/?v EX LIBRIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Class Book Volume Je 06-lOM Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. University of Illinois Library ui M32 MISS FERRIER'S NOVELS EDITED BY REGINALD BRIMLEY JOHNSON IN SIX VOLUMES VOL. III. THE INHERITANCE VOL. I. T.Ua/'UrXx'oid-'ff'/icSi: ■/'i/t/ii 'i/u; '{n^t n-cru,-- Pri -i^/u^ ^uMfJ&urn^ o/^4{/}f''.X a^ THE NOVELS SUS^zjlS-ErDATONSIONE •FERRIHR IN • SIX • VOLUMEJS • JNHETRlT/lTsr VOL I •WITH • INTRODUCTION • BY • R BRIMEETJOHNSONS- HXUSTRBTIONS BY- NEJJLY ■ ERJCHSSN ■ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Bust of Miss Ferrier ... Frontispiece, Gertrude comes in late for breakfast . page 27 Gertrude's INTERVIEW WITH Lewiston . „ 155 Gertrude and Colonel Delmour at the riverside . . . . ,,214 87944 THE INHERITANCE, Cl)apter j. Strange is it, that our bloods Of colour, weight, and heat, pour'd all together, Would quite confound distinction, yet stand off In differences so mighty. AWs IVdl that Ends Well. IT is a truth universally acknowledged, that there is no passion so deeply rooted in human nature as that of pride. Whether of self or of family, of deeds done in our own bodies, or deeds done in the bodies of those who lived hundreds of years before us — all find some foundation on which to build their Tower of Babel. Even the dark uncertain future becomes a bright field of promise to the eye of pride, which, like Banquo's bloody ghost, can smile even upon the dim perspective of posthumous greatness. As the noblest attribute of man, family pride had been cherished time immemorial by the noble race of Rossville. Deep and incurable, therefore, was the wound inflicted on all its members by the marriage I. A 2 THE INHERITANCE. of the Honourable Thomas St Clair, youngest son of the Earl of Rossville, with the humble Miss Sarah Black, a beautiful girl of obscure origin and no fortune. In such an union there was every thing to exasperate, nothing to mollify the outraged feelings of the Rossville family ; for youth and beauty were all . that Mrs St Clair had to oppose to pride and ambition. The usual consequences, therefore, were such as always have, and probably always will accompany unequal alliances, — viz., the displeasure of friends, the want of fortune, the world's dread laugh, and, in short, all the thousand natural ills that flesh is heir to when it fails in its allegiance to blood. Yet there are minds fitted to encounter and to overcome even these — minds pos- sessed of that inherent nobility which regard honour as something more than a mere hereditary name, and which seek the nobler distinction, open to all, in the career of some honourable profession. But Mr St Clair's mind was endowed with no such powers ; for he was a man of weak intellects and indolent habits, with just enough of feeling to wish to screen himself from the poverty and contempt his marriage had brought upon him. After hanging on for some time in hopes of a reconciliation with his family, and finding all attempts vain, he at length consented to banish himself and the object of their contumely to some remote quarter of the world, upon condition of receiving a suitable allowance so long as they should remain abroad. The unfortunate pair, thus doomed to unwilling exile, retired to France, where Mr St Clair's mind soon settled into that state which acquires its name from the character of its pos- sessor, and, according to that, is called foititude, resignation, contentment, or stupidity. There, too, they soon sunk into that oblivion which is sometimes the portion of the living as well as the dead. His father's death, which happened some years after, made THE INHERITANCE. 3 no alteration in his circumstances. The patrimony to which he expected to succeed was settled on his children, should he have any, and a slender life annuity was his only portion. The natural wish of almost every human being, the weakest as well as the wisest, seems to be to leave some memorial of themselves to posterity — something, if not to tell how their fathers thought or fought, at least to show how they talked or walked. This wish Mr and Mrs St Clair possessed in common with others ; but year after year passed away, and it still remained un- gratified, while every year it became a still stronger sentiment, as death seemed gradually clearing the way to the succession. At the time of his marriage Mr St Clair had been the youngest of five sons ; but three of his brothers had fallen victims to war or pestilence, and there now only remained the present Earl and himself, both alike childless. At length, when hope was almost extinct, Mrs St Clair announced herself to be in the way of becoming a mother ; and the emigrants resolved upon returning to their native land, that their child might there first see the light. Previous to taking this step, however, the important intelligence was communicated to Lord Rossville, and also their intention of immediately pro- ceeding to Scotland, if agreeable to him ; at the same time expressing a wish that he would favour them with his advice and opinion, as they would be entirely guided by him in their plans. Lord Rossville was a man who liked to be consulted, and to overturn every plan which he himself had not arranged ; and as Mr St Clair had spoken of taking shipping from Bordeaux, where they then were, and going by sea to. Scotland, Lord Rossville in his answer expressed his decided disapprobation of such a scheme, in Mrs St Clair's situation, and in stormy winter 4 THE INHERITANCE. weather. But he enclosed a route by way of Paris, which he had made out for them with his own hand ; and directed them, upon their arrival there, to signify the same to him, and there to remain until he had re- solved upon what was next to be done, as he had by no means made up his mind as to the propriety, or at least the necessity, of their returning to Scotland. The packet also contained an order for a sum of money, and letters to some friends of his own at Paris, who would be of service to Mrs St Clair. So far all was kind and conciliating ; and the exiles, after much delay, set forth upon their journey, according to the rules prescribed by the Earl — but, within a day's journey of Paris, Mrs St Clair was taken prematurely ill, and there, at an obscure village, gave birth to a daughter, which, as Mr St Clair sensibly remarked, though not so good as a boy, was yet better than nothing at all. As the salique law was not in force in the Rossville family, the sex of the child was indeed a matter of little con- sequence, save in the eyes of such as are sturdy sticklers for man's supremacy. Its health and strength were therefore the chief objects of consideration ; and, al- though prematurely introduced into life, it was a remark- ably fine thriving baby, which Mrs St Clair, contrary to the common practice of mothers, ascribed entirely to the excellence of its nurse. They had been fortunate enough to meet with a woman of a superior class, who, having recently lost her husband and her own infant, had readily adopted this one, and as readily transferred to it that abundant stock of love and tenderness which those dealers in the milk of human kindness always have so freely to bestow on their nursling for the time. Mrs St Clair's recovery was tedious, and her general health she declared to be so much impaired that she could not think of encounter- ing the severity of a northern climate. Instead of THE INHERITANCE. 5 prosecuting their journey, therefore, they retired to the south of France, and, after moving about for some time, finally settled there. This was not what the Earl had intended ; for, although pride still opposed his brother^s return to Scotland, he had, at the same time, wished to have the family somewhere within the sphere of his observation and control, — the more especially as, having lately separated from his lady, his brother's child might now be regarded as presumptive heiress to the family honours. He had purposed, and indeed pressed, to have the little Gertrude transmitted to him, that she might have the advantage of being trained up under his own eye ; but to this Mrs St Clair would not consent. She declared, in the most polite but decided manner, her determination never to part with her child ; but promised that, as soon as her health was sufficiently re- established, they would return to Britain, and that Lord Rossville should have the direction and superintendence, if he pleased, of the young heiress's education. But some obstacle, real or pretended, always arose to prevent the accomplishment of this plan, till at length Mr St Clair was struck with a palsy, which rendered it impossible for him to be removed. Dead to all the purposes of life, he lingered on for several years, — one of those melancholy mementos, who, with a human voice and human shape, have survived every thing human besides. At length death claimed him as his own, and the widow lost no time in announcing the event to the Earl, and in craving his advice and protection for herself and daughter. A very polite, though long-winded reply, was received from Lord Rossville, in which he directed that Mrs and Miss St Clair should immediately repair to Rossville Castle, there to remain until he should have time and opportunity fully to digest the plans he had formed for the pupilage of his niece. This invitation 6 THE INHERITANCE. was too advantageous to be refused, even although the terms in which it was couched were not very alluring either to the mother or daughter. With a mixture, therefore, of pleasure and regret, they hastened to exchange the gay vineyards and bright suns of France for the bleak hills and frowning skies of Scotland. Cljaptcr tj* Hope well to have, hate not past thought ; For cruel storms fair calms have brought : After sharp showers the sun shines fair, Hope comes likevsrise after despair. Richard Alison. MANY years had elapsed since Mrs St Clair had left her native land, and those who had known her then could scarcely have recognised her now, so completely had the tout ensemble changed its character. The blooming hoyden, with her awkward habits and provincial dialect, had been gradually trans- formed into the beautiful woman, graceful in her move- ments, and polished, though elaborate in her manners. Though now long past her meridian, she was still hand- some, and to superficial observers could be captivating ; but the change was merely outward, proceeding from no innate delicacy of thought or ennobling principle of action. It was solely the result of nice tact, know- ledge of the world, and long intercourse with foreigners. The mind remained the same, although the matter had been modified. In her early days her pride and ambition had been excited by making what was considered a splendid alliance ; and it was not till her understanding was thoroughly ripened, that she made the mortifying dis- THE INHERITANCE. 7 covery that high birth, when coupled with personal insignificance, adds no more to real distinction than a showy sign does to an ill-kept inn. It was this dis- appointment which, operating on a naturally proud and violent temper, had brought into play all the worst qualities of her nature, and made her look upon the world as indeed a stage, where all the men and women were merely players. To act a grand and conspicuous part, and regain the station her husband's pusillanimity had lost, was therefore now her sole aim. It rarely happens that one artificial mind can succeed in forming another — we seldom imitate what we do not love. There is something in human nature which recoils from an artificial character even more than from a faulty one ; and where the attempt fails, the revulsion generally produces a character of a totally different stamp. Mrs St Clair had spared no pains to render her daughter as great an adept in dissimulation as she was herself; but all her endeavours had proved unsuccessful, and Miss St Clair's mind remained pretty much as nature had formed it — a mixture of wheat and tares, flowers and weeds. There existed no sort of sympathy or con- geniality of mind between the mother and daughter — there seemed little even of that natural affection which often supplies the want of kindred feeling or similar tastes, and which serves to bind together hearts no human process ever could have brought to amalgamate. Without any point of resemblance in their characters or ideas, there was consequently little interchange of thought ; and when Gertmde did address her mother, it was more from the overflowings of an open heart and buoyant spirits than from any reciprocity of feeling. " How I wish I had Prince Houssain's glass," ex- claimed she, as they drew near the borders of Scotland, 1/ " that I might take a peep at the people I am going amongst — a single glance would suffice to give me some 8 THE INHERITANCE. idea of them, or at least to show whether they are the sort of persons it will be possible for me to love." "You have formed very high and somewhat pre- sumptuous ideas of your own powers of discrimination, it seems," said Mrs St Clair with a disdainful smile ; " but I should humbly conceive that my knowledge and experience might prove almost as useful as your own observations or theories are likely to do." " I beg your pardon, mamma, but I did not know you had been acquainted with the Rossville family." " I am not personally acquainted with any of them — I never was — T never would have been, but for you. It is upon your account I now stoop to a reconciliation, which otherwise I would have spurned as I have been spurned." She spoke with vehemence ; then in a calmer tone proceeded, " It is natural that you should wish to know something of the relations with whom you are henceforth to associate, since there is nothing more desirable than a previous knowledge of those whom it is necessary we should please. It is only from report I can speak of the Rossville family, but even from report we may form a tolerably accurate idea of people's general character. Report then says, that Lord Ross- ville is an obstinate, troublesome, tiresome, well-behaved man ; that his sister. Lady Betty, who resides with him, is a harmless, dull, inquisitive old woman : then there are nephews, sisters' sons, to one of whom you are pro- bably destined : there is Mr Delmour, a weak, formal, parliamentary drudge, son of Lord Somebody Delmour, and nephew to the Duke of Burlington ; and his brother, Colonel Delmour, a fashionable unprincipled gamester ; and Mr Lyndsay, a sort of quake rish, methodistical, sombre person, — all, of course, brimful of pride and prejudice. Nevertheless, beware how you contradict prejudices, even knowing them to be such, for the generality of people are much more tenacious of their THE INHERITANCE. 9 prejudices than of any thing belonging to them ; and should you hear them run out in raptures at such a pro- spect as this'' (pointing to the long bleak line of Scottish coast), " even this too, you must admire ; even this cold y shrubless tract of bare earth and stone walls, and yoni,/^ dark stormy sea, you will perhaps be told (and you must assent), are fairer than the lilied fields and limpid waters of Languedoc." Miss St Clair remained silent for a few moments contemplating the scene before her ; at last she said, " Indeed, mamma, I do think there is something fine in such a scene as this, although I can scarcely tell in what the charm consists, or why it should be more deeply felt than scenes of greater beauty and grandeur ; but there seems to me something so simple and majestic in such an expanse of mere earth and water, that I feel as if I were looking on nature at the beginning of the creation, when only the sea and the dry land had been formed." " Rather after the fall, methinks/' said Mrs St Clair with a bitter smile, as she drew her cloak round her ; " at least, I feel at present much more as if I had been expelled from Paradise, than as if I were entering it." The scene was indeed a dreary one, though calculated to excite emotions in the mind true to nature in all her varied aspects ; and more especially in the youthful heart, where novelty alone possesses a charki sufficient to call forth its admiration. The dark lead-coloured ocean lay stretched before them ; its dreary expanse concealed by lowering clouds, while the sea-fowl clamouring in crowds to the shore announced the coming storm. The yet unclothed fields were black with crows, whose discordant cries mingled with the heavy monotonous sound of the waves, as they advanced with sullen roar, and broke with idle splash. A thick mist was gradually spreading over every object — an in- lO THE INHERITANCE. describable shivering was felt by every human thing which had bones and skin to feel — in short, it was an east wind ; and the effect of an east wind upon the east coast of Scotland may have been experienced, but cannot be described. " This is dreadful ! " exclaimed Mrs St Clair, as her teeth chattered in her head, and her skin began to rise into what is vulgarly termed goose-skin. "You do look ill, mamma — you are quite a pale blue, and I certainly feel as I never did before ; " and Miss St Clair pulled up the windows, and wrapped her roquelaure still closer. The French valet and abigail, who sat on the dicky, looked round with pitiful faces, as though to ask, " Quest-ce que cela P " Even the postillion seemed affected in the same manner; for, stopping his horses, he drew forth a ponderous many- caped great coat, and buttoning it up to his nose, with a look that bade defiance to the weather, he pursued his route. The air grew colder and colder — the mist be- came thicker and thicker — the shrieks of the sea-fowl louder and louder — till a tremendous hail shower burst forth, and dashed with threatening violence against the windows of the carriage, and the undaunted driver was compelled to bend his purple face beneath its pitiless pelting, while he urged his horses as if to escape from its influence. " This is Scotland, and this is the month of May ! " exclaimed Mrs St Clair with a groan, as she looked on the whitened fields, and her thoughts recurred to the smiling skies and balmy vernal airs of Languedoc. " Scotland has given us rather a rude welcome, I must confess," said her daughter ; " but, happily, I am not superstitious ; and, see, it is beginning to smile upon us already." In a few minutes the clouds rolled away — the sun burst forth in all his warmth and brilliancy — the tender THE INHERITANCE. II wheat glittered in the moisture — the lark flew exulting aloft — the sea-fowl spread their white wings, and skimmed over the blue waters — the postillion slackened his pace, and put off his great coat : such is Scotland's varying clime — such its varying scenery ! Cl)apter u|> My father's house ! -Send me not thence Dishonour'd, but to wealth, to greatness raised. Sophocles. IT was on a lovely evening that the travellers reached their destination near the western coast of Scot- land. The air was soft, and the setting sun shed his purple light on the mountains which formed the back-ground of the Rossville domains. The approach wound along the side of a river, which possessed all the characteristic variety of a Scottish stream — now gliding silently along, or seeming to stand motionless in the crystal depth of some shaded pool — now chafing and gurgling, with lulling sound, over its pebbly bed — while its steep banks presented no less changing features. In some places they were covered with wood, now in the first tints of spring — the formal poplar's pale hue and the fringed larch's tender green mingling with the red seared leaf of the oak and the brown opening bud of the syca- more. In others, grey rocks peeped from amidst the lichens and creeping plants which covered them as with a garment of many colours, and the wild rose decked them with its transient blossoms. Farther on the banks became less precipitous, and gradually sunk into a gentle slope, covered with smooth green turf, and sprinkled with trees of noble size. The 12 THE INHERITANCE. only sounds that mingled with the rush of the stream were the rich full song of the blackbird, the plaintive murmur of the wood pigeon, and the abrupt but not unmusical note of the cuckoo. Gertrude gazed with ecstacy on all around, and her heart swelled with delight as she thought this fair scene she was destined to inherit ; and a vague poetical feeling of love and gratitude to Heaven caused her to raise her eyes, swimming in tear- ful rapture, to the Giver of all good. But it was merely the overflowing of a young, enraptured, and enthusiastic mind ; no deeper principle was felt or understood — no trembling mingled with her joy — no dark future cast its shadow on the mirror imagination presented to her ; but visions of pomp and power, and wealth and grandeur — visions of earthly bliss — swam before those eyes which yet were raised from earth to heaven. She was roused from her reverie by a deep sigh, or rather groan, from her mother, who leant back in the carriage, seemingly overcome by some painful sensation either of mind or body. Miss St Clair was accustomed to hear her mother sigh, and even groan, upon very slight occasions, sometimes upon no occasion at all ; but, at present, there was something that be- tokened an intensity of suffering too sincere for feigning. " You are ill, mamma ! " exclaimed she in terror, as she looked on her mother's pale and agitated countenance. It was some moments ere Mrs St Clair could find voice to answer — but at length, in much emotion, she said, " Is it surprising that I should feel, at approaching thai house from which my husband and myself were exiled — nay, were even denied an entrance ? Can you imagine that I should be unmoved at the thoughts of beholding that family by whom we were rendered out- casts, and whom I have only known as my bitterest enemies ? " THE INHERITANCE. 13 Mrs St Clair's voice and her colour both rose as she enumerated her injuries. " Oh ! mamma, do not at such a time suffer your mind to dwell upon those painful recollections ; it is natural that melancholy thoughts should suggest them- selves ; but ah ! there is the castle," cried the young heiress, forgetting all her mother's wrongs as the stately mansion now burst upon their view ; and again her heart exulted as she looked on its lofty turrets and long range of arched windows glittering in the golden rays of the setting sun. In another moment they found themselves at the entrance ; a train of richly liveried servants were stationed to receive them. Mrs St Clair's agitation increased — she stopped and leant upon her daughter, who feared she would have fainted ; but making an effort, she recovered her self-possession ; and following the servant, who led the way to the pre- sence of his lord, she gracefully presented her daughter to him, saying, " To your lordship's generous protection I commit my fatherless child." Lord Rossville was a bulky, portentous-looking person, with nothing marked in his physiognomy except a pair of very black elevated eyebrows, which gave an unvarying expression of solemn astonishment to his countenance. He had a husky voice, and a very tedious elocution. He was some little time in pre- paring an answer to this address, but at last he replied, — " I shall, rest assured, madam, make a point of ful- filling, to the utmost of my power and abilities, the highly important duties of the parental office." cf He then saluted his sister-in-law and niece ; and, taking a hand of each, led them to a tall thin grey old woman, with a long inquisitive-looking nose, whom he named as Lady Betty St Clair. Lady Betty rose from her seat with that sort of 14 THE INHERITANCE. deliberate bustle which generally attends the rising up and the sitting down of old ladies, and may be intended to show that it is not an every- day affair with them to practise such condescension. Having taken off her spectacles, Lady Betty carefully deposited them within a large work-basket, out of which protruded a tiger's head in worsted work, and a volume of a novel. She next lifted a cambric handkerchief from off a fat sleepy lapdog which lay upon her knees, and deposited it on a cushion at her feet. She then put aside a small fly table, which stood before her as a sort of outwork ; and thus freed from all impediments, welcomed her guests ; and after regarding them with looks only expressive of stupid curiosity, she motioned to them to be seated, and replaced herself with even greater commotion than she had risen up. Such a reception was not calculated to call forth feelings of the most pleasurable kind; and Gertrude felt chilled at manners so different from the bland courtesy to which she had been accustomed, and her heart sunk at the thoughts of being domesticated with people who appeared so dull and unpleasing. The very apartment seemed to partake of the character of its inmates ; it had neither the solid magnificence of ancient times, nor the elegant luxury of the present age ; neither the grotesque ornaments of antiquity, nor the amusing litter of fashionable baubles for the eye to have recourse to. Lady Betty's huge work-basket was the only indication that the apartment was inhabited — an air of stiff propriety, of splendid discomfort, reigned through- out. The usual, and more than the usual questions, were put by the Earl and his sister, as to time and distance, and roads and drivers, and inns and beds, and weather and dust ; and all were answered by Mrs St Clair in the manner most calculated to conciliate those with whom she conversed — till, in the course of half an THE INHERITANCE. 15 hour, Lord Rossville was of opinion that she was one of the best-bred, best-informed, most sensible, ladylike women he had ever conversed with — and his lordship was not a person who was apt to form hasty opinions upon any subject. Lord Rossville's character was one of those whose traits, though minute, are as strongly marked as though they had been cast in a large mould. But as not even the powers of the microscope can impart strength and beauty to the object it magnifies, so no biographer could / have exaggerated into virtues the petty foibles of his V, .- mind. Yet the predominating qualities were such as often cast a false glory around their possessor — for the love of power and the desire of human applause were the engrossing principles of his soul. In strong capa- cious minds, and in great situations, these incentives often produce brilliant results ; but in a weak, con- tracted mind, moving in the narrow sphere of domestic life, they could only circulate through the thousand little channels that tend to increase or impair domestic happiness. As he was not addicted to any particular vice, he considered himself as a model of perfect virtue ; and having been, in some respects, very prosperous in his fortune, he was thoroughly satisfied that he was a person of the most consummate wisdom. With these ideas of himself, it is not surprising that he should have deemed it his bounden duty to direct and manage every man, woman, child, or animal, who came within his sphere, and that, too, in the most tedious and torment- ing manner. Perhaps the most teazing point in his character was his ambition — the fatal ambition of thousands — to be thought an eloquent and impressive speaker, even on the commonest affairs of domestic life : for this purpose, he always used ten times as many words as were necessary to express his meaning, and those too of the longest and strongest description. l6 THE INHERITANCE. Another of his tormenting peculiarities was his desire of explaining every thing, by which he always per- plexed and mystified the simplest subject. Yet he had his good points ; for he wished to see those around him happy, provided he was the dispenser of their happiness, and that they were happy precisely in the manner and degree he thought proper. He was a sort of petty benevolent tyrant ; and any attempt to enlarge his soul, or open his understanding, would have been in vain. His mind was already full, as full as it could hold, of little thoughts, little plans, little notions, little pre- judices, little whims, and nothing short of regeneration could have made him otherwise. He had a code of laws, a code of proprieties, a code of delicacies, all his own, and he had long languished for subjects to execute them upon. Mrs St Clair and her daughter were therefore no small acquisitions to his family — he looked upon them as two very fine pieces of wax, ready to receive whatever impression he chose to give them ; and the humble confiding manner in which his niece had been committed to him had at once secured both to mother and daughter his favour and protection. Lady Betty's character does not possess materials to furnish so long a commentary. She was chiefly remark- able for the quantity of worsted work she executed, which, for a person of her time of life, was considered no less extraordinary than meritorious. She was now employed on her fifth rug — the colours were orange and blue — the pattern an orange tiger couchant picked out with scarlet upon an azure ground. She also read all the novels and romances which it is presumed are pub- lished for the exclusive benefit of superannuated old women, and silly young ones ; such as " The Enchanted Head"— "The Invisible Hand"— "The Miraculous Nuptials," &c. &c. She was now in the midst of " Bewildered Affections, or All is not Lost," which THE INHERITANCE. I 7 she was reading, unconsciously, for the third time, with unbroached delight. Lastly, she carefully watched over a fat, pampered, ill-natured lapdog, and asked a great many useless questions which few people thought of answering. These were the only members of the family who appeared ; but Lord Rossville mentioned that two of his nephews were on a visit in the neighbourhood, and might be expected the following day. " Since you are now, madam," said he, addressing Mrs St Clair, " become as it were incorporated in the Rossville family, it is proper and expedient that you should be made acquainted with all its members. I do not mean that acquaintance which a personal intro- duction conveys, but that knowledge which we acquire by a preconceived opinion, founded upon the experience of those on whose judgment and accuracy we can rely. I shall therefore give you such information regarding the junior members of this family as observation and opportunity have afforded me, and which, I flatter myself, may not prove altogether unacceptable or un- availing." The Earl paused, hemmed, and proceeded. " The senior of the two juvenile members to whom you will, in all probability, be introduced in the course of a very short period, is Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Delmour, youngest son of the late Lord George Del- mour, who was second son of James Duke of Burlington, by the Marchioness of Effenford, widow of the deceased Charles Chaloner, Marquis of Effenford, who died at an early period, leaving one son, the present Augustus Marquis of Effenford, married to the Lady Isabella Cadrington, daughter of the Duke of Litchfield, and one daughter, the present much-admired Countess of Lymington ; — on the other hand, William Henry, the present Duke of Burlington, espoused the only daughter of that illustrious statesman John Earl of Harleigh, by 1 8 THE INHERITANCE. whom he has issue one son, the Marquis of Haslingden, now abroad on account of the delicate and precarious state of his health. Thus it happens, and I hope I have made it sufficiently clear, that certain members of this family are at the same time united either by consan- guinity, or by collateral connection of no remote degree, with many — I might say with most — of the illustrious families in the sister kingdom. " My sister, the Lady Augustus Delmour, widow of the late Lord George Delmour, at present resides in the metropolis with her three daughters — one of whom is, I understand, on the eve of forming a highly honourable and advantageous alliance with the eldest son of a certain Baronet of large fortune and extensive property in the southern extremity of the island — but of this it might not be altogether delicate to say more at present. Colonel Frederick Delmour, then — the sub- ject of our more immediate consideration — is in himself a gentleman of figure, fashion, accomplishments, and of * / very distinguished bravery in his highly honourable V profession. He has already had the honour of being twice slightly wounded in the field of battle, and in being made very honourable mention of in the despatches from the Earl of Marsham to his Royal Highness the Commander-in-chief. In these respects, the dignity and untarnished honour of the noble families to which he belongs have suffered no diminution in his person ; but it is to his elder brother " (and he now turned towards Miss St Clair) " that we — that is, the Duke of Burlington and myself — look as to one who is to add still greater lustre to the coronets with which he is so intimately connected. To all the natural advantages, accomplishments, and acquirements of his brother, he unites address and abilities of the highest order, by means of which he has already acted a most distin- guished part in the senate, and bids fair to become one THE INHERITANCE. 1 9 of the first, if not the first, statesman of this, or, indeed, of any age." The Earl paused, as if overcome with the prophetic visions which crowded on his mind. " What time of night is it ? '' asked Lady Betty. The Earl, recalled from his high anticipations, and reminded of the lapse of time, resumed his discourse, but in a less lofty tone. " The junior member of this family, whom I have now to present to you, is Edward Lyndsay, esquire, of Lynnwood, in this county, only child of the late Edward Lyndsay of Lynnwood, esquire, and my youngest sister, the deceased Lady Jane St Clair. The late Mr Lyndsay was descended from an ancient and highly respectable family, but, by certain ancestral imprudences, was considerably involved and embarrassed during his life, insomuch that he was under the necessity of accepting a situation in one of our colonial settlements, whither he was accompanied by Lady Jane. Both, I lament to say, fell victims, in a short period, to the pestilential effects of the climate, leaving this young man, then an infant of three years and a half old, to my sole protection and guardianship. How these duties were discharged it is not for me to say ; only, in justice to myself, I deem it right and proper to state, that at the expiry of the minority, the estate then was (I say nothing of the means or manage- ment — let these speak for themselves — I simply deem it due to myself to state that the estate was then) free ! If it is so no longer " And the Earl bowed, and waved his hands in that significant manner which says, " I wash my hands of it." But his lordship took a long time even to wash his hands ; for he still went on — " Had Mr Lyndsay followed the path which, with infinite consideration, I had marked out for him, he might now, by means of those great and noble family connections he possesses, have been on the high road to honour, wealth, distinction, and self-approbation. As 20 THE INHERITANCE. it is, he has chosen, contrary to my recommendation, to decline the highly advantageous situation offered to him in our Asiatic dominions, assigning as his sole reason that he was satisfied with what he already had, and meant to devote himself to the management and im- provement of his own estate. A young man in his situation in life, scarcely yet twenty-six years of age, highly educated, as I made it a point he should be, and possessed of an ancient family estate, by no means great, and, I much fear, not wholly unincumbered, to refuse a situation of such honour, emolument, and patronage ! — Mr Lyndsay may be a good man ; but it was my most anxious wish and endeavour to have made him more — I would have made him had he submitted to my guidance and control — I would have made him a great man ! '' The solemn and dignified silence which followed this was happily broken by the announcement of supper. The evening wore slowly away, for each minute seemed like a drop of lead to Miss St Clair, who was more of an age and temperament to enjoy than to endure. At length it ended, and she retired to her apartment with mingled feelings of pleasure and disappointment. THE INHERITANCE. 21 Chapter it). O life ! how pleasant in thy morning, Young Fancy's rays thy hills adorning ! Cold-pausing Caution's lessons scorning. We frisk away, Like schoolboys at th' expected warning, To joy and play. Burns. THE following morning Gertrude rose early, im- patient to take an unmolested survey of what she already looked upon as her own. The suite of public rooms engaged but little of her attention ; she had already settled, in her own mind, that these must be completely new furnished, and with this sweeping resolution she passed quickly through them, merely stopping to examine the few pictures they contained. An open door, an almost dark passage, and a turnpike stair, at length presented themselves as stimulants to her curiosity, and tempted her to diverge from the straight line she had hitherto followed. It was the original part of the building, to which a modern Gothic front had been affixed, and she soon found herself in all the inextricable maze of long narrow passages, leading only to disappointment, — steps which seemed to have been placed as if on purpose to make people stumble — and little useless rooms, which looked as if they had been contrived solely for the pastime of hide-and-seek. At length she entered one she guessed to be Lord Ross- ville's study, and was hastily retreating, when her eye was caught by an old-fashioned glass door opening upon a shrubbery. She tried to open it, but it was locked ; the prospect from without was alluring, and she felt unwilling to turn away from it ; the windows were but a little distance from the ground, and, having opened 2 2 THE INHERITANCE. one, and smelt the perfume of the violets that grew beneath, her next impulse was to spring lightly through it into the garden. As she inhaled the fresh morning air, fraught with the sweets of early summer, where " the scent comes and goes like the warbling of music," and looked on the lovely landscape as it shone in the deep calm radiance of the morning sun, her heart, glowing with all the joyousness of youth and health, exulted in the brightness of creation. She wandered to a considerable distance, till, having gained the top of an eminence, she stood to admire the effect of some cottages situated on the green shelving bank which overhung the river. " What a pretty picturesque thing a cottage is," thought she to herself; " how gracefully its smoke rises from among the trees, and contrasts with the clear atmosphere around. When this is mine, I will certainly have some pretty cottages built in sight of the castle, and have the good people to dance on the green sward before their doors in an evening when their work is done. O, how easy it must be to be good, when one has the power of doing good ! " Ignorant of herself and of the nature of the human heart, Gertrude believed that to nvill and to do were one and the same ; as yet untaught that all vague base- less schemes of virtue, all vain romantic dreams of bene- volence, are as much the cobwebs of imagination as the air-built castles of human happiness, whether of love, glory, riches, or ambition. The beauty of the morning — the interest each object excited — the songs of the birds — the smell of the open- ing flowers — the sound of the waters — all combined to lull her visionary mind into an Elysium of her own creating ; and as she walked along, in all the ideal enjoyment of her Utopian schemes, she found herself at the door of one of those cottages whose picturesque appearance had charmed her so much at a distance. A THE INHERITANCE. 23 nearer survey, however, soon satisfied her that the view owed all its charms to distance. Some coarse, lint- haired, mahogany- faced, half naked urchins, with brown legs and black feet, were dabbling in a gutter before the door ; while some bigger ones were pursuing a pig and her litter, seemingly for the sole purpose of amusement. " What a pity those children are all so ugly ! " thought Miss St Clair; "it would have been so delight- ful to have had them all nicely dressed, and have taught them myself ; but they are so frightful, I could have no pleasure in seeing them." However, she overcame her repugnance so far as to accost them. " Should not you like to be made nice and clean, and have pretty new clothes ? " " Ay ! " answered one of them with a broad stare, and still broader accent. " And to go to school, and be taught to read and write, and work ? " "Naw ! " answered the whole troop with one voice, as they renewed their splashing with fresh vigour. Miss St Clair made no farther attempts in that quarter ; but she entered the cottage, carefully picking her steps, and wrapping her garments close round her, to prevent their contracting any impurities. The smoke, which had figured so gracefully out of doors, had a very different effect within, and she stood a few minutes on the threshold before she could summon courage to pene- trate farther. At length, as her eyes got accustomed to the palpable obscure, she discovered the figure of a man, seated in a wooden chair by the fire in a ragged coat and striped woollen nightcap. "He is ill, poor creature," thought she ; and quickly advancing, she wished him good morning. Her salutation was respect- fully returned ; and the man, making an effort to rise, invited her to be seated with considerable courtesy. " I am afraid you are ill," said Gertrude, declining 24 THE INHERITANCE. the invitation, and looking with compassion on his lean sallow visage. " Oo, Meed he's very ill, my leddy,'* cried a voice from behind ; and presently advanced a stout, blooming, broad-faced dame, clad in a scanty blue flannel petticoat and short gown. She was encompassed by a girr or hoop supporting two stoups,"^ a piece of machinery altogether peculiar to Scotland. Having disengaged herself from this involvement or convolvement, she dropped a courtesy to her guest ; and then wiping down a chair, pressed her to be seated. " The gudeman's really extraordinar ill, my leddy," continued she in a high key. "I'm sure I ken na what to do wi' him ; it was at first a sutten doon cauld, an' noo he's fa'n in till a sort o' a dwinin like, an' atweel I dinna think he'll e'er get the better o't." " Have you any doctor to see him ? " inquired Miss St Clair. " Oo, 'tweel he's had doctors eneugh, an' naething's been spared on him. I'm sure he's pitten as muckle doctor's stuff o' ae kind an' anither in till himsel' as might hae pushened him twenty times ower ; but weel a wat, I think the mair he taks the waur he grows." " Perhaps he takes too much medicine." "'Deed I'll no say but he may; but ye ken, my leddy, what can he do ? — he maun tak what the doctor sends him — the things canna be lost ; but 'tweel he's very sweered to tak them whiles, tho' I'm sure muckle money they cost, an', as I tell him, they're dear morsels." " Perhaps if he were to leave off the medicines, and try the effect of fresh air and good milk, and soup, which I shall endeavour to procure for him " " I'm sure we're muckle obliged to you, my leddy ; * A stoup is neither a bucket, nor a pitcher, nor a jar, nor an anything but a stoup. THE INHERITANCE. 2$ but he need nae want for fresh air, he can get eneugh o' that ony day by gawen to the door ; but there's nae gettin him to stir frae the chimley lug ; and, 'deed, I canna say he wants for milk or broth either, for ane 6' the young gentlemen up by spoke to my lord for us, and he's really no to mean for his meat if he wad tak it ; as I tell him whiles, my certy ! mony a ane wad be glad to hae't for the takin." " Is there any thing else, then, in which T can be ot use to you ? " inquired Gertrude, now addressing the invalid, — " is there any thing you particularly wish for?" The man held up a ragged elbow — " Gin your leddyship has an auld coat to spare," said he, in a hesitating voice. " An auld coat ! " interposed his dame ; " Oo, what could pit an auld coat in your head. Tarn ? I'm sure there's a hantel things mair needfu' than an auld coat — no that he wad be the waur o' a coat neither, for he has naething atween that puir dud on his back and his marriage ane, and his Sabbath-day suit in the kist there." " Pray let me know what things are most wanted for your husband's comfort," said Miss St Clair, " and I shall make a point of sending them — a bit of carpet, for instance," looking upon the damp clay floor. " Wud ye like a bit carpet, Tam, the leddy asks ? " roared his wife to him ; then, without waiting for an answer, " Oo, 'deed he disna ken what he would like ; an' he's ne'er been used till a carpet, and I daur say it wud just be a disconvenience to him, noo that he canna be fashed wi' ony thing — no but what he might pit up wi' a bit carpet, I'se warran', if he hadither things that are a hantel mair needfu'." "A more comfortable chair, then, I may surely 26 THE INHERITANCE. send," said Gertrude, still persisting in her benevolent attempts. " The leddy's for sendin' ye anither chyre, Tarn," again shouted his tender helpmate — the husband nodded his assent : " but, 'tweel, he's sutten sae lang in that ane, I doot it's no worth his while to chynge 't noo ; and I dinna think he could be fashed wi' anither chyre — no but what we micht put up wi' anither chyre or twa, if we had aw thing else wise-like.'* "I am sorry there is nothing I can think of that would be acceptable to you " " Oo, I'll no say that, my leddy," briskly inter- rupted the hostess ; *< there's a hantel things, weel a wat, we hae muckle need o' — for ae thing — ^but I maist think shame to tell't — an' it's really nae faut o' mine neither, my leddy; but it's just sae happent, wi' ae thing an' anither, I hae ne'er gotten a steek o' the gudeman's dead claes ready — and noo to think that he's drawin' near his end, I'm sure I canna tell the vexation it's cost me." Here the dame drew a deep sigh, and wiped her eyes with the corner of her apron ; then pro- ceeded — *' Siena a discreditable thing to hae said, an' sic a comfort as, nae doot, it wad be to him to see aw thing ready and wise-like afore he gaed out o' the world. — A suit o' gude bein comfortable dead claise, Tammes," appealing to her husband, " wad set ye better than aw the braw chyres an' carpets i' the toon. No but what if ance ye had the tane, we micht pit up wi' the tither ; but wad nae't be a bonny-like thing to see you set up wi' a braw carpet, and a saft chyre, an' to think ye had nae sa muckle as a wise-like windin' sheet to row ye in ? " A great deal of the pathos of this harangue was, of course, unintelligible to Miss St Clair ; but she compre- hended the main scope of it, and, somewhat shocked at this Scotch mode of evincing conjugal affection, she put down some money and withdrew, rather surprised to 7^^ / fev co^^i^<^^e/>^. THE INHERITANCE. 2^ find what different ideas of comfort and respectability prevailed in different countries, and a good deal disap- pointed in the failure of her benevolent intentions. Chapter &♦ What kind of catechizing call you this ? Much Ado about Nothing. TIME had passed unheeded, and chance, rather than design, led Gertrude to retrace her steps, when, as she drew near the castle, she was met by one of the servants, who informed her that he and several others had been sent in search of her, as it was long past the breakfast hour, and the family had been some time assembled. Ashamed of her own thoughtlessness, she quickened her steps ; and desiring the servant to show the way to the breakfast room, without waiting to adjust her dress, she hastily entered, eager to apologise for her transgression. But the dread solemnity that sat on Lord Rossville's brow made her falter in her pur- pose. With a teapot in one hand, with the other he made an awful wave for her to be seated. Lady Betty was busy mixing a mess of hot rolls, cream, and sugar, for her epileptic lapdog. An impending storm sat on Mrs St Clair's face, but veiled under an appear- ance of calm dignified displeasure. Gertrude felt as it denounced by the whole party — she knew not for what, unless for having been twenty minutes too late for breakfast, and, in some trepidation, she began to apolo- gise for her absence. Lord Rossville gave several deep sepulchral hems ; then, as if he had been passing sentence upon a criminal, said, — " I am not averse to postpone the discussion of this 28 THE INHERITANCE. delicate and painful investigation, Miss St Clair, until you shall have had the benefit of refreshment." Gertrude was confounded. " My lord ! " exclaimed she, in amazement, " I am very sorry if any thing has occurred," — and she looked round for an explanation. Lord Rossville hemmed — looked still more appalling, and then spoke as follows : — " You are doubtless aware. Miss St Clair, that in all countries where civilisation and refinement have made any considerable progress, female delicacy and propriety are — are ever held in the highest estimation and esteem." His lordship paused ; and as no contradiction was offered to this his proem, he proceeded, — " But you must, or certainly ought to be likewise aware, that it is not merely these virtues themselves which must be carefully implanted, and vigilantly watched over, in the young and tender female — for even the possession of the virtues themselves are not a sufficient shield for the female character. It was a maxim of Julius Caesar's (unquestionably the greatest conqueror that ever lived), that his wife must not only be spotless in herself, but that she must not even be suspected by others : a maxim that, in my opinion, de- seiTes to be engraven in letters of gold, and certainly cannot be too early, or too deeply, imprinted on the young and tender female breast." His lordship had gained a climax, and he stopped, overpowered with his own eloquence. Mrs St Clair made a movement expressive of the deepest attention and most profound admiration. " Such being my sentiments — sentiments in which I am borne out by the testimony of one of the greatest men who ever lived — it is not surprising that I should feel, and feel deeply too, the glaring indiscretion you have, I grieve to say, already committed, since your entrance within these walls." THE INHERITANCE. 29 Then, after another solemn pause, during which Miss St Clair sat in speechless amazement, he resumed with more than senatorial dignity. " I wish to be correctly informed at what hour you quitted your apartment this morning, Miss St Clair ? " " Indeed, my lord, I cannot tell," answered Ger- trude, with perfect naivete. " I had forgot to wind up my watch, and I did not hear any clock strike ; but, from the appearance of the morning, I am sure it was early." " And what, may I ask, was the mode or manner. Miss St Clair, by which you thought proper to quit my house at so untimely and unusual an hour ? " de- manded the Earl in a voice of repressed emotion. Gertrude blushed — " I am afraid I was guilty of a transgression, my lord, for which I ask your pardon ; but, allured by the fineness of the morning, and the beauty of the scenery, I was desirous of getting out to enjoy them, and having in vain tried to make my way through a door, I was tempted to step out by a window." Miss St Clair spoke with so much simplicity and gentleness, and there was so much sweetness and even melody in her voice and accent, that any other than Lord Rossville would have wished her offence had been greater, that her apology might have been longer. Not so his lordship, who possessed neither taste nor ear, and was alive to no charm but what he called propriety. At the conclusion of his niece's acknowledgment, the Earl struck his forehead, and took two or three turns up and down the room ; then suddenly stopping, — " Are you at all aware. Miss St Clair, of the glaring — the — I must say — gross impropriety of such a step in itself — of the still more gross construction that will be put upon it by the world ? The simple fact has only to be told, and one inference, and but one, will be 30 THE INHERITANCE. drawn. You have quitted the apartment assigned to you under my roof at an — an untimely, consequently unbefitting hour ; and you — you — most imprudently and improperly precipitate yourself from a window — and what window ? why, the window of my private sitting room ! A young female is seen issuing from the window of my study at a nameless hour in the morning — the tale circulates — and where, I ask, — where ami?'' " Where was you ? " inquired Lady Betty. Mrs St Clair put her handkerchief to her face. " I am very sorry, my lord, that I should have done any thing to displease you — if I have done wrong " ** If you have done wrong ! Good heavens ! is it thus you view the matter. Miss St Clair ? What / think wrong ! Who that has proper feelings of deli- cacy and propriety — who that has a due regard for character and reputation, but must view the matter precisely as I do ? Such a step — and at such an hour!" And his Lordship resumed his troubled walk. Unacquainted with her uncle's character, and ignorant of the manners and customs of the country, Gertrude was led to believe she had committed a much more serious offence than she had been aware of, and she was at length wrought up to that degree of distress which the Earl deemed necessary to mark her contrition. Softening at witnessing the effect of his power, which he imputed to the fine style of his language, he now took his niece's hand with an air of tender pomposity, and addressed her in what he intended for a more con- solatory strain. ** I have considered it my duty — a painful one, doubtless, but, nevertheless, my duty — to point out to you the impropriety you have — I hope and believe THE INHERITANCE. 3 1 inadvertently — committed. As a member of my family, and one for whose actions the world will naturally consider me responsible, it is necessary that you should henceforth look up to me as the guide of your future steps, and that I should henceforth take upon myself the entire regulation of your manners and conduct in life." Miss St Clair's blood ran cold at the thoughts of being subjected to such thraldom. " But before dismissing this subject — I trust for ever — let me here state to you my sentiments with regard to young ladies walking before breakfast — a practice of which, I must confess, I have always dis- approved. I am aware it is a practice that has the sanction of many highly respectable authorities who have written on the subject of female ethics ; but, I own, I cannot approve of young ladies of rank and family leaving their apartments at the same hour with chamber-maids and dairy-maids, and walking out un- attended at an hour when only the lower orders of the people are abroad. Walking before breakfast, then, I must consider as a most rude masculine habit — as the Right Honourable Edmund Burke observes, * an air of robustness and strength is highly prejudicial to beauty * (that is, as I apprehend, female beauty), * while an appearance of fragility is no less essential to it ; ' — and certainly nothing, in my opinion, can be more unbecom- ing, more unfeminine, than to behold a young lady seat herself at the breakfast table with the complexion of a dairy-maid, and the appetite of a ploughman. At the same time, I am an advocate for early rising, as there are, doubtless, many ways in which young ladies may spend their mornings without rambling abroad ; and you will find, by looking in your dressing-room, that I have made ample provision for your instruction, and amuse- ment, and delight. Let morning walks, therefore. $2 THE INHERITANCE. from henceforth have an end.'* And he pressed his niece's hand with that air of pompous forgiveness so revoking from one human being to another. Luckily his lordship was here summoned away ; but ere he left the room, he signified his intention of returning in an hour to show the ladies what was most worthy of observation in the castle and demesnes. Absurd as this scene may appear, few will deny the undue importance which many people attach to the trifles of life, and how often mole-hills are magnified into mountains by those with whom trifles are indeed " the sum of human things." By 'r lakin, I can go no further, sir, My old bones ache : here's a maze trod, indeed, Through forth -rights and meanders ! By your patience, I needs must rest me. TTie Tempest. True as the dial to the sun. Even though it be not shined upon, LORD ROSSVILLE returned at the hour ap- pointed, to do the honours of his castle. But, as most of my readers have doubtless experienced the misery of being shown a house where there was nothing to be seen, and can tell "how hard it is to climb" from the lowest sunk storey to the uppermost garrets, I shall not be so unmerciful as to drag them " up stairs and down stairs to my lady's chamber," and into all the chambers except his lordship's own, which he was too decorous to exhibit. Neither shall I insist upon their hearing every thing explained and set forth even to the Dutch tiles of the dairy, the hot and cold THE INHERITANCE. 33 pipes of the washing-house, the new-invented ovens, the admirably constructed larder, the inimitable baths, with all the wonder-working steam-going apparatus of the kitchen. Here Mrs St Clair acquitted herself to ad- miration ; for to see judiciously requires no small skill in the seer, and there are few who see things precisely as they ought to be seen. Many see too much — many too little. Some see only to find fault — some only to admire ; some are, or pretend to be, already acquainted with every thing they are shown — some are profoundly ignorant, consequently cannot properly appreciate the inventions or improvements exhibited. Some are too inquisitive — some too indifferent ; but it is as impossible to describe the vast variety of seers as of mosses, neither is it easy to point out the innumerable rocks on which a seer may strike. A treatise, illustrated by a few memor- able examples or awful warnings, might possibly be ot some use to the unskilful beholder. But, as in most other arts and sciences, much must depend upon natural genius. Mrs St Clair was so happily endowed, that she was enabled to see every thing as it was intended to be seen, and to bestow her admiration in the exact pro- portion in which she perceived it was required, through all the intermediate degrees, from ecstatic rapture down to emphatic approval. With Gertrude it was far other- wise ; she had no taste for poking into pantries, and chimneys, and cellars, or of hearing any of the inelegant minutiae of life detailed. It seemed like breaking all the enchantments of existence to be thus made to view the complicated machinery by which life, artificial life, was sustained ; and she rejoiced when the survey was ended, and it was proposed, after luncheon, to take a drive through the grounds. Gertrude flattered herself that here she would, at least, enjoy the repose of in- activity, and be suffered to see as much as could be seen from a carriage window of the beauties of nature. But I. C 34 THE INHERITANCE. Lord Rossvllle's mind was never in a quiescent state in any situation ; there was always something to be done or to be seen — the windows were to be either let down or drawn up — the blinds to be drawn up or pulled down — there was something that ought to be seen, but could not be seen — or there was something seen that ought not to have been seen ; thus his mind was not only its own plague, but the plague of all who had the misfortune to bear him company. In vain were creation's charms spread before his eyes. There is a mental blindness, darker than that which shrouds the visual orb ; and Nature's works were to Lord Rossville an universal blank, or rather they were a sort of account-book, in which were registered all his own petty doings. It was here he had drained, there he had embanked — here he had planted, there he had cut down — here he had built a bridge, there he had made a road — here he had levelled, there he had raised, &c. &c. &c. To all that his own head had planned he was feelingly alive ; but, for the " dread magnificence of heaven," he had neither eye, ear, nor soul, and must therefore be forgiven if insensible to its influence. Mrs St Clair was not much more highly gifted in that re- spect, but she could speak, if she could not feel ; and she expatiated and admired, till Lord Rossville thought her, without exception, the cleverest woman he had ever met with. " Since you are so great an enthusiast in the beauties of nature, my dear madam," said he, addressing his sister-in-law, " we shall extend our drive a little farther than I had purposed, that I may have the pleasure of showing you, at a single coup d'ceil, the whole extent of the Rossville possessions in this country, while, at the same time, you will embrace some other objects in which I am not wholly unconcerned. — Benjamin," (to the servant,) "to Pinnacle Hill;" and to Pinnacle Hill THE INHERITANCE. 35 the horses' heads were turned. " Pinnacle Hill," con- tinued the Earl, "is a very celebrated spot: it is a purchase I made from I^ord Fairacre some years ago ; and is much resorted to by strangers, as commanding, with few if any exceptions, one of the finest views in Scotland." Mrs St Clair hated fine views, and she tried to get off by pretending scruples about encroaching so much on his lordship's time, goodness, and so forth — but all in vain ; to Pinnacle Hill they were driven ; and, after being dragged up as far as horses could go, they were (as, indeed, the name implied) obliged to alight and ascend on foot. With considerable toil they reached the top ; and scarcely were they there, when the wind, having changed to the east, its never-failing accompani- ment, a raw mist, began to gather all round. But Lord Rossville was insensible even to an east wind — his bodily sensations being quite as obtuse as his mental ones ; and having got to the top of the Pinnacle, he faced him round, and, in the very teeth of the enemy, began to point out what was and what was not to be seen. " Here you have a very commanding view, or would have had, if the atmosphere had been somewhat clearer ; as it is, I can enable you distinctly to trace out the boundary line of the Rossville estate. Observe the course of the river in the direction of my cane — you see it plainly here — there it disappears amongst the Millbank woods — now it takes a turn, and you have it again to your left — you follow me \ " " Perfectly, my lord," replied Mrs St Clair, although she saw nothing but a wreath of mist. " Undoubtedly that must be the river we see," said his lordship doubtingly ; " but, at the same time, we never can rely, with perfect security, upon the watery element ; it has many resemblances, which are not easily detected at a distance — a bleachfield, for instance. 36 THE INHERITANCE. has not unfrequently been mistaken for a piece of water ; and we read of a very singular deception produced upon sand in the eastern countries, and termed the mirage.'^ " Water is, indeed, a deceitful element," said Mrs St Clair, hoping, by this affirmative, to get to the lee- side of the discussion. " On the other hand, it is a most useful and invalu- able element ; without water, where would be our navigation — our commerce — our knowledge — our arts ? — in one word, water may be termed the bulwark of Britain." " It may indeed," said Mrs St Clair, her teeth chattering as she spoke ; " to water we owe our exist- ence as a nation, — our liberties, civil and religious ; " and she retreated a few steps on the faith of having settled the matter. " Pardon me there, my dear madam," said the Earl, retaining his original footing ; " that is, perhaps, going a little too far. Strictly speaking, we cannot, with pro- priety, be said to owe our existence to water, since, had we not been an island, a highly favoured island ! we should certainly have formed part of the vast continent of Europe — and with regard to our liberties, the Magna Charta, that boast of Britain, was unquestionably pro- cured, and, I trust, will ever be maintained, on terra Jirma." Mrs St Clair could almost have given up the game at this point — to stand on the very pinnacle of a pinnacle, in the face of an east wind, and be talked to about bul- warks and Magna Chartas — it was too much ! " How very cold you look, mamma," said Miss St Clair, compassionating her mother's feelings. " Cold ! " repeated Lord Rossville, in a tone of sur- prise and displeasure ; " impossible — cold in the month of May ! The day would be too hot, were it not for this cooling breeze." THE INHERITANCE. 