.-mi BUKIALS BILL ANALYSIS OP THE DIVISION. HOUSE OF COMMONS, Wednesday, 21st April, 1875. Burials Bill, — Order for Second Reading read; Motion made, and Question proposed, "That tlie Bill be now read a Second Time:" — Amendment proposed, to leave out the word '' now," and at the end of the Question to add the words " upon this day six months :" — {Colonel Egerton Leigh:) — Question put, " That the word 'now' stand part of the Question:" — The House divided ; Ayes 234, Noes 248. AYES. (236 Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke S Adam, Rt. Hon. William Patrick Allen, W. Shepherd (Newc. U.L.) Amory, Sir John Heathcoat 6 S Anderson, George Antrobus, Sir Edmund Ashley, Hon. Evelyn M, Backhouse, Edmund S Balfour, Sir Geo. (Kincardinesh). 10 Barclay, Alex. Chas. (Taunton) S Barclay, James William (Forfar) Bass, Arthur (Staffordsh. E.) Bass, Michael Thomas (Derby) Bazley, Sir Thomas 15 Beaumont, Major Fred. (Durh. S.) Beaumont, W. B. (Northum. S.) Biddulph, Michael I Biggar, Joseph Gillis I Blennerhassett, Rowland P. 20 Bolckow, Henry W. F. Brassey, Thomas (Hastings) Briggs, William Edward Bright, Rt. Hon. J. (Birmingham) Bristowe, Samuel Boteler 25 Brocklehurst, William C. Brogden, Alexander I Brooks, Maurice (Dublin) Brown, Alexander H. (Wenlock) I Browne, George Ekins (Mayo) 30 Burt, Thomas I Butt, Isaac S Cameron, Charles (Glasgow) S Campbell-Bannerman, Henry including Tellers.) Carington, Hon. Colonel Wm. Carter, Robert M. Cartwright Wm. C, (Oxfords.) Cave, Rt. Hon. S. (New Shoreham) Cavendish, Lord F. C. (York W. R.) Chadwick, David Childers, Rt. Hon. Hugh Cholmeley, Sir Hugh Clarke, J. Creemer Clifford, Charles Cavendish Clive, George (Hereford) Cole, Henry Thomas (Penryn) I Collins, Eugene Colman, Jeremiah James Corbett, John (Droitwich) I Corri/, James Porter (Belfast) Cotes, Charles Cecil S Cowan, James (Edinburgh) Cowen, Joseph (Newcastle) I Crawford, J. Sharman Cross, John Kynaston (Bolton) Crossley, John I Dalway, Marriott Robert S Davie, Sir H. R. Ferguson (Hadd.) W Davies, David (Cardigan) W Davies, Richard (Anglesey) 60 Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth W Dillwyu, Lewis Llewelyn Dixon, George (Birmingham) Dodds, Joseph Dodson, Rt. Hon. John George 65 I Downing, McCarthy S Duff, Mount Elph. Grant (Elgin) 35 40 45 60 56 S Scotch Members ; I Irish ; W Welsh. Dundas, John Charles Earp, Thomas Edwards, Henry 70 Egerton, Adm. Hn. F. (Derby, E.) S Eilice, Edward W Eyton, Peter Ellis Eawcett, Henry Eergusou, Robert 75 Fitzmaurice, Lord Edmond Fitzwilliam, Hon. C. W. W. Fletcher, Isaac Foljambe, Francis John Savile S Fordyce, William Dingwall 80 Forster, Sir Charles (Walsall) Forster, Rt. Hn. W. E. (Bradford) W Fothergill, Richard I French, Hon. Charles Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. 