L I B R.AI^Y OF THE UNIVERSITY or ILLINOIS 825 SvM9d: v.l ^^^^^^^5-^-^ C^>^ Theft, mutilation, and und^ri!»i * . 'or disciplinary action a^d « ^ ^'. '*'*°''' "''^ -«*>"» the University "" "'"^ ''«"'♦ '" ^"''"issal from To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 DEC ;'int L161— O-1096 THE DAILY GOVERNESS; OR, SELF-DEPENDENCE. BY MRS. GORDON SMYTHIES, AUTHOE OF « COUSIN GEOFFREY," " MARRIED FOR LOYE," &c. • We need not bid for cloistered cell. Our Tieigh1)our or our friend farewell ; Nor strive to wind ourselves too liigb, For mortal man beneath the sky." The Christian Yeae. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDOjST: HURST AND BLACKETT, PUBLISHERS, SUCCESSORS TO HENRY COLBURN, 13, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET.^ 1861. T)ie right of Translation is restrvfd. Billins, Printer, 103, llatton Garden, London, and Guildford, Surrey 8^S THE DAILY GOVEENESS. CHAPTER I. LADY-DAY. It was a morning in March, very wet, very windy, very cold, and therefore very mise- rable. Lady- day by the calendar, but not a - day for ladies by any means. It was eight ^ o'clock by the chime of St. Clement Danes, J and that assertion was confirmed by the ^ echoes of many distant bells. ^ Neither the day nor the hour was such as " to tempt any great display of kid boots, with ^ military heels, and scarlet petticoats, peeping j from under voluminously flounced skirts. . . ^ VOL. L . B Z THE DAILY GOVERNESS. . . No man was out who could find any excuse for remaining at home. Houseless wanderers of course were abroad : they always are, rain or shine ; and henpecked husbands, who preferred the storm without to that within, and the east wind to the domestic breeze. Men of business of all ranks filled the omnibuses and cabs, bent, in spite of the hurricane, on still raising the wind ! But there was scarcely a woman, still less a lady, to be seen, when a young girl issued from a dingy house in Arundel Street, Strand, armed with a Mrs. Gamp -like umbrella, which, so far from sheltering her from the pitiless storm, seemed very likely to increase her dis- comfort, and add to the miseries of a walk which few men would have hked to undertake on such a morning. This umbrella had, however, been forced on Miss Lucy Blair, " the Daily Governess," by Mrs. Bragge, the kind landlady in whose house her mother and herself occupied a THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 3 second floor. Mrs. Bragge, though a London lodging-house keeper, had a conscience and a heart, a conscience, rare, indeed, in her line of Kfe, for it made her respect tea-caddies and cold meat ; and a heart rarer still in such a line of life, the heart that could feel for another, even when that other was only a Second Floor. Lucy felt that the old umbrella would be an incumbrance, but she did not like to refuse what was so very kindly offered. Then the keen wind, rushing under the dingy canopy formed by this old umbrella, carried it along like a ship in full sail, and as, among other defects, it had no knob or hook, and the stick from constant wear was smooth as glass, it was with the greatest difficulty Lucy's little numbed fingers could retain any hold of it ; to keep up with it at all, she had to run along the wet and muddy streets, almost flooded by the rain, her teeth chattering with the cold, her little feet ill-shod, soaked, and muddy, and her bonnet blown awry. To add B 2 4 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. to her annoyance, she was beset with mudlarks, whom the swollen river had driven into the streets (which were filled with their own pe- culiar element — mud). They tormented her with questions, jokes, jeers, and taunts; "Who's your hatter ?" and " Does your mother know you're out ?" being addressed to her by at least a dozen imp -like, bare-legged boys, who persisted in following and annoying her. We have said it was no day for ladies ; and yet, if gentle birth and breeding, a noble spirit, a pure heart, a pious, cultivated, ac- compUshed mind, self-control, self-depend- ence, self-possession, and perfect manners constitute a lady, then this poor step -child of fortune, this pretty, delicate Lucy Blaii', this Daily Governess, battling at once with Pate and with rough weather on the 25th of March, of the year of our Lord 1858, was a lady indeed ! In that poor second-floor in Arundel Street she had left, what was dearest to her on THE DAILY GOVERNESS. b earth, a tender mother in very delicate health. True, Lucy did not know that dear mother's sad history well ; but she knew she had seen better days, had been married, injured, for- saken, and obliged to toil for the support of herself and child. She had been for many years head teacher in foreign boarding-schools, where for her services she received a small salary, but, what was far more important, a home for herself and Lucy, and a brilliant education for the latter. When Lucy Blair was seventeen, her mo- ther's health became impaired. She had no faith in any but English physicians. She had seen a French doctor prescribe nothing but tisa7ie (a decoction of lime-leaves) in a brain fever ; and a Flemish ^sculapius order garden worms to be tied up in a rag and bound round the throat of a child half suffocated with tlie croop. In congestion of the brain she had seen an Italian practitioner ap- plying leeches to the feet. She had, be- 6 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. sides, a sort of home-sickness. It came like a blight over the poor exile. She tried to combat it, and was resigned to die. But Lucy adored her mother ; Lucy had energy, talents, a strong mind, a stout heart, a head to plan, and nerve to act. Mrs. Blair had looked upon Lucy as a child ; in her extremity she found her, a woman. "It is my turn now to toil for you, dear mamma," said the devoted girl. " Now my French, German, Italian, music, drawing and dancing shall be converted into current coin of the realm of Great Britain. Fear not, I will manage all ; luckily you have a little hoard, and a quarter's salary due to you." At this time they were at Naples. Lucy consulted the English clergyman there. Herself and mother had been very regular at- tendants on his ministry. Lucy's artless tale, deHcate beauty, and fiUal tenderness inte- rested him. He called on Mrs. Blair, and thought, from her wan, wasted looks and de- THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 7 pressed manner, that there was no time to lose. He secured a passage at a cheap rate for Mrs. Blair and her daughter, recommended them to apply for lodgings where he had him- self lodged when he was one of the curates of St. Clements, with fifty pounds a year ; and hearing from Lucy of her intention of main- taining, by teaching, the dear mother who had so long maintained her by that arduous and wearing occupation, he gave her a letter of recommendation to Lady Hamilton Tre- herne, saying : " Lady Hamilton Treherne, wife of Sir George Hamilton Treherne, is not a person I should select, had I any choice ; she is cold, proud, very exacting, and very selfish. But she has children, and wants a governess. I was at one time tutor to her brothers, and when she was at Naples she attended my ministry. She has written to ask me if I know either an Italian lady competent to teach her daughters, or an English governess who, from long residence abroad, is perfect 8 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. mistress of French, Italian, and German, with other accomphshments. If you are not too young and pretty, you will be all she can require ; for I hear from Italians themselves, how perfect is your knowledge of the lan- guage. You will not like Lady Hamilton Trehcrne ; no one does. She is inclined to be insolent, and is at once very lavish and very mean. She will try to 'do' you, as we say at Cambridge, as to 'terms' — don't let her ; and she will attempt to awe you into being ' done,' but I am certain you have too much spirit for that. I shall write and say all I think of your merits, if I can do them anything like justice in a letter." Lucy felt very grateful to Mr. Allgood, the kind clergyman, and rather dismayed at the prospect of becoming in any way dependent on such a woman as Lady Hamilton Treherne must be, if she answered Mr. Allgood's de- scription . But this feeling shrank into insigni- licancc, when she saw her mother's wan eve THE DAILY GOVERNESS 9 and hollow cheek, and felt the scorching touch of her thin hand. The love of Lucy for her mother was something beyond what even affectionate and dutiful children feel for their parents, in ordinary life. It was a self- sacrificing, tender, passionate devotion. They had lived in foreign lands, and had often been the only Protestants in a Roman Catholic convent or school. They were in a state of isolation from all the world, and dependent for love and sympathy on each other alone. Lucy would gladly have died for her mother, and, more still, she gladly lived for her — lived to toil as a Daily Governess, and to endure in silence and apparent thankfulness all the trials of such a career. 10 THE DAILY GOVEKNESS. CHAPTER 11. Lucy's first situation. Five weeks after her conversation with Mr. Allgood about Lady Hamilton Treherne, Lucy Blair, in answer to a haughty note from Lady Hamilton Treherne, the cold comfort of which she owed to Mr. Allgood's earnest recommendation, waited, with a beating heart and flushed cheek, on her cold, impassive ladyship, and after an hour, which seemed to her interminable, and in which was revived the old torture of " the question," or rather of a hundred and one questions — all selfish, heart- THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 11 less, insolent, and some iiTelevant and cruel — Lucy was told that Lady Hamilton Treherne would consider of it, and that she should hear from her. Lucy almost hoped for rejec- tion, but, after a short interval, she received a few lines which announced that she was ac- cepted, and summoned her to attend at once. Lady Hamilton Treherne hated Lucy for her youth and beauty, her easy grace, and the spirit she evinced in her determination not to be ground down to a housemaid's wages, and yet have all her valuable time engrossed by her employer. But Lady Hamilton Treherne had knowledge enough to discover that Lucy was a prize not to be lost ; that she would save her the expense of masters, and that her beauty and youth would never be in her way, as before the London world of fashion at- tended her lev^e, Miss Blair's time would be up and she herself out of the house. Lucy was engaged, then, for three hours a day, at thirty shillings a week. She had 12 THE DAILY GOVET^^'ESS. been about a fortnight in the habit of attend- ing daily at Lady Hamilton Treherne's, in Belgrave Square, at the period of the opening of our tale. And as her hours were from nine to twelve, she had been so lucky as to have always finished her duties and taken her leave before Lady Hamilton Treherne's bell rano; for the ehocolate, which her French maid, Annette, always brought to her bed- side the first thing in the morning. On this very wet morning Lucy had in- tended getting into an omnibus, but unfortu- nately there was not a place to be had. She had a shilling in her glove wdth which it was her own wish to purchase some little delicacy to tempt her mother's failing appetite, but which the latter had forced upon her in case she required a cab. Before, however, she saw one at all, Lucy had become very wet ; and the rain ceasing to pour, though it continued to drizzle, she hurried on in great discomfort, but still resolved, and keeping her temper in THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 13 spite of jokes cut at her expense, until, turn- ing into Belgrave Square, a sudden tempest blew the old umbrella inside out, and carried it out of Lucy's hands over the iron railing, and into the centre of the Square gardens. Poor Lucy ! she could have cried with dismay and vexation. Mrs. Bragge set so great a value on that terrible old umbrella, whose whalebone ribs were literally through its mummy-coloured calico skin, and whose spring had a bad habit of suddenly giving way without any warning. Poor old um- brella ! it possessed neither ferule nor knob, button nor loop, and when open it exhibited two slits, a darn, and a patch. It had, indeed, every disease to which the constitution of an umbrella is liable. But Mrs. Bragge, who never stirred out, set a great value on it " for a' that." Lucy decided in her own mind that she must ask Lady Treherne's butler to get it for her — luckily he was very goodnatured, and fret- ting about it would do no good. So Lucy, 14 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. weather-beaten, wet, cold, dreary, and with nothing but her brave spirit and warm heart to uphold her, knocked gently, with numbed fingers, at the grand entrance of Sir Hamilton Treherne's princely mansion in Belgrave Square; and her misery, her insignificance, and her saturated, shabby drapery formed a strange contrast' to that noble portico, those stately pillars, and marble steps ; and to the comfort and splendour of the hall — the blazing fire, the porter in his great crimson chair, the powdered footman reading the papers and sneering at the daily governess ; and the condescending courtesy of Mr. Malmsey, the butler, who looked like a phy- sician — He listened to her story about the umbrella, and peremptorily dispatched one of the powdered footmen in search of it, in spite of great reluctance on the part of " Jeames," and a cough he shammed as an excuse. The old umbrella was captured at last, and furnished amusement for the whole morning to the two THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 15 footmen, who spent a merry hour or two laughing as heartily over its defects as if it had been an old friend of their own ; and " Jeames," who boasted a brown silk umbrella in an oil- skin case, with an ivory handle, and all the perfections the best maker could unite in a first-rate article, felt and looked very angry with Miss Blair and Mr. Malmsey, for ex- posing him to the wet and the degradation of such a hunt. Lucy Blair took off her go- loshes and cloak in an anteroom, and repaired to the schoolroom as the clock struck nine, shivering, it is true, but trying to conceal the fact that she was wet through. ,16 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CHAPTER III. Lucy's trials begin betimes. Poor Lucy Blair's damp feet and wet gar- ments had, however, not escaped the notice of Hannah, the schooboom maid, who was very vain, envious, and ill-tempered ; and, who being always much better dressed than Miss Blair, felt very angry at having to wait upon her, and at the involuntary deference inspired in her own heart, in spite of herself, by Lucy's gentle dignity of manner. Hannah was a smart, neat-looking girl, who would have been pretty, but for a nose THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 17 which " Jeames," the handsome footman, and professed wit of the servants' hall, had said was a hook, only the hook Avas turned the wrong way — up instead of down; and who had cherry lips, but more like the stick of cherries sold at the stalls, than the " twin cherries" to which ladies' lips are so often compared. Now, " Jeames," who was, or who pre- tended to be, a great connoisseur in female beauty, had been heard to declare that ''Our daily governess was prettier than any girl at the Queen's last Drawing Room, or in ' the Gardens,' on Sunday," where " Jeames," with a number of his fellows, (congregated outside), had criticised every haughty dame and trip- ping miss, who little dreamt of the severe scrutiny bestowed in such a quarter on her person, her dress, and even her walk. "Jeames's" admiration of '^our governess" had p\it the finishing stroke to Hannah's hatred of that young lady, particularly when, VOL. I. c Ai- 18 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. coming down one day to dinner with a very gay cap, and ridiculing the plain attire of poor Lucy, " Jeames" set the table in a roar by observing, " That some had all their hows about their ears, and some had them all dangling about their tails." Upon which Mr. Malmsey had remarked, "That if he, ' Jeames,' presumed to allude to Miss Blair, that young lady was no fit subject for his jokes ; for though her beauty and manner would win all 'arts, she was much too modest and particular to have any followers dangling after her ; and, in any case, Mr. Jeames would do well to remember she was meat for his master" (probably meaning his portly, handsome self). Since this unlucky tribute (for Hannah knew Mr. Malmsey was well-to-do, and woidd have given him her 'and, if not her 'art), all the thoughts of the schoolroom maid were employed upon the ways and means of getting Miss Blair either dismissed, or of THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 19 making^her so uncomfortable that she wouhl be induced to resign. It was arranged that, for the future, Lucy should dine with her pupils at Lady H. Tre- herne's ; and this was proposed with no re- ference to her comfort or advantage, poor girl, but because Lady H. Treherne had dis- covered that her children, left entirely t(j servants at their meals, were acquiring very vulgar habits at table. It also insured a good deal of conversation in French, Italian, and German during dinner, and the hour after the repast, which was to be devoted to re- creation. Recreation ! to correct the blunders of four self-willed, insolent girls, whose wretched accent, and more wretched grammar, positively wounded the delicate ear of poor Lucy Blair. By the arrangement about the one o'clock dinner. Lady Treherne seciu-ed an additional hour and a half of poor Lucy's time ; and Lucy, though she hated a scheme which c 2 20 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. prolonged her thraldom and her absence from her mother, was so influenced by that mother's wishes and entreaties, that she con- sented to the plan laid out, and was to preside at the schoolroom dinner for the first time on this very occasion. As to Mrs. Blair, the idea that Lucy would get a good hot dinner every day, before re- turning home, was a positive blessing, and almost filled her thoughts during her daughter's absence. Hannah was furious at the idea of having to stand behind Miss Blair's chair, to take her orders, do her bidding, answer the bell, and wait on her. " Shabby-genteel bit of a think, as if she were a real lady, and no mistake." " It was," she observed to the house- maid, " so bemeaning, so aggravating, and so infra Dick, that the idea of it had positively quite upset her, made her feel very historical, and turned her nerve." But it had not yet occurred, and Hannah, seeing Miss Blair so THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 21 wet, and knowing the high spirit concealed under her gentle manner, had fancied she saw a way to what she called a Croesus in the affair. Hannah, pretending then a great anxiety for the young ladies' health, no sooner heard her mistress's bell ring for Annette, with her chocolate and croiltons, than she made bold to tap at Lady Treherne's door ; and being ad- mitted, while that lady sipped from her Sevres china the choice and fragrant beverage, and " frequent cups prolonged the rich repast," Hannah gave a lively description, and a very spiteful one, of the damp state in which Miss Blair was sitting close to Miss Augusta, who had a cough already, and of the perils all the young ladies incurred ; adding that '' people like Miss Blair of course could stand any think, but yomig ladies as fair and dehcate as their own ' Mar ' didn't ought to run no risks — which it was Miss Blair's duty to come in a cab, rather than offer to sit among her young 22 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. mistresses in such a state — that they had all been sneezing and coughing ever since, and Miss Augusta looked quite pale, and had the shivers." Now, Augusta was her mother's favourite, and Augusta's bloom was a great source of pride. They were all fine, tall, aristocratic- looking girls, with perfect features, and light flaxen hair, but all, except Augusta, so pale as to be almost sallow ; and, owing to this defect, they were not reckoned pretty by people who attach (as almost every one in reality does) more importance to brilliant colouring than to classical outline. Augusta alone had not only a rose in her cheek, but a few stray sunbeams in her hair; and this, with a rich dash of tm-quoise in her large eyes, gave to her beauty all the brilliancy und charm in which her sisters were deficient, and which their lady mother scrupled not to try to borrow from art. Augusta, indeed, bore some resemblance to THE DAILY GOVEUNESS. 23 her lovely governess, both in form and face ; but, pretty as she really was, Lucy Blair was a thousand times prettier. " The mind, the music, breathing from her face," as Byron says, the intellect enthroned on her brow, and the sympathetic expression of her violet eyes and soft red lips, made Augusta look, beside Lucy Blair, like a showy piece of wax- work beside a Madonna or a Saint by some old master. In mere physical beauty, too, Lucy Blair bore away the palm, and every candid person who noticed the likeness remarked her great superiority ; but Lady Hamilton Treherne woidd have resented as an impertinence a comparison between Miss Augusta and the poor youn{* governess. She delighted to hear it said that Augusta was her mother in miniature, and all her dependents learned her weakness, and of course ])]ayed upon it. " Do you mean to say, llannali," lisped Lady Hamilton Treherne, while Annette refilled her 24 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. cup from the embossed silver chocolate-pot — *' do you mean to say that Miss Blair has presumed to walk here, on such a morning as this, from the City, or the Borough, or what- ever horrid place it is, she lives in ? — and that she is sitting in her wet clothes, giving cold to the young ladies ?" "Yes, my -lady," said Hannah. "What first struck me, my lady, was how pale Miss Augusta was looking — not the least like you, my lady, which she always reminds of your ladyship when I look at her, on account of her lovely colour — and then I heard her cough, and the other young ladies sneeze, and looking at Miss Blair, I saw her dress was clinging round her and steaming as she sat by the fire. And I went and looked in the anteroom, my lady, and there's her old plaid cloak, quite wet through ; and as for her goloshes, they're quite a sight, my lady ! So I thought it my duty to come and inform your ladyship, for Miss Blair is much too high for me to venture to speak to her." THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 25 '' You did quite right, Hannah ; I am much pleased with you. Tell Miss Blair I wish to speak to her directly. A new-laid egg, Annette — a turkey egg, if you have one — and I could fancy a rasher of breakfast bacon." " Yes, my lady ; I am so glad you eat a leetle; I thought my lady had lost her charming appetite." There was a low tap at the door. 26 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CHAPTER IV. A DAMP STRANGER. '' Come in," said Lady Hamilton Treherne, raising herself on her elbow, while Annette arranged the swelling pillows of snowy cambric and costly lace, so as to support her lady's languid form, and threw a fine white cashmere shawl over the richly-worked night-dress, that only partly concealed her thin white arms and bust — " Come in." Lucy Blair approached. " Oh, don't come too near me ! — I am very susceptible of cold — all the Trehernes are — THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 27 not the catarrh of common people, but a cold peculiar to the Trehernes ! Pray stand where T can see you — but farther off, if you please. I have all Beau Brummel's horror of a damp stranger. I really am quite shocked, Miss Blore, or Blair, or whatever it is, to see you in this state." " I am flattered beyond measure by your ladyship's interest and anxiety," said Lucy, pretending to ascribe some common politeness and common humanity to the fine lady, yet her heart burning, her cheek flushed, and her tears ready to gush forth at the cruel insolence of her address. '' Allow me to thank you for your kindness, and to assure you that I was so well protected by my cloak and umbrella, that I do not think I shall take cold." " You misunderstand me. Miss Blore," said Lady Hamilton Treherne. " I have no doubt you will escape cold ; of course you are used to be out in all weathers, and one don't mhid what one is used to. But though quite safe 28 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. for you, your damp clothes are very dangerous for the young ladies. Your pupils take after me, and I have little doubt they will all be laid up with severe attacks of the regular Treherne cold. Low fever, pain in the chest, and prostration of mind and body, are the first symptoms ; and weeks of inaction ensue." Lucy was roused. " What you call the Treherne cold, madam," she replied, " is very like influenza ; and if your daughters are cer- tain to have caught it from my damp clothes, which surely would be more likely to aff'ect me, I had better discontinue my visits. It is difficult enough as it is to arouse their atten- tion, and conquer confirmed habits of sloth ; but if perfect prostration ensues, I can be of no use here." Lady Hamilton Treherne was perfectly as- tounded at the calm self-assertion and digni- fied independence of this speech. She gazed at Lucy with a cold, insolent stare, which. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 29 however, gradually changed, as she met the proud, mournful, and somewhat reproachful gaze of Lucy's beautiful eyes. Amazement kept her ladyship silent. Hannah and An- nette looked on, almost with the interest people do at a race or fight. There lav, lapped in luxury, canopied with crimson vel- vet, couched on down, robed in cambric, lace, and cashmere, waited on by obsequious flat- terers, and fed with dainties from Sevres china and silver plate, the still handsome, selfish, aristocratic employer; and there stood — her damp, okl, black silk dress clinging to her slight Psyche form, her wet hair gathered and knotted up at the back of her head, ill -clad, poorly fed, overworked, but with a lion heart, a martyr spirit, and the flush of modest worth stung to resentment by heartless insolence — the Daily Governess! Andtlic native dignity of the girl triumphed over the cruel insolence and acquired coolness of the woman ; and Lady Ha- milton Treherne dropped her eyes, aiul raising 30 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. tliem with a softened, coaxing expression, said — " If I did not allude to the danger of your taking cold yourself, Miss Blair, it was be- cause, from your perfect indifference to the state of your clothes, I thought you might be used, as many very respectable people are, to be out in all: weathers." " So far from it, madam," said Lucy, " the life I led, till I accepted your situation, was one of so much seclusion and shelter that I scarcely remember ever having been caught in a shower in my hfe." " Dear me !" exclaimed Lady Hamilton Treherne ; " I had no idea of this — I wish I had known it. I thought daily governesses were almost (from constant exposure to the elements) as weatherproof as .sailors." " I made my debit as a daily governess in this house a fortnight ago, madam ; and if, as you anticipate, the young ladies will not be able to attend to their studies at present, I THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 31 am quite ready to resign the office. I have many more applications, and — forgive me for saying so — some which promise more docihty in the pupils and more sympathy in the parents." As Lucy spoke, the tears sparkled in her eyes, and her cheek paled and glowed alter- nately. Hannah, at the other end of the room, whispered to Annette, " There's a spirit, and she only a daily !" And Annette, with a Frenchwoman's ready pity for the oppressed, exclaimed, " Poor tin' ! lapauvrette ! she won't get no sympatee here from «my lady, and no doceelity from her pupils, I don't tink !" Lady Hamilton Treherne, who before this interview had mtended to humble, but not to dismiss Lucy (whose talents were of so rare an order, and who took such conscientious pains with her pupils), valued her all the more highly, as she saw how ready she was to resign her thankless and laborious task. It was, therefore, in her softest and most winninir tones that Lady Hamilton Treherne said — 32 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. " I spoke rather too harshly at first, my dear Miss Blair, because I was so vexed at the idea of the children catching cold, which Hannah told me they had done, assuring me, at the same time, that you were used to all weathers." " So it's all laid on my shoulders !" mur- mured Hanilah to Annette. " Never mind," replied Annette ; " dey is broad enough to bear more dan dat." Lucy made no reply. Lady Hamilton Tre- herne therefore continued — " I am not a person of many words. Miss Blair ; I am not demonstrative, as people say now-a-days. I feel much more than I express, and think much that I never utter. Little as you imagine it, I thoroughly appreciate you, and would not part with you on any account. I see already that my girls are improved : I empower you to enforce docility in any way you think best, and I assure you you have my warmest sympathy . ' ' THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 33 An involuntary smile curled Lucy Blair's lip, as she thought how very tepid was her ladyship's warmest sympathy. " I feel certain," added her ladyship, " from your delicate appearance and your being (of which I was not aware) unused to be wet through, you will take cold, unless you change all your things. If you will go into my dress- ing-room, Annette shall attend you with some of mine — new," of course — and which I hope you will oblige me by accepting. In the meantime, your own clothes shall be care- fully dried. But let me hear no more of the desertion you meditate, and never doubt a mother's sympathy in your patient, earnest efforts to improve her children. Those efforts. Miss Blair, have been the theme of comment and of praise both with their aunt, Lady Pry, and myself. Annette, show Miss Blair into my dressing-room, and come for my orders. My dear Miss Blair," added the fine lady, holding out her white and jewelled hand, " do ^0L. I. D 34 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. oblige me by accepting the things A^nnette shall bring you." " As a loan, madam," said Lucy — " not as a gift." And she touched the hand which pressed her own as she took leave. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 35 CHAPTER V, SYMPATHY. Annette showed Miss Blair into the ele- gant dressing-room, and, as she stood before the cheval glass, it struck her that she was the only shabby-looking thing in that costly, well - appointed tiring - room of fashionabk^ beauty ; and yet there was nothing there half so rare or so priceless, so perfect in form, so genuine, or so sterling. For what gem is half so precious as such a mind and such a heart as poor Lucy Blair's ? And, by way of setting to the jewel, what work of art is half D 2 86 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. SO exquisite as that modest moss rosebud beauty which we sometimes see in an English girl of seventeen, before Passion has scorched one half- unfolded petal of the flower, and while her brightest moments spring from home affections and mental pleasures ? . . . Annette soon returned. She found Lucy Blair standing' where she had left her. Lucy's things were so old and shabby, she was ashamed to take them off" and hand them over to the scrutiny of the well-dressed Han- nah and the smart Annette. But Annette had her lady's order, Lucy saw resistance was vain. The Trench are very quick, and though all Lucy's under-garments were whole and very clean, yet things so darned, so pieced and mended, had never met Annette's view before. She felt that Lucy was ashamed of them (a false shame). Annette, who knew the world and the value of beauty in this metro- polis of sin, respected the poor child for the penury which proved her pure and good. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 37 " I can dry them at home, mademoiselle," said Lucy ; " only roll them up." " No, no, Miss ; look here !" and opening a door, Annette showed a small room with a good fire. " Dat is my room ; no one dare enter dere. I will dry dem ; no one sail see one bit of dem." " They are so old," said Lucy ; and seeing tears in the Frenchwoman's eyes, she added, " and poverty is such a crime in this great city — and English servants are so inso- lent." . . , " Dat Hannah is — I won't say what. Don't be ashamed, young lady. How many dis very day, dressed like duchesses, would be glad of dis poor robe, turned, mended, pieced, tread - bare (and not neber no great tings when new), if deir hearts could beat under it as pure and light as yours — pauvrette ! , . . You say trues poverty is a crime in London ; but when it is de only crime of a life, it cannot make us really ashame or unhappy. ... Ah 1 be poor, 38 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. be eber poor. Alas ! how easy for you to be very rich !" Lucy Blair had but a dim notion of what Annette meant. She had read few novels, and hardly ever saw a paper ; her life had been spent under her mother's eye in the seclusion and safety of schools and convents abroad. She knew nothing of life — life in London especially — and her poor mother was not much better informed. Lucy saw that An- nette meant all that was kind and flattering, and while the latter went of her own accord to get a footbath for the poor little numbed feet she had found by feeling them to be as " colt as ice," Lucy hastily dressed herself in the delicate and fragrant articles provided for her. Lady Hamilton Treherne had nothing (how- ever professedly simple) that was not elegant in the extreme. Her figure, by dint of pinch- ing in and padding out, was much what Lucy's was fresh from the hands of nature. THE DAILY GOVEKNESS. 