THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY G'S-GA 19 6- . >O A6RICUL1URAL LIBRARV 85 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN No. 205 THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS BY EDNA MOSHEB URBANA, ILLINOIS, MARCH, 1918 FOREWORD Dr. Mosher's monograph of the grasses of Illinois represents a type of work that is needed for every natural or economic group of Illinois plants. It is not a compilation or a perfunctory systematic account of plants known or thought to occur in Illinois; but it is based on personal examination of scattered earlier records and a critical veri- fication of the meaning of the entries in them where specimens exist for such verification. The thoroness with which all available mate- rials have been scanned is evident from the fact that of the two hun- dred and four species admitted by Dr.-Mosher over one-fifth are now recorded for the first tijne as occurring in Illinois. That the nomen- clature of the paper does not entirely conform to that of the latest general floras marks an added point of excellence, for it rests on the later and maturer judgment of Mrs. Agnes Chase (whose large per- sonal herbarium was presented to the University several years ago) and Professor A. S. Hitchcock, who are admittedly the American au- thorities on grasses today, and whose aid has been given freely as the study progressed. William Trelease Urbana, March 20, 1918 CONTENTS OF BULLETIN No. 205 PAGE INTRODUCTION 2(51 THE STRUCTURE OP GRASSES 264 KEY TO THE GENERA OF ILLINOIS GRASSES 269 DESCRIPTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ILLINOIS GRASSES 275 BIBLIOGRAPHY 419 INDEX TO SCIENTIFIC NAMES 420 INDEX TO COMMON NAMES . . . 423 THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS BY EDNA MOSHER 1 INTRODUCTION According to the earlier botanists who studied the flora of Illinois, about two hundred species of plants were found on the original prairie and more than half of these were grasses. The grasses were probably the most characteristic plants of the prairie, the shorter and less con- spicuous species forming a dense sod; the taller species usually forming large clumps from three to six feet tall, which were visible for a considerable distance. The original prairie is fast disappearing from the state of Illinois, and with it many of the species of grasses once included in its flora. The majority of the species which were abundant there are still found within the state, altho some of them are extremely rare. A number of the species have not been collected in Illinois in recent years and may not occur in the state at the present time. The grasses, however, still remain a prominent feature of the landscape, as anyone who has seen our great cornfields will testify. From an economic standpoint they are the most important plants of Illinois today, as the cultivated grasses called grains form a large per- centage of the crops of the state. In addition there are the cultivated grasses of our pastures and meadows, many of which are introduced species, and all of which add to the wealth of the state. There are also many species of grasses that are weeds in lawns and cultivated fields, but the extent of their damage never has been, and probably never will be, correctly estimated. The known species of grasses of the state have been listed by a number of authors, but the only paper devoted entirely to them was published by I. A. Lapham in 1857. Since then the number of species known to the state has increased nearly fifty percent. Some of these have been included in lists published since that time, but there are forty-three species which have not been listed before as occurring in the state. Some of these species have been introduced from Europe and Asia. Altogether two hundred and four species, representing sixty-three genera, have been listed in this publication. work was begun as a second minor under the direction of Professor William Trelease of the Department of Botany while the writer was working for the degree of doctor of philosophy in the University of Illinois. Professor Tre- lease urged the completion and publication of the work and has given every aid and encouragement during its progress. Mrs. Agnes Chase has also given valuable assistance, especially as regards questions of synonymy. 261 262 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, It has been the aim in this investigation to libt all species of grasses which are known to have been collected in the state. Practically all specimens cited here have been seen by the author, and considerable pains have been taken to verify the determinations of the earlier botan- ists whose lists are cited in the bibliography. In the preparation of this publication the grasses*in the following herbaria have been studied : University of Illinois Herbarium. The collections in this herbarium have furnished the basis for the work. This herbarium includes partial collections of the earlier botanists Hall, Wolf, Vasey, M. S. Bebb, Mead, and Lapham, with the entire collections of Brendel, Schneck, Hill, Welsch, and Andrews. The collections of Dr. Welsch were not dated, but are known to have been made between 1862 and 1871. Mrs. Agnes Chase has presented a set of duplicates of her Illinois collections to the University, in addition to many other specimens. There are also du- plicates of most of the species collected by Mr. V. H. Chase of Wady Petra, Illinois, which form an important -part of the collection. With a very few exceptions the collections not mentioned in connection with other herbaria 'belong to the University of Illinois. United States National Herbarium. It was impossible during a brief visit to this herbarium to list all the Illinois specimens there, but only a few of the commoner species were omitted. All the specimens cited as collected by Skeels, Wilcox, and Hill are from this herbarium. There are duplicates of some of these in the Field Museum. Field Museum Herbarium. This herbarium contains a large num- ber of Illinois specimens, and includes the herbarium of H. N. Pat- terson of Oquawka, besides smaller collections made by Sherff, De Selm, and others. Northwestern University Herbarium. The entire collection of H. H. Babcock belongs to this herbarium, together with specimens col- lected by Umbach, Shipman, and Smith. Mr. Charles Robertson of Carlinville, Mr. Hallock Shearer of Mt. Carmel, Dr. H. S. Pepoon of Chicago, and Dr. Gr. H. French of Car- bondale very kindly loaned Illinois specimens for examination, which have aided materially in this work. Some of the species furnished were not found in any of the herbaria examined. This work would be quite incomplete without an expression of appreciation for the uniform kindness and many courtesies extended by the curators of these various herbaria. Special thanks are also due Professor William Trelcase and Mrs. Agnes Chase for help in the solu- tion of many puzzling problems. The accompanying illustrations are all made from original drawings and are designed to show the most typical structure or structures of each species so that its identification will be as easy as possible. Spike- 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 263 lets in the same genus have been drawn, in nearly all cases, to the same scale ; hence their relative size will be apparent from the figures. The genera are arranged as in Gray's Manual, but the species under each genus are arranged alphabetically. The nomenclature fol- lows the American code. The bibliography includes only those works in which the grasses of the state are mentioned. For general information on grasses the reader is referred to "A Text-book of Grasses" by A. S. Hitchcock (Macmillan, 1914), which also contains an excellent bibliography. A recent publication of the Nebraska Experiment Station, "A Handbook of Nebraska Grasses," Bulletin 148, also contains a very complete bibliography. The discussion of each species contains references to the articles or books cited in the bibliography. Thus, under SorgJiastrum nut cms (page 280), are given the synonyms to which the species was referred by earlier writers. " Andropogon avenaceum, Michaux '03, 58," then, refers us to "Flora Boreali- Americana, " page 58, where this species was listed as Andropogon avenaceum. 264 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, THE STRUCTURE OF GRASSES Grasses belong to the family Poaceae, or Gramineae, which includes between three and four hundred genera. Sixty-three genera, exclusive of the cultivated grasses called grains, are found in Illinois. These genera include the two hundred and four species known to occur in the state. There are few plants likely to be mistaken for grasses. The sedges resemble them most but are easily distinguished by their three-ranked leaves and solid stems (Fig. 2). Grasses have two-ranked leaves and usually hollow stems (except in Maydeae and Andropogoneae, of which Tripsacum and Andropogon are typical genera) (Fig. 1). According to their length of life, grasses are classed as follows: Annual Grasses. Many species of grasses live but one year. The seeds of the preceding year germinate in spring or early summer and ripen seed in the summer and fall. Common crab grass, Syntnerisma sanguinalis, old witch grass, Panicum capillare, and Indian corn, Zea mays, are well known examples of annual grasses. Figs. 1-4. 1, Portion of grass culm showing 2-ranked leaves; 2, Portion of sedge culm showing 3-ranked leaves; 3, Portion of grass plant showing fibrous roots; 4, Portion of grass plant showing rootstocks Winter Annuals. In our latitude the seeds of certain annual grasses may germinate in the fall and live over winter in small tufts, sending up their flower stalks in early spring. These are known as winter annuals. Low spear grass, Poa annua, little barley, Hordeum pusillum, and the varieties of winter wheat are common examples of winter annuals. Perennial Grasses. These grasses are propagated both by seeds and by rootstocks. There are two types of perennial grasses in Illi- nois. In one (Fig. 3), the stem dies back to the base each winter and 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 265 a new shoot comes up the next spring from a bud formed within the old sheath. These grasses have fibrous roots and form bunches or tufts, and for that reason are often called bunch grasses. Timothy, PTileum pratense, and orchard grass, Dactylis glomerata, are common examples of this type. In the other type (Fig. 4), the stem dies back to the base, but there are. long, creeping rootstocks, or rhizomes, really underground stems, just below the surface of the soil, and the new shoots come from these. Such grasses usually form a compact sod, and hence many species are valuable for lawn grasses, as Kentucky blue grass, Poo, pratensis. Other common grasses with creeping rootstocks are redtop, Agrostis alba, and couch grass, Agropyron repens. Be- sides these we have a single species of bamboo, the cane Arundinaria macrosperma, with woody, perennial culms. THE GRASS PLANT The grass plant consists of root, stem, and leaves. The last two of these are modified to form the inflorescence. Root. The grass plant has slender, fibrous roots which are usually very numerous at the base of the plant (Fig. 3). In the corn plant and occasionally in other grasses, roots are developed from the lower nodes and act as prop, or brace roots (Fig. 5a). Stem. The stem of the grass plant is called a culm. In all but very young plants the culm is usually hollow except at the more or less swollen nodes (Fig. 6a). In maize and sorghum the stems are filled with pith. The parts of the culm between the nodes are called internodes (Fig. 6b). The culms are nearly always cylindrical, as in the corn stalk (Fig. 7), but they may be flattened, as in Canada blue grass, Poa compressa (Fig. 8). They are never three-angled, as in the sedges. Leaf. The leaves are borne at the nodes and consist of two parts, the sheath and the blade. The sheath (Figs. 7a and 9a) is wrapped a Figs. 5-11. 5, Lower portion of grass culm with brace roots; 6, Culm split to show (a) the solid node, (b) the internode; 7, Cylindrical culm; 8, Flattened culm; 9, Portion of leaf showing (a) sheath, (b) blade, (c) ligule; 10, Ligule a ring of hairs; 11, Ligule membranous, fringed with hairs 266 BULLETIN No. .205 [March, round the culm above the node; the blade (Figs. 7b and 9b) is the flat portion -which extends free from the stalk and is often called the leaf. On the inner side of the joining of the blade and sheath is an appendage called the ligule (Fig. 9c). This is usually thin and mem- branous (Fig. 9c) but sometimes consists of a row of fine hairs (Fig. lOc), or it may be a thin membrane fringed with hairs (Fig. lie). The edges of the sheath are grown together in most species of Bromus and Festuca, and in some other genera. Sometimes the sheaths become very much inflated and inclose the inflorescence, as in Andro- pogon virginicus (Fig. 24). Some species of water grasses have in- flated sheaths which act as floats, as in Paspalum repens (Fig. 36). The blades are usually linear and very much longer than they are wide (Fig. 37), but in Panicum boscii (Fig. 91) and some other species, the blades are quite broad as compared with the length. The blade has a strong midrib and several nerves, or veins, on each side, which are parallel to the midrib except in the broad-leaved species. There are short appendages called auricles at the base of the blade in sqme grasses. These are prominent on the leaves of wheat and barley. They are also found in Hordeum and Agropyron, and other genera closely related to these. THE INFLORESCENCE, OR FLOWER CLUSTER The flowers of grasses are small and inconspicuous but are closely grouped together and borne on shoots that are easily distinguished from the leaves. The various bracts which make up the flower are modified leaves. In some species of grasses the perfect flowers, from which the seeds are formed, are hidden by the sheaths, as in the case of some species of Panicum and in certain other genera. There are three common forms of inflorescence the spike, the raceme, and the panicle. The inflorescence is made up of spikelets, 12 Figs. 12-lfi. 12, Spike; 13, Kae.eme; 14, Panicle; 15, Spikelet, (a) first glume, (b) second glume, (c) lemm:i, (d) palea; 1(5, Spikelet. opened to show (a) pistil, (b) stamens 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 267 which are single flowers or groups of flowers subtended by a pair of bracts (Figs. 15a and b) called glumes. The Spike. The spike has a long, unbranched axis, with the spike- lets sessile, or without stalks (Fig. 12). Wheat, Triticum vulgar e, and couch grass, Agropyron repens, are common examples of this type. The Raceme. This type of inflorescence (Fig. 13) differs from the spike in having stalked, or p'ediceled spikelets. A typical example is the simple form of meadow fescue, Festuca elatior. Often the pedicels of the spikelets are very short and the inflorescence has the general appearance of a spike and is called a spike-like raceme. Syntherisma (Fig. 29), Paspalum (Fig. 37), and Andropogon (Fig. 21) are exam- ples of spik"e-like racemes. The Panicle. In the panicle (Fig. 14) the main axis of the inflo- rescence is branched and rebranched, and the spikelets are pediceled. The common oat, Avena sativa, and Kentucky blue grass, Poa pra- tensis, are good examples of this type of inflorescence. Sometimes the branches of a panicle are so short that they are hidden by the spike- lets and the inflorescence appears to be a spike. Heleochloa schoenoides (Fig. 148) and canary grass, Phalaris arundinacea (Fig. 117), are familiar examples. The axis of an inflorescence is usually known as a rachis. In some grasses, as, for example, squirrel-tail grass, Hordeun jv.batum, the axis disjoints at the nodes at maturity. A perfect flower contains both stamens and pistils. Most grasses boar perfect flowers, but following are a few exceptions to the rule : Dioecious Plants. There are some species of grasses in which the pistillate spikelets are on one plant and the staminate on another. A few examples of this type of inflorescence are found among Illinois grasses. Eragrostis hypnoides is one of these, the lemmas of the pistil- late spikelets being slightly narrower and more pointed than those of the staminate spikelets. Monoecious Plants. In these plants the staminate and pistillate spikelets are on different parts of the same inflorescence, or on different parts of the plant. In wild rice, Zizania palustris (Fig. 107), the staminate flowers are on the lower branches of the panicle and the pistillate spikelets on the upper. Tripsacum dactyloides (Fig. 17) has the staminate spikelets at the end of the spikes and the pistillate spike- lets embedded in the basal portion. In the corn plant the ear is the pistillate inflorescence and is borne on a different part of the plant from the tassel, which is the staminate inflorescence. In Andropogon, Sorghastrum, and other genera closely related there are staminate, pistillate, or sometimes sterile spikelets, as well as perfect flowers in the same inflorescence. The first three types are often referred to merely as imperfect spikelets. These spikelets have a definite arrangement (Figs. 22 and 28). Sterile spikelets have neither stamens nor pistils and arc often very much reduced so that only the stalk, or pedicel, remains (Fig. 27). 268 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, THE SPIKELET The spikelet may consist of a single flower or of a number of flow- ers. As the classification of grasses is based primarily on the characters of the spikelet, it is essential to know something of its structure. The stalk of the spikelet is known as the pedicel. The spikelet con- sists of a short axis, called the rachilla, which bears one or more flow- ers. The rachilla may be jointed. to the pedicel either above or below the glumes. The Glumes. At the base of the spikelet are two empty bracts, which are called glumes. They are designated as the first, or outer glume (Fig. 15a), and th second, or inner glume (Fig. 15b). They are usually easily distinguished from the other parts of the spikelet by the difference in shape, texture, number of nerves, amount of hairs present, etc. Sometimes the first glume is very smalt, as in Syn- therisma sanguinalis (Fig. 32), or it may be wanting, as in the species of Paspalum (Fig. 41). Both glumes are absent in Homalocenchrus (Fig. 108). Sometimes the glumes are awned, as in Elymus canaden- sis (Fig. 280). The Lemmas. The lemmas are the bracts of the spikelet found within and above the glumes (Fig. 15c) . Their number varies with the number of flowers found in the spikelet. There is usually a flower at the base of each lemma; if the flower is sterile, the lemma is called a sterile lemma. The lemma often differs from the glumes in texture, being sometimes much thinner, and sometimes, as in Panicum, much hardened. It is often awned ( Fig. 147 ) ; the awns are sometimes spi- rally twisted or bent (Figs. 124 to 133). The Palea. The palea (Fig. 15d) together with the lemma serves to inclose the stamens and pistil. It is usually tAvo-nerved and like its lemma in texture. The Stamens. There are usually three stamens (Fig. 16b), but the number varies ^rom one to six. The Pistil. In our species there is a single pistil (Fig. 16a), which has a one-celled ovary, two styles (rarely one), and two feathery stigmas. The Fruit. The grass seed, so-called, is in reality a fruit (a caryopsis), the seed being inclosed in the ripened ovary. 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 269 KEY TO THE GENERA OF ILLINOIS GRASSES Inflorescence in a single terminal symmetrical (not one-sided) spike, the spike- lets 2- to several-flowered, sessile on the main axis, single or 2 or 3 at each joint (as in wheat, barley, or rye). b. Axis disjointing with spikelets attached; spikelets 3 together at each joint, the lateral ones sterile and reduced to awns (barley). 60. Hordeum bb. Axis not disjointing; spikelets 1 to 3 at each joint, all alike. c. Spikelets 2 or 3 at each joint of the axis; glumes in front of the spike- let, awl-shaped, not keeled. 61. Elymus cc. Spikelets 1 at each joint of the axis; glumes at the sides of the spikelets. d. Spikelets placed edgewise on the axis, the inner glume wanting except on the terminal spikelet. 58. Lolium dd. Spikelets placed flat against the axis. e. Glumes obsolete or rudimentary; spikelets horizontally spread- ing at maturity. 62. Hystrix ee. Glumes well developed; spikelets appressed to the axis. f . Glumes broadly ovate, abruptly awned or pointed, some- times toothed; plants annual (wheat). Triticum ff. Glumes lanceolate, or narrower, awned or awnless, not toothed. g. Lemmas prickly-hispid on the keel; glumes 1-nerved, narrow; plants annual (rye). Secale gg. Lemmas smooth on the keel; glumes several-nerved; plants perennial. 59. Agropyron Inflorescence a panicle, raceme, or aggregation of spikes; panicle may be open, as in oats, or contracted, as'in timothy; racemes usually appear like spikes, but some of the spikelets are pediceled, as Paspalum (Fig. 37), Andropogon (Fig. 23), and crab grass (Fig. 29); the spikes are one-sided and aggregate, as in Bermuda grass (Fig. 193). b. Fruit a bur with barbed spines. 12. Cenchrus bb. Fruit not a bur. c. Spikelets unisexual, the staminate and pistillate in different parts of the same inflorescence or in different inflorescences, d. Pistillate spikelets in ears in the axils of the leaves; staminate spikelets in a terminal tassel (corn). Zea dd. Pistillate and staminate spikelets in different parts of the same inflorescence. e. Inflorescence consisting of 1 to 4 stout spikes, the lower part thick and hard, readily disjointing, the pistillate spikelets embedded in the joints, the staminate spikelets in pairs along the narrow axis of the upper part. 1. Tripsacum ee. Inflorescence a large terminal panicle, the pistillate spikelets erect on the ascending upper branches of the panicle, the staminate pendulous on the spreading lower branches. 13. Zizania cc. Spikelets perfect ; or perfect and staminate, or sterile, arranged in pairs (unisexual in Eragrostis hypnoides, but the spikelets alike in appearance). d. Spikelets in pairs, one perfect and sessile, the other pediceled and staminate (rarely perfect) or sterile (apparently two pedi- celed spikelets in Holcus and Sorghastrum), on a jointed axis, readily disjointing with the spikelets attached; glumes hard- ened; spikelets dorsally compressed, the sessile spikelets awned. e. Inflorescence of slender racemes, these single or 2 or 3 to- gether, not panicled. 3. Andropogon ee. Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle. f . Panicle densely wooly, of slender, many-flowered racemes ; spikelets all perfect. 2. Erianthus 270 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, ff. Panicle not wooly, joints more or less short pubescent; racemes of 1 to 5 joints, pediceled spikelet staminate or reduced to the pedicel. g. Pediceled spikelets staminate; panicle open; awns deciduous. 5. Holcus gg. Pediceled spikelets reduced to a hairy pedicel; pani- cle narrow; awns persistent. 4. Sorghastrum dd. Spikelets not in pairs, or if so. the two alike; axis not disjointing, e. Spikelets sessile in 1 -sided spikes, these digitate or racemose on a common axis (as in Bermuda grass, Fig. 193). f. Spikes digitate (Fig. 201). g. Spikes slender; spikelets 1-flowered; plants peren- nial. 40. Capriola gg. Spikes stout; spikelets 3- or 4-flowered; plants annual. h. Eachis of spike prolonged into a point beyond the spikelets; lower lemmas awn -tipped. 43. Dactyloctenium hh. Rachis of spike not prolonged beyond the spike- lets; lemmas awnless. 44. Eleusine ff. Spikes racemose (Figs. 194, 195, 196). g. Spikes very slender; spikelets remote, closely ap- pressed; plants annual. 41. Schedonnqrdus gg. Spikes thick; spikelets densely imbricated. h. Plants robust, 4 to 6 feet tall; spikelets 1-flow- ered; first glume exceeding the floret, stiffly ciliate on the keel; spikelets falling entire. 39. Spartina hh. Plants not robust, not over 3 feet tall; spikelets with 1 perfect floret and 1 or 2 sterile lemmas; first glume shorter than the floret, persistent after the fall of the floret. 42. Bouteloua ee. Spikelets pediceled, in open (Fig. 118) or spike-like (Fig. 117) panicles, or in racemes (Fig. 29). f . Spikelets 1-flowered or with 1 perfect terminal floret and 1 or 2 sterile or staminate florets below it. g. Spikelets without staminate or rudimentary florets below the perfect one; spikelets laterally com- pressed, glumes keeled. h. Glumes wanting; spikelets strongly flattened, im- bricate on the slender branches of an open pan- icle; lemmas awnless. 14. Homalocenchrus hh. Glumes present, if minute the lemmas awned. i. Lemmas more or less indurate, at least firmer than the glumes, terete or subterete, not keeled. j. Lemma not sharp-pointed, strongly indu- rate; panicle branches spreading or drooping. 17. Milium jj. Lemma sharp-pointed or awned; panicle branches ascending or erect, k. Awn 3-parted; lemma with a sharp- pointed callus at base. 20. Aristida kk. Awn simple. 1. Awn 4 to 8 inches long, twisted and bent ; lemma with a needle- pointed callus. 19. Stipa 11. Awn not over 2 inches long; callus not sharp-pointed, m. Awn deciduous, bent; lem- ma broad, elliptical or ovate. 18. Oryzopsis THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 2?1 mm. Awn, if present, persistent ; lemmas lanceolate, n. Glumes minute or ob- solete ; rachilla pro- longed beyond the base of the palea; floret stipitate. 22. Brachyelytrum nn. Glumes usually at least half as long as the spikelet (minute in M. schreberi) ra- chilla not prolonged; floret not stipitate. 21. Muhleribergia ii. Lemmasnot indurate, at least not firmer than the glumes, or if somewhat firmer, strongly compressed and keeled. j. Panicle compact, cylindrical; spikelets strongly flattened and keeled, k. Spikelets about 1 cm. long; floret conspicuously hairy at base; robust perennial with stout, scaly root- stocks. 30. Ammopliila kk. Spikelets not over 4 mm. long; lem- ma not hairy at base; plants with- out rootstocks. 1. Panicle partly included in a broad subtending sheath ; glumes shorter than the lem- ma. 23. Heleochloa. 1!. Panicle not included in a sub- tending sheath; glumes not shorter than the lemma, m. Glumes abruptly aristate, stiffly ciliate on the keel ; lemmas awnless (timo- thy). 24. Phleum mm. Glumes not pointed nor cil- iate on the keel; lemma with a slender awn from the back. 25. Alopecurus jj. Panicle open or contracted; spikelets not strongly flattened, k. Floret conspicuously hairy at base. I. Lemma with a delicate dorsal awn ; rachilla prolonged be- yond the base of the palea. 29. Calamagrostis II. Lemma awnless; rachilla not prolonged. 28. Calamovilfa kk. Floret not hairy at base. I. Lemma shorter than the glumes; palea usually wanting. 27. Agrostis II. Lemma longer than the glumes or as long; palea present, m. Florets stipitate; lemma with a minute awn; pan- icle drooping. 31. Cinna 272 BULLETIN No. 205 " [March, mm. Florets not stipitate; lem- ma awnless; panicle not drooping. 26. Sporobolus gg. Spikelets with 1 or 2 staminate or rudimentary flor- ets below the perfect one (first glume wanting in Paspalum and in some species of Syntherisma, the sterile lemma simulating a second glume), h. Spikelets laterally compressed; glumes strongly keeled; sterile florets falling attached to the perfect floret. i. Plants grayish-velvety thruout; one floret he- low the perfect one, staminate; perfect floret with a hooked awn on the back. 32. Notholcits ii. plants glabrous thruout; two florets below the perfect one. j. Panicle open; lower florets staminate; plants fragrant. 16. Torresia jj. Panicle contracted or spike-like; lower florets reduced to minute scales. 15. Phalaris hh. Spikelets dorsally depressed ; glumes not keeled ; spikelets falling entire; fertile floret indurate, i. Spikelets subtended by 1 to several slender bristles, in a narrow spike-like panicle. 11. Chaetochloa ii. Spikelets not subtended by bristles. j. Spikelets subsessile along one side of a slender axis; first glume obsolete or minute. k. Kacemes subdigitate; fruit subin- durate with a flat, white, hyaline margin; spikelets compressed, bi- convex; annuals. 6. Syntherisma kk. Eacemes solitary or racemose; fruit indurate, the firm margin inrolled ; spikelets plano-convex; first glume obsolete; perennials. 8. Paspalum jj. Spikelets in open or compact panicles. k. Floret subindurate; margins of lem- ma hyaline, flat. 7. Leptoloma. kk. Floret strongly indurate; margins of lemma firm, inrolled, at least at base. 1. Sterile lemma awned or strong- ly mucronate; fruit pointed; spikelets short-pediceled in clusters; coarse annuals. 10. Echinocliloa 11. Sterile lemma awnless; fruit not pointed ; spikelets usually long-pediceled. 9. Panicum ff. Spikelets 2- to many-flowered ; sterile florets, if any, above the perfect ones (except in TJniola, Fig. 227). g. Glumes exceeding or equaling the florets (except in Sphenopholis and Koeleria; in these at lepst the second glume is usually longer than first floret), usually papery and shining, h. Spikelets at least 8 mm. long. i. Florets 2 to 4, awned from the back (awn rudimentary in cultivated oats). W1S] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 273 j. Panicle narrowly pyramidal; spikelets 8 to 10 mm. long, not pendulous. 37. Arrhenatherum jj. Panicle about as broad as long; spike- lets 2 cm. long or more, pendulous (oats). 36. Avena ii. Florets 7 to 12, awned from between the teeth of a bidentate apex. 38. Danthonia hh. Spikelets not over 5 min. long. i. Lemmas bearing delicate dorsal awns; panicle branches capillary, flexuous. 35. Descliampsia ii. Lemmas awnless, or obscurely awn-tipped, j. Glumes dissimilar, the second broadly wedge-shaped or obovate; spikelets falling entire. 33. Sphenopholis j,j. Glumes similar, acute, persistent after the fall of the florets. k 34. Koeleria gg. Glumes shorter than the lowest floret. h. Culms woody perennial; plants shrubby; blades narrowed into a short petiole above the sheath. . 63. Arundinaria hh. Culms herbaceous; plants not shrubby; blades sessile on the sheath. i. Plants usually 6 to 12 feet tall, the culms strong, reed-like, with stout, creeping root- stocks; panicle large, feathery at maturity. 46. Phragmites ii. Plants rarely 5 feet tall, the culms not reed- like; panicle not feathery, j. Lemmas 3-nerved. k. Spikelets short-pediceled along one side of a slender rachis, forming elongate racemes, these arranged in a rather open panicle. 45. Leptochloa kk. Spikelets not in 1-sided racemes. 1. Lemmas glabrous, not lobed; nerves not excurrent. 49. Eragrostis 11. Lemmas hairy on the nerves be- low, lobed at the apex; mid- nerve excurrent. m. Panicle usually large, spreading; lateral nerves of the lemmas excur- rent; palea not fringed. 47. Tridens mm. Panicle small, few-flow- ered; lateral nerves of the lemmas not excur- rent; palea conspicuously fringed. 48. Triplasis j.j. Lemmas 5- to many-nerved (the interme- diate obscure in Poa alsodes). k. Upper floret unlike the lower, folded together forming a club-shaped mass; spikelets pendulous, fall- ing entire. 50. Melica kk. Upper florets like the lower; spike- lets sometimes drooping, not pen- dulous. 274 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, . 1. Lemmas firm, somewhat hard- ened, faintly many-nerved, acuminate. m. Lower florets empty but like the upper in appear- ance; spikelets strongly flattened ; lemmas not pol- ished ; panicle drooping. 52. Uniola mm. Lower florets perfect; spikelets not flattened, florets turgid, polished; grain at maturity beaked, expanding the lemma and palea. 51. Diarina 11. Lemmas herbaceous, 5- to 9- nerved, the nerves usually , strong. m. Spikelets strongly flat- tened, densely crowded in 1-sided clusters at the ends of the stiff, naked panicle branches. 53. Dactylis mm. Spikelets not flattened, nor in 1-sided clusters, n. Lemmas keeled, and usually with a tuft of cobwebby, white hairs at base (blue- grass). 54. Poa nn. Lemmas not keeled, rounded on the back, not cobwebby at base. o. Lemmas obtuse, us- ually scarious at the tip ; nerves parallel, usually prominent. 55. Panicularia oo. Lemmas acute or awned ; nerves approaching at the apex. p. Lemmas not t o o t h e d , awned from the tip or a w n 1 e s s : spikelets not over 15 mm. long, usually less. 56. Festuca pp. Lemmas m i - nutely 2- toothed, us- ually awned from just below the apex ; spike- 1 e t s rarely less than 2 cm. long. 57. Bromus 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 275 DESCRIPTIONS AND DISTRIBUTION OF ILLINOIS GRASSES 1. TRIPSACUM L. This is a subtropical genus of which one species is found in southern Illinois. It includes tall, coarse perennials with creeping rootstocks. The inflorescence consists of solitary or clustered spikes borne at the ends of the culms or their branches. There are two kinds of spikelets in each spike, the pistillate spikelets borne singly, sunken in the thick- ened axis of the lower part, and the staminate in pairs on the slender upper part. The lower part of the axis is very hard and woody, and separates readily into joints. In each of these joints is embedded a pistillate spikelet, which has a very hard outer glume. The upper part of the stalk is slender, not woody, and does not separate into joints, but falls off entire. Tripsacum dactyloides L. Gama Grass. Sesame Grass (Fig. 17) Michaux '03, 60; Lapham '57, 548, 598; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 89. Entire plant smooth and glabrous ; culms 3 to 7 feet tall ; leaves 3 dm. or more long, 1 to 3.5 cm. wide ; ligule a fringe of hairs less than 1 mm. long; spikelets 8 mm. long. This is one of the largest grasses found in the state. It prefers moist soil in swamps or along ditches and streams. It is an excellent forage grass. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, southern Illinois, Vasey. CHRISTIAN CO., Taylorville, Andrews. HANCOCK CO. Without locality, Mead in 1843. MA- COUPIN CO. Macoupin, Robertson, July, 1884. MARION co. Without locality, M. S. Bcbb, 1860. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. WABASH co. Without locality Schneck, July, 1890; without locality, Shearer. 2. ERIANTHUS Michx. Wooly Beard Grass This genus is found in both temperate and tropical regions. The plants are tall, reed-like perennial grasses with thick, creeping root- stocks. One species is cultivated for ornament, and is commonly known as plume grass, wool grass, or hardy pampas grass. The inflorescence is a large, compact panicle clothed with long, silky hairs, which are borne on the panicle branches and in a tuft at the base of each spikelet. The spikelets are in pairs, one pediceled, the other sessile, but both are perfect, of equal size, and bear long awns. Erianthus divaricatus (L.) Hitchc. Spiral-awned Plume Grass (Figs. 18 and 19) Erianthus alopccuroides, Lapham '57, 548, 599; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 285. E. saccharoidcs, Brendel '87, 89. 276 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Culms 3 to 8 feet tall, with appressed hairs at the nodes and on the upper portion near the inflorescence; leaves long, one-half inch to one inch wide ; panicle loose, with soft, silky hairs. This grass was probably once found in the southern part of the state, but it is doubtful if it occurs in the state, at the present time. JACKSON co. Without locality, French, Sept., 1878. Erianthus contortus Baldwin. This species is described by Lap- ham among the plants of Illinois, but no citations are given. As it is not mentioned by any other author, and no specimens have been seen, it is extremely doubtful if it has ever been collected in Illinois. Figs. 17-19. 17, T. dactyloidcs, part of inflorescence: (a) pistillate spikelet, (b) and (c) staminate spikelets; 18, E. divaricatus, inflorescence; 19, E. divari- catus, pair of spikelets: (a) pediceled spikelet, (b) sessile spikelet 3. ANDROPOGON L. Beard Grass These grasses are tall, often coarse, tufted perennials, found in both temperate and tropical climates. The inflorescence is of lateral and terminal spikes, with paired spikelets. One spikelet is sessile and perfect, usually bearing a twisted awn ; the other is pediceled, imper- fect, either bearing stamens or reduced to a single glume, w r hich is often minute or entirely lacking. The rachis joints and pedicels often bear long, silky hairs. The leaves are long and narrow, the ligules short and membranous, with fringed edges. The culms in some of the species show a conspicuous bluish bloom, particularly in the region of the nodes, hence the common name bluestem. 1918] THE GRASSES OP ILLINOIS 277 . a. Inflorescence protruding from a very prominent spathe, which is shorter than, or equaling the inflorescence; awns straight, usually three times the length of the sessile spikelets; pediceled spikelets reduced to a minute scale or wanting; rachis joints very slender. A. virginicus aa. Inflorescence not protruding from a prominent spathe; awns more or less bent, usually less than twice the length of the sessile spikelet; pediceled spikelets always present and distinct; rachis joints thickened, clavate. b. Inflorescence of paired or digitate spikes; pediceled spikelet nearly as long as the sessile, the pedicel thickened and somewhat clavate. A. furcatus bb. Inflorescence of solitary spikes; pediceled spikelet very much shorter than the sessile, the pedicel thin and straplike. A. scoparius Andropogon furcatus Muhl. Forked Beard Grass. Big Bluestem (Figs. 20 and. 21) Lapham '57, 548, 599 (Plate 4, Fig. 6); Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 285; Brendel '87, 64; Higley and Eaddin '91, 140; Huett '98, 129; Gleason '07, 181; Gleasoii. '10, 147; Gleason, '12, 48; Gates '12, 354. Culms smooth, 3.5 to 6 feet tall ; sheaths smooth, blades rough on the margins; spikes stout, usually purplish; pediceled spikelet usually staminate, 6 to 7 mm. long; sessile spikelet 8 to 9 mm. long, the awn 10 to 14 mm. long, spirally twisted and usually bent. A common grass in Illinois, characteristic of the prairie, but found in many other situations. It furnishes good pasture when young, but the stems soon become hard. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Without locality, along railroad track, Gibbs, Oct., 1878; Without locality, Percival, Oct., 1876; Champaign, Mosher, Sept., 1913; Savoy, Gibbs, Sept., 1898; Seymour, Tsou, Oct., 1913; Eantoul, Gates, Oct., 1907. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews in 1898. COOK CO. Chicago, Sherff, Sept., 1912; Mayfair, Chicago, Gates, Sept., 1905; South Chicago, Schneck, Aug., 1893. FORD co. Near Koberts, Wilcox, July, 1902. FULTON CO. Without locality, Pepoon; Canton, Wolf. JO DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon 443. LAKE co. Beach area near Waukegan, Gates in 1908 ; Wau- kegan, Gleason and Shobe 323. MCHENRY co. Algonquin, Nason, July, 1878. MA- COUPIN co. Carlinville, Robertson, Aug., 1882. MENARD co. Athens, Hall, 1861. OGLE CO. Oregon, Waite, Aug., 1885. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald, Aug., 1894; Peoria, Brendel; Glasford, Wilcox, July, 1902. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase, Sept., 1897. WABASH co. With- out locality, Schneck, Nov., 1900; without locality, Shearer; Shannon's swamp, Schneck, Oct., 1882; Hanging Eock, Schneck, Sept., 1878; Lucas farm, Schneck, Aug., 1900. WILL co. Joliet, Skeels, Aug., 1904. Andropogon scoparius Michx. Broom Beard Grass. Little Bluestem (Figs. 22 and 23) Engelmann '44, 104; Lapham '57, 549, 599; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 285; Brendel '87, 64; Higley and Eaddin '91, 140; Huett '97, 129; Gleason '07, 181;' Gleason '10, 147; Gates '12, 354. Culms smooth or slightly pubescent, 1 to 4 feet tall ; leaves slightly rough ; spikes slender ; pediceled spikelet a single, small, awn-pointed glume ; sessile spikelets 6 to 7 mm. long, the awn spirally twisted and bent. A common prairie grass, easily distinguished from A. furcatus by its habit of growing in closer bunches. It is also much shorter and BULLETIN No. 205 [March, more slender, and has a tendency to grow more on hills or ridges, while A. furcatus likes more level, richer soil. These two species of Figs. 20-25. 20, A. furcatiis, pair of spikelets; 21, A. furcatus, inflorescence; 22, A, scoparius, pair of spikelets; 23, A. scoparius, inflorescence; 24, A. vir- ginicus, inflorescence; 25, A. Virginians, pair of spikelets Andropogon were found in abundance on the original prairie. This species usually turns purple early in the season. When young it is relished by stock. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey, CHAMPAIGN co. Without locality, along railway track, Gibbs, Oct., 1898; Champaign, Clinton, Oct., 1895. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andreius. COOK co. Constance, Chicago, A. Chase, Aug., 1900; Englewood, Hill, Sept., 1875; Chicago, Shcrff, Aug., 1912; Thornton, Hill, July, 1865. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon. JACKSON co. Makanda, Seymour, Aug., 1880. JO DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon 443 ; Hanover, Gleason and Gates 2528. KANKAKEE co. Altorf, Hill, Aug., 1872 ; Waldron, Hill, Aug., 1873; Kankakee, Ve Selm, Sept., 1913. LAKE co. Beach area north of Waukegan, Gates 2921; Waukegan, Gleason and Shobe 319. MCHENRY co. Eing- wood, Vasey. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Eobertson, Aug., 1880. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1894. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 126. WABASH co. Without local- ity, Shearer; Walter's farm, Schneclc, Sept., 1900; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, Oct., 1876; Old Palmyra, Schneck, Sept., 1900; Hanging Eock, Schneck, Sept., 1904. 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 279 26 Figs. 2(5-27. 2(>, S. nutans, inflorescence; 27, S. nutans, group of spikelets 280 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Andropogon virginicus L. Virginia Beard Grass. Broom Sedge (Figs. 24 and 25) Andropogon virginicus, Lapham '57, 549, 599; Patterson '76, 53; Flagg '78, 285. A. dissitiflorus, Brendel '87, 89. A. virginicus, Higley and Baddin '91, 140. Culms smooth or sparsely pubescent, 1.5 to 4 feet tall; leaves usually smooth ; spikes slender, 2, 3, or more inclosed in a prominent spathe; pediceled spikelets reduced to a minute scale, or only the pedicel present ; sessile spikelets 3 to 4 mm. long, the awns very long and straight. This grass grows best in rather sterile soil. It is often looked upon as a weed because it forces more valuable plants from permanent pas- tures, tho it furnishes fairly good grazing early in the season. COOK co. Evans.ton, Shipman, Sept., 1875. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Brendel, 1850; Mascoutah, Welsch. WABASH co. Without locality, Schneck; without locality, Shearer; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, Oct., 1876 ; Walter 's farm, Schneck, Oct., 1900 ; Simond 's farm, Schneck, Oct., 1897. 4. SORGHASTRUM Nash This genus is closely related to Andropogon, but has the spikelets in panicles. It is found in both tropical and temperate climates. The spikelets are in pairs or in threes at the ends of the panicle branches and are of two kinds, a sessile perfect spikelet with one or two slender, hairy pedicels, the sterile spikelet obsolete. Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash Indian Grass. Wood Grass. Wild Sorghum (Figs. 26 and 27) Andropogon avenaceum, Michaux '03, 58. Sorghum nutans, Lapham '57, 549, 601 (Plate 4, Fig. 7); Patterson '76, 53; Flagg '78, 285. Chrysopogon nutans, Brendel '87, 64; Higley and Eaddin '91, 141; Huett '97, 129. Sorghas- trum avenaceum, Gleason '07, 181. Sorghastrum nutans, Gleason '10, 147; Glea- son '12, 48; Gates '12, 354. Culms smooth, 3 to 6 feet tall ; leaves long and narrow, the blades slightly rough ; ligule membranous, 3 to 5 mm. long, the edge slightly fringed ; spikelets 6 to 8 mm. long, pubescent, especially at base, the awn loosely twisted, 12 to 15 mm. long. This grass is perennial by long, creeping rootstocks. It was one of the grasses of the original prairie and was found over practically the same area as Andropogon furcatus. When in bloom it is one of the most beautiful of our native grasses, with its graceful bronze-colored panicles and bright yellow anthers. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Without locality, Searle, Oot., 1876; Urbana, Clinton, Aug., 1895; Champaign, Gibbs, Oct., 1898; Champaign, Clinton, Aug., 1898. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews. COOK co. Chicago, A. Chase, Aug., 1901. DU PAGE co. Hinsdale, Smith, Oct., 1902. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon; Canton, Wolf, jo DAVIESS co. E. of Warren, Pepoon 562. KANKAKEE co. Kankakec, De Selm, Sept., 1913. LAKE 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLI-NOIS 281 CO. Beach area north of Waukegan, Gates 2966; Waukegan, Glcason and Shobe 325. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Robertson, Aug., 1880. MARSHALL co. 'Near Lawn Eidge, V. H. Chase 1591. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald; Peoria, Brendel. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. VERMILION co. Muncio, Mosher, Oct., 1915. WABASH co. Without locality, Schneck, Oct., 1900; without locality, Shearer; Old Palmyra, Schneck, Sept., 1879. WILL co. Joliet, A. H. Skeels, Sept., 1904. WIN- NEBAGO CO. Fountaindale, M. S. Bebb. 5. HOLCUS L. These grasses belong to tropical and warm temperate climates and are natives of the Old World. The various cultivated sorghums belong to this genus, also kaffir corn and broom corn. One species, H. lialapensis, is naturalized in America and has been found as a weed in Illinois. The inflorescence consists of a large open panicle, the pedi- celed spikelets staminate. Holcus halapensis L. Johnson Grass (Fig. 28) Sorghum halapense, Gray's Manual, 7th ed., Britton '07. Culms 3 to 5 feet tall, usually smooth; leaves almost smooth, somewhat rough on the margins; ligule membranous, 2 mm. long, the upper half fringed ; spikelets in twos or threes ; perfect spike- lets about 5 mm. long, with appressed hairs, awn 10 to 16 mm. long; pediceled spikelets slightly longer than the sessile. This grass is perennial by long, stout, creeping rootstocks and is very difficult to eradicate where it once becomes established. It is much liked by apensis, group of stock, but under certain conditions is poisonous spikelets thru the production of hydrocyanic acid. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Mosher, Oct., 1914. Experiment Station grounds, Clinton, Oct., 1897. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews, Aug., 1898. COOK co. Glencoe, Gates 1686.2. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, July, 1894. 6. SYNTHERISMA Walt. Finger Grass. Crab Grass Our species of this genus are annuals. One species, Synfherisma filiformis, appears to be a native of Illinois ; the other two species arc known to have been introduced within the last century. The inflores- cence consists of digitate, spike-like racemes, hence the common name, finger grass. The spikelets are arranged in groups of two or three, one subsessile or on a' very short pedicel, the others on pedicels as long as the spikelets or longer. The leaves are usually thin and lax, the ligules short and membranous. 282 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Rachis with the lateral angles winged; culms spreading, often rooting at the lower nodes. Pedicels sharply 3-angled; first glume present; sheaths densely pubescent. S. sanguinalis Pedicels rounded; first glume wanting; sheaths smooth. S. ischaemum Rachis with wingless angles; culms erect, never spreading and rooting at the lower nodes. S. filiformis \! 30 Figs. 29-32. 29, S. ischaemum, inflorescence; 30, S. filiformis, group of spike- lets; 31, S. ischaemum, group of spikelets; 32, 8. sanguinalis, group of spikelets Syntherisma filiformis (L.) Nash Slender Finger Grass (Fig. 30) Digitaria filiformis, Engelmann '44, 103. Panicum filiforme, Lapham '57, 548, 593; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 88. Syntherisma fili- formis, Gleason '07, 181. Digitaria filiformis, Gleason '10, 147. Culms 6 to 28 inches long, erect ;. leaves short, grouped at the base of the plant; at least the lower sheaths pubescent; racemes 2 to 5, generally erect; spikelets pubescent, 1.7 to 1.8 mm. long, mostly in threes. This grass is found in dry, sandy soil, usually along roadsides and in waste places. It is not abundant in Illinois. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, M. S. Bebb in 1860. CHRISTIAN CO. Taylorville, Andrews, July, 1898. MENARD co. Without locality, Hall; Athens, Hall, Sept., 1866. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Brendel in 1850; Mascoutah, Welsch. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer. . Syntherisma ischaemum (,Schreb.) Nash Small Crab Grass. Smooth Crab Grass (Figs. 29 and 31) Panicum glabrum, Lapham '57, 548, 593; Babcock '73, 97; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Higley and Raddin '91, 139; Huett '97, 128. Syntherisma linearis, Britton '07, 77. Digitaria humifusa, Gray's Manual, 7th ed., p. 95. Culms 6 to 24 inches long, spreading over the ground, often rooting at the lower nodes and forming large mats; sheaths and blades smooth and glabrous ; racemes 2 to 5, usually 3 ; spikelets glandular pubescent between the nerves, 2 to 2.2 mm. long, usually in threes, on rounded pedicels ; first glume wanting. 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 283 A grass of the same habit as Si/nthcrisma sanguindlis and probably often confused with it. It is found as a weed in gardens and cultivated places but is not so common as the above-mentioned species. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Clinton, Aug., 1899; Urbana, Seymour, Sept., 1888. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon; Canton, Wolf. JO DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 131. WILL co. Mokena, A. Chase 2014. Syntherisma sangninalis (L.) Dulac Common Crab Grass. Large Crab Grass (Fig. 32.) Panicum sanguinale, Lapham '57, 548, 593; Babcock '73, 97; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Huett '91, 128. Digitaria sanguinalis, Gates '12, 354. Culms 1 to 3 feet long, much branched, spreading, rooting at the lower nodes and forming large mats ; sheaths densely hairy ; blades more or less pubescent on both surfaces ; nodes frequently bearded with refiexed hairs ; racemes 3 to 12 ; spikelets appressed pubescent, 2.5 to 3.5 mm. long, usually in pairs on sharply angled pedicels, first glume minute. This grass is one of our most troublesome weeds in Illinois, being found in lawns, gardens, and among cultivated crops. It is also found along roadsides and in waste places. Being an annual, it should not be allowed to produce seed. When among crops it is generally de- stroyed by cultivation, altho its habit of rooting at the lower nodes makes eradication somewhat more difficult than in the case of grasses without this habit. It is most serious, however, as a lawn pest. On account of its habit of growth, it is difficult to cut with the lawn mower, and here it produces seed so close to the ground that it entirely escapes the mower. Hence it comes up from seed year after year, and often, especially in newly-made lawns, entirely crowds out the blue- grass. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, M. 8. Bebb in 1861; without locality, Hall. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Seymour, June, 1880; Seymour, Tsou, Oct., 1913; Urbana, Gibbs, Sept., 1898; Urbana, Clinton, Aug., 1895; Urbana, Mosher, Oct., 1913. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews, July 1, 1898. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon. JO DAVIESS co. Warren, Pepoon 479. MC HENRY co. Algonquin, Nason, Aug., 1878. PEORIA ro. Peoria, McDonald, Aug., 1887; Peoria, Brendel. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer. 7. LEPTOLOMA Chase This genus is represented in North America by a single species. The plants are perennial with large, open panicles at the ends of brittle culms, the panicles breaking off when the plant is mature and forming tumbleweeds. The spikelets are one-flow r ered, with a minute first glume. The lemma and palea are thick and leathery. The blades are rather firm with short, membranous ligules. 284 BULLETIN No. 205 Leptoloma cognatum (Schult.) Chase Fall Witch Grass (Figs. 33 and 34) Panicum autumnale, Lapham '57, 548, 594 ; Flagg '78, 284 ; Brendel '87, 64 ; Huett '97, 128; McDonald '00, 103. Panicum cognatum, Gleason '07, 181. Lep- toloma cognatum, Gleason '10, 147. Culms erect, or spreading at base, much branched, 1 to 2.5 feet long, roughened with short, stiff hairs; lower sheaths sometimes Figs. 33-34. 33, L. cognatum, inflorescence; 34, L. cognation, spikelct slightly pubescent, the upper smooth ; blades ] to 3 inches long, 4 to 6 mm. wide, smooth except for slightly roughened edges;, panicle spreading, hairy in the axils; spikelets apprcssed pubescent, 2.7 to 3 mm. long, single on the ends of long pedicels. This grass is not abundant in Illinois. It occurs mainly in the sand areas thruout the state. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. FULTON co. Without local- ity, Pepoon. HENDERSON co. Sandy banks of the Mississippi near Oquawka, Patterson, Sept., 1873; Oquawka, Patterson, Sept., 1881. JO DAVIESS co. 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 285 Without locality, Pepoon 182. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, De Selm, Sept., 1913; Altorf, Hill, July, 1873. MACON co. Decatur, Clolcey, Sept., 1898. MASON co. Without locality, M. S. Bebb in 1861. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, Mc- Donald, Aug., 1889. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. 8. PASPALUM L. This genus includes a large number of species, most of which are found in warm climates. None of the species are abundant in the state ; for the most part they arc found in the southern half. The inflo- rescence consists of spike-like racemes which are racemose along the main axis. The spikelets are flat on one side and strongly convex on the other, many of them almost hemispherical. They are frequently arranged in pairs on the rachis. These grasses are of no economic im- portance in the state, as they grow mostly in wet or sandy soil and are not common. The leaves are long and narrow, and often pubescent. The amount of pubescence present is quite variable on all parts of the plant. a. Rachis thin and leaf-like, more than 2 mm. broad. b. Spikelets pubescent, 1.5 mm. long, elliptical; blades 1 to 6 inches long, 6 to 14 mm. broad. P. repens bb. Spikelets smooth, 2 mm. long; leaf -blades 2 inches or less long. 2 to 6 mm. broad. P. dissectum aa. Pachis never thin and leaf-like, le^s than 1 mm. broad, b. Spikelets pubescent, arranged in pairs. c. Spikelets less than 2 mm. long, usually 1.5 mm., usually glandular spotted; blades densely pilose. P. setaceum cc. Spikelets 2 mm. or more long, not glandular spotted; leaves velvety, the whole plant grayish. P. bushii bb. Spikelets smooth. c. Blades ciliate on the margin, the surfaces of the blade either smooth or pubescent ; spikelets in pairs. d. Surfaces of blades smooth or with a few very fine hairs, e. Spikelets about 2 mm. long, always more than 1.7 mm. f. Spikelets green; culms erect; blades usually smooth; spikelets averaging 2 mm. in length. P. cilwtifolium ff. Spikelets yellowish or straw color; culms always spread- ing ; blades usually with a few fine hairs on the upper surface; spikelets usually more than 2 mm. long. P. stramineum ce. Spikelets 1.5 to 1.7 mm. long; leaves usually ciliate on the midnerve. P. longepedunculatum dd. Surfaces of blades, both upper and under, densely pubescent: plants erect; spikelets 2 to 2.5 mm. long. P. muhlenbergii cc. Pladrs not ciliate on the margin ; spikelets usually arranged singly. d. Blades conspicuously pubescent. e. Spikelets about 2 mm. long, arranged in pairs ; culms spread- ing or prostrate. P. supinum ce. -Spikelets 2.5 to 2.8 mm. long, arranged singly; sheaths and blades long pilose; culms erect. P. longipilum dd. Blades smooth or slightly pubescent; spikelets arranged singly, e. Spikelets 3 to 3.2 mm. long; leaf-blades and lower sheaths with a few hairs; blades reaching the base of the panicle or exceeding it. P. circulars ee. Spikelets 2.5 to 2.9 mm. long; plants smooth; panicle much exceeding the blades. P. lacve 286 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Paspalum bushii Nash (Fig. 39) Culms erect, 2.5 to 3.5 feet long, smooth; leaves gray-green; lower sheaths finely pubescent, the upper sheaths ciliate on the margin; blades long, usually 8 to 10 mm. wide, ciliate on the margins, densely velvety on both surfaces, and with a few long hairs intermixed ; racemes 2 or 3 ; spikelets in pairs, 2 to 2.2 mm. long, pale yellowish, oval, densely pubescent. This species is found in dry soil and is probably rare in Illinois. CASS co. Chandlerville, Seymour, Aug., 1886. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson. 36 Figs. 35-38. 35, P. disscctum, inflorescence;' 36, P. rcpens, inflorescence, (a) inflated sheath; 37, P. longepedtinculatum, inflorescence; 38, P. stramineum, leaf Paspalum ciliatifolium Michx. (Fig. 40) Culms erect, 16 to 32 inches long, smooth ; sheaths smooth ; blades long, thin, 6 to 15 mm. wide, smooth and glabrous on both surfaces or occasionally with a few hairs along the midnerve on the under side, long ciliate on the margins; racemes single or in pairs; spikelete in pairs, oval or round, 1.8 to 2.2 mm. long, usually smooth and glabrous, but sometimes with short, appressed hairs. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson, Aug., 1874. MARION co. Without lo- cality, Brendel. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1900. WABASH co. Mt. Carmel, Waitc, Aug., 1887. 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 287 Paspalum circulars Nash. Round-flowered Paspalum (Fig. 41) Culms erect or slightly reclining, 1 to 2.5 feet long, smooth ; sheaths flattened, the lower ones densely pubescent; blades long, narrow, 5 to 8 mm. wide, with long hairs on the upper surface near the base, usually smooth and glabrous on the under surface, but sometimes with a few long hairs ; racemes 1 to 4, usually 2 or 3 ; spikelets arranged singly, smooth, circular in outline, 3 to 3.2 mm. long. This species is usually found in moist places. It resembles P. laeve, from which it may be distinguished by the pubescent sheaths and larger spikelets. CLINTON co. Shattuck, Waite, Aug., 1887. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Brcndel. WABASH co. Mt. Carmel, Patterson, Sept., 1877. 42 43 Figs. 39-44. 39, P. bushii, spikelets, (a) glandular hairs; 40, P. ciliati- folium, spikelets; 41, P. circulate, spikelet; 42, P. dissectum, spikelet; 43, P. laeve, spikelet; 44, P. longepedunculatum, spikelets Paspalum dissectum L. Walter's Paspalum (Figs. 35 and 42) Paspalum walterianum, Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 88. Culms much branched, usually spreading along the ground at the base and often rooting at the lower nodes, 1 to 2 feet long, the flowering culms erect or ascending; sheaths somewhat inflated, smooth; blades always less than 3 inches in length, usually much shorter, smooth; racemes 3 to 7, alternate, about an inch in length, usually partly in- cluded in the upper sheath, rachis flattened, green and membranous, 2 to 3 mm. wide; spikelets arranged in two rows, smooth, oval, 2 to 2.2 mm. long. This species is found in damp or wet places along ditches and streams. PERRY co. Du Quoin, Eggert in 1893. PULASKI co. Mound City, Brendel, Aug., 1853. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Brendel in 1850; without locality, Brendel, Aug., 1851; Mascoutah, Welsch. Paspalum laeve Michx. Field Paspalum. Smooth Paspalum (Fig. 43) Paspalum laeve, Lapham '57, 548, 592 (Plate 4, Fig. 3); Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 88. Culms sometimes erect but oftener spreading, or even lying flat 288 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, on the ground, 1 to 3 feet long; sheaths smooth and glabrous, some- times ciliate on the margins, but never pubescent; blades long, but seldom more than 8 inches, 4 to 8 mm. wide, smooth; racemes 2 to 6, commonly 2 or 3, hairy in the axils, not over 3.5 inches long; spike- lets arranged singly in two rows, smooth, 2.5 to 2.9 mm. long. This is one of the commonest species of Paspalum in localities where this genus is found. There are two varieties, P. laeve australe, which has blades pilose above and sometimes towards the base beneath, and P. laeve angustifolium, which has much longer blades, usually over 8 inches, commonly folded, with a few hairs on the upper surface, and racemes which are usually four inches in length. These varieties are usually found in the same localities as the species, but none have, as yet, been seen from Illinois. This species is usually found in moist fields and meadows. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, southern Illinois, Vasey. HENDER- fON CO. Oqnawka, Patterson, Sept., 1877. MARION co. Without locality, M. S. BeW) in 1860. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel in 1853. PERRY co. Du Quoin, Sey- mour, Aug., 1880. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. WABASH r.o. Without lo- cality, Shearer; Mt. Carmel, Patterson, Sept., 1877. Paspalum long-epedunculatum Le Conte Long-stalked Paspalum (Figs. 37 and 44) Culms usually spreading or reclining, slender, smooth, 12 to 20 inches long ; leaves mostly clustered at the base of the plant ; sheaths smooth; blades long-ciliate on the margins, usually smooth on both surfaces, but sometimes pubescent on the upper surface ; blades usually not over four inches long, 4 to 6 mm. wide ; racemes 1 or 2 on a very long, slender peduncle ; spikelets in pairs, smooth, 1.5 to 1.7 mm. long. This species is found in dry or sandy soil in about the same situa- tions as P. mulilenbergii. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1900. ROCK ISLAND co. Rock Island, banks of the Mississippi river, McDonald, Aug., 1900. Paspalum longipilum Nash Long-haired Paspalum (Fig. 45) Paspalum plenipilum, Gray's Manual, 7th ed., Britton '07. Culms erect, 1 to 3 feet long, smooth ; sheaths flattened, with hairs about equal to the sheath in width, more numerous along the margin and midnerve; blades usually erect, often folded, densely pubescent on the upper surface, the hairs longer near the base, less densely pubes- cent on the lower surface ; racemes 2 to 6, usually 3, on a long peduncle, densely hairy in the axils; spikelets oval, smooth, arranged singly, 2.5 to 2.8 mm. long. This species somewhat resembles P. laeve, but is distinguished by the pubescent sheaths. The hairs 011 sheaths and blades are much longer than in cither variety of P. laeve. EICHLAND CO. Olney, Eidgway, in 1914. WABASH CO. Without locality, Shearer, 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 289 Paspalum muhlenbergii Nash (Fig. 46) Culms usually erect, but often spreading or reclining, 16 to 32 inches long, smooth ; sheaths usually pubescent ; blades long and nar- row, 5 to 10 mm. wide, usually wider near the middle, ciliate on the margins, appressed pubescent on both surfaces ; racemes 1 or 2 ; spike- lets in pairs, smooth, 2 to 2.5 mm. long. This species is generally found in sandy soil, along roadsides, in vacant lots, and other uncultivated places. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews. JACKSON co. Without locality, French, July, 1878. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Robertson in 1881. MARION CO. Without locality, Brendel in 1860. IEORIA co. Pooria. Brendel in 1859. POPE co. Herod, Clinton, July, 1898. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Brendel; Mascoutah, Welsch. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer. Paspalum repens Berg. Water Paspalum (Figs. 36 and 47) Paspalum fluitans, Lapham '57, 548, 592 ; Patterson '76, 52 ; Flagg '78, 284 ; Brendel '87, 88. Paspalum mucronatum, Britton '07, 73. Culms ascending, 6 to 36 inches long, much branched, the branches spreading out at the base ; sheaths inflated, very loose, either smooth or slightly pubescent; blades 2 to 8 inches long, 6 to 25 mm. wide, very thin,, slightly rough ; racemes 10 to 40, the rachis flattened and mem- branous; spikelets arranged in two rows, slightly pubescent, 1 to 1.5 mm. long. This species is usually found in water, with the stems floating, the inflated sheaths serving as floats. It is found sometimes in wet, muddy places. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, southern Illinois, Vasey; without lo- cality, southern Illinois, Forbes. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson, Sept., 1877. JERSEY co. Bottom lands, Grafton, Seymour, Oct., 1882. JOHNSON co. Belknap, Gleason, Aug., 1902. PULASKI co. Mound City, Vasey. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Brendel, Aug., 1850; Mascoutah, Welsch. Paspalum setaceum Michx. (Fig. 48) Lapham '57, 592; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 88; Mc- Donald '00, 103; Gleason '07, 181; Gleason '10, 147. Culms usually erect, 1 to 2 feet long, smooth and slender; lower sheaths and blades densely pubescent; racemes usually single, occa- sionally 2, on a long, slender peduncle; spikelets in pairs, almost cir- cular, 1.5 mm. long, usually pubescent and glandular spotted, but sometimes smooth and glabrous. This species has been confused with P. mulilenbergii, which has much larger spikelets. Many of the herbarium specimens of P. muhlenbergii examined were labeled P. setaceum,, so it is quite possible that the citations above refer to both species. LEE co. Dixon, Vasey. MASON co. Without locality, Wolf; without locality, Hall; Devil's Hole, Havana, Gates 3439. 290 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Paspalum stramineum Nash Straw-colored Paspalum (Figs. 38 and 49) Culms often spreading or almost flat on the ground, smooth, 8 to 24 inches long ; leaves yellowish green or straw color ; sheaths smooth and glabrous except on the margin, where there is a fringe of short hairs ; blades rather firm, ciliate on the margin, at least 10 mm. wide, some very fine hairs on the upper surface, smooth and glabrous on the under surface ; spikelets in pairs, yellow or almost white, usually smooth, almost circular, very thick, 2 to 2.2 mm. long. This species is found in sandy places and is easily distinguished by the pale color of leaves and spikelets. CASS CO. Beardstown, McDonald in 1900. JO DAVIESS CO. Sandy prairie near Mississippi river, Pepoon 399. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, Hill, Aug., 1872; Altorf, Hill, Aug., 1872. WABASH co. Mt. Carmel, Waite, Aug., 1887. Figs. 45-50. 