0 T Sty? m Itami HuUpttn Series VII MARCH, 1909 Number 10 OHIO STATE NORMAL COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS TEACHERS’ BULLETIN No. 10 ENGLISH IN THE GRADES BY FRANCES GIBSON RICHARD Published Monthly by Miami University And entered at Postoffice , Oxford , Ohio, as Second Class Mail Matter Publications of Ohio State Normal College of Miami University. These publications form a series of teachers’ bulletins issued by the Ohio State Normal College of Miami University for the benefit of the teachers of the State, and in the interest of public education. All requests from teachers desiring these bulletins, or infor- mation regarding educational movements, will receive prompt attention. Address Teachers’ Aid Bureau, Ohio State Normal College, Oxford, Ohio. List of teachers’ bulletins, with annotations : No. i. Nature-Study, by George W. Hoke, 12 pp., 3 figs., Octo- ber, 1903. Outline for study of trees, weeds, insects, birds, etc., with list of books for reference. No. 2. Geography, by George W. Hoke, 15 pp., 1 plate, May, 1904. Treats of principles of Geography, and Regional Geography, with suggestive exercises for class work. No. 3. Evolution of Public Education in Ohio, (A) Legislation, by Harvey C. Minnich, 20 pp., 2 maps, March, 1907. A historical account of school legislation. No. 4. The Manual Arts, by F. C. Whitcomb, 15 pp., April, 1907. Suggestions as to course of study and equipment, with special reference to needs of small school systems. No. 5. The Soil and Its Relation to Plants, by B. M. Davis, 35 PP-, 6 figs., May, 1907. Subject presented by means of simple experiments. No. 6. Evolution of Public Education in Ohio, (B) Certifica- tion, by Harvey C. Minnich, 23 pp., November, 1907. Continuation of No. 3. No. 7. Experimental Studies of Plant Growth, by B. M. Davis, 31 pp., 17 figs., May, 1908. Forty-two experiments suitable for small high schools. No. 8. Stories For the Elementary Grades, by Anna E. Logan, 20 pp., September, 1908. Arranged with special refer- ence to the needs of teachers introducing, or increasing story-telling work in their schools. No. 9. Arithmetic in the Grades, by T. L. Feeney, 19 pp., Janu- ary, 1909. General discussion followed by outline of course of study. No. to. English in the Grades, by Frances Gibson Richard, 26 pp., March, 1909. Detailed outline including titles of selections for all the grades. 2 A Course of Study in English for the Grades of the Public Schools — By Frances Gibson Richard In the following course of study an excess of material is given under the heads of Story Work and Memorizing. This is done advisedly, because it seems impracticable to lay down such work, definite in amount and exactly the same in content, for schools in various and widely different communities. Some range of option is therefore left to the teacher. All the work suggested has been carefully considered, however, and is believed to be valuable for Public School use. A COURSE OF STUDY IN ENGLISH FOR THE GRADES. First Year. 1. Reading — io lessons, 15 minutes each, per week. Short sentences from blackboard and chart. Later from primers and readers. Suggested supplementary reading: Arnold’s Primer. Cyr’s First Reader. Blaisdell’s First Reader. Lights of Literature, Book I. Judson and Bender’s First Reader. 2. Spelling and zvord drills — 5 lessons, 10 minutes each, per week. Phonic drills. Rapid recognition of. words from cards and blackboard. Spelling by letter of simple words from cards and black- board. Writing of words that have been spelled orally. 