37 This was worse and worse — Mis St Clair groaned internally, as she thought " how will it be possible to drag out existence with a man who calls a piercing east wind a cooling breeze ! " Lord Rossville raised his cane, and resumed his observations at great length upon the ravages committed by the river on his friend and neighbour Boghall's pro- perty. Mrs St Clair wished the Boghall acres in the bottom of the Red Sea, though even from thence Lord Rossville might, perhaps, have fished them up ; as a thorough-bred tormentor, like a first-rate magician, can call spirits, even from the vasty deep, to torment his victims. " Here,'' continued the Earl, taking his sister-in-law by the hand, and leading her to the utmost verge of all she hated — a bleak exposed promontory ; *' here we command a no less charming prospect in a different style : — observe that range of hills." " Superb ! " exclaimed Mrs St Clair, with an aguish shudder. " Why, yes — the hills themselves are very well ; but do you observe nothing, my dear madam, that reheves the eye from what a friend of mine justly calls * a boundless continuity of shade ? ' " Mrs St Clair almost cracked her eyeballs straining in the direction pointed out ; but, like sister Anne, could see nothing to the purpose. " I suspect you are looking rather too high ; nearer the base, and allow your eye to run along by the point of my cane — there, you must have got it now." There are, perhaps, few every-day situations more tormenting to a scrupulous mind than that of being called upon to see what you cannot see — you must either disappoint the views of the view-pointer, or you must sacrifice your conscience (as it is much to be feared too many do), and, sinking under the torture, 38 THE INHERITANCE. pretend that you have at last hit the mark, wliether it be a pufF of smoke indicative of a town, a white cloud of the ocean, or a black speck of an island. " Ah ! I think I discover something now,'' cried Mrs St Clair, quite at a loss to guess whether the white mote in question was a church steeple, or a ship's mast, or any other wonderful object of the same nature, which generous long-siglited people will always make a point of sharing with their less gifted friends. " And you think the effect good ? " " Admirable — inimitable ! " " Why, the situation was my own choice ; there was a committee appointed to make choice of the most favourable site, and they fortunately fell in with my views on the subject, and, indeed, paid me the compli- ment of consulting my feelings on the occasion : — a public monument, I conceive, ought, undoubtedly, to be placed in a conspicuous and elevated situation ; but more especially when that situation happens to be in the very grounds of not only the original proposer and princi- pal heritor in the county, but likewise the personal friend of the illustrious dead to whom this tribute is decreed — for, I am proud to say, our renowned patriot, the great Lord Pension well, was (with the excellent Lord Dunderhead) the associate of my youthful years — the friend of my maturer age." " Happy the country," said Mrs St Clair, now driven almost to frenzy, " whose nobles are thus gifted with the power of reflecting kindred excellence, and perpetuating national virtue, on the broad basis of private friendship." Mrs St Clair knew she was talking nonsense ; but she also knew who she was talking to, and was sure it would pass. Lord Rossville, to be sure, was a little puzzled ; but he saw it was meant as a compliment, and contained a fine-sounding sentiment, and it was THE INHERITANCE. 39 therefore well recei7ed. Fortunately, the rain now began to fall ; and every object being completely shrouded in mist, his lordship was obliged to give in ; but he comforted himself, and thought he comforted his companions, by promising to return, when the weather was more propitious, to repeat and complete their enjoyment. Chapter bij^ Most musical, most melancholy ! — Milton. THE dinner hour was an early one, for Lord Rossville liked to secure his victims for a long evening. The meal was prolonged to its utmost extent, and passed heavily ; for, although its arrangements were faultless, there was a want of that ease which is the essence of good cheer. The evening enter- tainment was still worse ; for Lord Rossville piqued himself upon his musical talents, and Miss St Clair, whose taste and execution were both of a superior order, was doomed to the tortures of his lordship's accompaniment. His false chords — his overstrained cadences — his palsied shakes — his tones half and whole, grated upon her ear, and she felt that music and melody were sometimes very different things. He affected to despise all music, except that of the great composers, and chose for the subject of his execution Beethoven's " Synfonia Pastorale." — " Here," said he, as he placed it before his niece and himself, "observe, the great point is to have your mind duly impressed with the ideas these grand and characteristic movements are designed to express. Here we have, in the first place, * The Prospect ; ' — we must, of course, infer that it is a fine or pleasing prospect, such, for example, as we 40 THE INHERITANCE. viewed to-day, that the great composer intended to represent — let your movements therefore be graceful and aerial — light and shade; — then follows * The Rivulet,' — that, I need scarcely inform you, must be expressed by a gentle, murmuring measure. Next we have the * Village Dance,' — gay and exhilarating — rustic, but not vulgar. As a powerful contrast to these simple scenes, now bursts upon us *The Storm,' — awful, sublime, overpowering as the conflict of the elements, — howling winds, descending torrents, thunder and lightning, all must be conveyed here, or the mighty master's aim is rendered abortive. To soothe the mind after this awful explosion of genius, we wind up the whole with the * Shepherd's Song,' breathing the soft accents of peace and pastoral innocence — and now da capoJ*^ Miss St Clair might well shudder at the prospect before her, and her tortures were exquisite, when she found her ear, taste, feeling, science, all placed under the despotic sway of his lordship's bow and foot ; but, at length, her sufferings were ended by the announce- ment of supper. This was another of Lord Rossville's inflictions — he had a heavy hot supper regularly served, round which all his victims {i.e., his family and guests) were compelled to be seated, while he did the honours in his most elaborate and massive style till the hour of midnight. " Ha ! " exclaimed he, starting up, " it seems we take no note of time here." This was a favourite jeu de mot of the Earl's, and, indeed, it was suspected that he sometimes allowed himself to be surprised for the pleasure of repeating it. Supper was nearly over, when the trampling of horses, barking of dogs, ringing of bells, and all the usual clamour which attends the arrival of a person of distinction, caused a sensation in the company. Lady Betty asked what that was, while she took her favourite THE INHERITANCE. 41 on her lap, and covered it with her pocket-handker- chief; from beneath which, however, issued, ever and anon, a low asthmatic growl. " It is Colonel Delmour, my lady," answered the pompous maitre d^hotel, who had despatched a mes- senger to inquire. " It is an extraordinary and somewhat improper time of night, I think " But his lordship's remarks were stopped by the entrance of the party in question. Merely touching his uncle's hand as he passed him, and scarcely noticing Lady Betty, Colonel Delmour advanced to Mrs and Miss St Clair, and paid his compliments to them with all the graceful high-bred ease of a man of fashion ; then calling for a chair, he seated himself by his cousin, seemingly regardless of one having been placed by Lord Rossville's orders on the other side of the table. Colonel Delmour was strikingly handsome, both in face and form ; and he possessed that high hereditary air of fashion and freedom which bore the impress of nobility and distinction. There might, perhaps, be something of hauteur in his lofty bearing ; but it was so qualified by the sportive gaiety of his manners, that it seemed nothing more than that elegant and graceful sense of his own superiority, to which, even without arrogance, he could not be insensible. He talked much, and well, and in that general way which allowed every one to take a part in the conversation without suffering any one, not even the Earl, to monopolise it. Altogether, his presence was like sunshine upon frost- work, and an air of ease and gaiety succeeded to the dulness and constraint which had hitherto prevailed. Lady Betty had three times asked, " What brought you here at this time of night ? " before Colonel Delmour answered ; at last he said, — " Two very powerful motives, though scarcely fit to 4 2 THE INHERITANCE. be named together — the first was my eagerness to do homage here," bowing gracefully to Miss St Clair ; " the other was to avoid the honour of driving Miss Pratt." " I thought Mr Lyndsay was to have returned with you," said the Earl. " I offered him a seat in my curricle, which he wanted to transfer to Miss Pratt, but I could not pos- sibly agree to that arrangement ; so he remains like a preux chevalier to escort her in a hackney-chaise, and also, I believe, to attend a Bible meeting, or a charity sermon, or something of that sort. It is more, I sus- pect, as a paymaster than a protector, that his services are required, as she discovered it would cost her I can't tell how many shillings and sixpences ; and though I would willingly have paid her expenses, yet really to endure her company for a nine- mile tete-a-tete was more than my philosophy dreamt of." Much depends on the manner in which things are said as to the impression they convey to the unreflecting mind. Colonel Delmour's voice and accent were un- commonly pleasing ; and he had an air of gay good humour, that gave to his words rather the semblance of airy levity, than of selfishness or ill nature. Even when he carelessly sketched on the tablecloth a cari- cature of Mr Lyndsay, with a large Bible under his arm, handing Miss Pratt, with a huge bandbox in hers, into a hackney-chaise, Gertrude could not resist a smile at their expense. " Miss Pratt coming here to-morrow ! " exclaimed the Earl in a tone expressive of any thing but pleasure ; " that is somewhat an unexpected " and his lord- ship made an eflPort as if to bolt some word too hard for utterance. Then addressing Mrs St Clair, though with a very disturbed look, " As, in all probability, madam, that lady's visit is designed out of compliment to you THE INHERITANCE. 43 and your daughter, it is necessary, previous to her arrival, that you should be aware of the degree of relationship subsisting between Miss Pratt and the members of this family." Lord Rossville's air, looks, manner, hems, all por- tended a story ; it was but too evident that breath was collecting and reminiscences arranging for the purpose, and the pause that ensued was prophetic — not, alas ! of its end, but of its beginning. But Colonel Delmour seemed quite aware of the danger that was impending ; and just as his uncle had opened his mouth with " Miss Pratt's great-grandfather " he interposed. " I beg pardon, but I cannot think of devolving the task of being Miss Pratt's chronicler upon you ; as I was guilty of introducing her to the company, mine be the punishment of becoming her biographer." Then, with a rapidity which left the Earl with his mouth open, and Miss Pratt's great-grandfather still vibrating on his tongue, he went on — " Miss Pratt, then, by means of great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers {y/ho, par parenthese, may com- monly be classed under the head of great bores), is, somehow or other, cousin to all families of distinction, in general, throughout Scotland, but to this one, from its local advantages, in particular. I cannot pretend to show forth the various modifications of which cousin- ship is susceptible, — first, second, and third degrees, as far as numbers and degrees can go. And, indeed, 1 have already committed a great error in my outset, by having introduced Miss Pratt by herself Miss Pratt, when I ought to have presented her as Miss Pratt and Anthony Whyte. In fact, as Whittington without his cat would be nobody in the nursery, so neither would Miss Pratt be recognised in the world without Anthony Whyte. Not that there exists the same reciprocal attachment, or unity of fortune, between the aunt and 44 THE INHERITANCE, the nephew which distinguished the master and his cat ; for Anthony Whyte is rich, and Miss Pratt is poor — Anthony Whyte Hves in a castle, Miss Pratt in a cottage — Anthony Whyte has horses and hounds, Miss Pratt has clogs and pattens. There is something so uninteresting, if not unpromising, in the name, that " — • addressing himself to Miss St Clair — " you, at present, will scarcely care whether it belongs to a man or a cat, and will be ready to exclaim, * What's in a name ? ' But do not expect long to enjoy this happy state of indifference — by dint of hearing it repeated day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute, upon every possible and impossible occasion, it will at length take such hold of your imagination that you will see the mystic letters which compose the name of Anthony Whyte wherever you turn your eyes — you will be ready to * holla out his name to the reverberate rocks, and teach the babbling gossips of the air to cry out ' — Anthony Whyte ! " " What's all that nonsense ? " asked Lady Betty. " I have been rather prosy upon Miss Pratt and her adjunct — that's all," answered Colonel Delmour slightly ; " and must have something to put away the sound of Anthony Whyte " — and he hummed a few notes. " Do, Miss St Clair, join me in expelling those hideous names I have invoked for your gratification — you sing, I am sure." But Gertrude was afraid to comply, for no one seconded the request. Lord Rossville, indeed, looked evidently much displeased ; but it was no less manifest that his nephew neither thought nor cared for any body's feelings but such as he was solicitous to please ; and, before the party broke up, he had contrived to make a very favourable impression on the only person present whose favour he was anxious to obtain. THE INHERITANCE. 45 Cljapter iJU)\ Her tongue runs round like a wheel, one spoke after another; there is no end of it. You would wonder at her matter to hear her talk, and would admire her talk when you hear her matter. All the wonder is, whilst she speaks only- thrums, how she makes so many different ends hang together. — Richard Fleckno, 1658. MANY visitors arrived the two following days from various quarters, though all from similar motives, — viz. to see the young heiress and her plebeian mother. But amongst all the varieties of life, how few can even serve " to point a moral or adorn a tale." The most distinguished of those individuals were Lady Millbank and her daughters, who drove up in the usual eclat of an equipage which at once denotes wealth and consequence. The ladies were in the same style with their outward bearings, — tall, showy, dashing per- sonages, with scornful looks and supercilious manners. They surveyed Miss St Clair from head to foot with a bold stare ; and, after making some trifling remarks to her, turned their whole artillery against Colonel Del- mour, who received their addresses with a sort of care- less familiarity, very different from the refined attentions he displayed towards his cousin. " Good heavens ! " exclaimed one of the ladies, who had stationed herself at a window, " do look at this, Colonel Delmour ! " And at the piercing exclamation, the whole party hastened to ascertain the cause. The phenomenon ap- peared to be a hackney-chaise of the meanest descrip- tion, which was displacing the splendid barouche, to the manifest mirth of the insolent menials who stood lounging at the door. " Who can that be, I wonder ? " asked Lady Betty. 46 THE INHERITANCE. Mrs St CJair turned pale with terror lest it should be any of her bourgeois relations forcing their way. " I conclude it must be our cousin Miss Pratt," said the Earl, in some agitation, to Lady Millbank ; and, while he spoke, a female head and hand were to be seen shaking and waving to the driver with eager gesticu- lation. "And Mr Lyndsay, I vow!" exclaimed Miss Jemima Millbank, throwing herself into a theatrical attitude of astonishment. The hack-chaise, with its stiff resty horses, had now got close to the door ; and the broken jingling steps being lowered, out stepped a young man, who was immediately saluted with shouts of laughter from the party at the window. He looked up and smiled, but seemed nowise disconcerted, as he stood patiently waiting for his companion to emerge. " I hope they are to perform quarantine," said Colonel Delmour. " I vote for their being sent to Coventry," said Miss Augusta. " I prepare to stand upon the defensive," said Miss Maria, as she seized a smelling-bottle from off the table. At length Miss Pratt appeared, shaking the straw from her feet ; and having alighted, it was expected that her next movement would be to enter the house ; but they knew little of Miss Pratt who thought all was done when she had reached her destination. Much yet remained to be done, which she would not trust either to her companion or the servants. She had, in the first place, to speak in a very sharp manner to the driver, on the condition of his chaise and horses, and to throw out hints of having him severely punished, inas- much as one of his windows would not let down, and she had almost sprained her wrist in attempting it — and another would not pull up, though the wind was going THE INHERITANCE. 47 through her head Hke a spear ; besides having taken two hours and a quarter to bring them nine miles, and her watch was held up in a triumphant manner in proof of her assertion. She next made it a point to see with her own eyes every article pertaining to her (and they were not a few) taken out of the chaise, and to give with her own voice innumerable directions as to the carrying, stowing, and placing of her bags, boxes, and bundles. All these matters being settled. Miss Pratt then accepted the arm of her companion, and was now fairly on her way to the drawing-room. But people who make use of their eyes have often much to see even between two doors, and in her progress from the hall door to the drawing- room door Miss Pratt met with much to attract her attention. True, all the objects were perfectly familiar to her ; but a real looker, like a great genius, is never at a loss for a subject — things are either better or worse since they saw them last — or if the things themselves should happen to be the same, they have seen other things either better or worse, and can, therefore, either improve or disprove them. Miss Pratt's head then turned from side to side a thousand times as she went along, and a thousand observations and criticisms about stair carpets, patent lamps, hall chairs, slab tables, &c. &c. &c. passed through her crowded brain. At length Miss Pratt and Mr Lyndsay were announced, and thereupon entered Miss Pratt in a quick paddling manner, as if in all haste to greet her friends. " How do you do, my lord ? No bilious attacks I hope of late. — Lady Betty as stout as ever I see, and my old friend Flora as fat as a collared eel. — Lady Millbank, I'm perfectly ashamed to see you in any house but your own ; but everything must give way to the first visit, you know, especially amongst kinsfolk," taking Mrs St Clair by the hand, without waiting for the ceremony of an introduction. 48 THE INHERITANCE. While this and much more in the same strain was passing with Miss Pratt at one end of the room, Mr Lyndsay had joined the younger part of the company at the other, and been introduced by Colonel Delmour to Miss St Clair. There was nothing so striking in his appearance as to arrest the careless eye, or call forth instant admiration ; yet his figure, though not much above the middle size, was elegant, his head and features were finely formed, and altogether he had that sort of classical tournure which, although not conspicuous, is uncommon, and that air of calm repose which indicates a mind of an elevated cast. Still, seen beside Colonel Delmour, Mr Lyndsay might have been overlooked. He had nothing of that brilliancy of address which dis- tinguished his cousin ; but he had what is still more rare, that perfect simplicity of manner which borrows nothing from imitation ; and, as some one has well remarked, few peculiarities are more striking than a total absence of all affectation. Scarcely allowing time for the introduction. Miss Millbank began in a tone intended to be very sympathetic. " How dreadfully you must have been bored to-day with la pauvre Pratt ! Good heavens ! how could you inflict such a penance upon yourself ? Did you not find her most shockingly annoying, and dreadfully tiresome ? " "Annoying and tiresome to a certain degree, as everybody must be who asks idle questions," answered Mr Lyndsay, with a smile, which, though very sweet, was not without a meaning. The rebuff, if it was intended for such, was, how- ever, lost upon his fair assailant. " Then, how could you bore yourself with her ? " " She was my mother's friend and relation," replied he calmly. " Of all descriptions of entail, that of friends would be the most severe," said Colonel Delmour. THE INHERITANCE. 49 " O heavens ! what a shocking idea ! " exclaimed the three Miss Millbanks in a breath. " What's the shocking idea, my dears ? " demanded Miss Pratt, as she pattered into the midst of the group. " I'm sure there's no shocking realities here, for I never saw a prettier circle," darting her eyes all round, while she familiarly patted Miss St Clair, and drawing her arm within hers, as she stood by the window, seemed resolved to appropriate her entirely to herself. Gertrude's attention was no less excited by Miss Pratt, who had to her all the charms of novelty ; for though there are many Miss Pratts in the world, it had never been her fortune to meet with one till now. Miss Pratt then appeared to her to be a person from whom nothing could be hid. Her eyes were not by any means fine eyes — they were not reflecting eyes — they were not soft eyes — they were not sparkling eyes — they were not melting eyes — they were not pene- trating eyes ; — neither were they restless eyes, nor rolling eyes, nor squinting eyes, nor prominent eyes — but they were active, brisk, busy, vigilant, immoveable eyes, that looked as if they could not be surprised by anything — not even by sleep. They never looked angry, or joyous, or perturbed, or melancholy, or heavy ; but morning, noon, and night, they shone the same, and conveyed the same impression to the beholder, viz. that they were eyes that had a look — not like the look of Sterne's monk, beyond this world — but a look into all things on the face of this world. Her other features had nothing remarkable in them ; but the ears might evidently be classed under the same head with the eyes — they were something resembling rabbits' — long, prominent, restless, vibrating ears, — for ever listening, and never shut by the powers of thought. Her voice had the tone and inflexions of one accustomed to make frequent sharp interrogatories. She had rather a neat 50 THE INHERITANCE. compact figure, and the tout ensemble of her person and dress was that of smartness. Such, though not quite so strongly defined, was the sort of impression Miss Pratt generally made upon the beholder. Having darted two or three of her sharpest glances at Miss St Clair,— "Do you know Vm really puzzled, my dear, to make out who it is you are so like — for you're neither a Rossville nor a Black — and, by the by, have you seen your uncle, Mr Alexander Black, yet ? What a fine family he has got. I heard you was quite smitten with Miss Lily Black at the circuit ball t'other night. Colonel Delmour ; but you're not so ill to please as Anthony Whyte. That was really a good thing Lord Punme- down said to him that night. Looking at the two Miss Blacks, says he to Anthony, with a shake of his head — * Ah, Anthony,' says he, * I'm afraid two Blacks will never make a White ! ' ha ! ha ! ha ! — Lord Ross- ville, did you hear that ? At the circuit ball Lord Punmedown said to Anthony Whyte, pointing to the two Miss Blacks — * I fear,' says he, * two Blacks will never make a White.' — * No, my Lord,' says Anthony, * for you know there's no turning a Blackamoor white ! ' ha ! ha ! ha ! * A very fair answer,' says my lord. Lady Millbank, did you hear of Lord Punmedown's attack upon Mr Whyte at the ball — the two Miss Blacks " " I black-ball a repetition of that bon mot," said Colonel Delmour. " You will really be taken for a magpie if you are so black and white," said Miss Millbank. " 'Pon my word, that's not at all amiss — I must let Anthony Whyte hear that. — But bless me. Lady Mill- bank, you're not going away already ? — won't you stay and take some luncheon ? — I can answer for the soups here — I really think, my lord, you rival the Whyte THE INHERITANCE. 5 1 Hall soups ; '' but, disregarding Miss Pratt's press- ing invitation, Lady Millbank and her train took leave, and scarcely were they gone when luncheon was announced. " Come, my dear," resumed the tormentor, holding Gertrude's arm within hers, " let you and I keep together — I want to get better acquainted with you ; but I wish I could find a likeness for you " — looking round upon the family portraits as they entered the eating-room. " They must look higher who would find a similitude for Miss St Clair," said Colonel Delmour. Miss Pratt glanced at the painted ceiling, represent- ing a band of very fat full-blown rosy Hours. " Ah ha ! do you hear that, my lord ? — Colonel Delmour says there's nothing on earth to compare to Miss St Clair, and that we must look for her likeness in the regions above. Well, goddess or not, let me recom- mend a bit of this nice cold lamb to you — very sweet and tender it is ; and I assure you I'm one of those who think a leg of lamb looks as well on a table as in a meadow : " — then dropping her knife and fork with a start of joy — " Bless me, what was 1 thinking of ? — that was really very well said of you. Colonel — but I've got it now — a most wonderful resemblance ! See who'll be the next to find it out ? " All present looked at each other, and then at the pictures. Lord Rossville, who had been vainly watching for an opening, now took advantage of it ; and with one of his long-suppressed sonorous hems, bespoke him as follows : — "Although I have not given much of my time or attention to the study of physiognomy, as I do not con- ceive it is one likely to be productive of beneficial results to society ; yet I do not hesitate to admit the 52 THE INHERITANCE. reality of those analogies of feature which may be, and undoubtedly are, distinctly traced through successive generations — the family mouth, for example," pointing to a long-chinned, pinky-eyed lady, with a pursed-up mouth, hanging aloft, "as pourtrayed in that most exemplary woman, the Lady Janet St Clair, has its pro- totype in that of my niece,'' turning to Gertrude ; " while, in the more manly formed nose of Robert first Earl of Rossville, an accurate physiognomist might discern the root, as it were " " My dear Lord Rossville ! " exclaimed Miss Pratt, throwing herself back in her chair, " I hope you're not going to say Miss St Clair has the nose of Red Bobby, as he was called. Root, indeed ! — a pretty compliment ! If it was a root, it must have been a beet root — as Anthony Whyte says, it's a nose like the handle of a pump-well ; and as for Lady Janet's mouth, he says it's neither more nor less than a slit in a poor's-box." " Mr Anthony Whyte takes most improper liberties with the family of St Clair, if he presumes to make use of such unwarrantable, such unjustifiable — I may add, such ungentlemanly expressions, towards any of its members," said Lord Rossville, speaking faster in the heat of his indignation ; " and it is mortifying to reflect, that any one allied to this family should ever have so far forgot what was due to it as to form such coarse, and vulgar, and derogatory comparisons." " One of them is rather a flattering comparison," said Mr Lyndsay ; " I'm afraid there are few mouths can be represented as emblems of Charity." "Very well said, Mr Edward," said Miss Pratt, nowise disconcerted at the donvnset she had received ; " shall I send you this nice rib in return ? — Lord Ross- ville, let me recommend the rhubarb tart to you — Miss Diana, my dear — I beg your pardon, Miss St Clair, but I'll really never be able to call you any thing but THE INHERITANCE. 53 Diana — for such a likeness ! — What have you all been thinking of, not to have found out that Miss St Clair is the very picture of the Diana in the Yellow Turret ! " Lord Rossville, in a tone of surprise and displeasure, repeated, — " The Diana in the Yellow Turret ! impossible ! " ** Impossible or not, I can assure you it's the fact. — Mrs St Clair, have you seen the Diana ? — come with me, and I'll show it you — come, my dear, and see yourself as a goddess — come away — seeing's believing, my lord." And she jumped up, almost choking in her eagerness to display the discovery she had made. ** Miss Pratt ! " cried the Earl, in a tone enough to have settled quicksilver itself, — " Miss Pratt, this behaviour of yours is — is — what I cannot possibly permit — the Yellow Turret is my private dressing- room, and it is surely a most improper and unwarrant- able liberty " " I beg you ten thousand pardons, my dear Lord Rossville! — I really had quite forgot the change you have made in your dressing-room ; but, at any rate, I should have figured every creek and corner of yours fit to be seen at all times. — There's Mr Whyte — his dressing-room is a perfect show, so neat and nick- nacky, — his silver shoe-horn would be an ornament to any drawing-room." " Miss Pratt, this is really — I " And his lordship hemmed in a manner which showed the greatest discomposure. " As we cannot be gratified with a sight of Mr Whyte's shoehorn," said Colonel Delmour, " it would certainly be some solace to be allowed to behold your lordship's goddess ; — I had forgot that picture, it is so long since I have seen it — but I should certainly wish to prostrate myself at her shrine now." And he looked 54 THE INHERITANCE. to Miss St Clair as he spoke, in a manner to give more meaning to his words than met the ear. The Earl was much embarrassed. He was pro- voked at the irreverent and indecorous manner in which Miss Pratt had been going to rush into his dressing- room ; and he was piqued at the insinuation she had thrown out of its not being fit to be seen. He there- fore wavered between his desire of punishing her pre- sumption by exclusion — or vindicating his own char- acter by instant and unpremeditated admission. After maturely weighing the matter, he decided upon the latter mode of proceeding, and said, — " Although I have certainly no idea of permitting my private apartments to be thrown open whenever idle or impertinent, or, it may be, ill-disposed curiosity, might prompt the wish ; yet I do not object to gratify either my own family and friends, or even the public in general, with a view of them, when the request is properly con- veyed, and at a proper and reasonable hour ; for, if there is a time for every thing, it should likewise be remembered there is a manner for every thing ; and although I do not consider a gentleman's dressing-room as the most elegant and delicate exhibition for ladies, yet, upon this occasion, if they are so inclined," — bowing all round — " I shall be happy to conduct them to my private apartments." "The sooner the better," cried Miss Pratt, while the very ribbons on her bonnet seemed to vibrate with impatience. "Come my dear, and see yourself as a goddess ; " and again seizing Miss St Clair, away she pattered full speed. "There's a broom where a broom shouldn't be," darting her eyes into the dark corner of a passage as she whisked through it ; then peeping into a closet, " and for all the work he makes, I don't think his maids are a bit better than other people's." THE INHERITANCE. 55 Cl)a|)tet i%^ What doth he get who e'er prefers The scutcheon of his ancestors? This chimney-piece of gold or brass ; That coat of arms blazon'd in glass ; When these with time and age have end, Thy prowess must thyself commend : True nobleness doth those alone engage Who can add virtues to their parentage. Mildmay Fane, Earl of Westmorland. UPON entering the turret, the first thing that caught Miss Pratt's eye was a shaving-glass, which she asserted was by no means the proper size and shape for that pui'pose, being quite different from the one used by Anthony Whyte, which was broader than it was long, while Lord Rossville's was longer than it was broad. A dispute, of course, ensued, for the Earl would not be bearded upon such a subject by any woman — when, suddenly giving him the slip in the argument, she exclaimed, " But bless me, we're forgetting the Diana — and what a bad light you've put her in ! There's a great art in hanging ])ictures : Mr Whyte brought a man all the way from London to hang his ; and I'll never forget my fright when he told me the hangman was coming. — Now I see her where I stand — Mrs St Clair, come a little more this way — there now — was there ever such a likeness ? " ** Astonishing ! " exclaimed Mrs St Clair in amaze- ment. " Diana never had such incense offered to her before," said Colonel Delmour. " The resemblance, if, indeed, there is a resemblance," said the Earl, in manifest displeasure, " is extremely im- perfect ; the portrait represents a considerably larger and more robust-looking person than Miss St Clair ; it has 56 THE INHERITANCE. also something of a bold and masculine air, which, I own, I should be sorry to perceive in any young lady in whom I take any interest ; since nothing, in my opinion, derogates so much from female loveliness as a forward or presuming carriage." " My dear Lord Rossville ! how any body who has eyes in their head can dispute that resemblance — just turn round, my dear, and show yourself," — to Miss St Clair, who, ashamed of the scrutiny, had turned away, and was conversing with Colonel Delmour a little apart. Mr Lyndsay contemplated the picture with a thoughtful air, and occasionally stole a glance at Gertrude, but said nothing. " How do you account for such an extraordinary likeness ? " inquired Lady Betty of Mrs St Clair, as she stood, with her fat Flora under her arm, staring at the picture. " I am quite at a loss — if this picture is an ideal creation of the painter's imagination " " It's not that, I can assure you," interrupted Miss Pratt — "the original was a real flesh and blood living person, or I've been misinformed," — with a look of interrogation to Lord Rossville. " If one of the family, however remote, the resem- blance, as Lord Rossville justly remarked, does some- times revive, even at distant periods, in the person of ; " but Mrs St Clair did not get leave to finish her sentence. " O if Diana had been a St Clair, there would have been no wonder in the matter, you know ! " again dashed in the intolerable Pratt ; " but the truth of the matter is, she was neither more nor less than bonny Lizzie Lundie, the huntsman's daughter. Much I've heard about Lizzie Lundie, and many a fine song was made upon her, for she was the greatest beauty in the country, high or low. There's one of the songs that's THE INHERITANCE. 57 all the fashion now, that I remember singing when I was young, but they've changed the name from Lundie to Lyndsay ; " and Miss Pratt, in a cracked and unmusical voice, struck up. Will ye go to the Hielands, Leezy Lyndsay, &c. Lord Rossville seemed somewhat disconcerted at this abrupt disclosure of his Diana's humble pedigree ; and, anxious to account for Lizzie Lundie, the hunts- man's daughter, being permitted a place amongst the nobles of the land, and that too in his private apartment, he therefore made all possible haste to atone for this solecism in dignity ; and having hemmed three times, began — " Since this picture has attracted so much attention, and called forth so much animadversion, it is proper, and, indeed, necessary, that some elucidation should be thrown on the circumstances to which it owes its birth." And again the Earl paused, hemmed, and looked round, like a peacock spreading its plumage, and strain- ing its neck in all directions, before it can even lift the crumb that has been thrown to it — while Miss Pratt, like a peit active sparrow, taking advantage of its atti- tudes, darts down and bears off the prize. " O the story's soon told, for there's no great mystery about it. The late lord there," (pointing to a picture of a fat chubby gentleman in a green coat, hunting-horn, and bag-wig,) " was a second Nimrod in his young days, and had a perfect craze for dogs and horses ; and he brought a famous painter here from some place abroad, I forget the name of it now, to take the beasts' likenesses — as old Lady Christian used to say, it was a scandal to think of dogs sitting for their pic- tures — ha ! ha ! ha ! — In particular, there was a famous pack of hounds to sit, and the painter chancing to see 58 THE INHERITANCE. Lizzie one day with them about her, was struck with the fancy of doing her as a Diana ; and it was really a good idea, for I think she's the outset of the picture — Anthony Whyte says he would give a hundred guineas merely for her head and shoulders." Mrs St Clair had changed colour repeatedly during this piece of biography, and seemed not a little mortified at discovering that her daughter's beauty claimed no higher original than the huntsman's daughter. Upon a more close inspection, she therefore declared, that although there might be something in the tout ensemble to catch the eye at first sight, yet, upon examination, it would be found the features and expression were totally different. But Lord Rossville, resolved not to be baulked of his story, now commenced a more diffuse narrative of the circumstances to which Lizzie Lundie owed her posthumous fame, concluding with his most unqualified dissent as to the possibility of there being the slightest resemblance except in the colour of the hair. But, to do Miss Pratt justice, the resemblance was very remark- able. The Diana's features were on a larger scale, and her countenance had a less soft and intellectual cast than Miss St Clair's ; her figure was also more robust than elegant, her complexion rather vivid than transparent, and her air rather bold than dignified ; but there was the same long-shaped, soft, dark-blue eyes ; the same Grecian nose and mouth ; the same silky, waving, dark ringlets, curling naturally around the open ivory fore- head, — forming altogether that rare and peculiar style of beauty where the utmost delicacy of feature is yet marked and expressive, and the strongest contrasts of colour are blended into one harmonious whole. " Pray, what became of this divinity ? " inquired Colonel Delmour. " I'm sure I can't tell you ; I think the story was. THE INHERITANCE. 59 that she had been crossed in love with some gentleman, and that she married a Highland drover, or tacksman, 1 can't tell which, and they went all to sticks and staves." " How provoking," said Colonel Delmour, as he still stood contemplating the picture, " that so much beauty should have been created in vain." " How do you know that it was created in vain ? " said Mr Lyndsay. " Considering how very rare a thing beauty, perfect beauty is, there certainly seems to have been rather a lavish expenditure of it on the huntsman's daughter and drover's v/ife." " Colonel Delmour, don't you remember what the poet says on that ? — There's many a flower that's born to groiv unseen. And waste its beauty on the senseless air." " However rare beauty may be," said Mr Lyndsay, passing over Miss Pratt's mis-quotation, your desire of confining it to the higher orders is rather too arbitrary." " They certainly can better appreciate it," returned Colonel Delmour : " there is a refinement of taste re- quisite to admire such beauty as that ; " and he glanced from Diana to Miss St Clair. " How could one of the canaille possibly comprehend the fine antique cast of those features, the classic contour of the head, the swan- like throat, the inimitable moulding of the cheek ? Would not a pair of round white eyes, and blowzy red cheeks, with a snub nose, and a mouth from ear to ear, have been quite as well bestowed on the drover ? " " I dare say he could not talk so scientifically on the subject as you do," said Mr Lyndsay ; " but, for all that, he might have been as fond of his wife, and as 6o THE INHERITANCE. proud of her too, as either you or I could have been." " Impossible — that is, supposing she had been of my own rank and station — not Venus herself could have won me to a mesalliance." " Suppose the huntsman's daughter had been as per- fect in mind and manner as in person " " The idea is absurd — the thing is impossible," in- terrupted Colonel Delmour, impatiently. " It is certainly difficult to conceive refinement of manners in a person of low birth ; but why may not a noble mind be conferred on a peasant as well as on a prince ? " " What! " cried Colonel Delmour, indignantly, "do you really pretend to say that the offspring of a clown or a mechanic — animals who have walked the world in hob-nailed shoes, or sat all their lives cross-legged with their noses at a grinding-wheel, can possibly possess the same lofty spirit as the descendants of heroes and states- men ? The very thought of being so descended must elevate the mind, and give it a conscious superiority over the low-born drudges of the earth." " Then you must feel yourself greatly superior in mind to Virgil, Horace, Shakespeare, Milton, Spenser, and a long et cetera of illustrious names down to the present day, who, if not absolutely low-born, have yet no pretensions to high birth. For my own part, I think it is rather humbling than elevating to reflect on the titled insignificance of this very family, who, though possessed of honours, wealth, and power for centuries, has never produced one man eminent for his virtues or his talents — nor, if we may trust to painters, one female celebrated for such beauty as this poor hunts- man's daughter." " You see her as a goddess, remember," said Colonel Delmour, ironically ; ** perhaps in her blue flannel jupon. THE INHERITANCE. 6 1 unsandalled feet, * and kercheft, in a comely ' cotton gown, carrying a mess to the dogs, she would have had fewer attractions, even for your noble nature." " There is a taste in moral as well as in corporeal beauty," said Mr Lyndsay, " and I can love and admire both for their own intrinsic merits, without the aid of ornament. You, Delmour, must have them in court dress, with stars and coronets — but with beauty such as that," (and his eye unconsciously rested on Gertrude,) " had the mind, principles, and manners corresponded to it, I could have loved even Lizzie Lundie — perhaps too well." " Had the huntsman's daughter been an angel and a goddess in one," replied Colonel Delmour warmly, " I could never have thought of her as my wife — there is degradation in the very idea." All this while Miss Pratt had, as usual, been gabbling to the rest of the party, in a manner which prevented their hearing or joining in this argument. Miss St Clair, indeed, had contrived to pick up a little of it, and warmly adopted Colonel Delmour's sentiments on the subject. " I wonder what became of Lizzie's family, for I think always I heard she had a daughter as great a beauty as herself, — I've a notion it was a daughter of her's Mrs St Clair, are you well enough i* — Bless my heart, she's going to faint ! " All crowded round Mrs St Clair, who seemed, in- deed, on the point of fainting — the windows were thrown open — water was brought — smelling-bottles applied — till at length she revived, and, with a faint smile, avowed that she had been indisposed for some days, and was subject to spasms of that nature. Lord Ross- ville bent over his sister-in-law, as she sat at the open window, with the utmost solicitude — he felt really interested in her ; for she had listened to him with the V 62 THE INHERITANCE. most unceasing attention, and without once interrupting him — a degree of deference he was little accustomed to m his own family. At length she declared herself perfectly recovered, and, supported by his lordship and her daughter, she retired to her own apartment. " That was an unlucky remark of yours. Colonel, about low marriages," whispered Miss Pratt ; " I really think it was that overset her — though I suspect Lizzie Lundie had something to do with it too ; very likely some relationship there, for you know the Blacks are not just at the top of the tree," — with a knowing wink : " that, and the smell of Lord Rossville's boots and shoes together, was really enough to overset her ; " but Miss Pratt was now left to gabble to herself, for the rest of the party had dispersed. Cl)at)ter p, I cannot blame thee, Who am myself attached with weariness To the dulling of my spirits. Tempest. " I J OW weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable, seem I I to me all the uses of this world," is a feeling that must be more or less experienced by every one who has feeling enough to distinguish one sensation from another, and leisure enough for ennuu There are people, it is well known, who have no feelings, and there are others who have not time to feel ; but, alas ! there are many whose misfortune it is to have feeling and leisure, and who have time to be nervous — have time to be discontented — have time to be unhappy — have time to feel ill used by the world — have time to weary of pleasure in every shape — to weary of men, women, and children — to weary of books, grave THE INHERITANCE. 63 and witty — to weary of authors, and even of authoresses — and who would have wearied as much of the wit of a Madame de Stael as of the babbles of Miss Pratt. In this disposition, perhaps the only solace is to find some tangible and lawful object of which to weary — some legitimate source of ennui ; and then " sweet are the uses of adversity," when they come, even in the question- able shape of a Miss Pratt. In the humdrum society of a dull county, what a relief to the weary soul to have some person to weary of! To have a sort of bag-fox to turn out, when fresh game cannot be had, is an enjoy- ment which many of my readers have doubtless ex- perienced. Such was Miss Pratt. Eveiy body wearied of her, or said they wearied of her, and every body abused her ; while yet she was more sought after and asked about, than she would have been had she pos- sessed the wisdom of a More or the benevolence of a Fry. She was, in fact, the very heart of the shire, and gave life and energy to all the pulses in the parish. She supplied it with streams of gossip and chit-chat in others, and subject of ridicule and abuse in herself Even the dullest laird had something good to tell of Miss Pratt, and something bad to say of her — for nothing can convey a more opposite meaning than these apparent synonyms. But there was no one to whom Miss Pratt was so unequivocal a pest as to Lord Rossville, for his lord- ship was a stranger to ennui — perhaps cause and effect are rarely combined in one person, and those who can weary others possess a never-failing source of amuse- ment in themselves. Besides, the Earl was independ- ent of Miss Pratt, as he possessed a wide range for his y' unwearying wearying powers in his own family ; for he could weaiy his steward — and his housekeeper — and his gamekeeper — and his coachman — and his groom — and his gardener, all the hours of the day, by perpetual 64 THE INHERITANCE. fault-finding and directing. Perhaps, after all, the only uncloying pleasure in life is that of finding fault. The gamester may weary of his dice — the lover of his charmer — the bon-vivant of his bottle — the virtuoso of his virtu ; but while this round world remains, with all its imperfections on its head, the real fault-finder will never weary of finding fault. The provoking part of Miss Pratt was, that there was no possibility of finding fault with her. As well might Lord Rossville have attempted to admonish the brook that babbled past him, or have read lectures to the fly which buzzed round his head. For forty years Lord Rossville had been trying to break her in, but in vain. Much may be done, as we every day see, to alter and overcome nature : ponies are made to waltz — horses to hand tea-kettles — dogs to read — birds to cast accounts — fleas to walk in harness ; but to restrain the volubility of a female tongue is a task that has hitherto defied the power of man. With so much of what may be styled dissonance in similarity, it may easily be imagined that Lord Rossville and Miss Pratt, even when most in unison, produced any thing but harmony. Yet they only jarred — they never actually quarrelled, for they had been accustomed to each other all their lives ; and while she laid all the rebuffs and reproofs she received to the score of bile, he tolerated her impertinence on account of blood. The softness and suavity of Mrs St Clair's manners formed so striking a contrast to the sharp gnat-like attacks of Miss Pratt, that Lord Rossville became every day more attached to his sister-in-law's company ; and she soon found herself so firmly fixed in his good graces, that she ventured to request permission that she and her daughter might be allowed to visit her relations, with whom she had hitherto only communicated by letter. " Certainly, my dear madam,'* replied the Earl ; THE INHERITANCE. 6$ " nothing can be more proper and reasonable than that you should recognize and visit the different members of your own family, who, I am happy to think, are all persons of unblemished reputation, and respectable stations in life, which respectability is in a fair way of being increased by votes which, I understand, an uncle and brother of yours have lately acquired in the county ; and as there is every appearance of our having a warmly contested election shortly, their poHtical influence, if properly directed, cannot fail of proving highly bene- ficial to them. I therefore giv^e my unqualified assent as to the propriety of your visiting your own family, as soon as we can arrange the proper time, mode, and manner of doing so ; but, with regard to the daughter of the Honourable Thomas St Clair, I must candidly acknowledge to you, my dear madam, I have not yet brought my mind to any fixed determination on that point. Your own good sense will naturally point out to you the very peculiar situation in which she stands. Miss St Clair is at present to be viewed as the heiress presumptive to the titles, honours, and estates of this family ; but, observe, although presumptive, she is by no means heiress apparent — for there is a wide and im- portant distinction betwixt these apparent synonyms." — Here his lordship entered into a most elaborate explanation of these differences of distinction. — " And now, my dear madam, I am sure you will agree with me, that, in a situation of such peculiar delicacy, every step which Miss St Clair takes ought to be weighed with the utmost nicety and deliberation ; since what might be befitting the heiress presumptive might be deemed derogatory to the heiress apparent — and what dignity demands of the heiress apparent the world might censure as an undue assumption of consequence in the heiress presumptive." Mrs St Clair, though choking with indignation at 66 THE INHERITANCE. this round-about insinuation that her family was scarcely fit to be associated with by her own daughter, yet repressed her indignation ; and, as she did not consider it of much consequence that she should accompany her on her first visit, she readily yielded the matter with a good grace. But no sooner had she done so, than the Earl, as was often his custom, immediately tacked about, and took the opposite side of the argument. The result was, that Mrs and Miss St Clair should immediately proceed to visit the respective members of the Black family, and the Earl's travelling chariot-and- four, with all appliances to boot, was ordered out for the occasion. It was with a thrill of delight Mrs St Clair took her place in it, and drove off in all the eclat of rank and state. Cl)aptei: icj^ Pictures like these, dear madam, to design, Ask no firm hand, and no unerring line. Some wandering touches, some reflected light, Some flying stroke alone can hit 'em right. Pope. FEARFUL anticipations mingled with Mrs St Clair's natural affection, as she thought of the meeting with her own family. Its only members consisted of a brother, who, partly by industry, partly by good fortune, had become the proprietor of a large tract of unimproved land in the neighbourhood — two unmarried sisters residing in the county town, — and an old uncle from the East Indies, a half-brother of her mother's, reported to be enormously rich. When she had left home her brother was a mere raw unformed lad ; but he was now an elderly man, the husband of a THE INHERITANCE. 67 woman she had never seen, and the father of a numerous family. After quitting the noble domain of Rossville, the country gradually assumed a less picturesque appear- ance — rocks, woods, and rivers now gave way to arable land, well-fenced fields, and well-filled barn-yards ; while these, in turn, yielded to vast tracts of improve- able land, thriving belts of young plantation, ring-stone dikes, and drains in all directions. It was in the midst of this scenery that Bellevue stood pre-eminent. It was a showy, white-washed, winged-house, situated on the top of the hill, command- ing an extensive view of " muirs and mosses many, O," with traces of cultivation interspersed, and which by many was considered as a very fine, and by all was styled a very commanding prospect. A dazzling white gate, with spruce canister lodge, opened upon a well- gravelled avenue, which led to the mansion, surrounded by a litde smiling lawn, with a tuft of evergreens in the centre. On one hand appeared a promising garden wall ; on the other, a set of commodious-looking farm offices. Every thing was in the highest order — all be- spoke the flourishing gentleman farmer. The door was opened by a stout florid footboy, in flaunting livery, whose yellow locks seemed to stiffen at sight of the splendid equipage that met his view. The interroga- tories, however, at length recalled him to a sense of duty ; and upon the question being put, for the third time, whether his master or mistress were at home — he returned that cautious answer which marks the wary, well-tutored, though perplexed menial, — i.e. that he was not sure, but he would see. After an interval of about five minutes, during which much opening and shutting of doors was heard, and many a head was seen peeping over blinds and from behind shutters, the prudent Will returned with an invitation to the ladies to alight ; and, leading the way, he conducted them to a 68 THE INHERITANCE. well-furnished, but evidently uninhabited drawing-room, where he left them, with an assurance that his mistress would be there in a minute. Many minutes, however, elapsed, during which the visitors were left to find amusement for themselves, which was no easy task where the materials were wanting. In such circumstances, a fire is a never-failing resource — if bad, we can stir it ; if good, we can enjoy it ; but here was no fire, and the high-polished stove was only to be admired for itself, and the profusion of white paper which filled it. The carpet was covered, the chairs were in their wrappers, the screens were in bags — even the chimneypiece, that refuge of the weary, showed only two handsome giran- doles. There were two portraits, indeed, large as life, hanging on each side of the fireplace, in all the rawness of bad painting, glaring in tints which Time himself could never mellow. The one, it might be presumed, was Mr Black in a bright blue coat, pure white waist- coat, and drooping Fall-of-Foyers-looking neckcloth, holding a glove, and looking very sensible. The other, it might be inferred, was Mrs Black, sitting under a tree, in a yellow gown and ill-put-on turban, smiling with all her might ; and both evidently bent upon putting all the expression they possibly could into their faces, by way of getting a good pennyworth for their money. At length the door opened, and Mrs Black, in pro- pria persona, entered, followed by a train of daughters. She was rather embonpoint^ with a fine healthy colour, clear blue eyes, and an open good-humoured expression of countenance — forming, altogether, what is expres- sively termed a comely woman, which, if it mean some- thing less than beauty, is often more attractive. She had evidently been dressing for the occasion, as her gown seemed scarcely yet out of the fold, but looked like a thing apart from her, and had that inexpressible THE inheritancl:. 69 air of constraint which gowns will have when gowns are made things of primary importance. Mrs Black welcomed her guests in a manner which, if it had nothing of the elegance of ton, was yet free from affectation or pretension. She expressed her re- gret that Mr Black should be from home ; but she had sent in search of him, and hoped he would soon cast up. Mrs St Clair, resolving to be delightful, sat with her sister-in-law's hand in hers, and, with a face of the most affectionate interest, was presently deep in inquiries as to the state of her family, the number of her children, their ages, sexes, names, pursuits, and so forth. The amount of the information she received was this : — Mrs Black was the mother of eleven children living, and two dead ; — her eldest daughter (who had just gone to take a walk) was going to be married, and her youngest to be weaned. It was thought a very good marriage for Bell, as Major Waddell had made a handsome fortune in the Company's service, and was very well connected in the county, being cousin-german to Sir William Waddell of Waddell Mains, and very likely to succeed to him, if he was spared. He was also related to the Bogs of Boghall ; and the present Boghall had married a daughter of Lord Fairacre's, and their son was going to stand for the county. Major Waddell, to be sure, was a good deal older than Bell ; but he had kept his health well in India, and, though not a beauty, was very well — at least he pleased Bell, and that was every thing. Due congratulations were here offered by Mrs St Clair, with the customary remarks, of its being a pleasant and desirable thing for the first of a family to form a re- spectable connection ; that any disparity of years was on the right side, &c. &c. &c.; concluding with a request to be favoured with a sight of the young people. Mrs Black's eyes beamed delight as she pulled the bell, and gave orders for the children to be brought, observing at 7© THE INHERITANCE. the same time that they were sad romps, and seldom fit to be seen. Miss St Clair, meanwhile, was engaged with her cousins, pretty goodnatured-looking girls, one of whom talked much of balls, and officers, and poetry ; but as the children entered she sighed, and said there was an end of all rational conversation. The young Masters and Misses Black had all evidently been pre- paring for exhibition. They were fine, stout, blooming, awkward creatures, with shining faces, and straight- combed though rebellious-looking hair — while a smart cap, red eyes, and sour face bespoke the sufferings of the baby. Altogether they formed what is politely called "an uncommon fine family" — they all made bows and courtesies — walked with their toes in — stood with their fingers in their mouths — and, in short, were a very fine family. Of course, they were much commended and caressed by their new relations, till the entrance of Mr Black turned the attention into another channel. Mr Black was the only one of the family on whom the phenomenon of a carriage-and-four had produced no visible effect ; — he entered ill-dressed, over-heated, and with a common, even vulgar air — though, in reality, he was rather a good-looking man. Mrs St Clair had expected something of a scene at meeting with her brother ; but he seemed to have no thoughts of any thing of the kind, for he received his sister with that look and manner of plain, hearty welcome, which showed that any thing of fine feeling would be com- pletely thrown away. Yet his greeting was sufficiently affectionate in its own blunt, homely kind. " It is a long time since you and I have met, Sally," said he, as he seated himself beside his sister, with a child on each knee ; " but you have kept your looks well — to be sure you haven't had so large a share of the evils of life as I have had," — looking round with evident pride and exultation on his offspring, and THE INHERITANCE. 7 1 affecting to sigh at the same time. Mrs St Clair shook her head, and sighed too ; but her sigh was a much better-got-up sigh than her brother's — it said, or was intended to say, " Heaven only knows what I have sujfFered for that one ! " Mrs Black seemed to understand it ; for she said, with a look of sympathy, — " Pm sure an only child must be a great misfortune ; and we have great reason to be thankful, Mr Black, that so many of ours have been spared." Then, beckoning one of her daughters, she whispered some instructions to her, accompanied with a key. The young lady left the room, and in a few minutes the yellow-haired laddie entered, bearing a massive silver tray, conveying the richest of cakes, and the strongest and sweetest of wines. As Miss St Clair threw back her bonnet to partake of the hospitalities, her uncle regarded her with more earnestness than good-breeding, then glanced all round on his own offspring. " I'm trying if I can make out a likeness betwixt your daughter and my brats," said he to his sister ; " but I don't think she has much of a Black face." " She is thought to resemble her father's family more than mine," replied Mrs St Clair, — colouring deeply, and looking rather displeased. "None of them that I have ever seen," returned Mr Black ; — " her father, if I remember right, had light hair and a flat face, and " "There is no end to arguing upon resemblances," interrupted Mrs St Clair, rising hastily ; " the general expression is sometimes very strong, when every feature is different ; " — and she was preparing to depart, when one of the children, who was looking out at a window, exclaimed, " Here's Bell and the Major ! " — and to depart in the face of Bell and the Major was declared to be impossible ; so Mrs St Clair, though fretting at 72 THE INHERITANCE. the delay, was obliged to await the entrance of the lovers. Fortunately Miss Bell had no toilette duties to per- form : for she was dressed for the Major in a fashionable gown made by Miss Skrimpskirt of Tattleton, from a pattern of Miss Gorewell's in Edinburgh, who had got it from Miss Fleecewell of London, who had had hers direct from Madame Chefdoeuvre of Paris. Miss Bell, therefore, felt no disheartening doubts as to her appear- ance ; but firmly relying on the justness of her propor- tions, and the orthodox length of her waist, and breadth of her shoulders, and strong in the consciousness of being flounced and hemmed up to the knees, she boldly entered, followed by her betrothed. Miss Isabella Black was really a very pretty girl — she had a pretty figure, pretty features, pretty hair, a pretty complexion, a pretty bonnet, a pretty shawl, pretty boots, and a pretty watch. But over all this prettiness was diffused an intolerable air of folly, affectation, and conceit, which completely marred the effect of her charms. Major Waddell was a very passable sort of person for a nabob ; — he had a dingy bronze complexion ; tawny eyes ; tolerable tteth ; and a long, wrinkled, smirking, baboonish physiognomy. " Why, Bell, we were afraid you had run away with the Major," said Mr Black, facetiously, addressing his daughter on her entrance. " That is a very odd speech, I think, papa, to one in my situation," said Miss Bell, affecting to look much disconcerted. " Come, come, here are no strangers, so there need be no secrets: — it is pretty well known that if you don^t run away with the Major, the Major will run away with you some of these days." Here Mr Black laughed, and Mrs Black laughed, and all the Masters and Misses Black laughed loud and THE INHERITANCE. 73 long, — while in the general laugh the fair bride, as if overwhelmed with confusion, took her cousin aside and whispered — " This is a very awkward scrape I am brought into by papa's bluntness. It ceitainly was my intention to have announced the matter to my aunt and you at a proper time, but not just at present ; so I must request, as a particular favour, that you will say nothing about it at Rossville — it is so very unpleasant to be the talk of the whole county upon an affair of this kind, that the Major and I had resolved to have it kept as quiet as possible. It was only yesterday he communicated it to Sir William Waddell, and he has not yet mentioned it to Lord Fairacre, or any of his other relations.'