45, P. longipilum, spikelet; 46, P. muhlenbergii, spikelets, 47, P. repens, spikelets; 48, P. setaceum, spikelets; 49, P. stramineum, spikelets; 50, P. supinum, spikelets Paspalum supinum Bosc. (Fig. 50) Culms spreading or lying flat on the ground, 2 to 3 feet long, smooth; sheaths and blades conspicuously pubescent; blades long, usually 1 foot or more, 5 to 15 mm. wide; spikelets in pairs, smooth, oval, about 2 mm. long. This species closely resembles P. bushii in the "fuzzy" appearance of the leaves, but is distinguished by the glabrous spikelets. In P. bushii the culms are erect, but never in P. supinum. MASON co. Manito, Wilcox 56. UNION CO. Anna, Seymour, Aug., 1880. WABASH co. Mt. Carmel, Patterson in 1877. 9. PANICUM L. This genus belongs typically to warm climates and includes a very large number of species, of which thirty-six have been found in Illi- nois. A few of these are weeds, but the majority of them are of no economic importance. Most of the species are perennials, but a few are annuals, and among the annuals are found the species which are common weeds. The inflorescence usually consists of many-flowered panicles. The spikelets have two glumes and a sterile lemma, which 1913] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 291 arc usually strongly nerved, and a very hard, shiny, fertile lemma and palca inclosing the fruit, which are never nerved. This genus was recently revised by Hitchcock and Chase ( Contributions from the U. S. Nat. Herb., Vol. 15, 1910). The Illinois species have been ar- ranged in groups following their classification, then arranged alpha- betically under the different groups. a. Spikelets smooth and glabrous. b. Plants never forming a winter rosette of leaves at the base of the culm, the leaves all similar, c. Plants annual, without creeping rootstocks. d. .First glume not over one-fourth the length of the spikelet, and usually broadlv rounded at the apex, never, sharp-pointed ; plants generally smooth thruout. P. dichotomiflorum dd. First glume always one-half the length of the spikelet, or more; plants typically very pubescent, the sheaths usually papillose- hirsute; panicles many-flowered, usually large, with fine capil- lary branches, e. Spikelets 4.5 to 5 mm. long, panicles often drooping. P. miliaceum ee. Spikelets always less than 4 mm. long; panicles never droop- ing, numerous, one-third the entire height of the plant or more, f . Spikelets 2.5 or more long, usually at least 3 mm. ; blades sparsely pubescent. g. Panicles as broad as long, leaves usually crowded at the base of the plant. P. barbipulvinatum . gg. Panicles narrow, usually less than half as broad as long. P. flexile ff. Spikelets only rarely exceeding 2.2 mm. long; blades gen- erally densely pubescent. g. Culms slender; the panicles delicate, relatively few- flowered ; spikelets less than 2 mm. long, usually in pairs at the ends of the naked panicle branches. P. philadelphicum gg. Culms stout; panicles diffuse, many-flowered; spike- lets 2 mm. or more long. h. Panicles as broad as long, usually more than half the length of the entire plant, mostly terminal only. P. capillare hh. Panicles oval, seldom as broad as long, normally one-third the length of the entire plant, or less, produced from all the nodes. P. gattingeri cc. Plants perennial, with or without creeping rootstocks. d. Panicles open, the spikelets long pediceled; culms from long, creeping rootstocks, not flattened. P. virgatum dd. Panicles somewhat contracted and resembling those of common redtop, (Agrostis alba); culms flattened, sheaths keeled, e. Long, scaly rootstocks present; spikelets 3.4 to 3.8 mm. long. P. anceps ee. Eootstocks never present; spikelets 1.8 to 2 mm. long. P. agrostoides bb. Plants forming a winter rosette at the base of the culm, these much shorter and broader than the culm leaves, c. Spikelets over 3 mm. long. d. Spikelets pointed or beaked; blades very long and narrow, usu- ally stiff and erect from the base of the plant; panicle narrow and few-flowered. P. depauperatum dd. Spikelets blunt; blades short and rather broad, distributed along the culm; panicle nearly as broad as long, but not densely flowered. P. scribnerianum 292 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, cc. Spikelets less than 3 mm. long. d. Blades very long and narrow, not over 5 mm. wide, usually all erect from the base of the plant and usually longer than the panicle until it is mature; spikelets 2.2 to 2.7 mm. long; sheaths pilose. P. linenrifolium dd. Blades not elongated, not in a tuft at the base of the plant, the panicle always considerably above the leaves; sheaths smooth, or the lowermost sometimes puberulent. e. Spikelets more than 2 mm. long, pointed; sheaths with pale glandular spots. P. yadldnense cc. Spikelets 2 mm. or less long, not pointed. f. Nodes bearded. g. Ligule not present; spikelets 1.5 to 1.6 mm. long. P. microcarpon gg. Ligule present; spikelets 2 mm. long; at least the lower nodes bearded; fruit always covered by the second glume and sterile lemma. P. barbulatum ff. Nodes not bearded; spikelets 2 mm. long; the fruit ex- posed at tip, never quite covered by the second glume and sterile lemma. P. dichotomum aa. Spikelets more or less pubescent. b. Blades broad, usually more than 1.5 cm. wide, cordate at base; culms stout, usually two feet or more high; spikelets over 2.5 mm. long, c. Sheaths, at least the lower ones, hispid, the hairs arising from prom- inent papillae; spikelets 2.7 to 3 mm. long. P. clandestinum cc. Sheaths smooth, or with a few soft hairs. d. Nodes smooth; spikelets less than 4 mm. long. P. latifotium dd. Nodes bearded; spikelets 4 to 4.5 mm. long. P. boscii bb. Blades narrow, at least not over 1.5 em. wide, usually not cordate at base; culms never as stout, rarely as tall, as in the preceding species. c. Spikelets 2 mm. or more long. d. Blades much elongated, the length usually more than fifteen times the breadth, less than 5 mm. wide, the leaves growing mostly erect from the base and forming tufts. e. Spikelets about 3.5 mm. long, pointed or beaked. P. depauperatum ee. Spikelets 3 mm. long or less, not pointed or beaked. f . Culms in small tufts ; spikelets 2.7 to 3.2 mm. long, almost as broad as long. P. pcrlongum ff. Culms in large tufts; spikelets 2.2 to 2.7 mm. long, dis- tinctly longer than broad. P. linearifolium dd. Blades usually not elongated, generally over 5 mm. wide; leaves not all clustered at the base of the plant, but distributed along the culm, e. Spikelets more than 3 mm. long; culms stout, erect, with stiff blades, and usually pubescent sheaths. f. Plants densely pubescent thruout, the hairs arising from small papillae, those on the sheaths spreading; panicle narrow, always longer than wide. P. leibergii ff. Plants not densely pubescent thruout, usually with few hairs on the blades, the upper surface normally smooth ; panicle about as wide as long. g. Spikelets distinctly longer than broad, somewhat pointed, usually pubescent; plants olivaceous, pu- bescence appressed. P. oligosanthes gg. Spikelets nearly as broad as long, blunt, usually nearly smooth; plants always bright green or yel- lowish green, pubescence not appressed. P. scribnenanum ee. Spikelets less than 3 mm. long. f. Leaves densely pubescent on both surfaces, the entire plant pubescent; spikelets 2.2 to 2.4 mm. long. 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 293 g. Hairs on the culms and sheaths spreading horizon- tally. P. villosissimum gg. Hairs on the culms and sheaths not spreading hori- zontally, but appressed or ascending. P. pseudopubescens ff. Leaves not densely pubescent on both surfaces, the entire plant not noticeably pubescent. g. Blades ciliate, otherwise glabrous, or with a few fine hairs; spikelets 2 mm. long; sheaths retrorsely pilose; blades very soft. P. xalapense gg. Blades broad, sometimes ciliate around the cordate base; spikelets 2.5 to 3 mm. long; sheaths smooth; blades firm. P. commutatum cc. Spikelets less than 2 mm. long. d. Culms and sheaths densely and usually conspicuously, pubescent ; ligules densely hairy, 2 to 5 mm. long. e. Spikelets more than 1.5 mm. long. f. Culms conspicuously pubescent with long, soft, horizon- tally spreading hairs; blades pubescent, the hairs nearly as long as the width of the blade; spikelets 1.8 to 1.9 mm. long. P. praecocius ff. Culms and blades pubescent, with short, appressed hairs, g. Upper surface of blades smooth, or with only a few hairs near base ; blades with a thin, white margin ; spikelets 1.6 to 1.7 mm. long. P. tennesseense gg. Upper surface of blades pubescent; blades never with a thin, white margin; spikelets 1.6 to 1.8 mm. long. P. huachucae ee. Spikelets 1.5 mm. or less long. f. Summit of the culm with long hairs, panicle branches tangled. P. implicatum ff. Summit of the culm without hairs; panicle branches not tangled. P. meridionale g. Culms and sheaths not conspicuously pubescent, either smooth or with short, appressed hairs ; ligules (except in P. lindheimeri) generally very short, not over 1.5 mm. long. h. Spikelets not spherical, longer than broad; lig- ules always visible; blades narrow, i. Sheaths ciliate, otherwise glabrous or the lower sparsely pilose, about half the length of the internode; ligule densely hairy, 3 to 5 mm. long. P. lindheimeri ii. Sheaths appressed pubescent, very little shorter than the internodes; ligules about 1 mm. long. P. tsugetorum hh. Spikelets spherical or nearly so; Ifgules obsolete or nearly so; blades broad. i. Panicle nearly as broad as long; blades not distinctly nerved. P. sphaerocarpon ii. Panicle about two-thirds as broad as long; blades distinctly nerved. P. polyanthes DICHOTOMIFLORA Only one species of this group is found in Illinois. These are annual plants, typically smooth thruout, with large, spreading panicles 4 to 16 inches long. The leaves arc long and narrow, the ligules 1 to 3 nun. long, membranous, edged with a fringe of long hairs. The first glume is very short, one-fourth or less the length of the spikelet. 294 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Fig. 51. P. dicho- tomiflorum, spike- let Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx. Sprouting Crab Grass (Fig. 51) Panicum proliferum, Lapham '57, 548, 549; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 64. Panicum dichotomiflorum, Hitchcock and Chase '10, 51. Entire plant usually smooth and glabrous-, culms 1 to 4 feet long, somewhat flattened, usually spreading at the base, but sometimes erect, geniculate at the nodes, the nodes often consider- ably swollen; sheaths loose, very often purplish; blades 4 to 20 inches long, 3 to 20 mm. broad; spikelets smooth, 2 to 3 mm. long, usually 2.5 mm. This species is usually found in moist ground and along ditches and streams, and generally pro-^ duces a very rank growth. It also occurs as a weed in waste places and cultivated soil, often forming a rank growth after crops have been removed. In such situations it must be regarded as a weed, but it is not usually very troublesome as it is an annual and can be easily controlled if thoro cultivation is given the soil and no seed is allowed to form. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Yasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Champaign, Gibls, Oct., 1886; Champaign, Mosher, Oct., 1914; Urbana, Gibls, Sept., 1898; Urbana, Seymour, Aug., 1880; Urbana, Mosher, Sept., 1914. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews, Aug., 1898. COOK CO. Chicago, TJmbach in 1896; Chicago, Moffatt 374. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon 485; Canton, Wolf. HAN- COCK co. Without locality, Mead in 1842. JACKSON co. Makanda, Seymour, Aug., 1880. JO DAVIESS co. Warren, Pepoon 485. KANKAKEE ro. Kankakee, De Selm, Sept., 1913. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald 71. PIATT co. White Heath, Mosher, Oct., 1914. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Eggert 110; Mascoutah, Wclsch. WABASH co. Without locality, SchnecTc in 1904 ; without locality, Nearer; Mt. Carmel, SchneoJc in 1888. CAPILLABIA The plants in this group are all annuals. They are very pubescent, usually on both culms ajid leaves, but at least on the leaves. The hairs arise from small, rounded papillae. The ligules are about 3 mm. long and are fringed with hairs. The panicles are of the type shown in Fig. 33, usually large, from 4 to 18 inches long, and at maturity they often break away from the plant and become tumble-weeds. The spikelets are smooth and the first glume is always at least one-third the length of the spikelet. Six species of this group are found in Illinois. Panicum barbipulvinatum Nash (Fig. 52) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 63. Culms erect, 6 inches to 3 feet long, pubescent below the nodes ; sheaths very pubescent; blades sparsely pubescent on both surfaces, 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 295 1.5 to 6 inches long, 3 to 12 mm. wide ; panicles broad and spreading, often almost half the length of the plant, few-flowered; spikelets smooth, 3 to 3.3 mm. long, usually about 3 mm. This species very closely resembles P. capillare ; at first sight the two might be considered identical. P. barbipulvinatum, however, has a much thinner and more spreading panicle, its blades are not so hairy and its spikelets are larger. HENDERSON co. Vicinity of Oquawka, Patterson. Panicum capillare L. Witch Grass. Tumble-weed. Old Witch Grass. Tickle Grass (Fig. 53) Michaux '03, 47; Lapham '57, 548, 594; Babcoek '73, 97; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 04; Higley and Eaddin '91, 139; Huett '97, 128; Hitchcock and Chase '10, 60; Gates '12, 354; Sherff '13, 594. Culms usually erect, 8 inches to 4 feet long, pubescent, especially at the nodes ; sheaths densely pubescent, the hairs nearly as long as the sheath is wide; blades 4 to 10 inches long, 5 to 15 mm. wide, the midrib prominent, both surfaces thickly covered with short, appressed pubescence; panicle many-flowered, included in the sheath till matur- ity, then very large and spreading, sometimes half the length of the plant, nearly circular in outline, finally breaking away from the plant and acting as a tumble-weed ; spikelets 2 to 2.5 mm. long. This is a very common species in Illinois, by far the most common of this group. It is a weed in cornfields and among other cultivated crops. It is also found along ditches and in other moist places. It is easily eradicated by cultivation if care is taken to destroy the plants before the seed forms. CHAMPAIGN CO. Urbana, Gibbs, Sept., 1898; Urbana, Mosher, Oct., 1913; Urbana, Clinton, Aug., 1895; Seymour, Tsou, Oct., 1913. COOK co. Chicago, Robert Bebb 2917; Chicago, Bdbcock, Sept., 1874. DU PAGE co. Naperville, Urn- bach in 1898. FORD co. Roberts, Wilcox 109. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon. jo DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon 478. KANKAKEE co. Kanka- kee, De Selm, Sept., 1913. LAKE co. Lake Foiest, Jensen, Aug., 1895. MCHENRY CO. Algonquin, Nason, Aug., 1879. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1904. PIATT co. White Heath, Mosher, Oct., 1914. ST. CLAIR co. Cahokia, Eggert, Sept., 1875 ; Mascoutah, Welsch. . STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase in 1897. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer, Sept., 1899; Mt. Carmel, Schneclc, Sept., 1876. WILL co. Mokena, A. Chase 2008. Panicum flexile (Gattinger) Scribn. (Fig. 54) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 55. Culms erect, 8 to 20 inches long, almost smooth except at the nodes ; sheaths pubescent, the hairs about half as long as the width of the sheath, but not very conspicuous ; blades sparsely pubescent or smooth, 4 to 12 inches long, 2 to 6 mm. wide; panicles narrow, few-flowered, 296 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, seldom half the length of the plant ; spikclcts smooth, 3 to 3.5 mm. long. This is not a common species in Illinois. It is found in sandy soil, usually where it is moist. It is readily distinguished from P. capillare by its slender habit of growth, less dense pubescence on the sheaths, smaller, narrower panicles, narrower leaves, and larger, more pointed spikelets. Its habit of growth is more like that of P. philadelpTiicum, from which it is distinguished by its narrower panicle, and longer, pointed spikelets. COOK CO. Chicago, A. Chase 1474, 1479, 1729, 2006; Chicago, Hill in 1901; Irondale, Chicago, A. Chase 1473; Grand Crossing, Bobert Bebb 2928; Grand Crossing, McDonald, Sept., 1893. JLAKE co. Beach, Umbach 2543. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Eggert 241. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer, Oct., 1915; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, Sept., 1879. 52 53 54 55 56 57 Figs. 52-57. Spikelets: 52, P. barbipulvinatum ; 53, P. capillare; 54, P. flexile; 55, P. gattingeri; 56, P. miliaceum; 57, P..philadelphicum Panicum gattingeri Nash (Fig. 55) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 57. Culms 8 inches to 3 feet long, erect at first, but soon spreading and rooting at the lower nodes; culms, nodes, and sheaths densely pubes- cent, the hairs almost as long as the width of the culm ; blades 4 to 8 inches long, 6 to 10 mm. wide, sparsely pubescent or smooth ; panicles numerous, oval in outline, never as much as half the length of the plant; spikelets usually 2 mm. long. This species is very closely related to P. capillare but differs in the spreading habit, the more oval outline of the panicle and the shorter, broader spikelets. It is usually a weed and is found in the same situ- ations as P. capillare. It may easily be eradicated by cultivation, which prevents the formation of seed. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Seyn\our, Oct., 1880. FULTON co. Canton, Wolf in 1882. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase, Sept., 1900; 124 in 1897. VERMILION co. Catlin, Lansing, Sept., 1912. WABASH no. Without locality, Shearer, Aug., 1915. 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 297 Panicum miliaceum L. Broom-corn Millet. Hog Millet (Fig. 56) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 69. Culms stout, usually erect, 8 inches to 3 feet high, pubescent below the nodes, which are densely, softly pubescent ; sheaths loose, densely pubescent, the hairs not more than half the width of the sheath ; blades 4 to 12 inches long and 8 to 20 mm. broad, sparsely long pubes- cent on both surfaces, sometimes almost smooth ; panicles rela- tively small, rather compact, many-flowered, and usually drooping; spikelets 4.5 to 5 mm. long. This plant frequently escapes from cultivation and is found in waste, places. COOK co. Chicago, A. Chase 1633; Woodlawn, Chicago, Millspaiigh 389. LAKE co. Beach Area, Gates. VERMILION CO. Hastings, S. Gray in 1905. Panicum philadelphicum Bernh. (Fig. 57) Culms erect an'd slender, 6 to 20 inches long, usually pubescent but sometimes smooth and glabrous; sheaths densely pubescent, the hairs as long as the width of the sheath and usually perpendicular to it ; blades short and narrow 7 , 1 to 4 inches long and 2 to 6 mm. wide, sparsely pubescent; panicles oval in outline, few-flowered, the spike- lets mostly in twos, 1.7 to 2 mm. long. This plant is usually yellowish green and is much smaller and more slender than P. capillare. The panicles are very much smaller, never more than one-third the length of the plant, and the spikelets are usually smaller. This species is found in rather dry soil, by roadsides and in waste places. It is rare in Illinois. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. VIEGATA This group includes plants which are perennial by stout, creeping rootstocks. They are not densely pubescent plants like the Capillaria, the only species in Illinois being practically smooth thruout. The ligules are 2 to 4 mm. long, membranous, and fringed with hairs. The spikelets are large and contain a staminate flower in addition to the perfect one. The first glume is always more than half the length of the spikelet, and the second glume is longer than the sterile lemma. Panicum virgatum L. Switch Grass (Fig. 58) Michaux '03, 48; Engelmann '44, 103; Lapham '57, 548, 594; Babcock '73, 97; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 64; Higlcy and Raddin '91, 139; Huett '97, 128; Gleason '07, 181; Gleason '10, 147; Hitchcock and Chase '10, 87; Gates '12, 354. 298 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Culms erect, 3 to 6 feet tall, smooth; sheaths usually smooth, sometimes ciliate on the margin or with a few hairs at the throat; blades 4 inches to 2 feet long, 4 to 15 mm. wide, usually smooth except for the rough edges; panicles large and spreading; spikelets 3.5 to- 5 mm. long. This is a species belonging to the prairie. It is usually found in moist places, where it grows in large bunches. When young, it furnishes some grazing for stock, but when the plant is old the Fig. 58. P. vir- stems are very hard. gatum, spikelct ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Hall in 1870. COOK CO. Chicago, A. Chase 1178, 1636; Chicago, Babcoclc, July, 1874. CHAMPAIGN co. "Without locality, Percival, Oct., 1876; Champaign, Clinton, Sept., 1897; Champaign, Sey- mour, July, 1880; Savoy, Gibbs, Sept., 1898. FULTON co. Without locality, Pe- poon. IROQUOIS co. Thawville, Wilcox 100. JO DAVIESS CO. Without locality, Pepoon 411. LAKE CO. Waukegan, Gleason and Shobe 326; Winthrop Harbor, Gates. LEE co. Dixon, Seymour, Sept., 1882. MACON co. Decatur, Clokey in 1898. MENARD co. Athens, Hall in 1870. OGLE co. Without locality, M. S. Bebb in 1858; Oregon, Waite in 1885. PEORIA CO. Princeville, V. H. Chase 818; Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, Aug., 1903. ST. CLAIR. co. Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase in 1897. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer; Old Palmyra, Schneck, Sept., 1897; Mt. Carmel, Schneclc, Oct., 1876. WILL co. Joliet, Skeels 470. AGROSTOIDEA These plants are perennials, growing in bunches, some species with scaly rootstocks. The sheaths are often keeled. The ligule is never over a millimeter long, membranous, and sometimes fringed with hairs. The panicles in our species are many-flowered, the spikelets short- pediceled, mostly crowded on the ascending branches. The spikelets are smooth and have a keeled first glume. Panicum agrostoides Spreng.. Munro Grass (Fig. 60) Lapham '57, 548, 594; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Huett '97, 128; Hitchcock and Chase '10, 100. Culms erect, smooth, 1.5 to 3 feet long, many short leaves clustered at the base of the plant with some very long ones on the culm ; sheaths keeled, usually smooth ; blades folded at the base, flat above, 8 to 20 inches long, 5 to 10 mm. wide, slightly rough on both surfaces but not pubescent; panicles narrowly oval in outline, much the size and shape of common redtop, Agrostis alba; spikelets 1.8 to 2 mm. long. This species is usually found in damp places, often forming a dense stand over considerable areas that arc low and somewhat boggy. 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 299 It also grows along the banks of streams and ponds. It furnishes very good fodder if present in sufficient quantities. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Southern Illinois, Vasey in 1860. CLINTON co. Shattuck, Waite. HANCOCK co. Augusta, Mead. JACKSON co. Makanda, Seymour, Aug., 1880. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, De Selm, Aug., 1913. MADISON co. Madison, Eggert 227. PEORIA CO. Peoria, Brendel in 1859. Ptr- LASKI co. Mound City, Vasey. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Brendel in 1850; Mascoutah, Welsch. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer, Sept., 1898. Panicum anceps Michx. (Fig. .59) Brendel '59, 585; Vasey '61, 671; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 64; Hitchcock and Chase '10, 107.- Culms erect from, stout, scaly rootstocks, smooth, 1.5 to 3 feet long; sheaths finely pubescent or smooth and glabrous ; blades often folded together at base, usually slightly rough and glabrous, sometimes a few hairs near the base, 8 to 20 inches long, 4 to 10 mm. wide; panicles stiffly erect, the long slender branches not close to- gether, bearing short, appressed branchlets, mostly along the lower side ; spikelets 3 to 3.8 mm. long, usually about 3.5. This species is found in moist, sandy soil, often in open woods. It is of no economic importance. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS : Without locality, Vasey. HENDERSON co. Without lo- cality, Patterson. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. POPE co. Herod, Clinton, July, 1898. PULASKI co. Mound City, Vasey. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. UNION co. Anna, Seymour, Aug., 1880. WABASH co. Mt. Carmel, Waite in 1887; Paton Station, SchnecTc, Aug., 1881. Subgenus DICHANTHELIUM Hitchcock and Chase The remaining groups of Panicum are included in this subgenus. In these plants there is a more or less well-marked winter rosette of leaves at the base of the plant, which are broader and shorter than the other leaves (Fig. 67). This rosette is formed in midsummer or fall, and lives over until spring. In the spring simple culms (Fig. 73) are produced, bearing terminal panicles with numerous spikelets, which seldom produce seed (Fig. 67b). After these panicles are mature, the culms branch and the winter rosette is formed. This changes the appearance of the plant completely in most cases (Fig. 67) , and some of these autumnal forms have been described as new species. A second lot of panicles, often hidden by the sheaths, are produced on the branches, the spikelets on these producing seed. 59 60 Figs. 59-60. Spikelets: 59, P. anceps; 60, P. agrostoides 300 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, 61 DEPAUPERATA This group includes plants with simple culms, 4 to 16 inches tall with long, nar- row leaves clustered at the baso. The ligule is a ring of very short hairs. The panicles are small, very narrow, and in summer are borne well above the leaves. In autumn the panicles are smaller and more or less hidden by the leaves. The species are extremely variable both as to size of spikelet and amount of hairs present. Panicum depauperatum Muhl. (Figs. 61 and 64) Lapham '57, 548, 596; Babcock 73, ^250; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brender '87, 64; Higley and Raddin '91, 139; Illicit '97, 128; Hitchcock and Chase '10, 151. Culms slender and stiff, variable as to amount of pubescence present, sometimes smooth and glabrous; sheaths usually finely papillose-pubescent ; blades 3 to 9 inches longj 2 to 5 mm. wide, the smaller leaves at the base of the plant ; panicles narrow, few-flowered; spikelets beaked, the second glume and sterile lemma ex- tending beyond the fruit, 3 to 4 mm. long, usually about 3.5 mm., sometimes with a few short hairs. There is little difference between the plant in spring and in autumn. It grows in poor soil, generally in open woods. Panicum depauperatum as mentioned by the earlier authors probably included P. perlongum, as that species has only re- cently been segregated from P. depauper- atum. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Lansing, A. Chase 867. JACKSON co. Makamla, Gleason, June, 1903. Fig. 61. P. depauperatum 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 301 Panicum perlongum Nash (Fig. 62) Gleason '10, 148; Hitchcock and Chase '10, 153. Culms as in the preceding species ; slieaths usually densely pubes- cent, very seldom smooth ; blades 2 to 10 inches long, 2 to 4 mm. wide ; panicles very small, but appearing densely flowered ; spikelets blunt, or if appearing beaked, the points of the second glume and sterile lemma not extending beyond the fruit, 2.7 to 3.3 mm. long, often pubescent. This species closely resembles P. depauperatum, but the spikelets do not have a beak prolonged beyond the fruit, and the leaves are longer and narrower. P. depauperatum has very few panicles in the autumn, while P. perlongum has a great many. It is a prairie species and grows in dry soil. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Babcoclc; without locality, Wolf. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Seymour, May, 1880. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Pat- terson, jo DAVIESS co. Hanover, Gleason and Gates 2530. LAKE co. Beach, Gates 2454; Waukegan, Gates 2472. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 460, 1456, 1511. WILL co. Joliet, Hill, June, 1907; Joliet, STceels, June, 1904. 62 63 64 Figs. 62-64. Spikelets: 62, P. perlongum; 63, P. linearifolium ; 64, P. depauperatum Panicum linearifoliuin Scribn. (Fig. 63) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 155. Culms 8 to 18 inches long, very slender, seldom pubescent ;. sheaths usually densely pubescent; blades 4 to 15 inches long, often longer than the panicles, 2 to 4 mm. wide ; panicles larger than in the two preceding species ; spikelets 2.2 to 2.7 mm. long, often with a few soft hairs. This species is best distinguished by its smaller, narrower spikelets, but the leaves are typically much longer and narrower and not so stiff as in the preceding species. It grows in dry woods. COOK co. Glencoe, Gates, June, 1907. DU PAGE co. Wheaton, Moffatt, July, 1893. JACKSON co. Makanda, Gleason, June, 1903. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. UNION co. Cobden, Waite, June, 1885. 302 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, 65 Fig. 65. P. zalapense 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 303 LAXIFLORA The species belonging to this group are characterized by their soft, pale green foliage. The blades in the Illinois species are edged with rather long hairs or cilia and are usually pubescent on both surfaces. The leaves in summer are always clustered at the base of the plant and are shorter here than on the culm. This cluster of leaves persists in the autumn, but does not form a true rosette such as is found in the next group, Dichotoma. The ligules are very short and inconspicuous. The panicles in summer are borne far above the leaves; in autumn they are smaller and often hidden by them. The spikelets are small, always less than 2.5 mm. in length. Panicum xalapense H. B. K. (Figs. 65 and 66) Hitchcock and' Chase '10, 160. Plants in spring and early summer with smooth, slender culms 8 to 24 inches long ; sheaths densely, retrorsely pubescent with long, soft hairs arising from small papillae; blades 4 to 8 inches long, 7 to 12 mm. broad, sparsely pubescent on both surfaces, the edges ciliate, with hairs usu- ally as long as those on the sheaths ; panicles few- flowered; spikelets pubescent, about 2 mm. long, sometimes slightly shorter. Plants in autumn more 66 branched at the base, forming denser tufts than in Fi g- 66. P. xdl- the spring. apense > spikelet This species is most abundant in the southern states. It has been collected only a few times in Illinois. JACKSON co. Without locality, French in 1905. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. UNION co. Anna, Seymour, Aug., 1880. The plants belonging to this group are strikingly different in spring or early summer, and in autumn. The spring or vernal form has several simple culms in a tuft. The panicles are few-flowered, not very large, and their spikelets rarefy perfect seed. In the autumn a small, flat rosette is formed at the base, and the culms branch freely, often resembling miniature trees. These culms often become too heavy to stand erect and are found bent over or lying prostrate on the ground. The dead leaves of the winter rosette are always found at the base of the culms of the vernal form, if care is taken in collecting the plants. The panicles borne in autumn are very much smaller than those of the vernal form, and are usually included in the leaf sheaths, often scarcely visible. Their spikelets always produce seed. The leaves 304 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, and culms in this group are never conspicuously pubescent, and the ligules are very short, less than 1 mm. in length, and fringed. The spikelets are never over 2.5 mm. in length. Panicum barbulatum Michx. (Fig. 68) Vernal culms 1 to 2.5 feet tall, the lower nodes bearded; sheaths shorter than the internodes, but usually more than half as long, some- times with a few soft hairs ; blades 2.5 to 4 inches long, 6 to 10 mm. wide; panicles borne well above the leaves; spikelets 2 mm. long, smooth, the second glume always covering the ripe fruit. Autumnal culms branched rather more than in P. dichotomum and usually reclin- ing, being too top-heavy to stand erect. This species is found in sterile soil, usually in the woods. In its vernal phase it closely resembles P. dichotomum, but it always has bearded nodes. JACKSON co. Makanda, Seymour, Aug., 1880. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. WABASH co. Belmont, SchnecTc, Oct., 1900. ; Panicum dichotomum L. (Figs. 67 and 69) Lapham '57, 596 (Plate 4, Fig. 4); Babcock '73, 97; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Higley and Kaddin '91, 139; Huett '97, 128; Hitchcock and Chase '10, 190. Vernal culms 1 to 2 feet long, smooth and glabrous, the nodes not bearded, but sometimes, especially the lower ones, with a few hairs ; sheaths less than half as long as the internodes, smooth or sparsely pubescent, leaves 2 to 4 inches long, 4 to 8 mm. wide, usually smooth but sometimes with a few long hairs along the edges ; panicles borne well above the leaves, small and few-flowered; spikelets 2 mm. long, smooth, the second glume always shorter than the fruit when ripe. Autumnal culms much branched from about the middle, the lower por- tion usually unbranched, making the plant look like a small tree; blades much smaller than in the vernal form. This species is often purplish in both vernal and autumnal forms. The vernal form closely resembles P. barbulatum, but this species has bearded nodes and the fruit is always covered by the second glume. The species described and figured by Lapham was evidently not P. dichotomum as it was densely pubescent, while this species is smooth. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. UNION co. Cobden, Waite in 1885. 1018] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 305 Fig. 67. P. dichotomum, autumnal form, (b) pan- icle of vernal form 306 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Panicum microcarpon Muhl. (Fig. 70) Lapham '57, 548, 595; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87 r 89; Hitchcock and Chase '10, 181. Spring form growing in tufts or large clumps; culms generally, erect, sometimes .bent at base, 1 to 2 feet long, the nodes bearded with reflexed hairs ; sheaths smooth, except sometimes the lower ones, ciliate along the margin ; blades thin, 4 to 5 inches long, 8 to 15 mm. wide, smooth and glabrous except sometimes for a few hairs near the base; panicles many-flowered, oval in. outline ; spikelets 1.5 to 1.6 mm. long, glabrous. Autumnal form much branched, especially at the top, and bent over from the weight of the branches; blades much smaller, 1 to 2.5 inches long, the panicle smaller and few-flowered. This species grows in wet woods and swampy places. The species described by Lapham was probably not P. microcarpon, as he says it resembles P. lati folium. His description is not complete enough to determine certainly what the species was, but it was probably P. polyanihes. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendcl, POPE co. Herod, Clinton, July, 1898. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer, Aug., 1899; Mt. Carmel, Schneck in 1880; Mt. Carmel, Waite, Aug., 1887; near Mt. Carmel, Schneck, June, 1900 ; Shannon 's swamp, Schneck, June, 1884. 68 70 Figs. 68-71. Spikelets: 68, P. barbulatum; 69, P. dichotomum ; 70, P. microcarpon; 71, P. yadkinense Panicum yadkinense Ashe (Fig. 71) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 195. Vernal culms 2 to 3 feet tall; smooth, the nodes not bearded; sheaths smooth, with pale, almost white, glandular spots ; blades smooth, 3 to 5 inches long, 8 to 11 mm. broad ; panicles larger than in P. dicTiotomum; spikelets 2.3 to 2.5 mm. long, smooth. Autumnal form considerably branched but never tree-like as in P. dichotomwn, the leaves smaller but not much reduced. This is a considerably larger species than either P. dichotomum or P. barbulatum and is easily recognized by its pointed spikelets. The 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 307 leaves are much broader than in either of these species, and the white spots between the veining of the sheaths is quite distinctive. JACKSON co. Makanda, Gleason in 1903. JOHNSON CO. Without locality, SchnecTc in 1902 ; Tunnel Hill, Schneck, May, 1902. SPRETA The plants belonging to this group are rather stiff and have short, narrow leaves not over 8 mm. wide. They resemble the plant shown in Fig. 73. The ligule is a ring of long hairs, usually 5 to 6 mm. long. The plants are seldom pubescent, but the spikelets usually are short pubescent. The autumnal form does not differ very widely from the spring form, the extra branches being short and closely appressed to the plant. Panicum lindheimeri Nash (Fig. 72) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 203. Vernal culms erect, rather stiff, 1 to 3 feet high, smooth or some- times finely pubescent on the lower part ; lower sheaths usually with fine pubescence, the upper smooth and usually about half the length of the internodes; ligules often 4 to 5 mm. long; blades smooth on both surfaces; spikelets 1.4 to 1.6 mm. long, densely pubescent. Autumnal culms spreading, or often lying on the -o u 7- ,7 ground, branching at the nodes, the branches short *. / Ut Jr. IVII(1~ Jteimeri, spikelet and appressed to the culm, the leaves much smaller than the vernal form, and pointed. This species is very variable as to the kind and amount of pubescence present. The plants are usually smooth thruout but often pubescent near the base. The species has the general appearance of P. dichotomum in the vernal form, but is usually taller. It also resembles a narrow-leaved plant of P. huachucae silvicola. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Seymour, June, 1880. COOK CO. Chicago, Nelson in 1899; Irondale, Chicago, Hill, July, 1913. JACKSON co. Without locality, French in 1871. LAKE co. Beach, Umbach 2242. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Eggert 237. LANGUINOSA In this group the plants are usually conspicuously pubescent. The blades are not over 10 mm. wide and are usually narrower. The ligules are densely hairy, from 2 to 5 mm. long. The spikelets are pubescent and never more than 3 mm. long. The autumnal form is much branched and quite different from the spring form. The leaves and panicles are considerably smaller. The species now included in 303 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, 73 Fig. 73. P. Imacliucae this group were incorrectly referred by the earlier American authors to P. pubes- cens Lam. or Michx. (that name being a synonym of P. scoparium Lam.). P. pubescens, Engelmann ('44, p. 103) is cited, but it is impossible to determine which species he collected. Panicum huachucae A she (Figs. 73 and 74) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 214; Gates '12, 354. Culms 8 to 24 inches tall, erect and stiff ; culms and leaves densely papillose- pubescent; nodes bearded with spread- ing hairs; sheaths shorter than the in- ternodes; blades 1.5 to 2.5 inches long, 6 to 8 mm. wide ; ligules 3 to 4 mm. long ; panicle axis and branches covered with long hairs nearly to the end; spikelets 1.6 to 1.8 mm. long, densely pubescent. This species is usually light olive green but generally tinged with purple, and the spikelets are often purplish. The plant is very stiff and harsh to the touch from the abundance of hairs. The au- tumnal form is much the same, tho the culms are branched and the leaves much shorter ; usually not much over an inch in length. The panicles are very small and almost hidden by the leaves. There is considerable variation in the amount of pubescence present. The species in- tergrades with the subspecies P. huachu- cae silvicola, which is apparently more abundant in Illinois. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews, Aug., 1898. COOK CO. East Side, Chicago, Hill, July, 1905; Palos Park, Umbach, June, 1909; Lan- sing, A. Chase, June, 1898; Beverly Hills, A. Chase, June, 1902 ; Washington Heights, Rob- ert Bebb, June, 1902 ; Chicago, Somes, Aug., 1907; Chicago, Hill in 1905. FORD co. Kemp- ton, Wilcox, July, 1902. HENDERSON co. Oquaw- ka, Patterson. KNOX co. Williamsfiekl, V. H. Chase 1858. LAKE co. Beach, Umbach 2237, 2244; Wauconda, Hill in 1898; Rockefeller, Gates, July, 1907; area north of Waukegan, Gates; Waukegan, Gleason and Shobc, Aug., 1906. MACON co. Elm Eidge, CloTcey 2435. 19J8] . THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 309 PEORIA co. Princeville, V. H. Chase, Aug., 1906. RICHLAND co. Near Gluey, Eidgway. VERMILION co. Muncie, Mosher, May, 1914. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer. Panicum huachcae silvicola Hitchc. and Chase Hitchcock and Chase '10, 218. This subspecies differs from the species in being taller, more slen- der, and not so pubescent. It is also a softer, grayer green than the species and does not look or feel so harsh. The nodes are bearded with reflexed hairs. The leaves are softer and thinner and less pubescent. CHAMPAIGN CO. Mahomet, Gleason 1033 ; Urbana, Gates, Sept., 1907 ; Urbana, Seymour and Waite 1024; Urbana, Mosher, June, 1914. COOK co. Orland, Um- bach, Aug., 1909 ; Palos Park, Umbach, Sept., 1909 ; La Grange, Hill, July, 1907 ; Eiverside, Hill, July, 1907; Englewood, Derr, May, 1885. DU PAGE CO. Downer's Grove, Umbach 1820. JACKSON co. Makanda, Gleason 1028, 1030; Grand Tower, Gleason 1031. jo DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon 580 and .01. KNOX co. Williamsfield, V. H. Chase, 1851. LA SALLE co. Starved Rock, A. Chase, July, 1901. MACON co. C. H. & D. Bridge, Clokey 2437, 2449; Decatur, CloTcey, Aug., 1897. MCLEAN co. Normal, Somes 138. MARSHALL co. Lawn Eidge, V. H. Chase 1477, 1491. MENARD co. Without locality, Hall in 1861; Athens, Sail in 1861. OGLE co. Oregon, Waite in 1885; Pine Eock, Waite, June, 1885. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald, Aug., 1900; Peoria, Eobert Sebb, June. 1905; Glasford, Wilcox 42; Peoria, Brendel; Princeville, V. H. Chase 81. PIATT co. White Heath, Mosher, July and Oct., 1914. RICHLAND CO. Parkersburg, Eidgway, June, 1902. ST. CLAIR co. Masco utah, Welsch. VERMILION co. Muncie, Mosher, Oct., 1914. WABASH co. Without locality, Schneck, July, 1897; without locality, Shearer, June, 1899; Hanging Eock, Ashe and Schneck, July, 1899; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, July, 1888; Patton, Schneck, June, 1879. Panicum implicatum Scribn. (Fig. 75) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 213. Vernal form with slender culms, 8 to 20 inches tall; culms and sheaths papillose-pubescent; sheaths shorter than the internodes; ligules 4 to 5 mm. long; blades 1 to 2.5 inches long, 3 to 6 mm. wide, with long, spreading pubescence, 3 to 4 mm. long, on the upper sur- face and shorter pubescence on the lower ; panicles small, the axis with long, soft hairs, the branches usually tangled ; spikelets 1.5 mm. long, densely pubescent. Autumnal form much branched from the nodes, forming small tufts of leaves, which partially conceal the much re- duced panicles ; culm leaves seldom over an inch long and 2 to 4 mm. in width. This species is found in wet meadows, bogs, and swamps. It is a northern species and so far has been found only in the northern half of the state. It closely resembles P. Tiuaclmcae as to general appear- ance and habit of growth. COOK co. Chicago, Nelson 66. IROQUOIS co. Chebanse, Hill, July, 1870. MASON co. Manito, Wilcox 57. OGLE co. Without locality, Waite in 1885. KOCK ISLAND co. Near Rock Island, McDonald, Sept., 1901. 310 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Panicum meridionals Ashe (Fig. 76) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 210. Vernal form with slender culms 6 to 15 inches tall; culms and sheaths pilose; nodes bearded; sheaths shorter than the internodes; blades .5 to 1.5 inches long, 2 to 4 mm. wide, sparsely long pubescent on the upper surface and short pubescent on the lower ; panicle small, the axis smooth or short pubescent; spikelets 1.3 to 1.4 mm. long, densely pubescent. Autumnal form much branched from all the nodes, the branches forming small tufts ; leaves and panicles not very much reduced ; panicles hidden by the leaves. This species is found in sandy woods or shady places, in sterile soil in the woods, or in peat soil on the prairie. It closely resembles P. implication but the culms are shorter and more slender and the plants less pubescent. COOK CO. Chicago, Hill 145. Kensington, Hill, July, 1890 ; Irondale, Chicago, Hill, July, 1913. KANKAKEE co. South of Kankakee, Hill, July, 1913. 76 79 Figs. 74-80. Spikelets: 74, P. huachucae; 75, P. implicatum; 76, P. meri- dionale; 77, P. praecocius; 78, P. pseudopubescens ; 79, P. tennesseense ; 80, P. villo'ssissiimtm Panicum praecocius Hitchc. and Chase (Fig. 77) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 226. Vernal form with rather stout culms, 6 to 24 inches tall, often forming spreading tufts; culms and sheaths densely long pubescent; sheaths much shorter than the internodes; ligules 3 to 4 mm. long; blades 2 to 4 inches long, 4 to 6 mm. wide, long pubescent on both sur- faces, the hairs nearly equal to the width of the blade; spikelets 1.8 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 311 to 1.9 mm. long, densely pubescent. Autumnal form much branched at the nodes, the branches closely appressed to the stem ; leaves only slightly smaller than in the spring form, and partially concealing the much reduced panicles. This species is found on dry prairie and in clearings. "It has been found only in the middle western states. The type locality for the species is Wady Petra in Stark county. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS : Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Champaign, Waite, June, 1886; Urbana, Seymour, May, 1880. JO DAVIESS co. Hanover, Glea- son and Gates, June, 1908; without locality, Pepoon .02 and .04. KNOX co. Wil- liamsfield, V. #. Chase 1850. LAKE CO. Winthrop Harbor, Gates 2778; Waukegan, Gates 2469. LA SALLE co. Starved Rock, A. Chase 1605. MARSHALL co. With- out locality, V. H. Chase, 1791. MASON co. Havana, Gleason 1034. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 472, 649, 1212, 1214, 1218. WILL co. Joliet, Sill in 1907. Panicum pseudopubescens Nash (Fig. 78) Panicum sp., Gleason '07, 181. P. pseudopubescens, Gleason '10, 147; Hitch- cock and Chase '10, 235. Vernal form with stiff culms 8 to 20 inches tall ; culms and sheaths densely pubescent, the hairs usually as long as the width of the culm ; nodes densely bearded with spreading hairs ; sheaths shorter than the internodes ; ligule about 2 to 3 mm. long ; blades 2 to 4 inches long, 5 to 10 mm. wide, the upper surface long pubescent near the edge, smooth in the center, occasionally smooth all over, the lower surface with short, fine pubescence ; spikelets 2.2 to 2.4 mm. long, densely pubescent. Autumnal form usually with spreading culms, sometimes flat on the ground, with a few branches at each node ; leaf blades considerably reduced and usually smooth. This species is usually light olive green in color. It is found in sandy soil, often in open woods. Gleason found it very abundant in the sand areas which he studied. There it formed one of the charac- teristic bunch grasses where the sand was being continually blown away from the roots of the plants. jo DAVIESS co. Hanover, Gleason and Gates' 2535, 2539, 2575. LA SALLE co. Starved Rock, A. Chase 1605; Starved Eock, STceels, May, 1905. Panicum tennesseense Ashe (Fig. 79) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 218. Vernal form 10 to 25 inches tall, stiffly erect or slightly spread- ing; culms and sheaths with short hairs, sometimes nearly smooth; ligules 4 to 5 mm. long ; nodes bearded ; sheaths shorter than the inter- nodes ; blades 2 to 3.5 inches long, 5 to 8 mm. wide, with a very narrow white margin, upper surface with a few long hairs near the base, the 312 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, lower surface short appressed pubescent; spikelets 1.6 to 1.7 mm. long, densely pubescent. Autumnal form usually spreading, the culms much branched at the nodes, forming tufts of leaves, often bending the plant to the ground ; leaves much reduced and concealing the very small panicles. This species is usually found in moist places. In general appear- ance it is much like P. Jiuacliucae and its subspecies, but in P. tennes- seense the upper surface of the leaves is not pubescent. Hitchcock and Chase cite some intergrading specimens in which a few hairs occur on the upper blade surface. The plants often have a purplish tinge. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews, June, 1899. LAKE co. Zion City, Hill, Aug., 1905; Waukegan, Gates, June, 1908; Beach, Umbach, July, 1909. ROCK ISLAND co. Banks of Mississippi near Kock Island, McDonald, Sept., 1900. Panicum villosissimum Nash (Fig. 80) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 233. Culms in large tufts 10 to 20 inches tall, rather slender ; culms and sheaths very densely long pubescent, giving them a soft, fuzzy appear- ance; nodes bearded; sheaths shorter than the internodes; ligule 4 to 5 mm. long ; blades 2 to 4 inches long, 5 to 10 mm. wide, densely soft, appressed pubescent on both surfaces ; spikelets 2.2 to 2.3 mm. long, the pubescence spreading. Autumnal form usually much branched, espe- cially at the lower nodes, the leaves closely appressed to the stem, the plants often prostrate; blades not much reduced, usually with a few long hairs on the upper surface. This species is found in dry, usually sandy soil, in open woods or on hillsides. The vernal form is light olive green ; the autumnal form is often tinged with purple. LA SALLE co. Starved Kock, A. Chase 1606. MADISON co. Without locality, Eggert 293. COLUMBIANA The species of Columbiana differ mainly from those of Languinosa in the absence of long, spreading hairs on culms and sheaths, the pubescence being short and appressed. The ligule is short, usually not over 1 mm. long. The blades are firm and always less than 1 cm. wide, rarely with long hairs on the upper surface. The autumnal form is freely branched. The spikelets are always covered with short pubescence. Panicum tsugetorum Nash (Fig. 81) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 245. Vernal culms 12 to 18 inches tall, usually ascending but often bent over near the base ; densely pubescent with very fine, soft hairs, closely 1918] THE GRASSES OP ILLINOIS 313 appresscd; sheaths usually as long as the intcriiodcs, less pubescent than the culms, ciliate 011 the margin; ligules 1 to 1.5 mm. long; blades with a thin, white margin, 1.5 to 3 inches long, 4 to 7 mm. wide, usually smooth above, sometimes with a few long hairs near the base; spikelets pubescent, 1.8 to 1.9 mm. long. Autumnal form spreading on the ground and Fi 81 P tsu , branching from the lower and middle nodes, the getorum, spikelet branches growing erect or ascending, not closely appressed to the culm; blades only slightly re- duced, sometimes sparsely covered with long hairs. This species is found in dry, sandy soil, usually in the woods. The type specimen was>collected in a hemlock grove. The plants in- spring are bluish green ; later they often acquire a purplish tinge. The spike- lets are usually dark colored. The general appearance of this species is like that of P. Tiuacliucae silvicola. LA SALLE co. Starved Kock, A. Chase 1604; Starved Koek, Greenman, Lans- ing, and Dixon 155. OGLE co. Oregon, Hill in 1905. SPHAEROCABPA The species belonging to this group are usually found in small tufts and are practically smooth thruout. The ligules are obsolete or nearly so. The blades are rather stiff with strong margins, which are usually very rough. The panicles are usually about the length of the leaves, and are borne well above them in the spring form. "This group is so named on account of the shape of the spikelets, which are almost spherical. Panicum polyanthes Schult. (Figs. 82 and 83) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 254. Vernal form with culms in a tuft 1 to 3 feet tall; culms stout, erect, smooth, scarcely ever with hairs on the nodes ; sheaths as long as the internodes, smooth, ciliate on the margin; ligules too small to be distinguished ; blades 5 to 10 inches long, 15 to 25 mm. wide, rough on the upper surface and smooth on the lower, except for a few hairs along the margin near the base ; panicles much longer than broad ; spikelets 1.5 to 1.6 mm. long, nearly spherical, short pubescent. Autumnal form much like the vernal except that a few branches with smaller blades and panicles are produced from the lower nodes. The species listed as P. microcarpon by Lapham ('57, 548, 595) was probably P. polyantlies. The name P. microcarpon MuJd. 1817, not Muhl. ; Ell. 1816, was then applied to the species now known as P. polyantlies (Hitchcock and Chase '10, 255). This species is found in damp places, usually in or near the woods. It is much taller than BULLETIN No. 205 Fig. 82. P. polyantlics 1918} THE GRASSES OP ILLINOIS 315 P. spliacrocarpon and has larger leaves. The plants arc light green in color. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS : Without locality, French in 1905. JACKSON co. Grand Tower, Gleason, July, 1902. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. UNION co. Cobden, Earle in 1886. Panicum sphaerocarpon Ell. (Fig. 84) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 251. Vernal form with culms 8 to 20 inches tall, seldom erect, the tuft usually spreading, not pubescent except on the nodes ; sheaths almost as long as the internodes, slightly ciliate on the margin, otherwise smooth ; ligules too small to be distinguished -, blades 2 to 4 inches long, 7 to 14 mm. wide, rough but not pubescent on the upper surface except along the margin near base, smooth below ; panicles about as wide as long ; spike- lets short pubescent, 1.6 to 1.8 mm. long, al- Fi 83-84 S 'ke mos t spherical. Autumnal form spreading on lots: 83, P. polyanthes; the ground, branching from the lower and 84, P. sphaerocarpon middle nodes ; blades and panicles not greatly reduced. This species is usually found in sandy soil. It is not common in Illinois. The plants are usually light green with purplish spikelets. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews, Aug., 1898. JACKSON co. Without lo- cality, French, June, 1878, and May, 1905. OLIGOSANTHIA The species belonging to this group are as a rule stout, erect plants with stiff leaves and large spikelets. The sheaths are usually hairy, the ligules never more than 1 mm. long and the spikelets 3 to 4 mm. long. In the autumnal form the culms branch near the top. Panicum leibergii (Vascy) Scribn. (Figs. 85 and 86) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 289. Vernal form with erect, slender culms in small tufts; culms 1 to 3 feet tall, usually pubescent ; sheaths shorter than the internodes, con- spicuously papillose-pubescent, the hairs spreading ; ligules not visible ; blades 2 to 6 inches long, 7 to 15 mm. wide, short, appressed papillose- 316 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, 85 Fig. 85. P. culm pubescent on both surfaces, tho sometimes only on the basal part ; panicles few-flowered, the length about twice the width; spikelets 3.7 to 4 mm. long, long pubescent. Autumnal form not very different, the culms usually leaning over, a few branches from the middle and lower nodes, the blades very little reduced, usually concealing the panicles. This is another of the prairie species. It is found thruout the state. CHAMPAIGN CO. Champaign, Waite in 1888; Champaign, Seymour, June, 1884. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, An- drews, June, 1899. DU PAGE co. Naper- ville, Umbach 1669. JO DAVIESS co. War- ren, Pepoon 12 and 729. KNOX co. Without locality, V. H. Chase 1701. LIVINGSTON CO. Emington, Wilcox, July, 1902. MACON co. Decatur, Clokey, May, 1889. MARSHALL co. Near Lawn Eidge, V. H. Chase July, 1907. MENARD co. Without locality, Hall in 1861. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald, June, 1903. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, WelscJi. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 461, 1466. WILL co. Joliet, Skeels 334. Panicum olig'osanthes Schult. (Fig. 87) P. pauciflorum, Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284. P. oligosanthes, Lap- ham '57, 595; Hitehcock and Chase '10, 285. Vernal form with culms in small tufts 1 to 2.5 feet tall, usually erect and finely pubescent; nodes bearded; sheaths shorter than the lower internodes, sometimes longer than the upper ones and covered with soft pubescence ; ligule 1 to 2 mm. long; blades 2.5 to 5.5 inches long, 5 to 8 mm. wide, smooth ex- cept for a few hairs on the upper 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 317 surface near the base ; spikelets with long pedicels, 3.5 to 4 mm. long, sparsely pubescent. Autumnal form branching mostly from the upper nodes, often becoming top-heavy and lying on the ground ; leaves much smaller and panicles reduced to a few spikelets. This species is found in sandy soil usually in moist situations. The plants are olive green, very often deeply tinged with purple. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, SchnecTc. 86 Figs. 86-88. Spikelets: 86, P. leibcrgii; 87, P. oli- gosanthcs; 88, P. scribnerianum Panicum scribneriaimm Nash (Fig. 88) Gleason '10, 148; Hitchcock and Chase '10, 283; Gleason '12, 48; Gates '12, Vernal form with the culms in fairly large tufts, usually somewhat spreading, 8 to 20 inches tall, generally smooth; nodes not bearded; sheaths papillose-pubescent; ligules about 1 mm. long; blades 2 to 4 inches long, 6 to 12 mm. wide, usually ciliate on the margin, some- times with a few short hairs on the under surface, otherwise smooth ; panicles small, the length and breadth about equal; spikelets 3.2 to 3.3 mm. long, sparsely pubescent or almost smooth. Autumnal form branching from the middle and upper nodes, the leaves slightly re- duced, partially concealing the small panicles. This is a typical prairie species found in dry or sandy soil. It is probably one of the commonest species of perennial Panicum found in Illinois. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews, June, 1899. COOK co. Chicago, A. Chase 1607; Chicago, Greenman, Lansing, and Dixon 156. HENRY co. Galva, V. H. Chase 1749. JO DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pcpoon 185; Hanover, Gleason and Gates 2598. LAKE co. Beach, Umbach 2365; Waukegan, Gates in 1909. MACON co. Near Decatur, CloTcey 2438. MARSHALL co. Without locality, V. H. Chase 1792. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald, June, 1890. STARK CO. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 922. VERMILION co. Muncie, Mosher, May, 1914. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer. 318 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, 90 COMMUTATA The species of this group are rather stout, usually with smooth culms. The blades are generally more than 1 cm. wide, smooth, and ciliate at the base. The ligule is practically wanting. The spikelets are finely pubes- cent, from 2.5 to 3 mm. long. Panicum commutatum Schult. (Figs. 89 and 90) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 303. Vernal form with culms in tufts, 1 to 2.5 feet high, the culms smooth ; nodes occasionally with minute hairs; sheaths shorter than the internodes, usually smooth except for the ciliate margin ; ligules not visible ; blades short and broad, 2 to 7 inches long, 12 to 25 mm. broad, smooth on both surfaces, the margin ciliate at the base ; spike- lets 2.6 to 2.8 mm. long, pubes- cent. Autumnal form branching from the middle of the culm; the leaves little reduced ; panicles very small. This species is found mostly in woods and shady places. It is dull,' grayish green, usually tinged with purple. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without lo- cality, SchnecTc in 1879. LATIFOLIA The species belonging to this group are readily distinguished by their very tall culms and Figs. 89-90. 89, P. commutatum, broad, thin leaves, which are culm; 90, P. commutatum, spikclet 1018} THE GRASSES OP ILLINOIS 319 usually more than 1.5 cm. wide. The ligules are never over 1 mm. long. The spikelets are from 2.5 to 4.5 mm. long, short pubescent. Tlu- species are all found in shady places. 91 Fig. 91. P. boscii, leaf and panicle Panicum boscii Poir. (Figs. 91 and 93) Hitchcock and Chase '10, 317. Vernal form with the culms in large clumps 1.5 to 2.5 feet tall, Usually smooth, very rarely pubescent; nodes retrorsely bearded; 320 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, sheaths a little more than half the length of the internodes, ciliate on the margin, otherwise smooth, rarely with fine pubescence; ligule about 1 mm. long; blades 2.5 to 5 inches long, 1.5. to 3 cm. wide, usually smooth on both surfaces but sometimes \vith a few fine, short hairs on the upper surface, ciliate on the margin at base; spikelets 4 to 4.5 mm. long, covered with fine hairs. Autumnal form as in P. clandestinum, sometimes branched enough to be top-heavy. This species is found in woods and other shady places. It is closely related to P. latifolium and has been mistaken for that species by many of the earlier writers, who seem to have included all the species of Latifolia under that name. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews, May, 1899. JACKSON co. Without lo- cality, French in 1905. JOHNSON co. Tunnel Hill, Eidgway in 1902. POPE co. Herod, Clinton, July, 1898. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. WABASH co. Without locality, Schncck, May, 1906; without locality, Shearer, Aug., 1899; Hanging Eock, ScTineck, Sept., 1904; Key's Hill, SchnecTc, June, 1905. // -83' 94 Figs. 92-94. Spikelets: 92, P. clandestinum; 93, P. boscii; 94, P. latifolium Panicmn boscii molle (Vasey) Hitchc. and Chase This differs from the species in the soft pubescence of culms and sheaths, which gives them a velvety appearance. The blades are vel- vety on the under surface and have slightly longer hairs on the upper surface. It is usually not so tall as the species, but there are inter- grading forms. UNION co. Without locality, French in 1872. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer, Aug., 1899; Leopold's farm, Schncck, May, 1906; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, May, 1904. Panicum clandestinum L. (Fig. 92) Engelmann '44, 103; Lapham '57, 548, 595; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 64; Higley and Eaddin '91, 139; Huett '97, 128; Hitchcock and Chase '10, 312. Vernal form with the culms in large clumps, the culms 2.5 to 5 feet tall, usually papillose-pubescent ; sheaths as long as the internodes, with long hairs like the culm, at least on the loAver sheaths, or on the 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 321 branches ; blades 4 to 8 inches long, from 1.5 to 3 cm. broad, rough on both surfaces but not pubescent, ciliate on the margin at base ; spikelets 2.7 to 3 mm. long, short pubescent. Autumnal form not very different except for the branching from the middle and upper nodes, and the much reduced panicles almost completely hidden in the sheaths. This species is found in sandy soil, usually in moist situations. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Wolf in 1882. CHRISTIAN co. Tay- lorville, Andrews, May, 1898. FULTON CO. Canton, Wolf. JO DAVIESS co. Along the Mississippi river, Pepoon 580. KANKAKEE co. Mt. Langham, near Kankakee, De Selm, Sept., 1913. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1902 and 1903. UNION co. Anna, Seymour, Aug., 1880. VERMILION co. Stony Crest, Butts and Seymour. WABASH CO. Without locality, Shearer; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, June, 1885; Hanging Rock, Schneck, May, 1906; Belmont, Schneck, Oct., 1900. Panicum latifolium L. (Fig. 93) Lapham '57, 548, 595; Babcock '73, 97; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Hig'.ey and Raddin '91, 139; Huett '97, 128; Hitchcock and Chase '10, 314. Vernal form with a clump of stout culms 1.5 to 3.5 feet tall, smooth ; the nodes not bearded, rarely with a few hairs ; sheaths shorter than the internodes, ciliate on the margin, otherwise smooth, or with a few short, soft hairs on the lower sheaths ; ligule not visible ; blades 3 to 5 inches long, 1.5 to 4 cm. wide, usually smooth, but occasionally with a few short hairs on one or both surfaces; spikelets 3.4 to 3.7 mm. long, sparsely pubescent. Autumnal form as in P. clandestinum. This species is usually found in shady places. The plants are typ- ically smooth, but some specimens are found with short hairs on culms and sheaths. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey; without locality, M. S. Bebb in 1861. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Waite in 1886; Urbana, Butts and Seymour, June, 1880. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews, May, 1894. COOK co. Beverly Hills, Eobert Bebb 882; Edgewater, Chicago, Gates, July, 1906; Hyde Park, Chi- cago, Babcock, July, 1873. jo DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon, Aug., 1908. LAKE co. Antioch, Gleason and Shobe 268. MCHENRY co. Algonquin, Nason. MACON co. East of Fishing Club, Clokey 2436. MARSHALL co. Lawn Ridge, V. . H. Chase, July, 1907. MENARD co. Without locality, Hall in 1861. PEORIA CO. Peoria, Brendel; Glasford, Wilcox 22, 41; Mossville, A. Chase 889; Peoria, Mc- Donald 33. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Eggert 239; Mascoutah, Welsch. VERMILION co. Muncie, Mosher, May, 1914. WABASH co. Without locality, Schneck in 1879; Key's Hill, Schneck, June, 1905; Mt. Ca.rmel, Schneck in 1878 and Aug., 1900; Hanging Rock, Schneck in 1879. The following species cited as having been found in Illinois have not been seen : Panicum laxiflorum Lam. This name is listed by Higley and Rad- din ( '91, 139) and Huett ( '97, 128). It probably refers to P. dichot- omum, while the name P. dicliotomum was applied to the species of Languinosa. Panicum nitidum Lam. This name is listed by Huett ('97, 128) as occurring in Illinois. According to Hitchcock and Chase this species is not found so far north. The name may refer to P. spliaerocarpon. 322 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Panicum pubescens Lam. This is cited by Engelmann ( '44, 103) and refers to the group Languinosa, the name P. pubescens having been applied to these species in common. Panicum scoparium. Englemann ('44, 103) cites P. scoparium Lam., while Lapham ( '57, 548) cites P. scoparium Michx. The species they referred to is probably P. scribnerianum. Panicum xanthophysum A. Gray. Lapham ('57, 548, 595) and Flagg ( '78, 284) cite this as an Illinois species. The name was prob- ably misapplied to P. leibergii. 