Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign AlteVnates https://archive.org/details/scientificresult02yark i HERTZBERG - NEW METHOD, INC. EAST VANDALIA ROAD, JACKSONVILLE, ILL. 62650 rJt^^YX TITLE NO ACCOUNT NO. LOT AND TICKET NO. ' -0000*0000 0/200-Z44 2 33 ' SC I ENT IF i 1 1 ISM i: CLOTH COLOR ’ 00^1 F’U'^ ■TC«RESULTS»DF THE«SECDNB•5<•YAF HEIGHT :■ IN PHASE BDX^^OERY BRITTLE# <><> OCv' SPECIAL WORK AND PREP. STUBBING 1 FRONT COVER HAND ADHESIVE 1 MAP POCKET PAPER j HAND SEW 1 NO TRIM LENGTHWISE 1 MAP POCKET CLOTH ' THRU SEW 1 PAGES LAMINATED FOREIGN TITLE 1 SPECIAL WORK > THRU SEW ON TAPE EXTRA THICKNESS LINES OF LETTERING 1 REMOVE TATTLE TAPE , HEIGHT PICA WRAP !!|i II llllllillllllliiil 1 SCIENTIFIC EESULT8 THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINA^H) STOLTCZKA, PhD. LEPIDOPTERA, BY .FREDERIC MOORE, F.Z.S., etc., ASSISTANT CUBATOB, INDIAN MDSEUM, LONDON. fublifiltcb bg ovbcr of the ^obcrmitcnt of Inbw. CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OP GOVERNMENT PRINTING 1879 . SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OP THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, PhD. LEPIDOPTERA, BY PREDEUIC MOOEE, E.Z.S., etc., ASSISTANT CUEATOE, INDIAN MUSEUM, LONDON. I3ublisltcb btj orbcr of the ^obernment of Inbiii. CALCUTTA : OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1879. \ CALCrTTA : « FEINTED BY KHE SUEEEINTENDBNT OF GOTEBNMENT FEINTING, 8, HASTINGS STEEET. s q 1 Sit C8 N s, SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION. LEPIDOPTEEA. By FREDERIC MOORE, F.Z.S., etc., Assistant Curator, India Museum, London. Tribe-PAPILIONES. 'E&mily—NYMPHALID^. Sub-FamUy-;S^ TYRING . 1. Hippaechia lehana. Plate I, fig. 4, ^. 61. Homgeosoma venosella. Plate I, fig. 24. Hommosoma venosella, Moore, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1878, p. 236. Upperside: fore wing pale greyish-ochreous, minutely brown-speckled, the speckles sparsely disposed along the veins ; having a transverse pale discal indented line and an indis- tinct space at end of the cell ; hind wing cinereous- white with pale brown marginal line. Cilia white. Body and palpi above greyish-ochreous, paler beneath. Underside whitish-cinereous. Expanse | inch. .Rah. — Ak Masjid, south of Yarkand (8,870 feet), June 2nd, 1874. 16 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. 62. Mtelois rNDTJLOSELLA. Plate I, fig. 27. Myelois undulosella, Moore, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1878, p. 236. Male and female. Upperside oclireous-grey : fore wing speckled with, brown, crossed by- two medial oblique undulating pale-bordered blackish lines, both of which are sinuous at the costal end ; a dark pale-centred streak at end of the cell ; middle of hinder margin and the outer border grey, the latter with an indistinct pale sinuous line slightly black-speckled ; cilia whitish, alternated with two dark marginal lines : hind wing pale brownish-cinereous externally ; cilia white alternated with one dark marginal line, and having a dark patch situated at the middle of the margin. Body ochreous-grey. Underside pale cinereous. Expanse If inch. Hub. — Ak Masjid, south of Yarkand (8,870 feet), June 2nd, 1874; Aktala, west of Yarkand (7,342 feet). May I7th, 1874. 63. Mtelois geiseella. Plate I, fig. 15. Myeloii griseella, Moore, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1878, p. 236. Upperside cinereous-grey : fore wing densely irrorated with brown, crossed by two medial undulating very indistinct speckled lines ; an indistinct streak at end of the cell ; both wings with an outer marginal narrow brown lunular line : hind wing whitish, with a very pale cinereous-brown marginal and an indistinct narrow submarginal band. Cilia whitish, with a narrow marginal dark line. Underside paler cinereous. Head and thorax brownish. Abdomen cinereous-brown. Expanse If inch. Sab. — South-east of Chiklik, south of Yarkand (June 5th, 1874). Tribe-TORTRIOES. 64. CoNCHTLis STOLiczKANA. Plate I, fig. 14. Conchylis stoliczkana, Moore, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1878, p. 237. Upperside : fore wing white, with three transverse outwardly oblique ochreous-brown bands, two inwardly oblique discal bands, and a spot at end of the cell ; a brown-speckled marginal band : hind wing cinereous- white, with a narrow brown marginal band. Body white and black-speckled, with white segmental bands. Legs white. Palpi white, brown- speckled. Underside cinereous-white, outer bands on fore wing indistinctly visible. Expanse f inch. Sab. — South-east of Chiklik, (June 5th, 1874). Tribe-TINEINES. Family—riAA'AD^. 65. Adela sulzella. Tinea sulzella, Schiff., W. V. 143 (1776). Sab. — Gaganghir, Kashmir. LEPIDOPTERA. n Family— GELECIIIBM. 66. Depressaria stigmella. Bepressaria stigmella, Moore, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1878, p. 237. Eore wing pale brownish-oclireous, greyish along the apical portion of the costa, inter- spersed with a few dusky speckles ; a dusky- grey short straight streak at end of the cell, and a few speckles on outer margin. Legs pale ochreous. Hind wing pale ochreous- white. Underside of both wings paler. Expanse inch. B-ob. — Yangihissar, Eastern Turkestan, (March 3rd, 1874). This species is nearest allied to the European 2>. suhpropinquella. Tabular List showing geographical Bistrihution. Kashmir. Localities where captured. Geographical Distribution. Epinephile cJiena Gaganghlr .... W. Himalayas (Pangi (Basahir) ; Kunawur). Aulocera swaha Gaganghir .... Ditto (Simla), Synchloe daplidice Gond, Sonamarg W. Asia ; Europe. Colias hyale Gaganghir .... W. Himalayas (Masuri) ; W. Asia ; S. and C. Europe. Colias fieldii Sonamarg .... Ditto (Masuri) ; Punjab. Polyommatus galathea Sonamarg. Bipsas odata ...... Gagangtir .... Ditto (Upper Kunawur). LeucopMebia licolor Hatti TJri .... Ditto. Sypercomya princiyalis .... Gond, Gaganghir Ditto. Arctia orientalis, n. sp. Sonamarg .... Ditto H. W. Provinces of India (Allahabad). Mamestra hrassicce Srinagur .... Ditto India; W. Asia; Europe. Seliothis scutosa Gaganghir .... Ditto W. Asia ; Europe. Pyrausta cuprealis, n. sp Gaganghir. Hypochroma pseudoterpnaria Uri Ditto Punjab. Gnophos ohtectaria Sonamarg .... Ditto (Simla). Adela sulzella Gaganghir .... W . Asia ; Europe. Ladae. Sipparchia lehana, n. sp Leh; Kharbu. Hipparchia cadesia Leh Kashmir. Aulocera hrahmina ..... Dras Valley Kashmir (Margan Pass). Argynnis jainadeva . . . ... Kashmir; Upper Kunawur. Synchloe hrassicce Kashmir ; W. Himalayas ; W. Asia ; Europe. Parnassius charltonius .... Kharbu. Runang Pass, 13,000 feet. Polyommatus lehanus, n. sp. ... Leh. Polyommatus ariana Dras Valley Sanga (Puspa Valley) ; Kashmir ; W. Himalayas ; Pangi (Basahir). Mydnroecia tibetana, n. sp Leh. Agrotis aquilina Leh W. Asia ; S. and C. Europe. Agrotis tibetana, n. sp Leh. E 18 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Tabular List showing geographical BisirihuHon — coutiuued. Mountain Range between Ladak (Leh) and Plains of Yaekand. Kashmir. Localities where captured. Geographical Distribution. Vanessa ladakensis, n. sp Gogra, Karatagh Lake. Baltia shawii Aktagh .... Chang Lung Pass. Colias stoliczkana, n. sp N. of Changla. Pamassius jacquemontii .... N. of Changla . Mountains of Ladak. Parnassius acco ...... Lupsang or Lak Zung, 17,537 Ditto. Neoris shahidula ...... Shahidula. Hadena stoliczkana, n. sp. . Kufelang. Agrotis segetum ...... Tankse .... N. W. India ; W. Asia; Europe. Agrotis aquilina Tankse .... ^Y. Asia ; Europe. Plains of Yaeka'nd. Pyrameis cardui ..... Sanju ; Karghalik Asia ; Africa ; Europe ; N. America. Synchloe rapes Yangihissar W. Asia ; Europe. Colias hyale Sanju; Yaugihissar . W. Asia ; Europe. Polyommatus kasgharensis, n. sp. Yangihissar. P. yarkandensis, n. sp. Yarkand. Euproctis karghalika, n. sp. ... Karghalik. Euproctis lactea, n. sp. Karghalik. Ptilopliora kashghara, n. sp. . . . Yangihissar. Acronycta karghalika, n. sp. ... Karghalik. Mamestra canescens, n. sp Karghalik. Agrotis segetum Karghalik .... N. W. India ; W. Asia ; Europe. Meliothis dipsacea Posgam ; Yangihissar W. Asia ; S. Europe. Agrophila sulphur alis ..... Yarkand .... W. Asia ; S. and C. Europe. Acontia luctuosa Yangihissar W. Asia; S. and C. Europe. Catocala pudica, n. sp Paskyum, Ladak, 10,870 feet (Shaw). Apopestes phantasma ..... Yarkand ; Bora (Shaw) W. Asia. Potys flavalis ...... Yangihissar ; Posgam W. Asia ; S. and C. Europe. Endorea transversalis, n. sp. Yangihissar ; Ighizyar. Geqmetra dispartita Beshterek .... N. W. India. Bepressaria stigmella, n. sp. ... Yangihissar. Hilly Country west and south-west of the Plains of Yaeka'nd. Synchloe chloridice Sarikol .... W. Asia ; S. Europe. Colias hyale Sarikol .... W. Asia; Europe. Oxicesta marmorea, n. sp. . Sasak Taka. Spodotis undulans, n. sp Ak Masjid ; Chiklik. Tceniocampa chiklika, n. sp Chiklik. Eeliothis hyblceoides, n. sp Chiklik. Pankia argentula ..... Ak Masjid .... W. Asia ; Europe. Potys flavalis ...... Ak Masjid ; Sarikol . W. Asia ; S. and C. Europe. Eudorea granitalis, n. sp Chiklik. Gnophos stoliezkaria, n. sp. ... Ak Masjid. Eupithecia satyrata Chiklik .... W. Asia ; S. and C. Europe. Thera khasgharia, n, sp Chiklik. SomcBosoma venosella, n. sp. ... Ak Masjid. Myelois undulosella, n. sp Ak Masjid ; Aktala. Myelois griseella, n. sp. Chiklik. Conchylis stoliczkana, n. sp. Chiklik. Erratum. In the names at foot of plate for “ Myelois giiseola,” read “ Myelois griseella.” Yarkund Mission. Lepidoptera Plate I. A.&.Butler 3^,1 etliti M.ntemBros.jmp. I, CoHas Stoliczkana. 2,\^TiessaLadal;ensis. 3,Pamassius Charltonius. 4?,Hipparchia Lehana. 5,Baltia SKawii. 6,Polyoinmatus Lehanus. 7. P.Kashgliarensis. S.P.Yarkundensis, 9.Acronycta Kargalika. 10, Spaglotis undulans. II. Taeniocampa Chiklika. 12,Hadena Stoliczkana. 13, Maine stra canescens. 14, Conchylis StoPczkana 15,Myelois griseola. ISjAgrotis Tibetana. 17. Qxycesta marmorea, IS.Exiproctis Kai-galika. 19.PtilophoraKashgliara. 20,HeliotHs Hybleeoides. 21,Hydracia Tibetana. 22, Gnoplios Stoliczkaria. 23,TlieraKa6h^ara. 24,HomaeosomavenoseUa. 25,Eudorea granitalis. 26,Pyrausta onprealis . 27,Myelois nndnlosella. / ; SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION; BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, Ph.D. COLEOPTERA, GEbDEPHAGA and LONGICORNIA. By H. W. Bates, P.R.S. {,Pp. 1—23, with one Plate.) PHYTOPHAGA. By J. S. Baly, F.L.S. [Pp. 25—36.) HALIPLID^, DYTISCID^, GYRINID^, HYDROPTILID^, STAPHYLINID^, and SCAR- AB^IDiE (except CETONIINI). By D. Sharp, F.R.S. {Pp. 37—53.) CETONIID^. By Oliver Janson. (P. 54.) HETEROMERA. By Frederick Bates. {Pp. 55—79, with one Plate.) iublifihcb bg orbcr of tlu Sobatimtttt of Ittbia. CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING, INDIA. 1890. j^foTE. — For the groii]) CuKi'ULioNurE. see n piiper by Dk. Faust in the Stettiner Em’Omologisohe Zeitung. Band XIjVIT., ]»p. 129-157, entitled Ye'T'/j id ! 'Alins’ nvf <‘hier n. tenuimams (Japan), I), discicollis, Dej., and others in its acuminate palpi, in which these eastern species differ from their West European 6 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. congeners. The three basal dilated joints of the $ anterior tarsi are not triangular, but ovate, their angles being perfectly rounded. Underneath, the dilated male joints are clothed with long ragged scale-hairs, loosely arranged ; but this is the case with the European species of the genus ; and the statement of Schaum and others is therefore erroneous, that they are “ spongiosi ” and bring the genus within the Anisodactylin(B sub-family. The genus is, in fact, allied to Ophonus. The upper surface of D, alticolus is light tawny or reddish-brown, redder on the thorax and a large spot on each side of the head. The rest of the head is brassy-black. The disk of the thorax has a dusky spot, sometimes indistinct. The disk of the elytra has, posteriorly, covering interstices 3 and 4, an elongate black spot. The species is closely allied to the South Russian and Turkestan D. discicollis, Dej., differing chiefly in the obliteration of the hinder angles of the thorax. Sab. — Pamir, between Sirikol and Panga. 21. — Haepalus c^etjleattjs. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 714. Mongato-ohlongus, glaber, tliorace transversim quadrato, postice distincte angustato, lateribus arcuatis, angulis posticis rotundatis, basi utrinque late subcrebre punctato, margine basali bisinuato : elytris apice for titer sinuatk, supra striatis, interstitiis planis impunctatis, ertio unipunctato. $ . Supra capite tlioraceque nigris politis, elytris caeruleis^ subviolaceis, nitidis ; antennis nigris, articulo basali rufo : corpore subtus nigro, pectore medio pedibusque rufopiceis ; abdo~ mine medio nitido. Immaturo toto corpore castaneo-rufo, nitido, elytris violaceis. V . Nigro-vel rufo-castanea, raro obscuro-nigra ; elytris opacis interdum violaceo-tinctis, apice fortius {ut in H. aeneo ? ) sinuatis. An elongate species, similar in form to S. hospes (Sturm), but without its punctuation. Thorax slightly narrowed behind, with hinder angles, but blunted or rather rounded at their apices. The elytra are destitute of punctuation, except the usual marginal row, and their apices are rather deeply sinuate in both sexes, but most so in the ? , The sexual diversity in colour is constant in mature individuals, the male having the head and thorax glossy black, with violet blue elytra ; the female being chestnut-red or brown, with elytra sometimes tinged with violet. Terminal spur of the anterior tibise lanceolate, simple. Sab. — Yangihissar and Kogyar. 22. — Haepalus melaneus. Bates, Proc.|Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 714. H. calceato {Dufts.) forma coloreque similis^ at tliorace fere impunctato anguUsque posti- cis obtusis. Oblong us, modice elongatuSy nig er nitidus, elytris 2 opacis ; antennis et palpis nigris, articulis omnibus apice piceo-rufis : tliorace transversim quadrato, postice leviter angustato, angulis posticis obtusis lateribus antice modice arcuatis, basi utrinque vage vix punctato, fovea lineari impresso : elytris apice paullulum sinuatis, supra convexis, simpliciter siriatis, interstitiis modice convexis, tertio unipunctato. Long. 6 lin. COLEOPIERA. 7 Similar in size, form, and colour to the European S. caleeatus ; convex, posterior part of elytra most so. Colour in the $ deep shining black above and beneath, in the ? the elytra opaque. The legs are more or less piceous, especially the tarsi. The antennae and the palpi are pitchy-black, the joints in all tipped with dull rufous. The thorax is very moderately rounded anteriorly, and gradually and slightly narrowed behind to the base, the hind angles being not quite rectangular and obtuse at their apices. The base on each side is very faintly roughened and not distinctly punctured, and the fovea is rather distinct and linear. Terminal spur of the anterior tibim laneeolate-acute, simple. Mab. — Sind Valley. Murree. Near Leh. 23. — Haepalxjs turcultjs. Bates, Proc. Zool, Soe. 1878, p. 71A Ohlongus, niger, ^ nifidus, $ sericinitens, antennis articulo primo rufo, palpis apice Jlavis : capite modice angusto^lcevi : thorace quadrato, antice prope angulos rotundato-angustato postice lateribus exacte parallelism elytris multo angustiori, angulis posticis rectis, sup7-a im- punctato : elytris utroque sexu apice fortiter subrecte sinualis, supra subtiliter striatiSm interstu tiis planis, iertio unipunctato : metasterno grosse sparsim punctato. Long. 4 lin. Very similar in colour in both sexes to H.. liodes ; hni differing in the smaller sizej narrow thorax, and strongly- sinuated apices of the elytra. The head is not notably wide, the eyes are only slightly projecting, and the forehead is remarkably even and smooth. The antennae reach the base of the thorax ; they are black and have the basal article constantly red. The thorax is parallel-sided from the base to the middle ; it is then gently arcuated and nearer the head much narrowed. The elytra have the same silky gloss, plane interstices, and fine strise as S. liodes. Terminal spur of anterior tibiee long, curved, lanceolate. Mab. — No locality. Probably near Yarkand. 24. — Harpaltjs jAPONicrs. Morawitz, Bull. Ac. St. Petersb. v. 1863, 327. Bah. — Murree. Many examples differing in no material respect from those of China, Japan, and Formosa. 25. — Harpalijs — ? A single specimen ? ; indeterminable. 26. — Harpalus indicola. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 7l4. El ngato-ohlongus, angustior, nigerrimus, $ magis, ? minuSm nitiduSm palpus et antennis fulais : thoi'ace quadratOm lateribus leniter arcuatiSm postice long e et modice angustato, angulis posticis paullo obtusis ; basi toto subsparsim punctato et paulo rugoso, fovea utrinque obliqua : elytris convexis, apice modice sinuatis, supra striatis {^fortius), interstitiis vix convexis, tertio puncto conspicue impresso : sternis et veutro lateribus grosse haud profunde punctatis. Long. 5 lin. 8 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Smaller and narrower than H. melaneus ; head also much smaller or narrower. In form it approaches the European M. tenehrosus (Dej.), hut the thorax is different in shape, the sides being more arcuated and contracted gradually behind to the base which they join at an obtuse angle. The colour is the same as in S. melaneus, except that the antennae and palpi are reddish-tawny ; hut this is liable to variation. The elytral striae are sharply impressed, and become deeper at the apex. The terminal spur of the anterior tibiae is moderately long, with the basal half dilated hut not dentate. Rah. — Murree. 27. — Harpaltjs masoreoides. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 715. Tarvms, niger suhsericeus, Icevis, partibus oris antennisque fiavo-testaceis, pedibus magis rufescentibus : thorace transverso, elyUds vix angustiori, antice gradatim paullulum angustato, angulis posticis rotundatis, Icevi, foveola basalt utrinque oblonga, marginibus rufescentibus ; elytris oblongis, apice late obtusis leniter sinuatis, supra striatis, striis minutissime punctulatis, interstitiis vix convexis, marginibus refexis et epipleuris piceorufis : menti dente triangulari, acuto. Long. lin. The obtuse-angled thorax and apex of elytra, with the general form and smoothness, give this little species the appearance of a Masoreus. The head is small, obtuse, smooth, and polished ; the eyes very slightly prominent ; the frontal fovea is round and well-defined. The antennae are rather longer than the head and thorax taken together; they are yellow, with more or less dusky on their pubescent joints. The spur of the anterior tibiae is obtusely lanceolate, not dilated ; the external angle of the apex of the tibiae has three short and very stout, obtuse spines. Rab, — Pamir Steppe, between Sirikol and Panga. 28. — Harpaltjs liodes. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 715. Ovatus, latus, mediae convexus, niger, $ serici-nitens, ? serici-opaous, aniennis palpisque piceo-rufis, illis nigromaculatis, tarsis picen-rufis : capite lato, Icerigato, oculis minus promi- fiulis ; thorace valde transverso, antice angustato, postice multo latiori, angulis posticis rectis, fere impunctato : elytris ovaiis, apice paullulum sinuatis, supra sub tiliter striatis, interstitiis plants, tertio minute unipunctato ; tibiis intermediis utroque sexu arcuatis. Long. 5 — lin. Resembles much large species of the genus Amara. Thorax shorter in relation to the width than in R. brevicornis (Germ.), or any other species of the genus known to me. The head is broad and the forehead flattened and smooth. The thorax is narrower at the apex than at the base ; hut the sides from the slightly dilated anterior part are slightly rounded, or nearly parallel to the hind angles, which latter are rectangular hut blunt at their apex : the disc is obscurely wrinkled and there are a very few punctures in the shallow basal fovese ; otherwise the surface is impunctate. The antennee are short and far from reaching the base COLEOPTEE.A. 9 of the thorax. The elytra are ovate not wider at the base than the thorax, very slightly sinuated near their apex ; the striae are very fine, faintly punctulate, and the interstices flat and impunctate throughout, except the marginal one and the customary one on the third- The colour is deep black, with a bright silky gloss in the s , but nearly opaque in the $ . The abdomen is impunctate. The metasternum has a few large punctures. Terminal spur of anterior tibiae long and lanceolate. Hab, — No locality. Probably near Yarkand. 29. — Hypolithus perltjcens. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 715. Piceo-niger, Icete iridescens, glaber, antennis, palpis, et pedihus fulvio-testaceis : capite Imvissimo, post oculos angustaio, mandihulis magis rectis et acutis piceo-ntjis ; fovea froyitali lineari versus oculum curvata : tliorace quadrato, lateribus leniter fere cequaliter arcuatis, angulis posticis Yulde obtusis, margine postico late sinuato supra limbo toto crebre subtiliter punctulato, disco sparsim punctulato^ polito, marginibus rufescentibus : elytris fortiter striatis^ interstitiis paullulum comexis, politissimis, tertio [prope striam secundam) multipunctato. Long. lin. $ . Agrees with certain species of South Africa, in the curved linear frontal fovea, and with such species as E. glaber (Boh.) in its naked surface. The undersurf ace of the insect is irides- cent and glabrous, as well as the upper ; the ventral segments and the deflexed margins of the elytra being more or less rufescent. The metasteruum has a few shallow punctures. The legs are naked, with the exe'^uBon of a few stout spines on the outer side of the tibite and a few setae on their inner side and underneath the tarsi. The tooth in the emargination of the mentum is very short, but distinct. Eab. — Jhelam Valley. EYPSINEPHUS, nov. gen. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 715. Generi Selenophoro proxime affine. Corpus elongato-ellipticum gen. Calatho hand dissimile, supra glabrum. Caput antice liaud obtusum, labrum et mandibulce modice elongata. Mentum rotundato-emarginatum, edentatum. Palpi elongati ; maxillarii articulo terminali penultimo breviori, subfusiformi sed apiee distincte truncato. Thorax quadratus. Elytra glah'a, interstitiis tertio, quinto, et septimo {apiee) pluripunctatis. Pedes elongati, validi : tarsi ^ , articulis anticis 4 dilatatis, cordatis, squamigeris, primo basi gracili apiee subito dila- tato, quarto breviter bilobo. Tibice intermedice $ areuatce. A new genus is necessary for the reception of a species in Dr. Stoliczka’s collection which agrees with the American Selenophori in its chief characters, but differs wholly in facies from that numerous group. The totally different form of the dilated tarsal joints in the male affords a good distinguishing character ; the other features enumerated above having only a minor importance. The species described below has doubtless many Asiatic congeners ; one I have found among the Rarpali collected by Dr. Maack in Eastern Siberia. B 10 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. 30. — Htpsinephtjs elliptictjs. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 716. Ficeo-niger vel castaneus, nitidus, $ sericeo-opacus, partibus oris, antermis pedibus- que testaceo-fulvis : capite mox pone oculos angustato, foveis frontalibus rotundatis ; thorace quadrato, elytris angustiori, laieribus postice explanatis, arcuatis angulis posticis obtusis, supra impimctato, fovea utrinque hasali vage impressa : elytris elongato-ovatis, apice modice sinuatis, striatis, interstitio tertio punctis parvis 5, quinto prope basin 2, septimo apicem versus plurimis impressis, punctis mar ginalibus parvis. Long. 6 lin. Elongate elliptical, varying from pitchy black to castaneous. The lateral margins of the thorax are gradually more and more explanated from the anterior to the posterior angles, and the base has no distinct punctuation. The punctures of the elytra are somewhat variable in number and position : there are 5 or 6 on the third interstice, mostly close to the second stria, and 2 or 3 on the fifth near the base ; hut in some examples the fifth interstice has a row of punctures near the apex, like the seventh. The margin has a number of minute faintly impressed punctures. Hab. — Eour examples, two without locality, one marked « (from the Knen-lun ?), and the fourth from the Pangong Valley : this last has the thorax distinctly more dilated behind and more rectangular hind angles than the others. 31. — Harpalus qtjadricollis. Selenopliorus quadricollis, Kollar & Eedtenb. in Hiigel’s Kaschmir, iv, 2, p. 502. jpab. — Between Dras and Leh. The authors above cited placed this species in the genus Selenophorus from the simple emargination of the mentum. M. Putzeys, in his recent mono- graph of the genus Selenophorus, has riglitly restricted it to those Harpalince which have the alternate interstices of the elytra pluripunctate and other characters in addition to the simple mentum, and which belong all to America. S. quadricollis very closely allied to the typical Harpali, but probably a separate genus will eventually be formed for the species with edendate mentum. 32. — Stekolophtjs morio. Mendtries, Catal. Raisonnd (1832), p. 136. Id., Insectes rec. p. Behmann i, 25. Solsky in Fedchenko’s Turkestan, Zoology, tom. ii, v, Coleop. i, p. 88. Hab. — Yangi Hissar ; one example. The species occurs in the neighbourhood of the Cas- pian and in Mesopotamia near Bagdad. The Yangi Hissar specimen has a smaller and rounder thorax than is presented by Bagdad examples with which I have compared it. 33. — SpHODRIJS INDUS. Chaudoir, Bull. Mosc. 1852, i. p. 67. Rab. — Murrcc ; one example. COLEOPTERA. 11 Resembles specimens from Northern India in every other respect, except that the hind trochanters are long and furcate at the apex, with one branch of the fork very short. The specimen is a female. 34. — Sphodrus cordicollis. Chaudoir, Bull. Mosc. 1854, i, p. 43. Hah. — Murree ; one example. Differs from Syrian specimens* by its slightly broader and more ovate elytra. 35. — Calathus melanocephalus. Lin., Fauna Suec. No. 795 : Putzey’s Mon. Calath., p. 58. Hah. — Pamir, between Sirikol and Panga. Many examples ; differing from the ordinary type of Western Europe by the rather nar- rower and more parallel- sided thorax and elytra. According to Putzeys, alpine varieties occur which are modified in the same manner. Hah.— ? 36. — Calathus angustatus. Koll. & Redtenb. in Hugel’s Kaschmir, iv, ii, p. 500 (1844). Syn. C. Kollari, Putz., Mon. Calath, p. 56. 37. — Calathus — ? Hah . — A single example, in imperfect condition, ticketed “ Sind Valley it would pro- bably range in the section Pristodactyla. 38. — Anchomenus ladakensis. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1878, p. 718. A. parumpunctato {Lin.) prcxime ajffinis, sed gracilior, thorace longiori, etc. JElongato omtus, gracilis, supra suhfusco-cupreus, capite thoraceque magis aeneis, inter dum toto viridi- aeneus ; corpore suhtus nigro nitido ; femorihus nigropiceis, tihiis tarsisque rufo-piceis ; anten- nis piceo-fuscis, articulo hasali rufo : capite Icevi, post oculos magis suhito quam in A. parum- punctato angustato'. thorace suhquadrato, laterihus le niter arcuatis, angulis posticis rotundatis ihique margine explanato-rejiexo, toto limbo alutaceo : elytris elongatis, margine hasali utrinque fortiter sinuato, laterihus par allelis, supra acute striatis, inter stitiis plants, tertio 5-punctato. Long 3| lin. Closely allied to the common European A. parimipunctatus. At first sight it seems to diff e r only in its more slender, narrower form, and rather duller colour ; but on closer examination 12 SECOND YADKAND MISSION. several minor structural differences are perceived. The head is more suddenly narrowed be- hind the eyes. The thorax is longer, its outer borders alutaceous and rugose, and the basal line, instead of forming a regular gentle curve, is nearly straight in the middle and obliquely arcuate on each side towards the hind angle, which is more distinct than in A. parumpuncta- tus ; this outline giving the appearance of a broad sinuation in the middle of the base. The striae of the elytra are not so distinctly punctulate, and the interstices rather coarsely alutace- ous or granular. Mab . — Taken between Tangtze and Chagra in the Pangong Valley, altitude probably between 13,000 and 15,000 feet. Some specimens from the Pamir, between Sirikol and Panga. A. pammpunctatm is found throughout Europe and the Caucasus, and also in Western Siberia. 39. — Anchomenus politissimtjs. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 3878, p. 719. A. fuliginoso {'Panzer) forma suhsimilis,nigro-aeneus, poUtissimus : capite hreviter ovato, oculis vix prommulis ; palpis minus elongatis, articulis ultimis acuininatis : thorace postice angustaio, angulis posticis oblique rotundatis, ma,rgine prope angulum valde reflexo : elytris apicem versus valde sinuatis, supra obsolete striatis, disco utrinque baud conspicue bipunctato ; pedibus aeneis^ tibiis rufotestaceis. Long 2^ lin. Belongs apparently to the genus Oxypselaplius (Chaud.), which is not admitted by modern authors. The antennte, however, are longer than in that group, being much longer than the head and thorax ; the third joint is not pubescent and is a little longer than the first and the fourth ; the basal joint is slightly rufous in front. The maxillary palpi are rather less sharply pointed at the apex than the labials, and all are pale at the tip. The thorax is quadrate-cordate ; being a little ronnded immediately after the anterior angles, and then gradually narrowed to the base ; the lateral margin near the hind angle is remarkably and sharply elevated, and the upper edge of elevated rim has a slight notch. The striae of the elytra are most visible at the apex, the marginal one being entire. The whole insect is highly polished, having the appearance of being varnished. Sab. — Murree. 40. — COLPODES OVALICEPS. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 719. Minus elongatus, nigro-clialybeus nitidus, elytris ampliatis, ovatis : capite parvo, ovato^ oculis baud prominulis; menti dente apice sidcato-emarginato : tliorace ovato capite dimidio iatiori, margine laterali cequaliter explanato, subreflexo, angulis posticis subrotundatis : elytris convexis, late ovatis, apice vix sinuatis, bumeris rotundatis, striatis, interstitiis planis, tertio tripunctato: metasterni episternis brevibus ; antennis, palpis, pedibusque rufopiceis, femorihus nigris. Long. 5 lin. Differs from the great majority of the genus by a combination of peculiarities,— notched tooth of mentum, short metathoracic episterna, and simply but deeply sinuated fourth COLEOPTERA. 13 joint of anterior and middle tarsi. The head appears ovate and small, owing to the unsalient eyes and the continued width and fulness far behind the eyes, the short neck close to the thorax only being contracted ; the upper surface also at the neck is depressed. The palpi are not notably elongated, and the apical joints are hut slightly narrowed to the apex and briefly truncated. The third antennal joint is naked and of the same length as the fourth. The thorax is widest a little before the middle and the sides are there slightly angulated ; the anterior angles are prominent, the posterior very obtuse, almost rounded. The tarsi are clothed beneath with long soft hairs, longest on the fourth joint as characteristic of the genus Colpodes. B.ah. — Murree. 41.— Aegutoe, dieeicilis? Chaudoir, Enum. Carab. Caucas, p. 136. Hah , — A single example of an Argutor, from Sanju, closely alhed to the common European A. strenuus (Panzer). Erom its somewhat larger size, I think it likely to he the species, or variety, above-named. 42. — Molops pilieeeus. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 718. Niger, nitidus ; tJiorace late cor data, post medium^ subsinuatim angustato, angulis posticis rectis; antice juxta marginem lateralem punctis decern longe piliferis Uneatim dispositis : elytris elongato-ovatis, convexis, prope apicem fortiter sinuatis, supra exarato-striatis, striis 7 — 8 valde approximatis, 7ma uninterrupte punctatis, punctis longe piliferis, inter stitiis dorsalihus planis, tertio et quinto apice pilfer o-punctatis. Long. 6 — 7 lin. Distinguished from all its European congeners by the remarkable row of punctures along the seventh elytral stria, each hearing an extremely long stiff hair : a similar row of hairs ac- companies the lateral margin of the thorax, at the rounded anterior part, and a group of the same is situated near the inner margin of each eye. The general shape of the insect is similar to that of M. elatus ; hut the thorax is more fully rounded anteriorly and more narrowed posteriorly, the hind angles being rectangular and not abruptly prominent. The striae of the elytra are more sharply impressed, not distinctly punctured, and the interstices are plane. Rab. — Murree, 43. — Amaea teivialis. Gyllenhal, Fauna Suec. vi, 240. Rab. — Two examples : Sind Valley ; agreeing tolerably well with West European speci- mens. 14 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. 44. — Amara bamidtjny^. Bates Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 716. A. triviali {Bufts.) affinis. Ovata, subtus viridi-aenea, supra aenea, antennis articuUs 2 basalibus mjis, pedibiisnigro-vel aeneo-piceis : thorace quaminK. triviali et A. spreto breviori, basi impunctafo, foveoUs interiori oblonga, exteriori parva obliqua subobsoleta : elytris striis subtilibus, apice hand profundius impressis, distincte punctulatis, interstitiis planis. Long. 3^ — 4 lin. Partakes of the characters of three species — trivialis^ spreta, and famelica, having the shorter thorax of the last, the basal coloration of antennae of the second, and the size and colouring of the first. But it is distinguished from all by the peculiarly fine striation of the elytra, in which the punctures are generally more conspicuous and broader than the striae themselves. Another character is the less polished surface ; owing to the minute striation, especially of the elytra, even in the male. In matured individuals the undersurface of the breast and epipleurae of the elytra is polished brassy green, the abdomen and femora brassy black. The scutellar stride lies between the first and second striae, arising from near the base of the latter. B. ab. — Pamir ; between Sirikol and Panga. A large number of examples. 45. — Amara ambigena. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 716. Breviter ovata, nigro-aenea polita, ventris apice rufo ; palpis, antennis basi, pedihus, elytrorumque epipleuris, rufis, elytris interdum castaneis : thorace brevi, antice gradatim rotundato-angustato, apud basin elytris paulo angustiori, margine basali jiexuoso, angulis posticis subacutis ; foveolis basalibus utrinque dudbus latis, sparsim grosse punctatis ; elytris brevibus, punctulaio-striatis, interstitiis planis : menti dente elongate triangulari sed apice anguste fisso. $ Tibiae posticce intus pauciter pilosce. Long. 3^ lin. Approaches the genus Leiocnemis, the hind tibiae of the s having only a few soft hairs on their inner edge and the thorax being narrower than the elytra and parallel- sided for a short distance from the base : the facies is also that of Leiocnemis taidarice. The frontal foveae are narrow, deep, and flexuous. The sides of the thorax are explanated gradually after the middle. The elytral striae are fine and equally impressed from base to tip, the scutellar stride being united to the first stria. The sterna are smooth. Rob. —Between Tanktze and Chagra, Pangong Valley. 46. —Leiocnemis himalaica. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 716. Elongato-ovata, rufo-picea vel castanea supra aeneo^tincta ; partibus oris, antennis, pedi- b usque Jlavotestaceis ; thorace brevi, transverse, lateribus fere cequaliter arcuatis, antice paulo magis quam postice angustato, angulis posticis obtusis, lateribus paululum explanatis. COLEOPTERA. 15 foveoUs hasalihus grosse sparsim punctatis, interiori rotundata^ exth'iwd vage impressa cari- naque ohsoletissima vel nulla : elytris acute et simpliciter striatis, interstitiis plants : corpore subtus Icevi, nitido. $ . TibioB intermedicB subtus medio sinuatce, deinde paulo dilatatce et denticulatce. Long. 3| lin. The rudimentary bidentate undersurface of the middle tibiae of the 3 show a tendency towards the genus Curtonotus, but the facies of the species is totally unlike that group ; the general appearance of the insect being that of a moderately robust Calathus. There is scarcely any trace of the oblique carina at the posterior angles of the thorax, and the sides of the latter form a tolerably regular curve from base to apex, without the slightest sinu- ation near the hind angles. Sab . — “ Dras, Kargil, and Leh.” 47. — Leiocnemis tartaric. Bates, Proc. Zool, Soc. 1878, p. 716. Oblongo-ovata, modice convexa, nigra poUta, supra aenescens ; partibus oris, antennis, pedibusque piceo-rujis : thorace valde transverso, lateribus fortiter arcuatis, antice et postice fere cequaliter angustato, angulis posticis distinctis sed obtusis, basi utrinque foveis duabus modice impresses for titer punctatis : elytris punctato-striatis, interstitiis plants : prosterni apice late rotimdato, marginato, meso-et metasternis punctatis ; menti dente lato, magno, bifido. Long. 3 1 lin. The whole surface of the body is polished, beneath black, sometimes piceous and red- dish, with the elytral epipleurse also reddish ; above tinged with greenish-brassy, the elytra sometimes bright brassy-green. The frontal foveae are sharply impressed and linear, as in many other Leiocnemis. The thorax is transverse, distinctly narrower than the elytra, very strongly rounded on the sides, so as to give it an almost rounded appearance ; the widest part is the middle, whence it narrows almost equally towards the apex and the base, the sides joining the base without any sinuation and forming an angle which is more obtuse than rectangular ; the basal fovese are never deep and in some examples scarcely apparent except from their coarse punctuation. Sab . — Between Yangi Hissar and Sirikol. 48. — Leiocnemis frivola. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 717. Parva, oblonga, subtus rufo-castanea, supra nigro-aenea, vel aenea, elytris interdum castaneis aeneo-tinctis ; partibus oris, antennis, pedibusque rufotestaceis : foveis frontalibus linearibus extus acute exaratis, antice supra epistomaten continuatis : thorace transversim quadrate lateribus leniter arcuatis ; postice minus quam antice angustato, mox ante basin paullulum sinuato, angulis posticis fere rectis ; foveis basalibus grosse punctatis; elytris punctulato-striatis ; menti dente bifido, piano. Long. 2^ lin. 16 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. This small species has the general appearance of a Bradycellus. The thorax at first sight appears quadrate, hut the sides are gently arcuated and just before the hind angle very slightly incurved, so as to make the hind angles rectangular ; but there is some little individual variation in this respect. The frontal fovem are linear and cross the suture to the epistome which they invade for a short distance ; their outer edge (towards the eye) is deepest, and the line is there so sharply incised that their border is vertical, in some lights appearing cariniform. Hah. — No locality. Taken in the latter part of the journey; on the Pamir or near Yarkand. 49. — Amathitis badiola. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 717. A. rufescenti {Bej.) proxime offinis, at angiistior, corporeque infra nigro. Oblonga, depressa, subtus nigra, supra capite tlioraceque rufo-castaneis {illo ohscuriori) elytris sub- fusco-badiis, interdum aeneo-nitidis, striis obscurioribus : capite minus elongate, oculis multo minus quam in A. rufescenti prominulis : thorace elytris angustiori, ante mediimi modice rotundato-dilatato, pr ope basin angustato, ibique lateribus obliquis, angulisque posticis vix rectangulis {sed apice acutis) ; basi toto discrete punctate, foveis modice impressis, carinaque vix elevata : elytris punctidato-striatis, interstitiis planis ; corpore subtus nigro-nitido ; pariibus oris, antennis, pedibusque fulvo-testaceis. Menti dente prominulo, triangulari. $ tibiis posticis intus parce breoiter pubescent ibus. Long. 4 lin. Nearly allied to A. rufescens, hut abundantly distinct. Its smaller head, much less prominent eyes, and relatively smaller thorax, distinguish it at once, independently of the light brown colour of the elytra. The distinct equilateral triangular tooth of the mentum distinguishes it from A. suhplanata of Putzeys, Hab. — One of Stoliczka’s latest captures. The majority of the specimens hear no locality ; hut one example clearer in the colour of the elytra is ticketed as from the neigh- bourhood of Sanju. 50. — Amathitis khenlhnensis. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 717. Valde elongatus, modice convexus, pallide ferrugineus, antennis pedibusque graeilibus, illarum articulo tertio cceteris multo longiori : thorace elytris multo angustiori, late cordato, laterihus antice fortiter arcuatis, postice sinuatim angustato, angulis posticis acutis ; supra impunctato, foveis basalibus latis, vagis, carinaque prope angulum indistincte elevata : elytris elongato-ovatis, apice paulo sinuatis, striis Icevibus modice impressis. Long. 5 lin. ? . A species remarkable for its very slender antennae and long legs, apparently allied to A. longipennis (Chaudoir) and allies from the Altai, none of which I have seen. The mentum is scarcely toothed in the middle of its emargination, and the horny ligula is very broad and truncated at the apex. The anterior tibiae are much dilated and compressed towards the COLEOPTERA. 17 apex, which is armed with only one long spur and is fringed, as well as the outer edge, with short, strong bristles ; the middle and hind tibiae are clothed all round with long, fine bristles. The episterna of the metathorax are elongated. Rah . — Neighbourhood of Sanju. 51. — Bradytus apricarius. Carabus apricaritis, Payk., Monogr. Carab. p. 77. Amara apricaria, Dej., Spec. Gen. iii, 506. Braiytus apricarius, Stephens, 111. Brit. Ent. i, p. 136. Rah. — Sind Valley, Dras, Kargil, and Leh : Pamir, between Sirikol and Panga. The Pamir and Ladakh examples agree closely with the West European form of the common Palsearctic species. One of the Sind Valley specimens is rather more elongate, and is probably the var. parallelus (Chaudoir) from Lenkoran on the Caspian. 52. — Bradttus compactus. Bates, Proc, Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 717. Breviter oblong o-ovatus^ latus, suhaeneo-niger^ convexus ; capite hrevti et crasso, ocuUs parum convexis, epistomatis margine antico transversim sulcato ; thorace elytris hand angus- tiori, postice modice angustato, anguUs posticis acutis, foveolis basalibus parvis punctafiSy carinaque ohsoleta : elytris simpliciter striatisy interstitiis planis : palpiSy antennis, pedibusque rufopiceis : episternis parumpunotatis : menti dente magno apice inconspicue emarginato. Long. 4 lin. Of short, broad, oblong form. Distinguished from all other species by the smooth furrow accompanying the arcuated front margin of the epistome, which itself forms a thickened rim. A further important distinctive character is the absence of the usual carina of the thorax near the hind angles, in the situation of which there is a scarcely perceptible obtuse elevation. The hind angles of the thorax are acute, the arcuated lateral margin being slightly and briefly sinuated just before the angle, and the hind margin being incurved on each side. The elytral striae are not perceptibly punctured. Prosternum with a long smooth longitudinal furrow. Posterior tibiae of the male on the inside with a sparse clothing of soft hairs. Rab. — Murree. 53. — CURTONOTTJS PAMIRENSIS. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 717. Elongato-oblongus, angustus, rufo-castaneus, supra olivaceo-aeneusy thoracis elytrorumque marginibus rejlexis, rufescentibus : capite Iwvi, mox pone oculos angustato ; thorace trans- versim quadrato ante basin subfortiter constricto, ibique lateribus parallelis et margine laterali hand interruptOy angulis posticis rentis ; base grosse subsparsim punctate, foveis utrinque linearibus ; elytris striatiSy striis (versus apicem exceptis) punctatis : metasterno et ventri basi sparsim punctatis. 18 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Tihiis intermediis post medium angustatis et acute hreviter bidentatis. Long. 4| — 5 lin. In form this species is narrow, with remarkably elongate elytra. The undersurface is constantly chestnut-red, together with the epipleurse of the elytra and prosternum, the legs, antennae, parts of the month, epistome, and narrow lateral rims of the elytra and thorax. The rest of the upper surface is dark, hrassy-olivaceous. The thorax is of the same width anteriorly as the elytra, but is much narrowed near the base, nearly as in C. fodince, hut the hind angles do not at all project. The elytral interstices are plane ; the punctuation of the striae is strongest in the striae nearest the suture, and the edges of the interstices are there crenulated ; it disappears towards the apex and becomes very faint towards the sides. Mah. — The Pamir Steppe ; between Sirikol and Panga. 64. — Bembidium (Pertphijs) pamirense. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1878, p. 718. Ohlongum, depressum^ capite thoraceque viridi-vel aurato-aeneis, politis, elytris fulvo* testaceis, vitta suturali {ante apicem abhreviata) fasciaque pone medium {interdum quoque margine et apice) aeneo-Juscis ; antennis^ palpis, pedibusque Jlavo-testaceis : thorace breciter cordato, antice fortiter rotundato, anguUs posticis rectis, basi rugato, fovea utrinque profunda carinulaque obliqua : elytris striato-punctatis, interstitiis plants . Long. lin. Of the flattened form of B. andrece, B. femoratum, and allies ; elytra scarcely so elongated and rather more ovate than in B. andrece. Elytral striae sometimes scarcely impressed, the exterior ones much fainter hut visible, all punctate and interstices plane or slightly convex. The apical joints of the antennae and penultimate joint of the maxillary palpi are faint ashy- brown. The dusky cruciform mark on the elytra is very variable and is never very dark or clearly defined. As in the allied species, the sutural border is dilated where the transverse fascia joins it. When the lateral margins are dusky, the colour only covers the marginal interstice. jPab. — Pamir, between Sirikol and Panga. 55. — Bembidium (Peryphus) punctulipenne. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. ]878, p. 718. Subdepressum, aeneo-nigrum politum, mandibulis piceo-rufis : thorace antice leniter ro- tundato, postice usque ad angidos angustato, his fortiter refiexis, obtusis, margine basali utrinque prope angidum vatde obliquo ; supra basi et margine rugulosis, fovea oblonga : elytris pmictato-striatis, strds 1 — 4 solum impressis, 6 — 7 obsoletis, interstitiis plants, minutissime sparsim punctatis. Long, vix 2 lin. Distinguished from all the species of the group known to me by the form of the thorax. This member is moderately elongate and subquadrate, widest near its anterior angles, where its sides are gently rounded, and after this narrowing moderately to its hind angles; but the lateral margin near these latter becomes flattened-out and reflexed, and the angle itself COLEOPTERA. 19 (which is obtuse) is a little in advance of the apparent angle, the interval between the two being oblique and curved. The basal fovea lies against the false angle, and the surface between jt and the true angle is convex. The punctuation of the elytral interstices is extremely minute and in a single row ; visible only in certain lights. The species has the general form of the Peryphi allied to atrocoenileum. B.ah . — No locality. Most probably the Pamir. 56. — Bembidium (Peeyphus) tibiale. Dufts., Faun, Austr. ii. 209. Sab.-rA. single example from Ladak, closely allied to, if not a variety of, this European species. 57. — Bembidium sp. Hah. — A single specimen from Kogyar, in immature condition and indeterminable. It is a Peryphus, with strongly rounded thorax and pale apical spot to elytra. 58. — Bembidium 4-pustulatum. Dej., Spec. Gen. Col. v. p. 186. Bah. — Between Yangi Hissar and Sirikol. A single specimen, with much enlarged anterior elytral spot. 59. — Anthia orientalis. Hope, Coleop. Manual ii, p. 163, pi. 6, f. 14. Hah. — Jhelam Valley, one example. Agrees with Hope’s description and figure and with Chaudoir’s subsequent description, so far as concerns the depressed elytra and smoother thorax but differs in the anterior spot of the elytra being transverse-oblong. It forms probably another of the numerous local forms of the A. sexguttata. 60. — MeTABLETUS TARTARUS. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 719. M. truncatello (Lin.) paullo major ^ magis elongatus^ suhaeneo-niger, nitidus, antenniset pedihus fusco-piceis : thorace quam in M. truncatello postice magis angustato, angulis posticis obtusiorihus, deinde usque ad basin magis obliquis ; elytris elongatis, apice obtuse subsinuatim truncatis, obsolete striatis, impunctatis. Long. If lin. Closely allied to the European Metabletus truncatellus, but larger and the elytra relative- ly longer. The colour is a little more metallic, and the thorax differs in being more narrowed behind, with the hind angles much more obtuse and the margin thence to the base more 20 SECOND TAEKAND MISSION. oblique. The elytra are equally smooth, sometimes only the sutural stria is visible, and in all examples this stria is the only one sharply impressed, most so towards the apex. Hab . — Between Yangi Hissar and Sirikol. One example, much the most feebly striated, Sind Valley. 61. — Ctmindis glabrella. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1878, p. 719. C. andrese {Menetr.) affinis ; at gracilior, oculis minus prominuUs, elytrisque fusco-casta- neis, jlavomarginatis. Gracilis^ glaberrima, castaneo-rufa, abdominis margine picescent% capite obscuriori, partibus oris, antennis,pedibus, elytrorumque margine fulvo-testaceis : capite angusto, sparsim punctulato : tliorace capite hand latiori, anguste cordato lateribus postice leniter sinuatis angulis posticis fere rotundatis, spar sissime punctulato : elytris basin versus angustatis, humeris rotundatis, subpunctulato-striatis, interstitiis sparsim punctulatis : palpis labialibus apice modice dilatatis, triangularibus. Long. 4 — 4|- lin. Allied to C. andrem. Upper surface naked and shining, labial palpi moderately dilated, triangular. Eyes scarcely prominent, and punctuation of the whole upper surface very sparse and minute. General colour castaneous, but the thorax redder and the head slightly darker, the margins of the elytra (extending to the 8th striae) are pale testaceous-fulvus, the ante- nnae, legs, and parts of the mouth being of a similar hue. The species seems to be closely allied to C. pallidula (Chaudoir) from Lenkoran ; but in that species the elytra are not wider at the base than the base of the thorax; in C. glabrella they are (taken together) nearly double the width. Hab. — Ladak. 62. — Cymindis mannerheimii. Gebler, Bull. Acad. Petrop. 1843, 1. p. 36. Chaudoir, Bull. Mosc. 1850 ; Suppl. Panne Carab. d. 1. Russie, p. 22. Sab. — Pamir; between Sirikol and Panga : also the Pangong Valley and between Dras and Leh. By the Russian entomologists recorded as from the Tarbagatai Eange. The elvtral interstices are of equal breadth and punctured each in more than one row. The Pangong specimens are generally more shining in colour and with more convex and more strongly punctured elytral interstices ; ‘^—rufipes, Gebler. 63. — Cymindis altaica. Gebler, Bull. Mosc. 1833, p. 264 ; id., 1847, p. 276. Chaudoir, Bull. Mosc. 1850 ; Suppl. Faune Carab. d. 1. Russie, p. 21. Mab. — Between Dras and Leh ; one example agreeing with the description given of the elytra by Baron Chaudoir, 1. c., viz., alternate interstices narrower and with one row only of punctures. COLEOPTEEA. 21 64. — Cyminuis sp. Hab , — One specimen from the route between Leh and Yarkand ; without legs and ap- parently immature. LONGICOBNIA. 1. — Peionus coeptjlentus. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 720. Magnus^ elongatus, nigro-castaneus, supra omnino coriaceus vix nitidus : thorace parvo, utrinque acute trispinoso : elytris basin versus parallelis, compressis, deinde modice dilatato- rotundatis qpice late obtusis, utrinque lineis elevatis trihus vix conspicuis : pectore toto dense fulvo hirto ; abdomine politissimo : antennis 12-articulatis grosse punctatis, articulis 3 — 11 serratis, 5 — 12 apice foveo porosa,8 — 12 irregulariter strigosis. ? . Long. 2 unc. Eemarkahle for the great length and hulk of the after-hody (including the elytra) relatively to the head and thorax. The palpi are also longer, and their apical joint less dilated than in other species. The posterior thoracic angle is rather more produced and spinif orm than in P. asiaticus (Palderm.), making the lateral armature 3-spinose; the middle spine is very long and acute. The thorax is narrow as well as short, and is coarsely sculptured, with the excep- tion of a discoidal convex area, which is more sparsely punctured ; anteriorly the thorax is rather abruptly declivous. The elytra are throughout vermiculate-rugose, without mixture of punctures. The legs are long and compressed, and the tarsi, especially the claw-joint, remark- ably long. Murree. Two examples, ? . 2. — Hespeeophanes ceibeicollis. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 720. Cylindricus,fulvus,pilis incumbentibus cinereo-fulvis, apud elytros maculatim, vestitus ; thorace rotundato, elytris multo angustiori, maquali, lateribus medio subtuberoso, supra crebre alveolato-punctatis : scutello cinereo ; elytris omnino discrete punctatis baud conspicue bicarinatis, apice gradatim angustatis, subacuminatis. Long. 8 — 9 lin. Closely allied to the European R. griseus, but distinguished by its smaller and more coarsely reticulate-punctate thorax, and by the elytra tapering towards the apex causing the sutural angle to be very acute. The fourth antennal joint is only a little shorter than the third and the fifth. The tawny-gray, laid pubescence is very even on the antennae, the whole undersurface, and the legs. Rah. — Murree. TRINOPHTLUM, nov. gen. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 720. Gen. Hesperophanes affine, sed femoribus abrupte clavatis, oculisque minus forte granu- laiis. Corpus elongatum, suhdepressum, breviter suberecte pubescens, crebre punctatum. 22 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Caput brevissimum palpis parvissimis. Thorax rohindatus, inermis. Elytra apice obtusa. Acetabula antica extus hand elongata. Frost ernum angustum : mesosternum latum, subcon- vexum. Antennce jili formes, corpore paullo breviores, articulo 4 to paullo obbremato. The facettes of the eyes are intermediate in size between those of the Eesperophanince and the CallidiincB. The structure of the sterna and acetabula is very similar to that of the genus Zamium ; but the clavate femora resemble those of Callidium and allied genera. The scarcely elevated antenniferous tubercles are again those of Zamium rather than Ees^ perophanes, 3. — Teinophtliim cbibeatum. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 720. Castaneo-fuscum, subnitidum, omnino suberecte fusco-pubescens, crehre sed discrete punc- tatum : thorace supra antice et postice paidlo depresso, linea dorsali Icevi : elytris lineis dua~ bus indistinctis Icevihus. Long. 6| lin. The general colour is brownish-chestnut, and shining, notwithstanding the rather close slantingly-erect pubescence with which the whole body is clothed : the underside, antenna, and legs are of a lighter and more reddish hue. The thorax has regularly rounded sides and is but slightly unequal on its upper surface. JELab. — Murree, Two specimens. 4. — LePTUEA EUBEIOLA, Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc.'1878, p. 720. L. sanguinolentse {Lin.) afflnis. Nigra, subtus sparsim fulvo-pilusa, thoracis plaga magna discoidea elytrisque rufo-opacis : capite et thorace crebre reticulato-pmnctutis, illo id in L. sanguinolenta paullo post oculos subito et fortiter constricto t thorace medio hand con- spicue dilatato modice convexo, angulis posticis modice productis .* elytris sub-crebre punctu- latis, apice recte truncatis, angulisque breviter dentatis $ . Long 7 lin. ? . Closely allied to the European L. sanguinolenta, differing (?) in the upper surface of the thorax being dark red like the elytra; a narrow anterior border and a spot in the middle of the hind border, like the whole undersurface, black : the surface of the thorax and elytra is clothed with a short erect pubescence. The elytra are wholly red, without a trace of black. $ . Tak n in the same locality are two $ examples, which probably belong to this species : they are 5,^ lines long. One is wholly black, and the other has the basal half (and a little more) rufo-testaceous, the rest black. llah. — Murree. 5.— Clytanthus ignobilis. Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 721. Cl. 4-punctato (i^.) proxime affinis. Nigro-fuscus^ tomento cinereo-Jlavo restilus, elytris utrinque niaculis 5 nigris, quam in Cl. 4-punctato majoribus, scilicet f curvata post scutellum, COLEOPTERA. 23 1 parm humpralU 1 antico^discoidall, 1 mediana mojori transversa^ et 1 huic proxima longi- tvdiuali ohlonga. Long. 6 lin. Very closely allied to the Mediterranean Cl. 4-punctatus (F.), the only apparent difPer- ence being the larger size of the dark elytral spots. The thorax, however, appears to be a little more cylindrical and less convex both above and on the sides, and is furnished with a number of large scattered punctures (besides the close general punctuation), most conspi- cuous on the sides. The spot behind the transverse median spot of the elytra is further removed from the apex than in Cl. 4-punctatus. Rah . — Miirree. Two examples. Explanation op the Plate. Geodephaga. Fig. 1. Harpalus cmrnleaf.tis. 2. „ liodes. 3, „ indicola. 4). „ melaneus. 6. „ masoredldes. R. Dichiroirichus alticola. 7. Colpodes ovaliceps. 8. Cicindela stoliczkana. 9. Hypsineplms ellipiicus. 10. Amathitis hienlunensis, 11. „ badiola. 12. Molops piliferus. 13. Car aims stollczlcanus. 14. Leiocnemis iartarice. 15. Curtonoius pamirensis. Ifi. Ancliomenus polUissimns. 17. Cymindis glabrella. Longicoknia. 18. Prionns corpulentus. 19. Trinophylum cribralunu 20. Clytanthus ignobilis. 21. Leptura rubriola, $ ? 22. „ V ? • COLEOPTERA. 25 PHYTOPHAGA. By JOSEPH S. BALY, E.L.S. The Phytophagous Coleoptera collected by Dr. Stoliczka, although few in number, and containing no striking novelties, are extremely interesting in relation to geographical distribu- tion. The 25 species contained in the collection belong to no less than 21 genera, out of which Nodostoma, Enneamera, CJiarosa, Macrima, Mimastra, Merista^ tmA Leptorthra (one- third of the whole) are exclusively Asiatic ; Earia has its metropolis in America, but is spar- ingly represented in Japan, China, and Eastern Siberia; Luperodes is largely spread through- out the Asiatic continent, and is also found (according to v. Harold, whose accuracy cannot be doubted) in South America and Abyssinia ; of the twelve others, five are cosmopolitan, and the rest occur abundantly in Europe. Out of the 25 species, one only, Elagiodera versico- lora^ Laich. {armoracicB, Auct.), is found in Europe ; seven, Lema coromandeliana, Clytra palliata, Enneamera variahilis, Galleruca indica, Gallerucella placida, Merista interrupta^ and Leptarthra collaris, occur in various parts of British India ; two, Ealtica ccerulescens and E. viridicyanea^ have been described by myself from Japan ; and one Chrysomela angelica^ Reiche, is not uncommon in Syria ; the fourteen others have not as yet been found in any other locality, and seventeen species are described for the first time in the present paper. 1. — Lema. coromandeliana, Eabr., var. pr^usta. Crioceris prtBusta, Fabr., Ent. Syst. i, 2, p. 8 ; Lema prceusta, Lac., Mon. Phyt. i, p. 310. Eab. — Jhelam Valley. A single specimen. 2. — Clytra palliata. Clythr a palliata, Fabr., Syst. El. ii, p. 30. Mah . — Jhelam Valley ; also various parts of India. 3. — COPTOCEPHALA DUBIA. Baly, Cyst. Ent. ii. 1875-82, p. 370. Suhelongata, suhcylindrica, nitida, suhtus nigra, argenteo sericea, prothorace pedibnsque fulvis; supra fulm, capitis mrticenigro ; thorace Icevi ; scutello piceo ; elytris tenuiter punc- tatis, fascia, communi baseos, extrorsum abbreviatd, alterdque vix pone medium nigris. Long. 2^ lin. Vertex black, impunctate, lower face fulvous, a ray of the same colour extending upwards on the vertex ; front deeply excavated between the eyes, irregularly punctured ; anterior 26 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. margin of clypens concave-emarginate. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long ; sides rounded, converging from behind the middle to the apex ; the anterior angles obtuse, the hinder ones rounded ; disc transversely convex, shining, impunctate, excavated on either side near the lateral margin. Scutellum trigonate, piceous. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, parallel, very finely punctured ; the black markings on their surface extend from the base nearly to the middle of the disc, and again from the middle itself nearly to the apex, leaving only an irregular flavous transverse hand across the middle, which sends a narrow ramus along the suture nearly to the base. Hab. — Murree. 4. — COPTOCEPHALA DIMIDIATIPENNIS. Baly, Cist. Ent. ii, 1875—82, p. 371. Suhelongata, subcylindrica, flava, nitida, corpore inferiori^ capite, elytrorumque limbo injlexo, fulvo hirsuUs, thorace Icevi ; elytris tenuiter punctatis, nigris, a basi ad paulo ante medium jlavis. Long. 3 — 3^ lin. Head clothed with long, erect hairs, minutely punctured ; clypeus not separated from the face, its anterior margin angulate-emarginate ; apex of jaws black ; antennse equal in length to the head and thorax, the basal joint thickened, pyriform, the second also thickened, short, nodose, the third small, not longer than the second, the fourth trigonate, scarcely longer than the third, the rest to the apex dilated, the fifth to the ninth transversely trigonate, the tenth and eleventh ovate ; eyes large, oval, notched on the inner margin. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long ; sides obtusely rounded, slightly converging in front, the hinder angles rounded, the anterior ones very obtuse ; basal margin sinuate on either side the median lobe, the latter slightly reflexed, very obtusely rounded ; upper surface transversely convex, remotely and very minutely punctured, a concave transverse space on and immediately in front of the basal lobe, coarsely and closely punctured. Scutellum longer than broad, subtrigonate, its apex obtuse. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax at the base, slightly dilated posteriorly, convex, rather distantly and finely punctured. Body beneath and legs clothed with long, erect fulvous hairs. I possess two specimens of this species, both labelled India, but without precise locality ; in one of them the head is more coarsely punctured and suhrugose, in all other respects it agrees with the type. Bab . — Jhelam Valley ; also India, my collection. 5. — Crtptocephalps inteejectijs. Baly, Cist. Ent. ii, 1875—82, p. 372. Elongato-oblongus oblongus S, convexus, nitidus, snljhis niger, pedibus nigro-pieeis ; supra jlavus, capite hie illic paree fortiter pimctato, f route sulco longitudinali impresso ; ver- tice, maculis duabus inter oculos, labro, antennisque nigris, his basi, sulco longitudinali, mandi- bulisque piceis ; thorace Icevi, limbo angusto et utinnque macula subrotundatd nigris ; scutello subcordato, nigro ; elylris jortiter punctato-striatis, punctis piceis, apicem versus minus COLEOPTEIIA. 27 fortiter inipressis ; interspatiis convexis, transversim rugulosis ; utrisque limbo angusto^ extern no ante medium excepto, macuUsque quinque 2, 2, 1 dispositls nigris. Long. 2| lin. Var. A. Fygidio corporeque subtus Jlavis, illo macula cuneiformi, pectore, abdominisque disco nigris. Var. B. Corpore nigro, antennarum basi, clypeo, faciei signaturis, tJioracisque lined longitudinali sordide flams. Head rather coarsely but not closely punctured, the puncturing varying in degree in different individuals ; front impressed with a distinct longitudinal groove ; clypeus broader than long, trigonate ; antennae three-fourths the length of the body in the ? , rather longer in the $ , the three lower joints pale piceous, the rest black. Thorax rather more than twice as broad as long at the base ; sides moderately rounded and obliquely converging from base to apex ; basal margin concave-emarginate on either side, the outer angles produced back- wards, acute ; above convex, minutely but not closely punctured. Elytra slightly broader than the thorax, oblong- quadrate, convex, rather strongly punctate-striate, the punctures piceous, finer, and less strongly impressed towards the apex ; interspaces faintly but distinctly convex, transversely wrinkled ; each elytron with the extreme outer limb (interrupted on the lateral margin before its middle) and five large patches black ; these spots are arranged as follows : two transversely below the base, the outer one oblong, covering the humeral callus and attached to the basal margin, the inner one subrotundate, placed on the inner disc ; two just below the middle also placed transversely, both subrotundate, the outer one usually attached to the lateral margin ; and, lastly, one apical, transversely oblong, either free or attached to the apical border ; these patches are often more or less confluent, and occasionally, as in var. B, cover the entire surface of the elytron. Pygidium and body beneath clothed with griseous hairs. Apical margin of prosternum obliquely produced, deflexed, slightly emar- ginate, the hinder margin concave, armed on either side with a deflexed, obtuse tooth ; mesosternum transverse, its apical border angulate-emarginate. Apical segment of abdo- men in the $ impressed with a shallow fovea ; the same segment in the ? deeply excavated, the fovea large, rotundate. Basal joint of the four anterior tarsi in the the surface is very pruinose ; it is finely punctured. The male has the flabellum of the antennae twice as long as the female, it being quite as long as joints 2 to 7 together ; the front tibiae do not show much difference in the sexes ; they are rather stout and distinctly tridentate. The ventral segments in the male are not impres- sed along the middle, hut are a little flattened, and almost free from punctuation. The species is remarkable on account of the divided front of the head ; a trans-Caucasian species which I received some time ago from M. Deyrolle as M. porosus agrees with it in this respect, hut has the ventral segments densely pubescent, while in R. bilobus these same parts are hare. The species is variable in colour and size. Yangihissar, April 1874. About twenty individuals, mostly much injured, and probably picked up dead. Also Kogyar, 31st May to 2nd June. Rhintptia (Munich Cat.). 28. — Rhinyptia dorsalis, Burm. Jhelam Valley, July 1873. Two specimens. Anomala (Munich Cat.). 29. — Anomala striolata, Blanchard. A single individual of an Anomala found at Murree differs from the description of Blanchard’s A. striolata only by some details of colour, the most important of which is that the under-surface and legs are purple. Specimens in my own collection, labelled India, are prob- ably conspeciflc with the Murree individual, though they do not quite agree in all details* In a genus like Anomala, where many species are so extremely variable in colour, it is not advisable to make new specific names on the evidence of such slight differences. 30. — Anomala* stoliczk^, n. sp. Omta^ minus convexa, lostissime viridis, nitidissima^ elytris subopacis, antennis nigris ; capite thoraceque Icevigatis ; elytris seriebus dupUcatis punctorum tribus, et inter eas sat crebre punctatis. Long. 12| mm., lat. mm.. Of a very beautiful, brilliant, golden-green colour, with the elytra pure green and but little shining. The thorax is narrowed towards the front, with the anterior angles acute and prominent, the posterior ones well marked and slightly obtuse ; the raised margin is very distinct, and is wanting only from the middle both in front and behind. The scutellum is impunctate and shining, like the thorax. The punctuation of the elytra is rather fine and scanty ; they have some irregular and unsymmetrical black spots, which are probably only accidental. The propygidium is rugose; the pygidium is rugose at the base, and is elsewhere Genus Callistethus, Blanchd. COLEOPTEEA. 51 sparingly punctured, but close to tbe sides there is also a narrow rugose band. The meta- sternum, except in the middle, and the hind coxae are coarsely punctured, and sparingly pubescent ; the ventral segments are smooth in the middle and very shining; at the sides each has some coarse punctuation bearing a row of coarse setae ; the side of each segment at the base is purple. The legs are brilliant green, with the tarsi approaching to purple. Of this beautiful species a single individual was found at Murree. PoPiLiA (Munich Cat.). 31. — POPILIA CTANEA, Hope. Sind Valley, August 1873. A dozen individuals. Adoretus (Munich Cat.). 32. — Adoretus plagiatus, Burm. The species of Adoretus at the present moment are excessively difficult to name with certainty : the specimens I here call A. plagiatus agree with Burmeister’s description, but are four-and-a-half or five lines long, instead of three-and-a-half. The species may readily be distinguished from A. nudiusculus by the deeply serrate margins of the labrum ; the two species are also a little different in colour, punctuation, and pubescence. Jhelam Valley, July 1873. 33. — ^Adoretus nudiusculus, n. sp. Testaceus, clypeo fermgineo, fronte fusca^ nitidula, parcius brevissimeque setosus ; prothoracefortiterpunctato, lateribus subcrenulatis^ angulis posterioribus omnino rotundatis ; elytris obsolete costatis,fortiterpunctaUs. Long. 9^ mm., lat. 5|- mm. A short and moderately broad species. Head moderately large, rather coarsely and closely, but not deeply, punctured. Labrum with narrow, but elongate, appendage, which is very finely carinate along the middle ; the margins of the lahrum are only indistinctly crenu- late, the basal portion is punctate, and bears short hairs. The thorax has the hinder angles much rounded, the basal margins fine, but quite even throughout, being neither more nor less strongly elevated at the sides than in the middle ; the side margin is indistinctly crenulate ; the surface is rather coarsely, but not closely, punctured, the punctures are evenly distributed, being about as numerous and distinct on the middle as at the sides. The elytra have three indistinct longitudinal spaces free from punctures, and between these are moderately coarsely punctured. This species is remarkable from the very slight development of the pubescence : it is perhaps more nearly allied to A. nigrifrons than to any other species, but it is much smaller, and the pubescence is much slighter. The only individual I have seen is no doubt a female ; it has the legs quite short, the anterior tibise stout and tridentate. Jhelam Valley, July 1873. A single individual. 62 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. 34. — Adorettjs simplex, n. sp. Angustulus, parallelus^ sat elongatuSy testaceus, densius albidosetosus, subopacns, subtus parcius setosus, nitidm ; clypeo rotundato, in medio alte rejlexo ; prothorace basi cequaliter et tenuiter marginatOy angulis posterioribus rotundatis; elytris obsoletissime costatiSy crebrius punctatis. Long. 10 mm., lat. 4^ mm. The labrum is shining, the basal part is rather large, and has a series of small tubercles arranged at a distance from the rather deeply serrate edge ; the appendicular portion is broad, but is not distinctly carinate along the middle. The punctuation of the head seems close, but is quite obscured by the conspicuous depressed white setae or hairs. The thorax is not very short (for the genus Adoretus) ; the raised margin is fine, and is not more strongly elevated at the base near the side than elsewhere ; the hinder angles are rounded, but not broadly so ; its punctuation is only moderately close and coarse. The elytra are rather closely punctured, and have only indistinct longitudinal costae. The specimen described is no doubt a male ; it has the legs moderately long, and the anterior tibiae tridentate. I am unable to point out any near described ally for this species, although I have several closely allied undescribed Indian species in my collection. Jhelam Valley, July 1873. Pentodon (Munich Cat.). 35.— Pentodon truncates, n. sp. Nigro-pieeuSy nitidus, capite anterius truncato, angulis inter se distantibus tuberculo longitudinali acutOy fronte in medio tuberculis duobus minutis ; prothorace fortiter punctatOy basi ad angulos posteriores tenuiter marginato ; elytris sat crebre hand profund punctatisy seriebus duplicatis hand distinctis. Long. 19 — 20 mm., lat. 12 mm. Head finely and densely rugose, in the middle with two minute tubercles, in front trun- cate and not margined; the unmargined part terminated on each side by a distinct longitudi- nal tubercular elevation ; lateral portions of head with a thick elevated margin. Thorax with the hinder angles completely rounded, and the fine lateral margin continued along the base till the commencement of the slight sinuation on each side ; the surface is shining ; the punetua- tion is moderately fine and not close about the base and the middle ; it is closer about the front and sides, and quite dense and coarse towards the anterior angles. The sutural stria of the elytra is very distinct, but only indistinctly punctured ; of the three double longitudinal series of the elytra only the inner one is distinct ; the punctuation of the elytra is moderately close, the surface completely shining. The pygidium is sparingly punctured, but is rugose at each side angle, and there are some obscure, fine, transverse rugae quite at the base. The species is similar in form and appearance to the European Scarabceus punctatuSy but it is smaller ; the punctures of the elytra are more numerous and finer, and it is rendered very distinct by the distant tubercles of the front margin of the head. Kogyar, 31st May to 2nd June 1874. Two individuals, which are no doubt both males. COLEOPTERA. 36. — Pentodon ptjmiltjs, n. sp. 53 Nigro-piceus, nitidus, capite anterius truncato^ anguUs inter se distantibus tuberculo longitudinali acuto^ fronte in medio tuherculis duohus minutis ; prothorace fortiter punctato^ basi ad angulos posteriores tenuiter marginato ; elytris fere dense, subrugulose punctatis, seriebus duplicatis hand distinctis. Long. 14| — 15^, lat. 9 — 10 mm. This species is so extremely similar to P. truncatus that a repetition of the description of that species is unnecessary. P. pumilus is, however, scarcely half so large as P. truncatus, and has the thorax rather shorter and the punctuation of the upper surface closer. The female has the teeth of the front tibiae much longer than the male, and the sculpture of the pygidium more diminished. Kogyar, 31st May to 2nd June 1874. Two individuals. Orcytes (Munich Cat.). 37. — ScARAB^us NAsicORNis, Linn. Yangihissar, April ; Kogyar, 31st May to 2nd June 1874. 38. — Oryctes grypus. 111. Jhelam Valley, July 1873. A single male. 54 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. CETONIIDiG. By OLIVER JANSON. 1. — Clinteria confinis, Hope. A single specimen of this common Indian species was taken in the Jhelam Valley in July 1873. 2. — Cetonia orientalis, G. & P. Dr. Schaum has regarded this species as identical with C. aerata, Er., and as only a variety of C. speculifera, Swartz ; they are, however, three quite distinct species, and have been indicated as such by Blanchard. In the Munich Catalogue aerata is given as a synonym under specuUfera. Two specimens in the collection were taken at Kogyar between 31st May and 2nd June 1874. 3. — Cetonia dalmanni, G. & P. Three specimens of this variable species were taken at Murree ; it appears to be generally distributed over the central and northern parts of India. COLEOPTERA. 55 HETEEOMEKA. By EREDERICK BATES. Y&mWj—TENEBRIONlD^. ^xxh-Y&mW^—TENTYRIIN^. Gionp-GNATEOSUDES. Stachis, n. g. Intermediate between Ascelosodis and Capnisa. At once to be separated from the former by its having the outer apical angle of the anterior tibiae not dentiform, and from the latter by its having the antennary orbits more convex and more rounded in front ; prothorax wider and more deeply emarginate in front, the sides rounded and decidedly contracted behind ; elytra shining black and more or less strongly punctured, the epipleurae being sometimes muricately punctured; prosternal process horizontal and pointed behind; mesosternum decli- vous and concave in front. The lateral teeth of the suhmentum are long and pointed : the mentum is strongly trans- verse, almost flat, hexagonal, the apex triangulately notched in the middle, coarsely punctured : the last joint of the labial palpi is robust, more or less semi-oval (broadly truncated at the apex) : the outer lobe of the maxillce is furnished with a long, curved claw ; the last joint of ih.Q palpi is elongate-oval and broadly obliquely truncated at apex {picicornis), or triangulate with the apex a little oblique {himalaicus) : the mandibles are stout, notched at apex, and are furnished on their upper edge, before the apex, with a stout horizontal tooth, which clasps the sides of the labrum, and is sub-acute {himalaicus), or obtuse {picicornis), and is always, more strongly developed on the right mandible than the left : the head is short, robust, more or less wrinkled above the eyes, almost obsoletely so in picicornis ; throat transversely im- pressed : epistoma more or less prominent, more or less distinct from the antennary orhits, rounded or truncated in front, and is, in himalaicus, hollowed out at the sides, leaving the mandibles almost completely exposed : the antennce are short, slender, a little thickened apically, joint 3 much longer than 2 or 4 : the prothorax is strongly transverse, convex, decidedly wider in front than the head, sides more or less rounded, apex more or less deeply emarginate, base more or less feebly sinuately rounded : elytra convex, more or less abruptly declivous behind, wider at base than base of prothorax : epipleurse moderately broad, the fold expanding at the base and reaching the humeral angle, narrowly, but very distinctly, attaining the apex : tibice hispid, or spinulose, elongate-triangulate, the anterior most strongly so and finely denticulate on the outer edge, the apex simple ; tarsi sparsely ciliate, with short spiniform hairs, the first joint of the posterior as long as the last : intercoxal process moderate, a little contracted anteriorly and broadly rounded at apex ; prosternal process horizontal, a little produced and pointed behind : mesosternum declivous and a little concave in front : episterna of metathorax slightly curvedly contracted posteriorly. I have failed to discover any really distinctive sexual characters in this and cognate genera of the old world ; there are differences of degree in the punctuation, &c,, of the abdomen, 56 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. which may he sexual, the more strongly punctured, &c., being the male. In the North American representatives of these genera the male is distinguished by having on the first ventral segment a round patch of short, silky-golden hairs ; at least it is so in the genera Triorophus and Stihia, To this latter genus Dr. Horn denies the presence of a tooth on the upper surface of the mandible. This is evidently a lapsus, as so keen and accurate an observer could not have failed to detect it. With some remarkable exceptions (hereafter noticed), I have found this tooth existent in all the numerous genera I have dissected, and, I believe, it will be found all but universally present in this sub-family. Syachis himalaictts. Black, moderately shining ; underside and legs reddish-brown, antennae and palpi paler : labrum entire in front : head rather strongly but not closely punctured ; strongly wrinkled above the eyes, the wrinkles extending nearly to the crown ; epistoma prominent, strongly separated from the antennary orbits, slightly hollowed out at the sides, broad and truncated at apex ; superior tooth of right mandible sub-acute : prothorax transverse, a little narrower in front than behind, subangulately rounded at the sides, front angles prominent and acute ; strongly and rather closely punctured at the sides, more feebly so on the middle : elytra briefly oval, convex, abruptly declivous behind, produced at apex, shoulders rounded ; the surface a little uneven, covered, but not densely, with rather large but more or less shallow punctures, the epipleurse rather strongly muricately punctured : underside rather densely covered with large rounded punctures : flanks of prothorax very coarsely longitudinally rugose and con- fluently punctured : epipleural fold more or less, but never strongly, muricately punctured. Length 3^ to 4 lines. Dras, Kargil, and Leh. Syachis picicoknis. Black, moderately shining ; underside of body black, legs and antennae piceous : labrum feebly emarginate in front : head moderately, not closely, and uniformly punctured, not wrinkled at the base, the punctuation a little coarser and confluent above the eyes ; epistoma feebly separated from the antennary orbits, being almost continuous with them, broadly rounded in front ; superior tooth of right mandible obtuse : prothorax narrower in front and more feebly emarginate than in the preceding, front angle not so prominent ; sides rounded behind the middle ; very finely and sparsely punctured on the disc, more strongly and closely so at the sides : elytra oblong, shoulders not rounded, gently declivous behind, the punctuation feebler than in the preceding, the epipleurse not muricately punctured : epipleural fold smooth ; punctuation of underside much feebler and less dense than in the preceding. Length to 4 lines. Dras, Kargil, and Leh. Ascelosodis, Redtenb., Reis. Novar., p. 117. Prothorax and elytra more or less ciliate at the sides. Base of prothorax not lobed in the middle. Elytra densely rugose punctate. COLEOPTERA. 57 Head and prothorax with mixed punctures, i.e., there are minute punctures scattered between the regular punctuation, Antennary orbits feebly separated from sides of epistoma : punctuation on back of elytra not muricate — assimilis, n.s. Antennary orbits strongly separated from sides of epistoma : punctuation on back of elytra finely muricate — ciliatm, n.s. Head and protborax simply punctured — serripes^ Eedtenb. Elytra thinly and feebly rugos'e punctate. Sides of epistoma well separated from antennary orbits — concinnus, n.s. Sides of epistoma nearly continuous with antennary orbits — Raagi, n.s.* Base of protborax distinctly broadly lobed in the middle — grandis^ n.s. Protborax and elytra not at all ciliate at the sides — intermedins^ n.s. Ascelosodis serripes, Eedtenb. The series of examples of this species in the collection were taken by Dr. Stoliczka at Yanktze, Chagra, and Pankong Valley. Specimens have been very kindly compared with the type by Dr. Eogenbofer of the Imperial Museum of Vienna. Ascelosodis assimilis. Very close to A. serripesy Eedtenb., from which it differs in having the head distinctly wrinkled above the eyes ; the punctuation on the bead and protborax mixed, that is, there are scattered minute punctures on the spaces between the larger punctures ; the hind angles of the protborax and the humeral angles of the elytra are distinct. Length 2f to 3| lines. Dras, Kargil, and Leb. These differences are rather slight, but they are constant in a large series of examples. Ascelosodis ciliatus. Very near to the preceding, and perhaps only an extreme variety of it : it differs by its larger size, more prominent epistoma, the antennary orbits being separated from it and from the front by a deeply impressed line ; the elytra entirely, though much more coarsely on the sides and epipleurae muricate punctate, and the hairs that fringe the sides of the prothorax and elytra much larger and fuller. Length 4 lines. Dras, Kargil, and Leh. A single example. Ascelosodis concinnus. Dark brown, shining ; underside reddish-brown ; legs, antennae, palpi, labrum, and front half of the epistoma, red : head finely but not closely punctured, feebly wrinkled above the • This species was not found by Dr. Stoliczka. A single example exists in Dr. Haag’s collection. 68 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. eyes : prothorax strongly transverse, front angles prominent, sides gradually expanding fram apex to behind the middle, thence strongly rounded to the base ; hind angles very open and, being depressed, appearing to be broadly rounded (or obsolete) when viewed from above ; sparsely punctured on the disc, more closely so at the sides ; side margins reflexed : scutel- lum distinct : elytra somewhat oval, squarely truncated at base, humeral angle very open ; not densely, and but little rugosely, punctured, the epipleurse muricately punctured, sides fringed with hairs, longest at the shoulders. Length 3 to 3^ lines. Pamir, between Sirikol and Panga. Ascelosodis grandis. Broadly ovate, convex, black somewhat nitid, underside of body black, legs piceous, tarsi and antennae paler : head strongly wrinkled above the eyes : prothorax densely punctured, confluently so at the sides, base considerably wider than apex, front angles not prominent ; sides gradually curvedly expanded to near the base, whence they curve inwards to the hind angles, which are very obtuse ; base rather strongly sinuate at each side, broadly lobed in the middle : elytra convex, humeral angles distinct ; rather closely and regularly and slightly rugosely punctured, the epipleurse strongly muricately punctured : margins cfliated. Length 5^ lines. Dras, Kargil, and Leh. AsCELOSODIS INTERMEDITJS. Ovate, black, a little shining, legs pitchy brown, antennae and palpi rufescent : labrum distinctly notched in the middle of fore margin and shortly ciliate : head rugosely punctured, most strongly so above the eyes : prothorax rounded at the sides, more contracted in front than behind ; apex not deeply emarginate, front angles not produced ; base feebly sinuate, hind angles distinct but obtuse ; finely not densely and somewhat uniformly punctured, the punc- tures largest and slightly rugose at the sides : elytra broadest behind the middle, uniformly but not closely or deeply punctured, and faintly rugulose : epipleurae muricately punc- tured ; sides not ciliate ; base feebly emarginate at the middle, thence sloping to the humeral angle at each side ; humeral angle distinct but open. Length nearly 4 lines. Dras, Kargil, and Leh. By its habit, style of punctuation, and non-ciliated sides of prothorax and elytra, this species approaches the genus Syachis. Anatolic A montivaga. Habit of genus Colposcelis. Head and prothorax finely, not closely, but uniformly, punc- tured : epistoma rather prominent, a little hollowed out at the sides, broadly truncated in front ; mandibles without superior tooth : prothorax as long as broad, contracted behind, widest anteriorly, apex feebly emarginate, front angles depressed and rounded ; hind angles very open, not prominent ; basal margin gradually sloping downwards at each side from the angle to the centre, the point opposite the scutellum is consequently on a lower level than the COLEOPTERA. 59 angles : elytra more or less elongated and acuminate behind, sutural region more or less depressed ; minutely, sparsely, and irregularly punctulate ; smooth, or slightly irregularly wrinkled, or feebly costate ; base rather strongly arcuately emarginate, but with the fold entire and continuous from the humeral angle to the scutellum : humeral angle rather strongly produced : flanks of prothorax and prosternum finely and not closely punctured, the latter very strongly thickened at each side between the coxae ; base of mesosternum very strongly and densely punctured ; base of metasternum and of first abdominal segment rather coarsely, but not closely, punctured, the rest of their surface, as well as the other abdominal segments, very finely and remotely punctured. Length to 5| lines. Yangihissar, Kogyar. This species has completely the aspect, and many of the characters, of the genus Col- poscelis. The third joint of the antennae, however, is but little longer than the second ; the antennary orbits are not separated from the epistoma by a broad, deep impression, this latter being less prominent, and exhibiting no tendency to become umbonate, as it does in Colposcelis. The form, &c., of the eye is completely that of Colposcelis. The prothorax is as long as it is broad in its widest part, and is slightly angulately rounded at the base. The elytra are as deeply emarginate at the base, and the humeral angle is as strongly pro- duced, as in Colposcelis. The middle and hind tibiae are distinctly hispid, the latter being also elongated and feebly flexuous in the . It is in the genus Anatolica that we find species with mandibles edentate on their upper margin : in some species the mandibles are thick, and provided with a distinct tooth above, which is always the most developed in the right mandible : in others (in both sexes) they are more slender, and the tooth is either but faintly indicated, or is entirely wanting : the present species is in this latter case. Miceodera laticollis. Approaching Jf. gracilis^ Esch., in habit, but more robust. Black, shining : head moder- ately, prothorax closely, elytra sparsely and minutely, punctured. Prothorax moderately convex, transverse, widest before the middle, well rounded at the sides, strongly contracted behind to the base ; base broadly margined, rounded, a little sinuate at each side ; apex feebly sub-sinuately emarginate; all the angles depressed, the anterior rounded, the posterior obtuse ; elytra elongate, oval, and rather sharply produced at apex ; epipleural fold uninterruptedly continued round the shoulders : the parapleurse entirely, the sides of all the sterna and of the abdomen coarsely, closely, and confluently punctured, finely and remotely so on their middle. Length lines. Kashgar, Yangihissar, Kogyar. Miceodera paevicollis. In habit approaching M. convexa, Tausch, but prothorax more rounded anteriorly, broadest before the middle, thence gradually contracted to the base, which is much mere strongly margined, and the elytra more broadly oval. 60 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Head, prothorax, and elytra, minutely and sparsely punctulate : prothorax nearly as long as broad, sides well rounded anteriorly, thence rather strongly contracted to the base ; base slightly rounded, its margin broad and very convex; apex very feebly emarginate; all the angles depressed and obtuse : elytra oval, the apex rather strongly produced : epipleural fold uninterruptedly continued round the shoulders : inner side of the flanks of the prothorax, and the prosternum, rugosely punctured ; sides of metasternum, and of the two first abdominal segments, with a few coarse punctures ; rest of the abdomen smooth. Length 4| lines. Kogyar. Sub-Family — ARISING . Cyphogenia. plana. Narrow, elongate, flattened above; black, more or less obscure. Mentum notched (but not deeply) in middle of fore margin, disc more or less plane. Head-rhomboidal, more or less sparsely punctured ; epistoma transversely convex, widely and sub-triangulately emarginate in front, completely exposing the labrum and its attachment, front angles more or less acute; front transversely, sometimes triangulately, depressed; supraorbital ridge more or less distinct ; cheeks (immediately behind the eyes) prominent and coarsely rugosely punctured. Prothorax quadrate, apex wider than base, front angles produced, sub-acute ; sides more or less feebly sinuous (sometimes a little angulate at the middle), and with a narrowish flattened margin; base squarely truncated, or feebly — sometimes sinuately — emarginate ; hind angles more or less produced (scarcely outwardly directed) and obtuse ; disc irregularly foveate, more or less finely and sparsely punctured, the punctuation stronger at the sides. Elytra elongate-oval, moderately produced and rounded at apex, faintly (sometimes obsoletely) irregularly and minutely muricate punctate, the unpunctured intervals more or less faintly reticulately rugulose ; keeled from behind the shoulders to the apex ; this keel is not completely marginal, being placed a little within the outer edge, which is rounded, the epipleura being strongly indexed. Last three or four joints of antennae usually bright ferruginous, the last acutely pointed at apex. Length 7 to 9| lines. Dras, Kargil, Leh, and Pankong Valley. Cyphogenia hijmeealis. In habit approaching C. aurita^ Pall. Black, obscure ; mentum very deeply notched in front, the disc very convex. Head and prothorax very finely and dispersedly punctured, the former with a longitudinal elevated line down the middle, and depressed at each side ; supra- orbital Carina very distinct : epistoma widely emarginate in front in the ^ , more deeply (and sub-angulately) in the 3 ; front angles broadly rounded. Prothorax transverse, disc convex, median line lightly impressed, and with a short transverse depression across the middle near the base, apex broadly emarginate, front angles not produced, but somewhat acute ; base feebly emarginate, hind angles acute and outwardly directed ; sides well rounded anteriorly, rather broadly margined, a little reflexed, and finely transversely rugulose. Elytra depressed, gently declivous behind, the apex rather strongly produced and narrowly rounded ; widest behind the middle ; obsoletely punctured, and showing some faint smooth reticulations ; shoul- COLEOPTEEA. 61 ders keeled, this keel slightly obliquely extending down the elytron, hut never for more than one-fourth its length. The is smaller than the ? , and has the abdomen much more dis- tinctly punctured. Antennae with joints 9-10 shorter, triangulate, 11 rather small, acutely pointed at apex. Length 10 to 12 lines. Yangihissar. Sub.Family-j5Z^Pr/iV.E. Blaps stoliczkana. Approaching B. mortisaga, Linn., in habit. Elongate, depressed, acuminate behind, black, underside shining black, antennae and palpi pitchy brown ; labrum rufescent, coarsely punctured : head more or less coarsely (never densely) punctured, the base densely and finely muricate, becoming granulous : epistoma trapeziform, widely and feebly emarginate in front : prothorax slightly transverse, sides rounded anteriorly, gradually (sometimes feebly sinuately) contracted posteriorly ; base closely applied to the elytra, feebly sinuate and wider than the apex, which is broadly emarginate ; front angles rather broadly rounded ; hind angles obtuse, slightly overlapping the shoulders, more or less coarsely punctured; the punctures more crowded and more or less reticulately confluent at the sides, and with scattered very minute punctures on the interspaces ; sides feebly guttered : elytra at base a little wider than base of prothorax ; sides feebly rounded, attenuate behind, the apex gradually produced forming a mucro, which, in the $ , extends beyond the abdomen by a length equal to the fourth ventral segment ; depressed, more or less gently declivous behind ; more or less densely confusedly covered with smallish, somewhat shining tubercles, which, except at the base, are flattened, generally acute behind, and here and there run together, forming irregular, more or less transverse, elevated rugosities : flanks of prothorax more or less strongly undulately striguloSe, and, as well as the prosternum, parapleurse, &c., sparsely minutely tuherculate : three first abdominal segments longitudinally rugose at the sides, and transversely rugose on the middle. Length to 10 lines. Pamir, between Sirikol and Panga. Blaps indicola. Habit of $ , B. mortisaga, Linn. Dull black ; underside and legs shining black ; antennm, labrum, and palpi brownish black : head and prothorax very finely and not densely punc- tured ; the latter sub-quadrate, feebly hut regularly convex, widest before the middle, strongly contracted in front, more gradually behind ; sides slightly sinuous before the hind angles, very narrowly channelled ; front angles narrowly rounded, the hinder nearly forming right angles, and reposing on the shoulders ; base feebly sinuously emarginate : elytra not wider at base than base of prothorax, elongate, acuminate behind ; sides feebly expanded to behind the middle, very gently declivous behind, the apex gradually produced, forming a distinct but simple mucro, which is rather densely punctured ; uniformly minutely, but not densely, granulose-punctate, a little stronger on the epipleurse and at the base, which is also rugulose. Length 12 lines. Sind Valley. 62 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Blaps peblonga. Elongate, slender, acuminate behind, black, obscure : head and protborax finely and not closely punctured; the latter gently convex, but little (not half a millim.) wider than long; sides gently evenly rounded and very finely margined ; base but little wider than apex ; base and apex truncated ; front angles rounded, the hinder forming right angles : elytra elongate, widest behind the middle, attenuate behind, the apex produced, forming a distinct but not elongate mucro, very gradually declivous behind, and with distinct trace of a short costa within the apex ; finely, uniformly, and not closely muricate-punctate, and faintly transverse- ly rugolose. Legs very long, slender. Length 10 lines, Yanktze to Chagra, Pankong Valley. Blaps ladakensis. Black, elytra a little shining ; oblong-ovate : head rather closely punctured : prothorax decidedly broader at base than at apex, transverse ; sides well rounded anteriorly, slightly sinuously contracted posteriorly; apex feebly emarginate, with the angles rounded ; base feeb- ly sinuously truncate, with the angles somewhat obtuse ; but little convex ; rather finely and not densely punctured : elytra somewhat depressed on the back, not wider at base than base of prothorax ; sides gradually moderately rounded, somewhat rapidly declivous behind ; apex a little produced, but not mucronate ; disc irregularly, finely, and faintly muricately punc- tured, and intricately rugulose ; apex and epipleurse somewhat intricately covered with irre- gular flattened tubercles, which are pointed behind; legs and antennae rather short and robust. Length 7| to lines. Yanktze to Chagra, Pankong Valley. Blaps kashgabensis. Elongate, black, elytra more or less nitid : head and prothorax finely remotely punctured, sometimes becoming obsoletely so on the latter : prothorax regularly convex ; sides well round- ed anteriorly, very gradually (and but little) contracted posteriorly, finely margined ; base de- cidedly wider than apex, very feebly sinuately truncated ; hind angles somewhat obtuse ; apex feebly emarginate, the angles well rounded ; median line faintly impressed on the disc : elytra more or less elongate-ovate, somewhat rapidly declivous behind ; apex produced and ter- minating in a very distinct, pointed mucro, which, in the ngly transverse, rather narrow, not prominent : prothorax convex, transverse, sides rounded, and broadest, in the middle ; somewhat abruptly and strongly contracted anteriorly, less so posteriorly ; faintly punctured : scutellum closely punctured, narrowly rounded behind ; tlie part placed on the mesonotum is broad, faintly costate down the middle, and with a thickened border at each side of a cinnamon-brown colour : elytra somewhat of a pale-cinnamon colour ; tapering gradually behind, and dehiscent from about a third of their length ; thinly clothed with a fine, silky, greyish pubescence, and with two or three slightly flexuous costse, the outer one less distinct : upper division of the tarsal claws closely finely pectinated. Length 4f lines. Kogyar. COLEOPTERA HETEROMERA. Explanation op Plate II. Fig. 1. Syaehis himalaicus.- ,, 2. Ascelosodis ciliatus. 3. ,, grandis, ,, 4. „ intermedius. „ 5. Anatolica montivaga. „ 6. Microdera parvicoUis. „ 7. Cgphogenia plava, 8. „ humeralis. „ 9. Blaps perlonga. „ 1 0. „ indicola. „ 11. Prosodes trisulcata. „ 12. Ccelocnemodes stoliczkanus. Fig. 13. Trigonoscelis lacerta. „ 14. Plerocoma serrimargo. ,, 15. ,, semicar inata. „ 16. Bioramix asidioides $. „ 16. Idem, anterior tarsus. „ 17. Chianalus costipennis. „ 18. Mgatis humeradis. „ 19. Penthicus {Lobodems) gracilis. „ 20. Hypocistela tenuipes. „ 21. Meloe ser cuius. „ 22. Epicauta haagi $ . Government of India Central Printing 0*ce. -No. 16 D. G. S.— 13-11-90.-276. i u -t. * •» ■ 4 . A % n V > • ■ Purkiss.del etlith Hinhart i£D|> COJLJEOIPTEMAs, Heteromera. Plate ir. Kdwin.'Wilsoii Ael.etlith. I4int«m Bros . imp . iiR-ARr . Of THE F UN!VERF,iTV or jLuM)!S SCIENTIFIC KESULTS OP THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OP THE LATE FEEDINAND STOLICZKA, PhD. HYMENOPTERA. BY FREDERICK S All Til, llublishcb bu crbct: of the Sobermnent of lubia. CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF THE SUPEEINTENDENT OF GOVEENMENT FEINTING. 1878 . SCIENTIFIC EESIJLTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, PhD. HYMENOPTERA. BY FTLEDERICK SMITH, |3ublishcb bij orbcr of the ®ol]ermncn:t of Ittbiit. CALCUTTA ; OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OP GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1878. CALCUTTA : FEINTED BT THE SUPERINTENDENT OF QOVEENMENT PBINTIN0, 8, HASTINGS STBEET. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION. HYMENOPTERA By PREDEBICK SMITH, Zoological Department, British Museum. HE collection made by Dr. Stoliczka while attached to the Second Yarkand Expedition contains sixty-three species, only nine of which appear to have been previously describ- ed; among them are species belonging to the families, Andrenidce, Apidce, Formicidce, Myrmicidce, Scoliadce, Bompilidce, Sphegidce, Larridce, Eumenidce, Vespidoe, Tenthredinidce, and Ichneumonidce. Eemina. — P. atra,f route maculata, tihiis omnibus fiavo-annulatis ; abdominis segmentorwm marginibus rufo-testaceis. Black ; the head closely and finely punctured ; a yellow line on each side of the face along the margin of the eyes ; the flageUum of the antennae fulvous, slightly fuscous above. Thorax punctured above and shining ; the metathorax rugose in the middle of its base ; the collar, tubercles, tegulse, the anterior tibiae and tarsi, the intermediate and posterior tibiae at their base, and their tarsi, yeUow ; the wings hyaline and iridescent ; their nervures towards the base pale testaceous, beyond, fuscous. Abdomen shining, very finely and closely punctured ; the apical margins of the segments rufo-testaceous. Eemale, length 2f lines. Hab. — Sind valley, Kashmir. Taken in August. The genus Brosopis has a wide geographical distribution. Species occur both in the Old and New World; in Europe not less than forty species are found. The genus also occurs in Egypt, at Natal, and in the Cape of Good Hope; in Australia it is plentiful, and Tribe-ANTHOPHILA (Latr.) Division 1 — SOLITARIAl. YamiXy—ANDRENIDA:. 1. Brosopis fervidus. 2 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. it has been found in New Zealand. In the New World it appears to he most plentiful in the United States, Mexico and California ; hut in tropical localities only two or three species have, to my knowledge, been discovered. The habits of these bees, as far as those of the European species have been observed, are to form their burrows in dead sticks, in the pith of which they excavate their tunnels. 2. Lamprocolletes peregrines, Eig. 5. Eemina. — L. capite thoraceque nigris, ahdomine chalybeo, alls fusco-hyalinis. Head and thorax black ; the face with silvery white pubescence, as well as the thorax anteriorly and posteriorly above ; the head beneath, a band between the wings, and the legs covered with black pubescence; wings fusco-hyaline, the anterior wings darkest, and having a violet iridescence ; at their base they are subhyaline. Abdomen ovate and of a dark shining steel-blue ; the apical segments with black pubescence. Eemale, length 5 to 5^ lines. Hah. — Yangihissar, Eastern Turkestan. Taken in April. All the species of this genus, previous to that here described, have been from Australia ; about twenty have been described. 3. Andrena familiaris, Eig. 3. Mas. — A. atra, pallide villosa, abdominis segmentis tribus basalibus pallide rufo- marginatis. Black; the face and cheeks with a pale fulvous pubescence; the flagellum of the antennse f usco-ferruginous beneath ; the thorax has a similar pubescence ; the coxse and femora rufo-piceous ; the tibiae and tarsi pale testaceous yellow ; the wings hyaline and iridescent ; the nervures and the stigma pale rufo-testaceous. Abdomen oblong-ovate, with a thin short pale pubescence ; the apical margins of all the segments testaceous, those of the three basal segments pale ferruginous ; beneath entirely pale rufo-testaceous. Male, length lines. Hah. — Neighbourhood of Yarkand. Taken in May. 4. Andrena floridula, ^ Eig. 4. Mas. — A. nigra, cinerascenti-pilosa, tibiis tarsisque posticis fulois; ahdomine nitido, segmentorum marginibus testaceis. Black ; the head, thorax and legs with long thin cinereous pubescence ; the flagellum of the antennse fulvous beneath ; the mandibles ferruginous at their apex. Thorax ; the wings hyaline and iridescent ; the nervures and stigma rufo-testaceous ; the legs dark rufo-piceous the posterior tibise and tarsi fulvous, and clothed with silvery pubescence. Abdomen oblong ; ovate ; the apical margins of the segments testaceous, and with a tliin fringe of whitish pubes- cence ; the apex fulvo-testaceous. Male, length 4 lines. Hab. — Dras, Kargil, and Leh, all in Ladak ; August to September. This is a genus the geographical distribution of which is very extensive ; the species are found in all parts of Europe, ranging north into Lapland. Numerous species have been found in 1 This name is misprinted on the plate. HYMENOPTERA. 3 the Azores, in Madeira, Cape de Verd Islands, and in Egypt; a few have occurred in Northern India, China, and Japan. In Australia and New Zealand they appear to he very rare ; no species has, to my knowledge, been found in South America, hut they are found in Mexico, and are plentiful in North America. All the species appear to construct their nests in tunnels excavated in the ground. Family — A 5. OSMIA LABORIOSA, Pig. 6. Eemina. — 0. nigra, puhe fulva vestita ; abdominis segmentis rnfo-margmatis ; pedibus ferrugineis. Black ; head shining and finely punctured ; the scape of the antennae, the anterior margin of the clypeus, and the mandibles, ferruginous; the latter tridentate, the teeth black; the face and the vertex with fulvous pubescence. The thorax has a fulvous pubescence, which is usually more or less abraded above ; the mesothorax closely punctured, more strongly so than the head ; the legs bright ferruginous, with the coxae black ; wings fulvo-hyaline at their base, and fuscous beyond the base of the first submarginal cell ; the tegulae and nervures at the base of the wings ferruginous, becoming nigro-fuscous beyond. Abdomen closely punctured ; the basal segment above, and the apical margins of the second and third segments broadly ferruginous ; all the segments fringed with fulvous pubescence ; beneath, densely clothed with fulvous pubescence. Eemale, length 4^ lines. Hah. — Taken in May, in the neighbourhood of Yarkand. This genus is numerous in species, but it appears only to be found, in any abundance, in temperate climates ; nearly one hundred species are known, about hah of these are European ; several are found in North Africa, and they occur plentifully in North America. 6. Megachile hescindtjs. Eemina. — M. pallide pubescens, abdomine subcordato, segmentorum marginibus pallide fulvis, subtus fulvo-villosis. Black ; the face covered with fulvous pubescence, that on the cheeks paler ; the man- dibles with three ferruginous blunt teeth. Thorax ; the pubescence on the disk short and thin, at the sides it is more dense, long and pale fulvous, that on the legs is very pale and glittering above ; on the basal joint of the tarsi beneath it is bright fulvous ; the claws of the tarsi ferruginous; wings sub-hyaline, the nervures fusco-ferruginous. Abdomen; a little pale fulvous pubescence on the apical margin of the basal segment ; on the following segments it is fulvous, and very dense and bright on the segments beneath. Eemale, length 6 lines. Male. — Black, with the anterior legs ferruginous ; their coxae armed with an acute black tooth ; a dark stain on the femora and tibiae behind, the tarsi dilated and fringed behind with very pale curled pubescence. The face covered with dense yellowish white pubescence ; on the thorax above it is thinner, shorter and brighter ; wings hyaline, with a faint cloud at their apical margin ; the metathorax has a cinereous pubescence. Abdomen ; the segments 4 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. fringed with pale fulvous pubescence ; the margin of the apical segment emarginate ; the emargination denticulate. Length lines- In this species the head is a little wider than the thorax, and narrowed behind the eyes. Hab. — Taken in May, in the neighbourhood of Yarkand. 7. Megachile eelva. Eemina. — M. atra, thorace ahdomineque hirsutis fulvo-aureis, pedibus ferrugineis. Black ; the mandibles, scape of antennse, and the legs ferruginous ; the coxae, trochanters, and tips of the mandibles, black ; densely covered with fulvous pubescence, sparingly so on the vertex and basal margins of tlie intermediate abdominal segments ; the pubescence on the legs is short and thin ; the anterior wings flavo-hyaline towards their base, beyond which they are fuscous ; the nervures ferruginous at the base of the wings, beyond the stigma they are rufo-fuscous ; the tegulae ferruginous. Eemale, length 7^ lines. Taken on the Yarkand Expedition ; the precise locality not knowm.^ 8. Megachile dentiventris. Mas. — M. pallide pubescens ; abdominis apice denticulato ; tarsis rufis. Black ; the face densely covered with white pubescence, that on the cheeks is also white, but shorter and less dense ; on the vertex it is pale fulvous ; the mandibles stout and bidentate the teeth rufo-piceous, the apical one black at the tip. The thorax and legs with white pubescence ; the anterior femora and tibiae in front, and all the tarsi bright ferruginous ; the anterior coxae armed with a stout spine ; wings hyaline, the anterior pair faintly clouded at their apical margin ; the nervures ferruginous ; the tegulae black. Abdomen ; the apical margins of the segments fringed with very pale fulvous- white pubescence; that at the sides, and beneath, is white ; the apical segment with four teeth on its margin. Male, length 5 lines. Hab. — Neighbourhood of Yarkand. Taken in May. 9. Megachile serrata. Mas. — M. pallide pubescens, abdomine oblongo, ano injiexo, spimiloso. Black ; the face with pale fulvous pubescence, that on the cheeks cinereous ; the antennae fulvous beneath. Thorax clothed above with pale fulvous pubescence ; at the sides, beneath, and on the legs, it is cinereous ; the tarsi ferruginous, with the basal joint of the intermediate and posterior pairs, black above ; the anterior coxae dentate ; wings hyaline, the anterior pair slightly clouded at the apex, the nervures ferruginous, the tegulae black. Abdomen oblong, obtuse at the apex ; the two basal segments with pale fulvous pubescence ; the apical margins of the segments fringed with pale pubescence ; the apical segment clothed with short pale pubescence, its margin serrated ; beneath, the apical segment is produced into a large triangular process, acute at its apex. Male. Length 5 lines. Hab. — Neighbourhood of Yarkand. Taken in May. ' Probably, like some other specimens without labels, this may have been from the hills south of Yarkand. HYMENOPTERA. 5 10. Megachile vigil ans. Eemina. — M. pallide pubescens ; ahdomine subtus argenteo-villosulo, segmentormn mar- ginibus dorsalibus palUdo-fasciatis. Black ; the face clothed with dense white pubescence ; the mandibles with four blunt teeth. The puheseence on the thorax and legs whitish, that on the tarsi beneath fulvous ; wings hyaline, the nervures black. Abdomen suhcordate, the basal segment deeply concave, the metathorax rounded and fitting into the cavity, the abdomen curving upwards, the apical margins of the segments with fasciae of white pubescence ; beneath, densely clothed with silvery-white pubescence. Eemale, length lines. B-ob. — Eras, Kargil, and Leh, all in Ladak. (August and September.) This genus is perhaps the most numerous in species of all the genera of bees ; it is also the most cosmopolitan ; about three hundred species are known ; they occur both in temperate and tropical climates ; about fifty are known to inhabit India, China, and the islands of the Eastern Archipelago ; they are abundant in Australia, also in both North and South America. A large number are, from their habit of lining their nests with pieces of leaf, popularly called leaf-cutting bees, but their habits vary ; nests of Indian species prove that some species belong to the section of mason-bees, their nests being constructed of agglutinated particles of sand or mud ; of the habits of the Australian species, we are at present ignorant. 11. Anthidium vigilans, Eig. 7. Eemina. — A. atrum, capite tJioraceque Jlam-variegatis ; abdominis maculis later alibus jiavis. Mas. — A. abdominis inflexi lateribus fasciculato-pilosis, ano septemdentato. Black; the head and thorax very closely punctured and suhopaque, the abdomen shining and more finely punctured. The clypeus, base of the mandibles, and a line on the posterior margin of the vertex, interrupted in the middle, yellow. A stripe on each side of the thorax in front, and an interrupted line on the posterior margin of the scutellum yellow ; the femora at their apex beneath, and the tibiae and tarsi outside, yellow ; wings suh-hyaline, the marginal cell with a fuscous stripe at its anterior margin. Abdomen ; each segment with a transverse yellow lateral macula ; beneath, clothed with bright pale fulvous pubescence. Eemale, length lines. The male is considerably larger than the female and is much more pubescent, but is marked with yellow in the same manner, the yellow stripes on the abdomen being broader and forming interrupted bands; the segments have at their lateral margins a floccus of whitish glittering pubescence ; the apical segment is tridentate, the lateral teeth yellow, the central one smaller and black ; there is also a tooth at the lateral margins of the fifth and sixth segments. Male, length 7 lines. Bah. — The locahty of the male is the neighbourhood of Yarkand, and although the precise locahty of the female is not ascertained, there is a sufficient general resemblance between the sexes to justify uniting them as one species. The genus Anthidium has a wide geograpliical distribution ; species are found in Europe, Arabia, Syria, Algeria, Cape of Good Hope, Sierra Leone. About six species are knovui from 6 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. India, but I have not seen any from China, the islands of the Eastern Archipelago, nor from Australia ; the known number of species is about one hundred. 12. Crocisa histrio, Eabr. Nomada histrio, Fabr., Ent. Syst., ii, 345. Melecta histrio, Latr., Hist. Nat. Crust, et Ins., iii. Fabr., Syst. Piez., 385. Spin., Ins. Ligur., i, 153. Crocisa histrio, Latr., Gen. Crust, et Ins. iv, 172. St. Farg., Hym., ii, 454. Eversm., Bull. Mosc., xxv, 104. Sab . — Taken in the neighbourhood of Yarkand, also at Yangihissar. Found also in Southern France, Russia and Algeria. 13. Crocisa intrtjdens, Fig. 8. Femina. — C. nigra, capite, thoraceque, pedihmque albo variegatis, scutello emarginato. Black ; the face and cheeks covered with dense snow-wliite pubescence, on the vertex it is shorter and tliinner ; the clypeus porrect, the mandibles ferruginous. The anterior margin and sides of 'the thorax covered with white pubescence ; the mesothorax with three spots anteriorly, the central one oblong, the other two ovate ; also two quadrate spots posteriorly, of white pubescence ; the scutellum deeply emarginate and having a little white pubescence in the emargination ; the tibiae white outside; wings hyaline, their apical margins slightly clouded. Abdomen, a broad band of white pubescence at the base and a narrower one on the apical margin of the segments, aU slightly interrupted in the middle. Female, length lines. Sah. — Neighbourhood of Yarkand. Taken in May. This genus of bees is not numerous in species ; only about twelve are at present known, but their distribution is extensive; they have occurred in Europe, North Africa, Natal, South Africa, Ceylon, India, in various islands of the Eastern Archipelago, China, and Australia. 14. Anthophora vigilans. Mas.-— -^4. nigra, pallide villosa, thorace flavescente, abdominis segmentis palUdo-mar- ginatis. Black; the mandibles, labrum, anterior margin of the clypeus, and a central line uniting with it, white ; the tips of the mandibles rufo-piceous, and two minute black spots at the base of the labrum ; the pubescence on the face yellowish white, the thorax with similar pubescence above ; the posterior tibiae and tarsi with white pubescence. Abdomen ; the apical margins of the segments pale testaceous and having fasciae of white pubescence. The wings clear hyaline. Male, length 5 lines. Sab. — Dras, Kargil, and Leh, all in Ladak. HYMENOPTERA. 7 15. Anthophora senex. Mas. — A. atra,pallide villosa, facie antice labroque Jlavis ; pedihus intermediis elongatis. Black ; the face as high as the insertion of the antennae, the lahrum, and scape of the antennae in front, yellow ; the pubescence on the head pale fulvous, whitish on the clypeus. Thorax pubescent ; the puheseence faintly yellowish, that on the legs long and ragged ; the tarsi testaceous, exeept the basal joint ; the intermediate legs elongate, the fifth joint densely fringed with black pubescence, forming a thick brush ; the apieal joint of the tarsi rufo-piceous. Abdomen thinly covered with pale puhescenee ; the margins of the segments pale testaceous. Male, length lines. Hah . — Neighbourhood of Yarkand and Yangihissar. Taken in April. This genus is cosmopohtan, not less than one hundred and fifty species are knowm ; of these twelve are from India. 16. Xtlocopa nitidiventris, ^ Eig. 10. Eemina. — X. nigra., thorace supra puhe flava decorata, tibiarum posticarum apicibus tarsis- que omnibus pube ferruginea vestitis, alis nigro-fuscis iridescentibus. Blaek ; the puheseence on the head black ; very closely punetured and opaque. Thorax, clothed above with bright pale yellowish puheseence ; on the sides, beneath, and on the femora and tibiae, it is hlaek ; that at the apex of the posterior tibiae and on all the tarsi, bright fulvo-ferruginous ; that on the anterior tarsi mixed with a little hlaek on the first joint ; wings fuscous, palest towards their base, and having a violet irideseence in certain lights. Abdomen very smooth and shining, and also very convex, being suhglohose; beneath, the apical margins of the segments are narrowly ferruginous, the two sub-apical ones being fringed with bright ferruginous hairs. Eemale, length 7^ lines. Hab . — Taken in May, in the neighbourhood of Yarkand. 17. Xtlocopa dubiosa, Eig. 9. Mas. — X. nigra, fulvo-pubescente ; facie antice labioque flavis ; abdomine ovato, con- vexiusculo, segmentorum marginibus fulvo fasciatis. Black; the head, thorax, and the base of the abdomen densely elothed with fulvous pubescence ; the face below the insertion of the antennae and the lahrum, yellow ; the anterior margin of the latter black ; the tarsi ferruginous; wings fulvo- hyaline, slightly fuscous towards their apical margins ; the nervures ferruginous, the costal nervure blackish. Abdomen ovate, truneate at the base, convex, shining and finely punctured; the apical margins of the segments with a narrow fringe of fulvous puheseence, more or less interrupted in the middle ; the sixth and seventh segments covered with fulvous pubescence. Male, length 7| lines. Probably the male of X. nitidiventris. Taken in April, at Yangihissar, Eastern Turkestan. Represented on the plate as X. dubiosa- ? 8 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. 