THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 35 e .cr\c>£ 1893 - wnisiPM. REFERENCE The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN L161— 0-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY of NATCHEZ WITH Contracts, Franchises, Etc. Including tlie Act of the Legislature of Jan. 29, 1877, entitled “An Act to amend and reduce into one Act the Act incorporating the City of Natchez, and the several Acts amendatory thereto.” TO WHICH IS APPENDED A List of the Mayors and Members of the Legislative Department of the City of Natchez, from April 9, 1803, (the date of its incor- poration) to and including 1904. Revised, Compiled and Published BY AUTHORITY OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN BY G. B. SHIELDS With the advice and assistance of K. P. Lanneau, City Solicitor. MISSISSIPPI. NATCHEZ PRINTING & STATIONERY CO. 1905. K REMOTE STORAGE ORDINANCE BOOKS’! ACKS OFFICE Authorizing and Requesting G. B. Shields, Esq., to Revise, Amend, Arrange and Consolidate, with the Advice and Assistance of the City Solicitor, All the Ordinances of the City of Natchez now in Force, and to Report Same to the City Council: Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez in Council convened, as follows: Seotion 1. That G. B. Shields, Esq., of the Natchez Bar, be and he is hereby authorized and requested to revise, amend, arrange and consolidate (with the advise and assistance of the City Solicitor) all the ordinances of the City of Natchez now in force, and to report to said Board of Mayor. and Aldermen a code of said ordinances re- vised, consolidated and amended as aforesaid with the drafts of such additional enactments, or ordinances, as said revisor and City Solic- itor may deem necessary for the completion of code. Sec. 2. Said Revisor shall omit in said code all ordinances of said city that have been repealed, or become obsolete and impera- tive, (save ms the same may be, in hisjudgment, historically impor- tant), and said re visor shall report to said Board of Mayor and Aldermen with all convenient speed, in proper form for publishing said code as amended, revised and consolidated for the approval or other action ot said Board. Be it further ordained that this act take effect and be in force from and after its date and that all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Orduined July 14, 1904. 451071 RESOLUTION. City Hall, April lltli, 1892. At a called special meeting of the Board of Mayor and Alder- men of the City of Natchez held this day at 5 o’clock p. m. PRESENT. Mayor— Hon. W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen— R. S. Dixon, A. Eltringham, John Grady, A. L. Howe, Jake Hirsh, P. W. Mulvihill, F. J. V. LeCand, Jos. Reale. The following call for a special meeting was presented and read : To the Aldermen of the City of Natchez: Gentlemen-— You are hereby notified and requested to attend a meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez, to be held this, the 11th day of April, A. D. , 1892, at 5 o’clock p. m. , for the purpose of considering the question whether the municipality of the City of Natchez will or will not elect to come under the provisions of the chapter or law, entitled Municipalities, embod- ied in the Annotated Code, recently adopted by the Legislature of Mississippi. Yours respectfully, THOS. R. QUARTERMAN, City Clerk. Alderman Mulvihill offered the following resolution: Resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez in council convened, That the City of Natchez hereby elects not to come under, be subject to, or governed by, the provisions of that certain chapter of the Annotated Code recently adopted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, entitled, “Munici- palities,” and declines to accept said provisions; that, this reso- lution be entered of record on the corporate minutes and that a copy thereof, certified by the Mayor and City Clerk under the corporate seal, be forwarded by the City Clerk to the Secretary of State of said State. On motion, the resolution was adopted. Alderman Eltring- ham requested to be recorded as voting “no.” On motion the Board adjourned to next regular meeting. THOS. R. QUARTERMAN, City Clerk. AN ORDINANCE Aii Ordinance ratifying, confirming and approving and declaring in force the ordinances of the City as revised, amended, arranged and con- solidated under and by virtue of the provisions of an ordinance en- titled “An Ordinance requesting G. B. Shields, Esq., to revise, amend, arrange and consolidate (with the advice and assistance of the City So- licitor) all the ordinances of the City of Natchez now in force,” ordained 14th day of July, A. D., 1904, and to approve the said ordinances as re- ported to the Board in Code form. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez in Council convened as follows to-wit: Section 1. Whereas under and by virture of an ordinance of the City ordained and passed July 14, 1904, G. B. Shields, Esq., was au- thorized and requested to revise, amend, arrange and consolidate (with the advice and assistance of the City Solicitor) all the ordinances of the City of Natchez now in force and to report to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of this City a code of said ordinances revised, consolidated and. amended as aforesaid * * * * omitting all ordinances of said City that have been repealed and become obsolete and inoperative (save as the same may be in his judgment his- torically important) and whereas the said Shields has submitted the ordi* nances of this City revised, arranged and consolidated as above provided in the form of a code of ordinances aud the said code in printed form has been presented to this Board for its approval and acceptance under provisions of said ordinance of July 14, 1904. Sec. 2. Novv therefore be it further ordained that the said ordi- nances so revised and codified, classified aud enumerated under the fol- lowing headings or titles in said Code, to-wit: CONTENTS. Ordinance authorizing the preparation of this code. Resolution of the City not to come under code chapter on “Munici- palities.” Charter and acts amendatory thereof. Bart 1 , General Ordinances— 1 Banana Peelings, 2 Bathing, 3 Begging, 4 Bicycles, 5 Bill Posting, 6 Butcheries, 7 Carts, Haeks, Drays,’ etc., 8 Cattle, 9 Cemeteries, 10 Census, 11 City Clerk, 12 Cisterns, 13 Digging, 14 Dogs, 15 Electricity, 16 Fires, Chimneys, Forges, etc., 17 Fire Limits Defined, 18 Fireworks, etc , 19 Franchises, 20 Gas, 21 Geese, 22 Gun- powder, 23 Health and Quarantine, 24 Market, 25 Manufactories, etc., 26 Marshal, 27 Mayor, 28 Misdemeanors, 29 Notice to be given where Private Rights Affected, 30 Nuisances, 31 Numbering Building, 32 PaVe- ments and Gutters, 83 Pipes, 34 Police, 35 Privilege Tax, 3G Railroad Trains, Boarding of Prohibited, 37 Revenue and Assessments, 38 Salaries of City Officers, 39 Saloons, 40 Schools, 41 Seed Cotton, 42 Shows, 43 Stock, Fast Driving, Prohibited, 44 Streets, General Ordinances Regard- ing, 45 Streets, Graduation, etc., 46 Streets Named, 47 Surveyor, 48 Trees, 49 Treasurer, 50 Vagrancy, Gaming and Prostitution, 51 Water Commission, 52 Work for City. Part 2— Contracts, Franchises, Bonds, and Special Ordinances: 1 Adams Manufacturing Company, 2 Assessment for Construction of Sidewalks, 3 Baker & McDowell Hardware Co., 4 Bluff City Railway, 5 Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Co., 6 Electricity, 7 Ferry, 8 Gas, 9 Improvement Bonds. 10 Natchez and Southern Railroad, 11 Natchez Electric Street Railway and Power Co., 12 Natchez Jackson and Colum- bus Railroad, 13 New Orleans and Northwestern Railway Co , 14 Official Bonds, 15 Oil, 16 Postal Telegraph Cable Co., 17 W. H. Pritchartt & Co., 18 Postleth waite & Chase, 19 Rumble & Wensel Co., 20 School Bonds, 21 Street Contract, 22 Sewerage, 23 Waterworks, 24 Water and Sewer- age Bonds, 25 Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad Co. Appendix. Boards of Mayor and Aldermen 1803-1904, inclusive. Be and the same are hereby ordained and ratified as the existing or- dinances of this City, and that all ordinances and parts of ordinances of a general nature heretofore passed and not mentioned and specified in said ordinances reported and adopted in said codification or in conflict therewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3 Be it further ordained that the ordinances as published under the following heads’or titles in the Code of Ordinaces of this City, published in 1854 be, and the same are hereby repealed, to-wit: 1st Bread, 2d Carts, Drays, Hacks, etc., 3d Common, 4th Digging, 5th Disorderly Houses, 6th Dogs, 7th Ferry, 8th Firewood, 9th Free Negro Shops, and Stalls, lQth Guard, 11th Harbor, 12th Hawking and Peddling, 13th Health and Quarantine, 14th Marshal, 15th Nuisances, 16th Patrols, 17th Petty Groceries, Fruit Shops, etc., 18th Police Officers and Con- stables, 19th Repair of Streets, 20th Selectmen, 21st Sexton, 22d Shows, 23d Slaves, Free Negroes and Mulattoes, 24th Slave Market, 25th Solici- tors, 26th Water and Water Carriers, 27th Weights and Measures. Section 4. Be it further ordained that this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage and that all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained this, the 4th day of May, 1905. Attest W. G. BENBROOK, Mavor, GEO, T. EISELE, Citytflerk. ' TABLE OF CONTENTS. Containing titles, dates and references, to the Ordinances and parts of Ordinances of the City of Natchez, now in force, and embraced in the Code. CITY CHARTER An Act to amend and reduce into one Act, the act incorporat- ing the City of Natchez, and the several acts amendatory thereto. Approved Jan. 29, 1877; as amended. An Act to amend the registration laws of the City of Natchez. Approved March 8, 1884. An Act to amend the Charter of the City of Natchez. Approved Feb. 10, 1888. PART I — GENERAL ORDINANCES. BANANA PEELINGS, ETC. An Ordinance to prohibit and punish for the throwing or placing of banana, orange, apple, or other peelings or par- ings on the sidewalks, banquettes, or pavements of the City of Natchez and for other purposes. Ordained June 17, 1897. BATHING. An Ordinance entitled an ordinance, prohibiting persons from bathing in the Mississippi River, within certain limits. Ordained July 22, 1856. BEGGING. An Ordinance regulating Public Begging within the corporate limits of the City of Natchez. Ordained Jan. 15, 1891. BICYCLE. An Ordinance, regulating the -use and riding of Bicycles in the City of Natchez. Ordained Sept. 2, 1896. BILL POSTING. An Ordinance, regulating the posting of obnoxious adver- tisements, and prohibiting the use of telegraph, telephone, and electric light poles, shade trees or tree boxes, for adver- tising purposes. Ordained Sept. 18, 1890. BUTCHERIES. An Ordinance to reduce into one, the several ordinances relating to Butcheries, within the City of Natchez. Ordained Feb, 11, 1828; as amended. TABLE OF CONTENTS viii CARTS, HACKS, BRAYS, ETC. An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance on Carts, Hacks, Drays, Etc. Ordained March 1, 1883. CATTLE. An Ordinance entitled, “An Ordinance, prohibiting the run- ning at large of cattle, horses, mules, sheep, swine, or goats, within the limits of the City of Natchez.” Ordained June 20, 1895; as amended Feb. 6, 189G, and July 9, 1903. CEMETERIES. Chapter in Code of 1854, entitled, “ Burying-Ground. ” An Ordinance laying out and regulating the new Burying Ground. Ordained Nov. 28, 1855. An Ordinance for the protection and preservation of the city bury- ing ground from injury and desecration. Ordained May 4th, 1858. An Ordinance laying out and regulating an additional Burying Ground. Ordained June 11, 1867. An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance, creating a fund known as ihe Cemetery Fund of the City of Natchez. Ordained Match 9, 1871. An Ordinance regulating the sale of lots in the new addition to the City Cemetery, lately purchased of George Zurhellen and others, adopting the plat, as submitted by the Committee of Public Property, etc. Ordained Aug. 7, 1890. An Ordinance to provide for the Care and Maintenance of the City Cemetery. Ordained Oct. 1, 1891; as amended Feb. 18, 1892, and May 26, 1897. An Ordinance to permit the Trustees of the Natchez Hospital to bury the pauper dead from said hospital. Ordained Feb. 15, 1900. CENSUS. An Ordinance to provide for taking Censuses of the City of Natchez. Ordained July l6, 1886. CISTERNS. An Ordinance concerning the Public Cisterns. Ordained March 10, 1841 . CITY CLERK, An Ordinance to regulate and define the duties, etc., of the Clerk of the Cit} r of Natchez, and for other purposes. Or- dained Aug, 9, 1837, TABLE OF CONTENTS ix 0 DIGGING. An Ordinance regulating Digging in the City of Natchez, during certain months. Ordained Aug. 15, 1872. DOGS. An Ordinance regulating the keeping of Dogs in the City of Natchez. Ordained June 18, 1881; as amended June 1, 1893. ELECTRICITY; Regulations as to Poles, Wires, Etc. An Ordinance to regulate the use of Electrical Conductors in the City of Natchez. Ordained Oct. 12, 1888. An Ordinance directing and prescribing the manner of erecting, locating, and maintaining the Poles and Wires of electric light and power and telephone and telegraph lines in the City of Natchez. Ordained Sept. 17, 1903. FIRES, CHIMNEYS, AND FORGES. An Ordinance, entitled, “Fires, Chimneys, and Forges.” Revised April 21, 1887; as amended Sept. 4, 1890. FIREWORKS, Etc. An Ordinance to prevent the explosion of Fireworks and Firing of Cannon within the city limits. Ordained Sept. 1, 1887; as amended Dec. 16, 1897. FRANCHISES, Payment of Costs by Grantees of. An Ordinance prescribing and requiring Payment of Costs by grantees or donees of franchises, rights, ceasements or uses, in cases of grants or donations to such grantees or donees by the Board of Ma}’or and Alder men of the Cit} r of Natchez. Ordained Dec. 20, 1900. GAS LAMP POSTS, ETC. An Ordinance to protect the gas lamp-posts and other fix- tures. Ordained Aug. 24, 1858. GEESE. An Ordinance to prevent Geese from running at large in the City of Natchez; as amended. Ordained Aug 16, 1885; amended Sept. 7, 1899. GUNPOWDER. An Ordinance to regulate the keeping of Gunpowder, as amended. Ordained March 31, 1814; amended Sept. 15, 1898. X TABLE OF CONTENTS HEALTH AND QUARANTINE. An Ordinance to establish Quarantine and to protect the Public Health. Ordained Aug. 7, 1879. An Ordinance to amend the above. Ordained July 1, 1897. An Ordinance to preserve the health of the citizens of Natchez, by prohibiting the importation of Rags of any description into the Cit}\ Ordained June 16, 1887, An Ordinance to provide against the introduction of Contagious and Infectious Diseases and to secure Public Health. Ordained Oct. 3, 1889. An Ordinance to aid in preventing the spread of Infectious and Contagious Diseases. Ordained Oct. 1, 1891. MARKET. An Ordinance to amend and reduce into one the several ordi- nances regulating the Market of the City of Natchez. Ordained May 4. 1905. MARSHAL. An Ordinance defining the duties, powers, etc,, of City Marshal. Ordained Dec. 21, 1882. MAYOR. An Ordinance concerning the Mayor and other officers. Or- dained Nov. 1, 1854. An Ordinance to empower the Mayor to suspend any subordinate officer of the City of Natchez. Ordained May 5, 1897. MISDEMEANORS. An Ordinance for the Preservation of Good Order and Mor- ality within the City of Natchez. Ordained Jan. 17, 1866. An Ordinance to provide for the summary Punishment and Control of Idle and Disorderly persons. Ordained April 16, 1896. An Ordinance to define certain Misdemeanors against the City of Natchez, to declare certain acts, punishable under the laws of the State of, Mississippi, offenses against the City", and provide for the punishment of Misdemeanors and Offenses. Ordained Aug. 16, 1900. NOTICE; Where Private Rights Affected. An Ordinance to better protect the Private Rights of Citi- zens. Ordained April 21, 1887. TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 XI NUISANCES. An Ordinance entitled, “Nuisances.” Revised March 22, 1872. NUMBERING BUILDINGS. An Ordinance providing for the Numbering of all Buildings in the City of Natchez and for other purposes. Ordained Oct. 0, 1887; amended Oct. 20, 1887. PAVEMENTS AND GUTTERS. An Ordinance providing for and regulating the construction, repair, and renewal of pavements and gutters in the City of Natchez. Ordained May 15, 1890. An Ordinance providing for the construction of pavements and gutters on the north side of High street, from Commerce street to Union street, fronting the property of Est. A. Scho- field, H. C. Griffin, and J. Ed. Schwartz. Ordained June 19, 1890. An Ordinance, providing for the construction of gutters on the west side of Commerce street, from High to Monroe. Or- dained Oct. 2, 1890. An Ordinance, Providing for the construction of pavements and gutters on the east and west sides of Union street, from Jef- ferson to High, etc. Ordained Oct. 16, 1890. An Ordinance, providing for the construction of pavements, etc., on the east side of Union street, between B and Monroe streets, etc. Ordained Nov. 6, 1890. An Ordinance, providing for the construction of pavements and gutters on the north side of Washington street, from Union to Rankin street. Ordained June 4, 1891. An Ordinance, providing for the construction of pavements and gutters on the west side of Canal street from Main street to Parker’s Alley. Ordained 'Sept. 3, 1891. An Ordinance, providing for the construction of pavements and outters on the east side of Rankin street, from McDowell’s Alley to Washington street, etc. Ordained Sept. 3, 1891. An Ordinance, providing for the construction of pavements and gutters on west side of Pearl street between Franklin and Main, etc. Ordained July 7, 1892. An Ordinance, providing for the consl ruction and repair of gutters and pavements on the east and west sides of Union street, between Main and High streets, etc. Ordained Jan. 19 , 1893 . TABLE OF CONTENTS xii PAVEMENTS AND GUTTERS— Continued. An Ordinance, providing for the construction of pavements and gutters on the west side of Pearl street, between Frank- lin and Jefferson streets, etc. Ordained July 16, 1896. 12. An Ordinance, providing for the construction of pavements and gutters on east and west sides of South Commerce street beginning at Orleans street and extending to Harrison street. Ordained June 4, 1903. 13. An Ordinance, providing for the construction of pavements and gutters on the east and west sides of South Union street, within certain designated limits. Ordained July 23, 1903. 14. An Ordinance providing for the same, within certain desig- nated limits, on S. Washington St., Ordained Sept. 24, 1903. 15. An Ordinance providing for the construction of sidewalks or pavements, etc., in South Canal, North Union, and Clifton Avenue, etc. Ordained May 26, 1904. PIPES. An Ordinance to regulate the laying of all kinds of Pipes in the streets and alleys of the City of Natchez. Ordained April 5, 1900. An Ordinance to amend Section One (1,) of the above. Ordained June 21, 1900. POLICE. An Ordinance for the better Police of the city on Sundays. Ordained April 25, 1855. An Ordinance to amend the above. Ordained April 21, 1870. An Ordinance to define the duties of the City Marshal and Police- men in reference to violation of the Sabbath. Ordained Feb. 21, 1885. An Ordinance to amend the Police Ordinance, passed Jan. 26, 1871, as amended. Ordained March 15, 1888; amended Jan. 16, 1890; Jan. 22, 1900, and July 18, 1900. An Ordinance to confer Police Power on Railroad Conductors, along the line of their roads from the city limits to depot on all railroads entering the City of Natchez, and to abate a rapidly increasing Nuisance, thereby protecting the lights of common carriers who pay licenses; as amended. Ordained Jan. 2, 1890, amended May 5, 1898. An Ordinance prohibiting the use of the Duplex or Bicycle whistle within the limits of the City of Natchez, except by the police force or persons calling the police, Ordained March 5, 1896, 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS xiii PRIVILEGE TAX. An Ordinance levying taxes upon certain Privileges in the City of Natchez, and for other purposes. Ordained Sept. 3, 1896. An Ordinance to amend the above. Ordained Sept. 29, 1904. An Ordinance to remove obstructions from the sidewalks and to regulate the planting of shade trees and for other pur- poses. Ordained March 6, 1832. Abstracts of Ordinances requiring Pavements and Gutters to be made on sundry streets of the City of Natchez. From the Code of 1854. RAILROAD TRAINS. An Ordinance to prevent persons from boarding Railroad Trains while in motion. Ordained Sept. 1, 1892. REVENUE AND ASSESSMENT. An Ordinance to amend an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordi- nance to amend and reduce into one the several ordinances, in relation to the assessment and collection of taxes, within the City of Natchez and for other purposes, passed Feb. 1, 1847.” Ordained Dec. 17, 1861. An Ordinance to provide for the Assessment and collection of taxes in the City of Natchez. Ordained Aug. 16, 1888. An Ordinance levying taxes for the purpose of raising a revenue for the City of Natchez, for the fiscal year ending the first day of February, 1905. Ordained Sept. 3, 1904. SALARIES OF CITY OFFICERS. An Ordinance to establish, fix and regulate the salaries and compensation of the Mayor and the several subordinate offi- cials of the City of Natchez, for the years 1897 and 1898, and for other purposes. Ordained Nov. 5, 1896. An Ordinance to amend paragraphs 1, 5 and 6 of Section 1 of an Ordinance, regulating and fixing salaries of the Mayor and subordinate officials of the City of Natchez, passed Nov. 5, 1896. Ordained Aug. 16, 1900; as amended Dec. 27, 1900. An Ordinance repealing an Ordinance, entitled “An Ordinance to amend Section 7 of an Ordinance passed Nov. 5, 1896, regu- lating the salary of Health Officer.” Ordained Aug. 2,1900, and to substitute therefor a new ordinonce regulating the salary of Health Officer. Ordained July 30, 1903. XIV TABLE OF CONTENTS SALOONS. An Ordinance, concerning Liquor Saloons and the penalty for the violation of law in the sale of Liquors, etc. Ordained Jan. 9, 1873. SCHOOLS. An Ordinance to create a separate School District, in and for the City of Natchez. Ordained April 9, 1878. An Ordinance to establish a system of Municipal Public Schools in the City of Natchez. Ordained Oct. 7. 1880. SEED COTTON. An Ordinance to suppress nefarious night traffic in Seed Cot- ton. Ordained Sept. 17, 1874. SHOWS. An Ordinance, entitled ‘ Shows.” Ordained April 19, 1872. STOCK , Fast Driving of, Prohibited. An Ordinance prohibiting the fast driving of Mules, Horses or Cattle through the streets of Natchez and for other pur- poses. Ordained May 16, 1878. STREETS; General Ordinances Regarding. An Ordinance concerning the Public Streets and Highways. Ordained Dec. 15, 1857. An Ordtnance to provide for the cleaning, repairing and improving of the streets, etc., of the City of Natchez, as amended. Or- dained Jan. 5, 1888; as amended Jan. 19, 1888; Jan. 17, 1889; Jan. 15, 1891; Jan. 22, 1900. An Ordinance to amend the above and t lie several ordinances amendatory thereto. Ordained Jan. 4, 1894. An Ordinance providing for the removal of obstructions on streets and sidewalks and for other purposes. Ordained Jan. 21, 1897. STREETS; Established, Opened and Extended. An Ordinaece to open and establish an alley (Bank Alley) between Main and Market streets, from Second to Third streets, and for other purposes. Ordained Oct. 7, 1826. An Ordinance to extend Front (Canal) and Second streets and to establish a street to the lower landing in the City of Natchez. Ordained Jan. 1, 1819. An Ordinance to extend Front (Canal) street and to establish a street therefrom to the southern limits of the city. Ordained April 1, 1822, 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS xv STREETS — Continued. An Ordinance to define Levee and Cypress streets in the City of Natchez. Ordained March 1, 1837. An Ordinance to extend and establish certain streets in the City of of Natchez. Ordained May 17, 1854. An Ordinance to extend Franklin street to the eastern limits. of the city. Ordained March 20, 1839. An Ordinance laying out and establishing Sixth and Seventh streets in the City of Natchez and extending other streets leading thereto. Ordained Sept. 12, 1818. An Ordinance to define and open Ferry street. Ordained May 4, 1858. An Ordinance to extend Front and Second streets and to establish a street to the lower landing in the City of Natchez. Ordained Jan. 1, 1819. An Ordinance to extend Third street. Ordained Sept. 27, 1815. An Ordinance laying out and establishing Sixth and Seventh streets in the City of Natchez, etc. Ordained Sept. 22, 1818. An Ordinance to define and establish Levee and Cypress streets in the City of. Natchez. Ordained March 1, 1837. An Ordinance to establish Locust street and Sycamore Alley. Or- dained May 17, 1821. An Ordinance to establish and open Maiden Lane. Ordained March 10, 1841, An Ordinance to provide for enclosing the Public Square and keep- ing in repair the public Nursery and to establish Market street. Ordained Feb. 13, 1822. An Ordinance laying out streets, to be called Sixth street, Third South, and Fourth North streets. Ordained March 11, 1817. An Ordinance to establish the width of Monroe street in the City of Natchez. Ordained Dec. 24, 1834. An Ordinance to open, extend and establish certain streets in the City of Natchez. Ordained May 17, 1854. An Ordinance laying out streets to be called Sixth street, Third South (Orleans) and Fourth North streets. Ordained March 11, 1817, An Ordinance entitled an ordinance to alter and establish the width of Orleans street. Ordained Dec. 30, 1835. XVI TABLE OF CONTENTS STREETS — Continued. An Ordinance to establish a street or highway from the north- eastern end of Seventh street to the city boundary, where the State road leading from Port Gibson intersects the city line. Ordained July 12, 1821; as amended by supplemental ordinance of Aug. 27, 1821. An Ordinance to open Sixth (Rankin) street, from Third South street to Main street, Ordained March 17, 1825. An Ordinance to open and extend Rankin street. Ordained Nov. 15, 1854. An Ordinance to make public a road to the steam mills owned by Andrew Brown and others, and for other purposes. Ordain- ed July 10, 1833. An Ordinance ascertaining the limits of the road leading from the summit of the bluff to the lower landing. Ordained June 20, 1821. An Ordinance to prohibit any further digging from the bluff on the west side of the road leading from the summit of the bluff to the lower landing. Ordained March 20, 1832. An Ordinance to prevent the destruction of the road to the lower landing. Ordained Sept. 4, 1850. An Ordinance to lay out and establish a road from the bridge oppo- site the west end of Main street to the upper landing on the river. Ordained March 6, 1822. An Ordinance to open and establish an alley from Rankin to Union, between Main and Franklin streets, to be called Rose alle} r . Ordained Dec. 14, 1853. An Ordinance to extend State street. Ordained Dec. 8, 18^6. An Ordinance to establish Locust street and Sycamore alley. Or- dained May 17, 1821. An Ordinance to open and extend Fifth (Union) street to the south- ern limits of the city. Ordained May 11, 1826. An Ordinance to open and extend Union street. Ordained Dec. 4, 1839. An Ordinance to extend Front (Canal) and Second /Wall) streets and to establish a street to the lower landing in the City of Natchez. Ordained Jan. 1, 1819. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS xvii STREETS — Continued. An Ordinance to open a street in the Third Ward of the City of Natchez. Ordained April 11, 1817. An Ordinance to open a street or highway at the landing. Ordained Feb. 17, 1821. An Ordinance prohibiting digging on the eastern side of Water street. Ordained March 20, 1832. An Ordinance to extend and open Union street. Ordained June 16, 1857. An Ordinance declaring all streets, alleys and lanes opened, and for other purposes Ordained Dec. 13, 1869. An Ordinance to open and establish a public street, near the eastern limits of the city. Ordained Dec. 12, 1872. STREETS GRADUATED. 1. Ordinances on the subject contained in the Code of 1854. 2. Ordinances subsequent to Code of 1854. An Ordinance to perfect the graduation of portions of Union, High, and Rankin streets, and to require pavements and gutters to be made therein. Ordained June 26, 1860. An Ordinance to establish a grade of Monroe street, between Canal and Pine streets. Ordained April 3, 1860. An Ordinance to establish a grade of Monroe street, between Canal and Pine streets. Ordained April 3, 1860. An Ordin ince to establish the grade of certain portions of Union and B. streets. Ordained Jan. 2, 1861. An Ordinance to graduate certain pirts of Rankin and B. streets. Ordained April 18, 1855. STREETS NAMED. An Ordinance to define and name the several streets within the City of Natchez. Ordained March 1, 1834. An Ordinance to change the name of “A” street to Madison street. Ordained Jan. 25, 1854. SURVEYOR. An Ordinance to provide for the appointment and to define the duties of a city Surveyor and for other purposes. Or- dained Oct. 19, 1826. TABLE OF CONTENTS xviii TREASURER. CITY An Ordinance to reduce into one the several ordinances con- cerning the duties of City Treasurer. Ordained Nov. 13, 1838. An Ordinance to reduee the expenses, improve the credit, and regu- late the finances of the City of Natchez. Ordained Jan. 25, 1843. An Ordinance directing the manner in which money shall be drawn out of the City Treasury. Ordained Jan. 10, 1810. TREES. An Ordinance to prevent the destruction of, or injury to Shade Trees. Ordained Sept. 6, 1888. YAGRANCY, GAMBLING AND PROSTITUTION. An Ordinance to suppress Vagrancy, Gambling and Prosti- tution. Ordained Jan. 2, 1891. WATER COMMISSION. An Ordinance creating the Office of Commissioners of the Natchez Water Supply and Sewerage System; defining their duties; fixing their salaries; and authorizing the appoint- ment by them of a superintendent of said system. Or- dained May 25, 1903. WORK FOR CITY. An Ordinance to specify how Work shall be done for the City. Ordained Feb. 16, 1899. PART II--CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. ADAMS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. An Ordinance to authorize the Adams Manufacturing Com- pany to construct, lay, and use a Railway Track across Broadway and Canal streets, to connect by switch with the L. N. 0. & T. Railway. Ordained May 21 , 1891. An Ordinance to amend the above. Ordained July 16, 1891. An Ordinance to transfer to the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Rail- road Company, the privilege granted to the Adams Manufac- turing Company, to construct, lay, and use a Railway Track across Broadway and Canal streets, to connect by switch with the track of the L. N. 0. & T. Railway Company, by or- dinance ordained May 21, 1891, and by ordinance amenda- tory thereto, ordained July 16, ’91. Ordained Feb. 2, 1893 An Ordinance to extend the life of the Franchise granted by the above ordinance. Ordained May 23, 1901. TABLE OF CONTENTS xix 4 ASSESSMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS. An Ordinance assessing and levying the cost and ex- penses of Construction of Sidewalks, Curbing and Gutters, against certain lots or parcels of ground fronting or abutting upon the easterly and westerly sides of South Union street in the City of Natchez. Ordained Nov. 13, 1903. An Ordinance levying such assessment against abutting land-own- ers upon easterly and westerly sides of South Commerce street. Ordained x\ug. 27, 1903. An Ordinance levying such assessment against abutting land-own- ers on East Washington street. Ordained Jan. 14, 1904. An Ordinance levying such assessment against abutting land-own- ers upon easterly side of North Union street. Ordained Aug. 11, 1904. An Ordinance levying such assessment against other abutting land- owners upon the easterly side of North Union street. Or- dained August 25, 1904. An Ordinance levying such assessment against abutting land-own- ers upon the easterly and westerly side of South Canal street, between State and Orleans streets. Ordained Sept. 3, 1904. An Ordinance levying such assessment upon certain land-owners upon easterly side of North Union street. Ordained Sept. 22, 1904. An Ordinance assessing and and levying the cost and expense @f Construction of Sidewalks, of Pavements, Curbing and Gut- ters, against certain lots or parcels ctf ground, fronting or abutting upon the easterly sides of Clifton avenue and North Union street in the City of Natchez. Ordained Nov. 3, 1904. An Ordinance levying such assessment against certain land-own- ers on the easterly side of South Canal street, between Or- leans street and the Natchez and Southern Railroad bridge. Ordained Sept. 22, 1904. An Ordinance levying such assessment against certain land-owners upon the easterly and westerly sides of South Canal street and Clifton Heights. Ordained Oct. 20, 1904. XX TABLE OF CONTENTS BAKtB & McDowell hardware co. An Ordinance granting Baker & McDowell Hardware Co., the privilege of connecting tli'eir property on the east side of South Broadway street with the track of the V. & M. V. R. R. Co., on, the western side of said street, by a switch or spur track running along said street. Ordained Sept. 21, 1899. BLUFF CITY RAILWAY CO. An Ordinance authorizing the Bluff City Railway Co., to use, maintain and construct certain railways, on, over, and across certain streets of the City of Natchez, for the purpose of conveying, transporting goods, merchandise and freight between the wharf boat or other landings on the Mississippi River at the City of Natchez, and the bluff above and from point to point, within said ci t y. Ordained Aug. 1, 1901. CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. An Ordinance to grant to the Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company, its agents, representatives, successors, and assigns, the right of way and the right to erect poles and to stretch wires in, over and under the streets, alleys, and public grounds of the City of Natchez. State of Mis- sissippi, and to erect, own, maintain and operate an electric telephone piant and exchange in said city. Ordained Jan. 8, 1903. ELECTRICITY; LIGHTING CITY BY MEANS OF An Ordinance to provide for furnishing light in the City of Natchez, by means of electricity. Ordained Aug. 6, 18^8. FERRY. An Ordinance to provide for the lease and regulation of Fer- ries across the Mississippi River, from and within the limits of the City of Natchez, reserving the rent for the use there- of, and prescribing the rates of Ferriages. Ordained Feb. 6, 1896. An Ordinance annuling and recinding a Contract heretofore en- terered into between S. B. McNeelyand the City of Natchez, granting to him the license and privilege of running a Ferry across the Mississippi River within the limits of the City of Natchez, dated March 11, 1901, and granting to said S. B, McNeely, the said Ferry license add privilege for a term of ten years under certain condition. Ordained June 25, 1903, TABLE OF CONTENTS xxi GAS. An Ordinance to provide for the lighting of the City of Natchez, with Gas. Ordained Feb. 16, 1858. An Ordinance to amend and modify the ordinance, entitled ‘‘An Ordinance, to provide for lighting the City of Natchez, with Gas-’ 7 Ordained Nov. 1, 1877. IMPROVEMENT BONDS. An Ordinance to provide for the Issuance and Ncgolation of Improvement Bonds. Ordained May 30, 1888. An Ordinance to provide for the Payment and Redemption of cer- tain Improvement Bonds of the City of Natchez, numbered one, two, three four and five. Ordained Oct. 26, 1893. NATCHEZ & SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. An Ordinance authorizing the Natchez & Southern Railway Co. to lay a track across the westerly end of Compress St., in the City of Natchez, Miss. Ordained Sept. 3, 1903. NATCHEZ ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY CO. An Ordinance to grant to Andrew G. Campbell and others, their associates, successors and assigns, the right to con- struct, maintain and operate an Electric Plant for furnisning Heat, Power and Light, and a Plant for furnishing Com- pressed Air to the City of Natchez and the inhabitants there- of, and to maintain and and operate a Street Railway on the streets of said City of Natchez. Ordained Jan. 24, 1901, As amended Oct. 17, 1901. An Ordinance authorizing the Natchez Electric Street Rail wa} T and Power Company to lay its Street Railway Trrck, and erect and maintain Poles and Wire, over and across the grounds of the premises, known as the Natchez City Hospital lot, and to operate said Railway, bj* trolley over said track. Ordained Aug. 21, 1902. NATCHEZ. JACKSON AND COLUMBUS RAILROAD CO. An Ordinance for the donation and grant to the Natchez, Jackson and Columbus Railroad Company, of a Right of Way over and through certain streets, and the occupation and use by said company of certain property of the city. Ordained March 6, 1872. An Ordinance for the donation and grant to the Natchez, Jackson and Columbus Railroad Co. of the use and occupation of certain property of the city. Ordained July 11, 1872. xxii TABLE OF CONTENTS N. J. & C. R. R. — Continued. An Ordinance authorizing the Natchez, Jackson and Columbus Railroad Co. to lay a single railroad track on Broadway, as amended. Ordained April 15, 1886; amended Dec. 1, 1887. An Ordinance granting the Natchez, Jackson and Columbus Rail- road Co. permission to lay a track or tracks and run over the southeastern corner of Parker’s Bluff. Ordained October 3, 1889. NEW ORLEANS AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY CO. An Ordinance granting to the New Orleans and Northwestern o o Railway Co. rights of way over certain streets of the city of Natchez; as amended. Ordained March 18, 1900; as amen- ded April 19, 1900. An Ordinance authorizing the New Orleans and Northwestern Rail- road Co. to lay a spur track on the south end of Broadway street in the city of Natchez, Miss. Ordained Aug. 2, 1900. OFFICIAL BONDS. An Ordinance concerning the Official Bonds of the officers of the city of Natchez; as amended. Ordained Dec. 15, 1857; as amended Dec. 21. 1882. OIL. An Ordinance granting to R. F. Learned, J. N. Carpenter, their associates, successors and assigns, the right to con- struct and operate a plant for the storage of fuel (coal or petroleum) oil, and laying pipes under and through the streets, etc., of thl city of Natchez, for the purpose of furn- ishing and supplying to the factories, inhabitants, etc., fuel oil, etc. Ordained Oct. 20, 1892. POSTAL TELEGRAPH CABLE COMPANY. An Ordinance granting to the Postal Telegraph Cable Co., the right and privilege of erecting poles and stretching wires in and through the streets and alleys of the cit} T of Natchez and exempting said company from certain taxes. Ordained Oct. 18, 1894. 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS xxiii PRITCHABTT AND COMPANY. An Ordinance granting to W. H. Pritchartt and Company, the privilege of connecting their property on the northwest corner of Canal and Orleans streets by a switch or spur track, with the track of the Natchez and Southern Railway Co., former!} 7 the New Orleans and Northwestern, connecting said Railway with the tracks of the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad Co. Ordained Feb. 5, 1903. POST LETH WAITE AND CHASE. An Ordinance granting to Postlethwaite and Chase, the privilege of connecting their property on the east side of South Broadway street, with the track of the Y. & M. V. R. R. Co., on the western side of said street, by a switch, or spur track, running across said street. Ordained August 25, 1898. RUMBLE AND WENSEL CO. An Ordinance granting to the Rumble and Wensel Co., the privilege of connecting their property on the east side of south Broadway street, with the track of the Y. and M. V. R. R. Company on the western side of said street, by a switch or spur track running across said street. Ordained August 25, 1898. SCHOOL BONDS. An Ordinance providing for the preparation, issuance, nego- tiation or sale and payment or redemption of Municipal School Bonds of the city of Natchez. Ordained May 3, 1900 An Ordinance to amend Section 2 of the above. Ordained June 21, 1900. An Ordinance supplemental, to the amendng iordinance. Ordained May 23, 1901. SEWERAGE. An Ordinance to provide for a system of Sewerage for the city of Natchez, Adams County, State of Mississippi and its inhabitants, authorizing the Natchez Water and Sewer Co., its successors or assigns to construct, operate and maintain sewerage and contracting with said company for the same and giving city an option to purchase. Ordained February 28, 1889; as amended April 8, 1889. STREET CONTRACT. Entered into February 17, 1904. xx iv TABLE OF CONTENTS WATERWORKS. An Ordinance to provide for a system of Waterworks and a supply of water to the city of Natchez, etc. ; as amended. Ordained Feb. 28, 1889; amended April 8. 1889. An Ordinance granting the privilege to the Natchez Water and Sewer Co., to furnish the city of Natchez its supply of water from Artesian Wells, under certain reserved conditions. Or- dained April 4, 1895. An Ordinance to provide for the extension of the water pipes or mains from the junction of Oak and Cemetery streets, north- wardy along Cemetery and New streets, and the erection of hydrants along said line. Ordained July 3, 1895. WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE BONDS. An Ordinance providing for the preparation, issuance and sale of Waterworks and Sewerage Bonds of the city of Natchez and for the payment or redemption of said bonds. Ordained April 16, 1903. An Ordinance providing for the approval and execution of said bonds, as authorized to be prepared, issued and sold, under the provisions of the above ordinance. Ordained May 7, 1903. YAZOO & MISSISSIPPI VALLEY RAILROAD CO. An Ordinance granting the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad Company the right to cross the pavement on the west side of Broadway and for other purposes. Ordained August 11, 1896. An Ordinance authorizing the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Rail- road Company to lay a spur track on the northerly end of Broadwa} 7 in the city of Natchez, Miss., so as to run in front of the warehouse and premises of Geisenberger and Friedler, parellel with the track of said Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad Company. Ordained Oct. 4, 1900. An Ordinance authorizing and empowering the Yazoo and Mississ- ippi Valley Railroad Company to lay a spur track upon Broadway street between Jefferson and High streets, in the city of Natchez, Mississippi, so as to run in front of the warehouse and premises of the Armour Packing Company. Ordained March 25, 1901. An -Ordinance authorizing the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Rail- road Company to lay a spur track starting from its main track on Monroe street between Wall and Canal streets in city of Natchez, and running southwesterly along Monroe street into the property of Dr. S. Kelly. Ordained May 23, 1901. (TTY CHARTER AX ACT. To Amend and Reduce into One Act the Act Incorporating the City of Natchez, and the Several Acts Amendatory Thereto. Al’IMiOY 1 3 1 > JANUARY _>!>, 1S77, AS AMENOEM Section 1 . Be It enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi , That all that tract of coun- try contained within the following boundaries shall hereafter he designated by the name of the city of Natchez, to- wit : Assuming for a central point the site of the door of the old Roman Catholic Chapel formerly on Commerce street, and running thence in opposite directions on said street, north thirty de- grees east, and south thirty degrees west, and one city bouuda- mjle in each direction, thereby giving a right line all nes together two miles in length, at the extremities of which line two points will be given, one in the upper and one in the lower boundary of said city, thence from each of said points at right angles with said line and parallel with Main street, in said city, and south sixty degrees east, one mile, at the extremities of which last mentioned lines two other points will be given, thence from either of said two last men- tioned points in a right line to the other, thereby giving the rear or southeastern boundary of said city, thence returning and extending said upper -and lower boundaries north sixty degrees west, and parallel with said Main street to the middle of the Mississippi river, and thence from either to tin* other of the t wo points thus obtained, along the middle of said river, thereby completing the limits of said city. CITY CHARTER General pow- ers of the corporation. First ward. Second ward. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the inhab- itants of said city as above laid out and defined, and their successors forever, are hereby constituted a cor- poration and a body politic, in fact and in law, by the name and style of the City of Natchez, and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and shall sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended in all courts of law and ^equity, and in all actions whatsoever; may purchase, receive and hold property, real and personal, within said city, and may purchase, receive and hold property, real and personal, beyond the limits of the city of Natchez, to be used for the burial of the dead of the city, for hospital and other buildings, for the recep- tion of persons and things infested with contagious and other diseases, and for establishing and enforcing quarantine and other regulations necessary to the health, safety and good order of said city, and for places of deposit of dangerous, unhealthy and com- bustible material, and may sell, lease or dispose of such property for the benefit of the city, and may have a common seal, and may break, change, alter and make a new seal at pleasure. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said city be and the same is hereby laid off into four wards, the limits whereof shall be as follows, to-wit : First Ward — Beginning at the middle of the Missis- sippi river at a point opposite Main street, thence by a right line along the middle of said Main street, to its intersection with Commerce street, thence by a right line along the middle of said Commerce street prolonged to the northern boundary line of the city, thence along said northern boundary line to the mid- dle of the Mississippi river, thence down the middle of said river to the place of beginning. Second Ward — Beginning at a point on the eastern boundary lino- of the city, where Main street prolonged would strike said line, thence by a right line along the mid- dle of said Main street to its intersection with Com- merce street, thence by a right line along the middle of said Commerce street prolonged to the northern boundary line of the city, thence along said northern boundary line to its intersection with said eastern boundary line, thence along said eastern boundary CITY CH ARTEll line to the place of beginning. Third Ward — Begin- ning at the aforesaid point at the middle of the Mis- sissippi river, thence by a right line along the mid- dle of Main street to its intersection with Commerce street, thence along the middle of said Commerce street prolonged bv a right line to the southern boun- dary line of the city, thence along said southern boundary line to the middle of the Mississippi river, thence up the middle of said river to the place of be- ginning. Fourth Ward — Beginning at the aforesaid point on the eastern boundary line of the city, thence by a right line along the middle of Main street to its intersection with Commerce street, thence by a right line along the middle of said Commerce street pro- longed to the southern boundary line of the city, thence along said last mentioned line to its intersec- tion with the eastern boundary line, thence along said line to the place of beginning. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all male inhabitants of said city, twenty-one or more years of age, and citizens of the United States and of this State, not disqualified by the Constitution of the United States or of this State, who shall have re- sided in the city thirty consecutive days prior to any election in said city, and shall have been registered as legal voters thereof, as provided in this Act, shall he qualified voters at such election, and eligible to any office thereof, and none others. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the munic- ipal government of said city shall be vested in the Mayor, eight Aldermen, an Assessor and Collector of Taxes, a Treasurer, Clerk, Marshal, Health Officer, and such other subordinate officers as may be estab- lished by . said Mayor and Aldermen; that the said Mayor, Assessor and Collector, Treasurer, Clerk, Health Officer, and Marshal shall be elected bien- nially by the qualified electors of the city at large; that four of said Aldermen, one from each of said wards, shall be elected annually by the qualified electors of the respective wards, and that all other subordinate officers, than those above enumerated, shall be elected annually by ballot by the said Mayor and Aldermen iii council. Approved July 20, 1896. n O Third ward. Fourth ward. Qualification of voters. City Officers* 4 CITY CHART EE As to aider- men. Election of city officers. Registration board. Sec. 0. Be it further enacted , That said Alder- men shall be bona, fide residents of the respective wards which they may be elected to represent ; and that in case of the removal of any Alderman from the ward from which lie shall have been chosen dur- ing the term for which he was elected, his office shall thereby become vacant, and it shall be the duty of the Mayor and Aldermen to order an election in such ward to fill said vacancy, in the same manner that is herein provided for holding special elections. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted , That at such place in each of the wards of said city as the Mayor and Aldermen may direct, on the second Tues- day in December next, and annually thereafter, there shall be held by the qualified electors of said city in the respective wards an election for one Alderman from each of the wards of said city, who shall remain in office for the term of two years, or until their re- spective successors are qualified, the Aldermen chosen at the first election hereunder to succeed the Aider- men whose terms of office expire with the present po- litical year. On the second Tuesday of December next, and biennially thereafter, there shall be held by the qual- ified electors of said city at large, and by ballot, an election for a Mayor of the city, an Assessor and Col- lector of Taxes, a Treasurer, a Clerk, a Health Offi- cer, and a Marshal. Said Mayor shall be commis- sioned by the Governor of the State, and said . Mayor, Assessor and Collector, Treasurer, Clerk, Health Officer, and Marshal shall continue in office two years, or until their respective successors are qualified. Approved July 20, 1896. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Aldermen shall cause a registration of the qual- ified electors of said city to be made biennially; and for that purpose shall, at least thirty days prior to the next biennial election, and each subsequent bien- nial election, appoint three persons who shall be cit- izens and electors of said city, to constitute a Board of Registration, and shall specify the number of days, not less than fifteen, said Board shall remain in ses- sion for the registration of voters; that said regis- CITY CHARTER trars, before entering upon the duties of their office., shall take and subscribe before any officer authorized, by law to administer oaths, residing in said city, an oath to faithfully perforin the duties of their office ; that said Board shall register by wards, in a book to be kept for that purpose, all persons who are entitled under this Act to register, who shall subscribe to and take the following oath or affirmation, which shall be administered to each person, by. a member of said Board: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) in the presence of Almighty (tod, that I am twenty-one years old, that I am a citizen of the United States, and that I have resided in the State of Mississippi six months, and in the city of Natchez thirty con- secutive days next preceding this day, that I am a resident of ward of said city, and that I am not disfranchised or in any manner disqualified from voting by reason of any crime committed against the constitution or laws of the State of Mississippi, and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the con- stitution of the United States and of this State, and obey the laws thereof, so help me God ;' 7 that said Board shall issue to each person registered a certifi- cate of registration, showing the number of the cer- tificate, the date of its issuance, the name of the person to whom issued, and the ward in which registered, which certificate shall lie prima facie evidence of such person’s right to vote; that said Board shall make from the original registration book a copy for each ward, of the names of all per- sons registered in such ward, showing also the num- ber of each person’s certificate. Sec. 9 . Be it further enacted \ That if the Board of Registrars shall be of opinion that any per- son who may apply for registration is not a resident of the city of Natchez, or by reason of any other dis- ability, has no right to register, or that he is not a resident of the ward of which he claims to be a resi- dent, said B'pard shall' have power to require of such person additional evidence to establish his right to register, and any citizen of Natchez shall have the privilege of challenging the right of any person to register, and to introduce proof in relation thereto; Register by Wahls. Oath of reg- istration, Certificate of registration. Right to reg- ister may he challenged, CITY CHARTER How long books shall be opened. Shall register in ward of resi- dence. Election notice Boards of in- spection. and said books of registration shall be open at all times for inspection. , Sec. 10. Repealed. Sec Seq. Act approved March 8, 1884. * Sec. .11. Be ii 'further enacted. That the regis- tration books used at the last biennial election, and at each subsequent biennial election, shall be used for bolding the annual or special election, and all persons whose names appear on said books as legally qualified voters, and who have not become disqualified, shall be entitled to vote at said election; Provided, how- ever, that the registration books shall be opened for a period of not more than five days nor less than t Ii roe days, by the Board of Registrars, for the regis- tration of any person or persons who may have be- come qualified electors, or who may have changed their residence from one ward to another since the last registration; and. during said period the names of all registered voters who have died or become dis- qualified since the last preceding registration shall be stricken off. Sec. 12. Be it farther enacted. That each qual- ified voter shall he registered and shall vote in the ward of which he is a resident; Provided, however, that any voter who may remove from the ward in which registered to another ward, between the date of such registration and .the next succeeding election, shall have the right to vote at said next election in the ward in which he is registered, and no other, and for the officers from that ward. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted , That said May- or and Aldermen shall, at a convenient time, not less than ten days before each annual and biennial election, cause public notice of the time and place or places thereof to be given, and shall appoint a suffi- cient number of persons, qualified voters of said city, who, with the registrars, shall constitute Boards of Inspection for holding and conducting the election, and who, before entering upon the performance of their duties, shall be sworn by the Mayor or Marshal df the city to impartially perform their duty; that said Boards of Inspection shall, with the assistance, of the Marshal of the city, and such other officers as CITY CHART Fill sliall 1)0 specially deputed therefor by said Mayor and Aldermen, hold and preside over said election, which shall he held between the hours of eight o’clock a.m. and six o’clock p.m. on the day appointed; decide upon the qualification of voters, and return and cer- tify the number of votes cast for each candidate in the respective wards of the city, which returns shall be consolidated, certified and returned by the Board of Registrars to said Mayor and Aldermen, to be canvassed and verified by ) them; that in case there shall at any time be no election, or that all of the officers required to be elected shall not be elected at the time appointed, the inspectors for the time and place or places of such pretermitted or imperfect election shall, on five days notice,, hold as aforesaid, another election for the election of said officers, or such of them as shall remain to be elected ; and whenever said; biennial election ancl annual election concur on time, the inspectors appointed for one shall be the inspectors of the other, and said elections shall be held together as one election for the several offi- cers to be elected-. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted , That said May- or and Aldermen shall prescribe the compensation of the registrars and inspectors: that any vacancy that may occur in said Board of Registrars shall be filled by the Mayor and Aldermen, and that no pers.op shall serve as a registrar or inspector at any election in which he is a candidate for an office. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted. That whenever the Mayor and Aldermen shall neglect or fail to ap- point inspectors of any annual or biennial election in said city, or to cause public notice thereof -to be given at the time required by law, the Mayor or any Aider- man may appoint said inspectors, and may also give ten days public notice of, and appoint inspectors to hold such annual and biennial election at any day after that appointed by this Act, and- any vacancy in said office of inspectors that may occur-on the day of election shall forthwith be supplied by the inspect- ors present. Sec. 16 . Be it further enacted, That whenever a vacancy in any of the offices of said city required Duties of in- spection boards. Concurring elections to be held togeth- er. Compensation of registrars and inspectors. Inspectors — how vanean- cies filled. 8 CIT\* CHART Nil Special elec- tion to tilt vacancies. to bo filled by election of the qualified voters thereof, shall, by death, or otherwise, occur, such vacancy shall be supplied by a special election, to be held on ten days public notice, at such place or places as the Mayor and Aldermen may direct, in said city, in the manner and under the regulations that are, by this Act, prescribed for the holding and conducting of the annual election. When political year begins. Sue. 11 . He it further enacted , That the polit- ical year of said city shall commence on the first Monday in January in each year. Oath of office an. lie it farther ('muted. That tin* leg- islative and contracting power of said city of Natchez shall be vested in a City Council, to k* constituted by said Mayor and Aldermen, with power to make and establish rules of its own government : to appoint and regulate the times of its regular meetings, and to alter the same at pleasure; to appoint such subordi- nate officers as it may deem necessary for such term of office and with such regulations as it may. by ordi- nance, prescribe. A majority of said Council shall constitute a qufrrum, and said Mayor shall be the pre- siding officer, - vote at all elections of officers, and give the easting vote when a tie occurs in voting on any quest km. The said Council may delegate the admin- istration of the various affairs of the city to subordi- nate officers and committees of its own members, with adequate powers, but all deeds and contracts neces- sary to be made by said corporation in writing shall err V CHARTER l)c authorized by resolution of said Council, signed bv the Mayor, attested by the Clerk, and under the seal of the corporation. Approved July 20, 1896. Sec. 20. Be if further enacted. That the May- or and Aldermen of the year preceding each annual and biennial election shall, in council, before retiring from office, and within five days after such election, cause to be recorded upon their minutes the returns and certificates of the Board of Registrars; and the Mavor and Aldermen-elect shall, on the first Monday in January succeeding said election, or as soon there- after as may he, assemble and organize in council, produce, and cause to be filed and noted on their min- utes, testimonials of their qualifications, appoint the times of their regular meetings for business, adopt: rules for their government, and transact such other business as may be necessary for their permanent or- ganization. Skc. 21. Be if further enacted . That said May or and Aldermen, in council, shall judge of the qual- ifications of all officers elected and the validity of. th. ir election, and shall have power to compel the at- tendance of witnesses and production of papers touching any contested election, and to sot aside and annul anv election bv them determined to have been procured or occasion, d by fraud, illegal practice, briberv or tumult, and to order a new election; they shall also have power to expel from office for mal- feasance or misfeasance, the Mayor or any Alderman, or any of the elected and subordinate officers of said city, by a recorded vote of six members of the Coun- cil, at two successive meetings thereof, but not a sec- ond time for the same cause. Acts 1878, page .m2. Approved February 26, 1878. Skc. 22. Be it farther enacted , That all resig- nations by the officers of said city, except when made by the Mayor, shall be made and addressed to the Mayor; and when by the Mayor, to the Aldermen, in council; and whenever the Mayor shall be absent from the city, or unable, or from any cause, fail to discharge the duties, or wlienever the said office shall be vacated by death, or otherwise, the Aldermen, in Duties of coun- cil preceding elections. As to qualifica- tions of officers and expulsion from office. llesignations, fiow mad^r. 10 ] n absence of Mayor. Salaries of city officers. Foes, duties, liabilities of city officers. Oath of Office and bonds. Ordinances, fines, imprison- ment. v CITY CHART MR council, shall have power to appoint one of their own number Mayor pro tern., who, until the return to duty of the Mayor in office, or in case of a vacancy, the election and qualification of his successor, shall ho, by such appointment, invested with all the power and rights, perform all the duties, and receive the compensation and perquisites belonging and apper- taining to said office. Sec. 23. Be it further enacted. That the Mayor and all subordinate officers of said city shall, for their services, respectively, receive a just compensation by annual salary or otherwise, payable out of the rev- enue of said city, to be established and regulated by ordinance of said Mayor and Aldermen in council; and the Aldermen shall receive such compensation as shall he so established, out of said revenues; hut, there shall be no increase of the compensation of Al- dermen to take effect during the year in which it is made. Approved October 22, 1S9G. Sec. 24. Be it f urther enacted , That said May- or and Aldermen shall, by ordinances, not inconsist- ent with this Act, prescribe and define the fees, du- ties and liabilities of the Mayor, Marshal, Treasurer, Assessor and Collector, and subordinate officers of said city, and require from them bonds, with suffi- cient security penalties to secure a faithful perform- ance of their, duties, respectively ; and the said subor- dinate officers shall, before entering upon their sev- eral offices, execute said bonds, to be approved by said Mayor and Aldermen, in council, and take and sub- scribe ihe proper oath of office; and they shall hold their offices on the terms, conditions and limitations which shall he prescribed in the ordinances regulat- ing the same. Sec. 26. Be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and Aldermen, in council, shall have power to pass all ordinances and by-laws, not inconsistent with the laws of the United States, and of this State, which may be necessary or proper to carry into effect the powers delegated to them in this Act, with power also to prescribe, in such ordinances, such fines and. forfeitures for their violation, as may be expedient, CITY CHART Ell n not exceeding live hundred dollars for each offense, ancl imprisonment not exceeding ninety days, for a single offense; and all such ordinances to repeal and amend at pleasure. Sec. 26. Be it further enacted, That all fines and forfeitures prescribed. .by the ordinances of said city shall he recoverable, with costs', in the name of the city of Xatchez, by suit in the Mayor’s Court, or any court of competent jurisdiction, and when col- lected,, to be paid into the treasury of said city, for the use thereof ; and the said Mayor and Aldermen, in council, shall, upon satisfactory showing, have power to remit any fine, forfeiture, or penalty that may be adjudged against any offender of said ordi- nances or by-laws. Sec. 27. Be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and Aldermen shall have power, by ordinance, to levy and collect taxes upon real and /personal property, by law taxable for State purposes, not ex- ceeding, annually, for general and* school purposes, two per centum rid valorem; also, a special tax- of not exceeding one dollar on each horse and mule brought to the city for sale ; of not exceeding fifty cents per head upon all cattle brought to the city for sale or slaughter, and of not exceeding five hundred dollars per annum upon each resident broker and banker of the city; to open, alter, abolish, widen, establish, grade, level, pave, or otherwise improve, clean, and keep in repair roads, streets, avenues, lanes, and al- leys, within the city, and when the property is taken therefor, to cause the damage to be ascertained and assessed, as hereinafter provided, to be. paid out of the treasury of the city; to fix and establish a perma- nent grade or grades for the said streets, roads, ave- nues, lanes, and alleys, and to cut, raise, and level said roads, streets, avenues, lanes, and alleys to such permanent 'grade or grades, of to such gfatde approx- imating thereto, as to them shall seem fit; but, pro- vided,. that in any part of said city% when such grade has been heretofore fixed, and the streets, lots, and squares have been cut down, raised, and leveled there- to, said Mayor and Aldermen shall not have power to alter the same; to provide for lighting the streets^ Collection and remission of fines.. . Powers of council as to streets. Lighting streets. 3 2 CITY CTIAltTKB Wharves and docks . River front. Ferries. Inspection of coal, provis- ions, etc. License of taverns, etc. awl erecting lamps thereon, and to remove all ob- structions from the sidewalks and streets, and to pro- vide for the construction and repair of all necessary and convenient sidewalks, curbstones, and gutters along the streets, alleys, and avenues, at the expense qP the owners of the ground fronting thereon; to im- prove and preserve the navigation of the Mississippi river, within the city, and to remove and prevent, by adequate penalties, obstructions thereto; to erect, repair, regulate public wharves and docks; to regu- late the erection and repair of private wharves, wharfboats, and flats, and to fix the rates of wharf- age thereat; to regulate the stationing, anchorage, and mooring of vessels within the city, and to create the office of harbor master, or port warden, define the same, and establish the perquisites and compensation thereof; and shall have power to cause to be sur- veyed. appraised, and condemned, for public us * of said city, for landing, wharves, and other purposes, so much of the land fronting on the Mississippi river, within the corporate limits of said city, as may be by them deemed necessary for public use; tin* dam- ages and price to be paid for such lands to he ascer- tained and determined in the same manner as here- inafter provided in Section 30 of this Act, for other purposes ; to lease and regulate all ferries across the Mississippi, within said city, reserving the rent for the use thereof, for any time not exceeding ten years; to erect market houses, and to lease the same from year to year; establish markets and market places, and provide for the government and regulation there- of; to punish, forestalling, and regulating, and to suppress hucksters; to provide for the inspection and measuring of lumber and other building mate- rials; the inspection and weighing of stone coal ; the measuring or weighing of charcoal, firewood, and other fuel to be used in the city ; to provide and reg- ulate the inspection c£ flour, pork, and other provis- ions, and liquor in barrels, hogsheads, and other ves- sels; to regulate the vending of meats, poultry, but- ter, vegetables, and other commodities brought into the city market for sale; to license, tax, and regulate theatrical and other amusements, shows, and exhibi- tions ; all inns, taverns, and boarding bouses, ordina- 9 CITY CHARTER 1 ries, victualing houses, petty groceries, fruit shops and stalls, oyster houses and stalls, porter houses and cellars, and all places where vinous and spirituous liquors are kept for sale in less quantities than one gallon, and to tax and license the retailing in such quantities of said liquors, according to tin* existing regulations of this State concerning such retailing; and to tax and license hawkers and peddlers in said city; to tax, license, and regulate billiard tables and len-pin alleys kept for public play, and all similar places of public amusements; to tax and license boats trading in produce, provisions, and provender ex- clusive! v, circuses, menageries, side shows, and all show exhibitions, concerts, or other performances where a fee is charged for admission, and not exclu- sive] v devoted to educational or religious purposes, transient vendors of jewelry, insurance -oi‘ real estate agents, billiard tables, and Jenny Lind tables, nine or ten-pin alleys, or similar contrivances kept for public use, wharf boats, taverns, hotels, restaurants, rooms or halls publicly used as theaters or opera houses, auctioneers, coal yards, breweries, distilleries, and establishments for bottling alo, beer, soda, or mineral waters, drug stores, stores or places selling vinous or spirituous liquors by gallon or more, prac- ticing attorneys, resident brokers not licensed as merchants, commission merchants, dentists, civil en- gineers, or architects, gas companies, dealers in ale, beer, or malt liquors not licensed as retail liquor dealers, sewing machine agents, soda fountains, pho- tograph galleries, livery or feed stables, hanks of dis- count, of deposit, street brokers, street exhibitions, and each store, according to the value of its stock in trade, and to license and impose a privilege tax upon all resident and non-resident commercial agents, brokers, drummers or traders wlio solicit or receive orders for, or who sell by sample, any goods, wares, or merchandise in said city; to restrain, prohibit and suppress tippling houses, dram shops, gaming and gambling houses, and other disorderly houses, and to suppress bawdy houses and dance houses; to license, tax, and regulate hackney car- riages, omnibuses, wagons, carts, and drays, and to fix the rates to be charged for the carriage of per- License ped- dlers, etc. Shows. Theatres, etc. Lirety sta- bles, etc. Tippling houses. < aniages, dwrys . 14 CITY CHARTER Dogs, etc , nun ing at large. Sale of im- pounded ani- mals. Powder, lights, lamps Examine dwellings. Fire wardens. Precaution against tires. sons, and transportation of tilings; within said city, and to and from said city and burying ground, hos- pitals, and places of quarantine thereof; to license and regulate porters, and fix the rate of porterage, and to prevent dogs, hogs, cattle, and other animals from running at large in the streets of said city, by killing or impounding the same; and to regulate the driving of hogs, cattle, and other animals through th:* streets thereof ; and to tax, license, and to regu- late the keeping of dogs; that the said Mayor and Aldermen shall have power to sell, under such regu- lations as they may ordain, all dogs, hogs, cattle, and other animals that may, under .existing laws, and or- dinances, be impounded therein, the remaining pro- ceeds of sale, after paying thereon all proper charges and expenses, to he paid to the owners, respectively, of the property sold; Provided , that any moneys aris- ing from any such sale, that shall remain. unclaimed for a period of six months, after the. date of sale, shall he transferred to the. general fund of the city, and all claims and actions therefor be forever barred ; to regulate the keeping, carting, and transportation of powder and other combustible and dangerous ma- terials, the use of lights, lamps, and candles in livery and other stables; to remove or prevent the construc- tion of any hearth, fireplace, chimney, stove, stove- pipe, oven, boiler, kettle, or apparatus used in any house, manufactory, or business which may he dan- gerous in causing or promoting fires; to appoint one or more officers, at reasonable times, to enter and examine all dwelling houses, yards, lots, enclosures, and buildings of every description, in order to dis- cover if any of them are in a dangerous condition, and to cause such as may be dangerous to he put in a safe .and secure condition; to regulate and prevent the carrying on of manufactories dangerous in caus- ing or promoting fires; to appoint fire wardens, with such duties and powers as the Mayor and Aldermen may prescribe; to appoint firemen to take the charge and management of fire engines and apparatus there- to belonging, under such regulations as they may deem necessary ; to compel the owners and occupants of houses and other buildings to have scuttles on the roof of such houses or buildings, and stairs leading CITY CHARTER 15 to the same; to adopt such measures for the preven- tion and suppression of fires as the said Mayor and Aldermen shall deem expedient, and to this end, to prevent the erection of wooden buildings within pre- scribed limits of said city, and prescribe and regulate the manner and order the building of partitions and parapet walls and partition fences; to appoint prop- erty guards, with power -to remove and keep away from the vicinity of any fire, all idle and suspicious persons lurking near the same, and to compel any person present to aid in the extinguishing of any such fire, or in the preservation of property exposed to the danger of the same, and in preventing goods from being purloined thereat, with such other pow- ers and duties as may be prescribed by ordinance; to provide for the enclosing, improving, and orna- Public « rcu,lds menting and regulating all public grounds belonging to the city, and for the erecting of all needful build- ings, and the repair and improvement of the same; from time to time, establish, erect, and keep in re- pair bridges, culverts, sewers, walks, and causeways, and regulate the use of same, and to establish, alter, and change the channel of water courses and drains, and to wall them up and cover them over, and regu- late and arrange, with conformity, such buildings as iuiLnces. shall be erected in the city, to make regulations to secure the general health of the inhabitants, and pre- vent and remove all nuisances ; to order and direct the removal to some place without the city, or to such place as may be appointed, all damaged cotton, cotton seed, stable manure, tainted provisions, of flesh, fish, or vegetables, or all or any kind of com- modity, or matter prejudicial to health, comfort, or safety, under such rules and penalties as they may establish by ordinance; to require the filling up or opening of all ponds, drains, cellars, vaults, or gutters which, by their condition, tend to produce or increase disease, by the owners of the lots upon which they arc situated, and generally to require the owners of lots to remove or abate all nuisances thereon, of any kind or description, under such rules and penalties as the said Mayor and Aldermen may ordain; to establish such regulations as may be deemed proper to prevent the introduction and spread of contagious, epidemic, 16 CITY CHARTER Contagious • lisiases. Quarantine vegulat ion.'. Burying grounds. Particulars of death. Paupers, etc. and infections diseases, and to make quarantine laws, and to enforce the same, with their own officers, with- in five miles of the city, and to establish hospitals and warehouses for the reception and detention of sick persons, goods, wares, and merchandise re- strained by quarantine regulations, at the place ot‘ quarantine, and have .the same jurisdiction and con- trol, at all places of quarantine without, as it the same were within the jurisdiction of the city; to take and apply, on making just compensation therefor to the owners, all lands that may be necessary for the quarantine regulations; to appoint health officers, with power to administer oaths to parties and wit- ness, s, in all matters coming under their inspection and supervision, and to prescribe and define the duties, and provide a compensation for such officers; In lay out, designate, enclose, and regulate all such burying grounds as they may deem necessary for tin* interment of the dead of said city, within or beyond the limits thereof, and to appoint sextons to such burying grounds, and prescribe their duties and com- pensation, and to take and apply, on making just compensation to the owners, all lands necessary for such burying grounds; to prevent, by proper regula- tions and penal ties, the interment of any deceased person, within the limits of said city; to require the attending physician or surgeon, in all cases of death by diseases or accident, to report , in writing, to the sexton, the death, specifying the name and age of the person, and disease and casualty of which lie died, under adequate regulations; to prevent the introduc- tion into the city of paupers and persons liable to be- come public charges, and prohibit and prevent, by suitable regulations and penalties, dangerous and suspicious persons from coming into the city, or lurk- ing about the same; to establish and regulate a city police, with power, in said police, to arrest suspicious and disorderly persons, and commit them to the pub- lic station house, under proper restrictions, and to appoint and regulate patrols, and io ordain all need- ful regulations for preventing and suppressing dis- orderly conduct and unlawful assemblages in said city; to provide for taking, from time to time, an enumeration of the inhabitants of said city; to es- CITY CHARTER T tablish public schools, for the free and gratuitous ed- ucation of t lie children of said city, and to appropri- ate money for that purpose, levied and collected, to the support of such schools, and to provide for the erection of all buildings necessary therefor; and, finally, to make all ordinances and by-laws not re- pugnant to, or inconsistent with the laws of the United States or this State,- which said Mayor and Aldermen may deem necessary and proper for the good order, health, and safety of said city and its in- habitants; Provided, that • the public school fund herein provided for, shall be divided, pro rata,. among all the public schools of said city, that may be sup- ported by the corporation, in proportion to the num- ber of children that may attend said schools; and no schools or other institutions shall be entitled to any of the public school fund that is not under the gov- ernment and control of the corporate authorities. In addition to the powers conferred upon said corporation by Section 27 of its charter, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen thereof shall have power and authority to compel and regulate, by proper ordi- nances, the connection of all property with sewers and drains, and to require that all connections made with any part of the pipes or sewers of the water works and sewerage plant of said city, be made only by duly licensed plumbers, which license shall be granted by the Mayor and Aldermen onhq after ap- plication has been made in writing and satisfactory evidence furnished to said Board as to the compe- tency and skill of the applicant to do sanitary plumb- ing, and the Board may require bond of such licensee, in such sums and with such sureties as the Board may deem reasonable for the faithful performance of any work awarded or given to, or undertaken by any such plumber, and to save the city harmless from all suits or actions arising from injuries or damages resulting from any work awarded, or given to, or undertaken by any such plumber, and to save the city harmless from suits or actions arising from injuries or damages resulting from any work per- formed by such plumber, or from any improper ma- terial used in said work, and to convply with any water works, sewerage, or plumbing ordinances now existing, or that the said Board may deem wise and rublic Sclu ols Public School Fund Sewers and Drains CITY CHARTER 18 reasonable for the protection of the health and prop- erty of the citizens of said cit\', or the proper con- duct and operation of its water works and sewerage system. Approved February 24, 1904. Sec. 28. Be it further enacted , That the said municipality of the city of Natchez shall constitute a separate road district, and the Mayor and Board of Aldermen are authorized and empowered io com- Road District pel each male resident of said city, between the ages of eighteen and fifty-five, years, to perform annually six days labor, of ten hours each, on the streets, al- leys, or avenues of said city, or, in lieu thereof, to pay to said city the sum of $3.00, and to pass all ordi- nances necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this section. Approved February 24, 1904. Sec. 29. Be it further enacted , That the Mayor and Aldermen shall, by ordinance, have power to pre- scribe and regulate the mode and time of assessing Levy and coi- aric j collecting the taxes levied bv them; to subject, by levy, seizure, and sale, any personal effects, and, m default thereof, any real property of any person in said city, to the satisfaction of all taxes due and owing by such person ; and moreover, that taxes lev- ied by said Mayor and Aldermen, upon real and per- sonal property, in said city, shall, from the date of assessment until paid, be and remain subliens, re- spectively, upon the property taxed, and in default of payment, by the owners, of the taxes on any such property, the said Mayor and Aldermen shall, under proper regulations, have power to sell, at public sale, on not less than thirty days previous public notice, such property, or so much thereof as may be neces- of°saie in caSe sar y f° r payment of said taxes, and invest him, said Collector, with power to transfer, by conveyance, the property sold to the purchaser; Provided, how- ever, that the said Mayor and Aldermen shall have power to enforce the payment of all taxes due and owing, by any person or persons, to said corporation, by suit or action in any court of competent juris- diction; Provided, further , that the owner of any Redemption of real property sold and conveyed as aforesaid, may, propei ty sold. ^ an y w ithin twelve months after the date of CITY CHARTER 19 sale, redeem the same, by a tender to tlie purchaser, or his assigns, of the purchase money and fifty per centum thereon; and, Provided , further, that the sur- plus purchase money remaining after satisfaction of all taxes, which, at the date of sale, shall have ac- crued on the property sold, shall be deposited in the treasury of said city, and paid to the owner of the property, when demanded, as the said Mayor and Aldermen shall direct. Sec. 30. Be it further enacted , That whenever the said Mayor and Aldermen shall deem it necessary to use or take and apply any private property under the provisions of this Act for streets, roads, alleys, hospitals, burying grounds, landing, wharves, places of quarantine and buildings required for quarantine purposes, hereinbefore mentioned, they shall en- deavor to purchase the same, or the use and occupa- tion thereof, at a reasonable price, and if they can- not agree with the owner or owners thereof, or if the owner or owners be absent or incapable, from legal disabilities, of making a sale and conveyance of the land wanted, application may be made to any justice of the peace^ of the county of Adams, residing in said city, by said Mayor and Aldermen, who shall there- upon issue his warrants, under hand and seal and directed to the sheriff of said county, requiring him 1o summon a jury of twelve freeholders residing in the county of Adams, not related to the owner of the land, to meet on the land on the day named in the warrant, not less than ten nor more than twenty days after the issuing of the same, and if at said time and place any of the said jurors do not attend, the said sheriff shall summon immediately as many jurors as may bo necessary, with the jurors in attendance, for a jury of twelve, to act as a jury of inquest of dam- ages, to whom the said sheriff shall administer an oath that they and each, of them will justly value the said land, or the damages which the said owner or owners may or will sustain by the use or occupation of said land ; and the said jury, on being empaneled and sworn, shall immediately value the said land and the damages aforesaid, and reduce their inquisi- tion into writing, and severally sign the same, which, together with said summons and his return thereon, Appraisement of property re- quired for pub- lic use. I nquest of damages. How jury shall report. 20 CITY CHARTER Second Inquest Fees of justice and jurors. Property may be immediately taken. the said sheriff shall return to the clerk of the Circuit Court ftf said county of Adams, and the same shall be confirmed by said court, at its first term after said inquest, if no sufficient cause to the contrary be shown; and if confirmed, shall he recorded by the clerk at the expense of said Mayor and Aldermen; but if set aside, the said court shall direct another inquest to be taken and returned in the manner above prescribed, and the said inquisition shall describe the lands proposed to he taken and used, and the inter- est in the same valued for said Mayor and Aldermen, and such valuation, when paid or tendered to the owner or owners of said land, his, her, or their legal representatives, shall entitle the said corporation to the said lands, or the use and interest in the same, thus valued, as fully as if it had been conveyed by said owner or owners, and said valuation, if not re- ceived when tendered, may at any time thereafter he received from said Mayor and Aldermen, without cost by said owner or owners, his, her, or their legal representatives; and for the services rendered as above prescribed, the justice of the peace shall re- ceive the sum of two dollars, the sheriff five dollars, and each juror empaneled and sworn the sum of two dollars for every day they shall be in attendance and serve on said inquisition, all of which costs shall be paid by the said Mayor and Aldermen upon the cer- tificate of the clerk of said Circuit Court; and each juror summoned to attend as aforesaid, and failing so to do, without satisfactory excuse, shall he fined by the said court in the sum of ten dollars ; Provided , however, that nothing in this section shall he so con- strued as to impede or delay the said Mayor and Al- dermen in the use and application of any land which they may need for quarantine purposes, but when- ever said Mayor and Aldermen shall deem it neces- sary, they may immediately take, use, and apply such land for the purposes aforesaid, they having first caused the land to he viewed by a jury summoned and empaneled as hereinbefore prescribed, and it shall not be necessary after such view, for a lawful appli- cation of said land, to wait the issue of any proceed- ings upon such view; but said Mayor and Aldermen may take, use and occupy said land, as if no disagree- CITY CHARTER 21 mcnt had occurred, and the inquisition of said jury, after confirmation and payment, or tender of the val- uation, shall he a bar to all actions for taking and applying or occupying said land, whether the same be instituted before or after such confirmation and payment or tender. Sec. 31. Be it further enacted, (a) That in order to carry out, and in the exercise of, the power hereinbefore granted, to provide for the construction and repair of all necessary and convenient sidewalks, curbstones, and gutters along the streets, alleys, and avenues of said city, at the expense of the owmers of the ground fronting thereon, the Committee on Streets and Alleys shall, from time to time, report to said Mayor and Aldermen what pavements and gut- ters along the streets of said city need repair, im- provement or renewal, and also what new pavements and gutters are necessary or expedient on and along the sidewalks of any of the streets of said city now open as public streets, or which may be hereafter opened or extended; and the Mayor and Aldermen shall, from time to time, by ordinance, ascertain and determine what repairs, improvements, changes or re- newals of pavements and gutters, and what new pavements and gutters are necessary or expe- dient to be made and constructed, and ascertain and establish the dimensions, pitch, graduation and materials of such pavements and gutters, and when such ordinance shall have been adopted, said Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall have power to contract with the lowest and best bidder therefor, for the con- struction of said repairs, improvements, changes, re- newals, or laying and construction of sidewalks, gut- ters or curbstones, and to order the work contracted for, to be done in compliance with said contract. The publication of said ordinance shall be notice to all the owners of property fronting or abutting on the sidewalk where said work of construction or re- pair is to be done, and on completing and entering into said Contract, the said Board shall have power to assess and levy the total expense according to said contract of constructing or repairing said sidewalk, or gutter, upon and against the several lots or parcels of ground fronting or abutting upon said sidewalk, in A bar to all action. Pavements and Gutters Repairs and re- movals of Assessment; how to be made CITY CHARTER the proportion that the number of feet of each lot fronting or abutting on the sidewalk hears to the whole square or block on which the sidewalk or gut- tering has been constructed, if such construction has been the entire length of the block, and in like pro- portion for the portion of the sidewalk, thus im- proved, but a mere repair in front of the owner’s lot shall be paid for in full by the owner; and each lot or piece of-ground fronting or abutting on any street, lane, alley, avenue, or sidewalk, or part thereof, shall be liable and bound, by a lien paramount to all other liens (State and county taxes excepted) for the cost of such improvement, and the amount of such levy and assessment, as above mentioned; and the enforce- ment by the State or county or city of its lien for taxes on any lot or parcel of land upon which has been levied an assessment for the expense of the con- struction, repair, and improvement of sidewalks, gut- ters or curbing, as hereinbefore provided, shall not operate to discharge or in any manner affect the city’s lien for said assessment, but the purchaser at a tax sale by the State, county, or city, of any lot or parcel of land upon which said assessment has been levied, shall take the same subject to the lien of such assess- ment. (b) When the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of land, for the cost of any of the improvements to sidewalks or gutters, hereinbefore mentioned, shall have been ascertained, the City Clerk shall cause the same to be entered in a well bound book prepared for the purpose, which shall Amount of show the names of the owners of the property as- Asse SSS-ded to be ses sed, if known, and opposite each name, the number or other brief designation or description of each lot or parcel of land assessed, belonging to such owner, and the amount assessed against each; and shall con- tain appropriate columns in which payments may be credited and the lien of the assessment marked, “sat- isfied,” by the City Treasurer. And if the name of the owner of any property assessed be unknown, said book shall contain, under the head of “Owner Un- known,” a list of the property assessed, the owners of which are unknown, and the said Clerk shall forth- with cause to be issued to the owner of any land as- CITY CHARTER sensed a notice informing and notifying him of the amount of his assessment, and notifying him to pay ilie same within thirty (30) days from the date of such notice. Any party or property owner thus noti- fied, may, at his election, within said period of thirty days, notify the said City Clerk, in writing, that he desires to pay the amount of said assessment in in- stallments, and in that event the amount of said as- installments sessment shall he payable in ten equal installments, and bear interest at the rate of six per cent per an- num, due and payable as follows: Ten per cent of the principal, together with all accrued interest on the unpaid assessments, ten months after the date on which said assessment may have been made by said Board, and ten per cent, together with all accrued interest on the ♦mount of unpaid assessments at the end of each year after the maturity of the first in- stallment, until the whole is paid; the failure to pay any installment at maturity and interest due, to make the whole amount immediately due and payable at Sale of Iot . wkeu the option of the Board. And if the property owner default in’ pay- sliall fail to so notify the City Clerk, in writing, within said time specified, the assessment against his property shall immediately become due and payable; or, in the event of the failure of any property owner to pay any annual installment, as above provided, and in the event of the said Board’s exercising its option to declare the whole assessment due, the Tax Collector of said city shall, upon instruction, by reso- lution or ordinance of said Board, proceed to sell the lot of such defaulting owner of the lot abutting upon upon the sidewalk where such work was done, and against whom said assessment was made, to the high- est bidder, for cash, at the door of the City Hall, after having given thirty days previous public notice of the time, place and terms of sale, in some public newspaper printed and published . in said citv of Xatchez, and to convey to the purchaser all the right, title and interest of any such owner in and to said lot, and shall, out of the proceeds of such sale, pay the costs and expenses of making said sale, and pay the surplus purchase money of any such sale then remaining, to the Treasurer of said city, whose duty it shall be to pay over to the owner, if known, or his 24 CITY CHARTER Assessments Installment payable to (' Treasurer legal representatives or assigns, the residue of said purchase money remaining, after defraying the cost and espouses of said sale, and paying to said Board the amount of Ids assessment levied and assessed against said owner and all interest to date; Provided, however, that such owner, or his legal representa- tives, may tit any time within two years from the day of sale, redeem any lot so sold and conveyed, by ten- dering to the purchaser or his agent, the purchase money, with twenty-five per centum advance thereon, and that, upon such redemption, the purchaser shall convey to the owner, at the expense of the latter, the property sold as aforesaid; and, Provided , further , that any property owner who shall have elected with- in the time prescribed to pay his assessments in ten annual installments, shall have the right and privi- lege of paying up his assessment in full at any in- stallment period, by paying the full amount of the installments, together with all accrued interest thereon. (c) All assessments or installments thereof s or shall be payable to the City Treasurer, whose duty it by shall he to receive the same, give proper receipt there- for, and enter the proper credit and satisfaction Whenever the owner of any lot or square upon which pavements or gutters shall he directed, as aforesaid, to he repaired or constructed, shall be absent from, or a non-resident of the city, it shall bo competent to serve the notice aforesaid upon his agent for the pay- ment of the taxes or collection of the rents of such* lot or square, but, if he have no such agent, then publication and mailing of such notice to him, as in case of publications against non-residents in chan- cery proceedings in this State, shall be and constitute sufficient service. (d) The said Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall have power to pass all ordinances, proper or necessary, to carry out the provisions of this sec- tion. Approved December 19, 1902, 32. Be it further enacted , That the Mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation, and it .shall lie his duty to see that the laws and ordi- nances thereof shall bo strictly enforced ; to inspect CITY CHARTER the conduct of subordinate officers, and sec that their duties arc performed; he shall report, from time to time, to the Council all delinquencies on the part of such officers, and communicate such information, and recommend such measures as lie may deem beneficial to the health, security and good order and govern- ment of the corporation; he shall also have power to fill all vacancies that may occur in the subordinate offices of the city until an election be had under the provisions of this Act, or the ordinance of said city, and the said Mayor also shall have power to take and certify under the seal of said corporation, the proof and acknowledgment of deeds and other instruments of writing, made as well by feme covert as others, conveying or affecting any lands or property situated in this State, such proof or acknowledgment to be sufficient for the lawful registration of such deeds in the proper office ; he shall also, by virtue of his office, be a notarv public, with power to make protests, and to do all things appertaining to the office of a notary in said city, and likewise to administer all oaths which a justice of the peace or notary in the county may lawfully administer. Sr-:c. 33. Be it further enacted, That there shall be established in and for said city an inferior court, to be held by the Mayor of said city, and called the “Mayor’s Court,” which may be held daily, and considered in constant session at all times when re- quired by the business* thereof, and for the promotion of order and the service and execution of its processes ; said court shall be attended by the City Marshal, and the said Mayor shall have and exercise all the power and jurisdiction of a justice of the peace of the county of Adams, within the corporate limits of said city, and also jurisdiction of all causes founded upon the breach or violation of any by-laws or ordinances of the Mayor and Aldermen of said city or State, in ref- erence to the incorporation thereof; the said Mayor, in the exercise of said jurisdiction, shall have power to require and take recognizances, issue, under his hand and seal, all warrants and processes, and exer- cise all power that may be necessary and proper for the performance of his duties, and which a justice of the peace of said cdunty may by law do in like cases; Ha Mayor — his powers aiul duties. The Mayor as Notary Public. Mayor's court .Jurisdiction of Mayor and jus- tice of peace. CITY CHARTER 2 (; Films, irnpris- omnent. Marshal and Constables. Appeal from Mayor to jury. Provided, that nothing in this section shall be. so con- strued as to give said Mayor jurisdiction in civil cases. Sec. 34. Be it further enacted , That the said Mayor, during the session of said Mayor’s Court, shall have power to tine in any sum not exceeding ten dollars, and imprison for any time not exceeding twenty-four hours in the jail of said county, any of- fender for contempt of court, and in all convictions before said Mayor’s Court, for any breach or viola- tion of any by-law or ordinance of said Mayor and Aldermen, when a tine is adjudged, the said Mayor shall have the power to order and cause the offender to stand committed in said jail for any time not ex- ceeding ninety days, or until the payment of such line and costs, or both, at the discretion of said court, and if such offender be a male person, the said Mayor shall have power to commute the punishment so or- dered and adjudged by him, to that of labor on the public streets of said city, at the rate of one dollar per day, until such fine and costs shall be paid. Sec. 35. Be it further enacted, That the Mar- shal of said city, and the sheriff and constables of said county of Adams shall have power, and it shall he their duty, when required by the Mayor, to execute all writs, warrants, and processes whatsoever, that may he issued by the said Mayor, in the same man- ner, and subject to the same regulations that are by law established with regard to the warrants and other processes respectively of justices of the peace in said county of Adams. Sec. 36. Be it further enacted , That in any cause tried by the said Mayor, and founded upon a breach or violation of any of the by-laws or ordi- nances of said city, in which the* offender shall be adjudged or sentenced by said Mayor, to pay a fine exceeding the sum of fifty dollars, the said offender shall, before execution, have the right of appeal to a trial by jury before the said Mayor, and the said Mayor shall thereupon cause to be summoned a jury of twelve, from the qualified jurors of said county, and shall swear and empanel a jury forthwith, or within five days thereafter, for the filial of such cause upon its merits de novo/ and its jurors so sum- CITY CHARTER in on eel shall have the qualification required for com- petent jurors in trials bv the Circuit Courts of this State, and the Mayor may cause any deficiency in the number of jurors empaneled to be supplied forth- with by the summons of other persons, and in case any such trial cannot be concluded in one day, said Mayor may adjourn the same from day to day, until the same can be determined, and upon any such ad- journment, said jury shall be detained and kept' to- gether as in trials in said Circuit Courts. Sec. 37. Be it further enacted, That all trials by jury before the said Mayor shall be conducted according to the practice of courts of common law, as modified by the statutes of this State; all jurors empaneled and sworn by said Mayor shall be entitled to and receive such compensation for their services as the said Mayor and Aldermen shall, by ordinance, establish, which shall in each case be taxed as a part of the costs of the cause, to be paid by the offender, if convicted, and by the Mayor and Aldermen, in such manner as they may have ordained, in case of a verdict of acquittal. Sec. 38. Be it further enacted, That in all causes tried before said Mayor, and founded upon breaches and violations of the by-laws and ordinances of said city, wherein a final judgment or sentence shall be rendered against the offender, the said Mayor may immediately after judgment, or any time within twelve months from the date of said judgment, or sentence, at his election, issue and cause to be pros- ecuted, writs of scire facias or capias act satis facien- dum for taking the goods and chattels or body of of- fenders, returnable at such convenient time, not less than ten days after being issued, as he may, in such writ, require; or, he may, on rendering judgment, order the offender to stand committed, as hereinbe- fore provided, till performance of such judgment or sentence; and the said Mayor may also, as often as necessary, renew or reissue said writs until a full sat- isfaction of the judgment and costs prosecuted. Sec. 39. Be it further enacted, That when any party to a cause or prosecution in said Mayor’s Court shall consider lumself aggrieved by the final' judg- Qualification of jurors. Trials by jury and ebsts. Scire facias on judgment. CITY CHARTER 2S Transcript by Mayor in case appealed to circuit court, Fees of Mayor, marshal, con- stables and Sheriffs. mcnt or sentence of the Mayor therein, lie may re- move said cause, and supersede execution therein, by appeal to the Circuit Court of said county of Adams, on the execution of a sufficient bond with good se- curity, conditioned for the performance of the judg- ment or sentence of the Circuit Court; the said May- or shall make out a transcript of the proceedings and judgment in the cause, and deliver the same, together with the appeal bond, to the clerk of said Circuit Court, who shall docket the cause for trial at the next succeeding term of said Circuit Court, and all ap- peals from said Mayor to said Circuit Court shall be subject to the same rules of proceedings, trial, and judgment that are by law prescribed in the case of appeals from justices of the peace of said county to said Circuit Court. Sec. 40. Be it further enacted, That for the performance of the duties and services prescribed for the said Mayor, Marshal, Constables and Sheriff, in the seventh section of this Act next preceding this, they, the said officers, shall respectively be entitled to demand and receive the same fees and compensa- tion of justices of the peace in this State, and the officers executing their warrants and processes in similar cases. City ordi- nances. Ordinances now in force. Sec. 41. Be it further enacted, That the style of the ordinances of said city shall be: “Be it or- dained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez in council convened;” that all ordinances passed by the said Mayor and Aldermen shall, within ten days after the passage thereof, he published in one or more newspapers in said city, and said ordi- nances may he proved by the seal of the corporation, and the said Mayor and Aldermen, whenever they deem proper, may have a digest of the ordinances of the city printed and published, and when so printed and published by authority of the corporation, the ordinances therein contained shall he received in evidence in all the courts of this State without fur- ther proof. Sec. 42. Be it further enacted, That all ordi- nances and resolutions now in force in said city, and not inconsistent with this Act, shall remain ip full CITY CHARTER 29 force until altered, modified, or repealed under this Act; that all suits, actions and prosecutions insti- tuted, commenced or brought by the corporation hereby created, shall be instituted, commenced and prosecuted in the name of “the City of Natchez that all actions, fines and penalties and forfeitures, which have accrued to the Mayor and selectmen of the city of Natchez, or the Mayor and Aldermen of suits, fines, etc the city of Natchez, or the corporation of the city of Natchez, shall be vested in and prosecuted by the corporation hereby created ; that all taxes, dues and assessments which have accrued to the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Natchez, or the corporation of the city of Natchez, and the right to demand, re- ceive and collect the same, shall not be affected or im- paired in anywise by the passage of this Act, but shall be vested in and be enforceable by action or suit in any court of competent jurisdiction by the corporation hereby created; and that all property, real and personal, and all rights and claims hereto- fore belonging to the president and selectmen of the city of Natchez, and the Mayor and selectmen of the Gelieva] r j glltg city of Natchez, and the Mayor and Aldermen of the Jl'stedhicor- eity of Natchez, and the corporation of the city of portion. Natchez, shall be, and the same are hereby declared to be vested in and belonging to the corporation here- by created, and that all contracts, liabilities, debts and charges now subsisting in and against the Mayor and selectmen of the city of Natchez, or the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Natchez, shall remain in force against the said corporation hereby created. Sec. 43. Be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Natchez, and the Asses- sor and Collector, and Treasurer, and other subordi- nate officers thereof, in office under existing laws at the time of the passage of this Act, shall remain in office until their successors are elected and duly qual- lfied under this Act, with all the rights and powers office, and duties and liabilities of the Mayor and Aider- men, and of the Assessor and Collector, and Treas- urer created by this Act. Sec. 44. Be it further enacted, That public no- tice under any of the provisions of this Act is hereby defined to be notice by one insertion in a public news- CITY CHARTER paper of said city, or printed hand bills posted hi lire or more of the most public places thereof. Sec. 45. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and all acts in conflict with this Act be, and the .same are hereby repealed. C{TY CHARTER 31 AN ACT To Amend the Registration Laws of the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it enacted by the Legislature of the Stale of Mississippi , That immediately after the passage of this Act, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the City Clerk of the city of Natchez shall procure a blank book that will contain at least two thousand names of voters under the printed heading of the oath prescribed in the Charter of the City of Natchez; that said blank book shall have printed at the top of the page the ward, and next the aforesaid oath. The page under said oath shall be divided into eight columns; the first for number, the second for date, the third for name of voter, to be written by registrar, the fourth for “white or colored/* the fifth residence and in what ward, the sixth occupation, where prosecuted, and if employed by any one, name of employer, the seventh for voter’s name, to be written by himself, or, his mark, if he cannot write, and the eighth for the registrar’s attestation; and the aforesaid City Clerk shall register any person who shall appear before him, at the City Hall, on the registration book of the ward of which said person is a resident, and entitled to be registered as an elector, upon his taking and subscribing the aforesaid oath, which such subscription shall be by the person writ- ing his name or mark in the proper column of said book. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted , That no person shall be reg- istered for any other ward than that of which he is a bona fide resident at the time of his registration, and when an elector duly registered shall change his residence to another ward, he may be registered in the ward to which he has removed, by appearing be- fore the said Clerk and requesting him to erase his name from the register of election in the ward of his former residence, and to place it on that of his present residence; Provided , however, that any voter who may remove from the ward in which he registered to another ward, between the date of the closing of the registration books and the next succeeding election, shall have the right to vote at said next election in the ward in which he is registered, and no other, and for the officers from that ward. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted , That the Clerk shall procure poll books, one for each ward, and enter thereon the names so reg- istered, in alphabetical order, for convenience of reference. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted , That at the last meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen in November, 1884, and bien- nially thereafter, the said Board shall appoint “three commission- ers of election,”* who shall be citizens and electors of said city, and said commissioners shall perform all the duties of the Board of 32 CITY CHARTER Registrars prescribed in the charter of said city, relative to the conducting of elections and making returns thereof. They shall assemble at the City Hall on the Friday next preceding the second Tuesday of .December of each year, and sit for two days, if neces- sary, and carefully revise the registration and poll books of the four wards, and shall erase therefrom the names of all persons im- properly thereon, or who have died, removed or become disqualified as electors, from the best information they can obtain, and shall register the names of all persons who have duly applied to be regis- tered, and have been illegally denied, but none others. The regis- tration books shall be closed by said Clerk on the Thursday next preceding the second Tuesday of December, at 5 o’clock p.m. Sec, 5. Be it further enacted, That before acting the said Commissioners shall severally take the oath of office prescribed by the constitution, and tile it in the office of the City Clerk, who shall preserve such oaths, and they and inspectors of election shall re- ceive such compensation as the Mayor and Aldermen shall pre- scribe. Sec. G. Be it further enacted, That in all cases of special elections the registration shall be closed five days before said elec- tion, and said Commissioners of Election shall assemble on the day following and perform the duties heretofore assigned them; and it is expressly understood that this amendment shall in no way conflict or alter the election laws prescribed in the aforesaid city charter. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That Section ten (10) of the aforesaid charter is hereby repealed, and the duties prescribed for the ‘‘Board of Registrars” bv Section 13 of said charter shall be performed by the aforesaid Commissioners, and their returns and certificates of election shall be canvassed and recorded by the May- or and Aldermen, as provided by Section 20 of said charter. Sec. 8 . Be it further enacted , That the registration book's provided for by this Act, subject to the revisions thereof, shall be used at all elections of said city, until a new registration shall be ordered to be made by the Mayor and Aldermen thereof. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted , That the City Clerk, as City Registrar, shall be entitled to and receive the sum of fifty dollars per annum. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted . That all acts in conflict with with this Act, be and the same are hereby repealed; and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 8, 1884. CITY CHARTER 38 AN ACT To Amend the Charter of the City of Natchez, Approved January 29, 1877. Section 1. Be it enacted by. the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That all the laws of the State with reference to the lien of taxes due to the State and county shall apply, as far as applica- ble, to the city taxes, and fix the lien thereof; and assessments made by the city authorities shall be, from the passage of this act, as valid and effectual as those made by the State and county author- ities. Sec: 2. Be it further enacted , That on all city taxes unpaid after the 15th day of January of the succeeding year for which the taxes are due and collectable, ten (10) per cent damages shall ac- crue and be collected, and after said date the Assessor and Col- lector" with the aid of the City Marshal, or any member or mem- bers of the police force, shall proceed to enforce the collection of all taxes and damages due the city, by the seizure and sale of the property of the delinquent taxpayers, if any can be found, all per- sonal property in said city being subject to such seizure and sale to pay all taxes and damages due by the owners thereof on person- alty. Sales of personal property shall be made by the Asses- sor and collected at the City Hall in said city, every Saturday, commencing not sooner than 11 o’clock a.m. and ending not later than 3 o’clock p.m. No seizure and sale of personal property for taxes due on real estate shall be made, but real estate shall be held liable for its tax and damages accruing thereon. The Assessor and Collector shall only be entitled to 214 per cent damages on all taxes collected by him by seizure and sale. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That at the first regular meet- ing of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, next before the day fixed by law for the sale of lands for the State and county taxes, the Assessor and Collector shall lav before said Board a listed state- ment of all delinquent taxes, which shall show the name of the tax- payers, the property on which the tax is due, and the amount of the taxes, to which shall be annexed the affidavit of the Assessor, made before the City Clerk, that said statement is true and correct, and that he has been unable, after the exercise of clue diligence and effort, to collect said taxes. The Assessor and Collector and Ids bondsmen shall be liable for all delinquent taxes not embraced in said list, as for taxes collected and unaccounted for. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Assessor and Collector shall publish once a week, for three consecutive weeks, in the offi- cial papers of said city, before the day fixed by law for the sale of lands for State and county taxes, a list of all lands delinquent for 34 CITY CHARTER city taxes, with the names of parties to whom the- same are re- spectively assessed and the amount of taxes and damages due thereon, with a notice that, unless said taxes and damages are paid on or before the day fixed by law for the sale of lands delinquent for State and county taxes, said lands will be sold by the sheriff of Adams county. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted , That the City Assessor and Tax Collector shall, on the day and at the place appointed by law, attend with his assessment rolls and delinquent lists, and when the sheriff or tax collector of Adams county shall offer for sale any lands for State and county taxes, which also may be delinquent for city taxes, he shall notify said sheriff or tax collector of the amount of the city taxes and damages due thereon, and unless said sheriff or tax collector shall receive a bid for said property equal to the whole amount of State, county and city taxes, and costs and damages, he shall strike off the same to the State; and if, when the .sale of lands delinquent for State and county taxes shall have been completed, there shall be any lands delinquent for city taxes only, said sheriff or tax collector shall sell the same, and unless he shall receive a bid equal to the amount of the city taxes, damages and costs thereon, he shall likewise strike the same off to the State; and, under any sale made under the provisions of this Act, whether it be made for State, county or city taxes, or for city taxes alone, the State or individual purchasers will be vested with a perfect title to the lands so sold, subject to the right of redemption pro- vided by law, with the same remedies for enforcing the same, to which the State or individual purchasers would be entitled under the State Revenue Law, with reference to sales of lands for taxes; which shall apply in full force, with all the rules of construction relative thereto, to the sales in this Act provided for. The sheriff or tax collector of Adams county shall receive a compensation of two and one-half (2y 2 ) per cent on all city taxes collected by him on such sales, and the remainder of the amounts so collected he shall at once pay into the city treasury, and his sheriff’s and tax collector’s bonds shall be security for the same, and for the per- formance of his duties hereunder. Sec. 6 . Be it further enacted , That the county tax collector shall annually, and within two weeks after such sale, furnish to the State auditor a statement of the city taxes and damages and costs due on property held by the State, so that, in disposing of land, either by way of redemption or sale, he can collect the taxes accrued thereon in favor of the city, which, when collected, he shall pay over to the City Treasurer. Approved February 10, 1888. PART 1. General ©rMnances. T . ■ ■ f ; : Cv •.'L K’i GENERAL ORDINANC ES. BANANA PEELINGS, ETC. AN ORDINANCE to Prohibit and Punish for the Throwing or Placing of Banana, Orange, Apple or Other Peelings or Parings on the Sidewalks, Banquettes or Pavements of the City of Natchez, and for Other Purposes. . • Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of, the City of Natchez, in council convened, That it shall be unlaw- ful for any person or persons to throw, place or put, or cause to be. thrown, placed or put upon any of the sidewalks, banquettes or pavements in the city of Natchez, any banana, orange, appie or .othe’v peelings or ] tarings; and any person violating the provisions hereof shall, upon conviction, be fined not exceeding : ten dollars ($10) for each offense. .■ •; v' Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That it .shall be the duty of the members of the police force of said city, when on duty, to re- move from the sidewalks, banquettes or pavements -of said city, any such peelings or parings as they may, see thereon, and to en- force the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 3. Be it further orclaincd. That this Ordinance be in force from and after its passage. Ordained June 17 , 1897 .. BATHING. AN ORDINANCE Entitled an Ordinance Prohibiting Persons From Bathing in the Mississippi River Within Certain Limits. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Selectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That, from and after, the passage of this, ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person, during the day time, to bathe in the’ Mississippi river, within the limits of the city of Natchez, between Andrew^ Brown’s mill and the large bayou below the ferity landing. * ! , ' '1 rdi' 7 Sec. 2. Be it .further ordained, That any person who shall violate the. above ordinance shall pay ten dollars for each offense, recoverable before the, .Mayor of said city. Ordained July 22, 1856. ' GENERAL ORDINANCES. 38 BEGGING. AN ORDINANCE Regulating Public Begging Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That it shall be unlawful for any one to beg within the corporate limits of this city, without having first obtained official permission to do so, from the Mayor of the city, which permission shall be an indica- tion of an inquiry and an endorsement of the merits of the appli- cant. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That any one who unlawfully begs, within the limits of the city, shall be deemed a vagrant, and subject to the pains and penalties provided for such, in an ordi- nance entitled “An Ordinance to Suppress Vagrancy and Prostitu- tion/' passed January 2, 1891. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall go into effect from and after its passage, and all ordinances in con- flict be, and are hereby repealed. Ordained January 15, 1891. BICYCLES. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Use and Riding of Bicycles in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Board of Mayor and Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That all riders of bicycles, single or tandem, shall carry on same a lighted lamp, between the hours of dusk and daylight, and shall, at all times, carry on said bicycle a standard bell, attached to the front of the wheel, and shall ring same as a signal whenever passing or ap- proaching another vehicle or bicycle where a collision is possible. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That all riders of bicycles must keep at least one hand on the handle bars of his or her ma- chine when riding same, and shall, when meeting an approaching vehicle, rider or driver, take the right side of the street, and always allow passage way for the other, and in passing another from the rear take the left side of the street, and at all times must leave sufficient passage way for another to go by his or hex left from the rear. ' '■ ■ • ' I . . ' GENERAL ORDINANCE. o O !) Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That all riders of bicycles are strictly forbidden from riding on any of the sidewalks or parks of this city, except between the hours of midnight and four o’clock a.m., provided they slow down at all street corners. Riders of bi- cycles may trundle their machines on the sidewalks, and in doing so must at all times keep one hand on the handle bars of the ma- chine, and shall go at no faster gait than a walk. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That what is known as “scorch- ing” on the public streets is strictly forbidden, and any one riding on said streets beyond a moderate rate of speed, or who shall not slacken the speed of said bicycle in approaching any street crossing upon which, any person may be in the act of crossing, or in the act of approaching or leaving a’ street car, or who shall ride such bicy- cle so as to cause the same to come in collision with or strike any person, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon con- viction, any one violating any of the provisions of the foregoing sections, shall bo fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $10.00 for each and every offense, before the Mayor or any court of compe- tent jurisdiction; and it is hereby made the duty of the Marshal and police to see that the provisions of this Ordinance are not violated. Ordained September 2, 1896. BILL POSTING. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Posting of Obnoxious Advertise- ments, and Prohibiting the Use of Telegraph, Telephone and Electric Light Poles, Shade Trees or Tree Boxes for Advertising Purposes. Section 1 . Be it ordained hy the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That it shall not be lawful to post any advertisements, either printed, painted, stamped, or engraved, claiming to be a specific for venereal disease, upon any of the streets and alleys of the city, or any other place within the city limits, where it is subject to the public gaze. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful to attach to any telegraph, telephone, or electric light pole, shade tree, or tree boxes, any sign or advertisement of any nature or de- scription whatever. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That a violation of the pro- visions of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor, subject- 40 GENERAL ORDINANCES. ing the offender to trial before the Mayor, or other court., of. com- petent jurisdiction, and punishable by a fine of not less than $1.00, nor mor.c than $10.00, for each and every offense, and each sign or bill, so posted, shall he deemed a separate offense. Sec. 4. Be it further'ordained , That any firm or individual, representing, by ownership or agency, the medicine so advertised, shall be deemed as guilty of a violation of the terms of actually posting the same, and shall be subject to a similar trial and pun- ishment. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance -take ef- fect from and after its passage. Ordained September 18, 1890. BUTCHERIES'. AN ORDINENCE to Amend and Reduce Into One, the Several Ordi- nances Relating to Butcheries Within the City of Natchez. Hereafter no person or persons shall kill or butcher, within the limits of the city of Natchez, any neat cattle, cattle, sheep, or hogs, or erect or retain any butchery within the same, and the ordi- nances of this city regulating and restraining nuisances shall have full effect as to any butchery opened or attempted to be estab- lished in said city limits. Ordained February 11, 1828, as revised. As to butchers, see also Code of Mississippi (1892), Sec. 979. CARTS, HACKS, DRAYS, ETC. AN ORDINANCE Entitled An Ordinance on Carts, Drays, Hacks, Etc. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of ike City of Natchez, in council convened. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons whomsoever to keep, employ, or own any cart, dray, wagon, cabriolet, hack, or omnibus, hauling or conveying any commodity, substance, or person, from any part of the city to another part of the same, for hire or reward, unless he, she, or they shall have obtained a license for such purpose, in the manner hereinafter prescribed ; and any person or persons who shall keep, employ, or own any cart, dray, wagon, gig, or cabriolet, hack, or omnibus, for the purpose aforesaid, without being licensed, he, she, or they, being thereof convicted, shall, for every such of- fense, forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars. . GENERAL ORDINANCES 41 Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That it shall he the duty of the City Clerk, upon the application of any person or persons for a license for anv cart, dray, wagon, gig, cabriolet, hack, or omnibus, to grant the same, under the seal of the city, authorizing him, her, or them to keep and run the same, for hire or reward, he, she, or they paying the City Clerk for such license at the following rates, for the period* of twelve months: For every cart, dray or wagon, drawn by 4, beasts, or up-. upwards 12.50 For every cart, dray or wagon, drawn by 2 or .3 beasts.-. . . . . 10.00 For every cart, dray or wagon, drawn by 1 beast . . 5.00 For every omnibus or baggage wagon, drawn by 4 beasts, or upwards . .. . . 12.50 For every hack, gig,, or cabriolet, drawn by 2 beasts . • . . . TO. 00 For every omnibus drawn by 2 beasts .’. . . ..... . . . 5.00 For every baggage wagon, drawn by 2 beasts . . . . .-. .- 7.-50 For every gig, or cabriolet, drawn by 1 beast . .'. ....... . . . ‘ 5.00 Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That no license, under this ordinance, shall be granted for a shorter period than twelve months. Sec. 4, Be it further ordained , That it. shall he the duty of the City Clerk to number uniformly all licenses granted as. afore- said, and record the same in a book for that purpose provided, to- gether with the name or names of the person or persongj; to whom granted, the number and date of such license, the number of beasts by which said cart, dray, wagon, gig, hack, or omnibus is drawn, and the amount ol: money by him received for such license, and pay the same into the city treasury, monthly. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained/ That it shall be the duty of every owner or owners of any of the above mentioned' vehicles to have marked or painted, in a conspicuous place on the side of said vehicle, the number of the license for the same, and (the) owner, or owners, by themselves or their agents, omitting or neglecting the. same, shall forfeit or pay not less than two, nor more than, five, dollars for anv day such vehicle shall be used or run, not , being marked or numbered, as aforesaid ; and every owner, or owners, by themselves or their agents, who shall, presume to falsely mark or number any ^aforesaid vehicle, contrary to the intention of this Ordinance, or shall use or run the same, -or shall cause the same: to be used or run, for hire or reward, the same being so falsely marked or run, shall forfeit and pay not less than $10.00, nor more than $20.00, for each offense. 42 G E X ER AL OR DIM AX C ES. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained ; That it shall not be lawful for any person, or persons, running or employing any dray, cart, or wagon, in said city, drawn by three beasts, to haul or carry with the same, from the steamboat landing to any point within the city limits, any load of freight, of any description, exceeding the fol- lowing schedule, towit: 10 Barrels of flour or meal. 6 Barrels of pork, whisky, or other liquor. 3 Barrels of molasses. 10 Barrels of potatoes, apples, or onions. Or any freight or merchandise, of whatsoever kind, not to exceed in weight 2,500 pounds. And, for any cart, dray, or wagon, drawn by two beasts, the load shall not exceed 1,800 pounds. And, for any dray, cart, or wagon, drawn bv one beast, the load shall not exceed 1,000 pounds. If any person, or persons, running and em- ploying any dray, cart, or wagon, drawn by not more than three beasts, within said city limits, shall, in any one load exceed the weight above mentioned for the same thereof, the owner or owners of such dray, cart, or wagon shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay not less than $5.00, nor more than $10.00, for every such offense. - Sec. 7. Be it further ordained , That it shall not be lawful for any cart, dray, or wagon, drawn by two or three beasts, to haul more than six (6) bales of cotton, or freight exceeding 3,000 pounds in weight, from any point within the city limits to the rivei} landing. , x Sec. 8. Be it further ordained , That no cart, dray, or wagon, drawn by one, two or three beasts, hauling to or from the elevator to any part of the city limits, shall haul any load exceeding in weight twice the amount above specified from the river landing. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained , That the following rates of carriage shall be established, and hereafter be the lawful price for hauling from the river landing to any part of the city limits, by any cart, dray, or wagon : For every load drawn by 3 beasts $1.00 For every load drawn by 2 beasts 75 For every load drawn by 1 beast 50 The following rates shall be established for any cart, dray, or wagon, hauling to and from the elevator: For any cart, dray, or wagon, drawn bv 3 beasts $1.00 For any cart, dray, or wagon, drawn by 2 beasts 75 For any cart, dray, or wagon, drawn by 1 beast 50 GENERAL ORDINANCES. 43 Provided, the weight or bulk of said load shall be double the amount allowed from the river landing. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person, or persons, running a cart, dray, or wagon, in said city (whether the same be for hire or reward, or otherwise), to drive the same out of a brisk walk, and any person, or persons, violating this section shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay the sum of not less than $5.00, nor more than $10.00. Sec. 11. Be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any cart, dray, or wagon, or other vehicle, to obstruct the street or sidewalks, or to lock a wheel in driving through any of the streets; and any person, or persons, violating this section shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding $5.00. Sec. 12. Be it further ordained, That the prices to be charged by the owner, owners, or drivers of any hack, coach, or otiier vehicle (except omnibuses), shall be as follows, towit: For conveying a passenger, not exceeding one mile $ .50 For conveying a passenger over one mile 75 For conveying a passenger, between 9 and 12 o’clock 75 For conveying a passenger after 12 o’clock 1.00 For the use by the day of any hack or other vehicle, drawn by two beasts, with one or more passengers 8.00 For the use of any hack, or other vehicle, with one or more passengers, for the first hour 2.00 For each succeeding hour 1.00 For attending funerals 3.00 The following rates shall be charged by the owner, or driver, of any ..-wagon for the transportation of baggage, as follows, towit: For transporting each and every trunk, not exceding one mile, 25c. Hack owners, or drivers, are required to keep these rules posted in a conspicuous place, within their vehicle (the same to be furnished by the city). Every hack, carriage, cab, or cabriolet, when driven at night, shall have iixed on some conspicuous part of the outer side thereof two lighted lamps, with plain glass fronts and sides, on which shall be painted in dark and legible figures, at least two inches long, the registry number thereof; and any violation of this sec- tion shall subject the ow r ner, or driver thereof, to a fine of not more than $5.00, nor less than $2.00, for each and every offense. And all fines accruing 'from any violation of this Ordinance shall be 44 GENERAL ORDINANCES. recoverable before the Mayor,, or justice of the peace, for -the. sole use of the city. Sec.- 13. Be: it -further ordmned, That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, coining in conflict with the meaning or .pur-- view of this Ordinance, are hereby repealed. Ordained March 1, 1883. : CATTLE. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled An Ordinance, Prohibiting the Running at Large of Cattle, Horses, Mules, Sheep, Swine or Goats Within the Limits of the City of Natchez. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That it shall be unlawful for cattle, horses} mules, sheep, swine, or goats, to run at large or unattended upon the streets, alleys, lanes, or any other public property within the city of Natchez, either by day or by night. Sec. 2. . Be it further, ordained, That when any cattle, horses, mules, swine, sheep, or -goats, are found running at large and un- attended, they shall be impounded, and within twenty-four hours after such impounding, if uncalled for and existing charges not paid, the City Marshal shall, after advertising the same for three times, in a daily city paper, or by public notices, posted in three or more public places, one of which shall be in the guard house, one at the court house, one near the corner of Union and Franklin streets, and the other at the postoffice, if permission can be ob- tained for the same, proceed to sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder, for cash, any such animals; and it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to pay over to the City Treasurer, weekly, all money collected under this Ordinance. , t s . Sec. 3. Be it further ordained > That any person whose ani- mal may have been sold, under the provisions of this Ordinance, shall, by making proper proof of ownership, be repaid the proceeds arising from the sale thereof, after deducting, the expenses of ad- vertising, feeding, selling and impounding, by petition to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. . , Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That the City Marshal shall make proper arrangements for the impounding of aforementioned stock, etc., and their feed and care while so impounded... GENERAL ORDINANCES. : 45 Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That a fine be paid by the party redeeming such stock, which shall be assesse Cattle, per head Horses or mules, per head Sheep or swine, per head Goats, per head And, in the event of said animals being sold, as pi as follows ovided, at outcry, these charges shall attach as part of expenses. $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 public Sec. G. Be it further ordained, That the charge which it shall be lawful to make for the feed, watering and care of im- pounded animals, per day or fraction of a day, shall be as follows: For cattle, mules, or horses, per head ................ .40 cents For sheep, swine, or goats, per head . . . ... .25 cents Sec. 7. Be it further ordained , That the City Marshal shall keep a book in which the date on which any animal, as aforesaid, is taken up shall be entered, registering the same, with a descrip- tion specifying its kind, color, stature, marks, or brands, by which it may be identified, and if it be a horse or mule, its estimated age.. Such book shall be kept at the public station and open to. inspection at all times. Sec. 8, Be it further ordained, That the members of the po- lice force shall-not be permitted to take up or impound animals; hut, in order to make this Ordinance effective, the City Marshal shall be instructed to employ a suitable person, for this special service, who shall be under his supervision and subject to police' regulations, and who shall be paid from the city treasury the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars per month for said service. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That any person who shall resist, oppose, obstruct, or interfere with the person so appointed, while in the pursuit of the duties assigned and provided for by this Ordinance, or shall break pound, or secure any animal while impounded, or while being conveyed to or from the pound, shall, upon conviction before the Mayor, be fined in any sum not exceed- ing five dollars. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained,, That all former ordinances and amendments on the subject be, and they are hereby repealed, and that this ordinance shall go into full force and effect on and after the first day of July, 1895. Ordained June 20, 1895. 46 GENERAL ORDINANCES. II— AN ORDINANCE to Amend the Above. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That the ordi- nance entitled ‘‘An Ordinance prohibiting the running at large of cattle (except cows in milk), horses, mules, sheep, swine, or goats, within the limits of the city of Natchez,” ordained and published on the 20th of June, 1895, be, and is hereby amended, by striking out of Section 1 of said ordinance the words in parentheses, “cows in milk.” Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the party employed by the Marshal to impound stock shall be required to shoot and kill any hogs or goats found running at large upon the streets, alleys, or public parks of the city. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall go into full force and effect on and after March 1, 1896. Ordained February 6, 1896. Ill — AN ORDINANCE to Amend the Above Two Ordinances. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That said ordi- nance of date June 20, 1895, as amended by an ordinance of Feb- ruary 6, 1896, be, and the same is hereby amended, by inserting in Section 1 of said ordinance of June 20, 1895, after the words “or any other public property,” the words “or upon any lot, prem- ises, or grounds, unto whomsoever belonging, not enclosed by a legal fence, or other fence or enclosure sufficient to keep and pre- vent any cattle and stock from straying therefrom.” Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of August, A. D. 1903. Ordained July 9, 1903. CEMETERIES. (Code of 1854.) 1. A parallelogram of the following dimensions, formed of part of Square No. 30, as laid down on the general plot or plan of that part of the City of Natchez, laid off into lots, shall be enclosed and improved in the manner hereinafter directed, for the purpose 'V • V£) ; • V 4 $ ■:■ ■ -■« • . , W' ■■ GENERAL ORDINANCES. 47 of being used as a city burying ground ; that is to say, commencing at the northeast corner of said square; thence westwardly, along the southern margin of Main street, three hundred and twenty feet, to the northwest corner of said square ; thence at right angles southwardly, along the eastern margin of Fifth street, two hundred and ninety-seven feet, to the point of commencement of land owned by John Henderson in said square; thence at right angles eastwardly, three hundred and twenty feet, to the western margin of street; thence at right angles northwardly, two hun- dred and ninety-seven feet, to the point of commencement. 2. The limits described in the preceding section shall be en- closed with a fence or palisade, of the materials hereinafter de- scribed, and in the following manner : that is to say, there shall be posts of sound cedar, eight feet long, handsomely dressed, not less than four inches square, sunk and firmly fastened in the earth, two and a half feet deep, at nine feet distance from each other; between each post there shall be two cypress bars or rails, handsomely dressed, three or four inches, closely mortised at each end into each post; to these bars or rails there shall be pales firmly nailed, at two inches distance from each other, six feet in length, three inches in width, and one and one-eiglith inches thick, handsomely dressed; and included in this fence or palisade there shall be two suitable gates, each nine feet wide, hung with strong iron hinges and furnished with sufficient locks and hinges. The whole en- closure and improvement herein contemplated shall be under the control and superintendence of commissioners hereinafter to be ap- pointed for the purpose. The said parallelogram or burying ground, described in the first section of this Ordinance, shall be planted on the inside with trees of the Pride of China, in such manner as the said commissioners may direct. 3. John Henderson, William Rutherford, James John Robb, and Lewis Evans are, and they are hereby appointed Commission- ers to contract with some suitable person, or persons, to erect and complete the said fence, or palisade, in a workmanlike manner, according to the true intent and meaning of this Ordinance; and they, or a majority of them, have power and authority to demand and receive the donation left by Mrs. Eliza C. Brooks for that pur- pose, to open, solicit, and receive subscriptions of such persons as Avill contribute to the same; and they, or a majority of them, are also hereby authorized to apply the appropriation of the city of Natchez, the donation of Mrs. Eliza C. Brooks, and all other dona- tions they may receive for that purpose, to the enclosure or im- provement of said parallelogram, or burying ground; they shall prepare and furnish a plan of such fence, or palisade. Cx ENEK a L 0 RDIN ANDES 4-8 :4. That the' President of. the Selectmen be, and he- is -hereby authorized to receive a title from William Rutherford and John P. McNeill: to lot No. 4, and part of lots Nos. 1 and 3, in square No. 30, sin said city of Natchez, the said lots being bounded as follows, towit:; Beginning at the northeast corner of the lot first above mentioned, at i he end of Main street, and on the lower side there- of,; running thence along Main street to the corner of the Roman .( lathol-ic. biiryiiig ground; thence at right angles to the southeast corner of said Roman Catholic burying ground; thence along the back line thereof to Fifth street; thence along Fifth street to the lot of John Henderson, on which the powder magazine stands; thence on a line parallel to Main street, through lots Nos. 1 and .3, to the eastern line of said square; thence at right angles to the beginning; which title shall be to the city of Natchez, for the uses .and purposes of a burying place, and to and for no other use or purpose whatever, and so to be used, kept and enclosed, in a decent and substantial manner. i 5.. An additional burying place shall be established for this Pity, and the same is hereby established, to consist of two lots of hind, towit: No. 8, containing eight acres and eighty-nine hun- dredths of an acre; and No.' (5, containing one acre and nineteen hundredths of an acre, according to the plan of lots laid off and recorded on the tract, the property of the late Col. John Steele, deceased, lying above the city; and the President of the Selectmen shall be, and lie is hereby authorized to take and receive from the executors of the last will and testament of said John Steele, a good and. sufficient deed of said two lots of land, and on the execution thereof, issue his warrant on the Treasurer of the city for the sum of one thousand dollars, payable to Edward Turner, one of the ex- ecutors of said Steele, out of any money in the treasury not oth- erwise appropriated. (>. Said lots shall be immediately enclosed, with a good, and sufficient fence of:. posts and rails; and the President of the Select- men 4 > hereby, authorized to cause the same to be done by contract, on the most economical plan he may be able to adopt; and the expense thereof shall be paid, bv order of the Board, out of any money. in the treasury not otherwise appropriated; and there shall be one large double gate in said fence, at or near the westerly corner of said entire lot, to be made of the most durable materials which can be procured for that purpose at this city. W. There shall be a committee appointed by the President to : design.a(e such part of said burying place as they may think proper for the interment; of persons of color '; and ..the residue shall be and GENERAL ORDINANCES. 49 remain for the interment of the remains of white persons; and said committee shall make report thereof to the Board, and their report shall be recorded on the minutes of the Board, if approved. 8. The committee to be appointed by the seventh section of this Ordinance shall lay off a lot of three-fourths of an acre, on some corner of said entire lot, which shall be reserved and set apart for the remains of persons belonging to the Roman Catholic Church, upon condition that the corporation of said church, at this place, will accept and use the same for the purposes contemplated by this Ordinance. 9. No grave or graves shall be enclosed by wooden paling, railing, or enclosure, but tombs may be erected over any grave, in the usual manner. 10. It shall be the duty of the Sexton of the city to cause said burying place to be kept enclosed and in good order, and to do and perform the said duties towards said burying place, and .to have the same powers, emoluments and privileges therein as at the other burying places of the city. 11. The plan of a new burying ground, as surveyed under a resolution of the said President and Selectmen, passed the twenty- eighth day of May, setting apart separate places for the interment of persons of color, of Catholics, of strangers, and establishing family squares, with alleys, is and the same is hereby established ; and the said family squares shall be numbered from number one progressively. 12. The said family squares shall and may be sold at private sale for the sum of fifteen dollars, and combed by deed in fee simple by the President to such person or persons as may become the purchaser thereof, for the use and purpose of a graveyard, and for no other purpose whatever ; and the City Clerk shall keep a reg- ister of the squares sold by virtue of this Ordinance, showing the name of the purchaser, the number of the square, the time of sale, and a column in which to insert the name of the assignee of each square, from time time; and for each original entry, or entry of a transfer on said register, the Clerk shall be entitled to demand and receive from the purchaser the sum of fifty cents. 13. It shall be the duty of the President to pay over forth- with to the City Treasurer the proceeds of the sales of said squares, and to take his receipt for the same, which receipts shall be filed and kept by the Clerk as vouchers, to be used in settlement of the Treasurer’s accounts. 50 GENERAL ORDINANCES 14. One correct copy of the plan so laid out and established shall be recorded in the book of minutes of the proceedings of the President and Selectmen of this city, and one copy shall also be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Adams count}^ at the expense of the city, which copies shall be signed by the President, and countersigned by the City Clerk. 15. The plan of the family squares in the burying ground, as surveyed under a resolution of the President and Selectmen of said city, passed the 19th day of February, 1824, is hereby estab- lished- 16. Nothing contained in the fifteenth section of this Ordi- nance shall be so construed as to alter the squares which have been heretofore laid out and purchased by any person, without the free will and consent of the owner or owners of any square or squares. 17. It shall be lawful for the owners of family squares in said burying ground to enclose said squares, either with a brick wall, wooden or iron railing, which shall not exceed five feet in height, for the purpose of designating their boundaries, except such persons who have purchased squares in said burying ground, and will not consent for their squares to be altered according to the plan so laid out and established, by order of said Mayor and Select- men. 18. The Sexton shall be held responsible for the payments of such family squares in the burying ground as he suffers to be occu- pied, without having them first conveyed by deed. The preceding provisions in regard to the old burying ground (now Memorial Park), and the regulations as to the purchase and care of the present cemetery are inserted for their historical value. Aside from this, they have no present importance. The question of the validity of the city’s title to the Memorial Park, having been called in question by a suit instituted in the United States Circuit Court, the contention of the city was sus- tained in the opinion of the court, here inserted. A statement of the facts upon which the action was based precedes the opinion. GENERAL ORDINANCES 51 EXITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS. Fifth Circuit. M. E. Thornton, et a!., Appellants. vs. No. 1253. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City' of Natchez, Appellees. APPEAL FROM THE UNITED CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF MISSISSIPPI. Before McOORMICK and SHELBY, Circuit Judges, and P ARLAN G-E, District Judge. Statement of the Case. On July 25, 1902, M. E. Thornton and his wife, averring themselves to be the sole surviving legal representatives of William Rutherford and of William Rutherford and John P. McNeill, who, in the year 1817, composed the commercial firm of William Ruth- erford & Co., filed their bill in the lower court, in which, inter alia , t hey alleged : That Rutherford and McNeill, in the year 1817, for the nom- inal consideration of $500, conveyed to the President and Selectmen of the City of Natchez, and to their successors forever certain lots in the city of Natchez, which were then the property of said com- mercial firm, to have and to hold the same “for the uses and pur- poses of a burying place, and so’ to be forever kept, used and en- closed in a decent and substantial manner, and to and for no other- use or purpose whatsoever.” That the land continued to be used for the purposes to which it was dedicated by the grantors until about the year 1890, when the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez, without the knowledge or consent of com- plainants, who then resided in North Carolina, and without notice to them, contriving and intending to defeat the said trust and to convert the land to another and a different purpose, but at the same time to deceive the complainants and to preserve the sem- blance of the trust while defeating the intent of the grantors, with- out an actual apparent repudiation of the trust, caused the remains of the deceased persons interred in said land, with the tombstones, coffins, and all other evidences of the use of the land as a burying ground, to be dug up and removed and the land to be graded down and leveled and converted into a public park for the purpose^ of 52 GENERAL ORDINANCES. diversion and recreation, for the use of the City of Natchez, and ceased altogether to use the land for the' purpose of a burying ground. But that, for the purpose of deceiving complainants, or others who might have notified them, said city authorities caused an excavation to be dug in a remote part of the land and the remains of some of the deceased persons, formerly buried in said land, to be placed therein and a small mound of earth to be placed thereon, with a plain slab of stone, and then contended and still contend that in so doing they are executing the trust in conformity to the terms of the grant. That, by reason of the fraud so attempted to be practiced on them, complainants had no notice of the breach of trust and of the fact that the lands had ceased to be used for the purpose of a burying place, and had been converted to another and entirely different use, until the year 1901. That, by the misuser and nonuser of the land, which is of the value of $10,000, the same has reverted to the complainants. The prayer is that the land be decreed to have reverted to the camplainants, and that the defend- ants pay rents and revenues at the rate of $1,000 per annum from January 1, 1890; or, in the alternative, that defendants be perpet- ually enjoined from further use of the land for any other different purpose than that of a burying place. A demurrer was interposed on a number of grounds, among which are the following: Want of equity in the bill. Want of jurisdiction in the court, because the suit is an action of ejectment; and if it be a bill to remove clouds from title, it cannot be maintained because com- plainants are not and the defendants are in possession. That com- plainants do not show that they have acquired or hold the interest of McNeill in the land. That, by the terms of the deed, as shown in the bill, the fee passed absolutely and unconditionally to the City of Natchez, and that no provision was made in the deed by which the grantors, their heirs or legal representatives, could be reinvested with the title. That complainants are barred by their laches. That the suit is barred by the ten-year statute of limita- tions. That the bill does not show that complainants’ cause of action was fraudulently concealed. That the bill shows that de- fendants exercised such public ownership over the land as to render it impossible that complainants, had they exercised reasonable dil- igence, would not have known of their rights more than ten years before the filing of this suit. That complainants’ alleged want of knowledge will not excuse them from the bar of the statute of lim- itations. The demurrer was sustained, the bill was dismissed and the complainants have appealed. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 53 Parlaxge, District Judge: “We are satisfied, after full con- sideration of the matter, that the grant was not made on condition subsequent. Such a condition is not favored in law. (Kent’s Com. IV., marginal page 129.) Even when a provision is stated in terms to be a condition, a court will determine for itself, not from the statement alone, but from the whole deed or grant, whether a condition was really intended. In this case, no condi- tion was stated in terms. A consideration of $500 was paid the grantors and the prant was not made purely and exclusively from motives of charity or benevolence. No provision whatever was made for re-entry by or reversion to the grantors or their heirs or legal representatives. The land was maintained as a public bury- ing place for nearly three-quarters of a century. There is noth- ing averred in the bill from which we could. gather that the grant- ors intended that the land should be maintained as a public bury- ing place literally in perpetuity and without regard to the necessi- ties and welfare of all the generations which were to follow. In the absence of any declaration of such an intention and of any- thing in the grant from which it could be reasonably inferred, we are to conclude that the grantors meant that the land should be used for the purposes for which they desired it to be used, as long as it was right and proper to do so, in view of the nature of the grant and of its purposes. “But, in any event, it is beyond question that the grantors made no record of any intention on their part, either expressed or intimated, that the land should ever, under any circumstances, re- vert to them or to their representatives. The appellants have not stated a case entitling them to the reversion. They have not even shown that they have an interest or a right in the further carrying out of the purposes of the grant. “The matter in hand was carefully considered in the able opinion in Rawson vs. Inhabitants of School District No. 5, in [Jxbridge, 119 Mass., 125. Also see: Greene vs. O’Connor (In the Supreme Court of Rhode Island), reported in 19 L. R. A., 2 62. (See the notes.); Sohier vs. Trinity i Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the several lots and squares into which the same is divided, subject, however, to the reservation made bv Margaret Case, in the deed hereinabove referred to, and also of the circular lots, Nos. — and — , be sold .by the Treasurer, and conveyed by the Mayor of the city, as applied for, to persons desiring to purchase the same, to be used exclu- sively as places of interment, at the following rates, towit: All lots measuring 16 by 20 feet $16.00 Lots 657 and 658, each 12.00 Lots 654, 655 and 656, each 10.00 Sec. 3. And be it further • ordained , That all regulations, under existing ordinances, relative to the burying grounds of the city, shall apply to this addition as fully as if herein stated, so far as the same may be applicable. Ordained June 11, 1867. IV — AN ORDINANCE to Amend an Ordinance* Creating a Fund, Known as the Cemetery Fund, of the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That, from and after this date, the fund, commonly designated and known as the Cemetery Fund be, and the same is hereby abolished, and any moneys or other funds now to the credit of said Cemetery Fund, or that may hereafter be derived therefrom, be transferred to the General Fund of the city of Natchez; and that this Ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage; and all ordi- nances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and the' same are hereby repealed. Ordained March 9, 1871. V — AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Sale of Lots in the New Addi- tion to the City Cemetery, Lately Purchased of George Zurhellen and Others, Adopting the Plat as Submitted by the Committee on Public Property, Etc. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the plat of the new addition to the city cemetery, purchased of George Zurhel- hen, and others, this day submitted by the Committee on Public Property, be, and the same is hereby adopted, with all the designa- tions of family squares, or lots, roads and alleys, and the same are hereby .established, and the said lots or family squares shall be numbered from one (1) progressively. 58 G K X E R A L 0 RD1X A X C ES . Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That a correct copy of said plats shall bo recorded upon the record of maps of the City of Natchez, which map shall be signed by the Mayor of the city, and countersigned by the City Clerk, thus certifying to correctness of same. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That from and after the 7th day of August, 1890, the family squares, or lots, thereon desig- nated, Shall and may be sold at private sale, for the sum of $30 for lots 16 by 20 feet, $35 for lots 20 by 20 feet, and $40 for all lots in excess of 20 by 20 feet; and conveyed by deed in fee simple, by the Mayor, to such person or persons as may become the purchasers thereof, for the use and purposes of a graveyard, and for no other use or purpose whatsoever, and subject to the further restrictions hereinafter mentioned and set forth. And the City Clerk shall keep a register of the squares or lots sold by virtue of the Ordi- nance, showing the name of the purchaser, the number of the square or lot, the time of sale, and a column in which to insert the name of assignee of each square, from time to time; and for each original entry, or entry of transfer, on said register the Clerk shall be entitled to demand and receive from the purchaser the sum of one dollar, one-half of which shall be his fee. and one-half turned into the city treasury, as hereinafter provided for. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of the Mayor and the City Clerk to pay over, forthwith, to the City Treasurer the proceeds of sale of said squares or lots, and the half of the registering fee, and to take his receipt for the same, which receipt shall be filed and kept by the Clerk as a voucher ;• and the City Clerk shall cover all such funds so received to the credit of 1 lie Improvement Bond Fund, as provided for in the resolution directing payment for this cemetery addition and its improvement out of said fund. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained , That it shall not be lawful for the purchaser or owner of any lot, in said new addition, to enclose such lot with any wall appearing higher than twelve inches above the natural surface of the ground, or with any railing, except of metal, and it restricted in height (including base wall) to thirty (30) inches; but nothing herein shall be construed as requiring parties to erect either wall or railing, or anything more than a .distinctive mark, of the limits of lot. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained , That it shall not be lawful for the purchaser, or the owner of any lot, to plant or grow upon such lot any tree, of any description, nor permit a bush or shrub GENERAL ORDINANCES. 59 to grow above three (3) feet in height, under penalty of having it removed by order of the City Council ; but no restriction is placed upon the height or style of any vault, shaft, or slab, erected upon said lots, so that they are in keeping with the solemnity of the loca- tion and its purposes. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance take effect from and after its passage. Ordained August 7, 1890. VI — AN ORDINANCE to Provide for the Care and Maintenance of the City Cemetery. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, i?i council convened, That, from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the general control and care of the city cemetery shall rest with the City Street Contractor, who, in addition to his other duties, shall work and keep in proper order, with his force, the streets, lanes, alleys, bridges, fences, and public lots of said cemetery, and the special and immediate care shall rest in a Keeper and one man, who, jointly, shall dig graves for interment and disinterment of the dead, under restrictions hereinafter imposed, and, when not so employed, shall act as labor- ers on the streets, lanes, and alleys of saicl cemetery, under the general instructions of the Street Contractor aforesaid. Sec.. 2. Be it further ordained, That no person interested in any undertaking establishment shall be eligible to fill the posi- tion of Keeper, or laborer, in said cemetery aforesaid. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That the Keeper aforesaid shall receive forty-five dollars per month, and the laborer forty dollars per month, as full compensation for their labor, payable monthly, in the same mode and manner as other employes of the city. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That the deeds to all the lots within the cemetery shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk, and in all respects conform to existing laws for the sale of lots in the new cemetery, or “new addition/’ it being ex- pressly stated that nothing in this Ordinance is intended to alter or amend the present ordinance regulating sale of lots, etc., in said new addition. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That the price of digging graves, three and a half feet in length and under, shall be $2.50; for all box graves, over three and a half feet, $5.00; for all plain and vault graves, over three and a half feet, $4.00. GO GENERAL ORDINANCES. Sec. G. Be it further ordained, That the undertaker having a funeral in charge shall apply to the City Clerk for a burial cer- tificate, paying for same, as per price fixed in Section 5 of this Ordinance; that he shall present said certificate to the Keeper at the cemetery and designate the spot for the grave, at least three hours preceding the hour fixed for the burial. And it is hereby made compulsory upon all undertakers to report to said Clerk’s office all deaths and interments which may occur in the city, under a penalty of $25.00, recoverable before the Mayor. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That the said Keeper, with his assistant, shall, upon receipt of certificate and notice of loca- tion, provided for in Section 6, proceed to dig the grave, and at the proper time to refill the same. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, That, upon the day of the last regular meeting of the City Council of each month, the Keeper of the cemetery, aforesaid, shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the Chairman of the Finance Committee of said City Council, the certificates aforesaid, who (and he) shall check them off against the report of issue of same by the City Clerk. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That the City Clerk be, and is hereby instructed to have prepared a book, with stub, of the fol- lowing contents, to wit : Natchez, Miss 1 89 ... No ... . Natchez, Miss 189 . . Certificate No - . To Keeper Cemetery: Issued to Mr This certifies that Mr For has paid for digging of grave for. . . Price, $ Price, $ City Clerk. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained , That the term of service of Keeper and assistant is of no definite date, but any individual em- ployed to fill such position is subject to dismissal at the will of said Street Contractor. Sec. 11. Be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any parties having the care of private lots to throw, place, burn, or deposit any sweepings, cuttings, or rubbish, from lot or lots under their care, upon the public streets, lanes, alleys, or lots of said cemetery, and violation of this section subjects the offender, upon conviction before the Mayor, to such penalty as, under his judgment, is adequate and just. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 61 Sec. 12. Be it further ordained, That the Keeper, aforesaid, shall be, and is hereby required to unlock the cemetery gates at sunrise of each morning, and close same at dusk, unless he has knowledge of some burial party being engaged at that hour in the cemetery, in which event he shall close immediately after their departure. Sec. 13. Be it further ordained, That the City Clerk shall make necessary provisions to secure the issuance of the certificates aforesaid, at any hour intervening between sunrise and sunset, of each and every calendar day. Sec. 14. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the undertaker applying for a certificate to deposit with the City Clerk the attending physician’s report of cause of death, and semi- monthly the City Clerk, from these reports, shall make out and present to the City Council the usual mortality report. Sec. 15. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall go into effect from and after the* loth day of October, instant, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with same be, and the same are hereby repealed, from and after the date of ob- servance of this Ordinance, except the ordinance passed the sev- enth day of August, 1890, touching the new cemetery, the pro- visions of which remain in full force and effect, and exercisable in conjunction with this Ordinance. Ordained October 1, 1891 ; as amended May 26, 1897, and February 18, 1892. VII — AN ORDINANCE Entitled an Ordinance to Permit the Trustees of the Natchez Hospital to Bury the Pauper Dead From Said Hospital. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board, of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the Trus- tees of the Natchez Hospital be permitted to bury the pauper dead from said hospital in any ground belonging to the city of Natchez, outside of the fence surrounding the Catholic cemetery, known as the pauper ground. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That there shall be no charge made by the city of Natchez for pauper graves. Ordained February 15, 1900. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 62 CENSUS. AN ORDINANCE to Provide for Taking Censuses of the City of Natchez. Section 1. Be it- ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That a census of the population and industry of the City of Natchez, and the sub- urban district lying between the present corporate boundaries and the former limits, as established by the Act of April 17, 1871, shall be taken on or before the first Monday of August, A. I). 1895, and every tenth year thereafter. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That, immediately after the passage of this Ordinance, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall elect an enumerator for each ward of said city, and two for said suburban district, whose terms of office shall continue for one year from date of such election, and whose compensation shall be three cents for each inhabitant, and twenty-five cents for each religious, benevolent, educational, and industrial institution enumerated and returned, which shall be in full comp nsation for all services ren- dered or expenses incurred in the discharge of the duties herein prescribed. Each enumerator, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, shall take and subscribe before the Mayor, or some other officer authorized to administer oaths, the following oath, or affirmation : “I, , an enumerator for taking the census of the City of Natchez, for the year , do solemnly swear, or affirm, f hat I will make a true and exact enumeration of all the inhab- itants within the ward or division assigned to me, and will also faithfully collect all other statistics therein, as provided for in the ordinance for taking said census, and will make due and correct returns thereof, as required bv said ordinance, so help me God. ’’Signed .” Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of each enumerator, after being qualified in the manner aforesaid, to visit personally each dwelling house in his ward or district, arid each family therein, and each individual living out of a family in any place of abode, and each religious, benevolent, educational, or industrial institution, and by inquiry, made of the head of each family, or of the member thereof deemed most credible and worthy of trust, or of such individual living out of a family, and of the president, chief officer, superior, principal, general agent, or man- ager of any such institution, to obtain each and every item of in- GENERAL ORDINANCES. 63 formation, and all the particulars contemplated by this act, as of said first Monday of August of the census year, and to make entry of such information and particulars, with pen and ink, upon and in accordance with such forms and schedul. s as may be prescribed, as hereinafter provided; and in ease the enuemerator shall be un- able to find the respective persons above mentioned, it shall be lawful for him to obtain the’ required information from the best and most reliable sources. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained,. That the enumeration re- quired bv this Ordinance shall commence on the first Monday of August of this, and each census year, and be taken as of that date, and each enumerator shall prosecute the canvass of his subdivision from that date forward, on each week day, without intermission, except for sickness or other urgent cause, and any necessary ces- sation of his work shall be sufficient ground for his removal and the appointment of another person in his place. It shall be the duty of each enumerator to complete the enumeration of his ward, or district, and to fill up the forms and schedules furnished him hereunder, and forward the same, with the recapitulation, thereof, all duly certified as true and correct, as his returns under this Or- dinance, to the City Clerk, on or before the first day of September of the census year. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained , That the enumeration and returns for each ward, or district, shall show : First — The name, sex, age, color, nativity, and occupation of each inhabitant, the names to be alphabetically arranged. Second — The number of houses, frame or stone in structure ; on what street situated, and for what purposes used, e. g., whether dwellings, stores, warehouses, etc., and whether occupant is owner or renter. Third — Churches, and of what denomination ; schools, and whether public or private, and number of pupils; orphan asylums, and number of inmates ; benevolent and other public institutions. Fourth — Factories, mills, and other manufacturing institu- tions, with names of the corporations, companies, or individuals owning or conducting the same; names of business, manufactures or products, capital invested, greatest and average number of hands employed, and value of product. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained , That, immediately after the passage of this Ordinance, and on or befor.> the first day of July in each subsequent census year, the Mayor shall appoint a special committee of three, whose duty it shall be to prescribe the forms, 64 GENERAL ORDINANCES. schedules, and instructions which may be necessary for- effecting the purposes of this Ordinance, and to superintend and direct the taking of said census. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to furnish the said enumerators with all necessary stationery; to deliver to them all forms, schedules, instructions and directions that may be prescribed or given by said committee ; to receive the returns of said enumeration, and to make a complete compilation thereof, and to file away and preserve the same in his office. Ordained July 15, 1886. CITY CLERK. AN ORDINANCE to Regulate and Define the Duties, Etc., of the Clerk of the City of Natchez, and for Other Purposes, as Amended. * Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the Board of Selectmen (Aldermen) shall, on the second Wednesday of January, or as soon thereafter as may be, of each and every year, appoint and elect by ballot, a Clerk, who shall hold his office for one year from the date of his appointment; whose duty it shall be to attend each and every meeting of the Board of Selectmen; to keep a minute of their proceedings; to record and transcribe in a book, or books, provided for that purpose, all the ordinances and laws passed by them, and generally to do and perform all such acts as may be required by them, and discharge all the duties required of such clerk, by any of the ordinances of said city now in force, and such as may be hereafter passed by the Board of Selectmen, touching the duties of his office as such Clerk. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the said Clerk shall keep an office in one of the rooms of the City Hall, over the door of which shall be printed the words, “City Clerk’s Office,” in which he shall keep all the records of the proceedings of the Board of Selectmen, and all the laws and ordinances of said city, which now exist, or which may hereafter be passed by the Board of Se- lectmen; and which shall, at all times, be subject to an examina- tion and inspection by the Mayor and Selectmen (Aldermen), by a committee of them, or by any person or persons interested therein. *Now elected biennially by qualified electors of the cit 3 T . See section 5 of charter. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 65 Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That said Clerk, when elected hv virtue of the provision of this Ordinance, shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, take the oath prescribed by the consti- tution, before the Mayor or some justice of the peace of the county of Adams, and enter into bond in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, with good and sufficient security, to be approved of by the Mayor and Selectmen (Aldermen), payable to the Mayor, for the time being, and his successors in office, conditioned that he will well and truly discharge the duties of his office during the continuance thereof, and so long as he shall hold the same, which bond shall be filed among the records of his office. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, (Provision as to salary omit- ted. See title Salary.) Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That the Clerk shall be the keeper of the city seal, and shall affix the same, under the ordi- nances o'f the city, and bv direction of th;* Mayor and Selectmen (Aldermen), in cases required by said ordinances; and he shall pay over all moneys received by him for all licenses, every four months. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained. That all ordinances in con- flict with this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained August 9, 1837. CISTERNS. AN ORDINANCE Concerning the Public Cisterns. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That if any person or per- sons hereafter draw any water from the public cisterns of said city, other than for city purposes, or for the use of the fire depart- ment of said city, he, she, or they, as the case may be,’ shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars for each and every offense, to be re- covered by prosecution before the Mayor, or any court of compe- tent jurisdiction, for the use of said city. Ordained March 10, 1841. DIGGING. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- mem of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That, from and after the passage of this Ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any street, or lot of ground, in this city, to be graded, or to have any part of its surface removed, either by digging down or filling up 66 GENERAL ORDINANCES the same, during any time in the several months of June, July, August, September and October, in each and every subsequent year. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That no excavation for cis- terns, cellars, and other purposes, shall be made in this city during any time in the aforementioned five months of June, July, August, September and October, of any year, unless by express permission of the Board of Aldermen, in writing, setting forth the necessity of the case, and not until a committee of health shall have exam- ined into the subject and reported thereon. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That for each and every in- fraction of this Ordinance, or any part thereof, the offender, or offenders, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, nor less than twenty-five dollars, to be recovered before the Mayor, or any other court of competent jurisdiction; Provided, always, that nothing in this Ordinance shall be so construd as to prevent or interfere with any necessary repairs of the streets and highways of the city. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances, coming within the provisions of this Ordinance, are repealed. Ordained August 15, 1872. DOGS. AN ORDINANCE to Regulate the Keeping of Dogs in the City of Natchez. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That any person owning a dog within the limits of the city shall, on or before the first day of June, 1893, and annually thereafter, license any ani- mal of the dog kind which exceeds the age of six months, by apply- ing to the City Clerk, who shall register and number the same to the proper owner thereof, with a brief description of each dog by sex, color and breed ; and, also, to furnish the owner with a metal- lic tag, with number and year to corespond with said register, for which license and tag the owner shall pay $1.00, between June 1 and August 31, inclusive, annually; and after that date the sum of seventy-five cents, as a tax, which license shall expire June 1 of the next succeeding year; and, also, the further sum of twenty-five cents for each license issued; said tag to be attached to the collar worn by the dog. / GENERAL ORDINANCES 67 Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That it shall be deemed un- lawful for any dog to run at large, without a collar and tag, as provided in this Act; and it shall be deemed lawful for the City Marshal to catch and impound any dog running at large without said tag, and, on the expiration of forty-eight hours, if the owner does not come and pay the license and fees required, the said dog is to ])e killed; and, if the Marshal cannot catch said dog, he shall kill, or cause to be killed, him or her; Provided, that no tag shall be used or worn by any dog, other than the identical one issued by the Clerk, and any attempt to evade this provision shall be held to be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not more than $20.00 ; Provided, also, that in case of the loss of any tag, the Clerk shall issue a duplicate thereof, upon application, for the sum of ten cents, satisfactory proof being furnished of loss of said tag. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That, on and after the first day of June, 1893, and annually thereafter of said date (original ordinance read “on and after 1st day of July, 1881”) it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to catch, or kill, all dogs which may be found at large, without collar and tag, as herein provided, and the Clerk, on information given by any citizen of any dog not so regis- tered and tagged, shall issue a written notice to the officer to kill said dog; and it shall be unlawful for the Clerk to divulge or make known the name of any citizen giving such information, and he shall be liable to a fine for each such offense, in any sum not ex- ceeding $20.00, nor less than $5.00; and any one interfering with tlie officer in the discharge of his duty shall be imprisoned, or fined not less than $10.00. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That, should the. City Mar- shal fail to use diligence to take up,, or kill, any dog, after such notice, lie shall be fined not less than $5.00 for each offense. The City Marshal is to be paid $1.00 for each and every dog taken up, or killed, under this Act. . Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That any person, or persons, who shall wantonly, or wilfully, kill or maim any dog, or dogs, within said city of Natchez, licensed and tagged, as authorized and directed bv this Ordinance, shall forfeit and pay, on conviction thereof before the Mayor or any court of competent jurisdiction, I he sum of $20.00, with costs of suit, for the use of the city, and the owner shall be entitled to suit for his damages. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained , That any person, or persons, other than the owner, or owners, who shall alter or remove any tag so placed upon any dog, as aforesaid, shall, on conviction there- of, before the Mayor or other competent court, forfeit and pay, for every such offense, the sum of $5.00, for the use of said city. 68 GENERAL ORDINANCES. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained , That every animal -of the dog kind, licensed as provided by this Ordinance, shall be muzzled, when required by proclamation of the Mayor, when running at large, and if any such licensed dog or bitch be found running at large without a proper muzzle, the same shall be taken up, when practicable, and held in the keeping of the Marshal for the period of one day, and delivered to the owner upon application, and the payment of a fine of two dollars. If, at the expiration of one day, after the taking up of said animal, no owner shall appear and pay the said fine and take the said animal away, the said animal shall be killed, as if not licensed. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, That, on complaint being made to the Mayor of any dog or bitch within the city, which shall, by barking, howling, or in any other way or manner disturb the quiet of any person, or persons, whomsoever, the Mayor, upon be- ing satisfied of the truth of such complaint, shall direct the City Marshal to give notice thereof to the person, or persons, keeping or permitting such dog or bitch to be kept, or to remain in his or her house, or on his or her premises; and, in case such person, or persons, shall, for the space of one day after such notice, neglect to cause such dog or bitch to be destroyed, or removed, so as to pre- vent the disturbance, he or they shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding $5.00 for every day which shall elapse until said dog or bitch be removed, or destroyed, as aforesaid; Provided, that the Mayor shall have power to order destroyed any dog or bitch that may bite any person, or persons, on the public streets or high- ways. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances, relative to dogs and the licensing and keeping of the same, existing prior to the passage of this Ordinance, be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained June 18, 1881; as amended June 1, 1893. ELECTRICITY. AN ORDINANCE to Regulate the Use of Electrical Conductors in the City of Natchez. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That the follow- ing rules and regulations shall control and govern the use of elec- trical conductors and their appurtenances in the City of Natchez, <1 KNKRAL OK DINAXCKS. (ill and be strictly observed by all persons employing such appliances; said conductors and appliances being, for the purposes of this Or- dinance, divided into two classes, namely: — first, those for tele- graph. telephone, and similar service; .second, those for electric light and power, and similar service. RILES AND REGULATIONS. 1. No two lines of poles, bearing conductors of like class, shall be erected on any street or avenue. 2. No two lines of poles shall be erected on the same side of any street or avenue. o. All conductors of the second class shall be screwed to in- sulated fastenings and covered with an insulation, which is water- proof, on the outside, and not easily worn by abrasion. Whenever the insulation becomes impaired, it must be renewed immediately. 4. Poles shall be placed as near the curb as possible, without interfering with gutters, and no pole shall be placed within ten feet of any lamp post or other pole. 5. All existing regulations of the local authorities, in regard to the placing of poles and stringing of wires, are to continue in force, and the rules and regulations of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, as adopted by the Mississippi Association, must be strictly observed. 6. All wires shall be fastened upon poles, or other fixtures, with glass, porcelain, or rubber insulators. 7. No wires of the second class shall be stretched within one foot of any pole without being attached to the same with glass, porcelain, or rubber insulation. 8. No wires of the second class shall be stretched within twelve feet of the ground, or within two feet of any building, ex- cept when attached thereto with glass, porcelain, or rubber insu- lators. 9. No electrical conductors shall 'be stretched over any part of any house, or other building, or attached thereto, except by per- mission of the owner thereof; and all conducting wires of the sec- ond class must be. at least seven feet above roofs, and placed so as to avoid ladders of the Fire Department, and shutters; no arc elec- tric light, or power wires, shall be stretched over any part of anv house or other building. 10. The companies, or persons, owning or controlling poles in any street or avenue shall allow the same to be used by other companies, or persons, operating conductors, or similar electrical 70 G E N E R A L 0 R D I N A N C ES. service, when authorized so to do by the Mayor and Aldermen, on tender of proper compensation, to be determined by agreement be- tween the parties interested, in default of such an agreement, the amount of such compensation shall be determined by the Mayor and Aldermen, but, also, with each company, or person, who shall, under its terms, be qualified to demand the privileges it confers. 11. Any member or officer of the Board, and every inspector employed by it, as well as every member of the police force of the city, shall be entitled to examine permits under which work of any kind is being done. 12. All poles now standing, or to be hereafter erected, shall be branded or stamped with the initials of the company owning them, at a point not less than five, nor more than seven feet from the street surfac; 1 . When an old pole is taken down it must be removed from the street the same day. Aew poles must not be brought upon any street more than two days in advance of their erection. Any pole that shall lie on any street more than two days shall be removed by the City Marshal, at the expense of the party owning. All dangerous poles, and all poles that shall be deemed dangerous by the Mayor and Alderman, or the City Mar- shal, shall be taken down immediately, on notice to that effect. 13. All companies, or persons, having poles in the' public streets shall give a bond to the city r , in a reasonable amount, to be determined in each case by the Board, conditioned for the pay- ment of the costs of removing dangerous and abandoned poles, and, also, for the payment of the expense of restoring the sidewalks and pavements, where the same same been disturbed or injured in consequence of the erection or removal of any pole owned by them. 1-1. Whenever, hereafter, any company shall be permitted by this Board, or its successors, to erect posts or poles, ok other fix- tures, bearing lamps or other devices for the purpose of lighting by electricity the streets, avenues, highways, parks, or public places of the ci ty r , the said permission shall be granted only subject to the following provisions, and the same is hereby made a condition of said permits: At any time, when, by action of the city authori- ties, the contract for lighting any such streets, or public place, shall be given to another company, the company erecting said lighting fixtures or lamp post, shall, on tender of the first cost thereof, yield possession and ownership of the same to the said other company obtaining the new contract. 15. Electric light lamp posts shall be in accordance with the plan adopted by the Mayor and Aldermen. GENERAL ORDINANCE. 71 1 G. All broken and dead wires, and all wires, poles, and fixtures not actually in use, must be removed from the streets, ave- nues, and highways of the city. 17. No poles, lamp posts, or other similar fixtures shall here- after be erected in any street, avenue, or highway, nor shall any conductors of the second class be hereafter placed above, or under, any street, avenue, or highway, except upon a resolution of the Mayor and Aldermen. * 18. No applications for permits for the erection of poles, or ilic placing of wires, will, in any case, be considered by the Mayor and Aldermen, when made by companies owning or operating electrical conductors in violation of these rules and regulations, or in defiance of any order of this Board. 19. All circuits must be tested every hour, when in opera- tion, and when a ground comes on effort must be made to remove it at once; failing in this, the current must be discontinued until the insulation is restored. . 20. These rules and regulations are subject to revision and alteration. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That any person who shall violate any of said rules or regulations shall, for each offense, be liable to a fine of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That Rules 1 and 2 shall not be construed as, applying to any poles now standing; but no lines of poles now standing shall be replaced or renewed in contraven- tion of said rules. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained October 12, 1888. AN ORDINANCE Directing and Prescribing the Manner of Erecting, Locating and Maintaining the Poles and Wires of Electric Light and Power and Telephone and Telegraph Lines in the City of Natchez. Whereas, The growth of the electrical business and the occu- pancy of our streets by persons engaged in telephone, telegraph, electric light and power service renders it necessary that the erec- tion of poles and wires be done in such a manner as to serve the public interests, and at the same time properly protect life and GENERAL ORDINANCES. property: and, whereas, this protection cannot be properly afforded unless the operations of the various companies are subject to proper control; therefore, Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Natchez , in council convened , as follows: Section 1 . The wires for electrical purposes shall be divided into two classes, as follows: First class, those for telephone, tele- graph and signaling; second class, those for electric light and power. . Sec. 2. Poles carrying wires of the first class and poles car- rying wires of the second class shall be erected on opposite sides of the street in all cases, except when the physical conditions are such as to make this impossible; but permission to vary from this rule must be obtained from the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall elect and decide upon the side of the street on which each classification of wires shall be placed and located, in case of disagreement on this point between the parties operating said lines and wires. Sec. .3. Poles of any electric light or electric light and power company, or of any telephone or telegraph company, now operating in said city, shall be of the height, dimensions and materials now provided for and directed in their charters or the ordinances of this city, and the wires of any such companies shall be of such distances or elevations above the surface of the ground as are now provided for and prescribed in said charters or ordinances ; but the wires of any company shall not come nearer the wires of any other company than twenty-four (24) inches. Sec. 4. Wires of the first class and wires of the second class must not occupy the same poles, except at crossings, where the conditions may make it advisable. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall go into effect immediately, in so far as any new work is concerned, and that any reconstruction of any existing lines must be done in such a way in the future as will serve to separate, according to the terms of this Ordinance, all existing lines, according to their classes. > , Sec. 6 . Any person, firm or corporation erecting poles and wires, not conforming to the rules herein laid down, shall be re- quired to remove same within twenty-four hours after notice given by the Mayor of said city; and unless so removed the work of re- moval may be done by the city at the expense of the owner. Sec. 7. Any corporation, firm, or person, and any employe of any person, firm, or corporation violating the terms of this Ordi- G K X K 1 1 A L ORDI X A X C K 3 nance shall he punished by a fine of not less than $5.00, and not more. than $25.00, for such offense, and by imprisonment in de- fault of payment of the fine of not. more than ten days, each day the violation continues to constitute a separate offense. Sec. 8 . That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance be, and the same arc hereby repealed. Ordained September IT, 1903. FIRES, CHIMNEYS, FORGES, ETC. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, within the limits of the city, 1o erect, build, or use any other chimneys but such as are built en- tirely of brick or stone; and any person, or persons, offending against this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance, and subject to pay a fine of fifty dollars for every twenty-four hours that they shall use, or suffer to be used in their dwellings, kitchens, or outhouses, any other chimneys but such as are built entirely of brick or stone, the fine to be sued for by action of debt and col- lected before the Mayor, for the use of the city. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That it shall not be lawful for any person, or persons, to erect, build, or establish, or in any manner to carry on, within the limits of this city, and within thirty feet of any other inhabited house or building, any hearth, fireplace, chimney, stove, oven, boiler, kettle, smithshop, forge, furnace, soap factory, tallow or chandler 7 s shop, or any apparatus used or to be used in any such house, building, manufactory or business which may be dangerous in promoting fires. If any person, or persons, shall offend in any particular against this section he, she, or they so offending shall, for every such offense, forfeit and pay a sum of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars for every day the same shall be continued, carircd on, used or occupied. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That the Mayor is hereby re- quired to appoint annually a standing committee, to consist of three members of said Aldermen, whose duty it shall be to enter into and examine all such dwelling houses, lots, yards, enclosures and buildings as may contain, or be suspected to contain, any structure, article or apparatus enumerated in the second section of this Ordinance, which may, from its nature and particular sit- uation, be dangerous in causing or promoting any house burning, stench, unwholesome, noisome, or uncomfortable enjoyment of life 74 G EX ERAL OR 1)1 NANCES. or property; and if it shall be found that any such exist within such distance as would, in the opinion of the committee, bring the same within the prohibition intended by this section of this Ordi- nance, it shall and may be lawful, and the Mayor is hereby re- quired, to direct the police officer to notify the person, or persons, using, inhabiting, or occupying any such house or manufactory, or who shall be in any manner concerned or engaged in attending to, prosecuting or carrying on the same, or who shall have erected, built, or established any such house or building, or other article, thing or apparatus, as mentioned in the first section of this Ordi- nance, to remove the same within ten days from and after such notice, or to discontinue the use of the same, at the discretion of the Board of Aldermen. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That if any such person, or persons, shall, after being duly notified to remove or to discontinue any such house, building, manufactory, article, thing or apparatus, as enumerated in the said section of this Ordinance, fail, refuse, or neglect to remove the same at his, her or their own proper expense, within the time specified in the third section of this Ordinance, or to discontinue the same, as the cage may be, he, she, or they shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance and, on conviction thereof, shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less than five, nor more than twenty dollars, for every third day the same shall continue until the said nuisance shall be removed or discontinued. Sec. 5. Be it further, ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person, or persons, to erect or build, within the limits here- inafter mentioned, any dwelling house, kitchen, office, stable, ware- house, cotton shed, or any description of house, unless the material of construction shall consist of iron, stone, brick, or frame encased with metal. Xor shall it be lawful to remove from any part of the city or elsewhere any frame or wooden building to any point within said limits, unless so encased with metal. Sec. 6 . Be it further ordained, That the boundary of the limits within which it shall not be lawful to erect buildings, except of kind designated in Section 5, shall hereafter be as follows, to wit : Beginning on Broadway, at the foot of State street; up center of State to Union; along center of Union to Main; center of Main to Pine; center of Pine to Jefferson; center of Jefferson to Broad- way, and along Broadway to point of beginning. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That all persons building within the aforementioned limits are required to extend above the roof of any building erected for business purposes a fire wall at least twelve inches. GENERAL ORDINANCES. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained , That it shall not be lawful for any person, or persons, to cover, or cause to be covered, any house, shed or building, of any description, within the aforesaid limits, with shingles, or any kind of materials other than slate, tile, or metal. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained , That for each and every of- fense against any of the provisions of this Ordinance, not provided for, the person, or persons, so offending shall he subject to a fine of fifty dollars, and also to a further fine of fifty dollars for each and every day such violation may be continued, recoverable, with cost of suit, before the Mayor, or any court of competent jurisdic- tion, for the sole use of the city. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance take effect and. be in force from and after its passage, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this Ordinance herewith arc hereby repealed. Revised April 21, 1887; amended September 4, 1890. FIRE LIMITS DEFINED. AN ORDINANCE to Amend Section G and More Thoroughly Define the Limits of the Fire Districts of an Ordinance Entitled “Fires, Chimneys and Forges,” Revised April 21, 1887. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of 'Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That Section 6 be amended to read, after the words, towit, as follows : Beginning on Broadway, at the foot of State street; up center of State to Union; along center of Union to Main; center of Main to Pine; center of Pine to Jefferson; center of Jefferson to Broadway; along Broadway to point of beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take ef- fect from and after its passage. Ordained September 4, 1890. FIREWORKS, ETC. AN ORDINANCE to Prevent the Explosion of Fireworks and Firing of Cannon Within the City Limits, as Amended. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That it shall be unlawful for any person to burn or explode any rocket, cracker, 7 G G K N K R AL 0 R D I N A NCES. or an)' other kind of fireworks, within the fire limits of the City of Natchez, or within the distance of one square from either of the railroad depots, or the cotton compress: and any person so of- fending shall, upon conviction, Be fined in a sum not exceeding ten dollars, and costs, for each and every offense. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person, persons, or company, to fire off a cannon, or other piece of artillery, or anvil, or other instrument used for like pur- pose, within the incorporate limits of the City of Natchez, without permission in writing of the Mayor and Council of the city; and any person, or persons, who shall violate this Ordinance, shall each be fined not exceeding ten dollars, and costs, or be imprisoned in the calaboose, or county jail, not more than ten days, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 3. Be it f urther ordained, That this Ordinance shall go into effect from and after its passage, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby re- pealed. Ordained September 1, 1887; amended December 16, 1897. FRANCHISES. AN ORDINANCE, Prescribing and Requiring Payment of Costs by Grantees or Donees of Franchises, Rights, Easements or Uses in Cases of Grants or Donations to Such Grantees or Donees by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That, hereafter, when, upon the application of any corporation, company, associa- tion, partnership, or person, any franchise, right, easement, or use to be enjoyed or exercised, under or by virtue of any ordinance or grant of the? City of Natchez, be granted, given to, or conferred upon such corporation, company, association, partnership, or per- son by said Board of Mayor and Aldermen, the grantee or donee of such franchise, right, easement, or use shall pay all costs and expenses incurred by said Board and connected with such grant or donation, including costs of publication of such ordinance or grant (when such publication is for any purpose made or ordered) by said Board, and that said Board deem reference to the City Solic- itor, or other attorney, necessary, or prepare for an examination or opinion to the Board in the matter of any such proposed grant, or donation, fee for, or costs of, such examination or opinion shall be paid by such grantee or donee, not to exceed, in any case, the GENERAL ORDINANCES. sum of ten ($10.00) dollars for such examination or opinion. The payment of all such costs and : expenses shall be a condition pre- cedent to the exercise or use of such grant or donation ; and, in ease where such course is denied proper by the Board, security for such costs may he demanded in advance. Sec. 2.. Be it further ordained . That this Ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and that all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby re- pealed. Ordained December 20, 1900. GAS. AN ORDINANCE to Protect the Gas Lamp-posts and Other Fixtures. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That if any per- son shall wilfully disfigure, break, or in any way injure any serv- ice pipe, used to convey gas from any main, now laid, or hereafter to be laid, in the streets of Natchez, to any building, post, or other fixture in said city; or shall, in any way, break or injure any lamp post, pipe, or burner, used for consuming gas in said city ; or shall, without being properly authorized, turn on, or turn off, the gas from or on any gas apparatus used in the consumption of gas; or shall, without being duly authorized, interfere with, or in any way so disturb any gas meter as to cause an increase or diminution of the gas. apparently consumed, any such person, on conviction, shall, for each offense, be fined not to exceed twenty dollars, or impris- oned in the county jail not more than five days, or suffer both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the committing officer ; Provided , (rest of section has reference to offense committed by a slave) . Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That the provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to all possible circumstances, under which gas may be used in the City of Natch: z, whether in the streets of the city, or in any dwelling, place of business, church or other building whatsoever, and whether the property of the city or of private individuals. Ordained August 24, 1858. 78 GENERAL ORDINANCES. GEESE. AN ORDINANCE to Prevent Geese From Running at Large in the City of Natchez, as Amended. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That all geese found running at large in the streets, and other public places with- in said city, be, and they are hereby declared a nuisance. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That it shall bo the duty of the Marshal to take up and impound geese running at large, and all geese impounded can be redeemed on the payment of fifteen cents each, and if not so redeemed within twenty-four hours, same shall be sold by the Marshal at public sale, proceeds in excess of fifteen cents each shall go to the owner, on proving property. Ordained August 1G, 1885; amended September 7, 1899. GUNPOWDER. AN ORDINANCE to Regulate the Keeping of Gunpowder, as Amended. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That any quan- tity of gunpowder, more than twenty-five pounds in weight, placed or kept within the limits of the City of Natchez, shall he consid- ered a public nuisance; and any person, or persons, who shall have or keep any quantity of gunpowder over twenty-five pounds, at any one time, within the limits of said city, shall be deemed guilty of keeping a public nuisance, and shall be liable - to a penalty of twenty dollars for every twenty-four hours such person, or persons, shall have or keep the same, as aforesaid. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance shall bo construed to mean that the twenty-five pounds weight of powder allowed to be kept in the manner mentioned in the first section of ibis Ordinance shall, and may be kept by any person, or persons, who shall occupy a room, or rooms, separate and apart to him, or herself, or themselves, in such room. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That an ordinance entitled “An Ordinance to Allow the Building of a Powder Magazine With- in the Limits of the City of Natchez,” be repealed. Ordained March 31, 1814; amended September 15, 1898. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 79 HEALTH AND QUARANTINE. AN ORDINANCE to Establish Quarantine and to Protect the Public Health. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board pf Alder- men of ike City of Natchez, in council convened , That each Alder- man, of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez, shall be, and is hereby created a Commissioner of Health, who, to- gether with the Mayor and Health Officer, shall constitute a per- manent Board of Health for the city. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the said Board of Health shall hold its meetings when required by the call of the Mayor or Health Officer, or at such times as may be required by application of any five members of the Board. The Mayor or, in his absence, the Health Officer, shall be the presiding officer at said meetings, and the Clerk of the city shall act as secretary thereof, and keep a minute of its proceedings; and five of said Commis- sioners, with the Mayor or Health Officer, shall constitute a quo- rum. ' Sec. 3. Be it further ordainecl , That the said Commissioners, for every meeting of said Board attended by them, shall each be entitled to receive the sum of one dollar, as a just compensation for their services, payable by warrant to the Mayor and Aldermen, out of the treasury of the city. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That if any person know- ingly obstructs or resists the Board of Health, or any of the mem- bers thereof, or any person by them appointed, in the execution of the power to them given, or in the performance of duties enjoined on them, bv this or any other ordinance in relation to the public health, such person shall, on being legally convicted,, forfeit and pay to the city the sum of fifty dollars for each offense. Sec. 5. Be ii further ordained, That if any person, or per- sons, shall refuse or neglect to comply with any order or notice of the Board of Health, authorized by any of the following sections of this Ordinance, and no other penalty is provided for such neg- lect or refusal, such person, or persons, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for each offense, and the further sum of five dollars for every day such neglect or refusal shall continue. Sec. 6 . Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to attend the meetings of the Board; to serve all precepts and notices issued thereby, which shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk ; to execute all orders of the Board directed to him; to attend to the abatement and removal of nui- GENERAL ORDINANCES. 80 saner s; and, to perform such other duties in relation to nuisances as said Board may direct, and as often, and in such manner, as may be required of him; to examine the condition of all streets, lanes, avenues, alleys, drains, privies, vaults, and other places, and re- port to said Board all nuisances found therein; to notify persons, upon whose premises, or premises occupied by whom, any nuisances may exist, to remove the same, and if not removed forth- with to make report thereof in writing to said Board; and, gener- ally, to perform all duties necessary and proper to be performed by the police officer of said Board; and, for said service, the Marshal shall be allowed such compensation as may he fixed by the Board. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That the said Board shall ex- ercise a general supervision over the health of the city", with full powers to take all steps, and use all measures necessary to promote the cleanliness and salubrity thereof ; to abate nuisances of every description, on public or private property; to prevent the introduc- tion into the city of malignant, contagious, or infectious diseases; and, to remove, or otherwise dispose of, airy person attacked bv such disease, and to adopt in reference to such persons any regu- lations, restrictions, or measures dc. med advisable. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained , That the four wards of the city, as now defined, shall be, and they are hereby constituted the health districts of the city; and the care of said districts shall be assigned to the Commissioners representing the same in the Board of Aldermen. When deemed necessary by the Mayor and Health Officer, the said Commissioners shall proceed and inspect their re- spective districts, and all the streets, lanes, avenues, alleys, ware- houses, vaults, drains, cellars, and all other places therein deemed necessary to be inspected, and report to the Board the general con- dition of the same. Sec. 0. Be it further ordained, That when any drain, cellar, vault, privy, lot, or building, within the city, shall be decided by said Board or the Health Officer, to be in a state of nuisance, or so situated that in warm or unhealthy * seasons a nuisance ma}'' be caused thereby, and the health of the citizens endangered thereby, it shall be the duty of said Board to cause notice to be given to the owners or occupants thereof, directing him, or her. to have such nuisance removed or abated in the manner prescribed in said notice; and, if said owner or occupant, on being served with said notice, shall refuse or neglect to comply with the same, he, or she, so refusing or neglecting, shall forfeit and pay, in the first in- stance, the sum of ten dollars, and the further sum of ten dollars for every day he, or she, shall continue to neglect or refuse to com- GENERAL ORDINANCES. 81 plv with the same, and shall, moreover, defray the expenses in- curred in case such nuisance, or cause of nuisance, shall be re- moved under the authority and by the direction of said Board; and the said Board is hereby authorized to cause such nuisances, or causes of nuisances, to be removed or abated, on such neglect or refusal, as aforesaid, at the expense of the city, in the first in- stance' to be satisfied by the owner, or by the sale of the property, as prescribed by law; and, in case no owner or occupant can be found on whom to serve said notice, the said Board is hereby au- thorized in giving five days’ notice, or, in case of imminent dan- ger, twenty-four hours’ public notice, in the newspapers published in said city, or by printed placards, to have said nuisance, or cause of nuisance, removed or abated, at the expense of the city, in the first instance, to* be satisfied by the owner, or by sale of the prop- erty aforesaid. If the owner, or occupant, of any property from, or upon which any nuisance shall be removed or abated, by said Board, or under their order or direction, as aforesaid, at the ex- pense of the city, shall, when requested, refuse or neglect to pay such expenses, and cost, such property, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall, on giving thirty days’ public notice, be sold by the Marshal of fhe city, at public sale, as directed bv the statute in this behalf, to reimburse to the city said costs and expenses; and, whenever said Board, or any member or officer thereof, shall have cause io suspect that any nuisance exists in any building, cel- lar. or enclosure, the said Board, or any member or officer thereof, may demand entry therein, and, if the owner or occupant thereof shall refuse or delay io open the same to admit a free and unim- peded examination, lu* shall forfeit and pay for every such refusal or delay, the sum of twenty dollars. li shall not he lawful for any person, within the city, io sell any tainted, unsound, or otherwise damaged article of provisions, knowing it to he such, unless such person shall first stale clearly to the purchaser thereof that such article of provisions is tainted, unsound, or otherwise damaged; and the person, or persons, of- fending against the provisions of this section, shall, on conviction thereof, pay a fine to the city of fifty dollars for each offense. Skc. 10. Be it further ordaintod, That, whenever the said Board, or any member or officer thereof, in proceeding to abate or remove a nuisance, under the preceding sections, shall discover that the nuisance complained of originated on an adjoining lot, or lots, entry therein may be made by said Board, or any member thereof, and the owner, or occupant, on notice, who neglects or refuses to remove or abate such cause of nuisance, shall be subject to all of the provisions and penalties of the preceding sections. 82 GENERAL ORDINANCES Sec. 11. Be it further ordained. That it sliall not he lawful for any person to bring into the city, in any vessel, steam, or other boat, or by transportation by land, any damaged, tainted, or in- fected commodity of any description, which, by its nature or con- dition, is liable to produce disease; and any person who shall vio- late this provision of this Ordinance shall forfeit and pay the sum of one- hundred dollars for each offense; and it shall be the duty of the Board of Health, and any member thereof shall have the power, whenever said Board shall ascertain that any such com- modity has been brought into the city, to require the person hav- ing the same in possession to have it removed forthwith, to such place as said Board, or any member thereof, may direct; and shall and may, likewise, order the vessel bringing the same to remove, within six hours, to the quarantine ground, there to remain until cleansed and ventilated to the satisfaction of the Health Officer; and if the master, or person, having charge of such vessel, neglects or refuses to remove the same, as aforesaid, the owner of said ves- sel shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars, and the further sum of ten dollars for every hour such refusal or neglect shall be continued; and if any person, having in his possession any comlnodity, in the condition above mentioned, shall refuse or neglect to remove the same, as aforesaid, on being required by said Board, or any member thereof, lie shall forfeit and pay the city the sum of fifty dollars, and the further sum of ten dollars for every hour such neglect shall be continued. Sec. 12. Be it further ordained , That the said Board of Health shall, and every member thereof may, order and direct the removal, beyond the limits of the city, or to some other place of safety therein, of any damaged corn, cotton seed, tainted provis- ions, infected goods, wares, or merchandise, or other goods or com- modity which may be deemed prejudicial to health; and the owner, or occupant, of any lot or building, in which such damaged, taint- ed, or infected article, or commodity, may be, refusing or neg- lecting to remove the same, on being directed so to do, as afore- said, shall forfeit and pay to the city the sum of fifty dollars, and the further sum of twenty dollars for every day such refusal or neglect shall be continued. Sec. 13. Be it further ordained. That, when any person shall be in actual possession of, or have the charge of any property, within the city, as executor, administrator, trustee, guardian, or agent, such person shall be deemed and taken to be the owner of such property, within the true intent and meaning of the several ordinances of the city, and shall be bound to remove and abate all nuisances from and on such property, and to comply with all the GENERAL ORDINANCES 83 provisions of any ordinance of the city, passed or to be passed, in violation to the health of the city, so far as the same may affect such property, in the same manner and under the same penalties and forfeitures as if such person was the actual owner of such property, and notice to such person, or any order of the Board of Health, or any member thereof, shall be deemed and taken to be as good and sufficient notice as if such person were actually the owner of such property. Sec. Id. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of said Board to keep in order and repair the burying ground, now used by the city, as well as the old place of interment, within the same, and, from time to time, to locate and layout such other bury- ing grounds as they may deem necessary, and to regulate inter- ments therein, and exercise a supervising control over the * Sexton thereof. The body of no deceased person shall be buried, or per- manently deposited, within the limits of the city, except at the es- tablished place of interment, and, for every offense against this prohibition, the offender shall forfeit and pay to the city the sum of one hundred dollars. Sec. 15 . Be it further ordained, That whenever any death, from disease or casualty, shall occur within the city, the attend- ing physician or surgeon shall report the same in writing, to the * Sexton of the city, specifying the name and age of the person, and the disease or casualty of which he died, in his report; and every physician or surgeon refusing or neglecting to make such report shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for each offense; and it shall not be lawful for the Sexton to receive, or permit any person to be buried in the burying ground until such report shall be made fo him, or, in ease there shall be no attending physician or surgeon to make such report, then the Sexton shall not bury such person until he shall receive a like report from some one of the family in which such person shall have died; and it shall be the duty of the Sexton to register all deaths reported to him, as aforesaid, with the substance of the several reports, and, at every regular meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen, to report to them a transcript of his register of deaths, that shall have occurred since his previons report, which the Clerk of the city shall thereupon cause to be published by the City Printer. For every case of neg- lect bv the Sexton, of the duties prescribed for him by this sec- tion, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars. *No such office now as Sexton. 84 - GENERAL ORDINANCES. Sec. 16. Be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the householders and housekepers of the city to cause to he re- moved, at least once in every two days, from the first day of March to the first day of December, in each year, all the slop, filth, offal, litter, trash, and other useless and offensive matter from their kitchens, houses, buildings, and lots, to some place remote from the inhabited part of the city, or to such place as shall be desig- nated by the Board of Health : and, for that purpose, each house- holder or housekeeper shall provide and keep a suitable tub, bar- rel, or other vessel, convenient to be carried on a cart, or other vehicle; and all such slop, filth, offal, litter, trash, and other use- less or offensive matter, shall be put in such, and shall not be thrown on the lots or streets of the city, -and every person guilty of a violation of the provisions of this section shall, for every of- fense, forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars. Sec. 17. Be it further ordained, That all carcasses of dead animals, litter, filth, trash, offal, and other offensive and unwhole- some matter, shall be carried to and thrown into the river, at any point designated by the Board of Health, and shall not be depos- ited at any other place; and any person who shall violate this sec- tion shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars, for each offense. Sec. 18. Be it further ordained , That no owner, or person having charge or management of any butchery, or no other person, within the city, shall deposit, or suffer to be deposited, any heads, feet, or offal, of any description, in any place other than that named in the foregoing section, under the penalty of twenty dol- lars, to be forfeited to the city, for each offense. Sec. 19. Be it further ordained . That it shall not be lawful for any person having the smallpox, or any contagious or infec- tious malady, to come within the limits of the city, nor for any person to bring, remove, or assist in bringing or moving into the city any person who shall be sick with any such malady; and any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay to the city the sum of one hundred dollars, for each offense. Sec. 20. Be it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of every physician in the city to report to the Health Officer any case of smallpox, yellow fever, and epidemic diseases, or other conta- gious or infectious disease, which he may be called in to attend, within the limits of the city, or within six miles of the same, with- in twelve hours after he shall have examined the patient, with the name of the householder at whose residence he may be attended, under a penalty of ten dollars for failing to do so, for each of- fense. ( I E N ER A L OR 1 )I N A N C KS. 85 Sec. 21. Be it further ordained, That, whenever it shall ap- pear to said Board that any person within the city has been at- tacked by any infections or contagions disease, said Board shall have power, if deemed necessary or practicable, to cause such per- son to be removed to the proper hospital, or some other retired place; but, if such person refuse to be removed, or if his or her condition is such that, in the opinion of the Health Officer, re- moval would be attended with danger, said Board may take such measure as may be deemed advisable to prevent the spread of the contagion or infection, and to cause the diseased person to receive proper and humane attention. Sec. 22. Be it further ordained, That all persons having smallpox, or other contagious or infectious diseases, in the city, who refuse to go, cannot be taken therefrom to the City Hospital, or, rather, house or place which may he designated by the Board of health, but are hereby required to be kept closely confined within their respective dwellings, or places of abode; and the Board of Health shall cause suitable notices, with the name and character of the disease printed or written thereon, to be posted up in the most conspicuous places on, or near, each dwelling or place of abode, in which such contagious or infectious disease exists, and require the occupant, or occupants, thereof to maintain such notices there until, in the opinion of the Health Officer, they may be safely dis- continued; and any person refusing or failing to comply with the requirements of this section shall forfeit and pay a fine of one hundred dollars, for each offense. Sec. 23. Be it further ordained. That, if any person shall leave his, or her, place of abode, and be found going about the city, after the smallpox or varioloid eruption has made its appearance, he, or she, shall forfeit and pay to the city a fine of one hundred dollars. Sec. 24. Be it further ordained. That the Board of Health shall have power, whenever it shall be deemed necessary, to employ one or more physicians, to assist the Health Officer in vaccinating all persons liable to be attacked with smallpox, and regulate the compensation therefor ; and the Health, Officer, and such other phy- sicians as may he employed ’ for that purpose, shall report, jfoin time to lime,- the number of persons vaccinated by them. 25. Be it further ordained. That there shall be a Health Officer of the city, who shall hold the office for the term of one year, and be appointed by the Mayor and Aldermen, at their first regular meeting of each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable. The said Health Officer shall have power, when necessary, with *Now elected biennially by qualified electors of the city. See section 5 of Charter. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 86 the approbation of the Mayor and Aldermen, to appoint an As- sistant Health Officer, to whom he may delegate his powers. The said Health Officer and assitant shall he practicing resident physi- cians, in good standing, in the city. Sec. 26 . Be it further ordained , That it shall he the duty of said Health Officer to exercise a general supervision over the san- itary condition of the city ; to decide upon, and report to the Board of Health, the existence of all nuisances, the prevalence of any epi- demic, contagious, or infectious diseases, or any other matters or causes, which, in his opinion, are likely to he detrimental to public health, at each meeting thereof, and at such other times as he may he requested, upon the medical police of the city, its healthful- ness, cleanliness, the existence or non-existence of epidemic, con- tagious, or infectious diseases, with suggestions and recommenda- tions for the preservation of the health of the city; to take charge of, and to attend, all hospitals and pest houses which may he insti- tuted and kept by the Mayor and Aldermen, or Board of Health ; to board and inspect all vessels, steam and other boats, when quar- antine regulations are enforced, and, at such other times as he may he requested by the Mayor and Aldermen, or the Board of Health, and to examine the officers, crews, and passengers thereof, touching any supposed infection, or case of disease, and to make such orders in relation to the passengers, crews, and cargoes thereof as may he necessary and conformable to law; to keep on hand at all times a sufficient supply of vaccination matter, and to see that all persons, so far as he may have it in his power, are properly vaccinated, es- pecially those in the vicinity of any attacked by smallpox; upon being informed of the existence or introduction of any contagious or infectious disease within the city, to inquire immediately into the facts, and report the same to the Board of Health ; to see that the orders of the Board of Health, in relation to any person at- tacked by a contagious disease, are obeyed; and to attend the meetings of the Board of Health, and act as a member thereof. Sec. 27. Be it further ordained. That, if the Health Officer should, at any time, refuse or neglect to perform any of the duties required of him by the ordinances of the city, he shall forfeit and pay to the city the sum of twenty dollars, for each delinquency, and may be removed by the Mayor and Aldermen. In case of any removal from office of said Health Officer, the Mayor and Aider- men shall forthwith 1111 the vacancy. Sec. 2S. Be it further ordained, That the port of Natchez, and all ways thereto, by land, or the port, alone, shall, whenever deemed necessary by the Mayor and Aldermen, on one day’s public G KNKRAL ORDINANCE. 87 notice by the Mayor, be placed under strict quarantine regula- tions, for preventing the introduction of epidemic, contagious, or infectious diseases. Sec. 29. Be it further ordained , That, whenever it shall be deemed necessary by the Mayor and Aldermen, to place the port of Natchez under quarantine regulations, the Council shall, by resolution, designate a point on the river which shall be a quaran- tine station for all vessels, steam and other boats, arriving at the port- of Natchez. Sec. 30. Be it further ordained, That, whenever the port of Natchez shall be subject to quarantine regulations, the Board of Health may cause to be erected at, or near, the quarantine station, all such buildings as may be necessary for warehouses and hospi- tals, for the reception of goods, wares and merchandise, and sick persons arriving at, and destined for, the city and detained at quarantine. The said Board may also employ as many persons as mav be necessary for an efficient police at said quarantine sta- tion, who, binder the control of the Board and Health Officer, shall assist them in the administration of the quarantine laws, and ex- ecute their orders; and the said Board shall have power to insti- tute all such rules and regulations not inconsistent with this Or- dinance, or exceeding the authority of the Mayor and Aldermen in this behalf, as they may deem, necessary for a strict and inviolable quarantine of all vessels, steam and other boats, arriving at the port of Natchez, and the detention of all persons and things landed thereat, and an efficient adminstration of all the law T s and regula- tions in relation thereto. Whenever it may be deemed necessary to establish quarantine officers or guards, upon the roads or ways leading into the city by land, the said Board ma}' employ as many persons as may be necessary for an efficient police, at the stations to be named by the Board, upon said roads, and said officers or guards shall be invested with the same powers and subject to the same regulations as the reguular civil police officers of the city. Sec. 31. Be it further ordained, That the Mayor and Aider- men shall, at proper times, appropriate such sums of money as may be deemed necessary for the permanent and contingent expenses that may be incurred under the provisions of this Ordinance, by the Board of Health and Health Officer, and place the same under the control and at the disposal of said Board, to be applied by them when required, for the payment of said expenses. Sec. 32. Be it further ordained , That when, and during the time, that the port of Natchez shall be subject to quarantine reg- ulations, as aforesaid, it shall not be lawful for any vessel, steam 88 G KN E E A L OR DINA NOES. or other boat, ascending or descending the Mississippi river, to land at any place, or port, or shore; any person, or thing, directly, •or indirectly, within the corporate limits of the city, except at the quarantine station, without a written permit from the Health Offi- cer, approved by the Mayor ; and if the owner, master, or person having charge of any vessel, or other boat, shall land the same, or put on shore, directly or indirectly, any person or thing therefrom, at any other place, within the city, than at said quarantine sta- tion, the owner, or owners, of such vessel, steam, or other boat, shall, for such offense, forfeit and pay the sum of five thousand dollars, and the master, or other person, having charge of the same, shall be imprisoned for the space of thirty days. Sec. 3d. Be it further ordained. That all vessels, steam or other boats, landing at said quarantine station, and the officers, crews, passengers, and- cargoes thereof, shall, on landing, be sub- ject to the inspection and examination of the Health Officer, and to his orders and directions, under the supervision and control of the Board of Health. It shall be the duty of said Health Officer to repair immediately on board of every vessel, steam, and other boat, landing at said station, and to make strict search, examina- tion, and inquiry as to the health of the officers, crew, and passen- gers, and condition of cargo; and that he may more effectually make such examination, he shall hate power to put all such ques- tions to the persons on board as he may deem necessary and proper, and to require the persons examined to answer on oath, to be ad- ministered. by him ; and, whenever it shall be found by said Health Officer, that such vessel, steam, or other boat, is clean, safe, and free from infection, and her officers, passengers and crew healthy and free from contagious and infectious disease, he may, with the approval of the Mayor, give, in writing, a permit for such vessel to land and discharge her cargo and passengers, at any point with- in the city; Provided, that no vessel, steam, or other boat, that shall have been in any port, or any place, where epidemic, conta- gious, or infectious disease shall at the time exist, or within forty days next preceding her arrival at this cit\', shall be permitted to land or discharge her cargo, or land any person or thing, at any other place than at said quarantine station. Sec. 34. Be it further ordained, That, whenever the Health Officer shall find, on examination, that any vessel, steam, or other boat, landing at the quarantine station, shall have arrived from any place, or shall have been at any place, within forty days next preceding her arrival, where any epidemic fever, or contagious or infectious disease of any kind, prevailed at the time of her do- G 1 $ N E R A L 0 R D I N A N C E S 89 parture therefrom, or that, during her voyage, any person shall have died or been sick on board, with such fever or disease; or if, in the judgment of the Health. Officer, there shall be reason to be- lieve that such vessel, steam, or other boat, is infected, or has on board articles containing infectious matter, whether introduced from other places, or generated on board, it shall be the duty of said Health Officer to immediately report the same to the Board of Health, and, unless otherwise directed by the said Board, to require said vessel, steam, or other boat, to remain, while in port, and to discharge her cargo and passengers at said quarantine sta- tion, and to require and compel said passengers and all other per- sons on said vessel, steam, or other boat, and said cargo, to remain and he detained at said station until receiving a permit from said Health Officer, approved by the Mayor, to depart, or be removed, therefrom, either to or through the city ; and any passenger, or other person, required to remain at said station as aforesaid, who shall leave* the same, without a permit, as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay to the city the sum of fifty dollars, for each offense, and may bo imprisoned for any space or term, not exceeding thirty days, or be required to remain at said quarantine station until lawfully permitted to depart, at the discretion of the Mayor. Sec. 35. Be it further ordained. That if any master, or other p. rson, having charge of any vessel, steam, or other boat, at the time of the examination and inquiry of the Health Officer and his assistant, shall have on board anv person diseased with any con- tagious or infectious malady, and shall knowingly conceal the same, or shall not make a just and true discovery to the Health Officer, or his assistant, of the condition of health of all and every person, that has been on board of said vessel, steam, or other boat, since she departed from the place, or port, whence she last sailed, to the time of said inquiry, and of all other particulars necessary for the Health Officer or his assistant to know respecting the premises, such master, or other person, having the command of said vessel, steam, or other boat, shall forfeit and pay, for every such offense, the sum of two thousand dollars. Sec. 30. Be it further ordained , That it shall not be lawful for any person, who shall have been a passenger, or employed qn any vessel, steam, or other boat, on the trip or voyage from anv place, or port, where any epidemic, contagious, or infectious dis- ease prevailed at the time of departure therefrom, or any part of such voyage, to come within the limits of the city before the ex- piration of forty days after leaving such vessel, steam, or other boat, without the written permit of the Health Officer and Mayor; nor shall it be lawful, without such permit, for any person who a E N E R A L 0 R D I A A N C E S . 90 may have been at any other place where any epidemic, contagious, or infectious disease prevailed, to come within the limits of the city before the expiration of forty days after leaving such city or place; and any person who shall violate either of the provisions of ibis section shall, for each offense, forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, and may be imprisoned for any period, not exceeding ten days, or sent to the quarantine station, and there detained until authorized by the Health Officer and Mayor to depart. Sec. 37. Be it further ordained , That, if any passenger, or other person, traveling on any vessel, steam, or other boat, destined for the city, shall, knowingly and wilfully, evade the quarantine police, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars, and be imprisoned for a term of twenty days, or, at the discretion of the Mayor, sent to the quarantine station, there to be detained until authorized by permit to depart. Sec. 38. Be it further ordained. That any person, or per- sons , except the Health Officer, visiting the quarantine station of the city, who shall return to the city without permission of the Health Officer, approved' by the Mayor, or any person visiting or hoarding any steamboat, coming from any infected place, who shall come into, or return to, the city, shall be fined, on conviction, by the Mayor’s Court, in a sum not less than fifty dollars, for each offense, and, in default of payment, shall be sent to the quarantine station and there detained for a period of not less than twenty days. Sec. 39. Be it further ordained, That the Board of Health, while the quarantine regulations are in operation, shall have power to detain at the quarantine station all idle or suspicious persons, who may land thereat from any vessel, steam, or other boat, until they shall depart, up or down the river; and, if any such person, after being required to remain at the quarantine station, as afore- said, shall come within the city, he may be imprisoned for any term, not exceeding thirty days, or be sent back to the quarantine, at the discretion of the Mayor. Sec. 40. Be it further ordained, That the Health Officer, or his assistant, shall attend to all sick persons, not otherwise pro- vided for, who may be put on shore at the quarantine station, and provide medicines and other necessaries for their use, and have a general superintendence over all persons placed in ouarantine, and compel them to wash, cleanse, and purify their bodies, clothing, stores and baggage, and, for this purpose, may direct the purchase of all necessary articles and utensils. Whenever practicable, all removal of sick persons from vessels, steam, or other boats, to the G E N E K A 1 , 0 R D l N A X C E3 . 91 hospitals, or expenses incurred in cleaning and purifying, or fur- nishing medicines, or other necessaries, to persons placed in quar- antine, shall be defrayed by such persons themselves. In other eases, the expenses shall be paid by the city, out of the contingent fund appropriated for quarantine purposes. Sec. 41. Be it further ordained , That the Board of Health shall, at any season of the year, have power to order to the place of quarantine, or to some other place of safety, any steam, or other boat, moored at the landing or in the vicinity of the city, which they may deem prejudicial to public health ; and, if the master or person having charge thereof, shall refuse, or neglect, to remove such vessel, steam, or other boat, as aforesaid, the owner, or own- ers thereof, shall forfeit and pay to the city the sum of twenty-five dollars, and the Mayor may thereupon order the police of the city to such vessel, or boat, to take charge of her, and cause her, together with all v of her officers, crew, and passengers, to be con- veyed to the quarantine station; there to remain until discharged by proper authority; and all expenses incurred in such removal shall be paid by such boat, or vessel; and any person aiding, or abetting, the master, or person, in charge of such vessel, or boat, in the violation of this section, shall forfeit a fine of fifty dollars. Sec. 42. Be it further ordained , That the vessel, steam, or other boat, arriving from any place, at any time, having on board any person sick of any yellow, or pestilent, fever, or contagious, or infectious disease of any description, or, on board of which any person shall have died during the voyage, of such fever or disease, shall be permitted to come to, or land, at any landing place within the limits of the city, until the master, owners, or consignee, shall have reported such vessel, steam, or other boat, and her situation, and that of the persons on board, as to health, to the Board of Health, or Health Officer. Upon such report being made, it shall be the duty of said Board to cause such vessel, steam, or other boat, to be visited immediately, by the Health Officer, and to make such orders for her removal as they are authorized to make, by the preceding section, in the case therein provided for, under the same penalties for disobedience thereof; and the said Board shall, fur- thermore, make such order as to the removal or landing of the sick, or other persons, on board such vessel, steam, or other boat, as may be deemed expedient, and if any master, owner, or consignee, or other person, having charge of said vessel, steam or other boat, shall land, or bring to, or cause to be landed, or brought to, any such vessel, steam, or other boat, at said landing, or shall land any person therefrom, . without having made such report, other than the person landed to make the same, or, after making such report, 02 GENERAL ORDINANCES. shall land, or bring to, such vessel, steam, or other boat, or land any person therefrom, contrary to the directions of said Board, the owner, or owners, of such vess 1, steam, or other boat, shall for- feit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars, and the master, or person having charge of the same, shall lie imprisoned for the term of thirty days, at the quarantine station, or such other place as may be directed. Sec. 4o. Be it further ordained , That the said Board of Health shall have power to direct any vessel, steam, or other boat, lying at the quarantine station, to be cleansed and purified by the owner, consignee, master, or other person having charge of the same; and, in case such owner, consignee, master, or other person, shall refuse, or neglect, to -obey the direction in this behalf, of the said Board, the said Board shall cause such vessel, steam, or other boat, to he cleansed and purified, as aforesaid, at the expense of die owner thereof; and, for every such case of neglect, or refusal, the owner, of such vessel, steam, or other boat, shall forfeit and pav a fine of two hundred dollars. Sec. 44. Be it further ordained, That, if any person shall, without a permit from the Health Officer and Mayor, remove, or cause to be removed, from the quarantine station, any baggage, goods, wares, and merchandise, or article of any description, di- rected to remain in the quarantine station, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, for each offense. Sec. 4o. Be it further ordained. That, whenever the Board of Health shall deem it necessary for the better protection of the public health, the said Board shall have power to declare absolute non-intercourse with any infected port, or place, and, after such non-intercourse shall have been declared with any port, or place, it shall be unlawful for any person whatever, in the city, to have, or hold commerce in any way or manner wdth such port or place, or with persons, or things, coming from such port or place. Sec. 46. Be it further ordained, That, at any time, when the health of the city may. seem to be endangered by the visits of the Health Officer to the quarantine station, and to boats touching thereat, the Board shall have the power to direct the Health Officer to discontinue such visits, and shall appoint an Assistant Health Officer at the said quarantine station, who shall, under the direc- tion of the Health Officer, discharge all the duties of the Health Officer at said station. The compensation of the Assistant Health Officer shall be fixed by the Board. ►Sec. 47. Be it further ordained, That any person securing jhe arrest and conviction of any person, or persons, violating any GENERAL ORDINANCES. 93 of the provisions of this ordinance shall receive a reward equal to one-half of the amount levied and actually received into the city treasury. Sec. 48. Be it further ordained . That any person, or per- sons. violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance, a penalty for which is not herein otherwise provided, shall be fined, on con- viction bv the Mayor's Court, the sum of fifty dollars, and, in de- fault. of payment, shall be sent to the quarantine, for a period of not less than ten days, or be confined in the county jail, for a period of not less than ten days, as the said court may direct. Sec. 49. Be it further ordained , That the Board of Mayor and Aldermen may, at any season of the year, as the public health may appear to be endangered, put in force all the sections of this Ordinance, or any of them, as they may deem proper, and shall also have* power to suspend, by resolution, the operations of this Ordinance, or any part thereof. Sec. bO. Be it further ordained. That the Board of Health shall have power, from time to time, to adopt and enforce such rules and regulations, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, as they may deem proper. Sec. bl. Be it further ordained , That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance, are hereby repealed. Ordained August 7, 1879. AN ORDINANCE to Amend an Ordinance Entitled “Health and Quarantine,” Passed August 7, 1879. Section 52. Be it further .ordained. That, upon complaint of the existence of a nuisance of any character, it shall be the duty of the City Health Officer to visit the place, or premises, where said nuisance may exist, and, in his judgment, shall issue a writ- ten, or printed, notice to the agent, or owner, of the premises where such nuisance exists to either abate or remove the same, in so many hours, or days, as he may deem necessary, said notice to be delivered by the Health Officer to the City Marshal, who shall serve a true copy of said original notice upon the owner, or agent, of the property where such nuisance exists; and it shall also be ihe duty of the Marshal, at the expiration of the time mentioned in said notice, to visit and inspect the premises mentioned in said notice, and to indorse on the original notice whether the order of the Health Officer has, or has not, been complied with, and return same to the Health Officer; and if his order has not been complied 94 GENERAL ORDINANCES. with, it shall then he the duty of the Health Officer to' go before the Mayor and make affidavit against said owner, or agent, and cause his arrest, and, upon conviction, the offender shall be fined not less than $10 and costs. Sec. 53. Be it further ordained. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and are hereby repealed. Ordained July 1, 1897. AN ORDINANCE Entitled an Ordinance to Preserve the Health of the Citizens of Natchez by Prohibiting the Importation of Rags of Any Description Into the City. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That it shall he unlawful for any person, or firm of persons, to bring within the city limits, any rags, composed of cotton, .woolen, linen, silk, jute, or any other material, either in full or mixed. Sec.. 2. Be it further ordained, That the penalty for viola- tion of this Ordinance shall be the destruction of any kind, and all rags, so imported, without compensation to owner, and a fine of not less than $25, nor more than $50, as may he determined, upon conviction in the Mayor’s Court, or any court having competent jurisdiction therein. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this Ordinance are hereby repealed, and this Ordinance take effect and he in force from and after its passage. Ordained June 16, 1887. AN ORDINANCE to Provide Against the Introduction of Contagious and Infectious Diseases, and to Secure Public Health. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That it shall be unlawful for any merchant, trader, or any other person, to bring within the limits of the City of Natchez, any article of second- hand clothing, of any description whatever, for barter or sale., or to barter and sell the same within the city limits. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That any person, or persons, who shall violate the provisions of the foregoing section, shall, upon conviction before the Mayor of said cit} r , be fined in a sum GENERAL ORDINANCES. 95 not exceeding twenty-five dollars, for the first offense, and impris- onment for thirty days, for the second offense. Ordained October 3, 1889. AN ORDINANCE to Aid in Preventing the Spread of Infectious and Contagious Diseases. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened. That it shall not be lawful to transport through the streets of this city the remains of any person who has died of an infectious, or contagious dis- ease, in any vehicle other than a hearse. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That any public hack, or conveyance of any nature, used for public convenience, that con- veys to the cemetery the immediate members of the family from whose midst has been taken one who has died of an infectious, or contagious disease, shall be thoroughly fumigated, under super- vision of the City Marshal, before again engaging for public serv- ice. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That it is hereby made the duty of the owner and driver of such public conveyance, so used, to drive at once, upon return from cemetery, to the office of the City Marshal, and have his vehicle fumigated. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That the penalty for viola- tion of this Ordinance shall be a fine of not less than $10, nor more than $25, for each offense, adjudged by the Mayor after usual form of trial and conviction in said Mayor’s Court. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That the City Marshal be, and is hereby instructed, to make necessary preparations for fumi- gating vehicles, as aforesaid. Sec. 0. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and all ordinances conflicting with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordained October 1, 1891. MARKET. AN ORDINANCE to Amend and Reduce Into One, the Several Ordi- nances Regulating the Market of the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of NatcMez, in council convened, That the ordi- nances to which this Ordinance is an amendment be, and the same GENERAL ORDINANCES. 96 are hereby amended, so as to provide for the leasing oh the City .Market, in each and every year, to the highest and best bidder. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That the offices of Clerk and Janitor he, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That, prior to the last meet- ing of said Board of Mayor and Aldermen, in the month of Feb- ruary, in each and every year, the Mayor of the said city shall give ten (10) days’ notice, that he will, until the expiration of said notice, receive sealed proposals for the lease of said City Market, for one year from the first day of March thereafter, which pro- posals shall, at the first regular meeting of said Board of Mayor and Aldermen, after the expiration of said notice, be opened by them, and they shall then, or at a convenient time thereafter, elect by ballot, from the persons making said proposals, the person whose proposals may be deemed by them the most advantage ous to the city ; Provided , however , that the said Board shall have the right to reject any and all such proposals. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained. That the lessee, or con- tractor, elected as aforesaid, shall immediately after his election, and before the execution of the lease herein provided for, secure the faithful performance of his contract, by giving bond, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, payable to said Mayor and his successors in office, in a penalty double the amount of the yearly payment under his contract, hereinafter provided for; said bond to be approved by said Board of Mayor and Aldermen. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That said lessee, or con- iractor, shall pay to the Treasurer of said city the amount stipu- lated in said, contract, in equal monthly installments, in legal currency of th ‘ knifed States; and it shall he his duty to see that Ihe provisions of ibis Ordinance are complied with, and to other- wise superintend and perform all duties required of him by this ( Irdinance. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, That the hours during which the mark'd: house shall he kept open shall be from 2 a.m. to 9 a.m., the year round, except that on Sundays the market shall close at 8 o’clock a.m. ; during which hours it shall not be lawful for any one to si'll fresh meats, fresh fish, or fresh vegetables at any other place than the market house of said city. It shall be the duty of the Marshal and the police of said city to arrest and bring before the Mayor, or any court of competent jurisdiction, for trial, any or all persons whom they may find violat- ing, or who may be charged with having violated this section. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 97 Any person found guilty of. violating this section shall be liable to a penalty of not exceeding ten dollars. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That it shall he the duty of ihe city to keep up and in good repair a sufficient number of benches, in the area around the market space, for the use of per- sons offering for sale vegetables, fruits, and all articles of agricul- 1 ura I or horticultural production. The long benches shall be divided into squares of not more than three feet, by nailing pieces of wood, in strips, across, and the market fee shall be taken and received for each of the squares aforesaid. Sec. 8 . Be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of every person, or persons, who shall expose for sale any articles of provisions in the market, to sell the same, or any part thereof, to the first applicant, at the usual market prices of such articles so applied for, upon pain of a penalty of not exceeding five dollars, for each offense. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person, or persons, to contract for, or purchase, any article of provisions, of any description, on the way to the market, and within the limits of the city, or to attempt to persuade any per- son, or persons, to desist from attending the market with any arti- cle of provisions, as aforesaid, or to attempt to enhance the price thereof when in market, and whoever shall be guilty of any of the above offenses, shall be held as guilty of forestalling, and, on con- viction thereof, shall pay a fine of not less than ten, nor more than twenty dollars, for each offense. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any butcher, or other person, offering for sale fresh meats of any kind, to inflate, with wind, the meats, so offered for sale, com- monly called “blowing of meat/’ and all and every person, or per- sons, convicted thereof, shall pay a fine of not less than twenty, nor more than fifty dollars, for each offense. Sec. 11. Be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person, or persons, to suffer any dog, or dogs, owned by him, or them, to come to, or to bring such to/the market during market hours, upon pain of a penalty of not exceeding five dollars for each dog, so suffered to come, or be brought, as aforesaid. Sec. 12. Be it further ordained. That if any person shall be guilty of standing, sitting, or lying upon any stall, table, or bench of the market house, or yard, upon conviction thereof, he shall pay a fine of not exceeding five dollars, for each offense. 98 GENERAL ORDINANCES Sec. 13. Be it further ordained, That if any butcher, or any other person, shall be guilty of chopping, hacking, or in any other way injuring, or defacing, with a cleaver, axe, hatchet, or knife, any stall, table, or bench, belonging, or attached to, the market house, upon conviction thereof, he shall pay a fine of not exceed- ing twenty dollars, for each offense, and make good or repair the same at his proper cost. Sec. 14. Be it further ordained, That the following rates of rental are hereby fixed and established : For any butcher’s stall, per month $9.00 For any coffee stand, per month 2.80 For any stall for sale of bread, per month 2.50 For any stall for sale of bread, per day 10 For any compartment of the benches in the vegetable market, 3 feet by 4 feet, per day 10 For any fish stall, or stalls, 3 feet by 4 feet, per day 25 Sec. 15. Be it further ordained , That the lessee, or con- tractor, shall have power to sublet the stalls, tables, and benches of said market, and in his own right, to demand, collect, and receive, in advance, the rents and profits thereof: Provided, however , that the rates of rentage of said stalls, tables, and benches, shall not be greater than now established, or that may be hereafter established by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Sec. 16. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the said lessee, or contractor, to take possession, charge and care of the market, during market hours, and at such other times as shall be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Ordi- nance; to prevent all blown, stuffed, unsound, or unwholesome flesh, fish, fowls, or vegetables, from being sold, or exposed for sale within the market or elsewhere within the city, so far as the same shall come to his knowledge; to divide out, impartially, to different applicants, any scarce article of provisions, so as to pre- vent monopoly, and give every applicant a portion thereof; to col- lect the rent of stalls, tables, and benches in advance, and pay the same into the city treasury on the first Monday of every month ; to have the market house and yard swept and cleaned every day ; to see that all butchers and other occupants of stalls, tables, and benches, scrape, wash, and clean the same, as directed in this Ordi- nance, and, to report forthwith to the Mayor all who refuse, omit, or neglect the same. • • . . ' ' . ‘ ■ GENERAL ORDINANCES 99 Sec. 17. Be it farther ordained , That, within two hours after the expiration of the market hours, it shall he the duty of the occupants of stalls and tables, where fresh meats or fish are sold, to scrape, wash, and cleans.' the same, so as to remove all scraps of flesh, blood, or other matter, that the same may he kept ciean and free from smell, upon pain of a penalty of not exceeding twenty dollars, for each offense. It shall also he the duty of every occupant, or occupants, of tables, benches, or parts thereof, under the market house, whereon bread, cakes, coffee, or chocolate, are sold, to wash and sweep the same within the time aforesaid, upon pain of a penalty of not exceeding twenty dollars, for each offense. It shall also be the duty of every occupant, or occupants, of tables, benches, or parts thereof, under the market house, whereon bread, cakes, coffee, or chocolate are sold, to wash and sweep the same, within th& time aforesaid, upon pain of a penalty of not exceeding five dollars, for each offense. Sec. 18. Be it further ordained ', That it shall not be lawful for any butcher, or other person, to bring, or cause to be brought, to the market aforesaid, at any hour of the day or night, or at any other place within the city, and offer for sale the flesh of any ani- mal, fish, or fowl, in any degree unsound, tainted, offensive, pu- trid, or unfit for wholesome food, or any that have died otherwise than by slaughter, under pain of a penalty of not exceeding twenty dollars, for each offense. Sec. 19. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of every butcher, or other person, dealing in fresh meats, to come to the market cleanly dressed, and to wear, while selling the same, a large white apron, and to have their stalls and benches covered with white cloth, neat and clean. Whenever a cleaver is necessary ’t shall be used upon the block only. Every butcher, or other per- son, dealing in fresh meats, as aforesaid, omitting, or neglecting, to do as this Ordinance requires, shall pay a fine of not exceeding five dollars, for each offense.' It shall, moreover, be the duty of every seller of coffee, chocolates, or bread, to come cleanly dressed, as aforesaid, and to have their tables, or benches, clean and neatly covered with white cloth, under a penalty of not exceeding five dollars, for each offense. Sec. 20. Be it further ordained, That if any person shall be guilty of resisting, or opposing, the execution of any of the provis- ions of this Ordinance, upon conviction thereof, he, she, or they, shall pay a fine of not less than ten, nor more than twenty dollars, for each offense. Ordained May 4, 1905. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 100 MANUFACTORIES, ETC. AN ORDINANCE to Encourage Manufactures and other new En- prises in the City of Natchez by granting to such Factories and New Enterprises Ten Years Exemption from Municipal Taxa- tion by said City: SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Board of Mayor and Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That all factories or plants of the kind and character hereinafter named, which are now in course of establishment or which shall be hereafter estab- lished in this city before the first day of January, 1910, shall be exempt from municipal taxation for a period of ten years, viz: All factories for working cotton, jute, ramie, wool, silks, furs or metals; all factories for manufacturing machinery, implements or articles of use in a finished state and ready for consumers’ use without addi- tional process of labor; all factories for making wagons, carriages, buggies, clothing or shoes complete; all factories for making bar- rels or boxes complete, whether coopered or loose ready for trans- portation and all creameries. Sec. 2. Be it further ordnined, That any exemption under the provisions of this ordinance shall commence from the date of the charter, if the factory, establishment or enterprise, be owned by a corporation; and if an individual enterprise, from the date of the commencement of the work. A person or corporation claiming exemption from taxation under the provisions of this ordinance shall apply in writing for such exemption to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, showing that said person or corporation has com- plied with the specifications and requirements set forth in Sec, 2, Chapter 48, Acts of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi for the year 1900, and that said exemption has been approved by the attorney general of the State. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained That the provisions of this ordinance shall in no wise affect or impair any exemption granted to factories or other enterprises in this city under the provisions of law heretofore enforced in this State. Sec. 4. Be it farther ordained. That any factory or facto- ries or other enterprises exempted from taxation under the provis- ions of this Ordinance which may belong to or being a trust, com- bined or pool, shall not enjoy exemption hereinbefore provided for. Sec. 5, Be it further ordained, That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained Feb. 3, 1905. ♦ - , GENERAL ORDINANCES. 101 MARSHAL. AN ORDINANCE Defining the Powers, Duties, Etc., of City Marshal. * Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Al- dermen of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That, on the first Monday of January, in each and every year, or as soon there- after as practicable, the Mayor and Aldermen shall, in Council, elect, by ballot, a competent person Marshal of said city, for the ensuing twelve months, or until the qualification of his successor. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That, before entering upon the duties of his office, the Marshal shall take the oath of office prescribed* by the constitution, and enter into bond with good and sufficient security, to be approved by said Mayor and Aldermen, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, payable to the City of Natchez, conditioned that he will well and truly perform the du- ties of his office according to the several ordinances of the city, in relation thereto, as long as he shall continue therein, which bond may, upon the order of the Mayor and Aldermen, be put in suit as often as a breach may occur, until a recovery of the whole pen- alty for the use of any party, or parties, injured by such breach. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That, whenever a vacancy shall occur in said office • of Marshal, the Mayor and Aldermen shall fill the same by the election of a successor, for the remainder of the unexpired term, and the person elected to such vacancy shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take the oath and enter into the bond prescribed in the foregoing section. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That the Marshal shall be the captain of the city police, and the Sergeant, Corporal, and the several policemen shall be in subordination to him, except in cases otherwise provided for by ordinance; and he shall cause the police officers under him to obey the police rules prescribed by the Mayor, and see that they perform their duties promptly and faith- fully. Said Marshal shall be considered as on duty, constantly; he shall, to the best of his ability, keep and preserve the peace w.ithiji said city, and faithfully aid and assist in executing the criminal laws of the State and the ordinances of said city, and shall give information, without delay, to the Mayor, or other proper officers, of every violation of the penal laws of the State, and ordi- nances of said city, which may come to his knowledge in any man- *Now elected biennially by qualified electors of the city. See section 5 of charter. 102 G ENERAL ORDINANCES. ner recognized by law. It shall be bis further duty to execute and return all warrants, and other process directed to him, according to the commands thereof, and to pay over all moneys when col- lected by him, by virtue of any process aforesaid, to the city, Mayor, or the person, or persons, lawfully authorized to receive the same, and, in all cases of duties, by him to be performed, as City Marshal, lie is to conform himself to the statutory rules of the State, as far as they may be applicable to the city, aforesaid ; and, he shall discharge all the duties prescribed for him, by an ordi- nance entitled, “An Ordinance to Establish Quarantine and to Protect the Public Health/ 5 ordained Auugst 7, 1879, without further compensation than that hereinafter provided. It shall be his duty to visit, from time to time, all the back yards, lanes, ware- houses, alleys, privies, and generally to cause all nuisances that may be found in the places above mentioned, as w'cll as in other places, or street, in said City of Natchez, to be forthwith removed, and, so far as in his power lies, to suffer none to be accumulated or made thereafter. It shall be the further duty of the Marshal, whenever lie shall, upon examination, find nuisances, of any de- scription, that might be injurious to the health, or comfort, of the citizens, in any back yard, lane, warehouse, cellar, privy, outlet, or place, when the owner, occupant, or agent, shall be known, to re- quire such to remove or remedy the same, in such time as the na- ture of the case may require — not less than twenty-four hours; and, should such owner, occupant, or agent, neglect, or refuse, to perform the duty so required, the Marshal shall proceed to remove or remedy such nuisance, or nuisances, and forthwith make report of such default to the Mayor, to be proceeded against as the ordi- nance to restrain nuisances provides, in the second section thereof; and the Mayor shall, moreover, inflict a fine on such offender, or offenders, of not less than five, nor more than twenty dollars, for each offense, to be sued for and recovered, in behalf of the city, as in other cases of fines. And it shall be the further duty of the Marshal to remove, immediately, all such nuisances as he may find, or be informed of, by others, the owner, or owners, occupant, or occupants, or agent, not being known, as speedily as the ur- gency of the case may require, and report the same to the Mayor and Aldermen. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained > That, in addition to the sev- eral duties to be performed by the City Marshal, it shall be the duty of said City Marshal to attend all meetings of the Aldermen, and Board of Health, and all city elections; to serve all notices is- suing from the Mayor’s or City Clerk’s offices, and to perform the duties required in the several ordinances of the city. V * - * . - - . * . . G- EN BRAL OR 1) I NAN CE. 103 Sec. 6. Be it further ordained , That if, at any time, the Marshal shall not be able to perform the duties required of him, by the ordinances of the city, or the public rules, or, in case of a vacancy in the office of Marshal, the Sergeant of Police shall have nnd receive all the ministerial duties that are conferred on. and re- quired of, the Marshal, by and under the ordinances and police rides, until the return of the said Marshal to duty, or the appoint- ment of his successor. * Sec. 7. Be it further ordained , That the said Marshal, for compensation of his services, shall be entitled to receive the sum of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars per annum, payable as salaries of other officers are paid, and also the fees and emoluments men- tioned in Section -10 of the City Charter. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained , That, for any failure or wil- ful neglect on the part of the Marshal to perform any of the du- ties enjoined on him by the several ordinances of the city, he shall, upon conviction, be fined by the Mayor, in any sum not exceeding the sum of ten dollars, for each offense. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained December 21, 1882. MAYOR. I — AN ORDINANCE Concerning the Mayor and Other Officers. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the Mayor of the City of Natchez shall, hereafter, on receiving notice of his election, and before entering upon the duties of his office, enter into bond, with good and sufficient security, to be approved by the Selectmen in Council, in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties, as defined by an act of Legislature, entitled, “An Act to Amend and Reduce Into One, the Act Incorporating the City of Natchez, and the Sev- eral Acts Amendatory Thereto/’ approved March 1, 1854, and the several ordinances of said city; which bond, after being approved, shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of said city, and may, by the *As to salary, see title “Salaries." 104 GENERAL ORDINANCES. resolution of the Mayor and Selectmen (Aldermen), in- Council, he put in suit, as often as a breach thereof may occur, until the recovery of the whole penalty thereof. Sue*. 2. Be it further ordained, That the said Mayor shall have, and keep open, on every judicial day, at seasonable hours, an office, at tile Hall of the City, for the transaction of the business of his office, lie shall procure, at the expense of the city, a suit- able record book, and shall register therein, all suits instituted be- fore him, specifying the date of commencement, date of judg- ment, cause of action, and final judgment, and date and return of execution; and such record, together with all papers connected therewith, shall be considered and preserved as public records of his office, and be subject to the inspection of the Selectmen (Al- dermen), or a committee of them, and all other persons interested therein. He shall also keep a record, subject to the inspection of said Selectmen, of all fines, forefitures, and other moneys, received by him, for the use of the city, to be entered when received, and shall account for and pay to the Treasurer of the city, all such lines, and other moneys, every three months, during his term of office. Ordained November 1, 1854. AN ORDINANCE to Empower the Mayor to Suspend Any Subordinate Officers of the City of Natchez. Suction 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened . That the Mayor be empowered to suspend any subordinate officer of the City of Natchez, who may In 1 found derelict in the performance of his duty, and that the Mayor shall report the same to the Hoard of Aldermen at their next meeting, for their action. Ordained May 5, 1887. MISDEMEANORS. AN ORDINANCE for the Preservation of Good Order and Morality Within the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ofdcdncd by the Mayor and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the fol- lowing offenses, affecting good order, morality, public peace, quiet, GENERAL ORDINANCES 105 safety, and property, in the City of Xatchez, are hereby declared misdemeanors, and the same shall be cognizable before the Mayor, viz. : Any person who shall make, aid, countenance, or 'assist in making any improper noise, or disturbance, breach of peace, or di- version, in the streets, or elsewhere in the city; and all persons who shal collect in crowds, for unlawful purposes, or to the annoy- ance, and disturbance, of citizens, or travelers; any person who shall commit an assault and battery, or shall be drunk, or in a state ol» intoxication, in any street, or alley, or in any public place in the city, to the annoyance of others; any person who shall wil- fully disturb, or disquiet, any congregation, or assembly, met for religious worship, or wilfully disturb, or disquiet, any public show, exhibition, or assembly, by making a noise, or by rude and im- proper behavior, or profane discourse, within, or so near such place as to disturb the same; any person who shall wilfully give, or make, a false alarm of fire; any person who shall cause, create, or permit on his premises, any matter of nuisance, declared to be such by any of the ordinances of this city, or the laws of the State of Missis- sippi; any person appearing in a public place in a state of nudity, or in a dress not belonging to his, or her, sex, or in an indecent, or lewd, dress, or be guilty of any lewd, or indecent, act or behavior, or doing any obscene, or indecent, act in any street, alley, or other public place, in view of others, or using rude, boisterous, offensive, obscene, or blasphemous language in any public place; any per- son who shall paste, or tack, a handbill, or print, or paint, an ad- vertisement on any building, whether public or private, without the consent of the owner thereof, and any person for whose benefit said handbills, or advertisements, are put up; any person who shall give a ball, or dance, where compensation is charged, without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Mayor; any person who shall throw stones, or bricks, in the streets, or alleys, by hand, or by an instrument commonly known and called a “nigger-shooter,” or any other instrument used for a similar, or destructive, purpose, by whatever name called; any person who, by means of “Mexican Balls,” “California Secret Safe,” “The String Game,” or any like swindling device, or by means of playing cards, shall swindle any person out of money, or anything of value; any person who shall permit a stallion, jack, bull, or any dangerous, or mischievous, ani- mal, or any animal, with a contagious, or infectious disease, to run at large, within the limits of the city; (and the Mayor is hereby empowered to cause any diseased animal, as aforesaid, to be killed, or disposed of, at the expense of the owner thereof) ; any person who shall use water out of the public cisterns, for any purpose, other than 106 GENERAL ORDINANCES. that of extinguishing fires, or for the use of the fire engines, with- out first having obtained the proper permission to do so, or who shall throw, or place, in any public cistern, any article, or sub- stance, which may injure, or defile, the same, or shall break, or in- jure, any of the fixtures of the same; any person who shall injure, or deface, any public building, or other city property, or the fire engines, or the property belonging to the fire departments Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That any person doing, or causing to be done, in this city, any act, or acts, which, by the laws of the State of Mississippi, are holden to be misdemeanors, or nui- sances, shall be considered as a violator of this Ordinance, as fully as if the particular act were herein described. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That any person, on convic- tion of any of the acts hereinbefore mentioned, shall be fined not exceeding $100, and all costs, and if the fine and costs are not paid forthwith, shall be committed, at the discretion of the Mayor, for not exceeding five days; if not then paid, the Mayor shall have the power, and is hereby empowered, to order the person so fined to work on the streets, or other public works of the city, for such time as he may see proper, not exceeding, however, a longer period than three months. Ordained January 17, 1866. AN ORDINANCE to Provide for the Summary Punishment and Con- trol of Idle and Disorderly Persons. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That every per- son who, after having been directed by any officer, or member of the police force, to move away therefrom, shall remain, or loiter, in front of, or in the neighborhood of any church, or other place of public worship, during the service therein, or while the mem- bers of its congregation are repairing to, or returning from, such church, or other place of public worship ; every person who, after having been directed by any officer, or member, of the police force, to move away therefrom, shall remain, or loiter, in front of, or in the neighborhood of, any theater, concert hall, ballroom, or other place of public amusement, in the City of Natchez, during the time that such places shall remain open to the public, or while the pub- lic is repairing thereto, or returning therefrom; every person who, after having been directed by any officer, or member, of the police force to move away therefrom, shall remain, or loiter, in front of, GENERAL ORDINANCES. 107 or in the neighborhood of, any coffee house, barroom, or beer sa- loon, situated within the limits of the City of Natchez; every per- son who shall, without legitimate business thereat, remain, loiter, or idle his time, on the sidewalks, or public streets, within the lim- its of the City of Natch;/, between the hours of seven a.m. and seven a.m., after having been notified to move away therefrom, by any officer, or member, of the police force ; every common pros- titute, wandering in the public streets, or public highways, or in any places of public resort, and behaving in a riotous and indecent manner; every habitual drunkard, who shall abandon liis, or her, family, or shall refuse, or neglect, to aid in the support of his, or her, family — shall be deemed an idle, or disorderly, person, within the true intent and meaning of this ordinance, and, upon convic- tion thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five ($5) dollars, nor more than twenty-five ($25) dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not more than ninety days, or both. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That it shall be, and is hereby made the duty of any member, or officer, of the police force to di- rect every person to move away from in front of, or from the neigh- borhood of, any church, or other place of public worship, during 1 he service therein, or while the members of its congregation are repairing thereto, or therefrom. Also to direct every person to move away from the front, or the neighborhood of, any theater, concert hall, ballroom, or other place of public amusement, during the time that such place shall remain open for the public, or while the public is repairing thereto, or therefrom. Also to direct every person to move away from the front, or the neighborhood, of any coffee house, barroom, or beer saloon, or from any sidewalks, or the public streets, situated within the limits of the City of Natchez. And, in case any officer, or member, of the police force shall fail, or neglect, to perform any of the duties required herein, or shall not use his best endeavors to apprehend and convey before the Mayor of the City of Natchez any person that he shall find offending any of the provisions of this Ordinance, it shall be deemed a neglect of duty in such officer, or member, of the police force. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Ordinance shall go into effect from and after its passage. Ordained April 1G, 189G. 108 GENERAL ORDINANCES. AN ORDINANCE to Define Certain Misdemeanors Against the City of Natchez, to Declare Certain Acts Punishable Under the Laws of the State of Mississippi, Offenses Against Said City and to Pro- vide for the Punishment of Misdemeanors and Offenses. Section 1 . Be it ordained by tlie Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That any and all persons, who shall he convicted of any of the following enumerated and defined crimes and misdemeanors, when said crimes and mis- demeanors have been committed within the corporate limits of said City of Natchez, shall he deemed guilty. of an offense against said city, and such crimes and misdemeanors are hereby declared to be offenses against said city, when so committed, and all such persons, when convicted in the Mayor’s Court of said city, shall be pun- ished as hereinafter provided. (A) Every person who shall be convicted of an assault, or assault and battery, upon another, within said corporate limits, shall be punished by a line not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail of Adams county, Mississippi, not exceeding tw. nty days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. (B) Every person who shall be convicted of a wilful, or malicious, trespass upon the real or personal property of another, situated within said corporate limits, for which no other penalty is prescribed, shall be fined not exceeding three hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding thirty days, -or both. (C) If any person shall wilfully injure, or destroy, any shade tree, .or any ornamental tree, not his own, on any highway, or street, or in any yard, garden,’ or park, within said city limits, he shall, on conviction, be fined not less than live dollars, nor more than twenty dollars, for each, tree so injured, or destroyed, or im- prisoned in the county jail not less than ten days, nor more than twenty days, for each offense. (D) If any person shall go upon the enclosed land of . an- other, situated within said corporate limits, without his consent, after having been notified by such person, or his agent, not to do so, either personally, or by published, or posted notice, or shall re- main on such land after a request by such person, or his agent, to depart, he shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than fifty dol- lars for such offense. (E) If any person shall feloniously take, steal, or carry away, any personal property of another, situated within said city limits, under the value of twenty-five dollars,, he shall be guilty of f ■ / . . ; . . . . GENERAL ORDINANCES. 109 petit larceny, and shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding ninety days, or by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or both. (F) If any person shall be guilty of racing, or shooting, in any street, or public highway, of said city, he shall, on conviction thereof, 'be fined not more than five hundred dollars. (Gj If any person shall be convicted of the crime, common- ly called “carrying concealed weapons,” said crime being defined in Chapter 68, page 86, of the Laws of the State of Mississippi, Acts of 1898, being an act entitled, “An Act to Amend Chapter 1 01, of the Laws of 1896, in Relation to the Carrying of Concealed Weapons,” within the limits of said city; and also defined in Sec- tion 1027, Annotated Code of Mississipp, he shall be punished as provided in said Chapter 68, Laws of 1898. (II) The crime of “Malicious Mischief,” as defined in Sec- tion 1209, Annotated Code of Mississippi, when committed within the corporate limits of the City of Natchez, is hereby declared to be an offense against said city, and any person convicted of said crime, in said Mayor’s Court, shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (I) That the crimes and misdemeanors, commonly classed as, and termed “Cruelty to and Neglect of Animals,” and defined in Sections 1014, 1015,' 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021 and 10.22, respectively, of said Annotated Code of Mississippi, are declared to be, when committed within said corporate limits, offenses against said city, and any person convicted of any of said crimes and mis- demeanors, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten, nor more than one hundred dollars, for each and every such offense, or by imprisonment in the county jail not more than thirty days, or b} r both such fine and imprisonment. (K) The crime, or misdemeanor, of gambling, as defined in Section 1122, Annotated Code of Mississippi, when committed within the limits of said city, is hereby declared to be an offense against said City of Natchez, and punishable, on conviction, as prescribed in said section. (L) The crimes, and misdemeanors, designated as “Dis- turbance of Family — Noises and Offensive Conduct,” and defined in Section 1032 of said Annotated Code, are hereby declared to be, when committed within said corporate limits, offenses against said city, and any one convicted of said offense shall be punished 110 GENERAL ORDINANCES. by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not to exceed one month in the said county jail, or both. (M) The misdemeanor designated as “Disturbance of Fam- ily — Using Abusive, etc., Language,” and fully defined in Section 1033 of said Annotated Code of Mississippi, and the offense de- scribed in the following Section 103d, described as “Disturbance of Public Worship,” and fully defined in said Annotated Code, are hereby, respectively, and severally, declared to be, when com- mitted within the corporate limits of said city, offenses against said city, and to be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding one month, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (N) Any person convicted of the crime, or misdemeanor, committed within said city corporate limits, commonly called “Exhibiting Deadly Weapon in a Rude, Angry, or Threatening Manner,” said crime, and misdemeanor, being defined in Section 1031, Annotated Code of Mississippi, shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in said section. (O) Any person who shall be convicted of riding, or driving, any horse, or horses., or other animal, at a rate of speed dangerous to citizens, on any street of said city, or in such a manner as to show recklessness, or disregard of the safety of citizens, on foot, or other vehicles, or property, on any of the highways, or streets, of said city, shall, if convicted, be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined in a sum not less than ten, nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or by commitment to the county jail not more than one month, or by both such fine and commitment. Be it further ordained , That all matters of common nuisance, declared io be such by the common law, are hereby declared to be, when committed within the corporate limits of said city, matter cognizable before said Mayor’s. Court, and that all persons con- victed of any such offense, in said court, are declared to be guilty of an offense against said city, and shall be fined not more than three hundred dollars, or imprisonment not more than thirty days in said county jail, or bv both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage, and that all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained August 16, 1900. ' ■ 1 ■ GENERAL ORDINANCES. Ill NOTICE TO BE GIVEN WHERE PRIVATE BIGHTS AFFECTED. AN ORDINANCE to Better Protect the Private Rights of Citizens. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That no ordi- nance affecting the private rights of any citizen shall pass to its third reading until a synopsis of it has been published, at least once, in the official organ of this city. Ordained April 21, 1887. NUISANCES. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That all matters of nuisance, declared to be such, either by common law, any statute of this State, or this Ordinance, shall be, hereafter, cognizable be- fore the Mayor ; Provided, the fine by him imposed for any one of- fense, shall, in no case exceed twenty dollars; which fine shall he levied by order of said Mayor, either upon his own view of the of- fense, the confession of the party, or due proof, on oath, of one or more credible witnesses.* Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That if the carcass of any animal, which either is, or may become, offensive, shall be found in said city, whether in, or near, the streets, or highways, or else- where within the same, the owner, or owners, of such carcass, or the person, or persons, who might last have had the care of such animal, shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance, within the mean- ing of this Ordinance; and, if any person thus offending, shall not previously to his conviction, have effectually removed such nui- sance, or given satisfactory security to the said Mayor for the in- cidental removal thereof, the Mayor shall, besides fining such per- son, as aforesaid, cause such nuisance to be removed, at the cost of the offender, and at double the usual price of labor; and every person who shall, for diversion, or other cause, kill, and suffer to remain within the city, where the same is, or may become, offensive, any bird, reptile, or small animal, shall be deemed guilty of a nui- sance, within the meaning of this Ordinance. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That any person who shall throw any carcass, carrion, or other offensive matter, into any *Pei,aUy increased. See Misdemeanors (O), page 110. 112 GENERAL ORDINANCES. street, or elsewhere, within the city, so that the same may become offensive to the citizens; and any person suffering such offensive matter to remain in, or mar, his dwelling, or elsewhere, for the space of three hours after having received notice thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance, within the meaning of this Ordinance, and where, in such case, two or more persons reside in the same house, each individual who occupies a room thereof, separate, or apart to him, or herself, shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance; if such offensive matter "shall be suffered, to remain between two or more houses, or enclosures, so that it cannot be easily ascertained to which it is most adjacent, then the occupants of such houses, and enclosures, shall be* deemed guilty in this behalf ; Provided, that whenever a person shall remove a nuisance found near his, or her, dwelling/or enclosure, he, or she, shall be entitled to recover from the owner of the carcass, or other offensive matter, or from the per- son, or persons, who deposited the said nuisance in such place, damages to double the amount of the cost of such removal. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That any person, or persons, who shall ride, or drive, any horse, mare, mule, cattle, with, or without a carriage, in any street of this city, or in the lower part of the same, next the river, in a gallop, or otherwise with violence, or want of care, or who shall ride, or drive, any horse, marc, mule, or colt, with, or without a carriage, in. any part of this city, for the purpose of breaking the same for the draught or saddle, or shall chase, or cause to he chased, any animal, with horses, or dogs, in any street of this city, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dol- lars, to he recovered as aforesaid. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That any person, or persons, who shall put any stones, sticks, bats, scraps of leather, pieces of tin, or glass, slops, from kitchens, or from hatters, or dyers, hats, or any trash, or filth whatever, in any street, or highway, within the city, or in any well, cistern, or pool of water, within said limits, or who shall shoot with any gun, pistol, rifle, or other firearms, within said city, unless in defense of life and property ; or shall wantonly throw firebrands, or other ignited materials, or shall shout or make a loud noise, for the purpose of alarming the citizens, wantonly, or for diversion, within said limits, shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance within the meaning of this ordinance. Sec. G. Be it further ordained, That every person who erects a jukes, or privy, within this city, in any place where the same shall be offensive to persons passing along the streets, or highways, shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance, within the meaning of this ordinance, and shall, moreover, be. subject to fine, as for a new GENERAL ORDINANCES 113 offense, for every ten days the same shall be suffered to remain in such place, after being thereof convicted. Sec. 7. Br it further ordained. That any person who shall suffer any firewood, material for building, or other matter, which shall obstruct the passage of the citizens, to remain in any street, in any part of the said city, laid off into lots, or the part thereof next the river, for more than twenty-four hours, shall be guilty of a nuisance, within the meaning of this Ordinance; Provided, that materials for buildings shall be suffered to occupy one-third of the street, adjoining the place where such building is to be erected. Sec. . June 2, 1852: Owners of lots, between Franklin and Jefferson streets, required to make pavements, feet wide, of brick, and brick gutters, inches wide. Pine (Seventh Cross) Street. 1. March 23, 1853: Owners of lots, on the west side, between Main and Franklin streets, required to make brick pave- ments, seven feet wide, and brick gutters, thirteen inches, wide, and deep, corresponding with grade of street, and sufficient to carry the water off. 2. June 29, 1853: Owners of lots, on the west side, be- tween Franklin and Jefferson streets, required to make brick pave- ments, seven feet wide, and brick gutters, thirteen inches wide, and deep, sufficient to carry the water off. Jl anion (Sixth Cross) Street. March 1, 1846: Owners of lots, from Main to Orleans street, required to make brick pavements, and gutters correspond- ing with those already made. Silver Street. 1. Dec. 22, 1823: Owners of houses, On cast side, from east side of House of Hull to ferry landing, required to make a gutter, of cypress plank, two and one-half inches thick, and twelve inches wide. 2. Oct. 14, 1824: Pavements and gutters required on lower side of street. 3. June 2, 1829: Gutters, of wood, required to be made on opposite side. (Amended May 15, 1832.) 122 GENERAL ORDINANCES. 4. Sept., 1833: Owners of lots, on cast side, from Cotton & Draper’s to Jacob Speer’s, required to make a sidewalk, of plank, and a gutter, of plank, three feet wide, and two deep. 5. Oct. 26, 1838: Owners of lots, on east side, from top of the bluff to the end of the street, required to make cypress plank, or brick gutters, two feet, six inches in depth, and from top of bluff to Lane’s Tavern, two feet,’ six inches wide, and thence to the end, three feet wide, and to set up posts on the outside of the gut- ter. State (First South) Street. 1. April 30, 1818: Proprietors of lots, between Canal and Pearl streets, required to make gutters, of sawed timber, thirteen and one-half inches wide, at bottom, and nine inches deep, the bot- tom of wood, three inches thick, or of brick, and the timber of the sides four inches thick, and to raise walks to level of gutters. Road Committee authorized to establish width of w 6 7 alks and to increase dimensions of gutters.. Gutters at crossings provided for. 2. Xov. 16, 1826: Owners of lots, from Front to Pearl street, required to make brick pavements, six feet, nine inches wide, and gutters, of brick and mortar, of the manner and width of those of corresponding squares on Main street, and to set posts on the outside, not more than ten feet apart. 3. April 19, 1831: Owners of lots, on the north side, be- tween Pearl and Union streets, required to make brick pavements, six feet, nine inches wide, and gutters, of brick and mortar, thir- teen inches wide, and six inches deep, and to set posts on the out- side of gutters, not more than ten feet apart. 4. Aug. 30, 1853 : Owners of lots, between Union and Pan- kin streets, required to make brick pavements, seven feet, ten inches wide, on the north, and five feet wide, on the south side of the street, and gutters, of brick and mortar, thirteen inches wide, and nine inches deep. (Modified.) 5. June 14, 1838: Owners of lots, between Union and Pan- kin streets, required to make brick pavements, six feet, nine inches wide, on both sides of the street, and gutters, thirteen inches wide, and six inches deep, of same material, and to set posts outside of gutters, not more than ten feet apart ; and owners of lots, on north side, from. Commerce to Union streets, required to raise pavements and gutters to a graduation, giving a regular descent, from Com- merce to Union street, of thirteen feet. 6. June 28, 1843 : Owners of lots, on the north side, be tween Pankin and Pine streets, required to make pavements, six ' GENERAL ORDINANCES 128 feet, nine inches wide, of brick, and brick gutters, thirteen inches wide, twelve inches high, on the inside, and six on the outside. St. Catherine (Washington Road) Street. l)cc. 15, 1852: Owners of lots, on the south side, required to make pavements, of brick or gravel, five feet wide, and gutters, of brick, or of plank or timber, two inches thick, twelve inches wide, and nine inches deep, or larger, if required by the Road Commit- tee, to correspond with such grade as said committee may estab- lish. Union (Fifth Cross) Street. 