Z^K I3I(« UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS List of Popular Books on Household Science Syllabus of Library of COMPILED FOR THE SCHOOL FOR HOUSEKEEPERS JANUARY 17-28, 1916 American Home economics association home economics. 1913. American School of home economics home economics. 12 vols. 1907. Andrews, B. R Education for the home (U. S. Education bureau. Bulletins, nos. 36, 37, 38 39. 1914) Bailey, P. L. . . . Domestic Science, principles and application. 1914. Barnes, Earl . . . Woman in modern society. Bruere and Bruere . Increasing home efficiency. Buelle, Jennie . One woman’s work for farm women. Child, Mrs. G. B. . . . The efficient kitchen. Cooley , A. M. . Domestic art in woman’s education. Coolridge, Mrs. M. E. B. . . Why women are so. The Farm Kitchen as a work shop . . (U. S. dept. Farmer’s Bulletin, no. 607.) Frederick, Mrs. C. M. . The new housekeeping. 1913 Freeman and Chandler . . The world’s commercial products. 1907. Haskins, C. W. . How to keep household accounts. 1903 Hewitt, Mrs. E. C. . How to live on a small income. 1909 Home Management . . (Iowa state college of agric. Extension dept. Home economics bulletin no. 6. Ames) Hunt, C. L Home problems from a new standpoint.. 1908. Johnson, G. T Domestic Science. 1911 Joyce and Thomas . Women of all nations. 2v. 1908-1909 King, I. W. . The wealth and income of the people of the United States. 1915. Kitchens . . (Univ. of Ohio. Agric. extension dept. Bulletin. Columbus.) Laughlin, C. C. . . The complete home. 1907 Morris, Josephine . . Household science and arts for elementary schools. 1913. 1912 1912 1908 1914 1911 1912 Agric. 4 Nearing, Scott . . . Financing the wage earner’s family. 1913. Nearing, Scott . . Reducing the cost of living. 1914 Nearing and Nearing . Women and social progress.1912 Parloa, Maria Home economics. 1898 Richards, Mrs. E. H. . . . The cost of living. 1910 Richards, Mrs. E. H. . . The cost of shelter. 1905 Richardson, R. J. ... The woman who spends. 1904 Roberts, H. L. . The cyclopaedia of social usage. 1913 Salmon, L. M Domestic service. 1901 Salmon, L. M. . . Progress in the household. 1906 Talbot and Breckinridge . The modern household. 1912 Tarbell, I. M. . The business of being a woman. 1912 Vuyst, Paul de . Woman’s place in rural economy. 1913 White, Marian Fuels of the household Food. Cookery. Serving. Bread . . . (Univ. of Ohio. Agric. extension dept. Bulletin. Columbus.) Chambers, Mary . Principles of food preparation. 1914 Chemical composition of American food materials . (U. S. Office of Experiment stations. Washington, D. C. Cole, Mrs. A. F. . . The expert waitress. 1912 Conley, Emma . . . Principles of cooking. 1914 Conn, H. W. . . . Bacteria, yeasts and molds in the home. 1903. Cooking of Carp .... (Univ. of Illinois Household science dept. Bulletin. Urbana.) Cooking of Vegetables . . (Univ. of Missouri. Agric. extension service. Bulletin. Columbus.) Farmer, F. M. . Boston Cooking-school cook book. 1912 Farmer, F. M. . Catering for special occasions. 1911 Forster and Weigley . . Foods and sanitation. 1914 Hill, Mrs. J. M. . Practical cooking and serving. 1912 Hill, Mrs. J. M. . . . The up-to-date waitress. 1913 Home canning of fruits and vegetables . (Georgia state college of agric. Bulletin no. 90. Athens.) James, A. L Catering for two. 1909. Jones, M. C. . . Lessons in elementary cooking. 1912 Kinne and Cooley . . . Foods and household manage- ment. 1914. Lincoln, Mrs. M. J. . . . Carving and serving. 