39 Lucy was slight, but her form well rounded, liady Hamilton Treherne was very thin. She had sent in a dress that neither exactly fitted nor became her : a pale brown velvet jacket and a skirt of French merino (with many flounces) of the same colour. There were sleeves and chemisettes of Mechlin lace, with turquoise blue bows. Lucy, as she gazed at herself in the cheval glass, was amazed at the effect her beauty produced (thus arrayed). It was the only fashionable dress she had ever put on in her Ufe. Annette came in and bui'st into rapturous expressions of admiration, truly French ! . . . She made Lucy bathe her cold feet in the warm water she had brought, and while she did so, without giving her any notice, threw ^peignoir over her shoulders, and sud- denly untwisting her long and lustrous hair, proceeded rapidly to dress it in the newest fashion. She then brought Lucy in a cup of hot cho- colate and some rusks, and when the latter hnd 40 THE DAILY GOVEHNESS. taken this refreshment, saying, " You can join de young ladies, Miss, widout disturbing my lady," she ushered Lucy through a passage,and down a flight of back stairs, into the school- room. The Misses Hamilton Treherne, who had had an interview with their mamma, and had raceived strict orders to be very docile and good to Miss Blair, and to make no com- ments on her altered dress, ventured on none of the impertinent remarks Lucy had dreaded. They were really beginning to like and to respect her ; and, with the love of the beauti- ful, natural to their age and sex, they smiled the admiration they had been forbidden to express. Meanwhile Annette, true to her word, was drying, in the secret recesses of her own chamber, the thin old, turned, mended black sarcenet dress, and the stockings so carefully " footed." The old white petticoats were so muddy, she decided they must go to the wash ; and that all she could do was to iron THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 41 out the ribbons x)f the straw bonnet, and have the plaid cloak dried and the goloshes cleaned. The dinner went off pleasantly. The hour of recreation was enlivened by Lucy Blair's htstoriettes, in French and Italian, of some of her schoolfellows ; and when she rose to go, Annette, taking her agam to her lady's dress- ing-room, informed her how impossible it vras for her to re-assume her own things on that day, and how earnestly her lady, who was gone out in the carriage, begged her acceptance of the trifles she had worn. Lucy resolved to consult her mother as to keeping them. She saw she had no choice, and that slie must Avear them till her own were ready. Thanking the kind Annette again and again, wrapped in the old cloak and armed with the terrible umbrella (a horrible nuisance now the weather Avas fine and the sun shining), Lucy, passed through the hall. To her delight she saw neitlier of the tall footmen. Mr. Malmsey 42 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. issued from some unseen quarter, opened the door for her, hoped she would take no cold, ventured on the joke that good people were scarce — and Lucy was once more free as the birds, and almost as glad. THE PAILT GOVERNESS. 43 CHAPTER VI. YOUNG ENGLAND. A SET of gay men about town were lounging in a bay window of one of those temples which modern Sybarites rear to themselves, and on whose altar they sacrifice wives, children, home, domestic affections, and household sympathies. It was a fashionable club, and its appointments enabled bachelors to despise matrimony, and Benedicks to escape from close dingy houses smelhng of roast nuitton, from querulous wives, noisy children, parlour-maids, or pages, and to enjoy, with some few hun- 44 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. dreds per annum, the luxuries otherwise reserved to the possessor of annual thou- sands. " What are you all looking for ?" said a fashionable man, who had been very hand- some, and thought he was so still, in which opinion — as he was very rich, and lavish wl ere his pleasures were concerned — ball-room belles and ballerinas equally conspired to confirm him. " Come, don't keep the joke to yourself. Let me in for a wTinkle — do, Bertram !" '' I thought I'd let you in for a good many, when I introduced you last night to Miss Plinlimmon," laughed Bertram — Lord Bertram Papillon, son of the Duke of Pompadour. " How did you get on with the heiress ? Will she do?'' "No; I'm too well off to marry merely for money, and too poor to marry merely for love. Old Plinlimmon won't do, though I see she's of a different opinion." THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 45 " And pretty Lady Clara, that dear, wild Irish girl, whose face is her fortune — " " No, I can't aflPord her. Marrying for love is a luxury no man should allow himself, unless he has twenty thousand a year. But I saw pretty Clara would have no objec- tion." " Old coxcomb ! superannuated ass !" mut- tered Henry Greville, a very handsome unpaid attache, who had next to nothing per annum, and lived, alas ! on bills and credit, but who was or thought himself in love with pretty Lady Clara's Irish black hair, blue eyes, red lips, white teeth, ready wit, rich humour, and " the sweetbriery fence" that "hedged in the divinity" of her beauty. " Detestable fat okl coxcomb !" he said to his friend Cecil Sydney — '* why, he is fifty -five, wears stays, and a ventilating peruke, and uses bloom of Ninon ; and }et, confound him, because he has ten thousand a year, he believes, perhaps knows, that Clara O'Rourke would jumj) at him." 46 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. " I wish we could get him from the window^ Hal," said Cecil. " I don't want him to- see that beautiful girl, you know who ; and this is the hour, nay, the very minute, she always passes the window." " Have you found out her name, and where she lives ?" " No, for my fellow, Le Fiiret, who's worth all the detectives in London, for hunting out man, woman, or child, is laid up with the spleen or the sulks, or an aitaque de poitrine or de mauvaise humeur^ or something And I can trust no one else." " But why not follow her — speak to her — scrape acquaintance with her ?".... " I'm afraid !" " Afraid ! The Honoui'able Cecil Sydney, the handsomest man about town, the pet of the petticoats — whether of rich brocade, white muslin, or plain cotton — afraid to speak to a little, shy, simple, ill-drest girl ; who must be some distressed needlewoman, or more dis- THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 47 tressed penwoman, some teacher or staymaker, to be always trudging along quite alone at the same hour !".... " It is because she is so shy, Hal, so simple, and so poorly dressed, that I am afraid to speak to her, Hal -, if she were some dashing, self-possessed, showily-arrayed damsel, her beauty, great as it is, would not daunt me. But what can detain her ? I so dread that conceited old porpoise. Sir Jasper Malvoisin, getting a glimpse of her. He's such a brute, such a wealthy brute too." " But, Sydney, if he could make any way with her, she isn't worth a second thought. I despise any woman who tolerates for a moment the pompous, sensual egotism of that atrocious old coxcomb." "Except Lady Clara; you don't despise her." .... " Last night I thought I did ; but I believe it was all her mother's doing. Old Lady O'Rourkc is such a terrible vixen, and she so 43 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. dreads and abominates me ! Ah ! Sydney, why haven't I even a younger brother's por- tion Hke you ? I can't hold out much longer; I must go through the Insolvent Court, unless I get some appointment, to quiet Levi and Co. at least, with their sixty per cent, interest.'* "I'll speak to my father, Hal. But come, man, let's walk up St. James's Street ; she is sure to come down it. As I said before, I dread Sir Jasper's seeing her, not, as you imagine, lest he should captivate her, but lest he should add to the dread which I see she already has, poor child ! of every well-dressed man. I know Old Jasper; he's an unmitigated brute. I dare say, if he took to following her up, he'd terrify her so she'd never venture out again ; and, perhaps, if her daily bread depends on her daily toil, she'd stance at home." " Well, come along," said Cecil. " But what do you mean, if you can get to speak to her, and to know her?" asked Gre- ville. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 49 " Ah, Hal, that I dare not ask myself. At present, I feel that sort of vague, restless curi- osity about her, which is the most tormenting state a man can be in. I never saw a face and form that pleased and interested me half so much ; so I must know what sort of mind, manner, voice, character, belong to that exquisite Psyche." "And if they correspond to her person, what then ?" " What then I who can tell ? If she likes me — if she loves me — " " Well, if she loves you, you will sacrifice her, not yourself; take her from honest poverty and praiseworthy toil to luxuries that she and all her humble relatives will consider shame ; and in a short time you will be very thankful if Sir Jasper Malvoisin (brute though he be) will take her off your hands ; thence her progress downwards will be rapid and horrible ! If she is a good girl, leave her so. I am a sad dog — a careless fellow ; but I VOL. I. E 50 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. wouldn't seduce an innocent girl, no, not to be a rich man, and out of Levi's power." "The idea of Henry Greville turning moralist ! It's too absurd ! I don't say I shall do the girl any harm. She may not hke me ; and if I cannot make her love me, there's no danger for her. Women's peril is from within, not from without. But I will hear her voice, and know what sort of mind lights those violet eyes, and what a smile would be from that sweet mouth. Now listen, Hal ; I want to seem to be her friend — her de- fender — her preux chevalier. She is nothing to you ; you're in love with that wild flirt, Clara O'Rourke. ' But, an thou love me, Hal,' just help me to scrape acquaintance with her — I don't know her name — ' the inexpres- sive she.' Do you speak to her ; I'll pretend to take her part, and call you to account ; do, there's a good fellow. If you will, I'll help you with Lady Clara, and I'll bother my father so, that he must do something for you." THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 51 "Well, I don't half like it; but—" " Here she comes, by Jove, Cecil ! Look what a wretched old umbrella she has in her little hand. Come, just for a joke, ask her to let you carry it for her." At this moment Lucy Blair approached. A gust of wind raised her veil, and distinctly showed her fair young face to the two young men. With modest dignity she avoided them, but yet they made towards her. At that mo- ment a cabman hailed her. Lucy, seeing an intention of accosting her in the handsome young fashionables, whose eyes were fixed upon her, as she thought, impertinently, suddenly darted across the pavement, and entered the cab, the door of which the man opened in obedience to her signal. " To the Strand," she said, in a low voice to " cabby ;" and away he drove the rickety old cab. Lucy threw tlie old umbrella on the o])- posite scat, and, leaning back, wiped away a E 2 UNIVERSITV Of 52 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. tear — a tear wrung from her poor heart by the sense of her unprotected, anxious, morti- fying position ; a tear which those gay young men, wild and reckless though they were, would yet have been sorry to have caused her, for they had some good left in their natures yet; they were not quite ci)rrupt. However, Lucy's sudden and spirited ma- noeuvre put them on their mettle, and the pursuit was becoming piquant. They hailed a Hansom, got in, and ordered the driver to follow the old yellow cab. " You won't follow it far, gentlemen," said the Hansom man ; " the 'oss had just picked hisself up round the corner a moment afore the lady hailed him. Don't ye see how that old wehicle sways, just like a ship in a storm ?" " I hope the poor girl won't be hurt," said Greville. "If she should be upset," replied Cecil, "I can rush forward, like a true knight errant, and offer my services." THE DAILY GOYEllNESS. 53 Lucy felt that all was not right, and pnt her head out. She called to " cabby." He would not hear her. She pulled the check strmg, old and rotten — it snapped in her hand. She saw boys grin and grimace as they passed, and cabmen nod, wink, and make signs to her driver. Poor Lucy ! she began to feel very uncom- fortable, and had resolved on trying to open the cab door, when, just as they turned into the Strand, she was thrown violently forward. The wretched, groggy horse was rolling in the street, and the cab, far too old and rickety to sustain the shock uninjured, was suddenly severed from springs and axle, and gently laid on its side ! A crowd, a thick crowd, gathered round. Lucy, terrified, and a Httle bruised, Avas thankful to find slic was not seriously hurt. Of course, at the upset, the Hansom had stopped ; and the hand that opened the cab door and helped Lucy out was a hand cased 45 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. in lemon-coloured kid. Cecil Sydney almost bore the frightened girl into a shop; and Henry Greville followed, bearing in triumph the old umbrella 1 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 55 CHAPTER VII. A LONDON CABMAN. It was into a pastrycook's shop that Cecil Sydney had partly led, partly borne the frightened Lucy. Confused and ashamed, she had not yet raised her eyes ; but in spite of many expressions of " gratitude for the kindness lavished on her," and " regret at giving so much trouble," added to assurances that she was " not at all hurt, and was quite ready to proceed home," Lucy found herself placed with gentle force (and rather against 56 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. her will) on the little black horse-hair sofa at the farther end of the back parlour. The room was so dark that, fresh from the bright March sunshine outside, and still a little dizzy and shaken by her " upset," Lucy could at first scarcely see anything. By degrees she glanced timidly around on small marble slabs 'strewn with Fundi, The TimeSy and other papers, and on a centre table laden with baked custards (powdered with nutmeg), jellies, buns, spongecakes, and tartlets. At length she caught sight of her own face and form in an opposite mirror (not a flattering one), but it apprized her of the fact that her bonnet was crushed into a most ludicrous shape, something like the chapeau has of the last century. Lucy was young and light-hearted, and she burst out into a pretty, ringing, merry laugh, as she took off the bonnet to bend it back into shape. Afraid of alarming her, Cecil Sydney and Henry Greville drew back behind the glass THE DAILY GOVER.NESS. 57 door, so that she could not see thek reflected forms and faces, their bare throats, loose coats, short hair, and long beards ; but they could contemplate at their ease the perfect shape of her small head, and the profusion of auburn hair which Annette had so neatly and modishly arranged. Forgetful of their presence, or perhaps thinking they had kindly left her after seeing she was not seriously injured, Lucy ap- proached the mirror, and taking oif the plaid cloak, of which the clasp was broken, and the hem soiled by the mud as she had crossed the pavement, her beautiful figure, in the elegant jacket and skirt Lady Hamilton Tre- herne had forced upon her, met the view of the two young men. They exchanged looks of surprise and admiration, mixed with some little perplexity, for they were, or thought themselves, great connoisseurs in female beauty and dress, and were certainly un- sparing critics of both ; but that is not at all 58 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. the same thing, we know. However, they un- derstood dress well enough to marvel at the great discrepancy between the old plaid cloak, shabby bonnet, and " Gamp" umbrella, and the taste and richness of the toilet beneath. They were quite bewildered. Just at this moment Cabby came into the little back parlom\ touched his hat and said — " Glad to see you're none the wuss, miss ! I'm Sony to say I can't make no great shakes of a r^-pair — it's a baddish job. Sorry to disappoint ye, miss, but all I can do is to call ye another cab." Lucy could not help laughing at the man's evident idea that she had set her heart on proceeding in his rickety old vehicle. " Ah," said Cabby, " what's fun to you is death to me, miss It's a matter of three -pun -ten out of my puss, or rather, pusson ; for as I can't pay with one I must with t'other." THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 59 ''I am very, very sorry for you," said Lucy, *' but here's your fare." " Come, that's a good 'un," said Cabby ; *' I s'pose you means that for a joke, miss." " No, indeed !" said Lucy ; " it is your full fare, I am sure ! — indeed, it is more. I only took you from St. James's Street." " Well, I little expected," said " Cabby," tossing the shilling up and catching it again and again in his horny palm, " I little ex- pected money of this colour from you, mum, after all that's 'appened to that 'ere blessed thorough -bred oss and first-rate wehicle in your sarvice. Says I to myself, when I felt what wor coming, bless her hansome face inside, says 1, she shan't be disappointed no wise — come what will — come what will, she'll not let a })oor feller, with a sick wife and nine small children, be none the wuss for her, she won't. So says I to a pal o' mine as says, *Why, Joe, that ere's ruination, ain't it?' Wait a bit, says I, there's some one inside that 60 THE DAII^ GOVERNESS. 'ere shop as '11 make it up to a poor feller, and something over to drink her health, and no mistake, says I." The impudence and extortion of " Cabby," and the mute horror and surprise of the terrified and bewildered Lucy, so convulsed with laughter the young exquisites behind the glass door, that, fearing to offend and alarm her, they withdrew farther into the front shop, but were all eyes and ears to as- certain the result. " Come, miss, come it 'ansome," said Cabby. "When you lies down in your warm, soft, feather bed, after a good hoister supper may be, as is always werry acceptable when one's been treated to the thee-ater, you wouldn't like to think, that a-howing to you, a poor feller's lying supperless on the bare boards, with his wife and young family a crying for bread You wouldn't just " " Good gracious !" at last broke from poor THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 01 Lucy, tears in her eyes and in her voice ; " I can do nothing in it. It is not my fault that your wretched over-driven old horse fell down, and that the rickety, worn-out cab was upset. All T can do is to pay you a shilhng. I don't believe you're entitled to anything. Your horse and cab were quite unfit for use. You ought not to have offered to drive me ; besides, I took you from St. James's Street, and this is only the beginning of the Strand." " Ye took me from Q^ueer Street and have brought me to Short's Gardens^ that's what ye've done, drat ye," said Cabby, growing very red and very angry, as he began to sus- pect that the solitary, leaden-looking shilling, now grown quite hot in his hand, and which had come, not out of a fidl purse, but from poor Lucy's mended glove, was all she had, and therefore all he should get. " I shall pay you nothing more," said Lucy, roused by his insolence and menacing air. 62 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. " Well, ye're a fine article, you are, to ride in cabs — ain't ye ? drat ye !" " You deserve to be had up for insolence and extortion," said Lucy, very pale, but fairly roused to anger; " and I shall certainly take your number." " I wish ye may get it, but I shan't help ye to it !" retorted Cabby, groTvdng very brutal. " I wish I'd never set eyes on ye, ye beggarly, owdacious " But at this crisis, while Lucy, pale as death, her eyes distended and her heart beating wildly, was shrinking from the fist Cabby had clenched to intimidate, but not to strike her, Cecil Sydney and Harry Greville came to her rescue. " What is the matter ?" said Cecil, with a voice and manner of the gentlest deference : *' can / be of any use ?" " This cabman is insulting and threatening me," replied Lucy, her eyes on the ground, " because I will not, indeed cannot, pay him THE DAILY GOVEHNESS. 63 more than his fare. He seems to expect me to be at the expense of repairing his cab and replacing liis horse, because I was so un- fortunate as to be inside when they broke down." " Lord love ye, gentlemen," said Cabby (his tone quite altered now that he had men to deal with — men, too, whom his quick, practised eye recognized as what he called "tip-top swells, up to snufF, and that know'd what's what, and who's who"), "that's all her fancy like. I ain't no such fool. All I *spected was, that the lady 'd stand a trifle ; just a pot o' beer or so, seeing this have happened in her sarvice like, and through obKgmg of she. For I knowed my 'oss wor done up, I don't say no otherways, only she seemed so eager to get in, and looked so pitiful at mc — I never could bear to baulk a ^ fee-male, as some can, cuss their '[ird 'arts — and so I trusted in prow idcncc, and ye see the upshot of that 'ere ; but as to threatcnin' 64 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. or imposin' upon a fee-male, 'taint likely — Tm quite t'other way ! Anybody as knows me, will tell ye my character." " Well," said Sydney, seeing clearly through Cabby — indeed, having overheard his attack on Lucy — but wishing to appear to the poor girl both ignorant of the case and very simple and amiable, and, above all, anxious to put her under an obligation, " here's half-a-crown, I suppose that will mend matters, won't it ?" " If not, here's another," said Henry Greville, who had not heard all that had passed, and rather pitied Cabby, who seemed, like himself, the victim of a relentless destiny ; and who, while Cecil had been watching through the glass door Lucy and her driver, had been flirting with a pretty " counter-chQiimeT" in the shape of a young pastrycook, who was much struck with both our beaux. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CHAPTER VIII. YOUNG ENGLAND OUTWITTED. Poor Lucy was annoyed beyond measiu'e at the obligation thus forced upon her. She looked up to express her disapprobation of the reward just conferred on an abusive ex- tortioner, and in so doing she recognized the two handsome, rather sarcastic faces of the young loungers, whose approach in St. James's Street had driven her into that very cab. A feeling of intolerable annoyance and confusion overcame her. Cabby, hi higli glee, departed, and Lucy considered herself VOL. I. F (i(y THE DAILY GOVERNESS. five shillings in debt to two men who had cruelly annoyed her, and caused the very accident that might have made her a cripple for life — five shillings in debt to them for feeing the wretch who had first upset, and then threatened, insulted and abused her ! The anger she felt was legible in her face. Cecil, perceiving it with inward exultation, yet said, mournfully — " Don't be angry with us for ridding you, even at the price of a trifling douceur (very ill-deserved, I own), of the presence of that brute. You, of course, can know little of the race of London Cabbies. I know them well, and quite dread to see a cabman ^ open his lips in the presence of a lady. Had you been my sister," he added, with quick tact, I should have acted just as "I have done." " I," said Greville, " really felt for the poor fellow, who must be half ruined by this smash. If Cabby sometimes imposes on us, THE DAILY GOVEHNESS. 67 his employers are always cruelly exacting to him." " Will you not take anything ? Let me recommend a cup of coffee," said Cecil to Lucy, very respectfully. " Oh, no, no, thank you !" replied poor Lucy, and with good reason : Cabby had carried off her only shilling. " I meant rather on account of the people of the shop than your own," said Sydney. " Do allow me to order something," " Perhaps you will do so for yourself," replied Lucy. " My object is to get home at once," she added, blushing scarlet. '' Many thanks, gentlemen. Good day." "You must allow us to see you sale home," urged Cecil. "Oh, by no means," replied Lucy; and, seizing the old umbrella, she darted out of the room, through the shop, into the street. " We shall be back in half an hour," said Sydney, very softly, going close up to tlie F 2 68 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. pretty, jaunty patissiere, who was all bows and bugles, coquetry and crinoline ; " have some soup ready for us, my dea' child ! I suppose you know you're unkammon pretty. You're a regular nut-brown maid." " I'm sure, sir, I thought just now you'd no hies but for hauburn 'air." ** Courtiser la brune et la blonde, Aimer voltiger au hazard,'* hummed Cecil, saucily, trying to snatch a kiss, and receiving, we rejoice to say, a sound slap on the face. " Come, don't be a vixen, there's a good girl. Don't take liberties." " You keep your place, sir, and I'll keep mine," she rephed, " and the next time I see the hauburn beauty, which I often has a chat with her," she added, ready at fibbing, " I'll tell her something." " Tell me all about her, do, there's a dear soul." " Come, Cecil !" cried Greville. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 69 " Well, when I come back, will ye ?" urged Cecil. The belle patissiere smiled and nodded. As they left the shop, a ragged urchin came up to them and said, " Ain't you the gentle- men as was with the lady as was throwed out o' the cab ?" " Yes, my boy ; what of her ?" answered Cecil. " Why, I zeed a cove pick her pocket just as you tooked her in there ! I can swear I zeed a bit o' worked muslin, vat ve calls a viper, and a sniffin -bottle, and some papers in hees fist." " Papers !" thought Sydney ; " I should like to see any papers of hers. Well," he said to the boy, " here's half a sovereign, and if you bring the stolen goods to this address," giving him a card, " you shall have a wliole one besides. But, confound it, Greville ! we shall miss her now, if we do not make haste. A fine start these delays with the girl insid 70 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. and the boy out have given her. Isn't she lovely, Hal ? What hair ! what eyes ! what a swan throat! and yet I do beUeve that ' splendid shilHng' was all she had in the world. Is she not an angel?" " Cecil," answered his companion, "if you think so, leave her as she is. Your pursuit is sure to injure, and may ruin her." " I will know where she lives, Harry. I don't see her ; do you ?" " I don't wan't to see her, and I msh ^ou would never see her again. Listen to me, Cecil. Spare her !" " Spare yourself any trouble on that head. I'll know where she lives, and who and what she is ; and then I'll make up my mind as to her fate." The coxcomb ! He felt sure Lucy Blair's fate was in his hands. "How she must have sped along! Look down all the streets. I lost so much time talking to that bedizened dandizette and that ragged THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 71 imp, I declare we've lost her. I'd rather have lost my bay mare, though she did win the cup at Ascot." By this time they had reached Arundel Street, having hurried along at a wonderful pace for them ; since " fast men" are generally very slow on foot. They looked down its dark, narrow length, when a respectable young woman, apparently a milhner or dress- maker, came up to them, and said — " Are you the gentlemen that helped a young lady out of a cab that was upset just now ?" " Yes," said Cecil, eagerly ; " what's her name ?" " Never mind that," was the reply ; " her compliments, and she sends you this." So saying, she thrust a little paper parcel hito Sydney's hand, and, while he opened it, tripped across the Strand, and disappeared. " Done, by Jove !" said Sydney. " Look here — two half-crowns, and ' With many thanks !' " 72 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. " One's mine," said Hal, " and I could ill afford to part with it." So, laughingly, he seized it, and thrust it into his waistcoat- pocket. *' I say, Cis, what a do !'* " She has done me brown — little baggage !" said Cecil. " Well, it is a sell," answered Greville ; "but, upon my word, I'd much rather you were done than that poor girl undone. Now for the soup 1 — come along !" THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 73 CHAPTER IX. LUCY AT HOME. Labour gives rest all its charm ; and of all labours we should imagine that teaching most requires long and entire rest. " Sweet is plea- sure after pain" — sweet the repose of the poor daily governess, as night draws near, and she sinks down in an arm chair in her quiet apartment, and exclaims, " I'm at home, I'm at home, and the teacher is free !" Relieved from the toils and trials of tlic day, sat Lucy Blair on one side of tlio fire, while her mother occupied the other, aucl 74 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. positively feasted her eyes in gazing on her rescued treasure : for though some days had elapsed since the events of the last chap- ter, thos3 events were still fresh in that fond mother's thoughts. "Oh, my dear child," said Mrs. Blair, " may I never know such another day as last Thursday ! Had your absence been pro- tracted but a few minutes longer, I really think the agony of my mind would have destroyed my reason !" " You must not be fearful about me, mamma,'' answered Lucy ; " circumstances have rendered me prematurely old and cau- tious. I am now experiencing what we read in Dr. Johnson to-day, at the Hamilton Tre- hernes', is one of the decided symptoms of age— ^viz., ' pleasure from the mere absence of pain.' Were I as young as my register would make out, I should be pining for excitement — for plays, balls, and parties ; instead of which, I would not at this moment exchange places THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 75 with the most popular * belle of the season/ " " But your philosophy, my Lucy," said Mrs. Blair, " does not prevent my coveting for you the pleasures and advantages other girls enjoy ; and I own, I fear, that th^ profession you have, in your devotion for me, adopted, may shut you out not only from all society, but prevent your marrying in that rank of life to which, in spite of our poverty, you by birth belong." "Well, mamma," rejoined Lucy, "you know the lady who lives on the first floor here — Mrs. Green Brown — kindly intends taking me to the Olympic to-night. We arc to see that great genius, of whom Mr. Allgood spoke in such raptures, Mr. F. Robson, in Plot and FassioUy and in the Porter's Knot — in both, they say, his humour is of that true kind which is half pathos — and that he makes one laugh and cry at pleasure. Think what a treat that will be ! And as for adniii'ers, 76 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. surely I bad enough of them last week. The breaking down of that crazy old cab raised me to the envied position of the heroine of romance. How I wish you could have seen the knights-errant who took part in my rescue !" "I hopei may see them some day," said Mrs. Blair, " I shall be very much sm^rised if I do not. Having beheld you once, they'll manage to get formally introduced to me, I'm sure." " I hope not, mamma. I hate and despise them, and, from the bold and mischievous expression of their countenances, I was dis- posed to think them, in some degree, the cause of my accident. However, I must acquit them of that. Mesmer himself could not enable an evil eye to upset a cab." This remark was followed by the entrance of the supper-tray. Lucy declared she enjoyed the light evening repast shared with her dear mother much more than the plentifid early dinner served up in Belgrave Square. "■ But I should relish anything this evening," THE DAILY GOVEKNESS. 77 said the poor girl, " my heart is so light and joyous with the prospect of its morrow ; for you must know you are to have me with you the whole day. Louisa Treherne is eight years old to-morrow; and to celebrate her birthday the children are all to drik^e in their mamma's carriage to the Crystal Palace, leaving me to enjoy my delicious freedom. This ray of sunshine was preceded by a black cloud, mamma; I will give you the particulars. Had you been present you would have smiled to see how completely my struggle with a hard, grasping world is con- quering my natural timidity. I was just pre- paring to equip myself for my walk home, and the children had left the room, when Lady Hamilton Treherne entered. Her man- ner was far from cordial ; but slie was much more civil than she used to be before that memorable demelc in her own bedroom, on that wettest of wet days — " " When, havhig so heartlessly called you a 78 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. ' damp stranger/ you acted up to the character by putting a damper on her impertinence," laughed Mrs. Blair. " Yes, mamma, after a little conversation about her children's deportment, she said to me, very caftlessly. Tray remember, Miss Blair, to-morrow is a holiday.' My heart beat high with the thought of spending it with you, mamma. But a thorough revulsion of feeling followed, when Lady Hamilton Treherne added, ' Tell your friends at home not to ex- pect you till nine in the evening. My children have invited several young companions, and supposing you or some such person were not here, the riot and confusion that would prevail throughout the day would be quite intolerable. I am sure my nerves could not stand it for half an hour. You, of course, understand all that sort of thing, and are used to it. Besides, I consider the instruction of the play-hour as important as that of the lesson -time.' ' I will not presume to dispute that point, my THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 79 lady,' I quietly replied (determined to rival her coolness) ; ' but you will, perhaps, have the goodness to recollect that what you now requu'e, formed no part of our agreement. I undertook to direct and control your children in their studies, not in their recreations. Still, I am far from being indifferent to the comfort of my employers ; and though the task of re- straining boisterous young people dming hours of recreation is far from pleasant, I will give you my best services to-morrow for the usual period of my attendance in your house ; but my mother's health is quite ' * And pray. Miss Blair,' interposed Lady Hamilton Treherne, rudely interrupting me — (egotists, however highly born and bred, are unconsciously rude ; and she is the queen of egotists) — 'what am I to do with the children during the whole of the afternoon ? I ex- pected more gentleness, kindness, and con- sideration from you. I can assure you that, at your age, such decision of character and 80 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. such self-possession are far from attractive. I can dispense with your services altogether for to-morrow ; and I shall send the whole birth- day party to the Crystal Palace/ " " A sensible determination, too," said Mrs. Blair, who would have applauded any plan that would have procured for her her Lucy's company. " Yet, would you believe it, mamma ?" said her daughter, " my heart smote me for re- fusing Lady Hamilton Treherne's request, unreasonable though it was ; and it was the thought of you, and, to be frank, of the visit to the Olympic, that prevented my offering to remain with her children the whole day ! I am very glad I did not do so : I dare say I should have had a scornful answer; but it is difficult to a kind heart to refuse, and to woman to say no." How calm and sweet was the slumber of the young governess after her day of toil. Ye belles of the season, ye might envy it, THE DAILY GOVERNESS. hi believe me. Own it frankly, you never feel quite satisfied with all the incense offered to your vanity. There is still the gnawing, aching void : What though you have refused your baronet, one of your acquaintances has a chance of a baron. But grant you are the favoured one, the belle of the season. Grant that the rays of the midsummer sun shine on you through the windows of St. George's, Hanover Square, and illumine the jewels and orange-flowers that adorn you as the bride of the Duke of . Grant all this ; but also grant that next spring a new star must arise, a younger beauty, another " belle of the sea- son ;" and if all your happiness consisted in monopolising admiration, soon we must rather pity than envy you. Take comfort, ye who are nobly struggling against misfortune in the humblest walks of life: only persevere. Your object is good and legitimate, and you cannot labour in vain; and when you succeed, your success shall VOL. I. G 82 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. satisfy you fully ; but the triumphs of vanity never yet satisfied any human heart. Thus, while our heroine sleeps, we have indulged in a little moralising, and endeavoured to show the vanity of vanity. Let us not be misunderstood. Virtue may be found and duty performed in every class ; therefore, in every class we may be happy : and that the fashionable world may be made the arena of virtuous and noble actions, we trust the de- velopment of this tale will prove. THE DAILY GOVEENESS. 