f- M-S G '• -j / \ ANNUAL REPORT OF THE District Nurse Committee OF THE Women’s Friend Society of Salem FOR THE YEAR 1908 VAi UBM OF THE APR 22 1926 UNIVERSITY OF SUmOIS The committee in charge of the work of the District Nurse pre- sents its annual report and the volunteer collectors are now soliciting the yearly subscriptions which enable the work to be carried on. W e know that there are many calls upon the charitably disposed people of Salem, but it must be urged that the work of the district nurse has proved practicably indispensible in this community, while its scope is so far reaching that it cannot fail to appeal to everyone. It may be of interest here to give in outline the work of the nurse'” for a single day. At 8 A. M. she starts on her rounds of duty, going to the Bu- reau, 1 2 Elm Street, for messages and supplies, stopping on the way to dress a bad accident case, then to an urgent call on Tremont Street, near the Peabody line, and then to keep an appointment at 9.30 to assist at an operation on Pingree Street near the Naumkeag Mills ; after that to Phelps Street for half an hour and, before lunch, a pa- tient on Summer Street must be bathed and made comfortable. The afternoon calls cover cases on Bridge Street, Highland Avenue, Derby and Boston Streets. Frequently the nurse must go twice over the same ground, when messages come in after the morning hours. This itinerary will give a very good idea of the regular work of the nurse. A permanent “ District Nurse Fund,” placed in the hands of the chartered “ Women’s Friend Society” is very much desired and a start for this end has already been made. Such a fund, ultimately, should not be less than $23,000, in order to insure the best results, and, even then, with the growth of the city and the increasing de- mands from the sick and injured, an annual subscription list quite likely will still be required to augment the income. The committee asks — can you not, this year, give something to the fund in addition to your annual subscription ? Many of the patients are absolutely without the thousand and *>ne things needed in time of sickness or in case of accident. For such occasions supplies of all sorts are kept at the Bureau, which are given or lent to the patients, as circumstances demand. This so-called “ loan closet ” is replenished through the kindness of friends and suitable con- tributions are always welcome; just at present, old linen is much needed. To those who have given supplies this year, the committee extends its thanks. ELIZABETH R. ROBINSON, Chairman of Committee. O* CD Report of the nurse: — Total number of calls made, 1547 Number of patients regularly attended, 92 Medical cases, 46 Surgical cases, 27 Obstetrical cases, 1 9 L. MAUDE BOWIE, District Nurse. < * ki r* COMMITTEE. MRS. WILLIAM O. CHAPMAN MRS. EDWARD L. PIERSON MRS. JULIAN D’ESTE MISS S. E. CHAMBERLAIN MRS. ARTHUR W. WEST MRS. GEORGE H. SHATTUCK MISS EDITH RANTOUL MRS. JOHN ROBINSON, Chairman * /