85 Gladstone, Wm. Henry (Whitby) Goldsmid, Sir Francis (Reading) Goldsmid, Julian (Rochester) Goschen, Rt. Hon. Geo. Joachim Gourley, Edwai'd Temperley 90 Gower, Hon. E. F. Leveson (Bod.) Grey, Earl de (Ripon) S Grieve, Jas. Johnstone Gurney, Rt. Hon. Russell I Havillton, 3Ia7'quis of {Bowleg a I) 95 Hankey, Thomson Harcourt, Sir W. Vernon Harrison, Charles (Bewdley) S Harrison, J. Fortescue (Kilm'k) W Hartington, Marquis of 100 Havelock, Sir Henry Hayter, Arthur Divett I Herbert, Henry A. (Kerry) Herschell, Farrer Hill, Thos. Rowley (Worcester) 105 Hodgson, Kirkman D. (Bristol) Holms, John (Hackney) S Holms, William (Paisley) Hopwood, Charles Henry Horsman, Rt. Hon. Edward 110 Howard, Hon. Charles W. G. W Hughes, W. Bulkeley Ingram, William James Jackson, Henry Mather James, Walter H. (Gateshead) 115 James, Sir Henry (Taunton) Jenkins, David James (Penryn) Johnstone, Sir Harcourt (Scarb.) Kay-Shuttleworth, Ughtred Jas. W Kensington, Lord 120 S Kinnaird, Hon. Arthur Fitzgerald Lambert, Nathaniel Grace Laverton, Abraham Lawrence, Sir James Clarke Lawson, Sir Wilfrid 125 Leatham, Edward Aldam Leeman, George Lefevre, George John Shaw S Leith, John Farley I Lewis,, Clias. Eclwd. {Londond'y) 130 W Lloyd, Morgan (Beaumaris) Locke, John S Lome, Marquis of Lowe, Rt. lion. Robert Lubbock, Sir John 135 Lush, Dr. Lusk, Sir Andrew I MacCarthy, John George Macdonald, Alexander S Macduff, Viscount 140 S Macgregor, Donald S Mackintosh, Charles Eraser M' Arthur, Alexander (Leic.) M' Arthur, William (Lambeth) I M'Kenna, Sir Joseph ^eal 145 S M'Lagan, Peter S M'Laren, Duncan S Maitland, John Majoribanks, Sir Dudley C Marling, Samuel Stephens 150 I Martin, Patrick (Kilkenny Co.) Massey, Rt. Hon. Wm. Nathaniel S Matheson, Alexander S Maxwell, Sir Wm. Stirling Milbank, Frederick Aclom 155 Monck, Sir Arthur Edward (Dur. City) ISIonk, Charles James (Gloucester) Morley, Samuel Mundella, Anthony John Muntz, Philip Henry 160 S Mure, Colonel I Murphy, Nicholas Daniel W JVevlll, Charles William S Noel, Ernest (Dumfries) I Nolan, Captain 165 Norwood, Charles Morgan I O'Brien, Sir Patrick I O'Byrue, William Richard I O'Conor Don, The (Roscommon) I O'Gorman, Purcell 170 I O'Reilly, Myles I O' Sullivan, William Henry Palmer, Charles Mark Pease, Joseph Whitwell Peel, Arthur Wellesley (Warw.) 175 S Pender, John Pennington, Frederick Perkins, Sir Frederick Philips, R. Needham S Playfair, Rt. Hon. Dr. Lyon 180 Plimsoll, Samuel Potter, Thomas Bayley I Power, John O'Connor (Mayo) I PoAver, Richard (Waterford) Price, Wm. E. (Tewkesbury) 185 Ralli, Pandeli S Ramsav, John Rathbone, AVilliam W Reed, Edwd. James (Pembroke) W Richard, Henry 190 Robertson, Henry Roebuck, John Arthm- I Ronayne, Joseph Philip Rothschild, Nath. M. de Russell, Lord Arthur (Tavistock) 195 St. Aubyn, Sir John Samuda, Joseph D'Aguilar Samuelson, Bernhard Seeley, Charles Shaw, Richard (Burnley) 200 I Shaw, William (Cork Co.) Sherriff, Alexander Clunes Simon, Mr. Serjeant S Sinclair, Sir John G. Tollemache Smith, Eustace (Tynemouth) 205 I Smyth, Richard (Lond'dy Co.) I Stacpoole, William S Stafford, Marquis of Stansfeld, Rt. Hon. James Stevenson, James Cochran 210 W Stuart, Colonel (Cardiff) I Sullivan, Alexander M. I Swanston, Alexander I Taylor, Daniel (Coleraine) Taylor, Peter Alfred (Leicester) 215 Temple, Rt. Hon. W. Cowper- Tillett, Jacob Henry Torrens, W. T. M'Cullagh W Tracy, Hn. Chas. R. I). Hanbury- S Trevelyan, George