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INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Texture Synthesis: Its importance 1 1.2 Texture Synthesis: Earlier work '. 2 1 . 3 Seasonal Time Series Model 2 2. SEASONAL TIME SERIES MODEL FOR TEXTURE h 2.1 Stationary Models 5 It . ^ 2.1.1 Auto Regressive Models 6 2.1.2 Moving Average Models 6 2.1.3 Mixed Models 6 2.2 Nonstationary Models 6 2.3 Seasonal Model 7 2.U Identification and Fitting of Models 8 2 . 5 Forecasting 9 2.5.1 Generation of Time Series 10 2.6 Synthesis of 2-D Texture 12 2 . 7 Redundancy Reduction 12 3. SYNTHESIS OF TEXTURE: A CASE STUDY \h 3.1 Selection of an Appropriate Model lU 3.2 Estimation of the Parameters 15 3.2.1 A Method to Obtain Starting Values for Recursive Calculations of Residuals 20 3.3 Checking the Adequacy of the Fit 21 3-h Generation of Texture 22 3.5 Conclusion 23 APPENDIX A. Description of Computer Programs 26 Program 1 26 Program 2 29 Program 3 33 LIST OF REFERENCES 35 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to thank the entire ILLIAC III staff, especially Mr. Richard Borovec and Mr. Joe Wenta, for their invaluable help through many phases of our work. We also thank Mrs. Barb Armstrong and Mrs. Evelyn Huxhold for an excellent typing job, Mr. Stan Zundo for the drafting, and Mr. Dennis Reed for the offset printing. 1. INTRODUCTION Visual texture is known to play an important role in the field of pattern recognition. There are three problems which are under study in the context of automated image processing, viz. texture discrimination/recogni- tion, texture analysis and texture synthesis. In the literature many methods are proposed to deal with the above problems [7, 10, 15, IT, 21, 25, 26, 27, 281. Most of these, however, have little or nothing in common and lack generality. In this paper we intend to propose a general method for the synthesis of texture. This method is based on a mathematical model which treats pixels (picture elements) of a digitized textural scene as a two-way seasonal time- series . 1.1 Texture Synthesis: Its importance The synthesis of natural looking textures deserves considerably more attention than it has received. General methods are needed by which we can generate a scene that bears an acceptable resemblance to the texture to be imitated ('parent' texture). It is highly desirable that the parameters required for the synthesis are derived from the analysis of the 'parent' texture. Texture synthesis procedures of this type can be evolved to solve the ever-pressing problem of image storage. For, it requires considerably less storage to save a few parameters and boundary conditions than to store a complete digitized scene. This effectively means redundancy in the image has been reduced, leading to a more efficient analysis of the resultant scene. Using the values of the texture parameters as features for discrimination/ recognition is also suggested. By specifying intervals on values of each parameter, we can potentially generate a family of textures. 1. 2 Texture Synthesis: Earlier work We find that many authors proposed methods [7, 8, 13, 20, 26] that are "based on the subpattern /placement rule model for texture. Among them only Rosenfeld, [26] and Conroy [7] attempt to synthesize natural- looking textures. While others merely generate scenes with pre-specified statistical properties to be used in their experiments concerning the visual perception of texture. In their papers, Rosenfeld and Conroy demonstrate that a rich variety of textures can be generated using only simple subpat- terns and placement rules. In these methods the success of synthesizing a natural-looking texture depends strongly on the choice of the subpatterns and the appropriate placement rules. These important choices normally are not based on the anlaysis of the 'parent' texture, instead involve from human judgment on a trial and error "basis. This is the main drawback of these schemes based on the subpattern/placement rule model. It is difficult if not an impossible task even to extract the subpatterns (whose size and shape are unknown) from the analysis of any textural scene, not to speak of decoding the rules of their placement. 1. 3 Seasonal Time Series Model The subpattern/placement rule model, though easy to visualize, creates many practical difficulties. Here we adopt a different approach: Our scheme for texture synthesis is based on a model that views the pixels of a digitized two-dimensional textural scene as a two-way time series. We will then resort to the well-developed methods of the time series analysis. By analyzing the 'parent' texture we identify the process that generates the time series, and estimate its parameters. Then with proper initial conditions we can generate the time series which in essence resemble the pixels of the synthesized textural scene. In the subsequent chapters the time series strategy is discussed in detail. The effectiveness of this method is illustrated by examples. 