* Mrs St Clair was too impatient to be gone to allow any farther latitude for the lovers to show off, but was again in the midst of leave-taking. Much was said about having a longer visit — of taking a family dinner — of spending a few days — of leaving Miss St Clair to spend a little time and get acquainted with her cousins; and Mrs St Clair could only disengage her- self from this well-meant hospitality by promising to take the earliest opportunity of repeating her visit. " I trust I may be excused from returning this visit," said Miss Bell, with a look of modest importance, " as in my situation I go nowhere at present." Escorted by Mr Black and the Major, and followed by the whole family, Mrs and Miss St Clair resumed their places in the carriage, and were soon driven be- yond the precincts of Bellevue. Their next destination was to the house of the Miss Blacks, in the county town, and there they were accordingly driven. 74 THE INHERITANCE. Cljaptcr icij^ Lulled in the countless chambers of the brain, Our thoughts are link'd by many a hidden chain. Awake but one, and lo ! what myriads rise 1 Each stamps its image as the other flies 1 Each, as the various avenues of sense Delight or sorrow to the soul dispense, Brightens or fades ; yet all, with magic art, Control the latent fibres of the heart. Pleasures of Memory. THERE are few minds so callous as to revisit the scenes of their childhood without experiencing some emotion. And whether these scenes lie in the crowded city, amidst all the coarse and ordinary objects of vulgar life, or in the lonely valley, with its green hills and its gliding stream — the same feelings swell the heart as the thoughts of the past rush over it ; for they speak to us of the careless days of our child- hood, of the gay dreams of our youth, of the transient pleasures of our prime, of the faded joys of our old age. They speak to us of parents now sleeping in the dust, of playfellows in a far-distant land, of companions altered or alienated, of friends become as strangers, of love changed into indifference. They speak to us — it may be — of time misspent, of talents misapplied, of warnings neglected, of blessings despised, of peace de- parted. They may speak to us, perchance, of God's holy law slighted, of his precepts contemned, of him- self forsaken — of hearts, alas ! not purified and renewed by that grace whose aid they never sought, but, like the wasted volcano, parched and blasted in their own unholy fires. Fairer scenes all may have viewed than those on which their eyes first opened ; but in them we behold only the inanimate objects of nature, which, however they may charm the senses or fill the imagina- THE INHERITANCE. 75 tion, yet want that deep and powerful interest which seems entwined with our existence, and which gives " a local habitation and a name " so powerful a mastery over us. Something too there is of solemn thought in returning to 3. father s house — whether that father's arms are open to receive his long-absent child, or whether the eye that would have welcomed, and the tongue that would have blessed us, are now mouldering in the grave. Ah ! many are the wild tumultuous waves that roll over the human mind, and obliterate many of its fairest char- acters — its fondest recollections. But still the indelible impression of a parent's love remains impressed upon the heart. Even when steeped in guilt or seared in crime, one spot — one little spot — will still be found con- secrated to the purest, the hoHest of earthly affections. It was with these mingled emotions Mrs St Clair found herself at the door of that mansion she had quitted thirty-three years before. It was the house in which she had first seen the light — where her parents had dwelt — and where she had left them surrounded by a numerous family ; but all were gone save the brother she had just seen, and two sisters, now its sole tenants. Even the most artificial characters still retain some natural feelings ; and as Mrs St Clair crossed the threshold of her once happy home, and the thoughts of the past rushed over her, she exclaimed with a burst of anguish, — " Would to God I had never left it ! " and, throw- ing herself upon a seat, she wept without control. There is something in real emotion that always carries conviction along with it. Although well accustomed to the ebullitions of her mother's character. Miss St Clair saw and felt the depth of her present feelings, and sought by her tender and affectionate sympathy to soften her sense of sorrow. But, with a look and gesture ex- 76 THE INHERITANCE. pressive only of abhorrence, her mother repelled her from her. At that moment a lady approached, and, throwing herself into her arms, Mrs St Clair sobbed in bitterness of spirit, while her sister mingled her tears with hers. Miss Black was the first to regain her com- posure ; and she said, in a voice which, though still tremulous with emotion, was yet soft and sweet, — " I love those feelings, my dear Sarah ! they are so natural. You miss all those you left behind, and you are thinking what a happier meeting this might have been, had it pleased God to have spared them to us — but I trust there is a happy meeting yet in store for us." "Oh, no, no!" sobbed Mrs St Clair almost convulsively, as she leant her head on her sister's shoulder. " My dear Sarah ! " said Miss Black, in a tone of tender reproach, accompanied by an affectionate em- brace ; " but come, let me take you to our poor Mary, who cannot go to you." Mrs St Clair raised her head, and made an eifoit to subdue her emotion, as she suffered herself to be led to the apartment where her youngest and favourite sister was. When she had quitted home, she had left her a lovely romping child of five years old, with laughing blue eyes and curling flaxen hair ; and this image of infant beauty she had ever treasured in her memory, though reason had told her the reality had long since fled. But, alas ! reason can but imperfectly picture to us the slow and silent ravages of time — and at sight of her sister Mrs St Clair felt as much shocked as though the change had been the metamorphose of an instant, instead of the gradual progress of years of suffering and decay. Imagination, indeed, could not have pictured to itself aught so affecting as the contrast thus presented by a glance of the mind. Mrs St Clair thought only of THE INHERITANCE. 77 the gay, rosy, frolicksome creature, whose fairy form seemed even yet to bound before her eyes, or hang round her neck in infantine fondness ; and on that self- same spot where last she had parted from her, she now beheld her a monument of premature decay — pale, motionless, and paralytic. For a moment she shrunk from the half-living, half-beatified-looking being, with that instinctive horror with which the worldly mind re- coils from all that reminds it of perishable nature. A faint streak of red tinged her sister's pale cheek, and a tear glistened in her soft blue eye, and her heart seemed to swell — perhaps with some almost forgotten feelings of humiliation at her own infirmities. But when Mrs St Clair again looked, the slight hectic had fled, the tear was dried, and the sigh was checked. "God's will be done, my sister! " said she, with a look and accent of meek and holy resignation. Mrs St Clair could not speak, but she threw herself on her sister's neck and wept. Gertrude, meanwhile, had stood aloof — her heart oppressed with sorrow, and her eyes filled with tears, as she contrasted her mother's feelings towards her sisters with those she had testified towards her ; and the painful conviction that she was not beloved, forced itself upon her in all the bitterness such a discovery was calculated to excite. At length the agitation of the meeting between the sisters began to subside, and Miss Black, approaching her niece, tenderly embraced her, and led her to her sister. " Here is a stranger who has been too long overlooked," said she; "but once seen she will not be soon forgotten ; " and she gently untied her bonnet, and looked on her with eyes of de- lighted affection. Her aunt Mary sweetly welcomed her, and also regarded her with an expression of love and tenderness, such as Gertrude felt she never had read even in her mother's eye. There was, indeed. 78 THE INHERITANCE. little resemblance between Mrs St Clair and her sisters, either in mind or appearance. Elizabeth, the eldest, belonged to that class who can neither be called hand- some nor ugly, but are yet sometimes thought both. She had regular features, and a mild sensible counten- ance; but she was pale and thin, and, to casual observers, had altogether an air of mediocrity, which, in fact, was rather indicative of the consistency and uniformity of her character. She was a Christian in all things ; and its simple, unostentatious spirit pervaded all her looks, words, and actions, and gave to them a charm, which, in her station, no worldly acquirements could have im- parted. Her sister was many years younger, and, in spite of sickness and suffering, still retained traces of great beauty. Every feature was perfect — but the dim eye, the pale cheek, and the colourless lip, could now only claim pity, where once they had challenged admira- tion. Yet neither pain nor sickness had been able to chase the seraphic expression which beamed on her countenance like sunshine amid ruins. It was the look of one already purified from all earthly passions, but who still looked with tenderness on the frailties of her fellow-mortals. Mrs St Clair seemed little gratified by the fondness her sisters testified for her daughter. She remained silent and abstracted, with her eyes fixed on the me- morials of former days ; for every thing remained in the same primitive order as when she had left them, and every thing told some long-forgotten tale, or roused some sad though slumbering recollection. She fixed her eyes on some foreign shells which decorated the old - fashioned chimneypiece, — and what a train of associations did these mute and insignificant objects conjure up ! They were the gift of one who had loved her in early youth, and who had brought them to her (all that he had to bring) from afar — and dearly had THE INHERITANCE. 79 she prized them, for then she had loved the giver. But he was a poor and friendless orphan boy — and she became the wife of an earl's son ! All may choose their own path in life ; but who can tell where that path may lead ? " The lot," indeed, " is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord." Mrs St Clair had chosen that of ambi- tion, and for thirty years she had dragged out life in exile, poverty, and obscurity — while the one she had forsaken, that of faithful and disinterested affection, would have led her to the summit of fame, wealth, and honour. The poor despised sailor boy had dis- tinguished himself for his skill and bravery, and, in the honourable career of his profession, had won for himself a noble fortune, and a name that would descend to posterity. This Mrs St Clair knew, for she had heard of his heroic exploits with feelings of the bitterest regret and self-reproach ; and it was those feelings which spread their gloom over her countenance, as she looked on the tokens of his youthful love, and thought of the valiant high-minded being she had bartered for a shadow of greatness. She withdrew her eyes, and they fell upon a venerable family Bible, from whence she had been accustomed to hear her mother read a chapter morning and evening to her family. She recalled, as though it had been yesterday, the last evening she had passed in her father's house. The figure of her mother was before her — her voice sounded in her ears — the words recurred to her then as they had often done since. It was the last chapter of Ecclesiastes, begin- ning with that touching exhortation — " Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say I have no pleasure in them ; " and ending with that awful assurance — " For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, 8o THE INHERITANCE. whether it be good or whether it be evil." Mrs St Clair uttered an involuntary groan, and closed her eyes. " You see much to remind you of the days that are gone, my dear sister," said Miss Black tenderly ; " but when the first impression is over, you will love to look upon those relics, as we do for the sake of those who loved us." " Never ! ah, never ! " exclaimed Mrs St Clair, starting up, and going to the window ; " every thing here is torture to me — the very air suffocates me." She threw open the window and leant out, but it was only to behold other mementos of days past and gone. She looked upon the little garden, the scene of many a childish gambol — it lay in the full blaze of a meridian sun, and all was fair and calm. An old laburnum tree still hung its golden blossoms over a rustic seat at one corner of the garden, and the time since she had sat there and decked herself in its fantastic garlands seemed as nothing. She remembered, too, when, after a long childish illness, her father had carried her in his arms to the garden, with what ecstasy she had breathed the fresh air, and looked on the blue sky, and plucked the gaudiest flowers. " It was on such a day as this," thought she ; " the air is as fresh now as it was then — the sky is as fair — the flowers as sweet ; — but my father — ah ! were he still alive, would he thank Heaven now, as he did then, for having preserved his child ! " And again the bitter drops fell from her eyes as she turned sickening from the view. The chord of feeling had been stretched too high to regain its ordinary pitch without an effort ; — it is sometimes easier to break the chain than to loosen it. Mrs St Clair felt her mind untuned for ordinary communing, and she therefore took an abrupt leave of her sisters, with a piomise of return- THE INHERITANCE. 8 1 ing soon when her nerves should be stronger. Hurry- ing through the crowd collected around the gay equi- page, she threw herself into it as if afraid of being recognized, and called impatiently to her daughter to follow. The postillions cracked their whips — the crowd fell back, and the proud pageant rattled and glittered along till lost to the gaze of the envying and admiring throng. Cl)a|)ter jciij* Nothing is lost on him who sees With an eye that feeling gave ; For him there's a story in every breeze. And a picture in every wave. Song. MRS ST CLAIR and her daughter proceeded for some time in profound silence. The former seemed plunged in painful meditation, the latter felt grieved and mortified at her mother's caprice and unkindness to her. The first thing which roused Mrs St Clair was the view of Rossville Castle, rising proudly above the woods which embosomed it — and, as she looked, gradually her brow cleared, her eye brightened, and her countenance regained its usual expression. " Gertrude, my love," said she, taking her daughter's hand, " I have almost forgot you to-day. But your own heart will enable you to conceive what mine must have suffered ; " and she sighed deeply. " Yes," answered Miss St Clair, in some agitation, " I can conceive that you have felt much ; but I cannot conceive why — oh ! mamma, what had I done that you should have shook me from you like a venemous reptile ? " 82 THE INHERITANCE. " My dear Gertrude ! what an idea ! that is the mere coinage of your brain — how can you allow your- self to be so carried away by your imagination ? Come, my dear, let us have no more such foolish fancies. Strange, indeed, it would be " — continued she, as the park gate was thrown open to receive them — " in any one to cast off like a reptile the fair heiress of this princely domain." But, however strange, her daughter felt it was so, and she remained silent. Mrs St Clair resumed — " Apropos, Gertrude, when you are lady of Ross- ville, you must build me a little tiny cottage on yon lovely green bank, where I may live quietly as a humble cottager, while you play the great lady : — come, pro- mise me, Gertrude, that I shall have a croft from you — a butt and a ben — a cow's grass and a kail-yard." There was something so forced and unnatural in her mother's sudden gaiety, that Miss St Clair, accustomed as she was to all the inequalities of her temper, felt almost frightened at it, and she was at a loss how to reply. " So you won't promise me, Gertrude, even a humble independence for my old age ? — Perhaps you are right to be cautious — Lear's daughters spoke him fair, and after all turned him out of doors, and why should I expect more from you ? " " Oh mamma ! " exclaimed Miss St Clair, bursting into tears, " do not kill me with such cruel words." " Is it so ciniel, then, in a mother to crave a pittance from the bounty of her child ? " " It is cruel to doubt that I would give you all — yes, were all this mine to-morrow, I could not be more mistress of it than you should be." " So you think at present, Gertrude ; but you know not as I do the mutability of the human mind. You will form other ties — other connections — you will THE INHERITANCE, 83 marry, and your mother will be forgotten — perhaps forsaken. You will marry," cried she with increased violence, — '' you will marry, and I shall be left to starve — you will fall a prey to the artifices of a Colonel Delmour — a needy, desperate spendthrift. I see already he is paying court to the future heiress ; and, once the wife of that designing extravagant man, you will have nothing to bestow." Shocked and amazed at her mother's violence, Miss St Clair sought to tranquillize her by assurances that she was mistaken in supposing Colonel Delmour had any such views, when Mrs St Clair interrupted her — "Promise me, then, that you will never become his wife." There is always something revolting to an open ingenuous mind in being fettered by promises ; but there was something more than even that natural repugnance to make Gertrude shrink from thus binding herself to her mother's will, and she remained silent ; but the deep blush that burned on her cheek spoke more eloquently than words. Mrs St Clair regarded her with a piercing look — then exclaimed, in a transport of anger, " And is it even so — and all that I have done and suffered is " Then, suddenly stopping, she added, in a milder tone, — " Gertrude, my wish is to save you from the dangers with which you are already surrounded — promise me, at least, that you will not marry until you have attained the age of twenty-one — that you will never marry without my consent, and until you have provided for my old age." " Mamma," said Miss St Clair, with a calmness and self-possession which bespoke her determination, " I here promise that I will not marry, without your con- sent, before the age of twenty-one, and until I have provided for you as becomes my mother — more I cannot — I dare not — 1 nvill not promise." 84 THE INHERITANCE. " Then with that I must be satisfied," said Mrs St Clair, as the carriage stopped at the castle door ; and having alighted, she entered the house, while her daughter stood some minutes on the lawn, inhaling the mild freshness of a west wind laden with the balmy sweets of opening buds and blossoms. Insensibly she strolled on ; and gradually the impression of the un- pleasant scene she had just had with her mother wore away beneath the calming influence of nature's charms — the clear cloudless sky — the lulling flow of the river — the bright green woods in all the luxuriance of early summer. Miss St Clair wandered on till she reached a little secluded spot she had not yet seen. On the top of a green knoll that rose gradually from the river stood part of an ancient building of an irregular and picturesque form, but now almost covered with ivy. Some wild cherry, or what, in the language of the country, are called geen trees, grew almost close to it ; — they were now white with blossoms, and formed a fanciful con- trast to the emblems of age and decay with which they were combined. The ground between the river and the ruin appeared to have been originally a garden or orchard ; and some old apple trees still remained, whose mossy trunks and shrivelled branches bore evidence of their antiquity, while here and there a cluster of rich pink blossoms showed that Life was in the leaf, for still between The fits of falling snow appear'd the streaky green. Some aged weeping willows dipt their silvery foliage in the dark waters, as they glided slowly and silently along. It was a scene where the contemplative mind might have mused over the mournful record of time, and things, and people, past and gone, with their joys and their sorrows, — where the youthful imagination might THE INHERITANCE. 85 have pictured to itself some ideal paradise yet to be realized. " Ah ! " thought Gertrude, " how willingly would I renounce all the pomp of greatness, to dwell here in lowly affection with one who would love me, and whom I could love in return ! How strange that I, who could cherish the very worm that crawls beneath my foot, have no one being to whom I can utter the thoughts of my heart — no one on whom I can bestow its best affections ! " She raised her eyes, swimming in tears, to heaven ; but it was in the poetical enthusiasm of feeling, not in the calm spirit of devotion. She was suddenly roused by hearing some one approach ; and presently Colonel Delmour, forcing his way through some wild tangled bushes, hastened towards her with an appearance of the greatest delight. At sight of him the thoughts of her mother's warning rushed to her recol- lection, — the dislike she had expressed — the suspicions she harboured — the promise she would have exacted — all seemed to give him a sort of inexplicable interest in her eyes. She coloured deeply, and the consciousness she had done so added to her confusion. " I have to apologise to you," said Colonel Delmour, " for thus literally forcing my way to you. Lyndsay and I were practising archery when I descried you : to see you, and not to fly to you, was impossible, had Briareus himself opposed my passage ; so, leaving Edward master of the field, I winged my way to you like one of my own arrows — but I fear I startled you ? " Miss St Clair felt as though she were acting in direct disobedience to her mother, in thus meeting, even acci- dentally, with the man she had just heard denounced by her. In great embarrassment she begged he would resume his exercise ; and she was moving away, when Colonel Delmour caught her hand, and in a low tone said, — 86 THE INHERITANCE. "Do not Stir from hence, unless you wish to en- counter Miss Pratt's observations ; she is beating about here ; I saw her as I came along, but I trust she will lose scent : do remain till that danger is past." Almost equally averse to encounter Miss Pratt at any time, but more particularly at present, she suffered Colonel Delmour to seat her on a little mossy knoll ; and throwing himself on the grass at her feet — - " Be this your throne, and behold your subject," said he, in a half-serious, half-sportive tone ; then raising his eyes to hers, he repeated, — " Le premier jour qu'on aime on se plait en secret A mettre au rang des rois I'objet que Ton adore ; Et s'il etoit un rang plus eciatant encore Ce seroit la celui que le coeur choiseroit." Miss St Clair tried to reply in a strain of badinage ; but the words died on her lips, and, colouring still more deeply, she remained silent. At that moment Mr Lyndsay appeared ; but ere he had time to address her, the shrill voice of Miss Pratt was heard, and pre- sently she broke in. "Ah, ha! so you're all here! — Upon my word, here's a meeting of friends. It puts me in mind of a scene in a play, where all the lovers meet to run away with pretty Mistress Anne Page, and the one cries mum, and the other cries budget." "Two excellent words," said Colonel Delmour, looking much provoked ; " of course you understand their meaning — be silent and begone." " Two very impertinent words, in my opinion," said Miss Pratt, seating herself beside Gertrude ; " and, to tell you the truth, I've no great notion of your mums. — There's a family in this country all so tongue-tied, that Anthony Whyte calls their house the mummery ; and by the bye, Mr Edward, I really think you may cry mum any day, — you're grown very silent of late." THE INHERITANCE. 87 " A proof I am growing wiser, I suppose," answered he, laughingly, " according to some great authority, who, I think, says most men speak from not knowing how to be silent." " The saying of some dull blockhead, I suspect," said Colonel Delmour, still evidently out of humour. " Indeed, I think so too. Colonel," cried Miss Pratt; "any body can hold their tongue, but it's not every body that can speak." " Not every body that ought to speak, or, at least, ought to be listened to," said Colonel Delmour, con- temptuously turning from her, and addressing some words in French in a low tone to Gertrude ; while Miss Pratt gabbled on — " Bless me ! what a tear I've got in my gown ! There's really an ill luck attends this gown — I never have it on without its meeting with some accident — that's all I've got by hunting after you youngsters ; " and in the twinkling of an eye her huswife was out — her thimble on her finger, and her needle flying through all the intricacies of "a very bad cross tear." " What's this we were talking about ? O ! about people holding their tongues — I really wish these birds would hold theirs, for I'm perfectly dieved with their chattering — sh, sh," shaking her parasol at a goldfinch. " I really think young people should be made to hold their tongues, and only speak when they're spoken to. — Was that a fish that leapt in the water just now ? What a pity but one of you had had a fishing-rod in your hands instead of these senseless bows and arrows — it would have been some diversion to have seen you hook a nice three-pound weight caller trout : — and really old people should be cautious of speaking — they're some- times rather slow, you know — not but what I can listen to any body. — Bless me ! how the wind's blowing these blossoms about — I'm like to be blinded with them." 88 THE INHERITANCE. "Come, you shall listen to me then," said Mr Lyndsay, as he caught some of the falling blossoms, " while I apostrophize them in some pretty lines of Herrick's. TO BLOSSOMS. Fair pledges of a fruitful tree, Why do you fall so fast ? Your date is not so past ; But you may stay here yet awhile, To blush and gently smile ; And go at last, "What ! were ye born to be An hour or half's delight. And so to bid good night ? 'T was pity nature brought ye forth, Merely to show your worth, And lose you quite. But you are lovely leaves, where we May read how soon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave ; And after they have shown their pride Like you a while, they glide Into the grave." Miss Pratt testified great impatience while the verses were repeating; but the purpose was answered — the time was passed while the fracture was repairing — and afraid of more poetry, for which she had a mortal antipathy, she readily assented to Miss St Clair's proposal of returning home. " I can tell you one thing, my dear," whispered she to Gertrude, " that mum should be the watch- word here to-day ; — a certain person," with a wink at Colonel Delmour, " is but a younger brother, and not the thing. He can be very pleasant when he pleases ; but take my word for it he's not to ride the ford upon : —but, bless me, I had no notion it was so late, and I've THE INHERITANCE. a bit of lace to run upon my gown before dinner ! " — and away ran Miss Pratt to her toilette, while Ger- trude retired to her chamber to ruminate on the events of the day. Chapter %ii>^ Keep, therefore, a true woman's eye, And love me still, but know not why ; So hast thou the same reason still To doat upon me ever. 0/d Madrigal. THAT " she who deliberates is lost," is a remark that has been so often verified, that although there are innumerable instances of women de- liberating to be saved, yet when a lover suspects the object of his wishes to be debating the question of — to love or not to love, he feels pretty secure that it will be decided in his favour. At least so felt Colonel Del- mour, as he marked the thoughtful cast of Miss St Clair's countenance when she entered the drawing- room before dinner. She had, indeed, that day de- liberated more than she had ever done in the whole course of her life before, though her deliberations had not yet assumed any distinct form. By nature tender and affectionate in her disposition, she was likewise high-spirited and impatient of unjust control ; and the situation in which she was now placed was calculated to call forth all the latent energies of her character. " // ^ a quelquefois dans le cours de la vie, de si chers plaisirs et de si tendres engagements que Von nous defend, qu'il est naturel de desirer, du moins, quails fussent permis.^^ Miss St Clair certainly could not help wishing that she had not been forbidden to love her cousin ; for, 90 THE INHERITANCE. although he had not absolutely declared himself her lover, he had said more than enough to convince her that he was deeply in love, and that the happiness of his life hung upon her decision. When she thought of her mother's prejudice against him, so unjust, so unaccount- able, it seemed next to impossible for her to remain in a state of indecision. She must either adopt her mother's sentiments, and hate, fly, abjure him ; or she must yield to her own inclinations, and listen to him — look on him, and love him. In this state of mental embarrassment, it was impossible for any one so in- genuous to conceal what was passing in her mind. But those who were most interested in observing her con- strued her behaviour each according to their own wishes. In her constrained manner and averted eyes whenever Colonel Delmour addressed her, Mrs St Clair flattered herself she saw symptoms of that distrust and dislike she had endeavoured to inculcate ; while he, for the present, felt satisfied in the consciousness that he was, at least, not an object of indifference. But it was impossible for any ruminations to be carried on long in the presence of Miss Pratt, whose own ruminations never lasted longer than till she had made herself mistress of the dresses of the company or the dishes on the table. Having finished her scrutiny of the former, she addressed Mrs St Clair — ** You were very soon home to-day, I think ; you must really have paid fashionable visits to your friends — to be sure, your sister's is not a house to stay long in. — Poor Miss Mary, what a pretty creature she was once, and as merry as a grig ; but she has taken rather a religious turn now — to be sure, when people have not the use of their legs, what can they do ? I'm sure we should be thankful that have all our faculties." " Except the faculty of being religious," said Mr Lyndsay with a smile. THE INHERITANCE. 9 1 " A certain degree of religion I think extremely proper," said Miss Pratt in a by-way-of, serious manner ; — *' but I'm just afraid it's rather overdone — not that I mean to say any thing against the Miss Blacks, for I assure you I have a very high respect for them ; — and old Mr Ramsay ! how did you find him ? — in a tolerable tune I hope ? " " I was afraid of trespassing too far on Lord Ross- ville's goodness by detaining his carriage and servants, and therefore delayed visiting my uncle till another opportunity." " That was being extremely considerate, indeed," began his lordship ; but, as usual, was cut short by Miss Pratt. " Bless me ! what's the use of carriages and servants but to wait ? If you had played your cards well, you would have gone first to your uncle — an old man in a nightcap, worth good seventy thousand pound, and as cross as two sticks, is not to be sneezed at, as Anthony Whyte says ; but there's the gong. — O Lord Rossville, I wish you would really get a bell, for I declare there's no hearing one's self speak for that gong — or what would you think of a trumpet ? Bells and gongs are grown so common, that Anthony Whyte's going to get a trumpet." " Being already provided with a trumpeter, it is quite proper that Mr Whyte should have a trumpet," said Colonel Delmour. " Considering with what deadly intentions we as- semble at the dinner-table," said Mr Lyndsay, " I really think a warlike instrument a much more appro- priate symbol than a peaceful, fasting, matin-sounding bell — indeed, the organ of destructiveness is always so strong with me at this hour, and I feel so much of the fee fa fum about me, that I can scarcely ask you to trust yourself with me ; " and he good-humouredly 92 THE INHERITANCE. gave his arm to Miss Pratt, as she was pattering away to the dining-room, with rather a discomfited look, by herself: "and now for the pride, pomp, and circum- stance of glorious war," — as the party seated themselves at the splendid board. But Miss Pratt's mortification never could be made by any possible means to endure much longer than the shock of a shower-bath — and by the time the dishes were uncovered, " Richard was himself again." " Colonel Delmour, what's that before you ? — I think it looks like fricasseed chicken — I'll thank you for some of it ; " and Colonel Delmour with the most indifferent air as to Miss Pratt's wants, and talking all the while to Miss St Clair, sent her a part which did not suit her taste. "Just take that back," said she to the servant; " with my compliments to Colonel Delmour, and I'll be obliged to him for a wing. Colonel, don't you know it's the fashion now, when you help game or poultry, to ask, * Pray do you run or fly ? ' meaning do you choose leg or wing. There was a good scene at Anthony Whyte's one day fat Lady Puffendorf was there — you know she's so asthmatic she can hardly walk ; so when she chose chicken, * Pray, ma'am,' says Anthony, * do you run or fly ? ' Of course a fine titter ran round the company. Lord Rossville, did you hear that ? — Colonel Delmour, remember I fly." " I shall have great pleasure in assisting your flight," said he with an ironical smile ; " pray, when may we expect to see Miss Pratt take wing ? " " Is that that you may have a shot at me with your bow and arrow ? I thought, indeed, you looked as if you were rather bent upon wounding hearts than harts to-day — you understand the difference, don't you. Miss St Clair ? " who only coloured a reply, and even Colonel Delmour seemed disconcerted. " Well, never mind, THE INHERITANCE. 93 mum's the word, you know," with a provoking wink ; " only I advise all young ladies who value their hearts to cry budget to gentlemen with bows and arrows." Lord Rossville's ideas, fortunately, never could keep pace with Miss Pratt's tongue : he had now only over- taken her at the " run and fly," and was busy preparing, with all the powers of his mind, a caveat against the use of cant terms — to begin with a quotation from Lord Chesterfield, and to be followed up by a full declaration of his own sentiments on the subject. In short, his mode of proceeding was something like bringing out a field-piece to knock down a fly, which, in the meantime, had perched itself on the very mouth of the cannon, and, unconscious of the formidable artillery that was preparing against it, buzzed away. " Let me help you to some asparagus, my lord ? " helping herself largely in the meantime ; " very fine it is, though rather out of season now — it has been long over at Whyte Hall. But who can help asparagus with asparagus tongs ? Anthony Whyte says, if ever he's prevailed upon to go into parliament, it will be for the sole purpose of bringing in three bills for the relief of the rich. One of them is to be an act for the sup- pression of asparagus tongs ; another is to make it felony for a cook to twist the legs of game, or force a turkey to carry its head under its wing ; and a third is " But here Lord Rossville's indignation got the better of his good-breeding, and even overcame the more tardy operations of his mind ; and before Anthony Whyte's third bill could be brought forward, he ex- claimed, " Mr Anthony Whyte bring bills into parlia- ment ! — Pray, Miss Pratt, have you any authority for supposing, or insinuating, that Mr Whyte has the most distant shadow of an idea of attempting to procure a seat in parliament ? If he has, I can only say I have 94 THE INHERITANCE. been most grossly misinformed — if he has not, it is highly improper in you, or in any of his relations or friends, who the world will naturally conclude are in his confidence, to start such a supposition ; — it is a serious, a very serious matter, to tamper with a gentle- man's name in politics, more particularly in the trouble- some and factious times in which we live." Even Miss Pratt was for an instant discomfited by the solemn in- dignation of this address ; but she quickly rallied, and whispering to Mr Lyndsay, " He's very bilious to-day, — his eyes are like boiled gooseberries, honest man ! " — she resumed, — " Bless me. Lord Rossville, one would think I had spoken high treason, but I was only joking ; Mr Whyte, I can assure you, has too much good sense to think of going into parliament ; if he had had a mind that way, he might have been in long ago : I'm told, from pretty good authority, he might carry the county any day he liked." Here the Earl absolutely gasped in the attempt to bring up words long and strong enough to immolate the presumption of Miss Pratt and Anthony Whyte. " I can assure you, both Lord Punmedown and Sir Thomas Turnabout spoke seriously to Mr Whyte about it some time ago — * Anthony,' says my lord, * if you wish to sit, you've only to stand.' Nothing could be stronger than that, you know. * Faith, my lord,' says he, * I believe I would have to lie in the first place.' Very good, wasn't it? Anthony's always ready with his answer ; I assure you, if he was in parliament he would keep his own." " Is there any body talked of in opposition to Robert ? " asked Colonel Delmour, as if he had not even deigned to hear Miss Pratt — "apropos, I had a letter from him this morning." " Indeed ! " exclaimed the Earl with great earnest- ness. " I am rather surprised that such a piece of THE INHERITANCE. 95 information should have been only communicated to me in this accidental manner — I have been anxiously looking for letters from Mr Delmour for some days — what does he say with regard to the sitting of par- liament, and does he point at any probable time for coming north ?" " I merely glanced at his letter," answered Colonel Delmour, with an air of indifference ; " it seemed filled as usual with politics, and I am no politician." " I am not so sure about that," said Miss Pratt, in an under tone, and with a most provoking significant look. " But you shall hear what he says. — Smith," turning to his servant, <*you will find some letters upon the writing-table in my dressing-room ; bring them here." " I hope you don't leave your love-letters lying about that way. Colonel ? " cried the incorrigible Pratt. " I assure you, if I was a young lady, I would take care how I corresponded with you — you're not like Anthony Whyte, who keeps up all his letters like grim death." The letters were brought ; and Colonel Delmour, taking his brother's from amongst them, glanced his eye over it, and read in a skimming manner — " Animated and protracted debate — admirable speech — legs two hours and a quarter — immense applause — 197 of majority — glorious result — opposition fairly discom- fited," &c. &c. ; he then read aloud — " Pray inform the Earl there is no longer a doubt as to the dissolution of parliament next session, — we must therefore prepare to take the field immediately. Lord P. and Sir J. T. intend to oppose us, I understand, and to bring forward some tool of their own ; but I have little fear as to the result. I now only wait the passing of the road bill, and the discussion on the resumption of cash payments, to be off for Scotland ; my uncle may. 96 THE INHERITANCE. therefore, expect me in the course of a few days, when I trust we shall be able to make a tolerable muster. — P.S. I see a Major Waddell has lodged claim for enrolment, — do you know any thing of him ? " " Major Waddell ! " repeated the Earl, putting his hand to his forehead in a musing attitude, as if en- deavouring to recollect him. « Major Waddell," said Mrs St Clair, in her softest manner, "is a gentleman of large fortune, lately re- turned from India — heir, I understand, to Sir William Waddell, and upon the point of marriage with a niece of mine — his vote, I am sure " Luckily, before Mrs St Clair could commit herself and Major Wad- dell's vote. Miss Pratt dashed in. — " Aye ! Miss Bell Black going to be married to Major Waddell ! Ton my word she has fallen upon her feet — that will be a disappointment to many a one ; for I assure you the Major's a prize, and I know three ladies he was sup- posed to be looking after — he even went so far as to present one of them with a very handsome Paradise plume — that I know to be a fact, for I was staying in the house at the time, and there was a great debate whether she should have accepted it before he had made his proposals. — Aye ! I was told that Miss Bell had lately said, in company, that she never would marry any man who couldn't give her silver tureens and corners. — He's very well connected too. — Let me see ; his mother was a Bog, and his father a Waddell of the Waddell Mains family — so he has good blood both ways." All this was very agreeable to Mrs St Clair — it was giving consequence to her family, which was an advantage to herself. Miss Pratt's pribble prabble was therefore music to her ear ; and while she gave her whole attention to that. Colonel Delmour contrived to render his conversation no less interesting to her THE INHERITANCE. 97 daughter, whose deHberations, Hke Othello's doubts, were gradually assuming a more decided form. For in love, as in jealousy, it will commonly be found that " to be once in doubt is once to be resolved/' As the ladies rose from table. Lord Rossville, who had evidently been struggling for some time to give utterance to some exquisite idea, called Miss Pratt, just as she had reached the door : — they all stopped. " Miss Pratt," said his lordship, making an effort to subdue any appearance of risibility, — " Miss Pratt, I think your friend who received the present of a plume from Major Waddell will have no great cause to plume herself upon that — as, from your account, it can no longer be a feather in her cap." The Earl was too much elated with this sally to think of Lord Chesterfield, and he indulged himself in a laugh tolerably loud and intolerably long. " Ha ! ha ! ha ! very good indeed ! " cried Miss Pratt. " I must let Anthony Whyte and Lord Pun- medown hear that — very well indeed ! — Poor Miss Kitty Fansyflame, as you say, it will be no great feather in her cap now, poor soul! — ha! ha! ha I Lady Betty, did you hear that ? " Then pinching Gertrude's arm, she whispered, " As Anthony Whyte says, it's a serious matter when Lord Rossville makes a joke — honest man — ha! ha! ha! — very fair indeed." And Miss Pratt kept up a running laugh all the way to the drawing-room. 98 THE INHERITANCE. Cl)apter pf>^ The pilot best of winds does talk, The peasant of his cattle ; The shepherd of his fleecy flock, The soldier of his battle. Ariosto. THE expected dissolution of parliament was all in favour of the growing attachment of the cousins. Gertrude, indeed, tried, or thought she tried, to avoid receiving the attentions of Colonel Delmour ; but in the thousand minute, and almost imperceptible oppor- tunities, which are for ever occurring where people dwell under the same roof, he found many occasions of insinuating the ardour and sincerity of his passion, yet in a manner so refined and unobtrusive, that it would have seemed downright prudery to have dis- claimed his attentions. Lord Rossville was, or, what was the same thing, fancied he was, so overwhelmed with business, that, contrary to his usual practice, he now always retired immediately after tea to his study, — there to con over the map and count over the roll of the county, and to frame the model of a circular letter, which was to sur- pass all the circular letters that ever had issued from a circular head. Mrs St Clair was busy too — she had begun to canvass with her brother and her uncle, to bespeak their votes, and had written to offer a visit to the latter the following day, by the Earl's desire. Lady Betty sat, as usual, at her little table, with her rug, her novel, and her fat favourite. Miss Pratt gabbled and knotted. Mr Lyndsay read. Colonel Delmour and Gertrude alone seemed unoccupied ; but " how various their employments whom the world deems idle." — " You are in an uncommon quiescent state to-night, Delmour," THE INHERITANCE. 99 said Mr Lyndsay, closing his book and rising — " neither music, nor billiards, nor ennui — most wonder- ful ! " " Eire avec les gens qu^on aime, cela suffit ; rever, leur parler, ne leur parler pointy aupres d^eux tout est egal^^ replied he, casting a look towards Gertrude, but affecting to address Miss Pratt. — " Is it not so, Miss Pratt ? " " To tell you the truth. Colonel," answered she with some asperity, " when people speak French to me, I always lay it down as a rule that they're speaking non- sense — I'm sure there are words enough in plain English to say all that any body has to say." " Ah ! but they are too plain — that is precisely my objection to them ; for you, I am sure, are aware," — and again he stole a glance at Miss St Clair, — ** * comhien de choses qu on n apercoit que par sentiment, et dont il est impossible de rendre raison ! ' Now, the French is a language of the sentiment — the English of reason — consequently it is most unreasonable in you, my dear Miss Pratt, to insist upon my expressing my sentiments in a plain reasonable manner ; but come, since you profess to be insensible to sentiment, try whether you cannot prevail upon Miss St Clair to give us some music." " Music ! " reiterated Miss Pratt ; " fiddlesticks ! For any sake, let us have one night of peace and rest — for I declare Lord Rossville makes a perfect toil of music ; but, indeed, it's the same every where now — there's not a house you go into but some of the family are musical. I know one family where there's five grown-up daughters that all play upon the harp ; and such a tuning, and stringing, and thrumming goes on, that I declare I get perfectly stupid. Not only that, but, as Anthony Whyte says, you used to be aware of your danger when you saw a piano or a fiddle in a lOO THE INHERITANCE. house ; but now you have music in all shapes, and such contrivances! — there's musical glasses, and musical clocks, and musical snuff-boxes, and now they've got musical work-boxes. The t'other day, when I was at Lady Restall's, I happened to want a thread in a hurry, and was flying to her work-box for it. — ' Stop, stop,' says she, * and I'll give you something better than a thread ; ' so she locks up her box and sets it a-going, and, to be sure, I thought it never would have done — tune after tune. * And isn't that a lovely waltz,' says she, * and isn't that a sweet quadrille ! ' — Thinks I, my friend, if you was mine, I would soon stop your mouth, and make you mind your own business." " But I hope you got your thread ? " inquired Lady Betty. " Yes, yes, I got my thread at last ; but isn't it a hard case that one can't get a black silk thread, if it was to save their life, without getting half a dozen tunes into the bargain ? But that's not the most ridiculous part ; for, says she, * I've commissioned a walking-cane for my lord from Paris (you know Lord Restall can't walk the length of his toe without a stick), and it is to play three waltzes, two quadrilles, a hornpipe, and the Grand Turk's March — it will be such an amuse- ment,' says she, * when he's walking with his friends, to set his stick a-going.' — Thinks I, he'll be clever if ever he sets it a-going about my ears. Miss St Clair, my dear, have you no nice nacky little handy work, that you could be doing at while we sit and chat ? " " That is a proper reproof for my idleness," said Gertrude, rising to fetch her work. " How I detest the stupid vulgar industry of working ladies ! " said Colonel Delmour ; " come, let me lead you to the music-room," and he took her hand. " What are you going to play ? " inquired Lady Betty. THE INHERITANCE. iOI " Tibbie Fowler," answered Miss Pratt. — " Miss St Clair, my dear, did you ever hear Tibbie Fowler ? " and, in her cracked voice, she struck up that celebrated ditty. Colonel Delmour, with an expression of disgust, immediately hurried Miss St Clair to the adjoining room, leaving Miss Pratt to carol away to Lady Betty and fat Flora. Much has been said of the power of music ; and all who have ears and souls will admit that its influence has not been exaggerated even by its most enthusiastic votaries. In every heart of sensibility nature has im- planted a chord which, if rightly touched, will yield fine issue, whether to the loftier or the gentler passions of the mind — whether that chord vibrates responsive to the pealing organ, the spirit-stirring drum, or the night- ingale's soft lay. Some there are, indeed, to whom music is merely a science, an assemblage of fine con- cords and discords ; and who, possessed of all that skill and knowledge can impart, are yet strangers to those " mystic transports. " whose movements are in the soul, and which constitute the true charm of melody. But Colonel Delmour could not be said to belong to either of those classes, or, rather, he partook some- what of both : he v/as passionately fond of music, and sang with much taste and expression ; but it might be doubted whether his was Le chant qui se sent dans I'ame. Be that as it may, he had hitherto, in the various flirtations in which he had been engaged, found music a most useful auxiliary, and by much the safest, as well as the most elegant, medium for communicating his passion. It was, therefore, an invariable rule with Colonel Delmour to use other men's verse, as well as other men's prose, instead of his own. For similar reasons, he also preferred declaring his passion either 102 THE INHERITANCE. in French or Italian ; and having read all the lighter works in these languages, and being gifted with a good memory and a ready wit, he was seldom at a loss for expressions suited to each particular case. The words he selected for the present occasion were those beauti- ful ones, — Felice chi vi mira, Ma piu felice chi per vol sospira, &c. When suddenly Miss Pratt burst in with "Wisht, wisht — there's somebody coming that will make us all change our note, I'm thinking ; " and while she spoke, a spattered chaise-and-four, with horses in a foam, drove up, which was recognized by its bearings to be that of Mr Delmour. All was bustle and sensation ; and the family, with the exception of Lord Rossville, had dropped in one by one to the music-room, where Mr Delmour was ushered in. He was what many would have called a very fine-looking man — tall and straight, with handsome regular features, although somewhat resembling Lord Rossville, both in person and manners. He paid his compliments rather with the well-bred formality of the old school, than with the easy disengaged air of a man of fashion, and totally devoid of that air of empressement towards Miss St Clair which had marked the attentions of his brother from their first meeting. In fact, Mr Delmour seemed little engrossed with any of the party, but looked round as if in search of a far more interesting object, and then anxiously inquired where Lord Rossville was. But ere an answer could be returned the Earl himself entered, and mutual pleasure was testified by the uncle and nephew at sight of each other. " Although, upon ordinary occasions, I confess I am no friend to what are termed unexpected pleasures," said his lordship, " yet, in the present instance, my THE INHERITANCE, I03 dear Robert, I own I do not feel my pleasure at your arrival at all diminished by the unexpectedness of your appearance. At the same time, it would not have been amiss, perhaps, to have apprised me of your intention at this important time." " Impossible ! " replied Mr Delmour eagerly ; " quite impossible ! In fact, I set off the instant the house rose, which was on Friday morning at half past five, after a most interesting debate on the paper currency, which, I am happy to tell you, we carried by a majority of eighty-five." " Bravo ! " exclaimed the Earl. — " And our road bill ? " " Is passed. But how stands the county ? — Have you felt its pulse at all ? — I understand a brisk canvass has commenced in a certain quarter. I got a hint of that from Lord Wishton, which, in fact, induced me to set off without a moment's delay." " You acted wisely and well," said the Earl ; " delays are always dangerous — more especially upon occasions such as the present." " It's high time you had begun to canvass, if you ex- pect to succeed in your election, I can tell you," inter- posed Miss Pratt, with one of her sharp pithy glances at Colonel Delmour and Gertrude, who kept a little apart ; and to judge by the blush and the smile which occasion- ally flitted over her beautiful features, as she sometimes bent her head to his whispers, the conversation was of rather a more interesting nature than what was carrying on between the uncle and nephew. Miss Pratt's remark did not hit either of them, and the latter resumed — " I am told the opposite party give out they can already reckon up twenty-nine votes — that, I suspect, is a ruse de guerre ,- but still it shows the necessity of our taking the field immediately." " Precisely my own sentiments ! " exclaimed Lord I04 THE INHERITANCE. Rossville, with delight ; "as you justly observe, there is not a moment to lose." " Something might yet be done to-night," said Mr Delmour, looking at his watch. " Something has been done already," replied his lordship, with an air of conscious importance ; " but it is now almost supper time, and you must be much fatigued with your long and rapid journey ; I must, therefore, vote for an adjournment." As the servant at that moment announced supper, this was a very bright sally for the Earl, though it did not produce all the effect he had expected. " Mr Delmour, you will conduct Miss St Clair to the supper room ; " and Colonel Delmour, with infinite reluctance, was obliged to relinquish her hand to his brother. With no less unwillingness did she bestow it ; and her chagrin was not lessened at finding herself placed between the uncle and nephew at supper, and condemned to hear, without being able to listen to their conversation, which now, in spite of Miss Pratt's de- sultory gabble, continued to flow in the same political channel. Gertrude heard, with weariness, the whole preliminaries of an active canvass fully discussed across her ; and while her imagination yet dwelt with delight on the melodious accents and impassioned sentiments which had so lately been poured into her ear, and found entrance to her heart, she mentally exclaimed — " How impossible would it be ever to love a man who can only talk of votes, seats, rolls, and qualifications ! " THE INHERITANCE. IO5 Chapter )cbj* Certainly it is heaven upon earth to have a man's mind move in charity, rest in Providence, and turn upon the poles of truth. — Lord Bacon. " \ X 7' ELL, what do you think of our member ? " y Y was Miss Pratt's first salutation to Gertrude, as they met next morning in their way to breakfast — then, without waiting a reply, " I thought you looked very wearied last night, and no wonder, for I declare my back was like to break with their politics. — IVe a notion you don't think he's likely to be any great acquisition as a member of the family, whatever he may be to the county — he! he! he! — I must tell Anthony Whyte that — he will be so diverted ; — but come, my dear," taking her arm, " we're too soon for breakfast yet, so we may just scent the morning air, as what do you call the man's ghost says in the play — but you should have something on your head, you must not get that pretty white skin of yours sunburnt ; but we'll not go farther than the portico. — I looked into the room as I passed, and there was nobody there but Lord Rossville, sitting, as usual, watching the teapot, like a clocking hen. It's a great pity that he will make the tea himself. I declare I'm like to choke sometimes before I can get a drop, and, after all, it's really just water bewitched. — It's a thousand pities, honest man ! that he will think he can do every thing better than any body else. — But here comes Edward Lyndsay from his walk. — I dare say he has been at some good turn already. — Good morning, Mr Edward ; where have you been strolling to this fine morning ? Miss St Clair and I are just taking a little chat here, in the sun, till the break- fast's ready ; for, as Anthony Whyte says, I don't like to descend to vacuity. — What do you think Miss St Io6 THE INHERITANCE. Clair says of our member ? that she does not think him any great acquisition as a member of the family, what- ever he may be as a member of the county : isn't that very good ? " Gertrude was about to disclaim the witticism, when Mr Lyndsay saved her the trouble. " So good," replied he, " that I am surprised you should give the credit of it to any body else. — Miss St Clair, I am sure, is incapable of making such a remark." " Is that meant as a compliment to you or me, my dear ? " addressing Gertrude. — " But I wish you would explain, Mr Edward, what makes you think Miss St Clair incapable of saying that ? " " Because, as a physiognomist, I pronounce Miss St Clair incapable of making so ill-natured a remark upon one of whom she has as yet had no opportunity of forming an opinion." " And what do you call that remark of your own, pray, Mr Edward ? " intempted Miss Pratt with con- siderable pique ; " for my part, I think it as ill-natured a one as ever I heard." "You wished to hear the truth," said he, with a smile ; " it is not my fault if it is not agreeable." " To tell you the truth, Mr Lyndsay, it's not by speaking what you call the truth upon every occasion, that people will ever make friends to themselves in this world. I never knew any of your plain-spoken people that didn't make twenty enemies for one friend. I know nobody that likes to have what you call the truth told them ; do you, my dear ? " — to Gertrude. " Yes," answered Gertrude ; " I think I should like to hear the truth from an amiable person ; but the reason it is so disagreeable, I suppose, is, because people are always so cross when they speak what they call the truth, that it seems as if they only used it as a cloak THE INHERITANCE. I07 for their own ill-humour and caprice, and a thousand other deadly sins." "Well, I'm sure, if you've a mind to hear the truth, you could not be in better hands, my dear, than your cousin's for it. — But there's that abominable gong again — we must really fly, for Lord Rossville will be out of all patience ; " and off pattered Miss Pratt, leaving her companions to follow her nimble steps. Nobody had yet appeared at the breakfast-table but Lord Rossville and Mr Delmour, who had resumed the subject of the election with renewed vigour. Miss Pratt, seeing his lordship so engrossed, had seized upon the teapot, and was enjoying the luxury of filling her cup by stealth. Mr Lyndsay seated himself by Gertrude ; it was the place Colonel Delmour usually occupied, and she looked a little disappointed at seeing it filled by another — he did not appear to notice it, but continued the conversation. " I perfectly agree with you in what you were saying of the use or abuse of truth," said he ; " but even that is not so dangerous as the delusions of false- hood and flattery, commonly called politeness and admiration." " These are hard words to give to very agreeable things," answered Gertrude. " My quarrel is not with the things themselves," said he, " but with their counterfeits." " Yet, if every one were to tell another exactly what they thought of them, I dare say we should be all scratching each other's eyes out." " Not if ours was the charity that thinketh no evil." " Oh ! that is to say, if we were all angels." " No ; it is to say, if we were all Christians." — Gertrude stared with some surprise ; for her idea of a Christian, like that of many other people's, was, that all were Christians who were born in Christendom, Io8 THE INHERITANCE. had been baptized, learnt their creeds, and went now and then to church. " I flatter myself I am a Christian," said she ; " and yet I cannot help thinking there are people in the world who are very tiresome, very impertinent, and very dis- agreeable; yet, I don't think it would be a very Christian act were I to tell them so." " Certainly not," answered Mr Lyndsay with a smile ; " you may think them all those things ; but if you think of them, at the same time, in the spirit of kindness and Christian benevolence, you will pity their infirmities, and you will have no inclination to hurt their feelings by telling them of faults which you cannot mend." " But if I were asked — or suppose I were to ask you to tell me my faults ? " " I should certainly endeavour to do it to the best of my ability." "Well, pray, begin, I should like to have my character drawn in a Christian-like manner," said she, laughing. " Yes ; but 1 must have many sittings before I can attempt it. — I am not one of those nimble artists who can take striking likenesses in five minutes." " So much the better ; for they are always hideous performances ; but how long will you take to make a good full-length portrait of me, for I really long to see myself in my true colours — as a mere mortal, not as a goddess ? " " You run no such risk with me, I assure you," said he ; " but as to the time, that must depend upon circumstances and opportunities — perhaps in a year." " A year ! " exclaimed Gertrude, — " O heavens ! I shall die of impatience in a month — to be a whole year before I hear of a single fault ! " THE INHERITANCE. IO9 " I did not say so," replied Mr Lyndsay ; " as errors, like straws, you know, always float on the surface, I shall be able to pick up plenty of them, I have no doubt, very soon (if I have not got hold of one or two already) ; but you would not have me pro- nounce upon your character from them ? — many pearls of great price may lie hid below." " Which, I'm afraid, you will never discover," said Gertrude, laughing ; " so, if my picture is not to be drawn till then, I fear I shall be wrinkled, and old, and ugly, before you have found a single gem to deck me with." " I hope not," answered he : " you say you love truth and sincerity ; these are jewels in themselves, and their light may lead even my darkened eyes (as you seem to think them) to discover more. But to drop metaphor, and speak in plain terms, — why, since we both profess to like truth, should we not agree to speak it to each other ? " " With all my heart," answered Gertrude ; "but we must settle the preliminaries, draw up the code of laws, and swear to observe them : — in the first place, then, we must make a solemn vow on all occasions to speak the truth, and nothing but the truth, coute quil coute — in the second place, that nothing so said is to give mortal offence to the one party or the other — in the third, that however disagreeable we may think each other, we are to make a point of declaring it in the civilest and most Christian-like manner imaginable — in the fourth place " " Beware," said Mr Lyndsay, interrupting her, " of coming under any engagements, since Lord Bacon says, * It asketh a strong wit and a strong heart to know when to tell the truth,' and you know not what a savage man you have to deal with ; — no, let it be a discretionary compact, with mutual confidence its only no THE INHERITANCE. guarantee ; " and he held out his hand. Gertrude gave him hers ; and as she did so she was struck, for the first time, with the bland and beautiful expression of his countenance. " I never can fear you," said she, with a smile ; — but the conversation was broken off by the entrance of the rest of the family, and the consequent matin greetings that ensued. Colonel Delmour was the last who entered, and a shade of displeasure darkened his brow at finding the seat he considered as exclusively his own occupied by another. Gertrude observed his chagrin, and felt secretly flattered by it. The only vacant seat was one by Miss Pratt, who had hitherto restrained her tongue for the benefit of her ears, both of which had been on the full stretch, — the one to pick up certain little pieces of information, which it had reason to suppose were not intended for it ; the other to make itself master of what was going on at the opposite side of the table between Miss St Clair and Mr Lyndsay. It was wonderful how well these two members con- trived to execute their respective offices, though certainly the chief merit was due to their mistress, who had trained these, her faithful servants, to such perfection in their calling that each of them, singly, could perform the work, and more than the work, of any ordinary pair of ears in the kingdom. What the industrious ear had collected the active brain was not long of concoct- ing, nor the nimble tongue of circulating. " You look very grave this morning. Colonel," said she, addressing her neighbour ; " I wish you had been here a little sooner, — it would have done your heart good to have seen and heard the fine flirtation that's been carrying on over the way," — with a significant nod to the opposite side of the table. " I can tell you Mr Edward and a certain fair lady have been looking very sweet upon each other — it's not often he takes a flirting fit ; but I'm THE INHERITANCE. Ill really glad to see your godly people can be just like their neighbours sometimes, and come as good speed, too, when they set about it. What do you think ? " — lowering her voice — " she's going to sit to him for her picture — a full-length, with pearls in her hair ; and what do you think ? " — still lower — " he's to make her a present of the pearls — there's for you ! I've a notion they were his mother's, for I know she had a very fine set. — He did not seem inclined (to tell the truth) to part with them so soon, for I heard him say something about a year ; but, says she, with her pretty winning smile, what's the good of keeping things till one's old, and bald, and toothless, and can't enjoy them ? So much for French ease — who would expect that, to look at her ? — But, my gracious ! Colonel, do you see what you've done ? spilt your whole cup of coffee upon my good new gown — I wonder how you contrived it — and you're going to pour the cream upon me next," — pushing her chair from him with the greatest velocity. — " 'Pon my word, one would think you did it on pui-pose." Colonel Delmour made no attempt to vindicate him- self from so foul an insinuation ; but, with his shoulder turned to the offended fair, lounged over the " Morning Post," as if quite unconscious of her presence. But, although he despised her too much to deign to express his disbelief of her communication, he was secretly pro- voked at the good understanding that seemed to exist between the cousins. He had too high an opinion of himself to have any fear of Lyndsay as a rival ; but he had his own private reasons for wishing to have him kept at a distance, at least till he had secured, beyond a doubt, the affections of Miss St Clair. Besides, he was one of those who disliked all interference with whatever object he chose to appropriate to himself, be it horse, hound, or heart. He, therefore, determined 112 THE INHERITANCE. to put a Stop to this growing intimacy, and to seize the first opportunity of bringing matters to an issue. In the presence of Colonel Delmour and Miss Pratt, it was seldom Mr Lyndsay had an opportunity of being duly appreciated, for in their company he was generally silent. Not that he had such a respect for their con- versation as induced him to play the part of a mere listener ; on the contrary, he gave little attention to either of them ; but he was not a person to interrupt, or watch for a pause, or in any way seek to attract the notice of the company. The unobtrusive qualities of his mind, therefore, did not strike upon the fancy with the same glare as the more dazzling characteristics of Colonel Delmour ; and where, as in the minute occur- rences of domestic life, there are few or no opportunities of displaying the loftier and nobler attributes of mind, it can only be by slow and imperceptible degrees such a character gains upon the affections. A single sentence might have summed up his, in the brief but compre- hensive words of an elegant writer — for of Lyndsay it might truly be said, that " he set an example of all the moral virtues without pride, and dared to be con- spicuous for all the Christian graces without false shame." * But Gertrude saw nothing of all this — she saw only that a gloom hung upon Colonel Delmour's brow, which she would fain have dispelled; and for that purpose she would have lingered beyond the rest of the party, to have given him an opportunity of expressing his disquiet ; but she was called away by her mother, to prepare for a visit to her uncle, Mr Adam Ramsay. * Tour to Alet, &c. THE INHERITANCE. 