016,331805 AinOt ! P The person charging this material is re¬ sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN L161—0-1096 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY URBANA-CHAMPAIGN STACKS m "’Sill Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/laborpressofficiOOamer JANUARY 1913 .ABOR PRESS AND OFFICIAL JOURNALS lECEIVED AT HEADQUARTERS OF AMERICAN F DERATION OF LABOR 801-809 G Street IVortHwest, WASHINGTON, D. C. SAMUEL GOMPERS. PRESIDENT Frank Morrison, secretary AM A, rmingham—Labor Advocate, Room 450. Hood Building. ^ ^ ,bile—Labor Journal, 60 N. ater st. if* VNSAS. e Bluff— Union Advocate, P. -agould—The Arkansas o.- I tie Rock—Union Labor Bulletin, 31o Scott street. • ( 't Smith—Union Sentinel. VI srORNIA. ■ Kersfield—Union Labor Journal, First Bank Building. , oreka—The Labor News, d 38 2d st. I ‘Visno—Labor News, 1139 I ■ >s Angeles—The Citizen, 203 Ne^\ High street. ^ i-i 9 ^‘ikland— Tri-City Labor Review, lol- ramento—The Tribune, LabOT Temple ^■1 Diego—The Labor Leader, P.O.Box 41 1 CALIFORNIA—Continued. San Jose—The Union, 173 West S Clara street. San Francisco—Labor Clarion, 316 14 1122 Mission San Mateo—Labor Index, 316 B s •Stockton—News Advocate, 25-26 Block. COLORADO. Colorado Spring-s—Labor News lU Nevada avenue. Denver—United Labor Bulletin I Box 759. CONNECTICUT. Hartford—Labor Standard, 284 As' street. DELAWARE. Wilmington—Labor Herald, 415 ley street. DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. Washington—The Trades Unionist Fifth street northwest. FLORIDA. Miami—Labor Journal, 511 12th str( Tampa—II International, Box 183. City Station. GEORGIA. Atlanta—Journal of Labor, 406 Av Building. Savannah—Labor Herald, 107 E. Ba ILLINOIS. Aurora—The Fox River Leader North La Salle street. Bloomington—The Trades Review. Chicago—The Union Leader, 631-633 l Bldg., 127 No. Dearborn street Life and Labor, 127 No. Dea street. Danville—Danville Record, 103 No. million street. Decatur—Labor World, 255 No. i street. Galesburg—Labor News, 171 E. Si street. 9 . w • I ILLIOXIS—Continued, Kewanee—Labor Herald 103 Peoria—Peoria Labor Gazette, . Adams street. Quincy~The Labor Advocate, Hampshire street. Rock Island—Tri-City Weekly Labor Home But Third st. 225 North 5011/_, Tradesman, 409 Syca- Springrfjeld—The Illinois 401 Mej^er Bldg. AD I AN A. E\ ansville—The Advocate more street. Fort A^ayne—The Labor Times-Herald T Saengerbund Building- ’ Indianapolis—The Union, 119 W Aid c;! TK-u-i.- Fifth street. Hun- ared and Nineteenth street 3WA. Independent, 810 Storv st edar Rapids—The Tribune, 10-16 Severs Da\enport—Trinity Labor Advocate, Last Third street. Lvons‘’"^’"n,H°''TH'^‘^®''- Sixth st ^^yons Iri-City Labor Voice Box 9fi S oux^ P- O BOX 2. °“U‘iUpq-fTh%t'ie"et." ^ S A. 3 • V-ichita The Wichita American. 122 So Lawrence Ave , entucky. Louisville—New Era, 130 Third avenup OUISiIxa! ''' G'-een «t; » L^bor Journal, 535 Poydras st. Bangor Maine Labor Advocate. 3 » 3IARYLAXD. Baltimore—Labor Leader, Baltimore and North streets. Building- Trades Journal, 11 East Lexington street. Baltimore Trades Unionist, 102 E. Lex¬ ington street. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston—The Wage Earner, 15 School street. Progressive Workingman, 152 Pur¬ chase street. Holyoke—The Artisan, 189 High street. Worcester—The Labor News, 48 South- bridge street. MICHIGAN. Bay City—The Industrial Herald, 309 Ninth street. Grand Rapids—The Observer, 17 Canal st. Jackson—Square Deal, Jackson and Main streets. Kalamazoo—Kalamazoo Advocate, 230 No. Burdick street. MINNESOTA. Duluth—Labor World, 610 Manhattan Building. Minneapolis—Labor Review, 67 So. 4 th street. St. Paul—Union Advocate, 141 E. 5th st. MISSOURI. Joplin—Missouri Trades Unionist, 821 West Fourth street. Kansas City—The Labor Herald, 408 Admiral boulevard. Kansas City Federationist, 513 Ridge Building. Sedalia—The Liberator, 313 S. Lamine st. Springfield—The Springfield American, 141 Public Square. St. Joseph—St. Joseph Union, lisy 2 8th st St. Louis—Printing Trades Magazine, 319 Olive street. MONTANA. Butte—The Free Lance. Great Falls—The Labor News, Court Bldg 4 NEBRASKA. Lincoln—Will Maupin’s Weekly. Omaha—Western Laborer, 502 Barker Block. NEW JERSEY. Jersey City—Hudson County Labor Re¬ view, P. O. Box 306, Hoboken. Labor Wo'id, 89 Montgomery street. Newark—Union Labor Bulletin, 866 So. 19th street. Orange—American Labor Standard, 252 Main st. Trenton—Trades Union Advocate, Room 6, Ribsam Building. NEW YORK. Albany—Official Record, 158 Colonie st. Auburn—Labor Weekly, 85 Genesee street. Jamestown:—Union Advocate,310 Pine st Newburgh—Orange County Workman, 75 Henry Avenue,* Rochester—Labor Journal, 32 South ave. Schenectady—The Schenectady Leader, 525 State street. Syracuse—The Industrial Weekly, 28 Monroe Block. Troy—Legislative Labor News, 401 River street. Yonkers—The Yonkers Workman, 63-65 Main street. NORTH DAKOTA. Fargo—North Dakota Advocate, Box 242. OHIO. Akron—The People, 21 S. Main street. Canton—The Union Reporter, 306 East 10 th street. Cincinnati—The Chronicle, 1311 Walnut st. Trades Union Journal, 16 E. Court st. Cleveland—The Cleveland Citizen, 310 Champlain avenue. Cleveland Federationist, 716 Vincent Avenue. Dayton—Dayton Labor Journal, 302 East 5th street. Hamilton—Butler County Press, 326 Market street. Springfield — The Tribune, Room 1, Johnson Building. 5 Toledo—Toledo ir^nion Leader, Central Labor Union Hall. Youngstown—Labor Record, 211 K. of C. Building. Zanesville—Labor Journal, Sixth and South streets. 0KL.AH03IA. Oklahoma City—Oklahoma Labor Unit, Room 1023 Building. State National Bank OREGON. Portland—Portland Labor Press, Goodnough Bldg. 219 PEN N S YL V A NI A. Allentown—Union Gazette, Sixth and Walnut streets. Easton—Easton Journal, 234 Church st. Erie—Union Labor Journal, 18 W. 12th. Harrisburg—United Labor Journal, 1272 Market st. Lancaster—Labor Leader, 38 Market st. Philadelnhia—Trade Union News, 619 Filbert street. Pittsburg—Iron City Trades Journal, Union Labor Temple. National Labor Tribune, 504 Lewis Block. Pittston—Industrial Advocate. Reading—Labor Advocate, 436 W'ash- ington street. TEXXESSEE. ChattaTiooga—Central Labor Journal, 116 B street. Nashville—Labor Advocate, 33514 Third avenue north. TEXAS. Austin—The Forum, 206 West Sixth st. Dallas—The Laborer, 170414 Commerce street. Denison—Industrial Record, Security Building. El Paso—Texas Union, 414 Texas st. Fort AYorth—Union Banner, Second and Throckmorton streets. Texas Railway Journal, Dundee Bid. Galveston—Galveston Labor Herald, 206 Tremont street. 