davis, Clara Louise, ’80- ’81 Deceased. Davis, Helen, ’69- ’70 Davis, Richard Harding, ’80- ’81 Crossroads Farm, Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Author and newspaper correspond- ent. Davis, Robert Jones, ’71- ’72 Bordentown, N. J. Davison, Alex Young, ’70- ’74 Davison, Lewis Drexel, ’70- ’74 Died August 22, 1880, Morton, Pa. Grad. Pennsylvania Military Acad- emy, 1880. Dayton, Jas. E., ’82- ’83 Canandaigua, N. Y. Deacon, Allen F., ’76- ’77 Mt. Holly, N. J. Deacon, Edward B., ’78- ’79 Burlington, N. J. Deacon, Elizabeth Fithian, ’74- ’76 Mt. Holly, N. J. Deacon, Josephine, ’78- ’80 Waterbury, Conn. Deacon, Louis J., ’82- ’85 2020 Spring Garden St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Deacon, Mary F., ’77- ’79 Mt. Holly, N. J. Deemer, Francis J., ’89- ’91 610 W. Seventh St., Chester, Pa. DeHaven, Sarah Coles, ’84- ’87 _ 320 N. Church St., West Chester, Pa. Delano, George Bateman, ’75- ’7.6 Dell, Franklin Pierce, ’72- ’74 Denegre, Edward, ’71- ’73 Frederick City, Md. REGISTER OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL 203 DeNormandie, William C., ’76- ’77 Derr, William B., ’85- ’86 Died February 18, 1912, German- town, Pa. Detrick, John U., ’76- ’78 Dewey, Mrs. D. Leland (See Emma Achsah Yates, ’71- ’73) Dewey, William H., ’79- ’81. Dick, Evans Rogers, ’72- ’73 Dick Brothers, N. American Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Dick, Franklin, Jr., ’72- ’73 Dick Bros. & Co., 30 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Dick, John, ’71- ’72 5406 Chester St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dickinson, Elizabeth R., ’83- ’84 825 Thirty-fifth Ave., Seattle, Wash. Bookkeeper Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. Dickinson, Jasper E., ’88- ’89 Manoa, Pa. Dickinson, Stanley M., ’86- ’87 Dickson, Fannie Wallach, ’73- ’76 Diller, Alta M., ’81- ’82 New Holland, Pa. Dilworth, Charles, ’83- ’85 Billings, Mont. Dilworth, Geo., ’83- ’87 Red Lodge, Billings, Mont. Dingee, Charles, ’80- *82 Burlington, N. J. M.D. Univ. of Pa. City Physician for ten years. Dixon, James, ’88- *90 Easton. Md. Dodd, John W., ’79- ’80 Dodge, John Lockwood, ’83- ’84 Council Bluffs, Iowa. Doing, Mrs. James Herald (See Tacy Branson, ’84- ’85) Dolphin, Sarah Barbara (Mrs. Lewis C. Hazlett, ’81- ’83 213 Orange St., Media, Pa. Donohugh, Emma Edith, ’88- ’90 Dorman, Thomas Benton, ’74- ’76 1609 N. Sixteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dorsey, Mrs. Daniel (See Eliza- beth Stockton Whit§lock, ’73- ’74) Dow, Richard S., ’78- ’79 11 Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass. Dowdall, Hannah Chalfant (Mrs. Harold R. Lewis), ’75- ’78 Drexel Apartments, Overbrook, Pa. Drawvant, Ellen E., ’71- ’72 Duffy, Donald G., ’89- ’90 Marietta, Pa. Duhring, Casper N., ’82- ’84 1708 N. Twenty-first St., or 1529 N. Nineteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. E Eagle, William S., ’82- ’86 Cecil, Ohio. Ealo, Richard L., ’82- ’84 Eames, Henry C., ’81- ’82 Earl, William H., ’76-77 Earle, Mary, ’69- ’70 Eastburn, Channing, ’69- ’70 Eaton, Frank C., ’89- ’90 Ellenville, N. Y. Eccles, Frank M., ’76- ’77 Edge, Joseph George, ’72- ’74 Edgerton, Mrs. (See Ida R. Bon- ner, ’81- ’82) Edgerton, Theodore Tracy, ’72- ’74 Eldredge, Oliver, ’74- ’75 Ellet, Alfred Washington, ’87- ’90 Elliott, Mrs. (See Anna W. Stout, ’84- ’86) Elliott, Mary (Mrs. Reginald Yan Trump), ’70- ’72 1318 W. Thirteenth St., Wilmington, Ellis, Francis S., ’76- ’78 Del. Crosswicks, N. J. Ellis, Samuel, ’84- ’85 Wiltshire Hotel, Atlantic City, N. J. Ellison, John Barker, ’72- ’74 Riverton, N. ,T. 1 Ely, Mrs. (See Elizabeth Hal- lowell, ’69- ’71) Ely, Elizabeth Forasagene, ’70- ’71 Lambertville, N. J. Ely, Mrs. William M. (See Agnes S. Michener, ’69- ’71) Embree, James Robert, ’72- ’73 Enbody, Albert Brodhead, ’86- ’87 Mauch Chunk, Pa. England, James Reuben, ’71- ’72 622 Second Ave., Columbus, Ga. Grad. Bryant and Stratton Com- mercial College, 1876.* Carriage Maker. English, Ellen, ’78- ’79 Errington, Alfred Franklin, ’82- ’84 Errington, George Eaton, ’73- ’75 Ervien, Henry Melville, ’70- ’71 Esterbrook, Rose, ’83- ’84 Bridgehampton, N. Y. 204 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Esterbrook, Jeannette, ’83- ’85 Bridgehampton, N. Y. Evans, Rebecca T., , 76- , 77 Cinnaminson, N. J. Evans, Rebecca Thomas, ’70- ’71 Evans, Thomas Wiltberger, ’69- ’71 Deceased. Evans, Richard Watson, ’69- ’71 Care of Mitchell & Thomas, 111 N. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Evans, Wm. H., ’82- ’84 531 E. Columbia St., Colorado Springs, Colo. A.B. Harvard Univ., 1890. Wholesale Florist. Eves, Amelia, ’80- ’81 Eves, Laura E., ’81- ’82 Millville, Pa. Eves, Loretta, ’80- ’81 Eves, Narcissa Masters (Mrs. Clement R. Henrie), ’76- ’77 Millville, Pa. Eyre, Mary B., ’90- ’91 Eyre, William P., ’82- ’83 Buena Vista, Colo. Proprietor Elec- tric Light and Power Plant. F Fahnestock, Mrs. Chas C. (See Josephine H. Trimble, ’80- ’81) Fairlamb, Josiah Bond, ’87- ’88 Brandywine Summit, Pa. Fairlamb, Thomas Howard, ’70- ’72 Farcpihar, Mrs. William Joslyn (See Cora Adelene Brightson, ’90- ’92) Faust, Elmore C., ’90- ’91 Fawcett, Addison L., ’82- ’83 309 E; Chillicothe Ave., Bellefontaine, Ohio. Farmer. Fawcett, Louis, ’85- ’86 Salem, Ohio. Fell, Mrs. Lewis Watson (See Emma Clara Worthington, ’77- ’78) Fetterman* Elizabeth Crawford, ’71- ’73 Fetterman, Thomas Moore, ’69- ’73 Field, Henry Cromwell, ’70- ’75 Deceased. Fields, Marcus Carlyle, ’89- ’90 Flagg, Lydia C. (Mrs. Henry F. Gummere), ’85- ’86 Tenby Road, Box 57, Llanerch, Pa. Flitcraft, Mrs. William Z. (See Anne Cooper Pancoast), ’71- ’72 Flower, Altus, ’89- ’90 Forman, Mary Hallowell (Mrs. W. C. Merillat), ’72- ’73 18 E. Spruce St., Norristown, Pa. Forsyth, Joshua Earle, ’79- ’81 Died January 3, 1914. Foulke, Abigail Walton (Mrs. Richard Penn Pim), ’70- ’72 Penllyn, Pa. Fowden, Elizabeth D., ’79- ’80 Ashton Mills, Pa. Fowler, Charles D., ’84- ’85 Fowler, Charlotte Elizabeth, ’73- ’74 Fowler, Chester Bradley, ’75- ’77 Fowler, M. Alverda, ’86- ’87 Elizabeth City, N. C. Franklin, Annie M., ’83- ’86 Media, Pa. Frazer, Stewart, ’86- ’88 French, Clara Angelina, ’73- ’75 Deceased. French, Edith E., ’89- ’90 Port Republic, N. J. French, Minnie L., ’89- ’90 Port Republic, N. J. Fretz, Mrs. William N. (See Lizzie L. Shoemaker, ’81- ’82) Fridenberg, Mone S., ’82- ’83 1642 Franklin St., Philadelphia, Pa. Fritts, Stewart A., ’88- ’89 Crum Lynne, Pa. Frohock, Theresa, ’81- ’82 1013 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. Frick, George, ’72- ’73 Danville, Pa. Frost, Lida L., ’83- ’85 Frost, Maggie B., ’84- ’86 Fruit, John, ’78- ’79 Hazleton, Pa. Fuller, Henry Carrington, ’70- ’71 Fundenberg, Katharine (Mrs. John Childs), ’81- ’83 Furman, Samuel G., ’77- ’78 G Gaar, John N., ’84- ’85 Richmond, Ind. Gaar, William Wallace, ’74- ’76 Richmond, Ind. Gamble, George Ferguson, ’74- ’75 Garner, Charlotte S., ’77- ’79 REGISTER OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL 205 Garrett, Agnes (Mrs. Harrison Baker), '69- '70 206 E. Market St., Xenia, Ohio. Garrett, Catharine Wollaston (Mrs. David Masters), ’69- ’71 2001 Boulevard, Wilmington, Del. Garrett, Emma, ’79- ’80 Garrett, Emily H. (Mrs. Child), ’69- ’70 1419 Harrison St., Wilmington, Del. Garrett, Frank