1 13 Cljapter %bij^ He's a terrible man, John Tod, John Tod ; He's a terrible man, John Tod ; He scolds in the house. He scolds at the door, He scolds on the very high road, John Tod, He scolds on the very high road, John Tod. He's weel respeckit, John Tod, John Tod ; He's weel respeckit, John Tod ; Wi' your auld strippit coul, You look maist like a fule ; But there's nouse in the lining, John Tod, John Tod, But there's nouse in the lining, John Tod. Old Song. THE day was hot even to sultriness, and neither Mrs St Clair nor her daughter were inclined to converse, beyond a passing remark now and then on the heat, dust, road, sun, &c. Both, indeed, were too agreeably occupied with their own meditations for any interchange of thought. The former was busy revolv- ing how she was to carry uncle Adam and his seventy thousand pounds by a coup de main ; and, as a preliminary step, had provided herself with a French musical snuff- box, and a dozen of embroidered cambric pocket-hand- kerchiefs. But Mrs St Clair little knew the person she had to deal with, when she thought to propitiate him by any such sacrifices. Mr Adam Ramsay was a man of a fair character and strong understanding, but particular temper and unpleasing manners — with a good deal of penetration, which (as is too often the case) served no other purpose than to disgust him with his own species. He had left home penniless, at an early period of life, to push his fortune in the world ; and after having toiled and broiled for fifty years, he had returned to what was now become a stranger land, laden with 114 THE INHERITANCE. wealth, which he had no longer even the wish to enjo}'. He felt that he had lived in vain. He had no one to love — no one to share in his possessions ; and that only cordial which can give a relish even to the dregs of life, was not his — the treasures he had laid up were all of this world ; and to a childless cynical old man, perhaps great wealth is even more galling than great poverty. Yet there were good points in his character ; and perhaps, had he been a husband and father, and had his heart been kept alive to the tender charities of life, he might have proved an amiable man, and an agreeable member of society. He possessed strong natural affections, which, though they had lain long dormant, were not yet extinct. It was said that in early youth he had loved and been beloved by one as poor and as friendless, and somewhat lower in degree than him- self; and that it was in the hope of gaining affluence for her he had crossed the seas, and sought his fortunes in a foreign land. But many are the disappointments that precede the fulfilment of our hopes, and many a year rolled on, and found Mr Ramsay as poor as at the first ; till, despairing of ever being able to return and claim his bride, he wrote to release her from her promise of awaiting his return. The fortune at length was made, but too late — the gay dreams of youth were fled forever! — His mistress had married, and was dead; and the sanguine adventurous stripling was grown into the soured misanthropic old man. Such was the outline of uncle Adam's story, and little more remains to be said of him. He lived much alone, had all the habits of a recluse, and all the little peculiarities which are supposed to belong to single gentlemen of a certain age. In parti- cular, he had an extreme dislike to receiving those delicate attentions which are sometimes so assiduously rendered to the rich and the childless. Not Timon THE INHERITANCE. II 5 himself was more tenacious in this respect than uncle Adam, or more disposed to buffet all whom he suspected of a design to prey upon his hoards. The house he now inhabited was one he had taken as a temporary- residence on his first arrival ; and although he had bought a fine estate with a suitable mansion in the immediate vicinity, and every day had purposed taking possession of it, yet each revolving term found him sitting in the selfsame parlour, in the selfsame chair, and in the selfsame frame of mind. It was at this suburban villa that the handsome equipage of the Earl of Ross- ville now stopped. It was a small, vulgar, staring red house, with a plot of long bottle-green grass in front, and a narrow border of the coarsest of flowers (or rather flowering weeds, interspersed with nettles), growing thin and straggling from a green slimy-looking soil, and covered with dust from the road — from which it was only separated by a railing. Mrs St Clair reddened with shame, as she marked the contemptuous air with which the consequential footman rapped on the humble door — for bell or knocker there was none. The door was speedily flung open to its furthest extent by a fat, rosy, stamping damsel, in a flaming gown and top-knots, who testified the greatest alacrity in doing the honours of the entrance. " What a habitation for a man with seventy thousand pounds ! " exclaimed Mrs St Clair, as she entered ; but there was no time for pursuing her observations, for she was the next minute in the little parlour of uncle Adam. It was a small close room, with a meridian sun streaming full into it, and calling forth to view myriads of "dancing motes that people the sunbeams," while innumerable hosts of huge flies buzzed and revelled in all the luxury of its heat ; and an expiring fire, with its usual concomitants of dust and ashes, seemed fast sinking beneath the influence of the god of day. A ^ it6 the inheritance. small dining-table, and a few hair-cloth chairs stuck against the walls, comprised the whole furniture of the room. A framed table of weights and measures, an old newspaper, and a parcel of dusty parchments tied with a red tape, formed its resources and decorations. Alto- gether it wore the comfortless aspect of a bad inn's worst parlour — a sort of place where one might pass five minutes while changing horses, but where there was no inducement even for the weary traveller to tarry. Mr Ramsay sat by the side of the expiring fire, seemingly contemplating the gaists and cinders which lay scattered over the hearth ; but he liad somewhat the air of a man prepared (rather unwillingly) to receive company. He was above the middle size ; of a meagre form ; with high stooping shoulders ; sharp cross- looking elbows, projecting far beyond his back ; a somewhat stormy, thin, blue face ; and little pale eyes, surmounted by shaggy white eyebrows. His ordinary head-piece, a striped woollen nightcap, had been laid aside for a capacious powdered peruke, with side curls and a long queue. To complete the whole, he was left-handed, which gave a peculiar awkwardness to his naturally ungainly deportment. He welcomed Mrs St Clair with a mixture of cordiality and awkwardness, as if he wished to be kind, but did not know very well how to set about it. She had too much manner, however, to allow him to remain under any embarass- ment on that score ; and was squeezing uncle Adam's somewhat reluctant hand, and smiling on his rugged visage, and uttering a thousand soft and civil things to his rather averted ear, when suddenly she stopped, for she felt that all was thrown away : her uncle had fixed his eyes on Gertrude, and regarding her with visible emotion, seemed unconscious of every other object. "Who is that?" at length demanded he, in an agitated voice. THE INHERITANCE. II 7 " Pardon me, my dear uncle," replied Mrs St Clair ; " but, In my happiness at seeing you, I forgot that my daughter was likewise a stranger to you." " Your daughter ! " exclaimed Mr Ramsay, — " It's not possible ! " " Why so, my dear uncle ? " asked Mrs St Clair with a smile, and In full expectation of a gallant com- pliment on her own youthful appearance. " She's the very picture of ; but you'll no mind Lizzie Lundle — bonny Lizzie Lundle ! " He gave a sort of growling sigh, and a pause followed. Visions of former days seemed to crowd Into the old man's mind, and he went on as if communing with himself. " I little thought when I parted frae her, fifty year come Martinmas, that T had ta'en my last look o' Lizzie ; and as little did 1 think, when I heard she was gane, that I should ever live to see her like in this warld — no that she just matches Lizzie neither ; " and something like a tear gleamed In his eye as he continued to gaze on the image of his youthful fancy. Gertrude's style of dress was such as helped to heighten the illusion : owing to the heat of the day, she had thrown off her bonnet, and the band that confined her hair wore almost the appearance of the snood which had been the pre- vailing fashion for damsels of Lizzie's degree in her day ; her throat also was uncovered, and the whole contour of the head was thus displayed at once in all the simplicity of nature, and one more strikingly beautiful could scarcely be conceived. Confused by the blunt admiration thus expressed for her, Gertrude looked to her mother, and, struck with the deadly paleness of her countenance, she hastily ex- claimed, " Mamma, you are ill ; " and Mrs St Clair, gasping for breath, sunk almost lifeless In her daughter's arms. — " Air, air," was all she could articulate ; and that certainly was the one thing needful In uncle Adam's ? Il8 THE INHERITANCE. apartment, for the atmosphere was indeed suffocating. The door and window were instantly thrown open ; Gertrude held a glass of water to her mother's pallid lips ; and Mr Ramsay stuffed a bunch of southernwood into her powerless hand. At length these restoratives appeared to produce their effects, and Mrs St Clair slowly revived. Due apologies were of course made and accepted ; the uncommon heat of the day was much commented on, and the closeness of the room deHcately hinted at. Some refreshments, not of the choicest de- scription, were now brought in by the great awkward heavy-footed maid-servant ; and Mr Ramsay, taking a glass of wine, drank a welcome to his niece on her return to Scotland, " and to the bonny creature you've brought with you," added he, again fixing his eyes on Gertrude. "After all," continued he, "the thing's not impossible ; Lizzie was a relation of ours — a distant one to be sure ; let me see — Lizzie's father and my father were cousin-germans' bairns ; but that'll no do, for it's by the other side o' the hoos — it was by my father." Mrs St Clair's colour rose to the deepest crimson, and she seemed struggling to subdue her feelings. At length, making an effort at self-controul, she said with affected pleasantry — " I have no doubt my daughter has great reason to be flattered at the resemblance you have discovered for her ; but, my dear uncle, you know there are certain prejudices — certain notions tihat some people entertain. In short, the thing to be talked of amongst ourselves is very well, and it is very flattering to me that my daughter's looks should afford you pleasure ; but I own 1 — I should be sorry — I would rather that a re- port of such a resemblance were not to reach the Ross- ville family ; they now consider my daughter as one of themselves ; and their pride might be hurt, you know, and a prejudice created, that might prove highly detri- mental to Gertrude's best interests." THE INHERITANCE. II9 " Set them up with their pride ! " cried Mr Ramsay — all softer emotions giving way to indignation ; " their pride hurt, indeed, at being compared to Lizzie Lundie ! — There's no a Rossville or a St Clair among them that e'er I saw was fit to tie Lizzie Lundie's shoe — the queen upon the throne might have thought it an honour to be compared to Lizzie ; " — and the little chamber seemed as though it would not contain him in his wrath as he paced up and down its narrow bounds, with his hands crossed behind his back : all shyness and em- barrassment had vanished in this burst of passion, and uncle Adam stood revealed in his own character. Then suddenly stopping — '* And what would ha'e come o' ye if Lizzie Lundie had been what I ance thought she would ha'e been — my wedded wife ? — What would your Rossvilles ha'e done then ? — Would you ha'e thought it a disgrace then that your daughter should ha'e been likened to your uncle's wife ? " " Oh ! this is too much ! " exclaimed Mrs St Clair, bursting into tears. "What's too much?" cried he, continuing to walk up and down in great discomposure. Then suddenly stopping, and softening at sight of his niece's distress — *' Come, come — What's a' this for ? — waes me, ye ha'e suffered little in the warld if the hasty word o' an auld man can set ye off this way — ye' 11 ken me better by and bye than to mind a' that I say ; " — then patting Gertrude on the shoulder, as she hung over her mother — " It's you that has made us cast out, and it's you that maun make us 'gree." Gertrude took her mother's hand, and put it in her uncle's — he took it kindly ; and Mrs St Clair, as soon as she found voice, said — " Excuse me, my dear uncle, I am ashamed of my weakness — but my nerves are now so shattered, and my spirits are not what they once were — I have a difficult part to play, and it is not 120 THE INHERITANCE. surprising if In short, dependent as I am on the relations of my child — and that dear child's interest so much at stake too — you cannot wonder if I am some- times driven — if I sometimes stoop — if I should some- times tremble " Mrs St Clair seemed at a loss to finish — but her uncle saved her the trouble. — " Aye, aye, you have a proud thrawn pack to deal wi', I believe." " Then you understand, my dear uncle, the reason of my wishing that " ** Aye, aye — ye needna be feared for me — but I maun aye think the likeness maist wonderful — maist wonderful — maist wonderful " — repeated he two or three times as he contemplated, and severally enumer- ated every feature, summing up the whole with, " Since I saw Lizzie Lundie, I've never seen the woman that I thought worth the looking at till now." At that moment a smart female figure, feathered and furbelowed, entered the little yard, and approached the house. — " There's ane o' the fule tribe," cried he ; " my bonny niece. Miss Bell Black. — I ne'er see that craatur that I dinna wish myself blind, and deaf, and doited." And thereupon entered Miss Bell. Chapter %biij^ He had a sowre behaviour, and a tongue immoderately free and full of taunting. — Livy. " Wl^^^'^ brought you here, Miss Bell ?" was y y his salutation on entering ; but nowise daunted with what, indeed, she was well accustomed to, she boldly shook hands wM all around, THE INHERITANCE. 121 and then showing a small basket — " I have brought you some very iine strawberries, uncle : they are the first we have had in our garden ; and I assure you I have had much ado to keep them from the children for you ; " — and, with a consequential air, she disclosed some dozen or two of very so-so-looking strawberries. "You had very liltle to do then," said Mr Ramsay — " I wad na gi'e a bawbee for a' the berries in your garden — so ye may just tak them back to whar ye brought them frae ; or stay, since ye ha'e robbed your brithers and sisters o' them, puir things, there's a barber's bairn twa doors aff that wad maybe be glad o' them — it's lying in the mizzles." " 'Pon my word, uncle," said Miss Bell, in great indignation, " I have something else to do than to pick strawberries for barber's brats, indeed." — But uncle Adam, going to the door, called the maid ; and giving her the strawberries, directed her to " carry the berries to Rob Rattray's bairn, and to ask how he was." Miss Bell prudently turned a deaf ear to the message, and was apologizing, with all her powers of eloquence, to Mrs St Clair and her daughter for not having been to visit them. — " But the truth is," said she, with a well- got-up air of modesty, " that, in my situation, visiting is out of the question. If I were to go to one place, I should have to go everywhere ; and the Major has so many connections in the country, who, of course, would expect me to come to them, that it would be extremely unpleasant in my situation, where the thing is so well known. This, I assure you, is the only place I ever go to, as I think it a positive duty — (lowering her voice) — to pay attention to my uncle, poor man, and I am the only one of the family who understands his ways and can manage him." Mr Ramsay, having for the moment appeased the antipathy he bore his niece by the insult he had offered her, was now restored to 122 THE INHERITANCE. something like good humour. " Weel, Miss Bell,'* said he, " what have you made of your nawbob — your swain — your loveyer — your what-do-ye-call-him ? " " If you mean the Major," said Miss Bell, with dignity, " he walked into town with me, and is gone to look at a pair of carriage-horses that are for sale at the White Bear ; I suppose he will be here in a little ; " — then drawing back from the window with a face of alarm, as a carriage passed — " I really wish, uncle, if you mean to remain here, you would get a blind for your window, for everybody is seen in this room ; and in my situation it is not very pleasant, I assure you, to be exposed to everybody that passes ; — that was the Boghall carriage that passed just now, and they must think it very odd to have seen me sitting here when I declined an invitation to dinner there for to-morrow, upon the plea that I went nowhere at present." " Then what brings you here, if you're no fit to be seen ? " demanded uncle Adam in a most wrathful accent. " I must confess, my dear uncle," said Mrs St Clair, glad of an opening for expressing her sentiments, and, at the same time, softening the tone of the conversation, " this house does not seem quite suitable for you." " What ails the house ? " asked he sharply. " I beg pardon, I understood (perhaps I was misin- formed) that you were the proprietor of a charming place in this neighbourhood." " Weel ? " This was put in so startling a manner that Mrs St Clair's courage failed her, and she feared to reply ; — not so Miss Bell. " Well ! to think of anybody in their senses living in this little, vulgar, shabby hole, when they have such a house as Broom Park standing empty — I assure you, uncle, it has a very odd appearance in the eyes of the world." THE INHERITANCE. 1 23 " Miss Bell Black, you that's such a wise, sensible, weel-informed woman, that kens aw thing, will you just ha'e the goodness to tell me what are the eyes of the world, and whar do they stand ? For muckle I ha'e heard of the eyes o' the warld, but I ha'e never been able to see them yet ; " and Mr Ramsay fixed his upon her, while he advanced his face almost close to her, and put his hands on his knees, in a manner that seemed to say, "Answer me this before you stir." Miss Bell hesitated a little. — " Why, I can only tell you, uncle, that Lord Fairacre was quite confounded when the Major told him you had never taken posses- sion of Broom Park yet, and said it was most extra- ordinary that you should continue to live in a house that was hardly good enough for a dog-kennel ; and Boghall, who was present, said, he did not believe the whole house was the size of his kitchen, and the Major himself I know thinks " "And so these are the eyes of the warld! " cried Mr Ramsay, with a sort of growling sardonic laugh ; " pretty eyes they are, to be sure, to drive a man out of his ain hoose ! — The ane a poor silly spendthrift, the t'ither a great gormandizing swash, and the third — but how comes the warld to have but three eyes ? — can you no mak out a fourth ? — I beg your pardon, I suppose your ain was to be the fourth, and that makes aw right, for then ye can gi'e the warld twa faces — Fairacre's and Boghall on the ae face, Major Waddell and Miss Bell Black on the t'ither ; " — then in a lower key, and muttering to himself, " Spendthrifts and ne'er-do-weels on the ae side, fules and tawpies on the t'ither, — a true picture o' the warld! " Any other than Miss Bell would certainly hcive given in here ; but Miss Bell was one of those gifted mortals who are quite invulnerable to the shafts of envy, hatred, or malice, when it is their interest to be so ; and though 124 THE INHERITANCE. she did look a little hot and disconcerted for a few minutes, she quickly rallied, and resumed — ** I assure you, uncle, whatever you may think, the opinion of the world is not to be despised." " Miss Bell Black, I have lived rather longer in the warld than you have done, and I've seen rather mair o't than you're ever likely to see — and I would nae gi'e that," snapping his fingers, "for either Its gude word or Its 111 ; It canna say that ever I oppressed them that were beneath me, or cringed to them that were aboon me, — or that I ever wranged ony creature o' a boddle, — or that I ever said the thing I didna think ; and If cither you or your warld think I'm to be dictated to in my ain hoose, you're much mistaken." " Well, uncle, I can only say I think It is a great pity that so fine a place as Broom Park should be standing empty ; and since you seem resolved not to live at It yourself, there's many a one, I assure you, would be glad to take It off your hands. The Major has been looking at Elm Grove — but I think there is no comparison between Broom Park and It." " What then ? " demanded Mr Ramsay. " O, nothing. Only if you had any thoughts of letting It, it Is such a Paradise, that " ** I could be at nae loss for an Adam and Eve to put In It," Interrupted her uncle ; " your nawbob and you, for Instance," with a growling grin ; — "but I can tell you, ye'll no play your gambols there If I can help It." Miss Bell looked very Indignant as she replied, " As to that, the Major cares very little about the matter ; if I am pleased, that is all he is anxious about, and the rent is no object, but I find It very difficult to get a place to suit us In every respect — but here is the Major himself," — and the Major was presently ushered in. Mr Ramsay received him with tolerable civility ; and Mrs St Clair, desirous of receiving his vote at the THE INHERITANCE. 1 25 approaching election, was preparing the way by a soft speech about nothing. But Miss Bell never permitted the Major to speak to, or look at, or listen to any body else when she was present, and she therefore called him off, with — " Well, Major, did you see the carriage- horses, and what do you think of them : " " They seem good serviceable horses — not particularly handsome," replied he. " What colour ? — I'll thank you for a glass of water, Major." " Pray — allow me to put a little wine in it." " The least drop — and you think they will do ? — Oh ! not so much." "That is not for me to decide," replied the Major, with a bow — which was graciously acknowledged with a smile. " Perhaps you will take a look of them your- self?" " Why in my situation," — in a modest key — " I hardly think I should like to go to the White Bear. — Major, will you take this glass ? " "But I shall desire the ostler to bring them up here ; 'tis but a step from the stables " " I'm for none of your horses brought to my door," cried Mr Ramsay ; " it will be through the town I'm setting up my chaise next, and a bonny hullybaloo there'll be," and he paced the room in great perturbation at the bare supposition of such a thing. " My dear sir," — began the Major, but he was cut short with — " Now I'm for none of your horses at my door." " Bless me, uncle ! " cried Miss Bell, " I think you may be very well pleased to get the credit of a carriage at such an easy rate." " Great credit to be sure ! — to get the credit of being an auld ostentatious fule." 126 THE INHERITANCE. " Such nonsense, uncle ! — at any rate, I thought you did not care what the world said of you." " You thought ! " repeated uncle Adam, with the most sovereign contempt ; " and what entitles you to think ? — but ye need say nae mair aboot it — there's to be nae horses brought to my door. If ye maun ha'e horses, ye maun gang to the horse-market for them, like other folk — I'm no to ha'e my house turned into a White Bear." " My dear sir " said the Major. " In my situation " — interrupted Miss Bell — " it would have a very odd appearance in the eyes of the world" But here Mrs St Clair interposed, by offering to chaperon her niece to the White Bear in Lord Rossville's carriage, hoping to be repaid for this civility by securing the Major's vote. The offer, after a little affected demur, was accepted, and the Major was despatched to have the horses in readiness. " I really think, uncle, you might dispense with a fire now," remarked Miss Bell, as she rose to depart. " Do ye ken naething else I could dispense wi ? " demanded Mr Ramsay, with a look and emphasis that might have made a tortoise fJy : — not so Miss Bell, who still lingered in the desperate hope of show- ing her consequence, and proving her influence over uncle Adam and his seventy thousand pounds. " Well, uncle, when are we to see you at Bellevue ? " " I would prefer my claim for a visit," said Mrs St Clair, with her most winning smile ; *' but Lord Ross- ville intends himself to have the pleasure of calling upon you, and " " In hopes of getting my vote," interrupted Mr Ramsay, impatiently ; " but he may just save himself the trouble — I'm no gaun to be hunted out o' my senses by your election hounds. — I'll gi'e my vote to wha I like, or may be I'll keep it to mysel — but there's THE INHERITANCE. 1 27 ae thing I can tell you, it's no to be had for the asking." Mrs St Clair prudently received this rebuff in silence ; but Miss Bell plucked up fresh spirit at witnessing another's discomfiture, and taking her uncle by the breast of the coat, and drawing him back, she began in an under tone of voice, as if desirous of not being over- heard, — " By-the-by, uncle, talking of votes, there's one thing that I feel very anxious about ; and that is, that the Major and you should concert something together as to your votes — it would be extremely awkward, I think, if you were to take different sides, and have a very odd appearance in the eyes of the world." Whatever uncle Adam's thoughts might be, his looks portended a storm ready to burst forth ; but as Gertrude turned towards him, to wish him good morn- ing, his features relaxed, and his frown gradually softened into something like a smile. " The eyes of the world ! " repeated he ; "I would na gi'e a glisk o' thae bonny een of yours for aw the eyes o' the world put thegither, — and dinna you, my dear, let the eyes o' the world scare you, as they hae done mony a ane, frae your ain happiness. Now, fare ye weel, my dawtie," patting her shoulder ; " an' I'll say to you what I wad na say to mony — I'll aye be glad to see you, come when you like — fare ye weel. — Gude morning to you. Miss Bell ; and ye may tak the eyes o' the world on your back, and muckle gude may they do ye ; " — and, with a laugh of derision, uncle Adam saw his visitors drive off, and returned to his little dusty sunny parlour, elate with the triumph of having defied the world and its eyes. But before parting with Mr Ramsay, we must here observe, that he is not the only one who has attempted to walk as if uncontrolled by the scan of that dread \ 128 THE INHERITANCE. power, commonly called the eyes of the world. Few, if any, however, have ever arrived at entire emancipa- tion from its influence, which extends more or less over all mankind. Uncle Adam flattered himself that he was one of the happy few who had escaped from its thraldom — but, alas ! poor man, its yoke was still upon him, and, unconscious of its chains, he hugged himself in his freedom. He cared not, indeed, that the world should call him a miser — he cared not that the world should call him a churl — he cared not that the world should call him odd — he cared not that the world should say he lived in a mean house, or wore a shabby hat, or an old-fashioned wig ; but he cared lest the world should think he cared for the world — or lest the world should say that he was vain, or proud, or ostentatious, or expensive ; and it was this which made him often deny himself many a little comfort, many a harmless gratification, many an innocent desire he had in common /' with that world he so much despised. To be free from / the eyes of the world has been the aim of many, but / the attainment of few. Man is not born to be free ; and when all restraint is laid aside, the wickedness of the human heart displays itself in the most hideous forms. 'Tis to the Christian alone that such freedom belongs ; and he only can say, " Je crams D'leu et n ai point d* autre crainte.^^ o Cl)apter %\%^ A merry going out often bringeth a mournful return ; and a joyful morning a sad evening. — Thomas a Kempis. DURING their progress to the White Bear, Miss Bell indemnified herself for the mortifications she had received from her uncle by expressing herself in terms of the greatest pity and contempt for him. THE INHERITANCE. 1 29 " Poor man ! *' said she, " I really feel for him, — for you must know it is alleged I am his great favourite ; and when that is the case, of course one will put up with a great deal. Indeed, for my part, I know his temper so well, I never should think of being affronted at any thing he could say ; but I own I am sometimes afraid of the Major — a man of his rank is not to be tampered with ; and he has such a high spirit, there is no saying how he might resent any thing the least like disrespect to me, though I know my poor uncle is far from meaning any thing of the kind. It is entirely his manner, for I have been told he speaks very handsomely of me behind my back ; and when that is the case, one should not mind what is said to their face. However, in my situation, it is certainly not pleasant ; and when I am a married woman, the thing must be put a stop to." Here Mrs St Clair put a stop to that subject by in- troducing the one uppermost in her thoughts, that of the election, and requesting her niece to use her influ- ence with her lover on the occasion. But Miss Bell, like all fools, had her share of cunning, as well as of consequence ; and she was aware that the more doubts and difficulties she could attach to the Major's vote, the more the Major's importance and her own import- ance would be increased ; and she therefore made answer, — " Why, really aunt, to tell you the truth, the Major has a very difficult part to act ; and it will require no small management, I assure you, both in him and me, to avoid giving offence to one side or the other. Con- nected as he is with the Fairacre and Boghall families, it will be a strong step in him to give his vote to the opposite party. At the same time, I know I have only to say the word to secure him for my friends ; — but, as I said to him, the world might reflect upon me, were I. I 130 THE INHERITANCE. I to make use of my influence in so important a matter. Besides, you know, aunt, I can say nothing till the Major has been waited upon by Lord Rossville, and has been paid proper attention to by the family ; and it would also be right, I think, if some of the ladies were to be introduced to his sister, Mrs Fairbairn, a very sweet woman, who lives a little way from this." But here the carriage drove up to the White Bear, where neither the Major nor the horses were to be seen ; but they were told both would be forthcoming presently. There was nothing for it, therefore, but to wait patiently in the midst of the usual assemblage that is to be seen lounging at an inn door — hostlers, drivers, stable-boys, beggars, waiters, travellers, &c. &c. &c. " This is very unpleasant,'* said Miss Bell. " I wonder how the Major could think of exposing a per- son in my situation in this manner. I am sure I would rather have gone without carriage-horses than have had all these people's eyes upon me. There is one man, I declare he stares in such, a manner I don't know where to look. I wonder what he means — I really wish he would bestow his attention on somebody else ; — but, perhaps, cousin, he's one of your French beauji" ? " Mrs St Clair and Gertrude both looked in the direc- tion pointed out by Miss Bell, and both were struck by the appearance of the person in question, or rather by the earnest scrutinizing look with which he regarded the party ; for, although handsome, there was nothing very striking either in his dress or figure — nothing that was even indicative of the station to which he might be supposed to belong. He was a man seemingly turned of thirty, but might be more ; with a sunburnt com- plexion — long ill-cut hair — handsome, though rather hawk nose, and keen bright black eyes. Taken singly, his features had no peculiarity in them ; but there was THE INHERITANCE. I3I something in the general expression of the countenance of a marked and unpleasing character. " I have surely seen that face before,'* said Mrs St Clair, endeavouring to recollect when and where. " I am sure he won't forget some of ours," said Miss Bell ; " for I really never saw any thing so im- pudent as the manner in which he stares ; and such a shabby-looking creature, all covered with dust ! I dare say he is just off the top of some coach — I'm sure if the Major catches him staring so impudently at me — but here comes the Major and the carriage-horses — don't they look very well ?" — and then ensued a col- loquy between the lovers. " How do you like your steeds, Isabella ? " " Not mine, Major — you know I have nothing to do with them ; but what do you think of them yourself? " " My thoughts must be guided entirely by your taste." " Very gallant indeed ! " — and so forth in the usual style of some such silly pair. The stranger all the while kept his station, after ask- ing a question of one of the servants ; but his looks, which at first had wandered from one or other of the party, finally rested on Gertrude, with an expression which it was impossible to comprehend or define. It was neither admiration, nor curiosity, nor pleasure, nor any of the common emotions which a stranger might be supposed to entertain ; but his countenance assumed a sort of smile of exultation, no less strange than offen- sive. In some displeasure at so rude and persevering a gaze, Gertrude raised her hand to pull down the blind, when, suddenly springing forward, he laid his hand on the door of the carriage. " What insolence ! " exclaimed Mrs St Clair. The stranger looked at her for a moment with a bitter, con- temptuous smile ; then said — 132 THE INHERITANCE. " I would Speak with you." " Speak, then — say what is your business ? " answered she, somewhat impatiently. " You wouldn't choose me to speak out before the ladies, I guess," replied the man, with a still more familiar look and manner. Miss Bell's body and soul were both half out of the opposite side of the carriage, as she leaned over communing with the Major. Mrs St Clair, therefore, answered haughtily — "You can have nothing to say to me that my daughter may not hear." " Possible ! " exclaimed the stranger in an ironical tone. " So then " Mrs St Clair involuntarily bent her head towards him, and the rest of the sentence was whispered in her ear, when, uttering a half-stifled shriek, she sunk back pale, trembling, and convulsed. " What's the matter ? " cried Miss Bell, turning round. " Mamma has been frightened by that strange-looking man," answered Gertrude, in a low voice. " Bless me ! " cried Miss Bell, " such nonsense to be frightened for any man when the Major is here. — Then in a loud key — "Major, I wish you would ask that person what he wants ? " " Not for the world ! " exclaimed Mrs St Clair, suddenly starting up in the most extreme agitation — " I know him — I have seen him before — I — I must speak to him myself," gasped she, as she motioned to have the carriage door opened. " Oh, mamma ! " cried Gertrude, taking her mother's trembling hand to detain her — " you are unable — allow me ; " but her mother seemed not to hear her, as, with the assistance of the servants, she alighted, and, with an unsteady step, drew near the stranger, who had with- drawn a few paces from the carriage, apart from the bystanders. THE INHERITANCE. I33 " Good gracious ! " exclaimed Miss Bell, in a whisper to Gertrude — "I see my aunt is terrified at the thoughts of involving the Major with that man ; and, to be sure, if he had only seen how he stared at me, I dare say he would have knocked him down, so it's better she should speak to him herself, as I am under her protection at present, you know." Gertmde made no reply ; and Miss Bell, too much interested in her carriage-horses to bestow her attention on any mere human concerns, quickly returned to the discussion of hoofs, tails, manes, &c. Mrs St Clair, meanwhile, having exchanged a few words with the stranger, returned to the carriage, still bearing visible signs of great mental disquiet. " So, aunt, you have very soon disposed of your beau," began Miss Bell, no less deficient in common observation than in delicacy. " Dear me ! are we driving away, and nothing settled about the carriage- horses yet! — and where's the Major ? — Major — Major — stop, driver, for the Major ; " and presently the Major's willow-green visage presented itself, panting with the exertion of running after the carriage. " I can make nothing of that fellow," said he, ad- dressing Mrs St Clair ; " he seems a most confounded insolent dog. If I had been a justice of the peace, I should certainly have committed him." " I think you would have done quite right," said Miss Bell ; " and I really think, aunt, you were a great deal too soft with him. What did he say to you. Major ? " " O, he was confoundedly impertinent ; and if I had had my bamboo, I should certainly have laid it across his shoulders." " Well, I dare say it was better that you got out to speak to him yourself than that the Major should have taken him in hand ; but he would have deserved it," 134 THE INHERITANCE. said Miss Bell, " if it had only been for his impudence in staring at me in the manner he did — but, by-the-by, did not you say you knew him, aunt ? " Mrs St Clair's colour had undergone many variations during this conversation, and Gertrude thought she read torture in every feature and lineament of her coun- tenance. But in a voice which she vainly tried to render firm and composed, she replied, ** I have seen him before only once, and that under circumstances of distress in my husband's ." Here her emotion choked her utterance ; and Miss Bell and the Major, who were no nice observers, ascribed her agitation to the only legitimate source of a widow's tears, the re- membrance of her departed lord ; and not being at all in a mood to sympathise in any such sorrowful feelings, Miss Bell proposed to alight and walk home with her lover, which was readily acceded to by her aunt. " I trust I shall soon have the pleasure of presenting Mrs Waddell to you," said the Major in a half whisper to Mrs St Clair. " Upon my word. Major, you are too bad," said his fair, affecting to turn away in displeasure. "Have you bespoke your cousin's good offices on the occasion, my love ? " asked the inamorato, in still softer accents, " No — I really. Major — you know there is no hurry " " I beg your pardon, I know just the reverse," replied the gallant Major ; but Mrs St Clair, sick of their vulgar airs, here wished the happy pair good morning ; and making a sign to the servant, the car- riage bounded away, leaving them far behind. Ger- trude naturally expected that her mother would now give some explanation of the strange mysterious scene that had taken place, though she had too much delicacy to express any curiosity on the subject; but Mrs St THE INHERITANCE. 1 35 Clair remained silent and abstracted during the whole drive, and was only roused from her musings by the sudden stopping of the carriage as it drew up at the castle. " Home already ! " exclaimed she, looking round as if awakened from a dream — then in a languid oppressed voice, " Gertrude, I am ill — but I want no attentions," v/aving her off ; " they can do me no good.*' Colonel Delmour, who had been lounging on the lawn with his dogs, was now hastening towards them. " Gertrude," continued she, grasping her daughter's hand, — " be silent on the events of this day, as you value my ///^." Gertrude shuddered ; but the next moment her hand was pressed in that of Colonel Delmour, as he assisted her to alight, and her mother's fearful words were almost driven from her thoughts by the raptures he expressed at her return. His words were too delight- ful not to be hstened to, and she loitered a few minutes on the steps. " Is it possible," thought she, as she looked on her lover, " that this elegant graceful being can belong to the same species with an uncle Adam or a Major Waddell ! " Colonel Delmour saw that he had lost nothing by her absence ; and as her mother turned to call her, he ventured to whisper somewhat of a more serious import than he had yet done : — Gertrude blushed, smiled, and was gone. Chapter %p. What silence hides, that knowest thou. Gary's Dante. ON joining her mother in her apartment, Gertrude found her walking to and fro in that manner which plainly indicates great mental disquiet. She continued to pace backwards and forwards for 136 THE INHERITANCE. some time, as if lost in thought ; then suddenly stop- ping, she said, somewhat abruptly — " Gertrude, do you remember your nurse ? " " Ah, mamma ! can I ever forget her ? " replied her daughter, tears springing to her eyes at the remembrance of all the care and tenderness she had experienced for years from the faithful creature. " Yes, I know you were very fond of her, and she of you. Well, the stranger who caused me so great an alarm to-day was her husband." " Her husband, mamma ! '* repeated Gertrude. " He looks very young ! And I thought her husband had been dead many years ago ? " " I thought so too ; but unfortunately it is not so — I say unfortunately, for he is likely to prove a troublesome appendage to us — those sort of people are always un- reasonable ; and he seems to think his wife's care and attention to you, and. her long services in the family, give him a claim upon our gratitude, which I fear I shall not find easy to answer. In short, he seems a needy rapacious man, urgent for money, which I have not to give, and yet am loth to refuse." " It is certainly my duty to do something for him, mamma," answered her daughter ; " but you know I have nothing in my own power — all I can do is to speak to my uncle for him " " No, no," cried Mrs St Clair, impatiently, " that will never do ; " and she resumed her pacing up and down. "Why may I not ask Lord Rossville to assist him, mamma ? " inquired Gertrude, in some surprise. " Surely the husband of my nurse, of one whom I loved so dearly, has a right to expect something from us ? " " Something — yes, something — but what is that something to be ? — How much money have you got at present, Gertrude ? " THE INHERITANCE. 1 37 Her daughter named the sum, which was a very trifling one. " What shall I do ? " exclaimed her mother with the look and accent of despair ; '' how shall I ever be able to raise a sufficient sum " " Dear mamma ! why should you distress yourself so much about it ? — only suffer me to speak to my uncle " " Gertrude, you will drive me mad — have I not told you that it would be destruction to me to breathe a syllable of this matter to any human being ! " "Destruction, mamma!" repeated her daughter in astonishment, not unmixed with terror at her mother's vehemence. " Bring me what money you have — every sousy and no questions — you will perhaps know all soon enough," murmured she, throwing herself into a chair, as if exhausted with the violence of contending emotions ; then rousing herself as her daughter was leaving the room to obey her, — " And fetch me your ornaments, Gertrude — all of them — quick, no more words ; " — and she waved her hand impatiently for her to begone. Gertrude was too well acquainted with her mother's imperious manner to attempt any remonstrance, but she could not conceal the astonishment and reluctance with which she set about obeying her. Having collected all the money and the few jewels she possessed, she brought them to her mother. " Surely, mamma," said she, " it cannot be necessary for me to give my ear-rings and bracelets to my nurse's husband ? The money he is welcome to ; but really I am churlish enough to grudge him my trinkets." " Keep them, then," said Mrs St Clair, pushing them from her with contempt — " keep the paltry baubles, since it is too great a sacrifice to part with them even to a parent." " O, mamma, what cruel words ! — I spoke in jest — 138 THE INHERITANCE. take them — take all — every thing that I have ; " and she drew the rings off her fingers, and unclasped those in her ears. " No, no," said her mother, in the same cold bitter tone, " keep your precious gewgaws — you surely would not give your pearl necklace to save me from ruin ? — that would be too much, indeed ! " Mrs St Clair well knew how to turn to her own purposes the quick generous temper of her daughter. Stung to the soul by her mother's reproaches, Ger- trude burst into tears ; she besought her forgiveness — she implored her to take the baubles, till at length she prevailed ; and what Gertrude would, in other circum- stances, have considered a sacrifice, she now looked upon as a privilege ; — so differently do things appear, according to the state of our minds. " To show that I do not exact more from you than I do from myself," said Mrs St Clair, going to her jewel-case, " I too must part with all I possess ; " and she took out all her own ornaments, and began putting them up along with those of her daughter. Gertrude assisted with a good grace, for she was still in a state of excitement. She saw all her elegant and fashionable bijouterie — all the cherished tokens of remembrance — all the little gifts she had received from far-distant friends and companions, one by one folded up, and she still felt only joy in the thought that she had parted with them for her mother ; but she could not suppress a sigh when she came to an old-fashioned hair-brooch, in the form of a heart, set round with garnets — " That was the gift of my dear nurse," said she timidly, " and she made me promise that I never " "Would part with it," subjoined Mrs St Clair. " Well, keep your promise and your locket, Gertrude, it is of little value — it can make no difference— surely he would not grudge you that." THE INHERITANCE. 1 39 " He ! '* repeated Gertrude indignantly — " it is not for him, it is for you — but why?" — she stopped, and looked inquiringly in her mother's face. " Gertrude, it is natural that your curiosity should be excited by what you have seen and heard, and the time may come — perhaps too soon — when it will be amply gratified ; but when it is, I tell you that it will — it must be at the expense of my life. — Now speak — ask what you will, and I will answer you ; but it must be on these terms." " Oh, mamma ! what a wretch you must think me ! " said Gertrude, again giving way to her tears. — " Head- strong — perverse — disobedient — you may have found me, but surely I do not deserve such killing words. Would that I could share in your distresses, whatever they are, if by sharing I could lessen them ! " Mrs St Clair shook her head, and sighed deeply. " I believe you, Gertrude — I know you are superior to the meanness of mere curiosity, and I think I may rely on your affection — may I not ? " Her daughter answered by throwing herself into her mother's arms, and Mrs St Clair pressed her to her bosom with emotions of tenderness and affection, such as she had never before displayed. When she regained her composure, she said, — "Now, my love, we understand each other; you are aware that my reserve proceeds from no distrust of you. I feel that your forbearance is the result of your affection for me — henceforth all that you have to do is to prove your sincerity by your silence. You have only to promise that you will never disclose what you have witnessed, or what you may yet witness in my conduct, that may seem strange and mysterious, and that you will never reveal what 1 have now told you about that man — neither his name, nor his connection with us, must you ever breathe, as you value my life." I40 THE INHERITANCE. Gertrude promised — solemnly promised ; and her mother again tenderly embraced her, declaring herself satisfied. *' You know not what a load it takes from my mind to find you thus prudent, tractable, and confiding — with feeling enough to participate in my vexations — with delicacy to repress all idle curiosity — with affec- tion to assist me in my difficulties — May Heaven reward you, Gertrude, for all you have done and will do for me ! And now," continued she, as she finished the packet she had been making up, " T am going to give you a yet stronger proof of the trust I place in you. This packet must be delivered to-night to the person for whom it is destined. I have promised to meet him at the temple, near the end of the lime avenue, next the deer park, at eleven o'clock, and you must accom- pany me — the family will then be at supper — I shall plead a headach — alas ! no vain pretext ! " — and she pressed her daughter's hand to her throbbing temples — "as an excuse for retiring to my room — you will of course attend me, and we shall then find no difficulty in stealing out unperceived. I know all you would say, Gertrude," continued she, in a quick, impatient tone, as she read her daughter's disapprobation in the glow that mantled on her cheek ; " but there is no alternative — it must be so — yet if you repent your promise, I am ready to release you from it, though my ruin should ensue. — Speak, do you wish to be free ? " Gertrude could not speak, but she gave her mother her hand in token of her submission, then turned shud- dering away. Her mother again caressed her. " Be composed, my love — all will yet go well — let us dress for dinner," continued she, as her maid entered for the purpose of preparing her toilette. Then whisper- ing, " Try to look cheerful, my love — remember looks may betray a secret as well as words : put some flowers THE INHERITANCE. 141 in your hair, and make yourself at least look gay for my sake — do, my sweetest ! " Gertrude sighed, and they separated. Plus sonat quam valet. More sound than sense. Seneca. IT would have argued ill for Gertrude if she could have obeyed her mother's injunctions, and looked the thing she was not. Time and suffering may teach us to repress our feelings ; but the young and untried heart can with difficulty learn to conceal them. The most ingenuous and upright mind may practise self-controul ; but it is only the artful and the mean who will ever stoop to dissimulation. Agitated and perplexed, in vain she strove to appear tranquil and disengaged — the very attempt served; only to defeat the purpose. The more she thought of her mother's strange mysterious behaviour — and of what else could she think ? — the more bewildered she became in the maze of her own fancy ; till at length, despairing of regaining self-possession from her own secret communings, she hastened to seek it in company, and, quickly dressing herself, she descended to the drawing-room. It required no great share of penetration to discover that something more than common was passing in her mind. Her varying colour — her clouded brow — her thoughtful yet wandering eye, so different from the usual open, bland expression of her countenance, plainly indicated the state of her feelings. Lord Rossville, Mr Delmour, and Mrs St Clair were at the farther end of the room in earnest con- 142 THE INHERITANCE. versation. She was giving such an account of her visit to Mr Ramsay, and her meeting with Major Waddell, as suited her own purposes ; and she di- lated so much upon the difficuhies and importance of their votes, and the management that would be re- quisite to secure them, that she at last succeeded (no very difficult matter) in completely mystifying at least one of her auditors. In short, she convinced Lord Rossville, and almost persuaded his nephew, that the whole issue of the election depended upon her and her family. " I have a strange headstrong set of beings to deal with," said she ; " but I think, with a little address and a good deal of attention, we shall prevail at last." " On such an occasion," said his lordship, " neither ought to be wanting, my dear madam. I flatter myself we are none of us deficient in the former qualification, and the latter depends entirely upon ourselves. To- morrow Mr Delmour and I shall make a point of waiting upon such of your relatives and connections as " Mr Delmour here took out his memorandum- book, and began to write down the names of Major Waddell, Mr Ramsay, and Mr Black, in his list for the following day. " I wish we could secure your uncle," said he to Mrs St Clair ; — then turning to Lord Rossville, — " I find he is the purchaser of the superiorities of Deafknows, which, with Tonglands and Kilspindie, might, with ease, be split certainly into four, but I think, probably, into five qualifications ; these on our side would make it quite a hollow business — don't you think so ? " " Why, in all human probability, it would," replied his lordship ; — " at the same time, we must be cautious how we admit or mistake mere probabilities for absolute certainties — in all such cases there must ever be con- THE INHERITANCE. 1 43 tingencies, which it is impossible, or at least extremely difficult, to foresee or guard against. It is a matter of doubt with me whether Mr Ramsay has yet been infeft in these lands of Kindyford and Caulfauld, and whether there is not a wadset on the lands of Ogilface and Haggiescape. In all likelihood, our opponents are using every means to bring some such corps de reserve into the field. Also, I understand, there were two new claims preferred for enrolment on the lands of Stonykirk and Kilnettles at the last meeting of free- holders ; and we may reasonably conclude that the roll will be still farther augmented by the adverse party — that is, if it is possible for them to do so." While this colloquy, and much more of the same kind, was carrying on at one end of the room, the other presented Lady Betty, spread out in full dress on a sofa, with Flora by her side, and Colonel Delmour and Mr Lyndsay at a little distance engaged in some debate. Gertrude, on entering, almost unconsciously seated her- self at one of the windows, apart from every body ; but she was immediately joined by her cousins. Colonel Delmour remarked, with secret satisfaction, the agita- tion of her look and manner. He imputed it entirely to the declaration he had ventured to make, which he thought had probably given rise to some discussion be- twixt her mother and her, and which he had no doubt would end, as all such discussions between mother and daughter generally do, in favour of the lover. But this was not precisely the time when he wished his preten- sions to be publicly known — and he was rather desirous that Miss St Clair's emotion should pass unobserved. Colonel Delmour's manner, however, although guarded and respectful, nevertheless carried with it that nameless something which made even the object of his professed idolatry feel he had gained an ascendency over her, and that the worshipped was also the worshipper. While 144 THE INHERITANCE. he leant on the back of her chair, Mr Lyndsay once or twice addressed some remark to her, but, absent and occupied, she scarcely seemed to hear him. " Is it to-day that you would have me begin to sketch your portrait ? " said he, with a smile. " No — not to-day," replied she, in some confusion. " And why not ? To paint from nature, one must take nature in all her various moods and aspects." " But I don't love stormy cloudy pictures," said Gertmde, with a sigh. Colonel Delmour looked reproachfully at her as he whispered, " Strange that this day, which has been the brightest in my life, should seem cloudy to you. — Ah, Gertrude ! why do we not view it with the same eyes ? " Gertrude blushed deeply, but remained silent. *' What o'clock is it ? *' inquired Lady Betty. ** Seven minutes to six," said Miss Pratt, as she entered, and, tripping past Lady Betty, joined the group in the window. " Any thing new going on here ? — It's changed days with you, Colonel, to be in the drawing-room before dinner — we seldom used to see you till the first course was going away." Surveying Gertrude from head to foot, " What's come over you to-day, my dear ? You're not looking like yourself. — I think you've got too many of these passion-flowers in your head. — Mr Edward, you must not take your cousin's picture to-day, or else she must part with some of these passion-flowers — I really don't think they're becoming — ^just let me take out that one " and she was preparing to lay her hands upon it, when hers were seized by Colonel Delmour. " Bless me. Colonel ! don't be so violent ; I'm sure I wasn't going to take oflP Miss St Clair's head ; — they may well be called passion-flowers, for they really seem to have put you in a fine passion — and you've crumpled THE INHERITANCE. 145 all my ruff, and squeezed one of my fingers to the bone." Colonel Delmour, colouring a little at the transport of indignation he had given way to, affected to laugh it off", and, releasing Miss Pratt's hands from his grasp, said in a loud whisper, — " I beg pardon if, in the ardour of my passion, I did press your hands too — too tenderly — impute the blame " " I don't know what you mean, Colonel Delmour," cried Miss Pratt aloud, as she stroked down her ruff" and caressed her injured finger with every appearance of ill-humour; "but I know you've left your marks upon me in a pretty manner. I didn't know Miss St Clair's head had been your property, or, I assure you, I wouldn't have offered to tou(:h it — but I know if she's wise, she'll take care how she trusts you with her hand, after seeing how you've used mine," and she held up a red angry-looking finger, and shook her ruff^ — " and only look at my ruff ! " "What's the matter with your ruff"?" asked Lady Betty ; " it looks very neat, 1 think." " Neat ! it was more than neat ; but Colonel Del- mour has spoiled the seat of it, and I'll have to get it all goffered over again." "By-the-by, Miss Pratt," said Colonel Delmour, " since you denounce me as the destroyer of your ruff" — it is a deed for which I think I merit the thanks of all pious, well-disposed persons in general, and of the kirk-session in particular. 1 read a history of ruffs t'other day, which harrowed up my soul, and made my young blood to freeze. 1 assure you, ever since I have been initiated into the shocking mysteries of ruff"- making, Hamlet's horror at sight of his father's ghost has been nothing compared to mine, when I behold a stiff" well-appointed ruff", so completely is it associated, I. K 146 THE INHERITANCE. in my mind's eye, with hoofs and horns, blackness and brimstone ; " — then, going to the library, he presently returned with an ancient folio in his hand ; and turning over the leaves, he read as follows, with an air of ludicrous horror and dismay ; — " The Anatomie of Abuses, containing a Discoverie or brief Summarie of such Notable Vices and Imperfections as now raigne in many Counteries of the World, &c. &c. By Phillip Stubbes, 1583." " They have greate and monsterous ruffes, made either of cambricke, lawne, or els of some other of the finest cloth that can be got for monie, whereof some be a quarter of a yarde deepe, yea, some more, very fewe lesse : so that they stande a fulle quarter of a yarde (and more) from their neckes, hanging over their shoulder pointes insteade of a vaile. But wot ye what? the deivill, as he, in the fullnesse of his malice, first invented these greate ruffes, so hath he now found out also two greate pillars to beare up and maintaine this his kingdome of pride withal. The one arche or pillar, wherebye his kingdom of greate ruffes is underpropped, is a certain kinde of liquide matter which they call starch, wherein the deivill hath willed them to washe and to drie their ruffes well, which being drie, will then stand stiffe and inflexible aboute their neckes. The other pillar is a certaine device made of wiers crested for the purpose, whipped either over with golde thred, silver, or silke, and this he calleth a underpropper. Beyond all this, theye have a farther fetche, nothynge inferior to the reste, as, namely, three or four decrees of minor ruffes placed in gradatim, one beneathe another, and all under the Mayster Deivill Ruffe. Sometimes they are " " Such nonsense ! " exclaimed Miss Pratt. " I really never heard the like of it. I wonder how you have patience to listen to it, Lady Betty. I really think THE INHERITANCE. 