II I INOI'.'.tAM 3 3051 00004 0489 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/rfaturalresources174leig STATE OF ILLINOIS HON. ADLAI E. STEVENSON r DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief NATURAL RESOURCES AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS M. M. LEIGHTON Vox ^ * EP * INTED fr °m Economic Geology Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 563-577, Sep TEM b ER -O CT ob ER , 1951 PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS UKBANA, ILLINOIS 1951 ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL TEB ? 1952 Reprinted from Economic Geology, Vol. 46, No. 6, September-October 1951 Printed in U. S. A. NATURAL RESOURCES AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. 1 MORRIS M. LEIGHTON. Our natural resources deserve the highest and most devoted study. They con- stitute the foundation of our well being, the means for our protection, our hope for the future. Man has always been dependent on Nature's storehouse. As he found more and more things which he could use, his desires increased, his own life changed. His consciousness, his awareness, his vision of a better life widened We have resources today that were not regarded as resources yesterday It has been so throughout the ages. As science advances and we employ it to dis- cover and disclose other useful substances, our inventory of resources will fur- ther grow. The geological surveys of this country were born during the formative stages of our science, amid conditions different from the present. Their significance has changed. To that degree which our geological surveys have changed to embody this new significance, to that extent which they are able to command the powers of modern science, they fill their place in present-day society. It is this theme that I have chosen to emphasize. As an approach to this subject, may we first recall the early period of sci- ence, the nature of the times when geological surveys were first established and how they came to be, and then review the transition leading to the present. As Aristotle once said : "He who sees things grow from the beginning will have the best view of them." THE ROOTS OF MODERN SCIENCE. The question of how deep into the past the roots of modern science go, is an engrossing one. Clarity changes to vagueness before we have penetrated very far into history. This is especially true when we pass the epoch-making date o, the invention of printing, and again when the relics of handwritten manu- scripts give way to the more limited records of archeology. With assurance we can say that man had no knowledge of geology at the close of the Pliocene or at the beginning of the Pleistocene. The face of the sists,^ 1^ Meeting ° f the Sodety of Economic Geol °- 563 564 MORRIS M. LEIGHTON. indicates the breaking of dawn for Ration around sented by a smooth upward curve. The initial 1 ght of sc ence lit oy t Trig the C.assica. Period was ««W££ .ffi £££§*] ft"? IffiffiS *^ pStoSperi^ could he made known, ?e might find*!, the^Il philosophers were hy no means the nrst ,„ possess some of their advanced «n«P' s - ved ap p ar ently by the Arabians S^SSS^W* slow during his ear,y history for mil lennia upon millennia. NATURAL RESOURCES AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. 565 Seneca, Roman philosopher of the first century a.d., said : "Nature does not reveal all her secrets at once. We imagine we are initiated in her mysteries ; we are as yet but hanging around her outer courts." THE RENAISSANCE OF SCIENCE. For our purpose, however, within the limited scope of this paper, the Ren- aissance of the 15th century will serve as a practical beginning date for discuss- ing the preparation of modern science for the first geological surveys. There was no prevailing philosophy of natural science. Instead, magic and witchcraft prevailed — the evil children of Ignorance and Superstition. Man had come to believe during the Dark Ages in mysterious and unknown forces and the estab- lished Church was intolerant of any scientific pronouncements opposing the orthodox interpretations. There was no scientific climate. Leonardo Da Vinci, however, possessed great mind and skill. Not only did he produce paintings — Mona Lisa and The Last Supper — which captured the hearts of the people and were treasured by the Church, but he had a rational approach to the phenomena of nature. To him, as to some of the Greek philos- ophers, fossil shells in the rocks were the remains of forms that once lived in the seas, when the land was beneath salt water, and that were covered by sedi- ments washed from the lands of that time. From his experience as an engineer, he pointed out that groundwater was not a primitive constituent of the earth but had its origin in rainfall and that it circulated widely through porous strata. Da Vinci also laid some of the groundwork for physics and chemistry by study- ing falling bodies, developing the concept of work from force, interpreting sound as wave motion in air, finding that air is divisible into combustible and uncom- bustible constituents, and by other discoveries. Christopher Columbus, a contemporary of Da Vinci's, upon his return from his voyage to America, taught that the earth was a circumnavigable globe. Copernicus was born only 22 years later than Da Vinci. He gave mankind a new picture of the world. The