szn Un33«*>3 I9 Su I2>4 1944 SUPPLEMENT TO HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE PUBLICATION No. 144 SAILING DIRECTIONS FOR THE SOUTH COAST OF ENGLAND $ Corrections and additions from Notices to Mariners and other sources from date of corrected reprint of this volume (October 28, 1942) to January 1, 1944 WARNING Due to wartime conditions, navigational aids may be removed, altered, or put out of operation without notice; unannounced dangers may exist in coastal waters; and special regulations for entering and leaving various ports may be enforced. Such changes are not ordinarily incor¬ porated in the Supplements. Shipping is enjoined to obtain routing instructions at each time and port of departure from proper local U. S. naval or, if such are not present, from U. S. consular authorities. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1944 T m jiw 3 3 3 : •; • . ,. . 9 \ % tllE LIBRARY OF THE MAR 3 11944 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SUPPLEMENT TO H. O. PUBLICATION NO. 144 SAILING DIRECTIONS FOR THE SOUTH COAST OF ENGLAND (Third edition, 1934) Note.— (a) This supplement supersedes the one for 1943. (&) It includes corrections and additions from Notices to Mariners and from other sources from the date of publication of this volume to January 1, 1944. ‘ (c) New matter not included in the previous supplement is indicated by bold-faced type. Information from previous supplements which is still effective is printed in light-faced type. (d) The omission of matter which appeared in the previous supplement is indicated by asterisks (* * *). Page 48.—After line 2 insert: “A light is shown from a small wooden structure on Cromwell’s Castle, near the northwestern extremity of Tresco Island.” Page 49.—Delete paragraph “LIGHT BUOY.” Page 52.—Delete lines 12 through 15. Page 57.—Delete lines 25 through 31 and substitute: “SEVEN STONES LIGHT AND WHISTLE BUOY, painted red and showing a group flashing white light is moored northeastward of the rocks, about 21-4 miles northeastward of Pollard Bock.” Line 33 for “vessel” read “and whistle buoy.” Line 35 for “vessel” read “and whistle buoy.” Page 59.—Lines 7 and 8, delete “the Seven Stones.” Line 13 for “vessel” read “and whistle buoy.” Line 22 for “vessel” read “and whistle buoy.” Line 9 from bottom for “vessel” read “and whistle buoy.” Line 8 from bottom for “her” read “it” and for “vessel” read “and whistle buoy.” Page 66.—Before paragraph “ANCHORAGE” insert: “BUOYS.—A black conical buoy, No. 1, is moored about 1,400 yards east-north¬ eastward of the south pierhead at Newlyn. “A red can buoy, No. 2, is moored about 800 yards eastward of the above pier¬ head.” Page 67.—Line 19, for “tidal basin” read “wet dock.” After line 22 insert: “A light is shown from the western side of the swimming pool, about 200 yards south-southwestward of the tidal basin.” Delete lines 5 to 3 from bottom and substitute: “WET DOCK.—TIDAL BASIN.—Penzance Harbor has a wet dock at its southern «nd; it contains one building yard. On the western side of the wet dock is the entrance to a commodious tidal basin, which has a dry dock at its southern end. (See Appendix II.)” Delete bottom line and substitute “2*4 hours before high water until high water.” 569089—44 ( 1 ) / 2 Page 68.—Line 4, for “westward of the lighthouse” read “on the southern side of the entrance to the wet dock.” Line 21, for “16” read “18.” Page 69.—Delete lines 8 and 9. Delete lines 14 and 15. Page 79.—Line 9 from bottom after “BLACK HEAD” insert “(H. O. Chart 4529).” Page 81.—After paragraph “HELFORD RIVER” insert: “DANGEROUS AREA.—Prohibited anchorage exists about 94 mile westward of the entrance to the Helford River. The limits are as follows: “Eastern limit.—From a point about 530 yards 205° from Mawnan Church in a 180° direction to the southern shore. “Western limit.—From a point about 1,200 yards 270° from the above church in a 180° direction to the southern shore. “Anchoring and fishing in this area are prohibited, and passage through it without permission is highly dangerous. “BUOYS.