Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/easternassociatiOOmoye \ 154,565.50 . 1945 $ 30,078.45 9 Purchase 98 1,885.00 80 % 422.13 12 Purchase 88 1,782.00 80 i 373.9 7 Totals — 7,911 1158,232.50 $ 30,879.55 Sales 500 Frt.30^ a box 37.20 7,411 $158,232.50 .1954 II i 30,916.75 This shows an average cost of .1954 which is approx¬ imately SO & 2# off list. The cost of sales and cost of inventory are therefore known and on same basis. The illustration does not include inward carting nor cost of boxes, which must be considered. A separate average should be found for single, A double, and B double. If the manufacturers make further sub¬ division, corresponding changes should be made in the classi¬ fication of the accounts used in finding the average cost. COST OP SALES The average cost of glass sold may be determined monthly by the methods previously outlined. The method shown for Plate will also apply to Rolled Glass. RENT: Plant real estate should be treated as though other¬ wise owned, and a fair rental paid for same. This fair rental equivalent must be distributed as an expense to the departments. The difference between the "Estimated Rental Charge" account, on the one hand, and the "Real Estate Expense" ac- " count on the other, reflects the estimated net income from " Real Estate. The "Rental equivalent" is determined by the total of taxes, insurance, estimated average annual repair, depre- EASTERN ASSOCIATION OF GLASS DISTRIBUTORS COMMENTS t • • • • • • RENT: (Cont.) ciation, and a fair interest return on investment. The interest item should not be shown on the books. The Company paying rent will distribute the amount paid for same. PACKING: This is comparatively a small item, bat by follow¬ ing the costs and returns from same, it may disclose condi¬ tions which should be corrected. The cost of material used, labor, and other expenses pertaining to packing should be conducted as an expense department. Window Glass boxes are charged to purchases. The cost of packing sold, in other departments, is estimated per case. This supported by inventories will serve as a check. FACTORY OPERATIONS: Standard unit costs should be developed for pricing the cost of sales of work done by factory, such as beveling, mirror work, etc. The cost accounts should be so arranged, if feasible, to accumulate data for satisfactory checking of standard values. FACTORY: Plate glass is transferred to the Factory at average cost of full size glass used, less the average cost in the lower bracket of glass returned to stock. Freight and cart¬ ing are to be included in the average cost. Warehouse labor cost of selecting and handling such glass should be charged to the Factory under wages and sala¬ ries. In compiling Factory statement, this labor cost should be shown as a part of the Glass Cost. . EASTERN ASSOCIATION OF GLASS DISTRIBUTORS ILLUSTRATION OF DEPARTMENTAL TRADING STATEMENT Net Sales $ - Cost of Sales Purchases $ Inward. Freight Inward Carting Inventory beginning $ - Inventory ending $ - — Transfer -- —- -- Cost of Sales Gross Frofit - 0p eratl n g expens e s_: Wages & Salaries $ - -- Rent — Taxes —- — Insurance - Heat, Light, Power & Water -- Maintenance & Repairs -- Supplies —* * — Freight & Carting Outward -- Depreciation -- General Warehouse -- * — Selling Expenses $ - -- Administrative Expenses - -- - Net Profit - Note In a factory statement all operating expenses would be shown as production cost. u