18. Xylocopa convexa. Eemina. — X. nitida, nigra ; alls nigro-fuscis violaceo splendide micantihus ; abdomine convexo. Black and shining ; the head not closely hut rather finely punctured ; the front with short dense black pubescence ; the margins of the clypeus raised and sliining, and with a central shining carina ; the flagellum, except the basal joint, obscurely fulvous beneath. The disk of the mesothorax and the base of the scutellum smooth, shining, and impunctate ; the sides, beneath, and the legs, with black pubescence ; wings with a beautiful blue, violet and green iridescence. Abdomen very convex, with fine distant punctures ; the sides and apex with black pubescence. Eemale, length 9 to 10 lines. E-tth. — Kugiar, 90 miles south of Yarkand. Taken in May and June. Xylocopa has an universal distribution ; in my monograph of the genus, published in 1874, one hundred and twenty-three species are registered ; the number has been slightly increased since that time. In India twenty species have been found. Division 2— SOCIALES. 19. Bombus vallestris. Operaria. — B. hirsutus, ater, thorace supra abdominisque fascia basali favis, segmento secundo et apice f err ugineo-f aims. Black; the head suh-rotundate, with black pubescence; the thorax above, the sides, and beneath the wings, densely clothed with pale yellowish-white pubescence ; beneath and on the legs it is black ; the four apical joints of the tarsi ferruginous ; wings fuscous, the nervures black. Abdomen ; at the extreme base a fringe of pale yellowish white pubescence, on the second segment and also on the three apical ones it is ferruginous. Worker, length 6| lines. Eab. — Sind valley, Kashmir. Taken in August. The male exactly resembles the worker, having also black pubescence on the face. 20. Bombus longiceps. Operaria. — B. hirsutus, ater, thorace dorso pallide fulvo ; abdominis segmentis analibus tribus rufo-fulvis. Black ; the head elongate, the clypeus smooth and shining ; the tips of the mandibles rufo-piceous ; the flagellum of the antennae obscurely fulvous beneath. Thorax above, and at the sides beneath the wings, densely clothed with bright fulvous pubescence ; beneath, and on the legs, it is black ; the four apical joints of the tarsi ferruginous ; the wings hyaline. Abdomen ; the three basal segments with black pubescence, usually more or less abraded towards the base, which is smooth and sliining ; the apical segments fulvo-ferruginous. "Worker, length 9 lines. Eab. — Dras, Kargil, and Leh, Ladak. (August and September.) The male of this species is clothed exactly the same as the female, the face having also black pubescence. HYMENOPTEEA. 9 21. Bombus axtaicus. Bombus celtaicus, Eversm. Bull, Mosc., xix, 436, tab. 4, fig. 1. Hah. — Tankse, Pangkong valley, Ladak ; also in Asiatic Enssia. 22. Bombus bizonatus. Eemina. — B. hirsutiis, ater ; tliorace antice, scutello, abdomineque basi jlama, medio nigro-fasciato, apice pallido. The head clothed with black pubescence, the lahmm fringed with fnlvons ; the clypens naked, smooth and shining. Thorax clothed with pale fulvous pubescence and having a black pubescent hand between the wings; the pubescence on the legs and on the body beneath, black ; the apical joints of the tarsi with short pale pubescence, that on the basal joint beneath rich fulvous; wings suh-hyaline, the nervures black. The first and second segments of the abdomen with pale fulvous pubescence, the tlurd with black, and the three apical ones with very pale fulvous. Eemale, length 7^ lines. JLab. — No locality indicated, 23. Bombus oppositus, Eig. 11. Eemina. — B. Jiirsutus, ater ; tliorace abdomineque supra fulvis. Black ; the head clothed with black pubescence ; the clypeus naked, smooth and shin- ing. Thorax, clothed above with rather short, rich fulvous pubescence, that on the sides, beneath, and on the legs is black ; the pubescence on the apical joints of the tarsi is pale fulvous, on their basal joint within it is bright fulvous, outside it is black ; wings subhyahne, their nervures black. Abdomen, clothed above with rich fulvous, beneath with black pubescence. Eemale, length 9 lines. Hab. — No precise locality indicated. The genus Bombus is widely distributed ; its number of species amounting to little short of one hundred. Bombi are found both in the Old and New World, a few species occurring in the Tropics ; the genus has not been observed to penetrate Africa beyond Algeria, and it has not been found either in Madagascar, Australia or New Zealand. In the Old World it has been found in Lapland, Siberia, Kamtschatka, China, Japan, India and Java. In great Britain twenty species occur. In the New World, it has been found in Greenland, Boothia Eelix, and at the Great Bear Lake, within the Arctic Circle. Mexico has produced some of the most beautiful species of the genus ; North America is rich in species ; in South America several fine ones occur. Tribe— HETEROGYNA. Family— 24. Camponotus basalis, Eig. 1. Eemina. — C. niger, thorace subtus. pedibus abdominisque basi castaneo-rujts. Shining black ; the anterior margin of the clypeus and the mandibles rufo-piceous ; the flagellum of the antennse ferruginous. Thorax ovate ; the mesothorax and scutellum dark 10 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. rufo-fuscous ; beneath, the pro-and metathorax and also the legs castaneo-rufous. Abdomen, subglobose ; the scale and petiole, and the two basal segments castaneo-rufous, their apical margins black, the second most broadly so ; beneath, these segments are entirely castaneous. Eemale, length 5 lines. Sab . — Sind valley, Kashmir. Taken in August. 25. Camponottjs Bacchus. Eemina. — C. capite abdomineque nigris, metatliorace pedibusque pallide ferrugineis. Formica Bacchus, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins., Pt. VI, Pormicidse, p. 21. $ Gomponotus Bacchus, Mayr, Novarse Voy., Form., p. 27. -fervens, Mayr, lib. cit., nec Smith, Cat. Hjm. Ins., p. 241. In the same bottle in spirit a male ant accompanied the female ; its size and general appearance justify me in considering it to be the male of C. Bacchus ; it is 4^ lines long, black, with the antennse and legs pale furruginous, the scape being darker than the flagel- lum ; the mandibles, palpi and post-scutellum are also pale ferruginous ; the wings flavo- hy aline ; the nervures pale rufo-testaceous ; the stigma fuscous. — Jhilam Valley, Punjab Hills. Ceylon, Calcutta, and Islands of the Eastern Archipelago. This genus is cosmopolitan ; its species are numerous, new kinds occmTing in almost every collection made in little frequented places ; any attempt to calculate the number of species would be an impossibility; until each species has been collected from its nest, and all the different kinds of sexes carefully ascertained, the number of specific forms cannot be ascer- tained ; workers of several sizes and forms occur in nests of many species, and if captured at large, are doubtless described as distinct ; the number of species doubtless amounts to hundreds. 26. Eormica simulata. Operaria. — F. rufo-ferruginea, Iccvissime cinereo-micans ; fronte vertice et abdomine nigrofuscis ; squama subtriangulariter rotmidata, mar ghie super o rotundato ; area frontali opaca. The head red, with the vertex and the front, as far as the insertion of the antennae, more or less rufo-fuscous ; the clypeus with a longitudinal sharp carina in the middle ; its anterior margin rounded and entire ; mandibles ferruginous, with their teeth black ; the antennae ferruginous, with the flagellum, beyond the third joint, fuscous. Thorax and legs bright blood-red. Abdomen covered with fine cinereous pile; in some examples fusco-ferruginous at the base ; with a few scattered pale setae ; the scale of the peduncle red, its superior margin rounded. Worker, length 3 lines. Sab. — On the road across the Pamir, from Sirikol to Panja ; also at Yarkand ; April and May. This species closely resembles the Formiea sanguinea of Europe, particularly small workers of that species ; the specimens were collected in spirit ; therefore it is probable the entire insect would, when living, be covered with a fine pile. HYMENOPTEEA. 11 27. Eormica praterna. Operaria. — F. rnfo-fusca, sparse pilosula ; mandihulis, antennarum scapis, Jiagellornm basi, pedibusque pallide rufescentihus ; area frontali opaca. The insect covered with a fine grey pile; the anterior part of the head rufo-testaceous, the mandibles ferruginous ; the scape of the antennae and a few of the basal joints of the flagellum pale ferruginous ; the legs and scale of the peduncle entirely of that colour ; the scale rounded above. The base of the abdomen in some examples more or less tinged with ferruginous ; the abdomen with a few scattered pale setae. Worker, length 2f to 3 lines. Hah. — No precise locality indicated. This species very closely resembles the Formica cunicularia of Europe, but its pale legs give it a different aspect. 28. Eormica deeensor. Operaria. — F. rufo-ferruginea, Icevissime cinereo-micans ; fronte abdominequefusco-nigris; squama subtriangulariter, margine supero rotundato. Head, thorax, legs, antennae, and squama rufo-ferruginous ; the apical half of the flagellum and the front above the insertion of the antennae, fuscous ; an impressed line from the anterior ocellus to the clypeus, the latter with a sharp central carina ; the frontal area opaque ; the teeth of the mandibles black ; the head and the flagellum with fine cinereous pile. The abdomen fusco-ferruginous at the base, and the extreme apex pale ferruginous ; the abdomen covered with a fine cinereous pile; beneath fusco-ferruginous. Worker, length 2 1 lines. JLab. — On the road across the Pamir, from Sarikol to Panja. (April and May.) 29. Eormica Candida. Eemina. — F. nigra nitidissima ; mandibulis, antennis, pedibusque rnfescentibus ; squama lata, subtriangulariter, margine supra rotundato. Shining black; the mandibles, antennse, and legs ferruginous; the latter slightly fuscous above, as are also a few of the apical joints of the flagellum above. The head, the width of the thorax ; the clypeus with a sharp central carina ; the frontal area semiopaque ; the mandibles stout, and with longitudinal punctures. The metathorax semiopaque, and with a fine cinereous pile, which also covers the squama, legs, and thorax on the sides and beneath. Abdomen oblong-ovate, very smooth and shining, and with a sprinkling of pale hairs at the apex ; the extreme apex pale testaceous. Eemale, length lines. Hab. — On the road across the Pamir, from Sarikol to Panja. (April and May.) Y&im\j—MYRMICIDjF, (Sm.) 30. Mtrmica cursor. Eemina. — M. sordide rubra; capite thoraceque longitudinaliter striatis ; abdomine fusco- nigro, nitido ; mandibulis, antennis, pedibusque pallide ferrugineis. Obscure ferruginous, with the head sometimes nearly black, or with the sides more or less ferruginous ; the antennae with the scape and a few of the basal joints of the flagellum 12 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. pale ferruginous, the rest fusco-ferruginous ; the head longitudinally hut uTegularly striated, the striae at its sides formed of confluent punctures. Thorax longitudinally striated, oblong- ovate, and having a longitudinal ferruginous space above, enclosed by a black margin ; the sides and beneath ferruginous; the metathorax with two short, stout, acute, compressed spines ; the legs pale ferruginous. Abdomen globose, smooth and shining ; the first node of the petiole wedge-shaped when viewed sideways, and coarsely rugose, the second node globose and suh-rugose. The scape of the antennse in this species is bent and slender at the base as in the M. ruginodis of Europe, which it closely resembles ; it is, however, a rather smaller insect. Eemale, length 2f lines. Scih . — No precise locality indicated. 31. Myrmica ltjctuosa. Mas. — M. niger, nitidmsculus ; mcmdibulis, antennis, pedibusque, necnon capite thorace- que, sordide pallescentibus ; alis Jiyalinis^ nenis rtifo-palUdis. Black ; head and thorax longitudinally striated ; the metathorax with transverse curved striae, and with two stout compressed spines, its apex obscurely rufo-piceous ; the club of the antennae paler than the rest of the antennae. The wings pale fulvo -hyaline and iridescent ; the stigma and nervures pale ferruginous ; the legs long and slender, with the apical joints of the tarsi pale testaceous. Abdomen smooth and shining, and with a few scattered pale hairs ; the nodes of the abdomen rugose, the first oblong, the second globose. Male, length 2| lines. Hob. — Murree (Mari), Punjab hills. 32. Myrmica breviceps. Eemina. — Ji. sordide rubida ; mandibulis, antennis, pedibusque pallide ferrugineis ; capite thoraceque longitudinaliter prqfunde striatis ; abdomine rufo-nigro, nitido. Rufo-ferruginous ; the head strongly longitudinally striated; a small smooth shining space at the base of the clypeus, wliich is deeply longitudinally grooved ; the mandibles striated. Thorax above with a black patch on each side of the mesothorax, and another at the anterior portion ; the metathoracic spines short, stout and acute. The first node of the abdomen longitudinally rugose, the second transversely so ; the abdomen smooth and shining, ferruginous at the base ; the rest dark rufo-fuscous, nearly black, and with scattered erect pubescence. Eemale, length 2^ lines. Hah. — No locality or date. This insect very closely resembles two or three of the British species, particularly Myrmica sulcinodis ; its head is, however, shorter than that of the British insect. 33. Crematogaster apicalis. Eemina. — C. pallide castaneo-rufm,lcevis, nitidus ; abdomine apicem versus nigrescente i alls hyalinis. Rufo-castaneous, smooth, shining and impunctate ; the eyes, margins of the mandibles, and the anterior margin of the clypeus narrowly black ; the clypeus finely longitudinally HYMENOPTEEA. 13 striated. The mesotliorax with a few longitudinal dark lines ; the scutellum convex, and rounded behind; the metathorax truncate, not spined, and paler than the mesothorax; wings clear hyaline, the nervures and stigma pale rufo-testaceous. Abdomen oblong-ovate, the base castaneo-rufous, from thence becoming gradually darker to the apex. Eemale, length lines. Sab. — Jhilam valley, Punjab hills. Taken in July. 31. Dortltjs (Typhlopone) l^eviceps, Eig. 2. Operaria. — T. rufo-testaceus, capite castaneo, mandibuUs nigris. Head 'oblong, suhquadrate, rather wider anteriorly, the flagellum slightly fuscous ; very smooth and shining, and with a very faintly impressed central longitudinal line, and also a few delicate scattered punctures. Thorax oblong, divided in the middle by a transverse suture, flattened above and having a few fine pmictures. Abdomen, the node of the peduncle incrassate, subquadrate above; oblong-ovate. Worker, length 3^ lines. Sab. — Jhilam valley. Taken in July. The insects described under the generic name Typhlopone of Westwood are now dis- covered to be the workers of Sorylus ; the late Dr. Jerdon observed them issuing from the nests, in company with males of Dorylus ; Dr. Gerstaecker has described the female of Dorylus in the Stett. Ent. Zeits. for 1863, under the generic name Dichthadia, pointing out its afl&nities of structure with those of the male, upon which the genus was founded ; and proving demonstratively the affinities of the genera. 35. Mutilla stjspiciosa. Mutilla suspiciosa, Smith, Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., II, 84 $ (1857). Sab. — Jhilam valley. Taken in July. This species resembles the male of M. sexmaculata, but it differs from it by having the wings entirely dark brownish-black ; the abdomen is red, with the base and apex black ; it has been found in Borneo, Batchian, Celebes, Amboyna, and Bom*u. 36. Mutilla sexmaculata, Swederus. Eemina. — 31. nigra., thorace supra rufo, abdomine utrinque serie trium macularuni albklarum. Mas. — 31. nigra, thorace antice cme7'eo, abdomme rufo, basi nigro, alis fuscis basi hyalinis. The male of this species was discovered by Sir John Hearsay, who captured the sexes in coitu; it, as well as the female, varies greatly in size. I suspect it is the Mutilla rifogastra of St. Eargeau. M. Eadoszkovsky, in his Monograph of the Mutillidce of the Old World, says that the insect I have named M. sexmaculata of Swederus is not that species ; I have care- fully compared the insect with the descriptions given both by Swederus and by M. Eadoszkovsky, and am quite satisfied that my quotation is correct, although it is said by 14 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. the above author to he synonymous with a species described by him under the name M. tretraops, with the description of wliich it in no way agrees. Tribe— FOSSORES, (Latr.) Family — SCO LI ABM, (Leach). 37. ScOLIA HAEMORRHOIDALIS. Scolia haemonhoidalis, Fabr., Ent. Syst. ii, 230, Syst. Piez., 240. „ „ Klug, Weber & Mobr, Beitr. i, 24. „ „ Spin., Ins. Ligur., i, 74. ,, ,, Latr., Gen. Crust, et Ins., iv, 105. „ ,, Vand., Lind. Hym., Eur., 18. „ „ Brulle, Exped. Sc. de Moree, iii, 370. ,, ,, St. Farg., Hym., iii, 522. „ ,, Burm., Mon. Scolia, 18. „ „ Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins., Pt. iii, 110. ,, ,, Sauss. et Sicb., Cat. des Espec. Scol., 50. Hah. — France, Spain, Albania, Hungary, Russia, Siberia, Asia Minor, India. The locality of Dr. Stoliczka’s specimens has not been recorded. This insect belongs to the division of the genus in which the anterior wings have three submarginal cells and one recurrent nervure, and is a “ Triscolia” of Saussure. Family— 38. POMPILUS ARROGANS. Eemina. — P. ater, abdominis hasi rufo-ferruginea, alis antiois fuscis. Black ; the head subopaque and finely longitudinally rugulose ; the anterior margin of the clypeus slightly rounded, the mandibles rufo-piceous at thefi apex. Thorax slightly shining above, and having a thin grey sericeous pile ; the metathorax concave in the middle posteriorly ; the anterior wings fuscous, palest at their base ; the posterior pair hyaline, with their apex slightly clouded ; the second submarginal cell subquadrate, the third longer than the second and slightly narrowed towards the marginal cell ; the tarsi thickly spinose, the tibise with a few scattered spines ; the tips of the claws of the tarsi ferruginous. Abdomen ; the three basal segments ferruginous, the apical margin of the third and the following segments black. Female, length 6 lines. HaL. — Dras, Kargil, and Leh, in Ladak. Taken in August and September. 39. POMPILTJS ATRIPES. Femina. — P. niger ; abdomine ferrugineo, apice nigro ; alis fuscis ; antennis crassis. Black ; the head smooth and shining, very finely punctured ; the antennae much thicker in the middle than is usual in the genus. Thorax finely pilose, shining and finely punctured HYMENOPTERA. 15 above ; the posterior margin of the prothorax angulated ; the metathorax smooth and shining, with a central impressed line not quite extending to the apex ; wings fuscous, clearer towards their base ; legs entirely black, as are also the spines and calcaria that arm the tibiae at their apex ; tibiae only very slightly spinose. Abdomen smooth and shining ; the three basal segments ferruginous. Female, length SJ lines. Hab. — Murree, Punjab hills. 40. POMPILTJS DIVISUS. Mas. — P. niger^ abdominis segmento secundo tertioque ferrugineis ; alia subhyalinis. Black ; the head and thorax slightly pubescent, shining and punctured ; the antennae obscurely fulvous beneath beyond the third or fourth joints. The posterior margin of the prothorax rounded ; the metathorax, with four longitudinal carinae, two lateral and two approxi- mating in the middle, strongly punctured ; wings fulvo-hyaline, the nervures ferruginous ; the tibiae and tarsi ferruginous, the former slightly fuscous above, as are also the apical joints of the posterior tarsi. Abdomen shining, the second and third segments ferruginous, and more distinctly punctured than the following ones, which are very smooth and shining ; the apex rufo-fuscous. Male, length 4 lines. Sab. — Sind valley, Kaslimir. Taken in August. 41. PmOCNEMIS RUFO-FEMORATTJS. Eemina. — P. niger, abdommis basi rufo ; femoribus posticis rubris ; alis apicibus fiiscis, puncto albo ornatis. Black ; the head slightly shining, and, as well as the mesothorax, very finely and very closely punctured ; the metathorax with a central longitudinal impressed line not quite extending to the apex, and having a fine transverse striation ; the wings fusco-hyaline, darkest in the middle of the anterior wings, which have beyond the third submarginal cell a large hyaline spot ; the posterior margin of the prothorax angular ; the posterior femora bright ferruginous, the tibiae serrated exteriorly. Abdomen bright ferruginous to the apex of the third segment ; the rest black. Female, length 4 lines. Sab. — Bras, Kargil, and Leh, in Ladak. This species in general aspect exactly resembles Priocnemis agilis of Europe, but its transversely striated metathorax distinguishes it from that species. 42. Mtgnimia alecto. Eemina. — M. nigra, alia nigro-fuscis violaceoque splendide micantibus. Black ; the abdomen shining, covered with a changeable violet and purple pile observable in certain lights ; the clypeus emarginate ; the mandibles shining, their apex rufo-piceous. Thorax ; the posterior margin of the prothorax arched ; the sides of the metathorax rounded. 16 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. its apex obliquely truncate ; the coxae greatly enlarged ; wings dark blackish-brown, with a purple gloss. Abdomen smooth and shining. Eemale, length 10 lines. Hob. — Yangihissar, Eastern Turkestan. Taken in April. The Pompilidce are found in all parts of the globe ; little short of five hundred species belonging to the various genera of which the family is composed have been enumerated. Y&mi\j—SFEEGIDJi. 43. Ammophila spinipes. Eemina. — A. nigra, alis fulvo-liyalinis, metathorace rugoso, ahdomine antice rufo. Black ; the head wider than the thorax, shining and strongly punctured ; the mandibles with a ferruginous spot in the middle, the palpi rufo-piceous. Thorax ; the pro and meso- thorax shining and strongly punctured, as weU as the scutellum ; the mesothorax with a deeply impressed line in the middle anteriorly, extending to the middle of the disk ; the metathorax opaque and rugulose ; wings fulvo-hyaline, the apical margins with a slight fuscous cloud ; the nervures and stigma ferruginous ; the tegulse rufo-piceous ; the tibiae and tarsi thickly spinose, the claws of the tarsi ferruginous. Abdomen ; the first, second, third and base of the fourth segment of the abdomen ferruginous ; the petiole not quite as long as the first segment. Eemale, length 8 lines. Hah. — Dras, Kargil, and Leh, in Ladak. Taken in August and September. This genus is one of universal distribution ; about eighty species are described ; some twenty species are found in Europe, and about the same number are at present known from Africa ; twelve are described from India; North and South America both possess numerous species, but only three or four have been brought from Australia. Family — LA BIUBJE. 44. Laerada aurulenta. Sphex aurnlenin, Fabr., Fnt.' Syst., ii, £13, $ . Fompilus auraius, Fabr., Ent. Syst. Supp., 250. Liris aurata, Fabr., Syst. Piez., 228. „ ,, Dahlb., Hym. Europ., i, 135. Tachyies opulenta, St. Farg., Hym., iii, 246. Lyrops auraius, Gner., Icon. Keg. Anim., iii, 440. Larrada aurulenia, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins., pt. iv ; Sphegidse, Larridse and Crabronidae, p. 276. Hah. — Yangihissar, in Eastern Turkestan; also Madras, Bombay (India); China; Philippines ; Sumatra ; Borneo ; Java ; Celebes ; Bachian ; Bomm. This genus is widely distributed ; Europe has five species at present known ; others are found in India, China, Borneo, in most of the islands of the Eastern Archipelago, New Guinea and Australia; species also occur in Africa; others are found both in North and South America. HYMENOPTERA. 17 Tribe— DIPLOPTERA. Family—^ UMENIDjE. 45. Pteeochilus albo-fasciatus, Eig. 12. Eemina. — P. niger, cajpite thoraceque alho-variegatis-, abdominis segmentis albo-marginatis. Black; head as wide as the thorax, strongly and closely punctured; the clypeus porrect and rugosely punctate, its anterior margin truncate ; the mandibles tridentate, the teeth obscurely rufo-piceous ; a small suhovate white spot above the eyes on the vertex. The ptothorax white above ; the mesothorax and scutellum coarsely punctured ; a white line crosses the post-scutellum and curves up towards the insertion of the posterior wings, which are fusco-hyaline and darkest along the forehorder of the anterior pair ; legs black. Abdomen suhovate ; the basal segment campanulate and having a broad white fascia on its apical margin, which is slightly notched in the middle ; the second segment has also a broad fascia, wliich is curved up laterally towards the base of the segment ; the three following- segments have each a similar broad white fascia. Eemale, length 5^ lines. Rab. — Yangihissar, Eastern Turkestan. Taken in April. This is a genus of small extent ; about twenty species are described ; it occurs in Europe, a single species being found in Russia, another in Germany, and one in Switzerland ; species have been found in Algeria, the Cape of Good Hope, Chili, and the United States. Family— VESFIDM 46. PoLiSTES CHiNENSis, Eabr. Polistes cMnensis, Fabr., Syst. Piez., 270. „ „ Sauss., Mon. Guepes Soe., 56, tab. 7, fig. 2. Rob. — Neighbourhood of Yarkand. Taken in May. Hong-Kong; Shanghai. Specimens from Yarkand are frequently more marked with yellow spots than any I have seen from China, whilst others exactly resemble Chinese ones, which do not appear ever to have any yellow spots on the mesothorax, which the Indian examples usually have. The genus Folistes is cosmopolitan, but no species has been found in the United Kingdom ; species occur in South Europe, in India, China, Borneo, in the Islands of the Eastern Archipelago, in Africa, Australia and Tasmania, Brazil, Central America, Mexico, and North America ; from seventy to eighty species are known 47. Vespa germanica. Vespa germanica, Fabr., Syst, Piez., 256. „ „ Pauz., Faun. Germ., 49, 20, ? . „ ,, St. Farg., Hym., i, 515. „ „ Ratz., Forst. Ins., Bd. iii, 51. ,, „ Smith, Zool., ix.. Append, clxxvii. „ „ Sauss., Mon. Guepes Soc., 116, pt. xiv, fig. 4. Rab. — Europe. Eound at Sanju, and in its neighbourhood ; also at Yangihissdr, Eastern Turkestan. 18 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. No specific difference can be found that will separate this insect from the European species ; the sexual organs of the male are precisely the same as those of V. germanica. About fifty species of this genus are known ; they are widely distributed, and are insects that are almost universally known. Twelve species inhabit Europe ; twenty are Asiatic, and ten are found in Mexico and North America. Family — TENTHREDINIDM 48. Hylotoma fumipennis. Eemina. — A. corpore Jlavo ; capite, mitermis, tarsisque nigris ; alisfuscis. Head shining black, antennae pubescent ; abdomen paler than the thorax ; wings fuscous and iridescent, nervures and stigma blackish-brown ; the legs pubescent, the coxae and femora reddish-yellow, the tibiae fuscous, the tarsi black. Eemale, length lines. Hah. — Jliilam valley, Punjab hills. Taken in August. 49. Allantus provides. Eemina. — A. niger, capita thoraceque opacis, ahdomme nitido-, tibiis, femoribus posticis ferrugineis. Head and thorax opaque, and covered with strong confluent punctures ; wings suh- hyaline, and having a fuscous cloud on the anterior pair that occupies the two marginal and four suhmarginal cells ; the stigma and nervures black ; the posterior femora and tibiae pale ferruginous ; the anterior femora towards their apex, and the tibiae in front, pale ; abdomen glossy black. Eemale, length 6 lines. Hub. — Murree, Punjab hills. 50. Allantus multicolor. Eemina. — A. capite thoraceque cupreo-nigris, abdomine purpureo, corpore jiavo-maculato. Head and thorax obscure brassy-black ; abdomen dark purple above ; the entire body yellow beneath, the legs black with yellow markings. Head semiopaque, the cheeks, clypeus, and mandibles testaceous-yellow; the teeth of the latter acute and black. Thorax semiopaque; the scutellum, tegulae, and costal nervure, and the cell, yellow ; the wings hyaline and iridescent ; the stigma and nervures blackish-brown ; the anterior and intermediate coxae and femora yellow beneath ; the tibiae and tarsi yellow, the former with a dark stain at or near their apex ; the posterior coxae beneath and the hasal half of the tibiae yellow. Abdomen ; the lateral margins of the second segment, the apical, as well as the lateral margins of the third segment, yellow ; the sixth, seventh and eighth segments narrowly yeUow. Eemale, length 6 lines. Rah. — Murree, Punjab hiUs. This species resembles Allantus jlavomaculatus of Cameron, described in the “ Transac- tions of the Entomological Society of London’' for 1876, but it is rather smaller ; the femora are black, and the abdomen has a purple tinge. HYMENOPTERA. 19 51. Allantus simillimus. Eemina. — A. niger, abdommis cingulo basali flavo, tibiis tarsisque palUde ferrugineis^ alis fiavo-hyalinis, antice fuscis. The scape of the antennse, the following joint, the lahrum, mandibles, and palpi pale yellow. Thorax ; the posterior margin of the prothorax slightly interrupted in the middle, pale yellow ; the wings pale fulvo-hyaline, a slight fuscous cloud occupying the marginal cell and extending a little beyond into the submarginal cells ; the costa and stigma fulvous, the nervures ferruginous ; the coxse black, the legs pale ferruginous, with the femora black above. Abdomen with a whitish fascia at the base ; the fourth and fifth segments with their apical margins narrowly whitish ; the two apical segments with their margins more broadly yellowish white. Eemale, length 4f lines. Hab. — Murree, Punjab hills. The species resembles Allantus trochanterinus of Cameron, described in the “ Transac- tions of the Entomological Society” for 1876, but it differs from it in having the scape pale, independently of other differences. 52. Allantus terminalis. Mas. — A. capite thoraceque nigris, abdomine purpureo nitido. Head emarginate behind, covered with confluent punctures and subopaque ; the man- dibles, labrum, and clypeus, also a triangular space above it, and a narrow line round the lower margins of the eyes, white; the antennge fulvous beneath. Thorax black above and at the sides ; beneath, the anterior and intermediate legs beneath and also the posterior coxae beneath, white ; wings hyaline, their nervures black. Abdomen purple above ; the margins of the segments beneath white laterally. Male, length 4 lines. Hab. — Sind valley, Kashmir. Taken in August. 53. Macrophya opposita. Eemina. — M. nigra, capite thoraceque opacis, abdomine nitido, pedibus anticis pallidis. Black ; the head wider than the thorax, covered with confluent punctures and opaque ; the clypeus, mandibles, and labrum white ; the palpi testaceous ; the antennae fulvous beneath. Thorax opaque and punctured, the same as the head ; wings fuscous, with a violet iridescence, the nervures and stigma black ; the anterior and intermediate tibiae rufo-testaceous beneath. Abdomen shining black. Eemale, length 5 lines. Hab. — Sind valley, Kashmir. Taken in August. 54. Tenthredo simulata. Eemina. — T. nigra, abdominis medio, et tibiis tarsisque pallide ferrugineis ; alls hyallnis, nervuris stigmatibusque nigris. Black ; the clypeus, labrum, and mandibles pale reddish-yellow ; the teeth of the latter black; the antennae obscurely fulvous beneath. Thorax; the wmgs hyaline and 20 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. iridescent, the nervures and stigma black ; the tibiae and tarsi reddish-yeUow, the coxae spotted with yellow. Abdomen ; the three basal segments black above ; the four following segments reddish-yellow, the rest black. Eemale, length 5 lines. Sab. — Sind valley, Kashmir. Taken in August. 55. Tenthredo eallax. Eemina. — T. luteo-testacea ; vertice, antennarumque hasi macuUs nigris ; alis hyalinis. Pale ochraceous-yeUow ; the abdomen with a slight silky gloss ; a minute black spot on the scape, another on the basal joint of the flagellum, and an oblong black macula on each side of the ocelli on the vertex ; the wings hyaline and iridescent ; the nervures fuscous, the stigma and costal nervure testaceous. Female, length 5 lines. Sah. — Sind valley, Kaslimir, and Murree, Punjab hills. Taken in August. 56. Tenthredo nigro-maculatus. Eemina. — T. lutea ; capitis vertice thoracisque maculis djorsalibus, necnon abdominis tinea interrupta nigris ; alis hyalinis. The insect pale luteous ; the antennse black above, with the apex of the joints, the scape beneath, and the flagellum beneath beyond the third joint, luteous; the inner margin of the eyes near their summit, and a large spot on the vertex, enclosing the eyes, black. Thorax ; a triangular black spot anteriorly, an oblong one on each side opposite the tegulse, and an oblique one on each side behind them ; the wings hyaline with the nervures fuscous ; the costal nervures and the stigma pale testaceous ; the legs with a narrow black line above. The longitudinal black line on the abdomen above is slightly interrupted by a very narrow pale margin on each segment ; the enthe insect pale luteous and immaculate beneath. Eemale, length 4 lines. Sab. — Sind valley, Kashmh. Taken in August. This insect closely resembles the Tentliredo scalaris of Europe, and probably, when living, is green marked with black ; the European insect changes, more or less, from green to pale yellow, particularly when collected in spirit. Family UMONILj^. 57. Ichneumon bimaculatus. Eemina. — I. niger ; pedibus, abdominis segmentis tribus basalibus ferrugineis ; metathorace bimaculato ferrugineo. Black ; the basal half of the antennse pale ferruginous ; a line on the face close to the inner margin of the eyes, which is narrow above the insertion of the antennse, and which expands into a large macula below it, a transverse line on the clypeus, and the mandibles, ferruginous. Thorax ; two oblong spots on the mesothorax, a minute one on the scuteUum, the tibise and tarsi, ferruginous ; the posterior tibise fuscous at their apex ; HYMENOPTERA. 21 wings subliyaline and iridescent ; the nervures and stigma black. The three basal seg- ments of the abdomen ferruginous, the rest shining black. Eemale, length 5 lines. Sab. — Murree, Punjab hills. 58. Crtptus insidiator. Eemina. — C. niger, abdominis basi femoribusque rujis, alls fusco-hyalinis. Head, antennae, thorax, coxae, trochanters, tibiae and tarsi black ; the femora and three basal segments of the abdomen ferruginous ; the apical segments black, with a purple gloss ; the wings fusco-hyaline, the anterior pair darkest ; the metathorax truncate posteriorly, the margin of the truncation somewhat arched inwardly ; the lateral angles acute, or subdentate. Eemale, length 7^ lines ; of the ovipositor, 4 lines. Sab. — Sind valley, Kashmir. Taken in August. 59. Campoplex longipes. Eemina. — C. niger, abdomine pedibusque ferrngineis, scutello albo. Black ; a line at the inner orbits of the eyes below the insertion of the antennae ; the clypeus and mandibles yellowish- wliite, the latter ferruginous at their apex ; the antennae ferruginous. The thorax opaque, with the scutellum white ; wings hyaline and iridescent ; the nervures and tegulae ferruginous ; the costal nervure fuscous ; the legs ferruginous with the coxae, and trochanters black ; ' the apex of the posterior tibiae fuscous. Abdomen ferruginous, curved downwards, and petiolated ; a black spot on the petiolated segment near its apex ; the ovipositor ferruginous. Eemale, length 5 lines. Sab. — Sind valley, Kashmir. Taken in August. 60. Panisces unicolor. Eemina. — P. ferrugineus, antennarum apicibus fuscis. Eerruginous ; the eyes, ocelli, and apical portion of the antennae fuscous ; the claws of the tarsi black ; wings hyaline and iridescent ; the costal nervure and stigma pale ferruginous, the other nervures ferruginous. Abdomen falcate, smooth, and shining. The areolet of anterior wings oblique and triangular. Eemale, length 5 lines. Sab. — Murree, Punjab hills. 61. Paniscus quadrilineatus. Eemina. — P. rufus, capite thorace dorso quadrilineato. Antennae, thorax, and legs rufo-fulvous ; the abdomen rufo-ferruginous. The head yellow, fulvous behind ; eyes and ocelli black. Thorax smooth and shining, two longitudinal lines on the disk of the mesothorax and a line at the lateral margins, yellowish ; the scutellum triangular, with its margins raised ; wings hyaline and iridescent, the nervures 22 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. ferruginous, tlie stigma yellow. .Abdomen darker than the thorax, becoming fusco-ferru- ginous towards the apex. Eemale, length 7 lines. Neighbourhood of Yarkand. Taken in May. The yeUow markings are much brighter in some . examples than in others, and the abdomen also varies in brightness. 62. Ophion dentatus. Pemina. — 0. rttfus, metathorace lineis elevatis transversiSf lateribusque unidentatis. Pale ferruginous ; eyes, ocelli, and tips of the mandibles black ; wings hyaline and iridescent ; the mesothorax smooth and shining, the metathorax with two arcuate transverse carinse, the second being at the margin of the posterior truncation and terminating laterally in an acute angle or tooth. Abdomen falcate, smooth, shining, and with a fine short sericeous pubescence, or pile. Female, length 8 lines. Sah . — Sind valley, Kashmir. Taken in August. 63. Ophion albopicths. Femina. — O. rufus, capite, scutello, lineis 4 dorsalihus macuUsque lateralibus albis. Head white ; eyes and ocelli black, the antennse and mandibles, rufous. Thorax rufous ; two central longitudinal lines, the lateral margins, the scutellum and numerous spots on the sides beneath the wings, white ; the wings hyaline and iridescent, the nervures ferruginous, the stigma pale rufous. Abdomen rufous, with some pale whitish spots at the sides towards the apex ; the two basal segments beneath white. Female, length 6 lines. Neighbourhood of Yarkand. Taken in May. II YM E N O P T E R A. 1. Camponotus beusalis. [Smith) 2. Dorylus laeviceps. 3. Andrena familiar^is. 4. ■ flDricula. 5. Lampiroconeljes peregrinus. ’ 6. Osmia laboriosa. Mintem Bros iinp. 7. Anthidium vigilans. fS-rnith.) 8. Crocisa inLr'udens. " 9. Xylocopa dubiosa.i 10. " , » ^ 11. Bombus oppositus. 12. ' Pterochilus albo-fasciatus. SCIENTIFIC EESIJLTS THE SECOND YAEKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES or THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, PhD. NEUROPTERA. BY ROBERT McLACHLAN, F.R.S., F.L.S. iublifiheb by orbcr of the ^obevnment of Inbiit. CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1878 . SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OP THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, PhD. NEUROPTERA. BY ROBERT McLACHLAN, E.R.S., E.L.S. JPublifihcb bp orbcr of the Sobernment of Inbia. CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1878 . CAXOTTTTA ! r-EINTEr BY THE STJBEBINTENDENT OE GOYEEKMENT PEINTING, 8, HASTINGS STEEKT. SCIENTIFIC EESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION. NEUEOPTEEA. By EOBEBT McLACHLAN, E.E.S., E.L.S. PSEUDO-NEUEOPTEEA. Family — OBONATA. Sub-Fam. — Libellulina. Libellula qtjadeimaculata, L. Two males of rather small size (expanse of wings 65 — 69 mm.), from Yarkand, 22nd May ; indicated as “ very common on the jheel (marsh) Both pertain to the var. prcenuhila, Newman, in which the apex of the wings has a fuscous spot or band ; also 1 male and 1 female of the typical form from Yangihissar, in April. The insect is spread over all the temperate and cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere, and is occasionally of migratory habits. Sub-Fam. — AIschnina. Anax paethenope. Be Selys. One ? from Srinagar, 28th July. A widely-distributed, hut probably not very abundant, species. In Europe it extends northward to Paris, and is found also in Central Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Turkey, &c. ; also in Asia Minor and Western Turkestan, and in Algeria. This female has the wings tinged with smoky in the middle, as in the form from Algeria. SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. Sub-Fam. — Agrionina. Sympycna pusca, Van der Linden. One $ from Yangihissar, I8tb April. Occurs also over the greater part of Europe (hut not in the British Isles), and in Siberia, Asia Minor, Western Turkestan, Algeria and Morocco. Agrion pulchellum. Van der Linden. 5 $ and 4 ? from Yarkand, 22 nd May. Distributed over the greater part of Europe ; occurs also in Asia Minor, Mingrelia, and Western Turkestan. There is also (in spirits) a larva of some species of Libellulidce, together with larvae and ‘ nymphs ’ of a species of Agrionidce, all from Yarkand, taken in November. Family — EPEEMERIBJE. Ephemera, sp. There is a fragment of a male imago of a species of this genus in spirits, from the Jhelum valley, not determinable. Family — PERLIBjE. Of this family there are 3 males and 1 female of a large species of Ferla, and four or five of a small species (with two ocelli) in spirits, from the Jhelum valley — from Kohala to Baramula ; a small pinned Ferla (nearly destroyed) from Tankse, Pankong valley, to Chagra, and a Nemoura, in spirits, from Murree, in the Punjab. It is useless to attempt to describe these with any chance of success. The $ of the large Ferla (in very had condition) has a deep triangular notch on the margin of the egg-valve ; the head and thorax without markings. PLANIPENNIA. Family— MYRMELEONIB^. Myrmecj^lurus punctulatus, Steven. One $ from Leh, 6tb September. Occurs also in Hungary and South Kussia. The example from Leh does not materially differ from others in my collection from Sarepta. Possibly the black markings on the head and thorax (always variable) are rather less pronounced. YfixaWy—CHRYSOPIBAl. Chrysopa vulgaris, Schneider. One $ from Igbiz Yar, Eastern Turkestan, 18th May, appears to belong here. It differs from ordinary examples in the dividing veinlet of the third cubital cellule in the anterior wings being interstitial ; but this is a not infrequent aberration in Em’opean examjfies. NEUROPTEEA. 8 The species is of very wide distribution in Europe, and is also known from Asia Minor and Western Turkestan. I have seen individuals from the islands of MadeEa and St. Helena that did not appear to differ. Chrtsopa bipunctata, Burmeister. One example, either from Yarkand or Kugiar, appears to pertain to this Japanese species, which is probably nothing more than a local form of the common Em’opean C. septempunc- tata, Wesmael. Chrysopa, sp. One 6 from Karghalik near Yarkand, 29th May. Allied to C. vulgaris, but distinct. It would be injudicious to describe it as new from this single example, especially as it belongs to a section of the genus in which the characters are so little obvious. TEICHOPTEEA. Family— Z IMNOPHILIB^. Stenophylax micratjlax, n. sp. 3 i , 4 $ , Leh, in August. Brownish-testaceous above, yellowish-testaceous beneath. Head small ; eyes very pro- minent; ocelli very large, those of the disk encircled with fuscous, with which colour the anterior margins of the disk are bordered ; hairs blackish ; the posterior warts not prominent : on the face the raised lateral margins have two large, oval, prominent warts, fm’nished with blackish bans, and there are four smaller warts forming the comers of a quadrangle on the median portion ; labrum very long (for the genus) ; maxillary palpi ordinary, the basal joint very short, the two others ( $ ) gradually clavate ; a large and prominent triangular horny lobe at the base of the maxillae ; labial palpi small, the second joint broadly triangular. Antennae rather shorter than the wings, moderately slender, testaceous, with rather broad, brownish annulations on the upper side. Pronotum well developed, its anterior edge semi-circular with a median excision ; the disk is concave, but the edges are thickened and raised and clothed with long fuscous hairs. Meso- and metanota broadly fuscous or blackish at the sides. Legs testaceous, moderately stout ; spines deep black ; anterior and intermediate tibiae with a conspicuous fuscous semi-annulation in the middle and at the apex externally ; tarsal joints slightly fuscescent at the tips externally. Abdomen fuscescent above, testaceous beneath. Anterior wings broad, the apex elongately parabolic or elliptical : pale brownish- grey with numerous very indistinct paler spots, the membrane very finely granulose, with minute fuscous hairs ; the hairs on the neuration short and fine, fuscous ; in the narrow area below the inferior branch of the upper cubitus, and in the post-costal basal cellules and area, are longer black hairs arranged somewhat in tufts, and at the extreme base are a few longer brown erect hairs : the costal margin (in the S only) near the base is turned under for a space of about 4 mm., forming a deep narrow groove on the under side, filled with black hairs and conspicuously dark : neuration rather strong, testaceous ; radius sharply bent 4 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. before its termination ; discoidal cell extending to near the base of the wing, its upper edge nearly straight, the lower slightly curved ; all the apical cellules broad at the base, the 2nd very broad, truncate, 4th also truncate, 3rd bi-angulate. Posterior wings pale greyish sub-hyaline, with sparse, minute blackish hairs on the membrane ; neuration pale ; discoidal cell rather shorter than in the anterior ; 1st apical cellule much narrower than the 2nd to 4th, which are very broad ; upper branch of cubitus furcating about on a level with the middle of the discoidal cell. In the male the anal parts are arranged as follows : — The 8th dorsal segment is very large, testaceous, rather thickly clothed with long and strong testaceous hairs springing from small tubercles ; viewed from above its margin appears to be straight, with several strong testaceous spines in the middle placed closely together ; but viewed in front (or from beneath) the median portion is seen to be strongly turned under, forming a triangle, closely set with black tuber- cles. What appear to be superior appendages are band-shaped, flattened, slightly curved, truncate processes, little prominent, and inserted so far inf eriorly as to cause a doubt as to their true value. (It may be that they represent the inter- mediate appendages, and that the superior are only indicated by a tubercle projecting slightly beyond the margin above them). The 8th ventral segment is rounded on the margin, and from it proceed two short, broad, excessively hairy lobes, divided by a suture, and each excised on its margin, apparently belonging to the 9th ventral segment ; internally each of these lobes is very concave, and lying in them ’are what appear to be the very short obtuse inferior appendages. What appear to be the penis- sheaths are sub-cylindrical processes, curved strongly inward in a forcipate manner and nearly touching at the tips, which are somewhat thickened, blackish, and furnished with short spines. The penis lies between them, and is strong and rather short. In the female the apex of the abdomen is very obtuse. The 8th dorsal segment broad (con- cealing the 9th in the dry insect), its margin slightly rolled inwards, and fringed with yellow hairs ; the 7th ventral segment forms a kind of pouch, the 8th with a concave space, 9th in the form of a short open tube. Length of body S 11 — 12 wm., ? 12 — 13 mm. Expanse t 36 mm., ? 44 mm. ; greatest breadth of anterior wings $ mm., $ 7 mm. Pending the discovery of some method for satisfactorily dividing Stenophylax, this insect must be placed therein. It differs from any species known to me in the curious groove near the base of the costal margin in the anterior wings of the male, and also in the anal parts, which almost defy intelligible description. The external aspect is somewhat intermediate between the groups of which the Em’opean S. stellatus and S. concentricus are representatives. Platyphtlax, n. sp. Two females from the same locality as the last ; it is useless to describe them without more examples in better condition, and of the other sex. Stenophylax mkraulax, McLachlan, male. Fig. 1. Neuration of wings. 2. Groove in costa of anterior wings, more enlarged. 3. Apex of abdomen, from side. NEUEOPTEEA. 6 YamilY—SERICOSTOMA TIBM. Dinaethrum inerme, n. sp. 10 ^ , 4 ? , the latter in spirits, Leh, 7 th September. Male brownish, clothed with greyish-brown pubescence. Basal joint of antennse rather longer than the head and entire thorax united, its basal portion black, but the apical portion brown ; somewhat compressed laterally, nearly straight, but with a slight bend in the basal portion to about the middle, unarmed, but the basal half beneath has a very dense fringe of tliickened black hairs ; this portion above, and all the apical half, are furnished with long out- standing grey hairs : thread of the antennse longer than the wings, pale-yellow, very distinctly annulated with brown up to the tips. Maxillary palpi long and slender, with a small ter- minal joint ; the basal portion clothed with long and dense thickened ‘ and ordinary grey hairs, intermingled (but with no short ‘ scales ’), the terminal joint with ordinary hairs only. Labial palpi small and slender, pale-yellowish. Legs pale yellow. Anterior wings greyish ; the costal margin for more than half its length from the base has a very dense inturned fringe of thickened blackish-grey hairs ; the membrane hghtly clothed with short greyish pubescence, and with numerous small, deep, black ‘scales’; but there is a broad median longitudinal space free from ‘ scales,’ limited interiorly by a narrow groove extending from base to apex ; apical fringes greyish, very long on the apical portion of the inner margin ; neuration pale ; discoidal cell short ; nerves very irregular below the groove, forming large cellules. Posterior wings slightly paler than the anterior, with a few scattered black ‘ scales ’ on the costal portion, but otherwise with only slight and very short greyish pubes- cence ; fringes very long and greyish ; discoidal cell very short. Binarthrum inerme, MeLachlan, male. Fig. 1. Head, &c„ from side. 3. Neuration of wings. The 9th dorsal segment of the abdomen rather broad, brown, its margin produced in a triangular form, fringed with yellowish hairs ; from each side of it proceeds a large yellow triangular plate with the apex considerably produced and sub-acute, apparently connected with two yellowish median parts, little prominent, and separated one from the other. In- Under the microscope, with a high power, each of these thickened hairs has a peculiar rugose appearance. 6 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. ferior appendages long and stout, slightly curved, directed upward, yellow with concolorous hairs ; at the apex is a dense brush of spiniform yellow hairs, perhaps concealing a smaller apical joint ; from without this brush projects a flattened obtuse process, perhaps connected with the appendage, or perhaps distinct from it, and for its greater length lying in its concave inner side. Penis placed far internally, slender, slightly geniculate, yellow. In the $ the neuration and palpi are regular, and in details almost precisely as ia D. pugnax {vide my Revision and Synopsis of the Todchoptera of the European Eauna). Length of body 5^ — 6 mm. Length of basal joint of antennae 3 mm. Expanse 18 — 21 mm. The genus Dinarthrum was established by me in the Journal of the Linncean Society^ Zoology, vol. xi, p. 116 (1871), for an insect from North India described as in which the extraordinary basal joint of the antennae of the $ has a very strong basal tooth. Later on, in 1875, I described another species in the Neuroptera of Eedtschenko’s Travels in Turkestan, page 30 (and more recently in Part V of my Monographic Revision and Synopsis of the Trichoptera of the European Eauna, page 279, pi. xxx, 1877), as D. pugnax, in which the said joint has two such teeth. In D. inerme there is no tooth. All the species hear consider- able external resemblance one to the other, and are only separable by structural characters. The form is very curious, and as is usual in this section of Sericostomatidce, the sexes diflPer greatlyin appearance and structure : the nearest ally amongst true European insects is the genus Lasiocephala. SUMMARY. Only about 15 species of Neuroptera (in the broad sense) have been seen by me, viz., four species of Odonata (dragon-flies), one of Ephemeridce, three of Ferlidce, one of Myrmeleonidce, three of Chrysopidm, and three of Trichoptera. The general aspect is European. All the Odonata are European, and two of them occur in Britain. The ant-lion {Myrmeccelurus) is a species of Eastern Europe. The Chrysopidce have nothing peculiar about them. The genus Dinarthrum in the Trichoptera was orginally founded on an Indian species, hut I have since seen another species from Turkestan, so that the genus should probably he regarded as more Central Asian than Indian. SCIENTIFIC EESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLTCZKA, PhD. EHYNCHOTA, BY W. L. DISTANT. ^publifihcb bg orbtr of the ^obernmcnt of 5nbia. CALCUTTA : OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1879 . SCIENTIFIC EESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION; BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLTCZKA, PhD. EHYNCHOTA, BY ^Y. L. DISTANT. ^ublishcb h\) orbcc of the Sobcvnmcnt of Enbia. CALCUTTA : OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1879 . CALCUTTA : PKIKTED BT THE SUPEEINTEMDEKI OF GOVEENMEST rKINTl^’0, 8, HASTINGS STEEKI. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS or THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION. RHYNCHOTA : By W. L. distant. rpsE Hemiptera collected by Dr. Stoliczka, though not numerous, are interesting in the i- details of their geographical distribution, and conform, I believe, in that respect, to the other portions of the fauna of the districts traversed by the expedition. Two faunas are represented in the collection, one the Indian or Oriental, rather strongly by the insects collected at Murree, the remaining Hemiptera from the other localities being almost wholly Palaearctic. The following is the analysis of the portion of the collection obtained at Murree : — Dalpada confusa, n. sp. - tecta. Walk. Falomena viridissima, Poda . ■■ reuteri, n. sp. . Bagrada picta, Eab. Menida distincta, a. sp.* . Prionaca exempta. Walk. Acanthosoma proxima, Dali. A. forfex, Dali. A. aspera. Walk. Urostylis fumigata. Walk. var. Cletus punctiger,'Da\{. VZ.T. Lygmus (Spilostethus) militaris. Fab Arocatus pilosulus, n. sp. Phytocoris stoliczJcanus, n. sp.^ . Calocoris stoliczJcanus, n. sp. forsylhi, n. sp. . Euacantkus extrema. Walk. A genus belonging principally to the Indian region, extending to Java and the Philippines, but represented also in Madagascar. Eastern Bengal Province (Blanford). Palsearctic. The genus extends to the Japanese sub-region of the Palsearctic region. Indian Province (Blanford). Palsearctic, Persian sub-region. Genus represented chiefly in Indian and Ethiopian regions, and by one species in the J apanese sub-region of the Palsearctic. Eastern Bengal Province (Blanford). ? type collected by General Hardwicke (no locality). ? Northern India ? (Brit. Mus.). ? Indian region. Palsearctic and Indian regions. Genus represented in Palsearctic, Indian, and Australian regions. Genus Palsearctic. Eastern Bengal Province (Blanford),? N. India (Brit. Mus). * This species was also collected in the Sind Valley. * This species was also collected in the Jhelam and Sind Valleys. 2 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. The strong Indian affinities of these 18 species collected at Murree may he seen as under: — Common to Indian Region ...... 9 „ Indian and Pal®arctic Regions . . .2 „ Indian, Ethiopian, and Palsearctic . . .1 „ Indian, Australian, and Palsearctic . . .1 „ Palsearctic 5 18 species. In discussing the Indian relationship of the Hemipterous fauna, I have followed the sub- regions or provinces of Mr. Blanford (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th Ser., Vol. 18, pp. 280 — 2, 1876). As regards the sub-regions of the Palaearctic area, I shall prefer to follow Mr. Sclater (Address Biol. Sec. Brit. Assn., Bristol, 1875). The following are the 13 species which are also found in the Cis-Atlantean or Mediter- ranean sub-region : — Zicrona cmrulea, Liu. Carpocoris nigricornis, Fab. Dolycoris iaccarum, Liu. . Eurydema f estiva, Lin. Comptopus lateralis. Germ. Therapha hyoscyami, Lin. . Lyg. (Spilostethus) militaris. Fab. saxatilis. Scop. (Graptolomus) equestris, Lin. Gonianotus marginepunctatus, Wolff Coriscus ferus, Lin. . Notonecta glauca, Liu. Corisa geoffroyi, Leacb The following 4 species have been recorded from the sub-region of the Atlantic Islands, principally from Madeira and Teneriffe : — Dolycoris haccarum, Lin. .... Sind Valley, Kashmir. Comptopus lateralis. Germ. . . . Lyg. (Spilostethus) militaris. Fab. . . Murree, Punjab hills. Gonianotus marginepunctatus, Wolff. . . Pamir road, Sarikol to Panja. This list is, however, very poor and inadequate, owing to the little knowledge we yet pos- sess as to the Hemiptera of the Atlantic Islands. It would be futile to carry the analysis of this region fm’ther, owing to the paucity of record. . Kugiar, Eastern Turkestan. Sind Valley, Kashmir. Yangihissar, E. Turkestan. Sind Valley, Kashmir. Kugiar. Murree, Punjab hills. Sind Valley, Kashmir. Kugiar and neighbourhood of Sanju, E. Turkestan. Pamir road, Sarikol to Panja. Y arkand. EHYNCHOTA. 3 HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA. Y&mWy—PENTATOMW^, Stal. Sub-family- (CYDNINA), Stal. 1. jEthtjs maurtjs, Dali. A. maurus, DalL, List, pt. 1, p. 118, 18;(1851).— Walk., Cat. Het. 1, p. 158 (1857).— Stal, Enu- merat. Hemip., pt. 5, p. 26, 1876. Hab . — Jlielam Valley, July 1873. Distributed generally throughout Hindustan. 2. .^THUS, sp. Allied to JE. pygmcBus, Dali., of which it is probably only a slight variety. The col- lection contains only one specimen. Sab . — On the road across the Pamir, from Sarikol to Panja, April to May 1874. Sub-fam.-^AOPJiV.^ (ASOPIDA), Stal. 3. ZiCRONA ccehtjlea, Lin. Cimex ceruleus, Lin., Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 445, 38 (1758). — Stal, Enumerat. Hemip., pt. l,p. 36, (1870). Sab. — Kugiar, South Yarkand, May to June 1874. This wide-ranging species extends throughout the whole of the Palmarctic and Oriental regions. Europa tota, India orientalis, Java, Borneo, Malacca (Stal.) ; Astracan (Jacovlev) ; N. W. Siberia (Sahlherg) ; Bagdad (Coll. Brit. Mus.) ; Morocco, Japan (Coll. Distant). ^Mh-i2.m.—FENTATOMINJE (PENTATOMINA), Stal. 4. Dalpada conpusa, Dist. Pig. 1. Balpada confusa, Dist., Trans. Ent. Soc. Loncl., 1879, p. 121. Luteous, thickly covered with green punctures. Head emarginate in front with the sides reflexed, and some small indistinct ochreous markings at base. Antennae pitchy, each joint luteous at base, basal and apical joints smallest, 2nd shorter than 3rd, 3rd and 4th subequal. Bostrum just passing posterior coxae, with the tip pitchy. Pronotum somewhat transversely gibbous at base in a line with lateral angles, after which it is abruptly deflexed towards head, lateral angles prominent, subacute, lateral margins denticulated for about half their length 4 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. from apex ; the punctuation is very dense along the lateral margins and at pronotal angles. Scutellum somewhat gibbous at base, deflexed towards apex, where it is more sparingly punctured. Corium with a faint impunctate longitudinal line on disc, extending from: base to about two-thirds its length, rather widened at apex. Membrane extending beyond apex of abdomen, pale fuscous with the nervures dark brown for half the length from base, fol- lowed by a row of four brown spots and a marginal row of six spots of the same colour, the two outer ones being long and linear. Under side of body luteous, with the pectoral and abdominal margins broadly punctured with green, sparingly on abdomen, and more densely on prosternum; legs luteous, thickly spotted with brown; tarsi luteous, apical joint pitchy. S . Long. 14 mill. ; lat. pronot. ang. 6^ miU. ? . Long. 15 to 16 mill. ; lat. pronot. ang. mill. Rab. — Murree. I have compared the above with all the congeneric types of Dallas in the British Museum and of Hope in the collection at Oxford, from which it is quite distinct in general struc- ture. Dr. Stoliczka collected a fine series of both sexes. 5. Dalpada tecta, Walk. Dalpada tecta, Walk., Cat. Het. 1, p. 224, 1867. Hob. — Murree. The type was from Sylhet. 6. Palomena vieidissima, Poda. Cimex poda, Mus. Gr. 56, 10. Pal. viridissima, Stal, Hem. Fab. 1, p. 28. Muls. et Rey., Pun. Fr. 277, 1, 1866. Pent, dissimilis, Dali., List. 1, p. 241, 20, 1851. Hab. — Murree. This Palsearctic form is generally distributed throughout Europe. N. W. Siberia (Sahlberg) . 7. Palomena eeuteri, Dist. Pig. 2. Palamena reuteri, Dist., Trans. Ent. Soc., Lend., 1879, p. 122. $ . Green ; head, anterior border of pronotum, basal half of scuteUum, and membrane bronzy. Head obscurely rugulose, very thickly and strongly punctured with black, median lobe slightly shorter than the lateral ones. Rostrum luteous, wdth the tip black. Antennae luteous, apical joint somewhat fuscous, 3rd joint distinctly longer than the 2nd, rather shorter than the 4th, 5th longest. Pronotum obscurely rugulose, very thickly and strongly punctured with black, with two slightly waved lateral linear impunctate foveae situated a little behind the anterior margin, lateral angles somewhat prominent and rounded. Scutel- lum thickly covered with deep black punctures, slightly rugulose at base Corium thickly and deeply punctured with black. Abdomen above black, thickly and finely punctured with the connexivum luteous, punctured with black. Body beneath pale luteous, slightly clouded with greenish. I^gs greenish, tarsi luteous. RHYNCHOTA. 5 $ Second joint of antennae distinctly longer than the 3rd, 2nd and 4th suhequal. Abdomen, beneath, with some irregular obscure black markings. Long. 11 to 12 mill. ; exp. pronot. ang. 6 to 7 mill. Hab. — Murree. Allied to P. mridissima, Poda, but differs in its smaller size and shorter antennae ; it is also more straightened and narrowed than in that species, and the structure of the pronotum is different. 8. Carpocoris nigricornis. Pah. Cimex nigricornis, Fab., Ent. Syst., IV, 94, 59. Bab. — Kugiar, May to June 1874. This is a common Palaearctic form. N. W. Siberia (Sahlberg) ; Astracan (Jacovlev); Algeria (Lucas); Morocco (Coll. Distant). 9. Dolycoris baccarum, Lin. Cimex haccanim,Jjm.,Ya\xn. Sv., 249, 928. — Mormidea haccarum, Fieb., Eur. Hem., 335, 1. — Ventatoma haccarnm, Habn, Wanz. Ins., fig. 152. — Cimex verlasci, De Geer, Mem. iii, 257, 4 (1773). Bah. — Sind Valley, August 1873. Common to Palaearctic region. Madeira (Wollaston) ; Tunis (Coll. Brit. Mus.) ; Morocco (Coll. Distant). Algeria (Lucas) ; N. W. Siberia (Sahlberg) ; Astracan (Jacovlev). 10. Etjrtdema wilkinsi, Osch. in litt., Pig. 4. Eurydema wilhinsi, Dist., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lend., 1879, p. 123. Pale luteous, somewhat thickly and coarsely punctured. Head with the anterior portion of the suhmarginal lateral borders and a large triangular marking at base ; pronotum with two large discal suhquadrate linear markings elongated exteriorly ; scutellum with the base and two central forked lines extending therefrom to about middle, and two spots on lateral margins a little before apex ; corium with two claval streaks ; a linear spot on middle of outer margin ; a transverse-waved fascia, extending from base of membrane for two-thirds across corium, and a rounded sub-apical spot, shining green. Abdomen above luteous, apical segment black, connexivum with a row of large green spots. Underside of body pale luteous. Abdomen with a marginal row of spots situated on the outer edge of each seg- mental suture, and a submarginal row of transverse slightly-waved linear markings, situated on middle of each segment, greenish-black. Sternum with some irregular markings of the same colour. Legs pale luteous, streaked with greenish-black, and femora obscurely annulated with the same colour near apex. Antennse black, 2nd joint about as long as 1st and 3rd together, 4th somewhat dilated, • about equal in length to 5th. Rostrum luteous pitchy at base and apex. Long. 7 mill. Bab. — Yangihissar, April 1874. I have retained the unpublished name under which. Dr. Reuter informs me, this species has been sent from Turkestan. In most specimens the markings on the pronotum arc B 6 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. uot perfectly subquadrate, but disjointed. I have, however, thought it best to describe the specimen submitted to Dr. Reuter and returned as above. 11. Eurtdema festiva, Lin. Cimex festiva, Liii., Syst. Nat., 723, 57. — Strachia festiva, Hahn, Wanz. Ins., fig. 93. — Eurydema oniata. Sahib., Mon. Geoc. Fenn., 24, 1. Mab. Yangihissar, April 1874, Kugiar, May to June 1874. Sind Valley, August 1873. A common Palsearctic form. Madeira (Wollaston) ; N. W. Siberia (Sahlberg) ; Astracan (Jacovlev); Algeria (Lucas). 11a. E. FESTIVA, var. herbacea, H. Sch. Eurydema herlaceum, H. Sch., Cont. Panz. F. G., 115, 12, and Nom. Ent., 1, 55, and 91 (1835). Hahn, Wanz. 3, F. 239 (1835). Sab . — Sind Valley, August 1873. 12. Bagrada picta, Eab. Cimex pictus. Fab., S. Ent., p. 716, 93 (1775), Spec. 2, p. 359, 127 (1781). Wolff, Ic., 1, p. 17, F. 17 (1800). — Strachia picta, Dali., List. 1, p. 259, 5 (1851). Stal, Enumerat. Hemip., pt. 5, p. 88. Sab. — Murree. This species, with few exceptions, has hitherto been only received from Bengal. Bombay (Coll. Dist.); Bagdad (Coll. Brit. Mus). 13. Menida distincta. Eig. 3. Menida distincta, Dist., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 122. Luteous, covered with strong greenish -black punctures. Head luteous, with the lateral margins and four lorgitudinal furrowed punctured lines greenish-black. These lines are much more distinct on the ante-ocular portion of the head. Eyes dull ochreous. Antennae pilose with the 2nd joint shorter than the 3rd, 4th and 5th subequal, rather longer than 3rd ; first 3 joints luteous, apex of the 1st and apical half of the 3rd, black, 3rd and 4th joints black, narrowly luteous at base. Rostrum luteous, apical joints pitchy. Pronotum with an anterior submarginal line of greenish-black punctures and two irregular transverse ocellated j)unctured marks of the same colour on anterior portion of the disc. Scutellum with a large central subbasal greenish-black spot, and two small and somewhat indistinct ones of the same colour situated on the lateral margins a little before apex. Membrane transparent, whitish. Abdomen above black, connexivum luteous, spotted with black. Underside of body and legs luteous, sparingly and distinctly punctured with black. Tarsi pitchy. Long. 6 mill. Sah . — Murree and Sind Valley, Kashm ir. Menida hutrio, Eab., is the neaiest allied species. EHYNCHOTA. 7 14. Prionaca exempta, Walk. Prionaca exempta. Walk., Cat. Het., 3, p. 569. B^ab. — Murree. N. Hindostan (Coll. Brit. Mus.) ; Assam (Coll. Distant). ^ xi \)-^ a . m \ l - s — ACANTE : OSOMIN ^ ( ACANTHSOMINAj , Stal. 15. Acanthosoma proxima, DaU. Acanthosoma proximum, Dali., List., 1, p. 303, 2 (1851). Bab. — Murree. The type in the British Museum without a locality was presented by General Hard- wicke, and is probably from N. India. 16. Acanthosoma porfex, DaU. Acanthosoma forfex, Dali., List., 1, p. 308, 16 (1851). Bab. — Murree. N. India (Coll. Brit. Mus.). 17. Acanthosoma recurva, DaU. Acanthosoma recurvum, Dali., List., 1, p. 310, 19 (1851). — Clinocoris rec»irvus, Stal, Enumerat. Hemip, p. 5, p. 114 (1876). Bab. — Sind VaUey, August 1873. N. India (CoU. Brit. Mus.). 18. Acanthosoma aspera, Walk. Acanthosoma aspera, Walk., Cat. Het., p. 2, p. 396, 17 (1867). Bab. — Murree. N. India (CoU. Brit. Mus.). Sub-Family— CTBONrFiJTVJB ( UROSTYLINA ), SUl. 19. Urosttlis fumigata, Walk. vai-. JJrostylis fumigata. Walk., Cat. Het., 3, p. 413 (1867). Bab. — Murree. The type was from Sylhet. 8 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. . Family — COHEIDM, Stal. Sub-Family— (COBEINA), Stal. Division Gonoceraria, Stal. 20. Clettjs punctiger, Dali. var. Gonocerus punctiger, Dali., List. 2, p. 494, 3 (1852). Hah. — Murree. The type was from China. Malacca (Walker). Sub-Family— (ALYDINA), Stal. 21. Camptopus lateralis, Germ. Coreus lateralis, Germ., Reise. Dalm., 491 and F. Ins. Eur,, 8, 21. H. Seh., Wanz., v, fig. 549, 1839. Hah . — Sind Valley, August 1873. This species has a wide Palsearctic range and is a somewhat common European form. Teneriffe (Coll. Brit. Mus.) ; Madeira (Wollaston) ; Morocco (Coll. Distant) ; Astracan (Jacovlev). Snh-¥a.mnj—COBIZINAEJ {COBIZINA), Stal. 22. Therapha htoscyami, Lin. Fieb., Eur. Hem., 232 (1861). Corizus hyosciami, Habn, Wanz., 1, fig. 10. — Gimex hyoscyami, Lin., Faun. Sv. 252, 945. Hah. — Kugiar, south of Yarkand, May to June 1874. A well-known European species. N. W. Siberia (Sahlberg) ; Astracan (Jacovlev) ; Morocco (Coll. Distant). Family— Stal. Sub-Family— XFG^JiV..® {LYG^INA), Stal. 23. Lyg^us (Spilostethus) militaris, Eah. Stal, Hem. Afr., 2, 133, 13 militaris, Fab., S. Ent., p. 717, 103 (1775). Hah. — Murree. Europa meridionalis, Africa borealis et media, India orientalis. Insulae Philippinae (Stal.) ; Madeira (Wollaston) ; Teneriffe, Canaries, Mauritius, Bagdad, N. India (Coll. Brit. Mus.); Morocco (Coll. Distant) ; Algeria (Lucas). RHYNCHOTA. 9 24. LYGiETJS (Spilostethus) saxatilis, Scop. Cimex saxatilis, Scop., Ent. Cam., 128,371 (1763). — Lygaus saxatilis, ~DaXl., List., 2, p. 544 (1852). — L. {Spilostethus) saxatilis, Stal, Hem. Eab., 1, 75, 1868. Mab . — Sind Valley, August 1873. Generally distributed throughout Europe. Algeria (Lucas). 25. Lyg^us (Graptolomus) eqtjestris, Lin. Cimex equestvis, Lin., F. Sv., 253, 946 (1761). — Lygmns equest^is, Fieb.,Eur. Hem., 166, 5. B.ah. — Kugiar, south of Yarkand, May to June 1874. Neighbourhood of Sanju, south- east of Yarkand. Europa tota, Africa borealis, Sibiria orientalis {Mus. Solm., Sahlberg) ; Bagdad, Japan (Ooll. Brit. Mus) ; Algeria (Lucas). 26. Arocatus pilosultjs. Eig. 5. Arocatus pilosulus. Hist., Trans. Ent. Soe., Lond., p. 123, 1879. Testaceous, pilose. Head with the central portion black. Antennse black, pilose, 2nd joint rather the longest, 3rd and 4th subequal. Rostrum pitchy. Pronotum obscurely punc- tured, distinctly rugulose on posterior portion ; anterior portion crossed by a transverse black submarginal band, and an obscure pitchy band on posterior border. Scutellum pitchy, with the tip red, and with two large round fovese at base. Corium suffused with dull-pitchv shadings. Membrane pitchy opaque, outer border pale transparent. Under side of body testaceous, strongly suffused with pitchy shadings. Sternum with a submarginal row of three black spots, placed one on prosternum, one on mesosternum, and one on metasternum. Legs pitchy, pilose. The corium is more densely pilose than other parts of the upper surface. Long. 6 mill. Rah. — Murree. Sub-Family- (MYOBOCBINA), Stal. 27. Lamprodema brevicollis, Eieb. Lamprodema Irevicollis, Fieb., Eur. Hem., 185 (1861). Rab . — Tanktse to Ohagra, Pankong Valley, Ladak, September 1873. The type was from Dalmatia, and Mr. Edward Saunders kindly compared these specimens for me with insects in his own collection received from the Continent. 28. Gonianotus marginepenctattjs. Lygaus marginepunctatus, Wolff, Ic. Cim., 150, t. 15, fig. 144 (1804). Rab . — On the road across the Pamir, from Sa,rikol to Panja, April to May 1874. A not uncommon European species. Madeira (Wollaston) ; Algeria (Lucas). 10 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. F amily — CAFSIBjE. 29. Phytocoris stoliczkanus. Fig. 6. Fhytocoris stoliczkanus, Dist., Trans. Eut. Soc., Lond., p. 124, 1879. Uniform pale ochraceous. Head with a V-sliaped mark, consisting of small transverse striae, commencing from near base of antennae. First joint of antennae almost as long as head and pronotum together. Pronotum with two slightly raised transverse callosities ex- tending across and occupying the anterior border. Scutellum with the base somewhat raised and gibbous, a waved transverse cordate line near base, and a faint pale longitudinal median line near apex. Hemielytra sparingly clothed with a few minute blackish hairs. Membrane with bright prismatic reflexions. Long. 6 mill. JIab. — Murree, Jhelum Valley, and Sind Valley. 30. Calocoeis stoliczkanus. Fig. 7. Calocoris stoliczkanus, Dist., Trans. Ent. Soc., Lond., 6, p. 124, 1879. Ochreous clouded with brown, and sparingly clothed with pale yellowish pile. Antennae brownish, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th joints with the apices pitchy. First joint robust, 2nd somewhat suddenly thickened towards apex, 3rd and 4th very slender, 4th not much more than half the length of the 3rd. Cuneus somewhat paler in colour than corium, brownish and pilose at base, and with a small pitchy spot at apex. Membrane pale fuscous clouded with brown. Underside pale obscure ochreous, clothed with fine pale yellow pile, and a somewhat obscure stigmatal row of small brown spots. Legs mutilated. The pronotum is faintly angulose, and the scutellum somewhat more plainly strigose. Long. 8 mill. Kab. — Murree. I have placed this species in the genus Calocoris, though Dr. Reuter writes to me, “ Calocoris, vel n. gen.” 31. Calocoris chenopodii, FaU. Phytocoris chenopodii. Fall., H., p. 77, 1. — Calocoris chenopodii, Fieb., Ear. Hem., 255 (1861). Hab . — Sind Valley, August 1873. Europa tota, Dauria (Sahlberg). 32. Calocoris forsythi. Fig. 8. Calocoris forsythi, Dist., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 125, 1879. Brownish testaceous. Antennae with the 1st joint not quite so long as head and pronotum, 2nd slightly and gradually tliickened towards apex, 3rd pale luteous at base, 4th wanting. EHYNCHOTA. 11 Head with a deep central longitudinal incision between the eyes. Pronotum rugulose, faintly anteriorly and more distinctly towards posterior border. Hemielytra slightly pilose, some- what paler towards costal margin, and with extreme outer margin somewhat obscure pitchy. Membrane pale fuscous, somewhat clouded. Scutellum obscurely and transversely strigose. Underside of body castaneous. Pore-legs ochraceous, tibiae with a longitudinal row of small brownish spots. The rest of the legs wanting. Long. 7 mill. Hab. — Murree. Family — NABIBM, Fieb. 33. CoRiscus FEHUS, Linn. Cimex ferns, Lin., Faun. Suec., 256, 962 (1761). — Nabis ferns, Fieb., Eur. Hem., p. 161, 9 (1861). Reut., O. V. A. F. 29, 6, p. 72, 5 (1872). B-ob . — Yarkand and neighbourhood. Palaearctic species. America borealis, New Jersey, Wisconsin, California {Mus, Holm., Stal) ; Europa tota, North-Western Siberia (Sahlberg) ; Algeria (Lucas). ¥&mi\y—REDUriII)^, Stal. Sub-Family— ( BEDUVIINAJ , Stal. 34. Reduvius (harpisctjs) reeteri. Hist. Pig. 9. Bediwius [Harpiscms) reuteri, Dist., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lend., p. 125, 1879. Black, shining, trochanters and bases of femora sanguineous. Allied to morio, Kol. Dr. Reuter, who has kindly compared the two species for me, writes : — “ R. (Harpisco) morioni, colore similis, sed major et in omnibus latior, magis nitidus, jpedibus pilis exsertis longis destitutis, capiie pronoti lobo postico tantum paullo longiore, tro- chanteribus basique ipsa femorum rufis divergens. Ohs . — Gula nigra, ut in R. morione.” Long. 20 mill. ^a6.— Sind Valley. 35. Reduvius (Rhinocoris) iracundus, Scop. Cimex iracundus, Scop., Ent. Cam., p. 130, 378 (1763). — Harpactor iracundus, Fieb., Eur. Hem. 153 (1861). Hab . — Sind Valley, August 1873. European form. 12 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Sub-family— P/je^rjiV^ (PIRATINA) Stal. 36. Pirates (Lestomerus) affinis, Serv. Peirates affinis, Serv., Ann. Sc. nat., 23, p. 216, 2 (1831). Lestomerus affinis, A. and S.. Hist., p 323 2 (1843). Sab. — Jlielam Valley, July 1873. India orientalis (Mus. Holm ); Borneo (Mus. Leiden); Cochin-China {Coll. Signoret, Stal) ; Assam (Coll. Distant). 'PamWj— HYDRO BATID^, Stal. 37. Gerris (Limnotrechus) sahlbergi. Fig. 10. Gerris {Limnotrechus) sahlhergi, Dist., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 125, 1879. Head thickly covered with olivaceous pubescence, with a small black spot on vertex. Antennie ochraceous, 1st joint longest, 2nd and 3rd shortest and subequal, 4th rather longer than 3rd, thickly covered with greyish pile. Pronotum ochraceous, pubescent, anterior 3rd, lateral borders, and a central longitudinal line, olivaceous ; the last is testaceous on anterior portion of pronotum. Hemielytra brownish testaceous, with the nervm*es olivaceous. Un- der side of body covered with greyish pile, except lateral borders, apex, and central portion of abdomen, which parts are ochraceous. Legs ochi-aceous, fore femora with an outer longi- tudinal black fascia. Long. 10 mill. Sab . — Neighbourhood of Leh. Dr. Reuter, who has done me the favour of examining the species, reports — “L. thoracico affinis et segnientorum genitalium mavis structura similis, differt autem pronoto breviore, postice breoius et obtusius producto, angulis dentiformibus segm. abdominalis sexti brerissimis, vix productis, tibiis, prcesertim posticis, brevibus, tarsis posticis his tantum ^ bremuribus."' 38. Gen. (?) orientalis. Figs. 11 and 12. Halohates (?) orientalis, Dlst., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 126, 1879. Brownish ochraceous, finely pilose. Antennae with the 1st joint curved, robust, and about the length of head and pronotum together; remaining joints more slender, 2nd and 3rd subequal, 4th a little shorter than 3rd. Pronotum with a median pale longitudinal line and a large rounded fovea on posterior portion of disc. The rostrum is 5- jointed; the first two joints are very robust and somewhat fused together, the 2nd minute and much shorter than the 1st, the 3rd much the longest and rather less robust than 1st and 2nd, 4th small, slender, and black, 5th ochreous, very slender and hair-like, and rather shorter than 4th. Sternum clothed with greyish pile. The eyes are large, semi-globular, and castaneous, situated at base of lateral margins of head. The pronotum is about the length of the head, but broader, truncate in front and rounded behind ; mesonotum and metanotum hardly distinguishable, much longer than pro- RHYNCOTA. 13 notum, and gradually and regularly widened posteriorly. Legs oclireous, fore femora mucli thickened. Long. 7 to 8 mill. Hah . — Jhelam Valley. I have refrained for the present from making a new genus for the reception of this species. It is in many respects allied to Ralobates and cannot be included in the genus Gerris. The figures will show its anatomical peculiarities. Family — NBTIDM, Burm. 39. E/ANAtra, sp. ? Too mutilated for determination. Hah . — Y arkand. 'FurnWy—NOTONECTIDM, Stal. 40. Notonecta glatjca, Lin. Notonecta glauca, Lin., Faun. Sv. 244, 903, Sahl., Not. Faun. et. FI. Fenn., Forh., XIV, 273, 1. N. falrieii, Fieb., Eur. Hem. 101, 2. N. marmorea, Fab., Syst. Rhyn., p. 103, 3 (1803). Hah. — Yarkand. Europa tota, Asia et America borealis, N. W. Siberia (Sahlberg) ; Algeria (Lucas). 41. Enithares, sp. ? AlHed to H. mdica, Eab., if not a variety of that species. Hah . — Jhelam Valley. Yamily^CORISIDjE, Fieb. 42. Corisa hieroglyphica, L. Duf. Corixa hieroglyphica, L. Duf., Hem., 86, 2, fig. 85, 87. Corisa hieroglyphica, Fieb,, Eur. Hem., 93, 15 (1861). Hah. — Yarkand. Palgearctic form. Astracan (Jacovlev). 43. Corisa geoffroti, Leach. Corixa geoffroyi, Leach, Class. Lin. Tr., 12, 7. Corisa geoffroyi, Fieb., Eur, Hem,, 91, 6 (1861) = dentipes, Thom. (Sahlberg). Hah. — Yarkand. Astracan (Jacovlev) ; Algeria (Lucas). 14i SECOND YARKAND MISSION. HEMIPTERA-HOMOPTERA. Farnny—CmCOFIDM Suh-ta.m\\y—CERCOPIN^ (CERCOPINA) Stal. 44. COSMOSCARTA DORSIMACULA, Walk. Cercopis dorsimacula, Walk., List. Homop. Ins. Ill, p. 658, 31 (1851). Rah . — Jhelam Valley. N. Bengal, N. India, Cacliar (Types, Brit. Mus.) ^xih-is^mWy—APRROPEORINM (APRROPEORINA) Stal. 45. Ptyelus costalis. Walk. Ptyelm costalis, Walk., List. Homop. Ins. Ill, p. 707, 13 (1851). Ftyelus concolor , Walk., p. 715, 26. Stal, 0£v. vet. Ak. Fork., 1862, p. 493. Hob. — Dras, Kargil, and Leh, August to September 1873. N. India (Types, Brit. Mus). 46. Clovia nebulosa, Eab. Cercopis Fab., Ent. Syst., IV, 50, 14; Syst. Rhyn., 94, 3. Ptyelus quadridens, Walk., List. Homop. Ins. Ill, p. 711, 19 (1851). Ptyelus guttifer, Walk., ibid., p. 712, 21. Clovia nebulosa, Stal, Hem. Fab., 2, p. 16, 1869; Sign., Rev. and Mag. Zoo!., 1853, tom. 5, p. 183. Stal, 0£v. vet. Ak. Fork., 1862, p. 493. Rah . — Sind Valley, August 1873. Family —t/A <857/) AE". Sub-family— In his Hem. Af. 4, pp. 82-83 (1866), the late Dr. StM. gave a “ Conspectus subfamili- arum” of his family “ Jassida.’* In that work he placed the genus Oxyrhachis, Germ., in his sub-fam. “ Membracida,’^ owing no doubt to the dilated fore tibise of the insects com- prised in that genus. Subsequently, however, Ofv. vet. Ak. Forh., 1869, p. 280, he placed it in his sub-fam. “ Centrotida,’’ adding “ Conspectus generum, centrotidum mundi antiqui — vide Hem. Af., IV, pp. 88-89.” Although there is an error in this statement, the genus Oxyrhachis clearly belongs to the Centrotidce, in wliich I have placed it. 47. Oxyrhachis, sp. Rah . — Jhelam Valley. One spirit-specimen too much damaged to be described. RHYNCHOTA. 15 Snh-hmily—PBOCONIINM (PROCONIINA) Stal. 48. Euacanthus extremus, Walk. Tettigonia extrema, Walk., List. Homop. Ins., Ill, p. 761 (1851). Sign., Ann. Ent. Fr. Ser. 3, 1, p. 663, pi. 21, fig. 4 (1853). Stal, Ofv. vet. Ak. Fork., 1862, p. 495. Hab. — Murree. The type was from N. India. Sub-family— (JASSINA) Stal. 50. Bythoscopus stramineus, Walk. Acocephalus stramineus, WdiW., List. Homop. Ins., Ill, p. 847 (1851). Bythoscopus indicatus, Walk., List. Homop. Ins. Suppl, p. 266, 1858. Stal, Ofv. vet. Ak. Fork., 1862, p. 494. Eah . — Sind Valley, August 1873. The types were from Java, N. China, and Celebes ; it is, however, a commonly received Indian species. The remaining specimens of Somoptera contained in the collection, mostly somewhat minute species, are so damaged by immersion in spirit as to be undeterminable and of little value as museum-specimens. I should certainly pause before describing insects in this condition, as colour is obliterated and good figures could not be made. There are two small species of Bicania and one of Nephesa ; the rest call for little comment. Explanation of the Plate. Fig. 1. Dalpada confusa, Dist., p. 3. ,, 2. Palomena reuteri. Hist., p. 4. „ 3. Menida distincta, Dist., p. 6. ,, 4. Eurydema wilkinsi, Dist., p. 5. „ 5. Arocatus pilosulus, Dist., p. 9. „ 6. Pkytocoris stoliezakanus, Dist., p. 9. „ 7. Calocoris stoliezakanus, Dist., p. 10. „ 8. forsytki, Dist., p. 10. „ 9. Reduvius (Harpiscus) reuteri, Dist., p. 11. ,, 10. Gerris (Limnotreekus) saklkergi, Dist., p. 12. ,, 11. Halobates? orientalis, $ , viewed from above, enlarged, p. 12. „ lla. Tke same, from below, more highly magnified. ,, 116. The anal appendages of tke same, from above. ,, 11c. Tke same, from below. „ \\d. The same seen vertically. „ lie. The rostrum. ,, 12a. & 126. Tke anal appendages of the female. CoTt. Central Pre«B.-No. 27 S. G. S.-13-3-80.-275. HEMIFTE.MA, RoK H. F. Rippon del et lith. Mintern Bros imp. 1 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, Ph. D. ARANEIDEA, BY THE REVD. 0. P. CAMBRIDGE, M.A.,C.M.Z.S., Honoraet Member of the New Zealand Institute, &c. Ipublbhcb bp orbcr of the ®obcrnmcnt of Iubi;i. CALCUTTA: PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OE GOVERNMENT PRINTING, INDIA. 1885. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, Ph. D. ARANEIDEA, BY THE REVD. 0. P. CAMBRIDGE, M.A.,C.M.Z.S., Honobaet Membbe of the New Zealand Institute, Ac. ipublbkcb bg ovbcr 0! the toernment 0! lubia* CALCUTTA: PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OP GOVERNMENT PRINTING, INDIA. 1885. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION. ARANEIDEA. By the EEV. O. P. CAMBIUDGE, M.A., C.AI.Z.S., Honorary Member of the hew Zealand Institute, ^c. Introductory Bemarks. rpHE spiders collected by tlie late Er. Stoliczka in the Yarkand expedition can by no means be considered a full, nor perhaps even a fair, representation of the Araneidea of the extensive area over which the expedition passed. Mr. A. O. Hume informs me that this area may be subdivided into five well-marked regions, and suggests that the spiders found in each should be distinctly {i.e., I conclude, separately) treated. Now, judging from the contents of the collection, I should have thought that the regions might have been considered as two only, — that is, (1) from Murree to Cashmere, including the latter as well as the former; and (2; the whole of the rest of the area travelled over by the expedition, and comprising the neighbourhood of Leh, the route from Tantze to Chagra and Pankong valley, and from Yarkand to Bursi, as well as Yarkand and neighbourhood, Kashghar, the hills west of Yarkand, and the Pamir. In the first of these regions — Murree and Cashmere — more than half of the whole number of spiders were collected ; the total number of species is 131 ; the number from this region is 69. The leading character of the spiders of this region is European, with a few more distinctly tropical and subtropical species, such as Idiops designatus, Episiniis algiricus, Fhycus sagittatus, Meta mixta, Chorizoopes stoliczkce and C. congener, Cyrtar- achne pallida, Dicea snbargentata, Monastes dejectus, Sarotes regius and S. promptus, Sparassus fugax, Ocyale rectifasciata, Philodromus medius, and Oxyopes jubilans and O. prcedicta. The leading character of the second region is also European, but with a decided subalpine feature, and no trace scarcely of anything tropical or even subtropical, excepting perhaps and Beebe benevola. Of the 69 species found in the Cashmere regions, three only were found in the other regions mentioned ; and one species only, Erassus dispulsus, occurred generally throughout the whole area travelled over, — i.e., in all the five regions specified by Mr. Hume. SECOND YARKAND MISSION. In the systematic list of species following the present descriptions, figures are added notifying in which of Mr. Hume’s regions each species occurred. Supplementary lists are also appended of the spiders found in each separate region^ with figures showing in what other regions, if any, each occurred. Erom these lists, it will he seen that one species only ( that mentioned above) was common to all the five regions ; three others were common to four of the regions ; four others common to three regions ; and fourteen others common to two of them ; — sixty-six of the species being, as above observed, found only in region 1 of Mr. Hume, corresponding exactly to the first region indicated, as it seems to me, by the character of the spiders themselves. The regions named by Mr. Hume are : — (1) “ Cashmere including Murree and the road thence to Cashmere’' — This comprises the spiders noted in my descriptions as Murree, Murree to Sind valley, and Sind valley. {2) “ Ladakh, from the Zojeela Pass to the head of the Pankong Lake.” — This comprises the spiders noted in my descriptions as ^ ei ghbourhood of Leh, and Tantze to Chagra, and Pankong valley. (5) “ The mountain masses between the head of the Pankong Lake and the plains of Yarkand” comprising only the spiders noted as Yarkand to Bursi, there being no spiders in the collection labelled as having been obtained during the forward journey from the Pankong Lake to the plains of Yarkand. {4) “ The plains of Yarkand f comprising the spiders noted as Yarkand and neigh- bourhood, and Yarkand.” Excepting the three species mentioned as subtropical in my second region, there were no spiders, in this region 4 of Mr. Hume, differing in character from the general run of those in his regions 2, 3, and 5. (5) “ The high country west of Yarkand, the hills leading up to the Pamir, the Pamir and JVokhan.” — This comprises the spiders noted as Kdshghar, between Yangihissdr and Sirikol, Yangihissdr, road across the Pamir from Sirikol to Panjah and back, and hills between Sirikol and Aktalla. It will be seen from the above that my first region corresponds exactly with region 1 of Air. Hume, and that my second region includes Mr. Hume’s regions 2, 8, 4, and 5. The localities noted for each species in my descriptions are those written (I suppose by Dr. Stoliczka himself) upon the several bottles in which the spiders were contained. No attempt had been made to separate the species in each bottle, nor, with one exception, is there anything in Dr. Stoliczka’s diary referring intelligibly to the separate contents of the bottles. Dr. Stoliczka’s notes on the spiders are very few, and of the most general description. In the one exceptional instance (Diary, p. 3, dated 19th July 1873, Tinali), the note refers to the capture of a “ great number of spiders, chiefly Thoursus ” (probably a misprint for Thomisus, though there were very few Thomisids in this bottle) “and Sphassus ; among the latter I recognised Sphasus vivid anus.” Now, there was not a single example of Sphasus in any one of the bottles, excepting in one, which contained no label nor any other clue either to the locality or its contents ; the mention therefore of Sphasus is thus important, and fixes the locality in which the contents of this unlabelled bottle were collected. The Sphasus viridanus alluded to is a Calcutta species, described by Dr. Stoliczka himself (Journ. Asiat. Soc., Bengal, vol. xxxviii, p. 220, pi. xx, fig. 1), but is quite distinct from either of the three species found in this bottle {vide remarks on these species, infra). Out of the 132 species in the collection, I can only determine 23 as certainly identical with European species already described, leaving 109, which I believe to be new to science. AEANEIDEA. 3 This appears to be a large proportion of nndescribed species, but no more than might be expected from a distllct hitherto wholly (so far as I am aware) unknown to arachnologists. The researches of Alexis Eedtscbenko, Reise in Turkestan, lately (in respect at least to the Araneidea) published by Kronenberg, give 146 species, of which 101 are identified with known European species. Excepting the Latin descriptions of new species, this work is written in the Russian language, with which I have, unfortunately, no acquaintance whatever* Eight only of the spiders described or recorded by Kronenberg appear to me identical with those contained in Dr. Stoliczka’s collection. These are Epeira tartarica, Kron. ; Epeira cornuta, Clk. ; Epeira cucurbitina, QW. \ Tetragnatha extensa, JArm. PachygnathcLclerckii> Sund. ; Erigone dentipalpis, Wid. ; Theridion tuberculatum, Kron. ; and Xysticus cristatus. Oik. At first sight it might seem remarkable that so large a proportion of the collection made by Eedtscbenko in Western Turkestan should be identical with European species, while so small a proportion out of those collected by Dr. Stoliczka are similarly identical ; but when it is borne in mind that more than half of Dr. Stoliczka’s collection was made in Murree and Cashmere, we need not be surprised at these results, for, indeed, a comparatively small collec- tion only can be said to have been made in Eastern Turkestan, and that chiefly on the high mountain ranges and during the winter and early spring months ; these months being probably there, as in other analogous districts, the least favourable for the fullest develop- ment of the Araneidea. I have observed that the number of species contained in Dr. Stoliczka’s collection cannot be by any means considered a full representation of the spiders inhabiting the country travelled over. The season of the year had probably much to do with this paucity of species, but more than anything else it may be accounted for when we remember the number of irons Dr* Stoliczka had in the fire, embracing the whole field of the zoology, as well as of the geology, of the districts visited ; instead, therefore, of being surprised at the smallness of the arachno- logical results of the expedition, we must, under the circumstances, wonder at their extent. We may look forward now with great interest to future collections made in the north of India, on the southern slopes of the mountain ranges of Cashmere, and in the plains adjoining, where we should expect the tropical character of the spiders to become far more marked, though probably still with a great diversity in the species from those found in the more central regions of India. No materials, however, exist, so far as I am aware, for any com- parison upon these points ; indeed, the materials for comparison with any Indian spiders are, as yet, comparatively small, and but little has been hitherto published upon them. Order— ARANEIDEA. Family— THERAPHOSIDES. Genus — IDIOPS, Perty. 1. — Idiops designatus, sp. n., PI. I, Eig. 1, ^ . Adult male ; length 5| lines ; to the end of falces Q\ lines ; length of cephalothorax 3 lines (nearly) ; breadth rather over 21 . Cephalothorax round-oval, truncated at each end and rather flattened ; it is of a bright red-brown colour, and the normal indentations are strongly marked. The caput is a little elevated above the general level, being rather the highest near the occiput, across which is a a1 4 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. well-defined, transverse curved depression (or indentation); the convexity of ihe curve is directed forwards, and its ends merge in those of the thoracic indentation, which is also curved (the convexity of the curve directed backwards) and deeply impressed ; these two curved indentations enclose a well-defined, somewhat roundish, smooth, and shining area ; a portion of the surface of the caput on each side, in front of this, is transversely rugulose, and, together with the rest of the thoracic surface, more or less, though not very thickly, covered with minute tubercular granulosities. The eyes are of moderate size and disposed in three transverse rows, 2, 2, 4, forming two widely separated groups, each group placed on a tubercular elevation. Those of the first, or foremost, row constitute one group close to the fore margin of the caput ; these appear to he rather the largest of the eight, and are separated from each other by about an eye’s diameter ; those of the hinder group (consisting of the second and third rows) form a narrow trsnsverse elongate oval ; the eyes of the second row are also separated by an eye’s diameter, and the length of the row is little, if anything, different from that of the first ; the hinder row is curved (the convexity of the curve being directed backwards); the eyes of this row appear to he smaller than the rest, the middle pair being of an irregular form and yellowish-white colour (the colour of the rest is dark), and considerably further from each other than each is from the lateral eye of the same row on its side, and the length of the line formed by those two, hind-central, eyes is a little greater than that of the second (or middle row). The legs are tolerably strong and of moderate length ; their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3 ; they are of a bright yellow-brown colour, deepening into red-brown on the tibiae (and on some other parts) of those of the first and second pairs ; their armature consists of hairs bristles, and spines, but neither of these in any great abundance. The spines are chiefly on the tibiae and metatarsi ; those underneath the first and second pairs (particularly the first) are the most conspicuous : the tibiae of the first pair are considerably but gradually enlarged at their fore-extremity on the inner side, the enlargement terminating with a long, strong- curved, blunt-pointed spur or spine. A little on -the inner side behind the base of this spur, is a short and strongish denticulation ; the metatarsi of the first pair are rather abruptlv bent towards their fore-extremity, and slightly enlarged in a bluutish angular form on the inner side. The tarsi are devoid of any scopula, each ending with three claws ; those of the upper pair are strong and pectinated ; the inferior one is small and inconspicuous. The palpi are long, rather strong, similar to the legs in colour, and furnished with hairs and bristles, those beneath the radial joint being the longest and most numerous. This joint is long, more than double the length of the cubital joint, and nearly equals that of the tibise of the first pair of legs ; it is of a rather tumid form, and is bent downwards near its anterior extremity, on the outer side of which there is a strong oblique indentation extendino- underneath, and margined above with a somewhat tuberculous ridge armed with short, strong, tooth-like spines ; the digital joint is short, expanded laterally at its fore-extremity, which is also somewhat indented, and armed with a few spines ; and the palpal organs are, as usual, simple, though characteristic in detail, consisting of a roundish corneous bulb prolonged into a long, tapering, slightly sinuously-curved, bifid spine, whose extremity, when in its position of rest, is directed outwards and backwards. ^\ief aloes are moderately strong and bristly, and have near their extremity, on the inner side, a prominence, armed with strong tooth-like spines : their colour is similar to that of the cephalothorax. AE.ANEIDEA. 5 The maxillm are moderately long, cylindrical in form, and their fore-extremity, on the inside, terminates in a moderate-sized angular point. The labium is of a somewhat quadrate form, though well rounded at its apex and convex on its outer surface. The colour of the maxillee and labium is like that of the legs. The abdomen is short, rather broader behind than before, considerably convex above, particulaly towards the fore part ; it is furnished with hairs and a few scattered prominent spines on the upper side, which is of a dark-brownish colour, the under side being of a paler yellowish-brown. The spinners are four in number in the usual position, and pale yellow in colour; those of the superior pair are three-jointed, and tolerably strong but short ; those of the inferior pair, short, small, and one-jointed. Hab. — Murree, between June the 11th and July the 14th, 1873. This spider appears to belong to the genus Idiops as restricted by Professor A. Ausserer in his work upon this family. Though allied to 7. svriacm, Cambr., it is certainly distinct from that species, of which, however, the male has not yet been discovered. Family— TIDES. Genun—FILISTATA, Latr. 2. — Eilistata secltjsa, sp. n., PL I, Eig. 2, ? . Immature female : length 2^ lines. In its general form, structure, and appearance this spider is similar to F. testacea, Latr., and some other nearly allied species of the genus. The cephalotliorax, legs, palpi, and -other fore parts are yellow ; the nephalothorax has a narrow, blackish marginal line, and occasicnally there is a blackish longitudinal marking on the caput behind the eyes ; these are in the ordinary position and differ little, if at all, in their relative size from those of the species before mentioned. The legs are furnished with hairs, bristles, and some spines, the latter not being very sharp pointed. The markings of the abdomen furnish a very distinctive character in the present species ; it is of a dull yellowish colour, with a strong, well-defined, dark, rusty-reddish, longitudinal, median band ; this band tapers towards its hiuder part, where it is broken into somewhat angular patches ; these are continued laterally by some more or less conspicuous oblique lines of the same colour, forming, in fact, the series of chevrons (or angular markings) more or less observable on the hindei half of the abdomen in the greater part of the Araneidea ; the under side is slightly suffused along the middle, with dull rusty red. ILab.- -Leh, August or September 1873 ; Pankong- valley, 15th to 21st September 1873. Family— D YS DERIDES. Genua— OYSOERA, Latr. 3. — Dysdera cylindrica, sp. n., PI. I, Eig. 3, . Adult female : length 6| lines ; length of cephalothorax 2 lines. The cephalothorax and f aloes are of a bright, reddish liver-coloured brown ; the legs and 6 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. palpi are reddish-orange coloured; the maxillcei labium, and bright orange-brown, and the abdomen dull clay-coloured. In these respects there is, therefore, little or no difference between the present and many other species of Dysdera, nor is there any remarkable differ- ence either in the form of the cephalothorax or in the position of the eyes ; the surface of the former, although not marked with any distinct punctures, is not glossy ; the normal grooves and indentations, though visible, are very slightly defined and it is uniformly but not greatly convex ; the fore part is broadly truncated, and the caput is a little constricted at the lateral margins. The cephalothorax is remarkably small, and short, compared to the length of the abdomen. The eyes (six in number) are placed round a slight tubercular elevation close to the fore part of the caput, the height of the clypeus being not more than equal to the diameter of one of the foremost eyes ; those of the posterior row (four) are equal in size, contiguous to each other, and form, as nearly as possible, a straight transverse line; immediately in front of each lateral eye of this row, is another larger one contiguous to it, and forming an oblique line in relation to the hinder row, so that the row consisting of the two anterior eyes is rather shorter than the hinder row. The legs are moderate in length and strength, and their relative length is 1, 4, 2, 3. They are furnished very sparingly with hairs, and these are chiefly on the under side ; those of the third and fourth pairs have also a few short, fine spines ; the tarsi are very short and terminate with two curved, pectinated daws, beneath which is a small compact claw-tuft, behind this the tarsi and the anterior portion of the metatarsi are thickly fringed underneath with hairs. The palpi are similar to the legs in colour, and are furnished with hairs and brisk* es, the fore part of the digital joint being rather thickly clothed with them, and its extremity is furnished either with two small claws, or else with a short curved denticulation springing from the base of the ordinary claw; the hairs and bristles surrounding this part make it diflffcult to ascertain this exactly. The f aloes are moderately long, porrected, and rather hollowed on the inner side of their fore half ; their length does not exceed half that of the cephalothorax, and the front surface near their base is furnished with a few minute tubercular granulations. The maxillce are rather long, strong, excavated on the side towards the labium, obliquely truncated at the extremity, and convexly rounded on the outer side above the point where the palpi are articulated ; at this point, which is nearly about the middle, the maxillae are very strong. The labium is rather more than two-thirds of the length of the maxillae, and is very broad at its base, a little way above which there is a transverse suture or indentation ; its sides above this are hollowed ; the apex is also hollowed, or strongly, and roundly, indented. The sternum is oval, obtusely pointed behind, truncated before, and strongly impressed at the points between the insertions of the legs. The is large and of an oblongo-cylindrical form; this character alone distin- guishes it at once from all other described species known to me. It is thinly clothed with very short hairs, and the spinners are short and inconspicuous. The male differs in no essential respect from the female, except in being rather smaller, nnd, of course, in the smaller size of the abdomen, which, however, preserves the same cylin- drical oblong form ; the palpi are very like those of Dysdera cambridgii, Thor. {D. ery- thrina, BL), but the palpal organs are of a much more elongated form. Ilab. — Murree, between June Hth and July 14th, 1873. ARANEIDEA. 7 YamWy—BRASSIDES. Genua — DRAS8U8, Waick. 4. — Drassus troglodytes, C, L. Koch. Drassus troglodytes, C. L. Koch, Die Arachn. VI, p. 35, Taf. 189, figs. 455, 456. Hab. — Examples of this widely-dispersed species were contained in the collection from the following localities : Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June I7th, 1874; between Sirikol and Aktallah, 8th to 13th May 1874; Tantze to Ohagna and Pankong valley, 15th to 21st September 1873 ; Yarkand and neighbourhood, November 1873. 5. — Brasses infletes, sp. n., PI. I, Eig. 4, ? . Adult female: length 3^ lines. The cephalothorax is of a rather elongate-oval form, narrowing gradually to the fore-ex- tremity, which is truncate ; the lateral impressions of the caput are very slight ; looked at in profile, the fore-part of the caput slopes very little forwards, and the hinder (or thoracic slope) is short, abrupt, and rather rounded. The normal indentations are ill-defined, and the central thoracic groove is indicated by a short red-hrown line ; the colour of the cephalo- thorax is yellow-brown, and it is covered with a grey pubescence, among which are some dark hairs. The eyes are in two transverse, slightly curved, and very nearly concentric, curved rows, close to the fore margin of the caput ; they are of moderate size, not greatly different in this respect, and pretty compactly grouped together ; those of the front row are very near to- gether, hut the interval between the two central eyes of this row is rather greater than that between each and the lateral eye nearest to it ; the interval between the laterals of the two rows is nearly, if not quite, equal to the diameter of the largest of them, which appears to be that of the front row ; those of the hind-central pair are contiguous to each other, obliquei of an oval form and pearly lustre, and each is separated from the hind-lateral eye nearest to it by an interval equal to its own diameter ; the fore-central eyes are the largest of the eight, and the spot on which they are seated appears to he a little prominent ; the height of the clypeus is no more than equal to the diameter of one of the last-mentioned eyes. The legs are tolerably strong hut rather short ; their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3 ; they are of a brownish-yellow colour, deepening to reddish-brown on the metatarsi and tarsi, and clothed with greyish pubescence mixed with darker hairs, bristles, and spines ; the last chiefly on those of the third and fourth pairs ; beneath the two claws with which the tarsi terminate is a small claw-tuft. The palpi are short, pretty stout, and similar to the legs in colour and clothing ; the radial and digital joints deepening to red-hrown. The falces are tolerably long and strong, directed a little forwards ; their colour is like that of the cephalothorax, and they are furnished in front with hairs, bristles, and greyish pubescence. The maxillce are strong, slightly curved, and inclined towards the labium, as well as broadly impressed across the middle ; the basal portion is broad and rather convex, and its colour is darker than that of the cephalothorax. The labium is oblong, rounded at the apex, and similar to the maxillae in colour. 8 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. The sternum is like the cephalothorax in colour, and of a regular oval form, pointed behind; it, like the maxillae and labium, is clothed with fine brownish hairs. The abdomen is of a short oval form, blunted at each end, and tolerably convex above it is of a pale clay-colour, covered thinly with yellowish-brown hairs ; the four exterior spinners are moderately long, and of nearly equal length ; the genital aperture is rather large and of characteristic form. Hab . — Between Yangihissar and Sirikol, March 1874). 6. — Drassus interemptob, sp. n., PI. I, Eig. 5, ^ . Adult male : length 3| lines. The cephalothorax is very similar in form to that of D. injletus, though rather narrower in front ; its colour is yellow-brown, and it is clothed pretty thickly with grey pubescence. The eyes are rather small, hut placed in the usual two transverse curved rows ; the foremost row, which is the shortest, is nearly straight, the hinder one considerably curved and the curves of both have their convexities directed backwards. The eyes of the hinder row are equidistant from each other, those of the central pair of this row being rather the smallest of the eight ; those of the fore-central pair are the largest, and form' a line longer than the hind-centrals, the interval separating them being about equal to an eye’s diameter, and each is very nearly contiguous to the lateral of the same row next to it. The eyes of each lateral pair are placed a little obliquely, and are rather nearer together than those of the hinder row are to each other ; the longitudinal diameter of the trapezoid formed by the four central eyes is considerably greater than the transverse one ; the height of the clypeus is about equal to the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes. The legs are strong and of tolerable length, and rather lighter in colour than the cephalothorax ; their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3, and they are pretty thickly clothed with sandy-grey hairs (among which are some of a browner hue), bristles, and spines ; some of the latter are beneath the metatarsi and tibiae of those of the 1st and 2nd pairs, but the greater number are on the tliird and fourth pairs. Each tarsus terminates with two claws, beneath which is a small claw-tuft ; and beneath the tarsi is a scopula extending a little way underneath the anterior portion of the metatarsi. The palpi are short, tolerably strong, and similar in their colour and armature to the legs. The humeral joint has several black spines on its upper side ; the cubital joint is stronger and a little longer than the radial; the latter is furnished with longish bristly hairs, and expands at its fore-extremity, which is prolonged on the outer side into a tolerably strong, rather tapering, reddish-brown apophysis, terminating in an obtuse, flattened, corneous point ; the digital joint is large, oval, and of a browner hue than the rest ; the palpal organs are prominent and well developed ; they are of a yellowish colour, traversed near the middle by a distinct yellow-brown spine-like fillet or band, close in front of which is a strong^ curved, tapering, reddish-yellow-brown corneous process, with another very similar, but smaller, in front of it ; a third, smaller still and apparently obtuse, being in front again, just below the fore-extremity of the joint. The falces are neither very long nor strong ; their direction is nearly vertical, and they are similar in colour to the cephalothorax ; their front surface is clothed with greyish pubescence and some brown hairs and bristles. AEANEIDEA. 9 The maxillm are strong, considerably bent towards the labium, over which their extremities almost meet, and broadly impressed across the middle ; their colour is rather darker than that of the cephalothorax. The labium, owing to some foreign matters adhering to it, could not be very distinctly seen, but its form appeared to be oblong, rounded at the apex, and its colour like that of the maxillae. The sternum is oval, pointed behind, like the maxillae in colour, and clothed with grey pubescent hairs. The abdomen is about equal in length to the cephalothorax, of an oblong-oval form, not very convex above ; it is of a somewhat mottled clay-colour, with an oblong, brownish, dorsal marking on the anterior half of the upper side, produced behind into a narrow brown- pointed stripe : the fore-extremity of this dorsal marking is strongly suffused with rusty red brown. The middle of the upper side of the abdomen has four small red-brown impressed spots in the form of a square, whose fore-side is rather the shortest ; it is clothed, but not very densely, with coarsish dark brown hair. The spinners are strong, those of the inferior pair being double the length of those of the superior. ;g^ab , — Neighbourhood of Leh, August or September 1873. 7. — Drassus invisus, sp. n., PI. I, Fig. 6, $ . Adult female ; length rather more than 5 lines. This spider is nearly allied to T>. interlisus, which it resembles in form, general colouring, structure, and appearance : it is however smaller, and the colour of the caput is much less rich, being but little darker than the thorax, which is a dull yellow-brown ; the whole of the cephalothorax is covered with a sandy-grey pubescence; and there is a dark line running down the middle of the caput from the hind-central pair of eyes to the thoracic indentation. The eyes are also different in their position from those of D. interlisus, those of the hind-central pair being placed obliquely to each other, and those of the fore-central pair nearer together and further from the laterals. The falces are less strong, and the apex of the labium does not reach so nearly to the extremity of the maxillae. The abdomen is of a rather short, oblong-oval form, tolerably convex above : it is of a dull-yellowish hue, thinly clothed with fine hairs : along the middle of the fore-half on the upper side, is a slightly darker, but clearly defined, oblong marking, which has its hinder part tapered off to a sharp point, and an angular point on each side where the tapering portion begins. There are also four small dark blackish-brown oblique spots on the fore-half, forming a rectangle whose length is about double its breadth : two fine parallel brownish lines run on the under side from the genital aperture to a little distance from the spinners, and from each of the inferior pair of spinners a similar line runs a little obliquely to a point in a line (in a transverse direction) with the termination of the two other lines j ust men- tioned : the spinners are short and strong, those of the inferior pair being the strongest and a little the longest : the genital aperture is small and of a very simple form. ILab. — Between Sirikol and Aktalla, between the 8th and 31st of May 1874. 10 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. 8. — Deasstjs interpolator, sp. n., PL I, Eig. 7, . interpolator ; it is, however, of a generally brighter hue. The cephalothorax is of a brownish-yellow colour, the normal indentations of a darker hue ; the thoracic indentation being deep red-brown. The falces, maxillce, and labium are reddish yellow-brown, the legs and sternum yellow, and the abdomen pale straw-yellow. The cephalothorax is covered with greyish-yellow pubescence. The eyes are of moderate size, and not very unequal; they are in the usual position, but the hinder row is not so much curved as in D. interpolator ; those of its central pair are much nearer together than each is to the lateral of the same row on its side ; they are of an oval form, placed very slightly obliquely and less than their longest diameter’s distance from each other ; those of the fore-central pair are further from each other than each is from the lateral eye on its side, with which it is nearly, but not quite, in contact. The interval between the fore-centrals is nearly about a diameter, and these eyes form a line rather longer than that formed by those of the hind-central pair : those of each lateral pair are obliquely placed, and are separated by an interval equal to the diameter of the foremost of them. The legs are rather long and slender, armed with longish spines, especially on the tibise and metatarsi of those of the two hinder pairs ; their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3. Beneath the two terminal claws of each tarsus is a small claw-tuft, with a scopula of blackish hairs along the under sides of the tarsi, and of the first and second pairs of the metatarsi also. The palpi ( ^ ) are rather short, the humeral and cubital joints are yellow, the radial and digital joints suffused with yellow-brown, the latter being the darkest : the cubital and radial joints are of equal length ; the latter expands a little at its anterior extremity, which is produced (on the outer side) into a rather long, not very strong, slightly tapering apophy- sis : this apophysis is nearly straight, but a little divergent from the digital joint, and its extreme point is bifid ; there is also another shorter, angular prominence, or projection, at the extremity of this joint, on the inner side. The digital joint is elongate-oval, equal in length to the cubital and radial joints together. The palpal organs are simple but rather prominent, their fore-extremity has a somewhat truncated appearance, and is broken up into several corneous spines and processes. The/aZces are neither very long nor strong ; they are straight, and their direction is but a little forwards. The maxillm and labium are similar in form to those of J). interpolator. The abdomen is of an elongate-oval form, rather truncated before ; it is very thinly 12 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. furnished with hairs, and in some examples an ohlong dull marking, pointed at its hinder extremity, is faintly traceable on the fore-half of the upper side, where there are usually also six small dull spots, in three successive, transverse pairs, forming an oblong parallelogram ; those of the middle pair are the nearest together. The spinners are long, but not very stout nor very unequal in length ; those of the inferior pair are the largest and strongest : their colour is like that of the legs. The female resembles the male in colours and general structure, hut is rather larger ; there is, however, some little variation in size in different individuals of both sexes ; the form of the genital aperture, which is rather small, is simple, hut, as usual, quite characteristic. Hab. — Kashghar, December 1873; Tanktze to Chagna and Pankong valley, between the 15th and 21st of September 1873. Between Yangihissar and Sirikol, March ]874 j; near Leh, August and September 1873. Yangihissar, April 1874. Yarkand and neighbourhood, November 1873. Road from Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June 17th, 1874; and road across the Pamir from Sirikol to Panja and hack, April 22nd to May 7th, 1874. Hills between Sirikol and Aktalla, May 8th to 13th, 1874; and the Sind Valley, August 5th to 13th, 1873. It is thus the most widely spread and numerously represented species of this family contained in the collection, occurring in all the five districts traversed. 10. — Drasstjs interlisus, sp. n., PI, I, Pig. 9, s . Adult female : length lines. The cephalothorax of this fine species is of an ohlong-oval shape, tolerably convex above, broadly truncated at the fore-extremity, and hut very slightly constricted on the lateral margin of the caput ; the profile line is very nearly level from the hinder slope to the occiput, whence it slopes forwards in a more rounding form ; its colour is a bright reddish yellow- brown, deepening gi’adually to the caput, the fore part and sides of which are black red- hrown : the whole of the cephalothorax is pretty densely clothed with short yellowish- grey pubescent hairs ; the normal indentations are not very strongly defined, and the height of the clypeus is about equal to the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes. The eyes are rather small, not very different in size, and placed in the two usual transverse ..curved rows, the hinder row being the longest and most curved : they are not very closely grouped together, and those of the fore-central pair are seated on a slight hut perceptible pro- minence. These two eyes are nearly two diameters distant from each other, and are much more widely separated from each other than each is from the lateral eye of the same row on its side, with which it is nearly, hut not quite, contiguous ; those of the hind-central pair are oval, not obliquely placed, but with their longer diameter in a directly transverse direction ; they are very near together, hut not quite contiguous to each other, and each is separated by a distance nearly equal to twice its longer diameter from the lateral eye of the same row on its side ; the eyes of each lateral pair are placed in an oblique line, and are rather widely separated. All the eyes, excepting those of the fore-central pair, are rather depressed or sunken into the surface of the caput. The legs are strong and moderate in length, their relative length being 4, 1, 2, 3 ; they are yellow, deepening to red-hrown on the tarsi, and are furnished v ith hairs, bristles, and ARA^^EtDIlA. 