—A can buoy and a conical buoy, both painted in blue and white checkers, are moored about *>£ mile north-northeastward and 1 mile east-north¬ eastward, respectively, of Rosemullion Head.” Page 83.—Lines 12 and 19, for “Zoze” read “Zone.” After paragraph “STORM SIGNALS” insert: “BUOY.—An unlighted pillar buoy is moored about 594 miles east-southeastward of St. Anthony Head. The buoy is provided with air-sea rescue equipment. Page 84.—After line 24 insert: “Above St. Just Pool, the western side of the channel is marked by 3 can buoys, painted in black and white vertical stripes, and the eastern side by 2 black conical buoys, the northern of which is eastward of Carick Carlys Rock.” Page 85.—Lines 21 and 22, delete and substitute: “A MOORING BUOY, marked “Implacable” has been established 1,300 yards 104° from the pillar on Penarrow Point.” To paragraph “PROHIBITED ANCHORAGES” add: “Anchorage is prohibited in an area 650 feet wide, extending in a northwesterly and southeasterly direction across the entrance to the harbor.” Page 90.—Line 24 for “can” read “conical.” Lines 15 and 4 from bottom for “Zoze” read “Zone.” .Page 95.—After paragraph “DEPTHS” insert: “DANGEROUS AREA.—PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE.—A dangerous area exists in the entrance to Fowey Harbor. The limits are as follows: “South limit.—From a point 424 yards, 250° from Fowey Light-in a 109° direc¬ tion for 1,086 yards, then in a 36° direction to the shore. “North limit.—From Old Castle, located about 780 yards 43° from the above light in a 134° direction for 280 yards, thence in a 232° direction to the shore of Polruan Point. “Anchoring and fishing in this area are prohibited, and passing through it without permission is highly dangerous.” Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates / ✓ . ■ I * - . 3 Page 96.—To line 25 add “two.” Line 26 for “cable” read “cables,” and for “is” read “are.” To bottom line add “and one about 100 yards westward of Wiseman Point.’’ Page 104.—After paragraph “REGULATIONS” insert: “DANGEROUS AREA.—PROHIBITED ANCHORAGES.—“A dangerous area ex¬ ists in the entrance to Plymouth Sound. It is bounded as follows: “Southward by a line joining Penlee Point and Reny Rock; northward by the breakwater and by lines joining its eastern and western ends with Staddon Point and Picklecomb Point respectively; eastward and westward by the coast¬ line between the northern and southern limits. “Anchoring and fishing within this area are prohibited, except in the area in Cawsand Bay, indicated by dashed lines on the chart and marked “Anchorage Area.” Passage through the area without permission is highly dangerous. “Depths in the inner area are 4 feet less than charted. “Anchoring and fishing are also prohibited southward of the line joining Penlee Point and Reny Rocks, except within the area off the Mewstone, indicated by dashed lines on the chart and marked ‘Anchorage Area.’ ” Page 106.—After line 18 insert: “A CAN BUOY, painted in white and blue checkers, is moored 2,535 yards 217° from the light on the breakwater.” Line 19 after “wreck” insert with a least depth of 26 feet over it.” Delete line 10 from bottom. Delete lines 5 and 4 from bottom. Page 107.—Delete lines 1 through 3. After line 9 insert: “A red conical light buoy, showing a flashing red light is moored about 1,500 yards southwestward of Maker Point.” Delete lines 10 through 12. Line 13 for “LIGHT” read “LIGHTS.” After line 16 insert: “Two lights are occasionally shown from the radio mast on Devils Point. A light is occasionally shown about 1,700 yards southward of the above lights.” Page 109.—After line 9 insert: “DANGEROUS AREA.—PROHIBITED ANCHORAGES.—See page 104.” Line 23, after “Pier” insert “(Destroyed 1943)” Page 110.—After line 18 insert: “From the same point on Drake's Island to a point about 300 yards north¬ westward of Ravenness Point.” To line 25 add, “A submarine cable is also laid from Barnpool to a position about 100 yards northward of Bottlenose Point.” After line 15 from bottom insert: “7. From Mount Battan Breakwater to a position about 100 yards westward of Fishers Nose.” Page 111.