ORDER of BUSINESS and STANDING RULES of the Board of Supervisors Of St. Clair County, State of Illinois For Period From May, 1914, to May, 1915 A LIST OF THE SUPERVIOSRS of St. Clair County, Illinois EAST ST. LOUIS. Name Address Herman Mollman, Chief 1477 Cleveland Ave. Martin E, Hulliung 1108 North 11th St. W. E. Lilly 20 North Main St. George M. Lorius 1903 College Ave. Robert Lowery 26 South Main St. A. K. Rowland 1824 Belmont Ave. H. Trebbe 1735 Kansas Ave. David Lewis 1206 Tudor Ave. Roy Dixon 535a Veronica Ave. L. Graham 1641 Central Ave. Thos, Hayes, Jr 440 North 24th St. Victor Mozer, Jr East St. Louis, Edgemot Sta. John Holroyd 616 Trendley Ave. Mat Hays 1605 Russel Ave. James McAuliffe 501 North 37th St. Miles E. Hard 1002 South 14th St. Calvin Cotton 1213 Walnut St. George Wilson 2704 Market Ave. P. W. Sullivan 424 Trendley Ave. Thomas Green 1716 Market Ave. Thomas Janosky 1035 North 13th St. Thomas Adams 415 Baugh Ave. Dave Cominski 1801 Market Ave. BELLEVILLE Name. Address. William P. Gaul, Chief 1022 West Main St. Peter Gaerdner 306 North Charles St. Wm. J. Claus 705 South Jackson St. Wm. Daubach 109 North Gold St. Jno. P. Buchholz North Illinois St. Geo. H. Schick 19 North Illinois St. Richard White 622 North Illinois St. A. A. Miller 511 East 5th St. Daniel Koenigstein — Centreville, East St. Louis, Edgemont Station, R. R. 2. Harry G. Schneider — Canteen, East St. Louis, Edge- mont Station. Phillip Richter — Mascoutah Mascoutah, 111. Louis Zerweck — Lebanon Lebanon, 111. Henry D. F. Friedewald — Shiloh Valley .. .Belleville Illinois R. R. 6. Rudolph Ochs — O’Fallon Lebanon, R. R. 2. George Dintelman — St. Clair Belleville, R. R. 5. Wm. C. Elliott, Sr. — Caseyville Caseyville, 111. Edward Pfingsten — Stookey. . . .Belleville, 111. R. R. 2. W. A. Schwarztrauber — Sugar Loaf..East Carondelet Illinois. C. B. Jones — Stites Lovejoy, HI. Robert Klingel — Engelmann. .Mascoutah, 111., R. R. 3. A. C. Schulz — Fayetteville. .. .Lenzburg, 111., R. R. 1. S. S. Boyle — Marissa Marissa, 111. F. X. Heiligenstein — Freeburg Freeburg, 111. Louis Sheets — New Athens New Athens, HI. Geo. S. Reinhardt — Lenzburg. . New Athens, 111 R. R. Fred Daab — Smithton Smithton, 111. S. B. Carr — Prairie du Long. .. .Freeburg, 111., R. K. Henry Tegtmeier — Millstadt Millstadt, 111. -3 — STANDING COMMITTEES OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS. May, 1914 to May, 1915. Finance — Boyle, Cominski, Dixon. Judiciary — Zerweck, Schwarztrauber, Lilly. Claims — Hulliung, Lewis, Claus. Outside Pauper Relief — Wilson, Buchholz, Trebbe. County Farm — Schneider, Gaul, White. Court House — Gaerdner, Tiros. Hayes, Jr., Green. Jail — Schick, Dixon, Jones. Workhouse — Heiligenstein, McAuliffe, Mat Hays. School Relations — Lowery, Rowland, Tegtmeier. City and Villages — Schulz, Elliott, Sheets. Salaries and Reports — Lorius, Ochs, Hard. Licenses — Mozer, Koenigstein, Cotton. Elections and Townships — Reinhardt, Carr, Klingel. Printing and Stationery — Miller, Graham, Friede- wald. Mines and Mining — Holroyd, Janosky, Dintelman. Taxation — Richter, Pfingsten, Daab. Bonds — Lowery, Graham, Mollman. Blind — Daubach, Adams, Cominski. — 4 — BOARD OF SUPERVIRORS ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Calling the roll, a majority to constitute a quorum; reading the minutes of last regular meet- ing; amendments and approval. 2. Presentation of petitions and communications, all of which are to be laid before the Board by the Chairman before being referred to their appropriate committees. 3. Reports of Standing Committees, according to order established; after which reports of Special Committees. 4. Resolutions and unfinished business. 5. Adjournment. 6. Final roll call. RULES OF ORDER. 7. All questions relating to the priority of busi- ness shall be decided without debate. 8. The Chairman shall preserve order and de- cide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Board without debate. 9. Every member, previous to his speaking, shall arise from his seat and address himself to the chair. 10. When two or more members arise at once, the chair shall name the member who is to speak first. 11. No member shall speak more than twice on the same quesion without leave from the Board . — 5 — and shall not occupy more than ten minutes the first time, nor more than five minutes the second. 12. A member called to order, whether by the chair, or any member of the Board, shall immedi- ately take his seat, and, if there is no appeal, the decision of the chair shall be conclusive. 13. Every member present on the putting of a question, shall vote thereon unless excused by the Board or is directly interested. 14. No motion shall be debated or put unless first seconded. When a motion is seconded, it shall be stated by the chair before debate, and every such motion shall be reduced to writing if required by the chair or -any of the members of the Board. 15. When a blank is to be filled and different sums and time are proposed, the question shall first be put upon the largest sum and the longest time. 16. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and shall be decided without debate, unless a ques- tion of time to adjour shall occur. 17. All committees shall be appointed by the chair unless otherwise directed by the Board. 18. All committees shall, whenever circumstances will permit, meet in the office of the County Audi- tor, and it shall be the duty of said Auditor to keep a record of the transactions of such committees. The committees shall report in writing, with the state of fact and their conclusions and recommenda- tions thereon. 19. There shall be eighteen standing committees, to- wit : Finance, to consist of three members and the Chairman of the Board. Judiciary, to consist of three members. — 6 — Claims, to consist oif three members. Outside Pauper Relief, to consist . of three mem- bers. County Farm, to consist oif three members. Court House to consist of three members. Jail, to consist of three members. Workhouse, to consist of three members. School Relations, to consist of three members. City and Village Relations, to consist of three members. Salaries and Reports, to consist of three mem- bers. Licenses, to consist of three members. Elections and Townships, to consist of three mem- bers. Printing and Stationery, to consist of three mem- bers. Mines and Mining, to consist of three members. Taxation, to consist of three members. Bonds, to consist of three members. Blind, to consist of three members 20. No .alterations shall be made in any of the rules of the Board of Supervsors without the con- sent of the majority of the members thereof, nor without a notice being given of the motion therefor at the preceding meeting of the Board. 21. After a motion is stated or read by the Clerk, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the Board, but may be withdrawn at any time by the mover thereof before a vote. 22. A motion to reconsider can only be made by a member voting with the majority at the same or following meeting. 