1907 Market classes and grades of meat . (Univ. of Illinois Agric. experiment station. Bulletin no. 147. Urbana.) Meat and meat substitutes . . (Univ. of Ohio. Agric. extension dept. Bulletin. Columbus.) Mitchell, M. J Fireless cook-book. 1909 Olsen, J. C Pure foods. 1911 Planning of meals . (Univ. of Illinois Household science dept. Bulletin. Urbana.) The Principle of Jelly Making . . (Univ. of Illinois Household science dept. Bulletin. Urbana. Relative economy, composition and nutritive value of the various cuts of beef . . (Univ. of Illinois Agric. experiment station. Bulletin no. 158. Urbana.) Richards, Mrs. E. H. . . . Food materials and their adulterations. 1886. Richards, Mrs. E. H. . . . Good luncheons for rural schools. 1906. Robinson and Hammel .... Lessons in cookery Rorer, Mrs. S. T. . . Bread and bread-making. 1900 Rorer, Mrs. S. T. . . . Vegetable cookery and meat substitutes. 1909. Salads .... How to make and serve them. 1905 Service of meals . (Univ. of Illinois Household science dept. Buulletin. Urbana.) Some points to be considered in the planning of a rational diet . . (Univ. of Illinois Household science dept. Bulletin. Urbana.) Soyer, Nicholas . . Soyer’s paper bag cookery. 1911 U. S. Agriculture department . . Farmers’ Bulletins Canning tomatoes at home and in club work, (no 521) Cereal breakfast foods, (no. 249) Cheese and its economical uses in the diet. (no. 487) Corn meal as a food and ways of using it. (no. 565) Economical use of meat in the home. (no. 391) Eggs and their uses as food. (no. 128) Honey and its use. (no.653) Nuts and their uses as food. (no. 332) Preparation of vegetables for the table, (no. 256) Principles of nutrition and nutritive value of food, (no. 142) Sugar and its value as food. (no. 535) Use of fruit as food. (no. 293) Use of milk as food. (no. 363) Wheat, flour and bread, (no. 903) Wiley, H. W. . . Foods and their adulteration. 1907 Dietetics. Care of the sick. Bryce, Alexander . . Modern theories of diet. 1912 Conley, Emma .... Nutrition and diet. 1Q13 Farmer, F. M. . . Food and cookery, the sick and con- valescent. 1904. Fletcher, Horace . . . A. B. C. of our nutrition. 1903 Friedenweld, Julius . Diet in health and disease. 1905 Gibbs, W. S Food for the invalid and convalescent. 1912. Gibbs, W. S. . . Lessons in the proper feeding of the family. 1912. Harrison, Eveleen .... Home Nursing. 1900 Hutchinson, Robert . . . .Food and the principles of dietetics. 1906. Lusk, Graham .... Elements of the science of nutrition. 1909. Pattee, A. F. . . Practical dietetics with reference to diet in disease. Ed. 8. 1914. Richards, Mrs. E. H Cost of food. 1902 Richards, Mrs. E. H. . First lessons in food and diet. 1904 Sherman, H. C. . Chemistry of food and nutrition. 1911 Smith, G. C What to eat and why. 1911 Stoney, E. A. M. . Practical points in nursing. 1902 Street and Mendel . . Diabetic foods. 1913. (Con- necticut agric. experiment. Station. Report. 1913. Part 1.) Thompson, W. G Practical dietetics. 1909 Care of Children. The child and its care . . (Iowa state college of agric. Home economics bulletin no. 2. Ames.) Griffith, J. P. C Care of the baby. 1895 Holt, L. E. . . Care and feeding of children. 1910 Hunt, C. L. . Daily meals of school children. 1909. (U. S. Education bureau. Bulletin no. 3. 1909.) Tweddell, Francis ... A Mother’s Guide. 1911 Starr, Louis . . . Hygiene of the nursery. 