—Line 16 from bottom, delete “Buoys.” \ 4 Page 112.—After line 12 from bottom insert: “DANGEROUS AREA.—PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE.—BEACONS.—An inner dangerous area, the limits of which are indicated by dashed lines on B. A. Chart 1967, extends westward and southwestward from Mount Batten. “The alignment of 2 poles, southeastward of Mount Batten, each surmounted by a white triangle, marks the southern limit of the inner dangerous area. “Anchoring and fishing therein is prohibited and passage through the area without permission is highly dangerous. “Depths in the inner anchorage are 4 feet less than charted.” Page 113.—Lines 21 to 23, delete and substitute: “BUOYS.—West Vanguard light buoy, a red conical buoy showing a flashing red light,*is moored at the western edge of Vanguard Bank. “East Vanguard buoy is a red conical buoy moored at the eastern edge of Vanguard Bank.” Delete lines 6 through 4 from bottom. Page 117.—To line 4 add “(Destroyed 1943).” To line 6 add “(Destroyed 1943).” After line 6 insert: “BEACONS.—A beacon, painted in red and white bands and surmounted by a red St. Andrews cross is located in the former position of the above light. Two similar beacons are located 120 feet 51° and 100 feet 321°, respectively, from this beacon.” To line 16 add, “Close northward of the camber is a conspicuous grey rectangu¬ lar building with a tower at its northern end. The structure is 200 feet in height.” Page 118.—After paragraph “HAMOAZE” insert: “PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE.—Anchorage is prohibited in the Hamoaze, west¬ ward of Bottlenose Point in an area shown in dashed lines on B. A. Chart 1967.” Page 119.—After line 12 from bottom insert: “LIGHT BUOY.—A can shaped light buoy, painted in red and white horizontal bands and showing a flashing white light, is moored about 435 yards west-south- westward of the southern fixed red light on Bull Point Pier.” After line 5 from bottom insert: “A WHARF extends about 200 yards in a westerly direction and thence 100 yards in a northerly direction from the root of Ernesettle Jetty.” Page 121.—After line 15 insert: “A LIGHTED CAN BUOY, painted in red and white checkers and showing a flashing light, is moored 840 feet 232° from Devils Point Tower.” Lines 16 to 20, delete “The top” through “30 feet.” Page 122.—Delete lines 1 through 3. After line 11 insert: “WILCOVE LIGHT BUOY, painted in red and white checkers, and showing a flashing white light, is moored on the western side of the Hamoaze, westward of No. 5 basin.” Line 19, after “Yard” add, “, with Wilderness Point,” Line 20, for “Four” read “Several” After line 22 insert: “A cable runs from Torpoint to Moon Cove.” . -# ' . 5 Page 126.—Line 13 from bottom, after “Pier” insert “Destroyed 1943.” Page 127.—Line 17 delete “(See” through “Shoal.)” Page 134.—After line 17 insert: “PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE.—Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in an area in the Salcombe River between Lambury Point and Ager Point.” Delete lines 4 and 3 from bottom of page. Page 135.—Delete lines 1 and 2. Line 3, delete “ledge” through “Point.” Line 4, delete “this ledge,” and substitute “the eastern edge of the rocky ledge extending from Sandhill Point.” Delete line 16 from bottom. Line 8 from bottom, delete “Beacon.” * Page 140.—Lines 3 and 4, delete “to the eastward” to end of paragraph. Page 141.—Line 12 delete “(MAG).” Line 25.—Delete “(BLACKSTONE).” Page 142.—After line 7 from bottom insert: “BUOY.—A black conical buoy marked ‘Castle Ledge’ in white, is moored about 300 yards south-southwestward of Castle Ledge.” Page 143.—After line 25 insert: “PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE.—Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in an area in Dartmouth Harbor, the limits of which are as follows: “Northern limit.—A line drawn in a 48° direction from One Gun Point to the opposite shore. “Southern limit.—A line drawn in a 135° direction from Blackstone Point to Western Blackstone, thence 800 yards 90°30' to Castle Ledge, and thence in a 346° direction to Wash Point.” After paragraph “FLOATING BRIDGE” insert: “LIGHT.