2. SEASONAL TIME SERIES MODEL FOR TEXTURE Any digitized visual scene can be viewed as a two-way time series. The orderly repetitiveness of a subpattern which is an essential charac- teristic of texture hints at the possible representation of a digitized textural scene by Seasonal Time Series . The choice seems quite natural and very appropriate because there is a striking correspondence between some of the problems that occur in textures and those that are considered in seasonal time series analysis. For example, in TV scan of a texture the repeating subpattern is not necessarily identical from line to line though it retains similar characteristics. In the time series analysis the minor variations of the function from one season to another is accounted for, by the assumption of the presence of white noise. Well developed methods are available to estimate the values of the parameters 2 {•u, a } of this noise. It is possible that there can be more than one periodicity present in the textural scene, such as, the subpatterns consisting of sub-subpatterns and so on. This may be treated as multiple seasonality. In the case of statistical textures these latter periodicities may be absent and they may be treated as an ordinary time series with no seasonal effect. Spectral analysis, in the frequency-domain, comprises one class of techniques for time series analysis. Our interest here is to stay in the time-domain and build stochastic models for time series. This way we can gain a better insight into the nature of the system that generates the time series and the models can be used to obtain forecasts of the future values of the time series. Our objective, from the engineering view point is to obtain models that possess maximum simplicity and the minimum no. of parameters consonant with representational adequacy. Precisely the same approach is taken by Box and Jenkins while dealing with this subject in their book "Time Series Analysis - Forecasting and Control" (Holden-Day, 1970). In their book they discuss various stochastic models for time series. They also present methods for identifying, fitting and checking the models for a given time series. They also extend their methods to deal with sea- sonal time series. We have presently implemented these methods in our texture analysis programs. In order to preserve continuity we will briefly review some of the models and methods, while omitting much of the detail which can be obtained from their book. 2.1 Stationary Models In these models the process that generates the time series is assumed to be in equilibrium about a constant mean level. Let us introduce some notation and operators that are used exten- sively. Let t-2 9 t-1' t' t+1 be the discrete time series which can be denoted as [Z ]. A series of values of a ("shocks") are assumed to be generated from 2 a white noise process with mean '0' and and variance a . a 'B' is the "backward shift" operator such that B Z x = Z^ . : hence B m Z 4 = Z^ t t-1 t t-m ' V is the "backward difference" operator v \ - \ - \-i • (1 - B) z t • 2.1.1 Auto Regressive Models In this model, the current value of the process is expressed as a finite, linear aggregate of previous values of the process and a 'shock' a Z t = *1 Z t-l + *2 Z t-2 + •'• + *1 Z t-p + \ This is called an ' aut or egress ive (AR) process' of order 'p'. Let $ p (B) = (l-i^B - (J) 2 B 2 ... - c(, p B P ) t Then !p (b) z t " a t (b) is known as 'autoregressive operator' of order p. There are p 2 p+1 unknown parameters, <$> , $ , cj> ... , a vhich m practice have to be estimated from the data. 2.1.2 Moving Average Models In this model the present value Z is assumed to be linearly depen- dant on 'q' of previous a's. Z = a — 9 a — y _ a _ ... — y a t t 1 t-1 2 t-2 q t-q = 9 (B) a, q- t Q (B) is the "moving average (MA) operator' of order q. 4. 2.1.3 Mixed Models In many practical cases the parsimony in number of operators is achieved by mixing the autoregressive and moving average terms in the same model. V B) \ - V B) a t 2. 2 Nonstationary Models Many series actually encountered in practice are not stationary in nature. But some of them show homogeneous nonstationary behaviour. Box and Jenkins show that such cases can "be represented by a generalized auto- regressive operator $(B) in which one or more of the zeroes of the poly- nomial #(B) is unity, i.e., $(B) = J (B) (l-B) , where Stationary Autoregressive Filter Nonstationary Summat i on Filter Time Series > Figure 2.1. Block Diagram for ARIMA Process It can be seen that the ARIMA process may be generated from white noise a by means of three filtering operations as shown in Figure 2.1. 2.3 Seasonal Model It is shown L5J that the time series which show seasonal effect can be represented by a general multiplicative model: ~* p (B) ; p (B S ) V d V s D Z t = 9 q (B) 6 Q (B S ) a t where s = Seasonal period V s = (1-B S ) tj) (B ), 6 (B ) are the polynomials in B" of the order P, Q respec- tively. This is a modified version of ARIMA process, said to be of the order (p, d, q) x (P, D, Q) . This multiplicative model is very useful in that it can be easily extended to take care of multiple seasonalities. 2.h Identification and Fitting of Models Identification methods are rough procedures applied to a set of data to indicate the kind of representational model which is worthy of further investigation. By 'fitting' we mean the estimation of the various parameters. The selection of the right kind of model results from the extensive inter- action between theory and practice. The necessary theory is developed in Chapters 2-5 and the methods for identifying and fitting models for the actual time series have been explained and illustrated with examples in Chapters 6-9 in the Box and Jenkins book. J The programs that have implemented these methods have been described in detail in Appendix A. It can be observed that the extensive use is made of the behaviour of the autocorrelation function (ACF), , and the partial autocorrelation function (PACF), in the process of identification of the proper model. Tables 6.1 (pp. If 6) [ Appendix A9.1 (pp. 329) ^ and Table 3.2 (pp. 32) ^ are used as reference tables. The initial values of the parameters can also be estimated with the help of these tables. Chapter 7 of the book'-''-' describes a procedure to obtain a final set of parameters for a general ARIMA process from the initial values by minimizing the 'sum of squares function' S(,6), wh ere n , 2 s(,a) = Z [a 1^,0, w] t=l ^ and 8 are vectors of length p and q that represent the coefficient values of the AR and MA operators, respectively, and W = v d Z 2 . 