13 spines, the latter almost entirely on the tibige and metatarsi of the third and fourth pairs ; the hairs are mostly of a grey pubescent kind. Each tarsus terminates with two curved, pectinated claws, beneath which is a claw-tuft, and the undersides of the tarsi, as well as a portion of the metatarsi, are furnished with a scopula. The palpi are short ; their colour is yellow, deepening to dark red-brown on the digital joint, which is double the length of the radial ; it is furnished thickly with dark hairs and some black spines, and terminates with a short slightly curved black claw. The cubital is similar to the radial joint in length. The falces are strong and rather long; their direction is forward, and their profile arched ; they are of a deep, black red-brown colour, and are clothed pretty thickly with a greyish pubescence, besides other hairs and bristles. The maxill(B are long and strong (especially at the insertion of the palpi), curved and inclined considerably towards the labium, obliquely impressed across the middle, rounded at their outer extremity, and obliquely truncated on their inner extremity ; their colour is slightly less dark than that of the cephalothorax, and they are tipped with whitish yellow. The labium is long, reaching almost to the inner extremity of the maxillcB ; it is of an oblong form, rounded at the apex, depressed along the sides, and its colour is like that of the maxillcB. The sternum is heart-shaped, similar in colour to the hinder part of the cephalothorax, and clothed with hairs. The abdomen is of an oblong-oval form, of a yellowish-clay colour, and thinly clothed with brownish hairs ; the spinners are short but strong, and of a yellow-brown colour, those of the superior pair being a little shorter than those of the inferior; the genital aperture and the process connected with it are of peculiar and characteristic form, and of a deep blackish red-brown hue. The male differs in no respect of colour, general form, and character from the female. The palpi of the male are rather short, but strong ; the humeral joint is much bent and flattened on its inner side, where it curves round the falces, enlarging also to the anterior extremity ; the cubital joint is short, strong, tumid on the upper side, and has, at its outer extremity, a long, curved, pointed, red-brown apophysis, the point being recurved or sinuous ; this apophysis reaches as far as the fore-extremity of the radial joint, which is shorter, darker coloured, and less strong than the cubital, and is furnished with two nearly black apophyses ; one on the outer side is strong, curved, and has its obtuse point directed upwards ; the other is shorter, straighter, more pointed, and placed near the middle of the fore-extremity, to which it is nearly perpendicular ; the digital joint is large, of an oval form, dark red-brown in colour, hairy, and in length exceeds the radial and cubital joints taken together; the palpal organs are simple but well developed, consisting of a strong, somewhat cylindric, corneous lobe, the fore-extremity of which is broken into several not very prominent pro- cesses. Hah. — Kashghar, December 1873; Yarkand, 21st to 27th May 1874; between Yangihis- sar and Sirikol, March 1874 ; neighbourhood of Leh, August or September 1873 ; Yarkand to Bursi, between May 28th and June 17th, 1874. I have had some hesitation in describing this sj)ider as a Hrassus. It appears to be nearly allied to Rypsinotus, L. Koch, but the length of the labium distinguishes it readily from that genus ; for the present, therefore, I include it in the genus Drassus, with which, at any rate, it is very nearly allied. 14 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. 11. — Drassus involuttjs, sp. n., PI. I, Eig. 10, 9 . Adult female : length 4f lines. This spider has an exceedingly Cluhiona-\\]s.Q appearance, but the inclination of the maxillae to the labium and the transverse impression of the former, as well as some other characters, distinguish it at once from the spiders of that genus. The cephalothorax is oval, truncated at each end, but narrowest before ; its colour is rather a bright yellow-brown, deepening towards the fore part of the caput ; the normal indentations, especially those which divide the caput and thorax, are suffused with brown ; and the thoracic indentation is shown by a short, deep red-brown line. The marginal con- strictions on each side of the caput are very slight, and the profile line, including the hinder or thoracic slope, forms a pretty even, arched line ; the upper side is thus tolerably convex, and its surface is thinly clothed with greyish sandy pubescence. The eyes are rather small, and in the ordinary two, transverse, curved rows, of which the hinder one is the longest, and the most curved. The four central eyes form a rectangle, whose longitudinal is rather greater than its transverse diameter ; those of the hind-central pair are oval, very little, if at all, oblique, and separated from each other by an interval equal to their longest diameter, and no more than half the length of that which separates each from the lateral eye of the same row on its side. Those of each lateral pair form an oblique line, and are wide apart, though rather nearer together than the hinder one is to the hind-central eye next to it ; those of the fore-central pair (which are the largest of the eight) are separated by an eye’s interval, and are farther apart than each is from the fore- lateral eye on its side ; the height of the clypeus is slightly greater than the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes. The legs are moderately strong, but not long ; their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3, and they are of a yellow colour, furnished with hairs and spines ; these latter are, nearly all, on those of the third and fourth pairs ; the two terminal tarsal claws have a small claw-tuft beneath them, and there is a scopula underneath the metatarsi and tarsi of the first and second, and under the tarsi of the tliird and fourth pairs. The palpi are moderate in length and strength, similar to the legs in colour, and furnished with hairs and a few spines. The falces are moderately long and strong, straight, and a little projecting in their direction ; they are of a red-brown colour, furnished with bristles in front, and armed with two small teeth, close together at the inner corner of the fore-extremity. The maxillcB are strong, inclined towards the labium, broader than usual near their extremities, and strongly impressed across the middle. They are of a red-brown colour, pale yellowish- white at the extremities. The labium is oblong, its length being nearly about half that of the maxillae, which it resembles in colour, with a pale margin at the apex. The sternum is oval, pointed behind, and with depressions between the insertions of the legs ; it is of a light brownish-yellow colour, suffused with a rather darker hue towards the margins. The abdomen is oval, pointed at its hinder extremity ; it is of a dull clay-yellow colour, thinly clothed with hairs ; along the middle of the fore-half of the upper side is an oblong, dull- brownish marking, which tapers to a point at its hinder extremity, near which, on ARANEIDEA. 15 either side, is a short, oblique, faint line directed backwards. Six small, dull-brown spots in three transverse pairs, also form a long rectangle on the fore-half, the foremost side of the rectangle being rather shorter than the hinder one. The intermediate pair of these spots is (as is usually the case) nearer together than the foremost pair. The spinners are toler- ably long, but not very strong ; those of the inferior pair are rather the longest and strongest. The genital aperture is small, and of a transverse, oblong-oval form, margined with deep red-brown. Rah. — Sind Valley, August 5th to 13th, 1873. 12. — Drassus lapsus, sp. n., PI. II, Eig 11, ? , Eemale (not quite adult) : length rather over 3^ lines. Although not adult, this spider has suflBciently characteristic specific marks to entitle it to description. It resembles Drassus involutus very nearly in colours, but the relative position of the eyes is quite different. The cephalothorax is oval, shorter than that of D. involutus, and constricted laterally at the caput ; it is of a pale yellow-brown colour, pretty thickly clothed with short greyish pubescence. The eyes are in two transverse rows ; the hinder row slightly curved, the front row shortest and less curved than the hinder one ; the convexity of the curves is directed back- wards ; the height of the clypeus does not exceed, even if it quite equals, the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes ; those of the hind-central pair are oval, oblique, and very near together, though separated by a distinct interval, and each is separated from the hind-lateral on its side by an interval equal to the diameter of the latter ; those of the fore-central pair are nearly a diameter’s distance from each other, each being very nearly, if not quite, contiguous to the fore-lateral on its side ; those of each lateral pair are placed obliquely, and are separated by rather less than the diameter of the hind-lateral eye ; the four central eyes form a regular quadrangular figure, whose longitudinal diameter is considerably greater than its transverse one. The legs are strong, and moderately long ; their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3. They are slightly lighter-coloured than the cephalothorax, and are furnished with hairs (some of these are of a greyish hue), slender bristles, and spines; these last are tolerably strong, not very long, and almost entirely confined to the tibiae and. metatarsi of the third and fourth pairs, whereon they issue from small red-brown tubercles, on the upper, as well as the under, side of the joints ; the only spines on the legs of the first and second pairs are one or two longish ones of a bristle-like nature on the upper side of the femora, and a single short strong one on the under side, close to the hinder extremity of the tibiae of the second pair ; there is a small black claw-tuft beneath the two terminal tarsal claws, and a thin scopula beneath the tarsi and metatarsi of the first and second pairs. The palpi are similar in colour to the legs ; the digital joint is longer than the radial, and has, besides hairs and bristles, a few stoutish spines. The f aloes are short, and not particularly strong; they are directed a little for- wards, and are of a reddish yellow-brown colour, with some prominent black bristles in front. 16 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. The maxillcs are of moderate length and strength, curved over the labium ; impressed along the middle, and, with the lahium, which is of an oblong-oval form, similar to the falces in colour. The siternum is oval, pointed behind, and similar in colour to the cephalothorax. The abdomen is of an oblong-oval form, rounded behind and truncated before ; it is of a straw-yellow colour, thinly clothed with hairs, some of which are blackish-brown, and most numerous at, and below, the fore-extremity of the upper side ; on the fore-half of the upper side, four impressed spots form a quadrangular figure whose interior side is rather less than its posterior one, and wliose longitudinal is greater than its transverse diameter. The spinners are tolerably strong, but not very long ; those of the inferior pair are the longest and strongest. Such traces of it as were visible indicated that the genital aperture would be of small size. Hah. — Yangihissar, April 1874. Genus— QNAP HOSA, Latr. 13. — Gnapuosa stoliczk^, sp. n., PI. II, Eig. 12, 3 . Adult male : length 4|- to 4| lines. Cephalotho7'ax oval, rather broad and truncated before, but only slightly constricted on the margins at the fore part of the caput ; the hinder slope is rather abrupt, and the profile line has a slight slope all the way to the eyes. Tlie colour is a dull orange yellow ; the normal grooves and indentations (which are not very strongly marked) are of a more dusky hue, the thoracic indentation forming a red-brown line. The surface is clothed with sandy- grey pubescence. The et/es are of tolerable size, and placed, as usual, in two transverse, slightly curved rows. The convexity of the curve of the hinder row, which is the longest, is directed for- wards, so that the interval between the eyes of each lateral pair is as great as that between the eyes of the fore and hind-central pairs. Those of the hind-central pair are narrow-oval, })laced obliquely, and separated by a rather less interval than their longest diameter, and each is, as nearly as possible, the same distance from the lateral eye of the same row, on its side, as the latter is from the fore-lateral eye opposite to it. Those of the fore-central pair are placed on a slight prominence, and are the largest of the eight. 1 hey are separated from each other by an interval of rather less than an eye’s diameter, forming a line per- ceptibly longer than that formed by those of the hind-central pair. Each fore-lateral eye is very near to the fore-central on its side, but not contiguous to it. The clypeus, in height, exceeds the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes, and is furnished with a few strong prominent black bristles. The legs are strong and moderately long, their relative length being 4, 1, 2, 3. They are a little paler than the cephalothorax, and are clothed thinly with a greyish sandy- coloured pubescence, besides other hairs, bristles, and spines. Excepting a very few on the upper sides of the femora of all the legs, the spines are confined to the tibiae and metatarsi of those of the third and fourth pairs. The two terminal tarsal claws appear to vary in the number of their pectinations, which do not exceed three or four at the most, and which in the third and fourth pairs seem to be fewer than in the first and second. Beneath these claws is a small claw-tuft; and the tarsi of the first and second pairs have a scopula under- neath them. ARANEIDEA. 17 The palpi are short and moderately strong, similar to the legs in colour, and furnished ■with hairs and some long bristles. The radial and cubital joints are short, hut, as nearly as possible, of equal length and strength. The former terminates at its fore-extremity, on the outer side, with a small, tapering, sharp-pointed, curved, reddish-brown, corneous-looking apophysis. The digital joint is elongate-oval, rather stouter than the radial, but not quite so long as this and the cubital together. The palpal organs are simple, and not very promi- nent, with a curved, red-brown, tapering, sharp-pointed spine directed forwards at their fore-extremity near the inner side ; and about the middle of their fore-extremity is another spine, much smaller, and of a somewhat crooked form. The falces are strong and of moderate length; their direction is a little forwards ; and they are of a deep rich red-brown colour, clothed in front with long, strong, spinous bristles. The maxillcB are curved, and inclined towards the labium, and their width, across the middle, is much increased by a development of that part, resembling a large semi-circular lobe which gives them a somewhat sub-triangular form. They are also strongly bent, or impressed transversely, across the middle, and their colour (excepting at the extremities, which are pale yellowish) is like that of the falces. The labium is oblong-oval, rounded at the apex, which is of a pale-yellowish hue ; the colour of the rest being like that of the maxillae. The sternumh of a slightly heart-shaped, oval form, of a reddish yellow-brown colour, impressed between the insertions of the legs, and clothed with hairs. The abdomen is of an oblong-oval form, rounded behind, rather truncated before, and moderately convex above. It is of a straw-yellow colour; the normal oblong, longitudinal marking on the fore-half of the upper side is generally obsolete ; now and then it is slightly traceable, and a small patch at its fore-extremity is of a yellow-brown hue. The whole abdo- men, above and below, is clothed with greyish sandy pubescence, mixed thinly on the upper side, chiefly, with long, nearly erect, tapering, strongish, black-brown bristles. The spinners are very unequal in size, those of the inferior pair being much the longest and strongest. The female resembles the male in colour and in all other general characters, but differs in size (being 5 to 6 lines in length), and in having rather longer legs. The genital aperture is small, of characteristic form, and edged with red-brown. I his fine and very distinct species, which I have dedicated to its discoverer, the late Dr. Stoliczka, was found in the following localities. Hab . — Between Yangihissar and Sirikol, March 1871; from Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June 17th, 1874; also at Yangihissar, April 1874; and Kashghar, December 1873. 14.— Gnaphosa pltjmalis. Gna^^hosa plumalis, Cambr., P. Z. S. 1872, p. 225, pi. xv, 6g. 3. Kab . — An immature female, which I have no doubt is of this species, was found on the route from Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June 17th, 1874. 15. — Gnaphosa mcerens, sp. n., PL II, Eig. 13, s . Adult female : length 3 to 3| lines. The whole of the fore part of this spider is of a dull yellow-brown colour ; the falces. 18 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. maxillse, and labium being, however, darker than the rest ; the falces, indeed, are dark red-brown. The cephalothorax is oval, truncated both before and behind, and slightly constricted on the margins at the fore part of the caput. The normal grooves and indentations are distinct, but not very strongly marked ; the hinder slope is rather abrupt, but convexly rounded, and the profile line of the upper part is as nearly as possible level, the fore part of the caput (including the ocular area) rounding, and sloping a little forwards. The surface is clothed with greyish pubescence, mixed with more erect and darkish hairs and bristles. The lateral margins are bounded by a black-brown line. The eyes are in the ordinary position, forming two transverse curved lines ; the convexity of the curve of the hinder row is directed forwards. This row is the longest and much the most strongly curved, the foremost row being, in fact, almost straight, its convexity being rather directed backwards ; thus the interval between the eyes of each lateral pair is consider- ably greater than that between the fore and hind-central pairs. They are seated on blackish tubercles ; those of the hind-central pair are oval, oblique, divided by an interval equal to the length of their longest diameter, and, with the fore-central pair, from a square whose fore side is very slightly the shortest ; each of the hind-central eyes is separated from the hind- lateral next to it by more than twice its longest diameter ;■ the fore -laterals are the largest of the eight, and each is separated from the fore-central next to it by less than the diameter of the latter ; the interval between the fore-centrals being rather greater than this diameter ; the height of the clypeus is about equal to the space, taken in a longitudinal line, between the fore and hind-central pairs. The legs are strong and moderately long ; their relative length being 4, 1, 2, 3. They are pretty thickly furnished wdth hairs, bristles, and spines ; the last are the longest, and are most numerous on those of the third and fourth pairs ; there are, however, several spines on the under sides of the tibiae and metatarsi of the first and second pairs also ; beneath the two terminal claws is a small claw-tuft, and there is a thin scopula beneath the tarsi and a portion of the metatarsi of the first and second pairs. Palpi rather short and slender ; the radial joint is rather longer than the cubital, and the digital joint is longer than the radial, and slightly suffused with reddish brown. They are furnished with hairs, bristles, and a few slender spines, and terminate with a single curved claw. falces are strong, moderate in length, rather prominent near the base in front, and furnished with long prominent bristles and hairs. The niaxillce are curved, and considerably inclined to the labium ; and are enlarged in a rather semi-circular form at the outer side, so as to be very broad across the middle, where they are also strongly impressed. The labium is of an oval form, truncated at its base, and rounded at the apex. The sternum is oval, pointed behind, and depressed between the insertions of the legs. The abdomen is oblong-oval, truncated before, rounded behind, and not very convex above, but projecting a little over the base of the cephalothorax ; it is of a deep mouse-brown colour with three or four transverse bars of different lengths, and tending to run one into the other, formed by silky-grey pubescence on the fore-half of the upper side ; these are succeeded by several transverse, blackish, but inconspicuous, angular lines or chevrons towards the spinners. A silky-grey pubescence appears to be also more or less dispersed on the hinder part ; and the whole upper side is more or less speckled with black points, some of which, AEANEIDEA. 19 on the fore-half, may he traced in two longitudinal central lines converging backwards, as is indicating the position of the normal, hut here obsolete, dorsal marking ; the fore margin if furnished beneath with a tuft of long, strong, upturned bristles ; the under side is of a uni- form yellowish mouse-brown colour : the spinners of the inferior pair are yellow-brown, and much the largest and strongest. The male resembles the female in all general characters, colours, and markings, and differs hut very little in size. The palpi are short hut moderately strong. The radial joint is a little shorter than the cubital, and has its fore extremity, near the outer side, produced into a tolerably strong, rather long, tapering-pointed apophysis, the point spinous-looking, red- hrown, and slightly bent or curved ; this apophysis is about equal to the joint itself in length. The digital joint is large, of an elongate-oval form, hairy, and rather longer than the radial and cubital joints together ; the palpal organs are well developed, but simple, with a tolerably strong, sharp pointed, slightly curved process of a hrightish red-brown colour situated on their inner side, and directed to their fore extremity. Hills between Sirikol and Aktalla, May 8th to 13th, 1874; between Yangihissar and Sirikol, March 1874; and from Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June 17th, 1874. Genus— PBOSTSESIMA, L. Koch. 16. — Prosthesima cingara, Camb. Prosthesima cingara, Cambr., P. Z. S., 1874, p. 382, pi. li, fig. 10, ? . The female only of this spider has been described. The following is a description of the male. Adult male : length 2 lines. "" Cephalothorax oval, broadest towards the hinder part, whence it narrows gradually to the fore extremity ; its upper side is flattened-convex above, and a little highest at its posterior extremity ; it is smooth, of a deep, rich brown colour, and thinly clothed with hairs. The eyes are in two very slightly curved rows, the curves directed backwards, and the front row the shortest ; those of the hind-central pair are small, oval, but not placed obliquely, near to each other, but separated by a distinct interval, less than that which divides each from the hind-lateral on its side ; the fore-lateral eyes are the largest of the eight, and the hind-centrals the smallest ; the fore-centrals are divided by an interval rather greater than a diameter, and each is almost contiguous to the fore-lateral on its side ; the interval between each hind-lateral eye and the hind-central next to it is nearly about the same as that which divides the eyes of each lateral pair. The height of the clypeus is less than half that of the facial space. The legs are moderate in length and strength, the femora strongly incrassated on their upper sides; they are furnished with hairs, bristles, and spines, the last chiefly on the tibiae and metatarsi of the third and fourth pairs. Their colour is deep blackish-brown, that of the metatarsi and tarsi being of a dull yellowish-brown hue. The palpi are moderately long and strong and of a brownish-yellow colour ; the radial is rather less than the cubital joint in length, and has its fore extremity on the outer side pro- longed into a strong, tapering, pointed, dark red-brown, straight, and rather prominent apophysis, as long as, if not longer than, the joint itself ; the digital joint is large, oval, hairy, and of a yellowish-brown colour ; its length exceeds that of the radial and digital joints 20 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. together ; the palpal organs are well developed, and consist of several characteristic corneous processes and spines. The f dices are moderate in length and strength, and are rather paler coloured than the cephalothorax they are straight, and project a little forwards, being also rather roundly prominent near their base in front, and furnished with bristles and hairs. The maxillcB and labium are similar to the falces in colour, and their form is normal. The sternum is oval, blunt-pointed behind, and like the maxillae in colour. The abdomen is of an oblong (wal form, rounded behind, truncated before, and flattened convex above ; it is hairy and of deep sooty-brown colour, approaching to black, with a large shining, deep-brown coriaceous patch on the fore part of the upper side, of which it covers the whole width, hut is narrower and rounded at its hinder part. The spinners are rather short, but tolerably strong ; those of the superior pair are the longest and strongest. The female resembles the male in colours and general structure ; the genital aperture is characteristic, consisting of an oblong opening slightly constricted across the middle, and edged strongly on the lower side with red-brown, below which are two round, shining, boss- like corneous-looking markings. Hab. — Yarkand, May -21st to 27th, 1874; hills between Sirikol and Aktalla, May 8th to 13th, 1874 ; and route across, the Pamir from Sirikol to Panja and back, April 22nd to May 7tb, 1874. Genua-MICARIA, C. L. Koch. 17. — Micaria conkexa, sp. n. Adult male : length not quite 2 lines. This spider is very closely allied to Micaria pulicaria, Sund., which it resembles in size and general characters. It may, however, be distinguished by the absence of the converg. ing lines of w bite hairs on the cephalothorax, which is also deeper-coloured, and by the shorter and rather narrower form of the digital joint of the palpus ; the radial joint is shorter than the cubital, and has a very sharp-pointed, tapering, rather prominent apophysis at its extremity on the outer side ; the corresponding apophysis in M. pulicaria being much shorter and less sharp pointed. The abdomen is black, covered with iridescent scales, reflecting green, purple, and reddish golden hues, hut there were no white transverse lines or spots visible. The cephalothorax is of a deep rich red-brown hue, thinly clothed with grey hairs and iridescent scales. A female example had a largish semi-circular white spot of wliite hairs about the middle of the upper side of the abdomen, and another on each side, the three forming a straight line traversing the upper side of the abdomen. In other respects it resembled the male. Probably, different examples of this species would present the same varieties in re- spect to the white spots and markings on the abdomen as are characteristic of M. pulicaria. Hab. — Ilills between Sirikol and Aktalla, May 8th to 13th, 1874. 18. — Micaria pallida, sp. n. Immature male : length 2| lines. This spider is allied to the preceding, but its colours and markings will at once distin- guish it. ARANEIDEA. 21 The cephalothorax is of ordinary form and of a brightish yellow-brown colour, clothed with greyish and iridescent hairs and scales. The eyes are in two nearly concentric curved rows, like those of M. connexa and others? the front row being the shortest. The legs are moderately long and tolerably strong ; their relative length is apparently 4, 1, 2, 3. They are similar in colour to the cephalothorax, the sides of the tibiae being suffused a little with brown, and the tarsi have the appearance of being annulated with the same colour. They are clothed with grey and iridescent hairs ; the former disposed some- what in longitudinal lines. The palpi are not very long; their colour is pale yellow ; the cubital joint is shorter than the radial, and the digital is of a long, narrow-pointed, oval form. Being immature, these remarks on the palpi would, perhaps, not be strictly applicable to those of the adult spider, though the proportions of the several joints would probably be the same as in the immature state. The falces are tolerably long, strong, perpendicular, similar in colour to the cephalotho- rax, and furnished with greyish hairs and dark bristles. The abdomen is of a dull yellow-brown hue, clothed thinly with iridescent, scaly hairs. It has two parallel, transverse, slight constrictions near the middle of the upper side ; an in- distinct longitudinal median brown marking, pointed at its posterior extremity, occupies the fore-half of the upper side, followed towards the spinners by a longitudinal series of several less distinct, transverse, curved, brown lines, the convexity of the curves directed forwards. These markings would be probably invisible, except when in spirits of wine. Rab. — Found on the route across the Pamir from Sirikol to Panja and back, April 22nd to May 7th, 1874. Genna—CLUBIONA, Latr. 19. — Clubiona deletbix, sp. n., PI. II, Eig. 14, ^ . Adult male 2| lines : adult female, 3f lines. In colours and pattern this spider is very like Clubiona compta, C. L. Koch, and is still more nearly allied to C. robusta, L. Koch (an Australian species). It is, however, smaller than the lal ter, and in the palpi differs from both. The cephalothorax is of ordinary form, and its colour is brownish-yellow, tinged slightly with reddish-brown towards the fore part of the caput. The normal indentations are dusky ; the junction of the caput and the thoracic segments is marked with a short, fine, longitudinal red-brown line, and the surface is thinly clothed with greyish-sandy pubescence. The eyes are of tolerable size, though not very unequal. They occupy the whole of the width of the upper fore part of the caput, and, when seen from above and behind, are placed in the usual two curved lines, the convexities of which are in opposite directions, and enclose a somewhat oval area. The hinder row is much the longest, and the fore-central pair are rather the largest of the eight. Those of the hind-central pair are considerably further from each other than each is from the hind-lateral on its side, the interval somewhat exceeding twm diameters. Those of the fore-central pair are separated by about half a diameter, and are rather farther from each other than each is from the fore-lateral on its side ; each fore-lateral eye is separated from the hind-lateral next to it by an interval similar to that which separates 22 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. the two fore-central eyes ; and each of the hind-central eyes is separated hy a similar interval from the hind-lateral and fore-central eyes on its side ; the front row, taken with the hind- lateral eyes, form a long, regularly curved line, the eyes of which are near together, and the intervals as above explained, not very different. The clypeus is very low, scarcely equalling half the diameter of one of the fore central eyes. The legs are tolerably long, but not very strong ; their relative length is apparently 4, 2, 1, 3. Their colour is yellow ; the tibiae, tarsi, and metatarsi of the first and second pairs being slightly tinged with reddish-brown. They are furnished with hairs, bristles, and longish dark spines. Each tarsus ends with two curved, pectinated claws, beneath which is a small compact claw'* tuft. The palpi are short and similar in colour to the legs. The cubital and radial joints are of the same length, and the radial and digital joints are together greater in length than the humeral joint. The radial has, at its fore extremity on the outer side, a small, tapering, pointed, red-brown apophysis, whose direction is rather upwards. The digital joint is of tolerable size, of an elongate oval form, rounded at its base, and pointed at its fore extremity, which is densely clothed with a large patch of short, pale mouse-coloured, pubescent hairs. The palpal organs consist of a large, very prominent, oval lobe, at the fore extremity of which is a slender, coiled, filiform black spine springing from a strongish red-brown corneous process. Besides a minute filiform, slightly curved spine behind this coiled one, the large lobe has a broadish, yellow-brown, glossy, rather bent fillet running along its outer side, probably indi- cating the course of an internal duct. The falces are moderately long, strong, somewhat subangularly prominent near their base in front, furnished with some strongish prominent bristles in front, and of a dark red-brown colour. The maxillce and labium are of the normal form, and of a reddish yellow-brown colour. The sternum is oval, pointed behind, and its colour is yellow. The abdomen is of somewhat narrow-oval form, and moderately convex above. Its colour is a dull luteous yellow, marked, more or less distinctly, with dark red-brown markings on the upper side. An elongated longitudinal marking pointed at its hinder extremity, occupies the middle ot the fore half ; and on the hinder half are several more or less imperfect angular bars or chevrons of the same colour ; the vertices of these chevrons are usually obsolete, and their extremities are dilated and run together, so as to form two more or less diffused, lateral longitudinal, broken bands, or rows of spots and patches, which converge to the spinners ; the sides have, at times, also some irregular, oblique lines of red-brown mark- ings. The spinners are of moderate length, those of the superior pair being much more slender than those of the inferior. The female is rather larger than the male, but does not differ in colours and markings. The form of the genital aperture is well defined and characteristic, but its peculiarities can only be shown satisfactorily by a figure. JLab . — Murree to Sind valley, July 11th to August 5th, 1873. 20.— Clubiona laticeps, sp. n., PI. II, Eig. 15, 9 . Adult female : length 4| lines ; length of cephalothorax 2 lines, breadth 1|^. This spider is allied to Clubiona deletrix, but may be at once distinguished by the ARANEIDEA. 23 absence of any markings on the abdomen, as well as by its larger size and broader cephalo- thorax. It is also nearly allied to Clubiona cambridgii, L. Koch, found in New Zealand, but may be distinguished from that species too by the same characters. Erom C. holosericea Degeer==(7. deinognaiha, Camb., it differs by its generally robuster form, less prominent falces, and less broad cephalothorax. The foregoing remarks will give a general idea of this spider ; the following is a more detailed description. The cephalothorax is of a bluff-oval form, round behind, and truncated in front. The caput is constricted on its lateral margins, but is evenly and well rounded above. The ocular area is broad, and is a little prominent over the clypeus, which is almost obsolete. It is of a reddish yellow-brown behind, deepening into dark red-brown on the fore part of the caput, and is clothed with a short sandy pubescence : the normal indentations are of a deeper hue than the rest. The eyes are rather small, but in the usual position. Those of the hinder row are equr.l in size. Those of the hind-central pair are farther from each other than each is from the hind-lateral on its side, and each is separated by nearly about the same interval, from the fore- central eye nearest to it. Those of the fore-central pair are the largest of the eight, and are divided by a diameter’s distance; and from each of them the fore- lateral on its side is sepa- rated by rather less than a diameter. Those of each lateral pair are placed very obliquely, and are separated by an interval only a little less than that which divides the fore and hind- central pairs. The legs are strong, moderately long, and of a dull orange-yellow colour ; those of the first and second pairs being tinged with red. Their relative length appears to be 4, 2, 1, 3 ; and they are furnished with hairs, slender bristles, and strongish spines. Each tarsus ends with two curved pectinated claws, beneath which is a compact claw-tuft, followed, over the under surface of the joint as well as over some portion of that of the metatarsus, by a scopula of short compact hairs. The palpi are short and slender, furnished with hairs and strong bristles. The radial Joint is shorter than the digital, but longer than the cubital; the colour of the palpi is like that of the legs. The digital joint is suffused with reddish, rather enlarged at its anterior extremity, which is pretty thickly furnished with hairs, particularly on the upper side, . The falces are long and powerful, perpendicular, rather prominent near their base in front, where they are furnished with strong, prominent bristles ; their colour is deep red-brown. The maxillae and labium are of the usual form, and a little lighter in colour than the falces ; the inner extremities of the former and the apex of the latter being whitish yellow. The sternum is oval, clothed with hairs, and of a yellow-brown colour. The abdomen is oval, of a brownish clay-colour, thickly clothed with sandy and greyish pubescence, together with a few longer, erect, scattered, black and yellowish hairs. The spinners are moderate in length and rather strong ; those of the inferior pair are the largest and strongest. The form of the genital aperture is characteristic. Rob. — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1874. 21. — Cltjbiona laudata, sp. n., PI. II, Eig. 16, J . Adult male : length rather under 2 lines. The cephalothorax of this small species is broad-oval, truncate before, and the lateral 24 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. constriction of the caput is very slight ; it is glossy, and of a brownish-yellow colour, rather deepening towards the fore margin. The clypeus is almost obsolete. The eyes are small, not greatly differing in size ; they are in the usual position, and oceupy the whole width of the forepart of the caput ; the two rows are rather nearer together than in the two former species, hut the relative position of the various eyes is very similar. The interval between those of the hind-central pair is double that between each and the hind- lateral eye on its side. The legs are moderate in length and strength ; their colour is yellow, and they are fur- nished with hairs and a few spines, hut the latter had been mostly broken off. The palpi are short, and their colour is yellow, exeepting the digital joint, which is brown; the radial is rather shorter than the cubital joint and has a moderate-sized, red- brown, pointed, tapering, slightly curved apophysis at its extremity on the outer side. The digital joint is oval, of moderate size, and slightly exceeds in length the radial and cubital joints together ; the palpal organs consist (so far as I could ascertain) of a simple, large, ovaL convex lobe, apparently surrounded on its outer margins by a long, slender, filiform spine. The falces are strong and massive, a little projecting, roundly prominent near their base in front, and similar in colour to the cephalothorax. The maxillce and labium are of normal form and similar in colour to the cephalothorax. The sternum is oval, pointed at its hinder extremity, and its colour is yellow. The abdomen is rather small, and its form oval ; its colour is a dull yellowish, thickly mottled and streaked above, and on the sides, with rusty red. The fore half of the upper side has an elongate longitudinal marking of a deeper rusty red-hrown than the rest, hiseeted along its length by a fine, but not very clear, yellowish line. The spinners are pale yellow- ish, of moderate size and length, those of the inferior pair being a little the stoutest. The female is rather larger, hut resembles the male in colours and markings, except that the ahdom.en is less marked and streaked with rusty red ; the form of the genital aper- ture, which is quite small, is characteristie. Hab. — Hoad from Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June 17th, 1874. Genus-CHIBACANTHIUM, C. L. Koch. 22.— Chikacamthixjm adjacens, sp. n., PI. II, Pig. 17, . Adult male : length rather over 3 lines. The form of the cephalothorax is of the ordinary type ; in fact, this spider in its general form, structure, and appearanee, bears a close resemblance to Chiracanthium nutrix, C. car- nifex, and other allied speeies. It must, however, be premised that, the spider now described having been preserved in spirit of wine for a long time, its present colours are in all proba- bility very unlike those of the living spider, in which perhaps the abdomen may have been of a more or less green hue. The cephalothorax is of a dull brownish-yellow eolour elothed with sandy- grey pubes- cence ; the normal indentations are distinet, and a largish depression surrounds the thoracic junction. The eyes are rather small, in two transverse rows occupying the whole width of the fore part of the caput; the hinder row is curved, the convexity of the curve direeted backwards ; the front row is shortest and nearly straight, those of the hind-central pair are rather nearer together than each is to the hind-lateral eye on its side, the distance between these being ARANEIDEA. 25 equal to perhaps a little over two diameters. Those of the fore-central pair are also nearer to each other than each is to the fore-lateral on its side, being less than two diameters’ dis- tance from each other; those of each lateral pair are seated rather obliquely on a tubercle and are contiguous to each other ; the interval between each fore-central eye and the hind- central opposite to it is rather greater than the diameter of the former, the height of the clypeus being less. The legs are long, slender, and tapering ; they are of a rather dull straw-yellow colour, all furnished with hairs and spines, and their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3. Each tarsus ends with two claws hidden by a dense black claw-tuft, from which a thin scopula extends back- wards beneath the joint, and some little way also along the under side of the metatarsi, where it merges among the ordinary hairs with which those parts are furnished. The palpi are short and moderately strong, their colour is similar to that of the legs, except that the digital joint is dark brown ; the humeral joint is rather longer than the cubital and radial joints together, the latter being double the length of the cubital, furnished with long bristly hiars, and terminating at its fore extremity with two apophyses ; one of these on the outer side is tolerably long, of a deep red- brown colour, and corneous nature, sinuously bent, tapering, single-pointed, the point sharp, but not attenuated ; the other apophysis is on the inner side, short, obtuse, rounded at its extremity, and margined with red-brown ; the digital joint is large and hairy, the basal half roundish, the fore half some- what cylindrically attenuate, the division between the two portions being (as usual) well marked by a sudden notch-like, or angular, depression on the outer side; the normal spur, directed backwards from the hinder part of the digital joint, is of a deep black red-brown colour ; it tapers to a sharp point and is directed outwards, crosses the outer radial apophysis, its length being nearly about equal to that portion of the outer margin of the digital joint where the abrupt indentation divides it from the semi-cylindrical extremity. The palpal organs consist of a large roundish bulb, from the outer side of the fore part of which a taperiug spine coils round to the base, where it ends in a filiform point ; and along the middle is a rather long, pale, corneous process, broad, roundish, blunt, and reddish-brown at its fore extremity, which extends well beyond the bulb and has a semi-diaphanous membran. ous point in connection with it. Thefalces are straight, moderately long, strong, and not very much porrected; they are roundly prominent near their base in front, when looked at in profile, and roundly cut away for a very little space on the inner side of the fore extremity ; their colour is a deep, rich, shining red-brown. The maxilloe are of the ordinary form, inclined a little towards the labium, which is oblong and truncated at the apex, the corners being a little rounded off ; the colour of the labium is dark red-brown, the apex narrowly margined with pale whitish-yellow ; the fore half of the maxillee is of a less deep red-brown colour, the basal portion being yellow. The sternum is heart-shaped, yellow, and depressed between the points of the insertion of the legs. The abdomen is oval, broadest in the middle, and projects fairly over the base of the cephalothorax ; it is clothed thinly with hairs, and is of a dull, luteous-yellow colour, thickly spotted with small, yellowish- white, cretaceous-looking spots, leaving the normal elongate macula distinct on the forehalf of the upper side ; this macula is rather pointed at its hinder extremity. The spinners are rather small, of moderate length, and of a brownish- yellow colom’. 26 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. The female is rather smaller, hut resembles the male in general colours and form ; the spiracular plates are of a deep red-hrown colour and the genital aperture is small, of a trans- verse-oval shape margined with red-hrown, and on each side of it is a longitudinal row of several short transverse red-hrown lines, the rows converging forwards. Mah . — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1873. 23. — Chiracanthium appeoximattjm, sp. n., PL II, Pig. 18, ? . Adult females : length a little over 4 lines. In colours, form, and general structure, this spider is exceedingly like Chiracanthium acljacens, Camhr. The falces, however, project rather more forward, and the second or terminal joints of the spinners of the superior pair are longer. The cephalothorax, legs, palpi, and sternum are of a uniform straw-yellow colour ; the falces, maxillae, and lahium are dark hrown, the base of the maxillae yellowish ; and the abdomen is of a dull clay-colour, obscurely marked with whitish cretaceous-looking spots. The spiracular plates being of the same colour as the rest of the abdomen, furnish also a good specific character, those of C. adja- cens being dark reddish-brown ; the form and size of the genital aperture are also quite different, being very small, of a transverse, somewhat, oblong form, edged narrowly with red- dish-brown, and divided across the middle by a broadish pale septum. Sal) — .Murree to Sind Valley, July 14th to August 5th, 1873. Genus — AGROECA, Sund. 24. — Agroeca debilis, sp. n., PI. II, Pig. 19, ? . Adult female : length nearly 2|- lines. This spider scareely differs in form and structure from Agroeca brunnea, Bl. The cephalothorax is yellow, thinly clothed with brownish hairs. The normal converging indentations are dusky, and the junction of the caput with the thoracic segments is marked by a short, fine, longitudinal, red-brown line. The eyes are of moderate size, and placed in two tranverse, curved rows, the convexity of both being directed backwards, but the hinder row is the longest and the most strongly curved of the two ; they differ but little in size, and are all seated on black spots ; those of the hind-central pair are rather further from each other than each is from the hind-lateral on its side, the latter interval being nearly about equal to an eye’s diameter ; the eyes of the fore-central pair are contiguous to each other, and eacli is separated from the hind-central eye opposite to it, by an eye’s diameter, and from the fore-lateral on its side by a distinct, but very small, space. The height of the clypeus, in the middle, is equal to the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes. The legs are tolerably long and strong, of an immaculate yellow colour, and are furnished with hairs and spines ; the spines on those of the first and second pairs are long, strong, and consist of two (parallel) rows beneath the metatarsal and tibial joints ; each tarsus ends with two rather weak and apparently non-denticulate claws, beneath which is a small, blunt, yellow-brown, corneous-looking projection, furnished with several bristly hairs turned upwards in opposition to the tarsal claws. The relative length of the legs appears to be 4, 1, 2, 3. ARANEIDEA. 27 The palpi are moderate in length, and similar in colour and armature to the legs ; the digital is double the length of the radial joint, and terminates with a weak, curved, black claw. The falces are of moderate length and strength, straight, perpendicular, and obliquely- cut away on the inner sides towards the extremity ; their colour is yellow, and they are fur- nished with hairs and longish bristles. The maxillce are rather strong, moderately long, straight, somewhat rounded at their extremities, and similar to the falces in colour. The labium is short, rounded at the apex, and of a yellowish-brown colour. The abdomen is oval, truncated before, rounded and broadest behind ; it is thinly clothed wdth hairs of a clay-yellow colour, marked above and on the sides with blackish brown ; these markings were very much broken and fragmentary in the example described, hut they appear to define faintly the ordinary oblong, median, longitudinal marking on the fore half, and some angular bars on the hinder half of the upper side, with some oblique lines on the sides. The spinners are very short ; the second joints of those of the superior pair are barely perceptible. The genital aperture appears as a densely black, glossy patch in the centre of a largish yellow- brown, convex area, and is rather densely clothed with bristly hairs, whose points converge over the black aperture. Sab. — Kashghar, December 1873. 25.— Agroeca flavens, sp. n., PI. II, Eig. 20, ? . Adult female : length 3| lines. The whole of the fore part of this spider is of a dull, slightly brownish-yellow colour, the labium, however, being dark yellowy-brown with a yellowish apex, and the abdomen of a straw-yellow thinly clothed with yellowish- grey hairs. In form and structure this species resembles Agroeca debilis ; the normal indentations on the cepbalotliorax are well marked, and of a deeper hue than the rest, and it is clothed with hairs similar to those on the abdomen. The eyes are small, placed in two, nearly straight, transverse rows, and seated on black spots ; the front row is considerably the shortest ; those of the hind-central pair are very slightly farther from each other than each is from the hind-lateral eye on its side, and each is separated from the fore-central opposite to it by no more than, if quite so much as, the diameter of the former ; those of the foremost row are very near to each other, the interval between those of the fore-central pair being slightly greater than that which divides each from the fore-lateral on its side ; those of each lateral pair are placed very obliquely, and have an interval between them of nearly the diameter of the hinder one ; the fore-laterals are the largest of the eight ; the height of the clypeus is equal to the diameter of one of the fore- central eyes. The legs are tolerably long and strong, furnished with hairs and rather long, strongisli spines ; each tarsus ends with two curved claws, apparently without any denticulations, below them being a rather less conspicuous, corneous, yellow-brown prominence than in Agroeca debilis, hwi furnished with similar upturned bristly hairs; the relative length of the legs appears to be 4, 1, 2, 3 ; the spines on the two first pairs are in two parallel longitudinal rows beneath tlie metatarsal and tibial joints. The palpi are moderately long and strong ; the radial and digital joints are yellow- 28 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. brown ; the latter are the darkest, and are distinctly less than double the length of the former ; they are furnished with hairs, bristles, and spines, and terminate with a small black claw. The maxillce are slightly inclined to the labium, and the latter is slightly hollowed or notched at the apex. The abdomen is of a pale straw- yellow colour; on the fore half is a very faintly visible, narrow, elongated marking prolonged posteriorly into a line-like point, and of a slightly darker hue than the rest of the abdomen ; a little in front of the middle are six reddish- brown impressed spots, three in each of two curved lines, whose convexities are opposed to each other so as to form a figure like a dice-box ; the intermediate spot of each line is much nearer the anterior than the posterior one, and the interval between the two anterior spots is equal to that between the two posterior ones. The form of the abdomen is somewhat oblong-oval, truncated before and rounded behind. The genital aperture consists of two somewhat roundish, large, black, contiguous spots in a transverse line, but much obscured by numerous bristly hairs of a sandy-grey hue ; the spinners of the inferior pair are double the length of the superior one, and all are of a yellow-brown colour. E.ab. — Yarkand, May 21st to 27th, 1874. Genus — TRACHELA8, L. Koch. 26. — Trachelas costata, sp. n., PI. II, Pig. 21, ? . Adult female : length 2J to 2f lines. The cephalothorax is short-oval, rather longer than broad, truncated before, moderately, and pretty uniformly, convex above, and constricted on the lateral margins of the caput ; the normal indentations are distinct and rather darker coloured than the rest, which is of a yellow-brown colour ; the clypeus is less in height than the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes. The eyes are of moderate size, and do not differ greatly in that respect ; those of the fore-lateral pair are perhaps slightly the largest of the eight ; they are placed as in Clubiona, but the area is shorter and broader, the eyes being more closely grouped together. The hinder row is straight, the front row much shorter and curved, the convexity of the curve directed forwards. Those of the hind-central pair are rather less than double as far from each other as each is from the hind-lateral eyes on its side ; the interval between each and the hind-lateral being scarcely the diameter of the former ; the interval between those of the fore-central pair is less than half a diameter, and each is almost, but not quite, contiguous to the fore-lateral eye on its side. The eyes of each lateral pair are placed obliquely and are separated by about one- third of the diameter of the hind-lateral eyes. The interval between each of the hind- central eyes and the fore- central opposite to it, is equal to the diameter of the latter. The legs are rather short, strong, furnished with hairs and slender bristles only; their relative length appears to be 4, 1, 2, 3, though the difference in length is not great. They are of a brownish-yellow colour, lighter than the cephalothorax, and faintly annulated with dusky brown. Each tarsus ends with two curved pectinated claws, beneath which is a small, not A^ery dense, claw-tuft ; and beneath the tarsi and metatarsi are some short, stout hairs of uniform length, but scarcely amounting to a scopula. The palpi are short, similar to the legs in colour and armature ; the digital joint is about half as long again as the radial, and terminates with a very fine, curved, and almost imper- ceptible claw. ARANEIDEA. 29 The /a to are short but strong, straight, and nearly perpendicular; they are roundly prominent at their base in front ; their fore surface is granulose and bristly, and their colour like that of the cephalothorax. The are short, convex, and broad ; their extremities, where they are obliquely and rather roundly truncated, being the broadest. The labium is short, broad, and of a somewhat oblong-oval form, the apex being very slightly indented or hollowed ; the colour of the labium^ as well as of the maxillce, is like that of the falces. The sternum is heart-shaped, uniformly convex, slightly punctuose, furnished with short bristly hairs, and similar to the legs in colour. The abdomen is oval, more convex above than in spiders of the genus Clubiona in general, and projects over the base of the cephalothorax ; it is of a dull clayey-brown colour; the fore half of the upper side has a deep brown, longitudinal, central marking, enlarged in the middle, sharp pointed at its posterior extremity, and followed to the spinners by about six angular deep-brown bars, or chevrons, which decrease in length, from the first to the last, just above the anus ; the angles of these chevrons are directed forwards ; that of the first touching the pointed extremity of the central longitudinal markings on the fore half. The sides of the abdomen are more or less covered with brown striated markings ; the spinners are rather short, moderately strong, and those of the superior and inferior pairs are of about equal length. The genital aperture is of peculiar and characteristic form. Hab. — Murree, June 11th to July 14th; and near Leh, August and September, 1873. 'Ea.miXy—BICTYNIBES. Genus — DICTYNA, Sund. 27. — Eictyna albida, sp. n. Adult female : length less than 1^ lines. This spider belongs to the Dictyna variabilis (Koch) group. The cephalothorax is depressed on the sides and hinder part, and the caput it, rounded on the upper side, but not raised above the usual level ; it is of a dull yellowish colour, with a rather irregular, but distinct, marginal stripe, immediately above which, on each side, is a broad yellowish-brown, longitudinal band ; the whole is covered, but not densely, with coarse white hairs ; the height of the clypeus is less than half that of the facial space, being not much more than equal to the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes. The eyes are small and placed in two transverse curved rows near together ; the hinder row is considerably the longer ; those of the hinder row are equidistant from each other, the centrals being slightly the largest of the eight ; those of each lateral pair are placed oblique- ly, and are very near to each other, but not quite contiguous ; the interval between the fore- centrals is considerably greater than that between each and the lateral eye next to it ; the latter interval being scarcely equal to the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes, which are the smallest of the eight ; the interval between the fore- and hind-central pairs is equal to the diameter of one of the hind-central eyes. The fore-central eyes form very nearly a square, the posterior side being rather the longest. The legs are short and slender, their relative length appears to be 4, 1, 2, 3 ; they are of 80 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. a pale, dull yellow colour, furnished with hairs ; and the metatarsi of the fourth pair have calamistra on their upper sides. The palpi are rather short, slender, and similar to the legs in colour. The falces are moderate in length and strength ; they project a little forwards, and (looked at from in front) are curved, the curves directed outwards, leaving a slightly oval space between them ; their colour is dull brownish-yellow. The maxillce, labimn, and sternum are of normal form, and rather paler in colour than the falces. The abdomen is oval, not very convex above, hut projects considerably over the hinder part of the cephalotliorax ; it is of a dull brownish-yellow colour, covered with cretaceous white spots and small patches ; four small red-brown spots form nearly a square on the middle of the upper side. In front of the ordinary spinners is a short, transverse, supernu- merary mammillary organ, divided across the middle by a perceptible suture. The genital aperture is small and inconspicuous. Hab . — Between Yangihissar and Sirikol. Family—.^ GELENIDES. Genus— Latr. 28. — Argyeoneta aqtjatica. Argyroneta aquatica, Clerck, Sv. Spindl., p. 143, pi. 6, tab. 8. I can find no difference between examples contained in Dr. Stoliczka’s collection and those found in Europe. Mab. — Yarkand and neighbourhood, November 1873. Gems— TEQENABIA, Latr. 29. — Tegenaria, sp. An immature female, too much damaged to he recognisable beyond its generic affinity. Hab. — Yarkand to Bursi, May 2Sth to June 17th, 1874. Gema—C(ELOTES, Bl. 80. — CCELOTES TEGENARIOIDES, Sp. n. Immature male (almost adult) : length lines. This spider is exceedingly like a Tegenaria in its general form and appearance. The cephalotliorax is round behind, hut constricted laterally at the caput, and its margins are depressed ; it is of a yellow-brown colour, and hairy, and has the normal indend- ations well marked. The eyes are of moderate size, and not greatly different in that respect : they are placed in two transverse curved rows ; the front row is the shorter and less curved, the con- vexity of the curves being directed backwards. The eyes of the hind-central pair are a little nearer to each other than each is to the hind-lateral eye on its side, being separated by rather less than tw'o diameters ; those of the fore-central pair are distinctly larger than those of the hind-central ; they form a line slightly less, though of very nearly equal length, to that AEANEIDEA. 31 formed by the bind-centrals, but the interval between them is smaller, being scarcely equal to a diameter ; and each is separated from the fore-central eye on its side by an equal inter- val ; the eyes of each lateral pair are placed obliquely on a tubercle, and are separated by a distinct though small interval. The four central eyes form as near as possible a square, and the height of the clypeus equals half that of the facial space. The are moderate in length, tolerably strong, and of a yellow-brown colour; the femoral joints faintly annulated with a lighter hue. The palpi are short, hairy, and like the legs in colour ; the radial is rather longer and stronger than the cubital joint ; the digital is of great size and tumidity, its fore extremity rather pinched in to a point. The palpal organs are not developed. ^\iefalces are straight, strong, and massive, very prominent at their base in front, and project a little forwards ; they are of a deep reddish-brown colour, and furnished with strong bristles. The maxillcB are strong, distinctly curved over the labium, rounded at their extremity on the outer side, and obliquely truncated on the inner side ; they are of a yellowish colour, strongly tinged with yellow-brown along the inner side. The labium is of an oblong-oval form, slightly truncated at the apex, and of a yellow- brown colour ; the apex is tipped with yellowish, and, with the maxillae, is covered with bristly hairs. The sternum is oval, pinched in to a short, sharpish point behind, and broadly truncated before ; it is hairy, like the maxillae and labium, and of a yellow-brown colour, paler along the middle. The abdomen is large, hairy, considerably convex above, mostly so at the fore extremity, where it projects well over the base of the cephalothorax ; it is thickly spotted, mottled, and marked with dull yellowish- white and black-brown markings and spots, presenting a faint indication of an irregular, elongate, posteriorly pointed, median dark marking, tinged with yellow-brown along the middle of the fore half, followed towards the spinners by some indistinct, broken, angular bars or chevrons. The spinners are not very long : those of the superior pair are three- jointed, the terminal joint being no longer than the one next to it ; those of the inferior pair are shorter but stronger. Eah. — Murree, June 11th to July llth, 1874. 31. — CcELOTES SIMPLEX, Sp. n. Adult female : length slightly over 4 lines. This species is very nearly allied to Coelotes tegenarioides, but may be distinguished not only by its much smaller size, but by the absence of any trace of annulation on the femora of the legs and by the small size of the fore-central eyes, which are the smallest of the eight, and form a line distinctly shorter than that formed by those of the hind-central pair : the inter- val also between the eyes of each lateral pair is rather greater than in C. tegenarioides, and the height of the clypeus is less than half that of the facial space. On the abdomen, also, the pattern is more distinct, shewing the transverse angular bars on the hinder-half of the upper side more clearly; the spinners are rather longer, and the genital aperture is a small oval opening at the hinder part of a largish, convex, yellow-brown, somewhat roundish, corneous-looking patch. Eab , — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1874. 32 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Family — THERIDIB ES. Genus-EPISINUS, Walck. 32. — EpISINUS ALGIRICrS. Efislnus algiricus, Luc., Explor. en Alg^rie, Araclm. p. 269, pi. 17, fig. 11. This spider is exceedingly closely allied to Episinns truncatus, Walck., and I have but little doubt that the examples contained in Dr. Stoliczka’s collection are of the same species as that described by Lucas in his great work on the spiders of Algeria. Be this as it may, however, these examples are decidedly distinct from, though veiy closely allied to, European examples of Episinm truncatus found in England. Among other distinctions, may he specially noted, the generally more yellow-brown hue of the present spider, and the far less distinct, though generally similar, pattern on the cephalothorax and abdomen ; also the absence of a short, hut distinct, yellow, longitudinal line running backwards from between the hind-central pair of eyes to the occiput ; this line is distinctly visible in all the numerous British examples before me, but no trace of it exists in the present spider. The legs are pale yellowish, only faintly annulated with brown ; and some distinct white spots forming a horse-shoe (the open side in front) round the lower extremity of the abdomen close to the base of the spinners, are larger and more conspicuous, especially the foremost of them ; the corners also of the upper side of the hinder extremity of the abdomen are more conically gibbous, and an unfailing specific difference is presented in the different form of the genital aperture ; this is a small, simple, nearly round, dark-coloured opening in the present spider ; while in E. truncatus it is by no means so simple, and covers a much larger oblong area. In the latter species, the under side of the abdomen is dark, with, almost always, three longi- tudinal paralled white lines ; while in the present spider it is pale and almost uniformly covered with white cretaceous spots. M. Eugene Simon, indeed {Aran. nouv. ou peu connus du midi de I* Europe, Mem, Liege, 1875), concludes Episinus algiricus, Luc., to he identical with E. truncatus, Walck. ; but he gives no proof of this, beyond the fact that he has taken numbers of E. truncatus in Morocco Spain, and Corsica. M. Lucas, however, appears to have had no doubt of the distinctness of the spider he describes as E. algiricus. Hub.— Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1877. Germs— THERIDION, Walck. 33. — Theridion riparium. 2'heridion riparium, Blackw., Spid. Great Brit, and Irel., p. 182, pi. xii, fig. 115. An adult female of this spider, which, although in very bad condition, appeared to be indistinguishable from European examples, was found in Dr. Stoliczka’s collection. Sab. — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1873. 34.— Theridion lepidum, sp. n. Adult female : length very nearly 2 lines. The whole of the fore part of this pretty spider is brownish-yellow. The cephalothorax ARANEIDEA. 33 is of ordinary form ; it has a brownish- black marginal line, or border, and a longitudinal, median, blackish-yellow-bro’wn band extending from the eyes to the hinder margin (where it is narrower than at its commencement), and divided longitudinally by a fine paler line. The eyes are small, and in the usual four pairs, occupying the whole width of the upper side of the fore part of the caput. Those of the hind- central pair are a little nearer to each other than each is to the hind-lateral eye on its side ; those of the front row are equidistant from each other ; and those of each lateral pair are contiguous to each other, and placed obliquely on a slight tubercle. The four central eyes form a square. The clypeus is impressed immediately below the fore-central eyes, but prominent towards its lower margin, and its height exceeds half that of the facial space. The legs are tolerably long, and rather slender ; they are furnished with hairs and numerous bristles ; many of the latter, especially of those benath the metatarsi and tarsi being of a spine-like character. Their relative length is 1, 4, 2, 3, those of the first pair con- siderably the longest. The palpi are short and slender ; the cubital joint is half the length of the radial, and the digital is nearly double the length of the radial. Their armature is like that of the legs. Thefalces are rather weak, moderate in length, and straight, but a little projecting. The maxillce 3iVQ\or\^, oi normal form, and theirextremiti.es are even with the extremities of the falces. The labium is short, but of ordinary form. The sternum is heart-shaped. The abdomen is almost globular above, and projects over the base of the cephalothorax ; it is of a dull luteous colour with a broad median dentated white band along the middle of the upper side, prolonged to the spinners in a narrow white stripe; the upper part of the sides have also an irregular longitudinal white band connected with the median band by three oblique narrow white stripes or lines ; and close to the base of each of these oblique lines, i.e., where they join the lateral white bands, is a distinct black spot. There is also another black spot at the hinder termination of the lateral band, with another on each side immediately and close above the base of the spinners, and one underneath immediately in front of tho spinners. All these black spots, which are very distinct and characteristic, form two longi- tudinal lines converging to the spot under the spinners, which are also surrounded by some white spots ; the lower part of the sides, and a broad longitudinal band on the under side are more or less mottled with small white spots. The male resembles the female in colours and markings, but its abdomen is far less convex above, and the first pair of legs are much longer ; the fore-extremities also of the femora and tibige of those of the first and second pairs are of a reddish-yellow-brown. The palpi are short; the humeral joint is enlarged and tumid towards its hinder extre- mity, and the radial is much, and broadly, produced at its outer extremity, where it is fringed with a single row of strong bristles ; the digital joints are of moderate size, oval, and bristly with their convex sides turned towards each other. The palpal organs (which are thus directed outwards) are rather complex, but possess no very markedly prominent processes. Sab. — Sind Valley, August 5th to 13th, 1874. This spider is nearly allied to T. nervosum (Walck.), which it resembles in the general character of its markings, though its colours are quite different. 34 SECOND YEKAND MISSION. 35 — TnERIDION SUBITUM, sp. n. Adult female : length 2 lines. The whole of the fore part of this spider is of a dull orange-yellow colour. The cephalothorax is of ordinary form, though rather shorter in proportion to its length than in some other species of the genus ; its lateral margins are slightly suffused with whitish. 'J'he eyes are of moderate size, in the usual four pairs, and tolerably closely grouped together ; those of the hinder row are equidistant from each other, and those of the fore- central pair are a little further from each other than each is from the fore-lateral eye on its side ; the four central eyes form nearly a square whose fore side is rather shorter than the hinder one ; the height of the clypeus exceeds half that of the facial space. The legs are slender and not very long ; tliey are a good deal denuded of armature, hut are apparently furnished with hairs and bristles, many of the latter being of a slender, spine- like character. A small portion at the extremity of the tibiae of the first and fourth pairs is red-brown. The palpi are short and slender. aloes are weak, slender, straight, and slightly projecting. The labium and maxillce are of normal form, and their colour is yellow-brown. The sternum is nearly triangular. The abdomen is of large size, very convex above, and projects considerably over the base of the cephalothorax ; the hinder part also projects over the spinners, and the upper surface is broad, the fore part presenting, on either side, the appearance of a kind of prominent shoulder ; it is of a yellow-brown colour, completely covered above and on the sides with irregular, but closely-fitted, yellowish-white spots, the interstices of which have the appearance of fine yellowish-brown reticulations. Along the middle of the forepart is a dull brown narrow band with a blunt prominent point continued into a fine irregular line : there are also several dull-brown lines running backwards from its hinder extremity, which is rather enlarged ; the spinners are short, compact, of a yellow-brown colour, and surrounded by a dark-brown band. The colour of the genital aperture, and of the orifice of the breathing organs, is red-brown. Hab. — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1874. 36.— Theridion confusum, sp. n. Adult female : length If lines. This spider is very nearly allied to Theridion denticiilatum (Walck.), which it resembles in size and form, but is, I think, quite distinct. It is altogether of a browner hue, and, although the markings on the abdomen are very similar, there is an important difference in the median, longitudinal, dentated band, the hinder part of wdiich is, in the present spider, merely a narrow, undenticulate, pale stripe. Hab. — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1874. 37. — Teeridion expallidatum, sp. n. Adult female : length If lines. The cephalothorax of this spider is of ordinary form ; its colour is a pale brownish. ARANEIDEA. 35 yellow margined with brown, and with a longitudinal median hand of a rusty reddish-brown hue, as broad as the hinder row of eyes, where it begins, but thence tapers gradually to the hinder extremity of the cephalothorax. The eyes are in the ordinary position ; those of the hind- central pair are nearer together than each is to the hind-lateral eye on its side, while those of the fore-central pair are further from each other than each is from the fore-lateral on its side. The four central eyes form a square, and those of each lateral pair are seated contiguously and obliquely on a small tubercle ; the clypeus is strongly and sharply impressed immediately below the eyes, hut prominent at its lower margin, and its height exceeds half that of the facial space. The legs are rather short, slender, of a pale, dull yellowish colour, with a slight black- brown marking beneath the extremities of each joint, and are furnished with hairs and some- what spine-like bristles. The palpi are slender, short, and similar to the legs in colour and armature. aloes are not very long nor strong, but a little projecting ; they are of a dull yellow- ish colour suffused with brown. The maxillce and lahiim are of normal form, and similar in colour to the legs ; the labium, however, is suffused with brown. The sternum is triangular, and its colour is like that of the legs, with a marginal blackish line. The abdomen is large and globular, and projects considerably over the base of the cephalothorax ; it is of an almost uniform chalky- white colour, with the faintest possible traces of a longitudinal, median, denticulate band on the upper side, having some oblique lateral lines issuing from it ; this pattern is rendered just visible by being of a rather clearer white colour than the rest ; the median longitudinal line of the upper side has also a dull brownish, broken line, from which finer, oblique, lateral lines issue here and there ; the spin- ners are surrounded by a dull brownish circular band on which are several rather conspicuous white spots. The genital aperture is of a transverse oval form edged with dark brown, and placed at the hinder part of a roundish prominence. This spider is evidently nearly allied to Theridion simile, C. L. Koch. Kah . — Murree to Sind Valley, July 14th to August 5th, 1873. 38. — Theeidion tubeeculattjm. Theridion tuherculaium, Kronenberg, Eeise in Turkestan von Alexis Fedtschenko, Moscow, 1875, p. 9, pi. v., fig. 40. This little white Theridion may readily be distinguished from T. expallidatum by a small sub-conical, somewhat tubercular eminence on the hinder part of the upper side of the abdo- men. The cephalothorax has a narrow longitudinal median brown stripe of which the ante- rior portion is bifid ; and the abdomen, which is of a dull yellowish-brown colour thickly covered with cretaceous- white confluent spots, has an irregular, somewhat sub-dentate, longi- tudinal, median, duU brownish band, emitting backwards a few fine oblique lines of the same colour. The whole of the fpre part of this spider is of a dull pale yellow hue ; the legs are long, slender, and furnished with hairs, bristles, and slender bristle-like spines. Rah. — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1873. 39. — Theeidion inceetum, sp. n. Adult male : length 1^ lines. The cephalothorax is short-oval, slightly constricted laterally at the caput, which is broad 36 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. and of a somewhat truncated appearance ; in the middle longitudinal line, the caput has a broadish ridge-like character, which runs far back to a deep transverse indentation at the thora- cic junction. Its colour is a rather rich yellow-brown, except the hinder part of the caput, which is paler, and its surface is granulose and covered with bristly hairs. The eyes are of tolerable size in two nearly equal transverse rows occupying the whole width of the fore part of the upper side of the caput. The hinder row is, as nearly as possi- ble, straight, the front row curved. The eyes of the hind-central pair are considerably nearer together than each is to the hind-lateral eye on its side ; the interval between the former being equal to a diameter, and that between the latter, to nearly two diameters. The eyes of the fore-central pair are seated on tubercles, and rather prominent, forming a line rather less than that formed by the hind-centrals : the intervals between the eyes of the front row appear to be as nearly as possible equal. The eyes of each lateral pair are seated, slightly obliquely, on a strongish tubercle, and are contiguous to each other. The fore-central eyes form, as nearly as can be, a square, and the height of the clypeus (which is impressed below the eyes and prominent at its lower side) is more than half that of the facial space. The legs are moderately long, excepting those of the first pair, which are much the long est : their relative length is 1, 2, 4, 3. The first pair are strong, especially the femora, and, with those of the second pair, are of an orange-yellow colour, the fore part of the femora and tibiae being of a deeper and richer orange than the rest ; all are furnished with hairs and bristles, these of the first pair having numerous spine- like bristles, and a single longitudinal row of short, strongish, somewhat denticular spines along the under side; those of the third and fourth pairs are of a paler hue than the others. The palgn are short, similar to the legs in colour, and (except the digital joint, which is large, reddish yellow-brown, and with its fore extremity considerably produced) slender ; the cubital joint is very short ; the radial also is short, but spreads out at its outer extremity into a very large and apparently bifid production : the palpal organs are well developed and pro- minent but tolerably simple in structure ; with a slender curved filiform spine, and a small, straight, corneous process at their fore extremity; they are directed outwards, the convex sides of the digital joints being directed inwards. The falces are strong, of moderate length, and similar to the cephalothorax in colour. The maxillce are tolerably long and strong, much curved, and almost meeting over the lahkim, which is short and with a somewhat pointed apex. The colour of these parts is like that of the falces. The sternum is heart-shaped, broad, and truncate at its fore extremity ; it is of a rather orange-yellow colour, and its surface is granulose. The abdomen is short, considerably convex above, and projects well over the base of the cephalothorax ; looked at from above, it is of a somewhat heart-shape. It is of a yellow- brown colour, a good deal marked and spotted with white on the upper side ; these markings do not appear to follow any very distinct pattern, but a more or less broken marginal band, most complete on each side of the fore part, and least traceable behind, may be seen. Eour round red-brown impressed spots form almost a square a little in front of the middle, and across this part most of the white spots occur. This is in some respects rather an aberrant form of Theridion, but it is most nearly allied to T. pnlchellum, Walck. iZoi.— Murree, 11th to July llth, 1873. AUANEIDEA. 37 Germs— STEATODA, Thor. 40. — Steatoda nigeocincta, sp. n. Adult female : length 2| lines. The cephalothorax is of a short-oval form : the caput is slightly constricted on the sides and the normal indentations are well marked, that at the junction of the caput and thoracic segments being very strong, giving rather a crushed appearance to this part, and with a transverse direction. The colour is yellow-brown, darker in the direction of the indentations, and in a wedge-shaped form behind the eyes, but rather lighter towards the lateral margins. The surface is glossy and (apparently) devoid of hairs, but covered with minute red-brown granulosities. The eyes are of moderate size, and do not differ much in this respect : they are in the ordinary position ; those of the hind-central pair are rather nearer together than each is to the hind-lateral eye on its side ; those of the front row, which is the shortest, appear to be divided by as nearly as possible equal intervals ; those of each lateral pair are seated a little obliquely, and contiguously, on a slight tubercle. The four central eyes form a square. The legs are moderate in length and strength ; their relative length is 1, 4, 2, 3, but the difference between those of the first and fourth pairs is not much. They are of a rather orange yellow-brown colour, deepening in hue towards the extremities, and are furnished with hairs and bristles which spring from minute tubercular red-brown granulosities. The^a/pi are slender, and similar to the legs in colour. The falces are neither very long nor strong ; they are straight, perpendicular, similar to the cephalothorax in colour, and granulose. The maxillce and labium are of normal form, and rather lighter in colour than the falces. The sternum is somewhat heart-shaped, broadly truncated, in a rather hollowed line, at its fore-extremity, and of a pale orange-yellow colour. The abdomen is large, of a short-oval form, very convex above, and projects considerably over the base of the cephalothorax ; it is of a dull luteous-brown colour, sprinkled with white cretaceous spots, which are principally gathered into a longitudinal median-line and a some- what dentated line on each side of the upper part ; the median white line has some black spots and markings on each side of it, those on the hinder half forming a series of broken transverse angular bars. There are also black markings on each side of the lateral white borders; that below each is broad, and continued quite round in front, where it meets the other from the opposite side ; the upper side of the abdomen has also some other black spots and points scat- tered over it ; the middle of the under side has a largish square area of white cretaceous spots, bearing two strong parallel patches of deep red-brown on its fore part. The spinners are short, compact, and of a pale-yellowish colour. The male resembles the female in general characters and colours ; it is, however, smaller and paler, and the legs of the first pair are longer ; the palpi are like the legs in colour ; they are long and slender, the radial joint is double the length of the cubital, which is of a bent form, and the former is somewhat clavate, and has its extremity on the outer side broadly produced, but in close contact with the digital joint; the digital joint is of moderate size, of oval form, with its fore extremity pinched in to a point; the palpal organs are well developed and rather complex, with some whitish prominent membrane just above their fore extremity. Kab . — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1873 ; and route from Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June 17th, lb74. 88 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. 41. — Steatoda sordidata, sp. n. Adult female : length 2| lines. In form and structure this spider resembles Steatoda nigrocincta. The eyes, however, are smaller and more closely grouped, and the line formed by two fore-centrals is longer than that formed by the hind-central pair. The whole of the fore part is of a dull dark-brown colour, tinged with yellow. The abdomen is similar, but without the yellowish tinge ; a broad longitudinal median band, as well as a narrower, lateral, dentated one on each side, meeting round the fore extremity, are formed by white cretaceous spots ; and a similar line longitudi- nally bisects the under side ; four small impressed black spots form a square (whose fore side is shortest) on the fore half of the upper side. S'aS.— Hills between Sirikol and Aktalla, May 8th to 13th, 1874. Genus— DBEPANODUS, Menge. 42. — Drepanodtjs mandibularis. TJieridion mandibulare, Lucas, Explor. en Alg&ie, p. 260, pi. 17, fig. 1. Fachygnatha mandibularis, Cambr., Spid. Pal. and Syr., P. Z. S., 1872, p. 291. Steatoda mandibularis, Sim., Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1873, p. 222. Epeira diversa, Bl., Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., October 1859. Hah. — Examples of the female of this puzzling spider were found in Dr. Stoliczka*s col- lection, taken en route from Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June 17th, 1874. The difficulty of assigning to it its correct systematic place is very evident from the syno- nyms above quoted. Mons. Eugene Simon has, however, lately suggested to me that it is nearly allied to Hrepanodus ohscurus, Menge, and, entirely agreeing with this, I have placed it here in that genus. Genus— PHTCUS, Cambr. The short broad form and very laterigrade appearance of the typical example of this genus led to the conjecture that it belonged to the family Thomisides ( vide O. P. Cambridge, ‘ On some new Genera and Species of Araniedea,’ in Proc. Zool. Soc., 1870, p. 742, pi. xliv, fig. 9. Subsequent examination leads me to conclude that its proper place is in the family Theridiides (not far from the genus Euryopis (Thor.), but certainly not among the Orbite- larice, as conjectured by Dr. T. Thorell (Syn. Eur. Spid., p. 600). 43.— Phycus sagittatus, sp. n. Adult female : length 2 lines. The ceplialothorax is short, broad behind, and narrowing gradually forwards, but without much lateral constriction at the caput : this portion is large, bluff in front, considerably elevated, rising gradually but quickly from the thorax. The clypeus rather exceeds in height half that of the facial space : it is round on the lower margin, and full and rather prominent, projecting gradually from just beneath the front row of eyes. The colour of the cephalo- thorax is a deep yellowish-brown, and behind each hind-lateral eye is a strongish, curved. ARANEIDEA. 39 spine-like bristle directed forwards; other bristles evidently belong to this part, but they had been rubbed off. The eyes are of tolerable but nearly uniform size, and form a large, transverse, crescent- shaped area on the front and sides of the upper part of the caput ; the two rows have the convexity of their curve directed forwards, the front row being much the more strongly curved, and its eyes rather larger than those of the hinder row. The eyes of the hinder row (which is the longer) are very nearly, if not quite, equally separated, the interval rather exceeding two diameters of one of the central pair ; the interval between the eyes of the fore- central pair, which is of a black colour, is double that between each and the fore-lateral eye on its side, and the line formed by them is very little longer than that formed by those of the hind-central pair. The four central eyes form a rectangle, whose transverse is greater than its longitudinal diameter ; the eyes of each lateral pair are seated obliquely, but not quite con- tiguously, on a large, black, and slightly tubercular spot. The legs are short, tolerably strong and tapering ; those of the fourth pair are the long- est ; the rest differ very little in length, perhaps that of the first pair a little exceeds that of the second, the third pair being slightly the shortest. They are furnished with hairs, and a double, divergent row of longish fine spines beneath the tibise, tarsi, and metatarsi ; each tarsus ends with three curved claws, which spring from a small prolongation (apparently a distinct articulation) of the tarsus. The colour of the legs is a deep brown, but paler along the upper sides, the hinder extremities of the femora being of a pale-yellowish hue. The 'pal'pi are short but tolerably strong ; they are of a dull-yellowish hue, suffused with brown beneath and on the sides ; the digital joint ends with a curved, and apparently pectinated, claw. The f aloes are short, straight, perpendicular, moderately strong, and the fang is slender ; their length does not exceed the height of the clypeus, and their colour is yellowish-brown. The maxillce are small, short, and greatly inclined to the labium, over which their extre- mities almost meet. The labium is very short, and somewhat pointed at its apex ; its colour, with that of the maxillse, is a dull pale-yellowish, suffused, over all except their extremities, with brown. The sternum is heart-shaped, and similar to the cephalothorax in colour. The abdomen is of great size, heart-shaped, very convex above, and projects greatly over the cephalothorax, which it (when looked at from behind) almost entirely conceals. Its colour is a dull dark-brown, the upper side being densely covered with small, silvery, slightly yellowish-white metallic spots ; leaving a large, transverse, somewhat oblong, brown area at the fore extremity, and a large arrow-headed brown marking in the middle : the point of this marking is directed backwards, going off into a fine yellow-brown line nearly to the spinners ; and from the middle of its fore extremity a short brown stripe runs forward into the oblong patch of the same colour, and is crossed, close to it at right angles, by another brown line, which connects the foremost pair of four small, deep-brown, impressed spots ; the hinder pair of these spots are placed just on the fore margin of the arrow-headed marking, which has, on its lateral margin, some other deep-brown spots and blotches, with a few small, silvery spots on its fore part. The under side has two very distinct transverse lines of silvery spots ; and on either side of them are some pale, parallel, and slightly oblique streaks and lines of similarly coloured spots ; the spinners are short, those of the inferior pair being considerably the stouter and rather the longer. Sab . — Murree to Sind Valley, July 14th to August 5th, 1873, 40 SECOND YAEKA.ND MISSION. Qenns—ERIOONE, Sav. 41. — Erigone atra. Neriene atra, Blabkw., Loud, and Edinbr. Phil. Mag. 3 ser. iii, p. 195. longepalpis, Blackw., Spid. Great Brit, and Irel. p. 274, pi. xix, fig. 188. An example of the male, identical with British and other European specimens, was contained among the spiders found on the route from Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June 17th, 1874. 45. — ErIGONE BENTIPALPIS. Erigone dentipalpis, Wid-Westr., Aran. Suec. p. 199. Although only a portion of this spider was found in the collection, I feel no doubt of its specific identity with the E. dentipalpis (Westr.) of Europe. Rab . — Sind Valley, August 5th to 13th, 1873. Genus— PACHYGNATHA, Sund. 46. — Pachygnatha clerckii. Pachygnatha clerckii, Sund.-Westr., Aran. Suec. p. 144. An adult male of this species, differing in no respect from European examples, was found in the collection. Eab. — Kashghar, December 1873. Genus-LINYPHIA. 47. — LlNYPHlA CONSANGUINEA, Sp. n. Adult male : length 2^ lines. Adult female : 2f lines. This spider is, in size, colour, and markings, almost exactly like the well-known European form Linyphia peltata (Sund.) ; one description would, in fact, suit both these species. The present, however, may he distinguished by several good specific characters. In the male, the f aloes are shorter and less divergent, but stronger and much more prominent in front when looked at in profile ; in which position also the extremities are directed distinctly backwards ; they are likewise granulose, furnished with short spine-like bristles, and armed with a short, strong, pointed, deep red-brown tooth on the inner side towards the fore extremity. The palpi have the cubital joint very short, with a strong, tapering, spine-like bristle directed forwards from its fore extremity on the upper side; the radial joint is double the length of the cubital, and enlarges gradually to the fore extremity, where, on the upper side, is a spine-like bristle like that on the cubital joint ; the digital joint is not very large, and the palpal organs are complex, with corneous processes and spines, somewhat like tliose of L. peltata, but bolder ; and from their base, on the outer side, issues a slender, longish, pale- coloured, rather prominent spiny process, whose extremity is sharp-pointed and rather shortly ARANEIDEA. 41 curved ; tliis process by its size and shape distinguishes the males of the two species at a glance. The female may be distinguished by the abdomen in the present species (when looked at in profile) having a higher elevation about the middle, the general curve of that of L. 'peltata being here of a somewhat humped nature ; the form of the genital aperture also differs a little : in L. peltata it is of a simple, transverse, oval form ; in the present its form is somewhat bluntly sub-triangular. Rah. — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, and Murree to Sind Valley, July 14th to August 5th, 1873. 48. — Linyphia albipunctata, sp. n. Adult female : length rather over 2 lines. This spider is nearly allied to Linyphia leprosa, Ohl., and L. minuta, BL, to which it bears considerable resemblance both in size, form, and colours. The whole of the forepart is yellow- brown, the sternum and falces being the darkest : the upper part of the caput also, with the normal indentations, is rather darker than the rest of the cephalothorax ; the legs are distinctly annulated with dark brown, and furnished with hairs, bristles, and spines ; the palpi have a similar armature, but are not so distinctly annulated. The eyes are in the ordinary position and seated on tubercular black spots, but the ocular area is more prominent than usual, and has the appearance of a longisf , oblong, tubercular platform ; those of the posterior row appear to be equally divided from each other, the inter- val being less than a diameter ; the fore-centrals are the smallest of the eight, and are sepa- rated by about half a diameter, each being divided from the fore-lateral eye on its side by rather less than the diameter of the latter ; those of each lateral pair are placed rather obliquely, but not quite contiguously. The height of the clypeus, which is very projecting, equals half that of the facial space ; the four central eyes form a rectangle whose longitudinal is greater than its widest' transverse diameter, and its posterior side longer than its anterior one. Tiie falces are moderately long and strong, very slightly divergent, nearly perpendicular ; their profile is curved, and each has three tolerably strong, sharp teeth at the extremity on the inner side. The sternum has its surface slightly tuberculose. The abdomen is very convex above, and projects well over the base of the cephalothorax ; it is of a rather dark yellow-brown colour, marked with deeper brown, and thickly and minutely specked with white on the upper part and sides ; the only traceable pattern is a longitu- dinal dark-brown line along the middle of the fore part of the upper side, followed to the spinners by a series of transverse angular lines, formed by the more regular disposition of some of the white spots ; probably a series- of specimens would show transverse angular brown lines, with perhaps an enlargement like a spot or blotch at each of their extremities ; on the sides also there is a trace of a similar white horizontal curved line meeting the one on the opposite side a little above the spinners ; and above it is a horizontal brown patch. These markings are all very similar to those of Linyphia leprosa, though less distinct. The gen- ital aperture in the two species, and the process connected with it, are, however, totally dis- similar ; in the present spider, instead of being exceedingly prominent, and rather complex, it is only slightly prominent and very simple in its structure. Rob — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1873. 42 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. 49. — Linyphia straminea, sp. n. Adult female : length a little over 1 line. The whole of the fore part of this small spider is of a pale straw-yellow colour, and in its form and general structure it is very like Linyphia ericcea, Bl. The eyes are on strong, black, tubercular spots, and rather closely grouped together in two slightly curved rows, of which the hinder one is a very little longer than the front ; the two hind-central eyes are slightly further from each other than each is from the hind-lateral eye on its side ; and the fore-central eyes are the smallest of the eight, near together but not contiguous to each other ; those of each lateral pair are placed slightly obliquely, and touch- ing each other ; the four centrals form a square "whose fore side is considerably shorter than the hinder one. The legs are very slender and rather long, furnished with hairs and a few fine spines. The palpi are short, slender, and similar in colour and armature to the legs. ^\LQfalces are tolerably long, not very strong, straight and perpendicular. The maaiillce, labium, and sternum are normal. The abdomen is very convex above, and projects considerably over the base of the cephalo- thorax : it is of a dull straw-colour, speckled thinly with small, white, cretaceous-looking spots. The form of the genital aperture is very simple indeed, and has a very slight, and scarcely at all prominent, process connected with it. Sab. — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1873. 50. — Linyphia perampla, sp. n. Female, scarcely adult : length rather over 3 lines. This fine species is very nearly allied to Linyphia collina, L. Koch, found in the French Jura mountains; hut it may he, I think, distinguished by a total absence of the small white spots dispersed over the abdomen of that species, as well as by a stronger and holder pattern. The cephalothorax is of ordinary form ; and the normal indentations are strongly marked ; it is of a light brownish-yellow colour, the caput dark yellow-brown, and the thoracic portion has a hroadish brown marginal border. The eyes are rather small, hut in the usual position ; those of the hind-central pair are rather nearer to each other than each is to the hind-lateral on its side ; the four central eyes form very nearly a square whose anterior is shorter than its posterior side ; the eyes of each lateral pair are placed obliquely, and contiguously, on a slight tubercle. The height of the clypeus is equal to half that of the facial space. The legs are rather long, slender, and their relative length is 1, 2, 4, 3 ; they are of a yellow-brown colour, the tibiae and femora annulated with dark brown, the former indis- tinctly, the latter distinctly ; they are furnished with hairs, bristles, and a few not very long, slender spines. The palpi are short, slender, of a pale brownish-yellow colour, furnished with an arma- ture similar to that of the legs. The falces are moderately long and strong, straight, perpendicular : the basal portion in front, dark brown ; the rest, yeilow^-hrown, with a reddish tinge near the fang ; and there are three teeth on the inner side near the fore extremity. ARANEIDEA. 43 The maxillcR and labium are of normal form, and of a brownish-yellow colour, the latter being the darker. The sternum is heart-shaped, broadly truncated at its fore extremity ; its colour is yellow- brown, suffused with deeper brown, furnished with long bristly hairs, and with a kind of oval gibbosity at its hinder extremity. The abdomen is large and very convex above, projecting considerably over the cephalo- thorax, and clothed with short grey hairs ; it is of a pale, dull brownish-yellow hue, marked along the middle of the upper side with a series of strong, well-defined, blackish-brown angu- lar bars of a W form, the extremities of these lines uniting with oblique lateral lines of black- brown spots and markings. Hab , — Sind Valley, August 6th to 13th, 1873. 61. — Linyphia pusilla. Linyphia pusilla, Sund., Sv. Spindl. Beskr. Vet.-Akad. Handl, f. 1829, p. 2l4. Hab . — Two females of this spider contained in the portion of the collection made at Yarkand, May 21st to 27th, 1874, and on the route thence to Bursi, May 28th to June 17th, 1874, differ in no respect from European examples of the same species. Y&mWy—F.PEIRIDES. Genus — META, C. L. Koch. 62. — Meta mixta, sp. n. Adult female : length 3| lines. This pretty spider is nearly allied to Meta (Tetragnafha) decorata, Bl., but it is smaller and the abdomen, although its hinder extremity projects a little over the spinners, is not drawn out behind into anything of a caudal form ; the fore extremity also is smooth and rounded at the shoulders, instead of being somewhat humped or gibbous on those parts ; the genital aperture also differs in its form. The cepJialothorax, legs^ and palpi are pale yellow ; the falces, maxillce, and labium rather suffused with brown, or reddish-brown ; and the sternum dark reddish-brown ; the extremities of the tibiae of the legs are dull reddish-brown. The abdomen is of a cylindric oval form, rather narrower behind than before ; the upper part, and a portion of the sides, are metallic and silvery in colour, and marked, longitudinally, with five dull brownish lines or stripes. A median stripe, and another on each side of it, not reaching so far forwards as the median one, meet at the hinder extremity ; these three longitudinal stripes are connected on either side by three oblique lines of the same colour, issuing from the central stripe and running obliquely backwards into the lateral one ; two of them are rather near together, not far behind the middle of the abdomen ; the third is much nearer the fore part ; and, quite at the fore extremity, is a transverse, dull-brown, slightly curved line ; the remainder of the sides and the under side are dull yellowish-brown ; and on each . side of the under part is a longitudinal, slightly bent, silvery stripe from the spiracular openings to the spinners* followed by a spot of the same kind close to the outer side of the inferior pair of spinners ; 44 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. these two sub-abdominal stripes are, in 31eta clecorata, BL, replaced by the whole of that part being silvery, whereas the intermediate space between the silvery stripes, in the present spider, has only a few silvery specks on its fore half. The space between the spinners and the upper side has also some silvery spots upon it. This spider is also nearly allied to Meta quinquelineata, Keys (from Bogota, S. Amer.), but is, I think, certainly of a distinct species. It is also distinct from another nearly allied (and undescribed) species received from Bombay from Major Julian Hobson. Mat). — Mui’ree, June 11th to July 14th, 1877. Genus — TETBAQNATHA, Walck. 63. — Tetragnatha Extensa. Tetragnatha extensa, Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. 10, i, p. 621. Several specimens, which I believe to be of this species, were contained in the collection. JELah. — Kashgbar, December 1873; Sind Valley, August 5th to 13th, 1873 ; Yarkand, May 21st to 27th, 1874; and route from Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June I7th, 1874. Genus — EPEIBA, Walck. 64. — Epeira tartarica. Epeira tartarica, Kronenberg, Reise in Turkestan v. Alexis Fedtschenko, Moscow, 1875, p. 2, pi. 1, fig. 1. Adult and immature females were contained in the collection. Mat ). — Neighbourhood of Leh, August and September 1873. 55. — Epeira bigibbosa, sp. n. Immature female : rather over 1 line in length. Although it is very young, I think this spider is of a different species from several with a protuberance or gibbosity on each side of the fore extremity of the abdomen already de- scribed by different authors. The whole of the fore part is of a dull yellowish hue, except the sternum, which is yellow-brown ; the ceplialotliorax is suffused with yellow-brown in the indentations by which the union of the caput and thorax is indicated, and has a somewhat triangular patch of a cream-white colour at the occiput. The legs are rather short and moderately strong ; their relative length is 1, 2, 4, 3, and they are furnished with hairs and bristles only. The eyes are on slight dark tubercles ; those of the hind-central pair are the largest of the eio'ht, and considerably larger than the rest, and are divided from each other by a diameter’s interval ; the space which divides each from the hind-lateral on its side being double, if not more, of that diameter : those of the fore-central pair are less than half the size of the hind-centrals ; they are separated from each other by two diameters’ interval, but yet form a line shorter than that formed by the hind-centrals. The four central eyes form a square whose oremost side is rather shorter than the rest; those of each lateral pair are placed very ARANEIDEA. 45 ebliquely and contiguously. When looked at from in front, the eye area is in the form of a triangle whose apex (at the hind-central pair) is truncated, and whose base is formed by the lateral and fore-central pairs, which, from this point of view, are in a perfectly straight line. The height of the clypeus is about one-third that of the facial space. The abdomen is white ; its fore part, which is broad and has a strongish, pointed, conical gibbosity on the upper side at each fore corner, projects considerably over the base of the cephalothorax ; these gibbosities are tipped wdth dark browm. The greater part of the hinder half is occupied by a very broad dentated brown band wdiich narrow^s to the spinners, and is itself mottled with white ; the under side is dull brownish, with a curved white stripe on each side of the hinder part. No doubt some variation in colours, and perhaps in markings, will be found in the adult form; but the above details will, I think, be found sufficient for the determination of the species, whether in the adult or immature state. Hab. — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1873. 66. — EpEIRA PELLAX , sp. n. Adult female : length 3| lines, This spider is allied to Epeira bigibbosa, but may easily be distinguised by a difference in the relative size and position of the eyes, as well as by its spinous and annulated legs. The cephalothorax is dull yellow-brownish on the sides, and the caput has also one or two, indistinctly defined, yellow-brown markings, and its surface is clothed with a coarse greyish-sandy pubescence. The eyes are rather small, of a dull, amber yellowfish-brown colour, and do not differ greatly in size ; those of the hind-central pair are the largest, and, with the fore- centrals, which appear to be next in size (though not very much smaller), form very nearly a square ; the fore-side of the square being, if anything, slightly longer than the hinder one : the interval between the hind-centrals is equal to a diameter, but that between each of them and the hind-lateral eye on its side is equal to at least four diameters of the hind-central eye. The legs are rather short and tolerably strong ; their relative length appears to be 1, 4, 2, 3, though the difference between those of the first, second, and fourth pairs is slight; their colour is yellow, clouded, and irregularly annulated, with dark yellow-browm ; they are also furnished with hairs, bristles, and short spines. The f aloes are short and moderately strong, a little prominent near their base in front ; they are similar in colour to the cephalothorax, suffused a little with brownish on their outer sides. The maxillce and labium are normal in form, and of a palc-yellowdsh colour, suffused with brownish towards their bases. The sternum is heart-shaped ; the anterior side truncated in a hollow line. The abdomen is short, and broad in front, with a short, roundish, conical protuberance on each side of the forepart ; from a little way behind each of these protuberances, a sinuous, or sub-dentate, dark- brown line, edged with whitish on its outer side, runs backwards towards the spinners ; these lines do not reach the spinners, nor do they meet each other, since they run nearly parallel during the latter part of their length ; the space included by these lines is mottled with white, and contains some dull-brownish, curvi-angular, transverse lines, bisected through their angles (which are directed forwards) by a longitudinal median line of the same 46 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. hue; the sides are alternately slashed, or broadly and obliquely striped, \rith white and yeUowish-hrown. The under side is white, with a large, central, somewhat triangular, duU- brownish area in the middle. The base of this triangle is towards the forepart, where it is joined by a pedicular patch of the same colour, to the hinder margin of the genital opening. This aperture has connected with it a long, strong, very prominent epigyne, divided into two parts, a basal part whitish, tumid, and membranous in appearance, and a terminal portion blackish-brown, corneous, curved, tapering, directed strongly forwards, and clothed with hairs on its fore, or convex, side ; its hinder, or concave, side has a narrow, longitudinal slit or duct. The spinners are normal, and surrounded, on the sides and behind, with a horseshoe- shaped line of six white spots with dull-brownish intervals. Sab. — Murree to Sind Valley, July 14th to August 5th, 1873. 57. — Epeira gtjeda, sp. n. A number of immature specimens, both male and female, of an EpBra which I believe to be of an undescribed species, were contained in the collection, though, from their im- maturity and the apparently faded state of their colouring, I do not venture to describe them in detail. They are very nearly allied to Epeira cornuta, Clerck, the pattern on the abdomen being very similar to that spider. The colours, however, are much duller, and the markings far less distinct, and the legs are of a uniform dull-yellowish hue. One character alone will serve to distinguish it at once from E. cornuta ; the eyes of the hind-central pair form a line which is very nearly — indeed, as long — as that formed by those of the fore-central pair ; but which in E. cornuta is distinctly (and indeed considerably) shorter. Sab. — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1873. 58. — Epeira hartjspex, sp. n. Adult female : length If lines. In its general form this spider is much like Epeira pellax ; it is, however, much smaller, and differs in many material particulars ; it is also allied nearly to E. agalena, Walck. The whole of the fore part, excepting the sternum, which is darker, and the normal indentations of the cephalothorax, which are dusky brown, is of a dull yellowish-brown colour. The eyes are small ; the four centrals form a square, but those of the hind-central pair are considerably larger than the front-centrals and are separated from each other by a dia- meter’s distance, each being also divided from the hind-lateral on its side by more than double that which separates them from each other. The legs are neither very long nor strong ; their relative length is 1, 2, 4, 3, and the tibise are faintly annulated with reddish yellow-brown ; their armature had been all rubbed off, but apparently it had consisted only of hairs and bristles. The falces are moderately long, tolerably strong, and roundly prominent near their base in front. The maxillce and labium are of normal form, pale yellowish towards their extremities, but dark brown on the basal part. AEANEIDEA. 47 The abdomen is broad in front, where it is slightly prominent (though scarcely gibbose) at the fore-corners, and the middle of the fore-margin is also blunt-angularly prominent ; the upper side has almost its whole area enclosed by two longitudinal brown lines (edged out- wardly with white), which run from the fore-corners obliquely backwards, and converge to- wards each other to the spinners ; the first half of these lines is sub-angular. Along the length of the area thus enclosed, a large, but not very clearly defined, somewhat cruciform or dagger-shaped, whitish marking runs with its sharp point backwards, and is bisected longi- tudinally by a dull, pale-brownish line, from which several oblique lines branch off on each side. The rest of the area is dull brown, deepening to reddish brown at the hinder extremity ; the sides are dull brown, mottled thickly with small v/hite spots ; the under side is also brown margined with a distinct line of white spots, which does not, however, enclose the fore extremity, as each end of the line terminates close behind the spiracular opening ; a little way from the spinners, on each side, there are two white spots in a longitudinal line. The pro- cess connected with the genital aperture is prominent, and of characteristic form : it consists of two portions — the basal, which is short, broad, dark blackish-brown, and corneous ; and a rather long, twisted pale epigyne, directed backwards : only a figure, however, can give any correct idea of the form and structure of this process. Hab. — Yarkand, May 21st to 27th, 1874. 59. — Epeira p^nulata, sp. n. Adult female : length 2J lines. This spider is allied to Epeira cornuta, Clerck, but is much smaller, and (in the only example examined at least) wants the characteristic pattern on the abdomen. The whole nearly of the fore part is of a dull-yellow colour ; the normal indentations of the cephalothorax are suffused with dusky-brown, and from each of the hind -lateral eyes a brownish-black line runs backwards towards the occiput ; and there are two strong, spine- like, curved bristles directed forwards from behind each lateral pair of eyes. The eyes are small ; those of the hind-central pair are the largest, and are separated from each other by no more than half a diameter’s interval, if so much ; and the line formed by them is distinctly shorter than that formed by the fore-central pair, and constitutes the hinder and shortest side of the square formed by the fore- and hind-central eyes ; the eyes of each lateral pair are widely removed, by an interval of at least double the length of the line formed by the hind-central eyes. The clypeus is less in height than half that of the facial space. The legs are rather short, . but tolerably strong ; their relative length is 1, 2, 4, 3, and they are furnished with hairs, bristles, and short, not very strong spines, each of which springs from a small blackish tubercle. The palpi are moderately long and strong, and are furnished, chiefly towards their inner sides, with numerous bristles, and long, slender, curved spines. Thefalces are moderately long, strong, perpendicular, and rounded in profile. The maxillce and labium are of normal form, and, except their extremities, which are pale, are of a yellow-brown colour. The abdomen is of a broad-oval form, not excessively convex above, its upper surface being parallel to its under side, and its hinder part, as well as each side of its fore extremity. 48 SECOND YAHKAND MISSION. rounded, but the latter are not prominent, as in several of the species described above ; the middle, however, of the fore extremity projects forwards in a strong, blunt-conical form. The whole of the upper part, including the upper half of the sides, is of a cream-yellow colour marked with two converging rows of linear black spots ; these rows are almost the whole width of the abdomen apart where they begin, which is just about half way from the hinder extremity to the middle of the fore •extremity, and they represent the angular or den tated lines so common on the abdomen of the genus Epeira. Eour parallel, longitudinal, dull- brownish, venose lines (the outer ones of which curve round and almost meet at their fore extremity, and the middle pair are shorter than the outer ones) are included within the two converging rows of spots above mentioned, and are also connected by another curved line wdiich crosses at the ends of the two middle lines. The remainder of the sides, together with the whole of the under part, is of a dull-brownish hue, indistinctly mottled with dull whitish-yellow spots ; and four large blotches of white spots form a square between the spiracular plates and the spinners. The sides are also marked with some oblique, venose, yellow-brown lines. The process, or epigyne, connected with the genital opening is prominent, tapering, not very long, obtuse at its extremity, which is curved, directed backwards, and transversely rugulose throughout. Hah. — Murree, June 11th to July 11th, 1873. GO. — EpEIRA PRiEDATA, sp. n. Adult male : length lines. The ceplialothorax is broad and round-oval behind, rather produced and narrow before; the forepart of the ocular area projecting over the clypeus. The hinder part of the cephalo- thorax is considerably higher tlian the forepart, and is well rounded and convex ; it is of a brownish-yellow colour, with converging paler stripes, following the direction of the normal indentations. On the sides of the caput, near the eyes, are several strong, curved, spine- like bristles, directed forwards. The eyes are of tolerable size, on the fore part and sides of the extremity of the caput ; those of the fore-central pair are the largest of the eight, and are seated on a somewhat tubercular prominence ; the interval between them is equal to, if not a little more than, a diameter, and the line formed by them considerably longer than that formed by those of the hind-central pair. These latter are on black spots, and near together, the inter- val being no more than half a diameter ; the figure thus formed by the four central eyes is a rectangle, with its posterior side shortest, and its longest transverse diameter less than its longitudinal one ; the interval between each hind-central eye and the hind-lateral next to it is equal to rather over two diameters of the former. The legs are moderately long and tolerably strong ; their relative length is 1, 2, 4, 3. They are furnished with hairs, bristles, and spines ; three of the longest, strongest, and darkest of the last forming a transverse row near the slightly incrassated middle part of the inner side of the tibiae of the first pair. The are short, and similar in colour to the legs. The cubital joint is short, and (in profilej of a sub-angular form, with two long, strong, yellow-brown, tapering, curved, spine-line bristles, directed forwards from its fore extremity on the upper side ; the radial joint is very short, but is produced considerably in an obtuse form on the outer side, the end of the produced portion being furnished thickly with strong bristles ; the digital joint is of AEANEIDEA. 49 a brown colour, large and of a long oval form, hairy, and bristly ; the palpal organs are very large and cemplex, consisting of various yellowish-brown and dark red-brown corneous pro- cesses. The f aloes are neither very long nor strong ; they are perpendicular, but removed far back under the projecting fore part of the caput ; their colour (as well as that of the maxillce, labium, and sternum, whose forms are normal) is like that of the legs. The abdomen is of a short, oblong-oval form, equal in size at each end, and tolerably convex above. It is of a pale dull brownish-yellow colour ; the upper side is more or less thickly mottled with white, leaving a broad median dull stripe on the fore half ; the hinder extremity of this stripe has four (two on each side) obliquely diverging lines issuing from it, and is itself continued by a fine line (all of the same dull hue) to the spinners. Eour small brown spots form a rectangle near the middle, and close behind the foremost pair of these spots is a large, roundish patch, free of all white mottling ; a little behind the middle of the sides are four or five distinct, parallel, transverse, black- brown, fine lines ; the hindermost line is the strongest, and has a large spot of the same colour near its inner extremity, thus altogether forming a transverse, interrupted line, appearing to cut off the extremity of the abdomen. On the under side is a large, somewhat quadrate area of white ; and immediately behind it, is a semi-circle of five distinct white spots not far in front of the spinners. This spider apparently belongs to the Epeira cucurbitina group. Kab. — Murree to Sind Valley, July 14th to August 5th, 1873. 