Index Summary NEW CHICAGO BUILDING CODE By B DWARD E . R EDD ERS B N &*.&** L I E. RARY OF THL UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 6929 R24x Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library (J nil J. ,J LS JAN 19 !S5 SEP 2 3 1975 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign THOS. J. HEAVEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR 20 N. Wacker Drive, Civic Opera Building CHICAGO Construction • Remodeling • Fire Appraisals Phones Residence Phone State 6674 - 6675 Longbeach 4323 G. EARL GRINDLE, INC. REALTORS • REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT REAL ESTATE SALES BUILDERS OF /2%\ BUILDING GUARANTEED liNji PROJECTS HOMES ^^7 FINANCED 5693 LINCOLN AVENUE LONG BEACH 7100 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CARL E. ERICKSON & CO., INC Lake Vi ew 4041 2847 N. Clark St. CHICAGO GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS STRUCTURAL STEEL FABRICATORS Buildings ■ Bridges ■ Industrial Plants • Machinery Bases Air Locks • Contractors' Equipment Galvanized Steel for Substations & Towers MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STRUCTURAL STEELCQ CHICAGO PLANT OTHER PLANTS MELROSE PARK, ILL ST. LOUIS, MO. CHGO. PHONE - MANSFIELD 2120 DECATUR, ILL CHICAGO INSULCRETE COMPANY Manufacturers WAYLITE INSULATING BLOCKS BLOCKS using WAYLITE Superior Lightweight Aggregat Types of Buildings es for All IONS RECENT LARGE INSTALLAT HOYNE-GRANVILLE APARTMENTS WOLCOTT APARTMENTS ISABELLA PARK APARTMENTS CHICAGO CHICAGO EVANSTON Phone Enterprise 2277 FRANKLIN PARK, ILLINOIS INDEX SUMMARY of the New CHICAGO BUILDING CODE WITH COMPLETE CROSS REFERENCES Compiled by EDWARD E. REDDERSEN Architect ILLINOIS • MINNESOTA • WISCONSIN Structural Engineer ILLINOIS Plan Examiner DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS, CITY OF CHICAGO SINCE 1 9 14 Copyright 1939 by Edward E. Reddersen vk? FOREWORD No member of the Department of Buildings of the City of Chicago, and no member of any other department of the City of Chicago has had any hand, directly or indirectly, in the compilation of this Index Summary. No part of this Index, therefore, can be considered in any sense as any official wording or interpretation of the Building Code. Such wording or interpretation as contained in the Index is solely the responsibility of the author. His experience as Plan Examiner, Department of Buildings, City of Chicago, since 1914, has fitted him to know the needs of architects, engineers, and builders, and it is believed, to satisfy those needs with the first adequate index of any Chicago Build- ing Code. Since it is inevitable that errors and ambiguities should creep into this tremendously detailed work, the author will appreciate any notice of such errors or discrepancies. It should be noticed, however, that many apparent errors are due to conflicts in the code itself and not to the Index. This Index Summary does not include: — The Electrical Code The Fire Prevention Code Chapter 83 Water Supply and Distribution Systems Chapter 84 Steam Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels Chapter 85 Mechanical Refrigeration The Zoning Ordinance WAYLITE-SUPEROCK THE MODERN BUILDING MATERIAL WITH Light-Weight Concrete Aggregates INSULATING BACK-UP BLOCKS with Highest Fire Resistance Highest Insulation Value of any Lightweight Aggregate Highest Acoustical Value for Interior Exposed Walls Whitest Exposed Inside Wall 40% lower cost than Brick as a Back-up Material r ., Ideal for ^ ■ Easily .. ... r . Can be . . .. .'. Nailing Purring _ . , - , Nailable r f . Sawed and Cut Strips SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION PLUS ECONOMY THE WAYLITE COMPANY 105 WEST MADISON STREET CHICAGO, ILL. TELEPHONE STATE 4336 INDEX TO THE INDEX SUMMARY Page General Index 1 This covers all general and miscellaneous items on buildings and structures of all kinds. It should be referred to first if the class of use or type of building is not known, or if it is uncertain in what chapter the item under consideration properly belongs. Occupancy Chapters Index Summaries: These include complete detailed indexes of the individual chapters men- tioned below. Each is a specialized index for a particular class or group of related occupancies and should be used for design purposes. Such chapters can be used as a "check list" to insure that all Code requirements of a specialized character are complied with. Chapters 47 Single Dwellings 87 48 Multiple Dwellings 93 49 Institutional Buildings 101 50 Business Units 107 5 1 Hazardous Use Units 115 5 2 Garages 133 53 Theatres 141 54 Open Air Assembly Unit 161 55 Public Assembly Unit 171 56 Churches 185 57 Schools 193 58 Other Buildings and Structures 205 Miscellaneous Chapter Index Summaries Chapter 79. Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Mechanical Amusement Devices 215 Chapter 82. Plumbing 221 Tables: — Fireproof Construction 231 Semi-Fireproof Construction 231 Heavy Timber Construction 232 Ordinary Construction 232 Wood Construction 233 Fire Resistive Construction: Hour ratings: — Floors, Roofs, and Ceilings 235 Protective Coverings of Metal Members 234 Walls and Partitions 236 Numerical Chapter Index 237 KUEHL & HEAVEY Engineering Consultants STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS RECORDED SOUND AND VIBRATION ANALYSIS Engineering data supplied and computations made for Attorneys Contractors Public Utilities Building Owners Real Estate Agents Insurance Companies STATE 6674-6675-9875 20 N. WACKER DRIVE, CHICAGO Permanent BLUE PRINTS Blue Printing, Black Printing, Blue Line and Color Printing Blue Print Paper Drawing Materials Special Service Always — Speed and Results Big Floor Space and Equipment for Rush Orders Photo Prints CROFOOT, NIELSEN & CO. BRANCHES ENGINEERING BLDG. 307 N. Michigan Ave. 205 Wacker Drive 80 E. Jackson Blvd. Tel. Randolph 3341 EDWARD J. BAHE COMPANY, INC. Wholesale Manufacturers of QUALITY QUALITY DOOR FRAMES WINDOW FRAMES KILN DRIED LUMBER EXCLUSIVELY 2336-50 NELSON STREET Lakeview 0360-1-2 CHICAGO GENERAL INDEX GENERAL INDEX Accidents, elevator 79-4 Acoustic Materials: — ■ Attachment: Combustible material: — By cement or other non-combustible material 61-59 To: 1. Heavy Timber Construction (nailed) 61-57 61-59 2. Metal lath and plaster ceiling 61-57 3. Non-combustible surface 61-57 Attachment: Non-combustible material: — By: Cement 61-59 Nails — Heavy Timber Construction 61-59 Non-combustible furring strips 61-59 Ceilings: Acoustic material to be non-combustible: — 1. When ceiling is furred 61-57 2. When ceiling is suspended 61-57 3. When ceiling is non-required 61-57 Ceilings: Supports must be non-combustible:— 1. When ceiling is furred 61-57 2. When ceiling is suspended 61-57 3. When ceiling is non-required 61-57 Denned as sound absorbing material 61-57 Testing laboratory to certify tests 61-58 Tests to qualify as non-combustible 61-58 Addition, denned 40-1 Aisle: — Longitudinal, defined 40-1 Transverse, denned 40-1 See also Occupancy Chapters 47-58 Index Summary Alcove, defined 40-1 Alley: Denned 40-1 Clearance for fire escapes: — General, 14 ft. clear to any part 64-69 Theatres: — Above alley: 14 ft 53-80 Above sidewalk: 12 ft 53-80 Alteration, defined 40-1 Ambulatories, defined as promenade 55-3 American Concrete Institute, Standards: — Building Regulations for Reinforced Concrete A.C.I. 501-36T. February 25, 1936 74-1 American Society for Testing Materials, Standards: — Brick: Clay, Spec. C-62-30 68-4 73-2 Concrete, C-55-34 68-4 73-2 Sand-lime, C-73-30 68-4 73-2 Shale, C-62-30 68-4 73-2 Cast iron, A-48-36 75-3 Cast stone, SS-S721 73-12 Cement: Masonry, C-91-32T 73-15 Portland, high early strength, C-74-36 73-14 74^ Portland, regular, C-9-37 73-14 Clay tile: Floor tile, C-57-37T, C-57-36 68-5 77-1 Structural load-bearing, C-34-36 73-4 Structural non-load bearing, C-56-36 73-5 Concrete blocks, solid, C-55-34 73-2 Concrete hollow units, load-bearing, C-90-36 68-7 73-8 Concrete hollow units, non-load bearing, C-129-37T 68-7 Documents are part of ordinances 41-4 Fire tests, C-19-33 68-37 Floor tile, C-57-37T, C-57-36 68-5 77-1 Iron: Cast, A-48-36 75-3 Wrought, A-85-36 75-3 Joists, trussed steel, A-9-36 78-2 Lime, C-5-26, C-6-31 73-16 Load bearing tile, C-34-36 73^1 Masonry cement, C-91-32T 73-15 Material to conform to A.S.T.M 41-5 82-20 Except: Ordinance specifications govern 41-5 Gl American-Annual GENERAL INDEX American Society for Testing Materials, Standards: ( Ordinance specifications govern -(Com/.) I'l|h S2-22 68-5 68-5 68-5 41 3 Sand-lime brick, C-73-30 68-4 Shale brick, C-62-30 68-4 Soil tests, Vol. 25, Proceedings Steel: Cast, A-27-36T Rivet, A-141-36 Silicon, A-94-36 Structural, A-9-36 Structural clay floor tile, C-57-36, C-57-37T Structural load-bearing tile, C-34-36 Structural non-load-bearing tile, C-56-36 Tests: According to A.S.T.M Fire tests, C-19-33 Materials: Application for Methods Non-ordinance materials Soil, Vol. 25, Proceedings A.S.T.M Trussed steel joists, A-9-36 American Welding Society: — Code 1, Part A, Building Construction Welding materials, standards Amphitheatre: see Teaching amphitheatre Amusement license: Capacity certified Amusement Park: — Devices 54-14 54-21 Open air assembly unit See Chapter 54, Index Summary See Chapter 79, Index Summary Anchors, masonry: Faced walls: — 1 anchor required, units 0.5 sq. ft. to 3 sq. ft 2 anchors required, units over 3 sq. ft. to 12 sq. ft 1 anchor every 4 sq. ft. required, units over 12 sq. ft 2 anchors required, units over 2 ft. long 2 anchors required in open back terra cotta in addition to brick bond . . . Size, ys i n - m i n Anchors: Veneered frame buildings: — 2 required every sq. ft. of wall Fastened to studs Size, 2/10 sq. in. min Anchors: Wood joists, beams, and girders: — 7 ft. spacing, min Fastened below center on side at end Fastened on top of parallel joists Fastened to include 5£ in. of parallel joists Size: Area, min. 0.4 sq. in Thickness, min. ^ in Splice plates, abutting members Annexes: — Public assembly Unit 55-13 School 57-14 See Roof Annex Construction Annual Inspections: — Amusement parks and devices: — buildings in or connected with Devices, except riding type Fees for buildings $5.00 Billboards and Signboards: — Fees: 50 sq. ft. or less, $0.50 50 sq. ft. to 375 sq. ft. SI. 00 Additional 375 sq. ft. or fraction $1.00 Exemptions General 46-18 Notices of violations 46-19 Penalties 41-5 to 82-32 73-2 73-2 71-5 75-3 75-3 75-3 75-3 77-1 73-4 73-4 41-3 68-37 41-2 41-3 41-5 71-5 78-2 75-2 75-3 44-3 79-183 54-3 73-45 73-45 73-45 73-45 73-45 73-45 67-64 67-64 67-64 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-50 61-51 61-51 46-9 46-9 46-9 46-23 46-23 46-23 46-23 to 46-20 46-21 46-24 Gl GENERAL INDEX Annual Inspections Annual Inspections: — (Cont.) Business unit and dwelling in building 2 stories or less, exempt 46-2 Boilers, Single and multiple dwellings 46-6 Canopies : General 46-30 Fees, $5.00, up to 200 sq. ft 46-31 $1.00 add. for each 50 sq. ft 46-31 Certificate of compliance 46-3 Churches 46-2 Curtain 46-8 Display certificate 46-3 Display plan 46-4 Elevators: — Certificate of compliance 46-3 46-12 Certificate to be posted 46-3 46-12 Every six months:— Dumbwaiters 46-11 Escalators 46-11 General 46-11 Orchestra 46-11 Power 46-1 1 Stage 46-1 1 All others 46-11 Fees: General, $5.00 46-8 Asbestos curtain, S5.00 46-8 Steel curtain, $15.00 46-8 Illegal to operate after stop order 46-14 Power to stop operation 46-14 Repairs made before certificate issued , 46-13 Entry authority 46-2 Fees for Buildings: — $5.00, first 25,000 sq. f t 46-6 $3.00, each additional 25,000 sq. ft. or less 46-6 Exemptions: Charitable institutions 46-7 Educational institutions 46-7 Religious institutions 46-7 Flammable liquids 46-37 to 46-39 Gas holders over 2,500 cubic ft: — Fee, $10.00 46-43 Inspection 46-42 Grandstands: — Annual Inspection 46-16 Capacity 5,000 or less $10.00 fee 46-17 Capacity over 5,000, $25.00 fee 46-17 Illuminated Roof Signs: — General 46-25 Fees: First 500 sq. ft 46-28 Each additional sq. ft. .05 46-28 Marquees, same as Canopies Mechanical amusement devices outside parks 43-30 46-10 Notice to comply within 30 days 46-5 Open air assembly unit 46-2 Plan of buildings 46-4 Public assembly unit 46-2 Refrigerating systems; Single and multiple dwellings 46-32 Required: — All buildings over 1 story high 46-2 Except: — Business-&-dwelling units 2 stories or less 46-2 Multiple dwellings, 3 stories or less 46-2 Single dwellings 46-2 Asbestos curtain, $5.00 fee 46-8 Churches 46-2 Open air assembly unit 46-2 Public assembly unit 46-2 Schools 46-2 Gl Annual Inspections-Areaways GENERAL INDEX Annual Inspections:— (Cont.) Required:— (Cont.) Theatres 46-2 And others as itemized 46-2 Revolving doors: — General 46-34 Certificate 46-35 Fee, S3.00 46-36 Riding devices outside parks: — Required 46-10 Fees 43-30 Steel curtain, $5.00 fee 46-8 Tanks, Roof: Over 250 gallons 46-44 Fees, S5.00 generally 46-45 Exemption 46-45 Thirty day notice to comply 46-5 Apartment defined 40-1 See Chapter 48, Index Summary Apartment hotel 40-4 Apartment House: — Defined 40-1 Multiple Dwelling 40-4 Appeal, within 5 days before suit 13-15 Aquarium: — Exhibition 55-3 Museum 55-3 Public assembly unit 55-2 Arbitration : — Appeal 13-15 Appointments by Commissioner 13-16 Cost 13-16 General 13-14 Oaths to be taken 13-17 Standards, Registrations, Penalties 41-1 to 41-3 Arcades defined as Promenades 55-3 Archery Structures: — General 40-19 Wood Construction: — Inside Fire Limits 67-59 Outside Fire Limits 67-60 Arches, floor and roof, clay tile 77-1 Arches, Masonry Wall: — Depth, min. l/12th of clear span 73-54 Laid on radius of arch curve 73-54 Rise, min. l/12th of clear span 73-54 Solid masonry required 73-54 Wood lintels allowed behind 73-53 Architect: — Certificate: — Mechanical amusement device 43-15 Timber, grade of 72-1 72-6 Trussed steel joists 78-8 Welding: General 75-19 Trussed steel joists 78-8 Certification of drawings, design 45-5 Pile cut-off determination 71-24 Seal on plans 45-2 Soil tests: General 71-8 Working load determination 71-8 Wood grade certification 72-6 Working drawings 45-5 Architectural Act, State of Illinois 45-2 Area: Defined 40-1 Floor areas defined 40-1 62-4 See also Fire Division Areas Areaways: Exits from Basements: — Clear width same as stairs 64-13 Gl GENERAL INDEX Areaways-Bathroom Areaways: Exits from Basements: — (Cont.) 4 ft. min. width Single dwellings Armories : — Capacity: — Drilling or playing space, factor 10 Other assembly space, factor 6 Defined Public assembly unit Art Galleries: Defined as public assembly unit Ash chutes : Conform as chimneys Assembly Room: — ■ Definitions : — General Institutional building: Over 600 sq. ft. room area School: Defined, over 1,500 capacity Asylum : — ■ Insane, general Orphan, general Athletic Clubs:— Defined as public assembly unit 55-3 Includes: — Billard Rooms Game Rooms Bowling Alleys Gymnasiums Exercise Rooms Pool Rooms Field Houses Turnvereins Athletic field: Defined as open air assembly unit Auditorium : Defined, general Theatre Automobile Sales Room: — General 52-1 Separations 52-1 52-19 Automobile speedway is open air assembly unit Aviation Fields are open air assembly units Bakeries : — Business unit Mechanical ventilation not permitted Windows and skylights Balcony : Theatre Ballroom, defined as Dance Hall Band room Bandstand defined Bank of Seats: Theatres Banks: Defined as business unit Banquet Rooms: Defined Eating place Baseball Parks Basement Areaway Exits: — Clear width same as stairs 4 ft. min. width Single dwellings Basement Ceilings: — Business units: 1 hr. construction required Ordinary construction buildings over 2 stories high :— Metal lath and plaster required Basement Defined: — Garage: Floor level over 1 ft. below grade General : Story below first story Story below ground story Schools: Ceiling height 8 ft. or less above grade Floor level over 2 ft. below grade See Occupancy Chapters 47-58 Bath Houses: Defined, general Defined as swimming bath Bathroom: Defined 64-13 47-15 62-3 62-3 55-3 55-2 55-2 61-21 40-1 49-2 57-7 40-5 40-5 55-2 54-3 40-16 53-1 59-14 52-20 54-3 54-3 50-25 65-2 50-46 53-1 55-3 62-3 54-3 53-1 40-8 55-2 55-3 54-3 64-13 64-13 47-15 50-13 67-53 52-1 40-1 40-1 57-1 57-1 55-2 55-3 40-1 Gl 8 Beach-Bridging GENERAL INDEX Beach inclosures 54-3 Hearing on wood studs prohibited 67-51 Except: Allowed in single dwellings 67-51 Bedrock: — Design of buildings on bedrock 70-22 Formula, foundation column loads 71-50 Foundation column pressures 71-50 General 70-22 Pressure allowed, 100 tons per sq. ft 71-5 Stresses reduced: Buildings on bedrock 70-22 Billboards, See Chapter 58, Index Summary Billiard Rooms: — Defined as athletic club 55-3 Factor of capacity 25 62-3 Bleachers: — Defined as open air assembly unit 54-3 Garage distance 54-8 Block: Defined: Provisional Fire Limits 47-4 See also Square, General Index See also Block, under Frontage Consents Board of Health, See Chapters 9 and 39 Board of Trade: — Defined as business unit 40-8 Defined as public assembly unit 55-2 55-3 Boiler Inspection Dept.: See Dept. for Inspection of Steam Boilers Boilers: See Heating Plants Bond, masonry walls 73-43 to 73-45 Bonds: — Billboards, signs, and signboards, $25,000.00 46-22 Illuminated roof signs, $15,000.00 46-26 Indemnity, Dept. of Public Works 43-5 Wrecking, $20,000 to $40,000 43-20 Bowling Alleys 55-3 111-5 Bowls: Defined as open air assembly unit 54-3 Boxes: — Open air assembly unit 54-65 Theatres 53-56 53-131 Breakfast Room: — Multiple dwelling 48-41 48-43 Single dwelling 47-9 Breeching, smoke: See Heating Plants Brick:— Glass: 31 in. min 73-13 25 ft. max. panel length 73-13 150 sq. ft. max. area 73-13 Non-load bearing 73-13 Substitute for glazed sash & window frames 73-13 Hollow: Not over 25% cored 73-3 Conform otherwise to common brick 73-3 Considered solid, max. 25% cored 73-3 Perforated: Not over 25% cored 73-3 Conform otherwise to solid brick 73-3 Considered solid, max. 25% cored 73-3 Sand lime 73-2 Solid: 1,800 lb. per sq. in 73-2 Clay Sand lime 73-2 Concrete Shale 73-2 Defined 73-3 Bridges: See under Stairs, Substitutes for Bridging: — Trussed steel joists 78-9 to 78-12 Wood joists: — Required when depth is over 3 times width 72-11 8 ft. min. between rows 72-1 1 6 ft. min. between rows, — over 7£ 72-1 1 Gl GENERAL INDEX Broadcasting-Capacity Broadcasting studios defined 55-2 Buck frames in partitions 61-72 Building: — Dangerous: — Authority of Commissioner 13-22 Declared a nuisance 39-7 Notices to abate violations 13-22 Notices to make safe 13-22 Notices when owner not found 13-22 Placards 13-22 Power to tear down 13-23 Urgent action required 13-23 Existing, See Existing Buildings Eoundations over 25 ft. below datum 45-7 Harbor structures, within 40 ft. of harbor 45-8 Height, see Height of Buildings Inspector in Charge 13-4 Inspectors in Charge, Assistant 13-5 Inspectors 13-6 Moving to another location: — 50% damage clause 43-17 Conform to this code 60-5 Lot occupancy: dwellings 43-17 Operations: 10 P.M. to 6 a.m 61-12 Provisions of the Code: Chap. 39 to 85 39-1 39-2 Railroad right-of-way under buildings 61-77 Subway under 61-77 Unsafe : Declared a nuisance 39-7 General 13-22 Unsanitary: Declared a nuisance 39-7 Violations: — General 13-24 Authority of Commissioner to tear down 13-24 Commissioner of Public Works to remove 13-24 Declared nuisances 39-7 Stop construction 13-25 Stop wrecking 13-25 Wind loads 70-11 to 70-16 See also Live Loads Wood frame 50-10 62-7 67-59 67-60 Bus Station: — Capacity 55-4 62-2 62-3 Concourses 55-3 Defined as public assembly unit 55-2 Smoking room in station .• 55-3 Waiting room in station 55-3 Cabaret: Defined as Dance Hall 55-3 Cafe : Capacity factor is 12 62-3 Defined as public assembly unit 55-2 Eating place 55-3 Cafeteria: Capacity factor is 12 62-3 Defined as public assembly unit 55-2 Eating place 55-3 Caissons: See Eoundations Calcium Carbide: See Chemicals Storage, Hazardous in Chap. 51, Index Summary Canopy : — Annual inspection 46-30 Dept. of Public Works 43-13 45-6 Fees: New 43-30 Annual inspection 43-31 Inclosure, obstructing: prohitibed 43-13 Permit required 43 13 Capacity: — Computations: Fixed seats, no arms: — Same as number of 18 in. sittings 62-2 Gl 10 Capacity-Ceiling Height GENERAL INDEX Capacity: — (Cont.) Computations: Fixed seats with arms: — Same as number of fixed seats 62-2 Computations, no fixed seats, divisor factors 62-3 Factors determining capacities: Table 62-3 Floor area, net, defined 62-4 40-1 Institutional buildings: Dependent on sleeping rooms 49-2 See also Chap. 48 to 58, Index Summaries Carbarns: See Chapter 58, Index Summary Cards: Dangerous building 13-22 Moor load 13-8 61-13 to 61-16 Carpenter Shop: — Business Unit 50-50 Institution 49-37 Casinos: Defined as Dance Halls 55-3 ( last iron prohibited: Certain buildings 75-6 Cast steel prohibited: Certain buildings 75-6 Catch basins: — Carages 82-92 82-110 General 82-108 82-109 Ceiling Construction: — Basements: — Business units: 1 hr. construction 50-13 Ordinary construction buildings over 2 stories 67-52 Business unit basements: 1 hr. construction 50-13 Fire resistive construction : — Business unit basements: 1 hr. construction 50-13 General: Hour rating 68-19 to 68-24 Heavy Timber constriction 67-41 Ordinary construction in dwellings: — Lath and plaster required 67-53 Wood frame construction in dwellings: — Lath and plaster required 67-66 Ceiling: Defined 40-1 Ceiling Height: — Business unit: — General, 8 ft. min 50-24 Mezzanine, 1,000 sq. ft. or less, exempt 50-24 Mezzanine over 1,000 sq. ft., 8 ft. min 50-24 Projections permitted below, up to 12 in 50-24 62-5 Storage rooms exempt 50-24 Church: — Assembly room: 12 ft. min 56-9 Balcony: Need not exceed 8 ft. over or under 56-9 8 ft. min. over or under 56-9 General: 10 ft. min 56-9 Measurement: — Level floor to low point of ceiling 56-8 Sloping floor, high point, to low point of ceiling 56-8 Projection, 12 in: Permitted below ceiling 56-8 Storage room : 7 ft. min 56-9 Toilet room : 8 ft. min 56-9 Court rooms: 11 ft. min 58-22 Institutional buildings: Sleeping rooms, 9 ft. 6 in. min 49-11 Multiple Dwellings: — 8 ft. for 75% of floor area 48-39 Nurses' home in institution, 9 ft. 6 in 49-11 Open air assembly unit : 8 ft. min 54-22 Police stations : 10 ft. min 58-24 Except: Cell block 58-24 Prisons, etc 58-22 58-24 Projection: 12 in., permitted below ceiling 62-5 7 ft. min. from floor 62-5 Max. 25% of floor area 62-5 Public Assembly Unit: — Assembly room: 12 ft. min 55-15 Gl GENERAL INDEX Ceiling Height-Chapels 11 Ceiling Height:— (Cont.) Public Assembly Unit: — (Cont.) Balcony: Need not exceed 8 ft. over or under 8 ft. min. over or under Closets. 7 ft. min Equipment room : 7 ft. min Gymnasium: 12 ft. min Measurement denned Room with seats: 12 ft. min Service rooms: 7 ft. min Storage rooms: 7 ft. min Toilet rooms: 8 ft. min All other: min. 10 ft Schools : — Assembly rooms : 12 ft. min Balcony: Need not exceed 8 ft., over or under Cafeterias: No mechanical ventilation, 12 ft. min With mechanical ventilation, 10 ft. 6 in. min Lunches from outside, exempt Class rooms: Area 200 sq. ft. or less: 10 ft. min Over 200 sq. ft. : 12 ft. min Gymnasiums: 12 ft. min Measurement : Floor line to lowest ceiling line Playrooms: 10 ft. min Projections: 12 in. permitted below ceiling Recreation rooms: 10 ft. min Rooms serving food: — No mechanical ventilation: 12 ft. min With mechanical ventilation: 10 ft. 6 in. min Lunches from outside, exempt Study rooms: 200 sq. ft. or less: 10 ft. min Over 200 sq. f t. : 12 ft. min Toilet rooms: 9 ft. min Theatre Auditoriums: 12 ft. min Except: 10 ft. min., over or under balcony 10 ft. min., over or under mezzanine 8 ft. min. under projections Theatre exit court: 8 ft. in clear Theatre projection room: 8 ft. min Transformer vaults: 8 ft. min Vaults, standard fireproof: 11 ft. min Cellar : Defined Cement: — Portland Masonry Mortar Certificates: — See: Annual Inspection Elevators Structural Engineer Architect Plans Occupancy Chap. 47 to 58 Certificates of Occupancy: — Capacity for license: — Business unit Church Hospital Open air assembly unit Public assembly unit School Theatre Multiple dwellings: — Advance occupancy General Inspection Violations Change of class: see Converted, definition Chapels, undertakers' 55-15 55-15 55-15 55-15 55-15 55-15 55-15 55-15 55-15 55-15 55-15 57-16 57-16 57-25 57-25 57-25 57-23 57-23 57-16 57-22 57-26 57-22 57-26 57-25 57-25 57-25 57-23 57-23 57-27 53-25 53-25 53-25 53-25 53-87 53-33 61-82 51-21 40-1 73-14 73-15 73-20 44 1 44-2 44-2 44-2 44-2 44-2 44-2 44-5 44-4 44-6 44-7 40-1 55-2 Gl 12 Chases-Chimneys GENERAL INDEX Chases in Walls: — 8 in. masonry required on 3 sides Over 24 in. wide, considered openings Chemicals, See Chap. 51, Index Summary Childrens' home: Medical and surgical Chimneys: — Air space: Concrete chimneys: 2 in 76-25 Exterior masonry chimneys: Same as for interior masonry chimneys. Air space: Interior masonry chimneys: — ■ Circular, over 30 in. least dimension. 2 in. space 76-25 Octagonal, over 30 in. least dimension: 2 in. space. . . . 76-25 Non-circular, over 24 in. least dimension: 2 in. space. . 76-25 Non-octagonal, over 24 in. least dimension. 2 in. space 76-25 Air space: Interior metal chimneys: — 4 in. continuous through roof Steel in space must be fireproofed Surrounded by brick, tile, or reinforced concrete Air space: Isolated masonry chimneys: — 2 in. min. to chimney wall Ash chutes Combustible framing: 2 in. from outside wall 7 in. min. from inside of flue Combustible supports prohibited Concrete solid units: Allowed in hollow exterior walls 3 stories or less. . Design : Combined wind and dead load Foundations: On ground, or on 4 hr. construction Wind loads Exterior: At least 1 side coincident with exterior wall Laterally supported by building Same requirements as interior chimney Foundations: On ground or on 4 hr. construction Guys Height above roof: Near no other roof structures: — Non-fireproof buildings: — 3 ft. above any portion within 5 ft 2 ft. above gable ridge or adjoining gable roof Height above roof: Near other roof structures: — 5 ft. above other combustible structures 4 in. reduction under 5 ft., for each foot away 5 ft. min. above roof Incinerator flues 58-52 Interior masonry chimneys: — Construction: Same as isolated chimneys 76-10 Except: Walls: 8 in. min Walls: 12 in. min. when part of bearing walls 4 in. reduction from above allowed in lined "small" chimneys. . . Defined: Laterally supported by building Wholly within walls of building Large chimneys denned: — Circular: Over 30 in. least dimension Octagonal: Over 30 in. least dimension Non-circular: Over 24 in. least dimension Non-octagonal: Over 24 in. least dimension Lining 76-25 Small chimneys defined: — Circular: Least dimension, max. 30 in Octagonal: Least dimension, max. 30 in Xon-circular: Least dimension, max. 24 in Non-octagonal: Least dimension, max. 24 in Interior metal chimneys: — Air space: 4 in. continuous through roof Steel in space to be fireproofed Surrounded by brick, tile, or reinforced concrete Braced: By tloor and roof construction every 10 diam Except: Max. unbraced distance 40 ft Lining required for entire height Stresses as per Chapter 75, Steel Construction 73-52 73-52 40-5 76-24 76-9 76-24 76-24 76-24 76-24 76-16 76-16 76-16 76-24 61-21 61-90 61-90 76-4 76-10 76-5 76-6 76-5 76-2 76-2 76-9 76-6 76-3 76-7a 76-7a 76-7b 76-7b 76-7b 61-21 76-8 76-10 76-10 76-10 76-1 76-1 76-25 76-25 76-25 76-25 76-26 76-26 76-26 76-26 76-26 76-16 76-16 76-16 76-15 76-15 76-28 76-14 Gl GENERAL INDEX Chimneys 13 Chimneys : — (Cont) Interior Metal Chimneys: — (Cont.) Thickness: | in. min 76-13 Isolated masonry chimneys: — Air space: 2 in. min. to chimney wall 76-24 Bond : same as bearing walls 76-8 Compressive stress: 200 lb. per sq. in. on cross-section of wall 76-8 Compressive stress of unit: Max. l/10th of ultimate strength 76-8 Defined as chimney other than an interior or exterior chimney 76-3 Defined as that part above supporting walls 76-3 Hollow units subject to approval 76-8 Lining: 3| in. min. thickness 76-24 Air space, 2 in. min 76-24 Extend 2 ft. below smoke inlet 76-24 Extend 30 ft. above top of smoke inlet 76-24 Independent 76-24 Not part of wall thickness 76-24 Mortar, No. 1 or No. 2 required 76-8 73-20 Solid units permitted 76-8 Thickness of wall determined by unit stress 76-8 Weight of masonry in place 76-8 Wind pressure unit stress 76-8 Isolated metal chimneys: — Stresses: As allowed by Chapter 75, Steel Construction 76-12 Thickness: Up to 14 in. diam., 5/64 in., min 76-12 From 14 in. to 24 in. diam., 3/16 in. min 76-12 Over 24 in. diam., j in. min 76-12 See Exposed Metal Structure, Chapter 58 Index Summary Large interior masonry chimneys defined: — Circular: Least dimension over 30 in 76-25 Octagonal: Least dimension over 30 in 76-25 Non-circular: Least dimension over 24 in 76-25 Non-octagonal: Least dimension over 24 in 76-25 Lining: Concrete chimneys 76-27 76-24 Exterior chimneys 76-9 76-24 to 76-26 Lining: Interior large masonry chimneys:— 3f in. min. thickness 76-25 76-24 Air space, 2 in. min 76-24 Dimensions measured as clear space inside lining 76-25 Extend 2 ft. below bottom of smoke inlet 76-24 Extend 30 ft. above top of smoke inlet 76-24 Independent lining 76-24 Not part of wall thickness 76-24 Lining: Interior small masonry chimneys: — I in. min. burnt fire clay 76-26 Extend 2 ft. below bottom of smoke inlet 76-26 Extend to top of chimney 76-26 Laid up as chimney is constructed 76-26 "Dropping" not permitted 76-26 Lining: Isolated masonry chimneys: — 3| in. min. thickness 76-24 Extend 2 ft. below smoke inlet 76-24 Extend 30 ft. above top of smoke inlet 76-24 Independent lining 76-24 Not part of wall thickness 76-24 Lining: Materials: — General 76-17 to 76-28 Calcined diatomaceous brick 76-19 Fire clay bricks, blocks, etc 76-18 Fused asbestos, temperature under 700° F 76-21 Magnesia, 85%, temperature under 700° F 76-21 Paving brick, temperature under 700° F 76-23 Shale brick, temperature under 700° F 76-22 Uncalcined diatomaceous earth 7<> 1° Materials: Combustible prohibited 76-4 Lining materials allowed 76-17 to 76-28 Gl 14 Chimneys-Clay Tile GENERAL INDEX Chimneys : — (Cont.) Metal: See Interior metal chimneys: Isolated metal chimney; Mortar No. 1 or No. 2 with hollow units Multiple dwellings: Chimneys in courts or yards Refuse chutes Reinforced concrete: Same as in Chapter 74 Lining: Same as in Section 76-24 Thickness: Min. 4 in Small interior masonry chimneys defined: — Circular: Least dimension not over 30 in Octagonal: Least dimension not over 30 in Non-circular: Least dimension not over 24 in Non-octagonal: Least dimension not over 24 in Smoke pipes, see Smoke Pipes, General Index Supports: Combustible prohibited Prohibited on chimney Thimbles in partitions for 6 in. pipe Walls: Isolated masonry chimneys: — Determined by allowable stresses Walls: Other than isolated masonry chimneys: — 8 in. min. : General 12 in. min: When part of bearing wall 4 in. reduction from above: lined "small" chimneys Waste material chutes Wind loads: — Area acted on: Round chimneys: — f of projected area Area acted on: Octagonal chimneys: — f of projected area 20 lb. per sq. ft. up to 175 ft. above ground 30 lb. per sq. ft. over 175 ft. above ground Wood construction: — 2 in. min. from outside wall 7 in. min. from inside of flue Supports: Combustible supports prohibited Supports prohibited on chimney Chutes:— Ash Incinerator Refuse Waste material Chutes, Water: — Annual inspection Exits, emergency Permit required Plans required Protective devices See Amusement Park Devices 54-14 See Mechanical Amusement Devices, Chapter 79 Circus: — Building: Defined Capacity factor: — Exhibition space: factor 10 All other assembly space, factor 6 Tents: Defined as open air assembly unit Ventilation : Arena Spectators space City Engineer: — Plans: Building foundations over 25 ft. down Class room: Defined See Chapter 57, Index Summary Clay Tile Floor Arches Clay Tile: Structural, Load bearing: — Permitted in walls Sizes : Special Standard 58-55 43-15 43-15 54-21 54-21 55-2 76-8 48-13 61-21 76-11 76-27 76-11 76-26 76-26 76-26 76-26 76-4 61-90 61-91 76-8 76-10 76-10 76-10 61-21 76-5 76-5 76-5 76-5 61-90 61-90 76-4 61-90 61-21 58-58 61-21 61-21 46-10 54-39 43-23 43-23 79-183 79-183 55-3 62-3 62-3 54-3 81-7 81-7 45-7 40-1 73-4 73-4 73^ Gl GENERAL INDEX Clay Tile-Commissioner 15 Clay Tile: Structural, Non-load bearing Clearances, Heat Applicances: Walls and Ceilings: — General Furnaces: — General Ducts 80-26 Masonry casings Warm air pipes and ducts, 1 inch Warm air stacks Registers Pipes: Over 250° F.: 1 inch to combustible materials Cloisters: Defined Capacity factor 20 Close, power to Closet: Defined Club House: — Part of open air assembly unit With sleeping quarters Cold weather requirements: — Concrete Masonry Colonnades Columns, See under Concrete, Steel Const., Wood Const., etc. Combustibles: See Storage restrictions Commissioner of Buildings: — Appointment Appointment of subordinates 13-1 13-2 Arbitration Authority: — Dangerous buildings 13-22 Decision final, urgent cases Notices 13-22 13-20 Tear down buildings Tear down violations Unsafe buildings 13-22 Urgent cases Bill owners for expenses 13-24 46-20 Building ordinances violated Certificates: See Architect: Structural Engineer Chimney, isolated: Approval of masonry units Close buildings Commissioner of Public Works Construction, power to stop Discretionary power Duties: — Certificates General Inspection of buildings Notices 13-22 13-26 46-20 Permits, daily reports Plan approvals Plan examinations 13-8 Power to make rules Power to pass on ordinances Records Employees 13-1 13-3 Entry, power of Inspection of buildings Liability, personal License, revocation Ordinances, power to pass on Personal liability Plans: Approval Examination 13-8 Police Commissioner to assist Power of entry 73-5 80-4 80-17 80-16 80-17 80-17 80-18 80-26 55-3 62-3 39-6 40-1 54-8 40-4 74-8 73-56 55-3 13-2 25-4 13-14 13-23 13-23 46-19 13-23 13-24 13-23 13-23 46-21 13-24 76-8 39-6 13-24 13-25 13-14 13-26 13-11 13-19 46-21 13-28 13-20 13-20 13-18 13-13 13-27 to 13-9 39-3 13-19 13-12 39-5 13-13 13-12 13-20 13-20 13-29 13-21 Gl 16 Commissioner-Convent GENERAL INDEX Commissioner of Buildings: — (Cont.) Public Works Commissioner to assist 13-23 13-24 Rules, power to make 13-18 39-4 Stop construction 13-25 Stop wrecking 13-25 Wrecking, power to stop 13-25 Commissioner of Police to assist 13-29 Commissioner of Public Works: — Balcony over public property 45-6 Bond, indemnity 43-5 Buildings encroaching on public property 45-6 71-2 Canopy over public property 45-6 Driveways 43-8 45-14 Foundation encroachment 45-6 71-2 Harbor structures 45-8 Structures within 40 ft. of harbors 45-8 Tear down buddings 13-23 13-24 To assist 13-23 13-24 Committee on Standards and Tests 41-1 Community House 55-2 Concert Hall 55-2 Concession Booths 54-3 Concrete Aggregates : — Gravel 74-6 Sand 74-5 Slag 74-6 Stone 74-6 Concrete joists: Pre-cast, reinforced 77-9 77-10 Concrete Masonry Units: — Cinder aggregate: Max. 20% combustible 73-6 Max. 1.25% sulphur 73-6 General 73-6 to 73-9 Hollow : Allowed in bearing or exterior walls 73-8 Solid: 1,800 lbs. per sq. in. of gross area 73-7 Considered solid, max. 25% of core area 73-7 25% core area considered solid 73-7 Concrete, Plain:— Aggregates: Gravel, washed 74-6 Sand, 45% return, 400 mesh 74-5 Slag, no dust 74-6 Stone, clean, drenched 74-6 Bending stress: 2/100 of ultimate strength 73-24 Cold weather requirements 73-18 73-56 74-8 Compression: 2/10 of ultimate strength 73-23 Freezing weather requirements 73-18 73-56 74-8 Piers: Length divided by least width, max. 12 73-51 Tension: 2/100 of ultimate strength 73-24 Concrete, reinforced: See Reinforced Concrete Conflict between sections 39-2 Contractors: — Cancelled registration for violations 42-5 Fees, furnace contractors 42-4 Penalties for non-registration 39-8 Permits to registered contractors only 42-1 Registration in Department of Buildings: — Cancelled for violations 42-5 Excavating contractors exempted 42-2 Furnace contractors 42-4 General 42-1 Mason contractors exempted 42-1 Reinstatement 42-6 Required 42-1 Waiver of fees, otherwise licensed 42-7 Reinstatement of registration 42-6 Convent : Denned 40-1 Multiple dwelling 40-4 Gl GENERAL INDEX Convention Hall-Cut 17 Convention Hall 55-2 Converted: Denned as change of use 40-1 Cooking room, capacity factor 30 62-3 Cooling: General. See also Refrigeration 61-86 Coping to be impervious to water 73-35 Corbels: Max. 4 in. from face of wall 73-49 Max. 1 in. for 1 course 73-49 Bond: Alternate headers and stretchers 73-49 Three courses required 73-49 Upper course to be header course 73-49 Corner lot, defined 40-1 Cornices: — Combustible prohibited on buildings over 50 ft. high 61-92 Non-combustible required: — All buildings over 50 ft. high 61-92 Projection over street or alley 67-56 Where F. P. construction is required 67-17 Where Semi-fireproof construction is required 67-34 Where Heavy Timber construction is required 67-45 Shall not project over property lot lines 61-94 Wall to be full height behind cornice 61-93 Corridor Type Multiple Dwelling: — Definition 48-2 Wood frame construction prohibited (See Chapter 48, Index Summary). 48-38 Corrosion Protection: — Exposed metal structures 58-87 to 58-90 Floor and roof systems 61-102 Mortar, § in. on inclosed steel (not concreted) 61-101 Steel aoors 61-102 Steel joists 61-102 Structural frame 61-101 Tanks 58-87 to 58-90 Council chambers 55-2 Courts: — Business units 50-2 to 50-4 Defined 40-1 Exit courts: — Above grade, same as roof exits 64-12 Lead directly to open space at grade 64-4 Or by Fireproof passage 64-4 Or to street 64-4 Or to alley 64-4 Manholes, doors, pipes, etc. to be flush 64-12 Must be paved 64-12 Obstruction prohibited 64-12 Ramps, slope not over 1 in 6 64-12 Theatres 53-48 53-84 Exit required from all courts 64-12 Hazardous use units 51-6 51-7 51-69 Inner: Defined 40-1 48-2 Fire escapes in inner courts 64-14 Lot line, closed: Defined 40-1 48-2 Lot line, open : Defined 40-1 48-2 Non-rectangular: Defined 48-2 Public assembly unit 55-6 50-2 Rectangular: Defined 48-2 Through court: Defined 40 1 48-2 48-17 Court Rooms 55-2 58-22 Cupolas: Same as Spires (which see) Curb Grade: Defined as ordinance elevation 40-1 Curling 55-3 Curtain: Fire, see Proscenium Curtain Proscenium, see Proscenium Curtain See also Proscenium Fire Curtain in Chapter 53, Index Summary Cut: Horizontal distance between successive rises 40-1 64 25 See Stairs, Rise and Cut Gl 18 Dance Hall- Department GENERAL INDEX Dance Hall:— Capacity factor is 10 62-3 Denned : Ballrooms 55-3 Cabarets 55-3 Casinos 55-3 General 55-2 Roof gardens 55-3 Other places with dancing 55-3 Dangerous buildings or structures 13-22 Dangerous placards 13-22 Dead Loads: — Combined with live and wind loads 70-19 General 70-10 Overturning moment 70-16 Special loads 70-2 Decision, Commissioner's: To be final 13-23 Definitions: — Business units 40-6 to 40-1 1 Chimneys 76-1 to 76-3 Church 40-17 Elevators 79-2 Fire doors 69-1 Fireproofing 67-3 Fire shield stairway 64-40 Garages 40-13 Hazardous use units 40-12 Heating 84-2 Institutional buildings 40-5 Means of exit 64-1 to 64-6 Mechanical refrigeration 85-2 Multiple dwellings 40-4 Multiple dwellings, terms 48-2 Open air assembly unit 40-15 Open air assembly units, types 54-3 Other buildings and structures 40-19 Plumbing 82-2 Public assembly unit 40-16 Public assembly units, terms 55-3 Public assembly units, types 55-2 Refrigeration, mechanical 85-2 Schools 40-18 57-2 Schools, terms 57-1 Single dwellings 40-3 Soils 71-5 Stairs, terms 64-25 Theatres 40-14 Theatres, terms 53-1 Ventilation, terms 81-1 to 81-4 Department for Inspection of Steam Boilers: — Boilers marked on plans 43-14 Except: Multiple dwellings, 3 apartments or less 84-1 to 85-1 Single dwellings 43-14 84-1 to 85-1 Inspection fees 43-35 Department of Buildings 13-1 Department of Police: see Commissioner of Police Department of Public Works: — See Commissioner of Public Works Department of Smoke Inspection: — Building plans to be approved 43-14 Except: Single dwellings 43-14 Except Multiple dwellings 3 apartments or less 84-1 to 85-1 Fees 43-35 Fees remitted: — Charitable institutions 43-35 Educational institutions 43-35 Religious institutions 43-35 Gl GENERAL INDEX Department Store-Doors 19 Department store: see General Store, Chapter 50, Index Summary Deputy Commissioner of Buildings Derricks on sidewalks prohibited for buildings over 4 stories high 61-10 Dining Kitchen: — Multiple dwellings Single dwellings See also Kitchen alcove 48-41 Dining room 55-2 Directional signs 66-10 See also Signs, General Index Documents, standards, materials & workmanship See also under American Society of Test. Materials Domes: Same provisions as Spires (which see) Doors: — Clear width :— Defined, net unobstructed width when open Obstructions not permitted, except 4 in. panic bolts Communicating with other occupancies 63-7 Concealing draperies, etc., prohibited Double swinging doors permitted Emergency exit: 45 min. type required to exterior stairs Theatres, may swing 18 in. over line Fire: See Fire Doors, General Index Fire escape: 45 min. type required 64-70 Fire escape: Under or within 10 ft. of fire escape 45 min., Metal and Metal Frames Required: — When located as itemized below, in: — All buildings: Except single dwellings, any height, Except mutliple dwellings, 3 stories or less Locations: — Courts under 24 ft. wide, facing other fire area openings Fire areas: Within 9 ft. and 150° of other opening Within 4 ft. 6 in. and over 150° from other opening In fire shield stairs 64-49 In stair inclosures 61-24 Except: 2\ in. wood door, dwellings 4 stories or less Over combustible roof, within 40 ft. vertically Within 24 ft. of and facing opposite side of alley Within 12 ft. of and facing dividing lot line Within 24 ft. of opposite openings in fire wall court Within 40 ft. vertically of combustible roof In stair inclosures: 45 min. doors required 61-24 Except: 2\ in. wood doors, dwellings 4 stories or less Locks to open from inside without key Exceptions: Correctional institution Penal institution Single dwellings Metal and Metal Frames See Doors: 45 min., Metal and Metal Frames Mirrors in doors prohibited Must be readily visible Outside Exit:— Emergency, theatre, may swing 18 in. over line Lead direct to 10 ft. open space at grade, which: — Leads direct to street or alley at least 10 ft. wide Obstructing egress prohibited Projection over property line prohibited Except: Emergency doors, theatres, may project 18 in Recesses permitted for doors Sliding: Prohibited as exits Swing 180° in outside passages Swing to close with traffic Swing Out: — Except: In 1 story business units, not over 5,000 sq. ft In garages, Class II 13-3 61-12 48-43 47-9 48-44 55-3 to 66-14 41-4 64-21 64-21 61-7 64-16 64-20 69-16 53-109 69-16 64-70 61-40 61-40 61-40 64-50 64-28 64-28 61-40 61-40 61-40 61-40 61-40 64-28 64-28 64-22 64-22 64-22 64-22 64-16 64-16 53-109 64-5 64-18 64-18 53-109 64-18 69-26 64-18 64-18 64-18 64-18 Gl JO Doors-Encroachment GENERAL INDEX Doors:— (Coat.) ( hit side Exit: — (Coat.) Swing ( Hit: — (Cont.) Except in multiple dwellings 64-18 Except in single dwellings 64-18 Revolving: — Annual inspection 46-34 Clear width only counted as exit 64-19 Collapsed-clear-width : 20 in. min 64-19 General provisions 64-19 Glass panels, shatter-proof or wire glass 64-19 Institutional buildings: Allowed as extra doors 49-27 Multiple dwellings 48-58 Permitted generally 64-19 Prohibited in: — Public assemblv spaces 64-19 Schools, Class 1 57-54 64-19 Theatres 64-19 Schools, Class II: Allowed as non-required exit 57-54 Sliding: Permitted when not used as exits 64-20 Permitted in elevator hatchways 69-21 Prohibited as exits 69-26 Swing in exit direction : — In vertical exits 64-17 In corridors, lobbies, public spaces in : — Churches 64-17 Open air assembly units 64-17 Public assembly units 64-17 Schools 64-17 Theatres 64-17 Swing inwards in certain habitable spaces 64-17 Dormers, Roof: — Masonry construction required when: — Length is over 50% of parallel wall below 61-50 To be same construction as roof 61-50 Downspouts 82-63 to 82-65 See also Chapter 82, Index Summary Drawings: See Plans Driveways: — Permit required, Commissioner of Public Works 43-8 45-14 Tanks under 51-53 51-54 Driving formulae for piles 71-17 Drop hammer 71-17 Drying room, standard 63-2 Dwelling, Multiple: see Chapter 48, Index Summary Dwelling, Single: see Chapter 47, Index Summary Easement, recorded 43-3 Eating place: Capacity factor 62-3 Defined 55-3 Eaves: — As fire-resistive as roof covering 61-47 Xon-combustible on buildings over 50 ft. high 61-47 Electric Units: — Mezzanines in power plants 50-12 Power houses 40-1 1 Steam plants 40-11 Sub-stations 40-1 1 Elevator inspectors 13-7 Elevators: See Chapter 79, Index Summary Emergency exits: Those in addition to normal exits 64-6 Encroachment over property lines: — Balconies 45-6 Canopies 45-6 Cornices 61-94 67-56 Doors: General 64-18 Gl GENERAL INDEX Encroachment-Existing 21 Encroachment over property lines: — (Cont.) Doors: — (Cont.) Theatres Fire-shield stair vestibule Foundations Engineer, Structural, see Structural Engineer Engineers, Department of Buildings Entrance, Principal: Defined See Chapter 53, Index Summary Entry, power of Escalators: — Access to interior Angle, max. 30° Annual inspection Basement escalator: 100 ft. distant from upper floor escalator Business units: — Combustible materials permitted when stairs may be combustible . . Egress, ingress, 50 ft. clause Equal number, both directions Inclosure as for stairs Inclosure required Substitutes for 1 out of 4 stairs Construction : — Balustrades, solid Handrails, moving Landings Load, rated Safety factor Treads Defined: Moving inclined stair Drive, individual motors Field tests General Inclosure as for stairs Inclosure required in business units Inclosure not required: — Non-required escalator, sprinklered building Except: Business units Operation Permits required Plans required Rating plates Safety requirements: — Brakes Broken chain safety device Electrical phase protection Reversal safety device Speed governors Starting devices Stop buttons Speed: Max. 150 ft. per min Max. 100 ft. per min., special case Substitutes for 1 out of 4 stairs Tests, field Tread, horizontal Well hole inclosure Width: Min., 24 in Max., 48 in Exhibitions 55-2 Existing Buildings: — Affidavits required before permit: — Giving cost of work Giving estimated cost of new building Required from architect or engineer Required from contractor 53-109 64-45 71-2 13-8 40-1 39-3 79-146 79-143 46-11 64-58 50-48 50-48 50-48 64-58 50-48 64-58 79-144 79-144 79-145 79-146 79-146 79-145 79-2 79-147 79-175 79-143 64-58 50-48 61-22-f 50-48 79-3 43-15 43-15 79-148 79-151 79-150 79-152 79-149 79-150 79-149 79-149 79-143 79-143 64-58 79-175 79-143 61-22-f 79-143 79-143 55-3 60-3 60-3 60-3 60-3 Gl 22 Exi sti ng-Fiel d House GE NERAL INDE X Existing Buildings: — (Cant.) Affidavits required upon completion: — Giving final actual cost 60-3 Xo rebates, etc. given or received 60-3 Except : As per custom 60-3 Alterations, Repairs, and Replacements: — 50% cost limit, any period of 30 months 60-2 May be altered as per old codes 60-2 Over 50% cost, must conform as new building 60-2 Hazardous use unit addition must conform 60-2 Plans required 60-3 Completion of buildings, in progress as of July 6, 1938 60-1 Converted: Must comply as new building 40-1 60-2 Defined: As in existence' July 6, 1938 60-1 Exit lighting: Shall conform by July 13, 1939 66-1 Exits: — Inadequate because of alterations, etc 60-4 Inadequate under code under which built 60-4 Must not be reduced or decreased below original code requirements. . . 60-4 Notice to owner to abate violation 60-4 Shall be made to comply with new code 60-4 Theatres: Exits not to be reduced 53-3 50% clause : Means 50% of cost of new building 60-2 Means present cost at present location 60-2 Hazardous use units 60-2 51-1 Moving buildings: — Conform to new code in new location 60-5 Fees, permit: Frame buildings: SO. 10 per 1,000 cubic ft 43-17 All others: $0.20 per 1,000 cubic ft 43-28 Min: $5.00 43-28 Frame buildings: — 50% of value, damage clause 43-17 Frontage consents required, § of property owners 43-17 Lot occupancy for dwellings, as per Chapter 48 43-17 Moving prohibited: — Over 50% damaged 43-17 Outside fire limits to inside fire limits 43-17 Permit required 43-17 Occupancy provisions govern over Chapter 60 60-2 Repairs, same as Alterations 60-2 60-3 Replacements, same as Alterations 60-2 60-3 Signs: Directional, exit, fire escape, floor See Signs, General Index Theatres: See under Existing Theatres, Chapter 53, Index Summary Walls: Existing may be used if sound 73-38 Existing Walls 73-38 to 73-41 Exit Illumination, see Lighting, Exit Exit Lighting, see Lighting, Exit Exit Signs: see Signs, General Index Expense to be billed to owners 13-23 13-24 46-20 46-21 Exposed Metal Structures, See Chapter 58, Index Summary Exterior stairway to be like Fire Escape stairway 64-59 Faces, or Facing, Defined: — Faces line or plane when angle is less than 45° , 40-1 Faces line or plane when angle is 60° or less 61-39 Facing, Masonry: — Fire protective covering 68-31 General 73-45 See also Walls, for details Family : Defined 40-1 Fences, see Chapter 58, Index Summary Ferris wheel: Open air assembly unit 55-2 See Chapter 79, Index Summary Field House 55-2 Gl GENERAL INDEX Filling Stations-Fire 23 Filling Stations: — Not garages, if cars cannot enter Prevent gasoline overflows See also Frontage Consents Films : — Acetate cellulose Fireproof cabinets Flammable, in institutions Nitrocellulose: General Materials and products Weights Rooms: Area, max., 400 sq. ft Capacity, max., 8 persons Exits See also Nitrocellulose Products Rooms, Chap. 51 Index Summary Slow-burning 53-161 Still pictures Storage 53-33 Vaults, standard, fireproof Financial unit: see Chapter 50, Index Summary Fire Alarm Systems: — Institutional bldgs Multiple dwellings : — Bldgs. 3 stories or less Bldgs. over 3 stories Schools Fire Curtain: See Proscenium Curtain Fire-cut joists, fire division walls Fire Damage Fifty per cent damage or depreciation clause Moving fire damaged frame building Fire Division Areas: — Below sidewalk, increase allowed over limits Considered separate buildings Construction of Fire Division Walls: — Extend to roof: Fireproof or Semi- fireproof buildings Extend 3 ft. over roof: Non-fireproof buildings Joists to be fire-cut Masonry: 12 in. solid, min 61-62a Mortar must be 1, 2, 3, or 6 61-62e Offsets to be 4 hr. construction Openings: — Double fire doors required 61-62d One 5 ft. opening allowed in any case Max. 25% of wall area, unsprinklered building Max. 50% of wall area, sprinklered building Reinforced concrete: 8 in. solid, min 61-62b 6 in. masonry between opposite beam ends 72-8 6 in. masonry between opposite girder ends 72-8 6 in. masonry between opposite joist ends 72-8 6 in. masonry between opposite beams and opposite wall face. 72-8 6 in. masonry between opposite girders and opposite wall face. 72-8 6 in. masonry between opposite joists and opposite wall face. .72-8 Structural wall members, 4 hr. protection Wood frame buildings Defined: Separating max. allowed areas Doors: Fire: — Double standard, required 61-62d 61-66d Openings: Max. 25% of wall, not sprinklered Max. 50% of wall, spirnklered Stair inclosures: Common to 2 areas: — Single standard door permitted Vestibules, common, Single standard door Exits Floor area defined 52-1 51-47 53-161 51-79 49-32 53-161 51-2 51-2 51-63 51-63 51-73 53-164 53-164 53-163 51-21 49-38 63-8 63-9 57-78 72-8 43-3 60-2 43-17 62-9 64-8 61-62-c 61-62-c 72-8 61-66a 73-20 61-62-c 61-66d 61-62d 61-62d 61-62d 61-66b 73-48 73-48 73-48 73-48 73-48 73-48 61-66c 61-62c 62-6 69-11 61-62d 61-62d 69-11 69-11 64-8 40-1 Gl 24 Fire Divis ion-Fire Doors GENERAL INDEX Fire Division Areas: — (Cont.) Limits Area: — 1 story buildings, not sprinklered 62-7 -Multi stories buildings, not sprinklered 62-7 Sprinklered buildings, increase 100% 62-8 Except: Garages, increase 25% 62-8 Metal frames, protected openings required: — Within 9 ft. and 150° of other fire area 61-40 65-4d Within 4 ft. 6 in., over 150° from other fire area 61-40 65-4d Sprinklered buildings: Area limit increase 100% 62-8 Except: Garages: Area limit increase 25% 62-8 Stairs, common to two areas 64-8 Walls:— Extend to roof: Fireproof and Semi-fireproof buildings 61-62c Extend 3 ft. over roof: Non-fireproof buildings 61-62c Fire Doors: — Classes: "Labeled" doors required as follows: — In order of decreasing fire resistance: — 69-2 Double standard fire doors 69-2a 69-4 Standard fire doors 69-2b 69-5 60 minute fire resistance doors 69-2c 69-6 45 minute fire resistance doors 69-2d 69-7 Construction, general: — Frames, when used: — Anchored or bolted through 8 in. walls 69-18 Secured at floors and extensions to ceiling 69-18 Fusible link devices 69-17 Metal, general # 69-17 Metal with non-combustible core ' 69-17 Non-combustible 69-31 Sills anchored to walls or frames 69-18 Veneer permitted, \ in. thick 69-17 69-31 Washers, destructible permitted 69-17 Defined as any movable fire-resistive barrier 69-1 Duplicates of models actually tested 69-3 Exits: Open from inside without key 69-26 Rolling steel shutters prohibited 69-26 Sliding doors prohibited t>9-26 Swing in egress direction: — 1. In public assembly spaces 69-26 2. In hazardous use rooms 69-26 3. Rooms over 50 capacity 69-26 Except: See Occupancy Chapters 47-58 45 minute doors: — Glass panels, wire glass, 144 sq. in total: — Permitted in vertical shafts only 69-21 Hardware 69-21 Hinged doors required 69-21 Except: In elevator hatchways 69-21 180° operating point, fusible link 69-21 Operating devices 69-21 Test requirements 69-7 69-8 Types: Hollow metal 69-21 Metal clad, 2-ply wood core 69-21 Sheet metal 69-21 Steel plate 69-21 Veneer permitted, | in 69-17 69-31 Except: On steel plate doors 69-17 4 hour construction requires: — Double standard doors: Between occupancies 69-12 In tire division walls 61-62d In all other locations: — Except: In common vestibule or stair shaft 69-11 Single fire door in common vestibule or shaft 69-11 Glass prohibited 69-19 69-20 69-21 Except: 144 sq. in. wire glass, vertical shaft, 45 min. doors 69-21 Gl GENERAL INDEX * Fire Doors 25 Fire Doors:— (Cow/.) Labels on all fire doors, testing laboratory 69-3 Laboratory test requirements 69-3 to 69-8 Locks to open from inside without key 69-26 1 hour construction requires 45 min. door 69-15 Openings, other than doors, same fire resistance 61-62d 69-23 Except : Sprinklered ducts or inclosures 69-23 Protected against injury 69-28 Required types: — 4 hr. construction requires double standard fire doors between oc- cupancies 69-12 4 hr. construction requires single standard fire doors Except: Between occupancies (as above) 69-12 3 hr. construction requires 60 min. doors 69-13 Except: 45 min. doors in 3 hr. vertical shafts 69-13 2 hr. construction requires 45 min. door 69-14 1 hr. construction requires 45 min. door 69-15 Rolling steel shutters: — Prohibited as exits 69-26 Safety devices 69-19 Type 69-19 See Occupancy, Chapters 47-58, Index Sill slots to close with opening door 69-28 60 minute doors: — Closed position to be normal position 69-20 Frames as required by Sec. 69-17 and 69-18 69-20 Glass panels prohibited 69-20 General 69-20 Hardware 69-20 Hinged doors required 69-20 Except elevator hatchwav doors 69-20 180° operating point, fusible link 69-20 Normally to be in closed position 69-20 Operating devices 69-20 Sills as required by Sec. 69-17 and 69-18 69-20 Test requirements 69-6 69-8 Types: Hollow metal 69-20 Sheet metal 69-20 Steel plate 69-20 Tin-clad, 3-ply wood core 69-20 Veneer permitted, J in 69-17 69-31 Except: On steel plate doors 69-17 Sizes, max., see Table 69-25 69-25 Standard fire doors: — Arranged to be hinged, roll, or slide 69-19 Except: Rolling steel shutters 69-19 Construction: Frames. 69-19 69-17 69-18 69-20 Glass prohibited 69-19 Hardware 69-19 Lap 4 in., when no frames 69-19 Materials. . 