83 CHAPTER X. FOLLOWERS. Lucy did not tell her mamma everything. But this reserve was owing not to want of confidence, but an excess of love. Mrs. Blair's health was very delicate ; she had once broken a blood-vessel, and since that time Lucy had dreaded for her mother the effect of any shock or anxiety ; she therefore withheld all that could distress or alarm. Fortunately she had as yet no secrets of the heart, no love sorrows to conceal ; but when aught hap- pened to agitate or grieve her, she often kept G 2 84 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. it to herself, lest she should increase the nervous timidity that weak health had super- induced in Mrs. Blair. One thing which she had withheld, as calculated only to disturb and mortify that dear, fond mother, was, the persevering but somewhat impertinent admi- ration of a fashionable middle-aged man whom, not to mystify our readers unnecessarily, we will at once own to be that very Sir Jasper Malvoisin, whose notice Cecil Sydney had so dreaded that the young daily governess might attract, when he was lounging in the bay window of his club, and she passing up or down St. James's Street, on what errand Cecil Sydney knew not. But, as the Italian proverb says — " Che sara sara" (what is to be wiU. be). Lucy Blair, after the adventure of the cab, never returned by St. James's Street. At 9 A.M. she felt safe from idlers, but at 2 p.M it was another matter. She never on her return passed through St. James's Street, and thus Cecil Sydney watched for her in THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 85 vain. But, as ill-luck would have it, Sir Jasper Malvoisin was an habiUie of Lady Hamilton Treherne's ; a sort of Platonic lover or cavalier of her ladyship's, who, as Sir George Haaiilton Treherne was one of the invisible London husbands, accepted his escort and encouraged his attentions. It was one of those countless liaisons in which man's idleness, meeting with woman's vanity, en- genders intimacy without esteem, flirtation without preference, flattery, on both sides, without admiration ; and in which les petits soins of the man, and the jealous, exacting nature of the woman, make the world talk, although there was, in reality, nothhig to talk about. One day that Sir Jasper had to escort Lady Hamilton Treherne to a dejeilner at some distance, he met Lucy Blair on X\\v. steps of the mansion in ik'lgrave Square. He thought her beautiful, and tried to make his eyes tell her so. He found out from her 86 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. pupils, the Misses Hamilton Treherne, all about her. He waylaid her again and again, he accosted, he persecuted her, until at last she threatened him with the police, and then his passion for her grew dangerous, for it was darkened by revenge. Nor was this the only annoyance Lucy had riot revealed to her mother. She had another source of trouble in the uneasiness which the persevering and curious scrutiny of a httle elderly man had occasioned her soon after her engagement with the Trehernes had com- menced. The old stranger had first made her the object of his remark as she sat oppo- site to him in an omnibus that was conveying her to Paternoster Row, whither she was going in quest of a book that her pupils re- quired. This inquisitive neighbom-'s eyes were not the only ones fixed on Lucy, but certainly his alone gazed on her malignantly. On this occasion our heroine's attire was THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 87 remarkably simple, but it did not diminish the effect of her beauty. Her soft violet eyes were as heavenly, her rippled braids as bright, and the glow on her cheek as rich as though her form were clad in the wealth of the loom. Lucy had no attendant or duenna. There were none to take care of her, save " the viewless angels that protect the good ;" and while West End affected spinsters of sixty would not walk a hundred yards without a powdered giant, armed with a club, behind them, and a barking cur at their sides, Lucy, in all her attractive youth and loveliness, had to pace the thronged streets of London alone, and often to avail herself of its crowded con- veyances. Our heroine was anything but nervous, and with a mhid intent on her duties, she generally felt safe. The Paternoster Row expedition seemed likely to shake her security, yet she hardly r 88 THE DAlLi GOVERNESS. knew why the persevering scrutiny of her opposite neighbour should alarm her as much as it certainly did. She had read of the terrors of young scapegraces when creditors appeared in view — but she had no creditors ; enemies pursue lis with untiring malignity — she had no enemies. However, we must own there was something alarmingly repulsive in the very diminutive old man with whom she found herself in such close contact. His appear- ance called to mind some mischievous mar- moset. This likeness w^as partly owing to his mummy- coloured skin, and his little twink- ling eyes, one of which had a most refulgent squint. His face had an ape-like contoui^ and his upper and under Hp bulged out fright- fully, in consequence of an ill-made set of bluish porcelain teeth. These he had cheap- ened from a Jew dentist, and obtained at less than cost price, as they were a misfit ! They had been made for a much larger THE DAILY GOVEliNESS. 89 man, but the plausible dentist had declared that a little filing would render them per- fectly suitable, and the 'cheapness of the article was a temptation too great to be resisted. The wearer of this desirable bargain had evidently taken some little pains with his toilet. His linen was clean and well got up, and not a speck of dust could be seen on his old black suit. Lucy, who had a keen sense of the original and the ludicrous, would have noted his pe- culiarities with some interest (as worthy of a place in her olio of oddities), but for the spiteful scrutiny with which he continued to regard her. Her uneasiness became serious when she beheld him deliberately put on a pair of spectacles, and taking out a note-book and pencil, jot down Avhat she felt certain must be particulars about herself, from the glances he shot at her during the operation. 90 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. While all this was taking place, she per- ceived that the rumbling conveyance had just passed Paternoster Row. She was close to the conductor, whose attention she had no difficulty in arresting. He had an eye for beauty as well as his superiors, and with national good nature he had felt for Lucy's embarrassment, and even discovered the cause of it. In an instant he took his fare, stopped the driver, and assisted Lucy to alight. To her horror, she perceived her old tormentor fol- lowing her. Lucy was determined to baffle him. Re- gardless of carts, cabs, and carriages, she shot across the street, and proved the truth of the old adage, " Fortune favours the brave," by reaching Paternoster Row in safety. A moment's delay sometimes decides om- prospects in life. The old man looked before he leaped, or rather slipped. Still his eagerness was so THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 91 great that he started too soon. His foot sHpped, and he would soon have been under the wheel of a heavy carriage but for the timely assistance of an Irish basket-woman, who suddenly dragged him to safety and the pavement. " Now what do ye vally yer old self at ?" said Molly O'Cree ; " for divil a bid of ye had been lift by this time but for myself that spakes to ye ; so out with yer gold, for Tm in a reg'lar hurry to drink to yer honour." "The devil take me if I give you a farthing!" said the old man, vainly endea- vouring to jostle his way through the crowd this adventure had collected. " The divil will have ye, whether or no !" cried the angry daughter of Erin ; " but it shan't be till ye have paid me my fair airnings." " That's right, old girl !" was lieard from one of the bystanders. Thus encouraged, Molly laid her powerfid 92 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. hand on the shrivelled shoulder of the de- linquent, who (like many a better man) called vainly for the pohce. " ril police ye, ye ugly old sinner !" shouted Molly. " Here's what comes of such as you running after the gals, when ye ought to be telling yer beads, or thinking of your latter end.'' *' Hold your tongue, you vile hag !" said the old man, who evidently did not relish her discourse. " Loose your cursed hold of me, and I'll give you all I've got about me." " There — that's fair !" was heard from the crowd ; so Molly, with the quick perception of her country, seeing that the public voice would uphold her no further, was fain to content herself with a croAvn-piece, and to allow the discomfited swain to slink off as best he could. In the meantime Lucy had rushed from Paternoster Row, and taken the first street that led to St. Paul's Chm'chyard. Thence THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 93 she proceeded to Ludgate Hill, and after various crossings, doublings, and tiu'nings, found herself quite unmolested in Bridge Street, Blackfriars. When she thought the old man's patience must be quite exhausted, she walked leisurely back, and executed her commission. That the cause of her flight had not been fatally injm-ed by Molly's severity, was proved by his re-appearance a few days afterwards. Lucy happened to be in Holborn, and she caught an unwelcome glimpse of him^ as he was seated in a cab, with a large blue bag by his side. No glance of recognition kindled in his httle grey eyes ; for this time Lucy was travelhng in the thorough disguise of a double brown gossamer veil. She soon began to attach little importance to the event that had alarmed her so much at the time, and the more stirring adventures of the cab accident almost obliterated it from her memory. 94 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. The fashionable heroes who had played the part of her deliverers re-appeared in her dreams. Perhaps Henry Greville played the most conspicuous part ; but when she awoke on the welcome morning of her holiday, she thought of him with a smile, and not with a sigh. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 95 CHAPTER XL A MAID-OF-ALL-WORK. " Your mamma begs you'll not get up yet, miss," said Betty Botherem, as she stood knocking at Lucy's door ; " Mrs. Blair means to see to the breakfast herself, and hopes you'll have another nap." We are bound to confess that Lucy was nothing loth. Our great Duke was of opinion that, when one thought of turning round, it was time to turn out. Perhaps he was right ; but I dare say some of my readers will agree with me 96 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. that very sweet sleep may be enjoyed after day has dawned, and we ourselves have been fully cognisant of the fact. At any rate Lucy's extra nap did her no hami, and she appeared in the sitting-room (about an hour and a half after Betty's message), looking as blooming as if she had spent the whole night in beauty-sleep. A little surprise had been prepared for Lucy by her mother. The breakfast-table was laid with the greatest care, and marma- lade, shrimps, chocolate and watercresses were added to the usual bill of fare. Betty Botherem, w^ho had actively assisted Mrs. Blair in preparing the impromptu treat, stood at the door for a few minutes, with eyes and mouth wide open, to enjoy Lucy's surprise. " You have been tiring your dear self," said the affectionate girl. " AVhy have you pre- pared such a feast as this? To have your company at breakfast was quite sufficient for THE DAILY GOVERNESS. ^7 me ; and now I can enjoy none of these nice things unless you partake of them with a good appetite. "I shall do justice to the breakfast to- day," said Mrs. Blair, " for I feel unusually well and cheerful. I think I see the means of your giving up your too irksome situation in Belgrave Square. The insolence of Lady Hamilton Treherne is so trying to a girl of your sensibility." " But perhaps I shall find things still more trying in another family. I had rather ' bear the ills I have, than fly to others that I know not of.' " " Now don't be obstinate, Lucy. Look at this," said Mrs. Blair, taking up a newspaper. *' The lady who inserted this advertisement seems to have had you in view, so exactly are the requirements those that you possess. It is a curious coincidence that the first morning of my taking in The Times I shoukl meet VOL. L H 98 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. with such an advertisement as this. Read it aloud." Lucy immediately complied. " ' Wanted — A daily governess, for the only daughter of a lady residing at a short distance from London. Three hours' attend- ance would be expected, and, as various ac- complishments and much refinement are required, a liberal salary would be given. Address G. K., Post Office, St. James's Street.' If I secure this situation, mamma,'' exclaimed Lucy, "I am determined you shall not remain in these small, dark lodgings, but take cheerful and airy ones in some nice part of London. By a liberal salary they cannot mean less than a hundred a year. I shall answer G. K. directly after breakfast. But now do let us talk a little about my good luck in outwitting my tormentors of Thurs- day last. Some fortunate accident must have detained them at the pastrycook's, for I got such a good start of them that they lost sight THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 99 of me. On turning down Arundel Street, I caught a glimpse of them in the distance, so I ran to this door, Avhich luckily I found open. Miss Smart had just received her money for a dress brought home to Mrs. Green Brown. In a few words I told her how I was placed, described the gentlemen and their whereabouts. She felt quite sure she should recognise them, and she offered to go that very moment and pay them, as from me. I have seen her since, and she tells me she soon met them, gave them the money, and baffled all their endeavours to find out my name and abode." " How strange it would be if you were to see them to-night at the play," said Mrs. Blair. " You know my presentiments have a meaning, and I have a sort of impression that one of them is destined to be your partner for life." " May my good sense forbid, mamma ; I hate coxcombs even for acquaintances — one of them for a husband would drive me crazy. H 2 100 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. But now let us think of something important. How ought I to be dressed to-night ? I re- collect when my singing-master gave us tickets for the theatre at Tours we went in our best walking-dresses." " That would not do in London," said Mrs. Blair : " I am told by Mrs. Bragge that for the private boxes of the Olympic, you must adorn yourself as for a grand evening party. The white-sprigged net and sky-blue velvet trim- mings that you wore at your dancing-master's ball at Dieppe are exactly suited to the occa- sion. Now, dear, ring and have the breakfast things removed; and while you answer the advertisement I will go out and procure for you some little things that are quite neces- sary to enable you to make a nice appear- ance." Mrs. Green Brown, the lady on the first ■floor, had also determined to shine at the Olympic on this memorable evening. She had engaged a private box, and ordered a THE DAILY GOVERXE-S. 101 handsome brougham (not, as she said laugh- ingly, a Hansom cab). Lucy's answer to the promising advertise- ment was written, sealed, stamped, and posted before Mrs. Blair returned with her purchases. At these Lucy gazed with tears in hei- eyes, for she knew how many comforts her mother must deny herself in consequence of this expense, Avhich she could so ill afford. Lucy had first to admire ribbons and blue- bells, which her clever fingers Avere to form into a fashionable and becoming head-dress. White kid gloves were not forgotten, and these Mrs. Blair could not get cheap, because only the small sizes Avould fit Lucy, and they always keep up their price. But one real bargain had been secured by the fond mother —a white merino opera cloak, lined with blue silk, for sixteen shillings ! Mrs. Green Brown soon awoke Lucy to ;i sense of the importance of punctuality by .1 message, begging that slie would dress early. 102 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. as the carriage was to be at the door at half- ])ast six. Betty Botherem was in a state of great excitement, and made so many mistakes and had so many accidents that the house was in a tumult. Lucy, however, was too happy to be irritable. Shut up in her little back bedroom, she rapidly completed the head-dress. The next business was to iron out the many-skirted white net dress. In an instant Betty was at hand to procm-e it from a high shelf, in which it had been placed in a box to itself. Now, as she could not detach her eyes and tlioughts from the flowers in Lucy's hand, her footing on the chair which was to enable her to reach the box became very insecure, and down she came, chair, box, and all, and with her a shower of London blacks ! All this, in spite of Lord Palmerston's having ordered that every chimney should consume its own smoke ! THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 1 O'i Betty occasioned most of the mishaps of the day. At one time she set her cap on fire while holding the candle to Mrs. Blair, who had to adjust Lucy's head-dress. At an- other (in her eagerness to be useful) she stepped on the tail of Mrs. Green Brown's pet pug, which animal immediately set up the most hideous howls. Lucy's heart smote her as she called to mind the ])retty poem of the " Maiden and the Crushed Butterfly." " Ah, such," she exclaimed, " is our pride in our faces, for Avhich the soul's happiness too often dies." Mrs. Blair's most sanguine expectations were realized, and Almack's, in its pahny days, never welcomed within its halls a love- lier belle than the ])oor daily governess, as she sat smiling ami li''ipj)y, awaiting the summons of Mrs. Green i^i-own and the arrival of the brougham. 104 THE DAILY GOYERXESS. CHAPTER XII. MRS. GREEN BROWN. Mrs. Green Brown was a person of im- mense importance in lier OAvn eyes, and in those of the mistress and maid at No. 9, Arundel Street, where she not merely occu- pied, but seemed to fill to overflowing, the first floor. In all London houses, let out as lodgings, " the first floor" takes as indisputable a pre- cedence as does the Speaker in the House of Commons, or the Commander-in-Chief on the field of battle. THE DAILY GOYEENESS. 105 " Knowledge is power," was said of old ; but tliat MONEY IS POWER is a far more widely- acknowledged fact ; and of course the gene- ral impression is that the first-floor lodger is, in every sense, the best off. That being the case, every one tries to make that fortunate individual better off still. He or she may have a " man" or a " maid" with nothing to do but his or her bidding, but still the maid-of-all-work will leave the " parlours" without common necessaries, and be equally neglectful of the " second-floor" in order to administer to the luxuries and superfluities of the revered " first floor." Lucy Blair's abode formed no excei)tion to this universal custom. Mrs. Green Brown had a maid of her own ; but yet Betty de- voted more time to the " first floor" than to all the rest of the house ])ut together ; for Mrs. Mincing, Mrs. Green Brown's maid, was herself a very fine lady, with " narves," and of roursc required a great deal of waiting on herself. 106 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. Mrs. Bragge, the good-natured landlady of the house, was a widow, immensely fat, always dressed in black bombazeen and a widow's cap. She adhered to short waists and gigot sleeves. She was born in this very lodging- house some sixty-six years before the opening of om' tale. The tenement had belonged to her parents, who left it to her, and she, when forty-eight, married a showy, handsome, scheming fellow called Bragge (a parlour lodger of hers), who would probably have speculated away all her own and her parents' savings, but before they had been married a year (but not before he had given her a black eye or two) he was blown up in a house in which he was trying a new machine for clean- ing chimneys with fulminating silver. Betty pronounced it "good riddance of bad rub- bish," and the only " weepers " were those on his widow's blaek bombazeen. She was a character in her way, this Mrs. Bragge ; a London lodging-letter born THE DAILY GOVEKNESS. 107 and bred, and yet neither a thief, a canter, nor a vixen, but a good, kind soul, with a few vanities, but no vices to speak of. She took a great pride in her lodgers, in Mrs. Green Brown especially, who had lodged at No. 9 for many years, off and on, but always retained the first floor ; and the first floor was three guineas a week in the season, and two out of the season. Now Mrs. Bragge had been told in confi- dence of Lucy's professional engagement ; but she, Mrs. Bragge, was in her secret heart a good deal ashamed that even her " second floor" should go out teaching, and a good deal touched by the contemplation of so much youth, beauty, and goodness engaged in what she considered such "contemptuous drudgery." She had a spice of Mrs. Malaprop in her com- position (all lodging-letters have). She was something of a match-maker too, and rather romantic, as her own silly match proved. And she thought and said, " Miss Blair ought to 10(S THE DAILY GOVERNESS. many to her carriage ;" and in her own mind, she decided the only way to effect so desirable an object was to get Mrs. Green Brown to no- tice and take her about. The august Mrs. Green Brown was very idle, and was of course a great gossip. She had no business of her own, and so she had plenty of time for other people's. Mrs. Bragge was an interminable jabberer. Mrs. Mincing had found out j\Iiss Blair's habit of going out at half-past eight and coming in at two ; and Mrs. Bragge, in order to account for this fact, without lower- ing her own dignity or the Blairs', had boldly announced to Mrs. Green Brown (but binding her the while, Mrs. Mincing also, to inviolable secrecy) that, owing to having been brought up abroad, the young lady's English education had been neglected, and she was obliged to go to a ladies' day school at some distance, to fit herself for the society in which she was one day to shine. This was believed, and bound by tlieir promise, neither Mrs. Green Brown THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 109 nor Mincing could trouble Lucy with any questions on the subject. Mrs. Blair was, as we have seen, a singularly mexperienced, siin- ple-minded woman, brought up in the coun- try ; she had been married at seventeen, to one far above her in rank and beneath her in real worth. The marriage had been private ; the husband had soon ceased to be a lover' and rapidly degenerated into a brute. He was ordered abroad with his regiment (for he w^as in the army), and he left her behind en- ceinte, and so thoroughly disenchanted, that she was glad to be left behind. His noble family, who had some suspicions of this mesalliance, persecuted the poor young wife to such an extent, that when, after the birth of Lucy, no news or money arrived from her husband, in actual want and bound by him not to own the marriage to his friends, Mrs. Blair took counsel of a lawyer who had proposed to her before she had seen the man whom slie af- terwards married, and as, unknown to her, he 110 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. was also the solicitor of the husband's family, she, by his advice, accepted a sum to take her and her child abroad, and an income sufficient to maintain them till she obtained a situation as a governess or teacher ; after which, if she troubled them no more, she was to receive forty pounds a year. Poor Mrs. Blair, at eighteen, did not see that her compliance jus- tified her husband's haughty family in consi- dering her in the light of his cast-off mistress. They insisted also that she should take the name of Blair, and never mention that of him she called her husband. But so cruel, so insult- ing, so brutal, indeed, had been, as a hus- band, the man who had seemed so enchanting and devoted as a lover, that, of all things, what she most dreaded was the faUing again into his power. With her former suitor. Attorney Twine (Gloss Twine, Esq.), she deposited the papers that proved her own marriage and Lucy's legi- timacy, and then she crossed the Channel THE DAILY GOVERNESS. Ill and prepared to seek her fortunes. What fortunes she found the reader can guess by a glance at the second floor she Hves in, and her pretty Lucy setting forth as a daily teacher. We have reverted so far to the past, to explain and account for Mrs. Blair's total ignorance of the world and its ways. She knew little of life when she left Wales (a mother in her teens), and, in the seclusion of foreign convents and boarding-schools, she forgot even that little. But for this, she might not have been so wilHng to trust so beautiful and young a girl as Lucy with a woman of whom she knew nothing but what Mrs. Bragge could tell of her ; and, of course, ishe was loud in her praise of one who for years had rented her first floor furnished, [ind paid regulai'ly ; one who kept her own maid, and never Avent out but in a brougham ; one ^^ ho never hagi^l o&^ ed about coals, milk, washing, or extras of any 112 THE DAILY GOVEENESS. kind — never wished to see joint or pudding twice, and never locked up tea or sugar. " A real lady bom and bred, and as good a soul as ever stepped." Such was Mrs. Bragge's testimony when Mrs. Green Brown retui'ned with Mincing from Brighton to take re-possession of her first floor, newly painted, papered, and done up ; and having exchanged a few nods and smiles with pretty Lucy, and talked about her for the hom^ with Mrs. Bragge, that lady invited her to go with her to the Olympic, in a private box she had secured, to see a new piece called " Tlie Porter's Knot',' with Mr. r. Robson as the principal character. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. ]13 CHAPTER XIII. THE FULL-BLOWN ROSE. " Mrs. Green Brown was not a widow — no such luck," said Mrs. Bragge; "her husband was abroad, which, abroad or at home, he was a selfish brute, and she a throwed-away angel." This was Mrs. Bragge's account. Mrs. Green Brown took little or no notice of Mrs. Blair ; she thought her a " dull, pale, moping sort ol' body ;" but she doted on beauty, of which she considered herself the ((uccn. Every pretty young girl was, in her opinion, only an attendant grace on herself, the Venus of the VOL. I. I 114 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. picture ; or a rosebud, herself the ripened rose. She was a tall, very stout woman, of thirty-five, but owning only to "about thirty." She had been a Hebe in her youth, but her present pro- portions were scarcely reconcilable with beauty, at least in the opinion of all people of taste. In her own eyes, and those of Mrs. Bragge and Betty, as fine feathers make fine birds, and every season hers grew finer and finer, so she grew handsomer and handsomer ; besides, if " hand- some is that handsome does," she was hand- some indeed, as Betty's purse and wardi^obe proclaimed. We have said Mrs. Green Brown was tall and stout, and when full- dressed, what with her ample crinoline and voluminous flomices, she was of a very imposing size. Art never produced hair to surpass her perruque. Regardless of expense (having been remarkable in her youth for golden tresses), she had obtained a wig of hair as bright and even more abundant than that THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 115 which had distrngiiished her at twenty. A regular coiffeicr dressed this splendid golden hair, in the newest fashion, when she went to the theatre. And the only people in the house who knew, for certain, that it was a wig were Mincing and the fair wearer herself. Lucy and Mrs. Blair had no idea of it. Of course, at thirty-five, Mrs. Green Brown might still have boasted of fine hair of her own, but the rufiian she had married had actually, in the Brazils, where he was the ty- rant of the remote estate on which they lived, in a fit of jealous rage caused her to be held down while her head was shaved and her front teeth drawn ! !* and this he had done because, in a foolish pet, she had reproached him with being bald and toothless, all but two eye-teeth, in either row, like tusks ! " Before niglit you shall be the same, madam !" he had exclahned ; * These acts of atrocious cruelty were committed in the Brazils by a husband who had not the dread of a Sir Cresswell Cresswcll before his eyes. i2 116 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. and, at once summoning his slaves, had caused her long, splendid, abundant, golden hair to be shaved off, and her front teeth to be extracted, except the four eye-teeth. A long illness en- sued, and when the poor victim recovered, she effected her escape to England during the absence of her tyrant, and a very rich uncle received her, and at his death left her his fortune. The lilies and roses that in days of health and youth had matched this golden hair, art had reproduced, pearly teeth were admirably adjusted, and pearl powder and rouge were apparent to the experienced, though Lucy and her mother never dreamt of them. •' Her eyebrows, truth, 'twere vain to blink, Were partly made of Indian ink ; But oh ! has India aught too rare To lavish on a dame so fair .'" They were a clear, perfect arch, black and formal, and they gave an unnatm-al expression to a face of which the small features were em- bedded in embonpoint. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 117 Mrs. Green Brown held herself up with the dignity of a queen and the airs of a beauty. When the brougham and pair drove to the door, she sent to summon Miss Blair. Lucy found her seated in great state, on a crimson and gilt sofa. Her dress was a sky-blue glace, with three ample skirts trimmed with a pro- fusion of white bugle lace and looped up with pink roses ; her head-dress was composed of pink roses and white bugles ; her dress was cut very low, displaying an ample bust adorned with a necklace of turquoise and gold, and her veiy full arms had bracelets to correspond. A gorgeous burnouse opera cloak, of scarlet and gold, was held ready by Mincing, and she was also provided with a superb fan, smelling- bottle, bonbonniere, and richly embroidered, highly-scented pocket handkerchief. Mrs. Green Brown bowed to Lucy, who felt herself very insignificant and iiiuler-dressed, in the presence of so much splendour. " Give me another cup of tea, Mincing," she said ; 118 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. "and pray, Miss Blair, Avill you take tea or coffee ? — we've plenty of time. I never care for the hoverturs — do you ? In course I ex- cept the hopera ?" " Yes, I do. I dote on fine music any- where !" " Oh, very well, then we'll start at once. Mincing, have I a pocket in this di*ess ?" " Yes, ma'am." " Have I any money in my purse ?" les, ma am. " Come, then. Miss Blair." She took a deliberate survey of herself in the chinmey- glass, then in a pier-glass, parting her vermi- lion lips, so as to see thewhole set of glittering, ])early teeth ; arching her neck, gazing over her shoulder, and saying, " Mincing, I depend on you that I'm fit to be seen," she swept out of the room. Mrs. Green Brown was always rather aftected, haughty, and unpleasant after an elaborate toilet. Lucy had thought her so TDE DAILY GOVERNESS. 119 very smiling, affable, and amiable in her morning wrapper ; now she found her so dis- tant and self-engrossed, she was quite annoyed at the idea of a long evening with her. Lucy felt ready to cry as she kissed her hand in recognition of Mrs. Blair's pale face at the second-floor window. Mrs. Blair was sur- prised to see Lucy, the guest, in the back seat, but there was no room for her by the gorgeous side of the voluminous and superb Mrs. Green Brown : and with a little show of making room for Lucy, and a little sham reluctance, she allowed her to sit opposite to her, and they drove away, Mrs. Bragge ad- miring Mrs. Green Brown (not Lucy) from the parlour, Betty from the area, Mincing on the door-step. Several idle boys and busy-bodies were dazzled by the blue glace, l)ugles, and roses, and did not give a glance to })oor Lucy. Mrs. Blair, dreadfully fatigued, I'eturned to her now cold tea, and a stocking she was mending. 120 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CHAPTER XIV. MR. F. ROBSON. To Lucy's impatience to see, and her gor- geous chaperons eagerness to be seen, the progress through the Strand appeared a veiy slow one. The announcement of Mr. F. Rob- son's appearance in a new character, sufficed to bring to the doors of the Olympic many visitors of all ranks, even more than that elegant and favourite theatre could accommo- date. The first piece was " Plot and Passion," a piece unrivalled for deep plot and intense THE DAILY GOVEHNESS. 