10. ECHINOCHLOA Beauv. This genus is closely related to Panicum. It has the same type of spikelets, but the sterile lemma is awned or awn-pointed, and some- times the second glume. The spikelets have stiff, bristly hairs on the nerves. The plants are coarse, rank annuals with long, broad leaves. The ligule is obsolete. The inflorescence is of panicles with short raceme-like branches, the spikelets crowded. Sheaths smooth; awns seldom an inch in length, usually much shorter. Spikelets nearly always awned, the second glume with a short awn or awn- pointed; spines on the nerves stout and strong; panicle usually spreading, never compact, usually more than an inch in width. E. crus-galli Spikelets with a very short awn or awn point, second glume not awned or awn- pointed; spines on the nerves delicate; panicle never spreading, very com- pact, an inch or less in width. E. frumentacea Sheaths, at least the lower, papillose-hispid; awns usually about two inches in length. E. walteri Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. Barnyard Grass. Cock-spur Grass (Figs. 98 and 99) Panicum crus-galli, Lapham '57, 548, 596; Babcoek '73, 97; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 64; Higley and Eaddin '91, 139; Huett '97, 128. Echinochloa crus-galli, Gates '12, 354; Sherff '13, 594. Culms branching from the base, often spreading over the ground, 1 to 6 feet long; sheaths and blades smooth, the blades 6 to 24 inches long, 6 to 25 mm. wide ; panicle 4 to 12 inches long, usually spreading ; spikelets about 3 mm. long. This species was introduced from Europe and is found all over the state. It is one of the commonest weeds of the farm and garden, pre- ferring damp, rich soil, and hence it is usually abundant in barnyards. The panicles vary in color from green to purple. It can be eradicated by a thoro cultivation, which prevents the formation of seed. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Clinton, Aug., 1895; Urbana, Seymour, June, 1880; Urbana, Mosher, Oct., 1913. COOK CO. Bowmanvil, Chicago, Gates, July, 1906; Chicago, Babcoek, Aug., 1874. FULTON co. Canton, Wolf. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, De Selm, Aug., 1913. LAKE co. Libertyville, Sherff, Sept., 1912; Waukegan, Gleason and Shobe 320. MCHENKY co. Algonquin, Nason, Aug., 1878. MACON co. Decatur, Clolcey, Aug., 1897. PEORIA CO. Peoria, McDonald; Peoria, Brendel. ST. CLAIR co. Mascou- tah, Welsch. STARK co. Without locality, V. H. Chase 95. WINNEBAGO co. Fountaindale, M. S. Bebb. 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 323 Echinochloa frumentacea (Roxb.) Link Japanese Barnyard Millet. Billion Dollar Grass (Figs. 95 and 96) This species was introduced into the United States some years ago, in the hope that it would prove to be a valuable forage plant. As its value was not so great as was expected, little of it is now cultivated. It has frequently been found as an escape from cultivation. It closely resembles the short-awned forms of E. crus-galli, but has a narrower, more compact panicle. VERMILION co. Bank of Butler Branch creek, Catlin, Lansing, Sept., 1912. Echinochloa waiter! (Pursh) Nash Salt-marsh Cockspur Grass (Fig. 97) Panicum hispidum, Lapham '57, 548. Panicum crus-galli var. hispidum, Pat- terson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Higley and Kaddin '91, 139; Huett, '97, 128. Culms branching from the base and often spreading, 1 to 6 feet long; sheaths, at least the lower, densely papillose-hirsute; blades usually roughened but not pubescent, a foot or more long, 12 to 25 mm. wide ; panicle nodding, the branches usually ascending ; spikelets about 3 mm. long, the first glume with a short awn, the second glume and sterile lemma with awns 2 inches or more long. This is the only native species of the genus found in Illinois. It likes wet places, such as marshes, and is usually found near salt water. COOK co. Shores of Calumet lake, Chicago, A. Chase 1426; shores of Calumet lake, Chicago, Sherff, Sept., 1912; Pullman, Hill, Aug., 1900.- FULTON co. Canton, Wolf. LAKE co. Antioch, Gleason and Shobe 259; Fox lake, Aug., 1908. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. ST. GLAIR co'. Without locality, Eggert, Sept., 1879 ; Mascoutah, Welsch; East St. Louis, Eggert, June, 1878. TAZEWELL co. East Peoria, McDonald, Aug., 1889. 97 99 Figs. 95-99. 95, E. frumentacea, inflorescence; 96, E. frumentacea, spike- let; 97, E. walteri, spikelet; 98, E. crus-galli, inflorescence; 99, E. crus-galli, spikelet 324 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, 11. CHAETOCHLOA Scribn. This is another genus closely related to Panicum and with the same type of spikelets, but these have a cluster of one to several bristle-like branchlets on the short pedicel just below the spikelet (Fig. 101). The inflorescence is of spike-like panicles ; the blades are long and flat. The ligule is a ring of hairs 1 to 2 mm. in length. The Illinois species are all annuals and were all introduced from Europe. Spikelets at least 3 mm. long. Lemmas deeply transversely rugose, very convex; bristles 5 or more, yellow or yellowish brown; panicle 1 cm. or less thick; spikelets usually exceeding 3 mm. in length. . C. lutescens Lemmas faintly transversely rugose, moderately convex; bristles 1 to 3, usu- ally purple, but sometimes yellow; inflorescence generally more than 1 cm. thick. C. italica Spikelets about 2 mm. long. Bristles downwardly barbed. C. verticillata Bristles upwardly barbed. C. viridis 101 103 104 102 Figs. 100-104. 100, C. lutescens, inflorescence; 101, C. lutescens, spikelet; 102, C. italica, spikelet; 103, C. viridis, spikelet; 104, C. verticillata, spikelet Chaetochloa italica (L.) Scribn. Millet. Hungarian Grass. Italian Millet. Foxtail Millet (Fig. 102) Setaria italica, Flagg '78, 284; Higley and Eaddin '91, 140; Huett '97, 129. Culms generally erect, 2 to 6 feet tall ; sheaths and blades generally roughened but not pubescent; blades 6 to 12 inches in length, 6 to 36 mm. wide; panicle 1.25 to 5 cm. thick, usually compound; spikelets about 3 mm. long, bristles 2 or 3, usually purplish. This grass is extensively cultivated for forage. There are many varieties. Hungarian grass is a form with small purple heads. The common millet with a large compound inflorescence is more generally cultivated. 1D1S} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 325 CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Clinton, Aug., 1895 ; Urbana, Seymour, July, 1880 ; Urbana, Mosher in 1914. COOK co. Chicago, A. Chase 1198. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, Eeecher, July, 1908; Kankakee, Hill, Aug., 1870. LAKE co. Channel lake, Raynes, Aug., 1905. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald, July, 1900; Peoria, Brendel. WABASH co. Mt. Carmel, Schneck, July, 1905. Chaetochloa lutescens (Wiegel.) Stuntz Yellow Foxtail. Pigeon Grass (Figs. 100 and 101) Setaria glauca, Lapham '57, 548, 597 (Plate 4, Fig. 5); Patterson '76, 52; Tlagg '78, 284; Higley and Kaddin '91, 140; Huett '97, 129; Gleason '10, 148. Chaetochloa glauca, Britton '07, 89. Culms branching at the base, usually erect, or often spreading, 1 to 4 feet long ; sheaths and blades smooth, the blades 2 to 6 inches long, 5 to 15 mm. wide ; panicle 1 to 3.5 inches long, 1 cm. or less wide ; spikelets 3 mm. or more in length, bristles 5 or more, tawny yellow, upwardly barbed. Yellow foxtail is one of the worst weeds of the cornfield, or in fact of most grain fields. It comes up in the field after cultivation has been discontinued and produces enormous quantities of seed, which effectively seed the field for spring. If the field is plowed in the fall before the seed ripens, and thoroly cultivated the next year, a great deal of it will be destroyed. It blooms almost thruout the season and can be eradicated only by frequent cultivation. Not all the seed sprouts the first year ; the soil is often so full of it that it takes several years to eradicate it. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS : Without locality, M. S. Bebb in 1868. CHAMPAIGN co. Without locality, Percival, Nov., 1876; Urbana, Gibbs, Sept., 1898; Urbana, Clin- ton, Aug., 1895; Urbana, Seymour, July, 1881; Urbana, Burrill, Aug., 1880; Sey- mour, Tsou, Oct., 1913; Urbana, Mosher, Oct., 1913. COOK CO. Chicago, Lansing, Aug., 1897; Chicago, Hill, July, 1895. LAKE co. Channel lake, Haynes, Aug., 1905. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Eobertson in 1881. PEORIA co. Peoria, Bren- del. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase. Chaetochloa verticillata (L.) Scribn. Bristly Foxtail (Fig. 104) Setaria verticillata, Patterson '76, 52; Higley and Eaddin '91, 140. Culms erect or spreading, 1 to 3 feet long ; sheaths smooth ; blades thin, roughened on the upper surface but not hairy ; panicles much like those of C. lutescens as to shape and size, green ; spikelets 2 to 2.5 mm. in length, bristles 1 to 3, stout, and downwardly barbed. This species is a weed in waste places and around dwellings, but it is not very common in Illinois. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson, Sept., 1873. PEORIA co. Peoria, Bren- del. ROCK ISLAND co. Moline, Seymour, Aug., 1884. STARK co. V. H. Chase, Aug., 1897. 326 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Chaetochloa viridis (L.) Scribn. Green Foxtail. Bottle Grass (Fig. 103) Setaria viridis, Vasey '61, 671; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Higley and Raddin '91, 140; Huett '97, 129; Gleason '07, 181. Culms branching at the base, erect or spreading, 1 to 3 feet tall ; sheaths and blades smooth, the blades 3 to 10 inches long, 4 to 32 mm. wide; panicles less than 1 cm. broad; spikelets about 2 mm. long, bristles 1 to 3, green, upwardly barbed. Green foxtail is found in the same places as yellow foxtail, C. lutescens, and may be exterminated in the s-ame way. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Clinton, Aug., 1895; Champaign, Gibbs, Oct., 1898; Urbana, Seymour, June, 1880; Urbana, Mosher, Oct., 1913. CHRISTIAN co. Tay- lorville, De Motte. COOK co. Hyde Park, Chicago, A. Chase, July, 1901; Landers, Chicago, Hill, July, 1895. KANKAKEE co. Waldron, Hill, July, 1873. MCHENBT co. Algonquin, Nason, Aug., 1878. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Robertson, Aug., 1882. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald; Peoria, Brendel. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase, Aug., 1897. WABASH co. Without locality, Schneck, May, 1896. 12. CENCHRUS L. Because of the peculiar burs which inclose the spikelets, the plants belonging to this genus will never be confused with any other species of grass. These burs are borne in a spike and are armed with stout spines which are retrorsely barbed and often inflict painful wounds. They are easily detached from the culm when they are mature and are carried around by animals. Each bur contains from 2 to 6 spike- lots which always remain and germinate inside the bur. The sheaths are rather loose and the blades are short and narrow. The ligule is a ring of short hairs less than. 1 mm. in length. The plants are found in waste places, usually where there is sandy soil. The only species in Illinois is an annual. Cenchms carolinianus Walt. Sandbur. Bur Grass. Hedgehog Grass (Figs. 105 and 106) Cenchrus tribuloides, Lapham '57, 548, 597; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 64; Higley and Eaddin '91, 140; Huett '97, 129; McDonald '00, 103. Cenchrus caro- linianus, Gleason '10, 148; Gates '12, 354. Culms flattened, 8 to 30 inches long, branched at nearly all the nodes, usually spreading on the ground, the branches ascending, and forming large mats; sheaths loose, flattened, smooth; blades smooth, sometimes folded, 2 to 5 inches long, 5 to 10 mm. broad ; burs about 8 mm. thick, the surface pubescent between the spines. This species is a troublesome weed in some situations, but it may be eradicated by thoro cultivation. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CARROLL co. Near Mississ- ippi river, Pepoon, Aug., 1879. CHAMPAIGN CO. Champaign, Gibbs, Oct., 1898; Champaign, Seymour, Sept., 1880. COOK co. Chicago, Lansing; Chicago, 'Bab- cock, July, 1874 ; Ravenswood, Reynolds. KANKAKEE CO. Altorf 7 H ill, July, 1873, 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 327 LAKE co. Waukegan, Gates 2980. MCHENRY co. Ringvvood, . Vasey. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Robertson, Aug., 1881. MASON co. Without locality, M. S. Bebb in 1861. MENARD co. Without locality, Hall; Athens, Hall, Aug., 18(34. FEORIA co. Pecria, McDonald, Aug., 1885; Peoria, Srendel, Aug., 1852. STARK CO. Wady Petra,, V. H. Chase 1929. VERMILION co. Muncie, Mosher, Oct., 1915. WINNE- BAGO co. Fountaimlale, M. S. Bebb. WABASH CO. Banks of Wabash river, Schneck, July, 1904. 107 106 106 Figs. 105-107. 105, C. carolinianus; 106, C. carolinianvs, spikelet; 107, Z. palitstris, inflorescence 13. ZIZANIA L. These annual grasses are usually found growing in the water along the edges of ponds and streams. The plants are tall, with broad leaves and large, open panicles. The erect, awned, pistillate spikelets are borne on the ascending upper branches of the panicle, the pen^" clulous, staminate spikelets on the spreading lower branches. The spikelets are all one-flowered. 328 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Zizania palustris L. Wild Rice. Water Oats. Indian Eice (Fig. 107) Zizania aquatica, Lapham '57, 544, 561 (Plate 1, Fig. 2); Babcock '73, 9G; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 279; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Eaddin '91/140; Huett '97, 129; Cowles '00, 155. Culms erect, 3 to 10 feet tall; sheaths loose, smooth; ligule mem- branous, 5 to 6 mm. long; blades 1 to 3 feet long, 1.5 to 4 cm. wide, smooth ; panicles 1 to 2 feet long ; pistillate spikelets 8 to 24 mm. long, awned ; staminate, 6 to 12 mm. long, not awned. This species was once very abundant in Illinois but is now rare. Patterson '76 describes it as being very common along the margins of ponds and sloughs. Mr. R. E. Richardson of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, who is stationed at Havana, says that from inquiries he has made there seems to be no doubt that prior to 1900 wild rice was abundant along the Illinois river as far north as the head of Peoria lake. In that year the permanent increase in water levels caused by the addition of water from Lake Michigan probably led to its extermination in many situations, tho it is reported to be still found along Rice lake and Beebe lake. Mr. Elmer Caldwell, formerly a member of the State Fish Commission, has reported it from his land around Slim lake and Moulden lake, which are not far from West Matanzas lake. One of the old residents of Havana reports that in the '90 's a Mr. Thomas High used to cut it regularly for hay on his land about Duck lake. COOK co. Chicago, Babcock, Aug., 1874; Desplains river, Lyons, A. Chase, Aug., 1901; Thornton, Hill, Sept., 1866. DU PAGE co. Hinsdale, Smith, Sept., 1902. FULTON co. Canton, Wolf; Breeds, Clinton, Aug., 1897. KANKAKEE co. In Kankakee river, Hill, Aug., 1870. LAKE co. Fourth lake, Walcott, Aug., 1911. MCHENRY co. Eingwood, Vasey. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. UNION co. Bluff lake, Seymour. WILL co, Joliet, Skeels, Aug., 1904. 14. HOMALOCENCHRUS Mieg. These grasses are found in wet, usually marshy places and are easily distinguished by their panicles of laterally flattened spikelets, their narrow, rough leaves, and very short membranous ligules. The spikelets are perfect, the glumes obsolete. There are two kinds of panicles, however, a broad, spreading one, in which the spikelets are usually sterile, and a small, narrow, hidden one inclosed by the sheath, in which the spikelets ripen seed. The species are all native to Illinois. Spikelets longer than broad, with bristly hairs on the margins and veins, the sur- face pubescent. Spikelets 2.5 to 3.5 mm. long, sparsely covered with short, stiff hairs all of the same length; branches single. H. virginicus Spikelets 4 to 5 mm. long, with longer, stiffer hairs around the margin; branches fascicled. H. oryzoides Spikelets about as broad as long, with strong, bristly hairs on margins and veins, the surface smooth and glabrous. H. lenticularis 19JS] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 32U "^ 108 109 110 111 Figs. 108-111. 108, 'H. lenticularis, inflorescence; 109, H. lenticularis, spike- let; 110, H. oryzoides, spikelet; 111, H. virginicus, spikelet Homalocenchrus lenticularis Michx. Catch-fly Grass (Figs. 108 and 109) Leersia lenticularis, Michaux '03, 39; Lapham '57, 544, 560; Patterson. '76, 49; Flagg '78, 279; Brendel '87, 63. Culms 2 to 4 feet tall, smooth, usually not branched, the nodes pubescent; sheaths rough, blades slightly rough, 4 to 12 inches long, 8 to 20 mm. wide; panicle 4 to 10 inches long; spikelets very flat, closely overlapping and nearly covering each other, 5 mm. in length. This species was reported by Patterson '76 as abundant along the river banks from Peoria and Henderson counties southward. In 1904 it was reported by F. E. McDonald as rare. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS : Without locality. Hall. COOK co. Wolf lake, Chicago, mil, Sept., 1892. HANCCCK co. Without locality, Ehinger in 1881. HENDERSON co. Mississippi river near Oquawka, Patterson, Sept., 1873. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, Hill, Aug., 1870. MACON co. Decatur, Clokey, Sept., 1898. MARION CO. Without locality, M. S. Bebb. MASON co. Havana, Seymour, Aug., 1886. MENARD co. Without locality, Hall in 1861; Athens, Hall in 1861. PEORTA CO. Near Illi- nois river, McDonald in 1904; Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1901; Peoria, Brendel. ST. CLAIR co. Fayetteville, Brendel; Mascoutah, Welsch. WILL co. Homer, Htil, Aug., 1911. WOODFORD co. Near Upper Ferry, McDonald, Aug., 1889. Cut Grass. Homalocenchrus oryzoides (L.) Sw. White Grass. False Rice. Rice Cut Grass (Fig. 110) Leersia oryzoides, Lapham '57, 544, 560 ; Babcock '73, 96 ; Patterson '76, 49 ; Flagg '78, 279; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Eaddin '91, 140; Huett '97, 129; Gates '12, 354; Gleason '12, 44; Sherff '13, 594. Culms 1 to 3 feet long, usually branched, smooth, the nodes pubes- cent; sheaths and blades usually quite rough, the blades 3 to 10 inches long and 4 to 10 mm. wide ; spikelets 4 to 5 mm. long. 330 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, This species is usually found in the water or in very damp soil. It gets its common name from the roughness of the leaves, which often cut the hands if one attempts to pull up the plant. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey; northern Illinois, M. S. Bebb. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Seymour, Oct., 1880 ; Crystal lake, Urbana, Clinton, Sept., 1899; Mahomet, Gibbs and Clinton, Oct., 1898. COOK co. Evanston, Shipman, Sept., 1875 ; Chicago, Lansing, Sept., 1898 ; Palos Park, Umbach, Sept., 1909. DU PAGE co. Hinsdale, Smith, Sept., 1902. FORD CO. Paxton, Moffatt, Sept., 1897. FULTON co. Canton, Wolf. JACKSON CO.- Makanda, Seymour, Aug., 1880. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, De Selm, Sept., 1913. LAKE co. South of Lake Villa, Gleason and STiobe 228; Libertyville, Sherff, Sept., 1912. LIVINGSTON co. Chats- worth, Wilcox, July, 1902. MCHENRY co. Algonquin, Nason, Aug., 1878. MA- COUPIN CO. Carlinville, Robertson, Aug., 1880. MARSHALL co. Near Henry, Meek, Sept., 1906. MENARD CO. Athens, Hall, Sept., 1864. OGLE CO. Oregon, Waite, Aug., 1884. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1896, and 1904. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase, 1910. VERMILION O. Butler Branch creek, Catlin, Lansing, Sept., 1912. WA- BASH co. Hanging Kock, Schneck; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, Oct., 1876; Greathouse creek, Schneck, Sept., 1880. Shannon's swamp, Schneck, Sept., 1879. WILL CO. Without locality, Moffatt, Sept., 1891; Joliet, Skeels, Aug., 1904. WINNEBAGO CO. Fountaindale, M. S. Bebb. Homalocenchrus virginicus Willd. White Grass (Fig. Ill) Leersia virginica, Lapham '57, 544, 560 (Plate 1, Fig. 1); Babcock '73, 96; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 279; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Eaddin '91, 140; Huett '97, 129. Culms slender, branched, 1 to 3 feet tall, smooth, the nodes pubes- cent and sometimes the culm for a short distance below the node; sheaths smooth, blades thin, slightly rough on both surfaces, 2 to 6 inches long, 2 to 6 mm. wide ; spikelets 2.5 to 3 mm. long. This species is often found in damp woods as well as along the margins of streams and ponds. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Hall; without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Clinton, Sept., 1899; Urbana, Waite, Aug., 1887. COOK co. Palos Park, Umbach, Sept., 1909; Beverly Hills, Robert Bebb, Aug., 1904; Bowmanvil, Chicago, Gates. DU PAGE co. Hinsdale, Smith, Aug., 1902. JACKSON co. Without locality, French, Aug., 1905. KANKAKEE co. Baker -creek, Kanka- kee, De Selm, Sept., 1913. MCHENRY co. Algonquin, Nason, Aug., 1878. MACON co. Decatur, Clokey, Sept., 1898. MENARD co. Without locality, Hall; Athens, Hall in 1864. PEORIA co. Glasford, Wilcox, July, 1902; Peoria, McDonald, Aug., 1895; Peoria, Brendel; Princeville, V. H. Chase, Aug., 1900. ST. CLAIR eo. With- out locality, Brendel; Mascoutah, Welsch. WABASH CO. Mt. Carmel, Waite, Aug., 1887; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, Aug., 1900; Hanging Eock, Schneck, Sept., 1879. 15. PHALARIS L. These grasses are either annual or perennial and have laterally flattened, apparently one-flowered spikelets in which the glumes: are long, exceeding the hardened lemma and paloa. There are two small scales at the base of the floret which represent sterile- lemmas. The leaves are flat, the ligulc thin, membranous, 3 to 5 mm. long. The inflorescence is of spike-like, or very narrow panicles. 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 331 Inflorescence a contracted panicle 8 to 12 cm. long, usually about 1 cm. broad; spikelets 5 to 6 mm. long, the glumes not winged. Leaves green; axis of the panicle rarely visible. P. arundinacea Leaves striped green and white; axis of the panicle often visible, especially at the base. P. arundinacea picta Inflorescence an ovate, spike-like panicle, 2 to 5 cm. long, always more than 1 cm. broad; spikelets 6 to 8 mm. long; the glumes winged. P. canariensis Phalaris arundinacea L. Reed Canary Grass (Figs. 116 and 117) Lapham '57, 548, 591 (Plate 4, Fig. 2) ; Babcock '73, 97; Patterson >76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 64; Higley and Eaddin '91, 141; Sherff '12, 419; Sherff '13, 594. Culms erect, smooth, 2 to 5 feet tall ; sheaths smooth ; blades slightly rough, 3 to 6 inches long, 6 to 16 mm. wide ; spikelets 5 to 6 mm. long. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. COOK co. Chicago, Babcock, June, 1870 and 1873; south of Chicago, McDonald, June, 1890; Beverly Hills, A. Chase, June, 1903. DU PAGE co. Naperville, Umbach, June, 1897-. FULTON CO. Canton, Wolf. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson, June, 1872. MCHENRY co. Eingwood, Vasey. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. Near Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 615. WABASH co. Mt. Carmel, Schneck, May, 1900. Phalaris arundinacea picta L. Ribbon Grass. Painted Grass This variety, a common garden form introduced from the Old World, is probably more familiar to many Illinois people than the native species. The leaves are striped with white, and the panicle is usually more open. It frequently escapes from cultivation. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Pills'bury, June, 1889. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. Phalaris canariensis L. Canary Grass (Figs. 114 and 115) Lapham '57, 591; Babcock '73, 97; Flagg '78, 284; Higley and Raddin '91, 141; Huett '97, 129. Culms erect, smooth, 1 to 3 feet tall; sheaths slightly roughened, blades very rough, 2 to 6 inches long, panicles spike-like, the length 2 or 3 times the width ; spikelets 6 to 8 mm. long, white or pale yellow, the nerves green. This species is an annual introduced from Europe. It is found in waste places and along roadsides. The seeds are used as food for canaries. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Seymour, June, 1880; Champaign, McCluer, July, 1893. COOK co. Chicago, Warns; Jackson park, Chicago, Clark, July, 1902. MCHENRY co. Algonquin, Nason, July, 1878. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Robert- son, July, 1883. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, July, 1896. ST. C'LAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. 332 BULLETIN No. 205 16. TORRESIA Ruiz and Pav. [March, The grasses belonging to this genus are perennials with long, creep- ing rootstocks and fragrant leaves. The spikelets are three-flowered, the terminal floret perfect, the lower ones staminate, the three falling together. The leaves are flat, the lower ones very long and narrow, the upper ones very short. The ligules are thin and membranous, 3 to 4 mm. long. The inflorescence is an open panicle and the spikelets are brown and shining. Only one species of the genus is found in Illinois. 112 114 116 Figs. 112-117. 112, T. odorata, panicle; 113, T. od-.rata, spikelet; 114, P. canariensis, inflorescence; 115, P. canariensis, spikelet; 116, P. arundinacea, spikelet; 117, P. arundinacea, inflorescence Torresia odorata (L.) Hitchc. Holy Grass. Vanilla Grass (Figs. 112 and 113) Hierochloa lorealis, Vasey '61, 671; Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Bren- del '87, 88; Higley and Raddin '91, 141; Huett '97, 129. Hierochloe odorata, Gates '12, 355. Savastana odorata, Britton '07, 93. Gulms erect, smooth, 2 to 3 feet tall ; sheaths smooth ; blades smooth, 2 to 6 mm. wide, those at the base 4 to 8 inches long, those on the culm 1 to 2 inches long; spikelets 4 to 6 mm. long, shining brown, when fresh usually with a purplish tinge. This grass is called Holy grass in Europe, where it is strewn before churches on saints' days. In this country the long leaves have been used by the Indians in weaving baskets, mats, etc., tho the grass which is now most used by them for this purpose is AntJioxanthum odoratum, or sweet vernal grass, which retains its fragrance much better. No Illi- nois specimens of this grass have been seen by the writer. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, northern Illinois, Brendel. COOK CO.- Without locality, Shipman, May, 1876; Beverly Hills, A. Chase 2074; Dunning, (rates, May, 1906; Dunning, Umbach, May, 1901; Chicago, Moffatt, May, 1895; 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 333 Chicago, Ba~bcoclc, May, 1874; Washington Heights, Rill, May, 1882; South park, Chicago, Clark, May, 1902. DU PAGE co. Naperville, Umbach, May, 1895. GRUNDY co. Without locality, Brcndel. LAKE co. Beach, Gates 1651. MCHENRY co. Without locality, Vasey; Ringwood, Vasey in 1853. WINNEBAGO co. With- out locality, M. 8. Bebb. 17. MILIUM (Tourn.) L. These grasses are distinguished by the narrow, one-flowered spike- lets in which the glumes are equal and exceed the hard, shiny lemma and palea, which resemble those of species of Panieum. The leaves are thin and flat and the ligule thin and membranous, 3 to 4 mm. long. The panicle* is large and open. There is one species in Illinois, which is perennial from creeping rootstocks. Milium effusum L. Wild Millet. Tall Millet Grass (Figs. 118 and 119) Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 284; Brendel '87, 88. Culms erect but weak, smooth, 2 to 6 feet tall ; leaves smooth thru- out, the blades 3 to 9 inches long, 6 to 15 mm. wide ; panicles 6 to 20 inches long, the drooping branches usually roughened with short, stiff hairs ; spikelets 3 to 3.5 mm. long, the surface of the glumes rough. This species is usually found in rich, moist woods. It is native to the northern part of America and is also found in the north of Europe and Asia. KANE co. Elgin, Vasey. TAZEWELL co. Without locality, Brendel. 18. ORYZOPSIS Michx. These perennial grasses are not abundant in Illinois. The spikelets are one-flowered, the glumes long, the lemma rather hard, pubescent, and terminated by a slender, deciduous awn. The leaves are often involute; the ligule is membranous and very short, almost wanting. The inflorescence is of very narrow panicles borne well above the leaves. Blades narrow, involute; spikelets, excluding awn, less than 5 mm. long. 0. puny ens Blades broad, flat; spikelets, excluding awn, always more than 5 mm. long. Leaves mostly crowded at the base of the plant; blades rough on the upper surface but not pubescent. . 0. asperifolia Leaves distributed along the culm; blades densely pubescent on the upper surface. 0. raccmosa Oryzopsis asperifolia Michx. White-grained Mountain Rice (Figs. 120 and 121) Culms usually erect, tufted, 1 to 2 feet tall, the leaves crowded at the base ; sheaths smooth ; basal blades very long, often longer than the culm, generally covered with whitish bloom, rough on the upper sur- 334 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, face but not pubescent, 4 to 8 mm. wide ; culm blades, if present, less than an inch long; spikelets 6 to 8 mm. long, the awn 5 to 10 mm. long ; lemma not turning black when the fruit is ripe. This species is found on wooded hillsides or in pastures, especially in damp situations. After the fruit is ripe, the leaves usually spread out flat on the ground, while the culms remain erect. COOK co. Without locality, Shipman in 1877. 120 124 122 Figs. 118-124. 118, M. effusum, panicle; 119, M. effusum, spikelet; 120, 0. asperifolia, inflorescence; 121, 0. asperifolia, spikelet; 122, 0. racemosa, spikelet; 123, 0. pungcns, spikelet; 124, S. spartea, spikelet, (a) glume, (b) lemma, (c) callus Oryzopsis pungens (Torr.) Hitchc. Slender Mountain Rice (Fig. 123) Oryzopsis canadensis, Lapham '57, 545; Flagg '78, 280. Culms in thick tufts, 6 to 30 inches tall ; the leaves crowded at the base and nearly as long as the culm ; sheaths usually smooth ; blades narrow and involute; culm leaves, if any, very short; spikelets 3 to 4 mm. long, the awn very short or wanting. This species is found in dry, usually rocky soil. ILLINOIS SPECIMEN s^: Without locality, Hall. ST. CLAIE co. Mascoutah, Welscli. Oryzopsis racemosa (Sm.) Bicker Black-fruited Mountain Bice (Fig. 122) Oryzopsis melanocarpa, Patterson '76, 50 ; Flagg '78, 280 ; Brendel '87, 63. Culms erect, simple, 2 to 4 feet tall, the leaves not crowded at the base; sheaths usually smooth, blades flat, 4 to 12 inches long, 4 to 15 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 335 mm. wide, rough beneath, densely pubescent above; spikelets 7 to 9 mm. long, the awn 15 to 25 mm. long ; lemma black at maturity. Usually -found in rocky woods. It is quite different in appearance from either of the other species. Usually it is not found in such large tufts. COOK co. Glencoe, Johnson, Sept., 1890. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. ST. CLAIB co. Mas'coutah, Welsch. 19. STIPA L. These species are readily recognized by the long-awned spikelets. The glumes are membranous, narrow, and acuminate. The floret terminates in a strong awn twisted at base and usually bent once or twice ; at the base of the floret is a sharp-pointed callus covered with backward-pointing hairs. The lemma is hardened, convolute, and incloses the palea. The inflorescence is a panicle. The leaves are long, narrow, and involute. The ligule is rather thick and membranous, 1 to 2 mm. long. It is probable that three species may have been found in Illinois, but authentic specimens of only one species have been 'seen by the writer. The species are all perennials. Stipa spartea Trin. Porcupine Grass (Fig. 124) Lapham '57, 545, 569; Babcock '73, 97; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Eaddin '91, 141; Huett '97, 129; Gleason '07, 182; Gleason '10, 148; Gates '12, 355. Culms erect, not branched, 2 to 9 feet tall, the leaves mostly crowded at the base ; sheaths smooth, the upper sheaths often rather loose and sometimes inclosing the base of the panicle ; blades long and narrow, usually involute, not over 4 mm. wide ; glumes 2.5 to 3.5 cm. long, a little longer than the dark brown lemma; awn 4 to 8 inches long; callus with a needle-like point. This is one of the species of prairie grasses. It is found all over the state. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, prairies, Vasey; without locality, Mead. CHAMPAIGN co. Champaign, Waite,~June, 1886; Urbana, Seymour, June, 1880 ; Champaign, Gleason, May, 1902. COOK CO. West of Chicago, Moffatt, June, 1893. DU PAGE co. Naperville, Umbach, May, 1899; Hinsdale, Smith. HENDER- SON co. Oquawka, Patterson, June, 1872. HENRY co. Galva, V. H. Chase 1750. jo DAVIESS co. Hanover, Gleason and Gates 2602. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, Hill, June, 1873. LAKE co. Beach, Gates 2464. MCHENRY co. Eingwood, Vasey. MACON co. Decatur, CloTcey, May, 1899. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, June, 1887. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Eggert, May, 1877; Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 1206. WILL co. Joliet, Skeels, June, 1904. WINNEBAGO co. Fountaindale, M. S. Be~b~b. Stipa avenacea L. This species, commonly called black oat grass, appears to have been found in Illinois some time ago. Lapham ( '57, 545, 569) describes it as occurring in the state and figures it (Plate 2, Fig. 1) . From his description and figure it seems that the identifiea- 336 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, tion was correct. He describes it as occurring in dry, sandy places in timbered land and openings. It is also mentioned by Flagg ( '78, p. 280). This species is distinguished from Stipa spartea by its smaller spikelets in which the glumes are 8 to 10 mm. long and the awn 1.5 to 3 inches long. Stipa virdula Trin. This species, commonly called green Stipa, is a native of the western states. In the Field Museum, Chicago, there is a specimen collected by E. Hall, Athens, 1862. Hall brought many seeds of western grasses back with him and planted them in Athens, and many specimens preserved by him were obtained in this manner. However, most of these seem to have been labeled ' ' raised from seed, ' ' and as no other record has been made of the occurrence of this species in Illinois it seems best to place it on the doubtful list at present. It has a narrow panicle and still smaller spikelets than S. avenacea, the glumes being 6 to 8 mm. long and the awn less than 1.5 inches long. 20. AEISTIDA L. Triple-awned Grass. Needle Grass These grasses were found in abundance on the original prairie, and many species are still found in Illinois. They usually grow in large tufts, or bunches, and are readily distinguished by the three-parted awn of the lemma. The glumes are long and narrow and sometimes awn-tipped. The one-flowered spikelets are borne in narrow panicles. Like Stipa, the lemmas have a sharp-pointed callus. The leaves are long, and narrow, usually involute. The ligule is very short, never over 2 mm. in length, and is fringed with hairs. The species are of no value for grazing and often are very annoying to grazing animals because of the awns and the sharp-pointed callus which penetrate the skin. There are both annual and perennial species. a. Awns jointed to the lemma, and of nearly equal length. b. Awns united into a conspicuous spiral column 6 mm. or more long. A. tuberculosa bb. Awns not united into a spiral column, reflexed and somewhat coiled at base. A. desmantha aa. Awns not jointed to the lemma. b. Central awn much longer than the lateral awns, the lateral awns erect, c. Central awn forming a distinct spiral at base; second glume not awned. d. Glumes almost equal, awn-pointed, usually 7 to 9 mm. long; lateral awns erect, about 2 mm. long. A. dichotoma dd. Glumes unequal, pointed, the first about two-thirds as long as the second, which is 12 to 14 mm. long; lateral awns spread- ing, one-third to one-half the length of the central awn. A. basiramea cc. Central awn not forming a distinct spiral, rarely a loose one, the awn either horizontal or reflexed, glumes awned, unequal, the second glume equaling the lemma, d. Central awn always horizontal ; lemma 5 to 7 mm. long. A. gracilis THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 337 del. Central awn forming a loose spiral or strongly reflexed and hook-like; lemma 20 to 30 mm. long. A. ramossissima bb. Central awn differing slightly in length from the lateral ones, the latter more or less horizontal'; glumes almost equal in length, c. Awns not over 3 cm. long, glumes 9 to 12 mm. long. d. Leaf-blades smooth, not hairy; first glume longer than the second. A. purpurascens dd. Leaf-blades with long hairs near the base; first glume usually equal to, but sometimes longer than the second. A. stricta cc. Awns 4 to 7 cm. long; glumes 20 to 30 mm. long. A. oligantha Aristida basiramea Engelm. Forked Aristida. Tufted Triple-awn (Fig. 131) Gleason '10, 148. Culms branched, 8 to 24 inches tall ; sheaths smooth, blades 1 to 6 inches long, 1 to 2 mm. wide ; panicles usually less than 6 inches long, narrow, often partly included in the upper sheaths ; glumes pointed, unequal, the first 8 to 12 mm., the second 12 to 14 mm. ; lemma about 10 mm. long, the middle awn 1 to 2 cm. long, the lateral awns 2 to 7 mm. This species is an annual growing in dry, sandy soil, and sandy barrens. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Waite, Sept., 1888. JO DAVIESS co. Without local- ity, Pcpoon. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson 232; Oquawka, Tracy in 1887. OGLE co. Oregon, Waite, Sept., 1888. ROCK ISLAND CO. Barstow, McDonald, Aug., 1903 ; Osborn, Seymour, Sept., 1884. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Bren- del in 1850. Aristida desmantha Trin. and Rupr. Western Aristida (Fig. 126) Culms branched, 1 to 2 feet tall ; sheaths loose, smooth ; blades 4 to 8 inches long, 1 to 2 mm. wide, roughened only on the upper surface ; panicle 4 to 8 inches long, about half as wide, the branches ascending ; glumes shiny brown, about equal, 15 to 20 mm. long ; lemma shorter, the awns about equal, jointed to the- lemma, reflexed and somewhat coiled at base but not forming a spiral column. This species belongs to the southwestern part of the United States. It is found in dry soil. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. MASON CO. Without local- ity, M. S. Bebb in 1861. Aristida dichotoma Michx. Poverty Grass (Fig. 128) Lapham '57, 545, 569 (Plate 2, Fig. 2); Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 88. Culms slender, much branched, usually branching at every node, 4 to 24 inches tall; sheaths loose, smooth; blades 1 to 3 inches long, 1 to 2 mm. wide, involute; panicles spike-like, 2 to 6 inches long; glumes almost equal, 7 to 8 mm. lor - sharp-pointed ; lemma shorter, 338 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, 133 Figs. 125-133. Spikelets: 125, A. stricta; 126, A. dcsmantha; 127, A. tuberculosa; 128, A. dichotoma; 129, A. gracilis; 130, A. ramossissima ; 131, A. lasiramca; 132, A. pnrpura-scens ; 133, A. oligantha 1018} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 339 the lateral awns much reduced, the middle awn 3 to 6 mm. long, finally coiled at the base. These plants are found in dry, sandy or gravelly soil. They usually grow in quite large tufts. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS : Without locality, Hall in 1861 ; southern Illinois, Vasey. jo DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon. HANCOCK co. Augusta, Mead in 1842. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, "Robertson, July, 1882. MENAED co. Athens, Hall in 1S61. PERRY co. Du Quoin, Vasey. ST. CLAIB co. Mascoutah, Welsch. Aristida gracilis Ell. Slender Aristida. Slender Beard Grass (Fig. 129) Lapham '57, 545, 571; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281; Brendel '87, 88. Culms slender, branched at the base, 6 to 20 inches tall; sheaths smooth, blades 1 to 4 inches long, 1 to 2 mm. wide, usually drying involute; inflorescence a slender raceme or spike-like panicle, 2 to 6 inches long; glumes unequal, the second equaling the lemma, which is about 6 mm. long ; lateral awns erect, 2 to 6 mm. long, median awn spreading, usually about 10 mm. long. This species is seldom found in very large tufts ; often the plants occur singly. They are found in dry, usually sandy soil. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, southern Illinois, Vasey. FULTON CO. Without locality, Brendel. jo DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon. HENDER- SON co. Oquawka, Patterson. MACOUPIN co. Carlinvflle, Robertson, Aug., 1880. MENARD co. Athens, Hall in 1867. ST. CLAIR CO. Mascoutah, Welsch. UNION co. Without locality, French, Sept., 1878; without locality, Wolf; Anna, Seymour, Aug., 1880. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer. Aristida oligantha Michx. Few-flowered Aristida (Fig. 133) Michaux '03, 41; Lapham '57, 545, 571; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281; Brendel '87, 88. Culms much branched, 1 to 2 feet tall; sheaths loose, smooth; blades 1 to 6 inches long, 1 to 2 mm. wide, smooth, usually involute ; inflorescence a raceme or spike-like panicle; glumes unequal and awned ; lemmas 20 to 30 mm. long ; awns nearly equal, 4 to 7 cm. long. This species was first found on the prairies of Illinois by Michaux. It grows in dry soil, and was probably the commonest species of Aristida on the original prairies of the state. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Mead. CHAMPAIGN co. Near Cham- paign, Clinton, Oct., 1898. CLINTON co. Carlyle, Mead; Shattuck, Waite, Aug., 1897. COOK co. Lyons, Hill, Aug., 1898. HANCOCK CO. Augusta, Mead. HEN- DERSON co. Near Oquawka, Patterson, Sept., 1881. JACKSON co. Without local- ity, French, Aug., 1905. MACOUPIN CO. Brighton, McDonald, Sept., 1894; Me- dora, McDonald; Carlinville, Robertson, Aug., 1882. MARION CO. Odin, Vasey in 1862. MENARD co. Athens, Hall. PEORIA co. Princeville, V. H. Chase 1248. ROCK ISLAND co. Barstow, McDonald, Sept., 1904. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, fVelsch. UNION co. Cobden, Seymour, Aug., 1880; Anna, Seymour, Aug., 1880. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer. WASHINGTON co. Irvington, French, Sept., 1872. 340 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Aristida purpurascens Poir. Purplish Aristida (Fig. 132) Aristida geyeriana, Lapham '57, 545, 571. Aristida purpurascens, Lapham '57, 545, 571; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281; Brendel '87, 88. Culms 1 to 2.5 feet tall, smooth, not much branched; sheaths smooth ; blades 4 to 8 inches long, 1 to 2 mm. wide, smooth, sometimes flat but usually involute; panicle spike-like, purplish, 4 to 10 inches long; glumes unequal, pointed, 10 to 12 mm. long; awns 1.5 to 3 cm. long, the middle one slightly longer than the lateral. This species is a perennial. It may -usually be distinguished by its purplish infloresence. It usually grows in sandy or gravelly soil. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS : Without locality, M. 8. Bebb. LAKE co. Beach, Gates 3260. MASON co. Without locality, Vasey. MENARD co. Athens, Hall, 1861. ST. CLAIB co. Without locality, Brendel in 1850. Aristida ramosissima Engelm. Branched Aristida (Fig. 130) Lapham '57, 545, 569; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 88. Culms 6 to 24 inches tall, much branched, the branches spreading ; sheaths loose, smooth ; blades roughened above, usually involute, 1 to 3 inches long, 1 to 2 mm. wide ; glumes unequal, 15 to 20 mm. long, lateral awns very small an'd erect, the central awn 15 to 20 mm. long with a semicircular or S-shaped bend at the base. This species is found in dry soil. It is a middle western species. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Seal in 1862; without locality, Vasey. MARION co. Odin, Vasey. MACOTJPIN co. Carlinville, Robertson. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Brendel; Mascoutah, Welsch. UNION co. Jonesboro, Seymour, Aug., 1880. WABASH co. Without locality, Schneck, July, 1879 ; without locality, Shearer; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, Sept., 1877 and Aug., 1898; Lick Prairie, Schneck, Aug., 1878. Aristida stricta Michx. Erect Aristida (Fig. 125) Engelmann '44, 103; Lapham '57, 545, 571; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281; Brendel '87, 88. Culms 2 to 4 feet tall ; sheaths smooth ; blades 8 to 12 inches long, densely pubescent, almost wooly on the upper surface near the base, usually involute ; panicle spike-like, 6 to 24 inches long ; glumes about equal or the first longer than the second, awn-pointed; lateral awns usually shorter than the central one, which is 1 to 2 cm. long. This species is found in diy soil. It is a southern species closely resembling A. purpurascens, but is taller and lacks the purplish color. MASON co. Without locality, Mead, Aug., 1845. 1918] THE GRASSES OP ILLINOIS 341 Aristida tuberculosa Nutt. Sea-beach Aristida (Fig. 127) Aristida tuberculata, Lapham '57, 545, 571. A. tuberculosa, Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281; Higley and Eaddin '91, 141; Huett '97, 129; McDonald '00, 103; Gleason '07, 182; Gleason '10, 148. Culms 6 to 20 inches tall, branched at the base, somewhat swollen at the nodes ; sheaths loose, smooth ; blades 5 to 10 inches long, about 2 mm. wide, rough above; panicle open; glumes 2.5 cm. long, with pointed tips; awns jointed to the lemma and twisted at base into a slender column nearly as long as the lemma. This species is most commonly found along the southern part of the Atlantic coast. It is also found along the Great Lakes and in the interior wherever there are sandy areas. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Mead. COOK co. Chicago, Edbcock, July, 1870. JO DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson, Sept., 1872. LEE co. Dixon, Seymour, Sept., 1882. MASON co. With- out locality, M. S. Bell) in 1861; without locality, Hall in 1861 and Sept., 1876. UNION co. Cobden, Waite, Sept., 1884. 21. MUHLENBERGIA Schreb. This genus has one-flowered spikelets which in Illinois species are, with one exception, borne in very narrow panicles. The glumes are thin and usually sharp-pointed or awned. The lemma is also pointed or awned and incloses the grain, thus differing from the nearly related genus Sporobolus, in which the grain is free. The awns are variable even in the same individual and do not afford good characters for the separation of species. There is a short, usually hairy callus at the base of the lemma. Many of the species have long, scaly rootstocks. All Illinois species are perennial. The leaves are mostly long and nar- row and the ligule is short and membranous. The species of Muhlenbergia are of little economic importance. It is said that the species which inhabit damp ground are useful for hay if cut before the stems become hard, but most of the species grow in waste places and are usually looked upon as weeds. The long root- stocks make them somewhat difficult to destroy; thoro cultivation is the only method of eradication recommended. M. mexicana, foliosa, and racemosa are the only species likely to cause trouble in this state. a. Glumes minute, always less than one-fourth the length of the spikelet, the first glume often wanting. M. schreberi aa. Glumes always more than one-fourth the length of the spikelet. b. Plants never from long, scaly rootstocks; leaves elongate and very nar- row, usually involute. c. Panicle open, with long, spreading branches ; spikelets on long, capil- lary pedicels; glumes about one-half the length of the lemma. M. capillaris cc. Panicle narrow and spike-like; spikelets nearly sessile; glumes nearly as long as the lemma, at least two-thirds its length. M. cuspidata bb. Plants always from long, scaly rootstocks; leaves not elongate, seldom becoming involute. 312 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, c. Glumes awned, always considerably longer than the lemma, sometimes nearly twice its length; panicle usually compact, resembling an interrupted spike. M. racemosa cc. Glumes seldom awned, usually not longer than the lemma, but some- times slightly longer; panicles usually slender. d. Glumes always shorter than the lemma, never more than three- fourths its length, broad at base; leaf -blades spreading. e. Lemma awnless or short-awned; spikelets 1.5 to 2 mm. long; nodes not pubescent; culms not densely short pubescent. M. so'bolifera ee. Lemma long-awned; spikelets 3 to 4 mm. long; nodes pu- bescent; culms densely short pubescent. M. tenuiflora dd. Glumes about equal in length to the lemma, sometimes longer, very narrow at the base ; leaf -blades erect, or nearly so. e. Culms smooth and shiny below the nodes, never covered with fine hairs. M. mexioana ee. Culms with very short, fine hairs for an inch or two below the nodes. f. Callus without hairs. M. glabriflora ff. Callus with hairs one-third to one-half the length of the lemma, g. Panicles f ew- flowered ; lemma usually long-awned. M. umbrosa gg. Panicles densely flowered; lemma not awned. M, foliosa Muhlenbergia* capillaris (Lam.) Trin. Long-awned Hair Grass (Fig. 136) Culms growing in tufts, 1.5 to 3 feet tall, usually smooth; sheaths smooth, short at the base of the plant, and often overlapping, but longer near the summit; blades 4 to 12 inches long, about 2 mm. wide, usually involute; panicle spreading, with long, capillary branches, spikelets, excluding the awn, 3.5 to 4 mm. long, on long, capillary pedicels, which are thickened near the base of the spikelet; glumes about half as long as the awned lemma ; awn 5 to 18 mm. long ; callus hairs very short. This species is found in dry soil. So far only one specimen has been seen from Illinois. The panicle is usually purple. UNION co. Without locality, Seymour in 1881. Muhlenbergia cuspidata (Torr.) Rydb. (Fig. 137) Culms in tufts, 1 to 2 feet tall, very slender, smooth ; sheaths and blades smooth; blades 4 to 10 inches long, very narrow, usually in- volute; panicle very slender, few-flowered; spikelets 3 to 4 mm. long, the glumes with a cusp or short awn about two-thirds as long as the lemma ; callus hairs wanting. This species is described in Gray's Manual (seventh edition) as Sporobolus brevifolius (Nutt.) Scribn. It is found in dry places. The 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 343 only Illinois specimens seen were collected on dry, gravelly hills, or on limestone rocks on a river bank. WILL co. Joliet, Hill 185 in 1906; bank of Du Page river, Bird's Bridge, Sill 36 in 1912. Muhlenbergia foliosa Trin. (Fig. 138) Culms 2 to 3 feet long, often bent near the base and lying on the ground, branched above the base, the branches erect, one or two inches of surface below the nodes covered with very fine, short hairs ; sheaths smooth; blades rough to the touch, 1.5 to 6 inches long, 2 to 5 mm. wide ; panicles well beyond the uppermost sheath, usually rather thick, campactly flowered; spikelets 2.5 to 3 mm. long, the glumes nearly or quite equal to the lemma ; callus covered with soft hairs nearly half as long as the spikelet. This species closely resembles M . mexicana in general appearance and habit. M . foliosa can be readily distinguished by the minute hairs on the culm just below the nodes. The panicles vary greatly in width. The narrower panicles resemble those of M. umbrosa, which has long- awned lemmas. There is an awned form of M. foliosa, but no speci- mens of it were found among the Illinois collections. The plants are usually found in damp meadows and swamps. Most of the herbarium specimens were labeled M. mexicana filiformis. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Ball. CHAMPAIGN co. Without lo- cality, Burrill, Oct., 1877; Champaign, Clinton, Oct., 1895. FULTON co. Without locality, Wolf in 1881. jo DAVIESS co. Bluffs of Apple river, Pepoon 611. KANKAKEE co. Waldron, Hill, Sept., 1873. MCHENRY co. Algonquin, Nason, Aug., 1879. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. PIATT CO. White Heath, Mosher. Oct., 1914. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 1268. WILL co. Joliet, Skeels, Sept., 1904. WINNEBAGO co. Fountaindale, M. S. Bebb. Muhlenbergia glabriflora Scribn. (Fig. 139) This species is very much like M. foliosa in general appearance. The culms are simple for nearly half their length, then branch pro- fusely and bear numerous panicles, often partially included in the upper sheaths, more typically cylindrical than in M. foliosa. The spikelets are of about the same size, but the- callus bears no hairs, making it very easy to distinguish the species. The leaf blades are generally shorter than in M. foliosa. The plants are found in woods and other shady places. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Wolf. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews, Sept., 1898. MENARD co. Athens, Hall in 1868. ST. GLAIR co. Mas- coutah, Welsch. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer, Aug., 1898 and 1899. 344 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, 137 135 "136 138 141 Figs. 135-145. 135, M. mexicana, inflorescence; 136, M. capillaris, spikelet; 137, M. cuspidata, spikelet; 138, M. foliosa, spikelet; 139, M. glabrifiora, spike- let; 140, M. mexicana, spikelet; 141, M. soibolifera, spikelet; 142, M. racemosa; 143, M. schreberi, spikelet; 144, M. tenwflora, spikelet; 145, M. umbrosa, spikelet Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin. Meadow Muhlenbergia. Mexican Drop-seed (Figs. 135 and 140) Agrostis lateriflora, Michaux '03, 53. Muhlenbergia mexicana, Lapham '57, 545, 566; Babcock '73, 97; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Raddin '91, 141; Huett '97, 129. Culms 2 to 4 feet long, often branching at the base, lying on the ground and rooting at the lower nodes, the remainder erect, always smooth ; blades rough to the touch, 2 to 6 inches long, 2 to 6 mm. wide ; panicles numerous, usually narrowed toward the tip, often partially inclosed in the upper sheath; spikelets 2.5 to 3 mm. long; glumes awn- pointed or with a short awn, about as long as the lemma. This species is common in fields, gardens, and in waste places. It is a troublesome weed in some places. It is recommended that the areas containing this weed be thoroly cultivated and the rootstocks exposed to the sun. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Brendel in 1873; without locality, Mead; without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Gates, Oct., 1907; Ur- bana, Gibbs, Sept., 1898; Champaign, Mosher, Sept., 1914; Urbana, Mosher, Sept., 1914. COOK co. Wolf lake, Hill, Sept., 1892. FULTON co. Without locality, Pe- poon; Canton, Wolf. JO DAVIESS co. Bluffs of Apple river, Pepoon. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, Crampton, Sept., 1913. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1900. ST. CLAIE co. Mascoutah, Welsch. SANGAMON co. Springfield, M. S. Bebb in 1861. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase, Aug., 1893. WILL co. Joliet, Skeels, Sept., 1904. WABASH CO. Without locality, Schneck, Sept., 1880; Mt. Carmel, Schneclc, Sept., 1897. 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 345 Muhlenbergia racemosa (Michx.) B. S. P. Marsh Muhlenbergia. Wild Timothy (Fig. 142) Agrostis racemosa, Michaux '03, 53. Muhlenbergia glomerata, Lapham '57, 545, 566; Babcock '73, 97; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Patterson '87, 63; Higley and Eaddin '91, 141. Culms smooth, often much branched, 1 to 3 feet tall, erect, with fine short pubescence below the nodes ; sheaths smooth, blades usually rough to the touch, 2 to 5 inches long, 2 to 6 mm. wide ; panicles dense and spike-like; spikelets 4 to 6 mm. long, the glumes always awned and considerably longer than the lemma, sometimes almost twice as long. This species is found in wet places, such as swamps and bogs. CHAMPAIGN co. Champaign, Clinton, Oct., 1895. HANCOCK co. Augusta, Mead. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson, Sept., 1872. KANE co. Elgin, Sherff 1946. LAKE co. Cedar lake, Lake Villa, Gleason and Shobe 128 ; Sun lake, Lake Villa, Gleason and Shobe 200. MCHENRY co. Eingwood, Vasey. MADISON co. East Alton, McDonald, Sept., 1900. MENARD co. Athens, Hall in 1866. OGLE co. Oregon, Waite, Sept., 1885. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Princeville, V. H. Chase 940. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 1943. WINNEBAGO co. Fountaindale, M. S. Bebb in 1873. Muhlenbergia schreberi J. F. Gmel. Dropseed. Nimble Will (Fig. 143) Dilepyrum minutiflorum, Michaux '03, 40. Muhlenbergia difrusa, Lapham '57, 545, 567; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63; Huett '97, 129. Muhlenbergia schreberi, Gleason '12, 41. Culm smooth, much branched, the basal part usually lying on the ground and often rooting at the nodes, the ends erect; sheaths loose, smooth; blades rough, 1.5 to 3.5 inches long, 1 to 4 mm. wide; panicles numerous, slender, densely flowered; spikelets, excluding the awn about 2 mm. long, the first glume nearly obsolete, the second very small, the lemma awned. This species grows in dry places. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Gibbs; Urbana, Clinton, Oct., 1895; Champaign, Percival, Oct., 1876; Urbana, Gates, Sept., 1907. COOK co. Evanston, Shipman, Sept., 1875; Chicago Heights, A. Chase, Sept., 1897; Palos Park, Umbach, Sept., 1909. DU PAGE co. Hinsdale, Smith, Sept., 1902; Naperville, Umbach, Sept., 1898. FULTON co. Without local- ity, Pepoon; Canton, Wolf, jo DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon. HENDER- SON co. Oquawka, Patterson, Sept., 1873. LAKE co. Eiver Forest, Hill, Aug., 1890. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Sobertson, Aug., 1882. OGLE co. Oregon, Waite, Aug., 1884. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1900. RANDOLPH co. Bremen, Hill, Aug., 1892. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 1270, 1165, 1277. WABASH co. Without locality, Schneck, July, 1900; without locality, Shearer; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, Sept., 1904. WILL co. Mokena, Chase; Joliet, STceels, Sept., 1904. 346 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Muhlenbergla sobolifera (Muhl.) Trin. Rock Muhlenbergia (Fig. 141) Lapham '57, 545, 566; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Kaddin '91, 141. Culms smooth, erect or nearly so, 1 to 3 feet tall ; sheaths smooth ; blades rough, shorter 011 the culm, 1 to 6 inches long, 2 to 6 mm. wide ; panicles long and very slender ; spikelcts 1.5 to 2.5 mm. long, the glumes sharp-pointed and one-half to two-thirds as long as the lemma. This species is usually found in rocky woods. FULTON CO. Without locality, Pepoon. jo DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pe- poon. MACOUPIN CO. Carlinville, Robertson, Aug., 1882. MENARD CO. Athens, Stall in 1869. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. WABASH co. Without locality, Schneck, Oct., 1881; Mt. Cannel, SchnecJc, Sept., 1897. Muhlenbergia temiiflora (Wiild.) B. S. P. Slender Muhlenbergia (Fig. 144) Muhlenbergia willdenowii, Lapham '57, 545, 566 (Plate 1, Fig. 9) ; Babcock '73, 97; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Baddin '91, 141. Culms simple or very sparingly branched, covered with fine, short hairs which point downwards ; nodes pubescent ; sheaths generally with a few very fine hairs at least near the edges, usually shorter than the internodes ; blades rough, 2.5 to 8 inches long, 2 to 8 mm. wide ; panicles long and slender but rather densely flowered; spikelets 3 to 4 mm. long, glumes unequal, one-half to two-thirds the length of the lemma, which bears an awn 2 to 4 times the length of the body. This species has the broadest leaves of any of the genus found in Illinois. They are usually horizontally spreading. It resembles M. . sobolifera more than any other species, but the larger spikelets and hairy culms easily distinguish it. The plants grow in rocky woods and other shady places. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Seymour and Waite, July, 1886. COOK CO. Palos Park, Umbach, Aug., 1909. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon. JO DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon. KANE co. Elgin, Vasey. KANKAKEE co. Kan- kakee, De Selm, Sept., 1913. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1902; Glasford, Wilcox, Aug., 1902. WABASH CO. Mt. Carxnel, SchnecJc in 1879; Hanging Bock, SchnecTc, Sept., 1904. Muhlenbergia umbrosa Scribn. Wood Muhlenbergia (Fig. 145) Muhlenbergia sylvatica, Lapham '57, 545, 566; Babcock '73, 97; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Baddin '91, 141; Huett '97, 129. Culms usually much branched, 1 to 3 feet tall, with very fine, short hairs below the nodes; sheaths smooth; blades rough, 2 to 7 inches long, 2 to 6 mm. wide ; panicles long and very narrow, few-flowered ; spikelets, excluding the awn, 2.5 to 3 mm. long, glumes awn-pointed 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 347 or slightly awned, shorter than the lemma, which bears an awn usually 6 to 12 mm. long. This species is found in moist woods. It is much like M. foliosa and M. glabriflora in general appearance, but may be distinguished by the slender, few-flowered panicle and by a long-awned lemma. In rare instances a short-awned form was found among Illinois specimens. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Wolf in 1882. CARROLL co. Mt. Carroll, Shimer, Oct., 1891. DU PAGE co. Wheaton, Moffatt, Sept., 1892. FULTON co. Canton, Wolf. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, De Selm, Sept., and Oct., 1913. MENARD co. Without locality, Hall; Athens, Hall in 1874. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Princeville, V. H. Chase, Oct., 1900. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. Near Wady Petra, V. H. Chase, Sept., 1906. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer; Hanging Eock, Sclmeclc, Sept., 1900. 22. BRACHYELYTRUM Beauv. This genus includes a single species in which the plants are peren- nial from short rootstocks. The culms are tall and slender and the blades rather short and broad. The ligules are membranous, from 1 to 2 mm. long, the margin irregular. The inflorescence is a very nar- row, few-flowered panicle. The spikelets are one-flowered, the glumes very minute or obsolete, and the lemma is awned. Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) Beauv. Bearded Short Husk (Figs. 146 and 147) Brachyelytrum aristatum, Lapham.'57, 545, 567 (Plate 1, Fig. 10) ; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Eaddin '91, 142. Culms erect, unbranched, densely pubescent at and near the nodes ; sheaths with a few hairs, shorter than the internodes; blades 3 to 5 inches long, 6 to 18 mm. wide, rough to the touch ; spikelets, excluding the awns, 10 mm. long, rough, and slightly pubescent. This grass is found in shady places, usually in damp, rocky woods. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Mead; without locality, Vasey; south- ern Illinois, Brendel. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Butts and Seymour, June, 1880. COOK co. Palos Park, Umbach, Aug., 1909; Glencoe, Johnson, Sept., 1890. FUL- TON co. Canton, Wolf, jo DAVIESS co. Along Apple river, Pepoon 691. HEN- DERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson, Aug., 1872. LA SALLE co. Near Starved Kock, A. Chase, July, 1901; Starved Eock, Hill 138 in 1901. PEORIA co. Glasford, Wil- cox, July, 1902; Peoria, Brendel; Springdale, Peoria, McDonald, July, 1890. POPE co. Herod, Clinton, July, 1898. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. VERMILION co. Danville, Waite, June, 1886. WABASH co. Without locality, Schneck, July, 1905; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, Sept., 1886; Hanging Eock, Schneck, Sept., 1904 and Aug., 1879. 23. HELEOCHLOA Host This grass, which has been sparingly introduced into this country, is a native of Europe and Asia. It grows in small bunches. The spike- like panicles have the general appearance of Phleum pratense, our common timothy or herd's grass. The panicles are partially included in the enla-rged upper sheaths. The spikelets are one-flowered, the 348 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, glumes, lemma, and palea are all of the same texture. The glumes are flattened and keeled, with a row of stout hairs along the keel. The blades are short and narrow ; the ligule is composed of a ring of short hairs. 149 146 148 150 147 Figs. 146-150. 146, B. erectum, inflorescence; 147, B. erectum, spikelet; 148, H. schoenoides, inflorescence; 149, H. scho&noides, spikelet; 150, P. pratense, spikelet Heleochloa schoenoides (L.) Host Rush Cat-tail Grass (Figs. 148 and 149) Culms smooth, 4 to. 18 inches tall, sheaths much shorter than the internodes, the upper sheaths enlarged; blades 1 to 3 inches long, sharp-pointed, rather rough on the upper surface; panicle 1 to 1.5 inches long; spikelets about 2.5 mm. long. This grass has not been reported from many localities in Illinois. It is found in waste places. COOK co. Blue Island, Robert Bebb, Aug., 1902 and 1903; Chicago, Somes, Aug., 1909. ST. CLAIR CO. East St. Louis, Eggert, Aug., 1893. 24. PHLEUM L. Cat-tail Grass The native species of this genus (P. alpinum) does not occur in Illinois, being found only on high mountains or in the arctic regions 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 349 of the continent. The introduced species, P. pratense, is cultivated everywhere in the state for hay. It is a perennial grass, growing in tufts, with long, cylindrical, spike-like panicles. The spikelets are onq- flowered, flattened, and closely crowded. The lemma is thinner than the glumes and transparent. The leaves are long and flat, the ligules membranous, from 2 to 3 mm. long. Phleum pratense L. Timothy. Herd's Grass (Fig. 150) Culms 1.5 to 3.5 feet tall, erect, smooth, enlarged, and bulbous at base ; sheaths smooth ; blades 3 to 12 inches long, 4 to 6 mm. wide ; spikelets 2 to 5 mm. long, usually 3 mm. ; glumes keeled and about twice as long as the lemma, the midnerve produced into a short awn 1 to 2 mm. long. This species grows in meadows all over the state. 25. ALOPECURUS L. Foxtail Grass This genus includes plants with the inflorescence in spike-like pan- icles which somewhat resemble timothy, or herd's grass, PJileum pra- tense. The spikelets are one-flowered, flattened, with keeled glumes. The lemma is thin and transparent and bears an awn near the base. There are two species commonly found in Illinois. A third species, A pratensis, is mentioned by Lapham, Patterson, Flagg, and Huett as having been cultivated in Illinois. No Illinois specimens have been seen, however, except from the University experimental plots. It is included in the key, so that if any specimens are found, they may be identified. Spikelets 4 to 6 mm. in length. A. pratensis Spikelets never more than 3 mm. in length. Awn scarcely exceeding the spikelet and not extending over 1 mm. beyond it; spikelets 2.5 to 3 mm. long. A. aristulatus Awn exceeding the spikelet by the length of the glume or more; spikelets 2 mm. long. A. geniculatus Alopecums aristulatus Michx. Wild Water Foxtail. Floating Foxtail (Fig. 154) Alopecums aristulatus, Lapham '57, 544, 562 (Plate 1, Fig. 3) ; Flagg '78, 280. Alopecums geniculatus var. aristulatus, Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Eaddin '91, 142; Huett '97, 129. Culms slender, smooth, 6 inches to 2 feet tall, usually erect; sheaths smooth ; blades roughened, 1 to 6 inches long, 1 to 4 mm. wide ; spikelets about 2 mm. long, the awn very short, not extending beyond the panicle. 