69-17 69-22 180° operating point, fusible link 69-19 Operating devices 69-19 Sills 69-19 69-18 Types: Hollow metal 69-19 Rolling steel shutters 69-19 Sheet metal 69-19 Steel plate 69-19 Tin clad, 3-ply wood core 69-19 Veneer permitted, \ in 69 1 7 69-31 Except: On steel plate doors 69-1 7 Standard tests 69-8 Steel plate doors 69-17 69-20 69-21 69-22 Substitutes by fire test only 69-30 Swinging doors required: — 60 min. doors 69-20 Gl 26 Fire Doors-Fire Escapes GENERAL INDEX Fire Doors: — (Cont.) Swinging doors required: — {Co>it.) 45 min. doors 69-21 Lxccpt: In elevator hah liways 69-20 69-21 Tests made by qualified laboratory 69-9 3 hour construction requires 60 min. door 69-13 Except: 45 min. door allowed, vertical shafts 69-13 2 hour construction requires 45 min. door 69-14 Type of door determined by: — Required fire resistive value of partition 69-10 Required fire resistance value of wall 69-10 Veneer permitted, \ in 69-17 69-31 Except : On steel plate doors 69-1 7 Fire Escapes: — Alarm system: See Electrical Code 88-104 Chute type 53-107 64-71 to 64-76 Exposed metal structures 58-87 to 58-90 Ladder type 64-77 to 64-79 Stairways:— 64-59 to 64-70 See also items following below Fire Escapes: Ladders: — Access to roof: Buildings 3 stories or less 64-1 1 Counterbalance required 64-79 Counterbalances: Width, same as ladder 64-79 Defined: Slope over 45° from horizontal 64-77 Hollow sections prohibited 64-78 Pipe sections prohibited 64-78 Rungs, max. 14 in. on centers 64-78 Width, min. 17 in 64-78 Fire Escapes: Stairways: — Access required: — Casement window, 2 ft. X 6 ft. 6 in. min 64-63 Door, 2 ft. X 6 ft. 6 in. min 64-63 Door to open from inside without key 64-63 Sill, without stair, 2 ft. max. above floor 64-63 Stair to sill, as wide as door or window 64-63 Window to open from inside without key 64-63 Balconies: Construction 64-64 Length, min. 3 ft 64-64 Obstructions prohibited 64-64 Same width as stairs 64-64 Clearances: — General: Min. 14 ft., over alley, street, etc 64-69 Theatres: Min. 14 ft. above alley 53-80 Min. 12 ft. above sidwalk 53-80 Common to 2 fire areas, with door or window access 64-62 Construction: — Anchors and braces 64-66 Balconies, landings, runways 64-66 Counterbalances 64-68 Stringers 64-67 Three rails required 64-67 Counterbalances: — Permitted for bottom flights only 64-68 Prohibited in theatre exit courts 53-80 Vertical height: Max. 14 ft., top to bottom landing 64-68 Cut, min. 9- in 64-65 Department stores, fire escape stairs prohibited 64-60 64-59 to 64-70 Doors: 45 min. required 69-16 Exit to street at grade, unobstructed 64-62 Exterior stairs to be same as Lire Lscape stairs 64-59 Flights may be separated 64-63 Hangars 58-1 7 Hospital: Platforms to be solid, non-combustible 64-64 Location : — Common to 2 fire areas 64-62 Gl GENERAL INDEX Fire Escapes-Fireplaces 27 Fire Escapes: Stairways: — (Cont.) Location: — (Cont.) On alley, street, or court, or other open space 10 ft. wide 64-62 To lead to public alley or street at grade: — Direct, or 64-62 By tunnel, 2 hr. construction, 7 ft. high, or 64-62 By tunnel, wide as exit 64-62 Metal shield required over windows, etc 64-70 Multiple dwellings: 4 ft. Fire Escape, not obstructions 48-11 Permitted: Business units, under 264 ft. level 64-60 On other buildings as per Occupancy Chapters 64-60 Over street line in theatres 64-62 Over alley 64-62 Plans required, when over 24 in. wide 45-13 Prohibited: Above 264 ft. level, business units 64-60 Over street line 64-62 Except: Theatres, -allowed 64-62 Projection over street line prohibited 64-62 Except: In theatres 64-62 Rise, max. 8 in., treads 10 in. min 64-65 Stables 58-40 Substitute for interior stairs: — As per Occupancy, Chapters 47-58 64-61 1 Fire Escape in lieu of 1 of 3 stairs in bldgs. 3 stories or less 64-61 May not replace fire-shield stair 64-61 Width: Same as stairs replaced — at least 64-61 See Occupancy Chapters 47 to 58, Index Summary Theatres 53-80 Tunnel exit from courts: — 7 ft. high, same width as exit 64-62 Door, gate, or other closure prohibited 64-62 Width: Min. 24 in 64-61 64-65 Max. 48 in. unless intermediate rail is used 64-61 Windows, Type A required: — Located within 10 ft. of Fire Escape 64-70 65-4g Passed by Fire Escape 64-70 Fire extinguishers:— 53-177 49-39 50-52 51-123 51-127 63-9 54-70 55-93 55-94 57-79 Fire Limits Defined 89-2 Frame buildings prohibited generally 67-59 89-1 Maps 89-4 Moving buildings 43-17 60-5 Provisional fire limits: — Defined 89-1 Frame buildings permitted 47 4 89-1 Petition for consents 89-1 Square, consents required around 89-1 Except : No consents required 47-4 Fireplaces, Domestic: — Chimney construction same as in Chapter 76 61-100 Chimney required 61 96 Defined, not including commercial or manufacturing uses 61-95 Flues: Area, min. l/10th fireplace recess opening 61-99 Construction, same as in Chapter 76 <>1 9<) Dampers not to obstruct open flue area 61-99 Dampers not to obstruct required open flue area 61-99 Slope over 45° prohibited 61-99 Hearths, construction: — 4 in. min. thickness 61-97 12 in. min., each side of opening 61-97 20 in. min., from face of chimney 61-97 Supports, fireproof slab or brick arches 61-97 Wood trimmer arches to be removed 61-97 Throats to be on center line 61-99 Walls: 8 in. min., thickness, if solid burned clay 61-98 Gl JS Fireplaces-Fireproof GENERAL INDEX Fireplaces, Domestic: — (Cont.) Walls:- (Cont.) 12 in. min. thickness of other units Lining, firebrick, castiron, soapstone, etc 4 in. firebrick counts in wall thickness Fire Prevention See Sec. 59-17 and 90-27 Excelsior Sawdust Hay Shavings Hemp Sisal Jute Straw Lumber (or boxes, etc.) Fire Prevention Department: — Plan approval required as per Sec. 12-24 for:— business units, 1 or 2 stories, over 4,000 sq. ft. business units 3 stories or more Churches Garages, Class I Hazardous use units Institutional buildings Multiple dwellings over 6 dwellings Open air assembly units Public assembly units Schools Theatres Other buildings over 4,000 sq. ft. Other structures over 4,000 sq. ft. Fireproof Construction Requirements: — Area limitations 62-7 Combustible materials, allowed, certain uses Exterior inclosing walls 67-15 Facing materials of masonry, 3| in min.: — Effective only for £ fireproofing Fire tests Floor construction 67-8 Furring Grounds Lintels See also Lintels, General Index Mortar, \ in.: Use on structural steel not to be covered with concrete. . . Partitions 61-68 61-69 61-70 See also Partitions, General Index Protective coverings, metal members: — 4 hour construction 3 hour construction 2 hour construction 1 hour construction Anchorage of protective units Beams: Bedded solid around member Covering on flanges under \ in. to be reduced to \\ in Bond of protective units Columns to be inclosed or surrounded completely Interior filled solid Except: When "no fill" is specified ( !oncrete cast-in-place, wire wound steel Coverings: Ducts allowed on top of flanges Ducts prohibited in coverings Pipes allowed on tops of flanges Pipes prohibited in coverings Ducts prohibited in covering Except : Allowed on tops of flanges Flanges under f in : Covering, min. \\ in Gypsum units: — Attached : By fabricated flange reinforcement By metal clips By outside tie wires Prohibited for exterior wall members 61-98 61-98 61-98 62-8 67-20 to 67-17 68-31 68-37 to 67-11 67-19 67-19 67-7 61-101 67-18 68-26 68-27 68-28 68-29 68-32 68-32 68-34 68-32 68-32 68-32 68-32 68-32 68-36 68-36 68-36 68-36 68-36 68-36 68-34 68-32 68-32 68-32 68-13 Gl GENERAL INDEX Fireproof-Fire Resistive 29 Fireproof Construction Requirements:— (Cont.) Protective Coverings, metal members: — {Cont.) Gypsum units: — (Cont.) Prohibited for members below grade 68-13 Except: Ceilings, part of floor system 68-13 Lintels, loose, unprotected: — 3| ft. max. opening, Fireproof construction 67-7b 3§ ft. max. opening, Semi-fireproof construction 67-24b Supporting 1 story only in Heavy Timber construction 67-40b With unprotected shelf angles, Fireproof construction 67-7a With unprotected shelf angles, Semi-fireproof construction 67-24a See also Lintels, General Index Summary Masonry units, well bonded or anchored: — 1 . By shape of unit 68-32 2. Metal clips 68-32 3. Outside tie wires, 10 W. & M. g 68-32 4. Wall ties, corrugated metal 68-32 Mortar: No. 3 or 4 to be used 68-33 Except: With gypsum units use 1 part gypsum to 3 parts sand 68-33 Trusses, bedded solid around members 68-32 See also Occupancy Chapters 47 to 58 Roof 67-12 to 67-14 Structural frame 67-6 to 67-7 Fireproofing: — Definition 67-3 Protective Metal Coverings 68-32 to 68-36 See also Protective Coverings, under Fireproof Const. Requirements. . See also Fireproofing of Structural Members under Fire Resistive Const. See also Occupancy, Chapters 47-58, Index Summary Fireproofing omitted: Heavy Timber construction 67-40a See also Occupancy Chapters 47 to 58 Fire Resistive Construction: — Ceilings: 4 hour construction 68-20 3 hour construction 68-2 1 2 hour construction 68-22 1 hour construction 68-23 Doors: see Fire Doors, General Index Facing materials: Masonry, 3f in. min: — Effective for £ fireproofing only 68-31 Fireproofing of structural members: — 4 hour construction 68-26 3 hour construction 68-27 2 hour construction 68-28 1 hour construction 68-29 Anchorage of protective units 68-32 Beams: Bedded solid around member 68-32 Covering on flanges under I in. to be reduced to 1^ in 68-34 Bond of protective units 68-32 Columns: Interior filled solid 68-32 Except: When "no fill" is specified 68-32 Surrounded or completely inclosed 68-32 Concrete cast-in-place, wire around steel 68-32 Coverings: Ducts allowed on tops of flanges 68-36 Ducts prohibited in coverings 68-36 Pipes allowed on tops of flanges 68-36 Pipes prohibited in covering 68-36 Ducts prohibited in covering 68-36 Except: Allowed on tops of flanges 68-36 Fireproofing omitted: Heavy Timber construction 67-40a See also Occupancy Chapters 47-58 Flanges under f in: Covering 1| in. min 68-34 Gypsum units: — Attached: By fabricated flange reinforcement 68-32 By metal clips 68-32 By outside tie wires 68-32 Prohibited: For exterior wall members 68-13 Gl 30 Fire Resistive-Fire Shield GENERAL INDEX Fire Resistive Construction: — (Co>it.) Fireproofing of structural members: — (Cont.) Gypsum units:- (Cont.) Prohibited for members below grade Except : Ceilings part of lloor system Lintels, loose, unprotected: — 3£ ft. max. opening: Fireproof construction Semi-fireproof construction Supporting 1 story only: Heavy Timber construction With unprotected shelf angles: Fireproof construction Semi-fireproof construction (See also, Lintels, General Index) Masonry units: Well bonded and anchored: — 1 . By metal clips 2. By outside tie wires 3. By shape of unit 4. By wall ties of corrugated metal Mortar: No. 3 or No. 4 to be used Except with gypsum : Use 1 gypsum, 3 sand Trusses: Bedded solid around members Fire tests Floors : 4 hour construction 3 hour construction 2 hour construction 1 hour construction Metal members, protective covering: — 4 hour construction 3 hour construction 2 hour construction 1 hour construction See Fireproofing of Structural Members, above Partitions: 4 hour construction 3 hour construction 2 hour construction 1 hour construction Roofs: 4 hour construction 3 hour construction 2 hour construction 1 hour construction Walls: 4 hour construction 3 hour construction 2 hour construction 1 hour construction Fire Separations: — Assembly rooms Definition General Masonry: 12 in. min Multiple occupancv Offsets Openings equivalent to double fire door Reinforced concrete: 8 in. solid min Structural members: 4 hour protection Wall divisions Wall divisions arc separate buildings Fire Shield Stairway: — Balconies, see Vestibules Business units Cannot be replaced by stairway tire escape Construction: — Chases, recesses, etc., prohibited in inclosing walls. . Combustible structural members to be self-releasing Floor, over and under: To be fireproof 55 14 55-25 50-32 68-13 68-13 67-7b 67-24b 67-40b 67-7a 67-24a 68-32 68-32 68-32 68-32 68-33 68-33 68-32 68-37 68-20 68-21 68-22 68-23 68-26 68-27 68-28 68-29 68-14 68-15 68-16 68-17 68-20 68-21 68-22 68-23 68-14 68-15 68-16 68-17 63-6 61-66 63-3 61-66a 63-1 61 -62c 61-66d 61 -66b 61-66c 62-7 64-8 50-36 64-61 64-44 64-44 64-44 Gl GENERAL INDEX Fire Shield Stairway 31 Fire Shield Stairway: — (Cont.) Construction : — (Cont.) Non-combustible, except handrails Offsets to be fireproof: 6 in. min. thickness Openings, recesses, etc. prohibited Except : Exit doors Parapet walls 3 ft. high: Non-fireproof buildings Platforms to be fireproof construction Recesses, chases, etc., in walls, prohibited Roof over: To be fireproof Stair landings : To be fireproof Stair width: 3 ft. 8 in. in clear, min Vestibules or balconies: Same construction as stair Wall thickness: — 8 in. solid masonry 6 in. reinforced concrete Except: Outside walls, as per Chapter 73 Thickness maintained, no recesses Walls, extend from bottom of stair to roof Except: 3 ft. above roof, non-Fireproof buildings Cut : 9 in. min Defined: Vented, vestibuled interior stair Doors: Entrance to stair and vestibule: — 45 min. door required Open outwards Self-closing Width between jambs to be 90% of stair width Doors: outside exit: — 45 min. door required Clear width between jambs: Same as stair Open outward Panic hardware required Self-closing door required Entrance: 1 tenant onlv in rentable area: — Direct entrance allowed without corridors Level entrance required, or ramp with slope not over 1 in 12. Entrance: More than 1 tenant in rentable area: — Direct entrance required from corridors, lobbies, etc Exits : Direct, or By fireproof tunnel By open space Landing at least as wide as stair Lead to alley, street, or public space Terminate at main exit level Fire shield: — Extend from wall to ceiling Frames: Set flush with inside face of wall below Steel, or hollow steel with concrete With horizontal cross-member, half way up May be omitted on 40 ft. open public space Sashes: Type A with wire glass: — At least 2 required Lever required for manual operation Temperature operating device Upper half to open automatically Width, 5 ft. max. between mullions Width: 80% of open width 3 ft. 6 in. min Handrails may be wood (See Handrails, General Index) Panic hardware required Rise : 8 in. max Smoke shafts: — 5 ft. min. width Bottom, max. 12 in. higher than lowest vestibule Louvres permitted in open sides Offsets permitted, inclined 45° or more 64-41 64-44 64-44 64-44 64-44 64-41 64-44 64-44 64-41 64-43 64-45 64-44 64-44 64-44 64-44 64-44 64-44 64-31 64-40 64-50 64-17 64-49 64-50 64-49 64-49 64-49 64-49 64-49 64-50 64-47 64-50 64-49 64-49 64-49 64-47 64-49 64-49 64-45 64-46 64-46 64-46 64-45 64 46 64-46 64 46 04 10 ol 16 <>4 45 64 45 64-41 64-49 64-31 04 48 64 is 64-4S 64-48 Gl 32 Fire Shield-Flag Poles GENERAL INDEX Fire Shield Stairway : — (Cont.) Smoke shafts: — (Cont.) Open 50 sq. ft., bottom to sky Other openings prohibited Roof allowed, 100 sq. ft. open sides Used as entrance vestibule or balcony Stair landings: — At exit to be at least stair width Ramps may be used, slope max. 1 in 12 Steps from vestibule prohibited Steps from building floors prohibited to vestibule Steps prohibited: — Between building floor and vestibule floor Between vestibule and stair landings Substitute for other interior stairs: — 1 4ft. Fire shield stair equals 2 stairs in Fireproof or Semi-fireproof building Except : Garages Hazardous use units Multiple dwellings Theatres 1 4ft. Fire shield stair only required and no other stair is required in F.P. or Semi-F.P. building: — With net habitable floor area, 3,000 sq. ft. or less Except : Churches Garages Hospitals Multiple dwellings Public assembly units Schools Theatres 2 4ft. Fire shield stairs equals 3 interior stairs 1 in. Fire Shield equals 1J in. other stairs Combined with 2 other interior stairs Location, business units: — 100 ft. max., stair door to end of corridor See also Business Units Terminate only at main exit level Vestibules or balconies: — Combustible material prohibited Encroachment prohibited over line Entrance to stairway Fire shield required One side to face: — Street or alley, or Open space leading to alley or street Or lead to smoke shaft, or Lead to tunnel Open side: Closed with solid wall to 4 ft. up Fire shield to ceiling Wall thickness, same as stairs Width, same as stairs Width : 3 ft. 8 in. in clear, min Windows, openings, etc., prohibited Fire Stations, See Chapter 58, Index Summary Fire tests: A.S.T.M. specification C-19-33 Fire walls: see Fire Separations Fireworks: See Chapter 51, Index Summary First Story: — Defined 40-1 Garage 52-1 Two level street 61-17 Flag Poles: — Design 72-17 Diameter of base: Min. l/50th of length Diameter of top: Min. 5/ 12th of base diameter Gl 64-48 64-48 64-48 64-48 64-47 64-47 64-47 64-47 64-47 64-47 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 64-51 50-36 64-49 64-45 64-45 64-45 64-45 64-45 64-45 64-45 64-45 64-45 64-45 64-45 64-45 64-43 64-44 68-37 1.1 17 52- -7 01 19 70-18 72- 17 72- -17 GENERAL INDEX Flag Poles-Floor 33 Flag Poles:— (Cont.) Quality, straight grained, free of knots Wind load: — 1| lb. per sq. ft. of flag area 50 lb. per sq. ft. of vertical projection Flight:— Defined: Series of steps between landings Height of flight :— Business unit: 12 ft. max Except: Sales unit: 9 ft. max .- General: 13 ft. 6 in. max Sales unit: 9 ft. max Schools: 11 ft. 6 in. max Line of travel: 50 ft. max., flight to flight Floor : — Area defined: General Fire division area 40-1 Net floor area 40-1 Clay Tile Arches:— Arch centers Flat arches: Thickness, lj in. per span ft Thickness, 6 in. min Mortars, No. 1, 2, or 4 required 77-1 Segmental arches: Thickness, \ in. per span ft Thickness, 6 in. min Skewbacks Slab fillers Standards of materials A.S.T.M. Spec. C-57-37T Stresses, steel Tie rods Indicating signs, see Signs Levels: Assembly rooms and gymnasiums: — Fireproof construction: — Churches: No limit above grade 20 ft. max., below grade Public Assembly Unit: No limit above grade Max. 14 ft. below grade Schools: No limit above grade Max. 6 ft. below grade Non-fireproof construction : — Churches: Max. 10 ft. above grade Max. 6 ft. below grade Public assembly Units: Max. 15 ft. above grade Max. 7 ft. below grade Schools: Max. 10 ft. above grade Max. 6 ft. below grade Theatre auditoriums 53-26 Live loads 70-7 Load cards, see Floor load Placards Load placards: — Approval by Building Department engineers 13-8 Certification of structural grade timber Full live load, cards required Garage, Class I General Hangar over 800 sq. ft Manufacturing unit Sales unit Stable Storage unit Unsafe floors to be made safe 40 lb. per sq. ft., min Mezzanine denned Precast concrete 77-7 to Temporary Tile arch Unsafe 72-17 70-18 70-18 64-25 50-40 50-40 64-33 50-40 57-51 64-38 40-1 62-7 62-4 77-1 77-2 77-2 73-20 77-3 77-3 77-4 77-1 77-1 77-5 77-1 56-10 56-10 55-16 55-16 57-17 57-17 56-11 56-1 1 55-17 55-17 57-18 57 is 53 27 70-1 61-15 72-6 70-7 61-13 61-13 m IS 61-13 61-13 61-13 61-13 61-16 61-16 40-1 77 K) 61-2 77-1 61-16 Gl ,vl Flop House-Foundations GENERAL INDEX Flop House: — Multiple Dwelling 40-4 Sleeping Stalls 48-4( Flues. See Heating Plants Food establishments: Lavatory in sight. 82-12 Footings, See Foundations Foundations: — Alley encroachment permitted 71-2 Caissons: — Belled bottoms Coffer dams Concrete filling Concrete, 3,000 lb. per sq. in Design Digging: Center line to be vertical Drillings, sample 7 1-44 Dumping, top Hardpan, caissons to Lagging and rings Rock, sample drillings Stresses same as for Reinforced Concrete Except: Concrete, 3,000 lb. per sq. in Top dumping Unstable ground Chimneys: On ground or on 4 hour construction City Engineer's approval : Deep foundations Classified: — 1. Footings on soil 71-1 2. Wood piles 71-1 3. Concrete or composite piles 71-1 4. Metal pipe piles 71-1 5. Foundation piers or caissons 71-1 6. Foundation columns 71-1 7. Steel beams used as piling 71-1 Deep foundations: 25 ft. below datum 45-7 40 ft. below datum 45-7 Depth: 4 ft. min. below grade 71-3 Encroachment on public thorofares 71-2 Existing foundations 73-41 Footings: At different levels 71-9 With old footings 73-41 Foundation columns: — Bearing loads 7 1-50 Bedding of base plates 7 1-54 Columns in unstable ground 71-51 Columns to rock 7 1-49 Construction: Alignment 71-55 Cleaning 7 1-56 Concrete filling 71-57 Design provisions 7 1-49 to 7 1-54 Diameter 7 1-52 Protection of metal 71-53 Unstable ground 71-51 Freezing weather requirements 71-3 Frost line 71-3 Harbor: Structures within 40 ft 45-8 Hardpan, dry cemented sand, clay, pebbles 71-7 Heating appliance: General 80-5 to 80-7 Hazardous use units 51-10') 80-8 See also Heating Plants, General Index Hollow clay tile units, prohibited below grade 73-55 Hubbard soil test 71-5 Piers, see Caissons Piles: Composite: — Design 71-14 Driving formula 71-18 Gl GENERAL INDEX Foundations 35 Foundations: — (Cont.) Piles: Composite: — (Cont.) Load, allowable, 50,000 lb 71-16 See Tests below Piles: Concrete: — Comply with Reinforced Concrete Construction 71-13 Diameter: 8 in. min. at point 71-13 12 in. min., finished top 71-13 Driving formula 71-18 Length: max. 50 d 71-13 Load, allowable, 60,000 lb 71-16 Moulded in place 71-25 Precast : General 7 1-26 Driving energy, ft. lbs 71-18 Reinforcement 71-13 Resist construction handling 71-13 Stress: l/5th ultimate strength: 6 ft. below ground 71-15 Ultimate unit strength: 2,000 lb. per sq. in 71-13 6 bags cement per cubic yard 7 1-13 Piles: General: — Caps: Concrete, 2,000 lb. per sq. in 71-11 Design, same as Reinforced Concrete 71-11 On groups of piles 71-24 Reinforcement 71-11 Column footings: 3 piles min 71-22 Driving formulae: — Composite piles 71-18 Concrete piles 71-18 Steel beam piles 71-58 71-17 Wood piles 71-17 Drop hammer 71-17 Footings: Column 71-22 Wall 71-23 Frame buildings, solid continuous foundation required 73-31 Jetted piles: Allowed through sand 71-10 Drill holes, 10 ft. below bottom 71-10 Tests required 71-10 Loads: Allowable: — Composite: Max. 50,000 lb 71-16 Concrete: Max. 60,000 lb 71-16 Steel beam: Max. 60,000 lb 71-58 Wood: Max. 50,000 lb 71-16 Moulded concrete piles 71-25 Precast concrete piles 7 1-26 Spacing : General 71 21 Metal pipe piles 7 1-36 Steam hammer 71-17 Tests: General 71-19 Metal pipe piles 71-30 Methods 71 30 71 19 Required tests: — Jetted piles 71 10 Metal pipe piles 71-30 When followers are used 71-17 Except: Drive long test pile 71-17 When more than formula load is wanted 71 19 Steel beam piles 71 58 Unstable ground: — General 71 20 Metal pipe piles 71-32 Steel beam piles 71 58 Piles: Metal pipe: — Alignment 71 35 Caps 71 53 Cleaning 71-37 Concrete strength 7 1-29 Gl 36 Foundations GENERAL INDEX Foundations: — (Conl.) Piles: Metal pipe:— (Co;//.) Length, max. 60 times diameter 71-31 Loads as figured for reinforced concrete columns 71-30 Spacing, min. 2% d 71-36 Splices 71-34 Tests required 71-30 Thickness of metal 71-28 Unstable ground 71-32 Piles: Steel beam: — 6 in.X6 in. min 71-58 | in. min. thickness 71-58 Load: Allowable 71-58 71-17 Max. 60,000 lb. when not to rock 71-58 Moment of inertia 71-58 Stress, unit, max. 15,000 lb. per sq. in 71-58 Tests.' 71-58 71-19 Unstable ground 71-58 Piles: Wood:— Broomed sections to be cut off 71-24 Butt-cut above ground swell 71-12 Center line in body at all points 71-12 Cut-off: 1 ft. below datum 71-24 1 ft. below ground water level 71-24 Below broomed sections 71-24 Diameter: 6 in. min., small end 71-12 12 in. min., at cut-off 71-12 Driving formulae 71-17 Followers 71-17 Load allowed, 50,000 lb. max 71-16 Tests required: — Jetted piles 71-10 When followers are used 71-17 Except: Drive long test pile 71-17 When more than formula load wanted 71-19 Slab foundation: Buildings 400 sq. ft. or under 71-3 Soft soil, load under 40 lb., Hubbard Test 71-5 Soil: Classification 71-5 Definition of types 71-5 Soil loads allowed per sq. //., 71-5 ( lay, blue, soft, max. 14% moisture 3,000 lb. Clay, blue, stiff, max. 14% moisture 4,500 lb. Clay, stiff, with gravel and stone 4,000 lb. Clay, with loam, max. 14% moisture 1,500 lb. Clay, with sand 3,000 lb. Clay, yellow, dry 3,500 lb. Filled ground 500 lb. Gravel, coarse 10,000 lb. Gravel, fine 6,000 lb. Hardpan, general 12,000 lb. I lardpan, under entire area 15,000 lb. Loam 500 lb. Rock, solid: Formula as per Sec. 71-50 Rock, solid: General 200,000 lb. Sand, coarse 6,000 lb. Sand, fine, wet, confined 6,000 lb. Sand, fine, wet, unconfined 3,000 lb. Sand, with clay 3,000 lb. Sand with loam, max. 14% moisture 1,500 lb. t s for allowable loads Varying: Use bearing, weakest soil Steel beam piles: — Load: Allowable 71 58 Max. 60,000 lb. when not to rock Moment of inertia Stress, unit, max. 15,000 lb. per sq. in 71- -8 71-6 71- -17 71 -58 71- -58 71 -58 Gl GENERAL INDEX Foundations-Frontage Consents 37 71-58 71-3 104-27 Foundations: — (Cont.) Steel beam piles: — (Cont.) Tests Unstable ground Stiff soil denned, load 40 lb. or over, Hubbard Test Street encroachment permitted Tests: See Piles General See Soil Thickness of walls: — Concrete basement walls to 1st floor cossruction Frame buildings, 8 in. min. thickness, continuous Multiple dwellings: 2 stories or less: 8 in. min Single dwellings: 2 stories or less: 8 in. min Table of various wall thicknesses Types: See Foundations, "classified" Wall thicknesses: see Table Frame Construction: — See Wood Construction, Design Provisions See Wood Frame Construction Freezing weather requirements: — Concrete Masonry Freight Houses are storage units Frontage Consents: — Amusements : 22 classes defined 104-1 104-2 104-22 General Prohibited within 150 ft. of public park: Bldgs. of 13th class only Required: Generally When half of bldgs. on street are used as residences Or, within 50 ft. of such street Block : defined Does not mean square Means both sides of street between 2 nearest intersecting streets Bowling alley Business: Plat required Commissioner of Bldgs. receives consents generally Construction site, frontage adjacent to Corner lot defined Flammable liquid tanks Frame buildings moved Frontage adjacent to construction site Frontage: Footage required: See under specific type of required consent Fronting on another street, buildings not counted Moving frame buildings Penalties, $25.00 to $200.00 Permit issued only after consents are filed Protest signed by 10 or more property owners Protest signed by majority, total owners under 20 Public hearing after protest Required before permit is issued Required for certain uses: When half of bldgs. in block are used as residences Or, within 50 ft. of such street Square defined Store, plat required Uses requiring frontage consents: Amusements 104 -7 59-7 Auto repair shop Auto sales room Billboards and signboards Bowling alley Business Coal yards 71-19 71-58 71-5 71-2 73-30 73-31 73-31 73-31 73-28 73-28 74-8 73-56 40-10 104-28 59-7 104-7 104-7 59-5 59-5 59-1 59-1 59-1 111-5 59-3 59-2 61-9 59-1 59-8 43-17 61-9 59-1 43-17 59-22 59-2 59-4 59-4 59-4 59-2 59-5 59-5 59-4 59-3 59-5 59-13 59-14 59-19 111-5 59-3 172-5 Gl ss Frontage Consents-Grade GENERAL INDEX Frontage Consents: — (Cont.) Uses requiring frontage consents: — (Conl.) Filling station 59-8 Flammable liquid tanks Garages: General 59-9 59-13 Private (Old Code No. 3249) General detailed list of uses. . .59-14 59-1 59-2 59-9 102-2 Grandstands 59-21 Home Hospital Ice plants Junk yard or site Lumber yards 149-4 Open shelter sheds Private garage (Old Code 3249) Provisions, selling of Reformitories Sawdust storage 90-27 Shavings storage 90-27 Sheds, shelter Sheltering institutions Shelter sheds Stable Storage: Excelsior 90-27 Sawdust 90-27 Shavings 90-27 Store Tanks for flammable liquids Undertaking establishments Funeral Homes: — Frontage consent General Furnaces, See Heating Plants furniture Storage: — Financial Office unit Galleries, defined Game Rooms Garage, See Chapter 52, Index Summary Gas Burners Gas Plants:— Annual Inspections 46-42 Buildings Exemption from safety clearance Exposed metal structures 46-42 Gas holders 46-43 Mezzanines Sprinklers not required General Provisions defined as Chap. 61 to 69 See also under Ordinances General Store: — Defined See Department Store and also Chap. 50, Index Summmary Glass Prick: — Non-load bearing Permitted in walls which allow windows 25 ft. max. length 150 sq. ft. max. area Grade:— Building height measurement Curb Defined Established Finished 127-5 59-8 59-14 59-12 102-8 59-20 59-10 59-11 59-12 143-6 149-5 59-16 59-6 59-15 59-17 59-17 59-16 59-15 59-16 59-18 59-17 59-17 59-17 59-3 59-8 181-3 181-3 55-2 50-50 50-50 55-3 55-2 80-24 46-43 51-44 51-13 58-88 51-26 50-12 51-121 39-2 40-9 73-13 73-13 73-13 73-13 61-19 40-1 40-1 40-1 40-1 Gl GENERAL INDEX Grain-Heating 39 Grain Elevators See Chapter 51 Index Summary Grain Pits 40-8 Grandstand: See Chapter 54, Index Summary Greenhouse: — Construction Defined as manufacturing unit Size and location Ground Story: — Defined 40-1 Exits Grade taken at upper level 40-1 Guards, Protecting: — Areaways, basement Balconies Casement windows Construction: 3 ft. high, max. opening 6 in 18 in. high on flat roofs Except: 1 story buildings and single dwellings , Doors, casement Elevator shaft windows Exemptions: 3 story building or less, no roof access 1 story buildings, no roof guards Single dwellings, no roof guards Mezzanines Roofs : General Except: 3 story buildings or less, no access 1 story buildings Single dwellings Gutters:— As fire-resistive as roof surface Non-combustible on buildings over 50 ft. high Gymnasiums: Capacity factor Defined See Occupancy Chapters 47 to 58, Index Summary Gypsum as Fireproofing: — Fireproofing metal members Prohibited for members in exterior walls Prohibited for members below grade Except : For ceilings part of floor system Habitable Room: — Defined, General Multiple dwelling Hall: Public: defined Stair : defined Handrails: — 1 required on stairs 3 ft. 6 in. or less 2 required on stairs 3 ft. 6 in. to 7 ft. in End newel posts 5 ft. high, intermediate rails Ends returned and joined to wall Extent to front edge of 3rd tread Height: 2 ft. 6 in. to 3 ft., front edge of tread Intermediate required: Stair over 7 ft. wide Wood permitted Hangar, see Hangars, Chapter 58, Index Summary Hardpan, dry cemented sand, pebbles, clay Hatches, Roof, see Roof Scuttles Hazardous use units, See Chapter 51, Index Summary Heating Plants: — Appliance defined: Heat producer from fuel Approval of plans required: — By Dept. of Steam Boiler Inspection 43 1 4 By Dept. of Smoke Inspection Exceptions: Single dwellings Ashpits to be non-combustible 55-3 65-22 40-11 65-21 61-17 63-4 61-19 61-37 61-35 61-36 61-38 61-35 61-35 61-36 61-28 61-35 61-35 61-35 61-35 61-35 61-35 61-35 61-35 61-47 61-47 62-3 55-2 68-32 68-13 68-13 68-13 40-1 48-2 40-1 40-1 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 71-7 80-2 84-5 43-14 43-14 80-9 Gl 4(1 Heating Plants (i KXKRAL INDEX Heating Plants:— (Cont.) boiler room separations; Pressure 10 lb. or less: — 1 hr. separating construction required Except: Public assembly unit, 2 hr. construction required Single dwelling, no requirements Theatres, 2 hr. construction required When no story overhead Boiler room separations: Pressure over 10 lb.: — 1 hr. separating construction required Except: 2 hr. construction required: — 1 . Public assemblv units 2. Theatres Boilers: — A.S.M.E., 1937 Boiler Code Definitions: — High pressure boiler: ( her 15 lb.: — 1. Miniature boilers 2. Other high pressure boilers Low pressure boiler: Xot over 15 lb See Chap. 84 Tests 84 6 Breechings: See Smoke Pipes, below Chimneys: See General Index Clearance: — General : As in table Ducts: Inside temperature over 250° Furnaces, warm air 80-17 80-18 Construction as per A.S.M.E. Boiler Code, 1937 Covering of horizontal pipes in any 1 story: — May be combustible Except : Furnace piping Covering of vertical pipes in shafts 50 feet, high: — Must be non-combustible Except: Surface covering Denned: Production of heat by fuel combustion Department for Inspection of Steam Boilers 43 14 84-1 Dry cleaning buildings: Firewall separations (See Chap. 51, Summary). . Ducts from hoods over ranges Ducts with inside temperature over 250° F.: — Clearance 1 in. from combustible materials Metal collars required through floors, ceilings, etc Fees for inspection : — General 43-35 Plans 43 35 Flues, see Smoke Pipes below Foundations: Boiler temperature up to 300° F.: — Foundations on soil Xon-combustible floor Xon-combustible supports, with: — 4 in. clearance between bottom and floor, and Open on at least 3 sides Standard furnace foundation 80-8 foundations: Boiler temperature 301° to 800° F.: — Foundations on soil Xon-combustible floor Xon-combustible supports with: — 22 in. clearance between bottom and floor, and ( (pen on all sides Standard furnace foundation 80-6b foundations: Boiler temperature over 800° F.:— Foundations on soil Xon-combustible floor Xon-combustible supports with: — 22 in. clearance between bottom and floor, and Open on all sides Standard furnace foundation and non-combustible floor 61-84 61-84 61-84 61-84 61-84 61-84 61-84 61-84 80-25 84-2 84-2 84-2 80-4 80-26 80-19 80-25 80-27 80-27 80-27 80-27 80-2 85-1 51-105 80-11 80-26 80-26 43-36 84-5 80-5a 80-5c 80-5d 80-5b 80-6a 80-6c 80-6d 80-8 80-7a S0-7b 80-7c 80-7b Gl GENERAL INDEX Heating Plants 41 Heating Plants: — (Cont.) Furnaces, warm air: — Casings: Masonry, 8 in. min Masonry, metal bonnet allowed Metal, 26 g or better Top protection, metal shield: — Extending 18 in. beyond casing 2 in. below woodwork 12 in. min. from ceiling Clearances: Partitions and walls Registers, 2 in. non-combustible Warm air pipes Warm air stacks Cold air ducts to be non-combustible Except: 1st 6 ft., single dwellings Covering: Warm air pipes and stacks: — Asbestos paper, 12 lb. per 100 sq. ft.: — With -^g in. clearance to wood, etc Or Double walls ^ in. between Fees Inclosure required: — Masonry casings Metal casings Permits : Application with plans Required Pipes: Clearance 1 in. through walls Contact with wood, etc., prohibited Covering Openings in floors, dust tight 6 ft. from furnace before inclosure Thickness of metal required Plans required Registers: 2 in. non-combustible border Single, asbestos paper cover Single, 2 in. away from wood, etc Thickness of pipe Stacks, same as Pipes, which see Garages, separation Gas burners to have automatic shut off Hazardous use units 51-109 Hoods over ranges, hotels, etc Incinerator: 2 hr. separation required: — 1 . Public assembly units 2. Theatres Inspections: Free, certain cases Heating plants, fees Plans Materials and construction Occupancy provisions govern Oil Burners: — Automatic shut-off required Bottom ventilation required Controls: Automatic shut-off required Manual shut-off required Defined as burner using: — 1. Oil with flash point, 100° or more 2. Tank over 10 gallons capacity Piping as required for Fammable Liquids; See Chap. 51, Index Summary Storage tanks, as required for Flammable Liquids See Chapter 51 Index Summary Plans: Heating plants to be marked on 43-14 Inspection fees Exceptions: Single dwellings 2 apartment buildings Refuse burners: 2 hr. separation required: — 1. Public assembly units 2. Theatres 80-16 80-16 80-15 80-16 80-16 80-16 80-4 80-18 80-17 80-17 80-19 80-19 80-17 80-17 43-35 80-16 80-15 45-15 43-22 80-17 80-17 80-17 80-17 80-17 80-17 45-15 80-18 80-18- 80-18 80-17 52-16 80-24 80-8 80-11 61-84 61-84 43-35 43-35 43 35 80-25 80-1 80 22 80-23 80-22 80-22 80-20 80-20 80 1 43-35 43 35 43-35 (.1 M hi 84 Gl 42 Heating Plants-Home GENERAL INDEX Heating Plants: — (Cunt.) Smoke Pipes, Breechings, Flues, and Vents: — Air to circulate freely around Dampers to obstruct not over 80% Exceptions not requiring flues General requirements Lining: 2 in. thick, temperature over 800° F Pass through only 1 non-combustible floor Pass through only 1 non-combustible roof Pass through partitions prohibited Except : From domestic stove or range Thimbles permitted domestic stoves, etc. only Temperatures to be maintained Theatres Thimbles permitted, domestic stove, etc Ventilation system requirements Vents, gas appliances, to have draft hoods Heavy Timber Construction Requirements: — Area limitations Combustible materials allowed, certain uses Exterior inclosing walls, 4 hr. construction Facing materials of masonry 3f in. min.: — Effective only for £ of fireproofing Fire tests Floor construction Furring 67-47 Grounds 67-47 Lintels, unprotected, support 1 floor only Partitions 61-69 See also Partitions, General Index Protective coverings, metal members: (Same as in F.P. Const.) Roof Structural frame Height of Buildings: — Allowances above limits Cast iron compression member limits Cast steel compression member limits Cupolas allowed above height limits Defined: Grade to highest ceiling line Domes allowed above height limits First story defined: 1 ft. or less below grade 40-1 52-1 Garage 52-1 Hollow unit walls: 50 ft. max. above foundation Hollow walls: 50 ft. max., above foundations Limitations: Buildings with height over twice width: — Cast iron prohibited Cast steel prohibited Wrought iron prohibited Limitations: Buildings over 100 ft. high: — Cast iron prohibited Cast steel prohibited Wrought iron prohibited Measurement Grade to highest ceiling line Spires allowed above height limit Towers allowed above height limits Two level street 61-17 See Occupancy Provisions for specific height limits Hockey Hollow Masonry Units: — Defined Height: Max. 50 ft. above foundation Home : — Children (healthy) Children (sick) Day nursery, sleeping more than 10 Fcclesiastical home 80-10d 80-10d 80-10 80-10 80-13 80-10d 80-10d 80-10d 80-10d 80-10d 80-3 53-34 80-10d 81-13 80-12 62-7 67-48 67-43 68-31 68-37 67-41 67-19 67-19 67-40b 67-46 68-32 67-42 67-39 61-20 75-6 75-6 61-20 61-19 61-20 61-17 52-7 73-29 73-29 75-6 75-6 75-6 75-6 75-6 75-6 61-19 61-20 61-20 61-19 55-3 73-1 73-29 40-4 40-5 40-5 40-4 Gl GENERAL INDEX Home-Institutional 43 49-5 Home: — (Cont.) For bedridden and decrepit Nursery home, sleeping more than 10 ... . Nurses' home Old peoples home Hoods over ranges Horizontal exit connection: Defined Hospital : — Construction: Institution Single dwelling Cut of steps : 10 in. min Rise of steps: 7 5 in. max Sleeping less than 10 is Single Dwelling Sleeping more than 10 is Institution Stairways: Single dwelling See also Chap. 49, Index Summary Hotel:— Defined Multiple Dwelling Hour construction rating: see Fire Resistive Construction House : — Apartment Club, with sleeping quarters Flop Lodging Of correction Rooming Tenement House of Correction, See Prisons, Chapter 58, Index Summary 49-6 47-5 40-4 40-5 40-5 40-5 40-5 80-11 64-2 49-7 47-13 64-31 64-31 40-3 40-5 47-13 40-1 40-4 40-4 40-4 48-46 40-4 58-20 40-4 40-4 Ice cream factories : — Requirements in Business Unit Windows and Skylights Ice houses: See Chapter 58, Index Summary Ice skating rink Illumination, Exit: see Lighting, Exit Illuminated roof signs: See Chapter 58, Index Summary Incinerator: See Chapter 58, Index Summary Inclosures: — Stairways Vertical shafts Well holes Infirmary Insane asylum Inspections: — Annual, see Annual Inspection Boilers Curtains, proscenium fire Elevators (see also Chapter 79, Index Summary) Escalators Exposed metal structures Five year Fuel burning apparatus Furnaces Gas holders Mechanical amusement devices Platforms, mechanical Plumbing Proscenium curtain Stage floor, mechanical Inspector: — Building Inspector in Charge Building Inspector in Charge, assistant Inspectors: General Institutional Building See Chapter 49, Index Summmary 55-2 51-26 82-148 50-25 50-46 55-3 64-28 61-21 61-21 40-5 40-5 43-35 13-7 13-7 13-7 58-88 58-88 43-35 43-35 51-26 13-7 13-7 S2 14') 13-7 13-7 13 4 13 4 13-6 40-5 Gl 44 Insulation-Lighting GENERAL INDEX Insulation : — Furnace warm air pipes and stacks Roof, between construction and covering . Smoke breechings Smoke flues Smoke pipes Smoke vents 80-13 80-13 80-13 80-13 Jails, See Prisons, Chapter 58, Index Summary Joists: — Anchorage: — 7 ft. min. spacing Fastened below center on side at end Fastened on top of parallel joists Fastened to 5£ in. width of parallel joist Size : Area, 0.4 sq. in. min Thickness, 3/16 sq. in. min Splice plates, abutting members Bearing, 3| in. min. on masonry Bridging, 8 ft. max Concrete, reinforced, pre-cast 77- Ends: 6 in. masonry between, on fire division walls Fire cut on fire division walls Kalamein frame between foyer and auditorium Kitchen: — Alcove 48-2 Business unit window sills, 3 ft. up Closet Cooking room, capacity factor 30 Defined: General Multiple dwelling Dining: — Defined Multiple dwelling Single dwelling Xon-habitable room 48-41 48 : 2' 48-2 47-17" Laboratories: — Capacity factor is 30 Denned as office unit Ladders, Fire Escape: — Access to roof, buildings 3 stories or less Counterbalance required on Fire Escape Counterbalance, width same as Fire Escape ladder Defined: Slope over 45° Hollow sections prohibited Pipe sections prohibited Rungs: Max. 14 in. on centers Width: Min. 17 in Landing: Floor space adjoining flights Lath and Plaster required: — Ordinary construction 61-65 Wood frame construction 61-65 Lavatory in plain sight, food establishments Lecture Rooms: Definition Schools, capacity factor 10 Legislative Halls Libraries: Capacity factor is 25 Definitions License : Capacity certified for amusements Power to revoke Lighting, exit: — Existing buildings to comply by July 13, 1939 Normal : — Buildings as follows: — Business units 61-70 61-70 55-2 50-53 80-17 61-45 80-27 80-27 80-27 80-27 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-48 72-11 to 77-10 72-8 72-8 53-116 48-44 50-46 48-45 62-3 40-1 48-2 48-2 48-43 47-17 48-2 62-3 40-7 64-11 64-79 64-79 64-77 64-78 64-78 64-78 64-78 64-25 67-53 67-53 82-125 55-2 62-3 55-2 62-3 55-3 44-3 39-5 66-1 66-2 Gl GENERAL INDEX Lighting-Live Loads 45 56-33 52-44 51-132 49-40 54^71 " 55-95 57-81 53-179 Lighting, exit: — (Cotit.) Normal: — (Com/.) Buildings as follows: — (Cont.) Churches Garages: Class I: 0.5 ft. candle at floor Hazardous use units 51-131 Institutional buildings: General Multi use buildings Open air assembly units Public assembly units Schools Theatres: Special requirements Elevators: 1 ft. candle at every point General: Required in all buildings On floors; 0.5 ft. candle at every point On stairs: 1 ft. candle at every point Additional required: Normal plus 20%, in.:- — Business units: 3 stories or more Over 2 stories Churches with assembly rooms: Over 1,500 capacity Churches with assembly rooms: Over 1,800 capacity Controlled only from inside principal entrance Garages, Class I : Basement General Over 1 story in height Hazardous use units . . 51-131 51-132 50-54 Institutional buildings : General All over 2 stories high Public assembly units Schools with assembly rooms: Over 1,500 capacity Schools with assembly rooms: Over 1,800 capacity Theatres: General Special situations Signs:— Directional: 5 ft. candles 66-14 Exit: 5 ft. Candles Fire escape: 5 ft. candles 66-17 Floor indicating: 5 ft. candles Lime : — General Mortar Quicklime to be slaked 48 hours Limits, Height. — General Measurement of Height Penthouses, spires, domes, etc 61-53 See Height of Buildings Lintels: — Bearing, min. 4 in Loose, unprotected: Openings, 3$ ft. max. Fireproof construction Openings, 3£ ft. max. Semi-fireproof const Supporting 1 story only in Heavy Timber const Masonry arches: Wood allowed behind Metal lintels: 4 in. min. bearing Non-combustible required Except: Wood lintels behind arches allowed in Ordinary Const Reinforced concrete lintels: 4 in. min. bearing With unprotected shelf angles in.: — Fireproof construction Semi-fireproof construction 60° load area: Solid walls, no openings Live Loads: — Auto storage space: 3,000 lb. on 4 ft. X 4 ft. area Elevator platform Floor placards: Full live load specified General, various occupancies, Table 66-2 66-2 66-2 66-2 49-42 66-2 66-2 66-2 66-2 66-2 66-1 66-2 66-2 66-3 50-54 66-3 56-34 66-3 52-45 66-3 52-45 66-3 66-3 49-41 66-3 66-3 57-82 66-3 53-180 66-8 66-8 66-8 66-18 73-16 73-20 73-16 61-18 to 61-20 61-19 61-20 73-53 67-7b 67-24b 67-40b 73-53 73-53 73-53 73-53 73-53 (.7 7a (.7 24a 70-20 70 4 (.1 .>1 70 7 70-1 Gl 4(> Live Loads-Lumber GENERAL INDEX 70-11 Live Loads: — (Cont.) Reduction: Beam, girders, and trusses Columns and piers Foundations Slabs and joists Walls See Table, Sec. 70-9 Roof loads: Combined with wind: — 25 lb. per sq. f t Normal to surface Temporary, over sidewalks Safes: 2,000 lb. on space 3 ft. X 3 ft Smoke rooms: 75 lb. per sq. ft Special loads for special equipment Temporary roofs over sidewalks Wind loads: — Beams, see Table Chimneys Columns, see Table Combined live, dead, and wind loads Each side of inclosing walls Flag poles: I5 lb. per sq. ft. of flag area 50 lb. per sq. ft. of vertical projection General Horizontal wind pressure either side of wall Joists Overturning moment Panels, skeleton construction Partitions as resisting members Signs: 25 lb. per sq. ft. vertical projection 30 lb. per sq. ft. vertical projection Sloping roofs Special structures Stacks Studs Table of wind loads Tanks, 30 lb. per sq. ft. of vertical projection Towers, 30 lb. per sq. ft. of vertical projection Walls Walls as resisting members Load bearing tile Load cards, see Floor load placards Load: 60° triangle area over openings Locker room: Capacity factor Defined Locks, Exit: — Fireproof doors used as exits Garages, pedestrian doors General, in means of exit Open without key Public assembly units Theatres See also Occupancy Chapters 47-58, Index Summary Lodges Lot: Corner lot defined Front of lot defined General definition Rear of lot defined: — General Multiple dwellings Lot Line, defined Lumber dry kilns Lumber Storage: — Areas to have 4 ft. aisles surrounding 1,000 sq. ft. units Location prohibited: Within 200 ft. of school, church, or institution. Piles: 20 ft. max. height 40-1 64-63 53-112 70-8 70-9 70-9 70-6 70-9 70-5 70-5 61-8 70-3 51-48 70-2 61-8 70-13 76-5 70-13 70-19 70-11 70-18 70-18 70-11 70-11 70-12 70-16 70-12 70-14 58-67 70-17 70-5 70-17 76-5 70-12 70-13 70-17 70-17 70-12 70-14 73-4 70-20 62-3 55-3 69-26 52-27 64-22 69-26 55-79 53-113 55-2 40-1 40-1 40-1 40-1 48-6 40-1 51-110 149-6 149-5 149-6 Gl GENERAL INDEX Lumber-Minimum 47 Lumber Storage: — (Cont.) Prohibited: Within 200 ft. of school, church, or institution Within 50 ft. of any building Within 25 ft. of fireproof or brick building Exceptions Mansard Roof : — Slope up to 75° defined as roof Slope over 75° defined as wall See Sloping Walls below Manufacturing buildings includes: — Electric manufacturing plants Factories Gas plants General Greenhouses Mills Steam plants Steel buildings: All metal walls Cement plaster walls Telephone exchanges See Chapter 50, Index Summary Market Buildings Masonry, General: See Chap. 73 See also individual items in General Index, such as: — Anchors, masonry Chases Walls, etc. Bond Parapet walls Materials: — Commissioners power to make rules Committee on standards Explosion hazard, Committee on standards Fire tests, A.S.T.M. C-19-33 Fume hazard, Committee on Standards Highly hazardous Meet intent of ordinance Meet standards of Am. Soc. Test. Mat Except: Ordinance specifications govern Non-ordinance materials 41-2 Ordinance specifications govern Quality : Commissioners power to make rules Meet standards of A.S.T.M Ordinance specifications govern Rules, Commissioners power to make Standards of materials: Quality Tests: Application for Methods Soil tests, Vol. 25, A.S.T.M Varying from ordinances See also Am. Soc. for Test Materials, General Index See also individual items, General Index Means of Exit, defined: Means of travel to egress Mechanical amusement devices, See Chapter 54 and 79 Index Summary Medical School: — Doors connecting with institution Institutional building Merry-go-round See also Chapter 79, Index Summary Metal Chimneys: See Chimneys Metal Frames: — See Doors, 45 min., Metal and Metal Frames See Windows, Type A, Metal and Metal Frames Metal Structures: See Exposed Metal Structures, Chapter 58, Index Summary Mezzanine: — Defined, general Theatre Minimum Requirements of ordinances 149-5 149-6 149-6 149-6 61-41 61-41 40-11 40-11 40-11 40-11 40-11 40-11 40-11 50-9 50-9 40-11 40-9 13-18 41-1 41-1 68-37 41-1 51-2 41-5 41-5 41-5 41-5 41-5 13-18 41-5 41-5 13-18 41-5 41-2 41-3 71-5 41-1 64-1 49 14 49-13 54-3 40-1 53-1 39-1 Gl -IS Monastery-Multiple GENERAL INDEX Monastery: Defined Multiple dwelling Monitors: — As tire resistive as roof Non-combustible if over 10 ft. high Same structural provisions as roof Mortar: — Cement : Masonry: C-91-32T, A.S.T.M. . Portland, high early strength: C-74-36. Portland, regular, C-9-37 Covering structural steel: \ in. coat Lime: C-5-26 or C-6-31, A.S.T.M Mixes, 6 types as follows by volume: — I'arts of 40-1 40-4 61-48 61^8 70-23 73-15 73-14 73-14 61-101 73-16 Mortar Number 12 3 4 Portland Cement 5 1 11 Lime 1 1 2 1 Masonry Cement 10 Sand 15 6 30 9 3 Sand, hard, clean: Min. fineness of 2.0 Table of allowed masonry stresses: — Bending: Max. 20 lb. per sq. in Compression, see Table General, see Table Motion Picture Trial Exhibition Room, See Chapter 51, Index Summary Moving Buildings: — Conform to new code in new location Fees, permit: Frame buildings, .10 per 1,000 cubic ft All other buildings, .20 per 1,000 cubic ft $5.00 min Frame buildings: — 50% of "value," damage clause Frontage consents, § of property owners Lot occupancy, dwellings, as per Chapter 48 Moving prohibited: — Over 50% damaged Outside fire limits to inside fire limits Permit required Moving Picture Booths: See Projection Rooms Moving Picture Trial Exhibition Room See Chapter 51, Index Summary, under Motion Pictures Multiple Dwelling: See Chapter 48, Index Summary Multiple Occupancy: — Assembly room: Open air 54-31 54-32 Public assembly unit 55-11 56 16 50 26 56-17 Separations Business units, Church Communication, ground story Communications, main exit level only, certain uses. . . . Doors, communicating ( rarage, Class I: 52-1 63-2 Garage, Class II: Hazardous use units 51-66 Institutional building 49-12 Multiple dwelling 48-49 School 57-29 57-30 Single dwelling 47-10 Theatres 53-38 53-39 63-2 Wiring systems, separate ( )thcr buildings and structures 63-3 i 55-24 63-3J 50-27 63 3k 52-17 63-3f 47-10 63-2 49-13 48-50 63-3/ 47-11 63-3h 40-19 73-20 73-20 73-20 73-20 73-17 73-21 73-20 73-20 60-5 43-17 43-17 43-17 43-17 43-17 43-17 43-17 43-17 43-17 63-3m 55-25 63-3m 63-6 63-3d 63-3m 63-4 64-7 63-7 52-18 63-3m 63-3g 63-3e 63-3c 63-3b 63-3m 63-3a 63-3m 63-5 63-3m Gl GENERAL INDEX Museums-Orchestra 49 Museums: Capacity factor is 10 62-3 Defined 55-2 55-3 Music Halls 55-2 Nailing strips, fireproof or semi-fireproof buildings 61-46 Natatorium: — Capacity factor is 15 62-3 Defined as: Public assembly unit 55-2 Swimming bath 55-3 Swimming pool 54-3 Xewel: An upright post at end of stair rail 64-25 Night building operations 61-12 Normal exits, includes those for ingress also 64-6 Nosing: Projecting part of tread 64-25 Notices: — Abate violations 13-19 13-23 Annual inspection, 30 day notices 46-5 Complaints 13-19 Compliance required 13-24 Dangerous buildings or structures 13-22 Discontinue use 13-19 13-23 Emergency 13-23 Inspection 13-19 Owner not found 13-22 46-21 Records 13-26 Stop construction 13-25 43-10 43-1 1 Tear down dangerous buildings 13-23 Tear down violations 13-24 Urgent cases 13-23 Use to be discontinued 13-19 13-23 Wrecking, stop 13-25 Nuisances: — Dangerous buildings 39-7 Definition 39-7 Endangering health 39-7 Unsafe buildings or structures 39-7 Unsanitarv conditions 39-7 Violations' 39-7 Nursery 40-5 Nurses' Home : — Doors connecting with institution 49-14 General 40-4 In institutional building 49-1 1 49-13 Nurses Training School in institutional building 49-13 Observation platforms 54-3 Observation towers 54-3 54-59 Obstructions in Exits; except 4 in. handrails, prohibited: — In passages 7 ft. or less in width: — Churches 64-23 Hospitals 64-23 Open air assembly units <>4 23 Public assembly units 64-23 School 64-23 Theatre 64-23 Occupancy, Certificate of: See Certificate of Occupancy Occupancy, multiple: see Multiple Occupancy Oil burners: See Heating Plants Old Peoples Home 40 5 Openings, Protection of: — Doors ''1 40 Fire escape doors and windows 64 70 Windows 61-40 65-3 65-4 Orchestra: Elevator type 46-11 46-8 46-15 79-119 Room, capacity factor is 25 62-3 Gl 50 Ordinances-Parapet GENERAL INDEX Ordinances: — Conflicts Definition General provisions are subordinate Heating provisions are subordinate Material specifications govern Minimum requirements Penalties for violation: Sec Penalties, Gen. Index Power to make rules Power to pass on ordinances Special provisions govern See also Special Provisions, below Ordinary Construction: — Arches Area limits Ceilings in basements: Bldgs. over 2 stories Exterior inclosing walls: 3 hr. construction Floor construction Freezing weather construction Hollow clay tile foundations prohibited Lintels Masonry in contact with earth Partitions 50-13 Protection against freezing Roof construction Structural frame Trussed steel joists Orphan Asylum Owner: Defined as owner or lessee, etc 61-70 39-2 40-1 39-2 80-1 41-5 39-1 13-18 13-13 39-2 73-54 62-7 67-52 67-54 67-51 73-56 73-55 73-53 73-55 67-57 73-56 67-51 67-50 67-51 40-5 40-1 47-17 Paint protection, structural metal 58-90 Paint Shop: — Business unit Institution Mixing or spraying, see Chapter 51, Index Summary Panic Hardware: 4 in., not considered exit obstructions As per occupancy provisions Theatres Pantry: — Defined Single dwellings Multiple dwellings Paper Baling or Storage: — Defined as hazardous use In business unit In institutional buildings Permitted in any building See also Chapter 51, Index Summary Sprinklers required Parapet Walls: — Brick to be Grade A: A.S.T.M., C-62-30 Coping to be impervious material Fire division walls: 3 ft. height above roof Fire shield stairs: 3 ft. height above roof in non-fireproof bldgs Garages, roof: 4 ft. height required Height: 3 ft., within 3 ft. of lot line 3 ft., within 24 ft. of opposite side of alley 2 ft., over 3 ft. from lot line 1 ft. at gable end of pitched roof 4 ft. on roof garage Mortar: Xo. 1 only to be used 73 34 Required on Non-fireproof buildings: — On walls: Fire division walls Within 15 ft. of lot line Within 24 ft. of opposite side of alley Exceptions: Roofs with 15 ft. of 2 in. tile covering Street front walls 50-50 61-102 50-50 49-37 64-21 64-22 53-113 40-1 48-60 48-60 51-3 50-50 49-37 63-2 51-121 73-34 73-35 61-62 64-44 52-15c 61-63 61-63 61-63 61-63 52-15c 73-20 61 -62c 61-63 61-63 61-63 61-63 Gl GENERAL INDEX Parapet-Penthouse 51 Parapet Walls:— (Cont.) Solid wall required Theatres with no superstructure over stage Thickness: Same as wall below Partitions: — Fireproof buildings: Non-combustible partitions required Except: 600 sq. ft. area, sub-dividing partitions Semi-fireproof buildings. Same as Fireproof buildings Heavy Timber buildings: Non-combustible partitions required. Except: 400 sq. ft. area, sub-dividing partitions Ordinary constructed buildings: Dwelling parts only: — Wood lath and plaster, or Metal lath and f in. plaster, or Other § in. lath, plus ^ in. plaster, or Other J hr. rating material, sanitary surface Ordinary constructed buildings over 2 stories high: — Basement ceilings, to be metal lath and plaster Wood frame buildings, same as Ordinary Construction 61-63 73-34 53-15 73-34 61-68 61-68 61-68 61-69 61-69 61-70 61-70 61-70 61-70 67-52 61-70 Buckf rames, wood studs used between Business units: — Basement partitions: 1 hr. construction Over 2 stories high, metal lath, plaster throughout Chimneys through partitions, 6 in. max., 61-91 Fire resistive construction, hour rating: See Chap. 68 and Table p. 236 Fire separations: Resistive construction required Fire stops: Maintained through hollow spaces Half story height partitions Schools: 7 ft. 6 in. office type partitions: — Glazed from 3 ft. to 7 ft. 6 in. heights Inclosure : 250 sq. ft., max. area Ventilation : Same as class rooms Thimbles around smoke pipes 61-91 Wood lath and plaster Wood stud bearing partition prohibited Except : In single dwellings Wood stud partitions: To have top and bottom plates Party Walls: Joint service between 2 buildings Recorded Easement Thickness, 12 in. min Passenger Stations: — Capacity 55-4 62-2 Concourses Defined as public assembly unit Smoking room Waiting room Penalties for Ordinance Violations: — Billboards, signs, and signboards Building operations at night Elevators General 41-7 42 49-44 56-36 64-80 71-59 78-15 85-79 8 43-38 50-56 57-84 65-30 72-18 79-188 44 S 51-135 58-91 66-19 73-57 80-28 39-8 48-71 55-97 63-10 70-25 77-11 84-11 Illuminated roof signs Penthouse: — Allowed above building height limit Allowed on any roof Below 45° plane, from lot line height limit Construction : — Area, combined: Not over 25% of roof area 45-16 52-47 60-6 67-67 74-31 81-27 46-48 53-196 61-103 68-38 75-20 82-153 47-22 54-73 62-10 69-32 76-29 83-71 61-72 50-13 50-8 80-10 61-67 61-71 81-18 57-24 57-24 57-24 80-10 61-70 67-51 67-51 61-71 73-1 43-3 73-33 62-3 55-3 55-2 55-3 55-3 46-24 61-12 79-188 46-29 61-53 61-53 61-53 61-53 Gl 5 2 Penthouse-Permits GENERAL INDEX Penthouse: — (Cont.) Construction: — (Cont.) General: Xon-combustible material 61-54 Except: Roof to be same as main roof 61-54 Located on roof under 50 ft. above grade: — Walls within 3 ft. of lot line to be same as in story underneath 61-54 With roof same as main roof 61-54 Door: 1 required to main roof, if flat 64-10 Flat roofed: Requires 1-24 in. stair to its roof 64-11 Or, 1-14 in. ladder 64-11 Stairs: 1-24 in. access stair required 64-10 Permit Fees: — Alterations: $2.00 first $1,000.00 of cost 43-28 $1.00 each extra $1,000.00 or part 43-28 Amusement devices: — Built in place S50.00 43-30 Portable $5.00 43-30 Billboards 43-31 Buildings: — 30 cents per 1,000: First 200,000 cubic ft 43-27 60 cents per 1,000: Over 200,000 cubic ft 43-27 Canopy, $10.00 43-30 Chimneys: — ■ Isolated, $10.00 43-30 Over 50 ft. high, $10.00 43-30 Elevators, $5.00 43-30 Fences over 5 ft. high: First 100 ft., $2.00 43-30 Each additional 100 ft., $1.00 43-30 Fire escapes, $5.00 first 4 stories 43-30 Each extra story $0.75 43-30 Floor load placards 43-33 Furnace inspection 43-35 Furnaces, warm air, $5.00 43-35 Marquee, $10.00 43-30 Minimum, S2.00 43-27 Moving frame buildings, ten cents per 1,000 cubic ft 43-17 Plumbing 43-34 Raise building other than frame building: — 20 cents per 1,000 cubic ft 43-28 $5.00 min 43-28 Roof signs, illuminated: — 1st 500 sq. ft. $50.00 43-32 Each extra sq. ft., five cents 43-32 Roofs, re-covering 43-30 Sheds up to 300 sq. ft., $3.00 43-26 Sheds, shelter, $2.00 per 1,000 cubic ft 43-26 Signboards 43-31 43-31 Sprinkler systems 43-30 Street obstructions 43-1 2 Tanks, flammable liquids 43-30 Tanks, roof: — Over 400 gallons capacity, $10.00 43-30 400 gallons or less, 5.00 43-30 Over 250 gallons, structural supports, $10.00 43-30 Ventilating systems 43-30 Water used in building work: — .05 per 1,000 bricks 43-6 .06 per 100 cubic ft. rubble stone 43-6 .08 per 100 cubic ft. concrete 43-6 . 