3. Memorizing — 3 lessons, of 10 minutes each, per week; 2 for learning poems, one for review. Selections from Mother Goose, as, Rock-a-bye Baby. Ding Dong Bell. 3 Humpty Dumpty. Tom Thumb Alphabet. Cock Robin. Little Bo-Peep. Jack and Jill. Mary’s Lamb. Mother Hubbard, etc. Selections from The Posy Ring — K. D. Wiggin. The Lost Doll. Lady Moon. The Wonderful World. The Elf and the Dormouse. Sleep, Baby Sleep. (A Christmas Lullaby). What Does Little Birdie Say? Away in a Manger. Birdies with Broken Wings. Part of Cradle Hymn. A Birthday Gift. Selections from the Land of Song. Vol. I. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. I Love Little Pussy. The Baby. The Busy Bee. Little Birdie. Nursery Song. The Tree. Over in the Meadow. The New Moon. Spring. Selections from Jordan’s Mother Song and Child Song. Pussy Willow. The Ballad of Baby Bunting. Selections from Whittier’s Child Life. Little White Lily. Little Dandelion. Sleep, Baby, Sleep. (Not same as from The Posy Ring). 4 Selections from Love joy’s Nature in Verse. They Didn’t Think. Three Little Bugs. The Little Leaves. April Fools. Lady Bug, Lady Bug. If Ever I See. May. 4. Story Work — 4 lessons, 15 minutes each, per week. Little Black Sambo. The Little Red Hen — Jingle Book. The Pig Brother — Richards. The Legend of Hiawatha — M. L. Pratt. Hbw the Robin Got His Red Breast — Fox Indian Primer. Lambikin — Jacobs’ Indian Fairy Tales. The Story of the Mayflower — Five Little Strangers. The First Thanksgiving — “ “ “ The Ant and the Grasshopper — Aesop. The Wind and the Sun — The Fox and the Grapes — “ The Birth of Christ. The Visit of the Wisemen. The Flight into Egypt. The Four Winds — Andersen. The Snow Man — Wolf and the Seven Kids — Grimm. Straw, Coal and the Bean — “ The Pancake — Brown and Bailey Jingle Primer. Go to Sleep Story- How They Built the House — The Old Woman and Her Pig — Simple Stories of Abraham Lincoln. His birth-place — with pictures. His struggle for books and schooling. The story of Lincoln and the pig. First voyage down the Mississippi. Why we celebrate his birthday. 5 Simple Stories of George Washington. His birth-place — with pictures. Surveying in the wilderness. Washington as an Indian fighter. Why we celebrate his birthday. Noah — the Flood. Jacob’s Vision. Joseph. (a) Sold into slavery. (b) A great ruler. (c) Found by his brothers. The Infant Moses. Daniel in the Lion’s Den. Elijah and the Ravens. Jonah. The Easter Story. The Pea Blossom — Andersen. The Pine Tree — The Roses and the Sparrow — Spring and Her Helpers — Poulsson — In the Child’s World. Cotton Field Stories— “ “ “ The Nest of Many Colors— “ “ " The Story of a Breeze — McRoy — In the Child’s World. The Story of the Frost — K. D. Wiggin — Story Hour. The Foolish Weather Vane — E. Harrison — In Storyland. How the Crickets Brought Good Luck — Whittier’s Child Life. Brave Little Taylor — Lang — The Blue Fairy Book. Goody Two Shoes— Poulsson— In the Child’s World. How Patsy Gave Thanks— “ “ “ Legend of St. Christopher. St. George and the Dragon. How Little Cedric became a Knight — E. Harrison — In Storyland. 6 Echo and Narcissus, “D’Ooge’s Helps.” Arachne — “ “ Hyacinthus — “ “ Iris— The Rainbow — Hebrew Story of the Flood. The Country Mouse and the City Mouse — Aesop. The Lion and the Mouse — The World and the Shepherd — The Crow and the Pitcher. Jack and the Beanstalk — two parts. 5. Written language exercises — by end of first year — ten min- utes per day. Lessons based upon the reading, pictures, poetry, stories and actual experiences. Ground to be covered. Very short sentences. Capital at the beginning of the sentence. Period at end . Interrogation point at end. Second Year. 1. Reading — 10 lessons of 15 minutes each, per week. From Second Reader. Suggested supplementary reading : Cyr’s Second Reader. Bass’s Nature Reader. Arnold and Gilbert’s Stepping Stones to Litera- ture. Second Year. Jones’s Second Reader — Ginn. Williams’s Choice Literature. Book 2, A. B. C. Rapid recognition and reproduction of sentences from reader, blackboard or cards. Re-expression of thought after reading. Much reading from supplementary books. Occasional acting of a lesson that lends itself to drama- tization. 