1. April 30, 1818: Proprietors of lots, between Main and State streets, along the southern side of the street, required to make gutters, of sawed timber, thirteen and one-half inches wide at the bottom, and nine inches deep, the bottom, of wood, three inches thick, or of brick, and timber of the sides four inches thick, and to raise walks to level of gutters. Road Committee author- ized to. establish width of walks, and to increase dimensions of gut- ters. 2. Dec. 24, 1829 : Owners of lots, on west side, from Main to State street, required to make a brick pavement, five feet wide, and a gutter, of timber, or brick, nine inches wide, and five inches deep, and railings. 3. April 5, 1830: Owners of lots, between Main and Frank- lin streets, required to make brick pavements, nine feet wide, and gutters, of brick and mortar, thirteen inches wide, and nine inches deep, on the inside, and five on the outside, and to put up posts on the outside of gutters, not more than ten feet apart. 4. Aug. 13, 1835: Owners of lots, on the west side, be- tween Jefferson and Franklin streets, required to make brick pave- ments, five feet wide, and gutters, of brick and mortar, nine inches wide, and four and one-half inches deep. 5. June 14, 1838: Owners of lots, on the west side, from State to Washigton street, and on the east side, from State to Main street, required to make brick pavements, six feet, nine inches wide, and gutters, thirteen inches wide, and six deep, and to set posts on outside of gutters, not more than ten feet apart. G. Dec. 24, 184G : Owners of lots, between State and Wash- ington streets, required to make brick pavements, wide, and gutters, inches wide, and inches deep. 124 (4 E X E R A L OH DIN A X C ES. Wall (Second Cross) Sired. 1. April 30, 1818: Proprietors of lots, between the lower end of the street and Franklin street, required to make gutters, of sawed timber, thirteen and one-half inches wide at the bottom, and nine inches deep, the bottom of wood, three inches thick, or of brick, and the timber of the sides four inches thick, and to raise walks to level of gutters. Road Committee authorized to estab- lish width of walks, and to increase dimensions of gutters. Gut- ters at crossings provided for. 2. Sept. 30, 1821 : Owners of lots, between Main and Wash- ington streets, required to make brick pavements, and gutters, of brick or timber; pavements, eight feet wide, and gutters, nine inches wide, and five inches deep. Railings required on outside of gutters, and trees, when planted, required to be on the outside of the gutters. 3. Sept. 30, 1826: Owners'' of lots, between Main and Franklin streets, required to make pavements, eight feet wide, of brick, and gutters, of brick and mortar, nine inches wide, a*nd six mches deep, and to put up posts, not more than ten feet apart, on the outside of gutters. Washington (Second North) Street. 1. April 30, 1818: Proprietors of lots, between Canal and Pearl streets, required to make gutters, of sawed timber, thirteen and one-half inches wide, at bottom, and nine inches deep, the bottom of wood, three inches thick, and to raise walks to level of gutters. Road Committee authorized to establish width of walks, and to increase dimensions of gutters. Gutters at crossings pro- vided for. 2. May 1, 1834: Owners of lots, on south side, from Com- merce to Union street required to make brick pavements, five feet wide, and brick gutters, twelve inches wide, and nine deep. 3. March 4, 1846 : Owners of lots, on the south side, be- tween Union and Rankin streets, required to make pavements, and gutters, of dimensions, and materials, of those from Commerce fo Union street. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 125 ♦PAVEMENTS AND GUTTERS. AN ORDINANCE Providing for and Regulating the Construction, Re- pair and Renewal of Pavements and Gutters in the City of Natchez. Section 1. Be it ordained bij the Mayor and Hoard of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened That the Com- mittee on Streets and Alleys shall, from time to time, report to said Mayor and Aldermen what pavements and gutters, along the streets of said city, need repair, improvement, or renewal ; and, also, what new pavements and gutters are necessary, or (expedient, on and along the sidewalks of any of the streets of said city, now open as public streets, or which may he hereafter opened, or ex- tended ; and the Mayor and Aldermen shall, from time to time, by ordinance, ascertain and determine what repairs, improvements, changes, or renewals., of pavements and gutters, and what new pavements and gutters are necessary, or expedient, to he made and constructed, and ascertain and establish the dimensions, pitch, graduation, and materials, of such pavements and gutters, and cause notice, in writing, to be given to the owners of the lots, or squares, respectively, along which such pavements, or gutters, are directed to be laid, repaired, changed, or renewed ; to have the same laid, repaired, changed, or constructed, according to the directions of such ordinance, within a reasonable time, to be fixed by said or- dinance, and stated in said notice, and the dimensions, pitch, and materials, also to be specified in said notice; such notice may be served by any officer of said city authorized to execute the processes of the Mayors Court thereof, and upon the passage. of such ordi- nance and the service of said notice, it shall be the duty of said owners, respectively, at their own expense, to have said pavements and gutters laid, repaired, changed, renewed, or constructed, in ac- cordance with the provisions of such ordinance. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That, whenever the owner of any lot, or square, upon which pavements, or gutters, shall he re- quired, as aforesaid, to be repaired, or constructed, shall be absent from, or a non-resident of, the city, it shall he competent to serve the notice aforesaid upon his agent, for the payment of the taxes, or collection of the rents, of such lot, or square; but if he have no such agent, then publication and mailing of such notice to him, as in case of publication against non-residents in chancery pro- ceedings, in this State, shall be and constitute a sufficient service. * As to regulations now governing the construction etc., of Pavements and Gutters, see Section 31 of Charter. 126 GENERAL ORDINANCES. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That whenever any owner of property shall neglect, or refuse, to repair, improve, or renew, any pavement, or gutter, that shall, as aforesaid, he directed to be made, or constructed, along the property of such owner, such owner shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars, for each and every day such delinquency shall be continued, after the expiration of the period within which the same is required to he done, to be recov- ered for the use of the city before the Mayor’s Court, or any other court of competent jurisdiction; and, upon such default by the owner, the said Committee on Streets and Alleys, if so directed and empowered by the ordinance aforesaid, shall cause the repairs, improvements, changes, or renewals, or the*new pavement, or gut- ter, required in such case, to be done, made, or constructed, by contract with the city, and report their action and the cost of such work to the Mayor and Aldermen, who shall thereupon direct the City Tax Collector to make the cost and expenses , of such work by levy upon, and sale of, the lot along which such work was clone, or as much thereof as may be necessary. The Tax Collector shall thereupon proceed io sell said lot, or so much thereof as may he necessary, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the door of the City Hall, after having given thirty days’ previous public notice of the time, place and terms of sale, in some public newspaper printed and published in said City of Natchez, and to convey to the pur- chaser all the right, title and interest of any such owner in and to said lot, and out of the proceeds of such sale pay the costs and ex- penses of making said sale, and pay the surplus purchase money of any such sale, then remaining, to the Treasurer of said city, whose duty it shall be to pay over to the owner, if known, or his legal representatives, or assigns, the residue of said purchase money, remaining after defraying and reimbursing to the city the amount of the costs and expenses incurred by said Mayor and Aldermen in said work; Provided, however, that such owner, or his legal rep- resentatives may, at any time within one year from the day of sale, redeem any lot so sold and conveyed by tendering to the purchaser, or his agent, the purchase money, with twenty-five per centum ad- vance thereon, and that upon such redemption the purchaser sluill convey to the owner, at the expense of the latter, the property sold as aforesaid. Se'C. 4. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained May 15, 1890. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 127 -AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction of Pavements and Gutters on the North Side of High Street, from Commerce Street to Union Street, Fronting the Property of Estates of A. Schofield, H. C. Griffin and J. Ed. Schwartz. • Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of A lder- men of the City of. Natchez , in council convened , That the prop- erty owners on the north side of High street, between Commerce and Union streets, shall be, and are hereby, required to pave and gutter their respective fronts, according to the following dimen- sions, pitch, graduation, and specified material, to-wit : Dimen- sions, six and one-half feet wide, including curb; width of gutter, eighteen inches; pitch, two and one-half inches; graduation, to conform to present recorded grade of High street, and gutters to have the fall directed by the Committee on Streets and Alleys; material, natural or artificial stone, slate, or brick, the latter laid in dry sand, or cement; mortar for pavement and stone cement mortar for walls and bottom of gutter. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That the City Marshal shall give written notice of the above requirements to each owner, or agent, of aforesaid property, within five (5) days succeeding the passage of this ordinance, accompanied with a printed copy of the ordinance passed by this Board, May 15, 1890, entitled, “An Ordi- nance Providing for and Regulating the Construction, Repairs, and Renewal, of Pavements and Gutters, in the City of Natchez.” Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That, should said owners aforesaid fail to commence construction within thirty (30) days from date of official notice, as aforesaid, and continue to prosecute said work diligently and expeditiously to a finish, in accordance with the dimensions, pitch, grade, and style of materials, herein- before set forth, then, and in that event, the Committee on Streets and Alleys are hereby instructed to have the said pavement and gutters constructed, in strict accordance with the law as set forth in said aforementioned ordinance, passed May 15, 1890. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That this . Ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and all ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and they are hereby repealed. Ordained June 19, 1890. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction of Pavements and Gutters, on the West Side of Commerce Street, from High to Monroe Street; Bounding the Property of the Estate of Frederick Stanton. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the prop- erty owner, or owners, on the west side of Commerce street, be- 128 GENERAL ORDINANCES. tween High and Monroe streets, shall be, and are hereby required, to pave and gutter, along their property, according to -the follow- ing dimensions, pitch, graduation, and specified material, to-wit : Dimensions, walk, seven and one-lmlf feet wide, including curb: width of gutters, thirteen inches, and pitch, two and one-half inches; graduation to conform to plan hereto attached; material, natural or artificial stone 1 , slate, or brick, the latter laid in dry sand, or cement mortar, for pavement, and strong cement mortar for curbs and bottom of gutters. , Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That the City Marshal shall give written notice of the above requirements to owners, or agents, of above described property, within five (5) days succeeding the passage of this Ordinance, accompanied with a printed copy of the ordinance, passed by this Board on May 15, 1890, entitled, “An Ordinance Providing for and Regulating the Construction, Re- pairs and Renewal, of Pavements and Gutters, in the City of X atchez." Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That, should the owners, or agents, aforesaid, fail to commence construction within thirty (30) days from date of official notice, as aforesaid, and continue to pros- ecute said work diligently and expeditiously to a finish, in accord- ance with the dimensions, pitch, grade and style of material, here- inbefore set forth, then, and in that event, the Committee on Streets and Alleys are hcrebv instructed to have the said pave- ment and gutters constructed, in strict accordance with the law, as set forth in said aforementioned ordinance, passed May 15, 1890. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained. That this ordinance taka 1 ef- fect and be 1 in full force from and after its passage, and all ordi- nances and parti of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and they are hereby repealed. Ordained October 2, 1890. Ill — AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction of Pavements and Gutters, on East and West Side of Union Street, from Jeffer- son to High, and the South Side of High Street, from Union to Rankin; Bounding the Properties of R. E. McClure, on the East Side of Union Street, Between Jefferson and High, and on the South Side of High, to the Property of Mrs. Smokey; Thence, from Mrs. Smokey’s Property, on the South Side of High, to the Corner of Rankin Street, Bounded by the Property of Mr. Du cote; and, on the East Side of Union, from Jefferson to High, Bounded by the Property of the Methodist Church, James Farrell, Mrs. Dixon and H. C. Griffin. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened t That the prop- GENERAL ORDINANCES. 129 erty owner, or owners, described as above, shall be, and are hereby, required to pave and gutter along their property, according to the following dimensions, pitch, graduation, and specified material, to-wit : Sec. 2. Be it further - ordained , That the slope of High street is to be ten feet, from Rankin to Union street; the grade of gut- ter will commence two feet below an iron pin, at the corner of Rankin and High, south side, and descend eight feet, to Union, a distance of 330 feet; the sidewalk to be six feet wide, and fifteen inches above the bottom of the gutter, which is to be thirteen inches wide, and the depth of one brick, or nine inches, on the roadway side; Ducote, 101% feet; Smokey, 58% feet; McClure, 163% feet; the slope of the pavement will be three inches. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That the grade of Union street will conform, as near as possible, to the present grade; the gutters to be from twelve to fifteen inches deep. The "west side is already curbed, and will not be changed for brick pavement. Methodist Church, 153 feet; James Farrell, 43 feet; Mrs. Dixon, 42 feet, and H. C. Griffin, 43% feet, on the west side; on the east side of Union street, R. E-. McClure, 325% feet; sidewalk to be six feet wide; gutter, thirteen inches, and the same form as High street; material, brick laid in dry sand, or cement mortar, for curb and bottom of gutters. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That the City Marshal shall give written notice of the above requirements to the owners, or agents, of the above described property, within five days succeed- ing the passage of this ordinance, accompanied with a printed copy of the ordinance, passed by this Board on May 15, 1890, enti- tled, “An Ordinance Providing and Regulating the Construction, Repairs, and Removal, of Pavements and Gutters, in the City of Natchez.” Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That, should the owners, or agents, aforesaid, fail to commence construction, within thirty days from date of official notice, as aforesaid, and continue to pros- ecute said work, diligently and expeditiously, to a finish, in ac- cordance with the dimensions, pitch, grade, and style of material, hereinbefore set forth, then, and in that event, the Committee on Streets and Alleys are hereby instructed to have the said pave- ments and gutters constructed, in strict accordance with the law, as set forth in said aforementioned ordinance, passed May 15, 1890. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained. That this Ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained October 16, 1890. 130 GENERAL ORDINANCES AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction of Pavements and Repairs of Gutters, on the East Side of Union Street, Be- tween B and Monroe Streets. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That the prop- erty owner, or owners, on the east side of Union street, between B and Monroe, shall he, and are hereby, required to pave and repair the gutters and curbing along their property, according to the following dimensions, pitch, graduation, and specified material, to-wit : Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , Dimensions; walk, six feet wide, including curbing, and all to conform to the grade now es- tablished ; material ; hard paving brick, laid in dry sand, or cement mortar, and strong cement mortar for corners and broken places in curbing and bottom of gutter. This section pertains to the pave- ments, gutters, and curbing, in front of the following property owner, or owners: Mr. Charles Evans, F. J. Arrighi, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. M. L. Ogden. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That should the owner, or agent, aforesaid, fail to commence construction within thirty days from the date of official notice, as aforesaid, and continue to pros- ecute said work diligently and expeditiously to a finish, in accord- ance with the dimensions heretofore mentioned, then, and in that event, the Committee on Streets and Alleys are hereby instructed to have the said pavements and gutters constructed, in strict ac- cordance with the law, as set forth in said aforementioned ordi- nance, ordained and passed May 15, 1890. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in full force from and after its passage, and all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and they are hereby repealed. Ordained November 6, 1890. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction of Pavements and Gutters, on the North Side of Washington Street, from Union to Rankin Street: Bounding the Property of George T. Payne, Mrs. C. Menick, Mrs. J. Stier, W. A. McPheeters, Mrs. E. McAllister and Mrs. Sophie Demos. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the prop- erty owner, or owners, on the north side of Washington street, be- tween Union and Rankin streets, shall be, and are hereby, required to pave and gutter, along their property, according to the following GENERAL ORDINANCES 131 dimensions, pitch, graduation, and specified material, to-wit: Di- mensions; walk, seven feet wide, including curb; width of gutter; thirteen inches, and pitch two and one-half inches ; graduation, to conform to the present grade of said Washington street ; material ; natural or artificial stone, slate, or brick, the latter laid in dry sand, or cement mortar, for pavement, and strong cement mortar for curbs and bottom of gutter. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That the City Marshal shall give written notice of the above requirements to owners, or agents, of above described property, within five (5) days succeeding the passage of this Ordinance, accompanied with a printed copy of the ordinance, passed by this Board on May 15. 1890, entitled, “An Ordinance Providing for and Regulating the (instruction. Repair, and Renewal, of Pavements and Gutters, in the City of Natchez.” Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That, should the owners and agents aforesaid fail to commence construction within thirty (30) days from date of official notice, as aforesaid, and continue to pros- ecute said work diligently and expeditiously to a finish, in accord- ance with dimensions, pitch, grade, and style of material, herein- before set forth, then, and in that event, the Committee on Streets and Alle} 7 s are hereby instructed to have the said pavements and gutters constructed, in strict accordance with the law, as set forth in said aforementioned ordinance, passed May 15, 1890. Ordained June 4, 1891. -AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction of Pavements and Gutters, on West Side of Canal Street, from Main Street to Parker’s Alley. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the prop- erty owner, Mrs. Fanny B. Hendricks, be required to lay a pave- ment and build a gutter, on the west side of Canal street, from Main street lo Parker’s alley, according to the following direc- tions, and of written, specified materials, to-wit: Sec. 2. Be it further ordained . The grade will he a descent of ten inches per 100 feet, from Main street to Parker’s alley, 220 fet; the sidewalk to be nine (9) feet wide, with a pitch of three inches to the gutter; the gutter to he thirteen inches wide, nine inches dee]), on side next the sidewalk, and six inches next the car- riage way ; at point where the Bluff City Railway crosses the top of the rail will be the grade of the sidewalks, and the gutter can be opened into the sewer; from there to the alley the drainage can 132 GENERAL ORDINANCES. be again let into t-lie sewer ;, and the material used in aforemen- tioned work shall be hard brick, laid in dry sand, or cement, for pavement, and strong cement mortar on curbs and bottom of gut- ter. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That the City Marshal shall give written notice of above requirement to owner, or agent, of above described property, within five (5) days succeeding the pas- sage of this Ordinance, accompanied with a printed copy of the or- dinance, passed by this Board on May 15, 1890, entitled, “An Or- dinance Providing for and Regulating the Construction, Repairs, and Renewal, of Pavements and Gutters, in the City of Natchez.” Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That, should the owner, or agent, aforesaid, fail to commence construction within thirty (30) days from date of official notice, as aforesaid, and continue to pres- eciite said work diligently and expeditiously to a finish, in accord- ance with dimensions, pitch, grade, and style of material, herein- before set forth, then, and in that event, the Committee on Streets and Alleys are hereby instructed to have, the said pavement and gutter constructed, in strict accordance with the law, as set forth in said aforementioned ordinance, passed May 15, 1890. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in full force from and after its passage, and all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and they are hereby repealed. Ordained September 3, 1891. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction of Pavements and Guttters, on East Side of Rankin Street, from McDowell’s Alley to Washington Street, and Bounding the Property of Miss Carrie Stewart, Thos. B. Wells, R. S. Dixon; and Repairing and Widening Gutter Along the Property of Mrs. A. Wilson. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the afore- said property owners, on the east side of Rankin street, between McDowelPs alley and Washington street, shall be required to pave and gutter in front of tlieir respective properties, to-wit: From south side of McDowelPs alley to State.' The de- scent, or grade, will be three (3) feet to 100; total fall to Stale, seven and one-quarter feet. The present curb conforms very near- ly to this grade, but is out of line and needs general repairs. The sidewalk to be six feet wide, with a pitch, or slope, to the gutter of two inches; the gutter to be twelve inches deep and thirteen inches wide, with outer wall six inches high; bottom bricks can be . . • . ’ • ■ G KN KRAL ORDIN ANTES. 133 laid flat. From State to Washington, from south side of State, slope 3 degrees, 9 minutes, per 100 feet, to the line of Wilson property, 235 feet; sidewalk to be six feet wide, with a pitch of two inches; depth of gutter average 1 degree, 5 minutes; to be thir- teen inches wide in bottom, with outer wall nine inches high; pres- ent curb line nearly on uniform grade. The Wilson pavement in good condition, but gutter needs widening ; and the material to be used in the aforementioned work shall be hard brick, laid in dry sand, or cement, for pavements, and strong cement mortar on curbs and bottom of gutters. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That the City Marshal shall give written notice of above requirement to owner, or agent, of above described property, within five (5) days succeeding the pas- sage of this Ordinance, accompanied with a printed copy of the ordinance, passed by this Board, on May 15, 1890, entitled, “An Ordinance Providing for and Regulating the Construction, Re- pairs, and Renewal, of Pavements and Gutters, in the City of A atchez.” Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That should the owner, or agent, aforesaid, fail to commence construction within thirty (30) days from date of official notice, as aforesaid, and continue to pros- ecute said work diligently and expeditiously to a finish, in accord- ance with dimensions, pitch, grade and style of material, herein- before set forth, then, and in that event, the Committee on Streets and Alleys are hereby instructed to have the said pavement and gutter constructed, in strict accordance with the law, as set forth in said aforementioned ordinance, passed May 15, 1890. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That this ordinance take ef- fect and be in full force from and after its passage, and all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and they are hereby repealed. Ordained September 3, 1891. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction of Pavements and Gutters, oh the West Side of Pearl, Between Franklin and Main Streets, in Front of the Property of Mrs. Lena Merrill. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That the prop- erty owner, Mrs. Lena Merrill, is hereby required to pave and gut- ter along the front of her property, on Pearl street, according to the following dimensions: Sidewalk, fifty-four and one-half feet long, eight and six-tenths feet wide; gutter, thirteen inches wide, GENERAL ORDINANCES. 1 34 and nine inches deep. The grade will conform to the present orig- inal grade, having the walk and gutter of same dimensions as be- fore; the sidewalk to have a pitch of three (3) inches to the gut- ter; material, natural or artificial stone, slate, or brick; if the lat- ter, to he hard paving brick, laid in dry sand, or cement mortar, for paving; and strong cement mortal 1 for curbs and bottom of gut- ter. Skc. 2. Be it further ordained. That the City Marshal shall give written notice of above requirements to owner, or agent, of above described property, within five (5) days succeeding the pas- sage of this Ordinance, accompanied with a printed copy of the ordinance passed by this Board, on May 1.5, 1890, entitled, ‘‘An Ordinance Providing for and Regulating the Construction, Re- pairs, and Renewal, of Pavements and Gutters, in the City of Natchez.” Skc. 3. Be it further ordained , That, should the owner, or agent, aforesaid, fail to commence construction within thirty days from date of official, notice, as aforesaid, and continue to prosecute said work dil-igently and expeditiously to a finish, in accordance with dimensions, pitch, grade, and style of material, hereinbefore mentioned, then, and in that event, the Committee on Streets and Alleys are hereby instructed to have the said pavement and gut- ter constructed, in strict accordance with the law, as set forth in said aforementioned ordinance, passed May' 15, 1890. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained. That this Ordinance be In full force from and after its passage, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and they are here- by repealed. Ordained July 7, 1892. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction and Repair of Cutters and Pavements, on the East and West Side of Union, Between Main and High Streets; Bounding the Property of Mrs. Clara Higgins. Estate of R. E. McClure. Sam Haas, Mrs. Mary Botto, the Methodist Church and B. C. Griffin. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That the afore- said property owners, viz.. Estate of McClure, and Mrs. Mary Botto, shall be required to put down a new pavement and curbing, on east side of Union street, from Main street to Rose alley ; from Engine House to Franklin street, bounding the property of Mrs.. Clara Higgins, about ten feet of pavement is good, and the bal- G ENK11AL 0 It D I N A N CE. 1:15 aiic-c n rods general repairs. Before any work is done the sidewalk in ust be brought to a true line of the street. This will necessitate the cutting out of three china trees, and grubbing up of the stumps, and rectifying the entiiv curb line, about 320 feet in all, on west side of Union, from Main to Pranklin street. The prop- erty owner, Sam Haas, will be required to put down an entire new pavement bounding his property, about seventy- five feet. On east side Union, from Franklin to Jefferson street, hound- ing the property of Estate of McClure, pavement generally good, except about thirty feet, next brick store, needs repairs; also, about twenty feet, on each side of the side entrance to No. 211, the pave- ment is all gone, and must he made good, and curbing repaired, where required. On west side of Union, between Franklin and Jefferson, bounding the property of Estate of McClure, about ten feet, near Kastor's store, the pavement must he renewed. On west side of Union, between Jefferson and High streets, bounding the property of the Methodist Church. The .Trusters of said Methodist Church, 153 feet; also, bound- ing the property of Henry C. Griffin, 81 feet, will be required to put down new pavement, in front of the respective property; ma- terial to be used in the aforesaid work shall be hard paving brick, laid in sand, and strong cement mortar on curbs and bottom of gutters. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That the City Marshal shall give written notice of the above requirement to owner, or agent, of above described property, within five (5) days succeeding the pas- sage of this Ordinance, accompanied with a printed copy of the ordinance, passed by this Board on Maj' 15, 1890, entitled, “An Ordinance Providing for and Regulating the Construction, Re- pairs and Renewal, of Pavements and Gutters, in the City of Xatchez” Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That, should the owner, or agent, aforesaid, fail to commence construction within thirty days from date of official notice, as aforesaid, and continue to prosecute said work diligently and expeditiously to a finish, in accordance with dimensions, pitch, grade, and style of material, hereinbefore set forth, then, and in that event, the Committee on Streets aim! Alleys are hereby instructed to have the said pavement and gutter constructed, 'in strict accordance with the law, as set forth in said aforementioned ordinance, passed May 15, 1890. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be. in full force from and after its passage/ and all ordi GENERAL ORDINANCES. 13G nances and parts of ordinances in conflict' with, this Ordinance be, and they are hereby repealed. Ordained January 19, 1893. -AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction of Pavements and Gutters, on the West aide of Pearl Street, Between Franklin and Jefferson Streets; Bounding the Property of A. Beekman. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That the prop- erty owner, A. Beekman, be required to lay a pavement and build a gutter, on the west side of Pearl street, between Franklin and Jefferson streets, along his said propert}-, according to the follow- ing dimensions, pitch, graduation, and specified material, to-wit : The pavement to be the same width, and with a slope of two and one-half indies from the west side to the gutter, as the present pavement, along the building standing at the corner of said Frank ■ tin and Pearl streets, on said property, and to continue the length of said property, until it reaches the line of the Andrew J. Smitli property, of a uniform grade with that in front of said aforemen- tioned building; width of gutter to be fifteen inches at the bottom, and the said bottom of the gutter to be twelve inches below the curb, where it starts at the aforementioned Smith line, and go down at a uniform grade to the bottom of the gutter, on Frank- lin street; the outer curb to be not less than half the height of the inner curb; material to be used in aforementioned work shall be hard brick, laid in sand, or cement, for pavement, or Schillinger pavement, and strong cement mortar for curbs and bottom of gut- ter; that the archway over the gutter in front of the building, at the side door, on Pearl street, be taken up, as well as the gas pipe which passes through said gutter, so that there may be no obstruc- tion to the free flow of water. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That the City Marshal shall give written notice to the owner, or agent, of above described prop- erty, within five (5) days succeeding the passage of this Ordi- nance, accompanied with a printed copy of the ordinance, passed by this Board on May 15, 1890, entitled, “An Ordinance Providing for and Regulating the Construction, Repair, and Renewal, of Pavements and Gutters, in the City of Natchez.” Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That, should the owner, or agent, aforesaid, fail to commence construction within thirty (30) days from date of official notice, as aforesaid, and continue to pros- ecute said work diligently and expeditiously to a finish, in accord- GENERAL ORDINANCES 137 ance with dimensions, pitch, grade, and style of material, herein- before set forth, then, and in that event, the Committee on Streets and Alleys are hereby instructed and authorized to have the said pavement and gutters constructed, in strict accordance with the law, as set forth in said aforementioned ordinance, passed May 15, 1890. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in full force from and after its passage, and all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and they are hereby repealed. Ordained July 16, 1896. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction of Sidewalks or Pavements, Curbing, and Gutters, on the East and West Sides of South Commerce Street, Beginning at Orleans Street, and Extending to Harrison Street. Whereas, The Committee on Streets and Alleys have reported to this Board that new pavements, or sidewalks, and curbing and gutters are necessary on, and along, both the eastern and western sides of South Commerce street, beginning at the southerly side of Orleans street, and extending to Harrison street; and, whereas, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen approve said report and rec- ommendation; therefore, be it Resolved, by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, as follows : Section 1 . That a sidewalk, or pavement, and curbing and gutters, be constructed, and laid down, on the eastern and western sides of South Commerce street, beginning at Orleans street, and extending to Harrison street. The said sidewalk shall be con- structed of hard brick, laid in cement, or a Schillinger pavement, as the Board may determine, on the coming of the hereinafter mentioned bids, and said curbing and gutters, also of brick, laid in cement, or of Schilinger; and said sidewalk, or pavement, and said curbing and gutters, shall have such grade, width, pitch, slope, and dimensions, as are laid down and delineated, on a map, or plat, of said proposed paving, curbing, etc., prepared by L. M. Halgarn, C. E., and on file for general information, in the otlice of the City Clerk of said city; which said grade, pitch, slope, di- mensions, etc., are hereby adopted and established. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall advertise in the official paper of the city for sealed proposals for the lowest and best bid, for the laying dQwn and construction, of said work; the Board, however, G FUNERAL ORDINANCES. 138 reserving ihe right to reject any or all bids. Said bids to be opened on the 18th. day of dune, 1903, and the successful bidder shall give bond in the full amount of his bid, for the faithful per- formance of his contract, according to said plans and specifica- tions, and the said work, after completion, to be submitted to the City Surveyor, for his opinion as to its conformity to, and com- pliance with, the said plans and specifications. Ordained June 1, 1903. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction of Sidewalks, or Pavements, and Curbing and Clutters, on the East and West Sides of South Union Street, Within the Limits and Along the lanes Hereinafter Designated. Whereas, The Committee on Streets and Alleys, of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez, have reported to said Board that new pavements, or sidewalks, arc necessary on, and along, both the eastern and western sides of South Union street, within the limits, hereinafter designated, and along the fronts of all the lots fronting, or abutting, on said street (within said lim- its), except those hereinafter designated ; and that curbing and gutters are necessary on both sides of said street, within said here- inafter designated limits; and, whereas, the said Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez approve said report and recommendations ; therefore, Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That a sidewalk, or pavement, be constructed, and laid down, on the western side of said South Union street, beginning at the southern side of Or- leans street, and extending southerly to the northerly line of the property of L. A. Benoist; thence, beginning at the southerly line of a lot belonging to the estate of Ellen H. Green, and extending to the northerly line of the lot of W. D. Mounger; and on the eas- terly side of said South Union street, beginning at the southerly line of the property, known as the old J. B. Quegles lot, and ex- tending to the corner of Orleans street; then, beginning at the southerly line of Orleans street, and extending southerly, along the length of ,said South Union street, to the southerly line of the lot of L. P. Conner. Curbing and gutters to be constructed, and laid down, on both sides of said street, within the limits herein- before designated, and along the front of all the lots within said limits. The said sidewalks, curbing, and gutters, shall be con- structed of paving brick, laid in cement, or Schillinger pavement, G EN Elt AL OR DIN A NCE3. 139 as the Board may determine on the coming in and opening of the hereinafter mentioned bids, and said sidewalks, or pavements, and said curbing, and gutters, shall have such grade, width, depth, pitch, slope, and dimensions, as are laid down and delineated on a map, or plat, of said proposed paving, curbing, and gutters, pre- pared by L. M. Dalgarn, C. E., and on file for general information in the office of the City Clerk of said city, which said grade, pitch, slope, dimensions, etc., are hereby adopted and established. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the City Clerk shall advertise in the official papers, three times, for sealed proposals for the lowest and best bid, for the laying down, and construction, of said work; the Board reserving the right to reject any or all bids; said bids to be opened on the 30th day of July, 1003. The successful bidder shall give bond, in the full amount of his hid, for the faithful performance of his contract, according to the plans and specifications and details indicated and. designated on said above mentioned map, or plat, and the said work, after completion, to he submitted to the City Surveyor, for his opinion as to its conformity to, and compliance with, the said plans and specifications and details. Ordained July 23, 1903. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction of Sidewalks or Pavements, and Curbing and Gutters, on the North and South Sides of Washington Street Extended, Within the Limits and Along the Lines Hereinafter Designated. Whereas, The Committee on Streets and Alleys, of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez, have reported to said Board that new pavements, or sidewalks, and curbing, and gutters, are necessary on, and along, both the northern and south- ern sides of Washington street, within the limits hereinafter des- ignated, and along the fronts of all lots fronting, or abutting, on said street (within said limits) ; and, whereas, the said Board of Mayor and Aldermen approve said report and recommendation; therefore, Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That sidewalks, or pavements, and curbing, and gutters, be constructed, and laid down, on the northern and southern sides of said Washington street, extended, beginning on the easterly side of Pine street, and extending easterly, along the northerly side of said Washington street, to the easterly line of the lot of Johnson, and on the 140 G ENKRAL ORDINANCES. southerly side of said street, to the easterly line of the easternmost lot of William Steitenroth, as now located. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the said sidewalks, curbing, and gutters, shall be constructed of paving brick, laid in cement, or such other material as the Board may determine, on the coming-in and opening of the hereinafter mentioned bids; and said sidewalks, or pavements, and said curbings, and gutters, shall have such grade, width, depth, pitch, and slope, and dimensions, as are laid down and "delineated on a map, or plat, of said pro- posed paving, curbing, and guttering, prepared by J. W. Babbit, City Surveyor, and on file for general information in the office of the City Clerk of said city, which said grade, pitch, slope, and di- mensions, etc., are hereby adopted and established. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That the City Clerk shall ad- vertise in the official paper, three times, for sealed proposals, for the laying down, and construction of, said work; the Board reserving the right to reject any or all bids; said bids to be opened on the first day of October, 1903. The successful bidder shall give bond, in full amount of his bid, for the faithful performance of his con- tract, according to the plans, and specifications, and details, indi- cated and designated on said above mentioned map, or plat, and notes attached thereto, and the said work, after completion, to be submitted to the City Surveyor, for his opinion as to its conform- ity to, and compliance with, the said plans, specifications, and details. Ordained September 24, 1903. A.N ORDINANCE Providing for the Construction of Sidewalks or Pavements, Curbing and Gutters, on South Canal, North Union and Clifton Avenues; All Within 'the City Limits, and Along the Lines Hereinafter Designated, towit: Whereas, the Committee on Streets and Alleys, of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez, have reported to said Board that pavements, curbing, and gutters, are necessary on, and along, both the easterly and westerly sides of South Canal street, from State street to the bridge, and along the fronts of. all the lots fronting, and abutting, on said street; also, in North Union street, on east side, from Madison to B street; on both the easterly and westerly sides, ffoni B street to Elm, and on both the easterly and westerly side, from Elm to Woodlawn avenue ; also, on the easterly side of Clifton avenue, from the north line of Mrs. Proby’s residence to Madison street; and, whereas, the said Board ’ * raj ■ - ' ' l v ? GENERAL ORDINANCES. 141 of Mayor and Aldermen approve said report and recommendation ; therefore, Section 1. Be it ordained by the Id ay or and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That sidewalks, or pavements, on both the easterly and westerly sides of South Canal street, from State street to Brill’s avenue, be either Schil- linger, or brick, laid in cement, and from Briel avenue to the bridge, either Schillinger, brick, laid in cement, gravel, or cinders ; the curbing, and gutters, to be of brick, laid in cement, from State street to the bridge, on both sides. On North Union street, on east side, from Madison to B, pavements, or sidewalks, to be'either Schillinger, or brick, laid in cement; from B street to Elm, on both sides, the sidewalks are to be either Schillinger, or brick,. laid in cement; from Elm street to Wood lawn avenue, pavements to be either Schillinger, brick, laid in cement, gravel, or cinders. On Clifton avenue, east side, from Mrs. Proby’s property to Madison street, the pavements, or sidewalks, arc to be either Schil- linger, or brick, laid in cement. Curbing, and gutters, in front of all the properties described, to be of brick, laid in cement. All the above work to have such grades, width, depth, pitch, slope, and dimensions, as profiles and specifications, as made by J. W. Babbitt, City Surveyor, and on file in the City Clerk’s office, which said grades, pitch, slopes, dimensions, etc., are hereby adopted and established. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the Mayor shall adver- tise in the official paper, three times, for sealed proposals, for the construction, and laying down, of said Avork; the Board reserving the right to reject any or all bids; said bids to be opened on the 2d day of June, 1904. The successful bidder shall give bond, in the full amount of his bid, for the faithful performance of bis contract, according to the plans, specifications, and details, indi- cated and designated, on said above mentioned plans and specifica- tions, and said work, after completion, to be submitted to the City Surveyor, for his opinion as to its conformity to, and compliance Avith the said plans, specifications and details. Ordained May 26, 1904. 142 GENERAL ORDINANCES. PIPES. AN ORDINANCE to Regulate the Laying of all Kinds of Pipes in the Streets and Alleys of the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez. in council convened . That all persons laying gas, water, sewer, or other kind of pipe, shall he compelled to place the same not less than thirty (30) inches under the grade level of the streets, and said trenches shall be puddled, rammed in, and filled, from the hot tom to top, and if the street is a graveled street, it shall he topped with gravel, and if not completed before night, the fire companies shall be notified of said trenches. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That the city shall not he held liable for any pipe broken in the working of said street, that is not in the proper depth. Sec. 3. Be it furl tier ordained. That any contractor, or per- sons, violating this Ordinance, shall be fined not less than ten ($10.00) dollars, for the first offense, and twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, for each succeeding offense. Ordained April 5, 1900. II — AN ORDINANCE to Amend Section One (1) of an Ordinance Enti- tled “An Ordinance to Regulate the Laying of all Kinds of Pipes in the Streets and Alleys,” Passed April 5, 1900. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the M ay or and Board of Alder- men of tlve City of Natchez, in council convened , That Section One (1), of an ordinance, entitled, “An- Ordinance to Regulate the Laying of all Pipes in the Streets and Alleys,” passed April 5, 1900, be, and is hereby amended, by adding to said Section One the following: It shall be unlawful for any gas company, plumber, or any corporation, company, or private individual (excepting the street contractor in the discharge of his duties as such) to cut into and open the streets or alleys of the city for the purpose of making gas, water, and sewer, connections, or repair of same, or. for any pur- pose, without first obtaining from the City Marshal a written, or printed, permission to do so, and said permit shall give the name of the party so desiring to cut said street, or alley, also the name of the street, or alley, to be cut, the number of the premises, if any, to the premises, and the name of the owner of said prem- ises: and any violation of this Ordinance will subject the party so violating, upon conviction, to a fine of $10.00. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 143 Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordained June 21, 1900. POLICE, AN ORDINANCE for the Better Police of the City, on Sundays. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Selectmen of the City of Natchez , in council convened. That, hereafter, for the promotion of good order and morality, all petty groceries, ordina- ries, ale and beer houses, and other houses and places, kept for the sale of spirituous, malt, and other, liquors, and the bars of all hotels, inns, and taverns, and all stores, shops, barber shops, and other places of business (bakers’ and apothecaries’ shops, hotels, taverns, and public stables, ice dealers and retailers of ice, and news stands excepted) shall be kept closed on Sundays. And, it shall not be lawful for any owners, or keepers, of any of said houses, shops, and other places, not excepted as aforesaid, to sell, give, or barter, any article, thing, or commodity, thereat, on Ihe first day of the week, commonly called Sunday. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That, for each and every violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance, the offender shall forfeit and pay a fine of twenty dollars, recoverable before the Mayor, or any competent justice of the peace, with costs. And it; shall be the duty of the Marshal, and all other police officers of the city to cause all such houses, shops, and other places, above mentioned, and not excepted from this Ordinance, to be imme- diately closed, when found open and accessible for business, any hour on Sunday, and to cause the offenders to be prosecuted as soon as may be, for all forfeitures under the first section of this Ordinance. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That all ordinances and parts of ordinances conflicting with this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained April 25, 1855. 144 GENERAL ORDINANCES. AN ORDINANCE to Amend an Ordinance Entitled “An Ordinance for the Better Police of the City on Sundays,” Passed on the 25th Day of April, 1855. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That it shall be lawful for all retailers of soda water and confections to keep their respective shops open on Sundays, for the sole purpose of selling soda water, fruits, candies, ice cream, and cake, and for no other purpose whatever. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That so much of all existing ordinances as are inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordi- nance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained . That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained April 21, 1870. AN ORDINANCE to Define the Duties of the City Marshal and Police- men, in Reference to Violation of the Sabbath. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal, and policemen, of said city, to rig- idly enforce, and assist in the enforcement and execution of, the laws of the State of Mississippi, in relation to violations of the Sabbath day, commonly called Sunday, by prosecuting, by affi- davit, before the Mayor, or other justice of the peace, having juris- diction, every person who, within the knowledge, or information, of such officers, may have violated said laws, within the corporate, limits of the City of Xatchez. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained That any of said officers, who shall refuse, or fail, to discharge the duties imposed upon him, by this Ordinance, shall, for the first offense, be suspended, without pay, for thirty days, and for the second offense, be discharged from the police force. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained February 21, 1885. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 145 AN ORDINANCE to Amend the Police Ordinance, Passed January 26, 1871, as Amended. Section 1. Be it ordaiiied by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That, at the first regular meeting of the Board, in February, 1900, and biennially thereafter, the Board shall elect as many members for the police, as may have been agreed upon at a' former meeting, whose term of office shall be for two years, beginning February 15, of the year in which they are elected, and that the rules and the regula- tions for their government and control shall be as follows, to-wit: Rule 1. No person shall be appointed, or elected, poiiceman of the Xatchez police force, unless — • 1. He is a citizen of the United States. 2. He has been a resident of the city, during a term of one year, next prior to his application for appointment. 3. He has never been convicted of a felony. 4. He is of good health, sound body, and mind. 5. He is of good character, and strictly temperate habits. Rule 2. The officers of the force shall consist of, and rank in the fol- lowing order, to-wit: The City Marshal, one Sergeant, and one Corporal. Rule 3. Any member of the police force may be punished, at the dis- cretion of the Council, either by reprimand, forfeiture, or loss of pay, for any time the Committee on Police may recommend, or by dismissal from the force, on conviction of either one or more of the following charges, to-wit: 1. Of acts of oppression, or tyranny, towards those under his command, or in his charge. 2. Of neglect of duty. 3. Of violation of the rules of the force. 4. Of neglect, or disobedience, of orders. 5. Of absence without leave. 6. Of immoral conduct/or conduct unbecoming an officer. 7. Of any legal offense. 8. Of any conduct injurious to the public peace, or welfare. 9. Xo person who has been expelled, or who has resigned to avoid expulsion, shall be eligible to a position on the. police force, until the date of two years from date of severance of his connec- tion with the force. 146 GENERAL ORDINANCES Hills Jf. Any member of the force may resign, by tendering his resig- nation to the Mayor. Rule 5. When any member violates any of the rules and regulations, hereinbefore prescribed, the City Marshal shall immediately notify the Mayor of the fact, by presenting the charges and specifications, in writing. The Mayor shall notify the Chairman of the Commit- tee on Police, of said charges, within twenty-four hours. Said Chairman shall call said committee together, within forty-eight hours, and proceed to investigate the charges, and specifications, so preferred, and shall have power to summon witnesses for and against the accused, through the City Marshal, who shall be pres- ent and attend all trials. And, after hearing the testimony, under oath, if the committee are satisfied the accused is guilty of a crime sufficient to justify a dismissal from the force, they shall so report at the next meeting of the Board. But if the charges are not sufficient, as aforesaid, the committee shall have power to sen- tence the accused, with a sufficient loss of pay, and reinstate him, and report their action to the next meeting of the Council for their approval, or disapproval. Rule 6. Every person appointed on the police force shall be furnished by the city with a shield, or badge, designating his number; also, a club, and whistle, which shall be charged against him, the same to be delivered to the Marshal, when the person ceases to be a member of the force, except when satisfactory evidence is pro- duced' that said badge, whistle, and club, was lost, under circum- stances beyond his control, and not through neglect ; he shall also be furnished with a copy of these rules and regulations, in pam- phlet form. He shall be required to supply, at his own expense, within thirty (30) days after his appointment, or election, a uni- form, conforming to the style adopted by the Police Committee of this Council. He shall wear said uniform, whenever on duty, and whenever, from any cause, he ceases to be a policeman, the buttons, and all other insignia of the office, shall at once be removed from his coat and vest. His acceptance of the position shall be con- strued as an agreement, on his part, for the city to deduct from his pay a sufficient amount to cover the cost of such uniforms as are required by this Ordinance. Rule 7. The City Clerk shall report, in writing, to the City Marshal, or, in his absence, to the next officer in command, all resolutions, or orders, of the Council affecting the government of the force. \ I GENERAL ORDINANCES 147 Rule 8. The prevention of crime being the most important object in view, the exertions of the police must be constantly used to ac- complish that end. Each and every member of the force shall make himself acquainted with every part of his duty; he must en- deavor to prevent the commissions of assault, breaches of the peace, and all other crimes about to be committed. He shall watch the conduct of all suspicious persons, and of known bad characters, and in such manner that it will be evident to such per- sons that they are watched; he shall report to his commanding officer all the circumstances relating to the appearance of suspi- cious persons on his beat. Rule 9. Policemen shall report to the commanding officer, all street lamps not lighted at the proper time, unclcaned, or in any man- ner out of order ; and it shall be the duty of the commanding offi- cer to keep a record of the same, and make a report monthly, to the Board of Aldermen. The police shall give their name and number to all persons requesting the same, in a respectful man- ner. The police shall not use the club, except in urgent cases. The police shall arrest any person, or persons, assuming, or at- tempting to assume, the duties of policemen, unless he, or they, hold a commission as such, signed and sealed by the Mayor. Rule 10. Punctual attendance, prompt obedience to orders, and con- formity to the rules and regulations governing the police force, shall be rigidly enforced. Each member must deport himself in a quiet, civil, and orderly manner, in the performance of his duties; lie must maintain decorum, and attention, and at all times refrain from harsh, violent, coarse, profane, or insolent language, and when required to act, to do so with firmness and sufficient energy to perform his duty. All members of the force shall be deemed always on duty, subject, however, to such relief as shall be allowed by the proper authority, and the same responsibility as to the suppression of disturbances, and the arrest of offenders, as when on post duty. Rule 11. Policemen shall not allow offensive, or abusive, language to influence them in their treatment of any person under their charge, nor will they be justified in making arrest in their own quarrels, or those of their own families, except under very grave circumstances, or such as would justify them in using means of self-defense. 148 GENERAL ORDINANCES. Rule 12. A misdemeanor is any crime, less than a felony. This class of offenses is so numerous that but a small portion, and those chiefly referring to violation of city ordinances, will he here men- tioned. Among the most frequent cases of misdemeanor are those of drunkenness in public places, disorderly conduct, larceny, riot, breach of the peace, assault and battery, and others of similar char- acter; also, such as throwing ashes, offal, vegetables, garbage, cin- ders, shells, straw, shavings, filth, or rubbish of any kind whatever, in any gutter, street, lane, or alley, or in any public place in the city. The following is a list of the general misdemeanQrs, to-wit : Attempt to pick a pocket, or any professional pickpockets making the slightest attempt to practice the same; maliciously destroy- ing fences, trees, lamps, or public property; riotous conduct, brawls tending to riots, assaults, street intoxication, gambling, bathing in the day time, in water bounding the citv r , discharging firearms of any description, building bonfires in the streets, without per- mission, obstructing the streets, or sidewalks, driving, or leading, any horse, cart, dray, or carriage, on the sidewalks, driving, or riding, at a dangerous, or reckless, speed, backing drays, or carts, over the sidewalks. Rule 13. It shall be the duty of the commanding officer, or, in his ab- sence, the duty of the officer in charge of the police station, to ex- amine, before confinement in the cells of the station, all parties under arrest, and if the. party thus held be a female, and an exam- ination of her person be necessary, the said officer shall procure some convenient and suitable place, and obtain the services of a reliable female to make the necessary examination, and the same shall be done in a private and becoming manner. Ordained March 15, 1888; as amended January 16, 1890; February 19, 1891; July 6, 1893, and January 22, 1900. AN ORDINANCE to Confer Police Power on Railroad Conductors Along the Line of Their Roads, from the City Limits to Depot, on all Railroads Entering the City of Natchez, and to Abate a Rapidly Increasing Nuisance, Thereby Protecting the Rights of Common Carriers Who Pay License; as Amended. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That police pow- ers be, and are hereby, vested in the conductors of all railroad trains now, or hereafter, entering this city; said power limited to GENERAL ORDINANCES. 149 tli.? territory traveled by the railroad on which they are employed; end it shall be incumbent upon them to turn over any party whom they may arrest to the regular policeman on duty at the depot on arrival of train, together with verbal charges, setting forth the offense committed, which said charge shall be recorded upon the records by said regular policeman, and the prisoner be by him turned over to the officer in charge of police station. Ordained January 2, 1890; amended May 5, 18,98. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting the Use of the Duplex, or Bicycle, Whistle Within the Limits of the City of Natchez, Excepting by the Police Force, or Persons Calling the Police. A Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That it shall be unlawful for any person, excepting a member of the police force, or a person desiring to call, or signal, a policeman officially, to use, by blowing, or sounding, a whistle, such as that now, and for many years, in use by said police force, and known as the Duplex,, or bicycle, whistle, or any whistle causing a similar sound, and that any person, who shall be convicted, by the Mayor, or other justice of the peace, of a violation of this Ordinance, shall pay and forfeit a fine of five ($5.00) dollars, for each and every such offense. Ordained March 5, 189G. PRIVILEGE TAX. AN ORDINANCE Levying License Taxes Upon Certain Privileges in the City of Natchez, and for Other Purposes. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That there shall be assessed and collected, for general purposes, a tax of fifty cents, on each and every horse, and mule, brought into the city for sale ; and that it shall be the duty of the Collector to require from the representatives, of the property taxed by this section, such security as will protect the interests of the city in the premises. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That an annual license tax, or privileges, is hereby levied, as follows, to-wit : On each exhibition of trained animals, not being a circus, or menagerie, for each day, or part of a day. $12.50 GENERAL ORDINANCES. 1 50 On each auctioneer (every person who makes a business' of seling at public auction, except judicial sales, shall be considered an auctioneer) 1 AGO On each billiard table, Jenny Lind table, pool table, nine or tenpin alley, or any similar contrivance, kept for public use, whether a fee be charged for such or not. . . 37.50 But the maximum tax on any such table kept in a room or hall, not connected with any saloon, or drinking establishment, and not controlled, or operated, in connection with such establishments, shall be. . . . 12.50 On each private boarding house 2.50 But all housees with three or more rooms for transient guests, where such guests are accommodated and charged, shall be classed as hotels; and persons taking in regular boarders shall not be liable to hotel tax ; and taking boarders only in cases of un- usually large gatherings of visitors, when suffi- cient accommodation cannot be provided by li- e; used hotels and boarding houses, shall not render any person liable to a privilege tax for so doing. On each establishment for the bottling of ale, soda, or other drinks , 10.00 On each cane rack, knife rack, artful dodger, or any similar contrivances, by whatsoever name called, kept for pub- lic use 12.50 On each street car. company, or line 12.50 On each animal show, circus, or menagerie, or any exhibition advertised as such, or usually classed as such, whether an admission fee be charged or not, for each day, or part of a day’s performance, to be paid before any per- formance can be given 75.00 On each cotton broker, or firm, or agent, engaged in buying or selling cotton, not licensed as a merchant 12.50 On each practicing dentist, whether alone, or associated with others 5.00 On each show, exhibition, concert, or other performance, where a fee is charged for admission, *and not devoted exclusively to religious, benevolent, or educational pur- poses, not being herein otherwise taxed, for each day, or part of a day 2.50 On each feather renovator 25.00 On each gas company , 50.00 GENERAL ORDINANCE. 151 On each tavern, or hotel, with a capacity of twenty-five guests 37.50 On same, with a capacity of less number of guests. . 20.00 On each insurance agent, or firm 20.00 On each junk dealer 50.00 On each practicing lawyer, whether practicing alone, or asso- ciated with others 5.00 On each lightning rod agent, whether alone, or associated with others 50.00 On each livery and feed stable 20.00 On each merry-go-round, flying jennets, or other like con- trivances, per year 5.00 On each omnibus, hack, dray, or carriage, kept, and oper- ated, for public use 2.50 On each person, or firm, selling patent medicine, except licensed merchants, or druggists, selling from their places of business 12.50 On each transient vendor, or trader, of patent, secret, or proprietary medicines, or nostrums, by whatever name called, whether sold, or traded, by auction, or other- wise 12.50 On each peddler, on foot 5.00 On each peddler of tinware, or pottery, not manufactured in this State, on foot 2.50 On each peddler of tinware, or pottery, or both, not manu- factured in this State, with wagon 5.00 On each transient vendor of merchandise, whether by wagon, auction, or otherwise 12.50 On each photograph gallery 5.00 On each traveling photographer 10.00 Oil each restaurant 15.00 On each real estate agent 5.00 On each agent of sewing machines, for each company 5.00 On each shooting gallery . . . 10.00 On any show, of any kind, not otherwise herein provided for, not included, or taxed— for cachlshow, not in a li- censed hall, each day :... . 1 . ..... 12.50 Onq each side show 10.00 On each skating rink, or bicycle rink 10.00 152 GENERAL ORDINANCES. On each person, or firm, keeping bicycles, for rent, or hire, per annum 10.00 On each solicitor, or agency, for the enlargement of pictures, 2.50 On each transient solicitor, or agency, for picture frames. . 2.50 On each dealer in second hand clothing, whether transient or resident 50.00 On each room, or hall, used as a theater, or opera house, for public exhibition, or performances . 25.00 On each transient vendor of jewelry, whether it is offered for sale in the store of a licensed merchant, or not. . . . 25.00- On each transient vendor of iron ranges, stoves, or clocks. . 50.00 On each transient dealer in merchandise, not being a li- censed peddler . . 25.00 On each transient vend lor of spectacles, or e} T egha sses, not being a licensed p< Mdler 2.50 On each establishment for the bottling and sale of min- eral water 10.00 On each transient person delivering articles, of any kind, or description, when the agent, or solicitor, who sold the same, or took orders therefor, has escaped the privilege tax, the party delivering the same shall pay a privilege tax, per annum, of 2.50 Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That any person desiring to enjoy any of the privileges enumerated in Section 2 of this Ordi- nance, shall first pay the price thereof fixed, to the City Tax Col- lector, who, on receipt of same, shall give the applicant an order wpon the City Clerk, who shall thereupon issue a license to said applicant, and such license shall be personal, and not transferrable, except by consent of Mayor and Aldermen in Council. Sec. 4. Be it farther ordained, That the City Clerk shall have power to grant and issue all licenses to applicants, upon the presentation of a receipt from the Tax Collector, and that the commissions on the collections of said privilege taxes shall be equally divided between the City Tax Collector and City Clerk. • Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That the privilege taxes enuemerated in Section 2 of this Act, shall be payable annually, on or after the fourth day of September, and when any such tax shall be so paid, the person so paying and receiving the license aforesaid shall be entitled to exercise the privilege for one year, when not otherwise specified, from the date of said license. GENERAL ORDINANCES 153 Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, That if any person shall ex- ercise, in this city, any of the privileges enumerated in this Ordi- nance, without first paying the license required, said person so offending shall, on conviction, before the Mayor, or any court of competent jurisdiction, pay a fine of not less than the amount of the license tax imposed, nor more than five hundred dollars. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Collector and City Clerk to render, at the first meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen, of each month, and the City Treasurer, on the second meeting of each month, a statement of the taxes col- lected, under this Ordinance, during the preceding month, and the officer refusing to discharge the duties imposed by this Ordinance may, on conviction, be removed from office, and fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and that all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and the. same are hereby repealed. Ordained September 3, 1896. II — AN ORDINANCE Amending an Ordinance Entitled “An Ordinance Levying License Taxes ’Upon Certain Privileges in the City of Natchez, and for Other Purposes,” Ordained and Published the 3d Day of September, 1896. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That an ordi- nance, entitled, “An Ordinance Levying License Taxes Upon Cer- tain Privileges, in the City of Natchez, and for Other Purposes,” ordained and published the 3d day of September, 1896, be, and the same is hereby, amended, as follows: First, by striking out from Section 2 of said ordinance the words, “on each insurance agent, or firm, $20,” and inserting, in lieu thereof, the words, “on each insurance agent (fire), $15;” second, by striking out from said section the words, “on each livery and feed stable, $20,” and in- serting, in lieu thereof, the words, “on each livery stable, feed, or sale stable, $30,” and, third, by adding at the end of said Section 2, the following : On each chair in every barber shop $ 1.25 On each person engaged in the business of bill posting. . . . 5.00 On each broker engaged in buying and selling notes, bonds, or other securities 37.50 154 GENERAL ORDINANCES. On each indivudual, firm, or corporation, doing a contract- ing business, where the cost of any one house, or build- ing erected by such individual, firm, or corporation, ex- ceeds three thousand dollars 30.00 On each life insurance agent, exclusively engaged in life insurance 5.00 On each individual, firm, or corporation, doing a money lendinfg business, on personal securities, such as house-, hold, or kitchen, furniture, wearing apparel, pianos, sewing machines, jewelry, silver, glass, plate, or ware, whether such loan be secured to the lender by a bill of sale, of such personal property, or whether such loan be secured by a mortgage, or deed of trust 250.00 On each meat market (outside of city market) . . 7.50 On each agency for the sale of pianos and organs 10.00 And where the pianos and organs, one, or both, are stored in this State, for sale, the privilege shall be paid, though the said property be assessed ad va- lorem, for taxes; and the person having charge of the same shall be deemed the agent, and liable for the privilege. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That the privilege taxes enu- merated in this amendment shall he payable annually on, or before, the first day of October, and when any such tax shall be so paid, the person so paying, and receiving the license, in said ordinance, of which this Ordinance is amendatory, shall be entitled to exer- cise the privilege for one year, when not otherwise specified, from the date of sjaid license. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That this Ordinance take ef- fect and he in force from and after its passage, and that all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained September 29, 1904. RAILROAD TRAINS— BOARDING OF PROHIBITED. AN ORDINANCE to Prevent Persons from Boarding Railroad Trains, While in Motion. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened. That it .shall be unlawful for any person, in the limits of said city, to get upon, or board, any train, while in motion. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 155 Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That any person violating this Ordinance shall be punished by fine, or imprisonment, or both, at the discretion of the Mayor. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That in addition to the au- thority heretofore given to conductors, on railroad trains, to exer- cise police power, they are required, and enjoined, to arrest all offenders, under this Ordinance, and see that the offense hereby created is rigidly prosecuted. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance take ef- fect from and after its passage, and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordained September 1, 1892. REVENUE AND ASSESSMENTS. AN ORDINANCE to Amend an Ordinance Entitled “An Ordinance to Amend and Reduce Into One the Several Ordinances in Relation to the Assessment and Collection of Taxes, Within the City of Natchez, and for Other Purposes,” Passed February 1, 1847. Section 1 . Be it ordained, by the Mayor and Selectmen of the i'ity of Natchez, in council convened. That in accordance with an act of the Legislature, approved January 21, 1.861, authorizing the City of Natchez to combine the offices of City Assessor and Collector, into one, there shall be elected, on the first Monday in January, of each and every year,* one person, who shall discharge the duties of Assessor and Collector of the City of Natchez, as such duties have been heretofore defined and provided for by the ordinances relating to said offices, respectively. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That such Assessor and Col- lector shall execute bond, as Assessor, and another bond, as Col- lector, in the same manner, and with the same penalties, as has been heretofore provided for, when said offices were held by sep- arate persons. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances conflicting with this Ordinance bo, and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained December 17, 1861. *Now elected biennially by qualified electors of the city. See section 5 of charter. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 156 II — AN ORDINANCE to Provide for the Assessment and Collection of Taxes, ' in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the fiscal year for the City of Natchez shall commence on the first day of February, of each year, and all taxable property brought within the city, or possessed within the same, by any individual, firm, or corporation, during said year, shall be subject to taxation for the support of the government, and payment of the debts, oi said ‘city, during said year. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That between the first day of February and the first day of July, in each and every year, the City Assessor shall assess all the real and personal property, and other articles, or things, subject to taxation, within said city; and it shall be the duty of said Assessor, within the time specified above, to call upon each taxable inhabitant of said city, for a list of his, or her, taxable property, either in person, or by leaving a written, ok printed, notice at his, or her, usual place of abode, or residence; and, it shall be the duty of each taxable inhabitant of said city, within ten days, to make out, and deliver, to said Assessor,' a list, or lists, specifying all the taxable property, articles, or things, which he, or she,' may possess, or which he, or she, may be liable to pay taxes, on for others, as husband, parent, agent, executor or administrator, and if any taxpayer, either in person or hv proxy, as aforesaid, shall neglect, or refuse, to deliver to the said Assessor, such list, or lists, as is herein required, from him, her, or them, within the time limited above, then the Assessor shall himself make out said list, or lists, and such person, or persons, so refusing, or neglecting, to render such list, or lists, shall be assessed from the best information that he can obtain; and if the Assessor shall be of the opinion that any property, under the ordinances of the city, subject to an ad valorem taxation, has been valued too low, in the list, cir lists, rendered to him, or if the owner of the property he a non-resident of said city, isaid Assessor shall put a fair valua- tion on such property, and if any person, or persons, shall con- sider himself, herself, or themselves, aggrieved by the valuation, or assessment, of said Assessor, he, she, or they, may refer , the matter to the Mayor and' Aldermen, as hereinafter provided. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That the City Assessor shall complete the assessment roll of the city r on, or before, the first day of Jute, of each year, and shall deposit the same with the City Clerk, on, or before the first regular meeting of the Mayor and Bo'ard of Aldermen, in July, of each year, at which the said GENERAL ORDINANCES. 157 rolls shall be received, and it shall be the duty of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen to examine the assessment rolls, as returned by the Assessor, and upon the discovery of an over, or under, valua- tion, of any, or all, of the property returned, said Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall have power to increase, or reduce, the valuation of said property to such standard, as they may deem just and proper, or they may, in their judgment, remand the assessment roll back to the Assessor for a new assessment; and all appeals taken from the said Assessor, or 'objections, to his returns, shall 1)0 presented- and urged before said Mayor and Board of Aldermen; on, otr before their first regular meeting in August of each year, otherwise, such objection, or appeal, shall not be heard, or con- sidered, and the assessment roll as returned by the Assessor, shall, after examination and approval, or alteration, by the said Mayor and Board of Aldermen, stand confirmed and unaltered; but, it shall be the duty of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen to hear, and determine, all appeals, or objections, 'presented within the time limited, and their decision thereon shall be final. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That within the. week fol- lowing the second regular meeting in August, of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, the City Clerk shall deliver to the City Asses- sor and Collector, the assessment roll aforesaid, together with a certified statement of all corrections, or alterations, thereof, which have been made as aforesaid, by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That, it shall be the duty of the City Assessor and Tax Collector, upon the delivery of the assessment roll to him, by the City Clerk, as hereinbefore provided, forthwith to proceed to collect the taxes due said city, and, if any such taxes be not paid, oh, or before the 15th day of January, of the year succeeding that for which the taxes are due, and collect- ible, he shall proceed to enforce the collection of the same, with damages, at the rate of ten per cent thereon, as follows : If any such taxes, on personal property, shall be delinquent, as aforesaid, he shall, with the aid of the City Marshal, o ! r any members of the police force of the city, seize, and take into his possession, any of the goods, chattels, or effects, of the delinquent, to an amount sufficient to pay said taxes, and damages, and two and a half per cent cofmmission, or damages, for himself, and the costs of seizing, and advertising for sale, said property; and, after giving ten days 7 notice of the time and place of sale, by adver- tisement in the official newspaper of the city, proceed to sell said personal property, or so much thereof, as may be necessary, to the highest bidder, for cash, and deliver the same to' the purchaser, 158 GENERAL ORDINANCES. and ifj for want of bidders, no sale be made of any such per- sonalty, the sale thereof shall be postponed and made without further notice, or advertisement, on the next succeeding sale day, and, if then, for want of bidders, or other cause, no sale can be made, dr, if then, or at any other time before, or after, the said taxes, damages, and costs, cannot, from any cause, be collected, the Collector shall report such facts, with the amount of the taxes, damages, costs, etc., to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, for such action as they may determine. All such sales shall be made at the door of the City Hall, on Saturday, between the hours of 11 o’clock a.m., and 3 o’clock, p.m. If any real estate he delinquent as aforesaid, the said Assessor and Collector, shall publish, once a week, for three consecutive weeks, in the official paper of the city, before the day fixed by law, fdr the sale of delinquent lands for State and county taxes, a list of all lands delinquent for taxes, with the names of parties to whom the same are, respectively, assessed, and the amount of taxes, and damages thereon, with a notice that, unless said taxes, and damages, are paid, on or before the day fixed by law for the sale of lands delinquent for State and county taxes, said lands will be sold by the Sheriff of Adams co'imty, and shall, on the day, and at the place appointed by law, attend with his assessment rolls and delinquent lists, and when the Sheriff, or Tax Collector, of Adams county, shall offer for sale any lands for State and county taxes, which also may be delinquent for city taxes, he shall notify said Sheriff, or Tax Collector, of the amount of city taxes, and damages due thereon, and said Sheriff shall proceed in such manner, and to such purpose, and effect, and he entitled to such compensation, as is provided by Chapter 102, of the laws of Mississippi, of 1888. The overplus, arising from any sale for taxes, if any, after the payment of the taxes, damages, costs, etc., aforesaid, shall be paid over to the delinquent taxpayer, his, her, or their, agents, or attorneys, if within said city, or if such delinquent be a non- resident, and have no agent, or attorney, within said city, it shall be the duty of the Collector to pay said surplus to the City Treas- urer, for the use of such delinquent, with an account, in writing, o'f the sale, taxes, damages, costs, etc. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained. That at the first regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, next before the day fixed by law, for the sale of lands for State and county taxes, the Assessor and Collector shall lay before the said Board, a listed statement of all delinquent taxes, which shall show the names of !' o GENERAL ORDINANCES. 159 the taxpayers, the property, on which the tax is due, and the amount of taxes, to which shall be annexed the affidavit of the Assessor, made before the City Clerk, that said statement is true, and correct, and that lie has been unable, after tire exercise of due diligence, and effort, to collect said taxes. The Assessor and Collector, and his bondsmen, shall be liable for all delinquent taxes, not embraced in said list, as for taxes collected, and un- accounted for. The said Mayor and Board of Aldermen, then, shall allow the Asssssor and collector, credit for such amount of insolvences and delinquencies, reported to them, as aforesaid, as they may be satisfied have not occurred by his laches, or fault, and every such allowance shall be certified and transmitted, by the City Clerk, immediately thereafter, to the Assessor and Col- lector. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained . That when the .Tax Col- lector shall have reported any insolvents, or delinquents, he shall, nevertheless, if practicable, collect the taxes from such persons as have been reported insolvent, or delinquent, and make return thereof, toi the City Treasurer, without delay, and the Tax Col- lector is authorized, and is hereby required, to demand, and collect, from each taxpayer, who is in default after the 15th day of January, aforesaid, damages to the extent of ten per cent, on the amount of delinquent taxes, in addition to the taxes. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of the City Tax Collector to pay over monthly, the money collected by him, for the use of the city, into the City Treasury, and at the first meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, in April, of each year, he shall render his final repoirt, or account, of the taxes of the preceding year, and, before said meeting, shall make his final settlement of said taxes, with the City Treasurer, and, for his neglect, or refusal, to make said monthly, or final settlement, he shall be liable to pay thirty per cent, per annum, damages, upon the amount of his defalcation, from the time the same shall bfe due, until paid. The said Collector shall keep a cash book, in which he shall enter all collections made by him, and all payments made by him, to the Treasurer, which book shall be public record, open at all times to the inspection of any of the officers, or citizens, of said city. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That if the Tax Collector shall fail to pay into the City Treasury, the amounts of money by him. collected, for the use of the city, on, or before the days on which the same is required to be paid, by the provisions of this Ordinance, the City Treasurer shall, within ten days thereafter, report the amount due from said Tax Collector, and for which he 160 GENERAL ORDINANCES. is in default, to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, who shall cause suit to he brought against said defaulting Tax Collector, and his sureties, their executors, or administrators, by action on the boind of said Tax Collector, for the amount of such default, principal, and damages. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained, That it shall not he lawful for the Tax Collector to purchase, or deal in, any warrant, or claim, against the city, that may be receivable in payment of taxes to the city, a price less than the whole amount of such warrant, or claim, and in settlement with the City Treasury, no such claim, or warrant, shall be received by the latter, unless the Tax Col- lector shall make oath, or affirmation, that he has paid the full amount expressed on the face of said warrant, or claim, and, that he has not directly, or indirectly, speculated on the warrants, or claims, aforesaid. Sec. 11. Be it further ordained, .That whenever the City Assessor shall have reason to suspect that any merchant is abo'ut to remove from the city, without rendering an account of his, her, or their, property, and paying the tax thereon, he shall immediately assess such person, and demand immediate payment of the tax; and, if not paid, he shall levy the same, by seizure, of personal property, and sale thereof, as in other cases of seizure, under this Ordinance. Sec. 12. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Tax Collector to assess the real, or personal property, ar- ticles, or things, of any person, or persons, which he may discover to have been unassessed, or any property that may have come into the city after the assessment rolls were completed, and to collect the taxes due in such cases, in due course, and make returns of the same to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, and to pay the same over, to the City Treasurer, as provided for in Section 8, of this Ordinance. Sec. 13. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Collector of the city, to call upon each trader in horses, or mules, immediately on his arrival in the city, and to assess on each horse, and mule, in his possession, the taxes levied thereon, and to require each of the traders to enter into a bond, with good security, in a penalty of double the amount of the assessment made, to be approved bv the Collector, payable in the City of Natchez, conditioned for the payment of the taxes aforesaid, upon each horse, or mule, that he, or they shall offer for sale in the city; which bond shall be put in suit by said Collector, whenever, and as often, as a breach thereof, shall occur, until recovery of the GENERAL ORDINANCES 1G1 whole ‘penalty ill any court of competent jurisdiction; and, if any such trader shall, when required by the Collector, fail, or refuse, to> execute said bond, he shall forfeit, and pay the city, the sum of ten dollars, for each day such refusal, or failure, shall continue. Sec. Id. Be it further ordained, That in making said as- sessments and collections, the said Collector shall have power to require any trader to make, and deliver to him, statements, on e'ath, as to the number of horses, and mules, which said trader may have in his possession, for sale; but, such statement shall not he deemed conclusive against further inquiry, and when found incorrect, said Collector shall make his assessments and collections upon other information; and, if an}'' trader, shall, when required, fail, or refuse, to make, and deliver, such statements, he shall forfeit, and pay, to the city, a fine of ten dollars. Sec. 15. Be it further ordained, That in case of any re- fusal, or default, to pay. upon demand of the Collector of the taxes, aforesaid, the Collector shall levy upon as much of the effects of the delinquent trader as may be necessary for the satis- faction of the taxes due, and, oh ten days’ notice, in the official newspaper, published in the city, sell such effects, at public sale, for the purpose aforesaid, and, for every such refusal, or neglect, the delinquent trader shall also be liable to, and shall forfeit, to the city, the sum of ten dollars. Sec. 1G. Be it further ordained, That the said Collector shall, at the first regular meeting, every month, of the said Mayor and Board of Aldermen, report to them, in writing, all bonds, and collections, by him made, and taken, under this Ordinance, and, also, account for and pay, to the Treasurer, of the city, all moneys collected by him frohi said traders. . Sec. 17. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of said Collector, to diligently prosecute all delinquent traders, for forfeitures, by them incurred, under any of the provisions of this Ordinance, and, if the said Collector, should, at any time, fail, neglect, or refuse, td perform any duty, prescribed for him by this Ordinance, he shall forfeit, and pay the sum of twenty dollars for each offense. Sec. 18. Be it further ordained [, That all owners, and pro- prietors, of stables, and other persons, who may receive for sale, or sell, on commission, or otherwise, from, and for any trader, any horse, or mule, in the city, shall be subject to all the regulations and forfeitures prescribed in this Ordinance, for the assessment and collection of such taxes from traders. 102 GENERAL ORDINANCES Sec. 19. Be it further ordained , That the Assessor, duly elected, previous to entering upon the duties of his office, shall take, and subscribe, to the Mayor of the city, the following oath, to-wit : “I, , do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and diligently execute the duties of Assessor of the City of Natchez, to the best of my ability, so long as I continue in office, so help me, God/’ and shall enter into bond, with two, or more, good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Mayor and Al- dermen, of the City of Natchez, and their successors in office, in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, conditioned that he shall faith- fully and impartially assess all taxes, due, and accruing, to the City of Natchez, according to the ordinances thereof, and that he shall, in all things, faithfully and truly execute and perform all the duties of Assessor of the City, to the best of his ability, so long as he shall continue in office; which bond shall he deposited in the office of the City Clerk, for safe keeping, and shall be put in suit for any breach of the conditions thereof, and shall not become void, on the first recovery, but may be proceeded against from time to time, for each and every breach, until the whole penalty is exhausted. Sec. 20. Be it further ordained, That should the Assessor fail, or neglect, to make out, and return, his assessment roll, as prescribed by the third section of this Ordinance (unavoidable contingencies, only, excepted), he shall pay a fine of fifty dollars, for every day of such delinquency, or failure, to be recovered by action upon his bond, for the use of the city. , Sec. 21. Be it further ordained, That before entering upon the duties of his office, the City Tax Collector shall execute a bond, with two, or more, sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Mayor and Aldermen, payable to the Mayor and Aldermen, of the City of Natchez, and their successors in office, in the penalty of twenty thousand dollars, conditioned that he will well and faith- fully collect and pay, according to law, into the city treasury, all moneys collected by him for the use of the city, and that lie shall, in all things, faithfully execute and perform all the duties of Tax Collector of said city, to the best of his ability; so long as he shall continue in office; which bond shall be deposited in the office of the City Clerk, for safe keeping, and said bond shall be put iii suit for any breach of the conditions thereof, and shall not be void on the first recovery, but may be proceeded on, from time to time, for each and every breach, until the whole penalty is exhausted; and said Tax Collector shall take, and subscribe, before the Mayor of the city, the following oath, to-wit : “I, , do solemnly GENERAL ORDINANCES 163 swear that I will faithfully perform the duties of Tax Collector, of the City of Natchez, to the best of my ability, so long as I shall continue in office, so help me, God. 57 Ordained August 16, 1888. Ill — AN ORDINANCE Levying Taxes for the Purpose of Raising a Revenue for the City of Natchez, for the Fiscal Year, Ending the First Day of February, A. D. 1905. > * , \ Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder - men of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That for the gen- eral, special, and school purposes, of the said City of Natchez, there be, and is hereby, levied, upon the real and personal property, within the corporate limits of said city, by law taxable for State purposes, the following taxes, which shall be collected on, or be- fore, the fifteenth day of Januar}q next, to- wit: Upon all property, real and personal, inclusive of all shares of bank stock, State or national, and all the property of any sort, constituting part of the assets of any bank, or banking association, in the city, an ad va- lorem tax of eighteen and one-quarter mills on the dollar, for de- fraying the general, school, and contingent expenses of the city, and its government, during the current fiscal year; five and one- half mills of which shall be paid, and collected, in the lawful cur- rency of the United States onl} r , or the coupons hereinafter men- tioned, and twelve and three-quarter mills thereof, in such lawful currency, or any of the general or school warrants of the city ; Provided , however, that the City Tax Collector may receive, in payment of said five and one-half mills, three and one-half mills in the maturing coupons of the New Orleans & Northwestern Rail- way subscription bonds, of the City of Natchez, and one-half of one mill in the maturing coupons of the City of Natchez improve- ment bonds, and one-fourth of one mill in the maturing coupons of the Municipal School bonds, and one and one-quarter mills in the maturing coupons of the City of Natchez Waterworks and Sewerage bonds, for payment of which several classes of coupons, said sums, respectively, are by this Ordinance levied. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That of the proceeds of the five and one-half mills, levied as aforesaid, upon all the property, real and personal, and herein directed to be collected, in currency, only, or coupons, three and one-half mills shall be paid over by the Tax Collector, in like currency, or coupons, to the City Treasurer, by whom such currency shall be kept and disbursed as a special fund, for the payment of interest that may 164 GENERAL ORDINANCES accrue before the next levy of taxes upon the railroad subscrip- tion bonds, voted by the electors of the City of Natchez, in aid of the New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company, and one-half of one mill shall be likewise paid over, kept, and disbursed, for the payment of the interest on the outstan'ding improvement bonds of the city, and for providing a sinking fund for the payment thereof, and one-fourth of one mill shall be likewise paid over, kept, and distributed, for the payment of the interest on the out- standing Municipal School bonds, and one and one-fourth mills shall be likewise paid over, and distributed, for the payment of the interest on the outstanding Waterworks and Sewerage bonds, of the City of Natchez, and providing a sinking fund therefor. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That any and all general, or school warrants, and any and all coupons, which may have been received by the Tax Collector, as herein authorized, shall be deliv- ered over to, and received by, the City Treasurer, in lieu of like amounts of currency, and said Treasurer, upon delivery thereof, to the Finance Committee of this Board, for cancellation, shall have credit therefor, as if the same were currency. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That there be, and is hereby, levied a special tax, in addition to the State tax, on each and every retail dealer in vinous, alcoholic, malt, intoxicating, or spirituous, liquors, within the limits of the City of Natchez, the sum of three hundred ($300) dollars per annum; and, on each and every per- son selling vinous, and spirituous, liquors, in said city, in quan- tities less than five gallons, and not less than one gallon, the sum of one hundred ($100) dollars per annum; and, on each and every person, selling in said city, vinous, and spirituous, liquors, in quantities not less than five gallons, the sum of fifty ($50) dollars per annum; and, on each and every wholesale dealer in ale, beer, or malt liquors, in said city, and who is not licensed to retail liquors, the sum of fifty ($50) dollars per annum; and, that said license taxes shall be collected by the City Clerk, who is hereby directed not to issue the certificates, now required by law, until the respective license taxes shall have been paid ; and, that, if any person shall exercise, in this city, any privilege above mentioned, without having first paid the license tax, required by law, as afore- said, each person so offending shall, upon conviction thereof, in any court of competent jurisdiction, 'pay a fine of not less than the amount of the license tax, hereby imposed. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained . That the taxes provided for and mentioned in the first section of this Ordinance, shall be col- lected, and the collection thereof enforced, as directed, and author- GENERAL ORDINANCE. 