1 5 per 1 00 yards, plaster 43-6 .05 per 100 cubic ft. hollow tile 43-6 .05 per 100 cubic ft. fireproof covering 43-6 Wreck buildings over 1 story high: — S5.00 per 25 ft 43-29 Permits: — Abandoned construction for 12 month period 43-9 Gl GENERAL INDEX Permits-Plans 53 Permits: — (Cont.) Application requirements Approval stamp Boiler approval required first Bonds, indemnity: Dept. of Public Works Drawings required Driveway permit required first Fees, see Permit Fees Furnace applications General: See Chap. 43 Not required for fence under 5 ft. high Not required for minor repairs Plan approval, other departments Plans required Record of fees Refusal to issue permit, after violations Registered contractors only Reinstatement after violation Reissue after violation Renewals: Extensions, 2 only Fee, 25% of original cost Permitted Prohibited after 18 months Reports, daily Required: — All work except minor repairs Before work starts Canopies Elevators Escalators Exemptions, minor repairs Mechanical amusement devices Revoked for violations Time limit: Work to start in 6 months Unlawful to proceed after revoke Work contrary to permit is unlawful Work not atfecting ordinances Piers Isolated: — Bonded every alternate course Bonded area, need not exceed 20% of face Height, max. 12 d Solid masonry required Wall piers, 24 in. or less, defined as isolated Piles, see Foundations Pipe, Smoke: see Smoke Pipes, and also Heating Plant Placards: Dangerous building Floor load 13-8 Planetarium Plans:— Alterations by new plans only Alterations by new plans only for fire escapes Alterations to stamped plans prohibited Amusement devices Approval before permit 13-20 Approval by other Departments: — Board of Health Bureau of Fire Prevention See Fire Prevention Department, General Index City Engineer Department of Boiler Inspection Department of Public Works: — Driveways General 43-4 45-6 Department of Smoke Inspection Except : Single dwellings Fees remitted 43- 14 43-8 43-16 43-2 43-2 43-1 43-2 43-2 61-13 55-2 13-7 13 S 43-4 43-£ 45-S 43-3 43-7 43-35 43-5 43-3 45-14 45-15 43-30 43-10 43-4 43-3 13-27 13-24 42-1 43-24 43-24 43-9 43-9 43-9 43-9 13-28 43-10 43-10 43-13 43-15 43-15 43-10 43-15 43-24 43-9 43-24 43-10 43-10 73^5 73-45 73-51 73-51 73-51 13-22 70-7 55-3 45-11 45-13 45 11 43 23 45-1 43 4 12 24 45-7 43-14 45-14 71 2 43 14 43-14 43-35 Gl 54 Plans-Pool GENERAL INDEX 43-13 45-3 45-3 45-6 64-45 13-7 53-109 67-56 13-7 43-15 13-8 45-9 Plans:— (Cont.) Approval stamp required Architects certificates: See under Achitect Architect or engineer to sign and seal Architectural Act, State of Illinois Balcony over public property Boiler specifications to be marked Boilers to be approved by Smoke Department Buildings within property lines Canopy Certificate stating that plans comply Certification Drawn so as not to fade or obliterate Elevators Encroaching on public property 64-18 Engineers certificate, see Structural Engineer Engineer or architect to sign and seal Escalators Examination before permit Existing building, plans required for alterations .... Exterior stairs over 24 in. wide require plans Filed in Department of Buildings for 6 months only Fire escapes over 24 in. wide require plans Fire Prevention Department approval required as per Sec. 12-24 Business units: 1 or 2 stories, over 4,000 sq. ft., 3 stories or more Churches Garages, Class I Hazardous use units Institutional buildings Multiple dwellings over 6 dwellings Open air assembly units Pass on all fire damage possibilities Public assembly units Schools Theatres Other buildings over 4,000 sq. ft. Other structures over 4,000 sq. ft. Furnaces: Complete plans required Harbor structures Heating plants 43-14 Kept on job Lot lines, building to be within Mechanical amusement devices 13-7 43-15 Permit after examination and approval Permit issued on preliminary plans Permit void, work contrary to plans Plat of lot required Plumbing and drainage to be shown Preliminary plans Required for permit Returned to applicant Scale: 1/8 in. to ft., min. permitted Structural Engineering Act, State of Illinois Theatre plans to show exits and seats Work contrary to approved plans, permit void Working drawings by architect or engineer Plat, See Survey Platforms, public assembly: Capacity factor 6 Platform, Stair: Any landing between flights Plumbing: See Chapter 82, Index Summary Police Commissioner to assist Police Stations, See Prisons, Chapter 58, Index Summary Pool, pocket (see also Athletic Club) Pool, swimming 54-3 55-2 55-3 43-7 45-2 45-2 45-6 43-14 43-14 45-6 45-6 45-5 45-5 45-1 43-15 61-94 71-2 45-2 43-23 45-1 60-3 45-13 45-13 45-13 45-15 45-8 80-1 45-10 45-6 43-23 13-20 45-4 43-10 45-12 45-1 45-4 43-3 43-7 45-1 45-2 53-10 43-10 45-5 62-3 64-25 13-29 55-3 62-3 Gl GENERAL INDEX Porches-Protected 55 Porches: — Combustible Construction permitted: — Buildings 3 stories or less, not over 50 ft. wide Combustible Construction prohibited: — Buildings over 3 stories high Buildings over 50 ft. wide Inclosure, see Multiple Dwellings below Institutions: 1 story wood porch permitted Multiple dwellings: — Inclosure: Street-front porches: — Glass area 2 times area of required wall openings . . . Sash and frame, wood or metal Top of sash, 6 in. above top of required opening . . . 40% of glass to open : Inclosure: Porches not on street front: — Glass area 3 times area of required wall openings . . . Sash and frame, wood or metal Top of sash, 6 in. higher than top of wall openings . 40% of glass to open Porches on buildings over 3 stories high: — Exterior supports to be non-combustible Walls to be masonry Wood permitted, interior supports and stairs Windows: 8 ft. max. from outside porch line Single dwellings, same as for Multiple Dwellings Storm door inclosure permited: — 2 ft. wider than inner door 4 ft. max. out from building face 12 ft., height limit Wood: see Combustible Construction above Principal Entrance, denned Prisons, See Chapter 58, Index Summary Produce Exchange: — Capacity factor 5 for trading rooms General Projections Below Ceiling: — 12 in. permitted 7 ft. min. above floor Max. 25% of floor area See also Occupancy, Chapters 47-58 Projection Room: — Church Open air assembly unit Public assembly units Schools Theatres See also Occupancy, Chapters 47-58, Index Summary Promenade : — Capacity factor Denned Includes: — Ambulatories Arcades Cloisters Gardens Roof promenades Theatres: Roof promenades prohibited Proscenium : — Curtain : — Inspection 13-7 46-8 Schools Theatres Denned: Separating stage and auditorium Protected Openings: — See Doors: 45 min., Metal and Metal frames See Windows: Type A, Metal frames and Wire Glass 47-18 40-8 54-15 55-20 46-11 53-133 61-87 61-88 61-88 49-9 48-64 48-64 48-64 48-64 48-64 48-64 48-64 48-64 48-47 48-47 48-48 48-63 47-19 61-87 61-87 61-87 40-1 62-3 55-11 62-5 62-5 62-5 56-15 54-60 57-21 57-21 53-33 62-3 55-3 55-3 55-3 55-3 55-3 55-3 53-53 46-15 57-70 53-135 40-1 Gl 56 Protection-Refrige r ation GENERAL INDEX Protection During Construction: — I Ipenings in Boor must be protected 61-4 Red lights at each end of material piles 61-11 Scaffolds: Constructed as to insure safety 61-1 Roof or planking on outside scaffolds 61-3 Temporary floor: When more than 1 framed floor 61-2 Required 1st floor below riveters 61-2 Temporary roof over sidewalks: Buildings over 3 stories: — 2 layers of 2 in. plank 61 8 1 ,ive load 250 lb. per sq. ft 61-8 Supports, posts, etc., 3 in. X 12 in., 4 ft. c.-c 61-8 Temporary roof over sidewalks, existing buildings: — 6 ft. wide walk 61-8 Covered with 2 layers 2 in. planks 61-8 Temporary sidewalks: 4 ft. above curb level 61-7 Provisions, special: See Special Provisions Public hall 54-3 Public Utility:— Size limitation, exempt 51-60 See Electricity Manufacturing 40-1 1 See Gas plants 40-11 See Steam plants 40-11 Public Works Commissioner: — See Commissioner of Public Works Purlin, defined 40-1 Race Track 54-3 Railings, protecting: See Guards, Protecting Railroad right-of-way under buildings 61-77 Railroads: Sheds adjacent 58-62 Railway Station: — Concourses 55-3 Defined as public assembly unit 55-2 55-3 Smoking room 55-3 W 7 aiting room 55-3 Ramps: — Bridges between buildings may be ramped 64-15d Construction : Same as stairs 64-54 Court, exit: Slope not over 1 in 6 64-12 Exterior ramps to be inclosed 64-53 Fire shield stairs: Slope max. 1 in 1 2 64-47 Garages: Slope 1 in 8 to 1 in 6 52-34 General 64-53 to 64-57 Handrails: — Intermediate not required 64-57 Required both sides, if slope is over 1 in 12 64-57 Landings: Level 4 ft. before stair 64-32 May be used in place of stairs 64-52 64-53 Xon-slip: When slope is over 1 in 12 64-56 Open air assembly unit 54-47 Public assembly unit: Slope 1 in 5 to 1 in 6 55-43 Same applicable requirements as stairs 64-53 Slope: In place of stairs, max. 1 in 8 64-55 In place of horizontal exit, max. 1 in 6 64-55 Non-slip: When over 1 in 12 64-56 Theatres 53-106 See also Occupancy Chapters, Index Summary Rat-proof intersections, bakeries 50-25 Reading place r>^ 1 55-3 62-3 Records 13-27 Red lights at each end of material piles 61-11 Reformatories: See Prisons, Chapter 58, Index Summary Refrigeration: — Exempt from hazardous use construction 51-26 Exempt from hazardous safetv clearance 51-13 General. See also Chap. 85 61-86 85-71 Gl GENERAL INDEX Refrigeration-Reinforced 57 Refrigeration : — (Cont.) Permitted in basements 51-57 Shall be built as in Chapter 85 51-27 Sprinklers not required 51-121 Theatres 53-21 53-22 See also Chap. 85 Refuse burner separations 61-84 Refuse Chutes 61-21 Registration of Contractors 42-1 See also Contractors, Registration Reinforced Concrete: — Aggregate:— Gravel 74-6 Sand 74-5 Slag 74-6 Stone 74-6 American Concrete Institute : See Design Anchorage 74-15 Beams: Composite 74-10 to 74-14 Tee 74-9 Chimneys: — 4 in. min. wall thickness 76-1 1 Lining 76-27 76-24 Cold weather requirements 74-8 Columns: — Combination 74-18 Combined axial load and bending 74-24 Load transfer on reinforcement 74-21 Long: — greater than 10 a Composite 74-22 General 74-22 74-23 Pipe 74-23 Pipe 74-23 Spirally reinforced 74-16 Steel stress, allowable 74-20 Tied columns 74-1 7 Composite beams: — Built up steel sections 74-13 Construction load design 74-14 Design provisions 74-12 General 74-10 Reinforcing bars 74-1 1 Construction in freezing weather 74-8 Design and Construction: — To be according to provisions of: — Building Regulations for Reinforced Concrete, A.C.I. 501-36T American Concrete Institute Feb. 25, 1936 74-1 Except: Sections below are nullified 74-3 101, 103, 205, 406, 603, 705, 902, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1107. 1108, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1112 Except: As otherwise specified in ordinance 74-1 Freezing weather requirements 74-8 Joists, precast: — Design 77-9 General 77-9 Materials, same as in Reinforced Concrete 77-8 Requirements: — Depth, max. 4 times width of flange 77-10 Slab, design 77 10 Stirrups 77-10 Materials, See Materials, General Index See Am. Soc. of Test. Mat., General Index Standards: See Am. Soc. of Test Mat., General Index Stresses: — Reinforcing steel, general 74-7 Gl 58 Reinforced Concrete-Roof GENERAL INDEX 67-32 67-32' 43-2 55-2 70-24 Reinforced Concrete: — {Cont.) Stresses: — {Cont.) Steel in columns Studs in bearing walls: — Construction Design Permitted: Multiple dwellings, 2 stories or less Single dwellings, 2 stories or less Tanks Tee beams Walls:— Bearing walls, min. thickness 6 in Loads, permissible Xon-bearing spandrels 67-15 Reinforcement Spandrels 67-15 See Spandrels, General Index Steel stresses: — Cold drawn wire, tension Columns See Am. Society of Test Materials, General Index See Materials, General Index Repairs : Defined Xot affecting ordinances, no permit required Residence: See Single Dwellings, Chapter 47, Index Summary Restaurants Retaining walls Reviewing Stands Revolving Doors: — Annual inspection 46-34 Clear width only counted as exit Collapsed-clear-width, 20 in. min General provisions Glass panels, shatter-proof or wire glass Institutional buildings, allowed as non-required exits Multiple dwellings Permitted generally Prohibited in: — Public assembly spaces Schools 57-54 Theatres Schools, Class II: Allowed as non-required exits Riding Academies Rinks:— Capacity factor: — Skating space, factor 10 ( (ther assembly space, factor 6 Defined Floor levels: Capacity over 25 persons: — Max. 2 ft. above or below grade Max. 2 ft. above or below main exit level Rise, vertical distance between 2 treads See also Stairs, Rise and Cut Roller coaster See also Chapter 79, Index Summary Roller skating Rolling Steel Shutters, See Fire Doors Roof:— Annex construction : — Public assembly unit Schools See also Occupancy, Chapters 47-58, Index Summary Clay tile arches Roof:— Covering : — Combustible: Allowed on 3 story frame buildings Defined as Combustible, and Fire retarding 74-20 74-26 74-26 74-25 74-25 51-52 74-9 74-28 74-27 74-29 74-30 74-29 74-7 74-20 55-3 55 13 57-14 55-3 73-37 54-3 to 46-36 64-19 64-19 64-19 64-19 49-27 48-58 64-19 64-19 64-19 64-19 57-54 55-3 62-3 62-3 55-2 55-23 55-23 64-25 54-3 55-23 61-51 61-51 77-1 61-44 61-42 Gl GENERAL INDEX Roof-Rooming House 59 Roof:— (Cont.) Covering: — (Cont.) Fire-retarding roof includes: — Asbestos sheets Asbestos shingles Burned clay tile Cement sheets Cement shingles Concrete tile Felt, asbestos or rag with pitch or tar Metal: Ferrous, l/40th in. thick Non-ferrous, l/64th in. thick Non-combustible composition tile Insulation permitted under covering Wood shingles: — Permitted on existing 3 story frame buildings Prohibited on buildings: Increased in area Increased in height Definitions of various Types: — Flat : Slope 15° or less Medium: Slope 15°+ to 60° Steep: Slope 60°+ to 75° Slope over 75°: Defined as walls Except : Surface of spires See Walls, Sloping Dormers: — Masonry construction required when: — Length is over 50% of parallel wall below To be same construction as roof Exits, fiat roofs: Buildings 3 stories or less: — Stair required in schools Metal ladder, or stair required on all other buildings. . Exits, fiat roofs: Buildings over 3 stories: — 1 stair required: Each 20,000 sq. ft. or fraction From grade or main exit level Lowest step: Max. 50 ft. to outside exit door May be inside or outside of building Gardens Hatches. See Roof Scuttles Insulation Live loads Mansard Promenade Scuttles: — Curb to be as fire-resistive as roof Fastened so cannot be blown off Open from inside without key or tool Opening: Min. 24 in. X 24 in Max. 48 in. X 48 in Roof as fire-resistive as metal clad door Signs, see Illuminated Roof Signs, Chapter 58, Index Summary Sloping over 75°: Permitted with attic Tanks, see Chapter 58, Index Summary Temporary, over sidewalks Room : — Basement: In multiple dwellings In single dwellings Definitions: — General Habitable rooms 40-1 Multiple dwellings 48- Non-habitable rooms Single dwellings 47-7 to 47-9 47-16 Rooming House: — Flop house Multiple dwelling 55-2 70-5 61-41c 61-43b 61-43c 61-43e 61-43b 61-43c 61-43f 61-43a 61-43h 61^3i 61-43g 61-45 61-44 61-44 61-44 61-41 61-41 , 61-41 ; 61^1 61-41 61-64 61-50 61-50 64-11 64-77 64-11 64-11 64-11 64-11 55-3 61-45 70-15 61-64 55-3 61-49 61-49 61-49 61-49 61-49 61-49 61-64 48-40 47-8 40-1 40-4 39 to 48-46 48-60 47-17 48^6 40-4 Gl 60 Roundhouses-Si gns GENERAL INDE X Roundhouses, See Chapter 58, Index Summary Row of Seats, defined 40-1 Rules, Commissioners power to make 13-18 39-4 Sales Room, Automobile: — Business unit when no gas in cars 52-1 Capacity factors 30 and 60 62-3 Separations from garage uses 52- 1 52-19 52-20 Sales unit 40-9 Salt i. ms (see tavern) 55-2 Sand: General 73-17 Fineness modulus 2.0 73-17 Sanitarium 40-5 Sawdust: 59 1 7 90-27 Scaffolds: See Protection During Construction Scenery : — Open air assembly unit 54-25 54-35 Public assembly unit 55-19 55-32 Theatres 53-30 53-31 55-19 55-86 Scenic railway 54-3 Seats, row of 40-1 Scuttles, roof: See Roof Scuttles Secretary, Department of Buildings 13-9 Semi-fireproof Construction Requirements: — Area limitations 62-7 Combustible materials allowed, certain uses 67-37 Exterior inclosing walls • 67-32 Facing materials of masonry, 3f in. min.: — Effective only for 5 fireprooring 68-31 Fire tests 68-37 Floor construction 67-25 to 67-28 Furring 67-36 67-19 Grounds 67-36 67-19 Lintels 67-24a 67-24b Partitions 61-68 67-35 See also Partitions, General Index Protective coverings, metal members 68-32 to 68-36 Same as in Fireproof construction Roof 67-29 to 67-31 Structural frame 67-23 67-24 Separations: See Fire Separations Serving Rooms: Capacity factor 30 62-3 Shafts:— Defined 40-1 61-21 Elevator shafts with stairs prohibited 61-21 Inclosures 61-21 Wells 61-21 Shall: Defined as mandatory 40-1 Sheathing, wood: Required on frame buildings 67-61 Sheds: see Sheds, Chapter 58, Index Summary Sheeting for supporting earth 70-24 Shingles, wood 014 2 61-44 Shoring: Allowable stresses may be increased 70-24 General 70-24 Show windows i>7 37 67-48 Sidewalks: — Clearance of fire escapes: 12 ft. for theatres 53-80 Derricks prohibited when buildings are over 4 stories 61-10 Live load, temporary roof: 250 lb. per sq. ft 61-8 Occupation : In front of own lot only 61-6 Railings required 61-6 6 ft. to be left clear 61-6 Period of construction use 61-6 Temporary roof over, during construction 61-8 Signboards: See Billboards and signboards, Chapter 58, Index Summary Signs, Danger: Dangerous buildings 13-22 Gl GENERAL INDEX Signs 61 Signs, Danger: Hazardous use units Signs, Directional: — Colors: Same as for exit signs Exterior passages, yards, courts, from public exits: — 1. At any irregularities in line of travel 2. At changes in direction 3. At intersections Horizontal exit signs required at : — 1. Doors from vertical exits Except: At terminating floor 2. Every intersection 3. Every turning Illumination: Same as for exit signs Letters: "To Exit," with arrow Otherwise same as exit signs Required in buildings requiring exit signs Signs, Exit: — Buildings in which required: — Business units: — Financial : 2 stories or over Manufacturing: 3 stories or over Office: 2 stories or over Over 1 story — office, financial and sales units Sales: 2 stories or over Storage : 3 stories or over Churches Garage, Class I Hazardous use units: 3 stories or more Stories requiring 2 exits Institutional buildings over 2 stories Multiple dwellings: Corridor type: — In assembly rooms over 500 sq. ft In dining rooms over 500 sq. ft In lobbies over 500 sq. ft Open air assembly units, over 800 capacity Public assembly units, over 250 capacity Schools Theatres 53-187 to Colors, illuminated externally: — Red translucent disc, 25 sq. in White letters on red field Colors, illuminated internally: — Red translucent letters on opaque field Fire escape exceptions: — Exit signs not required where fire escape signs are used Illumination by electricity: — 5 ft. candles on sign surface Circuit attached to emergency circuit Letters, illuminated externally: — "Exit" in 6 in. letters Principal stroke f in Letters, illuminated internally: — "Exit" in 4£ in. letters Principal stroke, ^ in. wide Plans, locating signs: Approved by Department of Buildings Plans to be presented to Department of Electrical Inspection . . Signs, Fire Escape: — Colors: Same as for exit signs Illumination: Same as for exit signs Letters: "To fire escape": Otherwise like exit signs Required at every door leading to exterior stair or fire escape: — From corridor From every opening From every lobby From every passage 50-55 50-55 56-35 52-46 51-96 51-133 49-43 48-69 48-69 48-69 54-72 55-96 57-83 53-192 51-115 66-14 66-12 66-12 66-12 66-11 66-11 66-11 66-11 66-14 66-13 66-13 66-10 66-5 66-5 66-5 50-55 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-7 66-7 66-7 66-9 66-8 66-8 66-6 66-6 66-6 66-6 88 74c 66-17 (.(» 17 66-16 66-15 66-15 66-15 66-15 Gl 62 Signs-Skylights GENERAL INDEX Signs, Floor Indicating: — Letters: Legible, contrasting colors 66-18 Same size as exit signs 66-18 Required: In all buildings requiring exit signs 66-18 In all vertical exits 66-18 Shall be sign or number 66-1 8 Sign: Illuminated Roof, See Chapter 58, Index Summary Signs: See Billboards and Signboards Single dwelling: See Chap. 47, Index Summary Skating rink 55-2 55-3 Skeleton Construction : — Defined 40-1 Fireproof construction 67 4 to 67-20 Semi-fireproof construction 67-21 to 67-37 Spandrel walls: — Fireproof construction Masonry, non-bearing Reinforced concrete 67-15 67-32 Semi-fireproof construction Skylights:— Business units: Same as in Chapter 65 Construction: Generally the same structurally as roof Construction: Type A skylights: — Glass: Area single pane: 1,200 sq. in., max Length : 5 ft. max Mechanically fastened Thickness, \ in. min 65-23 Wire mesh, f sq. in., max Xon-combustible throughout Painting required Sheet metal construction details Solid rolled steel construction details Corrosion fumes present: Wood members allowed Curb, same construction as roof of building Except: Wood to be metal covered Frames: Xon-combustible if over 50 ft. above grade Non-combustible or metal covered, if: — Over 1 story above grade, 50 ft. or less above grade Except : Wood allowed in corrosion fumes Garage, Class I, Type A skylight required: — Within 16 ft. of dividing lot line Within 16 ft. of opposite side of open space Glass, prism, 16 sq. in., | in. thick: — Allowed in Pavement type skylights Allowed in Sidewalk type skylights Xon-combustible structural members required Glass required, Type A skylights: — j in. thick, with f in. min. mesh Area, single pane, max. 1,200 sq. in Length, 5 ft. max Glass, wire, required: — Every Type A skylight Every skylight over 30 ft. above grade Habitable rooms: — Glass area, combined, 10% of floor area Min. 10 sq. ft Min. 10% of floor area 65-1 Min. width 1 ft Mechanical ventilation may be substituted Except : Hospital sleeping rooms Multiple dwellings School class room Single dwellings Ventilating openings, 4% of floor area See also Xon-IIabitable Rooms See also Occupancy, Chapters 47-58, Index Summary o/-/a 73-32 74-29 67-24a 50-46 70-23 65-29 65-29 65-29 65-29 65-29 65-25 65-28 65-26 65-27 65-22 65-22 65-22 65-22 65-22 65-22 52-35 52-35 65-23 65-23 65-23 65-29 65-29 65-29 65-23 65-23 65-1 65-1 65-2 65-1 65-1 65-2 65-2 65-2 65-2 65-1 Gl GENERAL INDEX Skylights-Spires 63 47-20 Skylights:— (Cont.) Limitations: None, size or location: — Greenhouses 30 ft. or less above grade Skylights, 1 story building: Skylight over 12 ft. to lot line. Type A skylights Metal covering required on wood curbs Multiple dwellings: Skylights in story under roof Non-habitable rooms: Glass area, min. 6 sq. ft., 1 ft. wide. . . Pavement type skylight Sash: Non-combustible, over 50 ft. above grade Non-combustible or metal-covered, if: — Over 1 story and 50 ft. or less above grade Except : Wood allowed in corrosive atmosphere Sidewalk type Single dwellings: Skylights allowed in story under roof. . Structural design according to Structural Provisions Ventilating openings, 3% of base area See also 65-1 and Occupancy, Chapters 47-58 Index Summary Wire glass required: — Every Type A skylight Every skylight over 30 ft. above grade Sleeping Stalls: Multiple dwellings Sloping Walls: See Walls, Sloping Smoke: — Breechings: See Heating Plants Department: See Department of Smoke Inspection Flues: See Heating Plants Pipes: — Clearances, walls and partitions Covering Dampers General Insulation 80-13 Lining Pass through 1 incombustible floor only Pass through partition Thimble, ventilated Rooms. See Chapter 51, Index Summary Stacks: See Chimneys Vents: See Vents, Smoke See Heating Plants Smoking Rooms 55-2 Soffit, Stair: Under side of stair Soils, See under Foundations Spandrels: — Defined, top of opening to sill above Facing, on unprotected angles, Fireproof construction Facing, on unprotected angles, Semi-fireproof construction Non-bearing walls: — 4 in. less thickness than in table 8 in. min., general Reinforced concrete 67-15 67 32 Skeleton construction: — 8 in . min Bearing, ~l\ in. min. on fireproofed steel 2 hr. construction for 3 ft. vertical distance Special Provisions: — Chapters 47 to 58 defined as Occupancy Provisions Chapters 47 to 58 defined as Special Provisions Chapters 47 to 58 govern over all other Chapters 39-2 Chapters 61 to 69 defined as General Provisions Special provisions govern Specialty Store: Dealing in 1 commodity or line Spires: — Access permitted Allowed above height limit 65- -21 65- 21 65-21 65-22 48-65 65- -1 65 -23 65- -22 65- -22 65- 11 65-23 48-65 65- -22 65- -24 65 -23 65 -23 48-46 80-4 80-13 80-10 80-10 80-27 80-13 80-10 80-10 80-10 55-3 64-25 40-1 67-7a 07 24a 73-32 73-32 74-29 73 32 73-32 65-8 39-2 39-2 80-1 39-2 39-2 40-9 61-55 61-55 Gl 64 Spires-Stairs GENERAL INDEX Spires: — (Cant.) Covering: Fire retarding if over structural covering Xon-combustible forming structural part Exterior surface classed as roof Habitable use prohibited Structural frame same- as that of building Wood sleepers, incombustible tilling Sprinklers: Sec Occupancy Chapters Square: — Defined as plot of ground: — Surrounded by street, railway right-of-way, waterway, public place or parks Provisional fire limits 89-1 See also Block, General Index Stable: See Chapter 58, Index Summary Stadiums, open Stage:— Capacity factor is 6 Defined: — General Type I, Theatres Type II, Theatres Elevators 13-7 Mechanical inspection... 46-11 46-8 46-15 Open air assembly unit 54-25 Public assembly unit ' 55-19 Theatres 53-29 See also Chapters 47-58, Index Summary Stairs: — Combined in main exit story: — Into single open flight Only 50% of flights may be combined Width, 120% of sum of required widths Common to 2 areas of allowed connection : — 5 ft. 6 in., min. width Constructed like fire division walls Counts as 1 stair from each area Standard fire doors required Construction to conform to that of building Curved walls at changes in direction : — Churches ( )pen air assembly unit Public assembly unit School Theatre Cut: See Stairs, Rise and Cut Rise times cut, 70 to 75 Definitions of terms: — Cut, distance between faces of risers Flight : Series of steps between landings Landing: — Floor space adjoining top of flight Floor space adjoining bottom of flight Floor space within stair inclosure Length to be equal to stair width Newel: Upright p 0S t at enc j f sta j r ra iii n g Nosing: Projecting part of tread ( ip( -n stairs: Interior stair incompletely inclosed I 'hit form: Landing between flights, not at floor level Rise: Vertical distance between successive steps Slope over 45° : Defined as ladder Soffit : Underside of stair Stair: 3 steps at least, inclined 45° or less Means of ingress or egress Step: Tread and rise beneath Stringer: Support for treads and risers 61-56 61-56 61-41 61-55 61-56 61-56 40-1 89-3 54-3 62-3 40-1 53-30 53-31 79-119 13-7 54-35 55-32 to 53-31 64-37 64-37 64-37 64-8 64-8 64-8 64-8 64-27 64-39 64-39 64-39 64-39 64-39 64-31 64-25 64-25 64-25 64-25 64-25 64-25 64-25 64-25 64-25 64-25 64-25 64-77 64-25 64-24 64-24 64-25 64-25 Gl GENERAL INDEX Stairs 65 Stairs: — (Cont.) Definitions of terms: — (Cont.) Tread: Horizontal surface of step, including nosing Width of stairs: Clear width of tread Exterior stairs to be same as fire escapes Fire escape: see Fire Escape Stairways Fire shield: See Fire Shield Stairways, General Index Flight: 13 ft. 6 in., max. height between platforms See also Occupancy, Chapters 47-58 Halls, defined Handrails: — 1 required on stairs 3 ft. 6 in. or less 2 required on stairs 3 ft. 6 in. to 7 ft End newel posts 5 ft. high, intermediate rails Ends returned and joined to wall Extend to front edge of 3rd tread Height: 2 ft. 6 in. to 3 ft., front edge of tread Intermediate required: Stair over 7 ft. wide Wood permitted Inclosures: Basement and above 1st story: — Basement access prohibited to stairs with 1st story inclosure Construction: — Fireproof buildings: 1 hr., non-combustible construction required 1 hr., 2 in. and 4 in. construction required Semi-fireproof buildings: 1 hr., non-combustible construction required 1 hr., 2 in. and 4 in. construction required Heavy Timber constructed buildings: — 2 hr., 4 in. construction required 2 hr., 2 in. and 4 in. construction required Ordinary construction buildings: — 2 hr., 4 in. construction required 2 hr., 2 in. and 4 in. construction required Fire shield stairs, masonry required Doors: 45 min. type required 61-24 Except: 2; in. wood doors in dwellings 4 stories or less Fire shield stair, masonry required Inclosure required, except in 1st story Inclosure required May be open in 1st story, combined stairs Stairs inclosed in 1st story: Access to basement prohibited Vertical shafts Well hole inclosures Windows, Type A required Landings: — Level landing required Level landing 4 ft. long, between ramp and stair 4 ft. long: Direction change 60° or less Wide as stair: Direction change over 60° Location, 100 ft. max. distance: — Any point of habitable floor to stair Measured on line of travel See Occupancy Chapters 47-58 Multiple occupancy communications only on main exit level in: — Churches Garages Hazardous use units Hospitals Schools Theatres Non-required: Same as for required stairs Except : Location Prohibited in same shaft with elevator ; Required: At least 2 in building with Fire Shield stair Except: Buildings 3,000 sq. ft. or less 64-25 64-25 64-59 64-33 40-1 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-38 64-28a 61-21 64-28a 61-21 64-28b 61-21 64-28b 61-21 64-44 64-28 64-28 64-44 64-28 61-21 64-37 64-38 61-21 61-21 61-24 64-32 64-32 04-32 64-32 64-29 64-29 64-7 64-7 64-7 04 7 M 7 M 7 64-30 64-30 61-21 64-51 04 51 Gl (.(. Stairs GENERAL INDEX Stairs: — (Cont.) Rise and Cut: — Business units: Churches, aisles: Churches, general: Fire escapes: Fire shield stair: Garage : Institutional Bldg.: Except Hospitals Rise Rise Rise Rise, 8 in 8 in., max. Cut, 9 in. min. . 8 in. max. Cut, 10 in. min. 1\ in., max. Cut, 10 in. min. Rise, Rise, Rise, 1\ in., max. Cut, 10 in. min. Rise, 1\ in., max. Cut, 10 in. min. Rise, 7| in., max. Cut, 10 in. min. Rise, 8 in. max. Cut, 9 in. min. . Rise, 9 in. max. Cut, 9 in. min. . Rise, 7\ in. max. Cut, 10 in. min. Rise, 8 in. max. Cut, 9 in. min. . max. Tread, 10 in. min 8 in., max. Cut, 9 in. min 8 in., max. Cut, 9 in. min Rise, 1\ in., max. Tread, 10 in. min Rise, 1\ in., max. Cut, 10 in. min Except: Teaching amphitheatres not in hospitals or schools Rise, 8 in., max. Cut, 9 in. min 49-22 Multiple dwellings: Rise, 8 in., max. Cut, 9 in. min Non-required stairs: Rise, 85 in., max. Cut, 9 in. min Open air assembly unit: Rise, 8 in., max. Cut, 10^ in. min Public assembly unit: — Emergency exit : General : Normal exit: Schools: Basements: Teaching amphitheatres: Others: Single dwellings: Rise times cut: 70 to 75 Sharp internal wall angles eliminated in: — Churches Open air assembly units Public assembly units School Theatres Slope over 45°: Defined as ladder Space under bottom flight, non-fireproof buildings: — Must be completely closed, no access, or Must be completely open Steps: At least 3 required in interior stairs Substitutes for stairs: — Bridges: — Connection over open space over main exit level Construction to be non-combustible Department stores: 40 ft. max. length Sprinklers required Doors: Self-closing required 45 min. required in Fireproof construction 45 min. required in Semi-fireproof construction 60 min. required in non-fireproof construction Exceptions: Not permitted in garages, hazardous use units, schools, or theatres Ends: 2 hr. construction required in fireproof buildings 2 hr. construction required in Semi-fireproof bldgs 4 hr. construction required in non-fireproof bldgs Floors, may be ramped: Slope not over 1 in 6 Location, same as for stairs 64-15e Windows, Type A, required Doors in dividing walls, except main exit floor: — Department stores: 5 ft. min. width 90% of main exit aisle width Each side to be in exit line of travel In lieu of 1 of 2 required exits Exceptions: Garages, hazardous use units Schools and theatres Escalators: May replace 1 out of 4 stairs See Escalators, General Index Fire escape chutes: General Fire escapes in business units Fire escapes may replace 1 out of 3 stairs Except: Buildings over 6 stories high 64-31 56-24 64-31 64-65 64-31 64-31 49-22 64-31 64-31 64-31 64-31 54-50 55-69 64-31 55-50 57^9 57-42 64-31 64-31 64-31 64-39 64-39 64-39 64-39 64-39 64-77 64-35 64-35 64-33 64-15b 64-15b 64-15b 64-15b 64-1 5b 64-1 5b 64-1 5b 64-1 5b 64-15 (.4-151) 64-1 5b 64-1 5b 64-15d 64-29 64-1 5b 64-1 5a 64-1 5a 64- 15a 64-15a 64-15 64-15 64-58 64-71 50-37 64-61 64-61 Gl GENERAL INDEX Stairs-Steel Construction 07 Stairs: — (Cont.) Substitutes for stairs: — (Cont.) Ramps: Same requirements as stairs 64-52 See Ramps, General Index Tunnels: Same requirements as for stairs Exceptions Vomitories: Same applicable requirements as for stairs See Vomitories, General Index See Occupancy, Chapters 47-58, Index Summary Width: 3 ft. min., with single handrail 3 ft. 4 in. min., with double handrails Winders, 9 in. wide, 1 ft. out from center Stalls, sleeping Standard Furnace Foundation Standards: — Committee on Materials Workmanship See under Am. Soc. of Test. Materials Steam hammer Steam Plants: — Defined as Manufacturing Unit Mezzanines Steel:— Cast: Prohibited in certain buildings Reinforcing: see Reinforced Concrete Stresses: Cold drawn wire: Tension Reinforced concrete columns Structural: see Steel Construction Steel Construction: — Beams : Composite Connections Continuous Lateral support 75-9 75-9 Non-continuous 64-53 64-15c 64-15 64-9 64-26 64-26 64-36 48-46 80-8 41-1 41-5 41-6 .71-17 71-18 40-11 50-12 75-6 74-7 74-20 75-18 75-12 75-12 75-17 75-12 — relations. o 75-8 75-9 Trussed steel Bending stresses, allowable Bolts: Construction specifications Buildings over 50 ft. high: — Connections shall be riveted, welded, or bolted with turned bolts in reamed holes Buildings over 100 ft. high: — Cast iron prohibited Cast steel prohibited Wrought iron prohibited Buildings: Height over I5 times least width: — Connections shall be riveted, welded or bolted, using turned bolts in reamed holes Buildings: Height over twice least width: — Cast iron prohibited Cast steel prohibited Wrought iron prohibited Connections: — Buildings over 50 ft. high: — Rivets, welds, or turned bolts to be used Buildings, height over lj times least width: — Rivets, welds, or turned bolts to be used Buildings under 50 ft.: Unfinished bolts allowed Except: Impact and stress reversal Continuous beams Impact and stress reversal: — Rivets, welds, or turned bolts to be used Non-continuous beams 75-17 78-1 75-7 75-16 75-13 75-6 75-6 75-6 75-13 75-6 75-6 75-6 75-13 75-13 75-14 75-14 75-12 75-15 75-12 Gl 68 Steel Cons truction GENERAL INDEX Steel (.'( instruction: — (Cow/.) Continuous beams 75-12 Corrosion protection: — Exposed metal structures 58-90 Floor and roof systems 61-102 Mortar: ' in., on inclosed steel (not concreted) 61-101 Painting 61-102 St eel floors 61-102 Steel joists 61-102 Structural frame 61-101 Tanks 58-87 Design: — Erection and fabrication: — To be in accordance with: "Specification for the Design, Fabrication and the Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings," as adopted by American Insti- tute of Steel Construction Revised June 24, 1936 for open hearth steel 75-1 Except: As otherwise provided 75-1 4- max. 40 75-8 b -r- over 15 : use formula 6 75-9 b values: General 75-5 75-6 r Trussed steel joists 78-6 Cast iron prohibited: Buildings over 100 ft. high 75-6 Buildings, height over twice width 75-6 Cast steel prohibited: Buildings over 100 ft. high 75-6 Buildings, height over twice width 75-6 Wrought iron prohibited: Buildings over 100 ft. high 75-6 Buildings, height over twice height 75-6 Formulas, column 75-6 Girders, - limits 75-8 75-9 75-17 o Impact: Requires rivets, welds, turned bolts 75-15 Joists, trussed steel 78-1 Lateral support: — Bracing to equal 2% of axial force 75-17 — , max. 40 75-8 o -,-, over 15 : Use formula #6 75-9 Materials: See Am. Soc. of Test. Mat., General Index Mortar covering: \ in., incased steel (not concreted) 61-101 Non-continuous beams 75-12 Painting steel 61-102 Sin I in concrete, same as in Reinforced Concrete 75-18 Steel shell buildings allowed: — 50 ft. from any street, alley, or lot line for Manufacturing and Storage units 50-9 Stresses: — Bending 75-7 Compression: — Column formulas: General 75-6 Formulas: Long members 75-6 I. on- members 75-6 Short members 75-5 / — ratios 75-5 75-6 Gl 75- Ki 75- 10 75-4 75- -15 75- 11 75- -11 75 11 75- -11 78- -1 GENERAL INDEX Steel Construction-Stores 69 Steel Construction: — (Cont.) Stresses: — (Cont.) Compression : — (Cont.) I — over 15: Use formula #6 75-9 b Shear : General Girder webs Tension: General Stress: Reversal requires, rivets, welds, turned bolts Thickness of metal: Exterior construction: — 5/16 in. thick, when carrying over 100 sq. ft. area Thickness of metal: Interior construction: — .24 in. thick, when carrying over 100 sq. ft. area Except: Fillers and linings Webs of rolled shapes, interior construction Trussed steel joists Welding: — To be in accordance with "Code 1, Part A, Code for Fusion Welding and Gas Cutting in Building Construction," of the American Welding Society, Edition of 1934, including Appendices I, II, III, IV. Materials, standards 75-3 Permitted 75-2 Strength of 1 joint is that of welded joints 75-2 Or, equals strength of bolts 75-2 Or, equals strength of rivets 75-2 Stresses 75-4 75-5 Supervision of Testing Laboratory 75-19 Surfaces to be clean 75-2 Tests: Certificate of architect 75-19 Certificate of engineer 75-19 Requirements 75-19 Welding in rain or strong wind prohibited 75-19 Except: If protected 75-19 Step: A tread with its rise 64-25 Stock Exchange: — Capacity factor is 5, trading room 62-3 Defined as business unit 40-8 55-3 Stone, architectural cast: See Am. Soc. of Test Materials SS-S721 £3 -12 Stone: Compressive stress: 5,000 lb. per sq. in 73-11 Lay on natural bed 73-1 1 Stop : — By word of mouth 13-25 Construction 13-25 43 1 [ In writing 13-25 Violations 13-25 43-10 Work contrary to permit 43-10 Work contrary to plans 43-10 Work in violation 13-25 Wrecking 13-25 43-10 43-11 Stops, door 69-29 Storage Building: — Business unit 40-10 Freight Houses 40-10 2 story fireproof: Unlimited area 50-15 1 story other construction: Unlimited area 50-16 to 50-18 See Business Unit, Chapter 50, Index Summary Storage Restrictions: Combustibles 90-27 149-5 149-6 Barrels Sawdust Boxes Shavings Lumber Sisal Prohibited locations Straw- Stores: — Capacity factor: Basement, 30 62-3 Main floor, 30 62-3 Upper floors, 60 62-3 Gl 70 Stores-Stresses GENERAL INDEX Stores: — (Cont.) Department store: See Chapter 50, Index Summary Genera] Market buildings Merchandise shops Retail Specialty Wholesale Storm Door Inclosures Permitted: — 2 ft. wider than inner door 4 ft., max. out from building face 12 ft. height limit Story: — Defined : general Designation of stories First story defined: — One nearest grade, 1 ft. or less below grade First story in garage Garage mechanism defined: First story part Ground story: Defined Exits Grade taken at upper level Street:— Bond, indemnity ' Clearance of fire escapes for theatres: — 12 ft. above sidewalk Damages Defined Deposit fee, $2.00 per ft., construction use Derricks on sidewalks Fire escape clearances, theatres: — 12 ft. above sidewalk Foundations encroaching 45-6 Grade defined Obstruction : Fees Permits Occupation by materials. 61-5 61-6 Permits Red lights on material piles Storage of materials: — 3 of roadway only to be used 4 ft. min. to tracks 1 ft. clear space at curb Adjacent frontage with consent Two level : — General Grade taken at upper level Ground story Ground story communications Main exit level Use terminated Stresses: — Bedrock: Reduced stresses allowed Buildings on bedrock Chimneys Cold drawn wire : Tension Columns: Timber Reinforcing steel in concrete Combined live, dead, and wind loads Concrete, plain Foundations to bedrock Increased stresses, shoring for construction . Joists, wood Load : 60° triangle over opening Masonry: Allowed stresses . Materials: See Materials, General Index 40-1 52-1 40-1 40-1 43-5 45-7 40-1 61-9 61-17 40-1 76-8 74-7 73-18 40-9 40-9 40-9 40-9 40-9 40-9 61-87 61-87 61-87 61-17 61-17 61-17 52-7 52 11 61-17 63-4 61-19 43-6 53-80 43-12 40-1 43-12 61-10 53-80 71-2 61-19 43-12 43-12 61-6 43-12 61-11 61-5 61-5 61-5 61-9 61-19 61-19 40-1 63-4 64-38 61-6 70-22 70-22 76-5 74-7 72-5 74-20 70-19 73-23 70-22 70-24 72-4 70-20 73-20 Gl GENERAL INDEX Stresses-Swimming 71 Stresses: — (Cont.) Moments 70-20 Openings, masonry walls, 60° load 70-20 Shears 70-20 60° triangle load over openings 70-20 Special structures 70-21 Steel: Reinforcing: For columns 74-20 Structural 75-4 to 75-10 General 75-4 to 75-10 Structural steel 75-4 to 75-10 Timber in flexure 72-4 Welds 75-4 75-5 Wire : Cold drawn, for reinforced concrete 74-7 Wood construction, See Chap. 72 Stringer, stair: Support for treads and risers 64-25 Structural Engineer: — Certificate : — Exposed metal structures 58-88 Mechanical amusement device 43-15 Timber, grade of 72-6 Trussed steel joists 78-8 Welding: General 75-19 Trussed steel joists 78-8 Certification of drawings and design 45-5 Pile cut-off determination 71-24 Seal on plans 45-2 Soil tests: General 71-5 71-8 Working load determination 71-8 Wood grade certification 72-6 Working drawings 45-5 Structural Engineering Act, State of Illinois 45-2 Structural Load Bearing Tile 73-4 Structural Non-load bearing tile 73-5 Structural Provisions of the Code : — Includes all Chapters except : Occupancy Chapters 39-2 Chap. 61 to 69 39-2 Structures: See Exposed Metal Structures, Chapter 58, Index Summary Studios, broadcasting: See Chapter 55, Index Summary Studs:— Concrete, reinforced 74-25 74-26 Wood, bearing on, prohibited 67-51 Except: Single dwellings 67-51 See also Partitions Study Room: — Capacity factor 62-3 See Schools, Chapter 57, Index Summary Subways : — ■ Building separations: — 12 in. masonry wall 61-73 Wall to be 20 ft. max. from public space . 61-75 Display space allowed on public side of wall . 61-75 Doors: One allowed through display space wall 61-75 Openings:— Max. size: 25% of wall area 61-74 Floor openings: 12 in. wall inclosure required 61-74 Double fire doors required 61-74 Railroad right-of-way under buildings . 61-77 Survey: — Plat required ' 45-12 Show new building location 45-12 Show old buildings on lot 45-12 Swimming: — Bath building 55-3 Natatorium 55-2 55-3 Pools 54-3 Gl 72 Ta nks-Transf ormer GENER AL INDEX Tanks:— Fees: — Annual inspection 46-44 46-45 Permits for construction 43-30 Structural supports 43-30 Tanks, roof 43-30 Flammable liquids: — Driveways 45 11 General 43-8 43 18 46-37 to 46-39 Location 45-14 Permit 43-8 43-30 Gas holders, 5 vr. inspection required. . . 46 42 46-43 58-88 [nspection 46-44 46-45 58-88 Roof: See Chapter 58, Index Summary Taverns: Defined as Public Assembly Unit 55-2 Teaching Amphitheatre: — Defined 40-1 Exits from, in institutions 49-19 Schools 57-42 Seats 49-19 See ( Jccupancy Chapters Telephone Exchange: Defined as Manufacturing Unit 40-11 Temperature to be maintained 80-3 Tenement House: See Chapter 48, Index Summary Tents:— Circus 54-3 For Public Meetings 54-3 Terra Cotta: — Absorption, max. 10% 73-10 Denned 40-1 Strength, compression: — 1,500 lb. per sq. in. of net area 73-10 700 lb. per sq. in. of gross area 73-10 Tests : — Elevators 79-153 79-181 79-182 79-162 79-168 Fire-doors 69-3 68-37 Fire tests 68-37 Materials: According to A.S.T..M 41-3 Application for test 41-1 41-2 Methods 41-3 Mechanical amusement devices 79-187 Pile: General 71-19 Metal pipe piles 71-30 Methods 71-19 Required tests: — Jetted piles 71-10 Metal pipe piles 71-30 When followers are used 71-17 Except: Drive long test pile 71-17 When more than formula load is wanted 71-19 Steel beams 71-58 Soil: Vol. 25, Proceedings A.S.T.M 71-5 Methods 71-8 Thimble, ventilated: Around smoke pipe 61-91 80-10 Tile floor arches 77-1 Towers: — ( General 61 55 Radio: Wind load 30 lb. per sq. ft. 70 17 Tank: Wind load 30 lb. per sq. ft 70-17 See Chapter 58, Index Summary, Exposed Metal Structures Trading Rooms: Defined 40-8 55-3 Transformer Vaults: — Ceiling height: 8 ft. min 61-82 Construction: Inside buildings: — 3 hr. construction required all around 61-80 Door, 60 min., required 61-80 Gl GENERAL INDEX Transformer-Trussed 73 Transformer Vaults: — (Cont.) Construction: Inside buildings: — (Cont.) Window, Type A, required Construction: Outside of buildings: — Semi-fireproof construction required Theatres Vents required: — 1 sq. ft. min. area 1 sq. in. in area for every 4 gallons oil Enclosure: 2 hr. construction required for 20 ft. above ceiling Over 20 ft., 1 hr. construction Exhaust vent system may be used Transoms 49-18 65-1 Trussed Steel Joists: — Allowed : General Ordinary construction Semi-fireproof construction 67-26 Anchors : Same as in Sec. 73-50 Bearing: 2\ in. min. on steel 4 in. min. on masonry Bending stresses in top chords Bridging: — Deck as top member Design as per Chapter 75, Steel Construction Number of lines required: — Clear span: Up to 7 ft., none Over 7 ft. to 14 ft., One Over 14 ft. to 21 ft., Two Over 21 ft. to 32 ft., Three Transfer of stress Ceilings: 1 hour construction defined Certificate from architect to Commissioner of Buildings Certificate from structural engineer to Commissioner of Buildings Connections: Expanded metal Resist erection stress Rivets Ultimate strength, 3 times design stress Welds Construction loads Eccentricity to be designed for Ends used as projecting beams Erection: Bearing: 2 \ in. min. on steel 4 in. min. on masonry Exposed: Prohibited: 1st floor, inaccessible spaces Where high humidity occurs Floors: 1 hour construction defined Intermediate joists to be symmetrical — relations 61-80 61-79 53-166 61-83 61-83 61-83 61-83 61-83 81-5 78-1 67-51 67-27 78-14 78-13 78-13 78-6 78-11 78-5 78-9 78-9 78-9 78-9 78-10 68-23 78-8 78-8 78-8 78-8 78-8 78-8 78-8 78-8 78-8 78-8 78-13 78-13 78-1 78-1 68-23 78-8 78-6 Lateral support : Concrete slab Wood floor attachments Limitations Loads: 800 lb. at any panel point, 1 joist. Nailing strip fastenings One hour construction defined Ordinary construction: joists allowed Painting: 2 coats required Permitted: General Ordinary construction Semi-fireproof construction Span: 32 ft. max. in clear Protection against corrosion Roof: 1 hour construction defined Semi-fireproof construction : — Fireproofing Permitted 67-26 67-27 67-26 78-6 78-6 78-6 78-4 78-12 68-23 67-51 61-102 78-1 67-51 67-27 78-1 61-102 68-23 67-31 67-30 Gl 74 Trussed-Ventilation GENERAL INDEX Trussed Steel Joints: — (Cont.) Spacing: 24 in. max. in floors 30 in. max. in roofs 7 ft. max. : Sheet metal roofs 7 ft. max. : Wood roofs Span, clear: 32 ft. max Steel standards: A-9-36 A.S.T.M Stresses as per Chapter 75, Steel Construction . . Stresses in top chord: 18,000 lb. per sq. in., max. Thickness of metal: — Bridging systems: rgth in Joists . g in Welding Trust companies: Defined as business unit Underpinning Undertaker's chapel Unhred Pressure Vessel: Defined Units, business: See Chapter 50, Index Summary Unsafe buildings or structures 43-28 13-22 Vaults, transformer: See Transformer Vaults Vehicular passage below grade Veneered Frame Buildings: — Anchors: 2 required every sq. ft. of wall Fastened to studs Size, 2/10 sq. in Defined: Facing not bonded Foundations, masonry or concrete required Height: 2 stories max 30 ft. max Thickness: 3| in. min Veneered Masonry Buildings: — Veneer is not part of wall thickness Ventilation: — Additional required, special cases Adequate air entrance: Exhaust system Adequate air exit : Supply system Administration : — Approval, Department of Public Works Board of Health 9-11 9-12 Definitions Employees: Div. of Com. Sanitation Div. of Heating & Ventilation Inspection after complaints Power to make rules Power to pass on ordinances Public Health Engineering Records Air supply: Source: — Equipment capacity: 50% outdoor 100% outdoor Generally outdoor Intake: Capacity, 50% outdoor Capacity, 100% outdoor Openings, 15 ft. from exhaust Openings 10 ft. above surface Secondary Tunnel Recirculation, 66§% max Recirculation: When rooms are not occupied Tunnels, auxiliary supply Uncontaminated Air supply: Source: When Exhaust preponderates: — Adjacent rooms, openings unobstructed Banking vaults 67-64 67-64 67-64 9-22 40-1 78-7 78-7 78-7 78-7 78-1 78-2 78-5 78-6 78-3 78-3 78-8 40-8 70-24 55-2 84-2 13-23 61-76 67-64 67-64 67-64 73-1 73-47 67-64 73-47 73-47 73^6 81-8 81-10 81-10 82-8 39-4 40-2 9-10 9-8 9-12 39-4 9-11 9-6 9-22 81-9 81-9 81-9 81^9 81-9 81-9 81-9 81-9 81-9 81-9a 81-9b 81-9c 81-9d 81-15a 81-15c Gl GENERAL INDEX Ventilation 75 Ventilation : — (Cont.) Air supply: Source: When Exhaust preponderates: — (Cont.) Mechanical system, adjoining rooms 8l-15a Miscellaneous rooms 81-15e Openings in same room 81-15a Projection rooms 81-15d Public kitchens and Serving Pantries 81-15b Area of opening, defined 81-24 Areas: Auxiliary openings, fire area 81-5 Skylights, max. open area, generally 81-5 Transoms, free area, swing 60° min 81-5 Windows, max. open area 81-5 Auxiliary openings: Free area 81-5 Based on use of rooms 81-6 Compliance tests 81-20 to 81-25 Defined : Healthful air conditions 81-1 Exhaust discharge point: — Away from source of supply 81-1 1 Outdoors 81-11 Will not be nuisance 81-11 To boiler room 81-11 To recirculating system 81-11 Exhaust: Mechanical 81-3c 50 cubic ft. per minute, min 81-7 General, See Chap. 81 Heating requirements 81-13 Inlets, general 81-10 Mechanical exhaust 81-3c Mechanical supply 81-3b Methods: Mechanical exhaust 81-3c Mechanical supply 81-3b Natural 81-3a Natural 81-3a Openings: Defined 81-4 Openings kept closed 81-16 Outlets, general 81-10 81-11 Partitions: § story height 81-18 Projection room: Exhaust Note 4 81-7 Supply 81-15d Recirculation: 66|% max 81-9a Prohibited from certain rooms 81-9e When rooms are unoccupied 81-9b Requirements for all uses: — As per alphabetical list in Table 81-7 Cab stands, gasoline motors Note 1 81-7 Passages inclosed, gas motor vehicles Note 3 81-7 Projection rooms: Exhaust Note 4 81-7 Supply 81-15d Rooms: Factory Note 2 81-7 Mercantile establishment Note 2 81-7 Mill Note 2 81-7 Workshop Note 2 81-7 Work shop, fumes, etc Note 5 81-7 Skylights: Max. open area to room 81-5 Structural requirements: — Incombustible material throughout 81-14 Moisture resisting material 81-14 Supply: General 81-9 81-15 Bank vaults 81-15c Check rooms 81-15e Machinery room 81-15e Projection room 81-15d Pantries, serving, public 81— 15b Public kitchens 81-15b Storage battery rooms 81-15e Storage rooms 81-15e 50 cubic ft. per minute, min 81-7 Gl 76 Ventilation-Wall GENERAL INDEX Ventilation : — (Cont.) Tests Time of operation Toilet room systems: — Exhaust connections allowed Exhaust connections, 10% of fan capacity Generally independent Supply Transoms: Eree area, swing 60° Proportionate area, swing under 60° Uniform distribution, fan systems Uses, various in one room Windows, max. open area See also Occupancy Chapters 47-58 Vents, Smoke: — Covering Dampers Gas fired appliances General Insulation Lining Pass thru 1 non-combustible floor only Pass thru partition Thimble See Chimneys See Heating Plants Vertical exit: Leads from 1 level to another. . . . Vertical Shafts, See Wells Violations: — By registered contractors Notices: Annual inspection, 30 days See also Notices, General Index Nuisance Penalties Permit revoked Permit void Stop Tear down See also Ordinances, General Index Vomitory: — Defined Public assembly units Requirements same as stairs Theatres: General Directional sign not required See also Occupancy Chapters 47-58 Waiting Room : Capacity factor, 15 Defined Wall:— Arches: Depth, min: l/12th of clear span Laid on radius of arch curve Rise, min: l/12th of clear span Solid masonry Wood lintels allowed behind Bearing wall defined: — More than 1 story above its support Supports load in addition to own weight Bearing wall thickness: — As per Table Except: Basement concrete walls extending to 1st story Below grade, Single Dwellings, 8 in. allowed in 2 story buildings Multiple dwellings, 8 in. allowed in 2 story buildings Wood frame buildings, 8 in. allowed Bond of Masonry: — Anchors, masonry: — 1 Anchor: Units 0.5 sq. ft. to 3 sq. f t -20 to 81-25 81-26 81-12 81-12 81-12 81-15e 81-5 81-5 81-19 81-17 81-5 80-13 80-10 80-12 80-10 80-13 80-13 80-10 80-10 80-10 80-10 39-8 61-12 13-23 55-46 53-6i' 64-3 42-5 46-5 39-7 79-188 43-24 43-10 13-25 13-24 40-1 55-52 64-9 53-64 53-193 62-3 55-3 73-54 73-54 73-54 73-54 73-54 73-1 73-1 73-28 73-30 73-31 73-31 73-31 73-45 Gl GENERAL INDEX Wall 77 Wall:— {Cont.) Bond of Masonry:— {Cont.) Anchors; masonry: — (Cont.) 2 Anchors: Units over 3 sq. ft. to 12 sq. ft 1 Anchor every 4 sq. ft., Units over 12 sq. ft 2 Anchors: Units over 2 ft. long Size : A in. min 2 Anchors in open back terra cotta Brick: 2 headers per sq. ft 73-43 Every 6th course a header course 73-43 Faced walls : — Anchors Brick: Every 6th course a header course Cast stone: 20% to extend 4 in. into backing Concrete units: 20% to extend 4 in. into backing Stone: 20% to extend 4 in. into backing Terra Cotta: 20% to extend 4 in. into backing Except : 3j in. open back Facing unit : Max. height 8 t Hollow units: Every 3rd course Max. every 16 in Piers: 24 in. or less: — Every alternate course Max. need not exceed 20% of face area Chases: 8 in. masonry required on 3 sides Over 24 in. wide, are openings Cold weather requirements 73-56 Corbels: Max. 4 in. from face Max. I in. for 1 course Bond: Alternate headers & stretchers Three courses, min Upper course to be header course Earth contact: Mortar No. 1 required Existing : — Buttresses, new, to be built into 8 in. chases Can be used if structurally sound Columns, new, to be built into 8 in. chases Facing: New, 8 in. min Toothings, 15% of area Footings, new, combine with old Mortar: No. 1 only to be used 73-39 Pilasters, new, to be built into 8 in. chases Exterior: Lath & plaster required in dwellings of: — Ordinary construction Wood frame construction Faced: Bond 73-44 Bonded to exert common action Facing: 3| in., counts only as one-half of required fireproofing Facing towards openings: Definitions 40-1 Fire Division: — Joists fire cut Masonry required as follows: — 12 in. solid units of brick, etc 8 in. reinforced concrete, solid Extend to roof in Fireproof and Semi-fireproof buildings Extend 3 ft. above roof in non-fireproof buildings Mortar required, 1, 2, 3, or 6 Offset walls permitted: 4 hr. construction Openings in any one story: — 5 ft. allowed in any case Double fire doors required 61-62d Sprinklered buildings: 50% of length, max Unsprinklered buildings: 25% of length, max Required: Separating max. allowed areas 6 in. maxonry between opposite beam ends 72-8 6 in. masonry between opposite girder ends 72-8 73-45 73-45 73-45 73-45 73-45 73-45 73-45 73^5 73-45 73-45 73-45 73-45 73-45 73-45 73-45 73^4 73-44 73-45 73-45 73-52 73-52 74-8 73-49 73-49 73-49 73-49 73-49 73-55 73-40 73-38 73-40 73-39 73-39 73-41 73-40 73-40 61-65 61-65 73-45 73-1 68-31 61-39 72-8 61 -62a 61-62b 61-62c 61-62c 61-62e 61 -62c 61-62d 61-66d 61-62d 61-62d 62-6 73^18 73 48 Gl Wall GENERAL INDEX 72-8 72-8 72-8 72-8 74-8 Wall:— (Cont.) Fire Division: — (Cont.) 6 in. masonry between opposite joist ends 6 in. masonry between beams and opposite wall face. . 6 in. masonry between girders and opposite wall face. . 