331.85" M148U UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS - URBAN A BOOKSTACKS The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DEC : . MAR] 3\SI FED ; 71998 MUL 1 4 , MA 82 ?06?006 AU6 1 tttt MAR 4 191 987 3M DEC 1 6 1993 NQV 2 fe ' JS L161 O-1096 CONTENTS. I. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO SETTLEMENT. PAGES History $ The Neighborhood 6 Social Influence 10 Music IS Education 16 . Probation Work 1 8 74 . #3,530 BOARD OF DIRECTORS. President, JAMES R. ANGELL. Secretary, ROBERT M. LOVETT. Treasurer, FRANK B. TARBELL. WILLIAM R. HARPER. MRS. EDWIN O. JORDAN. CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON. ADOLF C. MILLER. MARY E. MCDOWELL. CAROLINE BLINN. CHARLES R. HENDERSON. CHARLES R. BARNES. MRS. HORACE S. FISKE. The University of Chicago Settlement HONORARY MEMBERS. W. M.-Arnolt. Mrs. F. P. Bagley. Mrs. Alfred Baker. Lewellys F. Barker. Clifford W. Barnes. Mrs. Clifford W. Barnes. Miss Mary M. Bartelme. Mrs. Fred Becker. Mrs. William Benton. Miss Edna Bevans. Mrs. Emmons Elaine. F. M. Blanchard. Miss Helen Blumenthal. Oskar Bolza. Thomas H. Briggs. Clarence Buckingham. W. R. Burke. E. D. Burton. Mrs. Florence H. Callender. Edward Capps. F. I. Carpenter. Miss Christine Caryl. C. F. Ca'stle. T. C. Chamberlin. C. M. Child. S. H. Clark. Mrs. Coolidge. John M. Coulter. C. E. Crandall. Mrs. Charles R. Crane. S. W. Cutting. C. B. Davenport. John Dewey. Mrs. Wallace De Wolf. Henry H. Donaldson. Miss Naomi Donnelley. Mrs. R. R. Donnelley. T. E. Donnelley. Joseph W. Errant. Mrs. Joseph W. Errant. Livingstone Fargo. Marvin A. Farr. E. G. Foreman. G. B. Foster. Ernst Freund. David Gamble. Mrs. Edward Gaylord. G. S. Goodspeed. Miss Eva Graves. Mrs. S. E. Gross. George E. Hale. Mrs. Burton Hanson. Robert F. Harper. Henry R. Hatneld. G. L. Hendrickson. Mrs. Charles Henrotin. William Hill. Mrs. William Hill. G. M. Hobbs. Miss Amalie Hofer. Miss Mane Hofer. Bayard Holmes. Mrs. Bayard Holmes. E. B. Hulbert. S. H. Kurd. J. P. Iddings. E. O. Jordan. H. P. Judson. Mrs. Milo Kellog. Miss Kinnard. Gordon J. Laing. Mrs. Eben Lane. J. L. Laughlin. Felix Lengfeld. The University of Chicago Settlement C. T. Leonard. Mrs. Charles Leonard. E. H. Lewis. J. Lindgren. Mrs. J. Lindgren. Jacques Loeb. F. O. Lowden. Mrs. C. H. Lytton. W. D. MacClintock. Mrs. Charles A, Mallory. Miss Frances Marder. B. C. Marsh. H. Maschke. S. Mathews. Mrs. Otto Matz. G. H. Mead. Albert A. Michelson. F. J. Miller. J. W. Moncrief. Mrs. F. H. Montgomery. E. H. Moore. W. H. Moore. R. G. Moulton. Mrs. A. R. Munger. A. F. Naylor. J. U. Nef. Henry M. Norton. Mrs. O. W. Norton. Mrs. O. W. Noyes. Miss Anna Oakley. F. B. Orr. Mrs. F. B. Orr. Mrs. A. Paddon. Miss T. Paemoller. Mrs. Elia W. Peattie. Dwight Perkins. Mrs. Dwight Perkins. Mrs. Howard E. Perry. Mrs. Charles B. Pope. Miss Florence Pride. W. S. Ransom. Norman B. Ream. Miss Myra Reynolds. Dan Riordan. Martin A. Ryerson. Mrs. J. Y. Scammon. H. Schmidt-Wartenberg. Mrs. George Seaverns. Mrs. J. C. Sevan. Paul Shorey. Albion W. Small. C. P. Small. Alexander Smith. Byron L. Smith. A. G. Spalding. A. A. Sprague. O. S. A. Sprague. A. A. Stagg. Julius Stieglitz. S. W. Stratton. Miss Clara Sturges. Mrs. George Sturges. Miss Helen Sturges. Mrs. J. C. Swan. Miss Marion Talbot. O. J. Thatcher. J. W. Thomas. W. I. Thomas. Mrs. George Thome. J. H. Tufts. George E. Vincent. Mrs. A. V. H. Wakeman. Miss Elizabeth Wallace. English Walling. Willoughby Walling. Mrs. J. C. Walter. Mrs. Lydia A. Coonley Ward. Mrs. William