350 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, This species is described by earlier writers as being native to Illinois, and there seems to be no doubt on this point. It grows in the water along the edges of ponds and streams or in very wet soil. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey; lakes in Illinois, Eggcrt, July, 1878. COOK co. Winnetka, Johnson, May, 1889; Engelwood, Umbach, July, 1898. DU PAGE co. Glen Ellyn, Moffatt, May, 1894. FULTON co. Canton, Wolf. LAKE co. Gilmer, Gates, July, 1907. MCHENRY co. Without locality, Brendel. MENARD co. Athens, Hall, June, 1865. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Brendel; Mascoutah, Welsch. 161 152 153 154 Figs. 151-154. 151, A. geniculatus, inflorescence; 152, A. pratensis, spike- let; 153, A. geniculatus, spikelet; 154, A. aristulatus, spikelet Alopecurus geniculatus L. Marsh Foxtail (Figs. 151 and 153) Lapham '57, 544, 562; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Sherff '13, 594. Culms 6 inches to 2 feet tall, slender, smooth, the base usually lying along the ground, the ends erect; sheaths smooth; blades rough- ened, 1 to 6 inches long, 1 to 4 mm. wide; panicles with a somewhat furry appearance due to the slender awns ; spikelets 2.5 to 3 mm. long, the awn slightly bent, usually about twice the length of the spikelet. This species was introduced from Europe. It is found in wet soil, especially in marshes and along the banks of ponds and streams. COOK co. Englewood, Umbach, July, 1898. DU PAGE co. Glen Ellyn, Hill, May, 1894. EFFINGHAM co. Edgewood, Holdcn, May, 1898. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson. LAKE co. Lake Forest, Jensen, May, 1895; Lake Zurich, Hill, June, 1899. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Eobertson, May, 1884. MCLEAN co. Bloomington, Burrill, May, 1894. MARION co. Without locality, Lapham; Salem, M. S. Bel)b in 1860; Salem, Hall. MENARD CO. Athens, Hall in 1861. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, June, 1890. PULASKI co. Beechwood, Spencer, May, 1900. ST. CLAIR co. East St. Louis, Eggert, June, 1887; Mascou- tah. Welsch. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 471, 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 351 26. SPOROBOLUS R. Br. Dropseed. Rush Grass The species of this genus found in Illinois are all native to the state and include both annuals and perennials. They all grow in dry soil and nearly all have narrow, involute, pointed leaves. The ligules are membranous, from 1 to 3 mm. long. The spikelets are one-flowered and the fruit is not inclosed by the lemma, but is free and usually falls out as soon as ripe. a. Panicle diffuse, branches capillary. S. asperifolius aa. Panicle not diffuse, branches slender but not capillary. b. Glumes very unequal; panicle branches ascending or spreading, panicle not spike-like (except secondary panicles in autumn), c. Sheaths not bearded at the summit; spikelets 4 to 6 mm. long. S. heterolepis cc. Sheaths conspicuously bearded at the summit; spikelets 2.5 to 3 mm. long. S. cryptandrus bb. Glumes nearly equal; panicle contracted, more or less spike-like. c. Sheaths much enlarged and always inclosing the lateral panicles, sometimes the terminal ones; blades short, scarcely longer than the sheaths. d. Spikelets 2.5 to 3 mm. long; lemma not pubescent. S. neglectus dd. Spikelets 3.5 to 4 mm. long ; lemma pubescent. S. vaginaefiorus cc. Sheaths never enlarged, except the upper which often partially in- closes the panicle ; blades long, very much longer than the sheaths, always very narrow and involute ; plants perennial, d. Spikelets 5 mm. or more long; panicles densely flowered and usually included in the enlarged upper sheaths, e. Lemma and palea pubescent at the base. f. Palea with a long sharp point; lemma about two-thirds the length of the palea. S. clandestinus ff. Palea acute but not with a long sharp point, and only slightly longer than the lemma. S. canovirens ee. Lemma and palea never pubescent at base, but always smooth and polished. S. asper dd. Spikelets never more than 4 mm. long; panicles loosely flowered and not included in the upper sheath. S. drummondii Sporobolus asper (Michx.) Kunth Long-leaved Rush Grass (Fig. 155) Sporobolus longifolius, Britton '07, 105. Culms 1.5 to 4 feet tall, smooth; sheaths smooth; blades 4 to 18 inches long, 2 to 4 mm. wide, flat at base but soon becoming involute, smooth on the under surface, rough on the upper, and with long hairs near the base ; panicle partially included in the upper sheath, 3 to 9 inches long, about half an inch wide ; spikelets 5 to 6 mm. long. This species is found in dry, usually sandy soil. S. drummondii closely resembles this species, but it has smaller spikelets, narrower and less dense panicles which are usually not inclosed in the sheath. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Wolf in 1882. CHAMPAIGN co. With- out locality, Seymour, Oct., 1880; St. Joseph, Clinton, Oct., 1895; Champaign, Clinton, Oct., 1895; Urbana, Gates, Oct., 1907. COOK co. Chicago, Umbach, Sept., 352 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, 1898. HENDERSON go. Oquawka, Patterson. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Eobert- son, Sept., 1882. MENARD CO. Without locality, Hall in 1861. PEORIA co. Peo- ria, McDonald, Sept., 1900 and 1901; Peoria, Brendel; Princeville, F. H. Chase 1180. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Brendel; Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. F. H. Chase 820. WABASH co. Hanging Eock, SchnecTc, Sept., 1878. WILL co. Joliet, STceels, Sept., 1904. 155 156 160 161 162 163 164 Figs. 155-164. 155, S. asper, spikelet; 156, S. asperifolius, spikelet; 157, S. canovirens, spikelet; 158 ; S. clandestinus, spikelet; 159, S. cryptandrus, spike- let; 160, S. drummondii, inflorescence; 161, S. drummondU, spikelet; 162, S. heterolepis, spikelet; 163, S. neglectus, spikelet; 164, S. vaginaeflorus, spikelet Sporobolus asperifolius (Nees & Meyen) Thurb. Kough-leaved Dropseed (Fig. 156) Culms 6 to 18 inches tall, smooth, erect from a long rootstock; sheaths short, smooth ; blades flat, short, and pointed, very numerous near the base of the plant, 1 to 3 inches long, 2 to 3 mm. wide, very rough on the upper surface, smooth beneath ; panicle spreading, 3 to 7 inches long and about half as wide, the spikelets 1.5 mm. long, on long, capillary pedicels, rarely 2- or 3-flowered. This is a western species and has been reported only once from Illi- nois. It is found in dry soil. KANE co. Elgin, along railway track, Sherff, Aug., 1912. Sporobolus canovirens Nash (Fig. 157) Culms 1 to 3 feet tall, smooth ; sheaths smooth ; blades narrow and involute except at base, 4 to 18 inches long, 2 to 4 mm. wide, with long hairs at the base; panicle 2 to 4 inches long, less than half an inch wide, partially included in the upper sheath ; spikelets about 6 mm. long, lemma, and palea slightly pubescent at base. This species is found in sandy soil. In general appearance it resembles both S. clandestinus and S. asper. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Wolf in 1882. FULTON co. Canton, Wolf. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson. 1918] THE GRASSES OP ILLINOIS 353 Sporobolus clandestinus (Spreng.) Hitchc. Rough Rush Grass (Fig. 158) Agrostis aspera, Michaux '03, 52. Vilfa aspera, Lapham '57, 544, 563; Pat- terson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63. Sporobolus asper, Huett '97, 129; McDonald '00, 103. Culms 2 to 5 feet tall, smooth; sheaths smooth; blades long, nar- row, involute except at the base, 3 to 15 inches long, 2 to 4 mm. wide ; panicle 2 to 6 inches long, 2 to 4 mm. wide ; spikelets 6 to 8 mm. long, the lemma pubescent near the base. This species is found in dry and sandy soil. It is distinguished by the exceedingly long, pointed palea. COOK CO. Leydon, Gates. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1900 and 1901. Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) Gray Sand Dropseed (Fig. 159) Lapham '57, 545, 564; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 88; Higley and Eaddin '91, 142; Huett '97, 129; Gleason '07, 182; Gleason '10, 148; Gates '12, 355. Culms smooth, 1 to 2 feet tall; sheaths short, smooth, with con- spicuous long hairs at the throat; blades short, flat, rough on the upper surface, mostly crowded at the base of the plant, 2 to 5 inches long, 3 to 5 mm. wide ; panicle open, somewhat resembling that of com- mon redtop, in autumn contracted and partly included in the sheath ; spikelets usually dark colored, 2 to 2.5 mm. long. This species is very common along the shores of Lake Michigan and thruout the sand areas of the state. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey ; Canteen lake, Eggert, Sept., 1886. CASS co. Beardstown, McDonald, Sept., 1900. COOK co. Chicago, Vasey; Chicago, Babcook, Oct., 1874; Evanston, Johnston, Sept., 1886; Chicago, Lansing 371; Lake View, Chicago, Umbach, Sept., 1898; Hyde Park, Chicago, A. Chase, Aug., 1899; Evanston, Sherff, July, 1911. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson in 1881. LAKE co. Beach Area, Gates 3255. LA SALLE co. Ottawa, Seymour. MASON co. Manito, Wilcox, July, 1902; Havana, Gleason, Aug. ; 1903. OGLE co. Oregon, Waite, Sept., 1880. ST. CLAIR co. Eggert, Oct., 1886. Sporobolus drummondii (Trin.) Vasey (Figs. 160 and 161) Culms 1 to 2.5 feet tall, smooth ; sheaths smooth ; blades long and narrow, flat at base, involute at tip, 3 to 15 inches long, upper surface rough, sometimes pubescent near the base, but usually smooth ; panicle seldom included in an inflated upper sheath, 3 to 6 inches long, very slender, loosely flowered, always less than half an inch wide ; spikelets 4 mm. long. This species is considerably smaller than S. asper, which it closely resembles. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. WILL co. Gougar 's Prairie, Joliet, STceels, Sept., 1904. 354 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Sporobolus heterolepis Gray Northern Dropseed (Fig. 162) Lapham '57, 545, 563 (Plate 1, Fig. 6) ; Babcoek '73, 96; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Eaddin '91, 142; Huett '97, 129; Gleason '10, 148; Gates '12, 355. Culms 1 to 3 feet tall, smooth, erect; sheaths smooth; blades long and narrow, rough on the upper surface ; panicles 3 to 10 inches long, the branches often spreading, but sometimes erect ; spikelets 4 to 6 mm. long, the first glume very .much shorter and narrower than the long- pointed second glume. This species is very distinct and hence is not likely to be mistaken for any other. It is found in dry soil. On the original prairies of the state it was abundant. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, M. S. Bebb in 1859 and 1868; with- out locality, Vasey; without locality, Mead; without locality, Hall in 1875. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Clinton, Aug., 1895; Champaign, Clinton, Oct., 1895. COOK co. Englewood, Hill, Sept., 1875. DU PAGE co. Hinsdale, Smith, Sept., 1902. FULTON co. Canton, Wolf; Canton, McDonald, Aug., 1889. JO DAVIESS co. Warren, Pepoon 596. HANCOCK co. Augusta, Mead in 1845. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Pratt, Oct., 1872. KANKAKEE co. Altorf, Hill 199 in 1872. LAKE co. Beach Area, Gates 3223. MCHENRY co. Union, Seymour, Sept., 1881; Ring- wood, Vasey. PEORIA co. Without locality, Brendel; near Princeville, V. H. Chase 819; Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1900. WABASH co. Mt. Carmel, Schneck, Oct., 1876; Old Palmyra, Schneclc, Sept., 1904. WILL co. Joliet, Hill 195 in 1907. WINNEBAGO co. Fountaindale, M. S. Bebb in 1868. Sporobolus neglectus Nash Small Rush Grass (Fig. 163) Culms smooth, 6 to 24 inches tall, forming small bunches ; sheaths inflated, broader than the blades, smooth ; blades slightly longer than the sheaths, about 2 mm. wide, rough on the upper surface, usually pubescent near the base, usually involute when dry ; panicles 1 to 2.5 inches long, all except the terminal panicles completely inclosed in the inflated sheaths ; spikelets 2.5 to 3 mm. long, glumes, lemma, and palea all of the same texture, all white and shining. This species has been confused with S. vaginae florus, which it resem- bles in general habit of growth and in the size and shape of the pan- icles which are inclosed in the inflated upper sheaths. S. neglectus is usually a smaller plant and is distinguishable by its smooth, white spikelets, those in S. vaginaeflorus having pubescent lemmas and not white, shiny spikelets as in 8. neglectus. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, M. S. Bebb; without locality, Wolf; without locality, Va$ey ; Lake Zurich, Hill, Sept., 1898; Otto, De Selm, Sept., 1913. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Waite, Sept., 1888; Urbana, Seymour, Oct., 1880; St. Joseph, Clinton, Oct., 1895. COOK co. Chicago, BabcocJc, Oct., 1874; Evanston, Shipman, Oct., 1875. DU PAGE co. Naperville, Umbach, Aug., 1898. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon; Canton, Brendel. HANCOCK co. Augusta, Mead. HEN- DERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson. LAKE co. Lake Zurich, Hill, Sept., 1898. MENARD CO. Without locality, Hall in 1861 and 1864; Athens, Hall in 1864. 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 355 OGLE co. Without locality, M. S. Bebb ; Oregon, Waite, Sept., 1888. PEORIA co. McDonald, Oct., 1904; Peoria, Brendel. STARK co. Duncan, V. H. Chase, Sept.,' 1906. WILL co. Marley, Hill, Sept., 1895. Sporobolus vaginaeflorus (Torr.) Wood Sheathed Kush Grass (Fig. 164) Vilfa vaginaeflora,'~Lapham '57, 544, 563 (Plate 1, Fig. 5) ; Babcock '73, 96; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63. Sporobolus vaginaeflorus, Higley and Eaddin '91, 142; Huett '97, 219. Culms 8 to 24 inches tall, smooth; sheaths usually all inflated, smooth ; blades a little longer than the sheaths, very narrow, usually involute, rough on the upper surface and pubescent near the base; lateral panicles usually inclosed in the inflated sheaths, the terminal ones usually free; spikelets 3.5 to 4 mm. long, the glumes usually white, the lemma dark colored and always pubescent. This spedies resembles S. neglectus, but is usually larger and is easily recognized by the spikelets. It grows in dry, sandy soil. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS : Without locality, Wolf in 1882 ; without locality, Mead in 1844. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Grimes, Sept., 1916. COOK co. Lyons, Hill, Aug., 1898; Morgan Park, Chicago, Hill, Sept., 1898; Eggleston, Hill 309 in 1898. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon. jo DAVIESS CO. Without locality, Pepoon. HANCOCK co. Augusta, Mead in 1843. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson. LAKE co. Lake Zurich, Hill, Sept., 1898. MENARD co. Without locality, Hall. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1900. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 1209 and 1266. WABASH co. Mt. Carmel, SchnecTc, Sept., 1876 and Oct., 1887. Two other species have been reported from Illinois, S. junceus (Higley and Raddin '91, p. 42) and S. virginica (Vilfa virginica, Pat- terson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 88). No specimens of either of these have been seen. The latter, as understood at present, is a seashore rush grass with long, stout rootstocks, and is not found inland. 27.AGROSTIS L. Bent Grass This genus includes both annual and perennial species. They are distinguished by the small one-flowered spikelets in which both glumes and lemma are thin, the glumes considerably the longer. The palea is minute or wanting in all Illinois species but A. alba. The inflorescence is always paniculate. The leaves are narrow, with conspicuous mem- branous ligules. A. alba is the only species of economic importance. Lemma with a long awn; spikelets less than 2 mm. long. A. elliottiana Lemma awnless ; spikelets more than 2 mm. long. Palea at least half as long as the lemma. A. alba Palea minute or wanting. Panicle branches spreading, usually whorled, the branches long and cap- illary, very rough, spikelet-bearing at the tips. A. hyemalis Panicle branches ascending or spreading, but not whorled, nearly smooth, the spikelets not clustered at the tips of the branches. A. perennans 356 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, 169 167 170 166 168 171 Figs. 165-171. 165, A. alba, inflorescence; 166, A. alba, spikelet; 167, A. hyemalis, inflorescence, immature; 168, A. hyemalis, spikelet; 169, A. elliottiana, spikelet; 170, A. perennans; 171, A. perennans, spikelet Agrostis alba L. Florin. White Bent. Redtop (Fig. 165) Lapham '57, 545, 565; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63; Huett '97, 130; Gates '12, 355; Sherff '12, 420; Sherff '13, 594. Culms 1 to 4 feet tall from creeping rootstocks; sheaths smooth, blades 2 to 8 inches long, 2 to 6 mm. wide, slightly rough ; ligule mem- branous, usually 4 to 5 mm. long ; panicle spreading, contracted, after flowering; spikelets 2 to 2.5 mm. long, palea present, usually half as long as the lemma. 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 357 The earlier botanists of the state assert that this species is native here, and that it is found in moist situations in prairies, fields, road- sides, ditch banks, etc. It is one of the common pasture grasses and is also cultivated for hay. A low variety is cultivated as a lawn grass under the name of creeping bent. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Champaign, Mosher, June, 1913; TJrbana, Seymour, July, 1878; Urbana, Clinton in 1893; Ur- bana, Mosher, June, 1913. COOK co. Without locality, Gates, June, 1906; Evans- ton, Shipman, July, 1875. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon; Canton, Bren- del. JACKSON co. Without locality, Lapham. JO DAVIESS CO. Warren, Pepoon 24. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Robertson, May, 1881. PEOKIA CO. Peoria, Bren- del. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch ; East St. Louis, Eggert, June, 1879. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 56. WABASH co. Without locality, Schneck, June, 1900; without locality, Shearer; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, June, 1892, 1900, 1904. Agrostis alba vulgaris Thurb. Agrostis vulgaris, Lapham '57, 545, 566 ; Babcock '73, 96 ; Patterson '76, 49 ; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63. Agrostis alba var vulgaris, Higley and Raddin '91, 142; Huett '97, 130; Cowles '00, 106. This variety, on account of the many intergrading forms, is not easily distinguished from the species. It is usually found in dryer situations and is not so tall, from 9 to 18 inches being the average height. The panicle is smaller and usually more open and spreading. The leaves are smaller and the ligule is generally much shorter. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS : Without locality, southern Illinois, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Champaign, Clinton in 1888 ; Urbana, Seymour, June, 1880. MENARD CO. Without locality, Hall in 1861. PEORIA CO. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, July, 1889. Agrostis elliottiana Schultes Elliott's Bent Grass (Fig. 169) Plants annual; culms slender, 5 to 12 inches tall, smooth; sheaths smooth ; blades rough, .5 to 5 inches long, not over 2 mm. wide ; ligule about 2 mm. long ; panicle narrow, somewhat open, the branches delicate; spikelets about 1.5 mm. long, the lemma bearing a slender awn about 5 mm. long. This is a southeastern species and rare in Illinois. It grows in dry soil. So far as known it is the only awned species of Agrostis in the state. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, southern Illinois, Shinier, May, 1893. JOHNSON co. Tunnel Hill, Evelyn Eidgway, May, 1900. ST. CLAIR co. Mascou- tah, Welsch. Agrostis hyemalis (Walt.) B. S. P. Hair Grass (Figs. 167 and 168) Agrostis scabra, Lapham '57, 545, 564; Babcock '73, 96; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Raddin '91, 143; Huett '97, 130. Culms slender, smooth, 1 to 2 feet tall ; leaves not numerous, mostly clustered at the base of the plant, sheaths smooth, the blades rough, 2 358 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, to 5 inches long, 1 to 3 mm. wide; panicle usually purplish, with spreading, capillary, whorled, very scabrous branches spikelet-bearing at the tips ; spikelets 1.5 to 2 mm. long. This species was very abundant on the prairies, especially in the poorer kinds, of soil. It prefers dry soil and is usually found now in uncultivated fields, pastures, and woodland. The panicles are usually very large, somewhat resembling those of Panicum capillare and like them break off at maturity and roll before the wind. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Seymour, July, 1880. COOK co. Chicago, Barcode, July, 1873; Chicago, Hill 23 in 1891. JO DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon 177. JOHNSON co. Tunnel Hill, Schneck, May, 1902. KANKAKEE co. Hill, May, 1870. MCHENRY co. King- wood, Vasey. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Robertson, June, 1882. MARION CO. Without locality, Lapham; Salem, M. S. Bebb in 1860. MARSHALL co. Steuben township, F. H. Chase 1785. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald; Peoria, Brendel. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. Wady Petra, F. H. Chase 56, 1200, 1442. WABASH co. Without locality, Schneck, June, 1901 ; without locality, Shearer; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, June, 1904; vicinity of Mt. Carmel, Schneck in 1879, 1881, and 1890. Agrostis perennans (Walt.) Tuckerm. Thin Grass (Figs. 170 and 171) Brendel '59, 585; Vasey '61, 671-, Babcock '73, 96; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Eaddin '91, 142; Sherff '12, 49; Sherff '13, 594. Culms usually very slender, erect or ascending from a decumbent base ; sheaths smooth, blades rough, 2 to 6 inches long, 2 to 6 mm. wide, numerous, mostly erect; panicle variable, usually narrow and not spreading, pale green or sometimes purplish ; the branches usually not whorled and not having the spikelets clustered at the ends, capillary and slightly roughened ; spikelets 2 to 3' mm. long. This species is exceedingly variable in its habit of growth, so that it is difficult to state definitely the differences between this species and A. liyemalis. In general, however, they are very easily distinguished. A. perennans grows in shady places and blooms mostly from August to October, while A. liyemalis blooms from May to July. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS : Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Champaign, Gleason, Sept., 1898; Urbana, Clinton, Sept., 1899 and Oct., 1895. COOK co. Evanston, Shipman, Sept., 1875; Winnetka, Sherff 1915. FULTON co. Canton, Wolf; Canton, Brendel. PEORIA CO. Princeville, V. H. Chase 1186 ; Peoria, Bren- del; Peoria, McDonald, Aug., 1899. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. UNION co. Cobden, Seymour, Aug., 1880. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer, Oct., 1901; Hanging Rock, Schneck; Crayfish creek, Schneck, Oct., 1897; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, Sept., 1877. 28. CALAMOVILFA Hack. These are tall, reed-like grasses which have long, stout rootstocks. They are found mostly on the sandy shores of lakes and streams. The large, spreading panicles are composed of one-flowered spikelets with firm glumes, lemma, and palea, the callus densely bearded. GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 339 Calamovilfa longifolia (Hook.) Hack. Long-leaved Reed Grass (Fig. 172) Calamagrostis longifolia, Vasey '61, 671; Babcock '73, 97; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 250; Higley and Kaddin '91, 143; Huett '97, 130; McDonald '00, 103, Calamovilfa longifolia, Gleason '07, 182; Gleason '10, 148; Gates '12, 355. Culms single, not branched, smooth and stout, 1 to 6 feet tall; sheaths pubescent, at least near the base and on the margin ; ligule a short fringe of hairs; blades 9 to 18 inches long, involute, pointed at the end ; panicle 6 to 18 inches long ; spikelets 6 to 7 mm. long. This grass is found in loose sands and is abundant along the shores of Lake Michigan, where it acts as a sand binder. The typical form of the species, described from Saskatchewan, is a less robust plant having a narrow, strict panicle. Eggert's St. Clair collection is this typical form. The Oquawka and Lake Michigan speci- mens are the robust form with large, open panicles which have been distinguished as var. magna Scribn. and Merr. COOK CO. Without locality, along lake shore, Vasey ; Evanston, Shipman, July, 1875; Chicago, Vasey; Chicago, Lansing, July, 1898; Chicago, 'Babcock, August, 1874. HENDERSON co. Near Oquawka, Patterson. LAKE co. Waukegan, Gleason and SKobe 322; north of Waukegan, Gates, 2920; Waukegan, Sherff. MASON co. Without locality, M. S. 'Beb'b. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Eggert in 1882. 174 175 Figs. 172-175. Spikelets: 172, C. longifotia; 173, C. canadensis; 174, C. inexpansa; 175, A. arenaria 29. CALAMAGROSTIS Adans. Reed Bent Grass These grasses are tall, with long, running rootstocks and panicles which resemble those of Agrostis, especially A. alba. The spikelets are one-flowered, the lemma and palea are thinner than the glumes, the lemma awned on the back and surrounded with long hairs from the short callus at its base. The leaves are long and narrow, the ligule membranous with ragged edges. 360 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Panicle generally open; spikelets 3 to 3.5 mm. long; lemma smooth, the callus hairs about as long as the lemma. C. canadensis Panicle narrow, constricted ; spikelets 4 to 4.5 mm. long ; lemma rough, callus hairs about three-fourths as long as the lemma. C. incxpansa Calamagrostis canadensis (Miehx.) Beauv. Blue-joint Grass (Fig. 173) Lapham '57, 545, 568 (Plate 1, Fig. 11); Babcock '73, 97; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Raddin '91, 130; Huett '97, 130; Gates '12, 355; Sherff '12, 419; Sherff '13, 594. Culms 2 to 5 feet tall, smooth or slightly rough ; sheaths smooth ; blades 6 to 18 inches long, 2 to 8 mm. wide, rough; panicle usually widely spreading, but sometimes with the branches erect ; spikelets 3 to 3.5 mm. long, the lemma smooth with an inconspicuous awn, the callus hairs almost equaling and concealing the lemma. This species is found in wet soil, such as swamps and bogs. It is said to make excellent hay. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Mead; Maynard, A. Chase, June, 1898. CHAMPAIGN co. Champaign, Seymour, June, 1884 ; Champaign, Waite, June, 1886. COOK CO. Bryn Mawr, Meyers, 1910; Beverly Hills, Robert Bebb, Aug. ? 1904; Chicago, Babcock, Aug., 1872. jo DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon 48. HANCOCK co. Augusta, Mead in 1843. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, Hill, June, 1870. LAKE co. Lake Villa, Gleason and Shobe 116, 146, 224. LIVINGSTON co. Emington, Wilcox, July, 1902. MCHENRY co. Eingwood, Vasey. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Robertson, July, 1883 and 1884. MENARD co. Athens, Hall, June, 1866. OGLE co. Oregon, Waite, July, 1885. PEORIA co. Princeville, V. H. Chase, 1897; Peoria, Brendel; Akron, V. H. Chase, June, 1897. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. WHITE co. Carmi, Schneck, June, 1897. WINNEBAGO co. Without locality, M. S. Bebb; Fountain- dale, M. S. Bebb. Calamagrostis inexpansa Gray Bog Reed Grass (Fig. 174) Culms slender, 2 to 4 feet tall; sheaths smooth; blades rough, 8 to 12 inches long, 4 mm. wide or less ; panicle narrow but not very densely flowered; spikelets 4 mm. long, awns short, lemma rough, callus hairs about two-thirds the length of the lemma. This species is found in low, wet places. COOK co. Hyde Park, Chicago, Babcock, July, 1873. Calamagrostis cinnoides. This species has been reported by Lap- ham (C. coarctata, '57, 545, 568) .and by Flagg (C. nuttalliana, 78, 280) . No specimens of this have been seen by the writer. 30. AMMOPHILA Host The only species in this genus is a stout perennial with strong, creeping rootstocks. It is found along the shores of Lake Michigan, where it acts as a sand binder. This grass is able to push up to the surface again after being covered by shifting sand. The inflorescence 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 361 is a long, densely flowered, spike-like panicle, with one-flowered spike- lets. The glumes, lemma, and palea are firm in texture, and the callus bears a ring of short hairs. Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link Sea Sand Grass. Psamma. Marram. Beach Grass (Fig. 175) Calamagrostis arenaria, Vasey, '61, 671; Babcock '73, 97; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 280. Ammophila arundinacea, Higley and Eaddin, '91, 143; Cowles, '00, 171. Ammophila arenaria, Gates '12, 355. Culms smooth, 2 to 4 feet tall ; sheaths smooth ; blades 6 to 12 inches long, rough on the upper surface, narrowed and involute, ending in a sharp point ; spikelets flattened and rough, 10 to 15 mm. long. COOK co. Shores of Lake Michigan, Vasey; shores of Lake Michigan, Scam- mon, Sept., 1860; Chicago, Babcock, July, 1874; Evanston, Shipman, July, 1879. 31. CINNA L. "Wood Heed Grass These grasses are tall and slender, the culms growing singly or a few together. The inflorescence is of many-flowered panicles. The spikelets are one-flowered, flattened, and keeled, the glumes narrow; the lemma bears a minute awn just below the apex, but there are no hairs at the base. The palea is one-nerved or the two nerves are so close together as to appear one. The leaves are flat, the ligules brown, membranous, almost transparent, 5 to 6 mm. long. Spikelets 3 to 4 mm. long; awn 1 to 2 mm. long; first and second glumes about equal. C. latifolia Spikelets 5 to 6 mm. long; awn about .5 mm. long; first glume much shorter than the second. C. arundinacea Ginna arundinacea L. Indian Reed (Figs. 176 and 177) Lapham '57, 545, 565; Babcock '73, 96; Patterson '76, 49; Flagg '78, 280; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Eaddin '91, 143. Culms 2 to 5 feet tall, smooth; sheaths smooth; blades 6 to 12 inches long, 4 to 15 mm. wide, slightly roughened; panicle usually densely flowered, the numerous branches ascending, the ends nodding; spikelets 5 to 6 mm. long, the glumes unequal, rough, the lemma with a minute awn or awnless. This grass is found in moist, shady situations, especially in the woods. It is said to furnish excellent hay where it grows abundantly along the borders of streams. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Clinton, Sept., 1899; Urbana, Seymour, July, 1880; Urbana, Seymour and Waite, July, 1886. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews. COOK co. Eiver Forest, A. Chase, Sept., 1900; Evanston, Shipman, Aug., 1875; Chicago, Moffatt, Aug., 1892. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon. HENDERSON co. Oqnawka, Patterson. JACKSON co. Without locality, French in 1878; without locality, Lapham in 1857. 362 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, jo DAVIESS CO. Without locality, Pepoon 48 and 462. KANE GO. Elgin, Sherff, Oct., 1909. MCHENRY CO. Algonquin, Nason, Aug., 1879. MACOUPIN co. Car- linville, Robertson, Aug., 1880. MENARD co. Athens, Hall, Sept., 1864. PEORIA co. Glasf ord, Wilcox, Aug., 1902 ; Princeville, F. H. Chase, Sept., 1906 ; Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, Aug., 1894. WABASH co. Without locality, SchnecJc, Sept., 1876; without locality, Shearer; Hanging Eock, Schneck, Sept., 1879; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, Sept., 1877. 176 178 17.7 179 180 Figs. 176-180. 176, C. arundinacea, inflorescence; 177, C. arundinacea, spike- let; 178, C. latifolia, inflorescence; 179, C. latifolia, spikelet; 180, N. lanatus, spikelet Cinna latifolia (Trev.) Griseb. Slender Wood Reed Grass (Figs. 178 and 179) Cinna arundinacea var. pendula, Patterson '76, 49 ; Flagg '78, 280. Culms 2 to 5 feet tall, smooth ; sheaths smooth ; blades 6 to 12 inches long, 10 to 15 mm. wide ; panicle spreading, the slender branches often drooping; spikelets 3 to 4 mm. long; glumes nearly equal, rough; lemma with a short awn. This species is found in damp woods. It is not so abundant as C. arundinacea. KANE co. Elgin, Vasey. LAKE co. Beach, Gates, July, 1909. 