earth is not the center of the universe but a member of a family of planets revolving about the sun, rotating on its axis, thereby giving us night and day. The fixed stars, he disclosed, are not set in a firmament enclosing a relatively small sphere but are at such great distances in space that they appear to be fixed. Thus man approached the overwhelming conception of the infinity of the universe. Georgius Agricola, a young man when Da Vinci died, made an extensive study of mines and ore deposits, became the world's first mining geologist and metallurgist, and wrote several books on physical geology, subterranean waters and gases, systematic mineralogy, mining and treatment of ores, and a glossary of Latin and German mineralogical and metallurgical terms. He ignored Aris- totle's speculations on the influence of the stars on stones, gems, and metals and orepared a fairly rational statement on the part played by mineral-bearing so- lutions in the deposition of ores and in the cementation of rocks. Unfortu- lately he could not draw upon modern chemistry and crystallography. 566 MORRIS M. LEIGHTON. Galileo made his appearance in scientific circles about 40 year. .later He confirmed and extended the findings of Copernicus, introduced the use of the telescope, uncovered a new wealth of information on the solar system and the Milky Way, and founded the whole science of motion. PROGRESS IN THE 17tH CENTURY. The 17th century had its great disciples of science. Descartes founded anaWuca e omet y Guericke made the air pump, worked with the phenomena ofdr andlaTl! and added to knowledge concerning atmospheric pressure and L movement/the nature of propagation of light a^d sound m air and he relation of air to combustion and to life of animals. He also discovered '"Bo^iscovered his law of gases and helped to lay the fo^J"^ Ivtical chemistry. Mariotte laid the basis of our knowledge of the distribution of pisurTand y density in the atmosphere and of measuring altitude by the barCeter initiated the" study of hydrology, and explained the origin and na- tUre ^cotu U s dS Steno, after studying medicine at Cope^n ^^ ^thV^^^ £-. -- Ltel es u,e"uot" n of the earth's axis and the precession of the equinoxes, r nd d scussed the question of the movement of the solar system through space He alo founded differential and integral calculus, the science of acoustics »nd Svdoped the fundamental principles of hydrodynamics and aerodynamics. These contributions made by one man are amazing. EMERGENCE OF GEOLOGY IN THE 18tH CENTURY. That the science of geology should emerge in the last half of the 18th cem turv following the rationalism already developed was natural. Up to this time ^gSSSffcatur.8 of Italy were the basis for the developmenl : oT historical reoloev and stratigraphy. Now the scene shifts to France and the British rounding the Paris basin, he recorded their sequence and he inferred that tney NATURAL RESOURCES AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. 567 once were continuous with similar strata across the English Channel and the Straits of Dover into England. He showed that each formation carried its own mineral resources, which was one of the earliest approaches to a natural re- source survey. He later made a map showing the distribution of rocks and minerals from North Ireland to Spain and the Mediterranean, and he also studied their fossils and recognized the erosional processes of streams, ground- water and waves in terms of the past and of the present. He discovered the extinct volcanoes of south central France and identified their products of pumice, scoria and sheet-flows and the inter-bedded soils which he asserted re- corded time intervals between episodes of volcanism. Desmarest followed him in the mapping of the volcanoes and their flows and in 1775 wrote on the theme of streams eroding their own valleys instead of finding them ready-made. This paper, however, was not published until 1806, 18 years before the first American geological survey was established. Linnaeus, the Swedish botanist, began the renaissance in paleontology about the mid-portion of the 18th century by introducing the binominal system of naming organisms, both living and fossil. Saussure started the general usage of the terms geology and geologist in 1779. Being a follower of Werner, who held that the primitive rocks were chemical precipitates in a universal ocean, his love and study of the Alps fell short of contributing all that they might, but it was he who guided Hutton to the summit of the Alps where he gained a tremendous impression of the geo- logic processes in operation there. Hutton's presentation of his "Theory of the Earth" to the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1785 marked a turning point in geology. He, a doctor, scientific farmer, and manufacturing chemist, maintained that the earth changed often and greatly ; that conglomerates, sandstones, shales, and limestones could be matched by deposits now being laid down ; that a conglomerate was a gravel cemented into stone, a sandstone indurated sand, shale compacted mud, and limestone consolidated fragments of shells and corals ; that much rock which now appears on the land was accumulated in the sea ; that every age had these sediments ; that uplift had caused some rocks to stand on end or be overturned, and many to be folded ; that secondary strata were deposited upon tilted strata as is being done today ; that some strata had been changed by heat and recrys- tallization — a concept that foreran the concept of metamorphism announced by Dana 40 years later ; and that some rocks were made by lava flows and intru- sions into older rocks now eroded away. To him the earth revealed no trace of a beginning, no prospect of an end. In 1802, Playfair, a more talented writer than Hutton, made a terse, dra- matic re-presentation of Hutton's ideas. He emphasized Hutton's principle that the earth's present features and its changes explain its past. His book caused a sensation and helped lead to the rejection of the widely spread Wer- nerian doctrine. William Smith, the English civil engineer, brought crowning achievement to 18th-century English geology by his discovery that different fossil faunas distinguish strata of different ages. At the request of Reverend Benjamin Richardson, in 1801, he dictated his "Card of the English Strata" which was 568 MORRIS M. LEIGHTON. distributed to other workers. He published his geological map of England and Wales in 1815. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS BECOME THE HANDMAIDENS OF GEOLOGY. Not until the latter part of the 18th century did chemistry and physics come to the aid of those working in geology. It must be emphasized, however, that the works of Copernicus, Galileo and Isaac Newton contributed tremendously to rational views of the world as a whole. The science of chemistry was founded by Black, Scheele, Priestley, and Cavendish in the latter half of the 18th century, but much remained to be done. Electrical and magnetic forces were also explored at this time, together with means for their measurement. Infra-red rays and ultra-violet rays were dis- covered at the beginning of the 19th century. Dalton discovered the existence of atoms and initiated the Atomic Table in 1808. GEOLOGICAL WORK IN NORTH AMERICA IN THE 18th CENTURY. Geology was brought forth in its swaddling clothes in Europe and not in America. There were no men in America comparable to Guettard, Desmarest, Linnaeus, Hutton, Playfair, or William Smith. A favorable atmosphere for science was generally lacking. Acceptance of the literal teachings of the Bible was general and most of the teaching of science, such as it was, was done in the medical schools. Following the Revolutionary War, however, the new national spirit gave rise to sentiment for natural resource studies. This interest was increased by the personal contacts and publications of Dr. Johann Schdpf, who had come as a surgeon with the Hessians and remained to tour the East and Southeast after the peace of 1783; Comte de Volney, a learned traveler and historian from France ; and William Maclure, an educated businessman and philanthropist from Scotland. It was unfortunate that Maclure brought to America the teach- ings of Werner rather than of Hutton, the "Father of Geology" ! GEOLOGICAL SCIENCE IN AMERICA AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 19TH CENTURY. There was no one in America trained in geological observations, no geology was taught as a science, libraries were few and small, to what extent they con- tained European scientific literature is not known, there were no accurate maps outside of New England and the eastern Atlantic states, most of the continent was still a wilderness, such geological classifications and interpretations as were made were against the background of Wernerism and Biblical teachings, and unfortunately many of the geological initiates were obliged to cut their eyeteeth on some of the most difficult geology in the United States. At first most of the "scientific" papers were pseudo-scientific and reflect readiness to theorize and respond to personal religious beliefs. The early workers were men of other learned professions, and so erroneous identifications were common. In 1800, although Harvard University was 164 years old, Yale 99, Columbia University and University of Pennsylvania 46, and the state uni- NATURAL RESOURCES AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. 569 versities of Tennessee and North Carolina had just been started, there were no departments of geology in these American universities. The first to take the step was Yale University when Benjamin Silliman was appointed Professor of Chemistry and Natural Science in 1802. Being of classical training only, he went to Philadelphia to attend the Medical College. After taking five months of chemistry, anatomy and botany, he gave his first lecture at Yale, April 4, 1804. He soon went to Europe to purchase scientific books and apparatus, to meet scientists and to attend lectures given by fol- lowers of both Hutton and Werner. He founded the American Journal of Science in 1818. Parker Cleaveland, a graduate of Harvard, was appointed Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Mineralogy in Bowdoin Col- lege, Brunswick, Maine, in 1805, with little or no training for the position. Becoming deeply interested in mineralogy, he published the first American treatise on mineralogy and geology in 1816. He emphasized chemical com- position as the most important basis of mineral classification. Papers mainly on local geology also appeared at this time by S. L. Mitchill, J. F. and S. L. Dana, Edward Hitchcock, John H. Kain, Amos