6 Houston—The Houston Labor Journal,. Western Newspaper Union Bldg. Texas Carpenter, 1111 Franklin ave. Palestine—Labor Journal, Cor. Ave. A and Oak street. Port Arthur—Jefferson County Unionist. San Antonio—The Weekly Dispatch, 114% South Alamo street. Waco—The Union Standard, 110 So. 6th street. VIRGINIA. Bichmond—Virginia State Federation of T.abor Journal, 308 Foster Bldg. Roanoke—Industrial Era, P. O. Box 596. WASHINGTON. Bellingham—Bellingham Journal, 209 Chestnut street. < Everett—The Labor Journal, Labor Temple. Seattle—Union Record, Labor Temple. Spokane—The Labor World, 311 Sprague avenue. Tacoma—Labor Advocate, 721 Commerce ' street. Walla Walla—Garden City Monitor, 15% E. Main street. WEST VIRGINIA. Wheelins:—The Wheeling Majority, 15th street near Main street. WISCONSIN. .Janesville — The Inaependent, 119 Dodge street. WYOMING. Cheyenne—Labor Journal, 1618 Central avenue. PORTO RICO. Mayaguez—Union Obrera. San Juan—Workingmen’s Journal. CANADA. 4LBERTA. Calgary—Alberta Federationist, Room 1, Labor Hall. Lethbridge—Southern Alberta Labor Bul¬ letin, Labor Hall, Glyn street. 7 BRITISH COTirMBlA Vancouver—The B. C. Federationist, Room 210 Babor Temple. MANITOBA . Winnipe.g-—The V^oice, P. O. Drawer 3088. NEW BRUNSAVICK. Moncton—Eastern Labor News, '779 Main si reet. NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Regina—Saskatchewan Labor's Realm, Box 1050. ONT.4RIO. Toronto—The Lance, 21 Lombard st. Industrial Banner, Labor Temple, Church Street. Hamilton—Labor News, 39 Charles street. UNION UYBEL press. The Women s lyabel League Journal— Jamestown, N. Y. Union Label Bulletin—P. O. Box 1017 Pt. Collins. Colo. JOURNALS OF FARMERS’ ORGANIZA¬ TIONS. Co-Operators’ Guide—Indianapolis, Ind Mississippi Union Advocate— 202 Vn South State st., Jackson, Miss Farmers’ Union Sun— 1341 Main street, Columbia, S. C. OFFICIAL ORGANS OF INTERNA¬ TIONAL UNIONS. A American Federationist— 801-809 G St. nw., Washington, D. C. American Pressman—Rogersville, Tenn. American Flint, The—Rooms 928-32 Ohio Building, Toledo, Ohio. B Bakers’ Journal — 212 Bush Temple, Chicago, Ill Barbers’ Journal — 222 Fast Michigan street, Indian¬ apolis. Tnd. 8 Blacksmiths’ Journal— 560-585 Monon Bldg’., Chicago, Ill. Boilermakers’ Journal— Room 3,Law Bldg., Kansas City. Kan. Bookbinders’ International Journal— 222 East Michigan street, Indian¬ apolis, Ind. Brauer Zeitung— 2437 Vine street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bricklayer and Mason— Odd Fellow Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Brick, Tile, and Terra Cotta Workers’ Journal—2341 W. 12th street, Chi- •cago. Ill. Bridgemen’s Magazine— American Central Life Building, In- *dianapoli«, Ind. Buchdrucker Zeitung— Rooms 640-50. Newton Claypool •Building, Indianapolis, Ind. C The Carpenter— Carpenters’ Bldg., Indianapolis,, Ind. Cigarmakers’ Journal— 440 So. Dearborn street, Chicago, Ill. Commercial Telegraphers Journal— 930 Monon Buildinsr, 324 Dearborn street. Chicago, Ill. Cooners’ Journal— Bishop Bldg., Kansas City, Kan. E Electrical Worker— Pierik Bldg., Springfield, Ill. Elevator Constructor— Perry Bldg., 16th and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, Pa. G Garment Workers’ United Weekly Bulletin— 116-117 Bible House, New York, N. Y. Glass Worker— 118 E. 28th St., New York. N. Y. Glove Workers’ Monthly Bulletin— 506 Bush Temple of Music, Chicago. Granite Cutters’ Journal— Hancock Building, Quincy, Mass. H Horseshoers’ Journal— a 9 605 Second National Bank Building’, Cincinnati, Ohio. I Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers’ Amal¬ gamated Journal— 501 House Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. L. Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Journal— 32 Union Square, New York City. The Lather— 401 Superior Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Leather ^Vorkers’ Journal— 504 Postal Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Locomotive Engineers’ Journal— 1124 B. of L. E. Bldg., Cleveland, O. Locomotive Firemen’s Journal— Commercial Club Building, Indian¬ apolis, Ind. Longshoreman—18 W. 12th st., Erie, Pa. M Machinists Journal— 400 McGill Bldg.. Washington, D. C. Maintenance of Way Employes’ Ad¬ vance Advocate— 3900 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. Marble Worker— 406 East 149th street New York, N. Y. Master. Mate and Pilot— SO Broad^ st.. New York, N. Y. Metal Polishers’ Journal— 409 Neave Bldg., Cincinnati. Ohio. Metal Workers’ (Amalgamated Sheet) Journal— 407 Nelson Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Mine Workers’ Journal— 1116 State Life Building, Indian¬ apolis, Ind. Miners’ Magazine— 605 Railroad Bldg., Denver, Colo. Mixer and Server— Commercial-Tribune Bldg., Cincin¬ nati, Ohio. Molders’ .Journal— Box 699, Cincinnati, Ohio. Motorman and Conductor— 45 Hodges Block, Detroit, Mich. 10 Musicians’ International Journal— 3535 Pine street, St. Louis, Mo. P Painter and Decorator— Drawer .99, Lafayette, Ind. Paper Makers’ Journal— 44 Bensen Bldg., Albany, N. Y. Patternmakers’ Journal— 1008 Second National Bank Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Photo Engraver, The American— 6111 Bishop street, Chicago, Ill. Piano and Organ Workers’ Journal— 1037 Greenwood terrace, Chicago, Ill. 13. s 1 0 r* 0 r 2909 Wylie avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Player, The— 1553 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Plate Printer— 612 F St. nw., Washington, D. C P —Continued, Plumbers Journal— 401-406 Bush Temple of Music, Chi¬ cago, Ill. Postal Record-r- 945 Penn, ave., Washington, D. C. Potters’ Herald— West Sixth st.. East Liverpool, Ohio. a Quarry Workers’ .Journal— Scampini Building, Barre, Vt. R Railway Carmen’s Journal— n05 Hall Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Railroad Clerk—Kansas City Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Railway Conductor—Cedar Rapids, la. Railroad Telegrapher— Star Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Railroad Trainmen's Journal— 1207 American Trust Bldg., Cleve¬ land, Ohio. Railroad Freight Handlers’ Journal— 824 West Harrison st., Chicago, Ill. RetaiP^lerks’ International Advocate— Emsyig Bldg., Lafayette, Ind. S Seamen’s Journal, Coast— 11 Franci. Shingle Weaver— Sh..s.ferj2„st Steam^Eng-inee?—Nel Steam“s’hovef''a?d'^fi^e^ge°^'^"’ N- -S Pennfylvania'' FWladelpl. Stone Cutters’ Journal— ' Stovp^^Q^^ Indianapolis Y ers’ jfurS—Pattern Wo- Swl^chVen^ff^l^r?.!!!-^-’ 326 Irisl ane Building, Buffalo, N. ^ The Tailor— ^ Bldg.. Bloomington 1 * The T^^^sters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen’a Helpers Magazine, 222 East K’> TiT^ Indianopolis, Ini Tile Layers and Helpers’ Journal— 12 Federal' street N: S., Pii burgh. Pa. ’ Tol^cco Workers’ Journal_ B(mms 50-53. American Nation Louisville, Ky. Trav^lerSnG^ds and Novelty Worke 191 Boyd street, Oshkosh, Wis Typographical Journal— ’ R(mms 640-50 Newton Clayi. Building, Indianapolis, Ind. . Union Postal Clerk_ 219 South Dearborn st., Chicago W ’ Wood Carver— lO^arlisle street, Roxbury, Bostf). '4t 12 X\ V UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112110712533 J