32. NOTHOLCUS Nash This grass was introduced from Europe and is fairly common in the eastern United States and on the Pacific coast. The spikelets are 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 263 two-flowered, the lower flower perfect, the upper staminate. The glumes and lemmas are thick, the palea very thin. The inflorescence is in dense panicles shaped something like those of Agrostis. The entire plant is covered with short, soft pubescence, hence the name velvet grass. Notholcus lanatus (L.) Nash Velvet Grass. Meadow Soft Grass (Fig. 180) Holcus lanatus, Gray's Manual, 7th ed. ; Britton '07, 115. Entire plants light green and velvety ; culms 1 to 3 feet tall ; sheaths shorter than the internodes; blades 1 to 6 inches long, 4 to 12 mm. wide, ligule membranous, 2 to 3 mm. long ; spikelets flattened, about 4 mm. long, pubescent, the glumes longer than the lemmas. This grass is perennial. It grows best in moist places, and will thrive in very poor soil. It is a rather pretty species, with its pale green foliage and pink-tinted panicles but it is not regarded as a valu- able forage grass in most places where it has been introduced. In some parts of the West, however, it is much liked. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Burrill, June, 1891. 33. SPHENOPHOLIS Scribn.- These grasses are tall, slender, tufted perennials with narrow pan- icles. The leaves are flat, usually very narrow; the ligule is membra- nous, fringed with fine hairs, and from 2 to 4 mm. long. The species are most easily determined by the shape of the glumes, the first being very narrow and pointed, the second much broader, obovate or wedge- shaped. The spikelets are 2- to 3-flowered, and longer than the glumes. Second glume almost as broad as long, broadly obtuse or truncate at the apex, nearly equal in length to the first. S. obtusata Second glume not nearly so broad as long, acute or narrowly obtuse at the end, longer than the first. S. pattens Sphenopholis obtusata (Michx.) Scribn. Blunt-scaled Sphenopholis (Fig. 181) Katonia obtusata, Lapham '57, 546, 575 (Plate 2, Fig. 10) ; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Raddin '91, 143; Huett '97, 130. Culms 1 to 3 feet tall, smooth ; leaves mostly clustered at the base of the plant, sheaths rough, often pubescent; blades 1.5 to 6 inches long, 2 to 6 mm. wide, slightly rough ; panicle densely flowered, 2 to 6 inches long, often so narrow as to appear spike-like ; spikelets 2.5 to 3 mm. long, the glumes strongly nerved and rough except on the smooth, shiny margin ; lemmas similar in texture to the glumes ; palea thin and transparent. This species is found in dry soil. It was one of the species of the original prairie and is still found in many .places in the state. 364 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Champaign, Clinton, June, 1900; Champaign, Gleason 1006. COOK CO. Chicago, Lansing 272; Woodlawn, Chicago, Lansing, June, 1898 ; Englewood, Hill, July, 1875 ; South Chi- cago, A. Chase, July, 1901. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon. HANCOCK co. Augusta, Mead, June, 1848. ,TO DAVIESS co. East of Warren, Pepoon 8. KANKAKEE co. Bourbonnais, Hill 83 in 1874. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Robertson, May, 1884. MARION co. Without locality, M. S. Belib in 1860. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 1156 and 1460. TAZEWELL co. Without locality. McDonald, July, 1889. VERMILION co. Muncie, Moshcr, May, 1914. WABASH co. Old Palmyra, Schneck, May, 1880; Mt. Carmel, SchnecJc, June, 1904. 181 182 Figs. 181-182. 181, S. obtiisata, inflorescence, (a) spikelet; 182, S. pollens, inflorescence, (a) spikelet Sphenopholis pallens (Spreng.) Seribn. (Fig. 182) Eatonia pennsylvanica, Lapham '57, 546, 576; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Eaddin '91, 143. Sphenopholis pallens, Sherff '12, 419; Sherff '13, 594. Culms smooth, 1 to 3.5 feet tall ; sheaths rough, sometimes pubes- cent ; blades 2 to 7 inches long, 4 to 6 mm. wide, rough and sometimes with a few hairs; panicles loosely flowered, narrow, 3 to 7 inches long; spikelets 3 to 4 mm. long, glumes strongly nerved and rough except the margins ; lemma firm ; palea membranous, transparent. This species was also found on the original prairie but in moist sit- uations. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Burrill, Waite, and Seymour, June, 1884; Champaign, Waite, June, 1886. CHRIS- TIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews. COOK co. Glencoe, Sherff, June, 1911. HENDER- 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 365 SON co. Oquawka, Patterson. MCHENRY CO. Algonquin, Nason, June, 1878. KANKAKEE co. Kankakce, Hill, June, 1873. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Robert- son, June, 1884. MENARD co. Without locality, Hall in 1874; Athens, Hall in 1864. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, July, 1889. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 589. WABASH co. Without locality, Schneck, May, 1879; without locality, Shearer; Patton, SchnecTc, June, 1900; Mt. Carmel, SchnecTc, June, 1881, 1900, 1904 and 1906; Old Palmyra, Schneck, June, 1900. WILL CO. Joliet, SJceels, June, 1904. SplienopJiolis pennsylvanica (L.) Hitchc. This species is described as Trisetum pennsylvanicum in Britton's Manual (1907), where it is reported from Illinois. It was also reported from Illinois by several of the earlier authors as Trisetum palustre : Lapham '57, 548, 589 ; Pat- terson '76, 52 ; Flagg '78, 284 and Brendel '87, 88. It is also reported from Illinois in Gray's Manual (7th ed.) under the name 8. palustris (Michx.) Scribn. No Illinois specimens are contained in the herbaria examined, nor are there any in the herbarium of the New York Botan- ical Garden or in the Gray Herbarium. 34. KOELERIA Pers. This genus includes a single species which was found in dry places on the western prairies. It grows in large bunches, with narrow leaves and shining, spike-like panicles which are about the length of those of timothy, but are thicker, interrupted, and not quite cylindrical. The spikelets are 2- to 4-flowered, the glumes slightly shorter than the florets. Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. (Fig. 184) Lapham '57, 546, 575; Babcock '73, 97.; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Eaddin '91, 143; Gleason '10, 148; Gates '12, 355. Culms 1 to 2.5 feet tall, densely short pubescent just below the panicle, otherwise smooth ; leaves mostly clustered at the- base ; sheaths pubescent ; ligules inconspicuous or lacking ; blades 1 to 12 inches long, 1 to 5 mm. wide, generally rough and more or less pubescent, becoming involute when dry ; panicle pale green and shining ; spielets rough, 4 to 5 mm. long. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey; without locality, Hall; south- ern Illinois, Lapham in 1857. CHAMPAIGN co. Champaign, Waite, June, 1886; Champaign, Seymour, June, 1884. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews. COOK co. Rogers Park, Johnson, July, 1890. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon. JACKSON co. Makanda, Gleason, June, 1903. JO DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon, July, 1908; Hanover, Gleason and Gates 2533. KANKAKEE co. Kanka- kee, Hill, 47 in 1871. KNOX co. Williamsfield, V. H. Chase 1842. LAKE co. Waukegan, Gates 2467; Beach, Gates 2763; Eockefeller, Gates 1740. MCHENRY co. Algonquin, Nason, June, 1878. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Robertson, June, 1884. MARION co. Without locality, M. S. Bebb in 1860. MARSHALL co. Near Lawn Eidge, V. H. Chase 1382. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald, June, 1890; Peo- ria, Brendel. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. East of Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 28; Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 1382 and 1496. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer. 366 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, 35. DESCHAMPSIA Beauv. This genus belongs to cold climates; only one species has been found in Illinois. The plants are perennial with short, very narrow or involute leaves clustered at the base, and, borne far above them, a loose, open panicle with shining spikelets, which are brown, tinged with purple. The spikelets are mostly 2- rarely 3-flowered, the glumes and lemmas thin, the lemma bearing an awn from near its base. Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) Beauv. Tufted Hair Grass (Figs. 183 and 185) Aira caespitosa, Vasey '61, 671; Flagg '78, 284. Culms in tufts 2 to 4 feet -tall, smooth; sheaths smooth; ligule membranous, transparent, 3 to 5 mm. long ; blades usually flat, becom- ing involute when dry, rough on the upper surface, 1 to 6 inches long, 2 to 3 mm. wide ; panicle 4 to 8 inches long, usually half as wide, the branches not numerous, slender, rough and spikelet-bearing at the ends; spikelets 3.5 to 4 mm. long, the glumes usually as long as the lemma, the awn extending slightly beyond the glumes. This species is found in moist soil, usually along streams. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey in 1861; northern Illinois, Vasey. KANE co. Elgin, Vasey. 36. AVENA (Tourn.) L. Oat Two species of oat, both annuals, may be found in Illinois the wild and the cultivated. The latter often escapes from cultivation and may be found in waste places, but it seldom establishes itself. The genus is distinguished by its large, open panicles with spikelets from half an inch to an inch long. The spikelets are 2- to 4-flowered, the many-nerved glumes longer than the lemmas, which usually bear a dorsal awn. The leaves are long and flat, the ligule membranous, 1 to 4 mm. long. Lemmas pubescent; awn well developed, twisted at the base. A. fatua Lemmas smooth; awn, if present, small, usually straight. A. sativa Avena fatua L. Wild Oat (Fig. 186) Culms stout, 1 to 4 feet tall, smooth ; sheaths usually smooth, some- times slightly roughened near the blade, occasionally hairy; blades slightly roughened, 3 to 12 inches long, 4 to 14 mm. wide ; panicle 4 to 12 inches long, usually narrow, the branches ascending; spikelets 22 to 25 mm. long, excluding the awns, the lemmas sparsely covered with long brown hairs, which are more numerous near the base ; awn arising from near the middle of the lemma, twisted at base. 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 367 This species is a common weed in the West, but it has been reported from only one locality in Illinois. DU PAGE CO. Naperville, Umbach, July, 1896 and 1898; Naperville, Moffatt, Aug., 1894. Avena sativa L. This species is too well known to need description. Under cultiva- tion the awn is obsolete, but in specimens found in waste places, it is often fairly well developed. Such specimens may be distinguished from A. fatua by the nearly glabrous lemma. CHAMPAIGN co. Champaign, Clinton, July, 1900; Champaign, Seymour, July, 1880. COOK co. Chicago, Lansing, July, 1898. LAKE co. Channel lake, Haynes, Aug., 1905. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel. ST. GLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. 187 188 Figs. 183-188. 183, D. caespitosa, spikelet; 184, K. crimtata, spikelet; 185, Z>. caespitosa, inflorescence; 186, A. fatua, spikelet; 187, A. elatius, inflorescence; 188, A. elatius, spikelet 37. ARRHENATHERUM Beauv. Oat Grass This genus is commonly called oat-grass on account of its spikelets, which closely resemble those of the oat but are considerably smaller. The plants are perennial with long, flat leaves and narrow panicles. The spikelets are 2-flowered, one floret perfect, awnless or with a short awn, the other staminate, awned, the awn bent, twisted near the base. Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Beauv. Tall Oat Grass. Randall Grass (Figs. 187 and 188) Culms smooth, 3 to 4 feet tall ; sheaths smooth ; blades rough, 2 to 1.2 inches long, 2 to 8 mm. wide ; ligule membranous, about 1 mm. long, panicle 4 to 12 inches long, narrow, the branches ascending; spikelets 7 to 8 mm. long, the lemma rough, its awn about twice as long. 368 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, This species was introduced from Europe as a meadow grass. It often escapes from cultivation. So far as known it has never been extensively cultivated in Illinois. CHAMPAIGN CO. Urbana, Surrill, July 1878. COOK co. Hyde Park, Hill 217 in 1894. PKORIA co. Peoria, McDonald, July, 1903. 38. DANTHONIA DC. This genus is distinguished by its narrow, spike-like panicles which consist of very few spikelets. The leaves are mostly clustered at the base, very short, narrow, and usually involute. The spikelets are 3- to 8-flowered, the florets usually all perfect. The glumes are much longer than the lemmas, usually extending beyond all the florets. The lem- mas are toothed at the end with a flat, twisted awn between the teeth. Only one species is found in Illinois. Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv. Wild Oat Grass (Figs. 191 and 192) Lapham *57, 547, 589 (Plate 4, Fig. 1); Patterson '76, 52; Flagg '78, 283; Brendel '87, 64; Higley and Eaddin '91, 143; Huett '97, 130; Sherff '12, 420; Sherff '13, 595. Culms smooth, 8 to 28 inches tall ; slieaths usually pubescent espe- cially at the throat ; ligule very short, mostly a fringe of hairs, 1 to 2 mm. long; blades narrow, somewhat curled, usually involute, 1 to 6 inches long, T to 2 mm. wide ; spikelets 10 to 12 mm. long, 3- to 8-flow- ered, the glumes smooth, thei lemmas' pubescent, 4 to 5 mm. long ; awn longer than the lemma. This species grows in small tufts. It is found in dry, usually sterile soil. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Urbana, Seymour and Waite, July, 1886. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews, COOK co. West Chicago, Umbach, June, 1897; Evanston, Gates, June, 1900; Beverly Hills, R. Bebb, June, 1902. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon. HANCOCK CO. Au- gusta, Mead in 1845. JACKSON co. Without locality, French, May, 1905; Ma- kanda, Gleason, June, 1903. jo DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon. MACOU- PIN co. Carlinville, Eobertson in 1881. MARION co. Without locality, M. S. Bebb in 186-0. MARSHALL co. Steubeii township, V. H. Chase 1789. FEORIA co. Peo- ria, McDonald 28; Peoria, McDonald, June, 1887; Peoria, Brendel. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. UNION co. Cobden, Waite, June, 1885. VERMILION co. Mun- cie, Mosher, Sept., 1914. WILL co. Joliet, Skeels, July, 1904, Mokena, A. Chase, June, 1897. 39. SPARTINA Schrob. Cord or Marsh Grass These grasses are tall, coarse perennials with stout, creeping root- stocks, found in marshes and sloughs and along the borders of streams and lakes. The inflorescence consists of spikes formed of 1 -flowered, flattened spikelets which closely overlap each other on one side of the rachis. 1918} THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 369 190 191 192 Figs. 189-192. 189, S. michauxiana, inflorescence; 190, S. michauxiana, spikelet; 191, D. spicata, inflorescence; 192, I), spicata, spikelet Spartina michauxiana Hitchc. Slough Grass. Fresh Water Cord Grass (Figs. 189 and 190) Spartina cynosuroides, Lapham '57, 545, 571 (Plate 2, Fig. 3) ; Babcock '73, 97; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281; Brendel '87, 63; Higley and Eaddin '91, 138; Huett '97, 128; Gleason '07, 182. Spartina michauxiana, Gleason '10, 148; Gates '12, 355; Gleason '12, 45; Sherff '13, 595. Culms smooth, 3 to 6 feet tall; sheaths smooth; ligule mostly a fringe of hairs 2 to 3 mm. long; blades sharp-pointed, 2 to 4 feet long, 6 to 15 mm. wide, rough along the edges and usually involute when dry ; spikes 1 to 4 inches long ; spikelets 7 to 9 mm. long, the first glume about half as long as the awned second glume. This is one of the native grasses that appear to be almost as abundant today as when the country was first settled. If cut early it makes fairly good hay. Its rootstocks make it valuable also as a sand binder. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Without lo- cality, Percival; Savoy, Gib'bs, Sept., 1898; near Mahomet, Burrill and Seymour, Aug., 1880. COOK co. Hyde Park, Chicago, BfrbcocTc, July, 1874; Thornton, Hill, July, 1865. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews. DU PAGE CO. Wheatland, Umbach, July, 1909. PULTON co. Without locality, Fepoon; Canton, Wolf. JO DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, De Selm, Aug., 1913; Kankakee, Hill, July, 1873. LAKE co. Beach, TJmbach, July, 1909; Lake 370 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Villa, Gleason and Shobe 226; Leach area near Waukcgan, Gates 2913. MENARD co. Athens, Hall in 1861. OGLE co. Oregon, Waite, Aug., 1888. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald; Peoria, Brendel. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. STARK co. Wady Petra, V. H. Chase 708. WABASH co. Without locality, Shearer; Keensburgh, Schneck, Aug., 1880; Mt. Carmel, Schneck, Oct., 1906. WILL co. Joliet, Skeels, Aug., 1904. 40. CAPRIOLA Adans. This genus belongs to the Old World ; one species has been intro- duced into the southern states, where it is now very common. It does not grow very tall. The inflorescence, much like that of crab grass, consists of several digitate spikes. It spreads by creeping rootstocks under the surface or by runners on top, and in soft, mellow soil it grows very large and coarse, making a troublesome weed. In firm soil it is fine and makes a good lawn or pasture grass. The spikelets are one-flowered, flattened, the glumes shorter than the lemma. 193 194 Figs. 193-194. 193, C. dactylon, inflorescence, (a) spikelet; 194, S. pani- culatvs, inflorescence, (a) portion of rachis and spikelet, (b) spikelet Capriola dactylon (L.) Kuntze Bermuda Grass. Scutch Grass (Fig. 193) Cynodon dactylon, Huett '97, 130. Culms 4 to 24 inches high, smooth; sheaths smooth or sometimes pubescent; ligulc very short, mostly a fringe of hairs; blades short, pointed, 1 to 4 inches long, 2 to 4 mm. wide, more or less roughened ; infloresence in spikes, 3 to 6, spread out finger-like, the spikelets sessile 1018] THE GRASSES OP ILLINOIS 371 along one side of a slender,' flat rachis; spikelets 2 to 2.5 mm. long, the lemmas hairy on 1 the keel. This grass may be easily identified by its pale, gray-green foliage and its creeping habit. It does not seem to be very extensively intro- duced into Illinois. Mr. E. Pike of St. Jacob, who sent some to the University for identification, reports that it started a very few years ago in that locality and has spread at a very rapid rate. Care should be taken not to allow it to obtain a foothold in cultivated fields. COOK co. Chicago, Moffat, Sept., 1895. MADISON co. St. Jacob, Pike, May, 1915. w ABASH co. Mt. Carmel, Schneck, July, 1898. 41. SCHEDONNARDUS Steud. In this genus the inflorescence consists of long, narrow spikes ar- ranged alternately along an angled axis, the rachis hollowed out on the sides, the one-flowered, narrow, sessile spikelets appressed in the hollows. The leaves are short and narrow and usually clustered at the base. The plants are annuals. Schedonnardus paniculatus (Nutt.) Trel. (Fig. 194) Lepturus paniculatus, Lapham '57, 547, 585 (Plate 3, Fig. 6) ; Patterson '76, 51; Flagg '78, 282; Brendel '87, 88. Culms in tufts, rough, 8 to 18 inches tall ; sheaths flattened, smooth or slightly rough; ligule membranous, pointed; blades flat, rough, 1 to 4 inches long, 1 to 2 mm. wide ; spikes arranged alternately, the axis and rachises sharply angled ; spikelets 3 to 4.5 mm. long, rough. It is extremely improbable that this species is now found in Illinois. It was found on the original prairie, especially around salt licks. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. HANCOCK co. Augusta^ Mead; Deer Lick, Augusta, Mead, Aug., 1845. 42. BOUTELOUA Lag. Mesquite Grass. Grama Grass These grasses are perennial and on the original prairie were im- portant grazing grasses. The inflorescence consists of small, one-sided spikes composed of spikelets sessile on a narrow rachis, which is some- times prolonged beyond the spikelets. The spikelets are usually 2-flow- ered but only the lower floret is perfect. The glumes are unequal, keeled, and usually shorter than the lemmas. The leaves are short and narrow, often involute. The ligules are very short and incon- spicuous. Inflorescence of numerous short spikes arranged on each side of the axis, drooping on slender peduncles. B. curtipendula Inflorescence of 1 to 3 spikes usually on one side of the stem, ascending. 372 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Eachis of the spike projecting- beyond the spikelets in a prominent point; keel of the second glume' pubescent, the hairs from prominent black papil- lae; the sterile lemma not with a tuft of hairs at the base. B. hirsuta Eachis of the spike not projecting beyond the spikelets; keel of the second glume glabrous or with few hairs, these not from papillae; sterile lemma with a tuft of hairs at the base. B. gracilis 195 196 Figs. 195-199. 195, B. curtipendula, inflorescence; 196, B. hirsuta, inflores- cence; 197, B. gracilis, spikelet; 198, B. nirsuta, spikelet; 199, B. curtipendula, spikelet Bouteloua curtipendula (Miehx.) Torr. Tall Grama Grass. Mesquite Grass. Side-oat. Grama (Figs. 195 and 199) Chloris curtipendula, Michaux '03, 59. Atheropogon apludioides, Engelmann '44, 104; Lapham '57, 546, 572. Bouteloua curtipendula, Patterson '76, 50; Tlagg '78, 281; Brendel '87, 63; Huett '97, 130. Atheropogon curtipendulus, Gleason '07, 182. Bouteloua curtipendula, Gleason '10, 148. Culms 1 to 3 feet tall, smooth ; sheaths smooth, hairy at the throat ; blades slightly rough, sometimes pubescent at base, 2 to 12 inches long, 2 to 4 mm. wide; spikes short, numerous, arranged on either side of the axis, each consisting of from 5 to 8 spikelets; spikelets 7 to 10 mm. long. 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 373 This was one of the important grasses of the prairie and it is still found thruout the state. It is an excellent forage grass. CASS co. Chandlerville, Seymour, Aug., 1886. CARROLL co. Savanna, A. Chase 1886. CHAMPAIGN co. Experiment Station, Urbana, Clinton, Oct., 1897. COOK co. Summit, Umbach, July, 1901; Palatine, Gates 1895.2. DU PAGE CO. Without locality, by railroad track, Moffatt, Aug., 1891. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon. jo DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon, Aug., 1908; HEN- DERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, De Selm, Oct., 1913; Kankakee, Hill, July, 1874. MCHENRY CO. Algonquin, Nason, Aug., 1878. MASON co. Manito, Wilcox, July, 1902; Havana, Gleason, Aug., 1903. MENARD CO. Athens, Hall in 1862 and 1864. PEORIA co. Peoria, Brendel; Peoria, Mc- Donald, Aug., 1887; Princeville, V. H. Chase 1875. OGLE co. Oregon, Waite, Sept., 1887. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch. WILL co. Troy township, Hill, Sept., 1906; Joliet, STceels, Sept., 1904. WINNEBAGO co. Fountaindale, M. S. Jiebb. WOODFORD co. Kappa, Seymour, Sept., 1879. Bouteloua gracilis H. B. K. (Fig. 197) Bouteloua oligostachya, Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281; Brendel '87, 88; Gleason '10, 149. Culms erect, 6 to 20 inches tall ; sheaths smooth ; blades smooth, 1 to 5 inches long, about 2 mm. wide, often involute; spikes 1 to 3, 2 to 5 cm. long; spikelets 5 to 6 mm. long; glumes narrow, the first about half as long as the second, which is glabrous or has a few long hairs on the keel ; fertile lemma split up into three points at the summit, each of these with a short awn; sterile lemma with two lobes at the end and three short awns, with a tuft of long hairs at the base. This species has the general appearance of B. liirsuta. It is a prairie species found in the same situations as the other species of the genus, tho it is much less common. JO DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon 173. Bouteloua hirsuta Lag. Hairy Mesquite. Black Grama (Figs. 396 and 198) Atheropogon papillus, Engelmann '44, 104. Chondrosium hirtum, Lapham '57, 571 (Plate 2, Fig. 4). Bouteloua hirsuta, Vasey '61; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281; Brendel '87, 88; McDonald '00, 103; Gleason '10, 148. Culms 8 to 20 inches tall, the leaves crowded at the base ; sheaths usually smooth, sometimes prominently papillose-pubescent; blades 1 to 5 inches long, 2 to 3 mm. wide, sparsely ciliate on the margins, usually involute when dry; spikes single or at most 2 or 3, 1 to 2 inches long, the rachis extending as a prominent point beyond the spikelets ; spikelets 5 to 6 mm. long, the glumes with prominent, usually black papillae, bearing long hairs, the lemma split up into three awn- like points, the sterile floret bearing three awns. This species is found on sandy prairie ground, tho it does not extend as far north as B. curtipendula. Like that species it is a good forage grass. 374 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey; without locality, Mead in 1845; along the Mississippi river, Wilcox. CASS co. Beardstown, Geyer, Aug., 1862. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon. JO DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon 160. HENDERSON co. Without locality, Patterson, Aug., 1871; Oquawka, Patterson, Sept., 1872. MASON co. Without locality, Bebb in 1861; without lo- cality, Hall in 1861; Manito, Wilcox, July, 1902; Havana, Gleason, Aug., 1903. MENARD CO. Athens, Hall in 1860. OGLE co. Oregon, Waite, Aug., 1884. 43. DACTYLOCTENIUM Willd. One species of this genus was introduced from the warmer parts of the Old World and is found in the southern part of the state. Both in habit and in general appearance it is somewhat like Eleusine indica, having spikes arranged in the same manner (Fig. 201). It may readily be distinguished by the prolonged rachis which forms a point beyond the spikelets. The spikelets are flattened, 3- to 5-flowered, sessile. The glumes are broad and keeled, the lemmas sharply pointd. The leaves are flat and narrow. 202 Figs. 200-202. 200, D. aegypticum, spikelet; 201, E. indica, inflorescence; 202, E. indica, spikelet Dactyloctenium aegypticum (L.) Willd. Egyptian Grass. Crowfoot Grass (Fig. 200) Lapham '57, 546, 572; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg, '78, 281. Culms 6 inches to 2 feet tall, usually spreading and rooting at the lower nodes; sheaths very loose, smooth; blades 3 to 6 inches long, 2 to 6 mm. wide, usually pubescent near the base, especially along the edge ; spikelets 3 to 4 mm. long. This grass is an annual and is found mostly in waste places. It has been reported from several localities, altho but a single specimen has been seen by the writer. ST. CLAIR co. Along railway track, Eggert, Aug., 1876. 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 375 44. ' ELEUSINE Gaertn. Grasses belonging to this genus are not native to America, and only one species has been introduced into Illinois. It has an inflo- rescence of spikes, spreading out finger-like at the top of the culm, as have common crab grass and Bermuda grass (Figs. 29 and 193). The spikelets each have several flowers, arranged in two rows on each side of the stem. The glumes are flattened and keeled and shorter than the spikelet. The leaves are flat, the ligules practically wanting. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Wire Grass. Goose Grass. Yard Grass. Crow's Foot (Figs. 201 and 202) Lapham '57, 546, 573 (Plate 2, Fig. 5); Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281. Culms 6 inches to 2 feet tall, in large tufts, often spreading ; sheaths loose, hairy at the throat; blades 3 to 12 inches long, 2 to 6 mm. wide, usually smooth; spikes 1 to 3 inches long; spikelets 3- to 6-flowered, 4 to 5 mm. long. This grass is found as a weed in dooryards and waste places, where it 'of ten spreads and forms a dense mat on the surface which is ex- tremely hard to cut. The plants are annuals, introduced from the warmer countries of the Old World. They may be eradicated by the same method used for crab grass, Synfherisma sanguinalis. Dr. Bren- del collected it in 1873 in Peoria. His record was the first for that locality. CHAMPAIGN CO. Champaign, Seymour, July, 1880; Urbana, Mosher, July, 1914; Urbana, Gibbs, Oct., 1898; Urbana, Gates, Oct., 1907; Urbana, Burrill, Sept., 1878. CHRISTIAN co. Taylorville, Andrews. COOK CO. Chicago, Umbach, Aug., 1898. EDWARDS co. Albion, Waite, Aug., 1887. FULTON CO. Without lo- cality, Pepoon. jo DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon. HENDERSON co. Oquawka, Patterson, Aug., 1877. KANKAKEE co. Kankakee, De Selm, Sept., 1913. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Robertson in 1881. MARION co. Without locality, M. S. Bebb in 1860. PEORIA co. Without locality, Brendel; Peoria, McDonald, Aug., 1885 and 1900. POPE co. Herod, Clinton, Aug., 1898. WABASH co. Without lo- cality, Shearer; Mt. Carmel, SchnecTc, Aug., 1879; Hurd's Ferry, ScJinecJc, June, 1904; Mt. Carmel, Patterson, Sept., 1877. 45. LEPTOCHLOA Beauv. The species of Leptochloa may be recognized by their peculiar inflorescence consisting of a large, open panicle formed of numerous very slender spikes. The spikelets are several-flowered, flattened, with keeled glumes and lemmas. The leaves are flat, the ligules membra- nous, 3 to 4 mm. long, irregular on the edge, and fringed. Two species, both annuals, were found on the original prairie in Illinois, but they are probably rare in the state at present. 376 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, Sheaths pubescent; spikelets minute, usually 1.5 to 2 mm. long; the first floret not longer than the second glume. L. filiformis Sheaths smooth, spikelets 2.5 to 8 mm. long; first floret always longer than the second glume, which is about 3 mm. L. fascicularis Leptochloa fascicularis (Lam.) Gray (Fig. 205) Festuca polystacliya, Michaux '03, 66. Leptochloa fascicularis, Lapham '57, 546, 573; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281. Diplachne fascicularis, Brendel '87, 88. Culms in tufts, smooth, 8 to 24 inches tall, occasionally taller; sheaths smooth; blades 3 to 10 inches long, 2 to 10 mm. wide; spikes 3 to 5 inches long, the whole inflorescence 6 to 20 inches long ; spikelets 7- to 11-flowered, with very short stalks, glumes unequal, the second about 3 mm. long; lemmas short awned, about 4 mm. long, ciliate on the margin near the base. Michaux first found this plant in Illinois. It grows on wet prairie soil, along ditches, and in damp meadows. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Southern Illinois, Brendel; ponds in Illinois near St. Louis, Smith; near Cahokia Mound, Ward, Aug., 1878. MACOUPIN co. Carlinville, Bobertson, July, 1882. ST. CLAIR co. Without locality, Brendel in 1850; Mas- coutah, Welsch. w ABASH co. Without locality, SchnecJc, July, 1880; near L. E. and St. L. railway, Schneck, June, 1900. 205 206 207 203\ 204 Figs. 203-207. 203, L. filiformis, inflorescence; 204, L. filiformis, spikelet; 205, L. fascicularis, spikelet; 206, P. communis, inflorescence; 207, P. communis, spikelet 1918] THE GRASSES OF ILLINOIS 377 Leptochloa filiformis (Lam.) Beauv. (Figs. 203 and 204) LeptocJiloa mucronata, Lapham '57, 546, 573; Patterson '76, 50; Flagg '78, 281. Culms smooth, 16 inches to 4 feet tall ; sheaths papillose-pubescent ; blades smooth or slightly pubescent underneath, 4 to 10 inches long, 2 to 10 mm. broad ; spikes 2 to 4 inches long, the whole inflorescence 4 to 12 inches long ; spikelets small, 1 to 2.5 mm. long ; glumes subequal, as long as the first floret, lemma awnless. This species occurs in drier places than does L. fascicularis. It is usually found in fields. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Hall; wet places in Illinois, Eggert, Sept., 1877; southern Illinois, Brendel. MENARD CO. Athens, Hall in 1873. PULASKI co. Mound City, Vasey. WABASH co. Without locality, Schneclc, July, 1880. 46. PHRAGMITES Trin. These tall reed-like perennials rarely perfect seed, but spread by rootstocks which run for many feet underground. The inflorescence is of large panicles of 3- to 7-flowered spikelets, the rachilla joints densely covered with long, white, silky hairs. The leaves are rather broad and thick, narrowed to a sharp point. The ligules are short and thick, edged with a fringe of short hairs sparsely interspersed with long ones. Phragmites communis Trin. Reed (Figs. 206 and 207) Lapham '57, 547, 584 (Plate 3, Fig. 4); Babcock '73, 97; Patterson '76, 51; Flagg '78, 282; Brendel '87, 64; Higley and Eaddin '91, 143; Huett '97, 130; Cowles '00, 155; Sherff '12, 418; Gates '12, 355; Sherff, '12, 418. Plants smooth thruout ; culms stout, 4 to 12 feet tall ; sheaths over- lapping, blades 6 to 12 inches long, 1 to 5 em. wide ; panicle 6 to 12 inches long, yellowish brown; spikelets 12 to 15 mm. long; first floret usually staminate, its lemma longer than that of the other florets. The plants are found in wet places, along the edges of ditches, ponds, etc., and in swamps. ILLINOIS SPECIMENS: Without locality, Vasey. CHAMPAIGN co. Eantoul, Clinton, Sept., 1897. COOK co. Chicago, Babcock, Sept., 1874; Evanston, Ship- man in 1875; Colehour, Hill, Sept., 1876. FULTON co. Without locality, Pepoon. JO DAVIESS co. Without locality, Pepoon. LAKE CO. Beach, Gates, 3166; Fox lake, Waite, Sept., 1887; Lake Villa, Gleason and Shotoe, Aug., 1906. LIVING- STON co. Emington, Wilcox, July, 1902. MCHENRY co. Algonquin, Nason. OGLE co. Oregon, Waite, Sept., 1886. PEORIA co. Peoria, McDonald, Sept., 1890; Peoria, Brendel. ST. CLAIR co. Mascoutah, Welsch; French Village, Eggert, Sept., 1892. 47. TRIDENS Eoem. and Schult. In this genus the spikelets are 5- to 8-flowered, with nearly all the florets perfect. The lemmas have a short awn at the apex with a sharp 378 BULLETIN No. 205 [March, tooth on each side, and the midncrve and lateral nerves are densely hairy for about half their length. The leaves are flat, long, and nar- row; the ligule is a fringe of short hairs. 208 209 210 211