5 Forecasting One of the primary objectives in "building stochastic models for discrete time series that occur in many practical cases is to utilize their ability to forecast the future values of the series. These fore- casts provide a basis for a) economic and business planning, b) production planning, c) inventory and production control, d) control and optimization of industrial processes. Let Z (2. ) , 2=1,2,... be the function that provides the forecasts Li at origin t for all future lead times (l ) . This will be known as the 'forecast function' at origin t. For a general ARIMA model (non-seasonal) $ (B) V d Z + = 6 (B) a + 2.5.1 p t q t the forecast function Z (2) may be expressed directly in terms of the difference equation by: \^ ] • h + i - +i Wi + --- + Vd z t«- P -a - e i a t«-i -■- Vt«-q + V* S - 5 - 2 Box and Jenkins show that the minimum mean square error forecast Z, (O (2 > 0) of Z is the conditional expectation V" ■ i z t« ] = E[z t«IV z t-i--- ] 10 The conditional expectations of the terms in 2.5.2 are evaluated by- inserting actual Z's when these are known, forecasted Z's for future values, actual a's when these are known, and zeroes for future a's (because E|a 1 = for j > 0). This forecast function is highly useful when the future values are needed for very short lead times as required in many business and industrial applications. For longer lead times the forecast error will be cumulatively larger. Also, as the future values of a's are replaced by zeroes, the eventual forecast function takes on a deterministic mathematical form as dictated by the solution of the homogeneous difference equation containing autoregressive terms only. Our intention of fitting a time series model for the pixels from a textural scene is to be able to forecast the series for longer lead times and thus effect the texture synthesis from a set of boundary conditions. The forecast function will be unsuitable for this purpose for the reasons mentioned above. Especially the eventual disappearance of the stochastic effect is highly detrimental for the textural property of the scene. 2.5.1 Generation of Time Series As shown in Figure 2.1, the general ARIMA process can be generated from a white noise process with appropriate filtering operations. Figure 2.2 shows the rearrangement of the filters in Figure 2.1 for the generation of time series. a is the output of the white noise generator. The present scheme requires (p+q+d) delays and registers to store the previous occurrences of Z's and a's which are required in th calculation of the present value. The multiplicative 11 WHITE NOISE GENERATOR a 0a(B) FILTER 1 Zl z, V 1 . \J 1-*(B) FILTER 2 A(B)a t FILTER 1 (l-$(B))Z t FILTER 2 A -UNIT DELAY Figure .., . Generation of Time Series [Z, J 12 constants ('s and 9's) are the parameters of the model. To start with, the registers are loaded with the 'initial' conditions and the values of Z (l > 0) are successively regenerated. The above discussion can be extended to seasonal time series. 2.6 Synthesis of 2-D Texture So far we have considered one-dimensional time series. By concatenating either successive rows or successive columns, a two-way series can be treated as a one-way time series. Of course, by doing this we are introducing one more (known) periodicity. The pixels from a digitized textural scene to be imitated ('parent' texture) are row (or column) concatenated to form a one-way time series [Z ]. With the help of programs USID*, LIKESURF* an appropriate model is fitted and the values of the parameters are estimated. The generation process shown in Figure 2.2 is simulated in GENTEX* which synthesizes the textural scene from a set of boundary conditions. This method is illustrated with an example in the next chapter. 2. 7 Redundancy Reduction The digitized TV scan of a picture is a row-concatenated one- way time series. When an appropriate model is fitted for this series, we come up with an attractive scheme for redundancy reduction in the transmission of the TV scan of the picture. In the literature [30] we find a method known by the name 'optimum linear predictor' in which the * See Appendix 13 next value in the series is predicted by expressing it as a linear function of the previous occurrences: k v = £ e. y . *t . _ i J t-i i=l e = y - y where y = the predicted value ~G ~C T» T> y = the actual value x< e = the error in prediction 2 0's are selected to minimize the mean square error [a (e )]. Data compression (redundancy reduction) is achieved by transmitting the error values only. At the receiving end the actual values (y's) can be reconstructed from the 'errors' (e's) from a system that is to be initialized to start with. In the present scheme that involves the time series model, a one-step-ahead forecast is made by expressing the next value as a linear function of not only the previous values in the series, but also the previous 'errors': Z^ = E d>. Z^_ . + Z 6. a^ . 