Washburn. Mrs. A. I. Watson. Franklin H. Wentworth. Mrs. Franklin H. Wentworth. Miss Florence Wilkinson. J. W. A. Young. Otto Young. Charles Zueblin. The University of Chicago Settlement 33 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO SETTLEMENT LEAGUE. ORGANIZATION AND PURPOSE. The University of Chicago Settlement League was formed by the ladies connected with the University Faculty at a meeting held in October, 1895, at the invita- tion of Mrs. W. R. Harper. The object of the League is to arouse interest in the University of Chicago Settlement at the Stock Yards and to give it regular financial support through the University of Chicago Settlement Board. The study of sociological questions and the promotion of social intercourse are also purposes of the League. Those qualified for membership are : members of the Faculty, or fellows and graduate students, of the University of Chicago ; members of the immediate families of (i) members of the Faculty, (2) fellows or graduate students, (3) members of faculties of affiliated schools of the University of Chicago, (4) members of the Quadrangle Club. The League will also receive as honorary members persons not connected with the University who are interested in Settlement work. The dues of honorary members are five dollars a year. These dues, together with the membership fees of the League (initiation fee one dollar, and annual dues two dollars) and benefit proceeds, are used for the support of the Settlement. SUMMARIZED REPORTS OF TREASURERS. 1895-96 $ 271.87 1896-97 - - 892.95 1897-98 971.22 1898-99 i, 611.86 1899-1900 - 3,300.00 Sum total $7,047.90 34 The University of Chicago Settlement PROCEEDS FROM SETTLEMENT BENEFITS. Lecture, February, 1896: Gross receipts - - $ 68.00 Net receipts - 57- Vaudeville, March, 1897 : Gross receipts - 792.78 Net receipts ----- 624.78 French and German Plays, February, 1898: Gross receipts - 811.44 Net receipts - - 675.22 First Comic Opera, March, 1899 : Gross receipts - 2,250.00 Net receipts - 1,600.00 Second Comic Opera, May, 1900 : Estimated gross receipts 7,630.09 Estimated net receipts 3.525.07 Total gross receipts $11,552.31 Total net receipts - 6,482.07 SPEAKERS BEFORE THE LEAGUE. Dr. E. R. L. Gould " The Purpose and Value of Univer- sity Settlements." Mrs. Kodis "The Poles in America." Miss Mari Hofer "Folk Songs." Mrs. J. Humpal Zeman "The Life of the Bohemian in Chicago and Abroad." Mr. George L. Schreiber "Art in the Settlement District." Mrs. Florence Kelley "Child Labor." Mrs. Charles Zueblin "A Visit to William Morris' Fac- tory." Miss Jane Addams "Settlements and Educational Meth- ods." Professor Shailer Mathews " Progress at the Settlement." Professor Graham Taylor "Social Problems of the Day." Miss Josephine Locke "Art and an Appeal for its Recog- nition." Mrs. Candace Wheeler " Industrial Art." Mr. Wallace Rice "The Poetry of Reform." The University of Chicago Settlement 35 Mr. John P. Gavit "Municipal Playgrounds." Professor E. O. Jordan "Municipal Hygiene." Mr. Henry W. Thurston "Playgrounds in Hyde Park." Miss Ellen Starr "Public-School Art Movement." Professor O. L. Triggs "Art at the University." Mrs. Charles Henrotin " Consumers' League." Mr. Dv/ight Perkins " Problems of Tenement-House Architecture." Mr. John Graham Brooks "Consumers' Leagues." Mr. Charles Francis Browne " The Western Artists." Miss Mary E. McDowell "A Summer at the Settlement." Miss Charlotte Teller "The Injustice of Philanthropy." OFFICERS 1895-1901. 