Otto 220 Villiers, Rt. Hon. C. Pelham Vivian, Arthur P. (Cornwall, W.) W Vivian, Henry Hussey (Glam.) Waddy, Samuel Danks W Walsh, Hon. Arthur 225 Walter, John Waterlow, Sir Sydney H. Watkin, Sir Edward W. Wegnelin, Thomas M Wh alley, George Hammond 230 W Williams, Watkin (Denbigh) Wilson, Chas. (Kings, upon Hull) Wilson, Sir Mathew (Yk. W. R.) S Yeaman, James Young, Adolphus William Tellers for the Ayes, Mr. Osborne Morgan and Mr. Wykeham Martin. NOES. (250 including Tellers). Adderley, Rt. Hon. Sir Charles S Alexander, Colonel Allen, Major (Somerset, E.) Allsopp, Henry (Wore. E.) 5 Arkwright, Aug. P. (Derby, N.) Arkwright, Francis (Derby, E.) Arkwright, Richd. (Leominster) Ashbury, James Lloyd Bagge, Sir William 10 Balfour, Arthur Jas. (Hertf. Bo.) Baring, Thomas Charles Barrington, Viscount Barttelot, Colonel Bates, Edward 15 Bateson, Sir Thomas Bathurst, Allen Alexander Beach, Rt. Hon. Sir M. H. (Glo. E.) Beach, W. W. Bramst. (Hants, N.) Bentinck, G. Cavendish (Whit n.) 20 Bentinck, Geo. W. P. (Norf. W.) Beresford, Col. M. (Southwark) Birley, Hugh Boord, Thomas William Bourke, Hon. Robert 25 Bright, Richard (Somers. E.) Broadley, William H. Harrison Brooks, W. Cunliffe (Chesh. E.) Bruce, Hon. Thos. (Portsmouth) Brymer, William Ernest 30 Buckley, Sir lulmund Lulwer, JaniQs K. BiuTell, Sir Percy Butler-Johnstone, Hen. A. Buxton, Sir Robert Jacob 35 Cal lender, William Romaine S Cameron, Donald (Inverness) Campbell, Colin Cartwright, Fairfax (Northamp.) Cawley, Charles E. 40 Cecil, Lord Eustace H. B. G. Chaplin, Col. E. (Line. City) Chapman, John Charley, William Thomas Clifton, Thomas Henry 45 Clive, Col. Hon. G. Windsor (Lud.) I Close, Maxwell Charles Clowes, Samuel William Cobbett, John Morgan Cobbold, John Patteson 50 Cochrane, Alex. D. W. R. Baillie I Cole, Col. Hon. Hen. A. (Ferm'h.) Coope, Octavius E. W Cordes, Thomas Cotton, Alderman 55 Cross, Rt. Hon. Rd. A. (Lane. S. W.) Cubitt, George Cust, Henrv C. S Dalkeith, Earl of Davenport, W. Bromley 60 Deakiu, Jnmc^; Henrv I Dcuison, C. B. (Yk. VV. R. E. D. I Denison, W. E. (Nottingham) I Dick, Fitzwilliam Dickson, Major Alex. G. (Dover) 65 Disraeli, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Dyke, William Hart Dyott, Colonel Richard Eaton, Henry William S Edmonstone, Admiral Sir Wm. 70 Egerton, Hon. Alg. Fulke (Lan. S.) Egerton, Sir Ph. Grey (Chesh. W.) Egerton, Hon. Wilb. (Chesh. M.) Elliot, Sir Geo. (Dur. Co. N. D.) Elphinstone, Sir James D. H. 75 W Emlyn, Viscount Eslington, Lord Estcourt, George Bucknall Fielden, Joshua (Yk. W .R. E. D.) Fellowes, Edward 80 Finch, George H. FitzGerald, Rt. Hon. Sir Seymour Floyer, John Folkestone, Viscount Forester, Cecil Theodore Weld 85 Forsyth, William Foster, William- Henry {Bridgnorth) Eraser, Sir William Augustus Gallwey, Sir William Payne Gardner, James T. Agg- (Chelt.) 