121 passion. Mr. Wigan as the enamoured Creole ; Mr. Emery as the cabii astute Fauche ; and Mrs. Sterling as the sentimental widow, were all admirable. But the gem of the piece was, after all, Mr. F. Robson, as the old clerk. He makes himself up (wdth a true artist's sacrifice of vanity to effect, and of his own good looks to his part) into a most sordid, ugly, mean old scrivener ; and yet the force of passion and eloquence is such that it seems impossible woman can hear his con- fession of love unmoved, and tears rise to every female eye, and sighs move every true w^oman's breast as he speaks. Lucy forgot, as did perhaps the great artist himself, that it was all a passing show, and leaning back in her chair, she, to the horror and surprise of Mrs. Green Brown, buried her face in her handkerchief, and wept bit- terly. What Mrs. Green Brown would have done and said, no one can tell, had slie not, in glancing restlessly round the house to see 1.22 THE DAILY GOVEHNESS. Avhether people were noticing her companion's emotion, perceived the beautiful young daugh- ter of the Duchess of S (whom she knew by sight) equally affected, and several other ladies of fashion and ion (Mrs. Green Brown was a worshipper of ton) pale and in tears. Mrs. Green Brown then took out her oAvn costly handkerchief to conceal that she did not weep, and she became kinder in her manner to Lucy, which change was confirmed, when, the door being opened by an official of the theatre, with a tray of ices, Mrs. Green Brown perceived, behind the woman who ojBPered these refreshments, two very fashion- able-looking young men, who rather familiarly accosted Lucy, one of them, Cecil Sydney, proffering his hand in a manner which made it quite impossible for her (without great rudeness) to refuse her own. Lucy at a glance recognised her two tormentors. She wished to look grave and dignified, and make THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 123 them feel that she resented as an intrusion their uninvited and unwelcome presence ; but the recollection of the accident, of the way in which she had escaped them, and the sight of Mrs. Green Brown casting affected glances and giving herself languishing airs at their approach, overcame her self-possession, and she could not help laughing. " Introduce me to your friends, dearest," said Mrs. Green Brown. ''Their faces are famiKar to me, but not their names." " Let me be master of the ceremonies," said Henry Greville, pitying Lucy's blushes and confusion. Then, turning to the elder lady, he added, " j\Iay I know whom I have the pleasure of addressing ?" " Mrs. Green Brown," said the lady. " Well, then, Mrs. Green Brown, allow me to introduce Cecil Sydney, second son of the Earl of Hauteville." (Greville saw at a glance that great names would impress Mrs, Green Brown in their favour.) 124 THE DAILY GOTERNESS. "The Hon. Cecil Sydney, so often men- tioned in the Court Journal?'' said Mrs. Green Brown in ecstasy, and bowing low in answer to the cold, stiff bend of the beau in question — a mutilated bow peculiar to Young England and the nineteenth century, but enough to intoxicate Mrs. Green Brown ; for it was the first bow she had ever had from an Honourable, a son of an earl. She felt linked with the peerage directly. " Now return the compliment,'* said Henry Greville ; *' introduce me.'* " Mrs. Green Bro*\\m, allow me to introduce Mr. Henry Greville, son of the late Lord Oscar Greville, and grandson of the Marquis of Montferrat, an unpaid attache at the Bavarian Embassy, a distinguished ornament of Al- mack's, a member of all the best clubs ; in short, a man about to\ni. All he w^ants is a rich, handsome w4fe, w^ith charms to push him abroad, and yet keep liim at home." THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 125 Mrs. Green Brown took this as a personal compliment, and said, '* Mr. Greville will have no difficulty in suiting himself, I should think; it's a great feather in his cap to be so 'ighly connected." Mrs. Green Brown occasionally dropped her h's, but with an unconscious spirit of retributive justice, picked them up to add them where they were not due. Cecil ex- changed glances with Henry Grenville, who was pained to see Lucy start and blush to the very temples. " I am sure we have met before, sir,'' said Mrs. Green Brown to Cecil. "Were you never at the Lord Mayor's ?" "Oh— ah,— Yes—ah!" drawled Cecil. " Well, it might 'ave been there, or at Lady Tape's. Were you never at one of Lady Tape's grand ball and supper parties ?" " At Lady Tape's ? — ah — in Thread— needle-street?" said the sarcastic, but not witty, Cecil. 126 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. " j^o ! But in Tavistock Square, a large corner 'ouse." " I think — ah — I have — ah — never — ah — had that honour," stammered Cecil. "Then, it must 'ave been at the Lord Mayor's." " Or at Cree—morne !" whispered Cecil Sydney to Greville. But, luckily, the curtain rose, and Mrs. Green Brown did not hear what she would certainly have resented, for she was very easily roused. Lucy did hear the insolent remark, and was stung by it. Harry Greville saw her eyes flash through their tears of wounded delicacy, and frowned angrily at the nonchalant^ inso- lent Cecil, who, uninvited, had taken a chair behind Lucy, and was playing with her fan, and snielhng her modest bunch of violets, leaning over her, and whispering to her. The painful, harrowing interest of the last act engrossed Lucy so entirely, that she foi'got THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 127 the handsome coxcomb by her side, and his odious famiharity, and did not once raise her eyes to meet the pitying and intellectual glance of Henry Greville, who could not understand how so graceful, modest, and elegant a girl could be intimate with so showy a vulgarian as Mrs. Green Brown ; unless — and he shud- dered at the thought — she were the hired companion of that vain, gorgeous, and — to him — odious woman. The only thing that seemed to strike her in the whole drama was the improbability that so elegant a lady, in her fashionable dress, should not inspire the shabby old clerk with more awe. " I am sure, sir," she said to Ilavry Gre- ville, "when I'm well drest, which I call being well harmed, I wouldn't bow to an hemperor, much less to a beggar, or a beg- garly clerk !" " A queen might bow to such a beggar," said Lucy. 128 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. "Well, it may be prejudice," said Mrs. Green Brown, " but I do 'ate poverty. I've never been used to it. I'm like Lady Tape in that." " But what does outward poverty matter where there is such inward wealth as was stored in the mind of that clerk ?" " All such, wealth, my dear, won't keep your charrot and pair !'* " Have you been amused ?" said Henry Greville to Lucy, " Oh, more than amused ! I have been intensely interested." " Come, sir," said Mrs. Green Brown to the supercilious Cecil Sydney ; " since my young friend has borrowed my beau, I'll set my cap, 'or rather 'ead of 'air, at hers. Will you go and order some hices, if you please ?" Cecil could not refuse, and lounged off. " I am so glad," said Henry Greville, to THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 129 Lucy, "that you so fully appreciate the singular genius of my friend, Mr. F. Robson." " Do you know hini ?" asked Lucy. " Oh, very well, indeed, and I can assure you he is as estimable and amiable in private life as he is brilliant and impressive on the stage. Many good judges think he would make a great hit in genuine tragedy ; and his Shylock and Uncle Zachary convince me that the tragic element is as strong in him as the comic ! — However, he has a style of his own, and his genius, perhaps, cannot do better than follow its own promptings. He is cliarm- ing in society, and delightful in the company of genuine artists. What a man can do and say, is to me so much more important than what he has ; and what he has made himself, is far more interesting to mc than what liis ancestors have made him !" Lucy liked Henry Greville from this mo- ment; nay, she began to look at and to Hsten to him with that vague, half-})lcasing, hiilf- VOL. I. K 130 THE DAILY GOVEHNESS. painful interest, which is perhaps symptomatic of the birth of love. Cecil returned, with a woman carrying ices. After the farce, which was, as far as Mr. F. Robson was concerned, a triumph of genius, not second even to that he had achieved in '' Plot and Passion," Mrs. Green Brown called upon Henry Greville " to put on her hopera cloak," and, as she said, " be her beau, and ' play the pretties ' to her." Cecil Sydney forced his unwelcome attentions on Lucy; and while Mrs. Green Brown clutched Henry Greville's arm, Cecil compelled Lucy to ac- cept his. The coquettish minauderies, boasting vul- garity, and unmistakeable " mauvais ton " of Mrs. Green Brown encouraged Cecil Sydney to treat Lucy with a freedom very distasteful to her. When they reached the passage approaching the entrance, Mrs. Green Brown turned haughtily from a man of the lower orders who had offered to get her a cab, and THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 13] addressing Cecil, said aloud, " My lord " (and in an under tone, " least ways as will be "), " will you be so good as to call out, ' Mrs. Green Brown's charrot and pair !' " Cecil, enjoying the joke, slipped a shilling into the hand of the man who had so offended Mrs. Green Brown by offering to fetch a cab, and whispering to him to roar out, " Mrs. Green Brown's charrot and pair !" a sensation was created in the laughing crowd which de- lighted Mrs. Green Brown, and painfully an- noyed poor Lucy. In the crush — and there was a terrible and protracted crush — Cecil, in whispering to her, approached so closely, that his odious '' jeime France " brushed her cheek. " You were very rude to me the other day," he drawled out. " In what respect ?" said Lucy, coldly. " You struck me at first sight ; you did, in- deed." " Well, it was a rudeness you were not K 2 132 THE DAILY GOVEHNESS. guilty of," said Mrs. Green Brown, who thought herself a wit, and had some readiness and repartee. " You did not strike her, I'm sure." " Cruel ! I didn't strike you. You cannot confirm that assertion." " Indeed I do." " And if I love you, what then ?" Mrs. Green Brown, overhearing him, said — " Why, then, sir, the love will be all on one side, I can tell you ; or, rather, as the Irish- man said, ' the reciprocity is all on one side.' " Lucy stepped into the brougham, and with a cold bend to Cecil, and a smiling bow to Henry Greville, while Mrs. Green Brown kissed her hand to both, as they drove away . THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 1:^3 CHAPTER XV. A TELEGRAM. The young men had agreed to sup together at Cecil Sydney's, and there they found Mr. Perret, the detective, awaiting them in the drawing-room; and on the door-steps the urchin who had apprized Cacil that Lucy Bhiir's pocket had ])een picked. His face was smeared with niiid, formed of dirt and tcjirs. He said " tlie job had Ix'cii tookcd out of his liands, and most like tlie icwaid too, and 'twas a reg'hir do." Detective Ferret pi'oduccd a note without 134 THE DAILY GOYERNESS. its envelope — scented, glazed; a few lines only, but in a strain of high-flown gallantry, and signed " Edgardo." Both the young men recognised the weak, sloping handwriting of Sir Jasper Malvoisin. There was also a gold scent-box, a small pot of rouge, an artificial tooth, a little pocket mirror, and a richly em- broidered pocket handkerchief, marked w^ith initials they could not make out. Detective Ferret, who saw everything in a business point of view, spread out these curi- ous objects without a smile or a conunent. Cecil laughed aloud ; Henry Greville coloured, and seemed pained. They soon agreed with Eerret not to prosecute, handed him a reward, bestowed the promised sovereign on the boy, and, supper being announced, they swept into a drawer the contents of poor Lucy's pocket (she not having even discovered that in the dress Lady Hamilton Treherne had sent her there was a pocket, and her ladyship having quite forgotten both it and its contents). THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 135 " What a little made-up baggage she mu^t be/' said Cecil. " Oh, there's some myster}^ in all this. These things cannot be hers — she's almost a child. She wears no rouge ; and as for her teeth — little pearls ! — that odious great fang would not match them." " Oh, I don't know that ; women make wj) Avonderfully now-a-days. And I, so afraid that Malvoisin should see her. Why, from this note, I should say he's her lover — a little, artful, impudent minx ; with her coy airs. A regular do !" " I cannot make it out," said Henry Gre- ville ; " but if ever truth, purity, and inno- cence were " "Put on," said Cecil. "But I'll pay her out ! I'll find her out, too, to-morroAV !" Alas! we talk of to-morrow, and per- haps to-night may be heavy witli thimder- bolts. The butler came in very pale, with a 136 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. message that had just come by the electric telegraph in his hand. Cecil, white as ashes, grasped it, and ex- claimed : — "A cab directly, Malmsey. My poor father !" He handed the card to Greville, and tmiied to the window., Greville read : — ** The Earl has had a bad fall from his horse. Con- cussion of the brain. Little hope. Come directly. Bring Sir B. B . Poechestek." Here was a terrible change. The Earl was a kind, indulgent father ; and Cecil had not been the best of sons. He was in a fever to be gone. Lucy was forgotten. The cab was at the door. Henry Greville went Avith Imn to the station, saw him off, and then returned. He was not the Earl's son, and he had not forgotten Lucy Blair ; and locking up the curious contents of her pocket in the sofa table-drawer, he put the key in his portmon- naie, and went home to bed. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 137 CHAPTER XVL THE EEACTION. ''The heart, distrusting, asks if this he joy ?" thought poor Lucy, as, unsettled in mind, with nerves unstrung, dejected in spirit, and with aching head, she rose, after a troubled night, to prepare for her daily toil for daily bread. " Theatres, dear mamma, are fine places for fine ladies," she said to licr mother, who, quite upset by the unwonted fatigue and ex- citement of the day before, was unable to rise, and was looking, to the great distress of her 138 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. affectionate and anxious daughter, very ill in- deed. " But oh, mamma ! although I was intensely interested in the play, and delighted with the performance, the evening, on the whole, was so fraught with annoyance to me, through the strange conduct of my chaperon, and the bold, intrusive behaviour of that in- solent, supercilious Mr. Cecil Sydney, that I do not wish to go into public any more ; vanity and poverty form the most miserable vmion in the world. JMrs. Green Brown is very kind and good-natured, and it would be very ungrateful in me to say a word against lier to any one but my own dear mother, to whom I may venture to speak openly. But, in spite of her age and size, she is very vain, very coquettish, and with all her wealth she is dreadfully vulgar ; her want of educa- tion, her forwardness, and evident ignorance of all rules of good breeding, put me, dearest mamma, in a very false position : and then the anguish I felt when I saw her, not withstand- THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 139 iiig her years, which would mspire respect if she carried their burden with dignity, sporting with those fashionable, supercihous men, at least with one of them. . . . Oh, mam- ma, I never wish to go to a theatre again, unless with your dear quiet self by my side — you, whose simple dignity and graceful repose of manner always insure respect for yoiu'seli' and consideration for me." " I am truly sorry, my dear hiicj" said Mi's. Blair, " that the mistake I made in listening to Mrs. Bragge's account of Mrs. Green Brown has subjected you to so much annoyance. Alas ! my child, I left England so young, and have led so secluded a life abroad, that I fear I have not sufficient expe- rience of life to guide you safely, and the only way for us to avoid great perils and blunders will be to keep ourselves to ourselves. I did say, half in sport, yesterday, that I hoped you might see those gentlemen again, because I have read and heard of so numy iustiiuccs in 140 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. Avliich men of rank and fortune, who have been caught in the first instance by a passing view of a pretty face or sylph-hke figure, have been finally won by that virtue, dignity, in- telligence, and lady-like purity of thought and grace of manner, without which no beauty can charm long. It struck me that if those gentlemen, \A^om chance sent to your assist- ance when you were upset and insulted by that abusive cabman, really captivated by your appearance, contrived to get properly intro- duced to you and to myself, and proved to be men of taste, character, rank, and fortune, they would admire you the more they saw of you, and one or both might, perhaps, in the end, form an attachment which would make them only too glad to offer their hands and hearts." " Ah, dearest mamma, such things are very common in books, I believe, but very rare in real life. You know we had in Italian, at Sienna, an abridgment of ' Pamela ; or. Vir- tue Rewarded,' for the use of young people. THE DAILY GOVEHNESS. 141 Well, I always thought, as I read it, that not for all Pamela's final triumphs would / have put up with one of the insults offered her by Mr. B before he made up his pompous, coarse mind to condescend to marry her. No, dearest mamma ! I value no love that is not bom of that respect, that reverence, which every noble-minded, true-hearted woman has a right to expect from every man who covets her affection and esteem, from a cabinet minister down to the humblest clerk in the dingiest office in the city. No man who has once dared to look at me impatiently, accost me disrespectfully, or even to speak of me too freely, can or ever shall win my favour. I shall never (let him alter as he may) cease to dislike and despise Mr. Cecil Sydney ; nor can I ever, on the other hand, forget that, even in the questionable and degrading false position in which he has seen me, alone in the streets, and alone when thrown out of that miserable old cab, ay, and worse than alone 142 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. at the theatre, Mr. Henry Greville has spoken to me with as graceful a deference and endear- ing a sympathy as if I had been introduced to him at a court ball, with a duchess for my chaperon!' " There spoke my own sweet Lucy," said Mrs. Blair ; " I warmly sympathise with all you have said, my child ; but only, as I see no chance of your being properly introduced into society, and as I am acutely anxious about your prospects, and miserable at seeing that your present laborious life is making you pal- pably thinner and paler day by day, you must not think me unmindful of the dignity of our sex in general, and that of my daughter in particular, if I say that I do wish some wor- thy man, whom you could love, could know you well enough to see you with my eyes, and offer you that position in society, and that establishment in life, to which yotu- gentle birth, your breeding, your education, virtues, and undeniable beauty alike entitle you," THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 143 Lucy reflected for a moment, and the image of Henry Greville rose on her memory, with his gentle, kindly, respectful manner, the soft earnestness of his expressive eyes, his chival- rous, devoted air, and deep yet modulated voice. For one moment, a beguiling thought of what it would be to be really loved and courted by such* a man suffused Lucy's face with blushes, and her eyes with tears ; but the next instant the maiden instinct that it was not in her bosom such a fancy should take root until transplanted there from his, and that she " must be woo'd, and not un- sought be won," even in the innermost re- cesses of her own sweet thoughts, made her start up and exclaim, " Don't let us dream any romantic dreams, my own mamma ! You say you married for love, and were not happy ; and I have often heard you remark that, from your own experience, you should say tlie balance of comfort inclined on the side of 144 THE DAILY GOVEENESS. single-blessedness. So let us hope I shall be long spared to you, and you to me, unfettered by any other tie. We are very, very happy together ! And if I am a little worn and jaded with this daily toil at Lady Hamilton Tre- herne's, you know I may get a much better situation soon, if my answer finds favour with that advertiser in the Times. I shall think no more of what are miscalled the pleasures, but are only the idle vanities, of life ; for, after all, the truest pleasures are those that spring from the cultivation of our intellect and the performance of our duties. They leave no regrets, no vague longings behind. They alone satisfy the appetite of the heart ; while the others only excite it. Let me see you eat one little bit of toast and take another cup of tea before I go, dearest manmia, for it is get- ting on to eight, and I must run a great part of the way, to make up for this pleasant hah by your dear side !" Just as Lucy spoke, a little, deHcate knock THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 145 was heard at the door, and on going to it she saw Mincing, in sky-bhie curl-papers, and a yellow peignoir y standing there, with a glazed, pink, scented note in her hand. " My mistress/' said Mincing, " wrote this last night, miss ; and begged me to give it to you before you went out early this morn- ing." " How is your mistress ?" asked Lucy. " I have not been into her room yet, miss," said Mincing. '' She has not yet rung for her tea ; but I fear she will not be quite herself, she was so excited last night, and sat up so late, writing some verses." " Oh, indeed ! Is she a poetess, then ?" " Oh, yes, miss ! My mistress has written several copy-books full of a poem, of which 1 only know that it is called ' Canto,' and sounds very grand." Lucy smiled ; and Mincing bowed, and de- parted. Lncy returned to licr mother's bed-side, VOL. r. L 146- THE DAILY GOVERNESS. and read, while an overpowering odour of amber issued from the embossed note — "One in the morning. " My charming Feiend, " While Mincing is brushing my hair, I pour out my soul to you. At last I feel as if I had found a kindred sperit. I am sure there is a cord of sympethy between us. *' I long for a tit-a-tit with you. I want to talk over our beaux of last night. I shall order the carridge at three, for a drive in the park ; and I hope you will dine with me tit-a-tit and go to see Mr. Woodin's Oho this evining. Why should we bury such charms, and be ashamed to show such faces as ours ? Who can tell, but in the Park, or at Mr. Woodin's, we may see — you know who, again ! " One line to say you will attend me. Mincing can bring it me when I ring. " Your most devoted friend, " GEOEaiA-NA Geeen Beown. '* P.S. — Not a word to mamma. *' N.B. — I have a charming little bonet, all beads and bugles, only worn once, of which I shall beg your acceptence. One must be stilish to drive in the Park. '* I can lend you a very tasty ruby- velvet morning jacket — Mincing can fit it to your shape. What fun we shall have ! — Adieu." THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 147 Lucy quietly went into the sitting-room, took her desk, wrote a note, and brought it to her mamma. " I think I know what you have said, my love ; read it to me." Lucy read. " Dear Madam, " Accept my thanks for your invitation and offer ; but permit me, at the same time, gratefully to decline both. My dear mother is so unwell that I cannot think of quitting her for any evening pleasures, although my morning duties do compel me to leave her some hours alone. " My visit to the theatre was my first, and it will be my last * gaiety of the season.' '* Yours, truly obliged, **LucT Blair." " Exactly what it ought to be," said Mrs. Blair, while tears filled her eyes. '' Now, mamma, "said Lucy, " as Mrs. Green Brown is very tetchy, that will prevent any further notice of me ; and so I shall be able in future quietly to devote myself to duty and you." I, 2 148 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. Here Betty came in with a letter, which proved to be an answer from the person who had advertised for a daily governess. It was cold and haughty, and merely said, — " Madam, " From three hundred answers I have selected six ; and, if you think it worth your while to come so far as the Willows, Putne^y, for the chance of being preferred, I shall be happy to see you on Friday next, at five p.m. But, to save trouble, I may as well observe, that if you cannot give the most satisfactory references, and are not of very studious, quiet habits, strict religious prin- ciples, and really accomphshed mind, it will be useless to apply here. If you are, and have a pure taste in music (sacred music), and a perfect accent in French, Italian, and German, I shall not grudge a Uberal sa- lary. " I am, madam, yours truly, "Augusta Smith." " We will consult about this, dear mamma, when I come back," said Lucy ; " and then I can answer it." " You may safely do that in the affirmative, mv love," said Mrs, Blair. " I am sure Mrs. TUE DAILY GOVEKNESS, 149 Smith will find no one so exactly suited to her as my Lucy." " Well, darling mamma, adieu for the pre- sent !" said Lucy, looking at her watch. " I have not a moment to spare. I wish Mrs. Smith Avere not quite so serious, and so very stiff and formal." " Oh, some people who are very stiff and formal at first, unbend wonderfully on inti- mate acquaintance," said Mrs. Blair. " I believe you will find her a very liberal, excel- lent person." " Nous verrons," said Lucy. " So farewell for the present, mamma !" 150 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CHAPTER XVIL EVERYBODY S VICTIM. It was with no small degree of anxiety that Lucy Blair prepared to keep her appointment with Mrs. or Miss Augusta Smith, at " The Willows," Putney. Her situation at Lady Hamilton Treherne's ^vas become almost unbearable. Lady Hamilton Treherne, whose unfeehng and insolent egotism poor Lucy had in some degree checked in the first instance by her dignified and spirited self-assertion, had lat- terly adopted a system of sharp, contemptu- THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 151 ous, and almost reckless tyranny, seldom re- sorted to by a woman of the world, unless to compel the " governess," or " companion" (or other dependent of some kind — even an hum- ble relative, portionless sister, or poor cousin, perhaps) — to resign her office. ^ And, indeed, this w^as now the case. Lady Hamilton Treheme was the vainest of vain beauties, on the wane ; and, of course, was miserably jealous and wretchedly envious of all younger and handsomer women. But it was not till she found poor Lucy's beauty universally recognised and ardently admired by that sex to captivate and please which was with Lady Hamilton Treherne a passion, that she resolved to forego the great advantages which she perceived that her daughters derived from the earnest, consci- entious care of her all-accomplished but now detested daily governess. Lady Hamilton Treherne's children had told their mamma, and, alas ! with many ex- 152 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. aggerations and additions, of Sir Jasper Mal- voisin's habit of cross-questioning them about Miss Blair. They Avere pleased to be able, by their highly-coloured narratives, to arouse the attention and excite the animosity of their generally' listless, apathetic mother. They felt that they became of importance while they had something to tell ; and when they had no facts to draw upon, they drew, alas ! as they had often known their lady mother do, upon their imaginations. Vanity and cowardice are the parents of falsehood. Those young girls, whose delicate sense of right had been early blasted by their mother's bad example, found their vanity gratified by her praise of their quickness of observation and the retentiveness of their memories, and were afraid of her displeasure if they owned they had nothing to report ; and so they in- vented when they had been unable to discover anything. What then ? They had often known their THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 153 mother do so ! She was afraid of Sir George Hamilton Treherne ; and they had noticed, with that quickness inseparable from their years, and to which older people are so fatally blind, that their mamma always had recourse to falsehood (direct or indirect), prevarication, or exaggeration, when the truth was likely to rouse the fiery temper of their dreaded and austere papa. What " mamma" did, they had acquired a habit of doing long before Lucy Blair had the management of them. Frank, brave, nobly true, and therefore very unsuspecting, it w^as a long time before Lucy Blair became aware of her pupils' proneness to exaggerate, misrepresent, colour, and even falsify. When she did so, the discovery gave her great pain (not a little tinged with con- tempt and disgust), it seemed so inwrought into their young and otherwise not unamiable nature. Lucy was thinking seriously how to destroy 154 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. a habit which is to the female mind what the town-w^eed is to a garden — once admitted, of rapid, spontaneous growth, almost ineradicable, and choking by its vile luxuriance all the fresh- est flowers of feeling and buds of promise. But just as this subject occupied the thoughts of one who felt the full responsibility of her office, the unbearable insolence and bitterness of Lady Hamilton Treherae made her deter- mine (as soon as she could do so with any degree of prudence) to resign that office alto- gether. Nor was it merely her ladyship's conduct that drove poor Lucy to this determination. Her pupils themselves, of course, took their tone from their " mamma ;" and though, in their little impressionable though wilful hearts, they loved and respected Miss Blair, they began to vie with each other in impertinence, nonchalance, and disobedience. Hannah, the school-room maid, encouraged and even suggested all kinds of slight and THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 155 petty insults ; and the only friends poor Lucy had in that great, cold, cruel house were the French maid and Mr. Malmsey, the butler. The evident regard of the latter was, how- ever, one of the greatest trials and mortifica- tions of Lucy's friendless and false position. For poor Malmsey was very much in love ; and Lucy, who knew she was born a gentle- woman, was a little ashamed that a butler should presume, as Malmsey evidently did, to think it no impertinence in a man who had laid by five thousand pounds, and meant to keep a first-rate hotel in the west end, to aspire to the hand of a poor daily governess. In addition to the mortifications heaped upon her by the now furiously jealous and envious Lady Hamilton — in addition, also, to the imitative impertinence of her ])upils and of Hannah, the pompous ofF-handedness of the powdered footman when out of Mr. Malm- sey's view and within that of Haimali, and, greatest annoyance of all, the glances, sighs. 156 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. groans, and countless unwelcome attentions of the portly middle-aged Malmsey, Lucy had other sources of distress connected with this her first situation. All these things united made her passion- ately anxious to obtain that which Mrs. Augusta Smith had to offer. Not only 'Sir Jasper Malvoisin constantly accosted her on his way to and from Lady Hamilton Treherne's, but very frequently of late she had met the little marmoset-like lawyer whom Molly M'Cree had saved from being nm over, not merely on her way to the Trehernes', but actually in the house. Once, early in the morning, she went into the library to seek for " Johnson's Dictionary:" she started back with horror to see him writing a sort of deed ; and twice he put his hide- ous little face in at the schoolroom-door while she was at lessons with her pupils, and grinning, said, " How do, young ladies ? — how do, Miss Blair ? — teaching the young idea how THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 157 to ' shoot ! ' eh ! right through the heart, eh ! with darts from bright eyes — best weapons, eh !" and, nodding, disappeared with a screech- ing, elfish laugh. Lucy had learnt from her pupils that this little monster was by name Slimy Coil, and by profession a lawyer. " One of papa s law- yers," said the eldest girl ; adding, " Papa has so many lawyers, and I heard Hannah say Slimy Coil did all the dirty work." " Pray do not repeat Hannah's sayings, Miss Hamilton Treherne," said Lucy. " It is not likely that your papa has any dirty work to be done by any one ; and you do not see that Hannah, in maligning Mr. Slimy Coil, maligns also your own papa, Hannah's master." "Oil, as to ' master,' Hannah says papa is master over every one to whom he pays wages," said Miss Georgiana; and Lucy's cheeks tingled at the inevitable inference. " And as to maligning Mr. Slimy Coil," 158 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. retorted the insolent young rebel, Miss Hamil- ton Treheme, " that's a good idea ! Hannah told me not to tell you what she said, for she Avas sure you were setting your cap at old Slimy; and she said, Miss Blair, only you must not repeat it, that she thought you couldn't do better ; and that you should have her consent for one, and she'd give you " '' Drop the subject, if you please. Miss Hamilton Treherne," said Lucy. " It is both improper and offensive." " Oh ! but I can't drop it till I've told you that we're all sure he's in love with you. He asks so many questions about you : your age, yoiu" manners, what you do, and think, and say, and where you've travelled, and who you live with, and I cannot tell you what. But so does Sir Jasper just the same " " Silence, my dears," said Lucy : " and, Georgiana, come to the piano." Georgiana went to the piano, but directly after Miss Hamilton Treherne resumed — THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 159 " I heard papa say you were too handsome to be a daily gove^rness, and walk alone in London ; and mamma said " But a look from her sister checked her, and Lucy was not sorry not to hear what Lady Hamilton Treherne had said. 160 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CHAPTER XVIIL LUCY FOR ONCE BEHIND TIME. Lucy had been more than usually annoyed and mortified at the Trehernes', on the morn- ing of the day appointed for her visit to " The Willows," Putney, Sir Jasper Malvoisin had joined her on her way (through back streets) to Belgrave Square. In spite of all her efforts to get rid of him, he persisted in walking by her side, and was stooping down, much against her Avill, talking to her under her bonnet, when she met Henry Greville face to face. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 161 She bowed, with an instinct of pohteness, in recognition of one who had helped her on the occasion of her accident in the cab, and who had visited her with Cecil Sydney in Mrs. Green Brown's private box at tlie Princess's. To her surprise, shame, and unspeakable mortification, he did not bow in return. He looked her full in the face, with a sneer of contempt on his finely-curved lip, and a haughty, almost mocking expression in his dark eyes. The meeting her in a back street in com- pany with Sir Jasper brought vividly to his mind the contents of her pocket ; the glazed, scented billet-doux of the profligate Sir Jasper, the rouge, &c. &c. He remembered Cecil Sydney's inference and decision, he con- demned, he despised her, and lie let her see that he did so. It was an impulse, and jealousy was at the bottom of it, but when he came to reflect he suspected he had wronged VOL. I. M 162 THE DAILY GOYEKNESS. her, and a " late remorse of love" was busy at his heart. Lucy was much hurt and very much sur- prised. Nor w^as she less so when Sir Jasper, exclaiming, " Wait a minute, Greville ; I'm going your way, old boy ! and I've got such a prospective lark for you," rudely left her side, kissing his hand with revolting fami- liarity, and calling out to her as he took Gre- A'ille's unAvilling arm, " Au revoir, ma belle, a demain!' Lucy's cheeks burned with shame and mor- tification at Sir Jasper's insolence and Henry Greville 's contempt, but some deeper feeling caused the tears to gush from her eyes, and the words, '' Why, oh why was I born ?" to rise from her wounded heart to her pale, trembling lips. Nor was this all. Lucy could not present herself at the Trehernes' till the evidence of her tears and her emotion had disappeared. She roamed about the streets and adjoining THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 163 squares and crescents for a long time before she could quiet her throbbing bosom, and conquer the hysterical spasm in her throat, and hot gushing of her tears. At length the thought of a Father in heaven, who cares for the orphan, and the mother on earth who had no prop, no hope, no comfort, but this poor " way-trodden flower," enabled her to master the agony of her hmuiliation. She went into a baker's shop, and a kind, motherly w^oman, of whom she bought a bun, gave her a glass of water, and let her take this refreshment in her own little parlour. There, in a Dutch plate glass, Lucy was able to ascertain, after half an hour's rest, that -though she looked pale and weary, no one could see she had been actually crying ; and satisfied on this point, she hastened to Lady Hamilton Treherne*s. Instead of nine o'clock, it was eleven when she knocked at the door. Mr. Mahnsey M 2 164 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. opened it himself. She was actually pale and trembling while he asked her " if she was ^ill, or any haccident had 'appened at 'ome to make her so late," adding, " he couldn't ex- actly compliment her on her looks, which she was generally as fresh as a rose, but now the lily was more of a comparison, if comparisons was not so odorous." Lucy thanked him civilly, and hastened up stairs, conscious, as she did so, of a more than wonted rudeness of stare and giggle in the two powdered, tagged, and red-plushed giants who were paid and fed well for looking grand and doing nothing. And in the anteroom Hannah was swelling with importance, and more than usually pert. She threw open the school-room door with malignant officiousness, and there, in Lucy's own place, at the head of the study table, sat Lady Hamilton Treherne herself. Yes, under the exciting influence of jealous malice the fine lady, who generally at this hour THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 165 was lying on downy cushions in her huslied, darkened, and hixurious chamber, had actu- ally got up, and hurried into the school-room, the better to be able to taunt, reproach, and mortify Lucy. But Lucy had, as we have seen, no small share of self-respect, and a very great wish to resign, as soon as prudence allowed her to do so, a situation so trying to her in many ways. She gracefully bent with easy self-posses- sion, apologised for being so late, saying, *' It is the first time, madam, that I have not been punctual to a minute, and I feel extremely glad that your ladyship's health is so much improved as this early appearance and ex- ertion indicate." " Oh, you are quite mistaken. Miss Blair," said Lady Hamilton Treherne, " if you imagine that I am at all c(|ual to tlu; fatigni; of rising at this unwoutcd lionrto su])eriutend the young ladies' studies. I dare say I sliall not 166 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. recover this for weeks. But the feeling that I nm a mother is stronger even than that I am an invalid. And when I heard (for I hear everv^- thing, Miss Blair) that the all-important morning hours were gliding by without your presence, I was moved to do what I have done — and supported as one often is, almost beyond one's - expectations, when acting by the dictates of duty." " I hope," said Lucy, " you have found, madam, that the young ladies have made as much progress as could be expected in the time." "I do not think they get on as rapidly as they did at first, Miss Blair. The undivided attention of both teacher and pupil is neces- sary to insure success ; and when young Avomen in your situation begin to think more about their own advancement than that of their pupils, more about outAvard adorning of the person than inward adorning of the mind, maternal anxiety Avill take alarm." THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 1()7 " I am quite at a loss to know what you mean, madam," said Lucy, proudly. " And I am quite unequal to any discus- sion on the subject. I see a great change in you, Miss Blair, that's all ; and as you pique yourself on your candour, I believe, I think you cannot deny that there is a change within and without." " Indeed, madam !" said Lucy, blushinji: scarlet, and the tears sparkling in her eyes ; " indeed " '* Not a word ! not a word more, I l)eg, Miss Blair. I am quite unequal to it. May I trouble you to ring the bell ? I have promised to let Sir Jasper Malvoisin," slic said, with a sneer, " attend me to StrawbeiTv Hill; but I ain really (juite unequal to tin* effort ; however, he w ill be in such despair if I don't go — 1 must make the effort. Self- sacrifice, alas ! for what else was woniiiii made ?" So savhi":, without answerinjir Lucv's bow, 168 THE DAILY GOVEENESS. but kissing her thin, white, jewelled fingers to her daughters, who were already looking very saucily at Lucy, Lady Hamilton Tre- herne leant on her French maid's arm, and left the schoolroom. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 169 CHAPTER XIX. AN UNEXPECTED ALLY. Poor Lucy 1 her duties to-day were very trying ; and had she not been upheld by the hope of being able to resign her office in a few days, her spirit would have given way — for once or twice she all but allowed her tears to gush forth. Not only to many of her directions the answers, " Mamma ])r()ii()uii('C8 it so and so," and " Mamma says that is ^^•^nn<^^" were pertly given ; but at last Louisa, tlic youngest, furious at being ordered to re-write a very 170 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. carelessly-written exercise, in a great passion, and encouraged by the looks and signs of her elder sisters, threw a book at Miss Blair's head — rather a thick French and English Dictionary. The great book came with more weight than force ; and for a moment, as it struck Lucy's head, which was bent over a drawing she was correcting, she was stunned mentally, morally, and physically. There was a moment of suspense and alarm. The little daring assailant (a spoilt, white, fairy girl of seven, with long flaxen plaits, and large blue bows) was frightened at what she had done while the result was doubtful, but when Lucy looked up, very angry, but not seriously hurt, they all burst out laughing. Lucy's spirit was now fairly roused, and she ordered the little culprit instantly to quit the room. This she refused to do, and Lucy ap- THE DAILY GOVEP.NESS. 171 proached her to enforce obedience. Upon this her sisters (now in open rebelHon) rushed to her rescue. " Go to your places," said Lucy, firmly. "Not for your orders, Miss Blair," said Augusta. " Go to your places !" said a much louder, sterner voice. And the girls, looking round aghast, saw that their father. Sir George Hamilton Tre- herne, their dreaded, silent, stern father, had entered unperceived, with Slimy Coil, and had witnessed the whole scene. Lucy rose and bent with dignified humility to the handsome, haughty, but dissipated man, who said — "I am ashamed to own you as my daugh- ters, young ladies. You, Augusta and Mil- dred, at once apologise to Miss Blair foi' daring to interfere between her and tliis Httle insolent rebel. You, Miss Louisa, I will punish myself. Conic with me, if you please. 172 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. Come witli me, if you please. Come hither." Trembhng, very pale, and her eyes filling with large tears, Louisa approached her ter- rible papa, while the elder girls, in real alarm, faltered forth their meekest apologies to poor Lucy, who was so moved by the im- ploring glance of Louisa's eyes, that she ventured to approach Sir George, and blush- ing deeply, to say — " As it is the first offence of the kind, Sir George, may I be allowed to intercede ? I am sure Louisa is very sorry she so far forgot herself." " She shall be more sorry before I have done with her," said Sir Georo^e ; " and thoudi I acknowledge it is difficult to refuse so fair an advocate, yet I think correction must be ter- ribly needed for matters to come to such a pass. I think, too, I know what influence has been at work to incite this rebellion ; but I know of a counter-influence, and I will use THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 173 it. Yes, Miss Augusta, even ou you, if I find that, although ahnost a woman in years and size, you are nothing but a naughty rebel child at heart." So saying, and bowing to Miss Blair, Sir George led away the little terrified culprit. What befell her in the library, into which he led her, closing the door after him, we are not at liberty to say ; but several shrill cries sent the blood to her sisters' cheeks, and drove it from Lucy's. For half an hour they went on with their studies, patterns of dili- gence and respectful attention, Slimy Coil sitting the while in the room, apparently con- sulting a gazetteer, but in reality watching Lucy over his spectacles. At the end of that time, and while Haimah, the schoolroom maid, also much subdued and very respectful, was laying the cloth. Sir George returned, leading Louisa, who was very red, hot, timibled, and luim])led, her eyes red and swollen, and her face blistered 174 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. with tears. As well as her sobs permitted, she gasped out entreaties for pardon, and pro- mises of amendment. Lucy longed to clasp the little penitent to her heart, but Sir George's austere manner prevented her. Then, saying, " Now, Coil, come to the library," he shook hands with Lucy and left the room. It was Sir George's first visit (for years) to that room, and it produced an immense effect. Nor was it the last. He felt a strange, grave, growing interest in the poor young governess of his troublesome children. Lady Hamilton Treherne attributed his visits to the schoolroom to a wish to flirt with Miss Blair; and though she was perfectly indifferent about him herself, was furiously jealous of Lucy. But there was nothing of flirtation or even admiration, in the common sense of the word, in the manner of this imperious man, who. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 175 cold to others, wamied towards Lucy into an almost fatherly interest, and excited in the poor girl (though she knew from Justine that he was a proud, dissipated, haughty man, a careless husband and cold father) a regard and almost affection, of which she could not understand the nature, or fathom the depth. But this was subsequent to the merited punishment of the little innocent rebel, Lou- isa, on that eventful day, which began by the intrusion of Sir Jasper Malvoisin, who had })ersisted in walking with Lucy against her will, and was followed by the dead cut from Henry Greville, which she attributed, of course, to the false and mortifying position entailed upon her by the presence at her side of this bold, bad man. Slimy Coil had endeavoured to ascertain her exact address, under pretence of having a niece who wished for lessons in Italian ; and as she left the house, Mr. Malmsey had pro- duced a basket of hot-house fruit and flowers, 176 THE DAILY GOYERNESS. and a couple of spring chickens, and had said — " I shall be disengaged for two hours this evening, miss, as Sir George and my lady will both dine out ; and I shall do myself the honour of taking a cab, and waiting on your respected Ma'r with this little present, loldch a little fruit and a spring chicking is accept- able to an invalid. And, I think, miss, if the good old lady will give me a cup of tea, which sociability helps a man to unveil the most sacred emotion and the respectful homage, which none but the brave desen^es the fair. And faint heart " But a thundering knock at the door cut Mr. Malmsey short ; and while he was obse- quiously answering some queries of the Duchess of Paineant, Lucy slipped quietly away. But she saw that the basket was directed in Mr. Malmsey's best text hand — Mrs. Blair, 9, Arundel Street, Strand. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 177 Of course it was impossible to prevent his calling. But Lucy rejoiced to think slie should be at Putney, and determined to consult with her mother whether it would be better for that lady to plead indisposition, and so escape an interview, or to receive him, and, over a friendly cup of tea, frankly, yet kindly, put a stop to his disinterested but most unwelcome attentions, and for ever ex- tinguish his mortifying hopes. VOL. T. 178 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CHAPTER XX. AN ELDERLY LOVELACE. Sir Jasper Malvoisin, a middle-aged coxcomb, a profligate, a roue, and a sybarite, had, as we have seen, conceived a passion for poor Lucy, with which revenge, and a deter- mination not to be defied and defeated by a simple girl, had a great deal to do. With all his gallant, smooth, oily manners, and a propensity to obesity, which is seldom found in vindictive, designing men. Sir Jasper was singularly cruel, remorseless, and impla- cable. He was extremely crafjy, too ; and vain almost to insanity. He had, when THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 1/9 a passion for Lucy not unlike his own, the younger and shghter, had his admirers among women who could not or would not look be- neath the bland, smooth, rippling surface, to discover the rocks, the quicksands, and the slimy monsters of the deep. He had resolved to humble Lucy ; and though he would have preferred doing it by what he called fair means — namely, by his showy exterior, his flattering tongue, his atten- tions and promises — ^yet these failing, he had other, darker, and viler ways and means. He had resorted to them before ; he would again, he said, with an inward oath, if needful ; and needful he had declared they were be- come. A great additional impetus had been given to his passion for Lucy by tlie accidental dis- covery that Cecil Sydney and Henry Grevillo — of whose flat and taste he thought as a beau on the wane does of those of men about town in their prime — were smitten, the one with N 2 180 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. other with an affectionate interest which any girl might be proud to inspire. Sir Jasper became aware of this one day when riding with Henry Greville to some gay picnic. They on their way saw poor Lucy standing at a crossing, waiting until they had passed. " The prettiest Uttle baggage in all Lon- don !" said Sir Jasper, nodding familiarly to poor Lucy, and sui'prised to see the colour mount to Henry Greville's temples, as he took off his hat to the poor daily governess, with as much deference as if she had been a prin- cess of the blood royal. " What a Quixote you are, Greville," said the fat coxcomb, who, with his waist com- pressed by a broad patent riding-belt, and with a new and very becoming wig of light hair, with a miraculous parting, thought he looked slender and handsome enough for any- thing. " I do think, Greville, you would raise your hat to a maid-servant." THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 181 " If pretty and good, I think I might do so ; but that young lady is no maid-servant." " No one knows better than I do what she is," said Sir Jasper. " Why, she's here to waylay me. She makes a point of passing my house daily." The fact was, that, to avoid passing through Piccadilly, with its gay shops, hotels, equipages, and loungers, and, above all, to steer clear of the clubs in St. James's Street and Pall-mall, Lucy habitually took her way through Duke Street, little suspecting that Sir Jasper had in that very street an elegant, luxurious bachelor residence. The exquisite display of rare })lants and luxuriant creepers festooning the windows and balcony always attracted Lucy's atten- tion ; for, like most girls of taste and feeling, she doted on flowers. Tlie glances she di- rected at some lovely, rare blossom, which she meant to reproduce on paper, or model in wax. Sir Jasper loved to believe were sent ]82 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. in search of the full-blown person he was, perhaps at that very moment, adroitly making lip for the day ; and his valet, who knew his weakness, would say, when he espied Lucy, " Oh, Sir Jasper, what a pity you ain't ready to be seen ? Couldn't you step out of your bath, Sir Jasper, and throw on your wrapper ? I've got the papers out of your wig. You can pop it on, and have a peep from behind the cur- tain at * the pilgrim of love,' as we name her below. She's at the shrine already. Sir Jasper." Certainly, Lucy's close scrutiny of his win- dows did mislead the fat coxcomb. Greville was much provoked, when he added — " In spite of your presence, my preux che- valier, I must say a word to her, poor little thing ! Wait half a minute. I shall not be more." " But you are not going to speak to a lady on foot from the altitude of your saddle, are you ?" said Greville. ''' 11 y a dame et dame r said the coxcomb THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 183 ambling up to Lucy, and leaning over his horse's arched chestnut and glossyneck to speak to her. Henry Greville watched her with intense anxiety, and laughed with triumphant delight to see her turn directly and proudly round, without answering the vapid impertinence of Sir Jasper's address, giving him thus the cut direct. She then bowed gracefully to Gi'e- ville, and hurried off in another direction. • Sir Jasper ambled back to Greville, and said, '' If you hadn't been by, I should have had a pleasant chat with her — Httle artful, coquettish puss !" "I'm sure your vanity misleads you sadly about that girl," said Greville. " She may be poor — she may have to work for her daily bread — an ill-paid sister of the needle or tlie pen ; but she is as good and modest as she is pretty ; she has that dignified, ladylikt' ease of manner — that perfect breeding and that proper pride — which constitute one of Nature's gentlewomen. Wliatever her cir- 184 THE DAILY GOVERyESS. cumstances, such a woman is a lady, and I shall always treat her as such. She has a great deal of self-respect, and proper spirit too : you should see how she scorns and snubs Cecil Sydney." '' What ! does he know her too ?" " Oh, he's in love with her — at least as much in love as a libertine can be." " And you as much as a saint can be, I presume ?" sneered Sir Jasper. " When I look into that sweet, earnest, pure face," said Greville, " I regret all I have ever done that I should be afraid or ashamed of her knowing." " My good fellow, you're taken in," said Sir Jasper. " She's a regular do ; she's no heart for any man ; but she has a httle, or rather a great fancy for your humble servant." Greville grew* white with anger, and his eyes flashed; his hands were involuntarily clenched ; but he controlled himself, and they rode side by side in silence. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 185 Sir Jasper was silent, for he was planning Lucy's ruin. Henry Greville Was silent, for he was building a castle, or rather a cottage, in the air, with Lucy to do its simple honours. If Sir Jasper had admired Lucy Blair before, he was enthusiastic about her noAV that he knew that Cecil Sydney, as well as Henry Greville, was in love with her. This was a week before that luckless day when Henry Greville, having been constantly watching and waiting about, in the hope of seeing her, suddenly met her walking with Sir Jasper by her side, and his bold face under her bonnet. Jealousy distorted his mental vision, and he misjudged the poor girl, and, as we have seen, cut her. The " prospective lark," about which Sir Jasper shouted so rudely to Greville, as he took a cavalier farewell of Lucy, had for its principal object the downfall of that })oor and spotless child of misfortune. 186 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. Greville suspected that the detested and detestable sensualist had some vile scheme of abduction in his toupeed head, when he asked him for the address of Le Furet, Cecil Syd- ney's French valet (a perfect intrigant in such matters) ; and, encouraging Sir Jasper to reveal his schemes without naming their ob- ject, Henry Greville became convinced that, in spite of Sir Jasper's cowardly boasts and falsehoods, Lucy had given him no encourage- ment ; that, if he obtained possession of the poor, innocent child, it would be by some bold and dastardly ruse, and that even in that he could not succeed without the aid of Le Faret. Le Furet was open to a bribe, and he felt certain Sir Jasper meant to offer him one. " But two can play at that game," said Gre- ville to himself. "Sir Jasper is very mean, even where his pleasures are concerned. If he offers Le Furet ten guineas to help him to carry the poor girl off, or otherwise entrap her, THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 187 I will offer him twenty to save her. I'll tell my good old aunt, Lady Sarah, the whole story ; and she'll lend me the money for so good a purpose, I know. If it is as I suspect, I'll get it all out of LeFuret. Should it be Miss Blair Sir Jasper wants his help to entrap, I'll give Le Furet a hint of his master's love for her ; and, though he'll pocket Sir Jasper's bribe, he'll take care the poor girl doesn't fall into his vile, remorseless hands. I'll get it all out of Le Furet, and circumvent the obese coxcomb, or my name's not Henry Greville." Sir Jasper, having obtained Le Furet's ad- dress, rode off to consult him ; and Henry Greville awaited the end of their conference to carry out his own counterplot. 188 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CHAPTER XXL LUCY SETS OFF FOR PL'TNEY. " How I wish I were well enough to ac- company you, my Lucy,'* said Mrs. Blair, as, after the early cup of tea, the poor daily governess, still pale and agitated from the many annoyances of the morning, prepared for her visit to "The Willows," Putney. '* Oh, do not think of such a thing, my dearest mother, so poorly as you are to-day !" said Lucy. " I shall manage very well. I can walk to the Waterloo Station, and thence it is a very short journey by train to Putney." THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 189 ''But you do not know where 'TheWil- loAvs' is, and it would not do to be late ; with such a very particular person as Mrs. or Miss Smith, punctuality is a sim qua non!' " For which reason, dearest manuna, I will start at once ; and don't be at all uneasy if I am late home. Mrs. Smith may ask me to tea or supper — or I may miss the train ; but, recollect, I can come to no harm with such a very superior, steady, excellent lady as she must be, judging from her letter." '' And you feel sure this Mr. Malmsey will call, my love ?" " Alas, yes ! and I am very sorry for it too, for he is extremely kind, and I dare say has no idea that a poor girl who comes daily in all weathers knocking at the door of a house where he is a sort of viceroy, can feel morti- fied and degraded by an offer from him." '' Of course he does not know that you are a lady born, and that your papa, Lucy, was an officer, and that his father kept a butler 190 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. and footmen ; and that, by rights, his daughter is more fit to hire a butler than to many one." " Well, mamma, be very kind to him," said Lucy, " for I am sure he is really attached to me ; and he is going to bring you a basket of hot-house fruit and flowers, and a couple of spring chickens." " I shall be very glad of them, at any rate, my love; and shall have one of the chickens roasted with bread sauce, and the fruit and flowers set out, and we'll have a nice little supper when you come back from Putney." " Do I look neat and nice, dear mamma ?" said Lucy, after she had changed her dress and completed her, simple but becoming toilet. " Very, my love ! and I feel sure you will suit that excellent Mrs. or Miss Smith. Oh, I forgot to tell you! Mrs. Brown Green is recovering from her fit of sulks, and has been THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 191 up here glittering with bugles, waving with marabouts, pungent with otto, in the smartest bonnet and amplest dress I ever saw. I counted six flounces on her skirt, which was of pea-green silk, and she had a ruby velvet jacket, fitting so tight/' Lucy smiled as she thought that she might have sported that very jacket, had she been so disposed. " She is certainly a fine, showy woman," said Mrs. Blair, " and looks much better with her bonnet, which was all blonde and white bugles, with rose-tipped marabouts outside, and bunches of rose-buds in." " And what did she want, mamma ? Did she ask for me ?" " Yes, she spoke of you as if she pitied your want of judgment in not appreciating the rare advantage of her introduction and society ; but I saw what she really aimed at was to ascertain the exact address, and how to spell the name of one of those young 192 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. fashionables you so wish to avoid — the fair one, she said, 'quite a man of ton,' as she called it ; Mr, Sydney, I think." " Of course you could not enlighten her, dear mamma." " No, but I advised her to look him out in the Court Guide, which she had not thought of, although she had ' consulted the peerage,' as she said. She wants to write to him about getting his father's (the Earl's) vote for some child she wishes to place in the blue-coat school ; and she read me a copy of a letter she has written to him — rather high-flown and verbose, but eloquent and very compli- mentary." Lucy smiled ; she suspected, for she knew more of Mrs. Green Brown than her mother did, that the blue-coat boy was merely a myth, to bring her into correspondence with the ex- quisite Cecil, who had so captivated her vain, idle mind. But Lucy had no time to say juore ; so, kissing her mother's pale cheek, THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 193 she ran down stairs, neat as a quaker, fresh as a rose, modest as a violet, and pure as a hly ; her Kttle white straw bonnet trimmed with daisies, and the same emblematic flower in the little blonde cap that shaded her small oval face, and set off the rippled, glossy bands of her rich chestnut hair. Lucy wore a black silk dress, and a violet velvet mantle trimmed with black lace, which had been presented to her mother by a wealthy pupil at Genoa ; and she set off for *' The Willows," Putney, as perfect a speci- men of modest English beauty and neatness as was ever produced by a country so justly proud of the mental, moral, and physical love- liness of its daughters. VOL. I. 194 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CHAPTER XXTI. THE SURPRISE. Lucy reached the Putney Station without having met with any adventures. She had been lucky in getting a seat in a carriage with men who were gentlemen, and who, therefore, though they glanced at her beauty, did not stare at her, but helped her in and out, gave her up a corner in a front seat, let down the win- dow for her, and one of whom, at the risk of losing his place (for he was going on to Windsor), ran after her with the neat broAvn silk en tout cas, which ip ker hiu'ry and THE DAILY GOVEHNESS. 195 anxiety (unused to the possession of such a treasure) she had left behind. ^ At the station she inquired her way to " The Willows." The people there were strangers, and kneAv nothing of the neighbourhood, but suggested that, from the name, it must be one of the villas down by the river. They advised Lucy to proceed in that direction and inquire at "The Chequers," an old-established public- house, near the Thames. This old-fashioned inn was a mile from the station ; but it was a fine, balmy spring evening, and Lucy, high in hope, enjoyed the walk. At "The Chequers," she learnt that the villa called " The Willows " was half a mile off, a very lonesome place, " buzzomed in trees," said the landlord, " sloping down to the river, very dark and damp in winter, but mighty cool and shady in summer-time. Two years ago it belonged to the great banker as broke so sudden, 'twas full of line pictures, o 2 196 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. and statutes, and kickshaws then," said old Boniface, "and was let furnished ; but who's got it now I don't know ; they don't get nq beer here — nor not so much as a drop of spirits, so that 'tain't likely I should know much about them." " Of course," thought Lucy, " the admira- ble and very particular lady who wdll, I hope, enable me to resign my painful situation at Lady Hamilton Treherne's, is, I doubt not, a teetotaler, and if so, I like her all the better." So, with full directions how to find the villa, she tripped along, the shadows length- ening, the sun setting with red and slanting rays, and the evening closing in. After a few mistakes and losing her way more than once, Lucy reached a high wall, and inquiring of a milk boy, heard to her dehght that, " Yes, them there's the Willers." She rang the bell, and a door opening as in a convent, without any visible means, she found herself in a long, dark passage. A butler, THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 197 grave, stern, solemn, and in mourning, asked her her name and business. Lucy sent up her card. The man returned, and gravely signed to her to follow him. She passed through several rooms, and noted, as she did so, rich frames, marble statues, soft carpets, and costly furniture ; but it was chill and dark, and she felt awed and nervous, she scarce knew why. At length she was shown into a large, lofty room, the bay windows of which, stone-mullioned, diamond-paned, and latticed, festooned with creepers and rich with armorial bearings in stained glass, looked out on the lovely Thames, reflecting the gorgeous sunset. The room was exquisitely fur- nished. " You will have to wait a few minutes," said the butler. " You are very late ; I un- derstood no applicant was to be seen after six, and it is near seven." " I lost my way," said Lucy timidly. The man scowled, and Lucy was alone. 198 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. A few minutes elapsed — a door at the fui-ther end of the room slowly opened. Lucy's heart beat. She rose from the seat on Avhich she had sunk, prepared to make a low obei- sance to the austere and virtuous lady, who had, as she thought, appointed this interview, and found herself face to face with that vin- dictive, vain, and remorseless roue, whose vile, treacherous advertisement she had so uncon- sciously answered, and who now stood before her, a triumphant smile on his cruel lips, and a terrible expression in his bold eyes — Sir Jasper Malvoisin. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 199 CHAPTER XXIII. LUCY AT THE WILLOWS. We left poor Lucy Blair pale with surprise and alarm at the sudden appearance of the man she most dreaded and disliked on earth, Sir Jasper Malvoisin. But though perplexed and annoyed beyond measure at finding her profligate and ubiquit- ous tormentor even at the remote " Villa " of the austere and very particular Mrs. or Miss Augusta Smith, Lucy was far too inexperi- enced in the wicked ways of this wicked world, and far too pure-hearted and unsus- 200 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. picious, to understand the hideous perils and frightful realities of her position. She little imagined that she was the victim of a heartless trick, often cruelly resorted to Iw those sad wretches miscalled " gay men," to entrap young and friendless governesses, teachers, and companions, by the base dis- appointing device of a tempting and crafty advertisement. If her heart beat quick, and her knees shook, and a spasm almost closed her throat at the idea that the vile and odious Sir Jasper Malvoisin Avas an habitue at " The Willows," what Avould she have felt had she at once discovered the fact that Sir Jasper and Mrs. Augusta Smith were one and the same person ; that " The Willows," which she had thought of with awe as the abode of the austerest virtues, was the sybarite retreat of sensuality, profligacy, and epicurism of every kind ; that the libertine who held out his fat, Avhite, jewelled fingers to invite her little hand, cold as it felt through her glove, with a THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 201 vague presentiment of evil, was master of the house into which she had been tricked, of all the servants who composed its establish- ment, and, as he fully believed at that mo- ment, of Lucy herself. As poor Lucy could not make up her mind to place her hand in his, he drew nearer, took it almost against her will, led her to her seat (into which a little gentle force compelled her, trembling as she was, to sink), and taking a chair himself, drew it opposite to her and sat down. " I came here by appointment," said Lucy, " to see Mrs. or Miss Augusta Smith. Where is that lady ?'