6 in. masonry between joists and opposite wall face. . . Wood frame buildings See Fire Division Areas Fire resistive construction Foundations, Table of thicknesses General: See Chap. 71 See Foundations, General Index Freezing weather requirements Height Limit: — Defined: Clear distance between floor systems Clear distance between floor and roof 18 times wall thickness Hollow units: 50 ft. max. above foundation Hollow wall: 50 ft. max. above foundation Hollow : Solid units : Denned Height, max. 50 ft Hollow units: Defined Height, 50 ft. max Joist anchors: — 7 ft. spacing, min Fastened: Below center on side at end . . . . : On top of parallel joists To 5£ in. width of parallel joists Size: Area, min., 0.4 sq. in Thickness, min., -j^ sq. in Splice plates, abutting members Joist bearing: min. 3f in Lateral support : Buttresses - Columns Cross Walls Piers Length: Defined as clear distance between: — Cross walls, piers, buttresses, or columns Length: Limit: 18 times wall thickness Except: When height governs Lintels: See Lintels, General Index Masonry: 6 in. between opposite joists, fire division wall 6 in. between joists and opposite face of wall in fire division walls. . . Non-bearing, other than partition and: — Spandrel walls: Bearing 7£ in. on steel Skeleton construction, 8 in. min Supported at floors and roofs Thickness: General, 8 in. min Openings: 60° triangle wall load Parapet. — Brick to be Grade A, A.S.T.M. C-62-30 Coping to be impervious material Fire division walls: 3 ft. wall required Garages, roof : 4 ft. wall required Height: 3 ft. min., within 3 ft. of lot line 3 ft. min., within 24 ft. of opposite side of alley 2 ft. min., over 3 ft. from lot line 1 ft. min., at gable end of pitched roof On roof garages, 4 ft. min Mortar: Only No. 1 to be used 73-34 Required on non-fireproof buildings: — On all walls within 15 ft. of lot line On all walls within 24 ft. of opposite side of alley ( )n all fire division walls Exceptions: Street front walls Roofs with 15 ft. of 2 in. tile covering (.8 73-48 73^8 73-18 73-48 61-62c 13 to 68-18 73-28 73-56 73-25 73-25 73-25 73-29 73-29 73-29 73-29 73-1 73-29 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-50 73-48 73-25 73-25 73-25 73-25 73-25 73-25 73-25 73-48 73^8 73-32 73-32 73-1 73-32 70-20 73-34 73-35 61-62c 52-15c 61-63 61-63 61-63 61-63 52-15c 73-20 61-63 61-63 61-62c 61-63 61-63 Gl GENERAL INDEX Wall-Water 79 Wall:— (Cont.) Parapet : — {Cont.) Solid wall required 73-34 Thickness, same as wall underneath 61-63 73-34 Party: Joint service between 2 buildings 73-1 Recorded easement 43-3 Thickness: 12 in. min 73-33 Bonded every alternate course 73-45 Bonded area: need not exceed 20% of face 73-45 Height: Max., 12 d 73-51 Solid masonry required 73-51 Wall piers: 24 in. or less, defined as isolated 73-51 Proscenium: Separating auditorium and stage 40-1 Reinforced concrete, see Reinforced Concrete Reinforced concrete stud walls : — Designed as long columns 74-26 Permitted in 2 story or less: — Multiple dwellings 74-25 Single dwellings 74-25 Retaining 70-24 73-37 60° triangle wall load over openings 70-20 Sloping: — Sloping over 75° classed as wall: — 61-41 61-64 Except: — Exterior surface part of street front 61-64 Located more than 15 ft. from lot line 61-64 Located over 24 ft. from opposite side of alley 61-64 Which incloses unoccupied attic space 61-64 Surface, exterior: Slope over 75° defined as wall 61-41 61-64 Exceptions may be constructed as roofs: — Exterior surface of spires 61-41 Inclosing uninhabited space 61-64 Street front wall 61-64 Wall over 15 ft. from property line 61-64 Wall over 24 ft. from opposite side of alley 61-64 Solid: Solid units, all joints filled 73-1 Stresses in concrete, allowed 73-23 73-24 Stresses in masonry, allowed 73-20 Thickness: As per table 73-28 Except: Basement concrete walls extending to first story: Thickness same as 1st story 73-30 Below grade: Multiple dwellings, 8 in. allowed in 2 story buildings. . 73-31 Single dwellings, 8 in. allowed in 2 story buildings 73-31 Wood frame buildings, 8 in. allowed 73-31 Thickness: l/18th of distance between supports: — Foundations 73-28 to 73-31 General 73-28 Multiple dwellings 73-28 73-31 Single dwellings 73-28 73-31 Wood frame buildings 73-28 73-31 Veneered Frame Buildings: — Anchors: 2 required every sq. ft. of wall 67-64 Fastened to stud 67-64 Size: 2/10 sq. in 67-64 Defined: Facing not bonded 73-1 Foundations, masonry or concrete 67-64 73 47 Height : Max. 2 stories 67-64 Max. 30 ft 67-64 73-47 Thickness: 3f in. min 67-64 73-47 Veneer, Masonry Buildings: — Not counted as part of wall thickness 73-46 Venered: Units not bonded to exert common action 73-1 Warm air heating: See Heating plants Waste Material Chutes 61-21 Water fees: See Permit Fees Water heater: Flue exemptions 80-10 Gl 80 Water-Wells GENERAL INDEX Water Purifying Equipment: — General Permitted in basements Sprinklers not required with chlorine gas Water supply and distribution, Chap. 83 Waylite blocks Welding: — Design: As per Am. Weld. Society Materia] standards Not permitted in rain or strong wind Stresses 75-4 Supervised bv testing laboratory Tests:— Certificate of testing laboratory Certificate of architect or engineer Requirements Trussed steel joists Wells:— Denned as opening thru floor, roof, or ceiling Inclosure: — Fireproof buildings: — 1 hr. construction required, and may be: — 4 in. solid burned clay, or 4 in. solid concrete, or 2 in. solid metal lath and plaster Hatch door opening: Metal lath and plaster allowed Manhole opening: Metal lath and plaster allowed Scuttle opening Skylight opening Trap door opening Semi-fireproof buildings: Same as Fireproof building. . 61-23 Ordinary and Heavy Timber Construction buildings: — 2 hr. construction required, and may be: — 4 in. solid masonry units, or 2 in. solid metal stud, lath and plaster Ceiling to roof soffit for scuttle or skylight: — Must be inclosed Continuous shaft required Doors: 45 min. doors required: — Elevators Exceptions: Dwellings, 4 stories or less, 2\" allowed General 61-24 Wire glass: 144 sq. in., allowed in elevator doors Elevator Hatchway : — Automatic heat actuated doors prohibited Doors: 45 min. required 144 sq. in. glass permitted Pipes and wiring prohibited in Windows: Allowed in exterior walls only Guards required, opposite car entrance Guards required when inclosures are less than 7 stories above grade. Guards required when windows are less than 3 stories above ad- jacent roof Escalators: Inclosure not required in sprinklered building I xt ept: In business units Exemptions from inclosures: — ( !hase that is fire-stopped Elevator: Sidewalk type 61-22a Scuttle: Except between roof soffit and ceiling Skylight: Fxcept between roof soffit and ceiling Sleeves solidly built into floor Stairs already in an inclosure Openings, door: 45 min. door required 61-24 Openings, window: Type A required Required generally 51-27 51-57 51-121 73-22 75-2 75-3 75-2 75-5 75-19 75-19 75-19 75-19 78-8 40-1 61 -21 61 -21 61 -21 61 -23 61 -23 61 -23 61 -23 61 -23 61 -21 61 -21 61 -21 61 -22c 61 -21 61 -32 64-28 64-28 61 -32 61- -32 61 -32 61- -32 61 -29 61 -28 61 -28 61- -28 61- -28 61- -22f 50-48 61- -22b 61 -26 61 -22c 61 -22c 61 -22d 61- -22e 64-28 61- -24 61- -21 Gl GENERAL INDEX Wells-Windows 81 Wells:— (Cont.) Inclosure : — {Cont.) Windows: — Type A required 61-24 See Elevator Hatchway above Whip: See Chapter 79, Index Summary Wind Loads: See under Live Loads Winders: 9 in. wide, 1 ft. out from center 64-36 See also Occupancy Chapters 47-58 Windows: General: — Cleaning devices: — Required above 1st story, all buildings: — Except: Inside cleanable, reversible windows 65-9 Multiple dwellings, 3 stories or less 65-9 Single dwellings 65-9 When cleanable from balconies, etc 65-9 Construction : — Twin head, non-rusting 65-9 Secured by 2 bolts, each side of frame 65-9 Each bolt | in. diam 65-9 Through wall or frame 65-9 Habitable rooms: — At least 1 required 65-1 Glass area: Combined, 10% of floor area 65-1 Min. 10 sq. ft 65-1 65-7 Width, min. 1 ft 65-7 Mechanical ventilation may be substituted: — Except in : Hospital sleeping rooms 65-2 Multiple dwellings 65-2 School class room 65-2 Single dwellings 65-2 Transoms used for ventilation 65-1 81-5 Ventilating openings, 4% of floor area 65-1 Except: See Chapter 81 65-1 See also Non-Habitable Rooms See also Occupancy Chapters 47 to 58 Index Head: 7 ft. up to top of operating sash 65-7 Except: Casement sash: 6 ft. up, operating part, single or multiple dwellings 65-7 Multiple dwellings: 6 ft. 6 in. up 48-59 65-7 As allowed: Occupancy Chapters 47-58 65-7 Metal frames, wire glass, See Windows, Type A Non-Habitable Rooms:— Glass area: Min. 6 sq. ft 65-1 Width, min. 1 ft 65-1 Min. 10% of floor area 65-1 Transoms used for ventilation 65-1 81-5 See Occupancy Chapters 47-58, Index Summary Operating sash top: General, 7 ft. up Casements, 6 ft. up, operating part, single or multiple dwellings 65-7 Multiple dwellings, 6 ft. 6 in. up 48-59 65-7 See Occupancy Chapters, 47-58 Index Show, exterior 67^18 Sills: Non-combustible in non-combustible wall 65-8 Spandrels: Non-combustible in non-combustible wall 65-8 2 hr. construction for 3 ft. vertical distance 65-8 Transoms used for ventilation 65-1 81-5 Type A: See Windows, Type A Windows, Metal Frames and Wire Glass See Windows: Type A, Metal Frames, Wire Glass Windows, Type A: — Casement sash : max. 3| ft. X 10 ft 65-13 Frames and sashes, construction details 65-12 Glass: \ in. min., f in. mesh or less 65-20 Construction details 65-20 Embedded in putty 65-20 Gl 82 Windows-Wood GENERAL INDEX Windows, Type A: — (Cont.) Glass: — (Cont.) Length: Max. 54 in. except see 65-13 Mechanically held in place Single pane: Max. 720 sq. in Width: 54 in. max., except see 65-13 Heavy gauge steel, construction details Prohibited for openings over 30 sq. f t Prohibited, single panes over 560 sq. in Hinged sashes, construction details Hollow sheet metal, construction details Metal frames and wire glass required Mullions, over 8 in. wide: 2 hr. construction exterior covering Non-combustible materials required Openings over 84 sq. ft. to be subdivided Beam mullions: 2 hr. construction covering Beam transoms: 2hr. construction covering Painting Pivoted sash, construction details Sash, single other than casement: Max. 5 ft. X 6 ft Size of opening : 84 sq. ft. max Size of sash: — Casement: Max. 3£ft-X10ft Other single sash: Max. 5 ft.X6 ft Sliding sash, construction details Solid rolled steel, construction details Transoms, over 8 in. wide: 2 hr. construction exterior covering Wire glass required See Windows, Type A, Metal Frames and Wire Glass Windows, Type A, Metal Frames, Wire Glass required: — When located as itemized below, in : — All buildings: Except single dwellings any height Except multiple dwellings, 3 stories or less All buildings over 1 story: — Except: Churches with double glazed sash Multiple dwellings, 3 stories or less Single dwellings any height 16 ft. alley return, first 2 stories Wood frame buildings Locations: — Courts under 24 ft. wide: Windows facing openings Windows facing openings in another fire area Facing other openings in court under 24 ft. wide Fire areas, within 9 ft. and 150° of other opening. . . 61-40 Fire areas, within 4 ft. 6 in. and over 150° from other opening 61-40 Fire escapes, windows within 10 ft. of 64-70 Garages, Class I In stair inclosures: General 61-24 In required stair inclosures: Public Assembly Units. 61-24 In required stair inclosures: Schools 61-24 Except: In fire shield stairs 64-44 Over combustible roof: Within 40 ft. vertically 61-40 W'ithin 24 ft. of opposite side of alley Within 24 ft. of opposite side of easement Within 12 ft. of dividing lot line Within 24 ft. of and facing opposite side of alley Within 12 ft. of and facing dividing lot line Within 40 ft. vertically of combustible roof 61-40 W'ood Construction, Design Provisions: — Air space: 1 in., around beams, girders, trusses Anchorage of joists and girders Architects certificate: Structural timber Bearing: Beams, min. 3f in. on walls 72-7 Girders, min. 3| in. on walls 72-7 On chimneys prohibited 65-20 65-20 65-20 65-20 65-15 65-15 65-15 65-18 65-13 65-10 65-6 65-10 65-11 65-11 65-11 65-19 65-17 65-13 65-11 65-13 65-13 65-16 65-14 65-6 65-10 61-40 61-10 65-1 65-4 65-4 65-4 65-4 65-3 65-lc 61^0 65-4c 65-5d 65-4d 65-4g 52-35 65-4f 65-4f 65-4f 65-4f 65-4e 65-4a 65-4a 65-4b 61-40 61-10 65-4e 72-13 73-50 72-6 73-48 73-48 61-90 Gl GENERAL INDEX Wood Construction 83 Wood Construction, Design Provisions: — (Cont.) Bearing: — (Cont.) On wood stud partitions, prohibited Except : Single dwellings Frame construction Bending stresses, see Table Bolted connections: See Table Bridging: Required between joists when h is greater than 3 t — max. 85 Spacing: 8 ft. max 6 ft. max. when — - is over 7 5 h = height, actual t = thickness, actual Chimneys: Bearing on, prohibited Columns: Bases 2 in. above finished concrete floor -T-: 10 to 24, allowed unit stresses d -r : 24 to 50, allowed safe load Q -r : max. 50 Q Formula, — r over 24 d Compression across grain Table Compressive unit stresses, columns Table Density 6 annual rings per inch 5 summer wood End requirements: 6 in. masonry between opposite joists, etc Joists fire -out Fire stops, frame buildings Flag poles: — Design 72-17 Diameter of base, min., l/50th of length Diameter of top, min., 5/12th of base Quality, straight grained, free of knots. . . Wind load: 1J lbs. per sq. ft. of flag area 50 lbs. per sq. ft. of vertical projection Flexural unit stresses Formulas, columns, —r from 24 to 50 d Framing. Min. 2 in. from chimney Min., 7 in. from inside of flue Grade certificate required: — Bending stress 1,400 lb. per sq. in. or over Compressive stress 1,000 lb. per sq. in. or over Horizontal shear: Table of unit stresses Computation, definitions Masonry between opposite wood members 6 in. concrete between joists on dividing walls 6 in. masonry between joists on dividing walls Joists to be fire cut on dividing walls Modulus of Elasticity, Table Partitions, See Partitions, General Index Post bases: 2 in. above finished concrete floor Protected with water stops Safe loads on columns, -j- over 50 a 67-51 67-51 67-58 72-4 72-15 72-11 72-11 72-11 72-11 72-11 72-11 61-90 72-12 72-5 72-5 72-5 72-5 72-4 72-5 72-2 72-2 72-8 72-8 67-65 70-18 72-17 72-17 72-17 70-18 70-18 72-4 72-5 61-90 61-90 72-6 72-6 72-4 72-10 72-8 72-8 72-8 72-8 72-4 72-12 72-12 72-5 Gl 84 Wood-Wrecking GENERAL INDEX 67-39e 54-14 50-10 76-4 70-18 Wood Construction, Design Provisions: — (Cotil.) Safe unit stresses on columns Shear Span of timber: Clear span plus one end bearing Standards of quality, specifications Tensile unit stresses Ventilation: 1 in. air space, trusses, etc Wood: 2 in. min. from outside wall of chimney 7 in. min. from inside of due, etc Wood trusses: Air space: 1 inch Anchorage Bolted connections, Table Garages, 2,000 lb. load, any point General V . . 72 Heavy Timber construction Manufacturing unit, 2,000 lb. load Metal bearing plates See also Wood Frame Construction, below Wood Frame Construction: — Amusement park devices Area limitations Business units: General Inside fire limits Inside provisional fire limits Outside fire limits See Business units, Index Summary Ceilings Chimneys, wood supports prohibited " Flag poles Foundations: Frame buildings, 2 stories or less General Garages, Class II 52-4 52-10 General 67-1 Heavy Timber construction 67 Ice houses Multiple dwellings Open air assembly unit 54-13 54-7 Ordinary construction 67 Partitions Porches 49-9 Sheds: General Shelter Adjacent to railways, waterways, etc Shingles, wood 61-42 Single dwelling Stud partitions, bearing on, prohibited Except: Single dwellings See Wood Construction, Design Provisions Wood Shingles 61-42 61-44 Wood Sleepers 61-56 67-28 67-11 61-46 Wood trusses: — Air space, 1 inch 72-13 Anchorage 72-16 Bolted connections, Table 72-15 Garages, 2,000 lb. load at anv point 72-14 General 72-14 to 72-16 Heavy Timber construction 67-39e 67-39f Manufacturing unit, 2,000 lb. any point 72-14 Metal bearing plates 72-16 Workmanship : — Meet intent of code 41-5 Power of Commissioner to make rules 13-18 Standard practice 41-6 Wrecking: — Application 43-19 43-21 Bond with City Clerk : $20,000 to S40,000 43-20 72-5 72-4 72-9 72-1 72-4 72-13 61-90 61-90 72-13 72-16 72-15 72-14 14 to 72-17 67-39f 72-14 72-16 79-184 62-7 50-10 62-7 89-1 62-7 67-66 76-6 72-17 73-31 73-28 62-7 67-58 67-39 58-64 48-38 54-12 49 to 67-57 61-70 61-87 62-7 58-61 58-62 61-44 47-4 67-51 67-51 3S Gl GENERAL INDEX Wrecking-Yard 85 Wrecking: — (Cow/.) Bond not required from City Departments 43-21 Bond not required from U. S. Government 43-21 General 43-19 to 43-21 1 story building: No permit required 43-19 Permit: Fee, S5.00 for every 25 ft. frontage 43-29 Free to U. S. Government 43-21 Free to City Departments 43-21 Not required for 1 story buildings 43-19 Required for buildings over 1 story 43-19 Stop wrecking 13-25 Wrought iron prohibited, certain buildings 75-6 Yard: Definition 40-1 General, multiple dwellings 48-3 to 48-8 Gl INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 47 SINGLE DWELLINGS INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 47 SINGLE DWELLINGS Anchor, Joist: — 7 ft. min. spacing on all walls 73-50 Area, min. 0.4 sq. in 73-50 Thickness, min. ^ in 73-50 Area unlimited 62-7 Basement rooms 47-8 Bearing on wood stud partitions permitted 67-51 Boiler approval by Smoke Department not required 43-14 Bond, Masonry: — Brick, 2 headers per sq. ft 73-43 Every sixth course a header course 73-43 73-45 Faced walls, anchors required 73-45 Terra cotta facing, bonded with brick 73-45 Veneered walls 67-64 73-1 73-47 Brick veneer 67-64 73-1 73-46 73-47 See veneer, brick Bridging, max. spacing 8 ft 72-1 1 Ceiling construction, lath and plaster required 67-53 67-66 Ceiling Height: — 8 ft. for 75% of floor area 47-7 Projection permitted below 62-5 Chases in brick walls must have solid 8 in. walls around them 73-52 Columns, wood, must be 2 in. above concrete floor line 72-12 Construction : — Fireproof or Semi-F.P. construction required: — 1. Buildings over 3 stories high 47-6 2. Buildings over 44 ft. high 47-6 3. Buildings over 2500 sq. ft. above or below 1st floor 47-6 Frame construction permitted: — Inside provisional fire limits: — 1. Buildings not over 2 stories high 47-4 2. Buildings not over 30 ft. high 47-4 3. Area not over 1500 sq. ft. above or below 1st floor 47-4 Except: In block having 51% of lots occupied by masonry buildings. . 47-4 Frame construction permitted: — Outside fire limits: — 1. 30 ft. max. height 47-4 2. Area 1500 sq. ft. or less above or below 1st floor 47-4 Frame construction prohibited: — Inside fire limits 89-1 67-59 Inside provisional fire limits: — 1. Buildings over 2 stories high 47-4 2. Buildings over 30 ft. high 47-4 3. Buildings over 1500 sq. ft. above or below 1st floor 47-4 Heavy Timber, same restrictions as in Ordinary Construction Hospitals: — Ordinary construction for buildings 2 stories or less 47-13 F.P. or Semi-F.P. const, for buildings over 2 stories high 47-13 Ordinary construction permitted: — 1. Buildings 3 stories or less 47 5 2. Buildings not over 44 ft. high 47-5 3. Buildings with floor area not over 2500 sq. ft. above or below 1st floor 47-5 Cut, min. 9 inches 64-31 Defined 40-3 Dining kitchen 47-9 Dormers 61-50 Dry joints prohibited, "all joints filled" 73-1 1 Exits from rooms 47 14 Fireplaces 61-95 61-97 to 61-100 47 90 Foundation s-Sky lights INDEX SUMMARY Foundations: — General Frame buildings Frontage consents, provisional fire limits . 73-28 73-30 47-4 Garages, Class I: Prohibited with single dwellings . 4 hr. separation required Class II permitted, 1 hr. separation. . . 47- Door connecting Handrails Hospitals: Sleeping ten or less: Classed as single dwelling. . Construction Rise or steps Cut of steps 47-5 Lath and plaster required, ordinary and frame construction: — Ceilings 67-53 Exterior walls Partitions Live Loads: — General, 40 lb. per sq. ft Roof, 25 lb. per sq. f t Location on lot Lot line, distance to 61-64 61-40 Mansard roofs 61-41c 61-41 Mechanical ventilation not to replace natural ventilation .... Metal frames and wire glass exemption Moving. — Conform as new building Frame building, 50% damage Frontage consents § frontage required in block One location to another See Existing Buildings Multiple Occupancy. — Business unit in buildings over 2 stories, 2 hr. const Business unit in buildings 2 stories or less, 1 hr. const Church: 2 hr. separation required Doors, communicating Garage, Class I, prohibited Garage, Class I, 4 hr. separation required Garage, Class II, 1 hr. separation required Multiple dwelling, 2 hr. separation required Open air assembly unit, 4 hr. separation required Permitted Public assembly unit, 2 hr. separation required School, 4 hr. separation required Separations, fire, required 47-11 63-3a Theatres, 4 hr. separation required 63-3a Partitions: lath and plaster required, ordinary and frame construction Plat of lot required Posts: wood, must be 2 in. above finished concrete floor line Porches: Openings on open 47-18 Inclosure 47-19 48-64 61-87 61-88 Rise, max. 8i in Rise times cut, min. 70, max. 75 Roofs, types defined Rooms: Basement Size of 47-7 73-31 73-31 89-1 47-10 63-3a -19 63-3a 63-3g -14 69-21 64-34 40-5 47-13 64-31 64-31 67-66 61-65 61-70 70-1 70-5 47-2 47-2 70-5 65-2 65-4 60-5 43-17 43-17 43-17 60-5 63-3a 63-3a 63-3a 63-7 47-10 63-3a 63-3g 63-3a 63-3a 47-10 63-3a 63-3a 63-3g 63-3g 61-70 45-12 72-12 48-63 61-89 64-31 64-31 61-41 47-8 47-9 Schools, sitting less than 10 57-4 Schools, sitting less than 10, exits above main floor 57-4 Skylights 47-20 48-65 65-2 to 65-29 47 INDEX SUMMARY Stairs-Wood Lintels 91 47-12 Stairs: — Basement, general Basement enclosed stairs Cut, min. 9 inches Distance apart General 64-31 to 64-39 Handrails Hospitals, sleeping ten or less, two required, each 3 ft. clear. Inclosures, 4 stories or less Number required: — Under 3 stories, one required Over 3 stories, two required Over 2500 sq. ft. area, two required Over 16 ft. up to any habitable story, two required Rise, max. 8£ in Rise times cut, min. 70, max. 75 Schools Width: First required stair, min. 3 ft Second required stair, min. 2 ft. 6 in Basement, 2 ft. 6 in. min Winders Survey: — Plat required showing old buildings on lot Plat required showing proposed building 47-15 47-12 Toilet equipment 64-13 47-12 64-31 47-12 47-13 64-34 47-13 64-28 47-12 47-12 47-12 47-12 64-31 64-31 57-4 47-12 47-12 47-12 64-36 45-12 45-12 47-21 Veneer, brick: Anchors, 2 per sq. ft., 0.2 sq. Definition Fire stops General 2 stories max 3f in., min. thickness 30 ft. high, max Wall thickness, not part of . . 67-64 67-64 67-64 67-64 73-1 67-65 73-47 67-64 73-47 73-47 73-46 Wall thickness 73-28 to 73-31 Winders permitted, 9 in. wide, one foot out from center _ 64-36 Wood lintels permitted only behind brick arches, ordinary construction .... 73-53 47 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 48 MULTIPLE DWELLINGS INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 48 MULTIPLE DWELLINGS Anchors, Joist: Every 7 ft. of wall 73-50 Annual inspection, buildings over 3 stories 46-2 to 46-5 Area limitation 62-7 48-66 67-51 67-53 48-2 48 2 ( > Baths : Number Bearing on wood stud partitions prohibited Bond, Masonry: — General 2 headers per sq. f t. or 5 courses stretchers to 1 course headers Faced walls 73-46 Brick veneer 67-64 73-1 Bridging, max. spacing 8 ft Ceiling: — 8 ft. height for 75% of floor area 12 in. Projection permitted below Ceiling construction, lath and plaster required Certificate of occupancy Closet kitchen Columns, wood, must be 2 in. above finished floor Construction: — Over 80 ft., F.P. construction 50 ft. to 80 ft. and under 4 stories, Semi-F.P 50 ft. or less and up to 4 stories, Ordinary construction. . , Door, corridor, If in. solid Frame buildings, corridor type, prohibited Inclosure, public corridors Metal lath required: — Basement ceilings, buildings over 2 stories Over 2 stories, under 4 stories: — Basement ceiling Over 3 stories or over 44 ft: — Walls, partitions, and ceilings Separation of dwellings: General 48-28 850 sq. ft. clause Separation doors 48-36 Shaft doors: — General 2 story building Wood frame construction Corridor : — Distance (radial), dead end to vertical exit Doors Type building, defined Width: min. 3 ft. in clear Courts: — Alley Defined Lot line: Rectangular open Rectangular closed Rectangular, inner Rectangular, outer Non-rectangular Obstructions Through Tunnels Ventilation 48-29 69-21 48-56 48-7 73-43 73-43 73-43 73-47 73-47 72-11 48-39 62-5 67-66 46-3 48-60c 72-12 48-25 48-27 48-35 48-37 48-38 48-37 67-52 48-33 48-34 48-36 48-36 69-22 64-28 48-56 48-38 48-54 48-37 48-2 48-58 48 Defined Definitions Dining kitchen Distance, radial, from corridor dead end to vertical exit . 95 48-16 48-2 48-18 48-20 48-21 48-19 48-15 11 to 48-13 48-17 4S-24 48-24 40-4 48-2 48-2 48-54 48 96 Distance-Frame INDEX SUMMARY Distance to lot line, doors and windows 1£ ft. min. Doors: Communicating, multiple occupancies Corridor, 1^" Distance to lot line, 1£ ft. min. Enclosed, stairs Fire escape Revolving Shaft 48-37 4S 5S 1\ in. permitted, buildings 4 stories or less 45 min. doors, F.P. and Semi-F.P. Construction. Width : min. 3 ft. in clear, public door Dormers 48-56 48-56 48-58 Exits: Building Direct, through only 1 other room Distance (radial) from dwelling exit door: — Wood frame const., max. 25 ft. to vertical exit door Ordinary const., max. 50 ft. to vertical exit door Heavy Timber const., max. 50 ft. to vertical exit door Semi-F.P. const., max. 100 ft. to vertical exit door Fireproof const., max. 100 ft. to vertical exit door Corridor type: — Ordinary Const., 25 ft. max., dead end to vertical exit Heavy Timber Const., 25 ft. max., dead end to vertical exit Semi-F.P. Const., 50 ft. max., dead end to vertical exit Doors: enclosed stairs From four rooms, one allowed 48-52 From over four rooms From rooms General 61- Lighting: existing buildings Lighting: new buildings 66-1 Open stairs: main exit story Pass one stair to get to 2nd exit Public vertical Signs 48-69 Stairs: — Cut, min. 9 inches Handrails Inclosure required Number Open main exit story Pass one stair to get to 2nd exit Rise, max. 8§ in ' Rise times cut, not less than 70, or over 75 Through another apartment, prohibited Wholly in one dwelling Width: min. 3 ft. in clear Winders: 9 in. wide, 1 ft. out Tunnel 48-24 Exterior walls, Lath and plaster required 48-14 63-7 48-56 48-14 64-28 69-16 64-19 48-56 64-28 64-28 64-19 61-50 48-55 48-52 48-54 48-54 48-54 48-54 48-54 48-54 48-54 48-54 64-28 48-54 48-53 48-51 31 to 64-39 66-1 66-2 48-55 48-54 48-54 66-5 64-31 64-34 64-28 48-54 48-55 48-54 64-31 64-31 48-52 48-57 48-58 64-36 48-58 61-65 Fire alarm systems and extinguishers Fireplaces Firep roofing : — Over 1 story, less than 4 Over 2 stories, less than 3 Over 3 stories, or over 44 ft Fixtures required: Plumbing: — Baths, lavatories, sinks, and water closets . Frame buildings: — 4 dwellings, max. permitted Corridor type prohibited Height, max. 25 ft Moving 63-8 61-95 61-97 63-9 61-100 48-32 48-33 48-34 48-66 48-38 48-38 48-38 43-17 48 INDEX SUMMARY Frontage-M ultiple 97 Frontage consents, frame buildings, provisional fire limits. Frontage consents, moving frame buildings Garage, Class I, 4 hr. separation required Class II, 3 hr. separation required Fireproof construction required when dwelling floor is 24 ft. up. Habitable room defined Handrails: — Considered obstructions One required, stair 3'6" or less Two required, stair 3'6" to 7 ft Additional required, stairs over 7 ft Double handrail Heating separations, 1 hr. construction required Heating temperature to be maintained Kitchen : Alcove Closet Definition, general Dining Is not a habitable room 48-41 48-2 48-2 48-60-c 40-1 48-2 Lath and plaster required: — Ordinary and frame construction : — Ceilings Exterior walls Partitions Lavatories : Number Lighting: Exit: — Existing buildings New buildings Live Loads: — General: — Habitable rooms, 40 lb. per sq. ft Private utility rooms, 40 lb. per sq. ft. . . Public assembly rooms, 100 lb. per sq. ft. Public corridors, 100 lb. per sq. ft Roofs, 25 lb. per sq. ft Stairways, 100 lb. per sq. ft 67-53 66-1 Mansard roofs 61-41 Mechanical ventilation: General Mechanical ventilation, not to replace natural ventilation . Moving buildings: — Conform as new buildings Frame buildings, 50% clause Frontage consents, § frontage in block One location to another Permit fees Multiple occupancy: — Doors : Communicating Fire Escape Permitted Separations: Fire:- - Business unit, 2 hr. construction required Church, 2 hr. construction required Garage, Class I, 4 hr. construction required Class II, 3 hr. construction required Fireproof only, dwelling floor 24 ft. up General Institutional building, 2 hr. construction Open air assembly unit, 4 hr. construction Public assembly unit, 2 hr. construction School, 4 hr. construction required Single dwelling, 2 hr. construction required Theatre, 4 hr. construction required 61-64 48-60 48-50 89-1 43-17 63-3b 63-3g 52-18 48-2 48-58 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 61-84 80-3 48-44 48^5 48-2 48-43 48-2 67-66 61-65 61-70 48-66 66-1 66-2 70-1 70-1 70-1 70-1 70-5 70-1 70-5 48-62 65-2 60-5 43-17 43-17 43-17 43-17 63-7 69-16 48-49 63-3b 63-3b 63-3b 63-3g 52-18 63-3b 63-3b 63-3b 63-3b 63-3b 63-3b 63-3b 48 98 Nurses' Home-Windows INDEX SUMMARY Nurses' home in institutional building Occupancy, certificate of Occupied in violation Offsetting stories Partitions: See General Index Plan approval required, Fire Prevention Department when over 6 dwellings. Plat of lot required Porches: — Area included in building area Combustible, 3 stories or less Inclosure, 3 stories or less Non-combustible, over 3 stories . . 48-47 Window distance: max. 8 ft Wood, 3 stories or less Roofs: Types defined Rooms, Habitable: — Basement, prohibited in, when floor is over 2 ft. down Ceiling height, 8 ft. in clear Ceiling height, 12 in. projections permitted below Defined Size: min. 70 sq. ft. floor area Size : min. 560 cu. ft. in volume Rooms, Non-habitable: — Defined Includes kitchens, bathrooms, cellars, closets under 40 sq. ft., corridors, laundries, mechanical equipment rooms, pantries, storage rooms under 40 sq. ft Separations: See Construction Signs, Exit: — General, required in: — Assembly rooms over 500 sq. f t Corridor type buildings Dining rooms over 500 sq. ft Lobbies over 500 sq. ft Directional Exit 49-11 44-4 44-7 48-22 12-24 45-12 48-10 61-87 48-64 61-89 48-63 61-87 61-41 48-40 48-39 62-5 48-2 48-39 48-39 48-2 48-2 48-69 48-69 48-69 48-69 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-5 66-10 to 66-14 to 66-9 to 66-17 66-18 to 65-29 66-5 Fire Escape 66-15 Floor indicating Skylights 48-65 65-21 Sleeping stalls: — Aisles lead direct to exists 48-46 Ceiling, 9 ft. required 48-46 30 in. clear height above partitions 48-46 Glass, 10% of floor area of room 48-46 48-59 Special provisions govern over general provisions 48-1 Stairs: see Exits Standpipes, bldgs. over 80 ft. high 48-70 Survey of lot required 45-12 80-3 73-1 73-46 48-60 44-7 73-47 48-62 65-2 Temperature : min. to be maintained Vacated, ordered to be Veener, brick 67-64 Ventilation : — General: see Windows Mechanical, general Mechanical, not to replace natural ventilation Walls, exterior, lath and plaster required 61-65 Wall thickness 73-28 to 73-31 Water closets: — Access to 48-67 Number 48-66 Windows: — Casement, with transom, top of operating sash 6 ft. up 65-7 48 INDEX SUMMARY Windows-Yard 99 Windows : — (Cont.) Distances to lot line, 1£ ft. min 48-14 Employees rooms 48-62 Habitable rooms: — 10% glass, 6 ft. 6 in. up 48-59 5% total open area 48-59 Lot line court, 1£ ft. to lot line 48-14 Metal frames and wire glass, over 3 stories 61-40 65-4 Non-habitable rooms: min. 6 sq. ft. or mechanical ventilation 48-60 Public rooms: — General: 10% glass 48-61 Exemption: 6000 sq. ft. or less 48-61 Storage rooms over 40 sq. f t 48-60 Toilet rooms: min. 6 sq. ft. or mechanical ventilation 48-60 Wood lintels prohibited, except in Ordinary construction behind brick arches . 73-53 Wood stud bearing partitions prohibited 67-51 Yard 48-3 to 48-8 48 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 49 INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS till s © h '2 at c •-« eg "oo -rH -g ^ H © £1 > S„ S m © i-i X o ! S'S S) o P3 o > © £.s3 » ©~ .2 •+3 •> j o ^ ;■■ © SH X r Zi r— < x "^ O cy ,j ■ •h -r O S * 3 § § ^ 9 " > g §J:3 2 3 js o 3 © § -^ -J -s ^ il III = ■— CO b3 I s £ e| gas SO «2 o H o PL, 3 a 3| o ■s s SP.s J ^ pi :c c/. g « rt o co c -55 cs ^ t-5 ',« C u ^n c — "C — O "^ ,£5 '• ' c - < Oh Eh H H ^ £ 53 jcj <— X 5= © B o 9 51 x) © ,£ .=5 ac ^ £ £ £ '- cL.S^ c ~ ~ 8 .= '- C _1 o o Pm in in osioOH X — — i - X 5 § 5,693 888 28, 1 72 1 1,549 =' 2 84 10-45 I - 71 56-21 28-79 c o o 734 2,691 441 ] 4,494 7,423 X 1 cc cxi- to CM CS I- O -V M f DO — .- t] o o o = 818 2,909 417 13,678 7,126 - o o o 165 909 228 13,227 3,480 Cs - - •86 1 71 1-27 73 • 73 19-40 o o o - 79 437 117 1,786 1 x to«e>n m 3 :? Tl — Tl i ". — 05 OS o 5 86 172 111 6,438 1,094 3 / ! ! §«1 i co eo o oo -h o 272 4,912 26.856 11.372 0! 10-50 ■01 62 • 60 26-34 o o 5 121 2,317 3 13,815 5,814 c •71 1216 •02 61-08 26-03 = 151 2,595 4 L3,041 5,558 OS eo •39 :, • 1 8 76-44 17-99 o o 13,052 3,072 : •39 4-85 76-57 18-19 o 5 34 125 0,702 1,592 x" • 10 5 ■ 53 76 29 17-78 r 33 460 6,350 1,480 x" | ! £ o c c i ■- = * pq ^ - Z - at 1-2 4 = i ^ sfSl T i 'i II ~l"sc 2S*|| : : i & 2 s I i i i i J | 1 =111 S I"I! 2 I'll iiiH ■ : : 1 1 SI 3 11 ill : f i i J 1 t 1 1 1! Eh Eh ■ 3 e li [ II — 1 .1 si 5? 1! 11 ^i § rt - — T si s? aj 3 y - * i 11 ' A a 1 ., 1 11 — I I; « fl | s? 1 11 I 1" 1 § Ti II II II *i .M lllll o i I SSSf s i lessi -° S3 1 "S^Sg i s|J|| s «??»" i Ipl| 1 SigSSS § SHjj§ I • !!p i * 1 ? i!|! i »I3|| I s II "S :::':: 1 JJ ■ 1 ii p it ii o ? fl °"3 53 S ? ! ? ?i 1 a S"|i 1 Tl § a|*Si i §2 5§ § U3 g.- § »!,]§ 1 ? !i|! § «3||| i? ? !i|! § >S,g||| i inn i! UUj s : ;s:l III i 1 ■ I Table IS.— HOME I.AXOUAHES SPOKKX ASIATIC: LIBRARY OF THE J UNIVERSITY OF ILli Tabel 19.-HUISTALE WAT GEPRAAT WORD— ASIATE. HilMt I.A-NC'i AftES— HULSTALE. Tamil. Hindi. Trlreii. , Ijtijarnti. apanccs. | Eiiropese 27,190 24.H3I 51,821 18.838 7JOII 15,108 3"!sui7 12,953 41539 43,570 39.118 83.088 31,791 27,974 59,705 13,099 11,839 24,738 2,882 6,879 3,371 5,292 150 ! 4,547 78 247 84,'l83 29il37 53.500 37,048 90,548 79,li!)2 145^94 7*!ui>7 119,151 100,540 219.691 65,051 03.492 129,143 M. I'Lirt.-lamls. CAPE— KAAP. 730 269 999 1 I 1,128 50r. 1,019 403 35 ! 23 11. _ 43 30 3 765 277 1 1,042 | 52 15 67 1,151 572 1,723 1,035 312 406 | 2,169 37 198 2,446 2,069 4,515 i ill 120 -3 | 69 'Is l IS 33 1,289 1,000 2,289 29 II 40 137 72 209 4,663 4,152 1,693 5.845 6,677 lb! 508 'WARY 1)1 [HE UNIVEHUItY OF ffl Tabel 19.-HUISTALE WAT GEPRAAT WORD -ASIATE. AGES— HUISTALE. 1 1 lathees. Enrdpese And r. : Ons. Under 21 Ondcr 21 21 + Total. Total. Geataj. is ss 207 483 |l fe J:§ ? - Mik - 1 24 03 _ 1 tis 103 u jeg I|:ill M$ i'. 150 2,496 2.051 4.547 78 209 339 247 58G 65.651 63.492 53.500 37.048 90.548 100^540 219,691 M. T ITA.1L. 33 S 37 128 2JHi!_l r.'Ilss toils 1 M stedclik. 1'.' - 55 _ :i 1 69 'Is 203 M. Plattelanda. f g — 120 ■ ! 11 US 310 P. 16 33 1.289 1.000 2,289 B 137 72 209 2,525 2.138 4.663 4.152 1.693 5.845 6,677 3,831 10,508 M. TOTAAL. 1 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 49 INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS Includes the following: Generally with medical care: — Childrens' home Medical unit Day nursery Nursery Home for the blind Old people's home Hospital Orphan asylum Infirmary Sanitarium Insane asylum Get Commissioner of Buildings ruling, when no medical or surgical care is involved. Amphitheatre, teaching: See Teaching Amphitheatre Anaesthetizing rooms and equipment: — Cylinders containing gases 49-34 Doors 49-17 Electric connections and grounding 49-34 General 49-33 Warning signs 49-35 Anchors, joist, required every 7 ft. of wall 73-50 Annual inspection 46-1 to 46-7 Area limits: — 1 story, not sprinkler equipped 62-7 Over 1 story, not sprinkler equipped 62-7 Sprinklered, 100% area increase 62-8 Assembly rooms: — Defined 49-2 Exits, 30 in. per 100 capacity 49-15 General, conform to building 49-8 55-11 Separations 63-6 Bearing on wood stud partition prohibited 67-51 Bond, Masonry: — 2 headers per sq. f t 73-43 Every sixth course a header course 73-43 73-45 Faced walls, anchors required 73-45 Capacity: — Assembly room 49-2 General 62-2 62-3 49-2 Ceiling height: — Nurses' home in institutional building 49-11 Sleeping room, 9 ft. 6 in. min 49-11 Construction: — Fireproof required, more than 7 stories or 80 ft 49-5 Semi-fireproof required:- — More than 1 story and basement, up to 7 stories or 80 ft. high 49-6 Ordinary or Heavy Timber required, 1 story or less 49-7 3 hr. construction over basement 49-7 Porches, 1 story wood permitted 49-9 Separations from: — Assembly room, 2 hr. construction 63-6 Business unit, 4 hr. construction 63-3c Church, 2 hr. construction 63-3c Multiple dwelling, 2 hr. construction 63-3c Open air assembly unit, 4 hr. construction 63-3c Public assembly unit, 4 hr. construction 63-3c Single dwelling, 2 hr. construction 63-3c See Multiple Occupancy Corridors from patients rooms, 6 ft. 6 in. min 49-15 Court requirements, same as multiple dwellings 48-9 to 48-24 49-4 Defined 40-5 Doors : — Construction, certain rooms 49-17 103 49 104 Doors-Live Loads INDEX SUMMARY Doors: — (Cont.) Forcible detention, locks Locks, keyed, prohibited Open out Outside, 2 min., within 90 ft. of any point on floor. . Revolving doors allowed as extras only Sleeping room, min. width, 3 ft. 8 in. between jambs. Width: No leaf more than 4 ft. wide Electric wiring, independent for each use Exits : — Based on capacity Corridors from patients rooms Court, 10 ft. min. width Doors, construction : — Outside Sleeping room, 3 ft. 8 in. between jambs Two outside required, within 90 ft. of any point on main exit floor See also Doors, above. Height, 7 ft. in clear Signs. 49-43 66-1 66-2 66-5 Teaching amphitheatre, 18 in. per 100 capacity Width:— Assembly rooms, lecture rooms, etc., 30 in. per 100 persons Corridors to patients rooms, 6 ft. 6 in. min Doors, sleeping rooms, 3 ft. 8 in. min. between jambs General, 3 ft. 8 in. in clear, min Teaching amphitheatre, 18 in. per 100 capacity Exterior stairs, wood permitted 1 story high , Films, flammable Fire alarm systems and extinguishers 49-38 Fire escapes on hospitals, solid non-combustible platforms required Fixtures required, plumbing Forcible detention, doors Frontage on street required Garage, Class I, prohibited Hangar, non-fireproof: Prohibited with hospital Heating plant separations: 1 hr. construction required Except: Those with public assembly space in same building Those with theatres in same building Heating: Temperature to be maintained Hospitals: — Anaesthetizing rooms 49-33 Cut, min. 10 in Fire escape platforms to be solid, non-combustible Frontage consents Multiple occupancy: Communication on main exit level only Obstructions in passages 7 ft. or less, prohibited Rise, max. 1\ in 49-22 Sleeping less than 10 is Single Dwelling Ventilation, mechanical, not to replace natural ventilation in hospital sleeping rooms Lighting: — Exit signs Exits Multiple occupancy Live loads: — Corridors, 100 lb. per sq. ft General Patients' rooms, 40 lb. per sq. ft Public assembly units, 100 lb. per sq. ft. Roofs, 25 lb. per sq. ft Wards, 40 lb. per sq. ft 49-27 49-27 49-27 49-26 49-27 49-16 49-27 63-5 49-15 49-15 49-26 49-27 49-16 49-26 49-15 to 66-9 49-19 49-15 49-15 49-16 49-15 49-19 49-9 49-32 49-39 64-64 49-31 49-27 49-3 63-2 58-13 61-84 61-84 61-84 80-3 49-34 64-31 64-64 59-11 64-7 64-23 64-31 40-3 65-2 49 40 66-1 49-43 49-41 66-5 to 66-9 66-2 49-42 70-1 70-1 70-1 70-1 70-5 70-1 49 INDEX SUMMARY Mansard-Standpipes 105 Mansard roofs 61-41 61-64 70-5 Mechanical ventilation 49-29 Multiple occupancy: — Assembly rooms 63-6 Communicating openings: With hospitals, main exit level only 64-7 With nurses' home ■ 49-14 With medical school 49-14 Doors :— Communicating in hospitals 64-7 Communicating with medical school 49-14 Communicating with nurses' home 49-14 Communicating, types 63-7 Emergency exit stairway, 45 min. door 69-16 Fire escape 69-16 Garage, Class I, prohibited 49-12 General 49-13 63-3c Hazardous use prohibited 49-12 Hospital prohibited with non-fireproof hangar 58-13 Hospital, communication on main exit level only 64-7 Lighting, independent 49—12 Permitted 49-12 Public assembly unit 55-11 School prohibited 49-12 Separations 49-13 63-3c 63-3m Theatre prohibited 49-12 Wiring, independent for each use 63-5 Obstructions in hospitals 7 ft. passages or less, prohibited 64-23 Partitions, see General Index Plan approval by Fire Prevention Department required 12-24 Plat of lot required 45-12 Plumbing fixtures required 49-31 Porches, wood, 1 story high permitted 49-9 Public assembly unit 55-1 1 Rooms, sleeping: — Area, 100 sq. ft. min 49-11 Ceiling height, 9 ft. 6 in 49-11 Defined 49-10 49-11 Door width, 3 ft. 8 in. between jambs 49-16 Skylights prohibited in sleeping rooms 49-30 Transoms prohibited 49-18 Volume 49-1 1 Seats, Teaching amphitheatre : — Max. 10 in a row between aisles 49-19 Max. 5 in a row between aisle and wall 49-19 Separations from other occupancies 63-3c 63-6 Signs: — Directional 66-10 to 66-14 Exit 49-13 66-1 66-2 66-5 to 66-9 Fire escape 66-15 to 66-17 Floor indicating 66-18 Warning, anaesthetizing rooms 49-35 Skylights: — Permitted except in sleeping rooms 49-30 See Skylights, General Index Sleeping room, see Rooms, Sleeping Sprinklers : — Carpenter shop 49-37 Film storage 49-37 Paint shop 49-37 Paint storage 49-37 Standpipes, hose and connections 49-36 49 106 Stairs-Wood INDEX SUMMARY Stairs: — Based on capacity Cut, min. 10 in 49-22 Inclosure required, except 1st story Location : — Above 1st. story: Within 75 ft. of any point on floor Main floor: Within 90 ft. of any point on floor Basement: Max. \ greatest dimension to door Within 100 ft. of any point on floor Number, 2 min Open : 30 ft. max. height 2 hr. separation from patients' space 45 min. door in fire separation Ramp : Slope 1 in 10, general Outside, min. 3 ft. 6 in. in clear width Rise, max. 7£ in 49-22 Width : 3 ft. 8 in. in clear, min 30 in. per 100 persons capacity for: — Assembly rooms Lecture rooms Outpatient rooms Survey of lot required Teaching amphitheatre: — Exits: Aisles and stairs: — Width: 20 in. per 100 capacity 2 ft. 6 in. min Seats: 10 in row between aisles, max 5 in row between aisle and wall Temperature: Minimum to be maintained Transoms: — ■ Allowed to outer air, vestibules, or lobbies Otherwise prohibited Ventilation : General 49-29 Mechanical not to replace natural in hospital sleeping rooms Wall thickness Windows: Glass to be 10% of floor area Wiring: Independent for each use Wood lintels prohibited, except behind arches Wood stud bearing partition prohibited 49-15 64-31 64-28 49-21 49-26 49-21 49-21 49-20 49-25 49-25 49-25 49-26 49-26 64-31 49-15 49-15 49-15 49-15 45-12 49-19 49-19 49-19 49-19 80-3 49-18 49-18 81-7 65-2 73-28 49-29 63-5 73-53 67-51 49 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 50 BUSINESS UNITS INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 50 BUSINESS UNITS Includes : — Financial units Manufacturing units. Sales units : — ■ Specialty stores . . . General stores .... Storage units Anchors, joist: Every 7 ft. of wall Annual inspection Areas : — Basement 50-18 50-20 Fire division, see Fire division areas Maximum 62-7 Assembly room, comply with Chap. 55 Auto sales room; No gas in cars, is business unit Frontage consents Bakeries : — Commercial prohibited over 5 ft. below grade Rat proof intersections Window sills, min. 3 ft. above grade Basement :— Ceilings Partitions Salesrooms Stairways Sub-basements Units Bearing prohibited on wood stud partition Bond, masonry: — ■ 2 headers per sq. ft Every sixth course a header course 73-43 Bridges Capacity factor : — Manufacturing unit, 100 62-2 Storage unit, 100 62-2 Ceiling height: — General, min. 8 ft. in clear Mezzanines: 1000 sq. ft. or less, no requirement Over 1000 sq. ft., 8 ft. in clear, over or under Projections: 12 in. max., permitted below Storage unit, no requirement Chute fire escapes 64-71 Construction : — Area limits 50-14 to 50-20 62-7 Basement: — Ceilings, 1 hr. construction Partitions, 1 hr. construction Sales: Sprinklers or plastered ceiling required Fireproof construction : — When over 80 ft. high Exception Omitting fireproofing Semi-Fireproof construction; Not over 80 ft. high Heavy Timber: 50 ft. to 100 ft. high Except : Sales units 80 ft. high Ordinary: Up to 50 ft. high Over 2 stories, use metal lath Mezzanines : — Fireproof and Semi-F.P. buildings Number permitted 50-1 1 109 40-8 40-11 40-9 40-9 40-10 73-50 46-1 to 46-6 62-9 62-8 50-22 52-1 59-14 50-25 50-25 50-46 50-13 50-13 50-21 50-42 50-21 50-21 67-51 73-43 73-45 64-1 5b 62-3 62-3 50-24 50-24 50-24 50-24 50-24 to 64-76 62-8 50-13 50-13 50-13 50-5 50-7 50-5 50-6 50-7 50-7 50-8 50-8 50-11 50-23 50 110 Construction-Fire INDEX SUMMARY Construction : — {Cont.) Mezzanines: — {Cont.) Storage buildings See also Fire Division Areas below Storage and Manufacturing buildings: — Steel buildings, metal walls Steel buildings, cement plaster walls. . . . Wood frame construction outside fire limits Courts: Inner Outer Lot lin .61-7 62- 89-1 Dead loads Doors : — Fire escape Swing in, 1 story buildings 5000 sq. ft. or less. Swing out; All other buildings Electric Plant, See General Index Elevators; See Chap. 79 Index Summary Escalators, see Exits Exits: — Adjacent areas: General Not over 4000 sq. f t Corridor required to stair Corridor min. width 3 ft. 8 in Corridor, main : Min. width 5 ft. in Distance to exit, 1 story buildings: Combustible contents, 100 ft. ... ■ Non-combustible contents, 150 ft Distance to vertical exits: — Fireproof units, 150 ft Non-fireproof units, 100 ft Storage buildings, 150 ft Doors : — Multiple: Each, min. 2 ft. 6 in Width : 36 in. for first 50 persons 6 in. for each additional 50 persons General stores: 22 in. per 3000 sq. ft. area plus vert, exit widths Escalators, must be inclosed Escalators details of construction 79-143 See General Index Rooms, more than 75 person capacity, 2 exits Signs 50-55 66-1 66-5 Facing, masonry : Anchors required Filling stations, no drive into building 51-47 Financial unit: — Area limitation 62-7 Area, sprinklered, 100% increase allowed Banks Board of trade rooms with pit or post 40-8 Brokers board room with pit or post 40-8 Capacity: — Banking rooms, factor 50 62-2 General factor is 100 62-2 Trading rooms, factor 5 62-2 Exit signs, buildings over 2 stories 66-1 66-5 Stock exchange room with post 40-8 Trading rooms, with pit or post 40-8 Trust companies 40-8 Fire division areas: — Basement areas, increase above limits General 50-14 to 50-20 Masonry: 6 in. between joists on opposite side of fire division wall Sprinklered, 100% area increase 50-11 50-9 50-9 50-10 50-3 50-4 50^ 70-10 69-16 64-18 64-18 50-32 50-32 50-29 50-30 50-30 50-31 50-31 50-35 50-35 50-35 50-33 50-33 50-33 50-34 50-48 to 79-152 50-28 to 66-9 73^5 52-1 62-8 62-8 40-8 55-11 55-11 62-3 62-3 62-3 66-9 55-11 55-11 55-11 50-20 62-9 73-48 62-8 50 INDEX SUMMARY Fire-Live Loads 111 Fire division areas: — (Cont.) Fireproof construction: — Manufacturing: 2 stories, unlimited area. Storage: 2 stories, area unlimited Semi-F.P. construction: — Manufacturing: 1 story, area unlimited. . Storage : 1 story, area unlimited Heavy Timber construction: — Brick walls every 80 ft. between tenants . Partitions between tenants Manufacturing: 1 story, area unlimited. . Storage : 1 story, area unlimited Ordinary construction: — ■ Brick wall every 50 ft. between tenants . Partitions between tenants Manufacturing: 1 story, area unlimited. . Storage: 1 story, area unlimited 50-19 50-19 50-15 50-15 50-16 50-16 50-17 61-71 50-17 50-17 50-19 61-71 50-18 50-18 36 64-60 64-69 64-61 50-37 50-37 Fire escapes: — Below 264 ft., permitted Clearance above public space, 14 ft. min Department stores, prohibited on 64-60 Exterior: Permitted as stairs General 50- In place of stairs: — ■ 3 ft. width required for each 22 in. stair width May replace 1 out of 3 required stairs in buildings 6 stories or less. . . . May not replace stairs in sales units Prohibited over street line Signs 66-9 66- See Fire Escapes, General Index Floor load cards required, lb. per sq. ft. allowed 61- Foundations: — Cold weather requirements 71-3 73-56 General Soil pressures allowed Tests for soil pressures 400 sq. ft. building may rest on reinforced slab Frame buildings 50-10 62-7 Frontage consents Gas plant, see General Index Heating plant separations : 1 hr. construction required in : — Buildings without public assembly rooms Buildings without theatres Heating plant separations: — 2 hr. construction required in: — Buildings with public assembly space Buildings with theatres: — Including 45 min. doors Including Type "A" windows, if any 20 ft. away from any auditorium Heating: Temperature to be maintained Ice cream factories Ladder fire escape 64-77 to 64-79 Lighting:— Additional required in buildings 3 stories or more 50 54 66-2 Directional 66-10 to 66-14 Exit sign 50-55 66-1 66-5 to 66-9 Fire escape 66-15 to 66-17 Normal 50-53 66-1 See Lighting, Exit: General Index Live loads: — Combined, dead, live, and wind loads 70-19 Corridors, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 50-37 64-61 50-37 64-62 15 to 66-17 13 to 61-16 74-8 73-28 71-5 . 71-8 71-3 89-1 59-3 61-84 61-84 61-84 61-84 61-84 61-84 80-3 50-25 50 112 Live Loads-Office Unit INDEX SUMMARY Live loads: — (Cont.) ( reneral 70-1 Loft space, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Manufacturing, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 ( (ffice space, 50 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Power plant space, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Roofs, 25 11). per sq. ft 70-1 Safes, calculations for 70-1 Stairways, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Storage, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Stores, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Winch- Chimneys and stacks 76-5 Flag poles 70-18 General 70-11 to 70-16 Sloping roofs 70-5 70-15 Special structures 70-17 Load cards, lbs. per sq. ft. allowed 61-13 to 61-16 Manufacturing unit: — Area : Limitation 62-7 62-8 Sprinklered, 100% area increase allowed 62-8 Capacity factor, 100 62-2 62-3 Electric manufacturing plants 40-11 50-12 Exit signs, 3 stories or more 66-1 66-5 to 66-9 Factories 40-11 Gas plants, See General Index General 40-11 Greenhouse 40-11 65-5 65-21 Live load, 100 lb. per sq. ft .- 70-1 Mills 40-11 Steel buildings with metal walls 50-9 Steel buildings with cement plaster walls 50-9 Steam plants 40-11 50-12 Telephone exchange 40-1 1 Mechanical ventilation 50-45 Metal frames and wire glass 61-40 65-3 65-4 Multiple occupancy: — Church, 2 hr. separation required 63-3d Doors, communicating 63-7 Fire station, 2 hr. separation requirement 58-44 Garage, Class I, 4 hr. separation 63-3d 63-3f Garage, Class II, 1 hr. separation 63-3g General 63-3d Hangar, head house, 4 hr. separation 58-9 Institutional buildings, 4 hr. separation 63-3d Multiple dwelling, 2 hr. separation 63-3d Permitted 50-26 50-27 Public assembly unit, 2 hr. separation 63-3d School, 2 hr. separation 63-3d Single dwelling: — • Buildings over 2 stories, 2 hr. separation 63-3d Buildings under 3 stories, 1 hr. separation 63-3d Theatre, 4 hr. separation 63-3d Office unit: — Administrative units 40-7 Area: Limitation 62-7 62-8 Sprinklered, 100% area increase allowed 62-8 Capacity: — General factor 100 62-2 62-3 Laboratoris, factor 30 62-2 62-3 Defined 40-7 Exit signs: Buildings over 2 stories 66-1 66-5 to 66-9 General 40-7 Live loads: — Corridors, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 50 INDEX SUMMARY Office Unit-Signs 113 Office unit:— (Cont.) Live loads: — (Cont.) Office space, 50 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Stairways, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Partitions : — Basement, 1 hr. construction 50-13 Between different tenancies ' 50-19 Metal lath required: Buildings over 2 stories 50-8 Wood stud bearing partitions prohibited 67-51 See Partitions, General Index Plan approval required by Fire Prevention Department when buildings are 1 or 2 stories high and over 4000 sq. ft. in area, or when buildings are 3 stories or over 12-24 Plat of lot required 45-12 Public rooms 50-22 Rooms, over 75 capacity, 2 exits required 50-28 Sales units: — Basements, general: — Ceilings 50-13 Partitions 50-13 Salesrooms 50-21 Stairways 50^12 Sub-basements: Sales prohibited under Basement "B" 50-21 Units, business 50-21 Exit signs, 2 stories or over 66-1 66-5 to 66-9 General store : — Area limitation 62-7 62-8 Basement sprinklered 50-50 Bridges : — Department stores: 40 ft. max. length, spinklered 64-15b Doors: F.P. or Semi-F.P. Const., 45 min 64-15b Heavy Timber Const., 60 min ' 64-15b Ordinary Const., 60 min 64-15b 90% of main aisle 64-15b Ends, F.P. or S.F.P. Const. : 2 hr. const 64-15b Ends, Heavy Timber or Ordinary Const., 4 hr. const 64-15b Ramps 64-15d Capacity:— Factor 30, main floor and basement 62-2 62-3 Factor 60, upper floors 62-2 62-3 Floor area, largest to determine stairs 50-38 General 50-38 Stair units 50-38 Doorways: — Bridges: self-closing doors 64-15b Street exit floor: 22 in. per 3000 sq. ft 50-34 90% of main aisle 64-15a Through dividing walls 64-15a Fire escapes, exterior, prohibited 64-60 64-61 Sprinklers: — All basements 50-50 Buildings 2 stories or over 50-50 Stairways: — Basement 50-42 General 50-36 to 50-39 Incombustible 50-39 Specialty store 40-9 Stair units 50-38 Signs:— Directional 66-10 to 66-14 Exit 50-55 66-5 to 66-9 Fire escape 66-15 to 66-17 Floor indicating 66-18 General: See Chap. 66 50 114 Sprinklers-Wood INDEX SUMMARY 50-50 50-30 50-42 Sprinklers: — Carpenter shop Department stores over 2 stories Furniture storage, financial unit Lumber storage, financial unit Paint shop Paper storage or baling Stairs: — Areas: 3000 sq. ft. or less 3000 sq. ft. to 7000 sq. ft Over 7000 sq. ft Basement: 2 stairs required Employees stairs Inclosed stairs Open stairs prohibited Buildings over 264 ft. high Buildings 3 stones or less in height Department stores require non-combustible stairs Exceptions : — ■ Electric plant Gas plant Steam plant Fire escape stairs: — Department stores, prohibited on Permitted below 264 ft. level 36 in. width equals 22 in. of stair width Width: 3 ft. 8 in. min. to count as stair See Fire Escapes, General Index Fire Shield Height of flight:— Sales unit, 9 ft. max Other units, 12 ft. max Enclosure required, except in 1st story Open stairs in basements prohibited for sales units Spiral: Employees only Width:— Largest floor area determines width 3 ft. 8 in. in clear, min Stair unit is 22 in Winders, 9 in. wide, 1 ft. out Winding stairs, employees only See Exits See Means of Exit, Chap. 64 Standpipes: Buildings over 80 ft. high Steam plant Steel buildings Storage unit: — Area limitation 62- Capacity factor 100 62- Exit signs, buildings 3 stories or more 66- Freight houses General Live loads, 100 lb. per sq. ft Survey of lot required 50-37 50-36 50-41 40 11 50-50 50-50 50-50 50-50 50-50 51-121 50-36 50-36 50-36 50-36 50-33 64-28 50^12 50-36 50-36 50-39 50-43 50-43 50-43 64-60 64-60 50-37 50-38 64-51 50-40 50-40 64-28 50-42 50-41 50-38 50-38 50-38 64-36 64-36 50-51 50-12 50-9 Ventilation: General. Mechanical 50-45 Walls between different tenancies Walls, fire division : See Fire Division Areas See Fire Division Walls, General Index Windows: — Bakeries, sills 3 ft. above grade, min. . . . Fire escapes, within 10 ft General Metal frames and wire glass See also General Index Wood stud bearing partition prohibited .... 50-17 50-18 50-44 64-70 50-45 61^0 65 7 62-8 2 62-3 5 to 66-9 40-10 40-10 70-1 45-12 81-7 50-45 50-19 50^6 65-4g 50^6 -3 65-4 67-51 50 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 51 HAZARDOUS USE UNITS INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 51 HAZARDOUS USE UNITS Acetylene gas: Safety clearance 250 ft Acetylene gas : Carbide residuum disposal Acid, corrosive: — Adjoining buildings permitted Basement not to be used 51-24 Building defined Construction : — Basement for acid use prohibited 51-57 Basement for other use permitted Fireproof construction or Semi-fireproof const, required Defined as hazardous unit Defined as hazardous storage unit Office, 6 persons permitted Areas unlimited: — Fireproof construction Semi-fireproof construction See also Construction See also under each hazardous use Artificial Flowers: — Defined as hazardous unit Sprinklers required Asphalt : — Basement, prohibited in Construction Defined as hazardous unit Room, max. 1200 sq. f t Sprinklers required Two (2) hour separation Ventilation Assembly, places of: 100 ft. min. clearances Basement, certain rooms prohibited Cabinets, fireproof: See Fireproof cabinets Calcium carbide storage (See Chemicals Storage, Hazardous) Carpet Linings: — • Defined as hazardous unit Sprinklers required Chemicals Storage, Hazardous: — Basement, for heating only Basement, outside door Basement room prohibited Basement, standard fire separation Building, definitions Buildings, max. fire area 600 sq. ft Calcium carbide storage: — ■ Application Oxygen tank storage prohibited Permit required for over 600 lb Residuum disposal Safety clearance Stored in any building 51-16 Chemicals defined as hazardous Construction: — General 51-61 Heavy Timber construction : 2 stories max Ordinary construction : 1 story max Defined as hazardous unit Defined as hazardous unit, storage unit Fire separation required 51-31 Materials, water hazard Oxygen containers Room 117 51-13 51-126 51-66 51-57 51-2 51-24 51-24 51-24 51-3 51-4 51-66 51-56 51-56 51-3 51-121 51-57 51-22 51-3 51-58 51-121 51-22 51-86 51-5 51-57 51-3 51-121 51-33 51-33 51-57 51-33 51-2 51-61 (129-32) (129-30) (129-31) 51-126 51-16 (129-70) 51-2 51-33 51-33 51-33 51-3 51^1 61-66 51-2 (129-30) 51-2 51 118 Chemicals-Dry Cleaning INDEX SUMMARY Chemicals Storage, Hazardous: — (Cont.) Room, max. fire area, 600 sq. ft 51-61 Safety clearance: — Fireproof or Semi-fireproof construction 51-16 Heavy Timber or Ordinary construction 51-16 Signs: — Danger 51-117 Exit 51-133 Hazardous 51-117 Sprinklers prohibited 51-121 Vaults for storage 51-32 Vaults prohibited in certain other buildings 51-32 Ventilation 51-86 51-84 Water hazard materials 51-121 51-2 Church : Min. clearance 100 ft 51-5 Clearance, safety: Open to sky 51-8 to 51-18 51-52 Communicating openings 51-68 64-15 64-7 Comply with Chapter 50, generally 51-1 51-65 Construction 51-22 51-56 (See-also under each hazardous use.) Containers:- — Definition 51-2 Flammable liquid 51-102 Oxygen (129-30) Storage cabinets 51-102 Storage in frame buildings 51-102 Storage in other than frame buildings 51-102 Conveyors 51-107 51-129 51-91 Cotton Batting: — Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Sprinklers required 51-121 Cotton Clothing: — Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Sprinklers required 51-121 Cotton Rag Sorting: — Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Sprinklers required 51-121 Cotton Waste: — Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Sprinklers required 51-121 Courts: General 51-69 Comply as in Chapter 50 50-2-3-4 51-7 Danger signs 51-115 Definitions 51-2 Directional signs 66-10 to 66-14 Doors: Communicating 51-68 63-7 Emergency exit stair, 45 min. door 69-16 Fire escape exit stair, 45 min. door 69-16 General 51-19 Drains: Filling stations 51-21 Dry Cleaning Building: — Basement room prohibited 51-57 Boiler, 20 ft. to nearest opening 51-105 Construction: — Basement prohibited 51-25 Fireproof or Semi-fireproof required 51-25 Mezzanine prohibited 51-25 Walls, same as standard fire division 51-25 Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Definition, general 51-2 Door between 2 rooms prohibited 51-25 Doors, non-combustible 51-25 Electric lighting, vapor-proof 51-132 Exits: — Direct to outside 5 1-75 51 INDEX SUMMARY Dry Cleaning-Dust 119 Dry Cleaning Building: — (Cont.) Exits: — (Cont.) Open balcony or runway Stairway must be fireshield Window, 5 ft. minimum to stair Floor higher than adjacent ground Heating Lighting, electric Safety clearance, one side 15 feet Signs, danger Signs, exit Signs, steam valve — fire line Sprinklers required Steam fire lines Steam or hot-water heating only Water tank Windows-Type A required Dry Cleaning Room: — Basement, prohibited in Construction : — 300 sq. ft. or less: 2 hr. construction 51-42 300 sq. ft. max Conveyors into drying room General Vault exception Defined as hazardous unit Definition, general Electric heating device Electric lighting, vapor proof Equipment Guards Lighting, electric- vapor proof Office, 3 persons permitted Pipe, steam or hot water Signs:— Danger Exit Size, maximum 300 square feet Sprinklers required Steam : — Pipes Valve sign Ventilation : — Closures, automatic, 20% floor area General. 