1906 U. S. Children’s Bureau Publications Infant care (no. 8.) Prenatal care (no. 4.) Domestic Architecture. Baker, J. C. . American country homes and their gardens. 1906. Book of a hundred homes 1902 Coleman, Oliver .... Successful homes. 1903 Cornes, James .... Modern housing in town and country. 1905. Daniels, F. H. . The furnishing of a modest home. 1908 Davenport, Mrs. J. C. . . Possibilities of the country home. 1910. Desmond and Crowley . Stately houses in America. 1903 Dodd, H. C. . . . The healthful farmhouse. 1906 Herring-Shaw, A . Domestic sanitation and plumbing. 2 vols. 1909-11. Holme, Charles . Old English country cottages. 1906 Hutchinson, F. K Our country home. 1908 Powell, E. P The country home. 1905 Priestman, M. T Artistic homes. 1910 Roberts, I. P The farmstead. 1902 Schackleton and Schackleton . . Adventures in home- making. 1910. Stickley, Gustav .... Craftsman homes. 1909 Stickley, Gustav . . . More Craftsman homes. 1912 Sturges, Russell . . How to judge architecture. 1903 White, C. E. . . . Successful houses and how to build them. 1912. Furnishing and decoration. French, L. H. . . Homes and their decoration. 1903 French, L. H The house dignified. 1908 Home decoration . (Ohio Univ. Agric. extension dept. Bulletin. Columbus.) Jennings, A. S. . Wall papers and wall coverings. 1903 Kellog, A. M Home furnishing; practical and artistic. 1905. Law, C. O. . . . House decoration and repairs. 1907 Priestman, M. T Art and economy in home decoration. 1908. Sparrow, W. S. . . Hints on house furnishing. 1909 Sparrow, W. S. . . Our homes and how to make the best of them. 1910. Throop, L. A. . Furnishing the home of good taste. 1913 Watson, R. M Art of the house. 1887 Furniture. Rugs. China. Dillon, Edward Porcelain. 1904 Dunn, Eliza .... Rugs in their native land. 1910 Lyon, I. W. . Colonial furniture of New England. 1892 Moore, Mrs. N. H Old China book. 1903 Moore, Mrs. N. H Old furniture book. 1903 Morse, F. C. . . . Furniture of ye olden times. 1902 Ripley, M. C Oriental rug book. 1904 Robie, Virginia . . Historic styles in furniture. 1905 Robinson, F. S English furniture. 1905 Shackleton and Shackleton .... The charm of the antique. 1914. Singleton, Esther The furniture of our forefathers. 1913 Public health. Personal hygiene. Brewer, I. W Rural hygiene. 1909 Call, A. P. . . . . Power through repose. 1905 Gulick, L. H The efficient life. 1907 Harrington, Charles . Manual of practical hygiene. 1901 Harris, H. F Health on the farm. 1911 Hough and Sedwick . . The human mechanism. 1906 Hutchinson, Woods . . Preventable diseases. 1909 Illinois State Health Dept. . . . Illinois Health News. (Springfield.) Illinois State Pure Food Commission . Illinois food laws. (Chicago.) New York city health dept Weekly bulletin Ogden, H. N Rural Hygiene. 1911 Price, G. N. . . Handbook on sanitation Ed. 2. 1910 Prudden, T. M Dust and its dangers. 1894 Public and home sanitation . (Iowa state college of agric. Home economics bulletin no. 5. Ames) Pyle, W. L. . . Manual of personal hygiene. 1904 Richards, Mrs. E. H. . . . Art of right living. 1904 Richards, Mrs. E. H. . . Euthenics, the science of con- trollable environment. 1910. Richards, Mrs. E. H. . . Sanitation in daily life. 1907 Richards and Woodman . Air, water and food from a sanitary standpoint. 1911. Ritchie and Caldwell . . Primer of physiology. 1913 Sager, D. S. . . Art of living in good health. 