S., >85- '87 1609 Browne St., Wilmington, Del. Garrett, Milton Samuel, *75- ’76 Willistown, Pa. Garretson, Anna M., ’81- ’82 Salem, Ohio. Garwood, Charles A., ’79- ’80 Medford, N. J. Gaskill, Addie R., ’79- ’80 Birmingham, N. J. Gaskill, Helen L., ’80- ’82 Birmingham, N. J. Gaston, Carrie R., ’80- ’81 Honey Brook, Pa. Gaston, John A., ’80- *81 Honey Brook, Pa. Gauntt, LeClerc, ’89- ’91 Lumberton, N. J. Gawthrop, Charles G., ’82- ’83 Kennett Square, Pa. Geigan, Joseph P., ’78- ’79 Geiger, Edward Wetherill, ’69- ’70 Norristown, Pa. Gilbreath, Etta M., ’84- ’87 Care of William S. Gilbreath, The Claypool, Indianapolis, Ind. Gilbreath, William Sydnor, ’83- ’84 The Claypool, Indianapolis, Ind. Sec’y Hoosier Motor Club. News and Publicity Writer. Gilkyson, Joseph Roman, ’69- ’71 Died June 18, 1913, Trenton, N. J. Gill, Clara, ’72- ’73 Kennedyville, Md. Gillam, Joseph Richardson, ’69- ’71 Mt. Holly, N. J., or 716 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Gillingham, Benjamin H., *70- ’71 Moorestown, N. J. Gillingham, Helen Dike, ’73- ’75 Gillingham, Mary Elizabeth, ’73- ’74 Gillingham, William Magill, ’74- ’75 Gilpin, Bernard, Jr., ’72- ’73 Died February 2, 1914, Baltimore, Md. Given, Jennie Peebles, ’70- ’71 Clifton, Pa. Given, Singleton Alexander Mer- cer, M.D., ’69- ’70 Died February 23, 1901. Glading, Louisa L., ’83- ’85 Glover, James, ’72- ’74 Mt. Ephraim, N. J. Glover, Joseph Lewis, ’72- ’73 Mt. Ephraim, N. J. Godet, Rachel Barker, ’70- ’72 Goodwin, William W., Jr., ’88- ’89 Farnsworth Ave., Bordentown, N. J. Gould, Frederic Herman, ’69- ’70 Gould, George E., ’76- ’77 Gould, James Gustard, ’69- ’70; ’75- ’77 ‘ Gould, Joshua M., ’76- ’77 Grange, Ella Virginia, ’69- ’71 Gray, Eugene Wesley, ’73- ’74 Lock Haven, Pa. Gray, Peter, ’75- ’76 Tiverton, Ontario, Canada. Green, Mary L., ’85- ’86 Green, Serena Bremer (Mrs. Dan- iel Smith White), ’69- ’71 Hotel Traymore, Atlantic City, N. J. Green, William Lamborn, ’69- ’70 Media, Pa. Greenawalt, Edwin B., ’83- ’84 Dauphin, Pa. Greenley, Thomas W., ’82- ’83 Deceased. Gregg, Ellis, ’80- ’82 Unionville, Pa. Gregg, Elva, ’85- ’87 1500 Mt. Yernon St., Philadelphia, Pa. Grier, Davis N., ’79- ’80 Griest, Esther Hollingshead (Mrs. A. Clark Vroman), ’78- ’81 Deceased. Griffen, Alice Lawrence, ’75- ’77 Griffen, Daniel M., ’82- ’85 Port Chester, N. Y. Griffen, Edith, ’78- ’80 Griffin, Clarence, ’84- ’87 Santa Fe N. Mex. Care of Wm. E. Griffin. Griffin, Eugene, ’82- ’86 San Juan Evangelista, Vera Cruz, Mex. Rancher. Griscom, Samuel Hewlings, ’70- ’71 Marlton, Burlington Co., N. J. Bank Collector. 206 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Griscom, Walter Davis, >72- >74 Died December, 1913, Salem, N. J. Grubb, Mary, >82- ’83 West Chester, Pa. Grunsfeld, Helen, >81- >82 Guerrero, Pastor, >85- >86 Gummere, Mrs. Henry F. (See Lydia C. Flagg, >85- >86) Guiterman, Joseph Alexander, >69- >72 Port Carbon, Pa. Guiterman, William Swain, >71- >72 Port Carbon, Pa. Guthrie, Edward N., >80- >81 H Hagerty, Summerfield, >80- >84 Hague, Victoria, >82- >83 Haines, Alice W., >83- >84 Rancocas, N. J. Teacher. Haines, Mrs. Alvin T. (See Mary Jane Shoemaker, >69- >70) Haines, Emma R. (Mrs. Edmund D. Hoopes), >80- >81 300 N. Franklin St., West Chester, Pa. Haines, Hanna Williams, >87- >88 Media, Pa. Haines, Mrs. Harrison H. (See Ella Rittenhouse, >69- >71) Haines, Letitia, >74- >75 Care of Mrs. F. C. Dale, 404 Park St., Pacific Grove, Cal. Haldeman, Fannie, >78- >79 Newtown Square, Pa. Haldeman, Sarah G., >80- >82 Newtown Square, Pa. Hale, Horace B., >79- >80 Buck Mountain, Pa. Haley, John J., >79- >82 Oakdale, Pa. Hall, Charles Jones, >69- >72 Hall, Harrison Clarke, >70- >74 Marshallton, Pa. Hall, John, >75- >77 Hall, Ralph Webster, >72- >73 Fanwood, N. J. Hallock, Charles Griswold, >87- >90 Hallock, Henry L. H., >83- >86 103 E. 125th St., New York, N. Y. Hallock, Marianna (Mrs. Franklin Noble), >90- >91 Died 1913, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hallowell, Edwin, >69- >70 Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Care of Ellen L. Hallowell. Hallowell, Elizabeth Williams (Mrs. Ely), >69- >71 Jenkintown, Pa. Hallowell, Ellen Lloyd, >69- >71 Box 84, Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Hallowell, Emma Lloyd, >69- >71 Neshaminy, Pa. Hallowell, Eugene Yerkes, >72- >73 Norristown, Pa. Hallowell, Fanny, >73- >74 Died 1900. Hallowell, James Mott, >79- >81 West Medford, Mass. Hallowell, Mary Jarrett, >69- >71 Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Care of Ellen L. Hallowell. Hallowell, Morris Longstreth, >69- >71 2326 Grand Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Hallowell, Robert, >81- >83 Sandy Springs, Md., or 96 McKin- ley Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Hallowell, Tacie Jarrett, >74- >75 Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Box 84. Halstead, William Thompson, >74- >75 Hamill, William, >79- >80 Hammer, Lillie E., >78- >79 Hancock, Clayton, >79- >80 Columbus, N. J. Hancock, Edward B., >76- >78 Hankins, Mary Belle, >73- >74 Hannum, John Abner, >75- >76 Died June 30, 1895, West Chester, Pa. Hannum, Robert Marshall, >70- >71 16 Rigby Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Merchant. Harbaugh, Caroline Mary (Mrs. Harry J. C. Moore), >70- >72 Died October 14, 1-886. Harbaugh, Sarah Springer, >71- >73 Maple and Chestnut Sts., Sewickley, Pa. Hargreaves, Ralph Buckley, >74- >75 Harris, Catharine Rowland, >69- >71 Harris, Henry C., >78- >79 Fernwood, Pa. Hart, Anna May (Mrs. Ralph W. Parsons), >88- >90 Ossining, N. Y. Hart, Glentworth R., >84- >86 183 Shonnard Terrace, Yonkers, N. Y. Hart, Manila C., >71- >72 REGISTER OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL 207 Hartranft, Rufus Clinton, ’75- ’76 Harvey, Evans, ’87- ’89 Brandywine Summit, Pa. Harvey, John Sikes Curtis, ’86- >88 Radnor, Pa. Harvey, Mrs. Mary (See Mary White, '71- ’72) Hatcher, Francis, ’82- ’84 Malcolm, Iowa. Hatfield, Benjamin C., ’79- ’80 Hathaway, Stephen J., ’82- ’83 Santa Fe. N. Mex. Hatten, Owen, Jr., ’69- ’70 Haviland, Caroline, ’74- ’76 Plainfield, N. J. Hawes, James Rushes, ’74- ’76 Hawkins, John Howard, ’70- ’71 Hotel Idlewild, Media, Pa. Hawkins, Margaret Bancroft, ’69- ’70 Media, Pa. Hazard, Wm. C. R., ’86- ’88 92 River St., Buffalo, N. Y. Hazleton, William, ’74- ’77 Hazlett, Mrs. Lewis C. (See Sarah B. Dolphin, ’81- ’83) Hearn, Hiram, ’80- ’81 Heaton, William, ’82- ’84 413 N. Forty-third St. Hecht, Joseph L., ’82- ’85 Henderson, Frank Clarence, ’71- ’73 Henderson, Ida, ’71- ’73 Henderson, James H., ’80- ’81 Henderson, R. Mason, ’76- ’78 Hendrickson, Richard, ’86- ’87 228 Twelfth St., S. W., Washing- ton, D. C. Henrie, Mrs. Clement R. (See Narcissa Masters Eves, ’76- ’77) Herbst, Henry Herbert, ’74- ’75 Trexlertown, Pa. Hetrick, George W., ’84- ’85 1423 N. Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Heverin, Joseph Comygers, ’72- ’73 Dover, Del. Heyd, Frederica Maerklin (Mrs. John Stokes Bryan), ’75-’76 Newtown, Pa. Teacher of Music. Heywang, Mrs. Mark Jacques (See Florence Maria Porter, ’73- ’74) Hibberd, Mrs. (See Mary Smed- ley, ’70- ’72) Hibbert, Decatur H., ’77- ’79 Wallingford, Pa. Hibler, Montgomery, ’82- ’83 Hickman, Edward Shimer, ’72- ’73 Willow Grove, Montgomery Co., Pa. Treasurer of Delaware Co., 1899- 1901. Farmer and Poultryman. Hickok, Annie H., ’87- ’88 Summit St. and Chestnut Ave., Chest- nut Hill, Pa. Hicks, Amelia (Mrs. George Clark), ’76- ’77 East Williston, Nassau Co., L. I., N. Y. Hicks, Annie J., ’77- ’78 Hicks, Mrs. John S. (See Carrie Albertson, ’73- ’76) Hicks, Mary, ’74- ’76 Died December, 1880, Roslyn, N. Y. Hicks, Phebe (Mrs. J. W. Post), ’71- ’72 Westbury, L. I., N. Y. Hicks, Rachel, ’71- ’73 Roslyn, L. L, N. Y. Hicks, Sarah, ’69- ’70 Died February 26, 1906. Hightower, Ida R. (Mrs. Charles Amos Sissow), ’83- ’85 46 W. Eleventh St., Atlanta, Ga. Hill, Mrs. (See Margaret Tomkin- son, ’70- ’72) Hinkle, S. Cameron, ’82- ’84 Hippie, Henry Lawrence, ’69- ’70 Media, Pa., R. No. 1. County Com- missioner, 1890-1896. Farmer. Hires, Lucius Elmore, ’80- ’81 Salem, N. J. Hirsch, Harry, ’79- ’80 Hite, Lizzie J., ’79- ’81 Hites, Pa. Hite, Marcus C., ’79- ’81 Hites, Pa. Hoag, William M., ’88- ’89 Quaker St., Schenectady, N. Y. Hofer, Mary A., ’78- ’79 Hoge, Mary James (Mrs. I. H. Longdon), ’70- ’71 Died 1881. Hollinshead, Mrs. (See Lydia Rogers, ’84- ’85) Holloway, George H., ’78- ’80 Homer, Benjamin C., ’76- ’77 Deceased. Honan, Henry, ’81- ’83 Oakdale, Pa. 208 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Hoopes, Mrs. Edmund D. (See Emma R. Haines, '80- '81) Hoopes, Elizabeth B., '80- '82 Hoopes, Henry, '88- '89 303 Market St., Wilmington, Del. Hoopes, Louis H., '77- '79 Hoover, William G., '8 4- ’85 Died, Blue Hill, Neb. Hopper, George Lyon, '73- '77 Baird, Cal. Hopper, Raymond Gould, *78- '81 The Army and Navy Journal, 20 Vesey St., New York, N. Y. Hopper, Stanley H., '79- '81 550 Mt. Prospect St., Newark, N. J. Horner, Frank, '79- '80 Harrisonville, N. J. Horton, Alfred G., ’87- ’88 Houston, Harry Roberts, '72- '73 Howard, Elizabeth, ’71- '73; '74- '75 118 E. Islay St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Hubbard, Anna (Mrs. Prof. Row- land Watts), '78- '79 Died October 9, 1903, Baltimore, Md. Hubbs, John Henry, '85- '87 5404 Wayne St., Germantown, or N. W. Cor. Broad and Arch Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Hufnal, Henry Glenn, '73- '75 Oakdale, Pa. Hughes, Harry B., '89- '90 Hull, Mary Florence, '83- '85 Salisbury Mills, N. Y. Hull, Louise, '81- '82 Humphreys, Enos H., '78- '79 Lower Merion, Pa. Hungerford, Charles H. G., '76- '77 Hunt, Joshua, '72- '74 Died August 29, 1912, Wallis, Idaho. Hunter, Henry C., '84- '86 Hurlbut, Ambrose S., '83- '84 Westport, Conn. Hutchinson, James, '74- '77 I Innes, Francis B., '77- '78 Ivins, George T., '78- '79 J Jackson, Isabella H., '70- '71 Jamaica, N. Y. Jackson, M. Franklin, '86- '87 Jericho, L. I., N. Y. Jacoby, Clifford S., '83- '87 Died March, 1914, Philadelphia, Pa. James, Benjamin Jones, '87- '88 Died November 30, 1912, Ventura, Cal. Janney, Edward, '74- '75 New Hope, Pa. Jefferis, Robert Offley, '72- '73 Jenks, Charles Thomas, '74- '76 Jennings, Harry Jay, '78- '81 Tidioute, Pa. Jewett, William Kennon, '70- '71 Steubenville, Ohio. John, Clarence Pennock, '70- '71 Johnson, Albert H., '85- '86 Twenty-first and Poplar Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. Johnson, Joseph Warner, '74- '76 Jones, Anne Gest, '69- '71 Deceased. Jones, Caroline Haydock, '71- '72 Deceased. Jones, David T., '80- '82 818 High St., Pottstown, Pa. Jones, Ella, '80- '82 1004 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Jones, Ida May, '74- '75 85 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Jones, Joseph L., '81- '84 1202 Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Jones, M. Emma, '77- '78 Jones, Mortimer A., '77- '80 Jones, Nathaniel, '83- '85 Washington, Ark. Jones, Preston B., '82- '83; '86- '88 617 E. Main St., Coatesville, Pa. Foreman, Lukens Iron and Steel Co. Jones, Rebecca S., '78- '79 Monroe, Neb. Jones, Mrs. William Buckman (See Phebe Woolman Leeds, '84- '85) Julian, Frederick, '71- '73 Died -October, 1911, Chicago, 111. Justice, Herbert Mcllvain, '72- '73 K Kahnweiler, Manie, '87- '88 Kater, Samuel, '75- '78 Keemle, Samuel, '77- '79 357 W. Fifty-fifth St., New York, N. Y. Keener, Charles C., '76-78 Naples, 111. Keese, Edmund W., '80- '82 Keiser, Henry Albert, '72- '73 Care of Edw. H. Keiser, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. REGISTER OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL 209 Kelly, Levi Hatton, ’70- ’72 Deceased. Kemp, William Hollyday, ’ 82- ’84 Easton, Md. Parmer and Merchant. Kendall, Edward Tyson, ’ 87- ’90 Box 498, Reading, Pa. Care of H. C. Kendall. Kennedy, Maxwell K., ’81- ’83 Kent, Leora S., ’78- ’80 Cochransville, Pa. Kent, Maria J. (Mrs. Edward B. Newcomer), ’83- ’86 5307 Wynnefield Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Ketcham, Henry A., ’80- ’83 2005 Madison Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Ketcham, Lillian May, ’86- ’87 Port Chester, N. Y. Kimball, Grace, ’ 78 - ’ 79 Kimmell, Louis J. Cunningham, ’ 75- ’76 King, Frank Eva, ’84- ’86 1523 Poplar St., Philadelphia, Pa. Kinsey, Chas. Satterthwaite, ’ 71 - ’73 Willow Grove, Pa. Kirby, Chalkley, Jr., ’74- ’75 Harrisonville, N. Y. Kirk, Henry Child, Jr., *83- *85 106 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. With Samuel Kirk & Son Co. Kirk, Lillie Johnson (Mrs. Nich- olas G. Ayres), ’69- '70 Died, 1890, Sharpsburg, Pa. Kirk, Lillie Norman, ’ 75- ’76 Bryn Mawr, Pa. Kirk, Marietta R., ’85- *88 Glenolden, Pa. Kirk, Theodore, ’78- ’80 Deceased. Kirtland, Clara M., >78- ’79 Knapp, Mrs. Dr. Moses Ralph (See Annie Rhoads Acuff, ’70- ’71) Knight, Edward Allen, ’81- ’82 Knight, Jonathan, *76- *78 5318 N. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. Supt. Station O, U. S. P. O., Philadelphia. Knight, J. Lincoln, ’ 76- ’78 Trenton Junction, N. J. Agriculturist Knox, Mary, ’78- ’79 Kohn, Miriam, ’82- ’83 Kreamer, Henry M., ’82- ’84 Kuhn, Samuel C., ’ 77- ’78 14 L Lacayo, Ernesto, ’90- ’91 La Fetra, George Francis, ’83- ’84 Manasquan, N. J. La Fetra, Joseph, ’82- ’83 Manasquan, N. J. Farmer. Lafferty, Minna P. (Mrs. Wm. E. Stroud), '80- ’82 123 Chestnut St., Moorestown, N. J. Lagrave, Alberto, ’86- ’87 Lamb, William R., ’78- ’79 Mt. Holly, N. J. Oculist. La Motte, Dr. Henry, ’82- ’84 Lane, Davis Morton, ’75- ’76 Lardner, Mary P., ’85- ’87 Lardner, Meta, ’86- ’87 Larrabee, Lillie, ’83- ’86 1806 Edgemont St., Chester, Pa. La Rue, Margaret J., ’78- ’80 Latta, Katharine Moore, ’74- ’75 Parkesburg, Pa. Latta, Margaret Douglas Wilson, ’72- ’73 Parkesburg, Pa. Latty, Edwin A., ’78- ’79; ’80- ’81 Defiance, Ohio. Lawhead, Berton M., ’92- ’93 McDonald, Washington Co., Pa. Lawrence, Augusta, ’78- ’79 Bay Side, L. I., N. Y. Lawrence, George, ’78- ’79 Lawrence, Hibberd, ’81- ’82 Avondale, Pa. Lawrence, Julia, ’74- ’75 Bay Side, L. I., N. Y. Lawrence, Reginald A., ’80- ’83 Lawton, John F., ’80- ’81 Lee, Mrs. J. G. Lee (See Adaline Mench, ’71- ’73) Lee, William Fawkes, ’73- ’74 West Chester, Pa. Leedom, Alice, ’83- ’86 Leedom, Chas. S., ’73- ’76 Care of Thos. L. Leedom & Co., Bristol, Pa. Leeds, Phebe Woolman (Mrs. Wil- liam Buckman Jones), ’84- ’85 122 Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Leggett, Arthur, ’87- ’90 Died June 7, 1891, Williamsport, Pa. Lemmon, Samuel Clarence, ’86- ’87 Honeybrook, Pa. Le Sage, Lulu, ’85- ’86 Le Sage, Sarah, ’85- ’86 Lester, Annie, ’71- ’72 Died January 30, 1875. 