Circulating copy A P'r'noltnrn 1 T •J'S T'o r»f Miscellaneous Extension publication 28 June 1936 United States Department of Agriculture Extension Service, Division of Cooperative Extension Washington, D. C.. • 1 ■ CONSERVATION OF WILDLIFE A Selected List of References Note.-When inquiring about publications BE SURE TO GIVE THE FULL REFERENCE. Department publications having listed should be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C.; other Department publications listed should be pro¬ cured from the Office of Information. State extension publications are not avail¬ able for distribution by the Department of Agri¬ culture but should be requested from the State agri cultural colleges issuing them. * ***** Contents Page • . Page Wi 1 rll i "Tfi Riirvflvs. .. i Trees and forestrv........... Nature trails. Plants and wild flowers'.. Game laws. n Insects.'. . ‘. n "R i r*8 s TT . .. . p Mammal s... ... Game. Water and soil conservation.. • 7 Fish and limnology . General . '. Wildlife Surveys Crane, J. L., Jr., and Olcott, G. W. Report on the Iowa'25-year conservation plan, Iowa State Board of Conservation, Des Moines, Iowa, 176 pp. Ulus. 1933. Leopold, A. Report on a game survey of the north central States. 299 pp. illus. Washington, D. C.., American Game Association, 1931. DISTRIBUTION: A copy of this publication has been sent to each extension director, agricultural-college library, and experiment-station library. 645-36 Page Mis c. Ext. Pub; 28 2 Nature Trails Athey, L. C. Along nature's trail- 344 pp. illus. Boston, American Book Co. ^1936^ Vinal, W. Nature guiding. 551 pp. illus. Ithaca, N. Y., Comstock Publish¬ ing Co., 1926. Game Laws' Grimes, E. G. Officials and organizations concerned with wildlife protec¬ tion. U. S. Dept. Agr. ■ Misc. Pub. 231, 16 pp. 1935. Sheldon, H. P., and Grimes, F. G. Gama laws for the season 1935-36. A summary of federal, state and provisional statutes. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers 1 Bull. 1755, 38 pp. 1935. 5 cents. Birds Allen, A. A. The hook of bird life, a study of birds in their native haunts; with photographs by the author. 426 pp.. illus. New York c cl930^ Ashbrook, F. G. The red book of birds of North America. 96 pp. Racine, Wis., Whitman Publishing Co., 1931. 10 cents. Ashbrook, F. G. The green book. 95 pp. Racine, Wis., Whitman Publishing Co., 1931. 10 cents. Ashbrook,- -F. G.-• The blue book. 96 pp. illus., . .Rac.ine,. Wis., Whitman Pub¬ lishing Co.-, 1931. 10 cents. . Boulton, R. • Traveling -with the birds: a book on.bird migration. 64 pp. illus. Chicago, Donahue & Co., 19'33. . Brand, A. R. Songs of wild birds ^with phonograph records j 91 pp. illus. New York, T. Nelson & Sons, 1934. Chapman, F. D. Handbook of birds of eastern North America. 2d ed. rev. 581 pp. illus. New York, London, Appleton and Co., 1932, Gorsuch, D. M. Life history of the Gambel quail in Arizona. Univ. Ariz. Bull. v. 5, no. 4, Biol. Sci. Bull. no. 2, 89 pp. illus. Tacson, 1934. Hartley, C-. I.< The importance of bird life; a popular, account of its economic significance and conservation. 316 pp. illus. New York, Century Co., 1922. Henderson, J. The practical value of birds. 342 pp. New York, Macmillan Co., 1927. -• 645-36 June 1936 Page 5 King, J. Birds. Books I, II, III. Cleveland, Harter Publishing Co., 1934. 10 cents each. May, J. B. The hawks of North America; their field identification and feeding habits. 140 pp. illus. 1775 Broadway, N. Y., National Associa¬ tion Audubon Societies, 1935. Nicholson, E. M. How birds live; a brief account of bird life in the light of modern observation. 139 pp. London, Williams & Norgate, Ltd., 1927. Pearson, T. C-. The bird study book. 258 pp. illus. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page & Co., 1917. Roberts, T. S. Bird portraits in color. 201 pp. illus. Minneapolis, Univ. Minn, press, 1934. Saunders, A. B. A guide to bird songs; descriptions and diagrams of the songs and singing habits of the land birds of northeastern United States. 285 pp. New York, London, Appleton-Century Co., Inc. 1935. 'Weed, C. M., and Dearborn, N. Birds in their relation to man; a manuad of economic ornithology for the United States and Canada. 