90 Garnier, John Carpenter I Gibson, Edward Gilpin, Colonel Goddard, Ambrose Lethbridge Gordon, William (Chelsea) 95 Gore, J. Ralph Ormsby (Salop N.) I Gore, Wm. Rd. Ormsby (Leitrim) Gorst, John Eldon Grantham, William Gregory, George B. 100 Hall, Alexander William Halsey, Thomas Frederick Hamilton, Lord CI. J. (King's L.) Hamilton, Lord George (Middlesex) Hanbury, Robert William 105 Hardcastle, Edward Hardy, John Stewart (Rye) Hay, Rt. Hon. Sir J. C. Dalrymple Heath, Robert Henley, Right Hon. J. W. 110 Hermon, Edward Hervey, Lord Aug. H. (Suffolk W.) Hervey, Lord F. (Bury St. Edmund) Hick, John Hildyard, T. Blackb. Thoroton 115 Hill,' Alex. Staveley (Staff. W.^ Hodgson, W. Nicholson (Cumb. E.) Hogg, Sir James Macnaghten W Holford, J. Price Gwynne Holker, Sir John 120 Holland, Sir H. T. (Midhurst) Holmesdale, Viscount Holt, James Madon Home, Captain (Berwick) Hood, Captain Hon. Arthur W. A. N. 125 Hope, Alex. J. B. Beresford Hubbard, Rt. Hon. John (London) Hunt, Rt. Hon. George Ward Isaac, Saul Jervis, Colonel 130 Johnson, John G. (Exeter) W Jones, John Kennard, Colonel Kennaway, Sir John Henry Knight, Frederick Winn 135 Knightley, Sir Rainald Knowles, Thomas I^acon, Sir Edmund H. K. Lee, Major Vaughan (Som. W.) Legard, Sir Charles 140 Legh, Wm. John (Chesh. E.) Lennox, Lord Henry G. Lindsay, Col. Robt. Loyd (Berks.) Lloyd, Sampson (Plymouth) W Lloyd, Thomas E. (Cardigansh.) 145 Lopes, Henry C. (Frome) Lopes, Sir Massey (Devon, S.) Lowther, Hon. Wm. (Westm'd) Lowther, James (York) Mahon, Viscount 150 Majendie, Lewis Ashurst Makins, Colonel Malcolm, John Wingfield Manners, Rt. Hn. Lord John March, Earl of 155 Mellor, Thomas W. Merewether, Charles George Mills, Arthur (Exeter) Mills, Sir Chas. Henry (Kent, W.) Monckton, Francis (Staffordshire) 160 Monckton, Hon. Geo. (Notts.) Mowbray, Rt. Hon. John Robert Muncaster, Lord Naghten, Col. Arthur Robert Neville-Grenville, Ralph 165 Newdegate, Charles Newdigate Newport, Viscount Noel, Rt. Hn, Gerard J. (Rutland) North, Colonel Northcote, Rt. Hn. Sir Stafford H. 170 Onslow, Denzil Paget, Richard Horner Palk, Sir Lawrence Parker, Lieut.-Col. Windsor Pateshall, Evan 175 Peek, Sir Henry William Pelly, Sir Henry Carstairs Pemberton, Edward Leigh Peploe, Major Percy, Earl 180 Phipps, Pickering I Plnnkct, Hn. 1). R. (Dublin Univ.) Polh ill-Turner, (Captain I III \r. \ PoTvell, Walter Praed, Chas. Tyring. (St. Ives) 185 Price, Captain (Deronport) Read, Clare Sewell (Norf. S.) Rendlesham, Lord Repton, George William Ridley, Matthew White 190 Ritchie, Charles Thomson Rodwell, Benjamin Bi'idges H. Russell, Sir Charles (Westminster) Ryder, Granville Richard Sackville, Sackville G. Stopford 195 Salt, Thomas Sanderson, Thomas Kemp Sandford, G. Montagu W. Sandon, Viscount Sclater-Booth, Rt. Hon. George 200 Scott, Lord Henry (Hants, S.) Scott, Montagu D. (Sussex, E.) W Scourfield, John Henry I Shirley, Sewallis Evelyn Shute, General 205 Sidebottom, T Harrop Smith, Abel (Herts) Smith, Fred, C. (Notts, N.) Smith, Samuel George (Aylesbury) Smith, William Henry (Westminster) 210 Somerset, Lord Henry R. C. Spinks, Mr. Serjeant Stanhope, Hon. Edward (Lincoln. ,M.) Stanhope, W. T. W. S. (York., W.R.) Stanley, Hon. Frederick 215 Starkey, Lewis R. (Yorkshire, W. R.) Tellers for the Noes, Colonel Starkie, J. Pierce C. (Lane. N. E.) Steere, Lee Storer, George Sturt, Henry Gerard (Dorset) 220 Sykes, Christopher