LIST OF MOON TYPE BOOKS IN THE CIRCULATING LIBRARY OF THE Perkins Institution AND Massachusetts School for the Blind BOSTON Geo. H. Ellis Co., Printers, 272 Congress Street 1910 ost7,£,ai T ti * 3 LIST OF MOON TYPE BOOKS IN THE CIRCULATING LIBRARY OF THE PERKINS INSTITUTION AND MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND. Biography* Albert, Prince. Consort of England. Early years of H. R. H. Arkwright, Sir Richard. Bacon, Nicholas. Bloomfield, Robert. Bramah, Joseph. Brown, John. Bunyan, John. Burbank, Luther. Harwood, W. S. A wonder worker of science. Carey, William. Caxton, William. Clarke, Adam. Columbus, Christopher. 3 vol. Cook, Captain James. 2 vol. Cooter, Eliza. Davis, John. Davy, Sir Humphry, and Jenner, Edward, M.D. Eade, William. Ferguson, James; the astronomer. Franklin, Benjamin. 2 vol. Garfield, James Abram. President of the United States. 2 vol. Garibaldi. 3 vol. Gilbert, Miss. 2 vol. Gladstone, W. E. Jerrold, Walter. W. E. Gladstone. 2 vol. Gordon, Gen. Charles. Watson, Sir James. Gen. Charles Gordon. Grant, U. S. Wister, Owen. Ulysses S. Grant. 2 vol. Grey, Lady Jane. Gypson, Mrs. Last hours; from a diary. Hall, John Vine. Havelock, Sir Henry. Havergal, Frances Ridley. Herschel, Sir William. Jeiiner, Edward. Lincoln, Abraham. President of the United States. 2 vol. Livingstone, David. 5 vol. Lowther, Sir C. H. Luther, Martin. 3 vol. McKinley, William. Hay, John. Memorial address. Moon, William. Labors for the blind. Morehead, Robert. Murray, Alexander. Nansen, Fridjof. Bain, J. A. Fridjof Nansen. 2 vol. Nelson, Horatio, Viscount. Newton, Sir Isaac. Newton, Sir Isaac, Herschel and Ferguson. Pollard, Harriet. Polycarp, St. Last days of St. Polycarp. Sharpies, James. Stephenson, George and Robert. Victoria, Queen of England: Queen’s journal. Blair, Athol and Tour. Queen’s journal. First visit to Scotland. Queen’s journal. Our life in the Highlands. 2 vol. Life and reign of Queen Victoria. Our gracious Queen. Washington, George. President of the United States. Watt, James. Watt, James, and Arkwright, Sir Richard. Wedgwood, Josiah. Wedlock, William. Whitefield, George. Macaulay, Dr. George Whitefield. Bible — Old Testament* Chronicles; First and Second. 4 vol. Daniel. Deuteronomy. 2 vol. Exodus. 2 vol. Ezekiel. 3 vol. Ezra to Esther. 2 vol. Genesis. 2 vol. Hosea to Obadiah. Isaiah. 3 vol. Isaiah: Chapters 35, 49. 40. 53 and Psalms 23, 125. 55 and Psalms 27, 103. Jeremiah. 3 vol. Job. 2 vol. 5 Jonah to Malachi. Joshua. 2 vol. Judges. 2 vol. Kings; First and Second. 4 vol. First; Chapter 18. Second; Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Leviticus. 2 vol. Numbers. 2 vol. Proverbs. Chapter 8. Psalms. 3 vol. 20, 25, 90, 116, 121. 32, 51, 130, 143. 34, 86, 96. 40, 42, 84. 91, 139, 147. 119. Ruth to Lamentations. Samuel; First and Second. 4 vol. Bible — New Testament Acts. 2 vol. Chapters 1 and 2. Corinthians; First and Second. First : Chapter 15. Second: Chapters 5, 6. Galatians to Philemon. Hebrews to Jude. Chapters 11, 12. John. Chapters 3, 6, 18. 1,3,4. vol. 1. 2, 4, 5. vol. 2. 6, 7. vol. 3. 8, 9, 10. vol. 4. 11, 12, 13. vol. 5. 15, 16, 17. vol. 6. 18, 19, 20, 21. vol. 7. Luke. 2 vol. Chapters 1, 2. 11, 15, 18. Mark. Chapters 11, 12. Matthew. 2 vol. Peter, First: Chapters 1, 2. 6 Revelation. Chapters 1-5. Romans. Chapters 5, 6. Sermon on the Mount. Religion. Blackwood, Sir A. S. Forgiveness, life and glory. 3 vol. Blood that saveth. Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s progress. 5 vol. Havergal, F. R. Loyal responses. Knight, Rev. W. A. Song of our Syrian guest. Sinner’s friend. 2 vol. Spurgeon, C. H. John Ploughman’s talk. 2 vol. Sermons. 6 vol. Stalker, Rev. James. Imago Christi. 