mm LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN £28 Li 65 c no. 57-58 tuGKEwe uwwj ENGINEERING CTClHEERHfc IRRMW The person charging this material is re- >pon >r its return on or before tin- Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN L161— O-1096 * s-fi UILUENG71 2012 CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDIES SANITARY ENGINEERING SERIES NO. 58 ENGINEERING LIBRARY UNIVEH URBANA, ILLINOIS &1U01 MECHANISMS OF SLUDGE THICKENING HflRHHtt QQM o. By RICHARD I. DICK Supported By FEDERAL WATER QUALITY ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH GRANT 17070 DJR DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS FEBRUARY, 1971 MECHANISMS OF SLUDGE THICKENING by Richard I . Dick Professor of Civil Engineering Univers i ty of 111 inoi s FINAL PROJECT REPORT A Summary of Research Conducted under Research Grant 17070 DJR from the Federal Water Quality Administration Environmental Protection Agency Urbana , 111 inoi s February, 1971 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 ABSTRACT Two areas were emphasized in this research on gravity thickening of sludges. One was investigation of fundamental thickening properties of sludges. The other was consideration of rational criteria for thickener design and operation consistent with the observed fundamental thickening properties. Most results have been presented in detail in the professional literature and they are summarized and interrelated in this report. The batch flux curve method of thickener analysis using settling data obtained with alternative sludge depths is considered to be the most reason- able method of thickener analysis available at present. The approach is based on experimentally determined sludge settling properties, and permits convenient evaluation of alternative design or operating conditions. Extreme care is necessary in measuring settling properties for gross anoma- lies in physical behavior can be created by laboratory test conditions. The maximum concentration which a sludge can reach by gravity thickening is a function of its compressive strength. Compressive strength, and hence the difficulty of thickening, increases exponentially with concentration. Permeability of the sludge bed controls both the rate of escape of clarified water and the portion of the effective weight of sludge solids which are effective in compressing underlying layers. Also described in the report are results of work concerning the sig- nificance of sludge volume index measurements, the effect of possible methods of altering sludge settleabi 1 i ty , the relationship between thickening and sludge rheology, the influence of biological variables on the rheology of activated sludge, the changes which occur in activated sludge aggregates during thickening, the in situ measurement of suspended solids, the appli- cation of the method of thickener analysis to full scale thickeners, and i i the implications of the work to design of the activated sludge processes. I i I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT j j TABLE OF CONTENTS j v I. INTRODUCTION 1 Importance of Thickening in Wastewater Management 1 Purpose of Project 2 Project Organization 3 Nature of This Report k II. THICKENING PROPERTIES OF SLUDGES 6 Introduction 6 Measurement of Settleabi 1 i ty 6 Enhancement of Sett leabi 1 i ty 8 Thickening Mechanisms 10 Sludge Rheology 13 III. THICKENER DESIGN 16 Introduction 16 Analysis of Possible Approaches 16 Design Technique 18 Applications and Extensions of the Technique 20 IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 22 REFERENCES 26 Project Reports and Publications 26 Other References 28 APPENDICES 31 Appendix I - The Sludge Volume Index - What Is It? .... 31 Page Appendix II - The Effect of Polymer Floccu lat ion on the . . 39 Settling Behavior of Activated Sludge Appendix III - Thickening Characteristics of Activated . . 52 SI udge Appendix IV - Aggregate Size Variation during Thickening . 68 of Activated Sludge Appendix V - Distribution of Compressive Forces in ... . 87 Subsiding Sludge Masses Appendix VI - Influence of Biological Variables on the . . 93 Physical Properties of Activated Sludge Appendix VII - Thickening 118 Appendix VI I I - Role of Activated Sludge Final Settling . . 131 Tanks I. INTRODUCTION Importance of Thickening in Wastewater Managemen t In most waste treatment processes pollutants are concentrated by physical, chemical, or biological means into a settleable form for removal from the liquid waste stream. The solids might, for example, be chemical precipitants formed by reaction with ions in the waste stream, carbonaceous material con- centrated in the form of microbial mass (in the case of biological waste treatment processes), or material contained in the suspended form in the raw waste. Effective waste management requires effective treatment, handling, and disposal of the suspension of solids. The efficiency of virtually all methods of sludge treatment, handling, and disposal depends on the concentration of solids in the sludge. For example, the cost of transporting sludges depends almost directly on the dilution factor of the solids (AWTR, 1968) as does the required volume of sludge digesters (Shindala et_ a_l_. , 1970). The performance of sludge dewatering processes such as vacuum filtration and centr ifugation also depends upon the degree to which solids can be concentrated in the feed (Sleeth, 1970). Clearly the economy of sludge combustion depends on achieving a high solids concentration so that the process becomes thermally self- sustaining (Hurwitz and Katz, 1959). The most economical way of obtaining large sludge volume reductions is by gravity thickening. Depending on the nature of the sludge, one to tenfold volume reduction might be readily achieved by gravity thickening using rea- sonably simple and low-cost equipment. It normally is much more expensive to achieve similar volume reductions by mechanical means. The importance of thickening and waste management may be appreciated by considering that about 25 to 50 percent of the total cost of waste management is attributable to 1 sludge treatment handling and disposal (Levin, I968) . In addition to the importance of gravity thickeners in sludge management schemes, thickening principles are also involved in many waste treatment processes. For example, any sedimentation tank is expected to accomplish a degree of thickening, and failure to consider this requirement in designing the facility can lead to unsatisfactory performance. Also, the performance of many related processes depends upon how well thickening is accomplished in sedimentation tanks. To illustrate, the size of the aeration tank in the activated sludge process depends upon how concentrated the microorganisms are in the sludge returned from the final settling tank. Similarly, the performance of flocculators in water and waste treatment processes depends upon the number of particle collisions which can be caused to occur and under given conditions, this is related to the concentration of particles present. The problem and cost of sludge treatment may be expected to become more significant in the future as higher degrees of treatment result in production of large volumes of flocculent suspensions. In summarizing the importance of thickening research, Vinton Bacon (1966) has written: "Sludge concentration is the largest unsolved research and development problem. The savings that could be effected in this area alone would go a long way in improving other treatment processes and the effluent." Purpose of the Project In spite of the importance of gravity thickening and the frequency with which the process is used, little is known about how to design a thickener on the basis of a rational interpretation of the thickening phenomena. Most of the research which has been done on the process has been descriptive in i nature and conventional design procedures which have evolved are often based I on consideration of parameters such as surface loading which do not 2 necessarily have an influence on the performance of a gravity thickener. The purpose of this work was to investigate the basic nature of the thickening process in order to afford an understanding of the performance of the process and to devise techniques for reliable design of thickeners on the basis of the fundamental properties of suspensions. Project Organization The work was supported by Federal Water Quality Administration Research Grant 17070 DJR from September 1, 1966 through August 31, 1 9 69 . Research in progress at the end of the grant period continued with support from the University of Illinois. The work was conducted at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, under the direction of Richard I. Dick, Professor of Civil Engineering. Much of the research was carried out by candidates for the Master of Science degree in sanitary engineering. The following graduate students were employed as research assistants on the projects: T. R. Wall in September 1 966 - February 1967 A. R. Javaheri September 1966 - August 1969 S. K Chakrabarti February I967 - May 1968 W. R. Gain February 1968 - August 1 969 Other graduate students conducted research related to the project in partial fulfillment of master's degree requirement but were not employed with project funds. These students, listed below, derived support from the project in terms of supplies and equipment but received their personal financial support from the training grant program of the Federal Water Quality Administration or the U.S. Public Health Service: G. A. Farnsworth September 1966 - February 1 967 J. R. Quin June - August 1967 3 J. I. Barkman February I969 - August I969 Mr. Barkman also received a supply and travel allowance from the Decatur, Illinois Water Company. Other special studies for which the project provided supplies but not salaries included graduate projects by M. C. Babb and R. C. T. Wang, and undergraduate projects by J. C. Gratteau, W. R. Gain, and G. L. Caban. Miss Caban's work also received support from the National Science Foundation. Others associated with the project included part-time laboratory tech- nicians and Dr. B. S. Narang who was employed as a part-time Research Associate during the summer of 1 968 . Faculty members from various depart- ments at the University of Illinois, especially Dr. B. B. Ewing of the Department of Civil Engineering, served gratuitously as project consultants. Nature of this Report Most of the major accomplishments of the project have been reported in the published literature, or were in preliminary manuscript form at the time this project report was prepared. Many of these papers and manuscripts are included in the appendices. The purpose of this report is to interrelate and summarize these individual publications, but not to repeat in detail work which previously has been described. To distinguish between project publications and other publications, the reference list at the end of the report is divided into two sections. In the text, numbers preceded by "PR" are used to refer to references from the project publication list, while the author-year system is used to cite nonproject publications. Of the 31 project reports and publications listed, 18 have appeared in the published literature, of which five are included here as appendices . Preparation of this report was delayed to permit inclusion of results of k work in progress at the end of the grant period. The research continued with support from the University of Illinois Civil Engineering Department and, later, from the Water Resources Center at the University of Illinois. Much of the work has been completed. However, results bred new ideas, and research is still in progress. Some of the continuing work makes use of equipment and concepts generated by the grant. Under these circumstances, judgments as to which accomplishments deserve inclusion in the final project report become somewhat arbitrary. In general, results of work which was underway at the end of the project period concerning excess hydrostatic pressure in subsiding sludge masses have been included here while those related to analysis of the performance of continuous thickeners have been excluded. Because the focus of the research was on interpretation of thickening of sludges on the basis of observed basic physical characteristics and the rela- tion of this fundamental behavior to the design of field scale thickeners, most of the work logically fell within one of two general categories. One category involved study of the basic physical properties of sludges which control its thickening behavior and the other category concerned work where the emphasis was on design of thickeners. Research concerned principally with study of the physical characteristics of suspensions is described here in Chapter II entitled "Thickening Properties of Sludges." This chapter also includes studies related to the interpretation of results of laboratory batch sedimentation tests and some methodology associ- ated with developments of the research work. Work which was related more directly to the design of full scale thickeners based on known sedimentation characteristics is included in Chapter III entitled "Thickener Design." II. THICKENING PROPERTIES OF SLUDGES Introduct ion In order to consider rational design and operation of thickeners, it is recessary to be able to measure the physical properties of suspensions which influence their thickening behavior and to understand factors which control the physical properties of the sludge. In addition to providing insight into factors controlling the design and operation of gravity thickeners, knowledge of the interrelationship between physical properties and thickening behavior might permit alteration of the basic properties of suspensions by physical, chemical, or biological methods to improve the amenability of the sludge to thickening by gravitational means. Work related to study of the basic nature of the sludges and to experimental procedures required in evaluating sludge properties are reviewed in this chapter. Measurement of Settleab? 1 i ty The property of a sludge most closely identified with its behavior in full-scale thickeners is its subsidence velocity under the influence of gravity. The apparent settling velocity of a particular concentration of sludge can be measured readily be observing the rate of subsidence of the liquid-solid interface following uniform dispersion in a transparent labora- tory settling column. The test is deceptively simple, for serious errors can result because of conditions imposed by the laboratory test procedure. Studies on the influence of laboratory test conditions on observed settleab i 1 i ty were conducted as a part of this work, and were extended by cooperation with a related research program at the University of North Carolina. Principal factors found to affect results of laboratory sedimen- ' tation tests were the method for initially dispersing sludge solids, column 1 diameter, sludge depth, and the presence or absence of slow speed stirring. 6 The extent to which these factors influence settling rate is highly dependent on the nature and concentration of the particular sludge solids. Results of the work have been reported in detail in two publications (PR 10 and PR 29) and have been summarized in two others (PR 11 and PR 17). In general, with activated sludge, column diameter should be as large as possible and preferably not less than about 3 in., sludge depth should be comparable to the effective depth of the full scale facility, and slow stirring (with about 10 in./min tip speed) is essential. The greatest need for additional work in this area is for study of the relationship between the batch settl ing rate in cylinders to the settling rate of the same con- centration of sludge under conditions which exist in a full-scale conti nuous thickener. Realization of the great anomolies in settling behavior which could be caused by improper laboratory test conditions led to a critical evaluation of the test most commonly used to express the sett leabi 1 i ty and physical con- dition of sludge - the sludge volume index. These results also have been published (PR 1 8) and are included here as Appendix I. Basically, it was reported that the significance of sludge volume index values is seriously restricted by the nature of laboratory tests. While the test may have value as a plant operational tool, comparison of sludge volume index measurements from various plants is not meaningful. The test was considered to be wholly inadequate for research purposes, and alternative means for measuring the settleabi 1 ity and physical nature of sludge solids were suggested. The experimental program involved with evaluating laboratory settling i tests required a large number of suspended solids determinations. In order 'to select a convenient, reliable, and economical technique and to permit ^valuation of the number of duplicate samples required to establish a desired 7 degree of precision, a study of alternative methods of determining the sus- pended solids concentration of activated sludge was conducted. Results, which have been published (PR 22) show, as a function of sample size and concentration, the coefficient of variation for four different methods of determining suspended solids. For the purpose of this study, the glass fiber filter Gooch crucible method with individual desiccators was considered to be superior. Enhancement of Sett leab i 1 i ty Studies of the alteration of settling behavior of sludges were under- taken for two reasons. One reason was to consider the practicality of alter- ing the physical properties of sludges in full-scale applications. The other was to study the mechanisms responsible for the improved sedimentation in order to gain insight into the basic factors controlling sludge thickening. The most fruitful of the studies of this type was an evaluation of the influence of polyelectrolytes on the settling behavior of activated sludge. The practicality of this technique in full-scale installations under certain circumstances was, of course, known from the published literature (for example, Jordan and Scherer, 1970) and the thrust of the study was to evalu- ate the basic change in the physical properties of activated sludge respon- sible for the improved sett leabi 1 i ty . The major portion of the work was the subject of a master's thesis by G. A. Farnsworth (PR 20). Detailed results have been summarized in the form of a draft of a manuscript for publication (PR 21) which is included here as Appendix II. Settling properties were expressed as the ultimate settling ; velocity (the velocity at which the sludge would settle if it behaved as an > ideal suspension (see Dick and Ewing, 1967b) and the retardation factor (a measure of the extent of deviation from an ideal suspension'*. Polymers were found to influence primarily the ultimate settling velocity and did not appreciably alter the effect of i nterpart i cle contacts (as measured by the retardation factor). Because of this, the apparent effect of polymer addi- tion may be highly dependent on the sludge depth used in laboratory experi- ments . A preliminary evaluation of the feasibility of increasing activated sludge settling rates by imposing an electrical gradient was made (PR 23). While some slight effect could be shown the technique was not considered to be promising either for full-scale application or for more basic laboratory experimentation, and the work was terminated. More extensive study was made of the effect of ultrasonic vibrations on the settleabi 1 i ty of activated sludge (PR 30). The beneficial effect of ultrasonic vibrations on sludge sett leabi 1 i ty is well known, although the economic feasibility in full-scale applications remains dubious. The inter- est in this work was in learning more about basic settling characteristics of sludges by inquiring as to why exposure to ultrasonic vibrations improved settleab i 1 i ty . It was proposed that the basic mechanism explaining the improved thick- ening characteristics was removal of bound water by ultrasonic vibrations and then to measure its settling velocity and bound water content (using a modification of the technique described by Heukelekian and Weisburg, 1956). Significant reductions in bound water content and appreciable improvement in interface subsidence rate could be shown to be effected by exposure to ultrasonic vibrations prior to sedimentation. However, results were less well ordered than desired and quantitative evaluation was difficult. This ': experimental approach is still considered potentially fruitful, but improve- I ments must first be made in the method for determining bound water content. 