147 Miss St Clair might show more sense than to laugh at such ridiculous stuff. There's the gong, that's better worth attending to ; " and away walked Miss Pratt and her ruff. The politicians were also roused at the sound ; and as they broke up, Mrs St Clair said to Lord Ross- ville, — " Rest assured, my lord, nothing shall be wanting on my part to gain the suffrages of my family ; and I have little doubt of accomplishing it, since your lordship has thus kindly and considerately given me a carte blanche^ as it were, for my actions upon the occasion. I feel most deeply the value of the confidence you have thus reposed in me." Lord Rossville had done no such thing as give, or dream of giving, Mrs St Clair a carte blanche for her actions ; — but he loved to hear himself commended, whether for what he had done, or for what he had not done ; and he therefore allowed it to pass, in the belief that he was indeed all that was kind, wise, and con- siderate. Gertrude, as a matter of course, was again placed between Lord Rossville and Mr Delmour, and condemned, during a tedious dinner, to hear the same political jargon carried on. Mr Delmour now and then changed the conversation, indeed, out of compliment to her, and talked of the views, the weather, the races, and such subjects as he seemed to think suited to a female capacity ; but it was evidently an effort to descend to such things, and Gertrude felt only provoked that he should even attempt to be agreeable. When they rose from table, her mother made a sign for her to follow her to her own room. 148 THE INHERITANCE. Cl)apter p%ij^ Never in my breast Did ignorance so struggle with desire Of knowledge, As in that moment ; nor— dared I To question, nor myself could aught discern. Gary's Dante. " X/OU are a poor dissembler, Gertrude/' said Mrs J St Clair, after having shut the door of her chamber, and carefully examined each lurking recess — " your looks have already betrayed to the family that something is wrong — even stupid Lady Betty asked me at dinner whether you were well enough. It is, therefore, obvious you are suffering either from mental disquiet or bodily indisposition, and it must be your part to play the invalid this evening." Then seeing her daughter about to express her dislike of the deception, " It is easily done — you have only to remain here, and leave it to me to account for your absence in the drawing-room ; " — then with a pro- found sigh, " The headach and the heartach are both mine, God knows ! but if you will only affect to bear the one for me, you will assuredly alleviate the other." Gertrude felt that she was become a mere tool in her mother's hands, and that it was in vain to contend. She therefore yielded a passive assent to remaining a prisoner for the rest of the evening. Various were the conjectures, and numberless the remedies, called forth by Mrs St Clair's communica- tion of her daughter's indisposition. The heat of the day — the drive — the roads — the dust-— the dinner — . Uncle Adam and his airless rooms ; all these, and many more, were each assigned as a sufficient cause for headach, and eau de Cologne, aromatic vinegar, and all the thousand perfumed specifics, down to Lady Betty's THE INHERITANCE. I49 home-made double-distilled lavender water, were re- commended and accepted. As for Lord Rossville, he made it quite a matter of life and death. — A fever commonly began with a headach — was there any dis- position to shivering on the part of the patient i — any thirst — any fever — any bile ? — how were the eyes — how was the tongue — how was the pulse ? — A little blood taken in time was perhaps the most effectual antidote. — He possessed some knowledge of medicine himself — and, in short, Mrs St Clair only prevented him from going to prescribe for his niece in person by assuring him that she felt a great disposition to sleep, and had requested that she might not be disturbed. It was therefore finally settled, that if Miss St Clair was no better by to-morrow morning, she was then to be given up to his lordship's direction. Colonel Delmour suspected there was some decep- tion in the case, and was at no loss, as he thought, to fathom the mystery. He believed their mutual attach- ment had been discovered by Mrs St Clair, and that Gertrude was suffering persecution on his account ; but he felt little apprehension as to the result ; he knew enough of human nature to be aware that, to a romantic ardent nature such as hers, a little opposition would have rather a good effect, and that there is sometimes no surer way of creating an interest in one party than by exciting a prejudice in another. Meanwhile the object of all this solicitude sat at her window, watching " the coming on of grateful evening mild." It was at that lovely season when day and night are so imperceptibly blended into each other, that a night seems only a softer, sweeter day. There were none of those magnificent masses of clouds which, in this climate, generally form the pomp and circumstance of a fine sunset. The sky was cloudless and serene, and a soft silvery moon shone in one quarter of the 150 THE INHERITANCE. heavens, while the mellow golden lustre of the sun gradually melted away in the other. When the last sunshine, with expiring ray, In summer twilight weeps the close of day, Who hath not felt the softness of that hour Steal o'er his heart like dew-drops on the flower ? Then came the deeper blue of the silent night, with her "solemn bird and glittering stars." But Gertrude was withdrawn from the contemplation of these consecrated things by the entrance of her mother. She threw herself on a chair, and sighed heavily ; — then starting up — " Prepare yourself, Gertrude ; in a few minutes we must set forth ; — fetch your green travelling-cloak, — it will completely coVer your dress, and conceal your figure, should we unfortunately meet any one, which Heaven forbid ! " Gertrude brought her cloak, and did as she was directed, while her mother wrapt herself in a similar disguise, and both awaited in trembHng expectation the signal for sallying forth. At length the gong sounded — voices were heard as the family passed through the hall to the supper-room — the doors were shut, and all was silent. *' Now is the time," said Mrs St Clair, in a voice almost inarticulate from agitation. " Yet stay — should it by any unforeseen mischance ever reach Lord Ross- ville's ears that we were seen leaving the house together at such an hour — no, that will never do — Gertrude, you must go first, and I will follow." " O no, no ! " cried her daughter, turning pale with terror ; " why should that be — surely that can make no difference ? " " No difference in reality, but much in appearance," said Mrs St Clair, impatiently. " Your stealing out to THE INHERITANCE. 151 take a ramble by moonlight, however silly, would not sound very improbable, and my following you would be perfectly natural ; but both going out together is quite unaccountable, and must not be — go — make haste." " Oh, mamma ! — do not — I beseech you do not ask me to go alone. I cannot — indeed T cannot ; " and she sank upon a chair. " Ridiculous ! " exclaimed her mother, in a tone of suppressed anger ; *' of what are you afraid ? " " I know not — I cannot tell. I am going I know not where — to meet I know not whom — and at mid- night. No, I cannot — I ivill not go ; " and she threw back her cloak, and shook off her hat, with gestures of impatience and indignation. " Obstinate — unfeeling — ungrateful wretch ! " ex- claimed Mrs St Clair, giving way to her passion ; " is it for you that I suffer — that I — why do I not give you up to your fate at once — why — but I nvill be obeyed. I command you on your peril to obey me." Gertrude threw herself on the floor at her mother's feet. " Kill me — trample on me," cried she, in an accent of despair ; " but my soul revolts from these mysteries. Oh ! my mother ! " continued she in broken accents, "is it you who command me thus to steal from my uncle's house at midnight — disguised and alone — to meet a low-born, needy, desperate man ? " Mrs St Clair remained silent for a few moments, as if struggling with her feelings ; she then spoke in a voice of unnatural calmness — " Be it so. — My entreaties — my prayers — my com- mands are in vain — the die is cast by your hand, and my doom is fixed. I told you that my life depended upon your unreserved obedience — and — the forfeit shall be paid." Gertrude looked on her mother's face — every feature was convulsed with powerful and fearful emotion — then T52 THE INHERITANCE. every idea vanished but that of her mother dying — dead — and she the cause. All personal fear — all lofty feel- ing fled : the right chord was touched, and her whole frame vibrated with emotion. She clung to her mother's knees — she sued for pardon — she vowed the most im- plicit obedience, the most devoted submission to her will — she called Heaven to witness that henceforth she would do all that was required of her — she prayed that she might be tried once, only once more. She spoke with all the ardour and sincerity of powerful emotion ; but it is not with a throbbing heart and a burning brow the mastery is obtained — if vows made in pain are void, those formed under the influence of excited feeling are no less vain and fleeting. Mrs St Clair's features gradu- ally relaxed, and, in a more natural voice, she said — " I forgive you, Gertrude — I forgive your doubts, your fears, however injurious to me. — Go, then — but, ere you go, reflect on what you have undertaken — re- member you have vowed unqualified obedience — there is now no middle course — you are either my preserver or my destroyer : " — she poured out a glass of water, and held it to her daughter's trembling lips. — " Now, listen to my instructions : — Glide quickly and softly along till you reach the south turret stair — be cautious in descend- ing it, and making your way along the old passage to the west door, which is seldom locked — when there, you have only to cross the lawn — keep by the river side, and wait me at the ivy bridge — fear nothing — I will follow you immediately." Gertrude again muffled herself in her cloak, and, with a beating heart, went on her way as fast as terror and agitation would permit. She groped her way down the little turnpike-stair, and along a dark passage, in an old part of the house, to a door which opened upon the lawn. But there all things stood disclosed in the light of a full moon, and calm, cloudless sky, and her heart THE INHERITANCE, 1 53 almost failed her as she marked her own dark shapeless shadow stealing along on the silvery patli. She soon gained the bank of the river ; and there, in the deep shade of the rocks and trees, she felt secure, at least from discovery, if not from danger. A few steps more and she readied the bridge, where she was to await her mother. At another time she would have been charmed with the romantic loveliness and grandeur of the scene. — Rocks, trees, and waterfall, all gleamed in the pale pellucid light — not a leaf was stirring ; and the solemn stillness was only broken by the rushing of the river and the whooping of the owls. But to enjoy the tranquillity of nature requires that there should be some sympathy between the mind and the scene; and Gertrude's feelings were but' little in unison with the calm, the holy majesty of moonlight. Scarcely daring to breathe, every instant seemed an age, till she beheld her mother advance with a quick but agitated step. " We are late," said she in a low tone ; " let us make haste ; " and taking her daughter's arm, they pro- ceeded together in silence for a considerable distance till they came within sight of a temple situated on the summit of the bank. " It was there I appointed to meet him," said Mrs St Clair ; and as she spoke the figure of a man was seen approaching towards them. — " Wait here, Gertrude," cried she, waving her daughter back, as she would have clung to her. " I shall be within sight and call of you. Do not stir from hence, and remember your promise." And disengaging herself from her, she hastily ad- vanced to meet the stranger. It was not in human nature not to have felt the most intense curiosity at this moment ; and Gertrude certainly experienced it in no common degree, when she beheld her mother's meeting with this mysterious man. Although beyond the reach of hearing what passed, their gestures told a tale of no 154 THE INHERITANCE. common import. After remaining a few minutes in deep and earnest conversation, she saw Mrs St CJair offer him a packet, which she guessed was the one con- taining the money and jewels. She then saw the person reject it, as if with scorn, and even turn away from it, as Mrs St Clair seemed to press it upon him. This dumb show lasted some minutes, till at length he snatched it from the hand she held out to him, and threw it upon the ground, and made some steps towards the place where Gertrude stood. Mrs St Clair caught him by the arm ; she seemed to be arguing, imploring, supplicating. Now she clasped her hands, as if in an agony ; then she raised them, as if in solemn appeal to Heaven, and Gertrude caught the sound of her voice in tones of the deepest anguish. At length she seemed to prevail. Having herself lifted up the packet he had so contemptuously cast away, she again offered it to him, and it was accepted. They now advanced to- gether till within a few paces of Gertrude, when Mrs St Clair quitted her companion and approached her daughter. The shade of the trees covered her face, but her voice was expressive of the utmost agitation. " Gertrude, my love," said she in a low tone, " Lewiston wishes to see you, to talk with you — as the husband of your nurse, and a sort of confidential person in the family, he thinks he has a right to address you in his own way. I dare not refuse, Gertrude — he tuill con- verse with you alone." Mrs St Clair placed her hand on her daughter's lips, as she saw an indignant refusal ready to burst forth. " Oh, Gertrude ! dearest Gertrude ! as you value my life, as you value your own happiness, do not refuse — do not provoke him. — I am in his power — one hasty word, one contemptuous look, may undo me. Oh, y> >//K/^if!e<:i -f^7Z^-^^lH^!/^^^./y^/Ay^ ^,.Je:^^^.*^-Ur?'/^. THE INHERITANCE. 155 Gertrude ! for the love you bear to me — for the love you bore your nurse — for the love of Heaven — be calm and patient. Speak — tell me I may trust you ! " And she led her a few steps towards the stranger. Gertrude started with terror, as the moonbeams now fell on her mother's face, and showed it wild, and even ghastly, from excessive emotion. *' Compose yourself, mamma," said she ; " I will do — I will be all you desire.'* There was no time for more ; for the stranger, as if impatient of delay, had now joined them. He held out his hand to Gertrude with an air of familiarity, which at once roused her indignation, and had almost thrown her off her guard, when a look from her mother sub- dued her. With a blush of wounded pride, she suffered him to take it, and Mrs St Clair walked apart. He surveyed her for some minutes without speaking, while her cheek burned and her heart swelled at the indignity to which she was thus subjected. At length he said abruptly — " Do you remember your nurse, young lady ? " " Perfectly." " How old might ye be when she died ? " " I was nine years old." " You were pretty considerably fond of her, were vou not ? " " I loved her as my mother ! " answered Gertrude in a voice of deep emotion. " That was well — you know that I was her husband, so I may put in for a hould of your affictions. Do you think you will be able to bestow any of thim upon me?" Gertrude's spirit was ready to burst forth at the insolent freedom of this address ; but she repressed it, and answered coldly — " As the husband of my nurse I am willing to assist 156 THE INHERITANCE. you as far as I am able, but I have little in my power at present." " That's a pity, for I'm plaguy poor, — but the time will come when you will have a nice thing of it — that's a fact, and no mistake." " When I have," answered Gertrude, wishing to end the conference, " the claims of my nurse's hus- band shall not be forgotten ; " and she was moving away. " Stop," cried he, " not so diver — the claims of your nurse's husband are not so easily sattled as you seem to calculate. 1 wish to put a few more questions to you, young lady, before we part : — How am I to avoid bein' deceived ? " ** All that I can say is — if ever it is in my power to befriend you, for the sake of your wife, I shall be ready to do it," said Gertrude. " Only for the sake of my wife ! " repeated he with a smile. — " We shall see how that is when the time comes, whether I shall not have a somethin' to say with you for my own sake." In silent displeasure Gertrude turned proudly away, when he caught her cloak to detain her. " Well, we shall settle that afterwards ; but if you play your cards well, you will one day have a splendid location here, or the deuce is in it. The worst of it is, that day may be a while of comin', and your friends may starve in the meantime ; but your uncle is a pretty old boy, and you are sure of steppin' into his shoes, that's a fact." Gertrude was choking with indignation ; but she remembered her promise, and remained silent. " What are you aplannin' for the futur' ? " demanded he abruptly. " I am not in the habit of communicating my plans to strangers," answered she haughtily. THE INHERITANCE. I 57 "But I have a right to know your plans," said he fiercely ; " I insist upon an answer to my question. — What are you aplannin' for the futur' ? " Gertrude was terrified. — " I am ignorant of your meaning," said she faintly. " I mean, in the case of your uncle's death, what would you do ? — would you be agoin' marry, or remain single ? — and has your mother been asettin' you on any how in favour of any body ? — answer me that — does she wish you to marry or not ? — say away." " It is impossible for me to answer — T do not know — I cannot tell," answered Gertrude, almost overcome with the contending emotions of terror and indignation. " Are you mortal sure of that ? — is there no Colonel Delmour jist aready to chouse the heiress out of her estates ? — But that won't do — you must have a care how you entangle yourself there — you must have a care how you commit yourself — or, by Jupiter ! Come, you must make me your father confessor — I must know how the land lies — I must know how you stand affected to those fortin' -hunters, who are looking after you, for I must tell ye which way to drive in the matter ; " and he would have taken her hand with an air of familiarity, which now completely threw her off her guard. Utter- ing a cry, which echoed through the woods, she flew wildly past him, and cast herself into her mother's arms. -o 158 THE INHERITANCE. Cljaptct pxiij^ Since in the toils of fate Thou art enclosed, submit, if thou canst brook Submission. -^schylus. WHEN Gertrude awoke the following morning from a feverish and disturbed sleep (the effect of a narcotic), her mind, like the broken fragments of a mirror, presented only disjointed and distorted images, which she vainly endeavoured to arrange and combine into one connected whole. Hideous dreams were mingled with no less hideous realities, and confusion only became worse confounded in the attempt to separate them. At length she opened her eyes, and beheld her mother sitting by her. " Oh, mamma ! " cried she, " speak to me — tell me what has happened last night — was it — oh ! was it all a dream ? " " Compose yourself, Gertrude," answered Mrs St Clair ; — " whatever it was it is now past — think of it no more.'* " Impossible — I can think of nothing else ! — I must know — I implore you to tell me at least this much — last night — Mr Lyndsay — oh ! tell me, did he not rescue me from the grasp " " Gertrude ! " interrupted her mother in great agita- tion, " of what use is it to talk or think of what is past ? — it is distressing to yourself — to me.'* " It was then even so ! — I now remember it all — their high words — their threatening language — and that man " " Hush, Gertrude, hush ! " again interposed her mother ; — " you know not what you say." " Yes — I know it all — he dared to assert that he had a right over me — he, the husband of my nurse, to dare THE INHERITANCE. 159 to claim a right over me ! " and her voice was almost choked at the thoughts of having been subjected to such an indignity. " But, mamma, surely this was — this must have been a dream — I know it was," and she gasped as she spoke. " When he appealed to you — you — oh ! — you said it was so — I know I must have dreamt that ; *' and she looked wildly and eagerly in her mother's face, but Mrs St Clair remained silent. " Oh ! you did not — you could not speak of engage- ments — of entanglements — of — I know not what — yet strange and dreadful words of that import still ring in my ears — tell me — only tell me it is all a dream." " Gertrude, this is agonizing to yourself — to me — repress — in mercy repress those feelings." " I will — I will," cried her daughter, in increasing agitation ; " only say you did not so traduce me as to sanction the horrible belief that I could be so base — so vile — oh ! how it degrades me even to utter it — as to have plighted myself to a menial." " Compose yourself, Gertrude ; I cannot talk to you while you are in this state." "Well, I will — I am composed," making a violent effort to appear calm, while her frame trembled with the violence of her emotion. — " Now, only say that you, my mother, did not so calumniate me — but no, you can- not," cried she, again giving way to the impetuosity of her feelings. — " It is no dream — I heard it all — I heard you — you, my mother, assert that man had a claim to me, and — 1 believe I was mad at the moment. — Did I not throw myself at my cousin's feet, and implore him to save me ? — did I not cling to him in agony, while that man would have torn me from him ? " " Gertrude, I would have spared you the repetition of your folly, your madness — I would have spared you the painful recollection of your broken promise, your l6o THE INHERITANCE. injurious distrust of me. — I warned you of the conse- quences of disregarding my injunctions — my entreaties — my commands ; but all ivere disregarded. What right have you, then, to upbraid me for having told you the truth ? " " No, you did not tell me the tmth — you did not tell me you were leading me to insult — to degradation." " Say not that I led you — but for your own pride and folly all would have been well. Had you re- membered my warning, and not provoked the person it was your interest as well as mine to have conciliated, nothing of all this would have happened ; but your absurd outcry reached Mr Lyndsay, who unfortunately had been enticed by the beauty of the night to take a moonlight ramble, and who hastened to the spot, un- happily at the same moment when the other advanced — but the worst is over. Mr Lyndsay is a noble-minded honourable man, and we have nothing to fear from him — he has promised to be for ever silent on the subject." *' But what — Oh ! what must he think of me ! " exclaimed Gertrude, in an accent of the deepest dejection. " Be assured he thinks nothing injurious of you." " Yet that man dared to assert that my father had given him a right to me — he, the husband of my nurse ! — No, I will not — I cannot for an instant live under such a sense of degradation — I must seek Mr Lyndsay — I must tell him it is false ! " And she attempted to rise, but sank back on her pillow, overwhelmed with the force of her emotions. " For Heaven's sake, Gertrude, do not give way to these transports ! " cried her mother. " Every thing is now settled — the object of your alarm is already many miles distant — never more, I trust, to return — why then dwell upon what is past, when it can be productive of THE INHERITANCE. l6l no good ? Come, my love, for my sake try to for- get it all." "Forget it !" repeated Gertrude ; "forget that I have been exposed to insult — to degradation, and by my mother ! — that I never can forget ! " " No, do not forget it," cried Mrs St Clair, bursting into tears ; " treasure it in your heart's core — let all my love, and care, and tenderness be forgotten — let your duty — your obedience — your piomises be forgotten ; but do not forget this one unfortunate action — record it — proclaim it, and then let me end a miserable existence. — Shall I summon Lord Rossville and the family," said she with affected calmness, putting her hand to the bell, " to hear you denounce your mother ? " Time had been when this appeal would have produced its intended effect upon Gertrude ; but her feelings had been already excited to their utmost, and she felt too wretched herself to have much sympathy to bestow on the author of her wretchedness ; she therefore remained silent. Mrs St Clair repeated the question. " I have not deserved this," replied Gertrude coldly ; "but I am still willing to obey you — what would you have me do ? " Mrs St Clair embraced her, and would have coaxed and soothed her, — but she shrunk from these demon- strations of affection, and again coldly asked what remained for her to do. " I would have you appear, if possible, at breakfast, my love ; if you do not. Lord Rossville will insist upon sending for medical advice, and will make a talk and a bustle about you, which may excite speculation and surmise, and any thing of that sort had better be avoided at present ; you will, therefore, oblige me, my dearest, if you will endeavour to look and be as much yourself as possible. And now I shall leave you to make your toilet, while I change my dress, for I have not l62 THE INHERITANCE. been in bed all night. I have watched by you, Gertrude, and that not for the first time." Gertrude was touched by this proof of her mother's solicitude, and all the recollected proofs of her maternal anxieties for her in her childish days rushed to her heart, and with the returning tide brought back some- thing of tenderer, kindlier feelings. Yielding, as she always did, to the impulse of the moment, she received her mother's embrace, and the scene ended in a recon- ciliation. There is no resource where there is no understanding. St Therese. MRS ST CLAIR and her daughter descended together to the breakfast-room ; but at the thoughts of meeting her cousin after what had so recently occurred, Gertrude's agitation almost overcame her, and she seated herself at the table without daring to lift her eyes. Many were the inquiries with which she was of course assailed ; but Miss Pratt's observa- tions, as usual, predominated. " I'm afraid, my dear, there's more than a common headach the matter with you ; you put me very much in mind of Anthony Whyte when he was taking the influenza ; he had just such a little pink spot on the top of one cheek, and all the rest of his face as white as the tablecloth ; and your eyes, too, seem very heavy, just like his — he never looked up for two days." The little pink spot had gradually increased with Miss Pratt's remarks ; but, making an effort to look up. Miss St Clair raised her eyes, and encountered, not Mr Lyndsay's dreaded gaze, but that of Colonel Delmour, fixed upon her with anxious scrutiny. Lyndsay was THE INHERITANCE. 163 not present, nor was there even a place reserved for him. Miss Pratt seemed to read what was passing in her thoughts. " So you have lost one of your beaux, you see ? Mr Edward went off this morning, it seems. It must have been a sudden thought, for he said nothing of it yesterday ; and, by-the-by, what became of him at supper last night ? I wonder if he had a headach too ? — They say there's a sympathy in bodies as well as in minds sometimes ; Colonel Delmour, do you believe that ? " " I have heard * there is in souls a sympathy with sounds,' " replied Colonel Delmour, with an ironical contemptuous air ; " but my soul is, I grieve to say, so lost to all that is edifying and delightful, it can rarely boast any sympathy with the sound of Miss Pratt's voice, — by which means, unhappily, one half of her dulcet notes fall powerless on my dull spirit. May I beg to know what I am called upon to believe ? " "There's an old saying, Colonel, that there's none so deaf as those that won't hear ; and I suspect that's your case sometimes," retorted Miss Pratt, in a very toothy manner, though affecting to turn the laugh against her opponent. The entrance of the post-bag here attracted Miss Pratt's attention. It was Lord Rossville's enviable prerogative to open it himself, and to dole out the letters in the most cautious and deliberate manner to their respective destinations — a measure which very ill accorded with the mercurial powers of Miss Pratt, who, in spite of his lordship's precautions in holding the mouth of the bag as close as he possibly could, always contrived to dart her eyes down to the very bottom of it, and to anticipate its contents long ere the moment of delivery arrived. Like all weak important people, Lord Rossville loved power in any form or substance in which it presented itself, even in that of a leather t64 the inheritance. bag, which he grasped with the air of a Jupiter holding his thunderbolt, and lingered over it as though it had been another Pandora's box. Although his lordship, for upwards of forty years, had been in the daily, nay hourly practice, of declaring that he would not be hurried — that he would take his own time, &c. &c., nevertheless, in the very teeth of this assurance. Miss Pratt did still persist in her attempts to accelerate the Earl's movements, which, of course, had invariably the effect of protracting them. On the present occasion, it seemed doubtful whether the letters were ever to see the light ; as upon Miss Pratt remarking that it would be much better if there was no bag at all, for then people would get their letters at once without being kept on the tenter-hooks this way, his lordship closed its mouth, and, opening his own, commenced a very elaborate harangue on the impropriety, irregularity, and incon- venience of such a mode of proceeding. Meanwhile Gertrude gradually regained her composure, and was even able to receive Colonel Delmour's assiduities with something like pleasure. At length. Miss Pratt having knocked under, — for, as she observed, in an underhand way, there was no disputing with a man who held the key of the post-bag, — the contents were duly distributed, and she received her portion, which kept her silent for a few minutes. Gertrude trembled as a letter was handed to her ; but her alarm subsided when she saw it was directed in a feeble affected-looking female hand, and sealed with a fat bouncing heart, skewered with an arrow, — motto, *' La peine est douce.^^ The contents corresponded with these exterior symbols, and were as follows : — " Bellevue, July " Ma chere Cousine, " From what passed in your presence, you will, I THE INHERITANCE. 165 suspect, not be niery much surprised to hear that a certain person, who shall be nameless, has carried his point ; and that I have at length been prevailed upon to name Thursday next as the day when I am to enter a new state of existence ! Eh Men ! my dear coz — I hope your time is coming ; and when it does, most fervently do I pray you may prove as fortunate in your choice as I have done in mine. The Major is indeed all that I could wish — far, very far beyond my poor deserts ; — and I should consider myself as the most ungrateful of iij^ II y en a peu qui gagnent a etre approfondies. La Bruyere. " \ li 7 HAT a sweet woman your sister is! " said y y Miss Bell, who at present beheld every object connected with the Major tinged with " love's proper hue." " I am very glad you like her," replied the delighted lover ; " and 1 flatter myself the longer you know her the more you will be pleased with her." " O, I have no doubt of that," said the lady. " You will find her always the same," continued the Major. « That is delightful 1 " said Miss Bell ; " and what a charming family she has, — it is really quite a treat to see them — I assure you, I don't know when I have passed so pleasant a day." " I trust you will pass many such," returned the Major, brightening still more. " I flatter myself my sister and you will be sisters indeed." While this colloquy was carrying on betwixt the lovers. Miss St Clair tried to bring her cousin Anne back to the subject of their morning's conversation ; but Anne seemed either afraid or ashamed of having said so much, and rather shunned any renewal of the subject. Ger- trude did not think the worse of her upon that account, but rather gave her credit for that delicacy of mind which made her shrink from making a confidant of one who, though a relation, was, in fact, almost a stranger to her. " It would be folly in me, my dear cousin," said she, " to make a parade of offering to assist you at present in any way. I am neither old nor wise enough to advise, and I am quite as poor and as powerless as you can THE INHERITANCE. I9I possibly be ; but if ever the time should come when I have either wisdom or power — both I can never hope to have together," said she, with a smile, — " promise that you will then riddle me right, and tell me why poverty is the greatest misfortune in the world." They were here interrupted by a band of young Blacks, who, having descried them from the window, had rushed out to meet them — all breathless with haste to hear where they had been, and to proclaim that Bob and Davy were arrived ; and upon advancing a little farther, Bob and Davy presented themselves in propriis personis. Bob and Davy were two tall good-looking youths, dressed in all the extremes of the reigning fashions — small waists — brush-heads — stiff collars — iron heels and switches. Like many other youths, they were de- cidedly of opinion that dress " makes the man, and want of it the fellow," and that the rest was " mere leather and prunella." Perhaps, after all, that is a species of humility rather to be admired in those who, feeling themselves destitute of mental qualifications, trust to the abilities of their tailor and hairdresser for gaining them the goodwill of the world ; and who can tell whether there may not be more true lowliness of mind in a mop-head and high-heeled boots, than has been lodged in many a pilgrim's scalloped hat and sandalled shoon ? Be that as it may, it was evident that Bob and Davy rested their claims to distinction solely on the outward man, and that the sentiment of Henry the Fifth was by no means theirs, — It yearns me not that men my garments wear, Such outward things dwell not in my desire, &c. Introduced to their cousin, and the first ceremonials over, Bob and Davy each began to play his part. Bob, being a military man, talked of parades, reviews, mess- 192 THE INHERITANCE. dinners, and regulation epaulettes — while Davy, the writer's apprentice, was loud upon Edinburgh belles, playhouse rows, assembly rooms, and new quadrilles. "We are to be reviewed on the 27th,'' said Bob, addressing his cousin. " Gunstown is only about thirty miles from this. I hope you will do us the honour to come and look at us — we shall give a ball and supper after it — my mother and the girls will, of course, be there. — Bell, you will be at our turn-out, won't you ? " " I wonder how you can ask such a question. Bob, of a person in my situation," said Miss Bell, with dignity. " What a famous deal of fun we had in Edinburgh last winter," said Davy ; " I was very often at three balls in a night. You dance queydrills of course: country-dances are quite exploded now in Edinburgh — they call them kitchen-dances there — there's nothing goes down now but nvalltsays and queydrills. By-the- by, I dare say we could make out a queydrill here. Bell, do you dance queydrills ? " " I never heard of a person in my situation dancing," replied Miss Bell, with an air of contempt. ** Ay, that's always the way whenever you misses get husbands, you grow so confoundedly stupid ; — but I shall not suffer my wife to give herself such airs, I can tell you. I shall make a point of her dancing every night." The brothers had come on purpose to be present at the celebration of the nuptials, which they merely thought of as Bell's going off — a consummation to be devoutly wished for in a family of eleven, and an event indissolubly united in their minds with new coats, white gloves, wedding favours, bride's maids, capital dinners, jovial suppers, dances, flirtations, and famous fun. Such being Bob and Davy, it may be inferred they were no great acquisitions to the family party, though they cer- THE INHERITANCE. I93 tainly were additions to it. Under the mistaken idea of being too genteel to do any thing for themselves, there was a constant ringing of bells, and calling for this, that, and t'other ; and if the hapless footboy could have cut himself into a thousand pieces, and endowed each par- ticular piece with locomotive powers, all would scarcely have sufficed to answer the demands made upon him. Then, without any bad temper, there was a constant jangling and jarring from mere vacancy of mind and want of proper pursuit. They were all warmly attached to each other in a disagreeable way ; and, upon the strength of that attachment, thought they might dis- pense with all the ordinary rules of politeness, and contradict and dispute with each other upon the most trifling occasion. In short, it was not a pleasant dwelling-place ; there was neither the peace and tran- quillity which the true spirit of Christianity diffuses among its votaries, nor the refined courtesies which spring from cultivated minds and elegant habits. Anne, indeed, was an exception ; but she was so quiet and pensive, that she was completely sunk in the commotion that prevailed. Miss St Clair suffered particularly from the assiduities of the two beaux, both being bent on engaging her in a flirtation ; but their attentions were received with so much coldness at times, even amounting to hauteur, that at length they discovered that their old flames Cecy Swan and Clemmy Dow were much prettier girls, and to Cecy Swan and Clemmy Dow they accordingly betook themselves. Heartily tired of Bellevue and its inhabitants, Ger- trude longed impatiently for the marriage-day, that she might return to Rossville. She felt anxious, too, about her mother ; and the thoughts of the mystery in which she was involved disquieted her, and rendered her situa- tion doubly irksome. Unconsciously she cherished the J. N 194 THE INHERITANCE. desire of penetrating that dread secret, although, with the natural thoughtlessness and gaiety of youth, her mind was often diverted from the contemplation of it ; yet there were times when it gained an almost over- whelming ascendency over her, and she thought she could easier have submitted to any known evil than have endured this unknown fear. In Colonel Delmour's company, indeed, every pain- ful idea was suspended, and she gave herself up to the charms of his brilliant conversation, and varied powers of pleasing, with a complete forgetfulness of every thing, save the consciousness of loving and being beloved ; while, at the same time, with all the delusion of passion, she yet closed her eyes against the light of conviction. His visits became so frequent and so long, that they might have called forth some animadversion in the family, who had been led by Lord Rossville to look upon her as the affianced bride of the elder brother, but all were too busy with the substantials of marriage to have much tirge to bestow on the empty speculations of love. Mr Black had settlements to read over and sign, &c. Mrs Black had the innumerable depart- ments of mother and housekeeper to fill — duties which are always trebled tenfold upon such momentous occasions. All the powers of Bob and Davy's minds were exerted to the decoration of their persons — but all the emanations of their genius had proved insufficient to enlighten the understanding of the Barnford tailor. Bob's coat was sent home when too late for alterations at least half an inch too long, while Davy's waistcoat w^as as much too short. The young ladies' gowns pleased better, and the children were charmed with their respective suits and sashes. As for Miss Bell, she was like some bright planet, the centre of its own system, round which all inferior orbs revolve. She it was to whom all must look for THE INHERITANCE. I95 bride-cake, and gloves, and favours, and all such minor consolations as fall to the lot of the single on such occasions. But no one's cup, however it may froth and mantle, is ever full, even to the overflowing. Miss Bell's certainly seemed to foam to the very top, but it could still have held a little more. Many were the wedding presents she had received from kindred and friends, according to their various means, till her chamber might have vied with the shrine of some patron saint. But amidst all the votive offerings, there was none from uncle Adam, although she had settled in her own mind that uncle Adam could not possibly avoid presenting her with something very handsome, whether in plate, jewels, or specie, and her only doubt was which of the three she would prefer. However, time wore on, and uncle Adam was only to be seen in his usual attitude, with his hands in his pockets, as if strictly guarding his money, and with a face of the most hopeless sourness. Miss Bell, notwithstanding, still kept up under the expecta- tion that uncle Adam would surprise her in his own rough queer way some day when she was not thinking of it. When that day would be it would have been difHcult to say, as there was no day in which she was not fully prepared for the surprise. C I) a p t c r %%ip Bid them cover the table, serve in the meat, and we will come in to dinner. — Shakspeare. THE day previous to the marriage, the bustle that reigned in and around Bellevue was increased to that intense degree which attends all great events as they approach towards their consummation. Uncle 196 THE INHERITANCE. Adam, Miss Black, and Mr and Mrs Fairbairn were expected at dinner ; and, during the whole day, the steam of the soups, pies, pasties, &c. &c. which issued from Mrs Black's kitchen, and penetrated to the very interior of the drawing-room, might (as some one has parodied it) have created a stomach beneath the ribs of death. To Gertrude the commotion caused by what is called giving a dinner was something new ; the total bouleversement of all orders of the community, where much was to be done without the proper means — where a sumptuous banquet was to be prepared by the common drudges of the kitchen, and where every servant had double their usual portion of work to perform, besides being thrown out of their own natural sphere of action. Then there was the running backwards and forwards — the flying up stairs and the rushing down stairs — the opening and shutting of doors, or rather I should say the opening of doors, as the shutting was an evil not to be complained of, unless, indeed, when the call of " shut the door " was answered with a slam which shook the house to its foundation. Added to all this, was the losing of Mrs Black's keys, with the customary sus- picions attached to every individual of having somehow or other got them about them — suspicions only to be re- moved by repeated raisings and shakings of the party suspected, and even then not completely effaced, till the keys were found as usual in some place where somebody must surely have put them, and where nobody would ever have thought of looking for them. Then the nursery maid was transformed into the cook's assistant, and the children were committed to a girl who could not manage them ; and they broke loose, and overran the house, and resisted all authority. But doubtless many of my readers must have witnessed similar scenes, and endured similar persecutions, pending the preparations for a dinner, which, like worthy Mrs THE INHERITANCE. I97 Black's, was to be about three times as large and as elaborate as was necessary. But many are the paths to the temple of Fame, and hard it is to climb by any of them ! Mrs Black was chiefly emulous of a character for her dinners, and probably laboured infinitely harder to stuff a dozen dull bodies than the Author of Waverley does to amuse the whole world. It was for this she thought by night and toiled by day ; but, strange to say, she had an enjoyment in it too, though, when that was, it would have been difficult to determine ; for the anticipation was care and fatigue — the reality was ceremony and anxiety — the retrospect was disappoint- ment and provocation. Uncle Adam was the first of the guests who arrived, and Miss St Clair was the only one of the family ready to receive him. She was in the drawing-room when he entered, and the habitual vinegar expression of his long triangular visage relaxed into something like a smile at sight of her — he even seated himself by her side, and entered into conversation with a degree of complacency very unusual wich him. Emboldened by his good humour, Gertrude ventured to admire a very fine camelia japonica, which, together with a piece of his favourite southernwood, decorated the breast of his coat. " I ken naething aboot the things mysel," said he, hastily tearing it out of the button-hole, as if ashamed of wearing any thing to be admired — then, stuffing it into her hand, " Ha'e, tak it, my dear — it cam' frae that place up bye " — pointing in the direction of Broom Park. — " I'm sure they need nae ha'e sent it to me. — What ca' ye it ? " Gertrude repeated the name. " It's a senseless-like thing, without ony smell," — applying the southernwood to his nose as he spoke ; — "but I daresay there's plenty o' them, and I've nae use 198 THE INHERITANCE. for them ; so you may gang up bye when you like, and tak what you like." Gertrude thanked him ; and as she adjusted the japonica in her dress, the old garnet brooch, now her only ornament, fell out, and in his gallantry the old man stooped to pick it up. But no sooner had he taken it in his hand than he uttered an exclamation of astonish- ment, and, turning it over and over, examined it with the deepest interest. " Wha's aught this ? " inquired he. " It is mine," replied Gertrude, in some surprise. " Yours ! " repeated he ; " yours ! And whar did ye get it ? tell me the truth, whar did ye get it ? " " I got it from my nurse ; she gave it to me when she was dying, and I have kept it for her sake." " And did she no tell you whar she had got it ? " " I think she said she had got it from her mother." " From her mother ! It was ance my mother's, — it was mine, and I gi'ed it to Lizzie wi' my ain hands whan last we parted, and she promised to keep it till her dying day — there's our initials " — pointing to the back — " and the very year we parted." — Then, after a long pause, " What was the name o' your nurse, and whar did she come frae ? " " Her own name was Marianne Lamotte — her husband's Jacob Lewiston, and she came from America ; her father was French ; but, I believe, her mother was Scotch, for she used to sing me many an old Scotch song, which she said she had learned from her." " I canna mak it oot," said Mr Ramsay thoughtfully — " but it disna signify ; though I could, it wadna bring back life and time ; " and with a sigh he tendered the brooch. " Pray keep it," said Gertrude ; " it seems you have a better right to it than I have. I valued it merely for the sake of my nurse ; but it is a still dearer THE INHERITANCE. 1 99 memorial to you, and therefore I willingly part with it." " No, no," said he, rejecting the hand that offered it ; " what wad I do wi't ? At your age, you may please yoursel' wi' thae kind o' dead toys, but I'm ow'r auld noo to ha'e ony enjoyment in sic thinks ; the young may tak pleasure in thae romantic gewgaws ; ye like to look back when ye ha'e nae far to cast your eye — but at threescore and ten it's a dreigh sight to see the lang and weary road we ha'e wandered. — No, no, there's nae pleasure to the aged in sic mementoes ; they canna bring back youthfu' days and youthfu' hearts, and they are the only jewels o' life." Gertrude could not urge it ; but, from a feeling of delicacy towards her uncle's painful reminiscences, she put aside the trinket, and resolved never again to wear it in his presence. It is rarely that feelings raised above the ordinary pitch can be long indulged in this strange world, where the most opposite emotions are constantly coming in contact, and where the mind is for ever in a state of ebb and flow. Mr Ramsay's nature had been softened, and all its best ingredients called forth, at the sight of the love-token of his early days, and the mournful associa- tions which followed in its train ; but the gentler current of his soul was speedily checked by the entrance of various members of the family, as they came severally dropping in fresh from their toilettes ; and last, if not least, uncle Adam's antipathy, Miss Bell. Squeezing herself on the little sofa between Miss St Clair and him, she exclaimed, " What a beautiful flower that is, cousin ! — where did you get it ? " " Mr Ramsay was so good as to give it to me," answered she. " Indeed ! I suppose then it is from Broom Park, uncle ? You have charming greenhouses there, I under- 200 THE INHERITANCE. Stand — that is what I regret so much at Thornbank. You know the Major has taken that in the meantime ; but I don't think it will answer, as there are no hot- houses, and the Major has been accustomed to such charming fruits in India, that I'm afraid he will miss his pines sadly." " I suppose there will be plenty o' gude neeps," said Mr Ramsay ; " neeps like succur — he can take ane o' them when he's dry." Miss Bell reddened ; but, affecting not to hear, returned to the charge. " Thornbank is no great distance from Broom Park, uncle ; quite an easy walk, I should think." " I never measured it," was the laconic reply. Finding it was not by way of Broom Park she was likely to arrive at uncle Adam's pocket. Miss Bell now went more directly to the point. " Do you know, uncle, I could be almost jealous of my cousin for having got that beautiful japonica from you, while poor I have not so much as a single leaf from you by way of keepsake." Mr Ramsay, with a bow and a sardonic smile, here presented her with the piece of southernwood he held in his hand. " Well, uncle, I assure you, I shall value this very much, and lay it up with the rest of my wedding presents — and, by-the-by, I have never showed you all the fine things my kind friends have presented to me. Good old Mrs Waddell of Waddell Mains has presented me with a most beautiful antique silver cup, which, it seems, was the Major's christening bowl." " It will be ancient enough then, nae doot," observed uncle Adam. " My excellent aunts have sent me a very handsome teapot, and " THE INHERITANCE. 201 " A fool and his money's soon parted ; they had very little to do to send ony such thing.'* " Why surely, uncle, you know it is the custom, all the world over, for persons in my situation to receive presents, and " " Miss Bell Black, I've seen something mair o' the world than you've done ; and I can tell ye some o' its customs that ye maybe dinna ken yet — in Russia, for instance, the present to persons in your situation is " " O ! for Heaven's sake ! " — interrupted Miss Bell, with an instinctive dread of the knout — "don't set up these bears as models for us — the customs of our own country ought surely to guide us on these occasions." " It's a very senseless custom, in my opinion," said Mr Ramsay. " It's like casting pearls before swine to be lavishing presents on a woman that's at the very pinnacle o' human happiness and grandeur — it's you that should mak presents to puir single folk that ha'e nae Major Waddells to set them up wi' Ingee shawls, and carbuncles, and fans — and — oo, I can compare ye to naething but a goddess the noo — let me see, which o' them is't ? A Juno ? na, — I'm thinkin' it'll rather be a Va'tnassJ'^ Here uncle Adam was so tickled with his own jeu de moty that he laughed till the tears ran down his cheeks. The insult was too broad, even for Miss Bell, who walked away in silent indignation ; then, recover- ing himself, he pointed after her to Gertrude, and said — " That creature's folly's just like dust — drive it out o' ae thing, and it just flees to anither." Miss Black was the next of the party who arrived ; and Gertrude, attracted by her mildness and good sense, would fain have exchanged the gall and vinegar of uncle Adam for her more pleasing converse. But 202 THE INHERITANCE. the obstreperous mirth of the children, and the noisy tattle of Bob and Davy, effectually precluded any inter- change of speech beyond the ordinary salutations of meeting. The Fairbairn family (including the Major) were now waited for with outward impatience by Mr Black, with inward anxiety by Mrs Black ; — Mr Black openly avowed his hunger — Mrs Black vainly endeavoured to disguise her apprehensions that the beef would be roasted to a cinder (a thing Mr Black could not en- dure) — and that the rice (which the Major was so particular about) would be all in a lump, instead of being — as well-boiled rice ought to be — each and every particular grain separate by itself. All this, and much more, poor Mrs Black revolved in her own mind, as she sat, like a second Mrs Blue Beard, ever and anon calling to the children to look out, and see if they saw any body coming. At length the Fairbairn coach was descried, and loudly proclaimed. The bell was rung — the dinner was ordered. Bob and Davy were ordered out of two arm-chairs they had taken possession of. Mrs Black smoothed her gown, and put on a ceremonious face ; while Mr Black hastened to the door to be ready to receive Mrs Fairbairn with due respect. But no Mrs Fairbairn was there — in her stead, however, was Miss Becky Duguid, her cousin ; and the cause of Mrs Fairbairn's absence was accounted for by reason of poor little Charlotte having been very cross all day, and her mamma thinking there was a tooth coming ; and she would not leave her mamma, and her mamma could not leave her, &c. &c. &c. All this was duly set forth by Mr Fairbairn on one hand, while Miss Becky was making her own personal apologies on the other. She was really such a figure, she was quite ashamed to appear ; but she had no idea of coming, for it had been THE INHERITANCE. 203 all settled that she was to stay with Charlotte while Mrs Fairbairn was away ; and at one time Charlotte had agreed to let her mamma go, and her mamma had dressed herself, and was all ready to set out ; and then she took a crying fit when the carriage was at the door, and so her mamma was obliged to give up the point, and stay at home ; and then Mr Fairbairn had insisted on her coming in Mrs Fairbairn's place just as she was. Miss Becky's apologies were of course met with pro- testations that there was no occasion for any — that she was perfectly well-dressed — that it was merely a family dinner — an easy party — none but friends, and so forth. But, to tell the truth. Miss Becky's dress did require an apology ; for the marks of children's fingers were upon her gown — her cap looked as if it had been sat upon, and her shawl even bore symptoms of having served to play at bo-peep ! In short. Miss Becky had the tout ensemble of a poor elderly maiden aunt ; and such, indeed, was her history and character, as it is, alas ! of many others ; but a slight sketch may serve to describe the genus, and give a tolerably faithful picture of Aunt'imony. Cl)apter t%t^ How happy is the blameless vestal's lot ! Pope. MISS BETTY DUGUID, as a single woman, had vainly expected to escape the cares and anxieties of the married state. She had heard and seen much of the indifference or the ill humour of husbands — of the troubles and vexations of children — and she thought from these evils I am at least free ; — I can go where I Hke, do what I like, and live as I like. But poor Miss Becky soon found her mistake. Brothers 204 THE INHERITANCE. and sisters married ; — nephews and nieces sprung up on all hands, each and all expecting to be distinguished by aunt Becky's bounty, while every parent levied the most unconscionable taxes upon her time and capabilities. " Aunt Becky will give me this," said one ; " you know she has no use for money." " Aunt Becky will do that," said another ; " for she has always plenty of time." " Aunt Becky will go there," cried a third ; " she likes a long walk." But even the labours imposed upon her by her own relations were nothing compared to the constant demands made upon her by the world in general, — i.e. by the whole circle of her acquaintances ; — all under the idea that, as a single woman, she could have nothing to do but oblige her friends. When in town, her life was devoted to executing commissions from the country — inquiring the character of servants — hiring governesses and grooms — finding situations for wet nurses — getting patterns of pelisse cloths from every shop in town — trying to get old silks matched with new — gowns made — gauzes dyed — feathers cleaned — fans mended, parcels booked, &c. &c. The letters always beginning, " As I know you do not grudge your trouble, and will be walking about at any rate, 1 must beg the favour, when you are quite at leisure," and so and so ; and ending with, " As I find I am really in want of the things, and the carrier leaves town on Thursday, I trust you will contrive to have every thing ready by that time." But one of the letters, dropped by Miss Becky in the course of her perambulations, will best illustrate this part of her personal narrative. " My dear Miss Becky, " I take this opportunity of letting you know "we are all tolerably well at present, and trust you continue to THE INHERITANCE. 205 enjoy your usual good health. I return the tea you sent last, as we all think it very inferior to that you sent formerly ; and as there has been rather a fall upon the price of teas, there can be no reason for such a falling off in the quality ; and unless Candytuft can give some- thing very superior at the same price, I would just return it, and try some other shop, and have nothing more to do with Candytuft. Eliza and Jane, with their best love, take this opportunity of sending in their old black velvet pelisses, which they wish you to consult Yellowlys the dyer about ; they have been told that black velvet can be dyed either grass green or bright crimson ; and if Yellowlys can 'warrant their standing, they would prefer having them done a good rich crimson ; but if not, they must just put up with a full green, as much on the grass and off the bottle as possible. " I am sorry to tell you your protege, Jenny Snod- grass, has turned out very ill. I find her lazy and idle, dirty, disobliging, and insolent, and not at all the person I was led to expect from your character of her. I must, therefore, trouble you to be on the look-out for another. You know it is not much I require of my servants ; but there are some things it is impossible to dispense with, and which I must make a point of. Of course, she must be perfectly sober, honest, conscientious, and trustworthy, and, in every respect, unexceptionable in her morals. She must be stout, active, cleanly, civil, obliging, quiet, orderly, good-tempered, neat-handed, and particularly tidy in her person. All that I require of her is to be an excellent worker at her needle, a thorough washer and ironer, and a generally useful and accommodating servant. For such a servant I shall not grudge fifty shillings for the first half year (tea included) ; and, if she gives perfect satisfaction in every respect, I shall not stand with her for ten shillings more for the next term. Margaret sends her affectionate remem- 2o6 THE INHERITANCE, brance, and, when you are at leisure, requests you will order a pair of stays for her from Brisbane's as soon as possible, as she is in great want. She sends a pair of old ones for a pattern, but they don't fit ; you must tell him they are both too tight and too short, and the shoulder-straps too narroiv by a full straw-breadth. The old busk, she thinks, may do ; or, if it should be too short, perhaps you may be able to get it exchanged for one longer. As Flint the gun-smith's is no great distance from Brisbane's, John would be much obliged to you when you are there, if you would step to him, and tell him that he is going to send his gun to have the lock mended, and to be sure to have it done in the most complete manner, and as soon as he possibly can, as the shooting season is coming on. When done, he may send it to you, with a couple of pounds of gun- powder, and a bag of small shot. No. 5. As the holiday time is coming on, we may look for the boys some of these days ; and (if it is not putting you to any incon- venience), as the coach stops, you know, at the Blue Boar, perhaps you will have the goodness to have your Nanny waiting at the office for them ; and if you can manage to keep them till Monday, it will be adding to the favour ; but they will require constant watching, as you know what romps they are, and, for any sake, con- trive to keep them out of the way of the gunpowder. I do not expect to be confined before the 29th at soonest ; so if you can manage to come to us betwixt and the 20th, it will be very agreeable to us all, I assure you. I was in hopes I should not have had any more to trouble you with at present ; but upon hearing that 1 was writing to you, Tom begs me to say that he wishes very much to get some good fly-hooks for trout-fishing, four red cock's hacklebody, four black green plover's tuft, with a light starling's wing body, and four brown wood- cock's wing, and hare's-foot body. I hope you will be THE INHERITANCE. 207 able to read this, as I assure you it has cost me some labour to turite it from Tom's diction. He desires me to add, you will get them best at Phin's, fishing-rod maker, at the east end of the High Street^ ^fih door up the second stair on the /eft hand ; you will easily find it, as there is a large pasteboard trout hanging from the end of a fishing-rod for a sign. He also wants a pirn of fish- ing-line, and a few good stout long-shanked ^<3/V-hooks. If you happen to see your friend Miss Aiken, you may tell her the turban you ordered for me is the very same of one she made for me tivo years ago, and which I never liked. I have only worn it once, or twice at most ; so, perhaps, she will have no objections to take it back, and make me a neat fashionable cap instead. I am afraid you will think us very troublesome, but I know you do not grudge a little trouble to oblige your friends. Mr Goodwilly and the young people unite with me in best wishes ; and I remain, my dear Miss Duguid, " Yours most sincerely, "Grace Goodwilly. " P.S. — Eliza and Jane beg you will send them some patterns of summer silks, neither too light nor too dark, both Jigured and plain, with the different tuidths and prices ; and also that you would inquire what is the lowest price of the handsomest ostrich feathers that can be ,had;; and if you happen to see any very pretty wreaths, you might price them at the same time, as they are divided between feathers and flowers : those you sent from Trashbag's were quite soiled, and looked as if they had been worn. Mr Goodwilly takes this oppor- tunity of sending in a couple of razors, which he begs you will send to Steele the cutler's, at the back of the Old Kirk Stile, to be sharpened immediately, as these are things he cannot want. Margaret bids me tell you to desire Brisbane not to put magic laces to her stays, 2o8 THE INHERITANCE. and to be sure that the stitching is stout andjfrw. Any day that you happen to be passing Seaton the saddler's, Mr Goodwilly begs you will have the goodness to in- quire what would be the loiuest price of new-stuffing the side-saddles, and new-lackering the carriage harness. I think it as well to send in my turban, that you may try Miss Aiken ; and I shall think her extremely disobliging if she refuses to take it back, as it will be money thrown into thejire if she does not, for it shall never go upon my head. " Yours with much regard, *^ G. G. " P.S. — I find it will be necessary to send Jemima in to Bain the dentist, to get some of her teeth taken out, as her mouth is getting very croavded. I would take her myself, but cannot stand these things ; so must beg the favour of you to go with her, and see it done. I fear it will be a sad business, poor soul ! as there are at least three that must come out, and great tusks they are ! Of course, it is not every one I would trust her with for such an operation ; but I know I can rely upon your doing every thing that can be done. If Miss Aiken agrees to exchange the turban for a cap (as I have no doubt she will), be so good as tell her to keep it rather more on the forehead, and not quite so much off the ears, as the last one she made for me — which I never liked. Will you ask that good-for-nothing creature. Heelpiece, if the children's shoes are ever to be sent home ? " Yours, in haste." Sometimes Miss Becky betook herself to the country ; but though she often found retirement, there was seldom rest. Whenever a gay husband was leaving home, Miss Becky was in requisition to keep his dull sickly wife THE INHERITANCE. 