—DOLPHINS.—A light is shown from a dolphin about 600 yards north¬ ward of the Railroad Pontoon Light at Dartmouth. (See Light List.) “A dolphin is located in each of the following positions; distances and bearings from the above-mentioned light: “(a) About 22 yards 297°. “(b) About 44 yards 297°. “(c) About 66 yards 297°. “Wrecks. —The following wrecks exist in Dartmouth Harbor: “(a) The wreck of the hulk Dagny lies about 450 yards southward of the Dartmouth Floating Bridge. “(b) The wreck of a vessel of 2G0-foot length and 38-foot beam lies close west¬ ward of the wreck of the Dagny. A green light marks the west side of this wreck. “(c) The wreck of a pontoon crane lies close westward of the above described wreck and is marked by a buoy close westward of it. Bottom 2 lines delete “200” through “Point” and substitute: “230 yards 212° from the front light of the entrance range.” Page 157.—Delete paragraph “ENTRANCE BUOY” and substitute: “ENTRANCE BUOY.—A black conical buoy with a reflector is moored about 1,320 yards 168° from the southern extremity of Straight Point.” Delete lines 19 through 26. 6 Page 158.—Line 13, for “fairway” read “entrance.” After line 17 insert: “PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE.—Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in an area in the entrance to Exmouth Harbor.” Page 159.—Lines 24 through 26, delete “which” to end of paragraph. Lines 12 and 11 from bottom, delete “Then” to end of sentence. Lines 10 and 9 from bottom delete “but” through “buoy.” Page 160.—Lines 22 to 25, delete “The wreck” to end of paragraph. Page 165.—Delete lines 16 and 17. Page 167.—Line 14, delete “BUOYS.—” Lines 17 and 18, delete “The ends” to end of paragraph. To paragraph “Wrecks” add: “A green conical buoy is moored about 250 yards north-northwestward of the wreck located at 50°32'04" N., 2°20'06" W.” Page 168.—Lines 6 to 12, delete “outside” through “visible,” and substitute “southward of the Shambles should take care that” Page 169.—Before paragraph “LIGHTS” insert: “AN OBSTRUCTION is laid between the center of the Inner Breakwater and a mooring buoy about 300 yards northward of it.” Page 170.—Delete lines 4 through 17 and substitute: “A mooring buoy is located about 575 yards eastward of Portland Northeastern Breakwater ‘B’ Head.” • Page 171.—Before paragraph “MOORINGS” insert: “A PROHIBITED AREA, indicated by dashed lines on the Chart, exists in the approach to Portland Harbor, eastward of East Ship Channel. “A DANGER AREA, indicated by dashed lines on the Chart extends eastward of North Ship Channel. Anchoring and fishing in this area are prohibited, and passage through it without permission is highly dangerous.” Page 174.—After paragraph “DEPTHS” insert: “CAUTION—It is reported (1942) that the depths in the entrance to Weymouth Harbor are 4 feet less than charted.” After paragraph “ENTRANCE CHANNEL” insert: “A PROHIBITED AREA, indicated by dashed lines on the chart, exists in the approach to Weymouth Harbor. Anchoring and fishing in this area are pro¬ hibited and passage through it without permission is highly dangerous.” After paragraph “Danger— The Mixen” insert: “A Wreck lies sunk about 820 yards eastward of the light at the head of the south pier at the entrance to Weymouth Harbor.” Page 176.—After paragraph “BEACONS” insert: “LIGHT BUOYS.—Light Buoy ‘W’ is moored about 1}£ miles south-southeast¬ ward of Ringstead Point; Light Buoy ‘B’ is moored about 1 mile southward of Lulworth Cove; Light Buoy “Z” is moored about midway between the above 2 light buoys. Each of these buoys is conical, painted red, and shows a flashing white light.” To paragraph “Wreck” add: “A light buoy, painted green and showing a flashing green light, is moored westward of the wreck.” • % * ■ ■ . Page 177.—After line 20, insert: “BELL BUOY.—A black bell buoy is moored about 2}& miles southward of Kim- meridge Bay.” Page 179.—After line 19 insert: “Swanage is on a branch of the Southern Railway.” Page 180.—After line 12 insert: “DANGEROUS AREA.—PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE.—A dangerous area exists in Poole Harbor westward of the ferry. Anchoring and fishing within the area are prohibited, and passage through it without permission is highly dangerous. Depths in the area are reported (1942) to be 4 feet less than charted.” Delete bottom line and substitute: “is shown from a beacon painted in black and white horizontal bands located close south-southwestward of Lilliput. These lights, in line, bearing about 28°, lead eastward of the red and white buoys marking the southeastern edge of Middle Bank. (See Light List.)” Page 181.—Delete lines 1 through 3. Line 25, for “1,200” read “1,400.” Page 182.—Lines 9 and 10, delete “light buoy” through “light,” and substitute “conical buoy surmounted by a ball.” Lines 14 through 17, delete “A can” through “Point.” Delete lines 8 to 6 from bottom and substitute: “About 900 yards westward of Salterns Light Buoy.” Page 183.—After line 8 insert: * “In addition to the buoys already described additional buoys and light buoys mark the edges of shoals bordering the channels.” Page 185.—Lines 4 and 5 from bottom, delete <*‘steer” through “and” and sub¬ stitute “follow the buoyed channel until abreast Buoy 16-A, whence.” Page 186.—Lines 8 and 7 from bottom, delete “Swanage” through “222°” and substitute: “Ballard Point bearing 222° and open southeastward of Handfast Point.” Page 200.—Line 17 from bottom and elsewhere, for “SW. SHINGLES BUOY” read “SW. SHINGLES LIGHT BUOY.” To line 16 from bottom add “, and shows a flashing white light.” After paragraph “Elbow Buoy” insert: “Middle Shingles Buoy.— A red and white checkered can buoy named ‘Middle Shingles’ is moored about 2,500 yards westward of the Totland Bay Pier Light.” Line 5 from bottom, after “Shingles” insert “Light.” Page 201.—Line 8, after “Shingles” insert “Light.” After line 19 insert: “BRIDGE LIGHT BUOY.—A red conical lighted buoy showing a group flashing white light, is moored off the western edge of the Bridge.” After line 9 from bottom insert: “A LIGHT is shown about 300 yards eastward of Needles Point.” Page 202.—Delete lines 8 through 10. 8 Page 203.—After paragraph “HOW REEF” insert: “WARDEN LIGHT BUOY, a red conical buoy, marked “Warden” is moored about 1,420 yards northwestward of Totland Bay Pier Light.” To line 16 add “between N. E. Shingles Buoy and the northwestern end of Warden Bank.” Line 8 from bottom, for “6” read “4.” After line 4 from bottom insert: “NORTH HEAD BUOY a red conical buoy, is moored about 700 yards north¬ westward of the shoalest part of North Head.” Page 204.—Line 16, after “Shingles” insert “Light.” Page 205.—Lines 19 from bottom, and 6 from bottom, after “Shingles” insert “Light.” Line 18 from bottom, before “buoy” insert “light.” Page 206.—Line 6, for “Shingles” read “Shingles Light Buoy.” Page 208.—After line 6 insert: “MIDDLE LEPE BUOY, a can buoy painted in red and white vertical stripes is moored about 400 yards eastward of the bar range beacons for the Beaulieu River, about 1 mile south-southeastward of the front beacon.” After line 19 insert: “The entrance to the river is marked by Beaulieu River Range Beacons, situated close westward of the white boathouse. In range these beacons bear 352°.” Page 210.—Delete lines 21 and 22 and substitute: “A blue and white checkered conical buoy is moored about 1% miles westward of Egypt Point.” Before paragraph “TIDES” insert: “PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE.—BUOYS.—Anchoring is prohibited in an area in The Solent, the limits of which are as follows: “The eastern limit extends from Stansore Point Beacon 817 yards 102° to point (a), thence 1,983 yards 136° to point (b), and thence in a 180° direction to Egypt Point Light. “The western limit extends from the ‘hut’ in approximate latitude 50°44'35" N., longitude 1°20'45" W., 8,600 feet 332° to point (c) and thence in a 357° direction to the shore. “A black conical buoy has been moored at each of the points (a), (b), and (c), mentioned above.” Page 212.—Delete lines 14 through 16. Page 214.—Delete lines 12 to 14. Page 215.