2. Spelling and word-drills— 5 lessons of 15 minutes each, per week. Phonic drills. 7 Spelling of all new words. Marking division into syllables by pausing after the syl- lable. Written spelling of all new words taught orally. Spelling of columns of words having a common phonic element. 3. Memorizing — 3 lessons of 15 minutes each, per week. Selections from Child’s Garden of Verse. Where go the Boats. The Wind. Singing. The Swing. v My Bed is a Boat. Selections from Love joy’s Nature in Verse. If I were a Sunbeam. Dutch Lullaby. How the Leaves Came Down. Who Likes the Rain? Selections from The Posy Ring. Thanksgiving Day. Night and Day. Christmas Song. The Christmas Trees. Selections from The Land of Song. The Snowdrop. The Brown Thrush. The Honey Bee. Lullaby of an Infant Chief. Seven Times One. Selections from the works of Eugene Field. Wynken, Blynken and Nod. The Sugar Plum Tree. The Night Wind. The Duel. Selections from the Cary Sisters. An April Welcome. Don’t Give Up. A Lesson of Mercy. g What a Bird Taught. Our Heroes. Selections from Longfellow. The Children’s Hour. The April Shower. Selections from Whittier’s Child Life. Jack Frost. The Fairy Folk. The Crow’s Children. The Blue Bird. Selections from Tennyson. Minnie and Winnie. The Lullaby. Selections from In the Child’s World. The Sunbeams. Piccola. Selection from George Eliot. Spring Song — The Posy Ring. 3. Story Work — 4 lessons of 15 minutes each, per week. Clytie — the sunflower — Nature Myths from D’Ooge’s Helps. Tithonus — the Grasshopper — Daphne — the Laurel tree — Rhodophe — the Rose — Hermes and the Flocks of Apollo — “ Cinderella. Dick Whittington and His Cat — 2 parts. The Ant and the Dove — Aesop. The Donkey and the Salt — “ The Shepherd’s Boy — The Lark and Her Young Ones — Aesop. The Fir Tree — Andersen. The Flax— The Ice Maiden — “ The Frog King — Grimm. The Hedgehog and the Hare — “ The Wonderful Musician — Boston Thanksgiving Story — In the Child’s World. 9 The Puritan Child — Five Little Strangers. Christmas in the Barn — In the Child’s World. The Little Match Girl — Andersen. The Christmas Cuckoo — The Wonderful Chair. New Year’s Bargain — Susan Coolidge. How the Spark of Fire was Saved — Fox Indian Primer. Little Duck and the North Wind — Kablu, the Aryan Boy — Ten Boys. The Ugly Duckling — Andersen. (two parts). Stories of Abraham Lincoln. (a) Life in a Half Faced Camp. (b) The Death of Nancy Hanks Lincoln. (c) Building a House in Illinois. Stories of George Washington. (a) Washington’s journey to the French Forts. (b) George and Martha Washington in their home, (pictures). Lord Cornwallis’s Knee Buckles — In the Child’s World. Peter Rabbit — Potter. Patsy, the Calf — More Mother Stories. Little Boy— Midas, or the Golden Touch — The Wonder Book. Pandora— The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood — Scudder’s Book of Folk Stories. Tom Thumb — Scudder’s Book of Folk Stories. Puss in Boots — “ The Eastern Hare — Scudder’s Book of Tales. The General Thaw — Parables from Nature. Law of the Spruce World — Trusty John — Lang — Blue Fairy Book. Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess — Blue Fairy Book. Little Golden Hood — Lang — Blue Fairy Book. Jack, the Giant Killer— “ The Daisy’s First Winter — H. B. Stowe — Stories for the Young. 10 Squirrels that Lived in a House — H. B. Stowe — Stories for the Young. Nutcrackers of Nutcracker Lodge — H. B. Stowe — Stories for the Young. Letters from a Cat — Jackson Cat Stories. Mammy Tittleback and her Family — Jackson Cat Stories. The Minnow’s Adventures — In the Child’s World. Mrs. Flyaway — “ “ “ “ Little Hero of Haarlem— “ “ Stories selected from — Each and All and Seven Little Sisters — Jane Andrews. 