Eaton, Henry Schoolcraft, Edwin James, Benjamin Silliman, J. B. Gibson, D. H. Barnes, John Finch and others. These covered various sections of the United States from Massachusetts to the Missouri Ozarks and the headwaters of the Missis- sippi. Few settled down to exhaustive studies of local areas. Thomas Say, a biologist, was the first American, according to Schuchert, to point out (in 1819), in his "Observations on Some Species of Zoophytes," that "the progress of geology must be in part founded on a knowledge of different genera and species . . . which the various accessible strata of the earth present." Rensselaer Institute was established late in 1824 with Amos Eaton as Pro- fessor of Chemistry and Experimental Philosophy as well as lecturer on geol- ogy, land surveying, and the laws governing town officers. It was here that James Hall graduated in geology and chemistry in 1832 at the age of 21. THE BEGINNING OF STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. It was under these primitive conditions of the science that state geological surveys were established to inform the people of their natural resources. In- terest spread from Maine to Michigan, Massachusetts to Tennessee, and south to the Carolinas. The two Carolinas made the initial effort in 1824 and 15 other states during the decade from 1830-1839 — Massachusetts in 1830; Ten- nessee, 1831; Maryland, 1833; Connecticut, New Jersey and Virginia, 1835; Maine, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, 1836; Delaware, Indiana and Michigan, 1837; Kentucky, 1838; and New Hampshire and Rhode Island, 1839. The more populous area was from Boston to Baltimore; the mountains nearby were a wilderness. Emigration was rapid along the more easily trav- eled routes to Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee and thence to Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Missouri. 570 MORRIS M. LEIGHTON. These were clays of expansion and development. The Erie Canal was opened in 1825; nearly 3,000 miles of railroad were laid by 1840. Improve- ment of existing roads, construction of new ones, promotion of soil fertility, and dreams of finding valuable ores gave impetus to the cause of natural re- source surveys. But state revenues were small and the industrial basis for utilizing the in- formation was slender. There also prevailed the thought that only one, two, or three years were sufficient to make a complete survey of a state. All plans were of a temporary nature. State leaders had no concept of a geological survey as a permanent institution designed to accumulate and disseminate information continuously and to enlarge and preserve collections having future scientific and industrial value. The results, they thought, could be written up and pub- lished, wrapped in a package and entrusted to state officers and legislators for distribution and thus the project would be completed and terminated. Hence- forward there would be no further need, they thought, for investigation. Any new industrial enterprises or the needs of the rising generation were not in mind. Consequently the tenure of most of the early geological surveys was ephem- eral. Many were re-established, some several times, and their re-establishment bears testimony of renewed interest and faith in the soundness of the principles involved. There were other aspects of the times that affected these early organiza- tions. The geological profession was small and confined largely to colleges and universities. Therefore it was natural to attach geological surveys to state uni- versities where the chief authority on the science could be found to guide and pursue the investigation. The results of the preceding summer's work could be written up into a report in connection with teaching duties and inquiries could be answered. If appropriations failed there would still be some contin- uity of service for the public. Likewise there was both economy of operation for the state and enrichment of knowledge for the professor in his teaching of the subject. Not all of the surveys were given this attachment to universities. The Geological Survey of New York was an outstanding example, but this survey was unique in many respects. Its great leader, James Hall, was inspired by what the geology of New York held for science, in its classic section of the Paleozoic system, and being free to give his chief attention to what he consid- ered to be the Survey's objectives, he pressed forward for continuing support and successfully appealed to the pride of state authorities except for a few years when he carried on indomitably on his own resources. Adhering to funda- mental work in stratigraphy and paleontology and convinced of the contribu- tion which the state through him was rendering to science, he made the New York Geological Survey a unique one in the annals of American geology. The organization of surveys continued decade after decade as the number of states increased. The chronology of those later than the ones mentioned above follows : NATURAL RESOURCES AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. 