20g company in his absence — or, vice versa, when a young wife wished to amuse herself abroad, " that good creature, Becky Duguid," was sent for, to play back- gammon with her old ill-natured husband ; and when both man and wife were leaving home, then Becky Duguid was called upon to nurse the children and manage the servants in their absence. Invitations abounded, but all to disagreeable scenes or dull parties. She was expected to attend all accouchementSy christen- ings, deaths, chestings, and burials ; but she was seldom asked to a marriage, and never to any party of pleasure. " O, Miss Becky doesn't care for these things ; she would like better to come to us when we're in a quiet way by ourselves," was always the come off. " I don't know what the cares of the married life are," Miss Becky would sometimes say, and oftener think ; " but I'm sure I know what the troubles of the single state are to a stout, healthy, easy-tempered woman like me. — What is it to be the wife of one crabbed old man, to having to divert all the crabbed old men in the country ? And what is it to be the mother of one family of children, to having to look after the children of all my relations and acquaintances ? " But Miss Becky's reflections (Hke most people's reflections) came too late to benefit herself. She was completely involved in the toils of celibacy before she was at all aware of her danger, and vain now would have been the attempt to extricate herself. Such was Miss Becky Duguid, — walking in the vain show of liberty, but, in reality, fettered hand and foot by all the tender charities of life. As such, it may be guessed, she formed no very brilliant addition to the Bellevue party. In- deed, such is the force of habit, she now felt quite out of her element when seated at her ease, without any immediate call on her time and attention ; for even her little doings carried their sense of importance along with I. o 2IO THE INHERITANCE. them ; and, perhaps, Mrs Fry never felt more inward satisfaction at the turning of a soul from darkness to light, than did poor Miss Becky when she had triumph- antly despatched a box full of ivell-executed com- missions. Dinner passed off uncommonly well — every thing was excellent. Uncle Adam behaved with tolerable civility — the Major's black servant did wonders — the room was hot — the party was large — the dishes were savoury — the atmosphere was one ambrosial cloud of mingled steams — the ladies' complexions got high ; — but, at length, toasts having gone round, the signal was made, and all was over ! Busk ye, busk ye, my bonny bride, Busk ye, busk ye, my winsome marrow ; Busk ye, busk ye, my bonny bride, And let us to the Braes of Yarrow. There will we sport and gather dew, Dancing while lav'rocks sing in the morning ; There learn frae turtles to prove true ; O ! Bell, ne'er vex me with thy scorning ! Allan Ramsay. T) RIGHT shone the morning of Miss Bell's nuptials, and all things looked auspicious. The collation stood ready; for Mrs Black, like Lady Capulet on a similar though less happy occasion, had been astir from the second crowing of the cock. The guests were assembled — the clergyman had arrived — the family were all in full dress, — the Major, in his cat's-eye brooch and London coat (the envy of Bob and Davy), looked the gay bridegroom from top b THE INHERITANCE. 211 to toe. Nothing was wanting but the beauteous bride ; and, at the proper moment, decked in India muslin — a full-dressed head, done up with a profusion of beads, and braids, and bands, and bows — a pocket-handkerchief at her face, — Miss Bell was led in. The solemnity deepened — the clergyman cleared his voice — the children were admonished by a reproving look that it was time to put on their grave faces — the clatter of Bob and Davy was hushed, and all the little disjointed groups were broken up ; till at length the whole company was regularly formed into one large, formal, silent, solemn circle. Miss Bell was now on the verge of becoming Mrs Major Waddell — a meta- morphosis which could not be expected to take place without some commotion. Persons of fine feelings naturally shed tears upon these momentous occasions, and persons of ordinary feelings think they ought to do so too. In short, the thing is always done, or appears to be done, and not to be out- done — Miss Bell sobbed aloud, and had even the vulgarity to blow her nose — although, as Bob and Davy afterwards declared, that was all in the eye. Dr Johnson has remarked of the Episcopal marriage service, that it is too refined — that it is calculated only for the best kind of marriages — whereas there ought to be a form for matches of an inferior description, pro- bably such as that which now took place between Major Andrew Waddell and Miss Isabella Black. That objection certainly does not apply to the Presby- terian form, which depends entirely upon the officiating clergyman ; and, accordingly, is susceptible of all the varieties of which the mind and manners of man are capable — from the holy meekness and simplicity of the evangelical pastor, to the humdrum slipshod exhortations of the lukewarm minister, or the dull dogmas of the worldly-wise doctor. It was a person of the latter 212 THE INHERITANCE. description who now performed the ceremony in a manner which even Dr Johnson would scarcely have deemed too good for the parties. Mrs Major Waddell having received the congratula- tions of the company, withdrew, according to etiquette, to change her nuptial robe for a travelling habit, and speedily re-entered, arrayed in a navy-blue riding habit (the Major's favourite colour), allowed to sit uncom- monly well — a black beaver hat and feathers — yellow boots — gold watch, and brooch containing the Major's hair set round with pearls. Altogether, Mrs Major Waddell looked remarkably well, and bore her new honours with a happy mixture of dignity and affability. The company were now conducted to the banquet, which, though neither breakfast, dinner, nor supper, was a happy combination of all. There was, of course, much cutting, and carving, and helping, and asking, and refusing, and even some pressing, and Will the footboy broke a decanter, and Black Cassar spilt a very elaborate trifle ; but, upon the whole, every thing went on pros- perously. Mrs St Clair took care to seat herself by the Major ; and, aware that when people are very happy, they are commonly very weak, she seized her opportunity, and easily cajoled him out of his vote. And now the trampling of steeds and crush of wheels announced the bridal equipage ; and the Major, his lady, and Miss Lilly, who was to accompany them, prepared to depart. The lady, according to custom, was hurried, or appeared to be hurried, into the smart carriage-and-four that awaited her. Miss Lilly followed; but as she took leave of Miss St Clair, she whispered, " I should like very much to correspond with you, if " but here Lilly was dragged away by her father, with a reproof for keeping the young people waiting. The happy party were now seated — the door was shut — the smiles, and bows, and kissing of THE INHERITANCE. 21 3 hands were renewed — the Major's black servant skipped on the dicky — " Go on " was pronounced — the drivers cracked their whips — the carriage set off with a bound, and was soon rattling through the streets of Bamford, where many a gazing eye and outstretched neck hailed it as it passed. A great philosopher has asserted, that, " upon all such joyous occasions, our satisfaction, though not so durable, is often as lively as that of the persons prin- cipally concerned;" but, upon the present occasion, there certainly was little sympathy in Mrs Major Waddell's feelings and those of her friends and acquaintances. While she rolled on, supremely blest, they solaced themselves with commiserating her hapless fate. " Quite a mercenary marriage — poor thing — a sad sacrifice — a man old enough to be her grandfather — has met with seventeen refusals — fortune come in of the telling — liver like a plum-pudding — false teeth — dreadful temper," &c. &c., were buzzed from one end of the town to the other ; but, happily, none of their stings penetrated the ear of the bride, who sat in all the bliss of pompous ignorance. Though births, marriages, and deaths occur every day, still they continue to excite an interest beyond the ordinary events of life. The former and the latter, indeed, though apparently more important occurrences, certainly do not engage the attention or occupy the minds of the great mass of mankind (or, at least, of womankind) so much as the less solemn act of mar- riage. Whether these being performed without our own consent asked or obtained afford less scope for animadversion, or that marriage is a state in which all are inclined to sympathize — the married from fellow- feeling — the single from feelings which the moralist or the metaphysician may declare, but which it is no part of my business to investigate, — I shall, therefore, leave the 214 THE INHERITANCE. point to be discussed by those who are more com- petent, and return to the company. It is no easy matter for a party in full dress to pass away the morning when the business for which they assembled is over ; and where there is nothing to gratify any one of the five senses, it is then people feel, in their fullest extent, the pains and penalties of idleness. As soon as their respective carriages drew up, the guests, therefore, dropt off; and, as the last of them wheeled out of sight, Mrs Black thanked her stars she had seen all their backs. Cbapter %mU Thou wilt be like a lover presently, And tire the hearer with a book of words. Muck Ado about Nothing. IT was with pleasure Gertrude hailed the stately turrets of Rossville, as she beheld them rising above the rich masses of wood which surrounded them — and again her heart bounded with delight as she thought ** All this will one day be mine — mine to bestow " She did not finish the sentence even to herself, but the image of Colonel Delmour rose to her view ; and she felt that even the brilliant destiny that awaited her would be poor and joyless, unless he were to par- take of it. On alighting, Mrs St Clair hastened to Lord Rossville to report to him the success of her canvass ; and Gertrude soon found herself, she knew not how, strolling by the banks of the river with Colonel Delmour by her side. It is universally allowed that though nothing can be more interesting in itself than the conversation of two \W/ yrt/i^^^ .^^ L5i^'^^97tti/ ^-^/^ri^^g^t^ }. Many, like myself, are sick of this disease : that when they know not how to write, yet cannot refrain from writing — Erasmus. THE following letters were put into Gertrude's hand one morning. The first she opened was sealed with an evergreen leaf — motto, Je ne change quen mourant. " I am inexpressibly pained to think what an opinion my dearest cousin must have formed of me, from having allowed so much time to elapse, ere I commenced a correspondence, from which, believe me, I expect to derive the most unfeigned and heartfelt delight. But you, my dear friend, whose fate it has been to roam, *and other realms to view,' will, I am sure, make allowance for the apparent neglect and unkindness I have been guilty of, which, be assured, was very far from designed on my part. Indeed, scarce a day has elapsed since we parted that I have not planned taking up my pen to address you, and to attempt to convey to you some idea, however fatnt^ of all I have seen and felt since bidding adieu to Caledonia. But, alas ! so many of the vulgar cares of life obtrude themselves even here, in * wilds unknown to public view,' as have left me little leisure for the interchange of thought. " Were it not for these annoyances, and the want of a congenial soul to pour forth my feelings to, I could almost imagine myself in Paradise. Apropos, is a certain regiment still at B. ? and have you got acquainted with any of the officers yet ? You will, perhaps, be tempted to smile at that question ; but, I assure you, there is nothing at all in it. The Major and Bell (or Mrs Major Waddell, as she wishes to be called in future, as she thinks Bell too familiar an appellation for a married woman) are, I think, an uncommon happy, attached pair 244 THE INHERITANCE. — the only drawback to their happiness is the Major's having been particularly bilious of late, which he ascribes to the heat of the weather, but expects to derive the greatest benefit from the waters of Harrowgate. For my part, I am sure many a * longing lingering look ' I shall cast behind when we bid adieu to the sylvan shores of Winander. I have attempted some views of it, which may serve to convey to you some idea of its beauties. One on a watch paper, I think my most successful effort. The Major has rallied me a good deal as to who that is intended for — but positively that is all a joke, I do assure you. But it is time that I should now attempt to give you some account of my travels, though, as I promise myself the delight of showing you my journal when we meet, I shall omit the detail of our journey, and at once waft you to what I call Lake Land. But where shall I find language to express my admiration ! " One thing I must not omit to mention, in order that you may be able to conceive some idea of the delight we experienced, and for which we were indebted to the Major's politeness and gallantry. In order to surprise us, he proposed our taking a little quiet sail, as he termed it, on the lake. All was silence ; — when, upon a signal made, figure to yourself the astonishment and delight of Mrs Major and myself, when a grand flourish of French horns burst upon our ears, waking the echoes all around, while the delightful harmony was repeated from every recess which echo haunted on the borders of the lake ! At first, indeed, the surprise was almost too much for Mrs Major, and she became a little hysterical ; but she was soon recovered by the Major's tenderness and assurances of safety. Indeed, he is, without exception, the most exemplary and devoted husband I ever beheld ; — still I confess (but that is entre nous) that, to me, the little taste he displays for the THE INHERITANCE. 245 tuneful nine would be a great drawback to my matri- monial felicity. "After having enjoyed this delightful concert, we bade a long adieu to the sylvan shores of Ulls Water, and proceeded to Keswick, or, as it is properly deno- minated, Derwent Water, which is about three miles long ; its pure transparent bosom, studded with number- less wooded islands, and its sides beautifully variegated with elegant mansions, snow-white cottages, taper spires, pleasant fields adorned by the hand of cultivation, and towering groves that seem as if impervious to the hght of day. The celebrated fall of Lodore I shall not attempt to depict ; but figure, if you can, a stupendous cataract, rushing head- long over enormous rocks and crags, which vainly seem to oppose themselves to its progress. " With regret we tore ourselves from the cultivated beauties of Derwent, and taking a look, en passant^ of the more secluded Grassmere and Rydall, we at length found ourselves on the shores of the magnificent Winander. "Picture to yourself, if it be possible, stupendous mountains rearing their cloud-capped heads in all the sublimity of horror, while an immense sheet of azure reflected the crimson and yellow rays of the setting sun as they floated o'er its motionless green bosom, on which was impressed the bright image of the surround- ing woods and meadows, speckled with snowy cottages and elegant villas ! I really felt as if inspired, so much was my enthusiasm kindled ; and yet 1 fear my de- scription will fail in conveying to you any idea of this never-to-be-forgotten scene. But I must now bid you adieu, which I do with the greatest reluctance. How thought flows upon me when I take up my pen ! — how inconceivable to me the distaste which some people express for letter-writing ! 246 THE INHERITANCE. " Scribbling, as they contemptuously term it ! — How I pity such vulgar souls ! You, my dear cousin, I am sure, are not one of them. I have scarcely left room for Mrs Major to add a P.S. Adieu ! your affectionate Mrs Waddell's postscript was as follows : — " Ma chere Cousine, " Of course, you cannot expect that I, a married woman, can possibly have much leisure to devote to my female friends, with an adoring husband, who never stirs from my side, and to whom my every thought is due. But this much, in justice to myself, I think it proper to say, that I am the happiest of my sex, and that I find my Waddell every thing generous, kind, and brave ! " Isabella Waddell." The perusal of this letter was a severe tax upon Gertnide's patience, as it has doubtless been upon all who have read it — though tempted to laugh at it, she was, however, too generous to expose it to ridicule, and therefore hastened to commit the fair Lilly's lucubra- tions to the flames. Poor Miss Lilly, like many other misses, had long aimed at the character of an elegant letter-writer, and this epistle she looked upon as one of her happiest efforts ; she had studied it — she had meditated upon it — she had written a scrawl of it — she had consulted her journal upon it — in short, she had composed it. One may compose a sermon, or an essay, or an any thing, save a letter ; but when a letter is composed, all persons of taste must feel it is an odious composition. To gpeak with the pen is the art of letter-writing ; and THE INHERITANCE. 247 even a confused vulgar natural letter, flowing direct from the brain, or it may be from the heart, of one of uncultivated intellect, is more pleasing than the most studied and elaborate performance from the same source. But in letter-writing, as in conversation, many- seem to study to make themselves tiresome, who, had they allowed their pens and their tongues to take their natural course, might have remained at least inoffensive. Yet many have lived to write good plain matter-of-fact letters who have spent the early years of their life composing sentences, and rounding periods, and writing descriptions, from the false ideas they entertained on this subject. But enough of condemnation on this, after all, venial transgression. The other letter was in a different strain, as fol- lows : — " My dear Cousin, " 1 feel encouraged to the liberty I am going to take by the kindness you showed me when at Bellevue. Your good-will may now be the means of rendering me an essential service, and I should feel myself to blame if false diffidence were to hinder me from unbosoming myself to you. I was several times on the point of explaining myself to you, but thought I could more easily do it in writing ; and now that I take up my pen, I wish I had rather spoken to you when I had so many favourable opportunities. But why am I so wavering and foolish, when I ought with confidence to look to Him who has promised to direct the Christian's path, and who has promised that He will never leave nor forsake those who put their trust in Him, and acknowledge Him in all their ways ? I must now trust to your patience, while I tell my tale. A mutual attachment has subsisted between William Leslie and myself from our earliest years ; but he is poor, and on 248 THE INHERITANCE. that account, and that only, it is not sanctioned by my parents — of course, you will believe that I never would enter into so sacred a connection without their consent. I love and reverence them too much, and, above all, I fear God ; but fain would I hope that, had he a com- petency, their prejudices (for prejudices I must call them) would be overcome. William's choice was early pointed to the church, and his clerical education has for some time been completely finished ; but hither- to all his efforts to procure a living have proved in- effectual. My father might assist him ; but he is very lukewarm in the cause, as both my mother and he declare they cannot bear the idea of seeing me the wife of a poor minister. But I have learnt that poverty is a comparative thing, and that a competence to some is riches, while to others wealth seems little better than splendid want. It is true riches will be denied me ; but the greater blessings of peace and mutual affection may, by the blessing of God, be my happy lot. Even when called upon to endure hardship and privations, our souls will not be cast down ; for with one heart and one faith we will cheerfully bear the crosses of this life, looking forward to the inseparable and everlasting happiness of that which is to come. " * Better is a dinner of herbs where love is,' than to sit in the joyless ease of indifference amidst heartless grandeur, or to drink the bitter cup of variance. Ah, my dear cousin ! God only can put gladness in the heart, and 'tis not by the world or the things of the world. — If, as I believe, religion be indeed the soul of happiness, then may I reasonably hope for that peace which the world cannot give, with one whom I have known and loved from my earliest years, and whose faith and practice are those of a follower of Jesus Christ. *< This attachment is no phantom of a heated THE INHERITANCE. 249 imagination. Our mutual love is now a principle — it cannot be extinguished, but it may be sacrificed to a still more sacred claim. I again repeat, I never will marry without the consent and blessing of my parents ; but were my dear William provided for, I think their pride would yield to their stronger feeling of affection for me. Yet I almost blush to trouble you with my selfish concerns, though I know you will befriend me if you can. The church of Clearburn is in Lord Ross- ville's gift — the present incumbent is old and infirm, and an assistant and successor is to be immediately appointed. I do not ask you to recommend William Leslie, because you ought not to recommend one to fill so sacred an office who is utterly unknown to you ; but if you would name him to Lord Rossville — if you would request of him to inquire into his character and qualifications of those who can judge of them, and then if you will support him with your influence, you will confer a heartfelt obligation on your faithful and affectionate cousin, " Anne Black.'* With a great understanding as a round orb that tumbles hither and thither, able to guess at the depth of the great sea. — Hindoos' Description of their God. TO feel and to act were with Gertrude commonly one and the same thing — reflection seldom was allowed to interpose its cooling influence ; and scarcely had she finished reading the letter when she flew to Lord Rossville to ask (and she had no doubt to obtain) the boon solicited. She found the Earl alone in his study, surrounded with papers and parchments, and looking, if possible, even more than usually por- tentous. 250 THE INHERITANCE. " I am come, my lord, to ask — to beg a favour," — she began, almost breathless from haste and emotion. " Miss St Clair, this is rather an interruption ; but be seated — be seated — and be composed. You, and indeed all who have any claims upon my time, influence, or assistance, will ever find my ear open to the voice of proper solicitation — therefore, I again repeat, be com- posed, and allow this flow of spirits to subside ere you commence." There is nothing less likely to promote its end than a recommendation to be cool and composed when one is all ardour and eagerness ; but this was one of Lord Rossville's methods of tormenting his victims. He was always composed himself, even when in anger — that is, he was always heavy, dull, and formal — and no subject could warm him so as to make him neglect the slow and pompous formation of his sentences. His body was heavy — his nerves were tough — his blood was thick — he was a dull man — but, like many other men, he deceived himself; for he thought his dulness was self-command, and that he had the same merit in being composed as one whose perceptions are lively, whose blood flows rapidly, and whose ready imagination com- prehends whole sentences such as his lordship composed ere they were half pronounced — one, in short, who thinks and speaks with natural feeling and animation. Different, indeed, was Lord Rossville's composure from that of one who " hath learned to rule his own spirit ; " for he had a temper to rule, but no spirit. He had a sluggish, obstinate, thick-headed, pragmatical temper ; incapable of hurrying him into the ebullitions of passion, 'tis true, but not the less troublesome and tormenting to those who opposed it. But this desideratum (for it was mere absence of animal heat that kept his lordship cool ) was more than compensated by what he deemed the masculine tone and nervous energy of his language, THE INHERITANCE. 25 I heightened as it was by gesticulation suited to the subject. " Be composed," repeated he again, after a pause — his own composure becoming more and more heavy. " O, it is nothing — I only feel a little afraid, lest you should think me too presuming when I ask — but I believe the petition itself will plead its own cause better than I can do ; " — and she put her cousin's letter into his lordship's hands, with very sanguine anticipations as to the result. Lord Rossville perused it in silence ; but his looks became darker at every line, and his head shook, or rather trembled, from beginning to end. " A most wild, dangerous, and improper letter," said he, when he finished it, vainly endeavouring to speak quicker — " I am pained to think that such a letter should have been addressed to you — that such a letter should have been presented by you to me," — and his lordship walked up and down the room in composed discomposure, while Gertrude remained aghast and motionless, at seeing her church in the air thus vanish like the baseless fabric of a vision. " Is it possible. Miss St Clair," — asked he, his hand slowly rising — " is it possible that you had perused this letter ? " point- ing with his obstinate-looking fingers to the paper in question — " and is it possible that, having read, you can also sanction, and approve, and assist a young female in setting up her own judgment in opposition to the known will and intention of her parents, and to the opinion and approval of the world in general ? " " Although my cousin is so unfortunate as to diflPer from her parents on that subject," said Gertrude, timidly — " she declares that she will not disobey them." " Not disobey them ! — Good Heavens ! Miss St Clair, what do you term disobedience?" The dignity of this appeal was interrupted by a cough. " / have 252 THE INHERITANCE. lived longer in the world, and have seen rather more of mankind than you have done ; and I do not hesitate to say, that the principles contained in this letter, if acted upon by the bulk of mankind (and it is only by generalizing principles that we can fairly bring them to the test), must eventually prove highly destructive to the present order of things, inasmuch as they are totally subversive of all filial obedience and parental authority." Gertrude was much at a loss to answer this tirade, which confounded, without in the smallest degree con- vincing her. Again, however, she tried to urge some- thing in extenuation ; but it was, as Jeremy Taylor ex- presses it, treading on the corns of his lordship's mind to attack any of his opinions or prejudices ; and it was resented accordingly. " I own I am distressed — mortified — Miss St Clair, that a letter containing such sentiments should be advo- cated by you — sentiments fraught with so much mis- chief — principles destructive of the mutual relationship of parent and child — wild, fantastical, new-fangled notions, setting at defiance all proper doctrines of re- ligion, and only calculated to disturb, and finally abolish all orders of society ; and yet it is such — such — I say I should consider myself as acting a most highly culpable part, were I to lend the smallest countenance or sanction to such measures ; " — and he walked up and down the room, his shoes creaking at every step. — " Mr Black is a sensible, well-principled man, and obviously views the matter in the same light as I do, and as, indeed, all persons of a right way of thinking should do. A young female to presume to judge for herself, in opposition to the wishes of her parents — to the opinion of the world — to the general voice of mankind ; and to seek to — to assume the mask of religion, in order to — to stifle the voice of duty — it is lamentable — it is deplorable — it is mon- strous ! — What was it but by such steps as these the THE INHERITANCE. 253 established order of things in a neighbouring country was gradually undermined, and at length finally over- thrown ? — It was by such steps as these (knocking the letter slowly with his knuckles) that the altar and the throne — religion and — and — and loyalty — and — and sound morality — all that were formerly held sacred, fell sacrifices to these very levelling principles ; " — and he threw the letter from him with all the energy of virtuous indignation. Gertrude could scarcely refrain from smiling at the idea of Anne Black's marriage endangering church and state ; and something of that sort she ventured to express. " I beg pardon, my lord," said she ; " but even sup- posing my cousin's marriage were to take place, I cannot perceive any bad consequences that would result from it, unless to herself." " You do not perceive — you do not perceive the per- nicious effects of such an example operating on young females in the same sphere ? — operating, too, under my sanction and countenance — and — and — and / to become the patron of rebellious undutiful children ! — the con- niver at low and improper and clandestine connections ! Were such a precedent once established, where is it to end ? You yourself, I shall suppose, for the sake of illustrating my argument — you, presuming upon my licence in this instance, deem yourself authorized to select — choose — and — and — and declare that you will select and choose — nay, that you have selected and chosen, a — a partner for yourself, not only without my concurrence, but in direct opposition and contradiction to my will and authority ! I ask, would not such be- haviour on your part be — I do not scruple to say — monstrous ? " Gertrude was not prepared for this digression ; but she saw by his lordship's bend that an answer was expected, and in some trepidation she replied — 254 THE INHERITANCE. " I hope it will never be my misfortune to differ from your lordship on this subject. But if it should " she stopped in much agitation. " You hope it will never be your misfortune to differ from me ! " — repeated his lordship, with a very dis- satisfied look — " that is a style of language, Miss St Clair, I own, which does not satisfy me. On that subject I can allow no differences. No young lady, of a right way of thinking, ought or can have a different opinion on so important a point from those whom it is her duty to reverence and obey.'' His lordship paused, and seemed to be revolving some mighty matter in his mind ; and Gertrude, trembling at what this might lead to, rose, and taking up her cousin's letter, was preparing to leave the room, when her uncle motioned with his hand for her to resume her seat ; then in a slow, solemn tone, spoke as follows : — " It certainly formed no part of my original plan, with regard to you, that, at this early period, you should have been made acquainted with the plans I had formed for your final disposal ; but, from what has passed, I am inclined to think that, in deviating from my former purpose, I shall do wisely and well." — He then pro- ceeded in the same prolix manner to unfold to Gertrude the future web of her life, as spun and wove by his lordship's own hand — or rather head. Gertrude heard, without surprise, but not without emotion, that she was the destined wife of Mr Del- mour, and in that light was considered by him, and by all the members of the family, and by all the free- holders in the county ; and her heart glowed with re- sentment at the thoughts of any one having thus dared to appropriate her without her own consent. Scarcely could she listen with patience, while Lord , Ross ville detailed, in the most minute yet guarded manner, his plans with regard to her future establishment, as if THE INHERITANCE. 255 afraid of making her too happy, or raising her expecta- tions too high. Thus, after having settled every thing regarding her marriage with more than a lawyer's pre- cision, he hastened to undo his own work in the same breath, by adding, that it was not his intention that the marriage should take place until she had attained the age of twenty-one, at soonest ; — perhaps not even then, as he was no advocate for early alliances — that is, too early. "There was a time for all things, and that time must be regulated by circumstances ; but in the meantime " " In the meantime, my lord," cried Gertrude, with great emotion, " I must be allowed to disclaim any engagement with Mr Delmour." The Earl regarded her for some moments with the greatest astonishment, and seemed as if wholly bereft of the power of expressing the indignation which swelled in his bosom almost to suffocation at this overt act of rebellion. At length he found words, though ideas were still wanting. " What am I to understand from this most extra- ordinary speech. Miss St Clair ? " inteiTogated he, with some difficulty. Gertrude, in much emotion, but with the utmost gentleness of manner, repeated her words. " Allowed to disclaim any engagement with Mr Delmour ! A most extraordinary proposal at such a time ! — at a time when so much is at stake — a most improper, nay, a most indelicate proposal, in the present posture of affairs." His lordship cleared his voice, hemmed, coughed, and proceeded ; — " You cannot be ignorant. Miss St Clair, of the very important contest at present carry- ing on in this county — a contest which is of vital im- portance to the power and consequence of this family — and, I may add, of some interest to the country at 256 THE INHERITANCE. large ; as, in these times of anarchy and rebelHon, when the throne and the government are assailed on all sides by factious and turbulent demagogues, it is of the utmost importance that our representation in parliament be sound, loyal, and patriotic, if we expect that our religion and laws should be preserved, and handed down unimpaired to our posterity." Her assent seemed to be expected to this opening speech ; but Gertrude could make none. The Earl went on — " You are probably not aware of the motives which have actuated me in thus developing my schemes and intentions to you, and to the world in general, at this period ; and, in doing so, I certainly have deviated from my original plan. But we must all occasionally be regulated by circumstances ; and, I think, I have only to state to you, that the success of this most im- portant political contest depends very considerably upon the understanding that Mr Delmour will eventually, and in all probability, one day become, through your instrumentality, the lawful possessor of the family estates in this county ; in one word, I could not with pro- priety offer Mr Delmour as the representative of this county (he having little more than a nominal interest in it at present) — unless — as the — as the, in all likelihood — the intended husband of the presumptive (observe I say presumptive^ not apparent) heiress of Rossville.'' His lordship was so much pleased with the eloquence and brilliancy of his harangue that, as he went on, he gradually spoke himself into good humour ; and by the time it was ended he had almost forgot the origin of his elocution. Gertrude remained silent, struggling with contending feelings. On the one hand, was the fear of betraying her secret predilection for Colonel Delmour ; — on the other, her scorn and detestation of THE INHERITANCE. 257 every thing resembling duplicity and deceit. At length her natural love of truth and candour prevailed ; and, mustering courage, she said — " Much as it pains me to oppose you, my dear uncle, yet I should be still more unworthy of your affection were I to leave you in an error. — Forgive me " — she paused — her heart throbbed, and her colour rose — " forgive me, — I will not deceive you. I cannot sanction the engagement you have formed for me — I never can be the wife of Mr Delmour." This was something so far beyond what Lord Ross- ville could have anticipated, that it was some time ere the fact could find admittance to his brain, choked up as it always was with his own notions. While the process of conviction was carrying on, he therefore sat as if petrified. At length the light began to penetrate the dim opaque of his understanding ; but his lordship had, as usual, recourse to other people's words till he could muster his own forces. " Never can be the wife of Mr Delmour ! " repeated he, in the tone of one who was not quite sure whether he were asleep or awake — " not sanction the engage- ment I have fornied for you ! What — what, in the name of Heaven, am I to understand from such lan- guage. Miss St Clair ? " The understanding seemed so perfectly obvious, that Gertrude felt much at a loss how to make it clearer. The question was again repeated. " Excuse me, my lord ; but Mr Delmour is not the person I — but, indeed, I do not know how to express myself in a manner less likely to offend. I would say that I wish to be left free, that I might be allowed to choose in so important " " You wish to be left free ! — You wish to be allowed to choose in so important ! — hem ! — Really, Miss St Clair, I am too much astonished at the — the — ^the — the 258 THE INHERITANCE. — the — the — what shall I call it ? the unwarrantable levity of such a proposal, to answer it as it ought. You wish to be left free to choose ! and that in a point of such vast — such vital importance! — Are you aware in what capacity it is that a suitable alliance is formed for you ? — That it is not as Miss St Clair, daughter of the Honourable Thomas St Clair — but as niece to the Earl of Rossville, and presumptive heiress to the title and estates thereof; with the exception of the Barony of Larchdale, which, by deed of entail of Alexander, first Earl of Rossville, devolves upon the heirs-male of the family ; and, therefore, it is to consolidate these pro- perties, that they may be again reunited in the persons ot your mutual heir or heirs, — an arrangement which has Mr Delmour's entire approbation ? I say that, under these circumstances, there is not — there cannot — there must not be a choice in the matter ; — but, indeed, I am very much at a loss to know what to understand by such an expression. / certainly have not been accus- tomed to hear of young ladies of family, and fortune, and distinction, choosing for themselves in their matri- monial course. / can only say, for my own part, I — I — had no choice ! " Gertrude could scarcely restrain a smile at hearing Lord Rossville quote himself as a pattern to be followed, instead of a rock to be shunned ; — but, such is the blindness of human nature, we are all but too apt to hold ourselves up as guides, when we ought to be satisfied to serve as beacons. "Allowed to choose! — I — I — and pray, Miss St Clair, supposing, for one moment, it was so — where, I ask — where would you — where could you find such another gentleman as Mr Delmour — a gentleman of birth and fashion — of fine address — of appearance — of accomplishments — possessing a first-rate understanding, of which he has already given undoubted proofs to the world, by having been appointed one of th? Financial THE INHERITANXE. 259 Committee, which, for so young a man, I consider as a very distinguished mark of pre-eminence, — but who, notwithstanding all those advantages, submits himself, in this case, solely to my guidance and management ? — I ask again, where could you find such another perfect gentleman ? " " I acknowledge Mr Delmour's good qualities, my lord — so far as I can pretend to judge of them upon so slight an acquaintance," answered Gertmde, hesitatingly ; "but — pray forgive me if I still repeat that I must be allowed to consider myself as perfectly dis- engaged." "Miss St Clair," cried the Earl, now absolutely gasping — " I can only say that — that if you persist — if you presume to report yourself throughout the county as — as — as disengaged — I " The pulse of life seemed to stand still, and " nature made a pause, an awful pause, prophetic of its end." — The clenched hand was slowly uplifted — then descended with a weight that shook the table. — " I cannot answer for the conse- quences ! " This is a threat which always forms a happy climax to an argument, from its vagueness, and consequently its sublimity. At that moment the party in question entered — his hands full of open letters, and with an air of bustle and business not at all calculated to fascinate a romantic imagination such as Gertrude's. He was beginning some rather formal and complimentary apology for his interruption, when she rose, and in some confusion stammered out a few words in reply ; then, bowing to the Earl, was retiring, when Mr Delmour begged to know whether she had any friends in the western extremity of the county, as he was afraid he should be under the necessity of setting off for that quarter im- mediately, and should be much honoured by being the bearer of Miss St Clair's commands. 26o THE INHERITANCE. Gertrude disclaimed all interest in that part of the county ; and, scarcely able to express the common civilities of parting, hastily withdrew. CI) a p t e r jc^jcbii ]♦ My love's so true, That I can neither hide it where it is, Nor show it where it is not. Dryden's All for Love. IN every generous mind there is a spring, which, it touched rightly, yields fine issues ; but if struck by an unskilful hand, produces only discord. So it was with Gertrude : affection would have led her — reason might have guided — but mere authority could never controul her. To one of an independent spirit nothing, therefore, could be more irksome than the situation in which she was placed. She felt that, to be approved of, she must cease to act, cease to think, cease to feel, cease to love, but as directed by the will of her mother and uncle. A spirit such as hers could not at once be thus subdued ; and no one who has anything noble in their nature can be subdued but by their own will — their understanding acknowledging the fitness of their submission. The Christian, indeed, has his spirit subdued to yield obedience, contrary to his own inclina- tion, to those who are placed over him by nature. But Gertrude's principles were not derived from this high and unerring standard ; and though she gave a general assent to the doctrine that children owed obedience to their parents, yet it was with so many limitations that the principle only wanted sufficient temptation to be set aside. With regard to her uncle, his right to controul her THE INHERITANCE. 261 seemed very doubtful ; and, indeed, the authority of uncles commonly comes in a very questionable shape, and is, perhaps, only to be considered as binding, when the uncle has received authority from a living parent, or has early and long supplied the place of a departed one. As for aunts, they are always accustomed to dic- tate, but are seldom so unreasonable as to expect to be obeyed. Yet love and tenderness, almost maternal, have sometimes given them a power over a young and affectionate heart, which all the violence of improper authority never could have obtained. These would have subdued a mind such as Gertrude's ; but those gentle weapons were unknown and unused either by Lord Rossville or Mrs St Clair. Authority with the one — artifice with the other, were the means used to gain their different purposes with one whom opposite methods would have rendered submissive as a child, and open as noonday. Gertrude's first impulse was to hasten to her mother, and relate to her all that had passed between Lord Ross- \nlle and her. She expected to encounter reproaches ; but Mrs St Clair seemed almost frantic at her daughter's disclosure, and absolutely shook with terror while she listened to Gertrude's account of what had passed. But ere she had time to express her sentiments on the sub- ject, a message was brought from the Earl, requesting her presence for half an hour in the stud3% It was easy to guess at the subject in hand ; and Mrs St Clair, though in great agitation, instantly obeyed the summons. Gertrude waited with impatience for nearly an hour and a half, ere the conference was ended and her mother appeared. When she did, she read vexation and dis- comfiture in her countenance. She was, however, too prudent to express her feelings ; but contented herself with saying that she had found Lord Rossville in great displeasure against his niece, and had left him quite ini- 262 THE INHERITANCE. moveable as to the proposed alliance and declared en- gagement ; and this was all Gertrude could draw from her mother. She therefore sat down to answer the un- fortunate letter that had been the innocent cause of this premature eclaircissemenf, which she did by lamenting her present inability to aid her cousin in any shape ; but concluding with the warmest assurances of regard and promises of assistance, should it ever be in her power to befriend her. She was then preparing to dress for dinner, when the following note was presented to her : — " The Earl of Rossville presents compliments to Miss St Clair ; and while matters remain in their present unpleasant position, and until some arrangement of an amicable nature has taken place, it is his wish and expectation that Miss St Clair should confine herself to her own apartment — it may be presumed from indisposition. " Rossville Castle, 29th Aug., 18 — ." His lordship, when he perused this masterpiece of a billet, had fondly imagined it would speak daggers to the soul of his niece ; and he piqued himself not a little at the Jinesse of punishing her in this exemplary manner, and at the same time keeping her transgression a secret from the rest of the family, whom he wished to remain in ignorance of this defiance of his power. Gertrude, of course, submitted to this embargo, and left it to her mother to give what name she pleased to her disorder. A week elapsed, and Gertrude still remained in durance ; but she bore her imprisonment with great heroism, and its languid hours were enlivened by a packet received through some unknown channel from Colonel Delmour. It affected to be merely a parcel of music ; but it contained a letter full of all that love- letters are usually full of — hopes — fears — lamentations — vows — reproaches — raptures — despair. It may be THE INHERITANCE. 263 supposed this did not tend to render Gertrude more compliant to her uncle's wishes ; and his lordship was beginning to feel much at a loss how to proceed, when all the combustible particles of his composition were roused into action, and he hastened to array himself in all his honours and take the field in full force. The report of his niece's engagement with Mr Lyndsay had, by the ingenuity of Miss Pratt, quickly circulated throughout the county, and had resounded and rever- berated from all the corners of it before the last echo reached the dull ear of Lord Rossville ; — but when it did, it produced all the effect of a thunderbolt upon his senses. Not that he could all at once give credit to such a monstrous supposition ; but it was quite bad enough that the thing should be said, or for one instant believed. As soon as he recovered so far as to be able to ruminate, he therefore resolved upon his plan of pro- ceeding ; and, as the first step, summoned his niece to his presence. For some minutes he regarded her with a look which he vainly expected would cause her to sink to the ground ; for the Earl thought of expression as Glendower did of spirits, — that he had only to call them, and they would come. After waiting in vain for the effects he had anticipated, his lordship found he must have recourse to his voice — not that he was averse to using that, but having witnessed the magic influence of a Siddons and a Kean, he had no doubt but that he too could look unutterable things; and he had intended first to kill with the lightning of his eye, and then to revive with the gracious sound of his voice. All this he had intended ; but how often are the best intentions frus- trated ! Gertrude was quite ignorant of these intentions ; and in her uncle's persevering stare saw nothing but a stare, which, being always a disagreeable thing, she sought to avoid by casting down her eyes. Still having some- 264 THE INHERITANCE. where read that women can see even with their eyes shut, Lord Rossville flattered himself that his piercing gaze would penetrate through the eyelids of his niece ; and he waited a little longer in hopes of seeing her at his feet. At length she raised her eyes, but it was to exclaim at seeing a hawk dart past the window in pursuit of a dove. The Earl now spoke. " Miss St Clair, look at me." Gertrue obeyed, and did look ; but with an expres- sion which seemed to say, and what then ? " Look at me. Miss St Clair, if, indeed, it is possible for you to meet my eye, after what has recently come to my knowledge. — Miss St Clair, this is neither a subject nor a time for trifling, and I will have neither equivocation nor prevarication. — I ask you again — and I warn you to be cautious how and in what manner you frame your reply — I ask you again, arc you willing to be restored to my favour and protection, upon the terms I proposed, namely, that you consider yourself as engaged, and as having been for some time past engaged, to Robert Burlington Delmour, Esquire, Member of Parliament, the heir-male of this family ? and do you consent that the nuptials be solemnised at such a time as I shall deem proper ? " " My lord, I grieve that I cannot obey you ; but I will not deceive you. Mr Delmour has my good wishes — my affections " she stopped and coloured deeply, then added, in a low voice, " are not mine to bestow ! " Lord Rossville was struck dumb at this daring avowal, which seemed to mock the thunderbolt he held in his hand ready to hurl when the proper moment came. " Miss St Clair," gasped he at length, " are you aware of the construction that may be put upon such THE INHERITANCE. 265 language ? — that it amounts, in the ordinary language of the world, to an avowal or confession of a very parti- cular, I may add improper nature ? Miss St Clair, what am I to understand from such a declaration ; — a declara- tion which, in the eyes of the world, would be considered as tantamount to an express and explicit declaration of a prior and illegal attachment, unsanctioned by me ? " Gertrude bowed her head, either to hide her blushes, or to testify her assent. The Earl resumed — " Miss St Clair, my delicacy would have spared you this — to you humiliating, to me distressing avowal ; but you have thrown aside the disguise which — which — which — but I must now inform you, that I am no stranger to this most improper, unaccountable, and unjusti- fiable transaction ; andthat,as the preliminary step towards gaining my forgiveness for this, I must say, unpardonable offence, I must insist upon a complete and total renuncia- tion of all farther intercourse with the party implicated." "My lord," said Gertrude, trying to repress her tears, " I can only repeat what I have already said — I am sensible of your goodness — 1 grieve that I should have offended you ; but I never will renounce the right of choosing for myself — that choice is made — would it were one more pleasing to your lordship ! " " Miss St Clair, I will not hear another syllable," — cried the Earl, with an energy unparalleled in the annals of his life and conversation — " I here lay my positive injunctions upon you to refrain from speaking, thinking, or acting any farther in this most faulty and improper transaction ; and I shall, at the same time, signify to the other party concerned that, from this time, he likewise must cease to consider you in any other light than that which the present relationship by blood warrants. I here positively annul any engagements, or contract, by which this clandestine, and, consequently unlawful and improper correspondence, has been " 266 THE INHERITANCE. " No, my lord," cried Gertrude, in her turn roused by such opprobrious epithets — "you cannot annul the affections of the heart. I am not a slave, to be thus bought and sold ! " exclaimed she, giving way to her long-suppressed tears. " Miss St Clair, such language — such sentiments — are no less unbecoming for you to utter, than they are im- proper for me to hear. I will listen to nothing more of the kind ; but it is proper you should be made acquainted with what you have to expect from me should you per- sist in this obstinate, and infatuated, and destructive course, in which you have begun. You are then to learn that, in the event of your persisting in your head- strong and unaccountable refusal to fulfil the engage- ment I have contracted for you with the heir-male of this family, it is my firm resolution, and final determina- tion, instantly to withdraw from you my countenance — alienate from you and your heirs every sixpence of pro- perty, heritable and personal, which it is in my power to dispose of ; and farther, there is good reason to believe that it will bear a question whether I am not at liberty, under the deed of Simon, second Earl of Ross- ville, to dispone and bequeath the ivhole of the lands and estates according to my will and pleasure. At all events, the right of tying them up for an indefinite term of years is undoubted, and shall most unquestionably be put in force. You have, therefore, to choose between an annual income of 20,000/., to which you are at present presumptive heiress (that is, eventually), or to sink at once into comparative poverty, and insignificance, and obscurity.'' "My choice is made, my lord," said Gertrude, instantly calmed into the most perfect composure. " Then, Miss St Clair, you know and are fully aware of the consequences." Gertrude only bent her head in silent acquiescence ; THE INHERITANCE. 267 and, rising to leave the room, the Earl rang the bell with rather more of energy than was his custom, and as she retired she heard him desire that Mr Lyndsay might attend him immediately. Chapter vv%iv* The man scarce lives who is not more credulous than he ought to be, and who does not upon many occasions give credit to tales which not only turn out to be perfectly false, but which a very moderate degree of reflection and atten- tion might have taught him could not well be true. — Ad.\m Smith. THERE is nothing tends so much to brace the nerves, and keep up the tone of the spirits, as the sense of having been treated with injustice. For some time, therefore, Gertrude felt as though she had gained a triumph by the sacrifice she had made to her lover ; she exulted in the thought of thus proving to him the sincerity and the devotedness of her affec- tion, and delighted her fond and simple fancy by imagin- ing how much dearer she would be to him as the (for his sake) poor Gertrude St Clair, than she ever could have been as the heiress of Rossville. But the first glow of enthusiasm over, she sighed as she thought, " Yet how sweet would have been the pleasure of be- stowing upon him all that I now see — these noble woods, this far-spreading domain, I had hoped to have made him master of! They tell me he is expensive, — that is, he has a magnificent taste, and loves show and splendour, and pictures, and fine horses, and every thing that is beautiful. Ah ! how happy I should have been in the means of gratifying him, and of making him so happy — oh ! so happy, that he should have had nothing to wish for — yet all these he will sacrifice for me, for 268 THE INHERITANCE. he has often declared my affection was all the world to him. — What signifies then the loss of wealth to those who can be rich in mutual love ? " Thus communed Gertrude with herself ; and, at nineteen, who would not have done the same ? Meanwhile the Earl was somewhat at a loss what course to pursue with the other supposed offender, Mr Lyndsay. His lordship, unknown to himself, had that sort of intuitive respect for his nephew which weak minds (however against their grain) must always feel towards strong ones ; but he still trusted to his powers of expression, and therefore arranged his aspect, as nearly as he could, into that cast with which he imagined Brutus had passed sentence on his sons. But looks were as much thrown away upon Mr Lyndsay as they had been upon Gertrude ; — that gentleman testified no sort of emotion whatever at beholding his lordship's brows bent full upon him, and the Earl again found himself reduced to the vulgar method of explaining himself in words. He then entered upon a speech, which, for intricacy of design and uselessness of purpose, might have vied with the far-famed labyrinth of Crete. Poor Mr Lyndsay toiled after him in vain, quite unable even to conjecture where his lordship was driving, and what was to be the issue of his tortuous harangue. At length the Earl emerged from the dim eclipse in which, shorn of his beams, he had so long shed disastrous twilight, if not upon nations, at least upon individuals, and the truth burst upon Lyndsay's almost benighted senses. For a moment a strange glow of delight came over his heart at hearing himself called upon to renounce all claim to the hand and affections of Miss St Clair ; but it as quickly faded as he thought of the difference of their views and sentiments, and he smiled in scorn at his own credulity for having, for an instant, given ear to such a delusion. ** It is impossible for me to relinquish THE INHERITANCE. 269 what I never possessed," said he, in answer to the Earl's appeal, " nor can even flatter myself it is in my power to obtain. This is some of Miss Pratt's idle rumours, which have found their way to your lordship's ear ; — believe me, they are quite unworthy of a moment's consideration." But it was in vain to hold this language to Lord Rossville ; it was seldom an idea found entrance into his head, and when once there it was no easy matter to dislodge it — it became, not the mere furniture of the head, to be turned or changed at will, but seemed actually to become a part of the head itself, which it required a sort of mental scalping or trepanning to re- move. In vain, therefore, was Mr Lyndsay's denial — the Earl remained steadfast in his belief, and rejected the idea of Miss Pratt with the greatest contempt. — He " was perfectly informed of the whole, from authority it was impossible to question." He then went over the same ground he had taken with Gertrude — the loss of his countenance — the breaking of the entail — the tying up of the property. Sec. &c. "Were I, as you imagine, honoured with Miss St Clair's partiality," said Lynd- say, " I must frankly tell you, that all you have now said would not have the slightest influence upon me — I hope it never will have upon the man who is so for- tunate as to gain her affections. Much as he may value your lordship's favour, and the Rossville estates, I trust he will never put either of them in competition with Miss St Clair." This was past answering. Lord Rossville took two or three turns through the room before he could trust himself to reply, then spoke — " Mr Lyndsay, I can only impute this tergiversation of yours (to call it by no harsher name) to a very mis- taken and destructive sense of honour ; but what will you say, sir, when I inform you, that not many minutes 2 70 THE INHERITANCE. have elapsed since, in this very apartment, and on this very spot, I received from the lips of the young lady herself the open and avowed acknowledgment of her — her — her — what shall I call it? — her highly im- proper attachment to and engagement with yourself? " " Impossible ! " exclaimed Lyndsay, his face flush- ing with a variety of contending emotions ; — " she did not — she could not say so." Mr Lyndsay knew his uncle to be a weak, tiresome, conceited man ; but he also knew him to be a man of perfect veracity — one who, at least, always intended to speak the truth. Such an unqualified assertion, there- fore, as that he had just made, could not fail to be heard by him with some emotion, however mingled with incredulity. Lord Rossville, in great displeasure that his word should be doubted, repeated his nephew's last words with more than usual pompous indignation ; then added — " I should deem it derogatory to myself to insist farther upon this subject. I can only repeat, and that upon the honour of a peer, that I have received from Miss St Clair the avowal of her clandestine attachment to you ; and, farther, heard her assert and maintain her right to make such a choice." " Enough, my lord," cried Lyndsay ; "'tis in vain to attempt to answer such assertions at present — but I shall endeavour to furnish you with some explanation of this mystery ere long." And he hastily withdrew, despairing of any elucidation from Lord Rossville. Yet how or where to find it he knew not, still less could he form any plausible conjecture as to the truth ; there was none to whom he could apply, for there was no one on whose judgment or principles he could place any reliance. At one time he thought was it possible Gertrude could be playing false, and using his name as a cover to some clandestine engagement — the stranger ? THE INHERITANCE. 271 — Colonel Delmour ? — but the next minute he checked the idea as unworthy of her, of himself. Whatever her faults might be, duplicity certainly was not of the number — there was an air and expression of candour and openness in her countenance, manners, words, which placed her above the meanness of suspicion. At length he resolved to seek her himself, and try whether he could not penetrate this mystery. Gertrude had remained standing at the window of one of the public rooms she had to pass through in leaving Lord Rossville's apartment — she had been gazing with a vague mingled feeling of pride and regret at the lovely scene that lay before her in all the glowing tints of autumn, when she was roused from her reverie by the entrance of Mr Lyndsay. He accosted her with an inquiry after her health, and then one of those awkward silences which every body has felt ensued. At length, as she turned to quit the room, he spoke — " Once, my dear cousin," said he, " you conferred upon me the privilege of a friend — that of speaking the truth to you." " It is one you have hitherto made little use of," replied she ; then deeply colouring as the thoughts of the midnight rencontre rushed to her mind, she added, " I have, perhaps, no right to expect that Mr Lyndsay should do what circumstances must have rendered so disagreeable a task for him." "You wrong yourself and me by such a supposition," said he. " However inexplicable some things may appear, a few words of truth, I am very sure, will set all to rights." " No ! " exclaimed Gertrude, in much agitation : " inexplicable I must still remain to you — ask me nothing — I cannot, indeed I cannot answer any questions." *' Gertrude," said Lyndsay, with great emotion, " it 272 THE INHERITANCE. is essential to my happiness — ])erhaps to yours — that we should understand each other." He paused ; then, by a strong effort, proceeded, — "You will call it folly, presumption, madness, when I tell you that Lord Ross- ville, under the influence of some unaccountable delusion, has called upon me to resign all pretensions to your favour — to your hand ." He stopped, and Ger- tmde, overwhelmed with surprise and confusion, re- mained silent. " Had I dared to aspire to it," continued he, in increasing agitation, " I know no earthly motive that would have induced me to relinquish my claims, Ger- trude," — and he would have taken her hand ; but Gertrude stood aghast, and for a few moments remained overwhelmed with confusion ; at length roused to self- possession, she saw there was only one course she could now pursue — she must throw herself upon the generosity of her cousin — -she must confide to him the secret of her attachment to Colonel Delmour. Noble and disin- terested as he was, she knew him to be incapable of abusing her confidence ; and, with a mixture of embar- rassment and simplicity, she disclosed to him the situation in which she stood. Mr Lyndsay heard her with the deepest interest, while she lamented the misunderstanding that had oc- curred with her uncle, and avowed that her affections were no longer her own to bestow ; but when, with faltering tongue and downcast eyes, she named Colonel Delmour as the object of her choice, a shade of anguish overcast his face. " 'Tis then as I feared!" exclaimed he. "Ah, Gertrude ! would I could have saved you from this ! " " Saved me ! " repeated Gertrude, colouring deeply with shame and displeasure as she turned away. " Forgive me, my dear cousin," cried he — " I did not mean to offend you — I spoke too abruptly ; but I THE INHERITANCE. 