9 Thickening Mechanisms Ultimately, it is desirable that rational approach to design and operation of gravity thickeners be founded on a basic understanding of the fundamental mechanisms involved in thickening. Previous work showed that the thickening behavior of activated sludge differed appreciably from that of the ideal suspension considered in basic thickening theory. Work de- scribed here was undertaken to explore causes of this difference and to evaluate changes which occur during the course of sludge thickening. In work summarized in proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Water Pollution Research (PR ]h reproduced as Appendix III), a conceptual model of activated sludge thickening was developed. The model was based on mathematical analysis of the fluid and i nterparti cle forces acting on a sub- siding mass of sludge. Model predictions deviated from behavior of an ideal suspension, but agreed closely with the observed settling behavior of acti- vated sludge. The relative magnitude of interpart icle forces as computed from laboratory settling data using the model was related to the yield strength of the sludge as experimentally determined with a viscometer. This tended to confirm that the cause of deviation from the description of thickening offered by Kynch (1952) is the existence in activated sludge of interparticle forces. Further examination of data previously reported (Dick and Ewing, 1967b) led to approximation of the concentrations at which interparticle forces begin to cause activated sludge sedimentation to differ from that of ideal suspensions (PR 10). As anticipated the concentration at which a continuous j structure occurred was highly dependent on the nature of the sludge, but in ! each of the three plants studied the concentration was exceeded by the mixed liquor suspended solids concentration, and in one case it was as low as 650 mg/ 10 In considering basic mechanisms of thickening, it is of interest to know whether water eliminated from sludge during thickening originates predominately from within flocculent masses of sludge solids or from the intersticial spaces between sludge aggregates. To answer this and related questions, activated sludge settling data were analyzed by use of two mathematical models (PR 25). One model (the Ri chardson-Zaki equation) related the settling velocity of a mass of particles to the discrete settling velocity of an individual particle comprising the mass, and the second (the Carmen-Kozeny equation) related flow through a porous bed to the physical properties of the bed. Similar conclu- sions were reached with both models. Results of the work were reported at an annual meeting of the Water Pollution Control Federation, and the complete published findings (PR 26) are included as Appendix IV. Briefly, it was found that for activated sludges with good settling pro- perties, thickening occurs primarily by elimination of interstitial water. However, with poorly settling sludges, much of the water removal in the course of thickening comes from inside the aggregates. The fraction of clarified liquid which originated from within aggregates increased as thickening took place. During thickening the aggregates which comprise the sludge are "squeezed" to eliminate water and "split" into smaller, more numerous, and more dense particles. To give some idea of the magnitude of values involved, in thickening a good activated sludge from about 0.5 percent solids to about 2.0 percent solids, the effective diameter of sludge solids decreased from 3 mm to 0.5 mm and the number of particles increased 30-fold. The ratio of the volume of floe particles to the volume of solids in the particles de- ! creased from 57 to 72 and floe density increased from 1.0015 to 1.0032. At : first, less than 10 percent of the water being eliminated from the sludge . came from inside the aggregates, but at the end, more than 30 percent was 11 from this source. A limitation of the work concerning aggregate changes during activated sludge thickening arose from the fact that when performing the calculations, allowance could not be made for the effect of structural support due to interparti cle contracts. Experimentally, the amount of interpart i cle support in a subsiding suspension can be measured by observing the difference between the effective weight of solids above a point and the excess hydrostatic pres- sure at the point. However, this approach could not be used successfully with activated sludge because the extremely light weight of the sludge solids precluded accurate determination of excess hydrostatic pressure profiles. In work with a denser sludge - that from a water softening plant - it was found that allowance for interparticle support could readily be made by measuring concentration and excess hydrostatic pressure profiles. Preliminary work of this type (PR 27) was extended and is to be summarized in PR 28. A discussion of the experimental technique and a presentation of some of the pertinent re- sults of this work is included as Appendix V. The experimental approach afforded considerable insight into the basic mechanisms of thickening. The final solids concentration of a flocculent sludge depends on its compressibility and can be increased by increasing the weight of solids per unit area. The compressive strength of sludge was found to vary exponentially with solids concentration. Hence, it becomes exceed- ingly difficult to reach higher solids concentrations by gravity thickening. During the course of thickening the amount of the total weight of sludge jwhich serves to compress underlying layers is a function of the permeability of the sludge. Thus, sludge with low permeability not only retards egress of clarified water, but also reduces the compressive force available to accom- plish sludge consolidation. Stirring on sludge thickening in laboratory 12 vessels has been shown to increase compressibility and to reduce permeability, The work on the basic nature of aggregate particles and their behavior in concentrated suspensions provided the basis for several contributions to the literature concerning the related work of others. In a discussion of Mueller, Voelkel and Boyle's work ( 1 966) on activated sludge floe diameter (PR 5), the possibility for change of the size and water content of floe exposed to a shear field was discussed. Mechanisms of floe breakdown, sedi- mentation in laboratory vessels, and characterization of floe properties were considered in discussion (PR 12) of work by Ham and Christman (1969). Application of the Ri chardson-Zaki equation to activated sludge solids as described by Edeline, Tesarik, and Vostreil (1970) was discussed at the 4th International Conference on Water Pollution Research (PR 14). The effect of temperature on the rate of escape of water from subsiding sludge masses and on compressibility of sludge solids was considered (PR 13) in discussion of work by Reed and Murphy (1969). Sludge Rheology Advances in fundamental understanding of sludge thickening have been handicapped by lack of fundamental measures of the physical properties of sludges. As discussed in previous pages, the measure most commonly used, the sludge volume index, suffers from being influenced by many different physical characteristics of sludges, and it also reflects the nature of lab- oratory test conditions. Use was made in these studies of directly observ- able physical properties such as gravimetric concentration, settling veloc- ity, and specific gravity and of calculated or estimated properties such as volumetric concentration, aggregate size, aggregate density, porosity, and permeability. However, none of these parameters gave a measure of the basic .deformation and flow characteristics of sludge. Rheological measurements 13 were undertaken for this purpose. It had previously been proposed (Dick and Ewing, 1967a) that basic Theological measures should prove useful in study of sludge treatment pro- cesses, and a viscometer suitable for measuring the rheological character- istics of activated sludge was described. For purposes of the work de- scribed in this report, the viscometer was improved. The modified version of the instrument, as described by Wang (PR 30 retained the basic features of the former instrument including outer cylinder rotation, roughening of cylinder surfaces, and use of a wide annular space between cylinders. Im- provements incorporated in the modified version included oil damping of inner cylinder oscillation, use of calibrated torsion wires for measuring torque, and improved concentricity of the two cylinders. While the modified viscometer represents a vast improvement over the original version, additional improvements in range and convenience are desirable. As discussed on previous pages, it was shown early in the project period (PR ]k reproduced as Appendix III) that reported deviations in the settling behavior of activated sludge from Kynch's theory could be interpreted in • terms of the rheological behavior of the sludge. This was done by using a mathematical model of thickening to compute the relative magnitude of inter- '. particle forces. This value, deduced by use of observed sedimentation data, was shown to be related to the yield strength of the sludge as measured in a viscometer. Later in the project period, development of the procedure for measuring the absolute values of fluid resistance and interpart icle resistance in dense J sludges permitted a more direct comparison of settling behavior and rheologi- : cal properties (PR 28 - see Appendix V) . The compressive stress at which failure of sludge took place under the confined conditions of laboratory 14 ! batch sedimentation tests was related to the yield strength of the sludge. In related studies of flotation thickening of activated sludge (Wood, 1970) the viscometer was used to measure the rheology of sludges being floated. Wood concluded that yield strength and plastic viscosity were the best parameters for characterizing sludges and for predicting flotation behavior. Because activated sludge presents severe thickening problems, because its thickening performance had been shown to be related to its rheological characteristics, and because rheological characteristics were known to be influenced by the nature of the waste treatment plant (Dick and Ewing, 1967a), studies were undertaken (PR 2 and PR 3) to investigate how biological vari- ables influenced sludge rheology. Results have been summarized in a pre- publication manuscript (PR 19) which is included as Appendix VI. The yield strength of a particular sludge was shown to be related to solids concentration and organic loading, while plastic viscosity was in- fluenced principally by concentration only. Great reduction in yield strength was produced by aerobic digestion, and dramatic increases occurred shortly after feeding. However, with a constant organic loading and sus- pended solids concentration, changes in biological population could cause pronounced changes in both yield strength and plastic viscosity. Such changes were not necessarily accompanied by changes in performance of the , biological phase of the activated sludge process. In the related studies ! by Wood (1970) it was confirmed that changes in sludge rheology under seem- ingly constant biological conditions were attributable to changes in mor- phological characteristics of the organisms making up the sludge. Such 'changes, which significantly affect sludge thickening properties are not reflected in a sensitive or definable way by the conventional sludge volume 1 index. 15 III. THICKENER DES I Gfl I ntroduct ion An important aim, indeed the ultimate goal, of the research was to develop procedures for design and operation of gravity thickeners on a rational basis founded on knowledge of the fundamental thickening proper- ties of suspensions. The bridge between thickening theory and practice is a long hazardous one resting on unsure abutments. For the body of knowledge on the basic thickening properties of suspensions is not large and most ap- proaches to thickener design have not been rational. However, the laboratory studies on basic settling properties afforded a basis for accepting or rejecting possible design approaches on a rational basis and study of data in the literature and analysis of the performance of full-scale thickeners gave additional basis on which to proceed. The work led to a proposed design technique applicable to the flocculent sludges encountered in sanitary engineering practice which not only permits rational approach to design, but also provides a framework for making the judgments . required in thickener operation. Results of most of the work have been pub- i lished (PR 7, PR 8, PR 9, PR 11, and PR 17) and are summarized in this chapter. , Analysis of Possible Approaches A large number of approaches to thickener design and operation proposed by other workers were considered. Some of these could be rejected without ! detailed study whereas others were given careful analysis in order to develop a suitable framework for a model for thickener designs and operation. Among those approaches which could readily be rejected were the common j i techniques based on hydraulic loading and sludge volume index. While hydraulic i loading is a common basis for thickener design (Great Lakes - Upper Mississippi 16 River Board of Sanitary Engineers, I960), it is only related to solids loading and is in itself wholly inadequate. The sludge volume index has often been advocated as a means for predicting thickener performance - particularly for the final settling tank in the activated sludge process (for example, Stewart, 196*0. However, the work on the nature of the SVI test (PR 18) showed that the test would be very unreliable for this purpose. Another common design approach is based on somewhat arbitrary establish- ment of retention time and solids loading (American Society of Civil Engineers 1959)- This approach is based on parameters which are more closely related to thickener performance, but the method does not permit the designer or operator of thickeners to weigh the consequences of alternative decisions. Other approaches evaluated included empirical correlations of various variables with thickener performance. One such approach, by Pflanz (1970) involved the ise of "solids feed" which was defined as surface settling rate times the feed solids concentration. In discussion of this work (PR 15) it was argued that interpretation of thickener performance by use of basic clarification and thickening theory led to clearer interpretation of the full-scale data on which the analysis was based. Fischerstrom et_ aj_. (1967) suggested that the product of the thirty minute sediment volume and the settling velocity be used to evaluate thickener capacity. A discussion of possible inadequacies of this approach was published (PR 6). An extensive I Istudy of the relationship between laboratory and full-scale thickening by Edde and Eckenfelder (I967) led to development of a design procedure based ,on mass loading and two empirical parameters. Study of the method and the nature of the empirical parameters indicated that the approach took Into jaccount those basic variables which influence thickening behavior, but that 'the manner in which the factors were considered was indirect. Hence, the 17 approach was not considered to provide suitable framework for a rational th i ckeni ng model . Probably the most important and most frequently cited work related to thickening is that of Kynch (1952). The applicability of this work to waste sludges was evaluated previously (Dick and Ewing, 1967b). It was found that the work provided a valuable model of the thickening characteristics of ideal suspensions but that the behavior of waste sludges deviated from that of the ideal. Hence, the Talmage and Fitch (1955) geometric procedure for thickener design which is advocated in many text books is not directly applicable to waste sludges because it is based directly on Kynch's work. The approach is further limited by the arbitrary procedure commonly used to identify the limiting concentration. It was considered that another approach which developed from Kynch's work showed more promise. This was the use of the batch flux plot as advo- cated by Yoshioka et al . (1957) and Shannon et_ aj_. (1963). A limitation of the approach however would be that it does not take into account the effect of depth on settling rates. Another traditional approach to thickener design which required evalu- ation was the procedure for determining thickener depth or volume. Conven- tionally, this has been based on an empirical description of sludge consoli- dation originated by Roberts (193*0- This approach was not considered to i be well founded in terms of observed thickening behavior because it involved independent determination of thickener area and thickener depth. It seemed : imperative that the design approach take into account the interdependence of the two. Design Technique Critical analysis of potential design methods led to selection of an 18 approach felt to have the greatest utility given to the present state of knowledge of basic thickening properties of waste sludges. The approach is based on earlier work of authors such as Shannon and Tory (1966). The basis of the approach is the rational statement that in a steady state in a continuous thickener, the solids flux, G, is G = c.v. + c.u (1) where c. is the suspended solids concentration of sludge at any point in the thickener, v. is the gravity settling velocity of the sludge at concentration c. , and u is the downward velocity due to sludge removal. The required solids flux through the thickener is determined by the solids loading and the thickener area, A, such that c Q -2^ (2) where c and Q are the feed concentration and feed rate. Hence, the basis o o for sizing thickeners is to determine the lowest value of G from equation 1 for all concentrations of sludge which could occur in the thickener and to ascertain that sufficient area is provided so that the value of G from equation 2 does not exceed this limiting value. This method of thickener analysis is particularly valuable because it takes into account both the settling properties of the sludge and the mode of thickener operation. To explain, the first term in equation 1 is depen- dent entirely on sludge properties while the second term is determined by operating conditions. The value of the underflow velocity, u, is determined by the rate of sludge removal which depends, in turn, on the desired degree I of sludge concentration. The design approach has been described in more detail in PR 17 which is 19 included here as Appendix VII. In another publication (PR 11), three pos- sible techniques for solving the basic equations were illustrated, and it was concluded that the approach making use of a batch flux curve had the greatest utility. This paper is reproduced as Appendix VIM. An illustra- tive problem using the technique is solved on page 123 of Appendix VII, and an illustration of the way which the method can be used as a guide to thick- ener operation is included on page 12*t. The design technique does not require separate determination of thick- ener depth. Rather, it is necessary that the sludge settling data used in design be representative of those to be expected in the full-scale facility. The effect of depth on the performance or required size of a thickener is evaluated by the use of settling data representative of different sludge depths . Applications and Extensions of the Technique The basic thickening model described was used by Barkman ( 1 9 69 ) in analysis of the performance of an existing thickener for waste sludge from a water clarification and softening plant. Predictions based on the model were in reasonable agreement with plant operation. The analysis served to reveal that the thickener was being operated at less than its potential capacity. That is, the value of u in equation 1 was needlessly high be- cause sludge was being withdrawn at a faster rate (and lower concentration) 1 than necessary. The method of analysis for thickener design and operation was applied to the final settling tank of the activated sludge process (PR 11 reproduced as Appendix VIM). It was shown that use of conventional final settling tank design procedures could result in inability to maintain desired sus- pended solids concentrations in the aeration tank. The approach could be 20 used as a basis for considering the effects of alternative methods for operating existing tanks or as a basis for optimizing design of new final settling tank. Results of the laboratory studies of basic sludge thickening mechanisms and the conceptual model of continuous thickener performance afford bases for interpreting results of full-scale thickening studies and for extending and refining the model. Equation 1 permits comparison of velocities in small laboratory batch conditions with those in full scale continuous thickeners, and interpretation of compression in terms of the combined influences of permeability and compressibility (see Chapter II) provides a basis for evalu- ating the influence of sludge depth and for studying the effects of rakes in thickeners. The first stage of this work is being conducted with a laboratory continuous thickener equipped with means for concentration and excess hydro- static pressure measurement. This research was inspired by results of work conducted as part of this project, but is being carried out with support from the University of Illinois Water Resources Center. 21 IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In spite of the widespread use of sludge thickening in waste treatment, and in spite of the potential for reducing treatment costs by improved thick- ening, design and operation of thickeners has not been accomplished on a rational basis. The basic goal of this research was to investigate basic thickening properties of sludges and to develop thickener design and opera- tion techniques consistent with knowledge of these properties. Most results of work carried out in the project have been published in the professional literature. This report serves to summarize and interrelate the various individual reports of work but detailed procedures and results are not repeated. Similarly, general conclusions stemming from the work are presented in this section and more complete conclusions are to be found in the project publications (some of which are included as appendices). Serious errors can result from the conventional laboratory test for measuring the settling rate of sludges. The influence of slow stirring in laboratory settling tests is not necessarily a reflection of the benefits to be derived by stirring in sludge thickeners, but is caused by the artifi- cial conditions created by the laboratory test. Laboratory tests should be conducted in cylinders as large in diameter as feasible and preferably not less than about 3 in. Sludge depth should be comparable to the effective depth in the full scale facility and a slow stirrer with tip speed of about i j 10 in./min should be provided. The sludge volume index is an inadequate, indeed, a misleading, indica- tion of settling characteristics. Its normal use should be restricted to monitoring of gross physical properties of sludge for purposes of routine ; plant operation. Comparisons should not be made between SVI values of dif- ferent sludges and more basic and meaningful measures of the physical nature 22 of sludges should be used in research work. Deviations in the thickening characteristics of flocculent sludges like activated sludges from those of the ideal slurry considered in Kynch's theory are caused by i nterpart i cle contacts. The magnitude of the deviation is related to the yield strength of the sludge. The final concentration of sludge solids achievable by gravity thicken- ing is controlled by the compressive strength of the sludge. Compressive strength varies exponentially with suspended solids concentration, and hence high concentrations are difficult to attain. Efforts to increase the final concentration of thickened sludges should be directed at reducing the compressive strength of sludges or increasing the applied compressive load. Greater compressive loads may be achieved by increasing the weight of solids per unit of thickener area; however, the portion of these solids effective in compressing underlying solids is a function of sludge permeability. In work with activated sludge, polymer flocculation did not significantly change the magnitude of interparti cle contacts, but rather it altered the discrete settling velocity of the indi- vidual floe particles which comprise the sludge. Stirring reduces compres- sive strength in laboratory settling equipment but may not be of the same significance in full-scale tests. The rate at which high concentrations are reached in batch sedimentation is a function both of compressibility and permeability. Reduction in sludge permeability yields dual rewards by increasing settling rates and increasing applied compressive loads on underlying sludges. During thickening, aggregate particles are squeezed to eliminate water and also broken apart. The result is the formation of sludge containing smaller, more numerous, and more dense particles. With sludge exhibiting 23 poor thickening characteristics, much of the water removed by thickening originates from inside sludge particles whereas more of the water from sludges which thicken well comes from between particles. In either case, the fraction of supernatant water originating from within particles increases as thickening progresses. With activated sludge, the yield strength in shear (and hence the com- pressive strength) is increased with increased organic loading intensity. However, it is also highly dependent on the morphology of the organisms comprising the sludge, and two sludges of equal solids concentration devel- oped on the same waste at the same loading intensity may have quite differ- ent yield values. Aerobic digestion causes appreciable reduction in yield strength, and pronounced changes occurred following feeding. Analyses of proposed methods of thickener design indicated that many are inadequate because they fail to take into account those factors which influence thickener performance while others are unsatisfactory because they are based on suspensions with properties different than those encount- ered in waste treatment. Given the present state of understanding of thickening behavior, the most reliable approach to thickener analysis is a simple statement of continuity in a full-scale thickener. Analyses based on this approach take into account both the settling characteristics of the sludge and thickener operating practices. The batch flux curve affords a I convenient technique for evaluating alternative thickener designs or alternative operational modes. Application of the design approach to the final settling tank of the ! activated sludge process indicates that use of conventional settling tank design practices can lead to unsatisfactory performance of the entire pro- cess. Even when process performance is not affected, failure to consider 2k the interrelationships between the biological and physical phases of the process leads to uneconomical design. Full-scale thickener operational practices have an important influence on results. Use of inadequate underflow velocities will become apparent because of solids loss in the effluent. This can be corrected by increasing the rate of sludge removal. However, use of too high an underflow rate must be prevented because it results in the use of facilities at less than f ul 1 capaci ty . 