Talbot, John Gilbert (Kent, W.) I Taylor, Right Hon. Col. (Dublin Co.) Tennant, Robert Thynne, Lord Henry Fred. 225 Tollemache, W. F. Torr, John Tremayne, John Tm-nor, Edmund (Lincolnshire, S.) Twells, Philip 230 Walker, Thomas Eades I Wallace, Sir Richard Walpole, Hon. Fred. (Norf. N.) Walpole, Rt. Hon. Spencer (Cam.) Welby, William Earle 235 Wellesley, Captain Wells, Edward Wethered, Thomas Owen Williams, Sir Fred. M. (Truro) Wilmot, Sir Henry (Derbvshire, S.) 240 Wilmot, Sir J. Eardley (Warwick. S.) Winn, Rowland (Lincolnshire, N.) Wolff, Sir H. Drummond Woodd, Basil Thomas Wyndham, Hon. Percy 245 W Wynn, Chas. W. Williams (Montgry.) Yarmouth, Earl of Yorke, Hon. Eliot (Camb. Co.) Yorke, John Reginald (Gloucester, E.) Egerton Leigh and Mr. Heygate. PAIRS (34). FOR THE BILL. W Grosvenor, Lord R. (Flintshire) Brassey, H. (Sandwich) Whitbread, S. (Bedford) Cowper, Hon. H. F. (Herts.) 5 S Duff, R. W. (Banffshire) S Jenkins, E. (Dundee) I Conyngham, Lord F. (Clare) Rashleigh, Sir C. (Cornwall E.) W Talbot, C. R. M. (Glamorganshire) 10 S Colebrooke, Sir T. E. (Lanarkshire) Evans, T. W. (Derbyshire) Kingscote, Col. (Gloucestershire, W.) Chambers, Sir T. (Marylebone) S Baxter, Rt. Hon. W. E. (Montrose) 15 I Law, Rt. Hon. H. (Londonderry Co.) W Holland, S. (Merionethshire) S McCombie, W. (Aberdeen, W.) AGAINST THE BILL. Bourne, Col. (Evesham) Round, J. (Essex, E.) 20 Brise, Col. R. (Essex, E.) Learmonth, Col. (Colchester) Astley, Sir J. D. (Lincolnshire, N.) Assheton, R. (Clitheroe) Galway, Vise. (East Retford) 25 I Trevor, Lord E. Hill (Downshire) Watney, J. (Surrey, E.) Goldney, G, (Chippenham) Allsopp, S. C, (Staffordshire, E.) Bective, Earl of (Westmoreland) 30 Harvey, Sir R. B. (Bucks) Praed, H. B. (Colchester) Wheelhouse, W. (Leeds) Corbett, Col. (Salop, S.) Jeukiuson, Sir G. (Wilts, N.) CONSERVATIVES ABSENT WITHOUT PAIRS. (77). S Agnew R. Vans (Wigtonshire) S Anstruther, Sir W. (Lanarkshire) I Archtlale, W. H. (Fermanagh) Baggallay, Sir R. (Mid-Surrey) 5 Bailey, Sir J. R. (Herefordshire) Benyon, R. (Berkshire) I Beresford, Lord C. (Waterford Co.) I Booth, Sir R. G. (Sligo Co.) Bousficld, Major (Bath) 10 i Bruen, H. (Carlow Co.) Cave, Rt. Hon. S. (New Shoreham) I Chaine, J. (Antrim Co.) Chaplin, H. (Mid. Lincoln) • Christie, W. L. (Lewes) 15 Churchill, Lord R. (Woodstock) I Conolly, T. (Donegal Co.) I Corry, Hon. H. W. (Tyrone) I Crichton, Viscount (Enniskillen) S Cuninghame Sir W. G. (Ayr) 20 S Dalrymple, C. (Buteshire) I Darner, Hn. L. Dawson (Portarlington) S Douglas, Sir G. (Roxburghshire) Dowdeswell, W. E. ( Worcestershire, W.) Drax, J. W. S. (Wareham) 25 S Elcho, Lord (Haddingtonshire) Elliot, G. W. (Northallerton) S Ewing, A. Orr (Dumbarton) Feilden, H. M. (Blackburn) Freshfield, C. K. (Dover) 30 Gardner, R. R. (Windsor) Gooch, Sir D. (Cricklade) S Gordon, Rt. Hon. E. S. (Glasgow) Greenall, G. (Warrington) Greene, E. (Bury St. Edmunds) 35 I Guinness Sir A. (Dublin) I Hamilton, I. T. (Dublin Co.) S Hamilton, R. B. (Berwickshire) Hamond, C. F. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) Hardy ,Rt.Hon,Gathorne(OxfordUniv.) 