1907 Smith, N. M Three gifts of life. 1913 Spargo, John . Common sense of the milk question. 1908 Stevenson, Thomas . . . Hygiene and public health 3 vols. 1892. Talbot, Marion House sanitation. 1912 U. S. Agriculture department, Farmers’ bulletins Harmfulness of headache mixtures, (no. 377) House flies, (no. 409) How to prevent typhoid fever, (no. 478) Production of clean milk. (no. 602) Some common disinfectants, (no. 345) Wordhull, A. A. . . . Personal hygiene designed for undergraduates. 1906. Textiles. Weaving. Sewing. Laundry. Cleaning and Dyeing. Balderston and Limerick . . Laundry manuel. 1900 Batchelder, E. A. . . . The principles of design. 1906 Beaumont, Roberts . . Colour in woven design. 1890 Blair, M. J. . . . Sewing and garment drafting. 1904 Blair, M. J Sewing tablet. 1908 Brannt, W. T. . Practical dry cleaner, scourer and gar- ment dyer. 1909. Calder and Mann . A teacher’s manual of elementary laundry work. 1901. Dooley, W. H Textiles. 1910 Gibbs, C. M Household textiles. 1913 Hall, Mrs. E. C. . A book of hand woven coverlets. 1912 Hapgood, Olive .... School needlework. 1908 Ingalls, Carrie . . . Textbook on domestic art. 1911 Kinne and Cooley .... Shelter and Clothing. 1913 McGlauflin, Idabelle . . Handicraft for girls. 1910 Osmand, E. G. . . . Cleaning and renovating. 1910 Owen, F. A. . Dying and cleaning of textile fabrics. 1909 Patton, Frances . . . Home and school sewing. 1901 Pellew, C. E Dyes and dyeing. 1913 Sewing . . (Univ. of Ohio. Agric. extension dept. Bulletin. Columbus.) Sheppard, J. L Laundry work. 1909 Some points in choosing textiles . . (Univ. of Illinois Household Science dept. Bulletin. Urbana.) Steiger, K. F. . . . Textile studies for the school room Textiles and dress . . (Univ. of Ohio. Agric. extension dept. Bulletin. Columbus.) Todd, M. P Handloom weaving. 1902 Wakeman and Heller . . Scientific sewing and garment cutting. 1898. Woolman, M. S. . . .A sewing course. Ed. 5. 1911 Woolman and McGowan Textiles. 1913 Occupations for women. Abbott, Edith .... Women in industry. 1910 Candee, H. C. . . How women may earn a living. 1900 Clark and Wyatt . . Making both ends meet. 1911 Butler, E. B Women and the trades. 1909 Hogarth, J. E. . . .Educations and professions Laselle and Wiley . . . Vocations for girls. 1913 Perkins, A. F. ed. . . Vocations for the trained woman; opportunities other than teaching. 1910. Pettingill, Lillian . . Toilers of the home. 1903 Richardson, A. S. . . The girl who earns her own living. 1909. Weaver, E. W Vocations for girls. 1913 Martin and Post . . Vocations for the trained woman. 1914. Periodicals. American Cookery. $1.00. American homes and gardens. $3.00. Country life in America. $4.00. Cratsman.$3.00. Good Housekeeping. $1.50. House and garden. $3.00. House beautiful. $2.00. Note: These books should be ordered through a local bookseller, however where this is not possible, they may be obtained from A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 111. The United States and State bulletins are generally issued free, and may be obtained directly from the publishing office. 02.5. G<*+~ X 2.3 "f I ’t) ' *S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY List of Popular Books on Household Science On exhibition January 18-30, 1915, from 2:30 to 5:30 p. m. daily, in The Library Building, during the School for Housekeepers. American school of home economics . Library of home economics. 