—Delete lines 18 and 17 from bottom and substitute: “BUOY.—A can buoy, painted in black and white vertical stripes, is moored off the northern end of Bullock Patch.” After line 5 from bottom insert: “A CAN BUOY painted in black and white checkers, is moored about 875 yards southwestward of Horse Elbow Light Buoy.” . ■ > . ‘ ■ 9 Page 217.—After line 18 insert: “A small red spherical mooring bnoy is located about 1,900 yards east-south- eastward of Spit Sand Fort.” After line 24 insert: “A prohibited anchorage indicated by dashed lines on the chart extends east¬ ward of Sturbridge Shoal. Anchoring in the area and passage through it are prohibited.” Page 221.—After line 9 insert: “AN OBSTRUCTION with a depth of 8 feet over it, lies about 400 yards south- southeastward of Spit Sand Fort.” Page 222.—Line 13 from bottom, for “900” read “800.” After line 9 from bottom insert: “A green conical buoy is moored about 1,100 yards 202° from the southern fixed red light on Clarence Esplanade Pier to mark a wreck.” After line 6 from bottom insert: “A PROHIBITED AREA, the limits of which are indicated by dashed lines on the chart, lies between Gilkicker Point and the western side of the entrance channel.” Page 224.—Lines 18 and 17 from bottom, delete “On” through “situated.” After line 14 from bottom, insert: “WRECKS.—A stranded wreck is located 530 feet 59° from Station B dolphin. “A stranded wreck is located 1,525 feet 61°30' from Station B dolphin.” Page 227.—To paragraph “PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE” add: “In addition to the above, a number of other prohibited anchorage areas exist within Portsmouth Harbor. The limits of these areas are shown by dashed lines on B. A. Chart 2631.” Page 232.—To line 15 from bottom add: “Limits of the area are shown by dashed lines on the chart.” Page 236.—Lines 19 to 23, delete “Two” to end of paragraph, and substitute: “LIGHT BUOY.—A light buoy, No. 3, painted in red and white checkers and showing a flashing red light, is moored 410 yards 62° from Holy Trinity Church, West Cowes.” Bottom line delete “from” through “2.” Page 237.—After line 2 insert: “A SUBMARINE CABLE, marked by a beacon on each side of the river, is laid about 300 yards northward of the floating bridge.” Delete line 15 and substitute “between fairway buoys Nos. 3 and 4.” Page 238.—After line 14 insert: “A SUBMARINE CABLE crosses Southampton Water in an east-northeasterly direction, close northward of Calshot Castle.” Page 239.—After paragraph “CALSHOT LIGHT FLOAT” insert: “A TARGET, consisting of a 16-foot triangular cork-filled raft, painted yellow and surmounted by a black mast and globe, is moored close southward of Calshot Light Float in latitude 50°48'28" N., longitude 1°18'25" W. “A yellow buoy is moored about 100 yards 350 from the target.” 10 Page 240.—After paragraph “HYTHE PIER” insert: “A DANGEROUS AREA lies northward of Hythe Pier. Anchoring, dredging and fishing therein are prohibited and passage through the area without permission is highly dangerous.” Page 245.—To paragraph “FLOATING DOCK” add: “(Reported removed, 1941.)” Lines 26 and 27, delete “Two” to end of paragraph. Page 248.—Delete line 16 and substitute, “about 294 miles 110°30' from Horse Sand Fort. “BUOY.—A black conical buoy with a square top mark is moored about 2 % miles south-southeastward of Eastney Point.” Page 249.—After line 2 insert: “Buoy.— A can-shaped buoy, painted in black and white checkers, with a vane topmark, is moored about 1.7 miles southeastward of the flagstaff at Eastoke.” Page 252.—Line 11, after “Adur” insert “the chapel adjacent to Lancing Col¬ lege has a high roof, reflecting the light conspicuously from a distance.” Page 253.—Line 17, after “on the bank” insert: “; this wreck is a useful mark when approaching Spithead or entering The Looe from eastward.” Page 254.—After paragraph “H00E BANK” insert: “•WRECK.—A dangerous wreck lies sunk about 2}4 mile southward of the southeastern extremity of Hooe Bank in latitude 50°35'20" N., longitude 0°38'36" W.” Page 257.