eee “e/ ~ api ra — hat 7 aa 2 id 4 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES OF THE STATE OF IOWA COMPILED BY EDNA LYMAN ‘“FOR_THE State Educational Board of Examiners Issued by the Department of Public Instruction a = ay ¥ ca a] aN, i so. Pgs ee teey Re a CONTENTS Information for School Officers ......... ee eee eee ee eee ees i “SSelection, grading and use of list ........ 0... 0 eee eee eens Vv Bay OE COROT CETs DOO Kala ie ie cates ds lutea ie ka oicierts de Noda see Jugs male fatreste “ota selhe eh cet ey vii Necessary school supplies: . 0. 025 5 fee de eee le wee ole wes Vili ROCTOtaryves LiDTAT Ve 7 CCOl ioe chctet rete kn ele Say Bid a side fee leiamei ners © sas rb. Subject list of books for the grades. ............ esse eee eeeees x CET Ate 1 pee AG cE cron edne Rok aka CotometeRone lc <¢ dette abrays tate: a acts. omcha tee are xi Picture Books and Books for first Reading .............-. i OT GUC ba ibede tote fae tote tata Sar- Oe PRR Ce ete Ae mk? oie teh AAG Bg Lote Ast Bible Stories and Stories of the Saints .............-.46- Eh INOLESOLM VLHOLOSY tea eres a aia re wi, ore eto eval shure sev eds 13 Greek and Roman Mythology and Hero Stories............ to Government: Army and Navy ........-++ sees eee eeeeees 15 Wolklore and Wonder Stories .....5. 6... sc. cee eee we we iby NATUTe ANC: SCIONCO o cosiis cue ciee eat eeoys isto iets lt iege« « temueeap are enero 30 PUICCLELCIE Var eet ete eed ish raha oie eco ie 88,” ae oe 34 POEL ILELY Gre VT ee eee aie oe eet toed eda cd Sa ak) CRD emeeel caw: 35 Byant Ele ou ois oce.c sss ee meee es tne emirate Aare AN TRE « 36 RAPE ANTS dee Dich Eee Oe a ee ee eae wR els io ahi cal oF Laue, 2 NE Maa) ome sd Gi eran sr ays 38 Birdalitows. sore: GS ie Es RRR oe Se PORE POPU see 42 Industries, Occupations and Inventions .........-.+++-+4+- 43 Household Economics and Hygiene .......-....eeeeeeereees 47 PIANOSCTAlts atastewe ss Pe ORES 3. NPC: cee gaa eMarar clare vas 47 LICE AT' TS pee ee ee cree et evi, fle MRL eae oihueie ye Wo. se eter en aire ess 48 NTRS dopatln ce erent cable 2: eee nas eG O Oat = RR ar er ne ee RRC eC nna 50 Amusements ...... Seah PEIN. sry aged EAE ARMREST 52 berg ey ae le et terete Neue eres sy nied Oa wel Opals) woe e weet e'* ven ninnene « 54 Fables and Great Literature translated or retold........... 55 ETO ae we eRe snene) oO sbohatel ebete 6 we ersss aoe 6, 0 Giaper eres 63 [eiTlaeek A rugs Oe ee Me ear are eee Prey cert Bs ee en 004 Geography and Travel .......---eeeeesr sree ecseneevers ee LOS Histories of Foreign Countries ....... tachi dts: Wis’ 0's akanateatets a Ae Sf History of the United States ........ cee eee ee eter ree eees 123 North American Indiang = 2. 2.6 cc ce ee esc ewe nes 131 Biography, Collective, 2... 0... cree ccc eee e wrens 132 Biography, Individual ........cceesccerererrsccecece wre bos Smal} Grown of Peferen esBeore one ee a le ay ee TAA iv LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS Subject List of Books for High Schools......... PMNS Coe eicisrever toe, LAT Conductvot Life, -Hysiene.. - oe oe bein vetehate ota aeatats pate LAT Government, Army and Navy. Economics .............. - 148 we “IM YthOlO SY: sehr shee: oSekcre ao ccche ete Sralklateueis eee Reine mene ec winiee fie LOS Nature .and Science: 22.50.60 sie aes sels ate evans cee talon enn Sd ary ren NCCT pier SS oy aon air cleats ahs in ofeye tol eteleve oteie tana 0.0 Animal Shiite oo ie coe see sue cheie aus hsee oun tone te teat ene Fox views tote cnaeer ht OL Bird Lifer haces Aes Es das See eee eee tove aes Me ee tee see Oe Bine. -Arts : 20s. Oaks ot Ot ee eee ee a steve ste Hetttete sarees OG Athletics Vand VAMUsSeMenES a= oi teat oer cee ate tetere) 164 Literature, History and Study. Public Speaking........... 164 Poetry-.and Dramages.. wb ore een eee eee eee c olga rotate 167 Essays, Speeches and Orations. Selections from Prose..... 172 Eiction ss o%s-< w'ale iets sees po eles ae 0 28) ee eee os S30 Sete 74 TYAVE] 26 ois «ois. oo s'e 6 oS seks oe ha Se eee ae ae ae some 87 General‘and Ancient History... 020.22 «rein S lnte soley CREEL OO History of the Middle Ages. Modern Hurope......... Sis ciate LO History ‘of Enzvland ve uma 2 ae ae te eee chalets tone SAL OO History of ithe: UnitedéStates..<4sn5. Sites cee eee sees 195 Biography, Collective... ... tuuisine aie eis a ota tlete nia ane eens Lit. wae. a Biography, Individtial 0.3%) vac ee. ote e tt ie fetes ethers teenie eee 204 Agriculture and Home Economics, Special List...... a feteteeen 204 Pictures, of ‘Childs hifeweys o.22. soca tek ee eee 213 Reference m'pla's #0 o sis sin sow os iciMns seeeia cote aims @armnaters © mere yey se Subject List of Books for Teachers— | Hducation '2ian pis) tea oe ee eee 5S REE ee, Bee ae 218 Teaching + SG tes sss leG te & sores Mtenesteitete a dete "ote Reo he Man aaes Sana 224 Psychology and *Child-Study. <7 -s2.5...4. sen Siete iene ets Smead. Inspiration «.ctsrecs bec seis ks 3) aL eek eee ee eee teat SE eAoe Books: on) Story*Lelline (wabac re we oh 6 ete we teie eo esata lanen eta rsns . 234 Author and: Title: Index 07 ‘ote eicgne lessee sevens tects ein) cieeenet ens He SEN Authorities for; ANNOtations) yee ae ee eee a ishate ce fenntts Rh 338 supplementary [iaist=. 0.7... ce scemeier em cemen nets sete alot one aee 341 INFORMATION FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. This list is for the use of school officers in selecting books for school district libraries. The law is mandatory that school boards shall set aside at each July meeting not less than five nor more than fifteen cents per pupil and requires that this list shall be prepared by the Board of Examiners for the use of school officers. It is hoped that all who seek its use may read the following infor- mation relative to the selection and valuation of the books con- tained in the list. The law states that selection and purchase is to be made by the president and secretary of the school board with the assistance of the county superintendent. The teacher should be called upon for suggestions in making selections so that the books most needed by her in school work may be available. President of the School Board. A copy of this list is furnished to the president of the school board, as required by law. It is his duty, in connection with the secretary of the board and with the assistance of the county su- perintendent and the co-operation of the teacher, to select and purchase between the third Monday of September and the first day of December, each year, as many books as the funds withheld, under the provisions of the state law, will purchase. Secretary of the School Board. It is the duty of the secretary of the school board, in co-opera- tion with the president of the board and the county superintend- ent of schools, to purchase at the time named above, each year, the books for the school district, selected from this list. The secretary is required by law to keep a complete record of the books purchased and distributed by him to the various schools in the district. It is also the duty of the secretary in the school town- ships to attend to the collection and re-distribution of the books semi-annually. vi LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS The County Superintendent. The county superintendent should call the attention of the president and secretary of the school board to the fact that the law requires them, with his assistance, to make selection of the books for school libraries from this list, and to purchase the same between the third Monday of September and the first day of December of each year, expending all money withheld by the school treasurer, for this purpose. The judgment of the county superintendent will be a large factor in a judicious selection of books, and it is hoped that this list will be thoroughly examined by him. Board of Directors. The board of directors should, at the annual July meeting, make provisions for purchasing library books. The matter should be discussed in a businesslike manner, and a suitable appropriation made. The boards should never leave this matter unsettled. Ap- propriations should be made for the purpose of increasing the ef- ficiency of the schools rather than a mere compliance with the law. The law itself appropriates five cents per pupil, but a wise pro- vision is also given whereby the board may direct the expendi- ture of fifteen cents per pupil. . The Teacher. It is hoped that a copy of this list will be placed in every rural school in Iowa. The teacher should keep it for reference, as the explanatory notes under each book will make it possible to form some opinion as to whether the book will be suited to the needs of the school. The teacher should prepare a brief list of such books as seem to her most desirable for her school, and place in the hands of either the county superintendent or the sec- retary of the school board before the books are selected. As the law requires that the purchase of books shall be made each year between the third Monday of September and the first day of December, it is recommended that the teachers make their selec- tion early in the fall term. The teacher should feel the import- ance of stimulating the pupils to a greater appreciation and love of books, and this may be done by suggesting books for reaching outside the schoolroom, as well as those which bear upon the class work. Inasmuch as the teacher will act as librarian, she will find detailed suggestions regarding this under another head. FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA vii SELECTION, GRADING AND USE OF LIST. This list contains books useful, not only in connection with definite school work, but many selected for home reading as well. The cultural and ethical influence of reading, as well as its in- formational value had been considered as the basis of selection. The list of approximately 2,300 titles has been divided into three parts: the first includes such books as are best suited for ‘use in the grades; the second contains books for High School pupils; and the third, those suggested for teachers. Short lists of reference books follow both the grade list and High School list, and a list of books on agriculture and home economics of eeneral interest has been prepared by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. After careful consideration, it was decided to arrange the books under each of these subdivisions, according to the subject treated, and in the case of the books for elementary reading, to indicate the grade or grades for which. each book is suited by figures at the left-hand of the author’s name. In a number of cases, books have been included in the grade list which are also suited for High School reading, and in such eases the initials H. S. have been added to the figures. The books have been numbered consecutively through the entire list for convenience in ordering the desired titles. The index at the close of the volume is an alphabetical arrange- ment of all titles and authors included in the list, preceded by the order number for each, so that all the works of any one author are thus grouped together and the numbers refer to their special place in the list; at the same time every title appears in its proper alphabetical order, and can be traced in the same manner. Realizing the limited amount of funds available in many places _ for the purchase of books, there has been a constant effort to supply good inexpensive books, in many cases these being school editions. The experience of the best authorities points to the fact that attractiveness in the appearance of a book is a very large element in its power of appeal to a child, and it is certainly an unwise exnenditure of funds to purchase books which children are not Viii LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS inspired to read. Volumes of Scott and Dickens in text-book binding and small type will remain unread, while attractive bind- ings, wide margins and good type look inviting and will find readers. The work of the artist in illustration is expensive, but the well- illustrated book is worth buying, not only because it trains the aesthetic taste of the child, but because it outlasts inferior work in its power to hold his interest. Attempts to interest children in unattractively made books are usually unavailing. The love and the sense of value of books often comes to the child through ap- preciation of their beauty as well as their contents. The choice of editions is one of great moment when it is i | | | Returned 1910 | 1911 | . The record is self-explanatory, and it can be seen at a glance that the first copy of the book was purchased October 1, 1910, for forty cents, and it has been loaned to Districts No.1 and 3. When the first installment of books is purchased for the town- ship the secretary should enter the books on the first page of the record book, assigning a line to each volume, and so on through the record book. Then arrange them in as many groups as he has districts in his townships, making the group for each district as varied as the whole collection will permit. When a book is delivered to District No. 1 or 7, as the case may be, fill out the date under the proper heading for each district. : When the second trip over the township is made to shift the books, take the record book along, and when the books in District No. 1 are taken up, enter the date in the proper column. FOR INDEPENDENT DISTRICTS. A separate Record will be found in the back part of the ‘‘Li- brarian’s Record of Books Loaned’’ (Record No. 2) for the Sec- retaries of Independent Districts. This is called a ‘‘Library Reeord’’ and is for the use of Independent Districts when books are the permanent property of the school. Hach book purchased xii LIST. OF LIBRARY BOOKS should be entered in this record which is really an Accession record. | gee (sk, ae oe Independent Districts wishing to divide the school library among the different schoolrooms can use form No. 1 by changing ‘*District No. 1’’ to Room No. 1, ete. RECORD No. 2. LIBRARIAN’S OR TEACHER’S RECORD OF BOOKS LOANED. LIBRARIAN’S RECORD BOOK. Ss o7) 3 po % eahee g : E Z fo) o) | = 5) © e) 2 as) 5 S| = hy ae} Pa 5 5 ° o ® Oo ez & S = a = Ss = 7, A Ee eB at Fe 1 12-19-1910 12-27-1910 Chas. Black This record is important and should be kept accurately. BOOK LABEL. (To be pasted in each book.) DiStTi Chit. Peete ee ee ener COUNTY «ie! 0 tee cane SRO ee Nos Of b0okagu. - eins ee The teacher shall be responsible for the care and loan of books. Any pupil is entitled to draw books by making application to the teacher. Any resident of the District may borrow books not needed in school work. Books may be retained two weeks and may be renewed for the same period. . A fine of 5e per week shall be paid for books kept overtime. Fines shall be collected for loss or injuries to books. beyond reasonable wear. FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA xiii Failure by the borrower to pay fines or damages shall be suf- ficient reason for refusing permission to draw books. THE LAW. AN ACT to establish libraries for the use of teachers, pupils, and other residents in all school districts. Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa: Section 1. The treasurer of each school township and each rural in- dependent district in this-state shall withhold annually, from the money received from the apportionment for the several school districts, not less than five nor more than fifteen cents, as may be ordered by the board, for each person of school age residing in each school corporation, as shown by the annual report of the secretary, for the purchase of books as herein- after provided. When so ordered by the board of directors, the provisions of this section shall apply to any independent district. Sec. 2. Between the third Monday of September and the first ine of December in each year the president and secretary of the board, with the assistance of the county superintendent of schools, shall expend all money withheld by the treasurer as provided in section one (1) of this act, in the purchase of books selected from the lists prepared by the state board of educational examiners as hereinafter provided, for the use of the school district; in school townships the secretary shall distribute the books thus selected to the librarians among the several sub-districts, and at least semi-annually collect the same and distribute others. Sec. 3. It is hereby made the duty of the state board of educational examiners to prepare at its discretion lists of books suitable for use in school district libraries, and furnish copies of such lists to each president. secretary, and each county superintendent, as often as the same shall be published or revised, from which lists the several presidents and secre- taries and county superintendents shall select and purchase books. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of each secretary to keep in a record book, furnished by the board of directors, a complete record of the books pur- chased and distributed by him. Sec. 5. Unless the board of directors shall elect some other person, the secretary in independent districts and director in subdistricts in school townships shall act as librarian and shall receive and have the care and cuscody of the books, and shall loan them to teachers, pupils, and other residents of the district, in accordance with the rules and regulations pre- scribed by the state board of educational examiners and board of directors. Each librarian shall keep a complete record of the books in a record book furnished by the board of directors. During the periods that the school is in session the library shall be placed in the schoolhouse, and the teacher shall be responsible to the district for its proper care and protection. The board of directors shall have supervision of all books and shall make an equitable distribution thereof among the schools of the corporation. PD ee S34 “s mn > Me Pony MS iS y +; a) ei a ‘ . ot Maa + Se tes oY tra oe ae Ss 4 - 7 a ea ey = e's Te 4 7 nk Pe mt oF ee Er aah bead bed are : A 4 ty : i i os ‘ ‘en saat Es a, ” eins pa, eee =O) ; ‘i - ‘ ". ‘ | ae es 1 ¢ he se cei ete ike iin a mee oo he sean _" a4 oe Sieh eG Se apee Saket ath Peau idadanet +h ae a hyn: ae ae ae Re a aeons = ist ae ‘meen raat & shee es as. ae aes ies Are Bith Tae ipo pf . e 5 ' : : a e ‘ Sloat rt a ie yi Rae gst Va a wad ba : Co ty tp a es, soma eile Fe Ee aera ae ee a b SeRivE: “ayes i eae ; i oy Tat sre ai a ed ae sive at meee yieKK> ean) ‘4 ait, Peale: pang wit coeiat fete: es. suite Maes ae ba st CLASSIFIED LIST PICTURE BOOKS, AND BOOKS FOR FIRST READING. %rder Grade No. 1 (1-3) ADELBORG, O. Clean Peter and the Children of Grubbylea. Longmans, $1.25 ......... Charming picture-book with rhymes setting forth some of the maxims of the “Goops” and “Slovenly Peter’ with more delicate drawings. (1-2) ALDERMAN, E. A. Classics Old and New; a Series of School Readers. 2 vol. Amer. Book Co. HMITSH@HeCAGETs © aC Vee tals a x arele WPS et ate Fatlag! S.-5 3 MECONUPNGACET a0 Ge cus Sy cetsits tic 5 a tetel aeecel alas “The first volume begins with compact, direct stories, told in a few brief sentences, illus- trated by simple pictures which suggest only the thought in the lesson they accompany. The rest of the stories are recognized classics, sometimes adapted or abridged. The books are attractively bound, well printed on good paper, and illustrated with both black and white, and colored pictures, better than the average.” A. L. A. Booklist. (1-2) ARNOLD, S. L, & GILBERT, C. B. Stepping Stones to Literature. Silver. NULP SUMO LET face C Gael rier rere ce: « fiel eras.» & 003 DeCOMUMN CACC a4 U Gait). cia ey aie sige a a als, os Second reader contains short poems, fairy tales, fables and short stories. 6' (1-3) Baby Days. Century, $1.50.............06- A book of poems, stories and pictures taken from the St. Nicholas. It serves as a delightful picture book, as well as a story book for little children. 7 (2-3) BALDWIN, J., ed, Fairy Reader; adapted from Grimm and Andersen. Amer. Book Co., 35c i) oO > Contents: The Fox and the Horse, The Cat and the Fox, The Moon’s Story, The Lost Spin- dle, The Little Fir Tree, The Wolf and the Man, The Little House in the Woods, The Ugly Duckling, The Story of Thumbling, Briar Rose, An After Word for the Teacher. 8 (1-2) BANNERMAN, H. Story of Little Black Mingo. Stokes, 50 Cuesta Pee RE eee shearers A companion volume to “Little Black Sambo,” characterized by the same elements of dramatic action, simplicity and directness. School price. .88 20 24 .26 35 .90 .28 33 2 Order Grade No. 9 (1-2) 10 (1-2) 11 (1-2) 12 (1-2) 13 (1) 14 (2) 15 (1-3) 16 (1-2) 17 (1-2) LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS Story of Little Black Sambo, Stokes, A most charming modern wonder story of a little boy and some tigers. Full of dramatic action. simplicity and directness. The size and the colored illustrations add to the at- tractiveness of the book. BANTA, N. & BENSON, A. B. Brownie Primer. WIANaZans 0s OG. st eee eee PrN Sates eee Illustrations in colors. Not entirely original, but a greut favorite with children, ag nearly all books are in which brownies figure. BIGHAM, M. A. Stories of Mother Goose Vil- lage), Rand Sch. vedse4t50@. 4.44.4. An attractive supplementary reader, with colored illustrations. The familiar friends of the Mother Goose rhymes are characters in the story. Combination of novelty and familiarity will hold the children. BLAISDELL, E. A. & BLAISDELL, M. F. Boy Blue and His Friends. Little, 60c ....... A reader for the youngest children. Many of the questions suggested by the Mother Goose rhymes are answered by the stories, Child life; a First Reader. Mac- MIN GN, V2 OC ioe omelette ee muarteer ee tase rae ee Very good first reading book, illustrated in black and white and colors. The series has less of the text-book appearance than most _ readers. Child Life in Tale and Fable; a Sec- ond Reader. Macmillian, 35c ............ Partial Contents: Silver Locks, The Boy Who Cried “Wolt.”’ Tom Thumb, Little Red Riding Hood, The Little Red Hen, The Lost Doll. BROOKE, L. L. Golden Goose Book. Warne, Contents: Golden Goose, Three Bears, Three Little Pigs, Tom Thumb. The most artistic and entirely satisfactory illustrating of these old favorites from the standpoint of both child and adult. The designs are full of imagination and sugges- tion, the drawings simple and clear, and the color beautiful. Mr. Brooke, with the true artist’s ability, has made the pictures tell the stories independently of the text, which is itself handled with much imagination. Johnny Crow’s Garden. Warne, Wt Ree eRe Ory rs en oie ie Sod An old nursery rhyme with pictures in color of the lion with his green and yellow tie on; the crane caught in the rain, and other humorous situations. Johnny Crow’s Party. Warne, $1.00 A picture book with illustrations by a real artist. School price. 32 .36 .40 22 1.60 .82 .82 Order No 18 19 20 21 22 24. bo CU FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA 3 Grade School price. (1-2) BROOKS, D. Stories of the Red Children. Mducarionaierule Comet0Cee ste en... 3 fon Indian legends very simply told so that children may read them for themselves. Ura ee ae Sere XL es REAR es A book of modern wonder stories, revised and il- lustrated by a group of children. Perhaps the most delightful stories are about the little legs that ran away, the giant that played jack-straws, and the place where birthdays are made. JUDD, M. C. Classic Myths. Rand, 35c..... The book was originally prepared as an aid in nature study, with the idea that the children would come to associate the things in the realm of Nature with the myths from classic literature. Wigwam Stories. Ginn Sch. ed., 75c Book is divided into three parts: Part one is composed of short sketches of Indian life, manners and customs, amusements and typical occupations ; Part two contains traditions and myths of which a few of the titles are typical: Story of the First Man and Woman, Giants and The Fairies, How the Bear Lost His Tail, The Prairie Dandelion, The Girl Who Became a Pine Tree; Part Three: stories recently told of Hiawatha and other heroes; The Story of the Deluge, The Legend of The Ar- butus, How Light, Fire and Water First Came into the World, The Moon and The Sun, etc. KINGSLEY, C. Water-babies, illus. by Linlye Sambourne. Macmillan, $1.00 ........... The complete story. Water Babies Told to The Children by Amy Steedman. (Told to The Children Series))” “Dutton, 50c:.... 22 ee eee One of the few cases where an adaptation seems permissible. The tendency to moralize to which Kingsley fell a victim has spoiled a really beauti- ful modern fairy tale and Miss Steedman simply left out the moralizing in her version. School price. .88 1.20 .88 95 29 60 395 Order Grade No. FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA 229 (4-6 & H.S.) KIPLING, R. Just So Stories, for lit- 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 (5—6 ) (5-6) (4—5) (4-5) (2-3) (4—5) (5) tle children. Doubleday, $1.20.......... Twelve stories which explain How the camel got his hump, How the rhinocerous got his skin, How the leopard got his spots, How the elephant got his trunk and other mysteries. They have an irresis- tible humor, and a vocabulary and style which are as delightful as they are unique. The stories will be enjoyed more by children if they are not too young. LABOULAYE, E, Fairy Tales of All Nations. Haro ows Uie tees un ct ete et ne ae ee nae “One of the first humorists, as well as one of the first judicial writers of France.’”’ Contents: Perlino (A Neopolitan Tale), Yven and Finette (a tale of Brittany), The Castle of Life, Destiny (a Dalmatian tale), The Twelve Months (a Bo- hemian tale), Sswanda, The Piper (a Bohemian tale.) The Gold Bread (a Hungarian tale), The Story of the Noses (a Bohemian tale), The Three Citrons (a Neopolitan tale), Story of Coquerico (a Spanish tale), King Bizarre and Prince Charm- ing, Abdallah, or The Four-Leaved Clover (an Arabian tale). Last Fairy Tales. Harper, $2.00.. Stories from many different nations. Partial contents: The Three Wonders of the World, The World and the Goat, The Spinning Queen, The Lit- tle Gray Man, The Three Wishes. LANG, A., ed. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, and Other Stories, Longmans, 75c¢c One of twelve volumes reprinted from the Fairy book stories. Books are lighter in weight, smaller in size, less expensive, and well printed. Blue Fairy Book. (Fairy library.) VEL Greco ls OO meesnere eestor de oPeM cg niere ag HON A COCKE REE Favorite collection of standard fairy tales. Par- tial contents: Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Snow-white and Rose-red, Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, Prince Darling, The Three Bears. Cinderella, and Other Stories. Long- MAN Seo Cer a leis oti cte tre er lcmarariiers ahaae.!: One of the series of Longman’s supplementary readers. ‘The stories are taken from the Blue Fairy Book, much simplified for easy reading. The books are thin and have large print so that they look readable to the child. Elf Maiden, and Other Stories. Long- Dias COCR cts tatts tests artes eos Ae Reprinted from the colored fairy books. — Golden Mermaid, and Other Stories. PON ZMANS ALOU C wretch. ee a ade) cee PST pares 25 School price. 95 1.20 1.20 .62 sae .50 .50 26 Order Grade 237 (4—5 ) 238 (2-3) 239 (5) 240 (3) 241 (2-3) 242 (4-5) 243 (4-5) 244 (3-4) LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS Green Fairy Book, (Fairy library.) Barty eS LO 0a 4 oie le so ecetete mast ee dieee st eee One of the best of the colored fairy books, which are collections made from the folklore of many nations. Partial contents: The Blue Bird, The Story of the Caliph Stork, The Golden Black- bird, The Little Soldier, The War of the Wolf and the Fox, Little One-EKye, Little Two- er cs, and Little Three-Hyes. History of Jack, the Giant-Killer, and Other Stories, Longmans, 20c ...... One of the Longman’s supplementary readers, based on the Blue Fairy Book. Contains also, Prince Hyacinth, Beauty and the Beast, Magic Ring, and other stories. Long- MANS SO UG uaetok. eter te tems ts ele Reprinted from the colored fairy books. Prince Darling, and other stories. LON 2 Mans, 40 Ci. te ste ss Grete cape ie ede Stories are taken from the Blue Fairy Book. Contains also: The White Cat, The Wonderful Sheep, The Yellow Dwarf, The Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Paribanou. Princess on the Glass Hill, and other stories. Longmans, 30c.......... Stories are taken from the Blue Fairy Book. Contains also: The Terrible Head, Felicia and the Pot of Pinks, The Water-Lily, Blue Beard, The Story of Pretty Goldilocks, The True History of Little Goldenhocd, Farmer Weatherbeard. Red Fairy Book. (Fairy library.) Burt, ed LO Oe ee Gee ceets oe Retslgs tere arises colors Fairy tales from the Norse, French and Ger- man. One of the most desirable of the colored fairy books. Yellow Fairy Book, (Fairy library.) Burt,co 1, Ube eee foe sekotean tate: ee Perhaps next to the Blue, the most desirable of the colored fairy books. Partial contents: The Six Swans, The Dragon of the North, The Iron Stove, The Donkey Cabbage,. The Little Green Frog, The Invisible Prince, The Glass Mauntain, The Magic Ring. LANSING, M. F. ed. Tales of Old England in Prose and, Verse. | Ginn,.o5C. «6 ues ss “Fourteen stories which lie in the field be- tween fairy tale and romance.” In the evolution of folk lore—sagas follow fairy tales. Unlike fairy tales, which attach themselves to no coun- try or period, these tales of local tradition pur- port to relate to some definite person who lived in a place which is well known. By this actual set- ting they convey to the mind of the reader a sat- isfying sense of sturdy reality. Preface. Contents: Tom Thumb, Childe Rowland, The Children in the Wood, Jack and the Bean Stalk, John Grumlie, Jack, the Giant Killer, Dick Whit- ington and his Cat, Robin Goodfellow, King Alfred and the Shepherd, Get Up and Bar the Door, King John and the Abbott, Sir Patrick Spens, The Merry History of the Cobbler and the King, The Minstrel’s Farewell. School price. 42 ats 3.6 rath 42 42 .29 Order Grade No. 245 (6-7) 246 (3-4) 247 (4-6) 248 249 (5-6) 250 (5-6) 253 (3—4) FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA LUMMIS, C. F. Pueblo Indian Folk-stories. CON EUT Vere ule Nee ae aerated ssc a ob Pe dete s A cage “First published under the title ‘The Man Who Married the Moon.’ This edition is greatly en- larged and title describes it more accurately.” H. H. Seerley. McCABH, O. Rose Fairies. Rand, $1.25.. MAC DONALD, G. At the Back of the North Wind. Burt, $1.00 .... 7.2... A Re a eae SAMNIGs we LULCOM sy 50 Ob betel coe te. < creates A modern story which has already become a classic. Some call it a fairy story, some an alleg- ory, some say it is merely fiction. It is the nar- rative of a little boy who slept over the stable, and when the North Wind came blowing through a knot-hole, he made her acquaintance, and they had wonderful experiences together. Mr. Mac- Donald has shown himself a master of English and imaginative conceptions. Princess and the Goblin. Lippin- COlC tS LaGUemer: caer roles she OEE ees The story of a princess who was rescued from the goblins of the mines under the palace by a miner’s son. Hor some, the tale may be only a flight of imagination, for others it will be a won- derful allegory, illusive at times perhaps, but inspiring in its teaching of the guiding power of spiritual light. MAC MANUS, S. Donegal Fairy Tales. Mc- CULE ac LO OMe cs aati ete. «act leas Shee site. Os Mr. McManus tells the old Irish fairy tales with which he was familiar in his boyhood. They have wit and humor, and adventure, and show the work of a born story-teller in their form of presentation. Partial contents: The Plaisham, The Amadan of the Dough, Conal and Donal and Taig, Manis the Miller, -Hook-edy-crookedy, The Bee, the Harp, The Mouse, and The Bum-Clock. MULOCK, Mrs. D. M. C. Little Lame Prince. PONE ier Uaone ieee on ocal- an Ten ois SAS A ee Same; illus. in color by Hope Dun- Tape (RADY SL Oe sea reat cea a here leRy elena : A charming, though rather sad story of a prince who was deprived of his kingdom and shut up in a high tower, where his fairy god-mother came to him, and sent him flying away on a wonderful traveling carpet. PECK, H. T. Adventures of Mabel, Dodd, $1.00 The story of a little girl who was given the power to understand the language of animals, and the wonderful influence it had upon her. The book is in no sense great, but it is strikingly pop- ular with children, and its effect upon their sympa- thies with animals is excellent. 27 School price. -95 .80 42 .99 .68 .80 65 28 Order Grade No. 254 255 256 257 258 260 261 262 (2-3) (4-5) (4-5) (455) (8-4) (o-2) (4-5) (4-6) LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS PERRAULT, ©. Tales of Mother Goose; tr. by O. Welsh. Heath, 20c¢ 4... 6 (a stettecie ie er An unusually good collection. Contents: Cin- derella, The Sleeping Beauty, Little Thumb, The Master-Cat, or Puss in Boots, Riquet of the Tuft, Blue Beard, The Fairy, Little Red Riding Hood. PYLE, H. Pepper and Salt, or Seasoning for Young Folks. Harper, $1.50............. A book of charming stories and verses written and illustrated in Howard Pyle’s most pleasing style. Partial contents: The Skillful Huntsman, Claus and His Wonderful Staff, How Dame Mar- gery Twist Saw More Than Was Good for Her, Clever Peter and the Two Bottles, Hans Heckle- mann’s Luck, Farmer Grigg’s Beggart, The Bird in the Linden Tree, The Apples of Contentment. Twilight Land. Harper, $1.50..... A splendid volume of fairy tales, well worth while not only for the pleasure afforded by the stories, but also because of the beautiful English and style. Wonder Clock; or Four and Twenty. Marvelous Tales, being one for Each Hour of the: Day. . ‘Harper; 23.2. 0059..2-0 a. eae ayes ke Partial Contents: Bear-skin, Water of Life, ‘How Boots Befooled the King, The Step-mother, Master Jacob, Peterkin and the Little Gray Hare, Mother Hildegarde, The Simpleton and his ays Black Hen, The Three Little Pigs and the gre. PYLE, K. Christmas Angel. Little, $1.25.. A little girl’s adventures in Santa Claus land where she goes with the Christmas angel. -8)) Know. Doubleday, $1.20 ...... Ae Ry Cn Description of trees at different seasons includ- ing study of fruits, leaves, and uses of trees. “Useful guide for children of twelve and over, and also a convenient teacher’s aid.” eRe Ree tee Partial contents: Mrs. Eneiro’s Mouth and All That Goes With It, Mrs. Epeiro’s Spinning Ma- chine, The Tent Makers, The Silk Combers, The Jumpers, The Fliers, Spinners Who live in the Ground, How the Spinners Spend the Winter. (3-4) PYLE, K. Stories of Humble Friends. Amer. BOGHELG Oe 0G. hater ie. oe re oleae! oe shakers Se Partial contents: The Flying Squirrel, The Oppossum Family, The Story of a Slave, The Tame Bat, The Two Little Crabs, James Crow, The Pet Lamb, Gray Wings, The Story of a Cater- pillar, The Captive Robin, Firefly, Flora and Her Cat: (6-8) SCHWARTZ, J. A. Wilderness Babies. Little Clive CCE tm iO,0 Ce Ptr tt oe ste er CE gp a eas : How the young of mammals are fed and cared or. (8-H.S.) SCUDDER, S. H. Life of a Butterfly. Holt, SIRO OF oe Peso RPE ee sats Be ene, ete ats 6 (8-H.S.) WEED, C. M. Nature Biographies; the Lives of Some Everyday Butterflies, Moths, Grass- hoppers, Flies. Doubleday, $1.35......... (4-6) WHED, C. M., and MURTFELDT, M. EK. Stories of Insect Life, 2 vol. Ginn. edhe ai, Rey. Se So Se Pan Ae ee Pe Une Vol. 1. Partial contents: The Moth and Its Eggs, The Worms on the Cabbage Leaves, The Red and Black Tiger Caterpillar, The Life His- tory of the Ant, The May Beetles or-June Bugs, The Common Potato Beetle, The Aphis Lion. WiO lee Partial Contents: Our Insect Musi- cians, The Songs of the Katydids, The Urb-Worm Tiger, The Usefulness of -Ladybugs, The Tirefly, The Tomato Worms. (3-4) WRIGHT, J. M. Sea-Side and Way-Side. Heath. ViG ite aL ODO, RRL oii utente tae Be Ginn evins taberec aac fe IVI Let Giles oak n Peer oh ca aoa Begs. OF she nu de Rete Ay Og FR ala a8 RI ot Geel ee eaig's: edhe’ SRS VOL Mees OC ot Mite item tedaeea tere eee + scsi SS Vol. 1. Crabs, bees, spiders, shell fish. Vol. 2. Ants, flies, beetles, barnacles, , jelly- fish, starfish. Vol. 3. Relation of the insects and birds to plant life. Vol. 4. Tntroduction to study of astronomy, geology, biology. (7-H.S.) WRIGHT, M. O, Four-Footed Americans and 41 School price. .80 Hed 42 54 75 1.00 .21 .25 23 .ol sa 42 Order Grade No. 382 (7-8) 383 (6-H.S.)_ 384 (7-H.S.) 385 (7-8) 386 (3-5) 387 (5-6) 388 (4-6) 389 (7—H.S.) 390 (6-7) LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS BIRD LIFE. Their Kin. Macmillan, $1.50 ............ BASKETT, J. N. Story of the Birds. Apple- TOD; COCHR OSS «vic te teckers ie seca heap tatcegeeetens a mema neu Partial contents: How Did the Birds First Fly, Perhaps? War and Weapons Among the Birds, The Meaning of Music Among Birds, How a Bird Goes to Bed, What a Bird Knows About Geography and Arithmetic. BLANCHAN, N., pseud. Bird Neighbors. Grosset, $1.25 OC. +48_@ean te O18 8 B On8 C6239 0 © (OO 0) 2 6 16 Ss @ 50 Clear and reliable descriptions of 150 differ- ent birds, illustrated with colored plates. Very useful in identifying the birds. CHAPMAN, F. M. Bird Life; a Guide to the Study of Our Common Birds. Appleton, $2.00 CB: YO te. 8' :C! 0508 8 eeeeeerksesee#ee#258»reeeet © ee © & © & @ “Intended for amateurs. Contains a field key to common birds, valuable chapters on structure, usefulness and migration, with brief descriptions of each species. Includes 75 full page plates.” Pittsburgh. ECKSTORN, F. H. Bird Book. Heath, 60c. Water birds as well as land birds, hints on ob- serving and identifying birds. FOX, F. M. Farmer Brown and the Birds. Page, 50e e > e OS 1S 10:0 6. Oe 10 ' BO: D'S “8.8 8 ° o's Ve 6 2°76 e e e e “A little story showing the value of the birds to their farmer friends.” GRINNELL, E. & J. Our Feathered Friends. Heath, 30c ° e e ° e oie (§, Oe (6 e e e ° e e e e e e e . es e e e Partial contents: How Birds Dress, How Ma- dam Bird Combs Her Hair, What Birds Carry in Their Pockets, Umbrellas and Other Things, Cradle Making, How Baby Birds are Fed, Birds at Work and at Play. MILLER, O. T. First Book of Birds. Hough- ton Sch. ed., 60c. e e ° e e e e e ° . ° ° . . ° Information about the birds is given in chap- ters arranged under the general subjects, The Nestling, The Bird Grown Up, How He is Made, His Relations with us. This book will stimulate an interest in birds in general: not intended as a help in identification. Little Brothers of the Air. Hough- TON, DS Leo) cee reee eens hts tang re Essays on birds and their habits for those who already love them. Second Book of Birds. Hough- TOD Sail O ge aaa foradere ie pou bea aoe Partial contents: The Hermit Thrush, The Oven-bird, The Baltimore Oriole, The Cedar-bird, The Kingfisher, The W )odpecker. oe 0.8 €."6 © voce 16 @ School price. 1.25 .o4 80 to 54 32 sat 52 aife .80 Order No. 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 Grade (8-H.S.) (6-8 ) (78) FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA Upon the Tree Tops. Hough- LON Ge SUE a te Gear ae eal Shoots ere General observations on birds and bird-life. oo ee ee WALKER, M. C. Our Birds and Their Nestlings. Amer. Book Co., 60c ......... “A delightful little book in which a few birds have been described as to appearance, habit, etc. Poems and legends connected with the birds have been introduced. Illustrated in colors.’’ WEED, C. M. Bird Life Stories; compiled from Audubon, SBendire, Nuttall and Wilson. VERS AKGL, AAR UTES Sete Arig FON SLEL Or Cora eRe ty apm ree PT ote “T have modified the language and punctuation only as far as was necessary to shorten some sen- tences and to render clear the meaning of others.” Preface. Twenty-four descriptions of common birds, with illustrations in color. INDUSTRIES, OCCUPATIONS AND INVENTIONS. Ch3,) Ges) (bast) (oc) rm) (a—7) BAKER, R. S. Boy’s Book of Inventions. DOUDIECAYS =o CeO acre tee teen chee ee ohis ohees 8 es Contents: A Voyage on the Bottom of the Sea, Liquid Air, Telegraphing Without Wires, The Mod- ern Motor Vehicle, X-Ray Photography, Tailless Kites, The Story of the Phonograph, The Modern Skyscraper, Through Air. Boys’ Second Book of Inventions. DOUDISOay eon Ole ra ech. erste eee ane a Partial contents: Wireless telegraphy, Solar motors, Miracle of Radium, Santos-Dumont’s Steerable Balloons. BOSTOCK, F. C. Training of Wild Animals. Cent yaw cree a mae seco ee Reset vec t nee e - Written by a great animal trainer, who tells his own experiences in training animals and much information he has gained about their habits, etc. CARPENTER, F. G. Foods; or, How the World is Fed. (Industrial Readers.) Amer. BOOK COC MGOUCHS Herne te. ee oe How the World is Clothed. (Readers in commerce and industry. ) Amer. Book OP OG Ls catecn eee ea < NaN a FR | Ry Pa Much information about culture, manufacture and preparation of material for clothing. How the World is Housed, Amer. BOOK (0 yen OU Car ere Un ore Chere Maiahs oie whats iene Information about building materials and con- struction. 43 School price. 8 .50 52 1.30 1.20 .80 .50 .50 .50 44 Order No, 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 Grade (6-8) (47-6) (425) (4-0) (5—6) (78) LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS CARTER, C. F. When Railroads Were New. Olt a2. 0 ONC. 57). cet yekete me nies eet ee ere eae “Gives information not accessible elsewhere about early history of railroads, illustrated by anecdotes showing the human interest. Index. A very good, interesting, readable book.” H. H. Seer- ley. CHAMBERLAIN, J. F. How We Are Clothed. Macmiillany:4 0G Aitcscrrteeieke ee eee teres es Partial contents: Cotton Fields, On a Sheep Ranch, Woolen Cloth and Clothing, A Field of Flax, etc. How We Are Fed. Macmillan, 40c. Partial contents: Story of a Loaf of Bread, How Our Meat is Supplied, Fishing Industries, Oyster Farming, A Rice Field, etc. How We are Sheltered. Macmillan, Partial contents: Houses in Cliffs, Indian Homes, Filipino Houses, Lumbering, How Bricks Are Made, Artificial Stone. CHASE, A. & CLOW, E. Stories of Industry. Educational Pub. Co. VOLE 1 COG" ane cerntee en hi ekaeeeotrcr ease ene aces VOlica,; «0 UCtaaantiy aadee Neue pace tekthe > ateha tee £05 Partial contents: Vol. 1. Coal, Petroleum, Min- ing and Manufacture of Gold, Silver, Tin and Iron, Sewing Machines, Ship-building, Gas-making. Partial contents: Vol 2. Cotton-spinning, Cali- co Printing, Carpet Weaving, Whale Fisheries, Printing, The Manufacture of Hats, Leather, But- ter and Cheese, Candy, Paper, etc. COLLINS, F, A. Boy’s Book of Model Aero- planes. Century, «$1320 metic. ee oe ve es “Numerous photographs and diagrams make clear the author’s complete directions for build- ing and flying of aeroplane models. There is also a story of the evolution of the flying machine.” A. L. A. Booklist. DOUBLEDAY, R. Stories of Inventors: The Adventures of Inventors and Engineers, True Incidents and Personal Experiences. Dou- Dleday, JS.1320 ee ei ee ees eee ice sk ae Contents: How Guglielmo Marconi Telegraphs Without Wires; Santos Dumont and His Air- ship; How a Fast Train is Run; How Automo- biles Work; The Fastest Steamboats; The Life Savers and Their Apparatus; Moving Pictures, Some Strange Subjects and How They Were Taken; Bridge Builders and Some of Their Achievements; Submarines in War and Peace; Long Distance Telephony; A Machine That Thinks; How Heat Pi ye ices Cold. School price. 1.55 .36 .36 48 48 1.00 81 Order Grade No. 408 (7-8) 409 (6-7) 410 (7-8) 411 (5-7) 412 (7-H.58.) 413 (7-H.58.) 414 (4-5) 415 (7-8) 416 (6-8) FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA DOWNES, A. M. Fire Fighters and Their Pets. Fiarper eo 5. Omererdesar cea « socdee ha oie knee Not intended for ‘children, but eagerly read by them. GREENE, H. Coal and Coal Mines. Hough- COD GD) Cierra fal eeie tread calles oh ona ver ue Gel coat eS bt ee os Discovery of coal, introduction into general use; Mining and Preparation for Market; Lives of the Miners. HALH, EH. EH. Stories of Invention. Little, $1.00 Contents: Archimedes, Friar Bacon, Beuvenuto Cellini, Bernard Palissy, Benjamin Franklin, The- orists of the 18th Century, James Watt, Robert Fulton, George Stephenson, Hli Whitney, James Nasmuth, Sir Henry Bessemer. HILL, C. T. Fighting a Fire. Century, $1.50. “An interesting account of the workings of the New York fire department.” A very popular book. HOWDEN, J. R. The Boy’s Book of Railways. PIC Ce Ree aU bare tan Parris oe uney cia nates ah ae MLS ede “A comprehensive survey of railway history and management, treating passenger and freight mat- ters in separate sections. Though dealing largely with English and American railroads there is some description of Huropean methods. The 126 illustra- tions cover the whole range of rolling stock, from photographs of famous American “fliers” to a Chinese coal car. Though written for older boys, it will also interest many men.” A. L. A. Book- list. Boy’s Book of Steamships. Dou- DCO years aeU Ornette e sorte ete coke Megs. aarzcet. Watts Up to date, profuse illustrations. Complete his- tory of steam vessels. KIRBY, M. & E. Aunt Martha’s Corner Cup- DGaArd Teo tal aea nee 40 Co. 4 seeersats s cVeie wee Sou. si8 “This book contains stories about tea, coffee, sugar, rice, and many other articles in common use, where they come from, and how they are prepared.” LANE, M. A. L., ed. Triumphs of Science. (Youth’s Companion series). Ginn. Sch. ed., RIV e. Femaetete Arle aati ae ici esd: la Uleus taiar ar Ds A ae aR Contents: The Story of the Atlantic Cable, A Modern Observatory, Astronomical Photography, The Lighting of Our Coast, Modern Great Guns, Submarine Boats, How Warships Are Built, The Boston Subway, The St. Clair Tunnel, Harnessing Niagara, Where Railroads Go, Artesian Wells, The Mariner’s Compass. MOFFET, C. Careers of Danger and Daring. CATE TETeV eee erie eee Peete ee ae el eel cee ia deka. ara, oe Describes the dangerous feats accomplished daily by steeple-climbers, deep-sea divers, balloon- ists, ocean and river pilots, bridge builders, fire- men, acrobats, wild-beast tamers, locomotive en- gineers, and men who work with dynamite. A fascinating book, 45 School price. 95 .62 1.25 1.30 132 .25 .93 46 Order Grade oO. 417 (5-7) LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS MOWRY, W. A. & A. M. American Inven- tions and Inventors. Silver, 65c ........ Contents: Heat, Light, Food, Clothing, Travel, Letters. -(5-6) ROCHELEAU, W. F. Great American Indus- 418 419 420 421 422 (8-H.S.) 423 (7-8) 424. (7-8) 425 (7-8) tries; new ed., 4 vol. Flanagan, 50c ea... Vol. 1. Minerals. Contents: Coal, cop- per and zinc, gold and silver, granite, iron, marble, natural gas, petroleum, slate. Vol. 2. Products of the Soil. Contents: Cereals, cotton, lumber, sugar, wheat, fruit. Vol. 3. Manufacturers. Contents: Mo- tors, glass, leather, boots and shoes, dressed meat, pins and needles, paper, printing, newspapers, books. Vol. 4. Transportation. Contents: Primi- tive methods of travel and transportation, roads and carriages, waterways, inland wa- terways, railways, electric railways, moun- tain railways, express, carrying the mails. Geography of Commerce and In- dustry. Educational Pub. Co., $1.00 ..... “The dependence of industries upon geographi- cal conditions, the relation of man to his envir- onment, and the effect of commerce upon civiliza- tion are shown. ‘The industrial life of our own country is fully treated, and then the relation of the United States to other countries, and of these to each other are shown.” Preface. VELVIN, E. Behind the Scenes with Wild Animals, UA Seas Greer te “In scope it presents elementary facts only, a large proportion of which relate to the preser- vation of health.” HANDICRAFTS. (7-8) ADAMS, J. H. MHarper’s Machinery Book for Boys. Harper ($0-75,705. «\< sere a cte che wt Oe “A first book for boys of twelve and older, cover- ing the principles of mechanics, sources of power, kinds and use of tools,” etc. A. L. A. Booklist. 47 School price. 42 .66 “a9 .50 .40 .66 1.15 48 Order No. 436 (6-8) 437 (7-8) 438 (6-7) 439 (6-8) 440 (6-8) 441 (7-H.S.) 442 (7-8) LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS FOSTER, E, W. Elementary Woodworking. CERT wy waar wets 2 ip ean afake Ve eke talent: Weds ee Describes tools and methods of working, also characterizes woods obtained from best known trees. KILBON, G. B. Carpentry for Boys, Elementary Woodwork, a Series of Lessons. Lothrop, LOG. cw Side uke sas eine be el eee eee “Also published under title ‘Manual Training, Elementary Woodwork.’” Descriptions of work very clear and drawings singularly good. Useful to boy seeking to instruct himself.” Educational Review. LARSSON, G. Elementary Sloyd and Whit- tling, With Drawings and Working Direc- tions... Silver, (oC ase eee eee eas By the Principal of Sloyd High School in Boston. SELDEN, F. H. Elementary Wocdwork for Use in Manual Training Classes. Rand, 80c. A series of lessons on the use of tools in form for class use. WHEELER, C. G. Woodworking for Begin- ners; -PuNSuT eS aso. seen: whe Ment ces “A book for the older boys who really wish to make things successfully and like a workman. It contains a great variety of designs, with detailed and practical directions for their execution. Tells how to make toys, houses for animals and furni- ture. Gives simple directions for beginners for house building and. boat building.” Pittsburgh. FINE ARTS. CAFFIN, C. H. Guide to Pictures. Baker, : 5 Bhs Pe eae aD ror eae Se Pncgle A 8 eee oe La “iP “Not intended as a complete guide to specific paintings. The average child will understand, and the exceptional child will be interested in the clear and simple explanation of the principles and qualities which underlie true art. Frequent dia- grams and examples are used to illustrate the author’s explanations. Some of the topics discussed are composition, action, movement and composi- tion of the figure, classic landscape, form and color, brush work and drawing. HEspecially valu- able for grade teachers and others who work with children.”’ A. L. A. Booklist. CONWAY, A. E. & Sir W. W. Children’s Book of Art; with 16 full page illustrations in color. (Color books for boys and girls.) Macmillan, $2 00223." ehenvct. reece sere a eee Not as comprehensive or complete as Whit- comb’s “Young People’s Story of Art,’ but more en- tertaining and less difficult. School price. 50 .66 .66 oLei0 1.54 Order Grade No. 443 444 445 446 44.7 448 449 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA FROEHLICH, H. B. & SNOW, B. EK. Text Books of Art Education. Prang. VOLES sie ct) Can Pent ied res AS Ne coe o's mene 0 Vol. 2, 2 OC m Ra R et tas oie ct oo aot he 6 es 5. aie Ae a ba PPA et A wil ac. sper. acl Metin eae aan a NV Oly 454i Ceeienre Gwe eet i Aaland teas esis «y's NOLS O MES OG areas otter. uo arth ake ie er ab tear ees VO Pan ee Capea ence dhs tat, cin gaara oh tiny at eine: ol eed a WV OR alee 0 Couey eatin J None A ese char eag ys Vee c Verse and prose text, with illustrations that teach the principles of drawing and the use of color. ‘‘Books become more directly instructive as series proceed.’ N. Y. Best Books. 450 (8-H.S.) HURLL, E. M. Correggio: A collection of pic- 451 (8-H.58.) 452 (8-H.58.) 453 (8-H.8.) 454 (8-H.S.) 455 (8-H.5S.) 456 (8-H.5S.) tures and a portrait of the painter, with an introduction and interpretation. (River- side Art Series.) Houghton, 50c ........ Landseer: A collection of pictures and a portrait of the painter, with an in- troduction and interpretation. (Riverside ATC. OPTICS, per LOUSUTON). DUC Owe elcie 6 2 yes, se Michaelangelo: A collection of pictures and a portrait of the painter, with introducton and interpretation. (Riverside AT tI DerliGS. =F OUSNTONS ED UC a. eek ee eee Millett: A collection of pictures and a portrait of the painter, with an in- troduction and interpretation. (Riverside APESOeriess)er HOUSTON PW OUC tae, oc. 6 oo. 2's. Murillo: A collection of pictures and a portrait of the painter, with an in- troduction and interpretation. (Riverside Arie Series: am ttOuentonecd VCs sare ass a: ake Raphael: A collection of pictures and a portrait of the painter, with an in- troduction and interpretation. (Riverside APU OCTICO“.) eriOU el ULONTs DUG oe sss oe os Rembrandt: +A collecticn of pic- tures and a portrait of the painter, with an introduction and interpretation. (Riverside Artoericsayqmouenton, HVC .25...-.%s» «s 49 School price. 23 23 .27 .41 41 41 .50 43 43 43 43 .43 42 .43 50 LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS Order Grade No 457 (8-H.S.) ——————__ Reynolds: A collection of pictures and a portrait of the painter, with an in- troduction and interpretation. (Riverside Art Series.) Hourhton, 506.2... e0 ee 458 (8-H.S.) —————— Titian: A collection of pictures and a portrait of the painter, with an in- troduction and interpretation. (Riverside Art: Series:) cHoughton, 0G et. ees 459 (8-H.S.) —————— Van Dyck: A collection of pictures and a portrait of the painter, with an in- troduction and interpretation. (Riverside ATt Seriess) 7 “Howebton. oC Caer ioe. ee 460 (8-H.S.) ———_——_ Tuscan Sculpture. (Riverside Art Series, ) “Hloughtonten0 Cac tek ee (7-8) KEYSOR, J. E. Great Artists, 2 Vol. Educa- cational Pup CO0.350 0C Garces recs nas ee i alas 461 Vol. I. Contents: Raphael, Rubens, Murillo, Durer. 462 Vol. II. Contents: Van Dyke, Reynolds, Rembrandt, Bonheur. 463 (5-6) RYDINGSVARD, A. M. von. Art Studies for Schools; or, Hints on the Use of Reproduc- tions of High Art in the School Room. BTAnaAGan . O120 0 wc he cen ee aan ae eee aye ere “Facts about sixty-eight artists, ranging from Cimabue to Sargent, with simple criticism, or ex- planation of an example of the work. Has ninety reproductions.” N. Y. Best Books. 464 (7-H.S.) SMITH, H. Founders of Music. Schrimer, $1.00 Biographies of musicianS and studies of forms of musical composition. SONGS. 465 CARPENTER, J. A. & CARPENTER, R. When Little Boys Sing: Words, Music and Pic- tures: G:MCOluire. 29. 1:200 eee ee. Has colored illustrations. Very attractive either as a song book or a picture book. 466 CHAMBERLAIN, D. B. (Harvard) & HAR- RINGTON, K. B. (Wesleyan), comp. Songs of All Colleges. Hinds & Noble, $1.50.... Words and musie for high school students. 467 DANN, H. Christmas Carols and Hymns. Amer. Book: Co2c45t). ca aa. See renee as Unusually good collection of old Christmas carols with some modern music, School price. 43 43 43 .40 .80 .65 1.00 ou of Order Grade No. 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 ' 476 477 478 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA ELLIOTT, J. W., ed. Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs Set to Music. Mchancnlinno 0G 27 ou 2. sts clavate MP dnsrate ttle Simple melodies within the range of the child’s voice. Well illustrated. ‘ HOFF, W. C., ed. Corona Song Book. Ginn, $1.00 J . e ee" @ 1@. .6 %. a e HO ,@ €¢. 6's & 6 6 @ 6 ee C-é'.8 G8 &@ 6 8 @ High Schools, Glee Clubs. JOHNSON, C. W., ed. Songs of the Nation. TIVO MEG UCat acme Ss coetinter i a teers hott halal aiey ark e Good collection of patriotic and other songs, KNOWLTON, F. Nature Songs for Children. OLAV ees (Omer trCees, Feces aceie w ks) els A very charming collection of short songs for little people. MIESSNER, W. O. & FOX, F. C. Art Song Cycles. Silver. BOO Kelana 0 Carer eet Merrie tre ee hace BOOK ae ea D Cate ted Peer acre el ecate ote onal ais cone tersSe: et Mr. Miessner is a teacher of music in the pub- lic schools, and his experience has fitted him to un- derstand what children can sing and what they enjoy. For younger grades. NEIDLINGER, W. H. Small Songs for Small SINSCRS gO CULUIel io a0 were ae ise ok. 3 Words and music both show originality and imagination. The songs are deservedly popular with children. PRAY, M. kl. Motion Songs for Public Schoolsaettieaty s4.0Co.'. 5, ¢ sewers servte. cisions “Helpful in the preparation of school celebra- tions and in physical culture work with small children.” Helen Kennedy in League of Lib. Comm. Suggestive List of Children’s Books. RILEY, Mrs. A. D. & GAYNOR, Mrs. J. L. Songs of the Child World. Church Co..- V Olive ty ttuls 0 Unie waked canal eld aia tate Eas GREG sme Wolw oye. 0 0a avers sien CROe tS eer ema Music by Mrs. Gaynor, words by Mrs. Riley. Both words and music have unusual merit, and are well adapted to be used in combination with the stories, games, special seasons and occupations of the kindergarten and primary grades, St. Nicholas Songs. Century, $2.00 ......... “Mostly children’s poetry from the pages of St. Nicholas set to music by various American and English composers. The music is simple, tuneful, and well adapted to the voices of children. The collection is especially recommended for home and school use.’’ Prentice. 51 School price. .40 80 .54 .90 .20 .20 1.32 239 78 ats: 1.33 52 LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS Order Grade No. 479 SMITH, E. Common School Book of Vocal Music: A One-book Course of Song and Study for Use in Schools of Mixed Grades. (Modern Music Series). Silver, 40c ...... Miss Smith’s wide experience with children’s voices makes this collection of special value. AMUSEMENTS. 480 (7-8) ADAMS, J. H. Harper’s Outdoor Book for Boys,? Harpers sS1610) ose a ce iene Dal Pye “Simple, practical directions for making things that are worth making and not beyond the powers of an energetic boy with a mechanical turn of mind: 9 N.Y. Best Books: 481 (5-8) BANCROFT, J. H. Games for Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium. Macmil- dan, s$.1.5.0 RR cae eats a ces eee eae Ree uk ee 482 (5-7) BEARD, D. C. American Boy’s Handy Book: What to do and how to do it. Scribner, $2.00 Directions for kites, boats, aquariums, pup- pet shows, etc., with the games classed by sea- son. 483 (5-7) Mm—— Jack of All Trades: New Ideas for American Boys. Scribner, $2.00 ........ Tree top and underground club-houses, work shops, toboggan slides, fish ponds, fishing and trapping, circuses. 484 (6-8) —————._ Field and Forest Handy Book: New ideas for out of doors. Scribner, $2.00 Hunting, fishing and camping for amateurs, how to make log-houses, sleds, boats, bird houses, herbariums, etc. 485 (6-8) _——— Outdoor Handy Book. Scribner, Vi ek, See es Pek SRN ake aE RS A 486 (6-7) BEARD, L. & A. The American Girl’s Handy Book. =< Scribner: '.92-0 0 ee uae eee oe ee “Willed with practical directions for work and play of every kind.” 487 (7-8) ———— Indoor and Outdoor Handicraft and Recreation for Girls. Scribner, $2.00..... Spinning, weaving, pottery, toy making, games, play houses and picnics. 488 (4-5) ———— little Folks’ Handy Book. Scrib- NEP TBO Se ees ee rele ae “Simple handicraft for little children. Differs from kindergarten books in that the toys suggest- ed are made from empty spools, clothespins, kindling wood, etc.. encouraging resourcefulness, and simplicity in play. Children of nine and ten can use it without help.” See a This version of the Persian epic is one pre- pared and used by the author with a boy’s club in the Brooklyn Public Library. The stories are carefully selected and beautifully told. The de- tailed descriptions, the circuitous expression, and involved compliment, charactertistic of the Ori- ental story are all preserved; the atmosphere of the East will impress the child. i 567 (7-8) SCHMIDT, F. Nibelungs; tr. from the Ger- man by G. P. Upton. (Life stories for young people.) McClurg, 60c .......... 42 “An excellent prose rendering of the famous epic. The translation into the medium of the older English form of expression reproduces more nearly the spirit and life of the original poem.” a 0. L. DG ee cee oe Us oe Cate Pa eee Twin brother and sister were shipwrecked in their infancy and so involved in a mystery which the story eventually solves. 73 School price. 78 .90 .65 23 44 .92 74 Order Grade No. * 678 (6-8) 679 680 681 682 683 684 686 687 688 Coad) (7-8) (4-6) (6-8) (7-8) (6—8 ) (6—8) (7-8) LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS ——— Hans Brinker; or, The Silver Skates. SCTIDNET; (0 b.0.0e wo cictese 4 clade os tegee olen oly founds Temes The story of a brother and sister whose father is injured on the dykes in Holland. His injury leaves them in poverty and the struggle against it shows their courage and sterling qualities. The atmosphere of the country and the vivid pictures of manners and customs make the book of more’ value to the child than very many books of travel. DOLE, C, F. Crib and Fly, a Tale of Two Ter- riers, = itleath,.-2 OC pin g.eactehe eeaiees Perak eines ners ieee A good dog story for younger children. DOUBLEDAY, R. Cattle-Ranch to College. Dowvieday cole eee ee eee eee ea ee A good breezy story of western life on a cattle ranch. The story is based on fact. DRUMMOND, H. Monkey That Would Not Kill. POU 291.0 Ovary soko et eet cee e eee A humorous story of the unsuccessful attempts to get rid of a monkey that “wouldn’t hang, wouldn’t drown, and wouldn’t shoot.” DRYSDALE, W. The Beach Patrol. Wilde, 1.25 Operate ee tes ieee eee a Ee ce oe 2 Describes the life-saving station near Atlantic ity. The Fast Mail; The Story of a Train Boys Wilde; 73155 0 er acne ee Describes the experience of a newsboy of the Union News company on the West India fastmail. The Young Reporter. Wilde, $1.50 Describes the methods of getting news for our daily papers, Du Bois, M. C. Lass of the Silver Sword. Cen- tury): $b OO ek ora Ee et eho eee sa oe beds ws “A story of boarding school and school life, in which the ‘Order of the Silver Sword’ helps a band of spirited girls to exercise self-control and to be courteous, helpful and kind; as a whole it is wholesome and natural, and has unusual freshness and originality.” A. L. A. Booklist. DUDLEY, A. T. Following the Ball. Lee, $1.25 “Straightforward, interesting stories of school ee football, with many ideals.” A. L. A. Book- ist. School Four. Lothrop, $1.25 ..... Football story with characteristics of the above. DUNCAN, N. Adventures of Billy Topsail. REVelL 91250 0..-ae a eae foe See ae ee he RG An unusually strong, wholesome story of ad- venture laid in Labrador, with all the hardships of conditions in that northern country. School price. 95 (18 .95 67 .84 .84 .84 95 .84 84 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA Order Grade No. 689 (7-8) ————- Billy Topsail and Company. . Re- TIE) “Os ASTI 9 Le Ao S) atelier a eo a eae eae A “An excellent story of the adventures of a group of boys in a Newfoundland fishing village. The tone is manly and high-minded and the local color and details accurate. Sequel to The Ad- ventures of Billy Tonsail.” A. L. A. Booklist. 690 (4-5) DUTTON, M. B. In Field and Pasture, Amer. BOOK COs ro OO Gt Lbs: uu of 7s tbeeamar ea cast 2 ee oe Stories about a little Pueblo girl, two children ae Nile, @ Navajo boy, ete. A. L. A. Book- ist. 691 (6-8) EARLE, J.P. Onthe School Team. Penn. Pub. SOres Dit eee Ome Paes GRRE Years wo el as dee Football story, with very littie originality, but with the spirit of fairness and manliness. 692 (7-8) ————— School Team in Camp. Penn Pub. POD ob WMA ig yi ili, Ae ae ina ae eR ee an a Rae A good school story for older boys. 693 (4-6) EGGLESTON, HE. The Hoosier School Boy. SCLIDNOL Me Gaeta wate ent e wees rt Saas ome Story of school days in early Indiana history. Still full of interest for children, and a good pic- ture of pioneer days. 694 (5-6) EGGLESTON, G. C. Big Brother. Putnam, eLearn MO oan Rte HN CHEER ot Sige ates a Uieay ie ha wate The Creek Indian War. Continued by Cap- tain Sam. 695 (5-7) ———— Captain Sam; ocr, Boy Scouts of Orel 14 welt al co 2 Or. ce Cees lens. 2 Seeime Sequel to The Big Brother. 696 (5-7) Signal Boys; or, Captain Sam’s Company; wEuthn am, 91.25. os eel sediats) esis a: Sequel to Captain Sam. Story.of War of 1812. 697 (8-H.S.) ——-——— Southern Soldier Stories. (Standard School Library.) Macmillan, b0G ze.) «a. “Stories illustrating the heroism of those brave Americans who fought on the losing side in the Civil War. Humor and pathos are found side by side in these pages which bear evidence of absolute truth. Valuable for history class.” Ore- gon. So few books giving southern point of view that this one is especially desirable. 688 (8-H.S.) ELLIS, K. R. Wide Awake Girls. Little, be gS) ee ae poe Lae So! ESE GRE eT ge ee A very delightful girl’s story, full of freshness, originality and humor. The picture of the hero- ine’s experiences in Germany is particularly good. 75 School price. 198 80 .80 42 8 8 oo .88 ra) [ca | 76 Order No. 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 707 708 709 Grade (45) (6—7) (5-7) (i=8) (6-8) LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS EWALD, C, Two Legs; tr. from the Danish by A. T. de Mattos. Scribner, $1.00......... A picture given in interesting story form, of the primitive life of man and the domestication of the animals. EWING, Mrs. J. H. Jackanapes and Other Tales*” Wiittle;“b0¢ "S229. Gress ooo crs tees ss ; A story of heroism; an English soldier lad saves the life of his friend at the cost of his own. Jan of the Windmill; illus. by M. V. Wheelhouse. (Queen’s treasures. series.) Macmillan, 252500 2 Ws ricteneye sions sie ecaress ine) s Jan, the son of a miller, has a great ambition, and becomes a famous painter. Story of a Short Life, Page; 50c.. A sad story of a boy who longed to be a sol- dier and do heroic deeds. He becomes a hero, but not in the way he longed to do. FINNEMORE, J. Wolf Patrol. Macmillan, A story of the boy scouts in England, full of the ideals and standards of the organization. Occasional faults in English are outweighed by the fine tone of the book. (8-H.S.) FITZPATRICK, Sir P. Jock of the Bushveld. (2-3) (2-3) (3) C78) (5-6) On gMans; 5 UGr smut ote ee a ene Narrative of adventure in South Africa in which a remarkable dog Jock plays an important part. A. L. A. Booklist. FLETCHER, R. H. Marjorie and Her Papa. Century, 7910 Ciena ore oe eee a eee Realistic story of a little girl and her com- panionship with her father. Very simply written. FOULKE, E. EK. Braided Straws. Silver, 40c. Short stories and verses, some of them humor- ous. Partial contents: A Brave Little Maid, Earl’s Melons, Ruby’s Christmas. The Magic Tower. Twilight Stories. Silver, 86c..... Short stories and simple poems. FRENCH, A. Junior Cup. Century, $1.20... A good, strong story of athletics for boys. Sir Marrok; a tale of the days of King Arthur. “Century, 01,00 2 en eee eee eer “The adventures of Sir Marrok, youngest of the knights of Uther Pendragon who was chosen to cleanse the land of Bedegrain. The telling is after the manner of the old English chronicle and the lesson taught that of the triumph of honesty and chivalry over craft and cunning.” Pittsburgh. School price. .65 32 62 31 .95 Al .63 .36 .95 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA Order Grade No. 710 (8-H.S.) ——————_ Story of Rolf and the Viking’s Bow. Liltle, SiG Viewers eta ee. clepete, aye.'c Sta fqtee steve eens “Courage, self control, patriotism, perseverance’’ are the qualities developed in the young hero. N. Y. Best Books. Inspired and to some degree based on the Icelandic sagas. 711 (7-H.S.) FRENCH, H, W. Lance of Kanana. Lothrop, ‘It was the lance of Kanana in the hands of the Beduoin boy that rescued Arabia. a... .... Third Crusade (1191) scene in Palestine. A thrilling story of adventure with Richard-the- Lion-Heart as the real hero. SEAWELL, M. KH. (A) Virginia Cavalier. Harper, =$225 0-3. Se Se oe eee eee ata d “A thrilling but well written story of George Washington’s life and adventures prior to and through the Braddock campaign.” STEVENSON, R. L, Black Arrow. Scribner, $1.25 dee Oe eee eee Nok Saka toe A story of the Wars of the Roses, with Rich- ard III, a prominent character. David Balfour. Scribner, $1.50.. same. Everyman’s library, rein- forced cloth, “Dutton, 35¢ et...-s ta. ee Most exciting story of adventure, laid in Scot- ne during the time of the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. Kidnapped. Scribner, $1.50..... same. Everyman’s library, rein- forced cloth, Dutton, 3be:net......n.0. <> Sequel to “David Balfour.”’ School price. 82 035 .82 .82 35 .96 95 Order No 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA STOCKTON, F. R. Adventures of Captain Horn. SCLIPHO A coe OU Meet ke ahd coe Gch er oe eoey & 6 Search for a treasure of the Incas. Casting Away of Mrs. Lecks and Mrs. Aleshine. Century, $1.50 ........... Includes “The Dusantes,”’ “The Wildly Absurd Crusoe experiences of two prosaic matrons from New England; their methodical life on a desert isle, where they kept house as calmly and com- posedly as if they were at home, is set forth in a matter-of-fact manner that is very diverting.” Baker—Guide to the Best Fiction. The Lady or the Tiger? and other stories. Scribner, $1.25 O45 0 Be Ow 6) Se. oe Oe 81 e Most ingenious stories of absurd impossibilities, treated with the grave seriousness which makes Stockton’s fun so irresistible. Mrs. Cliff’s Yacht. Scribner, $1.50 99 Sequel to “Adventures of Captain Horn.;” nar- rates what befell the portion of the treasure which Mrs. Cliff obtained. Rudder Grange. Scribner, 75c... Experiences of a newly married pair, who be- gin housekeeping in a derelict barge. Humorous and delightful. STOWE, Mrs. H. B. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Houghton, 70¢e e e e ° e . e e ° . e e e e e ° ° ° ° e ° ° ° e Overdrawn and prejudiced, but so connected with the history of the Civil War that it is still de- manded by many readers. STUART, Mrs. R. M. Story of Babette. Har- per; $1.50 e . ° ° ee ° . ) e ° e e . ° ° ° . s . e . ee s e * @ A story of a little Creole girl who is stolen by a gypsy from her home in New Orleans during the Mardi Gras. Good picture of Creole-life in New Orleans. TWAIN, M., pseud. Dog’s Tale. Harper, $1.00 Horse’s Tale. Harper, $1.00..... Huckleberry Finn. Harper, $1.75. Sequel to “Tom Sawyer.” Jumping Frog. Harper, $1.00.... Tom Sawyer. Harper, $1.75...... Humorous picture of boy life, which all older boys enjoy. VERNE, J. Around the World in Highty Days. PRIDE Pere Ue Orc ahd Cate otis. oo alo chsh or are oes A story which was the most extravagant im- possibility at the time it was published. 185 School price. 90 85 95 40 04 .90 .66 .66 1.15 .66 1616 42 186 Order No. 1847 1848 1849 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS WALLACE, L. Ben Hur; a Tale of the Christ. Harper, 7S. L500 ae ¢ aust bone adeeonene aeentee Setar Ben Hur is.a young Jew of noble family taken prisoner by the Romans and made a galley- slave. WARNER, C. D. Being a Boy. Houghton, GO Ci Swe sehen th eke eet Sc UA ee nee Sig eeenne Picture of a New England boy’s experiences. “One of the best things in the world is to be a boy; it requires no experience, though it needs some practice to be a good one.” Warner. WEYMAN, S. J. House of the Wolf. lLong- MAN StS Uso" Resse ise ee ees Tie nig ests Wetter Story of the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 1572 in weiaris: Story of Francis Cludde. Longmans, BL Db Reece ee co Peet. Sates rote Mav Sante Oey eae A romance of adventure laid in the time of Bloody Mary. (1555-58.) WHITNEY, Mrs. A. D. T. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite’s Life. Houghton, $1.25..... Simple, wholesome picture of the life of a young girl. WIGGIN, K. D. Cathedral Courtship. Hough- LOTR S100 ee i eon aie ahah ae ear Humorous story of travel in England. New Chronicles of Rebecca. Grosset, 75e @) 2 16-40) OO Ae OO Oey 0) ee: Oe 18.78 128 Ce Bh ¢ 6. 0 16) @ ©” 8 8 es Sequel to “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.” Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm. Hong hton sy $422 brea eee. ee eee eke A very unusual picture of an original child, writ- ten with much charm and insight into human nature. Summer in a Canyon. Houghton, BEB. irae ace wens eee teen sh ene ene enone ge ete tes Sequel to “Polly Oliver’s Problem.” WILLIAMS, J. L. Adentures of a Freshman. Scribner, $1.25. 76 oe chek a Patel pFehe teva inate Very good college story. WOOD, J.S. Yale Yarns: Sketches of Life at Yale University. Putnam, $1.00......... YERATS, S. lL. Chevalier d’Auriac. Longmans, S1SZD 6 cdc piste teeta.s ota oats ea eta Romance of the Court of Henry of Navarre. Note: For additional fiction of interest to High School pupils, consult the list of stories for the grades. School price. 95 .48 99 .99 81 .65 42 .80 sau 87 ii!) .99 Order No 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA TRAVEL. ALLEN, T. G. & SACHTLEBEN. Across Asia on, a: Bicycle. Century, $1.50 i, wc kine ee she “Three Years’ Journey of two American Stu- dents from Constantinople to Peking.” BACON, A. M. Japanese Girls and Women. DeQitdadeyie hile as A ea reece cy) Rue SEE oe re very readable account of Japansese home ife. Japanese Interior. Houghton, 60c.. “A series of letters by an American teacher who had exceptional opportunities to study and observe Japanese customs while employed in a school for girls.”’ BULLEN, HE. T, Cruise of the Cachalot around the World after Sperm Whales. Appleton, $ 1 . 5 0 ae eo 8.8. 85.9 Cae 6 O.. 8. 82 © @. 6. 