* '' She wishes me to represent her for a few minutes. She is my dearest friend," said Sir Jasper, with well-affected nonchalance. " Yours !" faltered Lucy, gazing at him with eyes dilate and lips apart. " Yes, mine — poor Jasper Malvoisin's ; he whom you judge so harshly and hate so un- 202 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. justly. I am to the virtuous, clear-sighted Mrs. Augusta Smith, who can look beneath the frothy, glittering surface into the clear and jewelled depths, the beau-ideal, the all in all. On my judgment, my decision, my opi- nion, your fate depends. I inserted the ad- vertisement which has brought you here ; and I did it because I heard from the little Ha- milton Treherne girls that you saw the Times daily, and I felt sure that you must seek its columns for an advertisement of something better than your miserable situation at Lady Hamilton Treherne's." " Sir," said Lucy, " I understand neither your motives nor your actions. What little I do know of you makes me very unwilling to be indebted to you in any way. If you have the influence with Mrs. Augusta Smith which you describe, she cannot be the sort of person I had imagined her to be ; but having come so far for the sake of an interview," she added, almost with an hysterical sob, so bit- THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 203 terly was she disappointed, agitated, and per- plexed, "I do not like to leave the house without one ; only, as it is getting very late, and this place is so far from the station, if I cannot see her at once, I must resign or post- pone that pleasure." " I will go and accelerate her movements. In the iiieantime, take off your bonnet and shawl. Miss Blair," said Sir Jasper, with distant politeness, tinged with authority and even hauteur ; " and pray make yourself at home. I have no doubt whatever this will be your home. I am myself," he added, " only just arrived here, having been all day at the fete with Lady Hamilton Treherne. You see I am still in my morning dress." This was true. The slave of pleasure is a very great slave, indeed ; and Sir Jasper had had very great difficulty in escaping his im- perious and exacting task- mistress. Lady Hamilton Treherne, in time for those greater tyrants still — love and revenge ! 204 THE DAILY GOVEKNESS. " I must leave you for half an hour," he added (Sir Jasper had great faith in full dress) ; " but if you hke to be shown to a dressing-room to prepare for dinner, I will send a maid-servant to you. You must dine here — must, indeed ; and, as it is so late, ]\Irs. Smith will of course expect you, not only to dine, but to stay the night here." " Oh, that would be quite impossible," said Lucy ; " my mother expects me. She w^ould be alarmed beyond measure even if I were very late, and, in her state, any terror might injure her so as to cause a relapse." " Then Mrs. Smith's carriage must take you to the station after dinner ; but I know she expects you to dinner. It is very essential to her to form an acciu-ate opinion of the manners and conversation of her future com- panion. The appointment is one well w^orth having. Miss Blair. But you look faint and very pale, my poor girl ! I will leave you alone ! but pray sit or lie down, and recover THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 205 yourself. You are agitated, anxious, over- fatigued. I will send you a glass of wine, and go and hasten Mrs. Smith. Poor child ! how it trembles !" he said placing a stool for Lucy's feet, and opening a pane in the French glass door, to admit the au' ; "I hope you are not going to faint, my dear girl ! There, now, be still for a moment ! Here is a vinai- grette, and here some eau de Cologne. You see I am not at all what you thought me ! — not the ogre of the fairy tale, though you are its wandering and lovely princess. I shall not kill you, or only with kindness." Lucy shuddered, as he drew near coaxingly ; and, seeing this, Sir Jasper frowned, and he left the room. But Lucy, over- fatigued, startled, and much disappointed, did feel faint and quite bewil- dered. The vinaigrette and the eau dc Cologne revived her a little, and she rose and ap- proached the glass door, which she found 206 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. locked, and in which a pane which opened with a hinge admitted the evening breeze. As she stood gazing anxiously at the now " dark flowing river," the lengthening sha- dows, and the lowering sky, a man crept almost on all-fours along the flower-beds and among the shrubs that fronted the river-view of the villa,' and from which a lawn sloped down to the Thames. Lucy started, and the blood rushed wild and hot to her face and neck, when sud- denly standing erect, making her a sign to be quiet, and thrusting a note containing something hard in at the open pane, he put his finger to his lips and stole away. A cold dew stood on Lucy's brow, her nerveless hand could scarcely hold the note, a deadly terror palsied* her limbs, and she felt sick and cold and blind ; but, recollecting that to yield to this weakness might be to be lost, she mastered her terror, hastily opened the note, which contained a key, and read, — THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 207 ** You have been deceived and entrapped. But be true to yourself, and you may yet be saved ; you have friends at hand. Dissemble if possible for half an hour. But directly you receive this key unlock the glass door, then close it, as if nothing had hap- pened ; hide the key. If any violence is offered you, rush out upon the lawn down to the river ; but, if not, be quiet till your deliverers arrive. Appear to suspect nothing. Touch no wines, or any other refreshment ; and trust in Providence, and A Feiend in Need." Lucy was a tnie woman and a thorough-bred lady ; therefore, her spirit rose with the emer- gency. She felt now what she had at stake, and her courage rose to defend her honour. She was supported, too, by virtuous indigna- tion and the blessed sense that help was at hand. " My poor mother !" she murmured, as, complying with the directions given her in the note, she gently unlocked the glass door and thrust the key into her bosom. Then sinking for a few minutes on her knees, she prayed fervently that the orphan's Father in 208 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. heaven would deliver her from the vile hands of the base, remorseless seducer, and re- store her unscathed to her only parent on earth. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 209 CHAPTER XXIV. SIR JASPER UNMASKED. Lucy rose from her knees strengthened and composed; and remembering the advice to dissemble, betrayed no emotion of anger or alarm, when, after about twenty terrible mi- nutes had elapsed. Sir Jasper returned, dressed for dhmer. So gently did the sleek Sir Jas- per open the door, and so softly did he tread the rich carpet of velvet pile, that a strong odour of " Jockey Club Bouquet," odious to Lucy as connected with him, was the first intimation she received of his dreaded pre- VOL. I. p 210 THE DAILY GOVEENESS. sence. Although he wished to approach her, yet he was anxious she should have a good view of his tout ensemble, as he stood on the hearth-rug. Sir Jasper did not deceive himself; he knew that he looked better at a little distance, and with the red velvet drapery of the mantelpiece behind him, and in the light of the ruddy blaze, than he could do close to the window in the cold gray twilight of a spring evening. Apprized then of his presence by the fragrance emitted as he opened his cambric handkerchief, Lucy looked round, drawing closer to the window the while, and saw Sir Jasper leaning in a studied attitude on the mantelpiece, gazing at her with moiu'n- ful tenderness. His wig, of which the golden ripples glittered in the fire-light, waved over a forehead of cosmetic brilliancy, on which art had described two soft auburn arches ; his cheeks were delicately pink, but, alas ! a little pufify ; his lips coral ; his teeth pearl ; his whiskers glossy brown ; — a black lace tic — he THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 211 was too good a judge to risk a white one — set him off well, and contrasted with his richly embroidered shirt, and its turquoise and dia- mond studs ; his dress was wisely all black. He was perfection from the top of his wig to the sole of his arched and highly glazed bottes vernis. After one hurried glance Lucy looked once more at the river, and the silent butlei- entered, carrying a silver tray with wine, water, and biscuits. " I hope you feel better, dear Miss Blair,'* said Sir Jasper, after the butler had departed, noiselessly closing the door. " Let me per- suade you to take a glass of wine," and he proceeded to pour one out. " Not just at present, I thank you," said Lucy ; " I lind the air very reviving." " Let me remove that flower-stand, thou, and place you an arm-chair near the window." Lucy was seated in a cushioned recess of the bay window. " No, I thank you ; I prefer this just for 212 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. the present," said Lucy. " But it is getting very late and very dark ; if Mrs. Smith is not ready to see me, I must go at once." " It is you w^ho are not ready to see her^' said Sir Jasper, in a much more degage tone. " Why don't you do as I bid you, you pretty little rebel ? I told you to take off your bonnet and mantle. "Do you think Mrs. Smith is a person to buy a pig in a poke, child ? How can she judge what you are like, while that bonnet hides your little Grecian head, with its wealth of golden tresses ? and that envious mantle conceals that slender but rounded shape, which Psyche might envy you? Come, it's * Only little Jack Horner That sits in a corner ;' take my advice, and before dinner, step up stairs and set off that pretty person, for much depends on looks with Mrs. Smith, She has an eye for beauty, I can tell you, Lucy." " I have been much deceived in Mrs. Smith, THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 213 Sir Jasper," said Lucy, calmly, though her blood boiled with indignation and her heart beat with terror, " if beauty would influence her choice at all." '' Have you ? No, you haven't, you little rogue ! for you know well enough who Mrs. Smith is, and /lave known all along." As Sir Jasper said this, Lucy, with a cry of mingled surprise, horror, and agony, started to her feet — white as sepulchral marble, her fingers working convulsively, her lips hghtly compressed, as if to keep in by force the words of wrath and scorn that would else have burst from them. The effort w^as al- most too great ; denied the safety-valve of passionate and indignant language, tears, large and hot, gushed from her eyes ; a cold per- spiration gathered on her brow. " Father in heaven, pity and save !" she murmured, as, heedless of the vile presence of Sir Jasper, she sank on her knees by the window seat, and buried her face in her hands. For a mo- 214 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. inent Sir Jasper was awed — true passion al- ways awes ; but rallying, he cried, " Brava, an old stage trick, but neatly done ! Brava ! You're a very good actress, upon my word ; and I'm sure a girl who can play such a part with so much apparent naivete and pathos, would make a fortune on the stage, if she re- (^uired it, which you won't, my love, if you play your cards well here ; here you'U be jjrima donna, for a time at least !" " Remorseless, false, and shameless man ! what do you mean ?" gasped Lucy, rising and confronting him. " Mean ! why, we both mean the same thing. We mean, as the song says, to ' live and love together.' You have known all along that Sir Jasper Malvoisin is Mrs. Au- gusta Smith, and Mrs. Augusta Smith Sir Jasper Malvoisin — the best friend you have in the world, child, if you will but let him be so. Who else w^ould have taken so much trouble as to advertise ?" THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CI 5 " You put in that advertisement ?" faltei'ed out Lucy. " Of course I did, and you answered it be- cause you kncAv who put it in, you little gipsy ! It took ' mamma ' in, I dare say, but not you ; a clever girl like you, on the look-out for adventures, and who knows a thing or two." " Dinner ,is served. Sir Jasper," said the butler, disappearing again, and closing the door at a sign from his master. " Come now, Lucy," said Sir Jasper, ''don't spoil a good dinner and a pretty face — both pleasant things in their way ; tears never im- proved beauty yet, and never will. Whether you saw through my little device or not, at first, matters very little ; you see through it now, don't you ? And you know there s no girl who wouldn't rather be the beloved and petted companion of Sir Jasper Malvoisin than the snubbed, hard- worked drudge of some demure, exacting, hypocritical, canting 216 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. old puritan. We can keep it very snug from * manmia ' and the world. Come ! nay, no temper, child. You're in my power now. Do you remember threatening me with the po- lice ? — ha, ha, ha ! you pretty little vixen ! I swore then, as now, that I'd be revenged, and that you should be mine. Here, leave off sobbing, drink this glass of water." He turned to pour one out. While he did so at the further end of the room, Lucy, quietly and furtively, opened the glass door, and exclaiming, " Villain, heaven will punish you and protect me yet ! Mean, cruel, treacherous, remorseless villain !" she darted out, and was on the lawn before Sir Jasper, tinning round to bring her the glass of water, he had poured out, perceived that she was gone. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 21 7 CHAPTER XXIV. VIRTUE TRIUMPHANT. " Little perverse fool ! Wilful little idiot !" he muttered, stepping out after her ; " what does she expect to gain by going out there ? — and what dolt unlocked the dooi- I had fastened ? With her fine principles she can't mean to throw herself into the water, surely ! I'm not going to risk my life to get her out if she does. I wish I'd never seen the little impracticable baggage !" he added, panting and puffing, as he hurried after Lucy. 218 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. Sir Jasper was not only very stout, but he wore tight stays. " Why, what's the meaning of this ? — two men have joined her ! Oh, all's right ; I hope, for one is Le Furet ! By Jove — why, he's helping her clown the steps. AVhat, is he going to give her a ducking, or a cold bath, or to help her ' anywhere, anywhere out of the world ?' If there was a boat there I should think the fellow meant to play me false ; but the boat's gone to be mended. Hallo, Le Furet !— Le Furet !" Sir Jasper reached the upper step just as a boat comes alongside of them, and Le Furet is assisting to make it fast with one hand, and with the other is helping Lucy to spring in ; to assist her to do which, a tall figure in a Spanish cloak and slouch hat (pulled over the brows), extends a hand. " Stop, Le Furet, stop !" cried Sir Jasper, hoarse with passion, and with a terrible oath, THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 219 springing down the steps and catching at Lucy's mantle. With admirable presence of mind, she undid the clasp, the mantle re- mained in Sir Jasper's hand, and Lucy sprang into the boat. " If there is a gentleman among you," roared Sir Jasper, " I will make him answer to me for this ; it is trespass !" " There is a gentleman here," exclaimed Henry Greville, throwing his own cloak round Lucy, and standing up in the boat as he sup- ported her fainting form. " He will answer readily enough for a justifiable trespass, and make you answer for a cniel and dastardly felony." '' You shall hear from me to-morrow, sir !" roared Sir Jasper, " I hope so !" replied Greville. Sir Jasper then darted at Lc Furet, who still held the prow of the boat ; he tried to push him into the water, but the agile French- man, wrenching Lucy's mantle from Sir Jas- 220 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. per, with one bound sprang into the boat, while the latter, his foot slipping, found him- self in the river, up to his w^aist ; by the aid of the reeds and the long grass, he scrambled up the bank just as the boat, containing four figures (Lucy and three men — one a boat- man), glided quietly down the stream. That boat had been~ tyii^g in wait for three hours ! But by this time there was no light left ex- cept what a few twinkling stars and a crescent moon afforded ; and Sir Jasper, though he stamped, and cursed, and swore, was not mad enough to court exposure, and was one of those odious mixtures of the brute, the bully, and the coAvard, who stop at nothing if a woman is defenceless, but take great care what they are about if she has any male friend or relative to aid or avenge her. " I do believe," he murmured, " that it is that cursed Greville, not Cecil Sydney, who is my rival. I thought from what the fellow THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 221 said he admired her. I've no doubt he found out I'd told him a few white Kes ; that Le Furet always fishes out everything, and that treach- erous, enamoured ass, Greville, has devised this counterplot to save the little haughty minx from what was much too great an honour for her. The more fool he ! Had he let her stay with me till I was tired of her, and that would have been in less than a week, I dare say he'd have found her a very quiet, amia- ble, sensible little girl by that time. Now, if she sees he's in love with her, she'll exact marriage, and the mother, perhaps, a settle- ment, and a fine thing that'll be for a fellow without a sou, over head and ears in debt, and who has nothing to look to but a city heiress, which his person, birth, connections, and pros- pects might secure him ! I wish them all at the bottom of the river; by Jove, what a storm is brewing !" As he spoke, the dark waters became agi- tated, the willows, with a sighing noise, tossed 222 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. their long, green tresses wildly about; the thunder growled, and finally burst out in ter- rific claps, and nothing but the forked light- ning enabled him to find his way up the steps and on to the lawn. The wild rain gushed in heavy torrents from the inky sky, and Sir Jasper, full dressed for dinner, and, as he thought, to captivate Lucy, already wet up to the middle from his fall in the river, was drenched to the skin in crossing his own lawn. He had walked out without a hat, in a dress coat, silk stockings, and lackered boots. A wretched object met the silent butler's view, as, hearing the glass doors rattle, he came in with lights. That Hyperion fabric. Sir Jas- per's golden wig, was drenched, his eyebro^vs smeared, the rose tint gone from his fat cheeks, and the colour from his whiskers di'opping on to the embroidered bosom of his shirt. Quite wet through, his feet soaked, quaking, shivering, and his false teeth chattering, while THE DAILY GOVEUNESS. 223 his false heart beat faint and low, never was disappointed, outwitted, defeated gallant in such a plight. The violent passions whicli the fury of the elements had quenched, had, by heating his blood, made the danger of his subsequent im- mersion, drenching, and exposure tenfold. A free liver, and of a very full habit, the accident which might have had no evil conse- quences for most men, very nearly proved fatal to him. The evening on which he had expected to gratify at once his love and his revenge, and by means of the vilest treachery triumph over the purest innocence and noblest virtue, — that evening for which he had so patiently waited, and so long plotted and panted, found him alternately shivering with cold and burning with heat, trying in vain to obtain relief from a hot bath and a warm bed. Terrified at his own symj)toms, and with none bnt menials to attend to him, the next day saw 224 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. him in racking agony, raving in delirium, two doctors in his room, and a nurse by his bed- side ; bUstered, leeched, bled, dosed, pleurisy having ensued from the drenching of the night before, and brain fever from the excite- ment which preceded it. On that day when Henry Greville, sur- prised at not hearing from Sir Jasper, sent him a note by his servant, to say that he awaited his commands, he was startled and shocked to hear that Sir Jasper w^as not exepcted to live through the night. But w^hile he shud- dered at the thought that it was possible that this bad man might be suddenly summoned before his Maker, to answer for all his long- hidden and remorseless sins, he rejoiced to think that it was owing to him that the ruin of Lucy Blair could not be added to the dread account. And at the recollection of Lucy an unwonted tenderness filled his heart — a vague, delicious restlessness agitated his mind — tears rushed to his eyes ; and THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 225 seizing his hat, he resolved to go and in- quire how Miss Blair was after the terror, fatigue, and exposure of that dreadful night. VOL. I. q 226 THE DAILY GOYEENESS. CHAPTER XXVL LUCY S FIRST OFFER. When Lucy left her mother to keep her appointment, as she thought, mth Mrs. Au- gusta Smith, and, high in heart and hope, hastened to the Waterloo Station, to go by train to Putney, poor Mrs. Blair sat down, well pleased, to work and to think. She was almost as ignorant of the world as her daughter, and far more gi\ en to castle-build- ing, because she had more time for that un- remunerative, perishable, and brittle style of architecture. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 227 No suspicion of any deceit or peril ever crossed her frank and simple mind. She was rejoicing d'avance in the superior remunera- tion and comforts of Mrs. Augusta Smith's pious and well-regulated establishment. She felt certain Lucy would obtain this excellent and desirable appointment ; for w^ho was so good, so steady, so " taking," so well-informed, or so accomplished as her own darling Lucy ? The idea of Mr. Malmsey, a butler, daring to raise his eyes to her lovely, lady-like, gently- born, beautiful girl ! But then he had only know^n her as the poor daily governess. He had no idea what a real lady, born and bred, Lucy was ; and, after all, to make her an offer of his hand was the greatest compliment any man could pay to any woman. Only it was a pity Lucy's first proposal of marriage should be made by a butler ! But lie was coming to tea, and nothing was ready. She must put on her best blonde cup q2 228 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. and pink ribands, and her grey silk dress. Lucy would be so vexed if she received him in her morning cap and wrapper ! And she would borrow Mrs. Bragge's new tea-set and silver teapot, and cover the old washed and faded blue table-cloth, with the pale yellow border, with a nice, clean, snow-white damask one. The nicer Mr. Malmsey found things in Lucy's home, the more he Avould respect the poor child ! Perhaps he fancied, from her going out in all weathers to teach, that she was in very abject poverty, and half starved at home ; and that her mother was a poor old crippled, bed- ridden creature ; and if so, it was no wonder that he thought Lucy would be overjoyed to marry even a fat elderly butler. Thus flowed on the course of her simple thoughts, varied by wonders as to what Lucy was doing at that moment. Perhaps while, aided by Betty, she was setting out the httle tea-table to the best advantage, Lucv was set- THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 229 tling about terms and hours with that pious, excellent Mrs. Augusta Smith ! Of course, the distance would make it quite necessary Lucy should dine at the Willows, and the expense of the journey there and back daily ought to be defrayed by Mrs. Smith, and no doubt would be so. It would do Lucy good to be so much in the open air, and the plea- sant little daily trip by rail to Putney, in a nice first-class carriage, would be quite a treat compared to the long weary trudge, in all Aveathers, to Belgrave Square. Just at this moment Mrs. Green Brown, who was very liberal and good-natured, and very fond of giving, and who had heard from Mrs. Braggc and Betty that Mrs. Blair ex- pected company to tea, sent her up a very nice, large Madeira cake, and a mould of apricot marmalade — made the summer before, imder her directions, by Mincing, and which she therefore called her own handiwork. Mrs. Green Brown was a great hand at preserves. 230 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. She was very fond of all the sweets of life ; and her share in the somewhat monotonous and wearisome task consisted in looking on, tasting, and writing in her own weak, slanting hand and peculiar system of orthography the name and date of the contents. Mrs. Blair smiled to see, on the pink glazed paper that covered the pot, written in blue ink — " Aprecot Marmalade, '' AyustUh, 18—." Well, she's very kind and good-natured, if she's no great scholar, thought Mrs. Bl^ir, as she received the cake, the marmalade, and a pretty little cut-glass bowl full of some clotted cream which Mrs. Green Brown had just had from Devonshire. With these welcome addi- tions the tea-table looked so nice that Mrs. Blair thought it wanted nothing but her beau- tiful Lucy to preside over what novelists call " the tea equipage ;" and yet, all things con- sidered, it was better Lucy was absent. Just as everything was, as Betty said, in THE DAILY GOVEENESS. 231 " apple-pie order," a ring at the door bell announced an arrival. Mr. Malmsey loould not give a single knock, and did not like to give a double one ; he therefore had recourse to the bell. Betty, with her cherry cheeks and cheriy ribbons, her bright yellow dress (a present from Mrs. Green Brown), and her round blue eyes, black hair, white apron, and red hands, was such a bright showy object, particularly when she opened her scarlet hps and showed ker white teeth (even as Roman pearls from ear to ear), that Mr. Malmsey, who, though in love with Lucy in particular, was a great admirer of the sex in general, smiled and bowed while wiping his shoes on the door- mat ; and on Betty's saying, " Beautiful out, sir," gallantly replied — " And in too, miss." Mr. Malmsey had arrived m a cab, and liad a small hamper with him. As Mr. Malmsey had only given '' Cabby" his exact fare, that 232 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. extortioner by nature and habit had declined to " lend a hand," muttering, " I ain't one to lend a hand ; no, nor give one, neither, to any man as ain't no gentleman, which I might liave knowed you could not be, master, when I took ye up ; for if ye warn't master ye must be man, kalias flunkey, but a precious old and wicked" one ; and a man of your age did ought to know better than to ride in 'ansome wehicles he can't afford, — there's 'busses, plenty, for the likes of you !" "Shut the door in his face, my pretty maid," said Mr. Malmsey. But as Cabby was young and handsome, and had nodded to Betty, her sympathies were enlisted on the side of the offender ; besides, Betty's first love had been a cabman, and though he proved false, Betty, like a true woman, still loved the fraternity for his sake, and it was very slowly she shut the door, and very reluctantly she helped Mr. Malmsey to carry the hamper up to the second floor. THE DAILY GOVEKNESS. 233 " Well, I must give you a kiss for your pains, my dear," said Mr. Malmsey, when they reached the landing — that self-import- ant individual entertaining no doubt that Betty would highly appreciate the compliment, for, as he was generally known to be " well to do," he was much spoilt by the maids in the square. " Must ye !" said Betty, raising her great, red, useful hand. " There's two words to that bargain ; as the poor Cabby said, a man of your age did ought to know better, but if ye don't I'll teach ye. Now, you just try it on, that's all." " Not for the world, if it's not agreeable, miss. I only meant it in the way of civility, just to pass the compliment. May I put the basket down here for a few minutes?" he added, very respectfully. *' Put it down there, can't ye?" said Betty, very authoritatively, " while I shows you up to Mrs. Blair," 234 THE DAILY GOYERNESS. CHAPTER XXVII. A LUCKLESS WOOER. Perhaps Mr. Malmsey had expected some great evidences of poverty in Lucy's home, and of sickness and wretchedness in Mrs. Blair ; for when, with the very vague and rather starthng announcement of "The old gentleman, mum!'' blundering and rather cruel Betty opened the door, and Mr. Malm- sey found himself face to face with an ele- gant, lady -like Avoman, scarcely middle-aged, unmistakeably like Lucy — but paler, sadder, and, from her years, more dignified — he felt. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 235 as lie afterwards said, " ready to sink into his shoes ;" those pohsiied highlows, about the blacking of which he had been so particular, and for a little speck on which he had boxed the knife and shoe-boy's ears so soundly I " Pray be seated," said Mrs. Blair, motion- ing, with her white, wan hand, the perplexed butler to a seat. Mr. Malmsey was perfectly at his ease when, in his own place, talking to a duchess. He had never felt shy even if Royalty "called;" but he was out of his place now, sitting down as an equal with one who, he felt, was, how- ever poor, a perfect lady ; and he felt, too, that — in spite of the thousands laid by, or rather " placed out," which had emboldened him to think of Lucy as a w ife — he was not a gentleman. '' Hope I see you quite well, ma'am," he exclaimed at last, after a very awkward pause ; " I had been given to understand, Mrs. \]\im, that you e/fjor/ed very bad 'calth." 2SG THE DAILY GOVERNESS. " I was a great invalid when I came to London," said Mrs. Blair ; " but I am now quite convalescent." " Good 'ealth's a very good thing, ma'am. I didn't ought to boast, but I haven't taken a bottle of doctor's stuff these six year." *' You are very fortunate," said Mrs. Blair. '* I count myself so, ma'am. It's a great trial to a young man to be a-hailing and a- hailing ; and if he thinks of settling, ma'am," he added, with an almost desperate courage, which made him scarlet to the roots of his thin, iron-grey hair, " bad 'ealth, ma'am, is a bad thing to begin matrimony with ; and it's a hard thing to marry a young cretur— a young lady, I mean — to make a nurse of her." " I quite agree with you," said Mrs. Blair, dreading what was coming next. " With your leave, ma'am," said Mr. Malm- sey, rising and going to the door, and coming back with the basket, '' I've taken the liberty THE DAILY GOVEHNESS. 237 of bringing you a couple of spring chickens, and a little 'ot-house fruit, and a few flowers. Spring chicken's very good in hillness ; and grapes is remarkable cooling when one's feverish, and has a thirst upon one, Mrs. Blair." " I am very much obHged to you," said Mrs. Blair; " it is a most acceptable present." *' They ain't none of your half-starved ones, though they're small, Mrs. Blair," said Mr. Mahusey, taking out the chickens and pinch- ing them. *' I never saw nicer," said Mrs., Blair. " I'll lay no one ever saw nicer," said Mr. Malmsey, " though I says it as shouldn't. The grapes are very sweet, ma'am ; and just smell that moss-rose." " It is exquisite, and at this early season it is wonderful !" '* Forced, ma'am ! forced, Mrs. Blair ! Our people value nothing that's not forced ; and I've got something into the same way. When 238 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. I hear the boys calHng * Cowcumbers, three a penny!' 'Peas, fourpence a peck!' and ' Strawberries, threepence a pottle !' it quite turns my stomach, ma'am ; 'abit, 'abit, is truly said to be second nature, ma'am." " Very truly," said Mrs. Blair, rising to make the tea. " Whenever I see a moss-rose, Mrs. Blair," said Mr. Malmsey, looking very bashful, anxi- ous to lead the conversation to the object of his visit, and really pale and trembling (for he was in love), " I think of Miss Lucy, ma'am. She's as nice a girl as ever stepped !" " She is an excellent daughter to me," said Mrs. Blair, the tears rushing to her eyes. "A good daughter makes a good wife, Mrs. Blair." " That is very true," said Mrs. Blair, rather posed in her turn, and getting very fidgety. " Will you draw near the table, Mr. Malm- sey? "Thank you kindly, ma'am. Hope Miss THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 239 Lucy's well. Where does Miss Lucy sit ? I wouldn't take her place, ma'am, at your table unless I had her leave. If she's at her Uoilic/ht, ma'am, I wish you'd 'uny her a bit, for my time ain't exactly my own just yet ; and I'm sure Miss Lucy don't need no ' foreign haid of homament.' She's uncommon 'an- some, ma'am. A 'ansome gal's a great charge to a mother, Mrs. Blair ; particularly a hin- valid. You'd be glad to have her settled comfortable in life, Mrs. Blair?" " It would be a very great trial to me to part with my daughter," said Mrs. Blair, with an emotion she could not suppress — (poor thing, she was Aveak and nervous still !) — " we have never been separated ! She has never passed one night in her life from my side !" " I assure you, Mrs. Blair, I believe it ! I'd be above doubting it. But I can't exactly promise you she never shall," cliucklcd Mr. Malmsey ; *' 'tain't to be expected of no man ; 'tain't (as one may say) in human natur', Mrs. 240 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. Blair. But I don't say but what, except for a week or two at first — ^whicli there never were a mother would grudge that to a young couple — I don't see no need to part you. Miss Lucy's very young to be at the 'ead of anythink in the fust-rate West-end Family 'otel line; and I don't say, putting feeling aside (which in course private feelings never does affect business), a sensible, lady-like, motherly 'ooman, to help a young think, and, as it were, put a old 'ead on young shoulders, mightn't have those hinconweniences and im- pediments to connubial 'appiness most men finds happertaining to a mother-in-law 1" Mr. Malmsey was drinking his tea out of the saucer, and looking very red and very confused while he made this long speech. A.S Mrs. Blair, who was uncertain whether at once to take it to herself or not, did not hasten to reply, Mr. Malmsey proceeded. " Shan't I have the honour of seeing Miss Lucy, ma'am, before we've got through our THE DxilLY GOVERNESS. 