210 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Letchworth, Lillie M., ’79- ’80 Levis, Florence (Mrs. Benjamin Joseph Miller), ’79- ’80 Hotel Raymond, 148 S. Virginia Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Levis, Minford, >81- ’82; ’82- ’83 Sixteenth and Walnut Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. Levis, Sarah L. (Mrs. Joseph H. Palmer), ’80- ’81 Wallingford, Pa. Lewis, Edith, ’91- ’92 Media, Pa. Lewis, Edmund Benzon, ’75-’76 Lewis, Edward Sidney, ’75- ’76 Lewis, Garrett Harrison, ’71- ’72 Lewis, Mrs. Harold It. (See Han- nah Dowdall, ’75- ’78) Lewis, Isaac Buck, ’72- ’73 Lewis, John Henry, ’72- ’73 Lewis, John Howard, ’71- ’77 Oakdale, Pa. Lewis, Lena M., ’84- ’86 Media, Pa. Lewis, Lillie Morton, ’83- ’86 Lewis, Mary, ’7l-’73 Oakdale, Pa. Lewis, Mrs. Richard. E. (See Sarah G. Risdon, ’71- ’72) Lewis, William Ashbuil, ’71- ’72 Lenni, Pa. Lincoln, Mrs. Henry Philip (See Sarah Brewster, ’79- ’80) Lincoln, Herbert Mitchell, ’87- ’89 998 N. Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Furniture Manufacturer. Linderman, Henry Richard, ’70- ’72; ’73- ’74 Linderman, Herbert, ’84- ’85 Died, , Quakertown, Pa. Linton, Mrs. Franklin J. (See Mary Louise Cary), ’81- ’82 Linton, Mary (Mrs. Hallowell), ’69- ’71 Jenkintown, Pa. Linville, Samuel Rush, ’72- ’73 Lipper, Harry M., ”77- ’80 1508 N. Seventeenth St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Lippincott, Charles Cassidy, ’72- ’74 Marlton, N. J. Lippincott, Israel Franklin, ’70- ’71 Marlton, N. J. Lippincott, Laura May (Mrs. Franklin Pancoast), ’76- ’77 Woodstown, N. J. Lippincott, Louella, ’84- ’85 Swedesboro, N. J. Lippincott*, Samuel W., ’76- ’77 Wyncote, Mont. Co., Pa. Lippincott, William Vinicum, ’70- ’72 Lister, Mrs. B. B. (See Laura Phebe Baker, ’74- ’75) Littleton, Alexander S., ’89- ’90 Hazleton, Pa. Livezey, John B., ’82- ’83 Doylestown, Pa. Loeb, Eugene, ’79- ’80 Loeb, Horace, ’81- ’82 1736 Green St., Philadelphia, Pa. Banker. Loflin Ella, ’73- ’74 Long, Hamilton D., ’82- ’83 Care of Mrs. A. S. Butterworth, 6952 Marsden, St., Tacony, Phila- delphia, Pa. Long, Minnie Belle (Mrs. Albert Spencer Butterworth), ’82- ’86 6952 Marsden St., Tacony, Philadel- phia, Pa. Lott, Charles Edward, ’74- ’75 Lovett, Margaret Thompson, ’73- ’75 Lovett, George Sidney, ’72- ’75 La Jara, Concjo Co., Col. Lower, George Washington, ’74- ’75 Lucas, Cornelia, ’80- ’81 Lukens, A. Sidney P., ’80- ’81 Neshaminy, Pa. Lukens, Clara, ’74- ’75 Neshaminy, Pa. Lukens, William, Jr., ’78- ’79 Neshaminy, Pa. Lukens, Mrs. William B. (See Mary H. Pancoast, ’85- ’86) Lundy, Ella, ’83- ’84 Pemberton, N. J. Lundy, Mary, ’78- ’79 Pemberton, N. J. M McAllister, Harry, ’72- ’75 McAllister, Oswald, ’72- ’75 McCandless, Hon. Guy P., ’83- ’85 McCormick, Chas. H., ’79- ’80 McCtea, Charles Righter, Jr., ’82- ’85; ’86- ’87 705 Ontario Ave., Renovo, Pa. register oE preparatory SCHOOL 211 McCullough, Minnie B., ’82- ’83 McCullough, Robert, ’ 70- ’71 Guyencourt, Del. Farmer. McDowell, Egbert G., ’82- ’84 McDowell, Theodore B., ’78- ’79 Mcllvain, Edwin Pearson, ’72- ’76 Mcllvain, Harry Spencer, ’72-74 Mcllvain, Janies Sterling, ’72- ’74 Mt. Holly, N. J. McKechnie, Frederick A., ’82- ’83 454 Main St., N. Canandaigua, N. Y. Farmer and fruit grower. McKnight, Eleanor (Mrs. James Murray Africa), ’79- ’82 Huntingdon, Pa. McLaurin, Hon. John Loundes, ’74- ’77 McLean, Mary, ’82- ’83 Yineland, N. J. McMillan, Willet E., ’76- ’77 Maffet, Adelaide, W., ’76- ’77 Magill, Beatrice (Mrs. John C. Robinson), ’69- ’75 191 Forest Hills St., Jamaica Plains, Boston, Mass. Magill, Dr. Chalkley Harvey, ’69- ’72 3710 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Magill, Edward Walter, ’74- ’75 Died April 20, 1913. Judge of Common Pleas Court, No. 1, Phila- delphia, P.a. Magill, Francis Gardner, ’70- ’72 Died October 6, 1872. Mahoney, Michael Patrick, ’81- ’83 Died January 30, 1890, Oxford, N. J. Maitland, Edward Vincent, ’72- ’74 Maitland, Virginia Katherine, ’72- ’74 Marin, Luis, ’82- ’83 Marseilles, Lillie Ida, ’83- ’85 Marsh, Gibbons W., ’88- ’89 Marshall, Samuel Hagen, ’74- ’78 Charlottesville, Ya. Farmer. Marshall, William Johnson, ’75- ’77 London Grove, Pa. Martin, Florence C., ’85- ’86 310 Dean St., West Chester, Pa. Martindale, Emma K., ’83- ’85 Martinez, Joaquin, ’85- ’86 Masters, Mrs. David (See Kath- arine Garrett, ’69- ’71) Mathews, Eleanor D., ’82- ’84 Matlack, Enoch, ’79- ’80 Bryn Mawr, Pa. Matlack, Henry Somers, ’86- ’88 Matlack, Jas. Walter, ’79- ’81 929 Old Lancaster Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Cashier, Bryn Mawr National Bank. Matlack, William Warrington, ’72- ’73 Matteson, Maud, ’92- ’93 442 Greenwood Ave., Richmond Hill, New York, N. Y. Teacher, School 43 Brooklyn, N. Y. Matthews, Florence W., ’85- ’87 Philopolis, Md. Matthews, J. Franklin, ’77- ’78 Plainfield, N. J. Mattson, Frank Howard, ’74- ’75 Meehan, Fanny G., ’79- ’80 Mellen, Charles Hugo, ’75- ’76 Manitou, Colo. Mellen, Nathaniel, ’75- ’76 Manitou, Colo. Mench, Adaline (Mrs. J. G. Lee), ’71- ’73 1501 N. Gratz St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mencke, William F., ’78- ’81 Mendenhall, Jessie, ’79- ’80 Merrick, Clara, ’79- ’80 Wrightstown, Pa. Merillat, Mrs. W. C. (See Mary Hallowell Forman, ’72- ’73) Merrihew, Evelyn R., ’88- ’90 Merrill, Frank S., ’80- ’83 Merritt, Albert Akin, ’69- ’71 10 Garden St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Merritt, Anna Frost, ’73- ’75 10 Garden St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Michener, Agnes Simpson (Mrs. William M. Eby), ’69- ’71 Solebury, Bucks Co., Pa. Mickle, Mrs. Joseph (See Han- nah J. Miller, ’71- ’74) Mickley, Edgar, ’80- ’81 Middleton, Arthur Howel, ’69- ’72 Died January 21, 1910, Philadel- phia, Pa. Middleton, Edwin, ’80- ’84 Middleton, Gabriel, ’86- ’87 106 S. Twentieth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Middleton, Howard W., ’84- ’85 945 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia, Pa., or 100 W. Walnut Lane, German- town, Pa. Millar, Hugh Graham, ’86- ’87 Millar, Margaret Olivia, ’86- ’87 212 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Miller, Mrs. Benjamin Joseph (See Florence Levis, ’79- ’80) Miller, Caspar W., ’83- ’84 Media, Pa. Miller, Charles Stephens, ’74- ’75 5737 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Miner, Elizabeth H., ’82- ’85 Oakdale, Pa. Miller, Ellen (Mrs. George M. Booth), ’69- ’71 304 Broad St., Chester, Pa. Miller, Hannah John (Mrs. Jo- seph Mickle), ’71- ’74 Swarthmore, Pa. Miller, Harry Barber, ’72- ’73 2830 N. Twenty-seventh St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Miller, Henry Hallowell, ’72- ’73 Died March 8, 1913, Sandy Spring, Md. Miller, Lydia A. R., ’81- ’83 Miller, Margaret H., ’77- ’78 Sandy Spring, Md., or care of War- wick P. Miller, 429 W. Price St., Germantown, Pa. Miller, Robert G., ’80- ’82 Miller, Warwick Price, Jr., ’77- ’78 409 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Res. 429 W. Price St., German- town. Miller, William L., ’82- ’83 Milligan, Redding M., ’83- ’85 3842 N. Nineteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Pres. Sectional School Board, Philadelphia. Purchasing Agent. Mills, Ruth Eva, ’84- ’86 Mitchell, Anna Louise, ’75- ’76 Mitchell, Franklin Sibley, ’70- ’72 Mitchell, Jeannie Carr, ’71- ’73 Lenni, Pa. Monroe, Milton S., ’82- ’83 San Antonio, Tex. Montgomery, Lome Ney, ’87- ’88 Hempstead, Tex. Moore, Carrie Willets, ’82- ’85 588 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Moore, Edgar L., ’80- ’81 Moore, Elizabeth, ’72- ’73 Moore, Mrs. Harry J. C. (See Caroline Mary Harbaugh, ’70- ’72) Moore, John Russell, ’83- ’85 Curwensville, Pa. Moore, Marmaduke Waverley, ’71- ’72 Moore, Sallie Maria, ’72- ’74 Moore, William Andrew, ’83- ’84 37 N. Seventeenth St., Harrisburg, Pa. Surveyor and Asst, to Chief Draftsman, Dept, of Internal Af- fairs of Penna. Morgan, Nathan E., Jr., ’81- ’83 1518 N. Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Morass, Gertrude, ’81- ’82 Morrell, Annie, ’73- ’75 Morrell, Joseph C., ’78- ’79 Mamaroneck, N. Y. Morrell, Marianna, ’69- ’71 Mamaroneck, N. Y. Morrell, William Franklin, ’74- ’75 Mamaroneck, N. Y. Morris, Elizabeth, ’72- ’74 Morris, George Jones, ’84- ’85 Morrison, Clarence W., ’80- ’81 Morse, Isabella C., ’81- ’82 Mosher, Frances B., ’81- ’84 West Grove, Pa. Mott, Edmund Kirby, ’69- ’71 Glen Wood Landing, L. I., N. Y. Musselman, Gilbert P., ’81- ’83 Linden Apartments, Philadelphia, Pa. Musser, William Wilson, ’74- ’77 Muncy, Pa. Care of Emma A. Musser. N Nafarrite, Pedro, ’82- ’85 Naylor, Morris, ’80- ’82 Neale, George Henry, ’71- ’72 Neale, Mary Louisa, ’71- ’72 Neall, Charles H., ’78- ’79 Needles, Arthur C., ’80- ’83 Care of Norfolk Western R. R. Co., Roanoke, Va. Gen. Supt. Needles, William J., ’81- ’84 Deceased. Negendank, Gustave H., ’83- ’84 Greenville, Del. Nelson, Henry E., ’86- ’87 207 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Nesbitt, William R., ’81- ’82 Port Deposit, Md. Neucheler, Irving, ’80- ’82; ’85- ’86 Deceased. Newbold, Amy H., ’83- ’85 Newbold, Ella, ’80- ’81 Newcomer, Mrs. Edward B. (See Marie Kent, ’83- ’86) Newell, Robert M., ’79- ’80 Salem, N. J. Newhall, Anna Peterson, ’71- ’74 REGISTER OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL 213 Newhouse, Oscar B., ’82- ’83 Nicholas, Frank Robertson, ’84- ’85 Nicholas, Janies, Forsythe, ’75- ’77 Roxborough, Pa. Nicholas, J. Ivins, ’82- ’84 Nicholas, William G., ’77- ’79 Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa. Noble, Franklin, ’69- '71 303 State St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Doing agricultural education. Water and sewage purification installation. Noble, Mrs. Franklin (See Mari- anna Hallock, ’90- ’91) Noble, George G., ’83- ’84 Norcross, Sallie D., ’69- ’71 Norris, John Cowman, ’83- ’84 1700 Harlam Ave., Baltimore, Md. In bakery business. Norris, William G., ’82- ’83; ’83- ’84 Norton, How. E., ’77- ’79 Ironton, Ohio. Noxon, James, Jr., ’83- ’86 Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada. O Ogden, Clement Reeves, , 70- , 72 Ogden, Middleton, ’69- ’70 Ogden, Samuel Rhoads, ’69- ’71 Oakdale, Pa. Ogle, Charles Wilfred, ’80- ’82 Oliver, Thomas Ellis, ’82- ’83 Osborn, Charles, ’71- ’72 Osborn, Mary W., ’71- ’73 Wolcott, Ave., Matteawan, N. Y. Ovaitt, Eugenia Estella (Mrs. B. F. Yail), ’70-’72 Died June 4, 1910, Bennington Cen- ter, Vt. P Pacheco, David, ’81- ’83 Packer, Walter H., ’76- ’77 Paist, W. Howard, ’88- ’89 Died April 5, 1889, Swarthmore, Pa. Palmer, Mrs. Joseph H. (See Sarah L. Levis, ’80- ’81) Palmer, Laura M., ’79- ’80 Doe Run, Pa. Pancoast, Albert, ’69- ’72 Bellingham, Wash. Grocer. Pancoast, Anne Cooper (Mrs. Wm. Z. Flitcraft), ’71- ’72 Woodstown, N. J. Pancoast, Annie (Mrs. H. K. Wheeler), ’69- ’72 1310 Leavenworth St., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Pancoast, Franklin, ’71- ’72 Pancoast, Mrs. Franklin (See Laura May Lippincott, ’76- ’77) Pancoast, Hannah, ’78- ’80 Woodstown, N. J. Pancoast, Laura, ’74- ’76 1001 Chestnut St., Room 204, Phila- delphia, Pa. Pancoast, Mary H. (Mrs. Wm. B. Lukens), ’85- ’86 Died December, 1905. Pardee, Merit William, ’71- ’72 Died in Columbus, Pa. Parke, Thomas, ’73- ’74 Parker, Mary E., ’83- ’85 Parrish, Adelaide J., ’80- ’82 Parrish, Elizabeth Hunt, ’69- ’71 Parrish, Frederic, ’83- ’84 Parrish, Hugh Roberts, ’70- ’71 Burlington, N. J. Parsons, Edward B., ’80- ’81 Fallsington, Pa. Parsons, Mrs. Ralph W. (See May Hart, ’88- ’90) Parvin, Walter M., ’76- ’78 Parvin, William P., ’76- ’78 Paschall, Mary, ’83- ’85 Paterson, Edward William, ’70- ’71 Paterson, Frank, ’70- ’72 Patterson, Anne, ’71- ’73 Patterson, Clara E. (Mrs. T. Wil- son Stiles), ’87- ’88 301 W. Mariol St., Moorestown, N. J. Patterson, James Robert, ’70- ’71 Patterson, Mary Helen, ’82- ’83 Patterson, Mary Lizzie, ’71-^72 Paul, Anna Parkill, ’72- ’73 Died August, 1878, Wallingford, Pa. Paul, David Stanley, ’72- ’73; ’74- ’77 Died March 24, 1909, Chicago, 111. Paul, William Rudolph, ’81- ’83 2019 N. Twelfth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sec. and Treas., Westmoreland Chemical and Color Co. Paxson, Anthony Burton, ’70- ’72 Paxson, Helen Fisher, ’73- ’74 Pearce, Robert M., ’79- ’80 Peirce, Howell, ’72- ’73 South Charlestown, Ohio. Penfield, Blanche Carrie, ’71- ’72 214 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Pennock, Charles W., ’76- ’80 Coatesville, Pa. Pennock, James L., ’78- ’79 Chatham, Pa. Pennock, John S., ’75- ’77 Coatesville, Pa. Pennypacker, C. Henry, ’78- ’79 West Chester, Pa. Pennypacker, Levis P., ’78- ’79 Penrose, George Dilks, ’73- ’74 Maiden Creek, Pa. Penrose, Samuel Jarrett, ’69- ’70 Doylestown, Pa. Perot, Francis, Jr., ’69- ’72 Peterson, Charles Lehman, ’71- ’72 Peterson, John Bouvier, ’72- ’75 4332 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa., or 831 Land Title Bldg., Philadel- phia, Pa. Philips, Edward M., ’85- ’87 Care of Philips, Thompson Co., Fourth and French Sts., Wilming- ton, Del. Phillips, Mary C., ’84- ’85 Phillips, Mrs. Morris (See Lucy C. Brinton, ’85- ’86) Phillips, Ryland W., ’81- ’83 1507 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Phillips, William Hunt, ’70- ’71 Kennett Square, Pa. Phippen, Mary Elizabeth, ’74-75 Lock Haven, Pa. Phippen, William Leclair, ’74- ’75 Lock Haven, Pa. Pirn, Mrs. Richard Penn (See Abigail Walton Foulke, ’70- ’72) Polk, William, Jr., ’73- ’74 Pooke, Harriet Evelyn, ’82- ’83 The Woodworth, Tenth and U Sts., Washington, D. C. Poole, William, ’70- ’71 1000 W. Tenth St., Wilmington, Del. Porter, Altamont Wilson, ’73- ’74 Deceased. Porter, Charles, J., ’82- ’84 Porter, Florence Maria (Mrs. Mark Jacques Heywang), ’73-’74 328 E. Main St., Titusville, Pa. Post, Mrs. J. W. (See Phebe Hicks, ’71- ’72) Potter, Dr. Edwin Spooner, ’85- ’87 1913 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Potts, Frederick, ’73- ’75 Powell, Louisa, ’82- ’84 Care of Mrs. Sarah M. Fogg, Han- cock’s Bridge, Salem, N. J. Powell, Pennock, ’69- ’70 Wyncote, Pa. Powell, Robert Ervin, ’69- ’70 Pownall, Anne, ’81- ’82 Smyrna, Pa. Pownall, John Gest, ’73- ’74 Christiana, Pa. Pownall, Levi, ’78- ’80 D.D.S. Pa. Coll, of Dental Surgery, 1886. Christiana, Pa. Dentist. Pratt, Margaret, ’69- ’70 500 N. Monroe St., Media, Pa. Preston, Sarah M., ’85- ’87 Darlington, Md. Prentiss, Arthur, ’86- ’87 Price, Edith Martin, ’74- ’76 Price, Ferris Thomas, ’71- ’72 Price, John B., ’78- ’80 Hazleton, Pa. Price, Phebe J., ’83- ’85 Pyle, Anna Rachel (Mrs. Luman Beitler), ’83-84 145 Prospect St., West Grove, Pa. Pyle, Carleton J., ’76- ’80 