6D. eo @ soeeeeee?ee@ ° “Hnglish sailor’s cruise in a New Bedford whaler. Spirited, graphic, picture of methods, dangers and delights.” N. Y. Best Books. CLEMENT, EH. W. Handbook of Modern Ja- Pane, PMCClUre ts) 4 Ure. tsee kets tice ah ats Japan as it is rather than as it was; with maps and illustrations. CUSTER, Mrs. H. B. Tenting on the Plains. PLO PDC r ie Ore eee clots tise eles co shin otek ae A very graphic account of Mrs. Custer’s west- ern experiences with her husband in_barrick life, DANA, R. H. Jr. Two Years Before the Mast. TIOUGI LOM ce ON) Gap tert cnet ier cu crat a co stelei Beaters: “A narrative of a voyage around Cape Horn to San Francisco before the discovery of gold. The days of such exploits seem gone by, but this book remains as a literary record and will always be thus remembered.” DUNCAN, N. Dr. Grenfell’s Parish. Revell, ile (OMe iG burs ties Pet yore care nc certains Pore as setens Labrador life as seen by this hero physician in his work. LUMMIS, ©. KF. Some Strange Corners of Our Conntey aC Ontury; 8) 6.0 geste Seed a ts) “About the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, the dessert, the Moqui snake dance, cave dwellings, and other curious things to be seen in New Mexico and among the Pueblo Indians.’”’ Oregon. 187 School price. 95 46 .46 95 1.10 .98 .46 .84 95 188 Order No. 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS SCHWATKA, F. In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers. Educational Pub. Co., $1.25.... Much information about cave and cliff-dwellers still to be found in Mexico. “Popular account of the adventures and re- searches of two expeditions sent into northern Mexico in 1889 and 1890 by the Chicago news- papers—American and Herald.” SETON, Mrs. G. G. Woman Tenderfoot. Dou- bleday, $2.00 SEO 28! (OOF LF DUNE TS ie, ee eae Lee 2o eae ee ee “In addition to an attractive out-door flavor the book contains specific advice on the subject of camping dress and outfit for women.” SLOCUM, J. Around the World in the Sloop Spray. Scribner, 50e eeeeeerkvkeeseeseeeee#eeeee Abridged from his “Sailing Alone Around the World.’ A remarkable sea adventure. SMITH, F. H. White Umbrella in Mexico. Houghton}; 54,0000... 2.0% a 8 Wajus twain lis Me Merona ts fale 7% SMITH, N. A. Under the Cactus Flag.- Hough- ton.t;$.1.25) (ee eee REA Se ee ty Sere Bee The experience of a young girl who goes to Mexico to teach school. The life of the Mexi- cans is portrayed in a charming way. STEVENSON, R. L. Travels with a Donkey. Scribner, =$1-00f 4. oe ee MEARS Se a phe: Rn STOCKTON, F. R. Buccaneers and Pirates of Our ‘Coasts: “Grosset, "75C..-.. 2s es + 50 ome Contents: The Story of the Pearl Pirate, The Surprising Adventures of Bartholemy Portugez, The Story of L’Olonnois the Cruel, The Battle of the Sand Bars, The Pirates of the Buried Treasure, and other tales of the “Black Flag.”’ Note: For other interesting books of travel see grade list under Travel. GENERAL AND ANCIENT HISTORY. ABBOTT, F. F. History and Description of Roman Political Institutions. Ginn, $1.50. “The best single book on the subject in moderate compass.” Goodspeed. + ABBOT, E. History of Greece, 3 v. Putnam, Or Tb! Ca PA it ee eee ae see “Most interesting and most accurate. V. 1 to the Ionian revolt. V. 2 to the thirty years’ peace. V. 3 to the fall of the thirty at Athens.” Oregon. Pericles and the Golden Age of Athens. (Heroes of the Nations.) . Putnam, 9100-4255 coe eee eee Lawes bie Sec ay ites ene ee eee se School price. 75 1.25 42 99 £75 70 1.20 .5.00 1.05 Order No. 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1850 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA — BOTSFORD, G. W, Ancient History for Be- Sinners] Wace ilanyegi OO) wastes ©. co's wc an “Complies with action of American Historical Association, encouraging schools to give a year to ancient history, with special reference to Greek and Roman history, but including also a short in- troductory study of the more ancient nations. Copious use of maps and illustrations.’’ Nation. —_— History of Rome for High Schools and Academies. Macmillan, $1.10........ “Well written and illustrated. The best book of its size covering the whole field.’”’ Goodspeed. History of the Orient and Greece. DLAC alte ole Oa ce airerciroal yo ciate tee ethers Bias BURY, J. B. History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great. Macmillan, $1.90 Student’s History of the Roman Em- pire. Amer ook Cone S 1.508 foo jae ae os CREASY, Sir E. Fifteen Decisive Battles. New CUM EL AL DC hme leat nate oe aes en ee wee alee FISHER, G. P. Outlines of Universal History. Revised ed, Amer. Book Co., $2.40....... “Accurate, carefully arranged, well propor- toned’” -Aj ia -Ac Catalog: FLING, F. M. A Source Bock of Greek His- RSCOUVS DECAL Med 15 id te yiole susie, Sight ke ane e.s GULICK, C. B. Life of the Ancient Greeks. PDDICEOING se ok 4 Ole ecartre dives eka tha hls wee lawl we “Tn this well-illustrated volume, Gulick has brought together all that is necessary in order to understand the private life of the Greeks.” Andrews and others—Bibliography of History. HARDING, C. H. & HARDING, S. B. The City of the Seven Hills. Scott, 60c............ “A pen picture of the life and history of the Roman people.” HOW, W. W., & LHIGH, H. D. History of ROMeC, SOU eMAaNSs, VS 220 0 sc. sive etetene ss we es JOHNSTON, H. W. Private Life of the Ro- TABS we CO UL Obed U meets sy ce ee Sarat e are tes “A well-arranged and orderly work though not profound or original.’’ Andrews and others— Bibliography of History. ; LOVELL, I. Stories in Stone from the Roman HOC Re NLA CIITM AN, (O0 Chis wee en eels ae ps “Book puts readers in touch with Roman life eta = o* S eAa delightiul book ithat -ought. to be in the hands .of all teachers and young students.’ Andrews and others—Bibliography of History. 189 School price. 1.33 97 67 1.20 .88 1.95 .85 52 1.75 .40 190 Order No. 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS PELHAM, H. F. Outlines of Roman History. Putnam; -+$0. 7.5) 27 sy fsus ateusie acces en “The most satisfactory short complete history of Rome. It is clear, concise, and authorative, and is particularly good for the period after Agustus.” Andrews and others—Bibliography of History. PLOETZ, C. Epitome of Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern History, 1905 ed. Houghton, $3500 2a WEAR ae epee tate shorn ete fle Rite as sna maee “Perhaps the most valuable of all the small ref- erence books.” Adams—Manual of Historical Lit- erature. SIEGNOBOS, C. History of Ancient Civiliza- tion; tr. and ed. by A. H. Wilde. Scribner, S Te Dll CO likeccs acres Lepeee crs iee cotets eanetaeeey ance cae “An example of the excellent French textbooks for secondary schools. There is nothing of equal size as good.’ A. L. A. Booklist. History of the Roman People; ed. by William Fairley. Holt, $1.25......... “One of the best single volumes.’ Oregon. SHUMWAY, EK. A Day in Ancient Rome. Heath, y Gis seer ee eh ore. * hare rl SS A Ari ih aac An aid and an incentive to an acquaintance with Latin literature. WENDEL, F. C. H. History of Egypt. (His- tory primers.) Amer. Book Co., 35c..... “The best little book on Egyptian history.’ Goodspeed—History of the Ancient World. WOLFSON, A. M. Essentials in Ancient His- tory; from the earliest records to Charle- magne. Amer. Book Co., $1.50........... School price. 1.40 1.08 1.13 .O7 29 1.25 HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES—MODERN EUROPE. 1898 1899 1900 ADAMS, G. B. Civilization During the Middle Ages, especially in Relation to Modern Civ- ilization. +. Scribner.$2.00 % see. eee ane os “Of special value as a philosophic and interest- ing treatment.” D. C. Munroe. Growth of the French Nation. Mac- millan. S125: 30 ease a a eee reee s. ceererens “Condensed, skillful, graphic. No English history of France of same size can compare with a for accuracy or interest.” English History Re- view. ANDREWS, C. M. History of England. Allyn, PL B02 6 ate ty telena gota h ane ee a Nader ask eae emt eae ee 1eLO 1.25 Order No. 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 i912 1913 1914 i915 1916 1917 19t8 1919 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA ARCHER, T. A., & KINGSFORD, C. L. The Crusades: The Story of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. (Story of the Nations.) Put- TAI Pile eee eae eee atte Ate Sat Pike 9 és “Probably the best account of the Crusades.” Andrews and others, Bibliography of History. Seer aie at (The) Cambridge Modern History. LA Vor. Macmillans 4.007 Cathie. su. ..c 6s Vol. 1, The Renaissance. Vol. 2, The Reformation. Vol. 38, The Wars of Religion. Vol. 4, The Thirty Years’ War. Vol. 5, The Age of Louis XIV. Vol. 6, The EKighteenth Century. Vol. 7, The United States. Vol. 8, The French Revolution. Vol. 9, Napoleon. Vol. 10, Restoration. Vol. 11, The Growth of Nationalities. Vol. 12, The Latest Age. “Taken as a whole the work is indispensable.”’ Andrews and others, Bibliography of History. EMERTON, EH. ‘Introduction to the Study of the Middie Ages, 375-814. Ginn, $1.12... “Perhaps the best short history of middle ages in any language.” Critic. Mediaeval HKurope. Ginn, $1.50... FROISSART, J. The Boy’s Froissart; ed. by Sidney Lanier. Scribner, $2.00........... GARDINER, Mrs, B. M. C. French Revolution, 1789-95. (Epochs of modern history.) Long- edgraNelst. OFFS RAG OM oopre Sess 75 os AR he te GARDINER, S. R. Thirty Years’ War, 1618- 48. (Epochs of modern history.) lLong- AY) Soe oA) Mee ee seats tae tek ath ave teeta a: eters <8) 88 “Unequaled as a brief sketch.’’ Adam’s Manual of Historical Literature. GRIFFIS, W. E. Brave Little Holland. Hough- SOc Cae re Re Nair iret stand faced. tae ueiaeke, «ots “A pook which tells of the brave struggle of Holland with the sea, and with Spain for her independence.” 191 School price. .90 1.20 100) a 48 192 Order No. 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS Japan in History, Folk-lore, and Art. Houghton FoG owe. aes at&t ee cee A sketch in outline of Japan of ages rather than of our own age. HARDING, S. B. Essentials in Mediaeval and Modern History; from Charlemagne to Pres- ent Day. (Essentials in history.) Amer. BOOKS... Pp Ls OG ee anche a cs tee re he eee HAUSSER, IL. | Period of the Reformation, 1517-1648. Amer. Tract Soc., $2.00...... HENDERSON, E. F. Short History of Ger- Many, SNtacmilan 2.220 Um ee, be ints ee “Really from 1517 to 1871, with introductory sketch covering preceding fifteen centuries. Best work in English for that period.” Nation. HUME, M. A, L. Spanish People. (Great Peo- ples’ series;) “Appleton $1.50... 2%...» <. LOWELL, A. L. Governments and Parties in Continental Europe. Zivol: Houghton, 9 O00 iess Wine ie tole ee Meds ately ee eb eite eet ee Ts “An indispensable work on present day (1897) government in the Euronean states.’’ Andrews and others, Bibliography of History. LOWELL, EK. J. The Eve of the French Revo- lution; Houghton, $2.00 ie. ne cs a siete “Only thoroughly satisfactory account of con- ditions in France preceding the French Revolution 1789. It covers nearly every aspect of the subject.”’ Andrews and others, Bibliography of History. MATHEWS, L. The French Revolution. Long- mans, <3'1.25. anew odes dk kak ee ein ee “Among the many short histories of the French Revolution, those by Mathews and Johnston are the best proportioned, the most judicious and authoritative.’”’ Andrews and others, Bibliography of History. MUNRO, D. C., & WHITCOMB, M. Mediaeval and Modern History. 2 vol. Appleton, $2.40 Part 1, a history of the Middle Ages. Part 2, a history of Modern Earope. “The best brief account of the Middle Ages.” Andrews and others, Bibliography of History. ROBINSON, J. H. Introduction to the History of Western Europe. Ginn, $1.60.......... SKEBOHM, F. The Hra of the Protestant Revo- lution. (Epochs of modern history.) Long- Mans, SLO Oise is cae eee eae aes Rr eae School price. 47 1.25 1.35 82 .70 Order No. 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 13 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA SEIGNOBOS, C. History of Contemporary Civ- ilization; ed. by J. A. James. Scribner, MATER INCL eae Ais clhun Chock aes oe Oe aa “Follows the author’s works on ancient and med- ieval and modern civilization, bringing the history down to 1888. An excellent text for secondary schools and useful for general reading.” A. L. A. Booklist. SYMONDS, J. A. Short History of the Renais- sance in Italy, abbreviated by Pearson. Holt, MIAN Sh SSE Sch PN pet I Che ae ee Attempt to condense the 7 vol. of Symonds’ “Renaissance in Italy.” WAKEMAN, H. O. Ascendency of France, 1598-1715. (Periods of European history.) IVE CTri tl Lay Se Sil: 4 ONT ea ee AW eiedeh cls ee. © sas she vole WALKER, W. The Reformation. (Eras of Christian Church.) Scribner, $2.00....... “Admirably proportioned (though omitting the Anglican Reformation) and impartial.’’ Andrews and others, Bibliography of History. Note: For other books on these subjects see Biography and History lists for the Grades. HISTORY OF ENGLAND. BEER, C. L. British Colonial Policy, 1754- GOO cme OGM LAN sepa ters vielen odie ears ys 1 ots The Origins of British Colonial Pol- icy, 1578-1660. Macmillan, $3.00 ....... “Two volumes of a series, that are the only ade- quate presentation of British policy that has been written.’’ Andrews and others, Bibliography of History. CHEYNEY, E. P. An Introduction to the In- dustrial and Social History of England. MLA CITA Tieie pol os OSes ie tes Me oke iebar or beateicetiel «:o.0.0e “The best outline for schools. The work is ac- curate, scholarly, and interesting.’ Andrews and others, Bibliography of History. A Short History of England. Ginn, CREIGHTON, M. The Age of Elizabeth. (Epochs of modern history.) Longmans, Silks O Oawateds eer Pees ote str INS Rc ol ook) ae sale coee hans “This work contains the only brief account of Elizabeth’s reign.” Andrews and others, Biblio- graphy of History. 193 School price. 1.08 1.20 2.40 1.24 194 Order e) 1940 1941 1942 19438 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS FREEMAN, E. A. Short History of the Nor- man Conquest of England. (Clarendon press series?) “Clarendon, 00c¢..... tee. FROUDE, J. A. English Seamen in the Six- teenth Century. Scribner, $1.50......... GARDINER, S. R. English History for Schools. Holts 8 0G 80s ere ere occa eee oe 3 Kirst Two Stuarts’ and the Puritan Revolution, 1603-60. (Epochs of modern history.)— Won gimans.c5 i. 00 ee eee aoe Student’s History of England from the Earliest Times to 1885. Newed. Long- MAN Bie Pos Ose cw. a eeeteu ucts te oie ee emekeieemeee stots Atlas of English History. Longmans, IS eo Ares yn eset peiracencin 15 Gin mtee To accompany his Student’s History. GREEN, J. R. Short History of the English People. Revised ed. Amer. Book Co., $1.20 KENDALL, E. K. Source Book of English History.:. Macmillan, (S0G 2 pec oe. ee Containing extracts from original manuscripts, illustrating the dominant interest of each period. KIPLING, R, Puck of Pook’s Hill. Double- GAY SLB ae cen ceencte ts whehece ccs Maemete a amee Stories told about half mythical, half historical people connected with history or localities of EKng- land. LARNED, J. N. History of England. Hough- LOR, so li2) > ie renee eae Weta te atid eine “Primarily for school use. Subordinates wars and intricacies of royal genealogie to constitutional, social, and industrial development and territorial expansion.” N. Y. Best Books. LEE, G. C. Source Book of English History; Leading documents together with illustra- tive material from contemporary writers, and a bibliography of sources. Holt, $2.00 McCARTHY, J. Epoch of Reform, 1830-1850. (Epochs of modern history.) Scribner, $1.00. Ee ee ee en toe een Story of the People of England in the 19th Century. 2 vol. Putnam. (Story of the nations.) 7E9 S20 00s 6 ie oie eae ete tate ee Description of important movements and epi- sodes rather than a complete record. Dramatic, fair, well illustrated. School price. .b4 ou ate 10 1.35 .96 Kay 1.10 aa! 2.10 Order No. 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1961 1962 1963 1964 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA MOBERLY, C. E. Early Tudors. (Epochs of modern history.) Scribner, $1.00....... MONTAGUE, F. C. Elements of English Con- stitutional History. Longmans, $1.25..... MORRIS, W.O. Wellington, Soldier and States- man, and the Revival of the Military Power of England. (Heroes of the nations.) Put- FIG VMS eS OM Pm eee tee Siete i aed een sis rel 6, eaves SCOTT, Sir W. Tales of a Grandfather. Ginn, A) Cb ee rac RO IE ashe Lasseter di oiiatatel a -okats ioe Scepeiis History of Scotland. SEELEY, Sir F, R. Expansion of England. BLED UG, ei Sel (nat ceet cl chiseathnes sn deglo’ axenon ane vegas doaiecy Good, but advanced. STUBBS, W. The Harly Plantagenets. (Epochs of modern history.) Longmans, $1.00.. SYNGH, M. B. A Short History of Social Life in England. Barnes, $1.50 net.. a ate oles oe WALKER, A. P., & HART, A. B. Essentials in English History, from earliest records to the present day. (Hssentials in history.) AMOr ee DOOK Corse LOO a wwrnulc sed 6 ne ee at WRONG, G. M. History of the British Nation. AP DICLOMNGS SL Oar aae oie Sah cies matehter ole ese oi ts “Covering the salient features of the pustary: of the British nation.” HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. AVARY, M. L. Virginia Girl in the Civil War. ADDIGCOT es gilt lmie eeee ot ear ecc. Sacto tite 2 ole. ole) 8 ws A record of the actual experiences of the wife of a Confederate officer. BACON, E. M. Boy’s Hakluyt: New edition of English voyages of adventure and discovery, retold from Hakluyt. Scribner, $1.50.... “Older boys would enjoy these stories, which are of great interest, and give first hand accounts of early American exploration and discovery. Good type, paper and index.” H. H. Seerley. BICKNELL, E. Territorial Acquisitions of the Untted States. ~Small,b0C> 6 rk ee ws 195 School price. .70 .90 1.05 .o2 10 1.20 1.20 1.05 .98 1.20 40 (196 Order No. 1965 1966 1967 £968 1369 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS BRIGHAM, A. P. Geographic Influences in American History. Ginn, $1.25......... “A combination of the materials of American history and geography showing the influence of the latter upon the former.” “A book of exceptional interest and importance.” Andrews and others, Bibliography of History. BURGESS, J. W. Civil War and the Consti- tution. (American history series.) 2 vol. SCTIPNET, + 9.2.00 WUr its teed elas es ine eee te ene oe “They are of exceptional value because written by a strong. scholar from the standpoint of con- stitutional law.” Andrews and others, Bibliography of History. The Middle Period, 1817-1858. (American history series.) Scribner, $1.00 -—_—— Reconstruction and the Constitution, 1866-1876. (American history series.) Scrib- Ther, POLO Pate. ceer re oe eater eater cs wie ae “A clear and critical statement, from the extreme nationalist point of view of the conflict between president and congress concerning reconstruction, with slight reference to the life of the people and only a brief outline of events in the reconstructed states. The reconstruction measures are con- cdemned in strong terms. A final chapter deals with foreign relations.’ Wells. Literature of American History. COMAN, K. Industrial History of the United States. Wlacmillanyro-t.6 Omi. ests ee es ieee “Clear, concise account of the material develop- ment of the United States.”’ Oregon. CUSTER, Mrs. EK. B. Following the Guidon. Harper 70 sD OF 2a oeee chin artes ae ee eae ee DRAPER, A. S. The Rescue of Cuba. Silver, “The book aims to exhibit the war of 1898 as one more step in the steady progress of the world toward universal liberty.” HARULE, Mrs. A. M. Colonial Days in Old New York? Scribner 7S$i25 ee Tate ra A A description of life in New York under the Dutch rule. Customs and Fashion in Old New Hngland.- Scripner. $1.25 a7 ee Stage Coach and Tavern Days. Mac- Millan, (3220.0 i.e: ce eee ee ee HGGLESTON, G. C. A Rebel’s Recollections. Putnam; 2540.0. 8a aera eee erha< 9 “Reminiscences of lift as a Southern soldier. One of the most interesting books about the Confederate army.” Oregon. School price. 1.00 1.60 .80 .80 1.44 .95 .90 .80 .78 1.72 .88 Order No. 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA EGGLESTON, K. EK. Beginners of a Nation. ADPPIOLON, | ola Ul eet scalar ee. Ay AV PRRAS Wore oe “A history of the source and rise of the earliest English settlement in America, with special refer- ence to the life and character of the people.” Vol, 1) of his ‘History “of life, in “the “United States.” ELSON, H. W. Side Lights on American His- LORY cee ViAcCMillaAnee 2a V0) oC Caio ce essa oss Vol. 1, First 70 Years. Vol. 2, Civil War. FISHER, G. P. The Colonial Era. (American History series.) Scribner, $1.00 ......... The narrative of the colonies down to 1756. FISKH, J. American Revolution, 2 v. Hough- COMER aA CO Oman Reis ints vee aia, oer eeny ARNIS os 6 ve “Only the first work (Discovery of America) is based on adequaté documentary research. Fiske’s writings have stimulated a wide popular interest in American history and they can be cordially recom- mended for use in schools.’ Andrews and others, Bibliography of History. Beginnings of New England; or, The Puritan Theocracy in its Relations to Civil and Religious Liberty. Houghton, $2.00.. “Avoids historic details and undertakes to group ideas and characterize phases of civilization.’ Po- litical science. Critical Period of American History. FGI DLGtitess 264) Ouse a mer ethan eeoteee te. the +, 8 ake a “A sketch of the political history of the United States from the end of the Revolutionary. war to the adoption of the Federal constitution.” Discovery of America. 2 vol. Hough- LOTITO 220 Urner ta eva iene Ore out none e «aes Mattos... Scrivner, 31.000... M20. 64 : Danish. 2158 GRAHAME, K, The Golden Age. .Lane, $1.25 English child life. 2159 HARKER, L. A. Concerning Paul and Fia- MOCEAT ROC PU o Lia Wi cide oles chin English, 2160 —_— Romance of the Nursery. Lane, $1.25 English. 393 95 .80 95 .80 67 .90 .85 at Bee: .84 otek 214 Order O 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2173 LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS HOWELLS, W. D. A Boy’s Town. Harper, $1.25) in sishis, pias Megerm eee nce ave ash eee ee alco “An account in Howells’ inimitable style of his life as a boy in Ohio before the Civil War.” KELLY, M. Little Citizens. Grosset, 75c... Children of the New York Ghetto. Short stories, very humorous. LAUGHLIN, E. O. Johnnie. Bobbs, $1.25. MARTIN, G. M. Emmy Lou. Grosset, 75c. Little girl’s school experiences. SEIBERT, V. Gossamer Threads. Small, $1.00 The imaginative, inner life of a little German- American girl, exquisitely told. SMITH, W. H. Evolution of Dodd. Rand, 75c A pedagogical story. STAPP, HE. B. (The) Trail of the Go-Hawks. (Go-Hawk series.) McKay, $1.25......... Pranks of child-life pictured with sympathy and humor. Uncle Peter, Heathen. (Go-Hawk series,;) , McKay, $1.20) 4.227. taaele Rete oie Sequel to “Trail of the Go-Hawks.”’ The more lovable side of child nature. WHITE, W. A. Court of Boyville. Double- daysuis 150 Senko aie ee A good book to read on the subject of child study. The preface deserves careful consideration. WIGGIN, K. D. Story of Patsy. Houghton, 60c “Portrayal of life in slum districts of San Francisco and at the Silver Street Kindergarten. A book for children and older people.” Timothy’s Quest. Houghton, $1.00 “The story of a little boy who starts out in quest of a mother for little Gay and himself. The story teaches generosity and manliness. REFERENCE. ANDERSON, J. M. A Study of English Words. Amer., Book. Coj,, 406 906U. seem cress w eicncde eit “Hlementary work following French and White in plan, but including latest discoveries regarding English.” H. H. Seerley. School price. .80 42 85 .42 82 42 .80 .80 95 .38 .64 33 Order No. 2174 2175 VB brie 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA Appleton’s New Practical Cyclopedia; ed. by Marcus Benjamin, and others. Illus. maps. Appleton, 6 vols. Buckram, $9.75 ......... “The subject matter is well up-to-date, the arti- cles. are brief but well proportioned and simply written, pronunciation is given where needed, the abbreviations are only the obvious, well known ones, the system of cross reference is good.” A. L. A. Booklist. BALDWIN, J. Book Lover. McClurg, $1.00. A guide to the best reading. Contains chapters “In Praise of Books,” “On the Choice of Books,”’’ “How to Read,’ with lists of books on special subjects. Harper’s School Speaker. Amer. SO Ned CO OU ae ceri teats Os sac ne toceue Leia. Seo winee ole “Selections suitable for Arbor and Memorial days.”’ BELL, H. M. Manual of Orthcepy and Or- thography. State Printing House (Des Momes). La, )c. 9 100010. sys ae pier Rae rae BLISS, W. D. P., ed. Encyclopedia c. Social Reform; including political economy, politi- cal science, sociology and statistics. Funk new ed, -$7-b0". ..c.. as et tetas o on'st oh Casnion svete “Brief and clear statemcut of nearly every im- portant reform movement of our age.” C. R. Hen- derson, CHANNING, HE. & HART, A. B. Guide to the Study of American History. Ginn, $2.00.. “Contains hints on reading and teaching history, selected bibliography of American history, and well arranged series of topics.” Larned. Literature of American History. Counsel Upon the Reading of Books. Hough- POTD oes Bess On terte, Bar let a Yehal on a: al « Pia eg a Be'acoy eis, al.» Contents: Preface on reading and books, by H. Van Dyke, History, by H. M. Stephens, Memoirs and Biographies, by Agnes Repplier, Sociology, Economics, and Politics, by A. T. Hadley, the Study of Fiction, by Brander Matthews, Poetry, by Bliss Perry, Essays and Criticism, by H. W. Mabie. CRAM, G. F. Modern Atlas; The new unrivaled. Crates 4 205 Omiise:. cce s: ores ok EL a aek FERNALD, J. ©. English Synonyms and Anto- nyms. (Standard Educational Series.) Wu nt Seb 0 eee aire, casick., eevee: vistelb ve ew “Compares or contrasts synonymous words, ex- plains their differences of meaning or usage and shows in what connection one or the other may be more fitly used.’ Preface, 215 School price. 9.75 .T5 .00 48 5.62 1.60 92 10.00 1.28 216 Order No 2183 2184 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS FOSTER, W. T. Argumentation and Debating. Houghton, $1.25 net ..... Si ieial eae pce wets team: 5 “Ror advanced work could be used by older High school pupils.’ H. H. Seerley. Author is professor of English and debating in Bowdoin college. GREENOUGH, J. B. & KITTREDGE, G. IL. Words and Their Ways in English Speech. MaemillanarSii0) s.0. 0s. iy ee eo eee “Popular discussion of derivations, foreign influ- ences, metamorphosed words, slang, fashions in language, ete. By Harvard professors of Einglish and Latin.” N. Y. Best Books. HOYT, J. K., comp. Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations, English, Latin and modern for- eign languages. Rev. ed. Funk, $6.00.... Most complete and satisfactory compilation. LABBERTON, R. H. New Historical Atlas and General History. Silver, $2.40 .......... LARNED, J. N. Books, Culture, and Character. Houghton, $0000. sec cere eee wanes ote SAR (> ae “Seven addresses which offer the sound advice of one interested in the active problems of educa- tion. They are as follows: A familiar talk about books. The test of quality in books. Hints as to reading. The mission and the missionaries of the book. Good and evil from the printing press. Public libraries and public education. School read- ing versus school training of history. “The address ‘A Talk About Books’ should be read by every high school student.” Oregon. History for ready reference, from the best historians, biographers and specialists; their own words in a complete system of his- tory. 7 vols. Nichols Co. (Springfield, Mass:).. 49.0.0, 0 Qiue Guckecucnantucen chars ie as ec eee ar LAYCOCK, C. & SCALES, R. L. Argumenta- tion and Debate. Macmillan, $1.00 ...... “Manual for teachers and students. Discusses principles applicable alike to written and spoken discourse treating oral argument most fully. Illus- trated by fresh and excellent examples.” Nation. & SPOFFORD, A. K. Manual of Ar- gumentation for High Schools and Acade- miés: “Macmillan soUers +, cmon ces eee “The best book for beginners.’ Oregon. Lippincott’s Biographical Dictionary. Ed. 3, 1901.72: vols. ) Lippincottws.5.4)0 pase es School price. 1SL0 OT 4.50 2.00 Al ite: 33.25 sa 44 11.50 Order No. 2192 2193 2l97 2198 2199 2200 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA RAND-McNALLY CO. Imperial Atlas of the World. Rand, $2.50 ..... Ra ty tt tare Ctey Separate maps for each state and territory, of the United States. New maps of Porto Rico, Phil- lipines and Hawaiian Islands. Marginal index for each map. RINGWALT, R, ©. Briefs on Public Questions. LOD RUA Sry lt aren eee eer ear atest es Briefs and references on twenty-five present-day questions. More recent than Brookings and Ring- walt “‘Briefs for Debate.” ROBERT, J. T. Primer of Parliamentary Law. TIOU DIED Vol 0 Cmte cial ete. Crere shen nl es. bob ees ROBBINS, E. C. The High School Debate Book SeMcClure (9 1.00 we oe oe ats tence 6.5 cue abs ROGET, P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases classified and arranged to facilitate the expression of ideas. New ed. Lippin- COLE, PLO 0 es ces ewes eanes “A dictionary of synonyms arranged topically. Index refers to each work in its various meanings and relations.” Rand 3 0Ci. cl teeters DUDLEY, G. & KELLOR, F. A. Athletic Games in the Education of Women, Holt, $1.25.. In three parts: Value of Athletic Games; Pres- ent Conditions; Methods of Instruction. “Would be of use to supervisor of playgrounds, or one who had older pupils to instruct.” H. H. Seerley. School price. :80 32 1.33 1.00 67 .70 28 .98 Order No. 2281 2282 2283 2287 2288 2289 2290 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA DUTTON, S. T. School Management. Scribner, SLOW tar eee eters Were tee te ee Re a eUh a EE Oem: “Of value for the teacher.” H. H. Seerley. FERNOW, B. E. The Care of Trees in Lawn, Street, and Park; with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use. Holt, $2.00 .... “Bxcellent.” H. H. Seerley. FLINT, L, C. Small Gardens for Small Gar- deners; or, What Little Hands Can Do with Plants eee anaezan so Cre vette, cite hes +o “Shows how to transplant the wild flowers and how to raise flowers from seed. Extremely good book.” H. H. Seerley. GOODWIN, E. E. Goodwin’s Course in Sewing; practical instruction in needlework for use in schools and at home; _ three books. Beattys. IS OO KS Loe Case eter megeet ets, Since neti s wire Ata Oe BOOK ay 6 0 Cre wee eee ene Ct aes er ee as eral e BOOKUSALG OCH a re ok hoes NY ae Useful and well illustrated. GOWDY, J. L. Special Days in School. Pub- lic-school Educational’ Go., GdG) vow... es GULICK, C. V. Emergencies. Ginn, 40c “Teaches in a simple, direct way what to do in ease of all kinds of accidents and how to avoid them. Based on the careful study of accidents to children reported in the newspaper press during a period of nine months. The illustrations are num- erous and very helpful.” - ADDIetol.. ole Uso eke cess: “An abridgement of ‘Adolescence’ which offers in briefer form and at less cost the far-reaching pedagogical principles and conclusions of the orig- inal volume. There have been added a chapter on moral and religious training and a glossary of seven pages.’ Book Review Digest. HALLECK, R. P. Education of the Central Nervous System, Macmillan, $1.00 ....... Psychology and Psychic Culture. mUTOME POGKAC Ope gira Dal: cos ale. Wonk eh tials «3 “Hspecial effort has been made to enliven the hard and dry facts of the science by employing il- lustrations and anecdotes to elucidate them.’’ HARRIS, W. T. Psychologic Foundations of Education... Appleton; $1.50 -3.4<¢ 45 6 ea. “An attempt to show the genesis of the higher- faculties of the mind.” 231 School price. 1.40 1.80 1.80 75 21.6 95 1.20 Pei 6 .88 1.06 1.00 232 Order No. 2354 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS HARRISON, E. Study in Child Nature. Chi- cago Kindergarten Training School, $1.00. “Talks by an experienced kindergartner; sugges- tive and helpful to mothers and teachers.” WN. Y. Best Books. JAMES, W. Psychology. Holt, $1.60 ...... Talks to Teachers on psychology and to students on some of life’s ideals. Holt. S150 OSs 2 ek eee ss ee SY Peo “Wnough psychology to answer the present pur- pose, presented in beautifully clear and simple English and well illustrated by examples drawn from common observations. One of its charms is its uniform good sense.’ B. A. Hinsdale, Dial. JASTROW, J. Fact and Fable in Psychology. House hton,: 19200 we 0. Paes oe aber sok “Discusses problems of psychic research, mental ‘telegraphy, spiritualism, hypnotism, the psychol- ogy of deception, dreams of the blind,” ete: N. Y. Best Books. KIRKPATRICK, E. A. Fundamentals of Child Study... Macmillan, 49.625 ee eas ee Skee j A discussion of instincts and other factors in hu- man development with practical applications. PREYER, W. Mind of the Child; tr. by H. W. Brown. Appleton, 2 vols., $3.00 ..... PSE he Pt. 1. Senses and the Will. Pt. 2. Development of the Intellect. “Take us over the first three years of life, noting all the chief movements of development.” James Sully. SCHAEFFER, N. ©. Thinking and Learning to Think. = uippincottiw 1+.) eee ene ay hole tiie “Careful analysis of the psychologic basis of good thinking. Clearly written, richly and point- edly illustrated. Helpful and stimulating to teachers.” Dial. A. L. A. Booklist. SWIFT, D. J. Mind in the Making. Scribner, $1300 “MOTI Seretatet ors Ue sive eho heRe lal ait Vogts cael berate “Swift's book is stimulating, clearly written, in- teresting, and within the comprehension of the av- erage reader. On the whole it is a commendable attempt to state education in sociopsychological terms.” C. H. Johnston. Journal of Philosophy. TAYLOR, A. R. Study of the Child. Appleton, SAO as. eee cae Uae tain eels bal Sete ys take = Ghee “A treatise on the psychology of the child.’’ TITCHENER, H. B. Primer of Psychology. Mac- millgn; :$120 0iac eae bese rare yan School price. arr 1.44 1.32 1.30 1210 1.84 1.08 1.15 .80 .88 Order No. 2343 2344 2345 2346 2547 2348 2349 2350 FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF IOWA WARNER, F. Study of Children and Their School Training. Macmillan, $1.00 ....... “Distinctly a psychologic study of the growth of the child, from early years through adolescence, giving special attention to nerve signs of all kinds. simply written and free from technicalities.” H. M. Stanley in Dial. WASHBURNE, M. F. Study of Child Life. Amer. School Home Economics (Chicago), Sree Miers chen ae ate peers Mee eee e oie 6 cao INSPIRATION. ADDAMS, J. Spirit of Youth and the City Streets. Macmillan, $1.25 net........... “A wise and sympathetic book, at once interpre- tative and practical, and should be invaluable to those who are trying to minimize the dangers which surround young people . . by giving them op- portunities for recreation.” Title entries are made for distinctive titles only. 576 AANRUD. Lizbeth Longrock, trans. by Poulsson. 206 Aaron in the Wildwoods. Harris. 787 Abbie Ann. Martin. 1412 ABBOT, W. J. American Merchant Ships and Sailors. 1876 ABBOTT, E. History of Greece. 38 v. 1877 ——— Pericles and the Golden Age of Athens. 1875 ABBOTT, F. F. History and Description of Roman Politi- cal Institutions. 577 ABBOTT, J. Boy on a Farm. Jobnson, ed. 1325 ABBOTT, J, S. C. Christopher Carson. 1322 —— — _ Daniel Boone. 1328 ———-_ David Crockett. 2125 A BC of Corn Culture. Holden. 307 A B C of Hlectrical Experiments. Clarke. 312 A B C of Electricity. Meadowcroft. 313 A BC of the X-Rays. Meadowcroft. 2045 About Old Story Tellers. Mitchell 288 About the Weather. Harrington. 2082 Abraham Lincoln. Morse. 2085 Abraham Lincoln: the Gettysburg Speech. Shurz. 2267 Abraham Lincoln in Centennial. Berbold. 1859 Across Asia on a Bicycle, Allen & Sachtleben. 1765 Across the Campus. Fuller. 1433 Actual Government. Hart. 1413 ADAMS, C. C. Text-book of Commercial Geography. 1898 ADAMS, G. B. Civilization During the Middle Ages. 1399 —— Growth of the French Nation. 306 ADAMS, J. H. Harper’s Electricity Book for Boys. 435 ————- Harper’s Machinery Book for Boys. 480 —————— Harper’s Outdoor Book for Boys. 1414 ADAMS, T. S. & SUMNER, H. L. Labor Problems. 2345 ADDAMS. Spirit of Youth and the City Streets. 1675 ADDISON & STEELE. Sir Roger De Coverley Papers. Winchester, ed. 1698 Addresses on War. Sumner. i ADELBORG. Clean Peter and the Children of Grub- bylea. ; 2201 ADLER. Moral Instruction of Children. 1429 Advanced Civics. Foreman. 238 Order No. 73 911 1856 688 1834 253 554 662-6 540 522 532 506 507 1780 1049 1085 1454 1939 1455 2114 2112 2120 2147 2126 1704 578 232 579 1709 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 162 589 590 591 592 1710 593 (2-3) AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Adventures of a Brownie. Mulock Adventures of a Doll, Smith. Adventures of a Freshman. Williams. Adventures of Billy Topsail. Duncan. Adventures of Captain Horn. Stockton. Adventures of Mabel. Peck. Adventures of Odysseus. Marvin. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Defoe. Adventures of Ulysses. Lamb. Aeneid. Virgil. For adaptations see Brooks. ——_—————- —————-. For adaptations see Clark. AESOP, Fables. Jacobs, ed. sa Stickney, ed. Afloat With the Flag. Henderson. Africa. Carpenter. Africa. Herbertson. Age of Chivalry. Bulfinch. Age of Elizabeth. Creighton. Age of Fable. Bulfinch. Agricultural Bacteriology. Conn. Agriculture for Beginners. Burkett, Stevens & Hill. Agriculture for Common Schools. Fisher & Cotton. .. Agriculture for Young Folks. Wilson, Agriculture Through the Laboratory. Jackson & Daugh- erty. A-Hunting of the Deer. Warner. AIKEN. Eyes and No Eyes. O’Shea, ed. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp. Lang, ed. ALCOTT. Eight Cousins. ——— Hospital Sketches. Jack and Jill. J0’s Boys. Little Men. Litle Women. My Boys. My Girls, Old Fashioned Girl. Rose in Bloom. ——— Under the Lilacs. ALDEN, R. M. Why the Chimes Rang. ALDEN, W. L. Cruise of the Canoe Cluh. Cruise of the “Ghost.” Moral Pirates. New Robinson Crusoe. ALDERMAN. Classics Old and New. 1st-2d. ALDRICH. Marjorie Daw. Story of a Bad Boy. Order No. 2068 2052 1684 1685 281 189 1097 1119 1391-4 1045 2256 1465 1510 2257 1859 2066 594 2202 1415 595 806 1234-8 1669 482 1355 1416 486 1307 2258 2259 1226 1995-8 1406 1265 417 1572-3 1278 1580 1541 1412 1524 1295 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 239 Alexander Hamilton. Alexander the Great. Alhambra. Alice and Tom. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Alice’s Visit to the Hawaiian Islands. All Around Asia. All the Year Round. Conant Wheeler, Irving. Marvin, ed. Brown. Carroll, L., pseud. Krout. Redway. 4 vy. Strong. ALLEN, A. E. Children of the Palm Lands. ALLEN & COTTON. .Manual: Training for Common Schools, ALLEN, G. Flashlights on Nature. ALLEN, N. B. Story of the Plants. Industrial Studies. ALLEN, T. G. & SACHTLEBEN. Cross Asia on a a Bicycle. ALLEN, W. Ulysses S. Grant. ALLEN, W. B. Navy Blue. ALLEN, W. H. Civics and Health. ALTON, E., pseud, Among the Lawmakers. ALTSHELER. Young Trailers. Amateur Fireman. America’s American American American American American American Otis J., pseud. Story for America’s Children. 5 v. Anthology. Stedman. Boy’s Handy Book. Beard. Boy’s Life of William McKinley. Stratemeyer. Commonwealth. Bryce. Girl’s Handy Book. Beard, Hero Stories. Tappan. Pratt. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of Committee of Hight, on Study of History in the Ele- mentary Schools. Report of Committee of Seven, on Study of History in the Schools. American American American American American American American American American American American American History in Literature. Lane & Hill. History Told by Contemporaries. 4 v. Hart, ed. Ideals. Roosevelt. Indians. Starr. Inventions and Inventors. Mowry. Lands and Letters. Mitchell. 2 v. Leaders and Heroes. Gordy. Literature. Richardson. Masters of Painting. Caffin. Merchant Ships and Sailors. Abbot. Natural History. Hornaday. Pioneers. Mowry. 240 Order No. 2237 1438 1980 2005 1584 596 1466 2149 2233 835-6 1415 1534 1878 163 164 165-6 2173 2073 1900 597 598 271 279 599 1711 2203 2323 1526 363 1806 G79 1011 1617 1640 1545 2174 95 167 168 169 1384 1901 1467 2189 2183 819 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX American Play-Grounds. Mero, ed. American Railway Transportation. Johnson American Revolution. Fiske. American Revolution. Lecky. American Writers of Today, Vedder. AMES, F. By Reef and Trail. AMES, J. S. Text-book of General Physics. AMICIS. Heart—A School Boy’s Journal. Among Country Schools. Kern. Among the Farmyard People. Pierson, Among the Lawmakers. Alton. Among the Water-Fowl. Job. Ancient Histcry for Beginners. Botsford. ANDERSEN. Stories. Wonder Stories. ————_ Fairy Stories; trans. by Lucas. ANDERSON. A Study of English Words. Andrew Jackson. Brown. ANDREWS, C. M. History of England. ANDREWS, J. Each and All. Seven Little Sisters. Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children. Stories of My Four Friends. Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now. ANDREWS, M. R. S. Perfect Tribute. ANGELL, HE. D. Play. ANGELL, J. R. Psychology. Animal Life. Jordan & Kellogg. Animal Story Book. Lang, ed: Anne of Green Gables. Montgomery. Anne’s Terrible Good Nature. Lucas, Another Book of Verse for Children. Lucas, comp. Antony and Cleopatra. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. eke EY Rolf, ed. Apollo. Reinach. APPLETON. New Practical Cyclopedia. Arabella and Araminta. Smith. Arabian Nights. Hale, ed. Lang, ed. Wiggin & Smith, ed. Arbor Day, Schauffler. ARCHER & KINGSFORD. The Crusades. ARCHIBALD. Story of the Earth’s Atmosphere. Argumentation and Debate. Laycock & Scales. Argumentation and Debating. Foster. Arkansaw Bear. Paine. Order No. 1587 1138 2260 2261 170-1 1055-7 1846 i870 2313 47-8 2314 2293 2318 472-3 463 1618 1641 172 173 174 1933 129 1050 1086 2329 175 1498 1505 247-8 807 326 1468 1945 176 414 1712 1713 1714 177 150 151 1092 16 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX ARMES. Old English Ballads and Folk Songs. ARNOLD, E. J. Stories of Ancient Peoples. ARNOLD, S. L. Reading—How to Teach It. Waymarks for Teachers, 241 ARNOLD, S. L. & GILBERT. Stepping Stones to Litera- ture. Around the World. Around the World in Eighty Days. Art Crafts for Beginners. Art Literature Readers. 1st-2d. 3d-4th. Carroll. Sanford. Ses Via Verne. Around the World in the Sloop Spray. Slocum. Art of Class Management and Discipline. Art of Study. Hinsdale, Art of Teaching. White. Miessner & Fox. Art Song Cycles. Art Studies for Schools. As You Like it. Shakespeare. Rolfe, ed. Rydingsvard. Hudson, ed. Grover & Chutter. Taylor. ASBJORNSEN. Fairy Tales from the Far North. Norse Fairy Tales. Round the Yule Log. Ascendency of France. Asgard Stories. Asia. Asia. ASPINWALL. Carpenter Herbertson. Aspects of Child Life and Education. Short Stories for Short People. Astronomy for Everybody. Newcomb. Astronomy with an Opera Glass. At the Back of the North Wind. At the Siege of Quebec. Athletic Games in the Education of Women. Kellor. ATKINSON, G. F. First Studies in Plant Life. ATKINSON, P. Electricity for Everybody. Atlas of English History, Gardiner. AULNOY, d’. Fairy Tales. Wakeman. Foster & Cummings. Hall. Serviss. MacDonald. Otis, J., pseud. Aunt Martha’s Corner Cupboard. Kirby. AUSTEN. Mansfield Park. AUSTIN, O. P. Uncle Sam’s Secrets. Australia and the Islands of the Sea. Pride and Prejudice. Sense and Sensibility. AUSTIN, M. H. Basket Woman. Uncle Sam’s Soldiers. Planche, trans. Kellogg, Dudley & 242 Order No. 1051 1338 1354 1781 1962 2155 1046 746 2262 843 903 1705 1860 1861 1333 1963 1676 2131 2115 1047 2263 1529 178 2354 327 2264 2106 2107 394 395 2175 1181 1182 179 600 1268 133 2176 508 134 116 509 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Australia, Our Colonies and Other Islands of the Sea. Carpenter. Autobiography. Franklin. Autobiography of a Clown. Marcosson. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Holmes. AVARY. Virginia Girl in the Civil War. Awakening of Helena Richie. Deland. AYRTON. Child Life in Japan. Aztec Treasure House. Janvier. BABCOCK. Bird Day. Baby Days. Baby Elton. Quirk. Baby Mishook. Slivitski. Back Log Studies. Warner. BACON, A. M. Japanese Girls and Women. Japanese Intericr. BACON, E. M. Boy’s Drake. Boy’s Hakluyt. BACON, F. KHssays. BACON, J. D. D. See Daskam. Bacteria. Newman, Bacteria, Yeast and Moulds in the Home. Conn. BADLAM. BAGLEY. BAILEY, BAILEY, BAILEY, BAILEY, BAILEY, BAKER. Views in Africa. Classroom Management. B. H. Two Hundred Wild Birds of Iowa. C. S. Firelight Stories. Cc. S. & LEWIS. For the Children’s Hour. EK. See Alton, H., pseud. L, H. First Lessons with Plants. Nature-Study Idea. Principles of Fruitgrowing. Pruning Hook. Boy’s Book of Inventions. Boy’s Second Book of Inventions. BALDWIN, J. Book Lover. Conquest of the Old Northwest. Discovery of the Old Northwest. Fairy Reader. Fairy Stories and Fables. Fifty Famous Stories Retold. Four Great Americans. Golden Fleece. Harper’s School Speaker. Hero Tales Told in School. Old Greek Stories, Old Stories of the East. Story of Roland. 9 Order No. 510 135 601 2324-5 280 1588 180 481 602 8 9 10 871 1744 1787 1374 Site 603 604 1715 605 1716 606 607 1717 615 2108 1321 1718 608 609 610 611 2265 1719 181 2150 1139 2204 1183 613 612 2308 177 382 346 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 243 Story of Siegfried. Story of the Golden Age. Thirty More Famous Stories Retold. BALDWIN, J. M. Handbook of Psychology. 2 v. BALL. Star-Land. Ballad Book. Bates, ed. BALLARD. Fairy Tales From Far Japan. BANCROFT. Games for Play-Ground, Home, School and Gymnasium. BANKS. Child of the Sun, BANNERMAN. Story of Little Black Mingo. Story of Little Black Sambo. BANTA & BENSON. Brownie Primer. Bar B Boys. Sabin. ‘Bar Sinister. Davis. Barbara’s Heritage. Hoyt. BARBE. Famous Poems Explained. BARBER. Wagner Opera Stories. BARBOUR. Behind the Line. ———— Captain of the Crew. —— — Crimson Sweater, ———— For the Honor of the School. Four in Camp. Half-back. On Your Mark. ——— Weatherby’s Inning. Barnaby Lee. Bennett. BARNARD. Tools and Machines. BARNES, J. Commedore Bainbridge. ——— — For King or Country. Giant of Three Wars. Hero of Erie. Midshipman Farragut. ——— _ Yankee Ships and Yankee Sailors. BARNES, M. D. S. Studies in Historical Method, BARR. Bow of Orange Ribbon. BARRIE. Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. ———. Sentimental Tommy. BARROWS. History of the Philippines. BARRY, W. F. Hygiene of the Schoolroom. BARTLETT. Tales of Kankakee Land. BARTON. Prairie Schooner. When Boston Braved the King. Basket Making. Morse. Basket Woman, Austin. BASKETT. Story of the Birds. Story of the Fishes. 244 Order fa) 1184 1552 1553-4 1588 922 182 317 318 614 2072 682 117 482 484 483 ASS 347 486 487 488 794 366 1352 1269 1935 1936 985 1976 2290 1702 1981 603 423 1848 2177 986-8 637 1847 976 2205 2064 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX BASS. Stories of Pioneer Life. BATES, A. Talks on the Study of Literature. Talks on Writing English. 2 ser. BATES, K. L., ed. Ballad Book. | Battle of New York. Stoddard. BAY, J. C., ed. Danish Fairy and Folk Tales. BAYLISS, C. K, Lolami in Tusayan. Lolami, the Little Cliff-Dweller. BAYLOR. Juan and Juanita. BAYNTON. Washington Irving. Beach Patrol. Drysdale. BEALE. Stories from the Old Testament. BEARD, D. C. American Boy’s Handy Book. Wield and Forest Handy Book. Jack of All Trades. ———— Out-Door Handy Book. BEARD, J. C. Curious Homes and Their Tenants. BEARD, L. & BEARD, A, B. American Girl’s Handy Book. ; ——— Indoor and Gutdoor Handicraft and Recrea- tion. — Little Folks’ Handy Book. Things Worth Doing and How to Do Them. Bears of Blue River. Major. Beaufort Chums. Sabin. Beautiful Joe. Saunders. Bed-Time Stories. Moulton. Bee People. Morley. BEEBH, K. Story of Longfellow. BEEBE, M. B. Four American Naval Herces. BEER. British Colonial Policy. Origins of British Colonial Policy. BEESON. Child’s Calendar Beautiful. Beginners of a Nation. Eggleston. Beginnings in Industrial Education. Hanus. Beginnings of Americanism. Trent & Wells. Beginnings of New England. Fiske. Behind the Line. Barbour. Behind the Scenes with Wild Animals. Velvin. Being a Boy, Warner. BELL. Manual of Orthcepy and Orthography. BELLAMY & GOODWIN, comp. Open Sesame. 3 v. Ben Comee. Canavan. Ben Hur. Wallace. Ben, the Black Bear. Wright. BENDER. ‘Teacher at Work. Benjamin Franklin. Moore. = Order No. 2065 2266 2346 615 616 2267 2051 2109 2206 750 751i 1395 2207 121 122 124 126 116 117 i20 1964 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 245 Morse. BENNETT, C. & BRISTOL. Teaching of Latin and Greek. BENNETT, E. A. How to Live on Twenty-four Hours a Day. BENNETT, J. Barnaby Lee. Master Skylark. BERGOLD. Abraham Lincoln in Centennial. BESANT. Story of King Alfred. BESSEY, BRUNER & SWEEZEY. Elementary Agricu?- ture. BETTS. Mind and Its Education. Betty Leicester. Jewett. Betty Leicester’s Christmas. Jewett, BEVERIDGE. Young Man and the World. BEVIER & USHER. Heme Economics Movement. BIBLE. New Testament. For adaptation see Craigin. i! For adaptation, see Gillie. —_—____. —_—__——. For adaptation, see Hodges. For adaptation, see Kelman. Old Testament. For adaptation, see Baldwin. For adaptation, see Beale. —— For adaptation, see Chrisholm. BICKNELL, Territorial Acquisitions of the United States. 5 Big Brother. Eggleston. BIGHAM, Stories of Mother Goose Village. Big People and Little People of Other Lands. Shaw. Billy Topsail and Company. Duncan. Biography of a Grizzly. Seton. Bird Book. Eckstorn. Bird Day. Babcock. Bird Homes. Dugmore. Bird Life. Chapman. Bird Life Stories. Weed, ed. Bird Neighbors. Blanchan, N. pseud. Bird-Ways. Miller, Birds and Bees and Sharp Eyes. Burroughs. Bird’s Christmas Carol. Wiggin. Birds that Hunt and Are Hunted. Blanchan. Birds Through an Opera-Glass. Merriam. BLACK. Four Macnicols. Black Arrow. Stevenson. Black Beauty. Sewell. BLACKMORE. Lorna Doone. BLAISDELE, A. F. Stories from English History. & BALL. Hero Stories from American History. 246 Order No. 12 13 14 989-991 383 1530 1511 618 721 2178 1516 2268 233 1000-1 1161 183 1811 427 2208 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 1270 1271 2175 37 1021 1548 1551 1038-9 1022 545 224 568 999 216 1017 59 119 118 293 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX BLAISDELL, E. A. & BLAISDELL, M. F. Boy Blue and His Friends. Child Life; a first reader. —_———__—_—. Child Life; a second reader. BLAKE & ALEXANDER. Grades Poetry Readers. Nos. 1-4. BLANCHAN, N. pseud. Bird Neighbors. Birds that Hunt and Are Hunted. Nature’s Garden. BLANCHARD. Girl of ’76. Blind Brother. Greene. BLISS. Encyclopedia of Social Reform. Blossom Hosts and Insect Guests, Gibson. BLOW. Educational Issues in the Kindergarten. Blue Fairy Book. Lang, ed. Blue Poetry Book. Lang, ed. Blue True Story Book. Lang, ed. BLUMENTHAL. Folk Tales from the Russian. Bob, Son of Battle. Ollivant. Body at Work. Jewett. BOLTON, F. E. Principles of Education. BOLTON, S. K. Famous American Authors. ———— Famous American Statesmen, Kamous English Authors. Famous Leaders Among Men. Famous Leaders Among Women. Famous Men of Science. Lives of Girls Who Became Famous. ———— Lives of Poor Boys Who Became Famous. BONIFACK. See Saintine. Book Lover. Baldwin. Book of Cheerful Cats. Francis. Book of Famous Verse. Repplier, comp. Book of Foot-Ball. Camp. Book of Games, White. Book of Heroic Ballads. Tileston, comp. Book of Joyous Children. Riley. Book of King Arthur. MacLeod. Book of Knight and Barbara. Jordan. Book of Legends. Scudder. Book of Lullabies. Hix, comp. Book of Nature Myths. Holbrook. Book of Nursery Rhymes. Mother Goose Book of Plays for Little Actors. Johnston & Barnum: Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts. Brown. Book of the Christ Child. Broadus. Book of the Ocean. Ingersoll. Order No. 1012 1220 2187 1195 2029 1199 1104 396 2075 1878 1879 1880 1555 1342 619 1719 2110 2270 763 12 308 627 1330 2071 645 1356 294 625 937 577 496 628 938 620 621 622 620 184 1313 394 406 412 — 413 1257 1463 1333 1916 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Book of Verses. Lucas, comp. Book on Corn. Bowman & Crossley. Books, Culture and Character. Larned. Boots and Saddles. Custer. Border Fights and Fighters. Brady. Border Wars of New England. Drake. Boris in Russia. McDonald & Dalrymple. BOSTOCK. Training of Wild Animals, BOSWELL. Life of Johnson. BOTSFORD. Ancient History for Beginners. History of Rome. History of the Orient and Greece. BOTTA. Handbook of Universal Literature. BOUTET de MONVEL. Joan of Arc. BOUVET. Sweet William. Bow of Orange Ribbon. Barr. BOWMAN & CROSSLEY. Book on Corn. Box Furniture. Brigham. ican Boy and the Baron. Knapp. Boy Blue and His Friends. Blaisdell. Boy Electrician. Houston. Boy Emigrants. Brooks. Boy General. Custer. Boy I Knew. Dutton, Boy Life in the U. S. Navy. Clark. Boy Life of Napoleon. Foa. Boy Mineral Collectors. Kelley. Boy of the First Empire. Brooks. Boy Officers of 1812. Tomlinson. Boy ona Farm. Abbott. Boy Scouts of America. Seton. Boy Settlers. Brooks. Boy Soldiers of 1812. Tomlinson. BOYESEN, H. H. Boyhood in Norway. Modern Vikings. Norseland Tales. Boyhood in Norway. Boyesen, BOYLE. Calendar Stories. Boy’s and Girls Plutarch. White, ed. Boy’s Book of Inventions. Baker. Boy’s Book of Model Aeroplanes. Collins. Boy’s Book of Railways. Howden. Boy’s Book of Steamships. Howden. Boy’s Catlin. Catlin. Boy’s Cuchulain. Hull. Boy’s Drake. Bacon. Boy’s Froissart. Froissart. Lanier ed. 247 248 Order No. 1963 1281 556 1464 1349 1341 1359 DOF 1193 1302 939 833 639 623 1616 395 2161 940 127 2029 2030 1721 G24 2031 2032 706 1919 2269 2193 1965 1469 2270 1556-8 1935 1127 118 1722 1495 15 16 17 1559 18 512 513 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Boy’s Hakluyt. Bacon. Boy’s Heroes. Hale. Boy’s Iliad. Perry, ed. Boy’s King Arthur. Lanier, ed. Boy’s Life of Abraham Lincoln, Boy’s Life of Ulysses S. Grant. Nicolay. Boys’ Napoleon. Wheeler. Boy’s Odyssey. Perry, ed. Boys of °76. Coffin. Boys of 1812 and Other Naval Herces. Soley, Boys of Old Monmouth. Tomlinson. Boys of St. Timothy’s. Pier. Boys of the Rincon Ranch. Canfield. Boys on the Railread. Boy’s Percy. Lanier, ed. Boy’s Second Book of Inventions. Baker. Boy’s Town. Howells. Boys with Old Hickory. Tomlinson. BRADISH. Old Norse Stories. BRADY, Border Fights and Fighters. -——— Colonial Fights and Fighters. —-——— For the Freedom of the Sea. —_—————._ In the Wasp’s Nest. —-_—— Indian Fights and Fighters. ———_ Revolutionary Fights and Fighters. Braided Straws. Foulke. Brave Little Holland. Griffis. BRIDGHAM. Day by Day in the Primary School. Briefs on Public Questions. Ringwalt. BRIGHAM, A. P. Geographic Influences in American History. ———— Textbook of Geology. BRIGHAM, L. Box Furniture. BRINK, History of English Literature. 2 v. in 3. British Colonial Policy. Beer. British Isles. Tomlinson. BROADUS. Book of the Christ Child. BRONTE. Jane Hyre. Brook Book. Miller. BROOKE, L. L. Golden Gcose Book. Johnny Crow’s Garden. Johnny Crow’s Party. BROOKH, S. A, Tennyson, His Art and Relation to Mod- ern Life. BROOKS, D. Stories of the Red Children. BROOKS, E., ed. Story of Siegfried. Story of the Aenied. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 249 Order No. 514 —————_ Story of the Iliad. 515 ————— Story of the Odyssey. D516 ———— Wonder Stories from the Mabinogion. 625 BROOKS, E.S. Boy of the First Empire. 1186 ———— Century Book cf the American Revolution. 1272 ——— — Historic Americans. 626 ———— Master of the Strong Hearts. 1337 ———— True Story of Benjamin Franklin. 1367 ——— — True Story of George Washington. 1345 ———— True Story of Lafayette. 1340 ——— True Story of U, S. Grant. 627 BROOKS, N. Boy Emigrants. 628 ——— Boy Settlers. 1187 ————__ First Across the Continent. 152 ———— How the Republic is Governed. 2151 ——— lLem—a New England Village Boy. 2039 ————_ Statesmen. 1362 ——— — Story of Marco Polo. 286 Brooks and Brook Basins. Frye. 186 BROWN, A. B. & BELL. Tales of the Red Children. 119 BROWN, A. F. Bock of Saints and Friendly Beasts. 629 ——— Flower Princess. 128 ————_ In the Days of Giants. 630 ——— John of the Woods, 631 —— — lLonesomest Doll. 185 ——— Star Jewels and Other Wonders. 19 BROWN, C. L. & BAILEY. Jingle Primer. 2209 BROWN, E. EK. Making of Our Middle Schools. 426 BROWN, G. P. King and His Wonderful Castle. 1141 —————-_ Story of Our English Grandfathers. 1723 BROWN, H. D. Two College Girls. 1724 BROWN, J. Rab and His Friends. 281 BROWN, K. L. Alice and Tom. 328 ————. Plant Baby and Its Friends. 2073 BROWN, W. G. Andrew Jackson. 2061 ——— Stephen A. Douglas. 187 BROWNE, Granny’s Wonderful Chair. 1560 BROWNELL. Victorian Prose Masters. 10 Brownie Primer. Banta & Benson. 653 Brownies Abroad. Cox. 654 Brownies Around the World. Cox. 655 Brownies—Their Book. Cox. 1590 BROWNING. Select Poems. 2355 BRYANT, S. C. How to Tell Stories to Children. 2356 ———— Stories to Tell to Children. 1591 BRYANT, W. C. Poetical Works. 20 BRYCE, C. T, Child Lore. 250 Order No. 21 22 23 1416 1874 282 136 2111 330 1454 1455 1456 1360 1862 1417 748 632 1418 24. 188 1966 1967 1968 1678 2112 2152 633 1589 1677 2210, 1470 348 1531 490 1273 1188 1881 1882 1725 2211 2113 568 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Fables from Afar. Short Stories for Little Folks. That’s Why Stories. BRYCE, J. American Commonwealth. Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coasts. Stockton. BUCKLEY, A. B. Fairy Land of Science. BUCKLEY, E. F. Children of the Dawn. BUDD. Horticultural Hand-Book. Buds, Stems and Roots. Chase. BULFINCH. Age of Chivalry. Age of Fable, Charlemagne. BULL. Fridtjof Nansen. BULLEN. Cruise of the Cacholot. BULLOCK. Elements of Economics. Bunny Stories. Jewett. BUNYAN. Pilgrim’s Progress. BURDICK. Esentials of Business Law. BURGESS, G. Goops and How to be Them. Lively City o’ Ligg. BURGHSS, J. W. Civil War and the Constitution. Middle Period. : Reconstruction and the Constitution. BURKE. Speech on Conciliation with America. Lamont, ed. ; BURKETT, STEVENS & HILL. Agriculture for Begin- ners. BURNETT. In the Closed Room. ———-__ Sara Crewe. BURNS, ed. Selections from English Poets. Selections from English Prose. BURRAGE & BAILEY. School Sanitation and Decora- tion. BURROUGHS, J. Birds and Bees and Sharp Eyes. Squirrels and Other Fur Bearers. Wake Robin. BURROUGHS, W. D.- Wonderland of Stamps. BURT, ed., see Field E. BURTON. Four American Patriots. Story of Our Country. BURY, J. B. History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great. Student’s History of the Roman Empire. BUSH. Prairie Rose. BUTLER. Meaning of Education. BUTTERFIELD. Chapters in Rural Progress. Butterflies and Bees. Morley. Order No. 1484 634 1726 802 596 635 T57 25 1541 441 26 27 184 2350 1902-13 1548 1784 1048 636 941 797 1215 637 770 491 638 639 2271 1593 526 544 2098 604 933 930 695 758 2047 2282 416 1020 1679 1680 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX “951 Butterfly Book. Holland. BUTTERWORTH. In the Boyhood of Lincoln. — —— Knight of Liberty. BUXTON, see Wilmot-Buxton. Buzz, or, The Life and Adventures of a Honey Bee. Noel. By Reef and Trail. Ames. BYNNER, Zachary Phips. Cadet Days. King. CADEY & DEWEY. Picture Stories from the Great Artists. CAFFIN. American Masters of Painting. Guide to Pictures. CALDECOTT. MHey-diddle-diddle Picture Book. Panjandrum Picture Book. Calendar Stories. Boyle. CALL. Power Through Repose. Cambridge Modern History. 12 vol. CAMP. Book of Football. Camp and Trail. Hornibrook. CAMPBELL, Story of Little Jan. Story of Little Konrad. Camping on the St. Lawrence. Tomlinson. Campmates. Munroe. Camps and Firesides of the Revolution. Hart. CANAVAN. Ben Comee. Candle and the Cat. Leonard. CANFIELD, D. F. What Shall We Do Now? CANFIELD, F. A. Kidnapped Campers. CANFIELD, H.S, Boys of the Rincon Ranch. CANNELL & WISE. Outlines for Primary and Kinder- garten Class. Canterbury Tales. Chaucer. a for adaptations see Darton. —_—_————- ——————- for adaptations see MacKaye. Captain John Smith. Jenks. Captain of the Crew. Barbour. Captain Phil. Thomas. Captain Polly. Swett. Captain Sam. Eggleston. Captains Courageous. Kipling. Captains of Industry. Parton. Care of Trees in Lawn, Street and Park. Fernow. Careers of Danger and Daring. Moffett. Careless Jane. Pyle. CARLYLE. Essay on Burns. Heroes and Hero Worship. 252 Order No. 1049 1050 1051 1052 397 398 399 1053 1054 2104 465 1343 437 189 190 1055-7 400 640 641 329 642 1592 1835 898 640 744. 737 1189 1727 1728 1852 1257 680 322 220 1087 1186 555 466 401 402 403 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX CARPENTER, F. G. Africa. —————._ Asia. Australia, Europe. ——— Foods. ; ————- How the World is Clothed. How the World is Housed. North America. ‘South America, CARPENTER, G. R. John Greenleaf Whittier. CARPENTER, J. A. & CARPENTER, R. When Little Boys Sing. CARPENTER, K. EK. Story of Joan of Arc for Boys and Girls. Carpentry for Boys. Kilbon. CARROL, L., pseud. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Through the Looking Glass. CARROLL, C. F. Around the World. 3 v. CARTER, C. KF. When Railroads were New. CARTER, M. H., ed. Cat Stories. Lion and Tiger Stories. Nature Study with Common Things. —— Panther Stories. CARY, A. & CARY, P. Complete Poetical Works. Casting Away of Mrs. Lecks and Mrs. Aleshine. Stockton. Castle Blair. Shaw. Cat Stories. Carter, ed. - Cat Stories. Jackson, Cat-Tails and Other Tales. Howliston. CATHERWOOD. Heroes of the Middle West. Romance of Dollard. Story of Tonty. Cathedral Courtship. Wiggin. CATLIN. Boys’ Catlin. Cattle-ranch to College. Doubleday. Cave-Boy of the Age of Stone. McIntyre. Celtic Fairy Tales. Jacobs, ed. Central and South America with the West Indies. Her- bertson, Century Book of the American Revolution. Brooks. CERVANTES. Don Quixote. Retold by Parry. CHAMBERLAIN, D. B. & HARRINGTON. Songs of All the Colleges. CHAMBERLAIN, J. F. How We Are Clothed. How We Are Fed. How We Are Sheltered. Order No. 1375 1376 1378 1377 28 2212 191 2347 643 1190 1191 2179 517 518 384 1532 2113 1521 1419 333 1664 1456 330 1258 404-5 644 1593 526 544 1399 2136 1858 1937 1938 2276 13 1046 14 20 870 602 747 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 253 CHAMPLIN, ed. Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of Common Things. Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of Literature and Art. Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of Natural History. Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of Persons and Places. CHANCE. Little Folks of Many Lands, CHANCELLOR. Our Schools. CHANDLER, K. Im the Reign of the Coyote. CHANDLER, G. Iowa and the Nation. CHANNING, B. M. Winifred West. CHANNING, E. First Lessons in United States History. Student’s History of the United States. & HART. Guide to the Study of American History. CHAPIN, Story of the Rhine-Gold. ———. Wonder Tales from Wagner. CHAPMAN. Bird-life. Color Key to North American Birds. CHAPTERS in Rural Progress. Butterfield. Chapters on Animals. Hammerton. . Chapters on Municipal Administration. Cleveland. Chapters on Plant Life. Herrick. Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays. Hazlitt. Charlemagne. Bulfinch. CHASE, A. Buds, Stems and Roots. - Children of the Wigwam. CHASE, A. & CLOW, Stories of Industry. 2 v. CHASH, J. A. Mayken. * CHAUCER. Canterbury Tales. for adaptations see Darton, ed. a for adaptations see MacKaye, ed. Cheerfulness as a Life Power. Marden. Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning. Richards & Elliot. Chevalier d’ Auriac. Yeats. CHEYNEY. Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England. Short History of England. Child Housekeeper, Colson & Chittenden. Child Life. Blaisdell & Blaisdell. Child Life in Japan. Ayrton. Child Life in Tale and Fable. Blaisdell & Blaisdell. Child Lore. Bryce. Child Marion Abroad. Round. Child of the Sun. Banks. Childhood of Jishib. Jenks. 254 Order No. 824 324 1120 136 1045 1258 263 442 201 297 504-5 1003 106 1350 1004 535 1255 1314 1315-6 1256 1317 985 1034-6 1040 1145 1320 793 992-3 1729 110-1 923 120 1385 877 672 467 738 1325 2272 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Children of the Arctic. Peary. Children of the Cliff. Wiley & Hdick. Children of the Cold. Schwatka. Children of the Dawn, Buckley. Children of the Palm Lands. Allen. Children of the Wigwam. Chase. Children’s Book. Scudder, ed. Children’s Book of Art. Conway & Conway. Children’s Book of Celtic Stories. Grierson. Children’s Book of Stars. Mitton. Children’s Classics in Dramatic Form. Stevenson. 2 v. Children’s Hour. Longfellow. Children’s Hour. Tileston. Children’s Life of Abraham Lincoln. Putnam, Children’s Longfellow. Longfellow. Children’s Tales from Scottish Ballads. Grierson. Children’s Stories in American History. Wright. | Children’s Stories in American Literature. Wright. Children’s Stories in English Literature. Wright. 2 v. Children’s Stories of American Progress. Wright. Children’s Stories of the Great Scientists. Wright. Child’s Calendar Beautiful. Beeson. Child’s Garden of Verses. Stevenson. Child’s Harvest of Verse. Tileston, comp. Child’s History of England. Dickens. ; Child’s Story of Hans Christian Andersen. Harboe. Chilhowee Boys. Morrison. CHISHOLM, comp. Golden Staircase. CHITTENDEN. Lincoln and the Sleeping Sentinel. Choice Literature for Primary Grades, Williams. Bk. 1-2. Chris, the Model Maker. Stoddard. ; CHRISHOLM. Old Testament Stories. _ Christmas. Schauffler. Christmas Angel. Pyle. Christmas Book. St. Nicholas. Christmas Carol and the Cricket on the Hearth. Dickens. Christmas Carols and Hymns. Dann. Christmas Every Day. Howells. Christopher Carson. Abbott. CHUBB. Teaching of English in Elementary and Sec- ondary Schools. CHURCH, ed. Iliad for Boys and Girls. Odyssey for Boys and Girls. Stories from Virgil. Stories of Charlemagne and the Twelve Peers of France. Stories of the East from Herodotus, Order No. 1732-3 1730-1 234 1540 2232 1430 1887 2202 158 1428 1434 1898 1966 1192 645 1734 1561 523 1324 524 307 225 1458 71 2263 2273 1863 1419 1471 1562 2141 409 1346 153 1274 1275 1681. 2357 1059 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 255 CHURCHILL. The Crisis. Richard Carvel. Cinderella, and Other Stories. Lang, ed. Citizen Bird. Wright & Coues. Citizenship and the Schools. Jenks. City Government in the United States. Goodnow. City of the Seven Hills, Harding & Harding. Civics and Health. Allen. Civil Government. Reinsch. Civil Government in the United States. Fiske. Civil Government of Iowa. Horack. Civilization During the Middle Ages. Adams. Civil War and the Constitution. Burgess. Civil War Stories Retold from St. Nicholas. CLARK, H. H. Boy Life in the United States Navy. CLARK, I. Will Shakespeare’s Little Lad. CLARK, S. H, & BLANCHARD. Practical Public Speak- CLARK, M. Story of Aeneas. Story of Caesar. Story of Troy. CLARKE, W. J. A BOC of Electrical Experiments. Classic Myths. Judd. Classic Myths in English Literature. Gayley, ed. Classic Stories for Little Ones. McMurry. Classics Old and New. Alderman. ist and 2d. Classroom Management. Bagley. CLAYTON, Crayon, Chalk and Pencil Drawing. Clean Peter and the Children of Grubbylea. Adelborg. CLEMENS, see Twain, M., pseud. CLEMENT. Handbook of Modern Japan. CLEVELAND. Chapters on Municipal Administration and Accounting. CLODD. Story of ‘‘Primitive’’ Man. Story of the Alphabet. Clover Farming. Wallace. Coal and Coal Mines. Greene. CODD. Story of Lafayette. With Evans to the Pacific. CODY. Four American Poets. Four Famous American Writers, ed. Selections from the World’s Great Ora- tions. Selections from the World’s Greatest Short Stories. COE. First Book of Stories for the Story Teller. Modern Europe. 256 Order No. 1058 1193 2358 2274 1594 2275 2368 1769 406 192 1214 -1210 1253 1972 i979 2030 1194 1247 . 2023 1532 2276 1969 1252 2238 1321 479 2213 2214 1592 1589 1606 1607 1671 1674 1472 349 2068 2159 2007 2114 2115 1512 1181 1507 2130 2011 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Gur American Neighbors. COFFIN. Boys of ’76. COLBY, J. R. Literature and Life in the School. COLBY, L. E. Talks on Drawing, Painting, Making, Decorating for Primary Teachers. COLERIDGE. Rime of the Ancient Mariner. COLGROVE. Teacher and the School. Collection of Eastern Stories and Legends. Shedlock. College Girls. Goodloe. COLLINS. Boys’ Book of Model Aeroplanes. COLLODI, C., pseud. Pinocchio. Colonial Children. Hart. Colonial Days. Gordy. Colonial Days. Welsh. Colonial Days in Old New York. Earle. Colonial Era, Fisher. Colonial Fights and Fighters. Brady, Colonial Stories Retold from St. Nicholas. Colonies. Smith. Colonies. Thwaites. Color Key to North American Birds. Chapman. COLSON & CHITTENDEN. Child Housekeeper. COMAN. Industrial History of the United States. Coming of the White Men. Wade. Commenius’ School of Infancy. Monroe. Commodore Bainbridge. Barnes. Common School Book of Vocal Music. Smith, COMPAYRE. History of Pedagogy. Lectures on Pedagogy. Complete Poetical Works. Cary & Cary. Complete Poetical Works. Holmes. Complete Poetical Works. Longfellow. Complete Poetical Works. Lowell. Complete Poetical Works. Tennyson. Complete Poetical Works. Whittier. COMSTOCK, G. C. Text-book of Astronomy. COMSTOCK, J. H, Insect Life. CONANT. Alexander Hamilton. Concerning Paul and Fiametta. Harker. Confederation and the Constitution. Mclaughlin. CONN. Agricultural Bacteriology. —— Bacteria, Yeast and Moulds in the Home. Story of Germ Life. _ Conquest of the Old Northwest. Baldwin. Conservation of Energy. Stewart. Conservation of Water. Mathews. Conspiracy of Pontiac. Parkman. Order No. 2301 442 193 646 647 648 649 650 1736-7 1738-9 1740 1741 1742 1743 1619 1642 2138 469 450 651 652 15138 2180 2012 1752 259 2153 1062 2284—6 2169 530 1005 2359 2277 653 654 655 656 121 2116 2181 350 17 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 257 Construction Work for Rural and Elementary Schools. McGaw. CONWAY, A. EH. & CONWAY, W.M. Children’s Book of . Art. COOKE. Nature Myths. COOLIDGE, S., pseud. Crosspatch. ———— Nine Little Goslings. ———_—— What Katy Did. ———— _ What Katy Did at School. ——— What Katy Did Next. COOPER. Deerslayer. ———— Last of the Mohicans. Pathfinder. Pioneers. Prairie, Spy. Coriolanus. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. Rolfe, ed. Corn Plants. Sargent. Corona Song Book. Hoff. Correggio. Hurll. CORYELL. Diego Pinzon. COTES. Story of Sonny Sahib. COULTER. Plant Studies. Counsel Upon the Reading of Books. Count Frontenac and New France Under Louis XIV. Parkman, Count of Monte Cristo. Dumas. Counterpaine Fairy. Pyle. Country Boy. Crissey. Country of the Dwarfs. Du Chaillu. Course in Sewing. Goodwin. Court of Boyville. White. Court of King Arthur. Frost. Courtship of Miles Standish. Longfellow. COWLES, comp. Stories to Tell. COX, J. H. Literature in the Common Schools, COX, P. Brownies Abroad. Brownies Around the World. Brownies—Their Book. CRADDOCK, C. E., pseud. Down the Ravine. CRAGIN. Kindergarten Stories for the Sunday School. CRAIG. Judging Live Stock. CRAIK. See Mulock. CRAM, G. F. Modern Atlas. CRAM, W. E. Little Beasts of Field and Wood. 258 Order No. 29 30 1766 1347 2273 1883 1939 679 1715 1732-3 2153 1982, 788 525 1420 657 1862 589 TTA 808 590 - 1901 347 1195 1330 1970 1864 1973 2185 1620 1643 31 924 731 498 1143 1144 1473 1474 1865 1514 1515 331 844 1322 2053 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX CRANE. Mother Hubbard. This Little Pig. Cranford. Gaskell. CRAVENS. Story of Lincoln. Crayon, Chalk and Pencil Drawing. Clayton. CREASY. Fifteen Decisive Battles. CREIGHTON. Age of Elizabeth. Crib and Fly. Dole. Crimson Sweater. Barbour. Crisis, Churchill. CRISSEY. Country Boy. Critical Period of American History. Fiske. Crofton Boys. Martineau. CROMMELIN. Famous Legends. CRONAN. Our Wasteful Nation. Crosspatch. Coolidge, S., pseud. CROTHERS. Miss Muffet’s Christmas Party. Cruise of the Cacholot. Bullen. Cruise of the Canoe Club. Alden. Cruise of the’ Dazzler. London. Cruise of the Enterprise.- Otis, S., pseud. Cruise of the ‘‘Ghost.’’ Alden. Crusades. Archer & Kingsford. Curious Homes and Their Tenants. . Beard. CUSTER. Boots and Saddles. Boy General. Following the Guidon. Tenting on the Plains. Customs and Fashions in Old New England. Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations. Hoyt, comp. Cymbeline. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed, —————— Rolfe, ed. CYR. Dramatic First Reader. « Dab Kinzer. Stoddard. Daddy Jake, the Runaway. Harris. DALKEITH. Little Plays. Stories from French History. Stories of Roman History. DANA, E. S. Minerals and How to Study Them. DANA, J. D. Geological Story Briefly Told. DANA, R. H. Two Years Before the Mast. DANA, Mrs. W. S. How to Know the Ferns. How to Know the Wild Flowers. Plants and Their Children. Dandelion Cottage. Rankin. Daniel Boone. Abbott. Daniel Boone. Thwaites. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 259 atk 1323 Daniel Boone, Back-Woodsman. Forbes-Lindsay. 1755 Daniel Deronda. Eliot, G., pseud. 21038 Daniel Webster. Lodge. 182 Danish Fairy and Folk Tales. Bay. 467 DANN. Christmas Carols and Hymns, 526 DARTON, ed. Tales of the Canterbury Pilgrims. 527 ——— Wonder Book of Old Romance. 1475 DARWIN, Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. 2154 DASKAM. Imp and the Angel. 1745 ——_———- Sister’s Vocation. 658 DAULTON. Helter Skelters. 2215 DAVENPORT. Education for Efficiency. 1830-1 David Balfour. Stevenson. 1746-7 David Copperfield. Dickens. 1328 David Crockett. Abbot. 2216 DAVIDSON. Rousseau. 32 DAVIS, A. C.. Nature Stories for Youngest Readers. 659 DAVIS, R. B. H. Kent Hampden. 744. DAVIS, R. H. Bar Sinister. 2040 ———— Real Soldiers of Fortune. 660 ————— Stories for Boys. 1196-7 DAWHS, Stories of Our Country. 661 DAY, H. F. Eagle Badge. DAY, T. Sanford and Merton. See Johnson, C. ed. 2269 Day by Day in the Primary School. Bridgham. 1895 Day in Ancient Rome. Shumway. 1390 Days and Deeds; a Book of Verse. Stevenson & Steven- son. 1389 Days and Deeds; Prose. Stevenson & Stevenson. 