5. \S>^3 ( ] GENERAL RULES. REGULATIONS AND BY-LAWS OF THE State Agricultural College OF MICHIGAN, 1863 LANSING: John A. Kerr & Co., Boole and. Job Printers. 1863. STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, 1863. ADMISSION. -#- 1. Candidates for admission into the Preparatory Class must not be less than fourteen years of age, and must sus- tain a satisfactory examination in .Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, Reading, Spelling, and Penmanship. 2. Candidates for admission into the Freshman Class, or for any advanced standing, must sustain an examination in all the previous studies of the course. 3. Students are admitted at any time on passing the re- quired examinations; but it is greatly preferred that all can- didates present themselves for examination on the first day of the term, or at the semi-yearly examination near the mid- dle of the term. 4. Persons of suitable age and acquirements, who desire to pursue one or more of the branches of study more closely related to Agriculture, (such as Chemistry, Botany, Animal Physiology, &c.,) may be received for a less time than is re- quisite for the lull course. They will also be allowed to change from the regular to a select course, if it be done before commencing the studies of a term. 5. They will all be required to go into one or more of the College classes; to perforin three hours labor in one of the regular work divisions; and to be in all respects subject to the rules and discipline of the College. 6. On leaving, they may, if they have completed one or more branches of study, receive a certificate of their attain meLts in the branches pursued. AGBICULTCTRAL COLLEGE. ATTENDANCE AT COLLEGE. 7. Students are required to be present on the first day of the term, unless excused to be absent on account of sickness, or for actual service as teachers. They are also expected to remain during the entire College year, and none are excused from attendance except from urgent necessity. 8. Students who wish to terminate their connection with the College, or who desire leave of absence for a definite pe- riod of time, will receive such dismissal or leave of absence if application be made for the same before the opening of the College year. The closing of the term does not close their relations with the Institution. If, however, such application be made during the progress of the term, it will be granted 'only for good and sufficient reasons. 9. Immediately on returning to the College after any ab- sence of more than three days, the student shall report him- self to the Secretary of the College. 10. Students leaving College without being excused by the Faculty, forfeit the wages for their work. 11. No student shall be graduated, or receive an honora- ble dismission from College, until his College bills are paid in full. 12. Students shall not absent themselves from the College premises without permission. 13. Students can obtain leave of absence from the College premises, of the President only. In his absence, however, it may be obtained of some other member of the Faculty. 14. Where leave of absence from the premises is granted to any student, lie shall receive from the officer granting it, a written certificate of the same, and the presentation of this certificate shall be a su Hi dent excuse for absence from any exercise of any officer for the time covered by it. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. ATTENDANCE ON COLLEGE DUTIES. 15. Students are required promptly to attend all chapel exercises, all class room exercises, and field operations of their respective classes and divisions, and to discharge every duty required of them. 16. Five minutes from the first striking of the bell are al- lowed students for getting to their places for any in-door exercise. 17. Students not reporting themselves for work within ten minutes from the striking of the first work bell, shall have fifteen minutes deducted from their day's work account. 18. Leave of absence, from any exercise, must be obtained beforehand, from the officer having charge of the exercise, otherwise, a satisfactory reason for not doing so must ac- company the subsequent excuse, or such excuse for the ab- sence will not be entertained. 19. If excuse for absence is not rendered to the officer in charge of the exercise, at or previous to the next like exer- cise, which the student attends, he shall present his excuse for absence; and for his failure to present it sooner, in wri- ting to the Faculty, at their next regular meeting. 20. Every unexcused absence shall be accounted a misde- meanor; and five such absences shall subject the student to disciplinary action. 21. All unexcused absences for the week previous, up to Saturday night, are to be announced in chapel, every Tuesday morning. 22. Every tardiness at a daily exercise, shall be accounted equivalent to one-half an absence. 23. Every absence from a weekly exercise, or from an ex- ercise in composition or declamation, shall be counted equiv- alent to two absences from a daily exercise. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. STUDY HOURS. 24. Students shall faithfully observe all study hours, and remain quietly in their rooms during the same, except on leave of absence. 25. Students will observe study hours on every week day evening, provided, however, that members of the College Societies will be excused from observance of study hours on Friday evening, in case of actual attendance on the exercises of their Society. 26. Vocal or instrumental music, in or about the buildings, is prohibited during study hours. BOARDING HALL. 27. The Faculty shall have access, at all times, to the rooms of the students. 28. Each student is expected to retain the room assigned him, unless permitted to change it. 29. Students are expected to keep their rooms in a neat and tidy condition, at all times. 30. No student shall enter the room of another student, at any time, without his permission. 31. Students will be furnished with meals only at the reg- ular hours, unless their absence at the regular time is through the request of some officer of the College. 