40 Helmsley, Viscount (York, N, Riding) Herbert, Sir P. (Shropshire) Hubbard, E. (Buckingham) I Johnston, W. (Belfast) S Johnstone, Captain Hope (Dumfries) 45 Johnstone, Sir F. (Weymouth) Jolliffe, Hon. W. S. (Petcrsfield) Karslake, Sir J. B. (Huntingdon) I Kavanagh, A. M. (Carlow Co.) Knatchbull, Sir W. (East Kent) 50 I Leslie, J. (Monaghan Co.) Lindsay, Lord (Wigan) I Macartney, J. W. (Tyrone Co.) Maclver, D. (Birkenhead) Marten, A. G. (Cambridge) 55 S Montgomerie, R. (Ayrshire) S Montgomery, Sir G. G. (Peebleshire) W Morgan, Hon. F. C. (Monmouthshire) I Mulholland, J (Downpatrick) I O'Neill, Hon. E. (Antrim Co.) 60 Pell, Albert (Leicestershire) W Pennant, G. D. (Carnarvonshire) Pim, Captain B. (Gravesend) Plunkett, Hon. R. (W. Gloucestershire) Puleston, J. H. (Devonport) 65 Raikes, H. C. ^Chester) Selwin-Ibbetson, Sir H. (W. Essex) Simon ds, AV. B. (Winchester) Smollett, P. B. (Cambridge) Stanford, V. F. (Shaftesbury) 70 S Stewart, M. J. (Wigtonshire) Turner, C. (Lancashire, S.W.) I Vance, J. (Armagh) I Verner, E. W. (Armagh Co.) Wait, W. K. (Gloucester) 75 Waterhouse, Major (Pontefract) S Whitelaw, A. TGlasgow) W Wynn, Sir W. W. (Denbighshire) LIBERALS ABSENT WITHOUT PAIRS (48.) S Anstruther, Sir R. (Fifeshire) I Bowyer, Sir G. (Wexford Co.) I Brady, Dr. (Leitrim) Bruce, Lord E. (Marlborough) 5 I Bryan, G. L. (Kilkenny Co.) I Callan, P. (Dundalk) Cavendish, Lord G. H. (Derbyshire, N.) I Cogan, W. H. (Kildare Co.) I Dease, E. (Queen's Co.) 10 I Dickson, T. A. (Dungannon) I Digby, K. T. (Queen's Co.) I Dunbar, J. (New Ross) , I Ennis, N. (Meath) I Errington, G. (Longford Co.) 15 I Esmonde, Sir J. (Waterford Co.) I Fay, C. J. (Cavan Co.) I French, Hon. C. (Roscommon) .1 Henry, Mitchell (Gal way Co.) Kenealy, Dr. (Stoke-on-Trent) 20 I Kirk, G. H. (Louth) Knatchbull-Hugessen, E. (Sandwich; S Laing, S. (Orkney and Shetland) I Lewis, H. O. (Carlow Borough) I Meldon, C. H. (Kildare Co.) 25 I Montagu, Lord Robert (Westmeath) I Morris, George (Gahvay) I Moore, A. J. (Clonmel) I O'Callaghan, W. F. (Tipperary Co.) I O'Clery, K. (Wexford Co.) 30 I O'Conor, Denis M. (Sligo Co.) I O'Donoghue, The (Tralee) I O'Keefe, J. (Dungarvan) I O'Leary, W. H. (Drogheda^ I O'Loghlen, Sir C. (Clare Co.) 35 I O'Shaughnessy, R. (Limerick City) Peel, Sir Robert (Tamworth) Portman,Capt. Hon. W. B. (Doi'setsh.) I Redmond, W. A. (Wexford):^ Richardson, T. (Hartlepool) 40 Ripley, H. W. (Bradford) Sheridan, H. B. (Dudley) I Sherlock, Mr. Serjeant (King's Co.) I Smyth, P. J. (Westmeath) Stanton, A. J. (Stroud) 45 I Synan, E. J. (Limerick Co.) I Ward, M. F. (Galway) Whitwell, J. (Kendal) I Whitworth, W. (Newry) This Bill relates only to England, it is therefore a matter of especial interest to remark how the English representatives voted upon it. Upon analysing the division list we find the following results : — For the Bill (including Tellers) — Against the Bill (including Tellers) — English M.P.'s 168 English M.P.'s 237 Scotch 34 Scotch 4 Irish 34 Irish 9 236 250 So that the English majority against the Bill was 69, and the votes of the English M.P.'s alone outnumbered the English, Scotch, and Irish