1794. Day’s Work. Kipling. j 886 Decatur and Somers. Seawell. . 1736-7 Deerslayer. Cooper, 662-6 DEFOR. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. 2217 DeGARMO. Herbart and Herbartians. 667 DELAND, EH. D. Katrina. 668 —— Oakleigh. 669 —_— Successful Venture. 2155 DELAND, Mrs. M. Awakening of Helena Richie. 2156 ———. Story of a Child. 33 DEMING & DEMING. Little Indian Folk. 1690 — Democracy and Other Papers. Lowell. De MONVEL, Boutet. See Boutet de Monvel. 1596 Deserted Village. Goldsmith. 1240 De Soto, Marquette and La Salle. Pratt. 1421 DEWEY, D. R. Financial History of the United States. 2219 DEWEY, J. School and Society. 2278 DEWEY, J. M. lessons on Manners, 260 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Order No. 2218 DEXTER. History of Education in the United States. 670 DIAZ: Polly Cologne. 671 ——— William Henry Letters. 1145 DICKENS. Child History of England. 672 ——— Christmas Carol and the Cricket on the Hearth. 1746-7 —————— David Copperfield. 1748 — Dombey & Son. 1749 ————. Oliver Twist. 673 ——— Tale of Two Cities. 2230 Dickens as an Educator. Hughes. $42 Diddie, Dumps, and Tot. Pyrnelle. 651 Diego Pinzon. Coryell. 1301 Discoverers and Explorers. Shaw. 1983 Discovery of America. Fiske. - 1182 Discovery of the Old Northwest. Baldwin. 1132 Distant Countries. Winslow. 2027 Division and Reunion. Wilson. 674. DIX. A Little Captive Lad. 675 —_—_— Merrylips. 676 ———. Soldier Rigdale, 194 DJURKLO. Fairy Tales from the Swedish. 1476 DOANE. Insects and Disease. : 912 Docas—The Indian Boy. Snedden. 1866 Dr. Grenfell’s Parish. Duncan. DODGSON. See Carrol, L. pseud. 677 DODGE, M. M. Donald and Dorothy. 678 ——— Hans Brinker. 1060 ———— Land of Pluck. 34 —#§—— comp. New Baby World. 994. —— When Life is Young. 2279 DODGE, R, HK. Home Geography and World Relations. 283 —_——— Reader in Physical Geography. . 765 Dog of Flanders. Ramee. 1841 Dog’s Tale. Twain, M. pseud. 679 DOLE, C. F. Crib and Fly. 154 —— Young Citizen. 195 DOLE, N. H. Russian Fairy Book. 780 Doll Doctor. Lucas. 1748 Dombey & Son. Dickens. 1527 Domesticated Animals. Shaler. 555 Don Quixote of the Manche. Cervantes, Parry ed. 677 Donald and Dorothy. Dodge. 250 Donegal Fairy Tales. MacManus. 792 Donkey John of the Toy Valley. Morley. 319 DOPP. Early Cave-men. 320 ——_———— Later Cave-men, Order No. 22:20 321 680 1198 407 1061 1663 656 408 1751 1750 1199 1200 1203 1201 1202 31 1971 681 682 683 113 114 684 685 1062 1063 1064 351 686 687 2280 1533 1752 1422 688 689 1866 1477 1984 690 1146 1147 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 261 Place of Industries in Elementary Education. —— Tree Dwellers. Dorothy and Her Friends. Kirk. Dorothy Deane. Kirk. DOUBLEDAY, Mrs. N. B. de. See Blanchan, N. pseud. DOUBLEDAY, R. Cattle-ranch to College. —— Gunner Aboard the ‘“Yankee.”’ Stories of Inventors. Year in a Yawl. DOWDEN. Shakespeare. Down the Ravine. Craddock, G. E. pseud. DOWNES. Fire Fighters and Their Pets. DOYLE. .White Company. Micah Clarke (abridged). DRAKE, Border Wars of New England. Making of New England. Making of the Great West. —————— Making of the Ohio Valley States. Making of Virginia and the Middle Colonies. Dramatic First Reader. Cyr. DRAPER. Rescue of Cuba. DRUMMOND. Monkey that Would Not Kill. DRYSDALE. Beach Patrol. —— Fast Mail. Helps for Ambitious Boys. Helps for Ambitious Girls. — Young Reporter. DU BOIS. Lass of the Silver Sword. DU CHAILLU. Country of the Dwarfs. Land of the Long Night. Wild Life Under the Equator. World of the Great Forest. DUDLEY, A. T. Following the Ball. School Four. DUDLEY, G. & KELLOR. Athletic Games in the Edu- cation of Women. DUGMORE. Bird Homes. DUMAS. Count of Monte Cristo. DUNBAR. Theory and History of Banking. DUNCAN, N. Adventures of Billy Topsail. Billy Topsail and Company. Dr. Grenfell’s Parish. DUNCAN, R, K. New Knowledge. Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. . Fiske. DUTTON, M. B. In Field and Pasture. Little Stories of France. Little Stories of Germany. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX DUTTON, S. T. School Management. Dwarfs’ Tailor and Other Fairy Stories. Underhill, comp. DYE. Story Teller’s Art. Dynamic Factors in Education. O’Shea. Each and All. Andrews. Eagle Badge. Day. EKARHART, ‘Teaching Children to Study. EARL. On the School Team. ; School Team in Camp. EARLE. Colonial Days in Old New York. Customs and Fashions in Old New England. Stage Coach and Tavern Days. Earliest Peoples. Ragozin. Early American History. Sabin & Sabin. Early Cave-Men. Dopp. Early Egypt. Ragozin.. Early Plantagenets. Stubbs. Early Tudors. Moberly. Earth and Its People. Winslow, Earth and Its Story. MHeilprin. Earth and Sky. Holden. Earth and Sky. Stickney. EASTMAN, C. Indian Boyhood. & EASTMAN, BE. G. Smoky Days, Wigwam Evenings, Hasy Stories. Turner. EBERS. An Egyptian Princess. Uarda. EBERSOLE. Iowa People’s Law Book. ECKSTORN. Bird Book, EDDAS. .See Wilmot-Buxton. See Mabie. EDDY. Friends and Helpers. EDGAR. Story of a Grain of Wheat.: Edgeworth. .Parent’s Assistant. See Johnson, ed. Ednah and Her Brothers. White. Education. Spencer. Education and the Larger Life. Henderson. Education for Efficiency. Davenport. Education of Man. Froebel., Education of the Central Nervous System. Halleck. Educational Issues in the Kindergarten. Blow. Efficient Life. Gulick. EGGHRT. School and Farm. EGGLESTON, E. Beginners of a Nation. First Book in American History. Hoosier School Boy. Order No. 1205 1206 1276 694 695 1975 696 697 1207 2056 1083 17538 579 1468 310 2109 1489 1425 438 439 436 2142 1417 1954 2235 2244 2146 235 18i9 1755 1756 1757-8 1759 468 698 1782 1208 | 1977-8 1334 1424 1425 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 263 Household History of the United States. Stories of American Life and Adventure. Stories of Great Americans for Little Amer- icans. . EGGLESTON, G. C. Big Brother. ———— Captain Sam. Rebel’s Recollections. Signal Boys. Southern Soldier Stories, —— — Strange Stories from History. EGINHARD. Life of Charlemagne. Egypt. Kelly. Egyptian Princess, Ebers. Kight Cousins. Alcoit. Electricity for Everybody. Atkinson. Electricity for Young People. Jenks. Elementary Agriculture. Bessey, Bruner & Sweezey. Elementary Book on Electricity and Magnetism. Jack- son & Jackson. Elementary Principles of Economics. Ely & Wicker. Klementary Sloyd and Whittling. Larsson. Elementary Woodwork for Use in Manual Training Classes. Selden. Klementary Woodworking. Foster. Elements of Agriculture. Warren. Elements of Economics. Bullock. Klements of English Constitutional History. Montague. Elements of General Method. McMurry. Elements of Pedagogics. Patrick. Elements of the Theory and Practice of Cookery. Wil- liams & Fisher. Elf Maiden and Other Stories. Lang, ed. Elinor’s College Career. Schwartz. ELIOT, G. pseud. Daniel Deronda. ———— Mill on the Floss. Romola. Silas Marner. ELLIOTT, ed. Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes. ELLIS. Wide Awake Girls. Elsie Venner. Holmes. ELSON. Guide to United States History. Side Lights on American Histery. ELTON. Story of Sir Francis Drake. RELY, Outlines of Economics. &-WICKER. Elementary Principles of HKcon- omics. , Emergencies. Gulick. 264 Order Order 1682 1914 1915 2249 2164 2178 753 1068 1175 1585 2250 221 1942 1615 1595 1941 ‘2182 1672 2016 1892 1951 1930 97 1679 1692 1676 1688 2246 1897 1960 1921 1418 995 1052 1088 11338 1008 2063 1926 1563 1539 2166 2157 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX EMERSON. Poems and Hssays. EMERTON. Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages. Mediaeval Europe. Emilie. Rousseau, trans. by Worthington. Emmy Lou. Martin. Encyclopedia of Social Reform. Bliss, ed. End of a Rainbow. Johnson. England. Finnemore. Hngland’s Story, Tappan. English Composition. Wendell. : English Education in Elementary and Secondary Schools. Sharpless. English Fairy Tales. Jacobs, ed. English History for Schools. Gardiner. English Poems from Chaucer to Kipling. Parrott & Long. English Poetry. Gayley & Young. English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century. Froude. English Synonyms and Antonyms. Fernald. Knoch Arden and Other Poems. Tennyson. Episodes from the Winning of the West, Roosevelt. Epitome of Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern History. Ploetz. Epochs of Reform. McCarthy. Era of the Protestant Revolution. Seebohm. Eskimo Stories. Smith. Essay on Burns. Carlyle. Kssay on Milton. Macauley. Essays. Bacon. Essays of Elia. Lamb, Robins, ed. Essays on Educational Reformers. Quick. Essentials in Ancient History. Wolfson. Essentials in English History. Walker & Hart. Kssentials in Mediaeval and Modern History. Harding. Essentials of Business Law. Burdick. Eugene Field Book. Field. Burt & Cable, ed. Europe. Carpenter. EKurope. Herbertson, comp. Europe. Winslow. Evangeline, Snowbound and Others. Longfellow, Whit- tier, and others. EVANS. Sailor’s Log. Eve of the French Revolution. Lowell. EVERTS. Speaking Voice. Everyday Birds. Torrey. Evolution of Dodd. Smith. EWALD. My Little Boy. Cy Order No. 699 700 7O1 702 2129 1957 2020 1486 1277 - 2041 1479 578 264 21 2337 1668 B47 1427 1457 1065 2033 2034 1286 1310 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 265 —— Two Legs., trans by Mattos. EWING. Jackanapes and Other Tales. ——§ Jan of the Windmill. ————— Story of a Short Life. Examining and Grading of Grains. Lyon & Montgomery. Expansion of England. Seeley. Expansion of the American People. Sparks. Experimental Science. Hopkins. Explorers and Founders of America. Foote & Skinner. Explorers and Travelers... Greely. Kye Spy. Gibson. Eyes and No Eyes. Aiken. Fables and Folk Stories. Scudder, ed. Hables from Afar. Bryce. Fact and Fable in Psychology. Jastrow. Faerie Queen. Spenser. a for adaptation see McLeod, M. FAIRBANKS, A. Introduction to Sociology. Mythology of Greece and Rome. FAIRBANKS, H. W. Home Geography for Primary Grades. Stories of Our Mother Earth. Stories of the Rocks and Minerals. Western United States. Fairchild Family. Sherwood. FAIRLIE. National Administration. Fairy Land of Science. Buckley. Fairy Reader. Baldwin, ed. Fairy Stories. Andersen. Fairy Stories and Fables. Baldwin, ed, Fairy Tales. Aulnoy. Fairy Tales. Hauff. Fairy Tales from Far Japan. Ballard, tr. Fairy Tales from the Far North. _Asbjornsen. Fairy Tales from the Swedish. Djurklo. Fairy Tales of All Nations. Laboulaye. FALLS. Journey Book. Familiar Trees and Their Leaves. Mathews. Familiar Wild Animals. Lottridge. Famous Adventures and Prison Escapes of the Civil War, Kamous American Authors. Bolton. Famous American Statesmen. Bolton. Famous Cavalry Leaders. Johnston. Famous Children Who Have Gained Renown in the Past. Twitchell. Order No, 2035 1262 2036 2037 525 2038 1374 919 1478 2145 2119 2143 197 188 386 683 2087 2124 718 719 2182 2282 1067 995 1769 $96 997 21193 2361 484 1883 600 1446 411 1421 2310 2361 1068 1069 1070 1071 528 703 408 178 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Famous ton. Famous Famous Famous Famous Kamous Hamous e English Authors of the Nineteenth Century. Bol- Indian Chiefs I Have Known. Howard. Leaders Among Men. _ Bolton. Leaders Among Women. Bolton. Legends. Crommelin. Men of Science. Bolton. Pcems Explained. Barbe. Fanciful Tales. Stockton. FARADAY. Candie. Farm Animals. Wilcox. Farm Buildings. Farm Friends and Farm Foes. Weed. FARMER. House in the Wood. Nature Myths of Many Lands. Farmer Brown and the Birds. Fox. Fast Mail. Drysdale. Father Marquette. Thwaites. Feeds and Feeding. Henry. Felicia. Gould. Felicia’s Friends. Gould, FERNALD. English Synonyms and Antonyms. HERNOW. Care of Trees in Lawn, Street, and Park. FERRYMAN. Norway. KIELD, E. Eugene Field Book. Burt, ed. Little Book of Profitable Tales. Lullaby-land. Poems of Childhcod. FIELD, JESSIE. The Corn Lady. HIELD, W. T. Finger Posts to Children’s Reading. Field and Forest Handy Book. Beard. Fifteen Decisive Battles. Creasy. Wifty Famous Stories Retold. Baldwin. Fight for Conservation. Pinchot. Fighting a Fire. Hill. Financial History of the United States. Dewey. Finger Plays. Poulsson. Finger Posts to Children’s Reading. Field. FINNEMORE. England. France. India. Japan. Story of Rcebin Hood and His Merry Men. Wolf Patrol. Fire Fighters and Their Pets. Downes. Firelight Stories. Bailey. Six Lectures on the Chemical History of a ’ ey Order No. 1187 1204 430 388 2123 341 2357 1443 1190 327 2122 2140 1165 326 1943 51 2059 1979 1884 2120 72 1980 1981 1428 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 2209 704 900 901 902 849 1488 798 1465 1761 705 1885 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 267 First Across the Continent. Brooks. Wirst Bock in American History. Eggleston. First Book in Hygiene. Krohn. Kirst Book of Birds. Miller. First Book of Farming. Goodrich. First Bock of Forestry. Roth. Hirst Book of Stories for the Story-Teller. Coe. Hirst Lessons in Civil Government. Macy. : First Lessons in United States History. Channing. Hirst Lessons with Plants, Bailey. First Principles of Agriculture. Goff & Mayne. Hirst Principles of Agriculture. Voorhees. Hirst Steps in the History of England. Mowry. Wirst Studies in Plant Life, Atkinson. Hirst Two Stuarts and the Puritan Revolution. Gardiner. First Year Book. Hazen. FIRTH. Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England. FISHER, G. P. Colonial Era. Outlines of Universal History. FISHER, M. L. & COTTON. Agriculture for Common Schools. Fishing and Hunting. Mott & Dutton. FISKE. American Revolution. Beginnings of New England. Civil Government in the United States. Critical Period of American History. Discovery of America. Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. History of the United States. Mississippi Valley in the Civil War. ———— New France and New England. Old Virginia and Her Neighbors. —_——— War of Independence. FITCH. Thomas and Matthew Arnold, FITZPATRICK. Jock of the Bushveld. Vive Little Peppers and How They Grew. Sidney, M. pseud. ~ Five Little Peppers Grown Up. Sidney, M., pseud. Five Little Peppers Midway. Sidney, M., pseud. Five-minute Stories. Richards. Flame, Electricity and the Camera. Iles. Flamingo Feather. Munroe. Flashlights on Nature. Allen. FLAUBERT. Salammbo. FLETCHER. Marjorie and Her Papa. FLING. Source Book of Greek History. 268 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX es oO. 2283 FLINT. Small Gardens for Small Gardners, $66 Flipwing, the Spy. Wesselhoeft. 266 Floating Prince. Stockton. 1361 Florence Nightingale. Richards. 629 Flower Princess. Brown. 357 Flowers and Their Friends. Morley. 332 Kly-Aways and Other Seed Travelers. Fultz. 1356 FOA. Boy Life of Napolecn. 42-3 Folk-lore Readers. Grover. Primer and 1st. 112 Folk-lore Stories and Proverbs. Wiltse. 199 Folk Tales from Many Lands, Gask. 183 Folk Tales from the Russian. Blumenthal. 155 KOLLET. Speaker of the House of Representatives. 686 Following the Ball. Dudley. 1970 Following the Guidon. Custer. 2135 Food Materials and Their Adulterations. Richards. )397 Foods. Carpenter. 1277 FOOTE & SKINNER. Explorers and FKounders’ of America. 2354 For the Children’s Hour. Bailey & Lewis. 1718 For King or Country, Barnes. 1721 Kor the Kreedom cf the Sea. Brady. 605 Kor the Honor of the School.. Barbour. 1323 KORBES-LINDSAY. Daniel Boone, Back-Woodsman. 1762-3 FORD, P. L. Janice Meredith. 353 FORD, S. Horses Nine. 1429 HOREMAN. Advanced Civics. 713 Forest Outlaws. Gilliat. 1999 Hormation of the Union. Hart. 1809 Korward March. Munroe. 436 FOSTER, E. W. Elementary Woodworking. 129 KOSTER, M. H. & CUMMINGS. Asgard Stories. 2183 FOSTER, W. T. Argumentation and Debating. 706 FOULKE. Braided Straws. 707 ————— Twilight Stories. 464 Kounders of Music. Smith. 1289 Hour American Explorers. Kingsley. 1296 Hour American Inventors. Perry. 1269 Four American Naval Heroes. Beebe. 1273 Kour American Patriots, Burton. 1297 Four American Pioneers. Perry & Beebe. 1274 Hour American Poets. Cody. 1275 Kour Famous American Writers. Cody. 1268 Four Great Americans. Baldwin. 1716 Four in Camp. Barbour. GL Four Macnicols. Black. 138 Four Old Greeks, Hall. Order No. 381 2089 1397 2054 386 36 1764 1504 1069 137 37 1338 38-9 1940 564 1105 2223 445-449 1916 530 531 1941 1091 286 1765 332 287 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 269 Four-Kooted Americans. Wright. FOURNIER. Napoleon the First. Bourne, ed. FOWLER, N. C, Starting in Life. FOWLER, W. W. Julias Caesar and the Foundation of the Roman Imperial System. FOX, KF. M. Farmer Brown and the Birds. FOX, F. C. Indian Primer. FOX, J. Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come. ‘Frail Children of the Air. Scudder. Krance. Finnemore. FRANCILLON. Gods and Heroes. FRANCIS. Book of Cheerful Cats. FRANKLIN. Autobiography. FREE & TREADWELL. Reading Literature. Primer and ist. FREEMAN, E. A. Short History of the Norman Conquest of England. William the Conqueror. KREEMAN, M. E. W., see Wilkins, M. HE. FREEMAN, W. G. & CHANDLER. World’s Commercial Products. KRENCH, A. Heroes of Iceland. Junior Cup. Sir Marrok. Story of Rolf and the Viking’s Bow, KHRENCH, H. W. Lance of Kanana. French Revolution. Gardiner. French Revolution. Johnston. French Revolution. Mathews. French War and the Revolution. Sloane. Fridtjof Nansen. Bull. Friendly Stars. Martin. Friends and Helpers. Eddy, Friends in Feathers and Fur. Johonnot. Frithjof and Roland. Ragozin. Kritz in Germany. McDonald & Dalrymple. FROEBEL. Education of Man. KFROELICH & SNOW. Text Books of Art Education. 7 v. FROISSART. Boy’s Froissart. Lanier, ed. FROST. Court of King Arthur. Knights of the Round Table. FROUDE. English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century. Frozen North, Horton. FRYE. Brooks and Brook Basins. KULLER. Across the Campus. FULTZ. KFly-Aways and Other Seed Travelers. Out of Door Studies in Geography. 270 Order No. 23124 399 915 481 1917 1945 1942 1943 1944 1918 199 1766 2121 1458 1595 1450 1965 300 422 1474 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 2101 1370 1106 203-5 T12 1400 1404 608 755 200 1516 1479 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Fundamentals of Child Study. Kirkpatrick. Fur Seals Tooth. Munroe. Gabriel and the Hour Book. Stein. Games for Play-Ground, Home, School and Gymnasium, Bancroft. GARDINER, B. M. C. French Revolution. GARDINER, 8S. R,. Atlas of English History. English History for Schcols. — First Two Stuarts and the Puritan Revolution Student’s History of England. Thirty Years’ War. GASK. Folk Tales from Many Lands. GASKELL. Cranford. GAYE, Great World’s Farm. GAYLEY, ed. Classic Myths in English Literature. & YOUNG. English Poetry. General History of Commerce. Webster. Geographic Influences in American History. Brigham. Geographical Nature Studies. Payne, Geography of Commerce and Industry. Rocheleau. Geological Story Briefly Told. Dana. GEORGE. Little Journey to Alaska and Canada. —_—_————— Little Journey to China and Japan. Little Journey to Cuba and Porto Rico. Little Journey to England and Wales. Little Journey to France and Switzerland. Little Journey to Germany. Little Journey to Hawaii and the Philip- pines. Little Journey to Mexico and Central Amer- ica. Little Journey to Holland, Belgium and Denmark, ———-— lhLittle Journey to Italy, Spain and Portugal. — hittle Journey to Scotland and Ireland. George Washington. Lodge, George Washington. Scudder. Gerda in Sweden. McDonald & Dalrymple. German Household Tales. Grimm & Grimm. GERSON Happy Heart Family. Getting On. Marden. ; Getting On in the World. Mathews. Giant of Three Wars. Barnes. Giant Scissors. Johnston. GIBBON, ed. Reign of King Cole. GIBSON. Blossom Hosts and Insect Guests, Kye Spy. e Order No, 1480 2224 713 714 122 1767 715 618 1500 716 137 125 2122 1411 1816 934 2158 133 270 15 1042 992-3 1613 1604 2366 1351 G17 1596 1768 482 159 428 1769 1430 2123 2284-6 1770 24 1380 1990 2326 1278 1210 1279 2165 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 271 Sharp Byes. GILLAN. Riffle Creek Papers. GILLIAT. Forest Outlaws. Wolf’s Head. GILLIE. Story of Stories. GILLMORE. Phoebe and Ernest. GILMAN. Son of the Desert. Girl of ’76. Blanchard. . Glaciers of North America. Russell. GLADDEN. Santa Claus on a Lark. GODOLPHIN, ed., see Defoe, D. Robinson Crusoe. Gods and Heroes. Francillon. God’s Troubadour. Jewett. GOFF & MAYNE. First Principles of Agriculture. Going to College. Waitman. Gold Bug. Poe. Gold Seeking on the Dalton Trail. Thompson. Golden Age. Grahame, Golden Fleece. Baldwin. Golden Goose. Tappan. Golden Goose Book. Brooke. Golden Mermaid and Other Stories. Lang, ed. Golden Numbers. Wiggin & Smith, comp. Golden Staircase. Chisholm, comp. Golden Treasury. Palgrave, ed. Golden Treasury cf American Songs and Lyrics. Knowles. Golden Windows. Richards. GOLDING. Story of David Livingstone. GOLDSMITH, C., ed. History of Little Goody Two-Shoes., Deserted Village. Vicar of Wakefield. GOOD. Magical Experiments. Good Citizenship. Richman & Wallace. Good Health. Jewett. GOODLOER. College Girls. GOODNOW. City Government in the United States. GOODRICH. First Book of Farming. GOODWIN, EH. E. Course in Sewing. GOODWIN, M. W. White Aprons. Goops and How to be Them. Burgess. GORDON, J., ed. Patriotism in Prose and Verse. Gordon, J. B. Reminiscences of the Civil War. GORDY,.J. P. New Psychology. GORDY, W. F. American Leaders and Heroes. Colonial. Days. Stories of American Explorers. Gossamer Thread. Seibert. 272 Order No. 718 719 499 500 1441 1435 1442 1925 2287 431 1041 989-91 1549 2158 1218 187 720 1517 418-421 461-2 1683 1233 1166 1239 2121 1543 2041 1946 2094 237 40 41 532 533 721 409 2184 ok, hoch nS wb Wt st Ol = SmMOWN WA ID wm Oo rm © ~ AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX GOULD. Felicia. Felicia’s Friends. “Little Men” Play. — “Little Women” Play. Governance of England. Low. Government in State and Nation. James & Sanford. Government of England. Lowell. Governments and Parties in Continental EHurope. Lowell. GOWDY. Special Days in School. Graded Lessons in Hygiene, Krohn. Graded Memory Selections. Waterman. Graded Poetry Readers. Blake & Alexander, ed. 3 Vv. GRAHAM & CLARK. Practical Track and Field Ath- letics. GRAHAME... Golden Age. Grandfather’s Chair. Hawthorne. Granny’s Wonderful Chair. Browne. GRANT. Jack Hall. GRAY. New Manual of Botany. Great American Industries. Rocheleau. 4 v. Great Artists. Keysor, Great Debate. Hayne & Webster. _ Great Locomotive Chase. Pittenger. Great Names and Nations. Niver. Great West. Pratt. Great World’s Farm. Gaye. Greek Sculpture. Hurll. GREELY. Explerers and Travelers. GREEN, J. R. Short History of the English People. GREEN, W. D. William Pitt, Green Fairy Book. Lang, ed. GREENAWAY, illus. Mother Goose. ———— _ Under the Window. GREENE, KF. N. Legends of King Arthur and His Court. & KIRK. With Spurs of Gold. GREENE, H. Blind Brother. —§— Coal and Coal Mines. GREENOUGH & KITTREDGE. Words and Their Ways in English Speech. GREENWOOD, G., pseud. Merrie England, Stories from Famous Ballads. GREY. Short Stop. GRIERSON. Children’s Book of Celtic Stories. Children’s Tales. Scotland. Scottish Fairy Book. Orde No. 1919 723 1920 1991 1992 1993 1149 203-5 387 724 725 1260 977 2327 142-8 44 45 46 47-8 2254 1899 1700 942 1459 1460 1461 1462 1150 1151 123 1152 1153 1154 1241 1303 441 2179 1208 1886 2288 2348 2328 267-8 1198 | 883 828 18 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 273 GRIFFIS. Brave Little Holland. In the Mikado’s Service. Japan in History. — Pilgrims in Their Three Homes. Romance of American Colonization. Romance of Conquest. —— Young Pecple’s History of Holland. GRIMM & GRIMM. German Household Tales. GRINNELL, E, & GRINNELG, J. Our Heathered Friends. GRINNELL, G. B. Jack Among the Indians. — Jack, the Young Ranchman,. _ Story of the Indian. Grizzly Bear. Wright. GROOS. Play of Man. Trans. by Baldwin. GROVER. Folk-lore Readers. Primer and Ist. Outdoor Primer. ——§ Overall Boys. Sunbonnet Babies. & CHUTTER. Art Literature Readers. 2 bks. Growth and Education. Tyler. Growth of the French Nation. Adams. Growth of the National Spirit. Trent & Wells. Guarding the Border. Tomlinson. GUERBER. Legends of the Middle Ages. ——— legends of the Rhine. Myths of Greece and Rome. —_——— Myths of Northern Lands, Story cf Modern France. Story of Old France. Story of the Chosen People. Story of the English. Story of the Greeks. ——— Story of the Romans. Story of the Thirteen Colonies. Guide to Biography. Stevenson. Guide to Pictures. Ca/ffin. Guide to the Study of American History. Channing & Hare Guide to United States History. Elson. GULICK, C. B. Life of the Ancient Greeks. GULICK, C. E. Emergencies. GULICK, L. H. Efficient Life. Mind and Work. Gulliver’s Travels. Swift. Gunner Aboard the ‘‘Yankee.’’ Doubleday. Guy Mannering. Scott. Gypsy Breynton. Phelps. 274 Order No 829 830 $31 49 50 1280 726 1281 1212 1396 2042 1771 1597 410 1994 1598 G27 728 148 1483 1522 1523 606 1084 1381 2329 2330 138 1282 536 T29 2331 2332 1521 2289 1621 1644 1431 1863 2324—5 1555 678 882 730 2290 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Gypsy’s Cousin Joy. Phelps. Gypsy at the Golden Crescent. Phelps. Gypsy’s Sowing and Reaping. Phelps. HAAREN. Rhymes and Fables. -— Songs and Stories, HABBERTON. Pocr Boy’s Chances. HAINES. Luck of the Dudley Grahams. HALE, E. E. Boys’ Heroes. ———— Historic Boston. How to Live. ed. Lights of Two Centuries. ——§—— Man Without a Country. Poems of Knightly Adventure. Stories of Invention. Stories of War. —§—— ed. See also Arabian Nights. HAULH, HK. H., Jr. Longer Narrative Poems. HALE, L. P. Last of the Peterkins. Peterkin Papers. Half a Hundred Hero Tales. Storr. Half Hours with Fishes, Reptiles and Birds. Holder. Half Hours with the Lower Animals. Holder. Half Hours with the Mammals. Holder. Half-Back. Barbour. HALL, A. B. & CHESTER. Panama and the Canal. HALL, I. P. & LENNOX. Red Letter Days and Red Let- ter Facts and Fancies. HALL, G. S. Aspects of Child Life and Education. ——- Youth. HALL, J. Four Old Greeks. Men of Old Greece. Viking Tales. HALL, R. In the Brave Days of Old. HALLECK. Education of the Central Nervous System. Psychology and Psychic Culture. HAMMERTON. Chapters on Animals. HAMILTON. The Recitation. Hamlet. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed, —_—————- _ ——————-_ Rolfe, ed. HANCOCK. Life at West Point. | Handbook of Medern Japan. Clement. Handbook of Psychology. Baldwin. Handbook of Universal Literature. Botta. Hans Brinker. Dodge. Hans the Eskimo. Scandlin. HANSON. With Sully Into the Sioux Land. HANUS. Beginnings in Industrial Education. t Order No. 2225 2291 2076 712 115 1320 1887 139 1921 1155 1156 834 2159 2160 306 494 314 A835 480 2176 288 206 731 207 208 209 732 12138 210 211 212 213 2333 1432 214 2334 2060 1433 1995-8 1214 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 275 A Modern School, HAPGOOD, A, C. School Needlework. HAPGOOD, H. Paul Jones. Happy Heart Family. Gerson. Happy School Days. Sangster. HARBOE. Child’s Story of Hans Christian Andersen. HARDING, C. H. & HARDING, S. B. City of the Seven Hills. Stories of Greek Gods, Heroes, Men. HARDING, S. B. Essentials in Mediaeval and Modern History. Story of the Middle Ages. Story of England. Harding of St. Timothy’s, Pier. HARKER. Concerning Paul and Fiametta. Romance of the Nursery. Harper’s Hlectricity Book for Boys. Adams. Harper’s Handy Book for Girls. Paret. Harper’s How to Understand Electrical Work. Onken & Baker. Harper’s Machinery Book for Boys. Adams. Harper’s Outdoor Book for Boys. Adams. Harper’s Schocl Speaker. Baldwin, ed. HARRINGTON. About the Weather. HARRIS, J. C. Aaron in the Wildwoods. ——————- Daddy Jake the Runaway. Little Mr. Thimblefinger and His Queer Coun- try. Mr. Rabbit at Home. Nights with Uncle Remus. On the Plantation. Stories of Georgia. Story of Aaron. Uncle Remus and His Friends. Uncle Remus and the Little Boy. —— —- Uncle Remus, His Songs and His Sayings. HARRIS, W. T. Psychologic Foundations of Education. HARRISON, B. This Country of Ours. HARRISON, E. In Story-land. Study in Child Nature. HARRISON, F. Oliver Cromwell. HART. Actual Government as Applied Under American Conditions. ed. American History Told by Contempo- raries. 4 Vv. Colonial Children. 733 1774-5 140-1 1776 142-3 2086 1683 1261 51 1664 821 754 2149 76-7 803-5 1810 983 L777 i778 i779 913 1481 1138 i114 658 2292 2226 1923 1780 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Camps and Firesides of the Revolution. ——— How Our Grandfathers Lived. Romance of the Civil War. — FKormation of the Union. ed. Source Book of American History. Harvard Stories. Post. HAUFF. Fairy Tales. Haunter of the Pine Gloom. Roberts. HAUSSER. Pericd of the Reformation. Hawaii and Its People. Twombly. HAWKHS. Trail to the Woods. HAWTHORNE, Grandfather’s Chair. ———— House of Seven Gables. Little Daffydowndilly. Marble Faun. Tanglewood Tales. Twice-Told Tales. Wonder Book. HAY. William McKinley. HAYNE & WEBSTER. Great Debate. HAZARD & DUTTON. Indians and Pioneers. HAZEN. First Year Book. HAZLITT. Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays. ed. Head Coach. Paine. HERADLAND. Our Little Chinese Cousin. Heart. Amicis. Heart of Oak Books. Norton, ed., bks. 1 and 2. Bks. 3, 4 and ): ——_—__ —————_ Dkk. 6. Hector, My Dog. Young. HEGAN. Lovey Mary. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. Sandy. Heidi. Spyri. : HEILPRIN, Earth and Its Story. Helps for Ambitious Boys. Drysdale. Helps for Ambitious Girls. Drysdale. Helter Skelters. Daulton. Lobban, . HENDERSON, A. W. & PALEN. What and How. HENDERSON, C. H. Education and the Larger Life. HENDERSON, KH. F. HENDERSON, W. J. Afloat with the Flag. HENLEY, etl. Lyra Heroica, HENRY. Feeds and Feeding. Henry Clay. Schurz. Short History of Germany. Order No. 1622-3 1645-6 1624 1647 1625 1648 2227 2217 289 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1792 609 1332 1185 1225 508 1142 144-5 1680 1309 1292 549 1312 529 359 1189 1015 1293 3335 26 1564 53 1090 1283 2001 1565 2195 850 851 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 277 Henry IV. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. 1 Rolfe, ed. Henry V. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. a Rolfe, ed. Henry VIII. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. Rolfe, ed. HERBART. Science of Education. Herbart and Herbartians. De Garmo. HERBERTSON, A. J. & HERBERTSON, F. D. Man and His Work. HERBERTSON, F. D. Africa. Asia. Central and South America, Hurope. North America. Hereward the Wake. Kingsley. Hero of Erie. Barnes. Hero of Manila. Johnson, Hero Stories from American History. Blaisdell & Ball. Hero Tales from American History. Lodge & Roosevelt. Hero Tales Told in School. Baldwin. HERODOTUS. For adaptations see Church, ed. Heroes. Kingsley. Heroes and Hero Worship. Carlyle. Herces and Martyrs of Invention. Towle. Heroes Every Child Should Know. Mabie, ed. Heroes of Chivalry. Maitland, Heroes of History. Whitcomb. Heroes of Iceland. French. Heroes of Myth. Price & Gilbert. Heroes of the Middle West. Catherwood. Heroic Ballads. Montgomery, ed. Heroines Every Child Should Know. Mabie & Stephens. HERRICK. Chapters on Plant Life. Hey-diddle-diddle Picture Book. Caldecott. HEYDRICK. One Year Course in English and American Literature. Hiawatha Primer. Holbrook. HIGGINSON, S. J. Java, the Pearl of the Hast. HIGGINSON, T. W. Young Folks’ Book of American Explorers. : | Young Folks’ History of the United States. & BOYNTON. Reader’s History of Ameri- can Literature. High School Debate Book. Robbins. Queen Hildegarde. Richards. Hildegarde’s Home. Richards. Order No. 852 853 854 411 1219 1368 156 2002 2293 2228 2294 741 1272 1212 1693 1875 2188 1583 1439 1893 1931 65 2243 2218 1896 1900 1949 1556-8 1574 1575 1876 1881 1546 238 717 2213 1888 1879 2008 - 1961 1569 1880 2009 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Hildegarde’s Neighbors. Richards. Hildegarde’s Harvest. Richards. Hildegarde’s Holiday, Richards. HILL, C. T. Fighting a Fire. HILL, F. S.. Twenty Years at Sea. HILL, F. T. On the Trail of Washington. Hill, M. Lessons for Junior Citizens. Liberty Documents. HINSDALE. Art of Study. Horace Mann. Teaching the Language Arts. His Majesty’s Sloop Diamond Rock. Huntington, H. S., pseud. Historic Americans. Brooks. Historic Boston and Its Neighborhood. Hale. Historical Essays. Macaulay. History and Description of Roman Political Institu- tions. Abbott. History for Ready Reference. Larned, ed. History of American Literature. Trent. History of American Politics. Johnston. History of Ancient Civilization. Seignobos. History of Contemporary Civilization. Seignobos, James, ed. History of Dick Whittington. Lang, ed. History of Education, Painter. History of Education in the United States. Dexter. History of Egypt. Wendel. History of England. Andrews. History of England. Larned. History of English Literature. Brink. 3 v, History of English Literature. Moody & Lovett. History of English Literature. _ Painter. History of Greece. Abbott. History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great. Bury. History of Greek Art. Tarbell. History of Jack, the Giant-Killer. Lang, ed. History of Little Goody Two-Shoes. Goldsmith. History of Pedagogy. Compayre. History of Rome. How & Leigh. History of Rome. Botsford. History of the American Nation. McLaughlin. History of the British Nation. Wrong. History of the English Language. Lounsbury. History of the Orient and Greece. Botsford. History of the People of the United States. McMaster. Order No. 1139 1894 1985 1929 999 1482 124 2092 469 1331 52 216 53 537 1382 290 157 2125 1483 1522 1523 355 1484 820 1781 1599 1782 1783 54 2295 1485 2207 2279 1065 2137 1600 538 514 519 566 1601 539 515 520 540 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 279 History of the Philippines. Barrows. History of the Roman People. Seignobos. Fairley, ed. History of the United States. Fiske. History of Western Europe. Robinson. HIX, comp. Book of Lullabies. Hodge. Nature Study and Life. HODGES. When the King Came. William Penn. HOFF, ed. Corona Song Book. HOFFMAN, F. Little Dauphin. HOFFMAN, H. _ Slovenly Peter. HOLBROOK, F.. Book of Nature Myths. Hiawatha Primer. Northland Heroes. —— _ ’Round the Year in Myth and Song. HOLDEN, E. S. Earth and Sky. Our Country’s Flag and the Flags of For- eign Countries. HOLDEN, P. G. ABC of Corn Culture. HOLDER. Half Hours with Fishes, Reptiles and Birds. Half Hours with the Lower Animals. Half Hours with the Mammals, Stories of Animal Life. HOLLAND. Butterfly Book. Holiow Tree and Deepwoods Book. Paine. HOLMES, Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Complete Poetical Works. Elsie Venner. ———— Professor at the Breakfast Table. HOLTON. Primer. & ROLLINS. Industrial Work for Public Schools. HOLTZ. Nature-Study. Home Economics Movement. Bevier & Usher. Home Geography and World Relations. Dodge. Home Geography for Primary Grades. Fairbanks. Home Sanitation. Richards & Talbot. HOMER. Iliad. Trans. by Bryant, a Lang, Leaf & Meyer. for adaptations see Brooks. for adaptations see Church for adaptations see Perry. Odyssey. Trans. by Bryant. trans. by Palmer. for adaptations see Brooks. for adaptations see Church. for adaptations see Lamb. 280 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Order No. 557 —____—_ _ ———————__ for adaptations see Perry. 693 Hoosier School Boy. Eggleston. 826 Hope Benham. Perry. 5D Hopi, the Cliff Dweller, Jewett. 1486 HOPKINS, G. M. Experimental Science. 735 HOPKINS, W. J. Sandman. 2228 Horace Mann. Hinsdale. 1434 — HORACK. Civil Government of Iowa. 1524 HORNADAY. American Natural History. 1525 ——— Two Years in the Jungle. 1284 HORNE & SCOBEY. Stories of Great Artists. 1784 HORNIBROOK. Camp and Trail. 353 Horses Nine. Ford. 1842 Horse’s Tale. Twain, M., pseud. 2111 Horticultural Hand-Book. Budd. 1091 HORTON. Frozen North. 1709 Hospital Sketches. Alcott. 1785 HOUGH. Story of the Cowboy. 736 ———— Young Alaskans. : 217 HOUGHTON. Russian Grandmother Wonder Tales. 2362 ———— Telling Bible Stories. 1401 Hour of Opportunity. Marden. 197 House in the Wood. Farmer. 1772-3 House of Seven Gables. Hawthorne. 501 House of the Heart. Mackay. 1849 House of the Wolf. Weyman. 943 House-boat on the St. Lawrence. Tomlinson. 1205 Household History of the United States and Its People. Eggleston. 772 Household of Glen Holly. Lillie. 63 Household Stories.. Klingensmith. 308 HOUSTON. Boy Electrician. 291 ——— > Wonder Book of. Light. 309 ———— Wonder Book of Magnetism. 292 —§—— Wonder Book of the Atmosphere. 2062 HOW, L. James B. Hads. 1888 HOW, W. W. & LEIGH, History of Rome. 2024 How George Rogers Clark Won the Northwest. Thwaites. 425 How It is Done. Williams. 1509 How It Works. Williams. 1216 How Our Grandfathers Lived. Hart. 152 How the Republic is Governed. Brooks. cell How the Two Ends Met. Leonard. 398 How the World is Clothed. Carpenter. 399 How the World is Housed. Carpenter. 432 How to Dress a Doll. Morgan. 