-;^*'. ''<«kv % M "^ #1 **i;**SCs ??"«? »#' ^^; PROPOSED Braft ^mentiments TO THE CORRUPT PRACTICES BILL BEING AN APPENDIX TO MR. SYDNEY BUXTON'S '* €lectaml Puritg anti ^cattamg," Published by the London and Counties Liberal Union. PUBUSHED BY THE NATIONAL PRESS AGENCY, LIMITED, 1 3, Whitefriars Street^ E. C. PRICE ONE PENNY. Proposed Amendments to the Corrupt Practices Bill. The Clauses and Sections proposed to be inserted are not drawn up in prolix, Act-of-Parliament English ; their sense only is intended to be given. It would be easy for anyone desiring to move the Amendments to draft them properly. The grounds on which these diverse amendments are supported will be found in my paper, Electoral Purity and Economy published by the London and Counties Liberal Union, i8 VValbrook, and in an article on the Corrupt Practices Bill, Contemporary Review^ May, 1881. SYDNEY C. BUXTON. 15, Eaton Place, March, 1882. CONTENTS. I. Sections Proposed to be Omitted II. Sections Proposed to be Amended or Inserted : — {a) Betting (d) Employment ► (c) Illegal Expenditure Limitation on Number of Firms Employed Polling Cards Stamped Replies ('^, a 7iew Clause: — (i) {a) In every case of a Appointment ^, . . ^ . , . , . , , . T -1 1 1 01 Election Petition Trial in which the judge or judges unseat the respondent rcmmiPsion- .,, , . .,,,.,. , , ers in every for illegal or corrupt practices committed by himself or througii raco r: his agents, it shall be the duty of the Attorney-General, at the retiticn earliest convenient day, to lay upon the table of the House of Commons the names of three barristers [status, etc., in accordance with the Act of June 30th, 1852] as Royal Commissioners to be appointed to inquire into the corrupt and illegal practices which prevailed at the late election, or any previous election. [See Act of 1852.1 8 Amendments to Corrupt Practices Bill. ip) If the names be not challenged within one month, the Attorney-General shall appoint these persons as Election Commissioners. If the names be challenged, the Attorney- General shall, v/ithin a period of one month, move that these, or such other persons as he names, shall be appointed as Election Commissioners ; and the House shall thereupon appoint these persons, or some other three persons possessing the required qualifications, as Royal Commissioners. leport of (2) If a Special Commissioner (mentioned in Sec. 36) ;ommissioner reports that, to the best of his knowledge, corrupt and illegal be followed practices "extensively prevailed," it shall be the duty of the Jommission Attorney-General (acting in accordance with the instructions contained in the Act of 1852) to move for the appointment of a Royal Commission to inquire into the matter. luspension of (3) (<^) '- — The writ shall in every case be suspended until after the Election Commission, appointed under the above Sections, shall have reported. 'rosecutionof ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ opinion of the Attorney-General, there is ''ersons evidence sufficient (contained in the report of the Royal Com- mission or elsewhere) to justify and support a prosecution against any persons reported as guilty of corrupt or illegal practices by the Election Court, the Election Commissioners, or the Special Commission, the writ shall be still further suspended, until after the prosecutions have taken place. (yc) In such cases as he intends to piosecute, it shall be the duty of the Attorney-General to institute proceedings at the earliest convenient date. jsue of New ^4) It shall be the duty of the Attorney-General, at the ^^^* earliest convenient opportunity after the Election Commissioners have reported, or, where prosecutions are instituted, after they have been decided, to move for the issue of a new writ, [the persons scheduled by the Election Commission being, under Amendinents to Cornipt Practices Bill. 9 Sees. 25 and 27, incapacitated from taking part in the subsequent ebction]. (5^) Sec. VI, of Act 6/1852 (15 a)id 16 Vic, cap. 57) shall be instructions . , . to the Election repealed so far as it relates to the instructions given to the Commis- Commission- . , ©rs sioners; and the instructions given to the Election Commissioners shall run as follows (the proposed additions being //^//V/j"#?V ;^f T^ :^ "%>'* -fM \tm^\ ^vO^' m r-^i. B ■^1'*' ' >•. ■«(.4 '.■tf:*^^t !:■ %i; w;* i|i^^ >*i'^'^^" i^? ^^^■^ 1 ■' I "i^'i »»* i!^.; --aa ,' -i >