1 i-1 X *" 1 1 = 1 ± t " 1 (autoregressive terms) (moving average terms) \ • tz t - z t ] where Z = one-step-ahead forecast of Z Xi "^ a = the 'residual' or 'error' The values of 's and 0's are selected to minimize the mean square error 2 [a ]. We can see that this is an improved version of the 'optimum linear a predictor' method for achieving redundancy reduction in the transmission of a TV scan of a picture. At the receiving end we can perform a similar ' filtering' operation as shown in Figure 2.2 to reconstruct Z's from a's. Here, of course, 'white noise generator' is replaced by the transmission line, Ik 3. SYNTHESIS OF TENURE: A CASE STUDY 3.1 Selection of an Appropriate Model The textural scenes that are used in the following examples are taken from Brodatz . A digitized scene of cheesecloth texture (D-105, Brodatz ) with lb graylevels is considered as the 'parent texture' (Figure 3.l) in example 1. For the sake of analysis, pixels from a 32 x l6 window is treated as a two-way input time series. It is row- concatenated (s = 32) and is given as an input one-way time series ([Z J, t = 1,512) to the program USID*. The output of this program con- sists of the estimated autocorrelations for [W ] where W = V V Z : ~G ~G J_ S u (a) for the original series, Z i.e. d = D = [ACF-00] ("b) for the series differenced once with respect to "basic interval only, V Z i.e. d = 1 D=0 [ACF-10] (c) for the series differenced once with respect to seasonal interval only, V Z i.e. d = D=l [ACF-01] (d) for the series differenced once with respect to "both "basic and seasonal intervals, V_, V Z^ 1st i.e. a = 1 D = 1 [ACF-ll] Figure 3.3 shows the plots of the autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) for all the four cases men- tioned above. The partial autocorrelation function is more useful in * Appendix A 15 the identification of the non-seasonal models and hence is not further discussed. The autocorrelation values in case (a) are large and highly periodic as might be expected. In case (b) it is seen that by dif- ferencing with respect to the basic interval reducing the correlation in general while a heavy periodic component remains. We obtain station- arity by differencing with respect to the seasonal interval as seen in cases (c) and (d) where the correlation values diminish very rapidly. The values of d and D which produce stationarity in the present case are and 1 respectively. A prospective model is selected for further analysis based on the information furnished by the autocorrelation function by referring to the Table 3-2 and appendix A9.1 . In practice we can pick up many tentative models and even probably overparameterize them. The program LIKESURF* is used to estimate the parameters of a given model from analyzing the input data. This program is capable of checking many models at a time and its output indicates the adequacy of any model as well as any redundancy in the choice of number of parameters. By the procedure mentioned above, we select the following model to represent the given data: (1-(|, 1 B S ) W t = (l-A 1 B)(l-A s B S ) a t (l) where W x = V Z^ t s t s = length of season (length of row) 3.2 Estimation of the Parameters We need to estimate the values of four parameters (cf> , A , A , a ) _L _L s a by analyzing the input data. * Appendix A Figure 3.1. Cheesecloth Texture Figure 3.2. Synthesized Texture LAGS C.c: 16. u 3L\U 48.0 6U.C ' 8J.0 36.0 112.0 128.0 17 ■&* W RCK- 00 V/\ /x/ PflCF flCF- 10 ' vAv^ M "-^ r ' A - wv , AvW ; ' A v-^ - w^VV v^ ^^s^^r^^- PRCF -.^.^^-^.— /■, , ^ r ^^3 '* V_^ - ^\^> fr /X/w .. flCF ]] - - ---•- - - - - fe - i- I : PflO : 7 Figure 3.3. Serial Correlations in Example 1 18 NO. vlr UiU HI1 iNi.= 23b NCi. 0> HKtLUI IL.NS Plli«-u.lbU iLl -J *. JJ Slj -J iiiU SU -u I'JW >L1 -0 lOu ill -u j'>0 HI L, Jjlj aci u JVU !>U Uu 5.3590E Ji b.bllbE 02 5. 701»c 02 5.d239E 02 b.57dbc 02 5.9B19E 02 5.79791 02 5.9001t 02__ u .0d7Bt 02 i.asose 02 5. '.USE 02 5.9b9SE 02 b.bbb7E 1)2 0.975 "5.32596 02 b.3989E 02 5.9090c 02 5.9899E 02 5.6063c 02 5. 7593t 02 0.500 "T."26i»E~"b2" 3.2B79E 02 5.3921E 02 5.92b6E 02 5.3912E 02 5.6869E 02 6.3999c 02 b.OlOlt 02 5.93blE 02 5.8b59E 02" 6.2J29E 02 6.1559E 02 6.0817E 02 . 78-'bL .B9i/l b7J2E 01 5 3 9 721 02 5 S210E 02 5 <»<*aoc 02 5 3801E 02 b993t 01 3 ol93t 02 5 5t2ae 02 5 ■.701c 02 5 9012E 02 7bb3t Ot 02" b~ b738E 7630E 02 "02" 5 b9S9E 02 5 5299E 02 02 5 5 9551E 590 IE 0? 8971>e 5 6863E 02 5 6I13E 02 WI2t Ot 5 dBb7t 02 5 806 IE 02 5 7292E 02 !> 6560E 02 l29jc 02 b J^/ot 02 5 9588E 02 5 B799E 01 5 8037E 02 3213E Ot b 2331t 02 b 19bBE 02 6 0893E 02 5 9855C 02 357. C 02 *- 9b3dt 02 6 J/Jot 02 b 287">E 02 b 2050E 02 .1 ^ C US'.* . L .t J O 11:1 . iOU c IV(6 .J 'jo c JJ7S .Jjj jjtj . J JU L /Ui . Ljj U VjdJ J2 3 B-.92E 01 5 /bbyt Ot 5 6/lbt 02 5 59ilt 02 b 5145c 02 5 7/t 02 3 dbb3t 02 3 7767t Ot 3 692 it 02 5 ell iE 02 5 b399E 02 lb8C 02 5 ■.225t 02 5 djilt Ot 5 l*7bc 02 5 6660E 02 5 5881E 02 050c 02 6 0193E 02 b 9234E 02 5 8369E 02 5 7533E 02 5 b740E 02 371t 0.; b 1902E Ot J472S 2 5 9bb2c 02 5 B730E 02 5 79 17E 02 009c Jjjl 02 02"" 6 5013C 5000c 02 2 - b - 2057L '.OOSfc Ot Ot 6 b 1139t 3058E 02 ot "b~ 026 IE "2197E 02 "02 5 6 9921E 12 73E 02 02"" •.71E U2' 7i99c 02 b -3b8t ot b 3j7bC 02 b 9-25c 02 b 351-.E 02 L-H6C4 1 ill =-w ^u t, ^j/B.. U<- ill =-0 i. jj t. ^5/jL Oi. SLl="u I 'JO L ji rue ■J£ Sll=-d 1JU O iliJt vi SL1=-J Jou c StO-tt \il SLi = JJU c J^i SLI= U3vJ •» <: d j r. J* .o.!7t J2 5 9^99h 02 5 89^ ic 02 5 75j7E 02 5 66 92E 02 . Jilbt U2 b 95961 02 b 8bl7E 02 b 7728E 02 3 6879L 02 . 1050L . 