23. The rules may be suspended in any partieu- ar meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. — 7 — 24. All claims and demands against the County and all petitions for appropriations, in order to secure the action of the Board thereon, at any par- ticular meeting, shall be presented to the County Clerk five days before the meeting. At the close of that day, the Clerk shall prepare a tabulated state- ment of all such claims so filed showing the name of the claimant, the amount of the claim and stating clearly what the claim is for, and which shall be numbered consecutively. The Clerk shall then cause a sufficient number of copies of such state- ment to be made by means of the hectograph, or other device for multiplying copies, to provide each member of the Board with a copy. He shall then, not later than four days before the meeting of the Board mail to each member one of the said copies and present the claims to the Committee on Claims. During the session of the Board, the Committee on Claims shall report on the claims in the hands, and the Board shall then and there allow or reject the claim iso presented, provided, that a claim may, to prevent injustice to either the County or the claim- ant, by a vote of the Board, be laid over for further consideration at a subsequent meeting. 25. The Clerk shall call the names of the mem- bers in alphabetical order when calling the roll call or when polling a vote. 26. The regular meetings of the Board shall be on the first Saturday in each month, excepting such meetings as are otherwise provided by law. 27. In all cases when a resolution or motion shall be entered in the minutes, the Clerk shall also enter the name of the moving member. — 8 — 28. No member shall be entitled to compensation for attendance at any meeting of the Board unless he be present at roll calls at the beginning of the morning session, and at the beginning of the after- noon session and at the time of adjournment, unless excused by the Board. 29. Contracts and Appropriations: The yeas and nays shall be taken upon all contracts to be made relating to the sale or letting of county property; on appropriations for roads, highways and bridges; and on all donations for any purpose whatever; and if any three members require it, upon any question before the Board, but it shall not be taken unless called for before the vote has been announced. 30. The Board shall be governed in their delib- erations by parliamentary rules laid down in Cush- ing’s Manual of Parliamentary Practices, so far. as the same shall be applicable. STANDING ORDERS. 1. Temporary Relief: — When any poor or indigent person within the limits of any township in this county does not require to be supported wholly by the county, and has no relation liable for such sup- port, as provided by the pauper act, the Overseer may render temporary relief not exceeding four dollars per month. 2. Reports of the Overseer of the Poor: — The Overseer of the Poor of each town shall at each meeting of the County Board, make a full report of each person relieved or supported in his town. The report shall specify the place of birth, the sex, the age, cause of dependency, the date, character and amount of aid rendered at each specified time — 9 — together with the total amount of aid rendered each person; also the total amount of aid rendered all dependents. The report shall give the names of persons relieved or supported in alphabetical order, and in cities and villages, the streets and number of residence, and the same shall be published in the proceedings of the Board. 3. Poor to be Kept at the County Farm: — All poor persons requiring the care and support of the county, shall be cared for and supported at the County Farm and not in the several Towns in the County, except when they cannot be removed to the County Farm and except as herein otherwise pro- vided. 4. Auditing Claims:— Before any claim is allowed by the County Board, the claimant or his agent shall file an itemized account thereof, stating quantity and price, accompanied by the order of the proper officer or committee, and shall verify his claim by affidavit, in the following form, or as nearly as may be: State of Illinois — St. Clair County — ss. I, A. B., do solemnly swear that the annexed ac- count against the County of St. Clair is true; that the identical articles therein named in the accom- panying order, or the services therein performed as therein charged, according to contract, and the amount claimed is due and unpaid. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 191. . . . (Seal) Signature of Magistrate. 5 Not to be Interested in Contracts; Not to Act — 10 — as Attorney to Procure: — No Supervisor shall be- come in any manner interested, either directly or indirectly in his own name oir in the name of any other person or corporation, in any contract, or in the performance of any work in the asking or let- ting of which said officer as agent or otherwise, any person, company, or corporation, in respect of any application or bid for any contract work in regard to which said officer may be called upon to vote, and any and all contracts made and procured in viola- tion hereof shall be null and void. 6. No claims for pauper bills, for temporary re- lief, medical attendance, graves, conveyance or buirial expense of any kind shall be audited or paid by the county unless properly ordered in writing by an Overseer of the Poor, the order in all cases to ac company the bill of item. 7. No Supervisor, Committee of the Board of Supervisors or county officer shall make any con tract for work or labor or for material or repairs of any kind, nor shall they make the county liable in any manner whatever, without said contract is made by public letting to the lowest responsible bidder, upon proper notice being given by publica- tion; provided, private contracts may be made, if deemed to the best interest of the county. In ail such cases, such contract shall be in writing. 8. No blanks, books, stationery or other articles used by the county officers shall be furnished ex- cept on order of the officer requiring the same, which order shall accompany the bills when pre- sented to the County Board for allowance, and all bills shall be made out separately for each officer and approved by him before the same shall be or — 11 — dered paid. The record of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors in reference to bills of this character shall indicate the office or department to which they belong. 9. Contracts: — All contracts for furnishing meat and groceries to the County Farm shall be let for a period of six months from and after the 15th day of May and November of each year. Contracts tor printing legal blanks and envelopes, publishing the proceedings of the Board in both English and Ger- man languages, records and stationery and for the burial of paupers of East St. Louis and Stites Town ships shall be let for a period of one year from and after the 15th day of May of each year. Contracts for furnishing coal and ice to the Court House, County Farm, Contagion Hospital and Jail and for the burial of paupers of the Townships of Belleville and St. Clair shall be let for a period of one year from and after the 15th day of November of each year. All persons, firms and corporations before entering upon contracts shall file a bond in such amount as may be fixed by the Board, which bond shall be* ex amined and approved by the Committee on Bonds. The County Clerk shall keep a record in which he shall record the bids upon which contracts are awarded, and he shall also furnsh copies of such bids to the various officers or persons authorized to make purchases or order supplies under such con- tracts. 