1895-96. President MRS. HARRY PRATT JUDSON. Vice- President MRS. WILLIAM D. MACCLINTOCK. Recording Secretary MRS. ROBERT MORSS LOVETT. Corresponding Secretary MRS. CHARLES ZUEBLIN. Treasurer MRS. ELIAKIM HASTINGS MOORE. 1896-97. President MRS. GEORGE EDGAR VINCENT. Vice- President MRS. FRANK JUSTUS MILLER. Recording Secretary MRS. WILLIAM HILL. Corresponding Secretary MRS. JAMES ROWLAND ANGELL. Treasurer MRS. ELIAKIM HASTINGS MOORE. 1897-98. President MRS. CHARLES ZUEBLIN. Vice- President MRS. JAMES WESTFALL THOMPSON. Recording Secretary MRS. HORACE SPENCER FISKE. Corresponding Secretary MRS. SHAILER MATHEWS. Treasurer MRS. HARRY PRATT JUDSON. 36 The University of Chicago Settlement 1898-99. President MRS. CHARLES ZUEBLIN. Vice- President MRS. ADOLPH CASPAR MILLER. Recording Secretary MRS. FREDERIC IVES CAR- PENTER. Corresponding Secretary MRS. HORACE SPENCER FISKE. Assistant Corresponding Secretary MRS. EDWIN ERLE SPARKS. Treasurer MRS. HEXRY RAND HATFIELD. Assistant Treasurer MRS. WM. MORTON WHEELER. 1899-1900. President MRS. EDWIN OAKES JORDAN. Vice- President MRS. JAMES ROWLAND ANGELL. Recording Secretary MRS. JACQUES LOEB. Corresponding Secretary MRS. CHARLES PORTER SMALL. Treasurer MRS. CARL DARLING BUCK. 1000-1901. President MRS. HORACE SPENCER FISKE. Vice-President MRS. CHARLES RICHMOND HENDER- SON. Recording Secretary MRS. JACQUES LOEB. Corresponding Secretary MRS. JAMES ROWLAND ANGELL. Treasurer Miss SUSAN WADE PEABODY. MEMBERSHIP LIST. A Mrs. Philip S. Allen 602 West Sixtieth place Mrs. Galusha Anderson Morgan Park Mrs. James Rowland Angell 5825 Kimbark avenue The University of Chicago Settlement 37 B Mrs. David Baker 5744 Washington avenue Mrs. E. A. Balch 710 East Fifty-eighth street Mrs. George H. Ballon 5832 Rosalie court Miss Susan Helen Ballon 5832 Rosalie court Mrs. Charles R. Barnes 220 East Sixtieth street Miss Mary Barrett 4750 Lake avenue Mrs. A. G. Beaunisne 5222 Hibbard avenue Mrs. H. H. Belfield 5738 Washington avenue Mrs. Oskar Bolza 5810 Woodlawn avenue Mrs. James Harrington Boyd 5823 Madison avenue Mrs. James H. Breasted The University Mrs. Carl Darling Buck 57 1 6 Washington avenue Dr. Sara Buckley 301 East Fifty-sixth street Mrs. Ernest DeWitt Burton 5524 Monroe avenue Miss Annice Bradford Butts 40 Forty -seventh street C Mrs. Edward Capps 5717 Madison avenue Mrs. Frederic Ives Carpenter 5533 Woodlawn avenue Mrs. Frank Cary 2935 Indiana avenue Mrs. Clarence F. Castle 54&8 Ridgewood court Mrs. Ralph C. H. Catterall 6018 Stony Island avenue Miss G. I. Chamberlin Beecher Hall Mrs. Thomas C. Chamberlin Hyde Park Hotel Mrs. Charles Manning Child 6024 Ellis avenue Mrs. John Merle Coulter 341 East Fifty-third street Mrs. Starr W. Cutting 514 East Fifty-third street D Mrs. Charles B. Davenport 5725 Monroe avenue Mrs. Charles Davis Fifty-ninth -street and Rosalie court Mrs. John Dewey 6036 Jefferson avenue Mrs. Henry Herbert Donaldson 5740 Woodlawn avenue Miss Gertrude Dudley Kelly Hall E Mrs. George Eckels 5535 Woodlawn avenue 38 The University of Chicago Settlement F Miss Elizabeth Faulkner 98 Oakwood avenue Mrs. George E. Fellows 5336 Ellis avenue Mrs. N. M. Fenneman 344 East Fifty-seventh street Mrs. Horace Spencer Fiske 344 East Fifty-seventh street Mrs. George B. Foster 5535 Lexington avenue G Mrs. John J. Glessner 1800 Prairie avenue Mrs. George S. Goodspeed 5537 Lexington avenue Miss Eva B. Graves 4526 Woodlawn avenue H Mrs. William Gardner Hale 5757 Lexington avenue Mrs. William Rainey Harper. . .Fifty-ninth street and Lexington avenue Mrs. Henry Rand Hatfield 6024 Ellis avenue Mrs. Charles R. Henderson 5736 Washington avenue Mrs. George Lincoln Hendrickson . . 