51-81 Special drying rooms See also Chap. 81 Drying Rooms, Standard: — Defined as hazardous unit Defined as hazardous unit, manufacturing unit Definition, general Inclosure : 1 hr. const Permitted in any building Ducts 51-129 Dust Producing: — Basement room prohibited Construction : — General Heavy Timber and Ordinary Construction : — Room, 600 sq. ft. or less Room, 600 sq. ft. to 1200 sq. ft Room, Over 1200 sq. ft Defined as hazardous use Defined as hazardous manufacturing use Doors Dust collectors 51-75 51-75 51-75 51-25 51-105 51-132 51-9 51-115 51-133 51-119 51-121 51-128 51-105 51-128 51-25 51-57 51-59 51-59 51-45 51-45 51-42 51-3 51-2 51-106 51-132 51-106 51-106 51-132 51-66 51-106 51-115 51-133 51-59 51-121 51-106 51-119 51-81 51-86 51-89 51-3 51^1 51-2 51-50 63-2 51-91 51-57 51-30 51-30 51-30 51-30 51-3 51-4 51-30 51-108 51 120 Dust-Equipment INDEX SUMMARY Dust Producing: — (Cont.) Lighting: Electric vapor-proof Piping and ducts permitted Room, definitions Sprinklers required Electrical Apparatus: — Control devices Explosion proof motors Eire division walls Grounding 51-52 Lights, open : Prohibited # . Other motors '. Switches Electric lighting, vapor-proof 51-132 Enamelling Room: — Puking compartment separation Basement, prohibited in Construction: — General Heavy Timber and Ordinary Construction:— Room, 600 sq. ft. or less Room, 600 sq. ft. to 1200 sq. ft Room, over 1200 sq. ft Defined as hazardous use Defined as hazardous use, manufacturing unit Doors Lighting, electric : Vapor-proof Oven construction Oven foundation 51-109 Piping and ducts permitted Sprinklers required Ventilation, as per Chap. 81 51-85 Equipment: — Boiler in dry cleaning buildings Containers, flammable liquid Conveyors, automatic closing Dip tanks Ducts, automatic closing Dust producing room Electrical apparatus Enamelling Filling pipe and hose Flammable liquid containers Gasoline devices ( leneral Grain bleachers, conveyors and ducts .. . 51-91 51-107 Grain bleachers, general ( Grinding room Heating: — Dry cleaning 51-105 Fire division walls, standard General Lumber dry kilns Nitrocellulose products (129-62) Painting: Mixing and spraying Picker room Shredder room Internal combustion motors Japanning Lumber dry kilns Motors, gas . . Open fire and light devices Oxygen containers Piping, flammable liquids Piping through special room 51-132 51-30 51-2 51-121 51-93 51-93 51-97 51-92 51-94 51-93 51-93 51-134 51-109 51-57 51-30 51-30 51-30 51-30 51-3 51-4 51-30 51-132 51-109 80-8 51-30 51-121 81-7 51-105 51-102 51-91 51-98 51-91 51-108 51-93 51-109 51-101 51-102 51-104 51-90 51-129 51-107 51-108 51-106 51-97 51-97 51-110 51-111 51-112 51-112 51-112 51-100 51-109 51-110 51-100 51-94 (129-30) 51-99 51-95 51 INDEX SUMMARY Equipment-Feather 121 51-68 Equipment: — (Cont.) Reclaimers, flammable liquids Recovery systems, flammable liquids .... Relief valves Retainers, flammable liquids Existing buildings to comply Exits: — Communications, main exit level Communications, same owner Distance, max., to exit, 75 ft. generally Doors, communicating Dry cleaning building: Direct outside exit Film rooms: 2 exits, each 3 ft., room width apart Fire area, 2 exits, 25% perimeter apart General, same as Business Units, Chapter 50 Lighting: Buildings 3 stories or over: — Additional Normal Line of travel: Max. 75 ft. generally 24 ft. from openings Motion picture trial exhibition room: — Doors to swing out Office Rooms: Max. dimension 20 ft. or less: — 1 exit, 3 ft. min. required Max. dimension over 20 ft. : — 2 exits, each 3 ft. min. required 300 sq. ft. or less, 1 exit 3 ft. required Over 300 sq. ft., 2 exits, 3 ft. required Signs: Buildings 3 stories or more General Vertical, with other use prohibited Explosion Building: — Adjoining buildings permitted Basement room prohibited Building, definition Construction : — Exceptions, as in Chap. 50 Fireproof or Semi-fireproof required Defined as hazardous use, manufacturing unit Defined as hazardous use, storage unit Gases, definition Lighting, electric : Vapor-proof Office, 6 persons permitted Room, definition Safety clearance Safety clearance, exceptions Signs, danger Signs, exit Size, max., as in manufacturing unit Sprinklers: Generally required Exemption Unlawful to use other building over 2500 cubic feet gas . Ventilation Explosives: — Adjoining buildings permitted Authorized, definition Basement room prohibited Defined as hazardous use Definition, general Fireworks, unlawful, defined Office, 6 persons permitted Unlawful, defined 64-15 51-68 51-68 66-1 51-13 51-86 51-13 Feather Renovating : — Defined as hazardous use . Sprinklers required 51-103 51-103 51-100 51-103 51-1 64-7 51-68 51-72 63-7 51-75 51-76 51-73 51-70 66-2 66-3 51-72 51-71 51-77 51-73 51-73 51-73 51-73 51-73 66-5 51-133 51-74 51-66 51-57 51-2 51-26 51^ 51-4 51-2 51-132 51-66 51-2 51-10 51-13 51-115 51 L33 62-7 51-121 51-121 129-70 51-83 51-66 51-2 51-57 51-3 51-2 51 2 51-66 51-2 51-3 51-121 51 122 Filling Station-Flammable INDEX SUMMARY Filling Station: — Nbl garages, if cars cannot enter Prevent gasoline overflows Film rooms. See Nitrocellulose Products Rooms Fire areas unlimited: — Fireproof construction Semi fireproof construction See Construction under each hazardous use Fire escape signs Fire extinguishers Fireproof Cabinets: — Capacity Construction Sprinklers Storage over 10 gallons, under 50 gallons. . . . Ventilation Fireproof construction Fireproof vaults Fire separations Fires, open : Prohibited Fireworks: — Basement room prohibited Defined as hazardous use Definition, general Safety clearance Unlawful defined Flammable liquids: — Capacity limits Classes : — I. Flashpoint under 25° F II. Flashpoint 25° to 70° F III. Flashpoint 70° to 187° F IV. Flashpoint above 187° F Containers Defined as hazardous unit Deliveries Filling, pipe and hose Fire extinguisher Fires, open Flashpoint test requirements Frontage consents Gasoline devices Gravity feed prohibited Heating equipment Lights, open Pumps required Reclaimers Recovery systems Relief valves Rooms Safety clearance : — Condensing plants Distilling plants General 51-10 Tanks above ground Signs, danger Special room Storage in frame buildings Storage in other than frame buildings Tanks:— Above ground 1 100 gallons or less Over 1100 gallons, horizontal tanks Over 1100 gallons, vertical tanks Pressure Safety clearance 66-16 51 67 51-32 51-97 51-99 51-2 41-1 51-94 51-94 51-99 51-11 51-12 51-52 52-1 51-47 51-56 51-56 66-17 51-127 51-20 51-20 51-124 51-102 51-79 51-56 51-21 63-3e 51-94 51-57 51-3 51-2 51-17 51-2 51-52 51-2 51-2 51-2 51-2 51-102 51-3 51-101 51-101 51-127 51-99 51-2 59-8 51-104 51-101 51-97 51-99 51-101 51-103 51-103 51-100 51-82 51-11 51-11 51-13 51-10 51-116 51-51 51-102 51-102 51-82 51-52 51-52 51-52 51-52 51-10 51 INDEX SUMMARY Flammable-Governing 123 Flammable liquids: — (Cont.) Tanks:— {Cont.) Dikes Dip type 51-98 Filling pipe and hose Fire extinguisher Foundations Grounding Storage in buildings: — Foundations Fuel oil storage Location 120 gallons or less: Construction Over 120 gallons: Construction Underground Ventilation Test requirements, flashpoint Ventilation : — Storage tanks Vent flues Vent opening in wall at floor line Floor-indicating signs Flowers, See Artificial Flowers Foundation, furnace Frontage consents Fume Building: — Adjoining buildings permitted Basement prohibited Basement room prohibited Building, definition Construction : — As in Chapter 50 under 2500 cubic ft. gas Mezzanine in sprinklered building only One (1) story ordinary max. height, when over 2500 cubic ft. of gas. . Defined as hazardous unit Denned as hazardous unit, manufacturing unit Denned as hazardous unit, storage unit Electric lighting Gases, defined 41-1 Office, 6 persons permitted Room, definition Safety clearance Safety clearance, exception Signs, danger Signs, exit Sprinklers required : General Exemption Unlawful to use other buildings, over 2500 cubic ft. of gas Fume Room: — Basement, prohibited in Construction : — Fireproof or Semi-fireproof buildings, 2 hr. construction Non-fireproof buildings, 1 hr. construction Electric lighting, vapor-proof Lighting, electric Sprinklers required: General Exemption Water pumping equipment Furnace foundation, standard Gases, explosion Gases, fume hazard Gasoline pumps and other devices Gas plants, see Public Utility Gas Plants General unit defined _ Governing provisions 51-1 51-52 51-127 51-101 51-127 51-52 51-52 51-54 51-54 51-54 51-54 51-54 51-53 51-82 51-2 51-82 51-82 51-82 66-18 80-8 59-8 51-66 51-26 51-57 51-2 51-26 51-26 51-26 51-3 51-4 51^ 51-132 51-2 51-66 51-2 51-13 51-13 51-115 51-133 51-121 51-121 129-70 51-57 51-27 51-27 51-132 51 132 51-121 51 121 51-27 80-8 51-2 51-2 51-104 51 4 51-65 51 1 24 Grain-Illu mination INDEX SUMMARY Grain Bleachers: — Conveyors, automatic closing 51-91 51-107 51-129 Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Defined as hazardous unit, manufacturing unit 51-4 Ducts, automatic closing 51-107 51-129 Fireproof construction 51-28 Safety clearance 51-14 Sulphur furnace 51-107 Grain elevators: — Conveyors and ducts to bleachers 51-91 51-129 51-107 Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Defined as hazardous unit, storage unit 51-4 Definition, general 51-2 Fireproof construction required 51-29 Lighting, electric: Vapor-proof 51-132 Safety clearance 51-15 Standpipes required, over 2 stories 51-122 Grinding: — Basement room prohibited 51-57 Construction, general 51-30 Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Defined as hazardous unit, manufacturing unit 51-4 Dust collectors 51-108 Doors 51-30 Lighting, electric, vapor-proof 51-132 Pipes and ducts permitted 51-30 Room, definitions, general 51-2 Sprinklers required -. 51-121 Grounding 51-52 51-92 Heating, temperature to be maintained 80-3 See also Equipment, Heating Highly flammable Material Room : — Basement, prohibited in 51-57 Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Defined as hazardous unit, storage unit 51-4 Definition, general 51-2 Materials: Highly flammable 51-2 Materials: Highly hazardous 51-2 Pounds storage permitted; 5,000 lbs. max 51-121 Signs, danger 51-1 16 Signs, exit 51-133 Sprinklers required 51-121 Ventilation 51-86 Highly flammable materials storage building: — Adjoining buildings permitted 51-66 Basement room prohibited 51-57 Construction: — Comply with 50-5 to 50-13 51-35 Fire separations 51-35 Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Defined as hazardous unit, storage unit 51-4 Definitions, general 51-2 Doors 51-35 Fire separations 51-35 Lighting, electric, vapor-proof 51-132 Materials, highly flammable 51-2 Materials, highly hazardous 51-2 Office, 6 persons permitted 51-66 Signs, danger 51-116 Signs, exit 51-133 Sprinklers required, general 51-121 Sprinklers required, exemption 51-121 Ventilation 51-86 Hospitals, location: Min. 100 ft. clearance 51-5 Illumination, exit 66-1 66-2 66-3 51 INDEX SUMMARY Japanning-Materials 125 Japanning Room: — Basement prohibited in 51-57 Construction, general 51-30 Denned as hazardous unit • 51-3 Denned as hazardous unit, manufacturing unit 51-4 Doors 51-30 Lighting, electric, vapor-proof 51-132 Oven foundation and construction 51-1#9 Piping and ducts permitted 51-30 Sprinklers required 51-121 Ventilation 81-7 51-85 Leather, Artificial and Imitation : — Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Sprinklers required 51-121 Lighting, electric 51-132 51-134 Lighting, exit 66-1 66-2 66-3 Lights, open, prohibited 51-99 51-94 Liquids, flammable, see Flammable Liquids Live Loads: — General: 100 lbs. per sq. ft 70-1 Roof: 25 lb. per sq. ft 70-5 Location 51-6 Lot occupancy 51-6 Lumber Dry Kilns: — Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Denned as hazardous unit, manufacturing unit 51-4 Doors as in Chapter 69 51-36 Heating, steam and hot water only 51-110 Room, 500 sq. ft. or less: 2 hr. construction 51-36 Room, over 500 sq. ft. : 3 hr. construction 51-36 Magazines, Explosive : — Building: Definitions 51-2 First class, more than 100# 51-2 Second class less than 100# 51-2 Construction: First class magazine: — Basement prohibited 51-37 Doors, non-combustible or metal clad 51-37 Height, max. 1 story, max. 15 ft 51-37 Mezzanine prohibited 51-37 Non-combustible general 51-37 Signs, danger 51-118 Signs, exit 51-133 Wood stud permitted 51-37 Construction: Second class magazine: — Wood, fire-retarding covering 51-37 Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Defined as hazardous unit, storage unit 51-4 Lighting, electric, vapor-proof 51-132 Safety clearance: — With barricades 51-17 Without barricades • • •_ 51-17 Unlawful to store explosives in other buildings Malt Houses:— Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Defined as hazardous unit, storage unit Definitions, general , Lighting, electric, vapor-proof 51-132 Safety clearance 51-15 Standpipes required, over 2 stories 51-122 Manufacturing unit defined 51-4 Materials, high flammable 51-2 Materials, highly hazardous 51-2 Materials, nitrocellulose 51-2 51 126 Mills-Nitrocellulose INDEX SUMMARY Mills, Cereal, Food, Grist and Starch:— Adjoining buildings permitted Construction: Over 500 lb. per 24 hours semi- fireproof construction Conveyors, automatic closing 51-107 51-129 Defined as hazardous unit Ducts automatic closing Electric lighting, vapor-proof Office, 6 persons permitted Sprinklers required, dust and grinding rooms Standpipe required Mills, shoddy, See Shoddy Mills Motion Picture Studios: Defined as hazardous unit Motion Picture Trial Exhibition Rooms: — Defined as hazardous unit Exits:— Area 600 sq. ft. or less, 1-5 ft. exit Area 300 sq. ft. or less, 1-3 ft. exit Doors to swing outward ( ieneral Moor, same construction as building Need not comply as theatres Projection room: — Inclosure same as in theatre, Section . . 53-33 Incombustible supports Openings, closure required 51-38 Room, max. capacity, 50 persons Seats, fixed, required Ventilation, as in Chap 81 . . . Multiple Occupancy: — Adjoining occupancies Communications, main exit level only Doors, communicating 63-7 General Office, auxiliary Prohibited, generally School: Class I prohibited Theatre : Prohibited 51-66 51-23 51-91 51-3 51-91 51-132 51-66 51-66 51-122 51-3 51-3 51-73 51-73 51-77 51-77 51-38 51-38 51-38 51-38 53-33 51-62 51-113 51-87 51-66 64-7 64-7 63-2 51-66 51-66 63-2 63-2 Nitrocellulose Buildings : — Basement room prohibited Cabinets, fireproof, standard Construction: Fireproof or Semi-fireproof required. Containers Defined as hazardous unit Defined as hazardous unit, manufacturing unit. Defined as hazardous, storage unit Definitions Nitrocellulose, definition Nitrocellulose room: 2 hour separation Nitrocellulose weights Pounds storage permitted Safety clearance Safety clearance, exemption Sprinklers required Vaults, fireproof Nitrocellulose materials: Definition Nitrocellulose products: Definition Nitrocellulose Products Buildings: — Basement permitted, other uses only Basement room prohibited Construction: — Ordinary, max. 2 stories high Heavy Timber, max. 3 stories high Semi-fireproof, over 3 stories high Fireproof, over 3 stories high Containers 51-57 51-20 51-39 129-65 51-3 51-4 51-4 51-2 51-2 51-10 51-2 129-65 51-18 51-18 51-121 51-21 51-2 51-2 51-41 51-57 51-41 51-41 51-41 51-41 129-65 INDEX SUMMARY Nitrocellulose-Paint 127 Nitrocellulose Products Buildings: — (Cont.) Denned as hazardous unit Denned as hazardous unit, manufacturing unit Defined as hazardous unit, storage unit Film room, capacity, max. 8 persons Film rooms, area, max. 400 sq. ft Lighting, electric: Vapor-proof Nitrocellulose, definitions Nitrocellulose, rooms: 2 hour separation Nitrocellulose, weights Pounds produced per 24 hours Pounds storage permitted Room, max. size 51-42 Sprinklers required Vaults, standard fireproof Vault storage only Nitrocellulose Products Rooms: — Basement, prohibited in Construction : — Room: Area 1,000 sq. ft. or less 1,000+sq. ft. to 2,000 sq. ft. . . .' Over 2,000 sq. ft., standard fire separation Vault exception Containers Defined as hazardous unit Defined as hazardous unit, storage unit Defined as hazardous unit, manufacturing unit Film rooms: — ■ Area, max. 400 sq. f t Capacity, max. 8 persons Exits 51-73 Sprinklers Heating, steam or hot water only Lighting, electric : Vapor-proof Nitrocellulose, definitions Nitrocellulose rooms: 2 hours separation Nitrocellulose, weights Pounds storage permitted Room, size, max 51-42 Sprinklers required: — Distributing room Drying boxes Film rooms General Receiving room Shipping room Vaults, standard fire proof Ventilation 51-84 Occupancies, other: Prohibited Except: Auxiliary offices Offices 51-66 Open air assembly unit: Min. clearance 100 ft Open fire and light devices Paint mixing or spraying room: — Basement, prohibited in Construction : — General Heavy Timber or Ordinary Construction: — Room : 600 sq. ft. or less 600 sq. ft. to 1,200 sq. ft. Over 1,200 sq. ft., 4 hr. construction Defined as hazardous unit Defined as hazardous unit, manufacturing unit Definitions, general, over 10 gallons, per day 51-3 51-4 51-4 51-63 51-63 51-132 51-2 129-65 51-2 129-62 129-65 51-63 51-121 51-21 129-62 51-57 51-42 51-42 51-42 51-42 129-65 51-3 51-4 51-4 51-63 51-63 51-76 51-121 51-111 51-132 51-2 51-40 51-2 129-65 51-63 51-211 51-121 51-121 51-121 51-121 51-121 51-21 51-88 51-66 51-66 51-73 51 5 51 94 51-57 51-30 51 -30 51 -30 51-30 51 -3 51 A 51-2 51 128 Paint-Room INDEX SUMMARY Paint mixing or spraying room: — (Cont.) Doors ( .u. mis Heating by steam or hot water only Lighting, electric, vapor-proof Piping and ducts permitted Sprinklers required Ventilation . . Paper Baling or Storage: — Construction: — Fireproof: Semi-fireproof, or heavy timber, 2 hr. enclosure. Ordinary construction: 1 hour enclosure Denned as hazardous unit Defined as hazardous unit, storage unit Doors, 45 min Permitted in any building Sprinklers required Windows, Type A required Paraffin Room: — Basement, prohibited in Sprinklers required Ventilation Picker Room: — Basement, prohibited in Construction: — General 51-42 Defined as hazardous unit Defined as hazardous unit, manufacturing unit Fire extinguisher Fire doors required on spouts Guards Heating, by steam or hot water only Lighting, electric, vapor-proof Room size, max. 1,000 sq. ft Spouts, fire doors Steam jets Steam valve sign on fire line Ventilation Pitch:— Basement, prohibited in Defined as hazardous unit Room construction Room, max. size, 1,200 sq. ft Sprinklers required Two (2) hour separation Ventilation Plan approval required by Fire Prevention Department Public Assembly unit: Min. clearance 100 ft Public Utility Gas Plants. . . 46-42 46-43 51-44 51-60 58-88 51-112 50 -50 51-45 51-112 50-12 51-26 51-121 58-89 51-30 51-106 51-112 51-132 51-30 51-121 81-7 51-46 51-16 51-3 51^ 51-46 63-2 51-121 51-46 51-57 51-121 51-86 51-57 51-43 51-3 51-4 51-130 51-43 51-106 51-112 51-132 51-64 51-43 51-130 51-119 51-86 51-57 51-3 51-22 51-58 51-121 51-22 51-86 12-24 51-5 51-13 58-87 58-90 Rag Sorting, cotton, See Cotton Rag Sorting Refrigeration 51-13 51-26 51-57 51-27 51-121 Requirements: Generally like Chapter 50 51-1 Of Chapter 50 govern for office, storage, or manufacturing purposes. . . 51-65 Exceptions 51-65 Resin: — Basement, prohibited in 51-57 Construction 51-22 Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Room, max. size, 1200 sq. ft 51-58 Sprinklers required 51-121 Two (2) hour separation 51-22 Ventilation 51-86 Room sizes: General 51-55 51-58 INDEX SUMMARY Safety-Smoke House 129 Safety clearance, definition School: Min. clearance 100 ft Semi- fireproof Construction Separations, fire 51-67 51-97 ■ Shoddy Mills:— Defined as hazardous unit Sprinklers required Shredder Room: — Basement, prohibited in Construction : — General 51—45 Same as in Section 51-42 and 51-45 Defined as hazardous unit, manufacturing unit Fire doors required on spouts Fire extinguisher Guards 51-106 Heating by steam or hot water only Lighting, electric, vapor-proof Requirements same as Picker Room Room size, max. 1,000 sq. ft Spouts, fire doors Steam jets Steam valve sign on fire line Ventilation Signs: — Danger Directional 51-96 66-10 Exit 51-133 66-5 Fire escape 66-15 66-16 Fire line valve Floor indicating Sills: — Acid vaults Filling stations Flammable liquids vaults Smoke House and Rooms: — Adjoining buildings permitted Construction :■ — ■ 210 cubic ft. or less, 3 hr. inclosure 30 sq. ft. or less, 3 hr. inclosure Over 210 cubic ft., standard fire separation required Over 30 sq. ft., standard fire separation required Combustible material prohibited Doors and frames, iron or steel Firepits, 4 hr. construction, except portable type Fireproof or Semi-fireproof required Floor construction, standard furnace foundation General Over 210 cubic ft., or over 30 sq. ft. standard fire separation Smoke flues, except portable type Superimposed Thirty (30 sq. ft. or less inclosure 3 hr. construction Trolley openings, covers Two hundred ten (210) cubic ft. or less, 3 hr. inclosure Windows, Type A required Defined as hazardous unit Denned as hazardous unit, manufacturing unit Definition, general, meats or fish Equipment completely incombustible Office, 6 persons permitted Portable Smoke room: — Ceilings, metal Clearance 51-49 Doors, sheet metal Fire pits, metal on legs Foundation 80-8 Metal inclosure permitted 51-8 51-5 51-56 63-3e 51-3 51-121 51-57 51-13 51-4 51-43 51-130 51-112 51-112 51-132 51-64 51-43 51-130 51-119 51-86 51-115 to 66-14 to 66-9 66-17 51-119 66-18 51-21 51-17 51-21 51-66 51^48 51-18 51-48 51-48 51-48 51-48 51-48 51-18 51-48 51-48 51-48 51-18 51-48 51-48 51-48 51-48 51-48 51-3 5F4 51-2 51-114 51-66 51^49 80-4 51 49 51-49 51-49 51-49 51 130 Smoke House-Vau lts INDEX SUMMARY Smoke House and Rooms: — (Cont.) Portable Smoke room: — (Cont.) Smoke flues, metal 51-49 Walls, metal 51-49 Trolleys, hangers, rails, incombustible 51-114 Sprinklers: — Not required: — Chlorine gas water purifying unit 51-121 Explosion hazard F.P. or Semi-F.P. unit 51-121 Fume hazard F.P. or Semi-F.P. unit 51-121 Gas plant for manufactured gas 51-121 Water purifying plant 51-121 Water refrigerating plant 51-121 Prohibited: — Hazardous chemical building 51-121 Hazardous chemical room 51-121 Water hazardous rooms 51-121 Required: Fireproof cabinets 51-124 General 51-120 51-121 Standard Fireproof Vaults See Vaults, Standard Fireproof Standard furnace foundation 80-8 Standpipes: General 51-122 Required, all buildings over 80 ft. high 51-122 Steam fire lines 51-130 51-128 Storage unit defined 51-4 Straw Goods: — Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Sprinklers required 51-121 Sugar grinding; Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Tanks:— General 51-52 Grounding 51-52 Ventilation 51-82 Water 51-128 See Flammable Liquids Tar:— Basement, prohibited in 51-57 Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Room construction 51-22 Room, max. size 1200 sq. ft 51-58 Sprinklers required 51-121 Two (2) hour separation 51-22 Ventilation 51-86 Theatre : Min. clearance 100 ft 51-5 Varnish : — Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Flammable liquid 51-2 Vaults, standard fireproof: — Basement not to contain vaults 51-57 Capacity: 750 cubic ft., inside of building 51-21 1500 cubic ft., outside of building 51-21 Ceiling heights: 11 ft. min 51-21 Combustible material prohibited 51-21 Construction: 3 hr. construction required 51-21 Drains, flammable liquids 51-21 1500 cubic ft. max., when outside 51-21 Fire doors on all opeinings 51-21 Lighting, electric, vapor-proof 51-134 Number unrestricted " 51-21 Permitted in any building 63-2 750 cubic ft. max., inside of building 51-21 Sills: Flammable liquid vault 51-21 3 hr. construction required throughout 51-21 51 INDEX SUMMARY Vaults-Woodworking 1 3 1 Vaults, standard fireproof: — (Cont.) Sprinklers required 51-125 Ventilation 51-80 Vents ". 51-80 Ventilation: — Asphalt room 51-86 Chemicals, hazardous 51-84 51-86 Dry cleaning rooms 51-81 51-86 Enamelling rooms 51-85 Explosion hazard rooms 51-83 51-86 Fireproof cabinets 51-79 Fume hazard rooms 51-83 51-86 General 51-78 81-1 81-7 Highly flammable storage rooms 51-86 Japanning room 51-85 Material rooms 51-86 Paraffin rooms 51-86 Picker rooms 51-86 Pitch rooms 51-86 Resin rooms 5 1-86 Shredder rooms 51-86 Tanks for flammable liquids 51-82 Tar room 51-86 See also Chap. 81 Waste, cotton: Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Water hazardous materials 51-2 Water purifying equipment 51-57 51-27 Water tanks 51-128 Woodworking : — Defined as hazardous unit 51-3 Sprinklers required 51-121 51 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 52 GARAGES INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 52 GARAGES- Annual inspection 46-2 46-3 Area limitations: — Class I, over 800 sq. ft 52-2 62-7 62-8 Class II, 800 sq. ft. or less 52-2 52-10 62-7 25% increase when sprinklered, Class I garage 62-8 Automobile salesroom, no gas in cars, business unit 52-1 Auto repair shop, See Frontage Consents 59-13 Basement Garage : — Defined, floor more than 1 ft. below grade 52-1 Fireproof construction required 52-8 Frontage on 2 open spaces 52-5 Sprinklers required 52-41 Stairways, 2 required, except Class II garages ... 52-29 Ventilation : — Mechanical required 52-37 81-7 Openings direct to open air, 1% floor area 52-37 Vent shafts 52-37 Bridges to different adjoining occupancies prohibited: Certain cases 64-15 Catch Basins : — Mud basins 82-110 Volatile wastes 82-92 Class II:— Area limitations: — Brick, 800 sq. ft 52-10 Frame, 400 sq. ft 52-10 General 52-10 52-2 62-7 62-8 Construction: — Floor, non-combustible 52-10 Frame, 400 sq. ft. or less 52-10 All other, 800 sq. ft. or less 52-10 62-7 Defined as in first story, 800 sq. ft. or less 52-2 Doors, exit: General 52-25 to 52-28 May swing in 64-18 Location : — 60 ft. from bleachers 54-8 60 ft. from grandstand 54-8 Open air assembly unit 54-31 54-32 Parking space, 2 hr. separation, no openings 54-17 Multiple occupancy, see Multiple Occupancy Separations 52-19 63-3g Classification: — Class I defined 52-2 Class II defined 52-2 Construction : — Basement garages must be fireproof 52-8 Class I, 2 stories or less: — Fireproof construction required 52-9 Except: Roof and mezzanine columns Class I, 3 stories high: — Fireproof or Semi-F.P. Construction required 52-9 Except: Roof and mezzanine columns Class I, Over 3 stories high: — Fireproof construction required 52-9 Class II:— Floor to be non-combustible 52-10 Frame construction, 400 sq. ft. or less 52-10 Ordinary construction, 400 sq. ft. to 800 sq. ft 52-10 62-7 Height defined 52-7 Parking lots may omit inclosing walls 52-11 Parking structures: Masonry walls above 1st story 52-11 135 52 136 Construction-Exit Stairs INDEX SUMMARY Construction : — (Conl.) Trusses, wood: To support 2000 lb. concentrated load. 400 sq. ft. brick garage may rest on reinforced slab. . . 72-14 71-3 Defined Doors, See Exit Doors Driveways: — Any loading spaces, over 5 ft. deep, are garages. Across sidewalk Tanks under 43-8 52-1 52-1 45-14 51-53 Elevators may be used in lieu of vehicle ramps Exit Doors:- — Communication with other occupancies: — Pedestrian vestibule only permitted 52-20 Pedestrian doors additional to vehicle doors: — Distance between 1 door and 1 vehicle door: — Min. 50% of greatest floor dimension Doors, exterior: To be 6 ft. away from any door in any other building on same lot Door in fire division wall counts as 1 exit Door in vehicle door counts as 1 of 2 required exits in Class II garage .... Door in vehicle door is exit in Class II garage One at least required in every first story Open to 3 ft. open space leading to public space Swing out, mandatory Swing out exemption: Clas II garage Two doors: Required separation to be 75% of largest floor dimension Width and height: — Min. 2 ft. 6 in. X 7 ft. in Max. 3 ft. 6 in. X 8 ft. in Pedestrian doors in vehicle doors: — Min. 2 ft. in. X 5 ft. in., not over 18 in. up Signs Sills, 2 in. above adjoining floor levels Vehicle doors: — Location: Lead to street, alley, or open space Location: Lead by tunnel or passage, 10 ft. X 9 ft Passage, 10 ft. X 9 ft., 4 hr. construction Tunnel, 10 ft. X 9 ft., 4 hr. construction Two doors required, over 16,000 sq. ft. in 1 story Types Vestibules to other occupancies:— 4 hr. construction required Permitted in 1st story Self-closing doors Exit lighting 52-43 52^4 Exit ramps, pedestrian : See Exit stairs or ramps Exit ramps, vehicle: — ■ Construction : — 3 hr. construction required Level run : 20 ft. min. at each end Slope 12j%, when over 6 ft. vertical level difference Slope 16|%, when 6 ft. or less vertical level difference Width: Double ramps, 24 ft. min Single ramps, 13 ft. min Counts as 1 pedestrian exit Elevators may be used in lieu of ramps Two single, 1-way ramps, required in: — Basement garages over 2,000 sq. f t Oarages over 2 stories high Second floor garages, over 2,000 sq. ft Exit stairs or ramps: — 1 required: Eloor area under 3,000 sq. ft 2 required: Floor area over 3,000 sq. ft 52-33 64-15 52-26 52-26 52-26 52-25 52-25 52-25 52-26 52-27 64-18 52-26 52-27 52-27 52-28 52-46 52-21 52-23 52-23 52-23 52-23 52-22 52-24 52-34 52-34 52-34 52-34 52-34 52-34 52-29 52-33 52-33 52-33 52-33 52-29 52-29 52 INDEX SUMMARY Exit Stairs-Live Loads 137 52-32 Exit stairs or ramps: — (Cont.) Basement stairs or ramps: — 2 min. : Except Class II, dwelling garage . - Lead direct to outside Construction: Non-combustible, except handrails Cut, min. 9 in Inclosure as for vertical shafts One to lead direct to outside exit door at grade Opening in fire-division wall counts as 1 exit Passage to street, 3 ft. min Rise, max. 85 in Vehicle ramp counts as 1 pedestrian exit Width, 3 ft. min. . . Exits to other occupancies: — ■ Pedestrian communication by vestibule only: — Counts as 1 exit First story only 4 hr. construction, 5 ft. long, required Open doors without key from garage side Other horiz. connection prohibited Vehicle openings: Permitted in 1st story only to related fireproof oc- pancies 52-29 52-29 52-32 64-31 61-21 52-30 52-29 52-31 64-31 52-29 52-31 52-20 52-20 52-20 52-20 64-15 52-19 Filling stations: No drive in, are business units See Frontage Consents Fire division areas: — ■ Defined Maximum Method of measurement Sprinklers increase max. area 25% Staggered floor levels Fire extinguishers First story garage defined, 1 ft. or less below grade Floor load cards required, showing lb. per sq. ft. of floor. . 61-13 61-14 Foundations: General: See Chap. 71 400 sq. ft. garage may rest on reinforced slab Frontage, basement garage: On 2 open spaces Frontage consents 59-9 Heating: — Electric heating Gas heating: Unit heaters: — Class I garage offices Class II garages Open flames prohibited Openings, communicating: Prohibited. Permitted systems: — Hot water, vapor, or steam Prohibited systems: Open flame Separations: Standard fire walls Vestibule communication only 59 52-13 61-15 59-13 52-38 52-16 52-16 Lighting:— Electric lamps only General 52-14 Signs See Lighting, Exit: General Index See Signs: General Index Live loads: — 1st. and 2nd. floors, 100 lb. per sq. ft Above 2nd. floor, 50 lb. per sq. ft Concentrated load 3,000 lb., auto storage space. Roof garages : Sum of roof and floor loads Roofs, 25 lb. per sq. ft Except : Roof garages 52-45 66-1 52-1 127-5 52-12 62-7 52-12 62-8 52-14 52-12 52-1 61-16 71-3 52-5 59-14 52-40 52-10 52-40 52-39 52-39 52-38 52-39 52-16 52-20 52-13 66-3 66-t 70-1 70-1 70^ 52-1 5a 70-5 52-15a 52 138 Load Cards-Multiple Occupancy INDEX SUMMARY Load cards to show lb. per sq. ft. allowed 61-13 61-14 6] L5 Location near open air assembly units .. . 54-8 54-17 54-31 Location : Prohibited within 200 ft. of any building used for a church, hospital, public or parochial school, or within 200 ft. of the ground thereof 61-16 54-32 59-9 52-35 63-3d 53 44 63-7 58-44 Metal frames and wire glass Mud basins, car wash Multiple occupancy, Class I Garages: — Business unit, 4 hr. separation Carbarns, 4 hr. separation I >oors, communicating Fire station, 4 hr. separation Heating plant, 4 hr. separation House of correction, 4 hr. separation House of detention, 4 hr. separation Ice houses, 4 hr. separation Jails, 4 hr. separation Multiple dwelling:— 4 hr. separation required 63-3b Fireproof garage required when dwelling floor is 24 ft. up Open air assembly unit: — • 2 hr. separation, no door 54-32 Garage must be under 1,000 sq. ft Garage 60 ft. from grandstand and bleachers Parking space Police station, 4 hr. separation Prisons, 4 hr. separation Prohibited with: — Church ' Hazardous use units Institutional building Open air assembly unit (exceptions, see above) Public assembly unit not fireproof School Single dwelling 47-10 Theatre, above or below Public assembly unit, fireproof, 4 hr. separation 63-2 Reformatories, 4 hr. separation Roundhouses, 4 hr. separation Sheds, 4 hr. separation Sheltersheds, 4 hr. separation Stables, 4 hr. separation Theatre: — Communication, two means permitted Communication, main exit level Doors, passage 4 hr. separation from auto passage 53-41 Garage passage, 18 ft. max., permitted below Garage permitted elsewhere in building Garage prohibited above or below Multiple occupancy, Class II Garages: — Basement, 3 hr. separation Business unit, 1 hr. separation Doors, communicating 53-44 63-7 General 52-19 Heating plant, 3 hr. separation Multiple dwelling, 3 hr. separation Open air assembly unit: — 1 hr. separation 2 hr. separation 54-17 54—31 No door permitted Public assembly unit, 1 hr. separation Single dwelling, 1 hr. separation Theatre, same as in Class I garages 53-44 63-3f 61-40 82-110 63-3f 63-3m 64-7 63 -3 m 63-3f 63-3m 63 -3 m 63-3m 63-3m 63-3f 52-18 63-3f 54-31 54-8 54-17 .63-3m 63-3 m 63-2 63-2 49-12 63-2 63-2 63-2 63-2 53-44 63-3f 63-3m 63-3m 63-3 m 63-3 m 63-3m 53^4 64-7 53^4 63-3f 53^14 53-14 53^4 63-3g 63-3g 64-7 63-3g 63-3g 63-3g 63-3g 54-32 54-32 63-3g 63-3g 63-3g 52 INDEX SUMMARY Parapets-Wood 139 Parapets : General 61-63 Roof garages 52-15c Parking lots 52-1 1 Passage, connection to theatre 53^14 Pedestrian doors, see Exit doors Plan approval by Fire Prevention Dept 12-24 Prohibited locations 59-9 Ramps : see Exit ramps Related occupancies not garages 52-1 Roof garages : — Exits 52-15b Live loads, sum of roof load and floor load 52-15a Parapet walls, 4 ft. high 52-15c Wheel guard, 3 ft. long, 12 in. thick 52-15d Separations: See Multiple Occupancy Signs : — Directional 66-10 to 66-14 Exit 66-5 to 66-9 Fire escape 66-15 to 66-17 Floor indicating 66-18 See also Chap. 66 Skylights: Within 16 ft. of lot line 52-35 Within 16 ft. of opposite side of open space 52-35 Sprinklers required: — Basement garages: Class I, heated 52-41 Class I, unheated, roof only over 52^11 Class I garage : 3 stories or over 52^1 Class I garage: When over normal area limit 52^11 62-8 Staggered floors 52-14 Stairs, see Exit stairs and ramps Story: — First story garage defined 52-1 2 level street, first story 52-7 Parking structure, 1st. 10 ft. is 1st story 52-11 Theatre: See Multiple Occupancy Ventilation : — Basement garages: — Mechanical required 52-37 81-7 Openings direct to open air, 1% floor area 52-37 Operating hours 81-26 Vent shafts, 2 required 52-37 Cab stands Note 1 81-7 Mechanical 81-7 81-26 Openings to outer air, 2% of floor area 52-36 Outlets: Prohibited within 16 ft. of lot line 52-36 Prohibited within 16 ft. of opposite side of open space 52-36 Vestibule pedestrian exits to other occupancies 52-20 Windows : — Open on 3 ft. min. open space 52-35 Type A required, if within 16 ft. of opposite side of open space 52-35 Wood trusses: Must support 2,000 lb. concentrated load 72-14 52 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 53 THEATRES INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 53 ' THEATRES Acoustical treatment elsewhere than on stage 53-172 Aisles, see Exits, Public Normal Horizontal Alterations to comply in existing theatres: — To equipment 53-7 To exits. 53-6 To projection blocks 53-5 To seating 53-6 To stage blocks 53-5 Except: Generally: — Those not increasing capacity 53-3 Those not decreasing exits 53-3 Annual inspection 46-1 to 46-6 Assembly room separations 63-6 Auditorium: — Ceiling height: 12 ft. min 53-25 Except: 10 ft. min., over or under balcony 53-25 10 ft. min., over or under mezzanine 53-25 8 ft. min., under projections 53-25 Defined: General 40-1 Theatres 53-1 Stadiums 53-1 Distance: 150 ft. max., any seat to auditorium normal exit door 53-59 Door to heating plant prohibited 53-34 Door to transformer room prohibited 53-166 Floor level, lowest point, 7 ft. below grade max 53-27 Glass in foyer or lobby walls 53-116 Level terraces for seats, main floor 53-28 Level terraces, independent aisle 53-28 One only permitted in theatre 53-25 Separations from other parts : — ■ 1 hr. separation required 53-14 Except: 4 hr. construction from Type 2 stage block 53-15 3 hr. construction from Type 1 stage block 53-15 See also individual items in index Balcony: Defined as partial floor with over 10 rows of seats 53-1 Bank of seats defined: Adjacent rows, different levels 53-1 Bars over windows prohibited 53-114 Basement stairs, 3 ft. min., for employees 53-97 Boiler room separations 53-34 61-84 Boxes: Aisle access, 2 ft. 8 in. wide 53-56 Portable seats permitted: — 1 allowed for each 5 sq. ft 53-131 20, max., allowed 53-131 Prohibited on sloping floor 53-131 Buildings changed to theatres 53-9 Capacity: Number of seats in auditorium 53-1 Ceiling Height: Auditorium: — 12 ft. clear, min 53-25 10 ft. clear, min., over or under balconies 53-25 10 ft. clear, min., over or under mezzanines 53-25 8 ft. clear, min. under projections 53-25 Ceiling Height: Projection room, 8 ft. min 53-33 Ceiling height : Tunnel, 8 ft. min 53-87 Construction: Over 600 capacity: — Fireproof construction required 53-12 Construction: 600 or less capacity: — Semi-fireproof construction required 53-13 Converted defined 40-1 Cooling equipment prohibited, generally 53-165 Except: As allowed in 53-21 and 53-22 53-165 Courts, See Exit Courts 143 53 144 Curtain-Doors INDEX SUMMARY Curtain (See also Proscenium Fire Curtains) 53-135 to 53-160 Curved public stairs 53-101 Cut of steps, 10 in. min 64-31 Except: 9\ in., curved public stairs 53-101 Decorations elsewhere than on stage 53-172 Defined as: Displaying motion pictures 40-14 Presenting theatrical performances 40-14 Directional exit signs, See Signs, Exit Distance: 150 ft. max. along line of travel from any seat to public normal exit door in auditorium 53-59 Doors : — Auditorium, inside normal exit: Incombustible 53-110 Between dressing rooms, in stage block: — 45 min. door required 53-18 Between dressing rooms, not in stage block: — Combustible doors allowed 53-18 Concealed doors prohibited: — Including: Drapery covered doors 53-52 False doors 53-52 Mirrored doors 53-52 Emergency exit: 45 min. door required 53-111 Except: Combustible allowed, public rooms 53-111 Emergency exterior exit fire escape door: — 45 min. door required 69-16 Emergency, main floor: 30% to be reached without steps 53-73 Exit court, gateway doors: Non-combustible 53-91 Exit door distance, max. 150 ft. to any seat 53-59 Exit door, outside normal: Combustible allowed 53-110 False doors prohibited 53-52 Fastenings: Egress release without key 53-112 Fire escapes to have 45 min. doors 69-16 Garage fireproof passage : — 60 min. door at theatre end 53-44 Double fire doors at garage end 53-44 Gridiron level: Penthouse door: 45 min 53-98 To adjacent roof, 45 min 53-23 Height: General, 7 ft. in clear 53-50 Orchestra pit door, 4 ft. 6 in. min 53-50 Locks: Egress release without key 53-112 Locks prohibited: — Employees outside exit door 53-113 Public exit doors 53-1 13 Except: Principal entrance doors 53-113 Main floor, emergency: 30% to be reached without steps 53-73 Mirrored doors prohibited 53-52 Multiple occupancy communication: — Double fire doors required 53-42 Located at least 20 ft. apart 53-12 Not counted as exit 53—12 60 sq. ft., max. total area 53-42 Non-public rooms: Swing 180° outward 53-108 Obstructing any exits prohibited 53-108 Obstructions prohibited 53-50 Orchestra pit door: 4 ft. 6 in. min. height 53-50 Outside normal exit: Combustible door allowed 53-110 Panic hardware allowed 53-113 Prohibited: Auditorium to heating plant 53-34 Auditorium to transformer room 53-166 Foyer to heating plant 53-34 Foyer to transformer room 53-166 Lobby to heating plant 53-34 Lobby to transformer room 53-166 Projection block: Non-combustible 53-23 Stage block: General: — Gridiron to adjacent roof: 45 min. door 53-23 53 INDEX SUMMARY Doors-Exit Courts 145 Doors: — (Cont.) Stage Block: General:— (Cont.) Inside vestibule door: Self-closing and non-combustible 53-23 Outside door to be vestibuled 53-23 Property room doors: Non-combustible 53-23 Storage room doors: Non-combustible 53-23 Trap space: 60 min. door required 53-23 Type 2: To other parts: 60 min. door required 53-23 Type 1 : To other parts: 45 min. door required 53-23 Stage block, Type 2 : 2 outside doors required 53-95 Swing in direction of egress 53-108 Swinging over street, etc., prohibited 53-109 Except: Emergency exit doors may swing out 18 in. over street, etc. . . 53-109 Trap: 2\ in. solid wood 53-17 60 min. exit door required 53-23 Width: 20 in. per 100 persons 53-50 53-51 3 ft. min. in clear 53-50 Except: Employees stair doors may be 2 ft. 10 in 53-50 Except: Adjacent doors, separated 10 in. or less, may be 2 ft. 10 in. . . . 53-50 Cumulative increase to outside 53-51 Dressing rooms: — Defined as rooms used by performers 53-1 Doors, combustible allowed, when not in stage block 53-18 Finish and fixtures in stage block: — Must be non-combustible 53-24 Finish and fixtures not in stage block: — May be wood or equal 53-24 Except: Means of vertical exit 53-24 Number of toilet fixtures required 53-169 Separations: 2 hr. construction from other parts 53-18 2 hr. construction from each other 53-18 Except: In common with Stage Block 53-18 Stairs, 3 ft. min. width 53-97 Toilets required 53-37 Drinking Fountains: — Access within 150 ft. on same floor, or 53-171 On floor above or below 53-171 Prohibited in toilet rooms 53-171 Electric wiring : Independent for each use 63-5 Elevators: Stage, orchestra, and specials 79-119 Employee, defined 53-1 Entrance : — Doors: Locks permitted principal entrance 53-113 Means of ingress 53-1 Principal: Defined 53-1 Slope, 1 in. 12 53-26 Steps prohibited 53-26 Secondary : Defined 53-1 Equipment: Alterations to comply 53-7 Elsewhere than on stage 53-172 Mechanical: Rooms 53-21 to 53-23 61-84 to 61-86 Projection room 53-33 Existing theatres: — Alterations to equipment to comply 53-7 Alterations to exits to comply 53-6 Alterations to projection blocks to comply 53-5 Alterations to seating to comply 53-6 Alterations to stage blocks to comply 53-5 Alterations generally not to comply when: — 1. Not increasing capacity 53-3 2. Not decreasing exits 53-3 Exits not to be reduced 53-3 Exit courts: — Adjacent theatres 53-90 Alley width, 10 ft. min., cumulative to outlet 53-89 53 146 Exit Courts-Exits INDEX SUMMARY 53-79 53-73 Fxit courts: — (Cont.) Ceiling: 4 lir. construction type permitted Ventilation, open offsets 75% Counterbalance lire escape prohibited Defined as court used as public exit at grade or ground level Doors: Permitted only from theatre 45 min. door required Drained : Not to hold water Fire escape: Counterbalance prohibited Encroachment prohibited Ex< ept: Above plane 8 ft. up Level or ramped Obstructions prohibited Open and unobstructed to the sky 1. Fire escapes and stairs not obstructions (See 53-80) . . . ( )penings in floor prohibited Radiators to be recessed Ramp slope, max. 1 in 6 Signs, exit Space below to have 4 hr. construction over Stairs, outside: Encroachment prohibited Except: Above plane 8 ft. up Steps prohibited Tunnel type Use for other purposes prohibited Used in common by two theatres Provided: Width to be greatest required Walls, 4 hr. solid construction required Width:— 10 ft. min., cumulative increase to exit Depending on capacity, Table Reduction of 1 ft. allowed for doors Windows: Permitted in court walls Except: In courts with ceiling Type A required generally Type A required within 30 ft. above top of highest emergency exit. . . Exits, Employees: — Court, exit: — May be used as emergency exit 53-49 May be used as normal exit 53-49 Doors, outside exit: 2 required from stage block Type 2, from opposite sides of stage Door to stair may be 2 ft. 10 in. in clear Emergency : Solely for employees use Exit other than entrance required Fire escape, chute: Is emergency exit from fly gallery, loft, gridiron, etc.. Fire escape, sliding: Is emergency exit from lly gallery, loft, gridiron, etc. . Includes only exit court public emergency exits Includes public normal exits Ladder, permanent: Is emergency exit Rooms: Exit other than entrance required ( )ne exit leading to 2 others, allowed Width, min. 3 ft Stage block: Type 2: — 2 outside exit doors required from opposite sides of stage block Stairs: — Basement, 3 ft. min Dressing room, 3 ft. min Gridiron: 1 may be winding, or 1 may be spiral Extend to roof or doorway near ceiling \oii combustible material Penthouse construction: Same as building Penthouse door, 45 min Penthouse window, Type A May combine with others 53-87 -84 to 53-87 53-80 53-18 53-86 53-86 53-85 53-80 53-80 53-80 53-85 53-91 53-87 53-87 53-85 53-91 53-85 53-191 53-85 53-79 53-79 53-85 53-87 53-90 53-90 53-90 53-86 53-89 53-88 53-91 53-86 53-86 53-86 53-90 53-90 53-95 53-50 53-19 53-94 53-107 53-107 53-49 53-49 53-94 53-94 53-94 53-94 53-95 53-97 53-97 53-98 53-98 53-98 53-98 53-98 53-98 53-98 53-96 53 INDEX SUMMARY Exits 147 Exits, Employees: — (Cont.) Stairs: — (Cont.) May serve more than 1 level 53-96 Width: Basement stairs, 3 ft. min 53-97 Dressing room, 3 ft. min 53-97 General, 2 ft. 6 in 53-103 Width, general, 3 ft. min 53-94 Exits, general: — Alley, 10 ft. min. : width based on capacity 53-89 Alterations to comply in existing theatres 53-6 Classified: Public normal exits 53-46 Public emergency exits 53-46 Employees exits 53-46 Common exits with multiple occupancies prohibited 53-43 Except : Fire escape 534:3 Concealed doors prohibited 53-52 Court defined (See also Exit Courts) 534:8 Cumulative increase in width to outside 53-51 Defined, general 53-46 to 53-49 Distance, max. 150 ft., any seat to normal exit door from auditorium. . . 53-59 Doors, see Doors, above Draperies concealing doors prohibited 53-52 Emergency defined 5348 53-49 Gates at outside ends of exit courts 53-91 Height, 7 ft. min. in clear Except: Exit court passage or tunnel, 8 ft. generally and 7 ft. at gates. 53-86 53-87 Illumination: Normal 53-179 53-181 53-185 Emergency 53 -180 53-186 Lighting: Normal 53-179 53-181 to 53-185 Emergency 53-180 53-186 Locks 53-112 Mirrors prohibited in dors 53-52 Normal defined 5347 Open space: Width 10 ft. min 53-89 Width based on capacity 53-89 Other than entrance required from public rooms: — Provided: Room area is over 100 sq.ft.. 5345 53-92 53-93 Groups of adjacent rooms are over 300 sq. ft. total area 53-45 53-92 53-93 Public emergency exits, except exit court, not allowed as normal employees exits 53-49 Required other than entrance from public rooms 53-45 53-92 53-93 Signs, see Signs, Exit Trim : Non-combustible in vertical exits 53-24 Except: Handrails 53-24 Width:— 20 in. per 100 persons 53-51 3 ft. min. width 53-50 J of required public normal exits to lead to street, etc 53-51 5 of required public normal exits to lead to public alley, etc 53-51 Cumulative increase to outside 53-51 100% public normal exit width to lead to entrance doorways 53-51 Exits: Public Emergency: — Balconies: 1 vertical required from each side 53-76 Doorway required at each end of every transverse aisle 53-72 Lead directly to grade 53-68 Combined from opposite sides prohibited 53-78 Defined, not including normal exits 53-48 Does not include public normal exits 53-47 53-48 Doors: — ■ Encroachment on public space prohibited 53-109 Except: Emergency may swing 18 in 53-109 45 min. door required 53-1 1 1 Except: Doors as in Section 53-93 53-111 53 14S Exits INDEX SUMMARY I sits: Publk Kmergencv: — (Cont.) Doors:— (Cont.) Level landings, 4 ft. wide 53-82 2 ft. longer than width 53-82 Locking d&\ ices prohibited : Employees doors 53-113 Public doors 53-113 Except : Principal entrance door 53-113 Panic hardware 53-113 Open from inside without key 53-112 Panic hardware permitted 53-113 Exit other than entrance required 53-45 53-92 5.i <).i Provided : Room area is over 100 sq. ft 53 '>5 Group of rooms, over 300 sq. ft 53-45 53-92 53-93 See Fire Excapes, below Includes outside doorway at grade 53—48 Landing, exit court: In egress direction 53-83 Lead in egress direction 53-83 Level landing: 4 ft. wide min 53-82 2 ft. longer than width 53-82 Location, general: — 37|% at least from each half of each seating level 53-70 Lead directly to grade 53-66 Location, main floor: Capacity 600 or less in auditorium: — Distance from proscenium, £ seat distance ; 53-71 Location, main floor: Capacity over 600 in auditorium: — 50 to 66| c o of width to be distant from proscenium not over \ seat dis- tance Locking devices prohibited . Except: Panic hardware Principal entrance doors Mezzanines: 1 vertical required from each side Lead directly to grade 5 ascending steps allowed Except: Not required, special case Increased size, exit door Proscenium boxes: 1 vertical required Except : With 2 normal exits Ramps: Conform as stairs Slope, max. 1 in 6 Required from all auditoriums Serve only 1 side of auditorium Stairways: 2 hr. construction inclosure 45 min. door required Door same width as stair Outside stair below 8 ft. level is obstruction Same width as door served Steps ascending outside prohibited Steps permitted inside on main floor Except: 30% of doors not to have steps Steps up to 5 allowed in egress direction, inside, above main floor Vertical: Includes: — I''irc escape stair Interior stair leading to exit at grade. . . Outside stair from outside exit at grade. . Ramp, inside, leading to exit at grade. Ramp, oui M«le. leading to exit at grade Width: 20 in. per 100 persons 53-69 3 ft. min. in clear 53-69 Cumulative increase to exist 37£% at least from each half of any seating level. . See also Exit Courts Exit, Emplo; Exits: Public Normal Horizontal: — Aisles, longitudinal: — Connecting aisles with boxes, 2 ft. 8 in. min 53-56 53; -71 53- -112 53- -113 53- -113 53-76 53-68 53- -73 53- -70 53 -70 53- -75 53- -75 53- -81 53- -81 53- -65 53- -78 53 -79 53- -79 53- -79 63- -79 53- -79 53- -73 53- -73 53- -73 53- -73 53-48 53-48 53-48 53-18 53-18 53- -77 53- -77 53- -77 53- -70 53 INDEX SUMMARY Exits 149 Exits: Public Normal Horizontal: — (Cont.) Aisles, longitudinal: — (Cont.) Denned Doorway width: 20 in. per 100 persons 4 ft. min. width Illumination: Main floor aisle: — 1 ft. candle required Except: Motion picture houses Special performances j candle required Lead direct to inside normal exit doorway Required on all seating levels Risers prohibited in main floor aisle Slope, max. 1 in 6, main floor aisle Slope, max. 1 in 6, mezzanine aisle Steps in mezzanine : Full width of aisle Rise, 8 in. max Cut. 10 in. min Steps prohibited in main floor aisle Width: Seats on 1 side only, 2 ft. 6 in. min Seats on both sides, 3 ft. min 20 in. per 100 persons and cumulative towards egress Aisles, transverse: — Balcony; Lead direct to normal inside exit doorway, or by vomitory. . Coincidental normal and emergency exit Denned Doorway width: 20 in. per 100 persons 4 ft. min Encroachment prohibited Illumination 53-181 Required in back of last row of seats Except: Direct exit via longitudinal aisle to lobby or foyer Risers prohibited Seats: Number of rows: — 6 rows between front and transverse side 9 rows between transverse aisles Slope, main floor, 1 in 6 max Slope, above main floor, 1 in 12 max Steps prohibited To boxes, 2 ft. 8 in. min Width : 20 in. per 100 persons 4 ft. min. in clear Excludes all encroachments Defined as : — Aisle approach to auditorium Doorway approach to auditorium Foyer approach to auditorium Lobby approach to auditorium Passageway approach to auditorium Defined as every: — Ramp and enclosed spaces leading to public normal horizontal exit con- nection Stairway and enclosed spaces leading to public normal horizontal exit connection Exits, Public Normal Vertical: — Balconies: — 2 vertical exits at least required Entrance direct from balcony, or Entrance direct from lobby or foyer at highest level of balcony Lead to horizontal exit on main floor Located at opposite sides of auditorium 90° max. horizontal exit connection Width, min. 4 ft Height, min. 7 ft 53 57 Mezzanines: Same as Balconies above Obstructions prohibited 40-1 53-60 53-60 53-181 53-184 53-184 53-184 53-60 53-54 53-58 53-58 64-55 53-58 53-58 53-58 53-58 53-55 53-55 53-55 53-60 53-57 40-1 53-60 53-60 53-58 53-184 53-56 53-56 53-58 53-56 53-56 53-58 53-57 53-58 53-56 53-57 53-57 53-57 53^7 53^7 53^7 53^17 53-47 53^17 53^17 53-62 53-62 53-62 53-62 53-62 53-62 53-63 53-50 53-50 53 150 Exits INDEX SUMMARY Exits, Public Normal Vertical: — (Co>it.) Proscenium boxes: — At least 1 required Entrance direct from 3 ft. door, aisle, or passage Lead to main floor of auditorium Stairways with direct balcony or mezzanine entrance: — 1 lir. separation from auditorium Except: Vomitory may be open Stairways with entrance from balcony, lobby or foyer: — Open in foyer and lobby 2 hr. separation required in other parts Stairs with entrance from mezzanine, lobby, or foyer: — ( >pen in foyer and lobby 2 hr. separation required in other parts Width: 20 in. per 100 persons 3 ft. min., general 4 ft. min. from balconies 4 ft. min. from mezzanines At least 37£% of total width from either \ of seating level. . See also Stairways Exits, Ramps: — Aisle, main floor: Slope max. 1 in 6 Aisle, transverse above main floor, 1 in 12 As emergency exit Exit court: Slope max. 1 in 6 Highest point main floor aisle to entrance, max. slope 1 in 12 Level landing, 4 ft. min., emergency exit doorway Public emergency exit, max. slope, 1 in 6 Substitute for stairs, max. slope 1 in 6 • Transverse aisle above main floor, 1 in 12 Vomitories, max. slope 1 in 6 Exits, Stairways: — Comply generally with Chapter 64 Curved: Radius, min. 5 ft Cut: 9\ in. min., 1 ft. out Measured tangent to curve Cut, min. 10 in Except: Curved stairs, 9j in., 1 ft. out Fire escapes: In lieu of emergency stairs Gridiron : — 1 may be winding or spiral Extend to roof, or Extend to doorway near ceiling Non-combustible material required Penthouse construction: Same as building Penthouse door, 45 min Penthouse window, Type A Handrails: — Extend to front edge of 3rd tread Height: 2 ft. 6 in. min., front of tread I [eighl 3 ft. max. at front of tread Intermediate required, stairs over 7 ft. wide May be wood 53-24 Newel post, 5 ft. high, required at ends of intermediate handrails. . . . One required on each side of public stairs Turned to wall at ends Inclosure: — General Normal stairs Emergency stairs, 2 hr. construction Xon-combustible, except handrails Xon-required: Provisions same as for required stairs Penthouse, employees gridiron stairs Ramps: Same applicable requirements as stairs See Exits, Ramps Rise, max. 1\ in 53-107 53-62 53-62 53-62 53-64 53-64 53-64 53-64 53-64 53-64 53-63 53-50 53-63 53-63 53-63 53-58 53-57 53-48 53-85 53-26 53-82 53-81 53-106 53-57 53-61 53-99 53-101 53-101 53-101 64-31 53-101 53-80 53-98 53-98 53-98 53-98 53-98 53-98 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 53-99 64-34 53-102 64-34 64-28 53-64 53-79 53-99 53-105 53-98 53-106 64-31 53 INDEX SUMMARY Exits-Garages 151 Exits, Stairways: — (Cont.) Sharp internal wall angles eliminated 64-39 Steps over 5 in number prohibited to public emergency exit door above main floor , 53-73 Width: Employees stairs, 2 ft. 6 in. min 53-103 Except: Basement stairs, 3 ft. min 53-97 Dressing room stairs, 3 ft. min 53-97 Public stairs, 3 ft. min 53-50 Winders prohibited 53-100 Except: Curved public stairs 53-101 Gridiron stairs 53-98 53 Film storage in metal containers Fire alarm and communicating systems Fire curtain (See also Proscenium Fire Curtain) Fire Escapes: — Below 8 ft. level in exit courts are obstructions Chute type Clearance : — 12 ft. above sidewalk 14 ft. above alley Counterbalance in exit court prohibited In exit courts In multiple occupancies Ladder to roof Not to obstruct exits Sliding type Stairway type allowed: — For public use From dressing rooms Substitute for emergency exit stair Fire extinguishers Fire protection : General See also Sprinklers. See also Standpipes Floor levels: — Highest point of long aisle, slope max. 1 in 12 to principal entrance Lowest point, max. 7 ft. below grade to which exit-nearest-proscenium leads Seats on level terraces Except: Floor to slope to aisle Floor, main : Slope max. 1 in 6 53-28 Foyer walls, glass sash Furnace room separations Furniture and decorations, other than on stage Garages : — Communication with theatre: — 1 allowed 1 more allowed to garage passage Does not count as exit Vestibule type required 4 hr. construction required 5 ft. min. length Fire door at each end Fire door garage end to swing out Passage to garage under theatre: — Allowed Double fire doors at garage end 60 min. door at other end Hazardous storage prohibited Parking prohibited Storage prohibited 4 hr. separation from all other parts 18 ft. min. width Prohibited above or below theatres Permitted elsewhere 53-163 53-176 133 to 53-160 53-80 53-107 53-80 53-80 53-80 53-80 53^3 53-80 53^3 53-107 53-107 53-107 53-107 53-177 53-174 53-26 53-27 53-28 53-28 53-58 53-116 61-84 53-172 53 44 53-44 53^4 53^14 52-20 52-20 52-20 52-20 52-20 53^4 53-44 53^4 53^4 53-44 53^4 53^4 53-44 53-44 53-44 53 152 Gas-Lights INDEX SUMMARY Gas, not over 10 lb. in containers, allowed Gates at outside end of exit courts Glass in foyer walls: — Fixed sash required Metal frame required, including mullions and muntins, or. Kalamein frame Size : 40% of least wall area, less openings Wire glass, max. 48 in. wide; 720 sq. in. area Glass in lobby walls: Same as foyers Glass slides: Projection room not required Green lights prohibited, generally Gridiron : Chute fire escape Doors to roof, 45 min. door Sliding fire escape Stairs Group of seats defined: 2 or more seats Handrails: — Extend to front edge of 3rd tread Height: 2 ft. 6 in. min., front of tread 3 ft. max. at front of tread Intermediate required, stairs over 7 ft. wide May be wood 53-24 Newel post, 5 ft. high, required at ends of intermediate handrails One required on each side of public stairs Turned to walls at end Hazardous use unit prohibited Heating Plants: — Door prohibited to auditorium Door prohibited to foyer Door prohibited to lobby Door prohibited to corridor or passage leading to auditorium, foyer, or lobby Location: Pressure over 10 lb. per sq. in.: — 20 ft. min. laterally from auditorium Permitted elsewhere, 4 hr. separation Separations 53-34 Illumination: Emergency, general: — Conform to Electrical Code Independent of regular system Lamp sockets Minimum intensities Illumination: Normal: — Comply with Electrical Code Continuous use during open time Exit lighting required: — Aisles Alleys All horizontal exits All vertical exits Exit courts Min. intensities: — Additional required: Normal exits Controlled separately Employees exit Non-required exits Public exits Reductions allowed See also Chap. 66 Incinerator separations License approval requirements Lighting, see Illumination Lights, green : Same as red light below 51-27 53-91 53-116 53-116 53-116 53-116 53-116 53-116 53-164 53-178 53-107 53-23 53-107 53-98 53-1 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 53-99 64-34 53-102 64-34 63-2 53-34 53-34 53-34 53-34 53-34 53-34 53-34 61-84 53-180 53-180 53-180 53-186 53-179 53-179 53-179 53-179 53-179 53-179 53-179 53-185 53-185 53-182 53-183 53-181 53-184 61-84 44-3 53 INDEX SUMMARY Lights-Plans 153 Lights, red: Prohibited, except for exits 53-178 Except: Those on stage 53-178 Those unmistakably not for exit use 53-178 Live Loads: — Corridors, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Roof, 25 lb. per sq. ft 70-5 Spaces with fixed seats, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Stairsways, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Other public rooms, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Other public spaces, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Lobby defined : Entrance to room or public space 53-1 Lockers to be non-combustible 53-173 Locking devices on exit doors 53-112 Locks: Egress release without key 53-112 Main exit floor defined 53-1 Alain exit level 53-1 Mechanical equipment room 61-84 to 61-86 Mechanical ventilation not required on stage 53-117 Mezzanine defined: Partial floor, up to 10 rows of seats 53-1 Motion picture equipment 53-161 53-162 Multiple occupancy: — Communicating openings: — Adjacent buildings 1st story only 53-41 Adjoining buildings, 1st story only 53-41 Except: Allowed on ground floor also 53-40 Prohibited with: — Hazardous use unit 53-41 Institutional building 53-41 School, Class 1 53-11 Doors: Double fire doors required 53-42 Area of doors, 60 sq. ft. max 53-42 Location: 20 ft. apart at least 53-42 Not counted as exits 53-42 See also Garages above Exits in common prohibited 53-43 Except : Fire escapes 53-43 Fire escapes: Joint use allowed 53-43 Garages, see under Garages Hangar, non-fireproof prohibited 58-13 Hazardous use unit prohibited 63-2 Permitted, generally 63-3h 53-38 Except: Hangars, non-fireproof 58-13 Hazardous use units 63-2 Schools, Class 1 63-2 53-38 Public assembly units 55-11 Separations: General: — Standard fire separation, or 63-39 Standard fire wall 63-39 Separations: Specific: — Business unit, 4 hr. const 53-3h Church, 4 hr. const 53-3h Garage passage, 4 hr. const 63-3h 53-44 Multiple dwelling, 4 hr. const 63-3h Open air assembly unit, 4 hr. const 63-3h Public assembly unit, 4 hr. const 55-11 63-3h School, Class 2, 4 hr. const 63-3h Single dwelling, 4 hr. const 63-3h Wiring: Independent systems required 63-5 Obstructions in passages 7 ft. or less prohibited 64-23 Except: Handrails, max. 4 in 64-23 Panic hardware 53-113 Penthouse stairs: Employees 53-98 Plans:— Approval required by Fire Prevention Dept 12-24 53 154 Plans-Pros cenium IN I ) EX S UMMARY Plans:— (Cont.) Required 53-10 Show all seats 53-10 Show clear width of exits 53-10 Principal entrance: — Defined 53-1 Slope, max. 1 in 12 53-1 Steps prohibited 53-26 Projection block: — Alterations to comply in existing theatres 53-5 Doors in stage block: Xon-combustible 53-23 Equipment: Projectors 53-161 Shelves, furniture, etc 53-162 Film storage: In metal containers 53-163 One day's supply only 53-33 Finish and fixtures: Non-combustible, or 53-162 53-24 covered with non-combustible material 53-33 1 landrails on stairs may be wood. . . . ■. 