273 cannot retract what I have uttered. Did not you promise to hear, and to bear the truth from me ? " " I was ignorant then that, under the name of truth, I was to be called upon to give ear to detraction, and detraction against the absent." Lyndsay looked upon her more in sorrow than in anger, while he answered — " Yet, if you saw one in whom you were interested on the brink of a precipice, would any consideration withhold you from giving them warning of their danger, — from saving them, if you possibly could ? But do not injure me so far — do not suppose me so base as to have said to you what I have not said — what I will not again repeat to Colonel Del- mour himself. I have warned him, that I would do all in my power to save you from ever becoming his, if that is detraction " " Be it what it may," cried Gertrude, " I will hear no more — already I have heard too much ; " and her voice quivered with emotion — " I will go to Lord Rossville — T will clear up this error — be the con- sequences to myself what they may ; " and, rejecting Lyndsay 's effort to detain her, she flew to Lord Rossville, and, in all the excitement of wounded feeling, acknowledged Colonel Delmour as the object of her preference. It was some time ere the Earl could open his eyes to this flood of new light ; but when he did, long and tire- some was the scene that ensued. This was worse and worse — to have chosen the wrong brother; — 'twas strange — 'twas passing strange; and a parallel was drawn between the two brothers that, in his lordship's estimation at least, might have rivalled that of Hamlet. In vain was her lover denounced ; even had she credited the aspersions cast upon him, they would have now come too late : they might grieve, but they could not change her heart. At length the whole concluded with her being discarded I. s 274 I'HE INHERITANCE. from her uncle's presence and protection. Mrs St Clair was next summoned, and a long consultation ensued. Her anger and dismay were at least equal to the EarPs, though caused by different views of the same subject. How to dispose of the offender was the next question. To permit her to bask in the light ot his lordship's countenance, after her sentence of excom- munication, would never do — yet to confine her to her apartment, or discard her utterly, would be making the matter public. And as he expected he should ultimately prevail, he was anxious, he said, that the flame of re- bellion should not blaze forth, as he had no doubt of speedily extinguishing it. In this emergency, the only course Mrs St Clair could suggest was, that her daughter and she should pay a visit to her sisters. To this his lordship at first objected ; but, upon hearing that they lived in the most retired melancholy manner, and that it would be a perfect act of penance for Gertrude to reside there, he consented. Under pretence of change of air, therefore, for Miss St Clair's cold, it was settled that they should immediately depart ; and the necessary arrangements having been made, for the sake of appear- ances, and, as he expressed it, to stifle any unpleasant surmises to which this hasty removal might give birth, they were escorted to the carriage by the Earl himself ; — he handed in Mrs St Clair, but only appeared to assist Gertrude — thus preserving the beautiful unity of his design to the last. THE INHERITANCE. 275 Cljaptcr %L II ne faut pas croire que la vie des Chretiens soit une vie de tristesse, on ne quitte les plaisirs que pour d'autres plus grands. — Pascal. TO the worldly mind there is always something depressing in the transition from grandeur to mediocrity. This Mrs St Clair and her daughter experienced upon entering the simple dwelling of the Miss Blacks. The one loved the pomps and the luxuries of high life, the other its elegancies and refine- ments ; and both had lost their relish for the humbler sphere which they were now entering. They were received by the sisters with an affection and tenderness which seemed to flow from a better source than mere worldly politeness. There was an openness of char- acter, — a calm, sweet gentleness of manner, which could not fail to please ; but there was, at the same time, a difference of tastes, principles, and pursuits, between them and their visitors, which no courtesy of manner, or cordiality of reception, could entirely do away. The Miss Blacks were no vain professors of that re- ligion which all pretend to honour with their lips, while with many their heart is far from it — their time, their talents, their fortune, their hearts were devoted to its service ; and in devoting the heart to God, how various and comprehensive are the duties which it embraces ! Different portions, indeed, had been assigned them, but both were labourers in the same vineyard. Thousands at His bidding speed, And post o'er land and ocean without rest: They also serve who only stand and wait. Milton. The word of God was the rule of their faith and 276 THE INHERITANCE. practice — they believed, and they obeyed. Yet, im- pressed as they were themselves with the importance of those divine truths, they were aware that it is not by the mind, but with the heart, that man believeth unto salvation ; and they sought rather to make Chris- tianity loved and desired, than to prove its divine origin by reasoning and disputation. As the glories of the firmament are reflected in the placid bosom of some deep unruffled stream of the valley, so did Divine truth shine in them with a clear yet subdued light ; while the charity which " vaunteth not itself, is not easily pro- voked, thinketh no evil," was visible in that deport- ment of its votaries, and shed an indescribable charm over the tone of their conversation. Without neglect- ing their own avocations, or sacrificing their own pursuits, they nevertheless endeavoured, by every means in their power, to render their house agreeable to their visitors, and to promote, if not mirth and revelry, at least cheerfulness and amusement. Still there was something in her sisters with which Mrs St Clair could not assimilate — she felt their faith and their practice a reproach to herself ; and she turned with aversion from their excellence, as Lucifer did from the sunbeams, only because of their brightness. Thus it is with true Chris- tian piety, which seldom fails to be an offence to some part of the world, which denounces, as zealots and fanatics, all who rise above its own low standard. It was otherwise with Gertrude : though not sufficiently enlightened to be above imbibing prejudices, she was too liberal-minded and candid to retain them j and she had not lived many days with her aunts ere she arrived at the conviction that all religious people are not necessarily fools, hypocrites, or bigots. The unvarying mildness and gentleness of her aunts, their charity to all, their indulgence towards young people, could not fail to gain her affections j and though their sentiments were totally THE INHERITANCE. 277 different from hers, and what she deemed very out of the tvay, still the fruits were so fair that she could not but apply to them Pope's often misapplied maxim, — They can't be wrong whose life is in the right. But it was a species of virtue Gertrude felt no inclin- ation to imitate ; all her ideas of virtue were those of imagination ; she loved to expatiate in thought on deeds of romantic, sentimental excellence : her money, and her tears, and her emotion were always ready to be- stow ; but when she herself was brought into contact with real genuine human w^retchedness, she shamk with horror and disgust from the encounter. The dirtiness of the houses, the coarseness of the people, the ugliness of the children, were all revolting to her fine-spun notions of the beauty of benevolence ; and she longed to discover some fair specimens of elegant woe, some in- teresting vestiges of human calamity, on whom to lavish the ardent sensibility of her warm and generous but unrenewed heart ; — in short, her religion was the religion of impulse and feeling ; and, as has been finely said, " Virtue requires habit and resolution of mind as well as delicacy of sentiment ; and, unfortunately, the former qualities are sometimes wanting, where the latter is in the greatest perfection." Alas ! it is not in this world that charity assumes the fair and graceful form with which painting and sculpture, in all the riches of their imagination, have so often decked it ! Although the Miss Blacks lived, according to the worldly phrase, out of the world, they, nevertheless, had a society, which even Mrs St Clair and her daughter felt it no degradation to mix in. Their doors were open to all ; for they practised hospitality towards all, though their chosen friends were those whose faith and practice most closely assimilated with their own. 278 THK INHKRITANCF. William Leslie, the innocent origin of Gertrude's present disgrace, was a frequent visitor, and could not fail to make a fiivourable impression on her from his in- teresting appearance, and the modesty and propriety of his manners. From the delicacy of his features, he looked even younger than he was ; and may be repre- sented in the words of an ancient and somewhat quaint description, as " seeming much about twenty years of age, brown-haired, tall, of a sweet face, and of a most neat composure." She felt as much interest in the success of that attachment as the engrossing influence ot her own would admit of her taking in any subject foreign to it. But to the disquiets of absence was now added a sort of restless anxiety to receive renewed as- surances of affection from her lover ; not that she doubted his fidelity, or for a moment believed it could be shaken by any vicissitude of fortune that might befall her ; but still, as she knew Lord Rossviiie had com- municated to him what had passed, it would have been gratifying to have been assured that his faith was unshaken. She saw by the papers that his regiment was still in England ; perhaps, then, he meant to come himself, and bear her through the storm to which her attachment to him had exposed her ; and day after day — hour after hour, Gertrude waited, till waiting de- generated into watching, and watching turned into the sickness of hope deferred. Mrs St Clair read what was passing in her daughter's mind, and tried to take advantage of it, by prevailing on her to renounce the man who, at such a crisis, could leave her in doubt for a single moment as to the nature of his sentiments ; but 'tis long ere the young and generous heart can believe in any thing so monstrous as the deceit of the object beloved : and Gertrude, even while she felt the anxieties of doubt, yet rejected, almost with horror the idea of his unworthiness. In THE INHERITANCE. 279 vain did her aunts endt-avour to lead her thoughts to better things, or even to direct her mind to other sources of occupation. Gertrude, under the influence of a way- ward and domineering passion, could listen only to its voice ; and the voice of the charmer, charm it ever so wisely, fell unheeded on her ear : she felt almost pro- voked at their calmness and placidity, and secretly sighed at the insipid monotony of her life. Chapter xXj, In hope a king doth go to war, In hope a lover lives full long, In hope a merchant sails full far. In hope just men do suffer wrong, In hope the ploughman sows his seed ; Thus hope helps thousands at their need ; Then faint not, heart, among the rest, Whatever chance, hope thou the best. Richard Alison. HITHERTO the weather had been fine; and though fine weather in any town, but more especially in a little, dull, dirty, provincial one, never appears to less advantage, still it was a relief to Gertrude to saunter alone in her aunt's little garden, and sometimes to extend her rambles to the neighbour- ing fields ; but two days of incessant rain deprived her even of this resource, and she found herself shut up in the same apartment with her mother and her aunts, unable to take any interest either in their occupation or conversation. \Vhere people's hearts are in unison, a vei-y small space indeed suflSces for their bodies ; but where there is no blending of tastes and pursuits, social intercourse necessarily becomes irksome and oppressive, and we sigh for even the joyless freedom of solitude. 28o THE INHERITANCE. In the narrow dull streets of Barnford there was little to amuse or attract ; but Gertrude sat at the window most part of the morning, gazing she knew not at what. Perhaps there are few stronger proofs of aberration of intellect than that of a person looking out of a window, where there is nothing to be seen ; and at another time she would liave smiled in scorn at the idea of ever being reduced to so pitiful a resource. Certainly the objects upon which she looked with vacant eye were not of the most attractive order. At the opposite house, an old gentlewoman sat knitting — her hands at one side of her body, her head at the other, in the manner usually practised by expert knitters. This old gentlewoman then sat knitting a large thick-shaped white lamb's-wool stocking, with wires and quills, like those " upon the fretful porcupine," stuck in her girdle, and which her v/ell-trained fingers ever and anon exchanged and adjusted in a manner which none but a knitter could comprehend or explain. It is a galling thing to those whose hands will not move a finger without the super- intendence of the head thus to behold other hands performing all the intricacies of heel and toe, apparently by their own free will and accord. There are few servants who do not require to be occasionally looked after ; but these trusty and vigilant members never appeared to relax in their labours, though the eyes of their mistress never were once directed towards them, but seemed to be in active observance of all that was to be seen beyond the sphere of her own dwelling. Much might be said upon this subject ; but, doubtless, my readers love a well-knit story as much as a well-knit stocking, and it would be like letting down a stitch, to enter upon a long digression at present. At the next house a great washing was going on — maid-servants, with pinned-up sleeves, crimson arms, and loose caps, came occasionally to the door to discharge THE INHERITANCE. 281 tubs full of soap-suds ; while a roaring infant was dandled at the window by a Httle dirty dog-eared- looking minx, with lier hair en papiUote. On the other side of the knitting lady nothing was visible to the naked eye ; but the sound of an old cracked jingling spinnet was heard unceasingly practising Barbadoes Bells and Nancy Dawson. Below was a shop, and over the half- door leant the shop-master, with a long sharp raw nose, looking as anxiously as ever did Sister Anne to see if there was anybody coming. Now and then the street was enlivened with the clank of a pair of pattens (pro- bably Miss Becky Duguid's) ; — at another time, a spattered cow was driven reluctantly along, lowing most plaintively. There was also an occasional cart shaking the houses in its progress as it rumbled over the rugged pavement. A hoarse shrieking ballad-singer, with a wooden leg, made an attempt to collect an audience by vociferating — Bright Chanticleer proclaims the dawn, And spangles deck the thorn ; The lowing herds now quit the l^wn ; The lark springs from the corn. Dogs, huntsmen, round the window throng, Fleet Towler leads the cry ; Arise, the burden of my song, This day a stag must die. With a hey, ho, chevy ! Hark forward, hark forward, tantivy ! Hark, hark, tantivy ! This day a stag must die. This day, &c. But his only listeners were a boy going to school, and a servant girl bound on a message which required despatch. These were sounds of hopeless misery, — but the blowing of a horn, with what is it not fraught to the watching heart and listening ear ? Gertrude strained her eyes ; but a long coach, covered with red cloaks and umbrellas, 282 THE INHERITANCE. was just setting off — there were not even the hopes and fears of an arrival to agitate. The day was beginning to close in — dinner had been ordered ; and Gertrude, with a deep sigh, was turning from the window, when again the sound of wheels was heard — she turned — a carriage was in siglit — it approached in the dubious straggling manner of one uncertain of its destination — the glasses were up, and dimmed with rain — but, oh ! agitation unspeakable ! as it stopped for a moment opposite the window, Gertrude recognised the well-known Delmour crest ! For some moments she saw — heard nothing — all was silent tumult in her mind, as she thought " He is come ! — even now he seeks me ! " — She looked up — the carriage had moved on a few doors, but there it stood — she saw the hind wheels ; but she could see no more, save that it seemed to be causing a little bustle — heads were put out from the opposite windows, and two or three people came out of their dwellings, and crossed the street to it. Every instant seemed an age to Gertrude, and some minutes elapsed, when again it was set in motion. It turned — she saw the horses' heads — they were almost at the door — there was no longer doubt — it was soon reality — the carriage drew up — a loud knock at the door startled even the Miss Blacks — the bustle of an arrival was heard below — what was said Gertrude heard not — a mist was before her eyes — a rushing sound in her ears. The door was thrown open, and in an instant the whole illusion vanished, as if by the touch of some fell enchanter ; for in pattered — Miss Pratt. THE INHERITANCE. 283 Cljaptcr %l\}^ How convenient it proves to be a rational animal, who knows how to find, or to invent, a plausible pretext for what- ever it has an inclination to do ! — Frankun. " X 4" Y dear Miss Black, this is really too much ! — 1 V I Now, don't let me disturb you. But what do you think ? — I've got into a fine scrape, thanks to my pretty madam of a maid. — Miss Mary, I hope you feel yourself getting stouter — this is sad weather for rheumatism, Mrs St Clair. Miss Gertrude, my dear, are you well enough ? — But, as I was saying, I really never was in such a situation in my life before. — I've been staying for the last week at old General Crabtree's ; poor man ! the gout really does not im- prove his temper — and the house is small ; and alto- gether, to tell you the truth, I was glad of an excuse to get away — so when our friend Mr Delmour, who's there for a day or two on his political purposes, pro- posed sending in his carriage to get something done to the lamps, I thought I would just take the opportunity of coming in, having a little business of my own at this time — but what do you think ? Upon coming to my own house, lo and behold it's hard and fast locked up ; and that light-headed tawpee is off to a sick mother, or a brother from the sea, or some such sham, and I'm left to shift for myself — without a hole to put my head in. If she had had but the sense to have left my key, I could have made a shift " At that instant Miss Black's sei-vant entered with a large key, bearing to be the key of Miss Pratt's house, which, she said, had been sent by Mrs Dunsmure, the grocer, with whom Babby Braidfoot had deposited it at her departure. " That's my key, is it ? " asked the owner, regarding 284 THE INHERITANCE. it with a very bitter look ; " and much the better I'll be of that, to be sure,'* taking it with great reluctance. " ril find cold quarters there, I think, for any body just come off a journey." Miss Black was too sincere to make speeches, or ex- press pleasure she did not feel ; but she took advantage of the first pause afforded by Miss Pratt to express her wish that she would remain with them, and to assure her of a hearty welcome to such accommodation as they had. "My dear Miss Black, this is really kind ! — a friend in need is a friend indeed. Well I may say that! — But are you sure it's not putting you to any incon- venience ? I know I may depend upon your telling me honestly. To be sure nobody need mind me, for, I thank my stars, I am easily put up ; I'm not one of those who can't sleep out of their own house ; I can lie in any bed, if it's not too hard, and is well made, and has plenty of pillows, and enough of nice light blankets, and just a touch of a warming-pan through it, and a bit clear spunk of fire in my room. Well, since you insist upon it, I'll just take the liberty of having my bits of things brought out here ; they can easily be moved afterwards. Then, my dear," — to the servant girl — "will you just tell the coachman to take out my luggage ? He must get somebody to help him with the largest trunk ; and tell him to keep the small one with the right end up- most. And do you hear, my dear, will you take care in carrying up the band-boxes ? — and there's a large green bag, see that it's well fastened at the mouth ; — and there's a pair of stout walking-shoes in one of the pockets, and my work-bag, and a little brown-paper parcel in the other — and there's a little basket in the corner, and that's all. — Well, this is really comfortable," drawing in her chair, " for a person just come off a journey," taking off her shoes, and holding up her feet to the kindly influence of a blazing fire ; — " and what's THE INHERITANCE. 285 more, it is really kind," seizing Miss Mary's hands, and giving them a most emphatic squeeze ; as much as to say, " And there is your reward." The servant now entered, to say every thing had been taken out ; and the coachman begged to know " if there was any word ? " This Miss Pratt well knew was, in other words, craving a douceur ; and she looked a little blank as she answered, " No word — he is just to take the carriage, as his master desired him, to Springwell, the coach- maker's, in the High Causeway, and show him what's to be done to the carriage ; and he's just to leave it there, and make the best of his way home, with my compliments." — Then, as if communing with herself, " If I had been at home, I would have given him some- thing this wet day — not that he's come so far as to need it, for it's but scrimp six miles — but to be sure the day's bad." Miss Black here resolved these doubts by giving orders for the coachman to have some refreshment. " Well, that is really very humane of you, my dear Miss Black ; — but I've my doubts whether it's right to give other people's servants any thing. Indeed, it's a principle with me never to give them money ^^ — with a look as much as to say, " Am I not right ? " " When people give trouble," said Mrs St Clair, who was rather in a bad humour, and consequently very sensible in her remarks, " they ought to give something besides." " I beg your pardon, Mrs St Clair — I know many people who set their faces against allowing their servants to take money — many — they think it makes them greedy and rapacious, and I think so too. Indeed, I'm satisfied it's a wrong thing to give other people's servants money ; but I think I ought to give my pretty light-headed Mrs Babby a month of the Tolbooth as a reward for her behaviour." 2 86 THE INHERITANCE. Dinner, which had been retarded by Miss Pratt^s arrival, was now announced. " Bless me ! is it that time of day ? " — looking at her watch — " I declare it's twenty minutes past five ; " — then forcing on her shoes — " You must excuse my sitting down in my pelisse — for, I assure you, I little thought of dining in anybody's house but my own to-day." Then, having taken her station at the table — " Barley-broth," — peeping into the tureen — " and a very good thing it is, when well made — and this is very nice — clear and strong — it's a great favourite of mine. — Miss Mary, let me recom- mend the broth to you. Miss St Clair, my dear, you don't look as if you were hungry — that's with not being out to-day. — I wish Anthony Whyte could see you just now ; for he says an elegant female at dinner ought always to look as if she did not care whether she were eating or not — I really think you would please him there." " I am sure I seldom care whether I sit down to dinner or not," said Mrs St Clair, with a sigh ; though, by-the-by, she generally contrived to pick up the best of what was going. " My dear Mrs St Clair, did you ever try to go without your dinner ? " " I dare say I have frequently." " I beg your pardon, but really I think you must be mistaken there — take my word for it, nobody that has tried it once will ever try it again — I speak from ex- perience. — I once tried to go without my dinner ; but I can tell you it was anything but agreeable ; in short, it will not do, let people say as they will. — What nice- looking whitings — that's one of Mr Whyte's favourite dishes, nicely crisped with bread crumbs — and this is a Bellevue chuckie, I'm sure, fat and fair. — I declare it's a treat to me to sit down to such a dinner ; for I'm perfectly sick of the sight of turtle soup and great fat THE INHERITANCE. 287 venison. — I was really wearying to get to my own house for a little, if it was only to refresh myself with a drop plain barley-broth, and a bit boiled mutton ; and what a pleasant thing for a few friends to meet this way, instead of these great hubbleshows of people one sits down with now, where there's no carrying on any thing like rational conversation. — Mrs St Clair, allow me to help you — Miss Mary, you're doing very little — Miss St Clair, my dear, take a little wine with me to cheer you this bad day. — Is this elder-flower wine. Miss Black ? — Upon my word, it's very little inferior to Anthony Whyte's Frontiniac. — ' Here's a health to them that's awa,' " — with a significant look, and an attempt at the tune. " By-the-by, what did you think when you saw Mr Delmour's carriage stop ? — I doubt you were a little disappointed, eh ? " Gertrude felt too miserable even to be moved by Miss Pratt's ill-timed jests ; and she remained pale, cold, and silent. To attempt to carry on any thing re- sembling conversation in Miss Pratt's company was im- possible ; yet to endure her idle tattle for a whole evening was a sacrifice, too great even for Miss Black's patience and good breeding. It was in vain to have recourse to music, as she then fastened herself upon some one of the company, and carried on her colloquy in loud whispers, even more annoying to a nice-toned ear than open declamation. The only effectual mode of silencing her, then, was by reading aloud ; and although she highly disapproved of that manner of pass- ing the time, and indeed remarked what a wearing-out thing it was for the reader, and how much easier it was for all parties just to sit and chat, yet her objections were politely waived : and Miss Mary, taking up a volume of Mackenzie, read the exquisitely beautiful story of La Roche, which served as a prelude to the solemn acts of devotion with which the evening closed. 288 THE INHERITANCE. I play the torturer by small and small, To lengthen out the worst that must be spoken. Shakspeare. THE sacred emotions which had been raised in Gertrude's soul had, while they lasted, shed their soothing influences on her heart ; but when these ceased she felt gladness only that the day was done, and that she should now be alone. Hurrying to her chamber, she took out the often-perused letter of her lover — the only one she had ever received from him ; but that one, did it not stand for a thousand .'' There was all that the warmest, tenderest passion could dictate — there was every assurance of devoted, unchang- ing, everlasting attachment — and again and again she repeated that to doubt was base — was dishonourable ; but even while she repeated it a vague secret doubt lurked in her mind, unknown to herself. She was roused from her contemplation by a knock at her door ; and ere she had time to reply to the summons. Miss Pratt's head, in a nightcap, presented itself, with " May I come in?" — And taking it for granted (as people generally do on those occasions), she immediately entered. — " So, I guessed you would not be in a hurry to go to your bed — young people all like to sit up late — and, indeed, I'm not over fond of very early hours myself; so we'll just have a little chat," carefully ex- tinguishing her candle. — *'This is a nice snug little room, and I dare say you'll sleep as sound here as in your fine silk bed at Rossville — and, by-the-by, how long is it since you left the castle, and how came your uncle to part with you ? " Contrary to Miss Pratt's usual manner, she waited for an answer; and Gertrude replied, that they had THE INHERITANCE. 289 left Rossville almost three weeks since, and there she stopped. " And your uncle made no objections to your com- ing here ? Of course, you could not have come, indeed, if he had opposed it ; and I suppose you're to make some stay in that case ? " Gertrude replied, that there was no time fixed for their departure, and Miss Pratt for a moment looked as if a little baffled ; but, quickly recovering, she seized Gertrude's hand, and trying to look tender — " My only reason for asking, my dear, is, that I really don't think you agree with this town — you don't look so well as when I saw you at Rossville — I wish all may be quite right," patting the hand which was withdrawn from her with something of a look of dis- pleasure. But the ice was now broke, and she plunged boldly in. — "My only reason, indeed, for supposing there was anything wrong is, that I've received a most extraordinary letter since I saw you from Lord Ross- ville — really a most impertinent letter," — rummaging her pockets, and dragging out from each receptacle a vast collection of letters, notes, memoranda, &c. &c., amongst which she picked for some time, but to no purpose, for the missive in question ; then, with a look of alarm — " Bless my heart ! I wish I mayn't have lost it " — shaking herself most vehemently. — " It would really be an awkward thing ; for, 'pon my word, it's a letter not fit to be seen by anybody — what he could mean by writing such a letter to me of all people ! In short, the substance of it was this, that Lord Rossville had heard, with inexpressible astonishment and pain (or some such round-about phrase), that Miss Pratt had presumed to circulate certain reports of a clandes- tine, and consequently improper nature, regarding certain juvenile members of his family, which reports — and so he went on, you know his style — but the short 290 THE INHERITANCE. and the long of it was this, that 1 was not to say black or white about any of his juvenile members, and that I was to contradict every thing I had said, or might have said, or had heard, or might have inferred, previous to this period — but I can give you no idea of the way it was worded. But what do you think he can mean ? " Gertrude well knew what he meant ; but, shocked at her uncle's absurdity, and at the publicity he was thus giving to her attachment, she remained silent. " Such a fancy to take into his head, that I, of all people in the world, should have set any such reports agoing ! — So far from that, I'm the very person that has put a stop to them, for I can't tell you all the non- sensical stories that were going about. — One said you were positively engaged to the Colonel — another had it that you were to be married the 27 th of next month to the Member ; and that cards for a grand ball to the county, on the 3 i st, were making out already in Mrs Delmour's name — a third had it that the brothers were on the point of fighting a duel for you, when Lord Rossville got word of it, and threatened to disinherit them, and send you to a French nunnery ; and, in the meantime, he has sent you here, as the next thing to it ; — but, in short, I can't tell you half the nonsense that was going, and everybody came to me for the truth — but they made little of me ; for my uniform answer was, that, to my certain knoivledge, neither the one brother nor the other would ever be the husband of Miss St Clair — that it was quite a different person from either of them that would be her choice — so I leave you to judge if that was spreading reports ! But I see how it is. Lord Rossville, honest man, has seen over his nose at last, and he's mad at my having had more penetration than himself ; and, to be sure, it was a most extraordinary piece of blindness in him not to have seen how the land lay long ago. — But, bless my heart! THE INHERITANCE. 29 1 there's twelve o'clock — I'm afraid you're sitting up too late, my Iamb — you're looking very white ; go to your bed as fast as you can. — Good night, good night, my dear ! " — And lighting her candle, she was hastening off, when Gertrude, roused into displeasure, said — " Ere you go, suffer me, once for all. Miss Pratt, to assure you that you are in an error in every thing relating to me, and that Mr Lyndsay never " " Never can be any thing to you," interposed the incorrigible Miss Pratt, with an incredulous smile. " Very well, that's enough. — I'm quite convinced, from what I saw, that Mr Lyndsay's nothing to you, no, no ! " — in the tone and manner used by false nurses to wayward children when assuring them of some monstrous falsehood. Gertrude turned from her in silent indignation, as she repeated her good nights, and was softly closing the door, when, popping in her head again — " O ! by-the-by, I wish you joy of being quit of a certain disappointed lover — he's fairly off, his brother tells me, at last — a fair wind and a good voyage to him, and I wish him better luck another time. — Now go to sleep, my dear." " Gone ! " repeated Gertrude to herself, in an agony, as the door at length closed on her tormentor. " Gone ! and without one word ! For him I am driven from my uncle's house — for him I have re- nounced all ; and he neglects — abandons me ! " And she gave way to the long suppressed anguish of her heart, and for a while experienced all that agony of spirit of which her ardent and enthusiastic nature was susceptible. But hers was not a mind long to suffer despair to have dominion over her — it is not the first stroke of grief, however heavy it may fall, that can at once crush the native buoyancy of youthful spirits — it is the continuance of misery which renders its weight insupportable ; and 292 THE INHERITANCE. where there is even the possibility, there is generally the wish to escape from its pressure. So it was with Ger- trude — the first burst of grief over, the dreadful surmise which she had at first hugged to her bosom with frantic eagerness she now cast from her with scorn and indig- nation. That there was deceit somewhere she could not doubt — but that deceit was not with Colonel Delmour — it was impossible that he should have quitted England without writing to her ; — but, surrounded as she was by his enemies, how could she suppose his letters would now be permitted to reach her? Lord Rossville and her mother both so violently opposed to him, both acting in concert, and carrying on a constant correspondence with each other, though the contents of the letters were kept a profound secret from her : all these circumstances she revolved in her mind, till, from the first faint suspicions, they gradually grew into proofs strong as holy writ. Her heart felt lightened by the supposed discovery ; and in the morning she took her place at the breakfast-table, with her nerves braced, and her eyes kept from tears, by the determination of rising superior to all the petty artifices that might be practised against her. Breakfast was but just over, when the re- turn of the renegade Babby Braidfoot was formally announced to Miss Pratt, who immediately left the room for the purpose, as she said, of giving her a good hearing.* * A good hearing in Scotland signifies the very reverse of what it expresses, and means neither more nor less than a downright scold. THE INHERITANCE. 293 Cljapter %Xib^ On met tout en oeuvre pour assortir les fortunes, on ne se met point en peine d'assortir les ccEurs. — Massixxon. Our morals are corrupted and vitiated by our admiration ot wealth. — Cicero. WHILE this was carrying on, Mrs Black was announced, and presently entered, her bloom- ing good-humoured face expressive of even more than usual satisfaction ; which, after the ordinary greetings had been exchanged, she hastened to com- municate. The sum and substance of Mrs Black's intel- ligence was this, that her daughter Lilly, having gone with the Major and Mrs Waddell to Harrowgate, had there made a conquest of a wealthy young London merchant, who had made his proposals ; and that the whole party were now on their way down, and were to be at Bellevue the following day to dinner. Due con- gratulation, of course, ensued ; but Gertrude was too much surprised at this sudden revolution in the fair Lilly's affections to be able to express hers in proper form. Mrs Black, however, was so well satisfied her- self, that she took it for granted everybody else was the same ; and she proceeded to enlarge upon the merits of this most excellent match, as she termed it. Mr Larkins was in good business (it was an old-established house, — Larkins, Barlow, and Company), of a most respect- able family, and himself an uncommon clever, genteel, handsome young man ; indeed, had it been otherwise, the Major and Bell never would have countenanced any thing of the kind : she only wished (with a deep sigh) that some other folks were in the way of making as prudent and creditable a connection. This was evidently in allusion to her daughter Anne ; and Miss Black mildly replied, that it was indeed agreeable when parents 294 THE INHERITANCE. and children were agreed upon so important a point, but that it was not surprising they should often view it in very different lights. "Parents," said she, "com- plain that children are apt to be led away by romantic notions, which can lead only to disappointment ; while children lament that parents look only to wealth and worldly aggrandisement in their estimate of happiness ; and I fear there is often but too much justice in the reproaches of both parties/' " I think it is the duty of all parents to prevent their children from marrying only to become beggars," said Mrs Black. " I think so too," answered her sister ; " but I fear worldly-minded parents too often confound what they consider poverty with beggary." " There is not much to draw between them, I think," said Mrs Black. " Undoubtedly, beggary implies poverty ; but what by many is called poverty does not necessarily include beggary," replied Miss Black. " Wealth itself may, and often has, proved insufficient to save the vain, the selfish, and the extravagant from beggary ; but Christian principles, virtuous habits, and an independent mind will ever preserve even the poor from becoming burden- some to others." " It's very easy speaking," said Mrs Black, with some pique ; " but everybody knows that in these times it's not little that supports a family ; what with taxes and servants' wages, and children's schooling and outfit in the world — it's a very serious matter." " All these things are, or ought to be, proportioned to the means afforded," replied Miss Black. " If the poor nvill live like the rich, and educate their children in the same style, beggary, or at least its sister, de- pendence, must ensue ; but if they would live according to what they have, and not according to what they think THE INHERITANCE. 295 they ought to have, poverty would not be the hideous bugbear it is so often represented." " In my opinion," said Mrs St Clair, who thought she had an interest in the question — " in my opinion, poverty is the most intolerable evil in life, and has, I am convinced, the most demoralising influence upon society." " Poverty, like beauty, is, perhaps, not easily defined," said Miss Black ; " and I believe the ideas people en- tertain on the subject are even more various than the discrepancy of taste that prevails as to personal charms : some would call it poverty not to be able to keep two or three carriages and a score of idle horses and servants." " You know that's nonsense," said Mrs Black. " That's an extreme case," said Mrs St Clair. " Then where is the boundary that separates wealth and poverty ? " asked Miss Black. " What is the precise meaning of a poor marriage ? " Both ladies hesitated, but Mrs Black took the lead. — " I certainly would think any daughter of mine had made a poor hand of herself who could not afford to go as well dressed, and give as good and full dinners, as she had been accustomed to in her father's house." Mrs St Clair could not repress a smile in scorn at the vulgar simplicity of her sister-in-law's notions. " But suppose," said Miss Black, " as we cannot have every thing, that she is willing to wear a less costly gown, and have fewer dishes on her table than you, my dear sister, in your liberality, bestow upon your hospitable board — if, as an equivalent, she is rich in the virtuous principles, intellectual endowments, and rational affection of him she has chosen as the companion of her earthly pilgrimage ? " " All that," said Mrs St Clair, " sounds veiy fine, my dear Elizabeth, and very logical to those who have 296 THE INHERITANCE. not seen so much of the world as I have done ; but be assured a young woman of any refinement must be com- pletely wretched under the cares, and drudgery, and privations attendant upon a poor marriage. For example, there are certain luxuries, as you call them in this country, though in France they are mere neces- saries, matters of course, — such as a carriage, wax- lights, French wines, a suitable establishment, handsome mirrors, society that is not company, — these things, and many more of the same sort, I certainly consider as absolute parts of that exquisitely combined essence we call happiness, at least to a person of delicate taste and refined habits.' ' " Such airs ! " thought Mrs Black to herself. " French wines and wax candles every day, indeed ! Set her up ! I wonder what entitles her to such extra- vagance ! " " Poverty has really been gently handled by both of you," said Miss Black, laughing — " I don't suppose there ever was so fair a picture drawn of the squalid phantom before. You, my dear sister," to Mrs Black, " merely represent him as not having his cheeks stuffed out like a plump Dutch burgomaster ; and you, Sarah, quarrel with him for not having all the airs and graces of an epicurean petit-maitre. Now, although I am too old to fancy that love — wedded love, at least — can live upon smiles and flowers, yet I do believe there is a species of attachment which can exist without being stall-fed on the one hand, or tricked out in foreign lu xuries on the other, and which could be happy even in mediocrity." " I never mentioned such a word as stall-fed," said Mrs Black, a little ruffled — " but I'm astonished, Elizabeth, that anybody come to your time of life, and who has kept a house so long, can think that people can live upon deaf-nuts now-a-days." THE INHERITANCE. 297 " The rich are, at least, free from the vulgar sordid cares of life," said Mrs St Clair, bitterly, — " which, I repeat, to a mind of any refinement, must be wretched- ness." " I wonder what she calls the vulgar sordid cares of life ? " thought Mrs Black. " To a mind of any feeling and refinement," said Miss Black, " I believe it would be far greater wretchedness to be linked to a vulgar sordid spirit, even had its master all that rank and riches can bestow, than it would be to endure privations with a mind con- genial to its own — to such a mind there are cares which love only can sweeten." " There can be little peace where there's not plenty," said Mrs Black ; — " but it's lucky everybody's not of your way of thinking, or the country would soon be swarming with beggars, and we would be perfectly ate up." Gertrude could not quite repress a smile, as she looked at Mrs Black's jolly person, and thought how groundless such an apprehension was on her part. " There is little cause for alarm on that account," said her sister-in-law — "as your sentiments are much more popular than mine ; besides, I am not so unreason- able as to insist upon everybody's marrying for love, whether they will or not. Many people, I believe, are quite incapable of forming a disinterested attachment, or having even a preference for one person more than another, except according to worldly motives — a fine house — fine clothes — a carriage — precedence ; in short, some one of the thousand paltry baits which catch the vulgar mind. To talk to such of the superiority of virtue and talent would be as absurd as to insist upon the blind seeing, or the deaf hearing : on the other hand, there are those who, with taste, feeling, and refinement, have neither pride, vanity, nor ambition to 298 THE INHERITANCE. gratify. It is surely, therefore, the height of tyranny to insist upon their placing their happiness in the indul- gence of those things — upon their sacrificing all their purer, better feelings, to gratify the pride and prejudices of others." " I really wonder to hear a woman ot your sense speak such nonsense," said Mrs Black, affecting to look cool in the face of a very high complexion. " Such sentiments can only tend to the subversion of all proper principle," said Mrs St Clair, with solemnity — " to the encouragement of low and degrading alliances, contracted under the high-sounding names of disin- terested attachment, congenial souls, intellectual superi- ority, and such fulsome phrases as can only lead to the annihilation of all ranks and degrees of society. A weak romantic girl has only to find a congenial soul in her dancing-master, or to prove her disinterested attach- ment to her father's footman, and, according to your doctrine, she has done nobly — she has proved herself superior to the vulgar allurements of pride, ambition, and what not — O ! it is an admirable, a beautiful theory ! " and Mrs St Clair trembled with virtuous indignation. " Pardon me, Sarah, you cannot disapprove of such connections more than I do ; but a poor marriage, and a lonv one, T consider as very different things, although I suspect many people are but too apt to confound them. Undoubtedly a gentlewoman, who has the feelings and ideas of one, will only unite herself with a gentleman, — with one who has had the education, and who has the manners and habits of one, who exercises the pro- fession and is accustomed to the society of such. That may be a poor marriage, but it cannot be called a loiu one. Indeed I am convinced there can be no solid happiness in a union where all the advantages of birth and education are renounced on one side ; and I am THE INHERITANCE. 299 SO far from upholding those who violate the established orders of society, and sacrifice all that is valuable in feeling to the indulgence of their own selfish passion, that, on the contrary, I will venture to affirm such connections (like those formed without the consent of parents), so far from being productive of domestic happiness, are generally marked with disappointment, misfortune, and sorrow.'* " There's really no knowing what you would be at," said Mrs Black, with an air of perplexity ; for Mrs Black, like many other people, carried her prejudices all on one side, and nothing puzzled her so much as when she met in argument with a person of an unbiassed judgment and a liberal mind ; and so indissolubly united in her imagination were the ideas of a poor marriage being a low marriage on the one hand, and a rich one being an elevated one on the other, that to separate them was utterly impracticable. The dullest wight or coarsest booby, with ten thousand a-year and a title, would have struck Mrs Black with awe, or at least respect ; while the finest mind or most distinguished talents, destitute of the glare of wealth or the insignia of grandeur, would have been wholly overlooked. The entrance of Miss Pratt soon turned the tide of the conversation ; for she had learned from her " pretty Miss Babby " that there was not a morsel of coal or a crumb of meat in the house ; and the coals you bought on the street were always bad, and there was no getting meat — everybody knew that — unless on a market day ; — and, in short, it ended in Miss Pratt consenting to remain Miss Black's guest for another day, until her mansion should be duly prepared and stocked for her reception. In the mean time she set forth, as she pretended, on her business, which, in fact, was that of interfering in that of every other person. Mrs Black also departed ; but as she was really 300 THE INHERITANCE. good-natured in the main, she consented that her daughter Anne should spend the evening with her aunts, even at the risk of meeting WilUam Leslie, who, along with some others of their friends, was expected. Cl)at)ter %lb^ Even as some sick men will take no medicine, unless some pleasant thing be put amongst their potions, although perhaps it be somewhat hurtful — yet the physician suffereth them to have it. So, because many will not hearken to serious and grave documents, except they be mingled with some fable or jest, therefore reason willeth us to do the like. Sir Thomas More. Speak nobly of religion, but let it be well timed ; for people avoid those who are perpetually preaching. Ganganelli's Letters. MISS PRATT'S visit would have been reckoned rather ill-timed by most people, as the Miss Blacks had invited some of their own friends to spend the evening with them ; and the pleasure, if not the harmony, of the party bid fair to be deranged by her audacious tattle. But they were too tolerant and enduring to allow any considerations of that kind to stand in the way of their hospitality, though well aware of Miss Pratt's enmity towards all whose creed and practice in matters of religion differed from her own ; for Miss Pratt, like too many people, deemed her own the only proper standard of religious and moral excellence. She had her bed of iron for the soul, as Procrustes had for the body ; with this dif- ference, that she was far more lenient towards those who fell short of her measure than to such as went beyond it. Not that Miss Pratt carried her hostility so far as to THE INHERITANCE. 30I decline having any intercourse with or receiving any favours from these wild people, as she called them. On the contrary, she was always happy at an oppor- tunity of meeting with such of them as she thought she could turn to any account by taking her beggars off her hands ; and she was always ready to make use of their time, money, and old clothes, to save her own. How- ever, she took every occasion of letting it be known that she had met with great want of charity amongst those very people who make such a phrase about it, as they had refused to recommend to the Destitute Society, Anthony Whyte's nurse, a decent, respectable woman, and Anthony Whyte a subscriber too ! But Miss Pratt was not bitter in her resentment ; and upon hear- ing of the party that was expected, she expressed much satisfaction, and resolved to be uncommonly pleasant, and at the same time serious in her conversation, out of compliment to the Miss Blacks. Mrs St Clair liked company of any kind better than none ; and to Ger- trude, in the present state of her mind, all company and all scenes were alike. Hers was a state of passive en- durance, not of actual enjoyment. She was roused, however, by a visit from Mr Delmour and Mr Lyndsay. The latter held out his hand to her, with a look which seemed to say, " Have you forgiven me ? " but, colour- ing deeply, she turned away, and bestowed her whole attention upon his companion. Mr Delmour was secretly flattered by the air of profound attention with which (for the first time) she listened to every word he uttered, in the hope that something would lead to the subject uppermost in her thoughts, but farthest from her tongue ; but nothing was said which had the slightest reference to Colonel Delmour, and her countenance betrayed her extreme vexation when the gentlemen rose to take leave. Upon hearing that they were both to be in attendance at a county meeting in town, which, ot 302 THE INHERITANCE. course, was to conclude with a dinner, Miss Black invited them to return in the evening, which they pro- mised to do, and departed. It was evident, from Mr Delmour's manner, he knew nothing of what had passed ; but Gertrude had paid no attention to his manner, nor once thought of the very flattering construction he might put upon hers. As for Lyndsay, she scarcely observed him at all — it only struck her after he was gone that he was more than usually silent, and that his features wore a more pensive cast than common — but what was Mr Lyndsay to her ? And she listened with weariness and chagrin to the eulogium her aunts pronounced upon him. Evening came ; and Miss Pratt, in a grave gown, bottle-green gloves, a severe turban, and a determined look of strong good sense, seemed to say, " I'll show you what a rational, respectable, wise-like character I am — I'll confound you all, or I'm mistaken ! " And she took her ground as usual, as though she had been mistress of the mansion, and prepared to do all its honours accordingly. Even in the Christian world there are great varieties — there are narrow minds as well as great minds — there are those who pin their faith upon the sleeve of some favourite preacher — others who seem to think salvation confined within the four walls of the particular church in which they happen to sit ! But, as has been well said by the liberal-minded Wesley, " how little does God regard men's opinions! What a multitude of wrong opinions are embraced by all the members of the Church of Rome ; yet how highly favoured have many of them been ! " -^ And who has not their imperfections? — who has not their besetting sin — their thorn in the flesh ? Even the best of Christians ; but piety to God, and the * Wesley's Journal. THE INHERITANCE. 303 desire to benefit their fellow-creatures, is, and must be, the universal characteristic of the Christian of every church. The few friends assembled were certainly- favourable specimens of what is termed the religious world — they were persons of agreeable manners, en- larged minds, and cultivated tastes ; the conversation was animated and interesting, in spite of Miss Pratt's attempts to turn it into her own low channel by relating the bits of gossip she had picked up in her morning perambulations, and which she thought to set off with some trite moral reflection. There was occasionally music from both gentlemen and ladies, which even Gertrude's fastidious ear acknowledged to be fine in its way — for all knew what they were saying or doing ; and there were no mawkish attempts at singing in an unknown tongue — there was no " poetry strangled by music," — but " airs married to immortal verse," Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony. Ah ! who can hear the divine strains of a Handel, or the dear familiar songs of their native land, without feeling their souls elevated, or their hearts melted into love and tenderness ! Both were sung by different mem- bers of the company with much taste and feeling — but by none so much as by Mary Black, who, with seraphic sweetness, sang the inspired strain. How beautiful are the feet of those Who bring the glad tidings of faith to man ! " Every thing that Miss Black sings must be charm- ing," said Mr Delmour, with his jade gallantry ; " but if I may be permitted to offer an opinion, I should say there is perhaps something rather too sectarian in sacred music, unless upon solemn occasions ; and I should be apprehensive that, were a taste for it to become general V 304 THE INHERITANCE. it would prove destructive to every other species of composition — I may add, even to the fine arts in general." Mr Delmour had a genteel horror at every thing he deemed approaching to what he thought Methodism — though a most zealous supporter of the church in so far, but no farther, than as it was connected with the state. " Pardon me," said Miss Mary Black ; " but it appears to me that such apprehensions are groundless. The blessing of God, and the applause of posterity, seem to have perpetuated the fame of genius devoted to religious subjects more than the fame of those men who abused their noble gifts by dedicating them solely to the service of their fellow-creatures." " For instance ? " asked Mr Delmour, with an incredulous smile. " True," said Mr Lyndsay — " it certainly has been so in many instances. Milton is undoubtedly the first poet of our country, and what was his theme ? He sang in noble strain of Him Unspeakable, who sitt'st above these heavens, To us invisible, or dimly seen In these thy lowest works. The greatest poet of Germany was Klopstock, and his subject the Great Messiah ; and of his deathless work it has been well observed, that * when music shall attain among us the highest powers of her art, whose words will she select to utter but those of Klopstock ? ' The noblest bards of Italy were Dante and Tasso — Metas- tasio has had recourse to sacred subjects for his operas — Racine for his Athalie — Young, in his Night Thoughts, sung to Him who From solid darkness struck that spark, the sun, invoking Him to * strike wisdom from his soul.' The THE INHERITANCE. 305 amiable and elegant Cowper cast all his laurels at the feet of his Saviour : I cast them at thy feet — my only plea Is, what it was, — dependence upon thee." "You are really eloquent, Lyndsay," said Mr Delmour, with an ironical smile ; — '* but, in the fervour of your zeal, you have entirely overlooked those im- mortal, though profane authors, whose works are still more popular than any of those you have quoted, — Shakespeare, for instance." " Shakespeare is, perhaps, the most favourable ex- ception," replied Mr Lyndsay ; " he is, indeed, a poet of Nature's own creating ; but the dross of his com- positions is daily draining off in improved editions, and even in theatrical representation, while the pure parts of his morality are not thought unworthy of being quoted from evangelical pulpits, and one day, 1 doubt not, it will be with him as with some of the poets I have just men- tioned. They have written some things unworthy of their pens ; but their fame is perpetuated only as the authors of what is pure and good. The profane and licentious works of Lord B. will live only in the minds of the profane and impure, and will soon be classed amongst other worthless dross ; while all that is fine in his writings will be culled by the lovers of virtue, as the bee gathers honey from even the noxious plant, and leaves the poison to perish with the stalk, — so shall it be with Bums — so shall it be with Moore. The same argument applies to music. Handel derives his fame from his oratorios, and the Creation of Haydn will immortalise his name — a performance in which the genius of the composer has struck a chord which calls forth any genius which happens to be in the breast of the audience. To mention the great painters who have dedicated a portion of their time and talents to sacred o6 THE INHERITANCE. V subjects, would be to enumerate the whole catalogue ; and I have already to apologise for having so long monopolised this subject," said he, turning to a clergy- man who stood near him, and whose looks testified the interest he took in the debate — " when there are those present who could have done much more justice to the cause." Beneath the simple, meek, unpretending ex- terior of Mr Z , few would, indeed, have guessed at the profundity of his learning, the extent and variety of his acquirements, and the ardour of his zeal in the cause of Christianity. Firm in his principles, yet soft in his manners — warm in feeling, yet mild and gentle in temper — able to speak, yet willing to listen — his mind was full of information, while his manners were those of one seeking instruction. Thus appealed to, Mr Z was about to reply, when Miss Pratt interposed with — " What do you say to these two great writers. Fielding and Smollett ? I suspect there's none of these you have mentioned will ever be half so popular as Tom Jones and Humphry Clinker." " The works of Fielding and Smollett, even the more highly gifted ones of Voltaire and Rousseau, are passing away, like noxious exhalations," said Mr Z , mildly. " If the principles of the age in which we live are equally defective with the former, at least a better taste prevails ; and grossness, profanity, and licentiousness are no longer the standards to which the young look with admiration. Impure writers are now chiefly known to impure readers — but where virtue and genius unite, their powers are known to all. O ! what injury to the human mind is derived from the perusal of the works of writers whose corrupt imagina- tions have given the impulse to their licentious pens ! Of such it may truly be said, though highly esteemed amongst men, yet are they abominations in the sight of THE INHERITANCE. 307 God. Yet alas ! how few look to that guiding prin- ciple, which alone ought to direct the pen ! — how few consider that, to do good, * a work is not to be raised from the heat of youth, or the vapour of wine — nor to be attained by the invocation of Memory and her siren daughters — but by devout prayer to that Eternal Spirit who can enrich with all utterance and knowledge, and sends out his Seraphim with the hallowed fire of his altar, to touch and purify the lips of whom he pleases.'" * There was so much Christian meekness, even in Mr Z 's fervour, that it was impossible not to be touched with his manner, even where the matter failed to carry conviction along with it. Mr Delmour affected to bow with deference to the opinions of a clergyman — the conversation took another turn — music succeeded, till at last the party broke up. — Gertrude had been interested in the discussion ; but soon it passed from her mind, as " a lovely song of one who hath a pleasant voice." Chapter jcl&j* Let us proceed from celestial to terrestrial. — Cicero. Jests are, as it were, sawce, wherebye we are recreated, that we may eat with more appetite ; but as that were an absurd banquet in which there were few dishes of meat and much variety of sawces, and that an unpleasant one where there were no sawce at all, even so that life were spent idly where no- thing were but mirth and jollity, and, again, that tedious and uncomfortable where no pleasure or mirth were to be expected. — Sir Thomas More. AGAIN Gertrude felt the bitterness of disappoint- ment. She had watched and hung upon every syllable that Mr Delmour had uttered ; but he made no mention of his brother, and, with all the * Milton. o8 THE INHERITANCE, / timidity of love, she felt it impossible to breathe the name on which her destiny was suspended. The following morning saw Miss Pratt depart with all her packages, and many reiterated professions and promises ; and scarcely had she left the house when Mr Adam Ramsay arrived. As uncle Adam's visits, like those of angels, were few and far between, his nieces welcomed him according to the rarity of the occur- rence ; and as he appeared to be in unusual good humour, he received their attentions with tolerable civility. But even his civility was always of a rough nature — something akin to the embrace of a man-trap, or the gentle influence of a shower-bath ; while his kindness commonly showed itself in some such unto- ward shape as was more grievous to be borne than aught that malice could invent. " What's this come ower ye, my dear ? " said he, addressing Gertrude, with as much affection as it was in his nature to testify. " You're white, and you're dull, and you're no like the same creature you was ; " and he gazed upon her with more of interest than of good breeding. His remarks, of course, called the colour into Gertrude's cheeks ; and Miss Black, seeing her at a loss to reply, hastened to relieve her, by throw- ing the blame, where, in this climate, it is always thrown — upon the weather. But uncle Adam spurned the idea of the weather having the slightest influence on the health and spirits of any thing but potatoes and leeches. " The weather ! " repeated he, contemptuously. " You'll no tell me that a shower o' rain can bleach a young creature's cheeks white, or put the life out o' her een ; — but I'll tell you what it is — it's the syna- gogin' — the tabernaclin' — the psalmin' that goes on in this hoose, that's enough to break the spirits o' ony young creature." THE INHERITANCE. 