Mortonville, Pa. Farmer. Pyle, Gertrude C., ’82- ’83 Pyle, T. Norman, ’87- ’88 Q Quimby, Mary Esther, ’69- ’70 Quinlan, William C., ’82- ’83 Quinn, Granville P. G., ’81- ’83 R Ramsay, James B., Jr., ’72- ’74 Randolph, Nathaniel Archer, ’71- ’74 Rauchenstein, William R., ’85- ’86 Reece, Sarah E., ’82- ’83 Reed, Loring Wood, ’72- ’74 Reese, William Kirke, ’70- ’71 Reeves, Mary Scull, ’74- ’76 Delaware City, Del. Reeves, Thomas W., ’76- ’78 Clarksboro, N. J. Reger, W. Morton, ’88- ’89 Rhoads, Anna Pancoast, ’83- ’85 Westtown, Pa. County Treasurer, W. C. T. U. Rhodes, Morris, ’72- ’73 Danville, Pa. Rhodes, William Benjamin, ’74- ’75 Rice, Elmo T., ’86- ’87 Rice, Philip Hallowell, ’72- ’74 REGISTER OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL 215 Rich, Henry S., ’83- ’84 Marietta, Pa. Banker. Richards, Mrs. Louis Henry (See Rebecca John Williamson, ’72-’73) Richardson, Martha, ’80- ’82 Box 174, Wilmington, Del. Richmond, H. Warren, ’88- ’89 Riddle, Charlotte B., ’79- ’80 Glen Riddle, Pa. Riddle, L. Maud, ’79- ’80 Glen Riddle, Pa. Riddle, W. Leander, ’79- ’80 Glen Riddle, Pa. Riegel, Harry, ’73- ’74 Riggs, Grant Scott, ’80- ’82 Risdon, Hugh Catherwood, ’84- ’85 . 3349 H St., Philadelphia, Pa. Credit and collections manager. Risdon, Sarah G. (Mrs. Richard E. Lewis), ’71- ’72 225 High St., Mt. Holly, N. J. Teacher in Mt. Holly School. Ritch, Watson, ’82- ’84 Santa Fe, N. Mex. Rittenhouse, Ella Warner (Mrs. Harrison H. Haines), ’69- ’71 930 S. Forty-eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Robbins, Eliza Parker, ’75- ’76 Robbins, Ida Florence, ’75- ’76 Roberts, Albert Jones, ’82- ’83 Moorestown, N. J. Farmer. Roberts, David, ’75- ’76 Norristown, Pa. Roberts, John S., Jr., ’70- ’72 Roberts, Kendall Cole, ’69- ’70 . Roberts, Rebecca Hunt (Mrs. Hunt), ’73- ’74 209 E. Union St., Burlington, N. J. Roberts, Reuben Matlack, ’69- ’70 Robinson, Mrs. John C. (See Bea- trice Magill, ’69- ’75) Rockfellow, Frederic Walton, ’74- ’76 59 N. Arlington Ave., E. Orange, N. Y. Rogers, Emma Haines, ’86- ’87 Rogers, Isaac Collins, ’86- ’87 R No. 5, Dansville, N. Y. Rogers, Lydia (Mrs. Lydia R. Hollinshead), ’84- ’85 Moorestown, N. J. Rogers, Mary Atkinson, ’88- ’89 Medford, N. J. Rogers, Rachel, ’81- ’82 Root, Anna Cornelia, ’73- ’74 Roots, Mary Belle, ’73- ’74 Connersville, Ind. Rosenthal, William J., ’80- ’81 Ross, Thomas L., ’86- ’87 Rowland, Henry Ward Beecher, ’73- ’76 Rowland, William Eves, ’70- ’71 Rowlett, Morris, Longstreth, ’69- ’71 Rulon, Walter C., ’80- ’81 Haddonfield, N. J. Accountant. Runyon, Enos W., ’75- ’77 Plainfield, N. J. Rushmore, Mary D., ’82- ’83 67 Mercer Ave., Plainfield, - N. J. Visiting Surgeon, Woman’s In- firmary, New York, N. Y. Russell, Ardelle, ’83- ’84 Lumber City, Pa. Rutter, Hester Kniffen, ’70- ’72 S Sager, Ada P., ’85- ’87 Lenape, Pa. Sailer, A. Lincoln, ’78- ’79 Mt. Holly, N. J. Sanderson, Henry, ’81- ’83 Sandford, Moina Margaret, ’86- ’88 Sands, Obadiah, Jr., ’87- ’88 Satterfield, Lawrence, ’82- ’84 Satterthwait, Emma T., ’83- ’84 Satterthwaite, Abbott, ’87- ’88 Centreville, Cal. With Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Satterthwaite, Andrew Ridgway, ’69- ’71 Satterthwaite, John Hallowell, ’87- ’88 3935 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Optician. Satterthwaite, John Jackson, ’69- ’71 Remington Machine Co., Wilmington, Del. Saunders, Albert, ’85- ’87 Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Saunders, Edward Hicks, ’69- ’71 Saunders, Sarah Sleeper, ’72- ’73 Sawyer, Frank M., ’84- ’86 Saxman, Edward F., ’83- ’85 Villa Nova, Pa., or Commonwealth Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Saxman, Marcus W., ’85- ’87 Villa Nova, Pa. Saxton, Alfred Albertson, ’84- ’86 Amityville, N. Y. 216 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Saylor, Horace, ’70- ’71 Deceased. Scattergood, George Kiem, ’71- ’74 Scattergood, Israel Middleton, ’71- ’74 Scattergood, John K., ’91- ’92 Scheib, Wmiam F., ’76- ’77 Schimmel, Eliza, ’83- ’84 Schimmel, Lillie, ’83- ’84 Schlupp, Mary E., ’83- ’84 Schoen, Edwin Atley, ’83- ’85 Schoenfeld, Morris, ’81- ’82 Schofield, Charles Jonathan, ’69- ’71 Deceased. Schofield, Mrs. Joseph F. (See Elizabeth Warner, ’69- ’70) Schofield, Walter E., ’83- ’84 Scholl, Mary Dilworth, ’70- ’71 Schooley, Sarah Duffield, ’72- ’73 Schultz, Eula, ’73- ’76 Ellenville, N. Y. Scott, Edmund Wilson, ’69- ’70 Sandy Spring, Md. Scott, Elizabeth Alice, ’69- ’70 Sandy Spring, Md. Scott, Josephine Wood, ’84- ’87 Wayne, Pa. Scott, Townsend, ’72- ’74; ’76- ’77 Scott, Walter, ’82- ’83 Richboro, Pa. Scott, William Arnold, ’84- ’85 Scull, Anna Malandra, ’69- ’71 Deceased, 1906. Scull, Wm. C., Jr., ’79- ’81 Front and Federal St., Camden, N. J. Seal, William B., ’82- ’83 Unionville,Pa. Seaman, Mrs. (See Matilda Wil- lets, ’71- ’72) Seaman, Anna, ’75- ’77 Jericho, N. Y. Seaman, James H., ’86- ’87 308 Glen St., Glens Falls, N. Y. Seligman, Arthur, ’85- ’87 Sante Fe., New Mexico. Seligman, Eva May (Mrs. Eman- uel Cohen), ’81- ’84 1431 Diamond St., Philadelphia, Pa. Seligman, Minnie, ’85- ’87 Died January 18, 1887. Sellers, Alice P., ’82- ’84 Senat, Anna Barnes, ’74- ’75 Senat, Louis Duval, ’74- ’75 Senseman, David J., ’84- ’86 Rowlesburg, W. Va. Seyburn, Edward I., ’76- ’78 Shafer, Harry Coates, ’81- ’82 205 Franklin Ave., Norristown, Pa. Shalkop, Alonzo Hagy, ’73- ’75 Sharp, Dr. Leedom S., ’70- ’75 4941 Catharine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sharpless, Alice, ’81- ’84 Goshen, Pa. Sharpless, John Eyre, ’74- ’78 Shaw, Sarah M., ’86- ’87 Shedwick, George Washington, ’69- ’72 Shedwick, Henry Clay, ’69- ’71 Shenk, David B., ’78- ’80 Shermer, Isabella Dillon, ’71- ’73 Shermer, Joseph Hooker, ’71- ’73 804 Corinthian Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Shoemaker, Benj. Hallowell, ’70- ’71 Fourth and Race Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Shoemaker, Mrs. A. Brock (See Ida C. Burton, ’80- ’81) Shoemaker, Caroline F., ’82- ’83 Johnsonville, Pa. Shoemaker, Clara Harper, ’73- ’74 Shoemaker, Lizzie L. (Mrs. Wil- liam N. Fretz), ’81- ’82 Deceased. Shoemaker, Mary Jane (Mrs. Alvin T. Haines), ’69- ’70 Norristown, Pa. Sholl, A. Lincoln, ’82- ’83 Shoop, William G.', ’72- ’73 Shotwell, Mary, ’81- ’82 Sickles, John Frederick, ’72- ’73 Sill, James T., ’82- ’85 400 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sill, William L., ’82- ’83 Boerne, Kendall Co., Tex. Simmons, Bessie E., ’80- ’81 Woodbury, N. J. Simmons, Marian, ’80- ’81 Simon, David E., ’80- ’81 Simonds, Franklin Phinney, ’69- ’70 Simpson, Charles Henry, ’72- ’73 Sinn, Howard, ’72- ’74 Wister St., below Chew St., German- town, Pa. Sissow, Mrs. Charles Amos (See Ida Hightower, ’83- ’85) Sleigh, Mrs. (See Mary Valentine, ’73- ’74) Sloan, Edward, ’86- ’88 REGISTER OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL 217 Sloan, Francis P., '84- '86 Oakdale, Pa. Sloan, Marian W., ’85- ’87 Oakdale, Pa. Sloan, Rachel (Mrs. Eggleston), >70- >72 Deceased. Slokom, Samuel, '84- '85 Christiana, Pa. Smedley, Mrs. (See Ruth Cooke), '69- '71 Smedley, Harry Leedom, '73- '76 Ph.G. Phil. Coll. Pharmacy, 1880, D.D.S., Univ. of Pa., 1882. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1883. Media, Pa. Dentist. Smedley, Joseph Franklin, ’69- ’70 Chattanooga, Tenn. Smedley, Rebecca Garrett, (Mrs. Mordecai T. Bartram), '71- '72 Newtown Square, Delaware Co., Pa. Smedley, Mary Martin (Mrs. Hib- berd), '70- '72 Deceased. Smith, Edwin, ’71- ’73 Smith, Erwin Hulm, '69- '70 Smith, Frank Ward, ’ 75- ’76 919 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Mine worker. Smith, George Peyton, '70- '74 Smith, George W., '88- >89 Smith, James Chalmers, '71- '77 Smith, Mary Isabell, '71- '74 Died December 13, 1913, Lambert- ville, N. J. Smith, Mary Frank, '72- '73 Smith, Philemon J., ’76- '78 Damascus, N. J. Smith, Portia Haines, '83- '84 Lincoln, Va. Smith, William H., '79- '81 Smith, William Tabor, '70- '72 Smock, Mrs. Ladru P. (See Jessie Y. Bradfield, '75- '76) Smyth, P. Hanson, '81- '84 Snowdon, Mrs. J. Howard (See Emilie L. Taylor, '77- '78) Snyder, Mrs. (See Eliza Cassin, '69- '71) Solarzano, Federico, '85- '86 Spackman, Thomas C., '80- '81 Honey brook, Pa. Speakman, Francenia S., '76- '77 Speakman, Horace, '73- '75 Speakman, Joseph Harvey, '74- '76 Speakman, Lillian Harvey, '73- '76 Speakman, Lucy M., '80- '81 Wallaceton, Pa. Speakman, William A., Jr., '77- '78 Wallaceton, Pa. Spear, Laura, '86- '87 Spiegelberg, Emma, '84- '85 Spiegelberg, Charles Elias, '86- '88 Santa, Fe, N. Mex. Spiegelberg, Jacob Solomon, '86- '88 Santa Fe, N. Mex. Spooner, David C., '80- '81 Squier, Benjamin B., '81- '84 Squier, Lucien B., Jr., '81- '84 Stanton, Oliver E., '88- '90 Starr, Edwin W., '76- '78 Starr, Oliver, '81- '82 Starr, William Glover, '74- '77 Steacy, George Stahl, '83- '85 Marietta, Pa. Steel, Gibson North, '69- '71 Steel, James, '79- '80 Broad and Chestnut Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa. Steelman, Ida Rae, '82- '83 Clayton, N. J. Steger, Charles Edward, '87- '88 Stelwagon, Frank Melville, '73- '77 2415 N. Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mgr., Roofing Mat. Mfg. Co. Stelwagon, Wightman, '73- '76 Cutler, Florida. Fruit grower. Stevens, Andrew F., '86- '87 Stevens, Richard G., '79- '80 Stevenson, William A., '83- '84 Deceased. Steward, Charles Massey, '71- '72 Steward, Lavinia, '70- '71 Stewart, George Childs, '72- '74 Stiles, Albert Magill, '86- '88 311 V 2 Fourth St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Manufacturer and Salesman. Stiles, Samuel Brown, '87- '88 1351 Market St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Oil Operator. Stiles, Mrs. T. Wilson (See Clara Patterson, '87- '88) Stimson, Frederic S., '85- '87 Stimson, Jay D., '85- '86 Stinchcomb, Marguerite Teresea, '83- '85 218 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Stocker, Elizabeth Allison, ’73- ’75 Died in St. Clair, Pa. Stockton, Ella M., ’83- J 85 Wrightstown, N. J. Stokes, Francis F., ’84- ’85 6 Reeves Ave., Grand Forks, N. D. Commercial Traveler. Stokes, Woolam, ’74- ’76 Stone, Carrie N., ’82- ’83 Stone, Halbert Llewellyn, ’86- ’87 Stone, Seymour Howard, ’84- ’86 156 Beech St., Roslindale, Mass. Storm, Frederic A., Jr., ’87- ’89 Bayside, N. Y. Story, Hanna, ’ 75- ’76 Stout, Anna W., ’84- ’86 Mrs. Elliott, Grand Meadow, Minn. Stover, Caroline C., ’79- '83 Erwinna, Pa. Straus, Louis Napoleon Bona- parte, ’73- ’75 4052 Parkside Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Stroud, Mrs. William F. (See Minna P. Lafferty, ’80- ’82) Stubbs, Daniel Alfred, ’70- ’71 40 N. Third St., Oxford, Pa. Phy- sician and Notary Public. Stubbs, Ida Ellen, ’69- ’71 103 N. Third St., Oxford, Pa. Sulzbacher, Bruno, ’87- ’88 Las Vegas, N. Mex. Sulzbacher, Jacob, ’87- ’88 Las Vegas, N. Mex. Sumner, Edward W., ’78- ’81 Sumner, Helen K., ’78- ’82 Sunderland, Thomas T., ’76- ’77 Sutterlee, Gilbert T., ’79- ’80 Sutton, Matilda Margaret, ’69- ’70 Sutton, William J., ’80- ’81 Died about 1905, Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Swasey, Joseph Wadsworth, ’75- ’76 Swezey, Cecil Augustus, ’82- ’84 Swezey, Ferris H., ’82- ’84 Swindell, George Benson, ’84- ’85 T Taggart, James McCurley, ’72- ’74 Taney, Priscilla, ’70- ’71 Tanger, Eva L., ’88- ’89 Hanover, Pa. Taylor, Emilie Louie (Mrs. J. Howard Snowdon), ’77- ’78 Died December 20, 1900, Florence, Italy. Taylor, George Loomis, ’72- ’73 Taylor, Hannah Burdette, ’87- ’88 Taylor, Henry Mendinhall, ’73- ’75 Remington Machine Co., Wilmington, Del. Secretary and Treasurer. Taylor, Howard George, ’78- ’84 Hainesport, N. J. Care of Walter Middleton. Taylor, Isaac P., ’76- ’77 Parkersville, Pa. Taylor, Louis Curtis, ’72- ’73 Teller, Julius L., ’78- ’80 Thomas, Charles T., ’74- ’75 Thomas, Edgar, ’78- ’79 Thomas, Henry T., ’83- ’86 5 E. Mt. Royal Ave., Baltimore, Md. Thomas, Mandeville, ’80- ’81 Thomas, Mary L., ’79- ’81 Thomas, Wethered Brothers, ’70- ’71 Thompson, Clarence Martin, ’86- ’87 Thompson, George W., ’81- ’84 Hazleton, Pa. Thompson, Justice M., ’78- ’83 25 W. Washington St., Media, Pa., or 20 N. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. Throckmorton, Howard, ’88- ’89 Thurston, Moses Wheeler, ’82- ’84 Verona, N. Y. Thudichum, Carl Louis, ’81- ’84 D.V.S. American Veterinary Col- lege, 1890. M.D. Southern Homeopathic Med. College, 1904. 429 Mark Bldg., Denver, Colo. Tilghman, Edward B., ’82- ’84 Titus, Anna Willets, ’83- ’84; ’85- ’86 Old Westbury, L. I., N. Y. Titus, Gertrude Beatrice, ’83- ’84 Titus, Samuel Townsend, ’69- ’71 Glen Cove, L. I., N. Y. Tomkinson, Margaret (Mrs. Hill), ’70- ’72 Died June 29, 1910. Tomlinson, Evans Hutchins, ’69- ’72 Died April 12, 1912, Mt. Holly, N. J. Tomlinson, Laura, ’73- ’74 Tomlinson, William Brinkerhoff, ’71-’73 Mt. Holly, N. J. Townsend, Elizabeth, ’70- ’71 Townsend, William, ’76- ’77 Tracy, Randolph, ’78- ’79 Travilla, Mary, ’75- ’77; ’78- ’79 West Chester, Pa. REGISTER OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL 219 Travilla, Elizabeth Newport, ’73- ’77 West Chester, Pa. Trimble, Josephine H. (Mrs. Charles C. Fahnestock), ’80- ’81 West Chester, Pa. Trimble, William R., ’83- ’86 2504 Garfield Ave., South Minne- apolis, Minn. Troth, Oliver, ’70- ’72 Deceased. Trump, Eleanor Tyson, ’70- ’71 Trump, Julia Epley, ’ 73-’75 Died December 6, 1885, Jersey Shore, Pa. Turlay, Esther M., ’80- ’81 Turnbull, Thomas, '85- ’88 Turner, Annie Betterton (Mrs. Chandlee), ’69- ’70 Died 1898. Turner, Frank Newcomb, ’69- ’70 Died December 8, 1901, Blooms- burg, Pa. Turner, Howard, ’84- *86 Betterton, Md. Turner, Robert Randolph, ’88- ’89 The Plains, Ya. Tyler, Frank Weaver, ’86- ’88 Ridgely, Md. Tyson, Herman R., ’85- ’87 U Ulman, Ansel A., ’81- ’83 No. 1, W. Market Square, Williams- port, Pa. Merchant. Underhill, Dr. Benjamin Mott, ’78- ’81 Media, Pa. Veterinary Surgeon, Grad, of U. of Pa. Underhill, Elizabeth Cora, ’84- ’85 V Vail, Mrs. B. F. (See Eugenia Estella Ovaitt, ’70- ’72) Vail, Francis Newton, ’ 73- ’75 Valentine, Ella, ’78- ’80 Valentine, Ellwood, ’69- ’70 Glen Cove, N. Y. Valentine, Mary Jane (Mrs. Sleigh), ’73-’74 Glen Cove, L. I., N. Y. Vandervoort, Abram, ’71- ’72 Van de Sande, Elizabeth, ’74- ’75 Lebanon, Pa. Van de Sande, William H., ’82- ’83 Lebanon, Pa. Van Dyne, George E., ’77- ’78 Van Kannel, Louisa, ’83- ’84 Vansant, Clara (Mrs. Nelson Merryman), ’89- ’90 Fawn Grove, York Co., Pa. Vanstone, Frederick C., ’82- ’84 Van Trump, Mrs. Reginald (See Mary Elliott, ’70- ’72) Van Zandt, Sarah, ’80- ’81 Vernon, Mrs. (See Lillie C. Crozer, ’77-’79) Vernon, Edgar, >79- ’80 Vernon, Elizabeth M., ’79- ’81 