10. There shall be appointed at the May meeting in each year a County Physician at a salary to be fixed annually by the Board, whose duty it shall be to treat all paupers and such others for whose med- — 12 — ical aid the county is liable, within a radius of four miles of Belleville, to visit the County Farm and County Hospital (Contagion Hospital inclusive) as often as requested, and at least once each day, be tween the hours of 7 and 9 o’clock a. m., and to ren- der all necessary medical and surgical aid to the in mates thereof, as also the inmates of the County Jail, the county furnishing necessary medicines, in- struments, etc., on the requisition of such physician. 10a. There shall also be appointed a County Physician for the Townships of East St. Louis, Cen- treville and Canteen Townships, and a County Phy si-clan for the Township of Stites; at a salary to be fixed annually by the Board at the May meeting whose duties within the limits of East St. Louis, Cen- treville, Canteen and Stites Townships respectively shall be identical to those prescribed for the County Physician at the county seat, except as to patients at the County Farm, County Jail and Contagion Hos- pital; provided, if at any time a County or Contagion Hospital shall be erected or maintained in or near the City of East St. Louis for patients coming from said city, or Stites, Centreville or Canteen Town ships, it shall be the duty of the respective physicians to attend the inmates as follows: The County Phy- sician for East St. Louis shall treat those admitted on orders of the Overseers of the Poor of East St. Louis, Centreville and Canteen Townships and the County Physician for Stites Township shall treat those admitted on the order of the Overseer of the Poor of Stites Township. 11. No physicians’ bills shall be allowed to any other physicians, except in cases of accident or — 13 — emergency where medical attendance is necessary, before the patient can be brought under the care of the County Physicians. 12. There shall be appointed at the May meeting of each year, a Superintedent and Matron of the County Farm at salaries to be .fixed annually by the Board, whose duties are defined in the rules and regulations for the government of the County Farm and Contagion Hospital. 13. The County Farm shall be kept exclusively for the care and maintenance of paupers, and no Super- visor shall issue orders for admission to the County Farm or Hospital, to persons who have sufficient money or property or relatives, who, under the law, are liable for their support; and the Superintendent of the County Farm is ordered to admit no one with- out an order duly signed by some Supervisor. Pro- vided, that in case of emergency, the Superintendent shall receive a patient without an order of the Overseer of the Poor, when, in his opinion the appli- cant requires immediate attention, and in such ca:e the Superintendent of the County Farm shall im- mediately notify the Overseer of the Poor of the township from whence the applicant came, and such Overseer of the Poor shall immediately send to the Superintendent of the County Farm his written or- der for the admission of such patients. 14. Rewards: — For the purpose of providing a fund for the payment of rewards hereinafter men- tioned, the Board shall levy annually at the Septem- ber meeting a sufficient amount as ilt may deem nec- essary as taxes to be levied, etc., as provided by statute. (a) For the pursuit, apprehension and upon the — 14 — conviction of any person or persons charged with the crime of murder or manslaughter the sum of One Hundred Dollars shall be paid upon satisfactory evi- dence having been produced that the person or per sons claiming said reward did really apprehend the murderer, and such arrest was made beyond the lim- its of St. Clair County. (b) For the pursuit, apprehension and upon the conviction of any person or persons charged with the crime of stealing any horse, mare, colt, mule, ass, cattle or herd of cattle, the sum of Fifty Dollars shall be paid to the person or persons making said arrest upon satisfactory evidence having been pro- cured that the person or persons claiming said re- ward are entitled thereto, provided, the value of the stock stolen, exceeds the sum of Fifty Dollars in the commission of any one crime. (c) For the pursuit, apprehension and upon the conviction of any person or persons charged with the crime of rape or arson the sum of Fifty Dollars shall be paid to the person or persons making such arrest, upon satisfactory evidence having been produced to the County Board that the person or persons claim ing said reward are entitled thereto; provided, such arrest was made beyond the limits of St. Clair coun ty, and provided, that in no case shall such reward be paid to the Sheriff of St. Clair County. 15. Appointees: — There shall be appointed annu ally at the May meeting the following appointees: First — A Superintendent of the County Farm and Hospital. Second — A Matron of the County Farm and Hos- pital. - 15 — Third — Three County Physicians. Fourth — One Mine Inspector. Fifth— Overseers of the Poor. In case of the resig nation of the Chief Supervisor of any township, hav ing the population required by the statute authoriz ing the appointment of the Overseer of the Poor, whose term of service shall begin on the 15th day of May following their appointment and shall end one year hence, and before assuming their duties shall file a bond with approved securities in amounts doubling the salaries of the respective officers. 16. Franchises: — Before any petition for a fran- chise for any purpose whatever may be considered, the petitioners for such franchise shall deposit with the County Clerk the sum of $100.00 in cash or cer- tified check, the said deposit to be returned to the petitioners in case the prayer of the petition is not granted or in case the work has been completed within the time specified in the franchise. In case such franchise is granted and the said peti- tioners, their successors or assigns shall fail to- com plete the work within the time specified in the fran chise and allow such franchise to be forfeited, then such sum of $100.00 is to be deposited with the Coun- ty Treasurer to re-imburse the county for expenses incurred by it in investigating such petition. — 16 — RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERN MENT OF THE COUNTY FARM AND HOSPITAL. Section 1. Officers: — The officers of this institu- tion shall consist of a Superintendent and a County Physician, the former to reside on the premises in such rooms as may be allotted him by the Board of Supervisors. This institution shall be under the im- mediate control of the Superintendent, to whom all employees except those appointed by the County Board shall be subordinate, and he will be held by the Board of Supervisors to strict accountability for the proper conduct of said institution, and he shall report to the Board monthly all moneys received and expended by him on behalf of the county. Section 2. He shall strictly guard over every in- terest of the institution, to see that economy is prac- ticed in all its