25 REFERENCES" Project Reports and Publications PR 1 Babb , M. C.,"An Instrument for the Determination of Sludge Density, 1 ' Unpublished Special Project Report, 11 pp. (Jan. 1968). PR 2 Caban, G. L., "Changes in Some Physical Properties of Activated Sludge under High Biological Loading Conditions," NSF Undergraduate Research Project Report, University of Illinois, 71 PP- (Aug. I969). PR 3 Chakrabarti, S. K. , "Changes in Some Physical Properties of Activated Sludge under Different Biological Loading Conditions," Civil Engineering Studies, Sanitary Engineering Series No. k~] , University of Illinois, Urbana, 65 pp. (June 1 968) . PR 4 Dick, R. l.,"Discussionofj_n S i tu Measurement of Solids in Final Clarifiers by A. E. Albrecht, R. E. Wul lsch ieger , and W. J. Katz," Journal of Sanitary Engi neeri ng Pi vis ion American Society of Civil Engineers , 92, SA5, 117-119 (1966). PR 5 Dick, R. I., "Discussion of Nominal Diameter of Floe Related to Oxygen Transfer by J. A. Mueller, K. G. Voelkel, and W. C. Boyle," Journal Sanitary Engineering Division American Society of Civil Engineers , 92, SA6, 144-146 (1966) . PR 6 Dick, R. I., "Discussion of Settling of Activated Sludge in Horizontal Tanks by C. N. H. Fisherstrom, E. Isgard, and I. Larsen," J ournal Sanitary Engineering Division American Society of Civil Engineers , 93, SA6, 271-273 (1967). PR 7 Dick, R. I., "Gravity Thickening of Sludge," Summer Institute in Water Pollution Control - Biological Waste Treatment, Manhattan College, Bronx, New York ( 1968) . PR 8 Dick, R. I., "Some Fundamental Aspects of Sedimentation - the Clarifi- cation Function," Water and Wastes Engineering , 6_, 2, 47-50 (1969). PR 9 Dick, R. I., "Some Fundamental Aspects of Sedimentation - the Thicken- ing Function," Water and Wastes Engineering , 6_, 3, 44-45 (1969). PR 10 Dick, R. I., and Ewing, B. B., "Discussion Closure to Evaluation of Activated Sludge Thickening Theories," Journal Sanitary Engineering Division American Society of Civil Engineers , 95_, SA2, 333-3^0 (1969) PR 11 Dick, R. I., "Role of Activated Sludge Final Settling Tanks," Journal Sanitary Engineering Division American Society of Civi 1 Engineers , 96, SA2, 423-436 (I97O) (See Appendix VIM). ~~""~ In the text, references to project reports and publications are by number preceded by "PR" whereas other references are cited by use of the name-date system. 26 PR 12 Dick, R. I., "Discussion of Agglomerate Size Changes in Coagulation by R. K. Ham and R. F. Christman," Journal Sani tary Engi neer i ng Division American Society of Civil Engineer? , 96, SA2 , 624-627 (1970)- PR 13 Dick, R. I., "Discussion of Low Temperature Activated Sludge Settling by S. C. Reed and R. S. Murphy," Journal Sanitary Engineering Division American Society of Civil Engineers , 96, SA2 , 638-641 (1970). PR 14 Dick, R. I., "Thickening Characteristics of Activated Sludge," in Advances in Water Pollution Research , Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Water Pollution Research, Prague, 1969, 625-642 (1970) (See Appendix III). PR 15 Dick, R. I., "Formal Discussion of Sedimentation of Activated Sludge in Final Settling Tanks by P. Pflanz," in Advances in Water Pollution Research , Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Water Pollution Research, Prague, 1969, 583~585 (1970). PR 16 Dick, R. I., and Javaheri, A. R. , "Discussion of Fluidization of Floes Produced in Chemical or Biological Treatment Plants by F. Edeline, I. Tesarik, and J. Vostrei 1 ," in Advances in Water Pollution Research , Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Water Pollution Research, Prague, 1969, 538 (1970). PR 1 7 Dick, R. I . , "Th ickeni ng," Advances in Water Quality Improvemen t - Physical and Chemical Processes , E. F\ Gloyna and W. W. Eckenfelder, Jr., (editors), University of Texas Press, 358-369 (1970) (See Appendix VII). PR 1 Dick, R. I., and Vesilind, P. A., "The Sludge Volume Index - What Is It?" Journal Water Pollution Control Federation , _4j_, 7, 1285-1291 (1969) (See Appendix I) . ---— PR 19 Dick, R. I., Chakrabarti, S. K. , and McCutcheon, G. L., "Influence of Biological Variables on Rheological Properties of Activated Sludge," Prepubl ication Manuscript (1970) (See Appendix VI). PR 20 Farnsworth, G. A., "The Effect of Induced Flocculation on the Settling and Thickening Behavior of Activated Sludge," Civil Engineering Studies, Sanitary Engineering Series No. 42, University of Illinois, Urbana, 54 pp. (Aug. 1967). PR 21 Farnsworth, G. A., and Dick, R. I., "The Effect of Polymer Flocculation on the Settling Behavior of Activated Sludge," Prepubl ication Manuscript (1970) (See Appendix II). PR 22 Gratteau, J. C, and Dick, R. I., "Activated Sludge Suspended Solids Determinations," Water and Sewage Works , 1 15 , TO, 468-472 (1968) . PR 23 Gain, W. R. , "Electrically Induced Settling of Activated Sludge," Unpublished Special Project Report, 29 pp. (Feb. 1968) . 27 PR 2k Gain, W. R. , "In Situ Measurement of Suspended Solids Profiles in Sludge Thickeners," M. S. Thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana (currently being prepared). PR 25 Javaheri, A. R., "Applicability of Two Mathematical Models to the Batch Settling of Activated Sludge," Civil Engineering Studies, Sanitary Engineering Series No. 51, University of Illinois, Urbana 101 pp. (June 1969) . PR 26 Javaheri, A. R., and Dick, R. I., "Aggregate Size Variations During Thickening of Activated Sludge," Journal Water Pollution Control Federati on, 4j_, 5, Part 2, R197-R214 (1969) (See Appendix IV). PR 27 Quin, J. R., "Role of Structural Support in Sludge Thickening," Civil Engineering Studies, Sanitary Engineering Series No. k$ , University of Illinois, Urbana (May 1968). PR 28 Shin, B. S., "Distribution of Compressive Forces in Subsiding Sludge Masses," M. S. Thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana (currently being prepared ) (See Appendix V) . PR 29 Vesilind, P. A., and Dick, R. I., "Initial Depth as a Variable in Activated Sludge Settling Tests," Effluent and Water Treatment Journal , 9, 5, 263-268 (1969). PR 30 Wallin, T. R. , "The Influence of Ultrasonic Vibrations upon the Physical Features of Activated Sludge," Civil Engineering Studies, Sanitary Engineering Series No. ^3, University of Illinois, Urbana, 101 pp. (Nov. 1967) • PR 31 Wang, R. C. T., "A Viscometer for the Study of the Rheology of Activated Sludge," Unpublished Special Project Report, 25 pp. (June 1967). Other References American Society of Civil Engineers, "Sewage Treatment Plant Design," Manual of Practice No. 36 (1959) . AWTR Summary Report, Advanced Waste Treatment Research Program, July 1964- July 1967, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Publication WP-20-AWTR- 19 (1968). Bacon, V. W. , nd Dalton, F. E., "Chicago Metro Sanitary District Makes no Little Plans," Public Works , 97, 11, 66 (1966) . Barkman, J. I., "Gravity Thickening and Mechanical Dewatering of Alum-Lime Sludge," Decatur, Illinois, M. S. Special Problem, University of Illinois, Urbana (1969) . 28 Dick, R. I., and Ewing, B. B., "The Rheology of Activated Sludge," J ournal Water Pollution Control Federation, 39, *f , 5^3-560 (1967aT. Dick, R. I., and Ewing, B. B., "Evaluation of Activated Sludge Thickening Theories, 1 ' Journal Sanitary Engineering C of Civi 1 Engineers, 93, SA*» , 9~29 (1967b) Theories, 1 ' Journal Sanitary Engineering Divi s ? on American Soc iety Edde, H. J., and Eckenfelder, W. W., Jr., "Theoretical Concepts of Gravity Sludge Thickening and Methods of Scale up from Laboratory Units to Prototype Design," Center for Research in Water Resources Report No. 15, University of Texas, Austin, ]kk pp. (1967). Edeline, F., Tesarik, I., and Vostril, J., "Fluidizat ion of Floes Produced in Chemical or Biological Treatment Plants," in Advances in Water Pol 1 ut ion Rese arch , Proceedings Fourth International Conference, Prague, 1969 ,~ S. H. Jenkins (editor), 523 (1970). Fischerstrom, C. N. H., Isgard, E., and Larsen, I., "Settling of Activated Sludge in Horizontal Tanks," J ournal Sa nitary Engineering Pi vi s ion American Society of Civil Engineers , 93, SA3, 73-83~TT9"677.~ Great Lakes - Upper Mississippi River Board of Sanitary Engineers, "Recom- mended Standards for Sewage Works" (i960). Ham, R. K. , and Christman, R. F., "Agglomerate Size Changes in Coagulation," Journal Sanitary Engin eering Division American Society of Civi l E ngineers , 96, SA3 , 48~l-502 (1969). Heukelekian, H., and Weisburg, E., "Bound Water and Activated Sludge Bulking, Sewage and Industrial Wastes, 23 , 558-57** (1956). Hurwitz, E., and Katz, W. J., "Concentrating Activated Sludge to a Fuel Value of 4000 BTU per Gallon," Wastes Engineering, 30, 730-733 (1959). Jordan, V. J., and Scherer, C. H., "Gravity Thickening Techniques of a Water Reclamation Plant," Journal Water Pollution Control Federation , kl, 2, 1 80 (1970) . Kynch , G. J., "A Theory of Sedimentation," Transactions Faraday Society , 48_, 166-176 (1952). Levin, P., "Disposal Systems and Characteristics of Solid Wastes Generated at Waste Water Treatment Plants," P roceedings 10th Sanita ry Engineering Conference , University of Illinois Bulletin £5, 115, 21 (1968). Mueller, J. A., Voelkel, K. G. , and Boyle, W. C, "Nominal Diameter of Floe Related to Oxygen Transfer," Journal Sanitary Engineering Division American Society of Civil Engineers , 92, SA2 , 9"20 (1966). 29 Reed, C, and Murphy, R. , "Low Temperature Activated Sludge Settling," Journal Sanitary Engineer ing Pi vi s ion Amer i can Societ y of C ivi 1_ Engineers , 95, SWTWFWI (1969). Roberts, E. J., "Colloidal Chemistry and Pulp Thickening," Transact ions American Institute of M i nin g and Metallurgical Engineer s, J_l_2, 178-188 (193*0 • Shannon, P. T., Stroupe, E., and Tory, E. M., "Batch and Continuous Thickening,' I ndustrial and Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals , 2, 203-211 ( 1 9 63) - Shannon, P. T., and Tory, E. M., "The Analysis of Continuous Thickening," Transactions American Institute of Mining Engineers, 235, 375 _ 382 TisSST Shindala, A., Pust, J. V., and Champion, H. L., "Accelerated Pigestion of Concentrated Sludge," W ater and Sewage Works , 1 17 , 9, 329~332 (1970). Sleeth, R. E., "Further Experience in the Use of Polyelectrolytes for Sludge Conditioning at Worthing," Effluent and Water Treatment Journal , j_o, 10, 582-591 (1970) . Stewart, M. J., "Activated Sludge Process Variables - the Complete Spectrum," Water and Sewage Works , R260-262 (196*0 • Talmage, W. P., and Fitch, E. B., "Oetermining Thickener Unit Areas," Industrial and Engineering Chemistry , kj_, 38-41 (1955). Wood, R. F., "The Effect of Sludge Characteristics upon the Flotation of Bulked Activated Sludge," Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Poctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois, Urbana, H»3 pp. (1970). Yoshioka, N., Hotta, Y., Tanaka, S., Nlaito, S., and Tsugami , S., "Continuous Thickening of Homogeneous Flocculated Slurries," Chemical Eng ine ering (Tokyo) , 21, 66-7** (1957). 30 APPENDIX I THE SLUDGE VOLUME INDEX - WHAT IS IT? by Richard I . Dick and P. Aarne Vesi 1 i nd Reproduced from Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation Volume 41, No. 7, Pages 1285-1291 July, 1969 31 © Copyright as part of the July 19(59, Journal Watch Poi Federation, Washington, D. C, 20016 Printed in U. S. A. THE SLUDGE VOLUME INDEX— WHAT IS IT? Richard I. Dick and P. Aarne Vesilind The sludge volume index (SVI), introduced by Mohlman (1) in 1934, has become the standard measure of the physical characteristics of acti- vated sludge solids. It is defined as "the volume in ml occupied by 1 g activated sludge after settling the aerated liquor for 30 min" (2). The sludge density index, introduced by Donaldson (3), is the reciprocal of the SVI multiplied by 100. Both of these indices originally were intended to be rough measures of sludge settle- ability to be used in the everyday operation of waste treatment plants as means for monitoring the physical con- dition of activated sludge. Because of the simplicity of the SVI test, how- ever, it has been applied widely for purposes for which it was not intended originally. The general acceptance of this ar- bitrary parameter as a basic measure of the physical properties of activated sludge solids is indicated by its wide- spread use both in the operation of waste treatment facilities and in re- search on waste treatment. For ex- ample, the SVI commonly is used in research applications to evaluate the effect of biological variables or physi- cal or chemical treatment on the prop- erties of sludge. Also, the SVI has been advocated as a means for estab- Bichard I. Dick is Associate Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, and P. Aarne Vesilind is associated with the Norsk Institutt for Vann- forskning, Oslo, Norway. At the time this paper was prepared, Br. Vesilind was Re- search Associate, Department of Environ- mental Science and Engineering, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Caro- lina. lishing the required sludge recircula- tion rate or for calculating the mixed liquor suspended solids concentration which can be maintained in the aera- tion tank. The most common use of the parameter, of course, has been in monitoring waste treatment plant op- eration and in comparing the settling characteristics of various sludges. In the standard SVI test, sludge volume is observed after a uniformly mixed sample of sludge has settled quiescently for 30 min in a standard 1-1 graduated cylinder. The vol- ume occupied by the sludge after this period of settling depends on both the initial settling rate and the subsidence characteristics at the higher sludge concentrations. Two different acti- vated sludges, both of which have the same initial suspended solids concen- tration and identical 30-min sediment volumes, will have identical SVI val- ues. However, the settling properties of the two sludges may be grossly dif- ferent (Figure 1). Since the SVI de- fines only one point on the settling curve, it is not a precise measure of settling characteristics. If the SVI then is not a measure of the sludge settling characteristics, what is it? What properties of acti- vated sludge influence its magnitude? Does it quantitatively describe physi- cal properties which are indicative of the behavior of the full-scale process? Can meaningful comparisons be made between the values of the SVI in various plants? The purpose of this paper is to propose answers to the above ques- tions. The limitations of the SVI test are discussed and alternate means 32 JOURNAL WPCF July ]9G9 of describing the basic physical prop- erties of activated sludge are sug- gested. Factors Influencing the Sludge Volume Index Suspended Solids Concentration If the sludge volume index were some fundamental measure of the sol- ids which comprise activated sludge, then some orderly relationship between the concentration of sludge solids and the sludge volume index would be ex- pected. Sludge volume index deter- minations were conducted using vari- ous concentrations of sludge from sev- eral activated sludge plants. The re- sults (Figure 2) indicate that no con- sistent relationship seems to exist. The rapid increase of the SVI with increasing concentrations is because of the failure of the sludge to agglom- erate into a coarse, open lattice to permit settling. The formation of this open lattice structure, frequently re- ferred to as agglomeration, can be de- termined readily from observation. The failure to agglomerate is an arti- fact of cylinder diameter and does not occur necessarily in the full-scale plant (4). For very high suspended solids concentrations [greater than 6,000 mg/1 for plants E and A2 (Figure 2)] the sludge still may not agglomerate ; but since the maximum possible SVI 10 20 TIME.min FIGURE 1.— These two sludges, with grossly different settling characteristics, have identical SVI values. "0 5000 IOPOO 15,000 SUSPENDED SOUDS CONCENTRATION, mg/jt FIGURE 2.— There is no consistent re- lationship between suspended solids con- centration and SVI. of a sludge decreases as concentration increases, the greater concentrations tend to decrease the SVI. Maximum possible SVI values are shown in Fig- ure 2 as a function of concentration. To illustrate, a sludge of 10,000 mg/1 solids, even if it did not settle at all, still would have a maximum SVI equal to 1,000 ml/lOg (or 100 ml/g) which generally is considered to be a desir- able SVI value. Clearly, therefore, the SVI of a sludge is highly depen- dent on its suspended solids concen- tration. SVI values measured at vari- ous solids concentrations vary widely (Figure 2). Yet SVI values com- monly are compared without regard to concentration. Rheological Characteristics Rheological characteristics are fun- damental measures of the physical characteristics of a suspension relat- ing to deformation and flow proper- ties. To determine if these properties consistently influence sludge volume index values, the relationships between the SVI and the yield strength and plastic viscosity of various sludges were determined using the viscometer and procedures described by Dick and Ewing (5) (Figures 3 and 4). Sludge yield strength was not related to SVI values in a consistent fashion (Figure 33 Vol. 41, No. 7 SLUDGE VOLUME INDEX 3). Higher SVI values normally were associated with higher plastic viscosi- ties, but the relationship was not the same for all sludges (Figure 4). Thus it was substantiated that SVI is not a reflection of just these basic physical properties. Interface Velocity The initial sludge interface velocity obtained in batch settling tests is used widely as an indication of sludge set- tling characteristics. The relationship between the sludge volume index of sludge samples and their initial set- tling velocities in one-liter graduated cylinders was explored, and the re- sults (Figure 5) indicate that there is not a consistent, meaningful rela- tionship between the initial settling velocity and the SVI. Attempts also were made to relate the compression rate constant described by Roberts (6) to the SVI. Again, no meaningful cor- relation was obtained. Cylinder Diameter Because the SVI values have been used to predict possible underflow solids concentrations and thus required recirculation rates in full-scale plants, it is appropriate to explore the rela- tionship between settling behavior in the SVI test and in full-scale facili- 600 600 500 ^400- E _-300r- > 200 100- '0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 YIELD STRENGTH, dynes/sq cm FIGURE 3.— Sludge yield strength does not influence SVI in a consistent manner. 002 004 006 008 010 0.12 PLASTIC VISCOSITY, dyne sec/sq cm FIGURE 4.— The SVI is not related to plastic viscosity in a consistent manner. ties. The diameter of the standard one-liter cylinder in which SVI mea- surements are made may influence re- sults. Unless the relationship between settling in small cylinders and settling in full-scale plants can be established, use of SVI values may yield mislead- ing predictions of full-scale settling behavior. The results of SVI experiments us- ing various sized cylinders (Figure 6) indicate that SVI values can be ob- tained that are appreciably greater or less than the value associated with the standard cylinder, and that the results from a one-liter cylinder may not be at all indicative of the true sludge settling characteristics. In addition, it does not seem likely that a consis- tent relationship between SVI and set- tling in prototype tanks is possible. In this light, it is interesting to note that researchers working with small volumes of sludge often conduct "SVI" measurements in 100-ml grad- uated cylinders. The effect of cylin- der diameter on settling characteristics has been described more thoroughly by Vesilind (7). Initial Depth The 1-1 graduated cylinders used for the SVI tests are approximately 14 in. (35.6) cm tall. Intial depth, 3^ JOURNAL Wl'CK July however, has a considerable influence on the sludge settling rate. For various concentrations of 3 activated sludges, settling velocities in 14-in. (35.6-cm) columns were found to be from 18 to 84 percent of the settling velocities attainable in much taller cylinders (8). The lower settling velocities in short columns are thought to be caused by the increased support provided by underlying solids. Depth affects different sludges differently, in- dicating that if the settling character- istics of several sludges are to be com- pared, the tests should be conducted in relatively tall cylinders. Temperature The effect of temperature on the settling of sludge was studied by Ru- dolfs and Lacy in 1934 (9) and their data permit calculation of SVI values (Figure 7). Clearly, the SVI is influ- enced considerably by the temperature under which the tests are conducted, as would be expected because of viscosity changes. Hence, temperature changes alone can be expected to cause appre- ciable changes in SVI values. Two sludges with the same SVI value may 300 i i r PLANT D 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 1.2 INTERFACE VELOCITY, iaAnin FIGURE 5. — The initial sludge interface velocity, used widely as an indication of sludge settling properties, is not related consistently to SVI. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 CYLINDER DIAMETER, in. FIGURE 6.— The effect of cylinder diam- eter on SVI is shown. not be similar if they are taken from two treatment plants with different waste temperatures. Also, seasonal changes in SVI, not related to sludge solids properties, may occur within a given plant. Stirring The effect of stirring on sludge set- tling is complex. Stirring is thought to (a) aid in the agglomeration of the sludge and (6) destroy the bridging within a sludge bed in small cylinders. Both of the effects of stirring result in better settling (4). Because actual settling basins are not quiescent, stirring in test cylinders may tend to yield more realistic re- sults. The results of a series of ex- periments using slow stirring (1 rpm) (Figure 8) indicate that stirring re- duces SVI values significantly. Note that in the stirred tests the SVI still was not independent of the concen- tration of suspended solids. The relationship between the quies- cent and stirred SVI values is shown on Figure 9. Here the SVI values are expressed as a percent of quiescent test SVI with a value less than 100 indicating a beneficial effect of stir- ring. All of the sludge tested ex- hibited better settling under stirred conditions. However the degree of improvement varied with different sludges, and no meaningful correla- tion existed between the stirred and quiescent tests. 