.&.r LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 510.S4 ho.Z72>-26k o 0,j,k i(PR l & C(P T J k )} f3=(PR_ 1& C(P_ 1Jjk ))|(PR; & C(P 05 . jk ))|... |(PR T& C(P T) . jk )) b) If 0C=O then complement the f function c) If GD0=1, then the function formed on the OUTBUS of that cell will be f|c(lNBUS cell); otherwise, f will be formed on the OUTBUS. (2) To form g function on the INBUS of every cell: a) Form g function; where g = (GN_ 1 &C(P_ 1 ^ jk ))|(GN o &C(0UTBUS o ))|... | (GN Q &C(0UTBUSg)) b) If IC = 1, then the function formed on the INBUS of that cell will be g; otherwise, it will be the complement of g. (3) If Z0 = 1, then write the contents of INBUS of every cell into the corresponding cell of the plane whose Plane Write signal (PW) is 0. (U) If Z0 = and T0 = 1 , then form TALLY for every cell of each plane. The following operation is implemented: P. = C(INBUS „) & P. . . . |P. , - , < i < 7 r i cell l-l, j ,k' i,j,k» - — where effectively P = 1 (5) If Z0 = and T0 = 1, then form TALLYH0 for every cell of each plane. The following equation is implemented: P. - -,(C (INBUS cell ) & hP WJ|k ) &P liJ>k ),0