53-24 Remodeling to comply in existing theatres 53-5 Separations: 2 hr. construction required 53-20 Type A windows required 53-20 Shelving, etc. to be non-combustible 53-162 Storage of combustibles prohibited 53-33 Except: 1 day's run of films 53-33 Toilets required, when more than 1 projector is installed 53-37 See also Projection Room Projection room: — Area, 50 sq. ft. for each device 53-33 Ceiling height, 8 ft. min 53-33 Denned as room containing projector 53-1 Equipment permitted 53-33 Fixtures, furniture, trim, etc. to be non-combustible 53-24 Not required with acetate cellulose film 53-161 Not required with non-flammable film 53-161 Not required with slow-burning film 53-161 Not required with still pictures 53-161 One day's film storage allowed 53-33 Openings to have automatic shutters 53-33 Sliding shutter construction 53-33 Storage of films prohibited 53-33 Except : 1 day's supply 53-33 Toilets: see under Toilet Rooms Ventilation 81-7 Note 4 53-117 Promenade, Roof: Prohibited for theatre patrons 53-53 Property room : Door in stage block 53-23 2 hr. construction separations 53-19 See also Projection Block Proscenium, defined 40-1 Proscenium Fire Curtain: Type 1 Stage, not required 53-133 Proscenium Fire Curtain : Type 2 Stage :— Annual inspection fee 46-8 Air space, 5 in. min 53-137 Approval of installations 53-159 Asbestos curtains prohibited when: Proscenium opening is over 22 ft. high 53-134 Proscenium opening is over 28 ft. wide 53-134 Cables and rigging 53-147 to 53-151 Certification of inspection and approval 53-159 Combustible material prohibited 53-136 Coverings 53-141 53-142 Counterweights 53-148 53-151 Design and construction 53-136 Frames: Framework 53-138 (iuide shoes 53-140 Yielding pad 53-139 Wheeled trolleys 53-140 53 INDEX SUMMARY Proscenium-Seats 155 Proscenium Fire Curtain: Type 2 Stage: — (Cont.) Guides and smoke pockets 53-143 Inspection: General. 13-7 53-159 Annual 46-8 Machinery and equipment 53-152 to 53-160 Opening to be sprinklered: special case 53-174 Operating equipment and control 53-152 Operation: Conditions and requirements 53-135 Paint 53-135 Smoke pockets 53-143 53-144 Test 53-160 53-135 Thickness 53-137 30 min. fire resistance 53-135 Types: 2 section metal type 53-145 53-146 Drum type 53-147 Sheave type 53-150 Vertical operation required 53-135 Public assembly unit in theatre 55-11 Public rooms: Exit other than entrance required 53-45 53-92 53-93 Provided: Room area is over 100 sq. ft. . 53^45 53-92 53-93 Group of rooms, area over 300 sq. ft... 53-45 53-92 53-93 Ramps: See Exits, Ramps Red lights prohibited generally 53-178 Refrigerating equipment 53-165 53-21 53-22 Refuse burner separations 61-84 Remodeling to comply in existing theatre 53—4 Exceptions 53-3 Repairs to comply in existing theatres 53-4 Exceptions 53-3 Rise of steps: 7£ in. max 64-31 Roof promenades prohibited for theatre patrons 53-53 Rooms converted for special uses 53-8 Rooms, public: Exit required other than entrance: — Provided : Room area is over 100 sq f t. . . . 53-45 53-92 53-93 Groups of rooms, area over 300 sq. ft.. . 53-45 53-92 53-93 Scenery: Combustible prohibited, Type 1 Stage 53-30 Moveable prohibited, Type 1 Stage 53-30 School, Class I prohibited 63-2 Seats: — Alterations to comply in existing theatre 53-6 Arc of over 90° between aisles prohibited 53-128 Arms required for all fixed seats 53-130 Balcony: — Defined as over 10 rows 53-1 6 rows max. between front and transverse side 53-56 9 rows max. between transverse aisles 53-56 Transverse aisle required in rear 53-56 Bank of seats: — Defined as rows at different levels 53-1 15 banks max. on main floor without cross aisle 53-67 Unless: Each aisle has direct exit 53-67 Fixed seats are required 53-131 Except: In boxes, portable seats allowed: — 1 for each 5 sq. ft. floor area 53-131 20 max. allowed 53-131 Prohibited on sloping floor 53-131 Group of seats defined : 2 or more 53-1 Level terraces on main floor 53-28 Except: Ramps to aisles permitted 53-28 Extra aisle, 2 ft. wide permitted 53-28 Main floor: 15 rows max. without cross aisle 53-67 Except: With direct exit for each aisle 53-67 Mezzanine defined as 10 rows or less 53-1 53 156 Seats-Stadium INDEX SUMMARY Seats:— (Cent.) Number in rows and between aisles: — Balcony: — (i rows max. between front and transverse side 53-56 9 rows max. between transverse aisles 53-56 12 seats max., between aisles 53-128 6 seats max., aisle on 1 end only 53-128 Main floor: — 12 seats max , between aisles 53-128 Except: Add 1 seat for each 1 in. over 34 in. back to back 53-128 Except: If 42 in. back to back: — 1. 48 seats max. between aisles, or 53-128 2. 80 ft. max. length of row 53-128 3. 10 seats max., aisle at one end only 53-128 1 'nit able allowed in boxes, level floors only: — 1 for each 5 sq. ft. of floor area 53-131 20 max. number allowed 53-131 Row, defined: Adjoining seats side by side 40-1 Self-raising: Main floor: — 2 rows required opposite emergency exit door 53-132 Spacing: 18 in. between rearmost point of back and foremost point of arm of seat in row behind 53-132 Spacing: Regular seats: — 34 in. back to back 53-129 16 in. min., back of seat to foremost point of arm of seat in row behind 53-129 Spacing: Self-raising seats: — 18 in. between rearmost point of back and foremost point of arm of seat in row behind 53-132 Width: 90% of all seats:— 20 in. center to center of arms 53-130 Width: 10% of all seats may be:— 19 in. center to center of arms 53-130 Se< ondary entrance: Any other than principal 53-1 Signs, exit: — Classes: Standard Directional 53-187 Standard Exit 53-187 Standard Fire Escape 53-187 Conform to Chapter 66, Signs 53-187 Illumination: — ■ 5 ft. candles required 53-188 Continuous use during open time 53. 188 Controlled separately 53-188 Wiring from emergency system 53-188 Standard Directional Signs required: — 1 . I Inrizontal exit connections 53-193 Every change in direction 53-193 Except: In vomitories 53-193 2. Vertical means of exit 53-194 Except: In vomitories 53-194 3. Exit courts 53-195 Standard Exit Signs required: — 1. At public exit doorways 53-189 Visible through unobstructed doorways 53-189 Groups of doors over 10 in. between jambs. . 53-189 2. At employees exit doorways 53-190 3. At exit courts 53-191 Standard lire Escape Signs required: — 1 . At every door to fire escape 53-192 Except: Emergency stair fire escape 53-192 Spiral stairs from gridron 53-98 Stadium type auditorium: — Longitudinal aisle leads to transverse aisle 53-50 Rearmost transverse aisle: — Shall have inside normal exit doorway, or vomitory leading to such door- way for each side of auditorium 53-60 53 INDEX SUMMARY Stadium-Stage 157 53-57 Stadium type auditorium: — (Cont.) Rearmost transverse aisle: — (Cont.) Such doorway: 20 in. per 100 4 ft. min. width Transverse aisle: Both normal and emergency exit Stage Blocks- Alterations to comply in existing theatres Basement: Finish and fixtures to be non-combustible Depth, Type 1 : 3 ft. max 9 ft. max., 180 sq. ft. extra area Doors : — Inner vestibule door: Non-combustible Outside exit doors : 2 required from opposite sides of stage . Outside stage block door to be vestibuled Projection block in stage block Property room in stage block Storage room in stage block Handrail may be wood Highest point in Type 1 Stage : — 4 ft. max., above proscenium opening 35 ft. max., above stage floor Parapet wall required Remodeling to comply^ existing theatres Separations: Type 1 Stage, 3 hr. const Type 2 Stage, 4 hr. const Except: In multiple occupancies Parapet wall required Sprinklers required, Type 2 Stage Except: Prohibited beneath stage vent Trap doors may be 2\ in. solid wood Trap space: Defined as space under floor Location limits 60 min. door required Width, Type 1 Stage : — Equal to width of proscenium opening Windows not permitted, Type 2 Stage Workshop : — Finish and fixtures, non-combustible Shop operated for stage purposes 2 hr. separations required Stage, general: — Defined Property room 53-19 Storage room 53-19 Workshop 53-1 53-19 Stage, Type 1 : — Depth, max. 3 ft Depth, max. 9 ft.; 180 sq. ft. extra Floors, wood finish allowed Footlights prohibited Highest point: 4 ft. above proscenium opening 35 ft. max. above stage floor Proscenium fire curtain not required Scenery, Combustible: Prohibited Moveable, prohibited Size limited Stage vent required Trap doors prohibited Used for sound projection only Ventilation, mechanical, not required Vent required (see Stage vents) Width, max.: Clear width of proscenium opening Windows not required (See also Stage Block) Stage, Type 2 : — Basement to be sprinklered Capacity factor is 6 62-2 53-1 53-1 53-24 53-133 53-30 53-60 53-60 53-67 53-5 53-24 53-30 53-30 53-23 53-95 53-23 53-23 53-23 53-23 53-24 53-30 53-30 53-15 53-5 53-15 53-15 53-15 53-15 53-174 53-174 53-17 53-1 53-32 53-23 53-30 53-115 53-24 53-1 53-19 40-1 53-174 53-174 53-174 53-30 53-30 53-16 53-30 53-30 53-30 53-30 53-30 53-30 53-29 53-118 53-30 53-30 53-117 53-118 53-30 53-115 53-174 62-3 53 158 Stage-Toilet INDEX SUMMARY Stage, Type 2:—{Cont.) ustible scenery permitted 53-31 Elevators: Orchestra, stage, special 79-119 Fire curtain required 53-31 Floors, wood finish permitted 53-16 Movable scenery permitted 53-31 Proscenium fire curtain required 53-31 53-135 Proscenium opening sprinklers 53-174 Rooms to be sprinklered 53-174 Sprinklers required 53-174 Except: Under stage vent 53-174 Standpipes required 53-175 Switchboard pocket, proscenium wall 53-31 Trap doors permitted 53-31 Trap spare permitted 53-31 53-32 Ventilation, mechanical not required 53-117 Vent required (See Stage Vents) 53-31 53-118 Windows not permitted in walls. (See also Stage Block) 53-115 Stage Vents: — 1 to 3 required 53-118 Approval required 53-126 Area: Total, 5% of stage floor area 53-120 Certificate of approval 53-126 Construction of shaft: — 2 hr. separation required 53-121 Except: 4 hr. const, through other occupancies 53-121 Operation: Automatic and manual 53-122 Dampers 53-122 Hoods ' 53-123 Location : General 53-1 19 Nearness to property lines 53-124 Notice: 30 day, to abate violations 53-126 Proximity to property lines 53-124 Proximity to other openings 53-125 Required for all stages 53-1 18 Shaft:— 15 ft. min. above roof, or 53-119 15 ft. min. higher than any roof within 10 ft 53-119 Area, same as vent 53-120 Changes in direction, max. 180° 53-119 Hood, same area as vent 53-123 Enclosure: 2 hr. construction 53-121 Except: 4 hr. const, through other occupancies 53-121 Shaft:— May be offset 30° from vertical 53-119 One shaft to one vent 53-119 Sprinklers prohibited under vents 53-174 Tests by Dept. of Buildings 53-126 53-127 Stairways, See Exits: Stairways See Exits, Public Emergency See Exits, Public Normal See Exits, Employees Standing prohibited 53-1 1 Standpipes required: Type 2 Stage: — All rooms appurtenant to stage 53-175 Specifications 53-1 75 Si ill pictures: Projectors and equipment 53-164 Storage room: Defined 53-1 2 hr. separations required 53-19 Doors in stage block 53-23 Tests: Proscenium fire curtains 53-135 53-160 Stage vents 53-126 53-127 Toilet equipment: — Auxiliary toilet rooms 53-36 53-167 Number of fixtures required 53-36 Employees 53-167 53-170 Lavatories: 1 required in very toilet room 53-168 53 INDEX SUMMARY Toilet-Wiring 159 Toilet Equipment : — (Cont.) Public 53-167 53-168 Toilet rooms: — Doors: — 10 ft. distance between "Men" and "Women" 53-35 Marked "Men" and "Women" 53-35 Drinking fountains prohibited 53-171 Exit required other than entrance: — Room area over 100 sq. ft 53^5 53-92 53-93 Lavatory, 1 required in each toilet room 53-168 Location : Public 53-36 Dressing rooms 53-37 Projection rooms 53-37 Separate rooms for males and females 53-35 Signs: "Men" and "Women" 53-35 Transformers 53-166 Trap doors: 2\ in. solid wood permitted 53-17 Permitted in Type 2 Stages 53-31 Prohibited in Type 1 Stages 53-30 Trap space : Space under stage floor 53-1 Location limits 53-32 Permitted Type 2 Stages 53-31 60 min. door required 53-23 Tunnel 53-87 Ventilation, general 81-7 Ventilation, mechanical: Not required for stages 53-117 Vent shafts, See Stage Vents Vestibule to garage 53-44 52-20 Vomitories: — Connect direct with horizontal exit, or 53-61 Connect at angle not over 90° 53-61 Directional signs not required 53-193 Doors not required 53-61 Inclosure not required 53-64 Slope: Max. 1 in 6 53-61 Width: 1 ft. greater than doorway 53-61 5 ft. min 53-61 Winders prohibited 53-100 Except: Curved public stairs 53-101 Gridiron stairs 53-98 Windows: — Bars or grilles prohibited 53-1 14 Permitted in exit court walls 53-86 Except: Courts with ceilings 53-86 Type A required generally 53-86 Type A required when within 30 ft. above top of highest emergency exit . 53-86 Prohibited in walls, Type 2, Stage 53-1 15 Wiring: Independent system, multiple occupancy 63-5 53 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 54 OPEN AIR ASSEMBLY UNIT INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 54 OPEN AIR ASSEMBLY UNIT Includes Section 54-3 : — Amusement Parks Bowls Athletic Fields Auto, Speedways Aviation Fields Band Stand Baseball Parks Beach Inclosures Bleachers Concession Booths Grand Stands Observation Platforms Race Tracks Reviewing Stands Stadiums Swimming Pools Tents for Circuses or Public Meetings Aisles, see Exits, Grandstands Amusement park devices : — Construction : — Com. of Bldgs. may approve any material. Metal: Incombustible floors, required Must be 30 ft. from any structure Wood : Max. height 35 ft Wood, steel or other material permitted . . . Equipment construction Exits, emergency: — Construction, same as normal exits Doors or stairs, 2 ft. 6 in., every 100 ft. . . . Ladders instead of stairs every 100 ft Required in addition to normal exits Runways to ladders, 1 ft. 8 in. wide Stairs or doors, 2 ft. 6 in. ; every 100 ft. . . . Towers Exits, stairs: — 1-4 ft. stair, least requirement Cut: 10J in. min Inclosure: To be non-combustible: — Solid, with windows Wire mesh, 10 g., 2 in. openings Non-combustible material required Rise : 8 in. max Towers Permits required Plans required Protective devices Roller coaster 54-14 Scenic railway 54-14 Test 54-54 54-21 54-21 54-21 Towers 54-14 Water chute 54-14 Other devices 54-14 See also Chapter 79, Index Summary Annual inspection Assembly room with stage using combustible scenery Bleachers, see Grandstands Boilers, separations Boxes : — Aisle: Min. 2 ft. 6 in 5 sq. ft. per each person in box Pitch, max. 1 in. in width of seat Portable seats: 20 max 54-21 54-21 54-21 54-54 43-115 43-115 79- 79- 79- 79 79- 79- 79 79-184 54-14 54-14 79-184 79-184 79-184 54-39 54-39 54-39 54-39 54-39 54-39 54-59 54-54 54-50 54-54 54-54 54-54 54-50 54-59 43-23 43-23 183 to 79-187 183 to 79-187 183 to 79-187 183 to 79-187 183 to 79-187 183 to 79-187 183 to 79-187 46-2 54-35 61-84 54-38 54-65 54-65 54-65 Capacity: — Each seating unit to be figured separately . . . Factor: General Stages, 6 sq. ft. per person Fixed seating space determined by seat sizes . 163 .62-2 54-4 54-4 62-3 62-3 54-64 54 164 Capacity-Exits INDEX SUMMARY Capacity : — (Cont.) ! seats plus 5 sq. ft. per spectator space Ceiling height for spectators, 8 ft. min Chutes, water: See Amusement Park Devices Construction: — Fireproofing omitted: — Roof structural members 20 ft. up Roof slabs, plates, or arches, 1 lir. construction 20 ft. from inside lot line or other structure With enclosing walls, when within 20 ft. of inside lot line in Park Devices: — Protective devices 54-21 79-183 Roller coaster 54-14 54-21 S( enic railway 54-14 54-21 Test lowers 54-14 54-21 Water chutes 54-14 54-21 ()ther devices 54-14 54-21 Fireproof, Semi-F.P., or non-combustible materials: — Capacity over 10,000 Having more than 1 tier of scats More than 1 story high Omit inclosing walls: 20 ft. from lot line 20 ft. from other structure Roof purlins: 10 ft. up may be heavy timber construction Roof sheathing: 10 ft. up may be heavy timber construction Heavy Timber Construction: — Having not more than 1 tier of seats Inside tire limits: 2,500 to 10,000 capacity ( )utside fire limits: over 5,000 capacity Omit enclosing walls: 20 ft. from lot line, or 20 ft. from other structure Ordinary Construction: — Inside fire limits: 2,500 or less capacity Outside fire limits: Over 2,500 to 5,000 capacity Not more than 1 story high Not more than 1 tier of seats high Omit enclosing walls, location 20 ft. from any lot line, provided heavy timber construction is under seating floor Wood frame construction permitted: — 50 persons or less Outside fire limits: under 2,500 capacity Located 60 ft. from any line or building Curtain, stage, see Fire curtain Cut: 10j in min 54-4 54-22 54-9 54-9 54-9 54-9 79-184 79-183 79-183 79-187 79-183 79-183 79-183 54-9 54-9 54-9 54-9 54-9 54-9 54-9 54-10 54-10 54-10 54-10 54-10 54-11 54-11 54-11 54-11 54-11 54-13 54-12 54-7 54-50 Definition of Open Air Assembly Unit. Drinking fountains required: — Line of travel: Max. 400 ft One for each 2,000 spectators Prohibited in toilet rooms 40-15 54-68 54-68 54-68 Electric wiring and equipment i ncy exits: Amusement park devices. . . Employees exits, see Exits Exits:— Clubhouse: Permitted into any open space. Doors: — 53 166 61-78 61- 2 required to public street or alley Gati s, sliding: Permitted Location: Lead to street, alley, or to 10ft. open space. Number: Same as for grandstands ' Ipen outwards Employees: — 1 required, for each room occupied 2 required, for each room occupied, adjacent to stage 54-56 79 to 61-83 54-39 54-36 54-55 54-45 55-53 54-37 54-45 54-57 54-57 54 INDEX SUMMARY Exits 165 Exits: — (Cont.) Employees: — (Cont.) 2 required, adjacent to combustible scenery 300 ft., max. distance to exit, except towers Basement, 3 ft. min Dressing room, 3 ft. min General, 2 ft. 6 in. wide Spiral stairs, from gridiron Winding stairs, from gridiron Grandstands, special additional requirements:- — Aisles, Heavy Timber or better construction :• — 30 seats in row between aisles 15 seats in row between aisle and rail or wall Aisles, Ordinary or wood frame construction: — 20 seats in row between aisles 10 seats in row between aisle and rail or wall Aisles, 24 rows between transverse aisles Aisles, width : See below, Width of aisles Doors : — 1.000 or less capacity: 2 doors required 1.001 to 4,000 capacity: 3 doors required 4,001 to 8,000 capacity: 4 doors required 1 additional door for each 4,000 or fraction Turnstiles do not count as exits Rise of banks of seats: 2 ft. max Seat spacing: See Seats 24 seats in row between transverse aisles Width of aisles: — 3 ft. min. general 7 in. per 100 capacity, seats with backs 6 in. per 100 capacity, seats without backs 2 ft. 6 in. min., leading to box seats 2 ft. 6 in. min. ; aisle on 1 side only Hangar, into any open space permitted Inside, lead direct to outer exits Obstructions other than 4 in. handrails prohibited. . . . Paddock, into any open space permitted Projection booth in isolated tower, ladder permitted . . . Public rooms, additional non-return exit Ramps: Height of flight, 10 ft. max Same provisions, generally, as stairs Slope, horizontal exits, If in. per ft Separate buildings, as per own occupancy requirements . Signs, see Signs Stairs : — Cut, 10J in. min Employees: — 1 required for each room occupied 2 required, adjacent to stage, Type II 2 required, adjacent to combustible scenery 300 ft. max. distance to outside exit, except towers. Basement exit, 3 ft. min Dressing room, 3 ft. min Spiral, from gridiron Width: General, 2 ft. 6 in Winding, from gridiron Flights: Height, 11 ft. 6 in. max Bottom, to lead toward exit Height of flight: 11 ft. 6 in. max Inclosure required Number: Amusement park devices General Grandstands Towers, amusement park Rise: 8 in. max 54-58 54-58 54-36 54-58 54-58 54-54 54-57 54-57 54-57 54-57 54-57 53-98 53-98 54-38 54-38 54-38 54-38 54-38 54-37 54-37 54-37 54-37 54-16 54-38 54-38 54-38 54-38 54-38 54-38 54-38 54-36 54-44 54^3 54-36 54-60 54-33 54-53 54^7 54^2 54-36 54-50 54-57 54-57 54-57 54-57 54-57 54-57 53-98 54 57 53-98 54-52 54-49 54-52 64-28 54-54 54 48 54-37 54-59 54 50 54 106 Exits-Grandstands INDEX SUMMARY Exits: — (Cont.) Stairs: — (Cont.) Risers: At least 3 required Except in aisles Separated by distance between longitudinal aisles. Sharp internal wall angles eliminated Spiral: Employees gridiron stairs St( ps V.1 least 3 required I \. ep1 in aisles Types: See Stairs, General Index Width: Amusement park devices, 4 ft. min Balcony: 250 or less capacity, 3 ft. min Employees: 2 ft. 6 in ( General : 4 ft. min Towers: 2 ft. min 8 in. per 100 capacity Winding: Employees, from gridiron Through public rooms, required Turnstiles do not count as exits Vomitories: — Defined Same as stairs or ramps Width: Aisles, see Grandstands Based on capacity 8 in. per 100, except aisles Cumulative increase toward outside exit Doorway, 3 ft. min Passage, horizontal, 5 ft. min Ramp, balconies, 250 or less, 3 ft. min Ramp, horizontal exit, 5 ft. min Stairs: — Amusement park devices, 4 ft. min Balcony, 250 or less, 3 ft. min Employees, min. 2 ft. 6 in General, 4 ft. min Towers, 2 ft. in. min 8 in. per 100 capacity 54-58 54 54 54-58 54 47 54-54 54-52 54-52 54-19 64-39 53-98 54-52 54-52 54-54 54-36 54 -57 54-36 54-59 54-36 53-98 54-33 54 46 40-1 64-9 54^1 54-36 54-36 54-36 54-36 54-36 54-36 54 54 54-36 54-57 54-36 54-59 54-36 53-133 Fences Fire curtain: — Combustible permitted Otherwise, theatre provisions govern Required when assembly space is 50% enclosed Theatre provisions 1'i reproofing omitted: — Roof structural members 20 ft. up Roof slabs, plates, or arches, 1 hr. construction 20 ft. from inside lot line or other structure With enclosing walls, and within 20 ft. of inside lot line Fire separations, see Multiple Occupancy frontage on open spaces 10 ft. min. width: — 800 persons or less, 1 street SOI to 2.500 persons, 1 street and 1 open space 2,501 to 5.H00 persons, 2 streets 2,501 to 5,000 person.-,, 1 street and 2 open spaces 5,001 to 10,000 persons, 2 streets and 1 open space Over 10,000 persons, 2 streets at least Over 10.000 persons, 1 open space all other sides Over 10,000 persons, 1 tunnel (Sec. 53-87) equals 1 open space Gateways, location Gateways, normal exit: Sliding, permitted Grandstands: — Annual inspection Defined 54 IS 58-79 to 58-81 54 28 55-1 54-56 54-66 54-66 54-28 35 to 53-160 54-9 54-9 54-9 54-9 54-5 54-5 54-5 54-5 54-5 54-5 54-5 54-5 55-53 54-45 46-16 40-1 54 INDEX SUMMARY Grandstands-Platforms 167 54-17 54-21 Grandstands: — (Cont.) Exits. (See also under Exits, above) Frontage consents Garage distance : 60 ft. separation Garage distances: General 54-8 Live load, 100 lb. per sq. f t Seating, see Seats Guards, protective : — Amusement park devices Elevators Guards, \ in. sq. mesh under openings Railings, levels 2 ft. up, and over public Heating plant separations: 2 hr. construction required Illumination, see Lighting Lighting, Exit : — Additional General Normal Signs See Lighting, Exit: General Index, for details Live Loads: — All purposes, general, 100 lb. per sq. ft Bleachers, 100 lb. per sq. ft Corridors, 100 lb. per sq. ft Grandstands, 100 lb. per sq. ft Roofs, 25 lb. per sq. ft Stairways, 100 lb. per sq. f t Location : — Bleachers: 60 ft. to clubhouse, garage, paddock, or stable. . . Clubhouse: 60 ft. from bleachers or grandstand Garage: 60 ft. from bleachers or grandstand Grandstand: 60 ft. to clubhouse, garage, paddock, or stable. Paddock: 60 ft. from bleachers or grandstand Permanent wood unit: 60 ft. to any line or building Stable: 60 ft. from bleachers or grandstand Temporary wood unit: 30 ft. to any building Tower to be apart from all other structures Moving picture booth, see Projection Booth Multiple Occupancies: — Business units, 4 hr. separation Church, 2 hr. separation Doors, communicating Garage: General 54-8 Over 1,000 sq. ft. prohibited Under 1,000 sq. ft 2 hr. separation Institutional building, 4 hr. separation . . . Multiple dwelling, 4 hr. separation Permitted, generally Public assembly unit, 2 hr. separation . . . School, 4 hr. separation Separations, fire: General Single dwelling, 4 hr. separation Theatre, 4 hr. separation .59-20 54-31 54-37 59-21 54-8 54-32 70-1 79-183 to 79-187 54-21 54-20 54-19 66-4 66-5 54-17 63 7 69-12 54-31 Open air assembly unit defined: | perimeter open ... Open spaces, see Frontage on open spaces Parking space 54-8 54-17 Plan approval required by Fire Prevention Department. . Platforms, isolated: Combustible: — 6 ft. above grade 10,000 sq. ft. max •10 15 54-31 61-84 66-3 66-1 66-2 to 66-9 70-1 70-1 70-1 70-1 70-5 70-1 54-8 54-8 54-8 54-8 54-8 54-7 54-8 54-7 54-14 63-3i 63-3i to 69-16 54-32 54-31 54-31 54-32 63-3i 63-3i 54-31 63-3i 63-3i 63-3i 63-3i 63-31 54-1 54-32 12-24 54-23 54 23 54 1(,S Platforms-Stages INDEX SUMMARY Platforms, isolated: Combustible: — (Cont.) ( apa< ity Fa< tor is 6 Curtain, combustible Projection booths: — 1 hr. construction inclosure required Exit from booth in tower: Enclosed ladder permitted . Portable permitted Theatre provisions govern generally Ventilation 81 7 Proscenium curtain, sec Fire Curtain Protective devices, see Amusement Park Devices Protective floor guards: — Openings over \ sq. in. to have mesh guard underneath. Protective railings: — Adjoining water or any 3 ft. vertical offset: — Railing 3 ft. high: Max. opening in 1 direction, 10J in. Locations 2 ft. up and also over public space: — Balcony: Solid 4 in. curb: solid 3 ft. 6 in. rail Floor-level: Solid 4 in. curb: solid 3 ft. 6 in. rail Ramp: Solid 4 in. curb: solid 3 ft. 6 in. rail Stair: Solid 4 in. curb: solid 3 ft. 6 in. rail Upper deck: Solid 4 in. curb: solid 3 ft. 6 in. rail Public assembly unit as multiple occupancy Note 4 55 11 62-3 54-66 54-15 54 00 54-15 54-15 54-15 81-7 54-20 54-19 54-19 54-19 54-19 54-19 54-19 54-2 Railings, protective: — Levels 1 ft. up, and over public 54-19 Ramps : — Considered same as stairs 54-47 < General ' 64-53 to 61-57 Horizontal exits, slope If in. per ft o4-42 Rise: 8 in. max 54-50 Risers: 5 min., except in aisles 54-52 Roller coaster, see Amusement Park Devices Scenery on stage Scenic railway See Amusement Park Devices Seats:— Capacity: Fixed -eats plus 5 sq. ft. per seat for other public space Fixed securely: Except in boxes and on held Grandstands: Ordinary or Wood construction: — 20 seats in row between aisles 10 seats in row between aisles and rail or wall Grandstands: Heavy Timber or better construction: — 30 seats in row between aisles 15 seats in row between aisles and rail or wall Grandstand: General: Rise, max. 2 ft Portable: — JO permitted in box: 5 sq. ft. per person Permitted on field Width of sitting: Center to center of arms: — 20 in. wide for 85% of seats 19 in. wide for 15% of seats Width of sitting, no arms: 18 in. wide Separations, lire, see Multiple Occupancy Signs required, over 800 capacity: — Directional 54-72 66-10 Exit 54-72 66-5 Fire escape 54-72 66-15 Floor indicating 54-72 Illumination 66-5 Sprinklers, automatic: With combustible scenery only Stages, permanent: — Built like theatre stage Exceptions ( Capacity factor is ... . 54-25 54-4 54-65 54-38 54-38 54-38 54-38 54-38 54-65 54-65 54-64 54-64 54-64 to 66-14 to 66-9 to 66-17 66-18 to 66-9 54-69 54-25 54-25 62-3 54 INDEX SUMMARY Stages-Wood 169 Stages, permanent: — (Cont.) Ceiling open 60% from stage shell Fire curtain required when assembly space is 50% enclosed . Isolated structures: — Capacity factor is 6 Floors wood: Under 1,000 sq. ft No trap space 1 hr. construction over 1,000 sq. ft 1 hr. construction if there is trap space Trap space : 3 hr. separation from assembly space Sprinklers, automatic: With combustible scenery Vent Ventilator: Ceiling open for 60 ft Ventilator: Ceiling is under 50% of floor area Stairs, see Exits Steps, 3 min., except in aisles Temporary units : — 14 day occupancy limit Wood frame construction 30 ft. min., to other buildings Toilet rooms: — 20 ft. distance between doors, "Male" and "Female" 400 ft. max. spectator distance Drinking fountains prohibited Employees toilet rooms required when dressing rooms are used Equipment required : Table Exit through room required when area is over 1,000 sq. ft Fixtures required : Table Location to be inside gates Towers, amusement park: — Apart from all buildings and structures Exits 54-54 See Amusement Park Devices Trap space : — Isolated stage block, 3 hr. separation Stage not isolated 53-31 53-32 Turnstiles do not count as exits 54-26 54-28 62-3 54-24 54-24 54-24 54-24 54-24 54-69 54-27 54-26 54-27 54-52 54-6 54-7 54-30 54-30 54-68 54-30 54-67 54-33 54-67 54-30 54-14 54-59 54-24 54-29 54^6 Vomitories: — Same as stairs (which see) . Water chutes, See Amusement Park Devices Wood construction: — Platforms up to 10,000 sq. ft Platforms not over 6 ft. up 30 ft. min. to other buildings 54^7 54-23 54-23 54-7 54 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 55 PUBLIC ASSEMBLY UNIT INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 55 PUBLIC ASSEMBLY UNIT Includes: — Aquariums Armories Art Galleries Athletic Clubs Athletic Rooms Auditoriums Banquet Rooms Bath Houses Billiard Rooms Board of Trade Bowling Alleys Broadcasting Studios Cabarets Cafes Cafeterias Circuses Community Houses Concert Halls Aisles: General. . . . Convention Halls Council Chambers Court Rooms Dance Halls Dining Rooms Eating Places Exhibitions Expositions Field Houses Funeral Homes Galleries Game Room Grills Gymnasiums Lecture Rooms Legislative Halls Libraries Lodges 55-38 55-60 Annexes, see Construction Annual inspection Armory : — Capacity factor 6, assembly space Capacity factor 10, drilling space Defined Assembly Rooms: — Aisles, See Aisles Annexes: 1 story, or 1 story and basement: — Unprotected steel permitted See also under Construction Balconies : — Exits: See Assembly Room, Exits Prohibited: Except in Fireproof construction Except in Semi-F.P. construction 8 ft. ceiling height, over or under Basement and floor over: 3 hr. construction Capacity Ceiling heights: — 12 ft. min., general 8 ft. min., over or under balconies Projections permitted to 12 in. below Definition: Assembled not for business or dwelling Exits, emergency, special requirements: — 251 to 600 capacity, 1 min. required Over 600 capacity, 2 min. required Line of travel, seat to exit, max. 150 ft May be corridors, doors, ramps, stairs, vomitories. . . Platform, distance from: \ distance, 1st to last seat. . Public rooms, exit through without returning Exceptions: Boxes 20 seats or less Rooms under 1,000 sq. ft Required in all floors or levels over 250 capacity Stage, distance from: ^ distance, 1st to last seat Transverse aisle to lead to exit doors of same width . Width:— 9 in. per 100 capacity, 1st floor Cumulative increase to exit Lunch Rooms Museums Music Halls Natatoriums Passenger Stations Planetariums Pool Rooms Reading Rooms Restaurants Riding Academies Rinks Roof Gardens Smoking Rooms Taverns Trading Rooms 55-13 55-61 55-13 55-4 62-2 55-14 55-64 46-2 62-3 62-3 55-3 61-51 55-18 55-18 55-15 55-12 62-3 55-15 55-15 55-15 40-1 55-59 55-59 55-60 55-46 55-60 55-27 55-27 55-27 55-54 55-60 55-60 55-55 55-55 173 55 174 Assembly-Billiard INDEX SUMMAR Y Assembly Rooms: — (Cunt.) Exits, normal: Special requirements: — Aisles : — Width : 22 in. per 100 persons 55-38 3 ft. in clear, min 55-38 See also Seats Bal< onies 55-37 May be corridors, doors, stairs, ramps, or vomitories 55-46 Number required: — 500 or less capacity: 2 required 55-37 501 to 1 ,000 capacity: 4 required 55-37 ( )ver 1 ,000 capacity: 2 extra required for each 1,000 or fraction .... 55-37 Line of travel: 150 ft. from seat to door 55-37 100 ft., 1 turn only allowed 55-37 Width: 18 in. per 100 persson 55-36 Cumulative to exits 55-36 Floor levels, fireproof construction : — No limit above grade 55-16 14 ft. max. below grade 55-16 Floor levels, non-fireproof construction: — 15 ft. max. above grade, except balconies 55-17 7 ft. max. below grade 55-17 Live load, 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Projection booth, same as in theatres 55-20 Seats, see Seats Separations: — From assembly rooms: 2 hr. const 63-6 General 55-25 61-66 From other occupancies, 2 hr. const • 63-6 From other parts: Ordinary construction, metal lath and plaster 55-14 From other parts: Heavy timber construction, 1 hr. construction 55-14 See also Construction, Separations Stage, Type II. is considered a theatre 55-19 55-32 Athletic club 55-3 55-18 Athletic rooms 55-3 55-18 Balconies: Spectators: — Athletic rooms under 50 persons may have balcony 55-18 Ceiling height: 8 ft. min. over or under 55-15 Exits: See Exits, below Fireproof Construction buildings: — Assembly rooms may have balconies 55-18 Gymnasiums may have balconies 55-18 Floor level not restricted 55-17 Game room 50 or less persons may have balcony 55-18 Gymnasium 50 or less persons may have balcony 55-18 Heavy timber constructed buildings: — Balconies prohibited 55-18 Except: 50 or less capacity in Athletic rooms 55-18 ( .ami- rooms 55-18 Gymnasiums 55-18 Ordinary constructed buildings Same as in Heavy Timber construction Over another, prohibited in Semi-fireproof construction 55-18 Semi fireproof construction: — Assembly rooms may have balcony 55-18 Balcony prohibited over another 55-18 Gymnasiums may have balcony 55-18 Ballrooms, defined as Dance Hall 55-3 Basements and floor over: 3 hr. const, for 1. Assembly halls in 1 story buildings 55-12 2. Other buildings over 1 story 55-12 Bath houses 55-3 Billiard Rooms: — Capacity factor 25, total area 62-3 Defined 55-3 55 INDEX SUMMARY Bowling-Construction 1 7 5 Bowling Rooms: — Capacity factor 25, including alleys and pits 62-3 Denned .' 55-3 Boxes, or railed-in inclosures: — Seats: 20 permitted on level floor 55-85 Boxes, proscenium: — Single exit door allowed: 1,000 sq. ft. or less floor area 55-27 Cafeterias: — Capacity factor 12, seating space only 62-3 Defined 55-3 Capacity: — Construction according to capacity 55-7 to 55-9 Excepted rooms to have exits based on capacity 55^1 Factor, general 62-3 General 55^ 62-2 62-3 Not included in capacity: certain rooms 55-4 Seats fixed, no arms: 18 in. sitting 62-2 Seats fixed, with arms 62-2 Seats not fixed: See Table 62-3 Stage, capacity factor 6 62-3 Ceiling Height : — Assembly rooms with seating: — 12 ft. min 55-15 8 ft. need not be exceeded over or under balcony 55-15 8 ft. min. over or under balcony 55-15 Balcony: Need not exceed 8 ft. over or under 55-15 8 ft. min. over or under 55-15 Closets: 7 ft. min 55-15 Defined 55-15 Equipment room, 7 ft. min 55-15 General, 10 ft. min 55-15 Gymnasium with seating: — 12 ft. min 55-15 8 ft. need not be exceeded over or under balcony 55-15 8 ft. min. over or under balcony 55-15 Measurement : — Level floor to lowest point of ceiling 55-15 Highest point of sloping floor to lowest point of ceiling 55-15 Over or under balcony: 8 ft. min. generally 55-15 Projections permitted 12 in. below 55-15 62-5 Rooms with seating arrangements 55-15 Service rooms: 7 ft. min 55-15 Storage rooms: 7 ft. min 55-15 Toilet rooms : 8 f t. min 55-15 Circus buildings: — Capacity factor 6, assembly space 62-3 Capacity factor 10, exhibition space 62-3 Defined 55-3 For tents, see Chap. 54, Index Summary Closets for storage, under stairs, prohibited in non-fireproof buildings 55-22 Construction: — Annexes, 1 story or 1 story and basement: — Unprotected roof steel and columns, if: — 1. 1,500 capacity or less 55-13 61-51 2. Principal steel, 20 ft. up 55-13 61-51 3. 2f in. wood roof sheathing 55-13 61-51 4. 3 hr. separation, and 60 min. doors 55-13 61-51 5. Assembly rooms, gymnasiums, natatoriums, etc... 55-13 61-51 Basements and floor over: 3 hr. construction: — 1. In assembly halls not over 1 story 55-12 2. In other buildings over 1 story 55-1 2 Capacity: 11 to 100, meet school requirements 55-11 Except in : — 1. Church 2. Institutional building 55 1 7 ( . Construction-Exits INDEX SUMMARY Construction: — (Coal.) Capacity: 11 to 100, meet school requirements: — (Cont.) Ex< ept in: {tout.) 3. Open air assembly unit 4. School 5. Theatre which shall conform to occupancy types 55-11 Fireproof construction required: — 1. Over 4 stories high, or 55-7 2. ( >ver 50 ft. high, or 55-7 3. Over 1,800 capacity 55-7 Except, omit lireproofmg roof steel when: — 1. Roof steel is 20 ft. up, and there is 55-7 2. 1 lir. const, for roof slabs, etc 55-7 Semi-Fireproof Construction required: — 1. Over 2 stories high, and 55-8 2. Not over 50 ft. high, or 55-8 3. 801 to 1,800 capacity 55-8 1 1 1 a\ y Timber or Ordinary Construction required: — 1. Not over 2 stories high 55-9 2. Not over 800 capacity 55-9 Ordinary Construction required: — 10 persons or less 55-10 Also see Heavy Timber and Ordinary Construction Separations: — Annexes: 1 story and basement: 3 hr. const 55-13 61-51 Assembly halls : — Ordinary constructed buildings: — Ceiling under: Wood studs, metal lath and plaster 55-14 Floors: Metal lath and plaster under 55-14 Wood studs with metal lath and plaster 55-14 See also Basements, above Assembly rooms: — 3 hr. const, over basement in 1 story building 55-12 2 hr. const, from other assembly rooms 63-6 2 hr. const, from other occupancies 63-6 Heavy Timber constructed buildings: — 1 hr. construction for partitions 55-14 Boiler rooms 61-84 General 55-12 55-14 55-25 61-84 63-3 j Heater rooms 61-84 Incinerators 61-84 Refuse burners 61-84 Cooling and refrigeration 55-89 Courts: Light and ventilation 55-6 50-2 to 50-4 Dance hall : — Capacity factor 10 62-3 Defined 55-3 Definition of Public Assembly Unit 40-16 Definitions of terms used 55-3 Doors, See Exits, Horizontal Drinking Fountains: — Assembly rooms, 1 required 55-88 Line of travel, max. 150 ft 55-88 Prohibited in toilet rooms 55-88 Eating place : — Capacity factor 10 62-3 Defined 55-3 Electric work: Separate from other occupancies 63-5 55-26 Emergency Exits, see Exits, and 55-54 Exhibition place defined 55-3 Exit lighting: See Lighting, Exit, General Index l its I Jcfined generally: — Emergency, includes doors, horizontal and vertical exits 55-30 55 INDEX SUMMARY Exits 177 Exits: Defined generally: — (Cont.) Employees : — Includes doors", horizontal and vertical exits Includes public exits Horizontal, defined Normal: Includes doors, horizontal and vertical exits Does not include emergency exits See Exits, General Index Exits, horizontal: — Emergency : — Aisles, transverse : Count as normal and emergency exits in : — Balconies, and Rear of stadium type auditoriums Width: Coincidental, not cumulative Defined and includes: — Aisle, not serving as ingress Corridors, not serving as ingress Doors, not serving as ingress Foyer, not serving as ingress Lobby, not serving as ingress Outside, non-combustible platform (no ingress) Passages, not serving as ingress Distance from stage or platform : — Max. 5 distance between 1st and last rows of seats Doors : — Conform to wall construction Hardware, locks, panic bars May project into 7 ft. clear passage, swing 180° Open in direction of travel 55-63 Open out 55-63 Outside exit: — 1 at least required leading to alley or street, or 10 ft. space leading to alley or street If 1 only: Location other side from entrance If 2 : Perimeter separation, 20% of perimeter If over 2:9 Perimeter separation, 15% of perimeter Level landing, 4 ft. from ramp to 1 ft. outside jambs May be wood Shall not encroach on streets, etc Width: 3 ft. min 9 in. per 100 persons on 1st floor 11 in. per 100 persons, other levels Hardware, locks, panic bars, etc Landing, level: 4 ft. from slope to 1 ft. outside jambs Level landing: 4 ft. from slope to 1 ft. outside jambs Locks: To open easy from inside, no key Open space width not less than exit width Ramps to conform same as Normal exits Required: Every room or level over 250 capacity Stage, distance from: ^ distance, 1st to last seat Steps, same as in Normal Horizontal Exits Through public rooms, without return Width:— 9 in. per 100 capacity on 1st floor 11 in. per 100 capacity on other floors Corridors, min. 4 ft Cumulative increase to outer exit Greatest floor capacity, plus assembly rooms Doors, min. 3 ft Normal : — Aisle: Longitudinal defined as horizontal exit No limit: Steps or risers Transverse aisle in balcony is both normal and emergency exit Assembly rooms: Special requirements: — See Assembly rooms, exits, above Based on capacity 55—1 62- 55-31 55-31 55-41 55-29 55-29 55-64 55-64 55-64 55-61 55-61 55-61 55-61 55-61 55-61 55-61 55-60 55-77 55-79 55-45 55-45 55^5 55-71 55-72 55-72 55-72 55-73 55-78 55-78 55-35 55-55 55-55 55-79 55-73 55-73 55-79 55-72 55-62 55-54 55-60 55-62 55-27 55-55 55-55 55-35 55-55 55-35 55^1 55-12 55-64 62-3 55 ITS Exits INDEX SUMMARY Exits, horizontal: — (Cont.) Normal: (Cont.) Denned as aisles, corridors, doors, foyer, lobby, passages, etc 55^41 Doors: — Locks on outside exits to open from inside without key 55-79 May project into 7 ft. passage 55^45 May swing 180° 55-15 Number: see Doors, outside exit Open in direction of travel 55^45 Open outwards 55-45 Outside exit: — Must lead to alley, or street, or 10 ft. open space leading to alley or street 55-53 Number required: — 2 required: 800 or less capacity 55-53 3 required: 801 to 2,000 capacity 55-53 4 required : 2,001 to 5,000 capacity 55-53 Over 5,000, Add 1 for each 2,000 or fraction 55-53 Shall not encroach on alley, etc 55-77 Shall not project into passage less than 7 ft. in clear 55—45 Width : 3 ft. min 55-35 Lead to inside exit door at each end, or 55—44 Lead to outside exit door 55^44 Lead to transverse aisle at front near stage, in case of longitudinal aisle . . 55-44 Locks, outside exit doors, open without key on inside 55-79 Number, see Doors, Outside Exit Ramps, in aisles, slope, max., 1 in 5 55^43 Ramps, elsewhere, max. slope 1 in 6 55-43 Steps: If any, at least 3 required, except in aisles 55-51 Cut, max. 10 in 55-50 Extend full width of aisle, passage, etc 55^42 Rise, max. 7^ in 55-50 Separation, full exit width from door, etc 55—42 Through public rooms without return 55-27 Exceptions: Boxes under 20 seats 55-27 Rooms under 1,000 sq. ft 55-27 Width: 18 in. per 100 on 1st floor 55-34 22 in. per 100, other levels 55-34 Corridors and passages, 4 ft. min 55-35 Except: Balconies 250 capacity 3 ft. min 55-35 Cumulative increase to exit 55-34 Doors: 3 ft. min 55-35 Figured on greatest floor capacity, plus assembly rooms 55-34 Exits, Stairs: — Handrails 64-34 Inclosure required, except 1st story 64-28 Sharp interior wall angles eliminated 64-39 See Exits, Emergency, vertical and Emergency, horizontal Winders, 9 in. wide, 1 ft. out 64-36 Exits, Vertical: — Emergency: — Assembly rooms: See Assembly rooms Balcony: — See Assembly room exits Distance between 2 most remote exits 55-68 Not over 70% of width on 1 side of room 55-68 Required emergency when over 250 capacity 55-54 Width, over 250 capacity: 4 ft. min 55-35 Width, 250 capacity or less: 3 ft. min 55-35 Capacity factors: General 62-2 62-3 Capacity : Greatest floor capacity plus assembly rooms 55-55 Continuous to main exit level 55-67 Cumulative increase toward outside door 55-55 Cut: 10 in. min 55-69 64-31 Defined as ramps and stairs 55-55 55-65 Direction: To lead out, flight nearest main exit level 55-68 55 INDEX SUMMARY Exits 179 55-65 55-69 55-56 53-97 53-98 55-75 Exits, Vertical:— (Cont.) Emergency: — (Cont-) Flights, height of: 11 ft. 6 in. max Greatest floor capacity, plus assembly rooms Gymnasiums: Same as Assembly Rooms See Assembly Rooms, Exits Lead to horizontal emergency exit, main exit level Lead outward, flight nearest main exit level Line of travel: 100 ft. max., seat to emergency door. . . May be ramps or stairs not used for ingress Must be continuous to main exit level Number: Sufficient for incoming needs See Assembly rooms, exits Ramp, same as stairs Required: Every level over 250 capacity Every room over 250 capacity Every story above or below main exit level Rise : 1\ in. max Risers, if any, at least 3 required, except in aisles Steps, if any, at least 3 required, except in aisles Width:— 9 in. per 100 on 1st floor 11 in. per 100 on other levels than 1st floor Cumulative increase toward exits: — Greatest floor capacities, plus all assembly rooms. . 4 ft. min 3 ft. min., doors to vertical exits Employees Emergency:— Basement used by employees: — Exit 3 ft. min 55-75 Panic bars, etc. not required Spiral or winding 55-75 Stage, Type II, same exits as theatres Employees Normal: — 1 vertical (or 1 horizontal) required Construction, same as for stairs generally Panic bars not required 100 ft. max. distance to any point in floor Width, 3 ft. min Normal : — Assembly rooms, special requirements See Assembly Rooms, Exits Balcony : — See Assembly Rooms, Exits Distance between 2 most remote vertical exits Not more than 70% of width on 1 side of room Width, over 250 capacity, 4 ft. min Width, 250 or less capacity, 3 ft. min Capacity factors, general 62-2 Cumulative increase toward outside door: — Greatest capacity floor plus all assembly rooms Cut, 10 in. min Defined as stairs, ramps, and vomitories Direction, to lead out, lowest flight near main floor Flights, height of : 11 ft. 6 in. max Gymnasiums, same as assembly hall exits 55-36 See Assembly Rooms, Exits Handrails, see Handrails Lead to horizontal exit, main exit level Lead outward, flight nearest main floor Number, 2 required from any public space .... Ramp must meet applicable stair codes Slope, aisles, max. 1 in 5 Slope, others, max. 1 in 6 Rise, 1\ in. max Risers, at least 3 required, if any, except in aisles 55-70 55-55 55-57 55-68 55-68 55-60 55-65 55-67 55-68 64-53 55-54 55-54 55-66 64-31 55-70 55-70 55-55 55-55 55-55 55-35 55-35 53-103 55-79 53-104 53-98 55-74 55-74 55-79 55-74 55-74 55^9 55-49 55-35 55-35 62-3 55-34 55-50 55-46 55-19 55-51 to 55-39 55-49 55-49 55-47 55-46 55-13 55^13 55-50 55-51 55 180 Exits-Gymnasiums INDEX SUMMARY Exits, Vertical: — (Cont.) Normal:- (Coal.) Rooms with seating, same as Assembly Rooms 55-36 Steps: Extend full width of aisle, passage, etc 55-42 If any, 3 are required, except in aisles 55-51 4 ft. landing separation from vomitory ramp 55-52 Stairs, non-required, same as stairs generally 55-33 Si art at highest level requiring exits 55^48 Vomitories: — Counts as vertical exit with ramp or stair 55—46 Meel slair codes 55^47 64-9 Steps: If any, 3 required 55-52 4 ft. landing from vomitory ramp 55-52 Width:— 18 in. per 100 on 1st floor 55-34 22 in. per 100 on other levels 55-34 Cumulative increase toward exits: — Greatest floor capacity plus all assembly rooms 55-34 3 ft. min.: Balconies 250 or less capacity 55-35 3 ft. min. : Doors to vertical exits 55-35 4 ft. min. : General: Corridors, ramps, stairs 55-35 Fire Curtain: — Draw curtain permitted, no combustible scenery 55-86 With combustible scenery, same as theatres 55-86 53-135 to 53-160 Fireproofing Omitted: — Annexes, 1 story, or 1 story and basement if: — 1. Capacity is 1,500 or less 61-51 2. Structural roof members are 20 ft. up 61-51 3. 3 hr. separation, 60 min. door 61-51 4. Used for gym, assembly, or natatorium 55-13 61-51 5. Wood roof sheathing, 2f in. min. thickness 61-51 Fireproof construction : Structural roof members 20 ft. up 55-7 Fire Protection : — ( reneral 55-90 Sprinklers 55-91 Standpipes 55-92 Fire separations, see Multiple Occupancy Floor levels, fireproof construction: — Assembly room: No limit above grade 55-16 Max. 14 ft. below grade 55-16 Gymnasium: No limit above grade 55-16 Max. 14 ft. below grade 55-16 Floor levels, other than fireproof construction : — Assembly rooms: 15 ft. max. above grade 55-17 7 ft. max., below grade 55-17 Gymnasiums: 15 ft. max. above grade 55-17 7 ft. max. below grade 55-17 Floor levels: Rinks: — Over 25 capacity, max. 2 ft. over or under grade 55-23 Frontage on open spaces, 10 ft. min.: — 200 or less capacity, 1 street 55-5 201 to 800 capacity, 1 street and 1 open space 55-5 Over 800 capacity, 1 street and 2 open spaces 55-5 Fireproof passage counts as open space 55-5 64-15 Game rooms 55-3 55-18 Garage: — 4 hr. separation required 63 -3f 63-3j Prohibited in non-fireproof building 63-2 See Multiple Occupancy (ias, 10 lb. in container, max. allowed 51-27 Gymnasiums:— Same as Assembly Rooms, except: — Bali onies: — Prohibited over 50 capacity except in fireproof and semi-fireproof construction 55-18 Capacity factor is 10 62-3 55 INDEX SUMMARY Halls-Multiple 181 Halls, capacity factor 6 62-3 Handrails : — 1 required on stairs 3 ft. 6 in. or less 64-34 2 required on stairs 3 ft. 6 in. to 7 ft. in 64-34 End newel posts 5 ft., intermediate rails 64-34 Ends returned and joined to wall 64-34 Extend to front edge of 3rd tread 64-34 Height, 2 ft. 6 in. to 3 ft., front edge of tread 64-34 Intermediate required, stair over 7 ft. wide 64-34 Wood permitted 64-34 Hardware, locks, panic bars for doors 55-79 Heating plant separation, 2 hr. construction required 61-84 Heating, temperature to be maintained 80-3 Illumination, see Lighting Incinerator room separations 61-84 Library: — Capacity factor 25 62-3 Defined 55-3 Lighting:— Exit 66-1 66-2 66-3 General 66-1 66-2 66-3 Normal 55-95 66-2 Signs : — Directional 66-10 to 66-14 Exit 66-5 to 66-9 Fire escape 66-15 to 66-1 7 Floor indicating 66-18 See Lighting, Exit, General Index, for details Live Loads: — Assembly rooms, fixed seats: 75 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Assembly space, no fixed seats, 100 lb. per sq. f t 70-1 Billiard rooms, except spectator space : 50 lb. per sq. f t 70-1 Bowling rooms, except spectator space : 50 lb. per sq. f t 70-1 Bus terminal space: 100 lb. per sq. f t 70-1 Corridors: 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Exhibition rooms, fixed seats: 75 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 General 70-1 Gymnasiums: 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Pool rooms, except spectator space: 50 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Stairways: 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Locker room defined 55-3 Locks, exit, open from inside without key 55-79 Lodge halls, capacity factor 10 62-3 Meeting rooms, capacity factor 6 62-3 Metal frames and wire glass: — General 61-40 65-3 65-1 Stair enclosures 65-4f See General Index Moving picture booth, enclosure 55-20 57-21 Multiple Occupancy: — Assembly halls: 2 hr. separation 63-6 Business unit: 2 hr. separation 63-3 j Church: 2 hr. separation 55-11 63-3 j Garage, Class 1 : 4 hr. separation 63-3j Garage, prohibited in non-fireproof building 63-2 Institutional building: 4 hr. separation 55-11 63-3 j Multiple dwelling: 2 hr. separation 63-3j Open air assembly unit: 2 hr. separation 55-11 63-3 j Other occupancies, conform to type 55-11 Permitted, general 55-24 Prohibited in hazardous use units 55-24 Prohibited in non-fireproof garage building 63-2 School : 4 hr. separation 63-3j 55 182 Multiple-Seats INDEX SUMMARY Multiple Occupancy: — (Cont.) Single dwelling: 2 hr. separation 63-3} Theatre: 4 hr. separation 55-11 63-3} Museum:— Capacity factor 10 62-3 Defined. 