departments; to see that inmates, physically able, perform such manual labor as may be adopted to their condition. Section 3. He is to see that the needs of the in mates are supplied, that they are in all respects humanely treated, and that the employees perform their whole duty, and that good order and discipline be maintained, and that all orders given by the at tending physician be strictly complied with. Section 4. He shall see that all departments are kept clean and in proper order, and that no sPiritous liquors are brought to the institution, except by or- der of the attending physician. Section 5. He shall annually furnish the Board of Supervisors and as often as requested by the — 17 — Board a true and correct statement of all persons admitted, discharged, died and remaining in the in- stitution, giving the nature of the disease of those that died and also give in detail, age, residence, sex, color, and cause of destitution, debility or disease. Section 6. He shall annually make an inventory, in detail, of all public property in his charge and to state separately all property worn out by service or otherwise destroyed, and to verify the same by affi- davit; said inventory shall be made the week pre- ceding the last meeting of the Board of Supervisors of each year; and shall be then placed on file in the office oif the County Clerk. Section 7. He shall make out a requisition to the Board for all provisions, medicines, fuel and all other necessities for the use of said institution. Section 8. He shall see that no employee or in mate is absent from the institution without his per- mission. Section 9. He shall see that when any inmate is sick and desires the administration of a clergy, that one of the denomination the inmate may prefer be requested to attend. Section 10. It shall be his duty to see that all de- ceased persons are properly laid out, and their bodies be treated with humane consideration. That the Overseer of the Poor of the township from which such person was admitted and the relatives of such deceased persons or society or lodge to which the deceased belonged, if known, be notified of the death, and if claimed by their relatives shall surrender the body to them and take their receipt for the same; if unclaimed, he shall cause said body to be buried, having had the initials of the name of the deceased — 18 — person marked with stencil plate upon the top of the coffin, and also upon the head board of walnut lumber. Section 11. He shall regulate the diet of the in- mates for each day in the week by and with the ad- vice of the attending County Physician and the Committee on Paupers. Section 12. He shall have no power to admit any person as an inmate without a written permit of an Overseer of the Poor, except patients sent from the County Jail, who shall be admitted on a written per- mit of one of the County Physicians. In case where a patient is brought in the night time, or in case of an accident, when patients shall be permitted to re- main a reasonable time to obtain a permit from the proper person, and provided, also that patients may be admitted under order of a Court of record of said County. Said permit and orders shall be kept on file for the inspection of the Committee on Paupers. Section 13. He shall require that all visitors de- siring to visit the institution (except members of the Board of Supervisors) shall first apply to him for permission to do so. No visitor shall be allowed to go through the institution, unless attended by an officer of the institution; or such person as the Superintendent may designate; provided that visit- ors may also be admitted on permit from any Coun ty Physician. Section 14. He shall immediately discharge any employee who shall refuse to obey the rules of the institution, or who may be found to be under the influence of liquor, and report such facts to the — 19 — chairman of the Committee on Paupers of the Board of Supervisors. Section 15. Whenever a patient or pauper, as the case may be, arrives at the institution, he shall be conducted to the office of the Superintendent, who will cause his name, age, sex, residence, nativity and cause of debility to be entered in a book kept for that purpose, and after having such a person, it necessary, properly washed and cleaned, shall as sign him to a ward, provided that in absence of the Superintendent such duties shall devolve upon the head nurse, and in case the person should require immediate medical aid that the County Physician be immediately notified of such fact requiring his im mediate attendance, and in case the person so admit- ted is to pay either entirely or partially for their sup- port the Superintendent shall keep a separate record showing name of person to whom support is charged and the amount changed. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The County Physician for the county seat shall have absolute control of and give directions in the medical department. Section 2. It shall be his duty to personally ex- amine all patients that may be committed to the institution and to prescribe such medicines as may be deemed proper, and give full and explicit direc- tions in writing of the manner and how they are to be administered, with the advice of the consulting surgeon. He shall prescribe such diet and give such other directions as may be deemed proper in each particular case, and enjoin the Superintendent that such orders are faithfully executed. — 20 — Section 3. He shall have power with the advice of the Superintendent to order the discharge of an inmate whom he may deem sufficiently restored in health or capable of supporting himself or herself. ATTENDANTS. Section 1. The attendants shall treat the patients or inmates with uniform kindness and respect, and under all circumstances to speak in a mild and pleas- ant tone of voice, never addressing an inmate coarse- ly or by nickname. Section 2. On arising in the morning, the attend- ants shall see that each person confided to his care is thoroughly washed, hair combed, clothes brushed and cleaned if necessary, to see that their boots or shoes are clean, to see that the patients’ beds be made, and the room or rooms, hall and stairs be carefully swept, avoiding as much as possible the raising of dust, and to have all such work done in summer by 8 o’clock and in the winter by 9 o’clock a. m., and to see that no patient leaves the building except by leave of the Superintendent or attending physician. Section 3. When attendants receive insulting and abusive language they must forbear to retaliate or become abusive, and they shall under no circum- stances apply any restraining apparatus nor seclude a patient without the consent of the Superintendent or attending physician. HOURS AND MEALS. Section 1. The morning bell shall be rung by .some person duly authorized by the Superintendent at the hour of 5 a. m., in the months of May, June, — 21 — July, August and September, and at 6 o’clock during the remainder of the year, at which time all persons who have duties to perform shall rise. Section 2. Breakfast shall be served at 6 o’clock in the spring and summer, and at 7 o’clock in the i&ll and winter. Dinner shall be served at 12 o’clock, and supper at 5 o’clock the year round. LAUNDRY AND CULINARY. Section 1. The Matron of the