votes in its favour. The English majority of 69 however was reduced to 14 by 68 Scotch and Irish Members voting for the Bill and only 13 against it. If we add the pairs to the above list the result will considerably increase the English majority against the Bill. There were 17 pairs. In favour of the Bill 10 English, 5 Scotch, and 2 Irish. Against the Bill 16 English and 1 Irish. The total result (including Tellers and Pairs) therefore is as follows : — For the Bill— Against the Bill- English M.p!'s . . 178 English . . .253 Scotch ... 39 Scotch ... 4 Irish .... 36 Irish . . . * . 10 253 267 Showing on the whole a majority of 75 English M.P.'s against the Bill. There were 77 Conservatives and 48 Liberals absent without PairSj Conservatives — English . . 44 Liberals — English Scotch . .14 Scotch Irish . . .19 Irish . 11 35 77 48 The Conservative M^P.'s who voted for the Bill was one English Member— Right Hon. Russell Gurney (Southampton; ; two Welsh Members, Hon. A. Walsh (Radnorshire), and C. W. Nevili (Carmarthen) ; one Scotch Member, Sir William Stirling Maxwell (Perthshire) ; and three Irish, Marquis of Hamilton (Donegal), J. P. Corry (Belfast), and C. E. Lewis (Londonderry). The Right Hon. Gathorne Hardy (Oxford University), Right Hon. Stephen Cave (New Shoreham), and W. B. Simonds (Winchester), were prevented by indisposition from voting. Mr. H. Cecil Raikes was absent from town at a funeral, and Mr. Albert Pell was accidentally shut out from the division. All these M.P.'s would have voted against the Bill. 8 In former years the Bill has been passed by large majorities. Parliament were as follows : — 1870. For 235 Against 124 Majority for the Bill 111 1871. 213 151 62 1872. 181 110 71 The divisions in the last 282 219 63 In 1875- For 234 Against ... 248 Majority against the Bill 14 As most of the towns are provided with Cemeteries, the operation of this Bill would for the most part be felt in the country districts. It is important, therefore, to note how the county representatives voted. There can be no mistake as to their opinion on the question. There are 53 Counties in England and Wales, including the Isle of Wight ; of these 24 voted against the Bill, 8 in its favour, 2 were evenly divided, and the representation of one was vacant. AGAINST. Bedford Berks. (2 to 1) Bucks. (2 to 1) Cambridgeshire Cardiganshire Carmarthenshire Cheshire Cumberland (3 to 1) Derby (3 to 2) Devon (8 to 1) Dorset Essex Gloucester (3 to 1) Hants. (3 to 1) Herts. (2 to 1) Hunts. Kent Lancashire Leicestershire Lincoln Middlesex Anglesey Carnarvonshire Cornwall (3 to 1) Durham (3 to 1) Total. FOR. .42. Monmouth Montgomery Norfolk Northampton Northumberland (3 to 1) Notts Oxford (2 to 1) Pembroke Rutland Shropshire Somerset Staffordshire (5 to 1) Suffolk Surrey Sussex Warwick Westmoreland Wight, Isle of Wilts. Worcester Yorkshire (6 to 3) Flint. Glamorgan, Merioneth. Radnorshire. Total. The Votes of the following Counties were equally divided : — Denbigh. Hereford. Seat vacant — Brecknock. Printed for the Church Defence Institution, 25, Parliament Street, S.W. ^v^Sii^.:o^^SA :