61. — Epeiea ctjctjebitina. Epeira cucurhitina, Clerck, Sv. Spindl. p. 44, pi. 2, tab. 4. An immature example of this very pretty, but common and widely-dispersed spider was found in Er. Stoliczka’s collection. ^«6.~Sind Valley, 5th to 13th August 1873. 62. — Epeiea coenuta. Epeira cornuta, Clerck, Sv. spindl. Hab. — Immature examples, which are, I believe, Epeira cornuta, Clk., and are certainly not distinguishable from immature European specimens of that species, were found in those portions of the collection made at Yarkand and neighbourhood in November 1873, and en route from Yarkand to Bursi between May 28th and June 17th, 1874. 63. — Epeiea pannieeeens, sp. n. Adult female : length 3 lines. The cephalothorax is rather strongly constricted laterally at the caput, which is tolerably produced ; the normal indentations are strong, especially that at the thoracic junction, and the oblique ones which mark the union of the caput and thorax. Its colour is pale yellow, with the whole of the upper part of the caput and a broad lateral band, which runs very near the margin the whole way round the cephalothorax, of an orange yellow-brown ; the G 50 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. band on the caput is of a rather elongated diamond shape, and is produced behind to the thoracic junction. The eijes are in the usual four pairs, occupying the whole width of the fore part of the caput; the four central ones are as nearly as possible of equal size, and form a square whose posterior side is shorter than the rest ; those of the hind-central pair are on largish, dark, reddish-brown spots, and are separated from each other by an eye’s diameter ; those of the fore-central pair are seated on a slight prominence, and are directed away from each other ; the interval between them being nearly two diameters. Those of each lateral pair are seated obliquely and contiguously on a dark tubercle. The legs of the third and fourth pairs (one only of each being all that remained in the example examined) are short, strong, of a pale-yellow colour, annulated with dark yellow- brown, and furnished with hairs, bristles, and a few spines. The palpi are short, and similar to the legs in colour and armature. The falces are moderate in length and strength, roundly prominent at their base in front, perpendicular, and of a pale-yellow colour. The maxill(B are of normal form ; their colour is brown, with a pale-yellowish border all round their extremity. The lahium is of a darker brown than the maxillae, with a pale-yellowish apex. The sternum is yellowish, suffused with dark brown ; its form is heart-shaped, with the fore extremity broadly truncated and hollow. The abdomen is large, oval, broadest in front, the middle of the fore margin of which is a little sub-angularly prominent ; it projects considerably over the base of the cephalothorax, and is of a yellowish-brown colour mottled obscurely with whitish ; the fore extremity of the upper side has a sub-angular, marginal, white stripe. Beginning at some little distance behind this is a large deep brown patch-like area, broad in front, and narrowing gradually, to about half its front width, near the spinners. This patch is bordered by a fine, deeper-brown sinuous line, outside of which is a distinct white border. On the sides, the white mottlings are gathered into broadish, though rather indistinct, oblique stripes ; the under side is deep brown, bordered on each side with three large white spots, the middle one of which is the largest. The epigyne is rather short, of a pale-yellowish hue, tapering, blunt- pointed, and directed backwards. Mob . — Murree to Sind Valley, July 14th to August 5th, 1873. 64. — Epeira carnifex, sp. n. Adult female : length 3| lines. The cephalothorax is tolerably strongly constricted on the lateral margins at the caput, which is also rather produced forwards ; its colour is dull yellow, rather thickly clothed with a coarse greyish pubescence ; and the whole of the upper side of the caput is of a deep brown, the same colour being prolonged backwards to the thoracic junction. The height of the clypeus is rather less than the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes. The eyes are in the usual four pairs, occupying the whole width of the fore-part of the caput ; the four central eyes form apparently, as nearly as can be, a square ; the hind-central pair are seated on strong black spots, on a small tubercular prominence, and they are the largest of the eight, considerably larger than those of the fore-central pair, and separated by rather more than a diameter’s interval. ARANEIDEA. 51 The legs are moderately long, but not very strong, and their relative length is 1, 2, 4, 3. Their colour is dull brownish-yellow, annulated with darker reddish yellow-brown, and they are furnished with hairs, bristles, and strongish, but short, spines. The palpi are similar to the legs in colour, moderately long and slender. 'Vhefalces are moderately strong, tolerably long, arched in profile, perpendicular, of a deep-brown colour, but pale- yellowish at the base, and furnished with bristles in front. The maxillce are of normal form, and of a deep-brown colour, pale-yellowish on the margin, at their extremity. The labium also is similar in colour, with a pale margin at the apex. The sternum is heart-shaped and of a deep-brown colour. The abdomen is very large, and in its general form and appearance reminds one of that of Cyrtophora opuntice, Duf. Its shoulders have each a short, somewhat conical prominence also. It projects considerably over the base of the cephalothorax ; and when looked at in profile, the hinder extremity, which projects a little over the spinners, is nearly as high as the fore-extremity. The sides are steep and sloping inwards, and the upper side rather flat. The upper side is of a dull cream-white colour marked, clouded, and mottled with brown ; the lateral margins of the white area are very strongly dentated, and along the middle of it are two very distinctly defined black dentated lines, which beginning near its fore extremity, converge towards each other (but do not meet) at the hinder extremity, where they are sometimes joined by a transverse blackish line. Along the middle of the fore part of the space included by these black dentated lines, which space is frequently darker or more suffused with brown than the area outside it, is a somewhat oblong deep brown, marking with two angular points on each side of it and a row of white spots along its middle. The fore extremity of the upper side has two prominent portions of the white area near the middle ; these are generally curved, and enclose a more or less well-defined brown patch bearing a white spot in the centre, and in front of this, outside the brown patch, is another larger white spot; the under side is of deep sooty-brown colour, of a quadrangular form, margined by a distinct, broad, vellowish- white border, before and on its sides, each of the posterior ends of the border being continued on either side of the spinners by two well-defined white blotches, the anterior one of which is much larger than the other ; from the middle of the hinder extremity, on the upper side, to the spinners there is generally a longitudinal central yellowish-white stripe ; the sides are brown, thickly mottled with dull whitish-yellow. The genital aperture is simple in form, and somewhat of a transverse, kidney shape, placed rather behind a slightly prominent process from in front of which issues a moderately long, slender, epigyne, which curves back- wards and has its extremity slightly sinuous. There is considerable variety in the markings of the upper side of the abdomen in this spider according as the brown mottlings are more or less diffused, or else well defined. Hab. — Murree, June 11th to July 24th, 1873. 65. — EpEIRA ? GIBBERA, sp. n. Adult female : length 2| lines. Probably this spider will be found some day, on comparison with some other closely allied exotic species, to be of a different genus from “ Bpeira ” (sensu stricto), in which event, I think, a new genus must be formed for its reception. At present I describe it as an aberrant and doubtful form of EpHra. 52 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. The cephalotJiorax is very short and broad, and rises gradually from the hinder extremity to the fore part of the caput ; though the real convexity of the whole does not vary much in one part or another, since the basal line rises forwards with the general rise of the caput; and the middle of the fore part of the caput has a rather prominently pointed appearance, without the lateral prominences (on which the lateral pairs of eyes are placed) usual in Epeira ; in fact, there is an approach in the form of this part to some species of FoUys. The colour of the cephalothorax is yellow-brown, and it is clothed with a greyish pubescence. The eyes are placed as in Epeira generally. Those of the hind-central pair are consider- ably larger than the fore-centrals ; the interval between them is nearly about one and half diameters ; they form a longer line than the fore-central pair, and together with them they form a rectangle whose greatest transverse diameter is longer than its longitudinal one. Between the eyes of the fore-central pair are two longish, divergent, pale-grey, bent bristles directed forwards and downwards. The eyes of each lateral pair are on slight tubercles, placed obliquely, and contiguous to each other ; they are very widely removed from the four central ones, and, owing to the oblique, sloping character of the sides of the caput, are placed some way back, not far (when looked at sideways) above the middle of the base of the falces. The legs are short, moderately strong, their relative length being 1, 2, 4, 3 ; they are of a yellow-brown colour, with faint traces of darker annulation ; and are furnished with hairs and slender bristles, but no spines. The palpi are short, slender, and nearly similar in colour to the legs, the digital joints terminating with a curved, toothed claw. ThQ falces are moderately long, strong, and similar in colour to the cephalothorax. The maxillce and lahium are like those of Epeira : they are of a dark yellow-brown , colour ; the extremities of the former and the apex of the latter, pale dull whitish. The sternum is short, heart-shaped, the fore extremity very broad and truncated ; its colour is deep yellowish-brown, and it is clothed with a prominent grey pubescence. The abdomen is very large, and almost conceals the cephalothorax ; it is of a sub-conical form, the upper side towards the hinder extremity being produced gradually backwards and upwards into a considerable hump, whose termination is a large round deep-brown boss. The distance from this boss to the spinners is rather less than to the fore extremity on the upper side. Its colour is a dull-brown, mottled thickly above and on the sides with dull yellowish- white, leaving a largish, irregularly-defined brown patch near the middle of either side of the upper part. The middle of the upper part has four distinct, impressed, deep black-brown spots in a quadrangular figure, whose posterior side is much longer than its anterior, and its shortest transverse diameter longer than its longitudinal one. A little way from, and on each side of, the inferior spinners is a white spot, in front of which is another, or rather a some- what roundish, white patch. The genital aperture is of a simple transverse oval form, covered by the epigyne, which is very prominent, directed backwards, curved, flattish, and rather tapering to a broad, rounded point. Bab. — Murree to Sind Valley, July 14th to August 5th, 1873. Genus— GHOBIZOOPES, Cambr. 66. — Choeizoopes stoliczk^, sp. n. Adult female : length rather over lines. The cephalothorax is short, broadish, and massive in front ; the caput elevated, especially AEANEIDEA. 53 the occipital portion of it. The colour is a dark reddish yello-w-hrown, and there are some coarse greyish hairs on the surface, which is also finely punctuose. The eyes are small, and placed in three widely separated groups ; the central group of four eyes (forming a quadrangular figure whose anterior side is the shorter, and its posterior side the longer) is placed near the lower part of the foreside of the caput, the height of the clypeus rather exceeding the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes, which are a little the largest of the eight. These of each lateral pair are placed obliquely, close above the insertion of the f alces, and separated from each other by an interval of at least the diameter of the fore- lateral eyes, which are larger than the hind-lateral. The legs are short and slender ; there is very little difference in the length of those of the first, second, and fourth pairs, the third pair being the shortest. They are of a dull yellow colour tinged with orange, annulated with reddish yellow-brown, and furnished with hairs and slender bristles only. The palpi are short, slender, and similar to the legs in colour and armature. The f alces are rather long, strong, prominent at their base in front, and slightly diver- gent, obliquely truncated at their fore extremity on the inner side, the oblique portion being armed with a single row of short strong teeth and long bristly hairs. Their colour is rather paler than that of the cephalothorax, with a darker suffusion across the middle. The maxillcB are strong and considerably inclined towards the labium, which is small and of a curvilinear triangular form. The colour of the maxillce is yellow-brown; that of the labium paler. The sternum is of a similar form to that of the labium, only of course much larger, and with its apex pointed in the opposite direction ; it is of a dull orange yellow-brown colour, with some red-brown marginal indentations between the points of insertion of the legs. The abdomen is large, of an oval form, more pointed before than behind, where it is very bluff and rounded. The general convexity is great, though the upper surface is rather flat, and it projects greatly over the base of the cephalothorax. On each side of the upper part is a longitudinal row of small pointed (or conical) protuberances, and another longitudinal row of three similar protuberances bisects the hinder part of the abdomen ; the foremost of these last is nearly in a straight, transverse line with the hinder one of each of the other row. The upper part of the abdomen is of a dull golden-yellowish colour, marked on each side of the central line with blackish-brown, including the inside half of each of the conical pro- tuberances, and leaving a clear, broadish, longitudinal, median yellow band, from which two curved lateral stripes, edged with black, issue on each side from its hinder half, and a prominent point on each side of its fore part; the sides are obliquely rugulose, and, with the under side, are yellowish, marked with dark brown ; some of the lower lateral markings are oblique, and from the genital aperture two parallel, blackish streaks, close together, run to the spinners. The epigyne connected with the genital aperture is prominent, tapering, pointed, and a little directed backwards. This spider is remarkable from the genus having only been previously recorded as indigenous to Ceylon. Sab . — Murree to Sind Valley, July 14th to August 5th, 1873. 67. — Chorizoopes congener, sp. n. Adult female : length 2 lines. The caput is greatly elevated, broad, well rounded on all sides above, and highest at the 54 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. occiput, appearing to overwhelm the thoracic portion by its disproportionate development ; its sides are perpendicular, and it is divided longitudinally by a duplex, longitudinal, indented line. The colour of the cephalothorax is deep red-brown, except two largish oblique, somewhat oval patches on either side of the occiput, which are of a clear yellowish-red, and a patch on each side of the four central eyes, as well as the clypeus, which are dull reddish- yellow. The height of the clypeus is less than half that of the facial space, being equal to rather more than two diameters of one of the fore-central eyes. The surface of the cepha- lothorax is covered thinly with short fine hairs, and appears to be finely punctuose. The eyes are small but not greatly different in size. They are placed in the usual three widely separated groups : the central one, of four eyes, is in the form of a quadrangle whose hinder side is the longer and its fore-side the shorter. The fore-centrals are slightly larger than the hind- centrals, seated on the sides of a slight prominence, and separated by rather more than a diameter’s interval. Those of each lateral pair are near together, but not quite contiguous to each other, and are placed just above the hinder part of the insertion of the falces (looked at sideways). The legs are short and not very strong ; those of the fourth pair are distinctly the long- est, and those of the third pair the shortest, the others differ but little from each other in length ; those of the first pair slightly the longest. Their colour is yellow, annulated with light yellow-brown, and they are furnished with hairs and slender bristles only. The palpi are short, slender, yellow, and without annuli ; they are furnished with hairs, and several spine-like bristles on the inner sides of the digital joints. falces are moderately long, very strong, roundly prominent near their base in front but retreating and directed backwards towards their extremity, where on the fore side there are two adjacent prominences, the larger and more prominent being the inner one of the two, and each is furnished thickly with strong bristles, in front of which are some strongish teeth. The maxillcB, lahium, and sternum are similar in form and structure to those of the preceding species ; their colour is yellowish-brown, that of the sternum being the darkest ; the apex of the labium and the extremities of the maxillae being much the palest. The abdomen is short, but broad and deep, the hinder extremity is broader and deeper than the fore part, and has four rounded prominences; three of these form a nearly straight transverse line along the upper margin, the middle one of the three being the largest and a little in advance of the other two, while the fourth is half way in a straight line between it and the spinners. It is clothed with short fine hairs of a greyish hue, and the upper side is yellowish and brown, with dark black-brown mixed ; the most distinct of the yellow mark- ings are in the median longitudinal line, towards the hinder extremity of which are two or three tolerably well-defined transverse angular bars or chevrons, with the angles directed forwards ; and in front of them is a broad longitudinal band of yellow reaching to the fore extremity, and having a dusky brownish, ill-defined stripe along the middle ; there is also a considerable patch of yellow on the lateral margins, mostly towards the hinder part of the upper side. The sides and under-side are deep brown ; the former are rugulose, and the latter has some indistinct, dull orange-yellowish markings ; the process (or epigyne) con- nected with the genital aperture is not very prominent, but obtuse, and directed backwards. This spider is remarkably nearly allied to Chm'izoopes frontalis, Cambr., from Ceylon, but is, I think, distinct, although closely resembling it in size, form, and colour. Hab . — Murree to Sind Valley, July 14th to August 5th, 1877. ARANEIDEA. 56 Family— G ASTER A CANTHTDES. GenuB—CYRTARACHNE, Thor. 68. — Cyrtarachne pallida, sp. n. Immature female : length inch. The whole of the fore part of this spider is of a pale straw-yellow colour : the normal grooves and indentations on the cephalothorax, as well as the occipital region, are suffused with whitish. The cephalothorax is short, broad behind, and but very slightly constricted laterally at the caput, the fore part of which is rather broad also. The occiput has some strong, erect bristles, and the height of the clypeus is equal to the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes. The eyes are in the ordinary position : they occupy the whole width of the fore part of the caput, and are of a pale dull amber colour ; those of the hind-central pair are the largest of the eight, and are divided by an interval equal to an eye’s diameter ; those of the fore-central pair are divided by more than a diameter, and form a line very slightly shorter than that which is formed by the hind-central pair, the four central eyes thus form- ing very nearly a square. riie legs are rather short and slender, and are furnished with hairs and fine bristles only; their relative length is 1, 2, 4, 3. The palpi are short and slender. The falces are not very long, strong, straight, perpendicular. The maxillcB, labium, and sternum are of normal form, and similar to the legs in colour. The abdomen is large, much the broadest across the middle, of a rather flattened form, and projects considerably over the base of the cephalothorax ; it is of dull cretaceous-whitish hue with a longitudinal, median, dusky-brown line, which has some fine, oblique, venose lines of a similar colour issuing from its hinder part ; and on either side of the fore part is a large, oblique, oblong, dull-brownish patch ; the under side is sooty blackish. Kab . — Murree to Sind Valley, July 14th to August 5th, 1873. Family— UL OBORIDES. Genus— XJLOBORm, Walck. 69. — Uloborus albescens, sp. n. Adult female : length 2| lines. The cephalothorax is short, broad, nearly round behind, and gibbose on the thorax, on either side of the thoracic indentation : the caput, which is rather broad in front, is also constricted laterally. The colour is yellow-brown, paler on the margins along the medial line and on the outer side of the gibbous portion of the thorax. The eyes are small, seated on black spots, and do not differ greatly in size ; they are placed in two transverse curved rows, occupying the whole width of the fore part of the caput ; the convexity of the curve of the hinder row is directed forwards, while that of the front row is directed backwards ; the interval between the eyes of each lateral pair is thus greater than that between the fore and hind-central pairs. The interval between the eyes 56 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. of the hind- central pair is gi’eater than that between each of them and the hind-lateral on its side ; and the interval between those of the fore-central pair, which are seated on a slight prominence, is less than that between each of them and the fore-lateral on its side, the latter interval being also less than that between the eyes of each lateral pair. The interval between the fore-centrals is also very nearly as great as that between each hind- central eye and the hind-lateral on its side. The four central eyes form a quadrangular figure whose fore- side is the shortest and its hinder side slightly the longest. The clypeus is almost obsolete. The legs are short, and those of the first and fourth, and second and third pairs respectively, do not differ greatly in length ; those of the first pair are much the strongest, their relative length being I, 4, 2, 3. They are of a pale yellow-brown colour, clouded in parts with a darker hue ; excepting the calamistra on the metatarsi of the fourth pair, there were scarcely any hairs on the legs, hut probably some of them had been rubbed off. The palpi are short, and slender, of a dull yellow colour, furnished with bristles and grey hairs, and terminate with a rather strong curved, black, toothed claw. The/aZces are small, slightly projecting forwards, and of a pale yellow-brown colour. The maxillce and labium are of normal form, and similar in colour to the palpi. The sternum is heart-shaped, and of a pale brownish- yellow colour. The abdomen is large, very much elevated and obtuse at its anterior extremity, which pro- jects considerably over the cephalothorax, and somewhat pointed behind on either side of the upper part; near the anterior extremity is a roundish, somewhat suh-conical protuberance. The colour of the abdomen is yellowish white ; an irregular brownish venose line extends along the middle of the fore part of the upper side, and emits some other fine venose lines on each side as it runs backwards ; about the middle of each side, near, and partly on, the under side, is a rather oblique browm patch ; and another of the same colour extends along a portion of the middle of the under side. On each side, near the base of the spinners, are two white spots, and immediately in front of the usual spinners is the supernumerary spin- ning organ. An obtuse prominent pale-yellowish process, slightly indented at its extremity and pointed backwards, is connected with the genital aperture. Mab . — Murree to Sind Valley, between July 4th and August 5th, 1873. YavAlj—THOMISlDES. Genus— THOMISVS, Walck. (adpoA-tem). 70. — Thomisus albidus, sp. n. Immature female : length If lines. It is with some hesitation that I describe this spider as a new species, since it is possible that in the adult state it may present some other specific characters which may either prove it to have been already described, or else render the present description quite inadequate for the determination of the species. As, however, there is no described species known to me to which I can refer it, I venture to include it here as new. The cephalothorax is broadest quite at the hinder extremity, and narrows gradually to the fore extremity, which is also tolerably broad and truncated : the fore corners of the upper side of the caput are prominent and sub-angular. The margins of the cephalothorax are AEANEIDEA. 67 whitish, the sides yellow-brown with a greenish tinge; the broad median longitudinal band, to a little distance behind the eyes, is pale yellow-brown, and the remainder is suffused with white ; the ocular area and the middle part of the clypeus are also suffused with white. The eyes are very small, seated on strong tubercles in a crescent form. The hind-laterals are the most prominent of the tubercles, forming the fore-angles of the caput ; those of the fore-central pair are slightly the largest of the eight ; the intervals be tween those of the hinder row are equal, as are, apparently, also those between the eyes of the anterior row ; the interval between those of each lateral pair is less than that between the fore and hind- central pairs. The four central eyes form a square whose posterior side is longer than the rest. The height of the clypeus is less than half that of the facial space. The legs of the first pair are moderately long, slender, of a dull whitish-yellow colour, and armed with two parallel rows of short spines beneath the metatarsi. The legs of the second pair were absent ; those of the third and fourth pairs are much shorter than the first — the third slightly the shortest ; they are rather paler in colour than the fivst, and have no spines. The palpi were both absent. The maxillm and labium are of normal form, and similar to the legs in colour. The sternum is nearly round, slightly hollow at the fore extremity, and its colour is whitish yellow. The abdomen is large, considerably convex above, and projects greatly over the base of the cephalothorax ; its hinder extremity is the broadest and most massive, and it is of a uniform yellow-white colour above, whiter on the sides and underneath. Sab. — On the road from Yarkand to Bursi, between May 28th and June l7th, 1874. 71.— Thomisus albens, sp. n. Immature female : length rather over 2^ lines. The cephalothorax has the slope of its sides and hinder part gradual and not very steep. The angular prominences at the fore-corners of the caput are strong ; the clypeus projects forwards, and its height exceeds half that of the facial space. The colour of the cephalothorax is dull pale-yellowish, very slightly tinged with brown ; the ocular area, all the middle portion of the clypeus, and a large arrow-head-shaped patch on the occiput (the point of the arrow running backwards to the hinder margin), are white, the sides, and part immediately behind the eyes, being also slightly veined with white. The eyes are very small, seated on tubercles in two curved rows in the usual form of a crescent : those of the hind-central pair are further from each other than each is from the hind-lateral eye on its side, while the fore-centrals are considerably nearer together than each is to the fore-lateral on its side ; those of each lateral pair are also much nearer together than the fore and hind-central pairs are to each other, the front row being much the more strongly curved. The four central eyes form nearly a square, the anterior side being consi- derably shortest, and the posterior one slightly the longest. The legs of the first and second pairs are moderately long and tolerably strong ; the second are, if anything, slightly the longest. They are of a pale dull yellowish colour suffused below with white, and the metatarsi are armed beneath with two longitudinal parallel rows of short spines ; beneath the fore extremity of the tibise are one or two more spines, but H 58 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. besides these there appear to be no more on any of the legs. Those of the third and fourth pairs are much the shortest, the latter being a little longer than the third. The palpi are short, destitute of bristles and spines, and similar to the legs in colour. The f aloes are short, strong, sub-conical, rather projecting, and, excepting a small patch bisected with a white line at their base near the outer side, of a white colour like the clypeus. The maxilla and labium are of normal form, and similar to the legs in colour. The sternum is oval, hollow-truncate in front, and of a whitish hue. The abdomen is of good size, flattened above, projecting well over the base of the cephalo- thorax, much broadest behind, where it is of a blunt-angular form on each side ; the form of the upper side is therefore somewhat quadrangular, the fore part being a little roundly truncated ; the sides, the fore part, and also the hinder extremity (which is abrupt) are rugulose and marked with rows of small impressed points ; these are most apparent as a margin to the fore part and sides. The five normal impressed points are visible on the fore half of the upper side, and the whole of the abdomen is of a uniform white colour ; the spin- ners are tolerably strong, very short, compact, and similar in colour to the legs. This spider is allied to, but quite distinct from, T. pugilis, Stoliczka, found in the neighbourhood of Calcutta. Hab . — On the route from Yarkand to Bursi, between May 28th and June 17th, 1874. Genus-MISUMENA, Thor. 72. — MiSUMENA EXPALLIDATA, Sp. n. Adult female : length 3^ lines. The whole of the fore part of this spider is a dull pale yellow. The cephalothorax slightly tinged with brown, with a pale, somewhat triangular, patch at the occiput ; the falces also being similarly tinged. The abdomen is white, a little suffused on the sides with brownish-yellow, and with a narrow, median, brownish stripe on the fore half of the upper side, emitting some lateral and posterior venose lines ; the usual five impressed spots are also visible on the fore half of the upper side. The eyes are small, and differ but little in size, the fore-laterals being rather the largest ; they are seated on white tubercles, in the form of a crescent, in two curved rows, the anterior being the shorter and more curved ; the interval between those of the hind-central pair is less than that between each and the hind-lateral eye on its side, while that between the fore-centrals is slightly greater than that between each and the fore-lateral next to it. The four eentral eyes form a square whose posterior side is a very little longer than its anterior, and the interval between those of each lateral pair is less than that between the fore and hind-central pairs. The height of the clypeus is less than half that of the facial space. The legs of the first and second pairs are long, moderately strong, and scarcely differing in length ; those of the third and fourth pairs are much shorter, less strong, but also of nearly equal length. Those of the second pair appear to be slightly the longest, and the third pair slightly the shortest ; all are furnished with spines, of which there are two longitudinal parallel rows beneath the metatarsi and tibiae of the two first pairs. The metatarsi and tarsi are tinged with reddish yellow-brown. AHANEIDEA. 59 The palpi are short, slender, and furnished with hairs and bristles. The genital aperture is small and simple, being of a somewhat oblong form, a little narrower at its hinder than at its fore extremity. jg^ab. — Murree, between June 11th and July llth, 1873. 73.— Misumena oblonga, sp. n. Adult female : length nearly 4^ lines. The cephalothorax is as broad as it is long ; the marginal constrictions on the sides of the caput are strong ; the thorax broader than long. The colour of the cephalothorax is dull yellow-brown, with a longitudinal median white line, and a lateral, somewhat zigzag, line of the same colour along the middle of each side. The central white line has two or three lateral points on each side, and it runs from immediately behind the ocular area, to the thoracic indentation : the clypeus projects a little forwards, and its height distinctly exceeds half that of the facial space. The eyes are small, seated on white tubercles in two transverse rows, in a narrow crescent form ; the front row is the shorter and more strongly curved ; the ocular area is compara- tively rather small, and the fore-lateral eyes are but slightly larger than the fore-centrals ; these last are a little further from each other than each is from the fore-lateral on its side ; while those of the hind-central pair are nearer together than each is to the hind-lateral next to it. The four central eyes form very nearly a square whose longitudinal is very slightly greater than its transverse diameter. The interval between those of each lateral pair is equal to that between the fore and hind-central pairs. The legs of the first and second pairs are tolerably long and rather slender : those of the first appear to be a little the longest, those of the third and fourth pairs are much shorter, the third rather the shortest ; all are of a pale, dull, straw-yellow colour, and are furnished with hairs, slender bristles, and spines ; of the last there are two longitudinal parallel rows of long conspicuous ones beneath the metatarsi and tibiae of the first and second pairs ; the rest of the spines on these legs, and especially those on the third and fourth pairs, are small and inconspicuous. The palpi are short, slender,, and similar to the legs in colour and armature ; the radial joint has a long, slightly curved, pointed spine near the base on the inner side, its point directed inwards. The falces are moderately long, not very strong, sub-conical, projecting a little forwards, and similar in colour to the cephalothorax. The maxillce and labium are of normal form and similar to the legs in colour, the sternum being heart-shaped and of a pale straw-colour. The abdomen is elongated, oblong-oval in form, and more than three times the length of the cephalothorax ; its fore extremity is rather roundly truncated and broader than the hinder extremity, the widest part being a little in front of the middle ; its colour is a dull straw-yellow, with the sides and a broad, median, longitudinal band pretty thickly spotted with white; the median band has a largish, elongate, diamond-shaped, dull-brownish, straw-coloured marking on the fore part emitting some short venose lateral lines. The genital aperture is small and simple, consisting of two round yellow-brown openings placed side by side, and edged with dark reddish-brown. 60 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. This is in several respects a remarkable spider and aberrant from the generic type, both in the form of the abdomen, the height of the clypens, and the small comparative size of the ocular area. I hesitate, however, at present, to form a new genus for it, though it will pro- bably be necessary at some future time to do so. Eab. — Murree to Sind Valley, between July 14th and August 5th, 1873. Genus — SYNEMA, Simon. 74. — Synema exctjlta, sp. n. Adult female : length 2 lines. The cephalothorax is short and broad ; the lateral constrictions on the margin of the caput are slight, and the caput is broadly truncated before. The height of the clypeus is rather less than half that of the facial space. It is of a dull yellow-brown colour; the clypeus, as well as the ocular area and a broad longitudinal band on each side of the upper part, being of a deep reddish-brown colour ; that of the two bands being the darkest ; the occiput is marked with a somewhat curvilinear, angular, pale-yellowish marking, the angle of which is directed backwards. The sides and hinder slope of the cephalothorax are steep, and its surface is thinly covered with long, curved, prominent, rather tapering bristles. The epes are on tubercles, in two transverse curved rows occupying the whole width of the broad caput ; the hinder row being the longer, and, if anything, slightly the more strongly curved ; thus, the eyes of each lateral pair are rather further from each other than the fore- central pair is from the hind-central one. The eyes of each row respectively are equi- distant from each other; though, if anything, the fore-centrals may be very slightly further from each other than each is from the fore-lateral on its side. The fore-laterals are the largest of the eight and considerably larger than the fore-centrals. The fore-central eyes form a square whose posterior side is longer than the other three. The legs of the first and second pairs are moderately long and slender, the second pair being perhaps slightly the longest ; they are of a yellow-brown colour, the femora much the darkest ; the third and fourth pairs are much shorter, of a pale-yellowish colour, and the third pair is slightly the shortest. All are furnished with hairs, slender bristles, and spines. The palpi are short, slender, and similar in colour to the third and fourth pairs of legs. The f aloes are short, strong, sub-conical, slightly projecting forwards, and of a dull reddish yeUow-brown colour. The maxillce and labium, are of normal form, and of a dull brownish-yellow colour. The sternum is heart-shaped and yellow. The abdomen is short, considerably convex above, and projects entirely over the hinder slope of the cephalothorax; it is much broadest, and well rounded, towards the hinder extremity, and is of a dull yellow-brownish colour ; the fore part of the upper side has a few deep red- brown points, and a diffused marginal border of white cretaceous spots ; the hinder part is much covered with similar white spots arranged in three not very well defined transverse diffused, curved bars, the two intervals between the first three being of a deep red-brown colour; there are also some markings of the same dark, red-brown hue just above the spinners ; the sides are rugulose, marked with indistinct reddish-brown streaks following the somewhat oblique course of the rugulosities. The genital opening is simple, and consists of two small, round, reddish-brown apertures in a transverse line. AEANEIDExi. 61 This spider is allied to Synema {Dicea, Thor.) globosa. Its fore-lateral eyes, however, are larger in proportion to the fore-centrals than in that species, and S. exculta thus diverges still more widely from the spiders of the genus Dicea. Sab. — Murree, between June 11th and July 14A5. STOLICZEA, genus novum. Eyes unequal in size ; in two transverse, rather widely separated, slightly curved, and nearly parallel rows, the front row much the shorter, and the convexity of the curves directed forwards, the fore-lateral eyes considerably larger than the fore-centrals. CepJialotho7'ax longer than broad, strongly constricted at the caput on the lateral margins, the fore extremity being truncated and a little broader than the constricted part. Maxillee moderately long, strong, broader at their extremity than just above the in- sertion of the palpi ; their outer extremity rounded, the inner one obliquely truncated. Labium short, convex in front, of a somewhat oval form, truncated at its apex. Legs moderately long, strong, relative length 4, 1, 2, 3, spinous ; and the tarsi are fur- nished with three claws. The abdomen is rather small, but broader behind than before. This genus is allied closely to Nilus (Oambr., Spiders of Egypt in P. Z. S., 1876, p. 596, pi. ix, fig. 13), but, among other differences, the great disproportion in size between the fore- central and fore-lateral eyes is an essential one. 97. — Stoliczka insignis, sp. n. Adult female : length rather over 5 lines. The cephalothoi'ax is clothed with a short sandy-grey pubescence ; its colour is deep brown, with a broad longitudinal band and a narrow irregular lateral one, on each side, a little way from the margin, of a much paler, yellow-brown hue. The median band has, on each side, a little way behind the ocular area, a slight enlargement in the form of a small, angular point ; this is most conspicuous in young examples, but is traceable in adults as well, and is a strong specific character. The height of the clypeus is equal to the diameter of a fore-lateral eye. The eyes of the hind-central pair are very much nearer to each other than each is to the hind-lateral eye on its side, being separated by no more, or even by less, than a diameter’s interval ; those of the fore-central pair are rather further from each other than each is from, the fore-lateral eye next to it ; the length of the front row is as nearly as possible equal to the length of the fine formed by either three of the eyes, adjacent to each other, of the hinder row : the hind-lateral eye on each side is equally distant from the hind-central and fore-central eye next to it, forming the apex of an isosceles triangle ; and the four central eyes form a quadrangular figure whose longitudinal is much greater than its transverse diameter, and whose anterior side is slightly shorter than its posterior one. 78 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. The legs do not differ greatly in length ; they are of a yellow-brown colour, deepening gradually to deep red-brown on the tarsi. They are indistinctly annulated with a deeper hue ; but this annulation is generally lost more or less in adults, being pretty distinct in young examples. The tarsi and metatarsi are furnished beneath with a thin scopula ; all the legs are tolerably thickly furnished with hairs, bristles, and spines, and the inferior tarsal claw is very small and sharply bent downwards, being not easy to distinguish in the tuft of hairs which surrounds it ; the two upper claws are strong, curved, and armed with about five denticula- tions. The palpi are short, of a deep red-brown colour, similar to the legs in their armature, and terminate with a curved claw. The falces are tolerably long, strong, perpendicular; their basal half in front is roundly protuberant, smooth, strong, and of a very dark rich red-brown colour, yellowish red-brown at the extremity. The maxillce and lahium are rather less deep and rich in colours than the falces. The sternum is roundish-oval, pointed behind and truncate before, and of a reddish yellow-brown colour. The abdomen fits pretty close up to the steepish hinder slope of the cephalothorax ; it is broader behind than before, this form becoming intensified in adults that have deposited their eggs. In adults, the abdomen is of a deep-brown colour, palest underneath, and clothed with a short, somewhat sandy-grey pubescence, besides longer prominent hairs ; and on the fore- half of the upper side is a yellow, longitudinal, median, somewhat tapering stripe. In im- mature specimens, the abdomen is yellow-brown, marked with dark-brown, shewing the yellow stripe on the fore-half of the upper side, as well as some angular bars of the same colour between it and the spinners. These are short, compact, the inferior stronger than, but of equal length with, the superior pair. The genital aperture consists of two somewhat roundish openings, one on each side, at the hinder part of an oval prominence. This spider is an extremely interesting form, and appears to be an abundant species. Some of the examples had large, round, dark-brown lycosiform bags of eggs attached by silken fastenings to their spinners. Hah. — Murree, June 11th to July J4th, 1873. Genus — OCYALE, Sav. 98. — Octal B rectifasciata, sp. n. Immature male: length nearly 6 lines. The cephalothorax, legs, falces, and other fore parts of this spider are of a dull yellow- brown colour. A broad, dark yellow-brown, median band, edged with a marginal border of white hairs, runs throughout, and includes the ocular area. This band is very distinct and its margins are parallel to each other. The eyes are in the ordinary position ; the anterior row is equal in length to the interval between the two eyes of the posterior row ; it is curved, the curve directed backwards, and its four eyes are small and do not differ greatly in size ; the two lateral ones are smallest, and, being each seated in front of a dark tubercle (the tubercle itself being in a straight line with the two central eyes), give to the row the appearance at first sight of being straight, but, as above stated, the row is in reality curved, its eyes being equidistant from each other, and ARANEIDEA. 79 separated by an interval of less than the diameter of one of the centrals. Those of the middle row are rather larger than the fore-centrals, and form a line nearly equal in length to the inter- vals between the lateral eyes of the anterior row, and are separated by more than a diameter’s interval. Each of them is also equally distant from the fore-lateral and hind-lateral eyes on its side, the interval between these two last being equal to that between the two fore-lateral eyes. The height of the clypeus is just equal to half that of the facial space. The legs are long and slender, but do not differ very greatly in length. Their relative length is 4, 2, 1, 3, and they are furnished with hairs and spines. The palpi are short ; the digital joint large,' and, not being yet fully developed, tumid ; its length is equal to that of the humerus, its fore extremity being considerably drawn out. The radial joint is rather longer than the cubital, and has a not very large, sharp-pointed, tapering apophysis at its fore extremity on the outer side. This apophysis, as well as some strong bristles on the upper side of the joint, were plainly visible beneath the cuticle, the moulting of which would have brought the example to the adult state, in which the palpal organs would be fully developed. The maxillce, labium, and sternum are of normal form ; the two first of a more yellow- brown than the sternum. The J aloes are moderately long but not particularly strong, straight but slightly diver- gent, perpendicular, and a little roundly prominent in profile at their base. The abdomen is of an elongate-oval form, tapering pretty gradually from the fore to the hinder extremity. It is of a dull yellowish whitey-brown colour ; the sides are marked with a few scattered, indistinct, brown spots, and a broad, darkish yellow-brown, tapering band runs along the middle of the upper side from end to end, and is edged with a marginal border of white hairs ; the edges of this band tow'ards the narrowest (or hinder) extremity are slightly sinuous ; the band itself has the appearance of a continuation of that on the cephalothorax. The under side of the abdomen has a broad, median, longitudinal, slightly tapering, whitish band reaching from the spiracular plates to the spinners. These are short, but those of the superior pair are rather longer, though less strong, than those of the inferior pair. The example above described being immature, the abdomen is very much larger than it would be in the adult state, in \rhich it is probable that the total length of the spider would not exceed lines. This spider is very nearly allied to one y^not yet described) of a larger size, but almost exactly similar in colours and markings, though of quite a distinct species, received from Ceylon and also from Bombay. II ab . — Murree to Sind Valley, between July 14th and August 5th, 1873. 99. — OcYALE DENTIFASCIATA, Sp. n. Adult female : length rather more than 4| lines. The spider is nearly allied to the foregoing species ; it is, however, not only smaller (which may not be a constant character), but the abdominal band is very deeply dentated on its margins, and has a series of brownish-yellow, somewhat angular markings along its middle. The sides of the abdomen are irregularly, but extensively, covered with almost confluent brown markings, leaving, however, next to the upper side, a tolerably distinct 80 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. dentated, pale dull yellowish-brown band slightly spotted with brown. The cephalothorax has a median longitudinal band edged with white hairs like that of O. rectifasciata. The eyes are in a similar position to those of that species, but at the same time are rather more separated from each other. The legs are rather long, of a dull, darkish yellow-brown colour, armed with spines; and their relative length appears to be 4, 2, 1, 3. The falces are similar to the last species in form and size, and are of a dark shining yellow- bro Mm, deeper in hue than the legs. The maxilloR are yelloM^-broMm, palest at the extremities, and the labium is of the same colour, with a pale apical margin. The sternum is yellowish, with a distinct, broadish, yellow-brown marginal border, and is clothed with coarse grey, and a few dark-brown, hairs. E.ah. — Murree to Sind Valley, between July 14th and August 5th, 1873. Genus — TR0CH08A, C. L. Koch. 100. — Trochosa rubiginea, sp. n. Adult female : length 4| lines. It is not without considerable hesitation that I have included this very interesting spider in the genus Trochosa. It is probable that future collectors will discover other species presenting similar special peculiarities in the position of the eyes, joined to the rather short, but strong, unattenuated legs of the present spider ; in which case it might become necessary to form a separate genus, or ub-genus, for their reception. The cephalothorax is oval, broad, and truncate at its fore extremity ; the marginal lateral constrictions of the caput are slight, and the height of the clypeus is at least equal to, or even exceeds, double the diameter of one of the central eyes of the front row. Its colour is yellowish, with a narrow marginal hand, and two broad longitudinal lateral hands, of a rusty red-brown hue, leaving a rather indistinct, median, tapering, yellowish band strongly constricted near the occiput, and having a large part of its surface along the middle line suffused with rusty red-brown, and containing towards its hinder extremity the thoracic indentation, which is marked by a fine, deep red-brown line : the middle of each side is occupied by a longitudinal, well-defined, but not very broad, yellow hand. The fore part of the area enclosed by the middle and posterior rows of eyes is of a dark reddish-brown colour ; the hinder part of this patch contains two oval, parallel, yellowish markings. Sometimes the slender red-brown lines defining the outer sides of these oval markings are obsolete, leaving a short, dark red-brown stripe, ending a little way behind the posterior row of eyes, its termination, more or less, laterally dilated. The broad lateral rusty-brown bands are traversed by numerous deep red-brown lines, all radiating or converging to the thoracic indentation. The surface of the cephalothorax is covered with yellow-grey pubescence, and there are numerous blackish bristles on the upper part and sides of the caput. The eyes are in the usual three rows — 4, 2, 2 ; the central pair of the first row are larger than the laterals, and are divided by an interval exceeding a diameter, and each is very near, but not quite contiguous, to tlie lateral on its side ; the front row is very slightly, if any- thing, shorter than the second ; the eyes of the second row are, if anything, slightly smaller than those of the third row, those of both the second and third rows being very considerably AEANEIDEA. 81 larger than the eyes of the fore-central pair. The distance between each eye of the second row and the lateral of the first row opposite to it is equal to the diameter of the former. The length of the third row is double that of the second, and the interval between these two rows is double that between the first and second. The legs are rather short, strong, tapering, hut not attenuated at the extremities ; they are of a yellowish colour, pretty densely clothed with hairs, armed with a few not very strong spines, and annulated with rusty red-hrown, most distinctly on the upper side of the femora ; their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3, hut the difference is not great. The palpi are tolerably long, and similar in colour and armature to the legs. The/aZc^s are moderate in length and strength, straight and perpendicular; they are of a yellow colour, with two longitudinal red-brown lines at their base, and are furnished with numerous bristles in front. The maxillce and labium are of ordinary form, hairy, and similar in colour to the falces. The sternum is oval, truncated before, of a deep rusty red-byown colour, bordered with a broad yellow margin, and with a median, longitudinal, sharp -pointed, yellow stripe at its fore extremity. The abdomen is of an ohlong-oval form, broadly, hut rather roundly, truncated at its fore extremity, and pretty densely clothed with greyish-yellow and other hairs. The upper part and sides are of a dark rusty-reddish colour, freckled with small, pale-yellowish spots. The fore part of the upper side has the normal longitudinal marking of an orange-yellowish colour, slightly margined with deep red-hrown and rather bluntly pointed at its hinder extremity : this marking is rather broadest just behind the middle, and on each side of the broadest (ox— subangularly prominent) part is a short, orange-yellow, oblique stripe: and following the hinder extremity of the marking is a series of oblique, rather elongate, opposed, oval markings of a similar colour in pairs, each oval marking containing a small but distinct central red-brown spot : the two lines of these oval markings converge towards the spinners, but become obsolete before they reach these parts. They evidently represent the normal angular bars or chevrons. The under side is dull orange-yellow, with a longitudinal median rusty band. Immature males resembled the females in colour and size. Hab. — This spider appears to be pretty common. Its localities are Yarkand and neigh- bourhood, November 1873 ; Kashghar, December 1873 ; and route from Yarkand to Bursi, between May 28th and June I7th, 1874. 101. — Trochosa hebes, sp. n. Adult male : length 2| lines. This spider, which is of the Trochosa picta group, is very closely allied to Arctosa amylacea, C. L. Koch, which it resembles in size and in the general character of its markings? but it is not nearly of so bright a hue ; and the form of the genital aperture of the female is quite distinct. I have only been able to compare the females of the two species, not possessing a male of A. amylacea. The cephalolhorax is broad-cval behind, and somewhat drawn out forwards, though with but slight lateral constrictions on the margins of the caput ; its colour is brownish- L SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. yellow, with a dentated marginal band, and a broader lateral strongly dentated one, of a dark- brown colour on each side, leaving a large central star-shaped, or radiated, brownish-yellow marking. The ocular area is dark-brown, and the whole surface of the cephalothorax is pretty thickly clothed with hairs, many among which are prominent, dark brown, and of a bristly nature. The eyes are grouped as in T. picta. Those of the hinder row are smaller than those of the middle row, but considerably larger than the central pair of the front row ; the eyes of the middle and hinder rows form a quadrangular figure whose posterior side is not greatly longer than the anterior one, the length of the sides being apparently equal to that of the posterior side. The anterior row of eyes is, if anything, slightly shorter than the middle row, and the interval between the eyes of its central pair is larger than that between each and the lateral eye next to it, to which last it is very close, though not quite contiguous. The height of the clypeus is at least equal to twice the diameter of one of the central eyes of the front row. The legs are moderately long and tolerably strong, particularly the femoral joints ; they are of a dark-yellowish colour with dark-brown annuli, and are thickly clothed with hairs and long prominent slender bristles, those of the third and fourth pairs being armed with spines. The palpi are rather short, hairy, and similar in colour and markings to the legs. The radial joint is a little shorter, but of equal strength with the cubital ; the digital joint is dark brown at its base, paler at the extremity ; it is long and narrow, being only a little broader at its basal part than the radial joint ; its length is equal to that of the radial and cubital joints together ; the palpal organs are small and simple, being very like those of T. picta. The falces are long, moderately strong, straight, perpendicular, and of a deep brown colour. The maxillae and labium are of normal form; their colour is yellowish -brown ; the extremities of the former and the apex of the latter being of a paler hue. The sternum is oval, hairy, and of a dark yellow-brown colour. The abdomen is rather broader behind than in front ; it is hairy and of a brownish-yellow colour ; the markings, which are of the general Lycosa type, and almost exactly similar to those of T. picta, are delineated by dark blackish-brown lines and spots. The under side is also more or less marked with the same. Hab. — Yarkand and neighbourhood, November 1873 ; Yangihissar, April 1874 ; Yarkand, between 21st and 27th May 1874 ; hills between Sirikol and Aktalla, between 8th and 18th May 1874; route from Yarkand to Bursi, between May 28th and June 17th, 1874. 102. — Tuochosa puopinqua, sp. n. Adult female : length just over 5 lines. This sjjider is very closely allied to T. ruricola, De Geer, but is, I think, certainly of a distinct species. The cephalothorax is broader behind and narrower before than in T. ruricola. The broad, lateral, brown bands, instead of stopping behind the hinder row of eyes, run through and include the laterals of both the middle and hinder rows. The median longitudinal yellow band is similarly constricted at the occiput ; but is broader behind that point, and more radi- ated than in T. ruricola ; and the two longitudinal brown stripes on the fore part of this band are confluent with the sides of the brown lateral bands. ARANEIDEA. 83 The eyes occupy a larger area, and are of a pale, dull, yellowish-brown hue, being much paler than in the other species mentioned. The legs are rather shorter in proportion, and are pretty distinctly annulated with brown ; whereas they have rarely any trace of annulation in T ruricola. The abdomen is of a much darker hue, being of a blackish yellow-brown colour, the normal median longitudinal marking on the fore half of the upper side is of a brighter orange- yellow, and is margined by a much more distinct black border. The form of the genital aperture differs but very slightly. The under side of the abdomen is suffused with dark brown, and on each side is a marginal border of a darker black-brown. Hab. — Sind Valley, between 5th and 13th August, 1883. 103. — -Teochosa adjacens, sp. n. Adult female : length just over 5 lines. This spider is very closely allied to T. terricola, Thor., differing from it in about the same degree as T. propinqua does from T. ruricola, De Geer. ' It is rather a smaller spider, and the cephalothorax appears also to be of a rather broader form, and the whole spider is of a much duller hue and less distinctly marked ; the bands on the cephalothorax are scarcely discernible ; the whole being of a dull yellowish-brown colour, pretty densely clothed with short, greyish-sandy pubescence, and with some indistinct, darker brown, radiating stripes indicating the normal indentations. The eyes of the front row are much larger than in T. terricola, and are very nearly equal in size to those of the hinder row ; these last, however, being much smaller than the corresponding ones in that species. The legs in the present spider have no trace whatever of annulation, while those of T. terricola are frequently annulated with brown, though never very distinctly, and, in general, chiefly on the femora. The markings on the abdomen are very similar, as also is the form of the genital aperture, though a slight difference in this respect is observable. Sab, — Yangihissar, April 1874. 104. — Teochosa sabtjlosa, sp. n. Adult female : length 10 lines. The cephalothorax of this flne spider is strongly compressed laterally on the margins of the caput, and the lateral slopes are much depressed ; the caput, however, is broad at its lower margin and tolerably massive above. Its colour is reddish yellow-brown, totally obscured by a dense clothing of short, pale sandy-grey pubescence, leaving but very slight and broken traces of the ordinary radiating indentations of a darkish brown colour. The height of the clypeus is equal to the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes. The eyes are in the ordinary position, and occupy an area whose length and breadth are, as near as possible, equal ; the front row is distinctly longer than the middle one ; its central pair of eyes are much larger than the laterals, though distinctly smaller than those of the hinder row, and are separated by an interval less than a diameter, but double as great as that which divides each from the lateral next to it ; those of the middle row are divided L 1 84 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. by, as nearly as possible, a diameter’s interval ; and each is separated from the eye of the posterior row on its side by an interval of about one and a half diameters. The legs are moderately long, strong, and tapering, but not attenuated j their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3, and their eolour is of a pale-yellowish hue, deepening to brownish-red ; the metatarsi and tarsi are pretty densely clothed with sandy-grey pubescence, mixed with other darker hairs and bristles, and armed (chiefly on the third and fourth pairs) with spines ; the under sides of the genua and the fore extremities of the tibise are black-brown ; the under sides of the metatarsi and tarsi of the first and second pairs, and of the metatarsi of the third and fourth pairs, as well as of the digital joint of the palpi, are furnished with a dense scopula of black-brown hairs. The 'pal'pi are similar in colour to the legs. The falces are long and powerful, straight, perpendicular, the profile-line convexly curved, of a deep black-brown colour, thickly clothed with sandy-grey and brown hairs and bristles. The maxilloe and labium are of normal form, and bristly ; their colour is red-brown, the extremities of the former and the apex of the latter having a pale-yeUowish tinge. The sternum is oval, truncate at its fore extremity, of a dark brownish-black colour, clothed with sandy- grey pubescence. The abdomen is oval ; it projects well over the base of the cephalothorax, and is consi- derably convex above ; it is densely clothed with sandy-grey, black, whitish, and brown hairs. On the upper side, the ordinary Lycosa pattern is indistinctly visible, being indicated by the scattered markings formed by the darker and whitish hairs, The normal elongate marking on the fore half is truncate at its posterior extremity, and a prominent subangiJtlar point on each side, about the middle, is indicated by a strong blackish spot ; on the hinder half, the only markings traceable (besides a generally thin sprinkling of small blackish spots over the whole of the upper part and sides) are two rows of obscure spots of whitish hairs, converge ing towards the spinners ; the whole of the under side, including the spiyacular plates and the genital aperture, is black. The male is smaller, but resembles the female in colours and markings. The radial joint of the palpus is considerably longer than the cubital; the digital joint is red-brown, and a little longer than the radial ; the palpal organs present no very marked peculiarity of structure. Sab. — Yangihissar, April 1874 ; between Yangihissar and Sirikol, March 1874 ; road across the Pamir from Sirikol to Panja and back, between April 22nd and May 7th, 1874 ; and Ydrkand, between 21st and 27th May 1874. 105. — Trochosa approximata, sp. n, Adult female : length 5| lines (nearly). This spider is almost exactly like T. sabulosa in colour and markings, the grey hue, however, being less marked; but it may readily be distinguished by its comparatively small size, and by the under side of the abdomen being of a dull sandy hue, instead of black, as in T. sabulosa. The sides of the cephalothorax also appear to be more depressed, and the fore-central eyes of the front row are more nearly equal in size to those of the hinder row, AEANEIDEA. 85 The genital aperture is very minute, being of a transverse narrow-oval form divided longitu- dinally by a septum. Kab. — Yarkand, November 1873. 106. — Trochosa rubromandibulata, sp. n. Immature male : length 5| lines. This spider is nearly allied to both the foregoing species, but may easily be distinguished by the following characters. The general hue is less grey than in T. sahulosa, and the darker markings on the abdomen are more distinct ; the normal longitudinal marking on the fore half of the upper side is of a dark brown hue, with some black spots and markings on its outer margins : there are also some black spots alternating with the pale spots on the hinder half (these latter spots not being so white as in T. sabulosa). The under side of the abdomen is jet-black, distinctly and abruptly enlarged laterally from near the middle to the spinners, and there is a distinct short black bar on each side near the base of the spinners. The legs are unicolorous, having no trace of the black suffusion underneath the fore extremity of the tibise, except very slightly beneath those of the fourth pair. The eyes of the fore-central pair are smaller than in either T. sabulosa or T. propinqua ; and a striking character, which distinguishes it at a glance from both, is the dense clothing of scarlet (somewhat squamose) hairs on the front of the falces. It is probably also a smaller spider than T. sabulosa^ though this is not certain, as the only example examined was not adult. ffab, — Murree to Sind Valley, between July 14th and August 16th, 1873. 107. — Trochosa lijghbris, sp. n. Adult male : length nearly 5 lines. The cephalothorax is of a dark, rich red-brown colour, thickly clothed with silky, light grey hairs disposed in a broad longitudinal and narrower marginal bands, — the sides being clothed with black hairs, forming thus alternate bands of white and black hairs ; the caput is considerably produced, and constricted on the lateral margins. The height of the clypeus is no more than, if quite so much as, the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes. The eyes are in the ordinary position ; the length of the front row is perceptibly longer than that of the middle row, whose central eyes are larger than the laterals, though much smaller than those of the hinder row ; these last are rather smaller than those of the middle row, and form a line very nearly indeed equal to that formed by each of them, and that one of the middle row on its side ; the interval between those of the middle row a little exceeds a diameter ; the eyes of the hinder and middle rows thus form very nearly a square whose anterior side is the shortest. The legs are tolerably long and strong, though rather attenuated at their extremities. They are of a yellowish, dark red-brown colour ; the femora being much the darkest, and clothed with grey hairs, not only of a pubescent nature, but also with numerous long, slender, prominent ones like those on the legs of Tegenaria and Argyroneta. Tliey are also armed >vith strong spines ; the tarsi are furnished underneath with a thin scopula. Their relative 86 SECOND TAEKAND MISSION. length is 4, 1, 2, 3, hut the difiPerence between those of the first and fourth, and of the second and third pairs, respectively, is not great. The palpi are tolerably long and strong, similar to the legs in colour and hairy clothing ; the humeral joint has three spines of equal length close together in a transverse line on the upper side at the fore extremity. The radial joint is longer than the cubital, and the digital joint, which is darker than the rest, slightly exceeds in length the radial joint, whose width it considerably exceeds at the base, its fore extremity being rather attenuated. The palpal organs are rather simple, with a prominent subconical hook-pointed process, about the middle of their outer side. The falces are long, powerful, straight, perpendicular, of a deep black-brown colour ; clothed with grey pubescence and long dark bristly hairs. The maxillcB and lahium are of normal form, and of a deep blackish red-brown colour ; the sternum is of the same colour, oval and truncated before ; these parts are furnished with strong dark bristles. The abdomen is of moderate size and convexity above ; the upper part and sides are dark brown, thickly clothed with grey hairs, shewing some cmwed transverse lines, formed by these hairs on the hinder half. The whole of the under part, extending also a little way up the sides, is jet-black. — On the road across the Pamir from Sirikol to Panja and back, between April 22nd and May 7th, 1874. Genus — TARENTULA, Sund. 108. — Tae-entula irascibilis, sp. n. Immature female : length 3^ lines. The cephalothorax is oval, the caput a little produced and rather strongly constricted on the lateral margins ; the fore margin is broad and truncated, and the lower part of the sides rather gibbous ; it is of a yellow colour tinged with orange-brown ; on the upper part of each side is a broad longitudinal darkish yellow-brown band traversed by still darker converging lines showing the normal indentations ; the lateral margins are also marked with some broken irregular brown spots and markings. The ocular area is blackish-brown, and the height of the clypeus is nearly about equal to the diameter of one of the fore- central eyes; the surface of the cephalothorax is thinly clothed with a greyish silky pubescence. The eyes are in the ordinary position, forming an area as long as it is broad, though narrower in front than behind ; the eyes of the middle and posterior rows are very large, and appear to be very nearly, if not quite, equal in size ; the interval between the middle ones is equal to, or a little more than, a diameter, being less than that between each and that of the hinder row opposite to it ; the length of the hinder row is greater, though not very much, than that of the middle row, which is also, if anything, a very little longer than the front row ; the eyes of this last are small and equally separated ; those of the central pair being but little larger than the laterals. The legs are tolerably long and strong ; their relative length being 4, 1 , 2, 3 ; they are yellow, annulated, though not very distinctly, with broken and angular brown annu- ARANEIDEA. 87 lations ; they are furnished with hairs and spines, hut have no scopula beneath the tarsi and metatarsi. The palpi are similar in colour and markings to the legs. The maxillce, lahium, and sternum are of ordinary form, and of a yellow-brown colour. The f aloes are also of a similar colour, rather long, powerful, and perpendicular, and fur- nished with a few bristles in front. The abdomen is a little wider behind than in front, . its colour is yellowish, clothed, but not very densely, with a few greyish, and a few longer, coarser brown hairs ; there is, along each lateral margin of the upper side, a broad dentated brown band, from the lower side of which two or three oblique, but very regular, rows of brown spots traverse the sides ; along the middle of the fore half is the normal marking of a deep brown colour edged with black, with a prominent angular point on each side, and truncate at its posterior extremity, which merges in the first of a series of broadish, angular, brown chevrons ; these decrease in size as they approach the spinners ; the point of each chevron, which is (as usual) directed forwards, touching the inside of the angle of the chevron in front of it. The under side is immaculate. Sab . — Neighbourhood of Leh, August or September, 1873. 109. — Taeentula inimica, sp. n. Adult female ; length rather more than 6 lines. The cepJialothorax is yellow-brown, with a broad longitudinal band, on each side, of a darker hue ; the whole covered with a short sandy-grey pubescence. The clypeus is low, not much exceeding in height the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes. The eyes of this row are placed on somewhat of a ridge, making this part look prominent when seen in profile. The facies is low. The eyes occupy an area about equal in length and breadth. The front row is distinctly shorter than the middle one ; its eyes are very small ; the centrals are but slightly, if at all, laro-er than the laterals, and the interval between them is greater than that between each and the lateral eye on its side. The eyes of the middle row are much larger than those of the posterior one, and are separated by slightly over a diameter’s interval ; the hinder row is considerably longer than the middle one. The legs are tolerably strong, but not very long ; those of the fourth pair are the longest, the rest not varying very much ; they are of a yellow-brown colour, and are furnished with hairs and spines ; the tarsi of the first and second pairs have a very thin scopula on their under sides. The palpi are short, but similar in colour to the legs. 'Tuq maxillce Widi labium of a rich deep red-brown colour; the former have their extremity, and the latter has its apex, pale yellow. The sternum is oval, somewhat truncated at is anterior extremity, and similar in colour to the maxillae. The abdomen is of a short-oval form considerably convex above ; it is of a reddish-brown colour mottled with much clearer reddish spots ; the normal longitudinal macula on the fore half of the upper side is large, considerably prominent past the middle on each side, and truncated at its posterior extremity ; it is of an obscure brown hue, indistinctly margined 88 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. with darker brown ; on the hinder half is a median longitudinal series of strongish, but not very conspicuous, yellowish-red, angular bars or chevrons. The under side is dark, of a rather sooty-brown hue ; the form of the genital aperture is distinct and characteristic ; the hairy clothing of the abdomen had been entirely denuded. Sab . — On the road across the Pamir from Sirikol to Panja and back, between April 22nd and May 7th, 1874. OtQv.us—LYCOSAy'LaAx. ad, ^artem=LYCOSA, Thor. 110. — Ltcosa condolens, sp. n. Adult male : length 2| lines. The general form and appearance of this spider are like those of Lycosa agricola^ Thor, and some other closely-allied European species. The cephalothorax is deep brown, in some cases approaching to black, with a narrow median, and, on each side, a submarginal brownish- yeUow stripe ; the median stripe is often very indistinct, and seldom runs (towards the eyes) beyond the occipital region, certainly not reaching nearly to the ocular area, and the marginal stripes are irregular, or somewhat dentated, on their edges. These stripes are clothed with pale hairs. The ocular area is black, and the clypeus, which rather exceeds in height the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes, is yellow. The eyes are in the ordinary position ; the foremost row is distinctly shorter than the middle one, and its eyes are very small ; those of the central pair being scarcely larger than the laterals, and the interval between them is double that between each and the lateral eye on its side. The eyes of the middle row are considerably farther apart than a diameter's interval, — in fact, nearly equalling two diameters ; being equal to the interval between each and the lower margin of the clypeus at its nearest point. The hinder row is longer than the middle one, and its eyes are smaller than those of that row. The legs are long, rather attenuated, furnished with hairs, bristles, and spines ; they are of a brownish-yellow colour, the femora and tibirn annulated and marked with black-brown and yellow-brown ; the femora are often more or less completely suffused with black-brown. This is only, however, the case with some adult males, and is probably owing to their having been longer in the adult state ; the legs of the fourth pair are the longest, and those of the third pair slightly the shortest. The palpi are moderately long ; the humeral joint is nearly black, the cubital and radial joints yellow ; the latter is the longest, and black on the whole (more or less) of the under side ; the upper side is furnished with white hairs, mostly close to the fore extremity ; the digital joint is of tolerable size, round, oval, and black behind, pointed and of a paler brown- ish hue in front. The palpal organs are characteristic in their structure, though they do not present anything very remarkable in form ; there is, about their middle, a not very prominent, somewhat crescent-shaped, process, one of whose limbs is truncated, and the other, the shorter, is blunt-pointed. The maxillce are dark reddish brown, yellowish at their fore extremities. The labium is also of a similar colour,— yellowish at the apex. The falces are moderately long, not particularly strong, straight, perpendicular, of a brownish-yellow colour, more or less clouded with deep brown. The sternum is oval and nearly black. AEANEIDEA. 89 The abdomen is black-brown on the upper side ; the normal longitudinal marking on the fore part is of a reddish yellow-brown hue, blunt-pointed at its posterior extremity, and followed towards the .spinners by a series of short, angular bars of the same colour ; these bars (often broken at the angle) thus consist of two oblique, opposed, oblong-oval markings, eacli of which has a black spot in the middle ; there is also on each side of this series, towards the margin of the upper side, a longitudinal series of pale spots formed by small tufts of whitish hair; the sides are mottled with yellow-brown, and the under side is yellow-brown marked with a median, and two (lateral) longitudinal dark blackish stripes, rendered more or less indistinct by the pale (among other) hairs with which the surface of the abdomen is generally covered- The female is paler- coloured, and the markings are more distinct than in the male> preserving, however, the same essential characters. It seems to be an abundant species. Rah. — Yarkand and neighbourhood, November 1873; Kashghar, December 1873; between Yangihissar and Sirikol, March 1874 ; Yangihissar, April 1874 ; on the road across the Pamir, from Sirikol to Panja and back, between April 22nd and May 7th, 1874 ; hills between Sirikol and Aktalla, between 8th and 18th May 1874 ; road from Yarkand to Bursi, between May 28th and June l7th, 1874. 111. — Lycosa fortunata, sp. n. Adult male : length 3 lines. This spider is very nearly allied to Lycosa condolens ; but it is rather smaller, and generally lighter- coloured. The following points of distinction will serve to distinguish it readily. The central yellow band on the cephalothorax is much broader, more distinct, reaches more nearly to the eyes, behind which it is strongly constricted, being broader and somewhat radiated at the thoracic junction, immediately behind which it is again constricted ; the lateral yellow stripes are broken, and scarcely extend more than half way to the fore extremity. Tin* height of the clypeus is a little greater, and the two central eyes of the front row are largei- in proportion to the laterals. The legs have the femora and tibiae in general obscurely annulated, but the former are not black as in L. condolem,. The radial joints of the palpi are longer in proportion to the length of the cubital than in that species, and are a little clouded with brown towards their fore extremities, which are furnished thickly with long, black, bristly hairs, particularly underneath and on the inner sides. The fore part of the digital joint is less attenuated, and it is clothed thickly with black hairs, and terminates with a strongish curved claw ; the palpal organs differ also in structure ; they are more prominent at their hinder extremity, and the process corresponding to that described in reference to L. condolens as somewhat “crescent- shaped” is much larger and more prominent ; its larger limb being strongly curved. The abdominal markings are very similar, but the usual one on the upper side, at the middle of the fore part, is distinctly margined with black. The female resembles the male in colours and markings, but the annulations of the legs are darker and more distinct. This spider appears to be equally abundant with L. condolens. Rab. — Neighbourhood of Leh, August and September 1873; Tanktze to Chagra and Pankong Valley, 15th to 21st September 1873 ; Yarkand and neighbourhood, November 1873 ; 90 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Kashghar, December 1873; between Yangibissar and Sirikol, March 1874; Tangibissar, April 1874 ; on tbe road across tbe Pamir from Sirikol to Panja and back, April 22nd to May 7tb, 1874; bills between Sirikol and Aktalla, 8tb to 18tb May 1874; Yarkand, 21st to 27tb of May 1874; road from Yarkand to Bursi, May 28tb to June 17tb, 1874. 112. Ltcosa stellata, sp. n. Adult female : length from 4 to 5^ lines. The cephalothorax of this distinct spider is of a brown colour, and clothed with a short sandy-grey pubescence ; there is a large, very distinct, star-shaped or radiate yellow- ish marking at the occiput, divided longitudinally by a dusky red- brown line, strongisb at each end, and produced before into an obtuse, somewhat transverse, oblong marking a little way behind the ocular area, notched at its fore-margin, and often marked with the bifid continuation of the bisecting line on the stellate portion ; there is also a pale yellowish sub- marginal, and generally broken, band on each side ; these markings, seen very distinctly on immature examples, are more or less obscured by the pubescence in adult s[)ecimens. The eyes of the foremost row form a line distinctly shorter than the middle row, and its central pair are distinctly larger than the laterals, and are divided by an interval larger than that which separates each from the lateral eye on its side ; the height of the clypeus very little, if at all, exceeds the diameter of one of the fore-central eyes. The ocular area appears to be broader behind than it is long, and the eyes of the middle row are considerably larger than those of the hinder one, forming a line nearly about equal to that formed by the laterals of these rows. The legs are rather long, tolerably strong, of a yellowish hue, and pretty distinctly annulated wdth dark brown ; they are furnished with hairs and spines, and the colour and markings are liable (in adults) to be obscured more or less by a rather dense, short, sandy - grey pubescence; their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3. palpi are similar in colour and armature to the legs. The f aloes are long, strong, straight, and perpendicular : they are of a reddish-yellow- brown colour — red-brown at the base and extremities in front, and furnished with numerous long, prominent bristles. The maxill(B are yellow-brown, and the labivm deep brown with a pale-yellowish apex. The sternum is deep brown, clothed with grey pubescence. The abdomen is of a blackish-brown colour on the upper side. The normal longi- tudinal marking on the fore half is indicated by broken, surrounding, submarginal, reddish- yellow markings, and its posterior extremity is truncated : following it is a series of opposed, oblique, yellowish markings, these being the broken portions of the normal angular bars, which are, however, sometimes perfect ; and each bar contains a black spot : outside these angular bars is, on each side, a longitudinal row of yellowish spots. The sides are brownish-yellow, spotted and marked with black-brown ; and the under side is also browmish-yellow, without any markings. The genital aperture is of a characteristic form, and its colour is red-brown. The male resembles the female in colours and markings, but is rather smaller. Sab. — Yarkand and neighbourhood, November 1873 ; Kashghar, December 1873 ; Yangi- hissar, April 1874 ; on road across the Pamir from Sirikol to Panja and back, April 22nd to May 7th, 1874 ; hills between Sirikol and Aktalla, 8th to 13th of May 1871; Yarkand, 21st to 27th May 1874 ; Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June 17th, 1874. ARANEIDEA. 91 From the localities recorded, this spider, though perhaps less numerous, appears to be distributed nearly equally with the two foregoing species, and all three are probably found together. The present species is very nearly allied to L. injucunda, Cambr., found in Egypt, but quite distinct. 113. Lycosa credtjla, sp. n. Adult female : length nearly 2f lines. This spider is very nearly allied to Lycosa nigriceps, Thor., which it resembles closely in form and general appearance, but may be distinguished by the absence of any constriction of the median, longitudinal yellow hand on the cephalothorax, and by the normal longitudinal marking on the fore half of . the abdomen being sharp-pointed instead of truncated at the posterior extremity. The cephalothorax is of a bright yellow colour, somewhat obscured by a greyish pubescence, which probably soon becomes more or less denuded ; the sides are narrowly edged with black, a very little way above which edging is a narrow, dark, yellow-brown, sub- marginal stripe, with a broad lateral band of the same colour along the upper part of each side, leaving a median, longitudinal yellow band of equal width throughout, and scarcely wider than the lateral bands of the same hue. The ocular area is black. The are in the usual position ; the front row is distinctly shorter than the middle one, and its two central eyes are placed on a small prominence ; these two are larger than the laterals of the same row, and the interval between them is greater than that between each and the lateral on its side ; the eyes of the middle row are much the largest, and form a line shorter than those of the third row, though this latter is not so long, proportionately, as in some other groups of Lycosa. The four eyes of the middle and hinder rows form a square whose posterior side is longer than the rest. The height of the clypeus is more than double the diameter of one of the fore central eyes. The legs are moderately long, and rather slender ; they are of a yellow colour, indistinctly marked and annulated on the femora with yellowish-brown, and are clothed with hairs, spines, and grey pubescence. Their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3. . The palpi are yellow, marked with brown. The falces are rather long, slender, straight, and directed backwards ; their colour is yellow, slightly marked longitudinally with brown. The maxillce and lahium are yellowish, tinged with brown. The is oval, rounded before, and pointed behind; its colour is black-brown, irregularly margined with yellow, and a median longitudinal stripe of the same colour extends from the fore extremity rather more than half-w^ay to the hinder one. The abdomen is dark-brown above, spotted minutely and striated with yellow ; a tapering dentated yellowish median band runs throughout the upper side to the spinners ; the fore part of this hand contains the normal marking, distinctly defined by a dark-brown line, and sharp- pointed at its hinder extremity ; in the hinder half of the dentated band may be indistinctly traced the usual series of angular bars or chevrons, each of which is charged with two small brown spots in a transverse line. The sides of the abdomen are irregularly striated with dark- brown on a yellow ground, and the under side is paler, with still feuer brown markings. The genital aperture is not large, hut is, as usual, of characteristic form. i)2 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. Hab . — Hills between Sirikol and Aktalla, 8tb to 13tli of May 1874; road from Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June 17th, 1874. 114. Lycosa Vindex, sp. n. Adult female : length 2^ lines. This spider is very closely allied to Lycosa credula, but it is of a shorter, stouter form, and the colours are of a generally duller hue. The median longitudinal yellow band on th e cephalothorax is broader, distinctly constricted at the occiput, and enlarged at the thoracic indentation. The ocular area is black, with a geminated reddish-yellow spot between the (‘yes of the hinder row ; the lateral brown bands are more distinctly traversed by darker .lines radiating towards the thoracic indentation. The clypeus is lower, not exceeding in height two fore central eyes’ diameter ; the legs are entirely annulated (though not very distinctly excepting the tarsi), and they are also longer than those of L. credula. The sternum is very similar in its markings; but the normal marking on the fore half of the upper side of the abdomen is less distinctly marked, and is blunt-pointed at its hinder extremity ; the usual angular bars which succeed it are longer, and, with the marking on the fore part, are of a reddish yellow-brown hue ; this is also the prevailing tint of the upper side, of which the rest is marked and striated with dark-brown ; the under side is of a dull- yellowish hue, without any markings; and the genital aperture is of a distinct and charac- teristic form. Rah. — Yarkand, November 1873. 115. Lycosa Vindicata, sp. n. Adult female : length 2 lines. This spider is exceedingly closely allied to L. vindex, but I am induced to record it as a distinct species, not only on account of its smaller size, but because the median longitudinal yellowish band on the cephalothorax is narrower, and has no constriction at the occiput, nor any lateral enlargement at the thoracic indentation ; the submarginal lateral brown stripe is also more distinct and continuous, and the genital aperture differs a little in its form. In most other respects it resembles L. vindex, though the legs are more distinctly annulated. Its smaller size, shorter, stouter form, and reddish-brown hue of the paler markings on the abdomen, as well as the far more distinctly and completely annulated legs, and lower clypeus distinguish it readily from L. credula. Hab. — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1873, and between Yangihissar and Sirikol, March 1874. 116. Lycosa passibilis, sp. n. Adult male : slightly over 3 lines. The cephalothorax is of a deep brown colour, with a broadish longitudinal median band, and two lateral, narrower, sub-marginal ones slightly paler, and clothed with greyish hairs, with which, indeed, the rest of the cephalothorax is, though more thinly, covered. AllANEIDEA. 93 The eyes occupy an area longer than broad ; the front row is shorter than the middle one, and its two central eyes are placed on a slight prominence, and are larger than the lateral ones ; the four being very nearly, if not quite, equally separated from each other, and the height of the clypeus is greater than the diameter of one of the fore central eyes, but not as much as two diameters. The eyes of the middle row are much larger than those of the hinder one, and, with them, form a square whose posterior side is the shortest. The legs are long, attenuated at the extremities, of a deep reddish-brown colour, fur- nished with hairs and spines, and clothed with greyish pubescence. The palpi are rather long and strong, and similar in colour to the legs ; the radial and cubital joints are of equal length; the digital joint is of tolerable size, and nearly equal in length to the radial and cubital joints together ; it is oval behind and rather attenuate before. The palpal organs are not very complex, but from the middle there projects a short but pro- minent process with three prominent divergent points, the middle one being the longest and strongest. Like the legs, the palpi are covered more or less with greyish hairs. The falees are moderately long, but not very strong, slightly divergent and directed l)ackwards : their colour is deep rich reddish black-brown, with a reddish-yellow broad longi- tudinal stripe on the inner side at the fore extremity. The maxillcB are reddish-brown, pale-yellowish at the extremities and on the inner side. The labium is similar to the maxillae in colour, with a pale-yellowish apex. The sternum is oval and of a deep shining reddish-brown colour. The abdomen is of a blackish-brown hue, with the normal longitudinal marking on the fore half of the upper side, and a series of succeeding angular bars of an obscure brownish red; the whole is thickly clothed (especially along the median portion of the upper side) with greyish hairs, forming there a broad, longitudinal grey band, emitting some short lateral pro- minent lines on each side of the hinder part. Rab . — Hills between Sirikol and Aktalla, between the 8th and 18th of May 1874. 117. Ltcosa plavida, sp. n. Adult female: length lines. The cephalothorax is of a pale-yellow colour, with two broad, longitudinal, lateral yel- low-brown bands reaching from the fore to the hinder margin, and thinly clothed with greyish hairs ; the height of the clypeus is no more than equal to the diameter of one of the fore central eyes. The eyes are in the ordinary position, on large black spots ; the whole of the fore part liowever, of the ocular area is more or less black. The front row is shorter than the middle one ; its two central eyes are larger than the laterals, and the interval between them is greater than that between each and the lateral eyes next to it. The eyes of the middle row are very large, and separated from each other by no more than one diameter ; this interval being but little less than that which separates each from the posterior eye opposite to it ; the font hinder eyes form a square whose posterior side is longest and anterior one .slightly the shortest. The legs are moderately long and not very strong; their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3, and they are of a pale yellow colour, rather paler than the cephalothorax, armed with spines and furnished thinly with hairs. 94 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. The palpi are moderately long, and similar to the legs in colour, deepening to a brownish hue on the last two joints. ^hefalces are moderate in length and strength, slightly divergent, perpendicular, of a yellow-brown colour, and clothed with bristly hairs. The maxill(B and labium are of a paler hue than the falces, and the sternum is heart- shaped and similar in colour to the legs. The abdomen is of a rather shortish oval form. On the upper side is a broad, longitudi- nal, pale-yellow band sharply dentated on its hinder half ; the fore part of this band contains the normal longitudinal marking, of a slightly clearer colour, and faintly defined by a broken^ brownish, indistinct line, and its hinder extremity is truncated. Some other indistinct, fine, brown, broken, angular lines on the hinder part, indicate the ordinary chevrons. On each side of the median dentated band, and, in fact, defining it, is a broad brown band diffused in scattered spots a little over the sides ; the under side is immaculate. The genital aperture is small, but of a characteristic form. An immature male exactly resembled the female. Hab. — Yarkand and neighbourhood, November 1873 ; Kashghar, December 1873 ; between Yangihissar and Sirikol, March 1874 ; Yangihissar, April 1874 ; road from Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June 17th, 1874. BOEBE, Genus Nov. I am induced to form this new genus for the reception of four remarkable Lycosids, one received from Sinai, and described (P. Z. S., 1870, p. 822, pi. 1., fig. 3) as a Lycosa {L. preelongipes, Cambr.), another from the present collection, a third, L. ungulata, Cambr. Spiders of Egypt, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1876, p. 603, and a fourth, L. arenaria, Sav., Egypt. These (or at least three of them, for L. arenaria, Sav. is unknown to me, except from Audouin’s figure and description, which do not detail the special points under consideration, though I have but little doubt of its possessing them), though exactly agreeing in several peculiar points of structure, are quite distinct species. The points in which they differ from Lycosa, Trochosa, and Tarentula may be seen from the following diagnosis of generic characters. Cephalothorax oval, truncate before, and strongly constricted on the lateral margins of the caput ; the normal indentations, especially the one dividing the caput from the thorax, are strong, and the upper side of the thorax on each side of the normal longitudinal indentation is gibbous, so that there is, when the spider is looked at in profile, a strong angular depression between the caput and thorax, the lateral thoracic margins being much depressed. The eyes, as regards their general position, are like those of Lycosa, &c., but those of the second row have their vertical axes directed very nearly straight forwards, that is to say, scarcely at all upwards, though a little outwards ; in this respect there is a marked approach to Linopis, the facies being very vertical. The legs are long and attenuated, especially those of the fourth pair. Two parallel rows of spines run throughout the under side of the tibiae, metatarsi, and tarsi ; at the fore end of each tarsus there is the appearance of a kind of short obsolete, or fixed, joint. It has apparently no movable articulation, but there is both a visible Constriction and a kind of suture as though of a joint either consolidated by disuse, or in process of development towards a perfect supernumerary joint such as we find in Hersilia. The superior terminal claws are ABANEIDEA. 95 unusually long, slightly curved, and have four or five denticulations at their posterior extremity. The maxill(B are not very long, hut rather enlarged at their extremities, where they are rounded ; and, instead of forming a straight line with the labium, they are turned distinctly sideways, thus in another point resembling Binopis. The labium is short, broad, and truncated in a slightly curved convex line at the apex. The palpi of the female are truncated at the extremity, and the terminal claw, which is nearly straight and finely pectinated, issues from the middle of the truncation. 118. Boebe benevola, sp. n. Adult female : length lines. The cephalothorax is clothed with short, sandy-grey pubescence, and is of a yellow- brown colour, with a broad yellow longitudinal median band, strongly constricted at the occiput, and enlarged at the thoracic indemation, the portion in front of the constriction forming a very distinct, transverse, oblong-oval area. There is also a broken, narrow, sub- marginal yellowish band on each side. The height of the clypeus is equal to twice the diameter of one of the fore central eyes, and the colour of the ocular area is black. The eyes of the front row form a straight line shorter than that of the middle row ; the central pair of the front row are larger than the laterals, and are separated by an interval wider than that which divides each ftom the lateral eye on its side ; those of the middle row are very large, and are separated by nearly about one and a half diameter's interval, forming a line not far from equal to that formed by each and the posterior eye opposite to it ; the eyes of the hinder row are large, but smaller than those of the middle one, and form a much longer line. The legs of the fourth pair are considerably the longest ; and those of the second pair apparently the shortest ; while there is not so much difference between those of the first and third pairs, the first being the longer of the two. They are yellow in colour ; the femora marked distinctly with brown spots, patches, and some other linear markings of the same hue ; the spines beneath the tarsi are numerous, of equal length, much shorter than those on the other joints, and give the joint a comb-like appearance. The palpi are like the legs in colours, and in the markings on the humeral joints, and are furnished with hairs and a few spine-like bristles. The falces are powerful, of modern. te length, rounded in profile, clothed with sandy-grey hairs and long bristles, and of a dark reddish yellow-brown colour. The maxillce are yellow, strongly tinged with yellow-brown, particularly on their inner sides, and pale yellowish at their inner extremities. The labium is dark yellowish-brown with a pale apex. The sternum is of a short heart-shape and dark yellow-brown colour, thinly clothed with sandy- grey pubescence. The abdomen is oval and moderately convex above ; its colour is a dull brownish-yellow, marked with dark brown, occasionally approaching to black ; the intersecting portions of the yellow ground-colour are spotted more or less with cretaceous- white spots. The normal longitudinal median marking (of a deep brown colour) on the fore half of the upper side is large, somewhat wedge-shaped, and roughly dentated on its margins, and its posterior extre- 96 SECOND YAllKAND MISSION. mity is prolonged into a more or less distinct median line to the spinners, and gives off on each side various oblique lines and markings, forming some tolerably distinct, angular, yellow bars of different sizes, and some of which have a dark-brown spot at their extremities. There is a tolerably clear, marginal yellow space round the normal marking on the fore half. The under side is almost all occupied by a broad longitudinal light-brown band. The genital aperture is small, but of characteristic form. The spinners are very short, hut those of the superior pair are stronger and rather longer than those of the inferior. An immature male resembled the female in colours and markings. Rab . — Yarkand and neighbourhood, November 1873; Kashghar, December 1873; between Yangihissar and Sirikol, March 1874 ; Yangihissar, April 1874 ; Yarkand, 21st to 27th May 1874, and Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June I7th, 1874. Y&mWy-SPH ASIDES. Genus— OXYOPES, Latr. 119. OxTOPES JTJBILANS, sp. n. Adult male : length rather more than 3^ lines. This spider is nearly allied to Oxyopes {Sphasus) lepidus, Blackw., of which the female only has yet been described ; the latter differs, however, from the female of the present spe- cies in being of a more robust form and in having shorter legs, as well as in the abdominal markings. The general form and appearance are similar to those of most others of the genus ; th(' cephalothorax is of a brownish-yellow colour, and the normal indentations are distinctly marked. The ocular area, and the middle of the* clypeus are clothed with grey hairs ; a fine brown line runs obliquely along t e margins of the upper side, and so downward to the lower corners of the clypeus ; two others run, one from each of the two foremost eyes, nearly perpendicularly to the falces (to the extremity of which they are continued), bisecting them in front. There are also two parallel brown lines along the middle of the cephalothorax, not reaching further forward than the occiput, and less distinct in the male than in the female ; the eyes are on black spots and in the usual position, six posterior ones forming a transverse hexagonal figure whose sides scarcely differ in length ; they may be also taken as in four transverse rows of two each. Those of the foremost row are very minute and separated from those of the next row by an eye’s diameter. Those of the second row are the largest of the eight or nearly so, and are separated by an interval of one diameter, both from each other, and from the eyes of the third row ; this row is considerably the longest, and the fourth row is slightly longer than the second, its eyes being rather further from each other than each is from the lateral of the third row on its side. The legs are long and slender, their relative length seems to be 4, 1, 2, 3 ; they are of a yellow colour, and are armed with numerous long spines. The femora of the first and second pairs have longitudinal brown lines on the under side, a faint trace of two only of these existing on the femora of the third and fourth pairs. The palpi are short, similar in colour to the legs ; the cubital joint is very short with but a very slight angular prominence at its fore extremity on the upper side ; the radial joint is much stronger than the cubital ; it is strongly tinged with yellow-brown, much enlarged ARANEIDEA. 97 In a blunt angular form on the outer side, with a short red-brown irregular projection rather underneath ; the digital joint is round-oval, brownish -coloured behind, and of a narrow, slightly tapering, pointed, beak-like form in front ; the beak portion is yellowish, and less in length than the oval part ; this part has a small angular prominence at its base on the outer side. The palpal organs are prominent and rather complex, but do not present any remark- able processes. The radial and cubital joints are furnished with several long, curved, spine- Uke bristles. The falees are not very long nor strong ; they are of a subconical form, straight, per pendicular, similar in colour to the cephalothorax, and bisected in front by a longitudinal brown line. The maxillce and labium are of normal form, the colour of the former is yellow, and of the latter yellow-brown. The abdomen is long and narrow, being of an elongate, tapering, or pyramidal form ; the fore part is the largest, and it gradually narrows to the spinners ; it is of a yellowish hue, somewhat freckled with white cretaceous spots of small size ; the upper side is margined on each side with a double longitudinal brown line, and a faint, narrow, tapering, dusky band along the middle ; on the under side is a broadish, tapering, dusky, longitudinal band, mar- gined with reddish-brown. The female is more distinctly marked than the male, and the process connected with the genital aperture is blackish and prominent. The colours of this spider, as above described from examples for several years immersed in spirits, cannot be considered altogether reliable, inasmuch as the yellow tints may have possibly been more or less green when the s]3ider was living. Sab. — Tinali; route from Murree to Sind Yalley, July 19th, 1873. I come to the conclusion that this is the locality, because Dr. Stoliczka, in his diary of July 19th, 1873, mentions having found that evening a good number of spiders, “ chiefly Thomisus Sphasus’* {~Oxy opes), Wild in i\iQ one, unlabelled bottle I find the only ex- amples of Sphasus contained in the whole collection. These are of three species, the present and the next one very nearly allied to each other, the third quite distinct both in form and markings ; all three are, I believe, of undescribed species, though Dr. Stohczka says of those he found “ among the latter (Sphasus) ” he recognized Sphasus viridanus. This is a Calcutta species described by Dr. Stoliczka in Journ. Asiat. Soc., Bengal, vol. xxxviii, p. 220, pi. xx, fig. 1, and is undoubtedly a species of Pasithea, Bl. (Peucetia, Thor.), which, though generically nearly allied to Sphasus, is yet easily recognized by the difference in the position of the eyes. 120. OXTOPES PR^DICTA, Sp. n. Adult male : length 4 lines. This spider is very closely allied to Oxyopes jubilans ; it is, however, rather larger, and this, I think, may probably prove to be a constant character. In general colouring, form, and appearance, the two species are strikingly similar, but the following distinctions will serve to separate them without difficulty. The cephalothorax has no lateral brown lines running to the fore corners of the clypeus, and the two parallel median ones are here replaced by a not very distinct, median, longi- tudinal rusty-reddish band, which runs quite to the hinder row of eyes. z 98 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. The palpi present an easily observed diflPerence from those of Oxyopes juhilans both in the radial and digital joints. The former is not enlarged on the outer side, but is, on the con- trary, rather excavated there, with a somewhat corneous, red-bi'own ridge just behind the excavated part : the radial joint is also somewhat angularly prominent underneath towards the inner side. The digital joint has its short-oval, posterior portion of a darker hue, and more angularly prominent at its base on the outer side. The anterior, or beak-like, portion is also distinctly longer than the oval part, and terminates in a sharpish and somewhat corneous point. The legs have the femoral joints of the third and fourth pairs as distinctly marked with one (if not two) longitudinal blackish -brown lines as the whole of the first and second pairs. The abdomen has on the upper side a longitudinal, median, tapering, rusty-reddish band, at the fore part of which the normal elongate marking, of a somewhat spear-headed form and yellow colour, is visible. Rab. — Round at the same time and in the same locality as O.jubilans. Tinali ; route from Murree to Sind Valley, July 19th, 1873. 121. OxTOPES REJECTA, Sp. n. Adult female : length rather less than 3| lines. This spider is nearly allied to Oxyopes (Sphasus) gentilis, C. L. Koch. It may easily be distinguished from the two f oregoing species by its shorter legs, as well as by its shorter, stouter form, and by the short cephalothorax, which has the sides and liinder slope very steep, and the normal indentations very slightly marked, so that the divisional line between the thorax and caput is scarcely visible. The colour of the cephalothorax is brownish-yellow, paler in the ocular area and at the occiput ; it is indistinctly marked in the median longitu- dinal line, as well as on the sides, with blackish-brown ; there are also two slightly curved lines, of the same colour, running down from the two foremost eyes over to the middle of each of the falces, and continued over them in a slightly sinuous form, but stopping some- what considerably short of their extremity. The eyes are on conspicuous black blotches, those of the third row are considerably nearer to those of the second than to those of the fourth (or posterior) row. The length of the two last (2nd and 4th) rows are exactly equal, though, owing to the difference in the size of the eyes, the interval between those of each row is different. The height of the clypeus is rather less than half that of the facial space. The legs are rather short, and their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3. They are armed with long spines, and their colour is yellow, the femora being marked underneath with two longi- tudinal parallel, blackish-brown lines. The palpi are similar to the legs in colour, rather long, slender, and armed with a few strong spine-like bristles. The falces are not very long nor strong ; they are of a subconical form, straight, and perpendicular; their length is less than the height of the facial space, and their colour is like that of the cephalothorax, with a longitudinal blackish-brown line from the base to two-thirds of the distance towards their extremity. The maxilla and labium are of normal form, and of a light brownish-yellow hue. ARANEIDEA. 99 The abdomen is oval, pointed behind ; on the upper side is a broad, longitudinal central slightly tapering yellowish band, spotted with small cretaceous- white spots, and showing the normal marking on the fore part of a clearer, though slightly brown, colour, and of an elongate diamond-shape ; the marginal portions of the upper part are marked with blackish - brown oblique linear markings, which extend more or less over the sides. These parts, as well as the under side, are similar in colour to the middle of the upper side ; the under side having a broad, well-defined, longitudinal, median, black-brown hand, marked along the middle with pale yellowish. The genital aperture is small but of characteristic form. Hab . — Found at the same time and place as the two foregoing species. Tinali ; route from Murree to Sind Valley, July 19th, 1873. YamWy—SALTICIBES. Geims-HELIOPHANUS, C. L, Koch. 122. Heliophantjs dtjbius. Heliophanus dubius, E. Simon, Arachnides de France, tom. iii, p. 146, pi. x., fig. 4. I have not been able yet to compare this spider ( $ adult) with a type of H. dubius, Sim., hut I believe it to he identical with that species, as it agrees well with the figures and description given 1. c. Sab . — Hills between Sirikol and Aktalla, 8th to 18th May 1874. Genus— PLEXIPPUS, C. L. Koch. 123. Plexipptjs adansonii. Attus addansonii, Sav., Egypte, p. 169, pi. 7, fig. 8. Sab . — Both sexes of this spider, differing in no respect from examples found in Egypt, and received from Bombay, were contained in the portion of the collection without date or locality hut probably (as before observed) made between Murree and Sind Valley about the end of July 1873. Genus — MENEMERUS, E. Simon. 124. Menemerus cinctus, sp. n. Adult male : length rather over 2^ lines. The cephalothorax is of a flattened form with a strong transverse depression indicating the junction of the caput and thorax. The upper area of the caput is black, the rest of the cephalothorax is dark yellowish-brown, paler towards the margins. It is clothed with hairs mostly of a golden hue, a longitudinal median stripe and a marginal one on each side being furnished with white hairs ; the marginal stripe is formed of two narrow parallel ones. There are also some prominent bristly hairs on the cephalotho- rax, strongest on the sides of the ocular area, below whic.h three of them form a longitu- dinal line. 100 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. The eyes form an area broader than long ; those of the anterior row are separated from each other by a small and equal interval, and those of the middle row appear to be as nearly as possible half-way between the first and third rows, and slightly within the straight line formed on each side by the laterals of those rows, of which the first is shorter than the third. The legs are moderately strong and not very long, those of the first pair are the longest, considerably the strongest, and of a dark yellow-brown colour, the femora being the lightest in hue ; the rest are yellow, tinged with brown, and all are furnished with hairs and long pro- minent bristles, but no spines except some short ones beneath the tibiae and metatarsi of the first pair : there is a compact claw-tuf t beneath the terminal tarsal claws. The third pair appear to be slightly the shortest. The palpi are short, of a yellow-brown colour, and furnished with hairs and bristles ; the cubital joint is short and strong, the radial is shorter and less strong, but is considerably produced on its outer side, the produced portion ending in a tapering, pointed, slightly blunt apophysis. The digital joint is long, of a slightly bent oblong-oval form. The palpal .organs have a large, nearly globular lobe at their base, extending beneath and rather on the inner side of the radial and cubital joints. The falces are short, strong, straight, projecting strongly forward, and but very slightly divergent ; their anterior extremity is as broad almost as the posterior, truncated, and with a strongish tooth at the inner corner ; their colour is dark yellow-brown tinged with red. The mascillce are short, strong, broadest, and rounded at their extremities, and inclined towards the labium, which is of a somewhat oblong-oval form; these parts are of a deep yellow-brown hue, the extremities of the former, and the apex of the latter being of a paler colour. The sternum is oval and of a palish yellow-brown colour. The abdomen is oval and of a somewhat flattish form; it is banded transversely on the upper part and sides with alternate broad whitish and dark-brown bands, the first band encircling the fore margin, is white, and the second and third are divided in the middle by a narrow brown patch ; the brown bands are considerably the broadest, and all become more or less tapering when they reach the sides : the surface is clothed with hairs ; a broad longitudinal median band, and a lateral one on each side, are formed by hairs of a rusty scarlet hue, those on the intermediate spaces being whitish grey ; on the hinder half of the upper side is a longitudinal, median series of whitish, angular bars, of course visible only when they occur upon the brown transverse bands, the under side is dull whitish, with a broad median longitudinal tapering yellowish-brown band. Sab. — Yarkand, May 1874. 125. Menemertjs inceetus, sp. n. Adult female : length 2f lines. The cephalothorax of this spider is short, of a rather flattened form, and the profile of the ocular area slopes, but very slightly, downwards ; this part is of a brownish black hue, the rest of the cephalothorax being brownish-yellow, and the whole clothed with appressed grey hairs ; some erect bristly ones being dispersed thinly over the surface. The margins are black. AEANEIDEA. 101 The eyes of the anterior row are separated from each other by distinct intervals, that between the centrals being less than that between each and the fore lateral next to it ; the posterior row is a little longer than the anterior one. A single row of strong bristles runs longitudinally just below the lateral eyes of the three rows, and the eyes of the middle row are nearer to the anterior than to the posterior row. The legs are short, those of the fourth pair are the longest but less strong than those of the first pair, and those of the second pair appear to be a little the shortest : they are furnish- ed with hairs, bristles, and a few spines, with a small claw-tuft beneath the terminal tarsal claws. The colour of the legs is yellow. The palpi are similar to the legs in colour, short, slender, and furnished with white hairs. 'Yhe falces are short, not very strong, straight, projecting, and of a yellow-brown colour. The maxillcB and lahium are lighter-coloured than the falces. The sternum is small, oblong-oval, and similar to the legs in colour. The abdomen is of a rather elongate oval form, and of a dull yellow colour, somewhat clouded with reddish yellow-brown on the upper side, and clothed with fine yellowish and grey hairs, with a few dark, slender bristly ones intermixed ; on the fore part is a brown marking consisting of two short parallel lines looped in front, and near the hinder extremity are three confluent bright red-brown patches. The genital aperture is of a distinctive form. It is possible that this may be the female of Menemerus cinctus, but, as the colours and pattern of that species are different, it is best to describe it at present as distinct, until we liave other evidence of their identity ; dissimilarity of colours and pattern, as well as of struc- ture, are often found in the sexes of spiders, ihoM^Xi primd facie such dissimilarity is proof of specific difference. Sab. — Yarkand, end of May 1871. 126. Menemerus deletes, sp. n. Adult female : length 2| lines. The form of the cephalothorax is flattish ; it is of a deep yellow-brown colour, darkest on the caput, with an indistinct, ill-defined, brownish-yellow, marginal border, and a still less distinct, longitudinal, median stripe on the thorax. The caput and sides of the cephalothorax are clothed with light-grey hairs ; those on the other parts had probably been rubbed off. The ocular area is broader than long; the length of the anterior row of eyes is slightly shorter than that of the posterior one, and the eyes of the middle row are almost exactly in- termediate between them. The fore central eyes are of a dull mother-of-pearl colour. The legs are moderately long and strong ; those of the first pair are the strongest, but not quite so long as the fourth pair, and the second pair are slightly the shortest. They are of a yellow colour, those of the first pair light yellow-brown, and with some short, strong spines in pairs beneath the tibiae and metatarsi ; beneath the terminal tarsal claws is a black claw -tuft. The pal2n are slender, not very long, and clothed with white hairs. The f alces are yellow-brown, the maxillce and labium a little paler, and the sternum darker ; the last clothed with coarse, whitish hairs. The abdomen is oval, truncate before, pointed behind, and of a pale-yellow colour mottled thickly with whitish cretaceous spots ; on the fore part of the upper side is a small. 