35 Vol. 41, No. 7 SUJPOE YOUJUK INDEX Discussion The data indicate that sludge vol- ume index is a very nonspecific, arbi- trary measure of the physical charac- teristics of activated sludge. The test does not provide an indication of the settling velocity, since only one point on the settling curve is recorded. Neither is the test a measure of the compactability of the sludge since it is conceivable that, at the end of 30 min, the interface still would be set- tling at a constant rate. It therefore is difficult to say exactly what the test does measure, and therein lies its major difficulty. It is not related consist- ently to any basic physical property, but rather represents the combined influence of all of the various physical properties of the sludge. Regrettably, the relative influence of particular physical properties on the SVI changes from sludge to sludge and, indeed, be- tween various concentrations of the same sludge. In addition, the sludge volume in- dex is not a representative measure of the settling characteristics of sludge in full-scale settling basins because of 300 200- 100 '0 10 20 30 40 TEMPERATURE °C 50 300 250 200 150 100 50 0. PLANT 0-NOT STIRRED ] rPLANT D-STIRRED / / •^ rPLANT E-NOT -<*/ / /X STIRRED -PLANT E- STIRRED STIRRING RATE = I rpm FIGURE 7.— Temperature affects the SVI value of sludge considerably. 4000 8000 12000 SUSPENDED SOUDS CONCENTRATOR mg/fl FIGURE 8.— Slow stirring may affect the SVI significantly. the artificial settling conditions cre- ated in laboratory settling tests. Therefore, it cannot be used quantita- tively to predict performance of set- tling basins. The problems which may result from the misuse of the SVI are numerous. For example, errors inevitably would result if the SVI was used to predict required recycle rates. The selection of design parameters for full-scale treatment plants based on pilot-plant SVI values may result in serious over- or under-design. Research results which rely on the SVI as a primary measure of sludge characteristics may be questionable because of the insensi- tivity of the SVI to actual changes in the sludge physical characteristics. What, then, is the value of measur- ing SVI, and what beneficial use can be made of SVI values? The sole vir- tues of the determination would seem to be that it can be conducted with relative ease, and through usage, has acquired a "meaning" which permits its use as an operational tool. The determination provides a very con- venient test for monitoring changes in performance of a particular plant. Comparisons of SVI values from vari- ous plants, however, apparently are meaningless because the test probably measures different properties of dif- ferent sludges. 36 JOURNAL WPCF July LOGO Use of the SVI test as an operational tool to monitor changes in sludge char- acteristics in a given plant would seem to be the only valid application of the measurement. Sludge volume index values based on pilot-plant data can- not be used to calculate the thickening performance of final settling basins or to determine required recycle rates. It would seem particularly inappropri- ate to use the SVI in research appli- cations. More fundamental measures of physical characteristics are required in these cases. It is suggested that alternate, more meaningful measurements of the phys- ical characteristics of activated sludge be used where possible. One basic measure which can be determined with about the same ease as the .SVI is the initial settling velocity associated with various concentrations of activated sludge solids. This is determined by finding the slope of the interface sub- sidence curve of activated sludge solids in a comparatively large stirred set- tling column. It also may be possible to relate the interface velocities to the concentration by an equation such as v =ae bC where v and C are the inter- face velocity and concentration, re- spectively, e is the base of the natural 90 y 8 i 70 S 60- 50- 40- 20 10- PLANT D PLANT C STIRRING RATE "0 4000 8000 12,000 SUSPENDED SOLIDS CONCENTRATION, mg/t FIGURE 9.— AU of the sludges tested exhibited lower SVI values under stirred conditions. log, and a and /; are constants (7). Use of these constants may afford a method by which the settling charac- teristics of different sludges may be compared. Another possibility, suggested by Dick and Ewing (,9), is that ideologi- cal measures, such as yield strength and plastic viscosity, be used to do- scribe fundamental physical properties of activated sludge. It is realized that some of these alternate methods of measuring sludge properties are influenced by variables such as temperature and concentration just as the sludge volume index is. However, the influence is direct and predictable, whereas the effect of such variables on the SVI is indirect and subtle. This is because the sludge vol- ume index may be influenced to vary- ing degrees by several physical prop- erties of the sludge, and each of these properties is influenced in a different way by a change in temperature or concentration. A thorough investiga- tion is required, with many different sludges, to develop a test which will be a true measure of the sludge settling characteristics and physical proper- ties. Until better methods are devel- oped, SVI still is a useful test for in- plant control. The value of SVI in research and design applications, how- ever, seems to be limited, and other, more basic measures should be used. The disadvantages of the alternate parameters suggested for measuring sludge characteristics is that 35 yr of experience are not available to aid in interpreting the meaning of individual measurements as is the case with the sludge volume index. Ultimately, adoption of measures more meaning- ful than the sludge volume index may be helpful for use in control and im- provement of the activated sludge process. Accumulation of experience with more basic measures of sludge properties, perhaps obtained along with SVI measurements, would seem desirable. 37 Vol. 41, No. 7 SLUDGE VOLUME INDEX Summary The sludge volume index test does not measure basic physical properties of activated sludge. As an operational tool for in-plant control, the test is useful, but comparisons of sludge vol- ume index measurements from vari- ous plants are not meaningful. Re- sults of SVI tests cannot be used with certainty to predict settling behavior in full-scale plants. Even for in-plant control, alternate measures of settling characteristics probably would be more useful. For research applications, alternate mea- sures of physical properties of acti- vated sludge such as settling velocity, yield strength, and plastic viscosity should be used. Acknowledgments This work was supported at the Uni- versity of Illinois by Research Grant WP 01011 from the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration and at the University of North Carolina by Research Grant WP 00569 from the National Institutes of Health. References 1. Mohlman, F. W., "The Sludge Index." Sew. Works Jour., 6, 1, 119 (Jan. 1934). 2. "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater." 12th Ed., Amer. Pub. Health Assn., New York, N. Y. (1965). 3. Donaldson, W., "Some Notes on the Op- eration of Sewage Treatment Works." Sew. Works Jour., 4, 1, 48 (Jan. 1932). 4. Vesilind, P. A., "The Influence of Stir- ring in the Thickening of Biological Sludge." Ph.D. thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. (19G8). 5. Dick, R. I., and Ewing, B. B., "The Rhe ology of Activated Sludge." Tins Journal, 39, 4, 543 (Apr. 1907). C. Roberts, E. J., "Thickening— Art or Sci- ence?" Mining Eng., 1, 61 (1949). 7. Vesilind, P. A., "Discussion of Evalua- tion of Activated Sludge Thickening Theories by R. I. Dick and B. B. Ewing. ' ' Jour. San Eng. Div., Proc. Amer. Sor. Civil Engr., 94, SA1, 185 (1968). 8. Dick, R. I., and Ewing, B. B., "Evalua- tion of Activated Sludge Thicken- ing Theories." Jour. San. Eng. Div., Proc. Amer. Soc. Civil Engr., 93, SA4, 9 (1967). 9. Rudolfs, W., and Lacy, I. O., "Settling and Compacting of Activated Sludge." Sew. Works Jour., 6, 4, 647 (July 1934). 38 APPENDIX I THE EFFECT OF POLYMER FLOCCULATION ON THE SETTLING BEHAVIOR OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE by George A. Farnsworth and Richard I . Dick Prepubl icat ion Manuscript 33 THE EFFECT OF THE DEGREE OF FLOCCULATION ON THE BASIC SETTLING BEHAVIOR OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE George A. Fransworth and Richard I. Dick The efficiency, mode of operation, and cost of treatment by the activated sludge process depend to a considerable degree on the efficiency of the final settling operation. It follows that if close control and economical design of the process are to be achieved, settling tank design practices should be based on a firm conception of the fundamental factors governing the settling and thickening of activated sludge. The more prac- ticable aspects of final settling tank design and the influence of the design on the overall activated sludge process have been considered else- where (Dick, 1970b). The work reported here (Farnsworth, I967) was part of a more fundamental investigation of the settling properties of acti- vated sludge. ACTIVATED SLUDGE SEDIMENTATION Sedimentation of a concentrated "ideal" suspension comprised of par- ticles of uniform size and shape has been described by Kynch (1952). His model has been shown to provide an accurate description of the sedimenta- tion of suspensions such as glass beads (Shannon and Tory, 1965) and sand grains (Dick and Ewing, 1967) ' n which fluid drag and gravity are the only forces acting on the particles. However, considerable deviations from Kynch's theory have been found with flocculant suspensions such as clay (Gaudin and Fuerstena, 1962) and activated sludge (Dick and Ewing, 1967) . George A. Farnsworth is Public Works Officer, Centerville Beach Naval Facility, Ferndale, California, and Richard I. Dick is Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana. *t0 Dick and Ewing (1967) showed that existence of a continuous structure within activated sludge even at normal mixed liquor suspended solids concentrations caused a dependence of settling velocity upon sludge depth. Experimentally, they found the relationship between sludge depth, D, and settling velocity, v, to be where R is the intercept on the ordinate axis of a plot of D/v as a function of D and S is the slope of the curve. The form of the relationship has been confirmed by Vesilind (1968) and others. When R in equation (l) is zero or as D approaches infinity, v - v u - I (2) where v is the "ultimate settling velocity" or the velocity at which the interface would subside if it received no support from underlying sludge. Hence, the reciprocal of S is a measure of the settling velocity of sludge if it conformed to Kynch's theory, and R, called the retardation factor, is a measure of the deviation of settling characteristics from those of an ideal suspension. The retardation factor has been found (Dick and Ewing, 1967) to vary with suspended solids concentration, e, according to the relationsh ip R = ge hc (3) where g and h are constants for a given sludge. OBJECTIVES The objective of the study was to determine the effects of changes in the degree of flocculation of activated sludge on its settling characteris- tics. An extent of flocculation was adjusted by adding a synthetic organic h) polyelectrolyte and the effect on zone settling velocity as a function of initial sludge depth was observed in order to determine the ultimate settling velocity and retardation factor for each condition of f locculation . Inasmuch as the value of g in equation (3) must be zero for an ideal suspension, and because the values of g and h were previously found to be related to the biological (Dick and Ewing, 19&7) ar| d rheological (Dick, 1970a) characteristics of the sludge, it was anticipated that the effect of the degree of f locculation on the settling characteristics of activated sludge might be interpreted in terms of the effects on the constants in equation (3) The main purpose of the work was to gain insight into the factors which control the basic physical behavior of activated sludge. Some information on the possible benefits of polymer induced sludge flocculation and on the interpretation of sedimentation tests using polymer conditioned sludge were also obtained. PROCEDURES A major difficulty in the work was to express quantitatively the degree to which sludge solids were agglomerated. Because the degree of flocculation relates to the extent to which the sludge solids agglomerate, and because this in turn influences the clarity of the liquid eliminated, turbidity of the supernatant liquid was used as a measure of the degree of flocculation This parameter has been found by others to be sensitive to changes in floc- culent dose (for example, by Black and Chen, 1965). It must be admitted however that use of the turbidity measurement was primarily an expedient dictated by the lack, at present, of a better measure of the degree of floc- culation. A nephelometer was used for turbidity measurements. Model 1800 manufactured by the Hach Chemical Col, Ames, Iowa. All sludge used in the study was taken from the Urbana-Champaign, Illinois Sanitary District main treatment plant. The effect of varying doses of a cationic polyelectrolyte, purifloc C 3 1 , on flocculation of the activated sludge is illustrated in Figure 1. Data are from tests in a six-place jar test apparatus using 15 min at 30 rpm followed by 30 min of quiescence. For purposes of this study, flocculant doses in the initial steep portion of the curve preceding the dosage for optimum flocculation were used in order to achieve maximum differences in the degree of floccu- lation. As would be expected, pH exerted a significant influence on flocculation. pH was monitored throughout the study to ascertain that all tests were conducted at the same value (7-1); however, pH adjustment was not found to be necessary. Sedimentation tests were conducted in 3-5 in. diameter settling columns using the equipment and procedures described by Dick and Ewing (1967). The suspended solids were determined using the Gooch crucible-glass fiber filter method described by Gratteau and Dick (1968). To assure that all tests were conducted on a sludge with the same basic physical properties, it was necessary to obtain all sludge used in the tests at one time and to complete the experiments in as short a period as possible. These requirements limited the study in two ways. Firstly, the number of different flocculent conditions had to be limited to three (0.0, 0.97, and 2.43 mg/purifloc C31/g sludge solids). Secondly, it was necessary to reuse sludge dosed with polymer for all settling tests at a given polymer dosage. Polymer was applied to the most concentrated sludge A product of Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Michigan. Manufactured by the Phipps and Byrd Co., Richmond, Virginia 43 sample and lesser concentrations were achieved by adding supernatant liquid from settled undosed sludge and mixed by aeration. It was recognized that reuse of dosed sludge was highly undesirable; however, random duplication of settling tests gave similar results. At each of the three flocculent conditions, settling tests were conducted at four different suspended solids concentrations. At each suspended solids concentration, five or six settling tests at various depths between 1 and 6 ft were used to define the relationship between settling velocity and depth. Also, two 3-5 ft control depths were obtained at each concentration to monitor for any temporal variation in sludge quality. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION At all degrees of flocculation and at all suspended solids concentrations the data conformed well to equation (l). Values of the retardation factor, as given by application of that formula, are shown for each of the three flocculent conditions in Figure 2. The influence of the degree of floccula- tion on the ultimate settling velocity (1/S) is illustrated in Figure 3. It is seen that the effect of flocculation was on the ideal settling velocity of the sludge particles and not on the extent of deviation from ideal con- ditions (as measured by the retardation factor). This suggests that the struc- tural forces between particles are not significantly influenced by polymers. This is consistent with results reported by Dell and Keleghan (1970) who found that neither flocculent type nor dosage influenced the compressibility of clay suspensions. The fact that polymers influence ultimate settling velocity but not the retardation factor means that the beneficial effect of polymers will be masked at shallow sludge depths if sludges have an appreciable retardation factor. This is illustrated in Figures k and 5 where the effect of polymer dosage on settling velocity at 5.0 and 2,5 ft initial depths is illustrated. Clearly, the difference between flocculated and unf locculated samples de- creased as depth diminished. This means that in laboratory evaluation of the feasibility of polymer addition it would be important to use effective depths comparable to those expected in the field. It is interesting to note that the influence of polymers on the set- tling characteristics of the activated sludge was highly dependent upon suspended solids concentration (Figures 3, ^ , and 5). With the particular sludge used, polymers improved settling velocity for concentrations less than about 5250 mg/1 but caused reduction in settling velocity at higher concentrations . SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The influence of the degree of flocculation of activated sludge was investigated to gain insight into the factors which control the fundamental physical properties of the material. A synthetic organic polyelectrolyte was used to vary the degree of flocculation, and settling velocity was the principal physical property observed. Flocculation significantly effects sludge interface settling velocity at large sludge depths and has less effect on settling velocity at low depths. This means that the principal effect of the degree of sludge floc- culation is on the ultimate settling velocity of sludge and not on the mag- nitude of interpart icle forces (or the retardation factor). While the purpose of this study was not to investigate the feasibility of using artificial flocculents in the activated sludge process, several cautions can be offered to those who are working in this area. Influence of polymers on settling velocity depends on sludge depth and hence laboratory tests must be conducted at effective depths comparable to those expected in the field. Furthermore, h5 the same polymer may improve settling characteristics of sludge at one con- centration but cause slower settling at another concentration. Hence, an evaluation must extend over a wide range of suspended solids concentrations. Implications of the work, are that polymer conditioning of activated sludge will not appreciably alter the concentration of sludge which is ulti- mately achievable by gravity thickening. However, the capacity of a thickener may be increased by polymer flocculation because settling velocities may be enhanced, and the concentration of the underflow from an activated sludge final settling tank may be increased if the tank is not operating near the ultimately achievable concentration. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was supported in part by Research Grant 17070 DJR from the Federal Water Quality Administration and by a traineeship from the U. S. Public Health Service. REFERENCES Dell, C. C. and Keloghan, W. T., "Compress ibi 1 i ty of Flocculated Clay Suspensions," Filtration and Separation , J_, k, 419-^21 (1970). Dick, R. I., "Thickening Characteristics of Activated Sludge," in Advances in Water Pollution Re s earch , Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Water Pollution Research, Prague, 1969, 625-6^2 (1970a). Dick, R. I., "Role of Activated Sludge Final Settling Tanks," Journal Sani t ary Engineering Division American Society of Civil Engineers , H7~SA2, Jt23-436 (1970b). Dick, R. I., and Ewing, B. B., "Evaluation of Activated Sludge Thickening Theories," Journal Sanitary Engineering Division American Society of Civil Engineers , 93, SAA, 9-29 (1967). Farnsworth, G. A., "The Effect of Induced Flocculation on the Settling and Thickening Behavior of Activated Sludge," Civil Engineering Studies, Sanitary Engineering Series No. hi, 5^ pp (1967). k6 Gaudin, A. M., and Fuerstena, N. C, "Experimental and Mathematical Model of Thickening," Trans. Society Mining Eng. , 223 , 122-229 (1962). Gratteau, J. C, and Dick, R. I., "Activated Sludge Suspended Solids Determinations," Water and Sewage Works , 115, 10, 468-^72 ( 1 968) . Kynch , G. J., "A Theory of Sedimentation," Trans. Faraday Society , 48 , 166-176 (1952) . Shannon, P. T., and Tory, E. M., "Settling of Slurries," Industria l and E ngineering Chemistry , 57 , 18-25 (1965). Vesilind, P. A., "The Influence of Stirring in the Thickening of Biological Sludge," Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of North Carolina (1968). hi w 3 200 «oo 6.00 aoo iooo Purifioc C3I Dose, mg Purifkx/gm Solids Fig. ] Effect of Polymer Dose on Degree of F 1 occu 1 a t ion 1*8 500 300 100 50 -O- mg/g Punfloc C 31 -A- 97 mg/g Punfloc C3I -O— 2 43 mg/g Punfloc C 31 2000 4000 Solids Concentration, mg/£ 6000 Fig. 2 Relation Between Suspended Solids Concentration and Retardation Factor 49 ?0 65 D rr>g/g Puntloc C 3l • '• 9' mg/g Punfloc C 3i T c 4 3 mg/g Pun'ioc C 3' mg, g 20OO 40O0 600O Solids Concentration, mg/jC Fig. 3 Influence of Degree of Flocculation on Ultimate Settling Velocity c E 05 c nng 'g p j nfloc C 3! - ^ 9 7 mg/g Pjnfioc C 3l :: 2 43 mg/g Pjr,f,oc C 3> - N \ Vs. mg/g \j A -0 97 mg, g \S Z 43 mg/c »A On \\ 2000 4000 6000 Solids Concentration, mq/JL Fig. k Influence of Degree of Flocculation on Settling Velocity at an Initial Sludge Depth of 5.00 ft 50 in mg/g Purifloc C 31 A 97 mg/g Purifloc C 31 15 ~n 2 43 mg/g Purifloc C 31 10 X > .