1G5 izcd, in an ordinance of tlie city, entitled, “An Ordinance to Pro- vide for the Assessment and Collection of Taxes, in the City of Natchez,” ordained the 16th day of August, A. I). 1888. Ordained September 29, 1904. SALARIES OF CITY OFFICERS. AN ORDINANCE to Establish, Fix and Regulate the Salaries and Compensation of the Mayor and the Several Subordinate Officials of the City of Natchez, for the Years 1897 and 1898, and for Other Purposes. Section 1 . Be it ordained by tlic Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That the salaries and compensation of the Mayor of the city, and of the several sub- ordinate officers thereof, shall he fixed and established, as follows, for the years 1897 and 1898, commencing with the next political year of said city, which begins on Monday, January 4, 1897, as fol- lows, to-wit: 1. That the salary of the Mayor of the City of Natchez shall he fixed, and established, at the sum of twelve hundred dollars per annum, payable in monthly installments, which shall be full compensation for all services rendered as Mayor, and in lieu of all fees, court costs, and perquisites whatsoever, appertaining to that office, and accruing in causes founded upon the breach, or violation, of any by-laws, or ordinances, of the Mayor and Aider- men of said city; all of which shall be converted into the general fund of the treasury of the city, for the use and behoof thereof, in meeting and defraying the current expenses of said city. 2. That the salary of the City Clerk shall he fixed, and es- tablished, at the sum of nine hundred dollars per annum, payable in equal, monthly, installments, which shall be full compensation for all services performed by that officer, and in lieu of all com- missions, fees, and perquisites whatsoever; all of which shall be converted into the general fund of the .city treasury, for the use and behoof thereof, i-n- meeting and defraying the current expenses of the said city. 3. . That the salary of the City Treasurer shall be fixed, and established, at the, sum of three hundred and sixty dollars per annum, payable in equal, monthly,- installments, which shall bo ful compensation for all services performed by the Treasurer, and in lieu of all commissions, fees, and perquisites whatsoever, apper- taining to that office; all of which shall he converted into the gen- 16G GENERAL ORDINANCES. oral fund of the city treasury, for the use and behoof- theT, of, in meeting and defraying the current expenses of the said city. 4. That the salary of the City Assessor and Tax Collector shall ho fixed, and established, at the sum of twelve hundred dol- lars per annum, payable in equal, monthly, installments, which shall be full compensation for all the services performed by said Assessor and Tax Collector, and in lieu of all commissions, fees, and perquisites whatsoever, appertaining to that office; all of which shall lie converted into the general fund of the city treasury, for the use and behoof thereof, in meeting and defraying the cur- rent expenses of the said city. f>. That the salary of the City Marshal shall be fixed at the sum of one thousand dollars per annum, payable in monthly in- stallments, which shall be full compensation for all the services performed by said Marshal, and in lieu of all fees, court costs, and perquisites, of whatsoever nature, accruing in causes founded' upon the breach or violation of any by-laws, or ordinances, of the Mayor and Aldermen of said city; all of which shall be converted into the general fund of the treasury, for the use and behoof thereof, in meeting and defraying the current expenses of said city. G. City Solicitor. See amending ordinance, infra. 7. Health Officer. See amending ordinance, infra. 8. That the members of the Board of Aldermen shall be al- lowed, and receive, two dollars, for each regular meeting attended, b.y said members thereof. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, ’and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Ordinance go into full force and effect on Monday, January 4, A. D. 1897. Ordained November 5, 1896. II — AN ORDINANCE to Amend Paragraphs 1, 5 and 6, of Section 1, of an Ordinance Regulating and Fixing Salaries of the Mayor and Subordinate Officials of the City of Natchez, Passed Novem- ber 5, 1896; as Amended. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That the follow- ing amendments to the salary ordinance, passed November 5, 1896, shall be in force and take effect from the passage of this Ordinance, and continue in force until changed, or amended, by the Board of Aldermen. GENERAL ORDINANCE. 167 Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That paragraph one (1), of Section 1, be, and is hereby, amended, by adding thereto, that the Mayor shall receive all costs accruing from cases tried under the provision of an ordinance, adopted August 16, 1900, in which all cases of misdemeanors against the State are tried in the same man- ner as violation of city ordinances, said costs to be governed by the State fee bill. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That paragraph five (5), of Section 1, be, and is hereby, amended, by adding thereto, that the City Marshal shall receive all costs, accruing from cases tried under the provisions of an ordinance, adopted August 16, 1900, in which all cases of misdemeanors against the State are tried in the same manner as violations of city ordinances, said costs to be gov- erned by the State fee bill. Sec. 4 . Be it further ordained, That the salary of the office of the City Solicitor shall be, and the same is hereby, fixed at three hundred ($300) dollars per annum, to be drawn in equal, monthly, payments, upon the City Treasurer, which compensation shall be in lieu of all other fees, viz., drafting of ordinances, giving advice to the Mayor, or any of the city officials, and all other duties per- taining to said office, except defending, or bringing, any suit, for or against the city, for damages, or other matters. The same to take effect, beginning with the first Monday of January, 1901. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordained August 16, 1900; amended December 27, 1900. AN ORDINANCE Repealing an Ordinance Entitled “An Ordi- nance to Amend Section 7 of an Ordinance Passed November 5, 1896, Regulating the Salary of Health Officer,” Ordained August 2, 1900, and to Substitute Therefor a New Ordinance Regulating the Salary of Health Officer. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder - men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That Paragraph 7 of Section 1, of an ordinance, passed November 5, 1896, regulat- ing the salary of Health Officer, be, and the same is hereby, amended, by adding therto, the following: That, beginning with the year 1903, and annually thereafter, the salary of Health Officer shall be six hundred ($600) dollars 1 GS GENERAL ORDINANCES. per annum, payable in monthly installments, by warrants drawn on the Treasurer, which shall be in full compensation for all serv- ices rendered by said Health Officer, except that in such years in which, epidemics of smallpox, or yellow fever, may be prevalent in the community, or a quarantine may be maintained, such addi- tional compensation may be allowed the Health Officer, as may be deemed just and proper, by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. Ordained July 30, 1903. SALOONS. AN ORDINANCE Concerning Liquor Saloons and the Penalty for the Violation of Law in the Sale of Liquors, etc. Suction 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and. Board of Alder - men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That, from and after the passage of this Ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person, or persons, to open, or keep, any place, or places, for the sale of vinous, or spirituous liquors, in less quantities than one gallon, or to sell such- liquors, in such quantities., within the City of Natchez, without a license having been previously obtained therefor, as provided by the laws of this State; and any person convicted of violation, of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be. fined not less than twenty-five, nor more than one hundred dol- lars ; for each and every occasion of opening, and using, such place, for such purpose, or .selling, as aforesaid, to be considered an offense cognizable before the Mayor. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained., That it shall be the dutv of flic Marshal of said city to arrest, and bring to trial, all offenders against this Ordinance, each, and every person to be deemed an offender, and subject to the fine aforesaid, equally with the pro- prietor, or proprietors, of such place, or places, who may officiate therein, as agent, clerk, bartender, or otherwise. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That any person, or persons, who shall offer for sale any vinous, or spirituous, liquors, on the Sabbath day (commonly called Sunday), shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction, before the Mayor of the City of Natchez, be fined not less than twenty-five, nor more than one hundred dollars, for each and every offense. Ordained January 9, 1873. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 109- SCHOOLS. AN ORDINANCE to Create a Separate School District, in and for the City of Natchez. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder - men of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That the City of Natchez, being a town of more than one thousand inhabitants, elects, and, by this Ordinance, does constitute itself a “Separate School District/ 7 under, and by virtue of Section 34, of the Act of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, entitled, “An Act to Establish and Maintain a Uniform System of Public Free Schools in This State/ 7 approved March o, 1878. The boundaries of said “School District 77 shall be identical with the corporate limits of the City of Natchez. Ordained April 9, 1878. II — AN ORDINANCE to Establish a System of Municipal Public Schools in the City of Natchez. Whereas, The City of Natchez is the absolute owner, in fee, of the property known as the Na.tchez Institute property, by dona- tion, made by the late Alvarez Fisk, Esq., in the year 1845; and, whereas, the funds named under the State School law are ordi- narily insufficient to afford the educablc children of the city edu- cational facilities, for a longer term than four or live months in each year; and, whereas, the Mayor .and Aldermen of the city have power, under the City Charter, to establish public schools, for the free and gratuitous education of the children of said city; there- fore, \ Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened \ That, until oth- erwise ordained by this Council, the Board of Trustees of the school for white children, in this district, and the County Super- intendent of Education, appointed under the State School law, be, and they are hereby, tendered the use of the school building, known as the Natchez Institute, for such portions of each scholastic year as the State school funds may admit of its being opened, and main- tained, for educational purposes. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That a public free school, to be known as the Natchez Institute, where all the white children, of both sexes, in the city , who choose to avail themselves of the privi- lege, may be taught the usual common school branches of educa- 170 GENERAL ORDINANCES. tion,. shall he opened in said building, and maintained for such period in each scholastic year as can give a continuous session of nine months. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That the Natchez Institute shall be placed under the control of a Board of Trustees, consisting of seven citizens, who shall be chosen by the Mayor and Aldermen, on the first Thursday of April, of each year, or as soon as prac- ticable after said Thursday, by ballot; and the Mayor and Aider- men shall fill all vacancies in said Board, as they may occur. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That the Board of Trustees shall elect a President, from their own number, and appoint a Sec- retary. They shall make all rules for their government, and the government of the Institute; appoint and dismiss teachers, at pleasure, and make recommendations to this Council, of whatever may he necessary for preserving said property, or for conducting said school. It shall he their duty to examine, or cause to be ex- amined, by competent persons, all the teachers employed; to visit the school frequently, and see that the teachers do their duty; to correct errors, and abuses, both in discipline and instruction; to prescribe the course of study; to keep a full record of all their proceedings, and make to this Council, reports of their doings, and of the condition and success of the Institute, annually, on the first Monday of March, and as much of tenor as this Council may require. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That, for the purpose of af- fording similar privileges to the colored children, who attend the Union School, in this city, a public free school shall be opened and maintained, for a like period, in the Union School build- ing, and for the supervision thereof, there shall be chosen, by this Council, at the time, and in the manner provided in Section 3, of this Ordinance, three citizens, who, with the members of the Board of Visitors of the Natchez Institute, shall constitute a Board of Trustees of said Union School, with the rights, powers, and du- ties, provided in Section 4, of this Ordinance. Sec. 6 . Be it further ordained, That this Council shall be authorized to appoint, from time to time, a Board, or Boards, of Examiners, to examine the teachers and pupils belonging to said schools, who shall report, the result to this Council, for the infor- mation of the public. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That the salaries of teachers shall be fixed, and contracts, and purchases necessary, for conduct- ing said school, shall be made by the Council, and all salaries, and GENERAL ORDINANCES. 171 expenses, shall be paid out of the general fund in the city treasury, upon warrant, issued by this Council. Ordained October 7, 1880. NOTE TO “SCHOOLS.” The Xatchez Institute was founded in the spring of 1845, by the inhabitants of the city, convened in town meeting, upon a do- nation from Alvarez Fisk, Esq. The minutes of the meeting were reported to the President and Selectmen, as follows : Thursday, February 20, 1845. In pursuance of public notice, made by the City Council, a meeting of the citizens of Xatchez was held at the Courthouse, this day, at 11 o’clock. John R. Stockman was called to the chair, and Elijah Peale appointed secretary. The letter from Alvarez Fisk, Esq., proposing to donate to the City of Natchez, forever, a lot of ground, with all the buildings thereon erected, was read to the meeting, whereupon the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, Our fellow citizen, Alvarez Fisk., Esq., has proffered to donate to the City of Xatchez, a valuable property, on Com- merce street, on the condition that the city will supply the funds necessary to establish and sustain a public school thereon, for the equal benefits of the children of all of our citizens; and, whereas, it is very desirable that “public schools” of a high order be per- manently established in the City of Xatchez; therefore, Resolved, That the thanks of the City of Xatchez be given to Alvarez Fisk, Esq., for his proposed donation of a lot and build- ings, on Commerce street, for the use of public schools. Resolved, That the President and Selectmen be authorized to accept the donation of Alvarez Fisk, Esq., in the name of the city, and proceed in accordance with its conditions, to establish schools, upon the premises, for the instruction of youth, of both sexes, to be supported at the public expense ; Provided, that no sec- tarian views shall be taught in said schools; and, Provided, fur- ther, that the religious tenets of an individual shall not be consid- ered as a qualification, or disqualification, for a teacher in said schools. Resolved, That the system of public schools, to be established in this city, should be placed under the control and management 172 GENERAL ORDINANCES. of the Board of Visitors, to be -appoint., d by the Selectmen, who shall designate their duties and term of service. Resolved, That the President and Selectmen of the City of Natchez be authoriz 'd to lay a special annual tax on all property returned by the ‘Assessor, for the establishment and- support of said schools; Provided, that the sum then raised shall not exceed six thousand ($6,000) dollars. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be recorded by the City Clerk, and that a copy of the same, signed by the chairman and secretary, he communicated to Mr. Alvarez Fisk, and published: J. R. Stockman, Chairman. SEED COTTON. AN ORDINANCE to Suppress Nefarious Night Traffic in Seed Cotton. Section 1 . Be it, ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Naichtee, in council convened , That herealker no seed cotton shall be sold, bought, or delivered, within the limits of the city, between the hours of 7 o’clock n.m. and 6 o’clock a.m. Sec. 2. Be it farther ordained. That for each violation of this Ordinance, the offender shall, upon conviction before the Mayor of said city, be fined a sum not less than twenty, nor more than fifty dollars, and shall stand committed to the custody of the city, until the fine, and all costs, shall be paid. Sec. d. further ordained , That one-half of the fine col- lected, for each and every violation of this Ordinance, shall go to the informer, or informers, and the officer making an arrest, on seizure of seed cotton, shall be entitled to one-half the proceeds of said, cotton, if it should be forfeited to the cit}^. Ordained September 17, 1874. SHOWS. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board, of Alder- men of the City of Natch ez, in council converged, That it shall not be lawful for any person, or persons, to make, or have, anv public exhibition, theatrical performance, or show, of any kind whatever, in houseboats, tents, or otherwise, for public amusement, for \ I ' . GENERAL ORDINANCES. 173 money, or other compensation, without having obtained a license therefor, from the Mayor, and should any person, or persons, pre- sume to make, or have, such exhibition, theatrical performance, or show, within the limits of the City of Natchez, without having such license, he, she, or they, shall pay a fine of not less than twenty dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, for each offense, and each, exhibition, performance, or show, so unlicensed, shall con- stitute a new offense, to he recovered before th.> Mayor, and the proceeds paid into the city treasury, for the sole use of the city. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That should any person, or persons, licensed as aforesaid! exhibit, perform, or show, any act, representation, or thing, indecent, or immoral, tending to produce depraVitv, or corruption of manners, he, she, or they, so offending, shall pay a fine of not less than twenty dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, for each offense, to he recovered and appropriated as afore- said. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained . That the Mayor' is hereby authorized, and empowered, to license, at his discretion, any per- son, or persons, to make, and have, any public exhibition, theatrical performance, or show, of any kind, within the limits aforesaid, and under the restrictions aforesaid, upon paying him for the use of the city, such license tax as may be, from time to time, established by ordinance. All licenses, issued under the provisions hereof, shall specify the object, and length of time, for which the same shall have been, respectively, granted. Ordained April 19, 1872. 8T< X 1 K— F AST DIM VINO PROM I BI T ED. • AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting the Fast Driving of Mules. Horses, or Cattle, Through the Streets of Natchez, anrl for Other Purposes. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of A lder- men of the City of Natchez, That it shall be unlawful for anv person, or persons, to drive through the streets of the city at a fas! gait, any drove, or droVes, of mules, horses, or cattle. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That no person shall be allowed to drive through any street of Natchez, any animal, of any species, that is so wild, or vicious, and uncontrollable, as to en- 174 GENERAL ORDINANCES. danger the lives, or limbs, of the people of said city, whether they be citizens, residents, or transient visitors, in said city, unless said animal is securely roped, and tied, so as to avoid the danger. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That it is hereby declared a misdemeanor to violate the provisions of the above sections of this Ordinance, and any person, or persons, on conviction of the same, before the Mayor and Board of Aldernlen, shall be fined not less than five, no'r more than fifty dollars. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall take effect, and be in force from and after the first dav of June, A. D., 1878. Ordained May 1G, 1878. STREETS— GENERAL ORDINANCES REGARDING. AN ORDINANCE Concerning the Public Streets and Highways. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, That if any person shall unlawfully obstruct any of the public streets, olr highways, he shall forfeit and pay ten dollars for each offense, and the further sum of five dollars for every day such obstruction shall be continued. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Marshal of said city, to cause to be forthwith removed and abated all obstructions, impediments, and other nuisances, that may, at any time, be found in any of said streets, or highways, and, he shall have power to call to his assistance, and to employ, in this behalf, whenever necessary, the street laborers of the city. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That if any person shall ride, or drive, any horse, or other animal, ot drive any drav, car- riage, or other vehicle, upon, or over, any pavement, or banquette of the city, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars for each offense. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That nothing contained in ibis Ordinance shall be construed to repeal the proviso in favor of building contained in the seventh section of the chapter on “Nuisances,” in the Code of Ordinances of said city; and, this Ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage. Ordained December 15, 1857. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 175 II — AN ORDINANCE to Provide for the Cleaning, Repairing and Im- proving of the Streets, etc., of the City of Natchez; as Amended. Section 1 . Be it ordained Jjy the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, That the said Mayor shall, on the fourth Tuesday of January, in each and every year, proceed to advertise for the period of five (5) days; that he will, until the expiration of said notice, receive proposals for the cleaning, re- pairing, and improving, of the streets, alleys, and lanes of said city, for one year, from the sixteenth day of February, thereafter, the contractor to furnish all the hands, mules, carts, and imple- ments, necessary for said purpose; also, do all driving of piles, building of bridges, and fences, protecting of bayous from caving, placing of crossings, and graveling same, etc., as well as hauling of all material necessary to be used for the improvement and protection of the streets, lanes, alleys, and public property of the City of Natchez, the said contractor, hands, carts, and mules, to be solely and constantly at work in the interest of said City of Natchez, and, in season, to haul gravel and deposit same where it can be reached at all times for the use of the city ; provided, that said contractor shall have employed at all times, five mules and carts, and twelve (12) able-bodied men; said proposals to' con- tain and offer by name two, or more, good and sufficient sureties for the bond hereafter provided for, and specific statement of the terms of the contract, with compensation proposed on the basis of monthly payments in city warrants. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the said Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall, at their first regular meeting, after the expiration of said notice, open the proposals as made, and shall then, or at a convenient time thereafter, elect, by ballot, from the persons making said proposals, the person whose proposal may be deemed by them the lowest and best bidder to the city; provided, however, that the said Mayor and Alderman shall have power to reject any or all proposals. Provided further, that said Mayor and Aldermen shall have the power at an}' time during the period of the contract awarded under the provisions of this Ordinance, to annul and terminate such contract, for any cause by them alone deemed sufficient, after ten days’ notice to the contractor of their intention. so to do, and such power and privilege shall be expressly reserved in each and even 7 contract executed for the purpose of carrying into effect the award made under the pro- visions of this Ordinance. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained . That the contractor elected as aforesaid shall, immediately after his election, secure the faith- ful performance of his contract by bond with two, ot more, good 176 GENERAL ORDINANCES. and sufficient sureties, payable to the City of Natchez, in. a penalty double the amount of his yearly contract, said bond to be approved by the Mayor and Aldermen. Sec. 4. Be it further * ordained, That said hands, mules, carts, and implements, shall, at all times, he and remain, under the supervision, management, and direction of the Committee on Streets and Alleys, and, if at any time, said contractor shall fail, or neglect, after due notice from the Chairman of said Committee, to keep the streets and alleys in good order, then said, committee shall have power to employ additional labor to perform the work required, at the' expense of said contractor, the same to be de- ducted out of the first moneys accruing under his contract. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That on the day of each monthly meeting of this Board, on which the account of the Street Contractor is allowed, the Chairman of the Committee on Streets and Alleys, shall render unto the Council, a statement showing the number of men, mules, and carts, absent from duty during the month for which the account is presented, and a prorata de- duction shall be made for such absence, with allowance of the Street Contractor’s account. Ordained January 5, 1888. Amended January 19, 1888; January 17, 1889 ; January 15, 1891; January 22, 1900. Ill — AN ORDINANCE to Amend the Above, and the Several Ordi- nances Amendatory Thereto. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, That at the second regular meeting in January, 1894, and hereafter, at the same meeting in each year, the City Council shall, by resolution, designate what number of hands, mules, and carts, may be required for the cleaning and repairing of the streets, etc., of the City of Natchez, for the year ensuing, after the sixteenth day of February, of each year. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That the Mayor shall ad- vertise five (5) times for “Proposals,” in the official journal of the city; the first advertisement to be at least ten (10) days pre- vious to, and the last one, on the day of, the first regular meeting of the City Council, in February, of each year. Ordained January 4, 1894. GENERAL ORDINANCES 177 AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Removal of Obstructions on Streits and Sidewalks, and for Other Purposes. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That no chicken, goose, or turkey coops, shall, under any circumstances, be allowed either on the streets, alleys, or sidewalks; and, in case they are handled in the city limits, they must be kept in the rear of prem- ises, thus keeping their offensive odors away from the passing public. All shipments of goods must be made as they are turned out on the sidewalks, and shall not be allowed to remain on side- walks longer than necessary for loading, so that they shall in no way obstruct the sidewalk. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That all cotton on the streets, or alleys, within said limits, shall not be allowed to take up space for length of more than one bale from gutter, and shall in no way interfere with traffic. No cotton shall be upon the streets, or alleys, longer than necessary for the taking up of same, and, in no case, shall be allowed to remain on the streets, or alleys, after 6 o’clock p.m., upon penalty of a fine of not less than ten, nor more than one hundred dollars, for each and every violation of this Ordi- nance. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That no one can use, for receipt, or delivery, of cotton, or other merchandise, the streets, or sidewalks, in front of any property owner, or storekeeper, with- out permission being given by said owner, or storekeeper. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage, and any one vio- lating the provisions of this Ordinance, for which no penalty is heretofore prescribed, shall be fined not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars. All ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordained January 21, 1897; as revised and amended. 178 GENERAL ORDINANCES STREETS ESTABLISHED, OPENED AND EXTENDED. BANK ALLEY. AN ORDINANCE to Open and Establish an Alley Between Main and Market Streets, from Second to Third Streets, and for Other Purposes. Section 1 . , Be if ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the alley, running from Second to Third street, or that did run from said points, between Main and Market streets, in said city, shall he re- opened, continued, and established, as a public alley, commencing on Second street, one hundred feet from the intersection of said street with Main street, and running parallel with Main street, ten feet wide, to Third street, and shall be called Bank alley, and the same shall be, and remain, opened, worked upon, and repaired, as other highways and streets in said city. Ordained October 7, 1826. CANAL STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Extend Front and Second Streets, and to Estab- lish a Street to the Lower Landing, in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of A ider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That Canal shall be, and is hereby, extended, from, the southwardly end thereof, so as to intersect with the street called Green street, estahlishd by this Ordinance, and the same shall be sixty-four feet wide. The said street shall be, and remain, a highway for the use and con- venience of the public. Ordained January 1, 1819. II — AN ORDINANCE to Extend Front Street and to Establish a Street Therefrom to the Southern Limits of the City. 1. Front street (Canal) shall be, and is hereby extended, from the southwardly end thereof, as laid out on land of Charles B. Green, by an ordinance, made and published on the first day of January, 1819, and to run from that point in the same direc- tion that it now has, 14 chains and 41 links, to a stake, on land GENERAL ORDINANCES 179 belonging to the heirs of the late John Girault; thence south, 22 degrees and 15 minutes east, 5. chains and 15 links, to a stake; thence south, 77 degrees west, passing through an enclosure be- longing to the estate of James Andrews, deceased, to the southern limit of the city. 2. Front street, as established by this Ordinance, shall be sixty-four feet wide, as far as the same is continued, in the direc- tion it now runs; and the residue of the street, hereby established, shall be forty-two feet wide; which said street shall be, and re- main, a highway for the use and convenience of the public. Ordained April 1, 1822. CYPRESjS STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Define and Establish Levee and Cypress Streets, in the City of Natchez. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez-, in council convened. That a street, for a long time used as a public way, on the upper side of the Natchez railroad, shall begin at the post at the northern corner of the wharf, near said railroad, the same being the eastern boundary of Levee street, and run thence eastwardly, to Water street, on a line parallel to the lines of the adjacent lots; thence, down Water street, thirty feet; thence, on a line parallel to the first line, to Levee street; thence, on the eastern boundary line of Levee street, thirty feet, to the beginning, to be known and distinguished by the name of Cypress street. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That said Cypress street, de- fined and established, as aforesaid, shall be held, known, and used, as a public way, and, as such, shall be kept open, worked upon, and repaired, as other public ways in said city. Ordained March 1, 1837. ELM STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Extend and Establish Certain Streets, in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the old lane, or road, running from the end of Myrtle avenue, at the gate 180 GENERAL ORDINANCES of A. Buckner, and at right angles therewith, between property of said Buckner and Hewett and Cochrane, on one side, and of the representatives of J. Parker and Ann D. Postlethwaite, on the other, shall be extended, opened, established, made, and hereafter kept in repair for public use, to said Union street, and the same shall be known and called by the name of Elm street. Ordained May 17, 1854. FRANKLIN STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Extend Franklin Street to the Eastern Limits of the City of Natchez. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That Franklin street shall be, and is hereby, extended, from the southeast extrem- ity thereof, at its intersection with Pine street, by parallel lines, drawn, respectively, from the southern angle of square No. 38, in the direction of south, 59 degrees, 48 minutes, east, as indicated by the magnetic needle, from a survey made by the City Sur- veyor, without allowance for variation (which is, at this time, by the same instrument, 8 degrees, 10 minutes, east of north) ; the northern boundary of said street having the length of fifty feet across Pine street to its southeast limit; thence, two hundred and forty-nine feet, four inches, the southern boundary having the length of fifty feet across Pine street, to its eastern limit ; thence, two hundred and twenty-four feet, eleven inches; the entire dis- tance on the northern boundary being two hundred and ninety-nine feet, four inches, and on the southern boundary of said street, two hundred and seventy-four feet, eleven inches, to two points, at the intersection of the northern and southern lines of the first street in Williamsburg, south of St. Catherine street; from which two points the course of Franklin street must vary, so as to com- port with the streets in Williamsburg, south, 82 degrees, 30 min- utes, east, giving on the variation of the course on the northern boundary, a distance of about twenty feet, and on the southern boundary, a distance of about sixty-four feet, to the intersection of Franklin with the first cross street in Williamsburg, which street shall be continued from the eastern limit of Pine street to the. aforesaid two points of intersection with the lines of the first street south of St. Catherine street, sixty-four feet wide; thence, on parallel lines with St. Catherine street, from the aforesaid two points of intersection, to the eastern limits of the city, fifty feet GENERAL ORDINANCE. 181 wide; and, shall he opened forthwith, and worked on as other streets and highways in said city; and said Franklin street, opened and extended, as aforesaid, shall be, and is hereby, established a public highway, for the use and convenience of the public, forever. Ordained March 20, 1839. II— AN ORDINANCE to Extend Seventh Street. Franklin street, extended to Seventh street (Pine) by an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance Laying Out and Estab- lishing Sixth and Seventh Streets, in the City of Natchez, and Ex- tending Other Streets Leading Thereto,” passed September 12, 1888. ' FERRY STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Define and Open Ferry Street. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That a street, to be called Ferry street, be defined and opened, as follows, to-wit : The west line of said street, beginning on the south side of Silver street, at a point at right angles with the southeast corner of the brick store, occupied by Smyth & Reynolds, thirty-three feet, three inches, therefrom, and running thence south, 19 degrees, 40 min- utes, east, seventy-one feet and six inches, to a locust stake, on the line of the property purchased by the City of Natchez, from the estate of Peter Little, February 16, 1858; the east line of said street, beginning at a point twenty-nine feet, four inches, easterly, on the line of said Silver street, and running thence south, 19 de- grees, 40 minutes, east, ninety-one feet, four inches, to the line of the property purchased, as above; said street to have the width, between the parallel lines given, of twenty-nine feet and four inches; reference being made to the plat of survey made by- T. Kenny, April 6, 1858, and spread upon the minutes of the Mayor and Selectmen of the City of Natchez. Sec. 2. And he it further ordained, That said Ferry street be worked and used as other streets of said city. Ordained May 4, 1858. 182 G E N E R A L 0 R I) I N ANCES. GREEN STREET. (1) AN ORDINANCE to Extend Front and Second Streets, and to Estab- lish a Street to the Lower Landing, in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectman of the Cit'd of Natchez, on council convened . That there shall he, and the same is hereby, established, a street, leading from the southwardly end of Wall street to the lower landing, in said city; and the same shall commence at the post planted near the road, how leading to the plantation of John Giranlt, deceased, and from thence running north, 82 degrees west, six hundred and forty-five feet, to a post; thence, north, 73 degrees west, four hundred and seventy-seven feet, six inches, to a post; thence, due west, one hun- dred and sixty-five feet* to a post; thence, north, 48 degrees west, four hundred and fifty feet, to a post; thence, north, 63 degrees west, to the river Mississippi ; said street to be called and desig- nated by the name of Green street, and shall be forty-two feet wide. Ordained January 1, 1819. ( 2 ) n— AN ORDINANCE to Extend Third Street. Section 1 . Be it ordained: by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That a street shall he laid out, beginning at the east corner of lot Xo. 4, on square Xo. 14; thence, north, 40 degrees, 45 minutes, east, one hundred poles, French measure, so as to intersect with the high- way leading to Pine Ridge settlement; said line to he the western boundary of said street, which is to be laid out, opened, and. con- tinued the same width as Third street. Ordained September 27, 1815. (3) III— AN ORDINANCE Laying Out and Establishing Sixth and Sev- enth Streets, in the City- of Natchez, etc. Section 1. Be it ordained hy the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the square formed by the establishment of Sixth and Seventh streets, and the continuation of Main, First, Second, and Third South streets, and GENERAL ORDINANCES. 18 - First, Second, Third, and Fourth North streets, shall be numbered to correspond with the numbers of the city squares, as already laid out, to-wit: Beginning at the southwardly end thereof, and num- ber them northwardly, thirty-five to forty-one, inclusive. Ordained September 22, 1818. HIGH STREET. Extended to Seventh (Pine) street, by ordinance of Septem- ber 22, 1818. JEFFERSON STREET. Extended to Seventh (Pine) street, by ordinance of Septem- ber 22, 1818. LEVEE STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Define and Establish Levee and Cypress Streets, in the City of Natchez. Section 1. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That the street at the landing of said city, known, and used, by the name of Levee street, shall begin on the northwestern side of Silver street, at a point thirty feet from the lower corner of I. I. Duvall’s house, on a. line with the lower end of said house; thence, running up the river on a direct line, intersecting the western front of the ware- house now occupied by A. L. Wilson, forty-four feet from the west corner thereof ; thence, on a line with the river, to a post, the northern corner of the wharf, near the Natchez railroad; thence, on a direct line, to a post on the timber work bordering the side next the river, of the lots owned by the estate of Nelson Gillespie, deceased, one hundred and fifty-four feet from a post, the corner of said Gillespie’s lots, and the lots owned by Patrick Carolan ; thence, on a direct line with said timber work, up the river, until said line intersects the western boundary of AVater street, and along said boundary, until it intersects the upper road to the land- ing. The said street, so defined on the eastern side, shall be bounded, on the western side, by the Mississippi river. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That said Levee street, de- fined and established, as aforesaid, shall be held, known, and used as a public way, and as such shall be kept open, worked upon, and repaired, as other public ways in said city. Ordained March 1, 1837. 184 GENERAL ORDINANCES. LOCUST STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Establish Locust Street and Sycamore Alley. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen, of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That a street, to be called Locust, shall be established in said cit} r , commencing at a point on First North (Franklin) street, one hundred and thirty-three feet from Fourth (Monroe) street, and running par- allel therewith, on the eastwardly side, until it shall intersect with First South (State) street; said street to be twenty-five feet wide. Ordained May 17, 1821. MAIDEN LANE. AN ORDINANCE to Establish and Open Maiden Lane. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the street at the landing of said city, known and designated as Maiden Lane, shall be opened, and established, according to the following lines, to-wit : Beginning at a point on the northwest side of Silver street, ninety-six and six-twelfths feet from the western angle of intersection of said Silver and Porter streets; thence, running north, 19 degrees, 45 minutes, west, to the river, Mississippi ; and the said street shall be fifty feet in width, from said Silver street to said river; the same to be opened, and worked upon, as other streets and highways in said city. Ordained March 10, 1841. MAIN STREET. Continued, and extended, from its eastwardly termination, eastwardly, in its present direction, and of its present respective width, to Pine street, by ordinance of September 12, 1818. MARKET STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Provide for Enclosing the Public Square and Keeping in Repair the Public Nursery, and to Establish Market Street. Section 1. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That there shall be laid out a street, to be called Market street, to be thirty- G E N E R A L 0 R D I N A NCE3. 185 five feet wide, on the northeastern side of the public square, run- ning from Second, to Third street, which shall be repaired, and kept in repair, as other streets arc in said city. Ordained February 13, 1822. MONROE STREET. (1) AN ORDINANCE Laying Out Streets, to be Called Sixth Street, Third, South, anel Fourth North Streets. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That a street, to be called Fourth North (Monroe) street, be, and the same is hereby, established, to run parallel to Third North street, along the northeastern margin of the original lots, as designated, and established, by this Ordinance, to be opened, laid out, and worked on, in the same manner as the other streets in said city. Ordained March 11, 1817. ( 2 ) II— AN ORDINANCE to Establish the Width of Monroe Street, in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained, by the President and, Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That the street, formerly called Fourth North street, and now called Monroe street, shall be forty-two feet, eight inches wide, in lieu of sixty- four feet, as established by the ordinance of 1817. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the southern boundary of said street, for the extreme length thereof, shall continue, and be the same, as established by the above described ordinance. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That so much of the third section of an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance Laying Out Streets, to be Called Sixth Street, Third South, and Fourth North Streets,” passed March 11, 1817, as contravenes the provisions of this Ordinance, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Ordained December 24, 1834. ( 3 ) Monroe continued, and extended, from its present eastwardly termination, eastwardly, in its present direction, and of its present width, to Seventh (Pine) street, by ordinance of September 12, 1818/ 186 GENERAL ORDINANCES. MYRTLE AVENUE. AN ORDINANCE to Open, Extend and Establish Certain Streets, in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez , in council convened, .That the old lane, or road, known as Myrtle avenue, running from Oak street, and between the property of William IT. Fox, J. Hewett, and A. Buckner, on one side, and of George J. 1). Dicks, and the repre- sentatives of Z. Parker, on the other, to the gate of A. Buckner, shall be known, and called by the name of Myrtle avenue. Ordained May 17, 185T. OAK STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Open, Extend and Establish Certain Streets, in the City of Natchez. Section 1. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in, council convened, That the old lane, or road, running frobri the road to the graveyard, and between the property of John P. Walworth, on one side, and of William II. Pox, George J. Dicks, and Ann 1). Postl e, on the other, to Union street, and thence from said Union street, be extended, along the line of the property of E. Mareilly, to the present Pine Ridge road, being bounded on the one side by the property of E. Mareilly, and on the other by that of Henry Chotard, Jr.; and the same shall be known and called by the name of Oak street. Ordained May 17, 1854. , ORLEANS STREET. (i) AN ORDINANCE Laying Out Streets to be Called Sixth Street, Third South, and Fourth North Streets. Section 1. Be it ordained by they President and Board of Se- lectmen of the (Sty of Natchez, in council convened, That a street, sixty-four feet wide, to be called Third South (Orleans) street, be. and the same is hereby, established, to run parallel to Second South street, along the southwestern margin of the original lots, as 1 GENERAL ORDINANCES. 187 designated on the general plan of the lots laid out in said city, of the same extent of Second Smith (Washington) street, and thence to the southeastern margin of Sixth (Iiahkin) street, as designated, and established, by this Ordinance, to be opened, laid out, and worked on, in the same manner as the other streets of said city. Ordained March 11, 1817. ( 2 ) II— AN ORDINANCE Entitled An Ordinance to Alter and Establish the Width of Orleans Street. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That the southern line of the street, formerly called Third South street, but which, by an ordinance, passed on the 19th day of March, 1834, was named, and is now called Orleans street, lie, and tire same is hereby, established, along the whole extent of said Orleans street, to be forty-two fret, eight inches, from the northern line of boundary of tire same. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That so much of the second section of an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance Laying Out Streets, to be Called Sixth Street, Third South, and Fourth North Streets,” passed on the 11th day of March, 1817, as estab- lished the width of the said Orleans street, thereby called Third South street, to be sixty-four feet in width, he, and the same is hereby repealed. ( 3 ) Orleans continued, and extended, to Pine street, by ordinance of September 11, 1818. PINE STREET. AN ORDINANCE Laying Out and Establishing Sixth and Seventh Streets, in the City of Natchez, and Extending Other Streets Leading Thereto. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and, Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That a street, to be called Seventh street, shall be laid out, and established, in said city, parallel to Fifth and Sixth streets, on the eastward ly side thereof, fifty feet wide, and of the same length therewith, and three hundred and twenty feet therefrom. Ordained September 22, 1818. 188 GENERAL ORDINANCES. PINE RIDGE ROAD. AN ORDINANCE to Establish a Street, or Highway, from the North- eastern End of Seventh Street to the. City Boundary, Where the State Road Leading from Port Gibson Intersects the City Line.' Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That a street shall be, and the same is hereby, established, from the northeastern boundary of the City of Natchez, commencing at a post, on the boundary line of said city, where the State road, leading from Port Gibson, intersects the said city; thence, south, 64 degrees west, 40 chains, to a sassafras post, between a small postoak and locust; thence, south, 42 degrees west, 16 chains, 23 links, to a stake; thence, south, 30 degrees west, 11 chains, 15 links, along the course of Seventh and Fourth North streets. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the said street shall be one hundred feet wide, and be opened for public use, and worked upon, in the same manner as other streets and highways of said city; and the said line shall be the western boundary line of said highway, or street. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained !, That the street, or highway, heretofore established, to intersect the State road, leading from Port Gibson to this city, shall be sixty-four feet wide," instead of one hundred feet. Ordained July 12, 1821; as amended by supplemental ordi- nance of August 27, 1821. RANKIN STREET. AN ORDINANCE Laying Out and Establishing Sixth and Seventh Streets, in the City of Natchez, and Extending Other Streets Leading Thereto. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That a street, to be called Sixth street, shall be laid out, and established, in said city, parallel to Fifth street, on the cast ward ly side thereof, and of the same length and width therewith, and at the distance of three hundred and twenty feet therefrom. Ordained September 12, 1818. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 189 II— AN ORDINANCE to Open Sixth Street, from Third South Street to Main Street. Section 1. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That Sixtli street, as laid out, and established, by an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance Laying Out and Establishing Sixth and Seventh Streets, in the City of Natchez, and Extending Other Streets, Leading Thereto,” passed September 12, 1818, shall be opened, from Third South street to Main street, as soon as conveniently may be, and worked on, as other highways in said city, and shall be forthwith marked out by the Road Committee. Ordained March 17, 1825. Ill— AN ORDINANCE to Open and Extend Rankin Street. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That Rankin street be extended, the same width and course that it now is, from where it will cross Monroe street, until it will intersect Oak street. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That said Rankin street be opened, and worked on, as other streets in the City of Natchez are. Ordained November. 15, 1854. ROAD TO BROWN’S MILL. AN ORDINANCE to Make Public a Road to the Steam Mills Owned by Andrew Brown and Others, and for Other Purposes. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That thet road, beginning at the northeast termination of Broadway, on the bluff, and from there to the steam mill, may, and the same shall hereafter, remain open, and public, as a road, and be worked by the city laborers, from time to time, as may keep it in good repair. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That owners, or holders, of lots, above said mills, and within the corporation of the City of Natchez, are hereby required to keep the fronts of said lots open, to allow of a road on the margin of the river, and above high water, for the use, and benefit, of the public. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That any person violating the preceding section shall be fined not less than five, nor more 190 GENERAL ORDINANCES. than twenty dollars, for each and every day so obstructed, one-half the lino for the use of .the informer, and the other half for the use of the city. Ordained July 10, 1833. ROAD TO LOWER LANDING. AN ORDINANCE Ascertaining the Limits of the Road Leading from the Summit of the Bluff to the Lower Landing. Section 1 . Be it, ordained Ly the President and Board of Se- lect men of the City of Natchez, in council convened . That the road in front of that part of said city, laid off into lots, and leading from the summit of the river bluff to the lower landing, shall be, and the same is hereby, established, within the following bounds, to-wit: Beginning, at the southwest corner of George Smith’s house; thence, south, 32 degrees west, one chain and sixty-seven links, to a post; thence, south, 58 degrees, 30 minutes, west, six- teen chains and fifty-five links, to the southeast corner of Joseph Bolew's house; thence, south, 70 degrees west, four chains and eighty-three links, to a post; thence, south, 81 degrees, 30 minutes, west, two chains and fifty links, to the river, at the ferry land- ing; thence, down the meanders of the river, to the said lower landing, thereby completing the northern boundary of said road, which shall be fifty feet wide, from the .summit of said bluff, to a post standing sixty feet east of Henrv Turner’s new house; thence, thirty-seven feet wide, to the said ferry landing. And the southern boundary of that part of said road, lying below said ferry landing, shall be as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of James Johnson’s house; thence, south, one chain and ninety-one links, to a post; thence, south, 43 degrees west, six chains and eighty links, to a post ; thence, south, 53 degrees west, to the river, at said lower landing. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That a line, beginning at the southeast corner of said Joseph Bolew’s house, running thence north, 24 degrees west, shall form the western boundary of a road, fifty feet wide, and extending to the river. And all other high- ways leading to, or from, any of the aforesaid roads, in that part of said city, west of the summit of the aforesaid bluff, which shall have been used as such, either by custom, or prescription, shall be, and the same are hereby, declared public highways. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That the following shall be the limits and boundaries of the road leading to the lower land- GENERAL ORDINANCES. 191 mg, in this city, to-wit: Beginning at a stone, which is four inches square at top, on the 1 upper surface of which are engraven two lines, crossing each other at right angles, which stone is so planted (twelve inches below the surface of the ground) as that one of said lines corresponds in its direction with the northwest- wardly limit of Broadway, and the other with the northwestwardly limit of First South (State) street, as extended, through the lots laid out as the property of Jefferson College. The point of inter- section of the aforesaid limits of' the two above mentioned streets, from which intersection the spire of the toil of the light house bears, magnetically, north 18 degrees, 40 minutes, east; the north- westernmost chimney of Clifton, the residence of Mrs. Postle- thwaite, north 35 degrees, 45 minutes, east; the northwestern most angle of a brick house belonging to the estate of the late Samuel Postlethwaite, Esq., and the corner of Main and First streets, north, 72 degrees east; the westernmost angle of the house on First South (State) street, known as Parker’s Tavern, south, 58 degrees, 45 minutes, east, and the northwesternmost chimney of the dwelling house of Peter Little, Esq., south, 24 degrees, 50 min- utes, west; and thence, running from the northwestwardly limits of said road, the following courses, indicated by the magnetic needle, no allowance being made for its variation, which is at this time, northeastwardly by 8 degrees, 47 minutes, and 30 seconds; that is to say, south, 70 degrees west, ninety feet, five inches; south, 40 degrees west, four hundred and fifty-eight feet; south, 07 degrees west, two hundred and eighty feet, six inches; south, 55 degrees, 50 minutes, west, three hundred and forty-five feet, four inches; south, 01 degrees west, one hundred and sixty-three feet, six inches, to the easternmost angle of Mr, Walworth’s house; thence, along the front wall of said house, which is a con- tinuation of the last mentioned course, sixty feet, to its southern- most angle, at the intersection of the street now called Fulton street. The said road shall be forty-five feet in width, and lim- ited, on the southeast, by lines drawn parallel with those on the opposite side, commencing on the northwestwardly limit of Broad- way, at a point which is six feet, six inches from the intersection, which would be formed by an extension of said limit, and the southwest line of First South (State) street, as marked in the plan of the College property, and running thence south, 70 degrees west, twenty-seven feet, six inches; south, 40 degrees west, four hundred and fifty-eight feet ; south, 07 degrees west, two hundred and eighty-eight feet, six inches; south, 55 degrees, 50 minutes west, three hundred and forty-five feet, four inches, to a large cedar post; thence, south, 01 degrees west, two hundred and six- 192 GENERAL ORDINANCES. teen feet, five inches, to th.r northeasternmost wall, at, two feet from the northernmost angle of P. Little’s house, lately occupied by James Kenney. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That the right, and use, of way, to so much of the ground as lies between the northwestwardly limit of the said road, as defined by the ordinance, to which this is an amendment, and the northwestwardly limits, as prescribed by this Ordinance, shall be, and the same arc hereby, abandoned. Ordained June 20, 1821. II— AN ORDINANCE to Prohibit Any Further Digging from the Bluff, on the West Side of the Road Leading from the Summit of the Bluff to the Lower Landing. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That it shall uot be lawful for any person, or persons, to dig, or remove, or cause to be removed, any earth, or sand, from the side of the bluff, beneath the road, leading from the summit of said bluff, to the lower landing, nor from any part of the flat, or bottom, beneath said bluff, and in the eastern side of Water street, situated within the following limits, viz : Commencing at a point in a direct line, westwardly, from the northern end of the large two-story frame house, recently erected by S. A. Lard, on the brow, or margin, of said bluff, and extending along the eastern side of said Water street, in a southerly direction, to the lower, or southern end, of the lot, now owned by Monroe Robetaille; and on the whole of the remaining fiat, or bottom, beneath said bluff, and situated on the eastern side of said Water street, from the lower, or southern, line of the lot of the said Monroe Robetaille, to the upper, or northern line of the house, now owned and occupied by John P. Walworth, it shall not be lawful to dig, or remove, or cause to be removed, any earth, or sand, from below the level of said street, under any pre- tense whatever. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That for each and every in- fraction of this Ordinance, or any of the provisions thereof, the offender, or offenders, shall be liable to a fine of twenty dollars, to be recovered before the Mayor, or any court of competent juris- diction, in the name of the Mayor and Selectmen of the City of Natchez. Ordained March 20, 1832. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 193 III— AN ORDINANCE to Prevent the Destruction of the Road to the. Lower Landing. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council .convened, That it shall not be lawful for the owner, or employer, of any cart, dray, or wagon, or other vehicle, to lock one, or more, wheels of the same, while passing therewith down the hill, on the road, to the lower landing of said city; and any owner, or employer, of any cart, dray, wagon, or other vehicle, who shall lock one, or more, wheels of the same, while passing therewith down the hill, on said road, shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars, for each offense, recoverable before any court of competent jurisdiction, for the use of said Mayor and Selectmen. Ordained September 4, 1850. ROAD TO UPPER LANDING. AN ORDINANCE to Lay Out and Establish a Road from the Bridge Opposite the West End of Main Street to the Upper Landing on the River. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That a pub- lic road shall be, and the same is hereby, laid out, and established, as follows, to wit: Commencing at the west end of the bridge, on the common, opposite Main street, running in a direct line with Main street, to the margin of the bluff ; thence, northwardly, de- scending the hill, near the upper house of Edward Morrow, at the foot of the hill, to intersect Water street. Ordained March 6, 1822. ROSE ALLEY. AN ORDINANCE to Open and Establish an Alley from Rankin to Union, Between Main and Franklin Streets, to be Called Rose Alley. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That, an alley, twelve feet in width, shall be laid out, and established, through the center of square No. 31, of said city, between Main and Frank- lin streets, and running from Rankin to Union streets; and said 194 GENERAL ORDINANCES. alley shall be opened and used in the same manner as the other public streets of said city, and shall be called, and known, by the name of Rose alley. Ordained December 14, 1853. STATE STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Extend State Street. Section 1. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That State street shall be extended, the same width and course that it now is, from where it will cross Pine street, until it will intersect the main bayou, running in the rear of the property, at present owned by Joseph Sessions. Ordained December 8, 1836. II— AN ORDINANCE to Extend State Street to Pine. State street continued, and extended, to Pine, by ordinance, passed September 12, 1818. SYCAMORE ALLEY. AN ORDINANCE to Establish Locust Street and Sycamore Alley. Section 1 . Be it ordained by tlie President and Board of Se- lectmen of the (Sty of Natchez, in council convened, That an alley, or street, to' be called Sycamore alley, shall be laid out, and estab- lished, across square No. 23, parallel with Main street, one hun- dred and twenty-five feet therefrom; which street shall be opened, and worked on, as other streets and highways, in said city. Ordained May 17, 1821. UNION STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Open and Extend Fifth Street to the Southern Limits of the City. (!) Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That Fifth street shall be, and the same is hereby, extended, southwardly, in GENERAL ORDINANCES. 195 the present direction, and of its present width, to the southern limits of the city, and the same shall be opened, as soon as con- veniently may be, and when opened, worked on, as other highways in said city, and shall be forthwith marked out by the Road Com- mittee. Ordained May 11, 1826. o II— AN ORDINANCE to Open and Extend Union Street. Section. 1. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That Union street shall be, and the same is hereby, extended, northwardly, in its present direction, and width, until it shall intersect the fourth street, numbering northwardly from Monroe street, and parallel therewith, as laid out by Olmstead’s survey, and shall be opened, and worked on, as other highways in said city. Ordained December 4, 1839. (3) AN ORDINANCE to Extend and Open Union Street. Whereas, A jury of twelve freeholders, of the City of Natchez, summoned, in accordance with the City Charter, for the purpose of viewing and assessing the damages . caused by the extension of Union street, through the property of A. W. Dunbar, did, on the 17th day of February, A. D. 1857, assemble on said property, and assess the damages therefor, at two hundred and sixty dollars; and, whereas, at the May term, A. D. 1857, of the Circuit Court of Adams county, the verdict of said jury was confirmed; and, where- as, the said sum of two hundred and sixty dollars has been paid to, and accepted by, said A. W. Dunbar,' for his damages, afore- said; therefore, Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board' of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That Union street be extended, opened, and established, from the point to which it was extended, and established, by an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance to Open, Extend, and Establish, Certain Streets, in the City of Natchez/ 3 * 5 passed May 17, 1854, through a lot owned by A. IV. Dunbar, to the property of Douglas Walworth, in the northern limits of the corporation, and in the last course and di- 196 GENERAL ORDINANCES. rection, and with the width established therefor, in the ordinance above referred to, and that said street, as extended, be worked on, and used, in the same manner as other public streets of said city. Ordained June 16, 1857. WALL STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Extend Front and Second Streets, and to Estab- lish a Street- to the Lower Landing, in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez , in council concerned, That Second street shall be, and is hereby extended, from the southwardly end thereof, south, 54 degrees, 15 minutes, west, one thousand and twenty-one feet, to a post planted near the road, now leading to the plantation of the late John Girault, deceased; and the said street shall have the same width that Second street has, as now established. Ordained January 1, 1819. WASH I N GTON STR E ET. Continued, and extended, to Pine, by ordinance, passed Sep- tember 12, 1818. WATER STREET. (i) AN ORDINANCE to Open a Street in the Third Ward of the City of Natchez. Section 1. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That a street shall be, and the same is hereby opened, and established, from the southwestwardly corner of the house, below the hill, or bluff, now occupied by Abijah Hull, in the Third ward, to be bounded, east- wardly, by said house, by the house of Z. Parker, and the house occupied by McDonald, and to extend two hundred feet above the house of said McDonald; which street shall be opened, and worked on, as the other highways in said ward. Ordained April 11, 1817. . GENERAL ORDINANCES. 197 Section 1. Be it ordained by th'e President and Board of Se- lectmen of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That the street, established by virtue of the ordinance, ■ -entitled, "An Ordi- nance to Open a Street in the Third Ward of the City of Natchez/ passed the 11th day of April, 1817, shall be extended up the river, to the waterworks recently erected by Horace Gridley, which street shall be forty feet wide, and run near the margin of the river, above high water mark, and shall be opened, as soon as conven- iently may be, and worked on, as other highways in said city; and the said street shall be called Water street. Ordained February 17, 1821. ( 2 ) Persons prohibited from digging on eastern side of Water street, by ordinance, passed March 20, 1832. AN ORDINANCE Declaring all Streets, Alleys, and Lanes Opened, and for Other Purposes. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That all streets, alleys, and lanes, which have at any time been dedicated to the public use, by the owner of the land through which they pass, o’r which have, for a series of years, been used and occupied as such, or, that have been purchased and condemned to public use, be, and the same are hereby, declared, public streets and alleys of the City of Natchez. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That notice is hereby given to all persons, whose fences, or buildings, encroach upon any of said streets, alleys, or lanes, to forthwith remove the same, and, on failure to comply herewith, within thirty days after the passage of this Ordinance, the Mayor and Selectmen, in Council convened, may, at any time, order the same to be removed, at the expense of the person trespassing; and, the cost and expense thereof shall be satisfied by a levy, and sale, by the Mayor, upon, and of, the lot, or property, of the trespasser, or as much thereof as may be neces- sary, and in the same manner that taxes are assessed and levied by said Mayor and Selectmen, upon real property, as required by law, and to be levied and collected as in cases of default. 198 GENERAL ORDINANCES. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That any person occupying any real property, other than the above mentioned, belonging to tlie City of Natchez, except said occupancy is held by lease, is hereby notified to vacate the same, at his, or her, expense, forth- with, under the same pains and penalties as are prescribed in Sec- tion 2, of this Ordinance, as trespassers, on streets, allows, and lanes. Ordained December 30, 1869. AN ORDINANCE to Open and Establish a Public Street, Near the Eastern Limits of the City. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Match ez, in council convened , That a public street be established, along the southwestern margin of the bed of the Natchez, Jackson & Columbus railroad, near the eastern lim- its of the city, to begin at the southeastern margin of the road, running from St. Catherine street, running along the northwestern boundary of the land of Mrs. Kent, at a point sixteen feet from the center of' said railroad bed, to-wit: South, 88 degrees and 43 minutes, east, through said land of Kent, to the southeastern boundary thereof; that said street have a width of forty feet, tin 1 southwestern margin thereof to be fifty-six feet from the center of said railroad bed, and it to be opened, graded, and kept in re- pair, as a public highway of the city. Ordained December 12, 1872. STREETS GRADUATED, ETC. (From the Code of 1854.) MAIN STREET. 1. The summit and highest point of said street, between Fifth and Front streets, shall be on a level with the upper part of the present pavement, at the door of ; John Hankfnson’s brick house, and all the earth above that level shall be removed accord- ingly. 2. The said street shall have a regular descent, from that summit to a point four inches below the floor of Henry Turner’s new brick house, at the corner of Second street, and from thence to the western margin of Front street, a descent of eighteen inches. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 199 3. From the aforesaid summit, the said street shall have a regular descent to Fifth street, to a point two feet below the lloor of William Barland’s house, on the east side of said Fifth street. FRONT STREET. 1. From the above regulating point, the graduation of Front street is made by descending five feet, three inches and three- fourths, to a point at First South street; thence, descend five feet, two inches and one-fourth, to a point at the southern end of this street. This street, thus graduated, necessarily forms the regulat- ing point of all the streets which intersect with it, at the spot where they intersect. 2. Therefore, the graduation of First South street (State street) begins at the intersection of it with Front street. It will be seen that this point is five feet, three inches and three-fourths below the graduation of the western end of Main street; thence, ascend six feet, six inches, to a point at Second, street; thence, as- cend fourteen feet and six inches, to a point at Third street; thence, ascend seven feet, two inches and a half, along the line of graduation, to a point at the top of the hill; thence, descend four feet, three inches and three quarters, along the line- of graduation, to a point at Fourth street; thence, descend thirteen feet, one inch and a half, to a point at Fifth stret ; thence, ascend four feet and two inches, to a point at Sixth street. SECOND SOUTH STREET. The graduation of Second South (Washington) street com- mences at a point, or a china tree, at the intersection of this street with Front street; this point is ten feet and six inches below the graduation of the western end of Main street; thence, ascend eight feet, ten inches and three-fourths, to a point at Second street, which is at the bottom of the door sill of Mr. Texada’s brick house; thence, ascend sixteen feet, four inches and a half, to a point at' Third street; thence, ascend eight feet, ten inches and three-quarters, along the line of graduation, to a point at the top of the hill; thence,., descend five feet, eleven inches and a half, to a point at Fourth street; thence, descend fourteen feet and seven inches, to a point at Fifth street; thence, descend three feet, ten inches and a quarter, to. a point at Sixth street. 200 GENERAL ORDINANCES. SECOND STREET (WALL STREET). Begins at the bottom of the door sill of Henry Turner’s brick house, at the intersection of this street with Main street; thence, to a point at First South street, it is a level; thence, descend two feet, ten inches, to a point at Second South street; thence, descend to the southern end of this street, six feet. THIRD STREET ( PEARL STREET). The graduation of Third (Pearl) street begins at a point at the intersection of this street with Main street (this point is the graduation of Main street at that place, from this point to First South street) ; thence, descends eleven inches': and a half, to a point at Second South street; th. nee, descend eleven inches and a half to a point, the end of this street. FOURTH STREET (COMMERCE STREET). The graduation of Fourth (Commerce) street begins at the in- tersection of it with Main street, at a point which is the gradua- tion of Main street at that place ; thence, to a point at First South street; thence, descend eleven inches and a half, to a point at Sec- ond South street; thence, descend eleven inches and a half, to the southern end of the street. FIFTH STREET (UNION STREET). The graduation of Fifth (Union) street begins with its inter- section with *Main street, at a point two feet below the floor of William Barland’s house, which stands on the southwest corner of lot Ho. 1, in square No. 31; this point is the graduation of Main street at that place; thence, to a point at First South street; thence, descend two feet and five inches, to a point at Second South street ; thence, descend two feet and five inches, to the south- ern end of this street. SIXTH STREET ( RANKIN STREET). The graduation of Sixth (Rankin) street commences at its intersection with Main street, at a point supposed to be on a level GENERAL ORDINANCES 201 with the graduation of Main street, at William Barland’s, and from this point to a point at First South street; thence, descend ten fret, seven inches and a quarter, to a point at Second South street; thence, descend one foot and six inches, to the southern end of this street. GRADUATION OF CERTAIN OTHER STREETS, The graduation of the streets, as laid down in the report of Peter Little, William Parker, and Daniel D. Elliott, commission- ers appointed for that purpose, which report is entered at length on the minutes of the Selectmen, the twenty-ninth day of Decem- ber, one thousand, eight hundred and -sixteen, be, and the same is hereby, established as the level and graduation of the streets, to which the said report relates; Provided, that in Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth streets, half way between Main and First South streets, there shall be an elevation of six inches, so as to have an equal descent each way, towards Main and First South streets; and every surveyor of the streets and highways, and all other persons shall, from this time forward, govern themselves accordingly, in repairing streets, or erecting permanent buildings. SECOND STREET (WALL STREET). The graduation of Second (Wall) street, between Main and First South streets, is hereby altered, so as to make a regular de- scent from the point of graduation of Main street, nine inches, to the point of graduation on First South street, and the graduation of First South street so altered as to correspond with the above graduation. So much of an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance Establishing the Graduation of Certain Streets, Therein Men- tioned/’ passed the 30th day of December, 1810, as comes within the purview of this ordinance, be, and the same is hereby repealed. FIRST NORTH (FRANKLIN) AND OTHER STREETS. Tlie following is hereby established as the graduation of the streets hereinafter named; that is to say, First North street, from First to Second street, shall be o*n a level with Main street, having an ascent of eighteen inches, to the western boundary line of Sec- 202 GENERAL ORDINANCES. ond street; thence, ascend seven feet, to the eastern honnadrv line of Fourth street. Thence, ascend eighteen inches, to the center of the square between Fourth and Fifth streets; thence, descend eighteen inches, to the western boundary line of Fifth street; thence descend, by a straight line, to the western boundary line of Seventh street. Main street shalL descend, from the graduation of Fifth street, as heretofore established, to Seventh street, four feet, six inches. Seventh street shall be level, with the eastern end of Main street, from the northern boundary of Third South street, to the southern boundary line of Fo'arth North street. Sixth street shall be level with Main street, to Fourth North st reet. . Fifth street, from Alain to First North street, shall ascend four feet, and from thence, to Fourth North, shall be level. Fourth street, from Main to Fourth North street, shall be level. Third street, from Main to First North street, shall have a regular descent, and from First to Second North, shall be level. Second street, from Main to First North street, shall be level, and from thence, to Second North street, ascend three feet. The streets graduated to he level shall have a rise of eighteen inches, at the proper center, between every two adjacent streets. Second North street, from Second to Fifth street, shall ascend regularly, and from- Fifth to Seventh streets, shall regularly de- scend, according to the graduation established for Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh streets. FOURTH STREET. The graduation of Fourth street shall be as follows: Begin- ning with the intersection of said street with First North street, to have a descent of four feet, or thereabouts, to Second North street, so as to form a gradual descent to a point about nine feet, six inches, below the gallery sill of John Richards’ bouse, at the south- east corner of said Second North and Fourth streets, and the said Second North and Fourth streets be graduated to conform there- with. GENERAL ORDINANCES 203 SECOND NORTH STREET (JEFFERSON STREET). The graduation of Second North street shall be fixed an.d es- tablished as follows: Where Second street intersects said street, shall be on a level with First North ; and the point of graduation, wh. re Third street intersects said street, shall be the same as that on First North; from Third to Fourth, a gradual ascent, to the point fixed at Richards’ corner, on Fourth street; from Fourth to Fifth, to a point on Fifth street, on a level with First North ; from Fifth to Sixth street, a gradual descent, to a point three inches below the door sill of a brick house, erected by Martin L. Thomas, and now belonging to 1 the estate of John P. McNeil, deceased, on the southeast corner of. Sixth street ; from Sixth to Seventh, a de- scent, to the ]) re sent graduation of said Seventh street; from Sev- enth to the bridge, on the Washington road, a gradual descent. MARKET STREET. Market street shall be graduated, so as to descend regularly, from the level of Third, to Second Cross street, and it shall be' the duty of the overseer of the city hands to graduate the same accord- ingly, as soon as possible; and the owners of lots, on the south side of said street/ shall be compelled to make a gutter, of the same size and dimensions as the one on the north side, and defend the said pavement and gutters with substantial posts. MAIN STREET. The graduation of that section of Main street lying between Pine street and Wil]iamsburg, shall be a descent of eighteen inches to every three hundred and twenty feet, from said Pine street to Williamsburg. STATE STREET. The graduation of State street, from Rankin to Pine,, shall lie an ascent of three feet, from the intersection of said Rankin and State streets* to Pine street. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 204 J EF'FERSON STREET. r rho graduation of Jefferson street shall be fixed, and estab- lished, as follows: Beginning on said street, at its intersection with Union street, at a flagstone, on the corner of the pavement, now laid on the west side of Union street, where it intersects the angular point of the pavemept, on the south side of Jefferson street; from Union to Rankin street, a gradual descent of five feet, three inches, to the. corner curb of the pawment, now laying down by the Sisters of Charity, at the intersection of Rankin and Jeffer- son streets; from Rankin to Pine street, a descent of seventeen feet and ten inches, to the present graduation of Pine street; Pine street, from Jefferson to Franklin, a regular ascent of ten feet and eight inches, to the present graduation of Franklin street; Rankin street, from Jefferson to Franklin street, a regular descent of three feet, two and a half inches, to the present pavement curb on Franklin street; Union street, from Jefferson to Franklin, a regular descent of five feet, ten inches, to the present graduation of Franklin street. FRANKLIN STREET. The grade in Franklin street is to be a descent of eighteen inches to the square, towards Pine street, from Rankin. (Ordinances Subsequent to Code of 1854.) HIGH AND OTHER STREETS. AN ORDINANCE to Perfect the Graduation of Portions of Union. High, and Rankin Streets, and to Require Pavements and Gut- ters to be Made Therein. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That the grad- uation of Union street, between the points named lie-rein, shall be fixed, and established, as follows: Beginning at a flagstone, on the pavement, at the southeast ’corner of Jefferson and Union streets, as now established by ordinance of March 15, 1854, thence, level, across said Jefferson street; thence, a regular descent of nine feet, seven inches, to the southwest corner of High and Union strets; thence, a regular ascent of four feet, to the southwest cor- ner of Monroe and Union streets, as now established by ordinance of April 3, I860. . ( ‘ ' GENERAL ORDINANCES. 205 T 1 1 : 3 graduation of High street, from Union to Pine street;, shall be, from the southwest corner of said Union and High streets, as above fixed, a level, across Union street; thence, a regular ascent of ten feet and fifty-five hundredths, to the southwest corner of High and Rankin streets; across said Rankin street, to the south- east corner of said street, a descent of six inches; thence, to the southwest corner of Pine and High streets, a regular descent of twenty-three feet, four inches. The graduation of Rankin street shall be, from its intersec- tion with Jefferson street, as now provided by ordinance, a regu- lar ascent of five feet and eighty-five hundredths, to the southeast corner of High street; thence a regular descent to its intersection with Monroe street, as established by ordinance of April 3, I860. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That the owners, or agents, of lots, on both sides of Union street, between Jefferson and High streets, on the south side of High street, between Union and Ran- kin streets, and, on the east side of Rankin street, between High and Jefferson streets, be, and they are hereby, required, within sixty days from the passage of this Ordinance, to lav down, and on a proper grade with said streets, and at their own proper charge and expense, good and substantial brick pavements and gutters, along and in front of their respective lots; said pavements to be six feet wide, and said gutters to be not less than thirteen inches wide, and inches deep, corresponding with the grade of said streets, and sufficient to carry off the water ; Provided, that if the owners, or agents, of the lots, on the east side of Union street, between Jeffer- son and High streets, shall so elect, and shall express that elec- tion in writing, to the Mayor of the city, within ten days after the passage of this Ordinance, they may be permitted, in lieu of said brick pavement, to lay, and construct, within the sixty days, above prescribed, a good and substantial dirt and gravel pavement, of the width and grade above prescribed, together with good and substantial brick gutters, as above prescribed. Should they not express such election, in the manner aforesaid, pavements of brick, as above mentioned, will be required; Provided , still further, that this permission to construct an earth and gravel pavement shall not prevent the City . Council, at any future time, from ordering a brick pavement to be laid down, in lieu thereof, should it be deemed, by said Council, expedient. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That in case of the refusal, or neglect, of said owners, or their agents, to lay down, and con- struct, on a proper grade, as aforesaid, said pavements and gut- ters, in the manner and within the time required by this Ordi- ( GENERAL ORDINANCES. 206 nance; lie, she, or they, shall forfeit and pay, for each and every day they shall so refuse, or neglect, the sum of five dollars, for the use of the City of Natchez, to be recovered as other fiues and pen- alties are, before the Mayor of the City of Natchez, or any other court of competent jurisdiction. Ordained June 26, 1860. MONROE STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Establish a Grade of Mohroe Street, Between Canal and Pine Streets. Suction 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Hoard of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That the grade of Monroe street, between Canal and Pine streets, shall be fixed, and established, as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a cedar stake, on the east side of Canal street, at its intersection with Monroe street, and at. one foot below the top of said stake, thence, ascend, along south side of Monroe street, six feet, nine inches, to a cedar pin, east side of Wall street; thence, ascend fourteen feet, seven inches, to a cedar pin, on the east side of Pearl street; thence, as- cend three feet, two inches, to the middle of Commerce street, at its intersection with Monroe street (which point is six feet above the iron pin on Jefferson street, at its intersection with Commerce street, and four feet u T cst of the northwest corner of square No. 32) ; thence, descend one foot, nine inches, to Union street; thence, descend one foot, six inches, to Rankin street; thence, descend twelve feet, seven inches, to a cedar pin, on the west side of Pine street. Reference being made, more particularly for said gradua- tion, to a survey of said street, made by Thomas Kenny, City Sur- veyor, on the 28th day of May, 1859, and recorded in the “Book of Surveys.” Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That every surveyor of the streets and highways, and all other persons, shall, from this time forward, govern themselves accordingly, in repairing said street, or erecting permanent buildings therein. Ordained April 3, 1860. RANKIN STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Graduate Certain Parts of Rankin and B Streets. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That the grad- GENERAL ORDINANCES. 207 nation of so much of Rankin street as is hereinafter mentioned be, and the same is hereby, fixed, and established, as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the southwestern line of its intersection by High street, said Rankin street shall, from thence, have a. regular de- scent of five feet and three inches, to the corner of a lot of Andrew Donan, on Monroe street, designated .by a. bench mark on a cedar post ; from thence', it shall have a regular ascent, to a point oppo- site to the northeastern end of the house of George A . Fox, of six- teen feet; from thence, it shall have a regular descent of two feet and four inches, to an iron pin, on the northeastern line of B street and southwestern line of lot 1, of the Concord tract of land ; from thence, it shall have a regular ascent, of four feet and three and one-half inches, to a point one foot below a bench mark on a cedar post, at the entrance to the house, now being erected by Col. II. B. Shaw; from thence, it shall have a descent, to Oak street, at its present level, or as hereafter graduated or improved. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That the graduation of the street, known and designated in the surveys and plats of the Con- cord tract of land, formerly of Stephen Minor, as B street, from the Pine Ridge road to Union, be fixed, and the same is hereby es- tablished, as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the top of an iron book, in a cedar post, on the southwestern line of its intersection with said Pine Ridge road, the said B street shall, from thence, have a regular ascent, of fourteen feet and three inches, to an iron pin, on the northwestern side of Rankin street; from thence, it shall have a regular ascent, of fourteen feet and three inches, to an iron pin, on the northwestern side of Rankin street; from thence, it shall have a regular ascent, of one foot, in a distance of one hundred and sixty feet, and from thence, to the level of the gutter on Union street, it shall have a regular descent of seven feet. Ordained April 18, 1855. UNION STREET. AN ORDINANCE to Establish the Grade of Certain Portions of Union and B Streets. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of A lder- men, of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That the grade of Union street, from its intersection with Monroe street to its intersection with Oak street, shall be as follows, to-wit: Com- mencing at its intersection with Monroe street, at the northeastern 208 GENERAL ORDINANCES. corn: r thereof, which point is the graduation of Monroe street at that place, thence, with a. regular ascent, to Madison street, eleven feet and twenty-eight hundredths; thence, descend to the top of an iron pin, in the sidewalk, at the northeastern corner of the inter- section of B and Union streets, which pin is the graduating pin also of B street, at that place; thence, ascend one foot in one hun- dred and fifty feet, to the northwestern corner of a lot, now owned by Maurice Lisle; thence, descend, to the southwestern corner of the intersection of Union and Oak streets, t o' the top of an iron pin. Sec. 2> Be it further ordained, That the grade of B street, between Rankin and Union streets, is. hereby altered and changed, so that in. future it shall be established, as follows, to-wit: Com- mencing at the northwestern corner of Rankin and B streets, at a point where an iron pin is placed in the sidewalk, and at the top of said pin, thence, descend to Union street, to the top of an iron pin, in the sidewalk, at the northeastern corner of the intersection of B and Union streets (which point is the graduation of Union street at that place), four feet, two inches. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That so much of the second Section of an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance to Graduate Cer- tain Parts of Rankin and B Streets,” passed April 18, 1855, as establishes the grade of said B street, between Rankin and Union streets, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Ordained January 2, 1801. STREETS NAMED. AN ORDINANCE to Define and Name the Several Streets Within the City of Natchez. (Code of 1854.) The several streets within the City of Natchez shall hence- forth be known, and called, by the names severally affixed to them by this ordinance, as follows, to-wit: MAIN STREET. The street in the center of the original plan of the city, at present known as Main street, shall continue to be known and called by that name. GENERAL ORDINANCES 209 FRANKLIN STREET. The first street north of Main street, and running parallel thereto, now called First North street, shall hereafter be called and known by the name of Franklin street, in honor of Benjamin Franklin. JEFFERSON STREET. The first street north of Franklin, being the second north of Main, and running parallel thereto, now called Second North, shall hereafter be known and called by the name of Jefferson street. HIGH STREET. The first street north of Jefferson, being the third north of Main, and running parallel thereto, now called Third North, shall hereafter be known and called by the name of High street. MONROE STREET. The first street north of High street, being the fourth street north of Main, and running parallel thereto* called Fourth street, at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, shall hereafter be called Monroe street. STATE STREET. The first street south of Main street, and running parallel thereto, called First South street, at the time of the, passage of this Ordinance, shall hereafter be called State street. WASHINGTON STREET. The first street south of State street, being the second south of Main street, and running parallel thereto, called Second South street, at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, shall here- after be called Washington street. ORLEANS STREET. The first street south of Washington street, being the third south of Main, and running parallel thereto, called Third South street, at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, shall here- after be called Orleans street. 210 GENERAL ORDINANCES. BROADWAY. The street laid out along the common, on the bluff, on the ground acquired by the city by compromise with Jefferson Col- lege, shall be called Broadway. bracken's alley. The alley leading from Pearl street to Commerce street, pass- ing in the rear of Main street, south, and intersecting Commerce street, at the south corner of the Agricultural Bank, shall hereafter he called Bracken’s alley. SYCAMORE ALLEY. The alley leading from Commerce street, along by the prop- erty of the late Isaac Andree, by the site of the old Baptist Church, to the intersection of Union street, shall hereafter be called Sysa- more alley. LOCUST STREET. The street leading from Franklin street, nearly opposite the Jefferson Hotel, to State stfeet, •crossing Sycamore alley at the site of the old Baptist Church, shall hereafter be called Locust street. MONTGOMERY’S ALLEY. The alley leading from Commerce street, to Locust,, passing between the site of the late Roman Catholic Church and the prop- erty now occupied by Eli Montgomery, shall hereafter he called Montgomery’s alley. COTTON ALLEY. The alley leading from Pearl street to Commerce street, pass- ing in the rear of Main street, north, shall hereafter be called Cotton alley. BROWXSBURG. All that part of the City of Natchez, under the bluff, along the margin of the river, from the upper limits of the city to a point two hundred yards above the termination of the road leading to the upper landing, intersecting Water street at McFadden’s corner, commonly called the new road, including Brown’s steam saw mill GENERAL ORDINANCES. 211 and Plummer’s oil mills, shall, from and after the passage of this Ordinance, he known by the name of Brownsburg. MARKET STREET. The street running from Pearl street, on the north side of the public square, by the market house, to Wall street, shall hereafter be called Market street. PARKER’S ALLEY. The alley, or lane, leading from Wall street to Canal street, and in the rear of Parker’s tavern, shall hereafter be called Parker’s alley. SILVER STREET. The continuation of the street, from the western end of State street, from the brow of the hill to the Natchez ferry landing, shall hereafter be called Silver street. FULTON STREET. The street leading from Silver street to the river, commencing at the corner occupied, at the time of the passage of this Ordi- nance, by Samuel Cotton, shall hereafter be known and called by the name of Fulton street. CANAL STREET. The street in front of the city, which crosses Main street at what is commonly called Postlethwaite’s Corner, thence, running by the old banking house of the Bank of the State of Mississippi, shall hereafter be called Canal street. WALL STREET. The street running east of Canal street, and parallel thereto, crossing Main street at what is commonly called Brown’s Corner, called Second Cross street, at the time of the passage of this Ordi- nance, shall hereafter be known and called by the name of Wall street. PEARL STREET. The street running east of Wall street, and parallel thereto, crossing Main street at what is commonly called Proflet’s Corner, 212 GENERAL ORDINANCES called Third Cross street, at the time of the passage of this Ordi- nance, shall hereafter he known and called by the name of Pearl street, after Pearl river, in this State. COMMERCE- STREET. The street running east of Pearl, and parallel thereto', cross- ing Main street at what is commonly called Henderson’s Corner, where the Agricultural Bank of the State of Mississippi now stands, called Fourth Cross street, at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, shall hereafter be known and called by the name of Commerce street. UNION STREET. The street running east of Commerce, and parallel thereto, crossing Main street at the Masonic Hall, called Fifth Cross street, at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, shall hereafter he known and called by the name of Union street. RANKIN STREET. The street running east of Union, and parallel thereto, and crossing Main street near the theater, called Sixth Cross street, at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, shall hereafter be known and called by the name of Rankin street. PINE STREET. The street running east of Rankin, and parallel thereto, crossing Main street at Lyle’s Mills, called Seventh Cross street, at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, shall hereafter be known and called by the name of Pine street. ST. CATHERINE STREET. The street leading from Pine street, at the point where Weeks’ property is situated, towards the town of Washington, commonly called the Washington road, shall hereafter be known and called by the name of St. Catherine street, as far out as the limits of the city. HOMOCHITTO STREET. The street leading from Pine street, at a point south of the Rev. George Potts’, towards the property of Job Routh, commonly called the Woodville road, shall hereafter be called Homochitto street, as far out as the limits of the city. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 213 BANK ALLEY. The alley leading from Wall street to Pearl, passing in the rear of the Planters Bank, shall hereafter be called Bank alley. PORTER STREET. The street next below Fulton street, and west thereof, leading from Silver street to the river, opposite the house now occupied by Jacob Spear, shall hereafter be called Porter street. MAIDEN LANE. The street next below, and west of, Porter street, leading from Silver street to the river, shall hereafter be called Maiden Lane. WATER STREET. The street running fro!m Fulton street, up the river Missis- sippi, intersecting Fulton at the west corner of Cotton’s house, and up to Brownsburg, shall hereafter be known and called by the name of Water street. LEVEE STREET. The street running west of Water street, along the levee, the whole extent thereof, shall hereafter be called and known by the name of Levee street. Ordained March 1, 1834. ( 2 ) MADISON STREET. II — AN ORDINANCE to Change the Name of A Street to Madison Street. The street running from the road to Brown’s saw mill, at the brow of the bluff, to Pine street, north of and parallel to Monroe street, heretofore described as A street, shall be hereafter known and called by the name of Madison street. Ordained January 25, 1854. 214 GENERAL ORDINANCES. SURVEYOR. AN ORDINANCE to Provide for the Appointment, and to Define the Duties of a City Surveyor, and for Other Purposes. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Select- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That on the first Monday in January, the Mayor and Aldermen shall proceed, by ballot, to the election of a suitable person, to be styled, “Sur- veyor of the City of Natchez,” who shall continue in office during the pleasure of the Board. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of said Surveyor to nmke observations at such places, in or near the city, as he shall deem most convenient for tracing meridians, and thence deducting the declination of the magnetic needle. That from such observations, which shall be made by the most ap- proved methods and under the superintendence of a committee of three members, a. meridian shall be drawn through the Courthouse square, which shall be preserved and perpetuated, one, in or near the northern, and another, the southern limits of said square; on the upper surface of which stones, being well polished, shall be engraven lines corresponding with said meridian. And the course of all streets and boundaries c r f squares, lots, etc., which may be hereafter surveyed in said city shall be ascertained and noted in reference to the angles which they shall be found to form with said meridian, and measured by a standard measure, to be provided by said committee, and deposited for safe keeping in the City Hall, and by no other measure. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That before the Surveyor shall proceed tot survey any square, or lot, within the city, either by order of the Mayor and Selectmen, or, for any other person, or persons, the precise angular points of the square to be surveyed, shall be determined upon, and defined by the said Superintending Committee, from the best information which they may be able to obtain, aided by the operations of said Surveyor; and right lines drawn between the points so defined, and established, shall forever thereafter lie taken and considered, a,s the proper limits between any such squares, and the streets, by which it is bounded. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained. That for the purpose of perpetuating the points to be established under the authority of the Board of Selectmen, as the angles of the square which may be surveyed, in conformity with the provisions of this* Ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Surveyor of the city, to cause a stone, at }ea$t four inches square, and tfno and a half feet in length, to be GENERAL ORDINANCES. 215 planted in the street in each boundary of such square, six inches below the surface of the ground ; on the upper end of which stone, on a polished surface, shall be engraven two lines, intersecting each other at right angles; said stone shall be so placed, that one of the lines engraven cm it shall be truly parallel with the course of the street, in which it is placed, whilst the other shall point precisely to the point of bisection in the boundary line near which it is placed, the point, of intersection of the engraven lines to be ex- actly forty-eight inches within the street from the said point of bisection. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That after the passage of this Ordinance, no house, or other edifice, intended to front on any street in. the city, shall be erected, or built, until the boundaries of the square within which such edifice may be intended to be erected , shall be settled, and established, as is hereinbefore pro- vided. V>ec. b. Be it farther ordained, That it shall be incumbent upon each person intending to build, before he commences to erect any edifice intended to front on a street, and being within a square of which the limits have been established, and defined, agreeably to the third and fourth sections of this Ordinance, to call upon the Oitv Surveyor and point out. the proper lines of limits between the lot on which such building is to be erected, and the street on which it is to front. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained. That if any person shall, after the passage of this Ordinance, erect any edifice which shall encroach upon any street, or by which the free passage of any part of any street within the city, shall in any manner be obstructed, such person, so offending, shall forfeit and pay to, and for the use of the city, a sum. not less than ten dollars, nor exceeding fifty dollars; and, in addition thereto, the sum of three dollars for every twenty-four hours within which such obstruction shall be permitted to remain, which fine, or fines, shall be recoverable in any court of competent j uri sdiction. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of the Surveyor, as soon as possible, after he shall have been notified of bis appointment, to fix, at the different points of gradua- tion, as established bv ordinances now in force, or which may here- after be passed, or in some convenient position near each of said points, a stone, of suitable dimensions, 1 twelve inches below the surface of the ground, to mark the difference in elevation between said points, for their perpetuation; and, it shall further be the duty of said Surveyor, when called upon by the Overseer of the 21 6 GENERAL ORDINANCES. Streets, or any committee appointed by the said Mayor and Select- men, or by any lot-holders, of said city, to point out the said points of graduation, give information of the difference in elevation between any such points, and make such verification of the same as may at any time be necessary in constructing and repairing gutters and sewers ; and, it shall also be the duty of said Surveyor to make returns to the City Clerk of full and perspicuous notes, of all his operation's in surveying, and graduating, within the limits of the city, which notes, being first approved by the Board of Selectmen, shall be recorded in a book to be kept for that pur- pose. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That the said Surveyor, for his services in ascertaining boundaries of squares, fixing monu- ments for perpetuating them, and for the various points of gradua- tion, and for any other services, as provided for in the fourth and eighth sections of this Ordinance, shall receive a reasonable and i ust compensation, to' be sanctioned by the Board of Selectmen. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained, That for. any services performed by said Surveyor, for any individual, after the same boundaries shall have been established as aforesaid, he shall be entitled to demand, and receive, from the person by whom he may be employed, for every lot he shall survey, three dollars; for ascer- taining and verifying any points of graduation, three dollars. Ordained October 19, 1826, as revised. TREES. AN ORDINANCE to Prevent the Destruction of, or Injury to, Shade Trees. Section 1. Be it ordained hy the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the. City of Natchez, in council convened, That it shall be unlawful for any person, without the consent of the Mayor and Aldermen, or property owners, previously obtained, to injure, cut, trim, deface, or fell, any shade tree, shrub, bush, or plant, in any of the public squares, parks, promenades, grounds, or along or upon any of the streets, alleys, or avenues, of the city, and anyone found guilty before the Mayor of a violation of this Ordinance, shall be fined the sum of twenty-five dollars for each and every offense. Ordained September 6, 1888. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 217 TREASURER. AN ORDINANCE to Reduce Into One the Several Ordinances Con- cerning the Duties of City Treasurer. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Select- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the Treas- urer, duly elected by the landholders, freeholders, and householders, of the City of Natchez, previously to entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe before the Mayor, the following oath : ‘T, A. B., do solemnly swear that I will faithfully perform the duties of treasurer of the City of Natchez, during my con- tinuance in office, so help me God.” And, also give bond, with good and sufficient security, to be approved by the Mayor and Selectmen in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, payable to 1 the Mayor, and his successor in office, conditioned, “that if the above bounden — — , duly elected treasurer of the City of Natchez, shall, from time to time, and at all times when thereto required by the Mayor and Selectmen, or any ordinance of said city, render to them, or a committee of them, a just and true account of all mo'neys, securities, stocks, or other property, belonging to said city, that shall come to, or may be found in his hands, or possession, and deliver over to his successor in office, duly elected, and qualified, whatsoever moneys, stocks, securities, or other property, belonging to said city, that may remain in his possession, together with all books, and papers, belonging to his said office; and shall, moreover, faithfully and honestly discharge all and every duty of treasurer fo'r said city, during his continuance in office;” which bond shall be deposited in the office of the City Clerk for safe keeping. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all moneys, securities, stocks, or other property belonging to the city; to disburse, dispose of, or deliver over the same, agreeably to the city ordinances, or orders of the Mayor and Selectmen; to take receipts, or other legal acquit- tances, for all moneys, or property, he may pay away, or deliver; to keep accurate accounts of his receipts and expenditures; of all debts due to, or from the city; to superintend the collection of the revenue; to direct prosecutions for all delinquencies, and offenses of officers, concerned in the assessment, and collection, of the revenue, and for all debts due to the city. It shall, more- over, be the duty of the Treasurer to make report to the Mayor and Selectmen; of the state of the treasury, whenever required, in- cluding a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures. Sec. 3 . Be it further ordained , That for every day the Treasurer shall fail to 1 make out, and render, a report of the state 218 GENERAL ORDINANCES. of the treasury, after being thereto required by the Mayor and Selectmen, or a committee of them, he shall pay a line of fifty dollars, for the use of the city; and for every day be shall fail to deliver over to bis successor in office, all moneys, securities, stocks, books, papers, and ether property belonging to the city, that may remain in his hands, as treasurer, after the same shall have been demanded of him by his successor, he shall pay a fine of fifty dollars; and for this fine, as well as the preceding fine, suit shall be brought /every day before the Mayor, and recovery had thereon, with costs, until the Treasurer shall comply with the requirements of the Mayor and Selectmen as aforesaid ; and should, the Treasurer continue to fail to comply, as aforesaid, to make out such report, or to deliver over to his successor all moneys, and ('very description of city property, that may remain in his hands, at the expiration of the term, for which he was elected, and qualified, for the space of twenty days, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to put his bond in suit for the whole amount of the penalty thereof. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained . That it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to state, in books for such purpose kept, the amount of moneys he shall receive for taxes, • debts, fines, or any other account whatever, for, and in behalf of the city; and, also, the sums of money paid in pursuance of any particular ordinance of said city, stating distinctly the object, or purpose, for which the same was collected, or expended, in such manner that the proceeds of the whole revenue, and every source thereof, and the amount of disbursements, with the several demands on which payments have been made, may fully, clearly, and distinctly appear. Sec. b. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to render to the Collector in office, a certified copy of the statement of houses, lots, parts of lots, or lands, re- turned to him, on which the taxes have not been paid to, or col- lected by tbe late collector; and direct the sale of such property, by the collector in office, agreeably to the provisions of the ordi- nance concerning the duties of the City Collector. Sec. (5. As to salary. Changed by subsequent ordinance. (See Title Salary). Ordained November 13, 1838. ... * GENERAL ORDINANCES 219 II — AN ORDINANCE to Reduce the Expenses, Improve the Credit, and Regulate the Finances of the City of Natchez. Section I. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Select- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That in addi- tion to the duties of the City Treasurer, prescribed by the ordi- nances of the city heretofore, lie shall hereafter make to the said Mayor and Selectmen, in writing, upon the first Wednesday in each and every month, a report, exhibiting fully therein, his re- ceipts, and disbursements, and the balance, and character, of the funds remaining in the treasury, and such other information as circumstances may suggest as useful to said Mayor and Select- men ; and, if the said "Treasurer, shall at any time fail, neglect, or refuse, to render such report, he shall, upon conviction thereof, bo fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars for every such failure, negligence, or refusal, recoverable before the Mayor, or other officer, of competent jurisdiction, for the sole use of the city. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That all claims for sala- ries, and per diem compensation, for official services of the several officers of the City of Natchez, and all claims for commissions by the Treasurer, Collector, or other depository of the city revenue, shall, before payment thereof, be exhibited to the said Mayor and Selectmen, for their scrutiny, and action, and shall not, in any case, be paid, except upon the warrant of said Mayor and Selectmen, upon the City Treasurer; and it shall not be lawful for the Treasurer, Collector, or any officer of the City of Natchez, td appropriate any moneys received by them on account of the city, to the payment of their commissions, or legal salaries, except upon, a warrant therefor, under the penalty of removal, from office. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That the * Treasurer of said city, 1 for receiving and disbursing all moneys accruing from the various sources of revenue of said city (the School and Natchez Institute funds excepted), shall be entitled to, and receive, for his compensation, a commission of one per cent upon the amount received, disbursed and accounted for- by him. AmV the said Treasurer, for receiving, and disbursing all moneys belonging to the School and Institute funds, and all motleys levied, and appropriated, for the support of the Natchez Institute, shall be en- titled to and receive for his compensation, a commission of one- half of one per cent on the amount received, disbursed, and ac- counted. for by him. Ordained January 25, 1843. *As to Salary, see Title “Salary." . 220 GENERAL ORDINANCES. Ill — AN ORDINANCE Directing the Manner in Which Money Shall he Drawn Out of the City Treasury. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Select- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That all war- rants drawn on the Treasurer shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk, and the seal of the city shall be thereunto affixed. Ordained January 10, 1810. VAGRANCY, GAMING AND PROSTITUTION. * AN ORDINANCE to Suppress Vagrancy, Gaming, and Prostitution. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That every person who shall keep a house of public gaming, a disorderly house, house of ill-fame, or house of prostitution, within the limits of the city, shall, on conviction, be fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, and shall be liable to pay a fine of ten dollars for every day he, or she, shall continue to keep such house after the first conviction. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That any house inhabited, occupied, or used, by gamblers, or persons who for the most part maintain themselves by gaming, or by lewd, or disorderly women, or persons of bad reputation as to) chastity, or frequented by per- sons for purposes of gaming, or prostitution, shall be considered gambling houses, or houses of ill-fame, as the case may be, and adults living in, occupying, or using such houses, shall be con- sidered the keepers thereof, and subject to the penalties imposed by this Ordinance for such an offense. Sec 3. Be it further ordained, That any person having control of a dwelling, or other building, within the city, who shall reut it, or permit it to be used as a gambling house, or house of ill-fame, shall, on conviction, be fined not less than ten, nor more than fifty dollars, and also an additional fine of ten dollars shall be imposed for every day such person allows the same to be used after the first conviction. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That all persons able of body to work, and not having estate, or means otherwise to' main- tain themselves, who refuse, or neglect, to do so, or who exercise no ordinary calling, or lawful business sufficient to gain an honest livelihood, and all persons who live a dissolute life, or life of pros- GENERAL ORDINANCES. 221 titution, streetwalkers, common gamblers, and persons who main- tain themselves by gaming, shall be deemed vagrants, and it shall be the duty of the police to arrest all such persons and produce them before the Mayor for punishment, and every person who shall be adjudged a vagrant by the Mayor, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding ninety days, or by both such line and imprisonment. Ordained January 2, 1891. WATER COMMISSION. AN ORDINANCE Creating the Office of Commissioners of the Natchez Water Supply and Sewerage System; Defining Their Duties; Fixing Their Salaries, and Authorizing the Appointment by Them of a Superintendent of Said System. Whereas, The City of Natchez, by deed dated May 15, 1903, acquired title to and ownership and control of the water and sewer- age systems of the “Natchez Water Supply and Sewer Company,” including all of the property, real, personal, and mixed, and alsol all its rights, powers, privileges, franchises, contracts, etc. ; and, whereas, it is the desire of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of said city, that said Water Supply and Sewerage System shall be managed, controlled and conducted in the interest of all the peo- ple of Natchez, and without political otr personal favoritism ; and, whereas, it is believed that such desire, and intention, can best be carried out by creating a Board of Commissioners, to be selected from citizens of high character and reputation for integrity and business capacity, and who shall also be householders and tax- payers of said city; therefore, Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the office of “Commissioners of the Natchez Water Supply and Sewerage System” be, and the same is hereby created and established. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the said “Commis- sioners” shall consist of three citizens of Natchez, of high character for integrity and business capacity; who shall also be householders and taxpayers of said city; they shall be elected by vote by ballot of the members of this Board, and the term of office shall be six years; but of the said “Comlmissioners” elected in the year 1903, one shall be elected for the term of two years ; one for the term of 99 9 GENERAL ORDINANCES. four years, and one for the term of six years ; and bi-enniallv thereafter the vacancy recurring shall he filled by vote of this Board hy ballot, and they shall receive, as salary, eg compensation, for their services, the sum of one hundred dollars each per annum. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That the said “Commis- si oners” arc to have control, management, and direction, of the operation of said Water and Sewerage System; they shall give to said plants, and the operation thereof, careful inspection and super- vision; they shall make all such by-laws, rules, and regulations, as they may deem necessary for the safe, economical and efficient management and protection of said plants; they shall make any recommendations they may deem proper to the Board for changes of rates, and charges, and for extensions and ether improvements exceeding one hundred dollars in cost; they shall appoint a manager to operate and manage said plants, who shall be known as the “Superintendent of the Natchez Water Supply and Sewerage System,” and he shall give a bond for the faithful performance of his duties, and for faithful accounting, in proper terms, said bond to be payable to the City of .Natchez, approved by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, and to be in the sum of $5,000 ; they shall oversee and supervise the management and operation of the said plants by said superintendent, and hear all recommen- dations made by him, and deal with all questions submitted to them by him ; they shall supervise and inspect all books of account, accounts, vouchers, expenditures, disbursements and all collections made by him; they shall meet at least once a month and inspect such accounts, books, expenditures, expenses, collec- tions, vouchers and all other financial transactions during the preceding month, and verify and check up the same; they shall make to this Board, beginning October 1, 1903, and every quarter thereafter, a full and detailed account of the financial condition of said system, showing collections, expenditures and balances ; said balances to be evidenced bv the City Treasurer’s receipts therefor; they shall, in by-laws, rules, and regulations, to be adopted by them, carefully, and accurately, define the duties, liabilities, and responsibilities, of said “Superintendent,” and they shall keeep a record of their meetings and proceedings. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained . That this Ordinance take effect, and be in force, from and after its date. Ordained May 25, 1903. GENERAL ORDINANCES. 223 WORK F01\ CITY. AN ORDINANCE Entitled “An Ordinance to Specify How Work Shall be Done for the City. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- man of the 'City of Natchez, in council convened , That all work to be done by the city, to cost over twenty ($20) dollars, must be done by contract, and let to the lowest and best bidder. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That all bids must be re- ceived, and opened, by the Board, or Committee, authorized bv the Board. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That all bids shall be re- ceived, and opened, in the city hall, or the Clerk’s office, and tile name of each bidder, and the amount of the bid, be published for the information of the public. Sec. 4. Be ii further ordained , That all ordinances, and parts of ordinances, in conflict with this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained February 1(1, 1899. PART 2 . Contracts, jfrancbtses, Bonbs anb Special ©rblnances.! 226 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. ADAMS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. AN ORDINANCE to Authorize the Adams Manufacturing Company to Construct, Lay and Use a Railway Track Across Broadway and Canal Streets, to Connect by Switch With the L., N. 0. & T. Railway. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Adder- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That the Adams Manufacturing Company be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, to construct', lay, maintain, and use, a single railroad track, from, and to be connected by, a switch with the L., N. 0. & T. Railroad, at, or near, and on the eastern side of the freight depot of said railro'ad, across Broadway, to the line of the oil mill prop- tody, at a point near the gateway of said property on Broadway, and, also, a similar track, acrotes Canal street, from, or near, the present office of the oil mill, on the western side of said street, to the oil mill property on the eastern side of said street, at, or near, the gateway of said last mentioned property, for the sole purpose of transporting, hv cars, the raw materials, and products, of the mills, operated by said Adams Manufacturing Company; provided, how- ever, that the rights, and privileges, hereby conferred, are granted •upon, and subject to, the same terms, and conditions prescribed, and imposed, by an ordinance, entitled an “Ordinance authorizing the Natchez, Jackson, and Columbus Railroad Company to lay a single track on Broadway,” ordained and published the loth day of April, A. D., 1886, and the ordinance amendatory thereof, or- dained, and published, the 1st of December, A. D., 1887 ; and, pro- vided further, that no locomotive shall be used upon the said track across Canal street, and that whenever cars are being drawn, pulled, or pushed, upon, or along either of said tracks, a flagman shall he stationed thereon, and if at night, signal lights shall be properly dis- played, and other ordinary precautions taken to guard against in- jury, and accidents to persons, and property; and, provided further, that said rights, and privileges, shall be had, and enjoyed, by said Adams Manufacturing Company for a period of five years only, or until such time thereafter as the Mayor and Aldermen of said city, in their discretion, shall by ordinance, repeal this Ordi- nance and revoke the grant hereby made. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained . That this Ordinance shall take effect, and be in force, from and after its passage, and that all ordinances in coinflict therewith, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. Ordained May 21, 1891. CONTR ACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. II — AN ORDINANCE to Amend Section 1 of an Ordinance Entitled “An Ordinance to Authorize the Adams Manufacturing Company to Construct, Lay and Use a Railroad Track, Across Broadway and Canal Streets, to Connect by Switch With the Track of the L., N. 0. & T. Railway.” Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the first section of an ordinance entitled “An ordinance to authorize the Adams Manufacturing Company to construct, lay, and use, a rail- way track across Broadway and Canal streets, to connect by switch with the track of the L., X. 0. & T. Railway,” ordained and pub- lished the 21st day of May, A. I)., 1891, he, and the same is hereby amended, by striking out the word “sole” on the seventeenth line of said section, as officially printed and published; the wold “draw” in the eighteenth line; the words “no locomotive shall be used upon the said track, across Canal street; and that” in the thirtieth, thirty- first and thirty-second lines, and the word “five” in the forty-first line; and, by substituting the word “ten,” for said word “five.” And, provided further, that the ordinance does not in any manner release the Adams Manufacturing Company from requirements of erecting, and operating, guard gates at street crossings whenever a general ordinance ma}^ be passed, directing the same of other railroad companies. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take effect from and after its passage. Ordained July 16, 1891. Ill — AN ORDINANCE to Transfer to the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Company the Privileges Granted to the Adams Manu- facturing Company, to Construct, Lay and Use a Railway Track, Across Broadway and Canal Streets, to Connect by Switch With the Track of the L., N. O. & T. Railway Company, by Ordinance Ordained May 21, 1891, and by Ordinance Amendatory of That of May 31, 1891, Ordained July 16, 1891. Whereas, The Adams Manufacturing Company has sold, and transferred, its property, real, and personal, and all its rights, and privileges, to the Mississippi Cotton Oil Company, and the Louis- ville, New Orleans, and Texas Railway Company has become, by law, consolidated with other railroad companies, under the name, and style, of the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad Company, and the said Mississippi Cotton Oil Company, and said Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad Company, the only parties in interest, request that the privileges heretofore granted to the Adams Manu- facturing Company, should be transferred and vested in said Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad Company; therefore, 228 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That all the rights, privileges, and advantages, granted heretofore, by said ordinance, and the amendments thereto, be, and are hereby trans- ferred, granted, and bestowed, upon the Yazoo and Mississippi Talley Railroad Company, under all the provisions, and restric- tions of said ordinance, and amendments, as to the time of enjoying the privileges of said ordinance, and amendments mentioned, and the conditions therein contained. Sec. 2. Be it fui'ther ordained, That this Ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained February 2, 1893. IV— AN ORDINANCE to Extend the Life of the Franchise Granted in an Ordinance Passed on May 21, 1891, as Amended by an Ordi- nance Passed on July 16, 1891, Entitled “An Ordinance to Au- thorize the Adams Manufacturing Company, to Construct, Lay and Use a Railway Track, Across Broadway and Canal Streets, to Connect by a Switch With the Track of the Louisville, New Orleans & Texas Railway.” Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That the life of the franchise granted in an ordinance passed on May 21, 1891, as amended by an ordinance passed on July 16, 1891, and entitled “An ordinance to authorize the Adams Manufacturing Company to construct, lay, and use a railway track, across Broadway and Canal streets, to connect by switch with the track of the Louisville, New Orleans and Texas Railway,” be extended for the period of five years from May 21, 1901, at the will, and pleasure, of this Board. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and that all ordi- nances in conflict therewith be, and the same are, hereby repealed. Ordained May 23, 1891. CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 229 ASSESSMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS. AN ORDINANCE Assessing and Levying the Cost and Expense of Con- structing Sidewalks, Curbing and Gutters, Against Certain Lots, or Parcels, of Ground, Fronting, or Abutting, Upon the Easterly and Westerly Sides of South Commerce Street, in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the work of constructing sidewalks, or pavements, and curbing, and gutters, in front of the hereinafter mentioned lots, fronting, or abutting, on the east and west side of South Commerce street, having been fully completed, in accordance with the chapter and ordinances, and under the direction, and contracts, of said city, and the cost, and expense, of such work of construction, in the case of each of said lets, having been duly ascertained by the report of the Committee on Streets and Alleys, which report is hereby approved, the follow- ing sums, and amounts, are hereby assessed, and levied, against, and upon, each of said lots, on account of said costs, and expenses, to- wit : No. 504 South Commerce street, Mrs.. Margaret Cory $ 68.00 N& 616 South Commerce street, E. Jelilen 65.50. No. 508 South Commerce street, S. W. Griffin 62.75 No. 416 South Commerce street, Mrs. Susan Kibbe 66.13 Nos. 414-502 South Commerce street, Est. E. Eltringhani;. . 131.00 No. 412 South Commerce street, C. H. Perrault 20.50 No. 411 South Commerce street, Y. L. Perrault 20.50 No. 410 South Commerce street, Mrs. Rebecca Marks 65.50 No. 408 South Commerce street, Mrs. B. Benjamin. * 66.13 No. 413 South Commerce street, Mrs. L. A. Benoist 10.88 No. 419 South Commerce street, M. Heilman 60.50 No. 417 South Commerce street, Mrs. DeEtta Dixon 61.75 No. 407 South Commerce street, Mrs. J. Flonacher. . 66.75 No. 421 South Commerce street, Est. Janies Gaynor 51.75 No. 400 South Commerce street, Mrs. Adolph Jacobs 43.65 No. 509 Sduth Commerce street, Mrs. J. W. IT. Patte rson. . 66.13 No. 507 South Commerce street, Mrs. M. A. Cockrell 98.25 No. 425 South Commerce street, Mrs. R. Lee Byrnes 112.00 No. 423 South Commerce street, Mrs. James W. Miller. . . . 67.50 No. 500 Orleans street, Mrs. Louise and Mary O’Connelly (side on Commerce street) 38.70 No. 415 Commerce street, Harry S. Flood 74.25 And ordered to be collected in the manner directed by Section 31 (amended) of the Charter of said city. Ordained August 27, 1903. 230 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. II — An ORDINANCE Assessing and Levying the Cost and Expenses of Construction of Sidewalks-, Curbing and Gutters, Against Certain • Lots, or Parcels, of Ground, Fronting, or Abutting, Upon the Easterly and Westerly Sides of South Union Street, in the City of Natchez. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- man of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the work of constructing sidewalks, or payments, and curbing, and gutters, in front of the hereinafter mentioned lots fronting, or abutting, on the east and west side of South Union street, having been fully completed, in accordance with the charter, and ordinances, and under the direction, and contracts, of said city, and the cost, and expense of such work of construction in the case of each of said lots having been duly ascertained by the report of the Committee on Streets and Alleys, which report is hereby approved, the follow- ing sums, and amounts, are hereby assessed, and levied against, and upon each of said lots, on account of said costs, and expenses, to-wit: No. 400 South Union street, F. J. Arrighi $169.15 No. 408 South Union street, Est. E. H. Calhoun 75.60 No. 410 So'uth Union street, E. A. Benoist 21.92 No. 412 South Union street, Est. T. IN. Green 14.62 No'. — South Union street, M. Heilman 114.40 No. 502 South Union street, Mrs. John Cameron 174.29 No. 504 South Union street, Mrs. \V. Wright 112.45 No. 508 South Union street, C. V. Patterson 17.80 No. 606 South Union street, E. X. Chamberlain 65.50 No. — So'uth Union street, Britton Estate 72.20 Nos. 401-403 South Union street, M. E. Parsonage 161.62 No. 407 So'uth Union street, Miss /. Huntington 241.97 No. 411-413 South Union street, Miss Henrietta Rose. . . . 50.12 No. 503 South Union street, Mrs. Charles H. Merrick 51.40 No. 417 South Union street, Mrs. James Tierney . 67.70 No. 415 South Union street, L. M. Dalgarn 77.25 No. — South Union street, L. M. Dalgarn. . 82.60 No. 516 South Union street, Walter Bahin 69.33 No. 510 South Union street, Mrs. E. H. Power:?, * 138.66 No. 602 South Union street, Mrs. W. D. Mouriger 138.66 And ordered to be certified in the manner directed by Section 31 (amended) of the Charter of said city. Ordained November 13, 1903. JlTElitrin CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 231 III — AN ORDINANCE Assessing- and Levying the Cost and Expenses of Constructing Sidewalks, Curbing, and Gutters, Against Certain Lots, or Parcels, of Ground, Fronting, or Abutting, Upon the North and South Sides of East Washington Street, in the City of Natchez. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the work of construction of sidewalks, or pavements, and curbing, and gutters, in front of the hereinafter mentioned lots, fronting, or abutting, on the north and south sides of South Washington street, having- been fully completed in accordance with the charter and ordi- nances, and under the direction, and contracts, of said city, and the cost, and expenses, of such work of construction, in case 'of each of said lots, having been duly ascertained by the report of the Com- mittee on Streets and Alleys, which report is hereby approved, the following sums, and amounts, are hereby assessed, and levied, against and upon each of said lots, on account of said costs and expenses, to- wit : East Washington street, Miss Alma Drake $701.86 East Washington street, Norman Essig 71.29 East Washington street, Mrs. Wm. Stietenroth 217.15 East Washington street, Natal Salvo 280.99 East Washington street, Charles Stietenroth 142.45 East Washington street, Estate A. 0. Britton 516.50 East^ Washington street, Clyde Johnson 69.88 East Washington street, Mrs. Henry Beatty 71.29 And ordered to be certified in the manner directed by Section 31 (amended) of the Charter of said city. Ordained January 14, 1904. IV — AN ORDINANCE Assessing and Levying the Cost and Expenses of Construction of Sidewalks, or Pavements, Against Certain Lots, or Parcels, of Ground, Fronting, or Abutting, Upon the Easterly Side of North Union Street, in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of A ider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the work qf constructing sidewalks, or pavements, in front of the hereinafter mentioned lots fronting, or abutting, on the east side of North Union street, having' been fully completed in accordance with the charter and ordinances, and under the direction, and contracts, of said city, and the cost, and expense, of such work of con- struction, in the case of each of said lots, having been duly as- CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 232 certained by the report of the Committee on Streets and Alleys, which report is hereby approved, the following sums, and amounts, are hereby assessed, and levied, against, and upon each of said lots, on account of said costs and expenses, to-wit: J. B. Sullivan, G61 North Union street $ 72.50 0. G. Klapp, 657 North Union street 102.82 Estate of B. Shaw, 659 North Union street 67.50 And ordered to be certified in the manner directed by Section 31 (amended) of the Charter of said city. Ordained August 11, 1904. V — AN ORDINANCE Assessing and Levying the Cost and Expenses of Construction of Sidewalks, or Pavements, Against Certain Lots, or Parcels of Ground, Fronting, or Abutting, Upon the Easterly Side of North Union Street, in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That the work on constructing sidewalks., or pavements, in front of the hereinafter mentioned lots, fronting, or abutting, on the east side of North Union street, having been fully completed in accordance with the charter and ordinances, and under the direction, and contracts, of said city, and the cost, and expense, of such work of construction in the case of each of said lots having been duly ascertained by the report of the Committee on Streets and Alleys, which report is hereby approved, the following sums, and amounts, are hereby assessed, and levied, against and upon each of said lots, on account of said costs and expenses, to-wit : No. 683 North Union street, Wm. Berdon $138.57 No. 663 North Union street, E. J. Hodge 85.20 No. 665 North Union street, E. K. Thompson 145.43 Nd. 667 North Union street, I\. F. Reed 146.68 No. 669 North Union street, IT. F. West 155.66 No. 681 North Union street, Dr. T. C. Cooper 77.05 And ordered to be certified in the manner directed by Section 31 (amended) of the Charter of said city. Ordained August 25, 1 904. CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. VI — AN ORDINANCE Assissing and Levying the Cost and Expenses of Construction of Pavements, Curbing, and Gutters, Against Certain Lots, or 'Parcels, of Ground, Fronting on South Canal Street, Upon the Easterly and Westerly Sides, Between State and Orleans Streets, in the City of Natchez. Section 1. ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the work c’f constructing pavements, curbing, and gutters, in front of the hereinafter mentioned lots, fronting, or abutting, on the easterly and westerly sides of South Canal street, having been fully com- pleted in accordance with the charter and ordinance, and under the direction, and contracts, of said city, and the cost, and expense, of such work of construction in the case of each of said lots having been duly ascertained by the report of the Committee on Streets and Alleys, which report is hereby approved,- the following sums, and amounts, are hereby assessed, and levied, against and upon each of said lots, on account Of said costs and expenses, to-wit: No. 207 South Canal street, Mrs. Margaret Burke $ 74.87) No. 209 South Canal street, Mrs. A1 Rattan 73.07 No. 211 South Canal street, Airs. Ewing 71.79 No. 013 South Canal street, Mrs. T. A 7 . Wensel 64.02 No. 300 South Canal street, Mrs, David Dix 182.01 No. 307 South Canal street, Mrs. Henry Carson 68.40 No. 309 South Canal street, Mrs. M. Flood 57.52 No. 206 South Canal street, Airs. M. A. Tyre 67.38 Warehouse, W. H. Pritchartt & Co 172.55 Corners Washington and Canal streets, J. N. Ratliff 160.52 Corners Washington and Canal streets, Airs. John Ivane. . 152.32 No. 205 South Canal street, A. L. Johnson 126.03 And ordered to be certified in the manner directed by Section 31 (amended) of the Charter of said city. Ordained September 3, 1904. VII — AN ORDINANCE Assessing and Levying the Cost and Expenses of Construction of Pavements, Curbing, and Gutters, Against Certain Lots, or Parcels, of Ground, Fronting on North Union Street, Upon the Easterly Side, in the City of Natchez. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the work of constructing sidewalks, or pavements, and curbing, and gutters, in front of the hereinafter mentioned lots, fronting, or abutting, on the east side of Ndrth Union street, having been fully completed 234 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. in accordance with the charter and ordinance, and under the direc- tion, and contracts of said city, and the cost, and expense, of such work of construction in the case of each of said lots having been duly ascertained by the report of the Committee on Streets and Alleys, which r. port is hereby approved, the following sums, and amounts, are hereby assessed, and levied, against and upon each of said lots on account of said costs, and expenses, to-wit : North Union street, A. Trimble $118.(53 Xo'rth Union street, M. Wampold 67.78 North Union street, Fred Stier 67.78 North Union street, J. H. Chambliss 104.66 North Union street, Mrs. Sherk 105.64 North Union street, F. A". Dennison 105.64 North Union street, John Seiferth 18.00 North .Union street, C. C. Vaughn 105.53 North Union street, G. P. Balfour 106.16 North Union street, Airs. J. I). Shields 209.54 North Union street, Miss Clara Walworth 363.84 North Union street, John P. Walworth 148.36 North Union street, Gerard Brandon 80.75 North Union street, Airs. M. A. Wilson 386.50 And ordered to be certified in the manner directed by Section 31 (amended) of the Charter cif said cit}x Ordained September 22, 1904. VIII — AN ORDINANCE Assessing and Levying the Cost and Expenses of Construction of Sidewalks, or Pavements, Against Certain Lots, or Parcels, of Ground, Fronting, or Abutting, Upon the Easterly Side of South Canal Street, Between Orleans Street and the Natchez & Southern Railroad Bridge, in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- wen of the City of Natchez, in council convened f That the work of constructing pavements, curbing, and gutters, in front of the hereinafter mentioned lots, fronting, or abutting, on the easterly side of South Canal street, having been fully completed, in ac- cordance with tiie charter, and ordinance, and under the direction, and contracts, of said city, and the cost, and expense, of such work of construction, in the case of each of said lots, having been duly ascertained by the report of the Committee o'h Streets and Alleys, which report is hereby approved, the following sums, and amounts, are hereby assessed, and levied, against and upon each of said lots on account of said costs, and expenses, to-wit: CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 235 No. (>05 South Canal street, Henry Neil 25.47 Xo. 601 South Canal street, Robert Mathews 26.35 Xo. — South Canal street, Josie Shelton 7.83 X os. 533-535-603 South Canal street, Jerry Kennedy 90.34 Xo. 529 South Canal street, S. B. McNeely. 29.65 Xo. 527 Sotath Canal street, R. Scudamore 29,65 Xo. 525 South ('anal street, Mrs. M. Getty 29.65 Xo. 521 South Canal street, Mrs. John W. Cameron 24.32 Xo. 519 South Canal street, Mrs. M. Herp 30.32 Xo. 528 South Canal street, Mrs. T. B. Smith 37.92 Xo. 526 South Canal street, 3. S. Tarver 31.94 No. — - South Canal street, Louis Hoffman 32.65 South Canal street, Estate \Y. B. Briel 257.68 So'ath Canal street, J. 0. Bailey 49.80 South Canal street, John Conti..., 153.61 South Canal street, Mrs. F. Bruner 27.16 South Canal street, Mrs. H. E. Mellan 102.00 South Canal street, AY. I’. Frasier 51.49 South- Canal street, National. Investment Co 192.23 South Canal street, H. S. Flood 104.23 And ordered to be certified in the manner directed by Section 31 (amended) of the Charter of said city. Ordained September 22, 1904. IX — AN ORDINANCE Assesing and Levying the Cost and Expenses of Construction of Sidewalks, or Pavements, Against Certain Lots, or Parcels, of Ground, Fronting, or Abutting, Upon the Easterly and Westerly Sides of South Canal Street and Clifton Heights, in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That the work' of constructing sidewalks, or pavements, and curbing, and gutters, in front of the hereinafter mentioned lots, fronting, or abutting, on the easterly and westerly sides of South Canal and Clinton Heights, having been fully completed, in accordance with the charter and ordinance, and under the direction, and contracts, of said city, and the cost, and expense, of such work of construction in the case of each of said lots, having been duly ascertained by the report of the Comimittee on Streets and Alleys, which report is hereby approved, the following sums, and amounts, are hereby assessed, and levied, against, and upon each of said lots, on acco'unt of said costs and expenses, to-wit: 230 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. No. 520 South Canal street, A. L. W. Rumble. $. 95.70 No. 510 South Canal street, Miss Mary Rumble 54.50 No. 522 South Canal street, Mrs. Wood 47.57 Xo. — South Canal street, Charles Stietenroth 261.45 Xo. 508 South Canal street, Clint Monti eth 51.01 Xo. 512 South Canal street. Miss Annie Rumble 52.81 Xo. 514 South Canal street, Miss Rebecca Rumble 48.55 No. 516 South Canal street, R. G. Cain 104.26 Xo. 600 South Canal street, H. C. Dougherty. 53.32 Xo. 606 South Canal street, Sattie Hall . 23.24 Xo. '602 South Canal street, H. R, Myers 30.60 Clifton Addition, Mrs. Xicholas 54.27 Lots 134, 135, 136 and 137, Clifton Addition, Judge S. L. Elam 182.40 Lots 120, 121, 113, 114 and 115, Clifton Addition, Mrs. E. Samuels 105.47 Lots 116 and 117, Clifton Addition, Clifton Land and In- vestment Company 386.60 Clifton avenue and Madison street, Lee B. Fields. .......... 235.73 And ordered to he certified in the manner directed by Section 31 (amended) of the Charter of said city. Ordained October 20, 1904. X — AN ORDINANCE Assessing and Levying the Cost and Expenses of Construction of Sidewalks, or Pavements, Curbing, and Gut- ters, Against Certain Lots, or Parcels, of Ground, Fronting, or Abutting, Upon the Easterly Sides of Clifton Avenue and North Union Street, in the City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That the work of constructing sidewalks, or pavements, curbing, and gutters, in front of the hereinafter mentioned lots fronting, Or. abutting, on the easterly and westerly sides of North Union street and Clifton Heights, having been fully completed, in accordance with the charter and ordinance, and under the direction, and contracts, of said city, and the cost and expense of such work of construction, in the case of each of said lots, having been duly ascertained by the report of the Committee on Streets and Alleys, which report is hereby approved, the following sums and amounts are hereby as- sessed and levied against, and upon, each of said lots, on account of said costs and expenses, to-wit:. CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 237 Jno. A. Dicks, Clifton avenue $ 87.82 \V. H. Pritchartt, Clifton avenue, 115.43 J. H. Hompe, Clifton avenue 127.73 Mrs. J. J. Proby, Clifton avenue 143.42 IV. Wade, Clifton avenue 154.04 Mrs. S. R. Brown, Clifton avenue 02.33 Len Blythe, Clifton avenue 09.9(5 A. T. Bowie, Sr., Clifton avenue 90.74 L. H. Lamkin, North Union street 380.71 Mrs. Elizabeth Murray, North Union street 133.70 F. Foley, North Union street 37.00 And ordered to be certified in the manner directed by Section 31 (amended) of the charter of said city. Ordained November 3, 1904. BAKER & McDOWELL hardware company. AN ORDINANCE Entitled an Ordinance Granting to Baker & Mc- Dowell Hardware Company the Privilege of Connecting Their Property, on the East Side of South Broadway Street, With the Track of the Y. & M. V. Railroad Company, on the Western Side of Said Street, by a Switch, or Spur Track, Running Along Said Street. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That Baker & McDowell Hardware Company be, and they are hereby, authorized, and empowered, to lay, and construct, a single railroad tra'ck, from, and to be connected with, the track of the Y. & M. V. Rail- way Company, now running along the western side of Broadway street, in said cRy, to their property, on the eastern side of said street, in the block between State and Main streets; said switch track to intersect, and connect, with the track of said railway company, at a point about midway of Parker’s bluff, and thence to run along said Broadway, in a northeasterly curve, to a point near the intersection of Parker’s alley and Broadway; said track to be used in receiving, and shipping, merchandise, from, and by, said railway compan}^ in the cars thereof, from the warehouse of said Baker & McDowell Hardware Company, built by them, on said property. To maintain, and use the same, subject to the fol- lowing terms and conditions : First, That the rights, and privileges, hereby conferred, are granted upon, and subject to, the same terms and conditions pre- scribed, and imposed, by an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance 238 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. Authorizing the Natchez, Jade-on & Columbus Railroad Co. to Lay a Single Track on Broadway,” ordained, and published, the 15th day of April, 1886, and the ordinance amendatory thereof, passed the 1st day of December, 1887, excepting, however, section 2, of said ordinance, passed April 15, 1886. Second, That the rails of said track shall he so laid as to be even with the surface of the street; that the surface between said, rails, from the frog to the gutter, on the eastern side of the street, shall be planked with solid, substantial planking, at least two inches in thickness, or filled in with concrete, and that outside of said rails, continuous planking, or concrete, shall be laid up to said rails, throughout the said distance, said planking, or concrete, to be at least two and one-half inches thick, and that at least three feet of gravel shall be laid along the outside of said rails, for said distance. Third, That said track shall be constructed, subject to the sat- isfaction of the Street Committee of said city. . Fourth, Upon the acceptance* by Baker & McDowell Hard- ware Company, of the franchise, and privileges, hereby granted, it is expressly understood, and agreed, that if any of the provis- ions of this Ordinance are not complied with, within six days, the Str et Committee may notify said company, or their representa- tives, of the failure, and if they should not rectify the trouble, and comply with the ordinance, within a reasonable time, then this franchise may be forthwith revoked. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That said rights, and priv- ileges, shall be had and enjoyed, by said Baker & McDowell Hard- ware Company, during the pleasure of the Board of Mayor and Al- dermen of said city. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, 'That this Ordinance he in force from and after its passage, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith are hereby repealed. Ordained. September 21, 1899. CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 239 BLUFF CITY RAILROAD. AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the Bluff City Railway Company to Use, Maintain, and Construct, Certain Railways, On, Over, and Across Certain Streets of the City of Natchez, for the Purpose of Conveying and Transporting Goods, Merchandise, and Freight, Between the Wharfboat, or Other Landing, on the Mississippi River, at the City of Natchez, and the Bluff, Above, and from Point to Point, Within Said City. Section 1 . Be it ordained by tlic Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the Bluff City Railway Co., a corporation duly incorporated, under the laws of the State of Mississippi, its successors, ' and assigns, are hereby authorized to maintain and operate a street railway, in said city, for the purposes hereinafter named, over, across, and along, the route, streets, highways, and on the tracks, and lines of railway, heretofore, and now, used and occupied by the Bluff City Railway Company (with the consent and permission of the said Bluff City Railway Company), as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the wharf- boat, or public steamboat landing, on the Mississippi river, in said city, across Silver street, along, and over, Canal street, to Monroo street, and over the spur tracks and turn-tables, running from the main track, on Canal street, into the warehouse of the Rumble & Wensel Co., the premises and warehouse of the Mississippi Oil Mill; the property, formerly known as the Pargoud Oil Works, now used as a coal yard; and the premises, and property, of the Natchez Oil Mills; all on Canal street; and, also, to construct, lay down, use, and maintain, a spur track, from said main line, on Canal street, to the line of the Adams Lumber Co., on the east side of Canal street, and to use, operate, and maintain, said rail- ways, and spur tracks, for the movement, carriage, transportation, and conveyance, of corn, cotton, cotton seed, and its products, coal, goods, merchandise, and freights of cverv description, be- tween the said wharfboat, or other landing, on the Mississippi river, at said city, and the bluff above, and over said railways, spur tracks, etc., between said points, above named, and such other as may hereafter be designated by said Mayor and Aldermen. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That said articles of goods, wares, and merchandise, and freight, may be moved, and conveyed, over said tracks, and railways, by means of cars, or flats, drawn, or propelled, by such other power, or force, other than steam, as may he hereafter approved by said Mayor and Aldermen ; Provided , however, that a steam engine, upon the bluff, or upper city front, may be used for the purpose of moving cars up, and down, between the river landing and the top of the bluff. 240 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That said Bluff City Rail- way Company shall gravel the streets, between its tracks, and three feet on either side, and shall maintain their tracks on a level with the street, so as to offer no serious obstacle to crossing of car- riages, or other vehicles. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That all rights heretofore vested in the Natchez Gas Light Company, Natchez Water Sup- ply and Sewer Company, or other corporation, or citizens, are not to be impaired, or affected, by this Ordinance, but privileges here- by granted are subject thereto, and the right to operate the said railways shall extend for a period of twenty-five years from the passage thereof. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That should any part of the track of said company, upon a public street, remain unused for a period of more than six months, the franchise over that part of the track, so unused, shall be forfeited, except when such non- usage is caused by unavoidable accident. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, That no cars shall be allowed to stand upon a public street, or crossing, over five minutes, except in case of accident, or for protection of life, or property. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That the powers herein granted are upon the condition that said railway company shall fully indemnify the city against all damages, to which the city may he subjected, bv property holders, on said streets, or damages to persons from accident, or otherwise, in consequence of the privi- leges herein granted. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, . in conflict with this Ordinance, be, and the same are .hereby repealed, and that this Ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained August 1, 1901. TELEPHONES. AN ORDINANCE to Grant to the Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company, Its Agents, Representatives, Successors and Assigns, the Right of Way and the Right to Erect Poles, and to Stretch Wire in, Over and Under the Streets, Alleys, and Public Grounds, of the City of Natchez, in the State of Mississippi; and to Erect, Own, Maintain, and Operate, an Electric Telephone Plant and Exchange, in Said City. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That the Cum- CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 241 bo rlancl Telephone and Telegraph Company, a corporation duly chartered, and organized, under the laws ' of ' the State of Ken- tucky, and its agents, representatives, successors, and assigns, be, and the same are hereby, granted the right of way, and the right to erect all poles, and to stretch all wires, in, over, and under the streets, alleys, and public grounds, of said city, in order to make all connections with subscribers, and with telephone lines from other places, and to erect, own, operate, and maintain, an electric telephone exchange system, and. plant, for the purpose of trans- mitting intelligence, by means of electricity, to, from, and within, the City of Xatchez. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That the poles, which may be erected, under the permission herein granted shall be reasona- bly straight/ and shall be set, or placed, subject to the approval, and under the direction, of the Committee on Streets and Alleys, of said Council; and that the lowest- overground wire, to .be strung upon said poles, shall be strung not less than thirty-five feet from the ground, in the area bounded by Pine and Broadway streets, east and west, and by Madison and Washington streets, north and south, and all overground wires, outside of said area, shall be strung not less than twenty-five feet from the ground. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That for, and in considera- tion- of the rights, and privileges, herein granted, the Cumberland Telephone and Tblegraph Company, and its successors, and as- signs, shall furnish, and maintain, free of charge to the city, tele- phone apparatus, and connections, in, and for, public buildings, offices, and institutions, as the Council may direct, not exceeding fifteen in number, and shall furnish over same unlimited tele- phone service to all subscribers to the Xatchez Telephone Ex- change, of said company, or its successors, or assigns. And the said city shall have the privilege, and right, of using the poles erected by the said company, or its successors, or assigns, for stretching along, and attaching thereto, wires, for the purpose of constructing, and maintaining, a fire alarm system in said city/ free of cost, or charge, for such use of said poles. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That should the City of Xatchez, at any time hereafter, fey a general ordinance, ordain, and order, all companies, and persons, using poles, and overhead wires, for electrical purposes, to remove the same, and place the wires under ground, the said Cumberland Telephone and Tele- graph Company, for itself, and for its successors, and assigns, agrees, and covenants, to comply with such ordinance, and re- move said poles, and wires, and place said wires underground. 242 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained. That the tolls, rates, or charges, to be charged users or subscribers, for the use of the tel- ephones of said company, or its successors, or assigns, shall not, at any time, exceed the following rates, viz : Business, independent line, per month $3.50 Business, 2-party line, per month 2.50 Business, 3-party line, per month • 1.50 Special long distance equipment, per month 4.00 Residences, independent line, per month ' 2.00 Residences, 2-party line, per month 1.50 Special long distance equipment, per month 2.50 being the rates at present charged by said company. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained , That in case there shall be any injury, to any person, or corporation, growing out of the erec- tion, and operation, of said telephone plant, which shall be caused by the negligence of said company, or its successors, or assigns, or of its, or their, agents, or employes, the said company, and its successors, and assigns, shall hold the City of Natchez harmless therefor, and adjust, arrange, and settle, such damages without liability on the part of said city. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That in consideration of the rights of, and privileges, herein granted, and of the stipulations herein contained, and in further consideration of the aforesaid free telephone service to the city, and of the benefit to be derived by the citizens thereof, from the maintenance therein of a tele- phone exchange, and their use of same, and on condition that said company shall, within six months from this date, begin the work of installing cable equipment of its overhead wires, and on the further condition that the said company shall, within three years from this date, erect, and equip, a through toll line, from Natchez to New Orleans, Louisiana, and direct toll lines/from Natchez to Jackson, Mississippi, and from Natchez to Rayville, Louisiana, the said company, and its successors, and assigns, are hereby grant- ed the rights, and privileges, herein set forth, for a period of fifty years. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances, and parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith, be and the same are here- by repealed, and that this Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, and written acceptance thereof by the Cumber- land Telephone and Telegraph Company. Ordained January 8, 1903. CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. ELECTRICITY. 243 AN ORDINANCE to Provide for Furnishing Light, in the City of Natchez, by Means of Electricity. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of A lder- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened , That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the privilege shall be, and is hereby, granted to- the Natchez Electric Light Company, an incor- porated company, chartered in accordance with the laws of the State of Mississippi, by an act, approved the 30th day of June, A. D. 1881, of laying, and erecting, poles, and wires, or conduits, for conducting electricity, under, or through, any street, alley, or thoroughfare, within the corporate limits of the City of Natchez, for the purpose of transmitting light, heat, or power; Provided, that the said wires, or conduits, shall be so laid, or erected, that, if, on the poles, the wires shall be forty feet from the ground, and that the poles, or conduits, shall be laid, or erected, with the con- sent, and under the supervision, of the Board of Mayer and Al- dermen, so as not to interfere with the drainage, or passage, or thoroughfare, in said city. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the privilege herein granted is upon condition that the said Natchez Electric Light Company shall, by the first day of January, 1890, or sooner, if practicable, have completed the requisite apparatus for generating, and manufacturing, electricity, and shall have laid, or erected, in connection therewith, two miles of wires, or conduits, in said city, and shall further lay, or erect, from time to time, such additional wires, or conduits, on any streets, alleys, or thoroughfares, as shall be required; Provided , that the demand for the electricity, for light, heat, or power, to be supplied by such extension, shall af- ford a reasonable prospect of a fair remuneration. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That in consideration of the privilege herein granted to the Natchez Electric Light Company, the City of Natchez reserves the right, or privilege, after the ex- piration of ten (10) years, from January 1, A. I). 1890, of pur- chasing from said Natchez Electric Light Company, its successors, or assigns, all the wires, conduits, fixtures, buildings, and appara- tus, necessary for generating, and transmitting, electric light, heat, and power, at such price as may be ascertained, and determined, by five (o) disinterested men, two (2) of whom shall be chosen bv the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Natchez, two by the Natchez Electric Light Company, or its successors, or assigns, and the fifth by the four so chosen. 244 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That the City of ''Natchez reserves the right, and privilege, to grant to any other company, corporation, or individual, the same privileges herein granted to the said Natchez Electric Light Company. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance shall take effect and be binding upon the parties herein mentioned from and after its passage. Ordained August h, 1888. FERRY. AN ORDINANCE to Provide for the Lease and Regulation of Ferries Across the Mississippi River, from and Within the Limits of the City of Natchez, Reserving the Rent for the Use Thereof, and Prescribing the Rates of Ferriage. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That at 12 o’clock a.m., on the third Monday of Februar}^ A. D. 1896, and at the same hour on the third Monday of February, every five years thereafter, sealed proposals be received by the special committee from the Mayor and Aldermen, for the license, and privilege, of keeping the ferry across the Mississippi river, from, and within, the limits of the City of Natchez, for the period of five years from the second Wednesday of March, then next, ensuing, upon the terms and conditions, and in accordance with the regulations here- in established. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Mayor of the city, immediately previous to said third Monday of February, in any year when such bids are to be received, as aforesaid, to advertise, for thirty days, in some public newspaper, published in the City of Natchez, for sealed proposals, in accord- ance with the first section hereof, reserving the right, however, on behalf of the Mayor and Aldermen, to reject any and all bids. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That said proposals shall state the amount which the said bidder offers, and will contract to pay, annually, in advance, for such license, and privilege, and the names of the sureties, whom he or they proffer upon the bond here- inafter provided for; that at the hour when said bids are return- able, as aforesaid, the said special committee from the Mayor and Aldermen shall assemble, and open, and consider, such proposals, and, if they shall regard all of such bids unacceptable, from any ■ CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC; 245 cause, they shall reject such proposals, and direct a readvcrtise- ment for proposals for said license, and privilege, returnable at the earliest day and hour which will admit of due notice thereof ; that, if said special committee from the Mayor and Aldermen shall deem either, or any, of said proposals advantageous to the city, they shall proceed to award the privilege, and license, for the period, or the remainder of the period aforesaid, to him, or them, whom they shall esteem the best and highest bidder therefor, and direct, and authorize, the Mayor to enter into a formal contract with the suc- cessful bidder; that, should the successful bidder, at any time, abandon, or forfeit, his, or their, license, or contract, the Mayor and Aldermen shall, by resolution, direct an advertisement for pro- posals for such license, and privilege, for the unexpired term, re- turnable on such day, and at such hour, as they may designate, and shall, at such time, assemble, and proceed as hereinbefore pro- vided. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That before exercising the privilege, and license, awarded him, or them, as aforesaid, and within five days after such award, the successful bidder shall enter into a formal contract with the City of Natchez, that he, or they, will faithfully comply with the stipulations, terms, condi- tions, and regulations, prescribed in this Ordinance, and secure the faithful performance of such contract by giving a good and sufficient bond, payable to the City of Natchez, in the penalty of one thousand dollars, with two, or more, good and solvent sureties, to be approved by the Mayor and Aldermen, and shall, annually, during his, or their term, or upon the death of any surety, sub- mit said bond to said Mayor and Aldermen for their approval; and should said Mayor and Aldermen, at any time, upon such submis- sion, disapprove of the bond previously given, said licensee shall submit for their approval, and acceptance, a new bond; that the successful bidder shall also, before entering upon the exercise of his, or their privilege, and annually, in advance thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the yearly sum which he, or they, have offered and contracted to pay. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the licensee to provide, and to keep, at all times, in readiness, be- tween sunrise and sunset, of every day, during his term, for the transportation of passengers, and all chattels, and things necessa- rily and usually offered for transportation across said river, a good, substantial, and worthy, steam ferryboat, with separate, and suit- able, accommodations for ladies and children, the dimensions of which shall not be less than eighty-five (85) feet length, twenty- CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 246 two (22) feet beam, extreme width, including guards, thirty-two (332) feet, depth of hull for (4) feet, and burden not less than sixty-five (G5) tons; to keep the ferry dock, and the approaches thereto, “at any and all times, in a good and first-class condition, and at all times be subject to the orders of the Streets and Alleys Committees of the Board, as to putting said dock and approaches in good condition/’ during his, or their, entire term; to make trips across said river every half hour, from sunrise to sunset, and give prompt and clue attendance, at such times, and to transport pas- sengers and freight at the rates prescribed in section G of this Or- dinance. Sec. G. Be it further ordained, That the following are here- by established as the rates of fare, and ferriage, across the Missis- sippi river, from, and within, the limits of the City of Natchez to the town of Yidalia, State of Louisiana, namely: FREIGHT TARIFF FROM NATCHEZ TO VIDALIA AND FROM YIDALIA TO NATCHEZ. Foot passengers, 10 cents; school children, per month, $1 ; children under 12 years, 5 cents; passenger on horseback, 25 cents; single buggy and horse, with driver, 40 cents; double buggy and horse, with driver, 50 cents; carriages and hacks, with driver, 75 cents; road carts and horse, with driver, 335 cents; dump carts and horse, with driver, 335 cents; wagons and two horses, with driver, 50 cents; wagons and four horses, with driver, 75 cents; furniture wagon, two horses, and two drivers, $1; furniture wag- ons, two horses and two drivers, loaded, $1.50; drays, single, one horse, one driver, 35 cents; drays, double, and one driver and three horses, 50 cents; drays, single, loaded, and driver, G5 cents; drays, double, loaded, and driver,. 85 cents. In case of an overflow the charges on live stock shall be one- half regular fare each way; this shall not be so construed as to compel shippers to pay both fares at one time. Ale, porter, and beer, per cask, 7% cents; axes, per box, 5 cents; beer, per keg, 5 cents; barbed wire, per coil, 5 cents; bu- reaus, common, 15 cents; bureaus, fine, 22% cents; boots and shoes, per case, 7% cents; bacon and green meat, 'per box, 18% cents; bagging, per roll, 7% cents; 100 yards, 5, 50 and 35 cents; brick, per thousand, $1; brick, per thousand, in cart, $1.85; bug- gies, carts, and road carts, 18% cents; butter, per tub, 5 cents; baskets, per bundle, 5 cents; brooms and buckets, per bundle, 5 cents; bellows, each, 7%. cents; bedsteads, common, 15 cents; bed- steads, fine, 18% cents; cabbage, per crate, 7% cents; cattle, per CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 247 head, 15 cents; chairs, per bundle, 7%. cents; coal, per hogshead, 25 cents; cotton, per hale, 10 cents; crockery, per hogshead, 37 % cents; crockery, per tierce, 15 cents; crockery, per box, 7% cents; canned goods, crackers, cheese, soap, candles, starch, etc., 5 cents ; carriages, one seat, 18% cents; carriages, two seats, 171/5 cents; coffee, per sack, or bag, 7%. cents; corn mills, hand, 5 cents; corn mills, horse power, 22 % cents; cultivators, hand, 5 cents; cultiva- tors, wheel, 18% cents; cotton gins and condensers, $1.50; cotton presses, $1.50; drugs, per case, 15 cents; drugs, per box, 5 cents; dry goods, per case, 18% cents; dry goods, per box, or trunk, 5 cents; doors and windows, package, two each, 5 cents; doors and windows, package, each 6, 15 cents; flour, meal, and other dry barrels, per barrel, 6 cents; fish, per kit, 3% cents; hay, per % hale, 3% cents; hats and caps, per box, 7% cents; hams, per tierce, 15 cents; hams, per box, 5 cents; hardware, per barrel, 10 cents; hardware, per case, 15 cents; hardware, per box, 7 % cents; horses and mules, per head, 111% cents; hogs and sheep, per head, 7% cents; ice, per barrel, or sack, 5 cents; ice, per tierce, 10 cents; ice, per hogshead, 37% cents; iron ties, per bundle, 2% cents; iron, per bundle, 5 cents; lard, per bucket, or can, 5 cents; lumber, per M, $1.50; lumber, per M, in wagon, $1.50; lemons and oranges, box, or barrel, 5 cents ; meat, per sack, 5 cents ; meat, per loose side, 2% cents; nails, per keg, 5 cents; mattresses, 7% cents; oils, per can, 5 cents; oats, bran, corn, and peanuts, per sack, 5 cents ; pork, molasses, oil, liquors, cider, and all wet barrels, per barrel, 111% cents; paints, per keg, 25 pounds, 2% cents;. pow- der, per keg, 15 cents; plows, each, 5 cents; pumps, hand, each, 7 %. cents; pumps, steam, each, 22% cents; pop, or mineral water, 7% cents; a single. package, 10 cents; rope, per coil, 5 cents; rope, per coil, large, 37% cents; shingles, per M, 22% cents; salt, per sack, G cents; soda fountains, 7% cents; stoves, complete, each, 18% cents ; . sewing machines, 15 cents; springs, for beds, 7% cents; tobacco, per package, 7% cents; tubs, per nest, 5 cents; trunks, 5 cents; wagons, 37% cents; washstands, common, 11% cents; washstands, fine, 15 cents; wheelbarrows, 1% cents; wet kegs, 7% cents. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained That if any person, or per- sons, shall, for hire, reward, or compensation, of any sort, convey, by means of skiffs, boats, or other water craft, any passenger, or commodity, of any kind, from any place in the City of Natchez, across said Mississippi river, to Yidalia, Louisiana, without being duly licensed, and privileged, under this Ordinance, he, or they, shall, upon convction by said Mayor, or any justice of the peace, he fined not less than ten ($10) dollars, for every such offense. 248 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, That if any person,, who shall have been awarded the license to keep said ferry, shall fail to con- summate the award, by executing, and delivering, the required contract, and bond, within the time prescribed, or shall subse- quently fail to promptly obtain an approval of his bond by the City Council, as herein provided, the Mayor and Aldermen may declare said award, or contract, forfeited, and annulled, instantly and without notice, and proceed to readvertise and award the same; and if the person who shall have been licensed, and who shall have contracted to keep said ferry, shall have, in the judg- ment of said Mayor and Aldermen, grossly neglected, and violated, the duties imposed on him by this Ordinance, the said Mayor and Aldermen may, after thirty days’ notice to said licensee, and con- tractor, to show cause, declare said contract to be forfeited, and annulled, and proceed to readvertise and award said license, and privilege; and that, should said licensee and contractor, at any time, be guilty of any default, or breach of any of the duties pie- scribed by section 5 of this Ordinance, he shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than one hundred dollars, for every such offense. Sec. 0 . Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in force from and after its' passage, and that all ordi- nances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this Ordinance be, and they are hereby repealed. Ordained February G, 189 G. IT — AN ORDINANCE Annulling and Rescinding a Contract, Heretofore Entered Into Between S. B. MeNeely and the City of Natchez. Granting to Him the License and Privilege of Running a Ferry Across the Mississippi River, Within the Limits of the City of Natchez, Dated March 11, 1901, and Granting to Said S. B. Mc- Neely the Said Ferry License and Privilege, for a Term of Ten Years, Under Certain Conditions. Whereas, S. B. MeNeely, of the City of Natchez, county of Adams, and State of Mississippi, was, on the 11th day of March, 1901, awarded the license, and privilege, of running a ferry, across the Mississippi river, within the limits of the City of Natchez, for a period of five years from said date ; and, whereas, he was awarded the same license, and privilege, covering the same period of time, by the town of Yidalia, situated in the State of Louisiana, imme- diately opposite the City of Natchez, thus giving him the right of running tkc ferry, between the City of Natchez and the town of CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 249 Vidalia; and, whereas, the said- S. B. McXeely lmd. entered into contracts .with said City and town, and replaced the ferryboat, that was run by him, and which answered the requirements of his con- tract, by one much larger, faster, and more safe; and, whereas, the town of Vidalia, in consideration of this fact, did, on the 3d day of September, 1902, enter into a contract with the said S. B. McXeely, giving to him the exclusive license, and privilege, of running a ferry across the Mississippi river, for the term of twenty years, beginning March 11, 1906; and, whereas, the said S. B. Me Neele has requested the City of Xatchez to release him from the obligations of said contract, entered into, on March 11, 1.901, and has offered to enter into another contract, with the City of Xatchez, agreeing to pay $843.00, for the year, beginning June 25, 1904, and. $652.00, each year thereafter, for a license, and privi- lege, of running a ferry across the Mississippi river, within the limits of the City of Xatchez, to -the town of Vidalia, for a period of ten years, from this date, and, during said term of years, to run a boat, to cost not more than $20,000, and, in every respect, as 'good as the one he now has; and, whereas, it is to the interest of said city, that such contract should be entered into with him; therefore, Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Xatchez , in council convened, That as soon as the contract, hereinafter mentioned, is entered into, that the con- tract now existing between Captain S. B. McXeely and the City of Xatchez, granting to him the license, and privilege, of running a ferry across the Mississippi river, within the limits of the City of Xatchez, be annulled, and rescinded, and the bond given by him, for the faithful performance of his contract, be cancelled, and the sureties released. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the license, and priv- ilege, of running a ferry across the Mississippi river, from, and within, the limits of the City of Xatchez, to the town of Vidalia, he, and is hereby, awarded to Captain S. B. McXeely, his heirs, legal representatives, and assigns, for the term of ten years, be- ginning with this date, for the sum of $843.00, for the year, begin- ning June 25, 1904, and for the sum of $652.00, for each year thereafter, to be paid annually, in advance, to the City Treasurer, upon the terms and conditions, and in accordance with the regula- tions, herein established. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That before exercising the license and privilege, awarded him, as aforesaid, he shall enter into a contract with the City of Xatchez, that he will faithfully comply CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 2:0 with the stipulations, terms, conditions, and regulations, pre- scribed in this Ordinance, and secure the faithful performance of said contract, by giving a good and sufficient bond, payable to the City of Natchez, in the penalty of $1,000, with two, or more, good and solvent sureties, to be approved by the Mayor and Aldermen, and shall, annually, during his term, or upon the death of any surety, submit said bond to said Mayor and Aldermen, for their approval, and should said Mayor and Aldermen, at any time, upon raid submission, disapprove of the bond previously given, said S. I». Me Neel v, his heirs, legal representatives, or assigns, shall submit, for their acceptance, a new bond. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the licensee to provide, and to keep, at all times, in readiness, be- tween sunrise and sunset, at every day, during his term, for the transportation of passengers, and all things necessarily and usually offered for transportation, across 1 said river, a substantial, and worthy, steam ferryboat, with si el hull, with suitable accommo- dations for passengers, the dimensions of which shall not be less than one hundred and ten feet in length, twenty-six feet beam, four and a half feet hold, two boilers and two engines, and of not less than 88.50 tons burden, and to cost not less than $20,000 ; to keep the ferry dock, and the approaches thereto, at any and all times, in a good and first-class condition, and at all times be subject to the orders of the Str. ets and Alleys Committee of the Board, as to putting said dock and approaches in good condition, during his entire term; to make round trips, across said river, every hour, from sunrise to sunset, and give prompt and due at- tention, at such times, and to transport passengers and freight, at the rates prescribed in section 5 of this Ordinance. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained , That the following are here- by established as the rates of fare, and ferriage, across the Mis- sissippi river, from, and within, the limits of the City of Natchez, to the town of Vidalia, State of Louisiana, namely: FREIGHT TARIFF FROM NATCHEZ TO VIDALIA AND FROM VIDALIA TO NATCHEZ. Foot passengers, 10 cents; school children, per month, $1 : children under 12 years, 5 cents; passenger on horseback, 25 cents; single buggy and horse, with driver, 40 cents; double buggy and horse, with driver, 50 cents; carriages and hacks, with driver, 75 cents; road carts and horse, with driver, 35 cents; dump carts and horse, with driver, 35 cents; wagons and two horses, with driver, 50 cents; wagons and four horses, with driver, 75 cents; furniture wagons, two horses, and two drivers, $1; furniture wag- contracts, franchises, etc. 251 oils, two horses, and two drivers, loaded, $1.50 ; drays, single, one horse, one driver, 35 cents ; drays, double, and one driver and three horses, 50 cents; drays, single, loaded, and driver, 65 cents; drays, double, loaded, and driver, 85 cents. In case of an overflow the charges on live stock shall be one- half regular fare each way ; this shall not be so construed as to compel shippers to pay both fares at one time. Ale, porter, and beer, per cask, 7% cents; axes, per box, 5 cents; beer, per keg, 5 cents; barbed wire, per coil, 5 cents; bu- reaus. common, 15 cents; bureaus, fine, 22% cents; boots and shoes, per case, 7% cents; bacon and green meat, per box, 18% cents; bagging, per roll, 7% cents ; 100 yards, 5, 50 and 35 cents ; brick, per thousand, $1; brick, per thousand, in cart, $1.85 ; bug- gies, carts, and road carts, 18% cents; butter, per tub, 5 cents; bask: ts, per bundle, 5 cents; brooms and buckets, per bundle, 5 cents; bellows, each, 7% cents; bedsteads, common, 15 cents; bed- steads, fine, 18% cents ; -cabbage, per crate, 7% cents; cattle, per head, 15 cents; chairs, per bundle, 7% cents; coal, per hogshead, 25 cents; cotton, per bale, 10 cents; crockery, per hogshead, 37% cents, crockery, per tierce, 15 cents; crockery, per box, 7% cents; canned goods, crackers, cheese, soap, candles, starch, etc., 5 cents; carriages, one seat, 18% cents; carriages, two seats, 17% cents; coffee, per sack, or bag, 7% cents; corn mills, hand, 5 cents; corn mills, horse power, 22% cents; cultivators, hand, 5 cents; cultiva- tors, wheel, 18% cents; cotton gins and condensers, $1.50; cotton presses, $1.50; drugs, per case, 15 cents; drugs, per box, 5 cents; dry goods, per case, 18% cents; dry goods, per box, or trunk, 5 cents; doors and windows, package, two each, 5 cents; doors and windows, package, each 6, 15 cents; flour, meal, and other dry barrels, per barrel, 6 cents; fish, per kit, 3% cents; hay, per % bale, 3% cents; hats and caps, per box, 7% cents; hams, per tierce, 15 cents; hams, per box, 5 cents; hardware, per barrel, 10 cents; hardware, per case, 15 cents; hardware, per box, 7% cents; horses and mules, per head, 11 1 4 cents; hogs and sheep, per head, 7% cents; ice, per barrel, or sack, 5 cents ; ice, per tierce, 10 cents; ice, per hogshead, 37% cents; iron ties, per bundle, 2% cents; iron, per bundle, 5 cents; lard, per bucket, or can, 5 cents; lumber, per M, $1.50; lumber, per M, in wagon, $1.50; lemons and oranges, box, or barrel, 5 cents; meat, per sack, 5 cents; meat, per loose side, 2% cents; nails, per keg, 5 cents; mattresses, 7% cents; oils, per can, 5 cents; oats, bran, corn, and peanuts, per sack, 5 cents; pork, molasses, oil, liquors, cider, and all w r et barrels, per barrel, 11% cents; paints, per keg, 25 pounds, 2% cents; pow- CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 232 tier, per keg, 15 cents; plows, each, 5 cents; pumps, -hand, each, 7 % cents; pomps, steam, each, 221/5 cents; pop, or mineral water, TVs cents ; a single package, 10 cents; rope, per coil, 5 cents; rope, per coil, large, 37% cents; shingles, per M, 22% cents; salt, per sack, 6 cents; soda fountains, 7% cents; stoves, complete, each, 18% cents; sewing machines, 15 cents; springs, for beds, 7% cents; tobacco, per package, 7% cents; tubs, per nest, 5 cents; trunks, 5 cents; wagons, 37% cents; washstands, common, 11% cents; washstands, line, 15 cents; wheelbarrows, 1% cents; wet kegs, 7% cents. Sec. 6 . Be it further ordained , That if any person, or per- sons, shall, for hire, reward, or compensation, of any sort, convey, by means of skiffs, boats, or other watercraft, any passenger, or commodity of any kind, from any place, in the City of Natchez, across said Mississippi river, to Vidalia, Louisiana, within said hours of sunrse and sunset, and during the term of this contract, other, than the said S. B. McNeely, his heirs, legal representatives', or assigns, he, or they, shall, upon conviction by said Mayor, or any justice of the peace, be fined not less than ten dollars, nor more than twenty dollars, for every such offense. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That if the said S. B. Mc- Neely shall fail to enter into the contract, and give bond, required by section 3 of this Ordinance, within thirty days from this date, or, shall, subsequently, fail to promptly obtain an approval of his bond, as herein provided, or shall fail to keep in trade the kind, and character, of boat, required by section 4 of this Ordinance (it being understood that, in case his boat should be lost, he would have a reasonable time, in which to get one to replace it, or, if it should be required, a reasonable time in which to repair the injury, or a reasonable time to make other repairs), the Mayor and Aider- men may declare said award, or contract, forfeited, and annulled, instantly, and without noitce; and, if said S. B. McNeely, his heirs, legal representatives, or assigns, should, in the judgment of said Mayor and Aldermen, grossly neglect and violate the duties imposed on him by this Ordinance, the said Mayor and Aldermen may, after thirty days! notice, in writing, to said S. B. McNeelv, to show cause, declare said contract to be forfeited, and annulled; and, should S. B. McNeely, his heirs, legal representatives, or as- signs, at any time, be guilty of any violation of section 5 of this Ordinance, he, or they, shall, on conviction thereof, by the Mayor, or any justice of the peace, be fined not less than one hundred dol- lars, for every such offense. CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 253 Sec. 8. Be it further ordained. That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in force from, and after its passage, and all other ordi- nances in conflict with this Ordinance he, and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained June 25, 1903. Ill — AN ORDINANCE to Amend an Ordinance Entitled “An Ordi- nance to Provide for the Lease and Regulation of Ferries. Across the Mississippi River, from and Within the Limits of the City of Natchez, Reserving the Rmt for the Use Thereof, and Pre- scribing the Rates of Ferriage.” Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor arid Board of Adder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That Section 1 be changed, making the date for receiving and opening bids, 12 o’clock on the second day of March! for this year, and the adver- tisement be continued till that date. Ordained February 7, 1901. GAS. AN ORDINANCE to Provide for the Lighting of the Citv of Natchez With Gas. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the exclusive privilege shall be, and the same is hereby granted, in accordance with the charter granted by the Legislature of Mississippi, March 11, 1850, to the Natchez Gas Light Company, of laying pipes for conducting gas, under street, alley, o f r thoroughfare, within the corporate limits of the city; provided, that the said pipes shall be so laid as not to interfere with the drainage, sewerage, or grade, of any street, alley, or thoroughfare, in said city. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the privilege herein granted is upon condition, that the said Natchez Gas Light Com- pany shall, on, or before the first day of January, 1859, have co'm- pleted the requisite apparatus for manufacturing gas, and shall have laid, in connection therewith, three miles of main pipe in said city, and shall further lav, from time to time, such additional main pipe, on any street, alley, or thoroughfare, as shall be required ; provided, that the dcmland for gas to be supplied by such ex- tension, shall afford a reasonable prospect of a fair remuneration. 254 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That whenever the said Natchez Gas Light Company desires to break ground in any street, or alley, or thoroughfare, for the purpose of laying main pipe, they shall give at least three days’ notice thereof, to the Mayor of said city, and during the progress of the wc'rk, they shall proceed with all reasonable diligence to complete it, and shall furnish the city of Natchez, for the public use, and benefit, such quantities of gas of the. most approved quality for lighting cities, upon the several streets, alleys, and thoroughfares, in which gas pipes shall be laid ; and, fck gas furnished for public use, and benefit, as herein provided, the said City of Natchez will pay to the Natchez Gas Light Company, four dollars, per thousand cubic feet, the amount' consumed to be ascertained by meter measure, in the usual way; the lamp posts and fixtures to be furnished by the City of Natchez. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained . That this Ordinance shall have effect and be binding upon the parties herein mentioned, from and after its passage; provided, that, at the expiration of twenty years from February 11, 1858, the City of Natchez shall have the right, or privilege, from the said Natchez Gas Light Company, its successors, and assigns, all the pipes, buildings, and apparatus, constituting the gasworks, at such price as may be ascertained, and determined, by five disinterested men; tw© of whom shall be chosen by the Mayor and Selectmen of the City of Natchez; two 1 , by the Natchez Gas Light Company, or their successors, and as- signs; and, the fifth, bv the four thus chosen. When the foregoing ordinance is passed, we hereby agree, and bind ourselves, to abide by, and perform, its provisions, and also the provisions inserted after Section 4. (Signed) Geo. W. Koonz, President Natchez Gas Light Company. Ordained February 16, 1858. II — AN ORDINANCE to Amend and Modify the Ordinance Entitled “An Ordinance to Provide for Lighting the City of Natchez With Gas.” Whereas, By the proviso in the fourth section of the ordinance styled, “An ordinance to provide for lighting the City of Natchez, with gas,” ordained and published on the 16th day of February, 1858, which ordinance, and the proviso, in said foUrtli section, was assented and agreed to, by the Natch; z Gas Light Company; and, whereas, said proviso, in the following words, to-wit: “Pro- CONTRACT?, FRANCHISES, ETC. 255 vided, that at the expiration of twenty years from February 16, 1858, the City of Natchez shall have the right, and privilege, of purchasing, from the said Xatehez Gas Light Company, its succes- sors, and assigns, all the pipes, buildings, and apparatus, constitut- ing the gasworks, at such price, as may be ascertained, and deter- mined, by five disinterested men ; two of whom shall be chosen by the Mayor and Selectim n of the City of Natchez; two, bv the Natchez Gas Light Company, or their successors, and assigns; and, the fifth, by the four thus chosen; and, whereas, the right to make the purchase of the gasworks, fixtures, etc., by te city, on the terms, aforesaid, will occur on the 16th of February, ensuing, and, Whereas, from the condition of the city’s finances, and other considerations, we consider that the City of Natchez is not in con- dition to make said purchase ; therefore. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayer and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That, the Natchez Gas Light Company, assenting thereto, the time speci- fied in the above-mentioned proviso, in Section 4, when the city shall have the privilege of purchasing, as aforesaid, on the terms therein contained, be extended fifteen years, from the lGtli day of February, 1878, and, at the expiration of fifteen years from February 16, 1878, the City of Natchez shall have the right, or privilege, of purchasing from the said Natchez Gas Company, its successors, or assigns, the pipes, buildings, and apparatus, con- stituting the gasworks, at such price* as may be ascertained, and determined by five disinterested men; two of whom shall be chosen by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez; two, by the Natchez Gas Light Company, or their successors, or assigns, and the fifth by the four thus chosen. Ordained November 1, 1877. We, the Natchez Gas Light C company, agree, that the right of the City of Natchez to purchase the gasworks, as prescribed in the proviso of the ordinance of February 16, 1858, be extended from the lGtli day of February, 1878, to fifteen years after said last date, on the same terms, and stipulations, as ascertained in said proviso. Witness our hands and the seal of the corporation. (Signed) E. B. Baker, President Natchez Gas Light Company. 256 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. i M P1U )YEM EXT BONDS. AN ORDINANCE to Provide for the Issuance and Negotiation of Improvement Bonds. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the bonds •to he issued, and negotiated, in pursuance of an act of the Legis- lature of the State of Mississippi entitled, “An act to authorize the City of Xatchez to issue, and negotiate, bonds for public improve- ments, approved March 6, 1888, shall he lithographed bonds of the denomination of five hundred dollars each, and the following form, to- wit : Xo. — — . $500.00. United States of America, State of Mississippi, City of Xatchez. County of Adams. Know all men by these presents, That the City of Xatchez, a municipal corporation, under the laws of the State of Mississippi, for value received, promises to pay bearer, the sum of five hundred dollars, twenty years from the date 'hereof, at the office of the City Treasurer, with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable on the first of January in each year, at the same place, on the presentation, and surrender, of the coupons for such in- terest hereto annexed ; the said City of Xatchez hereby reserving the right to pay the bond at any time after five years from date hereof, provided that such payment he made at the time, and place, at which the interest is payable, and that two months notice be given of such payment, and when so paid, interest on this bond to cease. This bond is issued in accordance with the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, entitled, “An act to authorize the City of Xatchez to issue^ and negotiate, bonds for public improvements,” approved March 6, 1888. The total issue of these bonds is not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars, and under the provisions of the above-mentioned act, said bonds are exempt from taxation for county, or municipal, purposes, until tlveir maturity. In witness whereof, the Mayor of said City of Xatchez, by virtue of an ordinance of the Mayo'r and Aldermen of said city, entitled, “An ordinance to provide for the issuance, and negotia- tion of improvement bonds, ordained the 30th day of May, A. I)., CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 257 1888, and a resolution of said Mayor and Board of Aldermen, adopted at a meeting held on the day of , A. D., 18 — , has hereunto set his hand, and caused the seal of said city, to he affixed, and attested, by the Clerk, and has signed the coupons hereto annexed this, the day of , A. D., . Registered in the office of the Clerk of the City of Natchez, this day of , A. D., . , Mayor. , City Clerk. That said bonds shall each have attached thereto, twenty cekipons, conditioned for the payment of the annual interest, at the rate of six per centum, per annum; Coupon No. 1 to be of the following term, to-wit : State of Mississippi, City of Natchez, . Co'nnty of Adams, Will pay the bearer hereof, at the office of the City Treasurer, on the first day of January, — , the sum of dollars, months then due on bond No. — . , Mayor. , City Clerk. And the remaining coupons shall be of the following form, naniely : State o'f Mississippi, County of Adams, City of Natchez, Will pay the bearer hereof, at the office of the City Treasurer, on the first day of January , the sum of thirty dollars, one year’s interest then due on bond No. — . Mayor. , City Clerk. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the Finance Com- mittee of this Board be, and is hereby authorized, and directed, to procure at once, two hundred bonds with the requisite coupons an- nexed, of the form, workmanship, and demoninations, hereinbefore described, and deliver the same to the City Treasurer, to 1 be by him carefully preserved, until the same be needed for issuance, from time to time, in accordance with resolutions of this Board. Sec. 3 . Be it further ordained, That whenever the issu- ance, and negotiation, of any of said bonds, shall be deemed neces- sary by the Mayor and Aldermen, for the purpotee of defraying the cost of some public improvement, the said Mayor and Aider- men shall, by resolution, provide for the issuance, and negotia- tion, of the amount necessary for such purpose, and the Mayo'r 25S CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. and City Clerk shall, thereupon, execute the requisite number of bonds, and accompanying coupons, by signing the same, and affixing to the bonds the corporate seal of the City of Natchez, after dating such bonds, and filling the proper blanks in the attesta- tion clause thereof, with the date of the passage of the resolution by virtue of which said bonds are issued, and filling the proper blanks in coupon No. 1, with the amount of interest which will be due oh the bond on the first day of the following January, provided, however, that no bonds shall be issued, negotiated, or delivered, for or on any account of any improvement, the cost of which will exceed the sum of five thousand dollars, unless such improvement shall have been first authorized by a vote of a ma- jority of the propertyholders of said city, as provided in said act of the Legislature. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained. That whenever the Mayor and Aldermen shall deem it desirable to make any improvements, the cost of which will exceed the sum of five thousand dollars, they shall, by resolution, make all necessary provisions for the submission of the question of such improvement to the vote of the propertyholders of said city, at an election, to be held, upon the same notice, and in the same manner, as far as possible, as other elections in said city, but without registration of voters, excepting the contemporaneous recording of the names of the voters who par- ticipate in the election. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to keep, as a part of the records of his office, a well-bound book, in which he shall register contemporaneously with issuance thereof, all bonds issued in pursuance of said act of the Legislature, and of this Ordinance, specifying the number, date, and denomination of each bond, the date o'f its maturity, and the particular piece of public work upon which, and the resolution under which, it was issued. Sec. G. Be it further ordained. That the coupons which will accrue on any outstanding bonds, on the first day of January of any year, shall be receivable for any city taxes of the preceding year, . subsequent to the passage of this Ordinance, and that after five years from date of issuance of any bonds, the Mayor and Aldermen may provide that such bonds shall be receivable in pay- ment of city taxes. SIC. 7. Be it further ordained. That the Mayor and Aider- men shall annually provide, by taxation, for an interest fund, and a. sinking fund, for the payment of the interest, and principal, respectively, of the outsancling bonds, and separate accounts of CONTACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 251 ) said several special funds shall be kept by the City Treasurer, and said Mayor and Aldermen shall, from time to time, provide, by resolution, for the cancellation, and obliteration, of such of said bonds as may have been redeemed, or paid. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, That this* Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained May 30, 1888. II — AN ORDINANCE to Provide for the Payment and Redemption of Certain Improvement Bonds of the City of Natchez, Numbered One, Two, Three, Four, and Five. Whereas, It is deemed advisable by the Mayor and Aldermen o'f the City of Natchez, that twenty- five hundred dollars, in amount, of the improvement bonds of the city, issued in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, entitled, “An act to authorize the City of Natchez, to issue, and negotiate bonds, for public improvements,” approved March 6th, A. D., 1886, and an Ordinance of said city, entitled, “An ordinance to provide for the issuance, and negotiation, of improvement bonds,” ordained May 30th, A. 1)., 1888, be called in, paid, and redeemed; and, whereas, bonds numbered, respectively, one, two, three, four, and five, for five hundred dollars, each, issued under said act of the Legislature, and ordinance, are the lowest in number outstanding, at this time, and more than five years have expired since the dates, and issuance, thereof ; therefore, Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That those cer- tain improvement bonds of the City of Natchez, numbered on (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), and five (5), be, and they are hereby called in, and that upon presentation, they be paid, and redeemed, by the City Treasurer, at his office, on the first day of January, A. I).. 1894, out of the sinking fund provided for that purpose; and that the holders thereof, do present them for payment to said City Treasurer, at said time and place; and that from and after the said first day of January, A. D., 1894, interest on said bonds shall cease, and be no longer paid. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the Mayor of said city be, and he is hereby authorized, and requested, to give notice to the holders of said bonds, by advertisement, published in the Natchez Daily Demo'crat, immediately after the passage of this Ordinance, and once a week thereafter, until said first day of CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 260 'January, A. I)., 1894, that said, bonds have been called in, and will be paid, and redeemed, by the City Treasurer, at his office, on the first day of January, A. D., 1894, and that interest thereon, will cease on said date, and be no longer paid, and requiring them 1o present said bonds for payment to said City Treasurer at said time and place. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That in the meantime, the City Tax Collector is hereby authorized to receive any of said bonds, in payment of taxes levied in 1893, for the payment of im- provement bonds, and coupons, and that, on the coming in of the City Treasurer’s report, after the first day of January, A. D., 1894, showing the payment, and redemption, of said bonds, the Mayor and Aldermen provide, by resolution, for the cancellation, oblitera- tion, or destruction, of said bonds, so redeemed, or paid. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance take effect and be in force fro f m and after its passage. Ordained October 26, 1893. NATCIIEZ & SOUTHERN RAILROAD. AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the Natchez & Southern Railway Com- pany to Lay a Track Across the Westerly End of Compress Street, in the City of Natchez, Mississippi. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That the Natchez & Southern Railway Company be, and is hereby, authorized, and empowered, to, lay, and construct, a railroad track, across the westerly end of Compress street, commencing at the northerly side of said street, 15 feet from the easterly property line of the Natchez Compress Company; running across said street to the southerly side thereof ; said track, crossing said street on a parallel line with said Compress property, and not exceeding 15 feet there- from. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That the rights and privi- leges, hereby conferred, are granted upon, and subject to, the same conditions as sections 2, 3 and 4, of the ordinance, ordained and published October 4, 1900, granting certain authority to the Y. & M. Y. railroad, to construct a spur track in front of Geisenberger & Freidler’s warehouse. Ordained September 4, 1903. * ' * * ■ ■ • . CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 261 XATCIIEZ ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY AND POWER COMPANY. AN ORDINANCE to Grant to Andrew G. Campbell, T. Otis Baker, J. Oscar Bailey, Oliver N. Wilds, E. A. Enochs, E. H. Jackson, P. W. Mulvihill, S. McDowell, James G. Smith, Theo. Crothers, James W. Lambert, Wilmer H. Shields, John F. Jenkins, Henry Frank, Thomas Reber, and E. H. Ratcliffe, Their Associates, Successors and Assigns, the Right to Construct, Maintain, and Operate, an Electric Plant, for Furnishing Heat, Power, and Light, and a Plant for Furnishing Compressed Air to the City of Natchez, and the Inhabitants Thereof, and to Maintain and Operate a Street Railway, on the Streets of Said City of Natchez. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of, the City of Natchez , in council convened , That in consid- eration of the public benefits to be derived therefrom, the right, and privilege, are hereby granted, for a term of fifty years, from the time this Ordinance takes effect, unto the said Andrew G. Campbell, T. Otis Baker, J. Oscar Bailey, Oliver N. Wilds, E. A. Enochs, E. H. Jackson, P. W. Mulvihill, S. McDowell, James G. Smith, Theo. Crothers, James W. Lambert, Wilmer H. Shields, John E. Jenkins, Henry Frank, Thomas Reber and E. H. Rat- cliffe, their associates, successors, and assigns, to construct, main- tain, and operate, a street railway, on any of the streets, avenues, alleys, or lanes, now in the City of Natchez, or that may hereafter become a part thereof ; Provided, that at the expiration of five years from the passage of this Ordinance, the rights, and privi- leges, herein granted, shall cease, as to any street, or part of street, where no track is in course of construction; avenue, alley, or lane, which has not at that time been used, or occupied, by said street railway company, unless the time for occupying said street shall be further extended by the said Mayor and Board of Aldermen. The grantees herein shall have the right, and authority, to construct, on said ^streets, all necessary turnouts and switches, and to erect and maintain poles, wires, and pipes, on or under any of said streets, with the necessary appliances, and fixtures, for conducting currents of electricity, or other means, for the purpose of transmit- ting motive power, light and heat, and to propel, and operate, the cars on such railway, and to erect, and maintain, poles, and wires, oip or under said streets, or pipes under the said streets, and em- ploy all necessary appliances required for the use of any other suit- able motive power (other than horses and mules), which, with the consent and approval of said Mayor and Board of Aldermen, may be employed to propel said cars, and furnish power, heat and light Alsu, the right and privilege, for the said period of fifty years, of CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 2G2 erecting, and maintaining, or, or under, said streets, poles, wires, pipes, and other appliances, for conducting currents of electricity, or other means, and for the purpose of supplying to the said city, when contracted with, and. the inhabitants thereof, electric light, heat, power, and compressed air. Said rights, and privileges, are granted, subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That said railway shall be operated by electricity, compressed air, or cable, except in the event of an accident to the machinery, destruction of the power house by tire, or other cause, the ears may he propelled by animals, or other power, for a period of not exceeding ninety days from the date of the accident. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That said railway shall con- sist of single and double tracks, four feet, eight and one-half inches between the rails, along said streets; Provided, that double tracks shall not be laid on any street less than sixty feet wide, and without permission of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of said city, except where necessary turnouts, and switches, shall be located. All tracks shall be constructed, and maintained, as far as practicable, in such manner as to avoid impediment to the free and ordinary uses of the streets, and the passage of wagons, and other vehicles, on or across, said tracks, at any point, and tracks must he laid on a level with streets, and in any and all directions, and with suitable bridges at all gutters, and other points, to be con- structed at the cost of the said railway company, so as to permit the free flow of water under the same; and they shall plank, pave, or gravel, between their tracks, and for a space of one foot on each side of the track at each street crossing. And in case any such street, or part thereof, he paved, or improved, by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, after the tracks are laid, then the said grantees, their associates, successors, and assigns, shall, at their own expense, keep up, and maintain, said pavem. nt, and street, between the rails, and for a space of one foot on each side of said railway track, under the direction of said Mayor and Aldermen of said city. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That said railway shall be operated with modern cars, with all proper .equipments for the comfort, safety, and convenience, of passengers. And said rail- way shall be constructed after the most modern methods of street ra i 1 way cons tr uction. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained , That there shall be con- structed, and kept in continuous use, entirely around the running gear- of the ears of said railway, the most approved guards, or CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 263 fenders, or safety device, to push, or lift, from the track, any ob- stacle that may fall, or be, thereon. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained , That the said, grantees here- in, their associates, successors, and assigns, shall have the right to make, and collect, charges for carrying persons, and things, and shall not charge any more than five cents for one passenger, for one continuous passage, in said city’, with the privilege of transfer to branch lines, without extra charge, and a, reasonable charge for parcels, and freight, except where cars shall be chartered for a specified purpose. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained. That all poles shall be of cedar, or other approved material, neat, and regular in size, form, and height, and shall he painted in dark colors, and repainted, from time to time, as the Mayor and Aldermen may direct, but shall not. be required to paint them oftener than once in every four vears ; the city to have the privilege to use said poles for fire alarm purposes. They shall be about one hundred and twenty-five feet apart, except where otherwise required, and shall be placed at such points, near the curb-stone line, as shall be designated; Provided , that wires may he attached to buildings, with the consent of the owners, and Board of Mayor and Aldermen, and thereby avoid the erection of poles at such points. Should it be necessary for the prosecution of any work, by the said Mayor and Aldermen, that such poles shall be temporarily removed, such removal, shall be by the said grantees herein, their associates, successors, and assigns, and at their own expense, with- out any claims for damages therefrom. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained. That the said City of Natchez shall not be liable to the grantees herein, their associates, succes- sors, and assigns, for any damages sustained from any delay, or interruption, in operating the said railway, by reason of any im- provement of said street, construction of sewers, the laying of gas and water pipes, or for any other cause, ordered, or permitted, bv the said Mayor and Aldermen. And the said grantees herein, their associates, successors, and assigns, shall, at all times hereafter, defend, keep harmless, and indemnify the said City of Natchez, from any and all damages, claims, and demands, for injuries to persons, 1 and property, done by them, their agents, officers, employes, and servants, and growing out of the exercise of the privileges granted by this Ordinance, and the operating of said railway. And they shall defend, at their own expense, all actions which may be brought against the said 2G4,, CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. City of Natchez for swell damages, when notified by the 'Mayor of the cit}', or other officer. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained , That the grantees herein, their associates, successors, and assigns, whenever the grade of any street may be changed, shall, at their own expense, and without (extra* charge to the said Mayor and Aldermen, grade for, and relay, its tracks, so as to conform to the changed grade, but in no case shall they be liable for any damages, or injury to property, caused by any change made by the said Mayor. and Aldermen, - in the grade of any street, or by the lowering, or elevation, of any roadway, or any street, made by said Mayor and Aldermen. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained, That the following rules and specifications shall be observ. d in the running of said cars: 1. The cars of said railway shall be run at reasonable inter- vals, so as to accommodate the public, unless interrupted by acci- dent. No car shall be allowed to stop on the cross-walk, nor in front of any intersecting street, except to avoid accident; nor shall any car remain standing on any street, at any time, unless the same is waiting for passengers, nor at any terminus, or turnout, or switch. 2. When cars stop to receive or leave passengers, the rear platform shall be slightly over the crossing, and ingress and egress of passengers shall be permitted only from, and by, the rear plat- form. 3. Cars, or trains, driven in the same direction, shall not approach each other nearer than thirty (30) feet. 4. The driver, or motorman, must keep a vigilant watch for all teams, carriages, persons on foot, and especially children, either on the track, or moving toward it, and, on the first appearance of danger, the motorman shall sound the gong, with which all cars shall be equipped, and, if necessary, the cars shall be stopped until the danger is passed. 5. Passengers shall not be allowed to enter, nor to leave, the car while the same is in motion. 6. The cars shall, after sunset, be well lighted, and shall be provided with a signal light. 7. The cars shall be entitled to the track; any vehicle upon the track shall turn out whenever any car comes up, so as to leave the track unobstructed, and the driver of any vehicle refusing to do so, promptly, when requested by the driver of the car, by ring- CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 2G5 in g of the gong, shall he liable to a fine not exceeding five ($5.00) dollars, on conviction before the city court. 8. The fire department of the city, and hospital ambulance, shall have the right of way in answering fire alarms and fighting fires, or answering emergency calls. Sec. 11. Be it further ordained. That, nothing in this Ordi- nance shall impair, or abridge, the control, right, and power, vested by law in the Mayor and Aldermen of the said City of Natchez, and concerning the streets thereof, and the said ‘Mayor and Aider- men shall have the right hereafter to pass any ordinance concern- ing the use of the streets, and to protect the rights of the public in the premises, as shall be proper, so long as the same does not annul the right and privileges granted, of constructing, and oper- ating, said railway. Sec. 12. Be it further ordained, That any failure on the part of the said grantees, their associates, successors, and assigns, for three days, and in case of danger, at once, after written notice from the Mayor and .Aldermen, or Street Commissioner, to repair any street, or any part thereof, for which they are liable, and re- store the same to a condition of safety, and convenience, for the public travel, shall constitute a misdemeanor, which, on convic- tion before the City Court, or any court of. competent jurisdiction, punished by a fine, not exceeding fifty ($50.00) dollars, and any such failure shall authorize the Mayor and Aldermen, or Street Commissioner, to make such repairs, and .said Mayor and Aldermen shall collect the cost, and expenses, of the same from the said grantees herein, their associates, successors, and assigns, by suit, or other proceedings. Sec. 13. ' Be it further ordained , That the authority, and privilege, hereby granted, shall be, and remain, in full force for, and- during, the period of fifty years, and after the passage of this Ordinance, subject always to the conditions and limitations herein specified. Sec. 14. Be it further ordained , That the grantees herein, their associates, successors, and assigns, shall not be required, or obliged, at any time, to build more than two miles of track, in any one year, except as hereinafter provided. The grantees herein, their associates, successors, and assigns, shall begin the work of construction of said street railway on, or before, one year from the approval of this ordinance, and shall complete, and have in full operation, at least three and one-half miles of street railway, in said city, on, or before, the first day of May, 1902. The said CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 206 grantees herein, their associates, successors,' and assigns, shall have the right, thereafter, to extend their lines over any street named in this ordinance, except on the portion of such as may then be occupied by a street railway, theretofore laid in pursuance to a right granted by said Mayor and Aldermen'; Provided, however, if any litigation, in good faith, shall arise as to the right of way herein granted, over any portion of the route, or the construction of said railway be interrupted by any injunction, or other legal proceeding, or by any unavoidable accident, then the time of pendency of such litigation, or proceeding, or the existence of* such injunctions, or interruptions, or delay, shall not be computed as part of the time herein specified for beginning and completing said railway, but such time may be accordingly extended by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, if, in their judgment, such extension is warranted. Sec. 15. Be it further ordained. That the grantees herein, their associates, successors, and assigns, may at any time change the route, or line, of said railway, or any part thereof, with the consent and approval of said Mayor and Aldermen. Sec. 1(>. Be it 'further ordained, That the Mayor and Aider- men of said city shall, in their judgment, take all necessary pro- ceedings, as may be requested by the said grantees herein, their associates, successors, and assigns, to protect the right of way herein granted, but all such proceedings shall be at the expense of the grantees herein, their associates, successors, and assigns, but said Mayor and Aldermen, in such cases, may require security for costs and indemnity, to bd approved by it. Sec. 17. Be it furthkr ordained. That in consideration of the privileges, and franchises, herein granted, the said railway company shall, annually, pay into the City Treasury, five per cent of the net receipts for that year, for the entire term of ten years, and any property acquired by said company shall remain on the roll, as now assessed, fod ten years. Sec. 18. Be it further ordained. That any failure on the part of the said grantees herein, their associates, successors, and assigns, for a period of six successive months, to operate, at reason- abb 4 intervals, their cars, so as to accommodate the public, on any of the streets, lanes, or alleys, of the City of Natchez, after having once established service thereon, will leave it optional with the Mayor and Aldermen of said City of Natchez to cancel, and annul, CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 267 this Ordinance, insofar as it bears upon such neglected streets, avenues, or lanes, and if said grantees herein, their associates, suc- cessors, and assigns, should fail, for a period of six months, to op- erate 1 their cars, at reasonable intervals, so as to accommodate the public, throughout their entire system in the City of Natchez, after such system lias been established, will leave it optional with the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of said City of Natchez to can- cel, and annul, this Ordinance in toto; provided , such cessation of services is not caused by accident, requiring more than six months for repairs, upon the cancellation of this franchise, or any part thereof, or at the expiration of its life, no extension having been granted, the said railway company, their successors, or assigns, shall remove their tracks from all the streets, avenues, or lanes, relating to which the franchise has been cancelled, or has expired, and shall put said street in thorough repair, to the satisfaction of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. Should they fail to do so, when notified in waiting by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, the said Board of Mayor and Aldermen may proceed to have same done, at the expense of said railway company. Should said grantees, their associates, successors, and assigns, fail, or refuse, to comply with requirements laid down in the va- rious sections of this Ordinance, or any of them, the privileges, and franchise herein granted, shall be null and void. Nothing herein shall be construed as granting an exclusive franchise over any street. Sec. 19. Be it further ordained, That the said grantees here- in, their associates, successors, and assigns, shall have the right to assign all of the rights, and privileges, acquired by this Ordi- nance, to any individual, or incorporated company, and organized under the laws of this, or to be incorporated, and thereafter organ- ized, under the laws of this, or any other, State, and such assign- ment shall vest in such company, or individual, all the privileges, and rights, herein, and hereby, granted. Sec. 20. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained January*?!, 1901; as amended October 17, 1901. CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 2G8 II— AN ORDINANCE to Amend an Ordinance Entitled “An Ordinance to Grant to Andrew G. Campbell, T. Otis Baker, J. Oscar Bailey, Oliver N. Wilds, E. A. Enochs, E. H. Jackson, P. W. Mulvihill, S. McDowell, Janies G. Smith, Theo. Carothers, James W. Lambert. Wilmer H. Shields, John F. Jenkins, Henry Frank, Thomas Reber, and E. H. Ratcliffe, Their Associates, Successors and Assigns, the Right to Construct, Maintain, and Operate, an Elec- tric Plant, for Furnishing Heat, Power, and Light, and a Plant for Furnishing Compressed Air, to the City of Natchez, and the Inhabitants Thereof, and to Operate and Maintain a Street Rail- way, on the Streets of the Said City of Natchez.” Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- wen of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That the ordi- nance, heretofore passed by this Council, and approved by tiro Mayor, on the 24th day of January, 1901, granting to Andrew G. Campbell, and others, the right to construct, and maintain, an electric plant, for furnishing heat, power, and light, and a plant for furnishing compressed air, to the City of Natchez, and the in- habitants thereof, and to maintain, and operate, a street railway on the streets of said City of Natchez, be, and the same is hereby, amended,: by striking out the words, “sixty-six,” in the 4th and 5th lines of Section 3, of said ordinance, and inserting, in lieu thereof, the words, “sixty feet,” and by striking out the word, “four” (4) in the eighth line of section 14, of said ordinance, and inserting, in lieu thereof, the words, “three and one-half.” Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained October 17, 1901. Ill — AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the Natchez Electric Street Rail- way and Power Company to Lay Its Street Railway Track, and Erect and Maintain Poles and Wires, Over and Across the Grounds of the Premises, Known as the Natchez City Hospital Lot, and to Operate Said Railway, by Trolley, Over Said Track. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the Natchez Electric Street Railway and Power Company is hereby authorized, and empowered, to lay, and construct, its street railway track, and erect, and maintain, poles, and wires, over, and across, that por- tion of the grounds, of the premises commonly known as the Natchez City Hospital lot, described as follows: Entering the said grounds at the southeasterly corner thereof, running thence parallel with the southern boundary thereof, and as near to it as , ' • . . % . • ' ' ' . CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 269 possible, to the hospital gate; thence, turning- in a northerly direc- tion, along the western boundary line of said grounds, and parallel with said westerly boundary, to. the northwesterly corner thereof; also, over and across that part of the hospital property, over which the old Moses horse car line formerly passed, and along the line of said old railway; and, to operate the cars of said company over said track. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That said company shall have permission, and authority, to do such grading, over the above described line, as may be necessary, for the proper and easy in- gress to said grounds, and to said northwesterly extremity thereof. The rights, and privileges, In reby conferred, are granted upon, and subject to, the following conditions: (a) Said rights, and privileges, shall be held, and enjoyed, during the pleasure of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Natchez, and should said Board deem it advisable for the, public interest, to repeal this Ordinance, and revoke the rights, and privileges, hereby granted, the said Board will give said company six months’ time, after notice, within which to remove said track, and poles, and wires, and the said company shall restore the grounds to as good condi- tion as they were when said track was laid, (b) The rails of said track shall be laid on a level with the adjacent, and abutting, land, and there shall be plank, or gravel, between the tracks, and for the space of one foot on each side of the track, and the said track shall be constructed subject to the satisfaction of the Street Committee of said city. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That it is provided that the same protection, and conditions, reserved by the City of Natchez, in the franchise granted to the said Natchez Electric Street Rail- way and Power Company, over the streets of Natchez, be appli- cable to the right of way, hereby given; and, provided, further, that the said street railway company erect, and maintain, good, modern, cattle-guards, at each crossing of the fence, surrounding the said hospital grounds; and, provided, that all expenses of mov- ing fences, and repairing roadway, shall be borne by the street railway company. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage, and that all ordi- nances and parts' of ordinances in conflict therewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained August 21, 1902. 270 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. NATCHEZ, .JACKSON & COLUMBUS BAILROAD. AN ORDINANCE for the Donation and Grant to the Natchez, Jackson & Columbus Railroad Company, of a Right of Way Over and Through Certain Streets, and the Occupation, and Use, by Said Company, of Certain Property of the City. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That a right- of-way be donated, and granted, to the Natchez, Jackson, and Columbus Railroad Company, from the eastern side o'f Pine street, at its junction with Monroe street, over, and across said Pine street, and thence through, and over Monroe street, across, and over Rankin, Union, Commerce, Pearl, Wall, Canal, and Broadway streets, 1 6 the city front; and that said company have, and exercise, the right to make, and construct, such cuts, and embankments, as may be required for a proper and convenient grade for its roadbed ; provided, that whenever any such cuts, or embankments, shall be above, or below, any established street grade, the said company shall, by bridges, embankments, and other structures, and changes, make, and keep, the streets easy, and practicable, for public use, and enjoyment. And, provided further, that the said company shall use their said right-of-way under the restraint of such munici- 'pal regulations as shall be necessary to the public safety, and that, for any damage done by the railroad to private property, resulting from the running of the road through the streets, the railroad com- pany shall be responsible. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That a donation, and grant, be made by the city to said company, of the vacant, and un- inclosed space of ground belonging to the city, situate on the west- ern side of Broadway, between the property of A. Beekman, and the enclosed common, or promenade ground, upon the city front, for the possession, and use thereof, by said company, during its cor- porate existence, for a depot, and terminus station, for passengers, and freight, and out-buildings, sidetracks, turn-buts, and other structures, necessary, and convenient therefor, as well as any other use that may be required for the business of said company ; pro- vided, that, before the execution, or possession, under this grant, the said company shall obtain from the trustees of Jefferson Col- lege, their consent thereto, and the release of any right, or claim, that might, without such consent, accrue to said college, by reason of said grant, and appropriation. Sec. 3 . Be it further ordained, That the Mayor of the City be directed, and is hereby authorized, to execute, and deliver, under the seal of the city, properly attested, to the said company, CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 271 such deeds of conveyance, as may be proper, and necessary, for a valid, and effectual, assurance to the company of the property, and rights, aforesaid, granted, and donated by this Ordinance, to the said company. Ordained March 6, 1872. II — AN ORDINANCE for the Donation and Grant to the Natchez, Jackson & Columbus Railroad Company of the Use and Occupa- tion of Certain Property of the City. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of A ider- men of the C ity of Natchez, in. council convened, That a donation, and grant, be made by the city, to the Natchez, Jackson, and Columbus Railroad Company, of that part of the enclosed common, or promanadc ground, of the city, bounded, and described, as fol- lows, to-wit : Bounded on the northeast by the unenclosed com- mon, lately donated to said company- for a terminus station, and other purposes; on the southeast, by Broadway, and on the south- west, by a line coinciding with a prolongation of the northeastern line, or margin, of Franklin street, and extending back from said Broadway, toward the margin of the bluff, one hundred feet; for the occupation, and use thereof, by said company, for a passenger depot, and station, during its corporate existence, but, upon the following conditions: That the company shall not build thereon any buildings except such as shall be necessary for a passenger depot, and that, the company shall improve, adorn, and keep, in good condition, for a place of resort, and recreation, so much of the ground donated, as shall not be occupied by the depot building, and road tracks, as well as the ground lying between that donated, and the margin of the bluff. •Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That the Mayor of the city, execute, and deliver, under the seal of the city, properly at- tested, such a deed of conveyance, as shall be necessary for assur- ing to said company, the use, and occupation, by this Ordinance granted, and donated, of said land, upon the condition of the grant. Ordained July 11, 1872. I'll — AN ORDINANCE Entitled an Ordinance Authorizing the Natchez, .Jackson & Columbus Railroad Company to Lay a Single Railroad Track on Broadway; as Amended. Section 1 . Be it ordaind by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez . in council convened, That the Natchez, Jackson, and Columbus Railroad Company be, and are CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. hereby authorized, to lay down a single railroad track, from its depot, along, and over Broadway street, on the western side thereof, to any cotton compress that may be built on the land lying west of the residence of Mrs. A. L. Wilson, near the southern terminus of said street; to maintain, and use the same on the following terms, and conditions, provided, however, that this Ordinance shall not be so construed as to give the Natchez, Jackson, and Columbus Railroad Company the exclusive right over and on Broadway, for their track, and the said track can be used by anv new railroad, not now in operation in said City of Natchez, which may come into Natchez, and will pay its proportion of the cost of construc- tion, and maintenance, of said track on Broadway, and will stand to, and abide by, all the stipulations, and conditions, which, under this Ordinance, apply to the Natchez, Jackson, and Columbus Railroad Company. First Clause — That the track of said railroad company shall not be elevated abo've the surface of said street; that the rails shall be so laid that carriages, and vehicles, can easily, and freely, ' cross said track, at any and all points thereof, with the least ob- struct! on possible, provided, that nothing in this clause shall be so construed as to authorize the change of the established grade of said street. Second Clause— That the said railroad cotnpany shall be re- quired to pave, or gravel, within its tracks-, and for at least three feet, each side of said track, and forever maintain such, in good order, and condition, and to put in sewers, and cross sewers, that may be necessary for the proper drainage of said street. Third Clause — That said railroad cc'mpany shall not allow any locomotive, passenger, or freight car, or other railroad car, to stop, or remain, upon any part of said street between Franklin and the cotton compress, except when it is absolutely necessary, to pre- vent injury td persons, or property. Fourth Clause — That the said railroad company shall not allow any locomotive, or cars, or train of cars, to run over said track, at a greater rate of speed than four miles an hour. The bell of each loecAnotive engine shall be rung continually within the above prescribed limits and the locomotive be preceded by a tlagman. Every locomotive engine, railroad car, or train of cars, running in the night time on said railroad track, shall keep, while so running, a brilliant, and conspicuous light, on the advancing end of such a locomotive, railroad car, or train of cars. Fifth Clause — That should there be a persistent violation of any of the obligations contained in this Ordinance by the Natchez, CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. Jackson, and Columbus Railroad Company, the rights, and privi- leges as herein granted shall be forfeited to the city. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the said railroad company shall not construct any track for turn-outs, turntables, sidetracks, or switches, on said street from the depot to the cotton compress. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That all rights heretofore vested in the Natchez Gas Light Company, or any other corporation, are not to be impaired, or affected, by this Ordinance, but the rights, and privileges herein granted are subject thereto. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That for, and in considera- tion of, privileges herein granted to the Natchez, Jackson, and Columbus Railro'ad Company, they, and their successors, be for- ever prohibited from making any charges, or securing any com- pensation, for transporting freight of any description, over the above-mentioned street, between its depot and the cotton compress. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That the powers herein granted are upon the condition that the Natchez, Jackson, and Columbus Railroad Company shall fully indemnify the city against all damages to which the city may be subjected by property- holders on said street, or damages to persons fro'm accidents, or otherwise, in consequence of privileges herein granted. Sec. 6 . Be it further ordained, That the Natchez, Jack- son, and Columbus Railroad Company, railroad engineer, train conductor, or perso'ns, violating, or failing to observe these pro- visions of this Ordinance, shall, for each violation, or failure to observe the same, be fined in a sum, not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less than ten dollars, to be recovered before any court having competent jurisdiction. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That upon the acceptance of this Ordinace by the Natchez, Jackson, and Columbus Railroad Company, and their successors, a contract, or agreement, embody- ing the provisions herein contained, and stipulated, that the permis- sion, rights, and privileges, hereby conferred on said company, shall depend upon the performance on their part, of the require- ments made upon them by this Ordinance, shall be 'executed, sealed, and delivered, on the part of the City of Natchez, by the Mayor, thereof, in the usual legal form. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained. That the rights herein granted shall cease, and be revoked, whenever the said cohipress, or its business, is permanently discontinued. 274 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained . That this Ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained April 15, 1886 ; amended December 1, 1887. IV — AN ORDINANCE Granting the Natchez, Jackson & Columbus Railroad Company Permission to Lay a Track, or Tracks, and Run Over the Southeastern Corner of Parker’s Bluff. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and, Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the Natch- ez, Jackson & Columbus Railroad Company, be authorized, for the purpose of connection with the Natchez Compress Company, to run through the southeastern corner of the city promenade grounds, known as Parker’s Bluff, so that it shall not, on Broad- way street, take over one hundred feet of said bluff, and shall not, on the southern side of said bluff, take more than forty feet. That said company, at its own expense, shall remove the present fence, at said corner, and erect another fence, between the right of way, now granted, and the said promenade grounds, known as Parker’s Bluff. And it is also understood, and agreed, that said company shall not, in any way, interfere with the drainage ditches, now existing on Broadway, and shall not interfere with the estab- lished grade of said Broadway. Ordained October 3, 1889. NEW ORLEANS & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY CO. AN ORDINANCE Granting to the New Orleans & Northwestern Rail- way Company Rights of Way Over Certain Streets of the City of Natchez; as Amended. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That for the pur- pose of effecting a connection between the New Orleans & North- western Railway Company and the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad Company, rights of wav, for street crossings for said railway be, and the same are hereby, granted to the New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company, for the purpose of laying down, and maintaining, a single, standard gauge, railway track, over, and across Wall street, at a point seventy feet, more or less, west of the bayou crossing said street; also, over, and across, Canal street, entering said street at a point fifty feet, more or less, south of Orleans street, and running diagonally across same at a point CONTJi \CTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 275 one hundred (100) feet, more or less, south of Washington street; also, across said Washington street, at a point seventy-five feet, more or less, west of said Canal street, and across Broadway street (entering same at a point about one hundred and ten feet, more or less, north of said Washington street), to an intersection with the track of the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Company, at a* point about opposite the intersection of State and Broadway streets ; or to enter Canal street, at a point fifty feet, more or less, south of Orleans street, and to cross Canal street, and to go diag- onally across Orleans, to a point seventy-five feet, more or less, west of Canal street, and entering Broadway, at a point one hun- dred and fifteen feet, more or less, north of Orleans street, and to intersect with the Y. & M. V. Railroad Company’s track, on Broad- way street ; the selection and adoption of one of said routes to for- ever bar the said connection; to construct, maintain, and use, the same, on the following terms, conditions, and agreements \Pro- vided, however, that this Ordinance shall not be so construed as to give the New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company the ex- clusive right over, and on, said streets, for the use of said track, and that said track, throughout its length, over said streets, and the intermediate spaces, can be used by any railroad now in opera- tion, or to be hereafter built, to said City of Natchez, which may come into Natchez, and will pay its proportion of the cost of con- struction, and maintenance, of said track, including cost of right of way, and all other expenditures, and outlays, made by said New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company in, and for, the con- struction of said track, and will stand to, and abide by, all of the stipulations, and conditions, which, under this Ordinance, apply to the New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, (1) That said tracks of said railway company shall not be elevated above the surface of said streets, and shall, at all times, be kept in perfect order, for the convenience, and safe passage, of persons, and vehicles, desiring to cross the same; that the rails shall be so laid, that carriages, and vehicles, can easily, and freely, cross said track, at any and all points thereof, with the least obstruction possible; Provided, that nothing in this clause shall be so construed as to authorize the aforesaid railway company to change the established grade of said street. (2) That said railway company shall, during the life of this franchise, be required to pave, or gravel, within its tracks, and for at least ten feet on each side of said track, and maintain such in good order, and condition, and to put in sewers, and cross-sewers, 276 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. that may be necessary, and of sufficient capacity for' the proper drainage of said streets. (3) That said railway company shall not allow any locomo- motive, or cars, or train of cars, to run over said track at a greater rate of speed than four miles an hour. The bell of each locomotive engine shall be rung continually, within the above prescribed lim- its, and the locomotive be preceded by a flagman, not more than fifty, nor less than forty, feet. Every locomotive engine, railroad car, or train of cars, running in the night time, on said railroad •track,, shall keep, while so running a brilliant and .conspicuous light on the advancing end of such a locomotive, railroad car, or train of cars. (4) That said railway company shall not allow any locomo- tive, passenger, or freight car, being used by it, to stop, or remain, upon any of said streets, except when absolutely necessary in pre- venting injury to persons, or property. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That the privileges, herein granted, are upon the further condition that the New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company shall fully indemnify the city against all damages to which the city may be subjected by prop- er t-h older s, on the said street, and, also, all damages to persons, from accident, or otherwise, in consequence of privileges herein granted, and shall defend, at its own cost and charges, any and all suits that may be instituted against the city to recover any such damages. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That for, and in considera- tion of, the rights, and privileges, herein granted to the New Or- leans & Northwestern Railway Company, that it, and its succes- sors, and all other railroads it may hereafter authorize to use said track, does hereby agree, and bind itself, to deliver cotton at the compress, and freight of every description, in carload lots, solid, or mixed carloads to one consignee, from one consignor to ware- houses, along said track (where said warehouses have spurs, or sidetracks), and to warehouses, along the track of the Y. & M. Y. Railroad Company, between the compress and the present depot of the Y. & M. Y. Railroad Company (where said warehouses have spurs, or sidetracks) ; Provided, the carloads so hauled come into Natchez over the tracks of the N. 0. & N. W. Railway Company, and yield a revenue to the N. 0. & N. W. Railway Company; and, provided, further, that the N. 0. & N. W. Railway Company makes the necessary arrangements with the Y. & M. V. Railroad Com- pany, whereby it becomes vested with the right to use the Broad- CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. way track, under the ordinance formerly granted to the Natchez, Jackson & Columbus Railroad Company. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained , That the said New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company, in accepting this Ordinance, and availing itself of its privileges, also agrees to present no ob- stacle to the fulfillment of each and all requirements, but acknowl- edges the right of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Natchez to enforce the provisions herein contained. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained , That the franchises, and privileges, herein granted, shall be forfeited, unless the said New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company shall, before the first day of January, 1901, lay down, and construct, the said railway track. Sec. 7. Be it further or darned, That all rights, heretofore vested in any corporation, are not to be impaired, or affected, by this Ordinance, but the rights, and privileges, herein* granted are subject thereto. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained , That the said New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company shall maintain said streets, and the crossings on said track, in the condition specified in this Ordi- nance, and should the said railway company fail to maintain any portions of- said track, or street crossings, in the condition speci- fied, on being notified by the' city authorities, in writing, to put them in proper condition, they shall, for their failure t© comply with such notice, and place said street crossings, or tracks, or por- tions thereof, in proper condition, within ten days from date of notice, forfeit the franchise herein granted. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained , That the franchise, herein granted, shall be forfeited for non-user for a period of thirty con- secutive days, by the said railway company, or its successors, or assigns. Ordained March 19, 1900; as amended April 19, 1900. II — AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the New Orleans & Northwestern Railroad Company to Lay a Spur Track, on the South End of Broadway Streeet, in the City of Natchez, Mississippi. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the Newt Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company is hereby authorized, and empowered to lay, and construct, a spur track, on Broadway 278 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. street, from a point on the Yazoo & Mississippi Valiev railroad, or the New Orleans & Northwestern railway, one hundred feet, more or less, south of present intersection of the New Orleans & North- western railway track with the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley rail- road track, in a southerly direction, to the property of S. E. Rum- ble, or the Natchez Compress Company; to maintain, and use, the same, subject to the following terms, and conditions: That the rights, and privileges, hereby conferred, are granted upon, and subject to, the same terms, and conditions, prescribed, and imposed, by an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance, Author- izing the Natchez, Jackson & Columbus Railroad Company to Lay a Single Track on Broadway,” ordained and published the loth day of April, 1886, and the ordinance amendatory thereto, passed the 1st day of December, 1887, excepting those contained in sec- tion 2, of said ordinance, passed April 15, 1886. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained August 2, 1900. OFFICIAL BONDS. A M ORDINANCE Concerning the Official Bonds of the Officers of the City of Natchez; as Amended. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That hereafter the official bonds of all officers of the city, who are, or may be, re- quired to give them, shall be made payable to the “City of Natchez,” the corporate name of the city, and that the same shall be put in suit by the Mayor, in the name of the city. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Mayor of the city to justify the parties offered upon all of said bonds, by requiring each of them to make oath, or affirmation, that he is the owner, in his own right, of property in said city, or the county of' Adams, of the value of the penalty of the bond in ques- tion, and all of his debts and liabilities. Sec. 8 . Be it further ordained, That the Clerk of the city shall record, in a book, to be procured and kept for the purpose, all the official bonds that shall hereafter be given by the officers of the city, and that, for recording the same, he shall be entitled to demand, and receive, from the officer, in each case, a fee of one dollar and fifty cents. Ordained December 15, 1851; amended December 21, 1882, 279 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. .(») II— AN ORDINANCE to Regulate the Taking of Official, and Other, Bonds. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the penalty of the additional bond required of the City Treasurer, by section 2024, of the Revised Code of Mississippi, is hereby fixed at the sum of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars. Ordained January 3, 1876. OIL. AN ORDINANCE Granting to R. F. Learned, J. N. Carpenter, Their Associates, Successors and Assigns, the Right to Construct, and Operate, a Plant for the Storage of Fuel (Coal or Petroleum) Oil, and Laying Pipes Under and Through the Streets, Alleys, and Highways, of the City of Natchez, for the Purpose of Fur- nishing and Supplying to the Factories, Mills, Manufactories. Public Works and Institutions, and the Inhabitants of Said City, Fuel Oil, for Any Purpose for Which the Same May be Needed. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That in consid- eration of the public benefit to be derived therefrom, .the right, and privilege, are hereby granted to R. F. Learned, J. X. Carpen- ter, their associates, successors, and assigns, of erecting, within said city, a tank, or reservoir, or tanks, or reservoirs, for the accu- mulation, and storage, of fuel oil (coal or petroleum), and of lay- ing down pipes, for the distribution, and delivery to consumers, of such oil, under the streets, alleys, lanes, and highways, of said City of Natchez, and through, and under, its property, for a period of twenty -five years, subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the said storage tank, or tanks, shall be erected at such locality as may be decided upon by said Board of Mayor and Aldermen, by resolution, or ordi- nance, due regard being had by said Board to the safety, and se- curity of the life, and property, of the citizens of said city, in making said location. | Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That the said pipes, for de- livery of said fuel oil, through, and under, the streets, alleys, lanes, and highways, of said city, shall be of iron, and shall be laid CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 280 at every point, where siic-h pipes may run, not less than three feet below the surface of the street, lane, alley, or highway, under which said pipe may run, and shall be laid under the supervision of, and subject to, the direction, and control, as to depth, and di- rection, of the Committee on Str. ets and Alleys of said city. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That in the storage, distribu- tion, and delivery, of said oil, the most improved modern appli- ances for such purposes shall be used, and the size, and dimensions, of the distributing pipes, shall be such as are necessary, and proper, for the purposes aforesaid. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That said grantees, their as- sociates, and assigns., shall have the right, and privilege, to make connections, from the said main, or distributing pipes, to, and with factories, mills, manufactories, and all other persons, corporate or natural, desiring to use said oil and make such connection, the said grantees, in all cases, using the safest, and most improved and efficient appliances, in making such connections. Sec. 6 . Be it further ordained, That all rights, heretofore granted to the Natchez Gaslight Company, the Natchez Water Supply and Sewer Company, or any other corporation, are not to be impaired, or affected, by this Ordinance, but that, in laying said pipes, and in otherwise exercising the privileges herein granted, the said rights, herein authorized to be granted, are subject there- to. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That if, in laying the said conduit, or distributing pipes, the said grantees, their associates, or assigns, shall find it necessary to cross the Canal street sewer, or canal, or lay said pipes along, and in said canal, they may do so, provided the said pipes are laid under the supervision and direc- tion of the said Committee on Streets and Alleys. Sec. 8. Be it f urther ordained, That said grantees may pass under any of the property of said city, so as to reach the river front of the city, subject to the direction, and control, of said Committee on Streets and Alleys, as to direction, and location. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That the said grantees, their associates, successors, and assigns, shall, at all times hereafter, de- fend, keep harmless, and indemnify the said City of Natchez from, any and all damages, claims, and demands, for injuries to persons, or property, done by them, their agents, officers, employes, and servants, and growing out of the privilege, granted by this Ordi- nance, and the exercise of said privilege, and shall defend, at their contracts, franchises, etc. 281 own expense, all actions which may he brought against said city for such damages, when notified by the Mayor of the city, or other officer. Sec. 10. Be it furl her ordained, That said grantees, their associates, successors, and assigns, shall, aft; r any excavations shall June been made by them, for the purpose of laying said dis- tributing pipes, or of repairing same, in any of the said streets, lanes, avenues, or highways, of the city, restore the surface, and bed. of such street, lane, alley, or highway, to the same condition in which it was before such excavations. Sec. 11. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take effect and he ill force from and after this date, and that all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby .repealed. Ordained October 20, 1902. POSTAL TELEGRAPH CARLE COMPANY. AN ORDINANCE Granting to the Postal Telegraph Cable Company the Right and Privilege of Erecting Poles, and Stretching Wires, in and Through the Streets and Alleys of the City of Natchez; and Exempting Said Company from Certain Taxes. Section 1 . Be it ordaind by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That the right, and privilege, of erecting poles, and stretching wires in and over the streets, and alleys, of the City of Natchez, necessary to the establishment, operation, and maintenance, of a telegraph system, connecting said city with other towns, and cities of .the- country, be,, and the same is hereby granted to the Postal Telegraph Cable Com- pany, its successors, and assigns; and that, in consideration of the ( stablishment, operation, and maintenance, of such a system, said company, its successors, and assigns, shall be free, and exempt, from the payment of any and all municipal privilege taxes, or pole, licenses; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as an exemption of said company, its successors, or assigns, from assessment of and payment of ad valo'rem taxes upon its property, real, and personal, within the City of Natchez, and taxable by law for State purposes; and, provided further, that the charter, description, and location, of poles, and the height of wires above the surface of the ground shall be subject to the general regulations of the ordinances of the city. 282 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That the rights, and privi- leges, herein granted be and are hereby granted for a period of twenty (20) years. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained and published this the 18th day of October. 189-1, [seal] W. G. Benbrook, Mayor. Attest : T'hos. Qu-arterman, City Clerk. AY. H. PRITCHARTT & CO. AN ORDINANCE Entitled an Ordinance Granting to W. H. Pritchartt & Co. the Privilege of Connecting Their Property, on the North- west Corner of Canal and Orleans Streets, by a Switch, or Spur Track, With the Tracks of the Natchez & Southern Railway Com- pany, Formerly the New Orleans & Northwestern, Connecting Said Railway With -the Tracks of the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Company. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That W. H. Pritchartt & Co. be, and they are hereby, authorized, and empow- ered, to lay, and construct, a single railroad track from, and to be connected with, the track of the Natchez & Southern Railway Com- pany, now crossing the intersection of Canal and Orleans streets, in said city, to their property, on the northwestern corner of Canal and Orleans streets. Said track to intersect, and connect with, the track of said railway company, at a point about twenty-five feet, more or less, east of the present inside line of the east sidewalk of Canal street, and thence to run in a northerly curve, diagonally, across Canal and Orleans streets, at the intersection of said streets, to a point about twenty-five feet, more or less, on the north side of Orleans, from the corner of Canal, and thence along the right of way of the Natchez & Southern railway. Said track to he used in receiving, and shipping, merchandise from, and by, said railway company, in the cars thereof, from the warehouse of said W. H. Pritchartt & Co., to he built by them on said property: to maintain and use the said track, subject to the following terms and conditions : First, That the rights, and privileges, hereby conferred, are granted upon and subject to the same terms, and conditions, pre- scribed, and imposed, by an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance . CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 2 83 Granting the New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Company Rights of Way Across Certain Streets of Natchez,” ordained and published the 19th day of March, 1900, and the ordinance amenda- tory thereof, passed the 19th day of April, 1900. Second, That the rails of said track shall be so laid as to be even with the surface of the street; that the surface between said rails shall be planked with solid, substantial planking, at least two inches in thickness, or filled with concrete, and that outside of said rails, through the distance it crosses the public streets, and side- walks, said planking, or concrete, be at least two and one-half inches thick, and that at least three feet of gravel shall be laid along the outside of said rails for said distance. Third, That said track shall be constructed, subject to the satisfaction of the Street Committee of said city. Fourth, Upon the acceptances of W. H. Pritcliartt & Co., of the franchises, and privileges, hereby granted, it is expressly un- derstood, and agreed, that if any of the provisions of this Ordi- nance are not complied with, within six days, the Street Committee may notify said W. FL Pritcliartt & Co., or their representative, of this failure, and if they should not rectify the trouble, and com- ply with the Ordinance, within a reasonable time, then this fran- chise may be forthwith revoked. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That said privileges shall be had, and enjoyed, by the said W. Id. Pritcliartt & Co., during the pleasure of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance be in force from and after its passage, and ail ordinances, and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith, are hereby repealed. Ordained February 5, 1903. POSTLETHWAITE & CHASE. AN ORDINANCE Entitled an Ordinance Granting to Postlethwaite & Chase the Privilege of Connecting Their Property, on the East Side of South Broadway Street, With the Track of the Y. & M. V. Railroad Company, on the Western Side of Said Street, by a Switch, or Spur Track, Running Across Said Street. Section 1 . Be it ordaind hy the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in comicil convened, That F. B. Postlethwaite and B. S. Chase, composing the firm of Postlethwaite & Chase, be, and they arc hereby authorized, and empowered to CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC; 234 lay, and construct, a single railroad track from, and con- nected with, the track of the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Rail- road Company, now running along the western side of Broadway street in said city, to, and into their property on the eastern side of said street, in the block between State and Washington streets; said switch track to intersect, and connect with, the track of said railroad company at a point about midway of Parker’s Bluff, and thence to run across said Broadway, in a northeasterly curve, into said property at a point ,feet from the corner formed by the intersection of Broadway and State streets; said track to be used in receiving, and shipping, merchandise from, and by, said railroad company in the cars thereof, within the warehouse of said Postlethwaite & Chase, built by them on said property. To main- tain, and use, the same, subject to the following terms, and con- ditions: .First — That the rights, and privileges, hereby conferred, are granted upon, and subject to, the same terms, and conditions prescribed, and imposed, by an ordinance, entitled, “An ordinance authorizing the Natchez, Jackson and Columbus Railroad Com- pany to lav a single track on Broadway,” ordained, and published the 15th day of April, 1886, and the ordinance amendatory thereof, passed the 1st day of December, 1887, excepting, however, Section 2 of said ordinance, passed April 15, 1886. Second — That the rails of said track shall be so laid as to be even with the surface of the street; that the surface between said rails, from the frog to the gutter on the east side of the street, shall be planked with solid, substantial planking, at least two inches in thickness, and that, outside of said rails, continuous planking shall be laid up to said rails throughout said distance, said plank- ing to be at least twelve inches wide, and two and a half inches thick, and that at least three feet of gravel shall be laid along the outside of said rails for said distance. That where the said rails crolss the gutter they shall be so laid as not to obstruct the drainage, and that where they cross the pavement they shall be even with the surface of the pavement, and planking shall be laid between, and outside said rails, of the same dimensions, and in like manner, as is provided for the street crossing. Third — Thai said track shall be constructed subject to the satisfaction, and acceptance, of the Street Committee of said city. Fourth — Upofi the acceptance by Postlethwaite & Chase of the franchise, and privileges hereby granted, it is expressly under- stood, and agreed, that if any of the provisions of this Ordinance are not complied with, within six days, the Street Committee may CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. •285 notify said persons of the failure, and, if they should not rectify the trouble, and comply with the ordinance within a reaso'nable time, then this franchise may be forthwith revoked. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That said rights, and privi- leges, shall be had, and enjoyed, by said Postlethwaite & Chase during the pleasure of the Board of Mayor and .Aldermen of said city. Sec. 3. Be it farther ordained. That this Ordinance be in force from and after its passage, and all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in comflict with this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained August 25, 1898. RUMBLE & WENSEL CO. An ORDINANCE Entitled an Ordinance Granting to Rumble & Wensel Co., the Privilege of Connecting Their Property, on the East Side of South Broadway Street, With the Track of the Y. & M. V. Rail- road Company, on the Western Side of Said Street, by a Switch, or Spur Track, Running Across Said Street; Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That the Rumble & Wensel Co., a firm chartered under the laws of the State of Mis- sissippi, be, and they are hereby, authorized, and empowered, to lay, and construct, a single railroad track from, and to be con- ic cted with, the track of the AMzoo & Mississippi Y alley Railroad Company, now running along the western side of Broadway street, in said city, to and into, their property, on the eastern side of said street, in the block between Main and State streets; said switch, or track, to intersect, and connect with, the track of said railroad company, at a point in front of W, IT. Hendrick's stable; thence, to run across said Broadway street, in a northeasterly curve, into said property, at a point about ten feet from the north corner of •the property of Airs. Pogue and Airs. Pullen; said track to be used in shipping merchandise from, and by, said railroad company, in the cars thereof, within the warehouse of the said Rumble & Wen- sel Co. ; to maintain and use the same, sub ject to the following conditions : First, That the rails of said track shall be so laid as to be even •with the surface of the street; that the surface between said rails, from the .frog to the gutter, on the eastern side of the street, shall 286 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. he planked with solid, substantial planking, at least two inches in thickness, and that, outside of said rails, continuous planking shall he laid up to said rails, throughout said distance, said planking to he at least twelve inches wide and two and a half inches thick, and that, at least, three feet of gravel shall he laid along the outside of said rails, for said distance, and that where the said rails cross the gutters, they shall be so laid as not to obstruct the drainage, and that where they cross the pavement, they shall he even with the surface of the pavement, and planking shall he laid between and outside said rails, of the same dimensions, and in like manner, as is provided for the street crossing. Second, That said track shall be constructed, subject to the satisfaction, and acceptance, of the Street Committee of said city. Third, Upon the acceptance by Rumble & Wens el Co. of the franchise, and privileges, hereby granted, it is expressly under- stood, and agreed, that, if any of the provisions of this Ordinance are not completed, within six days, the Street Committee may no- tify said persons of the failure, and if they should not rectify the trouble, and comply with the ordinance, within a reasonable time, then the franchise may be forthwith revoked. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That said rights, and privi- leges, shall be had, and enjoyed, by said Rumble & Wensel Co., for, and during, the pleasure of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of said city. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance be in force from and after its passage, and all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this Ordinance be, and they are hereby repealed. Ordained August 25, 1898. SCHOOL BONDS. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Preparation, Issuance, Negotia- tion, or Sale, and Payment, or Redemption, of Municipal School Bonds, of the City of Natchez. Whereas, The Legislature of the State of Mississippi, by an act, entitled, “An Act to Empower the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez to Issue Negotiable Bonds for the Purpose of Erecting a. New School Building, or Buildings, on the Natchez Institute, or Other Property,” approved February 19, A. D. 1900, CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 287 the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Xatchez were authorized, and empowered, to prepare, issue, and negotiate, or sell, at not less than par, the coupon bonds of said city, to an amount not exceed- ing twenty-five thousand dollars, after being thereto authorized, by a vote of a majority of the electors of said city, voting in an elec- tion, special, annual, or biennial, conducted upon the notice, in the manner, and under the regulations, provided in the city charter for such elections; and, whereas, in pursuance of said act of the Legis- lature, a special municipal election was duly held, in said city, on Tuesday, the 10th day of April, A. D., 1900, and a formal report and return thereof was duly made, to said Mayor and Aldermen, under date of April 11, A. I). 1900, by the Commissioners of Elec- tion of said city, and said Mayor and Aldermen, at their meeting, duly and legally held on the 12th day of April, A. D. 1900, re- ceived said report and return, and declared the result of said elec- tion, by unanimously adopting the following pr; amble and resolu- tion, to- wit : Whereas, The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Xatchez, have read and considered the report of the Commissioners of Elec- tion, of said city, concerning the special municipal election, held in said city on Tuesday, the 10th day of April, A. D. 1900, and have canvassed and verified the returns of said election, made to this body by said Commissioners; therefore, be it resolved and declared : 1. That said report, including its exhibits, be, and the same is hereby, approved, ratified, and confirmed, and be spread upon the minutes of this Board, and, together with the returns of the Inspectors of Election, be filed, and preserved, in the archives of the city. 2. That said election was duly, and legally, conducted, upon the notice, in the manner, and under the regulations provided in the city charter for such elections, and in accordance with an act of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, entitled, “An Act to Empower the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Xatchez to Issue Negotiable Bonds for the Purpose of Erecting a Xew School Build- ing, or Buildings, on the Site of the Xatchez Institute, or Other Property,” approved February 19, 1900, and in conformity with the preamble and resolutions adopted by this Board, at their reg- ular meeting, held on the first day of March,. A. I). 1900, and with the election proclamation, promulgated by the Mayor of said city, on the fifth day of March, A. D. 1900. 3. That at said election the whole number of votes cast by electors of said city, voting in said election, was four hundred 288 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. ■and twenty-five (425) ; that of said total number of votes cast, three hundred and thirty-nine (339) were cast “For the issuance and negotiation, or sale, of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) of municipal school bonds, under act of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, approved February 19, A. I). 1900, ” and sev- enty (70) were cast “Against the issuance and negotiation, or sale, of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) of municipal school bonds, under act of the Legislature of Mississippi, approved Feb- ruary 19, A. D. 1900, Land sixteen (Hi) irregular and invalid bal- lots, termed scattering, were cast. 4. That, therefore, the Mayor and Aldermen of said city are duly, and legally, authorized, and empowered, by a vote of a ma- jority of . the electors of said city, voting in a special election, duly and legally held, on Tuesday, the 10th day of April, A. T). 1900, under the city charter, an act of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, entitled, “An Act to Empower the Mayor and Aider- men of the City of Natchez to Issue Negotiable Bonds for the Pur- pose’ of Erecting a New School Building, or Buildings, on the Site of the Natchez Institute, or Other Property,” approved February 19, A. I). 1900, the preamble and resolutions adopted by the Mayor and Aldermen of said city, at their regular meeting, held on the first day of March, A. D. 190.0, and the election proclamation, pro- mulgated by the Mayor of said city, on the fifth day of March, A. D. 1900, to prepare, issue, and negotiate, or sell, at not less than par, the coupon bonds of said city, to an amount not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars, of the denomination and description, and subject to the provisions for payment, redemption, etc., pre- scribed by said act of the Legislature and the city ordinance, to be passed in pursuance thereof, for the purpose of erecting, and equip- ping, a new and modern municipal building, or buildings, for the use of the white public schools of said city, on the Natchez Institute property, and any other property that may be donated to said City of Natchez for that object ; now, therefore, Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened. That the Finance Committee of this body be, and it is hereby, authorized, and in- structed, to have prepared, either lithographed, or engraved, fifty bonds, designated Municipal School Bonds, dated July 1, 1900, numbered from one to fifty, respectively, of the denomination of five hundred dollars each, bearing interest at the rate of five p(%’ cent per annum, evidenced by annually maturing coupons, princi- pal and interest payable at the office of the City Treasurer^ Natchez, Mississippi, the interest annually, on the first day of July, CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 289 and the principal on tlie first day of July, A. D. 1930., with the proviso, however, that after five years from the date of said bonds, the Mayor and Aldermen shall have the option of calling, by lot, and paying, on the first, day of July of any year, or years, as many of said bonds as they may deem proper, in. the manner and upon the notice provided by this Ordinance. Said bonds shall have printed upon the backs thereof such portions, or sections, thereof, if any, as said committee may designate, shall be signed by the Mayor of said city, bear the corporate seal thereof, and be counter- signed by the City Clerk, and the coupons shall also bear the sig- natures of said officers, but their signatures thereto may be fac- simile engravings, or lithographs, or their genuine signatures. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained . That immediately after the preparation of said bonds and coupons, the Mayor of said city shall sign each of said bonds, and cause the corporate seal of said city to be affixed thereto, or impressed thereon, and the City Clerk shall countersign the same, and thereupon said committee shall submit said bonds and coupons to the Mayor and. Aldermen for adoption by ordinance supplemental hereto, and upon such adop- tion, cause said bonds to be registered by the City Clerk in the record book kept for that purpose, with appropriate rulings and headings, to convey the following information concerning each of said bonds, to-wit: Number, date, denomination, number cou- pons attached, amount of each coupon, date of maturity of prin- cipal, authority for issuance, to whom sold, and date of payment, or redemption. Said committee shall then proceed at once to ad- vertise for sealed bids for the purchase of said bonds and coupons, and, upon the opening of such bids, then, and from time to time thereafter, sell and deliver to the purchaser for cash, at not less than the face value of said bond, so many of said bonds as may be found necessary to build, complete, and fully equip and furnish the school building, or buildings, contemplated by said act of the Legislature, and this Ordinance, and deliver the proceeds of sale of said bonds to the City Treasurer, whose duty it shall be to keep the same as a special fund, to be used only for said school pur- poses, and paid out upon warrants authorized by the Mayor and Aldermen. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That immediately after the passage of this Ordinance the Mayor of said city shall advertise for plans, and specifications, for a new, modern, and complete, municipal school building, or buildings, to be erected on the Natchez Institute property, and other property that may be do- nated to the City of Natchez for that object, specifying the time when such plans and specifications are to be presented, and shall, 290 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. with all convenient speed, submit such plans and specifications to the Mayor and Aldermen, for examination, selection, and adoption, the plans, and specifications, adopted, and none other, to he paid for by the city, and become its property, at the price named bv the successful architect, or draftsman, at the time of submitting the same. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained. That when the plans, and specifications, shall have been selected, and said bonds adopted, as hereinbefore provided, the said Mayor shall advertise for sealed proposals for taking down, and removing, the material of the building now on the lot selected as the site of the new building, or buildings, for preparing, or grading, the lot, or ground, and for the faithful erection, construction, and completion, of such new build- ing, or buildings, with the best and most suitable materials, fur- nishing, fixtures, and appliances of every kind, to be furnished and supplied by him, at his own cost and charges, the bidders to state, in their several proposals, within what period from, and after the first day of July, A. D. 1900, they, respectively, undertake, and guarantee, to fully and faithfully complete said work, ready for use and occupancy for school purpose, in accordance with said plans, and specifications, in every respect and detail, and also state the names of their sureties, or nature of the security, they offer under the provision of this section. That the successful bidder shall, within one week after the acceptance of his bid, execute, and deliver, to said City of Natchez, a bond, with two or more good sureties, to be approved by the Mayor and Aldermen, or furnish and deliver other sufficient and solvent, security satisfactory to said Mayor and Aldermen, in a penalty to an amount double the amount of the successful bid, and conditioned that the contractor, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall, and will, well and truly make, erect, construct, build, and finish in a good, substantial, and workmanlike manner, on the land designated, a new and modern municipal school building, agreeable in spirit as well as in letter, to the drafts, plans, specifications, and explana- tions adopted, and upon which the sealed proposals had been in- cited by the Mayor and Aldermen, with and by means of the best, most suitable, and substantial materials to be provided, together with all proper and necessary labor, by said contractor, at his own charges and expenses, and use the utmost care and skill in work- ing up and combining said materials for said building or build- ings, and pay and .discharge all the workmen and subcontractors employed, and all claims for materials used, in and about the same, and well and truly perform, fulfill, and keep each and all the agreements, undertakings, conditions, and covenants pertain- CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 291 ing to liis contract, in his behalf, and the drafts, plans, specifica- tions, and explanations, aforesaid, according to the true intent and meaning of the same. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That the Mayor and Alder- men shall, in each and eyery year, beginning with the year 1900, provide, in the annual revenue ordinance of the city, for the levy, and collection, of a sufficient tax to pay the interest which will accrue on said bonds during the following year, and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said bonds at maturity, or the redemption of such of said bonds as may be earlier called in, under the provisions of this Ordinance. And so much of said annual tax be made payable in the. accruing coupons of said bonds as may be necessary to pay the coupons for which such levy is made, bnt the portion of said tax which may be levied for the sinking fund shall be payable, in lawful money only. The taxes so levied, and collected, shall be paid over to the City Treasurer, who shall pass the same to the credit of said special fund, speci- fying what amount thereof belongs to the sinking fund, and what amount to the interest account. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, That on or before the first day of May, A. D. 1906, and on or before said date in each suc- ceeding year, the said Finance Committee shall report to the Mayor and Aldermen what amount is in the city treasury to the credit of said sinking fund, available for the redemption of said municipal school bonds, then outstanding; that thereupon the said Mayor and Aldermen, in council convened, shall decide how many, if any, of said bonds, principal and interest, shall be called in and paid on the first day of July of the then current calendar year, and proceed in public to draw lots to decide which of said bonds shall be so called in and paid at that time, and the manner of drawing lots shall be by placing in a box, or hat, as many cards as there are outstanding bonds, the cards to be similar, in all respects, ex- cepting that each card shall bear the number of the outstanding bonds; the presiding officer, in the presence of the other members, the contents of the box, or hat, being excluded from his view, shall draw forth as many cards as there are bonds to be called in, and paid, and the Mayor and Aldermen, by resolution, specifying the numbers on the cards so drawn, shall call in said bonds for pay- ment on the first day of July of that year. The Mayer shall, thereupon, give notice, by advertisement in the official newspaper of the city, or, if there toe no official organ, then in some public newspaper, published in said city, by publication for eight consec- utive weeks before the first day of J uly of that year, that the bonds CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 292 mentioned in said resolution have been called in and will be paid, principal, as well as interest, on said first day of July. If the holders o’f the bonds so drawn, and called in, shall fail or refuse to present such bonds for payment, on the date men- tioned in said advertised notice, such bonds shall cease to bear in- terest at the maturity of the coupon which, by its terms, falls due on the first day of July of that year, and all coupons that would mature subsequently thereto on such bonds shall be null and void, and interest evidenced thereby be uncollectible. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained. That this Ordinance take ef- fect from and after its passage, and all ordinances, or parts of ordi- nances in conflict with this Ordinance, are hereby repealed. Ordained May 3, 1900. II — AN ORDINANCE to Amend Section 2, of an Ordinance Entitled “An Ordinance Providing for the Preparation, Issuance, Negotia- tion, or Sale, and Payment, or Redemption, of Municipal School Bonds, of the City of Natchez,” Ordained and Published the 3d Day of May, A. D. 1900. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That Section 2 of an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance Providing for the Prep- aration, Issuance, Negotiation, or Sale, and Payment, or Redemp- tion, of Municipal School Bonds of the City of Natchez,” ordained and published the 3d day of May. A. I). 1900, be, and the same is hereby, amended, to read as follows: Section 2. Be it further ordained, That immediately after the preparation of said bonds, and coupons, the Mayor of said city shall sign each of said bonds, and cause the corporate seal of said city to he affixed thereto, or impressed thereon, and the City Clerk shall countersign the same, and thereupon said committee shall submit said bonds, and cou- pons, to the Mayor and Aldermen for adoption, by ordinance, sup- plemental hereto, and, upon such adoption, cause said bonds to be registered by the City Clerk, in the record book kept for such pur- poses, with appropriate rulings, and headings, to convey the follow- ing information concerning each of said bonds, to-wit : Number, date, denomination, number of coupons attached, amount of each coupon, date of maturity of principal, authority for issuance, to whom sold, and date of payment or redemption. Said committee shall then proceed at once to advertise for sealed bids for the pur- chase of said bonds, and coupons, and upon the opening of such bids, then, and floni time to time thereafter, sell and deliver to CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 293 t Ho purchasers for cash, at not less than the face value of said bonds, so many of said bonds as shall be found necessary to build, complete, and fully equip, and furnish the school building, or buildings, contemplated by said act of the Legislature and this Or- dinance, and deliver the proceeds of sale of said bonds to the City Treasurer, whose duty it shall be to keep the same as a special fund, to be used only for said school purposes, and paid out upon warrants authorized by the Mayor and Aldermen; Provided, how- ever, that should said bonds be sold, and delivered, subsequent to the first day of July, A. I). 1900, coupon number one, on each of the bonds so sold, and delivered, shall be good only for the amount of interest at live per cent on the principal of such bond from the date of maturity of such coupon, and the Mayor of said city shall, before the delivery of the bond, make an indorsement, in red ink, on the back of each coupon number one, showing the actual amount of interest which will be payable thereon at its maturity. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained . That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained June 21, 1900. Ill — AN ORDINANCE Supplemental to an Ordinance Entitled “An Or- dinance to Amend Section 2 of an Ordinance entitled ‘An Ordi- nance Providing for the Preparation. Issuance, Negotiation, or Sale, and Payment, or Redemption, of Municipal School Bonds, of the City of Natchez,’ ’’ Ordained and Published the 3d Day of May, A. D. 1900; Said Amendatory Ordinance Having Been Or- dained and Published the 21st Day of .Tune, A. D. 1900. Wlu reas, The Finance Committee of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez have reported, in writing, that the municipal school bonds, and the coupons attached thereto, of the (Tty of Natchez, provided for, and directed to he prepared by said committee, under the provisions of Section 1 of an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance Providing for the Preparation, Issuance, Negotiation, or Sale, and Payment, or Redemption, of Municipal School Bonds, of the City of Natchez,” ordained and published the 3d day of May, A. I). 1900, have been prepared, and have been duly executed by the Mayor and Clerk of this city; and, whereas, the report of said committee, has, by a resolution of the Board, passed at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 16th day of May, A. D. 1901, been duly approved, and confirmed; and, Whereas, Said bonds, and coupons, as prepared, and as 'executed by the Mayor of the city, and attested by the Clerk there- 294 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. of, conform, in all respects, to the requirements of an act of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, entitled, “An Act to Em- power the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez to Issue Negotiable Bonds for the Purpose' of Erecting a New School Build- ing, or Buildings, on the Natchez Institute, or Other Property,’ 7 approved February 19, 1900, and also to the requirements of said ordinance of May 3, 1900, and the ordinances amendatory thereof; therefore, Be it ordained by the Mayor a,nd Aldermen of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That the said municipal school bonds, and coupons, thus reported by the Finance Committee, and fully described in the report of said committee, in the premises* and heretofore examined, and approved, by this Board, both as to their contents and substance, and as to their execution and. attesta- tion, be, and the same are hereby, formally approved, and adopted, by this Board, as the bonds, and coupons, authorized by the said act of the Legislature of Mississippi, and by said ordinances of this Board, hereinbefore mentioned, and by another ordinance of this Board, relative thereto, and issued in pursuance thereof. Ordained May 23, 1901. STREET CONTRACT BETWEEN DKVEUEITX SHIELDS AND CITY OF NATCHEZ. State of Mississippi, County of Adams, City of Natchez. This Agreement, Made and entered into this 17th day of February, 1904, between Devereux Shields, of the aforesaid State, county and city, of the first part, and City of Natchez, of the sec- ond part, this contract being executed on behalf of said corpora- tion, party of the second part, by W. CL Benbrook, Mayor of said city, after the approval of the Board of Aldermen, at the next reg- ular meeting; Witnesseth, That for and in consideration of the covenants and payments hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed, by said corporation, the said party of the first part doth hereby promise, covenant, and agree, to clean, repair, and keep in good order, in every respect, in a substantial and workmanlike manner, the streets, lanes, and alleys, of said city, and look after the city . CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 295 cemeteries, including the Catholic, Hebrew, and Zurhellen Addi- tions, and the Sullivan Plat, and the public parks, when so ordered by the proper committee, for and during the term of three years from February 17, 1904; and it is further understood and agreed, that the party of the first part does hereby promise, and agree, to clean said streets, according to ordinances relating thereto, and the said party of the first part shall, and will, at his own proper cost and charges, at all times furnish eighteen (18) able-bodied men, and ten (10) mules and carts, and will furnish all tools and imple- ments, including plows and scrapers; also, do all pile-driving, building of bridges, protecting of said piles and bridges, and bayous from caving, placing crossings and graveling same, and to furnish one improved road machine for streets, as well as hauling all material necessary to be used in improvements of said streets, lanes, alleys, and public property of said city, including city cem- eteries, and additions thereto, and all other work required by afore- said ordinances. First, That the said party of the first part shall, and will, promptly do and perform any work required by said ordinances, or may be specially directed by the Street Committee, and if at any time the said party of the first part shall fail, refuse, or neg- lect, after due notice from the aforesaid committee, to keep said streets, alleys, and lanes, or cemeteries, or parks of said city, in- cluding the city cemetery, and additions thereto, and all other work required by aforesaid ordinances, or to perform, as promptly as circumstances will permit, any work said committee may order, or have directed, then said committee shall have power to have the said work performed, at the cost and expenses, to be deducted out of the first money accruing to him, the party of the first part. Second, That said party of the first part shall be ready, at all times, and be prepared to furnish, for the performance of any work that may be directed by said committee, as aforesaid, and said contractor shall, at all times, furnish eighteen (18) able- bodied men, and ten (10) mules and carts, and furnish all neces- sary tools, and implements, as aforesaid, including one reversible road machine. Third, That said party of the first part agrees to furnish the said party of the second part, during the operation of this con- tract, any additional men, mules, or carts, that said corporation may deem it necessary to have, at the prices given in the following schedule, said prices to be reduced if warrants appreciate in value, and raised if warrants depreciate in value, according to the cash value of the warrants: CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 29G Ordinary laborers, per day ..$ 1.0514 Ordinary laborers, per week 6.32 Ordinary laborers, per month 28.43 First-class laborers, per day 1.32 First-class laborers, per w. ek . . 7.90 First-class laborers, per month . 35.55 Mechanics at regular local wage rate. Mules and harness, per month 27.40 (’art and harness, per month 2.15 As these prices for labor are the actual cost value of labor, at the date of this contract, the said party of the first part agrees to give the said party of the second part the benefit of any reduction in the wages of labor, and the said party of the second part agrees to give the said party of the first part the benefit of any advance in the cost of labor. This agreement to apply only to such labor as may be required by the corporation, as provided for in this section of the contract. Fourth, That the said party of the first part agrees that if, dur- ing the operation of this contract, the City of Xatehez has any delinquents, under any street tax law, which may be hereafter en- acted, to furnish the necessary implements for the delinquents to work with, and personally superintend them, if so directed by the 1 said corporation. Fifth, That the said party of the first part agrees that if, at any time after the expiration of one year from date of this con- tract, the City of Natchez decides to adopt some other method for the care and maintenance of the streets, the said party of the first part will cancel and terminate this contract, and give the city the privilege of purchasing any, or all, of his stock, implements, and road machinery, at such price as a committee of the City Council may decide to be the just and fair market value thereof. Sixth, That said corporation shall furnish, at its own proper cost, all material, such as timber, bricks, nails, tiling, etc., to be used in improving and repairing the streets, as aforesaid. In consideration of the fulfillment by said party of the first part of the foregoing provisions of this contract, the said party of the second part shall, and will, for performance of said work, for three years, as aforesaid, pay, or cause to be paid, in monthly in- stallments, to the said party of the first part, Devereux Shields, his heirs, assignees, executors, or administrators, the sum of eight hundred and seventy-five ($875.00) dollars, in city warrants. In Witness Whereof, The party of the first part has set his hand, and the said W. G. Benbrook, as Mayor, aforesaid, has here- CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 297 unto set his hand, and caused the seal of said corporation to he af- fix. 'd thereto, the same to he attested by the City Clerk, oil the day and year mentioned. Seventh, That the said Mayor and Aldermen shall have the power at any time during the period of contract awarded under the provisions of this Ordinance to annul and terminate such con- tract, for any cause by them deemed sufficient, after ten (10) days' notice to the contractor for their intention to do so. Devereux S hi elds. W. G. Benbrook. Mayor. BOND. Know All Mex By These Presents. That we, Devereux Shields, as principal, George W. Koontz, F. P. Arrighi and E. A. Enochs, as sureties, are held and firmly hound unto the City of Natchez, in the sum of twenty-one thousand ($21,000.00) dollars, good and lawful money of the United States, to he paid to the said City of Natchez, for which payments well and truly to he made, we do hind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administra- tors, firmly, by these presents, signed with our seal this 17th day of February, 1904. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that if the above bonded Devereux Shields shall well and truly perform, ful- fill, and keep, each and all the conditions, and agreements, speci- fied and contained in the foregoing instrument of contract, rela- tive to the cleaning and repairing the streets, lanes, and alleys, of said city, and caring for the city cemeteries, and public parks, bearing even date with these presents, hereto annexed, and made between Devereux Shields of the one part and the City of Natchez of the other part, which on the part and behalf of the said Dever- eux Shields ought to be performed, fulfilled and kept, according to the true intent and meaning of the same, then the above obli- gation is to be void, otherwise to remain in full force. D EVER EU X S H I E EDS . Geo. W. Koontz. Frank J. Arrighi. E. A. Enochs. Approved: W. G. Benbrook, Mayor. CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 298 SEWERAGE. AN ORDINANCE to Provide for a System of Sewerage, for the City of Natchez, Adams County, State of Mississippi, and its Inhab- itants, Authorizing J. A. Jones, His Associates, Successors, or Assigns, of the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri, to Construct, Operate, and Maintain, Sewerage: and Contracting With Said Natchez Water and Sewer Company, Its Successors, or Assigns, for the Same, and Giving the City an Option to Purchase. Section 1 . Be it ordained by tl\e Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That in consider- ation of the public benefits to be derived by the construction, and maintenance, of a system of sewerage, the right, and privilege, is hereby granted to J. A. Jones, 5 his associates, successors, or assigns, for the period of thirty years, and until such time as the city shall purchase, the right to construct, and main- tain, a system of sewerage, and for that purpose to use all streets, lanes, alleys, avenues, and public grounds, as the same now exist within the corporate limits of the City of Natchez, or may be here- after extended, for the purpose of laying pipes, mains, conduits, manholes, and Hush tanks, and for the taking up, and repairing, of tlie same, for such sewerage, or for extending the same during the period for which this Ordinance shall be in force, the construc- tion, and location, of such pipes, mains, structures, apparatus, etc., to be upon such plans, projections, and routes, as may be previously submitted to, and approved by, said Mayor and Aldermen. Pro- vided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as in any wuy to impair, or to authorize the infringement of any rights, privileges, or franchises, heretofore granted to, or acquired by, the Natchez Gas Light Company, the Bluff City Railway Com- pany, or the Natchez, Jackson & Columbus Railroad Company. The streets, lanes, alleys, avenues, and public grounds, during such con- struction and repair shall be obstructed as little as possible, and cause the least inconvenience to the public. The said Jones, his as- sociates, successors, or assigns, shall hold the city harmless from any and all damage, by reason of the negligence of employes, during the construction, and maintenance, of said works. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That the system shall be what is commonly known as the “Waring System,” and now in use at Memphis, Tenmssee; Little Rock, Arkansas: Pine Bluff, Arkan- sas, and Fort Smith, Arkansas. The said Jones, his associates, successors, or assigns, shall put in properly the necessary flush tanks and manholes, and sufficient pipe, with proper specials to properly sewer all that district bounded by Broadway, Madison, Oak, Pine, and Orleans streets, all pipes to have a covering of at least three feet. CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 299 Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That extensions shall he made whenever there shall he at least one mile required, in one circuit, and a revenue of fifty dollars for every five hundred feet of such extension, and the water mains are laid in said circuit. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That upon request of said Jones, his associates, successors, or assigns, the city shall pass all needful ordinances, without unnecessary delay. The said Jones, his associates, successors, or assigns, may make such rules, and reg- ulations for the use, and the tapping, of the pipes, as may be deemed proper. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained. That the said Jones, his asso- ciates, successors, or assigns, may organize a corporation, under the laws of any State, and may assign to such corporation all the rights, and privileges, hereby granted, and this Ordinance shall he binding with equal force and effect upon any such corporation and said city. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, That the said Jones, his asso- ciates, successors, or assigns, may charge and collect annually the following annual rates, payable quarterly in advance: One water closet .$ 6.00 One water closet and urinal 9.00 Two water closets 10.00 Two water closets and urinal 12.00 For all others, special. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained. That the said Jones, his asso- ciates, successors, or assigns, shall so lay the pipes as not to inter- fere with any sewers, pipes, or drains now existing, and shall, as far as practicable, follow the grades as now established; Provided , however, that if it shall become necessary at any future time to lower said pipes, manholes, or flush tanks, in order to conform to any altered grade deemed advisable by the city authorities, the ex- pense of lowering the same shall be paid by the city. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, That the city shall have the right to purchase the sewerage system, and rights, at the expiration of ten years, or every consecutive five years therafter, in the follow- ing manner: In case the said Jones, his associates, successors, or assigns, and the city shall fail to agree upon the price to be paid by the city, then at appraised valuation of three disinterested experts, non-residents of Adams county, Mississippi, the city appointing one, the said Jones, his associates, successors, or assigns, appoint- ing one, and the two thus appointed selecting the third. They shall be duly sworn. A majority of the appraisers shall rule. The CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 300 city filial give six months' notice, in writing, of its 'intention io purchase. Three experts, on behalf of each party may be exam- ined. The appraisers shall then proceed to determine the then present value. The appraisers shall make their report, in writing, in duplicate, one to be given to the City Clerk, and one to the said- Jones, his associates, successors, or assigns. The city shall pay the assessed valuation within twelve months after the giving of the notice of its intention to purchase. In the purchase the city shall assume all unfinished contracts. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall he a contract between the said Jones, his associates, successors, or as- signs: Provided, the said Jones shall file his written acceptance with the City Clerk of the terms, obligations, and conditions of this Ordinance, within thirty days after its passage, and shall com- mence work within forty-five days thereafter, and have the same completed within twelve months thereafter, and shall, before the commencement of work, execute, and deliver, to the city a good and sufficient bond, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, to be ap- proved by the Mayor and Aldermen, conditioned to indemnify and save harmless the said city from all damages to person, or property, and costs of suit, that may arise from the negligent construction, use, maintenance, operation, or repair, of said sewerage system, or streets of the city. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained . That nothing in this Ordi- nance shall be construed as committing the city to the adoption of a compulsory system of sewerage. • Sec. 11. Be it further ordained . That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be, and they are hereby repealed. Ordained February 28, 1889. IT — AN ORDINANCE to Amend an Ordinance Entitled “An Ordinance to Provide for a System of Sewerage, for the City of Natchez, etc.,” Passed February 28, 1881. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of A lder- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That wherever the words, “J. A. Jones, his associates/’ appear, shall be substituted the words, “The Natchez Water and Sewer Company.” Ordained April 8, 1889. CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 301 WATER WORKS. AN ORDINANCE to Provide for a System of Water Works, and a Sup- ply of Water, to the City of Natchez, County of Adams, State of Mississippi, and Its Inhabitants, Authorizing J. A. Jones, of the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri, His Associates, Successors, or Assigns, to Construct, Operate, and Maintain, Water Works, Giving the City an Option to Purchase Said Works; and Contract- ing With Said Jones, His Associates, Successors, or Assigns, for Furnishing Fire Hydrants, and Supplying the Same With Water, for Fire Protection, Until the City Shall Purchase. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Hoard of Aider- men of the City of Natchez . in conned convened, That in consider- ation of the public benefits to bo derived by the erection, and main- tenance of a system of water works, the right, and privilege, is hereby granted to J. A. Jones, of the city of St. Louis, State of Missouri, his associates, successors, or assigns, for the period of thirty years, and until such times as the city shall purchase, to erect, maintain, and operate, a system of water works, in accord- ance with the specifications adopted bv the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez, on the 23d day of January, 1889, except so far as the same may have been, or may be hereafter, modified, by mutual consent, and to that end to use all streets, lanes, ave- nues and public grounds, within the corporate limits, as the same now exist, or may hereafter be extended, for the purpose of laving pipes, mains, conduits, and erecting hydrants, and other apparatus, and for taking up and repairing such mains, hydrants, and other structures, for conducting, and furnishing, an adequate supply of good, wholesome water to the city and citizens of the City of Natchez, during the period which this Ordinance shall be in force; Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be so con- strued as to authorize the infringement of, or to impair, in any way. any rights, privileges, or franchises, heretofore granted to, or acquired by, the Natchez (fas Light Company, the Bluff City Rail- way Company, or the Natchez, Jackson & Columbus Railwav Com- pany. The streets, lanes, alleys, avenues, and public grounds, dur- ing the laying, and repairing, aforesaid, shall be obstructed as little as possible, and with the least inconvenience to the public, and be restored to their former condition as soon as possible. The said •Tones, his associates, successors, or assigns, shall hold the city harmless from any and all damages by reason of the negligence of employes during the erection, construction, maintenance, and re- pair, of the said water works. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That the general plan of said system of water works shall be as follows: A pump house, built of brick, and of ample size for the purpose for which it is intended, 302 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. and modern in all details, a brick smokestack, of ampin size for tlie successful operation of the boiler. The pumps shall be three in number, of a combined capacity of five million gallons every twen- ty-four hours. There shall be three boilers, of ample size to fur- nish steam for the pumping machinery, all machinery to be so ar- ranged that they can be operated either separately or together. There shall be a stand pipe, built of boiler iron, not less than twelve feet in diameter, and one hundred and fifty feet high. The original pipe system shall vary in size from six to fourteen inches, inside diameter, and shall be coated with Dr. Angus Smith’s pre- servative varnish, and be tested to three hundred pounds hydro- static pressure to the square inch, before leaving the factory. All pipe to have a covering of at least thirty inches. All hydrants to have four-inch connections. The pipe system shall be properly districted by means of double gate valves. The hydrants shall he double discharge, with two and one-half inch hose connections. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That in consideration of the public benefits to be derived, and the protection of property result- ing from the construction, and operation, of said system of water works, the City of Natchez hereby rents, for the term of this Ordi- nance, one hundred double- discharge fire hydrants, at an annual rental of fifty dollars each per annum, per hydrant, all hydrants to be located by the city authorities within thirty days after the pas- sage of this Ordinance; twenty-five of said hydrants shall have a four and one-half inch discharge nozzle. All hydrant rental to be payable quarterly, on the first days of January, April, July, and October of each year, during the continuance of this Ordinance. All hydrants rented in excess of the first one hundred shall be at an annual rental of forty-five dollars each, and payable the same as the first one hundred hydrants, for the unexpired term of this Or- dinance. Water shall be used from said hydrants for the extin- guishment of fires, and necessary practice and drill of fire com- panies, and for the flushing of the city gutters; Provided, that for practice, drill, and flushing purposes, not more than two hydrants shall be operated at any one time, nor any two hydrants oftener than twice in any one week, nor water discharged through any ori- fice greater than one and one-half inch. In all flushing and prac- tice the superintendent shall be notified. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That there shall be one pres- sure gauge at the pump house and one at such point in the city as the Mayor and Aldermen may designate. If at any time after the acceptance of the works by the city the pressure gauges should in- dicate a pressure of less than forty pounds for a period of two weeks in succession, then the rentals all cease until the standard CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 303 pressure shall be attained. If the pressure should be less than forty pounds for six calendar months in succession, then this Ordi- nance to be void Provided, always, that in case of epidemic, or un- avoidable accident, the time shall not be counted. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained . That water shall be furnished free of charge to public schools, and public buildings, used exclu- sively for city purposes; also, city hospital; also, for four drinking fountains, for man and beast. Sec. 6 . Be it further ordained , That the said Jones, his asso- ciates, successors, or assigns, may procure the organization of a company, under the laws of any State, and may assign to said com- pany all the rights, and privileges, acquired under this Ordinance, and this Ordinance shall be binding with equal force and effect upon said company and said city. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That, upon the completion of said works, the said Jones, his associates, successors, or assigns, shall notify the city, in writing, and a test shall be made, within a few days therafter, which shall consist of the throwing of six one- inch fire streams, simultaneously, from any size hydrants, through fifty feet of two and one-half (2*4) inch rubber hose, and one- inch ring nozzle, three feet long, to a vertical height of one hun- dred feet. Upon this test being successfully sustained, the hydrant rental provided for in Section 3 of this Ordinance shall begin, and the certificate of the engineer taking the elevations to which water is thrown shall be sufficient evidence of the compliance with the terras of this Ordinance. The said certificate shall be made in du- plicate, one to be given to the said Jones, and his associates, suc- cessors, and assigns, and one to the City Clerk, within twenty-four hours after the test is made. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, That the said Jones, shall file a written acceptance, with the City Clerk, of the terms, obligations, and conditions, of this Ordinance, within thirty days after its pas- sage, and also! within said period shall execute and deliver to the City of Natchez, a written contract, and a good and sufficient bond, in the penal sum of twenty thousand dollars, contracting, and con- ditioned, that he will well and truly erect, maintain, and operate, in a good and workmanlike manner, a complete system of water works, in accordance with said specifications, as modified, afore- said, and shall commence and enter upon the construction of said works, within sixty days, and have the same completed within twelve months thereafter. Said acceptance, contract, and bond, shall be, in form and substance, satisfactory and acceptable to said 804 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. Mayor and Aldermen, otherwise this Ordinance shall not he taken, and considered, as evidence of any contract in the premises. Sec. 9 . Be it further ordained , That it is further provided, that the pipes, mains, and hydrants, shall be so laid and set, as not to interfere with any pipes, sewers, or drains, now existing, and as far as practicable follow the grades as now established ; Provided , however, that if it shall become necessary, at any future time, to lower said mains, pipes, or hydrants, or change the same, in order to conform to any altered grade, deemed advisable by the city authorities, the expense of lowering, or changing, shall be borne and paid by the city. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained, That the Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall, from time to time, pass, enact, and enforce ordinances to protect the said Jones, his associates, successors, or assigns, in the rights hereby granted, and under suitable penalties, providing for the protection of said works from damage, fraud and imposition. Sec. 11. Be it further ordained , That the City of Natchez shall have the right, at the expiration of ten years from the com- pletion of the works, or at the end of every consecutive five years thereafter, to purchase the works, and rights, and property, at a fair valuation, to be ascertained as follows: In case the said Jones, his associates, successors, or assigns, and the city shall fail to . agree on the price, three disinterested experts, hydraulic engi- neers, not residents of Adams county, Mississippi, shall be chosen, one by said Jones, his associates, successors, or assigns, one by the city, and the third by the two thus chosen. They shall be duly sworn, and may call not exceeding three experts, on behalf of each party, to determine the then present value. The appraisers shall make their report, in writing, in duplicate, within three months, one to he given to said Jones, his associates, successors, or assigns, and one to the City Clerk. A majority of the appraisers shall rule. The city shall pay the amount of the award within two months thereafter, in cash, and any failure so to do shall be a waiver on the part of the city to purchase, until the end of the real period, and this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect until the city shall purchase. In purchasing, the city shall assume all un- finished contracts. The city shall give one year’s previous notice, in writing, of its intention to purchase. Sec. 12. Be it further ordained, That the said Jones, his as- sociates, successors, or assigns, shall have the right to make all needful rules and regulations governing the consumption of water, CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 305 tapping of mains, and operation of works, and shall make all ex- tensions ordered by the city; Provided, there shall be one hundred dollars revenue for every live hundred feet of such extension, or major part thereof. Sec. 13. Be it further ordained , That the said Jones, his as- sociates, successors, or assigns, may collect the following rate, an- nually, but no annual rental shall be less than six dollars to one consumer, and may place a meter upon any service, and collect a meter rent of three dollars per annum, payable quarterhq in ad- vance, in addition to the meter rates charged for water. ANNUAL RATES. Banks $ 8.00 Bakeries, daily average of each barrel of flour used, per barrel 3.00 Bakery, no bakery less than 8.00 Barber Shop, first chair 4.00 Barber Shop, each additional chair 2.50 Bath, private 3.50 Bath, hotel or public, each tub $10 to 15.00 Blacksmith, first fire 4.00 Blacksmith, each additional fire 1.50 Brickwork, per 1,000 laid 10 Stone, per perch 07 Plastering, per 100 square yards ,30 Boarding House, per room 1.00 Hall, theaters and hotels, special. Fire protection, special. Laundries, special. Offices 5.00 Printing Offices, special. Residences, of six rooms and under 6.00 Residences, each additional room 1.00 Photograph Galleries, special. Stable, private, including carriage washing, one horse. ..... 3.00 Stable, private, each additional horse . 2.00 Cows, each 1.50 Restaurant, special. Livery, Boarding or Sale Stable, special. Steam Boilers, special. Saloons $10 to 15.00 306 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. Urinal, with self-closing faucet . . 5.09 Water Closets, private 5.00 Water Closets, public $5 to 20.00 Sprinkling Carts, special. All other rates, special. METER RATES. 100 to 1,000 U. S. gallons daily, per 1,000 IT. S. gal . . .40 1.000 to 2,000 U. S. gallons daily, per 1,000 U. S. gal 35 2.000 to 3,000 U. S. gallons daily, per 1,000 U. S. gal 30 3.000 to 5,000 U. S. gallons daily, per 1,000 U. S. gal 25 5.000 to 10,000 F. S. gallons daily, per 1,000 U. S. gal 20 10.000 and over U. S. gallons daily, per 1,000 IT. S. gal 15 SEASON RATES. Sprinkling lawns with 1-16 inch nozzle, 4 hours per day, 6 months, 60-foot front 5.00 Each adidtional foot front 06 Street sprinkling, per foot front, 8 months 08 Fountains, 8 months, 6 hours per day, 1-16 inch jet 7.00 i/g-inch jet 14.00 3-16 inch jet 28.00 Soda Fountains $8 to 30.00 Sec. 14. Be it further ordained, That the city shall levy, annually, and cause to be collected, a tax sufficient to meet and pay the hydrant rental herein, stipulated, and such rental shall be paid at the office of the City Treasurer. Sec. 15. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordi- nance be, and they are hereby repealed. Ordained February 28, 1889. II — AN ORDINANCE to Amend an Ordinance Entitled “An Ordinance to Provide for a System of Water Works, and a Supply of Water, to the City of Natchez, etc.,” Passed February 28, 1889. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That wherever the name of “J. A. Jones, his associates,” appears in said ordi- nance, shall be substituted the words, “The Natchez Water and Sewer Comp’any.” CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 307 Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That Section 13 be amended to read, “That the annual rental of private rates, not already speci- fied, be the same as now established in St. Louis, Mo.” Ordained April 8, 1889. Ill — AN ORDINANCE Granting the Privilege to the Natchez Water and Sewer Company to Furnish the City of Natchez Its Supply of Water, from Artesian Wells, Under Certain Reserved Condi- tions. Whereas, By contract, entered into between the City of Xatchez and the Natchez Water and Sewer Company, under pro- visions of an ordinance, ordained and passed the 28th day of Feb- ruary^ A. D. 1889, entitled, “An Ordinance to Provide for a Sys- tem of Water Works, and a Supply of Water to the City of Xatchez; County of Adams, State of Mississippi, and Its Inhab- itants, etc., etc.,” and the plans, and specifications, therein referred to, adopted by the Board of Aldermen, January 23, 1889, the source of supply was designated as the Mississippi river; and, Whereas, The said Natchez Water and Sewer Company are desirous of furnishing said supply from artesian wells, and have made tender of water from this source; and, Whereas, It has been determined by competent analysis, and the expressed opinion of the physicians of this city, that the well supply is the purest and best adapted for general use ; now, there- fore. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That we accept from the Natchez Water and Sewer Company, for public use, and grant to them the privilege of supplying to the inhabitants of the city, the artesian well water; Provided, however, that the accept- ance, and grant, aforesaid, are conditioned upon the said Natchez Water and Sewer Company paying all costs, and expenses, incurred in connection with obtaining the analyses, and publication thereof, made by order of this Board ; and, provided, further, that the Board does not relinquish, in the slightest degree, the right to re- quire the said Natchez Water and Sewer Company to seek its sup- ply of water from the original source agreed upon, to-wit, “the Mississsippi river,” should the wells, at any future time, show either a material diminution in quantity of water supply, or a marked deterioration in quality, conducive of unsanitary condi- tions. 308 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall go into effect from and after its passage, and that the Mayor, with the assistance of the City Solicitor, he, and is hereby authorized, to draw np any papers deemed necessary to cover the foregoing provisions, and execute the same. Ordained February 6, 1890; repealed February 7, 1894; re- enacted April 4, 1895. IV — AN ORDINANCE to Provide for the Extension of the Water Pipes, or Mains, From the Junction of Oak and Cemetery Streets, North- wardly, Along Cemetery and New Streets, and the Erection of Hydrants Along Said Line. Whereas, The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez desire an extension of the pipes, or mains, along the streets, or parts of streets, hereinafter named, for the purpose of obtaining an adequate supply of water for the City Hospital, and to have a sufficient number of hydrants erected along said streets, for fire purposes; but do not consider that they would be justified, under all the circumstances, in, ordering such extension of the water sys- tem under Section 12 of an ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance to Provide for a System of Waterworks,” etc., ordained the 28th day of February, A. D. 1889; and, Whereas, The Natchez Water Supply and Sewer Company have signified their willingness to make such extensions, as a mat- ter of accommodation, and irrespective of said Section 12, on con- dition that the City of Natchez pays to said company the usual hydrant rates, for such hydrants as may be erected, and established, along the line of such extension, and its connections, either by said company, or by said city; and that, in consequence of the elevation of the ground along said extension, said hydrants be not subject at any time to the tests provided for in Section 7 of said ordinance; now, therefore, Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened , That the Natchez Water Supply and Sewer Company be, and they are hereby re- quested, to extend, lay down, and maintain, water pipes, or mains, from the junction of Oak and Cemetery streets, northwardly along Cemetery street to New street; thence, northwardly along New street, to a point thirteen hundred feet from the beginning; and to erect, and maintain, at proper distances, along said line, three hydrants, of the size, and for the purposes, provided in said ordi- CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 309 nance; the hydrant rental for said hydrants along said line, and such additional hydrants as may be erected by the city on the con- nection therewith, to be the same as that prescribed by said ordi- nance; and said extension to be made without other compensa- tion from the city, and without guarantee by the city of any other revenue from such extension; and said company not to be required to maintain a test pressure along said extension sufficient to pro- duce from said hydrants streams of water of a vertical height of one hundred feet, as provided for in the original system. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage. Ordained July 3, 1895. WATER AND SEWERAGE BONDS. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Preparation, Issuance, and Sale, of Water Works and Sewerage Bonds, of the City of Natchez, and for the Payment, or Redemption, of Said Bonds. Whereas, the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, by an act, entitled, “An Act to Authorize the Board of Mayor and Aider- men of the City of Natchez to Issue Bonds for the Purpose of Pur- chasing the Waterworks and Sewerage System, Owned and Oper T ated in Said City by the Natchez Water Supply and Sewer Com- pany, or for the Purpose of Building, Constructing, or Otherwise Securing, for Said City a System of Sewerage and Waterworks,” approved February 25, 1902, authorized, and empowered, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of said City of Natchez to issue bonds of said city, not to exceed in amount the sum of one hun- dred and fifty thousand ($150,000) dollars, to be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk, and registered as issued, for the purpose of purchasing the waterworks and sewerage sys- tem owned, and operated, in said city, by the Natchez Water Sup- ply and Sewer Company, or for the purpose of building, construct- ing, or otherwise securing, for said city a system of sewerage and waterworks; said bonds to be payable to bearer, and to be paid at the option of said Board of Mayor and' Aldermen, at the expira- tion of five years from the date of their issuance, and to mature not later than twenty years after the date of their issuance, and to be payable in the order of their number, beginning with number one, and to bear such rate of interest, not to exceed five per cent per annum, payable annually, or semi-annually, as said Board might elect ; and, whereas, it was further provided in said act that, before 310 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. providing for the issuance of any bonds for said purpose', the said Board should publish notice of the proposal to issue the same, in a newspaper published in said municipality, for three weeks, next preceding said issuance; and, whereas, the said Board of Mayor and Aldermen have contracted, and agreed, for, and on behalf of, the said City of Natchez with the said Natchez Water Supply and Sewer Company, to buy, and purchase, from them, the waterworks and sewerage system now owned and operated by them in said city, at and for the sum, and consideration, of one hundred and fifty thousand ($150,000) dollars; and, whereas, public notice, that the said Board of Mayor and Aldermen would, on this date, provide for the issuance of said bonds, for said purpose, and in accord- ance with the terms of said act of the Legislature, has been given, and published, in the Natchez Democrat, a newspaper published in said municipality, for the period prescribed and in strict accord- ance with the terms of said act, as appears by the proof of publica- tion, duly made and filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Natchez ; and, whereas, up to this date, no petition whatever, or from any source, against the issuance of said bonds, has been pre- sented, or filed with, or otherwise, brought to the attention of this Board ; now, therefore, Section I. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That the Finance Committee of this Board is hereby empowered, authorized, and di- rected, to have lithographed, and prepared, the corporate bonds of said city, to the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, for the purpose of purchasing the waterworks and sewerage system owned and operated in said city by the Natchez Water Supply and Sewer Company. The said bonds shall be payable to bearer, and shall be paid at the option of said Board of Mayor and Aldermen, at the expiration of five years from the date of their issuance, and shall mature twenty years after the date of their issuance, and they shall be pay- able in the order of their number, beginning with number one. Said bonds shall boar interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, interest payable annually, and beginning from the date of the issuance of said bonds. Said bonds shall be of the denomination of one thousand dol- lars each, and in no case shall they be sold .for less than their face value. The annual interest thereon shall be evidenced by coupons attached thereto, and said bonds, with coupons, shall be litho- CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 311 graphed, and with suc-h devices for identification as shall be agreed upon by the Mayor and Clerk of said Board. Said bonds shall be dated the seventh day of May, 1903, and the principal and interest thereof, and thereon, shall be payable at the office of the Treasurer of said city. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That said Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall, in each and every year, beginning with the year 1903, provide in the annual revenue ordinance of the city, for the levy and collection of a sufficient tax to pay the interest which will accrue on said bonds during the following year, and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said bonds at maturity, or the redemption of such of said bonds as may be earlier called in under the operation of this Ordi- nance, and so much of said annual tax may be made payable in the accruing coupons of said bonds as may be necessary to pay the coupons for which said levy is made, but the portion of said tax which may be levied for the sinking fund shall be payable in law- ful money only. The taxes so levied, and collected, shal be paid over to the City Treasurer, who shall pass the same to the credit of said spe- cial fund, specifying what amount thereof belongs to the sinking fund, and what amount to the interest account. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That publication be made, twice in the “Financier,” a newspaper published in the city of New \ ork, X. Y., and in the Natchez Democrat, once a week, until the 7th day of May, 1903, that said bonds will be for sale to the high- est bidder, said bids to be under seal, and directed to the Clerk of the City of Natchez, said bids to be accompanied by a certified check for one per cent of the amount of said bonds bid for. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained , That this Ordinance take ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage, and that all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained April 16, 1903. 312 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. II — AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Approval and Execution of the Bonds of the City of Natchez, Denominated and Known as “Water Works and Sewerage Bonds,” of Said City, Authorized and Directed to be Prepared, Issued, and Sold, Under the Provis- ions of an Ordinance of Said City Entitled “An Ordinance Pro- viding for the Preparation, Issuance, and Sale, of Water Works and Sewerage Bonds, of the City of Natchez, and for the Pay- ment, or Redemption, of Said Bonds,” Ordained and Published the 16th Day of April, A. D. 1903. Whereas, Under and by virtue of, and in accordance with, the provisions of Section 1 of said above mentioned ordinance, of April 16, 1903, the Finance Committee of the Board of Mayor and Al- dermen of said city have had lithographed, and prepared, the bonds of said city, with proper coupons attached, in strict accord- ance with said ordinance, and the terms of an act of the Legisla- ture of the State of Mississippi, entitled, .“An Act to Authorize the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Natchez to Issue Bonds for the Purposes of Purchasing the Waterworks and Sew- erage System, Owned,* and Operated, in Said City, by the Natchez Water Supply and Sewer Company, or for the Purpose of Build- ing, Constructing, or Otherwise Securing, for Said City, a System of Sewerage and Waterworks,” approved February 25, 1902, and have this day presented a facsimile of said bonds, and coupons, to this Board; therefore, Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez , in council convened, That the form and matter of said bonds and coupons, be, and the same are here- by approved; that the Mayor of the city is hereby authorized, and instructed, to sign, and cause the corporate seal of the said city to be affixed to said bonds, or impressed thereon, as of this date, and that, owing to the illness of Thos. R. Quarterman, the City Clerk of said city, S. Duncan Baker, the Clerk pro tem., of this Board, do countersign and attest the same, in manner and form, as follows: “Thos. It. Quarterman, City Clerk, by S. Dun- can Baker, Clerk pro tem/' Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That upon, and after, execu- tion of said bonds, they shall be registered by the City Clerk, in the record book, kept for such purposes, with appropriate rulings, and headings, to convey the following information concerning each of said bonds, to-wit: Number, date, denomination, number of coupons attached, amount of each coupon, date of maturity of principal, to whom sold, and date of payment, or redemption. CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 813 Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That the city reserves the right to redeem, at par, the said bonds, or any of them, at any time after five years from the date thereof, after giving notice, by adver- tising in some public newspaper, published in said City of Natchez, for eight consecutive weeks, that upon a day to be therein named, it will redeem, at par, upon presentation, the bonds described in said advertisement. The said notice shall be published in accord- ance with an ordinance, or resolution, of the Mayor and Alder- men of said city, and shall give the number, date, and amount, of each bond to be redeemed; the said bonds to be redeemed in the order in which they are numbered, and that any bond so advertised for, and designated, as aforesaid, upon the day named in said notice, shall cease to bear interest from and after such date. Ordained May 7, 1903. YAZOO & MISSISSIPPI VALLEY RAILROAD CO. AN ORDINANCE Granting the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Company the Plight to Cress the Pavement, on the West Side of Broadway, and for Other Purposes. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the YazOo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Company be, and is hereby, author- ized, and empowered, to cross, with its track, from the northeast- ern corner of the depot grounds, the city sidewalks, so as to enable it to connect with the track already laid on Broadway street. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That this permission is granted upon condition that the said railroad company shall raide, and put in perfect repair (using Rosetta gravel), the sidewalk upon the western side of Broadway street, from the depot grounds to Main street, and that, in addition, the railroad company will provide the necessary pipes to drain, under said sidewalk, the water running from the upper park; and, upon the further condi- tion, that the improvements by said railroad company shall be kept up, and maintained, and a failure to do the work, or keep it in order, will work the forfeiture of the franchise herein granted; and, that this franchise is granted on the condition that it shall be left in the discretion of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen as to its removal. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance take ef- fect from and after its passage. Ordained August 11, 1896. 314 CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. II — AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Company to Lay a Spur Track, on the Northerly End of Broadway, in the City of Natchez, Mississippi, so as to Run in Front of the Warehouse and Premises of Geisenbsrger & Friedler, With the Track of Said Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Company. Section 1 . Be it ordained ly the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Company be, and is hereby, author- ized, and empowered, to lay, and construct, a spur track, on said Broadway street-, commencing at a point twenty-five (25) feet north of the north property line of Jefferson street, thirty-nine (39) feet west of the east property line of Broadway ; thence, run- ning south fifty-eight (58) feet, to a frog, located on the south side of Jefferson street, and thirty-seven (37) feet west of the east side of Broadway street, and thence running fifty (50) feet further south, to a point twenty-eight (28) feet west of the property line of the east side of Broadway street, and from there on, a distance of one hundred and sixty-five (105) feet, paralleling the east side of Broadway street, seventeen and seven-tenths (17.7) feet, to the west of the east side property line of Broadway street, to a point in the north line of Franklin street. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That the rights, and privi- leges, hereby conferred, are granted upon, and subject to, the fol- lowing conditions: The rails of said track shall he so laid as to be even with the surface of the street ; the surface between said rails shall be planked with solid, substantial planking, at least two inches in thickness, or fdled in with concrete, and that outside of said rails, continu- ous planking, or concrete, shall he laid up to said rails, through- out the said distance, said planking, or concrete, to he at least two and one-half inches thick, and at least three feet of gravel shall ho laid along the outside of said rails for said distance. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That the said track shall be constructed, subject to the satisfaction of the Street Committee of said city, and the franchise hereby granted shall be had, and en- joyed, during the pleasure of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of said city. 1 Ordained October 4, 1900. CONTRACTS, FRANCHISES, ETC. 315 III — AN ORDINANCE Authorizing and Empowering the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Company to Lay a Spur Track, on Broadway Street, Between Jefferson and High Streets, in the City of Natchez, Mississippi, so as to Run in Front of the Ware- house and Premises of the Armour Packing Company. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Company be, and they are hereby, authorized, and empowered, to lay, and construct, a spur track, on said Broadway street, two hundred and forty (240) feet south of the south property line of High street, and thirty-nine (39) feet west of the east property line of Broadway street ; running thence, northerly, ninety (90) feet, with a seventeen (17) degree curve; then seven (7) feet, at a tangent; then eighty-five and seven-tenths. (85.7) feet, with a seventeen (17) degree and thirty (30) minute curve; then sixty (00) feet, at a tangent, to the point of intersec- tion with the extension of the southerly property line of High street, which point is thirteen and eight-tenths (13.8) feet west of the east property line of Broadway street. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That the rights, and privi- leges, hereby conferred, are granted upon the following conditions: The rails of said track shall he so laid as to be even with the surface of the street ; the surface between the rails shall he planked with solid planking, at least two inches in thickness, or shall he filled in with concrete, and the surface outside of said rails, throughout the entire length of the spur track, shall be planked with similar continuous planking, or concrete shall be laid between said rails; said planking to be at least two and one-half (2.5) inches thick, and also a layer of gravel, at least three feet wide, shall be laid along the outside of said rails, for said entire dis- tance. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That the franchise, and priv- ilege, hereby granted, shall be held and enjoyed, during the pleas- ure of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Natchez, and said spur track shall be constructed in a manner satisfactory to the Street Committee of the said Board. Ordained March 25, 1901. , contracts, franchises, : etc. 316 IV 1 — AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the Yazoo & Mississippi Valle* Railroad Company to Lay a Spur Track, Starting from Its Main Track, on Monroe Street, Between Wall and Canal Streets, in the City of Natchez, and Running Southwesterly, Along Monroe Street, Into the Property of Dr. S. Kelly. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Natchez, in council convened, That the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Company be, and are hereby author- ized, and empowered, to lay, and construct, a spur track, starting from its main track on Monroe street, in the City of Natchez, at a point about twelve feet west of the western line of Wall street; running thence, along Monroe street, in a southwesterly direc- tion, on a curve of sixteen degrees and fifty-eight minutes, about ninety-five feet, into the property of Dr. Stephen Kelley. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the rights, and privi- leges hereby conferred are granted upon, and subject to, the follow- ing cpnditions, . to-wit : The rails of said track shall be so laid as to be even with the surface, of the. street; the . surface between said rails shall .be planked with solid, substantial planking, at least two inches in thickness, or filled in with concrete, and that outside of said rails continuous planking, or concrete, shall be laid up to said rails, throughout the. said distance ; said planking, or concrete, to be at Lust two and one-half inches thick, and at least three feet of gravel, shall be 1 aid along the outside of said rails, for said dis- tance. Sec., 3. Be it further ordained, That said track shall be com structed subject to the satisfaction of the Street Committee of said city, and the franchise hereby granted shall be had, and enjoyed, during the pleasure of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of said city. 1 = ' Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and that all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Ordained May 23, 1901. '.. . . ’ .■]}.: ■' h ■ v t ! ' ■' • ! • • MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. 319 BOARD OF SV3AYOR AND ALDERMEN From April, 1803, to 1904, Inclusive. 1803 — Mayor —Samuel Brooks. Aldermen— Samuel Neil, Joseph Newman, John Girault, Andrew Marsclialk. 1804 — Mayor — Samuel Brooks. Aldermen— Samuel Neil, Joseph Newman, Andrew Mai schalk. 1803 — Mayor — Samuel Brooks. Aldermen — Samuel Neil, Joseph Newman, A. Marscbalk, Rich: r 1 King. 1806 — Mayor— Samuel Brooks. Aldermen — A. Marscbalk, John Wood, Richard King, Joseph Forman. 1807 — Mayor — Samuel Brooks. 1808 — Mayor — Samuel Brooks. 1809 — Mayor — Samuel Brooks. 1810 — President — John Shaw. 1811 — President — Samuel Brooks. Selectmen — John Steele, Wm. Lattimore, Lewis Evans, Jas. C. Wilkins, F. L. Turner. 1812 — President — A. Campbell. Selectmen — Philip Hill, Andrew Burt, Peter Little, James Johnston, Samuel Patterson, William O. Winston, James Kerchival. 1813 — President — A. Campbell. Selectmen — William Snodgrass, Jno. Richards, Christopher H. Kyle, Wm. Rutherford, J. A. Ilopkins, Frances A. Bynum. 1814 — President— S. Brooks. Selectmen — C. B. Green, Edward Turner, Wm. Snodgrass, James McConnell, Peter Little. Benjamin Kitchen. 1815 — President— Edward Turner. Selectmen — Philip Hill, Henry Postlethvvaite, Geo. Newman. Lewis Evans, Wm. E. Leh- man, Augustus Griswold, Samuel Patterson. 1816 — President — Edw’d Turner. Selectmen — Geo. Newman, W. E. Lehman, P. Hill, Henry Postlethwaite, Sam’l Patter- son, Henry Tooley, James Steen. NOTE — The minute book or the city, from 1836 to 1811, being missing, only the tames of the Mayor for those years could be obtained. 320 MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. 1817 — President — Edward Turner. Selectmen — George Newman, W. E. Lehman, P. Hill, H. Postlethwaite, S. Patterson Jas. Steen. 1818 — Presidents — S. Brooks, E. Turner. Selectmen — Daniel D. Elliott, Jacob Eiler, Josias II. McComas, Levi Purnell, Mi- ca jah Terrill, C. Miller, A. Scranton, Jr. 1819 — President — Edward Turner. Selectmen — A. Scranton, Jr, II. Postlethwaite, \Y. E. Lehman, Abijah Hull, J. H. Mc- Comas, J. Eiler, Win. Shipp. 1820 — President — Edward Turner. Selectmen — Wm. Shipp, P. P. Schuyler, James Berthe, D. Lattimore, T. D. Carson, John Richards. 1821 — Presidents — E. Turner, W. W. Walker. Selectmen — P. P, Schuyler, M. Terrill, J. Berthe, S. Patterson Jas. Metcalfe, Jas. J, Rowan, Thomas Munce. 1822 —President— W. W. Walker. Selectmen — E. Turner J. E. Harte, A. Millard, P. P. Schuyler, S. Patterson, M. Terrill, T. Munce, J. Foster. 1823 — President — J. IT. McComas. Selectmen — E. Turner, H. F. Walworth, J. E. Harte, M. Terrill, J. Foster, P. P. Schuy- ler, W. M. Watkins. 1824 — Presidents — J. IT. McComas, Wm. Burns. Selectmen — E. Turner, P. P. Schuyler, J. Hankinson, H. F. Walworth, E. Talmage, Thomas Chew, William Moore, Levi Purnell, P. M. La piece. 1825 — Presidents — Wm. Burns, Jno. I. Guion. Selectmen — P. P. Schuyler, J. B. Lyons, L. Purnell, B. Wade, P. M. La- piece, Jas. McPherson. 1826 — Presidents — John I. Guion, W. R. Richards. Selectmen — J. Foster, John T. Griffith, Wm. Burn, Peter Black, T. Munce, S. Gustine, Howell Moss, M. Robitaille. 1827 — Presidents — Howell Moss t S. Postlethwaite. Selectmen — J. Foster, S. Gustine, Halsey Townsend, Thomas Munce, M. Robitaille, T. Hunt, Sturges Sprague, Samuel Cotton. MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. 321 1828 — President — S. Postlethwaite. Selectmen — S. Sprague, S. Cotton, J. N. Helm, James Stockman, A. P. Merrill, H. Townsend, Ezekiel Harris. 1829 — President — S. Postlethwaite. Selectmen- -R. McCullough, J. P. Walworth, A. P. Merrill, J. Stockman, S. Sprague, W. C. Grissam. 1830 — President — S. Postlethwaite. Selectmen — A. P. Merrill, J. P. Walworth, Francis Little, R. McCullough, Charles Dart, J. Sprague, Eli Montgomery, Wm. Harris. 1831 — President — S. Postlethwaite. Selectmen — E. Montgomery, S. Sprague, J. P. Walworth, Josiah A. Lyle, Jos. Neibert, L. Robitaille. 1832 — President —Eli Montgomery. Selectmen — Thos. Henderson, B. Wade, J. Neibert, J. A. Lyle, Wm Vannerson, Andrew Brown, H. Millard, R. Bledsoe. 1833 — President — Eli Montgonery. Selectmen — Felix Houston, S. Sprague, N. Barlow, A. Brown, R. Bledsoe, W. Vanner- sou, M. Izod. 1834 — President — Eli Montgomery. Selectmen — A. Brown, R. Bledsoe, M. Izod, W. C. Farnum, D. C. Miller, Wm. Van- nerson, 1835 — President — Eli Montgomery. Selectmen — A. Brown, H. C. Farnum, R. Bledsoe, D. C. Miller, Wm. Vannerson, Jacob Byers, Alfred Cochran. 1836 — President — Cov. Rawlings. Selectmen — S. Cotton, R. Bled- soe, Eli Montgomery, A. Cochran, W. Vannerson, A. Brown. 1837 — Presidents — C. Rawlings, Henry Tooley. Selectmen — Eli Montgomery, A. Cochran, A. Brown, E. P. Florniquet, Or- lando Lane, R. Parker, Thos. Conner, W. W. Wilkins, Peter Gemmell. 1838 — President — Henry Tooley. Selectmen — Robert Patterson, R. Parker, A. Brown, W. W. Wilkins, T. Conner, J. A. Lyle, D. C. Mitchie. 1839 — President — J. A. Lyle. Selectmen — J. P. Walworth, T. N. Falconer, R. Parker, H. Gridley, F. Wood, L. Pitcher. 322 MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. 1840 — President — Samuel Cotton. Selectmen — B. Wade, R. Par- ker, P. H. McGraw, R. Stewart, P. Sisloff, H. Gridley. 1841 — President — S. Cottton. Selectmen— B. Wade, R. Parker, P. H. McGraw, R. Stewart, G. J. Dicks, A. Wattles. 1842 — President — S. Cotton. Selectmen— R. Parker, R. Stewart, G. J. Dicks, B. Wade, J. R. Stockman, J. W. Sharpe. 1843 — Presidents — John M. Duffield, John R. Stockman. Select- men — G. J. Dicks, E Profilet, M. Breeden, D. L. Rivers, P. G. Cregier, John M. Baldwin. 1844 — President — J. R. Stockman. Selectmen — Thomas Rose, G. J. Dicks, Cyrus Marsh, Robert Stewart, Emile Profilet, P. G. Cregier. 1845 — President — J. R. Stockman. Selectmen — G. J. Dicks, R. Stewart, E. Profilet, T. Rose, P. G. Cregier, C. Marsh. 1846 — President — J. R. Stockman. Selectmen — G. J. Dicks, C. Marsh, T. Rose, R. Stewart, E. Profilet, R. Elward. 1847 — Mayor — J. R. Stockman. Selectmen — E. Profilet, G. J. Dicks, Thos. Rose, V. Bo} r er, R. Stewart, R. Walker. 1848. — Mayor — J. R. Stockman. Selectmen — V. Boyer, T. Rose, B. Pendleton, R. Stewart, John P. Walworth, Richard El- ward. 1849 — Mayor — J. R. Stockman. Selectmen — Thomas Rose, J. P. Walworth, B. Pendleton, T. C. Pollock, John S. Coulson, G. L. C. Davis. 1850 — Mayor — J. R. Stockman. Selectmen — B. Pendleton, Thos Rose, John S. Coulson, T. C. Pollock, J. P. Walworth, G. L. C. Davis. 1851 — Mayor — Benedam Pendleton. Selectmen — William Ray, T. C. Pollock, Thomas Rose, John P. Walworth, John C. Coul- son, G. L. C. Davis. 1852 — Mayor— George J. Dicks. Selectmen — William Ray, Thos. C. Pollock, J. P. Walworth, J. S. Coulson, Thomas Rose, G. L. C. Davis, David Ray. MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. 323 1853 — Mayor — B. Pendleton. Selectmen — David Ra} f , Thomas Rose, T. C. Pollock, John S. Coulson C. H. Dubs, G. L. C. Davis. 1854 — Mayor — R. W. Wood. Selectmen — Robert Walker, T. A. S. Doniphan, Wm. H. Fox, Edwin B. Baker, Robert Stew- art, W. W. Wilkins. 1855 — Mayor — Robert W. Wood, Selectmen — E. B. Baker, Sam- uel Burns, T. A. S. Doniphan, George J. Dicks, Wm. H. Fox, Eli Montgomery. 1856— Mayor — Robert W. Wood. Selectmen — George C. Baldwin, E. B. Baker, T. A. S Dzmiphan, John H. Harris, Eli Mont- gomery, Joseph H. Russel. 1857 — Mayor — Robert W. Wood. Selectmen— George C. Baldwin, Esau S. Foulk, John Hunter, Eli Montgomery, Robert Stew- art, John P. Walworth, 1858— Mayor — Robert W. Wood. Selectmen — George C. Baldwin, Louis H. Cory, Esau S. Foulk, John Hunter, Robert Stew- art, John P. Walworth. 1859 — Mayor — John Hunter. Selectmen— Louis H. Cory, William H. Forbes, Benadam Pendleton, Robert Stewart, Robert Walker, John P. Walworth. 1860 — Record not accessible. 1861 — Mayor — John Hunter. Selectmen — H. M. Baldwin, James Curry, J. P. Walworth, Geo. J. Dicks, Jas. N. Stockmau, Robt. Walker. 1862 —Mayor — John Hunter. Selectmen — Jas. >T. Stockman, Jas, Curry, Wm. H Forbes, J. P. Walworth, H. M. Baldwin, Wm. Dix. 1863 — Mayor — John Hunter. Selectmen — Jas. N. Stockman, Wm. II. Forbes, Robert Walker, J. P. Walworth, H. M. Baldwin. Wm. Dix. 1864— Mayor — William Dix. 1865 — Mayor — William Dix. Selectmen — H. M. Baldwin, J. Car- radine, E. B. Baker, Wm. II. Forbes, E. Profilet, T. C. Pollock. 324 MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. 1883— Mayor — William Dix. Selectmen — L. D. Aldrich, E. B. Baker, E. Boyd, George J. Dicks, Wm, H. Forbes, John H. Steir. 1867 — Mayor — William Dix. Selectmen — L. D. Aldrich, E. B. Baker, Geo. J. Dicks, Wm. H. Forbes, Thos. Staniforth, D. Walworth. 1868 — Same officers continued in office, until removed by Military Governor in 1869. 1869 — Mayor — John H. Weldon. Selectmen — Simon M. Preston, Wm. Me. Cary, Hiram R. Revels, L. D. Allen, Richard Ratehford, F. J. Mead. 1870 — Mayor — Robert II. Wood. Selectmen — Robert W. Fitzhugh, L. H. Clapp, M. A. C. Hussey, Wm. H. Lynch, Wm. Mc- Cary, S. S. Meekins, Wm. Noonan, C. C. Walden. 1872 — Mayor — Robert H. Wood. Selectmen — Robert W. Fitzhugh, L. H. Clapp, M. A. C. Hussey, Wm. H. Lynch, W T m. Me. Cary, S. S. Meekins, Wm. Noonan, C. C. Walden. 1873 — Mayor — Henry C. Griffin. Aldermen — George M. Brown, S. S. Meekins, M. A. C. Hussey, Isaac Lowenburg. John Stevenson, S. D. Stockman, Wm. Noonan, W r m. H. Lynch. 1874 — Mayor— Henry C. Griffin. Aldermen— W 7 m. Burns, J. P. Buie, Isaac Lowenburg, S. D. Stockman, John Stevenson, David Williamson, Wm. Noonan, George M. Brown. 1875 — Mayor — Henry C. Griffin. Aldermen — E. B. Baker, George M. Brown, L. B. Field, Armand Perrault, S. D. Stockman, David WilliamsoD, J. P. Buie, Wm. Burns. 1876 — Mayor — Henry C. Griffin. Aldermen — George M. Brown, J. P. Buie, Wm. Burns, Wm. A. Diers, Armand Perrault. S, D. Stockman, David Williamson. 1877 Mayor — Henry C. Griffin. Aldermen — George M. Brown, Win. Burns, Wm. A. Diers, Robert S. Dixon. Isaac Lowen- burg, Joseph D. Shields, Samuel Ullman, David Williamson, 1878— -Mayor — Henry C. Griffin. Aldermen — Robert S., Dixon, James W. Lambert, Isaac Lowenburg, Joseph B. O’Brien, Henry Polkinghorne, Joseph D. Shields, Samuel Ullman, George M. Brown. MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. 325 1879 — Mayor — Henry C. Griffin. Aldermen — A. H. Brenliain, George M. Brown, Robert S. Dixon, James W. Lambert, Joseph B O’Brien. Henry Polkingliorne, S. E. Rumble, Samuel IJllman. 1880 — Mayor — Henry C. Griffin. Aldermen — George M. Brown, George T. Payne, Robert S. Dixon, James W. Lambert, Joseph B. O’Brien, S. E. Rumble,. C. L. Tillman, Wm. H. Mallery. 1831 — Mayor — Henry C. Griffin. Aldermen — George M. Brown, Robert S. Dixon, Wm, A. Diers, James W. Lambert, Wm. H. M illery, Joseph B. O’Brie i, C. L. Tillman, Charles Whitcomb. 1882 — Mayor — Henry C. Griffin, Aldermen — William Abbott, George M. Brown, Wm. A. Diers, Roberts. Dixon, Wm. H. Mallery, Joseph B. O’Brien, Geo. T. Payne, Charles Whit- comb. 1883— Mayor — Isaac Lowenburg. Aldermen — Wm. Abbott, George M. Brown, Wm. A. Diers, Robtert S. Dixon, Wm. H. Mal- lery, George T. Payne, Joseph B. O’Brien, Charles Whit- comb. 1884 — Mayor — Isaac Lowenburg Aldermen — Wm. Abbott, George M. Brown, Wm. A. Diers, Robert S. Dixon, Wm. II. Mal- lery; Joseph B. O’Brien, George T. Payne, Charles Whit- comb. 1885 — Mayor — Isaac Lowenburg. Aldermen — Wm. A. Diers, Rob- ert S. Dixon, John Grady, Wm. H. Mallery, George T. Payne, Charles Whitcomb, George T. Rehn, Joseph B. O’Brien. 1886 — Mayor — Isaac Lowenburg. Aldermen — Wm. A. Diers, R. S. Dixon, Wm. H. Mallery, Jos. B. O’Brien, Geo. T. Payne, John Grady, Geo. T. Rehn, Clias. Whitcomb. 1887 — Mayor — Wm. H. Mallery. Aldermen — L. G. Aldrich, Rob- ert S. Dixon, John Grady, P. W. Mulvihill, Joseph B. O’Brien, George T. Payne, A. L. Howe, George T. Rehn. 326 MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. 1888 — Mayor— Wm. H. Mallery. Aldermen — L. G. Aldrich, W. B. Dicks, John Grady, P. W. Mulvihill, A. L. Howe, Joseph Reale, Robert S. Dixon, George T. Rehn. 1889 — Mayor — Wm. G. Benbrook. Aldermen — L. G. Aldrich, Wm. B. Dicks, John Grady, Jake Hirsh, P. W. Mulvihill, A. L. Howe, Joseph Reale, George T. Rehn. 1890 — Mayor — W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen — Alex Eltringham, John Grady, A. L. Howe, L. G. Aldrich, Jake Hirsch, Jos. Reale, P. W. Mulvihill, George T. Rehn. 1891 — Mayor — W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen — L G. Aldrich, Rob- ert S. Dixon, P. W. Mulvihill, John Grady, Jake Hirsch, Joseph Reale, Alex. Eltringham, A. L. Howe. 1892 — Mayor — W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen — Robert S. Dixon. Alex Eltringham, John Grady, A. L. Howe^ Jake Hirsch, F. J. V. LeCand, P. W. Mulvihill, Jos. Reale. 1893 — Mayor — W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen — J. Foggo Dixon, John Grady, C. F. Merrick, F. J. V. Le Gaud, A. L. Howe, P. W. Mulvihill, Joseph Reale, Alex. Eltringham. 1894 — Mayor — W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen — John Grady, P. W. Mulvihill, John A. Guice, F. J. V. Le Cand, C. F. Merrick, Joseph Reale, James O’Brien, W. J. Gaines. 1895 — Mayor — W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen — Joseph Reale, John Grady, P. W. Mulvihill, F. J. V. Le Cand, C. F. Merrick, James O’Brien, Alex. Eltringham, John A. Guice. 1896 — Mayor — W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen— J. Foggo Dixon, John Grady, Ben. C. Geisenberger F. J. V. Le Cand, Sim. H. Lowenberg, P. W. Mulvihill, Joseph Reale, Alex Eltringham. 1897 — Mayor — W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen — Sim. H. Lowenburg, J. Foggo Dixon, Joseph Reale, A. B. Learned, William James, Ben. C. Geisenberger, F. J. V. Le Cand, W. A. S. Wheeler. 1898 — Mayor — W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen— John Grady, Joseph Reale, J. Foggo Dixon, Philip U. Benjamin, W. A. S. Wheeler, Ben. C. Geisenberger, A. B. Learned, William James. MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. 327 1899— Mayor — W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen — J. Foggo Dixon, P. U. Benjamin, A. B. Learned, C. R. Byrnes, Joseph lleale, John Grady, Wm. James, W. A. S. Wheeler. 1900 — Mayor — W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen — Jos. Reale, Wm. James, A. B. Learned, John Grady, J. Foggo Dixon, W. A. S. Wheeler, C. R. Byrnes, P. U. Benjamin. 1901 — Mayor — W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen — J. Foggo Dixon, W. A. S. Wheeler, P. U. Benjamin, Joseph Reale, John Grady, C. R. Byrnes, A. B. Learned, A. F. Jacobs. 1902- — Mayor — AY, G. Benbrook. Aldermen---C. R. Byrnes, W. D. Mounger, A. F. Jacobs, P. U. Benjamin, A. B. Learned, Jos. Reale, John Grady, W. A. S. Wheeler. 1903- --Mayor---W. G. Benbrook. Aldermen--P. [J. Benjamin, AY. D. Monnger, AAL A. S. AVkeeler, A. B. Learned, Joseph Reaie, C. R. Byrnes, John Grady, A. F Jacobs. 1904- -Mayor— A\ r . G. Benbrook. Aldermen--John Grady, A. F. Jacobs, A. B. Learned, J. Foggo Dixon, Joseph Reale, C. R. Byrnes, AY. A. S. Wheeler. F. Y. Dennison. AY. A. Adams elected to fill out unexpired term of F. V. Dennison, resigned . INDEX TO CHARTER AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF. ALDERMEN. page. One of municipal officers, provided for 3 Qualifications of 4 Election 4 Special election; where removal 4 ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR OF TAXES. One of municipal officers, provided for 3 Election of 4 Bond required 10 Salary; regulated by ordinance 10 BOUNDARIES. City b undaries designated 1 CLERK. One of municipal officers, provided for . ... 3 Election of 4 Bond required 10 Duties as to registration 31 Salary; regulated by ordinance 10 COUNCIL. Of whom to consist 8 Organization of 8 Legislative and contracting powers 9 Duties of, preceding elections 9 To assemble fii st Monday after election 9 Judge of qualifications of officers 9 Power to set asrde elections 9 Power of expulsion 9 To define fees and duties of officers 10 Power to pass ordinances 10 May remit fines 11 Special powers enumerated 11 Levy and collection of taxes by 18 May condemn property for public use 19 Condemnation proceedings 19 To repair pavements and gutters (See pavements and gutters, etc ) 21 330 INDEX CORPORATION. Style of 2 Powers in general 2 In what name to stie 29 Rights vested in 29 Liabilities incurred by 29 ELECTIONS. Notice of, to be given 7 Board of inspection ? Duties of inspection board 7 Duty, where no officer elected . 7 Concurring elections 7 Compensation of inspectors 7 Vacancy in board, how filled 7 Vacancy in city office; special election to fill 7 HEALTH OFFICER. One of municipal officers 3 Election of - 4 Bond required ... 10 Salary; regulated by ordinance 10 MARSHAL. One of municipal officers 3 Election of . . . . 4 Bond required 10 To attend Mayor’s court 25 To execute writs issued by Mayor 26 Fees of 28 Salary ; regulated by ordinance 10 MAYOR. Executive officer of corporation 24 Duty as to subordinate officers 25 Power to fill vacancies, pending election 25 N otarial powers 25 Court of, in constant session 25 Jurisdiction of court 25 No civil jurisdiction 26 Power of fine and imprisonment 26 Appeal from to jury, in certain cases 26 Qualification of jurors 27 Jury trial before Mayor; how conducted.... 27 May issue scire facias 27 Appeal to Circuit court 27 In case of appeal; to deliver transcript of record 28 INDEX 331 M A YO R — Co n tin ued Fees of . . . . .... 28 Salary; regulated by ordinance 10 Mayor pro tern; when temporary vacancy 10 ORDINANCES. Style of 28 Publication 28 How proved 28 When receivable as evidence 23 To remain in force, until repealed 28 PAVEMENTS AND GUTTERS. Need of repairs to be reported by committee 2 L Necessary repairs to be ascertained by board 21 Assessment; to be levied against lot-owners 21 Assessments; how made 21 Assessments; to be recorded 22 Paj'ment by installment ; 23 Sale of lot; where default in payment 23 Power of owner to redeem 23 Assessment payable to city treasurer 24 POLITICAL YEAR. When to begin 8 REGISTRATION. When to be made 4 Oath and certificate 5 Board of Registration; duties, etc 4 May challenge right to register 5 Book to be kept by city clerk .... 31 How long to be kept open 6 Method of registration 31 In ward of residence fi-31 When residence changed 31 Poll- hook, for each ward 31 Commissioners of election; appointment, duties, etc 31 Oath of commissioners 32 When Registration books closed 32 When closed; where special election ..... 32 City clerk; salary as city registrar 32 ROAD DISTRICT. Municipality, to constitute a separate 18 332 INDEX TAXES. Levy and collection of, by council 18 Lien of, governed by State laws 33 10 per cent as damages, when to accrue 33 Collection of, how enforced 33 List of delinquent tax-payers, to be filed 33 Publication of lands delinquent .... 33 Sale of such lands 34 Compensation of sheriff and tax-collector, where sale 34 Statement of taxes, to be furnished State auditor 34 TREASURER. One of municipal officers, provided for 3 Election of 4 Bond of 10 Salary; regulated by ordinance 10 Pavement assessments pa\ T able to 24 VOTERS. Qualifications of 3 WARDS. Laid off and defined 3 INDEX TO GENERAL ORDINANCES. ANIMALS. Cruelty to a misdemeanor 109 ANIMAL SHOW. Privilege tax 149 ASSAULT. A misdemeanor 108 ASSAULT AND BATTERY. A misdemeanor 108 ASSESSMENT. See Revenue and Assessments.*. 155 ASSESSOR. See Revenue and Assessments 155 AUCTIONEER. Not to create nuisance 113 Privilege tax. .. 150 BANANAS. Penalty for throwing peelings on street 37 Duty of police force to remove peelings 37 BANK ALLEY. Opened and established 178 Named 213 INDEX 333 BARBER. Privilege tax 153 BATHING. Prohibited in Mississippi River within certain limits 37 Penalty for violation of ordinance 37 BEGGING, PUBLIC. Prohibited unless permission obtained from Mayor/, 38 Begging unlawfully. auyone so doing to be deemed a vagrant 38 BICYCLE. Lamp and bell required 38 Rule of the road as to passing vehicles and riders 38 Riding on sidewalks and parks forbidden 39 Scorching on streets forbidden 39 Penalty for causing collision . 39 Privilege tax 152 BILLIARD TABLE. Privilege tax .... 152 BILL POSTING. Posting of obnoxious advertisements on public streets, pro- hibited 39 Posting of signs on poles and trees, unlawful 39 Violation of ordinance, to be deemed misdemeanor 39 Owner or agent of medicine so advertised, guilty 40 Privilege tax 153 BOARDING HOUSE. Privilege tax ... 150 BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT. Privilege tax 150 BRACKEN'S ALLEY. Paving of 117 Named 210 BROADWAY. Named 210 BROKER. Privilege tax 153 BROWNSBURG. Named 210 ' BROWN’S MILL. Road to, made public 189 BURYING GROUND. See Cemeteries, 46 334 INDEX BUTCHERS. Unlawful to slaughter within city limits. 40 As to use of market 98 CANAL STREET (Front). Paving of 117-131-140 Extended 178 Graduation of ... 199 Named 211 CANE RACK. Privilege tax- 150 CANNON. Not to be fired within city limits 7G CARTS, HACKS, DRAYS. ETC. License required for keeping, owning or employing vehicles 40 Duty of city clerk to grant licenses 41 Amount of license to be paid... 41 No license granted for over twelve months 41 License to be numbered and recorded 41 Number to be marked and painted on vehicle 41 Amount of load permitted to be hauled by three beasts 42 Amount of load permitted to be hauled by two beasts 42 River landing; amount of cotton or freight to be hauled to or from 42 River landing: rates for hauling from 42 Elevator; rates for hauling to or from .... .... 42 Driving out of brisk walk, prohibited 43 Obstruction of streets and sidewalks 43 Passengers, rates for conveying 43 Funerals, rate for attending 43 Baggage, rates for transporting .... .... 43 Lamps, required at night 43 Penalty for failure to carry 43 CATTLE. Running at large of cattle and other animals prohibited 44 Provision as to impounding . 44 Ovner, when to be repaid proceeds of sale 44 City Marshal, duties as to impounding 44 Fine, amount of, to be paid by party redeeming 45 Charges, for care of animals 45 Register of animals impounded 45 Police, not permitted to impound 45 Suitable person, to be employed to impound 45 Interference with impounder in his duty, how punished 45 Hogs and Goats running at large, required te be killed. ... 46 See Stock; fast driving prohibited . , 173 INDEX 335 CELLAR DOORS. Not to be left open on street 116 CEMETERIES — (General Provisions and Regulations). Original Cemetery (now Memorial Park) provisions as to. . . . 46 Additional burying ground established 48 Provisions as to this burying ground 49 Title of Cit} 7 to old burying-ground; decision affirming. ..... 51 Adoption of survey and plat of further addition. 54 Prices at which lots to be sold 55 Burying ground for colored people 55 City vaults; lots to be used for 55 Treasurer’s receipt, no sale of lots unless produced 55 Regulations of old burying ground applicable to new addition 55 Graves, of adults, to be dug to depth of six feet 55 Sexton, duty to protect and keep in order 55 Fire-arms; unlawful to discharge in burying-ground 56 Damage and injury to enclosures ... 56 Violations of ordinance: duty of keeper to report 56 Fine, for violation of ordinance 56 Burying ground purchased from Margaret Case, survey and plat adopted 56 Prices for lots in this addition 57 Regulations in regard to old burying ground; applicable to this addition 57 Cemetery fund abolished 57 Zurhellen addition, plat of, accepted 57 Copy of plat; to be recorded 58 Priees of lots in Zurhellen addition . . . ... ‘ 58 Register of lots sold; to be kept by city clerk 58 Proceeds from sale of lots; to be turned over to city treas- urer 58 Wall or railing around enclosure; height specified 58 Trees, bushes, etc., not to be grown above specified height. . 58 Paupers, to be buried from city hospital 61 Pauper graves; no charge made for, by City 61 CEMETERIES— (Care and Maintenance of). General control and care of cemetery to rest with street contractor 59 Keeper; person interested in undertaking establishment, in- eligible 59 Compensation of keeper and laborer 59 Deeds to lots; to be signed by Mayor and attested by Clerk. . 59 Price for digging graves 59 Burial certificate; to be presented to keeper by undertaker. . 60 Report of all deaths to be made by undertakers 60 336 INDEX CEMETERIES— Continued. Burial certificates; to be delivered to chairman of finance committee 60 Receipt book; to be kept by clerk 60 Keeper and assistant, subject to dismissal at will of street contractor 60 Penalty for littering up lots 60 Cemetery gates; when to be opened and closed 61 Certificates to be issued between sunrise and sunset . . ..... 61 Physician’s report; to be deposited with clerk 61 Mortality report; made semi monthly from physician’s reports 61 CENSUS. To be taken every ten years 62 Enumerator; election, compensation, and oath of 62 Enumerator; duties of and oath required . 62 Enumeration to commence on first Monday in August 63 Enumeration; what to show 63 Committee to superintend taking of census 63 City clerk; duties in regard to enumeration 64 CHIMNEYS. See Fires, Chimneys, and Forges • 73 CISTERNS, PUBLIC. To be used for city purposes only 65 CLERK, CITY. To grant license to owner of public vehicle 41 Duties as to sale of cemetery lots 58 Election of: see Charter. Duties in general 64 To keep record of city laws and ordinances 64 To keep register of dogs 66 Salary of 165 COMMERCE STREET (Fourth). Paving of 117-127-137 Graduation of 202 Named 212 CONCEALED WEAPONS. Carrying of a misdemeanor 108 CONCERT. Privilege tax 150 CONDUCTORS, RAILROAD. Police powers of 148 To arrest train boarders 155 INDEX CONTRACTOR. Privilege tax 154 CORPORAL. Subordinate to marshal 101 Officer of police force ,. . . . 145 COTTON. See Seed Cotton 172 Not to obstruct streets 177 COTTON ALLEY. Named 210 COTTON BROKER. Privilege tax 150 CYPRESS STREET. Defined and established 179 DIGGING. Grading prohibited during summer months 65 Excavations prohibited, unless express permission granted. . 66 Penalty for violation of ordinance 66 DOGS. All dogs over six months old, to be licensed 66 Register of dogs licensed to be kept by Clerk 66 Tag to be furnished 66 License fee required 66 Impounding; duties of Marshal as to 67 Duty of Marshall to kill untagged dogs 67 Penalty for failure of Marshal to perform duties prescribed. . 67 Penalty for killing or maiming licensed dog 67 Penalty for altering or removing tag 67 Dogs to be muzzled when required 6S Dogs constituting public nuisance; provisions as to 65 Not allowed in market &7 DRIVING FAST. A misdemeanor HO See also Stock; Fast Driving Prohibited 373 Constituting nuisance 112 DRAYS. See Carts, Hacks, Drays, Etc 40 DENTIST. Privilege tax 150 ELECTRICITY — (Rules and Regulations Regarding use of). Classes of electrical conductors 6X72 Poles of like class; no two lines on any street 69-72 No two lines of poles on same side of street 69-72 338 INDEX ELECTRICITY— Continued. Insulation of conductors of electric light poles 69 Poles; where to be placed 69 Poles and wires, rules and regulations applicable to ..... 69-72 Wires; how to be fastened to poles 69 Electric light wires; to be attached to buildings, etc., by in- sulators 69 Poles, to be used by more than one company when permitted 69 Examination of permits; by whom to be made 70 Poles to be stamped with initials of company owning 70 Regulations as to removal of old and erection of new poles.. 7o Bond required of owner of poles 70 Electric light fixtures to be given to company with whom new contract made 70 Poles to be erected only upon resolution of Mayor and Board 71 Circuit; when to be tested 71 Penalty for violation of rules and regulations 71 Penalty for not conforming to rules 72 Penalty for violation of ordinance 72 ELM STREET. Extended and established 179 EXHIBITION. Privilege Tax 150 FACTORIES. Exemption from taxation 100 FAMILY. Disturbance of; a misdemeanor 109 FEATHER RENOVATOR. Privilege tax 150 FERRY STREET. Defined and opened 181 FIRES, CHIMNEYS AND FORGES. Chimneys to be built entirely of brick or stone 73 Prohibition of use of dangerous articles, building of danger- ous buildings, etc 73 Committee of inspection to be appointed by Mayor ... 73 Penalty for failure to remove building or article offending. . 74 Limits within which regulations applicable 74 Fire wall 74 Slate, tile, or metal shingles required, in fire limits 75 Penalty for violation of ordinance 75 FIRE LIMITS. Defined 75 INDEX 339 FIREWOOD. See Nuisance 113 FIREWORKS, ETC. Explosion of fireworks prohibited 75 Firing of cannon within city limits prohibited 76 FISCAL YEAR. When to commence 156 FISK, ALVAREZ. See Schools 169 FORGES. See Fires, Chimneys, and Forges 73 FRANCHISES. Grantees and donees of, to pay costs 76 FRANKLIN STREET. Paving of .... 117 Extended 180 Graduation of 201-204 N amed 209 FULTON STREET. Named 211 GAMBLING. A misdemeanor 109 See Vagrancy, Gaming, and Prostitution 220 GAS. Penalty for breaking lamp posts, etc 77 GAS COMPANY. Privilege tax. 150 GEESE. When running at large, declared nuisance 78 Duty of Marshal to impound 78 GOATS. See Cattle 44 GOOD ORDER AND MORALITY. Offenses against; see misdemeanors 104 GRANTEES OF FRANCHISES. See Franchises. ........ 76 GREEN STREET. Established 182 GUNPOWDER. Limitation of quantity to be kept 78 340 INDEX GUTTERS. See Pavements and Gutters 115 HEALTH AND QUARANTINE. Creation of Board of Health. 79 Organization and powers of Board ; 79 Health districts created 80 Nuisance; removal or abatement of 81 Penalty for failure of; owner to remove or abate 81 Penalty for sellinq tainted provisions 81 Penalty for bringing into city, infected commodity 82 Power of Board of Health to remove damaged goods, etc. ... 82 Occupant of premises to abate nuisance 82 Duty of Board to keep burying ground in order. 83 Mortality reports 83 Removal of slops, trash, etc 84 Offensive matter, to be throw fi into river 84 Contagious diseases; to be kept out of city. 84 Contagious diseases; physicians to report to health officer. . 84 Isolation of persons suffering With contagious diseases; pro visions as to 85 Penalty for going about, when suffering from small-pox 85 Vaccination; provision as to 85 Health Officer; powers and duties 86 Quarantine station 87 Quarantine regulations 87 Landing of vessels at quaiantine station 88 Detention of vessel when infected 89 Penalty for concealment of disease on vessel ... 89 Where contagious disease on vessel; passenger not to come into city within 40 days * 89 Penalty for evading quarantine police 90 Suspicious persons to be detained at quarantine station 90 Sick persons in quarantine; to be attended by health officer. 90 Removal of vessels to quarantine station 91 Removal of vessel; where person sick with yellow fever 91 Cleansing vessels at quarantine. 92 Removal of goods from quarantine without permit 92 Non-intercourse with infected port; power of Board to de- clare 92 Assistant Health Officer; appointment of, to stay at hospital 92 Reward for conviction of violator of this ordinance 92-93 Penalty for violation of provisions of ordinance 93 Rower to adopt new rules and regulations 93 Complaint of nuisance; duty of health officer to cause re- moval . 93 INDEX 341 HEALTH AND QUARANTINE— Continued Rags; importation of, forbidden 94 Second hand clothing; not to be brought into city 94 Contagious or infectious disease; funeral of person dying of. 95 Hacks to be fumigated; provision as to 95 HEALTH OFFICER, Election of; see charter Salary 165 Member, Board of Health 79 Duties, etc,; see Health and Quarantine, etc 86 HIGH STREET. Paving of 127 Extension 183 Graduation . . 204 Named — 209 HOGS. Running at large; see Cattle 44 HOMOCHITTO STREET. Named 212 HORSES. Running at large; see Cattle 44 Tax on 149 Dealer in; assessment of 160 See Stock; Fast Driving Prohibited 173 HOTEL. Privilege tax 151 IDLE AND DISORDERLY PERSONS. Punishment of; see Misdemeanors 106 INFECTIOUS AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. See Health and Quarantine 94 INSURANCE AGENT. Privilege tax 151-153 INSURANCE, LIFE. Privilege tax 154 JEFFERSON STREET. Paving of 118 Extension of 183 Graduation 203 Named 209 JUNK DEALER. Privilege tax 151 342 INDEX LANDING, LOWER. Road to; established 190 LANDING, UPPER, Road to; established 193 LARCENY, PETIT. A misdemeanor 108 LAWYER. Privilege tax . 151 LEVEE STREET. Defined and established 183 Named 213 . LICENSES. See Privilege Tax 149 LIGHTNING ROD AGENT. Privilege tax 151 LIQUOR, DEALER IN. Special tax on 164 LIQUOR, SALE OF. See Saloons 168 LIVERY STABLE; KEEPER OF. When deemed guilty of creating nuisance. 114 Privilege tax 151-153 Assessment 161 LOCUST STREET. Paving of 118 Established 184 Named 210 MADISON STREET. Named 213 MAIDEN LANE. Established and opened 184 Named 213 MAIN STREET. Paving of 118 Extended 184 Graduation of 198-203 Named 208 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF. A misdemeanor 100 INDEX 343 MANUFACTORIES. Certain ones, exempted from taxation — 100 When exemption to commence 100 Application for exemption 100 Previous exemption not affected 100 Where member of trust, no exemption 100 MARKET. To be leased every year . 96 Offices of clerk and janitor abolished. 96 How Lease made 96 Bond and contract of lessee 96 Lessee, inspector of weights and measures 96 Market hours 96 Benches to be kept up and in repair 97 Sales to first applicant 97 Forestalling prohibited . . 97 Blowing of meat 97 Dogs not allowed in market 97 Standing, sitting, etc., upon benches or stalls 97 Injuring stalls, tables, etc 98 Rates of rental 98 Power to sublet 98 Duties of lessee in general 98 Occupants to keep stalls and tables clean ' 99 Sale of unsound food prohibited 99 Occupants to be cleanly dressed 99 Penalty for resisting ordinance 99 MARKET, MEAT (Other than City). Privilege tax 154 MARKET STREET. Paving of 120 Established 184 Graduation of 203 Named 211 MARSHAL. Election of; see Charter To impound stock, 44 To impound dogs 67 To impound geese 78 To attend meetings of Board of Health 79 Oath and bond of 101 • Powers and duties, in general 101 Removal of offensive matter 118 344 INDEX MARSHAL — Continued To give permit for cutting up streets 142 To enforce Sunday laws 1 44 Salary of 166 To receive costs in certain cases 167 To enforce liquor law 168 To remove obstructions from streets 174 MAYOR, Election of, powers and duties in general; see Charter To keep an office open 104 To keep Record book 104 Power to suspend subordinate officers 104 Salary of 165 To receive costs in certain cases 167 MERCHANTS. Not to obstruct streets 113 When about to remove; assessment of 160 MISDEMEANORS. Offenses against good order and morality; enumeration 105 Any act deemed by laws of State a misdemeanor or nuisance 106 Penalty for violation of ordinance . • • • 106 Assault or Assault and Battery 108 Trespass upon real or personal property 108 Injury to trees on streets 108 Going upon another’s enclosed land without owner’s consent 108 Petit larceny 109 Racing or shooting in streets 109 Carrying concealed weapons 109 Malicious mischief 109 Cruelty to, and neglect of animals 109 Gambling 109 Disturbance of family; noises and offensive conduct .... 109 Disturbance of family; using abusive, etc., language....... 110 Exhibiting deadly weapon in rude, angry, or threatening manner 110 Riding or driving at dangerous rate 110 Matters of common nuisance; cognizable before Mayor’s court 110 MONEY-LENDER. Privilege tax 154 MONTGOMERY’S ALLEY. Named 210 MONROE STREET. Established 185 Graduated 206 Named 209 INDEX MULES. Running at large; see Cattle 44 Tax on ... 149 Dealer in ; assessment of .... 160 See Stock; East Driving Prohibited. . . r . 173 MYRTLE AVENUE. Opened and extended 186 NATCHEZ INSTITUTE. See Schools ... 169 NOTICE. Where ordinance affects private rights Ill NUISANCES. Matters of nuisance, cognizable before Mayor 110 Carcasses; not allowed to remain in streets Ill Provisions as to removing carcasses, etc 1J2 Fast and careless riding or driving prohibited 112 Person depositing trash on streets, guilty of nuisance 112 Wanton shooting, etc.; person committing offer) ?e guilty of nuisance 112 Erecting Privy, where offensive to public 112 Firewood and building material: not permitted to obstruct streets 113 Boat to be provided for carrying refuse into river current. ... 113 Auctioneer; obstruction of streets by 113 Merchants, traders, etc; not to obstruct streets 113 Livery stable keeper; not to cleanse horses on street 114 NUMBERING BUILDINGS. General provisions as to numbering 114 Description of the numbers 114 Where street names to be placed — 114 All buildings and streets to be numbered 115 Sealed proposals to be received for performing work 115 Penalty for defacing, altering, etc., numbers or names of streets 115 Committee on public property to supervise provisions of ordinance ,.. 115 OAK STREET. Opened and extended ... 186 ORGANS; AGENTS FOR. Privilege tax 154 ORLEANS STREET. Width of, established 187 Named 209 346 INDEX PARKER’S ALLEY. Named 211 PATENT MEDICINE VENDOR. Privilege tax 152 PAVEMENTS AND GUTTERS. Removal of obstructions from 115 Owners of lots to keep in good repair 116 Penalty for failure to comply with ordinance 116 See also Streets 177 Pavements and Gutters required: Bracken’s Alley. . . 117 Commerce street 117 Franklin street 117 Jefferson street 118 Locust street 118 Main street 118 Market street 120 Parker’s Alley 120 Pearl street 120 Pine street . . 121 Rankin street 121 Silver street 121 State street 122 St. Catherine street 123 Union street 123 Wall street 124 Washington street 124 Construction and repair of; ordinance providing for 125 (See Section 31 Charter). On north side of High street from Commerce to Union 127 On west side of Commerce street from High to Monroe 127 On east and west sides of Union street, from Jefferson to High 128 On east side of Union street, between B and Monroe 130 On north side of Washington street, from Union to Raukin . . 130 On W. side of Canal street from Main street to Parker’s alley 131 On E. side of Rankin St., from McDowell’s alley to Washing- ton St 132 On west side of Pearl street between Franklin and Main. . . . 133 On the E. and W. sides of Union St. between Main and High 134 On W. side of Pearl St. between Franklin and Jefferson.. . . 136 On E. and W. sides of S. Commerce St. from Orleans to Harrison 137 On E. and W. sides of S. Union St. within certain limits. . . . 138 On S. Washington St. within certain limits 139 On S. Canal and N. Union Sts. and Clifton avenue 140 INDEX 347 PEARL S I REET. Paying of 120-133-136 Graduated 200 Named 211 PEDDLERS. Privilege tax 151 PEELINGS. See Bananas 37 PHOTOGRAPHER— Traveling. Privilege tax. 151 PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Privilege tax 151 PIANOS— Agents For. Piivilege tax 154 PICTURE AGENTS. Privilege tax 152 PINE RIDGE ROAD. Established as street 188 PINE STREET. Paving of 121 Established 187 Named.... 212 PIPES. At what depth to be laid 142 City not liable for breaking when at less depth 142 Penalty for violating ordinance . 142 Connections not to be made, unless permit granted ..... 142 POLICE. Election and term of office 145 Qualifications prescribed 145 Officers 145 Offenses subjecting to punishment 145 Resignation 146 Trial of accused policeman 146 Insignia of office 146 Duties in prevention of crime 147 Rules of conduct .... 147 Misdemeanors; certain ones called to attention of police 148 Examination of parties under arrest 148 Sunday; places of business to be closed 143 Police to enforce Sunday law 144 Exception as to confectioners and barbers 144 Police powers; vested in railroad conductors 148 Duplex or bicycle whistle; to be used only by police. .... 149 348 INDEX PORTER S TREET, Named 213 PRIVILEGE TAX. Tax on horses and mules 149 Annual license tax; enumeration 149 incense issued by city clerk — 152 'Tax collector to give receipt 152 When taxes payable 152-154 Penalty for exercising Privilege without license 153 Collector to render statement. . . 153 PROSTITUTION. See Vagrancy, Gaming and Prostitution 220 QUARANTINE. See Health and Quarantine 79 RACING. A misdemeanor . . ’ Ill A nuisance 112 RAGS. Importation of forbidden 94 RAILROAD TRAINS— Boarding of Prohibited. Unlawful to board train in motion 154 Penalty for violating ordinance 155 Conductors to arrest offenders 155 RANKIN STREET. Paving of 121-132 Established 188 Graduation of 200-204-200 Named 212 REAL ESTATE AGENT. Privilege tax 151 REGISTRATION. See Charter RESTAURANT, Privilege tax 151 REVENUE AND ASSESSMENTS, Office of Assessor and Tax collector combined 155 Fiscal Year, when to commence ... 156 Assessment, when, how, and on what property to be made. . 156 Assessment roll, when to be completed 156 Assessment roll, to be deposited with city clerk .... 157 Assessment roll, duty of Mayor and Aldermen to examine. , 157 Assessment roll, when objections to, to be made. 157 INDEX 349 REVENUE AND ASSESSMENTS— Continued. Assessment roll, to be delivered to Assessor with corrections 157 Taxes, to be collected on or before January 15th 157 Delinquent taxes on personalty, enforcement of collection of 157 Report of failure to collect, to be made to Mayor and Aldermen 158 Delinquent taxes on real estate, enforcement of collection of. 158 Overplus from forced sale, to be paid to delinquent 158 Listed statement of delinquent taxes, to be laid before Mayor and Aldermen ... 158 Credit, when allowed Assessor and Collector, on failure to collect. 159 Taxes and damages, to be collected from delinquent. ... 159 Money collected to be paid over monthly by tax collector 159 Final report or account, when to be made by tax collector . .. 159 Penalty, for neglect or refusal to make such report 159 Report of amount due from Collector, to be made by City Treasurer 160 Defaulting tax collector; liable on bond 160 Warrant or claim against city, not lawful for Tax Collector to purchase 160 Merchant about to leave city, duty to assess 160 Unassessed property, duty to assess 160 Horse trader, assessment of 160 Statement as to number of horses and mules'; to be required of trader 161 Levy upon effects of horse trader in case of refusal to pay by him 161 Bonds and collections made and taken from horse traders, report of required 161 Duty of Tax Collector to prose 2 ute delinquent horse traders 161 Owners and proprietors of stables, subject to same regula- tions as horse traders 161 Oath and bond of Assessor 162 Oath and bond of Collector 162 Levy of taxes for current year 163 Amount of tax 163 C jupons and warrants, receivable for taxes. ... .... 163 Warrants and bonds; credited as currency 164 Special tax on liquor dealers 164 RIGHTS, PRIVATE. Ordinance affecting, to be published Ill ROSE ALLEY. Opened and established 193 350 INDEX SALARIES OF CITY OFFICERS. Mayor 165 City Clerk • 165 City Treasurer 165 Assessor and Tax Collector . . . . .' • 166 Marshal 166 Aldermen 166 Mayor’s fees in misdemeanor eases : 167 Marshal’s fees in misdemeanor ca«es 167 City Solicitor 167 Health Officer — ; 167 SALOONS. License required 168 Penalty for selling liquor without license 168 Selling liquor on Sunday, a misdemeanor • 168 SCHOOLS. Separate school district created 169 Natchez Institute; use of tendered city 169 Regulations as to Institute 169 Board of Trustees to control 170 Organization and powers of hoard . 170 Union School; for colored children 170 Board of Examiners 170 Salaries; provisions as to 170 Acceptance of Institute from Alvarez Fisk. 171 SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. Importation of, forbidden 94 Dealer in; privilege license 152 SEED COTTON. Night traffic in, prohibited 172 Penalty for violating ordinance 172 SERGEANT. Subordinate to Marshal 101 Officer of force 145 SEWING MACHINE AGENT. Privilege tax 151 SHEEP— Running at Large. See Cattle. 44 SHOOTING. When deemed nuisance — 112 SHOOTING GALLERY. Privilege tax 151 INDEX 351 SHOWS. Unlawful to give public exhibition, without license 172 Indecent and immoral exhibitions forbidden ... 173 Mayor authorized to issue license 173 Privilege tax. 150 Given in unlicensed hall, privilege tax. 151 SIDE SHOW. Privilege tax * .... . 151 SIDEWALKS. See Pavements ond Gutters . . 115 See Streets 177 SILVER STREET. Paving of 121 Named . 211 SKATING RINK. Privilege tax 151 SOLICITOR, CITY. Salary of — 167 ST. CATHERINE STREET. Paving of 123 Named 212 STATE STREET. Paving of 122 Extended 194 Graduation of 203 Named 209 STOCK. Fast driving of, prohibited 173 Dangerous animals; provision as to driving of 173 STREET CAR LINE. Privilege tax 150 STREET CONTRACTOR. See Streets, Cleaning, Repairing, etc 175 STREETS— Obstruction of. Penalty for obstructing — 174 Marshal to remove oqstructions .. 174 Riding and driving upon pavements prohibited 174 Chicken Coops, not allowed on streets 177 Goods not to remain on sidewalk 177 Cotton not to obstruct 177 352 INDEX STREETS —Cleaning, Repairing, Etc. Advertisement for proposals for cleaning, repairing, etc 175 Duties of contractor. ; 175 Award of contract 175 Rond of contractor . 175 Additional labor; to be employed by street committee 176 Report of number of men, mules, etc., absent 176 STREETS — Established, Opened and Extended. Bank alley... 178 Brown’s Mill; road to 189 Canal street 178 Cypress street 179 Elm street 179 Franklin 180 Ferry 181 Green 182 High 183 Jefferson 183 Landing, lower; road to 190 Landing, upper; road to ... 193 Levee 183 Locust 181 Maiden Lane 181 Main - 184 Market 184 Monroe .... 185 Myrtle avenue 186 Oak 186 Orleans 187 Fine • 187 Pine Ridge Road 188 Rankin 188 Rose alley ... 193 State 194 Sycamore alley 194 Union 194 Wall 196 Washington 196 Water 196 STREETS— Graduated, Canal (Front) . 199 Commerce 200 Franklin. 201-204 High 204 INDEX 353 ST REETS — Grad n ated— Co n ti n ued . Jefferson 203 Main ..193-203 Market 203 Monroe (Fourth) .202-206 Pearl 200 Rankin 204-206 State 203 Union .200-204-207 Wall 200 Washington (Second South) 199 STREETS— Named. Bank alley 213 Bracken’s alley 210 Broadway 210 Brownshurg 210 Canal 211 Commerce '212 Cotton alley 210 Franklin 209 Fulton 211 High 209 Homochitto 212 Jefferson 209 Levee 213 Locust .' 210 Madison 213 Maiden Lane 213 Main 208 Market . . 211 Monroe 209 Montgomery’s alley 210 Orleans 209 Parker’s alley 211 Pearl 211 Pine 212 Porter 213 Rankin 212 Silver 211 State 209 St. Catherine 212 Sycamore Alley 210 Union .... 212 Wall 211 Washington. 2(9 Water 213 354 INDEX SURVEYOR. Election of 214 Duties in general 214 Duties of builders, in regard to 215 Graduation; duties as to 216 Compensation from City 216 Compensation from individuals 216 SYCAMORE ALLEY. Established 194 Named 210 TAXES — Assessment and Collection of. See Revenue and Assessments, Etc 155 TAX, PRIVILEGE. See Privilege Tax 149 TREASURER. Salary of 165 Oath and bond of 217 Duties in general. . . 217 To render report of condition of treasury 218 To deliver papers to successor 218 Accounts to be kept by 218 To make report in default of payment of taxes 218 TREES. Destruction of; a misdemeanor 108 Not to be planted in city limits, without permission 116 Shade trees in public parks, etc.; penalty for injuring 216 TRESPASS. Wilful or malicious; a misdemeanor — 108 UNION STREET. Paving of 128-130-134-138 Opened and extended 194 Graduation of 200-204-207 Named 212 UNION SCHOOL. Opened for colored children 170 VAGRANCY, GAMING AND PROSTITUTION. Penalty for keeping gaming and disorderly houses 220 Houses within purview of ordinance 220 Renting or permitting houses to be used for illicit purposes.. 220 Vagrancy; who deemed .38-220 Penalty for vagrancy 221 VAGRANTS— Who deemed. See Vagrancy, Etc., Supra. INDEX 355 VEHICLES. See Carts, Hacks, Drays, etc 40 Privilege tax 151 WALL STREET. Paving of 124 Extension of 196 Graduation of 200 Named . . 211 WASHINGTON STREET. Paving of 124-130-139 Extension of 196 Graduation of 199 Named 209 WATER COMMISSION. Created .... 221 Qualifications requisite 221 How and when elected ... 221 Salary 222 Duties and powers 222 Appointment of Superintendent 222 Bond and duties of Superintendent . 222 WATER STREET. Established 196 Named 213 WEAPON — Exhibiting deadly. A misdemeanor 110 WHISTLE-Duplex or Bicycle. Prohibited use of 149 WORK— For City. Where cost over $20.00 to be done by contract 223 Bids, to be received and opened by board 223 Bids, to be published for information of public .... 223 INDEX TO PART 2 . ADAMS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Privilege of laying railroad track granted to 226 Privilege transferred to Y. & M. V. R. R 227 Life of franchise extended 228 ARMOUR & COMPANY. Track to warehouse of 315 ASSESSMENT — For Construction of Sidewalls. On South Commerce street .... 229 On South Unton street 830 On East Washington street 231 On North Union street 232-236 On South Canal street 233 On Clifton Heights 235 On Clifton avenue . 236 35(5 INDEX baker & McDowell hardware company. Privilege of laying railroad track granted to 237 BLUFF CITY RAILROAD. Franchise granted 239 Streets on whic h to operate 239 Conditions governing grant 239 Cars not to obstruct streets 240 BONDS. See Improvement bonds ..... 256 Official bonds 278 School bonds 285 Water and Sewerage bonds 309 CANAL STREET. Assessment of lot owners 233 CLIFTON AVENUE. Assessment of lot owners ....... 236 CLIFTON HEIGHTS. Assessment of lot owners 235 CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Franchise granted to 240 Provisions as to poles and wires , .... 241 Telephones, free to city 241 Rates to be charged 242 Damages in case of negligence; city not to suffer. ....... 242 Privileges granted for 00 years 242 ELECTRICITY. Franchise granted to Natchez Electric Light Company 243 Conditions governing 243 FERRY. Proposals for ferry license; when to be received 244 Advertisement for bids 244 Bids; what to contain 244 Provisions as to awarding privilege 215 ♦ Contract to be entered into by successlul bidder 245 Bond required by licensee 245 Specifications as to ferry boat 245 Ferry dock and approaches thereto 246 Freight and passenger rates of ferriage 246 Penalty for ferriage without license 247 Privilege and license; when to be declared forfeited. 248 Penalty for breech of duty by license 248 Ferry franchise granted to S. B. McNeely 248 Conditions and regulations of contract with McNeely. . . . *. 248-253 INDEX 357 GAS. Franchise for lighting city with gas Conditions governing exercise of privilege GEISEN BERGER & FRIEDLER. Spur track to warehouse of IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Authority for issuing Form of Coupons, attached When to he issued Record of; to be kept by City Clerk Coupons; when receivable for taxes. ...... Fund for payment of Certain ones to be redeemed Notice of redemption, to be given KELLY, DR. S. Spur track into property of McNEELY, S. B. Ferry franchise granted to ... MUNICIPAL SCHOOL BONUS. See School Bonds 253 253-255 . 311 . 256 25 G 257 258 258 258 259 259 314 248 286 NATCHEZ & SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Authorized to lay track . . . . 260 Conditions governing .' 260 NATCHEZ ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY. Franchise granted to; see Electricity 243 NATCHEZ ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY AND POWER CO. Franchise granted to A. G. Campbell and others 261 Rights and privileges conferred. 261 Motive power to be employed 262 Specifications as to track 262 (Jars and equipments 262 Guards, fenders and safety devices 262 Fare to be charged — 263 Poles; provisions as to 263 Damages sustained by property owners; City to be indemnified 263 Street grade changed; track to be laid in conformity thereto 264 Rules as to running cars 264 Power of Mayor and Board concerning streets, not to be im- paired .... 265 Liability to repair street after written notice 265 Authority and privilege to remain in force for fifty years. . . . 265 Building and extension of lines 265 358 INDEX NATCHEZ ELECTRIC STREET RY. & POWER CO.— Continued Change of route . . 206 Protection of right of way ... 266 Annual payment to be made to the City of 5 per cent of net receipts 266 Forfeiture of franchise for non-user. ; 266 Forfeiture for failure to observe requirements laid down 267 Franchise not exclusive 267 Rights and privileges assignable 267 Authority to lay track across Hospital grounds. 269 Privilege granted during pleasure of Mayor and Board 269 Specifications as to track 269 Protection and conditions reserved by City. .. 269 NATCHEZ GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Franchise granted to; see Gas 253 NATCHEZ, JACKSON & COLUMBUS RAILROAD CO. Right of way granted over certain streets 270 Grant of lot for depot 270 Grant of property adjoining depot. 271 Conditions governing this grant 271 Authority given to lay track on Broadway. 271 Conditions as to constructions of track, etc 272 Precautionery provisions; flagman, light, rate of speed 272 Rights and privilege subject to forfeiture 272 No turn-tables, side tracks, etc., between depot and compress 273 No charges for transporting freight between compress and depot 273 Penalty for violation of ordinance 273 Conti act to embody provisions of ordinance 273 Permission granted to lay track overS. E. corner of Parker's Bluff 274 Permissions governing this permit 274 NATCHEZ W ATER AND SEWER COMPANY. See Sewerage 298-30Q Waterworks. 301-306 NEW ORLEANS & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Right of way granted over certain streets 274 Conditions as to construction of track 275 Precautionary provisions; flagman, rate of speed, light, etc. 276 Freight from depot to compress, to be transported free . 276 Forfeitui e of privilege for non-user 277 Authority granted to lay track on South Broadway 277 Conditions governing grant • • • • 278 INDEX o59 OFFICIAL BONDS. Payable to ‘‘City of Natchez" 278 Oath required of parties offered upon 278 Record of. to be kept 278 Additional bond required of city treasurer 279 OIL. Privilege of erecting tank, etc., granted to R. F. Learned and others 279 Conditions governing exercise of privilege 279 POSTAL TELEGRAPH CABLE COMPANY. Franchise granted to 281 Conditions upon which granted 281 Privilege granted for 20 years 282 PRITCHARTT & COMPANY. Authorized to lay spur track 282 Conditions upon which authority granted 282' POST LETH WAITE & CHASE. Authorized to lay spur track 283 Conditions upon which authority granted 284 RUMBLE & WENSEL CO. Authorized to lay spur track . 285 Conditions upon which authority granted 285 SCHOOL BONDS. Election authorizing issuance of bonds . ... 286 Finance committee instructed to have bonds prepared . . . 288 Provisions as to signing, registering, etc., of bonds 289-292 How to be sold 289-292 Advertisement for plans, specifications, etc,, for school building 289 Lei ting of contracts for work on building 290 Tax to be levied for payment of interest on and principal of bonds 291 Annual reports of amount to credit of sinking fund 291 How bonds to be called in and paid 292 Bonds approved and adopted by board 293 SEWERAGE. Franchise granted 298 “Waring System" to be used 298 Extensions; provision as to . 299 Annual rates to be charged 299 Right to purchase reserved by city 299 Ordinance construed as contract 300 Bond of licensee 300 Compulsory system not adopted 300 Natchez Water and Sewer Company; made party to contract 300 SHIELDS, DEVEREUX. See Street Contract; infra. 360 INDEX STREET CONTRACT. Contract entered into with Devereux Shields 291 Equipment to be furnished by contractor 294 Work required of contractor 294 Additional equipment; provision as to 295 Further conditions governing 296 Bond of contractor . 297 TELEGRAPH. See Postal Telegraph Cable Company 281 TELEPHONE. See Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company 240 UNION STREET. Assessment of lot owners 230-232-233-236 WASHINGTON STREET. Assessment of lot owners on 231 WATERWORKS. Franchise granted 801 Pump house, smoke=stack, boilers, etc 301 Hydrants to be rented to city 302 Amount of pressure to be maintained 302 Public schools; water to be furnished free to 303 Contract and bond of licensee 303 Right to purchase reserved by city 304 Annual rates to be charged 305 Tax to pay hydrant rental 306 Natchez Water and Sewer Company; made party to contract 306 Privilege granted to furnish water from Artesian wells 307 Extension of water pipes, along certain streets 308 WATER AND SEWERAGE BONDS. Preparation authorized 309 Specifications as to 310 Tax to pay interest on aud principal 311 Publication of notice of sale of 311 Approval of 312 To be registered 312 Right of redemption 313 YAZOO & MISSISSIPPI VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY. Privilege granted to Adams Manufacturing Company, trans- ferred to 227 Authorized to lay track to warehouse of Geisenberger & Friedler 314 Authorized to lay track to warehouse of Armour & Company 315 Authorized to lay track into property of Dr. S. Kelly 316