102 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. median, longitudinal, dull yellovvisli-brown, somewhat arrow^-lieaded marking, continued in an attenuated line of the same colour to the spinners ; a little way from this, on each side, is an indistinct, longitudinal broad hand clothed with coppery- red-hairs ; the spinners are moder- ately long and strong, and of a pale yellow-brown colour. The form of the genital aperture is characteristic. Route from Yarkand to Bursi, May 28th to June 17th, 1874 127. Menemertjs frigidtts, sp. n. Adult female : length 2| miles. The cephalothorax is short, though distinctly longer than broad, and of the usual flattish form ; the upper side is dark-browm, tinged with yellowish, the caput being the darkest, and there is a laro-er longitudinal patch of brownish-yellow on the middle ; the sides are yellow, with a narrow white marginal border; the whole is thinly clothed with sandy-grey and whitish hairs. The eyes of the posterior row form a line scarcely, if at all, longer than the anterior row, and the middle row is nearer to the anterior than to the posterior one. Those of the anterior row are of a dull mother-of-pearl colour, and are divided by distinct intervals ; that which separates the central pair is less than that which divides each from the lateral eye next to it. The legs are rather short, and not very strong ; those of the first pair are a little stronger but distinctly shorter than the fourth pair, if, indeed, they be not also slightly shorter than the third, the second pair being the shortest ; they are of a brownish-yellow colour, and are armed wdth a few spines, as well as with bristles and hairs. The 2 ^alpi are short, slender, yellow', and clothed with whitish hairs. ^hefalces are short, straight, projecting, and of a yellow-brown colour. The maxillce and lahium are rather paler than the falces, and the sternum is similar to the legs in colour. The abdomen is oval, and of a dull yellowish hue, marked irregularly with brown along the sides of the upper part, and with a longitudinal brown stripe along the middle of the fore ])art ; this stripe is bifid at its hinder extremity, and followed by a series of brown, sharply- angular bars, some of which run into the brown markings on the sides. The form of the genital aperture is characteristic* — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1873. Genvia—ATTUS, E. Simon. 128. Attus devotus, sp. n. Adult female : length If lines. The cephalothorax is of a slightly flattened form ; the hinder slope is short, and at about an ano-le of 45° ; the forward slope of the caput being slight, and but very little convex ; its colour is yellow-brown, darkest on the upper part of the caput, and it is clothed with yellowish and grey hairs intermixed; the lateral margins are black, immediately above w hich is a not very broad band of white hairs, and a similar band or stripe runs along the middle of the hinder slope to the occiput. The clypeus is very low and retreating. ARANEIDEA. 103 The eyes form an area broader than long ; those of the anterior row (which is of equal length with the posterior one) are very near to each other, if not quite contiguous. The fore centrals are of very large size and of a yellowish-brown mother-of-pearl hue ; those of the middle row are equi-distant between the anterior and posterior lateral eyes. The legs are neither very long nor strong ; their relative length appears to he 4, 1, 3, 2 ; those of the first pair are the strongest, and those of the fourth pair are the most attenuated ; their colour is yellow, and they are furnished with hairs and spines, the latter on the tibiae and metatarsi, but only underneath these in the first and second pairs ; beneath the terminal tarsal claws is a compact, blackish claw-tuft. The falpi are moderately long, hairy, and yellow, the digital joint tinged with yellow- brown. Thefalces are short, strongish, straight, directed forwards, though placed rather far back, and of a dark yellow-brown colour. The maxillae and labium are yellow-brown; the sternum being of a dark brownish- yellow, and of a rather elongate-oval form. The abdomen is oval, truncated before and rounded behind, and projects over the hinder slope of the cephalothorax ; it is clothed with grey, brassy-yellowish, and white hairs. The upper side is of a dull yellowish-brown colour, with an elongate, whitish marking along the middle of the fore part, followed by some not very distinctly defined, small, angular bars, on each side of which (as well as of the elongate marking) is a series of short transverse whitish markings, giving an appearance, when taken in connection with the markings along the middle, of irregular transverse stripes across the upper side; the sides and under side are dull yellowish, the upper part of the former slightly marked with faint brownish spots and markings, and the latter clothed with short, greyish hairs. Rab. — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1873. 129. Atttjs benefictjs, sp. n. Adult female : length nearly 2^ lines. Cephalothorax short and broad, the hinder slope steep, at an angle of 45°; the ocular area slopes a little forwards in a convex line and there is a distinct, though not unusually strong, transverse depression at the occiput. The ciypeus is very low, being almost obsolete. The upper part, with a portion of the sides, is black-brown, the ocular area quite black, with an oblong yellow stripe on the upper part of the hinder slope ; the remainder of the sides is yellow, clothed with fine, white hairs. The eyes form an area much broader than long ; the posterior and anterior rows are equal in length ; the fore centrals are very large and ef a mother-of-pearl hue ; they are separated by a small interval, less than that which divides each from the fore lateral on its side ; the lateral eye, on each side, of the middle row is equi-distant from the laterals of the posterior and anterior rows. The are short and strong ; their relative length is apparently 4, 1, 2, 3, but the difference between 4 and 1, and 2 and 3 respectively, is very slight. Their colour is yellow, those of the first pair being clouded in parts with brown ; the tibiae and metatarsi of the third and fourth pairs, and the under sides of those of the first and second pairs, are armed with spines, and there is a compact claw- tuft beneath the terminal claws of each tarsus. 104 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. The palpi are short, yellow, and furnished with coarse hairs, principally on the digital joints. The f aloes are short, strong, straight, nearly perpendicular, but removed rather far back- wards, and of a dark yellow-brown colour. The maxillce and lahium are yellow-brown ; the sternum is yellow, with dusky margins, and of a rather elongate- oval form. The abdomen is of a short-oval form, rather broader behind, where it is rounded, the fore extremity being rather truncated, and projecting over the base of the cephalothorax ; the upper side is black-brown, thinly speckled with yellowish points ; on the middle of the fore part is a small, somewhat triangular, pale-yellow patch, produced backwards in a short stalk- like form with a prominent blunt point or patch on each side, and followed towards the spinners by a series of large, angular lines, or chevrons, of the same colour ; the first of these chevrons is of a rather sinuous form, and they all vary in strength and distinctness of definition, and have, here and there, a black-brown spot upon them ; the sides are pale-yellow, spotted, chiefly on the hinder half, with black-brown, and the under side is also pale- yellowish, with a broad, longitudinal, median, dusky-brownish band. The genital aperture is small, and of characteristic form, its colour being yellow-brown, edged with red-brown ; the spinners are short ; the superior pair are of a dark-blackish hue ; the inferior pair yellow-brown, slightly shorter, but a little stronger, than the superior pair. B.ab, — Sind Valley, August 1873. 130. Attus didtjcttjs, sp. n. Adult female : length rather over 2^ lines. This spider is nearly allied to Attus heneficus, which it resembles in general colours and markings, but may be distinguished at once by the less convex cephalothorax and the flatter ocular area. The sides of the cephalothorax also, instead of constituting a broad, well- defined yellow band along almost its whole width, have only an irregular and not very well- defined brownish-yellow, narrow, marginal border, the margin itself being black ; the fore central pair of eyes are also much darker-coloured, and the legs are rather less strong, those of the fourth pair being distinctly, though not greatly, longer than the first, which last are rather the stoutest and are marked along each side with deep brown. The colour of the sternum is dark yellow-brown, and the abdomen has a very similar pattern to that of A. beneficus-, though less distinct, and the form of the genital aperture is quite distinct. Eab. — Murree, June 11th to July 14th, 1873. 131. Attus auspex, sp. n. Adult male : length 2| lines. The cephalothorax is broader behind than in front ; looked at in profile the hinder slope is long, gradual, and but very slightly convex, running to the third posterior row of eyes, from which the caput slopes rapidly downwards to the anterior row ; its colour is yellow- brown, deepening gradually to the caput, which is black-brown ; there is a narrow blackish ARANEIDEA. 105 marginal line, and the whole is clothed pretty thickly with mixed yellowish, coppery-golden, and grey sqnamose appressed hairs, those immediately round the eyes of the front row being very bright and forming, probably in most cases, scarlet ‘ irides.’ The eyes form an area broader than long, and the posterior row is larger than the anterior one ; the central pair of the anterior row are very large and close together, but not contiguous, being separated by an interval a very little less than that which divides each from the lateral of the same row on its side. These laterals are rather larger than the eyes of the posterior row, and the small eye (on each side) of the middle row is in a straight line with the inner edges of the fore lateral and hind lateral eyes, being also nearer to the hind lateral than to the fore lateral eye. The height of the clypeus is equal to the diameter of one of the fore central eyes. The legs are strong and moderately long. Their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3 ; they are of a pale- yellowish colour, furnished thickly with hairs, bristles, and spines. Some of the hairs are squamose and appressed, others long and prominent, especially on the first pair ; those beneath the tarsi and metatarsi are the most numerous, and black, the rest being mostly grey or sandy- coloured. The terminal tarsal claws have a claw-tuft beneath them, and are long and slender, especially those of the fourth pair ; these have only 1 — 3 minute teeth about the middle of the under side ; on some, if not all, of the other legs, even these denticulations appear to be wanting. The legs of the first pair are considerably the strongest, while those of the fourth pair are much the longest. The 'pal'pi are short and strong, similar in colour to the legs, and furnished with long (as well as some shorter squamose) grey hairs ; the radial joint is shorter and less strong than the cubital, and its fore extremity on the outer side is produced into a not very long, tapering, sharp-pointed, curved projection whose extremity is of a deep reddish-brown colour ; the digital joint is of great length, the base is of a somewhat angular shape, and the fore part is produced into a long cylindrical curved form ; the palpal organs are bulbous, tumid, placed chiefly beneath the hinder part of the digital joint, and encircled at their base and round the inner side by a long, strongish, tapering spine, which runs more or less closely alongside the inner margin of the digital joint, and forms a very conspicuous and characteristic feature of the species. The falces are short and straight, placed considerably backwards, and of a dark yellow- brown colour. The sternum is small, oval, yellow-brown, and clothed with coarse grey hairs. The maxillce are short and almost touch, at their extremities, over the labium ; these parts are yellow-brown, paler at the extremities of the former and the apex of the latter. The abdomen is oval, of a yellowish-brown colour with an indistinct dark brown stripe along the middle of the fore part of the upper side, and clothed pretty densely with short squamose, mixed yellowish, grey, sandy, and shining coppery hairs ; the under side is of a pale dull brownish-yellow hue, clothed with grey, squamose hairs. The female is larger than the male, but resembles that sex in colours and other general characters. It is probable that a series of examples would show, in some instances, a more or less distinct pattern on the upper side of the abdomen, depending on the distribution of the colours of the hairs, which are subject to much variation in different individuals of the same species in this group. Traces of this pattern in brown blotches and markings are visible in the female. The palpi, however, are so characteristic in the adult male that the species can hardly be mistaken for any other. 106 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Sab . — Yarkand and neighbourhood, November 1873; hills between Sirikol and Aktalla, 8th to 13th May 1874. 132. Attus avocator, sp. n. Adult male ; length slightly over 1| lines. The cephalotJiorax of this small species is less high at the hinder row of eyes than in Attus auspex, the hinder slope is (when looked at in profile) a little convex, as also is that of the upper part of the caput, or ocular area. Its colour is yellow-brown, the ocular area being the darkest ; it is thickly clothed with grey and yellowish mixed, appressed hairs, showing, however, three longitudinal stripes of white hairs, one on each side, just below the margin of the upper part, and the third along the middle of the hinder slope. The eyes form an area considerably broader than long; the anterior row is equal in length to the posterior ; in other respects the eyes are like those of Attus auspex. The legs are rather short and moderately strong ; their relative length being 4, 1, 3, 2. They a:^ of a brownish-yellow colour, indistinctly annulated with darker brown, and the extremities of the tarsi of the first pair are blackish. They are clothed with hairs, bristles, and spines; the terminal tarsal claws are long and slender, and are apparently devoid of denticulations beneath ; underneath them, on each tarsus, is a compact claw-tuft. The palpi are short, similar in colour to the legs, and clothed with coarse (and princi- pally grey) hairs ; the radial is shorter than the cubital joint, and has a small pointed apophysis at the outer extremity ; the digital joint is long but not very broad, being of a somewhat ol)long form ; and the palpal organs are simple and of a blackish-brown colour. The falces are moderately long, not very strong, straight, perpendicular, but placed considerably backwards, and of a dark yellow-brown colour. The maxillcR and labium are also yellow-brown, the former are pale at their extremities which do not nearly meet over the latter ; the labium also has the apex of a pale hue. The sternwn is small, oval, of a dark yellow-brown colour clothed with coarse grey hairs. The abdomen is oval, rather truncated in front. The upper side is dark brown, mottled obscurely with yellowish, the margin being a little notched and bordered with white hairs, a short streak along the middle of the fore part, of a dull yellowish hue, is followed to the spinners by a series of short, but pretty distinct, angular bars of the same colour ; these mark- ino-s are clothed with white hairs : the sides are longitudinally striated with brown, and the under side is of a dull brownish yellow. Sab. — Yangihissar, April 1874. Systematic List op Spiders above described and recorded. B.— The figures denote those districts in which the Spiders were found, (mie Introductory Eemiirks and the Separate Lists y>o»t«a), Fam. Theeaphosides. Gen. Idiops, (Perty). Idiops designatus, sp. n., 1. ARANEIDEA. 107 Fam. Filistatides. Gen. Filistata, (Latr.). Filistata reclusa, sp. n., 3. Fam. Dysderides. Gen. Busier a, (Latr.). Dysdera cylindrica, sp. n., 1. Fam. Dbassides. Gen. Brasstts, (Walck. ad partem). Drassus troglodytes, (C. L. Kocli), 2, 4, 5, 3.* ,, infletns, sp. n., 5. „ interrupter, sp. n., 2. „ invisus, sp. n., 5. „ interpolator, sp. n., 5. „ dispulsus, sp. n., 5, 2, 4, 3, 1. „ interlisus, sp. n., 5, 4, 2, 3. „ involutus, sp. n., 1. „ lapsus, sp. n., 5. Gen. GnapTiosa, (Latr.). Gnaphosa stoliczkse, sp. n., 5, 3. ,, plumalis, (Cambr.), 3. „ mserens, sp. n., 5, 3. Gen. Prosthesima, (L. Koch). Prosthesima cingara, (Cambr.), 4, 5. Gen. Micaria, (Westr.). Micaria convexa, sp. n., 5. „ pallida, sp. n. 5. Gen. Cluliona, (Latr.). Clubiona deletrix, sp. n., 1. „ latieeps, sp. n., 1. „ laudata, sp. n., 3. Gen. CheiracantUum, (C. L. Koch). Cheiracanthium adjaeens, sp., n., 1. „ approximatum, sp. n., 1. Gen. Agroeca, (Westr.). Agrbeca debilis, sp. n., 5. „ flavens, sp. n., 4. „ molesta, sp. n. 108 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Gen. Tmchelas, (L. Koch). Trachelas costata, sp. n., 1, 2. Fam. Dictynides. Gen, Bictyna, (Sand.). Dictyna albida, sp. n., 5. Fam, Agelenides. Gen. Jrgyroneta, (Latr.). Argyroneta aquatiea, (Walck .) , 4. Gen. Coelotes, (Blackw.). Coelotes tegenarioides, sp. n., 1, „ simplex, sp, n., 1. Gen. Tegenaria, (Latr.). Tegenaria ? 3. Fam. Thebidiides. Gen. Episinus, (Walck.). Episinus algiricus, (Luc.) 1. Gen. Theridion, (Walck.). Theridion saxatile, (C. L. Koch), 1. „ lepidum, sp. u., 1. ,, subitum, sp. n., 1. ,, confusum, sp. n., 1. ,, expallidatum, sp. n., 1. ,, tuberculatum, (Kronenberg), 1. ,, incertum, sp. n., 1. Gen. Steatoda, (Sund.). Steatoda nigrocincta, sp. n., 1, 3. „ mandibularis, (Lucas), 3. ,, sordidata, sp. n., 5. Gen. Phgcus, (Cambr.). Phycus sagittatus, sp. n., 1. Gen. Erigone, (Sav.). Erigone atra, (Blackw.), 3. „ dentipalpis, (Westr.), 1. Gen. Pachygnatha, (Sund.) Pachygnatha clerckii, (Sund.), 5. ARANEIDEA. 109 Gen. Linyphia, (Latr.). Linyphia consanguinea, sp. n., 1. „ albopunctata, sp. n., 1. „ straminea, sp. n., 1. ,, perampla, sp. n., 1. „ pusilla, (Sund.), 4,3. Fam. Epeirides. Gen. Meta, (C. L. Koch). Meta mixta, sp. n. Gen, Tetragnatha, (Latr.). Tetragnatha extensa, (Linn.), 3. Gen. Epeira, (Walck.). Epeira tartarica, (Kronenberg), 2. „ bigibbosa, sp. n., 1. ,, pellax, sp. n., 1. „ gurda, sp. n., 1. ,, haruspex, sp. n., 4. ,, paenulata, sp. n., 1. ,, prsedata, sp. n., 1. ,, cucurbitina, (Clerck) 1. „ cornuta, (Clerck) 1, 3, 4. „ panniferens, sp. n., 1. „ carnifex, sp. n., 1. „ gibbera, sp. n., 1. Gen. Chorizoopes, (Cambr.). Chorizoopes stoliczkse, sp. n., 1. „ congener, sp. n., 1. Fam. Gastracanthides. Gen. Cyrtarachne, (Thor.). Cyrtarachne pallida, sp. n., 1. Fam. Uloborides. Gen. Ulolorus, (Latr.). Uloborus albescens, sp. n., 1. Fam. Thomisides. Gen. Thomtsus, (Walck. ad partem) . Thomisus albidus, sp. n., 3. „ albens, sp. n., 3. 0 1 110 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Gen. Misumena, (Thor.). Misumena expallidata, sp. n., 1. „ ? oblonga^ sp. n., 1. Gen. Synema, (Sim.). Synema exculta, sp. n., 1. Gen. Dima, (Thor.). Dioea (?) spinosula, sp. n., 1. „ subdola, sp. n., 1. „ sufflava, sp. n., 1 ,, suspiciosa, sp. n., 3. „ subargentata^ sp. n., 1. Gen. Xysticus, (C. L. Koch). Xysticus cristatus, (Clerck), 5. „ audax (?), (C. L. Koch), 5. „ maculosus, sp. n., 1. „ setiger, sp. n., 3. „ breviceps, sp. n., 3 „ mundulus, sp. n., 1. Gen. Monastes, (Luc.). Monastes dejectus, sp. n., 1. Gen. Sarotes, (Sund.). Sarotes regius (Fabr.), 1. „ promptus, sp. n., 1. Gen. Sparassus, (Walck.). Sparassus timidus, sp. n., 2. ,, fujax, sp. n., 1. „ flavidus, sp. n., 4. Gen. P/iilodromus, (Walck.). Philodromus cineraseens, sp. n., 2, 3. „ medius, (Cambr.), 1. Gen. Tibellus, (Sim.). Tibellus propinquus, sp. n., 5. Gen. Thanatus, (C. L. Koch). Thanatus thorellii, (Cambr.), 3. „ albescens, sp. n., 1. Fam, Lycosides. Stoliczka, gen. nov. Stdiczka insignis, sp. r 1. ARANEIDEA. Ill Gen. Ocyale, (Sav.) Ocyale rectifasciata, sp. n., 1. „ dentifasciata, sp. n., 1. Gen. Trochosa, (C. L. Koch). Trochosa rubiginea, sp. n., 4, 3. „ hebes, sp. n., 4, 5, 3. „ propinqua, sp. n., 1. „ adjacens, sp. n., 5. „ sabulosa, sp. n., 5, 4. „ approximata, sp. n., 1. ,, rubromandibulata, sp. n.^ 4. „ lugubris, sp. n., 6. Gen. Tarentula, (Sund.). Tarentula irascibilis, sp. n., 5. „ inimica, sp. n., 2. Gen. Lycosa, (Latr. ad partem). Lycosa condolens, sp. n., 4j 3. ,, fortunata^ sp. n., 2, 4, 5, 3. „ stellata, sp. n.j 5, 4, 3. „ credula, sp. n., 5, 3. „ vindex, sp. n., 4. „ vindicata, sp. n., 1, 5. „ passibilis, sp. n., 5. „ flavida, sp. n., 4, 5, 3. Boebe, gen. nov. Beebe benevola, sp. n.j 4, 5, 3. Fam. Sphasides. Gen. Oxyopes, (Latr.). Oxyopes jubilans, sp. n., 1. „ prsedicta, sp. n., 1. „ rejecta, sp. n., 1. Fam. Salticides. Gen. Heliophanus, (C. L. Koch). Heliophanus dubius, Sim., 5. Gen. Plexippus, (C. L. Koch.) Plexippus adansonii, Sav., 1. Gen. Menemerus, (Lin.). Menemerus cinctus, sp. n., 4. ,, incertus, sp. n., 4. „ deletus, sp. n., 3. „ frigidus, sp. n., 1. 112 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Gen. Attus, (Sim.). Attus devotus, sp. n., 1. „ beneficus, sp. n., 1. ,, diduetusj sp. n., 1. „ auspex, sp. n., 4, 5. „ avocator, sp. n., 5. Separate Lists of Species found in the several Districts. N. B . — Where no figure is added, the spider was found only in the district under consideration. District 1. Murree, Murree to Sind Valley, and Sind Valley. Idiops designatus. Dysdera cylindrica. Drassus dispulsus, %, 3, 4, 5. „ involutus. Clubiona deletrix. „ laticeps. Cbeiracantbium adjacens. „ approximatum. Trachelas costata, Ccelotes tegenarioides. „ simplex. Episinus algiricus, (Luc.) . Theridion riparium, (Blackw.). ,, lepidum. „ subitum. „ confusum. „ expallidatum. „ tuberculatum, (Kron.). „ incertum. Steatoda nigrocincta, 3. Phycus sagittatus. Erigone dentipalpis. Linypbia consanguinea. „ albopunctata. ,, straminea. Meta mixta. Epeira bigibbosa. „ pellax. ,, gurda. „ punctata. „ praedata. ,, cucurbitina. ,, panniferens. „ carnifex. „ gibbera. Chorizoopes stoliczkae. „ congener, Cyrtarachne pallida. Uloborus albescens. Misumena expallidata. „ (?) oblonga. Synema exculta. Dicea spinosula. „ subdola. „ sufSava. ,, subargentata. Xysticus maculosus. „ setiger. ,, mundulus. Monastes dejectus. Sarotes regius, (Fabr.) . „ promptus. Sparassus fugax. Philodromus medius, (Carabr.) , Thanatus albescens. Stoliczka insignis. Ocyale rectifasciata. „ dentifasciata. Trocbosa propinqua. „ rubromandibulata. Lycosa vindicata, 5. Oxyopes jubilans. ,, prsedicta. „ rejecta. Plexippus adansonii. Menemerus frigidus. Attus (?) devotus. „ beneficus. „ diductus. AEANEIDEA. 113 Disteict 2. Neighbourhood of Leh, and Tanhtze to Chagra and PanTcong Valley. Filistata reclusa. Drassus troglodytesj (C. L. Koch.), 3, 4, 5. „ interemptor. ,, dispulsus, 1, 3, 4, 5. „ interlisus, 3, 4, 5. Trachelas costata. Epeira tartarica. Sparassus timidus, Philodromus cinerascens, 3. Tarentula irascibilis. Lycosa fortunata, 3, 4, 5. Disteict 3. Yarkand to Burst. Drassus troglodytes, (C. L. Koch.), 2, 4, 5. „ dispulsus, 1, 2, 4, 5. ,, interlisus, 2, 4, 5. Gnaphosa stoliczkse, 5. „ plumalis, (Cambr.). „ mcerens, 5. Clubiona laudata. Tegenaria (?) . Steatoda nigrocincta, 1. Drepanodus mandibularis, (Luc.). Erigone atra, (Blackw.) . Linyphia pusilla, (Sund.), 4. Tetragnatha extensa, (Linn.). Epeira eornuta, (Clerck), 4. Thomisus albidus. Thomisus albens. Dioea suspiciosa. Xystieus breviceps. Philodromus cinerascens, 2. Thanatus thorellii, (Cambr.). Trochosa rubiginea, 4. „ hebes, 4, 5. Lycosa condolens, 4. ,, fortunata, 2, 4, 5. ,, stellata. „ credula, 5. „ flavida, 4, 5. Beebe benevola, 4, 5. Menemerus deletus. Disteict 4. Yarkand and neighbourhood j and Yarkand. Drassus troglodytes, (C. L. Koch), 2, 3, 5. „ dispulsus, 1, 2, 3, 5. ,, interlisus, 2, 3, 5. Prosthesima cingara, Cambr., 4. Agroeca flavens. Argyroneta aquatica, (Walek.). Linyphia pusilla, (Sund.), 3. Epeira haruspex. „ eornuta, (Clerck), 3. Sparassus flavidus. Trochosa rubiginea, 3. „ hebes, 3, 5. Trochosa sabulosa, 5. „ approximata. Lycosa condolens, 3, ,, fortunata, 2, 3, 5. „ stellata, 3, 5. ,, vindex. ,, flavida, 3, 5. Beebe benevola, 3, 5. Menemerus cinctus, „ incertus. Attus auspex, 5. Disteict 5. Kdshghar ; between Ydngihissdr and Sirikol ; Ydngihissdr ; road across the Pamir from Sirikol to Punjab and back ; and hills between Sirikol and Aktalla, Drassus troglodytes, (C. L. Koch.), 2, 3, 4. „ infletus. „ invisus. „ interpolator, Drassus dispulsus, 1, 2, 3, 4. „ interlisus, 2, 3, 4. ,, lapsus. Gnaphosa stoliczkse, 3. 1 D 114 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Gnaphosa plumalis, (Cambr.), 3. Prosthesima cingara, (Cambr.), 4. Micaria connexa. ,, pallida. Agroeca debilis. Dictyna albida. Steatoda sordidata. Pachygnatha clerckii, (Sund.). Xysticus cristatus, (C. L. Koch.). „ audax, (C. L. Kocb.), Tibellus propinquus. Trochosa hebes, 3, 4. ,, adjacens. Explanation op the Plates. PI. I. Fig. 1. Idiops designate, sp. n., ^ . a. spider in profile witb legs and palpi truncated ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. palpus ; d.f e. portion of leg of first pair in different positions ; f. natural length of spider. . ,, <1. Filistata reclusa, sp. n,, ? . a. spider in profile without legs or palpi ; b. eyes and falces from in front ; c. natural length of spider. „ 3. Bysdera cylindrica, sp. n., $ . a. spider in profile without legs or palpi ; b., c. palpus in two different positions; d. natural length of spider. „ 4. Frassus infletus, sp. n., $ . a. spider in profile without legs or palpi ; b. eyes from behind ; c. genital aperture ; d. natural length of spider. „ 5. Frassus inter emptor, sp. n., $ . a. spider in profile without legs or palpi ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. palpus ; d. natural length of spider. „ 6. Frassus invisus, sp. n., 9 . a. spider in profile without legs or palpi ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. genital aperture ; d. natural length of spider. „ 7. Frassus interpolator, sp. n., $ . a. spider in profile without legs or palpi ; h. eyes from above and behind ; c. palpus ; d, natural length of spider. „ 8. Frasstis dispulsus, sp. n., $ . a. spider in profile without legs or palpi , b. eyes from above and behind; c. palpus of $ ■, d. genital aperture of $ ; e. natural length of spider. „ 9. Frassus interlisus, sp. n., $ . a. spider in profile ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. palpus; d. natural length of spider. „ 10. Frassus involutus, sp. n., 9 . a. spider in profile ; ^.* eyes from above and behind ; c. genital aperture ; d. natural length of spider. * In this figure (10 6.), the eyes of the hind-central pair are placed too obliquely. Trochosa sabulosa, 4. „ lugubris. Tarentula inimica. Lycosa fortunata, 2, 3, 4. „ steUata, 3, 4. „ credula, 3. „ vindicata, 1. „ flavida, 3, 4. Beebe benevola, 3, 4. Heliophanus dubius. Attus auspex, 4. ,, avocator. Fig. 11. Frassus lapsus, sp. n., $ . a. spider in profile ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. genital aperture ; d. natural length of spider. ARANEIDEA. 115 Fig. 12. Gnaphosa stoliczhae, sp. n,, S ■ a. spider in profile ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. palpus of d. genital aperture of ? ; e. natural length of spider. „ 13. Gnaphosa moerens, sp. n., cJ. a. spider in profile ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. palpus of $ •, d. portion of palpus show- ing form of radial apophysis ; e. genital aperture of S ; natural length of spider. „ 14. Clubiona deletrix, sp. n., . a. spider in profile ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. palpus of ^ ; d. genital aperture of ? : e, natural length of spider. „ 15. Clubiona laticeps, sp. n., ? . a. spider in profile ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. genital aperture ; d. natural length of spider. ,, 16. Clubiona laudata, sp. n., c?- a, spider in profile ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. palpus ; d. natural length of spider. „ 17. Chiracanthium adjacens, sp. n., a. spider in profile ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. palpus of ? ; d. genital aperture of S ] e. natural length of spider. „ 18. Chiracanthium approximatum, sp. n., $ . a, spider in profile ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. genital aperture ; d. natural length of spider. „ 19. Agroeca debilis, sp. n., $ . a. spider in profile j b, eyes from above and behind ; c. maxillse and labium ; d. genital aperture ; e. natural length of spider. „ 20. Agroeca Jlavens, sp. n., $ . a. spider in profile ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. maxillse and labium ; d. genital aper- ture ; e. natural length of spider. „ 21, Trachelas costata, sp. n., $ . a. spider in profile ; b. eyes from above and behind ; c. maxillse and labium ; d, genital aperture ; e. natural length of spider. OoTt. of India Central Printing OfiBoe— No. 37 I. M,— 1-6-86,— 286. ARANEIDEA. Second ^ferkand Mission. Plate I Tuffen Wc3t dfl E.Caler liii. > I V \ f <' “ V « • ^ ARANEIDEA. Plale.IL Second "Yarkand Miasion. ¥intem Bros. imp. Tufren-Vfestdel. E. Carter Eti.. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA PhD. MOLLUSCA. BY GEOFFREY NEVILL, C.M.Z.S. iublishcb bg ©rkr of tho Sobcrnmeitt of Inbia. CALCUTTA : OFFICE OP THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1878 . SOIENTIFIO EESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLTCZKA PhD. MOLLUSCA. BY GEOEFREY NEVILL, C.M.Z.S. t ^ublishcb bg orbcr of the €oberttmcnt of Inbia. CALCUTTA : OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1878 . OAICUTTA : rBINTED BY THE SUPEBINTBNDENT OF GOVEENMBNT FEINTING, 8, HASTINGS STEEET. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION. MOLLUSCA. By GEOPPBEY NEVILL, C.M.Z.S, I.— MOLLUSCA FROM EASTERN TURKESTAN AND LADA'K. T he following is a list of the moUusca obtained by the late Dr. Stoliczka in Central Asia and Ladak, while attached as naturalist to the second embassy to Yarkand ; Dr. Stoliczka also collected a considerable number of shells in Kashmir and its neighbourhood ; as, however, nearly, if not all, the land moUusca from those parts belong to our Indian fauna proper, I have thought it best to give a separate list of them. As was to be expected, the mollus- cous fauna of Yarkand proves to be exceedingly poor and entirely Em’opean in its affinities ; the freshwater shells, indeed, are either identical with, or most closely allied to, well-known European forms ; very nearly all the species are recorded from Turkestan in the account of the MoUusca of Eedschenko’s ‘ Beise.’ I take this opportunity of acknowledging the great obUga- tion I am under to Dr. E. von Martens, not only for a copy of the above work, of which he is the author, but also for a critical opinion on the species here recorded, of which I have availed myself in several instances. The only striking novelty is the new Succinea martensiana : its thickness and opaqueness of texture and its vivid orange-coloured aperture make it one of the most interesting and peculiar forms of the genus. It is interesting to find such characteristic sheUs as Selix jphcRozona and H.. plectotropis extending southwards from Kokand and the Tian Shan Range as far as Sasak Taka ; even more remarkable are the new localities for Fupa cristata, originaUy found in the Sarafshan VaUey ; the absence of the genus Sydrobia from Dr. Stoliczka’s coUection strikes me as noteworthy, especiaUy as no species of Valvata, on the other hand, is recorded by von Martens from Turkestan. The most interesting fact, however, seems to me to be the entire disappearance, on leaving Sonamarg on the confines of Kashmir, of the characteristic Indo-Malayan genus Nanina, which re-appears again (with two species of the sub-genus Macrochlamys) in the Sarafshan VaUey; the same is also the case with species of Bulimmus {Napceus), Barmacella, and Limax (?) ; the two last, however, belong to the European fauna and species of them are mere stragglers on the extreme north-west confines of India. StoUczka remarks that the sheUs recorded as found in the Pankong Lake were taken from a “ stratified shaly and sandy deposit on the west side of the Pankong plain, about 50 feet above the level of the present edge of the water and about two mUes distant from it ; 2 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. some of the specimens of Valvata still have the epidermis, and it is possible that where the water of the lake is fresh, the shells may live.” The re-appearance of two of M. Issel’s new species of Limncea (originally described from Persia) is important, as proving the constancy of these respective forms. The same remark holds good with regard to one of my new Yunnan species. 1. VlTEINA PELLUCID A, Milll. Shell perfectly undistinguishable from European specimens from Mennighiifen and other localities. Dr. Stoliczka had previously collected some twenty specimens of a similar form at Lalioul. Von Martens does not record the species from Turkestan, but describes a new species as V. rugulosa, Koch, the Latin description and measurements of which seem to agree fairly with the Mataian form ; unfortunately I am unable to understand the Russian descrip- tion, in which he compares his new species with V. pellucida. Dr. StoHczka describes the animal of this Mataian shell as “ blackish, with the tentacles very short.” Sixteen specimens from Mataian, near Dras, Upper Indus Valley : diam. 6, alt. 3|- mm.; apert. diam. 3|, alt. 3J. 2. Hyalina (Conulus) pulva, Drap. Perfectly undistinguishable, as far at least as regards the shell, from the typical European form. Stoliczka had previously found the species in abundance at Spiti and Lahoul. Mr. Blanford also found the species at Mazendaran in Persia. Species from Pekin are well re- presented by Deshayes (Nouv. Archiv. Museum, vol. x, pi. 1). Three specimens from Wakhan and three from Mataian. 3. Helix (Eeuticicola) ph^eozona, v. Mart., Pigs. 1 — 3. E. V. Martens, Fedscli. Moll., pi. i, fig. 8 (Kokand). Shell of solid texture, about the size of H. similaris, wliich indeed it somewhat resembles ; umbilicate, conoidly globose, irregularly and rouglily striate, decussated with almost microsco- pical spiral lines ; straw- white, with a single, very broad brown band, just above the periphery ; in a single specimen only is this band altogether absent ; spire conoidal, varying in being more or less raised; whorls six, the last more or less subangulate, convex at base; aperture lunately rounded, with the peristome much thickened, and the columella exceedingly broadly reflected. Diam. 16^, alt. 12^ ; apert. diam. 9, alt. 8 mm. Depressed variety from Pasrobat ; diam. 16, alt. 10|. I ought to note that I include the margins in recording measurements of the aperture. Twenty specimens from Sasak Taka (6,500 ft.) and five from Pasrobat, west of Yarkand. MOLLUSCA. 3 4. Helix (Frijticicola) plectoteopis, v. Mart., Figs. 4—6, E. V. Martens, Malakozoologiehe Blatter, XI, 1864, and Fedsch. Moll., pi. i, fig. 11 (Tianschang) . Shell about the same size as the preceding ; openly umhilicate, depressedly conoidal, with a raised keel which is distinctly visible to nearly the apex, sutures not excavated ; • beautifully and somewhat regularly sculptured, with sharp and raised oblique ribs, about half the breadth of their interstices, above of a light brown, with the keel and ribs of a straw colour, about one-fourth of the base nearest the periphery pale brown, the rest straw colour ; spire depressed, convex, with brown apex, whorls six, the last one sharply and prominently keeled and more or less convex at base, aperture diagonal (produced laterally), peristome reflected, angled at the periphery, the columella, as in the preceding, exceedingly broadly expanded ; the aper- tures of several specimens were closed with a calcareous epiphragm. Diam. 18, alt. 10 ; apert. diam. 11, alt. 8^ mm. Twenty-flve specimens from Sasak Taka found living with the preceding. 5. Helix (Feuticicola) mataianensis, n. sp.. Figs. 7 — 9. Shell a little smaller than H. plectotropis, in many respects a good deal resembling it, but of much tliinner and more delicate texture ; openly umhilicate, depressedly conoidal, whorls flve and a half, with excavated suture and without a raised keel, in both of wliich respects it materially differs from the preceding, last whorls with a medium-sized keel, base convex, above sculptured irregularly, with more or less strongly developed ribs, beneath sculp- ture obsolete, almost smooth ; white, irregularly mottled with pale horn colour, apex horn brown ; aperture ovate, subangulate at periphery, almost as high as broad ; peristome lightly reflected, columella expanded. Diam. 13|, alt. 7 mm. ; apert. diam. 6f, alt. 6f mm. Nine specimens from Mataian, in the Dras Valley, at 11,200 feet. Unfortunately most are quite young shells, only one or two being sufficiently full grown to show the reflected outer Hp. Stoliczka describes the animal in his journal as “ uniform greenish dusky, no trace of a tail gland, the body very short, the posterior part of the foot shorter than the anterior.” 6. Helix (Xeeophila) stoliczkana, n. sp.. Figs. 10 — 12. Shell rather thin, about the size of H. ericetorum and closely resembling it, but more depressed, umbilicus slightly less open, colouration different and aperture differently shaped ; openly umhilicate, flatly depressed ; above irregularly striate, below sculpture obsolete ; white ; invariably ornamented with two striking brown bands, one of which in most, but not all the specimens, can be traced as far as the apex, the two bands are, of course, near the periphery ; the space between them is about the width of the two bands together ; apex bright brown ; whorls five and a half with distinct suture, not keeled, convex at base ; aperture as high as broad, dilated above, considerably higher than the periphery in fine full-grown specimens ; peristome slightly thickened, columella moderately reflected ; the aperture in many of the specimens was closed with a thin epiphragm. 4 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Diam. 16^, alt. 7^ ; apert. diam. 8, alt. 7^ mm. About a hundred specimens from Sasak Taka and Pasrobat, west of Yarkand. Twelve specimens, in poor and weathered condition, from north of Tangitar on carboni- ferous limestone ; they are a remarkably small variety, about half the typical size, the two bands are scarcely discernible, and they are not quite so flat. 7. Helix (Vallonia) costata. Mull., var. asiatica, nov. This is probably the variety recorded by von Martens from Turkestan, measuring 3 mm. in diam. and in height ; it only differs from the typical European form by its larger size and slightly stronger subangulation at base near the umbilicus. More than a hundred and fifty specimens were collected by Dr. Stoliczka, all of approximately the same size, at Pasrohat, Sasak Taka and Wakhan ; one of the specimens from the last locality I have taken as my type of var. asiatica. I take this opportunity of noting that Mr. W. T. Blanford brought back from Mazendaran in Persia numerous specimens of a variety, the same size as the European form and with similar sculpture, but having the umbilicus a shade more open. 8. Helix (Vallonia) ladacensis, n. sp. {an H. costata, var.?) I have long separated this form, which can be distinguished from aU the varieties of H. costata at a glance by its much more open umbilicus, at least hah as open again ; it is a much larger shell than typical H. costata, about the same size (a trifle larger) as the above described var. asiatica ; the sculpture is finer, closer together and more beautifully regular ; the spire is flatter, the suture more excavated ; the base is scarcely, if at aU, subangulate near the umbilicus, as it is in so marked a way in the preceding ; one of the best character- istics of a. ladacensis is the considerably higher and more expanded aperture with a corre- sponding less obhque columeUa ; the umbilicus is so much more open that the whorls within can be clearly traced up to the apex itself. Diam. 3j, alt. mm. Type from Mataian in the Dras VaUey (Ladak), where Dr. Stoliczka found about sixty specimens. One of the specimens I sent Dr. von Martens from this locality possesses, he informs me, a “httle plait on the wall of the mouth.” Unfortunately I have not been able myself to detect this plait in any other specimens. Ten specimens were brought from Leh (chief town of Ladak) ; twenty from “ Narka ” (?) in West Tibet, shghtly smaller and with more raised spire than Mataian specimens. 9. Pupa (Pupilla) muscorum, L. Eourteen specimens from Pasrobat, 3| mm. in length ; fifty from Kaskasu, 3 J mm. in length ; fifty from shores of Lake Pankong, a form remarkable for its produced whorls, 3f to 4|- mm. in length ; twenty from Spiti,^ agreeing with the preceding form, in the great difference in the length of the spire in different individuals, the whorls being sometimes much produced, at other times curiously shortened and compressed ; four specimens from Mataian, one only perfect unfortunately. I have considerable doubts in referring this Mataian form to ' Procured by Dr. Stoliczka on a previous visit to the Himalayas. MOLLUSCA. P, muscormi at all, the spire is less produced, striation less developed, form of aperture simpler and less angular ; length mm. ; no tooth. Not a single one of the Ladak specimens possesses even a rudiment of a tooth on the wall of the aperture, nor have I been able to detect any in the Kaskasu form ; in one or two of the Pasrobat shells only is a very slight tooth just discernible ; as far as I have seen, this absence of the tooth appears to be characteristic of our Asiatic forms. 10. Pupa (Pupilla) cristata, v. Mart. E. V. Martens, Fedsch. Reise, Moll. pi. ii, fig. 19 (Sarafshan Valley). The specimens of this very distinct and interesting form agree exactly with typical figures 19C. and E. Eigure B, on the contrary, has the spire a little more produced, with the whorls a trifle more convex, and the aperture slightly more contracted, the margins of which, in our Museum specimens, are somewhat considerably more delicately dilated ; I can only detect, after a most careful search under the lens, a single tooth on the outer margin, as in the above Agm^e C, not two, as in the description and flgure B. Shell ovate, rimate, of horny brown colour, obhquely slightly striated, apex obtuse ; seven whorls, the 4th, 5th and 6th of equal width, the last one somewhat compressed at the base, with an obtuse keel round the umbilicus continued more prominently in a raised ridge, parallel with the outer margin of the aperture ; aperture small and rounded, with the peristome broadly reflected; a prominent tooth on the wall of the mouth, a single fold on the columella (lying rather far back) and a single obtuse tooth within the outer margin. Long. 3|, diam. 2 mm. Eleven specimens from Sasak Taka, where it is by no means common; sixteen from Pasrobat, where it occurs more abundantly in company with P. muscorum. 11. SuCCINEA MARTENSIANA, n. Sp., EigS. 30-31. Shell unusually thick, about the size of S. girnarica^ Theob., (Conchologia Indica, pi. Ixvii, flg. 6,) which it at first sight much resembles ; it is, however, quite half as thick again, of much intenser colouring and of more convexly shaped whorls ; whorls four, convex, produced and separated : in S. girnarica there are only three, which increase less rapidly and are less obliquely inclined ; the last whorl of the Yarkand species is shorter and not nearly so ovately oblong ; the texture is more rugose, the irregular longitudinal furrows being unusually strongly developed ; the colouration is peculiar, being of an opaque milky white, more or less purple near the apex ; the aperture is internally of a brilliant orange colour and more laterally expanded than in S. girnarica : the columella varies, but is always straighter than is the casein its ally; the callosity jotning the columella and outer hp is strongly marked. S. martensiana (type), long. 17, diam. 11; apert. long. 12, diam. 8| mm. S. girnarica^ long. 18|^, diam. Ilf ; apert. long. 14, diam. mm. This species is very variable in shape ; the Museum possesses a very fine series of it, all from Kathiawad (Kattywar). I have named this handsome species after Dr. E. von Martens of Berlin, to whose great kindness, in sending me a critical opinion of these Yarkand shells, I am so much indebted. 2 6 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Of the Yarkand species, Dr. Stoliczka found about fifty specimens, in all stages of growth, at Sasak Taka, many of them alive ; also about twenty at Pasrohat. 12. SucciNEA PFEiFFERi, Rossm., var. This Yarkand variety is only distinguishable from typical European specimens by its smaller proportions, slightly stouter texture, and deeper amber colour. Long. 11, diam 6; apert.long. 7^, diam. 1 mm. Ten specimens from Yarkand and nine from Sasak Taka. SucciNEA PFEIFFERI, Var. SUBINTERMEDIA, nOV., EigS. 32-33. Erom near Yarkand, Dr. Stoliczka also brought hack about twenty specimens of a small form, easily distinguishable from the preceding by its less everted last whorl, thinner texture and lighter colour; it is in some respects intermediate between S. 'putris ujidi S. pfeifferi, hut its more produced spire seems to me to compel its classification with the latter ; the nearest Em’opean form we possess in the Museum is a Transylvanian shell sent from Germany as S. amphibia {putris) var. intermedia. The Museum also possesses three specimens from Candahar, presented by the late Captain Hutton, in no way to he distinguished from the Yarkand form, except in being about half as large again ; the columella is less rounded and decidedly more suhangulate at the base, than in German and Erench specimens. I found a variety, however, from England agreeing in this respect with our Asiatic forms, though the spire is less produced in the latter ; it seems to me that the transition as regards the shell itself from S. putris to S. pfeifferi is almost, if not quite, imperceptible ? Long. 11, diam. 5| ; apert. long. 7f , diam. mm. 13. SucciNEA PUTRIS, L. var. About forty specimens were found living on grass in a marsh near Yarkand city ; it is a small, thin and glassy variety, resembling in miniature a form from Wales sent me by the late Mr. E. Layard as S. putris, L., var. vitrea; its more swollen shape, less produced spire and more everted last whorl distinguish it from the form I have described above as (S', pfeijfferi, var. sub-intermedia ; its more globose shape, less produced spire, thinner and more vitreous texture from my var. yarhandensis. Long. 10 ; diam. 6 ; apert. long. 7, diam. 4^ mm. 14. Limn^a auricularta, L., var. This form agrees fairly with Kobelt’s figure (Mai. BL, 1870, pi. lii, fig. 8, L. auricu- laria, var. ventricosa ; London) ; the principal difference is the apparently constantly more broadly reflected columella, wliich is also more rounded at the base ; the great tendency to deformity in the Sirikul specimens is very striking ; it appears to me that tlus form w'ould bo almost as well classified as an extreme variety of L. lagotis, allied to var. obliquata . MOLLUSCA. 7 Long. 23, diam. 19f ; apert. long., 18|^ diam. 14 mm. columella, at junction with body whorl, 2 to 2| mm. in breadth. About 20 specimens (dead) on the shore of Lake Shikul or Victoria, Pamir. Another variety is smaller and more delicate than the above, but with the same remark- ably thickened and rounded columella, as is well represented on pi. ii, fig. 20, “ Fedsch. Moll.”; the spire, however, in the Aktash specimens is more prominent and the broadly reflected columella even more marked. Long. 16f , diam. 13 ; apert. long. 13, diam. 10 mm. A deformed specimen measures long. 12|, diam. 12 mm. About 30 specimens were taken alive in a stream at Aktash (Sarikol). 15. Limn^a defilippii, Iss., var. sirikulensis, nov. Issel, Moll. Persia, 1865, pi. iii, figs. 26 & 63 (Lake Gokcha, 5,500 feet). This is perhaps the most remarkable of the Yarkand species of Limncea and the furthest removed from the typical forms of L. auricularia and L. lagotis, even more so than typical L. dejilippii. As justly pointed out by Issel, it is intermediate between the above group and that of L. stagnalis. It differs from Issel’s figure by the much more swollen, subangulate whorls, and by the shorter, not twisted and evenly rounded columella ; the produced spire and maUeated texture are very characteristic of both. I had already written the following description before I read that of Issel. Shell in size intermediate between L. stagnalis and L. lagotis ; of moderately thin tex- ture, the same as in L. stagnalis ; spire much more produced than in L. lagotis ; whorls six, remarkably subangulate ; aperture expanded as in fig. 10, pi. ii, “ Mai. BL,” 1870 ; colu- mella broadly reflected, almost completely covering the umbilicus, not twisted in the least, evenly rounded at base as in fig. 9 {loc. cit.) ; very young specimens present a remarkably close resemblance to those of L. stagnalis, the subangulation of the whorls and short, straight columella being naturally less distinctive than in full-grown specimens ; the surface of most specimens is more or less roughly decussately malleated ; under the lens a very fine and close longitudinal striation can be seen. Type of var. sirihulensis : long. 30J, diam. 21 ; apert. long. 20, diam. 14| mm. ; the ante-penultimate whorl measured from the outer lip 6f mm. ; a young specimen measured long. 24|, diam. 14 ; apert. lat. 14, alt. 9|-. Fourteen dead specimens found, on the shores of Lake Sirikul, in company with L. auri- cularia, var. 16. Limnjea lagotis, Schr. Limncea lagotis, Schr., Fauna Boica, iii, 1803. L. lagotis, var. solidissima, Kohelt, Malakozoologische Blatter, 1872, pi. ii, figs. 17 & 18. L. ohliquata, v. Mart., Mai. Bl., 1864, pi. iii, figs. 9 & 10 (Lake Issik-kul). A fine series of this remarkable variety was procured by Dr. Stoliczka in all stages of growth ; it varies greatly in the more or less produced spire, though never, even in its most elongated form, approaching the preceding form ; there is little, if any, trace of the malleated sculpture, often so characteristic of the preceding : the same fine longi- SECOND YARKAND MISSION. tudinal striation however exists ; all the specimens, young and old, are without exception of the peculiar thickness which suggested its excellent name of solidissima ; the five whorls agree with those of Kohelt’s original figure, which I suspect was taken from a Lake Pankong specimen, and do not show the suhangulation described in the preceding ; the aperture is much more expanded than in Kohelt’s typical figure, which was evidently taken from a rather young shell, the very tliick columella in most specimens agrees with that of the type, hut in some few it is abruptly twisted hack, as in pi. ii, fig. 21 of “Eedsch. Moll.” {L. oUiquata, V. Mart.) These specimens are interesting as removing one of the few slight differences be- tween L. obliquata and L. solidissima ; my Pankong specimens clearly show the more expand- ed aperture to he merely a question of age and condition, as is also the gradual slope of the outer lip ; nearly all my specimens agree in this latter respect with typical obliquata, only very few showing the angular outer lip of typical solidissima; Kohelt in his description pointed out the close afiinity of the two forms, and also that L. obliquata must he classed rather with L. lagotis, than L. auricularia ; the shortened columella seems to me the best characteristic of the latter group, as shown in the form I have already described as a variety of that species ; the difference is also excellently portrayed in von Marten’s figures, pi. ii, figs. 20 and 21, “Eedsch. MoU.” The Pankong shell, though always preserving its chief cha- racteristics, varies most remarkably, as will be seen from the accompanying measurements. The ordinary form : — long. 22, diam. 17^ ; apert. long. 18, diam. 12^ mm. A form with more produced spire and contracted aperture, agreeing with Kohelt’s figure : — long. 22, diam. 15|^ ; apert. long. 15|, diam. 10^ mm. A unique form, with quite depressed spire : — long. 19, diam. 15^ ; apert. long. 17J, diam. 12 mm. A form (represented by six or seven specimens), with unusually expanded and more rounded aperture : — long. 18, diam. 17 ; apert. long. 14|, diam. 12 mm. About a hundred specimens from the shores of the Pankong Lake : both young and old specimens show the same peculiar thickness of sheU. Limn^a lagotis, var. costulata. Limncea lagotis, var. costulata, v. Martens, Fedseh., Reise, Moll., pi. ii, fig. 21. More than a hundred specimens were collected by Dr. Stoliczka at Leh, agreeing exactly with figs. 22 and 24 {loc. cit.). I cannot consider the forms there figured as belonging to even different varieties ; there are numerous individuals amongst the Leh specimens of all the forms and of every conceivable connecting link ; the variety, as I understand it, appears to be fairly constant as regards size and colour ; the spire, too, does not appear to vary much more than in the figm’es quoted ; the columella, however, graduates from even a more rounded shape than in figm’e 22 B to the straight (or slightly bent hack) form of figure 24 A. Long. max. 18^, diam. 12 ; apert. long. 13f , diam. 8f mm. Limncea lagotis, var. taukandensis, nov. This is a striking and handsome form, close to the preceding, but half as large again, with more produced spire, of five less convex whorls, much stouter texture and straighter, more MOLLUSCA. 9 evenly rounded columella, wliicli is very broadly reflected ; these characters of the columella appear to be its only marked difference from the European form figured by Kobelt, “Mai. BL,” 1870, pi. iii, fig. 9. About forty specimens from Yarkand and from near Sasak Taka, on the road to Sarikol ; fourteen specimens from North Tangitar, of even stouter texture than the preceding ; twenty specimens from a marsh, 5 miles west of Pan j ah, in Badakshan; this is a shorter, dwarf form. Type of var. yarkandensis (from near Sasak Taka) : long. 22, diam. 15^ ; apert. long. 16, diam. 10^ mm. Limn^a lagotis, var. subdisjuncta, nov. More than a hundred specimens from the neighbourhood of Leh ; shell smaller even than var. costulata, of a peculiarly dark horn colour ; whorls four tu five, more convex and generally a little more produced, though varying in this respect, than fig. 22 B {loc. cit.) ; aperture un- usually narrow, especially above ; columella sharp, scarcely reflected, almost or altogether detached from the body whorl, and continuous with the outer hp, in consequence of this peculiar character the variety is always more or less openly umbilicate. Typical and ordinary form of the variety : long. 11, diam. 7 ; apert. long. 7^, diam. 5 mm. An extremely elongate form : long. 12, diam. 6^ ; apert. long. diam. 4^ mm. A depressed form : long. lOJ, diam. 7 ; apert. long. 8, diam. 5 mm. 17. Limn.s:a andersoniana, Nev. This interesting small species, which I have described in my paper on the mollusca brought back by Dr. Anderson from Yunnan and Upper Burma, is probably the form mentioned in the systematic list of the “ Conchologia Indica ” as L. marginata, Mich., from the Shan Provinces ; at least Mr. Theobald gave me a siugle specimen from the Shan States agreeing exactly with typical specimens of L. andersoniana from Nantin (Yunnan). Br. von Mar- tens by letter informs me that my Yarkand specimens belong to his “ L. pervia, which again is the L. davidi of Deshayes from Tibet.” I cannot, however, accept this identification as the original description throughout makes a great point of the open umbilicus, which it compares with that of L. truncatula, also stating that it is only half covered by the dilated columella. Out of several hundred specimens from Yarkand and Yunnan I am unable to discover a single specimen with what could be called an open umbilicus ; they all have it almost, and generally quite covered with the very broadly reflected columella. More than a hundred specimens, of a rather distinct variety, from North Tangitar and Kashghar ; with distinctly rimate aperture and spire more produced, whorls more convex than in the typical Yunnan form, columella not so short or straight, and less thickened. This must be the form I suppose nearest L. pervia ? Long. 11;^, diam. 7 ; apert. long. 7^, diam. 5 mm. About a hundred specimens from Yarkand ; after a most careful examination quite undis- tinguishable from the Yunnan type specimens : the umbilicus is completely covered. 10 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. 18, Limn^a truncatula, Miill. About thirty specimens from Leh, agreeing fairly with pi. ii, fig. 26 of ‘ Eedsch. Reise Moll.’ Dr. Stoliczka on a former visit to the Himalayas, found a still more produced form abundant at Spiti ; also a shorter form at Kulu, Kotegarh, &c. 19. LiMNiEA LESSONS, Iss. Issel, Moll.. Persia, 1865, pi. iii, figs. 64 — 66. I cannot separate this form, even as a variety, from Issel’s Persian shell, for specimens of which, from Karman (Persia), I am indebted to Mr. W. T. Blanford. Dr. Stoliczka collected some fifty specimens of an almost perfectly similar form in a stream east of the Pamir-kul ; they are like the type form imperforate, with similar short spire and rather expanded aperture. The Pamir specimens are of rather thicker substance ; the characteristic orange colour is also more marked. Long. 8, diam. 5f ; apert. alt. 5f , lat. 3f mm. 20. Planorbis (Gyraulus) albus. Mull., var. More than a hundred specimens were found on the shores of Lake Pankong ; they consist mainly of two forms, apparently equally plentiful, one with a more narrow umbilicus than in any European specimens I have seen, in this respect agreeing with some varieties of P. convexiusculus, Hutt., and with pi. iv., fig. 35, “ Mai. Bl.,” 1875 (P. riparius); in other respects, however, resembling figs. 1 — 3, loc. cit., of typical P. albus : diam. 4f, alt. mm. The other, with more open umbilicus, agreeing with figures 4 — 6 and 10 — 12, loc. cit.^ intermediate between the two : diam. 5, alt. 1^ mm. There are also two specimens with very open umbilicus, more so than in fig. 14, in other respects more like P. Iccms : diam. alt. 1^ mm. Two or three deformities were also found, in which the last whorl is completely detached and the spire curiously raised, presenting some analogy to specimens of Valvata. Erom Leh, also, some hundred specimens were brought of a form agreeing exactly in colour and every other respect with figs. 1 — 3. Mixed up with them equally abundantly was another allied form, which however, I have classed separately as P. leevis, var. More than a hundred specimens were collected at Yarkand; the majority fairly represented by figs. 4 — 6, loc. cit. Some few however, have the last whorl near the aperture considerably deflected, as in figs. 15 and 21 ; the umbilicus varies in being a little more or less open. Nine specimens from 5 miles west of Panjah (Badakshan) ; they agree fairly with the preceding Yarkand form. 21. Planorbis (Gyraulus) l^vis. Aid., var. ladacensis nov. Flanorbis lavis, Alder, Trans. Nat. Hist. Northumb,, 1830. glaher, Jeffr., 4raus. Linn. Soc. Loud., 1830. I confess I am unable to distinguish quite satisfactorily the differences between tliis species and the preceding. This Leh form, in any case, seems fairly separable from all the MOLLUSCA. 11 others brought back hy Dr. Stoliczka ; it differs mainly in two respects, colour and shape of the aperture, in the latter respect agreeing with pL iv, figs. 10 — 12, “ Mai. Bl. ” xxii, (P. IcBvis, Aid.) — shell resembling the above figures, but of a rich chestnut brown, and with the umbilicus a little more open ; the aperture is considerably more laterally expanded than in the forms I have grouped under P. albus, and consequently relatively not so high. Diam. 6, alt. 1^ mm. About a hundred specimens from Leh. 22. Planorbis (Tropidisctjs) subangulatus, Phil., var. Planorbis suhangulaia, Phil., “ Moll. Sicil. " 1844, pi. xxi, fig. 6 (Sicily). Pour specimens only were found at North Tangitar; the form is a very remarkable one, and may, I think, prove to be new ; it is very different from Persian specimens of P. suban- gulatus, as also from European P. marginatus ; the angulation is less distinct than in the former, the whole shell more compressed and flattened out, the spire showing distinctly all five whorls ; the aperture is more contracted, and the under side less deeply sunk. PI. iii, figs. 23-24, “Malakozoologische Blatter,” 1875, gives an almost exact representation of the form ; the shape of the aperture is quite different from that of fig. 22, being higher than the body whorl and not bent down ; of course these figures are magnified views of a minute and quite different species ; a faff idea of the shell may, however, be obtained from them. Diam. 8, alt. If mm. Persian specimens of P. subangulatus measure — diam. 7^, alt. 2 mm. 23. Planorbis (Segmentina) nitidus. Mull. Planorbis nitidus, Muller, Hist. Vermium. p. 163. Twelve specimens of a small form from Yarkand. 24. Planorbis (Hippeutis) complanatus, Lin. Planorbis fontanus, Lightf. (England). Ten specimens were found with the preceding at Yarkand ; they are also a small variety. 25. Planorbis (Armiger) nautileus, Lin. {Fide Westerl., Mai. Bl., 1875, p. 115 = P. crista, Lin., var.) I detected seven specimens of this interesting minute form inside the apertures of the Yarkand specimens of Limncea ; the margins of the aperture are continuous ; I can detect no signs of transverse ribs, and the form is most certainly specifically distinct from my English specimens of L. crista, L., as represented in “ Malakozoologische Blatter,” pi. iv, figs. 25 — 27 ; the Yarkand shells agree very fairly with figs. 28-30, loc. cit. Diam. 2f mm. 12 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. 26. Valvata piscinalis, Miill. Nerita piscinalis, Muller, Hist. Verm., p. 172. About thirty specimens from the Pankong Lake, quite undistinguishable from European specimens. 27. Valvata stoliczkana, n. sp. Eigs. 34—36. This is a distinct and interesting new species ; in its size and depressed form it resembles V. depressa, C. Pfr., Kiister, pi. xiv, figs. 20 & 21 ; it can be at once distinguished from it by the remarkably deep and narrow umbilicus, only half as open as that of Pfeiffer’s shell. There are four whorls, which are slightly subangulate, forming a faint depression near the suture ; under the lens it is distinctly, closely and regularly striated ; the colour is a light glossy green , the aperture is not perfectly circular and is not quite so broad as high. Diam 4, axis If mm. Abundant at Yarkand. 28. PisiDiUM, n. sp. It is a great pity that the figures in Clessin’s new monograph of Fisidium, in Kiister’s edition of the “ Conchyhen- Cabinet,” are so bad as to be almost without exception perfectly unrecognizable ; a glance at Baudon’s figures, “ Monog. Pisidies Erancaises,” published in 1857, will show the great inferiority of the former ; the shell described by Clessin as Corbicuia (?) minmia in “Eedsch. Moll., ” pi. iii., fig. 30, is a most remarkable form, and I hope Dr. von Martens will give us further and more correct information as to its proper classification. The present species bears a close resemblance to European forms of F. pulchellum ; it is certainly not allied even to the species represented in Eedschenko’s Mollusca ; the form is well characterized by its obtuse and tumid umbones, by its extreme shortness, by its distinct concentric sculpture, and by its light- grey (cineraceous) colour; it some- what resembles Baudon’s pi. i, fig. E (P. ohtusale), but is less extremely tumid, and not so high, compared with its breadth ; compared with pi. iii, fig. D, loc. cit., it is not so high, more tumid at the umbones, which are less central, and Baudon’s shell is apparently smooth ; the position of the umbones is exactly represented by pi. ii, fig. H. (P. Umosum), loc. cit., from which indeed the Yarkand shell would seem to be scarcely separable. Diam. 3, alt. 2^, crass. 2^ mm. Abundant at Yarkand. 29. PisiDiUM, n. sp. This is a very small, almost circular species, flatter than the last when of the same size and with the umbones less tumid and more central ; the sculpture is the same ; it is more tumid and less polished than the next form, with the sides less produced and more MOLLUSCA. 13 rounded, the umbones more central ; it has more the shape of Baudon’s pi. Ill, fig. D, than the last species has. Diam. 2|, alt. 2, crass. If mm. About a dozen specimens from Yarkand. 30. PisiDiUM, n. sp. This small form is quite distinct from the two preceding ; it can he at once distinguished by its great flatness, by being more broadly truncate anteriorly, more produced posteriorly, by its very flatly appressed umbones and by its polished glabrous surface ; it resembles Bau- don’s pi. ii., fig. E, (P. thermale, Dup.), and also somewhat “ Eedsch. Moll.,” pi. iii., fig. 33, though apparently the latter does not possess the characteristic appressed umbones. Diam. 3, alt. 2^, crass mm. Only two or three specimens from Yarkand. 31. PiSIDIUM OBTUSALE, Pfr. Agrees fairly with Clessin’s figure of P. ohtusale, loc. cit., pi. ii., fig. 22. Diam. 4f, alt. 3f, crass. 2f mm. About twenty specimens from Pankong Lake. 4 14 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. II.-MOLLUSCA FROM KASHMIR AND THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OP MARI (MURREE) IN THE PUNJAB. The change from the Indo-Malayan to the so-called European molluscous fauna at the northern watershed of the Kashmir Valley is most abrupt and distinct; every species found at Sonamarg belonging to the former, while, at only two days’ march from thence at Mataian, every shell belongs to the latter, as already above recorded. Major Godwin- Austen, who has personally visited the locality, has been kind enough to inform me that it is on crossing the pass called the “ Zoji-la” into Dras, that the change becomes at once very great, the aspect of the country entirely changing, the forest-clad hiUs of Kashmir disappear, and, instead, one enters a sterile, dry country of higher elevation, altogether Tibetan in character ; Sonamarg is within the drainage of the River Jhelum, whilst Mataian, on the other hand, is within that of the River Indus. 1. Helicarion axjstenianus, n. sp., Eigs. 22—24. Tliis is a very distinct and peculiar form, well distinguished from all other Indian species ; it is most like a dwarf H. jlemingi, from which it is distinguished by its short, almost globose form, &c. Shell much smaller than that of H. Jlemingi, more globose, suture more excavated, and the spire more raised, apex more distinct; more rudely and regularly concentrically plicated; whorls five, more convex, the last one not nearly so much dilated; texture thinner and more membranaceous, of an equally dark, but brighter and more glossy colour ; aperture about as high as broad; base a shade more convex, imperforate; columella less oblique, very short and abruptly triangularly reflected. Diam. 15^, axis 7| ; apert. lat. 9^, alt. 9^ mm. Some dozen specimens, several of which are preserved with the animal in spirit, were brought back from Sonamarg. 2. Helicarion flemingi, Pfr. Vitrina jlemingi, Pfr., P. Z. S., 1856, p. 324 (Sind). Young specimen, of approximately same size as fuU grown II . austenianum (for com- parison) : diam. 14^, axis 5f , alt. max. 9 ; apert. lat. 8f , alt. 8f mm. Dr. Stohczka found this fine species tolerably abundant at Murree and Tinali. There are several specimens with the animal in spirit. Diam. 40, axis 12, alt. max. 23'5 ; apert lat. 25, alt. 20 mm. MOLLTJSCA. 15 3. Helicauion stoliczkanus, n. sp., Figs. 19 — 21. Vitrina monticola of Reeve and Concliologia Indica, not Pfr. (.^) Vitrina sp.^ from Almora, Bens., J. A. S. B., VII, p. 214<. {?) Vitrina monticola of Benson in MSS., not of Pfr. This shell is a close ally of H. cassida, and might indeed be ranked as a smaller variety, with less exserted whorls and with a rather differently coloured epidermis ; the close relationship was noted as above by Benson, and is well shown by Beeve, figs. 10 and 11, and by Hanley, pi. clii, figs. 1 — 4, who represent both species side by side, no doubt purposely. A comparison of these figures with Pfeiffer’s original description, as detailed here under the next species, at once shows that the two belong to totally different sections of the genus- ■ I have discovered a very similar misunderstanding with Nanina 'petrosa^ Hutton, originally described from Mirzapur. On Benson informing Hutton that his Mirzapur A. petrosa was only the Calcutta N. vitrinoides, the latter transferred his name of N. petrosa to an undescribed Himalayan allied smaller form, the animal of which he knew to be distinct. Benson was wrong ; Hutton’s species from the Bajmahal Hills (Bhagalpur, Mirzapur, &c.), proves quite different, both as regards shell and animal, from the Calcutta form, and of course retains its name N. petrosa. It is weU and correctly figured in the “ Conchologia Indica,” pi. Ixxxviii, figs. 7 and 10, where our common Calcutta N. vitrinoides is not represented at aU. I think it very lik ely something similar may have happened, causing the confusion of this Selicarion and the next species ; some one may have pointed out that Pfeiffer’s flat and depressed shell was only a variety of Benson’s R. scutella from Teria Ghat, whereupon the name of monticola was trans- ferred to the other North-West form, which had previously not been distinguished by a separate name from R. cassida, though probably the allied form from Ahnorah referred to by Benson in the original description (J. A. S. B., VII, p. 214). Indeed from this passage I conclude Benson’s manuscript name of monticola really referred to this shell, and not to the species de- scribed as such by Pfeiffer. This would account for this form being named monticola in Cuming’s collection, and hence figured for it by Peeve and Hanley ; Pfeiffer’s actual type of monticola should be looked for in the Cumingian collection, amongst the variety of Vitrina scutella from the North-West Himalayas. Benson probably, when describing his Vitrina scutella^ did not compare it with Pfeiffer’s monticola, because he assumed the latter to be his own true manuscript monticola, and not the flat-whorled, depressed shell Pfeiffer reaUy described for it, and which Benson considered (possibly correctly) to be a variety of his Teria Ghat scutella. Dr. Stoliczka found a single specimen at Tinali. I have not taken this specimen as my type, but one of the common Naini Tal specimens, represented in most collections. Type from Naini Tal : diam. 22, axis 8, alt. 13 ; apert. lat. 14^, alt. 12 mm. 4. Helicarion monticola, Pfr. Vitrina monticola, Pfr., P. Z. S., 1848 (Landour, Almorah, &c.) Vitrina scutella (pars), Bens., Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 1859, ser. -3, vol- iii, p. 188 (Khasi Hills and Kashmir). Unfortunately, in his original description of R. scutella, Benson does not say whether he takes the Khasi or Kashmir form for his type ; the two must, I believe, be specifically separated. If, however, they should prove identical, the scutella of Benson will be a synonym 16 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. of monticola. According to the “ Conchologia Indica,” the type form of H. scutella is from the Khasi Hills, and the variety from Kaslunir; after a careful consideration of the original description, I think Mr. Hanley is correct in this view. Instead of 3^, S. monticola has whorls, which increase more regularly than in H. scutella; the colour is of a greenish-brown, instead of bright green ; the apex less acute ; the aperture much higher in proportion to its breadth ; the columella not oblique at all, almost straight and rounded at the l3ase. This species is found abundantly everywhere throughout the North-West Himalayas in company with the preceding. Specimen from Murree : diam. 16^, axis 5^, alt. 8^; apert. alt. 10^, alt. 10^ mm. Pfeiffer’s original measurements of S. monticola are: — diam. maj. 18, alt. 7^ mm. This is evidently an even more depressed form than the one here recorded from Murree, and does not at all agree with the preceding species, which possesses moderately exserted whorls and has been figured by both Reeve and Hanley for S. monticola ; the latter author’s figure measures : — diam. 20^, alt. 13 mm. Pfeiffer’s description, too, suits this shell, and not the preceding, when he says, “ Depressa, 8fc., spira plana ; anfract. 4, celeriter accrescentes planiusculi, ultimus depressus, non descendens, &c.” 5. Nanina (Rotula) chloroplax, Bens. Helix chloroplax, Benson, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, ser. 3, vol. xv, p. 14 (near Simla). Pound abundantly near Murree, agreeing exactly with the original description and the figure in “ Conchologia Indica,” pi. xxxii, figs. 1 and 4. A few of the specimens found were larger than the type, which was only 8 mm. in diameter. Diam. max. 11, axis 5, alt. 6; apert. lat. 6, alt. 4 mm. 6. Nanina (Rotula) kashmieensis, n. sp.. Pigs. 13 — 15. Shell small, closely resembling the preceding, from which it can, however, he easily distinguished by its smaller size, less depressed shape, much more closely wound whorls, higher spire and less acute keel ; by the more convex base, which does not possess the ex- cavated depression round the umbilicus so characteristic of its ally ; the umbilicus itself also is smaller ; the sculpture is apparently the same, above suhplicately striate, below the same hut less developed than above. I think both should rather he described as most minutely punctuate, rather than “ tenuissime decussata ” as in the original description of N. chloroplax. The aperture is quite different, being much less dilated in the present species, with scarcely any trace of the acute angulation in the middle of the outer margin, and with the columella less oblique and more rounded at the base. Pull-grown type of iV. kashmirensis, diam 7^, axis 3f, alt. 4J ; apert. lat. 3^, alt. 3 mm. Young specimen of N. chloroplax (for compari- son) : diam 7|, axis 3|, alt. 4^ ; apert. lat. 4, alt. 3 mm. Abundant at Sonamarg. 7. Nanina (Microcystis?) sonamurgensis, n. sp.. Pigs. 16—18. Shell small, depressed, thin, horny -brown, with the suture distinct ; roughly, regularly and closely ribbed above ; sculpture of a similar kind, hut almost obsolete, can be traced on the MOLLUSCA. 17 base ; whorls seven, closely wound ; the last scarcely, if at all, broader than the previous one, more or less subangulate at the periphery : base convex, distinctly excavated round a deep narrow umbilicus ; aperture very shallow, the outer margin distinctly thickened, slightly subangulate in the middle ; columella very slightly reflected, oblique, evenly rounded, without any angulation at the base, in this character resembling N. splendens and differing from N. prona. I know of no Indian species like tliis interesting little shell ; in shape it somewhat resembles the smooth N. woodiana. Diam. 11|, alt. 5^, axis 4^ ; apert. lat. mm. Dr. Stoliczka found a few specimens alive at Sonamarg ; he notes that the animal is provided with a mucous pore. 8. Nanina (Macrochlamts) prona, n. sp. Shell small, of the same group as N. petrosa, Hutt., &c., but with closer wound whorls ; it is a form which apparently is widely spread throughout the North-Western Himalayas, as the Museum possesses numerous specimens from Simla, Masuri, Naini Tal and Saharanpur ; two specimens, found by Colonel Godwin- Austen in the Dafila Hills, also apparently belong here. A very similar small form, but I think specifically distinct, is also found in the Bombay Presidency. Dr. Stoliczka’s specimens ^rom Murree are aU young, or in bad preservation ; I have therefore determined on not naming the species from his Murree specimens, but take as my type the common North-West Himalayan form, the. animal of which is known and which is usually recorded in collections as W. petrosa. Colonel Godwin- Austen informs me that Hutton himself transferred his own name petrosa from the Mirzapur shell to the Masuri one, on the strength of Benson’s statement that the former was identical with the Calcutta N. vitrinoides, in which, as already stated, Benson was quite wrong. This species is not figured in the “ Conchologia Indica,” as far as I can see. Whorls six, closely wound, the last only slightly deflected, sometimes not at all, in which case, of course, the aperture is quite vertical ; spire almost or quite flat ; periphery rounded ; umbilicus resembling that of N. petrosa, more open than in all the other allied species ; horny-brown colour, smooth and polished above and below ; margins of aperture distinctly, but slightly thickened. Type from Naini Tal : diam. 12, axis 4|, alt. 5f ; apert. lat. 6, alt. 4f mm. 9. Nanina (Bensonia) monticola, Hutt., var. mijrriensis, nov. Nanina monticola, Hutt., J. A. S. B., vii, 1838, p. 215 (North-Western Himalayas). Helix labiata, Pfr., P. Z. S., 1845, p. 65 (Loc.— ?— ) Both species are recorded and figured in the “ Conchologia Indica” as distinct, and I think very possibly the two forms there given may prove separable. Unfortunately, typical N. monticola is typical N. labiata, as figured 1. c., pi. xxvii, fig. 5. This I am able to prove by a fine series of typical N. monticola, presented years ago by Captain Hutton to the Asiatic Society, and now in the Indian Museum. Theobald correctly unites the two species in his catalogue, though I consider him mistaken in also uniting Beeve’s H. convexa. The form found by Dr. Stoliczka is near the much rarer one figured in the “ Conchologia Indica,” pi. lii, fig. 3, as H. monticola, and may prove distinct ; the Murree specimen differs indeed, even more markedly than the one there figured, in the characters which separate it from the type 18 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. form, namely, open umbilicus, compressed whorls, more vertical aperture and peculiar, abruptly raised apical whorls. A single specimen only was found at Cbangligali near Murree. 10. Nanina (Bensonia) splendens, Hutt. Nanina splendens, Hutton, J. A. S. B., 1838, p. 216 (North-Western Himalayas) ; " Conchologia Indica,” pi. li, figs. 7 and 10. This is one of the puzzling species, apparently intermediate between MacrocJilamys and Xesta. The question of its correct generic rank can only be settled by a careful examina- tion of its anatomy. In the excellent original description, the animal is described as of “ a dark verdigris green, living under fallen timber at 9,000 to 11,000 feet above the sea,” &c. Dr. Stoliczka found a few specimens at Tinali. 11. Nanina (Bensonia) angelica, Pfr. Helix angelica, Pfr., P. Z. S., 1856, p. 33 (Punjab). Dr. Stoliczka found several living specimens, aU unfortunately young, at Dri (between Tinali [ and Srinagar) . The form is distinguished from the preceding by the almost closed umbilicus, more closely wound whorls, &c. ; the rounded periphery and numerous varices appear to be characteristic. 12. Nanina (Bensonia) jacqijemonti, v. Mart. Nanina jacquemonti, v. Mart., Mai. Bl., xvi, 1869, p. 75 (Himalayas). A single specimen of this well-marked species was found at Mm’ree ; it is a common shell in the Punjab Salt E-ange. I give below the measurements of the Murree specimen, as they differ somewhat considerably from those of the type. Diam. 20, axis 7^; alt. 10|^, apert. lat. 10|, alt. 8^ mm. 13. Helix (Patula) humilis, Hutt. Helix humilis, Hutt., J. A. S. B., 1838, p. 217 (Simla). Pound tolerably abundant near Murree. Hutton records the animal “ as that of a true Helix, of a dark grey or blackish colour, abundant during the rains on moist rocks, under dead leaves, &c., and at the roots of shrubs.” 14. SucciNEA peeifeeri, Bossm. A few specimens from near Srinagar. MOLLUSCA. 15. Clausilia waageni, Stol. 19 Clausilia waageni, Stoliczka, J. A. S. B., 1872, pi. ix, fig. 19 (Changligali). About a dozen specimens of tbis species were found near Murree, under tbe bark of trees. 16. Clausilia cylindrica, Gray. Clausilia cylindrica, Gray, Pfr., Symb. Ill, p. 93 (India). Pound in great abundance, under the bark of oak trees, near Murree. 17. Buliminus (Petrous) stoliczkanus, n. sp.. Pigs. 25 — 27. Shell in shape resembhng B, rufistrigatus ; deeply and narrowly rimate, oblong, for a species of Betrceus of rather thin and diaphanous texture ; obhquely, very irregularly striated, the strise often very broad, more or less crow-ded together, with gaps between the “ fasciculi.’’ The ground colour is dark horny brown, with the striae pure white, having the appearance (owing to the epidermis) in a fresh state of being a bright yellow ; spire oblong, conical, apex obtuse ; whorls seven, scarcely convex ; aperture obhque and oblong, peristome white, outer margin scarcely reflected, columeUa moderately broad. It can be easily distinguished from its next ally B. rufistrigatus, by the less convex whorls, the more produced spire, less obtuse apex, by the considerably broader last whorl (in proportion to the others) and by the more dilated aperture; the sculpture also is pecuhar and characteristic ; it is nearer pi. xxiii, fig. 10, of the “ Con- chologia Indica ” than pi. xx, fig. 4. Long. 16, diam. 7 (last whorl to base of aperture 9) ; apert. 5f , lat. 4^ mm. Pound fairly abundant living on currant-bushes at Sonamarg. 18. Buliminus (Petr.®us) mainwaringianus, n. sp.. Pig. 28. There is no Indian species with which I can compare this species. As to shape, the nearest I know of are some small dwarf forms of Cylindrus insularis ; the species is, however, next allied to B. pretiosus and B. rufistrigatus. Narrowly and superficially rimate, subcyhndrically conical, of stout, smooth and polished substance ; striated, striae less oblique than in the preceding, fewer and more regular, not crowded together in the same way, here and there one more developed than the others, with intermediate ones more or less obsolete ; light horny -brown, variegated with opaque white markings, as in B. pretiosus ; these markings are fewer, of a more zigzag, broader and more irregular nature than those of the preceding ; spire produced, apex scarcely obtuse ; whorls 7, the three apical ones unusually short compared with the others, last whorl compressed ; aperture very small, almost as broad as high, peristome pure white, outer margin considerably thickened, columella very broadly reflected, straighter than in the preceding, slightly sub- angulate, instead of rounded, at base. Long. 10 , diam. 4^ (last whorl to base of aperture, 5^) ; apert. alt. 3|, lat. 3 mm. Pairly abundant, near Murree. 20 - SECOND YARKAND MISSION. I have named this pretty little shell after my friend Colonel Mainwaring, B.S.C., who has lately discovered very many interesting, rare and new forms round Calcutta, in Behar, and near Darjiling. 19. Buliminus (Petrj^us) beddomeantjs, n. sp., Eig. 29. This is a very interesting species, resembling somewhat, in shape of the whorls and aperture, B. smithei, “ Conchologia Indica,” pi. xx, fig. 3, but it is still nearer B. eremita, Bens., 1. c., fig. 8, from which its produced spire, narrower whorls, and aperture easily distinguish it. Narrowly rimate, subcyHndrically turreted, of solid, scarcely polished substance; closely, obliquely striate, striae more regular and crowded together than in the two preceding forms ; of a very pale horn colour, only here and there discernible, on account of the crowded striae, which are of a chalk white colour ; spire much produced, apex obtuse ; whorls 10, increasing very gradually and regularly, last whorl compressed ; aperture very small, peristome wliite, outer margin broadly reflected, very slightly arcuate (much as in pi. xx, fig. 3, 1. c.), columella dilated, obliquely rounded at base. Long. 13f, diam. 4| (last whorl to base of aperture, 5); apert. alt. 3^, lat. 2| mm. Rather scarce near Murree. I have named this shell after Colonel Beddome, who has contributed so extensively to our knowledge of the plants, reptiles and mollusks of South India. 20. Buliminus (Petrus) pretiosus. Cantor. Pour specimens were found at Tinali, and a single one, of a slightly different form, near Murree. 21. Buliminus (Petrous) rueistrigatus, Bens. A single specimen of the typical form from the Jhelum Valley, and two specimens from Kashmir of the var. gracilis of the “ Conchologia Indica.” 22. Buliminus (Petr^eus) domina, Bens. A few specimens were found alive near Murree. 23. Buliminus (Petrous) candelaris, Pfr., var. A peculiarly shortened form found very abundantly near Tinali ; the dextral form appears to have been found more abundant than the sinistral. Mr. Lydekker, of the Geologieal Survey of India, informs me he has noticed that the two forms are not usually found absolutely together. MOLLUSCA. .21 24. Anadenus altivagtjs, Theob. Umax aliivagus, Theob., J. A. S. B., 1862, p. 189, A few specimens were found at Changligali, under a log of wood. I am by no means sure that my friend Mr. Theobald is correct in uniting with this species the A. giganteus, Heyn. ; the latter seems to me to agree better with a still larger slug of which the Indian Museum possess several fine specimens in spirit, found at Katmandu in Nipal. 25. Anadenus modestus, Theob. Limax modestus, Theob., J. A. S. B., 1862, p. 489 (Simla Hills). A few specimens of this small form, as far as I can see, only differing in external aspect by their smaller size and finer texture, were found with the preceding. 26. Anadenus, sp. I should not have ventured on separating this single specimen, found with the two preceding, but for a note of Dr. Stoliczka, which says — “ I also found near here four specimens of an Avion, and specimens of two other Arion-\iliie slugs.” It is slightly larger than the preceding, and of a black, instead of light liver colour ; otherwise I can see no difference. 27. Anadenus, sp. Described by Stoliczka in his notes as “ a slug like the one I found at Changligali, but with the foot sharply crested.” Explanation op the Plate. Fig. 1 3. Heiix {Fruiicicola) phceozona, v. Mart., p. 2, ,, 4 6. ,, ,, jglectotropis, v. Mart., p. 3. ,, 7 9. ,, „ mataianensis, Nevill, p. 3. „ 10 — 12. ,, {Xerophila) stoliczhana, Nevill, p. 3. „ 13 — 15. Nanina (Rotula) kashmir ensis, Nevill, p. 16. ,. 16 — 18. ,, {Microcystis) sonamurgensis, Nevill, p. 16. ,, 19 — 21. Eelicarion stoliczkanus, Nevill, p, 15. „ 22 — 24. „ austenianus, Nevill, p. 14. ,, 25 — 27. Bulimmus {Betraus) stoliczkamis, Nevill, p. 19. 28. „ „ mainwaringianus, Nevill, p. 19. 29. ,, ,, beddomeanus, Nevill, p. 20. „ 30 — 31. Succinea martensiana, Nevill, p. 5. ,, 32 — 33 „ pfeifferi, var. subintermedia, Nevill, p. 6. „ 34 — 36. Vahata stoliczhana, Nevill, p. 12. Erratum. In names at foot of plate for var. intermedia,^^ read “ var. subintermedia.” ■ ; ; . ; -V : 9 "IHC , ^ « V>W ‘ i ,)f‘fm;'’ '') ' ,>to.'»STVydr'" A5:'v .Jpy- ,i_ i^ill ,f;' .!. ...;■:, /t \ v, jr. , , , ■ . - " ■ ' ' » . ' /i.uT «. ’'^wjrr .^f , ( t' : / y-/-hA twyt,' ; ,. ,.<.^,, ..... • V •<■»:. ■••.«, ii-i .(-jv I *’ ' V. ,v^i t i [il ■* ' ' ’ '; '• ,7,.^ ’(":■' '4i^. '..{i :it . 7:^^f y; ■' '5 • 'W foiiat*^^w3SC^ .;f ■:.«. V • ,.i< .■'^'I>!««<«MV.‘; '. .d?(Npe^. ■ f ,. [, |. ■ I ■ »V.^»»^i!l*4p*.l.' '' (* '., '■ ■U‘< ..}-j|.'ii.i’»v? ."i^.'V.viP- . r ",,,4 .'^>'--#.5W ' • '' -p^'4'iZ''' ■ . ( ..■■ '-f '-.'liiyp ''■■'* •'t*^ i T^i .;>; »•-. ft 4^ • '/■■'?>• >V • >»■ ''lulT-i V ..V^i 'ilf i't , 1 l^'v' O'L;'-, ■• i ...■.^.T,.Yr*:'/ - nitVj '' ■ ' ‘ " s f*i»r. . ...... ' : j 4..^ .',j ^ i” ■ '"’i'; MOLL use A. I 3. Helix phaeozona. 4. 6 . H . plectotr opi s . 7. 9. H. mataianensis. 10. 12. H. stoliezkana. 13. 15. Nanina kashmirensis. 16. 18. N. sonamurgensis. 19. 21. Helicarion stoliezkanus. 22 . 24*. H. austemanus. 25. 27. Bulimmus stoliezkanus. 28. B.mainwaringianus. . 28. B.keddomeanus. 30. 31. Succinea martensiana. 32 . 33. Succinea pfeifferi(varinierm.cdi< 2 ..; 34. 36. Valvata stoliezkana. V J i/8f?ARy W'n4yona,.o,s SCIENTIFIC IlESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, PhD. ICHTHYOLOGY. BY FRANCIS DAY, F.L.S., F.Z.S. ^ublishcb bij orbcc of the ®obevnmeut of inbiit. CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1878 . SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, Pii.D. ICHTHYOLOGY. BY PHAN CIS DAY, P.L.S., P.Z.S. Dubliohcb bji ovbci* of the Sobcrnmcnt of Inbut. CALCUTTA : OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1878 . OALCtTTTA : rniNTED -BY THE SYPEHINTENDENT OE GOYEUNMEirr PRINTING, 8, HASTINGS STREET. SCIENTIFIC KESULTS OP THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION. ICHTHYOLOGY. By BRANCIS DAY, B.Z.S. T he following descriptions refer to the entire collection of fishes obtained during the expedition (except, so far as I know, two specimens *). With them I have compared some types of Steindachner’s excellent paper on Dr. Stoliczka’s “Dishes of Tibet” (Verb. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1866), which specimens were given me by Dr. Stoliczka. Air. Hume, C.B., has since then obtained a few more skins of fishes from those regions through the exertions of Dr. Scully. These have likewise been forwarded to me ; and one appears to he a very aberrant form of ^tychoharhus. Order PHYSOSTOAII. Family 1. Exostoma Stoliczka. Plate I, fig. 1. Day, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 782. D. A, P. V. A, A. 6, C. 15. Length of head from 4 in the young‘s to 5|, of caudal 8, height of body 7^ in the total length. Eyes minute, situated in the middle of the length of the head ; the width of the interorbital space equals half that of the snout, or the distance between the eye and hind * These two specimens are in the British Museum. - The remarkable difference in the comparative length of the head to that of the total length is shown in the following figures : — 3 specimens 4 inches in length. Head 4 to 4^ in the total length. 4 „ 4’2 to 4-5 „ „ 4^ to 5J 5 „ S'O to 5'7 „ „ 5 to 05 „ 3 „ 6-0 to 6-6 „ „ 5i to 5| 2 • 7 „ „ to 5^ SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. 2 nostril. Head depressed, as broad as long, and obtusely rounded. Mouth inferior ; lips tldck, and studded with small tubercular elevations ; the upper and lower lips continuous at the angle of the mouth ; but the transverse fold across the lower jaw is interrupted in the middle. Nostrils close together, the anterior round and patent, the posterior tubular: a barbel divides the two nostrils ; it is situated on a bridge of skin, below which the two nostrils are continuous. Barbels : the nasal ones reach the hind edge of the eye ; the maxil- laiy ones have a broad basal attachment, and reach the root of the pectoral. Of the mandi- bular barbels the anterior are situated just behind the inner end of the lower labial fold : they are shorter than the outer pair, which latter extend to the giU-opening. Gill-opening situated on the side of the head in front and above the base of the pectoral fin. Teeth : several rows of pointed ones in each jaw, of which the outer is slightly the larger, rather wide apart, and with rather obtuse summits. Fins : the dorsal arises midway between the snout and the commencement of the adipose fin ; its greatest height is one-third more than the length of its base ; its spine is rudimentary and enveloped in skin. Adipose dorsal very long and low. Pectoral nearly as long as the head, having its outer half horizontal and its inner vertical ; its spine is rudimentary, with a broad, striated, cutaneous covering. Ventral of a similar form to the pectoral : its first and a portion of its second ray also with a striated cutaneous covering ; the fin commences on a vertical line falhng just behind the base of the dorsal fin ; it is rather nearer the snout than the posterior end of the adipose dorsal, and commences midway between the bases of the ventral and caudal fins ; it is half higher than long. Caudal cut almost square. Eree portion of the tail half higher than long. Skin tuberculated from the head, along the lower siudace of the body, to nearly as far as the base of the ventrals. Colours : of a dull yellowish green, becoming lightest along the abdomen. Eins yellowish, with dark edges or bands. Hah. Basgo, Snima, and Leh on the Upper Indus. The longest specimen 7 inches in length. I propose here to shortly remark upon the distinction between the six species of Fxostoma at present known — A - Tee th in j aws poin ted. 1. Fxostoma lahiatum . — Lower labial fold uninterrupted. The interspace between the first and adipose dorsal fins equals two-thmds the length of the latter. Anal commences much nearer the base of the caudal than the base of the ventral. Mishmi Mountains, East Assam* 2. F. hlythii . — Lower labial fold interrupted. Interspace between dorsal fins very slight. Anal commences in last third of distance between ventral and base of caudal. Head- waters or affiuents of Ganges. 3. F. herdmorei . — Snout more pointed, Caudal forked. Tenasserim. 4. F. davidi ^. — The interspace between the first and adipose dorsal fins equals the length of the latter. Pectoral reaches the ventral. Eastern Tibet. 5. F. stoliczkce . — Lower labial fold interrupted. Anal commences nearer the base of the ventral than that of the caudal. Pectoral does not extend to the ventral. Upper waters of Indus. B. Outer row of teeth flattened. Q, F, andersonli , — Lower labial fold interrupted. Bhamo, Burmah, > Qhiw,a,rric1itliys ^avidi, Sauyage, ICHTHYOLOGY. 3 Family— CYPRINIB^ The majority of the fishes in the collection consist of carps, those from the more elevated regions being confined to such as have the vent and base of the anal fin hounded by a row of tiled scales, or the ubiquitous Loaches. 2. Oreinus sinuatus. Only one species of Oreinus exists in this collection, the 0. sinuatus, Heckel, from Leh in Ladak, and which has likewise been captured in Kashmir. Although some of the fish were obtained in Kashmir, where the genus Oreinus has representatives, there was no example from that locality. Having observed upon the great variation in proportions existing in a species of Exostoma captured on the hUls, it mhy he worth while drawing attention to the same fact as occurring in specimens of this genus. Thus, in examining the following ten examples of O. richard- sonii, Gray, in the British Museum, I found them as follows : — 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 specimens, in spirit, from 3'3 to 3'8 inclies in length. Head from 4 to 4| specimen, in spirit, 4 inches in length. Head 4j in the total. stuffed, 10 „ 15 the total. 3. ScHizoTHORAx CHRTSOCHLORUS. Plate I, fig. 2. Racoma chri/sochlorus, McClelland, Cal. Journ. Nat. Hist., ii., p. 577., t. xv., £. 3. Schizothorax lidduljphi, Gunther, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 1876, xvii., p. 400. Schizothorax clirysochloms, Day, Proe. Zool. Soc., 1876, p. 784. B. iii. D. ^ 3 , P. 18, V. 10, A. I, C. 20, L. 1. 110 to 120. Length of head to 5^ of caudal 6 to 6|, height of body 6^ in the total length. Eyes : Diameter 5|- (in a fish 7 inches long), 7 to 9 in the length of head, 2 to 2| diameters from the end of snout, and the same apart. Upper surface of the head nearly flat ; its width rather exceeds its height, and equals half its length. Snout rather compressed, and overhanging the upper jaw. Mouth directed forwards, horseshoe-shaped, the lower labial fold interrupted in the middle. The maxilla reaches to below the front nostril. The depth of the cleft of the mouth equals the width of its gape. A very thin horny covering to the inside of the lower jaw. Posterior edge of opercle cut square. Barbels : the rostral ones as long as the eye, the maxillary rather longer, sometimes twice as long, and reaching to beneath the middle or hind edge of the orbit. Teeth pharyngeal 5, 3, 2, 2, 3, 5 pointed, and with rather compressed summits. Fins : the dorsal, which is as high as the body, arises midway between the end of the snout and the base of the caudal, its last undivided ray osseous, strong, finely serrated posteriorly, from a little longer than the head, in a specimen 11-9 inches in length, to a the length in the adult. Pectoral as long as the head excluding the snout ; it reaches halfway to the base of the anal. Anal, when laid flat, reaches about 4 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. halfway to the base of the caudal, which latter fin is forked. Seales : the row which hears the lateral fine consists of larger scales than those above or below it ; those forming the anal sheath are equal to half a diameter of the eye. Colours greyish along the back, becom- ing yellowish- white on the sides and beneath ; a black mark over the eye, and a few dull spots on the back. Sab. Kashghar, Yangihissar, and Yarkand, up to 20 inches in length : also Afghanistan. Dr. Scully collected four specimens in Kashghar (4,043 feet above the sea), which are 13, 16, 17, and 18 inches respectively in length. 4. SCHIZOTHORAX PUNCTATUS. Plate I, fig. 3. Day, Proc. Zool. Soe., 1876, p. 785. B. iii., D. A p. 20, V. 11, A. |, C. 20. Length of head 3| to 4, caudal 5|, height of body 6 to 7 in the total length. Eyes : diameter 6f in the length of head, 2 a diameters from end of snout, and 2 apart. Inter- orbital space flat. The greatest width of the head exceeds its height by one-fourth, and is -|- of its length. Mouth anterior, with the upper jaw somewhat the longer ; the cleft com- mencing opposite the middle of the eyes, whilst the maxilla reaches to below the front edge of the orbit. Lower labial fold interrupted in the middle. A thin striated horny covering to the lower jaw. Barbels : the maxillary ones equal the diameter of the eye ; the rostral ones are slightly longer. Fms : dorsal rather higher than the body ; it commences midway between the front edge of the eye and the base of the caudal fin ; its last undivided ray is strong, coarsely serrated posteriorly, and as long as the postorbital portion of the head. Pectoral does not quite reach the ventral, which latter arises on a vertical line below the first articulated dorsal ray, and extends two-thirds of the distance to the anal. Anal rather above twice as deep as its base is long ; when laid flat it does not extend to the commencement of the caudal. Pree portion of the tail one-half longer than deep at its highest part. Scales: those along the lateral line larger than those above or below it. The tiled row along the base of the anal fin small, and equalling one-third of the diameter of the orbit. Colours : silvery, covered with largish black spots. Racoma nobilis, M’Clelland, has more fleshy lips, whilst the mouth appears more trans- verse, as in Oreinus, and the under jaw much the shorter. Sal). Kashmir Lake. 5. SCHIZOTHORAX ESOCINUS. Plate I, fig. 4. Schizothorax esocinus, Heckel, Fische Kasch, p. 48, t. ix. ; M^’Clelland, Cal. Journ. Nat. His., ii., p. 579 ; Gunther, Cat. vii., p. 166. Day, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1876, p. 785. B. iii., D. A, p. 20, V. 10, A. 7, C. 20. Length of head 4 a to 4|, of caudal 5f ; height of body 7i in the total length. Eyes : diameter 6’- in the length of head, 2 diameters from end of snout and also apart. Inter- orbital space flat. The greatest width of the head equals its height or its postorbital length. Mouth very slightly oblique, horse-shoeshaped, the upper jaw longer than the lower, the maxilla reaching to neraly below the front edge of the eye. Lower labial fold interrupted ICHTHYOLOGY. in the middle. A homy covering to inside of lower jaw. Barbels : the rostral ones more than half longer than the eye, reaching to below its first third ; the maxillary ones are sKghtly shorter. Fins : the dorsal as high as the body ; it commences midway between the nostrils and the base of the caudal ; its last undivided ray osseous, coarsely serrated poste- riorly, and its bony portion being as long as the head, excluding the snout. Pectoral does not quite reach the ventral, which latter fin commences on a vertical line slightly behind the origin of the dorsal, and extends two-thirds of the distance to the anal. Length of base of anal f of its height ; it reaches, when laid flat, to the base of the caudal, which latter fin is deeply forked. Pree portion of the tail as high at its base as it is long. Colours silvery, with numerous black spots, most distinct in the upper half of the body. Hab. Leh, on the Upper Indus, Kashmir, and Afghanistan. 6. SCHIZOTHORAX INTERMEDITJS. Plate II, fig. 1. Schizothorax intermedins, Cal. Journ. Nat. Hist. 1842, ii, p. 579; Gunther, Cat. vii, p. 165. B. iii., D. 74-8, P. 19, V. 10, A. |, C. 20, L. 1. 105. Length of head 4f , of caudal 5 to 6, height of body 6 in the total length. Byes : diameter 5| in the length of head. If diameter from the end of snout and also apart. Upper sm’face of the head flat ; its greatest width equals its postorbital length, whilst its height equals its length excluding the snout. Upper jaw rather longer than the lower, and not overhung by the snout. Mouth horseshoe-shaped, the depth of the cleft equalling the width of its gape. The maxilla reaches to below the hind nostril. Lower labial fold interrupted in the middle. A thin, smooth, deciduous horny covering to the lower jaw. Barbels four, as long as the eye in the young, longer in the adult. Teeth : pharyngeal, 5, 3, 2, 2, 3, 5, pointed and rather crooked at their summits. Fins : dorsal as high as the body in the young, not quite so high in the adult ; it commences midway between the end of the snout or front nostril and base of the caudal ; its last undivided ray strong, rather coarsely serrated posteriorly, one-half to two-thirds as long as the head in the immature, four- fifths of its length in the adult. Pectoral as long as the head excluding the snout, and reach- ing more than half-way to the base of the ventral, which latter fin arises below the first dorsal ray and extends more than half-way to the anal. The length of the base of the anal equals half its height, which latter equals the length of the pectoral'; if laid flat it almost reaches the base of the caudal, which is forked. Scales : depth of those in tiled row equals half a diameter of the eye. Pree portion of the tail about as high at its commencement as it is ong. Colours silvery, usually without spots ; but in some specimens from Yangihissar there are minute black spots on the upper half of the body. Bab. Kashghar, Yangihissar, and Sarikol. M’Clelland likewise obtained it (through Griffith) from Afghanistan, the Cabul Biver at Jellalabad, and Tarnuck Liver. He sent three specimens to the East India Museum. 7. Schizothorax microcephalus. Plate III, fig. 2. Day, Proe. Zool. Soc., 1876, p. 787. B. iii., D. 4, P. 18, V. 11, A. f, C. 18, L. 1. 105, L. tr. 25/. Length of head 5 to 5^, of caudal 6, height of body 5f to 6 in the total length. Eyes : diameter 7 in the length of head, 2^ diameters from end of snout, and 2j apart. Interorbital, B 6 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. space flat. The greatest width of the head equals its length behind the middle of the eyes ; its height equals its length excluding the snout. Mouth broad, anterior, with the upper jaw the longer, and overhung by the snout ; the cleft of the mouth nearly horizontal ; it extends to below the hind nostril, and is scarcely above half the extent of its gape ; lower labial fold interrupted in the middle. A thin horny covering to the lower jaw. Barbels : the rostral ones reach to below the hind edge of the eye, the maxillary ones to the hind edge of the preopercle. Bins : dorsal anteriorly nearly as high as the body, commencing shghtly nearer the snout than the base of the caudal fin, or midway between the two ; its last undivided ray weak, articulated, and with some very small obsolete denticulations posteriorly about its centre (absent in some specimens). Pectoral as long as the head behind the front nostril, and reaching rather above half-way to the ventral, which latter is shorter than the pectoral, reaching about half-way to the base of the anal. Anal almost reaching base of caudal when laid flat, the length of its base being only one-third of its height. Caudal with rounded lobes. Free portion of the tail rather longer than high. Scales : in the first third of the body those along the lateral line are larger than those above or below them, but posteriorly they are of the same size ; the tiled row equal about half the diameter of the eye. Colour silvery. M’CleUand says of S. edeniana that its spine is slender, soft, and denticulated at its base, but the reflected fold of the lower lip is uninterrupted. Bacoma gobioides, M’Clell., from the Bamean River, shows the head almost as short as in this species ; but it has a strong serrated dorsal spine, whilst that fin is on an elevated base. The anal does not appear to reach above half-way to the base of the caudal. Hab. The specimens are from Panjah (9,000 feet) in Wakhan, the waters going to the Oxus. The dorsal spine approaches that of Btychobarbus. 8. SCHIZOTHORAX lEEEGULARIS. Plate IV, fig. 1. Day, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1876, p. 787, ? Schizothorax edeniana, M^Clell., Cal. Journ. Nat. Hist, ii, p. 579. B. iii, D. f, P. 18, V. 9, A. f, C. 20, L. 1. 98, L. tr. 26/. Length of head 5, of caudal 6, height of body 6 in the total length. Byes : diameter 6^ in the length of head, 2| diameters from the end of snout, and about 2 apart. Interorbital space nearly flat. The greatest width of the head equals its height or its length behind the orbit. Mouth narrow ; the upper jaw slightly the longer, and only shghtly overhung by the snout. Cleft of mouth a httle obhque, its width equal to its length, and the maxiha reach- ing to beneath the front nostril. Lips very thick, lobed in the centre, and with an interrupted labial fold. Barbels : the rostral ones reach to below the front edge of the eye ; the maxihary ones are one-half longer than the diameter of the eye. Fins : dorsal anteriorly about two-tlurds as high as the body below it : its last undivided ray weak, very feebly serrated posteriorly, whilst the extent of its osseous portion does not exceed one-tliird of the length of the head ; the fin commences midway between the front edge of the eye and the base of the caudal fin. Pectoral as long as the head excluding the snout, and reaching half-way to the ventral, which latter is rather shorter and extends rather more than half-way to the base of the anal. Anal two-fifths as long at its base as it is high ; when laid flat it almost reaches the caudal, which latter is slightly forked. Free portion of the tail rather longer than high at its base. Scales : those behind the pectoral region to as far as the end of the anal, and below the lateral line, are much smaller than those above the lateral line. The tiled row small, not above ICHTHYOLOGY. 7 half the diameter of the eye. Colours silvery, becoming lightest and glossed with gold below the lateral line. Sah. The specimen described is stuffed, and 20'5 inches in length. It was obtained at Tash-kurgan in Sarikol. If this is identical with S. edeniana, M’ClelL, it is also found in the Cabul Eiver, in the My dan VaUey, and Sir-i-chusmah. 9. SCHIZOTHORAX NASTTS. Plate IV, fig 3. ScTiizothorax nasus, Heckel, rische Kasch., p. 33, t. vi.; Gunther, Cat. vii., p. 166. B. iii, D. I, P. 18, V. 10, A. f, C. 19, L. 1. 90-100. Length of head 4|, of caudal 5|, height of body 5 in the total length. Eyes : diameter in the length of head, 1^ diameter from the end of snout, and also apart. Dorsal profile more convex than that of the abdomen. Upper surface of the head nearly fiat ; its greatest width equals its postorbital length, while its height equals its length excluding the snout. Upper jaw rather longer than the lower and overhung by the snout. Mouth: horseshoe-shaped, its gape equalling its cleft. The maxilla reaches to below the hind nostril. Lower labial fold interrupted. Barbels : four ; the maxillary ones two-thirds as long as the eye ; the rostral ones slightly shorter. Fins : dorsal as high as the body below it ; it commences midway between the middle of the eye and the base of the caudal fin ; its last undivided ray is strong, rather coarsely serrated, and nearly as long as the head. Pectoral about as long as the head excluding the snout, and reaching above half-way to the base of the ventral, which latter fin arises below the last undivided dorsal ray, reaching half-way to the base of the anal, which is above twice as high as wide at its base, and nearly reaches the caudal when laid fiat. Scales : depth of those in the tiled row scarcely one-tliird of the diameter of the eye. Pree portion of the taD. not quite so high at its commencement as it is long. Colours : silvery, with black spots on the upper half of the body. This species has a more elevated dorsal profile and shorter barbels than S. intermedius. Hab. Kashmir Lake. 10. Ptychobarbus conirostris. Plate III, fig. 3. FtycJiobarbus conirostris, Steindachner, Verb. z.-b. Ges. Wien., 1866, p. 789, t. xvii, £. 4; Giin- tber. Cat. vii., p. 169. B. iii, D. I, P. 22, V. 10, A. 7-8, C. 19, L. 1. 95, L. tr. 24/. Length of head 4| to 5, of caudal height of body to in the total length. Eyes : diameter from 4^ to 5^ in the length of the head, 2 diameters from the end of snout, and apart. The greatest width of the head equals its postorbital length, but is slightly less than its height. Mouth : horseshoe-shaped, with the upper jaw a little the longer, and rather overhung by the snout ; the maxiUa reaches to below the front edge of the eye. Lower labial fold very broad, uninterrupted, and with a cleft in the median line posteriorly. Barbels : a pair at the angle of the mouth, which reach the posterior edge of the preopercle ; in a small specimen, 3‘1 inches long, they only equal half a diameter of the eye in extent. Teeth : pharyngeal ones in two rows. Fins : the dorsal commences much nearer the snout than the base of the caudal, its entire base being equidistant from these two points ; it has no osseous ray, and is as high as the body below it. Pectoral as long as the head behind the nostrils, and 8 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. does not reach quite so far as the ventral, which latter fin arises under the last few dorsal rays and reaches two- thirds of the distance to the base of the anal. The anal, when laid flat, reaches the base of the caudal, its base is 2^ in its height. Scales : the tiled row small, not one-third of the diameter of the eye. Colours : silvery, darkest along the hack and upper half of body, where most of the scales have black margins, thus causing small reticulations in the colour. Upper surface of the head spotted with black ; some dark spots on the dorsal fin, and sometimes a few light ones on the caudal. Hab. Head-waters of Indus, Hanle in Tibet, and Cliiliscomo, near Dras. 11. Ptychobarbus laticeps. Plate III, fig. 1. Day, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876. p. 789. B. iii, D. t, P. 18, V. 9, A. ?, C. 20, L. 1. 145. Length of head 4^, of caudal 9|, height of body 7 in the total length. Eyes : diameter 12 in the length of head, 2^ diameters from the end of snout, and also apart. Mouth anterior, with the lower jaw somewhat the longer ; the depth of the cleft of the mouth equals haK the width of the gape. Upper surface of the head broad, its width being nearly tvfice its height. No lower labial fold under the mandible. Barbels : a maxillary pair as long as the eyes. Elns : dorsal arises slightly nearer the base of the caudal than the end of the snout ; its last undivided ray weak, articulated at its extremity, and not serrated. Pectoral two-fifths as long as the head. Ventral arises below the anterior dorsal rays. Caudal forked. Scales are scarcely imbricated, hut cover the entire body ; those forming the tiled sheath along the base of the anal fin are two-thirds of the diameter of the eye. Colours silvery superiorly, becoming dull white beneath ; a few blackish spots along the hack. This interesting skin has unfortunately had its anal fin removed, whilst the pharyngeal teeth have not been preserved. The specimen is 52 inches in length. It may he considered that as this fish differs from P. conirostris in the form of its mouth and snout, also in the position of the ventral fin, it might form a new genus ; hut we have yet much to learn of the mountain barbels ; perhaps a more extensive acquaintance will diminish the number of genera into which they are at present subdivided. Rab. Kashghar (4,043 feet elevation), the river from wliich place eventually joins the Yarkand River. 12. Ptychobabbus longiceps. Plate IV, fig. 2. Day, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1876, p. 790. B. iii, D. I, P. 19, V. 12, A. f, C. 20, L. 1, 112, L. tr. 31. Length of head 3| to 4, of caudal 7 to 7i, height of body 5| to 6 in the total length Eyes : diameter 7 to 9 in the length of head, 1^ diameter from the end of snout, and 2 apart. 3Iouth anterior, cleft oblique, commencing superiorly opposite the upper margin of the eye. Lower jaw somewhat the longer ; the maxiUa reaches to below the middle of the eye. The greatest width of the head rather exceeds its height, and equals half its length. Interorhital space flat. No lower labial fold under the mandibles. Barbels : a maxillary pair half as long as the eye. Fins: the dorsal commences midway between the hind edge of the preopcrcle and the base of the caudal fin. Its last undivided ray is osseous, of moderate ICHTHYOLOGY. 9 strength, and very finely serrated posteriorly ; its osseous portion equals a little above one- fourth of the length of the head. Pectoral half as long as the head, and reaches half-way to the ventral ; the latter fin commences under the first divided dorsal ray, and does not extend quite haK-way to the root of the anal. Anal twice as high as its base is long ; it does not reach the caudal when laid flat ; the latter fin forked. Scales oval, nearly as wide as high and slightly imbricate ; the tiled row half the diameter of the eye. Free portion of the tail rather longer than high. Colours bluish on the hack, lightest below, dorsal and caudal spotted. Sab. Yarkand, whence the stuffed specimen described was brought. It is 31 inches in length. This species scarcely accords with the definition of FtycJiobarbus, the last undivided dorsal ray being osseous and finely serrated. The specimen, however, is large, whilst P. laticeps forms the intermediate form between it and P. conirostris. 13. ScHizoPTGOPSis sTOLiczK^. Plate II, fig. 2. ScUzojoygopsis stoliczhm, Steind. Verb. z.-b. Ges. Wien., 1866, p. 785 ; Giintber. Cat. vii, p. 170. B. iii, H. P. 13, V. 11, A. ,4 C. 19. Length of head 5 to 5f, of caudal 5| to 5f , height of body 7 to 8 in the total length. Eyes : diameter 4i to 5 in the length of head, 1 to 1^ diameters from end of snout, and 1^ to 2 apart. The greatest width of the head equals its length behind the middle of the eyes ; and its height equals its length excluding the snout. Mouth inferior, overhung by the snout ; the maxilla reaches to below the front edge of the eye. A sharp, anterior, horny edge to the mandible. Earbels absent. Eins : the dorsal commences about midway between the end of the snout and the root of the caudal ; its upper edge is nearly straight, oblique ; the fin is as high as the body below it, and one-thfid higher than its base is long ; its last undivided ray osseous and finely serrated posteriorly. Pectoral not quite so long as the head, and reacliing rather above half-way to the ventral, which latter, arising below the middle of the dorsal, is slightly the shorter, and does not reach the anal. Anal, when laid flat, reaches the base of the caudal; it is rather above twice as high as its base is long. Caudal deeply forked. Free portion of the tail as high as long. Lateral line at first descends gently, and then reascending, attains the middle of the body opposite the posterior extremity of the dorsal fin. Colours olive superiorly, becoming white on the sides and beneath ; the whole covered with irregular blackish spots. The ova are comparatively large. The serrated dorsal spine is strongest in specimens from Leh. These fishes appear to he much attacked by parasites, which occasion yellowish elevated tubercles, not only on the head and body, hut also on the dorsal fin. One specimen, from Balakchi, had a shot (No. 2) imbedded in the isthmus, where the parts around it had healed. Sab. Leh, Tankse, and fry or small fish from Lukong and Chagra (15,090 feet), all from waters directly or indirectly going to the Indus. Some fry from Sarikol, the waters of which go to the Yarkand Eiver \ Aktash, Upper Kara-kul and Panjah, tributaries of the Oxus or Amu Biver. This fish has also been taken at Gnari Khorsumhy Schlagintweit, * I am very dubious of these specimens, and hardly think they can have been obtained from waters that flow into the Yarkand Eiver, as the adults have not been obtained thence. The adult, however, has been taken in the Oxus ; and I find by the diary that on the day the specimens in question were captured the camp was at Sarikol, a few miles from a valley where a stream enters the Aksu Eiver, a tributary of the Oxus. C 10 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. Largest specimen 8’5 inches in length. There is also a specimen from Balakchi, the streams there apparently flowing towards the Yarkand Diver, which goes to the east. 14. Diptychus maculatus. Plate II, fig. 3. Biptijchus maculatus, Steindachner, Verb. z.-b. Ges. Wien., 1866, p. 787 ; Giintber, Cat. vii., p. 171. Day, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1876, p. 792. Diptychus severzmoi, Kessler, Fisb. Turkestan, p. 17, t. iv, f. 12. B. iii, D. P. 19, V. 9, A. ?, C. 19, L. 1. 80-90. Length of head 5 to 6, of caudal 5 to 6; height of body to 8 in the total length. Eyes : diameter 4| in the young to 6 in the adult in the length of the head, IJ to 2 diameters from the end of snout, and 1^ apart. The greatest width of the head equals its height, or its length behind the front edge or middle of the eyes. Mouth transverse, inferior, having an anterior sharp horny covering on the lower jaw. Lower labial fold interrupted in the middle. Barbels : one at each maxilla, having thick bases, and hardly so long as the eye. Teeth pharyngeal, 4, 3, 3, 4, curved at the outer extremity and pointed. Fins: the dorsal commences rather nearer the snout than the base of the caudal, its upper edge is straight ; it is as high as the body below it, its last undivided ray articulated. Pectoral not quite so long as the head ; it reaches rather above half-way to the ventral, which latter commences on a vertical fine below the last dorsal ray ; it reaches rather above half-way to the base of the anal. Anal when laid flat reaches the base of the caudal ; its height is nearly three times the length of its base. Scales not imbricated, but scattered over the upper two- thirds of the body and pectoral region, in which latter locahty the skin is often rugose : the tiled row well developed. Eree portion of the tail one-half longer than high at its base. Colours bluish, lightest interiorly, indistinctly blotched and spotted along the upper half of the body ; often a narrow, dull band along the lateral line, and a second below it. The dorsal and caudal fins much spotted in some specimens. The very young are destitute of scales ; they first appear along the lateral line. One specimen from Basgo, I’l inch long, has no barbel on the left side. There are two specimens from the west of Sarikol : one has an adipose hd, covering the anterior half of the left eye ; the other has a similar hd covering the lower half of the left eye. Brown tubercles are com- mon on some of the specimens, and do not appear to be normal. Some specimens from Leh have the eye small. Diptychus severzowi, from the Divers Aksai and Ottuck appears to be the above species. Eah. Specimens were brought from Kharbu, Basgo, Snima, Leh, Tankse, and Chagra, from waters going direetly or indirectly to the Indus ; from Pasrobat (9,370 feet), and Tarbashi (11,515 feet), whence the waters go to the Yarkand Diver; also from west of Sarikol, which goes to the same river. Some specimens are also labelled as from Chiliscomo. This fish has also been captured in other parts of Tibet, and hkewise in Nepal. 15. Labeo sindensis. Plate II, fig. 4. CirrJiina sindensis, Day, Proc. As. Soc., Beng., 1872, p. 319. B. iu, D. 12-13, P. 18, V. 9, A. 7, C. 19, L. 1. 43, L. tr. 8-9. Length of head 6|-, of caudal 4^ ; height of body 5^ in the total length. Eyes : diameter 5y in the length of the head, 2 diameters from the end of the snout, and 24 apart. Snout ICHTHYOLOGY. 11 rather overhanging the mouth, without any lateral lobe. Lips continuous at the angle of the mouth, and having a thin cartilaginous covering. Barbels : a short maxillary, but no rostral pair. Hab. — Sind, Punjab, and the Deccan. The specimen figured came from Murree. 