12 vols. 1907 Bailey, P. L. . . Domestic science, principles and application. 1914 Barnes, Earl . . Woman in modern society. 1912 Bruere, M. B. and Bruere, R. W. . . Increasing home efficiency. 1912 Buelle, Jennie One woman’s work for farm women. 1908 Child, Mrs. G. B. . . . The efficient kitchen. 1914 Clapp, E. B The courtesies. 1904 Cooley, A. M. Domestic art in woman’s education. 1911 Coolidge, Mrs. M. E. B. . Why women are so. 1912 Frederick, Mrs. C. M. . The new housekeeping. 1913 Freeman, W. G. and Chandler, S. E. . . The world’s commercial products. 1907 Haskins, C. W. How to keep household accounts. 1903 Hewitt, Mrs. E. C. How to live on a small income. 1909 Hunt, C. L. Home problems from a new standpoint. 1908 Johnson, G. T. . . . Domestic science. 1911 Joyce, T. A. and Thomas, N. W. . Women of all nations. 2 v. 1908-1909 Laughlin, C. C. . . . The complete home. 1907 Morris, Josephine Household science and arts for elementary schools. 1913 Nearing, Scott and Nearing, Mrs. N. M. . Woman and social progress. 1912 Parloa, Maria . . . . Home economics. 1898 Richards, Mrs. E. H. . . . The cost of living. 1910 Richards, Mrs. E. H. . . The cost of shelter. 1905 Richardson, B. J. . The woman who spends. 1904 Roberts, H. L. . The cyclopaedia of social usage. 1913 Salmon, L. M Domestic service. 1901 Salmon, L. M. . . Progress in the household. 1906 Talbot, Marion and Breckinridge, S. P. . The modern household. 1912 Tarbell, I. M. . The business of being a woman. 1912 Vuyst, Paul de Woman’s place in rural economy. 1913 White, Marian . . . Fuels of the household. 1909 Much valuable material bearing on Home economics is often published in the various state Agricultural Experiment Station reports, bulletins, and circulars, in the Farmers’ bulletins issued by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, in the Bulletins and Circulars of the U. S. Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, and the U. S. Office of Experiment Stations. Food. Cookery. Serving. Chambers, Mary . Principles of Food preparation. 1914 Cole, Mrs. A. F. (Springsteed) The expert waitress. 1912 Conley, Emma . . . Principles of cooking. 1914 Conn, H. W. Bacteria, yeasts and molds in the home. 1903 Farmer, F. M. . Boston cooking-school cook book. 1912 Farmer, F. M. . Catering for special occasions. 1911 Forster, E. H. and Weigley, Mildred . . . Foods and sanitation. 1914 Hill, Mrs. J. M. . Practical cooking and serving. 1912 Hill, Mrs. J. M. . . The up-to-date waitress. 1913 James, A. L. .... Catering for two. 1909 Jones, M. C. . Lessons in elementary cooking. 1912 Kinne, Helen and Cooley, A. M. Foods and household management. 1914 Lincoln, Mrs. M. J. . . Carving and serving. 1907 Mitchell, M. J Fireless cook-book. 1909 Olsen, J. C Pure foods. 1911 Richards, Mrs. E. H. . . Food materials and their adulterations. 1886 Richards, Mrs. E. H. Good luncheons for rural schools. 1906 Robinson, E. R. and Hammel, H. G. Lessons in cookery. Rorer, Mrs. S. T. . . Bread and bread-making. 1900 Rorer, Mrs. S. T. . . Vegetable cookery and meat substitution. 1909 Salads; how to make and serve them. 1905 Soyer, Nicholas . . Soyer’s paper bag cookery. 1911 Wiley, H. W. . . Foods and their adulteration. 1907 Dietetics. Care of the sick. Bryce, Alexander . . Modern theories of diet. 1912 Conley, Emma .... Nutrition and diet. 1913 Farmer, F. M. . Food and cookery for the sick and convalescent. 1904 Fletcher, Horace A. B.-Z of our nutrition. 