— 97 \v mg^j — . ^v ^ mg/g 005 2 43 mg/g \ .. I 1 - 1 2000 4000 6000 Solids Concentration , mq/4 Fig. 5 Influence of Degree of Flocculation on Settling Velocity at an Initial Sludge Depth of 2.50 ft 51 APPENDIX I I I THICKENING CHARACTERISTICS OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE by Richard I . Dick Reproduced from Advances in Water Pollution Research Proceedings of kth International Conference on Water Pollution Research Held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, April 1969, Pages 625-642 1970 52 Reprinted from ADVANCES IN WATER POLLUTION RESEARCH Proceedings of the 4th International Conference held in Prague 1969 Edited by S. H. JENKINS PERGAMON PRESS - OXFORD AND NEW YORK 1969 THICKENING CHARACTERISTICS OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE Richard I. Dick University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A. INTRODUCTION Consolidation of sludge to high concentrations in the final settling tank is necessary for economical performance of the activated sludge process. The amount of organic material which can be applied to an activated sludge treatment plant depends on the mixed liquor suspended solids concentration, and this concentration is related to the degree of thickening accomplished in the final settling tank. Furthermore, the cost of disposing of the excess solids synthesized in the process depends on the concentration at which they are wasted from the final settling tank. Improvement in the ability of final settling tanks to accomplish their clarification and thickening functions could decrease significantly the cost of new plants and increase the capacity of existing ones. A basic understanding of the settling behavior of activated sludge must be acquired to permit development of rational and workable design criteria to accomplish such improvement. Attention is given in this paper to basic factors which influence the solids handling capacity of activated sludge. CONVENTIONAL THEORIES OF THICKENING Coe and Clevenger (1916) introduced the concept of solids handling capacity. Each concentration of a suspension was shown to have a certain capacity to discharge its solids. The minimum, or limiting, solids handling capacity of the suspension must be used to establish the area of a settling basin if thickening of underflow to the desired concentration is to be accomplished. If insufficient area is provided, the solids will queue above the location of the rate-limiting concentration of the suspension, and ultimately pass over the effluent weir along with the "clarified" effluent. Confirmation and clarification of Coe and Clevenger's concepts were provided by Kynch (1952). He presented a mathematical analysis of thickening based, not on consideration of fundamental factors controlling subsidence of suspensions, but, rather, on the arbitrary assumption that "at any point in a dispersion the velocity of fall of a particle depends only on the local concentration of particles." The analysis serves as the fundamental basis for present practices for determining the required area of thickeners. When concentration increases to the extent that particles begin to rest on one another (when the "compression point" is reached) different thickening concepts are presumed to apply (Roberts, 1949). While the solids handling capacity of the "freely" settling suspension is considered to establish the required area of a thickener, consolidation characteristics are considered to dictate the volume required. This paper only deals with matters related to the area requirement. 53 Richard I. Dick More complete reviews of conventional thickening theories have been presented by Behn (1957), Fitch (1962), and Dick and Ewing (1967b). APPLICABILITY OF THICKENING THEORIES The Kynch analysis forms a valuable framework for understanding the behavior of freely settling suspensions. For suspensions which conform to Kynch's assumptions, the analysis affords a precise description of settling behavior (Shannon et ai, 1964, Dick and Ewing, 1967b). Suspensions with physical characteristics which are less ideal may not conform to settling behavior predicted by the Kynch analysis because they violate assumptions on which the mathematical analysis is based. Still the Kynch analysis serves as a valuable basis for identifying deviant settling behavior and for intercepting causes of such deviations. The settling behavior of activated sludge has been found to be inconsistent with the Kynch analysis (Dick and Ewing, 1967b). The initial "free 1 constant-rate settling velocity of comparatively dilute concentrations of activated sludge varies with sludge depth according to the expression n (1) where D is the initial depth of uniformly dispersed sludge, and R and 5 are constants which characterize the settling behavior of a given concentration of a particular activated sludge. The magnitude of R, the retardation factor, is a measure of the extent to which the settling velocity of activated sludge is retarded by causes not considered in the Kynch analysis. The settling velocity that a sludge would have if it settled like the ideal suspension in prevalent theories of thickening is given by 1 /S and is termed the ultimate settling velocity, v u . If settling velocity depended only on concentration in accordance with prevailing concepts, there would be no dependence on depth ; that is R would be zero. An appreciation of the significance of this deviant settling behavior of activated sludge may be gained from Fig. 1 where observed settling velocities for several activated sludges are plotted as a percentage of v u . The purpose of the present study was to investigate the cause of this non-deal settling behavior. THICKENING MODEL To assume, with Kynch, that the settling velocity of a given suspension is a function only of local particle concentration is equivalent to assuming that only fluid forces act on sludge particles. Although Kynch did not explore the nature of these forces, the relationship between particle concentration and settling velocity of suspensions has been developed by others — notably Vand (1948). Inasmuch as the settling charac- teristics of activated sludge do not conform to these concepts, even at suspended solids concentrations found in mixed liquor, it is necessary to introduce additional forces which act on sludge particles to influence their settling behavior. In this conceptual model, the additional forces of significance are considered to be forces transmitted through interparticle contacts. Conventionally such forces are not considered to exist until the compaction point is reached and compression begins. 5h Thickening Characteristics of Activated Sludge Figure 2 shows a mass of sludge of unit cross-sectional area and depth, D, along with representation of the forces considered to be acting on the sludge. The free body diagram shows the sludge at the onset of sedimentation when the solids are uniformly distributed. The sludge is considered to settle en masse with floe particles maintaining their relative positions one to another. As sedimentation occurs, the flocculent structure - / — 1 1 1 — T / 4^ -1 / i i 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 DEPTH , m Fig. 1. Extent of deviation of activated sludge settling behavior from that of an ideal suspension is envisioned to collapse against the bottom of the container. Acceleration is considered to have ceased so that the net force on the sludge mass is zero, or Fw = F B + F d + Fs (2) where F w is the downward force due to weight of sludge solids, F B is the upward force due to buoyancy, Fd is the drag force resisting downward movement of sludge, and Fs is the resistance to subsidence due to the compressive strength of the structure of flocculent particles. The forces due to the weight and buoyancy of the sludge may be combined in a single force, F E , representing the effective weight of the solids in the liquid. For a particular 55 Richard 1. Dick sludge, the effective weight of solids per unit cross-sectional area will vary directly with depth and concentration, so that F E = K\cD (3) where the constant, Ku includes basic physical properties of the solids and suspending liquid. UNIT AREA Fig. 2. Definition sketch for thickening model The drag force acting on the descending sludge, or, its equivalent, the resistance offered by the sludge particles to the escape of displaced fluid, depends on the nature of the flow regime. It is estimated that the order of magnitude of Reynolds number for flow through activated sludge is near the approximate upper limit for laminar flow through porous media. On this basis, it would be expected that, in the micro- structure of flow through sludge, localized, turbulence occurs to the extent that inertial forces contribute significantly to the total drag on the sludge mass (Schneebeli, 1955). In the absence of precise knowledge of the flow regime, versions of the model were developed for both laminar and turbulent flow to describe the two possible extremes in fluid behavior. The subscripts L and T are used to distinguish the two versions. 56 Thickening Characteristics of Activated Sludge The value of Fn with laminar interstitial flow may be expressed as the sum of drag forces on the individual floe particles which comprise the sludge mass. The general expression for the drag resisting movement of a body through a fluid, F D = C D A P -?f- (4) may be applied. In laminar flow the coefficient of drag, C D , is related inversely to Reynolds number, and hence drag varies with the first power of velocity. Also, for a single concentration of a particular sludge the collective projected area of the flocculated particles in the sludge mass, A, is a direct function of depth. Hence* F Dl = K 2 Dv L (5) where K 2 reflects physical properties of the fluid and parameters related to the floccu- Ient nature of the sludge and is constant only for a particular sludge at a single con- centration and temperature, and vl is a representative velocity which may be taken as the interface subsidence rate. If, as an extreme, displaced liquid is considered to escape by fully-developed turbulent flow, fluid drag becomes independent of Reynolds number and hence is proportional to the square of the subsidence velocity, orf F Dt = K 3 Dv% (6) The constant reflects physical properties of the suspending medium and physical characteristics of the solids which establish the size of flow channels and is constant only for one concentration of a given sludge. The subsidence rate of the sludge mass may be evaluated by combining equations (2), (3) and (5) (or 6). For the laminar flow model, K\ Fs ,-,, VL = K, C -K^D (7) and for the turbulent flow model, V \K 3 K s Dj CHARACTERISTICS OF THICKENING MODEL In either the laminar or turbulent flow model, settling velocity is dependent solely on particle concentration (in accordance with the Kynch analysis) only when the second term on the right side of equations (7) and (8) is insignificant. Settling velocity is also a function of depth whenever the suspension possesses structure which must collapse to permit subsidence. The extent of retardation caused by a given value of Fs is dependent upon the magnitude of K 2 (or K s in the turbulent version). A suspension * If it is preferred to visualize laminar flow in subsiding sludge as analogous to flow through porous media, equation (5) may be derived from Darcy's law. t Equation (6) may also be derived from the Darcy-Weisbach expression for flow through pipes 57 Richard I. Dick which settles slowly in the absence of retardation due to Fs will be relatively less affected by structural retardation than one which settles rapidly when unretarded. Figure 3 shows the basic form of either version of the model. The deviation from prevailing thickening theory when Fs has a finite value and the resemblance of the deviant behavior to observed activated sludge settling characteristics is illustrated. /—MODEL WITH F s = ^f — MODEL WITH ^"F s = FINITE VALUE // / /i 1 i FORM OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA DEPTH, D Fig. 3. General form of thickening model The model is, however, somewhat defective in that it indicates that, at some small depth, sludge will stand without settling. This occurs when the depth is so small that the effective weight of the sludge equals the structural support force. Then the drag force — and hence the settling velocity — must equal zero. Although experimental determination of settling velocities of shallow depths of activated sludge is difficult, a zone of clarified water develops in time at the top of the shallowest of sludge depths. The defect in the model is understandable. Consolidation of the structure within activated sludge is probably a viscoelastic process which continues at low loadings (i.e. shallow depths) by the process of creep or plastic flow. From time to time con- nections between adjacent floe particles may break and reform in an unstressed posi- tion. This results in a redistribution of interparticle stresses and contributes to subsequent failure of other connections. The time-dependent failure of the structure of activated sludge is likely related to its lyophilic nature. Particles in activated sludge probably are not in actual contact, but are separated by liquid films. The deformation characteristics of sludge might, then, be related to the nature of the interparticle films rather than, or in addition to, mechanical properties of the particles. Such films are comprised of water which has a high degree of orientation and exists in a quasi-solid state (Frank and Evans, 1945). A matrix of such quasi-solid films could account for the difference between observed settling behavior and the form of the model, for deformation to permit subsidence would occur under all conditions — not just when the equivalent weight of sludge exceeded Fs. 58 Thickening Characteristics of Activated Sludge COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENTAL SETTLING DATA For convenience, equations (7) and (8) may be written as b L v L = a L -- and b T \ D v T j{ GT (9) (10) where the values of a and b are apparent from comparison with the previous equations. Direct determination of the constants a and b is not possible, for Fs, Ki, and K-a cannot be evaluated directly. The values of a and b, however, can be computed from the experimentally determinable parameters R and 5 (equation 1). MODEL WITH MODEL WITH F„=0 FORM OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA DEPTH, D Fig. 4. Form of D/v vs. D plots From equation (1) it is seen that S is the slope of a plot of D\v as a function of D, and R is the intercept on the D\v axis as illustrated in Fig. 4. In terms of the laminar flow model, then, d ( D\ d S L dD \v L ) dD\ b L ) (11) Differentiation gives S L a L D* - 2b L D (a L D - b L f (12) Because of the defect described in the previous section, Sl is not a constant, but is depth dependent (the Djv vs. D plot for the model only asymptotically approaches 59 Richard I. Dick the straight line found experimentally). The retardation factor, R, for the model may be taken as the back extrapolate of the tangent to any point on the curve in Fig. 4. Thus, Rl DS l Substituting equations (9) and (12) and simplifying gives Rl = b L D* (a L D - b L f (13) (14) The values of S and R for the turbulent model may be derived in a similar fashion. Representative batch settling tests at various initial sludge depths were conducted to generate DjV vs. D plots for various concentrations of several activated sludges. Values of R and S were then determined from the data and a and b were evaluated by simultaneous solution of equations (13) and (14) (or their counterparts in the turbu- lent version) for selected values of D. Typical results are shown in Figs. 5 and 6 for two concentrations of activated sludge from a treatment plant designated as A. Because the constants in the model were computed from observed data, the figures do not constitute confirmation of the validity of the model. However, they demon- strate the basic agreement of the form of the model with experimental data. At low degrees of retardation (Fig. 5, R = 0.8 min) differences between the experimental and model curves due to the defect in the model were minimal, while differences be- come more pronounced with higher degrees of retardation (Fig. 6, R = 6.3 min). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SETTLING AND RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR To confirm the validity of the thickening model, it is necessary to show that activated sludge does, indeed, possess internal structure at comparatively dilute suspended solids concentrations and that the effect of such structure is quantitatively described by the model. To do this, sedimentation and rheological properties of activated sludge from three municipal activated sludge plants of widely varying characteristics were examined concurrently. The experiments were conducted over the range of suspended solids concentrations which might occur in the final settling tank in the plant from which each sludge was collected. Table 1 shows the conditions which existed in the three waste treatment plants at the time samples were obtained. Table 1 . Properties of Activated Sludges Used Source of sludge Suspended solids concentration Sludge volume index mg/1. (ml/g) Mixed liquor Return sludge Organic loading g B.O.D./day g sludge solids Plant A 2280 8230 75 0.14 Plant B 4350 7420 55 0.06 Plant C 1225 2820 300 1.35 60 Thickening Characteristics of Activated Sludge i 1 r v 8 Q Q 55 Q cr -J H -«e m o o O 2 5 »- Z < < Q tf) CO UJ Ul UJ UJ to o o oq O O OSS oas/ujo «AllD0n3A 9Nnil3S. 61 Richard I. Dick O Q < < in v> Q Q o o 2 5 9 m 8 Q O Q (/) Q Q Q fflOOO O S 5 2 I! < It si 09S/UJ0 *AllOOn3A 9NH113S 62 Thickening Characteristics of Activated Sludge The sedimentation properties of interest were those which measure the deviations from ideal settling behavior — R and 5. The comparative settling characteristics of the three sludges have been described previously (Dick and Ewing, 1967b). The rheological property of interest was one which could account for internal rigidity — the yield strength. Measurements were made with a viscometer adapted for use with activated sludge. Results of the rheological studies are described elsewhere (Dick and Ewing, 1967a). For all sludges both the yield strength and retardation factor varied exponentially with suspended solids concentration. It follows that a relationship of the form R = mr n y (15) relates R and the yield strength, r y , of activated sludges where m and n are constants. Figure 7 illustrates the relationship. The equation does not, however, necessarily show a cause-and-effect relationship but could merely reflect a mutual dependence on suspended solids concentration. A more meaningful indication of the relationship between observed settling be- havior and the rheological properties of sludge can be obtained by modifying the mathematical expression of the thickening model to give a relationship between yield strength and thickening properties. In the case of the laminar version of the model, the equality of the denominators in equations (12) and (14) results in a L D 2 - 2b L D = b L D 2 Sl Rl Simplifying and substituting the expressions for at and bh gives cDRi (16) *s L Msifk) All values on the right side of the equation can be determined experimentally. It remains to express the structural support force in terms of yield strength. Although a quantitative relationship between the yield strength of a substance in shear and its confined compressive strength cannot be rigorously formulated, it is reasonable to expect that the same properties which determined the yield strength of a suspension are related to the structural support force, Fs. If the relationship is presumed to be linear ^-kA^-^^-A (18) / cDR L \ \ S L D + 2R L ) in which K4 is K\ modified to account for the relationship between Fs and r y . Similar derivation of the relationship between the settling and rheological parameters in the turbulent version of the model gives K 4 (_2cDR T \ (19) 63 Richard I. Dick The agreement between the rheological properties of activated sludge as measured in the viscometer and as computed from observed settling data based on the thickening model is illustrated in Fig. 8 and 9. The absolute value of the quantity plotted on the abscissa is irrelevant since the value of the constant, Ka, which relates it to r y cannot be measured. It is apparent, however, from the linear nature of the curves that the I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 — I I I I I I I 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.1 0.3 YIELD STRENGTH, dynes/sq cm Fig. 7. Relationship between retardation factor and yield strength Gh Thickening Characteristics of Activated Sludge 0.2 3 0.4 3 cDRASD + 2R) Fig. 8. Relationship between observed yield strength and relative magnitude of structural support — laminar model UJ 0.2- o.s o.s 2cOR/(SD + 3R) Fig. 9. Relationship between observed yield strength and relative magnitude of structural support — turbulent model 0.7 08 1 1 r — i — r 1 ■ i Plant A^. r V A \— Plant B - _X v - Plant C ...J . 1 . , i , ,. 1 ill. 65 Richard I. Dick relative magnitude of the structural support force computed from observed settling data is in basic agreement with the measured yield strength. The upper portion of the curves in Figs. 8 and 9 (corresponding to higher suspended solids concentrations) is not straight. In computing the relative magnitude of t,, from settling data using equations (18) and (19), the value of D was arbitrarily taken as 1 .22 m (4 ft) — the approximate mean of the settling depths observed experimentally. Because the defect in the model manifested itself at high degrees of retardation (Fig. 6), the effect of this assumption was to reduce the computed structural support force at high suspended solids concentrations but to leave it relatively unaffected at low con- centrations. Thus the nonlinear portion of the curves in Figs. 8 and 9 was expected. It will be recalled that the postulated model of sedimentation was something intermediate between the two versions of the mathematical model. The basic correla- tion between yield strength and observed settling characteristics exists for both the laminar (Fig. 8) and turbulent (Fig. 9) versions of the model. This is not to imply that both versions of the model are correct, but that either is plausible. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The settling characteristics of activated sludge differ from those of the ideal sus- pension on which gravity thickening theories are based. In this study, the "non- ideal" behavior of activated sludge was interpreted in terms of the rheological proper- ties of the suspension. A conceptual model of the hypothesized mechanism of subsidence of activated sludge was developed based on an analysis of forces acting on a mass of sludge. The resulting mathematical expression was inconsistent with prevailing theories of thicken- ing, but was in close agreement with the observed settling behavior of activated sludge. The relative magnitude of the interparticle force, as computed from laboratory settling data by use of the mathematical models was shown to be related to the yield strength of the same sludge as measured with a viscometer. It is concluded that the reason activated sludge fails to conform to prevailing theories of thickening is that it has a yield strength at ordinary mixed liquor suspended solids concentrations. This existence of interparticle forces causes a reduction in settling velocity which is not considered in present theories relating to the area requirement for thickeners. Contrary to prevailing thickening theories, the area of the thickening portion of a settling basin need not be considered to be inalterably established by the settling velocity of the rate-limiting concentration of activated sludge. The area can be re- duced, or the capacity of an existing basin can be increased, by minimizing the re- duction in settling velocity due to interparticle forces within the sludge. This can be done physically by controlling the depth and mixing conditions in the settling basin, or it can be done biologically by altering conditions in the activated sludge process to minimize the yield strength of the sludge. REFERENCES Behn, V. C. (1957) Settling behavior of waste suspensions, J. Sanit. Engng. Div. Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs, 83, SA5, 1-20. Coe, H. S. and Clevenger, G. H. (1916) Methods for determining the capacities of slime settling tanks, Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Engrs, 55, 356-84. 66 Thickening Characteristics of Activated Sludge Dick, R. I. and Ewing, B. B. (1967a) The rheology of activated sludge, J. Wat. Pollut. Control Fed 39, 543-60. Dick, R. I. and Ewing, B. B. (1967b) Evaluation of activated sludge thickening theories, J. Sanit. Engng. Div. Am. Soc. civ. Engrs, 93, SA4, 9-29. Fitch, B. (1962) Sedimentation process fundamentals, Trans. Am. hist. Min. Engrs, 223, 129-37. Frank, H. S. and Evans, M. W. (1945) Free volume and entropy in condensed systems, J. Chem. Phys. 13, 507-32. Kynch, G. J. (1952) A theory of sedimentation, Trans. Faraday Soc. 48, 166-76. Roberts, E. J. (1949) Thickening — art of science? Min. Engng, 1, 61-64. Schneebeli, G. (1955) Experiences sur la limite de validite de la loi de Darcy et 1'apparition de la turbulence dans en ecoulement de filtration, Houille blanche, 10, 141-9. Shannon, P. T., Dehaas, R. D., Stroupe, E. P. and Tory, E. M. (1964) Batch and continuous thickening, Ind. Engng Chem. Fundamentals, 3, 250-60. Vand, V. (1948) Viscosity of solutions and suspensions, J. Phys. Colloid Chem. 52, 277-321. 