4. Written language exercises — 5 lessons of 10 minutes each per week. Correlated as in first year. Ground to be covered : The simple sentences. New forms of capitalization. (a) Child’s own name and its substitute “I.” (b) Child’s own address with abbreviations. (c) Other persons and places. (d) Dates, days of the week, months. (e) Capitals in copying verses. The writing of simplest form of letter. Addressing of envelope. The writing of proverbs and adages as models of sim- ple sentences. Third Year. 1 . Reading — 10 lessons of 20 minutes each, per week. From Second Reader and Supplementary books. Careful drills upon new words before reading. Silent reading followed by oral reproduction. Emphasis by pitch, quantity and stress. Drills upon words frequently mispronounced. Suggested supplementary reading: Eggleston’s Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans. 11 Scudder’s Fables and Folk Stories. Blaisdell’s Third Reader. 2. Spelling — 5 lessons, io minutes each, per week. New words from other lessons. Proper names and abbreviations. Compound words with and without the hyphen. Familiar words of similar sound but different meaning and spelling, as, to, two, too. Written spelling of all new words taught orally. 3. Memorizing — 5 lessons, 10 minutes each, per week. Selections from Love joy’s Nature in Verse : Autumn Song. Frost Pictures. October’s Bright Blue Weather. Selections from Whittier’s Child Life : A Child’s Thought of God. Good Night and Good Morning. The Farmyard Song. Little Dandelion. Selections from Whittier’s Poems: The Barefoot Boy — a part. In School Days. The Corn Song. Selections from Longfellow’s Poems: The Children’s Hour. The Children. The Village Blacksmith. Selections from Eliot’s Poetry for Children: Old Christmas. What the Wind Brings. Selections from Little-Folk Lyrics: Kris Kringle. Snowflakes. Birds’ Music. The Four Winds. Selections from The Land of Song, Vol. I. : The Mountain and the Squirrel. Discontent. 12 Selections from Wordsworth's Poems: The Rainbow. To a Butterfly. The Kitten and the Falling Leaves. We are Seven. Selections from Open Sesame, Vol. I. : The Owl. The Sandpiper. The Nightingale and the Glow Worm. Lady Bird, Lady Bird. Baucis and Philemon. Selections from Alice Cary’s Poems : April. A Fable of Cloudland. Selections from Mary Howitt’s Poems: The Oak Tree. Buttercups and Daisies. The Spider and the Fly. 4. Story-Work — 5 lessons of 15 minutes each, per week. Ulysses — D’Ooge’s Helps. (a) Polyphemus. (b) The Bag of Winds. (c) Circe. (d) Calypso’s Island. (e) The Phaeacean Land. (f) Ulysses’s Arrival at Home. Grace Darling. ] William Tell. | Arnold Winkelried. j- Fifty Famous Stories Sir Humphrey Gilbert. | Retold. Sir Philip Sidney. J The Deluge. Indian — Judd’s Wigwam Stories. Hebrew — Genesis. Greek — D’Ooge’s Helps. Brownie and the Cook. 'IBook 3. The Silver Shilling. ^Williams’ The Steadfast Tin Soldier. J Choice Literature. 13 The Iron Stove. Fair One with Golden Locks. I Craik The Frog Prince. [ Fairy Book. Prince Cherry. Captain Miles Standish. Ruth Endicott. At the Back of the North Wind — McDonald. The Hare and the Tortoise. The Fox and the Goat. The Wolf and the Lamb. The Gnat and the Ox. Aesop. Woden — Norse Tales — Mabie. The Other Wise Man. The First Christmas Tree. Van Dyke — The Blue Flower. Christmas, or the Golden Fairy .~] H. B. Stowe — History of Tip Top. j* Stories for Hum, the Song of Buzz. J the Young. The Cruise of the Dolphin. } Whittier’s Child Boots at the Holly Tree Inn.} Life in Prose. Aladdin. \ Chapman’s Arabian Nights. Ali Baba.