m THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS . LIBRARY • 370 ie6e no.Z5-37 Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. University of Illinois Library fi#jG !§ \U ;':. JUN -9 13!>5 - r rtt» 15 m M32 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN Issued Weekly Vol. XXII December 15, 1924 No. 16 [Entered as second-class matter December 11, 1912, at the post office at Urbana, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 31, 1918.] EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH CIRCULAR NO. 33 BUREAU OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL TESTS FOR USE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, REVISED By Charles W. Odell Associate, Bureau of Educational Research SHARK OF ;HE 1 3 1S2S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA *7o ,2 Educational Tests for Use in Elementary Schools, Revised An intelligent attitude toward educational tests. For a num- ber, of years the almost unlimited use of educational tests has been urged with much enthusiasm and eloquence by a very large number of those who have contributed to educational literature, as well as by many of those who have addressed educational gatherings. Recently a more critical attitude has developed toward these measuring instruments. Attention is being called to their defects and limitations. As a result some people may be in doubt con- cerning the attitude which they should maintain. There is no question but that educational tests, properly used, are valuable in- struments in the hands of teachers and supervisors, but it should always be remembered that they are imperfect instruments. The measures of ability which they yield involve errors which in some cases are sufficiently large to lead to erroneous conclusions. In order that the greatest good may result from the use of educational tests, one should avoid the uncritical belief that the measures which they yield are highly accurate and reliable. On the other hand one should bear in mind that in general they yield more accurate in- formation than can be secured through other sources. A prerequisite for intelligent selection of a test for school use. A prerequisite for an intelligent selection of an educational test is a definite plan for using the information which it yields. One reason for this is that tests differ in function. Some of the tests enumerated in the following list have a general survey function, others are diagnostic; some are power tests, others are rate tests. Unless a test is selected whose function is in agreement with one's purpose, it is likely that the time and money invested in the test- ing will fail to yield adequate returns. Another reason is that the absence of a well-defined plan frequently results in no use being made of the scores obtained. The number of cases in which a test has been given and the results filed away without having been used is surprisingly large. One should not undertake the giving of any educational test merely because other people are doing it. Unless it appears likely that the test will secure information which ike m UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS may be used to increase the effectiveness of instruction or the or- ganization of the school, its administration should not be under- taken. Purposes to be realized by the use of educational tests. The more important uses of educational tests may be grouped under the five following heads : 1. Promotion and classification of pupils 2. Educational and vocational guidance 3. Evaluation of school efficiency 4. Diagnosing pupils in order to provide remedial instruction 5. Educational research From the standpoint of the teacher the diagnosing of pupils in order to provide remedial instruction is the most important use that can be made of information yielded by educational tests. The principal or superintendent will find educational tests helpful in the promotion and classification of pupils and also in the evalu- ation of school efficiency. Educational and vocational guidance become important beyond the sixth grade. Criteria to be observed in selecting a test. In addition to a well-defined purpose there are certain other criteria which should guide one in selecting a test for use. The scope of this pamphlet does not permit their complete enumeration. If possible one should consult critical studies of the tests and utilize the scientific infor- mation which is available concerning their reliability and validity. 1 When satisfactory critical studies are not available there are a few relatively simple criteria which always should be applied. 1. The test should be reasonably simple to give and should not require a large amount of time for scoring. The scoring also should be highly objective. This criterion is particularly important when educational tests are being introduced into a school system. 2. No test should be selected for use unless it is accompanied by detailed directions for its administration and scoring. 3. When a second application of the test is desired the use of a duplicate form is recommended. Frequently such forms have 1 Monroe, Walter S. "A critical study of certain silent reading tests. " University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol. 19, No. 22, Bureau of Educational Eesearch Bulletin No. 8. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1922. 