5515 Woodlawn avenue Mrs. John C. Hessler 5756 Madison avenue Mrs. William Hill 5728 Madison avenue Mrs. Glenn M. Hobbs 6045 Jefferson avenue Mrs. George E. Howland 4605 Drexel boulevard Mrs. C. L. Hunter 5753 Woodlawn avenue Mrs. E. B. Hutchinson 5708 Monroe avenue J Mrs. Edmund J. James The University Mrs. Franklin Johnson 222 East Fifty-third street Mrs. Frank Asbury Johnson 5817 Monroe avenue Mrs. Edwin Oakes Jordan 5720 Woodlawn avenue Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson 5828 Woodlawn avenue K Mrs. Paul O. Kern 5475 Ellis avenue Mrs. S. H. Kirchberger 3624 Grand boulevard Mrs. Clara von Klenze 5338 Washington avenue The University of Chicago Settlement 39 L Mrs. James Laurence Laughlin 5747 Lexington avenue Mrs. Kurt Laves 5558 Drexel avenue Mrs. Jacques-Loeb 5754 Woodlawn avenue Mrs. Robert Morss Lovett 546l Cornell avenue Mrs. E. P. Lyon 6153 Ellis avenue M Miss Mary E. McDowell 4638 Ashland avenue Mrs. William D. MacClintock 5629 Lexington avenue Mrs. Charles Riborg Mann 544 2 Ridgewood court Mrs. John S. Marshall 48 Groveland park Mrs. Heinrich Maschke 5810 Woodlawn avenue Mrs. Shailer Mathews S73& Woodlawn avenue Mrs. Adolph C. Miller The University Mrs. Frank J. Miller 357 East Fifty-eighth street Mrs. Newman Miller 5803 Madison avenue Mrs. Charles F. Millspaugh 5748 Madison avenue Mrs. Clifford Mitchell 6030 Woodlawn avenue Mrs. John W. Moncrief '." 5717 Monroe avenue Mrs. F. H. Montgomery 5548 Woodlawn avenue Mrs. Addison W. Moore 5827 Kimbark avenue Mrs. Eliakim Hastings Moore 5538 Washington avenue Mrs. Richard Green Moulton Hotel Windermere N Mrs. Theodore L. Neff .5827 Kimbark avenue Mrs. George W. Northrup, Jr 5835 Kimbark avenue O Mrs. William B. Owen The University P Mrs. J. C. Parsons 5714 Madison avenue Miss Susan Wade Peabody Kelly Hall R Mrs. Joseph A. Raycroft 6109 Greenwood avenue Mrs. W. D. Rice 6345 Ingleside avenue Miss Luanna Robertson Kelly Hall 40 The University of Chicago Settlement S Mrs. Francis W. Shepardson 5515 Woodlawn avenue Mrs. Paul Shorey 5516 Woodlawn avenue Mrs. G. C. Sikes 215 Jackson Park terrace Mrs. Herbert E. Slaught 5535 Madison avenue Mrs. Albion Woodbury Small 5731 Washington avenue Mrs. Charles Porter Small 5727 Madison avenue Mrs. Edwin Erie Sparks 57*6 Washington avenue Mrs. W. R. Stirling 1616 Prairie avenue T Miss Marion Talbot Green Hall Mrs. Benjamin S. Terry 5525 Monroe avenue Mrs. James Westfall Thompson .... 5747 Washington avenue Mrs. Albert H. Tolman 5750 Woodlawn avenue Miss Trirmfiingham 5237 Cornell avenue Mrs. J. G. Carter Troop 228 East Fifty third street Mrs. James H. Tufts 5549 Woodlawn avenue Miss Ruth Tunnicliff 394 Marshfield avenue V Mrs. George Edgar Vincent 5737 Lexington avenue Mrs. Clyde W. Votaw 437 East Sixty-first street W Mrs. S. A. Walton 5737 Woodlawn avenue Mrs. F. A. Wells 6704 Stewart avenue Mrs. Wardner Williams 5822 Drexel avenue Y Mrs. J. W. A. Young , 5758 Washington avenue Z Mrs. Charles Zueblin 6052 Kimbark avenue HONORARY MEMBERS. Mrs. Joseph Bond 2733 Michigan avenue Mrs. Orville T. Bright 6515 Harvard avenue Mrs. R. R. Donnelley 4609 Woodlawn avenue Mrs. J. G. Levy 5477 Ellis avenue Mrs. O. W. Norton 4815 Lake avenue Miss Schoenmann 6028 Kimbark avenue Mrs. John E. Woodhead 5016 Ellis avenue Mrs. John E. Zueblin 6052 Kimbark avenue MADE IN U.S. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 30112002763560