2J23E Jt dt -|- Jll2t 1 o< 5i Ot b 5179E 02 5 B27bt 02 02' 5 5 791 7E 8288E 02 02 6 0076E 02 5 9162E 02 .3309c 02 b 2299E 02 6 1318E 02 6 0383E u2 b 9987E 02 .-.959c ■it b 3913E lit b 291 I.-. 01 6 L9»Bc 02 b 1025E 02 .c996c Jt 6 5916L Ot 6 9d77E at 6 3879E 02 b 29.-IE 02 .5939c ■it b 6335E J2 6 7253E u2 6 6213E 02 b 5214E 02 ill . SLI ■ iU = bLl = iLI = SLI = SLI = e.9bi'.t ■jt O J-.-.9C ot b C397E ot 6 1j95c Ot 6 0J33C ot b 53b7E 02 3 8991E 02 . tdc u J 2 U ijUJC Ot b 2583C ot b lb. Il Ot 6 0319E Ot b 9598E 02 5 8619c 02 c.39t Lc ■jt 6 927ic ot b 3163C ot 6 2.clt ot 6 1079E Ot 6 0099E 02 5 9160E 02 L.O 1 1 02 7 7U7)c Ot 7 3663C Ot 7 ■»JObE Ot 7 2999c 02 7 1730E 02 SLI' -u t Jl> *>U = -u tUU IL, - -u l JL, sci- -0 lOu SU = -u j-jj jLI = u OJO »Ll ■ Jt»L d SlI- *- Iju (.Icl-i '. 1 J/9C /..95/L b. 8332c 02 6 72bbc U2 b b09-,t 02 b -.880E 02 b.db95E 02 b 7927E Oc b 6207E 01 b b035E 02 6. <253t Ot BOlbt 02 b 6789E 02 b 5oOlE 02 7.03U-.C 02 b 9007t 02 b 7758c 01 5 bbbbE 02 7. 172 It 02 7 0397E 02 b 9i22t 02 b 7899E 0? 7.3552E 02 7 2199E 02 7 0889E 02 b 9b23E 02 7.5bc2c 02 7 *9C0E 02 7 3068c 02 7 1765E 02 7.ab70c 02 7 7K5t 02 7 5712E 02 7 9358E 02 «1= O.bOO M1N SS= b.26bid33t 02" Figure 3.U. Output of LIKESURF in Exajnple 1 19 1U.0 15.0 ^5.o LAGS 30 35.0 40.0 45.0 Figure 3.5. Serial Correlations of Residuals in Example 1 50, CI lim.'l 150.0 ■ ■in'. n 250,0 300.0 T 350.0 400.0 1150.0 500.0 Figure 3.6. Forecast Values (shown by x) in Example 1 20 \ = (l+ * } z t-s " * z t-2s + a t " x i a t-: - X a, + X., X a , v s t-s 1 s t-s-1 (2) With the knowledge of a , a , a „, etc. We can make a one-step- ahead forecast : \ + l = (1+ *' Ws " * Z t + l-2s " A l a t " A 2 Vl-s (3) ** The 'residual' a, , = Z J _, - Z. .' , i.e. the residuals are considered on t+1 t+1 t+1 the one step ahead forecast errors. With appropriate starting values we can see that the values of a can "be recursively calculated for a given set of parameters. 3.2.1 A Method to Obtain Starting Values for Recursive Calculations of Residuals A procedure to obtain the starting values is described in detail and illustrated with an example in Chapter 9 of the book by Box and Jenkins . It is as follows: For a given set of parameters the series may be forecast backwards starting somewhere in the middle of the series. To begin with the unknown a' s are assumed to be zero. This introduces transients which will hopefully die down by the time Z , Z , Z etc. are estimated, provided the starting point is chosen sufficiently far along the series. The back-forecast continues till we obtain sufficient number of terms to be able to forward- fore cast the first value (Z ): \ ■ d + *> Vs " * Z l-2s Here we need the values till Z n _ and the values of a^ for t < 1 is l-2s t assumed to be zero. ** While forecasting the unknown values of a are replaced by their ex- pected value. In this case E(a ) = 0. 21 Now a, = Z. - Z. Ill From now on we can recursirely estimate the values of residuals a„ , a„ . . . a . We define a sum of squares function ' S' as: 12 n The program ' LIKESURF' plots the sum of squares function over a given parametric space and ohtains the values of the parameters for which it is minimal. The output of the program is shown in Figure 3.^-. The estimated values of the parameters are: d> = -0-15 X n = 0-25 X = 0-5 Is and min. sum of squares = 526.538 2 So the variance of the residuals is a = 1*03, a 3. 3 Checking the Adequacy of the Fit According to the model the residuals a are generated by a white noise process. If the fit were to be adequate, the calculated residuals should be uncorrelated. Figure 3-5 shows the correlation values of the residuals. It can be seen that the values are fairly small and there is no periodic component either. Thus, it offers no significant departures from randomness among residuals, confirming the adequacy of the fit. As mentioned in the previous chapter we can also check the adequacy by comparing the actual values to the forecast values from any origin. Forecasting is done on the same principle as before (i.e. using different equation approach). The values of a, for t > t . . is set ■^ t origin to zero. 22 Figure 3.6 shows the actual values (solid line) and forecast values (crosses) from the origin t = 128. Considering the limited number of parameters steering the model, the forecast function follows actual values rather closely even for t >> t . . origin. 3-k. Generation of Texture We can create a white noise generator having a mean = and 2 the variance a , which generates the residuals a . To start the recur- 3, T-» sive procedure for the generation of future values we need at least 2s values of Z . These can he considered as the boundary conditions. Figure 3.2 shows the texture synthesized in this manner. Here using two rows of length 6k (s = 6k) from the original scene as the starting values, the future values of the pixels have been generated by the procedure mentioned above. The effectiveness of this scheme can be tested by attempting to fill the holes in the 'parent' texture. The results are shown in Figure 3.7- It can be seen that the edge effects are clearly visible. This can be expected in the case of textures which have an associated structure. Let us consider a different class in the second example. The texture of a handmade paper (Figure 3.8a) belongs to a general class of statistical textures. It has no structure. The time series model fitted for this texture is of the form: (1-0. 8B S ) Z = (l+0.2 5B)(l-0.5B S ) a X Xi where s = seasonal period (length of the row) °l ■ 3 - 2T Figure 3.8b and Figure 3.8c show the results of hole-filling operation using the above model. Here edge effects are hardly noticeable. 