32. At the ringing of the bell for meals, t'ie students shall assemble, without confusion or delay, in the Dining Hall, and occupy the seats assigned them. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 33. All unnecessary noise or disturbance, in or about the College buildings, is strictly prohibited. 34. Students may not stand or congregate in the hall. 35. No 6tudent shall enter any apartment" appropriated to the Steward or Superintendent of the farm, without their permission, under any pretext whatever; any attempt to do bo, shall be deemed an offence worthy of reprehension. 36. Alter nine o'clock each evening, each student is ex- pected to remain in his room for the night, to refrain from all conversation except in a subdued tone of voice, and to maintain such quiet as is proper to hours allotted to sleep. 37. At the close of each term, the students shall deposit with the Steward, the keys of their respective rooms — each key so deposited, having attached to it a label, containing the number of the room — together with a list of furniture and goods, and its owners, left in the room. 38. Students are not permitted to visit or hold conversa- tion with persons employed by the Steward, while such per- sons are at their work. 39. At the close of each term, or whenever the occupants of any room are to be absent for more than one day, the students shall deposit their door keys with the Steward. Each key shall have a label attached, distinctly marked with the number of the room. The occupants of each room shall also, at the close of each term, leave with the Steward a list of the furniture and goods left in the room, designating the owner of each object. GENERAL DUTIES. 40. Students are expected fully to co-operate with the Faculty in securing the objects for which the Institution was established. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 41. On the Sabbath, the students shall attend the public religious services held at the College, and during hours not necessarily otherwise occupied, shall remain quietly in their rooms and engage in nothing inconsistent with the proper observance of the day. 42. No clubs or societies shall be formed in the College, for any purpose whatever, unless a statement of the design of such associations, with the rules by which they are desirous of being governed, and their hours of meeting, be previously submitted to the Faculty, and their approval be obtained; and such associations shall, at all times, be subject to the direction of the Faculty. 43. Students passing through gates, gaps, or fences about the premises, are required to close them, unless otherwise directed. 44. No student will be permitted to interrupt or interfere with the labor of fellow-students, or other persons employed on the premises, or to visit them while at their labor. ' 45. Students are expected to refrain from general conver- sation while at work. 46. At the expiration of their hours ot labor, the students are required to return the tools and implements used by them, to the proper places, and in good condition. 47. Students are prohibited from mutilating, in any way, the public grounds, plucking the flowers, fruits or vegetables, walking on the grounds 60 as to mar them, throwing any litter from the windows of the College buildings, or in any way rendering the grounds or the surroundings of the build- ings other than neat and agreeable. 48. Damages done to a room, or to any part of the build- ings or premises, shall be repaired, whatever the expense may be, and such expense charged to the person to whom it is fairly assignable; or if done to a room, angl the person be not known, it shall be charged on all the persons occupying that room, unless it shall appear that the damage was not occasioned by their fault or carelessness. Damage done to AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. T any of the premises, when the authors are unknown, shall be assessed by the Faculty equally on all the students. 49. The use of camphene or other explosive material, for lights, will not be permitted. 50. Fire-arms are not permitted to be kept or used upon the College premises, except as under the direction of the Faculty. 51. No student will be permitted to be examined in any study, with his class, unless he shall have recited with the class, in that study, one-third at least of the time. 52. Students in Analytical Chemistry are required to de- posit with the Secretary of the College, $12, for Chemicals, in advance. Any unexpended portion of this deposit will be returned to the student at the close of the study. MORAL DUTIES. # 53. The ordinary rules of morality will, at all times, be considered binding upon the students. 54. Violations or disregard of the Rules of the College, or countenancing the same on the part of others, will subject the offender to reprimand, suspension, dismission or expul- sion, as the Faculty may determine. 55. If any student shall associate with vicious company, or persons suspended or expelled from College; or shall play at dice, cards, billiards, back-gammon, or any other game of chance or skill; or shall be guilty of contention, falsehood, in- temperance, injustice, protaneness, or any other species of immorality, he shall be punished according to the aggrava- tion of the offence. 56. The students shall neither bring nor use upon the pre- mises any spirituous or intoxicating liquors. 8 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 57. All students are strictly prohibited from visiting any- drinking or gaming saloon. 58. The use of tobacco and other narcotics, being disap- proved of, under all circumstances, is forbidden in or near any of the College buildings. STANDING OF STUDENTS. 59. At the close of each half year the average standing of each student, in each of his regular exercises, together with his general deportment, and all his absences designated as excused or unexcused, shall be entered on the records of the Faculty. 60. A statement of the student's standing shall be trans- mitted to his parent or guardian at the end of each half year, designating his average scholarship, attendance, and his general deportment, severally, as excellent, very good, good, indifferent or poor. / 3 0112 1058191 60