4th ed. rev. 420 pp. illus. Phila. and London, J. 3. Lippincott Co., 1935. Game American game-bird shooting. 558 pp. illus. New York, Forest and Stream Publishing Co. ^-cl910g Out of print. Forbush, E. H. A history of the game birds, wild-fowl and shore birds of Massachusetts and adjacent states. 2d ed. 622 pp. illus. Boston, State Board Agr., 1916. Gorsuch, D. M. Life history of the Garabel quail in Arizona. Univ. Ariz. Bull. v. 5, no. 4, Biol. Sci. Bull. no. 2, 89 pp. illus. Tucson, 1934. Grinnell, G. B. American duck shooting. 623 pp. illus. New York, Forest . and Stream Publishing Co., 1901. Out of print. Leopold, A. Game management. 481 pp. illus. New York, C. Scribner’s Sons, 1933. McAtee, W. L. Local names of migratory game birds. U. S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Circ. 13, 95 pp. illus. 1923. 10 cents. MacNamara, L. G. Quail breeding manual. Rev. ed. 55 pp. illus. New York, More Game Birds in America, Inc., 1935. 645—36 Page 4 Mi s c. Ext. Pub. 28 More water fowl by assisting nature. 10S pp. New York, More Game Birds in America, Inc., 1931. Phillips, J. C., and Lincoln, P. C. American waterfowl; their present situation and the outlook for their future. 312 pp. illus. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1930. Pirnie, M. D. Michigan waterfowl management. 328 pp. illus.- Lansing, •Department of Conservation, 1935.- Pry, H. c and otherSj Pheasant “breeding manual. Rev. ed. 56 pp. illus. New York, More Game Birds in America* Inc., 1935. Small refuges for waterfowl. 64 pp. illus. New York, More Game Birds in Anerica, Inc., 1933. Stoddard, H. L. The "bohwhite quail; its habits, preservation, and increase. 559 pp. illus. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1931. Yeatter, P. E-. The Hungarian partridge in the Great Lakes Region. 92 pp. illus. Ann Arbor, Univ. Mich, press, 1934. Fish and Limnology — * m ’ * •' Breder, C. M. Field book of marine fishes of the Atlantic coast from Labrador to Texas. 332 pp. illus. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1929. Jordon, D. S., and Svermann, B. W. - Anerican food and game fishes; a. popular account of all the species found north of the equator. 574 pp. illus. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1905. Kellogg, J. L. Shell-fish industries. .361 pp. illus. New York, H. Holt & Co., 1910. Morgan, A. K. Field book of ponds and streams; an introduction to the life of fresh water. 448 pp. illus. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1930. Needham, J. B., and Lloyd, J. T. The life of inland waters. 438 pp. illus. Ithaca, N. Y., Comstock Publishing Co., 1916. National Geographic Society. The book of fishes. 243 pp. illus. Washington, D. C., The Society, 1924. Pratt, H. S. A manual of the common invertebrate animals, exclusive of insects. Rev. ed. 854 pp. illus. Phila., P. Blakiston's Son and Co., Inc. C cl935j Y/ard, H. B., and Whipple, G. C. Fresh-water biology. 1111 pp. illus. New York, J. Wiley and Sons, 1918. 645—36 June 1936 Page 5 Welch, P. S. Limnology. • 471 pp. illus. New York, London, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1935. Trees and Forestry • Illick, J. S. An outline of general forestry. 259 pp. illus. New York, Barnes & Nolle, Inc. jrd935^ Jotter, E. V. Forestry and school studies; a correlation for elementary grades. Univ. Mich. Off. Pub. v. 34, no. 21, 128 pp. illus. 1933. Marshall, p. The people’s forest. 233 pp. New York, H. Smith and P. Haas, 1933. Pack, C. L. Trees as good citizens. 257 pp. illus. Washington, D. C., American Tree Association, 1923. Pack, C. L., and Gill, T. Forests and mankind. 250 pp. illus. New York, Macmillan Co., 1929. Pack, C. L., and Gill, T. Forest facts for schools. 336 pp. New York, Macmillan Co., 1931. Peattie, D. C. Tress of North America. 95 pp. illus. Racine, Wis., ■ Whitman Publishing Co. ^n.d.j Plants and Wild Flowers Atwood, A. C. Books for plant study. 8 pp. 1934. Revised. Copies of this list may be obtained from the Wild Flower Preservation Society, 3740 Oliver Street, Washington, D. C., at 10 cents each. Chamberlin, J. Edible wild plants. Garden and Forest v. 10, p. 239. 