16. ClRUHINA GOHAMA. Cyprims latius and gohama, Hamilton Buchanan, Fishes of Ganges, pp. 346, 393. ’ Barbus diplochihis, Heekel, Fiseh. Kasch., p. 53, t. x, f. 1. Tylognathus barbatulus, Heekel, HiigeFs Reise, iv., p. 376. Chondrostoma ivattanah, Sykes, Trans. Zool. Soc., ii., p. t. 62, f. 4 : Bleeker, Beng., p. 25. GonorhyneJms brevis, M^Clell and Ind. Cypr. p. 373, t. 43, £. 6. Crassocheilus latius and gohama, Bleeker, Prod. Cypr., p. 110 ; Giinther, Cat. vii., p. 72. Crassocheilus rostratus, Gunther, loc, cit. Crossocheilus barbatulus, Giinther, loc. cit. B. iii., D. 4 , P. 15, V. 9, A. |, C. 19, L. 1. 38-40. There are several specimens of this fish from the lake in Kashmir; and, curiously enough, they show the links between Hamilton Buchanan’s and Heckel’s species. All have a pair of rostral barbels and minute mandibular ones (C. barbatula). Some have 5^, some 4^ rows between the lateral line and base of first dorsal ray. Others possess 3, 3^, and 4| rows between the lateral line and base of ventral fin. The proportions, likewise, vary with age and other causes. The localities this fish inhabits, and its mode of frequenting stones, very much resemble those of Biscoffnathus lamta, Hamilton Buchanan, whilst its jaws are wide (not deep) ; and its under surface is similarly flattened, but it has no labial sucker. 17. Barbus tor. Plate III, fig. 4. Cyprimis tor, Hamilton Buchanan, Fishes of Ganges, pp. 305, 388. Barbus [Labeobarbus) hamiltonii. Gray and Hardwieke, Ind. Zool., pi. j Jerdon, Mad. Journ. Lit. and Sci., 1849, p. 311. Barbus progeneius, M’Clell and, Ind. Cyp., pp. 270, 334, pi. Ivi, f. 3 ; Cuv. and Val., xvi, p. 208, Labeobarbus macrolepis, Heekel, Fiseh. Kashmir, p. 60, pi. x, f. 2, Cuv. and Val, xvi, p. 209. Labeobarbus tor, Bleeker, Cohit. et Cyp. Ceylon, in Nat. Verh. Holl. Maat. Haar., 1864, p. 10, f. 2. Day, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1867, p. 290; 1870, p. 372. Barbus klmdree, Sykes, T. Z. S. ii, p. 57. Barbus tor, Cuv. and Val, xvi, p. 199. Barbus [Barbodes] tor. Day, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1869, pp. 270, 334. ,, mosal, Gunther, Cat. vii, p. 130. ,, macrolepis, Gunther, Cat. vii, p. 131. „ longispinis, Gunther, Cat. vii, p. 132. B. iii, D. I, P. 18, V. 9, A. C. 19, L. 1. 23-24, L. tr. 4/4. This fish, the Mahaseer of India, is too well known to need describing. 12 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. Habitat . — From Sind throughout India and Ceylon, and generally ascending mountain rivers for the purpose of breeding. Should such rivers he snow-fed, it deposits its ova in the side streams. Before describing the Loaches, I will give my reasons why it appears to me that the genus Hiplophysa, Kessler, may probably be a synonym of Nemacheilus. It is said to consist of “ elongated fishes, strongly compressed posteriorly,” which we perceive in Nemacheilus stoliczhce and N. yarkandensis ; but in an equally elongated species N. tenuis^ the free portion of the tail is not compressed, but is as wide as deep. “ The eyes are surrounded with a fold of skin forming a hd.” This is also perceived in specimens amongst the species I have enumerated from Yarkand; and I have likewise noted that some of the other fishes from the same cold region have folds of skin more or less cover- ing the eyes. “ Lips fleshy, the upper more or less denticulated, the inferior bilobed, and more or less papillated.” I have figured the inferior surface of the head of aU the Loaches; and although some, as N. stoliczhce and N. tenuis, have the lips as described by Kessler, the N. yarkandensis has not, whilst the three certainly cannot be separated into distinct genera. “ Air-vessel in two parts, the anterior enclosed in a bony capsule, the posterior elongated and free in the abdominal cavity.” This is the only portion of Kessler’s definition not perceived in these fishes in which the air-vessel is enclosed in bone ; and I cannot resist suggest- ing a re-examination of Western Turkestan specimens. It would be very remarkable were the Nemacheili found in Europe, in fact throughout Asia, even in the Oxus, to have their air-vessels enclosed in bone, whereas in the river Hi going to Lake Balkash, and the river Urdjar falling into Lake Ala (Ala-kul), they have the same organ partially free in the abdomen, as is seen in genus Botia. But granting Kessler’s description to be accurate, I cannot think that such a fact alone would justify instituting a new genus for the reception of his species. The reason for ah’- vessels being more or less enclosed in bone in some fishes is obscure ; and I some time since adverted, in the ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society,’ to the circum- stance of such not being infrequent in Indian Siluridce. I found amongst the Indian genera of Siluroids of the fresh waters, or those which entered fresh waters, as follows ; — A. — Air-vessel, when present, free in the abdominal cavity — 1. Bita ; 2. Erethistes ; 3. Pseudeutropius ; 4. Silurus ; 5. Olyra; 6. Macrones ; 7. Callichrous ; 8. Wallago ; 9. Arius ; 10. Hemipimelodus 11. Osteogeniosus ; 12. Batrachocephalus ; 13. Pangasius ; 14. Plotosus. Of these, five (Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14) are marine forms, entering fresh waters for predaceous purposes. B. — Air vessel more or less enclosed in bone — 1. Ailia ; 2. Ailiichtliys ; 3. Sisor ; 4. Bagarius; 5. Amblyceps ; 6. Saccohranchus ; 7. Silundia ; 8. Eutropiichthys ; 9. Oagata ; 10. Nangra ; 11. Pseudecheneis ; 12. Exostoma ; 13. Clarias ; 14. Glyptostermim. AU of these are fresh water genera. * Hemipimelodus appears to be Arius destitute of teeth on the palate. ICHTHYOLOGY. 13 These fourteen fresh water genera having the air-vessel enclosed in hone are divisible as follows : — 1. — Waters of plains — («.) — Large rivers. No suckers on the chest : — Ailia, Ailiichthys, Sisor, Bagarius, Silundia, Eutropiichthys, Oagata, Nangra. (g.) — Large rivers : descending to the sea. An accessory air-hreathing apparatus : — Clarias. (y.) — Smaller rivers, tanks, &c. An accessory air-hreathing sac : — Saccobranchiis. 2. — Waters of the plains or hills — No sucker on chest : — Amblyceps. Sucker on chest: — Glyptosternum. 3. — Waters of hills — Sucker on chest : — Pseudecheneis. Chest adhesive : — Exostoma. As we find genera with the air-vessel enclosed in hone decrease in number the further we are from Hindustan Proper, it is hut natural to conclude that the necessity for this bony capsTile is greater in India than in other tropical countries, and also that it is only useful for freshwater forms. When we see that all fishes (except the Nemaclieili) from Yarkand have the air-vessel free in the abdominal cavity, it stands to reason that heat or cold can scarcely be that which involves the necessity of this form of organization. It appears most probable that the air vessel being more or less enclosed in hone is for the purpose of developing some function specially required or to an abnormal extent, and that whatever this may he it is most necessary in a mountain torrent, ,hut unnecessary in a marine existence. We find in fishes that the air-vessel has two distinct functions — (1) . — In the Acanthopterygii^ where it is free in the abdominal cavity, its use is more or less a mechanical one, and by contracting or expanding the fish is enabled to maintain itself at a desired level. (2) . — In the Physostomi we find a very different formation, as in all there is a duct opening from the air-vessel into the upper portion of the alimentary canal. In some of these fishes the mechanical function appears to he alone served by it. In others, that of hearing seems to entirely supersede that for flotation, for being more or less enclosed in bone contraction and expansion would he impeded. These hones or auditory ossicles lead to tlie internal ear, and it is evident that in some way the air vessel serves for auditory purposes to an extent for which we, at present, are hardly in a position to account. It is remarkable that Siluroid forms do not appear to thrive in cold climates. The Cyprinince of this collection have all small scales, or are more or less destitute of any ; whilst the Loaches of Yarkand and Tibet have none at all ; neither have those recorded from the Oxus or the Jaxartes. There is one characteristic of the hill Loaches which seems almost invariable : tlie pectoral fins are stiff at their bases, as if employed for adhesive purposes. I have observed the outer ray in some of the Loaches of the plains forming a distinct bony ray with an enlarged and flattened outer extremity : hut this is used for the purpose of assisting them to dig into the sand, in which they will bury themselves with great rapidity on the approach of danger. D 14 SECOND YARKAND MISSION, 18. Nemacheiltjs stoliczk^e Plate V, fig. 2. Cobitis stolkzkce, Steindacliner, Verb, z.-b., Ges. Wien., 1866, p. 793, t. xiv, f. 2. Colitis tenuicauda, Steindaebner loc. cit. p. 792, t. xvii., f. 3. Nemacheilus stoliczha, Giintber, Cat. vii, p. 360. Nemacheilus tenuicauda, Giintber, loc. cit., p. 357. B. iii, D. t, P. 13, V. 8, A. f, C. 15. Length of head 6, of caudal 6 ; height of body 8 in the total length. Eyes : diameter 8 in the length of head, 3 diameters from the end of snout, and 2 apart. Snout rounded, slightly projecting over the mouth. Lips rugose ; and in some specimens from Yarkand the edges are fimbriated : lower lip with a lobe on either side, but the lower labial fold interrupted in the middle. The greatest width of the head equals its height, or its length excluding the snout. In some specimens the preorbital has a free lower edge. Barbels six; the maxillary ones reach beyond the hind edge of the eye ; the rostral ones are shorter. Fins : the dorsal commences midway between the eye and the base of the caudal, it is one-third higher than its base is long, and equals the greatest depth of the body ; its last ray is divided to its base ; its upper edge is oblique, with a rounded anterior angle. Pectoral nearly as long as the head, and reaching rather above half-way to the ventral ; the latter fin arises on a vertical line below the anterior dorsal rays, is almost as long as the pectoral, and reaches above half-way to the anal. Anal with a very narrow base : caudal shghtly emarginate. Eree portion of the tail from twice to two-and-a-half times as long as high at its base. Scales : absent. Air-vessel : in two portions, enclosed in bone. Colours : greyish along the back, becoming lighter beneath, marbled all over with dark green or black spots or bands. Dorsal, caudal, and sometimes outer pectoral rays barred. In specimens from Sarikol the snout is rather more pointed than described above. Hab. — Leh (11,518 feet) ; Snima ; Lukong stream (14,130 feet) ; and Chagra (15,000 feet), all being waters directly or indirectly going to the Indus. Also Yarkand (3,923 feet) and Sarikol, where the waters go to the easterly or Yarkand River; and Aktash (12,600 feet), which is on the Aksu or Oxus. I have a specimen in my collection given me by Dr. Stoliczka : he procured it, along with those sent to Steindachner, from the Tso-Morari in Rupshu (Tibet), on his first visit to that country. 19. Nemacheiltjs yarkandensis. Plate V, fig. 3. Day, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1876, page 796. B. iii, D. f, P. 17, V. 8, A. f, C. 15. Length of head 4^, of caudal 6, height of body 6| in the total length. Eyes : diameter 6 to 7 in the length of the head, 2^ diameters from the end of snout, and 2 to 3 apart. Snout : rather elevated in the adult. Upper surface of the head nearly flat ; its greatest width equals its height or its length excluding the snout. Mouth inferior, horseshoe-shaped ; lips smooth, lower labial fold interrupted in the middle and destitute of lobes. Barbels six ; the maxillary ones reach (in adults) the angle of the preopercle. Fins : the dorsal commences ICHTHYOLOGY. 15 midway between the front edge of the eye and the base of the caudal fin ; its upper edge is straight and oblique ; its height rather exceeds that of the body below it, and is one-fourth more than the extent of its base. Pectoral as long as the head excluding the snout, and reacliing two-thirds of the distance to the ventral. Ventral commences below the first dorsal ray, is shorter than the pectoral, and reaches two-thirds of the distance to the anal. Anal twice as high as wide at its base. Caudal emarginate, its outer rays being a little produced. Pree portion of the tail at its commencement nearly equals its length in the adult, but is less in the young. Scales absent. Air-vessel in two portions, enclosed in bone. Colours : greyish, having in some specimens numerous fine blackish or dark spots on the body. In some there is a silvery lateral band. ^ab. — Yarkand, Pasrobat, Yangihissar, and Kashghar, all from waters in connection with the Yarkand and Yangihissar or Great Easterly Piver. 20. Nemacheiltjs tenths. Plate V, fig. 4. Day, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1876, page 796, B. iii, D. P. 13, V. 8, A. f, C. 17. Length of head to of caudal 7i, height of body 9 to 10 in the total length . J^yes : diameter 5| in the length of head, diameters from the end of snout, and I apart- Snout rather compressed and overhanging the mouth ; the greatest width of the head equals its height or its length excluding the snout. In some specimens the lower edge of the preorbital is free. Lips thickened and fimbriated in the adult ; lower labial fold interrupted in the middle, and rather lobed on either side. Barbels six ; the outer rostral pair extend to be- low the hind edge of the eye, the maxillary ones to the opercle in the adult. Fins : dorsal commences midway between the end of the snout and the base of the caudal fin ; its upper edge is slightly concave, with a rounded upper angle ; it is rather more than one-half higher than the extent of its base or than the body below it. Pectoral nearly as long as the head, and reaches rather above half-way to the ventral, which latter commences under the third dorsal ray ; is as long as the pectoral, and reaches the base of the anal. Anal twice as higli as wide at its base. Caudal slightly emarginate. Eree portion of the tail one-third as high at its base as it is long, while its breadth equals its height. Scales absent. Air-vessel in two portions, enclosed in bone. Colours : yellowish white, the surface and sides sometimes with dark blotches and spots : dorsal and caudal fins with dull spots. Tills fish is allied to N. ladacensis, Gunther, but is distinguished by a more elongated body and longer barbels, &c. Hab. Aktash (12,600 feet elevation), whence the waters pass to the Oxus ; and Yangi- hissar (4,320 feet elevation), where the rivers go to the Yarkand Biver. 21. Nemacheilus ladacensis. Plate IV, fig. 4. Nemacheilus ladacensis, Gunther, Cat. vii, p. 356. B. iii., D. I, P. 13, V. 9, A. C. 19. Length of head 5, of caudal 5f ; height of body 5^ in the total length. Byes : diameter 5 to 5| in the length of head, 2| diameters from end of snout, and 2 apart. Greatest width 16 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. of head equals its height or its length excluding the snout. Lij)8 moderately thick and rugose ; lower labial fold interrupted in the middle. Barbels 6 ; the maxillary ones scarcely reach to below the front edge of the eye, the longest rostral ones to below the front nostril. Fins: dorsal commences midway between the front edge of the eye and the base of the caudal tin; it is as liigh as the body below it and half higher than its base is long; its upper anterior corner rounded. Pectoral as long as the head behind the angle of the mouth, and reaching nearly to the ventral, which latter fin arises below the commencement of the dorsal fin : it is shorter than the pectoral, hut extends to the base of the anal. Anal twice as high as long, and reaches above half-way to the base of the caudal which is emarginate. Eree portion of the tail twice as long as high at its base. Scales absent. Colours : of a light fawn, with sixteen or eighteen interrupted darker and sinuous hands passing from the hack down the sides ; a silvery lateral hand. Dorsal and caudal finely spotted in lines : a darkish hand on pectoral, ventral and anal. Sab. Gnari Khorsum, Tibet. The specimen described is the largest of two obtained by Messrs, von Schlagintweit, and deposited in the Indian Museum. The size of the British Museum specimen, and the broken state of its caudal fin, must he accepted as the reason why my proportion of the free portion of the tail does not agree with Dr. Giinther’s (nearly ;j) ; whilst I find the caudal fin “emarginate,” and not “rounded.” 22. Nemacheilus gracilis. Plate IV, fig. 5. Day, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1876, p. 798. B. iii, D. I, P. 13, V. 8, A. I, C. 17. Length of head 5|, of caudal 64, height of body 6y ; in the total length. Eyes : diameter 11 in length of head, 4 diameters from end of snout, and 2^ apart. Snout overhanging the mouth. The greatest width of the head equals its height or its length excluding the snout. Lips tliickened ; lower labial fold interrupted in the middle and rather lobed on either side. Barbels six ; the maxiUary ones nearly twice as long as the eye ; the external rostral ones reach the hind nostril ; the other pair are shorter. Fins : dorsal com- mences midway between the eye and vertical border of the preopercle ; its upper edge is nearly straight ; it is not quite so high as the body below it, and one-fourth less than the extent of its base. Pectoral as long as the head behind the angle of the mouth ; it reaches rather above half-way to the base of the ventral, wliich latter fin arises somewhat in advance of the commencement of the dorsal ; it is of about the same length as the pectoral, and ex- tends half-way to the anal. Anal twice as high as wide at its base ; it reaches, when laid fiat, a little more than half-way to the base of the caudal, which is slightly emarginate. Eree ])ortion of the tail half as high at its base as it is long. Scales absent. Colours brownish along the hack, becoming yellowish beneath ; dorsal and caudal with dull spots. Sab. Basgo, on the head waters of the Indus. ICHTHYOLOGY. 17 23. Nemacheilus maemoratus. Plate V, fig. 1. Cobitis marmorata, Hcckel, Fische Kasch., p. 76, t. xii., figs. 1 and 2 : Hugel, Kaselim. iv., p. 380. Colitis vittata, Heckel, loc. cit. p. 80, t. xii., figs. 3 and 4; Hiigel, loc. cit. p. 382. Nemacheilus marmoratus, Giinther, Cat. vii., p. 356; Day, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1876, p. 798. B. iii, H. f, P. 11, V. 7, A. f, C. 17. Length of head 4f to 5, of caudal 7, height of body 7 in the total length. Eyes : dia- meter 5 in length of head, 2 diameters from end of snout, and 1|- apart. Snout somewhat pointed; and in some the preorhital is slightly projecting, Lips wrinkled; the lower labial fold interrupted. The greatest width of the head equals its height or its length excluding the snout. Barbels : the maxillary ones reach to below the hind edge of the eye ; the ros- tral ones are nearly as long, Bins ; dorsal commences midway between the end of the snout and the base of the caudal ; its upper edge is nearly straight, oblique, and with rounded angles ; its height rather exceeds that of the body below it ; and it is nearly twice as high as its base is long. Pectoral as long as the head excluding the snout, and extending half-way to the ventral. Ventral one-third shorter than the pectoral, and reaching half-way to the anal* Anal twice as high as long at its base. Caudal cut square, with rounded angles or slightly emarginate. Pree portion of the tail from one-and-a-half to twice as long as high at its base. Scales absent. Colours marbled or irregularly blotched and spotted with brown ; fins also more or less spotted. Hah. Kashmir Lake. 24. Nemacheilus eupicola. Schistura rupicola, McClelland. Journ. A. Soc. Bengal, vii., pi. Iv, fig. 3, and Ind. Cypr., p. 309, pi. Ivii., £. 3. The Kashmir species are almost or quite destitute of scales, and otherwise agree with M’Clelland’s fish. 25. Nemacheilus microps.^ Colitis microps, Steindachner, Verb. z.-b. Ges. Wien., 1866, p. 794, t. xiii., f. 3. Nemacheilus microps, Giintber, Cat. vii., p. 357. This species is entirely destitute of scales. The head is as wide as it is long. It was obtained by Hr. Stoliczka in Tibet on his first journey, but no specimens exist amongst the Yarkand collection. * Oreias Dahryi, Sauvage, Rev. et Mag. Zool., 1874, p. 3, is closely allied to this species. E 18 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. If we examine tlie localities whence the fishes which form this collection were procured, omitting the Murree and Kashmir examples, we find as foUows : — Name of species. Head waters of Indus. Yarkand river, or its branches. Oxus, or its tributaries. Exostoma stoUczkcB ... 1 Oreinus sinuatus 1 Schizothorax esocinus 1 " chrysochlorus 1 ■ intermedins 1 1 ' irregularis ... 1 ... Ptychoharhus conirostris 1 laticejjs 1 1 Schizopygopsis stoliczJcce 1 1 Diptychus maculatus ... 1 1 Nemacheilus stoliezhee 1 1 1 gracilis ... 1 yarkandensis ... ... ... 1 1 1 Total 8 9 4 Thus, we have eight species from the head- waters of the Indus, two of which extend to the great easterly, or Yarkand, River of Eastern Turkestan, and one to the Oxus of Western Turkestan; nine species from the Yarkand River, two common to the Indus and three to the Oxus ; and four species from the Oxus, three of which are also found in the Yarkand River, and one in the head waters of the Indus. If these species are examined in accordance with the districts traversed by this Mission and mapped out by Mr. Hume, we obtain the following results : — {1st). — Erom the hilly region between Murree and the Zoji-la Pass, there exists one species of ScJiizotJiorax showing an affinity to the Turkestan fauna : one Oreinus, a Himalayan genus : and two species of Nemacheilus, a genus common to Turkestan and Hindustan. {2nd). — Erom Zoji-la to the head of the Pankong there are; — one Siluroid, Exostoma^ evidently a Himalayan and hilly form. Of carps, the Himalayan Oreinus and four genera which may he considered as common to Turkestan, and mostly to the upper hilly regions, viz., Schizothorax, Schizopygopsis, Etyedbarhus and JDiptychus : lastly, a NemacTieiliis, an almost universally distributed genus. {3rd). — Erom the plains of Yarkand, two species of Schizothorax and two of Efyeo- harhus, e\ddently the most typical forms of the fishes in these elevated regions : the genus Nemacheilus is likewise represented. ICHTHYOLOGY. 19 {4th). — Prom the west of Yarkand to the Pamir Schizothorax, Schizopygopsis and Diptyclius, all forms found in Turkestan or adjacent regions, and likewise Nemacheilus were obtained. The foregoing species constitute the fish-collection made in the cold and inhospitable regions traversed by the Mission ; and they are of interest for the purpose of ascertaining what are the chief characteristics of the fish-fauna, and what relationship it bears to those of contiguous Asiatic regions, so far as such have been ascertained. In this inquiry it will be necessary to take a survey of the fishes of Afghanistan, Western Turkestan, and Hindustan, before proceeding further respecting those of Tibet and Yarkand or Eastern Turkestan. Most of our knowledge of the fishes of Afghanistan is due to the labours of Griffith, who remarked : — “ The characteristic forms of Afghan fish are doubtless the smaU-scaled Barbi and Oreini ; and these far exceed the others in number .... The fish are as distinct from the Indian forms as the plants are .... By characteristic I do not mean that these forms are limited to Afghanistan, because they occm' perhaps to an equal extent in the Himalayas, to the streams of which those of Afghanistan approximate more or less in the common features of rapids and bouldery beds.” Having crossed the high range of mountains separating Afghanistan from the plains of Western Turkestan, he found “a great change in the fish to occur, and Salmonidce'^ seem to take the precedence of the Cyprinidce. A species of trout abounds in the Bamean Biver and up its small tributaries, derived from the Koh-i-Baba, to an altitude of about 11,000 feet. A species of Barbus with small scales is likewise common in the Bamean Biver” ^ (Cal. Journ. Nat., Hist., ii. p. 565). He observes that Indian ‘ species were in the majority in the Cabul river (a tributary of the Indus) at Peshawur ; and in accordance with the facility or the reverse of access from the plains did he find a predominance of Indian or Afghan forms. ® The nature of the fishes of Afghanistan appears to be much as follows ; — Absence of Acanthopterygian or spiny -rayed families, except the spineless and widely distributed Ophio- cephalus gachua, Ham. Buch., and the spiny eel, Mastacembelus armatus, Lacep., so common in the East from the plains to the summits of mountains. Eew Siluroids, but perhaps a Callichorus and Amblyceps. Numerous Cyprinoids which appear to belong to the following genera — Oreinus, Schizothorax, Bungia, from near Herat, Barilius, and a Loach {? Nemacheilus), perhaps Biscognathus and Barbus. The fullest account we possess of the fishes of Western Turkestan is that lately given by Kessler, from which I have extracted the following : — Acanthopterygii. Berea flumatilis, Linn., obtained exclusively from the Jaxartes and some of its tributaries. P. schrenckii, Kess., from Lake Balkash. Lucioperca sandra, Cuv., from the Jaxartes. Cottus spinulosus, Kess., very rare in Tmkestan, two specimens from Khojend. None of these spiny-rayed fishes were captured at so south a latitude as Kashghar. Out of the four species three came from the Jaxartes or its tributaries, the other from Lake Balkash. * This remark appears to have been a little too strong, as he only found one species of Salmo ; probably it was very abundant. * The stuffed type presented to the British Museum from the Indian Museum seems to have been lost or destroyed. 3 GrifSth states that the Cabul Ptiver at Jellalabad presents us with two or three small-scaled (? Schizothorax) and Oreini together with certain tropical forms, as the Mahasir {Barhus) and a Silurus very like, if not identical with, the Poftah (? Silurus afgana). Also the same river at Lalpur possesses a fish, I believe, identical with the Nepoora of Assam {Laheo) and a Gonorhynchus {=Discognathus) . Griffith also mentions a Loach-like Silurus from near Jubraiz {? Amblyceps). 20 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. SiLTJRiD^. Siluris glanis, Linn. Generally spread throughout Western Turkestan, having been received from the Jaxartes, Oxus, and Sarekshan or Tarafshan Eivers. Cyprinid^. Ct/prinus carpio, Linn., from the Jaxartes, Oxus, Sarekshan Divers. Barbus conocephakis, Kess., from Sarekshan. B. platyrostris^ Kess., from the Diver Aksu falling into Lake Balkash. B. lacertoides, Kess., from Jaxartes and its tributaries. B, brachyceplialus, Kess., from Jaxartes and Oxus. Schizothorax aksaiensis, from the Diver Aksai. S.fedtsclienkoi, Kess., S. affinis, Kess., and S. eurystomus, Kess., from the Sarekshan Diver. S. orientalis, Kess., from a lake on the Alatau Mountains, the waters on the Western Turkestan side of which drain to Lake Balkash. JDiptychus severzawi, Kess., Aksai and Ottuk Divers to 10,000 feet. J). dyboioskii, Kess., Diver Aksu. Gobio jiuviatilis, Cuv., widely distributed in Western Turkestan, specimens received from near the towns of Tashkend, Khojend, Djisak, and from the Ak Daria. Abramis brama, Linn., Jaxartes and its tribu- taries. A. sapa, Pallas, rare, from the Jaxartes. Acanthobrama kuschakeioitscM, Kess., Jaxartes. Belecus cuUratus, Linn., Sea of Aral. Abramis cJialcoides, Giild., rather rare, obtained in the Ak Daria and Dm^man Kul. A. iblioides, Kess., creeks near Janikurjan. A. fasciatus, Nord., Sarekshan. A. tceniatus, Kess., Jaxartes. Aspius rapax, Pallas, Jaxartes and its tributaries. A. esocinus, Kess., Jaxartes and Oxus. Leuciscus erytJiropMhalmus^ Linn., Jaxartes. L. squaliusculus, Kess., from near Khojend on the Jaxartes and Janikurjan. L. rutilus, Linn., Jaxartes and Aigus Lake. CoBiTiDiN.®:. Cobitis longicauda, Kess. (scaled), one specimen from the Jaxartes. C. uranoscopus, Kess., from near Magian, Tashkend, Hhodjaduk, and Lake Iskander, the waters of which appear to drain to the Sarekshan Diver. C. dorsalis, Kess., creeks near Jani- kurjan. C. elegans, Kess., and C. tcsnia, Kess., river near Tashkend, a tributary of tlie Jaxartes. BiplopJiysa straucJiii, Kess., river Ih, falling into Lake Balkash. jD. labiata, Kess., Diver Urdjar, falling into Lake Ala. Salmonidje. Salmo oxianus, Kess., river Darant, falling into the Kisil-su, one of the upper tributaries of the Oxus. Esocid^. Bsox Indus, Linn., Jaxartes and its tributaries. Chondroptertgii. Adpenser schipa, Lbvetsky, Jaxartes, Casalius Diver. Scaphirhyn- chus fedtschenkoi, Kess., Oxus. The foregoing fishes of Western Turkestan^ mainly consist of — (1st). — Those descending from the north or spreading from the east or west, such as Berea, Ludoperca, Coitus, Gobio, Abramis, Acanthobrama, Belecus, Alburnus, Aspius, Squalius, Leuciscus, Adpenser, and Scaphirhynchus. {2nd). — Those common to Afghanistan and Yarkand, as Schizothorax, Barbus, Loaches ( ? genus). {3rd). — Those found also in Yarkand, as Schizothorax and Biptychus. {4th). — Silurus, (which will he alluded to). Lastly, Salmo, on the slopes of the mountains where the rivers descend to the Oxus. The existence of one of the Salmonidce, termed Salmo orientalis by M’Clelland, was well known to Dr. Stoliezka ; and a special object of his search (as he informed me previous to starting) would he to try and ascertain its distribution. Griffith found this fish “in the Bamean Diver, a stream that falls from the northern declivities of the Hindoo Koosh into the Oxus.” * I have to thank Mr. F . Carl Craemers for kindly translating some Russian localities, which I should not otherwise have been able to give. ICHTHYOLOGY. 21 Kessler does not record any of tliis family from the J axartes, or, in fact, from the rivers immediately descending from the Tian Shan or the Alatan Mountains. W e are, therefore, left to surmise that in the hills whence these fishes were taken is the abrupt termination of members of the family Salmonidce, which does not possess a solitary representative in Hindustan, except the S. leoenemis (introduced on the Nilgiris in Madras). If we now take a short review of the Fresh Water Fishes of India we find much as follows : — ACANTHOPTEEYGII. Genera Ambassis, Badis, Nandus, Pristolepis, Scicena, Gobius and some allied genera, Bhynchobdella, Mugil, Anabas, Folyacanthus, Osphromenus, Trichogaster, Etroplus exist in India, hut are absent from the fresh waters of Afghanistan, Turkestan, and Yarkand. Whether existing only in large rivers or distributed more generally over India, none pass the boundary of the Himalayas. Mastacembelus and Ophiocephalus are found in India and in Afghanistan ; both ascend for some height the Himalayas and other hill ranges. PHYSOSTOMI. SiLunn)^. Genera Erethistes, Ilacrones, Rita, Fang asms, Fseudeutropius, Walla go, Olyra, Chaca, Clarias, Saccobranchus, Sihmdia, Ailia, Ailiichthys, Eutropiichthys, Sisor, Oagata, Nangra, Bagarius, Fseudecheneis, Glyptostermmi exist in India, but not in Afganistan, Turkestan or Yarkand. Callichrous and Amblyceps, which are found in India, appear to be present in Afganistan, and the former also in Kashmir. Exostoma is found along the Himalayas ; Silurus in Turkestan and India. Cyprinodontidje. Cyprinodon and Haplocheilus are found in India. Cyprinid.®. Genera Eomaloptera, Fsilorhynehus, Oirrhina, Osteochelus, Scaphiodon, Semiplotus, Catla, Amblypharyngodon, Nuria, Rasbora, Aspidoparia, Rohtee, Eanio, Ferilampus, Chela, and various genera of Cobitidince exist in India. Eiseognathus, Labeo, and Barilius are common to India and Afghanistan, but are evi- dently Indian forms. Oreinus, Schizothorax, and Barbus, are found in India, also in Afghanistan, and the two last in Turkestan, whilst Schizothorax is common in Yarkand. Cobitis or Nemacheilus seem to extend everywhere. Cltjpeid^ and NoTOPTERiDiE. Of the genera belonging to these families, and which exist in the fresh waters of India, none go beyond the base of the Himalayas. The Fishes of Yarkand ' or Eastern Turkestan consist of species of the following genera : — Schizothorax, found also in Afghanistan and Western Turkestan ; one species on the slopes * I here omit the genera Exostoma from the Himalayas, and Oreinus from the Himalayas and Afghanistan. F 22 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. of the Himalayas, and sometimes even descending to the plains. Biptychiis, Tibet, Yarkand and Western Turkestan. ' Schizopygopsis, Tibet and Yarkand. Ftychobarhus, Tibet and Yarkand. The remainder are Loaches. JDiptyclius Dyboiuskii, Kess., would almost seem to be a ^chizopygopsisvfiih. an articulat- ed dorsal ray and a pair of maxillary barbels. Perhaps several of these bill-genera wiU, at some future date, be properly amalgamated, as has been done with the low-country Barbels {Barbus). An examination of the genera of spiny -rayed or Acanthopterygian fishes clearly shows that as we proceed inland in India they diminish ; at the Himalayas they cease. Two Indian species ^ only have been observed to exist in Afghanistan ; and they are amongst the most widely distributed of their respective genera. Neither of these extends in the north-east, either to Western Turkestan or Yarkand. In Western Turkestan, it is true, three genera of this order are represented ; but they have evidently extended southwards. Y^arkand and Tibet appear to he unsuited for this order of fishes ; and thence none have been brought. The Physostomi include all the Yarkand and Tibet fishes. Among Siluroids the Indian genera Callichrous and ? Amblyceps have been doubtfully recorded from Afghanistan ; but neither have spread to Western Turkestan, where, however, the Silurus glanis is found, evi- dently a wanderer from its more northern home. It is clear that in India there is a gradual diminution of Siluroids as we proceed inland until we arrive at the Himalayas. On the slopes of these mountains we at first obtain a few peculiar genera and species organized for a mountain-torrent life ; hut as we rise, eventually (as was the case in this Mission), an elevation is attained which, taken in connection with the latitude and paucity of food, seems to he beyond the limit of the Indian Siluroids. The Siluroids along the slopes of the Himalayas appear to be mostly confined to the foUowing : — A few, as Macrones and Callichrous, ascend a short distance, which may be con- sidered accidental. Fseudecheneis is a more distinct hill-form, possessing a sucker formed of transverse folds between its pectorals on the chest, and by the aid of which it prevents itself being carried away by the torrents. Olyptosternum has also an adhesive sucker, but of longitu- dinal folds, and likewise placed on the chest. These fishes, however, appear to be more intended for rapid rivers in the plains, but some ascend the slopes of the Himalayas. I have taken large specimens from the rivers at the base ^of the hills in which the suckers were scarcely visible : whether they had outgrown them, or, owing to the suckers not having been primarily well developed, they had been unable to maintain their footing in the hill-streams, of course, one cannot decide. Amblyceps is a Loach-hke form found in the waters of the plains and also of the hills ; it is abundant near Kangra. Exostoma, an example of which exists in the Yarkand-Mission collection, is also a remarkable form. It has a broad and depressed head and chest, the latter forming a species of sucker to enable it to sustain a mountain-torrent life. This fish {Exostoma stoliczhce) belongs to a genus which has only been recorded from hilly regions, neither extending to the waters of the comparatively level plateaus of the high lands, nor descending any distance towards the plains. The foUowing six species are know n : — (1) E. stoliczkcc, from the head-waters of the Indus ; (2) E. blythii, from near Darjeeling, where the waters descend to the Ganges ; (3) E. labiatum, from the Mishmi Mountains and Eastern xVssam ; (4) E. andersonii, from near Bhamo on the confines of China ; (5) E. davidi. Ophioce2)halus gacliua and Mastacemhelus armatus. ICHTHYOLOGY. 23 from the most easterly portion of Tibet near the head waters of the Yang-se-kiang ; (6) E. herdmorei, from Tenasserim. The distribution of the foregoing six species of this genus is interesting, because it is suggestive of whether, at some remote period, the Himalayan range, the mountains between Tibet and China, and the spur or continuation southwards through Burma and Siam, may not have been connected one with another. Whilst adverting to this point, I would mention another circumstance : the only Siluroid stated to be found in Western Turkestan is the Silurus glcmis, Linn. Three other species of the same genus have been captured on the hill-ranges of India ; and their distribution somewhat accords with that of Exostoma — (1) . — Sihirus cochinchinensis, Cuv. & Val. = Silurichthys herdmorei, Blyth, and (2) . — Silurus loynaadensis. Hay. These fishes, found in hills up to about 2,500 feet, have been obtained in the Western Ghats, Akyab Hills, Tenasserim and Cochin China. They would appear to be restricted to those mountains which are not far removed from the seacoast. How it is that several species of fishes are common to Malabar and Siam, or the countries contiguous to it, whilst they are entirely absent from the intermediate districts of India, is a question which I do not pro- pose entering upon. (3) . — S. afghana, Gunther, from Afghanistan, is identical with S. dukai. Hay, from Harjeeling. Cyprinidce form the entire collection of the Yarkand Mission, after its arrival beyond the upper waters of the Indus. If we examine the members of this family found on the Hima- layas in the same manner as we have the Siluroids, we find as follows : — Eiscognathus, so easily recognizable by the sucker on the lower lip, is found some distance up the moun- taius, but is rare above 5,000 feet. Oremus, with its small scales, broad mouth, and like- wise a sucker behind the lower jaw, becomes more and more common the higher we ascend. The Expedition obtained one species at Leh, in the Upper Indus ; and it has been found as a genus extending from Afghanistan along the Himalayan Range, and near Bhamo liy the last Yunnan Mission, or the same district as the Siluroid genera Exostoma and Silurus. It appears to essentially prefer the sides of hills and impetuous torrents. Some of the stronger Laheos, Barbels {Barhus), and a Barilius are found here and there on the slopes and in the side streams of the Himalayas up to very considerable heights. They, however, are Indian forms which, if able to do so, appear to migrate during the breeding-season to the mountains to deposit their ova in the side streams which are unre- plenished by snow-water. Here the fry are often compelled to remain until the succeeding year’s rains swell the waters, washing food into their retreats to enable them to grow, or else to permit them to descend to the plains. Once near the summit of these mountains, and beyond districts where adhesive suckers are a necessity for moderate-sized fishes to possess to prevent their being washed away, we come upon genera as rare in the plains of India as are the Indian forms at the summit of the Himalayas. Kashmir is a locality traversed by this Mission, a hilly Himalayan district, and one to which it is necessary to refer. In Hiigel and Heckel’s “Eische aus Kaschmir” we find the following species recorded : — Oreinus plagiostonms, Heckel; 0. sinuatus, Heck,; Schizothorax curvifrons, Heck.; S. lotigipinnis Heck. ; S, niger, Heck. ; S. nasus, Heck. ; S. huegelii, Heck. ; 24 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. S . micropogon, 15.^0 ^.. S. planifrons,'Ke(ik.', S. esocinus, 'Keck. ; Cirrliina gohama. Ham. Buell. ; Barbus tor, Ham, Buch. ; Labeo varicorliinus, Heck. ; NemacJieilus marmoratus, Heck. ; Callichrous pabda, Ham. Buck. These fishes demonstrate relationship with three districts : — Schizothorax with Afghanistan and East and West Turkestan; Oreinus with the slopes of the Himalayas in their whole extent ; Cirrhina, Barbus, and Callichrous with the neighbouring fauna of Hindustan. Having examined what are the ingredient parts of the fish fauna of Western Turkestan, Afghanistan, Hindustan, Yarkand or Eastern Turkestan, Tibet, and Kashmir, it will he inter- esting to endeavour to discover if these localities are possessed of any indigenous forms, and, if so, how far they extend into contiguous countries. I do not propose inquiring into whether the great desert region of Central Asia can or , cannot be included in one Tartarian subregion ; hut, as the zoology of this portion of the globe is at present rather obscure, I tliink it will be more useful to limit oneseK strictly to ascertained facts. Sir D, Eorsyth’s Mission has led naturalists into the fringe of an ichthyological region of which Yarkand may be the centre ; certainly it is richer in forms of SchizotJioracincB than Western Turkestan appears to be. In the cold and hilly districts of Tibet and Yarkand we observe an absence of spiny- rayed and Siluroid fishes ; whilst amongst Carps we see the genera Schizothorax, Btyclio- barbus, Schizopygopsis, and Biptychus — fishes belonging to a peculiar division Schizothoracince, (or Hill-Barbels of M’Clelland), which may be thus defined : — Carps more or less covered with minute scales, or destitute of any. A membranous sac or slit anterior to the anal fin, which is laterally bounded by a roio of vertically placed scales, like eave-tiles, and which are continued along the base of the anal fin. The fishes composing this are mostly of an elongated form, and are divisible into : — a. Those with transverse mouths, as Oreinus, Btychobarbus, Schizopygopsis, Biptychus. b. Those with compressed mouths, as Schizothorax. The genus Oreinus is spread from the Helmund River and Jellalabad in Afghanistan, along the whole Himalayan and contiguous ranges of hills to at least the confines of China. So far as I know, these fishes appear to be strictly residents of rivers in hilly regions, neither descending far into those of the plains nor found on the level plateaus on the sum- mits of the mountains. This accounts for their absence from the Yarkand collection ; and from the foregoing extracts it appears probable that they are not found to the north of the Oxus. This genus appears to be on the outskirts of the rest of its group ; and its mouth armed with a sucker, to resist its being washed away, makes it well able to sustain a moun- tain-torrent life. The other genera are more or less spread in the following districts. Erom the Helmund River and the eastern portion of Afghanistan, the upper part of the Oxus, and the eastern portion of M"estern Turkestan, the Tian Shan or Celestial Mountains, and also the Alatau mountains more to the south, they extend along the Himalayan region, certainly as far as the most easterly part of Assam. These fishes {SchizothoracincE) are confined to cold regions, as a rule, or at least to local- ities possessing snow-fed rivers, many of which rivers end in lakes and do not go to the sea. ICHTHYOLOGY. 25 They extend from Eastern Afghanistan and Western Turkestan through Tibet, and the most westerly portion of China, along the Himalayas to the hills in the Yunnan direction. Loaches {Nemacheilus) are likewise generally distributed ; and it is remarkable, as I have already observed, that all are scaleless. The same appears the rule in Western Turkestan. The conclusion, I think, we may fairly arrive at, after examining the fishes of Yarkand and the adjoining countries, is that we find a peculiar group of Carps {^chizothoracinai) which has spread almost due east and west from the cold and elevated regions of Eastern Turkestan, but of which the southern progress has been barred by the Himalayas. If we look to the south, we see, as it were, that a wave of tropical forms of fishes has, at a prehistoric period, expanded over that portion of the globe where the Nicobars, Anda- mans, and the most southern portions of the continent of Asia and the islands of the Malay Archipelago now are, that this fish fauna has its northward progress arrested by some cause at or near where the Himalayas now exist and mark the division between the fish-fauna of India and that of Turkestan. ■ ./i 'rr. 1 ,;; rf';:’.' i ,r -y ’ C'J' U^n ir'r" rr'''.': r r:;;c "I /r« ■■;•:'•:*!.' • vV t g r’, J»'r/ >' V^'‘*r,7I) .< •'■••■' •■•■ - ■' •' CV .1 ■vn' ,’j 1 . • ■■'■• 7 .'7 • ' ■ : ^ r/j j , ■ ; ,'j , • ,^ 7 ri'rr ■• '■ ■ . : .'■ .' r-j ‘ n \ 1 : , .•■ ' rd: V . ; 7/ '>f I .- .-y-.y :f ;": ' u' ; i:rKn .0 rr t \o fiv'r.'^r ri ‘. us ^■v : a t »r-^ivj.;. >:\ r\^-,y-r!\riyL.nu'i-,-:[ ; i ;'-U >> j-i ! i' sha}-- !;;<;j.’r i]' v;i :i:. . .• . s-ze !) > r .; Lo ; ‘.v'.cr xr':-:‘Kj vs ^ r.'i * •r,;,':i f.; v.i 1 1-.5 ; . • v ' i _ ‘ '':,■••• ip-:.-, ' 'i; V/ ;.r •, ,) .vr.r-.:/. ;:o; 1 '.'j • ■ . • " / vo 4 - « , „ o'tii V ’^kand Mission. Fishes, Plate 1. 1 EXOSTOMA STOLlCZKiE. 2. SCHIZOTHORAX CHRYSOCHLURUS. 3. S.PUNCTATUS. 4. S. ESOCINUS. Yarkand Mission. Fishes. Plate 11. 1. SCHIZOTHORAX INTERMEDIUS. 2. SCHIZOPYGOPSli'. iJTOLICZKZb;. 3.D1PTYCHUS MACULATUS. 4.CIRRHINA SINDENSIS. L "YiU'karid Mission. Fishes, Plate 111. F.Day, del. CJlcluiLes litli. l.PTYCOBARBUS LATICEPS. 2 . SCHTZOTHORAX MICROCEPHALUS. 3.PTYC0BARBUS GONIROSTRll;;. 4 . BARBUS TOR. Yarkajirl Mission. Fishes , Plate W. 1, SCHI.ZOTHORAX IRRKGULAKIS. 2 , PTYCOBARBUS LONGICEPS. 3 SCHIZOTHORAX NASUS. 4-. NEMACHEILUS LADACENSIS 5, N . GRACILIS. 'larkand Mission Fishes, Plate V. R "Mintem del et lith. Mintem Broa imp. 1, NEMACHEILUS MARMORATUS. 2 , N . STOLICZKE. 3,N. YARKANDENSIS. 4,N. TENUIS. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OP THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, PhD. REPTILIA AND AMPHIBIA. BY W. T. BLANFORD, F.E.S. %• ^ilublijslvcb bi) orbcr of the Sobernment of Enbiit. CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1878 . V SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, Pii.D. RETTILIA AND AMPHIBIA. BY W. T. BLANEORD, E.B.S IRiblishcb by ovbcv of the ^obevnmeut of lubht. CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1878 . CALCUTTA : UEINTED BT THE SUPEKINTENDENT OP GOVEENMENT FEINTING, 8, HASTINGS STEEET. SCIENTIFIC EESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION. REPTILIA. By W. T. BLAOTOED. T he collection of reptiles made by Hr. Stoliczka during his travels with the second expedition to Eastern Turkestan was small, owing partly to the country traversed not being rich in forms of animal life, but still more because of the unfavourable season at wliich many of his journeys were made. The Thian Shan was visited in the depth of winter, and the Pamir steppes and Wakhan long before the snow had melted, and, under these circumstances, no snakes, lizards, or other forms of reptihan life could be found. The bulk of the collection consists of specimens procured on the journey from India to Kdshghar, in the Punjab hills beyond Mari (Murree), in Kashmir and in Ladak, and those obtained on the return journey between Yarkand and the Karakoram. Of several of the species, fine series have been obtained. The only reptiles previously collected in the districts traversed beyond Kashmir were (1) those procured by the Messrs, von Schlagintweit, who, in 1857, obtained one species of lizard, which was described by Dr. Gunther in the Eeptiles of British India ; (2) by Dr. Stoliczka himself, who, when in Ladak in 1865, collected several reptiles, of which Dr. F. Steindachner gave an account, together with the Eeptiles of the Novara Expedition; and (3) a few specimens obtained by the first expedition to Yarkand in 1870, which were examined and described by Dr. Anderson in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society for 1872. The last was the only collection which included specimens from Turkestan, but, unfortunately, the localities had apparently, in some cases, not been correctly marked on the labels. It is well known that there is much confusion in the localities of the specimens collected by the Messrs, von Schlagintweit. Nearly the whole of Dr. Stoliczka’s collections are carefully labelled, and in the very few cases in which, from the labels having been omitted or lost, there is doubt as to the original locality of a specimen, this is noted in the subsequent pages in the list of the specimens collected. The following is a list of the species of Eeptiles hitherto procured from Ladak and the Upper Indus valley : — Laceetilia : Sfellio liimalayanus. | Gymnodactylus sioliczhm. Phrynocephalus theobaldi. I Mocoa stoliczkce (? =M. ladacensisj . Ophidia : Zamenis ventrimaadatm {Z. ladacensis, Anderson). 2 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. The last-named is the only species not obtained by Dr. Stoliczka in his last journey. It had, however, previously been procured by him in Spiti (Steindachner, Kept. Nov. Exp., p. 65). All the other species named had also been obtained previously, no additions having been made to the fauna by the present collection. The very moderate list of species as yet procured from Eastern Turkestan comprises the following forms : — Lacertilia : Stellio stoliczJcanus. Phrynocephalus tlieobaldiy var. {P.forsythi). P. axillaris. Teraloscincus keyserlingii. Gymnodactylus elongatus. G. microtis. Eremias yarJcandensis . E. vermiculata. Ophidia : Zamenis ravergieri. Tropidonotus hydrus. Taphrometopum lineolatum. Of these species, only ThrynocepJialus tJieohaldi and Eremias yarkandensis had been obtained before the country was visited by Dr. Stoliczka ; another species, Cyrtodactylus yarkandensis, recorded as having been brought from Yarkand, having really, I believe, been collected in Ladak, and wrongly labelled. In the present account the following species are also mentioned, specimens of them having been collected by Dr. Stoliczka in the Punjab hills or in Kashmir ; — Stellio tuhereulatus. S. agrorensis. TypMops porrectus, var. Compsosoma hodgsoni. Ptyas mucosus. Lacertilia : I Eumeces tceniolatus. 1 Mocoa himalayana. Ophidia : 1 Tropidonotus platyceps, Vipera ohtusa. \ Halys himalayanus. With the possible exception of the last, none of these species appears to be found in the dry region of Ladak, north of the dividing range between Kashmir proper and the Indus valley. It is thus evident that, so far as the Reptiles are considered, the countries traversed by Dr. Stoliczka between the plains of India and Kashghar yield three entirely distinct faunas ; (1) that of the Punjab hills and Kashmir, comprising a majority of Himalayan forms, with a few species common to the plains of India and some types belonging to palaearctic genera ; (2) that of Western Tibet ; and (3) that of Eastern Turkestan, both the latter belonging to the palaearctic region, but to distinct sub-divisions, only one species having hitherto been found in both areas, and even that is represented by well-marked varieties.^ * Since the present account was first written, I have received, through the kindness of Dr. Strauch, a copy of his descriptions of the reptiles collected hy Colonel Przevalski in Central Asia. The work was published in 1876, and is, therefore, later in date than my preliminary account of Dr. Stoliczka’s collections in the “ Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal ” for 1875 (vol. xliv, p. 191). The greater portion of Dr. Strauch’s paper is unfortunately in Russian, but the descriptions are in Latin, and excellent lithographs of all the new species are given. One fonn of Eremias, Podarces (E.) pylzowi, appears to me possibly the same as E. vermiculata from Yarkand ; but of this I am not certain, and I am unable to identify any of the other forms described, including five species of Fhrynocephalus, and five (besides E. pylzowi) of Eremias, with the species inhabiting Eastern Turkestan. HEPTILIA. 3 Order LACERTILIA. Family — A GAMIBM. 1. StELLIO HIMAIiAYANUS. Steindachner : Novara Reise, Reptilien, p. 22, PL i, fig. 8. Stoliczka : Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1872, xli, Pt. 2, p. 113. 1, 2, Dras valley ; 3, 4, Tashgaon, near Eras ; 5-7, Chiliscomo ; 8, Shargol ; 9, Kharbu ; 10, 11, Snemo near Leh ; 12-22, Leb ; — all In the Upper Indus valley, north of Kashmir. These specimens are from the original locality and its neighbourhood. Stellio hima- layanus has hitherto only been found in the Upper Indus valley in Ladak, where it was originally discovered by Dr. Stoliczka. In his diary Dr. Stoliczka remarks that the male of this lizard is smaller, and has the whole head, breast, and shoulders tinged with yellow, and the sides of the neck umber red. These colours are probably assumed in the breeding season ; the date when they were noticed was August 17th. 2. Stellio tuberculatus. Gray apud Gunther : Reptiles of British India, p. 157. Stoliczka: Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1872, Pt. 2, xli, p. 115, PI. iii, fig. 3. 1, 2, Kashmir. Though labelled Kashmir, the specimens were probably obtained on the road from Mari (Murree) to Srinagar. The species is common about Mari. 3. Stellio agrorensis. PI. I, fig. 3. Stoliczka: Proc. As. Soc. Bengal, 1872, p. 128. 1-6, Kashmir. The specimens agree well with the types from the Agror valley in the Punjab hills. In his diary, Dr. Stoliczka records obtaining this species near Chatarkailas in the Jhilam valley, north-east of Mari. As no figure of this species has ever appeared, one is published herewith. A full description was given by Dr. Stoliczka. 4. Stellio stoliczkanus. PI. I, figs. 1 & 2. W. Blanf. : Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1875, xliv, Pt. 2, p. 191. S. squamis dorsalibus mediis majoribus, hand in lineas regulares ordinatis, obtuse carinatis, lateralibus minoribus, acute carinatis, postice subcequalibus ; nonnullis mucronatis circum 4 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. tympanum, et in fasciculos ad latera colli et supra humeros dispositis ; caudalihus carinatis, mucronatis, verticillatis, dorsales magnitudine vix excedentibus ; stramineus, capite dorsoque posteriore nigro-punctatis, dorso anteriore nigro, stramineo transversim fasciato. 1-7, Yangiliissar, 8, Karghalik, south of Yarkand, both in the plains of Eastem Turkestan. Description. — General form apparently more slender than in Stellio caucasicus or /S', tuberculatus ; body and base of tail depressed ; tail 1‘5 times to nearly twice the length of the body ; the fore limb laid backward does not reach the thigh (except in very young specimens) ; the hind limb laid forward extends to about the ear. Head depressed, its length considerably exceeding its breadth. The largest specimen collected measures 14-75 inches, of which the head and body from the snout to the anus measure 5-4, fore limb to end of toes 2-6 inches, hind limb nearly 4, thhd toe of hind foot without the claw, measm’ed from between the third and fom’th toes, 0‘65. In a smaller specimen the head and body measure 4'6, tail 8 inches. The scales on the upper surface of the head are convex, those on the occiput being submucronate, those on the supra-orbital bosses are rather smaller and flat. Supra-orbital ridge and canthus rostralis prominent, loreal region concave, bearing small scales, some of which, like most of the scales on the side of the head, are bluntly keeled. Nostrils directed backwards, situated in the hinder part of a single shield below the canthus. Rostral more than twice as broad as high. Labials not much larger than the neighbouring scales. Mental the same breadth as the rostral and pointed below. Eyehds covered with small granular scales, those along the edges of the lids rather larger and pointed. Some rather large scales bluntly keeled or submucronate between the eye and the tympanum. Some spinose scales round the tympanum : groups of spinose scales are scattered over the sides and back of the neck, the former being the larger. There is no trace of a crest. Sides of the neck between the larger scales covered with very small conically mucronate scales. Scales on the back of the neck granular, passing gradually into the bluntly keeled scales of the middle of the back ; these are considerably larger than the scales of the sides, being about twice as broad. The scales on the lateral portions of the body are distinctly keeled, in tolerably well-marked transverse rows, and nearly uniform in size, but few con- spicuously larger scales being scattered amongst them in general, though a few may occasion- ally be detected here and there, and these are patches of enlarged subspinose scales of pale colour about the shoulders. There is no patch of enlarged scales in the middle of the sides. Scales of the belly smooth, rhomboidal, about the same size as those in the middle of the back, and arranged in transverse series, containing towards the middle of the belly from fifty- eight to sixty-seven scales, tending, however, to pass into the keeled scales at the sides. I count about 150 to 160 scales round the middle of the body. The throat scales are similar to those of the abdomen, but much smaller. In males there are two or three rows of thickened scales before the anus ; in females the scales are a little larger than those adjoining, but not thickened. There is no patch of thickened scales in the middle of the abdomen, as there is in Stellio caucasicus, and several other species of the genus. All the limb scales are keeled, those above sharply, those below, and espe- cially on the hind limb, faintly ; those on the back of the thigh small, with a few larger and subspinose scales scattered amongst them ; scales below the feet keeled, very similar to those above ; toes covered beneath with transverse plates, each with several keels. Tail scales. EEPTILIA. 5 except near tlie base below, keeled, and ending in a short spine posteriorly ; those near the base scarcely larger than the back scales, those behind very little smaller, aU in verticils. There is a double fold below the neck, several at the side of the neck, and one which passes above the shoulder and down the side. The general colour is pale yellowish, mixed with dusky black. The head above is straw-coloured, with a few black scales scattered over the upper surface and irregular vertical dusky bars on the side. Anterior portion of the back and upper part of forelimbs dusky, with transverse rows of pale spots, sometimes forming tolerably marked bars, especially on the shoulders and upper parts of the fore legs ; hinder part of the back and sides straw-colour, speckled with black. Tail pale yellowish at the base, sometimes with indications of crossbands ; liinder portion brown. Lower parts uniform pale yellow, except the chin and throat, which are dusky, more or less mottled, or speckled with pale yellow. The young is much paler in colour, with a pinkish tinge, and the scattered black scales on the back are few in number, and form rather irregular transverse lines. There are twelve to fourteen maxillary teeth on each side of the upper jaw, and three pairs of conical teeth in front ; the outer pair the largest. In the lower jaw there are twelve to thirteen teeth along each side, and two pairs of more elongate pointed teeth in front. AU the larger specimens are eviscerated. Dr. Stoliczka in his diary mentions that, at Karghalik, he found this species living in holes in sand, and that, on a low bush, he saw one specimen which, when pursued, took to the ground immediately. I have never seen any other Stellio wliich had similar habits, though probably, from its habitat, S. aralensis may resemble the present species. AU the other species of the genus are, as a rule, rock lizards, living on the rocks, and taking refuge in clefts and under stones. S. nuptus in Persia is sometimes found on old walls of hardened mud, but with the exception of S. aralensis, I have never heard of any species inhabiting level ground and Uving in holes, as, from Dr. StoUczka’s note, is, I infer, the case with the present form. 8. stoliczhanus differs much from all known species. The arrangement of the scales on the body is quite distinct in 8 . nuptus ^ and 8. melanura^ which belong, indeed, to a different section of the genus. 8. tuherculatus,^ 8. agrorensis ® and 8 . day anus ^ are stouter forms ; the first two are at once recognised by their more strongly keeled dorsal scales, the much greater difference between the dorsal and lateral scales, and the smaller size of the latter, and 8. day anus differs in having strongly keeled dorsal and lateral scales, in the numerous large scales scattered over the sides, and the larger scales on the Umbs, besides other distinctions in each case. None of the three species have the spinose scales on the sides of the neck so developed as in 8. stoliczhanus. 8. himalayanus has the central dorsal scales smooth, besides other distinctions. 8. caucasicus ® and 8. microlepis ® are also distinguished by stouter form and broader heads, by the presence of a large cluster of enlarged scales in the middle of each side, and of an oval patch of thickened scales in the middle of the abdomen in both sexes. The scales in * DeFilippi : Giomale del I. E. 1st Lomb. vi, (1843) ; — Eastern Persia, ii, p. 317. * Laudakia (Plocederma) melanura, Blyth : Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1854, sxiii, p. 738 \—S. melanurus, Anderson ; Proc. As. Soc. Bengal, 1871, p. 189. ® Vide ante. * Stoliczka: Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1872, xli, Pt. 2, p. 113. ® Eichwald : Zool. Spec, iii, p. 187 ; — Fauna Gasp. Cauc., p. 80 ; — Eastern Persia, ii, p. 322, PI. xx, fig. 1. ® Eastern Persia, ii, p. 326, PL xix, fig. 2. 6 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. S. microlepis are smaller throughout. On the whole, the present species approaches S. cau- casicus more nearly than any other form with which I am acquainted. I have no specimen of Stellio aralensis^ for comparison, and from its inhabiting the steppes east of the Sea of Aral, it may very possibly he nearly allied to the present species. Accord- ing to Lichtenstein’s description, it has the hack scales strongly keeled and mucronate, and the toes fringed, the colom’ation is very different from that of S. stoUczkanus, being ash-grey, with pale wavy crosshands, the tail and limbs being also banded, and there is a large black spot at each side of the neck in the fold. The young have this spot peculiarly distinct and have long pale spots on the back on a bluish-grey ground. There can be but little doubt of the present being a distinct species. A form from Western Turkestan appears to have been named L. lelimanni by Strauch,^ but I can find no description of it. In the list of Western Turkestan reptiles, “ Mmalayanus, Strauch,” is also included by Severtzoff. 5. Phutnocephaltjs theobaldi. P. tickellii, Giinther : Proe. Zool. Soe., 1860, pp. 167, 173, nec Gray. P. olivieri, Theobald: Jour, As. Soe. Bengal, 1862, xxxi, p. 518, nee Dum. et Bibr, P, iheohaldi, Blyth : Jour. As. Soe. Bengal, 1863, xxxii, p. 90; — W. Blanf. : Jour. As. Soe. Bengal, 1875, xliv, Pt. 2, p. 192. P. cauAivolvuUsyG,mi^&x\ Rept. Brit. Ind., p. 161 (1864); — Theobald: Cat. Kept. Mus. As. Soe., p. 40 (1868) ; — Anderson : Proe. Zool. Soe., 1872, p. 387, nec Pallas? P. stoliczTcm, Steindaehner : Novara Expedition, Reptilien, p. 23, PI. i, figs. 6, 7. P. forsythi, Anderson : Proe. Zool, Soe., 1872, p. 390, fig. 7. 1-4, between Sonanmrg and Kbarbu (all probably from tbe Indus valley and not from tbe Kashmir side of the Zoji-la) ; 5-7, Namika-la, north-east of Shargol ; 8-14, above Kharbu, 14,000 feet ; 15-22, Lamayuru ; 23-25, Snemo ; 26-40, Leh (aU the above from the Indus valley in Ladak) ; 41-47, Mughlib, east of Tankse 14,000 feet ; 48-53, Lukung, Pankong Lake ; 54, 55, Chagra, north of Pankong Lake ; 56-66, between Yarkand and Karakoram (this and all the following specimens belong to the variety P. forsythi ) ; 67, Sanju; 68, Yarkand ; 69, Kizil ; 70-72, Yangihissar ; 73, 74, Kashkasu, on road from Yangihissar to Sarikol. I feel convinced that there must be some mistake in uniting the Fhrynocephalus of Western Tibet with Lacerta caudivolvula of Pallas.® In the first place, Pallas’ description, L. corporis squamis minutissimis Iccmhus, cauda longiuscula Icevissima, subtus apice ruhro nigroque variegata, does not appear to agree weU. The tail in the Tibet Flirynocephalus is not nearly so long as would be inferred from the above description and from the measurements of L. caudivolvula by Pallas, — whole length 3 inches 3 lines, tail 2 inches, so that the proportion of the head and body to the tail is 5 to 8. In a large number of specimens from Tibet and Eastern Turkestan I find the proportions of the head and body to the tail vary between 5 to 5‘6 and 5 to 6’3, the last bemg exceptional. The tail, moreover, can scarcely be called very smooth ; the scales towards the extremity, as a rule, are keeled. Then the colouration is different, and especially that of the tail, which is said by Pallas, in his more detailed description, to be subtus a medio ad apicem interrupte nigra et rubra. The colom’ation in P. theobaldi is extremely variable, as noticed by Steindaehner in his description (of P. stoliczTcce) , but I have never seen ' Agama aralensis, Lichtenstein, Eversmann’s Reise von Orenburg nach Buchara p. 144. It is by no means clear that Lichtenstein’s species was really a Stellio. ' Severtzoff : Turkistanskie Jevotnie, p. 71. ^ Zoogr. Eos. As., iii, p. 27. EEPTILIA. 7 an approach to the mixture of red and hlack described by Pallas. It is true that these red colours are probably seasonal, and that they tend to disappear in spmts, hut the colouration in the specimens before me is so well preserved, that it would he surprising if no trace of red remained in any of them, and they were collected at various seasons, some in autumn, others in spring and early summer. I am unable to find Pallas’ figure of Lacerta caudwolmda, hut there are two figures of the species, both accompanied by descriptions, by Eversman^ and Eichwald.^ These figures I have compared with the Tibet FJirynocephalus, and I find both agree with Pallas’ description of P. caudivolvulus, and differ from P. theobcddi. It is true that Eversman gives the length of the body as 1 inch 11 lines and of the tail 2 inches 1 line, but his figure shows a longer tail than this, whilst Eichwald gives the lengths of the body and tail respectively as 1 inch 8 lines and 2 inches 5 lines, a proportion of 5 ; 7 '5. Eichwald describes the tail as having black rings towards the end, the interspaces below being red ; Eversman merely says that there are black bands on the lower surface of the tail towards the extremity, with red interspaces. A comparison of Eversman’s or Eichwald’s figure with Steindachner’s bears out the view I have expressed of the species represented being distinct. Dumeril and Bibron ^ appear to me to have described a different species from Pallas’, under the name of 'Flmjnocephalm caudivolvulus. The tail is said to be but little longer than the body, and to be black at the end, with blackish spots along the sides of the remaining portion, and the ventral scales are said to be keeled, whereas Pallas, Eversman and Eichwald describe them as smooth. Dumeril and Bibron’s description agrees, except in having the ventral scales keeled, with P. theohaldi. Now, the specimen described by the Erench her- petologists came from Berlin, and was very probably identical with that compared with the Tibet 'Plinjnocephalus by Professor Peters.^ But what especially guides me in rejecting Pallas’ name for the Tibet JPJirymcepJialus is that name itself, and the circumstance from which it was derived. PaUas says ^^percepto inimico caudam coloratam versus dorsum in spiram promptissime revolvit, quod in nulla alia specie vidi^' Now, there are two groups of TJirynocephali, to one of which belong P. olivieri^ and P. persicus ® ; both of these I have seen alive in large numbers, and I never yet saw one coil its tail, whilst to the other belongs P. maeulatus and a species to be described imme- diately, both of which have been observed, the latter by Stoliczka, the former by myself, to have a habit of coiling their tails. These last are much smoother, as a rule, than the Fhrynocephali of the former group, and their tail is much longer, whilst in P. maeulatus the under surface of the tail, when alive, is frequently red in part. I think it is to this group that the true Lacerta caudivolvula must belong, whilst P. tleohaldi certainly belongs to the former group. In Mr. Theobald’s very good account of the habits of the present species ® which he obtained on the Tso-Morari in Bupshu, he makes no mention of having seen it coil its tail, nor does Stoliczka notice any such habit, although he especially describes it in the case of the other Tm’kestan species, and gives a sketch in his diary of the appearance presented. ' Lacertee Imperii Hossici, Nouv. Mem. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, iii, p. 362, PI. xsxii, fig. 2. ^ Fauna Caspia Caucasia, Nouv. Mem. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc., vii, p. 107, PI. xii, figs. 6, 7, PI. xiii, figs. 9 — 14. 3 Erp. Gen., iv, p. 522. ^ Gunther : Kept. Brit. Ind., p. 161. ® Dum. et Bibr. : Ei-p. Gen. iv, p. 517 ; — Eastern Persia, ii, p. 327. ® DeFilippi: Archiv. Zool. Genova, ii, p. 387 ; — Eastern Persia, ii, p. 329. 7 Anderson ; Proc, Zool. Soc., 1872, p. 388 Eastern Persia, ii, p. 331. * Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1862, xxxi, p. 518. SECOND YARKAND MISSION. I have not overlooked the fact mentioned by Dr. Gunther in the “ Reptiles of British India,” ^ and to which reference has already been made, that specimens from Tibet had been compared by Professor Peters of Berlin with typical examples of L. caudivolvula, and found specifically identical. I confess that it appears at the first glance as if the opinion of so high an authority on the Reptilia as Professor Peters must he more correct than mine, hut I think there must be some mistake, as I have already indicated when noticing the description of P. caudivolvulus by Dumeril and Bihron. The original types of Pallas can scarcely he in Berlin, and it has frequently happened that other species have been sent from Russia under Pallas’ names. Under any circumstances I cannot hut think, for the reasons given above, that Pallas must have described a different lizard. Steindachner in his description of P. stoliczkcB, which is certainly the same lizard as P. theobaldi, several of the specimens examined by Steindachner being from the typical locality of the last-named species, points out that P. stoUczkcB differs from P. caudivolvulus in its shorter tail and in having smooth scales on the upper surface of the limbs. The latter character, however, is not constant. Keels may generally be detected in P. theobaldi on the scales of the tarsus, and not unfrequently on the thigh and forearm, and in the Turkestan variety, P. forsythi, they are the rule. The length of the tail is, however, a characteristic distinction, though, I believe, it is not the only one. It is only after long and repeated comparison that I have come to the conclusion, that P. forsythi of Anderson cannot be separated from P. theobaldi? At the first glance, they appear distinguished by colour and by the Turkestan form having some scattered, whitish, enlarged scales on the back, and keels on the scales covering the upper surface of the limbs. Individuals, however, vary greatly in the scales of the back ; in some these are convex and granular, in others flat, smooth, and even subimbricate ; in some larger in the middle of the back, in others nearly the same size throughout. The scales on the top of the head are scarcely alike in any two individuals ; some have the scales large on the occiput and very small on the supra-orbital region, in others all are of about equal size ; in some the enlarged superciliary scales almost reach the nasals, in others three or four small scales intervene. The keels on the limb scales and the enlarged scales on the sides of the back are no more constant than the other charaeters. I find specimens from Western Tibet with a few scattered enlarged scales, and with distinct keels on the limb-scales, and I find specimens from Eastern Turkestan in wliich the enlarged scales are wanting and the keels can scarcely be detected. Even in colouration, I do not think the difference, although it is usually marked, is constant. P. forsythi has almost always a row of rather distant dark spots, arranged in pairs down each side of the back. These spots consist of rather pointed scales. P. theobaldi varies exceedingly in colour. Some specimens, perhaps the most, are rather irregularly spotted, others have large ocelli on the back ; in others again there are no markings whatever. But there is very often a tendency to a double row of spots down the back, and in some cases a very near approach to the colouration of P. forsythi^ and in the latter the spots > p. 161 . • I may here remark that I believe Dr. Anderson was misled by his collectors into supposing that the specimens of P. theobaldi described by him, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1872, p. 387, under the name of P. caudivolvulus, were from Varkand. Like the gecko named by him Cyrtodactylus yarlcandensis, I think it almost certain that the Phrynocephali in question must have been collected in the Upper Indus valley, in Ladak. Every specimen from Yarkand and Eastern Turkestan in Dr. Stoliczka’s large collection has the colouration of P. forsythi, whilst the specimens described by Dr. Anderson, which I have examined, are uudistinguishable from some of those procured by Dr. Stoliczka in Ladak. EEPTILIA. 9 are often faint and small, or some of them are wanting, whilst in other specimens additional spots are found on the sides. It is evident that the colouration varies, in the case of P. tlieohaldi, to a great extent, and therefore it would he impossible to found a specific distinction upon it without stronger differences. There is one difference which, if constant, would be of great importance. P. tlieohaldi^ as Theobald has shown, is viviparous (or, more correctly ovo- viviparous), and I find foeti in the females, whereas I find only eggs in the oviducts of a female P. forsythi. But this may depend on the time of year, the pregnant females of the former species having been captured at a later period of the season. Dr. Anderson omits to point out the characters which led him to suppose that P, forsythi was a distinct species. I may have overlooked some difference, hut I have examined both forms carefully, and I do not think the two can he distinguished by any constant character. The following is a description of P. theohaldi from the specimens before me : General form as in P. olivieri ; tail a little longer than the head and body, rather thick at the base, tapering beyond, but much thicker throughout in some specimens than in others. In some cases the tip is laterally compressed, in others round. Limbs rather short, the hind limb reaches beyond the shoulder, and often to the head ; the fore limb does not reach the thigh. Scales of hack small, flat, or convex, often granular. The scales in the middle of the hack usually larger than those of the sides. A few rather larger scales are some- times scattered over the sides, hut they are not much larger than the others. The black scales forming spots on the hack are sometimes more pointed. Scales on the head larger than those on the hack ; usually the largest are on the occiput. Upper labials with projecting rounded, or pointed margin along the edge of the lip, lower labials straight edged. Scales on upper surface of limbs generally faintly, sometimes more strongly keeled, often almost or quite smooth. Scales of lower parts smooth. Tail scales smooth, except towards the end, where they are usually keeled, more strongly below than above. Usual colour above ohve-grey, varying in tint, and more or less spotted with black ; sometimes the ground colour is pale, almost cream-coloured, and the spots form ocelli. Sometimes, besides the black marks, there are whitish spots of various sizes. The variety F. forsythi has usually four or five pairs of black spots on the hack, and is bluish-grey in colour. The tail has dusky spots along each side ; these are never, except towards the tip, joined across the lower surface as in P. olivieri, hut they frequently meet above. Tip of the tail not unfrequently black, and in many specimens (especially males, though it is not confined to them) the central portion of the abdomen is black ; this colour sometimes extending to the whole, or nearly the whole, lower surface of the body and head. 6. Phrtnocephalus axillaris. Plate I, fig. 4. W. Blanf, : Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1875, xliv, Pt. 2, p. 192. P. major, Icevis, cauda elongata, pede anteriore in adulto vix femur attingente, squamis omnibus Icevihus, caudce apicem versus exceptis ; supra griseus, macula rubra utrinque post axillam notatus, membris cauddque f asciis fuscis transversis signatis, hac ad medium fusco- c 10 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. annulatd, nimqumn ad apicem nigra, suMus alhidus. Long, tota poll. 5 — 6, caudce f totius longitudinis suhcdquante. 1, 2, south of Yarkand; 3-9, Yarkand; 10-16, Akrobat near Yarkand; 17-20, Kizil ; 21-33, Yangihissar — all in Eastern Turkestan. Description. — General form depressed ; head not so short as in P. theohaldi, P. olivieri, &c., and tail longer. In adults the fore limb falls short of the thigh, or barely reaches it ; the hind limb extends to the eye ; the tail is one-third to one-half longer than the body with the head. The base of the tail is depressed and slightly dilated, thence the tail tapers gradually ; it can be coiled upwards near the end. Toes rather long ; the fourth toe on the hind foot exceeds the third by more than the length of the claw, and has both sides fringed ; the outer edge of the third toe is also fringed ; the fifth toe of the hind foot without the claw falls short of the point of union of the third and fourth toes. Claws yellowish, strong ; the claw of the fifth toe on the hind foot longer than the rest. Nine to ten triangular teeth on each side in both jaws ; six pointed anterior teeth in the upper jaw, four in the lower ; the outer pair in each jaw elongate. The largest specimen measures 6‘25 inches, of which the tail from the anus is 3 - 75 , head 0’75, fore limb to the end of the toes lA, hind limb 2'2. Scales of the head above convex, tubercular, not varying much in size, as a rule ; each nostril in a larger scale, sometimes divided horizontally. Scales of the superciliary ridge larger ; each eyelid with a fringe of about nine rather larger scales, the lower row pointed. Upper labials twenty-seven to thirty-one, with convex margins ; rostral scarcely larger. Mental or lower rostral generally much larger than the lower labials, which are, as a rule, rather fewer in number than the upper labials. Scales near the lower labials rather larger than the remain- ing scales of the throat. Scales of the body about the same size above and below ; all on the back and belly are smooth, rhomboidal, and arranged in transverse rows, those on the back subimbricate; on the sides they are smaller and more granular, especially behind the shoulder, where the red patch consists of small granular scales. I count from 95 to 103 scales round the middle of the body in adults, rather fewer in young specimens. Scales on the limbs usually rather bluntly keeled above, smooth below ; those beneath the feet sharply keeled, cross-plates beneath the toes with several keels. The pointed scales forming a fringe on the outer side of the fourth toe on the hind foot are longer than those on the inside of the same toe, or on the outside of the tlihd toe. On none of the other toes is there any distinct free margin. Tail scales all keeled, except at the extreme base ; they are about the same size as the back scales, and are arranged in rings ; the keels form longitudinal lines below the tail, but not above ; at each side of the tail close to the base is a large patch of spinose scales. Colour above pale slaty-grey, nearly uniform or speckled with whitish, or, in young individuals especially, with three or four dark crossbands on the body. In some cases the back is tinged in parts with pale copper red. Dusky crossbands on the hmbs and tail. In the middle of the tail, about 1’5 inch from the end, two or three dusky bands pass round the under surface ; these are sometimes nearly black, at other times so faint as to be barely perceptible, but they are not entirely absent in any of the specimens collected ; end of the tail never black. Lower parts white throughout, except the bands round the tail. Behind the axil, so as to be partly concealed by the fore limb when laid back along the body, there is a red patch at each side ; this in the living animal is said by Dr. Stoliczka to be bordered by blue. The red colour has faded greatly in spirit, but can still be detected. EEPTILIA. 11 This species of Flirynocephalus is very closely allied to the Persian P. maculatus^ and probably to the true P. caudivolvulus, Pallas nee Gunther. It appears to he a much larger form than the latter. Prom the former it is distinguished by its limbs, when adult, being shorter, the fore limb, as a rule, not reaching the thigh, whereas it always reaches or even exceeds it in P. maculatus. The fifth toe of the hind foot in P. maculatus is longer ; the fringe on the outer edge of the fourth toe less developed, and there is scarcely any fringe on the inside of the toe. But the most important distinctions are in colouration. P. maculatus, of which I have collected many living examples, never has a red spot behind the shoulder, and it always has a black tip to the tail, below at all events. The colouration of the tail in Phrynocephali is, as a rule, very constant. P. axillaris is said by Dr. Stoliezka to he very active, to run at a great pace, and to have the habit of coiling its tail upwards at the end. It, doubtless, inhabits open plains, like its Persian ally. Prom the above, it would almost appear as if I had proposed a new species on characters of no more importance than those which I have just before shown to he insufficient in the case of P. forsythi. But in the present case the characters appear constant, probably because the two forms P. axillaris and P. maculatus inhabit distant and isolated areas, whilst in the case of P. forsythi and P. theobaldi there is great variation, and no constant distinction can be detected even in colouration ; moreover, so far as my experience of the genus goes, I should say that the red patch behind the axil in P. axillaris and the black tail tip in P. maculatus are more important than the hack markings which distinguish P. forsythi. When P. maculatus exhibits bright colours, as it very often does, they are confined to the lower surface of the tail and hinder parts of the thighs. 7 . Teratoscincus keyserlingi. Strauch : Bull, Acad. Sci. St. Pet., 1863, vi, p. 480; — Mel. Biol., vi, p. 554; — Zool. Record, 1864, p. 111. Kuli-yaildng, Yarkandi (Scully). 1, Yangihissar, Eastern Turkestan. This is a new locality for this very remarkable gecko. Teratoscincus keyserlingi was originally discovered by Count Keyserling in the Persian province of Khorassan, at a spot called Sar-i-chah, and it has since apparently been found in Western Turkestan, as it is included by Severtzoff in his list of the Reptiles^ found in that province. It thus appears to have a considerable distribution in Central Asia. The original description was copied in the “ Zoological Becord.” The single specimen obtained by Dr. Stoliezka is not in a very good state of preservation, hut still the characters are easily distinguishable. The following is a description : ’ Anderson: Proc. Zool, Soc., 1872, p. 389; — Eastern Persia, ii, p. 331. ^ Turk. Jev., p. 71. 12 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. Habit stout, head and body depressed, limbs strong, toes rather short, tail shorter than the body. The hind limb reaches to the shoulder, the fore limb not quite to the end of the snout. Head covered with small granules above and helow. Pupil vertical. Nostrils between the rostral, first labial and three enlarged plates behind ; upper labials eleven, the hinder small, lower labials ten. Rostral nearly twice the breadth of two labials; mental also large, square behind. Some enlarged scales along the edges of the lower labials. Scales of the body all round large, smooth, imbricate, and rounded behind, those of the abdomen scarcely larger than those of the back ; I count about thirty-two round the body, but they are a little irregular ; scales on the limbs similar to those of the body, except behind the upper arm and thigh, where, as well as on the side of the trunk behind the shoulder, they are small and granular. Eeet and toes covered with imbricate scales above, and with minute spinose tubercles below ; all the toes provided with claws and fringed at the sides. Tail covered with smooth imbri- cate scales, those below, and near the base above, similar to those of the body ; the posterior two-thirds of the tail covered above with large imbricate scutes, seventeen in number, the whole breadth of the tail. Region around the anus, before and behind, granular ; two large pores, one on each side, behind, none in front. Length 5T inches, tail 2*1, forelimh 1’2, hind limb 1-6. Colour grey above, with a few small blackish spots on the back, most strongly marked between the shoulders. According to Strauch, the pupil is circular, and young specimens are transversely banded, but Dr. Scully, who has seen a living specimen, assures me that the pupil is vertical, and this is borne out by the specimens I have examined. Comparing this specimen with Teratolepis fasciata,' the type of which, originally described by Blyth, is in the Indian Museum, I find that the differences pointed out by me in the “ Zoology of Persia ® ” from the descriptions, hold good, and the two forms must he placed in distinct genera. T. fasciata has the basal portion of the toes dilated, and furnished with a double row of enlarged plates, but the toes are not fringed at the sides, and there is no external ear. Another specimen of Teratoscincus has since been brought from Yarkand by Dr. Scully, who has ascertained that it is not very common, and that (according to the information given by the people) it inhabits waste ground, and is found about stones. The colouration of the hack, when ahve, is greenish, lower parts whitish, limbs pinkish fleshy. 8. Gymnodactylus stoliczk^. Steindaehner : Reptilien, Novara Expedition, p. 15, PI. ii, fig. 2. C^Hodactybis yarkandensis, Anderson: Proc. Zool. Soc., 1872, p. 381, fig. 3 (figura mala). 1-5, Chiliscomo ; 6-13, Kargil ; 14, 15, Kharbu ; 16, Lamayuru ; 17, Snemo ; 18-46, Leh : — all in the Indus valley, Ladak. I have compared the specimens obtained by Dr. Stoliczka with the type of Dr. Ander- son’s Cyrtodactylus yarkandensis. They agree perfectly. Gymnodactylus stoliczkce was ' Giiuther: Proc. Zool. Soc., 1869, p. 504; — Romonota fasciata, Blyth: Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, xxii, p. 468. * Eastern Persia, ii, p. 355. EEPTILIA. 13 originally described by Steindacbner from a specimen obtained by Dr. Stoliczka himself near Dras in 1865 ; and the latter mentions in bis diary having found some of the specimens now obtained, those from Chiliscomo, under stones in exactly the same place in which he procured the type on his former visit. The specimens described by Dr. Anderson as Cyrtodacty- lus yarkandensis were brought, with others, by a collector, who accompanied Dr. Henderson on the mission which was sent to Yarkand in 1870 ; this mission traversed precisely the same route through Kashmir and Leh as the second in 1873-74, and I do not think there can be any reasonable doubt that the real locahty whence Cyrtodactylus yarkandensis was obtained must have been Ladak, and not Yarkand, because this species appears to be replaced in Yarkand by the next, and because Dr. Anderson was, I think, similarly misinformed by his collector as to the true locality of the Bhrynocephalus which he assigned to P. caudivolvulus. It is fortunate that Dr. Anderson’s name does not stand, since it has, I think, been given under an erroneous idea of the locahty. The woodcut in the “ Proceedings of the Zoological Society ” representing this species is very poor. Steindachner’s figure is much better. Dr. Anderson’s specimens had lost their tails and then epidermis, and he consequently described the upper surface as smoothly granular with enlarged scales, none of which are tubercular. As this does not agree with the fresher specimens before me, and as the tail is very characteristic, I give a fresh description. Steiu- dachner’s is in German. Description. — Porm moderately stout, head and body depressed, tail usuaUy much swollen and depressed at the base and tapering regularly. The fore foot laid forward does not quite reach the end of the snout, laid back it extends more than half-way to the thigh, the hind leg laid forwards reaches to the axil, or a little beyond it. Surface of the head covered with subequal granules, three shields behind the nostril very little larger than the other scales of the snout. Kostral large, and with a groove running down the upper part of its surface. About ten upper labials on each side, the hinder ones very small ; about six lower labials. Mental large, triangular, with two (sometimes three) pahs of enlarged chin-shields behind the labials Pupil vertical. Ear-opening round and small, but larger than the dorsal tubercles. Back gran- ular, with scattered, enlarged, convex tubercles (these are wantiug in the specimens from Kharbu). Upper surface of limbs granular; occasionally there are a few enlarged tubercles on the thigh and tarsus. Scales on the lower surface fiat and hexagonal. No femoral or prseanal pores. Claws very small. Tail when perfect ringed, with three enlarged blunt tubercles at each side of each ring, the uppermost the smallest ; upper surface of the tail granular in the middle, lower surface covered with small smooth scales, no enlarged plates. When reproduced, the form of the tail is the same, and it is much swollen at the base, but it is uniformly granular and not ringed. Colour grey, with numerous darker crossbands, slightly wavy and irregular on the back, limbs and tail. An adult measures 4 inches in length, tail 2‘2. The tail is very rarely perfect. Steindachner, however, appears to have been mistaken in supposing that of the specimen figured by him to have been reproduced. This species seems hitherto to have been found only in the Indus valley in Ladak, where it appears to be abundant. G. lawderanm ^ is closely allied, but the tail seems different. * stoliczka : Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1872, xli. Ft, 2, p. 105. 14 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. 9. Gymnodactyltjs elongatus. pi. II, fig. 2. W. Elan,; Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1875, xliv, Pt. 2, p, 193. O. elongatus, corpore gracili, cauda attenuata, memhris exilibus, dorso tuherculis majori- hus latis confertis omato, inter tuherculas squamis rotundis parvulis induto, caudd subtus scutis majoribus instructd, verticillatd, serie ultima rerticilli cuj usque ex squamis majoribus carinatis superne et ad latera omnino compositd, poris prce-analibus ad 5 ; griseus, transverse fusco-fasciatus. Long. poll. 5, caudce 2'8. 1-5, Yangihissar, Eastern Turkestan. Description. — General form more elongate than is usual amongst geckoes, head depressed, sloping gradually down to the snout, body rather slender, tail very thin, regularly attenuate, very little, if at all, swollen at the base, exceeding the head and body in length. Limbs slender, elongate, the fore limb laid forward extends to the end of the snout, laid back it reaches more than three-quarters of the distance to the thigh ; the hind limb brought forward comes some distance in front of the shoulder. Toes elongate, rounded, all with very small claws. Pupil vertical. Length of a perfect specimen 5 inches, head 0‘65, tail 2'8, fore limb to end of toes 1, liind limb 1‘3. Surface of the head granular, granules nearly uniform, and about equal in size to the scales of the abdomen ; nostrils between the rostral, first labial and two small shields behind, which are slightly swollen. Upper labials about twelve, the hinder very small, and passiag into granules ; lower labials nine or ten. Postral rather higher than the other labials and twice as broad, with the upper portion of the anterior surface grooved. Mental the same breadth as the rostral, and pointed behind ; two or three pairs of enlarged chin-shields. Back granular, with numerous broad triangular keeled tubercles, each nearly as large as the small ear-orifice ; they are not arranged in regular rows, but about twelve may be counted across the back ; the granular scales between the tubercles much smaller than the head granules. There are tuber- cles on the forearm, thigh and tarsus. I count about twenty-five larger scales across the abdomen. Tail verticillate, covered with trapezoidal or subtrapezoidal keeled scales, the posterior row of each ring larger, but without any granules or small scales between, so that there are no distinct tubercles. Lower surface of the tail, except near the base, with a row of large plates about as broad as long, two to each verticil. Prseanal pores about six in a V-shaped line. Colour in spirits pale grey, with darker transverse bands on the body, limbs, and tail. This species belongs to the same group as G. caspius,^ G. scaber^ G. kotschyi,^ G. kachJiensiSy^ G. brevipes^ &c., but is much more slender in form than any of them, and has no tubercles, with smaller scales intervening, on the tail, all the scales of the last row in each verticil being enlarged and submucronate. Only one of the specimens obtained is in good condition. ‘ Eichwald : Fauna Gasp. Cauc., p. 114, PI. xv, figs. 1, 2. * Rupp. Atlas : Eept., p. 15, PI. iv, fig. 2. ® Steindachner : Sitzungsber. K. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien., Ixii, Pt. 1, p. 329, PI. i, fig. 1. '• Stoliczka : Proc. As. Soo. Bengal, 1872, p. 80. ^ W. Blanf., Eastern Persia, ii, p. 344, PI. xxii, fig. 2. EEPTILIA. 15 10. Gymnodactylus microtis, pi. II, fig. 1. Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1875, xliv, Pt. 2, p. 193. G. pariim 7’’ohustus, capite hrevi, dep^^esso, meatu auditorio minimo ; caudd attenuatd, Idvi, hand verticillatcR ; membris breviusculis ; dorso gt-anulato, tuberculis subcarinatis oi'nato ; arenarius, fusco minute punctatus, subtus albescens. Long, tota 3' 2 poll . , caudce 1'8. 1-20, Yarkand; 21-27, Yangihissar; 28-66, Kashghar, 67-75, no label, probably Kashgbar. Description. — General form moderately slender ; head short, blunt, slightly depressed, convex towards the snout, ear-opening very small, tail stout at the base and regularly attenuate, smooth, not ringed ; limbs rather short, the fore limb laid forward reaches between the eye and the snout, laid back it extends more than half-way to the tliigh, the hind limb laid forward does not reach the shoulder. Toes rather short, rounded, all with minute claws ; pupil vertical. Length of a perfect specimen 3 '2 inches ; tail 1’8. Head granular above, granules of the occiput, region between the eyes, and sides of the head behind the eyes equal in size, those of the snout and loreal regions rather larger. Nostril in an angle between the rostral, first labial, and the points of two posterior shields, the inner of which is usually the larger. There are generally nine or ten upper labials on each side, the first five being the largest, and in most cases there are four large lower labials followed by smaller scales, but these charac. ters are not constant ; sometimes there are six lower labials. Mental ending behind in an obtuse angle, two or three pairs of enlarged chin-shields ; all the scales near the lower labials larger than the flat granules of the throat. Back granular, with bluntly keeled enlarged tubercles ; about eight to ten of these may be counted across the back ; they are not very regularly dis- posed, and all are larger than the minute ear-opening. Abdomen covered with flat hexagonal scales, which diminish in size laterally, but come farther up the sides than in most geckoes and pass into the dorsal granules. Live prseanal pores in males in a transverse row in front of the anus. Limbs granular above. Tail granular throughout, granules convex above, rather larger and flat below. Colour sandy above, whitish below, a pale fine from the nose to the eye above the rather darker loreal region, and sometimes a pale line down each side of the back. Under the lens the upper parts are seen to be minutely puncticulated with brown, more closely in some parts than others, and there are also in places fine spots on the abdominal scales. This species is probably allied to Lacerta pipiens ^ of Pallas, a species apparently over- looked by most herpetologists, and which, like the present species, is described as possessing a minute ear and a smooth tail ; it, however, has no tubercles on the back, to judge by Pallas’ description, and it is very differently coloured. On one of Dr. Stoliczka’s labels the present species is said to be found under stones and about old waUs, and it is evidently common. In his list of the Western Turkestan reptiles, Severtzoff includes G. caspius, Eich. G. seaber, Eiipp., and G. eversman?ii, Strauch. I have not been able to find the description of the last. * Pallas : Zool. Eos. As., iii, p. 27 ; — Ascolabotes pipiens, Licht., Eversman’s Reise, p. 145. 16 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. Family — LA CEETID^. 11. Eremias tarkandensis. pi. II, fig. 3. W. Blanf. : Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1875, xliv, Pt. 2, p. 194. E. cmruleo-ocellata, Anderson ; Proc. Zool. Soc., 1872, p. 373, nec Dura, et Bibr. ? E. mdtiocellata,^ Gunther: Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1872, Ser. 4, vol. x, p. 419. E. gracilis, supra grisea rel olivacea, nigro-maculata, ocellis albidis nigro-marginatis utrinque ad dorsum inseriem longitudinalem dispositis ; suhtus albida ; scutis nasalibus baud tumidis, prccfrontali unico, a rostrali supranasalibus atque a verticali posifrontalibus longe disjuncto ; infra-orbitali ad labrum pertmente ; dentibus palatalibus nullis ; scutis ventrali- bus in series longitudinales {potius obliquas) 14-16, et in transversas ad 30 dispositis; poris femoralibus utrinque 9-14; squamis infradigitalibus vix carinatis. Long. 6 poll., caudce 3'7. 1.4, Sanju; 5-23, Yarkand and Yangikissar ; 24-28, Kashghar; 29, near Fyzalbad, east of Kashghar; 30-33, Kaskkasu, between Yangihissar and Sarikol ; 34-44, Saiikol ; 45-46, west of Sarikol. Description. — General form rather slender, tail when perfect about one and a half times the length of the head and body, limbs rather short ; the fore hmh reaches to between the eye and snout, the hind foot extends to the axil. The nasal scales are not swollen, the lower eyehd is opaque and granular. Scales below the toes very faintly keeled. No palatal teeth. Usual length 5 to 6 inches. A fine specimen, in which only the tip of the tail appears renewed, measures 6’2 inches, of which the tail is 3'8, head 0'6, fore limb 0‘8, hind hmh 1’25. Scales of the hack rounded, arranged in transverse rows, becoming flatter and rather larger on the sides. Ventral scales in transverse and oblique rows; usually 14 to 16 in each transverse row in the middle of the abdomen (very rarely 18) and in 28 to 35 (generaUy 30 or 31) transverse rows. Tail scales not keeled, as a rule, on the anterior portion, though occasionally they are bluntly keeled above ; on the posterior portion they are more or less distiuctly keeled throughout. Prseanal scales all smah. Erom 9 to 14 femoral pores beneath each thigh. The enlarged scales below the tarsus extend about two-thirds of the distance across. Scales beneath the feet granular, not keeled. Collar free, the scales towards the middle enlarged, nearly as large as the abdominal plates, but varying in number ; and often passing into small scales at the sides ; usually there are ten to twelve enlarged scales. Mead shields. — Nostrils between three shields, an upper, lower, and posterior nasal, which are not swollen, but merely slightly convex, as are aU the other head shields. Praefrontal single ; the supranasals meet in a broad suture, and so do the postfrontals. Two large supraorbital shields, with granules outside and in front of them, but none inside. Praeoccipitals each about the same size as a postfrontal ; central occipital smaller, but variable ia size. Postocci- pitals large, each three or four times the size of a prseoccipital, no azygos shield behind them. Upper labials six, in front of the large supraorbital shield which descends to the hp, its lower margin along the Hp being nearly equal to that of the preceding sliield. Temples covered mth small granular scales. Edge of ear not denticulate. Colour. — OHve-grey above, spotted with black, and with a more or less well marked line of whitish black-edged oceUi along each side of the back. The dark spots on the back often form longitudinal lines. This name will Lave priority if, as is probable, tbe species are tbe same. EEPTILIA. 17 This species was referred by Dr. Anderson to Eremias cmruleo-ocellata of Dumeril and Bibron/ but it appears to me to differ in several characters. The nasal shields are not swollen, the dorsal scales are close together and scarcely any granules can be detected amongst them, whereas in E. cceruleo-ocellata they are said not to be very close, and each is surrounded by some granules. That species, moreover, has the tail scales keeled ; as a rule, they are smooth in the Turkestan form, and the limbs are proportionally longer in the former, the hind legs nearly reaching the ear. I have akeady expressed doubts as to whether E. ccBmleo-ocellata is the same as E. velox^ as the former has no palatal teeth, and the latter appears to possess them ; but if they resemble each other at all closely, as is probable from the circumstance of most authors uniting them, I think the species now described differs much in habit, being a more slender form, and it is also distinguished by having the scales beneath the feet granular and not distinctly keeled. The closest ally appears to be a species described by Dr. Gunther from the Gobi Desert under the name of E. muUiocellata. It is possible that this may be the same, but it is de- scribed as having an azygos shield between the postfrontals, a large central scale in the collar, and eighteen longitudinal rows of scutes across the abdomen. None of these differences is of much importance, but taking them together, they present a considerable distinction and render it possible that other differences exist. I should not think Dr. Gunther would have overlooked the peculiar character of the nasal shields not being swollen, in which the present species differs from all other Eremias with which I am acquainted.’ 11a. Eremias tarkandensis var. saturata. PI. II, fig. 4. W. Blanf. : Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1S75, xliv, Pt. 2., p. 194-. E. yarkandensis magis infuscata, scuto infraorbitali horizontaliter diviso, parte superiori a labro discretd. 1-13, Valleys of the Kuenluen range, south of Yarkand. This variety differs from the typical form in being much darker in colour and fre- quently in having much less distinct ocelli along the sides of the back. In one or two specimens the back is uniformly slaty-grey. Another difference is generally found, and it would, if constant, justify the giving a specific name to the variety. This is that the infra- orbital shield is divided below the eye, and does not reach the lip, the lower divided portion forming the seventh supralabial. But in one specimen this infraorbital descends to the lip, as in the normal form. The specimens were not labelled, and they were amongst the last collected ; but Dr, Stoliczka notices this form in his diary as replacing the ordinary Eremias of the Yarkand plain at the commencement of the valleys leading to the Kuenluen. > Erp. Gen. v, p. 295. 2 Eastern Persia, ii, p. 374. 3 Pallas ; Reise, i, p. 718. * Since the above was written. Dr. Gunther has very kindly compared specimens of JE. yarhandensis with the type of E. multi, ocellata, and informs me that they are probably the same, the only distinction of any importance, so far as can be detected, being that the fore and hind claws appear much larger in E. multiocellata. The type of this species is so much shrunk, that it is difficult to ascertain whether it had swollen nasals, hut apparently it had not. I leave the account of the species as originally written, but I think there is every probability that E. multiocellata and yarhandensis are identical. E 18 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. 12. Eremias vermictjlata. pi. II, fig. 5. Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1875, xliv, Pt. 2, p. 194. ? Podarces {Eremias) pyhowi, Straueh, Przewalski’s Reptiles, p. 28, PI. vi, fig. 1. E. supra grisea, nigro-vermiculata, suhtus albida, elongata, gracilis ; dorso granuloso, scutis nasalibus tumidis, prcpfrontali unico a rostrali supranasalibus atgue a verticali postfrontalibus longe disjuncto ; supraorbitalibus conveccis, omnino squamis minimis rotundis circumdatis ; infraorbitali late ad labrum pertinente, dentibus palatalibus nullis ; scutis ventralibtis in series 16-20 longitudinales {potius obliquas), atque 36-41 transversas disposi- tis ; poris femoralibus utrinque 19-23 ; squamis infradigitalibus vix carinatis. Long. ' 7'4 poll., caudce B’l. 1, 2, Yarkand ; 3, Kizil, Eastern Turkestan. Description. — General form very slender, the tail more than twice as long as the head and body. Limbs moderate, the fore limb reaches nearly to the end of the snout, the hind limb in front of the shoulder, nasal plates swollen. Scales beneath the toes but little keeled. No palatal teeth. Length of the largest specimen 7A inches, of which the tail measures 5‘1, head 0*55, the fore limb is 0‘85 long, hind limb 1’5. Scales of the back round, granular, minute in the middle, becoming larger on the sides, all arranged in transverse rows. Ventral scales in transverse and oblique rows, 18 to 20 across the abdomen and 41 along it in the two Yarkand specimens, but only 16 across and 36 along in the Kizil individual. Tail scales aU keeled, except below near the base. None of the prse-anal scales are much enlarged. Femoral pores from 19 to 23 beneath each thigh. The enlarged scales below the tarsus extend about half-way across. Scales beneath the soles of the feet granular and very small. Plates beneath the toes on the fore feet keeled, but not prominently, those on the hind feet are smooth, except towards the end of the toes, collar free, scales about the same size as those of the abdomen, rather irregular in the specimens examined, and passing gradually into the small granules of the throat. Head shields. — The single praefrontal is large, and is separated from the rostral by the supranasals and from the vertical by the postfrontals ; suture between the supranasals about equal to that between the postfrontals, and, in each case, in the specimens examined, about half the length of the prsefrontal. Nasals normal. The supraorbitals are somewhat more convex than the other shields and are completely surrounded by granules, those separating them from the vertical and prseoccipitals being rather larger than those towards the super- ciliary ridge. Praeoccipitals each about a quarter the size of a postoccipital. A small central occipital, no azygos shield behind it, five or six supralabials in front of the large infraorbital, which descends to the lip, the lower edge being equal to that of the preceding shield or longer. Lower eyelid granular. Temples covered wdth small granular scales. Edge of ear not toothed. Colour. — Grey above, finely vermiculated with black lines, which tend to form longi- tudinal bands along the middle of the back. Upper surface of head and limbs the same ; lower parts white. This is easily distinguished from the former species by being much more elongate, with a much longer tail and hind hmbs, by its having more numerous ventral scales, and swollen EEPTILIA. 19 nasal shields, hy the presence of grannies on the inner side of the supraorbital shields and by colouration. From Western Turkestan Severtzoff ‘ quotes, besides E. variabilis and E. cmruleo-ooellata {?E.velox), two species which he calls E. intermedins, Strauch, and E. ery thrums. Neither of these species, so far as I know, has been described ; E. erythrurus, Severtzoff himself suggests, may he the young of E. relox. Two species of Scapteira and Laeerta stirpium are also included in the list of reptiles obtained in Western Turkestan. E. vermiculata may be the same as E. pylzowi collected by Przevalski in the deserts of Alashan, 27 degrees of longitude east of Yarkand. The principal characters of the two species are similar, and so is the colouration, but, judging from the figure, the toes of the fore foot are considerably shorter in E. pylzowi. Y&vaWy—SCINCIDM 13. EtJMECES T.ENIOLATTJS. Eurylepis tceniolatus, Blyth : Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, xxiii (1854), p. 740. Plestiodon scutatus, Theobald : Cat. Kept. Mus. As. Soc., p. 25. Eumeces scutatus, Jerdon: Proc. As. Soc. Bengal, 1870, p. 73. Mabouia tmniolata, Anderson : Proc. As. Soc. Bengal, 1871, p. 184. Eumeces tceniolatus, Stoliczka : Proc. As. Soc. Bengal, 1872, pp. 75, 88. 1, Chakoti on the road from Mari to Srinagar, in Kashmir. This is a very much larger specimen than the types, and so much stouter, that at first I was much inclined to consider it distinct. But the proportions are the same, and the only structural distinction I can find is, that there are twenty-three rows of scales round the body instead of twenty-one. This amount of variation is commonly found in scinques. The length of the specimen is 13 inches ; tail, probably renewed when young, 6 ; circum- ference round the middle of the body, 3 ; head, 0‘95 long ; fore hmb, 1‘35 ; hind limb, 1-75, both to the end of the claws. The colour noted by Dr. Stoliczka on the living specimen is brown above, with a dark central stripe, upper parts of sides darker and with small white spots in longi- tudinal rows ; the upper portion of the limbs also spotted, lower portion of sides greenish, this colour extending across the ears to the lower labials ; feet below pale fleshy, the whole of the lower surface deep waxy yellow. In spirits the middle of the back is very little darker than the lateral portions. 14. Mocoa himalatana. Eumeces Tiimalayanus, Gunther : Kept. Brit. Ind., p. 86. Euprepes himalayanus, Steindachner : Novara Expedition, Reptilien, p. 45. Eumeces sikkimensis, partim, Jerdon ; Proc. As. Soc. Bengal, 1870, p. 73; — Anderson: Proc. ZooL Soc., 1871, p. 158;— Blyth? Mocoa himalayana, Stoliczka : Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1872, xli, p. 127. 1-10, Mari, Punjab; 11, 12, between Mari and Srinagar; 13-25, Sonamurg; 26-32, Mataian. * Turk. Jev., p. 71. 20 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. Although I feel far from satisfied that the western form is really separable from the eastern (Jf. siJckimensis), most of the differences pointed out by Dr. StoHczka appear sufficiently marked to justify the two being kept apart. The general aspect and colour of the two forms are different, and the number of scales round the body appears larger in M. Mmalayana, though this is variable. In specimens from Mari, there are almost constantly twenty-eight rows round the body, whilst in the Sonamurg examples the prevailing number is only twenty-six. There is certainly one specimen in the Indian Museum, labelled E. siJckimensis from Darjiling and presented by Dr. Jerdon, which has thirty rows of scales round the body, hut the colouration is so different from that of all other Sikkim specimens, that I cannot but suspect there is some mistake in the locality, for Dr. Stoliczka had large collections from Sikkim, and found no marked variation, whilst the colouration of the specimen from Dr. Jerdon is precisely that of the North-Western form, and it has a large strongly denticulated ear-opening. The distinctions noticed by Dr. Stoliczka between the head shields of Mocoa himalayana and M. sikkimensis are not borne out by the large series before me, nor is there, so far as I can see, any constant difference in the hmhs, but the ear-opening, as a rule, is decidedly larger and more denticulated in M. himalayana. There are more scales round the body, and there is a marked difference in colouration, Sikkim specimens being much browner and wanting the greenish white line along the lower portion of the side, wliich is conspicuous in M. himalay- ana. Still it is highly probable, as indeed Dr. Stoliczka suggested, that intermediate forms may connect the two. This species appears to he common in Kashmir. The specimens labelled from Mataian were probably collected on the road from Sonamurg, for every other Mocoa from the Indus vaUey in Ladak belongs to the next species. Mataian itself is on the north side of the moun- tains which separate the Kashmir valley from Ladak. 15. Mocoa stoliczkai ( ?=Jf. ladacensis). Euprspet stoliezJcai, \ Novara Expedition, Keptilien, p. 45. E. Jcargilensis , Steindachner : ib., p. 46. Eumeces ladacensis, Anderson : Proc. Zool. Soc., 1872, p. 375 •,—forsan Gunther : Eept. Brit. Ind., p. 88. 1-3, Mataian; 4-8, Kargil; 9, Namika-la ; 10-16, Kharbu ; 17-19, Lamayuru — all in the Indus valley, Ladak; 20-24, no label. It is most probable that there is really only one species of Mocoa in the Upper Indus valley, and that the different names above enumerated belong to it. If this he the case, and if the specimen described by Dr. Gunther he really identical, the species must bear the name of Mocoa ladacensis. But I am unable to identify the specimens brought by Dr. Stoliczka with Gunther’s species, because in not one of the individuals collected does the fore foot reach the snout,^ and because, although the three rows of scales beneath the tail are rather broader than those above, and the middle row is shghtly more developed than the other, there is scarcely such a difference as I should suppose to he implied by the character of “ suhcaudals broad.” It must he borne in mind, too, that the locality of Dr. Gunther’s type rests upon the authority of Messrs, von Schlagintweit, whose want of accuracy with reference to the localities assigned to then* reptilian collections is notorious. ’ This was noticed also by Dr. Anderson 1. c. REPTILIA. 21 It is true that in Steindachner’s description of Euprepes stoUczkai, there is said to be a row of broader shields beneath the tail. But then the only difference stated to exist between E. stoUczkai and E. kargilensis is that in the former there are five, in the latter four supra- labials in front of the infraorbital. That this character is of no specific value is proved by the circumstance that both forms occur together in the present collection, and that there are some specimens which have fom’ shields on one side of the head and five on the other. Now, some of the specimens before me are typical E. kargilensis from the same locality as the ori- ginal specimens procured by Dr. Stoliczka himseK in 1865. The only other distinction between the descriptions of Euprepes stoUczkai and E. kargilensis is that in the former the middle denticulations on the anterior edge of the ear are larger than the others, in the latter the uppermost is largest. This is certainly of no importance. In different individuals the number of scales round the body varies from thirty-two to tliirty-eight, not depending apparently on age. In one very young specimen from Mataian there are only twenty- eight rows, but this individual is so immature, that its characters are ill marked, and it perhaps belongs to the last species. The usual number is thirty-four or thirty- six. The colouration appears very constant ; the back is brownish-olive, rather paler towards the sides, and spotted, the spots consisting of a whitish dot with a larger blackish mark behind or at the side of it. These spots sometimes, but not often, tend to form longitudinal lines. Sides with a broad band of dark olive brown broken by small pale spots and extending from the eye to the root of the tail and sometimes continued as a narrower broken line down the tail. A few dark marks forming irregular longitudinal lines on the upper surface of the tail ; lower parts bluish- white. Order OPHIDIA. Family— rZPifi; OPIPM. 16. Typhlops porhectus, var. Stoliczka: Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1871, xl, Pt. 2, p. 426, PI. xxv, figs. 1-4. 1, Amtor in the Jhllam valley, north-east of Mari. The only specimen of a Typhlops in the collection is evidently that mentioned in Dr. Stoliczka’s diary of the 18th July, and considered by him a new species. It differs in some respects from the description of Typhlops porrectus, but still agrees so nearly with that form, that I do not like to distinguish it on the strength of a single specimen. The solitary example obtained is so tightly coiled towards the tail, that all the caudal por- tion is difficult to examine. The following is a brief description. Scales smooth, shining, in eighteen longitudinal rows. I count (with great difficulty owing to the condition of the specimen) 393 scales along the body and eight along the tail. The body is much compressed posteriorly, but this is probably due to pressure when coiled. The diame- ter is nearly the same throughout, the circumference about one- twentieth of the length. Head short and flat, rostral occupying about one-third of the upper surface, and having its lateral margins parallel above ; below it is scarcely narrower. Eronto-nasal united to the nasal above the nostril, separate below, the nasals extending a little behind the end of the rostral. 22 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. but not quite touching. Nostrils rather in front. Prseocular and ocular about equal, neither of them as large as the nasal, anterior margin of prseocular very convex, that of ocular straight and vertical, except on the top of the head, where it is curved back. Prsefrontal, postfrontal, supraocular, and interparietal scarcely exceeding the back scales in size ; the parietals are con- siderably broader. Upper labials four, the first very small, in contact with the rostral and fronto-nasal ; the second below the fronto-nasal and nasal, and just reaching the prseocular ; the thhd between the prseocular and ocular, but not rising much on the side of the head ; the fourth, which is considerably the largest, beneath the ocular and extending some distance back beyond it. Eyes quite invisible. This differs from the description of T. porrectus in being rather less slender, in having fewer longitudinal rows of scales, and only eight instead of eleven to twelve rows round the tail, and, to judge by Dr. Stolizcka’s figure, in the smaller size of the frontals, inter- parietals, and supraoculars. Family— COi UBRID^. 17. COMPSOSOMA HODGSONI. Gunther: Kept. Brit. Ind., p. 24;6; — Stoliczka: Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1870, xxxix, Pt. 2, p. 189. 1, Kashmir. This specimen, which is young, being only 21‘5 inches long, has the scales absolutely smooth throughout, and a second prseocular, formed of a detached portion of the supra- labial series, between the third and fourth labials. A similar specimen has been described by Stoliczka, loc. cit., from the North-Western Himalayas. Ventrals 227, subcaudals in 79 pairs. 18. Ptyas mucosus. 1, 2, Kashmir. These specimens do not differ from the ordinary Indian form. Kashmir must, I should think, be at the extremity of this snake’s range to the north-west. 19. Zamenis ravergieri. Coluber raver gieri, Menetries : Cat. Rais., p. 69 (1833). Zatnenis caudaelineatus, Gunther: Cat. Col. Snakes, Brit. Mus., p. 104 (1858); — Jan. Icon. Ophid. livr. 23, PI. iii. Zamenis ravergieri, Strauch : Schlangen des Russ. Reichs, Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Pet., xxi. No. 4, p. 127 (1873) ; — W. Blanford: Eastern Persia, ii, p. 417 (1875). Z. fedtschenkoi, Strauch: Schlangen des Russ. Reichs., p. 135, PI. iv (1873). 1, Yarkand ; 2, 3, Yangihissar. Tlie spots on the head and back are larger than in Persian specimens, and somewhat resemble those of Z. diadema, wliilst the dark band along the upper paid of the tail has a REPTILIA. 