1903 Friedenweld, Julius . Diet in health and disease. 1905 Gibbs, W. S. Food for the invalid and convalescent. 1912 Gibbs, W. S. . . Lessons in the proper feeding* of the family. 1912 Harrison, Eveleen .... Home nursing. 1900 Hutchison, Robert . . Food and the principles of dietetics. 1906 Lusk, Graham Elements of the science of nutrition. 1909 Pattee, A. F. . . Practical dietetics with reference to diet in disease. 1914. Ed. 8 Richards, Mrs. E. H Cost of food. 1902 Richards, Mrs. E. H. First lessons in food and diet. 1904 Sherman, H. C. . Chemistry of food and nutrition. 1911 Smith, G. C. . . . What to eat and why. 1911 Stoney, E. A. M. . Practical points in nursing. 1902 Street, J. P. and Mendel, L. P. . Diabetic foods. 1913 (Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Report. 1913. Parti.)- Thompson, W. G. Practical dietetics. 1909 Care of Children. Griffith, J. P. C Care of the baby. 1895 Holt, L. E. . . . Care and feeding of children. 1910 Hunt, C. L. . Daily meals of school children. 1909 (U. S. Bureau of Education. Bulletin. 1909. No. 3.) Starr, Louis . . . Hygiene of the nursery. 1906 Tweddell, Francis ... A mother’s guide. 1911 Domestic Architecture Baker ,J.C. American country homes and their gardens. 1906 Book of a hundred homes. 1902 Coleman, Oliver .... Successful homes. 1903 Comes, James Modern housing in town and country. 1905 Daniels, F. H. The furnishing of a modest home. 1908 Davenport, Mrs. E. J. C. . Possibilities of the country home. 1910 Desmond, H. W. and Croly Herbert . Stately houses in America. 1903 Dodd, H. C. . . . The healthful farmhouse. 1906 Herring-Shaw, A. . Domestic sanitation and plumbing. 2 vols. 1909-11 Holme, Charles . Old English country cottages. 1906 Hutchinson, F. K. . . . Our country home. 1908 Powell, E. P The country home. 1905 Priestman, M. T. . . . Artistic homes. 1910 Roberts, I. P The farmstead. 1902 Schackleton, Robert and Schackleton, Elizabeth Adventures in home-making. 1910 Stickley, Gastav . . . Craftsman homes. 1909 Stickley, Gustav . . . More craftsman homes. 1912 Sturgis, Russell . How to judge architecture. 1903 White, C. E. Successful houses and how to build them. 1912 Young, H. B The farmhouse. 1913 (Cornell university. Cornell reading courses. Lesson for the farm home. 1 May, 1913. v. 2. No. 39. Farm home series No. 6. ) Furnishing and decoration. French, L. H. . . Homes and their decoration. 1903 French, L. H The house dignified. 1908 Holme, Charles, ed. Peasant art in Sweden, Lapland and Iceland. 1910 Jennings, A. S. . Wallpapers and wall coverings. 1903 Kellog, A. M. Home furnishing; practical and artistic. 1905 Law, C. O. . . House decoration and repairs. 1907 Priestman, M. T. Art and economy in home decoration. 1908 Sparrow, W. S. . . Hints on house furnishing. 1909 Sparrow, W. S. . Our homes and how to make the best of them. 1910 Throop, L. A. Furnishing the home of good taste. 1913 Watson, R. M Art of the house. 1897 Wheeler, Candace Principles of home decoration. 1903 Furniture. Rugs. China. Dillon, Edward Porcelain. 1904 Lyon, I. W. . Colonial furniture of New England. 1892 Moore, Mrs. N. H Old china book. 1903 Moore, Mrs. N. H. . . . Old furniture book. 1903 Morse, F. C. . . . Furniture of ye olden times. 1902 Ripley, M. C Oriental rug book. 1904 Robie, Virginia . Historic styles in furniture. 1905 Robinson, F. S English furniture. 1905 Shackleton, Robert and Shackleton, Elizabeth The charm of the antique. 