67 APPENDIX IV AGGREGATE SIZE VARIATIONS DURING THICKENING OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE by Ali R. Javaher i and Richard I . Dick Reproduced from Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation Volume k\ , No. 5, Part 2, Pages R197-R214 May, 1969 68 © Copyright as pnrt of the May 1909 Part 2, Joi'Rnal Water Pollution Control Federation, Washington, D. C. 20016 Printed in U. S. A. AGGREGATE SIZE VARIATIONS DURING THICKENING OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE Ali R. Javaheri and Richard I. Dick A significant improvement in the per- formance of the activated sludge process could be realized by an increase in the effectiveness of the solids separation and concentration phases of the proc- ess. The concentration of mixed liquor suspended solids which can be main- tained in aeration tanks and the re- quired size of aeration tanks are de- pendent directly on the concentration at which sludge solids are returned from the final settling tank. Also, the cost of disposing of waste solids produced in the activated sludge process may be minimized if the difficulty of concen- trating the solids into a small volume can be eliminated. While gravity thickening in final tanks or separate thickeners is the most economical way of effecting major reductions in sludge volumes, the effectiveness of thickening has been limited because of the re- sistance of activated sludge to consoli- date to high concentrations. Knowl- edge of the variation of some basic physical parameters which take place during subsidence of activated sludge would be useful in developing methods for improving thickening. The purpose of this study was to in- vestigate the fundamental physical behavior of activated sludge during thickening. Specifically, the nature of aggregate size variation and liquid dis- placement from within the aggregates Ali R. Javaheri and Richard I. Dick are, respectively, Research Assistant and Associate Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, III. The paper was presented at the 41st Annual Conference of the Water Pollution Control Fed- eration, Chicago, III, Sept. 22-27, 1968. during thickening has been evaluated. In this study, activated sludge solids are envisioned to be organized physi- cally at three different levels — primary particles, floes, and aggregates. The assumption is in accordance with Wold's (1) theoretical analysis of the flocculation and with Michaels' and Bolger's (2) experimental findings. The primary particles in sludge such as microorganisms are considered to ag- glomerate into "floe" particles which serve as the basic building units for further growth of sludge solids. As floes cluster together, they form "ag- gregates." The term "floe" includes the solids and liquid within floe parti- cles and the term "aggregate" includes the constituent floe particles as well as the liquid between them. The "po- rosity" of the suspension is contributed by the interstices between the aggre- In this investigation the water con- tent and size of activated sludge aggre- gates have been analyzed by use of the equation for interface subsidence veloc- ity of concentrated suspensions de- veloped by Richardson and Zaki (3). The water content of aggregates also has been analyzed according to the equation for flow through porous media developed by Carmen and Kozeny (4). An appreciable decrease in aggregate size along with a significant decrease in the water content has been found to ac- company thickening. These changes are interpreted to be brought about by two mechanisms, "squeeze" and "split." "Squeeze" refers to the process of squeezing an aggregate to reduce its water content (but not its solids con- 69 JOURNAL WPCF May tent). "Split" refers to the process of splitting an aggregate to smaller sized aggregates, each of which contains only a portion of the water and solids from the original aggregate. When both mechanisms exist, the aggregates be- come more numerous, smaller, and denser, and they contain less solids than the original aggregates. The prevalence of the squeeze mechanism has been ana- lyzed for activated sludges with widely differing settling characteristics from three different wastewater treatment plants. To explain aggregate size variation in a different manner, two flow patterns have been defined. One type is inter- aggregate flow (flow between the aggre- gates) and the other is intraaggregate flow (flow through the aggregates and between floes in the aggregate). Theory and Methods Richardson — Zaki Equation Stokes (5) found the terminal veloc- ity, V , of a single spherical particle in an infinite fluid under laminar flow conditions to be : 7 fl 18m» where, d = diameter of the spherical particle, p m = density of the particle, p„ = density of the liquid, H w = absolute viscosity of the liquid, and g = gravitational constant. Stokes' equation is not an adequate description of the settling velocity of particles in concentrated suspensions where particle subsidence is hindered by the presence of neighboring particles. Richardson and Zaki (3), who studied the subsidence of the interface of a sus- pension comprised of uniformly sized particles by dimensional analysis, showed that : f [Vod Pm d \ where, V c = suspension interface subsi- dence velocity, V d Pm = Reynolds number, D = diameter of settling column, and e = suspension porosity. Equation 2 is a general expression which is applicable regardless of the nature of flow about particles. They showed that for wholly viscous flow and for fully V c developed turbulent conditions, tt- was V o independent of Reynolds number, or: Vc J d \ y.'W 3 Experimentally, Richardson and Zaki found that subsidence of suspensions of uniformly sized particles could be described by : V c r." 4 Note that the suspension interface velocity at a porosity, e, of 1.0 equals the individual particle settling velocity in an infinite fluid. Comparison of Equations 3 and 4 shows that n is a function only of jr. They used experi- d mental data to relate n and jz. Where Reynolds number was less than 0.2, the relationship was : n = 4.65 + 19.5 ^ 5 The value of n decreased to a constant value of 2.39 at Reynolds numbers greater than 500. The variation of n with intermediate Reynolds numbers is illustrated by Richardson's and Zaki's experimental data (Figure 1). Richardson's and Zaki's work can be applied to the sedimentation of a sus- pension of activated sludge aggregates of effective diameter, d, in the following way. Assuming laminar flow and 70 Vol. 41, No. 5, Part ACTIVATED SLUDGE FIGURE 1.— The variation of n (- -» J with Richardson's and Zaki ! intermediate Reynolds numbers is illustrated by s (3) experimental data. ignoring the wall effect, Equation 4 can be written as : = (1 - $ a ) 4 - 65 . where $0 is the volumetric aggregate concentration. The settling velocity of an aggregate, V , can be expressed by- Stokes' Law as : ;(p» - P»)d> V = 18m. where p a is the mass density of aggre- gates. The value of p a is a quantity which cannot be measured readily ; but by means of material balance, its value can be computed. Assuming a unit volume of suspension : Suspension wt. = wt. dry solids + wt. liquid Suspension wt. = aggregate wt. + remaining liquid wt. or; (p.)(D =$M + (1 -**)(p») (p.)(l) =$a(pa)+ (i -*.)(*.)•• 8 where, p 8 = density of the suspension, $* = volumetric solids concentration, and Pk = density of the solids. Equation 8 can be simplified to (p. - Pw) = $a(pa - P») **(p* - p»).-9 (p a - p.) (p* - p») (p* - p.) . . 10 where 4 is the ratio of the volume of aggregates to the volume of dry solids, — . Hence, A is a measure of the $k amount of water associated with solids in aggregates, and it will be referred to as the "Aggregate Volume Index," AVI. Thus $a A$ k 11 Substitution of Equations 7, 10, and 11 into Equation 6 gives : g (p*- *\ (i-A$ k y-™...i2 18 y. w A which can be written as : 13 or; 7,1/4.65 = 7 l/4.65 _ (V l/4.664)$ ti .14 71 JOURNAL WPCF M»y 1969 The value of the interface subsidence velocity at any specified concentration, V e , can be obtained from laboratory batch settling tests. The value of $*, the volumetric solids concentration, can be determined by use of pycnometers. A plot of Vc 11 * - 65 vs. *: then can be made. If the plot is a straight line, the slope of the line will be [K C 1/466 A] and the ordinate intercept (at $* = 0) will be F 1/4 - 66 . If the aggregate settling velocity and aggregate volume index change with concentration, the plot will be curved. In this case, values of Vo and A at any concentration can be determined in a similar fashion by use of the tangent to the curve at that concentration. In either event, the equivalent aggregate diameter, d, can be found from the calculated value of Vo by use of Equation 12. Hence it is seen that Richardson's and Zaki's work provides a convenient basis for investigating the fundamental changes which occur during thickening of activated sludge. Application of Richardson's and Zaki's equation, how- ever, is based on a number of assump- tions, and it is well to review them and their significance. In taking the value of n in Equation 4 to be 4.65, the Reynolds number was assumed to be less than 0.2, and Richardson's and Zaki's correction for the influence of the wall of the settling column was ignored. Based on analysis of the experimentally determined values of the size and set- tling velocity of individual aggregates, the maximum Reynolds number in the present work was approximately 4.0. From Figure 1, the corresponding value of n also would be about 4.0. An error of opposite sign was introduced by not considering the 19.5 d/D term in Equa- tion 5. Based on the column size used and the largest aggregate diameter en- countered, the maximum error in n resulting from this simplification was approximately 10 percent. The ac- curacy of the selected value of n also was influenced by the assumption that aggregates were spherical in shape. Maude and Whitmore (6) found the value of n to be 5.85 for cubes and 4.14 for discs. In the absence of knowledge of aggregate shape, Krone (7) assumed the value of n for activated sludge to be 5. Hence, it is seen that selection of the value of n as 4.65 was somewhat arbi- trary. However, the range of expected variation of n about the value of 4.65 was not considered to be sufficient to influence seriously quantitative results. The general conclusions of the study, it is felt, are not limited by the assump- tions relating to selection of the value of n. In applying Stokes' law to the sedi- mentation of individual aggregates, the effect of aggregate shape was ignored. Consequently, the computed aggregate diameter, d, was actually the diameter of a hydraulically equivalent sphere. The error in applying Stokes' law in situations where Reynolds number was as high as 4.0 was not significant. In using Richardson's and Zaki's equation, it is tacitly assumed that only fluid forces control the subsidence of the suspension. That is, activated sludge is assumed to be an ideal suspension for which interface subsidence velocity is only a function of solids concentra- tion (8). Activated sludge is not an ideal suspension because interparticle forces as well as fluid forces resist sub- sidence (9). The extent to which inter- particle forces influence settling velocity can be minimized by use of deep initial settling depth. Dick and Ewing (9) found that the interface subsidence velocity for initial sludge depths of 3.5 ft (1.07 m), such as used in this study, could vary from 40 to 95 percent of the ideal settling velocity, depending on the nature and concentration of the acti- vated sludge. Hence, quantitative determinations based oh application of the Richardson-Zaki equation to observed activated sludge settling be- havior are subject to error because of the non-ideal settling characteristics of the sludge. However, again, the error is not considered sufficient to invalidate the basic conclusions drawn 72 Vol. 41, No. 5, Part 2 ACTIVATED SLUDGE from application of Richardson's and Zaki's work. A final assumption is that the zone settling velocities observed in batch settling tests conducted at various initial solids concentrations are the same as the settling velocities of the suspension at corresponding concen- trations produced during the course of thickening. Talmage and Fitch (10) showed that, for ideal suspensions, this assumption is valid ; and Shannon et al. (11) experimentally confirmed the validity of the assumption by use of a suspension of glass beads. However, Shannon and Torey (12), Hassett (13), and Fitch (14) have reported that the settling velocity of fiocculent suspen- sions depends on the conditions under which the aggregates were formed. That is, aggregates formed by ag- glomeration of a suspension at a specific initial concentration, d, may be differ- ent than the aggregates formed when a dilute suspension with an initial con- centration less than d thickens to the concentration d. Again, this assump- tion is felt to limit the exactness of the quantitative data but not the conclu- sions reached by application of the Richardson and Zaki analysis. Carmen — Kozeny Equation Carmen (4) demonstrated that, for a porous bed composed of spherical uni- form particles of diameter d, the superficial velocity, u, of liquid through the bed can be expressed as : Ap 15 _ d* £ U ~ K36m„(1 - e) 2 L where, K = constant, Ap = pressure difference across length of bed, and L = length of porous bed. Carmen felt that K could be taken as a constant with an average value of 5.0. Coulson (15), however, noted that K varied between 3.2 and 5 depending on factors such as particle shape. Analy- sis of the data used by Scott (16) indi- cates an even wider variation in the value of K. Scott applied the Carmen- Kozeny equation (Equation 15) to sedimentation data for kaolinite clay and assumed K to be a constant of unknown value. The same assumption was made in this study. In applying Equation 15 to batch sedimentation of activated sludge, ag- gregates replace the spherical solid particles, and the interstices between the aggregates contribute the porosity of the suspension. The superficial upward velocity of liquid, u, is equal to the interface subsidence velocity, V c . The pressure drop per unit length is also equal to the net weight of solids supported by the unit height of the suspension, or: f= ( . *)(Pa — Pm)g. 16 Substitution of Equation 16 into Equa- tion 15, and considering u = V c : and; V c (Pa g(Pa 36K/x u 1 - e A$ k . 17 18 Pv>) = J (Pk — Pw) 19 .20 Equation 17 can be written as : v i- g( Pt -p.)tin(i-A$ t )» c [ 36K M „A X J $* Substituting Ki for the bracketed term in Equation 20 : (F c * fc )» = KJQ. - A* fc ). ...21 or; (V c $ k )* = KJ - (KM)$k...22 As explained previously, the values of V c and $k were obtained experimentally for the suspensions of activated sludge. To apply the Carmen-Kozeny equation, then, (F c 3> fc )* was plotted as a function of $*. From the slope of the plot ob- tained at any specified concentration, 73 JOURNAL WPCF May 1969 o 00— L — CX — VCXJ Ch»c1l Vol»t-J LThrol'ling Vol»e ih volvtd Connection! lo Columni FIGURE 2. — The settling tests were conducted in 4 3.5-in. (8.9-cm) diam columns. (Note : Ft X 0.3 = m.) the value of aggregate volume index A and K\. could be calculated. Since the value of K (Equation 20) was un- known, the equivalent aggregate diam- eter, d, could not be determined. FIGURE 3. — Subsidence of the sludge inter- face is observed on this typical batch ■ettliag curve. (Note : Ft X 0.3 = m.) Laboratory Procedure Batch settling tests to determine the sludge interface subsidence velocities were made with activated sludge sam- ples taken from three different acti- vated sludge wastewater treatment plants. Plant I was a municipal treat- ment plant using the conventional activated sludge process. The normal sludge settling behavior at Plant I was very satisfactory. Plant II was a munic- ipal wastewater treatment plant using the Kraue and contact stabilization modifications of the activated sludge process. The samples were collected from the contact tanks. Settling be- havior at Plant II also was satisfactory. Plant III was a small municipal contact stabilization plant treating an appre- ciable amount of carbohydrate waste discharged by industry. The settling behavior of this sludge was very poor. The settling tests were conducted at a temperature of 20° =h 2°C using the apparatus shown in Figure 2. It con- sisted of 4 3.5-in. (8.9-cm) diam columns, reservoirs, pumps, and a pip- ing system. The sludge was pumped 7k Vol. 41, No. 5, Part ACTIVATED SLUDGE FIGURE 4.— The three activated sludge plants had different interface subsidence velocities. (Note : Ft X 0.3 = m.) to a height of 3.5 ft (1.07 m) in the columns at a predetermined rate to in- sure homogeneous distribution of solids. Subsidence of the sludge inter- face then was observed (Figure 3). It is characterized by an initial period with little subsidence followed by a period of settling at a constant rate. The slope of the linear part of the settling curve was the interface settling velocity, V c , for the sludge at its initial concentration. Slow stirring was provided to promote agglomeration and to minimize the bridging which occurs in laboratory settling columns when high concentra- tions of activated sludge are used. A comparison of results obtained by analyzing settling data with and with- out stirring by use of the Richardson- Zaki equation afforded a measure of the ■effect of stirring. It should be noted, however, that Vesilind (17) has found that the beneficial effect of stirring is to minimize the artificial effects created in laboratory settling columns. Hence, data from the stirred columns are con- sidered to be more indicative of thick- FIGURE 5.— Application of Richardson's and Zaki's equation to sedimentation of acti- vated sludge from Plant I. (Note : Ft X 0.3 -m.) FIGURE 6.— Th« aggregate volume index, A, was obtained by drawing tangents to the curve (Figure 5) at selected concentrations and solving for the equations of the tangent lines. (Plant I shown.) 75 JOURNAL Wl'CF May 1969 ening as it actually occurs in full scale settling basins. Small stirrers rotated at 1 rpm were constructed from 0.125-in. (3.18-mm) diam aluminum bars (Figure 2). Thirteen angles, 3 in. Concentration C, mq/l FIGURE 7.— The equivalent aggregate diam- eter, d, was calculated by use of Equation 12. (Plant I shown.) X 3 in. (7.62 cm X 7.02 cm) in size, here were welded on 3-in. (7.62-cm) centers at the midpoint of one leg to the main vertical bar. The volumetric concentration of solids, $*, and solids density, p k , were determined at 20°C by use of 50-ml pyenometcrs. The volumetric and gravimetric concentrations of a specific sludge were directly proportional be- cause the density of the solids remained constant. The relationship between suspended solids concentration and interface set- tling velocity for activated sludge from Plants I, II, and III is shown in Figure 4. Significant differences between the settling characteristics of the three activated sludges may be noted. The concentration ranges for the three sludges were appreciably different be- cause of variations in sludge character- istics caused by the particular operating conditions "in the three plants. The concentration range used for each FIGURE 8. — As the concentration increased, the individual aggregate volume decreased. (Plant I shown.) Concentration C , mg/t FIGURE 9. — The volume of solids in each aggregate decreased as the concentration in- creased. (Plant I shown.) 76 Vol. 41, No. 5, Part 2 ACTIVATED SLUDGE O 5000 10.000 Concentration C , mg/i FIGURE 10.— The number of aggregates increased rapidly as the concentration in- creased. (Plant I shown.) sludge was considered to represent the thickening conditions which could exist in the respective plants. Application of Richardson's and Zaki's Equation The settling data shown in Figure 4 were analyzed by use of the Richardson- Zaki equation. Results for- the stirred samples of sludge from Plant I are pre- sented here in detail. Results for Plant II are summarized briefly in the text. Results for both the stirred and un- stirred samples from Plant III are pre sented to illustrate the typical effect of mixing. Figure 5, a plot of V,. 1 ' 4 - 66 vs. the volumetric solids concentration, $k, for sludge from Plant I, establishes the relationship between $ k and the gravimetric concentration, C, as de- termined by use of pycnometers. The fact that the curve in Figure 5 is not linear indicates (Equation 14) that the settling velocity of an individual ag- gregate, V , and the aggregate volume index, A, changed with concentration. Values of A and V were obtained by drawing tangents to the curves at se- lected concentrations and solving for the equations of the tangent lines ac- cording to Equation 14. From the Concentration C , mg/2 FIGURE 11. — The aggregate density was cal- culated from Equation 10. (Plant I shown.) Concentration C , mg/? FIGURE 12.— The amount of water between aggregates can be computed by comparing suspension and aggregate volumes. (Plant I shown.) 77 JOURNAL WPCF May 1969 values of T r obtained, the equivalent aggregate diameter, d, was calculated at various concentrations by use of Equa- tion 12 (Figures 6 and 7). The figures show that in concentrating from 5,000 mg/1 to 19,000 mg/1, the diameter of aggregates was reduced from approxi- mately 1.9 mm to 0.5 mm, and the ratio of the volume of water associated with each volume of solids was reduced from 56 to 28. From these data it was possible to compute the number of aggregates which existed at any concentration, as Concentration C , mg/i FIGURE 13.— Porosity decreased 28 per- cent as the sludge from Plant I thickened from 5,000 mg/1 to 19,000 mg/1. Concentration C, mg/Jt FIGURE 15.— The aggregate squeeze index indicates the fraction of clarified liquid which originated from within aggregates as thickening took place. (Plant I shown.) FIGURE 14. — Fluid displacement rates varied with concentration. (Plant I shown.) FIGURE 16.