3 vol. Texts for the aged. 4 vol. Texts of consolation. Thoughts of God. 4 vol. Tales and Anecdotes. Anecdotes of dogs. Blind beggar. Debt is paid. Destruction of a Madrid inquisition. Disinterred Pompeians. Dying robber. Falls of Niagara. Luke Hey wood. Praying Willis. Three remarkable diamonds. Uses of difficulty. Fiction. Ainsworth, W. H. Boscobel, or The royal oak. 10 vol. Aldrich, T. B. Marjorie Daw. Andrews, Mrs. M. R. S. Perfect tribute. Atkinson, Eleanor. Lincoln’s love story. 2 vol. Brown, John. Rab and his friends. Bunner, H. C. Nice people. Butler, E. P. Pigs is pigs. Christmas peace. Connor, Ralph. Sky pilot. 2 vol. Cooke, Rose. Deacon’s week. 7 Craik, Mrs. Mulock. John Halifax, gentleman. 8 vol. Noble life. 3 vol. Dickens, Charles. Christmas carol. 2 vol. Hugo, Victor. Good bishop, from Les miserables. 2 vol. London, Jack. Call of the wild. 2 vol. Lyall, David. Corner stone. 5 vol. Lyall, Edna. Autobiography of a slander. 2 vol. To right the wrong. 8 vol. Morley, Charles. Teufel, the terrier. 2 vol. Reed, Myrtle. Spinner in the sun. 5 vol. Revolt of a mother. Rice, Mrs. A. H. Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch. 2 vol. Scent of the roses. Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe. 8 vol. Kenilworth. 9 vol. Stockton, F. R. His wife’s deceased sister; and, A piece of red calico. Van Dyke, Henry. Story of the other wise man. 2 vol. Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. Birds’ Christmas carol. 2 vol. English Language. Nelson. Primer. Royal reader No. 1. 2 vol. No. 2. 4 vol. No. 3. 3 vol. No. 4. 6 vol. No. 5. 8 vol. Public school primer. Reading books 1 and 2. Education. Fallows, A. K. Mental hygiene in everyday living. Point of view. Talk on relaxation. Science. Atlantic telegraph. Ball. Hundred millions of suns. 2 vol. Barometer. Cast steel. Early English iron manufacture. Earthquakes. Euclid. Induction coil. Iron and civilization. Iron smelting by pit coal. 8 Lockyer, J. N. Astronomy: science primer. Moon, William. Geography. 2 vol. Natural history. 8 vol. Proctor, R. A. Birth and death of worlds. Comets and meteors. Lecture on the sun. Ranson, J. B. Triumph of wireless. Thunderstorms. Volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes under water. Wonders of coal. Wonders of digestion. Wonders of the magnet. Literature. Keller, Helen. Optimism. Poetry. All-sufficient God. Bull. Hymns. 3 vol. Burns, Robert. Poems: selections. Vol. I. Changed cross. Diverting history of John Gilpin. Evening hymns. Four centuries of poetry: selections. Vol. 1. Hemans, Mrs. F. D. Selection of poems. Herbert and Quarles. Selections. Hours of sorrow. Hymns on resignation. Longfellow, H. W. Evangeline. Miles Standish. Poems: selections. 2 vol. Tales of a wayside inn. 2 vol. Milton, John. Paradise lost. Book 1. Morning hymns. Morning and evening hymns. Need of Jesus. Old, old story. Precious promises. Prose and poetry for recitation. Vol. 1. Revival hymns. 2 vol. Sacred poetry; parts 1 and 2. Sankey’s hymns. Scott, Sir Walter. Lady of the Lake. 2 vol. Marmion. 2 vol. Selection of well-known poems. 9 Shakespeare, William. Merchant of Venice. Tempest. When to trust Jesus. Willis, N. P. Poems: selections. World in the heart. History* A. L. O. E. Daybreak in Britain. Dodds, James. Fifty years’ struggle of Scottish covenanters. 6 vol. Drummond, Henry. Tropical Africa. 2 vol. Fiske, John. History of the United States. 6 vol. Fitchett, W. H. Deeds that won the Empire. 5 vol. Lodge, H. C., and Roosevelt, Theodore. Hero tales from American history. 4 vol. Mackenzie, J. History of Scotland. 7 vol. Moon, William. African nations. Ancient Britons. Ancient history: Assyria and Babylon. East under Greek and Roman rule. Egypt. Greek. 4 vol. Rome. 4 vol. Persian Empire. History of England. 22 vol. Outlines of the history of Scotland. Saxon Heptarchy. 3 vol. Siege of Rome in 1849. Spanish armada. Watkins, O. S. With Kitchener’s army. 3 vol. Description and Travel* Boardman, M. T. An audience with the Dowager Empress of China. Bullen, F. T. Cruise of the Cachalot. 8 vol. Hague, Arnold. Yellowstone national park.