} Cadmus, j Tanglewood Tales. Jason. } Apples of Hesperides.} The Gorgon’s Head. } Wonder Book. Callisto and Areas — Greek Mythology. The Great Bear — Judd’s Wigwam Stories. The Wooden Horse — Cook’s Story of Ulysses. Stories of Abraham Lincoln. (a) The rail-splitter. (b) Soldier in the Black Hawk War. Stories of George Washington. Washington’s Elm. Winter at Valley Forge. The Surprise at Trenton. Mount Vernon. Hebrew Stories : David and Goliath. Job. 14 The Death of Moses. Samson. The Snow Man. The Beetle. A Drop of Water. The Happy Family. The Toad. ►Andersen. How the Indian Corn Grows. One of God’s Storehouses. Talk of the Trees that Stand in a Village Street. Story of the Amber Beads. The Singing, Soaring Lark. Strong Hans. Faithful John. | Andrews’ Stories ► Mother Nature Told. ► Grimm. Findelkind. Child of Urbina. Ouida, in Bimbi. Bluebeard — Lang — Blue Fairy Book. Androcles and the Lion.) Lang — Animal Story of the Dog Oscar j Story Book. 5. Written language exercises — 5 lessons of 15 minutes each, per week. The enlarged simple sentence. Comma, apostrophe, quotation marks. Distinguish in Reader paragraph, chapter, section, verse, stanza. Margins — indentation. One-paragraph work in writing. Letter-writing — Addressing of envelopes. New abbreviations. Fourth Year. 1 . Reading — 10 lessons of 20 minutes each, per week. Fourth Reader and supplementary material. Explanation of allusions. Rapid sight-reading ; oral reproduction. Silent reading. Reading of dialogue — parts assigned to various pupils. Suggested supplementary material: Arnold and Gilbert’s Stepping Stones to Literature. Blaisdell’s Child Life in Literature. 15 Waste Not, Want Not, Stories. Bee People — M. W. Morley. Black Beauty. Williams’ Choice Literature — Book I, Intermediate. 2. Spelling — 5 lessons of 15 minutes each, per week. New words from other lessons. Proper names. Work both written and oral. 3. Memorizing — 5 lessons of 15 minutes each, per week. Selections from Love joy’s Poetry of the Seasons. Birds in Summer — Howitt. Faded Leaves — A. Cary. The Ivy Green. Selections from Alice Cary : The Gray Swan. Work. Nobility. Selections from Phoebe Cary : The Leak in the Dike. Nobody’s Child. Selections from Love joy’s Poetry of the Seasons: N ovember — Hood. A National Flower — Larcom. Selections from Open Sesame : The Fountain — Lowell. Landing of the Pilgrims — Mrs. Hemans. Selections from Whittier’s Poems : New England in Winter. Selections from the Land of Song: Night with a Wolf — Taylor. The Northern Seas — Howitt. The Palm Tree — Whittier. Selections from Philips Brook’s Poems : Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem. Selections from Lucy Larcom’s Poems : New Year’s Song. 16 Selections from Alice Cary : January. Selections from Longfellow’s Poems : The Arrow and the Song. Serenade from the Spanish Student. Challenge of the God Thor. The Rainy Day. The Rainbow. Selections from O. W. Holmes’s Poems : Ode for Washington’s Birthday. A Rhymed Lesson — selections from. To the Katy-Did. Selections from Lovejoy’s Nature in Verse: Song of the Spring. The Voice of the Grass. The Lily of the Valley. Selections from Whittier’s Poems : March. The Mayflower. Selections from the Land of Song: Sweet Peas — Keats. Three Bells — Whittier. The Northern Seas — Howitt. The Daffodils — Wordsworth. Selections from Lovejoy’s Poetry of the Seasons: Woodman, Spare that Tree — George P. Morris. In April — Jackson. 4. Story Work — 5 lessons of 15 minutes each, per week. Romulus and Remus. Horatius — Macaulay’s Lays of Ancient Rome. Cincinnatus. Perseus. } Greek Heroes — Theseus. \ Charles Kingsley. The Pied Piper of Hamelin — Browning. The King of the Golden River — Ruskin. Robin Hood — McSpadden. Alice in Wonderland — Carroll. The Nurnberg Stove — Ouida. 