55-3 Natatorium : — Capacity factor 15, including pool area 62-3 Defined as Swimming bath 55-3 Omission of Fireproofing, see Fireproofing Open spaces, see Frontages Panic bars, locks etc 55-79 Plan approval required by Fire Prevention Department 12-24 Pool rooms: — Capacity factor 25, total area 62-3 Defined 55-3 Projection booth inclosure 55-20 57-21 Promenade: — Capacity factor 20 62-3 Defined 55-3 Proscenium: — Curtain, see Fire Curtain Defined 40-1 Draw curtain 55-86 Fire curtain 55-86 53-135 to 53-160 Ramps, See Exits, Vertical and Horizontal Reading place: — Capacity factor 25 62-3 Defined 55-3 Refrigeration 55-89 Refuse burner separations 61-84 Rink:— Capacity factor 6, assembly space 62-3 Capacity factor 10, playing or skating space 62-3 Defined 55-3 Over 25 capacity, max. 2 ft. above or below grade 55-23 Rooms with seats, same as assembly rooms Scenery, combustible 53-31 55-19 55-86 Seats: — Back to back, see Seats, spacing Fixed seats required on sloping floor 55-85 ( reneral 55-38 55-84 55-85 Gymnasiums, same as in assembly rooms Number in rows, fireproof construction : — Assembly rooms: — 20 fixed seats in row between aisles 55-38 10 fixed seats in row between aisle and wall 55-38 1 4 portable seats in row between aisles 55-38 7 portable seats in row between aisle and wall 55-38 Number in rows, non-fireproof construction: — Assembly rooms: — 14 seats, fixed or portable, in row between aisles 55-38 7 seats, fixed or portable, in row between aisle and wall 55-38 Portable chairs, 20 max., on level floor in boxes 55-85 Portable seats, fastened in groups of five or more: — Allowed on level balcony 55-85 Allowed on level bank of seats 55-85 Allowed on level floor 55-85 Rise of bank not to exceed 21 inches 55-40 Rooms with seats, same as assembly rooms Sloping floor requires fixed seats 55-85 Spacing: — Back to back, seats with backs: 34 in 55-39 55 INDEX SUMMARY Seats-Windows 183 Seats: — (Cont.) Spacing: — (Cont.) Back to back, seats, no backs: 26 in 55-39 No arms, 18 in. in length equals 1 seat 55-39 Width, see Seats, spacing Separations, see Multiple Occupancy Signs: — Directional, required for over 250 capacity only 55-96 66-10 to 66-14 Exit, required for over 250 capacity only 55-96 66-5 to 66-9 Fire escape 66-15 to 66-1 7 Floor indicating 66-18 See Signs, General Index, for details Smoking room defined 55-3 Sprinklers, basement over 4,000 sq. ft., combustible storage 55-91 Stage Curtains: — Draw curtain permitted, no combustible scenery 55-86 With combustible scenery, same as theatres 53-135 to 53-160 55-86 Stage, Type 2, Combustible Scenery: — Comply with theatre code 53-135 to 53-160 55-19 55-32 55-86 Exits shall conform to Chapter 53 Theatres Factor of capacity is 6 62-3 Stairs, see Exits, Vertical Standpipes, basement over 4,000 sq. ft., combustible storage 55-92 Storage prohibited under stairs, non-fireproof buildings 55-22 Studios, Broadcasting 55-2 Swimming bath defined 55-3 Toilet Equipment required: — Auxiliary, for both sexes . 55-87 53-167 53-36 Employees in : — Dressing rooms 53-169 Projection rooms 53-169 Elsewhere 53-169 Exemption, 20 or less employees 53-170 General 55-87 53-167 to 53-1 70 53-36 Toilet rooms: — Ceiling height, 8 ft. min 55-15 Drinking fountains prohibited in 55-88 Exit through room over 1,000 sq. ft., required 55-27 20 ft. between "Men" and "Women" doors 55-21 Trading rooms : — Defined 55-3 Defined as Business Unit 40-8 Requirements, same as Financial Units, Chapter 50 Ventilation 55-80 55-81 55-83 81-7 Waiting room defined: — Capacity factor 15 62-3 Defined 55-3 Windows : — Facing alley, court, park or street 50-2 55-6 55-80 Metal frames and wire glass: — General 61^0 65-3 65^1 Stair enclosure, Type A required 65-5 See General Index 55 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 56 CHURCHES INDEX SUMMARY 55-11 CHAPTER 56 CHURCHES Aisles: — 14 seats in row, max. between aisles 7 seats in row, max. between aisle and wall Rise, bank to bank of seats, max. 21 in Steps: Cut, max. 10 in Permitted only when necessary Rise, max. 8 in Width, 18 in. per 100 capacity Width, 2 ft. 6 in. min Annual inspection Assembly rooms: See under specific items Assembly room separations Balconies: — Exit widths: Over 250 capacity: — Passages, 4 ft. min Stairs, 4 ft. min Exit widths: 250 or less capacity: — Passages, 3 ft. min Stairs, 3 ft. min Fireproof construction: — No floor level limit One or more balconies permitted Semi-fireproof construction: Audience balcony :- 1 permitted Exits to more than 1 floor May have portions at different levels Overlapping prohibited 30 ft. max. above grade Heavy Timber construction : — Audience balcony prohibited Choir balconies up to 300 sq. ft. allowed. . . . Choir balconies 20 ft. max. above grade Organist balconies up to 300 sq. ft. allowed. . Organist balconies 20 ft. max. above grade. . Ordinary construction buildings: — Audience balcony prohibited Choir balcony up to 300 sq. ft. allowed Choir balcony 20 ft. max. above grade 63-3k Capacity: — Exclusions, foyers, corridors, lobbies, etc Factor : 6 generally Factor: Gymnasiums, 10 General computation ■ 62-2 Rooms not occupied at same time Ceiling Height: — Assembly room: 12 ft. min Balconies: 8 ft. min., over or under Projections below prohibited General : 10 ft. min Measurement : — Highest point of sloping floor to lowest point of ceiling Level floor line to lowest point of ceiling Projection 12 in. below, permitted Except: In balconies Storage room : 7 ft. min Toilet room : 8 f t. min Choir balcony, see Balconies Construction: — Fireproof construction required throughout: — Over 1,800 capacity above basement If balcony floor, or gallery is over 30 ft. above grade 187 56-23 56-23 56-26 56-24 56-24 56-24 56-23 56-23 46-2 63-6 56-18 56-18 56-18 56-18 56-13 56-13 56-13 56-13 56-13 56-13 56-13 56-13 56-13 56-13 56-13 56-13 56-13 56-13 56-13 56-2 62-3 62-3 62-3 56-2 56-9 56-9 56-9 56-9 56-8 56-8 56-8 56-9 56-9 56-9 56-4 56-1 56 1SS Construction-Exit INDEX SUMMARY Construction:- (jCont.) Fireproof construction required in: — Basements: Churches over 800 total capacity Floor over basement: Churches over 800 total capacity Fireproof construction: Omit fireproofing: — Structural roof members, supporting no usable space: — It" roof slabs, etc., are 1 hr. construction and are 20 ft. above tloor. . Fireproof construction: Omit fireproofing: — Trusses supporting spires and no usable space: — When they are 30 ft. at least above main lloor ( )r. if there is a metal lath plastered ceiling under trusses Semi-fireproof construction required: — 801 to 1,800 capacity above basement Prc\ iding, balcony, floor, or gallery is not over 30 ft. above grade. . . . Exceptions: — Basement must be fireproof construction Floor over basement must be fireproof construction Trusses, unprotected steel, wood framing and covering: — 1. Allowed, when 20 ft. above floor 2. Or, metal lath, plastered ceiling under 3. Provided, support no usable space Trusses and roof, heavy timber wood construction : — 1. Allowed, when 20 ft. above floor 2. Or, metal lath and plastered ceiling under 3. Provided, support no usable space Fireproofing omitted, see Exceptions, above Heavy Timber Construction may be used: — 800 or less total capacity Not over 2 stories high • Ordinary Construction required, when : — 800 or less total capacity 100 or less total capacity, not over 4 ft. above grade 2 stories or less Corridors: See Exit Corridors Curtains, draw: when no combustible scenery Defined as place of worship, and religious purposes Doors, min. widths: — Exit, 3 ft. min Others, 2 ft. 6 in. min See Exit doorways Electric wiring, independent for each use Exit Aisles, see Aisles Exit Corridors from Assembly Rooms: — Width:— Based on capacity 56-22 62-2 800 or less capacity, 27 in. per 100 persons Over 800 capacity, normal, 18 in. per 100 persons Over 800 capacity, emergency, 9 in. per 100 persons 4 ft. min., general 3 ft. min., balconies 250 or less capacity Exit corridors, other than from assembly room: — Obstructions prohibited: Passages 7 ft. or less Width:— Based on capacity 56-18 62-2 18 in. per 100 capacity 4 ft. min., general 3 ft. min., balconies 250 or less capacity Exit Doorways from Assembly Rooms: — Emergency, see Number required Locations, rooms 800 or less capacity: — At opposite ends of room Location, over 800 capacity: — 60% of width on one side of room 40% of width on other side of room 56-4 56-4 56-4 56-4 56-4 56-5 56-5 56-5 56-5 56-5 56-5 56-5 55-5 56-5 56-5 56-6 56-6 56-6 56-7 56-6 56-31 40-17 56-18 56-18 63-5 62-3 56-22 56-22 56-22 56-18 56-18 64-23 62-3 56-18 56-18 56-18 56-21 56-21 56-21 56 INDEX SUMMARY Exit 189 Exit Doorways from Assembly Rooms: — (Cont.) Number required : — 800 capacity or less, 2 required Over 800 capacity, 2 emergency required Over 800 capacity, 2 normal required Open directly to street, alley, by lobby, or Open directly to street, alley, by 10 ft. open space Separated as far as possible Width:— 800 or less capacity, 27 in. per 100 persons Over 800 capacity, normal, 18 in. per 100 persons Over 800 capacity, emergency, 9 in. per 100 persons Increase 10%, each 5 ft., floor exceeds 20 ft. above grade Increase 10%, each 5 ft., floor exceeds 10 ft. below grade 3 ft. min Exit Doorways, other than from Assembly Rooms: — Distance apart, measured on perimeter, c. to c. If 2 exits only, 20% of perimeter If 3 exits only, 15% of perimeter Location, see distance apart Number, leading direct to alley or street, or by 10 ft. space: — 800 capacity or less, 2 required Over 800 capacity, 3 required Width:— Based on capacity 56-18 62-2 Cumulative increase to exit 18 in. per 100 capacity 3 ft. min., exit doorways 2 ft. 6 in. min., doors for other uses Exit lighting: See Lighting, Exit Exit ramps (used instead of stairs): See Exit Stairs Exit Stairs: — Inclosure required, except 1st story Sharp interior angles eliminated See Exit Stairs from assembly rooms Exit stairs, other than from assembly rooms Exit stairs to 1st story Exit Stairs from Assembly Rooms: — Cut, 10 in. min Emergency, see Number Required Flights, height of: 13 ft. 6 in. max Handrails: — 3 ft. stairs, 1 required 3 ft. 6 in. to 7 ft. wide, 2 required Over 7 ft., 2 plus, intermediate required Height, 2 ft. 6 in. to 3 ft. .. . Newel posts, 5 ft., intermediate rails Returned and joined to wall Location : — One directly accessible by lobby or passage All directly accessible to outside exit by lobby, etc Number: — 2 required from every story below 1st story 2 required from every story above 1st story 3 requ ed, from room over 300 capacity above 1st story 3 required, from room over 300 capacity below 1st story Rise, 7 5 in. max Width:— 800 or less capacity, 22J in. per 100 Over 800 capacity, normal, 15 in. per 100 Over 800 capacity, emergency 1\ in. per 100 Increase 10%, each 5 ft., floor exceeds 20 ft. above grade Increase 10%, each 5 ft., floor exceeds 10 ft. below grade 4 ft. min., general 3 ft. min., balconies 250 or less capacity 56-21 56-21 56-21 56-21 56-21 56-21 56-22 56-22 56-22 56-22 56-22 56-18 56-19 56-19 56-19 56-19 62-3 56-18 56-18 56-18 56-18 64-28 64-39 64-31 64-33 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 56-20 56-20 56-20 56-20 56-20 56-20 64-31 56-22 56-22 56-22 56-22 56-22 56-18 56-18 56 190 Exit-Lighting INDEX SUMMARY Exit Stairs, other than from assembly rooms: — Handrails, see Handrails Width:— Based on capacity 56-18 62-2 to 62-3 15 in. per 100 capacity 56-18 4 ft. min., general 56-18 3 ft. min., balconies 250 capacity or less 56-18 Exit Stairs to first story: — 2 required from every story below the first 56-20 2 required from every story above the first 56-20 3 required: Assembly room over 300 below 1st story 56-20 3 required: Assembly room over 300 above 1st story 56-20 Location, assembly room stair: — ■ One directly accessible by lobby or passage 56-20 All directly accessible by outside exit, by lobby, etc 56-20 Fireproofing omitted: — See Construction, Fireproof See Construction, Semi-fireproof Fire protection: Standpipes, churches over 80 ft 56-32 Fire separations: — ( ieneral (See also Multiple Occupancy) 56-17 61-66 Floor levels: Assembly rooms: — Fireproof costruction: — Xo limit above grade 56-10 20 ft. max. below grade 56-10 If over 20 ft. above, increase exits 56-10 56-22 If over 10 ft. below, increase exits 56-10 56-22 Non-fireproof construction : — 10 ft. max. above grade 56-11 6 ft. max. below grade 56-1 1 4 ft. max. above grade, 100 or under capacity 56-7 Floor levels: Balconies: — Heavy Timber construction, max. 20 ft. above grade 56-13 Ordinary construction, max. 20 ft. above grade 56-13 Semi-fireproof construction, max. 30 ft. above grade 56-13 Frontage on open spaces, 10 ft. min.: — 600 or less capacity, 1 street and 1 other open space 56-3 Over 600 capacity, 1 street and 2 other open spaces 56-3 Fireproof passage counts as 1 other open space 56-3 Galleries, see Balconies Garage : Class I, prohibited 63-2 Over 600 sq. ft., prohibited 56-16 Gas, max. allowed: 10 lb. in containers 51-27 Handrails: — 1 required on stairs 3 ft. 6 in. or less 64-34 2 required on stairs, 3 ft. 6 in. to 7 ft. in 64-34 End newel posts 5 ft., with intermediate rails 64-34 Ends returned and joined to wall 64-34 Extend to front edge of 3rd tread 64-34 Height 2 ft. 6 in. to 3 ft., at front edge of tread 64-34 Intermediate rails required, stair over 7 ft. wide 64-34 \\ ood rails permitted 64-34 Hazardous use units prohibited, except: — Standard fireproof vault 63-2 Waste paper storage or baling 63-2 Heating, temperature to be maintained 80-3 Lighting, Exit: — Existing buildings to comply by July 13, 1939 66-1 Normal : ( reneral 56-33 66-1 On floor, 0.5 ft. candle at every point 66-2 Stairs, 1.0 ft. candle at every point 66-2 Additional required: — In assembly rooms over 1,800 capacity 56-34 In assembly rooms over 1,500 capacity 66-3 56 INDEX SUMMARY Lighting-Signs 191 Lighting, Exit: — (Cont.) Additional required: — (Cont.) Controlled in principal entrance only . Signs, see Signs Live Loads: — Assembly rooms 100 lb. per sq. ft Choir rooms, 50 lb. per sq. f t Class rooms, 50 lb. per sq. ft Spaces with fixed seats, 75 lb. per sq. ft. Vestry rooms, 50 lb. per sq. ft Other public rooms, 100 lb. per s.. ft Other public spaces, 100 lb. per sq. ft. . . Metal frames and wire glass required: — Within 12 ft. of lot line Within 24 ft. of opposite side of alley Exceptions, double glazed windows Motion Picture Booths (See Projection Booths) . . Multiple Occupancy: — Assembly rooms Business unit, 2 hr. separation Doors, communicating Garage : Class I prohibited Over 600 sq. ft. prohibited General 56-16 Hangar, non-fireproof, prohibited with church . Hazardous use units prohibted Institutional building, 2 hr. separation Multiple dwelling, 2 hr. separation Open air assembly unit, 2 hr. separation . . . Public assembly unit, 2 hr. separation School, 2 hr. separation Single dwelling, 2 hr. separation Theatre, 4 hr. separation Wiring, electric, independent for each Organist balcony, See Balconies Passages, see Exit, Corridors 55-11 63-3k 63-7 56-17 63-2 Plan approval required by Fire Prevention Department . Platforms, See Stages Projection Booths: General Ramps: See Exit Stairs See Exit Ramps Roof slab: 1 hr. const, permitted when:- In fireproof construction :- 66-3 70-1 70-1 70-1 70-1 70-1 70-1 70-1 65-1 65-4 65-4 56-15 63-6 63-3k 64-7 63-2 56-16 63-3k 58-13 63-2 63-3k 63-3k 63-3k 63-3k 63-3k 63-3k 63-3k 63-5 12-24 56-15 Structural roof members are 20 ft. over floor. Trusses are at least 30 ft. over floors Seats:— Bench, sitting 18 in. wide, 32 in. b.-b Board, sitting 18 in. wide, 26 in. b.-b 56-25" 56-25 56-30 66-10 66-5 66-15 56-4 56-1 56-30 55-39 56-26 Width : With arms 20 in 56-30 56-30 26 in., rear edge to rear edge, no backs 56-25 55-39 56-25 56-25 63-3k 55-39 Separations : Assembly rooms See: Fire Separations, General Index Multiple Occupancy Signs : — 55-11 63-6 to 66-14 Exit 56-35 56-35 to 66-9 Fire escape to 66-17 56 192 Signs- Wi ndows INDEX SUMMARY Signs: — (Cant.) Floor indicating 56-35 66-18 See Signs, General Index, for details Stages: — Capacity factor 6 62-3 Combustible scenery prohibited 56-14 Constructed same as building 56-14 Curtains, draw, permitted 56-14 56-31 May be raised above main floor level 56-12 Stairs, see Kxits, Stairs Standpipes required: Buildings over 80 ft. high 56-32 Ventilation: — Rooms used as place of worship: — ( .lass area : 5% of floor area 56-28 To open, 3% of floor 56-28 Mechanical may be used 56-28 Assembly rooms, other than place of worship: — Glass area: 5% of floor area 56-29 See Auditoriums, Worship only, Chapter 81 Windows: — Facing, required windows, on 10 ft. open space 56-27 Metal frames and wire glass, required: — Within 12 ft. of lot line 65-4 Within 24 ft. of opposite side of alley ' 65-4 Exceptions: Double glazed windows 65-4 56 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 57 SCHOOLS INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 57 SCHOOLS Aisles, See under: — Assembly rooms Class rooms Gymnasiums (same as Assembly Rooms) Study rooms (same as Class Rooms) Teaching Amphitheatre Amphitheatre: see Teaching Amphitheatre Annexes: see Construction Annual inspection 46-2 Assembly Rooms : — Aisles : — 14 seats in row between aisles 57-39 7 seats in row between aisle and wall 57-39 Steps permitted: — Aisles to seat spaces only 57-39 Bank to bank of seats 57-39 Teaching amphitheatres 57-39 Width, 18 in. per 100 persons 57-39 Width, 2 ft. 6 in. min 57-39 Balconies for spectators: — Exits permitted to more than 1 story 57-19 Permitted only in Fireproof and Semi-fireproof construction 57-19 Prohibited in Heavy Timber construction 57-19 Prohibited in Ordinary construction 57-19 Capacity limits: — Semi-fireproof construction, max. 1,500 persons 57-18 Heavy Timber construction, max. 600 persons 57-18 Ordinary construction, max. 600 persons 57-18 Exception: Annexes may have max. of 1,500 persons 57-18 Combustible scenery used, see Stage, Type II Corridors from assembly rooms: — Over 800 capacity, 27 in. per 100 persons 57-38 Increase 10% for each 5 ft. over 20 ft. above grade 57-38 Width, 6 ft. min 57-32 Defined, room over 1,500 sq. ft., used for assembly 57-7 Doors from assembly rooms: — 2 required, 300 or less capacity 57-37 3 required, over 300 capacity 57-37 Open into alley, street, foyer, public passage, or into 10 ft. open space leading to street 57-37 Perimeter distance, center to center: — If 2 required, 40% of perimeter 57-37 It 3 required, 2 others at least 15% of perimeter 57-37 Width, 27 in. per 100 persons 57-38 Increase 10% for each 5 ft. over 20 ft. above grade 57-38 2 ft. 8 in. min : 57-32 Floor levels: — Fireproof construction: — Unlimited above grade 55-17 6 ft. max. below grade 57-17 Non-fireproof construction : — ■ 10 ft. max. above grade 57-18 6 ft. max. below grade 57-18 Illumination: Exit: see Lighting, Exit, General Index General: 2 ft. candles, plane 30 in. up 57-80 Lighting, exit: See Lighting, Exit: General Index Additional: Rooms over 1,800 capacity 57-82 Additional: Rooms over 1,500 capacity 66-3 Normal 57-81 66-2 Projection booths: Conform to Theatre Code 57-21 Scenery, combustible: See Stage, Type II 195 57 196 Assembly-Ce iling INDEX SUMMARY Assembly Rooms : — (Cont.) Seats: — 1-4 in row between aisles 57-39 7 in row between aisle and wall 57-39 34 in. back to back, seats with back 57-40 26 in. back to back, no backs 57-40 Rise: Bank to bank, 21 in. max 57—41 Width with arms, 20 in., except Teaching Amphitheatre 57-68 Width, no arms, 18 in., except Teaching Amphitheatre 57-68 Signs, exit: See General Index Stage: General: — Acoustical treatment 57-71 61-57 to 61-59 Curtains 57-71 57-72 Equipment . 57-71 57-72 Stage, Type 2: Conform to Theatre Code ... 57-20 Stairs from assembly room: — Over 800 capacity, 22| in. per 100 57-38 Increase 10% for each 5 ft. above 20 ft. over grade 57-38 Width, min. 3 ft. 8 in 57-32 Ventilation, see Chap. 81 81-7 Balconies, Spectators: — Exits permitted to more than 1 story 57-19 Permitted in Fireproof construction 57-19 Permitted in Semi-fireproof construction 57-19 Prohibited in Heavy Timber construction 57-19 Prohibited in Ordinary construction : 57-19 Same Aisle, Seat, and Exit requirements as Assembly Rooms Basement: — Class, study and instruction rooms prohibited 57-23 Defined: Floor level over 2 ft. below grade, and ceiling 8 ft. or less above grade 57-1 Cafeterias: — Excluded from school capacity computations 57-5 Exits, over 800 sq. ft. area : — 2 required 57-58 Distance apart on perimeter, 40% c.-c 57-37 57-58 Width: 27 in. per 100 persons 57-58 Doors, 2 ft. 8 in. min 57-32 Stairs, 3 ft. 8 in. min 57-32 Lighting, 2 ft. candles on plane 30 in. up 57-80 Mechanical ventilation, food heating rooms 57-67 Skylights (if no windows) 10% of floor area, ^ to open 57-67 Windows (if no skylights) 10% of floor area, § to open 57-67 Capacity: — • Assembly room : Total of main floor, stage, balconies 57-7 Based on fixed seats plus factor computations 57-5 62-2 62-3 Excluded from capacity computations : — Assembly rooms, fixed seats provided elsewhere 57-5 Bicycle rooms 57-5 Boiler rooms 57-5 Cafeterias, and other eating rooms 57-5 ( Corridors 57-5 Fuel storage rooms 57-5 Furnace rooms 57-5 < rymnasiums, fixed scats provided elsew lure 57-5 Locker rooms 57-5 Offices, not used for instructor 57-5 Other rooms, seats provided elsewhere 57-5 Rooms not entered by students 57-5 Storage rooms 57-5 Toilet rooms 57-5 Factors 62-3 Ceiling Height: — Assembly rooms: 12 ft. min 57-16 Balconies: Need not exceed 8 ft., above or below 57-16 57 INDEX SUMMARY Ceiling-Commercial 197 Ceiling Height:— (Cont.) Cafeterias, no mechanical ventilation: 12 ft. min Cafeterias, with mechanical ventilation: 10 ft. 6 in. min Cafeterias, lunches from outside : No requirements Class rooms, area 200 sq. ft. or less: 10 ft. min Class rooms, over 200 sq. ft. : 12 ft. min Gymnasiums: 12 ft. min Measurement, floor line to lowest ceiling line Play rooms; 10 ft. min Projections permitted 12 in. below ceiling Recreation rooms : 10 ft. min Rooms serving food : — Lunches from outside, no requirements No mechanical ventilation: 12 ft. min With mechanical ventilation : 10 ft. 6 in. min Study rooms, 200 sq. ft. or less : 10 f t. min Study rooms, over 200 sq. f t. : 12 ft. min Toilet rooms : 9 ft. min Classification : — Elementary, Class I High schools, Class I Colleges, Class II Commercial, Class II Fine Arts, Class II Vocational, Class II Single dwelling, sitting less than 10 Class Rooms: — Aisles: — 1-18 in. aisle required along each wall Cross aisles: 30 in. min. width Intermediate aisles: 16 in. min. width Main aisle: 30 in. min. width Seats: 14 in row between aisles With arms: 20 in. wide No arms: 18 in. wide Teaching amphitheatre, excepted, which see Capacity factor 18 Doors, outside exit: — 8 ft. min. distance to lot line Increase 1 ft. for each story over 4, Class I school Increase \ ft. for each story over 4, Class II school Exception: Facing alley, street, or public space over 10 ft. wide Doors required : — ■ 800 or less capacity: — 1 leading direct to main corridor, or 1 leading direct to outer air. . Over 800 capacity: — 2 leading direct to outer air or main corridor Exception: 1 may lead to other class room Width, min. 2 ft. 8 in Illumination, 5 It. candles on plane 30 in. up Live load, 50 lb. per sq. ft Ventilation, choice of 1 of 2 ways: — 1 . Net opening area, 8% of floor area 2. Mechanical ventilation 57-64 65-2 Windows, required: — ■ 8 ft. min. distance to lot line Increase 1 ft. for each story over 4, Class I schools Increase § ft. for each story over 4, Class II schools Exceptions: Facing alley, street, or public space over 10 ft. wide. . . , Closets, prohibited under stairs, non-fireproof buildings Colleges are Class II Combined Class I and Class II schools: — Must conform to Class I code Except : If separated by fire walls Shall be separated from each other Commercial schools are Class II 57-25 57-25 57-25 57-23 57-23 57-16 57-22 57-26 57-22 57-26 57-25 57-25 57-25 57-23 57-23 57-27 57-2 57-2 57-2 57-2 57-2 57-2 57-4 57-44 57-14 57-44 57-44 57-44 57-68 57-68 57-68 62-3 57-9 57-9 57-9 57-9 57-43 57-13 57-43 57-32 57-80 70-1 57-64 81-7 57-9 57 ( > 57-9 57-9 57-28 57-2 57-3 57-3 57-30 57-2 57 198 Commercial-Elementary INDEX SUMMARY Commercial training rooms: — Partitions, rooms 250 sq. ft. or less: — ( .lazed from 3 ft. up to 7 ft. 6 in Height may be 7 ft. 6 in Ventilation, same as class rooms Construction: — Annexes, 1 story, or 1 story and basement: — Unprotected roof steel and columns, if: — 1. I'sed as assembly room, gymnasium, etc 2. 1 ,500 rapacity or less 3. Principal steel, 20 ft. up I. 2 1 in. roof sheathing 5. 3 lir. separation, 60 min. doors Basements, floor above, 3 hr. construction Fireproof required: — Over 4 stories high Over 50 ft. from grade to 4th floor Except: Omit fireproofing: — ■ Roof members over 20 ft. above floor 1 hr. construction for roof slabs, etc Certain annexes, see Construction, Annexes Semi-fireproof construction required: — 1 story: Over 600 capacity 4 stories or less, 50 ft. or less to 4th floor Assembly room must be 1,500 or less capacity Gymnasium must be 1,500 or less capacity Except: — 2 stories, 200 capacity or less, may be Ordinary construction Floor over basement must be fireproof Ordinary construction required: — 1 story high: 600 or less capacity 2 stories or less: 200 or less capacity Assembly room must be 600 or less Gymnasium must be 600 or less Except: — Floor above basement must be fireproof Portable buildings, which see Portable Buildings: — ■ 1 story only 28 ft. by 35 ft. max. size 10 ft. away from any other building 2 years limit on use 2 exit doors, separated by small building width Non-combustible roof covering Used as school only ' 57-14 57-14 57-14 57-14 57-14 Cooling . Corridors: see Exit Corridors Crippled children: — Elevators: Area: 4 sq. ft. per person Empty in 20 min., over 2nd floor. Required: Floors over 2nd Curtains: — Draw: Xo combustible scenery Fire: Combustible scenery Defined as place of instruction Defined as single dwelling, sitting 10 or less. Doors, revolving: — Permitted, Class II schools, in addition . Prohibited in Class I schools Drinking fountains: — 1 for each 250 students 1 in each story 57-24 57-24 57-24 61-51 61-51 61-51 61-51 61-51 57-13 57-10 57-10 57-10 57-10 57-11 57-11 57-18 57-18 57-12 57-13 57-12 57-12 57-18 57-18 Eating rooms: see Cafeterias Elementary schools are Class I. 57-15 57-15 57-15 57-15 57-15 57-15 57-15 57-77 57-55 57-55 57-55 57-70 57-70 40-18 57-54 57-54 57-76 57-76 57-2 57 INDEX SUMMARY Elevators-Exit 199 57-37 57-17 Elevators: Crippled children's school: — Area: 4 sq. ft. per person Empty floors above 2nd in 20 min Required to serve all floors over 2nd Exits, Cafeterias over 800 sq. ft. area: — 2 required Distance separation of center lines: — 40% of perimeter on perimeter Doors swing in egress direction Width, 27 in. per 100 capacity Width, 3 ft. 8 in. for stairway, general Width, 2 ft. 6 in. for basement stair Exit Corridors from Assembly Rooms: — Width, when over 800 capacity: — 27 in. per 100 persons Increase 10% for each 5 ft. over 20 ft. above grade. . . 6 ft. min., unobstructed Exit Corridors, other than from Assembly Rooms: — Defined as main and secondary Door not permitted to obstruct main corridor Door permitted, not obstructing main corridor when open Doors permitted, shutting off independent sections Lockers, doors open or closed: Must not obstruct Main: Defined, connecting student rooms with exits Terminates directly in stair access, or at right angle to stair access Obstructions prohibited: Passages 7 ft. or less Secondary, other than main corridor Width: Based on capacity 57-5 57-31 62-2 18 in. per 100 persons 6 ft. min. unobstructed main corridor Exit Courts: — Doors open easily from inside, no key Height, 6 ft. 6 in. min Lead directly to passage to main stair or corridor Swing in direction of egress Width, 3 ft. min Exit Doors from Assembly Rooms: — Location, distance separation on perimeter: — If 2 required, 40% of perimeter If 3 required, 1 distana 40% of perimeter And other 2, at least 15% of perimeter All measured on perimeter, c.-c Number: 300 or less capacity, 2 required Over 300 capacity, 3 required Open into foyer, public passage, street, alley, or Open into 10 ft. open space leading to street or alley Swing in direction of egress Width, when over 800 capacity 27 in. per 100 persons Increase 10% for each 5 ft. over 20 ft. above grade 2 ft. 8 in. min See Exit Doors, Outside Exit Doors, other than from Assembly Rooms: — Class rooms, 800 or less capacity: — 1 required direct to main corridor Or 1 direct to outer air Class rooms, over 800 capacity: — 2 direct to outer air or main corridor Except: 1 may lead to other class room Permitted to shut off sections each with own exits Swing in direction of egress Study rooms, same as class rooms Toilet room doors, 20 ft. between "Male" and "Female" Width: Based on capacity 57-5 57-31 62-2 18 in. per 100 persons 2 ft. 8 in. min 57-55 57-55 57-55 57-58 57-58 64-17 57-58 57-32 57-32 57-38 57-38 57-32 57-33 57-36 57-36 57-36 57-35 57-33 57-34 64-23 57-33 62-3 57-31 57-32 57-57 57-57 57-57 64-18 57-57 57-37 57-37 57-37 57-37 57-37 57-37 57-37 57-37 64-17 57-38 57-38 57-32 57-43 57^3 57-43 57-43 57-36 64-17 57-43 57-73 62-3 57-31 57-32 57 200 Exit INDEX SUMMARY Exit doors, Outside: Class I Schools:— 2 required, leading direct to street Or by 10 ft. alley or open space Class room outside exit doors: — 8 ft. min. distance to lot line Increase 1 ft. for each story over 4 Except ion: When facing street, alley, or public space over 10 ft. wide. Location: Direct from stair inclosure 57-53 Perimeter distance separation to be 30% of perimeter, on perimeter. . . k\ volving doors prohibited 57-54 Swing out Width: Combined width, cumulative 2 ft. 8 in. min 18 in. per 100 capacity Exit doors, Outside: Class II Schools: — 2 required, leading direct to street Or by 10 ft. alley or open space Class room, outside exit doors: — 4 ft. min. distance to lot line Increase 5 ft. for each story over 4 Exception: When facing street, alley, or public space over 10 ft. wide. Location, Perimeter distance separation: — 30% of perimeter on perimeter Revolving doors permitted if in addition to requirements Swing in direction of egress Width: Combined width due to greatest floor capacity, plus assembly halls 2 ft. 8 in. min 18 in. per 100 capacity Exit doors: Portable Schools: — 2 required: Separated by smallest building width Width: 2 ft. 8 in. min Exit ramps : Same as stairs Exits, roof: — When roof is used for assembly uses 1 stair required Exit signs: see Signs, exit: General Index Exit stairs from Assembly Room: — Width: When over 800 capacity: — ■ 22^ in. per 100 persons 3 ft. 8 in. min Increase 10% for each 5 ft. over 20 ft. above grade. . . 57-17 See Exit Stairs, General Exit Stairs: General: — See Exit Stairs from Assembly Rooms Basement stairs: — Cut, 9 in. min Exit same as stairs Lead direct to horizontal exit to outer air Rise, 8 in. max 2 ft. 6 in. min. width Cut, min. 10 in Doors to inclosures : 45 min Swing toward egress Handrails: — ■ 1 required on stairs 3 ft. 6 in. or less 2 required on stairs over 3 ft. 6 in. to 7 ft. in End newel posts 5 ft., intermediate rails End returned and joined to wall Extend to front edge of third tread Height, 2 ft. 6 in. to 3 ft. in., front edge of tread Intermediate required, stair over 7 ft. wide Wood permitted . . Height of flights, Class I School: 11 ft. 6 in Height of flights, Class II School: 13 ft. 6 in Inclosure required, except in main story Landings required at each story, Class I schools 57-52 57-52 57-9 57-9 57-9 57-47 57-53 64-19 64-18 57-31 57-32 57-31 57-52 57-52 57-9 57-9 57-9 57-53 57-54 64-18 57-31 57-32 57-31 57-15 57-32 64-53 57-56 64-11 57-38 57-32 57-38 57-19 57-47 57^9 57^9 57-32 64-31 64-28 64-17 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 57-51 64-33 64-28 57-48 57 INDEX SUMMARY Exit-Illumination 201 64-33 57-51 57-31 62-2 Exit Stairs: General: — (Conl.) Landing shall be as wide as stair Except 4 ft. intermediate, in straight stairs Location : — Class I school : Against exterior wall In any story above or below main exit level: — Dead end corridor: 60 ft. max. from door to stair. . . . All other cases: 90 ft. max. from door to stair Measured: Door center line to 1st riser Number, 2 min. required in all schools: — Having class rooms above or below main floor Outside exit door direct from stair Rise, 1\ in. max Risers, if any, at least 3 required Roofs, at least 1 required Sharp internal wall angles eliminated Start at highest level Steps, if any: At least 3 required Teaching amphitheatre: — Width required: 18 in. per 100 persons 2 ft. 6 in. min Width:— Based on capacity 57-5 15 in. per 100 persons 3 ft. 8 in. min 2 ft. 6 in. min. for basement stairs Cumulative increase to outer exit: — Class I Schools Class II Schools open stairs Class II Schools: Inclosed stairs: Computed on greatest floor capacity Fine Arts schools are Class II Fire alarm systems: — Red light at teacher's desk: School for deaf Required, all schools Fire curtain: Type II stage 57-70 53-135 Fireproofing omitted : see Construction Fire protection: — Fire alarm systems Schools for deaf, red desk light Fire separations: see Multiple Occupancy Floor Levels: Assembly rooms or gymnasiums: — Fireproof construction: — Unlimited above grade 6 ft. max. below grade Non-fireproof construction : — 10 ft. max. above grade 6 ft. max. below grade Frontage on open spaces: — Class I School, 1 street and 1 open space Class II School, 1 street Gymnasiums : — Capacity factor is 5 for assembly space Capacity factor is 50 for playing space Other requirements: Same as for Assembly Rooms Handrails : See Exit Stairs Heating plant separation: 2 hr. construction required Heating, temperature to be maintained High schools are Class I 64-32 64-32 57-47 57^7 57-47 57-47 57-^5 57-47 64-31 57-51 64-11 64-39 57-46 64-33 57-42 57^2 62-3 57-31 57-32 57-32 57-31 57-31 57-31 57-2 57-78 57-78 to 53-160 57-78 57-78 57-17 57-17 57-18 57-18 Illumination, exit: see Lighting, exit: General Index Illumination, on plane 30 in. above floor: — ■ Assembly rooms: 2 ft. candles Cafeterias: 2 ft. candles Class rooms: 5 ft. candles 62-3 62-3 61-84 80-3 57-2 57-80 57-80 57-80 57 202 Illumination-Projection INDEX SUMMARY Illumination, on plane 30 in. above floor: — (Cont.) Food serving rooms: 2 ft. candles 57-80 Laboratories: 5 ft. candles 57-80 Libraries: 5 ft. candles 57-80 Locker rooms: 1 ft. candles 57-80 Lunch rooms : 2 ft. candles 57-80 Manual training rooms: 5 ft. candles 57-80 Offices: 5 ft. candles 57-80 Play rooms: 3 ft. candles 57-80 Recreation areas: 1 ft. candles 57-80 Sports rooms: 3 ft. candles 57-80 Student rooms: not for study: 2 ft. candles 57-80 Study halls: 5 ft. candles 57-80 Toilet rooms: 1 ft. candles 57-80 Illumination on plane of work: — Art rooms, 8 ft. candles 57-80 Draughting rooms, 8 ft. candles 57-80 Fine detail rooms, 8 ft. candles 57-80 Sewing rooms, 8 ft. candles 57-80 Instruction room, same as Class Room Lecture room: Capacity factor: — 1,500 sq. ft. or less, factor 10 62-3 Lighting, exit: see Lighting, Exit: General Index Lighting, general, see Illumination Live Loads: — Assembly rooms with fixed seats: 75 lbs. per sq. ft 70-1 Assembly rooms, no fixed seats: 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Class rooms: 50 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Corridors: 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Gymnasiums: 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Stairways: 100 lb. per sq. ft 70-1 Lockers not to encroach on required width of exits 57-35 Lunch rooms: see Cafeterias Motion picture booths: see Projection booths Multiple Occupancy: — Business unit, 2 hr. separation 63-3/ Church, 2 hr. separation 63-3/ Class I and Class II Schools, 2 hr. separation 63-3/ Doors, communicating 63-7 64-7 Garage, Class I, prohibited 63-2 Multiple dwelling, 4 hr. separation 63-3/ Open air assembly unit, 4 hr. separation 63-3/ Permitted, general 57-29 63-3/ Prohibited above 6th story 57-29 Public assembly unit: General 55-11 4 hr. separation 63-3/ Separations 57-30 61-66 63-3/ Single dwellings, 4 hr. separation 63-3/ Theatre: Class II school, 4 hr. separation 63-3/ With Class I school, prohibited 63-2 Wiring, independent for each use 63-5 Partitions, office type 7 ft. 6 in. high : — Glazed from 3 ft. up to full height 57-24 Inclosure area not over 250 sq. ft 57-24 Ventilation equal to class room requirements 57-24 Plan approval required by Fire Prevention Department 12-24 Playroom : Used only for play or recreation 57-1 Portable buildings 57-15 See Construction: Portable buildings See Exit doors: Portable schools Projection booths: — 1 machine only, 1 hr. separation 57-21a 50 sq. ft. required 57-21c 2 machines, 75 sq. ft. required 57-21c 57 INDEX SUMMARY Projection-Ventilation 203 Projection Booths: — (Com/.) Over 2 machines, same as theatre . Proscenium curtains 57-21c Recreation room : For play or recreation only Refrigeration Revolving doors: — Permitted in addition to required stairs in Class II schools. Prohibited in Class I schools Roofs used for assembly: Exits 53-20 53-33 57-70 53-135 to 53-160 57-1 57-77 57-20 57-71 57-54 57-54 57-56 57-72 57-83 66-10 to 66-14 57-83 66-5 to 66-9 57-83 66-15 to 66-17 66-18 Scenery, combustible: See Stage, Type II Seats: See Assemply rooms: also Class rooms Separations, fire : see Multiple Occupancy Signs: — Directional Exit Fire escape Floor indicating See Signs, General Index, for details Single dwelling school:— Defined as sitting less than 10 57-4 Exits above main floor, same as schools 57-31 to 57-39 Skylights: see Windows, class rooms Stage Type II:— Conform to Theatre Code 57-20 Curtain, fire, required 57-70 53-135 to 53-160 Permitted in fireproof or semi-fireproof construction 57-20 Stairs, see Exit Stairs Storage room prohibited under stairs in non-fireproof buildings 57-28 Study rooms : Same as Class Rooms Teaching Amphitheatre : — Aisles: — 10 seats in row between aisles 5 seats in row between aisle and wall Width: 18 in. per 100 persons 2 ft. 6 in. min Cut, 20 or less capacity : No requirement Over 20 capacity: 9 in. min Definition : In which students sit in banks Rise, 20 or less capacity: No requirement Rise, over 20 capacity, 9 in. max Stairs, width: — ■ 18 in. per 100 persons 2 ft. 6 in. min Windows, exceptions Temporary portable schools Toilet Room:— Doors, 20 ft. between "Men" and "Women" doors. . . Drinking fountains prohibited Fixture calculations: — Assembly rooms not counted Gymnasiums not counted Lavatories: 1 in every toilet room Required, in each story, or above or below that story . Sex, assumed \ each sex Except single sex schools Signs, plainly marked Urinals, 1 for each 25 males Water closets: — 1 for each 25 females 1 for each 50 males 57-42 57-42 57-42 57-12 57-42 57-42 57-42 57-12 57-12 57^2 57-42 57-60 57-15 57-73 57-76 57-74 57-74 57-75 57-74 57-74 57-74 57-73 57-74 57-74 57 74 Ventilation : — Assembly rooms . 81-7 57 204 Ventilation-Windows INDEX SUMMARY Ventilation:— (Cont.) Class rooms, either one following: — 1 . Net opening area, 8% of floor area, or 2. Mechanical system 57-64 Cafeterias, and all other eating rooms: — 1 . Glass 10% of tloor area, 5 to open 2. Mechanical ventilation, food heating rooms Vocational schools are Class II Windows, class room: — Ceiling light under skylight: — Increase skylight by 25% Must be same area as skylight Distance, to lot line: 8 ft. min. Class I school 4 ft. Class II school Exception: Facing street, alley, open space over 10 ft Increase 1 ft., each story over 4, Class I schools Increase 5 ft., each story over 4, Class II schools Face, alley, street, public park, yard, court 57-59 Glass area, Class 1 : 20% of floor area 8% to open Exceptions, possible : — Demonstration rooms Laboratories , Teaching amphitheatres Glass area, Class II schools: — 10% of floor area 8% of floor area to open, or use mechanical ventilation 57-64 Height, Class 1 : 5 room width Location, Class I: all on 1 side of room Skylights may be used instead of windows Windows, stairway: — Glass area, 12 sq. ft Type A, window required 57-64 81-7 57-67 81-7 57-2 57-63 57-63 57-9 57-9 57-9 57-9 57-9 57-9 57-60 57-64 57-60 57-60 57-60 65-1 81-7 57-62 57-61 57-60 57-65 57-65 57 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 58 OTHER BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 58 OTHER BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES Includes (See Sec. 40-19) :— Billboards Police Stations Carbarns Prisons Exposed Metal Structures Railroad Structures (special) Fences Sheds Hangars Signboards Ice Houses Stables Illuminated Signs Tanks Incinerators Towers Jails Billboards and Signboards: — Alterations: Permit required Annual inspection required Bond: $25,000.00: Required from erectors Bottom: 3 ft. 6 in. above street, or 3 ft. 6 in. above ground, if higher Com. of Buildings may tear down or remove Construction : — Face : Non-combustible Except: 24 sq. ft. sign: "For Sale or Lease" Supports: Stringers, uprights, braces: — Steel : If not isolated 10 ft Wood : If isolated 10 ft Wind load design requirement: — 25 lb. per sq. ft. of surface 30 lb. per sq. ft. of surface Definitions: — Billboards: Outdoor display of posters Signboards: Display other than posters Exceptions: Faces of walls, or Surfaces of roofs Fees, annual inspection : — 50 sq. ft. or less $0.50 50 sq. ft. to 375 sq. ft. $1.00 Over 375 sq. ft., $1.00 for each 375 sq. ft. or fraction Exceptions: Signs as follows: — 65 sq. ft. or less, over 18 ft. up, owner's business 20 sq. ft. or less, over 18 ft. up, article advertising 24 sq. ft. or less, flat against building, sale or lease 24 sq. ft. or less, 10 ft. away from buildings, etc Fees, permit: for Alterations or Construction:- — Up to 150 sq. ft. $2.00 151 to 225 sq. ft. $3.00 226 to 375 sq. ft. $5.00 Over 375 sq. ft.: $5.00 for each 375 sq. ft. or fraction Exceptions : Signs as follows : — 65 sq. ft. or less, over 18 ft. up, owner's business 20 sq. ft. or less, over 18 ft. up, article advertising 24 sq. ft. or less, flat against building, sale or lease 24 sq. ft. or less, 10 ft. away from buildings, etc Frontage consents Height above street, or above ground, if higher: — Bottom : 3 f t. 6 in. max Top: 15 ft. 6 in. max Height of face: 12 ft., bottom to top Live loads 58-67 Location: 10 ft. from any building, structure, or throughfare, or public space Notice to abate violations 46-19 Notice: 30 days, attached to billboards Open space under signs and boards Penalties for Ordinance violations 207 58-71 46-18 46-22 58-69 58-69 46-20 58-67 58-70 58-67 58-67 58-67 70-17 58-66 58-66 58-66 58-66 46-23 46-23 46-23 46-23 46-23 46-23 46-23 43-31 43-31 43-31 43-31 46-23 46-23 46-23 46-23 59-19 58-69 58-68 58-68 70-17 58-69 46-21 46-21 58-69 46-24 58 208 Billboards-Fire INDEX SUMMARY Billboards and Signboards:- (Cont.) Refacing of framework, no permit required Removal, permit required Unsafe or dangerous 46-19 Carbarns: — Construction: — Columns: Heavy Timber Construction required Floors: Xon-combustible material Pits: Non-combustible material Roof covering: Fire-retarding Roofs: Heavy Timber construction Walls: Non-combustible material Defined: Storing, repairing, electric cars, etc Exits: 100 ft. max. to any point on floor Fire areas: — 1 story may be any area Over 1 story: Fire walls every 30,000 sq. ft Separation from combustible material storage Separation from fuel storage Exposed Metal Structures: — Includes: — ■ Canopies : Chimneys, metal Metal stacks Signs Smoke stacks Inspections required: — By licensed architect before July 13, 1940 Or by licensed structural engineer before July 13, 1940 One required, similarly, every 5 years Report in duplicate to Dept. of Bldgs Maintain in good condition Notice to repair or reinforce Paint or metal coatings not protection Repairs, removal, or reinforcement Wind load, 30 lb. per sq. ft. of vertical projection Fences: — Construction: — Height: Vision obstructed under 50%, no limit Wood fence, 8 ft. limit Lateral supports, certain cases Masonry fence, as per Chapter 73 Wind load 50 lb. per sq. ft 58-80 Wood fence, 8 ft. height limit Defined: Structure forming a barrier Open air assembly unit Permit fees: — ■ S2.00 for first 100 lineal feet SI. 00 for each 100 lineal feet or fraction Permit required, when fence is over 5 ft. high 43-16 Fire Stations: — Construction: — Basement and floor over: Fireproof construction Ground floor: Non-combustible 3 stories or less: Ordinary construction Over 3 stories: Fireproof construction Defined: Housing fire equipment and firemen's quarters Exits, pedestrian: — Door: 1 in addition to vehicle door Stairs: 1 from top floor to ground Multiple occupancy: — Business unit: 2 hr. separation required Garage: 2 hr. separation required Garage : Class 1 : 4 hr. separation required 58 58-71 58-71 46-21 58-83 58-83 58-83 58-83 58-83 58-83 58-82 58-85 58-84 58-84 58-84 58-84 58-87 58-87 58-87 58-87 58-87 58-88 58-88 58-88 58-88 58-87 58-89 58-90 58-89 70-17 58-81 58-81 58-81 58-81 70-12 58-81 58-79 54-18 43-30 43-30 43-30 58^13 58^3 58^3 58^13 58-42 58-45 58-45 58-44 58-44 63-3m INDEX SUMMARY Fire-Hangars 209 Fire Stations: — (Cont.) Multiple occupancy: — (Cont.) Police Station: 2 h.. separation required. 4 hr. separation required Windows: — Glass: 10% of floor area Opening, 5% of floor area Min. 10 sq. ft Hangars: — Basements prohibited, except heating plants Business unit portion: Headhouse Cellars prohibited, except for heating Construction: — 1 story: Unsprinklered : — Area 30,000 sq. ft. max.: Fireproof or Semi-fireproof const Area 25,000 sq. ft. max.: Heavy Timber construction Area 20,000 sq. ft. max. : Ordinary construction Area 10,000 sq. ft. max.: Wood frame construction Over 1 story : Unsprinklered : — ■ Area 30,000, Fireproof construction Area 25,000, Semi-fireproof construction Fireproof construction required: All bldgs. over 1 story high Roof hangars: Must be at least semi-fireproof and sprinklered Sprinklered buildings: Area limits are doubled Wood frame construction, outside fire limits: — Area: Max. 10,000 sq. ft Must be 50 ft. from any building Must be 50 ft. from any property line Must be 50 ft. from opposite side of street or alley Exceptions: Housing 1 plane only Defined: Housing, etc., 1 plane with gas Except it does not include : — • Headhouse with 4 hr. separation (business unit) Occupancies separated by fire division walls Exits, pedestrian, in addition to vehicle exit: — 2 required, over 10,000 sq. ft. area Any point within 150 ft. of exit door Location, opposite ends of building Roofs used as hangars: — 2 stairs required, both enclosed Located, within 25 ft. of outside exit door Except : 1 stair may be fire escape Signs, See Signs, General Index Fire areas: Allowable, see Table • Includes all balconies and mezzanines Floors: — 3 in. min. above grade at vehicle doors Load cards required over 800 sq. ft Non-combustible material required Pitched: | in. per ft. toward doors or scuppers Space under prohibited, except for heating plants Heating plant : Outside entrance only Permitted under hangar Separation : 2 hr. const Lighting, exit: see General Index- Live loads: 100 lb. per sq. ft Load cards required when over 800 sq. ft. area Multiple occupancy: — Communicating openings, double fire doors Hospital prohibited, except in Fireproof construction Multiple dwelling prohibited except in Fireproof construction Prohibited in wood frame construction School prohibited, except in Fireproof construction Separations: 4 hr. construction required 58-15 Single dwellings, floor over 18 ft. up, prohibited Wood frame construction prohibited 58^4 63-3m 65-1 58^6 65-1 58^ 58-9 58-4 58-10 58-10 58-10 58-10 58-10 58-10 58-8 58-5 58-10 58-7 58-7 58-7 58-7 58-7 58-2 58-9 58-2 58-17 58-17 58-17 58-17 58-17 58-17 58-10 58-9 58-3 61-13 58-3 58-3 58^ 58-11 58-4 58-11 70-1 61-13 58-16 58-13 58-13 58-14 58-13 63-3m 58-13 58-14 58 210 Hangars-Incinerators INDEX SUMMARY Hangars: —(Cont.) Roof type: — Permitted on fireproof buildings Shall be sprinklered, Fireproof or Semi-fireproof construction Separations, fire: see Multiple Occupancy Signs, exit (See also General Index) Space under, prohibited: Except for heating Ice Houses: — Construction: Inside Fire Limits:— Area, 9,000 sq. ft. max Location: 25 ft. from any building 25 ft. from any property line Roof covering, fire-retarding 8 in. brick outside walls 45 ft. height limit Construction: Outside fire limits: Area: 20,000 sq. ft., along railways or waterways Over 20,000 sq. ft. along railways or waterways Fire divison walls required, over 20,000 sq. ft. area Frontage consents Illuminated Roof Signs: — Annual inspection required Bond, $15,000.00 required, erection and maintenance Construction: — Steel skeleton construction required Wind load, 30 lb. per sq. ft Wood, 52 sq. in., permitted for anchorage Defined: Illuminated roof structure for display Height : 60 ft. max. above roof 5 ft. roof to bottom of sign, required Inspection by Registered Architect, or Registered Structural Engineer :■ Required within 2 years of July 13, 1939 or 2 yrs. after erection Once every 5 years thereafter Report in duplicate to Com. of Bldgs Location, 6 ft. back of face of street front wall Must be maintained in good condition Owners name required on top of sign Paint not considered protection Penalties: $50.00 to $200.00 for each offense Permit fees: — Annual inspection: $50.00, first 500 sq. ft 5 cents, each sq. ft. over 500 sq. ft Construction: $50.00, first 500 sq. ft 5 cents for each sq. ft. over 500 sq. ft Removal of sign 58-78 Repairs, etc., upon notice by Com. of Bldgs Revocation of permit for cause 46-27 Incinerators: — Classification: Fuel-Fired, and Non-Fuel-Fired Defined as burners of garbage, rubbish, etc Fuel-Fired:— Construction : — Burning 250 lb. of refuse per hour: — 8 in. com. brick, plus 4^ in. fire brick Or -j^ in. steel casing, 4 in. com. brick, plus 4^ in. fire brick Burning over 250 lb. of refuse per hour: — 8 in. com. brick, plus 9 in. fire brick Or ^6 m - steel casing, 4 in. com. brick, plus 9 in. fire brick Chimney: Construct as in Chimneys, General Index May connect with 4 times as big boiler breeching Design for high temperatures required Separations: 2 hr. construction required 55-55 45 min. door required Type A window required Defined: Having fuel combustion chambers 58-5 58-5 58-19 58^ 58-64 58-64 58-64 58-64 58-64 58-64 58-65 58-65 58-65 59-12 46-25 46-26 58-74 58-74 58-74 58-73 58-75 58-76 58-88 58-88 58-88 58-76 58-87 58-77 58-90 46-29 46-28 46-28 43-32 43-32 58-89 58-89 58-78 58-49 58-49 58-47 58-56 58-56 58-56 58-56 58-57 58-56 61-84 61-84 61-84 58-54 58 INDEX SUMMARY Incinerators-Prisons 2 1 1 Incinerators: — (Cont.) Fuel-Fired : — (Cont.) Location: Must be in separate room 55-55 Except: Allowed in Heating rooms 55-55 Refuse bins (not chute filled) 55-55 2 hr. separation required otherwise 55-55 Refuse bins, etc. : — May be in same room as incinerator 55-55 Except: Those fed by refuse chute 55-55 Refuse chutes: — Discharge into incinerator room prohibited 58-58 Extension through roof required 58-58 Foundations of masonry required 58-58 Service openings: 45 min. door equired 58-58 Skylight with wire glass required 58-58 Except: Where metal ventilator is used 58-58 Terminal rooms: 1 hr. construction all around 58-58 Walls: 8 in. brick, or 6 in. Reinforced Concrete 58-58 Non-Fuel Fired: — Chimneys: — 1 service opening: Flues llf in. diameter 58-52 12 service openings, 6 stories or less: — Flues 15f in. in diameter 58-52 Over 6 stories: Flues 17| in. in diameter 58-52 Construction : see Chimneys, General Index Spark arrester required, 1 in. mesh 58-52 Construction: — Grate area 9 sq. ft. or less: — 3f in. common brick, plus \\ in. of fire brick 58-51 Grate area over 9 sq. ft. : — 8 in. of common brick, plus 4§ of fire brick 58-51 Defined: Using fuel, if any, for primary ignition only 58-50 Separations: 2 hr. construction required 61-84 Service openings: — ■ Area not to exceed 5 flue area 58-53 Charging device self-closing 58-53 Charging device, required 58-53 Charging device, when open is cut off from flue 58-53 Flue, smooth inside at opening 58-53 Prisons, etc.: — Includes: — Houses of Correction Police Stations Jails Prisons Reformatories Other buildings of Forcible Restraint Except institutional buildings Ceiling Height:— Court rooms, 1 1 ft. min 58-22 Offices: min. 8 ft 58-25 Exceptions : Closets 58-25 Storerooms 58-25 Toilet rooms 58-25 Police stations, except cell block, 10 ft. min 58-24 Cell Blocks:— 3 walls required on street, alley, yard or court 58-26 Capacity computations: — 1 for each 25 sq. ft. floor area 58-27 Actual to be used if greater 58-27 Cell doors, 75 ft., max. to stairs 58-32 Fireproof construction required in all buildings 58-21 Prohibited below first floor level 58-23 Remote control of locks 58-31 Windows : — 10% glass area required in each cell 58-33 Except: Block with 25% glass area, 3 sides 58-33 58 212 Prisons INDEX SUMMARY Prisons, etc.: — (Cont.) Cell Blocks:— (Cont.) Windows: — (Cont.) (Mass area, 10 sq. ft. min. combined total Open on street, alley, yard, or court Top of window, 7 ft. up Construction: — Fireproof construction required: — 2 story buildings, over 5,000 sq. ft. area Buildings over 2 stories high Cell blocks in any building Lock-up quarters in any building Police wagon quarters in any building Ordinary construction required: — 2 story buildings or less: area 5,000 sq. ft. or less Except: Cell blocks, lock-up, and police wagon quarters. Corridors, see Exits Doors: see Exits Exits: — 2 distinct required from each floor Capacity computations: — General, Cell blocks: 1 person every 25 sq. ft Actual number, if greater, to be used Distance, 75 ft. max. to stair Emergency required, room, 250 or over, capacity Stairs: 18 in. per 100 capacity, normal 9 in. per 100 capacity, emergency 75 ft. max., to door of cell or room 3 ft. 8 in. min. general 3 ft. min., guards, employees Through, non-return exit required: — Room over 100 capacity Room over 1,000 sq. ft. area Width of doors, passages, ramps, stairs, etc. :— Normal: 18 in. per 100 capacity Emergency: 9 in. per 100 capacity Fire Division Walls, non-fireproof construction: — Required around : Cell blocks Lock-up quarters Police wagon quarters Frontage of cell blocks on 3 streets, alleys, etc Heating plant: 1 hr. separation required Heating: Temperature to be maintained Locks: Remote control for detention quarters Lock-up quarters: Fireproof construction required Multiple Occupancy: Fire station: 2 hr. separation required. . Police wagon quarters to be Fireproof construction Ramps, See Exits Rooms :— Capacity calculations: — Cell blocks: 1 person for each 25 sq. ft. of floor area . . . Cell blocks: Actual number present to be used, if greater General Cell blocks prohibited below first floor Court rooms: Ceiling height, min. 11 ft Locked rooms: Remote control of locks Offices: Area, 70 sq. ft. min Ceiling height: 8 ft. min Police stations: Ceiling height: 10 ft. min. (Except Cell Blocks) Sleeping rooms: Prohibited below 1st floor Windows: Glass area, 10% of floor area, except, see Cell Blocks Glass area, min. combined, 10 sq. ft., except, see Cell Blocks. Stairs, see Exits Ventilation Walls, fire division: see Fire division walls 58-27 62-2 58-27 62-2 58-33 58-33 58-33 58-21 58-21 58-21 58-21 58-21 58-21 58-21 58-28 62-3 58-27 58-27 58-32 58-30 58-29 58-30 58-32 58-32 58-32 58-28 58-28 58-29 58-30 58-21 58-21 58-21 58-26 61-84 80-3 58-31 58-21 58-14 58-21 58-27 58-27 62-3 58-23 58-22 58-31 58-25 58-25 58-24 58-23 58-33 65-1 81-7 58 INDEX SUMMARY Prisons-Stables 213 Prisons, etc.: — (Cont.) Windows, general : — Glass area: 10% of floor level (See Cell Block) Combined, 10 sq. ft. min. (See Cell Block) Top: 7 ft. above floor (See Cell Block) Round House: — Construction : — Columns, Heavy Timber construction required Floors, non-combustible materials Pits, non-combustible materials Roof covering, fire-retarding material Roofs, Heavy Timber construction Walls, non-combustible material Defined: storing and repairing locomotives Exits: 100 ft. max., to any point in floor Fire areas: — 1 story may be any area Over 1 story, fire walls every 30,000 sq. ft Separation from combustible material Separation from fuel storage Sheds:— Defined as structure: — Area, 300 sq. ft. or less Height, 14 ft. max Located on rear half of lot Permit fees $3.00 Prohibited uses: — 1 . Business purposes 2. Dwelling or addition thereto Shelter sheds: — ■ Construction: Adjacent to Railways or Waterways: — Area: 9,000 sq. ft. or less allowed: — ■ 25 ft. from any building 25 ft. from any property lot lines Height: Max. 35 ft. Inside Fire Limits Max. 45 ft. Outside Fire Limits Used only for storage of brick, cement, coal, lumber, salt, stone, or similar commodities, or icing cars Construction: Inside Fire Limits: — Area, 800 sq. ft. or less: — • 15 ft. max. height 1 only on each lot 30 ft. or less wide Floors non-combustible, or If in. wood planks Permitted on rear of lot only Roofing, non-combustible Area, 801 to 1,600 sq. ft.:— 25 ft. from any other structure 25 ft. from any lot line Inclosing walls, if any, non-combustible Permitted on rear of lot only Construction: Outside Fire Limits: — Area: 2,800 sq. ft. or less, allowed 2,801 to 4,000 sq. ft. allowed:— 20 ft. from any building 20 ft. from any lot line 20 ft. from any structure Inclosing walls, if any, non-combustible Defined: Roofed structure, sides at least 50% open Stables : — Construction : — "As per Chapter 67 and 64" Storage room for hay, etc., 1 hr. separation When 2 or more animals: Drained floors required Defined: Housing horses, cattle, etc 58-33 65-1 58-33 58-83 58-83 58-83 58-83 58-83 58-83 58-82 58-85 58-84 58-84 58-84 58-84 58-59 58-59 58-59 43-26 58-59 58-59 58-62 58-62 58-62 58-62 58-62 58-60 58-60 58-60 58-60 58-60 58-60 58-60 58-60 58-60 58-61 58-61 58-61 58-61 58-61 58-59 58-38 58-39 58-38 58-36 58 214 Stables-Tanks INDEX SUMMARY Stables: — (Cant.) Drainage Electric lighting only permitted Exits, pedestrian: — 2 required, over 9000 sq. ft. area Any point, 150 ft. max. from exit In addition to "animal" doors Located at opposite ends of building 2 ramps or stairs required, over 1 story high Except: 1 may be fire escape 2 ramps or stairs required from basement Floor load cards required Frontage consents Hay storage, etc.: see Storage Room Location, over 8 animals, or area over 500 sq. ft.: — 400 ft. min. distance to: — Church Hospital Public park Public playground School Location: 60 ft. from grandstand or bleachers Multiple occupancy Storage room: Required: Area over 4,500 sq. ft Separation: 1 hr. construction Tanks, roof: — Annual inspection required Date plate, rustless, required, tanks over 250 gallons. . Fees: Annual inspection, $5.00 Except: Based on area, building inspected annually. Fees, Tank construction permits: — 400 gallons or under $5.00 Over 400 gallons capacity $10.00 Fees, Tank supports, $10.00, except new buildings. . . . Inspection required: — Annual, by Dept. of Buildings By licensed architect, within 2 years, or By licensed structural engineer within 2 years One required every 5 years . . Reports in duplicate to Dept. of Buildings Maintained in good condition Notice to repair or reinforce Paint or metal coatings not protection Repairs, removal, or reinforcement Supports to be non-combustible Wind load: 30 lb. per sq. ft., vertical projection 82-105 58-41 58-40 58^40 58-40 58-40 58^10 58-40 58-40 61-13 59-18 58-37 58-37 58-37 58-37 58-37 54-8 63-3m 58-39 58-39 46^14 58-87 46-45 46-45 43-30 43-30 43-30 46-14 58-88 58-88 58-88 58-88 58-87 58-89 58-90 58-89 58-86 70-17 58 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 79 ELEVATORS, DUMBWAITERS ESCALATORS AND MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT DEVICES INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 79 ELEVATORS Includes elevators, amusement park devices, escalators stage curtains, and movable stages or platforms 43-30 54-14 54-54 54-39 79-183 to 79-187 46-8 to 46-16 61-28 79-1 Capacity 79-127 46-12 Chutes, water 54-14 54-54 54-59 79-183 to 79-187 79-5 Car 79-7 79-8 79-120 79-1 54-14 79-1 79-183 to 79-187 79-1 79-2 79-2 79-2 Door counterweight inclosures Doors: Automatic fire door on landing prohibited. 