571 1840-49 Alabama, Vermont 1850-59 Arkansas, California, Illinois, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, Texas, Wisconsin 1860-69 Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada 1870-79 Colorado, Georgia 1880-89 None 1890-99 Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia 1900-09 Florida, Oklahoma, Washington, Wyoming 1910-19 Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Oregon 1920-29 New Mexico 1930-39 Utah Hall exerted marked influence on many of the surveys that were organized from 1840 to 1870. These emphasized stratigraphy and paleontology but in- cluded economic geology. A. H. Worthen, who worked with Hall in Iowa be- fore succeeding J. G. Norwood as State Geologist of Illinois in 1858, believed that the first element in the program of a state geological survey for a state like Illinois was basic stratigraphy and paleontology but that this work should be accompanied by a study of the economic geology. Accordingly in Illinois he employed a staff from time to time consisting of an invertebrate paleontologist, F. B. Meek, a vertebrate paleontologist, J. S. Newberry, a paleobotanist, Leo Lesquereux, several geologists for work on county reports, and a mining geol- ogist, J. D. Whitney, who later became state geologist of California. Although this work was of both a fundamental and economic character and is useful even at the present time, the industrial conditions were inadequate in their demands for geological information and appropriations ceased for field work in 1875 and for publications in 1890. Provision of physical facilities were so meager throughout this period of time that they failed to give the identity to the Survey that it deserved as an institution. This was generally true for the other state surveys of the country during most of the 19th century. However, there was rapid improvement in the work done as a result of great progress in geology and chemistry, of improvement in field observation and laboratory technique, of extension of detailed studies, and of greater interna- tional contact. Charles Lyell, Charles Darwin, and Louis Agassiz brought to the scientific world penetrating and revolutionary views. They were powerful teachers and lucid writers. The doctrines that the present is the key to the past, that geo- logic time and changing environments account for the evolution of life, and that continental glaciation had transgressed millions of square miles in Europe and America during the Great Ice Age gave geology a maturity and expansive- ness hitherto lacking. New techniques for a penetrating study of crystals, minerals and rocks came from Nicol, Zirkey, and Rosenbusch. The geologic periods of the Paleozoic Era were largely resolved on a stratigraphic basis by Sedgwick, Murchison and Barrande. In America, J. D. Dana, Sir William Logan, James Hall and others were rising as leaders in physical geology, pre-Cambrian geology, and in paleontology and stratigraphy. was 572 MORRIS M. LEIGHTON. American literature was rapidly growing and European Kterature widelv available The mineral industries were showing signs of growth- Srmsts Brt=s r -" "• *'" mileage in the United States had reached 63,000 miles. EARLY ACTIVITIES BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Subsidiary geological work was done by the Federal government from 1819 until 1867 ^connection with a series of military explorations. These _ expedi- Son were sent into the Northwest Territory, the Ozark Mountains, the Great Plains [he Rocky Mountains and Great Basin, and along the Mexican bOU "TJp ry to 1867," wrote Director Clarence King in his first annual report of the U S. Geological Survey, "geology was made to act as a sort of camp Sl- ower to expeditions whose main object was topographical reconnaissance. Eighteen hundred sixty-seven, therefore marks, m the history -of na- tional geological work, a turning point, when the science ceased to be dragged in the dust of rapid exploration and took a commanding position in the pro- fessional work of the country." .-, , Continued King: "Congress, even then hardly more than placed h< .Fed- eral work on a par with that prosecuted by several of the wealthier States. During the years" when the Federal geologists were following the hurried and Sten pa nful marches of the Western explorers, many States inaugurated and brought to successful issue State surveys whose results are of dignity and Val Tn"l867-the turning point in national geological work-Congress author- ized the geological exploration of the fortieth parallel by King geographical and geolo g gical g survey of the Territories by Hayden, ^ geo^^ and geo- loeical survey of the Rocky Mountain Region by Powell. In 1879 these were consolidated by Congress into the United States Geological Survey. Thus the Federal government after fifty years followed the suit o the ^There are obvLsly national ^erests as well -^^J -tatps There are obviously national micicsu as w— «.„ ^~~ ferved- Reports on the public domain, on regional problems such „ the. mechanics of Appalachian structure or the clays of the Unite d States east ^o Z IvlTssi sippi River, on broad geological subjects such as the Paleozoic fishes , of North America or the theory of metamorphism or ana lyses o *«**■£: minerals, and on strategic minerals of the nation, are indicative of the need for a n l!nce a \tXndt g the U. S. Geological Survey has played a large role in the "rancemeTof tie geological profession. It has developed specia is s ; | geological subjects who have rendered important service to states, to vanous branches of the Federal government, and to science. fc Tn the vear that the U. S. Geological Survey was founded, only 10 stafc nfS states were active- Alabama, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michi S^e^SS^^YSTNarth Carolina, Ohio, and Texas. Illinois wa Ltive o"y in S sense that State Geologist Worthen was engaged m prepar NATURAL RESOURCES AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. 