309 " My dear uncle " said Miss Black, with a smile. " Now I'm no gawin' to enter into ony o' your re- ligious controversies," cried Mr Ramsay, holding up his hand, and turning away his head ; " but I'll tell you what I'll do, my dear," patting Gertrude on the shoulder, " I shall tak' you to see a sight that'll divert you, and drive away thae wild notions you've been gettin your head stuffed wi' — to gang an' mak a bairn like that miserable wi' your nonsense ! " with a fresh burst of indignation at his nieces. Then again softening down — " Put on your bonnet, my dear, an' come wi' me. — As I came up the street the noo, I saw ane o' thae caravan things standing in the market-place, wi' a picktur o' a giant an' a dwarf hingin' on the outside ; and though I wadna cross the floor to see aw the giants and dwarfs that e'er were born, yet I ken young folk Hke ploys 0' that kind — so put on your things, and I shall treat you to the show ; " and he put his hand into his pocket, and tumbled his money to and fro, as much as to say, " I have plenty of shillings and six- pences, and therefore you need have no scruples of delicacy as to taking advantage of my offer." The cold drops stood upon Mrs St Clair's brow, at the thoughts of her elegant distinguished daughter, the future Countess of Rossville, mingling with the canaille of a country town, in a caravan, to gaze upon a giant and a dwarf! What would Lord Rossville say ? There was distraction in the thought — yet she dreaded to offend uncle Adam by a hasty rejection of his plan. " We are all, I am sure, sensible of the kindness that prompts your offer, my dear uncle," said she, in her most conciliating manner ; " but I am afraid the remedy you propose would only tend to aggravate the evil. — My daughter's complaint is headache, occasioned solely by the confinement to which she has been subjected for 310 THE INHERITANCE. some days, and the close air of a caravan would be ex- tremely prejudicial. — If I could have given her an airing — but having no carriage of my own ! " and the sentence died away in a sort of indistinct ejaculation about the misery of being dependent upon others for those accommodations. "You might let her speak for herseP," said Mr Ramsay, with some asperity ; " say what you would like best, my dear ? " and Gertrude, gladly availing herself of the excuse suggested, declared that fresh air would be her best restorative. Mr Ramsay pondered a while, still turning his money, like his thoughts, to and fro. At length after an apparently severe struggle he spoke — " Weel, since that's the case, instead o' takin you to the show, I've no objections to hire a chaise and treat you to a ride — I shall step to the Blue Boar mysel', and order ane up, so you may be puttin' on your mantle ; an' there will be room for three, so you can settle among yoursels which o' you is to gang." Mrs St Clair had been caught in a snare of her own setting — she had thrown out a hint about a carriage, in hopes that her uncle's partiality for her daughter would have made him grasp at it at once, and that he would have been induced to keep one for her sole use and accommodation. This would have been a very con- venient arrangement for her mother, who could not get the command of Lord Rossville's quite so often as she wished. Her blood almost froze at the idea of a ride in a hackney-chaise — but it required more courage than she could muster to oppose this second project, and, in silent despair, she saw uncle Adam snatch up his little old rusty hat and set off. Her only hope was that the Blue Boar equipages would be all engaged, but that was soon at an end ; for, in a short time, uncle Adam was descried returning on foot, followed by a high-crowned, THE INHERITANCE. 3 II jangling, tottering chaise, with a lame brown horse and a blind grey one, urged along by a ragamuffin driver, seated on a wooden bar almost touching the windows. Such was uncle Adam's triumphal car, — and not Boa- dicea, when dragged captive at the wheels of her con- queror, experienced bitterer feelings than did Mrs St Clair, when she found herself compelled to take her place in this vehicle. True, she might have refused, but at the certainty of affronting uncle Adam, who could stand any thing but airs ; and to affront seventy thousand pounds was a serious matter, especially in the present posture of affairs. The iron steps were thrown down with a mighty clang, as far as they could reach ; and having, with some difficulty, contrived to mount, she seated herself with great disgust and ill-humour, vainly attempting to disengage herself from the straw with which it was carpeted, and which at once seized upon her silk stockings and lace flounces. "So much for the beauties of poverty," whispered she, in no very sweet accent, to her daughter, as she took her place beside her. " For Heaven's sake, pull your bonnet more over your face, that you may not be recognised," — and she carefully adjusted her own veil in triple folds over every feature. Mr Ramsay followed, and the driver waited for orders. " Whar wad ye like to gang to, my dear ? " asked he of Gertrude; "but it's aw the same, ae road's just like anither — tak' the best and the driest," to the driver. But Gertrude, who had got her cue from her mother, interposed, saying — " If it is not disagreeable to you, my dear uncle, I should like to see your own Broom Park." " Broom Park ! " repeated Mr Ramsay, in evident discomposure ; " what wud tak' ye to Broom Park ? — What's put that in your head ? — I'm sure there's nae- thing to be seen there." 312 THE INHERITANCE. " Pardon me/' said Mrs St Clair, seeing her daughter would not urge the matter ; " but that beautiful speci- men you gave Gertrude of your greenhouse has made her absolutely pine to visit your flowers." Mr Ramsay's brow looked rather thundery ; but, after demurring a little with himself, he desired the driver, in a voice of repressed anger, to take them to Broom Park. The patched cracked windows were drawn up — the driver mounted his seat — the horses were with some difficulty set in motion ; and off they went, the chaise rocking and jingling as though it would never reach its destination. To speak, or at least to hear, was out of the question ; so the party proceeded on their pleasure excursion in profound silence, till, at the end of an hour and a half of incessant jolting and clattering, they found themselves at the gate of Broom Park. It was a fine, showy, modern place, with a large handsome house standing in the middle of an extensive, but somewhat new-looking park, sprinkled with a few large old trees, and many young ones still in their cages. There was nothing picturesque or beautiful in the scenery ; but theie was much comfort, even luxury, denoted in the appearance of the gay, airy, spacious mansion, with its French windows, verandas, porticos, and conservatory — in the smooth gravel walks, diverging in all directions — in the well-stocked fish-pond — in the stupendous brick garden-walls, with flues and chimney tops — in the extensive range of hothouses, and, in short, all the appliances of affluence and enjoyment. Nothing could look more unlike the place than the owner. That Mr Adam Ramsay should have become the proprietor of such a place was the wonder of some, and the ridicule of others ; — but the simple fact was, that upon this very estate the race (if not the family) of Ramsays had been born, and bred, and lived, certainly time immemorial, for it was in the humble rank of cottars. Here also Lizzie THE INHERITANCE. 313 Lundie had first seen the light ; and here it was that uncle Adam's youngest and happiest days had been spent — for here they had "run about the braes, and pu'ed the gowans fine ; " and " though seas between them braid had rolled" for many an intervening day, and the grave had long closed over the object of his early affection, he still cherished the fond remembrance of "auld lang syne." Before his return from India, he had heard that the estate of Broomyknows — now changed into Broom Park — was in the market; he became the purchaser, partly as a means of investing money which he was rather at a loss how to dispose of, and partly from a secret penchant towards it, which, however, he would have scorned to acknowledge, and, perhaps, of which he was scarcely aware. Great was his sui-prise and indignation, however, when he did visit it, at beholding the ravages refinement and luxury had committed upon the primitive charms of Broomyknows — for, pilgrims as we are in a stranger land, how do our hearts cling with fond tenacity to the simple memorials of transient, childish, perished joys ! — But not a trace of his old haunts remained. The banks, and braes, and knowes, had all been levelled with the dust — the little y wimpUng burn, overhung with saughs and hazels, where ^ many a summer's day Lizzie and he used to " paiddle " for minnows, was gone to swell some mighty stream. The Mavis-hill, a rude unenclosed eminence, covered with wild roses, and brambles, and blue bells, and sloes, where many a mavis and lintie's nest had been found, was now a potato field — not a whin scented the air — and how often beneath India's burning sun had uncle Adam sighed for a breeze from the whinny braes of his native land ! But, worst of all, on the very spot where once stood his grandfather's and his father's old green slimy cabins, with their fungous roofs, and their kail- yards and their middens, now rose an elegantly orna- 314 THE INHERITANCE. mented dog-kennel. That he instantly ordered to be demolished — indeed, it was said, he had remained upon the ground to see it done — and from that time he had never looked near the place till now, that he had come in compliance with Gertrude's wish, but very contrary to his own inclination. Mrs St Clair was in ecstasies with all she saw — the interior of the mansion was perfection — the suite of apartments elegant — the furniture superb — in short, there was not a superlative she did not exhaust in attempts to express her admiration. But the thought that was uppermost in her mind she would not have ventured to utter so readily, viz. that if the worst should happen, and Lord Rossville should discard his niece, there was another string to her bow at Broom Park ; and she could almost have been satisfied to have renounced the ambitious prospects of the one for the luxurious certainty of the other. But Mrs St Clair's raptures were com- pletely thrown away upon uncle Adam, who cared not a rush what she or any one else thought of his property ; and he followed rather than led the way through his own house, with a kind of dogged impatience, as if his only wish were to be out of it. This was not lessened when, the news of his appearance having spread, he found himself beset by a host of retainers, indigenous to an extensive and neglected property. Greeves, gar- deners, gamekeepers, tenants at will, and tenants on lease, all came thronging with wants to be supplied, and grievances to be redressed, and all looking with evil eyes on the visitors, in the fear of their becoming resi- dents, and so ending their respective reigns ; while the housekeeper, as she went swimming on before in all the conscious dignity of undisturbed power, detailed at great length all her own doings and sayings, with the various means used by her for the preservation of the furniture, and the annihilation of mice, moths, THE INHERITANCE. 31S " clocks (beetles), and beasts of every descrip- tion." "Things are no just in the order I could wish," said the old curmudgeon of a gardener, as he unwillingly led the way to the kitchen-garden ; " and there's an awfu' heat here ; you'd better no come in for fear of cauld, leddies," as he produced the key of the extensive range of hothouses, and, with a sour face, found himself com- pelled to fill a large basket with the choicest of fruits, which he had more profitable ways of disposing of. At length Mr Ramsay's patience was exhausted, and they set off loaded with the most exquisite fruits and flowers, which, as he possessed not the organs of either taste or smell for aught beyond haggis and southern- wood, he looked upon merely as sort of artificial ex- crescences which grew about large houses. " Noo," said he, addressing Gertrude, as he seated himself in the chaise, " I dinna begrudge this, if it's to do you onyjgude — and, as I tell't you before, gang when you like, and tak what you like — but dinna ask me to gang wi' you ; for I'm ower auld noo to be plagued and deeved about drains, and fences, and young planta- tions, out o' doors ; and pipes, and plaster, and aw the rest o't, within — and the gardener he canna get the apples keepit — and the gamekeeper, he canna keep the pheesants preserved — an' I'm sure I dinna care though there was nae an apple or a pheesant in the kingdom, if they wud only let me alane." " It unquestionably would be a great advantage to the place as well as a relief to you, to have the house occu- pied with some one who could take a judicious manage- ment " began Mrs St Clair ; but a bitter look from her uncle made her perceive she was treading on dangerous ground, and she allowed the noise of the carriage to drown the rest of the sentence. 3l6 THE INHERITANCE. Lord of love ! what law is this, That me thou makest thus tormented be ? Si'ENSER. THEY were returning by a different road from that which they had taken in going, and had not proceeded far when they were suddenly hailed by a pedestrian from the side of the road, and Major Waddell was immediately recognised. The chaise was stopped, and, mutual salutations having been exchanged, was again about to proceed, when the Major entered so vehement a remonstrance against their passing his door, without inquiring in person after his dear Isabella, that, as they were within a few yards of the gate, it was scarcely possible for even uncle Adam to hold out ; and accordingly, preceded by the Major, the chaise turned up the romantic winding approach which conducted to the mansion. Black Csesar, bowing and grinning, hastened to receive them, and usher them into the pre- sence of massa's lady, who, in all her bridal finery, sat in the attitude of being prepared to receive her marriage guests. Having welcomed Mrs and Miss St Clair with a tone and manner of encouraging familiarity — " And my uncle, too ! — this is really kind. — I assure you I'm quite flattered, as 1 know how seldom you pay visits to anybody." Mr Ramsay had entered with the heroic determination of not opening his lips during his stay — he therefore allowed that to pass with a sort of scornful growl ; but Mrs St Clair, in her softest manner, took care to let her know that the visit was neither a premeditated nor a complimentary one, and that she owed it entirely to their accidental rencontre with the Major. " Bless me. Major ! " exclaimed the lady in a tone THE INHERITANCE. 3x7 of alarm, " is it possible that you have been walking ? — And the roads are quite wet ! — Why did you not tell me you were going out, and I would have ordered the carriage for you, and have gone with you, although I believe it is the etiquette for a married lady to be at home for some time ; " — then observing a spot of mud on his boot, " And you have got your feet quite wet ; — for Heaven's sake. Major, do go and change your boots directly ! — ^I see they are quite wet ! " The Major looked delighted at this proof of con- jugal tenderness, but protested that his feet were quite dry, holding up a foot in appeal to the company. " Now, how can you say so. Major, when I see they are quite damp ? — Do, I entreat you, put them off — it makes me perfectly wretched to think of your sitting with wet feet — you know you have plenty of boots. — I made him get a dozen pairs when we were at York, that I might be quite sure of his always having dry feet. — Do, my love, let Caesar help you off with these for any sake ! — for my sake. Major, — I ask it as a personal favour." This was irresistible — the Major prepared to take the suspected feet out of company with a sort of vague mixed feeling floating in his brain, which, if it had been put into words, would have been thus rendered : — ■ " What a happy dog am I, to be so tenderly beloved by such a charming girl ! and yet what a deal of trouble it is to be obliged to change one's boots every time one's wife sees a spot of mud on them ! " " Now, you won't be long. Major ? " — cried the lady, as the Major went off, attended by Cassar. " The Major is so imprudent, and takes so little care of himself, he really makes me quite wretched — but how do you think he looks ? " This was a general question, and rather a puzzling 3lS THE INHERITANCE. " As Ugly as possible," thought Gertrude, who would have been much at a loss to combine truth and polite- ness in her reply. Luckily there are people who always answer their own questions, when no one else seems disposed to do it, and Mrs Waddell went on — " He certainly was much the better of Harrowgate — .he was really looking so ill when he went there, that, I assure you, 1 was very uneasy." " Whan did he ever look weel ? " was ready to burst from uncle Adam's lips ; but by a magnanimous effort he drew them in, and remained silent. " Have you been lately at Broom Park, uncle ; for I understand there are pretty doings going on there ? " Mr Ramsay's only reply was a deep sonorous hem, and a bow, something in the style of a bull preparing to toss. " We are just come from thence," replied Mrs St Clair, immediately launching forth into raptures at all she had seen and tasted. " Indeed ! " exclaimed Mrs Waddell ; " you have been either more fortunate or more favoured than I have been — for the Major and I went there yesterday, and could get no admittance, which, I must say, I thought very odd : — the people at the lodge had the impertin- ence to refuse to let us in, which, to be sure, to a man of the Major's rank in life, and me a married woman, was a piece of insolence I never met with any thing to equal ; but I told them I would let you know of their behaviour." " I'm obliged to you," was the laconic reply. " I really think they deserve to be turned off for their insolence." " Turned off for doing their duty ! " demanded uncle Adam, preparing to cast off his armour. " A strange kind of duty, I think," retorted the lady. THE INHERITANCE. 319 in equal indignation, " to exclude your nearest relations from your house, — and me a married woman, and a man of the Major's rank ! " " I never excluded you frae my house. Miss Bell," quoth uncle Adam, now divested of all restraint, and disdaining to recognise her by her married appellation ; " but if you mean that Pll no mak you mistress of my property, you are perfectly right. — What's your business at my hoose when I'm not there mysell ? — What taks you there ? " in a key of interrogation at least equal to a squeeze of the thumb-screw. " I think it was a very natural curiosity " " Naatral curiosity ! " interrupted uncle Adam, now brimming high ; " a bonny excuse, or else no, for breakin' into other folk's hooses — I wonder what your naatral curiosity will lead you to next ! " " I think you are much obliged to anybody that will take the trouble of looking a little after your affairs in that quarter — for I must tell you, uncle, that you are making yourself quite ridiculous by submitting to be plundered and cheated on all hands, and " " And what if it's my pleesure to be plundered and cheated. Miss, by the poor, instead o' the rich ? " " I really wish, uncle, you would recollect you are speaking to a married woman," said Mrs Waddell, with much dignity ; "and that a man of the Major's •" At that moment the Major entered, with a very red face, and a pair of new boots, evidently too tight. " You see what it is to be under orders," said he, pointing to his toes, and trying to smile in the midst of his anguish. " It's lucky for you. Major, I'm sure, that you are — for I don't believe there ever was anybody on earth so careless of themselves as you are. — What do you think of his handing Lady Fairacre to her carriage yesterday in the midst of the rain, and without his hat 320 THE INHERITANCE. too ? But I hope you changed your stockings as well as your boots, Major ? " " I assure you, upon my honour, my dear, neither of them were the least wet." " O ! now. Major, you know if you haven't changed your stockings, I shall be completely wretched," cried the lady, all panting with emotion. — " Good gracious ! to think of your keeping on your wet stockings — I never knew any thing like it ! " "I assure you, my dear Bell " began the Major. " Oh ! now, my dearest Major, if you have the least regard for me, I beseech you put off your stockings this instant. — Oh ! I am certain you\e got cold already — how hot you are ! " taking his hand ; " and don't you think his colour very high ? — now I'm quite wretched about you." In vain did the poor Major vow and protest as to the state of his stockings — it was all in vain — the lady's apprehensions were not to be allayed — and again he had to limp away to pull off boots which the united exertions of himself and Csesar had with difficulty got on. " I really think my wife will be for keeping me in a band-box," said he, with a sort of sardonic smile, the offspring of flattered vanity and personal suffering. As he was quitting the room his aide-de-camp, Caesar, entered, with a mien of much importance, and, in his jargon, contrived to make it known that some- thing had happened to springs of Massa Ramsay's chaise — that post-boy had gone to smith's to mend it, and that smith said chaise no be mend for soonest two hours. " Then I shall find my way hame mysel'," cried uncle Adam, starting up ; " for I'll no wait twa hours upon ony chaise that ever was driven." THE INHERITANCE. 32 1 In vain were all attempts to detain him — he spurned the Waddell ['carriage — the Waddell dinner — refused even to wait till the Major had changed his stockings ; in short, would do nothing but take his own way, which was to walk home, leaving Mrs and Miss St Clair to stay dinner and return in the evening. No sooner was uncle Adam's back turned, than Mrs Waddell gave free scope to her indignation against him. — Turning to Gertrude — " I really think he is much worse than he was — I don't think you have any credit in your management of him, cousin — unless he alters his behaviour, I don't think it will be possible for the Major to keep company with him. — Did you hear how he Miss'd me to-day ? — me, a married woman ! If the Major had been present he must have resented it." Having, at last, exhausted her invectives, she next began to play off her airs, by showing her house and furniture — boasting of her fine clothes — fine pearls — fine plate — fine connec- tions — and, in short, taking all possible pains to excite the envy of her guests, by showing what a thrice-happy married woman Mrs Major Waddell was. But Mrs St Clair had seen too much to be astonished at Mrs Waddell's finery ; and Gertrude's more refined taste felt only pity and contempt for the vulgar, sordid mind, that could attach ideas of happiness to such things. Provoked at the indifference with which her cousin saw and heard all this, she said — " I suppose, cousin, you are above regarding terres- trial objects now, since you have been living so long with our good aunts — I suppose you have learnt to despise the things of this world as beneath your notice ? " " I have certainly learnt to admire goodness more than ever I did before," said Gertrude, quite uncon- scious of the offence she had given by her indifference. 322 THE INHERITANCE. " Oh ! then 1 suppose you are half converted by this time — we shall have you one of the godly ladies next." " If you mean by godly those who resemble my aunts, I fear it will be long before I merit such an appellation ; but although, in comparison with them, I feel myself little better than a heathen, yet that does not hinder me from seeing and admiring their excellence — to deny excellence to others, merely because 1 do not possess it myself, is a sin, from^which I shall ever pray, * Good Lord, deliver me ! ' " " O, I see you are bit," cried Mrs Waddell, with a toss of her head ; " I know that sort of thing is very infectious, so I hope you won't bite me, cousin ; for, however it may do with misses, I assure you it would never answer in a married woman — and the Major has no notion of your very good ladies — he seems quite satisfied with me, bad as I am. — Are you not, Major ?" to the poor Major, who once more made his appearance re-booted, and trying to look easy under the pressure of his extreme distress. " Now, are you quite sure you changed your stock- ings. Major ? Are you not cheating me ? — Caesar, did the Major change his stockings ? " Caesar, with a low bow, confirmed the important fact, and that interesting question was, at length, set at rest. Mrs St Clair was too politic to betray the disgust she felt ; but Gertrude, alarmed at the prospect of sitting audience for the day to the Major and his lady, expressed her wish to take a walk. " Dear me, cousin ! are you so vulgar as to like walking ? " exclaimed Mrs Waddell ; "I thought you would have been more of a fine lady by this time — for my part, I really believe I have almost forgot how to walk — when one has a carriage of their own, you know, they have no occasion to walk, and I suppose I THE INHERITANCE. 323 few people do it from choice — you have quite spoilt me for a pedestrian, Major." Gertrude could not wait for the complimentary reply she saw about to issue from the Major's lips, but said — " As I am still so vulgar as to like walking, though not so unreasonable as to insist upon others doing it, you will, perhaps, allow me to take a peep at the beauties of Thombank by myself ; " and she rose to leave the room, when the Major interposed, and, making a lame attempt to be agile — " O, impossible ! — you must allow me to have the honour of escorting you." " Now, Major," cried his lady, " I must lay my commands upon you not to stir out to-day again — it is a very damp raw day — I am sure my cousin will excuse you," turning to Gertrude ; " he had a most dreadful cold in his head last week, — I assure you I was quite frightened at it." " Phoo ! nonsense, my dear," said the Major, still hovering between delight and vexation ; " nobody would have thought any thing of it but yourself." " How can you say so. Major, when I counted that you sneezed seventeen times in the course of an hour and a half — and that's what he calls nonsense ! " Leaving the loving pair to settle this tender dispute, Gertrude contrived to steal away from them. — " Oh ! the luxury of solitude after the company of fools ! " thought she, when she found herself outside the house, and alone. 324 THE INHERITANCE. Now rest thee, reader 1 on thy bench, and muse Anticipative of the feast to come ; So shall delight not make thee feel thy toil. Lo 1 I have set before thee ; for thyself Feed now. Gary's Dante. THORNBANK was situated on the side of a rapid gurgling river, abounding in picturesque rocky scenery. It was a meek, grey, autumnal day, when earth borrows no tint from sky, but, rich in its own natural hues, presents a matchless variety of colour, from the wan declining green to the gorgeous crimson and orange — nature's richest, saddest panoply ! The sweet mournful song of the robin was the only sound that mingled with the murmur of the stream. It was a day for musing and tender melancholy — a day that came o'er the heart " like a melody that's sweetly played in tune." Trite as the reflections are which have been drawn from this solemn season, and obvious as is the moral which points to the heart at witnessing the decay of the beauties and the graces of the material world, still the same train of thought will naturally arise in every mind of sensibility, and the same sober hue insensibly steal over the soul, — " hues which have words, and speak to ye of heaven." Relieved from every tormenting object, Gertrude sat down on a rustic seat, hung round with many a droop- ing scentless flower ; and resigning herself to the sooth- ing influence of the day and the scene, she gradually sunk into those enchanting day-dreams — those beautiful chimeras, which a young romantic imagination can so readily create. The pleasures of imagination certainly were hers, but as if only to render her more susceptible to the annoyances of real life. THE INHERITANCE. 325 She was recalled from the illusions in which she had been indulging by sounds little in unison with the har- monious stillness that surrounded her : a weak giggling laugh falling at intervals upon the ear, its pauses filled by a sharp loud English tongue, louder and louder, still drew near ; and presently Miss Lilly Black, leaning on the arm of a little, spruce, high-dressed young man, appeared. Much surprise, and joy, and affection was testified by Miss Lillias at this meeting with her cousin ; and Mr Augustus Larkins was introduced with an air of triumph and delight. Mr Augustus Larkins was what many would have called a pretty young man — he had regular features — very pink cheeks — very black eyebrows — and what was intended for a very smart expression. He was studiously dressed in the reigning fashion, but did not look fashionable for all that. He had a sharp, high-pitched voice ; and a very strong, but not a pure, English accent. Such was the future cousin to whom Miss St Clair was now introduced ; and with many flourishing bows, and with much mouthing about honour, pleasure, and so forth, on his part, the ceremony was happily got over. " Dear me, cousin, have you been sitting here by yourself? " said Miss Lilly, in a soft pitying tone ; — " what a pity we did not know, and we could have come sooner, you must have been so dull ! " " I did not find it so," replied Gertrude. " Ah, you Scotch ladies are all fond of solitude," cried Mr Larkins. — "Witness that noble apostrophe of my Lady Randolph's in your celebrated tragedy of Douglas, * Ye woods and wilds, whose melancholy gloom accords with my soul's sadness, and draws forth the tear of sorrow from my bursting heart ! ' — How uncommonly well that was got up last season at Drury Lane : you have, of course, been in town, mem ? " Gertrude replied in the aflfirmative. 326 THE INHERITANCE. " And which of the houses did you give the pre- ference to ? " She had not visited the theatres. "No, sure! — is it possible, mem, to have been in town without seeing either of the houses? how pro- digiously unfortunate ! But," — with a significant smile to Miss Lilly — " I hope we shall have the pleasure of showing your cousin the lions by and by ; in town, we call it showing the lions to show the sights and shows to our country cousins." " O ! that will be delightful, won't it, cousin ? " asked the simple Lilly, — but her cousin only coloured with contempt at the idea. " The theatre is a favourite amusement of mine," continued Mr Larkins. " And of mine too, I am so fond of the playhouse," said Miss Lilly — bent upon all occasions to prove the congeniality of their souls. " Did you ever see Young in Romeo ? " " No, I don't think I ever saw Mr Young act it ; but I once saw a Mr Something else — I forget his name — do it." " La ! I have seen Young at least a dozen times in Romeo, — it is a favourite character of mine ; indeed, I have the whole part by heart." " Is that possible ? " exclaimed Miss Lilly, in ten- fold admiration of her lover's perfections ; — " do let us hear you repeat some of it — I'm sure my cousin would like it so much." " You must learn Juliet, and then I shall be your Romeo — you would make a capital Juliet — your hair is exactly the colour of Miss O'Neil's." " Is it really ? how I should like if I could act Juliet ! " " When I have you in Liquoi-pond Street," whis- pered Mr Larkins, " we shall have some famous scenes." THE INHERITANCE. 327 " That will be charming ! I am jo fond of deep tragedies ! " " You don't dislike comedy, I hope ? " " O, no, I delight in comedies and farces — I like farces very much too." " Some of the after-pieces we have in town are famously good — what a prodigious run Midas had, for instance ; * Pray, Goody,' was sung for a whole season." " O, * Pray, Goody,' is, without exception, the most beautiful thing I ever heard ! " exclaimed Miss Lilly, turning up her eyes in rapture. " How amazingly yoa will be pleased with some of our pantomimes in town ! What a famous good thing we had last winter at Covent Garden, called * The Oyster in Love ! ' "■ — Here Miss Lilly giggled. ** 'Pon my soul, the Oyster in Love was the title ; and, to let you into a little of a secret, it was com- posed, music and all, by a friend of mine " " O, goodness ! was it really ? — do tell us all about it." " Why, the piece opens with a splendid marine view — waves — waves as high, mem, as these trees, and as white — as white as your gown — roaring in the most natural manner imaginable. Two of the ladies of my party, who had just returned from Margate, became, in short, perfectly sea-sick — 'pon my soul, I thought they'd have fainted. However, it was the first night, and I was a friend of the author ; so T wouldn't have stirred to have handed the finest woman in the house." " O ! you cruel creature ! " cried Miss Lilly with a giggle — " And what became of them ? " " O ! they recovered, with the assistance of smelling- bottles and oranges — but, 'pon my soul, I felt a little queer myself. Well, after the waves — these curly- 328 THE INHERITANCE. headed monsters, as Shakspeare calls 'em — had rolled backwards and forwards, till, 'pon my honour, I thought they'd have been into the pit, — at last they retired in the most graceful manner possible, leaving behind 'em an enormous large oyster at the foot of a rock ; but the beautiful thing, mem, was to see the stage, which, you know, represented the beach, all covered with shells, and spar, and sea-weed. You can have no conception of anything so natural." " O ! how I should like to have seen it ! " sighed Miss Lilly. " Well, then, there was this oyster, which you'd have sworn was a real oyster but for the size, lying at the bottom of the rock — then enters the divine Miss Foote, dressed as a princess, with the most splendid crown upon her head, all over with precious stones, but looking very melancholy, with her pocket-handkerchief in her hand. She is attended by a troop of young damsels, all very beautiful, and most beautifully dressed — they sing and dance a most elegant new quadrille ; and while they are dancing the oyster begins to move, and heaves a deep sigh, upon which they all take to their heels, and dance off in all directions, shrieking most musically in parts. The princess, however, re- mains — draws near the oyster — contemplates it for some time — clasps her hands — falls upon her knees beside it, while it rolls and heaves and sighs — 'pon my honour, it was quite affecting — I saw several handkerchiefs out." " How terrified I should have been ! " exclaimed Miss Lilly. " Well, then, the princess sings that charming song, which, of course, you know, — This oyster is my world, And I with love will open it. She then takes a diamond bodkin from her hair, and THE INHERITANCE. 329 tries to Open the shell. No sooner has she touched it than it opens a little bit, and the point of a beautiful long black beard comes out — the princess, in the greatest rapture, drops her bodkin — seizes the beard in both hands — kisses it — bedews it with her tears — presses it to her heart — and, in short, is in the greatest transports of joy at recognising her lover's beard." " Good gracious ! was the oyster her lover ? " cried Miss Lilly. " Wait and you shall hear. Well, while she is in- dulging in all these graceful demonstrations of the fondest affection, suddenly a sort of dragon or sea-horse starts up, seizes the bodkin, and disappears. At the same moment the sky, that is the stage, becomes almost quite dark — thunder and lightning ensue — the sea rises with the most tremendous noise, and threatens to engulf, in its raging bosom, the princess and the oyster " " How interesting ! " exclaimed Miss Lilly ; — " I never heard anything like it ! " " The sea gains upon them every moment. — Now they are completely surrounded — she raises her eyes — sees the rock — a sudden thought strikes her — she merely stops to sing that sweet little air, * By that beard whose soft expression ' (by-the-by, that was twice encored) ; then, in the most graceful distress, she begins to climb the rock." " How high was the rock ? " asked Miss Lilly. " Why, I take it, not less than thirty feet high, and almost quite perpendicular. Soft music is heard all the time she is ascending. She stops when about half way up quite exhausted — then comes forward to the point of rock where she is standing, which, upon my soul, I don't think was larger than my hand ; — and, while she stops to recover her breath, sings one of your beautiful Scotch songs — 330 THE INHERITANCE. Low down, in the broom, He's waiting for me ; "Waiting for me, my love, &c. looking down upon the oyster all the while. — There was a great row then : — one half of the house called * Encore,' the other * Go on.' At length she was allowed to proceed, and she gains the top of the rock just as an enormous wave is on the point of overwhelm- ing her oyster." " O ! how dreadful ! " wailed the sympathising Lilly. " What should you have done there ? " " O ! I'm sure, I don't know." " Well, she advances close to the edge of the rock — 'pon my soul, it made me a little giddy to see her ! — takes off her crown — unbinds her hair — lies down with her head hanging over the rock, and her hair falls down to the very bottom of the rock where the oyster is lying." " Goodness ! and her own hair ? " " Of course, you know, a lady's wig becomes her own hair." " O, you are so droll ! " with a giggle. " Well — the hair sticks to the oyster, or the oyster to the hair, I can't tell which, and, slowly rising, she hoists him up — and up — and up — you might have heard a pin drop in the house while that was going on — till at last she has him on the very top of the rock ! — then the house gave vent to its feelings, and a perfect tumult of applause and admiration ensued." " No wonder — I can't conceive how she could do it. How big was the oyster ? " " Why as large, I suppose, as a washing-tub." " And to pull that up with her hair ! Did you ever hear any thing like it, cousin ? " " Never ! " said Gertrude, THE INHERITANCE. 331 " Now, tell US what was acted next ? " "Then there's a fight between the dragon and a whale — and the whale throws up a fine diamond oyster- knife at the feet of the princess — she seizes it — rat-tat- tats upon the shell, which instantly flies open with a prodigious noise, and out rushes a warrior, all clad in a complete suit of mother-of-pearl, with a fine long black pointed beard, the same he had shook out of his shell — he slays the dragon — the sea becomes as smooth as glass — Venus rises out of it in a car drawn by two doves harnessed with roses, and guided by two young Cupids." " How delightful ! And then I suppose they are married ? " " Ah ! their happiness would have been very in- complete without that termination," said Mr Larkins, tenderly. " It must be late," said Miss St Clair, rising; "al- most dinner time, I should suppose." " Alas ! that Love, whose view is muffled still, Should, without eyes, see pathways to his will. Where shall we dine ? " cried Mr Larkins, in a theatrical manner. "You know, of course, that is out of Romeo." " O, is it ? — I had forgot that ; but it is beautiful," said the complaisant Lilly. Mr Larkins continued to talk and spout all the way home, and his fair to giggle and admire. " Well, cousin," said she, seizing upon Gertrude, as they entered the house, " what do you think of him ? Is he not charming ? So genteel, and so droll, and, at the same time, he has so much sensibility — he never travels without poetry — and he plays the flute too most beautifully — and he is so fond of the country ; he says he is to drive me out of town every Sunday in his til- bury. — O, I wonder how Bell could ever fall in love 332 THE INHERITANCE. with the Major ! — He hasn't the least taste for poetry — and Andrew is such an ugly name : don't you think I have been most fortunate in a name, for it is so uncommon to meet with an Augustus? — and I think Larkins very pretty too — don't you ? " But they were now at the drawing-room door, which put a stop to Miss Lilly's raptures, and soon after, dinner ended all tete-a-tetes, Mrs Major Waddell played the nabob's lady as though she had been born a nabobess — she talked much and well of curry and rice — and old Madeira — and the liver — and the Company, which did not mean the present company, but the India Company. Her silver corners were very handsome, and she had to take off some of her rings before she could carve the grouse. In short, nothing could be better of its kind. Never- theless, Mrs Major had her own petty chagrins, as every petty mind must have — nobody seemed sufficiently dazzled with the splendour which surrounded them ; and Mr Larkins had the ill-breeding to talk much of Birch's turtle, and Thames salmon, and town. At tea it was still worse — like all under-bred people, he mistook familiarity for fashionable ease, and either lounged upon her fine sofa, or stood with his back to the fire. At length the chaise was announced ; and as Mrs and Miss St Clair took leave, the gallant Major pre- sented his arm. " Oh ! now. Major, I hope you're not going to the door without your hat, and at this time of night ! Now, it will make me perfectly wretched. — Pray now, Major — aunt — cousin — Mr Larkins — for Heaven's sake " Mrs Waddell was getting hysterical ; and the poor Major, withdrawing his offered aid, Mr Larkins advanced. " And, oh ! put on your hat ! " sighed Miss Lilly, THE INHERITANCE. 333 in imitation, as he boldly presented his brush head to the evening air. " How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank ! Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music Creep in our ears " spouted Mr Augustus, as he handed the ladies into the carriage. They bowed, and drove off. Chapter %Xi%^ On s'ennuie tres bien ici. Voltaire. BUT the present order of things could not long endure. Mrs St Clair grew impatient under the secret sense of her sisters' superiority, and weary of their simple uniform style of living. Her habits were luxurious — her mind was joyless. Ger- trude, too, in all the restlessness of suspense, longed to return to Rossville. She would there hear her lover's name mentioned — she would be amidst the scenes with which his image was associated — and there would be enjoyment even in these shadowy fantastic pleasures. While such were the feelings of the mother and daughter. Lord Rossville felt no less impatient for the return of his niece — not for the charms and graces of her society, but because she was a being subject to his management and controul. True, this act of rebellion might have staggered his faith as to the extent of his dominion ; but he flattered himself that was a sort of thunder-cloud, which, by the wise and vigorous measures he had adopted, must already have passed away. Be- sides, Gertrude's prolonged absence would have an appearance in the eyes of the world — suspicions might arise — things might be said. Even in the bustle of 334 THE INHERITANCE. electioneering, Mr Delmour had remarked upon the impropriety of Miss St Clair being allowed to reside so long in a paltry provincial town, and associating with people who might be very good in their way, but were not quite suited to her station, or such as he would wish his wife to be intimate with. On the other hand, Mrs St Clair, in the course of her correspondence with the Earl, had taken care to insinuate that such was Mr Adam Ramsay's partiality for her daughter, it was more than probable he would make a point of her residing entirely with him, unless she were speedily recalled to his lordship's protection. The visit to Broom Park strengthened this insinuation, and decided him as to the necessity of immediately recalling his niece. A most laborious and long-winded letter was there- fore penned to Miss St Clair, in which, while he deprecated the idea of ever taking her into his favour, until she had renounced the error of her ways, he, at the same time, announced his intention of receiving her again under his roof, in the confident hope that she would ere long perceive the absolute necessity, and imperious duty, she was under of acceding to his long- projected, thoroughly digested, and firmly-determined- upon plan for her ultimate disposal. His lordship next proceeded to state, that he had consulted the most eminent counsel as to the deeds of entail ; and that three of them were of opinion, that the whole of the property could and might be most effectually alienated, disponed, and otherwise disposed of, to the utter ex- clusion of Miss St Clair, as heiress at law. — Such being the case, it was his firm intention, and absolute purpose, to act upon this opinion, by executing a new deed of entail within three months from the present date, unless, before the expiry of that period. Miss St Clair should think proper to accede to his plan, and pursue the course THE INHERITANCE. 335 he had pointed out to her. — Such was the substance of a letter filling nearly seven pages of closely-written paper. " I am sorry — very sorry," said Gertrude, with a sigh, as she finished reading it, "for the trouble and vexation I am causing Lord Rossville ; and perhaps it were better that I should never return to Rossville again, than that I should go there only to make him cherish hopes which can never be realised. — I never can act as he would have me — I never can change my sentiments." " You can at least keep your sentiments to yourself, considering how much is at stake on their account," said her mother, with asperity ; " and, indeed, setting every thing else out of the question, I think delicacy alone demands that much of you ; — at least, I should be cautious how I expressed an attachment, which, to all appearance, is no longer — if indeed it ever was — reciprocal." " Even were it so," replied her daughter, making an effort to repress her emotion, while her faltering voice betrayed the anguish of such a supposition — " deceived I may be myself, but I never will deceive others. Let, then, Lord Rossville know that, if I return to his house, I return unchanged — unchangeable." " Beware how you provoke me, Gertrude ; for I too am unchanged — unchangeable in my determination, never to see you the prey of that man — I have pledged my word it shall not be." " Pledged your word ! " repeated her daughter, in- dignantly ; — " who had a right to demand such a pledge ? " " One who has the right, and will exercise it," said Mrs St Clair, in some agitarion ; " but this is wander- ing from the point. You have promised you will not enter into any engagement until you have attained the 336 THE INHERITANCE. age of twenty-one — on that promise I rely ; meanwhile, all I require of you is only what is due to yourself — leave me, therefore, to manage matters with the Earl, and do you remain passive for the present." " I am sick of management — of mystery," exclaimed Gertrude, dejectedly — " already," cried she, giving way to tears, " I am almost weary of the world — I feel my- self a puppet — a slave — nay, the slave of a slave — subject, it seems, to the control of a very menial ; but I will not endure this mockery of greatness, — mingled, too, with such degradation ! " There was a height and a depth in Gertrude's feel- ings, which, when once roused, her mother could not always contend with. She sometimes felt that her only chance of victory was in appearing to yield ; and upon this occasion, as upon many others, she contrived to work upon her daughter's affections, and prevailed upon her to acquiesce in her wishes, provided she were not considered as a party in Lord Rossville's plans. The following day the Earl's equipage and attendants arrived ; and again Mrs St Clair's worldly mind exulted as she looked on the proud pageant at which the whole town of Barnford had turned out to gaze. It was not without emotion Gertrude bade adieu to her aunts, who were not less affected at parting with her ; they saw she was not happy, but were too delicate to intrude upon her confidence. " Farewell, my love ! " said her aunt Mary, as she pressed her in her arms — " and ever bear in mind that in this world, not to be grieved — not to be afflicted — not to be in danger, is impossible : — yet, dearest Gertrude ! even in this world, there is a rest of heart — ah ! would you but seek it where only it is to be found!" But to the young unchastened spirit nothing seems less desirable than that rest of heart, which, in their THE INHERITANCE. 337 minds, is associated with the utter extinction of all that is noble, and graceful, and enthusiastic ; and Gertrude shrank from the wish breathed for her by her aunt. " No," thought she — " wo-etched as I am, yet I would not exchange my feelings, tortured as they are, for that joyless peace which is to me as the slumber of the dead ! " And where is the youthful, ardent spirit, untaught by heavenly lore, which has not, at some period of its life, perilled its all on some baseless fabric, and preferred even the shattered wreck of its happiness to the wave- less calm of indifference ? Gertrude's melancholy was not diminished by her return to Rossville. But a few weeks had passed since she had left it in all the pride and magnificence of early autumn — while nature seemed scarcely past its prime — while life was in the leaf, and spirit in the air, and the bright -toned woods glowed in all their variegated splendour beneath a clear blue sky and cloudless sun. And now the cold autumnal dews are seen To cobweb every green •, And by the low-shorn rowans doth appear The fast declining year ; The sapless branches doff their summer suits, And wane their winter fruits ; And stormy blasts have forced the quaking trees To wrap their trembling limbs in suits of mossy frieze. In plain prose, it was a bleak, raw, chill November day, when nature seems a universal blank even to her most ardent admirers ; and, to use an artist phrase, nothing could be more in keeping with the day than the reception Miss St Clair met with from her uncle. It was cold, formal, and unkindly, and every word fell like a drop of petrifying water on her heart. Lord Rossville never had been upon easy terms with I. Y 33S THE INHERITANCE. his niece — indeed, it was not in his nature to be upon easy terms with anybody ; but the additional stiffness, and solemnity, and verbosity he thought proper to as- sume, were truly appalling, and caused her to feel some- thing of that sensation sensitive beings are said to experience while under the influence of a thunder- cloud. The Earl's aspect was, indeed, enough to blight hope itself. There was positive determination itself in every line and lineament — his eyes had grown rounder — his eyebrows higher — his lips more rigid — his hands longer — his steps were more ponderous — his head was im- moveable — there was no speculation in his eye — his very wig looked as hard as marble. In short, over the whole man was diffused an indescribable air of hopeless inflexibility. There was no company — nothing to relieve the hard outline of the piece — not even the usual members of the family ; nobody but Lady Betty, and her eternal rug, and her fat lapdog, and her silly novel ; and the dul- ness and tedium which reigned may have been felt, but cannot be described. Chapter X^ If thou hast dipt thy foot in the river, yet pass not over Rubicon. — Sir Thomas Brown. SEVERAL days passed in this state of cheerless monotony, when one morning, as the ladies pur- sued their different avocations in unsocial com- panionship, a letter was brought to Mrs St Clair, which she had no sooner opened than Gertrude observed her change colour, and betray visible signs of agitation. THE INHERITANCE. 339 The servant said that the bearer waited an answer ; and in manifest confusion, she rose and left the room. Although superior to the meanness of curiosity, Miss St Clair could not help feeling a natural desire to know the contents of a letter which had produced so visible a change on her mother, and she sat a considerable time, vainly looking for her return. At length, unable to repress her anxiety, she put aside her drawing materials, and hastened to her mother's dressing-room. Upon entering, she found Mrs St Clair seated at a table, with writing implements before her, and her head resting on her hand, seemingly buried in profound meditation. " I was afraid something was the matter, mamma," said her daughter, gently advancing towards her. " Leave me," cried her mother, in an angry im- patient tone; "leave me, I say — I can't be disturbed." " Mamma, can I do nothing for you ? " asked her daughter, as she reluctantly prepared to obey. " Much, much," — murmured Mrs St Clair, with a deep sigh — " but, at present, I desire you will leave me," raising her voice in an authoritative tone ; and Gertrude, however unwillingly, found herself compelled to obey. Uneasy and restless, she could not compose her mind to any of her ordinary occupations. She saw something had occurred to agitate her mother, and she longed to participate, and, if possible, to aid her in her distress. After a while she again returned to her, and was again repulsed with anger. Seeing that her pre- sence only caused irritation, she desisted from farther attempts ; and, taking advantage of a watery gleam of sunshine, which streamed from a pale sickly sky, she set out on a solitary ramble, to which fresh air and exercise only could give a zest. She slowly pursued her way through leafless woods, where the only sounds she heard were those of her own footsteps amongst the fallen leaves, and the monotonous rush of the swollen stream. 340 THE INHERITANCE. But each step was fraught with sad yet soothing recol- lections — for rocks, woods, and waters seemed all as the registers of her lover's vows ; and in each silent memorial she felt as though she looked on the living witness of his faith. Thus nursing her fond contemplations, she had wandered a considerable length of way, when she was roused to observation by the sudden darkness of the sky ; but whether caused by the lateness of the hour, or the approach of a storm, she was not sufficiently mistress of signs and times to ascertain. Whichever it might be, it had the effect of dispelling all romance, and making her wish herself once more safe at home. She was, however, more than two miles from it by the way she had come ; but, if she could get across the river, there was a short cut, which would take her home in ten minutes ; and she walked a little further on, in search of some stepping-stones, which had been placed there instead of a bridge which had been swept away by what, in the language of the country, is called a speaU A great deal of rain had fallen the preceding night, and the river was so much swollen she could hardly recognise the huge blocks by which she had frequently crossed the clear pebbly stream when it scarcely laved their sides. Now they merely held their broad heads above the brown sullen waters — but still they 'were above it — and, trusting to her own steady head and firm step, she, with some little palpitation, placed her foot on the first stone. ** Cest ne que le premier pas qui coute,^ said she to herself ; but, notwithstanding this comfort- able assurance, there she stood for some minutes, ere she had courage to venture on a second step. But the sky was getting blacker, and some large straggling drops of rain began to fall. Ashamed of her irresolution, she was about to proceed, when she heard some one calling loudly to her to stop j and immediately she beheld, on THE INHERITANCE. 34I the opposite bank, Mr Lyndsay, approaching at full speed on horseback. In an instant he urged his horse into the river ; but the current was so strong it was with the utmost difficulty the animal was enabled to gain the shore. " Is it possible," cried Lyndsay, as he threw himself off, " that you were going to attempt to cross the river in its present state i " " I not only mean to attempt, but to succeed," answered she, as she felt her courage rise to its utmost pitch, since she had now an opportunity of displaying it ; and she was about to proceed, when he seized her hand. " You are not aware of the danger : — the river, you may see, is far above its usual height, and is rising every moment. A great deal of rain has fallen, and a fresh flood will be down directly." " Well, it seems merely a choice of evils, as I seem destined to be drowned one way or another," said Gertrude, as the rain now began to fall in earnest. ** I assure you, then, you will find it much the least evil to be drowned on dry land — so, pray, take my advice for once." But Gertrude felt as though it were due to Colonel Delmour to accord nothing to Mr Lyndsay, against whom she laboured to keep up what she deemed a due resentment, and she therefore persisted in her intention. " I am far from desiring Mr Lyndsay's attendance," said she, somewhat disdainfully. " I beg he will take his way, and allow me to take mine." Lyndsay made no reply but by hastily snatching her from the place where she stood ; and, at the same in- stant, a sound, as of many waters, was heard — a sea of foam was tearing its course along — and, in the twinkling of an eye, the stones were buried in the waves. For some moments Gertrude remained motionless, gazing 342 THE INHERITANCE. on the mass of discoloured waters as they roared along, till she was aroused by the cry and the struggle of some living thing, which was swept past with the speed of lightning and ingulfed in the raging flood. She turned shuddering away ; and Lyndsay, taking her arm in his, would have led her from the spot — but, smote with the sense of her own injustice towards him, she exclaimed, " Not till I have here acknowledged my rashness, — my folly ; you risked your life to save mine, while I — un- just — ungrateful that I was '' " Not to me, my dear cousin, is any such acknow- ledgment due," said Lyndsay, mildly ; — " give your thanks to God — only let us be friends." Gertrude gave him her hand. — " When can I cease to look upon you as my friend ! — you who have saved me from destruction ! " Lyndsay sighed, but made no reply ; and they walked on in silence, till the rain, which had hitherto fallen at intervals in an undecided manner now burst forth in what in Scotland is emphatically called an even-doivn pour. Neither rocks nor trees afforded any shelter ; but they were now in sight of a summer-house, and thither they hastened. While Lyndsay stopped on the outside to fasten his horse, intending to leave him until he could send his servant to fetch him home, Gertrude rushed in, and, almost blinded by the rain, did not, at first, perceive that some one had already taken possession of it, and was pacing up and down with visible signs of impatience. But, at her entrance, the person turned quickly round, and she encountered the sharp baneful glance of Lewiston. " My ! this is more of a trate than I expected," cried he, in an accent of pleasure and surprise ; then taking her passive hand, " This is well — this is as it should be — come, my pretty messenger, sit down, don't be afraid." THE INHERITANCE. 343 But this caution, though uttered in a soft conciliating manner, was in vain. At first amazement had rendered Gertrude mute and motionless ; but as he attempted to seat her, and place himself beside her, she instantly re- gained her faculties, and, struggling to release herself from his hold, she called loudly — " Mr Lyndsay, save me ! oh ! save me ! " But Lyndsay had withdrawn a few yards to place his horse under the shelter of a projecting rock, and the roar of the river drowned all other sounds. " What a plaguy fool ye are after all ! " exclaimed Lewiston, as he held both her hands, and squeezed them with almost painful violence. " Be quiet, I tell you, can't ye, and you have nothing to fear ; but if ye're aprovokin' me, ye'll repint, I tell ye, as sure as I'm a gintleman ! " and he compelled her to be seated. Gertrude would have spoken, but the words died on her lips ; and she sat pale and trembling, unable to articulate. " Why, this is being narvous," cried he ; but, in a gentler tone — "Have I not told you that you have nothing to be afeard of — that I love you too well ? " Gertrude again called wildly on Mr Lyndsay — " Why did you come here only to squall ? — Why did she not come herself, and where is the money ? — answer me, I say. — A squire too ! " exclaimed he, as Lyndsay now entered. — " Well, sir, what may your business be here ? " Mr Lyndsay started with surprise, as he beheld Miss St Clair seated by the side of this man, whom he instantly recognized as the same from whom he had formerly rescued her ; but her extreme paleness, and the terror depicted on her countenance, showed what her endurance cost her. The insolent question was repeated in a still higher key. Even Lyndsay's usual calmness was almost overcome ; but he repelled the rising of his wrath, and answered — 344 THE INHERITANCE. " My business here is to protect this lady from insult or intrusion," — and, advancing to her, he placed himself by her side. " O let us begone ! " cried Gertrude, as she rose and took hold of his arm ; but she trembled so much she could scarcely stand. " You cannot go yet," said Lyndsay ; then turning to Lewiston — " but as your presence seems to agitate Miss St Clair, I must request of you to withdraw." " By what right do you interfere between this lady and me ? " demanded he fiercely. " I know of no right you have to ask me such a question," said Mr Lyndsay coolly. « You know of no right I have ! — and what may you know of me or my rights ? " Lyndsay's blood rose at this continued insolence ; but, making an effort to master his spirit, he replied — "You say true, — I know nothing of you ; but I know you can have no right to alarm Miss St Clair — if you have any claim upon her notice, this is neither a place nor a time for it." " Her notice ! " repeated Lewiston, with a scornful smile. — " Well, and I harue claims upon her notice then ; and you will do well to look arter ye'r own consarns, and leave us to settle our own affairs." " Oh, no — no ! " cried Gertrude, as she clung to her cousin's arm — " do not leave me — I have nothing to say ! " — But as she thought of her mother's mysteri- ous connection with him, she trembled while she dis- claimed him. "Do not be afraid," said Lyndsay, trying to re- assure her — " there is nothing to fear, except insolence ; and that I shall spare you, if this gentleman will walk out with me for a few minutes." " I have already told you, that I have no business with you," said Lewiston — "and it is yours is the THE INHERITANCE. 345 insolence, who breaks in upon my appointments. — Come, my dear, rid yourself of your spark quietly ; for I don't wish to harm the young man — tell him the fact, and bid him begone." Never in his life had Lyndsay's self-controul been so severely tried, but he still had firmness to keep himself in check. " I know of no appointment," said Gertrude faintly, as she thought of the letter her mother had that morn- ing received, — " accident alone brought me here." Lewiston looked steadfastly at her. " Sure ! then she's a holler one, and that's a fact ; but you had best take care how you attempt to draw the wool over my eyes — your hand upon it." Gertrude involuntarily recoiled. " Audacious ! " exclaimed Lyndsay, provoked be- yond farther forbearance, and, seizing him by the collar, shook him with a force that made him stagger. " This lady's presence alone prevents me from punish- ing you as you deserve." Gertrude shrieked, as Lewiston instantly drew a small dagger-sword from his walking-cane. " Do you see that ? " cried he, with a scornful laugh. " How would ye like to take ye'r change out of that ? — But I don't think the worse of you for this touss, and only give you this handsome piece of advice gratis, — before you talk of punishing, to be sure you have the means in your own hands, or you'll have the worst of it by a long chalk." " I thank you," said Lyndsay, as he led Gertrude to the door ; then, turning back, he added in a low voice, " and I shall return to repeat my acknowledgments — only wait me here." The rain had not ceased, but its violence had abated, and they walked on for some time in silence, till they both at the same moment descried Mrs St Clair 34^ THE INHERITANCE. approaching, muffled in a large cloak; but she, too, seemed to have perceived them, for she instantly turned back, and in another moment disappeared by one of the many paths which traversed the wood. " Oh ! " exclaimed Gertrude, with a burst of bitter feeling at this confirmation of her mother's clandestine intercourse, — "Oh! that the flood from which you saved me had swept me away, rather than that I should live to endure this degradation ! " " My dear cousin," said Mr Lyndsay, gently, " do not give way to such dreadful thoughts — were you steeped in crime, you could not do more than despair — even then you ought not to do that." " Crime there must be somewhere," cried Gertrude in the same tone of excitement ; " else why all this mystery — and why am I subjected to the insults of that man, unless " " Do you know who and what he really is ? " said Mr Lyndsay. " O, ask me no questions ! " cried she, again giving way to tears. " Pardon me, I have done wrong — it is not from you I ought to seek information." " Seek it not at all— leave me to my fate — abject and degraded I already am in your eyes." " How little you know me, if you think that circum- stances, over which you evidently have no control, could ever lessen you in my eyes ! — It is not the mis- deeds of others that can touch your soul — and they ought not to influence your character. There is not — there cannot be degradation but in personal sin." " Yet I owe it entirely to your generous confidence that I am not suspected — despised " " Suspicion itself scarcely could suspect you ; and for despising you — do not think so falsely, so meanly of yourself, as to imagine that any one would dare to THE INHERITANCE. 347 despise you. I fear something is wrong, and that you are not in good hands ; but put your trust in God, my dear cousin — preserve your own natural integrity, and all will one day be right ; — meantime, if I can be of service to you, look upon me as a friend — as a brother — will you promise me this ? " Gertrude, in somewhat calmer accents, promised she would. Lyndsay continued to talk to her in the same soothing yet strengthening strain till they reached the castle, when they separated with sentiments of re- ciprocal interest and regard. END OF VOL. I. TURNBULL AND SPEARS, PRINTERS, EDINBCRCiH.