institution shall have full supervision of all washing and ironing, and for that purpose shall be supplied with the necessary assistance by the Superintendent, who shall, how- ever, see that all able-bodied females perform as much work as their physical strength will permit. Section 2. She shall under no circumstances do or allow washing and ironing for persons outside She shall allow no person to visit the laundry without permission. Section 3. She shall have charge of and give di- rection for all sewing to be done about the institu- tion, and for that purpose shall utilize all female in- mates that are physically able and qualified to per- form such services, and that no outside help be em- ployed while there is sufficient of such help at the institution. Section 4. She shall see that all victuals are well prepared and properly cooked, and no unwholesome meat or vegetables be placed on the table; that meals are made ready at the proper hours, that all specified orders of the attending physician are strict- ly obeyed; to see that the floors of the kitchen and dining room are frequently scrubbed and kept neat and clean; that all cooking utensils are properly — 22 — scoured and that all dishes are carefully washed and taken care of; to see that all dishes are carefully handled to avoid breakage. To see that good and wholesome bread is baked and served to the inmates, and in case any article of food furnished does not come up to the standard, to report the same to the Superintendent. TELEPHONES. Section 1. The use of the telephone shall be re- stricted to official business; and no unauthorized person shall meddle or use it, nor under any cir- cumstances shall the officers or employees of the in- stitution make use of it for the purpose of trans- mitting frivolous or unimportant communications. GENERAL RULES. Section 1. No officer or employee of this institu- tion shall ever leave the grounds without first having permission from the Superintendent, Section 2 No officer or employee shall invite a friend to remain all night in the institution, nor shall they wear or use any of the wearing apparel belonging to the county. Section 3. The horses, wagons or vehicles, or other implements of the institution are not to be used by any person, except when strictly in public service. Section 4. The regular visiting days of the pa dents’ friends shall be on Sunday and legal holidays, but visiting may be permitted on other days from U to 11 a. m., and 2 to 4 p. m., but only to such wards as the Superintendent may deem proper ,and visi- tors must confine their visits to their friends, and — 23 — not wander about the building and grounds. Promis- cuous visitors shall not be admitted on such days. Persons wishing to go about the institution must ob. tain the consent of the Superintendent, and he will see that they are shown about. Friends of patients and all other visitors will carefully avoid prolonging their visits unnecessarily, unless by request of the Superintendent. Section 5. No person connected with the institu- tion shall have or keep matches other than the matches adopted and furnished by request of the S u p e r int e n d ent . Section 6. AH officers and employees are enjoin- ed to be promptly at their meals after ringing of the bell as essential to discipline of the institution. Section 7. All officers and employees shall be at- tentive to the most minute matters out of repair in their departments; as soon as it occurs they shall bring it to the notice of the Superintendent. Section 8. No employee, whose duty does not call him into the wards, shall enter them without the per- mission of the Superintendent, nor shall they enter the wards where they have no duties unless so or- dered. Section 9. When any employee shall violate any of the rules of the government of this institution, the Superintendent shall call the attention of the party violating the same to the fact and shall reprimand the offending party or parties, and in case of gross violation of said rules, he shall report said fact to the chairman of the Committee on Paupers, who shall be authorized to act in the manner as he may deem best for the interest of the public service. — 24 — Section 10. The Superintendent of the County Farm shall have power, and it shall be his duty to take all necessary precaution to guard the lives of the inmates and the buildings and property of the county against fire, and shall with the approval of the County Board employ some proper person as night watchman to patrol the buildings and halls at regular intervals during the night, and shall pro- cure a time register for such halls and parts of buildings as necessary to register the performance of duty by such night watchman. RULES OF THE CONTAGION HOSPItXl. Section 1. There shall be annually appointed at the May meeting of the Board, a Superintendent and Matron for the Contagion Hospital, whose duties in and about said Hospital shall be similar to those prescribed for the Superintendent and Matron of the County Farm and Hospital, and whose salary shall be fixed prior to such appointment. Section 2. The Contagion Hospital shall be only for pauper patients afflicted with contagious diseases of any nature whatever. The same shall be divided into two 'Sections, one for male and one for female patients; provided, where families or parts of fami lies are afflicted with a contagious disease and desire to be placed into one room, and the same can be done without injury or inconvenience to the other patients at the Hospital, then such persons shall be permitted to occupy one room, though of a different sex. Provided, that per sons afflicted with a contagi ous disease, though not paupers, shall be admitted at any time when said Hospital is not filled with paupers, upon the payment of three dollars per week — 25 — for board and nursing only, which sum shall be paid in advance and sufficient guarantee to be given that all future board will be promptly paid in advance. Section 3. Any person not a pauper, being a pa tient at the Contagion Hospital, shall have the right at any time to the service of a reputable physician and shall have the right to have sent to him eatables or extras at his own cost, provided that under no consideration shall spirituous or malt liquors or tobacco of any kind be permitted in the hospital ex- cept when prescribed by the attending physician. Section 4. Any person desiring the service or ad ministrations of clergy shall have the right to be visited by any clergyman, provided that such clergy, man, before entering the hospital, shall don suitable clothing to prevent the spreading of such contagious disease and before leaving the institution shall re- ceive permission to do so from the Superintendent Relatives of the patient shall be admitted under the same regulations and instructions as clergymen, where the probability is that the patient’s illness will prove fatal. Section 5. Physicians, nurses, attendants, Super intendent and Matron shall in no case leave the in- stitution when there are contagious diseases therein at the time without having their clothing or other property they wish to remove thoroughly fumigated, and a violation of this rule by any of the persons named herein shall forfeit a month’s salary to the county. — 26 — SUPERINTENDENT’S