52 p. This study is typ- ical of a large number which have been made. In it several silent reading tests have been studied in detail. They have been compared with each other and with certain criteria. The study leads to certain significant conclusions concerning the reliability and validity of the tests studied. [4] fcd 7L been found to be lacking in equivalence and for this reason it is important that the degree of their equivalence be known. 4. Usually a test should not be chosen unless satisfactory norms are available. Occasionally the use of a test which is in process of standardization is justified. However, for the most part it is wise to limit the selection to those tests for which satis- factory norms have been determined. 5. The cost of the test materials deserves consideration but in estimating the cost one should always take into account the amount and significance of the information yielded by the test. We now have available some batteries of educational tests which yield measures of achievement in several different fields. Although the expense per pupil for such a battery of tests may seem large, it may prove much less, when considered with reference to the information yielded, than that for other tests having a smaller cost per pupil. The most valuable tests for use in the elementary school. The value of a test depends upon the uses made of the information which it yields. Some of the more important uses have been enumerated above. Although any test which fulfills its purpose is valuable, in general the two most helpful fields for testing are general intelligence and silent reading. In case one has time for only one test it is recommended that the selection be made in one of these fields. Measures of general intelligence are helpful in interpreting measures of achievement and are valuable for other I purposes also. Ability in silent reading is a prerequisite to suc- . cessful work in most of the other school subjects. How often to give educational tests. Except in the study of \ special problems an intelligence test should not be given to the same pupils more frequently than every other year. New entrants I may be tested as they appear. Achievement tests may well be given more frequently but it is doubtful if it is profitable to administer them more than twice a year, near the beginning and near the close. I For most purposes it will be satisfactory to give a test only once during the school year. When this is done it is recommended that I the test be given as soon after the beginning of the year as possible. I Some have urged the giving of achievement tests at the end of each month in order to measure the monthly progress. In the judgment I of the writer this is not a wise plan. The constant errors of meas- ^-urement resulting from practice effect and other causes are so [S] large that small grains can have little significance. Therefore, it is recommended that achievement tests in the same subject be given not more than two. or at most three, times during the school year. Scope of the following list. It has been the intention of the writer to include only those tests in the following list which are now available for general school use. Tests which are known to be distinctly unsatisfactory are omitted even though they can be pur- chased in quantity. In some cases tests whose value remains to be demonstrated have been included because it Avas thought worth while to make announcement of promising tests in process of con- struction. Norms are available for all except a few of the tests listed and for these norms will doubtless be announced soon. No complete description or criticism of the tests has been attempted. Certain comments have been inserted which may be helpful in making intelligent judgments in regard to the value of different tests. Prices. In the case of tests which require a copy for each student, the prices are given for 100 copies, including four com- plete sets of directions and necessary accessories. For this reason some of the prices quoted do not agree with those announced by the publishers of the tests. Some publishers sell bulletins of di- rections separately from the tests. They are not included in an order unless specifically requested, in which case an extra charge is made. After a school system is supplied with bulletins of direc- tions, it will not be necessary to purchase them with future orders of the tests. Indeed, in the beginning the cost can often be re- duced considerably by using one set of accessories for more than twenty-five pupils. Especially in cases where large numbers of pupils are being tested is this practicable. In the case of tests or scales which are designed to be used only by the teacher and consequently only one copy is needed for a class, the prices are given for single copies. An attempt has been made to secure accurate prices but it should be remembered that most publishers reserve the right to change prices without notice. For this reason, too much dependence should not be placed upon the prices given. Some publishers allow a discount when tests are purchased in quantities. In many cases the purchaser is required to pay transportation charges in addition to the prices quoted. [6] Planning a testing program. One's purpose should always be the guide in planning a testing program. As pointed out in the beginning of this circular a test should never be given until there is a definite plan for making