Mt. Cuba, Del. Vernon, Maris H., ’ 79- ’81 Mt. Cuba, Del., or care of H. G. Vernon, Pomeroy, Pa. Vroman, Mrs. A. Clark (See Esther Hollingshead Griest, ’78- ’81) W Wagner, Clyde R., ’77- ’79 Fremont, Ohio. Wagner, William, ’86- ’87 Walker, Charles J., ’81- ’82 Waterford, Va. Walker, Hugh S., ’84- ’86 Waterford, Va. Walker, Rebecca M., ’82- ’84 Swedeland, Pa. Walker, Sally C., ’70- ’71 Walter, Helen, ’71- ’74; ’75- ’76 Walton, Mary D., ’79- ’80 Pomeroy, Pa. Walton, Sarah Vail, ’69- ’70 Warner, Addie M., ’79- ’80 Warner, Anna H., ’76- ’77; ’78- ’79 • Penn’s Park, Pa. Warner, Mrs. George (See Lydia Yardley Cadwallader, ’69- ’71) Warner, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs. Joseph F. Schofield), ’69- ’70 Died September 7, 1899, Selma, Ohio. Graduate of Oswego State Normal School, 1876. Warrick, Woodward, Jr., ’75- ’77 Glassboro, N. J. Warriner, Emily, ’69- ’70 Warrington, James Franklin, ’72- ’73 Washburn, Mrs. Charles E. (See Elizabeth Chadwick, ’85- ’87) Washburn, Franklin Joshua, ’71- ’72 Ossining, N. Y. Washburn, Georgia C., ’88- ’89 No. 3 W. Forty-second St., New York, N. Y. 220 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Watson, Isabella Grier, ’70- ’72 Watts, Mrs. Prof. Rowland (See Anna Hubbard, ’78- ’79) Weand, Hattie B., ’84- ’86 Norristown, Pa. Weaver, Valentine Wagnet, ’71- ’73 Alburtis, Pa. Webster, Joseph Goldie, ’72- ’75 142 Duane St., New York City. Webster, Thomas, ’71- ’73 Weems, Sands Smith, ’88- ’89 Brozaria, Tex. Gen. Mdse. Weidner, Henry Norton, ’73- ’74 Wescott, Elizabeth B., ’82- ’83 Wessels, Lewis C., ’76- ’77 1818 N. Twenty-second St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Member of Ophthal- malogical Bureau of Health. M.D. Hahnemann College, 1892. West, R. Anna, ’76- ’78 King of Prussia, Pa. Westcott, Burt J., ’84- ’85 Springfield, Ohio. Manufacturer. Wethered, Carrie, ’78- ’80 Wethered, Lewina, ’78- ’79 Wethered, Woodworth, ’78- ’81 Wetmore, George H., ’83- ’84 Adair, Iowa. Wharton, Susanna Parrish, ’70- ’71 910 Clinton St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wheeler, Mrs. H. K. (See Annie Pancoast, ’69- ’72) Whinery, Leona Margaret, ’71- ’72 Died February 15, 1913, Salem, Ohio. White, Daniel Smith, ’70- ’71 Hotel Traymore, Atlantic City, N. J. Hotel Proprietor. White, Mrs. Daniel Smith (See Serena Bremer Green, ’69- ’71) White, Lydia Zabriskie, ’71- ’72 Harrington Park, N. J. Mary Frances White (Mrs. Mary Harvey), ’71- ’72 Closter, N. J. Whiteloch, Elizabeth Stockton, (Mrs. Daniel Dorsey), ’73- ’74 E. Mt. Vernon Place, Baltimore, Md. Whiteman, Zophar Howell, ’74- ’76 Whitson, Oliver, ’69- ’71 Far Rockaway, N. Y. Whitson, Thomas, ’78- ’81 Died October 23, 1907, Flushing, L. I., N. Y. Whitson, William E., ’85- ’87 Westbury Station, N. Y. Wickersham, John Howard, ’69- ’70 Mortonville, Pa. Wiggins, Grant, ’81- ’83 Richmond, Ind. Wilbur, Mary E., ’81- ’83 Wilbur, Warren Abbott, ’72- ’73 South Bethlehem, Pa. Treasurer S. Bethlehem. Banker, Manufacturer. Wildman, Abbie, ’84- ’85 Langhorne, Pa. Wildman, Mrs. George K. (See Rachel Ridge Comly, ’70- ’71) Wilkins, Amos Heulings, ’75- ’76 Medford, N. J. R. F. D., No. 3. Wilkins, Susan Rogers, ’86- ’87 Willard, Thomas Russell, ’82- ’83 Columbia, Va. Willets, Amy C., ’89- ’91 Died April 2, 1891. Willets, Edmund, ’88- ’89 Roslyn, L. I., N. Y. Willets, Edmund Robert, ’69- ’70 Deceased. Willets, Mrs. Edwin C. (See Ida Albertson, ’73- ’76) Willets, Matilda (Mrs. Seaman), ’71- ’72 Deceased. Willets, Walter Restore Jones, ’69- ’72 Old Westbury, N. Y. Williams, Mrs. (See Carrie Rose Blair, ’72- ’73) Williams, Arthur H., ’82- ’84 Buckingham, Pa. Williams, Howard, ’73- ’74 Berwyn, Pa. Williams, John Augustus, ’83- ’84 Williams, Julia Matilda, ’73- ’74 Williams, Richard Downing, ’89- ’90 600 Darrow Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Iron and Steel Sales Agent. Williamson, Adam B., ’78- ’79 Williamson, Cynthia Jennie, ’73- ’74 Williamson, James O., ’82- ’83 Renovo, Pa. Williamson, John Nicholas, ’73- ’76 1415 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Williamson, Olive H., ’82- ’83 Renovo, Pa. Williamson, Rebecca John (Mrs. Louis Henry Richards), ’72- ’73 Cheltenham-Revere, Atlantic City, N. J. Permanent address, Media, Pa. REGISTER OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL 221 Willis, Ella Cora, ’70- ’71 Willis, Richard, ’84- ’87 Died Galveston, Tex. Wills, Benajah Powell, ’70- ’71 Mt. Holly, N. J. Wills, Hannah W., ’77- ’79 Wills, Helen D., ’83- ’85 Norristown, Pa. Wills, Zebedee Moore, ’70- ’71 Died February 2, 1889. Wilson, Anne Beulah, ’73- ’74 Wilson, Charles R., ’83- ’84 Wilson, Daisy, ’75- ’80 Dover, Del. Wilson, Daniel Mifflin, ’71- ’73 Dover, Del. Wilson, Frank, ’78- ’79 Wilson, Gilberta, ’73- ’74 Wilson, J. Charles, ’79- ’80 Wilson, John Sims, ’72- ’73 Penllyn, Pa. Wilson, Laura H., ’74- ’77 Conshohocken, Pa. Wilson, Mary, ’71- ’72 Wilson, Samuel Canby, ’84- ’85 Rockville, Md. Wilson, Thomas Williams, ’69- ’71 Dover, Del. Wilson, William H., ’86- ’88 Wimer, William Woodfield, Jr., ’70- ’73 Wintringham, Helen E., ’78- ’80 Wisler, Martin Isaac, ’69- ’71 225 N. Sixteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wolfe, Fanny K., ’76- ’77 Wolf, Florence, ’82- ’83 Wollaston, Frank H., ’78- ’79 New Garden, Pa. Wood, Anna Maria (Mrs. George W. Bowly), ’74- ’75 Winchester, Va. Wood, George Washington, ’69- ’71 Wood, James Nelson, ’86- ’87 Blackshear, Pierce Co., Ga. Inven- tor and Mech. Engineer Modern Inter. Cotton Co., N. Y. Inter- national Barrel Co., Savannah, Ga. Wood, Lillie Margaret, ’69- ’70 Wood, Lucretia N., ’78- ’79 Wood, Rachel Augusta, ’69- ’71 Deceased. Wood, Rosalind Hood, ’69- ’71 Wood, Thomas Dewees, ’69- ’72 Woodnutt, William P., ’76- ’77 Woodward, George Danenhower, ’74- ’76 211 Broadway, Camden, N. J. Woodward, Harvey, ’72- ’73 Woodwell, Marian, ’81- ’82 Woolman, Mrs. Howard (See Ella Clark, ’69- ’71) Wootten, George Washington, ’74- ’76 Worthington, Emma Clara (Mrs. Lewis Watson Fell), ’77- ’78 Buckingham, Pa. Worthington, Isabel L., ’82- ’84 Buckingham, Bucks Co., Pa. Worthington, Mary A., ’77- ’78 Wright, Charles E., ’84- ’85 Red Lodge, Mont. Wright, Frances Palmer, ’73- ’75 Wright, Susan L., ’84- ’85 Red Lodge, Mont. Y Yardley, Elizabeth Field, ’72- ’73 Mt. Washington, Md. Yardley, Rebecca Turner, ’72- ’73 Mt. Washington, Md. Yarnall, Edwin Atlee, ’72- ’73 Yarnall, Maggie Thomas, ’70- ’72 Yarrow, John, ’76- ’77 Yates, Emma Achsah (Mrs. D. Leland Dewey), ’71- ’73 909 Oak Hill Ave., Hagerstown, Md. Yerkes, Evalina, ’76- ’77 Youmans, Vincent J., ’84- ’86 Mt. Yernon, N. Y. Young, Alexander Davison, ’70- ’77 Young, Irving Washington, ’80- ’81 White Plains, N. Y. Broker. Young, Ella, ’82- ’83 Died in Nyack, N. Y. Young, Lewis Ivans, ’70- ’71; ’72- ’73 Morton, Pa. Young, Wilson Brainerd, ’70- ’71; ’72- ’73 Rutledge, Pa. Attended Penna. Military College, Class 1880. Z Zell, Sarah Jane, ’70- ’72 Westover, Md. Zorns, Frank, ’78- ’80 Sellersville, Pa. : -.T ^0r^d: SillSi^ 5-h: >M^- r*$ • s r '.' gg ' Si #'^:- HggfSjj# diSiSS It will be esteemed a favor if each person whose name appears in this Bulletin and who makes a change of residence will notify the Dean of the new address. Information from any source that will assist in making or keeping this Register complete will be appreciated.