—Before paragraph “DEPTHS” insert: “A DANGEROUS AREA exists in the entrance to Littlehampton Harbor and extends southward of the beacons marking the entrance to the River Arun. Anchoring and. fishing within this area are prohibited, and passage through it without permission is highly dangerous.” Page 259.—Before paragraph “KINGMERE ROCKS” insert: “WRECK—BUOY.—A wreck, showing 8 feet at low water, lies stranded about 3 miles southeas|ward of Littlehampton pierhead, in latitude 50°45'48" N., longi¬ tude 0°28'54" W. “A green can buoy is moored about 100 yards southward of the wreck.” Page 260.—Before paragraph “DEPTHS” insert: “A DANGEROUS AREA exists in the entrance to Shoreham Harbor and ex¬ tends about 400 yards southward from the mouth of the Adur River. Anchoring and fishing within the area are prohibited, and passage through it without permission is highly dangerous.” Page 265.—After paragraph “STORM SIGNALS” insert: “AIR RESCUE FLOAT, No. 23, painted in distinctive colors, is moored about 2J4 miles southward of Marine Palace Pier.” Line 6 from bottom, delete “The least” through “feet.” and substitute “It was reported (June 1942) that there was a least depth of 9 feet in the channel between the head of the East Pier and the head of the West Pier. “WRECK—BUOY.—A dangerous wreck lies sunk about 3}£ miles southeastward of Mafine Palace Pier. A black conical buoy is moored close southward of the wreck.” % ■ ' ♦ • ■ 11 Page 272.—Delete lines 3 and 4. Page 273.—After line 20 insert: “AIR RESCUE FLOAT, No. 22, painted in distinctive colors is moored about 3 miles southeastward of the pier at Eastbourne.” ✓ Page 275—After paragraph “STEPHENSON SHOAL” insert: “A ROCKY BANK with a depth of 11 fathoms over it lies about 3J4 miles south-southwestward of Dungeness High Lighthouse.” Page 276.—Before paragraph “DUNGENESS” insert: “AIR RESCUE FLOATS.—Air rescue float No. 17 is moored about 5 miles southward of Rye Harbor, and air rescue float No. 12 is moored about 7 miles % southward of Dungeness. Both are painted in distinctive colors.” Page 278.—Before paragraph “PILOTS” insert: “INNER LADE LIGHT BUOY, a conical light buoy, painted black and white and showing a flashing white -light, is moored about 4J4 miles from Dungeness Low Lighthouse. “OUTER LADE LIGHT BUOY, a conical light buoy, painted red and white and showing a flashing red light, is moored about 494 miles east-northeastward of Dungeness Low Lighthouse.” 0 Page 279.—After line 3 insert: “LIGHT BUOY.—A can shaped light buoy, painted in black and white vertical stripes, and showing a group flashing white light is moored about 394 miles southwestward of the light at the head of the breakwater at Folkstone.” To line 12 add “(Temporarily closed, 1942).” 0 Page 280.—Before paragraph “FOLKSTONE HARBOR” insert: “A DANGEROUS AREA has been established at Folkstone Harbor, limited by the arc of a circle with a radius of 800 yards and its center at the light on the Head of Folkstone Pier. “Anchoring and fishing within the area are prohibited, and passage through the area is highly dangerous. “CAUTION.—An obstruction has been placed in the entrance to Folkstone Harbor and vessels are warned not to attempt to enter.” Line 3 from bottom, for “19” *read “17 to 18” and for “18” read “17.” % Page 281.—Line 7, for “14 to 15’ read “16.” Page 283.—After line 7 from bottom insert: “DANGEROUS AREA—PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE.—A dangerous area, indi¬ cated by dashed lines on B. A. Chart 1698 exists seaward of the breakwaters at Dover Harbor. Anchoring and fishing in the area are prohibited and passage through it is highly dangerous. “Other dangerous areas and prohibited anchorages are indicated by dashed lines on the chart.” Page 284.—To paragraph “ENTRANCES” add: “In 1942 the western entrance was closed to shipping.” 12 Page 286.—To paragraph “LIGHTS” add: “A LIGHT is shown from a telegraph pole, 40 feet in height, located about 1,610 feet 33°30' from the light on the western side of the entrance to the sub¬ marine basin. (See Light List.) “BUOYS.—Two spar buoys are moored 853 yards 243° and 867 yards 241°, respectively, from West Pier Light.” Page 293.—( Delete lines 9 to 4 from bottom. Page 294.