use of the information obtained. This applies to a single test but even more emphatically to a testing program which involves the giving of a group of tests. However, some purposes call for a group of tests and in such cases attention is called to the batteries of educational tests listed on page 19. Cer- tain tests have been grouped together in such a way that it is possible to realize certain educational values from them. The use of these batteries of educational tests is recommended when they are appropriate to one 's purpose. ARITHMETIC Buckingham Scale for Problems in Arithmetic Division I, for Grades III and IV Division II, for Grades V and VI Division III, for Grades VII and VIII Forms 1 and 2 of each This is a power test. The structure suggests that the scores yielded by the different divisions are comparable. Experience in using the scale has shown this not to be true. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. SOc. Cleveland Survey Tests in Arithmetic This is a battery of fifteen tests for use in Grades III to VIII. It is most useful for diagnostic purposes, but may be used for making a general survey. It includes thirteen tests on integers and two on common fractions. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. $1.90. Courtis Standard Research Tests, Series B Forms 1, 2, 3, and 4 This is the well-known series of Courtis Arithmetic Tests for use in Grades IV to VIII. These tests are general in the sense that there is only one for each operation with integers. They are diagnostic in the sense that separate information is yielded for each operation. Courtis Standard Tests, 1807 E. Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Michi- gan. $1.72. Lunceford Diagnostic Test in Addition Forms 1 and 2 This is a test dealing with the addition of pairs of single digits. Al- though intended for use in the primary grades, it may also be used in the upper ones. The two forms are contained in the same folder. Bureau of Educational Measurements and Standards, Kansas State Normal School, Emporia, Kansas. 75c. [7] Monroe Diagnostic Tests in Arithmetic Peart I, Integers, for Grades IV to VIII Part II, Integers, for Grades IV to VIII Part III, CommoD Fractions, for Grades V to VIII Part IV, Decimal Fractions, for Grades VI to VIII There are twenty-one tests in this series, six in Part I and five in each of the others. Their function is diagnostic and they should not be used unless a detailed diagnosis is desired. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. Each part, 85c. Monroe General Survey Scale in Arithmetic Scale I, for Grades III, IV, and V Scale II, for Grades VI, VII, and VIII Forms 1, 2, and 3 of each Although each consists of several sub-tests, these scales were designed for survey purposes only and are not recommended for diagnostic purposes. Scale I deals with integers alone, but Scale II also includes common and decimal fractions. The different forms have been shown to be approximately equivalent in difficulty. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. $1.00. Monroe Standardized Reasoning Tests in Arithmetic Test I, for Grades IV and V Test II, for Grades VI and VII Test III, for Grade VIII Forms 1 and 2 of each These tests, which deal with written problems, yield separate scores for correct answers and correct principle. No study has been made of the equiva- lence of the tw r o forms. No attempt has been made to arrive at a basis for comparing the scores yielded by the different tests. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. 80c. Spencer Diagnostic Arithmetic Tests Test 1, for Grades III and IV Test 2, for Grades V and VI Test 3, for Grades VII and VIII Forms A and B of each. Test 1 deals with the four fundamentals. Test 2 includes common and decimal fractions. Test 3 consists entirely of written problems and their analysis. Bureau of Administrative Research, College of Education, Uni- versity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. $2.00. Stone Reasoning Test Tests I and II This is one of the first tests constructed. Although originally designed for use in the sixth grade only it may be used in Grades V, VII, and VIII, also. It is a power test dealing with written problems. Tests I and II are merely tw r o forms, not, however, of equal difficulty. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. $3.00. [8] Theisen-Woody Parallel Arithmetic Tests This is a series of four tests to parallel the four in Series A of the Woody Arithmetic Scales. In other words they are really duplicate forms of the latter. Parker Company, Madison, Wisconsin. Each test, 75c. Woody Arithmetic Scales Series A and B Series B is an abbreviated form of A. Each series includes four scales, one dealing with each of the four fundamental operations with integers and common and decimal fractions. They may be used from Grades III to VIII inclusive. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. Series A, each scale, $2.90; Series B, whole series, $3.90. Woody-McCall Mixed Fundamentals Forms I, II, III, and IV This is a combination of the Woody Arithmetic Scales for the different operations into a single scale for general survey purposes. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. 60c. COMPOSITION Hudelson Typical Composition Ability Scale This has more or less superseded the author's earlier English Composi- tion Scale. It is printed on a single sheet instead of in booklet form, which renders it more convenient. The specimens on the scale are graded in terms of Hillegas values. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. $4.40. Lewis English Composition Scales This is a group of five scales measuring the following types of writing: (1) Order letters, (2) Letters of application, (3) Narrative social letters, (4) Problematic social letters, (5) Simple narration. In their revised form these scales appear in a single pamphlet but so arranged that all of any one scale can be in sight at once. Work Book Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Single copy, 25c. Nassau County Supplement to the Hillegas Scale As the name implies, this is a revision of the original Hillegas Scale. It is considered more satisfactory. It is published in convenient form and has been used very widely. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. Single copy, 8c. Van Wagenen English Composition Scales There are three of these scales dealing, respectively, with narration, ex- position, and description. The three scales with directions, some discussion, [9] and a number of specimens for practice are contained in a single booklet. All of each scale can be before the eye at once, however. The values of the speci- mens used in the scales are in terms of Hillegas scale values. World Bool- Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Single copy, . Willing Scale for Measuring Written Composition This scale is designed to measure separately form value and story value. For this reason it is one of the most useful composition scales. Public School Publishing Company. Bloomingion, Illinois. Single copy, 9c. DRAWING Kline-Carey Measuring Scale for Free-Hand Drawing Part I — Eepresentation This scale is in reality four scales which deal respectively with houses, rabbits, human figures in action, and trees (brush drawings). The authors have stated that they expect to prepare Part II on design and composition and Part III on color. The four scales are contained in a booklet which also dis- cusses their construction, etc. The scales themselves are folded inserts so that all of each can be viewed at once. Johns HopJcins Press. Baltimore, Maryland. Single copy. Scale for Judging Kindergarten Drawings This scale consists of a series of five drawings of a turkey. It is suit- able for use only in the lower grades. Department of Art Education, School of Education, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Single copy. 5c. Thorndike Drawing Scale, Revised Form In its present form this scale consists of a bulletin containing seventy specimens of drawings selected from several thousand and rated by a number of judges. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University. New York City. Single copy, 50c. GEOGRAPHY Buckingham-Stevenson Information-Problem Test in Geography United States, South America : Forms 1 and 2 of each These tests contain two parts, the first of which calls for items of infor- mation and the second for best answers which are supposed to involve reasoning. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. $2.00. Buckingham-Stevenson Place Geography Test United States, World; Forms 1, 2, and 3 of each [10] The material for all six forms is contained in a single booklet from which the teacher reads. The pupils answer on blank paper. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. Single Copy, 15c. Courtis Standardized Supervisory Tests in Geography Tests A and B ; Forms A and B of each Test A deals with states and important cities of the United States, B with oceans, continents, and countries. The tests, which are for use in Grades III to VIII, call for location or identification by means of maps. Courtis Standard Tests, 1807 E. Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Michi- gan. $2.72. Gregory-Spencer Geography Tests Forms A, B, and C These tests cover the geography of the whole world from a number of standpoints. They are for use in the upper three elementary grades. Bureau of Administrative Research, College of Education, Univer- sity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. $4.00. Hahn-Lackey Geography Scale This scale consists of a classified list of questions which have been very carefully selected. It is not a test to be placed in the hands of pupils but is rather a source from which a teacher can choose questions of known difficulty and for which standards are available. It is suitable for Grades IV to VIII. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. Single copy, 20c. Posey-Van Wagenen Geography Scales Thought S, Division I; and Thought K, Division II Information B, Divisions I and II Information S, Divisions I and II Information A, Divisions I and II Information F, Division II Information K, Division II Division I in each case is for Grades V and VI, and Division II for Grades VII and VIII. Information Scale A deals with the United States and North America; Information F with Europe; Information K with South America, Asia, and Africa. The others are general. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. $2.30. Witham Standard Geography Tests Test 1— The World Test 2— United States Test 3 — South America Test 4 — Europe Test 5 — Asia Test 6— Africa Test 7 — North America Test 8 — Commercial Geography [11] Each test may be used in the grades in which the topics are taught. Ex- ercises which require working with maps and answering questions are in- cluded. J. L. Hammrtt Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Each test, $3.50. HANDWRITING Ayres Measuring Scale for Handwriting, "Gettysburg Edition*' This revised form has practically replaced the original Three Slant Edition. It may be used through the elementary and high schools. Department of Publications, Bussell Sage Foundation, New York- City. Single copy, 10c. Freeman Chart for Diagnosing Faults in Handwriting This is in reality a combination of five short scales which deal with uni- formity of slant, uniformity of alinement, quality of lines, letter formation and spacing. Houghton Mifflin Company, Chicago, Illinois. Single copy, 30c. Starch- Wise Scale for Measuring Handwriting This is a revision of Starch's original scale. It contains more steps than most handwriting scales. The sheet on which this scale is printed is so large as to be somewhat unwieldy. University Cooperative Company, 504 State Street, Madison, Wis- consin. Single copy, 50c. Thorndike Scale for Handwriting of Children in Grades 5 to 8 This is the first handwriting scale, but is still rather widely used. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. Single copy, 12c. HISTORY Barr Diagnostic Tests in American History Series A and B This is an elaborate series of tests and should not be used in elementary schools except near the end of the last year. It is primarily for use in high schools. The author 's attempt is to get away from a test which is purely informational. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. $4.00. Gregory Tests in American History Tests I, II, and III; Forms A and B of each Test I is for the seventh grade, II for the eighth grade, and III for the high school. Each of the former consists of five parts, four of which deal with different periods of American History, whereas the other calls for miscellaneous facts and dates. Bureau of Administrative Research, College of Education, Uni- versity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. $4.00. [12] Hahn Scale for Measuring Ability of Children in History This scale consists of a list of questions classified on the basis of diffi- culty. They are suitable for the seventh and eighth grades. The scale should not be placed in the hands of pupils, but is to be used by the teacher as a source from which questions can be selected. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. Single copy, 20c. Harlan Test of Information in American History This is a simple test which has been widely used in Grades VII and VIII. It calls for items that are found in practically all textbooks. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. 80c. Van Wagenen American History Scales, Revised Edition Information Scales SI, S2, El, R2, CI, C2, Fl, F2, Kl, and K2. Thought Scale R2. All the scales labeled 1 1 1 ' ' are for use in Grades V and VI, those labeled "2" in Grades VII and VIII. The scales labeled "S" and "R" are dupli- cate forms of each other and deal with the whole period of American history; those labeled ' ' C " deal with the period before the Revolutionary War ; those labeled "F" with the period from the Revolutionary to the Civil War; and those labeled "K" with the period since the Civil War. It is planned to issue eight more duplicate forms of the information scales as they are needed. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. Information Scales, each, $3.05; Thought Scale, $3.3-0. HOME ECONOMICS Home Economics Information Tests for Girls Completing the Eighth Grade Sets 1, 2, and 3 The three sets deal respectively with clothing, food, and other problems of the home. In each exercise the proper one of three answers is to be in- dicated. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New YorJc City. Complete set, $15.00 Illinois Food Test This test is intended to test information and judgment concerning the preparation of food. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. $3:00. King-Clark Food Test for Grades 6 through 12 This is essentially a test of information concerning foods, their effects and preparation. Indiana University Bookstore, Bloomington, Indiana. $1.40. [13] Murdoch Analytic Sewing Scale for Measuring Separate Stitches This scale consists of five specimens of each of five varieties of stitches. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. Single copy, 25c. Murdoch Sewing Scale This scale is composed of fifteen plates each giving three views of a sample of sewing. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. Single copy, $1.5-0. LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Briggs English Form Test Forms Alpha and Beta These tests, which are especially intended for use in the junior high school, measure a pupil's knowledge of the most common elements of form. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. $1.80. Charters Diagnostic Grammar Tests Pronouns, Verbs, Miscellaneous A; Forms 1 and 2 of each These differ from Charters Diagnostic Language Tests in that they measure knowledge of grammatical rules as well as language usage. They are suitable for use in the seventh and eighth grades. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. $1.50. Charters Diagnostic Language Tests Pronouns, Verbs, Miscellaneous A and B; Forms 1 and 2 of each These tests are based upon the language errors made by school children and are both general and diagnostic. They are intended for use in Grades III to VIII. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. 80c. Kirby Grammar Test Forms I and II This is in many ways similar to Charters Diagnostic Language and Grammar Tests but contains fewer items. Bureau of Educational Research and Service, Extension Division, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. $1.75. Leonard Sentence Recognition Test Tests V and VI; Series A The pupil is required to make the necessary changes in punctuation and capitalization in a group of sentences. The work is probably too difficult for pupils below the sixth grade. S. A. Leonard, University High School, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. 90c. [14] Leonard Test of Grammatical Correctness Forms A and B These are completion tests which measure the use of language. They are suitable for the upper three or four grades. S. A. Leonard, University High School, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. 90c. Pressey Diagnostic Tests in English Composition (a) Capitalization, (b) Punctuation, (c) Grammar, (d) Sentence Struc- ture This series of tests is devised to analyze composition into its component parts and to measure each. The tests deal with the errors most commonly made. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois, (a) and (b), 75c; (c) and (d), $1.5-0. Starch Punctuation Scale Form A This scale may be used from Grade V through high school. University Cooperative Company, 504 State Street, Madison, Wis- consin. 88c. Wilson Language Error Test This test consists of three stories which may be used as three forms of the test. Each contains a number of language errors which are to be corrected. World Boole Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. $5.00. MUSIC Beach Standardized Musical Test Series 1 This test is intended to measure knowledge of notes, melodies, tones, and other fundamentals of music. Bureau of Educational Measurements and Standards, Kansas State Normal School, Emporia, Kansas. $5.40. Kwalwasser-Ruch Test of Musical Accomplishment This test contains ten sub-tests which deal with the knowledge of musical symbols, terms, etc., with the recognition of pitch and melodies and with the detection of errors. Bureau of Educational Research and Service, Extension Division, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. $5.00. Petry-Rasey Music Test This test may be used from Grade IV through the high school. The first part deals with the recognition of characteristic rhythms, the second with recognition of mood from melody. Courtis Standard Tests, 1807 E. Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich- igan. $4.88. [15] Seashore Music Talent Chart This is a chart upon which pupils are to be rated according to their judgments of certain musical qualities of phonograph records. Five records are used and the judgments made deal respectively with pitch, intensity, time, consonance, and memory. Columbia Graphophone Company, New York City. Each record, $1.50. READING Burgess Picture Supplement Scale for Measuring Ability in Silent Reading Forms 1, 2, 3, and 4 This test, which requires the carrying out of directions, appears to be most satisfactory for the lower grades, but may be used up to Grade VIII. The scoring has been found to be rather subjective. Some of the duplicate forms seem to be lacking in equivalence. Division of Education, Russell Sage Foundation, New York City. $1.25. Courtis Silent Reading Test No. 2 Forms 1, 2, and 3 A story is read and questions asked concerning it. This test is not recommended for use above the fourth grade. Courtis Standard Tests, 1807 E. Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich- gan. $3.00. Gray Standardized Oral Reading Paragraphs This test is administered to pupils individually, therefore the testing of a class requires considerable time. It is the most satisfactory oral reading test and may be used in any grade. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. $1.00. Haggerty Achievement Examination in Reading Sigma 1, for Grades I - III Sigma 3, for Grades IV - XII; Forms A and B Sigma 1 measures silent reading ability as shown in carrying out di- rections. Sigma 3 consists of three parts: vocabulary, sentence reading, and paragraph reading. World Book Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Sigma 1, $5.40; Sigma 3, $6.20. Monroe Standardized Silent Reading Tests, Revised Test I, for Grades III, IV, and V Test II, for Grades VI, VII, and VIII Forms 1, 2, and 3 of each These tests are a considerable improvement over the original series. The scoring has been made more objective, and the duplicate forms more nearly equivalent. Also other improvements have been made. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. 80c. [16] Oglesby Group Test in Word Recognition Forms A and B This test is not yet available, but is to appear soon. It consists of a number of words and phrases each of which refers to one of a number of accompanying pictures. The pupil is to make the proper connections. World Booh Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Price not announced. Pressey-Grant First Grade Attainment Scale in Reading Forms A and B The first part of this test deals with the ability to read single words, the second with the ability to read short sentences. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. $1.00. Stone-Murphy Narrative Reading Scale for the Junior High School The test consists of a four page narrative which is read, after which questions are answered upon it. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. $15.00. Thorndike Test of Word Knowledge Forms A, B, C, and D This is a vocabulary test which appears to be intended to take the place of the Thorndike Visual Vocabulary Scales. Pupils indicate the meaning of the test words by underlining one of five word phrases. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. $1.50. Thorndike-McCall Reading Scale for the Understanding of Sentences Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 This is a power test. The scoring is not entirely objective. No measure of rate of reading is secured. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. $2:00. SPELLING Ayres Spelling Scale for Measuring Ability in Spelling This scale consists of the 1000 words most frequently used in writing. Strictly speaking it is not a measuring instrument but rather a classified list of words from which a spelling test can be made. Norms are provided for Grades II to VIII. Department of Publications, Russell Sage Foundation, New YorJc City, Single copy, 10c. Buckingham Extension of Ayres Spelling Scale The extension includes 505 new words, many of which are more difficult than those in the original scale. They are, however, not chosen in the same manner as Ayres chose his words and hence should not be considered as belong- [17] ing in a fundamental vocabulary in the same sense as the words in the orig- inal scale. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. Single copy, 14c. Courtis Standard Research Tests in Spelling Forms A and B These tests are in the form of timed sentences which are to be dictated. There is one test for each half grade from IIB to VIIIA. Form A is an initial and Form B a final test. Courtis Standard Tests, 1807 E. Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich- igan. $1.40. Iowa Spelling Scales These scales are in many ways similar to Ayres' since the words in- cluded were selected on the basis of frequency of use and are arranged in steps with norms for each of Grades II to VIII. Almost 3000 words are in- cluded. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. Mon- ograph containing all scales, $1.25. Iowa State Spelling Lists These consist of six lists of forty words each for use in Grades III to VIII. The words were selected from the Iowa Spelling Scales. Bureau of Educational Research and Service, Extension Division, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Single copy, 2c. Jones One Hundred Spelling Demons of the English Language This is a list of one hundred words found misspelled most frequently in 75,000 themes written by pupils. It has been very widely used. Hall and McCreary Company, 430 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Bulletin containing list, 20c. Monroe Timed Sentence Spelling Test Test I, for Grades III and IV Test II, for Grades V and VI Test III, for Grades VII and VIII This is very similar to the Courtis Spelling Test. The words were selected from Ayres' list. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. Single copy, 12c. Morrison-McCall Spelling Scale This consists of eight duplicate lists of fifty words each. The words were selected from the Ayres' Scale and Buckingham Extension. It is suitable for use in Grades II to VIII. World Booh Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Single copy, 25c. [18] GENERAL SURVEY Illinois Examination Examination I, for Grades III, IV, and V Examination II, for Grades VI, VII, VIII Forms 1 and 2 of each This consists of the Illinois General Intelligence Scale, the Monroe Stand- ardized Silent Heading Test and the Monroe General Survey Scale in Arith- metic. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. $4.00. Indiana (Pressey) Scales of Attainment No. 1, for Grade II No. 3, for Grade III No. 2, for Grade VIII There are two scales bearing the last title, one of which is also labeled "Schedule A." This is not the one referred to here. Scales 1 and 3 include arithmetic, reading, and spelling and Scale 2, arithmetic, English, and history. Psychology Department, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. No. 1, $1.15; No. 3, 90c; No. 2, $1.65. Lippincott-Chapman Classroom Products Survey Tests This series of tests, which is intended for use in Grades V to VIII, in- cludes different forms of both arithmetic and reading. J. B. Lippincott Company, 227 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. $3.50. Otis Classification Test Forms A and B Part I of this test consists of items from practically all of the elementary school subjects, and Part II of a verbal intelligence test. It is especially in- tended for the classification of pupils in the fourth to eighth grades. World BooJc Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. $6.20. Pintner Educational Survey Tests These tests may be used in all of the elementary grades except the first. Some of the sub-tests are abbreviated forms of well-known tests. The subjects included are arithmetic, geography, grammar, history, and reading. Pintner 's Non-Language Mental Tests are intended to be used with these Survey Tests. College Book Store, Columbus, Ohio. $8.00. Pressey Attainment Scales Second Grade Scale; Forms A and B Third Grade Scale; Form A These scales include arithmetic, reading, and spelling. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. Second grade, $1.00; Third grade, $1.50. Stanford Achievement Test Primary Examination, for Grades II and III Advanced Examination, for Grades IV to VIII Forms A and B of each [19] This is the most elaborate general survey test so far published. The primary examination consists of six tests which deal with reading, arithmetic, and language, the advanced examination of nine which deal with the same subjects and also nature study, science, history, and literature. World Book Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Primary, $6.80; Advanced, $9.20. INTELLIGENCE Cole- Vincent Intelligence Test for School Entrance This is a non-verbal scale designed to be given children entering the first grade for the purpose of assigning them to sections formed on the basis of ability. Bureau of Educational Measurements and Standards, Kansas State Normal School, Emporia, Kansas. $8.80. Dearborn Group Tests of Intelligence, Revised Edition Series I, General Examinations A and B, for Grades I to III Series II, General Examinations C and D, for Grades IV to XII The former is entirely non-verbal, the latter largely so. Examinations A and B and also C and D are not duplicate forms, but merely two parts of the tests. J. B. Lippincott Company, 227 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. $4.50. Detroit Kindergarten Test Form A This is a non-verbal individual test for use with young children. World Book Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. $4.80. Gunnison Primary Test A This test consists of four parts, of which I and III are practice tests. It is recommended that the first two parts be given at one time and the other two later. School Service Bureau, Western Colorado State Teachers College, Gunnison, Colorado. $7.00. Haggerty Intelligence Examination Delta 1, for Grades I to III Delta 2, for Grades III to IX Both Delta 1 and 2 include verbal and non-verbal material. The latter is essentially a modification of several of the sub-tests in Army Alpha and Beta. World Book Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Delta 1, $6.60; Delta 2, $6.32. Herring Revision of the Binet-Simon Tests Form A, Groups A, B, C, D, and E This is a scale of tests for individual use which gives results closely approximating those obtained from the Stanford Kevision. The five groups [20] mentioned above differ in length. Each includes all of the tests in the previous group and some additional ones. World Book Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Single copy and 100 record cards, $5.00. Illinois General Intelligence Scale Forms 1 and 2 This scale, which is composed chiefly of verbal material, may be used in Grades III to VIII. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois, $2.00. Myers Mental Measure Forms 1 and 2 This is a non-verbal test intended for use from the lower grades up through the university. Newson and Company, 623 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. $8.20. National Intelligence Tests Scales A and B; Forms 1 and 2 of each The two scales may be used separately, although it is recommended that both be used in order to insure more reliable measures. They are suitable for Grades III to VIII. World Boole Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. $6.00. Otis Group Intelligence Scale Primary Examination, for Grades I to IV Advanced Examination, for Grades V to XII Forms A and B of each These scales, especially the advanced examination, have been very widely used. That for the lower grades is entirely non-verbal, but that for the upper grades is almost wholly verbal. World Book Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Primary, $6.20; Advanced, $6.40. Pintner Non-Language Mental Tests These consist of six sub-tests which deal with various sorts of non-verbal material. They may be used in all of the elementary grades except the first. College Book Store, Columbus, Ohio. $8:00. Pintner-Cunningham Primary Mental Tests. Forms A and B This is a non-verbal test for use in the kindergarten and first two grades. World Book Company, 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. $5.80. Pressey Classification Tests Primary, for Grades I and II Intermediate, for Grades III to VI Senior, for Grades VII to XII [21] Form A The primary test is non-verbal, the other two verbal. All are com- paratively short. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. Primary, $1.50; Intermediate or Senior, $1.25. Pressey Verifying Tests Intermediate, for Grades III to VI Senior, for Grades VII to XII These are essentially duplicate, but not absolutely equivalent, forms of the classification tests. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. $1.25. Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Tests This is generally considered to be the best individual intelligence scale in the English language. It is by far the most widely used. C. H. Stoelting Company, 3037 Carroll Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Single set and 100 abbreviated records, $15.05. Trabue Mentimeters Group 2a This group consists of eight mentimeters or tests which vary so in difficulty that the group may be used from the kindergarten through the uni- versity. It includes both verbal and non-verbal material. Doubleday, Page and Company, Garden City, New Yor~k, $6.50. [22] >>.