1914 Singleton, Esther The furniture of our forefathers. 1913 Public health. Personal hygiene. Brewer, I. W Rural hygiene. 1909 Call, A. P. . . . Power through repose. 1905 Gulick, L. H The efficient life. 1907 Harrington, Charles Manual of practical hygiene. 1901 Harris, H. F Health on the farm. 1911 Hough, Theodore and Sedgwick, W. T. . . The human mechanism. 1906 Hutchinson, Woods . . Preventable diseases. 1909 Ogden, H. N Rural hygiene. 1911 Price, G. M. . Handbook on sanitation. Ed. 2. 1910 Prudden, T. M. . . Dust and its dangers. 1894 Pyle, W. L. . . Manual of personal hygiene. 1904 Richards, Mrs. E. H. . . Art of right living. 1904 Richards, Mrs. E. H. . . Euthenics, the science of controllable environment. 1910 Richards, Mrs. E. H. . Sanitation in daily life. 1907 Richards, Mrs. E. H. and Woodman, A. G. . Air, water and food from a sanitary standpoint. 1911 Ritchie, J. W. and Caldwell, J. S. . . . Primer of physiology. 1913 Sager, D. S. . . Art of living in good health. 1907 Sedgwick, W. T. . Principles of sanitary science and public health. 1905 Smith, N. M Three gifts of life. 1913 Spargo, John Common sense of the milk question. 1908 Stevenson, Thomas . . Hygiene and public health. 3 vols. 1892 Talbot, Marion .... House sanitation. 1912 Wordhull, A. A. . Personal hygiene designed for undergraduates. 1906 Textiles. Weaving. Sewing. Laundry. Cleaning and dyeing. Balderston, L. R. and Limerick, M. C. . . Laundry manual. 1900 Batchelder, E. A. . . The principles of design. 1906 Beaumont, Roberts . . Colour in woven design. 1890 Blair, M. J. . * Sewing and garment drafting. 1904 Blair, M. J Sewing tablet. 1908 Brannt, W. T. . Practical dry cleaner, scourer and garment dyer. 1909 Calder, F. L. and Mann, E. E. . A teacher’s manual of elementary laundry work. 1901 Dooley, W. H Textiles. 1910 Gibbs, C. M Household textiles. 1913 Hall, Mrs. E. C. A book of hand woven coverlets. 1912 Hapgood, Olive . . . School needlework. 1908 Ingalls, Carrie . . Textbook on domestic art. 1911 Kinne, Helen and Cooley, A. M. Shelter and clothing. 1913 McGlauflin, Idabelle . . Handicraft for girls. 1910 Osman, E. G. . . Cleaning and renovating. 1910 Owen, F. A. Dyeing and cleaning of textile fabrics. 1909 Patton, Frances . . Home and school sewing. 1901 Pellew, C. E Dyes and dyeing. 1913 Shepperd, J. L. . . . Laundry work. 1909 Steiger, K. F. . Textile studies for the school room. Todd, M. P. . . . . Hand-loom weaving. 1902 Wakeman, A. V. and Heller, L. M. . Scientific sewing and garment cutting. 1898 Woolman, M. S. . .A sewing course, ed. 5. 1911 Woolman, M. S. and McGowan, E. B. . Textiles. 1913 Occupations for women. Abbott, Edith .... Women in industry. 1910 Candee, H. C. . How women may earn a living. 1900 Clark, S. A. and Wyatt, E. F. . . Making both ends meet. 1911 Butler, E. B. . . . Women and the trades. 1909 Hogarth, J. E. and others . Education and professions. Laselle, M. A. and Wiley, K. E. . . Vocations for girls. 1913 Perkins, A. F. ed. . Vocations for the trained woman; opportunities other than teaching. 1910 Pettingill, Lillian . . . Toilers of the home. 1903 Richardson, A. S. . . The girl who earns her own living. 1909 Weaver, E. W. . . . Vocations for girls. 1913 Martin, Eleanor and Post, M. A. . Vocations for the trained woman. 1914 Periodicals. American cookery American homes and gardens Country life in America Craftsman Good Housekeeping House and garden House beautiful