—Delete lines 3 to 6 and substitute: “S. VARNE LIGHT BUOY, painted'in black and yellow vertical stripes and showing a flashing white light is moored about 1*4 miles southeastward of the southwestern end of The Varne. “N. E. VARNE LIGHT BUOY, painted red and showing a flashing white light, is moored off the northeastern end of The Varne. “NO. 3 LIGHT BUOY.—A conical buoy showing a flashing green light, is moored about 9 miles east-southeastward of Dover Harbor. “NO. 7 LIGHT BUOY, painted black and showing a flashing white light, is moored about 2% miles west-northwestward of the northeastern end of The Varne.” Delete lines 11 and 12. Page 295.—Delete lines 5 to 3 from bottom and substitute: “SOUTH GOODWIN LIGHT BUOY No. 2, painted black and showing a flashing white light, is moored about 7J4 miles east-northeastward of South Foreland Light.” Bottom line, for “northeastward” read “northward” and after “Goodwin” insert “Light.” Page 296.—Delete lines 1 to 3 and substitute: “EAST GOODWIN LIGHT BUOY No. 2, painted black and showing a flashing white light, is moored about 10J4 miles southeastward of North Foreland Light.” Lines 17 and 18 delete and substitute: “NORTH GOODWIN LIGHT BUOY, painted black and showing a flashing red light, is moored about 5 % miles south-southeastward of North Foreland Light.” After line 9 from bottom, insert: “SOUTH FALLS LIGHT AND BELL BUOY is moored about 10V 2 miles east- southeastward of North Foreland Light.” Page 297.—Lines 11 and 12 delete and substitute: “SAND HEAD LIGHTED BELL BUOY, a red conical buoy showing a flashing white light is moored about 2 miles southeastward of Kingsdown Church. “DEAL BANK LIGHT BUOY, painted in black and white checkers and showing a flashing white light is moored off the eastern side of Deal Bank in position 51°18'10" N., 1°24'50" E.” Delete lines 20 and 21. Delete lines 18 through 15 from bottom. Line 14 from bottom after “striped” add “fitted with a white reflector.” Line 12 from bottom delete “BUOY” through “white” and substitute: “LIGHT BUOY E, painted red and showing a flashing red light.” Page 298.—Line 1 after “buoy” insert “No. 1.” Line 6, for “a lighted” read “an unlighted.” Line 15 from bottom, delete “lighted.” - . . • • ' • - . - . 13 Page 299.—Item (2), Table of Wrecks, for “51°06'00" N.” and “1°25'02" E.” read “51°05'37" Nand “1°25'42" E.” To item (19) Table of Wrecks add: “This wreck is marked by a can shaped light buoy, painted green and showing a group flashing green light.” To Table of Wrecks add: “(21) A dangerous wreck 51°28'47" N., 1°22'28" E.” “(22) A wreck with a depth of 5 fathoms over it. 51°13'06" N., 1°27'50" E.” After line 11 from bottom insert: “AIR RESCUE FLOATS, Nos. 9 and 10 are moored about 4% miles eastward and southeastward, respectively, of Deal. Both buoys are painted in distinctive colors.” Page 300.—Lines 9 to 13, delete “three” through “Channel” and substitute: “two buoys, B-2, a black conical buoy and B-3, a light buoy, painted black and showing a group flashing white light; the latter buoy is the northernmost. “QUERN LIGHT BUOY, painted in black and white checkers and showing a flashing red light is moored about 1,180 yards 115° from Ramsgate East Pier Light. “DIKE BUOY, a conical buoy painted red, fitted with a red reflector, is moored about 620 yards 79° from Ramsgate East Pier Light. “N. FAIRWAY BUOY, a can buoy painted in red and white vertical stripes, is moored about 720 yards southwestward of Ramsgate East Pier Light.” Page 302.—Lines 18 and 17 from bottom delete “400” through “B 1 and.” Line 3 from bottom, after “Quern” insert “light.” Page 303.—After paragraph “RADIOBEACON” insert: “HOPE LIGHT BUOY, a red buoy with a red reflector showing a flashing white light, is moored about 2% miles east-northeastward of North Foreland Light¬ house in approximate position 51°23'30" N., 1°30'40" E.” Page 308.—Dartmouth: Column (2) for “253” read “240.” Column (12) insert “Clear breadth of dock—45 feet.” Southampton: Delete all reference to Floating dock. o / v" UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 119941794