23 tendency to be broken into spots, and the bands along the sides of the tail are faint or wanting. Otherwise there appears to be no constant dilference. The colouration is that of the form to which Dr. Strauch has given the name of Z.fedtschenkoi,SundiW\iic\i.i^ mainly distinguished from the typical Z. ravergieri by the tail being spotted instead of striped. Dr. Strauch adds that, as a rule, in Z. fedtschenkoi the number of longitudinal rows of scales is twenty-three, twenty-one being the exception, whilst the reverse is found in Z. ravergieri. He also calls attention to a shght difference in the form of the head, which is rather broader and less depressed in the first-named form. Z. fedtschenkoi is said to be common in Russian Turkestan. In the three specimens from Eastern Turkestan, the rows of scales round the body are twenty-one in number, and the head is of the same form as in typical Z. ravergieri. I have already ^ shown that the two forms pass into each other in Persia, and the specimens from Eastern Turkestan tend to the same conclusion. In both the specimens from Yangihissar, there are three postoculars on each side, but only two, as usual, in the Yarkand example. In the latter there are 222 ventrals and ninety-one pairs of subcaudals. 20. Tropidonotus hydetjs. 1, Kashghar ; 2*15, Yangihissar, Eastern Turkestan. This snake is apparently as common in Eastern Turkestan as it is, according to Strauch,^ farther to the westward. The specimen from Kashghar was procured on the 2nd February, and is noted on the label as having been found frozen in a field ; the Yangihissar specimens were collected in April. The majority of the snakes of this species obtained in Eastern Turkestan appear to have five postoculars. They are olivaceous above, with the back spots rather indistmct as a rule, and a great portion of the ventral shields is black. 21. Teopidonotus platyceps. 1, Mari ; 2, 3, Kashm ir. I can see no difference between these specimens and those from other parts of the Himalayas. This species, which had previously been obtained by Dr. Jerdon in Kashmir,® appears to be one of the Himalayan forms, like Compsosoma hodgsoni, which range farther to the north-west than do most of the species characteristic of the Himalayan region. ^arnWy—FSAMMOFEIDjE. 22. Taphrometopijm lineolattjm. Coluber {Taphrometopon) lineolatum, Brandt: Bull. Ac. Sci. St. Pet., iii, p. 243 (1837) Peters : Proc. Zool. Soc., 1861, p. 47. • Eastern Persia, ii, p. 418. | « Schlang. Russ. Eeichs., p. 173. ® Stoliczka: Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1870, xxxix, Pt. 2, p. 192. 24 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. PsammopMs doriee, Jan. : De Fil., Viag. in Persia, p. 356. Taphrometopon lineolatum, Strauch : Schlang. Russ. Reiclis, Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Pet., xxi. No. 4, p. 185, PI. V ; — W. Blanf. : Eastern Pers., ii, p. 422. 1, Besliterek, south of Karghalik, Eastern Turkestan. This characteristic Central Asiatic snake has been fuUy described and figured by Strauch, The only specimen obtained is of moderate size, being 33^ inches long, of which the tail measm’es 8. Ventrals 195, subcaudals about a hundred, the last three or fom* injured. The markings on the back are rather less distinct than in Strauch’s figure, those on the belly are more developed, there being a subtriangular blackish mark in the middle on the anterior shields ; this passes gradually into a trapezoidal dusky patch, with black lateral margins in the centre, and a row of black spots along the side, and this again gradually into two oblique lines on each side of the ventrals, becoming fainter posteriorly, but quite visible as far as the com- mencement of the tail. Similar colouration is described by Strauch as occurring in a specimen from Krasnovodsk, and another of unknown locality, loc. cit., p. 192. Family— PlPPEWM 23. ViPERA OBTUSA. Dwigubsky, teste Strauch ; — W. Blanf, : Eastern Persia, ii, p. 428. V. euphratica, Martin : Proc. Zool. Soc., 1838, p. 82 j — Strauch : Schlangen Russ. Reichs, Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Pet., xxi, No. 4, p. 221, PI. vi. Echidna mauritanica, Dum. and Bibr. : Erp. Gen,, vii, p. 1431. 1, Kashmir. In structure this specimen agrees fully with one which I obtained in Persia, but the colom’ation is very different, being almost uniform dark olive, with a little mottling of pale straw colour on the labials, chin, and ventral shields. The discovery of this species in Kashmir adds considerably to its known range. It is found in Northern Africa, Asia Minor, and other parts of Western Asia, the Trans-Caucasian provinces of Russia, and Persia. PimAY—CnOTALIDM. 24. Halts himalayanus. Giinther : Rept, Brit. Ind., p. 393, PI. xxiv, %. A ; — Steindachner : Novara Reise, Reptilien, p. 87. 1, Mari, Punjab; 2, Kashmir? or Indus valley near Dras. In both specimens there are twenty-one rows of scales round the body, not twenty-three. Steindachner has already pointed out that the number is variable. In two specimens in the Indian Museum, one from north-east of Simla, the other labelled from Ladak, the same number of rows of scales occurs conf. Anderson ; Proc. Zool. Soc., 1871, p. 196. Judging from these specimens, it would appear that twenty-one is the number most frequently met with to the westward. Dr. Gunther’s original specimens, with twenty-three rows of scales, were from Garhwal. AMPHIBIA. 25 AMPHIBIA. The Amphibia are very poorly represented in Dr. Stoliczka’s collections. Only four species are represented, and only one was procured from Eastern Turkestan ; all are well known forms of Batrachia. No examples of TJrodela were met with. Order BATRACHIA. Family— 1. Rana cyanophlyctis. Schneider fljOKZ Gunther : Kept. Brit. Ind., p. 406; — Stoliczka: Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1870, xxxix, Pt. 2, p. 146; Proc. As. Soc. Bengal, 1872, pp. 85, 102,130;— W. Blank: Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, xxxix, Pt. 2, p. 374 ; Eastern Persia, ii, p. 433. 1 — 3, between Mari and Kashmir. This species had previously been recorded by Dr. Stoliczka from Mari. It is common throughout the peninsula of India, and is the only abundant frog in the dry western parts of the country, Kachh (Cutch), Sind, &c., extending to the west into Baluchistan. 2. Diplopelma carnaticum. Engystoma carnaticum, Jerdon : Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1853, xxii, p. 534. Diplopelma carnaticum, Jerdon: Proc. As. Soc. Bengal, 1870, p. 85; — Stoliczka: Jour. As. Soc. Bengab 1870, xxxix, p. 154; Proc. As. Soc. Bengal, 1872, p. 110. ? D. ornatum, Dum. Bib., apud Gunther: Kept. Brit. India, p. 417 ; see also Pi’oc. Zool. Soc., 1875, p. 568. 1, Tinali, on the road from Mari to Kashmir. The single specimen obtained agrees very well with specimens in the Indian Museum from the peninsula of India and Burma. No representative of the genus liad, so far as I am aware, been previously met with so far to the north-west. It is not without some hesitation that I retain the name D. carnaticum for this species, as Dr. Gunther has recently repeated his opinion that both Engystoma carnaticum (in part at least) and E. rubrum of Jerdon, or rather specimens identified as such by Jerdon, are identical with E. ornatum of Dumeril and Bibron, but Dr. Jerdon has pointed out that E. carnaticum does not agree with Dumeril and Bibron’s description, whilst the form inhabiting Malabar, whence the type of E. ornatum was obtained, is probably distinct from that found in Central and Northern India. I must say that I feel much doubt as to whether E. carnaticum is the species described by Dumeril and Bibron, the colouration described by those authors differing greatly from that of the present form, so far as I am acquainted with it. 26 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. 3. Bufo viridis. Ijsl'ax. apud Steindaclmer : Novara Expedition, Amphibien, p. 40 j — Stoliczka; Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, xxxix, 1870, p. 155 ; Proc. As. Soc. Bengal, 1872, pp. 113, 131. 1-3, Kashmir; 4-11, Yarkand ; 12-15, Yangihissar ; 16-23, Kashghar ; 24, Zung, Wakhan. The Kashmir specimens appear to differ a little from those of Turkestan. They have a shorter fourth toe on the liind foot, and the parotoid glands are somewhat more elongate. The differences, however, are not great, and specimens from Persia and from various parts of the Himalayas appear to he intermediate to some extent. 4. Bufo calamita? 1, Kashmir. A single very young toad from Kashmir probably belongs to this species. I find an older specimen, also from Kashmir, and presented by Dr. Jerdon, in the Indian Museum, and the two agree well in colouration, but I cannot find the characteristic gland on the leg in the young specimen. Its absence may, however, be due to immaturity. ■ '/ ' 'k ' I -* SECOND YARKAND MISSION. EEPTILIA. PLATE I. Fig-. 1. Stellio stoliczJcanus, adult. ,, 2. „ „ young. ,, 3. Stellio agrorensis, and head of the same from above. „ 4. ThrynocejgJialus axillaris. Pla;be I. R Mintem del eh lith- Mintem Bros imp. »*’v s V. I - J \ \\ ; SECOND YARKAND MISSION. REPTILI A. PLATE IL 1. Gymnodactylus microtis. 2. G. elongatus. 3. Eremias yarkandensis, with sketches o£ head from above and from the side. 4. E. yarkandensis, var. saturata, sketch of head from side. 5. E. vermiculata, and sketches of head from above and from the side. Plcbte II. IIBI^ARY ■ Of THE UK'VtKSify Of SCIENTIFIC EESIJLTS OF THE SECOND. YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, PhD. GEOLOGY. BY W. T. BLANFORD, F.R.S. ^wblifihcb by orbcr of the €obcrmiient of Inbiii. CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1878 . SCIENTIFIC RESULTS THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, PhD. GEOLOGY. BY W. T. BLANPOED, P.E.S. Dublbheb bg orb^r of the Sobermnent of Enbia. CALCUTTA : OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. ' 1878 . CALCUTTA ! I'EINTEE BT THE SUPEHINTENDENT OF GOTEHNMENT PEINTING, HASTINGS STEEET. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION. GEOLOGY. By W. T. BLANPORD. Introduction and General Sketch of the Geology of Western Tibet. I T is, of course, very difficult to do justice to a rough travelling diary, such as Dr. Stoliczka’s. In such a diary first impressions are very often recorded, and subsequent observations do not always show how far the first notes require modification. To the writer this is a simple matter — Ins notes are memoranda serving to recaU details to his mind ; hut to another, who does not possess the clue, it is very often difficult to ascertain how far the notes in the diary agree with the final conclusions of the diarist. Of the greater portion of Dr. Stoliczka’s journey the geological results have already been published by himself in the Records of the Geological Survey of India ^ and the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. ^ A comparison of these papers with the original notes shows that everything of interest in the latter, with the exception of an occasional section, has been extracted and condensed. These papers will, therefore, be here republished in sequence, with the addition only of such sections as can be extracted from the diary. The papers already mentioned contain the record of the geological observations from Leh, in Ladak, to Kashghar, and during two excursions from Kashghar to the northward. The notes from the Panjab, at Mari, through Kashmir, to Leh, refer to ground which had been previously examined either by Dr. Stoliczka himself, or by other geologists; but as very httle geological information has yet been pubhshed concerning Kashmir, the notes are here repeated. Of the journey from Kashghar to the Pamir nothing has hitherto appeared in print. A brief summary of Dr. Stoliczka’s previous geological observations in the North-Western Himalayas will aid the reader in understanding the notes made in his last journey. His earlier travels enabled him to classify the rocks seen in the mountain ranges of Spiti, Kulu, Lahaul, Rupshu, Zaskar or Zanskar, Ladak, and the neighbouring districts south of the Indus ' Vol. VII, 1874, pp. 12, 49, 51, 81 ; and Vol. VIII, 1875, p. 13. * Vol. XXX, 1874, pp. 568, 571, 574. 2 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. valley, and to show that several formations, some of which had not previously been detected, are represented in this portion of the Himalayas. In his last journey he has ascertained the extension of some of the same rocks to the northward ; and as the regions lying east and west of his route are almost unknown, and those to the northward hut imperfectly explored, almost the whole geological interest of his journey, with the exception of his observations on a part of the Tliian Shan range north of Kashghar, depends upon the connection of the formations found by him in the Kashmir territories north of the Indus, and in the ranges known on our maps as the Mastagh (Karakoram), Kuenluen, and Bolor, with those previously explored in the country south of the Indus between Simla, Spiti, and Kashmir. Dr. Stohczka spent the summers of 1864 and 1865 in the North-Western Himalayas and Western Tibet, exploring the geology of the ranges. On his first jommey, when he was accom- panied by Mr. MaUet, he went north-east from Simla, crossing the Sutlej at the Wangtu bridge, and traversing Bissahir : he crossed the Bhaheh pass, and examined the Spiti vaUey, already known to he rich in fossil remains from the researches and collections of Gerard, Strachey, and others. Erom Spiti he marched nearly due north to the Indus, near Sangdo, by the Parang pass and the Tso-morari. ^ After two days’ march up the Indus, he returned to the Spiti valley by a more eastern route, traversing Hanle, and crossing the Taghng pass. After spending some days in the examination of the important formations of Spiti, he marched hack to Simla, tlmough Lahaul and Kulu, at some distance to the west of his journey northwards. The journey in 1865 occupied six months, from the beginning of May to the end of October. The area examined lay for the most part to the north-west of his former route, and extended to Leh, Kargil (north of Dras), and Srinagar. Starting from Simla, as before, he marched north by west, through Suket and Mandi, to Kulu, and thence, across the Rotang pass, to Kyelang in Lahaul. Thence he turned east by north, and crossed the Baralatse pass to the Tsarap valley, and proceeded across several other passes to Korzog, in Rupshu, on the Tso-morari. Here he turned north-west, and travelled by the Taglang pass to the Indus, and to Leh. Erom Leh he went almost south-west, across the mountains, to Padam ; thence north-west again to Suroo and Kargil, from which place he visited the Indus valley to the northward. This was his fmdhest point to the north-west in any of his journeys. Erom the Indus, north of Kargil, he marched south-west by Dras into the Kashmir valley, and, after a few days spent at Srinagar, he returned by the direct route, via Islamabad, Kishtwar, Budrawar, Chamha, and Kangra, to Simla. He suffered greatly from exposure to cold during part of this journey, especially in the mountains of Zaskar, south of Leh ; and although he gradually recovered from the effects of his Himalayan travels, it is probable that permanent injury to his consti- tution — not very strong originally — was produced by them. The results of his explorations, and especially of his first journey, were very great. It has been already mentioned that the occurrence of fossils in the Spiti valley, and in some other parts of the trans-Himalayan region, had long been known ; and considerable collections had been made by Gerard, Strachey, the brothers Schlagintweit, and others, — one having been obtained by Messrs. Theobald and Mallet, of the Geological Survey. The fossils collected had, moreover, been to a great extent described. Dr. Gerard’s collection was, partly and imperfectly, illustrated by the Rev. R. Everest in the Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVIII, p. 107, i)lates I &II, and fully described by Mr. H. E. Blanford in 1863.^ A large collection * Tso = lake. - Journal of the Asiatic Society, Bengal, Vol. XXXII, p. 124. GEOLOGY. 3 formed by Colonel Strachey, cbiefly at Niti, was described by Messrs. Salter and Blanford in 1865 ; ^ whilst the Schlagintweits’ collections were entrusted to Professor Oppel, and descriptions and figures of them published by him.^ Other less important notes had appeared, and several imperfect descriptions of the geology ; but no thorough sections had been made, and, beyond the general fact that fossils of silurian, carboniferous, triassic, liassic, and jurassic forms were represented in the various collections, very little, indeed, had been done towards elucidating the geological structure of the country. This work was admirably carried out by Dr. Stoliczka. In the course of a single season’s work, in a most difficult country, amongst some of the highest mountains in the world, he clearly established the sequence of formations ; and, from his extensive palaeontological know- ledge, was able to do this with an accuracy, which has stood the test of subsequent research. He, moreover, added to the list of known formations the representatives of rhaetic and cretaceous rocks not previously detected, and showed that some of the other groups might be sub-divided. The presence of this remarkable series of marine fossihferous beds in the North-Western Himalayan region — a series in which all the principal European palaeozoic and mesozoic groups, except the cambrian, devonian, permian, and neocomian, are represented — is none the less surprising, that scarcely any of the formations, except a few oolitic and cretaceous strata, are found in the peninsula of India, beyond the Indus river basin. In the hills of the Pan jab some of the formations have been detected, but they were until recently very imperfectly known. The following is the sequence of formations, with the fossils found in them by Dr. Stoliczka : — I. SUB-EEC ENT OR NEWER TERTIARY. II. TERTIARY ... Eocene River and lacustrine deposits. — Karewah deposits of Godwin- Austen, &c. ; Mammalian hones. ... (Nummulitic) Indus or Shingo beds. — Nummulites ramondi ; N. expo- nens. III. MESOZOIC ... Ceetaceoits (9) Cbikkim sbales. (8) Cbikkim limestone. — Budistes (fragments), Nodosaria, 2 sp., Tlentalina {annulata?), Botalia, s^., Textilaria, 2 sp., Haplophragmium, sp., Cristellaria, sp. Uppeb JUEASSic (7) Gieumal sandstone.— Os s^., ubsx 0. gregaria ; another species near O. sowerbii ; Gyphcea, sp., Avicula ecTiinata, Mytilus mytiloideus, lAma, sp., Amusium demissum, Pecten hifrons, Anatina spitiensis, Stol., A. sp., nov., Opis, sp. Middle Jueassic(6) Spiti shales. — Salenia ? sp., Terehratula sp., Bhynconella varians, Ostrea, sp., Pecten lens, Amusium (conf. Pecten stolidus), Aucella hlanfordi- ana, Stol., A. leguminosa, Stol., Lima, sp., near L. rigida, Inoceramus hooheri, Macrodon egertonianum, Stol., Nucula, sp., Nucula cunei- formis, Cyprina trigonalis, Trigonia costata, Astarte unilateralis, A. major, A. spitiensis, Stol., A. hiemalis, Stol., Somomya tihetica, Pleurotomaria, 2 sp.. Ammonites acucinctus, A.strigilis, A. macro- cephalus,^ A. octagonus, A. kyphasis, A. parTcinsoni, A. theodorii, A. sabineanus, A. spitiensis, A. curvicosta, A. braikenridgii, A. nivalis, Stol., A. liparus,A.triplicatus,A. biplex,A. alatus, Anisoeeras gerar- dianum, Belemnites canaliculatus, B. clavatus. (5) Clayey slates. — Belemnites, sp., Posidonomya ornata. ’ Palaeontology of Niti, printed for private circulation, Calcutta. * Palaeontologische Mittheilungen, 1863, p. 267 ; 1865, p. 289. ^ According to Dr. Waagen, Palaeontologia Indica, Ser. IX, 3, p. 237, foot-note, this and several other species are not identical with the European fossil forms to which they were referred by .Dr. Stoliczka, 4 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. III. MESOZOIC Middle Liassic (4) Upper Tagling \imes,\ane.—Terehratula sinemuriensis, Modiola, sp. (resembling Mytilussulreniformis),Neritopsis (conf. N. elegantissima), Chemnitzia undulata, Trochus latilabrus, Trochus epulus, T. attenu- atus, Eucyclut {Amherleya), sp., Acteonina (conf. A. cincta), Nerinea (conf. N. goodhalii), Belemnites, sp., Ammonites {coni.macrocephalus). Lowee Liassic (3) Lower Tagling limestone. — Terebratula gregaria, T. pyriformis, T. punctata, T. ( Waldlieimid) schafhcButli, Ehynconella obtusifrons, B. pedata, B. jissicostata, B, austriaca, B. variabilis, B. ringens, Ostrea (conf. O. acuminata), O. (conf. O. anomala), Amusium, sp. Eecten (conf. P. palosus), P. moniliger, P. sabal, P. bifrons, P. val- oniensis, Lima densicostata, Avicula ineequivalvis, A. punctata, Ger- villia, sp. (near G. olifex). Area (Macrodon), sp. (apparently A. lycetti), Dentalium, sp. (near P. giganteum), Nerita, sp. nov., Natica (conf. N. pelops), Chemnitzia (conf. C. coarctata), C., sp. (near C. phidias), JVerinea, sp. (near E. goodhalii). Ammonites (conf. A. germanii), A., sp. (conf. A. macrocephalus), Belemnites budhaicus, Stol., B. bisulcutus, Stol., B. tibeticus, Stol. RHa:Tic (2) Para limestone. — Bicerocardium himalayense, Stol., Megalodon tri- queter. Teiassic (1) Lilang series. — Encrinus cassianus, Spirifer, sp. n., S. {Spiriferina), (conf. S. fragilis), S. {Spiriferina) straeheyi, S. {Spiriferina) lilan- gensis, Stol., S. spitiensis, Stol., Bhynconella mutabilis, Stol., B. theobaldiana, Stol., B. salteriana, Stol., B. retrocita var. augusta, Stol., Athyris strohmeyeri, A. deslongchampsi, Waldheimia siop- panii, Halobia lommeli, Monotis salinaria, > Lima (conf. L. ramsa- ueri), L., sp. nov., Myoconcha lomhardica, Biscohelix, sp., Pleurotoma- ria (conf. P. buchi), P. sterilis, Stol., Orthoceras, sp., O. salinarium, O. latiseptum, O. dubium. Nautilus spitiensis, Stol., Clydonites old- hamianus, ^io\., C. hauerinus, Stol., Ammonites fioridus, A. jollyanus, A. khanikof, A. gaytani, A. difissus, A. ausseanus, A. gerardi, A. medleyanus, Stol., A. studeri, A. thuillieri, A. malletianus, Stol., A. batteni, Stol. IV. PAL.EOZOIC ... Caebonifeeous ... Kuling series. — Spirifer moosakhailensis, S. Jeeilhavii, S. tibeticus, Stol., S. altivagus, Stol., Productus purdoni, P. semireticulatus, P. longispinus, Avicula, sp., Cardiomorpha, sp., Aviculopecten, sp., Or- thoceras, sp. SiLUEiAN ? ... Muth series. — Syringopora, sp., Cyathophyllum, 2 sp., Crinoid stems, Orthis sp. (near O. thakil, var. striato-costata and var. convexa), 0. (near O. compta), O. (near O. tibetica), 0. (conf. 0. resupinata), Stropho- mena, sp., Tentaeulites, sp. SiLUEiAN . . . Bhabeh series.— Orthis, sp. P Chatetes yak. V. ... Metamoephic ... Central gneiss. But, although the general sequence of the beds was established, the observations made were insufficient to enable a map to be prepared showing the distribution of the different strata. Eurther examination was necessary for this purpose ; and Dr. Stoliezka always hoped to return to the Himalayas and complete the work he had so weU begun. The severe and long-continued labour necessary for the preparation of his great work on the cretaceous fossils of Southern India engrossed the whole of his time ; and, as has already been mentioned, his health was seriously affected by the exposure he underwent in his second Himalayan journey, so that, for a year or two at least, he was unfitted for work involving severe exertion. Thus the sketch he made — for such it was — has never been filled up ; no geological map of the Western Himalayas has ever been pubhshed, and the idea which can be formed of the distri- bution of the known strata is, at the best, fragmentary. It is as well, before proceeding further, to point out, in such a manner as to render it easily recognised on the map, the area to which Dr. Stohezka’s observations were chiefly con- I Mem., Geol. Surv. Ind., V, pp. 345, 352. GEOLOGY. 5 fined. Tliis area has somewhat the form of an oblong, with the longer axis north-west and south-east. Its north-eastern boundary is formed by the Indus, whilst the south-western bound- ary is far less regular, and, bulging out near the southern corner, includes a considerable tract of country about Spiti, Kulu, and Lahaul. The south-eastern limit of the area examined is formed by a line drawn north-north-east from Simla to the Indus, the north-western extrem- ity being near Kargil and Dras. The south-western boundary is formed first by the range which separates the Kashmir vaUey from that of the Indus, and the continuation of the same in the Zaskar range as far as the Baralatse or Baralacha pass, whence the boundary tmms southward and embraces the country between the Baralatse range and the snowy ridges north of the Sutlej valley, near Simla.^ The general formation of the mountains near Simla is too irregular for any definite range of great length to he distinguished. The ridges throughout the North-Western Himalayas and Western Tibet have a general north-west and south-east direction, shown by the main course of both the mountains and river valleys ; and this dfiection is, of course, due in a great measure to the strike of the various rocks, and the outcrop of softer or harder strata. Com- mencing at the south,^ the range north of the Sutlej, opposite Simla, usually considered the true Himalaya, and well known to all visitors to Simla as the snowy range, is chiefly composed of the rock called by Hr. Stohczka “ central gneiss.” ® The mineralogical character by which this rock is distinguished is the presence of alhite in large quantities, with quartz, orthoclase, and biotite, and a stiU more marked peculiarity in the constant occurrence of veins of alhite granite, which traverse the mass in every direction. To the south of the central gneiss various metamorphic rocks are found : to the north or north-east of it commences the sedimentary area of Tibet. It is palpable that this central gneiss is not only pre-silurian in age, hut that it must, in all probability, have been metamor- phosed before the deposition of the sHurian strata. Hence its importance : for whilst other metamorphic formations of the Himalayas and Tibet are, probably, represented by fossiliferous sedimentary deposits in other parts of the range, the central gneiss appears to belong to an older period altogether. To the north-west this gneissic formation extends hut a sliort distance. The natural continuation of the range formed by it would he the Pir Panjal, south-west of Kashmir ; but this consists of newer formations. Dr. Stohczka was inclined to consider the Zaskar ridge as the probable continuation of the central axis, as he considered it, and to look upon the gneiss of which that range consists as the representative of the central gneiss. It, however, wants the alhite granite. The highest peaks of the snowy Himalayan range consist of silurian rocks dipping northward, and followed in ascending order by carboniferous, triassic, and jurassic strata. ^ For convenience sake, it maybe as well to point out that the principal ranges of the North-Western Himalaya and Western Tibet, all running nearly north-west and south-east, are, commencing on the north, the Kuenluen range on the edge of the Yarkand plain ; the Mastagh range traversed by the Karakoram pass, and forming the main ridge, separating the Indus watershed from that of the Yarkand plain ; the Ladak range running along the northern (or north-eastern) bank of the Indus, and separating its valley from that of the Shayok ; the Zaskar range, which forms the south-western limit of the Indus drainage, extending along the north-eastern boundary of Kashmir, and the continuation of which to the south-west is sometimes known as the Baralatse range, and the Hima- laya proper, the north-western continuation of which is the Pir Panjal. ^ The account which follows is derived in great part from Mr. H. B. Medlicott’s sketch of the Geology of the Panjab and its dependencies in the Pan jab Gazetteer. 3 Some important additional information concerning this rock has recently been furnished by Colonel C. A. McMahon, who has determined by microscopical examination that this gneiss possesses the characters of an igneous rock, in parts at all events, and that it must probably have been in a more or less plastic or fluid state. — Eecords, Geol. Surv. Ind., X, p. 222. h G SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. The cretaceous rocks have only been found at a few localities in Spiti and Eupshu ; but the jurassic and liassic strata upon which they rest occupy a large area, constantly spoken of by Dr. Stoliczka as the jurassic ellipse, and having an elliptical form, with the long axis in the normal north-west, south-east direction. These beds were traced from Spiti and Southern Eupshii to Zaskar, where they end out against the great granite and syenitic mass of Little Tibet. To the south-west the same jurassic rocks are known to exist in Northern Kumaon. Except close to the Karakoram pass, where liassic beds occur, and a little farther east by south in the Lokzhung range, capped by cretaceous rocks, ^ none of these middle and upper mesozoic rocks have hitherto been found in Western Tibet beyond the limit of this basin ; nor have they hitherto been found in Kashmir proper, although some of them recur in the hiUs near Mari (Murree). The Silurian, carboniferous, and triassic (including the rhsetic^ ) formation have a far wider range, and it is prolDable that their altered representatives form no inconsiderable pro- portion of the metamorpliic rocks, which occupy so large an area in the Indus valley and its neighbourhood. The Silurian rocks on the south of the jurassic area have been traced at intervals from the Bhabeh pass, through Northern Lahaul and Zaskar, to the neighbourhood of Dras, and they are probably, in Dr. Stoliczka’s opinion, represented by some of the lower beds seen in the Indus vaUey below Leh, and in the Marka vaUey to the south. North-west of the jurassic area they have not been detected, and they may be represented by some of the metamorphic rocks. The carboniferous series is distinctly developed both to the south-west and north-east of the jurassic area in the Spiti country, and it becomes even more prominent to the north-west. It occupies large areas in the Indus valley south-west and west of Leh, and reappears in the Kashmir valley. The triassic rocks appear everywhere to overlie the carboniferous, and to have nearly an equal extension. Northern and Eastern Eupshu, to the north-east of the Spiti area, consists mainly of gneiss and other metamorpliic rocks. The same crystalline formations form the whole of the range north of the Indus, from the sharp bend made by the river to the southward, north of Hanle, to Leh. In the Indus vaUey itself, apart from aU the secondary series of the Spiti basin, sand- stones, shales, and clays are found, which have been proved to be of eocene age by the discovery in them of nummulites and other fossils. Where these were first observed by Dr. Stoliczka in Northern Eupshu, they were unfossiUferous, and their old and altered appearance made him suspect that they might be palseozoic. But near Leh they are much newer in appearance, and contain fossils which prove their age. Similar beds are seen west of Leh, as far as Kargil. Lastly, eruptive rocks, containing serpentine, diaUage, and epidote, occupy a considerable area around Hanle, east of Eupshu, and extend for many miles to the north-west, towards the Indus. Syenite is largely developed near Leh, and extends westward, towards Dras, occupying a considerable area about Kargil. Serpentine is associated with it. If we look upon the snowy range north of Simla and the Zaskar range as identical, and as forming the axis of the Himalayas, we may consider the palaeozoic and mesozoic rocks of the Indus and Spiti vaUeys as lying between two great metamorphic ranges — that just men- tioned and the Ladak range north of the Indus. To the north of Kashmir, however, the ‘ See note, p. 47. - This formation was kept distinct by Dr, Stoliczka in his first paper, but subsequently he was disposed to unite it with the triassic group. GEOLOGY. 7 carboniferous and triassic beds completely lap round and replace the older metamorphics. In his last journey Dr. Stoliczka has shown that another great sedimentary region in the Karakoram area hes between the crystalline Ladak ridge and the gneissic rocks forming the Kuenluen. But in this region no oolitic or cretaceous beds have hitherto been found, the highest fossiliferous rocks observed being hassic.^ North of the Kuenluen, however, the pre- sence of a cretaceous formation was detected. As occasional reference must be made in the ensuing pages to the names given by Mr, Medlicott to particular formations on the southern slopes of the Himalayas, a list of these groups, with their supposed trans-Himalayan equivalents, is appended. It must be remem- bered that the identifications are little more than surmises,^ and were only suggested as probable by Dr. Stoliczka, no fossils having been found in the cis-Himalayan rocks below the nummulitics. Age. Cis-Himalayan. Trans-Himalayan. Pliocene \ Siwalik . . ...... ^ \ Nahan r Mammaliferous. and 1 Deposits of Tibet Miocene [.(? Karewah, in part). Eocene {Nummulitic) ^ Kasauli (purple and grey sandstones) ' \ Dagshai (red clays, purple and grey/ Sirmur < sandstones). . ^ Indus or Shingo beds. Trias ) Sabathu (brown and grey clays and \ ^ limestones) . ^ Krol (limestone) Lalang series. Carboniferous Infra- Krol (sandstone and carbonaceous shales) Kuling series. Silurian . . j ' Blini (limestone and conglomerate) . Muth. Infra-Blini (slates and sandstone) Bhabeh. On the other hand, there is some slight possibility of the Krol limestone being nummu- litic, and Mr. Medlicott at one time, and before the trans-Himalayan rocks had been classified by Dr. Stoliczka, was rather inclined to this view,^ but he never considered the evidence in its favour of much importance. In the following pages the order preserved is that of the journey : fivst, the notes taken from the diary of the route from the Panjab to Leh, then the (previously printed) geolo- gical descriptions of the journey from Leh to Shah-i-dula, and from Shah-i-dula to Kashghar ; next, the excursions from Kashghar to the Chadyr-kul and to Altyn Artysh ; and finally, the notes from the diary of the journey to the Pamir, and of the return march from Yarkand to the Karakoram pass. The sections illustrative of the geology of the country are from sketches in Dr. Stoliczka’s note-book ; they are introduced, as they serve greatly to explain the relations of the rocks, but it should be remembered that the original drawings are frequently rough, and they may not, in some instances, have been quite correctly interpreted. Should subsequent research show the sections to require modification, the circumstances under which they were prepared should be remembered. Dr. Stoliczka him self spoke of his geological results as meagre. This is, probably, the first impression of most travellers : either they have traversed enormous areas composed of * Some obscure unfossiliferous sandstones near Kium, in Cbangchenmo, and at Aktagb, north of the Karakoram pass, were referred with doubt to the tertiary epoch. ^ Mr. Lydekker’s surveys, made since the above was written, have indicated that some modification is probably necessaiy in the above list of correlated strata. It appears now more probable that the Krol limestone is carboniferous. — Records, Geol. Survey of India, XI, p. 63 ® Memoirs, Geological Survey, Vol. Ill, p. 170. SECOND YARKAND MISSION. one or two rock groups, and the geology appears to them monotonous in the extreme, or they have been compelled to leave behind sections only half examined, in which the various formations succeed each other too rapidly for their sequence to he determined in a hurried journey. But in all cases, as vuth all discoveries in science, the observations require record and comparison for their value to appear. However useless they may seem at the time, no one can teU when the information may prove of the last importance. Eor details as to the route, the map and diary should be consulted. All the explanatory notes in brackets and foot-notes in the subsequent pages are by myself, with the exception of the foot-notes marked (S) on page 18 and 20. Note. — Since the above was in type, Dr. Waagen has kindly sent to me a paper, which he has just published in the Denkschrift Kais. Acad. Wiss. Wien. (Math. Natunviss. Classe) for 1878, entitled “Ueber die Geographische Vertheilung der fossilen Organismen in Indien.” In this paper he points out that, although the classification of the Spiti shales is still imperfect, and further subdivision may be necessaiy, it is clear that the great mass of these strata must be classed as Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridge and Tithonian), several of the Cephalopoda having been at first wrongly identified with European forms, and being of later age than was supposed. Dr. Waagen also notices that further to the westward in the Alpine Panjab, near Mari (Murree), the Gieumal sandstone or its equivalent contains the TrigonicB {T. ventricosa, Sfc^ characteristic of the Umia (Portlandian) group in Cutch. According to Dr. Waagen, also, only the upper Tagling limestone, the representative of the ‘ Hierlatz beds ’ of the Alps, should be classed as Lias, the lower Tagling limestone, the equivalent of the Alpine ‘ Kossen beds,’ being of Rheetic age. The Para lime- stone should he classed as upper triassic, and the Lilang series in part as middle triassic (Muschelkalk). Most of these relations had been pointed out by Dr. Stoliczka himself. GEOLOGY. 9 PAET I. Notes on the Geology prom Mari (Murree) in the Punjab to Leh in Ladak. [The following notes, it should be remembered, commence in the Panjab, at Mari (Murree), the sanatarium lying a short distance north of Rawal Pindi. A “ rough section showing the relation of the rocks near Mari,” byPr. Waagen, was pubhshed in theEecords of the Geological Survey of India.^ He showed that Mari is built on red slates and sandstones, newer than the nummulitics, but unfossiliferous, and that these beds are succeeded (the formations are too much crushed and contorted for anything like order in descent to be made out) by nummulitic limestone, jurassicand triassic beds ; the jurassic beds being identified with the “ Spiti shales.” Hr. Waagen gave a section round Chamba Peak, from Kairagali to Changligali. Dr. Stoliczka describes that seen on the road round the other side of the mountain. An account of the geology of the neighbourhood of Mari hill station in the Pan jab has also been given by Mr. A. B. Wynne,^ of the Geological Survey of India, accompanied by a map and section. In this paper many additional details of the geology are given, and the same section is described which is here extracted from Dr. Stoliczka’s note-book. Dr. Stoliczka’s notes were made before Mr. Wynne’s paper was published, although the latter had been written long before. Within the last two years the systematic geological survey of Kashmir has at length been commenced, and a large amount of information as to the distribution and relations of the different beds has been added by Mr. Lydekker.® In a few cases, as at the Zoji-la, slight changes have been shown to be necessary in the views formed by Dr. Stoliczka on his hurried journeys, but as a general rule his opinions have proved correct.] July 3rd to 6th . — The Mari hill consists of sandstone and shales, the former full of fucoids, but I could not find a trace of other fossils.^ The geological section from Mari Mari. Section from Mari to Kairagali, distance S miles. to Kairagali is rather simple, but thence along the road to Changligali it is rather compli- cated, and on the whole similar to that made by Waagen on the corresponding road passing * Vol. V, 1872, p. 15. = Records, Geological Survey of India, Vol. VII, p. 64. ^ Rec. G. S. I., IX, p. 155 ; XI, p. 30. The Murree Beds of Mr. Wynne, see Quarterly Journal, Geological Society, 1874, p. 71, &c., and Rec. G. S. I., Vol. VII, p. 66. 10 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. round the other side of Chamha Peak.^ The section from Changligali to Dangagali is a little more simple. On the saddle at Kaldana the Mari beds dip towards the nummulitic shales, hut at Sunnyhank they are turned up sharply against the latter. There must have been a tremen- dous slip along this boundary. After some shales and crumbling sandstones, the southern side of the Kaldana lull consists chiefly of limestone, and then follow reddish shales and sandstones, very like those of the Mari group in general character. The shales are seen on the next saddle, succeeded cliiefly by limestone and grey shale and carbonaceous sandstone, often very impure. These beds, the calcareous especially, are often full of nummulites, with an occasional pelecypod or gastropod. Section from Kairagali to Changligali, distance a little above 2 miles. The section on the western side of the Chamha Peak is even more contorted than that made by Waagen on the other (eastern) side. The general dip of the rock is towards the north-west, and the consequence is, that the rocks are dreadfully twisted in every stream : on the whole, the section is much more contorted than in the sketch. The triassic limestone in contact with the Spiti shales is semi-oolitic, just like the Krol limestone in some places. Its thickness is generally from 10 to 30 feet, and then follows more compact grey limestone, sometimes full of small oysters. About half a mile from Kairagali, I got a good RhycJionella in it. Changligali lies on shales, hut the next Changligali. Dangagali Section from Changligali to Dangagali, distance about 6^ miles. hill is limestone, mostly vertical, and dreadfully old-looking. If I had not occasionally got a nummulite out of the intermediate calcareous shales, I should certainly have taken the limestone for triassic. But, as a rule, the nummulitic limestone is highly bituminous, while the compact triassic limestone is apparently never bituminous, and the semi-oolitic (triassic) limestone is occasionally slightly bituminous, hut generally not. Nummulitic beds continue about half-way to Dangagali. There is a great thickness of triassic limestone, and then Kec. G. S. I., Vol. V, 1872, p. 16. GEOLOGY. 11 at the last corner, before the road turns towards Dangagali, there is a repeated alternation of Gieumal, Spiti, and triassic beds. In the sandy beds of the Spiti shales I found a fragment of an Ammonite ; and in the Gieumal sandstone, which occupies the whole corner, I got an Astarte, which is apparently the same as that I got at Lunari in the lower Umia beds,^ and a Trigonia, but this is difficult to make out. The saddle on which DangagaU lies is again nummulitic shales. [The most interesting point in the preceding sections is the identification of the Gieumal sandstone (upper jm’assic). Dr. Waagen had previously recognised the Spiti shales, and had suggested that the sandstone represented the upper Jurassic beds of Spiti ^ — a suggestion which Dr. Stoliczka confirmed. The red Mari beds are called Nahan (newer tertiary) by Dr. Stoliczka in his notes ; but Mr. II. B. Medlicott, who is by far the best authority on the subject, considers that this is due to a mistake in the identification of the Ndhan beds themselves near Simla, as proved by some notes in Dr. Stoliczka’ s diary, and that the rocks with which Dr. Stoliczka really identified the Mari beds belong to Mr. MedHcott’s Dagshai division (older tertiary). Dnder these circumstances, I have ventm’ed in the notes to substitute Mr. Wynne’s name “Mari beds ” for “Nahan,” leaving the question of identifi- cation undecided.] July 15th, Mari to Kohdla. — Mari sandstone and shale are seen all the way dipping in various directions : near the Jhelum the dip is about north or north by east. The older rocks are seen on the left bank of the river, at the base of the Dangagali hiU. The boundary between nummulitic and Mari beds runs along the stream coming from Kaldana : on the right bank are Mari sandstones and shales, dipping at about 40° or 50° towards north-east or east. 16th, Chatarkelas. — All the way I saw nothing but the same Mari sandstone and shale, mostly dipping to north-east or north-east by east. 17th to 237'd, Chatarkelas to JJid. — The Mari beds prevailed throughout the whole distance, and no others were seen on the left bank of the Jhelum, along which river the road lay for a great part of the distance. On the opposite bank dark shales, either Spiti or Sabathu, were noticed between Barn and Tinali, and limestones opposite Uri. Erom Tinali toHatian the general dip of the Mari beds is south-east : near Uri they are much contorted. 2Mh, TJrambu. — Uri is on a high river plateau. After crossing a stream, very red shales are seen, and blocks of limestone, looking exactly like Krol limestone, which it probably is. I am not sure whether the shales are nummulitic : more probably they belong to the Krol series. Eurther on are chloritic and quartzose schists, which continue to Urumbu. The Urumbu bungalow is built at the foot of some very fine cliffs of a meta- morphic quartz and schist.® 25th, Baramula. — The same metamorphic quartzose rock, with bacillary structure, continues a long way until the road opens into a portion of the old lake : this portion is separated by a ridge from 200 to 300 feet (high ?) of lake clay and gravel deposit. The same form the low hills to the south for several miles. The lake must formerly have been much larger and wider than it now is, its water extending far up the Sind valley. July 26th to August 6th. — Baramula to Srinagar and thence to Ga^idarhal . — [Ho description is given in the diary of the rocks about Srinagar, although reference is made to > Of CutcL. * Kecords, Geological Survey of India, V, p. 15. * Lydekker, Kec. G. S. I., IX, p. 158, describes this section more fully. The limestone (Kiol) appears to be identical with Krol, as Dr. Stoliczka suggested. See also Kec., G. S. I., XI, p. 63. 12 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. them subsequently.] Passing the village Malshahagh (near Gandarhal), I saw a sub- recent conglomerate, which was deposited fully 50 feet above the present level of the lake, and in places it was overlain by terraces of clay (level), which seemed to reach about 30 to 50 feet higher. 7 til, Kang an. — The rocks on both sides of the road are the same as about Srinagar — the green plutonic rock, often with zeolite cavities, and sometimes not to be distinguished from greenstone. In other places it is distinctly stratified, and it is probably a meta- morphic silurian or devonian rock. 8tli to 12th, Kang an to Sonamarg. — [No mention of any geology on the road.] The triassic limestones come almost down to the valley about three miles before reaching Sonamarg. At Sonamarg they are in some parts rather slaty and thin-bedded : I got no fossils in them. They di^i north and south on the right and left bank of the valley re- spectively. 13th, Baltal. — About four miles east of Sonamarg, schists below the limestones occupy the greater heights, particularly on the north, and they extend in a north-easterly direction along these heights. At Baltal all the rocks are these scliists, which are probably carboni- ferous. They often contain carbonaceous bands full of crystals of iron pyrites. 14th, Mataian. — [Crossing the Zoji-la,^ 11,800 feet.] The schistose beds, which are in places almost mica schist, are followed, a couple of miles north of the Zoji-la, by more carbonaceous beds, which are probably true carboniferous, and then, about a mile south of Mataian, they are overlain on the right and left bank by the usual thin-bedded triassic limestones. These are sometimes quite white and dolomitic, alternating with black and earthy beds. I saw several Rhynconellce and sections of large bivalves, like Megalodon and Bicerocardium, and small oysters ; but nothing suffieiently determinable. [Emdher exa- mination of the beds near the Zoji-la has shown that there is inversion, and that the rocks at the crest of the pass are of later age than the triassic limestones seen on each side. — Lydekker, Rec. G. S. I., XI, p. 45.] 15th, Mataian. — I looked over the limestones near the village, but found no determi- nable fossils. 16th, Bras. — About three miles after we left Mataian the green rocks cut off the lunestone on the left bank, and for a few miles the boundary between the two rocks runs in the valley. After about the seventh or eighth mile, the base of the valley is all of green rock, which is generally quite massive, like greenstone ; only occasionally it is thinly bedded with bacillary structure. To all appearance they are the same rocks as about Srinagar. About two or three miles before reaching Dras, the green rocks cross over entirely on to the right bank, and extend in a north-easterly direction, the trias limestones keeping to the heights. At their contact with the green rocks the limestones are more slaty. North by west of Dras the green rocks decompose very readily, and weather out reddish, as greenstones often do. About the camping ground numbers of syenite rocks are strewn about. The whole plain about Dras is filled with a deposit of shingle to about a hundred feet above the level of the river. 17th, Tashgaon. — Eor some distance from Dras the rugged, barren hillsides consist of greenstone. This rock gradually passes into a greenish syenite, with large quantities of schorl ; but on both sides of the valley there is still the green rock in situ : higher up on the left bank is syenite. La, a pass Tibetan. GEOLOGY. 13 18th, Chiliscomo . — The green rock becomes rather schistose about half-way between the last camp and tliis, and nearly opposite Kharbu the syenite comes down to the river, and cuts off the green rock : the former about here is light coloured and of the ordinary type. 19th, Kargil . — Syenite rocks seen the whole way. 20th, Ehargol . — The tertiaries on the Kargil plain are much covered by diluvial conglom- erate. The Pashkyumkur is built on serpentine rock ; and from this spot to near Shargol all the rocks are serpentine, sometimes rather slaty and splintery, in other places much purer and solid, so that it could be worked for ordinary cups, &c. All along the river the diluvial conglomerate forms an almost continuous strip, particularly along the left bank of the stream. Wherever the valley widens a little, as at Lotsun, the conglomerate is found on both sides, the horizontal banks rising up to 500 or 600 feet above the stream. About a mile from Shargol, grey and greenish and reddish shales come in from the hills to south-west and west, and are greatly developed north of Shargol. These shales appear to belong to the Sabathu group, although they look rather metamorphic in some places, but in others they are more recent looking and micaceous. All about Shargol lumps of serpentine are sticking out of them, and the whole are covered along the left bank of the stream with a conglomerate rising to 600 and more feet above the river. Beyond this, south and south-east of Shargol, the higher hffls aU consist of triassic limestone, alternating near the base with rather highly metamorphic and sometimes strongly carbonaceous shales, which it is very difficult to dis- tinguish from the tertiary beds. I found no trace of fossils in the tertiaries, but the deter- mination of the triassic limestone is tolerably certain. It is the same as above Dras, and has often the peculiar pseudo-foraminiferous or semi-oolitic structure. 21st, Kharhu . — A good long march of 18 miles : we went by the Namika-la, and then turned almost south up the stream for about four miles to Kharbu. The diluvial con- glomerate extends aU the way along the river, mostly developed on the left bank, until we turned up the stream almost north and then north-east and east towards the Namika-la. A couple of miles from Shargol the monastery is built upon triassic limestone, and there are lumps and patches of it very often sticking out of the so-called tertiary shales. The great figure of Buddha a little further on is also cut in a single block of triassic limestone. When we left the conglomerates at the Wakha river, we turned almost north. There was nothing but very soft and crumbhng grey and greenish (tertiary) shales as far as the Namika pass, and for some distance on the other side, extending more to north about two miles east of the pass ; and the high lulls to the north consisted of serpentine, while south of the Namika-la was a high solitary rock of trias limestone. The diluvial conglomerates were again seen in the little stream from the Namika-la, and are very highly developed in the Kharbu stream. Approaching this, we had up to Kharbu, along the right bank, all trias limestone, underlain by highly carbonaceous and metamorphic-looking shales and slates, which are always distinctly silky and micaceous on the planes of bed- ding, and often very much contorted. 22nd, Kharhu . — I went out in a north-easterly direction across the stream, and found the ground composed of various kinds of shales for several miles. First, the shales were rather carbonaceous ; then they became more slaty, gray, greenish, and red, but all rather highly metamorphic. It is clear they cannot be tertiary ; for they all lay under the trias. The top of the high hills appears to consist partly of serpentine. Among the higher slates there are often beds of the same green rock that I saw south of Dras. d 14 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. 23rd, Lamayuru, crossing the Fotu-la. — Leaving Kharbn, the triassic limestones pass over to the right bank of the stream after the second or third mile, where the stream makes a bend ; but further on the carboniferous shales occupy the whole of the right and the base of the left bank, the limestones keeping to the greater heights. The diluvial conglomerate is locally of great extent ; and in ascending the Eotu-la, it reaches to within about 200 feet of the top of the pass, that is, up to about 13,200. On the Eotu-la the southern hills are trias limestone. The pass itself is formed of carboniferous shales ; and these shales extend down to Lamayuru. Unfortunately I could not find any fossils in them. 24th, Snurla on the Indus. — Eor more than a mile after leaving Lamayuru there are extensive shaly deposits, some of them well stratified ; they reach to about 300 feet high on the slopes. The shales are at first in places very carbonaceous, and when decomposed they are covered with a white efflorescence of soda and alum. About two miles or a little more further on, these carbonaceous shales overlie nearly vertically bedded green and red shales ; the latter alternate with beds of strong green sandstone, very similar to the “ green-rock,” and the whole group evidently represents the Bhabeh series, just as the former does the Muth series. In one place only I saw, in the Bhabeh elates, a bit of an impression, sometliing like a portion of a Trilobite ; and in another place I got a few traces of worms. These Bhabeh slates, shales, and sandstones are variously contorted, but for the most part approach the vertical position, dipping highly towards south or south-west. Towards the Indus the Bhabeh series is cut off by serpentines, wliich reach down to the valley. Only in one place, I think, there is a portion of syenite left, the ground about a mile from the Indus being strewn with boulders of syenite. The opposite bank of the Indus is occupied by greenish and reddish slates and sandstones — evidently the treacherous tertiary rocks, hke in North Bupshii and Zaskar. The bridge across the Indus to Khalchi is built over serpentine, and there are a good many patches of serpentine also on the right bank, and near these the sandstones and shales appear to be almost metamorphic. There is also, about half-way between Khalchi and Snurla, a lump or two of a grey or bluish hmestone, full of bivalves. It looks triassic ; stiU I do not know how it could be that. Eragments of it were locally full of large pelecypods and indistinct gastropod traces, and in some round roUed fragments I thought I saw nummuhtes, but I cannot be sure of it. Similar lumps of the same limestone I saw in the serpentine region before reaching the Indus, and it is just possible that some of the slates and sandstones here are really tertiary. I rather think this very probable. At Snurla the tertiary slates and shales, greenish and reddish beds alternating with each other, occupy both banks of the Indus, mostly dipping at high angles towards the south. Conglom- erates are locally to be found reaching to a couple of hundred feet or less along the whole road. 25th, Saspul. — AU the way we passed through the tertiary red and greenish shales and sandstones, mostly along the strike of the rocks, which dip at a high angle of between 60° and 80° to south-west or south by west. The crystalline rocks appear to occupy the hills above Ilimis. Diluvial conglomerate is extensively developed along the river, and particularly about Saspul. 25th and 26th, Saspul to Leh. — The same rocks for the greatest part of the distance ; the gneiss and hornblendic gneiss do not touch the river till just before Pittuk, beyond the village of Phayang. The diluvial deposits are very extensive, and are very tliick just east of Snemo. GEOLOGY. 15 PAET II. The hill eanges between the Indus Valley in Ladak and Shah-i-dula on the FRONTIER OF YaRKAND TERRITORY. [ This section is copied, with a few verbal alterations, from the Records of the Geological Survey of India, V°l. VII, p. 12.] The following brief notes on the general geological structure of the hUl ranges alluded to are based upon observations made on a tour from Leh, via Changchenmo, the high plains of Lingzi-thung, Karatagh, Aktagh to Shah-i-dula, and upon corresponding observations made by Dr. H. W. Belle w, accompanying His Excellency Mr. Eorsyth’s camp along the Karakoram route to this place. Before proceeding with my account, I will only notice that our journey from Leh (or Ladak) was undertaken during the second half of September and in October, and that we found the greater portion of the country north of the Changchenmo valley covered with snow — the greatest obstacle a geologist can meet on his survey. While on our journey the thermometer very rarely rose during the day above the freezmg point, and hammer operations were not easily carried out. At night the thermometer sank, as a rule, to zero, or even to 8° below zero, in our tents, and to 26° below zero in the open air. Adding to this the natm’al difficulties of the ground we had to pass through, it was occasionally not an easy matter to keep the health up to the required standard of working power. Near Leh, and for a few miles east and west of it, the Indus flows on the boundary between crystalline rocks on the north and eocene rocks on the south. The latter consist cliiefly of grey and reddish sandstones and shales, and more or less coarse conglomerates, containing an occasional Nummulite and casts of Pelecypoda. These tertiary rocks extend from eastward south of the Pankong lake, following the Indus either along one or both banks of the river, as far west as Kargil, where they terminate with a kind of brackish and fresh- water deposit, containing Melanice. Nearly the entire ridge north of the Indus, separating this river from the Shayok, and continuing in a south-easterly direction to the mouth of the Hanle river (and crossing here the Indus, extending to my knowledge as far as Demchok), consists of syenitic gneiss, an extremely variable rock as regards its mineralogical composition. The typical rock is a moderately flne- grained syenite, crossed by veins which are somewhat richer in hornblende, while other portions contain a large quantity of schorl. Both about Leh and further eastward extensive beds of dark, almost black, flne- grained syenite occur in the other rock. The felspar often almost entirely disappears from this fine-grained variety, and quartz remains very sparingly disseminated, so that gradually the rock passes into a hornblendic schist ; and when schorl replaces hornblende, the same rock changes into layers which are almost entirely composed of needles of schorl. Again, the syenite loses in places aU its hornblende, the crystals of felspar increase in size, biotite (or sometimes chlorite) becomes more or less abund- ant, and with the addition of quartz we have before us a typical gneiss (or protogine gneiss), without being able to draw a boundary between it and typical syenite. However, the gneissic portions, many of which appear to be regularly bedded, are decidedly subordinate to- the 10 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. syenitic ones. As already mentioned, the rock often has a porphyritic structure, and the felspar becomes pink, instead of white, — as, for instance, on the top of the Khardung pass and on the southern slope of the Chang-la, where large fragments are often met without the slightest trace of hornblende. To the north of the last-mentioned pass the syenitic gneiss gradually passes into thick beds of syenite-schist, and this again into chloritic schist, by the hornblende becoming replaced by chlorite, while the other mineral constituents are gradually almost entirely suppressed. The syenitic and chloritic beds alternate with quartzose schists of great thickness. The schistose series of rocks continues from north of the Chang-la to the western end of the Pankong lake, and northwards to the Lankar-la, generally called the Marsemik pass. On the western route Dr. Bellew met similar rocks north of the Khardung pass at the village Khardung, and traced them northwards across the Shayok up the Nuhra valley to near the foot of the Sasser pass. Intimately connected with the metamorphic schistose series just noticed is a greenish chloritic, partly thin-hedded, partly more massive rock, which very closely resembles a similar rock found about Srinagar. Only in this case certain layers, or portions of it, become often distinctly or even coarsely crystalline, sometimes containing hronzite sparingly disseminated, and thus passing into diallage. This chloritic rock forms the greater part of the left side of the Changchenmo valley, and also occurs south of the Sasser pass. I think we have to look upon this whole series of schistose and chloritic rocks as the representatives of the Silurian formation. After crossing the Changchenmo valley to Gogra, we met with a different set of rocks. They are dark, often quite black, shales, alternating with sandstones. Many beds of the latter have a comparatively recent aspect, and are rather micaceous, without the least metamorphic structm-e, while the shales accompanying them very often exhibit a silky, suh- metamorphic appearance on the planes of fracture. I observed occasionally traces oifucoids and other plants in these shales, hut no animal fossils. On the Changchenmo route these shaly rocks form the ridge of the Chang-lung pass, as well as the whole of the western portion of the Lingzi-thung ; and they are met again after crossing these high plains and entering the Karakash valley, as far as Shinglung (or Dunglung). On the Karakoram route Dr. Bellew brought specimens of similar rocks from the Mastagh (Karakoram) range itself. There can he hut little doubt, — judging from similar rocks which I saw in Spiti, and from their geological relation to certain limestones, of which I shall presently speak, — that we have in the shaly series the carboniferous formation represented. In many localities along the right bank of the Changchenmo river, then at the hot springs north of Gogra, and on the southern side of the Chang-lung pass, we find the carhoni- Gogra. Hot springs. ferous ])eds overlain by triassic limestone, which often has the characteristic semi-oolitic btrugture of the Krol limestone, south of Simla. At Gogra and several other places dolomi- stone with crinoids, tes, reddish, rather recent looking. }■ Section of rocks at the hot springs of Gogra. GEOLOGY. 17 tic beds occur ; and, in these, sections of Dicerocardium Himalayense are not uncommon. In other places beds are met with full of Crinoid stems. North of the Lingzi-thung plain — to the west of which the hiUs are mostly composed of the same triassic limestone — a red brecciated, calcareous conglomerate is seen at the foot of the Compass-la, but this conglom- erate gradually passes into the ordinary grey limestone, which forms the ridge, and un- doubtedly belongs to the same group of triassic rocks. The last place where I saw the triassic limestone was just before reaching the camping ground Shinglung : here it is an almost white or light grey compact rock, containing very perfect sections of Megalodon triqueter, the most characteristic triassic fossil. On Mr. Eorsyth’s route Dr. Bellew met with similar triassic limestones on the northern declivities of the Sasser pass, and also on the Karakoram pass, overlying the carboniferous shales and sandstones previously noticed. On the Karakoram the triassic limestone contains spherical corals, very similar to those which were a few years ago described by Professor Ritter von Reuss from the HaUstadt beds in the Alps, and which are here known to travellers as Karakoram stones.^ Retm'ning to our Lingzi-thung route, we leave, as already mentioned, the last traces of triassic limestone at Shinglung, in the Upper Karakash valley. Here the limestone rests upon some shales, and then foUow immediately the same chloritic rock wliich we noticed on the Lankar-la, alternating with quartzose scliists, both of which must be regarded as of upper palaeozoic age. At Kizil-jilga regular sub-metamorphic slates appear, alternating with red conglom- erate and red sandstones ; and further on dark slate is the only rock to be seen the whole way down the Karakash, until the river assumes a north-easterly course, some fourteen miles east of the Karatagh pass. Prom here my route lay in a north-westerly direction towards Aktagh, and the same slaty rock was met with along the whole of this route up to the last-mentioned place. Dr. Bellew also traced these slates from the northern side of the Karakoram to Aktagh. They further continue northwards across the Suget-la, a few miles north of the pass, as well as in single patches down the Siiget river to its junction with the Karakash. The irregular range of hills to the south of the portion of the Karakash river, which flows almost east and west from Shah-i-dula, on its southern side entirely consists of these slates, while on the northern side it is composed of a fine-grained syenite, which also forms the whole of the Kuenluen range along the right bank of the Karakash river, and also is the sole rock composing the hills about the camping ground at Shah-i-dula. The slates of which I spoke are, on account of the close cleavage, mostly fine, crumbling, not metamorphic, and ^ must, I think, be referred to the silurian group. They correspond to the metamorphic schists on the southern side of the Karakoram ranges. Thus we have the whole system of mountain ranges between the Indus and the borders of Turkistan bounded on the north and south by syenitic rocks, including between them the silurian, carboniferous, and triassic formations.^ This fact is rather remarkable, for, south of the Indus, we have nearly all the principal sedimentary formations represented, from the silurian up to the eocene, and most of the beds abound in fossils. The only exception to which I can allude on the Changchenmo route is near Kium, in the Changchenmo vaUey. Here there are on the left bank of the river some remarkably > We are still somewhat in the dark as to the time nature of these curious fossils. Dr. Waagen considered them allied to some sponges (Astylospongia) described hy Professor Ferd. Romer from Tennessee and from the Silurian pebbles in the drift of Silesia, and certainly the resemblance externally and on cut sections is very great, but hitherto no spicules have been detected in the Karakoram stones. The specimens have now been sent to Europe for identification. * On his subsequent journey from Yarkand, Dr. Stoliezka found that the highest portions of the Karakoram pass consist of Uassic rocks (Tagling). See concluding portion of Geology, p. 45. e 18 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. recent-looking sandstones and conglomerates, dipping at an angle of about 45° to north by east, and at the foot of these beds rise the hot springs^ of Kium. I think it probable that this conglomerate has eastward a connection with the eocene deposits, which occur at the western end of the Pankong lake^ and in the Indus valley south of it. In the previous notes I have scarcely alluded to the dip of the rocks at the different localities. The reason is, that there is, indeed, very great difficulty in directly observing both the dip and the strike. At the western end of the Pankong lake the dip of the metamorphic schists is mostly south-westerly, but further on nearly all the rocks dip at a moderate angle to north-east, north by east, or to north. On the Lingzi-thung, just after crossing the Chang-lung, the shales are mostly highly inclined, but further on the limestones lie unconformably on them and dip to north-east. Wherever the lulls consist merely of shales and slates, their sides are generally so thickly covered with debris and detritus, that it becomes almost an exception to observe a rock m situ. The debris is brought down in large quantities by the melting snow into the valleys, and high banks of it are everywhere observable along the water-courses. At a somewhat remote — say diluvial — period this state of things has operated on a far greater scale. Not only were the lakes, like the Pankong, much more extensive, but valleys, like the Chang- chenmo, or the Tankse valley, sometimes became temporarily blocked up by glaciers, or great landsKps, and the shingle and clay deposits were often accumulated in them to a thickness of two or more hundred feet. N ear Aktagh similar deposits of stratified clay exist of about 160 feet in thickness, and extend over an area of more than 100 square miles.® There can be but little doubt that when these large sheets of water were in existence, the climate of these now cold and arid regions was both milder and moister, and naturally more favourable to animal and vegetable life than it is now. A proof of this is given, for instance, by the occurrence of subfossil Succinece^ Helices, and Fupce in the clay deposits of the Pankong lake, while scarcely any land mollusk could exist at the present time in the same place. Note regarding the occurrence of jade in the Karahdsh valley on the southern borders of Turhistan. [From Eecords of the Geological Survey of India, Vol. VII, p. 51 ; and Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1873, XXX, p. 568.] The portion of the Kuenluen range which extends from Shah-i-dula eastward towards Khotan appears to consist entirely of gneiss, syenitic gneiss, and metamorphic rocks, these being quartzose, micaceous, or hornblendic schists. On the southern declivity of this range, wliich runs along the right bank of the Karakash river, are situated the old jade mines, or rather quarries, formerly worked by the Chinese. They are about 7 miles distant from the Kirghiz encampment Balakchi, which itself is about 12 miles south-east of Shah-i- dula. I had the pleasure of visiting the mines in company with Dr. Bellew and Captain Biddulph, with a Yarkandi official as om’guide. > The temperature these hot springs varies from 60° to 125°. They form no deposit of gypsum, like the springs north of Gogra, but there is a good deal of soda deposit round them. (S). - 1 can find no mention of any eocene deposits at the western end of the Pankong lake in the diary. Some deposits are noticed which contain fresh-water shales, but are evidently much more recent. Some recent-looking yellow conglomerate or coarse sandstone is mentioned in the Rimdi valley, north of the Pankong lake. There may be some mistake in the wording of the text here, due to its having been printed in Dr. Stoliczka’s absence.- 3 For a description of the alluvial deposits of Ladak and the Upper Indus basin, see Drew, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1873, XXIX, p. 441. GEOLOGY. 19 We found the principal jade locality to be about miles distant from the river, and at a height of about 500 feet above the level of the same. Just in this portion of the range a few short spurs abut from the higher hills, all of which are, however, as usual, thickly covered with debris and sand — the result of disintegration of the original rock. The whole has the appearance of being produced by an extensive slip of the mountain-side. Viewing the mines from a little distance, the place seems to resemble a number of pigeon-holes worked in the side of the mountain, except that they are rather irregularly distributed. On closer inspection we saw a number of pits and holes dug out in the slopes, extending over a height of nearly a couple of hundred feet, and over a length of about a quarter of a mile. Each of these excavations has a heap of fragments of jade and rock at its entrance. Most of them are only from 10 to 20 feet high and broad, and their depth rarely exceeds 20 or 30 feet; only a few show some approach to low galleries of moderate length, and one or two are said to have a length of 80 or 100 feet. Looking on this mining operation as a whole, it is no doubt a very inferior specimen of the miners’ skill ; nor could the workmen have been provided with any superior instruments. I estimated the number of holes at about a hundred and twenty ; but several had been opened only experimentally — an operation which had often to be resorted to on account of the superficial sand concealing the under- lying rock. Several pits, also, which were probably exhausted at a moderate depth, had been again filled in ; their great number, however, clearly indicates that the people had been working singly, or in small parties. The rock, of which the low spurs at the base of the range are composed, is partly a thin- bedded, rather sandy, syenitic gneiss, partly mica and hornblendic schist. The felspar gradually disappears entirely in the schistose beds, wMch on weathered planes often have the appearance of a laminated sandstone. They include the principal jade-yielding rocks, being traversed by veins of a pure white, crystalline mineral, varying in thickness from a few feet to about forty, and perhaps even more. The strike of the veins is from north by west to south by east, or sometimes almost due east and west ; and their dip is either very high to- wards north, or they run vertically. I have at present no sufi&cient means to ascertain the true nature of this vein rock, as it may rather be called, being an aggregate of single crystals.^ The mineral has the appearance of albite, but the lustre is more silky, or perhaps rather glassy, and it is not in any way altered before the blowpipe, either by itself or with borax or soda. The texture is somewhat coarsely crystalline, rhombohedric faces being on a fresh fracture clearly traceable. It sometimes contains iron pyrites in very small particles, and a few flakes of biotite are also occasionally observed. This white rock is again traversed by veins of nephrite, commonly called jade ; which, however, also occurs in nests. There appear to be two varieties of it, if the one, of which I shall presently speak, really deserves the name of jade. It is a white tough mineral, having an indistinct cleavage in two different directions, while in the other directions the fracture is finely granular or splintery, as in true nephrite. Portions of this mineral, which is apparently the same as that usually called white jade, have sometimes a fibrous structure. This wliite jade rarely occupies the whole thickness of a vein ; it usually only occurs along the sides in immediate contact with the white vein rock, with which it sometimes appears to be very closely connected. The middle part of some of the veins, and the greater portion of others, consist entirely of the common ‘ The only specimen in the collection made by Dr. Stoliczka at this place which agrees with his description proves to be dolomite. 20 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. green jade, wliich is characterised by a thorough absence of cleavage, great toughness, and rather duU vitreous lustre. The hardness is always below 7, generally only equal to that of common felspar, or very little higher, though the polished surface of the stone appears to attain a greater hardness after long exposure to the air. The colom’ is very variable, from pale to somewhat darker green, approacliing that of pure serpentine. The pale-green variety is by far the most common, and is in general use for cups, mouth-pieces for pipes, rings and other articles used as charms and ornaments. I saw veins of the pale green jade amounting in thickness to fully 10 feet ; but it is by no means easy to obtain large pieces of it, the mineral being generally fractured in all directions. Like the crystalline vein-mineral, neither the white nor the green variety of jade is affected by the blowpipe heat, with or without addition of borax or soda. Green jade of a brighter colour and higher translucency is com- paratively rare, and, on that account, no doubt much more valuable. It is usually only found in thin veins of one or a few inches ; and even then it is generally full of flaws. Since the expulsion of the Chinese from Yarkand in 1864, the jade quarries in the Karakash valley have become entirely deserted. They must have yielded a considerable por- tion of the jade of commerce ; no doubt the workmen made a good selection on the spot, taking away only the best coloured and largest pieces ; for even now a great number of fair fragments, measuring 12 to 15 inches in diameter, form part of the rubbish thrown away as useless. The Balakchi locality is, however, not the only one which yielded jade to the Chinese. There is no reason to doubt the existence of jade along the whole of the Kuenluen range, as far as the mica and hornblendic schists extend. The great obstacle in tracing out the veins, and following them when once discovered, is the large amount of superficial debris and shifting sand which conceal the original rock in situ. However, fragments of jade may be seen among the boulders of almost every stream which comes down from the range. We also observed large fragments of jade near the top of the Sanju pass, which, on its southern side at least, mostly consists of thin-bedded gneiss and hornblendic schist. Another rich locality for jade appears to exist somewhere south of Khotan, from whence the largest and best coloured pieces are said to come ; most of them are stated to be obtained as boulders in a river bed, though this seems rather doubtful. Very likely the Chinese worked several quarries south of Khotan, similar to those in the Karakash valley, and most of the jade from this last locality was no doubt brought into Khotan, this being the nearest manufacturing town. A great number of the better polished ornaments, such as rings, &c., sold in the bazar of Yarkand, have the credit of coming from Khotan ; possibly they are made there by Chinese workmen, but the art of carving seems to have entirely died away, and indeed it is not to be expected that such strict Mahomedans as the Yarkandees mostly are would eagerly cultivate it. If the Turkistan people will not take the opportunity of profiting by the export of jade, or if no new locality of that mineral is discovered within Chinese territory, the celestial people will feel greatly the want of the article, and good carved specimens of jade will become great rarities. The Chinese seem to have been acquainted with the jade of the Kuenluen mountains for the last two thousand years, for Khotan jade is stated^ to be mentioned “by Chinese authors in the time of the dynasty under Wuti (B. C. 148—86).” > Yule’s Marco Polo, Vol. I, p. 177. (S.) GEOLOGY. 21 PAET III. Erom Sha.h-1-dula to Yarkand and Kashghar. [ From Records of the Geological Survey of India, Vol. VII, p. 49 ; and Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1874, Vol. XXX, p. 571. ] In a former commmucation I had already occasion to notice, that the rocks composing the Knenluen range near Shah-i-dula cliiefly consist of syenitic gneiss, often interbedded, and alternating with various metamorphic and quartzose schists. Similar rocks continue the whole way down the Karakash river for about 24 miles. After this the road follows, in a somewhat north-westerly direction, a small stream leading to the Sanju (or Grim) pass. Here the rocks are chiefly true mica scliist, in places full of garnets. Near the summit, and on the pass itself, chloritic and quartzose schists prevail, in wliich veins of pale- green jade occur, numerous blocks containing this mineral having been observed near the top of the pass. All the strata are very highly inclined, often vertical, the slopes of the hdls, and in fact of the entire range, being on that account rather precipitous, and the crests of the ridges them- selves very narrow. Section from the Sanju Pass to Kiwdz. To the north of the Sanju pass we again meet with metamorphic, mostly chloritic schists, until we approach the camping place Tam, where distinctly bedded sedimentary rocks cap the hiUs of both sides of the valley. They are dark, almost black, silky slates, resting unconformably on the schists, and are overlain by a grey, partly quartzitic sandstone, passing into conglomerate. The last rock contains particles of the black slates, and is, therefore, clearly of younger age. Some of the conglomeratic beds have a remarkably recent aspect, but others are almost metamorphic. In none of the groups, the slates or sandstones or conglomerates, have any fossils been observed ; hut they appear to belong to some palaeozoic formation. They all dip at from 40° to 50° towards north-east, extending for about miles down the Sanju valley. Here they are suddenly cut off by metamorphic schists, hut the exact place of contact on the slopes of the hills is entirely concealed by debris. The schists are only in one or two places interrupted by massive beds of a beautiful porphyritic gneiss, containing splendid crystals of orthoclase and biotite ; they continue for about 18 miles to the camp Kiwaz. On the road, which often passes through very narrow portions of the valley, we frequently met with old river deposits, consisting of beds of gravel and very fine clay, which is easily carried off by only a moderate breeze, and fills the atmosphere with clouds of dust. These old river deposits reach in many places up to about 150 feet / 22 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. above the present level of the river, which has to he waded across at least once in every mile. At the camp, Kiwaz, the hills on both sides of the valley are low, composed of a com- paratively recent-looking conglomerate, wliich in a few places alternates with beds of reddish, sandy clay, the tliickness of the latter varying from 2 to 5 feet only. These rocks strik- ingly resemble those of the supra-nummulitic group, so extensively represented in the neigh- bourhood of Mari. They decompose very readily, covering the slopes of the mountains with loose boulders and sand, under which very little of the original rock can be seen. Near the camp the beds dip at about 40° to north-east, but about one mile and a half further on a low' gap runs parallel to the strike, and on the other side of it the beds rise again, dipping with a similar angle to south-west, thus forming a synclinal at the gap. Below the conglomerate there crops out a grey, often semi-crystaUine limestone,^ containing in some of its thick layers large numbers of Crinoid stems, a Spirifer, very hke S. striaUis, and two species of FenestellcB. Eollowing the river to north by east, this carboniferous hmestone again rests on chloritic schist, which, after a mile or two, is overlain by red sandstone, either in horizontal or very shghtly inclined strata. Both these last-named rocks are very friable, easily crumbling between the fingers, particularly the latter, from wTiich the calcareous cement has been almost entirely dissolved out. At Sanju the red sandstones underlie coarse grey cal- careous sandstones and chloritic marls, some beds of which are nearly exclusively composed of Gryphcea vesiculosa,^ many specimens of this most characteristic middle cretaceous fossil being of enormous size. The Gryphcea beds and the red sandstones are conformable to each other; and although I have nowhere seen them interstratified near their contact, there is strong evidence of them being both of cretaceous age. Both decompose equally easily, and the Gryphcea beds have indeed in many places been entmely denuded. They have supphed the greater portion of the gravel and beds of shifting sand, which stretch in a north-easterly du’ection towards the unknown desert land. I. Chloritic schist. a. Carboniferous limestone. 3. Red sandstone. 4. Sandstones and marls with Gryph<^a vesiculosa. S- Conglomerate with reddish clay (? tertiary). Section from Kiwaz to Sanju, distance about 2 miles. On the road from Sanju to Yarkand, which first passes almost due west, and after some distance to north-west, we crossed extensive tracts of these gravel beds, and of low hills almost entirely composed of clay and sand, though we only skirted the true desert country. Locally, as, for instance, near Oi-toghrak and Bora, pale reddish sandstones crop out from under the more recent deposits, but they appear to be newer than the cretaceous red sand- stones, underlying the Gryphcea beds : the former most probably belong to some upper ' This carboniferous limestone had been previously noticed by Dr. Henderson, who gave a sketch of the section : “ Lahore to Yarkand,” p. 107. - G. vesicularis in the original; but as this is an upper cretaceous species, and the specimens resemble G. vesiculosa, I think the latter is the name which Dr. Stoliczka intended to use. GEOLOGY. 23 tertiary group. ^ Among the sandy and clayey deposits I was not a little surprised to find true Loess, as typical as it can anywhere he seen in the valleys of the Rhine or of the Danube- I might even speak of “Berg” and “Thal-Loss,” hut I shall not enter into details on this occasion, for I may have a much better opportunity of studying this remarkable deposit. At present I will only notice that commonly we meet with extensive deposits of Loess only in the valleys. Its thickness varies in places from 10 to 80 and more feet — a fine yellowish unstratified clay, occasionally with calcareous concretions and plant fragments. In Em^ope the origin of this extensive deposit was, and is up to the present date, a disputed question. Naturally, if a geologist is not so fortunate as to travel beyond the “ Rhein- ” or “ Donau - thal,” and is accustomed to be surrounded with the verdant beauty of these valleys, he might propose half a dozen theories ; and, as he advances in his experience, disprove the probability of one after the other, until his troubled mind is wearied of prosecuting the object further. Here in the desert countries, where clouds of fertile dust replace those of beneficial vapour, where the atmosphere is hardly ever clear and free from sand, nay occasionally satm’ated with it, — the explanation that the Loess is a subaerial deposit is almost involuntarily pressed upon one’s mind. I do not think that by this I am advancing a new idea ; for, unless I am very much mistaken, it was my friend Baron Richthofen who came to a similar conclusion during his recent sojourn in Southern China. Yarkand lies about 5 miles from the river, far away from the hills, in the midst of a weU cultivated land, intersected by- numerous canals of irrigation; a land full of interest for the agriculturist, but where the geological mind soon involuntarily falls into repose. And what shall I say of our road from Yarkand to Kashghar ? Little of geological interest, I am afraid. Leaving Yarkand, we passed for the first few miles through cultivated land, which, how- ever, soon gave way to the usual aspect of the desert, or something very little better. A few miles south-west of Kokrabat a low ridge runs from south-east to north-west. If we are allowed to judge from the numerous boulders of red sandstone and Gryphcea marl, some of considerable size and scarcely river-worn, we might consider the ridge as being composed of cretaceous rocks. But one hardly feels consoled with the idea that in wading through the sand he is only crossing a former cretaceous basin, and that the whole of this country has remained free from the encroachment of any of the caenozoic seas. It is very dangerous to jump to conclusions regarding the nature of ground untouched by the geological hammer. The answer to any doubt must for the present remain a desideratum. On the fourth day of our march, approaching Yangihissar, we also crossed a few very low ridges ; but these consisted entirely of gravel and marly clay beds, most of them dipping with a very high angle to south by east, the strike being nearly due east and west. South of Yangihissar the ridge bent towards south-west, and there was also a distant low ridge trace- able in a north-easterly direction, the whole having the appearance of representing the shore of some large inland water-sheet. Erom Yangihissar to Kashghar We traversed only low land, usually more or less thickly covered with a saline efidorescence, but still to a considerable extent cultivated. ' From a note in the diary of May 31st, made on the return journey from Yarkand, it appears that Dr. Stoliczka ultimately considered these rocks the equivalents of some examined north of Kashghar, which he termed Artysh beds. 24 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. PART IV. Geological observations made on a visit to the Chadyr-khl, Thian Shan Range. [From Records of the Geological Survey of India, Vol. VII, p. 18 ; and Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1874, Vol. XXX, p. 174.] After a stay of nearly a month in our embassy quarters at Yangisliahr, near Kashgliar, the diplomacy of our envoy secured us the Amir’s permission for a trip to the Chadyr-kul, a lake situated close on the Russian frontier, about 112 miles north by west of Kashghar, among the southern branches of the Thian Shan range. Under the leadership of Colonel Gordon, we — Captain Trotter and myseK — left Yangishahr about noon on the last day of 1873, receiving the greeting of the new year in one of the villages of the Artysh valley, some 35 miles north-west from omi last quarters. On the 1st of January 1874 we marched up the Toyanda river for about 20 miles to a small encampment of the Kirghiz, called Chung- terek ; and following the Toyanda, and passing the forts Mirza-terek and Chakmak, we camped on the fifth day at Turgat-hela, about 11 miles south of the Turgat pass, beyond which, 5 miles further on, lies the Chadyr-kul. On the sixth we visited the lake, and on the day following retraced our steps, by the same route we came, towards Kashghar, which we reached on the 11th January. Haying had a day’s shooting at Turgat-hela, and one day’s halt with the King’s obliging officers at the Chakmak fort, we were actually only nine days on the march, during which we accomplished a distance of about 224 miles. It will he readily understood that, while thus marcliing, there was not much time to search for favourable sections in out-of-the- way places, hut merely to note what was at hand on the road. I can therefore only intro- duce my geological observations as passing remarks. Leaving the extensive loess deposits of the valley of the Kashghar Daria, the plain rises very gradually towards a low ridge, of which I shall speak as the Artysh range. It is remark- ably uniform in its elevation, averaging about 400 feet, somewhat increasing in height towards the west and diminishing towards the east, which direction is its general strike. This range separates the Kashghar plain from the valley of the Artysh river, which cuts through the ridge about 8 miles nearly due north of the city. Viewed from this, the entire ridge aj)pears very regularly furrowed and weather-worn on its slope, indicating the softness of the material of which it is composed. One would, however, hardly have fancied that it merely consists of bedded clay and sand, mostly yellowish white, occasionally reddish, and some- times with interstratified layers of greater consistency, hardened by a calcareous or silicious cement. On the left hank, in the passage of the river through the ridge, the beds appear in dome shape, gently dipping towards the Kashghar plain on one side, and with a considerably higher angle into the Artysh valley on the other. On the right bank at the gap all the exposed beds dip southward, those on the reverse of the antichnal having been washed away by the Artysh river up to the longitudinal axis, and thus exposing almost vertical faces. These remarkably homogeneous clayey and sandy beds may appropriately he called Artysh beds ; and although I could nowhere find a trace of a fossil in them, it seems to me very probable that they are of marine origin and of neogene age. GEOLOGY. 25 The southern slopes of the ridge are on their basal half entirely covered with gravel, which in places even extends to the top, assuming here a thickness of from 10 to 15 feet. Locally the gravel beds are separated from the main range by a shallow depression, forming a low ridge which runs along the base of the higher one, and from which it is, even in the distance, clearly discernible by its dark tint. The pebbles in the gravel are mostly of small size and well river- worn ; they are derived to a very large extent from grey or greenish sandstones and shales, black or white limestone, more rarely of trap, basalt, and of gneiss. With the exception of the last-named rock, all the others had been met with in situ in the Upper Toyanda valley. The pieces of gneiss belong to a group of metamorphic rock which is usually called Frotogine. It is mainly composed of quartz and white or reddish orthoclase, with a comparatively small proportion of a green chloritic substance. The white felspar variety generally contains as an accessory mineral schorl, in short, rather thick, crystals. I shall subsequently allude to the probable source from which the protogine pebbles might have been derived. Erom Artysh we marched, as already stated, northwards, up the Toyanda river, and for the next 22 mhes one was surprised to find nothing but the same Artysh and gravel deposits, the former constantly dipping at a high angle to north by west, and the latter resting on them in slightly inclined or horizontal strata ; while among the recent river deposits in the bed of the vaUey itself the order of things appeared reversed. The gravels, having first yielded to denudation, here underly the clays derived from the Artysh beds, thus preparing an arable ground for the agriculturist, whenever a favourable opportunity offers itself. A few miles south of Chung-terek, the laminated Artysh beds entirely disappear under the gravel, which from its greater consistency assumes here the form of a rather tough, coarse conglomerate. In the bend of the river the latter has a thickness of fully 200 feet, and is eroded by lateral rivulets into remarkably regular Gothic pillars and turrets. It is rare to meet with a more perfect imitation of human art by natm*e. The general surface of the gravel deposits is comparatively low, from 400 to 500 feet above the level of the river ; it is much denuded and intersected by minor streams and old water-courses. Koktan rang!. Section from Kdshghar to the Chadyr Lake. At a couple of miles north of Chung-terek the Koktan range begins with rather abrupt limestone cliffs, rising to about 3,000 feet above the level of the Toyanda. Nearly in the mid- 26 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. die of it are situated the forts Mirza-terek and Chakmak, some ten miles distant from each other. The southern portion of this range consists at its base of undulating layers of greenish or purplish shales, overlain by dark-coloured, mostly black, limestone in thick and thin strata, the latter being generally earthy. The limestone occupies all the higher elevations, and, as is generally the case, greatly adds to the ruggedness of the mountains. About 5 miles north of Chung-terek, I found in a thick bed of limestone an abundance of Megalodon triqueter, a large Finna, a Spiriferina of the type of S. stracheyi, blocks f ull of Litho- dendron corals, and numerous sections of various small Gastropoda. Thinner layers of the same limestone were fuU of fragments of Crinoid stems, and of a branching Ceriopora, the rock itself hearing a strong resemblance to the typical St. Cassian beds. In this place the shales, underlying the limestone, were partly interstratified with it, in layers of from 5 to 10 feet; and from this fact it seems to me probable that they also are of triassic age, representing a lower series of the same formation. Proceeding in a north-westerly direction, the Megalodon limestones are last seen near Mirza-terek. Prom this place the greenish shales continue for a few miles further on, much disturbed and contorted ; and at last disappear under a variety of dark-coloured shales, slates, and sandstones, with occasional interstratified layers of black, earthy limestone. The strike of the beds is from east by north to west by south, and the dip either very high to north or vertical. At Chakmak the river has cut a very narrow passage through these almost vertical strata, which rise precipitously to about 3,000 feet, and to the south of the fort appear to be overlain by a lighter-coloured rock. It is very difficult to say what the age of these slaty beds may be, as they seem entirely unfossiliferous, and we can at present only regard them as representing, in all probability, one of the palaeozoic formations. About 5 miles north-west of Chakmak a sensible decrease in the height of the range takes place, and with it a change in the geological formation. The palaeozoic beds, although still crossing the valley in almost vertical strata, become very much contorted ; while, uncon- formably on them, rest reddish and wliite sandstones and conglomerates, regularly bedded, and dipping to north-west with a steady slope of about 40 degrees. The rocks, though evidently belonging to a comparatively recent (eaenozoic) epoch, appear to be much altered by heat, some layers having been changed into a coarse grit, in which the cement has almost entirely disappeared. I have not, however, observed any kind of organic remains in them. A little distance further on, they several times alternate with suceessive, conformably bedded, doleritic trap. The rock is either hard and compact, being an intimate, rather fine-grained mixture of felspar and augite in small thin crystals, or it decomposes into masses of various greenish and purplish hues, like some of the basic greenstones. After leaving the junction of the Suyok and Toyanda (or Chakmak) rivers, and turning northwards into the valley of the latter, the panorama is really magnificent. Shades of white, red, purple, and black compete with each other in distinctness and brilliancy, until the whole series of formations appears in the distance capped by a dark-bedded rock. Although, judging from the greater frequency of basaltic boulders, we abeady knew that this rock must be found further north, we hardly realised the pleasant sight which awaited us on the march of the 4th January, after having left our camp at Gulja, or Bokum- bashi. The doleritic beds increased step by step in thickness, and after a few miles we passed through what appeared to be the centre of an extensive volcanic eruption. Along the banks of the river columnar and massive basalt was noticed several times, with occasional small heaps of slags and scorite, among a few outcrops of very much altered and disturbed GEOLOGY. 27 strata of red or white sandstone, thus adding to the remarkable contrast of the scene. In front of us, and to the right, stretched in a semicircle a regular old Somma ; the almost perpendicular walls rising to about 1,500 feet above the river, and clearly exposing the stratifi- cation of the basaltic flows, which were successively dipping to north-east, east, and south- east. On our left, as well as in an almost due western direction, portions of a similar Somma were visible above the sedimentary rocks, all dipping in the opposite way from those ahead of us. The cone itself has in reality entirely disappeared by subsidence, and the cavity was filled with the rubbish of the neighbouring rocks. Passing further north we crossed a comparatively low country, studded with small rounded hiUs and intercepted by short ridges, with easy slopes ; the average height was between 12,000 and 13,000 feet. This undulating high plateau proved to be one of the head- quarters of the Kulja (Ovis karelini), chiefly on account of the very rich grass vegetation which exists here. For this the character of the soil fuUy accounts. The entire ground was shown to consist of limestone gravel and pebbles of rather easily decomposing rocks, mixed with the ashes and detri- tus, evidently derived from the proximity of the volcanic eruption. Only rarely was an isolated basaltic dyke seen, or the tertiary sandstone cropping out from under the more recent deposits. Viewing the country from an elevated position near our camp at Turgat-bela, the conglomerate and gravel beds, well clad with grass vegetation, were seen to stretch far away eastwards, and in a north-easterly direction across the Turgat pass ; while on the south they were bounded by a continuation of the somewhat higher basaltic hills. Towards the west I traced them for about 7 miles, across a low pass at which a tributary of the Toyanda rises in two branches ; while on the other side two similar streams flow west by south to join the Suyok river. To the north the proximity of a rather precipitously rising range shut the rest of the world out of view. For this ridge the name Terak-tagh of Humboldt’s map may be retained; its average height ranges between about 16,000 and 17,000 feet. In its western extension it runs almost due east and west, composed at base of a tough limestone conglomerate of younger tertiary origin, followed by white dolomitic limestones, and then by a succession of slaty and dark Hmestone rocks, the former occasionally showing distinct signs of metamorphism, and changing into schist. All the beds are nearly vertical or very highly inchned, dipping to north by west, the older apparently resting on the younger. North of Turgat-bela the range makes a sudden bend in an almost northerly direction, and continues to the Chadyr-kul, where it forms the southern boundary of the lake plateau. By this time the white dolomitic, and afterwards the slaty beds, have entirely disappeared, and with them the height has also diminished. A comparatively low and narrow branch of the range which we visited consists here entirely of dark limestone, which in single frag- ments is not distinguishable from the trias limestone of the Koktan mountains, but here it does not contain any fossils. The ridge itself, after a short stretch in a north-east by north direction, gradually disappears under the much newer conglomeratic beds. Across the Chadyr-kul plain the true Thian Shan range was visible, a regular forest of peaks seemingly of moderate and tolerably uniform elevation. The rocks all exhibited dark tints, but most of them, as well as the hills to the west of the Chadyr-kul, near the sources of the Arpa, were clad in snow. The lake itself was frozen, and the surrounding plain covered with a white sheet of saline efflorescence. Brief sketch of the geological history of the hill ranges traversed. — In order that the preceding remarks may be more easily understood, I add a few words regarding the changes 28 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. winch appear to have taken place at the close of the caenozoic epoch within the southern offshoots of the Thian Shan which we visited. Short as our sojourn in the mountains was, it proved to he very interesting and equally instructive. Humboldt’s account of the volcanicity of the Thian Shan, chiefly taken from Chinese sources, receives great support ; hut we must not speculate further beyond confid- ing in the expectation that both meso- and caenozoic rocks will be found amply represented in it. As far as our present researches on the physical aspect of the country extend, we may speak of three geologically different ranges : the Terek range, which is the northernmost, the Koktan in the middle, followed by the Artysh range, below winch begins the Kashghar plain. AU three decrease in the same order in their absolute height, the last very much more so than the middle one. The first consists of old sedimentary rocks, the second of similar rocks in its southern parts, while younger tertiary and basaltic rocks occupy the northern portions ; the tliird is entirely composed of young tertiary deposits. The general direction of all the ranges is from west to east, or nearly so : tliis direction evidently dating from the time when the whole of the Thian Shan chain was elevated. The undulating high plateau between the Terek and the Koktan is, near Turgat-bela, about 8 miles wide, the distance between the two ranges diminishing westward, while in the opposite direction it must soon more than double. Judging from the arrangement of the pebbles, which, as already noticed, are half derived from limestone, the direction of the old drainage must have been from west to east, and must have formed the head-waters of the Aksai river, which on the maps is recorded as rising a short distance east of the Chadyr-kul. Similarly, the gravel vaUey between the Koktan and Artysh ranges indicates a west to east drainage, and its width appears to have approximately averaged 20 miles. About 3 miles north of Chung-terek a secondary old valley exists, also extending from west to east, and is diametrically cut across by the Toyanda river. In this valley, which was formerly tributary to the one lying more southward, the gravel beds accumulated to a thickness of fully 100 feet. As the Artysh range did not offer a sufficiently high barrier, masses of the gravel passed locally over it or through its gaps into the Kashghar plain, which itself at that time formed a third large broad valley. Thus, at the close of the volcanic eruptions in the liills north of Chakmak, we find three river systems all flowing eastward, and made more or less independent of each other by mountain ranges, about which it would, however, not be fair to theorise (in the present state of our knowledge) on the causes of then* assumed relative position. It must have been at that time that the pebbles of protogine were brought down from some portion of the bill s lying to the west ; and it would be interesting to ascertain whether or not tliis rock is any- where in that direction to be met withm situ} When the tm’bulent times of Vulcan’s reign became exhausted and tranquillity was restored, the whole country south of the axis of the ' In Severtzof’s journey to the western portion of the Thian Shan (Jour. Eoy. Geogl. Soc., 1870, pp. 352, &c.) metamorphic rocks are stated to be largely developed in the ranges further to the north-west. A large tract of geologically unexplored mountains intervenes, however, between the southern limits of Severtzof’s examination and the Chadyr-kul. Baron Osten-Sacken’s journey aid the Chadyr-kul, from Vemoye to the neighbourhood of Kashghar (Jour. Eoy. Geogl. Soc., 1870, p. 250), contains scarcely any information as to the geology of the countries traversed. He does not even notice the volcanic rocks south of the Chadyr-kul. See remarks at the end of Part V, p. 33. It is perhaps as well to point out here, what will probably have occurred to many geologists who have read thus far. The geological school to which Ur. Stoliczka belonged has not, I believe, accepted the views prevalent amongst most English geologists as to the extent of subaerial denudation. It is far from improbable that some of the geological phenomena attributed by Dr. Stoliczka to subsidence might by other observers be considered as a simple effect of disintegration and removal by rain-water. GEOLOGY. 29 Thian Slian must have greatly subsided, and the wider the valleys, the more effectively was the extent of subsidence felt. To support this idea by an observation, I may notice that north of Chung-terek, at the base of the Koktan range, the Artysh beds have entirely disappeared in the depth, and the gravel beds overlying them dip partially under the Trias hmestone, — a state of things which cannot he explained by denudation, but only by subsidence and consequent overturning of the older beds above the younger ones. A similar state of things is to be observed on the Terek range, where the young tertiary limestone conglomerate is in some places of contact overlain by the much older dolomite. Now, if the broad valley of the Kashghar plain sank first, and gradually lowest, as it in all probability did, we find a more ready explanation of the large quantities of loose gravel pouring into it and accumulating at the base of the Artysh range. The sinking in of the volcanic centre north-west of Chakmak first appears to have drained off the former head of the Aksai river, making it the head of the Toyanda instead ; and to the north of the Terek ridge it was most probably the cause of the origin of the Chadyr-kul. The subsidence of the country followed in the south, making it possible for the united Suyok and Toyanda rivers to force their passage right across the Koktan range, strengthen the Artysh river, cut with facility through the Artysh range, and join the Kashghar Daria. While thus indicating the course of the comparatively recent geological liistory of the ground, it must be, however, kept in mind that this change in the system of drainage had no essential effect upon the direction of the hill ranges. This, dating from much older times, was mainly an east-westerly one, following the strike of the rocks which compose the whole mountain system. h 30 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. PART V. Altyn-Artysh. [From the Records of the Geological Survey of India, Vol. VIII, p. 13.] Under the personal guidance of the Envoy, we — Dr. Bellew, Captain Chapman, Captain Trotter, and myself — left Yangishahr on the 14th of Eehruary, reaching Altyn-Artysh at a late hour the same day. A halt of two days was desirable to enable us to make aU necessary arrangements for our further movements. However, before I proceed, I shall endeavour to give the reader an idea of the geographical position and limits of the country, of which I shall speak in the subsequent lines. The data are derived from a general survey by Captain Trotter, and from information given by the Hakim Mahomed Khoja. Altyn-Artysh, which is the chief place of the province, lies approximately about 23 miles north by east of Yangishahr. It is situated in the western part of the Yilak^ on the Bogoz, here called Artysh river, and north of a low ridge which separates the Artysh valley from the plains. The southern boundary runs along this ridge for about 10 miles west of Altyn-Artysh, and from there almost due north to the crest of the Koktan range ; then along this range eastwards of the Belauti pass, and from thence in a south-western direction to the village of Kushtignak, some 15 miles north of Paizabad. Prom here the southern boundary runs close to the right hank of the Kashghar river, until almost opposite to where the Artysh river runs into the plains. During the first four days we all marched in company up the valley of the Bogoz river to the fort Tongitar, about 23 miles to the north by west ; then to a Kirgliiz camp, Bashsogon, in a north-easterly direction ; Tughamati almost eastern, and Ayok-sogon in a south-eastern direction ; the directions being from the last camps respectively. At Ayok-sogon Captain Trotter and I separated from the rest of the party, and marched northwards along the Ushturfan road to Jaitapa, and from thence across the Jigda Jilga in a north-east by east (?) direction to the camp at Uihulak, crossing the Uibulak pass, passing a second jilga, and turning then for almost 9 miles more northwards to the Belauti pass, beyond wliich lies the valley of the Kakshal or Aksai river. On our retmm we passed Ayok-sogon, Karawal, about a mile from our former camp of the same name, and visited Kulti-ailak and Paizabad, returning to Yangishahr on the 3rd of March. It was not a very favourable time for travelling in these regions, not so much on account of the cold, as in consequence of the heavy falls of snow which appear to occur over the whole of the Tliian Shan during the second half of Pehruary and first half of March. During the last few days of Pehruary we were almost constantly wading in fresh-fallen snow, though on the saline plains it melted very rapidly. The snow naturally interfered seriously with our observations. * Yilak, or Ailak, is the summer, Kishlak the winter, residence. Amongst the pastoral wandering tribes of Central Asia, it is the practice to drive all the animals to higher elevations for pasture in summer, and to bring them to lower ground when the upland pastures are covered with snow. The terms mentioned are used by the Turk tribes. GEOLOGY. 31 Erom a geological point of view the trip proved in many respects to be of considerable interest, particularly as supplementing some former observations made more to the west. Although there is not much variety in the rock formations, we may distinguish three successive series. 1. The most southern part of the province, along the foot of the hills, is formed of alluvial gravels and sand, in whose unfathomable depths are swallowed both the Artysh and Sogon rivers before they can reach the Kashghar Daria. 1. Gravel. I za. Gravels and conglomerates in Artysh beds. 2. Artysh beds. I 3- Shales and limestone. ' 4. Carboniferous, crinoidal, dolomitic limestone. Section from the Kashghar plain to Tongitar, about 25 miles. 2. The second series includes the low hills which extend diametrically from north to south over about 30 miles, while the prevalent strike is from north-east by east to south-west by west. All these lower hills are occupied by Artysh beds, of which I spoke in a former com- munication.^ They are separated into two groups. The lower beds consist of greenish or reddish clays or sandstones, and the upper of coarse conglomerates, which on a hill south of Tongitar have a thickness of about 1,000 feet. At their contact both groups generally alternate in several layers. An anticlinal runs almost through the middle of their superficial extent. At the fort Ayok-sogon it is caused by a low ridge of old dolomitic lime- stones on which the Artysh clays and sandstones found a firm' support. To the south of it the beds dip at angles of about 40° and 50° towards the Kashghar plain, in remarkably regular and successive layers. North of the ridge, which has no doubt a considerable subterranean extent in an east to west direction, aU the beds dip towards north by west at a similar angle. Approaching the higher range, more recent diluvial gravels cover most of the slopes. The geological puzzle of finding strata of young beds as a rule dipping towards a higher range composed of comparatively much older rocks seems to me to be due, at least in this special case, to the phenomenon that the atmospheric waters which, descending on the crest, flow down the slopes of the high ridge, gradually soften them, and if a subterranean outlet facihtate it, the softened beds are worn away. While this process is going on, the more distant beds simply subside in order to fill the vacant spaces. In some cases a sinking or rising of the main range, or even an overturn of high and precipitous clills, seem to go hand in hand with the action of erosion, but it is not always the case. I hope to illustrate this idea by a few diagrams, partly derived from actual observations, on some futiu’e occasion. 3. A third series of entirely different rocks forms the main range of hills, which are a continuation of the Koktan range, and in which, more to the westward, are situated the Terek and Chakmak forts. The average height of the range above the plain of Kashghar is here between 1,200 and 1,300 feet, single peaks rising to about 1,500 feet. The whole of the southern portion consists, as far as I could see, of carboniferous rocks, in which, however, there is a great variety of structure. The lowest beds are very often a peculiar breccia- limestone passing * In his field books Dr. StoHczka speaks of these as probably triassic, but he may have changed his opinion subsequently, for in his published notes he classes them with the dolomitic limestone, and refers all to the carboniferous period. - Ante, p. 24. 32 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. into regular limestone conglomerate. Above this are beds of solid grey dolomitic limestone, partly massive, partly stratified ; the former possessing the character of reef limestone, and portions of it are indeed full of reef -building corals, crinoid stems, and a large S'pirifer, the sections of which, when seen on the surface, have a striking resemblance to those of Megcilodon. North of Tongitar and about Bash-sogon I met in several places great numbers of fossils, but they were so firmly cemented in a calcareous matrix that only a few could be extracted. Among these I could recognise a small Bellerophon, Productus seniireticulatus, and an Athyris. A new Terehratula was also very common. Here, about Bash-sogon and Tugha- mati, greenish shales occurred often interstratified with the hmestones, beds of which were highly carbonaceous ; the shales appeared to be unfossihferous. The limestone hills, wliich, as already stated, are a continuation of the Koktan range, extend in a north-easterly direction the whole way to south of the Belauti pass, where they are overlaid by a particularly well-bedded dark limestone very similar to that containing Megalodon north of Chung-terek. On this limestone rest greenish and piuplish sandstones and shales which occupy the pass and the adjoining liills to the north-west of it ; minera- logically these last rocks are quite identical with what we understand under the name of “ Bunter sandstein,^^ and it is by no means improbable that the Belauti beds are also of triassic age, as they succeed in regular layers those of the carboniferous formation. A peculiar feature in this part of the hills consists in the occurrence of extensive plains to wliich the VLWCiQjilga is generally applied. It means originally, I think, merely a water- course, and, on a large scale, these plains may be looked upon as water-courses of former water-sheets. They occm’ at the base of the high range, and in some respects resemble the duns of the southern slopes of the Himalayas. North of Tongitar one of these large plains occurs within the limestone rocks, being surrounded by them on aU sides. It must be about 30 miles long from east to west, and about 16 from north to south. Several isolated limestone hiUs and ridges occur in it, and it is drained off by the Bogoz and Sogon rivers, the former rising in the south-west, the latter in the south-east corner. The average elevation is about 5,000 feet. The greater portion is covered with a low scrubby vegetation, and, near the rivers, with high grass. The principal camping grounds are Bash-sogon and Tughamati. The whole plain, which affords good pasturage ground, is occupied by about 120 tents of Kirghiz during the summer. The next jilga is the Jigda Jilga. It differs considerably both in its physical situation and in its general character from the former. It stretches from west by south to east by north for about 35 miles, while the diameter of the eastern half is about 20 and that of the western about 12 miles. Save for a few low luUocks it is almost a level plain throughout. On the north-western, northern, and north-eastern side it is bounded by the Koktan range, from which several water-courses lead into it, one about the middle from the north, and one from north-east of considerable size, this containing a large quantity of crystalline pebbles ; the rock from wliich they are derived must be in situ near the axis of the ridge. A third big stream comes from the east, leading from the Uibulak pass. None of these streams had any water in them. On the south, east, and south-east the plain is bounded by the much lower hills composed of Artysh beds ; their slopes covered with gravel. An elevated gap or saddle situated in the south-west corner appears to connect this jilga with that of Tughamati. There is no drainage from this jilga ; all the water is absorbed by the enormous thickness of sand and mud which fills the entire basin. GEOLOGY. 