23 3. 5 Conclusion It has "been demonstrated that the natural looking textures can be synthesized using a time series model. This procedure appears to be very effective while dealing with the statistical textures. Many biological textures belong to this general category. We may add here that the motivation for this work has been provided by our desire to obtain a procedure by which we can make a just choice of the size and shape of template for the R.O.C. analysis of r -i O "I texture . It was our belief that the number of auto regressive and moving average terms and the values of the parameters in a time series model for a given texture influence that choice. At the present time, work is being done to establish a link between the present work and the R.O.C. analysis of texture. 2U (a) (b) Figure 3.7. Filling the Holes in a Textural Scene (Example l) 25 (c) 26 APPENDIX A Description of Computer Programs Acknowledgment The description, flowcharts and the listing of the programs found in Bacon's thesis [2] and in the appendix of Box and Jenkins "book [5] have been very helpful in the development of the following programs. Several modifications have been done to Bacon's programs to suit our needs. Efforts have been made to retain the same nomenclature and interpretation of several parameters in order to conform as far as possible to the description of Bacon's programs. Program 1 USID (Univariate Stochastic Model Identification) 1.1 General Description This program is developed to assist in the identification stage. It calculates the serial correlations and their standard errors for a series, [ Z , ] and any of its differences of the form [V n V Z 1 . The main t 1st program USID controls the input data and performs the required differencinj while the subroutine SER is used for estimating the serial correlations. 1.2 Discription of Input A total of m cards are required by program as input for each series, m depending on the number of observations. 27 Card 1 FORMAT (8lU) NC : The series identification number NT : The number of data in the series KPER : The length of the period (s) NLG : If NLG=0, the original data is analyzed If NLG^O, the mean of the series is subtracted from each term Z . NM : The highest degree of differencing by basic intervals (i.e.d. ) WK : The highest degree of differencing by seasonal intervals (i.e.D.) NL : The maximum lag of autocorrelations to be computed WLP : The maximum lag of partial autocorrelations to be computed Cards 2-m These cards contain the original series data. The present input format is 32 Zl. This may be changed as per the convenience. Last Card After the last card of the final series, a card should be placed with 0000 in NT field (columns 5-8) which causes the program to stop. 28 1.3 Computation 1 n Mean of the series , z = — E z^ n t=l t If NLG^O, z| = (z -z), otherwise z' = z VT = V? V D z x for t=l,2 t 1st n Mean W = - E W^ n t=l t The autocovariance function for lag k(C ) is: K. i n-k C. = — E (w -w)(w -v] k n t t+k U J_ The autocorrelation function for lag k(r ) is k r k ■ q The partial autocorrelation function for log I ( ) is for I = 1 = «< where $ £J = * j £-1 r = E 3> r 1 T _n «--l,J 4 -J £ -1 1 - E J=l for £ > 1 K £-1,J J J=l,2 ,. . .1-1 I r £-l,2,-J The standard error for the estimated partial autocorrelation formula is 3(4> ) = l//n for k > p KK. 29 1. h Description of Output For each series, for all values of d = through NM and D = thorugh NL, the autocorrelation function and partial autocorrelation function has "been plotted for the specified number of lags. The output also consists of the standard errors of each function at every lag. Program 2 LIKESURF 2 . 1 General Description This program computes a grid of residual sum of squares over a specified region of parameter values and provides confirmation test results on the residuals from the best fitting model. This is a modified version of Bacon's program and accommodates any model of the form: - A R S+2 - X, B 2S - A, n B 2s+1 s+2 2s 2s+l This would include many commonly occurring seasonal models. Provision has been made to accept a constrained form of equation (l) such as : 7 1 's d-VW " d-\B)(l-A/) a t The program locates the minimum sum of squares and identifies the parameter values which produce that minimum. The serial correlations of the residuals are computed and plotted. Subroutine WES computes the penodogram plot and also computes the value of Bartlett's statistic M/C [2]. These values are used for checking the adequacy of the fit of the model. For more details the reader is referred to Bacon's thesis. 30 The random shocks 'a ' are generated by a subroutine GUASS when the appropriate parameters are supplied. Using this subroutine, the future values of the series are generated with the help of the fitted model. The subroutine SHWPAX, treating the time series as the pixels of the generated scene, rearranges and quantizes appropriately and points a two-dimensional gray-level picture of the resultant scene with the help of the 'PAX' subroutines. 2.2 Description of Input Data It is possible to analyze several series sequentially. It is also possible to check on several models for the same series. Card 1 NC NT NPER NPH NLG F0PMAT(5lU,2FU.l) The series identification number The number of data in the series The length of the period s The autoregressive lag r in (l) If NLG is nonzero, the mean value is subtracted from each term of the series; otherwise, the original series is analyzed The value of d (0 or l) The value of D (0 or l) Cards 2-m Contains the original series data. The present format is (32Z1). May be changed according to the requirements. 