17 A Dog of Flanders — Ouida. Sinbad, the Sailor — Heart of Oak Books, Vol. III. Awakening of Brynhild.) Bradish’s Old Norse Balder’s Death. f Stories. Benjamin Franklin — Eggleston. The Birds’ Christmas Carol. Thor and the Frost Giants — Mabie. The Little Lame Prince — Mulock. Other stories from the History, Geography, Nature Study and other work not strictly literary. 5. Written language exercises — 5 lessons of 20 minutes each, per week. Work based upon and correlated with other subjects. The simple sentence. Number — irregular plurals. Possessives, singular and plural. Contractions using the apostrophe. Sentence punctuation — period, interrogation point, ex- clamation point. Attention to margins, indentations and other formali- ties of manuscript. One-paragraph form of composition. Fifth Year. 1 . Reading — 5 lessons of 30 minutes each, per week. Fifth Reader and supplementary works. Explanation of allusions, recognition of personification and metaphor, treatment of inversions. Occasional oral reproduction of the entire lesson. Suggested supplementary and outside reading: Brooks’s Fifth Reader. Pioneer Stories — McMurray. A Book of Legends — Scudder. Tanglewood Tales — Hawthorne. The Jungle Books (First and Second) — Kipling. Wee Willie Winkie— Ten Boys — Andrews. Boys of ’76 — Coffin. Fables and Folk-Lore — Scudder. 18 Thirty More Famous Stories — Baldwin. Two Girls in China — Kraut. Alice’s Visit to the Hawaiian Islands — “ Robin Hood — McSpadden. The Wizard of Oz — Baum. South America — Carpenter. Stories of Animal Life — Holder. 2. Spelling — 5 lessons of 15 minutes each, per week. Words from other lessons of the grade. Homonyms, synonyms for dictated words. Use of the dictionary for meaning and pronunciation. Attention to capitals, syllables and the hyphen. 3. Memorizing — 2 lessons of 30 minutes each, per week. A Fable — Emerson. Rain in Summer — Longfellow. The Old Clock on the Stairs — Woods in Winter — Sunshine on the Hills — Excelsior — In School Days — Whittier. October — “ The Brook — Tennyson. The Song of the Chattahoochee — Lanier. The Three Fishers — Kingsley. Across the Sands of Dee — “ The Old, Old Song— The Landing of the Pilgrims — Hemans. Under the Greenwood Tree — Shakespeare. Little Boy Blue — Field. A Dream of Springtime — “ The Captain’s Daughter — J. T. Fields. O Captain, My Captain — Whitman. The American Flag — Drake. Green Be the Turf Above Thee — Halleck. The Rainbow — Wordsworth. Lucy Gray — March — The First Bluebird— Riley. The Cataract of Lodore — Southey. 19 San Grail — H. H. Jackson. Down to Sleep — “ The Mystery of the Seed — Larcom. A Strip of Blue — “ The Oak — Lowell. The Maple — “ The Yellow Violet — Bryant. Robert of Lincoln — “ 4. Composition — 5 lessons of 20 minutes each, per week. Written — two-paragraph form by the end of the year. Subject matter from other lessons — occasionally from experience outside the classroom. Also original stories, letter writing, folding, inserting. Oral — Conversation, stories by pupils, lessons in Gram- mar. The complex sentence — the noun as subject and object. The verb as predicate. The adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection. Exercises in the placing of modifiers. Sixth Year. 1 . Reading — 5 lessons of 30 minutes each, per week. Reader and supplementary masterpieces. Vocal inter- pretation, silent reading, reproduction, discussion of allusion, personification, metaphor and simile. Suggested readings : Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare. Heart of Oak — Book IV — Norton. The Story of Troy — Clarke. Rab and His Friends — Brown. Jo’s Boys — Alcott. A Christmas Carol — Dickens. Indian Boyhood — Eastman. The Odyssey — Palmer’s Translation. Four American Inventors — Perry. The Devil and Tom Walker — Irving. Feather Top — Hawthorne. Little Men — Alcott. Little Women — “ Snowbound — Whittier. 