1897. Georgia, A. E. A manual of weeds. 593 pp. illus. New York, Macmillan Co., 1314. Harvey, J. Wild flowers of America. 96 pp. illus. Racine, Wis., Whitman Publishing Co., 1932. 10 cents. Havard, V. Food plants of the North American Indians. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 22, pp. 98-123. 1895. House, H. L. Wild flowers. 362 pp. colored plates. New York, Macmillan Co., 1934. King, J. Wild flowers at a glance. 62 pp. illus. Cleveland, Harter Publishing Co., 1935. Maxwell, H. Tree bark as human food. Amer. Forestry v. 22, pp. 277-280. 1916. 645-36 Page 6 Misc. Ext. Pub. 28 Muenscher, W. C. Weeds. 577 pp. illus. New York, Macmillan Co., 1935. Rusby, H. H. Wild foods of the United States. Country Life in America v. 9, pp. 718-719, 752,754; v. 10, pp. 66-69, 202-204, 220, 222, 224, 328-330, 340, 342, 344, 346, 348, 436-438, 448, 450, 452, 533-535; v. 11, pp. 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 456, 458, 546, illus. May 1906-March 1907. Talbott, H. H. Growing ill weeds as good vegetables. House and Garden v. 26, pp. 85-86, illus. 1914. Plants of our local flora which have been used by man as food. Bull. Mo. Bot. Gard. v. 10, pp. 102-110. 1922. Foraging in Mother Nature's pantry. Scouting v. 13, no. 7, pp. 1-7. 1925. Insects Bishopp, E. C. How insects affect our health and comfort. Sci. Monthly v. 33, pp. 443-445. Nov. 1931. Doane, R. W. Common pests; how to control some of the pests that affect man's health, happiness, and welfare. 384 pp. illus. Springfield, Ill., Baltimore, Md., C. C. Thomas, 1931. Essig, E. 0. Man’s influence on insects. Sen,. Monthly v. 28, pp. 49S-506. June 1929. Eabre, J. H. C. Book of insects; retold from Alexander Teixeira de Mattos' tr. of Fabre's Souvenirs entomologiques, by Mrs. Rudolph ( Stawell. 271 pp. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., Inc., 1921. Fazzini, L. D. Butterflies of America. 96 pp. illus. Racine, Wis., Whitman Publishing Co., 1934. 10 cents. Fernald, H. T. Applied entomology; an introductory textbook of insects in their relations to man. 405 pp. illus. New York, London, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1935. Graham, S. C. Principles of forest entomology. 339 pp. illus. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1929. Herrick, G* W. Manual of injurious insects. 489.pp. illus. New York, K. Holt E: Co., 1925. Howard, L. 0. Economic loss to the people of the United States through insects that carry disease. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent. Bull. 78, 40 pp. 1909. Howard, L. 0. A great economic waste; what we are doing and what we must do if we are to check the. ravages of insects. Nat. History, the Jour, of the Amer. Museum, v. 26, no. 2, pp. 124-132, illus. 1926. 645-36 June 1936 Page 7 Metcalf,' C. L., and Flint, W. P. Destructive'and useful insects; -their habits and control. 918 pp. illus. New York, London, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Inc., 1928. Pierce, W. D. Sanitary entomology; the entomology of disease. 518 pp. . Boston, H. G. Badger, The Gorham press, 1921. Riley, W. A., and Johannsen, 0. A. Medical entomology; a survey of insects and allied forms which affect the health of man and animals. 476 pp. New York, London, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Inc., 1932. Sanderson, E. D. Insect pests of farm, garden, and orchard. 3d ed. rev. and enl. by L. M. Peairs. 568 pp. illus. New York, J. Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1931. Smith, J. B. Our insect friends and enemies. 314 pp. Phila., J.-B. Lippincott Co., 1909. Mammals • .... Adams, C. C. The economic and social importance of animals in forestry with special reference to wildlife. Roosevelt Wild Life Bull-. ^Syracuse Univ.j v. 3,‘no. 4, pp. 501-676, illus. 1926. Henderson, J., and Craig, E. L. Economic mammalogy. 397 pp. Springfield, Ill., Baltimore, Md., C. C. Thomas, 1932. Hinton, M. A. C. Rats and mice as enemies of mankind. 70 pp. illus. Lohdon, British Museum of Natural History, 1931. (Economic Ser.' no. 8#) Taylor, W. P. Outline for study of mammalian life history. U. S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Pub. 86, 12 pp. 1930. Out of print. • Water and Soil Conservation T I Bear, F. E. Soil management. 