79-34 61-32 61-32 61-32 61-32 61-32 Dumbwaiters: — 79-136 to 79-141 79-142 79-135 79-135 79 134 79-142 79-142 Tests, field 79-180 79-66 79-20 79-33 79-118 Escalators, See Escalators, General Index 79-66 54-14 54 -54 54-39 79-183 to 79-187 Freight elevators carrying pass 79-83 79-125 79-75 61-28 Hand elevators: — Buffers 79-128 79-122 79-122 79-120 79-128 79-120 79-128 79-121 Machines 79-131 79-132 217 79 218 Hand-Power Elevators INDEX SUMMARY Hand Elevators: — (Ccuit.) Permit required 43-15 Plans required 43-15 Suspension members 79-133 Hatchway door equipment: — Electric contacts 79-30 Freight elevators 79-19 to 79-21 Interlocks 79-25 Locks 79-103c Passenger elevators 79-14 to 79-18 Hatchway doors: General 61-32 Illumination 61-33 66-2 79-56 Inclosure, car 61-25 to 61-32 79-61 to 79-66 Inclosures, shaft 61-21 61-30 Inspections, annual 46-9 46-10 46-8 to 46-16 Inspections and reports 13-7 Inspectors 13-7 Keys : Emergency 79-22 Service 79-22 Lighting 61-33 66-2 79-56 Machine room 61-85 61-30 Machinery installation 79-10 Mechanical amusement devices: — Classed as Open Air Assembly Unit 54-3 Construction: General 54-14 79-183 Ferris wheels, all steel 79-184 Height limit, 35 ft 79-184 Steel 54-14 79-184 Wood 79-184 Other materials 79-184 Exits, emergency, required every 100 ft 54-39 Exits, normal 54-54 Fees 43-30 General 79-183 Lighting 79-186 Permits required 43-23 43-15 Plans required 43-23 43-15 Protective devices 54-21 79-185 Safeties 79-185 Stairs, One 4 ft. stair required 54-54 Test 79-187 Merry-go-round 54-14 54-54 54-39 79-183 Notices to repair 46-13 Operation 79-3 Orchestra elevators 79-1 19 Overtravel, sidewalk type . 79-9 Passengers in freight elevators 79-83 Penalties 39-8 79-188 Permit required 43-15 43-23 Pits 61-30 79-6 Plan approval by Elevator Inspector 13-7 Plans required 13-7 43-15 43-23 Platforms under machinery 61-31 Power elevators:— Cables 79-111 Capacity 79-80 Car: Buffers 79-40 to 79-43 Compartments 79-58 Construction 79-48 to 79-57 Counterbalancing one another 79-59 Doors 79-67 to 79-73 79 INDEX SUMMARY Power-Wiring 219 Power Elevators: — (Cont.) Car:— (Cont.) Gates 79-67 Governors Inclosures 79-61 Safeties 79-74 Control 79-84 to 79-90 Counterweights Counterweight buffers Counterweight governors Counterweight safeties Emergency release Governors Guide rails Loading, rated Machine Operation 79-84 79-97 79-3 Permit required Plans required Safeties 79-74 Speed limits Stopping devices 79-84 Terminal safety device Terminal stopping device Two elevators in single hatchway Power to stop operation Proscenium curtain inspections Protection around equipment Repair notices Roller coasters 54-14 to 79-73 79-75 to 79-66 79-76 79-97 79-47 79-43 79-74 79-74 79-73 79-75 79-37 79-80 79-84 79-4 43-15 43-15 79-76 79-110 79-92 79-92 79-92 79-60 46-14 13-7 79-11 46-13 79-183 79-183 79-108 79-35 79-35 79-119 79-119 61-21 54-39 79-12 46-14 79-187 79-162 79-180 79-181 79-168 79-175 Interlocks 79-153 to 79-161 54-14 79-54 79-67 Scenic railways Sidewalk type Space under counterweights .... Space under hatchways Special elevators Stage elevators Stair prohibited in same shaft Stair required, mechanical amusement devices Stops for counterweights Stop operation, power to 54-54 54-54 79-69 54-39 54-39 79-93e 54-54 Tests: Amusement park devices. Buffers Dumbwaiters field test Electric contacts Elevator field tests Escalators Wells, inclosure Whips 54 14 Windows, allowed in exterior walls only Window guards Wiring 54-54 61-21 54-39 61-29 79-183 61-28 61-28 79-13 79 INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 82 PLUMBING INDEX SUMMARY CHAPTER 82 PLUMBING Administration: — Approval of plumbing 82-7 Board of Health 9-11 Duties of Division of Plumbing 9-7 Duties of Board of Health 9-11 Inspection where complaint is made 9-12 to 9-13 Power to make rules 39-4 Power to pass on ordinances 9-11 Areas, outside : To be drained 82-62 Backwater, valves 82-41 82-107 Barn drainage 82-105 Basement floor drains 82-106 Bath tubs 82-127 Bubblers 82-128 Cast iron sewer pipe required, unstable ground 82-48 Catch basins : Defined 82-2 Located outside 82-109 Required 82-62 82-108 Cesspool defined 82-2 Cleanouts: Manhole 82-104 Pipe 82-102 82-103 Traps 82-101 Compressors to be accessible 82-58 Conform to plans 82-5 Connections: Closet to sewer 82-12 Earthenware trap 82-141 Pedestal urinal, floor connection 82-142 Prohibited types 82-75 Slop sink, floor connections 82-142 Cross connection : Defined 82-2 Prohibited 82-10 82-39 82-35 Definitions of terms used 82-2 Deviations from plans 82-5 Downspouts: — ■ Dome strainer 82-65 Inside, cast iron, steel, wrought iron 82-65 Roof connections 82-65 Screen out loose gravel 82-64 Sizes: With increasers, Table 82-64 Without increasers, Table 82-63 Trapped, certain locations 82-61 Use as waste pipes prohibited 82-66 Drainage : Barns 82-105 Outside areas 82-62 Roofs over 500 sq. ft 82-61 Stables 82-105 Systems: Independent 82-43 Except: Buildings on same lot 82-44 Groups of buildings 82-45 Yards... 82-62 Drains: Back pressure valves 82-68 Barn 82-105 Basement floors 82 106 Connect to sewers 82-12 Entirely within property lines 82-19 House, types required 82-48 82-49 Sizes: Branches underground 82-54 Combined sewers, Table 82-53 Sanitary sewers, Table 82-51 Storm sewers only, Table 82-52 223 82 224 Drains-Mud INDEX SUMMARY Drains : Sub-soil : Accessible 82-68 4 in. min 82-68 Drinking devices 82-128 Ejector, water pressure 82-60 Excavations 82-47 Extension and repairs to conform 82-14 Fees, inspection 43-34 Ferrules, calking 82-38 Fittings: Soldered 82-42 Threaded 82-35 to 82-37 Fixtures: Installation 82-112 Materials 82-111 Number required 82-113 Overflow 82-123 Prohibited types 82-114 Rarely used, to be removed 82-16 Sizes of traps and branches, Table 82-70 Strainers 82-122 To be flushed 83-47 Unit values 82-53 82-50 Flush valves 83-47 Food establishment : Lavatory in sight 82-125 Freezing, protection against 82-11 82-76 Frost protection 82-11 82-76 Gas tight joints 82-129 Gravel basin defined 82-2 Grease interceptors: Location 82-109 Required 82-108 Gutter, roof, defined 82-2 House drains : Types required 82-49 House sewers: Materials 82-48 Inspections and tests 82-148 to 82-152 Inspection fees 43-34 Joints; Bituminous 82-131 Calked, for metal pipes 82-132 Cast iron pipe 82-134 Cement 82-131 Earthenware trap connection 82-141 Gas tight 82-129 Hot poured. 82-131 Lead waste pipes 82-136 Prohibited types 82-130 Screwed 82-133 Slip 82-138 To cast iron 82-135 To lead 82-137 Vertical expansion 82-139 Vitrified pipe 82-131 Water tight 82-129 Labeled, maker's and quality mark 82-21 Laundry tubs 82-127 Lavatory in food establishments 82-125 Lead pipe : Diameters and weight 82-32 Manholes, access 82-104 .Materials: Labeled 82-21 Conform to Am. Soc. Test Materials 82-20 See A.S.T.M., General Index Motor exhausts 82-89 Motors to be accessible 82-58 Mud basins, car wash 82-110 82 INDEX SUMMARY Nipple-Soil 225 Nipple, soldering Not according to plans Open until inspection Overflows: Connect indirectly only. Fixtures Pipes Penalties for violations Peppermint test Permits required 82-6 Pipes: Am. Soc. of Test Materials, Standards 82-22 Change of direction Cleanouts : Required locations Size Entirely within building Fittings: Certain types prohibited Soldered Threaded 82-35 Pipes: General 82-143 Materials 82-22 to 82-31 82-48 Open until inspected Protection of material Soil and waste branches, sizes Soil and waste stacks Specifications 82-22 to 82-31 Supports Pipes : Vent, sizes See also individual items Plans: Approval required 82-6 Fees, inspection Plumbing to conform Required 82-3 Submit to Com. of Public Works Vertical elevations of plumbing Plumber required, licensed Prohibited connections Prohibited fittings Prohibited joints Property lines, plumbing entirely within Protection against freezing 82-11 Refrigerator waste sizes Repairs: Emergency may be made without permit Roof downspouts, trapped in special cases Roof drainage required, roofs over 500 sq. ft Roof terminals: Soil, waste, vent pipes Sewer : Combined, Table Connections Excavation Materials 82-18 Sanitary, Table Storm, Table Underground branches Sheet brass, No. 18, B. & S Sheet copper, No. 18, B. & S Sheet lead, min., 4 lb. per sq. ft Sinks Siphons, prohibited for waste discharge Smoke tests Soil and waste branches: — Sizes: Downspouts, min. 3 in Soil pipes, min. 4 in Waste pipes, min. 3 in Soil and waste stacks: — Angles of connection 82-39 82-5 82-13 82-67 82-123 82-89 82-153 82-149 82-9 to 82-31 82-144 82-103 82-102 82-13 82-145 82-12 82-36 to 82-147 82-69 82-13 82-146 82-71 82-72 82-69 82-143 82-82 82-9 43-34 82-5 82-4 82-9 82^1 82-17 82-130 82-145 82-130 82-19 82-76 82-88 82-15 82-77 82-61 82-77 82-53 82-12 82-47 82-19 82-51 82-52 82-54 82-34 82-34 82-33 82-127 82-60 82-149 82-71 82-71 82-71 82-74 82 226 Soil-Wastes INDEX SUMMARY Soil and Waste Stacks: — (Cant.) General 82-72 82-73 Increaser 82-77 Materials 82-69 Prohibited connections 82-75 Refrigerator waste pipes 82-88 Roof terminals 82-77 Sizes: Table 82-73 Stable drainage 82-105 Stacks, vertical elevations required 82^1 Steam discharge prohibited 82-59 Sumps: Construction 82-56 General 82-55 Writing 82-57 Systems: Independent of other buildings 82^13 Except : Buildings on same lot 82-44 Groups of buildings used as unit 82-45 Tanks, Air pressure : To be accessible 82-58 Tanks, Receiving: Construction 82-56 General 82-55 Venting 82-57 Tests: General 82-149 Peppermint 82-149 Smoke 82-149 Water 82-151 Traps : General 82-95 Access 82-100 82-104 Cleanouts 82-101 Earthenware trap connections 82-141 Open plumbing 82-100 Protected by vents 82-79 Prohibited types 82-97 Rat protection 82-96 Required locations 82-98 Sizes 82-70 Underground 82-104 Water seal 82-99 . Unfired pressure vessels 82-59 Urinals: Compartment floor, non-absorbent 82-124 General 82-126 Pedestal type, floor connection 82-142 Valves, backwater 82-41 82-107 Vents: Branch 82-83 Changing 82-86 Connections 82-84 Cross connection 82-81 Distance to trap seal 82-80 Grades 82-84 Individual 82-83 Main vents to connect at base 82-81 Not required 82-85 Protective traps 82-79 Required sizes, Table 82-82 Sizes, Table 82-82 Waste pipe sizes : Refrigerator 82-88 Wastes: Aspirators 82-93 Condensers 82-93 Corrosive 82-91 Dilution tank 82-91 Filters 82-93 From special fixtures 82-90 Sterilizers 82-93 Stills 82-93 82 INDEX SUMMARY Wastes-Water 227 Wastes:— (Cont.) Swimming pool, indirect connections 82-94 Volatile 82-92 Water closets: — Chemical prohibited, accessible sewer 82-120 Compartment, non-absorbent floor 82-124 Connection to sewer required, or to 82-12 Sewage disposal system 82-46 Floor connections 82-142 Food establishments 82-125 Flushing devices and connections 82-117 83-47 Long hopper type 82-1 18 Prohibited types 82-114 Seats to be non-absorbent 82-116 Soil pipe size, min. 4 in 82-71 Temporary facilities 82-121 Workmen's temporary 82-1 19 Water, hot, discharge prohibited 82-59 Water pressure ejectors 82-60 Water systems, see Chapter 83 82-10 Water tight joints 82-129 82 TABLES FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION Structural Frame Sec. 67-6 67-7 Masonry Metal Reinforced Concrete Or Any Combination Const. Columns, Exterior 4 hour Columns, Interior 4 hour Members support more than one floor 4 hour Wind bracing 4 hour Members supporting only one floor or roof. . . Except: Columns and Joists Lintels and Spandrels: — Fireproof as above may carry vvall facing, i\ in., on bare angles at not more than 3 ft. centers for height of spandrel beam Lintels, Loose Need not be fireproofed: — ■ Openings not more than 3^ ft. Tie beams in elevator shafts need not be fire- proofed Elevator sheave beams need not be fireproofed Floor Construction Sec. 67-8 to 67-11 Floors Structural metal framing Reinforced concrete framing Masonry slabs Reinforced concrete slabs Fireproofing: — Structural metal, general Structural metal, top, Urn. concrete See Occupancy Chapters 47-58 Sleepers and Fill: — Permitted for finished floor Must not extend under required partition Spaces between to have non-combustible fill. (See Sec. 61-46) Const. 3 hour Roof Construction Sec. 67-12 to 67-14 Const. Roofs 3 hour Structural metal framing Reinforced concrete framing Masonrv slabs Reinforced concrete slabs Metal plates Fireproofing: — Structural members 3 hour Exceptions: — Theatres, members 20 ft. up. . . 53-12 Open air assembly unit 54-9 Public assembly unit 55-7 Churches 56-4 Schools 57-10 Exterior Enclosing Walls Sec. 67-15 to 67-17 Const. Walls:— Masonry 4 hour Reinforced concrete 4 hour Bay Windows and Similar Projections: — Same construction as main wall Cornices and Supports: — Shall be incombustible SEMI-FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION Structural Frame Sec. 67-23 67-24 Same as in F.P. Const. Const. Columns, Exterior 4 hour Columns, Interior 3 hour Members supporting more than one floor. ... 3 hour Wind bracing 3 hour Members supporting walls 3 hour Except exterior columns 3 hour Members supporting only one floor or roof .... 2 hour Except: Columns and Joists Lintels and Spandrels: — Same as in F.P. Const. Lintels, Loose Same as in F.P. Const. Tie beams Same as in F.P. Const. Elevator sheave beams Same as F.P. Const. Floor Construction Sec. 67-25 to 67-28 Floors Structural metal framing Reinforced concrete framing Trussed steel joist framing Masonry slabs Reinforced concrete slabs Metal plate floors Fireproofing: — Structural metal li" 7? "h ^±t Trussed steel joists ™ e r tal • 1 f tn th fi and P las " ' Jter with fire stops See Occupancy Chapters 47-58 Sleepers and Fill: — Same as in F.P. Const. Const. 1 hour Roof Construction Sec. 67-29 to 67-31 Const. Roofs 1 hour Structural metal framing Reinforced concrete framing Trussed steel joists, rafters, or purlins Masonry slabs Reinforced concrete slabs Metal plates Fireproofing: — Structural members 1 hour 1. By 1 hr. resistive covering 2. By 1 hr. ceiling attached or sus- pended Exceptions: — Open air assembly unit 54-9 Churches 56-5 Exterior Enclosing Walls Sec. 67-32 to 67-34 Walls:— Same as in F.P. Const. Hay Windows and Similar Projections: Same as in F.P. Const. Cornices and Supports: — Same as in F.P. Const. 231 FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION (Cont.) SEMI-FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION (Cont.) Grounds and Furring Sec. 67-19 Grounds and Furring Sec. 67-36 Grounds and furring, Wood: — Shall project not more than 3 in. Fire stops If" wood every 6 ft. each way All other grounds and furring to be incom- bustible Grounds and Furring; Wood: — Same as in F.P. Const. Partitions Sec. 67-18 Partitions Sec. 67-35 Incombustible: — Except in Business Units where subdivid- ing partitions may be wood, or wood and glass, when they are included in areas of 600 sq. ft. or less already enclosed in incombustible partitions. Sec. 61-67 61-68 Studs, used only as door bucks Sec. 67-5 Same as in F.P. Const. Studs used only as door bucks 67-22 Combustible Materials Sec. 67-20 Combustible Materials Sec. 67-37 May be used for: — Ceiling paneling Doors, frames, and bucks Exterior show windows for backing, frames, aprons, and platforms Floor surfaces Grounds as permitted above Handrails Interior architectural trim Sleepers Wall paneling Same as in F.P. Const. HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION ORDINARY CONSTRUCTION Structural Frame Sec. 67-39 67-40 Structural Frame Sec. 67-50 Exterior Walls: — Metal framing Reinforced concrete framing Or any combination Other Structural Members: — Metal Reinforced concrete Masonry Timber Or any combination Columns, Exterior Const. 4 hour 2 hour 3 hour 2 hour 2 hour 2 hour 2 hour Exterior Walls: — Same as in Heavy Timber Const. Other Structural Members: — Same as in Heavy Timber Const, except that no fireproofing is required, unless specified under general occupancy sections, and there is no limitation on the size of wood members, except as determined by strength. Columns, Exterior; No requirements Columns, Interior No requirements Columns, Timber: No requirements Members Supporting Walls Multiple Dwellings 48-32 Timber:— Beams iNo size limitations for either Girders [floor or roof Trusses J Strength requirements only Interior Members Beams 1 Girders 1-Strength requirements only Trusses J Fireproofing not required: — Except:— Multiple dwellings 48-32 Lintels: Wood permitted behind arches only 48-35 48-35 Columns, Timber, Min. dimension 9j in. Except columns Timber, not supporting roof: — S? a , m ;L Ulin. dimension 5J in. Tosses (Min. area 52 sq. iL Timber, supporting roof only: — Beams 1 Girders }Min. dimension 3| in. Trusses J Interior Members Fireproofing not required: — 1. Where clear height above floor is 20 ft. or more 2. Lintels, loose, supporting 1 story only 3. Metal connections for timber members 232 HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION (Cont.) ORDINARY CONSTRUCTION (Cont.) Floor Construction Sec. 67-41 Floor Construction Sec. 67-51 67-52 Floor Members: — Except flooring, are included under struc- tural frame Flooring, min. 3J in., fastened together May be 2 layers, lower one 2| in. Ceiling, direct against underside of floor, max. air space J in. Floor Members: — Wood Trussed steel joists Flooring, no restrictions Ceilings, Basement Metal lath and plaster required in build- ings over 2 stories See Occupancy Chapters 47 to 58 Roof Construction Sec. 67-42 Roof Construction Sec. 67-51 67-52 Roof Members Except sheathing, are included under structural frame Sheathing, min. 2| in. not sprinklered Sheathing, min. If in., sprinklered Roof Members Wood Trussed steel joists Sheathing, no restrictions Exterior Inclosing Walls Sec. 67-43 to 67-15 Exterior Inclosing Walls Sec. 67-54 to 67-56 Walls, Same as in F.P. Const. Bay Windows and Similar Projections: — Same as in F.P. Const. Cornices: — Same as in F.P. Const. Const. Masonry Reinforced concrete Bay Windows and Similar Projections: — Same as in F.P. Const. Cornices: — Projecting over street or alley, shall be completely incombustible Grounds and Furring 67-47 Grounds and Furring Same as in F.P. Const. No restrictions Partitions Sec. 67-46 Partitions Sec. 67-57 Incombustible: — Except in Business Units where subdivid- ing partitions may be wood, or wood and glass, when they are included in areas of 400 sq. ft. or less already in- closed in incombustible partitions. Sec. 61-69 Wood Stud Permitted:— Lathed with: — Wood Metal lath Gypsum Fiber Lath, metal; and f in. plaster Lath, all other; and \ in. plaster Except, wood stud bearing partitions may be used only in single dwellings Combustible Materials Sec. 67-48 Combustible Materials May be Used: — Same as in F.P. Const Except: — Sleepers, Wood, prohibited Combustible lath, prohibited Wood stud partitions, prohibited May be Used: — Except: Wood stud bearing partitions may be used only in single dwellings 67-51 Except: As specified in partitions above. WOOD CONSTRUCTION WOOD CONSTRUCTION (Cont.) Outside Fire Limits: — ■ Business Units /§ ec - 62 ~ 7 Walls Sheathing to be wood " 67-61 Business units \Sec. 50-10 Multiple Dwellings 48-38 Single Dwellings 47-4 Sheds, Shelter 58-61 Sheds... 58-59 62-7 Roofs Partitions Veneer 67-64 73-1 73-47 3| in. min. thickness Masonry foundation required Anchors, 2 required per sq. ft. 2 stories high, max. 30 ft. height, max. Definition 73-1 Fire Stops: — Garages 52-10 Porches 61-87 Open Air Assembly Unit 54-13 54-7 54-12 Inside Fire Limits: — Sheds 58-59 Sheds, Shelter 58-60 Sheds, adjacent to railways 58-62 Ceilings: — | in. lath and \ in. pkster 67-66 Metal lath and f in. plaster 67-66 Stresses, Working 72-4 72-5 233 . *o 5 , ^s it B 3 1 o Units — Solid. red Units— Holloi red Cast-in-Place Units— Hollo red p Cast-in-Place Units — Solid, red Units— Hollo red Units— Hoik red ret i' aste rete aste rete- Tile laste E rete rete laste rete laste Tile laste 1 gp^p*" *Ph -3 I c e^ a^ b^ 1 8 o o o .2 'C > U U U U PQ C , o O O J3 ou u u L ^ c/> &7 $00 vO p f-l _c c c •g 'o 'o '0 1 W X "2 -o T3 "2 . c « S w 2 g o X tr 3 c 1 "c i, Staggen red -Hollow . -Hollow . k, Stagger red Solid 't -Hollow. . i, Stagger red -Hollow . —Hollow . k, Stagger :red ■2 3 — — X — 3 s h o o z s z a -! O u Concrete Units- Plastered Concrete Units- Plastered Concrete Units- 2 Units Thicl Not Plaste Clay Tile Units- Plastered Clay Tile Units- 2 Units Thici Not Plaste al Members Concrete Units- Plastered Gypsum Units- Concrete Units- 2 units Thicl Not Plaste Clay Tile Units- Plastered Clay Tile Units- 2 Units Thic Not Plastt 1 1 u z < H O B — . a w >. .°0 j » -'- % %* 1«> I h w* > S O ~i o •x « S 5 H | B w H 2, o I o S5 § ; w £ : 6 O H O _ o i t 1 5 = 1 o 5 PL <* : w i J, h 1 .5 g p2 £ 'c 'S "^ ■55 '2 4 E »p ^ p U u 2 g 1 s P 1 ■s | 1 S S >, -3 c a S. 2 g o X u u u n c U O j . o- » ¥ oc " W - O s E 3 - a O M & c a 3 *-' E 3 2 K ■S i jj da Concrete Units- No Fill Clay Tile Units- No Fill Plaster on Metal Port, cement, 2 c c <-> Ph c c 234 o -g c « oo -•l" 3 ^g ~H "-" ^3-3 J» 1 ||| H § DtOvn s "2 Kt-1 p o 1°1 g o W i | W ° 3 3 a J 8 ■§ "S s b b < t ■*?.'3 1 1 Ss U U ^u 1 E j is-g !s !s '^ — ;c « & w w £S° o* c u fO «2 >. T III ^s WJ v V ^ 00O -= o-o § O O 3 "3 o 2 *!•- pa 8 < o E u ci O z s g o w cT: I— c c o c U O *3 ?! J3 O .tso C C "S 1 a £ I > 1 i r c c t •? < > c c •? s » -) I u < H CO g o c c .o M o 3 "3 3 '< c -2 7* .1 s 5 s 1 ~ [ P U to S J3 3 1 C p j5 tn to ■% ►JO l|*s . ■sl|S .2 o-.s . 55 B u u £ " (2 (5 ^ o (5 21 is * (2 5 s °^ «-° 111- 3 § 6 " «"S«"t M — , , -«• . =2 tJU o c a 1=3 I I ~ 0_-_' O £ g M -2 -2 PQ o n Shu ■ ° M. z > 236 NUMERICAL CHAPTER INDEX Chapter Numbers Chapter Titles 13 Department of Buildings 39 Enforcement of Building Regulations 40 Building Definitions and Classifications 41 Building Standards and Tests 42 Registration for Building Work 43 Building Permits 44 Building Certificates 45 Building Plans 46 Building Inspection 47 Single Dwellings 48 Multiple Dwellings 49 Institutional Buildings 50 Business Units 51 Hazardous Use Units 52 Garage Buildings 53 Theaters 54 Open Air Assembly Units 55 Public Assembly Units 56 Churches 57 School Buildings 58 Other Buildings and Structures 59 Frontage Consents 60 Existing Buildings and Structures 61 General Construction Provisions 62 Room Sizes and Fire Areas 63 Multiple Use Buildings 64 Means of Exit 65 Windows, Skylights, and Ventilation 66 Exit Lighting and Signs 67 Construction Type Provisions 68 Fire-Resistive Standards 69 Fire Doors 70 Loads and Stresses 71 Foundations 72 Wood Construction 73 Masonry Construction 74 Reinforced Concrete Construction 75 Steel and Metal Construction 76 Chimneys 77 Floor and Roof Construction 78 Trussed Steel Joists 79 Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, Mechanical Amusement Devices 80 Heating Provisions 81 Ventilation 82 Plumbing Provisions 83 Water Supply and Distribution System 84 Steam Boilers and Unfircd Pressure Vessels 85 Mechanical Refrigeration 237 INDEX SUMMARY ^ OF THE OF THE NEW CHICAGO™" ° F!LUN " BUILDING CODE LIST OF OLD AND NEW SECTION NUMBERS NEW ORIGINAL NEW ORIGINAL NEW ORIGINAL NEW ORIGINAL 9-6 A4701.09 22-41 201.04 40-19 1801.01 43-33 403.09 9-7 A4701.12 43-34 403.12 9-7 A4701.13 25-4 201.04 41-1 302.02a&b 43-35 403.13 9-8 A4701.10 25-27 201.04 41-2 302.02b 43-36 5104.01a 9-8 A4701.ll 41-3 302.02c 43-37 5104.01b 9-9 A4701.1O 39-2 2101.01a 41-4 302.03a 9-10 A4701.14 39-3 201.19b 41-5 302.03b 44-1 405.01 9-10 A4701.15 39-4 A4701.04 41-5 3402.01 44-2 405.03 9-11 A4701.02 39-5 201.21 41-6 302.03c 44-3- 405.04 9-11 A4701.01 39-6 201.20 44-4 405.05a 9-11 A4701.03 39-7 304.02 42-1 303.01 44-5 405.05b 9-12 A4701.05 39-8 304.01 42-2 303.02 44-6 405.05c 9-22 A4701.06 42-3 303.03 44-7 405. 05d 40-1 501.01 42-4 303.04 13-1 201.01 40-1 A4701.07 42-5 303.05 45-1 402.01 13-1 201.15 40-2 A4701.07 42-6 303.06 45-2 402.02 13-2 201.02 40-2 601.01 42-7 303.07 45-3 402.03 13-2 201.04 40-3 701.01 45-4 402.04 13-3 201.08 40-3 601.02 43-1 401.01a 45-5 3403.01 13-4 201.11 40-4 801.01 43-2 401.01c 45-6 402.05a 13-5 201.12 40-4 601.03 43-3 401.01b 45-7 402.06a 13-6 201.13 40-5 601.04 43-4 401.02a 45-8 402.06b 13-7 201.14 40-5 901.01 43-5 401.02b 45-9 402.07 13-8 201.10 40-6 601.05a 43-6 403.02 45-10 402.08 13-9 201.09 40-6 1001.01a 43-7 401.03a 45-11 402.09 13-10 201.17 40-7 601.05b 43-8 401.03b 45-12 402.10 13-11 201.05a 40-7 1001.011) 43-8 402.05b 45-13 402.11 13-12 201.05b 40-8 601.05c 43-9 401.05 45-14 402 . 12 13-13 201.05c 40-8 1001.01c 43-10 401.06 45-15 402.13 13-14 301.01 40-9 601. 05d 43-10 401.07 13-15 301.02 40-9 1001. Old 43-11 401.07 46-1 404.01 13-16 301.03 40-10 601. OSe 43-12 401.08 46-2 404.02a 13-17 301.04 43-13 401.09 46-3 404.02b 13-18 201. 05d 40-10 1001. Ole 43-14 401.10 46-4 404.02c 13-19 201. 05e 40-11 601. 05f 43-15 401.11 46-5 404. 02d 13-20 201. 05f 40-11 1001. Olf 43-16 401.12 46-6 404.03 13-21 201.19a 40-12 601.06 43-17 401.13 46-7 404.04 13-22 201.06a&b 40-12 1101.01 43-18 401.14 46-8 404.08 . 13-23 201.06c&d 40-12 1101.02 43-19 401.15a&b 46-9 404.05a 13-24 201.07a 40-13 601.07 43-20 401.15c 46-10 404.05b 13-24 201.07b 40-13 1201.01a 43-21 401. 15d 46-11 404.06a 13-24 201.07c 40-14 601.08 43-22 401.16 46-12 404.06b 13-25 201. 07d 40-14 1301.01 43-23 401.17 46-13 404.06c 13-25 201. 07e 40-15 601.09 43-24 401.19 46-14 404. 06d 13-26 201. OSg 40-15 1401.01 43-25 403.01 46-15 104.08 13-27 201. 05h 40-16 601.10 43-26 403.03a 46-16 404.07 13-28 201. 05j 40-16 1501.01 43-27 403.03b&c 46-17 404.07 13-29 201.18 40-17 601.11 43-28 403.04 46-18 404.09a 40-17 1601.01 43-29 401.15b 46-19 404.09a 18-8 5101.02 40-18 1701.01 43-30 403.05 46-20 404.09a 18-9 5101.03 40-18 601.12 43-31 403.06 46-21 404.09b 18-10 5104.03 40-19 601.13 43-32 403.08 46-22 404.09c NEW ORIGINAL NEW ORIGIN 1 /. NEW ORIGINAL NEW 46-23 404.09d 48-31 803.03b 49-41 910.02 51-18 16 24 104. 09e 48-32 803. (M, 49-42 910.03 51-19 Id 25 404.10a 48-33 803.03d 49-43 910.04 51-20 46-26 404.10c 48 34 803. 03 e 51-21 46-27 401.111.1 48-35 803. 03f 50-1 — ■ 51-22 16 28 404.10b 48-36 803. 03g 50-2 1002.01a 51-23 46-29 Ull 10,- 48-37 803. 03h 50-3 1002.01b 51-24 46-30 404.11a 48-38 803.04 50-4 1002.01c 51-25 46-31 404.11b IS Ml 804.01 50-5 1003.01 51-26 46-32 404.12 48-40 804.02 50-6 1003.02 51-27 46-32 5104.011) 48-41 804.03 50-7 1003.03 51-28 16 S3 5104.02 48-42 804.04 50-8 1003.04 51-29 16 34 104. 13 48-43 804.04b 50-9 1003.05 51-30 46-35 404.13 48-44 804.04c 50-10 1003.06 51-31 16 56 404.13 48-45 804. 04d 50-11 1003.07 51-32 46-37 404.16a 48-46 804.05 50-12 1003.09 51-33 46-38 404.16c 48-47 804.06a 50-13 1003.10 51-34 46-39 404.16b 48-48 804.06b 50-14 1004.01a 51-35 46-40 404.17 48-49 805.01 50-15 1004.01b 51-36 46-41 404 . 1 7 48-50 805.02 50-16 1004.01c 51-37 46-42 404.18 48-51 806.01 50-17 1004,01d 51-38 46-43 404.18 48-52 806.02a&b 50-18 1004. Ole 51-38 46-44 404.19 48-53 806.02c 50-19 1004. Olf 51-39 46-45 404.19 48-54 806.03 50-20 1004. Olg 51-40 46-46 404.20 48-55 806.04 50-21 1004.02 51-41 46-47 5101.02 48-56 806.05 51-22 1004.03 51-42 46 48 5104.04 48-57 806.06 50-23 1004.04 51-43 48-58 806.07 50-24 1004.05 51-44 47-1 701.02 48-59 807.01 50-25 1004.06 51-45 i: 2 702.01a 48-60 807.02 50-26 1005.01 51-46 47 3 702.01b 48-61 807.03 50-27 1005.02 51-47 17 I 703.01 48-62 807.04 50-28 1006.01 51-48 17 5 703.02 48-63 807.05 50-29 1106.02a 51-49 4 7 (. 703.03 48-64 807.06 50-30 1006.02b 51-50 47-7 704.01 48-65 807.07 50-31 1006.02c 51-51 47-8 704.02 48-66 808.01 50-32 1006.03 51-52 47-9 704.03 48-67 808.02 50-33 1006.04a 51-52 47-10 705.01 48-68 809.01 50-34 1006.04b 51-52 47-11 705.02 48-69 809.02 50-35 1006.05 51-53 47-12 706.01a 50-36 1006.06a-l 51-54 47-13 706.01b 49-1 901.02 50-36 1006.06a-2 51-55 47-14 706.02 49-2 901.03a&b 50-36 1006.06a-3 51-56 47-15 706.03 49-3 902.01 50-36 1006.06a-4 51-57 47-16 707.01 49-4 902.02 50-37 1006.06a-5 51-58 47-17 707.02 49-5 903.01 50-36 1006.06a-6 51-59 47-18 707.03 49-6 903.02 50-38 1006.06b 51-60 47-19 707.04 49-7 903.03 50-39 1006.06c 51-61 47-20 707.05 49-8 903.04 50-40 1006.07 51-62 47-21 708.01 49-9 903.05 50-41 1006.08 51-63 49-10 904.01a 50-42 1006.09 51-64 48-1 801.03 49-11 904.01b&c 50-43 1006.10 51-65 is 2 801.02 49-12 905.01 50-44 1007.01 51-66 is ; 802.01a 49-13 905.02 50-45 1007.02 51-67 IS 1 802.01b 49-14 905.03 50-46 1007.03 51-68 IS 5 802.01c 49-15 906.01 50-47 1008.01 51-69 4S-6 802.01d 49-16 906.02 50-48 1008.02 51-70 48-7 802. Ole 49-17 906.03 50-49 1008.03 51-71 48-7 802. Olf 49-18 906.04 50-50 1009.01 51-72 Is s 802. Olg 49-19 906.05 50-51 1009.02 51-73 48-9 802.02a 49-20 906.06a 50-52 — 51-74 48-10 802. 02d 49-21 906.06b 50-53 1010.01 51-75 48-11 802.02d-l 49-22 906.06c 50-54 1010.02 51-76 48-12 802.02(1-2 49-23 906. 06d 50-55 1010.03 51-77 48-13 802.02(1-3 49-24 906. 06e 51-78 48-14 802.02c 49-25 906.07 51-1 1101.05 51-79 48-15 802.02b 49-26 906.08a 51-2 1101.04 51-80 48-16 802. 02e 49-27 906.08b 51-3 1101.02 51-81 48-17 802. 02f 49-28 907.01 51-4 1101.03 51-82 48-18 802. 02g 49-29 907.02 51-5 1102.03 51-83 48-19 802. 02h 49-30 907.03 51-6 1102.01 51-84 48-20 802. 02i 49-31 908.01 51-7 1102.04 51-85 48-21 802. 02j 49-32 908.02 51-8 1102.02a 51-86 48-22 802.02k 49-32 904.02 51-9 1102.02b 51-87 48-23 802.02/ 49-33 908.03a 51-10 U02.02c-1 51-88 48-24 802. 02n 49-34 908.03b&c 51-11 1102.02c-2 51-89 48-25 803.01a 49-35 908.03d 51-12 U02.02d 51-90 48-26 803.011, 49-36 909.01 51-13 1102. 02e 51-91 48-27 803.02a 49-37 909.02 51-14 1102. 02f 51-92 48-28 803.02b 49-38 — 51-15 1102.02g 51-93 48-29 803.02c 49-39 — 51-16 1102.02h 51-94 48-30 803.03a 49-40 910 01 51-17 1102. 02i 51-95 OF ME Diversity of Illinois ORIGINAL NEW ORIGINAL NEW ORIGINAL 1110.05 52-41 1209.01 53-72 1305. 07g 1108.14 52-42 — 53-73 1305. 07h 1108.04 52-43 1210.01 53-74 1305.07i-l 1108.21 52-44 1210.02a 53-75 1305.07i-2 1108.23 52-45 1210.02b 53-76 1305.07i-3 1108.07 52-46 1210.02c 53-77 1305.07i-4 1108.08 53-78 1305.07i-5 1108.09 53-1 1301.02 53-79 1305.07i-6 1108.10 53-2 1301.03a 53-80 1305.07i-7 1108.05 53-3 1301.03b 53-81 1305.07i-8 1108.06 53-4 1301.03c-l 53-82 1305.07i-9 1108.11 53-5 1301.03c-2 53-83 1305.07i-10 1108.12 53-6 1301.03c-3 53-84 1305.07J-1 1108.15 53-7 1301.03c-4 53-85 1305.07J-2 1108.16 53-8 1301.03c-5 53-86 1305.07J-3 1108.17a 53-9 1301.04 53-87 1305.07J-4 1108.20 53-10 1301.06 53-88 1305.07J-5 1108.24 53-11 1301.05 53-89 1305.07J-6 1108.25a 53-12 1302.01 53-90 1305.07J-7 1110.04a 53-13 1302.02 53-91 1305.07J-8 1110.04b 53-14 1302.03 53-92 1305.06 1110.04c 53-15 1302.04 53-93 1305.08 1110. 04d 53-16 1302.05a 53-94 1305.09a 1110.06 53-17 1302.05b 53-95 1305.09b 1109.01 53-18 1302.06 53-96 1305.09c 1109.02 53-19 1302.07 53-97 1305. 09d 1109.03 53-20 1302.08 53-98 1305. 09 e 53-21 1302.09a 53-99 1305.10a 1109.07 53-22 1302.09b 53-100 1305.10b-l 1109.10 53-23 1302.10a 53-101 1305.10b-2 1109.04 53-24 1302.10b 53-102 1305.10b-3 1109.05 53-25 1303.01 53-103 1305.10c-l 1109.06 53-26 1303.02a 53-104 1305.10c-2 1109.08 53-27 1302.03b 53-105 1305.11 1109.09 53-28 1303.02c 53-106 1305.12 1110.01 53-29 1303.03a 53-107 1305.13 1110.02 53-30 1303.03b 53-108 1305.14a 1110.03 53-31 1303.03c 53-109 1305.14b 1110.07 53-32 1303.04 53-110 1305.14c-l&2 53-33 1303.05 53-111 1305.14c-3 1201.01 53-34 1303.06 53-112 1305.14d-l 1201.02 53-35 1303.07a&b 53-113 1305.14d-2 1201.03 53-36 1303.07c 53-114 1306.01a 1202.01 53-37 1303. 07d 53-115 1306.01b 1202.02 53-38 1304.01 53-116 1306.02 1203.01a 53-39 1304.02 53-117 1306.04 1203.01b 53-40 1304.03a 53-118 1306.03a 1203.01c 53-41 1304.03b 53-119 1306.03b 1203. Old 53-42 1304.03c 53-120 1306.03c 1203. Ole 53-43 1304.04 53-121 1306.03d 1203. Olf 53-44 1304.05 53-122 1306.03e&f 1204.01a 53-45 1305.01 53-123 1306. 03g 1204.01b 53-46 1305.02a 53-124 1306. 03h 1204.01c 53-47 1305.02b 53-125 1306. 03i 1204.02 53-48 1305.02c 53-126 1306.03] 1204.03 53-49 1305. 02d 53-127 1306.03k 1205.01 53-50 1305.03 53-128 1307.01a 1205.02 53-51 1305.04 53-129 1307.01b 1205.03c 53-52 1305.15 53-130 1307.01c 1205.03b 53-53 • 1305.16 53-131 1307. Old 1206.01 53-54 1305.05a-l 53-132 1307. Ole 1206.02a 53-55 1305.05a-2 53-133 1307.02 1206.02b 53-56 1305.05a-3 53-134 1307.03m 1206.02c 53-57 1305.05a-4 53-135 1307.03a 1206.03a 53-58 1305.05a-5 53-136 1307.03b 1206.03b 53-59 1305.05a-6 53-137 1307.03c 1206.03c 53-60 1305.05b 53-138 1307.03d-l 1206.03d 53-61 1305.05c 53-139 1307.03d-2 1206.04a 53-62 1305.05d-l 53-140 1307.03d-3 1206.04b 53-62 1305.05d-2 53-141 1307.03e-l 1204.04c 53-62 1305.05d-3 53-142 1307.03e-2 1206. 04d 53-63 1305.05d-4 53-143 1307. 03f 1206.05a 53-63 1305.05d-5 53-144 1307.03^ 1206.05b 53-64 1305.05d-6 53-145 1307. 03h 1207.01 53-65 1305.07a 53-146 1307. 03i 1207.02a 53-66 1305.07b-l 53-147 1307.03J-1 1207.02b 53-67 1305.07b-2 53-148 1307.03J-2 1208.01a 53-68 1305.07c 53-149 1307.03J-3 1208.01b 53-69 1305.07d 53-150 1307.03k-l 1208.01c 53-70 1305. 07e 53-151 1307.03k-2 1208. Old 53-71 1305. 07f 53-152 1307.03/-1 NEW ORIGINAL 53-153 53-154 53-155 53-156 53-157 53-158 53-159 53-160 53-161 53-162 53-163 53-164 53-165 53-166 53-167 53-168 53-169 53-169 53-169 53-170 53-171 53-172 53-173 53-174 53-175 53-176 53-177 53-178 53-179 53-180 53-181 53-182 53-183 53-184 53-185 53-186 53-187 53-188 53-189 53-190 53-191 53-192 53-193 53-194 53-195 54-1 54-2 54-3 54-4 54-5 54-6 54-7 54-8 54-9 54-10 54-11 54-12 54-13 54-14 54-15 54-15 54-16 54-17 54-18 54-19 54-20 54-21 54-22 54-23 54-24 5 1 25 54-26 54-27 54-28 54 29 54-30 54-31 54-32 54-33 54-34 1307.03/-2 1307.03J-3 1307.03/-4 1307.03/-5 1307.03/-6 1307.03/-7 1307. 03n 1307. 03o 1307.04a 1307.04b 1307.04c 1307.05 1307.06 1307.07 1307.08a 1307.08b 1307.08c-l 1308.08c-2 1307.08c-3 1308.08c-4 1307.09 1307.10 1307.11 1308.01a&b 1308.02 1309.04 1309.01a 1309.02a 1309.01b-l 1309.01b-2 1309.01b-3 1309.01b-4 1309.01b-5 1309.02b 1309.03a 1309.03b 1309.03c-l 1309.03c-2 1309.03c-3 1309. 03e 13O9.03d-l 1309.03d-2 1309.03d-3 1401.04 1401.05 1401.02 1401.06 1402.01 1402.02 1402.03 1402.04 1403.01 1403.02 1403.03 1403.04 1401.03 1403.05 1403.07 1404.03 1403.08 1403.09 1403.10 1404.05 1404.06 1404.07 1404.01 1403.061) 1403.06a 1404.02a 1404.02a-l 14O4.02a-2 1404.02a-3 1404.02b 1 KU.iil 1405.01 1405.02 lioo.oi 1406.02a NEW ORIGIN A I. .v/:ir ORIGIN A I. NEW ORICIXA I NEW ORIGINAL 54-35 1406.02b 55-41 1506.04a 56-24 1606.04e 57-69 1708.C9b 54-36 1406.03a&b 55-42 1506.04b 56-25 1606.041 57-70 1708.02 54-37 1406.03i l 55-43 15C6.04c 56-26 I606.04g 57-71 1708.03a 54-38 UO(. 'i 55-44 1506.04 1 56-27 1607.01 57-72 1708.03b 54-38 1406.03c-4 55-45, 56-28 1607.02 57-73 1708.04a 54-39 1406.07 55-46 1506.05a 56-29 1607.03 57-74 1708.04b 54-40 1106.04a 55-47 1506.051, 56-30 1608.01 57-75 1708.04c 54-41 1406.04b 55-48 1506.05c 56-31 1608.02 57-76 54-42 1406.04c 55-49 1406.05.1 56-32 1600.01 57-77 1708.05 54-43 1406.04d 55-50 1506.05e 56-33 1610.01 57-78 1709.01 54-44 1406.04e 55-51 1506. 05 f 56-34 1610.02 57-79 — 54-45 1406.04f 55-52 1506.05- 56-35 1610.03 57-80 1710.01 54-46 1406. 04g 55-53 1506.06 57-81 1710.02 54 17 1406.05a 55-54 1506.07a 57-1 1701.05 57-82 1710.03 54 is 1 101. . 051) 55-55 1506 07b 57-2 1701.04 57-83 1710.04 54-49 1406.05c 55-56 1506.07c 57-3 1701.05 54 -n MIX.. 05,1 55-57 1500.07.1 57-4 1701.02 58-1 1801.02 54-51 1406. 05e 55-58 1506.07,1-1 57-5 1701.06a 58-2 1802.01 54-52 1406. OSf 55-59 1506.07d-2 57-6 1701.06b 58-3 1802.02a 54-53 1406. 05g 55-60 1506.07d-3 57-7 1701.06c 58-4 1802.02b 54-54 1406. 05h 55-61 1506.08a 57-8 1702.01 58-5 1802.03 54 55 1406.06a 55-62 1506.08b 57-9 1702.02 58-5 1802.04c 54-56 1406.06b 55-63 1506.08c 57-10 1703.01 58-6 1802.04a 54-57 1406.08a 55-64 1506. 08d 57-11 1703.02 58-7 1802.04b 54-58 1406.08b 55-65 1506.09a 57-12 1703.03 58-8 1802.04d 54-50 1 106 08. 55-66 1506.001, 57-13 1703.04 58-9 1802.05a 54-60 1406.08,1 55-67 1506.09c 57-14 1703.05 58-10 1802.05b 54-61 1407.01 55-68 1506. 09d 57-15 1703.06 58-11 1802.06 54-62 1407.02 55-69 1506.09 e 57-16 1704.02a 58-12 1802.07 54-63 1408.01a 55-70 1506. 09f 57-17 1704.02b 58-13 1802.07b-l 54-64 1408.01b 55-71 1506.10a 57-18 1704.02c 58-14 1S02. 071,-2 54-65 1408.01c 55-72 1506.10b 57-19 1704.02d 58-15 1802.07c 54-66 1408.02 55-73 1506.10c 57-20 1704. 02e 58-16 1802. 07d 54-67 1408.04 55-74 1506.11a 57-21 1704.021 58-17 1802.08 54-68 1408.05 55-75 1506.11b 57-22 1704.01 58-18 1820.09a 54-60 1409.01 55-76 1506.13a 5 7-23 1704.03a 58-19 1802.09b 54-70 — • 55-77 1506 1 ^ l 57-24 1704.03b 58-20 1803.01 54-71 1410.01 55-78 1506.13b 56-25 1704.04 58-21 1803.02 54-72 1410.02 55-79 1506.13c 57-26 1704.05 58-22 1803.03a 55-80 1507.01 57-27 1704.06 58-23 1803.03b 55-1 1501.06 55-81 1507.02 57-28 1704.07 58-24 1803.03c 55-2 1501.02 55-82 1507.03 5 7-20 1705.01 58-25 1803.03d 55-3 1501.05 55-83 1507.04 57-30 1705.02 58-26 1803.03e ;; 1 1501.07 55-84 1508.01a 57-31 1706.01a 58-27 1803.04b 55-5 1502.01 55-85 1508.01b 57-32 1706.01b 58-28 1803.04a 55-6 1502.02 55-86 1508.02 57-33 1706.02a 58-29 1803.04c-l 55-7 1503.01 55-87 1508.03 57-34 1706.02b 58-30 1803.04c-2 55-8 1503.02 55-88 150S.04 57-35 1706.02c 58-31 1803. 04d 55-9 1503.03 55-89 1508.05 57-36 1700.02,1 58-32 1803. 04 e 55-10 1501.03 55-90 1509.01 57-37 1700.03a 58-33 1803.05 55-11 1501.04 55-91 1509.02 57-38 170(, .051, 58-34 1803.06a 55-12 1503.04 55-92 1509.03 57-39 1706.03c 58-35 1803.06b 55-13 1503.05 55-93 — . 57-40 1706.03d 58-36 1804.01 55-14 1503.06 55-94 — 57-41 1706.03e 58-37 1804.02 55-15 1504.01 55-95 1510.01 57-42 1700.04 58-38 ism 03 55-15 1504.02a 55-96 1510.02 57-43 1706.05a 58-39 1804.04 55-16 1504.02b 57-44 1706.05b 58-40 1804.05 55-17 1504.02c 56-1 1601.03 57-45 1706.07a-l 58-41 1804.06 55-18 1504.02(1 56-2 1601.04 57-16 1706.07a-2 58-42 1805.01 55-19 1504. 02e 56-3 1602.01 57 17 1706.07a-3 58-43 1805.02 55-20 1504. 02 f 56-4 1603.01 5 7 48 1706.07a-4 58-44 1805.03 55-21 1504.03 56-5 1603.02 1706.07b 58-45 1805.04 55-22 1504.04 56-6 1603 03 57-50 1706.07c 58-46 1805.05 55-23 1504.05 56-7 1601.02 57-51 1706. 07d 58-47 1806.01 55-24 1505.01 56-8 1601.01a 57-52 1706.09a 58-48 1806.02 55-25 1505.02 56-9 1604.01b 57-53 1700.001, 58-49 1806.03 55-26 1503.03 56-9 1604.02a 57-54 58-50 1806.04a 55-27 1506.01 56-10 1604.02b 57-55 1706.08 58-51 1806.04b 55-28 56-11 [i 04 02, 57-56 1706.10 58-52 1806.04c 55-29 1506.02b 56-12 11,01.02,1 57-57 1706.11 58-53 1806. 04d 55-30 1506.02c 56-13 1604. 02e 57-58 1706.06 58-54 1806.05a 55-31 1506. 02 d 56-14 1604.02f&g 57-59 1707.01 58-55 1806.05b 55-32 1506.02c 56-15 1001.021, 57-60 1707.02a 58-56 1806.05c 55-33 1506.12 56-16 1605.01 57-61 1707.021, 58-57 1806. 05d 55-34 1506.03a 56-17 1605 n2 57-62 1707.02c 58-58 1806. 05e 55-35 1506.03b 56-18 1606.01 57-63 1707.02,1 58-59 1807.01 55-36 1506.03C-1 56-10 1606.02 57-64 1707. 02e 58-59 1807.02 55-37 1506.03c-2 56-20 1606.03 57-65 1707.03 58-60 1807.03 55-38 1506.03C-3 56 -21 1606.04a 57-66 1707 oi 58-61 1807.04 55-39 1506.03C-4 56-22 1606.04b 57-67 1707.05 58-62 1807.05 55 Hi 1506.03c-S 56-23 1606.04c 57-68 1708.01a 58-63 1808.01 ORIGINAL NEW ORIGINAL NEW ORIGINAL NEW ORIGINAL 1808.02a 61-43 2106.02b 64-3 2601.01c 65-4 2701.03b 1808.02b 61-44 2106.02c 64-4 2601. Old 65-5 2701.03c 1809.01 61-45 2106. 02d 64-5 2601. Old 65-6 2702.05 1809.02 61-46 2106.03 64-6 2601. Ole 65-7 2702.01 1809.03a 61-47 2106.04 64-7 2601.03 65-8 2702.02 1809.03b 61-48 2106.05 64-8 2601.04 65-9 2702.03 1809.04 61-49 2106.06 64-9 2601.05 65-10 2702.04a 1809.05 61-50 2106.07 64-10 2601.06 65-11 2702.04b 1809.06 61-51 2106.08 64-11 2601.07 65-12 2702.04c 1810.01 61-52 2107.01 64-12 2601.08 65-13 2702. 04d 1810.02 61-53 2107.03 64-13 2601.09 65-14 2702. 04e 1810.03 61-54 2107.04 64-14 2601.10 65-15 2702. 04f 1810.04 61-55 2108.01 64-15 2601.02a&b 65-16 2702. 04g 1810.05 61-56 2108.02 64-16 2601.02c-l 65-17 2702. 04h 1810.06 61-57 2109.01 64-17 2601.02c-2 65-18 2702. 04i 1811.01 61-58 2109.02 64-18 2601.02c-3 65-19 2702. 04j 1811.02 61-59 2109.03 64-19 2601.02c-4 65-20 2702.04k 1811.03 61-60 2110.01a 64-20 2601.02c-5 65-21 2703.01 1812.01 61-61 2110.01b 64-21 2601.02c-6 65-22 2703.02 1812.02 61-62 2110.01c 64-22 2601. 02d 65-23 2703.03 1812.04 61-63 2110. Old 64-23 2601. 02e 65-24 2703.04 1812.05 61-64 2110. Ole 64-24 2602.01a-l 65-25 2703.05a 1812.06 61-65 2110. Olf 64-25 2602.0U-2 65-26 2703.05b 1813.01 61-66 2110.02 64-26 2602.01b-l 65-27 2703.05c 1813.02a 61-67 2110.03a 64-27 2602.01b-2 65-28 2703. 05d 1813.02b 61-68 2210.03b-l 64-28 2602.01b-3 65-29 2703. 05e 1813.02c 61-69 2110.03b-2 64-29 2602.01b-4 1813. 02d 61-70 2110.03b-3 64-30 2602.01c 66-1 3001.01 61-71 2110.03c 64-31 2602.02a 66-2 3001.02 1901.01 61-72 2110.03d 64-32 2602.02b 66-3 3001.03 61-73 2111.01a 64-33 2602.02c 66-4 3001.04 2001.01 61-74 2111.01b 64-34 2602.02d 66-5 3001.05a 2001.02a 61-75 2111.01c 64-35 2602. 02e 66-6 3001.05b 2001.02b 61-76 2111. Old 64-36 2602. 02f 66-7 3001.05c 2001.03 61-77 2111. Ole 64-37 2602. 02g 66-8 3001. 05d 2002.01 61-78 2112.01 64-38 2602. 02h 66-9 3001. 05e 61-79 2112.02a 64-39 2602. 02i 66-10 3001.06a 2101.02a 61-80 2112.02b 64-40 2602.04a 66-11 3001.06b 2101.02b 61-81 2112.02c 64-41 2602.04b 66-12 3001.06c 2101.02c 61-82 2112. 02d 64-42 2602.04c 66-13 3001.06d 2101. 02d 61-83 2112. 02e 64-43 2602. 04d 66-14 3001. 06e 2101.03 61-84 2113.01 64-44 2602. 04e 66-15 3001.07a 2101.04 61-85 2113.02 64-45 2602. 04f 66-16 3001.07b 2101.09a 61-86 2113.03 64-46 2602. 04g 66-17 3001.07c 2101.05 61-87 2114.01a 64-47 2602. 04h 66-18 3001.08 2101.06 61-88 2114.01b 64-48 2602.04) 2101.07 61-89 2114.02 64-49 2602.04k 67-1 3101.01 2101.08 61-90 2115.01a 64-50 2602.04/ 67-2 3101.02 2101.09b 61-91 2115.01b 64-51 2602.04m 67-3 3101.(13 304.03 61-92 2116.01a 64-52 2603.01 67-4 3102.01 2101.10 61-93 2116.01b 64-53 2603.02a 67-5 3102.01c 2101.12a 61-94 2116.01c 64-54 2603.02b 67-6 3102.02a 2101.12b 61-95 2117.01 64-55 2603.02c 67-7 3102.02b 2101.12c 61-96 — 64-56 2603. 02d 67-8 3102.03a 2101. 12d 61-97 2117.02a 64-57 2603. 02e 67-9 3102.03b 2102.01 61-98 2117.02b 64-58 2604.01 67-10 3102.03c 2102.02a 61-99 2117.02c 64-59 2605.01 67-11 3102.03d 2102.02b 61-100 2117. 02d 64-60 2605.02 67-12 3102.04a 2102.02c 61-101 2118.01a 64-61 2605.03a 67-13 3102.01b 2103.01a 61-102 2118.01b 64-62 2605.03b 67-14 3102.01c 2103.01b 64-63 2605. 0-3c 67-15 3102.05a 2103.01c 62-1 2401.01 64-64 2605.03d 67-16 3102.05b 2103. Old 62-2 2401.02a 64-65 2605. 03e 67-17 3102.05c 2103.02a 62-3 2401.02b 64-66 2 605. 03 f 67-18 3102.06 2103.02b 62-4 2401.03 64-67 2605. 03g 67-19 3102.07 2103.02c 62-5 2401.04 64-68 2605. 03h 67-20 3102.08 21()3.02d 62-6 2402.01 64-69 2605. 03 i 67-21 3103.01 2103. 02e 62-7 2402.02a 64-70 2605.03] 67-22 3103.01 2103.02f 62-8 2402.02b 64-71 2606.01a 67-23 }103.02a 2103.02g 62-9 2402.03 64-72 2606.01b 67-24 3103.02b 2103. 02h 64-73 2606.01c 67-25 3103.03a 2103.02i 63-1 2501.01 64-74 2606. Old 67-26 3103.03b 2104.01 63-2 2501.02 64-75 2606.01c 67-27 3103.03c 2104.02a 63-3 2501.03 64-76 2606. Olf (.7 28 3103.03d 2104.02b 63-4 2501.04 64-77 2607.01a 67-29 3103.04a 2104.02c 63 5 2501.05 64-78 2607.01b 67-30 3103.04b 2104.03 63-6 2501.06 64-79 2607.01c 67-31 3103 04c 2105.01 63-7 2501.07 67-32 2105.02 65-1 2701. 01 67-33 3103.05b 2106.01 64-1 2601.01a 65-2 2701.02 67-34 3103.05c 2106.02a 64-2 2601.01b 65-3 2701.03a 67-35 3103.06 NEW ORIGINAL NEW ORIGINAL NEW ORIGINAL NEW ORIGINAL 67-36 3103.07 69-12 3302.03a&b 71-36 3504. 01 j 73-40 3804.07c 67-37 3103.08 69-13 3302.04 71-37 3504.01k 73-41 3804. 07d 67-38 3104.01 69-14 3302.05 71-38 3501.01 73-42 3804.08 67-39 3104.02a 69-15 3302.06 71-39 3505.02a 73-43 3805.01a 67-40 3104.02b 69-16 3302.07 71-40 3505.02b 73-44 3805.01b 67-41 3104.03 69-17 3303.01a 71-41 3505.02c 73 15 3805.01c 67-42 SKU ul 69-18 3303.01b 71-42 3505.03a 73-46 3801. 05d 67-43 3104.05a 69-19 3303.02 71-43 3505.03b 73-47 3805. Ole 67-44 3104.05b 69-20 3303.03 71-44 3505.03c 73-48 3805.02a 67-45 3104.05c 69-2 1 3303.04 71-45 3505.03d 73-49 3805.02b 67-46 3104.06 69-22 3303.05 71-46 3505. 03e 73-50 3805.02c 67-47 3104.07 69-23 3303.06 71-47 3505. 03f 73-51 3805.03 67-48 3104.08 69-24 3303.07 71-48 3506.01 73-52 3805.04 67-49 3105.01 69-25 3304.01 71-49 3506.02a 73-53 3805.05 67-50 3105.02 69-26 3305.01 71-50 3506.02b 73-54 3805.06 67-51 3105.03a 69-27 3306.01 71-51 3506.02c 73-55 3805.07 67-52 3105.031. 69-28 3306.02a 71-52 3506. 02d 73-56 3805.08 67-53 3105.03c 69-29 3306.02b 71-53 3506. 02e 67-54 3104.04a 69-30 3307.01 71-54 3506.02J 74-1 3901.01a 67-55 3105.04b 69-31 3307.02 71-55 3506.03a 74-2 3901.01b 67-56 3105.04c 71-56 3506.03b 74-3 3902.01 67-57 3105.05 70-1 3401.01a 71-57 3506.03c 74-4 3902.02 67-58 3108.01 70-2 3401.01b 71-58 3507.01 74-5 3902.03a 67-59 3108.02a 70-3 3401.01c 74-6 3902.03b 67-60 3108.02b 70-4 3401. Olcc 72-1 3601.01a 74-7 3902.04 67-61 3108.03a 70-5 3401. Old 72-2 3601.01b 74-8 3902.05 67-62 3108.03b 70-6 3401.02a&b 72-3 3601.02a 74-9 3902.06 67-63 3108.03c 70-7 3401.02c 72-4 3601.02b 74-10 3902.07a 67-64 3108.03d 70-8 3401.03 72-5 3601.02c&,l&c 74-11 3902.07b 67-65 3108. 03e 70-9 341,1.04 72-6 3601. 02f 74-12 3902.07c 67-66 3108. 03f 70-10 3401.05 72-7 3601.03a 74-13 3902. 07d 70-11 3401.06a 72-8 3601.03b 74-14 3902. 07e 68 1 3201.01 70-12 3401.06b 72-9 3601.03c 74-15 3002.08 68-2 3201.02 70-13 3401.06c 72-10 3601.03d 74-16 3902.09a 68-3 3201.03a 70-U 3401. 06d 72-11 3601.03e 74-17 3902.09b 68-4 3201.03b 70-15 3401. 06e 72-12 3601. 03f 74-18 3902.09c 68 S 3201.03c 70-16 3401. 06f 72-13 3601. 03g 74-19 3902. 09d 68-6 3201.03<1 70-17 3401.07a 72-14 3601.04a 74-20 3902. 09e 68-7 3201. 03e 70-18 3401.07b 72-15 3601.04b 74-21 3902. 09f 68-8 3201. 03f 70-19 3402.02 72-16 3601.04c 74-22 3902.09g-l 68-9 3201. 03g 70-20 3402.03a 72-17 3601.05 74-23 3902.09g-2 3902. 09h 68-10 3201. 03h 70-21 3402.03b 74-24 68-11 3201. 03i 70-22 3403.02 73-1 3801.01 74-25 3902.10a 68-12 3201.03) 70-23 3403.03 73-2 3802.01a 74-26 3902.10b 68-13 3202.01a 70-24 3403.04 73-3 3802.01b 74-27 3902.11a 68-14 3202.01b 73-4 3802.02a&b 74-28 3902.11b 68-15 3202.01c 71-1 3501.01 73-5 3802.02c 74-29 3902.11c 68-16 3202. Old 71-2 3501.02 73-6 3802.03a 74-30 3902. lid 68-17 3202. Ole 71-3 350l.03a&b 73-7 3802.03b 68-18 3202. OH 71-4 3502.01 73-8 3802.03c 75-1 4001.01a 68-19 3202.02a 71-5 3502.02a 73-9 3802.03d 75-2 4001.01b 68-20 3202.02b 71-6 3502.02b 73-10 3802.04 75-3 4002.01 68-21 3202.02c 71-7 3502.02c 73-11 3802.05 75-4 4002.02a 68-22 32IW.02.1 71-8 3 502. 02 d 73-12 3802.06 75-5 4002.02b 68-23 3202. 02e 71-9 3502.03 73-13 3802.07 75-6 4002.02c 68-24 3202. 02f 71-10 3503.01 73-14 3802.08a 75-7 4002.02d 68-25 3202.03a 71-11 3503.02a 73-15 3802.08b 75-8 4002. 02e 68-26 3202.03b 71-12 3 50 3. 02b- 1 73-16 3802.08c 75-9 4002. 02f 68-27 3202.03c 71-13 5503.02b 2 73-17 3802. 02d 75-10 4002. 02g f,S JX 3202.03d 71-14 3503.02b-3 73-18 3802.09 75-11 4003.01 68 29 3202. 03e 71-15 3505.02c 73-19 3803.01 75-12 4003.02a 68-30 3202.04a 71-16 3503. 02d 73-20 3803.02a 75-13 4003.02b 68-31 3202.04b 71-17 3503.02e-l 73-21 3803.02b 75-14 4003.02c 68-32 3202.05a 71-18 3503.02e-2 73-22 3803.02c 75-15 4003.02d r,s <; 3202.05b 71-19 3503. 02f 73-23 3803.03a 75-16 4003. 02e 68-34 3202.05c 71-20 3503. 02g 73-24 3803.03b 75-17 4003.03 68-35 3202. OSd 71-21 3503. 02h 73-25 3804.01a 75-18 4003.04 68-36 3202.05c 71-22 3503. 02i 73-26 3804.01b 75-19 4004.01 68-37 3203.01 71-23 5503 02j 7 3-27 3804.01c 71-24 3503.02k. 73-28 3804.02a 76-1 4101.01a 69-1 3301.01 71-25 3503.03a 73-29 3804.02b 76-2 4101.01b 69-2 3301.02 71-26 5503.03b 73-30 3804 02< 76-3 4101.01c 69-3 3301.03a 71-27 3504.01a 73-31 3804.02d&e 76-4 4101.02a 69-4 3301.03b 71-28 3504.011. 73 32 3804.03 76-5 4101.02b 69-5 3301.03c 71-29 3504.01c 73-33 3804.04 76-6 4101.02c 69-6 3301.03d 71-30 3504. Old 73-34 3804.05a 76-7 4101. 02d 69-7 3301. 03e 71-31 3504. Ole 73-35 3804.05b 76-8 4102.01a 69-8 3301.03! 71-32 3504. OK 73-36 3804.05c 76-9 4102.01b 69-9 3301. 03g 71-33 550 l.oi g 73-37 3804.06 76-10 4102.02 69-10 3302.01 71 14 3504.01b 73-38 3804.07a 76-11 4102.03 69-11 3302.02 71-35 3504. Oli 73-39 3804.07b 1 76-12 4102.04a&b ORIGINAL NEW ORIGINAL NEW ORIGINAL 4102.05a 79-39 4403.02c 79-120 4405.01 4102.05b 79-40 4403.03a 79-121 4405.02 4102.05c 79-41 4403.03a-l 79-122 4405.03a 4102. 05d 79-42 4403.03a-2 79-123 4405.03b 4102.06a 79-43 4403.03b 79-124 4405.03c 4102.06b 79-44 4403.03c 79-125 4405.03d 4102.06c 79-45 4403.03d 79-126 4405. 03e 4102. 06d 79-46 4403. 03e 79-127 4405. 03f 4102. 06e 79-47 4403.04 79-128 4405.04a 4102. 06ee 79-48 4403.05a 79-129 4405.04b 4102. 06f 79-49 4403.05b 79-130 4405.04c 4102. 06g 79-50 4403.05c 79-131 4405.05a 4102. 06h 79-51 4403. 05d 79-132 4405.05b 4102. 06i 79-52 4403. 05e 79-133 4405.06 4102.06] 79-53 4403. 05f 79-134 4406.01 4102.06k 79-54 4403. 05g 79-135 4406.02 79-55 4403. 05h 79-136 4406.03 4201.01 79-56 4403. 05i 79.137 4406.03a 4201.02a 79-57 4403.05J 79-138 4406.03b 4201.02b 79-58 4403.06 79-139 4406.03c 4201.03a 79-59 4403.07 79-140 4406.03d 4201.03b 79-60 4403.08 79-141 4406. 03e 4201.03c 79-61 4403.09a 79-142 4406.04 4203.01 79-62 4403.09b 79-143 4407.01 4203.02 79-63 4403.09c 79-144 4407.02a 4203.03 79-64 4403. 09d 79-145 4407.02b 4203.04 79-65 4403. 09e 79-146 4407.02c 79-66 4403. 09f 79-147 4407. 02d 4301.01a 79-67 4403.10a 79-148 4407. 02e 4301.01b 79-68 4403.10b 79-149 4407.03a 4301.01c 79-69 4403.10c 79-150 4407.03b 4301.02a 79-70 4403. lOd 79-151 4407.03c 4301.02b 79-71 4403. lOe 79-152 4407.03d 4301.03 79-72 4403. lOf 79-153 4408.01a 4301.04 79-73 4403. lOg 79-154 4408.01b 4301.05 79-74 4403.11a 79-155 4408.01c 4301.06a 79-75 4403.11b 79-156 4408. Old 4301.06b 79-76 4403.11c 79-157 4408. Ole 4301.06c 79-77 4403. lid 79-158 4408. Olf 4301. 06d 79-78 4403. lie 79-159 4408. Olg 4301.07a 79-79 4403.1 If 79-160 4408. Olh 4301.07b 79-80 4403.12a 79-161 4408. Oli 79-81 4403.12b 79-162 4408.04 4401.01 79-82 4403.12c 79-163 4408.04a 4401.02 79-83 4403. 12d 79-164 4408.04b 4410.01a 79-84 4403.13a 79-165 4408.04c 4410.01b 79-85 4403.13b 79-166 4408. 04d 4402.01 79-86 4403.13c 79-167 4408. 04e 4402.02 79-87 4403.13d 79-168 4408.05 4402.03 79-88 4403. 13e 79-169 4408.05a 4402.04 79-89 4403.13e~l 79-170 4408.05b 4402.05 79-90 4403.13e-2 79-171 4408.05b-l 4402.06 79-91 4403.13e-3 79-172 4408.05b-2 4402.07 79-92 4403.14 79-173 4408.05b-3 4402.08 79-93 4403.14a 79-174 4408.05c 4402.09 79-94 4403.14b 79-175 4408.07 4402 . 10a 79-95 4403.14c 79-176 4408.07a 4402.10b 79-96 4403. 14d 79-177 4408.07b 4402.10c 79-97 4403.15 79-178 4408.07c 4402 . lOd 79-98 4403.15a 79-179 4408. 07d 4402. lOe 79-99 4403.15b 79-180 4408.06 4402.11a 79-100 4403.15c 79-181 4408.02 4402.11b 79-101 4403. 15d 79-182 4408.03 4402.11c 79-102 4403. 15e 79-183 4409.01 4402.12a 79-103 4403. 15f 79-184 4409.09a 4402.12b 79-104 4403. 15g 79-185 4409.01b 4402.12c 79-105 4403. 15h 79-186 4409.01c 4402.13 79-106 4403. 15i 79-187 4409.02 4402.13a 79-107 4403.15J 79-188 4410.01c 4402.13b 79-108 4403.15k 4402.13c 79-109 4403.15/ 80-1 4601.01 4402.13d 79-110 4403.16 80-2 4601.02 4402.14 79-111 4403.17 80-3 4601.03 4402.14a 79-112 4403.17a 80-4 4604.01 4402.14b 79-113 4403.17b 80-5 4602.02a 4402.15 79-114 4403.17c 80-6 4602.02b 4402.16 79-115 4403. 17d 80-7 4602.02c 4402.17 79-116 4403.17d-l 80-8 1108.26 4403.01 79-117 4403.17d-2 80-9 4602.03 4403.02a 79-118 4403.18 80-10 4603 01 4403.02b 79-119 4404.01 80-11 4603.02 NEW ORIGINAL 80-12 80-13 80-14 80-15 80-16 80-17 80-18 80-19 80-20 80-21 80-22 80-23 80-24 80-25 80-26 80-27 81-1 81-2 81-2 81-3 81-9 81-10 81-11 81-12 81-13 81-14 81-15 81-16 81-17 81-18 81-19 81-20 81-21 81-22 81-23 81-24 81-25 81-26 82-1 82-1 82-2 82-3 82-4 82-5 82-6 82-7 82-8 82-9 82-10 82-11 82-12 82-13 82-14 82-15 82-16 82-17 82-18 82-19 82-20 82-21 82-22 82-23 82-24 82-25 82-26 82-27 82-28 82-29 82-30 82-31 82-32 82-33 82-34 82-35 4603.03 4603.01 4605.01 4605.01a 4605.01b 4605.02 4605.03 4605.04 4606.01 4604.02 4606.03 4606.04 4607.01 4608.01 4609.01 4609.02 4701.01a 201.24 4701.01b&c 4701.02 4701.03 4701.04 4702.01 4702.02 4702.03 4702.04 4702.05 4702.06 4702.07a&b 4702.08 4702.09 4703.01 4703.02 4703.03 4703.04 4704.01 4704.02 4704.02 4704.03 4704.04 4704.05 4704.06 4705.01 4801.01 201.23 4801.02 4801.03 4801.04 4801.05 4801.06a&b A4701.16 A4701.17 4801.06c 4810.01 4812.01 4802.01 4802.02 4802.03a&b 4802.03c 4802.04 4802.05 4802.06 4802.07 4803.01 4803.02 4803.03a 4803.03b 4803.03c 4803.03d 4803. 03e 4803. 03f 4803. 03g 4803. 03h 4803. 03i 4803. 03j 4803.03k 4803.04 4803.05 4803.06a NEW ORIGINAL 82-36 82-37 82-38 82-39 82-40 82-41 82-42 82-43 82-44 82-45 82-46 82-47 82-48 82-49 82-50 82-51 82-52 82-53 82-54 82-55 82-56 82-57 82-58 82-59 82-60 82-61 82-62 82-63 82-64 82-65 82-66 82-67 82-68 82-69 82-70 82-71 82-72 82-73 82-74 82-75 82-76 82-77 82-78 82-79 82-80 82-81 82-82 82-83 82-84 82-85 82-86 82-87 82-88 82-89 82-90 82-91 82-92 82-93 82-94 82-95 82-96 82-97 82-98 82-99 82-100 82-101 82-102 82-103 82-104 82-105 82-106 82-107 82-108 82-109 82-110 82-111 82-112 82-113 82-114 82-115 4803.06b 4803.06c 4803.07 4803.08a 4S()3.i:s|, 4803.09 4803.10 4804.01a 4804.01b 4804.01c 1804.02 4804.03 4804.04a 4804.04b 4804.05 4804.06a 4804.06b 4804.06c 4804.06d 4804.07a 4804.07b 4804.07c 4804.08 4804.09 4804.10 4805.01a 4805.01b 4805.02a 4805.02b 4805.02c 4805.03 4805.01 4805.05 4806.01 4806.02 4806.03 4806.04a 4806.04b 4806.05 4806.06 4806.07 4806.08a 4806.08b 4806.09 4806.10 4806.11 4806.12 4806.13 4806.14 4806.15 4806.16 4806.17 4806.18 4806.19 4806.20 4806.21 4806.22 4806.23 4806.24 4807.01 4807.02 4807.03 4807.04 4807.05 4807.06 4807.07 4807.08 4807.09 4807.10 4807.11 4807.12 4807.13 4807.14 4807.15 4807.16 4808.01 4808.02 4808.03 4808.04 4808.05 NEW ORIGINAL 82-116 82-117 82-118 82-119 82-120 48-121 48-122 48-123 is 124 48-125 48-126 48-127 48-128 48-129 48-130 48-131 48-132 48-133 48-134 48-135 48-136 48-137 82-138 82-139 82-140 82-141 82-142 82-143 82-144 82-145 82-146 82-147 82-148 82-149 82-150 82-151 82-152 82-153 83-1 83-2 83-3 83-4 83-5 83-6 83-7 83-8 83-9 83-10 83-11 83-12 83-13 83-14 83-15 83-16 83-17 83-18 83-19 83-20 83-21 83-22 83-22 83-23 83-24 83-25 83-26 83-27 83-28 83-29 83-30 83-31 83-32 83-33 83 -3 1 83-35 83-36 83-37 83-38 83-39 83-40 4808.06 4808.07 4808.08 4WIS.ll') 4808.10 4808.11 4808.12 4808.13 4808.14 4808.15 4808.16 4808.17 4808.18 4809.01 4809.02 4809.03 4809.04 4809.05 4809.06 4809.07 4809.08 4809 . 09 4809.10 4809.11 4809.12 4809.13 4809.14 4809.15a 4809.15b 4809.15c 4809.15d 4809. 15e 4811.01a 4811.01b 4811.01c 4811.0U1 4811. 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