— Richardson's and Zaki's equa- tion was applied to the sedimentation of acti- vated sludge from Plant III. 78 Vol. 41, No. 5, Part 2 ACTIVATED SLUDGE well as their volume and density. Also, the volume and weight of actual solids in each aggregate could be calculated as could the porosity of the suspension at any concentration. Figures S and 9 indicate the decrease in individual ag- gregate volume, V , and the volume of actual solids in each aggregate, V t , which occurred as concentration in- creased. As the concentration of the suspension increased, the number of aggregates, N, increased rapidly (Figure 10). Figure 11 shows the increase in the aggregate density, p„, as calculated from Equation 10, which accompanied an increase in concentration. The difference between the curves for the total volume of suspension, V», and the total volume of aggregates per gram of suspension, 2 V Q , represents the amount of water between aggregates (Figure 12). The porosity, e, at any . . . , V,-2V a concentration is given by — . V, The relationship between porosity and concentration (Figure 13) indicates that porosity decreased from 70 percent to 50 percent as the sludge from Plant I thickened from 5,000 mg/1 to 19,000 mg/1. It is of interest to know whether the volume reduction which accompanies thickening at any particular concentra- tion is caused by elimination of water FIGURE 17. — Aggregate volume index varied with solids concentration. (Plant III shown.) FIGURE 18. — As concentration increased, the aggregate diameter decreased. (Plant III shown.) from between aggregates or by squeez- ing of water from within aggregates. Figure 14 shows the rate of change of suspension volume, V„, and total ag- gregate volume, 2V«, with respect to concentration as given by the slopes of the curves in Figure 12. To give a mea- sure of the significance of particle squeeze during thickening, the quantity A(2V a ) — — — is defined as the "Aggregate At, Squeeze Index," ASI. The ASI indi- cates the fraction of clarified liquid which originated from within aggre- gates as thickening took place. ASI would be for incompressible aggregates and would achieve a maximum value of 1.0 when all displaced fluid originated from within aggregates. For the sludge from Plant I, 15 percent of the total water being displaced from the con- solidating sludge mass was coming from inside aggregates when the suspended solids concentration was 7,000 mg/1 (Figure 15). This fraction doubled by the time the sludge concentration reached 15,000 mg/1. Figures 8, 9, 10, and 11 show that as thickening took place, i the activated sludge aggregates became smaller, con- tained less solids than the initial aggre- gates, increased in number, and experi- enced an increase in density. It is suggested that these phenomena were 79 JOURNAL WPCF May 19C9 brought about by the two physical mechanisms, "squeeze" and "split," as defined previously. By the process of FIGURE 19. — At a given concentration, the aggregates of a stirred sample were smaller than those of the unstirred sample. (Plant III shown.) I : 1 —i 1— iii. >' V-iX^__^ I s ■ SltntJ \ o ■6 V : 1 1 1 1 1 squeezing, the water content of acti- vated sludge aggregates is reduced. By the process of splitting, an aggregate is divided into smaller aggregates, but no water is removed. Both the water content and solids content of an aggre- gate become divided by "split." The experimental results show that both mechanisms prevailed during thicken- ing of the activated sludge from Plant I because the aggregates became smaller, denser, and they increased rapidly in number. To explain the changes which take place during thickening in a different manner, two different flow patterns may be considered (16). Some of the liquid originating from the body of ag- gregates and from the interstices be- tween aggregates is displaced from the subsiding sludge mass by "interaggre- gate flow" or flow between aggregates. Some of the liquid, however, is dis- placed by flowing through aggregates, and this can be termed "intraaggregate flow." In applying Richardson's and Zaki's equation to settling data, the manifestation of intraaggregate flow is a reduction of the apparent size of the basic settling units or aggregates. FIGURE 20. — The volume of solids in an ag- gregate decreased with an increase in solids concentration. (Plant III shown.) FIGURE 21.— The number of aggregates in- creased as the solids concentration increased. (Plant III shown.) 80 Vol. 41, No. 5, Part ACTIVATED SLUDGE Figure 16 shows the application of Richardson's and Zaki's equation to the sedimentation of stirred and unstirred samples of the poorly settling sludge from Plant III. The curvature of Figure 16 again indicates that the ag- gregate size varied during the thicken- ing process. The decrease in aggregate volume index, A, and aggregate size, d, with increasing concentration is indi- cated in Figures 17 and IS. Similarly, Figures 19 through 26 are plotted for the sample from Plant III by the methods described previously. Note that considerable differences existed be- tween aggregate characteristics in the stirred and unstirred samples. At a given concentration, the aggregates of a stirred sample were smaller, denser, and larger in number than those of the unstirred sample (Figures 19, 21, and 22). The suspension porosity and the aggregate squeeze index of the stirred sample increased with concentration; while these variables decreased with concentration for unstirred samples (Figures 24 and 26) . While it may seem unreasonable that porosity should be greater in slow-settling, highly concen- trated suspensions than in more dilute suspensions, it should be noted that FIGURE 23. — Volume of suspension and ag- gregate volume for Plant III varied with solids concentration as shown. FIGURE 22.— Aggregate density of the stirred samples increased more rapidly than for the unstirred sample with an increase in solids concentration. (Plant III shown.) FIGURE 24. — The suspension porosity in- creased for the stirred samples and decreased for the unstirred samples with an increase in concentration. (Plant III shown.) FIGURE 25.— Variation of fluid displacement rates with concentration is shown for Plant III. 81 JOUENAL WPCF May 19C9 the individual aggregate settling veloc- ity, V , decreased at higher concentra- tions and that this change could offset an increase in porosity (Equation 4). Presumably, stirring destroyed bridge networks in the suspension, enhanced squeezing of the aggregates, and pro- duced a greater aggregate squeeze index in the concentrating suspension of FIGURE 26.— The poor settling sludge from Plant III had a much larger aggregate squeeze index than the better settling sludge from Plant I (Figure 15). FIGURE 27.— Carmen's and Kozeny's equa- tion can be applied to the sedimentation of activated sludge to determine the aggregate volume index. (Plant I shown.) BOOp 10.000 Concentration C , mg/S. FIGURE 28. — Carmen's and Kozeny's equa- tion for the aggregate volume index yielded results which corresponded closely with those from the Richardson and Zaki equation. (Plant I shown.) activated sludge. As before, both the squeeze and the split mechanisms were prevalent during the thickening of the stirred and the unstirred samples from Plant III. Comparison of results for the stirred samples from Plants I and III indicates several significant points. The poor settling sludge from Plant III had a much larger aggregate squeeze index (Figure 26) than the better settling sludge from Plant I (Figure 15). This means that a large fraction of the fluid clarified from the poor settling sludge originated from the bodies of the aggre- gates. The poor settling sludge also had a smaller porosity (Figure 24) than the better settling sludge (Figure 13) in the respective concentration ranges of the two sludges. It seems that a good settling sludge is characterized by its high porosity and low aggregate squeeze index (ASI). When sludge character- 82 Vol. 41, No. 5, Part 2 ACTIVATED SLUDGE FIGURE 29.— The solids flux curve is used in the analysis of thickening. (Plant I shown.) istics are such that squeeze of aggre- gates must be relied on to achieve higher concentrations, thickening does not take place readily. A similar analysis was carried out for samples from Plant II. For stirred samples from Plant II the nature of variations of AVI and aggregate diam- eter were comparable to those described for sludge from Plant I. With unstirred samples, a plot of the Richardson-Zaki equation in the form of Equation 14 gave a straight line over the range of concentration from 1,970 to 7,190 mg/1, indicating that the aggregate volume index, A, and aggregate diameter, d, were constant for this sludge. Application of Carmen's and Kozeny's Equation As described previously the values of A (aggregate volume index) and Ki could be determined by plotting (Vc**)* vs. * (Equation 22). Figure 27 shows the plot for the activated sludge sample from Plant I. The decrease in the ag- gregate volume index, A, with concen- tration is indicated in Figure 28. The values agreed closely with those ob- tained by use of Richardson's and Zaki's equation (Figure G). Since the value of K (Equation 20) was not known, the equivalent aggregate diameter, d, could not be calculated. This is one of the disadvantages of using the Carmen- Kozeny equation for analysis of settling data. FIGURE 30. — Application of the Carmen- Kozeny equation to the settling data from Plant III is shown. FIGURE 31. — Variation of aggregate volume index with concentration is shown, based on the Carmen-Kozeny equation. (Plant III shown.) 83 JOURNAL WPCF May 1969 Another disadvantage of the equation is that as $* approaches zero, (V c $ k )l also approaches zero. Note that V c $ k is proportional directly to solids flux (G = CV C ) which is used commonly in analysis of thickening (IS) (19). The solids flux curve, G vs. C, has the char- acteristic shape shown in Figure 29. Now, (Ve**) 1 is proportional directly to the cube root of the ordinate values in solids flux curve. If a smooth curve has to be drawn in Figure 27 to apply the Carmen-Kozeny equation, the data should represent the values of G follow- ing G m&x . The Carmen-Kozeny equa- tion cannot be applicable, then, to settling data at concentrations corre- sponding to solids^flux values at the left side of G max . The values omitted from the curve in Figure 27 indicate this point. Application of the Carmen- Kozeny equation to the values only on the right side of G max (Figure 27) can provide an estimate of the aggregate volume index as shown later. The dis- advantages mentioned limited the util- ity of the Carmen-Kozeny equation as a means of aggregate size analysis of activated sludge. Application of the Carmen-Kozeny equation to the settling data from Plant III is illustrated in Figure 30. The values of the aggregate volume index, A or AVI (Figure 31) compared closely to those obtained by using the Richard- son-Zaki equation (Figure 17). Appli- cation of the equation to data for the unstirred sample from Plant II again indicated a constant value for the ag- gregate volume index, A, in the concen- tration range of 1,970 to 7,190 mg/1; and analysis of the Plant II stirred data indicated that the aggregate volume index decreased as concentration increased. The decrease in the aggregate volume index with increasing concentration found by application of the Carmen- Kozeny equation indicated squeezing of the aggregates. Splitting of the ag- gregates could not be shown by the application of the Carmen-Kozeny equation, since aggregate diameters could not be calculated. Conclusions To obtain information regarding the fundamental behavior of activated sludge during thickening, this study was carried out to determine the nature of liquid displacement from aggregate particles and to determine the manner in which aggregate particle size varies as consolidation takes place. Analysis of the experimental data was based pri- marily on an equation for the reduced settling velocity of a suspension. The following conclusions may be drawn : 1. As the concentration of activated sludge increases, the aggregates which comprise the sludge are squeezed to eliminate water and are split into smaller aggregates. The combined effect of "squeeze" and "split" is that aggregates become smaller, more nu- merous, and more dense as thickening takes place. 2. The fluid eliminated from subsid- ing sludge masses originates from within aggregate particles and from the inter- stices between aggregates. The "ag- gregate squeeze index," ASI, has been introduced to describe the role which aggregate "squeeze" plays in thicken- ing. It is the fraction of the total water being eliminated at any particular con- centration which is originating from within aggregate particles. Based on the settling characteristics of sludges from the plants studied here, activated sludges with good settling characteris- tics have low ASI and high porosity values, and thickening to high concen- trations occurs primarily by elimination of intersticial water. In contrast, sludges with poor settling properties have high ASI values and low porosi- ties. That is, much of the water re- moved in the course of thickening of poor settling sludges comes from inside the aggregates. 3. Slow stirring during laboratory settling tests appreciably alters the 84 Vol. 41, No. 5, Part 2 ACTIVATED SLUDGE settling velocity of high concentrations of activated sludge. The faster set- tling velocities commonly observed in stirred columns may be caused by the fact that stirring increases the aggre- gate squeeze index. However, the low ASI values associated with unstirred columns may reflect the bridging in laboratory settling columns and may not be a factor in prototype settling basins. 4. The thickening of activated sludges brings about two flow patterns within the mass of aggregates. Some of the total displaced fluid which origi- nates from the interstices of the suspen- sion and bodies of the aggregates travels between the subsiding aggre- gates. This is referred to as interag- gregate flow. At the same time, some of the fluid travels through the subsid- ing aggregates. This is referred to as intraaggregate flow. Intraaggregate flow accompanies the split of aggregates to smaller ones. Acknowledgment This work was supported by Re- search Grant WP 01011 from the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. APPENDIX Notation The following symbols are used in this paper: A = ratio of the aggregate volume to the volume of solids in the aggregate, A2V„ aggregate squeeze index ASI AVI AV.' aggregate volume index, same as A, C = gravimetric solids concentra- tion, (F/L 3 ), d = initial gravimetric solids con- centration, (F/L 3 ), d = diameter of the spherical par- ticle, (L), d = equivalent aggregate diam- eter, (L), D = diameter of settling column, oo. g = gravitational constant, (L/T 2 ), G = solids flux, (F/L 2 T), Gmax = maximum solids flux, (F/L 2 T), K = constant of Carmen's and Kozeny's equation, Ki = term in bracket in Equation 20, L = length of porous bed, (L), N = number of aggregates per unit weight of solids, ( p ), n = exponent in Richardson's and Zaki's equation, Ap = pressure difference, (F/L 2 ), u = superficial upward velocity, (L/T), V = independent settling velocity of an individual aggregate, (L/T), _ V c = suspension interface subsidence velocity, (L/T), V c = interface subsidence velocity with stirring, (L/T), V„ = interface subsidence velocity without stirring, (L/T), V = volume (L 3 ), P = density, (FT 2 /L 4 ), $ = volumetric concentration, n = absolute viscosity, (FT/L 2 ), and e = suspension porosity. Subscript Notations a = aggregate, k = solids, m — spherical particle, s = suspension of activated sludge, and w = liquid. References 1. Wold, M. J., "Computer Simulation of Floe Formation in a Colloidal Suspension." Jour. Colloid Sti., 18, 684 (1963). 2. Michaels, A. S., and Bolger, J. C, "The Plastic Flow Behavior of Flocculated Kaolin Suspensions." Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamentals, 1, 153 (1962). 3. Richardson, J. F., and Zaki, W. N., "Sedi- mentation and Fluidization. Part I." Trans. Inst. Chem. Engr., 32, 35 (1954). 85 JOURNAL WPCF May 1969 4. Carmen, P. C, "Fluid Flow Through Granular Beds." Trans. Inst. Chem. Engr., 15, 150 (1937). 5. Stokes, G. G., "On the Theories of Internal Friction of Fluids in Motion, and of the Equilibrium and Motion of Elastic Solids." Trans. Cambridge Phil. Soc, 8, 287 (1845). 6. Maude, A. D., and Whitmore, R. L., "A Generalized Theory of Sedimentation." Brit. Jour. Appl. Phys., 9, 477 (1958). 7. Krone, R. B., "Discussion of Evaluation of Activated Sludge Thickening Theories by Richard I. Dick and Benjamin B. Ewing," Jour. San. Eng. Div., Amer. Soc. Civil Engr., 94, SA3, 554 (1968). 8. Kynch, G. J., "A Theory of Sedimenta- tion." Trans. Faraday Soc, 48, 166 (1952). 9. Dick, R. I., and Ewing, B. B., "Evaluation of Activated Sludge Thickening The- ories." Jour. San. Eng. Div., Proc. Amer. Soc. Civil Engr., 93, SA4, 9 (1967). 10. Talmage, W. P., and Fitch, E. B., "De- termining Thickener Unit Areas." Ind. Eng. Chem., 47, 38 (1955). 11. Shannon, P. T., Dehaas, R. D., Stroupe, E. P., and Tory, E. M., "Batch and Continuous Thickening." Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamentals, 3, 250 (1964). 12. Shannon, P. T., and Tory, E. M., "Settling of Slurries." Ind. Eng. Chem., 57, 18 (1965). 13. Hassett, N. J., "Design and Operation of Continuous Thickeners." Ind. Chemist, 34, 489 (1958). 14. Fitch, E. B., "Sedimentation Process Fundamentals." Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng., 223, 129 (1962). 15. Coulson, M. M., "The Flow of Fluids Through Granular Beds: Effect of Particle Shape and Voids in Streamline Flow." Trans. Inst. Chem. Engr., 27, 237 (1949). 16. Scott, K. J., "Mathematical Models of Mechanism of Thickening." Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamentals, 5, 109 (1966). Vesilind, P. A., "The Influence of Stirring in the Thickening of Biological Sludge." Doctoral Thesis, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina (1968). Hasset, N. J., "Concentrations in a Contin- uous Thickener." Ind. Chemist, 40, 29 (1964). 19. Shannon, P. T., and Tory, E. M., "The Analysis of Continuous Thickening." Soc. Mining Engr. 235, 375 (1966). 17 18 86 APPENDIX V DISTRIBUTION OF COMPRESSIVE FORCES IN SUBSIDING SLUDGE MASSES by Richard I. Dick and Byong S. Shin Summary of Preliminary Results of Work in Progress 87 DISTRIBUTION OF COMPRESSIVE FORCES IN SUBSIDING SLUDGE MASSES In a suspension settling at uniform velocity, the effective weight of the particles is equalled by the forces resisting their subsidence. In a concentrated suspension, these forces may arise from fluid drag and from interpart icle contacts with adjacent particles. In order to obtain under- standing of the fundamental factors which control subsidence of sludges it is of interest to know the relative significance of the two forms of support under different conditions. The i nterparticle forces produce compressive stresses in the sludge which can result in elimination of water by compres- sion. The fluid drag forces give rise to excess hydrostatic pressure in the pore water of the settling suspension. Experimentally, the work was conducted by observing profiles of excess hydrostatic pressure and solids concentration during batch sedimentation tests with sludge from a water softening plant. Tests were conducted in a 3.5 in. diameter, 4-ft deep laboratory settling column. The solids profiles gave a measure of the effective weight of suspended solids above any point at any time and comparison of this value with the measured excess hydrostatic pressure at the same location permitted computation of the amount of solids supported by i nterpart i cle forces and hence of the compressive stress within the supporting sludge. Figure 1 shows typical data arising from use of this procedure. It is seen, as expected, that very low compressive stresses exist at the beginning of sedimentation tests but that appreciable stresses are achieved after a period of time. The technique also permits computation of the permeability of the suspension at any point or time. Typical results are shown in Figure 2. As shown by the figure, permeability has been found to be principally a function of concentration, regardless of when or where 88 that concentration occurs. Note that the suspension permeability changed dramatically with solids concentration. A four-fold increase in concentra- tion resulted in a reduction in permeability by a factor of about 1 80 . Although the compressive yield strength in confined conditions cannot be computed from measured shear stress on theoretical basis, it is inter- esting to compare the relative magnitude of the two values. Figure 3 shows the measured compressive yield strength from sedimentation tests as a func- tion of yield stress as measured in a rotational viscometer. The figure illustrates that laboratory measurement of the yield strengths of suspen- sions could potentially serve to permit evaluation of their potential thick- ening characteristics. Although the work on measurement of the relative significance of fluid drag and i nterpart icle forces is still underway, analyses to date indicate that, as expected, the final concentration of solids which can be achieved depends upon the compressibility of a suspension while the rate at which this concentration is reached depends also on suspension permeability. An increase in sludge depth increases final solids concentration because it increases the compressive force on the sludge mass. Low permeability has been shown to have a double effect on thickening. It not only retards the rate of upward egression of water but also reduces the amount of compressive force for sludge consolidation. The analysis has permitted evaluation of the effect of stirring in laboratory settling columns. Stirring significantly increases the compres- sibility of a suspension but reduces the permeability and thus retards escape of the water displaced from the subsiding sludge mass. 89 HEIGHT, ft p f\> CO o H — m co za cz > H O 3 -n r* t* > m c O CO O H m 70 H m o* *. o 3 5* 00 o o o O - -pr — r ■«^i 1 1 — *-~4^.i 1 1 — ~7~ ^^^-^ ^^^-^o / ~ \^ \° / - \ / A • _\ ]S / / - 8 - \ \° \ \ >> / / / z c / / / m *> -\ // 3 £ - ^ - r $ z *> / m 2 \— • \ \ (/> o _ \r»» \ ' \ / \ " mm - ll 1 V K - 1 / / ii i i i i i _i 1 90 100 50h 20 JO 5 5 2 m < I S 0.5 a 0.2 h 0.1 0.05 0.02 1 1 1 SYMBOL LAYER • | - + 2 - D« D 3 c$ X 4 v\ A 7 ■ 5 6 7 — O O A 8 9 IO X. a • X 3 II 12 + □ X ^| X 3 oV oX (1 > IO - — — RUN 2 C - lOOg/f — NO STIRRING 1 1 1 1 I 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 SOLIDS CONCENTRATION, gr/cu cm 0.40 FIGURE 2. CHANGES IN PERMEABILITY OF WATER TREATMENT PLANT SLUDGE AS CONCENTRATION CHANGES DURING SEDIMENTATION 91 01 * wo bs/ s3uXp ' H1DN3U1S C113IA 3AISS3UdWOD 03NldNOD 92 APPENDIX VI INFLUENCE OF BIOLOGICAL VARIABLES ON THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE by Richard I . Di ck Sajal K. Chakrabarti and Gloria L. McCutcheon Prepubl ication Manuscript 93 INFLUENCE OF BIOLOGICAL VARIABLES ON RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE Richard I. Dick, Sajal K. Chakrabarti, and Gloria L. McCutcheon INTRODUCTION The effectiveness and cost of waste treatment by the activated sludge process depends, in large measure, on the physical properties of the acti- vated sludge formed. Sludges with unfavorable physical properties settle poorly. This creates difficulty in obtaining concentrated sludge for return to the aeration tank which, in turn, may impair the quality of the effluent and increase the volume of sludge which must be wasted from the process. Similarly, the cost of treatment and ultimate disposal of waste activated sludge is increased if the sludge has adverse physical properties. Such sludges are difficult to concentrate for economical digestion, transport, or combustion, require higher doses of conditioning chemicals, and cause a reduction in the capacity of sludge dewatering equipment. In spite of the importance of the physical properties of activated sludge, reliable techniques for measuring sludge properties are lacking. The sludge volume index has long been used as the only measure of the phys- ical properties of activated sludge. While the SVI of an activated sludge is easy to determine and may be useful for routine treatment plant control, it is not an adequate description of the physical nature of a sludge. The basic nature of the sludge volume index was investigated by Dick and Vesilind (1969) who reported that the SVI was influenced in varying and unpredictable degrees by various physical properties of sludges and that it is seriously influenced by anomolies associated with the small cylinder used in the laboratory test. 9* Use of basic Theological measurements has previously been suggested (Dick and Ewing, 1 