573 •:|--[-j[I[-4[-I4 j if :::!: -:t^i::|l:|: i a jHz.. r ' ii, T 5 1 i i ! * " * — it4 -; * *" if -Lli4_L = j _|_ j l , jy Aa, JnS | . 1,00,50,0,9 SO, , " ,o laffSSS! 1 == j— 5 ■ ~ ; ^ ~~ r ~ • i — * ■|I118g|"l*811Ilgi§--§lgg§||~g~§l|§ — §ggig.§gf§ ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE FLORIDA GEORGIA IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING II MORRIS M. LEIGHTON. ing his last volume on the Geology and Paleontology of Illinois, field surveys having been discontinued in 1875. The surveys of Georgia, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin were discontinued in 1879. T. C. Chamberlin, R. D. Irving and C R. Van Hise came into the limelight as a result of their Wisconsin work and soon joined the U. S. Geological Survey. Among others who had had previous state survey experience were Clarence King, G. K. Gilbert, C. A. White, J. S. Newberry, Raphael Pumpelly, Leo Lesquereux, O. C. Marsh, Edw Orton and I. C. White. The State geological surveys continued to be a source of strength in the national effort by their fund of detailed information and by their financial cooperation. In 1950 they contributed in excess of $1,000,000 to cooperative funds. In establishing the U. S. Geological Survey, it seems clear that Congress was simply expressing the sentiment of intelligent, forward-looking citizens that the nation would profit from now on by systematic studies of the geology and mineral resources of the country and by extending and supplementing the efforts of the individual states. The result has justified the innovation. Not only has the nation profited by the Geological Survey's execution of its pro- grams but the activity of the states has increased. As shown in Figure 1 the number of state geological surveys has not only increased since 1890 but their continuity has been greater than ever before. Doubtless the public support given both the Federal survey and the state surveys is a reflection of the com- mon public sentiment. SCIENCE AND THE ECONOMIC PATTERN. The earth has always been the mother of mankind, and as the wants and needs of man have grown, this relationship has become more intimate. Sci- ence and the economic pattern are mutually reactive. The development of one has stimulated the development of the other. _ This audience is familiar with the accelerated rate of change in recent dec- ades and there is no need to review it. Virtually no aspect of our existence has escaped this revolutionary change. However, I invite attention to two pertinent observations : (1) Modern geological surveys should not bear any greater resemblance ' to the early state surveys than does the economic pattern of today to that of the early period. (2) Geological surveys should command all the power of modern science to meet the needs of the present economic pattern. These are offered as basic premises for the consideration not only of sur- vey administrators but of the entire profession. GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS OF THE FUTURE. Speaking as a state geologist, I trust that it is appropriate to express njj self on the matter of state geological surveys of the future, particularly on the principles that should govern their character of organization, the scope of their programs, and policies of operation. NATURAL RESOURCES AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. 575 I feel inclined to do this because it is apparent that too many old traditions are being preserved by the 'states at the sacrifice of meeting the needs of the economic pattern which is ours to serve. Marcus Aurelius once said : "What is not good for the swarm is not good for the bee." A restatement of this might be : "What will help the human economy will help the organization serving it." It is obvious that no two state geological surveys can be alike. The states all differ in their resources, their economic pattern, their ability to support a survey, their statutory requirements, their institutions, and their customs. These factors in any state provide the environment within which an organiza- tion must be oriented, its program determined, and its operations conducted. Some things, however, are common to every state: (1) the need for ge- ology to serve its industries, its agriculture, its commerce, and its institutions ; (2) the availability of modern science to render this service; and (3) knowl- edge of the policies that are fundamental to fruitful operation and to good pub- lic relations. Inasmuch as it is geological materials and geological conditions with which the human economy is in part concerned and inasmuch as all of the sciences must be marshalled in their study, the personnel of geological surveys, unlike university departments of geology, must include other scientists in addition to geologists. The name "geological survey" should be indicative of the field of study rather than of the personnel composing it. Nature makes no such distinction between the sciences as we recognize