INSTRUCTIONS TO NURSES AT CONTAGION HOSPITAL. (a) On receipt of a patient immediately conduct him to the bathroom and give him a bath, after which furnish them with clean underclothing and assign them to a clean bed with sufficient bedcloth- ing to keep them comfortable. If too sick to visit the closet, provide them with a night vessel, the contents of which must be emptied into a slop sink after use, the vessel cleaned and returned. (b) The cast-off clothing must be hung in the fumigating room and thoroughly fumigated, after which make into a bundle and mark name of pa tient on same and store in garret, where they must remain until the patient is ready for discharge. Where virurn is found on clothing extra precaution must be taken that they do not become scattered about the building. The female nurse will attend to the wants of the female patients, also the cooking and washing, being assisted by the male nurse and such of the patients as are able to perform labor. (c) See that no person leaves the stockade until regularly discharged. When patients are discharg- ed fumigate their clothing and effects, give them a bath and remove all scabs from body. When they have dressed they must not come in contact with any one in the institution. No nurse or other person will be permitted to leave the institution except un- der the rules which may be prescribed. (d) The rooms, porch and yard must be kept in a cleanly condition and disinfectants used freely. An. swer all calls of the electric bell and telephone day — 27 — and night, and see that the electric lights are not unnecessarily burned. (e) No mail or package of any kind will be per- mitted to be sent out. If the patient wishes to com municate with family or friends outside they may do so through the Superintendent. RULES GOVERNING WORKHOUSE. Rules and Regulations Governing the Workhouse Established by the Board of Supervisors at the July Meeting, A. D, 1906. (See Supervisor’s Rec- ord No. 7, page 126.) Section 1. All male persons sentenced to the workhouse shall be kept at hard labor from 8 o’clock a. m., to 12 o’clock noon, and from 1 o’clock to h o’clock p. m., except Sundays or legal holidays and Saturday afternoons, and to perform such labor as their physical condition will permit, the same to be assigned by the Superintendent. Section 2. Officers and Employees: — There shall be appointed annually at the May meeting a Super- intendent of the Workhouse and such assistants as may be necessary for its management, also an en- gineer at salaries to be fixed by the Board; provided that such Superintendent and assistants have not already been appointed by the Sheriff; in which lat- ter case only the engineer shall be appointed by the Board. Section 3. Duties of the Officers and Employees: — The Superintendent of the Workhouse shall have complete management thereof, subject only to the — 28 — orders of the Board of Supervisors, or its Coimmittee on Criminal Labor. He shall see that all prisoners under his charge are kept constantly ait hard work, so that at the expiration of their sentence they will have learned to dread the Workhouse and have no desire to return. He shall assign such duties to his assistant or assistants as may be necessary for the proper management of the Workhouse, or for pre- venting the escape of prisoners under his charge. He shall make an inventory of all tools, machinery and other property of the county in his charge and keep a record of all new tools, machinery and prop- erty purchased during the year. He shall personally keep charge of all dynamite, fuse and caps, and shall personally prepare all blasts. In no case may he allow any explosive to be handled by the prisoners, or keep the same in such place where prisoners might have access thereto. He shall furnish to the engineer such assistance from among the prisoners as shall reasonably be needed by him. He shall keep a record in which he shall enter each day the amount of macadam broken and the amount of macadam delivered each day to the vari- ous townships, and shall make a monthly report thereof to the Committee on Criminal Labor. Duties of Assistant Superintendent — The Assistant Superintendent shall perform the duties which may be assigned to him by the Superintendent, and in case of the absence or disability of the Superintend- ent, the duties herein prescribed for the Superintend- ent shall be performed by such assistant. Duties of Engineer — The engineer shall have charge of the boilers, engines, crusher, hoisting en- — 29 — gine, steam drill and other machinery It shall be his duty to keep same in clean condition and in good repair. He shall personally operate all ma- chinery with the exception of the steam drill at such times when directed by the Superintendent, and whenever assistance is needed by him in cleaning boilers or repairing the machinery, he shall request same of the Superintendent. Distribution of Macadam — The Macadam crushed at the Workhouse shall be distributed to the High- way Commissioners of the various townships, city and village authorities of various cities and villages for use upon the highways of the county and cities and villages in the manner following: The Highway Commissioners of the various town ships shall make requisition for the amount of mac- adam desired by them, which requisition shall be filed with the County Clerk, and shall be examined by the Committee on Criminal Labor, who shall have power, if in their opinion the requisition is for a greater amount than the townships are reasonbly entitled to, to reduce the amount. The macadam shall be delivered to the townships in rotation according to the filing of the requisition. Whenever a sufficient supply of macadam is on hand to supply the township first in order, the High- way Commissioner thereof shall be notified that the macadam is ready for delivery, and, if, after the lapse of a period of time to be designated by the committee, which time shall be regulated according to the seasons or the conditions of the roads, the Highway Commissioners of the township notified fail or neglect to call for their proportion, the macadam shall be applied to the township next in order, and — 30 — the first township shall be placed at the bottom of the list to await its rotation and the same rule to apply throughout the list. If any Commissioner shall fail three successive times to call for the mac- adam, the requisition shall be considered as aban- doned. All resolutions, rules or orders heretofore passed by the Board of Supervisors and in conflict with any rules, regulations or standing orders hereinabove contained are hereby repealed, and these rules to be in force and effect from and after their passage, except where they conflict with any appointments or contracts now in force. — 31 — PETIT JURY LIST— HOW TO BE PREPARED. “Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illi- nois, represented in the General Assembly, that the county board of each county shall, at or before the times of its meeting, in September, in each year, or at any time thereafter, when necessary, for the pur pose of this act, make a list of sufficient number, not less than one-tenth of the legal voters of each town or precinct in the county, giving the place of residence of each name on the list, to be known as a jury