1514 How to Know the Ferns. Dana. Order No. 1515 1396 2346 2320 2236 2299 2355 315 401 402 405 1487 1262 412 413 2161 738 1786 1220 G37 2229 1787 1542 2185 1285 1843 2296 1804 =230 739 2231 740 O74 1463 1924 1602 741 450 © 1543 451 452 453 454 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 281 How to Know the Wild Flowers. Dana. How to Live. Hale. How to Live on Twenty-four Hours a Day. Bennet. How to Make Baskets. White. How to Study and Teaching How to Study. McMurry. How to Teach Paper-Folding. Latter. How to Tell Stories to Children. Bryant. How Two Boys Made Their Own Hiectrical Apparatus. rohie os frasteb ely How We Are Clothed. Chamberlain. How We Are Fed. Chamberlain. How We Are Sheltered. Chamberlain. HOWARD, LL. O. Insect Book. HOWARD, O. O. Famous Indian Chiefs I Have Known. HOWDEN. Boys’ Book of Railways. Boys’ Book of Steamships. HOWELLS. Boy’s Town. ———— Christmas Every Day. Rise of Silas Lapham. Stories of Ohio, HOWLISTON. Cat-Tails and Other Tales, HOYT, C. C. Studies in the History of Modern Educa- tion. HOYT, D. L. Barbara’s Heritage. World’s Painters and Their Pictures. HOYT, J. K., comp. Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations. HUBERT. Inventors. Huckleberry Finn. Twain, M., pseud. HUEY, Psychology and Pedagogy of Reading. Hugh Wynn—Free Quaker. Mitchell. HUGHKHS, J. H. Dickens as an Educator. HUGHES, R. Lakerim Athletic Club. HUGHES, T. Loyola. Butler, ed. Tom Brown’s Schoo! Days. . HUGO, V. Les Miserables. For condensation see Wiltse S. E., ed. Jean Valjean. HULL. The Boy’s Cuchulain. HUME. Spanish People. HUMPHREY. Pcetic New World. HUNTINGTON, H. S., pseud. His Majesty’s Sloop Dia- mond Reck. HURUL Correggio. ——— Greek Sculpture. Landseer. Michaelangelo. Millett. Murillo. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Raphael. Rembrandt. Reynolds. . Titian. Tuscan Sculpture. ———_ Van Dyck. HUSTED, Stories of Indian Chieftains. —— Stories of Indian Children. HUTTON. Boy I Knew. HYDE. Self-Measurement. Hygiene of the School Room. Barry. Ice Queen. Ingersoll. ILES. Flame, Electricity and the Camera. Iliad for Boys and Girls. Church, ed. Iliad. Homer. Trans. by W. C. Bryant. we trans. by Lang, Leaf & Meyer. for adaptations see Brooks. for adaptations see Church. ’ — —H for adaptations see Perry. Imp and the Angel. Daskam. Imperial Atlas of the World. Rand-McNally Co. In Field and Pasture. Dutton. In Nesting Time. Miller. In Story-land. MHarrison. In the Boyhood of Lincoln. Butterworth. In the Brave Days of Old. Hall. In the Cheering Up Business. Lee. In the Child’s World, Poulsson. In the Closed Room. Burnett. In the Days of Alfred the Great. Tappan. In the Days of Giants. Brown. In the Days of Queen Elizabeth. ‘Tappan. In the Days of Queen Victoria. Tappan. In the Days of William the Conqueror. Tappan. In the Hands of the Red Coats. Tomlinson. In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers. Schwatka. In the Mikado’s Service. Griffis. In the Reign of the Coyote. Chandler. In the Wasp’s Nest, Brady. In the Wilderness. Warner. Index to Short Stories. Salisbury & Beckwith. India. Finnemore. Indian Boyhood. Eastman. . Indian Fairy Tales. Jacobs, ed. Indian Fights and Fighters. Brady. Indian Primer. Fox. Indian Stories. St. Nicholas. Order No. 1261 487 1969 2257 2295 218 219 293 742 356 743 1487 367 349 361 1476 1576 1496 1577 1491 334 1427 1937 1499 1914 1285 2347 1246 1449 1423 2018 1684-5 2003 1788 1789 1790 1369 1163 1820-1 T2A4. 580 720 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 283 Indians and Pioneers. Dutton & Hazard. Indoor and Outdoor Handicraft and Recreation for Girls. Beard & Beard, Industrial History of the United States. Coman. Industrial Studies. Allen. Industrial Work for Public Schools. Holton & Rollins INGELOW. Meopsa, the Fairy. Three Fairy Tales. INGERSOLL. Book of the Ocean. Ice Queen. Wild Life of Orchard and Field. INMAN. Ranch on the Oxhide. Insect Book. Howard. Insect Folk. Morley. Insect Life. Comstock. Insect Stories. Kellogg. Insects and Disease. Doane. Introduction to American Literature. Pancoast. Introduction to Astronomy. Moulton. Introduction to English Literature. Pancoast. Introduction to Geology. Marr. Introduction to Leaves from Nature’s Story Book. Kelly. Introduction to Sociology. Fairbanks. Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of Eng- land. Cheyney. Introduction to the Study of the Compounds of Carbon. Remsen, Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages. Emerton. Inventors. Hubert. Iowa and the Nation. Chandler. Iowa, History and Government. Seerley & Parish. Iowa: Its Constitution and Laws. Weaver. Iowa Pecple’s Law Book. Ebersole. Iowa, the First Free State in the Louisiana Purchase. Salter. IRVING. Alhambra. Knickerbocker’s History of New York. Selections from Sketch Book. Sprague & Scates, ed. ‘“ Sketch Book. Tales of a Traveler, Washington and His Country. Island Story. Marshall. Ivanhce. Scott. Jack Among the Indians. Grinnell Jack and Jill. Alcott. Jack Hall. Grant. 284 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Order No. 952 Jack Hazard and His Fortunes. Trowbridge. 483 Jack of All Trades. Beard. 725 Jack, The Young Ranchman. Grinnell. 700 Jackanapes and Other Tales. Ewing. 2126 JACKSON, C. R. & DAUGHERTY. Agriculture Through the Laboratory. 1489 JACKSON, D. C. & JACKSON, J. P. Elementary Book on Hlectricity and Magnetism and Their Applicaticns. 744 JACKSON, H. H. Cat Stories. 745 —— Nelly’s Silver Mine. 1791 ———— Ramona. 506 JACOBS, ed. Aesop. Fables. 220 ———— Celtic Fairy Tales. 221 ——— English Fairy Tales. 222 ———— Indian Fairy Tales. 223 — ——- _ More English Fairy Tales. 2127 JAMES, C. C. Practical Agriculture. 1435 JAMES, J. A. & SANFORD. Government in State and Nation. | 2335 JAMES, W, Psychology. 2336 ———- Talks to Teachers. 2062 James B. Eads. How. 7Ou Jan of the Windmill. Ewing. aes Jane Hyre. Bronte. 762-3 Janice Meredith. Ford. ee JANVIER. Aztec Treasure House. 1071 Japan. Finnemore. 1920 Japan in History, Kolk-Lore, and Art. Griffis. 276 Japanese Fairy Tales. Willistcn. 260 Japanese Folk Stories and Fairy Tales. Roulet. 1860 Japanese Girls and Women, Bacon. 1861 Japanese Interior. Bacon. 2337 JASTROW. Fact and Fable in Psychology. 1090 Java, the Pearl of the East. Higginson. 2322 Jean Mitchell’s School. Wray. 74 Jean Valjean. Wiltse, ed. 85 Jemima Puddle-Duck. Potter. 747 JENKS, A. E. Childhood of Jishib. 1436 JENKS, J. P. The Trust Problem. 2232 JENKS, J. W. Citizenship and the Schools. 2098 JHENKS, T. Captain John Smith. 310 ————— Electricity for Young People. 1222 ————— When America Won Liberty. 1437 JEVONS. Money and the Mechanism cf Exchange. 427 JEWETT, F. G. Body at Work. 428 —— — Good Health. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 285 JEWETT, J. H. Bunny Stories. ————- More Bunny Stories. JEWHTT, M. Hopi, the Cliff Dweller. JEWETT, S. God’s Troubadour. JEWETT, S. CO. Betty Leicester, Betty Leicester’s Christmas. Play Days. Jingle Primer. Brown & Bailey. Joan of Arc. Boutet de Monvel. JOB. Among the Water-Fowl. Jock of the Bushveld. Fitzpatrick. John Adams. Morse. John Greenleaf Whittier. Carpenter. John Halifax, Gentleman. Mulock. John Marshall. Thayer. John of the Woods. Brown. Johnnie. Laughlin. Johnnie Crow’s Garden. Brooke. Johnnie Crow’s Party. Brooke. JOHNSON, C, When Mother Lets Us Cook. JOHNSON, C. W. Songs of the Nation. JOHNSON, E. R. American Railway Transportation. JOHNSON, M. Little Owls at Red Gates. What Did the Black Cat Do? Where Was the Little White Dog? JOHNSON, R. End of a Rainbow. Hero of Manila. Phaeton Rogers. JOHNSON, W., H. World’s Discoverers. JOHNSTON, A. History of American Politics. JOHNSTON, A. F. Giant Scissors. Two Little Knights of Kentucky. JOHNSTON, C. H. L. Famous Cavalry Leaders. JOHNSTON, EH. L. & BARNUM. Book of Plays for Lit- tle Actors. JOHNSTON, H. W. Private Life of the Romans. JOHNSTON, R. M. French Revolution. Leading American Soldiers. JOHNSTON, W. A. War of 1898. JOHONNOT. Friends in Feathers and Fur. Neighbors with Wings and Fins. comp. Stories of Heroic Deeds. Stories of Our Country. Ten Great Events in History. Joliy Fellowship. Stockton. Jolly Good Times. Smith. Jolly Good Times at Hackmatock. Smith. 286 Order No. 907 1335 60-2 224 1288 309 360 1526 581 35 1159 614 1499 225 226 2116 1626 1649 2054 1844 759 708 1566-8 832 229 1107 667 1603 1518 2128 1686 2077 294 493 1092 361 2162 334 335-6 362 1363 1093 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Jolly Good Times at Schcol. Smith. JONES, F. A. Thomas Alva Edison. JONES, L. H, Readers. 1st-3d. JORDAN. Book of Knight and ‘Barbara. ——— ed. Leading American Men of Science. Matka and Kotik. ed. True Tales of Birds and Beasts. —— & KELLOGG. Animal Life. Jo’s Boys. Alcott. Journey Book. Falls. JOYCEK. Reading Book in Irish History. Juan and Juanita. Baylor. JUDD, J. W. Volcanoes. JUDD, M. ©. Classic Myths. Wigwam Stories. Judging Live Stock. Craig. Julius Caesar. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. ———— Rolfe, ed. Julius Caesar and the Foundation of the Roman Im- perial System. Fowler. Jumping Frog. Twain, M. pseud. Jungle Book. Kipling. Junior Cup. French, JUSSERAND. Literary History of the English People. 3 vols. Just About a Boy. Phillips. Just So Stories. Kipling. KALER. See Otis, J., pseud. Kathleen in Ireland. McDonald & Dalrymple, Katrina. Deland. KEATS. Poems—Selected. KEELER. Our Native Trees. KEFFER, Nature Studies on the Farm. KELLER. Optimism. Story of My Life. KELLEY, J. G. Boy Mineral Collectors. KELLEY, L. E. Three Hundred Things a Bright Girl Can Do. KELLOGG, E. M. C. World and Its People. KELLOGG, V. lL. Insect Stories. KELLY, M. Little Citizens. KELLY, M. A, B. Introduction to Leaves from Nature’s Story Book. Leaves from Nature’s Story Book. 2v. Short Stories of Our Shy Neighbors. KELLY, M. D. Story of Sir Walter Raleigh. KELLY, R. Egypt. Order No. 126 1160 1947 659 2233 461-2 800 1094 1832-3 638 1224 437 2371 irs) 862 T97 2234 426 563 570 1627 1650 1628 1651 261-2 863 1792 144-5 295 227-8 1793 1289 758 1794 759 229 1948 760 414 761 762 23373 63 * 130 763 1095 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 287 KELMAN, ed. Stories from Life of Christ. Stories from the Crusades. KENDALL. Source Book of English History. Kent Hampden. Davis. KERN. Among Country Schools. KEYSOR, Great Artists. 2v. Kibun Daizin. Murai. KIDD. South Africa. Kidnapped. Stevenson. Kidnapped Campers. Canfield. KIEFFER. Recollections of a Drummer Boy. KILBON. Carpentry for Boys. Kindergarten Stories and Morning Talks. Wiltse. Kindergarten Stories for the Sunday School and Home. Cragin. Kindred of the Wild. Roberts. KING, C. Cadet Days. KING, R. M. School Interests and Duties. King and His Wonderful Castle. Brown. King Arthur and His Knights. Radford. King Arthur Stories from Malory. Stevens & Allen, ed. King John. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. —_—__—_—_——— Rolfe, ed. King Lear. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. ~ oe Rolfe, ed. King of the Golden River. Ruskin. King of the Mamozekal. Roberts. KINGSLEY, C. Hereward the Wake, The Heroes. Madam How and Lady Why. Water-Babies. Westward Ho! KINGSLEY, N. F. Four American Explorers. KIPLING. Captains Courageous. ————— Day’s Work. Jungie Book, Just So Stories. Puck of Pook’s Hill. — ——— Second Jungle Book. KIRBY & KIRBY. Aunt Martha’s Corner Cupboard. KIRK. Dorothy and Her Friends. Dorothy Deane. KIRKPATRICK, Fundamentals of Child Study. KLINGENSMITH. Household Stories. Stories of Norse Gods and Heroes. KNAPP. Boy and the Baron. Story of the Phillippines. 288 Order No. 2003 1726 531 1604 471 1096 2297 430 431 1097 1098 1290 2186 1414 230 231 1795 1796 497 1024 1836 767 1687 2298 739 1501 540 1688 541-2 1797 raul 1060 1031-3 1063 451 64 1099 1100 415 1101 1226 232 363 233 1001-1 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Knickerbocker’s History of New York. Irving. Knight of Liberty. Butterworth. Knights of the Round Table. Frost. KNOWLES, F. L. Golden Treasury of American Songs and Lyrics. KNOWLTON. Nature Songs for Children. KOCH. Little Journey to Our Western Wonderland. KRAPP, Modern English. KROHN. First Book in Hygiene. ——— Graded Lessons in Hygiene. KROUT. Alice’s Visit to the Hawaiian Islands. ——— Two Girls in China. KUPFER. Lives and Stories Worth Remembering. LABBERTON. New Historical Atlas and General His- tory. Labor Problems. Adam & Sumner. LABOULAYE. Fairy Tales of All Nations. Last Fairy Tales. Quest of the Four-Leaved Clover. Field, ed. Laddie. Lady Hollyhock and Her Friends. Walker. Lady cf the Lake. Scott. Lady or the Tiger? Stockton. LaFLESCHE. Middle Five. LAING, G. J. Masterpieces of Latin Literature. LAING, M. E. Reading—A Manual for Teachers. Lakerim Athletic Club. Hughes Lakes of North America. Russell. LAMB. Adventures of Ulysses. —————. Essays of Elia. Robbins, ed. & LAMB, M. Tales from Shakespeare. LA MOTTE-FOUQUE. Undine. Trans. by Alger. Lance of Kanana. French. Land of Pluck. Dodge. Land of Song. Bks. 1, 2 and 8. Shute, comp. Land of the Long Night. Du Chaillu. Landseer. Hurll. LANE, C, A. Stories for Children. LANE, M. A. L. Northern Europe. Toward the Rising Sun. Triumphs of Science. Under Sunny Skies. & HILL, M. American History in Literature. LANG, A., ed. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp. Animal Story Book. Blue Fairy Book. Blue Poetry Book. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 289 Order No. 1161 —— Blue True Story Book. 234 ——— Cinderella. 235 ——— Elf Maiden. 236 —— Golden Mermaid. 237 ——— Green Fairy Book, 65 —— History of Dick Whittington. 238 ———— History of Jack, the Giant-Killer. 66 ——————. Little Red-Riding Hood. 239 ———— Magic Ring. 1002 ———— Nursery Rhyme Book. 240 ————- Prince Darling. 241 ————— Princess on the Glass Hill. 242 —— Red Fairy Book. 1162 —— Red True Story Book. 1344 ————— Story of Joan of Arc. 67 ——————— Sleeping Beauty in the Wood. 243 ——— Yellow Fairy Book. 1326 LANG, J. Story of Captain Cook. 1339 ——_—— Story of General Gordon. Lang, Leaf and Meyer, trans. See Homer Iliad. 1916 LANIER, ed. Boy’s Froissart, 1464 —_———. Boy’s King Arthur. 1616 ————— Boy’s Percy. 1798 ——-— Lanier Book. Burt, ed. 1605 ———— Select Poems. Callaway, ed. 543 LANSING. Life in the Greenwood. 764. ————— Page, Esquire, and Knight. 68 —— Rhymes and Stories. 244 — —— ed. Tales of Old England. 765 LA RAMEER. Dog of Flanders. 766 ———— Nuremburg Stove. 2079 LARCOM. New England Girlhood, 2187 LARNED. Books, Culture, and Character. 2188 ———— ed. History for Ready Reference. 1949 ——_ —_ History of England. 809 Larry Hudson’s Ambition. Otis, J., pseud. 438 LARSSON. Elementary Sloyd and Whittling. 2013 La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West. Parkman. 685 Lass of the Silver Sword. Du Bois. 1802 Last Days of Pompeii. Lytton. 231 Last Fairy Tales. Laboulaye. 1738-9 Last of the Mohicans, Cooper. G27 Last of the Peterkins. Hale. 320 Later Cave-Men. Dopp. 2078 LATHROP. Life and Times of Governor Kirkwood. 2299 LATTER. How to Teach Paper-Folding. 2163 LAUGHLIN. Johnnie. 19 290 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX i ais 1025 Lay of the Last Minstrel. Scott. 2189 LAYCOCK & SCALES. Argumentation and Debate. 2190 ——— & SPOFFORD. Manual of Argumentation. 1609 Lays of Ancient Rome. Macauley. 1288 Leading American Men of Science. Jordan, ed, 2044 Leading American Soldiers. Johnston. 69 LEAR. Nonsense Books. %0 ———— Pelican Chorus. 342 Leaves and Flowers. Spear. 335-6 Leaves from Nature’s Story Book. Kelly, 2v. 2005 LECKY. American Revolution. 2214 Lectures on Pedagogy. Compayre. 1950 _ LEE, G. C. Source Book of English History. 1398 LEH, M. C. In the Cheering Up Business. 1799 ——— Quaker Girl of Nantucket, 1665 LEH, S. L. Shakespeare’s Life and Work. 810 Left Behind. Otis, J. pseud. 269 Legends from the Red Man’s Forest. Tanner. 532 Legends of King Arthur and His Court. Greene. 1459 Legends of the Middle Ages. Guerber. 1460 Legends of the Rhine. Guerber. 768 LEIGHTON, R. Olaf the Glorious. 769 —— Wreck of the Golden Fleece. 2081 LEIGHTON, W. R. Lewis and Clark. 2151 Lem—A New England Village Boy. Brooks. 770 . LEONARD. Candle and the Cat. Cas. ——— How the Two Ends Met. 156 Lessons for Junior Citizens. Hill. 2278 Lessons on Manners. Dewey. 1248 Letters from Colonial Children. Tappan. 424 Letters to a Farm Boy. Wallace. 2081 Lewis and Clark. Leighton. 2002 Liberty Documents. Hill. 662-6 Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Defoe. 2078 Life and Times of Governor Kirkwood. Lothrop. 1431 Life at West Point. Hancock, 1123 Life in Asia. Smith. 543 Life in the Greenwood. Lansing. 373 Life of a Butterfly. Scudder. 93 Life of a Wooden Doll. Saxby. 1348 Life of Abraham Lincoln. Moores. 2091 Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. Palmer. 2056 Life of Charlemagne. Eginhard. 2075 Life of Johnson. Boswell. 2090 Life of Nelson. Southey. 2096-7 Life of Sir Walter Scott. Lockhart, Order No. 1886 - 2139 811 2042 1800 G72 473 1544 1689 1729 2084 1386 2363 641 2191 1037 131 1566-8 _ 2358 2277 2300 350 1760 389 674 2162 875 733 876 1331 980 1029-30 488 1131 28 33 887 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1080 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 291 Life of the Ancient Greeks. Gulick. Life on the Farm. Shepard. Life Savers. Otis, J. pseud. Lights of Two Centuries. Hale, ed. LILJENCRANTZ. (The) Thrall of Leif, the Lucky. LILLIE. Household of Glen Holly. Nan. Story of Music and Musicians, LINCOLN. Speeches and Letters. Lincoln and the Sleeping Sentinel. . Chittenden. Lincoln in Story. Pratt. Lincoln’s Birthday. Schauffler. LINDSAY. Mother Stories. Lion and Tiger Stories. Carter, ed. Lippincott. Biographical Dictionary. 2v. LIPPINCOTT, S. J. C., see Greenwood, G., pseud. Listening Child. Thacher. LITCHFIELD. Nine Worlds. - Literary History of the English People, 3v. Jusserand. Literature and Life in the School, Colby. Literature in the Common Schools. Cox. Literature in the Elementary School. MacClintock. Little Beasts of Field and Wood. Cram. Little Book of Profitable Tales. Field. Little Brothers of the Air. Miller. Little Captive Lad. Dix. Little Citizens. Kelly. Little Colonial Dame. Sage. Little Daffydowndilly. Hawthorne. Little Daughter of the Revolution. Sage. Little Dauphin, Hoffman. Little Duke. Yonge. Little-folk Lyrics. Sherman. Little Folks’ Handy Book. Beard & Beard. Little Folks of Far-away Lands. Whittum. Little Folks of Many Lands. Chance. Little Indian Folk. Deming. Little Jarvis. Seawell. Little Journey to Alaska and Canada. George. Little Journey to China and Japan. George. Little Journey to Cuba and Porto Rico. George. Little Journey to England and Wales. George. Little Journey to France and Switzerland. George. Little Journey to Germany. George. Little Journey to Hawaii and the Philippines. George. Little Journey to Holland, Belgium, and Denmark, George. | 292 Order No. 1081 1079 1096 1082 1130 251-2 981 582 499 369 207 56 1111 1112 864 498 503 66 1028 1294 1764 925 1146 1147 338 583 500 931 188 1290 1270 1271 892 576 893 2096-7 2103 2101 2006 1225 325 317 318 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Little Journey to Italy, Spain and Portugal. George. Little Journey to Mexico and Central America. George. Little Journey to Our Western Wonderland. Koch. Little Journey to Scotland and Ireland. George & Whitcomb. Little Journey to South Africa and Up the East Coast. White & Smith. Little Lame Prince, Mulock. Little Lucy’s Wonderful Globe. Yonge. Little Men. Alcott. “Tittle Men” Play. Gould. Little Mitchell. Morley. Little Mr. Thimblefinger and His Queer Country. Harris. Little Owls at Red Gates. Johnson. Little People of Japan. Muller. Little People of the Snow. Muller. Little People of the Sycamore. Roberts. Little Plays. Dalkeith, : Little Plays for Little People. Noyes & Ray. Little Red-Riding Hood. Lang. Little Rhymes for Little Readers. Seegmiller. Little Royalties. McDougall. Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come. Fox. Little Smoke. Stoddard. Little Stories of France. Dutton. Little Stories of Germany. Dutton. Little Wanderers. Morley. Little Women. Alcott, “Little Women’’ Play. Gould. Littlest One of the Browns. Swett, Lively City o’Ligg. Burgess. Lives and Stories Worth Remembering. Kupfer. Lives of Girls Who Became Famous. Bolton. Lives of Poor Boys Who Became Famous. Bolton. Lives of the Hunted. Seton. Lizbeth Longfrock. Aanrud, trans. by Poulsson. Lobo, Rag and Vixen. Seton, Life of Sir Walter Scott. Lockhart. LODGE. Daniel Webster. George Washington, 2v. Short History of the English Colonies in America, & ROOSEVELT. Hero Tales from American History. Lodrix, the Little Lake Dweller. Wiley & Edick. Lolami in Tusayan. Bayliss. Lolami—The Little Cliff-Dweller. Bayliss. Order No. T74 631 775 776 477 778 1598 1003 1004 1606 1005 1006 1007 1008 865 1720 1440 926 364 1318 1353 1569 1009 1010 1890 1777 1441 1442 1925 1926 1707 1690 1691 1608 2231 779 1011 1012 780 781 1291 726 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 293 LONDON. Cruise of the Dazzler. Lonesomest Doll. Brown. LONG, Secrets of the Woods. Ways of Wood Folk. Wilderness Ways. Wood-folk at School. Longer Narrative Poems. Hale. LONGFELLOW. Children’s Hour. Children’s Longfellow. Complete Poetical Works. Courtship of Miles Standish. Song of Hiawatha. Tales of a Wayside Inn, , WHITTIER. Evangeline, Snowbound and Others. Lord of the Air. Roberts. LORENZINI. See Collodi, C., pseud. Lorna Doone, Blackmore. LOSSING. Story of the United States Navy. Lost Gold of the Montezumas. Stoddard. LOTHROP. See Sidney, M., pseud. LOTTRIDGE. Familiar Wild Animals. Louise May Alcott. Moses. Louise, Queen of Prussia. Merz. LOUNSBURY. History of the English Language. LOVEJOY. Nature in Verse. Poetry of the Seasons. LOVELL. Stories in Stone from the Roman Forum. Lovey Mary. Hegan. LOW. Governance of England. LOWELL, A. L. Government of England, 2v. Governments and Parties in Continental Europe, 2v. LOWELL, E. J. Eve of the French Revolution. LOWELL, J. R. Complete Poetical Works. Democracy and Other Papers. My Study Windows. — Vision of Sir Launfal. Loyola. Hughes. Butler, ed. LUCAS. Anne’s Terrible Good Nature. comp. Another Book of Verse. Book of Verses. Doll Doctor. ed. Old Fashioned Tales. LUCIA. Stories of American Discoverers for Little Amer- icans. Luck of the Dudley Grahams. Haines. 294 Order No. 996 1801 245 1867 1102 2364 2129 998 1610 1802 1292 182 1293 525 1692 1693 1609 1629 1652 246 1951 1952 2300 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1109 1108 248 249 782 1803 1294 783 2301 2302 2365 296 322 501 502 544 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Lullaby-land. Field. LUMMIS. New Mexico David. Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories, Some Strange Corners of Our Country. ———— Tramp Across the Continent. LYMAN. Story-Telling. LYON & MONTGOMERY. Examining and Grading of Grains. Lyra Heroica, Henley, ed. Lyric and Dramatic Poems. Milton. LYTTON. Last Days of Pompeii. MABIE, ed. Heroes Every Child Should Know. Norse Stories Retold from the Eddas. & STEPHENS. Heroines Every Child Should Know. Mabinogion. For adaptation see Brooks. MACAULAY. Essay on Milton. | Historical Essays. Lays of Ancient Rome. Macbeth. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. ee Rolfe, ed. McCABE. Rose Fairies. McCARTHY. Epochs of Reform. Story of the People of England. MacCLINTOCK. Literature in the Elementary School. Philippines. McDONALD, E. B. & DALRYMPLE. Boris in Russia. Fritz in Germany. Gerda in Sweden. Kathleen in Ireland, Raphael in Italy. Manuel in Mexico. MacDONALD, G. At the Back of the North Wind. Princess and the Goblin. Ranald Bannerman’s Boyhood. St. George and St. Michael. McDOUGALL. Little Royalties. McFARLAND. Redney McGaw. McGAW. Construction Work for Rural and Elementary Schools. McGOVERN. Nature Study and Related Literature Stories and Poems. McILVAINE. Outdoors, Indoors, and Up the Chimney. McINTYRE. Cave-boy of the Age of Stone. 'MACKAY. House of the Heart. Silver Thread and Other Plays. MACKAYE. Canterbury Tales. Order No. 784 2007 2008 2303 545 546 547 250 2009 1227 1228 2235 1229 1230 1231 2304 2505 2306 _ 548 1443 295 969 239 492 549 785 2095 1245 1200 2209 1203 2026 1201 1202 530 1464 545 562 570 289 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 295 MACKIE. Ye Lyttle Salem Maide. McLAUGHLIN. Confederation and the Constitution. History of the American Nation. McLELLAN & DEWEY. Psychology of Number. MacLEOD. Book of King Arthur. Shakespeare Story Book. Stories from the Faerie Queene. MacMANUS. Donegal Fairy Tales. McMASTER. History of the People of the United States. Primary History of the United States. School History of the United States. McMURRY, C. A. Elements of General Method. ————— Pioneers of the Mississippi Valley. Pioneers of the Rocky Mountains and _ the West. Pioneers on Land and Sea. Special Methods in the reading of English Classics. Type Studies from United States Geography. & McMURRY, F. M. Method of the Recita- tion. McMURRY, F. M. How to Study. McMURRY, L. B. Classic Stories for Little Ones. & COOK, comp. Songs of Tree-Top and Mea- dow. McSPADDEN. Stories from Wagner. MACY. First Lessons in Civil Government. Madam How and Lady Why. Kingsley. Magic Forest. White. Magic Ring and Other Stories. Lang, ed. Magical Experiments. Good. MAITLAND. Heroes of Chivalry. MAJOR. Bears of Blue River. Making of an American. Riis. Making of Iowa. Sabin & Sabin, Making of New England. Drake. Making of Our Middle Schools. Brown. Making of the Great West. Drake. Making of the Nation. -Walker. Making of the Ohio Valley States. Drake. Making of Virginia and the Middle Colonies. Drake. MALORY. Morte d’ Arthur. For adaptations see Frost. —____—_ ——————- For adaptations see Lanier. For adaptations see MacLeod. For adaptions see Pyle, H. —_—____——_ ——_—_———. For adaptions see Stevens & Allen. Man and His Work, Herbertson & Herbertson. 296 Order No. 1771 2307 1712 2190 2177 2256 2255 1108 1774-5 1354 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 405 1710 $22 1110 1026 1491 1163 1164 5500 dol 552 DDo 1357 1329 1492 787 2164 1493 786 788 789 Do4 786 311 626 616 1570 1571 1708 1687 932 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Man Without a Country. Hale. MANN. School Recreations and Amusements. Mansfield Park. Austen. Manual of Argumentation. Laycock & Spofford. Manual of Ortheopy and Orthography. Bell. Manual Training for Common Schools. Allen & Cotton. Manual Training in Education. Woodward. Manuel in Mexico. McDonald. Marble Faun. Hawthorne. MARCOSSON. Autobiography of a Clown. MARDEN. .Cheerfulness as a Life Power. Getting On. Hour of Opportunity. Secret of Achievement. Success. Marjorie and Her Papa. Fletcher. Marjorie Daw. Aldrich. Marjorie’s Doings. Paull. MARKWICK & SMITH. South American Republics. Marmion. Scott. MARR. Introduction to Geology. — MARSHALL. An Island Story. ——— Scotland’s Story. Stories from Beowulf. Stories from Robin Hood, Stories of Roland. Stories of William Tell. Story of Napoleon. —————— Story of Oliver Cromwell. MARTIN, E. A. Story of a Piece of Coal. MARTIN, G. M. Abbie Ann. ——— Emmy Lou. MARTIN, M. E. Friendly Stars. Martin Hyde. Masefield. MARTINEAU. Crofton Boys. Peasant and the Prince. MARVIN. Adventures of Odysseus, MASEFIELD. Martin Hyde. MASSIE & UNDERHILL. Wireless Telegraphy and Tel- ephony. Master of the Strong Hearts. Brooks. Master Skylark. Bennett. Masterpieces of American Literature. Masterpieces of English Literature. Masterpieces of Greek Literature. Wright, ed. Masterpieces of Latin Literature. Laing, ed. Mate of the ‘‘Mary Ann.” Swett. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 297 Sas oO. 1519 MATHEWS, F. S. Familiar Trees and Their Leaves, 2130 MATHEWS, J. L. Conservation of Water. 1927 MATHEWS, S. French Revolution. 1404 MATHEWS, W. Getting On in the World. 359 Matka and Kotik. Jordan. 1014 MATTHEWS, B. ed. Poems of American Patriotism. 644 Mayken. Chase. 312 MEADOWCROFT. A B C of Electricity. 313 —#— — ABC of the X-Rays. 2211 _ Meaning of Education. Butler. 1928 Mediaeval and Modern History. Munro & Whitcomb. 1915 Mediaeval Europe. Emerton. 839 Men of Iron. Pyle. 1282 Men of Old Greece. Hall. 2021 Men Who Made the Nation. Sparks. 218 Meopsa, the Fairy. Ingelow. 1630 Merchant of Venice. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. 1653 ——__—- — —— Rolfe, ed. 2237 MERO, ed. American Play-grounds. 1535 MERRIAM. Birds Through an Opera-Glass. 1148. Merrie England. Greenwood, G., pseud. 560 Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. Pyle. 675 Merrylips. Dix. 855 Merryweathers. Richards. 2074 MERWIN. Thomas Jefferson. 1353 MERZ. Louise, Queen of Prussia. 2247 Method in Education. Roark. 2306 Method of the Recitation. McMurry & McMurry. 1750 Micah Clarke. Doyle. 452 Michael Angelo. Hurll. 767 Middle Five. La Flesche. 1967 Middle Period. Burgess. 610 Midshipman Farragut. Barnes. 888 Midshipman Paulding. Seawell. 1631 Midsummer-Night’s Dream. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. 1654 —____——_ ———————. Rolfe, ed. 472-3 MIESSNER & FOX. Art Song Cycles. 2v. 1494 MILL, H. R. Realm of Nature. 1444 MILL, J. S. Principles of Political Economy. 1756 Mill on the Floss. Eliot, G., pseud. 790 MILLER, J., pseud. True Bear Stories. 791 MILLER, M. H. Raoul and Iron Hand. 1495 MILLER, M. R. Brook Book. 1536 MILLER, O. T. Bird-Ways. 388 ————— First Book of Birds. 1537 —_— In Nesting Time. 389 —__——— Little Brothers of the Air. 298 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Order No. 390 —— Second Book of Birds. 391 —— Upon the Tree-Tops. 838 Millers at Pencroft. Pierson, ' 453 Millett. Hurl. 1610 MILTON. Lyric and Dramatic Poems. 1611 —— Minor Poems. Thomas, ed. 1612 ——_— Paradise Lost. 2206 Mind and Its Education. Betts. 2328 Mind and Work. Gulick. 2340 Mind in the Making. Swift. 2338 Mind of the Child. Preyer. 1473 Minerals, and How to Study Them. Dana. i611 Minor Poems. Milton. 657 Miss Muffet’s Christmas Party. Crothers, 1986 Mississippi Valley in the Civil War. Fiske. 2045 MITCHELL, D. G. About Old Story Tellers. 1572-3 —— — American Lands and Letters. 1805 —__——— My Farm at Edgewood. 1804 MITCHELL, S. W. Hugh Wynn—Free Quaker. 297 MITTON. Children’s Book of Stars. 1953 MOBERLY. Early Tudors. 1581 Modern American Oratory. Ringwalt. 2181 Modern Atlas. Cram. 2297 Modern English. Krapp. 1059 Modern Europe. Coe. 2225 Modern School. Hanus. 621 Modern Vikings. Boyesen. 416 MOFFETT. Careers of Danger and Daring. 894 Monarch, the Big Bear of Tallac. Seton. 1451 Money and Banking. White. 1437 Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. Jevons. 914 Moni, the Goat Boy. Spyri. 681 Monkey That Would Not Kill. Drummond, 2238 MONROE. Commenius’ School of Infancy. 1954 MONTAGUE. Elements of English History. 1015 MONTGOMERY, D. H. Heroic Ballads. 1806 MONTGOMERY, L. M. Anne of Green Gables. 365 MONTIETH. Some Useful Animals and What They Do for Us. MONVEL, BOUTET, de. See Boutet de Monvel. 1574 MOODY & LOVETT. History of English Literature. 2010 MOORE, C. Northwest Under Three Flags. 1016 MOORE, C. ©, Night Before Christmas. 2064 MOORE, P. E. Benjamin Franklin. 1348 MOORES. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 2201 Moral Instruction of Children. Adler. 591 Moral Pirates. Alden. Order No. 749 223 432. 955 2099 366 368 792 337 367 369 338 339 1807 1955 793 2082 2065 2050 2308 1318 1017 1018 40 468 109 29 2363 A475 2093 72 1496 794 1666 1165 417 1295 208 812 1837 1778 1632 1655 1497 1111 1112 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 299 More Bunny Stories. Jewett. More English Fairy Tales. Jacobs, ed. MORGAN. How to Dress a Doll. Morgan’s Men. ‘True. MORLEY, J. Walpole. MORLEY, M, W. Bee People. Butterflies and Bees. Donkey John of the Toy Valley. ———— Flowers and Their Friends. Insect Folk. 2v. Little Mitchell. Little Wanderers. Seed Babies. MORRIS. Sundering Flood. MORRIS, W. O. Wellington. MORRISON. Chilhowee Boys. MORSE, J. T. Jr. Abraham Lincoln. Benjamin Franklin. - John Adams, MORSH, T. V. Basket Making. MOSES. Louisa May Alcott. MOTHER GOOSE. Book of Nursery Rhymes. Welsh, ed. Melodies. Wheeler, ed. , illus. by Greenaway. Nursery Rhymes. Elliott, ed. —_———— Primer. Wiley, ed. Mother Hubbard, Her Picture Book. Crane. Mother Stories. Lindsay. Motion Songs for Public Schools. Pray. MOTLEY, Peter the Great. MOTT & DUTTON. Fishing and Hunting. MOULTON, F. R. Introduction to Astronomy. MOULTON, L. C. Bed-Time Stories. MOULTON, R. G. Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist. MOWRY, A. M. First Steps in the History of England. & MOWRY, W. A. American Inventions and Inventors. MOWRY, W. A. & MOWRY, B.S. American Pioneers. Mr. Rabbit at Home. Harris. Mr. Stubb’s Brother. Otis, J., pseud. Mrs. Cliff’s Yacht. Stockton. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, Hegan. Much Ado About Nothing. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. — Rolfe, ed. MUIR. Story of Alchemy. MULLER. Little People of Japan. Little People of the Snow. 300 Order No. 796 795 73 1808 251-2 1405 1928 G97 798 1809 799 800 454 801 1232 1171 1503 584 1805 585 2157 1691 1457 1461 1462 473 841 1358 2089 2069 1427 2239 2240 374 1009 193 198 471 32 2128 1485 1482 2302 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Story of Akimakoo. Story of Wretched Flea. MULOCK. Adventures of a Brownie. John Halifax, Gentleman. Little Lame Prince. MUNGER. On the Threshold. MUNRO & WHITCOMB. Mediaeval and Modern History. MUNROE. Campmates. —— —— Flamingo Feather. ——— Forward March. —_— .. Fur Seal’s Tooth. MURAI. Kibun Daizin. MURFELDT, M. E. See also Weed, C. M. & Murfeldt. MURFREHE, M. M. See also Craddock, C. E., pseud. Murillo. Hurll. MURRAY. Storyland. MUSICK. Stories of Missouri. Mustafa, the Egyptian Boy. Starr, My Air-Ships. Santos-Dumont. My Boys. Alcott. My Farm at Edgewood. Mitchell. My Girls. Alcott. My Little Boy. Ewald. My Study Windows. Lowell. Mythology of Greece and Rome. Fairbanks. Myths of Greece and Rome, Guerber. Myths of Northern Lands. Guerber. Nan. Lillie. Nancy Rutledge. Pyle. Napoleon Bonaparte. Sprague. Napoleon the First. Fournier. Bourne, ed. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Woodberry. National Administration. Fairlie. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Report of the Committee of Fifteen on Elementary Education. Report of Committee of Ten on Secondary School Studies. Nature Biographies. Weed. Nature in Verse. Lovejoy. Nature Myths. Cooke, Nature Myths of Many Lands. Farmer. Nature Songs for Children, Knowlton. Nature Stories for Youngest Readers. Davis. Nature Studies on the Farm. Keffer. Nature-Study. Holtz. Nature Study and Life. Hodge. Nature Study and Related Literature. McGovern. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 301 Order No. 2264 Nature-Study Idea. Bailey. 329 Nature Study with Common Things. Carter. 1511 Nature’s Garden. Blanchan, N., pseud. 594 Navy Blue. Allen. 298 NEEDHAM. Outdoor Studies. ATA NEIDLINGER. Small Songs for Small Singers. 358 Neighbors with Wings and Fins. Johonnot. 745 Nelly’s Silver Mine. Jackson. 2309 NETTLETON, ed. Specimens of the Short Story. 34 New Baby World. Dodge, comp. 1853 New Chronicles of Rebecca. Wiggin. 2079 New England Girlhood. Larcom. 1987 New France and New England. Fiske, 2186 New Historical Atlas and General History. Labberton. 1477 New Knowledge. Duncan. 1517 New Manual of Botany. Gray. 1801 New Mexico David. Lummis. 2326 New Psychology. Gordy. 592 New Robinson Crusoe. Alden. 1498. _ NEWCOMB. Astronomy for Everybody. 74 NEWELL. Topsys and Turvys, 2131 NEWMAN. Bacteria. WS NEWTON. Our Little Folks Primer. 567 Nibelungs. Schmidt. 1349 NICOLAY. Boys’ Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1341 ——— Boys’ Life of Ulysses S. Grant. 1016 Night Before Christmas. Moore. 209 Nights with Uncle Remus. Harris. 647 Nine Little Goslings. Coolidge, S., pseud. 131 Nine Worlds, Litchfield. 1166 NIVER. Great Names and Nations. 802 NOEL. Buzz. 69 Nonsense Books. Lear. 1445 NORDHOFE. Pclitics for Young Americans. 173 Norse Fairy Tales. Asbjornsen. 132 Norse Stories Retold from the Eddas. Mabie, ed. 622 Norseland Tales. Boyesen. 1053 North America. Carpenter. 1089 North America. Herbertson, comp. 1538 North American Birds’ Eggs. Reed. 1099 Northern Europe, Lane. 537 Northland Heroes. Holbrook. 2010 Northwest Under Three Flags. Moore. 76-7 NORTON, ed. Heart of Oak Books. i1st-2d. 803-5 —_—_—_—— _ ————_ 3d -5th. 1810 | _-§- ————_ 6 th. 1067 Norway. Ferryman. 1114 1254 732 691 1405 1368 607 1564 986-8 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX NOYES & RAY. Little Plays for Little People. Nuremburg Stove. LaRamee. Nursery Rhyme Book. Lang, ed. Oakleigh. Deland, Occupations for Little Fingers. Sage & Cooley. Odyssey. Homer. Trans. by Bryant. Odyssey for Boys and Girls. Church, ed. Odyssey. Homer. Palmer, trans. ——————— for adaptations see Brooks. for adaptations see Church. for adaptations see Lamb. for adaptations see Marvin. for adaptations see Perry. : Olaf the Glorious. Leighton. Old Baliads in Prose. Tappan, Old English Ballads and Folk Songs. Armes, ed. Old Fashioned Girl. Alcott. Old Fashioned Tales. Lucas, ed. Old Greek Folk Stories Told Anew. Peabody. Old Greek Stories. Baldwin. Old Indian Legends. Zitkala-Sa. Old Mortality. Scott. Old Norse Stories. Bradish. Old Stories of the East. Baldwin. Old Testament Stories. Chisholm. Old Virginia and Her Neighbors. Fiske. Old Woman Who Rode on a Broom. Stoney. Old World Wonder Stories. O’Shea, ed. OLDROYD, comp. Words of Lincoln. Oliver Cromwell. Harrison. Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in Eng- land. Firth. Oliver Twist. Dickens. OLLIVANT. Bob, Son of Battle. On Guard! Against Tory and Tarlton. True. ONKEN & BAKER. Harper’s How to Understand Elec- trical Work. On the Harm. Parker & Helm. On the Frontier with St. Clair. Wood. On the Plantation. Harris. On the School Team. Earl. On the Threshold. Munger. On the Trail of Washington. Hill. On Your Mark. Barbour. One Year Course in English and American Literature. Heydrick. Open Sesame. Bellamy & Goodwin, comp, 3 v. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX ise) oO Co Order No. 1686 Optimism. Keller. 1707 Orations on Bunker Hill Monument. , Webster. 959 Orcutt Girls. Vaile. 1814-5 Oregon Trail. Parkman. 1936 Origins of British Colonial Policy. Beer. 2241 O’SHEA. Dynamic Factors in Education. 78 ———— ed. Old World Wonder Stories. 79 ——. ed. Six Nursery Classics. 1633 Othello. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. 1656 —_——_———- Rolfe, ed, 806 — OTIS, J., pseud. Amateur Firemen. 807 ———— At the Siege of Quebec. 808 ———- _ Cruise of the Enterprise. 809 ————— Larry Hudson’s Ambition. $10 —_— Left Behind. $11 —— Life Savers. $12 —————— Mr. Stubb’s Brother. 813 ———— Silent Pete. 814 ———— Teddy and Carrots 815 ———-_ Toby Tyler. 816 ———— With Perry on Lake Erie. 817 ———— With Prebie at Tripoli. 840 Oto of the Silver Hand. Pyle. OUIDA, pseud. See La Ramee. 1058 Our American Neighbors. Coe. 1134 Our American Neighbors. Winslow. 392 Our Birds and Their Nestlings. Walker. 1113 Our Country. East. 1019 Our Country in Poem and Prose. Persons, ed. 157 Our Country’s Flag and the Flags of Foreign Countries. Holden. 1249 Our Country’s Stery. Tappan. 387 Our Feathered Friends. Grinnell. 1383 Our Holidays. St. Nicholas. 962 Our Little Brown Cousins. Wade. 734 Our Little Chinese Cousin. Headland: 75 Our Little Folks Primer. Newton. 963 Our Little Indian Cousin. Wade. 964 Our Little Japanese Cousin. Wade. 965 Our Little Russian Cousin. Wade. 1518 Our Native Trees. Keeler. 1124 Our Own Country. Smith. 2212 Our Schools. Chancellor. 1420 Our Wasteful Nation. Cronan. 287 Out of Door Studies in Geography. Fultz. 485 Out-Door Handy Book. Beard. 44 Outdoor Primer. Grover. 304 Order No. 298 296 2271 1424 1452 1891 1884 45 1365 2242 1812 818 764 819 820 821 2243 1575 2046 1613 1694 2091 2132 2133 1084 1576 1577 1614 27 642 1612 494 1114 1115 1116 299 1813 2011 2012 2013 1814-5 2014 2015 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Outdoor Studies, Needham. Outdoors, Indoors, and Up the Chimney. Mcllvaine. Outlines for Primary and Kindergarten Classes. Cannell & Wise. Outlines of Economics. Ely. Outlines of Practical Sociology. Wright. Outlines of Roman History. Pelham. Outlines of Universal History. Fisher. Overall Boys. Grover. PACKARD. Stanley and the Congo. PAGE, D. P. Theory and Practice of Teaching. PAGE, T. N, Red Rock. —— — Two Little Confederates. Page, Esquire and Knight. Lansing. PAINE, A. B. Arkansaw Bear. Holiow Tree and Deepwoods Book. PAINE, R. D. Head Coach. PAINTER. History of Education. History of English Literature. —— Poets of the South. PALGRAVE, ed. Golden Treasury. PALMER, B., ed. Stories from the Classic Literature of Many Nations. PALMER, G, H. Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. trans. See Homer, Odyssey. PAMMEL. Talk on Weeds. — Weeds of the Farm and Garden. Panama and the Canal. Hall & Chester. PANCOAST. Introduction to American Literature. Introduction to English Literature. comp. Standard English Poems. Panjandrum Picture Book. Caldecott. Panther Stories. Carter, ed. Paradise Lost. Milton. PARET. Harper’s Handy Book for Girls. PARKER, F. & HELM. On the Farm. Playtime and Seedtime. River Journey. Uncle Robert’s Visit. PARKER, G.. Seats of the Mighty. PARKMAN. Conspiracy of Pontiac. Count Frontenac and New France Under Louis XIV. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West. Oregon Trail. Pioneers of France in the New World. Struggle for a Continent. Edgar, ed. - Order No 1615 555 2047 1740 2244 2070 1380 370 2076 889 822 300 146 823 824 825 789 253 856 1891 70 255 1616 1711 1877 1922 254 1578 2351 1296 1297 826 827 556 557 1126 1019 2245 2058 181 2093 728 754 20 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 305 PARROTT & LONG. English Poems from Chaucer to Kipling. PARRY, ed. Don Quixote of the Manche. Cervantes. PARSONS, see Dana. PARTON. Captains of Industry, Pathfinder. Cooper. PATRICK. Elements of Pedagogics. Patrick Henry. Tyler. Patriotism in Prose and Verse. Gordon. PATTERSON. Spinner Family. Paul Jones. Hapgood. — Paul Jones. Seawell. PAULL. Marjorie’s Doings. PAYNE, F. O. Geographical Nature Studies. PEABODY. Old. Greek Folk Stories Told Anew, PEARY, J.D. Snow Baby. & PEARY, M. H. Children of the Arctic. PEARY, R. E. Snowland Folk. Peasant and the Prince. Martineau. PECK. Adventures of Mabel. Peggy. Richards. PELHAM. Outlines of Roman History. Pelican Chorus. Lear. Pepper and Salt. Pyle. PERCY. Boy’s Percy. Lanier, ed. Perfect Tribute. Andrews. Pericles and the Golden Age of Athens. Abboit. Period of the Reformation. Hausser. PERRAULT. Tales of Mother Goose. PERRY, B. Study of Prose Fiction. PERRY, C. A. Wider Use of the School Plant. PERRY, F. M. Four American Inventors. & BEEBE. Four American Pioneers. PERRY, N. Hope Benham. Three Little Daughters of the Revolution. PERRY, W. C., ed. Boy’s Iliad. Boy’s Odyssey. Personally Conducted. Stockton. PERSONS, ed. Our Country in Poem and Prose, Pestalozzi and the Foundation of the Modern Elementary School. Pinloche. Peter Cooper. Raymond. Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. Barrie. Peter the Great. Motley. Peterkin Papers. Hale. Phaeton Rogers. Johnson. 306 Order No. 846 830 828 829 831 2253 11038 832 2248 1767 878-9 25 2321 101 833 834 835-6 838 837 92 1991 632 1043 1446 2245 192 1741 2014 1229 1230 1231 1167 1233 2220 328 1520 1513 331 2203 T52 2327 1115 1892 1234 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Phebe: Her Profession Ray. a PHELPS. Gypsy at the Golden Crescent. Gypsy Breyton. Gypsy’s Cousin Joy. Gypsy’s Sowing and Reaping. Phelps and His.Teachers. Stephens, Philippines. McClintock. PHILLIPS. Just About a Boy. Philosophy of Education. Rosenkranz. Phoebe and Ernest. Gilmore. Picciola. Saintine. ‘ Picture Stories from the Great Artists. Cady & Dewey. Picture Study in Elementary Schools. Wilson. Pied Piper of Hamelin. Stoney, ed. PIER. Boys of St. Timothy’s. —— Harding of St. Timothy’s. PIERSON. ‘Among the Farmyard: People. ——— Millers at Pencroft. Three Little Millers. Pilgrim Stories. Pumphrey. Pilgrims in Their Three Homes, Griffis. Pilgrim’s. Progress. Bunyan. Pinafore Palace. Wiggin & Smith, comp. PINCHOT. Fight for Conservation. PINLOCHE. Pestalozzi and the Foundation of the Mod- ern Elementary School. Pinocchio. Collodi, C., pseud. Pioneers. Cooper. Pioneers of France in the New World. Parkman. Pioneers of the Mississippi Valley. McMurry. Pioneers of the Rocky Mountains and the West. Mc- Murry. Pioneers on Land and Sea. McMurry. PITMAN. Stories of Old France. PITTENGER. Great Locomotive Chase. Place of Industries in Elementary Education. Dopp. Plant Baby and Its Friends. Brown. Plant-Breeding, Vries. Plant Studies. Coulter. Plants and Their Children. Dana. Play, Angell. Play Days. Jewett. Play of Man. Groos. Playtime and Seedtime. Parker. PLOETZ. Epitome of Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern History. PLUMB. Types and Breeds of Farm Animals. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 307 Sianees 1117 PLUMMER. Roy and Ray in Canada, 1118 ———_ Roy and Ray in Mexico. 558 ———— Stories from the Chronicles of Cid. Plutarch’s Lives. For condensation see White, J. S., ed. 1816 POE. Gold Bug. 1695 ———— Poems and Tales—Selected. 1667 Poems. Shelley. 1603 Poems—Selected. Keats. 1682 Poems and Essays. Emerson. 1695 Poems and Tales—Selected. Poe. 1023 Poems for Children. Rossetti. _ 1014 Poems of American Patriotism. Matthews, ed. 997 Poems of Childhood. Field. 1597 Poems of Knightly Adventure, Hale. 1602 Poetic New World. Humphrey. 1591 Poetical Works. Bryant. 1010 Poetry of the Seasons. Lovejoy. 2046 Poets of the South. Painter. © 1445 Politics for Young Americans. Nordhoff. 670 Polly Cologne. Diaz. 971 Polly Oliver’s Problem. Wiggin. 1280 Poor Boys’ Chances. Habberton. 1817 PORTER, JANE. Scottish Chiefs. ' 301 PORTER, JERMAIN. Stars in Song and Legend. 1121 Porto Rico. Seabury. 1818 POST. Harvard Stories. 1044 - Posy Ring. Wiggin & Smith, comp. 972 Pot of Gold and Other Stories. Wilkins. 85 - POTTER. Jemima Puddle-Duck. 80 ——— ' Tale of Benjamin Bunny. 86 ———_ Tale of Flopsy Bunnies. 83 ——— — Tale of Jeremy Fisher. 82 ———— Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-winkle. 87 ' ——_——— Tale of Peter Rabbit. 88 ——— Tale of Squirrel Nutkin. 84 ———— Tale of Tom Kitten. 81 —§— Tale of Two Bad Mice. 2310 POULSSON. Finger Plays. 2311 — —— ed. Im the Child’s World. 89 ——— Runaway Donkey. 90 ——— Through the Farmyard Gate. 2350 Power Through Repose. Call. 91 POWERS. Stories of Famous Pictures. 2127 Practical Agriculture. James. 1582 Practical Journalism. Shuman. 1561 Practical Public Speaking. Clark & Blanchard. 1549 Practical Track and Field Athletics. Graham & Clark. 308 . AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Order No. 1742 Prairie. Cooper. 1725 Prairie Rose. Bush. 613 - Prairie Schooner. Barton. 495 PRATT, C. S. Stick-and-Pea-Plays. 1234-8 _ PRATT, M. L. America’s Story for America’s Children. Dav. 1240 —_§— De Soto, Marquette and La Salle. 1239 —_—_§—— Great West. 1241 ———— Stories of Colonial Children. 2084. PRATT, S. G. Lincoln in Story. 475 PRAY. Motion Songs for Public Schools. 2338 PREYER, Mind of the Child. 1298 PRICE. Wondering Heroes. 559 ——— & GILBERT. Herces of Myth. 1713 Pride and Prejudice. Austen. 1227 Primary History of the United States. McMaster. 434 Primer of Health. Stowell. 2194 Primer of Parliamentary Law. Robert. 2342 Primer of Psychology. Titchener. 958 Prince and Pauper. Twain, M., pseud. 982 Prince and the Page. Yonge. 240 Prince Darling. Lange, ed, 1673 Princess. Tennyson. Cook, ed. 249 Princess and the Goblin. MacDonald.’ 241 Princess on the Glass Hill. Lang, ed. 2148 Principles of Agriculture for Common Schools. Winslow. 2106 Principles of Fruitgrowing. Bailey. 2144 Principles of Home Decoration. Wheeler. 1444 Principles of Political Economy. Mill. 2316 Principles of Teaching Thorndike. 1889 Private Life of the Romans. Johnston. 1447 Problems of City Government. Rowe, 1783 Professor at the Breakfast Table. Holmes. 2107 Pruning Hook. Bailey. 2333 Psychologic Foundations of Education. Harris. 2323 Psychology. Angell. 2335 Psychology. James. 2296 Psychology and Pedagogy of Reading. Huey. 2332 Psychology and Psychic Culture. Halleck. 2303 Psychology of Number. McLellan & Dewey. 1948 Puck of Pook’s Hill. Kipling. 245 Pueblo Indian Folk Stories, Lummis. 92 PUMPHREY. Pilgrim Stories. 1350 PUTNAM. Children’s Life of Abraham Lincoln. 839 PYLE, H. Men of Iron. 560 —_——— Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. 840 —§— — Oto of the Silver Hand. 2260 2298 1159 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 309 Pepper and Salt. ——— Some Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. - Story of King Arthur and His Knights. Twilight Land. ————_ Wonder Clock. PYLE, K. Careless Jane. —— _ Christmas Angel. Counterpaine Fairy. Nancy Rutledge. ———_ Stories of Humble Friends. PYRNELL, Diddie, Dumps and Tot. Quaker Girl of Nantucket. Lee. Quartet. Stoddard. Quentin Durward. Scott. Quest of the Four-Leaved Clover. Laboulaye. QUICK. KHEssays on Educational Reformers. Quicksilver Sue. Richards. QUIRK. Baby Elton, Quarter-Back. Rab and His Friends. Brown. RADFORD. King Arthur and His Knights. RAGOZIN. Earliest Peoples, Harly Egypt. Krithjof and Roland. —_——— Siegfried and Beowulf. RALSTON. When Mother Lets Us Sew. Ramona. Jackson. Ranald Bannerman’s Boyhood. MacDonald, Ranche on the Oxhide. Inman. RAND-McNALLY CO. Imperial Atlas of the World. Range and Trail. Sabin. RANKIN. Dandelion Cottage. Raoul and Iron Hand. Miller. Raphael, Hurll. Raphael in Italy. McDonald & Dalrymple. RASPE. Tales from the Travels of Baron Munchausen. Hale, ed. RAWLINGS. Story of Books. RAY. Phebe: Her Profession. Sidney, Her Summer on the St. Lawrence. Teddy, Her Book. RAYMOND. Peter Cooper. Reader in Physical Geography. Dodge. Reader’s History of American Literature. Higginson & Boynton. Reading—How to Teach It. Arnold. Reading—A Manual for Teachers, Laing. Reading Book in Irish History. ,Joyce. 310 Orde No. 38-9 2040 1494 1854 1975 2289 1224 1968 242 869 866 1381 928 1812 1162 783 1119 1538 1934 200 1545 158 456 1990 1499 566 2258 2239 2259 2240 1021 1971 867 2032 1242 457 49 68 1730-1 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Reading Literature. Free & Treadwell. Primer-1ist. Real Soldiers of Fortune. Davis. Realm of Nature. Mill... Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. Wiggin. Rebel’s Recollections. Eggleston. Recitation. Hamilton. Recollections of a Drummer Boy. Kieffer. Reconstruction and the Constitution. Burgess. Red Fairy Book. Lang, ed, Red Feathers. Roberts. Red Fox. Roberts. - Red Letter Days and Red Letter Facts and Fancies. Hall & Lennox. Red Mustang. Stoddard. Red Rock. Page. Red True Story Book. Lang, ed. Redney McGaw. McFarland. REDWAY. All Around Asia. REED. North American Birds’ Eggs. Reformation. Walker, Reign of King Cole. Gibbon, ed. REINACH. Appollo. REINSCH. Civil Government. Rembrandt. Hurll. Reminiscences of the Civil War. Gordon. REMSEN. Introduction to the Study of the Compounds of Carbon. RENNINGER. Story of Rustem. * Report of Committee of Eight on Study of History in the Elementary Schools. American Historical Association. Report of Committee of Fifteen on Elementary Education. National Educational Association. Report of Committee of Seven on the Study of History in the Schools. American Historical Association, Report of Committee of Ten on Secondary School Studies. National Educational Association. REPPLIER, comp. Book of Famous Verse. Rescue of Cuba. Draper. Return to the Trails. Roberts. Revolutionary Fights and Fighters. Brady. Revolutionary Stories. St. Nicholas. Reynolds. Hurll. Rhymes and Fables. Haaren. Rhymes and Stories. Lansing. RICH, See Hegan. Richard Carvel. Churchill. Order No. 1634 1657 1635 1658 2135 2136 2137 1361 2366 850-4 855 856 857 858 859 1696 1580 159 860 2224 1409 2095 476-7 1022 1394 2193 1581 1786 1116 1502 2247 884 2195 2194 2080 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 311 Richard If. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. —_—__—_—_——- ‘Rolfe, ed. Richard IN. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. —_--- Rolfe, ed. RICHARDS, E. H. S. Food Materials and Their Adul- terations. & ELLIOT. Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning. & TALBOT. Home Sanitation. ee Mrs. L. EE. Five-minute Stories. Florence Nightingale. Golden Windows. Hildegarde Books. 5 v. The Merryweathers. Peggy. Quicksilver Sue. ———— Three Margarets. RICHARDS, R. Two Children in the Woods. RICHARDSON, A. S. Stories from Old English. Poetry. RICHARDSON, C. F. American Literature. RICHMAN & WALLACE, Good Citizenship. RICHMOND. Round the Corner in Gay Street. Riffle Creek Papers. Gillan. Rights and Duties of American Citizenship. Willoughby. ROS. Making of an American. RILEY, A. D. & GAYNOR. Songs of the Child-World. 2293 RILEY, J. W. BOok of Joyous Children. Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Coleridge. RINGWALT. Briefs on Public Questions. Modern American Oratory. Rise of Silas Lapham. Howells. River Journey. Parker & Helm. Rivers of North America. Russell. ROARK. Method in Education. Rob Roy. Scott. ROBBINS. High School Debate Book. ROBERT. Primer of Parliamentary Law. Robert E. Lee. Trent. ROBERTS, C. G. D. Haunter of the Pine Gloom, —— Kindred of the Wild. King of the Mamozekal. Little People of the Sycamore. Lord of the Air. | Red Fox. Return to the Trails. Watcher of the Camp Fire. 312 Order No. 869 574 1929 662-6 422 418-21 2025 340 2196 96 2352 1992 1993 1727 1217 2160 1636 1659 1757-8 1406 2016 2017 1243 271-2 246 587 2248 2216 1023 341 2017 260 870 860 1382 174 2249 1447 1117 1118 1838 1410 89 261-2 1697 1500 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX ROBERTS, T. Red Feathers. Robin Hood—His Book. Tappan. ROBINSON. Introduction to the History of Western Kurope. Robinson Crusoe. Defoe. ROCHELEAU. Geography of Commerce and Industry. Great American Industries. 4 v. Rocky Mountain Exploration. Thwaites. ROGERS. Trees That Every Child Should Know. ROGET. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Roggie and Reggie Stories. Smith. ROLLINS. What Can a Young Man Do? Romance of American Colonization. Griffis. Romance of Conquest. Griffis. Romance of Dollard. Catherwood. Romance of the Civil War. Hart. Romance of the Nursery. Harker, Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. ——___— Rolfe, ed. Romola. Eliot. ROOSEVELT. American Ideals. Episodes from the Winning of the West. ——— Rough Riders. Stories of the Great West. Rose and the Ring. Thackeray. Rose Fairies. McCabe. Rose in Bloom. Alcott. ROSENKRANZ. Philosophy of Education. Rosseau. Davidson. ROSSETTI. Poems for Children. ROTH. First Book of Forestry. Rough Riders. Roosevelt. ROULET. Japanese Folk Stories. ROUND. Child Marion Abroad. Round the Corner in Gay Street. Richmond. *Round the Year in Myth and Song. Holbrook. Round the Yule Log. Asbjornsen. ROUSSEAU. Emile. ROWE. Problems of City Government. Roy and Ray in Canada. Plummer. Roy and Ray in Mexico. Plummer. Rudder Grange. Stockton. Rules of Conduct. Washington. Runaway Donkey. Poulsson. RUSKIN. King of the Golden River. —————-_ Sesame and Lilies. RUSSELL. Glaciers of North America. Order No. 1501 1502 195 217 463 302 871 872 873 874 1407 1244 1245 875 876 2312 2063 1803 315 316 877 1192 1194 1221 1383 1242 3038 571 147 1172 1306 1173 1174 478 878-9 1761 2367 | 2018 2055 735 1779 891 2313 115 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 313 Lakes of North America. Rivers of North America. Russian Fairy Book. Dole, trans. Russian Grandmother’s Wonder Tales. Houghton. RYDINGSVARD. Art Studies for Schcols. SABIN, E. H. Stella’s Adventures in Starland. SABIN, E. L. Bar B Boys. Beaufort Chums. ——_—— Range and Trail. —— When You Were a Boy. SABIN, H. Talks to Young People. & SABIN, E. H. Early American History for Young Americans. Making of Iowa. SAGH, A. C. Little Colonial Dame, Little Daughter of the Revolution. SAGH, E, & COOLEY. Occupations for Little Fingers. Sailor’s Log. Evans. St. George and St. Michael. MacDonald. ST. JOHN. How Two Boys Made Their Own Electrical Apparatus. Things a Boy Should Know About Electricity. ST. NICHOLAS. Christmas Book. Civil War Stories. Colonial Stories, Indian Stories. Our Holidays. Revolutionary Stories. — Sea Stories. Stories of Chivalry. Stories of Classic Myths. Stories of Greece and Rome. Stories of Royal Children. Stories of the Ancient World. ——— Stories of the Middle Ages. St. Nicholas Songs. SAINTINE. Picciola. Salammbo, the Maid cf Carthage. Flaubert. SALISBURY & BECKWITH. Index to Short Stories. SALTER. Iowa, the First Free State in the Louisiana Purchase. . Samuel de Champlain, Sedgwick. Sandman. Hopkins. Sandy. Hegan. SANDYS. Trapper Jim. SANFORD. Art Crafts for Beginners. SANGSTER. Happy School Days. 314 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX eee 716 Santa Claus on a Lark. Gladden. 1503 SANTOS-DUMONT. My Air-Ships. 633 Sara Crewe. Burnet. 2138 SARGENT. Corn Plants. 881 SAUNDERS. Beautiful Joe. 93 SAXBY. Life of a Wooden Doll. 882 SCANDLIN. Hans the Eskimo. 953 Scarlet Tanager. Trowbridge. 2339 SCHAEFFER. Thinking and Learning to Think. 1384 SCHAUFFLER, comp. Arbor Day. 1385 —— ———. Christmas. 1386 — —— lLincoln’s Birthday. 1387 ——— . Thanksgiving Day. 567 SCHMIDT. Nibelungs. 2118 School and Farm. Eggert. 2219 School and Society. Dewey. 687 School Four. Dudley. 2317 School Garden Book. Weed & Emerson. ° 1228 School History of the United States. McMaster. 2251 School Hygiene. Shaw. 2234 School Interests and Duties. King. 2281 School Management. Dutton. 2319 School Management. White. 2291 School Needlework. Hapgood. 2307 School Recreations and Amusements. Mann. 2210 School Sanitation and Decoration. Burrage & Bailey. 692 School Team in Camp. Earl. 1372 SCHUPP. William of Orange, 2085 - SCHURZ. Abraham Lincoln. 2057 —— Henry Clay. 72 SCHWARTZ, J. A. Wilderness Babies. 1819 SCHWARTZ, S. A. Elinor’s College Career. 1120 SCHWATKA,. Children of the Cold. 1868 ——# In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers. 2227 Science of Education. Herbart. 1299 SCOBEY & HORNE. Stories of Great Musicians. 1083 Scotland. Grierson. 1164 Scotland’s Story. Marshall, 883 SCOTT. Guy Mannering. d 1820-1 ——— Ivanhoe. 1024 ————— lady of the Lake. 1025 ————— __ Lay of the Last Minstrel. 1026 ——— Marmion. 1822-3 —— Old Mortality. 1824-5 ——— Quentin Durward. 884 —§ —— Rob Roy. 1952 ———_ Tales of a Grandfather. Order No. 1826-7 1817 202 957 568 263 264 1570 885 1027 1504 373 303 1121 945 377-80 1813 886 887 888 889 1300 1828 390 760 2208 1402 775 2055 1930 339 1028 1957 13827 1371 1246 890 2165 1893 1931 1894 439 1605 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Co are ol Talisman. Scottish Chiefs. .Porter. Scottish Fairy Book. Grierson. Scouting for Washington. True, SCUDDER, H. E. Book of Legends. ed. Children’s Book. Fables and Folk Stories. George Washington. Seven Little People. comp. Verse and Prose for Beginners in Reading. SCUDDER, S. H. Frail Children of the Air. Life of a Butterfly. Sea Stories. St. Nicholas. SEABURY. Porto Rico, Search for Andrew Field. Tomlinson. Sea-Side and Way-Side. Wright. 4 v. Seats of the Mighty. Parker. SEAWELL. Decatur and Somers. Little Jarvis. Midshipman Paulding. Paul Jones. Twelve Naval Captains. ———_ Virginia Cavalier. Second Book of Birds. Miller. Second Jungle Book. Kipling. Secondary School System of Germany. Bolton. Secret of Achievement. Marden. Secrets of the Woods. Long. SEDGWICK. Samuel de Champlain. SEEBOHM. Era of the Protestant Revolution. Seed Babies. Morley. SEEGMILLER. Little Rhymes for Little Readers. SEELEY. Expansion of England. SEELYE. Story of Columbus.. Story of Washington. SEERLEY & PARISH. Iowa, History and Government. SEGUR. Sophie’s Troubles. SEIBERT. Gossamer Thread. SEIGNOBOS. ea of Ancient Civilization. Trans. by Wilde. : History of Contemporary Civilization. Trans. by James. —— History of the Roman People. Fairley, ed. SELDEN. Elementary Woodwork for Use in Manual Training Classes. Select Poems. Lanier. 316 Order No. 1590 1699 1589 1677 1788 1681 1735 1408 2349 1714 2150 1505 1697 891 496 892 893 894 895 1869 2102 886 598 896 1617-39 1640-62 541-2 546 1666 546 1665 1663 1527 1506 897 1480 2250 1170 1122 1301 2251 898 2368 1667 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Select Poems of Robert Browning. Selections. Swift. Selections from English Poets. Burns, ed. Selections from English Prose. Burns, ed. Selections from Irving’s Sketch Book. Irving. Selections from World’s Great Orations. Cody, ed. Selections from the World’s Greatest Short Stories. Cody, ed. Self Help. Smiles. Self-Measurement. Hyde. Sense and Sensibility. Austen. Sentimental Tommy. Barrie. SERVISS. Astronomy With an Opera Glass. Sesame and Lilies. Ruskin. SETON, E. T. Biography of a Grizzly. Boy Scouts of America. Lives of the Hunted. Lobo, Rag and Vixen. Monarch the Big Bear of Tallac. ——— Wild Animals I Have Known. SETON, Mrs. G. G. Woman Tenderfoot. Seven Ages of Washington. Wister. Seven Little People. Scudder. Seven Little Sisters. Andrews. SEWELL. Black Beauty. SHAKESPEARE. Plays. Hudson, ed 28 v. ——__—- Rolfe, ed. 23 v. for adaptations see Lamb. for adaptations see MacLeon. Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist. Moulton. Shakespeare Story Book. MacLeod. Shakespeare’s Life and Work. Lee. Shakespeare. Dowden. SHALER. Domesticated Animals. Story of Cur Continent. SHARP. Watcher in the Woods. Sharp Eyes. Gibson. SHARPLESS. English Education in Elementary and Secondary Schools. SHAW, C. D. Stories of the Ancient Greeks. SHAW, E. R. Big People and Little People of Other Lands. Discoverers and Explorers. School Hygiene. SHAW, F. Castle Blair. SHEDLOCK, Collection of Eastern Stories and Legends. SHELLEY, Poems. Order No. 2139 1029-30 899 160 1938 1923 2006 1946 1940 1932 T22 108 22 175 362 1582 1895 1031-3 1977-8 900 901 902 848 565 696 1759 813 502 709 1675 1745 1478 79 1789 1388 67 903 2019 1870 2369 52 2283 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 317 SHEPARD. Life on the Farm. SHERMAN. Little-folk Lyrics. SHERWOOD. Fairchild Family. Ship of State, by Those at the Helm. Short History of England. Cheyney. Short History of Germany. Henderson. Short History of the English Colonies in America. Lodge. Short History of the English People. Green. Short History of the Norman Conquest of England. Free- man. | Short History of the Renaissance in Italy. Symonds. Short Stop. Grey. Short Stories. Turner. Short Stories for Little Folk. Bryce. Short Stories for Short People. Aspinwall. Short Stories of Our Shy Neighbors. Kelly. SHUMAN. Practical Journalism. SHUMWAY. Day in Ancient Rome, SHUTH, comp. Land of Song. 38vVv. Side Lights on American History. Elson. 2v. SIDNEY, M. pseud. Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. Five Little Peppers Grown Up. Five Little Peppers Midway. Sidney, Her Summer on the St. Lawrence. Ray. Siegfried and Beowulf. Ragozin. Signal Boys. Eggleston. Silas Marner. Eliot. Silent Pete. Otis, J., pseud. Silver Thread. Mackay. SINGLETON, A., ed. See Froissart. Sir Marrok. French. Sir Roger De Coverley Papers. Addison & Steele. Sister’s Vocation. Daskam. Six Lectures on the Chemical History of a Candle. Far- aday. | Six Nursery Classics. O’Shea, ed. Sketch Book. Irving. SKINNER. Story of Letters and Figures. Sleeping Beauty in the Wood. Lang, ed. SLIVITSKI. Baby Mishook. SLOANE. French War and the Revolution. SLOCUM. Around the World in the Sloop Spray. SLOSSON. Story-tell Lib. Slovenly Peter. Hoffman. Small Gardens for Small Gardeners, Flint. 318 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX. Boe: 474 Small Songs for Small Singers. Neidlinger, 1408 SMILES. Self Help. 479 SMITH, E. Common School Book of Vocal Music. 94 SMITH, KE. B. Story of Noah’s Ark. 1871 SMITH, F. H. White Umbrella in Mexico. 95 SMITH, G. Arabella and Araminta. 96 ——— Roggie and Reggie Stories. 904. ——————- Stories of Peter and Ellen. 464 SMITH, H. Founders of Music. 1247 SMITH, H. A. The Colonies. SMITH, H, H. See Huntington, S. 8. 1123 SMITH, M. C. Life in Asia. 1124 —— Our Own Country. 97 SMITH, M. KE. Eskimo Stories. 905 SMITH, M. P. W. Jolly Good Times. 906 —————. Jolly Good Times at Hackmatock. 907 ————. Jolly Good Times at School. 909 ——— Young Puritans in Captivity. 910 —— Young Puritans in King Philip’s War. 908 —— Young Puritans of Old Hadley. 911 SMITH, N. A. Adventures of a Doll. 1872 ———— Under the Cactus Flag. 2166 SMITH, W. H, Evolution of Dodd. 196 Smoky Days, Wigwam Evenings. Eastman & Hastman. 912 SNEDDEN. Docas—The Indian Boy. 823 Snow Baby. Peary. 825 Snowland Folk. Peary. 676 Soldier Rigdale. Dix. 1302 SOLEY. Boys of 1812 and Other Naval Heroes. 2372 Some Great Stories and How to Tell them. Wyche. 561 Some Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. Pyle. 1586 Some Principles of Literary Criticism. Winchester. 1867 Some Strange Corners of Our Country. Lummis, 365 Some Useful Animals. Monteith. 715 Son of the Desert. Gilman. 1006 Song of Hiawatha. Longfellow. 478 Songs. St. Nicholas. 50 Songs and Stories. Haaren. 466 Songs of All the Colleges. Chamberlain & Harrington, comp. 476-7 Songs of the Child-World. Gaynor. 2v. 470 Songs of the Nation. Johnson. 1013 Songs of Tree-top and Meadow. McMurry & Cook, comp. 890 Sophie’s Troubles. Segur. 2000 Source Book of American History. Hart. 1947 Source Book of English History. Kendall. Order No. 1950 1885 1094 1054 1110. 697 2049 2090 2028 1924 2020 2021 2022 155 1563 342 2287 2304 2309 1678 1689 2252 1668 547 370 2345 98-9 1358 1743 913 914 348 3438 1974 1614 1365 2167 2168 185 280 1265 1125 1171 301 © 1397 - 1453 2039 | AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Source Book of English History. Lee. Source Book of Greek History. Fling. South Africa, Kidd. South America. Carpenter. South American Republics. Markwick & Smith. Southern Soldier Stories. Eggleston. Southern Statesmen of the Old Regime. Trent. SOUTHEY, Life of Nelson. Spanish in the Southwest. Winterburn. Spanish People. Hume. SPARKS. Expansion of the American People. Men Who Made the Nation. United States of America. Speaker of the House of Representatives. Follet. Speaking Voice. Everts. SPEAR. Leaves and Flowers. Special Days in School. Gowdy. 319 Special Methods in the Reading of English Classics. Mc- Murry. Specimens of the Short Story. Nettleton, ed. Speech on Conciliation with America, Burke. Speeches and Letters. Lincoln. SPENCER. Education. SPENSER. Faerie Queen. for adaptations see MacLeod, Spinner Family. Patterson. Spirit of Youth and the City Streets. Addams. SPRAGUE, S. E. Classic Readers. I1st-2d. SPRAGUH, W. C. Napoleon Bonaparte. Spy. Cooper. SPYRI. Heidi, Moni, the Goat Boy. - Squirrels and Other Fur Bearers’ Burroughs. STACK. Wild Flowers Every Child Should Know. Stage Coach and Tavern Days. Earle. Standard English Poems. Pancoast, comp. Stanley and the Congo. Packard. STAPP. Trail of the Go-Hawks. Uncle Peter, Heathen. Star Jewels and Other Wonders. Brown. Star-Land. Ball. STARR, F. American Indians, Strange Peoples. STARR, lL. B. Mustafa, the Egyptian Boy. Stars in Song and Legend. Porter. Starting in Life. Fowler. State. Wilson. Statesmen. Brooks. M. . 820 Order No. 1669 1670 228 265 915 916 302 2061 2253 4-5 170-1 569 570 504-5 13038 917 1390 1389 1829 1034-6 1830-1 1832-3 1873 918 1507 495 507 304 1834 1874 1835 919 266 920 1836 1837 1126 1838 921 922 923 924 925 926 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX STEDMAN, ed. American Anthology. Victorian Anthology. STEEDMAN, A, ed. See Kingsley, Water Babies. STEEL. Tales of the Punjab. STEIN. Gabriel and the Hour Book. Troubadour Tales. Stella’s Adventures in Starland. Stephen A. Douglass. Brown. Sabin. © STEPHENS. Phelps and His Teachers. Arnold & Gilbert, 1st-2d. Stepping Stones to Literature. 3d-4th. STERLING. Story of Sir Galahad. STEVENS & ALLEN. King Arthur Stories. STEVENSON, A. Children’s Classics in Dramatic Form. av. STEVENSON, B. E. Guide to Biography. — Tommy Remington’s & STEVENSON, E. Book of Verse. Battle. S. Days and Deeds: Days and Deeds: Prose. STEVENSON, R. L. Black Arrow. Child’s Garden of Verses. David Balfour. Kidnapped. Travels with a Donkey. Treasure Island. STEWART. Conservation of Energy. Stick-and-Pea-Plays. Pratt. STICKNEY, ed. Aesop. Fables. Earth and Sky. ed. See also Andersen Fairy Tales. STOCKTON. Adventures of Captain Horn. © ———— Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coasts. Casting Away of Mrs. Lecks and Mrs. Aleshine. Fanciful Tales. Floating Prince. Jolly Fellowship. Lady or the Tiger? Mrs. Cliff’s Yacht. Personally Conducted. Rudder Grange. Story of Viteau. STODDARD, Battle of New York. Chris, the Model Maker. Dab Kinzer. Little Smoke. Lost Gold of the Montezumas. a 927 928 929 344 345 100 101 163 2365 660 64 1251 550 1140 1180 534 1143 126 1696 551 558 1694 1160 547 117 521 548 1890 278 1291 1279 1206 1304 1138 355 522 571 147 1241 91 1213 1276 Order N 21 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 321 Stories. Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Quartet. Red Mustang. Talking Leaves. STOKES. Ten Common Trees. STONE & FICKETT. Trees in Prose and Poetry. STONEY. Old Woman Who Rode on a Broom. ed. Pied Piper of Hamelin. Anderson. and Poems. McGovern. for Boys. Davis, for Children. Lane. from from from from from from from from from from from American History. Turpin. Beowulf. Marshall. English History. Blaisdell. English History. Warren. Famous Ballads. Greenwood, G., pseud. French History. Dalkeith. Life of Christ. Kelman, ed. Old English Poetry. Richardson. Robin Hood, Marshall. the Chronicles of Cid. Plummer. the Classic Literature of Many Nations. Palmer, ed. Stories Stories from from the Crusades. Kelman. the Faerie Queene. MacLeod, ed. Stories from the Old Testament. Beale. Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories Stories from from Virgil. Church, ed. Wagner. McSpadden. in Stone from the Roman Forum. Lovell. Mother Nature Told Her Children. Andrews. of American Discoverers for Little Americans. Lucia. of American Explorers. Gordy. of American Life and Adventure. Eggleston. of American Pioneers. of Ancient Peoples. Arnold. of Animal Life. Holder. of Charlemagne. Church. of Chivalry. St. Nicholas. of Classic Myths. St. Nicholas. of Colonial Children. Pratt. of Famous Pictures. Powers. of Georgia. Harris. of Great Americans for Little Americans. Eg- gleston. of Great Artists. Horne & Scobey, 322 Order No. 1305 1299 1308 1172 139 1287 371 1264 1263 1250 404-5 375-6 410 407 1232" 11 279 130 149 1220 1167 1196-7 1223 285 575 904 1184 552 1144 1306 946—7 1170 1173 1142 1243 1174 18 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Stories of Great Men. Stories of Great Musicians. Scobey & Horne. Stories of Great Musicians. Thayer. Stories of Greece and Rome. St. Nicholas. Stories of Greek Gods, Heroes, Men. Harding & Hard- ing. Stories of Heroic Deeds. Johonnot, comp. Stories of Humble Friends. Pyle. Stories of Indian Chieftains. Husted, Stories of Indian Children. Husted. Stories of Indiana. Thompson. Stories of Industry. Chase & Clow. Stories of Insect Life. Murtfeldt & Weed. Stories of Invention. Hale. Stories of Inventors. Doubleday. Stories of Missouri. Musick. Stories of Mother Goose Village. Bigham. Stories of My Four Friends. Andrews. Stories of Norse Gods and Heroes. Klingensmith. Stories of Norse Heroes. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of Ohio. Howells. Stories of Old France. Pitman. Stories of Our Country. Dawes, 2v. Stories of Our Country. Johonnot, comp. Stories of Our Mother Earth. Fairbanks. Stories of Persian Heroes. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of Peter and Ellen. Smith. Stories of Pioneer Life. Bass, Stories of Roland. Marshall. Stories of Roman History. Dalkeith. Stories of Royal Children. St. Nicholas. Stories of the American Revolution. Tomlinson, 2v. Stories of the Ancient Greeks. Shaw. Stories of the Ancient World. St. Nicholas. Stories of the East from Herodutus. Church, ed. Stories of the Great West. Roosevelt. Stories of the Middle Ages. St, Nicholas. Stories of the Red Children. Brooks. Stories of the Rocks and Minerals. Fairbanks. Stories of War. Hale. Stories of William Tell and His Friends. Marshall. Stories to Tell. Cowles, comp. Stories to Tell to Children. Bryant. STORR. Half a Hundred Hero Tales. STORY. Story of Photography. Story of Wireless Telegraphy. Story Hour. Wiggin & Smith. Order N 210 593 323 523 796 2156 2117 1492 702 1497 1840 1579 1324 1326 1177 1327 1351 1156 1850 1339 1512 1178 1344 13438 2051 562 1346 1388 1347 1048 636 1352 1362 1150 1544 2077 1357 94 1151 1329 1506 1188 1141 2170 1550 Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story Story AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 323 of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of Aaron, Harris. a Bad Boy. Aldrich. Ab. Waterloo. Aeneas. Clarke. Akimakoo. Muller. a Child. Deland. a Grain of Wheat. Edgar. a Piece of Coal. Martin. a Short Life. Ewing. Alchemy. Muir. Babette. Stuart. Books, Rawling. Caesar. Clarke. Captain Cook. Lang. China. Van Bergen. Columbus. Seelye. David Livingstone. Golding. England. Harding & Harding. Francis Cludde. Weyman. General Gordon. Lang. Germ Life. Conn. Japan. Van Bergen. Joan of Arc, Lang. Joan of Arc. Carpenter. King Alfred. Besant. King Arthur and His Knights. Pyle. Lafayette. Codd. Letters and Figures. Skinner. Lincoln. Cravens. Little Black Mingo. Bannerman. Little Black Sambo. Bannerman. Little Jan. Campbell. Little Konrad. Campbell. Longfellow. Beebe. Marco Polo, Brooks. Modern France. Guerber. Music and Musicians. Lillie. My Life. Keller. Napoleon. Marshall. Noah’s Ark. Smith. Old France. Guerber. Oliver Cromwell. Marshall. Our Continent. Shaler. Our Country. Burton. Cur English Grandfathers. Brown. Patsy. Wiggin. Photography. Story. 324 Order No. 1471 528 509 710 1179 566 510 512 1334 569 1363 652 122 513 1562 128 1785 1467 1152 346 135 1176 1158 514 1260 1155 515 961 1952 1095 1510 517 1154 1211 1440 1728 524 921 1871 1508 795 801 2369 2360 2364. 