20 A Book of Golden Deeds — Yonge. American Hero Stories — Roosevelt-Lodge. 2. Spelling — 5 lessons of io minutes each, per week. Stems, prefixes, suffixes. -Homonyms, antonyms, synonyms. Use of the dictionary for spelling, pronunciation and meaning. Diacriticals at the last of the year. 3 . Memorizing — 2 lessons of 25 minutes each, per week. Abou Ben Adhem — Hunt. Concord Hymn — Emerson. The First Snowfall — Lowell. The Last Leaf — Holmes. The Chambered Nautilus — Holmes. A Song of the Camp — Bayard Taylor. Lines to a Waterfowl — Bryant. The Day Is Done — Longfellow. Hymn to the Night — The Rhodora — Emerson. The Fool’s Prayer — Sill. The Night has a Thousand Eyes — Bourdillon. Break, Break, Break — Tennyson. Ring Out, Wild Bells— The Bugle Song — The Charge of the Light Brigade — Crossing the Bar — The Garden Song — To Helen — Poe. Annabel Lee — “ The Bells— “ Breathes There a Man — Scott. The Raven — Poe. The Stirrup Cup — Lanier. An Evening Song — “ The Skylark — Hogg. Those Evening Bells — Moore. The Last Rose of Summer — “ To Thomas Moore — Byron. The Isles of Greece — “ She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways — Words- worth. 21 The Solitary Reaper — Wordsworth. Sonnet Composed upon Westminster Bridge — Wordsworth. We Are Seven — Wordsworth. 4. Composition — 2 lessons of 30 minutes each, per week. Oral and written reproduction of lessons of the grade. Descriptions of natural scenery, buildings, etc. Character sketches, original stories combining nar- ration and description. Tropical outlines, para- graphing. Letter-writing, folding and inserting. 5 . Grammar — 3 lessons of 30 minutes each, per week. Sentences — simple, complex and compound. Phrase, clause and sentence — how used. Verbs — principal parts, conjugation, auxiliaries. Conjunctions — co-ordinate and subordinate. Seventh Year. 1 . Reading — 4 lessons of 30 minutes each, per week. Masterpieces : A Child’s Dream of a Star — Dickens. Rip Van Winkle — Irving. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow — “ The Spectre Bridegroom — A Dog of Flanders — Ouida. The Gold Bug — Poe. The Black Cat— “ A Manuscript Found in a Bottle — Poe. The Great Stone Face — Hawthorne. The Great Carbuncle — The Gray Champion — The Courtship of Miles Standish — Longfellow. Evangeline — The Skeleton in Armor — King Robert of Sicily — The Revenge — Tennyson. The Siege of Lucknow — The Relief of Lucknow — Whittier. 22 Markheim — Stevenson. Treasure Island — “ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde— Undine — De la Motte Fouque. Picciola — Saintine. 2. Spelling — 2 lessons of 20 minutes each, per week. Selected words and synonyms. Words often mis-spelled and mis-pronounced. Selected dictation exercises from the daily press and from standard authors. 3. Memorizing — 2 lessons of 15 minutes each, per week. Hark, Hark, the Lark — Shakespeare. The Coronach — Scott — Lady of the Lake. The Slumber Song — “ “ The? Boat Song- Tears, Idle Tears — Tennyson. First four stanzas of the Sky-Lark — Shelley. Rose Aylmer — Landor. Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes — Jonson. It is Not Growing Like a Tree — “ Virtue — Herbert. To the Virgins to Make Much of Time — Herrick. Stanzas from To Althea from Prison and To Lu- casta on Going to the Wars — Lovelace. Sonnet on His Blindness — Milton. A Lament — Shelley. The Battle of Blenheim — Southey. Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven — Swinburne. Abraham Lincoln — Tom Taylor — Victorian Authol- ogy. Abraham Lincoln — Lowell — Commemoration Ode. Abraham Lincoln — Bryant. Abraham Lincoln — R. H. Stoddard. The Song of the Shirt — Hood. The Man With the Hoe — Markham. The Cry of the Children — Mrs. Browning. He Giveth His Beloved Sleep — “ My Heart’s in the Highlands — Burns. Auld Lang Syne — 23 John Anderson, My Jo — (C Highland Mary — Bonnie Doone — Honest Poverty — My Psalm — Whittier. (t The Eternal Goodness — C( Oft in the Stilly Night — Moore. I Remember, I Remember — Hood. 4 . Composition — 4 lessons of 20 minutes each, per week. Narration — the pupil’s own experience. Original stories employing a structure plan as follows : Time. Place. f Natural Scenery. Local coloring. ■{ Customs. [ Dialects. (b) Rise of incident leading up to a (c) Crisis (or climax). (d) Outcome. Paragraphs upon current events gleaned from the daily papers. Descriptions of persons and places. Ex- position in writing reviews of the science studies of the grade. Business letters. 5. Grammar — 4 lessons of 30 minutes each, per week. Classification of sentences. Case. The pronoun in full. Government and agreement in full. Voice, mode, transitive and intransitive verbs. Weak and strong, redundant, defective and other classes of verbs. Complete conjugation. Eighth Year. 1 . Reading — 4 lessons of 30 minutes each, per week. Masterpieces — Three readings. First, for general conception. Second, for more careful study of structure. Third, for emphasis upon the most beautiful or striking or important parts of the production. Suggested material : The Vision of Sir Launfal. 24 Wandering Willie’s Tale — Scott — Redgauntlet. Gray’s Elegy. The Fall of the House of Usher — Poe. The Ambitious Guest — Hawthorne. The Deserted Village — Goldsmith. The Coming of Arthur — Tennyson. Sir Galahad— The Holy Grail— Abbotsford — Irving. Dolph Heyliger — The Rose of the Alhambra — “ Westminster Abbey — “ The Cricket on the Hearth — Dickens. The Hoosier Schoolmaster — Eggleston. The Man Without a Country — Hale. The Other Wise Man — Van Dyke. The Lady of Shalott — Tennyson. The Prisoner of Chillon — Byron. The First Christmas Tree — Van Dyke — The Blue Flower. Tom Brown at Oxford — Hughes. Julius Caesar — Shakespeare. The Merchant of Venice — 2 . Spelling — 2 lessons of 20 minutes each, per week. All diacriticals according to the International or some other standard dictionary. Rapid drills. Selected words for enlarging the pupil’s vocabulary. 3. Memorizing — 1 lesson of 30 minutes, per week. Recessional — Kipling. The Year’s at the Spring — Browning — Pippa Passes. Evelyn Hope — Browning. Prospice — “ On the Receipt of My Mother’s Picture — Cowper. Alexander Selkirk — The Loss of the Royal George — Thanatopsis — Bryant. 25 The Fringed Gentian — Bryant. To a Mountain Daisy — Burns. To a Mouse — “ Columbus — Miller. The Lily-lined River of Rest — “ The Dirge — Cymbeline — Shakespeare. The Haunted Palace — Poe — House of Usher. How Sleep the Brave — Collins. The Lost Leader — Browning. To Age — Landor. I Strove with None — “ Winter Rain — Christina Rossetti. Three Seasons — “ “ Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth — Clough. The Salt of the Earth — Swinburne. Hohenlinden — Campbell. To Virgil — Tennyson. Ulysses — “ Parts of Locksley Hall. Sonnets : The World Is Too Much With Us — Wordsworth. Wyckliffe— To Cyriak Skinner — Milton. 4. Composition — 80 minutes per week. Narration, description, exposition. Subject matter from other lessons of the grade ; also' from the pupil’s ex- perience outside the school-room. The character sketch, the toast, the story of adventure ; imaginary conversations, dreams, ghost stories. Attention to structure. Oral discussion of current events. 5. Grammar — 4 lessons of 30 minutes each, per week. The sentence — all kinds. Con j ugation — Mood. Complete analysis of sentences. Use of the diagram. Clausal constructions. Participles and infinitives. The gerund in English. 26