list.” Petit Jurors for the Year — Their Qualifications. — At the meeting of the County Board, in the respective counties in this state, containing a population of not more than 250,000, in September, in the year of 1874, and in each year thereafter, such board shall select from such list 1 a number of persons equal to one hundred (100) for each trial term of the Circuit Court and other courts of record except County Courts, which may be provided by law, to be held during the succeeding year, to serve as petit jurors. In counties having a population of more than 250,000 the persons to serve as petit jurors shall be selected by the Jury Commissioners, as provided by law: Provided, that the persons selected to serve as jurors in courts of record having jurisdiction only in and for cities shall be selected from the body oif the county in the same manner as jurors are se- lected for the Circuit Court. Jurors in all counties in Illinois must have legal qualifications herein pre- — 32 — scribed, and shall be chosen a proportionate number from the residents of each town, or precinct, and such persons only as are: First: Inhabitants of the town, or precinct, not exempt from serving on juries. Second: Of the age of twenty-one (21) years, or upwards, and under sixty-five (65) years old. Third : In possession of their natural faculties, and not infirm or decrepit. Fourth: Free from all legal exceptions and of fair character, of approved integrity, of sound judgment, well informed, and who understands the English language. List at Subsequent Meetings: If, for any reason the list or the selection provided for in the fore- going sections of this act shall not be made at the meeting of the Board held at the time specified, such list or selection shall be made at any meeting to be held as soon thereafter as may be. Exemptions: The following persons shall be ex- empt from serving as jurors, to-wit : The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Ajuditor of Public Accounts, Treasurer, Superintendent of Pub lie Instruction, Attorney General, members of the General Assembly during their term of office, all judges oif courts, all clerks of courts, sheriffs, cor- oners, postmasters, mail carriers, practicing attor neys, all officers of the United States, officiating ministers of the gospel, school teachers during the term of school, practicing physicians, registered and assistant pharmacists, constant ferrymen, mayors of cities, policemen, active members of the fire depart ment, embalmers, undertakers and funeral directors — 33 — actively engaged in their business, and all persons actively employed upon the editorial or mechanical staffs and departments of any newspaper of general circulation printed and published in this state. Fro vided: that every fireman who shall have faithfully and actively served as such in any volunteer fire de- partment in any city of this state, for the term of seven years, may thereafter be exempt from serving on juries in all courts. — 34 — NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF COUNTY APPOINTEES. Frank Mundloch, Superintendent County Farm, Belleville, 111. Emily Mundloch, Matron County Farm, Belleville, Illinois. Dr. W. A. Deiw, County Physician, Office, Kin loch 40; Bell, 40. Residence, Kinloch, 372; Bell, 1072. Address: 906 Sycamore St., Belleville, Illinois. Dr. E. P. Stiehl, Assistant County Physician tor East St. Louis, Canteen and Centreville, East St. Louis, Illinois. Dr. I. H. King, Assistant Colored Physician, for East St. Louis, Canteen and Centreville Townships. Address: East St. Louis, Illinois. Dr. Earle Williams, Assistant County Physician Stites Township, Lovejoy, Illinois. Thos. C. Wright, County Mine Inspector, Belle- ville, Illinois. Louis S. Ross, Overseer of the Poor of East St. Louis Township, East St. Louis, Illinois. John Weber, Overseer of the Poor of Belleville Township, Belleville, Illinois. D. O. Thomas, County Superintendent of High- ways, Belleville, 111. MEETING DAYS OF THE COUNTY BOARD. First Saturday of every month, excepting June and September. Meeting held on second Monday in June and sec- ond Tuesday in September. — 35 — TERMS OF ST. CLAIR COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT FOR WHICH GRAND JURIES ARE APPOINTED. January, April and September. TERMS OF EAST ST. LOUIS CITY COURT. January, March, May, September and November. TERMS OF THE ST. CLAIR COUNTY COURT. March, June and November. TERMS OF THE ST. CLAIR COUNTY PROBATE COURT. New Term commences on first Monday of every month. — 36 — Township Officers. LIST OF TOWN CLERKS. Township — Name of Officer. P. 0. Address. East St. Louis — John M. Griffin. .East St. Louis, 111. Belleville — Gust H. Beineke Belleville, 111. Mascoutah — Jacob Bachmann Mascoutah, 111. Lebanon — Edwin C. Braun Lebanon, 111. Shiloh Valley — Benj. F. Boston.O’Fallon, 111., R. R. 1. O’Fallon — Henry Schildkneeht O’Fallon, 111. St. Clair — Albert Deppe Belleville, 111. (Swansea.) Caseyville — Henry Koblitz Casey ville, 111. Stookey — Nicholas Rehg Belleville, 111., R. R. J^entreville — Chas. Janin..E. St. Louis, 111., R. R. 2. Sugar Loaf — W. G. Hauser Dupo, 111. Stites — J. W. Edmonson Lovejoy, III. Engelmann — Geo. Muehlhauser, Jr. ... Mascoutah, 11. Fayetteville — Geo. Bieser Fayetteville, 111. Marissa — Thomas Key worth Marissa, 111. Freeburg — John Sintzel Freeburg, 111, New Athens — L. P. Bert .New Athens, ill. Lenzburg — H. G. Winter Lenzburg, 111. Smathton — Wm. P. Kunz Smithton, 111. Prairie du Long — George Leilich. . . .New Athens, HI. Mi'Hstadt — A. C. Kern Millstadt, 111. Canteen — Anthony Thomas. .E. St. L., Edgemont Sta. — 37 — LIST OF HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS. Township — Name of Officer. P. O. Address. Mascoutah — Edw. Riess Mascoutah, 111. Jos. Monken, Mascoutah, ill. John Reuth Mascoutah, 111. Lebanon — Sirolos Padfield Summerfield, 111. J. E. North Lebanon, 111. Dietrich Herman Lebanon, HI. Shiloh Valley — Otto Wetzel. . . .Belleville, 111., R. R. 1. Julius Arnann, Belleville, 111., R. R. 6. O’Fallon — Aug. Haseimann Lebanon, 111. Nick Klein, O’Fallon, 111. Edward Hobein O’Fallon, 111 St. Clair— Wm. B. Boul Belleville, 111., R. R. 5. Frank Cange Belleville, 111. R. R. 3. Charles Struibe Belleville, 111., R. R. 6. Caseyville- -C. C. Mees Caseyville, 111. (Single Commissioner.) Stookey — John Schwartz, Sr., Belleville, 111. R. R. 4 John Dahm, Sr., Belleville, 111., R. R. Jacob C. Keck Belleville, 111. Centreville — Jos. Cookson,.... East St. Louis, R. R. August Cange. .East St. Louis, 111., R. R. 1. Emil Piot East St. Louis, 111., R. R. 2. Sugar Loaf — G. T. Bange East Carondelet, ill. Henry Deken East Carondelet, 111. Charles Metter Columbia, 111. — 38 — Township — Name of Officer. P. O. Address. Stites — Richard Gaston Lovejoy, 111. Geo. Washington .Lovejoy, HI. Wm. West, Sr Lovejoy, 111. Engelmann — John G. Hoff . . Mascoutah, 111., R. R. 3. Christ Klingelhoeifer.. Mascoutah, 111., R.R. 1. Nick Schmitz Mascoutah, 111., R. R. Fayetteville — Louis Stein Fayetteville, 111. Martin H. Eckert Lenzburg, 111. A. G. Sandheinrich St. Libory, 111. Marissa — Henry Heil Marissa, 111. George Pflasterer Marissa, 111. George Triefenbaeh Marissa, 111. Freeburg — H. A. Fritz Freeburg, 111. Ben Paule Freeburg, 111., R. R. George Erhardt Freeburg, 111., R. R. 2. New Athens — Mathias Kaesberg. . . .New Athens, 111. (Single Commissioner.) Lenzburg — Charles Maul. New Athens, 111. Jacob Wildy New Athens, 111. Fred W. Wasem New Athens, 111. Smithton — Jos. A. Miller ... .Belleville, 111., R. R. 2. Fred Ros, Sr., Smithton, 111. Fred Valerius Belleville, 111, R. R. 2. Prairie du Long — H. M. Huber New Athens, 111. Joe Reinhardt New Athens, 111., R. R. Louis Birkner New Athens, 111., R. R. Millstadt — Henry Bruehl. . . . Millstadt, 111., R. R. 1. Alois Reinhardt ....Waterloo, 111., R. R. 3. Dan Muskopf Millstadt, 111. Canteen — Felix Da.vinroy..E. St. L., Edgemont Sta. Frank Comment. . . .E. St. L., Edgemont Sta. Forrest Watson. E. St. Louis, Edgemont Sta. — 39 — TOWNSHIP ASSESSORS OF ST. CLAIR COUNTY: Township — Name of Officer. P. O. Address. East St. Louis— Mike O’Day. .1427 Gaty Ave., E.St! L. Belleville — Henry Dietrich, Jr 805 W. Main St. Belleville. Mascoutah — Emil Pfeiffer Mascoutah, 111. Lebanon — John Widicus Summerlieid,. 