for purposes of university organization and specialization. Therefore, the staff of a geological survey of necessity must include, in addition to specialists in ge- ology, specialists in chemistry, physics and engineering. Furthermore, be- cause we serve the existing economic pattern, there should be provision made for studies in mineral economics. The geological surveys of the future should be intensive research institu- tions with laboratories designed for their special purposes. Laboratories of paleontology and petrography are admittedly fundamental but in these days of abundant access to subsurface information laboratories for the study and in- terpretation of well cuttings and diamond-drill cores are imperative as are also chemical, spectrographic and X-ray laboratories. The time has passed when the world of technology could depend primarily on information gained from general geologic studies and from empirical engi- neering tests on samples. The discovery of additional resources requires geo- physics and geochemistry. Furthermore, new fundamental information on the physical and chemical nature of materials, including their atomic structure, is required not only to discover additional metallic and petroliferous resources of great urgency but, in the field of industrial minerals, to discover what de- posits are adaptable to meet precise specifications and to ascertain what proc- esses of beneficiation are feasible and economic to convert the raw material into a usable product. The survey organization must likewise maintain adequate technical files, a library of essential information, a clerical staff, help for operation of prepa- ration rooms, mechanics for maintenance of a fleet of motor vehicles, and 576 MORRIS M. LEIGHTON. machinists to design and construct research equipment not available on the open market. We must lift our sights and recognize new values. A research and serv- ice organization of this type will be invaluable to all states in these highly competitive times. Businessmen of vision will lend their support to any such enterprise that is so constructive and helpful to the state's progress. We see ahead an atomic age. As the changes which it will bring to our economic pattern become clearer we must adjust our programs and our modus operandi accordingly. The administration of sound policies to govern public relationships de- serves constant attention by directors and staff members. In addition to mat- ters of integrity in protecting confidential records and in the proper use of information gained at public expense, the survey should insist upon its func- tion as a research institution and avoid becoming a regulatory agency or a service agency, for routine analyses and other work at the sacrifice of research, and in competition with commercial laboratories. Cooperative relationships should be sought with other organizations to cover inter-areas of research or problems requiring the attention of specialists not possessed by the survey. State interests should predominate in determining state survey programs and national interests for Federal programs. Except under unusual circum- stances the development and control of the resources of a state are the con- cern primarily of that state, and it is the better part of wisdom that the infor- mation concerning its resources should be in the files of the state organiza- tion for prompt and convenient reference. The need for geological surveys of the type which is proposed here is greater than is commonly recognized and deserves careful consideration and action The circumstances and necessities of the present economic pattern call for a widespread reorganization of existing state surveys into research institutions that will provide the scientific information required both for the present development of our natural resources and for the shaping of sound policies of conservation for the future. Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, III., April 9, 1951. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Adams, Frank D., The birth and development of the geological sciences, Williams & Wilkins Agricol^GeoISs ; De'S Metallica, Translated by Herbert Clark Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover, Dover Publications Inc., New York, 1950. , . w . ■ T T„™,WicM Bayley, W. S., Sketch of the history of the development of geological theories, Unpublished manuscript, Albany, 1921. S£ '^^SftzS&SS:-*. «, * .... *-. **«•* »-* »» «*■£££* SlTJrfiX-^cW. of g eo.o CT , V„, I, T* ,*. H» kins Press, Baltimore, 1901. NATURAL RESOURCES AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. 577 Hayes, C. W., The state geological surveys of the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 465, Leighton, M. M., Summary information on the state geological surveys and the United States Geological Survey: Nat. Research Council Bull., 1932. Lenard, Philipp, Great men of science, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1933. Merrill, George F., Contributions to a history of American state geological 'and natural history surveys: Smithsonian Inst, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 109, 1920. Merrill George F., The first one hundred years of American geology, Yale University Press New Haven, 1924. Publications of U S. Geological Survey and State Geological Surveys. Various encyclopedias.