967) as a more fruitful method for monitoring sludge quality and relating it to process performance. Wood (1970) found that rheological measurements were the best means for relating activated sludge properties to its flotation behavior, and Geinopolos and Katz (196*0 re- ported that the capacity of a collector for a flotation unit was related to the rheology of the sludge being collected. Dick (1969b) related devi- ations in the settling behavior of activated sludge from conventional theory to the rheological properties of the suspension, and Colin (1970) used rheological measurements to assess the conditioning effect of poly- electrolytes . Realizing that the behavior of activated sludge in treatment processes is influenced by its rheological nature, it is necessary to have information on the influence of variables in the activated sludge process on the rheology of the sludge produced. The purpose of this paper is to present some pre- liminary results of this type. RHEOLOGY Rheology is the study of the response of a material to an applied stress. Most pure liquids afford a simple illustration of one type of rheological behavior. They exhibit the well known Newtonian type of behavior in which the velocity gradient is directly proportional to the applied stress - the proportionality constant relating the two is called viscosity. Hookeian or elastic solids afford another simple illustration. In this case, dis- tortion is proportional to applied stress and the constant relating the two is the modulus of elasticity. Between the extreme and ideal types of behavior described by Hooke and Newton many more complex types of behavior are possible. The reader is referred to sources such as Scott Blair ( 1 969) 95 and Reiner (I969) for a complete discussion of types of Theological behavior. If in a suspension such as activated sludge a continuous network of particles is formed, then one might expect that the material would behave as a solid until the internal structure was destroyed and that when greater stresses were applied the material would flow somewhat as a liquid. Indeed this type of rheological behavior, called plastic behavior, has been found with activated sludge (Dick and Ewing, 1 967) - As originally described by Bingham (1922), the behavior of a plastic material may be described as where t is shearing stress, t is the yield stress, n is the coefficient of rigidity or plastic viscosity, and -7— is the velocity gradient or rate of shear. Determination of the values of t and n. affords basic measures y of the strength of the solid phase of the suspension and of the flow charac- teristics of the two phase system. It should be noted that it sometimes is difficult experimentally to distinguish between plastic materials and mater- ials exhibiting a related rheological property called pseudoplast i ci ty . It is thus appropriate to consider the value of x in equation (l) to be an apparent value realizing that the material may not fit Binghams ideal model exactly. It might also be anticipated that activated sludge would display another rheological property, thixotropy, and indeed such behavior is commonly found. Thixotropy is a time dependent rheological characteristic which occurs when breakdown of a suspension occurs as a function of time as well as of shear rate. Thus, if a suspension of activated sludge is continuously sheared at a constant rate, the resulting shearing stress will normally diminish with time approaching some equilibrium value at which the rate of breakdown of 96 the sludge particles is equal to their rate of reformation. VISCOMETRY As suggested by equation (l), the rheological properties of yield strength and plastic viscosity may be determined by measuring shearing stress and velocity gradient at several flow conditions. This can be done conveniently in a coaxial cylinder viscometer. In such a viscometer, a sludge sample is placed in the annular space between two coaxial cylinders and one cylinder is rotated relative to the other to produce velocity gradients and hence shearing forces. The velocity gradient is deduced by observing the relative angular velocity, and shearing stress is computed from measuring torque on one of the cylinders. The basis of such calcula- tions has been discussed previously (Dick and Ewing, 1967) and is described in detail by Van Wazer et^ aj_. (1963). Unique requirements of rotational viscometers used for observing the rheology of activated sludge were discussed by Dick and Ewing (1967) and the instrument used in this work was a refinement of the one described by them. Figure 1 shows the geometry of the cylinders. The outer cylinder was rotated by means of a continuously variable speed drive and the result- ing torque on the inner cylinder was calculated by observing the deflection of the calibrated wire by which it was suspended. Basic procedures for operating the viscometer were as described by Dick and Ewing (1967), except that activated sludge samples were introduced into the viscometer through the hollow drive shaft at the bottom of the outer cy 1 inder. EXPERIMENTAL PLAN AND PROCEDURES In order to observe the influence of biological variables on the physi- cal properties of activated sludge, the rheological behavior of activated 97 sludges cultivated under various controlled conditions was examined. Con- tinuous flow activated sludge units such as shown in Figure 2 were used. Solids recirculation was accomplished by aspiration of settled sludge under the baffles separating the aeration and sedimentation compartments. Feed was stored in a k°C refrigerator and, for each desired loading condition, was pumped at a constant rate to the continuous flow treatment system. The mixed liquor suspended solids concentration was maintained at the desired level by daily wasting of sludge. In the studies of the influence of organic loading intensity on physical behavior of sludges, no rheological observa- tions were made until "steady-state" was reached as indicated by a constant degree of COD removal and the absence of any trend in the amount of sludge synthes is . Studies on the effect of extended periods of endogenous conditions on sludge characteristics were conducted by discontinuing feed and removing the baffle from the activated sludge system. Studies of the changes in physical properties of sludges which occurred during the feeding cycle were conducted by discontinuing the feed, removing the baffle from the activated sludge unit, and operating it as a batch feed system operating on a 24-hr cycle. Preliminary studies showed that activated sludge grown in laboratory units using chemically defined substrates bore little physical resemblance to real activated sludge. Hence the laboratory unit was seeded with activated sludge from the Urbana-Champai gn , Illinois Sanitary District Main Treatment Plant and primary sedimentation tank effluent from the same plant was used as feed. Unfortunately, it was not possible to achieve high organic loadings using this waste because the unit became hydraul i cal ly overloaded. Hence it was necessary to change to a more concentrated synthetic substrate for those studies identified as "high-loading" experiments. To simulate waste of the 98 nature commonly encountered, an artificial waste consisting of dry dog food (Gaines Meal), toilet tissue (Scott Soft Weave), urea, and inorganic constitu- ents was used. The synthetic waste was the same as used by Hunter e_t al . (1966) except that the toilet tissue concentration was 580 mg/1 . The dog food and toilet tissue were ground and shredded and mixed with a small quan- tity of water in a blender for 5 min prior to addition to the synthetic waste. The suspended solids content of the artificial waste was approximately 3000 mg/1, the BOD was 2200 mg/1, and the COD was 2400 mg/1. COD, BOD and SVI measurements were conducted according to Standard Methods (1965). Suspended solids were measured using the glass fiber filter method described by Gratteau and Dick (1968). Dehydrogenase enzyme activity was measured using the method proposed by Ford e_t_ a_l_. ( 1 966) although the reader is referred to a recent paper on the subject by Patterson et al . (1969) which appeared after this work was completed. Equipment was available to permit 3 or k continuous flow activated sludge units to be operated simultaneously. To cover the desired range of loading factors it was necessary to make several different runs and a new sample of seed sludge was used at the commencement of each individual run. In the low loading studies (Chakrabart i , 1 968) , run A consisted of units operating at 0.08, 0.12, and 0.16 lb/BOD/day/lb MLSS and run B included units operating at 0.20, O.38, 0.49, and 0.61 lb/BOD/day/lb MLSS. In the high loading study (Caban, 1 969) , three runs were used to span the desired range of loading factors; run C - 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45 lb/BOD/day/lb MLSS; run D - 0.60, 0.90, and 1.4 lb/BOD/day/lb/MLSS ; and run E - 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 lb/BOD/day/lb MLSS. To permit comparison at the same concentration of the yield strength and plastic viscosity of sludges produced under different organic loading 99 conditions, it was necessary to make rheological investigations over a range of suspended solids concentrations. To achieve a range of concentra- tions, mixed liquor was thickened or diluted with effluent. Four different suspended solids concentrations within the range of about 1000 or 1500 mg/1 to 3500 mg/1 were normally examined at each organic loading intensity. Then, by plotting yield strength or plastic viscosity as a function of con- centration for each loading, values could be selected at any desired concen- tration for purposes of comparison. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Effect of Organic Loading Intensity The yield strength over a range of suspended solids concentrations of sludges cultivated at various organic loading intensities in the low loading study are shown in Figure 3. Similar data from the high loading study are shown in Figure k . It is seen that in both cases, the yield strength varied with concentration according to the relationship T y - je kC (2) where j and k are constants for a particular sludge. This is the same re- lationship reported from earlier studies with activated sludge (Dick and Ewing, 1967) • In Figures 3 and k, it may be seen that each individual run tended to produce its own family of curves. This becomes more apparent when the yield strength of activated sludge at various concentrations is plotted as a func- tion of loading intensity as in Figure 5. It is seen that similar trends were indicated in runs A and B but the relationship between loading and yield strength was not continuous between the two runs. This can be attributed to the fact that different samples of seed sludge were used to start the two 100 units. The difference in the physical characteristics of the organisms comprising the activated sludge persisted in spite of the fact that the original seed had been essentially lost due to sludge wastage before the Theological observations were made. The same phenomena was observed in the high loading studies although the scale of the plot of loading versus yield strength in Figure 6 disguises the discontinuities between individual runs . This variation in physical properties of sludges attributable to dif- ferences in the nature of organisms present can also be seen in Figure 7. There, the plastic viscosity of sludges produced in the high loading study is shown as a function of concentration. The upper line represents a reason- able fit for all data obtained from runs C and E and shows that the plastic viscosity varied as a function of suspended solids concentration but was not highly dependent on the organic loading. However, data from the family of curves produced by run D form their own separate line indicated by the lower curve in Figure 7- For a given sludge, the plastic viscosity varied with suspended solids concentration and was not a function of loading. However, as indicated by the great difference between the two curves, plastic viscosity is highly dependent upon the nature of the organisms which comprise the sludge which develops under any particular loading con- dition. The morphologic studies required to interpret the specific cause for the change in rheological characteristics from run to run were not made. However, recent studies by Wood (1970) confirm that changes in sludge rheology under given conditions are attributable to population shifts amongst the organisms comprising the sludge. It is interesting to note that performance of the activated sludge units 101 in terms of BOD removal was quite uniform and did not reflect the differences in the physical properties of the organisms which predominated during the various runs. Also, the dehydrogenase enzyme activity varied continuously in a predictable manner as illustrated in Figure 8 and was not influenced by the physical differences in the organisms. The standard measurement of sludge physical properties, the sludge volume index, was not sufficiently sensitive to detect the basic differences in the sludge organisms present during the preliminary runs. Sludge volume index measurements obtained during the high loading studies are shown in Figure 9- They have been recorded at equal suspended solids concentrations so that differences normally attributable to measurement variations in sus- pended solids concentrations have been eliminated. Changes in Physical Properties during Aerobic Digestion During aerobic digestion, yield strength of activated sludge changed both because of the change in the physical nature of the solids and because of the decrease in suspended solids concentration. To separate these two effects yield strengths during aerobic digestion were expressed as a percent- age of the yield strength of a control sludge where the control sludge was defined as a sample of equal concentration and loading intensity which had not been exposed to endogenous conditions. Results from two different sludges are shown in Figure 10. It is seen that pronounced changes in the physical nature of the sludge solids occurred during aerobic digestion and after six days the sludge solids had only 10-15 percent of their initial yield strength. As might have been anticipated, the sludge produced at the higher organic loading intensity was able to sustain itself under endogenous conditions without pronounced change in physical properties for a day while the sludge grown under leaner conditions changed from the onset of endogenous 102 condi t ions . Plastic viscosity also decreased during aerobic digestion. However, the change was much less pronounced than the change in yield strength. Changes in Physical Properties Following Feeding To determine the physical response of activated sludge to feeding, the rheological properties of a sludge acclimated to a 2^-hr feeding cycle was monitored. Typical results are shown in Figure 11. It is seen that dramatic changes occurred, particularly in yield strength. The wide scatter in yield strength data during the first hour was caused by the fact that the sludge sample was changing appreciably during the period of inspection in the vis- cometer. Also, in an attempt to accurately define the early portion of the yield strength curve, samples were collected during several successive feeding cycles and all of those data are included on the same curve. The concentra- tion of suspended solids in the batch yield changed somewhat with time because of synthesis and endogenous respiration; however, during the run for which data are shown in Figure 10, suspended solids did not fall below 1300 nor above 1700 mg/1 and this change in solids content is inadequate to explain the orders of magnitude change in yield strength. Rather, this change was caused by a pronounced change in the physical nature of the activated sludge solids in response to feeding. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Although the design, performance, and cost of activated sludge waste treatment plants is highly dependent upon the physical properties of the activated sludge produced, little is known about the effect of process vari- ables on physical behavior of the sludge. The only parameter commonly used to express the physical nature of activated sludge, the sludge volume index, is influenced by many separate sludge properties and by laboratory test 103 conditions and hence does not provide sufficient and i nterpretable informa- tion on the physical properties of sludge. In this study, more fundamental measures of the properties of suspensions, yield strength and plastic viscos- ity have been used. These parameters have more direct influence on the per- formance of sludge treatment processes such as thickening and flotation than does the more conventional SVI value. Results of preliminary studies on the influence of biological variables on yield strength and plastic viscosity are presented here. A yield strength of a particular activated sludge depends on its con- centration and the organic loading intensity. Yield strength increases exponentially with suspended solids concentration and also increases signifi- cantly and continuously as the organic loading intensity is increased. However, yield strength is also influenced by the nature of the particular organisms which comprise the sludge, and two sludges of equal concentration and organic loading grown on the same waste and giving the same biological performance may display different physical properties if they are comprised of different flora. , The plastic viscosity of a sludge of given biological composition is dependent only on the suspended solids concentration and is not markedly influenced by a change in organic loading. However, again shifts in biolog- ical population may produce significant changes in plastic viscosity without accompanying changes in solids concentration, organic loading, or biological process performance. Yield strength decreases significantly during aerobic digestion. Reduc- tions of 85-90 percent were observed within six days. Remarkable changes in the yield strength of activated sludge occur follow- ing contact with substrate. In the 2k hr batch feeding studies reported here, 104 the yield strength of sludge increased by as much as two orders of magnitude within the first 15 to 20 min following feeding, and then declinsed. These changes in sludge rheology are caused by changes in the basic physical nature of the sludge. While they must influence the performance of the biological process and of waste sludge treatment processes, for the most part, they remain undetected by standard measures of the physical character- istics of sludge. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported in part by Research Grant 17070 DJR from the Federal Water Quality Administration and by an undergraduate research grant from the National Science Foundation. REFERENCES Bingham, E. C, "Fluidity and Plasticity," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York (1922). Caban, G. L., "Physical Characteristics of Activated Sludge under High Loading Conditions," Undergraduate Special Problem, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana (1969). Chakrabarti, S. K. , "Changes in Some Physical Properties of Activated Sludge under Different Biological Conditions," Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Science, University of Illinois; Urbana, 65 pp. (1968) . Colin, F. , "Application de Techniques Rheologiques a 1 'etude des Boues Residuaires," la Tribune du CEBEDEAU , 23_, 6317, 178-187 (April 1970). Dick, R. I., "Thickening Characteristics of Activated Sludge," In Advances in Water Pollution Research , Proceedings of Fourth International Confer- ence on Water Pollution Research, Prague, 1969, 625-6^2 (1970). Dick, R. I., and Ewing, B. B., "The Rheology of Activated Sludge," Journal Water Pollution Control Federation , 39, z t, 5^3-560 (1967). Dick, R. I., and Ves i 1 i nd , P. A., "The Sludge Volume Index - What Is It?" Journal Water Pollution Control Federation , 4l_, 7, 1285-1291 (1969). 105 Ford, D. L., Eckenfelder, W. W. , and Yang, T., "Dehydrogenase Enzyme as a Parameter of Activated Sludge Act ivi t ies ." Proceed i ngs 21st Industria l Waste Conference , Purdue Univ., Eng. Ext. Ser. 121 , 53^5^3 (1966) . Geinopolis, A., and Katz, W. J., "A Study of a Rotating Cylinder Sludge Collector in the Dissolved Air Flotation Process," Journal Water Pollution Control Federation , 36, 6, 712 (June 196VJT Gratteau, J. C, and Dick, R. I., "Activated Sludge Suspended Solids Determinations," Water and Sewage Work s, 1 15 , 10, 468-^72 ( 1 968) . Hunter, J. V., Genetelli, E. J., and Gilwood, M. E., "Temperature and Retention Time Relationships in the Activated Sludge Process," Proceedings 21st Industrial Waste Conference , Purdue Univ., Eng. Ext. Ser. 121, 953-963 (1966). Patterson, J. W. , Brezonik, P. L. and Putnam, H. D. , "Sludge Activity Parameters and Their Application to Toxicity Measurements and Activated Sludge," P roceedings 24th Industrial Waste Conference , Purdue Univ., Eng. Ext. Ser. 135, 1 27~ 1 5^ (1969) ■ Reiner, M. , "Deformation, Strain, and Flow," H. K. Lewis and Co., Ltd., London, 3^7 pp. (1969) . Scott Blair, G. W. , "Elementary Rheology," Academic Press, New York, 158 pp. (1969). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Wat er, 12th Ed., Amer. Pub. Health Assoc, New York, 769 pp. (1965). Van Wazer, J. R., Lyons, J. W. , Kim, K. Y., and Colwell, R. E., "Viscosity and Flow Measurement, " I nterscience, New York (1963). Wood, R. F. , "The Effect of Sludge Characteristics upon the Flotation of Bulked Activated Sludge," Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1^3 pp. (1970) . 106 - Oil Daaplag Driving Shaft Bearing FIGURE 1. OQAXIAL CTLIMDCR VISCOMTER 107 Influent F««d Lin* Froa R«frlg*ratox Potltlv* DisplacMMnt Poap -* — Air Supply ttevabl* B«ff U Overflow — A*r*tor FIGURE 2 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM CP COITINUOUS FLOW ACTIVATED SLUDGE UNIT 108 in o z QJ QC \n Q -J UJ > Q NUMBERS INDICATE LOADING IN IbBOD/DAY/lbMLSS 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 SUSPENDED SOLIDS CONCENTRATION, mg/* FIGURE 3 VARIATION OF YIELD STRENGTH WITH SUSPENDED SOLIDS CONCENTRATION - LOW LOADING STUDIES 109 (!) O.IS (2) 0.30 too — (3) 0.U5 — (U) 0.60 ftn — (5) 0.90 ™~ — (6) \.k (7) 2.0 (8) 3.0 so (1) k.O 20 10 y 5 Lo*dln 9 f»ctors(lb iO0/- CO •z. o Ol xj»/qi 'H19N3dlS QH3IA Susf*n4*d solid* concentration (1) - 2000 *,/! C) - 2500 rng/1 (3) - 3000 ng/1 2.0 3.0 Coatflnf , t» MD/H KISS 5.0 FIGURE 6. INCREASE IN YIELD STRENGTH WITH INCREASED ORGANIC LOADING - HIGH LOADING STUDIES 112 100 80 50 20 Q V Loading factors (lb MO/day/lb MISS) - 0.15 - 0.30 - 0.l»5 • 0.60 - 0.90 - ).k - 2.0 D - 3.0 O - k.O 500 1000 1900 2000 Suspended solids concentration, mg/1 2500 3000 FIGURE 7. CHANGES IN PLASTIC VISCOSITY DUE TO CHANGES IN SUSPENDED SOLIDS CONCENTRATION - HIGH LOADING STUDIES H3 1.0 1 1 1 1 0.8 ■*" o~~ — 0.6 s* — 0.U ofi — 0.2 " ™ 0.0 1 1 1 1 FIGURE 2 3 * Loadings, lb 100/ lb MISS DEHYDROGENASE ENZYME ACTIVITY AT DIFFERENT ORGANIC LOADINGS - HIGH LOADING STUDIES 114 200 1 1 1 Suspsndad solids concentrations, mq/) O - 1500 «♦*/» O - 2500 mq/) V - 3000 mq/\ J L t 2 3 % Loading factor, lb lOD/day/lb MISS FIGURE 9. CHANGE 114 SLUDGE VOLUME INDEX WITH ORGANIC LOADING HIGH LOADING STUDIES 115 lOaiNOD dO 1N3D U3d 'H±S)N3ti±S (TI3IA 116 9 0I Xj»j/o»»-qt j = settling velocity of sludge with suspended solids concentration Cj, L/T; v L = settling velocity of layer with limiting solids handling capacity, L/T; and W = rate of flow of waste activated sludge, L 3 /T. 1*5