31 Card, m+1 ND NPR NORG NXX FORMAT UlU The number of series data to "be used to estimate the parameters The number of data to he forecast The value of the origin from which forecasts are made. The values of z for t=l through NORG are used as boundary conditions Is a code variable NxxfO for models of general form (l) Nxx=l for models of the form V* V D (l-A B r )z =(l-A B)(l-A B S ) a + Is It 1 s t Nxx=2 for models of the form Nxx=3 for models of the form V l V s ( 1 -* 1 Br ) z t = ( 1 - A 1 B - A 2 B2)(l - A s BS) a t (2) V d V D (l-4) B r )z =(1-A B)(l-A B S -A Q B 2s ) a + (3) lslt 1 s2s t (U) Cards m+2, m+3, n&h These cards contain the ranges of the values of parameters to be considered. The range is specified for each parameter by the lowest value, the highest value and the step change. Each card specifies the ranges of three parameters with the format (9F6*3). Card m+2 specifies the ranges for ch , A n and A„ . Card m+3 for A , A , and A _. Card 11 2 s' s+1 s+2 rn+U for A A^ , X_ , _ . The greatest number of values of any parameter 2s 2s+l 2s+2 J 32 that can be tested in one fit is l6. If a parameter is to be restricted to one quantity, say 0.0, the three entries should be 0.0, 0.0, 1.0. The last four cards only need be repreated for subsequent models to be tested for the same series. Last Card for Each Series A card containing zeros in ND field notifies that another series is to be processed. Final Card At the end of final series, a card containing zeros in NT field causes the program to stop. 2 . 3 Description of Output The output contains the sum of squares function plotted over the defined parametric space. The set of parameters which produce the minimum sum of squares is shown. The values of the residuals for this set is also shown. The serial correlations of these residuals are plotted. The forecast function is also plotted starting from N0RG. NPR values of the series are generated using the values of 'a ' generated from the subroutine GAUSS starting from NORG. These generated values are passed on to the subroutine SHWPAX and its output contains the gray-level picture of the two-dimensional scene, as described earlier. 33 Program 3 GENTEX 3.1 General Description This program generates the future values of a seasonal time series from a given model for a specified boundary condition. In a limited sense, in the present context it generates the pixels of a digitized texture scene. The model and the values of its parameters are embedded in the program and can be changed for various cases . 3.2 Description of Input Data Only the necessary details of the series and boundary conditions are fed in as input data. Card 1 Contains NC, NT, NPER, NPH , NLG, U, V in the same format as that of LIKESURF. All parameters have same interpretation, except NT indicates the number of data included as boundary conditions . Cards 2-m Contains boundary conditions. Input format at present is (32Z1) which may be changed as per convenience. We will illustrate with an example a method of embedding any model in the program: Suppose the model to be implemented is of the form: V? V D (l-cj) 1 B r )z =(1-AR)(1-A B S ) a + (2) Is It 1 s t (Values of d and D are restricted to be and l). Using this model, a one-step-ahead forecast is: 3U z\ = d*z^ . + D*z^ - d*D*z^ t t-1 t-s t-s-1 + A (-z. - d*z + . - D* Zj _ + d*D*z^ J 1 t-r t-r-1 t-r-s t-r-s-1 - A n a, . - A a, + A. A a, (2 1 t-1 s t-s 1 s t-s-1 The values of the parameters of this model tj). , A n , X , a 1 1 s a are specified in the beginning of the program. The equation 2' is appropriately coded and placed in the loop as a one -step- ahead forecast function, which is the only thing that changes for every model. 3. 3 Description of Output The output consists of the generated values of the time series As mentioned before, these are passed on to the subroutine SHWPAX to point a gray -level picture of the resultant scene. 35 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Anderson, T. W. An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis . John Wiley & Sons, 1958. " " ~ " 2. Bacon, D. W. "Seasonal Time Series," Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1965. 3. Bartels, Peter and G. L. Wied, "Tumor Cell Diagnosis Based On Stochas- tic Properties of Digitized Images," Proc. 2-D Dig. Signal Proc. Conf . , Columbia, Mo. 1971. h. Bhattacharya, P. C. "Order of Dependence in a Normally Distributed Two-Way Series." University of Arizona, 1972 (unpublished note). 5. Box, J. E. P. and G. M. Jenkins. Time Series Analysis . Holden-Day Inc. , 1970. 6. Brodatz, P. Textures . New York: Dover Publications, 1966. 7. Conroy, P. Simulation of Texture by Computer Graphics . TR-lU. Toronto: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, 1969. 8. Gibson, J. J. "The Reproduction of Visually Perceived Forms." Journal of Experimental Psychology , 12 (1929), 1-39- 9. Gibson, J. J. The Perception of the Visual World . Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1950. 10. Hawkins, J. K. "Textural Properties for Pattern Recognition." Picture Processing and Psychopicturics . Edited by Lipkin and Rosenfeld. New York: Academic Press, 1970. 11. IEEE Transactions on Computers , July, 1972. (Special Issue on Two- Dimensional Digital Signal Processing). 12. Julesz, B. "Visual Pattern Discrimination." IRE Transactions , IT-8 (1962), 86-92. 