111. Shiloh Valley — Isaac G. Cox. .Belleville, 111., R. R.. (5. O’Fallon — Geo. C. MeGee O’Fallon, .111. St. Clair — Louis J. Kuntz Belleville, 111. Caseyville — J. W. Kersey Caseyville, ,I1L Stookey — Fred N. Fischer Belleville, 111., R. R. Centreville — J. B. Plot. .East St. Louis, R. R. No. 1. Sugar Loaf — Joseph Wecker Dupo, Ilk Stites — F. M. Sheppard National City, 111. Engelmann — Albert F. Christ. . . .Mascoutah, 111. R. R. Fayetteville — John Beelmann St. Libory, 111. Maifissa — Wm, J. Dunn Marissa, 111. Freeburg — Louis Koesterer, Jr Freeburg, 111. New Athens — Geo. H. Winter New Athens, 111. Lenkburg — Henry Jeude New Athens, 111. Smith ton — N. O. Phillips. .Belleville, 111., R. R. No. -2. Prairie du Long — Ph. Pf offer New Athens, 111. Millstadt— Fred Kropp Millstadt, HI. Canteen — Harvey Altman.. E. St. L., E'dgemont Sta. > - 40 — TOWNSHIP COLLECTORS OF ST. CLAIR COUNTY: Township — Name of Officer. P. O. Address. East St. Louis — Frank Keating. .East St. Louis, 111. Bell-eville — E. P. Leuschner Belleville, 111. Mascoutah — Geo. C. Pfeifer Mascoutah, 111. Lebanon — Albert M. Alexander Lebanon, 111. Shiloh Valley — Fred J. Clark. .Belleville, 111. R. R. 6. O’Fallon — Joseph W. Mackin O’Fallon, ill. St. Clair — George J. Munie. . . .Belleville, 111., R. R. 3. Casey ville— Eli D. This Casey ville, 111. Stookey — Henry F. Betz.. Belleville, 111., R. K. VCentreville— John N. Wuest..East St. Louis, Edge- mont Station, R. R. 2. Sugar Loaf — Oscar G. Mueller Columbia, 111. Stites — N. B. West Lovejoy, 111. Engelmann — John Scherer .. Mascoutah, 111., R. R. 3. Fayetteville — Herman Often St. Libory, 111. Marissa — Thos. Rutherford Marissa, 111. Freeburg — Louis Borger Freeburg, 111. New Athens — Ben Krupp New Athens, 111. Lenzburg — Wm. Fleischmann Lenzburg, 111. Smithton — Jerome Phillips. .. .Belleville Star Route. Pfairie du Long — Henry Waigand Smithton, 111. Millstadt — George Hoeser Millstadt, 111. Canteen — Dewitt Billman. .E. St. L., Edgeimont Sta. — 41 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE OF ST. CLAIR COUNTY. Terms expire first Monday in May, 1917. Township— Name of Officer. p. o. Address. East St. Louis — Geo. A. Boyne East St. Louis East St. Louis— Frank J. Healy East St. Louis East St. Louis— Frank X. Ziegelmeier.East St. Louis East St. Louis— Geo. A. Blanchard. . .East St. Louis East St. Louis— John W. Chandler East St. Louis Belleville — Louis E. Wangelin Belleville Belleville — Fred Obst Belleville Belleville — William E. Ward Belleville Belleville — Andrew Adler Belleville Belleville — Wm. A. Wilson Belleville, 111. Masicoutah — John Scharth Mascoutah Lebanon — G. W. Gerking Lebanon Lebanon — D. L. Schick Lebanon Lebanon — J. L. Appel Summerfield Shiloh Valley — Thomas Lloyd Rentchler O’Fallon — James W. Asbury O’Fallon O’Fallon — Elmer E. Asbury O’Fallon O’Fallon — John E. Tiley O’Fallon St. Clair — Aug. C. Wiechert .... Swansea (Belleville.) Casey ville L. P. Bowler Belleville, R. R. 3. Stookey — John Pfingsten Belleville, R. R. Centre ville — Frank Stuart East St. Louis, Edgemont Sta., R. R. 2. ^Centreville — Gabriel M. Purdy. East St. Louis, R. R. 1. Sugar Loaf — William H. Harris, Sr Dupo Stitesr — W. G. Evans National Stock Yards Stites— Geo. P. Doscher Love joy — 42 — Township — Name of Officer. P. O. Address. Engelmann — Peter Seibert Maseoutah, R. R. 3. Fayetteville — Fred Schuster Lenzburg Fayetteville — John Rueter St. Libory Marissa — John A. Wilson Marissa Marissa — George Dial Marissa Freeburg — Peter Herman Freeburg New Athens — B. H. Sterling New Athens New Athens — Alvin Suemnieht. .. .Freeburg, R. R. 2. Lenbzurg — William Freeh Lenzburg Smithton — (None qualified. ) Prairie du Long — E. J. McQuillan .New Athens, K. R. Millstadt — Chas. Jacobus Millstadt Millstadt — A. J. Moll-man Millstadt — 43 — POLICE MAGISTRATES OF ST. CLAIR COUNTY. City or Village' — Name of Officer. P. O. Address. East St. Louis — John J. Driscoll. .... .East St. Louis Marissa — George Dial Marissa O’Fallon — Wesley B. Dorey O’Fallon. Freeburg — Chas. Becker Freeburg Brooklyn — B. A. Hughes Love joy National City — J. T. Finney. .National Stock Yards Fayetteville — Geo. Bieser Fayetteville Old Marissa — Herman Gerlitz Marissa Swansea — Albert Deppe Belleville St. Libory — Joseph D. Franke St. Libory M aris s a — James Paul Mariss a Dupo — Louis J. Dyroff Dupo New Athens — Fred Koenitz New Athens — 44 — NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CONSTABLES OF ST. CLAIR COUNTY. Terms expire first Monday of May, 1917. Township — Name of Officer. P. O. Address. East St. Louis — Allie McAtee East St. Louis East St. Louis — Charles Herman East St. Louis East St. Louis — Frank F. Erwin East St. Louis East St. Louis — William Lohrer East St. Louis East St. Louis — John C. Edwards .... East St. Louis Belleville — Henry J. Yerk Belleville Belleville — Ben. Lautz Belleville Belleville — Walter L. Ward. Belleville Belleville — Frank Renner Belleville JSelleville — Gustave Klamm Belleville JMascoutah — Chas. H. L. Klenke Mascoutah Lebanon — N. A. Harralson Lebanon L eb anon — W . H . S ton e Lebanon Lebanon — R. A. Lawrence Lebanon ^Eebanon — Oliver Jones Lebanon Shiloh Valley — (None qualified.) O ’Fallon — W m . Y and a O ’Fallon £> ’ Fallon — Geo. M cCommons O ’Fallon “St. Clair — Wm. B. Davis Belleville Oasey ville — Geo. Nuetzel Casey ville -Stookey Centreville — Joseph Lavalle . . East St. Louis, R. R. 1. irCentreville — Paul Kissellbach Edgemont Station, East St. Louis. Sugar Loaf— Augustus Eugea East Carondelet — 45 — Township — Name of Officer. P. 0. Address. Sugar Loaf — John Frank Simons. . . .East Carondelet Sugar Loaf — John Thomas Millstadt Stites — W. S. Burroughs National Stock Yards Stites — Henry T. Jones Love joy Engelmann — (None elected.) Fayetteville — George Wessel St. Libory Fayetteville — John V. Weilmuenster Lenzburg Marissa — Hiram Cromer Marissa Freeburg — (None elected.) New Athens — Michael Schlessinger . . . . New Athens Lenzburg — Fred Groh Lenzburg Lenzburg — Fred W. Wasem New Athens Smith-ton — ( None qualified. ) Millstadt — Frank Dedetius. Prairie du Long — Conrad Neff, Sr New Athens C ahteen — ( N one qualified . ) Mascoutah — J. H. Anderson Mascoutah New Athens — John Morgan New Athens Millstadt — Wm. Feuerhan Millstadt — 46 — Post & Zeitung Belleville, Illinois.