2d ed. thoroughly rev. and enl.- 412 pp. illus. New York, J. Wiley & S 0 ns, 1927. Bennett, H. H. Soils and agriculture of the southern states. 399 pp. illus. New York, Macmillan Co., 1921. *. > Bennett, H. H., and Chapline, W. R. Soil erosion; a national menace. U. S. Dept. Agr. Circ. 33, 36 pp. illus. 1928. 25 cents. ^ i * • Geib," H. V. ' Strip cropping to prevent erosion. U. -S. Dept. Agr. Leaflet 85, 6 pp. illus. 1931. Hopkins, C. G. Soil fertility and permanent agriculture. 653 pp. illus. Chicago, Ginn & Co. ~cl910j 645—36 Page 8 Mi sc. Ext. Pub. 28 Lyon, T. L., and Buckman, H. 0. The nature and property, of soils. 428 pp. illus. New York, Macmillan Co., 1929. . Marsh, G. P. The earth as modified hy human action. New York, C. Scribner’s Sons, 1898. ' . Mattoon, W. R. Stop gullies - save your farm. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Bull. 1737, 14 pp. illus. 1934. Meginnis, H. S. Using soil-binding plants to reclaim gullies in the South. U. S. Dept. Agr, Farmers’ Bull. 1697, 18 pp. illus. 1933. Miller, M. F. The soil and its management. . 386 pp. illus. Boston, New York^etc.-j Ginn & Co. j-1933j Palmer, E. L. Conservation. Cornell Rural School Leaflet v. 29,. no. 3, 32 pp. illus. Jan. 1936. Palmer, E. L. Save the soil. Cornell Rural School Leaflet v. 29, no. 4, 32 pp. illus. March 1936. Person, H. S. c and others^ Little waters: a study of headwater streams and other little waters, their use and .relations, to .the land. Rev. -ed. 82 pp. illus. Washington, D. C., Rural Electrification Administration. 1936. Rarnser, C. E. Farm termcing. U. S. Dept. Agr. .Farmers’ Bull. .1669, 22 pp. illus. 1931. Rarnser, C. E. Gullies; how to control and reclaim them. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Bull. 1234, rev., 36 pp. illus. 1932. * \ Sears, P. B. Deserts on the march. 231 pp. illus. Normal}, Univ. Okla. press, 1935. Water areas, how to create and maintain them. 2d ed. 22 pp. illus. New York, More Game Birds in America, Inc.,' 1935. , General Conservation. Bi-monthly. The American Forestry Association,.Washington, D. C. The journal presents condensations of leading papers on the con¬ servation of all kinds of natural.resources. Barbour, T. Reptiles and amphibians: their habits and adaptations. Rev. ed. 129 pp. illus. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin Co.,.1934. Brownell, L. W. Photography for the sportsman naturalist. 311 pp. illus.. Now York, Macmillan Co., 1904. Ditmars, R. L. Reptiles of the world. New rev. ed. 321 pp. illus. New York, Macmillan Co., 1933. 645-36 June 1336 Page 9 Uugmore, A. R. Nature and the camera: how to photograph live birds and their nests; animals, wild and tame; reptiles; insects; fish and other aquatic forms; flowers, trees, and fungi. 126 pp. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1902. Harris, G, Elements of conservation. 214 pp. illus. Richmond, Va., Johnson Publishing Co. (-cl924qj Jordan, D. S. Manual of the vertebrate animals of the northeastern United States, inclusive of marine species. 13th ed. completely rev. and enl. 446 pp. illus. Yonkers-on~Hudson, N. Y., World Book Co., 1929. Metcalf, Z. P. A text-book of economic zoology. 392 pp. illus. Phila., Lea & Febiger {-1933 3 Noble, G. K. The biology of the Amphibia. 577 pp. illus. New York, London, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1931. Peabody, J. E., and Hunt, A. E. Biology and human welfare. New ed. 658 pp. illus. New York, Macmillan Co., 1933. Reese, A. M. Outlines of economic zoology. 3d ed. 323 pp. illus. Phila., P. Blakeston's Son & Co.^-cl930j Van Hise, C. R. Conservation of our natural resources, based on Van Hise*s The conservation of natural resources in the United States, by Loomis Havemeyer, and others. 551 pp. illus. New York, Macmillan Co., 1930. Washburn, F. L. Injurious insects and useful birds, successful control of farm pests. 453 pp. illus. Phila., J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1918. Weldon, G. P. Economic biology. 457 pp. illus. New York, McGraw-Hill Co., 1929. 645—36