13. Julesz, B. "Texture and Visual Perception" Scientific American , (February, 1965) , lU. Julesz, B. "Cluster Formation at Various Perceptural Levels." Methodologies of Pattern Recognition . Edited by W. Walter Dunn. New York: Academic Press, 1968. 15. Ledley, R. S. "Texture Problems in Biomedical Pattern Recognition," Proceedings of the 1972 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 11th Symposium in Adaptive Processes, 1972. 36 16. Lipkin, B. S. and A. Rosenfeld, eds . Picture Processing and Psycho- pictorics . New York: Academic Press, New York, 1970. 17. Muerle, J. L. "Some Thoughts on Texture Discrimination by Computer." Picture Processing and Psychopictorics . Edited "by Lipkin and Rosenfeld. New York: Academic Press, 1970. 18 . McCormick, B. H. and S. N. Jayaramamurthy .. "Analysis of Texture," Report 531, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, (July 1972). 19. Pickett, R. M. "The Perception of a Visual Texture." Journal of Experimental Psychology , 68 (196U), 13-20. 20. Pickett, R. M. "The Perception of Random Visual Texture." Models for the Perception of Speech and Visual Form . Edited "by W. Walter Dunn. Cambridge: M. I. T. Press, 1967. 21. Pickett, R. M. "Visual Analyses of Texture in the Detection and Recog- nition of Objects." Picture Processing and Psychopictorics . Edited by Lipkin and Rosenfeld. New York & London: Academic Press, 1970. 22. Puzin, M. "Simulation of Cellular Patterns by Computer Graphics." Unpublished M.S. Thesis, University of Toronto, 1969. 23. Read, J. S. and S. N. Jayaramamurthy. "Automatic Generation of Texture Feature Detectors." IEEE Transactions on Computers (July 1972). 2k. Rosenfeld, A. "On Models for the Perception of Visual Texture." Models for the Perception of Speech and Logical Form. Edited by W. Walter Dunn. Cambridge: M. I. T. Press, 1967. 25. Rosenfeld, A., Y. H. Lee, and R. B. Thomas. "Edge and Curve Detection for Texture Discrimination." Picture Processing and Psychopictorics , Edited by Ripkin and Rosenfeld. New York: Academic Press, 1970. 26. Rosenfeld, A. and B. S. Lipkin. "Texture Synthesis." Picture Processing and Psychopictorics . Edited by Lipkin and Rosenfeld. New York: 'Academic Press, 1970. 2". Rosenfe>ld, A. and E. B. Troy. Visual Texture Analysis . (Computer Abstracts, TR 70-116), Computer Science Center, University of Maryland, 1970. 28. Trout. "The Description of Texture." File No. 832, Department of Com- puter Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1970. 29. Two Dimensional Digital Signal Processing Conference. Proceedings . Columbia, Mo., October, 1971. 30. Proceedings of IEEE , March, 1967 (Special Issue on Redundancy Reduction). FormAEC-427 (6/68) AECM 3201 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ( See Instructions on Reverse Side ) 1. AEC REPORT NO. COO-2118-0039 2. TITLE SYNTHESIS OF TEXTURE 3. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): LH a. Scientific and technical report [] b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference Sponsoring organization □ c. Other (Specify) 4. RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): (~xi a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. 1} b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and theit contractors. ] c. Make no announcement or distribution. 5. REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: 6. SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) S. N. Jayaramamurthy , Research Assistant B. H. McCormick, Principal Investigator Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Signature J^lvA^:V\.V ,V\AV. \ Date July 1973 FOR AEC USE ONLY 7. AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: 8. PATENT CLEARANCE: LJ a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. Lj b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. LJ c. Patent clearance not required. IBLIOGRAPHIC DATA !EET 1. Report No. , „ [2. UIUCDCS-R-73-566 3. Recipient's Accession No. 4Title and Subtitle SYNTHESIS OF TEXTURE 5. Report Date July 1973 6. 7Author(s) B. H. McCormick, S. N. Jayaramamurthy 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. 9 Performing Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urb ana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. US AEC AT(ll-l)21l8 1 Sponsoring Organization Name and Address US AEC Chicago Operations Office 9800 South Cass Avenue Argonne , Illinois 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Technical 14. 1 Supplementary Notes 1 Abstracts A general method has been proposed for the synthesis of texture. In this method, the pixels (picture elements) from a textural scene are considered as a two-way seasonal time series. With the help of well- developed methods in time series analysis, a model is fitted for the above time series. From a set of boundary conditions, with the help of this model, the future values of the time series are generated which in essence are the pixels of the synthesized texture. The effectiveness of this procedure is illustrated with examples. 1 Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors visual texture seasonal time series autoregressive terms moving average terms time series analysis forecasting generation of time series texture synthesis 111. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms 1:. COSATI Field/Group ^ 1] Availability Statement unlimited 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security (Mass (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 22. Price F i'M NTIS-35 (10-70) USCOMM-DC 40329-P7 1 MJ3 11 m OCT 2 9 1973