33 The southern part of the jilga, particularly south-east of Jaitupa, is lowest, and here a large quantity of pure salt, in small cubical crystals, is collected. The fact that there is such a large quantity of saline matter together with salt swamps in the southern part, seems to prove that this jilga at least, and probably most of the others, had been washed out by the sea» and that, while others had gradually, though only partially, drained off the saline matter, this one retained it, because it has at present no outlet. It is in fact a dried-up saKne lake, which at some remote time was cut off from the sea, of which it was a fiord. A third jilga is south of the Belauti pass and north-east of the TJihulak pass. It is about 8 miles in breadth and the same in length. There are two large water-courses leading to it from the range. On the southern side it is enclosed by Artysh and gravel beds but whether an outlet exists is not known. A southerly outlet very likely exists. [Some little information as to the geology of the Thian Shan may be gained from Russian travellers, although, so far as I am aware, no general description of the range has been hitherto attempted by them ; nor, indeed, have the mountains been sufficiently explored to enable its geology to be thoroughly understood. With the exception of publications in the Russian language, the only original papers in which the geology of the Thian Shan is treated, so far as I know, are those by Semenoff and SevertzofP,^ Osten-Sacken’s interesting journey across the mountains, from Vernoye to the neighbourhood of Kashghar,^ affording very little geological information. A very good general resumd of the section across the Tliian Shan is given by Professor Suess ^ in a work which has recently appeared on the “ Origin of the Alps,” in which the geology of various mountain chains is discussed. The following translation will probably serve to give a better idea of the constitution of these mountain ranges than any which I could compile from the same materials. After describing Dr. Stoliczka’s discoveries. Professor Suess says, referring to the Russian explorers, — “ From these works it appears that these mountains are solely composed of old rocks, stratified and un- stratified. To granite, syenite, and diorite succeed old slates, and then palseozoie limestones, amongst which the existence of mountain limestone is proved by fossils. The newest formation is Permian (Rothiegende) in the form of red sandstone and conglomerate, locally containing salt and gypsum. A band of red porphyry runs along the northern foot of the most northerly of these ehains, the Trans-Ili-Alatau. * “No mesozoic or tertiary beds are known to occur; consequently the succession of strata is nearly the same as in the Kuenluen, and as, according to Richthofen, in a great portion of the Chinese empire. The moun- tains are composed of great folds, the strike of which occasionally corresponds with that of the separate chains. “ The main chain of the Thian Shan consists, according to SemenofP, of two parallel axes of granite and syenite, the southern of which forms the principal ridge of the mountains,® the northern the ridge of a > SemenofF ; Erforschungsreise im Innern Asiens im Jahre 1857, Pet. Mit., 1858, p 350; Narrative of an exploring expedition from Fort Vernoye to the western shore of Issik-kul Lake, Eastern Turkestan. — Jour. Roy. Geogl. Soc., 1869, p. 311. Severtzoif : A journey to the western part of the celestial range (Thian Shan), Jour. Roy. Geogl. Soc., 1870, p. 343 (translated from the Russian). — Erforschung des Thian Schan Gebirgssystems, &c., Erganzungshefte No. 42, 43, Pet. Mit., 1875. - Jour. Roy. Geogl. Soc., 1870. p. 250. ® Entshehung der Alpen, 1875, pp. 135, 142. * The names adopted for these various mountain chains by Russian and German geographers are cumbrous, and might be simplified with advantage. The Trans-Ili-Alatau is the range just south of Fort Vernoye, and is the more northern of two parallel chains north of Lake Issik (Issik-kul). ® The main range is considered to be that lying south of Lake Issik. The highest and best marked portion of this main range lies further to the eastward than the meridian of the lake. 34 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. parallel secondary chain. Between the two the palaeozoic rocks rise to a considerable elevation, forming: synclinal and longitudinal valleys. We shall follow the section to the north-east, from the foot of the principal ridge, according to Severtzoff’s latest accounts, and begin at the Naryn River, the valley of which is bounded on the south by an outer range of the Thian Shan, the Chakir-tau. This consists of granite and mica schist, the opposite slope of the valley being entirely composed of contorted clay-slate, which locally, overlaid by dark violet porphyry conglomerate, extends to the north-west to the top of the Sari-tau, in which, at the pass of Barskoum, syenite is exposed. “ Proceeding from this pass towards Lake Issik diorite and serpentine are first seen ; then mountain limestone, which forms a synclinal. This synclinal coincides with the longitudinal valley separating the Sari-tau from the next range to the north, the Terskei-Alatau, and this latter corresponds to the Sari-tau ridge precisely, so that, on the north side of the intervening valley, first mountain limestone with the slope reversed, then diorite, and finally syenite, are met with. Below, on the shores of Issik-kul, sandstone is found, which may be compared with the carboniferous strata of the Kara-tau. ^ At the eastern end of Issik-kul the little range of Kisil-kija^ consists of red argillaceous sandstone; this range lies nearly in the direction of the greatest (longitudinal) diameter of the lake itself, and in the line of strike of the Rothliegende at the western end of the lake, in the gorge of the Boam stream and on the northern slopes of the Khighiz Alatau.® Proceeding over the Santash pass into the region of the Trans-lli-Alatau, this is found to consist of granite intersected by two or more bands of limestone standing at high angles or bent into trough-shaped curves ; one of these bands forming the ridge between the rivers Chilik and Chanishk. “ Finally, the granite northern slopes of the Trans-Ili-Alatau, as already stated, are terminated, towards the north, by a long but rather low chain of hills which consist of porphyry.^'] ' North of Chemkend and Tashkend. | - Tasma mountains on some maps. ^ Now called on many maps Alexandrovski range. GEOLOGY. 35 PAET VI. Prom Yangihissar, Kashghar, to Panjah, in Wakhan, by the Little Pamir, and RETURN JOURNEY BY THE GrEAT PaMIR. [This section, like that describing the country between Mari and Leh, is simply compiled from Dr. StoUczka’s diary. It commences from Yangihissar, two marches, or about 40 miles, from Kashghar, on the road to Yarkand. Thence the route followed led in a south-west direction through the district of Sarikol (Sirikol) to the frontier of Wakhan, at or near Aktash, a distance of about 150 miles in a direct line, and thence in a west-south- west direction for 120 miles more across the Pamir steppe to Panjah or Kila Panjah in Wakhan. The road from the Yarkand frontier to Panjah traverses a district known as the Little Pamir, and follows the more southern of the two streams which unite near Panjah to form the head of the Amu or Oxus; the return route to Aktash was by the northern stream (that followed by Wood) and the Victoria lake. From Aktash the party with which Dr. Stoliczka was associated returned by the same route as before to Yangihissar. The geological notes made on this portion of the return east- ward journey have been incorporated with those made in the same localities on the westward route. The former largely supplement the latter, which were made ^when the ground was much concealed by snow.] March 21st, Yangihissar to Ighiz Yar . — Started for Sarikol under Gordon, with Bid- dulph and Trotter. March of about 18 miles almost due south. A mile from Yangihissar we crossed several low ridges, extending for about a couple of miles, of what appeared to be upper Artysh beds, consisting of sand, clay, and conglomeratic beds. The dip was at first north by east, then the beds were horizontal, and further on they dipped to south by west. Crossed the Yangihissar stream, and traversed, first, a saline plain, and then one of gravel. The ascent throughout was very gradual, but must have amounted altogether to more than 1,000 feet. March 22nd, AMala . — A march of about 18 miles, chiefly in a south-western direction. The low hills west of Ighiz Yar are composed of lower Artysh beds, hardened greenish sand- stones much contorted.^ Leaving Ighiz Yar, we crossed the plain for about 3 miles, and then entered the narrow valley of the Bin or Bing river. The rocks at the entrance are lower Artysh sandstones, much contorted and disturbed- They continue for fully a mile, and are then succeeded by greenish sandstones and shales of a much older appearance. These rocks are again at first very much disturbed, but further on they dip regularly at a low angle to west by south, or even to west. The general dip, however, appears to be north-east. Nearer to the camp Aktala, the sandstones and slates alternate with highly carbonaceous shales and slates, and some highly ferruginous or hsema- ’ On the return route from the Pamir and Wakhan on this march from Aktala to Ighiz Yar the following remark occurs ; “ The same slates and thin-kedded sandstones continue all the way. Towards the plain they alternate with coarser and conglomeratic beds ; hut they all appear to belong to the same old series.” I infer from this that Dr. Stoliczka was finally inclined to believe that the rocks near Ighiz Yar, which he at first assigned to the Artysh beds (tertiary), were really older. 36 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. titic beds. These older beds very much resemble those we saw about Chakmak,^ which also may turn out to be the same we saw north of Tam.^ The sides of the hills are more or less thickly covered with loess dust, which much obscured the bedding of the rocks. I found no fossils. Among the river boulders I noticed boulders of the red sandstone we saw south of Sanju, and a greenish syenitic rock. Taka. Aktala. Ighix Yar. 1 . Clay, loo feet above the plain. . 4. Earthy limestone. 3. Gravel and loess. 5. Sandstone and conglomerate. 3. Slates and sandstones, occasionally conglomeratic. I 6. Greenstone. Section from Sasak Taka to Ighiz Yar. March 2Srd, Sdsak Taka, 13^ miles. — The dark slates, shales, and sandstone continued for a couple of miles, then followed greenish chloritic and felspathic rocks, very much hke those south of Sanju, but more massive, being in fact a form of greenstone. These cap the whole series, and in one or two places come down to the bed of the river. Next follow earthy limestones, wliitish or dark in colour, without any fossils, and then shales, carbonaceous slates, &c., with occasional conglomeratic beds and coarse sandstones. The whole of this series appears to be the same we saw on the road from Tam to Sanju. Some of the strata very highly carbonaceous, but not a trace of a fossil anywhere, March 24th, Kaskasu. — Fourteen miles up the river Kaskasu. Nothing but the same carbonaceous slates and shales which are probably palaeozoic, or occasional beds of grey more or less coarse sandstone, or even conglomerate. Not a trace of a fossil anywhere. The beds are mostly much disturbed and contorted, but where traces of regularity occur, they are seen dipping to south-west at an angle of about 50°. About half-way the old rocks were overlain hy an old alluvial deposit, mostly consisting of boulders of the red sandstone, somewhat sparingly intermixed with boulders of gneiss. I have, however, not seen anywhere in situ the red sandstone ; the greater portion seems to have come from a valley leading into the Kas- kasu from the west about 4 miles east of our camp at Kaskasu. In several of the streams coming from the north, pebbles of white doloniitic limestone are seen containing a fossil hke Bellerophon. These are probably from the white hmestone, which is seen further on from the pass, and which is probably carboniferous. There were also blocks of a black earthy limestone, fuU of crinoid stems ; this last is probably Silurian and interbedded with the black slates. A very similar limestone was seen on the road, but it contained no crinoids. March 25th, Chehil Gomhdz. — A short march of 11 miles across the Kaskasu pass. The bed of the Kaskasu river was strewn with boulders of gneiss, which must have come from the head of the stream. East of the pass the rocks are the same as before ; palseozoic slates, sandstones, and conglomerates striking north and south, nearly vertical, much contorted, but sometimes dipping to the westward. On the pass the beds apparently dip north-east, but the strike is very indistinct, the surface being covered with fine clay, partly derived from the ' North -north-west of Ivashghar, p. 26. | ^ Near the Sanju pass, south of Yarkand, p. 21. GEOLOGY. 37 decomposition of the slates, but principally, in all probability, a subaerial deposit, like the loess. In some places this clay covering is thin, and on a sharp incbne parts of it are often carried away, so that some of the slopes have a rather rugged appearance. Looking north from the pass, I saw what was evidently limestone on one of the hills ; it was probably the same as the carboniferous limestone seen south-west of Sanju, hut there was no possibility of getting near the hiU. In a north by east direction I saw red thin-bedded sandstones capping one or two hills, the beds apparently dipping to north-east. This red rock was very probably identical with the cretaceous red sandstone north-west of Sanju, thus remarkably indicating that this portion of the hills is a continuation of the Kuenluen. From the pass to Chehil Gombaz the rocks are palaeozoic carbonaceous slates, very vari- able in strike and dip. Near the pass the strike is indistinct: in the valley north of Chehil Gombaz, it is nearly east and west, the beds being vertical and much contorted. March 26th, Fasrobdt {across the Tor at pass). — The whole way nothing hut the same carbonaceous slates and shales, and partly sandstone, were seen. They were dipping at a very high angle to north by east or nerth-east by east. In some places they were interhedded with crystalline limestone, and with white quartzite, in strata of about 40 to 50 feet in thickness. At the junction of the two streams, the Pasrohat and the Tongitar, and much higher up, I noticed old diluvial gravel, in some places up to the thickness of 300 feet, the boulders mostly consisting of crystaUine gneissic rock : some of the boulders are of huge dimensions, and all are weU-rounded. These boulder deposits must have been formed by enormous rivers and large quantities of snow. The gneiss is either fine-grained, with biotite mica, sometimes almost schistose, or it is porphyritic with rosy quartz, white felspar and a greenish mica. There is little schorl to he observed in any of the pieces. March 27th, Tdrbdshi, about eight miles in a western direction. — The carbonaceous slates and sandstone continued for about a mile from camp, seeming, however, more micaceous. Then they gradually changed into dark carbonaceous mica schists with garnets ; this again gradually into hght-coloured mica schist, with more white quartz and less garnets, and this after about two and a half miles from camp into gneiss. All the strata were dipping at about 50° to north-east and north-east by east. In many places gravels conceal the rocks to a height of 150 feet above the river. On the greater heights dark-coloured schistose rocks are seen ; they are mostly hornblendic. March 28th, Balghun. — A march of about 20 miles across the Chichiklik plain and the Kokmainak pass. All the rocks around are gneiss, which gets gradually schistose, but it is cleaved in all directions and breaks up easily ; the irregular cleavage entirely obliterates the bedding. March 29th and 30th, Balghun to Chushman, and thence to Tashhurgdn (Sarihol) . — Two marches of rather more than 20 miles altogether. The rocks are all metamorphic schists, rarely micaceous, but chiefly chloritic, quartzose, and hornblendic. North-west of the camp the dip is west by north ; previously it was east by south. On the western side of the valley are thick gravel deposits, the boulders mostly of gneiss and syenite. April 2nd, Kanshubar, 16 miles. — The whole way nothing but gneiss, in different varia- tions, was to be observed. At first where we entered the Tongitar (vaUey), the fine-grained pale-whitish gneiss was interstratified with dark gneiss and syenitic gneiss, full of schorl ; further on, syenitic gneiss prevailed, then bands of beautiful reddish gneiss occurred in it, with reddish-brown quartz, reddish glassy felspar in large crystals, and bits of schorl. Further on, the gneiss became more ordinary, both coarse and fine grained. a: 38 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. April 3rd, Kogachak, near AktdsJi. — [Erontier of Sarikol belonging to Kasbgliar, and Wakhan under the rule of Kabul.] EoUowed up the valley for about a mile, when the gneiss was apparently underlain by black palaeozoic slates, strike almost from east to west, and the dip very little towards the gneiss — or, rather, the beds were vertical. I could not find a trace of fossils. The slate is brittle, and very much cleaved in different dffections : it would not do for roofing purposes, unless large quarries were opened. The slates continued for more than a mile, then they gradually became calcareous, and a series of thin-bedded whitish lim estones followed — first, again, almost vertical, but, a little further on, distinctly dipping at an angle of about 50° towards the slates, though evidently younger. The limestone was dolomitic and liighly bituminous, but unfossiliferous. After about a mile it changed to grey limestone, and became slaty. Then followed a band of greenstone for about half a mile, overlain by brownish-black shales, apparently carboniferous ; and these shales were overlain by greenish dolomitic crinoidal limestones, lithologically the same as those which I found to be carbonifer- ous in the Artysh district. I dare say this limestone is also carboniferous. However, the upper beds of this limestone series are paler, and apparently less dolomitic ; and in them I found a cordiform pelecypod, like Megalodon, very common. Possibly the whole of the limestones, but certainly those on the western side of the range, are triassic. They rest here on purple and greenish shales and slates, which are afterwards traversed by greenstone. (See also diary of May 6th.) April 4t1i, Onkul. — A march of about 24 miles. Crossed a spur over an old gravel deposit, and traversed a valley, the rocks on both sides of which were whitish triassic lime- stone, resting on reddish shaly rock, which, again, overlaid black slates, evidently palseozoic. Before we reached camp the slates rested on gneiss. April 5th, Oi-kul or Kul-i-F amir Khurd {Little Fdmir Lake). — Marched about 24 miles along the valley of Pamir Khurd, or Little Pamir. The rocks composing the hills to the left of the valley are all gneiss to an elevation of 2,000 or 2,500 feet above the valley; those to the right are higher and more sharply ridged, but their composition could not be ascertained. April 6th, Langar. — Marched about 24 miles. After 6 miles, in a west by south direction, the hills to the north became black slates, resting on gneiss. These same slates were seen dipping at an angle of about 60° to north-east by north at the entrance into the valley, which was here very narrow. They were overlain higher up by reddish slates and con- glomerates, and the whole of the series has bands of quartzite, often iutercalated : one of these quartzite bands seems to have passed right across the stratification of the slaty rocks at the entrance of the narrow part of the valley from the Pamir, which here terminates. The gneiss on the Pamir appears to have had only a very slight dip to north. The black slaty rock continued all the way to camp. April 7th, Daraz-dkodn, 15 miles. — Black slates, dipping north by east, were seen on both sides of the valley, and on the right the purplish or reddish slates and conglomerates rested on them. The conglomerates consisted of angular boulders of white quartzite in a reddish or purphsh matrix. I saw fragments of similar conglomerate in the Sanju river. April 8th, Sarhada. — March of 11 miles. Eor the first 2 miles black slates were seen along the road, wliich was above the level of the river ; further on, the slates rested on the same fine- grained gneiss which we had seen at Pamir Khurd, until within half a nfile of Sarhada, where the slate again came down into the valley. Throughout the valley, from the spot where it was entered from Pamir Khurd, old banks of bedded clay and gravel are seen up to 1,200 and 1,500 feet above the present level of the GEOLOGY. 39 river. They are generally seen at the turns of the river, and can be traced all the way down, but are nowhere more extensive. Before the river cut its present deep bed, its com’se was probably often interrupted, and small lakes formed, or, at least, its course was retarded, so as to form these deposits. April 9th, 10th, and 11th, Sarhada to Fatir, halting at Patuchand Yiir.— Three marches of 15, and 12 miles. Black slates alone were seen till 9 mUes beyond Patuch, thence gneiss (fine-grained) and metamorphic rocks for the remainder of the way. The gneiss is sandy, and disintegrates easily. April 12th and 13th, Fatir to Fanjah, or Kila Fanj, halting at Zang ; 20 miles from the former, only 3 from the latter. [No special description of the geology is given. The beds seen were probably all metamor- phic, the same as before. A hot spring opposite Patir is said to rise in black metamorphic slates.] AU the hnis at Pan j ah consist of a metamorphic quartzose schist, wliich composes the hills on the left bank of the vaUey. The rocks dip to south or south by east into the valley : a few miles west they are overlain by dark hornblendic schist. [After a halt of 12 days in Panjah, the party marched back to Kashghar territory by the Great Pamir, re-entering their former line of march at Kanshubar, east of Aktash.] April 26th and 27th, Fanjah to Langerkish, 6 miles only. — Visited the hot spring near Zang ; the water is 120°. The rocks are quartz, hornblendic, and mica schist, with garnets, dipping to the south-east. April 27th, Yumkhana, 16 miles.— Old clay deposits reach to about 2,000 feet above the present level of the river. The metamorphic schists are very variable, but highly micaceous throughout (containing biotite) ; they stiU dip to the south-east, and include beds of white marble. On the left bank of the river they seem to dip under the gneiss, which is not dis- tinctly stratified. April 28th, Yolmazdr, 12 miles. — Bocks same as before — all fine-grained gneiss, with biotite, — very much resembling the Himalayan central gneiss, with biotite mica, traversed mostly by thin veins of albite granite, with muscovite. It reaUy seems that this is the continuation of the central gneiss, in which the Spiti and Zaskar secondary rocks may form a bay, extending from south-east towards north-west. About Dras the secondary rocks go over a saddle into Kashmir, but the gneiss continues northward. Hornblendic beds often occur in the gneiss ; they consist of dark, rather homogeneous rocks, which include hornblende and staurolite crystals. April 29th to May 1st, Yolmazdr to Lake Victoria {Wood's Lake) Three marches, alto- gether about 37 miles. [Bocks throughout described as gneiss ; that on the first march described as containing a little green mica or chlorite ; on the second but little rock was seen in place, the valley being largely occupied by beds of pebbles and boulders, which form terraces along the sides, whilst the hills were covered with snow. The gneiss seen was “ remarkably altered, craggy, conglomeratic, split in all directions, and as if it had been burnt,” but no trace of an eruptive rock was seen.] The shingle boulders were mostly rounded ; some of very large size only slightly so, and mixed with sand. The whole mass must have been accumulated more by the agency of snow and ice than running water. [The hiUs around the lake are described as entirely of gneiss, and rather sharply pointed.] The lake is about two mUes in width, and surrounded by terraces of rounded worn boulders, mixed with sand. These terraces rise to at least 100 feet above the lake, and show that the lake was formerly much more extensive than it now is. [The details will be found in the diary.] 40 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. May 2nd, Shashtupa, 18 miles. — Eor the first 6 or 7 miles the rocks are apparently gneiss ; further, black slates and shales overlie the metamorphic rocks, and the hills on both sides become more rounded. Immediately above the gneiss the slates look rather metamorphic , but, further on, they are of the usual type, and reddish beds overlie them near the camp. The dip is low to north by east. [The whole march nearly was over what Dr. Stoliczka terms “ shingle beds,” and the watershed was formed by a mixture of boulders and sand. See diary.^] 3Iay 3rd, IsUgli, 18 miles. — About three miles north of camp the upper reddish slates of the sihcious group are overlaid by darkish grey limestone, dipping to north by east. I found no fossils in it. This limestone («) is about 1,000 feet tliick, and extends for about a quarter of a mile. Then follows a very indistinctly stratified white or light grey limestone (/3), which must be at least 2,000 feet thick, and extends for about one mile. I saw Crinoid stems in it, but nothing else. After this follows, again, a darker grey limestone, evidently belong- ing to a different series, being unconformable on the former. This series of limestones forms the highest ridge, some of the rugged mountains rising to fully 20,000 feet; and the thickness of the rocks must be from 3,000 to 4,000 feet. The general strike is west by north to east by south, and the dip to north by east, or almost north, with angles ranging from 80° to 90°. The thickness of this limestone series must be about 3,000 feet. The whole of these limestones appear to be of palaeozoic age — probably for the most part carboni- ferous. After this follows a great series of dark shales, with beds of limestone. The shales them- selves (S) are higlily carbonaceous, and the limestones are earthy, mostly thin-bedded, but greatly contorted, rising in more or less vertical ridges. May 4th, Ahtdsh, 36 miles. — After four miles over the plain, the road led for two miles through a narrow gorge between limestone (s), on wliich, further on, rest brownish, rather sihcious sandstone, and grey, then black, crumbling shales. The road crosses a low pass, and then follows through these shales, in almost a due eastern direction, to the junction with the Ishgh. The whole road passes through these shales, with a little sandstone, but more of the earthy hmestone. The series extended north, as far as I could see, the shale hills being rounded, and the limestone ridges sharp. Greenstone appears to pierce through it in the distance, and the elevations of the hills appears to decrease. South of the road runs the high limestone range in a west by north to east by south direction towards Aktash. The shales (S) and limestones (e) appear to be triassic. Near Isligh I saw a lot of Mhynchonellce in one of the earthy limestone beds, but could not extract any thing very recognisable. May 5th, halted at AMdsh. — Going about a mile north of camp, and then tunring in a western direction up a gorge, I found myself north of the great limestone hill, and here, resting on the limestone, were the dark crumbling shales, exactly like the Spiti shales in mineralogical c'haracter. The shales (5) contained a few beds of the brown sandstone, but both appeared enthely unfossiliferous. In the interbedded limestone (s) I found, however, a great number of Mhynchonellce, which decidedly appear to be triassic, if not younger. In the more com- pact limestone I could only see crinoids, no other distinguishable fossil ; not a trace of a Cephalopod. In a block of more earthy grey limestone loose in the stream bed I got several llhynchonellce ; but I am not sure whether that hmestone is (e) ; it seems more probably (y) ' It is not quite clear from the diary what Dr. Stoliczka’s views were on the subject of these accumulation. He repeatedly says they must have been brought down by snow, or snow and ice. He never mentions glaciers or moraines, and never notices the presence or absence of striation on the rocks. GEOLOGY. 41 Afterwards I went south of the camp, where on our road westward ^ I got a section like that of a Megalodon. The hmestone is mostly dolomitic, white or hght grey, and less bituminous than (e). I got crinoid stems in it, and a small Fecten; I could not say whether lower trias or carboniferous. May 6th, Kanshuhar {same camp as on April 2nd). — Two and a half miles from Aktash, at a spot where the stream from the Nezatash pass is joined by another flowing from the south-east, there is a mass of greenstone in the shales, and east of that mass the shales are very much altered, evidently indicating that the outburst of the greenstone must have taken place after the deposition of the triassic shales. Looking north, the shales continue for about a couple of miles, composing the hills, which rise to about 3,000 feet.ahove the valley. To the north-west is a great mass of greenstone again, while a sharp ridge of limestone runs through the shales, coming from the west, and disappearing and broken up towards the east. Eurther on, the shales are seen to be overlain by reddish sandstones and shales, towards the top much alternating with greenish-grey beds ; and this series is again capped by a light-brownish rock of inconsiderable thickness. These last rocks and the limestones dip north by east, but the crumbhng shales are very much contorted, mostly by the greenstone. The section from Aktash to the north is something like tliis : — Aktash. Sketch section of the rocks north of Aktash. Proceeding towards the Nezatash pass, I found in the limestone (e) dark beds full of Malobia Lomelli ?, and I also noticed the Fhynchonella limestone, which is very earthy and brown, m situ in the shales. In the limestone (?) Fhynchonellce are very rare, or, at leastj very difficult to observe. The limestone («) is, however, always very much less bituminous than (y), and usually darker, and weathers out in flakes, which peel off the surface, while (y) is usually massive. Limestone (?) forms the Nezatash pass in a ridge crossing the pass, but the passage itself is in shales, which are also seen in a kind of basin east of the pass, the basin being quite encircled by very high chffs of limestone (s). Crossing into the stream, which comes from the south, and combines with that flowing eastward from the pass, I observed a number of pelecypod sections in the hmestone, which appear to belong to Megalo- don. They were rather large, but otherwise not distinguishable. Eurther on, the shales were several times crossed by greenstone, and then foUowed the bedded grey rock. The carboniferous limestone ridge runs from Aktash almost due eastward, and about 5 miles before reaching Kanshubar it turns graduaUy to south-east, stiU retaining its great height. [Erom Kanshubar the return route to Yarkand via Ighiz Yar was over ground previously traversed, and the geological notes have already been incorporated with those of the journey westward.] * See notes for April 3rd, p. 38. 42 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. PART VII. Eeom Yaekand to Buetsi, south of the Kaeakoeam Pass, via Kugiae, the uppee valley OF THE Yaekand Rivee, Aktagh, and the Kaeakoeam Pass. [This route lies in general considerably to tbe west of that traversed by Dr. Stoliczka in the preceding autumn. Por two marches from Yarkand to Karghalik the road is the same as before ; thence it leads a little west of south across the Kuenluen to the upper valley of the Yarkand river; it turns eastward up the valley of that stream as far as Aktagh, where it meets the former route, but it then turns southward across the Karakoram pass. The following notes commence from Karghahk and are copied, like those in the preceding section, from the diary.] May 31st, Karghalik to Beshterek, 20 miles. — The first 10 miles over gravelly desert ; thence the road lies up the Kugiar stream, a broad desert valley, nearly a couple of miles wide. Gravel beds, as much as 150 feet tliick in places, extend up to the vfilage : they are evidently alluvial, and not Artysh beds, though the reddish sandstones at Bora ^ belong to the latter. Loess rests on the gravel, and in places has been re-deposited by the river and stratified. There is a good deal of this stratified loess in the valley itself, but it is chiefly sand. June 1st, Kugiar, 17 miles. — Por 14 miles the road lay across desert, over some- what elevated* terrace land of sand and gravel. About 4 miles north of Kugiar, Artysh beds, clayey sandstone, and fine conglomerate are seen below horizontal beds of diluvial gravel. Purther on, they again entmely disappear under the diluvial terraces, which rise about 200 feet above the elevated ground. The amount of sand, clay, and gravel brought from the lulls is something enormous. The Artysh beds evidently form the axis of the low ridge, which runs from east to west, about 4 or 5 miles north of Kugiar ; but they are covered with diluvial gravel. June 2nd, Ak Masjid, about 27 miles. — The first half of the road is entirely over gravel beds, then a grey dolomite begins to crop out. The beds undulate, but the general dip is north : not a trace of a fossil could be detected. Pm4her on, close to camp, a reddish, some- what siUcious sandstone, and thin-bedded streaked limestone of the same colour, with a high northerly dip, underlies the grey dolomite, and rests upon other grey and whitish dolomitic limestone, less distinctly stratified. As a rule, dust covers aU the slopes of the hills so thickly that, except on a precipitous chfP, not a trace of solid rock can be seen. In the vaUey, loess attains a thickness of fully 30 feet ; it is partly stratified, but the accumulation appears mostly due to moisture. June 3rd, Chiklik, 13 miles. — Up to the foot of the pass the grey limestone rock continues, gradually becoming in places thinner bedded, streaked, and metamorphic. Near the foot of the pass it changes to a stratified cliloritic rock, while the grey limestone occupies the These were noticed in Part HI, and were observed on the road between Sanju and Yarkand ; ante, p. 22. GEOLOGY. 43 greater height. The green rock alternates with thick beds of a white quartzose and calca- reous schist, and beyond the pass the green rock becomes more solid, loses its stratification, and becomes a regular greenstone, exactly like that I met with east of Sastekke, on the Sarikol road. Black slate I only saw in one or two places, and then in mere fragments or blocks ; hut it is evident that the whole series of rocks is the same as that south-west of Sanju- June 4th and 5th^ Chiklik to camp, about 2 miles west of Mazarkhoja. — Two short marches, together about 16 miles. Nearly all the way nothing was seen but greenstone, similar to that near Sasak Taka : towards the end of the second march this unstratified greenstone is overlain by chloritic schists and other bedded metamorphic rocks, resembling those to the north of the Sanju pass. June 6th and 7th, Mazarkhoja to Grinjikalik. — Two marches, together 18 or 19 miles. A mixture of metamorphic rocks was met with, like those north of the Sanju pass, dipping at a rather high angle to north-west, west, and south-west. The whole series seems much disturbed. The prevalent rock isaquartziticand highly hornhlendic schist, traversed in all dfiections by rami- fying veins of white quartz, with some schorl, and by other darker veins, containing hornblende. June 8th, Jiraksheldi, 10 miles. — The same metamorphic rocks continue for about a mile beyond yesterday’s camp, and rest here on light-coloured, rather fine-grained gneiss, which is indistinctly stratified, and dips to the north-west. It is traversed by dark hornhlendic veins. This greyish white gneiss continues for a couple of miles, and rests on an unstratified mass of fine gneiss porphyry,^ similar to that I saw west of Sarikol. This fedlspathic gneiss seems to form the axis of the whole metamorphic mass ; for, further to south by east from this camp, within about a mile, it is again overlain by the same somewhat fine-grained greyish- white gneiss, dipping to the south. This gneiss is, again, overlain at the camp by almost vertical and much-contorted beds of black shale, grey sandstone, and conglomerate, the same as I saw north of Tam. The coarse conglomerate has a comparatively recent aspect, hut the whole series of rocks must he upper palaeozoic, although one cannot help doubting the fact. June 9th, Kulunaldi, 12 miles. — [This march led across the main ridge of the Kuenluen by the Yangi pass (16,000 feet), and down again into the upper valley of the Yarkand river. The corresponding pass to the eastward crossed on the journey to Yarkand is that of Suget.] Erom yesterday’s camp, the sandstones, conglomerates, and interhedded shales continued up the pass, where the conglomerates were of great thickness, evidently occupying the top of the series, and dipping with a slight angle to west. On the other or western (southern) side of the pass, the conglomerates and sandstones all continue for about 2^ miles highly inclined, and dipping towards east by north'; they rest at about the third mile from the pass on black slates, which soon pass into dark grey and greenish metamorphic schist, sometimes with small garnets. Jerakshedi. Yangi. Yarkand rii/er. I, Conglomerate; 2, Sandstone; 3, Shales; 4, Black slates ; S, Metamorphic rocks, dark-colourcd, with quartzite; 6, Fine-grained gneiss,; 1, Unstratified ^anitoid) potphyritic gneiss. Section across the Yangi Pass, north of Yarkand River. The metamorphic series is often traversed by veins of a solid greenstone-like rock, and towards the Yarkand valley there is a considerable thickness of a white quartzitic schist. Evidently, from the description, a granitoid rock. 44 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. more or less massive : under it lies a brownish sub-metamorphic schist, which is also found on the other side of the Yarkand river at the camp. June 10th, Kirghiz Jangal, 16 miles. — The suh-metamorpliic sehists near Kulunaldi are overlain by a reddish, very coarse conglomerate, and from beneath this, further along the road, a series of grey and pink metamorphic schists crops out, occasionally with graphitic layers interstratified. The last continue up to camp. The beds dip first to west 30° north, and afterwards almost west. The coarse, reddish conglomerates are the same which I saw in going from the Pamir-kul to the camp Langar, in Wakhan. June 11th, Kashmir Jilga, about 24^ miles. — The rocks are all grey silky, or brownish mica schist. Eor the first 14 miles it is difficult to see any stratification, the schists having distinct baciUary cleavage ; but further on, the schists dip to the north-east on the right bank, and for the last 6 or 7 miles the valley runs along an anticlinal, the beds dipping on the right bank to north by east, and on the left bank to south by west, at an angle of about 50°. The schists decompose easily, and cover the slopes with fine debris. Almost all along the bank of the river there are extensive deposits of detritus, some of them con- taining beds of clay and sand, left by the river. At the openings of the lateral ravines there are extensive fans of debris, some of them more than 100 feet thick. June 12th, Kufelang, 11 miles. — Rocks the same all 'the way ; greenish metamorphic schists, often alternating with graphitic layers. The schists decompose and break up very readily, and the hill-sides, in some cases up to the top, are covered with debris, loose or cemented together. The dip is very variable, usually at a high angle to south-west or south. June 13th, Ahtdgh, about 20 miles. — [Here the road joins that followed on the journey northward, but it immediately diverges again.] Jktdgh. H^oabjilga, 1, Argillaceous beds (? tertiary) ; 2, Shaly sub-metamorphic beds (trias); 3, Grey limestones (trias); 4, Red limestones, with Ammoniteg latieni, &c. (trias) ; ? Trias; 6, Dark triassic limestone; 7, Limestone (? carboniferous) ; 8, Grey limestones (? carboniferous) ; 9, Red calcareous sandstone; 10, Sub-metamorphic schists. Section near Aktdgh. The schists, greenish and metamorphic in general, but blackish and sub-metamorphic in parts, continue for about a couple of miles along the river ; they are mostly almost vertical. Then some of the beds incline to the south, and are more regularly bedded ; but there does not seem to be any distinct break between these latter and the vertical beds. After the second mile the greenish silky schists are overlain unconformahly by reddish earthy and calcareous sandstones of about 150 feet in thickness, dipping regularly to south by east at an angle of about 30°. These reddish beds pass into distinctly bedded grey limestone and whitish marl of some 500 feet at least, the dip being to the south, but the angle gradually decreasing until the beds, after some 8 miles, become almost liorizontal. Eurther on, they again dip to the southward, and the top beds have a reddish colour. There are greenstones in these rocks, like those which I saw about Aktash on the Pamir ; and the limestones must be carboni- ferous or triassic, but I could not find a trace of a fossil. The higher beds are often brownish and sandy ; some beds almost a calcareous sandstone, alternating with conglomeratic beds. Near Aktagb the series is overlain by much more recent looking earthy and conglom- eratic beds, readily yielding to decomposition. The hill Aktagh at camp consists of these (? tertiary) beds, dipping at about 45° or 50° to the south. GEOLOGY. 45 There must be greenstones somewhere in this southern direction among the dark crumbhng rock. The light-coloured bedded limestone strikes over to Karatagh lake, and the hills to the west, east, and south-east appear to consist of it. I noticed, when I marched last year, that their steepness indicates in part limestone cliffs, and some of them at least were of a light colour. This is also the pale limestone seen north of our camp, some miles north of Khush Maidan, and no doubt these limestones extend to the south of Aktash. [That is to say, that this pale limestone, which is probably of carboniferous age, appears to stretch across from the high ground between the Mastagh and Kuenluen ranges to the eastern edge of the Pamir.] June 14th, Woabjilga, 12 miles. — The hills all covered with detritus. A little way south of Aktagh the grey limestones, wliich appear to be carboniferous, are overlain by dark crumbling dolomitic limestone and sub-metamorphic shales, in several places in contact with greenstone, which is again either typical, like that near Aktash, or it is dark, and very homogeneous in texture, and at first strikingly resembles basalt. Further on, the grey dolomitic limestones again crop out from under the detritus of the valley ; and near the camp the sub-metamorphic schists are overlain by more compact grey dolomitic limestone, which rises high upon a.hiU a little south by east of our camp. These grey dolomitic lime- stones regularly bend over at the top, and in the centre are exposed what may be called Hallstddt or St. Cassian beds — a red, somewhat earthy, marble, with Arcestes ? johannis austrice. Ammonites hatteni, Aulacoceras, and Crinoids. ’ I shall speak of this red marble as the A. hatteni bed. The A. hatteni bed is seen exposed far towards the west, overlain by the grey limestone, and is mostly higlily inclined towards the north. I must see more of the whole triassic series to-morrow. June 15th, Karahoram-hrdngsa, 14miles. — Starting from Woabjilga, the grey triassic lime- stones were met with, afterwards the red limestones succeeded them, and continued to camp, often interrupted by patches of greenstone, which is greatly developed at the camp north of the pass. June 16th, Daulatheg Tlldi (crossing the Karakoram pass), about 22 miles. — Leaving- camp, the greenstones are underlain by black crumbling shale, in mmeralogical character like the Spiti shales, but very likely triassic, like that near Aktfish. Then follows an alternation of grey or whitish limestones and shales and the triassic red limestone; and on these rest blackish and grey marly shales, which are overlain by almost horizontal strata of brown limestone, very much like the lower Taglang limestone, and which contains fragments of Belemnites. These liassic rocks form the Karakoram range proper, and extend far east- ward. The lulls to the west are much higher, and do not allow a distant view. After crossing the pass, the road skirts the base of the centre ridge in a south-east direc- tion ; and here the liassic limestones come down several times, and about four miles from the pass grey marly shale, or almost marly limestone, crops out from under the brown limestone : both are evidently liassic. On the right bank of the stream more massive limestones occur, dipping to north-east, but very indistinctly. I should think that these are triassic limestones. They very reacUly crumble to pieces, being highly dolomitic ; and these often contain reddish beds interstratified. June 17th, Burtsi, 24 miles. — First we crossed the Dipsang plain, with solitary low hills, probably still belonging to the Taglang series. Then we ascended towards the watershed. 46 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. The low w(5rn down hills to the west were thickly strewed with round pieces of whitish or reddish compact limestone, intermingled with boulders, large and small, of fine-grained syenitic gneiss. This rock must he in situ somewhere near the head of the watershed. Further on were many greenstone boulders coming down from the west, and this rock must also he found in that direction. At last we descended into a narrow gorge, the sides of which for fully a mile consisted of a limestone conglomerate, the boulders of white, grey, or black limestone being well rounded and worn and cemented together by a stiff bright red clay. Upon tliis followed dolomitic limestone, rather indifferently bedded, massive and white, and this was overlain by bluish shales and well-bedded limestone, extending from about 6 miles north of Burtsi to the camp. These limestones appear to be triassic : they are compact, with layers full of small gasteropods, amongst which I recognised a Nerinea. The so-called Karakoram stones, i.e.y corals, occur in dark shales below the Limestones, which are capped by a yellowish-brown limestone, well bedded, but of unascertained age. The whole series dips south-west, at a moderate angle. [The last paragraph closes the diary, and is here repeated, as it is entirely geological,] GEOLOGY. 47 Concluding Summary. As tliis collection of Dr. Stoliczka’s geological notes on the countries traversed during his journey was introduced hy a brief account of his previous geological work in the Himalayas and Western Tibet, it may most fitly he concluded by a general sketch of the additional information which he has obtained in the countries north of those explored in earlier years. His explorations in his last journey extended over portions of Northern Ladak, of the Mastagh or Karakoram, Kuenluen, Pamir, and Karatagh ranges, the last being a part of the Thian Shan. He also examined the plains of Yarkand and Kashghar, and the upper valleys of the streams which form the source of the Oxus or Amu. The notes on Kashmir, and on the Indus valley west of Leh, although interesting and affording some addition to our previous knowledge of the geology, do not touch on fresh ground, or add more than details to what was known before. Each of the other areas demands a few notes separately. The Ladak range, north of the Indus, proved, so far as it was examined, to consist entirely of metamorphic rocks, principally syenitic gneiss. The same formations extend to the north- ward to the western end of the Pankong lake, and, so far as is known, throughout the greater portion of the Changchenmo, Shayok, and Nuhra valleys, passing in places into a greenish chloritic rock, more or less schistose. These metamorphic rocks are heheved hy Hr. Stoliczka to he of Silurian age. In the northern portion of the valleys named beds of dark shales and sandstones are met with, probably belonging to the carboniferous series : they are un- fossiliferous, hut agree with rocks of that age in Spiti and elsewhere, and they are succeeded, in ascending order, hy fossOiferous triassic limestones, red and grey in colour, with dark shales ; whilst the crest of the Karakoram pass, and some of the smaller hills immediately south of it, are composed of liassic rocks, containing fragmentary Belerrmites. At one spot alone near Kium, in the Changchenmo valley, sandstones and conglomerates of comparatively recent aspect were observed, which are perhaps tertiary, and may belong to the same eocene forma- tion as the rocks in the Indus valley near Leh.^ The vaUey of the Upper Yarkand river between the Mastagh (Karakoram) and Kuenluen ranges consists of metamorphic and suh-metamorphic schists and slates, reddish calcareous sandstone, and grey limestones, aU unfossiliferous. The schists and slates are considered hy Dr. Stoliczka as probably silurian ; the other rocks, carboniferous. Some triassic lime- stones are found on the northern slopes of the Karakoram pass ; and at Aktagh some recent- looking argillaceous beds were noticed, perhaps tertiary. Two sections across the Kuenluen were examined — one, on the Karakash river, the Suget and Sanju passes ; the other, further west hy the Yangi Diwan. On the former route the greater portion of the range consists of syenitic gneiss, associated with various forms of schists, with some of which pale-green jade is associated. On the more western route the same metamorphic rocks are found, but the syenitic gneiss is less developed, and there is a great quantity of greenstone. * Drew (Jummoo and Kashmir, p. 343) has noticed the occurrence of hippuritic limestone (cretaceous) resting unconformably on older encrinital limestone (? palaeozoic) in the Lokzhung range, north of the Lingzi-thung plain and east by south of the Karakoram pass. In the same work there is an excellent account of the extraordinary high plateaus of northern Ladak, west of which appear to be of lacustrine origin. 48 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. North of the metamorpliic axis of the Kuenluen range, the hills sloping down to the plain of Yarkand consist principally of various forms of schistose rock, slates, and hmestone. In the latter, north of Sanju, carboniferous fossils were found in some places, hut the rocks are, as a rule, destitute of organic remains. On the western route the only limestone seen was dolomitic and unfossihferous. Towards the edge of the plain, formations of later date crop out ; and near Sanju red sandstones, capped by grey calcareous sandstones and chloritic marls, are found, the latter containing cretaceous fossils ; and upon these, again, rest gravels and clays of stiU later date. The cretaceous rocks were not observed further west. The ranges lying west of the Yarkand plain, and intervening between it and the Pamir watershed, appear to be composed chiefly of the same rocks as the Kuenluen, south of Yarkand. Only one section was examined, and this was traversed twice. Near the plain the prevailing beds are carbonaceous slates, sandstones, and conglomerates, probably palaeozoic, with which greenstone is associated. A few hmestones were seen, and traces of the red cretaceous sandstones of Sanju: the latter, however, was not examined m No fossili- ferous beds were observed, hut the slates, sandstones, and conglomerates are probably palaeozoic, like the corresponding rocks in the Kuenluen. Eurther from the plain, in the district of Sarikol, the slates and their associated beds become metamorphosed, and pass into scliist and gneiss, upon which, close to the frontier of Wakhan, near Aktash, rest black slates, and lime- stones of apparently carboniferous age ; and above these, again, other limestones with triassic fossils, and sandstones. The Pamir itself between the Yarkand frontier at Aktash and Panjah, the principal village of Wakhan, was twice crossed, the return route lying a httle north of the other, and each following one of the two streams, which unite to form the head of the southern or main source of the Oxus. The geology throughout is of the very simplest description. The carboni- ferous and triassic limestones were only found for a very short distance west of the Yarkand frontier ; and thence to Panjah the whole country consisted of black slates, occasionally capped by reddish slates and conglomerates, and resting upon gneiss, which forms the great mass of the plateau. The slates are, doubtless, palaeozoic ; but no evidence of their precise age was obtained. The gneiss is fine-grained ; it contains biotite, and is, in places, traversed by veins of albite granite, and it altogether so much resembles the “ central gneiss ” of the Himalayas north of Simla, that it may he a continuation of the same rock. Immense accumulations of boulders and sand were observed on the Pamir, in aU the river valleys and around the lakes. The two journeys made to the mountains north of Kashghar, which are a continuation of the Thian Shan range, and unite it to the Pamir or Bolor, scarcely extended beyond the southern skirts of the range, the greater portion of which hes within the Russian terri- tory. The first of these journeys extended nearly 100 miles in a direction north by west, from Kashghar to a lake called the Chadyr-kul ; the second, to a distance of about 120 miles north-east to the Belauti pass. After passing the gravel slopes on the edge of the Kashghar plain, and some ridges of sand and clays, which appear to be of tertiary date, and which Dr. Stohczka calls the Artysh beds, the first range met with to the , westward consists of dark triassic limestones, resting on greenish shales, and the next range of old shales, slates, and sandstones, with crystalline hmestone. More to the eastward all the fosshiferous rocks are of carboniferous age : they consist of grey dolomitic hmestone, resting on a hmestone breccia, passing into con- glomerate, and locahy interstratified with greenish shales. Tliis series, probably, represents the old slates and then* associates seen further to the west. On this eastern route the carboniferous limestones extend to the Belauti pass, where they are capped by darker hmestones, on which GEOLOGY. 49 rest greenish and purplish sandstones and shales, — aU which rocks are possibly triassic. Korth of the old palaeozoic formations to the westward volcanic outbursts of very recent date are found, and the remains of old craters are conspicuous ; and beyond these, again, are limestones and slates of undetermined age, the latter occasionally showing signs of metamorphism. Some of the limestones resemble the triassic rocks in character, hut no fossUs were detected in them. The presence of metamorphic rocks in the ranges north of Kashghar is proved by the occurrence of gneiss pebbles in the gravels derived from the hills. It is probable that coal occurs in places in the carboniferous formation, as specimens brought from the mountains were examined and roughly analysed by Dr, Stohczka when in Kashghar.^ Rocks of the carboniferous period are largely developed in Western Turkestan, and coal has been found in several places. The plains of Yarkand and Kashghar consist of recent deposits of clay and sand, with occasional ridges of gravel and marly clay. They, doubtless, resemble closely the other great plains of Central Asia, all of which, having no exit, are basins of deposit, andmre being gradually raised by the alluvium brought from the surrounding hills by rivers and streams, which dry up and lose themselves on the plains. Towards the edge of all such plains there are immense gravel accumulations,^ which greatly conceal aU the rocks. Below these gravels, aU round the edge of the Kashghar plain, there is found a series of clays, sandstones, and con- glomerates, often much disturbed, but evidently not of old date, called by Dr. Stoliczka Artysh beds, from the Artysh valley north of Kashghar, where they are extensively exposed. No fossils were found in them, but their discoverer was inclined to consider them marine. They present a marked resemblance, both in composition and in their position at the base of higher ranges, to the Sub-Himalayan rocks of Northern India, and the molasse of the Alps, AU of these deposits, and the rocks on the slopes of the hills for some distance from the great plain, are much concealed by an extremely fine unstratified accumulation, precisely similar in character to the loess of the Rhine and Danube, and which is evidently composed of fine dust, deposited by the atmosphere. The air in Eastern Turkestan, as in parts of China, is constantly, during the day, thick from the fine sand raised by the wind ; so much so, that objects at a comparatively short distance are rendered invisible. It is evident that* there is great similarity in the geology of all the mountains surround- ing the Yarkand basin. So far as they were examined, the prevalent formations were palaeozoic, resting upon gneiss and other metamorphic rocks ; and carboniferous limestones were constantly found largely developed. The only lower mesozoic rocks recognised were of triassic age, but traces of cretaceous beds were found to the south and west, whilst in the mountains north of Kashghar evidence of comparatively recent volcanic eruptions was met with. No representatives of the Jurassic formations of the Himalayas and Western Tibet have hitherto been recognised in this part of Central Asia north of the Karakoram. ' Diary for 1st to 13th February. See also Severtzoff : Journal, Eoyal Geological Society, 1870, Vol. XL, pp. 410, &c. I am also indebted to Mr. Hume for a copy of a report by a Russian Engineer officer named Eamanoffsky, in which the occurrence of coal in Western Turkestan is described. - 1 have described similar deposits in Persia: Quarterly Journal, Geological Society, 1873, Vol. XXIX, p. 493. N SCIENTIFIC EESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, PhD. SYRINGOSPH^RID^. PROFESSOR P. MARTIN DUNCAN, M.B. Lond., F.R.S., TICK-PRESIDENT OF THE GEOXOGICAL SOCIETY, CORRESPONDENT OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCE OF PHILADELPHIA. ^ublishcb bn ovbcr of the ®obcrnment of Eubiit. CALCUTTA : OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING 1879 . SOIENTIFIO EESULTS OF THE SECOND YAHKAND MISSION BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLTCZKA, PhD. SYRINGOSPII^RIDtE. BY PROFESSOR P. MARTIN DUNCAN, AI.R. Lond., F.R.S., TICE-PEESIDENT OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, COUKESPONDENT OF THE ACADEMY OF NATDEAL SCIENCE OF PHILADELPHIA. Dublishcb by orbci* of the ^obcrnmcnt of Enbiii. C A L C U T T A : OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING 1879 . CALCUTTA : PEINTED BY THE SHPEEINTENDENT OF GOVEENMENT PEINIING, 8, HASTINGS STEEET. KARAKORAM STONES, SYRINGOSPHiERIDT®. PROPESSOE, P. MARTIN DUNCAN. M.B. Lond., F.R.S., &c. CONTENTS PAGE I. — The history of the discovery of the new order of Rhizopoda, the Syringosphmndce, and the literature of the subject 1 II. The general morphology of the Fossils, their histology, and their position in the clas.sificatory scale. List of the genera and species 3 III. — A description of the genera and 10 IV. — A description of the species Syringosphcsria verrucosa, Syringospheeria moniicnlaria, SyringosphcBria tuberculata, Syringosphceria plana, Audi Syringosphceria porosa II V.— A description of Stoliczicaria granulata 16 VI. — Description of the plates 18 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION. KARAKORAM STONES, OR SYEINGOSPHiEIlID^. By P. martin DUNCAN, M.B. Bond., F.R.S. I. — The history of the discovery of the Syringosphmribm and the literature of the SUBJECT. A number of spheroidal and of spherical stones, ornamented naturally on the surface, and which give no indications of ever having been attached to other bodies, could not but attract the attention of those geologists who years since travelled in Kashmir. Measuring in some instances two or three inches in diameter and in others not half an inch, and resem- bling stone balls in shape, these fossils, from the Karakoram range, became known to the curious as “ Karakoram stones.” But that they were not simple mineral productions was evident from the first to the educated collector ; nevertheless, the nature of their external anatomy was singularly mistaken by those palaeontologists into whose hands they first came. Dr. Verch^re, when writing on the geology of Kashmir in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1867, had the benefit of the palaeontological skill of M. de Verneuil, and two plates of figures accompanied the descriptions of these remarkable forms.^ The description given of one species was that the bodies are “ perfectly globular, covered with small rounded warts, sharply defined. The whole shell, between the warts, is pierced with minute pores. No traces of plates ; no mouth nor stalk scar visible.” The locality whence the specimens were derived was the rocky plains at the foot of the Masha Brum, Karakoram chain. The generic position was stated to be that of Sphmronites. Another species had the name Sphceronites ryallii, Verch., given to it ; and the diag- nosis is as follows : — “ Globular, large warts well set apart and not very sharply defined. The whole shell is covered with pores. No mouth. A stalk stem very conspicuous.” A third specimen, also classed as a Sphcermites, is thus noticed : — “ Depressed, no warts or spines : no plates or traces of plates, no stalk scar. The whole surface pierced by minute pores.” These two specimens were derived from the same locality as the first. * Journal, Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1867, Ft. 2, No. 3, Appendix p. 208, Plate VIII, Figs, 5 and 6, and Plate IX, Fig. 1. 2 SECOTs'D YARKAND MISSION. The illustrations of this essay of Dr. Verch^re do not assist the comprehension of the subject, and they were evidently drawn with a crinoidally disposed pencil. The so-called stalk stem is evidently an adventitious and accidentally adherent body. The only other notice of the Karakoram stones previously to that of Stoliczka was attached to a specimen of one which was presented to the Geological Society by Major, now Colonel Godwin-Austen, and collected by him. This specimen closely resembles a Tarlteria, and this did not escape the accomplished palaeontologist, who, at the time of the reception of the fossil, had charge of the Museum of the Society. Professor Rupert Jones, r.R.s., wrote on the label of the specimen “ FarTceria” The next and the most important notice of the Karakoram stones was the last effort of Stoliczka, whose lamented death occurred soon after he concluded his short description of their geological position. The following extract from Stoliczka’s last diary places the subject at the point whence the present attempt to explain the morphological characters and the classificatory position of the Karakoram stones may be said to commence : — ^ Extract from Stoliczka' s last diary. “ June ]Sth, KaraJcoram-lrdngsa, 14 miles. — Starting from Woabjilga, the grey triassic limestones were met with, afterwards the red limestones succeeded them, and continued to camp, often interrupted by patches of greenstone, which is greatly developed at the camp north of the pass. “ 16th, Baulaibeg TJldi (crossing the Karakoram pass), about 22 miles. — Leaving camp, the green stones ai’e underlain by black crumbling shale, in mineralogical character like the Spiti shales, but are very likely triassic, like that near Aktash. Then follows an alternation of grey or whitish limestones and shales, and the triassic red limestones ; and on these rest blackish and grey marly shales, which are overlain by almost hori- zontal strata of brown limestone, very much like the lower Taglang limestone, and whieh contains fragments of Belemnites, These liassic rocks form the Karakoram range proper, and extend far eastward. The hills to the west are much higher, and do not allow a distant view. After crossing the pass, the road skirts the base of the centre ridge in a south-east direction ; and here the liassic limestones come down several times, and about four miles from the pass grey marly shale, or almost marly limestone, crops out from under the brown limestones ; both are evidently liassic. On the right bank of the stream more massive limestones occur, dipping to north-east, but very indistinctly. I should think that these are triassic limestones. They very readily crumble to pieces, being dolomitie ; and these often contain reddish beds interstratified. “ 17th, Burtsi, 24 miles. — First we crossed the Dipsang plain, with solitary low hills, probably still belong- ing to the Taglang series. Then we ascended towards the watershed. The low worn-down hills to the west were thickly strewed with round pieces of whitish or reddish compact limestone, intermingled with boulders, large and small, of fine-grained syenitic gneiss. This rock must be in situ somewhere near the head of the watershed. Further on were many greenstone boulders coming down from the west, and this rock must also be found in that direction. At last we descended into a narrow gorge, the sides of which for fully a mde con- sisted of a limestone conglomerate, the boulders of white, grey, or black limestone being well rounded and worn and cemented together by a stiff bright red clay. Upon this followed dolomitie limestone, rather indifferently bedded, massive and white, and this was overlain by bluish shales and well bedded limestone, extend- ing from about six miles north of Burtsi to the camp. These limestones appear to be triassic ; they are com- pact, with layers full of small gasteropods, among which I recognised a Nerinma. The so-called Karakoram stones, i.e., corals, occur in dark shales below the limestones, which are capped by a yellowish-brown limestone, well bedded, but of unascertained age. The whole series dips south-west at a moderate angle. [The last paragraph closes the diary.]” * See the portion of the present work relating to Geology, by W. T. Blanford, page 45. KARAKOEAM STONES, OR SYRINGOSPHAIRIDA:. 3 The late distinguished Palaeontologist to the Geological Survey of India had traced these remarkable spheroids to their time and place in the succession of rocks, and he expressed an opinion regarding their zoological position. They were found in shales beneath limestones wliich were certainly lower than the Lias, and which were probably triassic in age. The term “coral” was singularly justified, for some of the superficial markings on the stones resemble, in their radiate appearance and regularity, the casts of the cahces of minute Madrepcn'‘aria of the genera Astroccenia and Styloccenia. But it is only necessary to remark that Stoliczka’s great knowledge of the AntJiozoa would have led him to the expression of a different opinion had his specimens been prepared for microscopic examination. The so-called Karakoram stones collected during the second Yarkand Expedition by my lamented friend were placed in my hands by Mr. W. T. Blanford in 1878. The specimens are numerous and in very perfect condition ; the weathering to which some have been subjected rendering the outside details all the more visible. Their surfaces are free from other fossils, and a broken serpula tube is the only one to be recognised. Eossilization has occurred by the introduction of calcite, and this is usually somewhat dark in colour, but is transparent in thin sections. The original structure of the body now consist of carbonate of lime of a different and lighter colour to the infiltrated calcite, and it appears that on the outside of the fossils the original structure has usually disappeared and the intermediate or infiltrated mineral has lasted. Carefully made radial and tangential sections of the fossils, assisted by biting out with dilute acids, and the use of low and high powers of the microscope, assisted by the polarising apparatus, rendered their remarkable construction evident, and also that it was necessary to include all the Karakoram stones in a new order of Wiizopoda called the Syringosphceridco. A notice of this new order was published in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for October 1878, Ser. 5, Vol. II, page 297. II. — The general morphology of the Eossils, their histology, and their position IN THE CLASSIFICATORY SCALE. The Karakoram stones are either nearly perfectly spherical, or more or less spheroidal or ellipsoidal in shape. They may be of small size, and some are more than three inches in their greatest diameter ; but they are always symmetrical, and there is no trace of a stalk or of any former attachment by the surface to other bodies. Some forms are nearly smooth, others are minutely granular, each granule having a definite construction, and the most numerous types have tubercules, wart-like growths, and large eminences crowded, more or less, with papillse and little warts upon them. There is one group of forms with a very verrucose surface, and, on the other hand, another type is covered with a finely granulate surface ; nevertheless this external structure does not interfere with the general curvature of the mass, the tops of the highest and lowest eminences never exceeding their symmetrical position. The more rugose and mammilated surfaces of the fossils have smaU circular or deformed shallow pits scattered here and there ; they are very numerous in some of the types with rounded surface tubercles, and are but scantily distributed in others, and whilst they crowd the surface of one form with a granular surface, they do not exist on another. These pits become elongate on the equatorial part of some of the spheroidal fossils, and are found on the 4 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. sides and on the edge of the bases of some of the papiUge, tubercles and warts of other types. Their resemblance to minute oscula of sponges is superficially evident ; but it is to be shown that one great group of the fossils under consideration does not possess them, that they differ in their number in different parts of the same fossil and in different individuals of the same species. I have called them “ pores,” and their absence in one of the groups of the fossils has led me to divide these Karakoram SyringosphcBridae into two genera — one with pores on the outer surface is termed Syringosphceria, and that without pores I have dedicated to Stohczka’s memory, terming it StoliczJcaria. The method of examination of the fossils is necessarily a simple one. Their surfaces are usually well preserved and not over- weathered, and the insides, in the majority of instances, yield good sections, both radial and tangential. Careful washing adds to the details of the surface, and biting with hydrochloric acid and water is necessary to distinguish tube structure from the intertubular calcite of fossilization which sometimes simulates it. The sections, on account of the brilliant opacity and white or white-brown colour of the tubes, can be well studied by reflected light, and indeed it is advisable to do this preparatory to the examination by transmitted rays. The dilute acid is very useful in some confused sections, for it dissolves the infiltrated calcite which exists between the tubes, and leaves their granular wall to a certain extent untouched. The paths of tubes can then be seen by reflected light very well. If the acid is allowed to act too strongly, all structure disappears. The tubes, both radial and interradial, are easy to see in the majority of instances, but in one particular case polarized light and the selenite plate determined the visibility of the structures, which were hidden amongst a confused mass of calcite. The calcite which was introduced dm'ing fossilization fills the tubes as well as their interspaces, and it has taken on definite or indefinite cleavage planes. These must be studied under polarized light, for the dark lines they produce to ordinary transmitted light, and which simulate coenenchymal structure can then be decided to be only divisions between crystals or parts of different polarizing influence on the ray. Low powers of the microscope suffice for most of the examination, but a good f -inch object glass is required to distinguish the granules and granule-spiculate elements of the tubes. No other form of fossilization but that by calcite has been noticed, and silica does not enter into the composition of the bodies. On examining the surface of a rugged or tuberculate specimen of either of these genera with a hand lens, a reticulate appearance is seen between the projections. In very good speci- mens, on the ordinary level of the surface, after biting with dilute acid, or sometimes without this proceeding, this reticulation resolves itself into a gyrose tabulation ; the tubes coming to the surface, running along it in close proximity, dipping down again suddenly and re-appear- ing, and sometimes bifurcating. Between the tubes is a more or less linear interspace filled with dark calcite. Weathering sometimes has destroyed the tubulation and left the thin interspace to look like a mesh, or the interspace has been left void, the tubules remaining. Besides this reticulation, there are in some types numerous, and in others but a few minute openings from j-oVo sio diameter, and they have a margin or tube layer. They are sometimes separate, and at others they are clearly the outside opening of one of the superficial tubes just mentioned. Usually the cahber of the tubes is filled with brownish coloured calcite, or with granular carbonate of Hme, but in some instances the presence of a very delicate tube wallj imattached by its outside to any structure, is evident. KARAKORAM STONES, OR SYRINGOSPHJERIM. 5 On the projections, whether mammilated, wart-like, papillate, tuherculate or granular, there are markings to he seen which are of two kinds. On the top or centrally are circular markings, few or many, which on careful examination turn out to be the openings of tubes. They are often very minute, and their caliber is smaller than that of the tubes seen in the interspaces just alluded to. On the sides, and converging to the margins of the top of the eminences, are numerous close, straight lines, usually continuous, hut sometimes wavy, broken and bifurcate. They are, according to the condition of the fossil, either the preserved calcite of converging tube interspaces, or they may be the walls of the tubes themselves, or both. These tubes may he traced on the surface to he continuous with some of those of the spaces between the projections, to appear from within the fossil and to run up outside the eminences. In many instances they open, finally, at the surface around those smaller ones which appear in the centre of the top. In some forms, especially where the eminences are broad and low, these converging tubes open all over the projection. It is evident that the projections, whether they are simple or compound, are made up of the outsides of tubes, tube openings, and of calcite which fills up the interspaces between them ; there being much bifurcation and side inosculation of the tubes also. The projections, mammilation or granulate tube openings and convergings belong to a radial tube series, and the tuhulation between these eminences to an interradial series. No coenenchyma or skeleton exists. The pores are spaces in the superficial interradial tubulations, but in rare instances they are found elsewhere. They are surrounded and limited at their margin by tubes bounded within by others, and their shallow floor has the outward openings of deeply-seated tubes on it. The distinction between the interradial tube reticulation and the radial tube series is best seen in the genus StoliczTcaria, on account of the definite intervals, without pores, which exist between the granules containing the end of the radial series. It is well seen in the pore hearing Syringosphcerice, which have distinct eminences, and it is the least apparent in some spheroidal kinds, where there is as much space occupied by pores as by eminences. The relative positions of the radial and interradial series of tubes, and the close and con- verging character of the one and the reticulate appearance of the other, must be kept in niind as this description proceeds, for they have the same definite relation within the fossil. In some species, moreover, the radial tubes are readily distinguished, because they are smaller than those of the interradial series. This persistence of the radial series of tubes, and the environing interradial and reticulate tuhulation, can be well seen in tangential sections of those types in which the structure is close ; for instance, in StoliczJearia granulata, especially if the thin slice is taken rather close to the surface of the body. Then a number of star-shaped masses are seen, separated from one another by a denser structure. The centre of the star contains small tubes cut across, and giving off small branches to the outside and separating structures, which consist of sec- tions of larger tubes made in different directions, such as oblique, transverse, and longitudinal. The small tubes of the centre of the star are well separated from each other, except where they bifurcate, but the surrounding tube reticulation is close, the tubes being nearly in con- tact. Clear calcite fills the spaces between the small tube ends of the star, and there is less of it amongst the large tubes around. The opacity of the calcareous structure of the walls is evident, and they are usually brilhantly white or brown under reflected light. Here and there the lumen of a tube may be seen filled with calcite. (Plate III, Eig. 5.) 6 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. In other types the limitation and surrounding of the radial series of tubes by the larger and more extensive series of reticulating ones is readily seen in tangential sections close to the surface, but it becomes rather confused at some distance within, on account of the obli- quity of the radial series in relation to the surface. Eor they start as it were from a central point in the fossil, and radiate in all directions, increasing in width and in their number of tubes. The distinction between the two series is readily made, however, for the interradial is usually the largest in extent and its tubes are eminently bifurcate and form close reticulations, bend- ing often suddenly and showing geniculate outlines. Tangential sections fmdher in, even although they are less distinct, show that the breadth of the radial and interradial series diminishes centrally. In one group of the fossils, forming the genus Stoliczkaria, no trace of the surface- pores exists and no vestige of any of them can be distinguished in sections. But in the other group forming the genus Syringosphceria, the pores can usually be distinguished in some parts of the fossil, besides the surface, especially in tangential sections, as circum- scribed structureless spaces filled with clear or opaque calcite. It does not appear that the tubes which pass out of the pores, at the surface, are restricted to one particular series, and they may belong to the radial group, or more frequently to the reticulate or interradial set. Badial sections of the fossils show structm’es which correspond to those seen in tangential sections, and the morphology of the forms is divisible into two categories. In one, the structures consist of numerous conical congeries of bifurcating radial tubes, the apex being central and the base at the surface of the body ; and of a reticulate tubulation separating the cones, joining their external tubes and arising from them. The cones and the inter- medial reticulation increase in size towards and at the surface of the body, on which are widely or closely-placed tubes passing radially, tangentially, and obliquely. Hence the surface of the body presents the ends of the radial tubes and those of the reticulation, and it is mainly composed of the tubes which are placed tangentially over the circumference. In those types of the Syringosplmridce, where there are eminences with radial tubes surrounded by much space occupied with tube-reticulation, the radial seetions illustrat'e the structure of the whole admirably. One of these sections may be considered m three parts in order to explain the morphology. Near the centre fossilization confuses the structure, but it appears that a simple tubular structure arises from around a foreign body, such as a many-chambered Eoraminifer, or that one tube branches .suddenly in every direction. The tubes radiate in separate groups, each tube bifurcating frequently as it recedes outwards, and there are frequent lateral tubes connecting them together. Hence the mass of tubes increases in the number of its tubes, and forms in section a more or less triangular outline, the apex being towards the centre of the body. At the same time the tubes of the outside of the triangle or longitudinal section of the cone give off others which form in part the reticulation of the interradial part. This is small at first, but increases in section in the middle of the body. In the middle of the body, in sections, the radial series is seen to be broader and the interradial to form large meshes. Close to the surface of the body, in sections, the radial series of tubes is seen to bifurcate to the last, and to open directly on an eminence so far as its central tubes are concerned, and many of the outer tubes pass obliquely on the flanks and open at the top. The interradial series also opens hy its radial tubes at the surface and hy its oblique tubes, but those parallel with the circumference pass over it. (Plate III, Figs. 1 , 4 , 6 ). KARAKORAM STONES, OR SYRING0SPHA:RIDA]. 7 The relative size of the radial and interradial series is apparently of specific impor- tance. In the radial sections the pores are seen to be spaces surrounded by interradial tubes, some of which open on the floor. But in the radial sections of those types which have a great number of radial series and a very scanty surrounding reticulate tubulation, the appearances under the microscope are not so striking as in the other instances. In these the radial cone is very long, and bifurca- tion occurs comparatively scantily, so that it is narrow, and the sides of the series often appear to be parallel. The tubes of the radial series, moreover, are smaller than the sur- rounding series ; they are not so close together side by side, and their course is almost invari- ably straight. The interradial surrounding tubes are closer and larger than the others, and they bend so as to present oval or geniculate knots, the continuity of the tube being often lost to sight, a cross line denoting the upward or downward bend. They bend laterally also, and touch here and there and bifurcate. The size of this series is usually larger than the other, so that in these radial sections a radiating series of light lines is separated by broader dark ones. This close structure is best seen in the group without pores, but it exists in the other, in some species. (Plate III, Eig. 6). In one type of the SyringosphceridcB the pores are very developed, especially equatori- ally.^ In radial sections their presence is evident in the body or from the surface. They extend in long rectangles one outside the other, and evidently bound radial series, but they are situated just within the interradial. On either side of them are elongate tubes, off- shoots of the envffoning series, and separating one space from another ; that is to say, from within outwards is a bridge of cross and reticulate tubes parallel with the circumference, like a tabula of a hydrocoral. Several of these bridges exist, and the last one is incomplete, often quite at the surface where a pore is about to be occluded. In tangential sections, the circular outline of the pores may be seen surrounded with tubes. In other specimens, this absence of tube-structure along definite lines, that is to say, the presence of pores, is not so visible, but they can be detected as vacant pits or circular spaces filled up with extraneous material. No special tubes enter the pores. The tubes forming both series are continuous, bifurcating, and inosculating ; and, as has been already noticed, some are in the main straight and others are curved and form the edges or sides of greater or less meshes or vacant spaces. The tubes are much larger in some types than in others, and they range from inch to 3 ^ inch in diameter ; they usually retain the same caliber for some distance or altogether, but frequently in some types they swell out, become varicose, flat, and again return to their original cylindrical condition. (Plate III, Pigs. 6, 8.) The union of tubes is by small offshoots usually, but the bifurcation, often at an acute angle, gives origin to two tubes of equal size to the parent, or nearly so. The tubes have a wall and a lumen, and the thickness of the wall varies ; moreover, some of the constituents of it pass irregularly into the caliber, as well as occasionally sur- round the tubes like a furry investment. * Syringosphceria porosa, Duncan. Plate III, Fig. 3. 8 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. There are no diaphragms in the tubes. In some types a part of the tube-wall is so homogeneous as to render the possibility of the former existence of a membrane well wmrthy of consideration ; hut in the majority of instances, the construction of the wall is evidently of close and semi-spiculate granules and of shapeless granules, and was probably not quite impervious. The tubes are filled with calcite. They are often perfectly transparent, and at other times impervious to light. Under high powers the structural element of the tube is shown to be mainly spiculo-granular and molecular; the grains usually being l oooo ’ txooo inch, or less in breadth. But in some instances there are elongate pieces with spiny processes on them, all being however excessively small. The structure of the tube-wall was organic in its origin, and not the result of simple adhesion of foreign or arenaceous particles. The question whether there is an intertubular coenenchyma of fibres,or a reticulate skeleton, which supports the tubes, separates them, and allows the symmetry and ornamentation of the surface to be kept up, is by no means readily answered. The examination of the forms of Syrmgospliceridce, with the radial series of tubes separated by much tube reticula- tion, leaves this question not satisfactorily solved. The fossilization is by calcite, and the cleavage planes, commencing cleavage planes, irregular crystals, and cracks show dark lines l)y transmitted light, which in many instances resemble sponge structure, and even in one instance a hexactinellid spicule was suggested to the eye. Polarized light, with or without the selenite plate, resolves these markings into the limiting lines of different crystals, and, although one or two evidently extraneous organic bodies have been seen amongst the tubes, no continu- ous or partial interskeleton can be determined to exist now. In the centre of the masses, the confusion of tube radiations, cleavage planes, and the presence of some foreign body, which formed in some instances the nucleus, or rather the starting point of the Syidngosphceridm, renders it impossible to decide dogmatically whether there is a coenenchyma or not. On the other hand, in those forms where the tubes are close, even in the interradial series, the absence of coenenchyma is evident enough. Under correction, and relying on the specimens examined, I do not think that there ever was a structure in them external to the tubes and which supported and separated them after the manner of a coenenchyma. The position of these spherical and spheroidal masses of radiating and interradiating tubes in the classificatory scale must be low. . The minute size of the tubes, their bifurcat- ing so frequently, and inosculating, and giving off others from small offshoots, and the struc- ture of the wall, do not render the SyringosplKBridce polyzoan in their nature. The analogy with the tubular or more or less globular masses of Fascicularia found in the English Crag is of the slightest in degree. It is tempting to theorize, so as to place a Gastrozooid in each pore, supplying it by the radial tabulation, and to decide that the tubes of the interradial series opening at the surface were those of Daclylozooids, the whole being a hydroid. But the absence of pores in some forms, the evidence that there are places where growth is not pro- ceeding in others, and the deficiency of surrounding open tube mouths in most, prevents this idea from having any value. There are moreover no tabulae in the tubes. That these great and small spherical and spheroidal masses are corals is, of course, out of the question, and the evidence of their sponge nature is small. Had there been a coenenchyma between the tubes, the bodies would have resembled foraminifera, with gigantic canal systems, but its absence and the peculiar nature of the tube- wall remove these forms from that polymorphic group. The absence of labyrinthic spaces, KARAKORAM STONES, OR SYRINGOSPH.ERID^. 9 and the fact that the tubes are not formed by arenaceous particles, separate the Syringosphte- ridce from the arenaceous foraminifera of the Parkeria group. It is evident that the calcareous granules and spicules were not collected by these tube- makers mechanically, and their occasional presence in the tubes themselves, and their extend- ing beyond them, but stiU clinging to the furry outside in other instances, show that the tube structure is organic in origin and that it resembles that of some Rhizopoda. The symmetry of the bodies could only have been maintained by a common sarcode, enveloping the whole ; food could only have been obtained by pseudopodia from the tubes, and these soft external substances would not be unfavourable to the shape of the mass, and to its never being found worn by resting or attrition. That these fossils are rhizopodous is almost a necessary belief, but it is evident that they cannot he brought within the order Radiolaria any more than they can within any group of the foraminifera. It remains, therefore, to establish a new order, the Sy^nngosphce- ridce, amongst the class Mhizopoda, and to include these triassic or lower Hassle fossils within it. 10 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. Class: EHIZOPODA. Order : SYEIN G OSFH^BID^. Genus : SYRINGOSPH.®RIA. Species Syringosph^ria verrucosa. „ S. MONTICULARIA. „ S. TUBERCULATA. „ S. POROSA. „ S. PLANA. Variety S. monticularia var. aspera. Genus : STOLICZKARIA. Species Stoliczkaria granulata. III. — A DESCRIPTION OP THE GENERA SyRINGOSPH^BIA AND StOLICZKARIA OF THE ORDER S YRING08PHMR1BM. Order : SYRINGOSPHA^EIDA]. Body free, spherical or spheroidal in shape, consisting of numbers of limited, more or less conical, radiating congeries of minute, continuous, long, bifurcating and inosculating tubes ; also of an interradial close or open tube reticulation arising from and surrounding the radial congeries. Tubes opening at the surface on eminences and in pores, and ramify- ing over it. Tubes minute, consisting of a wall of granular and granulospiculate carbonate of lime. Cmnenchyma absent. The presence of pores on the surface of some forms of the order, and their absence in others, and the very close nature of the interradial reticulation in the poreless kinds, necessi- tates its division into two genera. Genus : SYRINGOSPHiERIA. Body large, symmetrical, nearly spherical or oblately spheroidal, covered with large com- pound wart-like prominences with intermediate verrucosities, or with compound monticules liaving rounded summits, with solitary eminences between them, or with close broadly round- ed tubercles, or with minute granulations. Bounded, or oblique, or linear depressions occur on the surface usually between the eminences, but sometimes upon them ; they are shallow and are bounded by tubes, some of which open on their floor. The surface has tubes opening on it from the internal radial series, and also from the interradial tube reticulation ; also KAEAKORAM STONES, OE SYEINGOSPHAIEIDA:. 11 masses of tubes running over it, converging on the eminences, and more or less reticulate elsewhere. Eadial congeries of tubes numerous and defined, and the interradial tubulation is open or close and varicose. Genus: STOLICZKARIA. Body very large, symmetrical, oblately spheroidal, covered with a great number of minute distinct granulations, which are circular at the base, short and rather flat where free, and which are separated by an amount of surface about equal to their breadth. No pores exist. Tube openings occur on the granulations, and tubes, with or without openings, con- verge to their base and cover the intermediate surface. The tubes opening on to the granu- lations are terminations of the very numerous radial series, and are small ; and the others > wMch are larger, belong to the closely-packed varicose and much contorted interradial series. The body within consists of a vast number of small, not very conical, but rather straight, radial series, whose rather distant tubes give off minute offshoots to the surrounding large tubes of the close interradial series. No coenenchyma can be discovered. I have named the most remarkable of all these fossils, those which belong to the poreless division of the order, after the distinguished Palaeontologist, whose loss, whilst in the perform- ance of his duty and whilst studying these very forms, is greatly and justly regretted. IV. — A DESCRIPTION OP THE SPECIES OF THE GENUS SyRINGOSPH^RIA. There is nothing more unsatisfactory than the endeavour to separate and deflne rhizopodal forms into species, and the attempt would not have been made in this instance were there not five well-characterised types of the first, and one of the second genus. As the presence and absence of pores have been held to be of generic value in classify- ing the order, so the paucity or abundance of them can enter into the specific diagnosis ; moreover, the surface ornamentation, although of doubtful value, becomes more important to the specialist when it is accompanied, or not, by an open or close condition of the interradial tube series. There is one group of the genus Syringosphceria in which the pores are in excess, and occupy as much of the smTace as the eminences do. This forms a specific distinction and is all the more important, because the presence of former pores can be detected within the body, and the interradial tube reticulation is rather close. These, then, are the specific characters of Syringosphceina porosa. Plate II, Pigs. 3 and 4. The kinds with compound verrucose elevations have a moderate number of pores and a very open tube reticulation in the interradial series ; they form, with the group possessing compound and simple monticules, a tolerably well-defined set, divisible into two species by the surface growths. They are SyringosphcBria verrucosa and Syringosphceria monticularia; Plate I, Pigs. 1 to 12 ; Plate III, Pigs. 1 to 4, 8 and 9. The species Syringosphceria mon- ticularia is, however, subject to variation, and the monticules may be very flat, the whole surface being nearly level, or the eminences may be sharply defined. The forms classified under the last head constitute the variety aspera ; Plate II, Pigs. 6 and 7. A form with granular and minute processes with pores leads to the next genus. ■ It is Syringosphceria plana. All these are well defined and readily recognised species. 12 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. There is hut one species of the genus Stoliczkaria, the granulate, poreless surface of which distinguishes it from all other forms of the order. SYRINGOSPH.ERIA VERRUCOSA, Duncan. Plate I, Pigs. 1 to 3. The body is spheroidal in shape, and the surface has numerous large compound wart-hke or rounded or conical mammiliform eminences on it, and also solitary mammiliform projec- tions, as well as small, distant, sharp granules. Numerous minute, shallow, circular pores exist, especially on the bases of the verrucose and mammiliform projections, and there are some on the surface between them. The largest of these eminences are on the equatorial region. The surface between the great and small verrucosities and mammiliform eminences supports the majority of the small granulations, and is covered with closely-packed tubes and many tube openings. The tubes run short courses, bend and dip down, and are from ioTo to inch in diameter. They are separated by linear, low projections of dark coloured calcite, and very frequently the tube has disappeared and left these limiting products of fossihzation only. The openings of the tubes at the surface are sm-rounded by circular rims of the dark calcite. The top of every mammiliform, conical or verruciform eminence is smooth, and many tubes open on the summit and resemble circular patches of a slightly different colour to the brownish calcite which environs them. On the sides of the eminences, and reaching around and more or less on to the summit (Plate I, Pig. 3), are converging, wavy, linear projections of calcite, separated by long broad spaces. The spaces are the remains of tubes, and amongst them are wavy tube openings, limited by calcite rims. The pores have tubes around them and opening on their shallow floor, and they appear to he parts where the upward growth of some radial systems has not been as rapid as the interradial. The height of the body is inch, and the breadth is If inch. The diameter of the base of a large compound verrucose prominence is inch. In the fossilization of this form the tube- wall is light brown and the calcite, which has been infiltrated, is darker brown and smooth. Syringosph^ria monticularia, Duncan. Plate I, Pigs. 4 to 12 ; Plate III, Pigs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9. The body is ohlately spheroidal in shape, and the surface has wide-apart, low, rounded, compound mammillae on it, consisting of one large rounded eminence surrounded by many smaller ; also solitary, short, flatly rounded mammillse, and very small blunt granules of two or three sizes may exist. The pores are very numerous and are small, being found everywhere on the surface, and opening directly or obliquely. The intermammillate surface is marked mainly with the openings of tubes, and by a few sides of tubes passing for a short distance on the surface and converging on the eminences. Most of the tubes are inch in diameter. The mammillse are crowded with tube openings which are circular, and often the lighter colour- of the substance within the tube is seen surrounded by infiltrated calcite. In some specimens the tubes are excessively bent and geniculate, and they dip down or end suddenly. They surround the pores and open into them. The tubes are crowded, close, and the linear dark calcite often alone remains, ndicating the lateral limits of former tuhulation. KAHAKOEAM STONES, OR SYRINGOSPHAIRIDA:. 13 Radial sections show the radial series of tubes to bifurcate or inosculate frequently, and to increase in size in varicosities. These tubes mainly go to the surface and open there directly ; and some of them give off branches on all sides to form the interradial tube reticulation. As much of this reticulation consists of radiating tubes, the last series of them opens at the surface. The tubes of the outer meshes are also represented at the surface by flat or bent tubes. The interradial series thus formed separates, very distinctly, the wide conical radial congeries from each other. Almost every mammilla has its radial congeries of tubes. The diameter of the smallest lateral tubes given off is jo^ inch, but the average size of the tubes is 3-^ inch in diameter. Near the surface there are occasionally great differences in the size of the tubes, many of which become flat, and the same spreading out is seen further in, where the granular element of the tube- wall has been formed in excess. The typical specimen is inch high and 1 inch broad. The diameter of the pores is ^0 inch to ^ inch. (Plate I, Pigs. 4, 5, 6). A young specimen has the compound mammillae hardly formed, but the single ones and the pores are abundant. It is more spheroidal than the type (Plate I, Pigs. 7, 8, 9). The magnified radial sections (Plate III, Pigs. 1, 8, 9) were taken from this form. A variety of the species has a larger body than the type (Plate I, Pigs. 10, 11, 12), but the mammillae are low and insignificant. The magnified oblique section, showing the diver- gence of the very open tube series (Plate III, Pig. 4), is from this form, as is also the top of a monticule showing tubes and tube openings (Plate III, Pig. 3). SvEiNGOSPH.a:iiiA MONTICULAEIA, variety ASPEEA, Duncan. Plate II, Pigs. 6, 7. This transitional variety has very few compound mammillae, but a great number of single ones and pores. It is a large form, and is oblately spheroidal, about 1 inch in height and 2 inches in breadth. It was collected by Colonel Godwin- Austen, and is introduced here in exemplification of the series. The radial section shows that the radial congeries are very widely separated by reticulate tubulation ; that the tubes are large, usually 3^ inch, that they have a very delicate wall, are often varicose, and that they pass in great multitudes to the surface close together. Parther in, the intertubular space equals the diameter or the tubes, and gives rise to much confusion, and it is difficult to know, except by reflected light, wliich is tube and what is calcite infiltration. In some parts the tube reticulation is close, and the tubes crowded together, and in this there is an approximation to the next species. SvEiNGOSPH^EiA TUBEECTJLATA, Duncan. Plate II, Pigs. 1, 2. The body is spherical and symmetrical in shape, and is covered with numerous low, rounded, broad elevations, separated by indistinct interspaces. There are minute pores scattered over the whole surface. The eminences about inch across at their base, are not ^ of that measurement in height ; they are sometimes irregularly shaped. In some parts the interspaces are as broad as the bases of the eminences, but usually the slope of one eminence merges into that of another, the interspaces being confined to the concavity. The interspaces are covered with a very crowded and close arrangement of the tubes ; many D 14 SECOND YAEKAND MISSION. tubes pass out radially on them, and the orifices are only seen ; others come up to the surface and bend down again suddenly, leaving a geniculate swelling visible ; and others enlarge and diminish in their caliber. Some of these pass along the surface for a very short distance, and all very close together laterally, and others pass up the flanks of the eminences converging close to the summit and opening on them with their orifices, or more frequently on the centre of the tubercular elevations. The pores are numerous, small, shallow, and universal; they are limited by lateral tubes, and some open on their floor. The fossilization is by calcite, and in many places the interspace between the surface tubes infiltrated with calcite has been preserved, the tubes having weathered away. The tubes are so close together that the infiltrated calcite is difficult to distinguish from tube ; but its breadth is usually much the smaller. In radial sections the radial series of tubes are numerous and large, but the interradial systems are not very distinct from them, there being no wide tube reticulation. The tubes of the radial series are rather close, large, bifurcate, varicose, geniculate often, suddenly diminishing in size where joining others ; they join much with each other, side by side, are usually distinctly radial in their direction, which, however, is locally irregular, and they have thin walls and a large caliber. The interradial tubes, very radial in their course, however, are often seen passing for short distances, parallel with the circumference, in all parts of the body. They are more varied in their courses than the radial series, and are usually close together and crowded, the distance between them being small. They unite with the radial systems by offshoots of tubes, and it is evident that at the surface of the body most of the interradial tubes open directly outwards. There is no very definite relation between the outward opening of the tubes within and the eminences and interspaces ; moreover, the pores are situated without order. The majority of the tubes are nearly -3^ inch in diameter, some being inch, but very small tubes are rare. The fossilization of the interior of the body has led to radiating portions being infiltrated with a denser semi-granular calcite which hides much structure, and especially centrally. In some places the tubes are filled with opaque matter, and the intertubular spaces are readily distinguished, whilst in others the intertubular spaces are large, and the tube has either disappeared or remains in very transparent calcite. Under this condition, it is difficult to distinguish tube from continuous infiltrated calcite in section. Eelics of the pores, as clear spaces, are to be seen in radial sections. The height of the body is inches, and the whole resembles a Farkeria. Syeingosph.i:eia plana, Duncan. The body is oblately spheroidal, almost smooth on the surface, with many minute granules on it, and numerous small shallow scattered pores. The granules are flat, with rounded, or elongate, or irregular bases, and are about the same size as the pores. Many tubes open on them, forming circles on their periphery, and also into the pores, and there is con- siderable variation in their caliber. No tube reticulation exists on the surface, but the massing of the tubes is closer in some places than in others. In radial sections of the body a very marked tube arrangement is to be seen. A very considerable number of long, narrow, radial series pass on all sides to the surface, bounded KAEAKOEAM STONES, OE SYEINGOSPH^EID.E. 15 and environed by broader interradial series, with slightly larger, closer, and very bent tubes. The tubes of the radial series are wider apart than the others, although their course is usually radial and straight ; they often bend much here and there, are irregular, and are often genicu- late at the sides. They unite by means of very small offshoots, and bifurcate, but rarely increase in number sufficiently to present the aspect of a cone in the mass. They rather form linear radial lines. The larger and closer interradial series bend, unite, bifurcate, and are singularly gyrose, varicose, and irregular in their course in many places. They are often so close together that they resemble knots of tubes, and then the section having cut across many, exhibits the more or less circular incision in the tube-wall and the lumen. The tubes are usually 3^0 inch in diameter, those of the interradial series being the largest. Throughout the number of tubes in the interradial series is very great. In some spots calcite has filled up a vacant space which was evidently once a surface pore, and in one or two places the tubes end at one of these places. New tubes were formed distally to the space by the arching over of side ones, and the branches taking a radial direction. In some parts the radial tubes are smaller than in others, and then there is manifest difference between them and those of the adjoining interradial series, which branch give off offshoots from one side, and twist in a close and remarkable manner. The interspaces between the radial tubes are the largest, and those of the interradials are very minute. Towards the centre of the section a confused mass of convoluted tubes exists, and the radial and interradial series appear to start from it. The tubes are thin at the wall, and the structural element, granular, molecular and thinly set, is minute in the extreme. At the surface of the body every granule with its circlet of pores is the outlet of a radial series, and the space between the granules, pores included, represents the interradial structure within. The greatest breadth of the spheroidal body is one and a half inch. Syringosph^ria porosa, Duncan. Plate II, Pigs 3, 4. The body is very oblately spheroidal in shape and symmetrical. The surface is covered with minute low, rounded granules. The granules vary much in size, the pores are exceedingly numerous and unequally distributed, and the space between many of them is in ridges, giving a boldly reticulate appearance, especially equatorially. No large amount of tube reticulation is visible on the surface ; on the contrary, it appears, except at the pores, to be made up of tubes opening directly with circular or oblique outlines, and of wide intertubular interspaces filled with dark calcite. Where there is much space between the pores, the irregularity of this calcite indicates the former existence of peripheral tubes which have weathered out ; but where the granules show any structure, it is that of tubes on their sides, converging upwards and opening at the top, and of tubes opening on the centre of the top. The pores are clearly spaces where tube- growth has not progressed equally with that of the surrounding parts. The sides of the pores present tubes passing radially, and tubes open on their floor. Tangential sections, under low powers, exhibit localised and more or less circular groups of tubes which correspond to granules. In some the tubulation is reticulate, and in others, so radial that only the cut ends of tubes are seen. There are spots where the reticulation is 16 SECOND YARKAND MISSION. very diffused, the tubes being very irregular in size, shape, and position in the section. In some places the tubes are very close, bifurcate, as in the other instances, and are more or less around the circular groups. There is not much difference in the size of the tubes, which vary from 3^ to 3^ inch. There are spots without any tube structure, and these are circumscribed and are the relics of old pores, passed by during the radial growth of the body. In radial sections there is in many places such an exact relation in shape between the tube-structure, whether reticulate or radial, and the interspaces, that it is very difficult to distinguish interspaces filled with clear calcite from very transparent tubes. So many circular spaces exist, 3^0 i^^ch in diameter, in these parts of the section, that they may be taken for tube sections, surrounded by a whitish and rather opaque calcite. But they are reaUy interspaces, the true tubes having the translucent walls. The radial series is not, on the whole, very distinguishable from the interradial, but the pores exist as vacant elongate spaces bounded by tubes aU around, and bridged over tangentially by tube reticulation. They are not lined by any special structure. The minute structure of the tubes is a finely granular substance (carbonate of lime), lightish red to transmitted light, and there are dark granules like minute dendrites. There is no trace of a coenenchyma, and the fossHization simulates many structm’es, which are, however, readily resolved by even low powers of the microscope. The height of the body is 1 3% inch, and the breadth 2 inches. V. — The species of stoliczkabia. One species of this genus is amongst the collection, and its forms are readily known by their great size, minutely, but not sharply, granular appearance, and the absence of pores. Stoliczkahia granulata, Duncan. Plate II, Pig. 5 ; Plate III, Pigs. 5, 6, 7. The body is large, spheroidal, and symmetrical ; it is covered with a vast number of minute eminences and interspaces. The eminences are separated by about their own breadth, or they may be closer, touching at their bases ; they are usually circular in outline, low, flat or rounded at the free extremity, and are about as tall as their base is broad. There are usually five, and the corresponding interspaces, in 3^ inch. In some places the bases are con- tinuous so as to form long narrow gyrose ridges, and in others they are absent, the circular base existing only. Here and there are some larger ones, and minute granules are inter- spersed. Rather large tubes are on the outside and flanks of the eminences, and they open around and close within the circular top edge. They pass on to the spaces between the eminences, and are closely crowded, very bent, and form a dense reticulation, some opening there outwards. The inner or central part of the upper surface of the eminences has a few, rather wide- apart tubes opening there ; they are radial and small, and are readily distinguished from the interradial series around. Where an eminence is rudimentary, the central radial tubes may be seen separated by a little interspace from the dense reticulation of larger and closer interradial tubes. KARAKOEAM STONES, OE SYEINGOSPHAIEIDA:. 17 Sections of the body tangentially show a vast number of small circular radial systems, surrounded by encircling interradial tube-structures (Plate III, Pig. 5) . The tubes are for the most part seen cut across, and the radial are very small, few in number, and are wide apart. The surrounding mass of tubes consists of those of large caliber, often with minute off- shoots to the radial series, and usually very varied in shape and size on account of their gyrose, varicose, rapidly bending course, of their inosculating and bifurcating, and of the necessary obliquity of their section. They are close and crowded. Both series have the tube-wall developed and thin, and the radial tubes are usually ji ^ inch in diameter, the others measuring usually not much less than -j-io iiich. The section gives the appearance of a multitude of stars by transmitted light, the centre of each being most distinct and occupied by the radial tubes. These combined series do not increase much in their size from within outwards, and they are inch across. The interradial tubes of one system communicate with those of the neighbours, and with the surrounding radial series sometimes. The sections of some of the interradial tubes present a flask-shaped outline, and this arises from the radial tubes or the interradial now and then giving off very delicate tubes of connection. The sections made radially present a totally different appearance to those just described. A little way below the surface a series of nearly equal parallel systems of tubes is seen ; one set of tubes is closely crowded, and they are close, large, swell out here and there, bend, bifurcate, and give off minute offshoots. The other consists of a few wide-apart, narrow, not over-straight, tubes which give off tubes of their own size or a little smaller to each other and to the larger tubes of the set at their side. The larger set is the interradial system, seen, longitudinally or radially, and the smaller by its side is a radial system. Next comes another interradial system, about as broad as the radial one thus included, or perhaps a little broader ; (Plate III, Pig. 6). When the radial section is examined, close below and at the surface, the large tubes of the interradial systems are seen in lines, with the smaller radial ones parallel with them. The height of the body is 2y ^ inches, and the breadth nearly 3 inches. ¥ > ♦ < ? I Y I ■ f VI -DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. PLATE I. 1. The body of Syringosplmria vermcosa, Duncan. Natural size. 2. A portion of the surface of the same specimen magnified to show the superficial projections, pores, and tubulation. 3. The top of a large eminence, with pores on its sides ; the tubes are seen crowding the surface, and many round markings at the apex denote the openings of internal tubes. The specimen is the same as the last, and is more highly magnified. 4. The body of Syringosphteria monticularia, Duncan. Natural size. 5. The same specimen magnified in part to show the monticules, pores and openings of tubes, with many ramifying and superficial tubes on the surface. 6. A monticule more highly magnified to show canal openings, canals and spaces between them, also some small monticules. 7. The body of a smaller and less mature specimen of Syringosphceria monticularia. 8. A portion magnified, the radiating canals and the canal openings being shown on the monticules. 9. A portion more highly magnified, showing a large monticule and smaller ones, with superficial tubulation and the exit of internal tubes. Pores are also shown. 10. A part of the body of a large specimen of a mature Syringosphreria monticularia. 11. A portion considerably magnified, showing a minute monticule and two pores. The tubulation is between the dark lines, and the dots on the monticule and elsewhere are the openings of internal radiating tubes. 1 2. A portion less highly magnified, showing numerous minute pores and larger monticules. Plate 1. SYRIISIGOSPILERID^ . y* w- PLATE II. 1. The body of Syringosplmria tuherculata, Duncan. Natural size. %. A portion magnified^ showing the tabulation on the surface of the body and monticules, and a few pores. 3. The body of Syringosphceria porosa, Duncan, shown in outline, with a portion indicating the numerous pores. Natural size. 4. A portion magnified, showing numerous round pores with canal openings and the inter- mediate surface with indistinct tabulation. 5. The body of Stoliczkaria granulata, Duncan, shown in outline. The upper portion of details is of the size of nature, and indicates the numerous irregularly disposed granula- tions. The lower portion is in part magnified to show the numerous granulations, the tube openings on their top and their radiating tubulation on their sides and in the intervening space. 6. The body of Sgringosphceria monticularia, Duncan, variety aspera. Natural size. 7. A portion magnified, showing the openings of tubes on the monticules and the other tubulation, the black lines being interspaces between stout, crooked tubes. Mintern Bros iir^ ASPoari dd.PM.I)ancan Ar SYRINGOSPH^RID^ . # 4 7 - ■ I.. : <5i \ 't- ■ f- l^fc - . ^:: - f . ' • PLATE III 1. A section taken from Syringospharia monticularia , Duncan, the specimen being figured on Plate I in figure 7. The section is radial, and the top represents a small monticule at the surface ; the lower part is towards the centre of the body. Many tubes are seen reaching to the surface and opening, some on the faintly rounded monticule, and others in the depressed part. The tubes in the centre of the section are essentially part of a radial congeries. At the sides there is tube reticulation and some of the endings of these tubes are seen at the surface. Swellings of the tubes are seen in some places. Magnified, half-inch object glass. 2. The surface of a specimen of Syrmgosy>hceria monticularia magnified, showing on the right a small pore with one large tube opening and two smaller. The dark, straight, bent, and branching dark lines elsewhere are the calcite intertubular infiltration, and the white or shaded spaces between them are tubes, some running, as on the left, a short course and opening on the surface, others bounding the pore, and some only showing geniculate portions of their track. 3. The top and sides of a small monticule of the same specimen, less highly magnified. There are tube openings of the radial series in the centre, and portions of tubes, partly of the radial and partly of the interradial series, covering the sides of the monticule, and opening externally around the top. 4. An oblique section near the centre of a specimen of Syringosphaeria monticularia magnified. In the centre is what may be called a parent tube which gives off others that in turn bifurcate and radiate. Those on the sides of the section are becoming interradial reticulations, and are here and there irregularly swollen. Many small tubes cut across are seen disconnected. The central tubes are two radial sets, and the bifurcating is very characteristic. 5. A tangential section of one of the granules of Stoliczharia granulata magnified. The small radial tubes open in the midst directly, and the large interradial tubes, most irregular in their outline of section, are, some of them, provided with neck-like pro- longations. These are connected with the small radial series. 6. A longitudinal section of the same specimen and through a granule. In the centre are a few inosculating and bifurcating small tubes, and three of them open at the surface on the top of a granule, being equivalent to the central openings in figure 5. On either side are large interradial tubes, two uniting with the radial series by small short neck- like tubes. Magnified under quarter-inch object glass. 7. The surface of a rugged part of the same Stoliczharia slightly magnified. The granules show tube openings on them and some large tube reticulation, the dark lines being intertubular weathering. 8. A longitudinal or radial section of Syringospharia monticularia magnified. The depi’ession is a poi’e, and the relation of some tubes to it is shown. Other tubes are opening out at the surface close by. 9. A radial section of the same specimen showing an interradial tube reticulation opening at the surface and running over it, forming there a tubular series. Elsewhere the irregular size of the tubes is shown and their general reticulation. Plate HL. SYRINGOSPIL^LRlDi®: . 4 ^' . 1 \ {