241 business ? two 'eads is better than one, but three is better than two in such a case as this." "My daughter," said Mrs. Blair, "had an appointment in the suburbs, and will not be home till late." " Ah, poor young think !" said Mr. Malm- sey, " I can guess what sort of a happint- ment. Well, all that's almost at an end. It breaks my 'art, and must that of any feel- in' man as respects the sect — which manly 'arts should guard the fair — to see her in all weathers a-knocking at our door, and to see her, as seem made to tread on hair, or, at wust, on a good Brussels of her own, drove up to that bare-floored school-room, often perished with the cold. She finds only a frosty recep- tion too. My lady's as jealous as jealous, en- couraging the young ladies to misbehave ; and as to Hannah, our school-room maid, she's as pert as pert to Miss Lucy. I tohl her once, if slic answered 'miss' so short, I'd VOL. r. R 242 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. stand on no repairs, but box her ears for her, Avhereiipon she burst out crying ; for she's an ambitious, owdacious girl, is that Hannar ! all for bettering herself and rising in the social scale — and she has set her cap at your humble servant, a think not to be looked over MS I'm positioned and as she's positioned at the H. T.'s."" " Will you take any more tea ?" said Mrs. l^lair. "No more, ma*am, thank ye!" said Mr. Malmsey, carefully putting his spoon in his i'up. " I've made a capital tea — and I don't see no good, ma'am, in beating about the bush any longer. Miss Lucy have won my 'art, and Tm here to offer her my 'and. I've iive thousand pounds ' put out,' and eight hundred by me. I've a fust-rate West-end Family 'otel in view, and if Miss Lucy is willing, she'll be kept like a lady, have no- tliing to do but what a lady would hke to do, and be drest in the best, and live on the best. THE DAILY GOVEUNESS. 243 I know of a very smart piano, new done up with fluted crimson silk, and a stool and ' what-not' to match, going a bargain, and I've booked it, in my own mind, for Miss Lucy. She'll find it a great change, ma'am, and, excuse my saying so, a great rise in the social scale." Mrs. Blair tried to speak, but she felt so mortified at the idea that it should be con- sidered a rise in the social scale for her deli- cate, elegant, Lucy to become Mrs. Malmsey, that tears choked her utterance, and she could not articulate. Mr. Malmsey mistook her emotion. " I understand your feelings, ma'am, but I 'ain't a brute, not exactly ; no, nor a tyrant ; I honour human natur. I wouldn't be the man to part you. I wish you didn't enjoy such very bad 'ealth ; but Lor, ma'am, good luck and good living iniglit make a cliange ; and good will, wliicii \\\\ sure wouhhi't be wanting on your side, goes a gre;it way. K 2 244 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 'Tain't as if any think menial or lioiit of the way would be required of you ; and, of course, I'm only speaking from my 'art, and, in course, not binding myself; but " " But if you were," said Mrs. Blair, fairly roused, " it would be of no consequence. I am sure you mean well, Mr. Malmsey, and I ought to feel obliged to you for your kind sen- timents towards Miss Blair; but as she is, in spite of our present reduced circumstances, born and bred a lady — in short, as her father was an officer of a very ancient and affluent family, and as the time may come when that family will recognize my daughter's claims, I must, in her name, refuse the offer, which I own, as matters stand at present, is a kind and liberal one." Mr. Malmsey turned red, blue, purple, and, finally, very pale. He stared, stammered, and at last exclaimed, " You can't mean, Mrs. Blair, that you'll stand in your own daughter's light to that extent, as you're positioned too ?" THE DAILY GOVERNESS, 245 " I mean," said Mrs. Blair, " that even if I approved of you as a suitor for my daughter's hand, nothing would induce Miss Blair to listen to you for a moment ; and if she were disposed (which I know to be impossible) to encourage your hopes, I, as her mother, should forbid her to do so." " You would, ma'am ! And you've the face, in your circumstances, to sit there and tell an honest man, worth six thousand pounds, that you'd rather see your daughter a beggarly daily governess than mistress of what, I daresay, would soon be the fust family 'otel in the West-end." " Yes," said Mrs. Blair ; " I think her pre- sent position less derogatory to her than that which you offer, — and I know she is of the same opinion." "Well, ma'am," said Mr. Malmsey, "if you don't know on which side your bread's buttered, Mrs. Blair, 1 hope Miss Lucy do. 1 shan't take my answer but from her lips. 246 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. Pride's bad enough where there's wealth to back it, as there is at ours ; but pride and .^verty ! it makes my 'air stand a hend, and my heart ache. I wish you a good evening, ma'am ; and I mean no offence when I say I hope you'll think better of it, and not try to set Miss Lucy again' me, and make her quarrel with her bread and butter, Mrs. Blair !" Here his voice grew husky, tears filled his eyes, a choking sob heaved his broad breast with its snow-white " dickey" and large gold studs ; and, but for a violent effort, Mr. Malmsey would have wept aloud. " I am very, very sorry that you have taken this fancy to my daughter," said Mrs. Blair, moved by his distress ; " but you, with your advantages, Mr. Malmsey, your prospects, and your six thousand pounds, will not have long to look for a wife." " Long to look, Mrs. Blair ! No ! I can look higher in the social scale, a precious deal, and not look in vain ! A beneficed clergy- THE DAILY GOVEUNESS. 247 man's widow for one, an officer's daughter, an alderman's cousin, and an M.P.'s aunt, to say- nothing of soKcitors' and surgeons' daughters — half-a-dozen — fine gals, too ! I might choose among twenty. But oh ! Mrs. Blair, my 'art's Miss Lucy's. I've thought of nothing else since the first day she knocked at ' ours,' her little trembling knock, for her dear little hand was numbed with cold, Mrs. Blair. 1 never had a doubt she'd accept me. It's a cruel blow, a very cruel blow ; and what aggra- vates it is, that I'm sure if you and she did the thing that is right, you'd not spurn a good husband for her and a good friend for both of you, mind — both of you. / wouldn't part you; and you wouldn't drive an honest man, that wished you both well, to twine the wilier round a broken heart ! " Mr. Malmsey then took his leave; and Mrs. Blair shed a few tears, half of mortified pride and half of womanly sympathy, for this coarse but real love. 248 THE DAILY GOVEENESS. CHAPTER XXVIII. Betty's star in the ascendant. Betty, who was lying in wait to have a httle joke with Mr. Mahnsey, whom she did not altogether dishke, and on Avhom her kind heart suggested she had been too sharp, saw him, his red silk pocket-handkerchief to his face, and his broad chest heaving with convulsive sobs. Betty had on her bonnet ; she was going on an errand in Pimlico for Mrs. Green Brown. Betty did not know the cause of Mr. Malmsey's grief, but she saw THE DAILY GOVEHNESS. 249 he was in grief, and that was enough for her. *' Wiiat's the matter, sir?" she said, kindly. " What can a fine-looking, free gentleman Hke you, with plenty of money to ride in cabs and make presents, and dress so nice, have to fret about ? If it was a poor gal like me, w4th lots of work and very low wages, up early and late, and four breakfasts, dinners, and teas to get, besides three suppers, and no flowers or followers allowed, no parquisites, no bones, no kitchen fat, not a candle-end, no hare or rabbit skins — (missus sells them all herself) — and only missus's tea-pot after she's done, and only half a pint of very small beer — and you'll scarcely believe it, sir, only one Sunday evening out a month — she might take on. Come, tell me what's your troubles." "Are you going far, miss?" sobbed Mr. Malmsey. "I'm going as far as a florist's in Bclgravc Road, for the fust floor." 250 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. " Well," said Mr. Malmsey, " I'm going to Belgrave Square myself. I never walk. I'll give you a lift, if you like, and be glad of your company, for I'm so unhappy, I'm not fit to be alone !" As he spoke, a cab passed ; he hailed it, and handed Bettv in. It was a nice, new cab, and Betty-, in great deHght, first leaning back, and dancing herself up and down on the elastic cushion, said, '' Sir, this is nice ! Well, I'm in luck, any way 1 Come, do have a pleasant countenance, and let's enjoy our- selves — 'tain't often I gets a treat." " I cannot be merry." "Why not, sir?" " I'm crossed in love, my girl !" " Poor dear," said Betty, " I can feel for you ; I wor the same oust, and now I hates the feller. I'd as soon come anigh pison, yet oust I had made up my mind to make away with myself. I wor regular crossed in love, and no mistake !" THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 251 "Tell me all about it, miss," said Mr. Malmsey; "perhaps it'll do me good.'' " No, you tell your story first," said Betty, who, with her sex's tact, knew how soon love sorrows evaporate in words. Mr. Malmsey saw Betty to the florist's in the Belgrave Road, and part of the way back, and he found such comfort in her straight- forward, matter-of-fact sympathy, that hearing her monthly Sunday out was fast approaching — indeed, in three days — he offered to treat her, by steam, to Kew ; herself, her bosom friend and that friend's young man. " Lor, how Nancy '11 laugh to see that I've got a young man too," said Betty. In Betty's rank in life, a girl's " young man," like a ])os,t-dot/, or a French gargon, may have reached his grand climacteric. " My young man's not in earnest, though," she added, witli a sigh. And as she smiled honestly in his face, as she said " good-bye," and thanked him for :^d2 the daily governess. liis '' nice ride," Mr. Malmsey began, like many another disappointed lover, to find that the human heart may be caught on the re- bound, and that, unlike some railway tickets, it is transferable. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 253 CHAPTER XXIX. THE mother's watch. The evening closed in, and Mrs. Blair, seeing it was getting dark and late, began to be very anxious. But Lucy had told her not to be uneasy if she were delayed ; and she tried not to be so. By eight o'clock the little supper was ready; one of the chickens, so nicely roasted, with bread sauce, and mashed potatoes, the cake, the "aprecot marinelade," the clotted crcaiu, and some excellent tea aiid toast. How provokingi everything woukl be spoiU; 254 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. the cliickens and the potatoes were consigned to Mrs. Bragge's oven, and Mrs. Blair, with a heart now sinking very low, now beating wild and high, stood leaning out of the win- dow, and gazing on the wet and dreary streets. " Lor, Mrs. Blair," said Betty; "how late Miss Lucy is, "to be sure ! Sure, nothink can have 'appened to her ! — but I always 'ad a 'orror of them ingines, since a huncle of mine wor killed on the Great Western !" " How was he killed, Betty ?" gasped Mrs. Blair. " Crushed, ma'am, crushed as I've seen cruel boys crush a snail ! He wor a stoker, ye see, ma'am " " Oh, he was a stoker — thank heaven !" " And give to drink." " Thank heaven !" repeated Mrs. Blair. ''At least, Betty, I only mean that if he was a stoker and a drunkard, his having been killed might have been owing- THE DAILY GOVEllNESS. 255 " It wor owing to himself. There never was such a parwarse, irregular, contrary old man horned. Even mother, after a bit, owned it was all for the best ; and it certainly was a good riddance !" " Hark, it is striking nine !" To those who have watched, it is well knoAvn liow rapidly the hours pass when we dread their doing so. " La, ma'am, you're going to faint !" said Betty, catching the poor mother in her strong arms, and uttering such piercing screams, that Mrs. Bragge rushed up from her cold j)ork and porter, and Mrs. Green Brown, in a pink cashmere wrapper, trimmed with swan- down, a gold girdle, and a donnet a la jolie fcinme, from her rosewood desk and " Canto." A little brandy, a vinaigrette, and a recum- bent position, brought Mrs. Blair to her senses, but with her senses her agony of terror re- turned. Betty, of her own accord, ran to the 256 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. station to inquire if there had been any acci- dent to a Putney train. Mrs. Bragge did her best to comfort ; only, with the want of tact and love for the horrible common to the vulgar, she would torture the poor mother with prophecies of evil and ac- counts of horrible accidents by rail. While Mrs." Green Brown was full of the hair-breadth 'scapes to which her beauty had exposed her, and suggested to Mrs. Blair's mind perils which, ludicrous as connected with Mrs. Green Brown, might, in Lucy's case, be as real and more terrible than those Betty had conjured up, the clock of St. Clement's struck ten, and Mrs. Blair, beside herself with terror," was just resolving to rush out and go herself to Putney and " The Willows" — Mrs. Green Brown (who doted on adventures) offering to go with her — when a oab stopped at the door. A thundering knock resounded through the house. A light step was on the stairs, a dear voice THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 257 was heard in anxious inquiry, and the next minute the mother clasped to her poor, beat- ing heart her Lucy, drenched with rain, wet to the skin, her long hair streaming, her bonnet a wreck ; but her eyes sparkling, her cheeks flushed with the purple light of love, her pretty lips dimpled Avith her heart's gladness, and a merry laugh bursting from her glad bosom as she said, turning to a gentleman, also wet through, who stood in the door-way — "Dearest mamma, thank my preserver! thank Mr. Henry Greville !" Mrs. Blair held out her hand, which Mr. Greville took with respectful cordiality ; and while Mrs. Blair listened to the brief sketch Lucy gave of her terrible adventure at " The Willows," her rescue, the storm on the water, the dangers of the dark hour, tlie landing at Whitehall, and the hurried drive hom&, Mrs. Green Brown, caring for no adventures VOL. I. s 258 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. of which she was not the heroine, sank on the sofa, murmuring — " The friend of Cecil Sydney ! the bosom friend of Cecil ! Now, then, shall I know his fate — the fate of a true friend ! Little fluttering heart, be still ; perhaps there is comfort in store for thee T THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 259 CHAPTER XXX. LOVE WILL STILL BE LORD OF ALL» While Mrs. Green Brown was indulging in her sentimental reveries, Henry Greville had faintly proposed to take his leave. " Can you not stay and share tlie little supper that has so long been waiting for Lucy?" asked Mrs. Blair. " Oh, do 1" said Lucy ; and then, the next nionient, remembering how wet he must be, she said, " no, do not, Mr. Greville, you will be sure to take cold !" *' And so will you, Miss Blair," answcreil s 2 200 THE DAILY GOVEENESS, llenry Greville. *' But if you will allow me as long to change my things as you will re- i[\me to change your own, and will let me be of your little supper party if I am in good time, I will rush to my lodgings in Pall Mall East, and be here as soon as any of you." " A bargain," laughed Lucy. And, " A -bargain !" sighed Mrs. Green Brown. " I, too, vrill repair to my toilet ;" but she added, soito voce, *' How one feels one's charms thrown away, when the one in whose eyes one would gladly die to shine, is withheld by an envious fate from the presence of the angel of his dreams, the idol of his heart, the heaven of his fancy. Still, I will adorn my beauty, for Greville is his friend ; and his opinion will influence my Sydney. Men are such imitative creatures, so prone to bow at one shrine, to follow where one leads. White muslin and blue ribands will be simple and becoming for this demi'toilette occa- sion/' THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 201 Mrs. Green Brown rose, and saying to Mrs. Blair, " I shall be with you as soon as I am fit to be seen !" she hurried back to her own apartments. Mrs. Blair had not had any intention of inviting Mrs. Green Brown ; but, as she liad invited herself, there was nothing to be done. She had shared the anxiety and the watch. It would be unkind and ungracious to exckule her from the rejoicing. While Mrs. Green Brown was putting the finishing touches to her toilet, and before Lucy had dried and re-arranged her long and lustrous hair, a cab drove up to the door. " There he is," cried Mrs. Green Brown, hastily softening off an eye-brow, and (h'aw- ing on her gloves. A loud double knock resounded through the house. Tlie windows shook, the glasses on ^Irs. Bragge's sideboard trembled, and so did Lucy's heart and hand. 262 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. " I shall never be ready, niamma," she died : " I am so chilled I can scarcely insert a pin or fasten a hook." " The more haste the less speed/' says the old proverb, and that night Lucy proved its truth. Mrs. Green Brown had darted up stairs to have a little serious talk with her Cecil's " friend." She wanted to know many parti- culars connected with him — his income, his prospects, his tastes, his circumstances — Avhat style of beauty he admired. " Of coiu-se," she said, '' as I am only separated, not divorced, I can only indulge Cecil and myself in a platonic attachment at present ; but, if I ever am a widoAV, how proud I should be to endow my Cecil with all the wealth that monster, Green Brown, cannot caiTy out of the world with him, and which nuist be mine, in addition to the large income I already enjoy." Thinking thus, she hurried up into Mrs. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 263 Blair's sitting room, to make a favom-able impression on Cecil Sydney's friend, and found herself face to face with Cecil Sydney himself. '64 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CHAPTER XXXI. A FRIEND IN NEED. The extraordinary circumstance of Cecil Sydney's appearance was accounted for by the fact that Le Furet, his valet, on his return home to his master's lodgings, had found him — just arrived in town — in deep mourning, and in no very pleasant mood, for the death of his father, who had always been so liberal to him, had left him dependent on his brother, the new earl. — Now the new earl, very stingy and very plain, had always dis- liked the handsome spendthrift coxcomb, who, THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 205 though a younger son, indulged m all those expensive pleasures which the heir to the earldom denied himself. Cecil, it was true, had been provided for, among other children, in the countess's mar- riage-settlement ; but he had fallen among thieves, alias usurers, and he had long since sold all reversions and life-interests in every- thing he had to look to ! He had had a very humiliating interview with his brother, who vowed he would not assist him unless he shaved off his moustache SLndjeune France, returned to Oxford, took his degree, entered the Church, and fitted himself to hold the family living. If he declined, he might go through the Insolvent Court, or to the diggings, the Earl cared not ! The rage and despair caused by the sense of his desti- tute and perilous condition (for he was dec])ly in debt) was not diminished by Le Furet's graphic account of Ilcnry Greville's rescue of Lucy Blair. 266 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. He insisted on knowing where Lucy re- sided, and, perfectly reckless as to conse- quences, when he found from Le Euret that Greville was dressing to return and sup with the rescued Lucy and her mother, he resolved to be of the party ; and if he thought Lucy as pretty as ever, he would tax him with his treachery, confront and quarrel with him. Cecil Sydney's love of the ridiculous, how- ever, overpowered every other feeling when Mrs. Green Brown commenced bringing to bear upon him all the artilleiy of, what she considered, her charms. From her conversation, her dress, and her languishing glances, Cecil Sydney made sure she was a widow ; and the thought that, per- haps, if she were wealthy, and so charmed with him, she might lend him a sum, or, at least, her name to raise one, crossed his mind, as the fire-light flashed on a brilliant of value which she wore on one of her fat, short, little fingers. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 267 " That diamond matches the bright eyes of the Avearer," said Cecil. " It is one of the tirst water." " It is better suited to a gentleman than a lady," said Mrs. Green Brown. " Let me see it on your aristocratic hand, my Honourable Cecil Sydney." Mrs. Green Brown was very generous, very fond of giving, and she liked to be thanked. Cecil tried it on. " Accept it," she said, '' as a little token of great regard." "Impossible," said Cecil. ''Why, it's worth " " About two hundred pounds," said Mrs. Green Brown. " Then it's worth a great deal more than I am !" said Cecil, bitterly. " lias not your Pa'r acted handsomely by you, sir ?" said the lady. ''Oh, my poor father!" said Cecil, teai-s hlluig his eyes, " he was only too good, too 268 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. generous to me ; but my brother's an iiiimiti- gated brute ! A great screw, too ! and, there- fore, I am a beggar." " Not while you have a wealthy sister," said Mrs. Green Brown. " I have no sister — I never had !" "You have one now — one who will be proud to be your banker, too !" " Upon my word, you're veiy kind ; will you lend me your name to raise a thousand pounds on bill ?" " I will lend you the money, that will be much better," said the lady — " on one con- dition, though — that you never again put the name of the Honourable Cecil Sydney to a vile biU." " Agreed," said Cecil. " I make that sacrifice to friendship and to you. No great one either," he thought, " since there isn't a Jew left who'd advance me sixpence on it. '' Call to-morrow on me, — Mrs. Green THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 260 Brown, the first floor here, and you shall have it." " You are a trump/* murmured Cecil, in a paroxysm of gratitude, kissing the hand she extended to him. At that moment Henry Greville came in. Cecil, quite heedless of the presence of Mrs. Green Brown, taxed his friend with the advantage he had taken of his confidence. Henry Greville defended himself Avarmly. Mrs. Green Brown acted as a peace-maker, and suggested that the preference of the lady herself should decide which was to be the favoured suitor. Cecil thought of the thousand pounds, and bowed to Mrs. Green Brown's decision. 270 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CHAPTER XXXIL LUCY IN* LOVE. At length Lucy came in, Ijlushing, her eves downcast, radiant with that exquisite bloom first love imparts to youthful beauty. A light muslin floated around her sylph-like form, and a few bows, couleur de rose, matched the delightful emotions translated on her peach-like cheek. Mrs. Blair was very cold and stiff to the intruder Cecil ; and Lucy was as forbidding as she could be to any one. Henry Greville had to excuse, and introduce him as Ids friend. But Cecil felt THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 271 decidedly de irojj as far as Lucy was con- cerned, and but for Mrs. Green Brown, and the vision of the thousand pounds, he would have wished himself anywhere else. Dignified, gentle, and reserved as was Lucy, no one could have seen her without perceiving that she loved ; and no one could have heard her voice, or beheld her blush when addressing Henry Greville, or noted the soft flutter of her bosom, and the love- light in her violet eyes, without perceiving that he whom she loved was Henry Greville. And Greville's manner, thorough-bred as he was, had in it a tender deference, a chivalrous courtesy, a sweet officiousness, and a soft humility, which revealed to the observer the manly devotion of his heart, Cecil, who was not all evil, perceiving this, forgave his friend. '' I only meant her to amuse an idle hour," he said to himself ; "but Henry Greville evi- dently meditates that desperate step — mar- rying on nothing. Well, that folly carries its 272 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. punishment with it ; so I won't add my resentment to the evils he will entail on him- self. He may marry for love if he will ; I can't afford such folly, I'll marry for money. Green Brown really is a fine woman, and so good-humoured ! I wonder what her fortune is ! Well, she's younger and handsomer than was Mrs. C , when the Duke of married her ; and she's an angel to that poor Mrs. L , wdiom her brute of a husband used to fleece first and horsewhip afterwards. I've a great mind to propose to her. My wretched 'honourable' would be everything to her, and she'll save me from having ' gloomy dis' prefixed to it. What a fool Greville is ! That comes of read- ing, writing poetry, and being a man of feeling. Oh, what a great comfort that thousand will be to me 1" The clock struck one, before Lucy and Henry thought half an hour had passed ; and while Mrs. Green Brown was planning how THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 27eS to introduce a recitation from her poem — " Canto/' as Mincing called it — Cecil started up, and Henry Greville rose to accompany him ; Lucy smiled, but to conceal a sigh ; Mrs. Green Brown sighed, but a smile danced in her turquoise eyes and on her tinted lips. Cecil made to Mrs. Blair, for his intrusion, an apology so respectful, that she, amiable, forgiving creature ! was quite appeased ; and the young men departed together the best friends in the AA^orld. Henry Greville owned to Cecil that ho thought of telling his kind aunt, Lady Sarah, of his having at last fallen really in love, and with the best, loveliest, sweetest girl in the world, adding, " She's such a ricli romantic old soul, she covdd enable me to marry Lucy at once." And Cecil added, " The day you marry for love, Hal, I marry for money. But I won't trust you again, lest you steal a marcli upon VOL. I. T 274 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. me once more. But, I say, Hal, what of the rouge, the false tooth, that billet-doux of Sir Jasper's ?" " There's some mystery there, Cis," said Henry. " No one who sees the roseate bloom come and go on my Lucy's transparent cheek can believe foul art ever sullied her beauty ; and as to that fang, why, in her little rose- bud mouth it would look like the tusk of a boar ; while, with regard to Sir Jasper's hillet- doux, when I have told you my adventures of this very day, you'll see how likely it is that Lucy ever received and treasured up a lillet- doux from that brute! No, there's some mystery there ; perhaps the dress was her mother's. Perhaps — let me see. Sir Jasper Malvoisin is a favoured beau of Lady Hamil- ton Treherne's ; Lucy told me that dress we first saw her in was one lent her by her lady- ship one day that she was wet through. I have it, Cis, by Jove, I have it ! Eureka, eureka ! There was a packet in that dress, THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 275 forgotten by Lady Hamilton, unsuspected by Lucy Blair, and those odious contents and that detestable billet-doux were Lady Hamil- ton's. "I daresay you are right," said Cecil. ''But I see Lucy loves you, and that you adore her ; so all I have to do is to wish you joy, though, if you ask me my advice about marrying, I should say with Punch, ' Don't.' " 276 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CHAPTER XXXIII. ENDURANCE. Two weeks have passed away since that liappy evening when Henry Greville felt for the first time the luxury of being loved, and that greater still, of loving. Mrs. Green Brown, engrossed by her pla- tonic attachment for Cecil Sydney, saw nothing ])ut himself and herself, and young love was so shy, and Henry Greville so timid and re- spectful, that even ]\Irs. Blair did not know how matters stood. Several times he had met Lucy on her way to and from the Hamilton THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 277 Treliernes; several times he had spent the even- ing with her mother and herself. One bright day he told her he loved her, and he offered her his hand, promising to call on his romantic, old aunt, Lady Sarah, to beg her, as she was such a friend to love-matches, to patronize his and enable him to enjoy love in a cottage witli Lucy till something turned up. Lucy agreed to await Lady Sarah's consent before she spoke to her mamma on the subject. After her perilous excursion to " The Wil- lows," and her almost miraculous escape from worse than death, Lucy determined *' Rather to bear the ills she had, Than fly to others that she knew not of." What risk had she not run in the vain effort to better her condition ? Henceforth she re- solved to make the best of what fate had as- signed her — a situation that enabled her to reside with her beloved mother in tolcrabli' comfort, to bi; of some use in forming the little Hamilton Treherncs' minds, hearts and 278 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. manners on the model of her own, and more tlian all, an occupation that filled up with active employment the weary, dreary hours that must separate her from happiness and Henry Greville ! Sir Jasper Malvoisin recovered from the terrible and dangerous illness caused by his evil passions ' and sudden immersion in the river on the night of Lucy's escape. But he never was the same man again, a thing not to be deplored, for he could not be a worse one. He never regained his spirits or his embonpoint. He sunk into a shriveled, palsied, bent old ]nan. All his artificial charms were laid aside. Vanity was dead in his heart. Perhaps the blow dealt it by Lucy had killed it. Instead of that golden Hyperion fabric, his wig (which, like himself, never recovered from the effects of that mud bath on the banks of the Thames), he took to a night-cap that came under his chin. His dental triumphs were discarded ; a wrapper and slippers replaced THE DAILY GOVERNESS, 279 his choice and brilliant attire. He let " The Willows," and retired to Bath ; there, in a Avheel chair in the day-time, and an easy chair at night, Sir Jasper Malvoisin shakes his pal- sied head, and dreams or dozes away his use- less life. He is abandoned to servants, who are often very cruel to him ; but he has no relatives, and the loicked never have any trite friends. Lady Hamilton Treherne had called on him once before he forsook " The Willows," but she soon left him in a paroxysm of disgust and indignation ; and as she was that sort of vain, idle, coquettish woman who cannot live with- out the attentions and flatteries of some male flirt, she transferred her regard to a shewy Polish count, and became enthusiastic in the cause of Poland and the Poles. Her feelings towards Lucy Blair had, since Sir Jasper left the field, settled into a cold and haughty indift'erence. Count Hum- buganowski, who was superbly handsome — 280 THE DAILY GOVEENESS. moustached, braided, jewelled, and decore — had not, like Sir Jasper, an eye and a sigh for beauty whenever it crossedhis path. He seemed never to perceive any charms but those of Lady Hamilton Treherne. His fated country and his enchanting friend appeared to engross all his thoughts. '' Barbarous Russia," he said, " had stiipped him of all but his honom-, his name, and his hereditary jewels, but atoning Fate had given him a friend." And that friend gave him everything else he needed. She, by delicate anonymous gifts, filled his purse. In the same manner she re- plenished his wardrobe. She had ever a place in her carriage, and at her table, for that noble, virtuous, heroic martyr, Humbuganowski, the hero of Warsaw. He not only did not admire Lucy, he spoke of her with contempt ; and Lady Hamilton Treherne gloried in her new admirer, and ceased to regret one whom slie called that poor old wreck, Sir Jasper. THE DAILY GOVEKNESS. 2S1 CHAPTER XXXIV. LADY SARAH. Henry Greville was as good as his word. He called on his old aunt, Lady Sarah. Pie told her he was desperately in love, and the romantic old soul listened with rapture to his adnnssion of the irresistible power of that sex to which she was, as she said, proud to be- long, and of which she considered herseU' an ornament. He described Lucy's youth, beauty, accomphshmcnts, and virtues — and Lady Sarah positively longed for her acquaint- ance. 282 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. He owned his lovely Lucy had not a penny. Even that did not cool the old lady's ardour, nor destroy her interest in Lucy. He said he was resolved to marry her coitte que coilte, and the old matchmaker's eyes sparkled, for she was a matchmaker for others, and so is almost every woman who is too old to be trying to make a match for herself. " You might live with me, you turtle doves!" she said, "until you can get some appointment, Harry." Harry kissed her hand, and tears came in his eyes. " And now," said the old lady, " tell me her surname, who she is, and all about her. I think I can guess — the description, allowing a little for the exaggeration of love, answers well. I've heard you were often there ! Come, out with it ! own the truth. It's Serina de Beauregard, the poor ruined Duke's portion- less niece !" Poor Harry ! when he was obliged to con- THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 283 fess that instead of this penniless aristocrat, living on her friends till she could get some one to take her off their hands, the object of his love was a nobody, and worse still, a no- body exerting her talents for the support of her mother and herself — a poor Lucy Blair, a daily governess in the family of a woman whom Lady Sarah knew, visited, and especially disliked, her indignation knew no bounds. " I suppose this is some impertinent hoax planned by you and that scapegrace friend and crony of yours, Cecil Sydney," she said, draw- ing herself up. " But you'd better not play off your pranks on me, sir, I can tell you. Do you think I believe that you have any serious intention of marrying a paid domestic of Lady Hamilton Treherne's ? You have not been so long on intimate terms with all the greatest roues of the age, to be such a Simple Simon as that ; and if the girl's a good indus- trious girl, and you have meditated any vile de- ception, and want to make me a party to it, I'll 284 THE DAILY GOVEKNESS. just tell you this, sir : I had made you my sole heir and sole executor, but, unless you give up all thought of this poor young creatm^e in any way, I'll leave all I possess to public charities, and bequeath you nothing but this copy of ' The Whole Duty of Man,' to teach you yours, sir. No, not even five guineas to buy a ring 1" " Hov^ prejudiced, how unjust is this, dear aunt," said Harry. " You would have con- sented to my marrying Serina de Beauregard, who is a notorious flirt and husband-hunter ; though I own she is a beautiful and accom- plished girl ; she has not a penny, and is yet most fearfully in debt ; dresses extravagantly, and yet lives on her friends, and will marry for a home and a position ; and you are furious at the idea of poor Lucy Blair, though she is of gentle blood, because she has the spirit, energy, talent, and filial affection to work hard to maintain her mother and herself. — Now, is this reasonable ? is it kind ? is it THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 285 just ? A governess is not a domestic, dear aunt !" " I don't care what she is. She is not a person that you or any gentleman ought to marry ; and, as I said before, if you either marry or betray this girl, whom I acknowledge to be a very meritorious person, in her way, I shall not leave you one penny ! And now I am going out, and don't want to detain you. You have made me feel very nervous, and very hysterical. Ring for my maid, and don't let me see you again until you are wilHng to promise me that you will not persecute this poor, good, little daily governess with any proposals of any kind." "Then, aunt, it Avill be very long before you see me again," said Henry Greville, rising in great wrath, and taking his hat. " The longer the better," replied Lady Sarah. — And so they parted. Then turning back, Henry added: — "Do not insult hej' virtue or my lionour, Lady 286 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. Sarah, by supposing it possible I could make her any but one proposal, namely, a proposal of marriage — and that one I shall and will make her !" " Leave my house, ungrateful, impertinent idiot !" cried the old lady in a violent rage, furiously ringing the bell. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 287 CHAPTER XXXV. UNPROGRESSIVE LABOUR. Poor Lucy, having, as we have said, nothing better in view for the present, was obhged to return to her mortifying, wearing duties at Lady Hamilton Treherne's. The dread of their father protected her from violent acts of rebellion, personal outrage, and positive impertinence ; but the whole story of the ])Ook thrown at her head, of Sir George's interference, and of the chastisement inflicted on the little culprit, had been conveyed with manv exaggerations to Lady Hamilton Trc- 288 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. heme. Her jealous rage and spite knew no bounds. The idea that her little darling had been severely whipped by the generally invi- sible papa, merely for an offence against that " chit of a daily governess ;" why, it proved that the influence of her envied grace and beauty was extending even to the coldest of cold natures; and thawing that ice of reserve which Lady Hamilton Treherne herself had never been able, in the least, to dissolve, either by her sunniest smiles or her most passionate tears. At one time Lady Hamilton Treherne had loved Sir George with that violent, almost in- sane passion, which a haughty, reserved nature, in a very handsome and intellectual man, does inspire in a warm and passionate woman. But she had never succeeded in making him re- spond to the violence of her passion. He was, even at that time, distantly polite, moderately attentive, seldom at home, and as studiously avoiding tcte-a-tetes with her as she THE DAILY GOVEKNESS. 289 was eao;er in contrivino; them with him. He^ passionate love wore itself out, but it left a morbid jealousy and a bitter grudge behind. Her hatred of the '' minx/' the " chit," the " nobody," in whose cause he had roused himself from his self-centred pride, knew no bounds. She did not car€ what trouble she took, what inconvenience she suffered to annoy and to humble poor Lucy. She resolved to be present during the whole time of Lucy's daily attendance, and to preside too at the children's dinner. Cold, cutting, sarcastic, full of implied censure and bitter inuendoes, and her daughters, as far as they dared, taking their tone from her, Lucy's situ- ation was a perfect martyrdom. The misery she suffered robbed her cheek of its envied bloom, her smile of its dimpled fascination, her eyes of their lustre, for she wept often and slept little, and even the roundness of her sylph-like form was begimiing to yield to an angulai' tlniin{\ss, which it de- VOL. I. u 290 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. lighted her tyrant to perceive. Yes, all these changes delighted the cruel woman of the world, and the absence of Sir George enabled her to carry out her system of torture. And it is a perpetual torture to a generous, sensitive, affectionate nature, to live in an atmosphere of enmity and malignant ill-will. The Hamil- ton Trehernes' grand house in Belgrave Square, became to poor Lucy as odious as the Bastille must have been to its innocent victims. Mr. Malmsey never opened the door to her now, though occasionally he met her 'in the passage, and acknowledged her proximity by a cold haughty nod ; the tall footman did cer- tainly open the door, but not till he had allowed her often twice to repeat her timid mutilated double knogk. On his rosy,, well- fed face there w^as a covert sneer, and Jeames (my lady's own footman) added occasionally a grin and a stare. Lucy felt ashamed of herself for allowing trifles so contemptible tft make her heart swell, THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 291 her cheeks burn, and her hot tears fill lier eyes ; but she was only seventeen, and even great and potent men, ere this, have paled before the yell or jeer of a mob, and those fellows, in spite of their silk stockings, powder, tags, and sticks, were originally of those items that form a mob ; and in spite of her resolu- tion, when, as she moved on to that chamber of torture, the school- room, she heard Jeames and Tomlinsons's loud laugh of derision, mixed with the giggle of Hannah and some other maids, and caught the words-, *^ that ert; pompious stuck-up Blair 1" she felt impelled to throw up her odious employment, and nothing but filial love and the dread of her mother's coming to want, made her endure the protracted agonies of so many successivt? hours. To Lady Hamilton Trehcrne'& natural in< difference to the feelings of others, and her instinctive hatred for, and jealousy of, Ijicy, were added extreme mortification jind annoy- 292 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. ance at Sir Jasper's protracted and unexplained absence. She somehow associated Lucy (though she herself scarce knew how) with this inexpli- cable slight to her attractions ; and as the poor girl both blushed, paled, and trembled at any allusion to that cruel, daring profligate, Lady Hamilton Treherne felt certain there was some secret between Sir Jasper and poor Lucy Blair. Woman of the world as she was, she had a tolerably correct notion of how matters stood between them. She suspected that, inconstant, dissipated and very vain, he had made some overtures which she felt certain had been indignantly repulsed, and yet, though fully convinced of this, she de- lighted by inuendoes, of which poor Lucy could not presume to take any notice, to imply the very reverse of ^^ hat she entirely believed. " IIow odd it is, my k)vc," she said, one (lav, to her daughter Augusta, fixing her eyes THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 298 half shut up in the closest scrutiny on Lucy the while — " How odd it is that we have seen nothing of poor dear old Sir Jasper for sucli a long time. I never knew him absent him- self in this way before, except at the time, be- fore you can remember, my precious pet, when I had Miss Slick living with me as a com- panion ; and Miss Shck so overwhelmed poor Sir Jasper with her die-away looks, sighs, groans, compliments, and petits soi?is, that he took fright ; he thought she had a design on his fat white hand, and until he heard I had discharged her, he never ventured near tlie house." " I dai'c say," said Augusta, wlio had some quickness and a good deal of her motlier's persiflage — " I dare say, mamma, Sir Jasper thinks himself in some peril again." " Oh, I have no doubt he does ! I had a good laugh with your papa about it. lie says he will have it all out with him as soon as Xw. lights u])()7i liiin \v^a\\\. We arc going to 294 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. drive down to ' The Willows ' to see after him again — but, dear me, what is the matter with Miss Blair?" she cried, with exulting malice; for, at the name of that terrible place " The Willows," and at the recollection of all she had suffered there, Lucy, whose feelings had long been on the rack, had felt a sudden faintness blanch her cheek, the sickness of death was at her heart, she closed her eyes, leaned back in her chair, and fainted awav. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 295 CHAPTER XXXVI. DISAPPOINTED MALICE. One day, about a month after the scene we have described between Lady Sarah and her nephew, and after a succession of very sad and very miserable days, Lady Hamilton Treherne sat at the head of the little class formed by her own daughters, her eyes full of triumphant spite, her watch on the table before her, ready to convict Lucy of that great cnmc in a Daily (joverness, and for which hard hearts sec no excuse in weather or indisposition, the being after the appointed time, — ten struck, so did 296 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. eleven, so did twelve, and Lucy did not ap- pear. The rain beat incessantly on the glass roof of the conservatory, and the wind moaned and howled ; Lady Hamilton Treherne looked out. "It is a miserable day," she said, " but weather ought to be no excuse for a Daily Governess. She can't be coming to-day, that's quite clear ; put away your books, you shall have a hohday." Lady Hamilton Treherne only pretended anxiety about the children's progress, to have an excuse for interfering and tormenting poor Lucy. "Perhaps she's met with some accident, mamma," said little Edith ; " she may have been run over." " She had a dreadful cold and couQ;h all last week," said Mirza, " and looked very ill, and hardly ate anything." " Oh, that was all pretence, because I was present," said Lady Hamilton Treherne ; " and THE DAILY GOVERNESS. :297 she does not like my superintendence. It keeps her up to the mark." "Oh, mamma," said Augusta, who had some Httle instincts of candour and justice, ''Miss Blair is always more particular and takes more pains when you are not present, than when you are." " Oh, so she may make you think, my pret- tiest," said the w^eak mother; '^but I know better. AVhy, Hannah told me last Saturday, because I was obliged to go and receive the Count, Miss Blair seized the opportunity to go up into Annette's room, and to have quite a scene there; and Hannah says, that thinking she was idling away time I pay her for, she went up, and Annette hearing her coming, shut and locked the door in her face, but not till slie had seen Miss Blair stretched like a heroine of romance on Annette's bed, her hair all down, pretending to faint, and Hannali says there was a strong smell ui' some spirit or other hi the room.". 29^ TRE DAILY GOVERXESS. •'* I know she felt xevy ill, mamma," said Augusta ; '• for she turned deadly white — but what Annette trave her, and what Hannah smelt, was only some sal- volatile." '' Oil, I dare say," replied her ladyship ; " as if Hannah did not know the smell of sal-volatile I AMiy, she"s a veiy nervous, hyste- rical creature herself. All heart, and so de- voted ! Xo, no, if Miss Blair is ill, I shall begin to fear she has fallen into the habit so common among people of that class, of taking something to keep out the cold, as they say ! It's a vice that grows so rapidly on people, and is, alas I very common even among the \erv vouns;." " Oh, mamma, you're quite mistaken, Miss Blair never takes even a crlass of wine ; she dislikes everything fermented or distilled," said Augusta. " Oh, so she tells you, my pretty one ! But she's very deep — take my word for it — she's playing a part in more-^vays than one 1" THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 209 " I wish I could think so, inaiiima," sighed the young girl, whose beauty borrowed a soft- ness and a charm not connnon to it, from her sympathy with Lucy. " I am so afraid she J nay be very ill, and perhaps die, and she is so very, very good and gentle, and patient, and clever, and we have tormented and wounded, and distressed her so much ! If any- thing happens to her, I shall never forgive myself;" and a few tears fell as she spoke. " Don't be an idiot, child," said Lady Ha- milton Treherne, angrily. " And don't talk such rubbish to your father, who returns to- day, and who cares more for that artful creature than he does for any of you. I be- lieve she's perfectly well, and only absents herself to enjoy some amusement, and to annoy me, knowing, as she does, my intense anxiety about your improvement." Augusta was about to answer, when James brought in a note ; it was from i\lrs. Blaii*, and ran thus : — 300 THE DAILY GOYEHNESS. *• Mhs. Blair presents her compliments to Lady Hamilton Treherne, and begs to inform her that Miss Blair is confined to her bed with severe cold and high fever, and would not, under any circumstances, be able to continue her attendance in Belgrave Square for some time ; but Mrs. Blair must also remark, that from cir- cumstances which have just come to her knowledge, she is convinced that her daughter has suffered much in spirit from the great harshness with which she has been treated by Lady Hamilton Treherne, and the extreme nukindness and insubordination of the Misses Hamilton Treherne. Mrs. Blair, much hurt that one so good and so strict in the performance of her painful duty, should have been thus ill requited, begs to inform Lady Hamil- ton Treherne that she does not intend to allow ^.liss Blair to resume her attendance in Belgrave Square at all ; and that had she been aware of the treatment her daughter daily received, she would have insisted long ago on her resigning a most arduous and thankless office." 9, Arundel Street, Strand, Mondmj, July lU/i, 1856. As Ladv Treherne read this sensible, dio:ni- lied, and straightforAvard note, she grew first verv red with rao;e, and then livid with morti- fication and reven2;e. There was a lurking fear, too, in her base, mean heart. Wliat if Sir George, hearing of THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 301 Miss Blair's illness, slioiild call on Mrs. Blair to enquire after her ; and yet, unless she told him of the Daily Governess's indisposition, how was she to account for her absence ? " How is poor Miss Blair ?" asked Au- gusta. " Is she very ill, mamma ? Oh, I fear she is," she cried, the colour forsaking her cheeks and the tears filling her eyes. The fine lady hesitated, and then said, "No." '' Then why has she not come to-day ?" " She does not mean to come any more. The fact, I believe, is, she has got an off'cr of double the pay from some wealthy parvenue ; ])ut she puts it off on your unkindness and insubordination, young ladies ! So wlien your papa retunis, you had better say nothing about it, leave it to me. 1 will explain all without any allusion to you ; and now amuse your- selves till dinner. Angusta, you shall take the head of the table to-day, and if you all be- have well, keep (jiiict, and say nothing to 802 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. papa about Miss Blair, I will take you to the German Fair, after dinner, with that kind Count, who is so fond of you all." Lady Hamilton Treherne then hurried to her own room, and taking Mrs. Blair's letter from her pocket, she read it again, Avith white lips, and then thrust it into the fire. "Well,. I- suppose there's an end of her — at least so far as I am concerned," said Lady Hamilton Treherne to herself. "For luckily there's nothing owing to her, and I cannot see that she can have any excuse for ever showing her odious face here again. Perhaps it's all for the best ; my hatred of her was growing so uncontrollable, that it might have led to something I should have regretted. And now she's safe off, I shall write a line to Cecil Sydney, who so admires her, and order him, on pain of my eternal displeasure, to escort me to the Opera to-morrow. I don't see how Sir George can have any explanation with Miss Blair, or her impertinent old mo- THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 303 tlier, since no one knows their address but myself. And now I must look out for some, one to supply her place ; for, as for having all those unruly girls on my own hands, it's quite out of the question. Indeed,. I shall not en- ter the school-room again now there's no Miss Blair to mortify and humble, by seeming to doubt her competency." 304 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. CHAPTER XXXVII. Lucy's first illness. While in her silken boudoir Lady Hamil- ton Treherne communed thus with herself, and was not " still," but agitated by hatred, envy, jealousy, and malice, her poor young victim, Lucy Blair, lay on her little bed in her darkened room, happily unconscious of past and present, and, for once, without any dread of the gloomy, lowering future — for she was in the delirium of high fever. It was Monday, and she had been in bed since Saturday night ; for on her return from THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 305 Belgrave Square, her feet very wet, and feel- ing chilled and ill, she had, after vainly trying to rally and calm her mother's fears, been obliged at last to own, with many tears, that she felt ill, and thought she should be better in bed Poor Mrs. Blair, who loved Lucy with the passionate tenderness of a de- voted heart which had nothing else to love, roused herself from her own languid inaction ; put her darling to bed — ^had a fire lighted in her own room, made the tea herself, and took her station by her child's couch. Mrs Bragge, hearing from Betty the startling news that poor Miss Lucy was gone to bed ill, came up to offer her services, followed by Mrs. Green Brown and Mincing — and as all these people were of the school of Jobs comforters, and of the vulgar herd who delight in prophesying evil and magnifying danger — poor Mrs. Blair was soon frightened into sending for a medical man, wlio IIvimI in an adjoining street, and who had one" attended VOL. I. X 306 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. Mrs. Green Brown in a slight indisposition, and was considered by her a very clever doctor, and recommended as such. Now it happened very fortunately that Mr. Popkins was really clever, and much disposed to believe in the vis medicatrix natur(2, espe- cially in very young patients. He was a very good, honest, benevolent young man — rather vulgar — certainly ^ery deficient in polish and tact, and sorely put to it to make a livelihood. He was, therefore, all the more deserving of praise that he did not pour in quantities of drugs, not to benefit the patient, but his own pocket, lengthening at once the illness and the bill. " What did you bleed him for ? now, tell me, villain ! Sir ! he replied, I bled him for a shilling !". . could never have been quoted with reference to Mr. Popkins. Poor fellow 1 he had left the country village Avhere he had been assistant to the parish doctor, not merely because the work was so THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 307 endless and laborious, and the pay so small, but because it was such pain to his kind, feeling heart to witness distress which he was not allowed to relieve, and, added to this, his employer's daughter was in love with him. And, although fancy-free and heart-whole at the time, not only did he 7iot return her affec- tion, but even if he had done so, knowing the ambitious views of her parents, he would have thought it treachery to them to respond to her advances. Indeed, having a high sense of honour, he would not for worlds have carried on a clandestine love afiliir in a house where he was imphcitly trusted. Peter Pop kins had an old aunt, who had, when he was left an orphan, reared and edu- cated him. She was a good, kind, httle old maid, and to her he always revealed every secret of his innocent life. He told her all, and just at this time a small surgical busi- ness was to be disposed of in Arundel Street, Strand. She had a great preference X 2 308 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. for a town life, for she had been bom and bred in London — doted on its bustle, noise, and gaiety, and loathed the quiet and mono- tony of a country town, and so she proposed to Peter to purchase this business for him, and to settle herself in the small house that adjoined the surgery, so that he might board and lodge with her, and have a happy home with one whom he always called ' mother.' Peter Popkins' kind heart was intensely interested in his beautiful young patient, who by this time was tossing about on her little bed, her eyes wild with fever, her cheeks flushed, her hair dishevelled, and quite unconscious of the young doctor's presence. The terror and grief of poor Mrs. Blair affected him deeply ; but he was, as we have said before, very blunt and artless, and when the mother said in a faint voice, clasping her hands tightly together the while, '* Is there any danger ?" He answered, " Why, of course there is, ma'am, great danger — immediate danger! It's a very bad THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 309 case of brain fever !" But he had no sooner ut- tered those unguarded words than he repented of them, for poor Mrs. Blair, who was standin<< before him expecting comfort, no sooner heard them, than she started as if she had been shot, littered a piercing cry, and fell at his feet in a death -like swoon — so death-like, in fact, was the syncope caused by this sudden and terrible dread of losing the sole joy, pride, prop, and solace of her life, that for some time the unlucky Popkins feared she wouhl never return to life. At length, however, the remedies he perse- vered in applying, restored her to conscious- ness — to misery ! . . But he wisely administered, among other cordials, a few drops of that elixir of life, " Hope," and when he said that every tiling would depend on the most watchful and care- ful nursing — that youth and an excellent con- stitution being on Miss Blair's side, the chances were all in her favour — but that anv disturb- 310 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. ance, noise, neglect^ or failure in the most punctual administration of the remedies he prescribed, might have a fatal result, the mother swalloAved her tears — smothered her sighs — nerved her poor, sinking, beating heart, and resolved, after a fervent, inward prayer to God for strength, faith, and support, to forget self entirely in her devotion to her child, and to be herself solely responsible for the carrying out of every command the doctor gave her. '' Has Miss Blair suffered any great distress of mind lately?" asked Mr. Popkins, as he stood by the bedside and heard Lucy, in her delirium, cry out, " Save me, Henr}^ ! dear Henry, save me from that bold, bad man ! . . Spare me ! Oh, spare me, Sir Jasper. — At your peril, sir, approach me not ! Mother ! mother !" And then again she would murmur, " Lady Hamilton Treherne shall not have the triumph of seeing how she tortures me. . . Oh, those sneers ! those taunts ! . . Mother, THE DAILY GOVERNESS. oil hide me from those cold eyes — look, look, how insolently Hannah glares upon me ! ! Hark, that is Mr. Malmsey's voice, he is coupling my name with some bad w^ords, mother — that brutal laugh was his ! — and that is James's — that is Tomhnson ! . . . Milles remercimens, ma chere et bonne Made- raoiselle Annette ! . . Oh how the wind blows ! How the rain beats down upon my head ! I'm very cold ! . . My feet are so wet ! Mannna ! don't fear, Lady Hamilton Treherne ! . . I shall not give the young ladies cold, though I am, as you say, a damp stranger — ha ! ha ! ha ! . ." These, and such w^anderings as these, revealed to poor Mrs. Blair the state of her daughter's mind, and the cause of her illness ; and the result was the letter Lady Hamilton Treherne received, and which nothing but inatenia) anguish could have roused the meek, gentle, timid Mrs. Blair to write ; but, as in the casi^ of Mr. Malmsey's otter, we may perceive that Mrs. Blair had a spirit — most gcntlt^womcn ol2 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. liave — which could speak out with passionate eloquence and dignified rebuke when her darling was injured or insulted. Mrs. Blair's letter had filled even Lady Hamilton Treherne's cold, hard heart with regret and dread — regret that she should have lost her victim by carrying the system of quiet torture too far, and dread lest sooner or later Sir George should come to the know- ledge of the real cause of Miss Blair's abandon- ment of her post. It was a fortnight before Lucy was out of danger, and even then she was so weak as to cause great anxiety not only to her devoted mother and her young and intensely interested doctor, but to the warm-hearted Mrs. Green Bro\Mi, old Mrs. Grimes, and even poor honest Betty. The weather was very warm ; the summer had passed away ; the harvest moon had looked in through the dingy windows on the pale face and wasted form of poor Lucy ! THE DAILY GOVEUNESS. 313 There was nothing refreshing in the air that came in at those windows, and Lucy, though she would not say so for fear of distressing her poor mother, pined and gasped for the fresh breezes of the sea, or some sweet country spot. In her dreams she was again in the k)vely lands where she had dwelt, with her mother, only that ' He ' was by her side — with him she thought she wandered hand in hand through vineyards and orange groves — or floated in a gondola on the blue waters of the gulf of Venice, or sailed over the bright bay at Naples. And where was Henry Greville all this time ? And how comes it that, for nearly six weeks, he has not once written to Lucy or her mother, or called at their humble lodging? Can this apparent indifference to, and deser- tion of, one wliom he had professed to love so truly and entirely, have had anything to do with the agony of mind which caused Lucy's dangerous illness P 314 THE DAILY GOVEENESS. No — Lucy could, if she would, explain the silence and the absence of Henry Greville, but in doing so she would reveal a sacrifice which she would fain conceal from her mother; we, however, will let the reader into a secret that, perhaps, has had something to do with Lucy's recent and severe illness. THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 315 CHAPTER XXXVIIL HENRY GREVILLE. The day after his interview with his aunt, Lady Sarah, Henry, not wishing to expose Lucy to comment and scandal, by accosting her in any thoroughfare frequented by the fashion- able world, had watched for her in her own street, on her return home, and in the dusk had walked up and down before her door with her while he told her (in the gentlest words he could command) the result of his interview with Lady Sarah — and the dis- appointment of all his hopes in that quarter. 316 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. He then urged her to consent to an immediate union, and to trust to chance and the pity of his friends (Lady Sarah especially), who would probably, Avhen it was irrevocable, see the wisdom of making the best of it. Poor Harry ! he spoke with all the eloquent sophistry of passion, and Lucy's own heart pleaded for him ; but yet she was finn. " It would be your ruin," she said gently, but firmly. " Your aunt would hate me — she would never forgive me — and some day, in poverty and anguish, you would reproach me, if not with your lips, in your dejected and half-broken heart. Then, too, my mother! — as your wife, Henry, I could not pursue the humble career which yet enables me to provide for her. I hate myself for having listened for a moment to you, and to my own weak heart ; — but it is over — I know my duty, and I will do it — leave me !" " Never !" cried Henry Greville ; " but T have got one plan to propose. Let us cmi- THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 317 grate. What little property T have I will realize, and we will go to Australia, my Lucy — I will be a farmer, and you — can you bear to be a farmer's wife ?" . . " Oh, yes ; with you I should delight in such a change, such a life," said Lucy ; " but my mother?" " We will take her with us, dearest." " No ! Henry, no ! None but very young trees can bear transplanting — it would be her death, she can only live in England." " You drive me to despair," said Greville. " Lucy, you do not, you cannot, love me ?" Lucy looked up very pale, and tears in her eyes. " Henry," she said, "I do love you, with all my unhappy, half-broken heart ; '^ in- deed I love you too w^ell to be your ruin, and w^hen Duty and Inclination cannot go hand-in - hand, I know which I ouglit to follow. If you are ever in circumstances to claim me witli- out destruction to your ])rospects, do so, and you will find me true. If in the changes and 318 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. chances of life my fortune should enable me to marry without sinful imprudence, claim my hand. Were I the heiress of a million, I would select you from a world which would then be at my feet. I never will, I never can marry another, Henry, for I love you with my w^hole heart ; but yet I must say farewell now — I cannot add, forget me and be happy with another ! I do not believe (judging of your love by mine) that you can transfer to another what is in that case a part of your very being ; but I do say you are young, gifted, enterpris- ing by nature, though hitherto (forgive me) an idler by habit. Let us part, each resolved to do our best to earn such an independence as ivould justify our marrying. Is it a bar- gain ?" and she held out her hand. " It is," he cried, pressing it to his lips. ''Dearest! best! angel! Lucy! with such a prize in view I must win. When I see you again it will be to claim you as my bride. Remem- ber you are my betrothed now," he said, pull- THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 319 ing off her glove and slipping a ring from his little finger on to the third finger of her Httle left hand. " You shall not hear from me again till 1 am in the Land of Promise ; and now, farewell." " Farewell, and God bless you, dear, dearest, Henry," said Lucy, in her turn taking from her middle finger a curious little ring, which she had found, when a child, among some ruins at Rome, and which, when cleaned, proved to be a great curiosity. It consisted of a very small but beautifully carved head of Psyche, with a brilliant on the brow, and surrounded by a few very fine emeralds. She put it on tlie little finger of his left hand, saying : " You know the history of this ring, and you know the magic power poets" assign to the emerakl — wear it for my sake — and in its evergreen glory behold a type of my tidcHty. Parewell, beloved," she added, sobl)ing, as he followed her into the dark narrow passage of liei- little old abode (the door was on the latch 320 THE DAILY GOVERNESS. expressly for her convenience). He clasped her to his heart in a first and long embrace, and then tearing himself away, darted up Arundel Street, across the Strand, and was soon at his own lodgings in St. James's. Having con- verted into ready money what few valuables he had, and realized about five hundred pounds, he- a few days later set sail for Sydney. Lucy kept their last meeting to herself. She would not let her mother suppose that, but for her, she, poor girl, would, as a hope- ful, happy bride, have shared that voyage ! Mrs. Blair was only too prone to look upon herself as a drawback and an inciunbrance to her darling and only child ; but it is cer- tain that no trifling stiniggle between Love and Duty agitated poor Lucy during tliat interview with Harry Greville, and long after, too ! It was no small matter to her to send him from her ; him whom «lie loved with the first THE DAILY GOVERNESS. 321 fond love of her young heart ; whom it would have been such joy, and bhss, and comfort, to have bound to her for ever ; to have tended, cheered, cherished, watched, waited upon. " The treasures of the deep are not so pre- cious as the concealed comforts of a man wrapped up in a woman's love," she repeated again and again to herself; " and those com- forts I cannot give him, nor he, if he is true and constant, can he seek elsewhere." How dark to her seemed dingy London now ! How dark and dingy London is, in its meaner streets, to the poor and hard-working, and how bright, in comparison, bathed in the rosy tints of love and the golden hues ol' hope, seemed the Queen of the South, on the sunny shores of the Pacific ! Nor did Lucy feel for herself alone, in tliis great sacrifice to fihal love and duty. JIc was gone on this long voyage of nn- certain issue. Friendless and alone, perhaps judging, as man is too prone to judge of a VOL. \. Y 322 THE DAILY GOVEKNESS. Bacrifice that thwarts the passionate desires of his heart and the great hope of his hfe, he might imagine that Lucy was either incapable of true love, or, at any rate, of love for him. This unjust idea might grow into confinna- tion strong in her absence, and those who w^ould love him (for who could help loving him?) would' seem truer and fonder, if not fairer, and he' Avould forget what might seem to him the lukewarm affection of Lucy, and release her from her engagement, marry another, and settle in the Land of Pro- mise ; and then Lucy felt she never could love again, and should, after a long life of the dreary, unprogressive toil of a Daily Governess, become a forlorn old maid, and die (as so many of that worn-out sisterhood do), either in a lunatic asylmn, or, at best, in the Institution for aged governesses. Thus did poor Lucy torment herself, after Harry Greville was gone, and conjure up his image, at one time lonely, dejected, sick, suf- THE DAILY GOVERNESS, 323 fering, and pining for her ; at another, reviv- ing, trying to forget the woman who had re- fused to share his uncertain prospects, re- sponding to the smiles of another ! Poor Lucy ! She liardly knew which picture was the most intolerable. And this secret mental conflict, added to her bitter trials at Lady Hamilton Treherne's, her exposure to all weathers, and the weari- some excitement of teaching, ended in the dreadful illness from which, in our last chapter, we left Lucy slowly recovering. END or VOL. I. liiUing. Printer, 103, llatton Garden, l>ondoii and Guildl"rt;, .'^urrcv UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 002006655