1839 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX —s © Story of ‘Primitive’? Man. Clodd. Story of Robin Hood and His Merry Men. Finnemore. Story of Roland. Baldwin. Story of Rolf and the Viking’s Bow. French. Story of Russia. Van Bergen. Story of Rustem. Renninger. Story of Siegfried. Baldwin. Story of Siegfried. Brooks, ed. Story of Sir Francis Drake. Elton. Story of Sir Galahad. Sterling. Story of Sir Walter Raleigh. Kelly. Story of Sonny Sahib. Cotes. Story of Stories. Gillie. Story of the Aenid. Brooks. Story of the Alphabet. Clodd. Story of the Birds. Baskett. Story of the Chosen People. Guerber. Story of the Cowboy. Hough. Story of the Earth’s Atmosphere, Archibald. Story of the English. Guerber. Story of the Fishes. Baskett, Story of the Golden Age. Baldwin. Story of the Greek People. Tappan. Story of the Greeks. Guerber. Story of the liad. Brooks, ed. Story of the Indian. Grinnell. Story of the Middle Ages. Harding. Story of the Odyssey. Brooks, ed. Story of the Other Wise Man. Van Dyke. Story of the People of England, McCarthy. Story of the Phillippines. Knapp. Story of the Plants. Allen. Story of the Rhine-Gold. Chapin. Story of the Romans. Guerber. Story of the Thirteen Colonies. Guerber. Story of the United States Navy. Lossing. Story of Tonty. Catherwood. Story of Troy. Clarke. Story of Viteau. Stockton. Story of Washington. Seelye. Story of Wireless Telegraphy, Story. Story of Wretched Flea. Muller. Storyland. Murray. Story-tell Lib. Slosson. Story Teller’s Art. Dye. Story-Telling. Lyman. STOWE. Unclé Tom's Cabin. Order No 434 1136 1125 1207 1355 _ 1391-4 1475 2015 1840 1954 1944 1882 1191 2265 2229 2334 1528 2344. 2343 2173 1578 2341 1403 669 960 1855 1851 102-5 1698 1807 619 930 931 932 2340 267-8 1699 978-9 1932 1959 80 83 82 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 325 STOWELL. Primer of Health. Strange Lands Near Home. Strange Peoples. Starr. Strange Stories from History for Young People. Eg- gleston. STRATEMEYER. American Boy’s Life of William Mc- Kinley, STRONG. All the Year Round. Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. Darwin. Struggle for a Continent. Parkman. Edgar, ed. STUART. Story of Babette. STUBBS. Early Plantagenets. Student’s History of England. Gardiner. Student’s History of the Roman Empire. Bury. Student’s History of the United States. Channing. Studies in Historical Method. Barnes. Studies in the History of Modern Education. Hoyt. Study in Child Nature. Harrison. Study of Animal Life. Thompson. Study of Child Life. Washburne. Study of Children. Warner. Study of English Words. Anderson. Study of Prose Fiction. Perry. Study of the Child. Taylor. Success. Marden. Successful Venture. Deland. Sue Orcutt. Vaile. Summer in a Canon. Wiggin. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite’s Life. Whitney. SUMMERS. Readers. Primer 2d and Manual. SUMNER. Addresses on War. Sunbonnet Babies. Grover. Sundering Flood. Morris. Sweet William. Bouvet. SWETT. Captain Polly. Littlest One of the Browns. Mate of the ‘Mary Ann.” SWIFT, D, J. Mind in the Making. SWIFT, J. Gulliver’s Travels. Selections. Swiss Family Robinson. Wyss. SYMONDS. Short History of the Renaissance im Italy. SYNGE. Short History of Social Life in England. Tale of Benjamin Bunny. Potter. Tale of Flopsy Bunnies. Potter. Tale of Jeremy Fisher. Potter. Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-winkle. Potter. 326 . AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX wns 87 Tale of Peter Rabbit. Potter. 88 Tale of Squirrel Nutkin, Potter. 84 Tale of Tom Kitten. Potter. $1 Tale of Two Bad Mice. Potter. 673 Tale of Two Cities. Dickens. 541-2 Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb & Lamb. 845 Tales from the Travels of Baron Munchausen. Raspe. Hale ed. 1952 Tales of a Grandfather. Scott. 1790 Tales of a Traveler. Irving. 1007 Tales of a Wayside Inn. Longfellow. 1183 Tales of Kanakee Land. Bartlett. 275 Tales of Laughter. Wiggin & Smith, ed, 254 Tales of Mother Goose. Perrault. 244 Tales of Old England. Lansing, ed. 526 Tales of the Canterbury Pilgrims. Darton. 265 Tales of the Punjab. Steel. 186 Tales of the Red Children. Brown & Bell. 1826-7 Talisman, Scott. 2182 Talk on Weeds. Pammel. 929 Talking Leaves. Stoddard. 1311 Talks About Authors. Ware. 2274 Talks on Drawing, Painting, Making, Decorating. Colby. 1552 Talks on the Study of Literature. Bates. 1553—4 . Talks on Writing English. 1st-2d. 2336 Talks to Teachers. James. 1407 Talks to Young People. Sabin. 140-1 Tanglewood Tales. Hawthorne. 269 TANNER. Legends from the Red Man’s Forest. 1307 TAPPAN. American Hero Stories. : 1175 —_——— HEngland’s Story. 270 —— ed. Golden Goose. 1319 —— In the Days of Alfred the Great. 1336 ———— [In the Days of Queen Elizabeth. 1366 ———— In the Days of Gueen Victoria, 1373 ————— In the Days of William the Conqueror. 1248 —————— Letters from Colonial Children. 572-3 — ———. Old Ballads in Prose. 1249 ——- Our Country’s Story. 574 —— Robin-Hood—His Book. 1176 —————— Story of the Greek People. 1546 TARBELL. History of Greek Art. 1448 Tariff History of the United States. Taussig. 1448 TAUSSIG. Tariff History of the United States. 2341 TAYLOR, A. R. Study of the Child. 2314 TAYLOR, J. S. Art of Class Management and Discip- line, Order No. 2275 2205 2315 2221 2272 2266 2294 $14 2362 1637 1660 1267 599 344 1158 1266 1671 1672 532 563 1673 1559 1864 1964 1472 1418 1466 1469 443-9 1037 271-2 1387 23 1308 2088 2048 21193 1422 2242 2196 316 489 2339 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 35° Teacher and the School. Colgrove. Teacher at Work, Bender. Teacher’s Daily Helper. Thornburg. Teaching Children to Study. Earhart. Teaching of English in Elementary and Secondary Schools. Chubb. Teaching of Latin and Greek. Bennett & Bristol. Teaching the Language Arts. Hinsdale. Teddy: Her Book. Ray. Teddy and Carrots. Otis, J., pseud. Telling Bible Stories. Houghton. Tempest. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. ——- Rolfe, ed, Ten Big Indians. Wade. Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now. Andrews. Ten Common Trees. Stokes. Ten Great Events in History. Johonnot, comp. Ten Little Indians. Wade. TENNYSON. Complete Poetical Works. Enoch Arden and Other Poems. Idylls of the King. For adaptations see Greene. For adaptations see Radford. Princess. Cook, ed. Tennyson, His Art and Relation to Modern Life. Brooke. Tenting on the Plains, Custer. Territorial Acquisitions of the United States. Bicknell. Textbook of Astronomy. Comstock. Text Book of Commercial Geography. Adams. Text-book of General Physics. Ames. Textbook of Geology. Brigham. Text-books of Art Education. Froehlich & Snow, 7 bks. THACHER, comp. Listening Child. THACKERAY. Rose and the Ring. Thanksgiving. Schauffler. That’s Why Stories. Bryce. THAYER, A, C. Stories of Great Musicians. THAYER, J. B. John Marshall. THAYER, W.M. Turning Points in Successful Careers. The Corn Lady. Field. Theory and History of Banking. Dunbar. Theory and Practice of Teaching. Page. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Roget. Things a Boy Should Know About Electricity. St. John. Things Worth Doing and How to Do Them. Beard & Beard. Thinking and Learning to Think. Schaeffer. 328 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX ree 601 Thirty More Famous Stories Retold. Baldwin. 1918 Thirty Years’ War. Gardiner. 1432 This Country of Ours. Harrison. 30 This Little Pig. Crane. 933 THOMAS, M. M. Captain Phil. 273 THOMAS, W. J. Welsh Fairy Book. 1335 - Thomas Alva Edison. Jones. 2222 Thomas and Matthew Arnold. Fitch. 2074 Thomas Jefferson. Merwin. 934 THOMPSON, A. R, Gold Seeking on the Dalton Trail. 1528 THOMPSON, J. A. Study of Animal Life. 1250 : THOMPSON, M. Stories of Indiana. 2315 THORNBURG. Teacher’s Daily Helper. 2316 THORNDIKE. Principles of Teaching. THORNE, pseud. See Smith, Mrs. M. P. W. 935 THORPE. Two Chums. : 1800 Thrall of Leif, the Lucky. Liljencrantz. 948 Three Colonial Boys. Tomlinson, 219 Three Fairy Tales. Ingelow. 493 Three Hundred Things a Bright Girl Can Do. Kelley. 827 Three Little Daughters of the Revolution. Perry. 837 Three Little Millers. Pierson. 869 Three Margarets. Richards. 161 Three Years Behind the Guns. T. L. G. 949 Three Young Continentals. Tomlinson. 90 Through the Farmyard Gate. Poulsson. 190 Through the Looking Glass. Carroll, L, pseud. 2023 THWAITES. The Colonies. 2053 ————— Daniel Boone. 2087 —————. Father Marquette. 2024 —— How George Rogers Clark Won the North- west. 2025 ———— Rocky Mountain Exploration. 1038-9 TILESTON, comp. Book of Heroic Balllads. 106 ————— The Children’s Hour. 1040 ———— Child’s Harvest of Verse. 2171 Timothy’s Quest. Wiggin. 954 Tinkham Brother’s Tidemill. Trowbridge. 2342 TITCHENER. Primer of Psychology. 458 Titian. Hurll. 161 T. L. G. Three Years Behind the Guns. 815 Toby Tyler. Otis, J., pseud. 936 TOLSTOI. Where Love is, There God is Also. 740 - Tom Brown’s School Days. Hughes. 1845 Tom Sawyer. Twain, M., pseud. Order No. 937 938 939 940 1127 941 942 943 944 945 946-7 948 949 950 951 975 917 2108 G4 1539 1100 1309 . 2167 304 396 1102 1701 880 1128 1873 918 321 345 340 1583 2080 2049 1700-2 415 916 952 953 954 955 956 957 790 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX TOMLINSON. Boy Officers of 1812. —— Boy Soldiers of 1812. Boys of Old Monmouth. Boys with Old Hickory. British Isles. Camping on the St. Lawrence. Guarding the Border. House-boat on the St. Lawrence. In the Hands of the Red Coats. Search for Andrew Field. Stories of the American Revolution. Three Colonial Boys. Three Young Continentals. Two Young Patriots. ————_ Washington’s Young Aids. Tommy-Anne and the Three Hearts. Wright. Tommy Remington’s Battle. Stevenson. Tools and Machines. Barnard. Topsys and Turvys. Newell. TORREY. Everyday Birds. Toward the Rising Sun. Lane, ed. TOWLE. Heroes and Martyrs of Invention. Trail of the Go-Hawks. Stapp. Trail to the Woods. Hawkes. Training of Wild Animals. Bostock. Tramp Across the Continent. Lummis. Transplanting of Culture. Trent & Wells. Trapper Jim. Sandys. Travels at Home. Twain, M., pseud. Travels with a Donkey. Stevenson. Treasure Island. Stevenson. Tree Dwellers. Dopp. Trees in Prose and Poetry. Stone & Fickett. Trees That Every Child Should Know. Rogers. TRENT. History of American Literature. Robert E, Lee. Southern Statesmen of the Old Regime. 329 & WELLS, ed. Colonial Prose and Poetry. Triumphs of Science. Lane, ed. Troubadour Tales. Stein. TROWBRIDGE. Jack Hazard and His Fortunes, Scarlet Tanager. Tinkham Brother’s Tidemill. TRUE. Morgan’s Men. On Guard! Again Tory and Tarlton. Scouting for Washington. True Bear Stories. Miller, J., pseud. 330 Order No. 1337 1364 1367 1345 1340 360 1436 107 108 2048 1251 460 1841 1842 1843 1844 958 1845 1128 1638 1661 1300 1219 1776 256 707 1310 859 935 1723 1098 1529 699 818 756 1865 1525 950 1129 2254 2070 2305 2134 1754 2066 2168 211 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX True Story of Benjamin Franklin. Brooks. True Story of Capt. John Smith. Woods. True Story of George Washington. Brooks. True Story of Lafayette. Brooks. True Story of U. S. Grant. Brooks. True Tales of Birds and Beasts. Jordan, ed. Trust Problems. Jenks. TURNER. Easy Stories. Short Stories. Turning Points in Successful Careers. Thayer. TURPIN. Stories from American History. Tuscan Sculpture, Hurll. TWAIN, M., pseud. Dog’s Tale. Horse’s Tale. Huckleberry Finn. Jumping Frog. Prince and Pauper. Tom Sawyer. ————_ Travels at Home. Twelfth Night. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. we Rolfe, ed. Twelve Naval Captains. Seawell. Twenty Years at Sea. Hill. Twice-Told Tales. Hawthorne. Twilight Land, Pyle. Twilight Stories. Foulke. TWITCHELL. Famous Children. Two Children in the Woods. Richards. Two Chums. Thorpe. Two College Girls. Brown. Two Girls in China. Krout. Two Hundred Wild Birds of Iowa. Bailey. Two Legs. Ewald. Two Little Confederates. Page, Two Little Knights of Kentucky. Johnston. Two Years Before the Mast. Dana. Two Years in the Jungle. Hornaday. Two Young Patriots. Tomlinson. TWOMBLY. Hawaii and Its People. TYLER, J. M. Growth and Education. TYLER, M. C. Patrick Henry. Type Studies from United States Geography. Types and Breeds of Farm Animals, Plumb. Uarda. Ebers. Ulysses S. Grant. Allen. Uncle Peter, Heathen. Stapp. Uncle Remus and His Friends. Harris. MeMurry. Order No, 212 213 299 150 151 1839 1101 1872 588 41 274 1797 1135 2022 2100 391 2067 959 960 1177 1178 1179 459 961 1703 1584 423 1846 1027 1768 1670 1560 1047 536 532 1828 1962 1608 1490 2140 1520 1252 962 963 964 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 331 Uncle Remus and the Little Boy. Harris. Uncle Remus, His Songs and His Sayings. Harris. Uncle Robert’s Visit. Parker & Helm, Uncle Sam’s Secrets. Austin. Uncle Sam’s Soldiers. Austin. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Stowe. Under Sunny Skies. Lane. Under the Cactus Flag. Smith. Under the Lilacs. Alcott. Under the Window. Greenaway. UNDERHILL. Dwarf’s Tailor and Other Fairy Stories. Undine. La Motte-Fouque. United States, Winslow. United States of America. Sparks. Up From Slavery. Washington. Upon the Tree-Lops. Miller. U. S. Grant. Wister. VAILE. Orcutt Girls. Sue Orcutt. VAN BERGEN. Story of China. Story of Japan. Story of Russia. Van Dyck. Hurll. VAN DYKE, Story of the Other Wise Man. ——— Van Dyke Book. ; VEDDER. American Writers of Today. VELVIN. Behind the Scenes with Wild Animals. VERNE. Around the World in Eighty Days. Verse and Prose for Beginnersin Reading. Scudder, comp. Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith. Victorian Anthology. Stedman. Victorian Prose Masters. Brownell. Views in Africa. Badlam. Virgil. Aeneid. For adaptations see Brooks. ———— for adaptations see Clarke, Virginia Cavalier. Seawell. Virginia Girl in the Civil War. Avary. Vision of Sir Launfal. Lowell. Volcanoes. Judd. Volsunga saga. See Bradish. VOORHEES. First Principles of Agriculture. VRIES. Plant-breeding. WADE. Coming of the White Men. Our Little Brown Cousin. Our Little Indian Cousin. Our Little Japanese Cousin. 332 Order No. 965 1267 1266 oil 1411 1531 1933 2026 497 392 1934 1360 2141 424 1847 2099 1298 1989 2004 1311 1704 1705 1848 1706 2343 2142 1180 2344 2100 1410 1369 2072 951 897 868 227-8 323 1041 2261 776 1717 1449 1707 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Our Little Russian Cousin. AY. Ten Big Indians. —— Ten Little Indians. Wagner Opera Stories. Barber. WAITMAN. Going to College. Wake Robin. Burroughs. Wakeman. Ascendency of France. WALKER, F. A. Making of the Nation. WALKER, M. C. Lady Hollyhock and Her Friends. —— Our Birds and Their Nestlings, WALKER, W. Reformation. WALKER & HART. Essentials in English History. WALLACE, H. Clover Farming. Letters to a Farm Boy. WALLACH, L. Ben Hur. Walpole. Morley. Wandering Heroes. Price. War of Independence. Fiske. War of 1898. Johnston. WARD. Mrs. E. S. P. See Phelps. WARE. Talks About Authors. WARNER, C. D. A-Hunting of the Deer. —— Back Log Studies. Being a Boy. ——— In the Wilderness. WARNER, F. Study of Children and Their School Train- ing. WARREN, G, F. Elements of Agriculture. WARREN, H. P. Stories from English History. WASHBURNE. Study of Child Life. WASHINGTON, B. T. Up from Slavery. WASHINGTON, G. Rules of Conduct. Washington and His Country. Irving. Washington Irving. Boynton. Washington’s Young Aids. Tomlinson. Watcher in the Woods. Sharp. Watchers of the Camp Fire. Roberts. Water Babies. Kingsley. WATERLOO. Story of Ab. WATERMAN. Graded Memory Selections. Waymarks for Teachers. Arnold. Ways of Wood Folk. Long. Weatherby’s Inning. Barbour. WEAVER. Iowa: Its Constitution and Laws. WEBSTER, D. Orations on Bunker Hill Monument. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 333 pala 2197 WEBSTER, N. Academic Dictionary. 2198 ——— - Collegiate Dictionary. 2199 ———_ New International Dictionary. 1450 WEBSTER, W. C. General History of Commerce. 393 WEED, ed. Bird Life Stories. 2143 ————. Farm Friends and Farm Foes. 374 ———— Nature Biographies. 2317 —#—- & EMERSON. School Garden Book. 375-6 — —— & MURTFELDT. Stories of Insect Life. 2 v. 2133 Weeds of the Farm and Garden. Pammel. 1955 * WELLINGTON. Morris. 1017 WELSH, C., ed. See Mother Goose. 254 ———_ see Perrault. ea les ——— Goldsmith. 1253 WELSH. Colonial Days. 273 Welsh Fairy Book. Thomas. 1585 WENDELL, B. English Composition. 1896 WENDELL, F. C. H. History of Egypt. 966 WESSELHOEFT. Flipwing, the Spy. 1066 Western United States. Fairbanks. 1793 Westward Ho! Kingsley, 1326 WETMORE. Last of the Great Scouts. 1849 WEYMAN. House of the Wolf. 1850 ————_ Story of Francis Cludde. 2292 What and How. Henderson & Palen. 2352 What Can a Young Man Do? Rollins 57 What Did the Black Cat Do? Johnson. 648 What Katy Did. Coolidge, S., pseud. 649 What Katy Did at School. Coolidge, 8., pseud. 650 What Katy Did Next. Coolidge, S., pseud. 2358 What Shall Our Boys Do for a Living? Wingate. 491 What Shall We Do Now? Canfield. 2052 WHEELER, B. I, Alexander the Great. 440 WHEELER, C. G. Woodworking for Beginners. 2144 WHEELER, C. T. Principles of Home Decoration. 1359 WHEELER, H. F. B. Boy’s Napoleon. 1018 WHEELER, W., ed. See Mother Goose. 1222 When America Won Liberty. Jenks. 612 When Boston Braved the King. Barton. 994. When Life is Young. Dodge. 465 When Little Boys Sing. Carpenter & Carpenter. 968 _ When Molly Was Six. White. 429 When Mother Lets Us Cook. Johnson. 433 When Mother Lets Us Sew. Ralston. 400 When Railroads were New. Carter. 124 When the King Came. Hodges. 874 When You Were a Boy. Sabin. 334 Order No. 936 58 1312 1547 2318 2319 967 968 1451 1130 1313 1551 2320 969 2169 1770 1751 1871 1851 1674 1131 162 698 1137 2351 984 970 1852 1853 971 1854 2170 1855 2171 1042 1043 1044 2370 275 226 2145 895 3438 356 1064 372 T77 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Where Love is, There God is Also. Tolstoi. Where Was the Little White Dog. Johnson. WHITCOMB. Heroes of History. Young People’s Story of Art. WHITE, E. EK. Art of Teaching. School Management. WHITE, E. O. Ednah and Her Brothers. ————_ When Molly Was Six. WHITE, H. Money and Banking. WHITE J. R. & SMITH. Little Journey to South Africa. WHITE, J. S., ed. Boy’s and Girl’s Plutarch. WHITE, M. Book of Games. —— How to Make Baskets. WHITE, S. E. Magic Forest. WHITE, W. A. Court of Boyville. White Aprons. Goodwin. White Company. Doyle. White Umbrella in Mexico. Smith. WHITNEY. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite’s Life. WHITTIER. Complete Poetical Works. WHITTUM. Little Folks of Far-Away Lands. Why the Chimes Rang. Alden. Wide Awake Girls. Ellis. Wide World. Wider Use of the School Plant. Perry. Widow O’Callaghan’s Boys. Zollinger. WIGGIN. Bird’s Christmas Carol, Cathedral Courtship. New Chronicles of Rebecca, Polly Oliver’s Problem. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. Story of Patsy. Summer in a Canon. Timothy’s Quest. & SMITH, comp. Golden Numbers. ———._ Pinafore Palace. Posy Ring. Story Hour. ——_- _ ———-__ Tales of Laughter. Wigwam Stories. Judd. WILCOX. Farm Animals. Wild Animals I Have Known. Seton. Wild Flowers Every Child Should Know. Stack. Wild Life of Orchard and Field, Ingersoll. Wild Life Under the Equator. Du Chaillu. Wilderness Babies. Schwartz. Wilderness Ways. Long. Order N 109 324 325 972 973 1734 671 2086 1372 2092 2094 2105 425 1509 1856 110-1 2146 276 1409. 149 575 2147 23521 2027 1453 112 974 2371 1586 2353 643 1132 1133 305 1134 2148 1135 2028 1639 1662 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 335 WILEY. Mother Goose Primer. & EDICK. Children of the Cliff. wien Lodrix, the Little Lake Dweller. WILKINS. Pot of Gold and Other Stories. Young Lucretia and Other Stories. Will Shakespeare’s Little Lad. Clark. William Henry Letters. Diaz. William McKinley. Hay, William of Orange. Schupp. William Penn. Hodges. William Pitt. Green. William the Conqueror. Freeman. WILLIAMS, A. How It is Done. ——— How It Works. WILLIAMS, J. L. Adventures of a Freshman. WILLIAMS, S. Choice Literature for Primary Grades. ae r WILLIAMS & FISHER. Elements of the Theory and Practice of Cookery, WILLISTON. - Japanese Fairy Tales. WILLOUGHBY. Rights and Duties of American Citizen- ship. WILMOT-BUXTON. Stories of Norse Heroes. Stories of Persian Heroes. WILSON, A. D. & WILSON, E. W. Agriculture for Young Folks. WILSON, L. L. -W. Picture Study in Elementary Schools. WILSON, W. Division and Reunion. State. (The) WILTSE, Folk-Lore Stories and Proverbs. ed. Jean Valjean. Kindergarten Stories and Morning Talks. WINCHESTER. Some Principles of Literary Criticism. WINGATE. What Shall Our Boys Do for a Living? Winifred West. Channing. WINSLOW, I. C. Distant Countries. ———_ Europe. WINSLOW, I. O. Earth and Its People. Our American Neighbors. Principles of Agriculture for Common Schools. United States. WINTERBURN. Spanish in the Southwest. Winter’s Tale. Shakespeare. Hudson, ed. Rolfe, ed. 336 Order No. 311 2102 2067 153 $16 817 533 730 703 714 1897 1869 142-3 291 309 527 292 257 164. 516 518 490 1254 1857 2069 778 1364 2255 440 2184 2083 2200 1092 1129 1123 1059 1058 1124 1121 1110 1095 351 1379 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony Popularly Explained. Massie & Underhill. WISTER. Seven Ages of Washington. U. S. Grant. _ With Evans to the Pacific. Codd. With Perry on Lake Erie. Otis, J., pseud. With Preble at Tripoli. Otis, J., pseud, With Spurs of Gold. Greene & Kirk. With Sully into the Sioux Land. Hanson. Wolf Patrol. Finnemore. Wolf’s Head. Gilliat. WOLFSON. Essentials in Ancient History. Woman Tenderfoot. Seton. Wonder Book. Hawthorne. Wonder Book of Light, Houston. Wonder Book of Magnetism. Houston. Wonder Book of Old Romance. Darton. Wonder Book of the Atmosphere. Houston. Wonder Clock. Pyle. Wonder Stories. Andersen. ~ Wonder Stories from the Mabinogion. Brooks, ed. Wonder Tales from Wagner. Chapin. Wonderland of Stamps. Burroughs. WOOD, C. S. On the Frontier with St, Clair. WOOD, J. S. Yale Yarns. WOODBERRY. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Wood-Folk at School. Long. | WOODS. True Story of Capt. John Smith. WOODWARD. Manual Training in Education. Woodworking for Beginners. Wheeler. WOOLSEY, S. C. See Coolidge, S., pseud. Words and Their Ways in English Speech. Greenough & Kittredge. . Words of Lincoln. Oldroyd, comp. World Almanac. World and Its People Series. Australia and the Islands of the Sea. Kellogg. Hawaii and Its People. Twombly. Life in Asia. Smith. . Modern Europe. Coe. Our American Neighbors. Coe. Our Own Country. Smith. Porto Rico Seabury. South American Republics. Markwick & Smith. Story of the Philippines. Knapp. - World of the Great Forest. Du Chaillu. World’s Commercial Products. Freeman & Chandler. ia | Order No. 2043 1542 2322 769 1452 1255 1314 1315-6 1256 1317 708 377-80 381 975 1540 976 977 1961 2372 978-9 1857 611 784 1061 1858 243 980 981 982 983 736 154 1283 1375 1376 1377 1378 2001 973 1395 1149 1547 909 22 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX B07 World’s Discoverers. Johnson. World’s Painters and Their Pictures. Hoyt. WRAY. Jean Mitchell’s School. Wreck of the Golden Fleece. Leighton. WRIGHT, C. D. Outlines of Practical Sociology. WRIGHT, H. ©, Children’s Stories in American History. Children’s Stories in American Literature. Children’s Stories in English Literature. Children’s Stories of American Progress Children’s Stories of the Great Scientists. WRIGHT, J. H. Masterpieces of Greek Literature. WRIGHT, J. M. Sea-side and Way-Side. 4 v. WRIGHT, H. 0. Four-Footed Americans and Their Kin. ——— Tommy-Anne and the Three Hearts. —#—— & COUES. Citizen Bird, WRIGHT, W. H. Ben, the Black Bear. The Grizzly Bear. WRONG. History of the British Nation. WYCHE. Somé Great Stories and How to Tell Them. WYSS. Swiss Family Robinson.. Yale Yarns. Wood. Yankee Ships and Yankee Sailors. Barnes. Ye Lyttle Salem Maide. Mackie. Year in a Yawl. Doubleday. YEATS. Chevalier d’ Auriac. Yellow Fairy Book. Lang, ed. YONGE. Little Duke. Little Lucy’s Wonderful Globe. ———- _ Prince and the Page. YOUNG. Hector, My Dog. Young Alaskans. Hough. Young Citizen. Dole, Young Folks’ Book of American Explorers. Higginson. Young Folks Cyclepedia of Common Things. Champlain. ed. Young Folk’s Cyclopedia of Literature and Art. Cham- plain, ed. Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of Persons and Places. Cham- plain, ed. Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of Natural History. Cham- plain, ed. Young Folks’ History of the United States. Higginson. Young Lucretia. Wilkins. Young Men and the World. Beveridge. Young People’s History of Holland. Griffis. Young People’s Story of Art. Whitcomb. Young Puritans in Captivity. Smith. 338 AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX pee oO, 910 Young Puritans in King Philip’s War. Smith. 908 Young Puritans of Old Hadley. Smith. 684 Young Reporter, Drysdale. 595 Young Trailers. Altsheler. 2330 Youth. Hall. Youth’s Companion Series. 1099 Northern Europe. Lane, ed. 1118 Our Country: East. 160 Ship of State. 1136 Strange Lands Near Home. 1100 Toward the Rising Sun. Lane, ed. 1101 Under Sunny Skies. Lane, ed. 1137 Wide World. 635 Zachary Phips. Bynner. 277 ZITKALA-SA. Old Indian Legends. 984 ZOLLINGER, Widow O’Callaghan’s Boys. AUTHORITIES FOR ANNOTATIONS. A. L. A. Catalog, & A. L. A. Book List. ADAMS, C. K. Manual of Historical Literature. ADAMS, T. S. Bibliography of Economics. American Historical Review. American Journal of Science. ANDREWS, C. M. & OTHERS. Bibliography of History for Schools and Libraries, BAKER, E. A. Descriptive Guide to the Best Fiction. BASCOM, E. Editor of A. L. A. Book List. HENRY CARRINGTON BOLTON. BOOK REVIEW DIGEST. BROOKS, E. U. CLARK, J.S. Study of English Prose Writers. Cleveland Public Library publications. COLBY. Literature and Life in School. Cumulative Book Index. Dial (The). Educational Review. FIELD, W. T. Fingerposts to Children’s Literature. GOODSPEED, G. S. History of the Ancient World. HARDY, G. E. Five Hundred Books for the Young. HARRIS, W. T. HEWINS, CAROLINE. Books for Boys and Girls. HOWELLS, W. D. Heroines of Fiction. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX 339 HUNT, CLARA. Head of the Children’s Work, Brooklyn (N. Y.) Pub- lic Library. W. D. JOHNSTON. Library of Congress. HELEN T. KENNEDY. Suggestive List of Children’s Books, issued by League of Library Commissions, Knowledge. LARNED. Literature of American History. LEYPOLDT & ILES. List of Books for Girls and Women and Therr Clubs. MENDENHALL, C. E. Selected List of Books on Physics. MUNRO, D. C. Nation, New York—State Library, Best Books. (Annual.) Oregon Library Commission—List of Books for School Libraries. Pedagogical Seminary. Tittsburgh—Carnegie Library. Graded and Annotated Catalogue of Books. Pittsburgh Carnegie Library Catalogue of Books in the Children’s De- _ partment of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. POWER, EFFIE. First Selection of Five Hundred Children’s Books. Pratt Institute Free Library (Brooklyn). Bulletin. PRENTICE AND POWER. A Children’s Library, Science. : SEERLEY, H. H. President of the Iowa State Normal School. WARNER, C. D. ‘WELLS. Literature of American History: Supplement. Wisconsin State Superintendent—List of Books for Township Libraries. WOOLSON. ‘George Eliot and Her Heroines. WYER, J. 1., Jr. Bibliography of Education. (Annual.) THE LAW AN ACT to establish libraries for the use of teachers, pupils, and other residents in all school districts. Be It Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa: Section 1. The treasurer of each school township and each rural inde- pendent district in this state shall withhold annually, from the money re- ceived from the apportionment for the several school districts, not less than five nor more than fifteen cents, as may be ordered by the board, for each person of school age residing in each school corporation, as shown by the annual report of the secretary, for the purchase of books as hereinafter provided. When so ordered by the board of directors, the provisions of this section shall apply to any independent district. Sec. 2. Between the third Monday of September and the first day of December in each year the president and secretary of the board, with the assistance of the county superintendent of schools, shall expend all money withheld by the treasurer as provided in section one (1) of this act, in the purchase of books selected from the lists prepared by the state board of educational examiners as hereinafter provided, for the use of the school district; in school townships the secretary shall distribute the books thus selected to the librarians among the several sub-districts, and at least semi-annually collect the same and distribute others, Sec. 38. It is hereby made the duty of the state board of educational examiners to prepare annually or biennially lists of books suitable for use in school district libraries, and furnish copies of such lists to each president, secretary, and each county superintendent, as often as the same shall be published or revised, from which lists the several presidents and secretaries and county superintendents shall select and purchase books. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of each secretary to keep in a record book, furnished by the board of directors, a complete record of the books purchased and distributed by him. : Sec. 5. Unless the board of directors shall elect some other person, the secretary in independent districts and director in subdistricts in school townships shall act as librarian and shall receive and have the care and custody of the books, and shall loan them to teachers, pupils, and other residents of the district, in accordance with the rules and regulations pre- scribed by the state board of educational examiners and board of directors. Each librarian shall keep a complete record of the books in a record book furnished by the board of directors. During the periods that the school is in session the library shall be placed in the schoolhouse, and the teacher shall be responsible to the district for its proper care and protection. The board of directors shall have supervision of all books and shall make an equitable distribution thereof among the schools of the corporation. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST The following books have been selected for supplementary reading. There is a growing demand for such books and school boards may find herein such reading matter as will supply their schools with complete sets. The editions are arranged by grades, and may be secured at the price named, bound in paper. Order No. Grade = SCHOMON AM hw NH at 12 13 14 15 16 M4 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 9 oO 38 39 40 -41 42 43 DNONMNNONNNNNNNNH HH RH HF He bo WWWWWWHWWHWWWHONNNNN NN YL DD Name Author Fairy Stories of the Moon............ IW Ee ea bal ey hy g Moa INCSO DIS ea DIES lear te Deepen. te cretaceeetiaicr ice EVCItCrale ala. Nae TYLA VY CIS mre sun fersieters enchens is sete whey suet < UShiteerea cern tier INUTSCr YEE AlLCS Imrny tore nstetes caleins ister i tee AME AKGhe. Val See bre HUTS be SCODS miles EMCACLINS . siests is, case oat ener Ve attr eer arsine neko te {ittles Plant? People, Partsal and ils 4. Chase. ..cis. cn es PAETIOCICN StOLIG Sara tere saan siete aa lh che FUGUES Ips) stseneee nos StonresrOteaw Sun peas cre: esis sietayse ee) @NHASCIRS kee eee oe Stories; LrompeAndersen. . isc. dae sneters s PAV IO pee eatates Stories irom Grimms. 6 sis asses ee LAY LOTuey temas ee Little Red Riding Hood............. Reiteresysrcs he oe Jacke anduthe, Bean Stalky. s...c. os ASNeL Ney A, CENA teu ie Adventures vof a Brownie. .......2.5. FRELLEY Moya s-cranshentuece Little Workers (Animal Stories)..... Chasou: (We a Pittlem VWOOGH HITICTIOS i. soc sista crete cieiels bishe IVEAYTVG Ws) ahece dg, che ah WADE ST ANGE SUNS Se reset ets 4 ot) ereioleisio ocr TALL axa. rater stars SCOLYVAOL MVV OO! ses vies ciopeis eretor ete eiebe ofiells s WHER AMEN aloes dio edt ao BIT StOGIGS civ OMe OCUS selene) ayes vi ore LOLLIC = pemepntey creeds ete StoryeOLe Wary OW Clas stotee ste) saessruneters| . sls cw ee0e Story of Patrick, Henry ic. . ce sies wis vee LItLICHCIC) w . eileen OO Americahi Inventors’ Io. cs. . .)4 ss... asa, MeCabeus, . sen ceeeuo The Story of Dua vSallovic sag wc ate civaspinia Nieieis actin as Seed Father | Marquette.s:c cs cscs’: ee pie ase k slate ne oii ahateraiel ate cal Ree The Discovery ‘of America. ..cs sus > cues sem uct es 6 ote eeeeOD The: Shepherd’ Psalm’... css sm ues suelo aspcusiose vid aticete eis een Heroes of Industry (Watt, Fulton, Cooper, Stephenson): so 25 acs elas a leeae Ole ictal eles » ROS OO The Story of MoKinley. . si's i sos a leee o celedine bon Fees hE OS Animal Life ih the Seas: cs sss e+ ae MCWeG ss 0. eee The Story: of SU oie css 6 whic as sine s #EOTOW DI a ier rs eee OD The Story of, Sugatsts s/s <5 scisew siie bv FROCLLED oir bicieie SERED. How) We Drink sigs ot owiew > ons toe « GLOW tale a hts aeRO Story, of: the .Cabotssi., sii sis.stnu sae ee MOREICGms . st. ee OS SUPPLEMENTARY LIST TLOTIC ME cy eave lenniteed ameeletexer cits tae Order. No. Grade Name Author oF | Stories of the Norsemen....... isle siayslLATISOLB ‘eta ictes cites 98 5 Story of Nathan Hale............ PoP IMeCCAben nt eee “99 5 BICOEY Oe OIOT SOM via sha dies ois’ se enuy ous ie MeCabe wasn iaiecs 100 5 TOSLOL Veer aor y ae ware erd iets sone: ass F aig NECTURE OMe anche eaten 101 5 Story of Robert E. Lee..... cate aes eMC ANG ry cee te 102 5 Story of Canada........ LON ce titatels, Pa LOO LR ee ees 103 5 SLOry ROfPMORICOs a gate cus oe ok 6 sacs s.r MeCabeyincas masts 104 5 SLOT YAO typ Gy VATU te wl ctstenels ele eustecsiet steel ve HeVECIKa neh ron Wectiste, « 105 5 SCO. Ole CCAM er is tohers eel orate etele/ eile cher s MceGa bere awecloe 106 5 Ther G Olen TOUCH Ss.) cr. eisiels'e eideele etme ore Hawthorne ..... 107 5 The Story of Robert Louis Stevenson..Bush ........... 108 5 History in Verse....... as at BR i emda eed LM oe 109 6 Rabrande His pRrIiends. ww 0. ee cae EF aiate aeicaaraliedcttol sce a¥eiane 110 6 The Pied Piper of Hamelin............ seo AEN AA ere 111 6 King of the Golden River............ Rusking yy walccroreus 112 6 GEES TOL ALher LP OTCHES wc lyisc ss Saxe elaine es MGB OG He 3% fale cheese is 6 Great European Cities I (London and HOTS) lew ireelevarcce Chere reid. elec eh orerace ene ots Bushs estore 114 6 Great European Cities II (Rome and SCT Ini) pare severed, totes whol Meausrol sins teucuece se elevates WSUS at aite evayel ekawer aie 115 6 Great European Cities III (St. Peters- burg and Constantinople).......... Wuslisrei. tee cesicrekale 116 6 OldwHnelisnmleroesh se ccisiee oc ec sierene es BSUS Ties covers shatters 117 6 Later English Heroes............ : SUSHI scsmecenesey eat sa ais 118 7 PBHSRSNO Waele Cis cre .cnelerene ete erect eicia Hawthorne ...... 119 7 RID S VATE OW ATI OR oar clatsre ens tstaleie aeets state ET VAN Sevetepen cia arin st 120 b Legend of Sleepy Hollow............. TT Ss ney orotate « 121 18" The Great Stone Pace... sia eases ce sls Hawthorne ...é. 122 i-G pe enochwArdent. nein: Briley Os See Renee ton. eatin a Ag (Renny SOD ts mest. 123 Ae Sa LATA LOD SIS Bates sere tis lorase alana te ict «6: Wass’s fopeyaits Isiah. US oso clas 124 4-8 Courtship of Miles Standish...:...... Tongtellow. es .s <1 125 Omen HiVATA OLIN Gy Mu vicrencicictae se ene silercbere lola cla ekirs Longfellow ...... 126 Ee Sere OVO VAD OUT Camera eke der ci se: ata opetenal si sietterster clave 'e AVEC ELT rest eltetstiete te tog 7-8 Selections from Wadsworth........... es Seana ke Pa ag a 128 ioe Selectionsatroma shelley ands WEaAtS << ales ete cle claret viele: «! 129 7-8 The Man Without a Country......... Brave revere dike) sites Yetens ites 139 (este Vision. Of) Sipe aAUNTAlL seis. sss oe a sscsiers Lowell|\...-.-. 131 7-8 The Cotter’s Saturday Night......... IBUFRSH Rs est ores TGs (zoe Cher Deserted MVillaceiin scwcd cece ele Goldsmith V3.5. 23. iis (St EIN Ge OLn ther ANCLEM ty MALIN GI oyiai eis presse ala oletbes O:elutetaeiebars 134 Me Omet CT COVES LOS V ania ears cr ehei sie to Sev oiivete Wietantariiovets deus we sr enenene 135 No SamES DECCNEsa Of PAM COL eile a severe eietcereaneusr chon ame che chore pede enelyne 136 ieOue Duin Keri Ei lipeA GOreSS ree eislspteieet) easieie Websters cn. selec. sae (esa THOM GOIGSPES ILS Gre eestetete obs ok teveleca ev eits eres WPOCMgsane ee velo 138 (eS e De eh Vir PREC s lacie ney clenencis iy niece fer SCOCHMey eiate erect ereits 139 PSG PRE LATH LOU sit cre 5 Gish aslo Wiaia lalate, vleei nile atm . - Shakespeare 140 7-8 The Merchant of Venice.............. Shakespeare 141 7-8 Thomas Moore—Biography and Selec- er eee eae ere oe ee eee ero ee esos .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 U5 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 05 .05 12 12 12 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA LT 30112 072403220