THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY. — Luke XI. I. SACRA PRIVATA THE PRIVATE MEDITATIONS AND PRAYERS OF THE RIGHT REV. THOMAS WILSON, D.D. LORD BISHOP OF SODOR AND MAN LONDON WILLIAM PICKERING 1848 The Preface. HE truly Reverend Dodlor Thomas Wilson, fifty- eight years Bifhop of Sodor and Man, was bleffed with the fpirit of prayer in a very uncommon mea- fure : of which his Sacra Frivata^ or i: Private Meditations and Prayers ^ are a an eminent inftance. They have hitherto been locked up from the world in an expenfive book; and are mixed throughout with fo much meditation and prayer that can come properly from the clergy only, (to whom they are an I' vi The Preface. invaluable treafure) as to unfit them for general ufe. They are now prefented to the publick in a feparate volume ; fo that pious Chriftians may, at a rea- fonable expence, diftribute them among fuch people as either will not or cannot buy them ; and the peti- tions peculiar to the clergy only are all thrown out. The pious reader will find thefe Meditations and Prayers too long, according to the prefent divifion of them, which there is no occafion to adhere to. He may take them up, and lay them down, at his own dif- cretion and convenience. It is re- commended to him to go through them regularly, and to continue the ufe of them his whole life ; feleding fuch parts for more frequent medi- The Preface. tation as are beft adapted to his ne- cellity and difpofition. As prayer is one of the moft im- portant works a man can be engaged in, and few find themfelves able to difcharge it in the manner they wifh to do ; it is humbly hoped, that this book, if duly attended to as it de- ferves, may with God's affiftance teach them to pray ; may lead our thoughts to meditate on religious fubjedis, and habituate us to clothe our meditations in the language of decent, pious, and fervent prayer. That this valuable book may have this effed:, is the intention and the earneft prayer of The Editor, I On Devotion and Prayer. RUE Devotion confifts in having our hearts always devoted to God, as the fole Fountain of all Happinefs ; and who is ready to hear and help his other- wife helplefs, miferable creatures. It is to be attained, iJL By earneft prayer. He that HUNGERS AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS, WILL CERTAINLY BE FILLED. 2dly. By poffeffing our hearts with a deep fenfe of our own mifery^ our B 2 O?! Devotion wants y and danger : This is the grace of humility. ^dly. By confidering God's good- nefsy power y and readinefs to help us : This is called faith in God. Lajlly ; By convincing our hearts of the vanity of every thing elfe to afford us any real help or comfort : This is to be effed:ed by felf-denial. Dying perfons are generally more devout than others, becaufe they then fee their own mifery, that no- thing in this w^orld can help them, and that God is their only refuge. We muft change our lives, if we defire to change our hearts. God will have no regard to the prayers of thofe who have none to his com- mands. The fpirit of God will not dwell in ^ diiiided Iienrt, We cannot feel and Prayer. 3 the pleafure of devotion, while the world is our delight. Not that all pleafures are criminal ; but the clofer union we have with the world, the lefs is our union with God. A Chriftian, therefore, who ftrives after devotion, fhould tafte fenfual pleafures very fparingly, fhould make neceflity, not bodily dehght, his rule. In order to difpofe our hearts to devotion, the active life to be preferred to the contemplative. To be doing good to mankind, difpofes the foul moll: powerfully to devotion. And indeed we are fur- rounded with motives of piety and devotion, if we would but mind them. The poor are defigned to excite our liberality ; — the miferabkj our 'HifM • 1" M ll b CWW /1 1 n IT /Tin r* a • '♦■r»/=» ylLy y LllC JI'LKy UUl CIJJ IJiUnLc y LilC A \J /I l^c UUl lU/l ignorant y our injlruSlion ; — thofe that are fallen ^ our helping hand. In thofe that are vain^ we fee the vanity of this world. In thofe that are wicked ^ our own frailty. When we fee good men rewarded, it confirms our hope ; and when evil men are punifhed, it excites us to fear. He that would be devout^ mufi: beware of indulging an habit of wan- dering in prayer. It is a crime that will grow upon us, and will deprive us of the bleflings we pray for. Avoid, as much as may be, multi- plicity of hufnefs : Neither the inno- cency nor the goodnefs of the em- ployment will excufe us, if it poffefs our hearts when we are praying to God. When our Lord bids us to take NO THOUGHT FOR THE MORROW, CLTid Prayer. r J he intended to hinder thofe cares and fears which are apt to diftrad: our devotions, — which are the more un- reafonable, becaufe they never can change the flate of things. Never be curious to know what pafles in the world, any further than duty obhges you ; it will only diftradl the mind when it fhould be better employed. Never intermit devotion, if you can help it ; you will return to your duty, like Sampfon when his locks were cut, weak and indifferent as other people of the world. The oftener we renew our inter- courfe with God, the greater will be our devotion. Frequent prayer, as it is an exer- cife of holy thoughts, is a moft na- tural remedy againft the power of fin. On Devotion and Prayer. Importunity makes no change in God, but it creates in us fuch difpo- iitions as God thinks fit to reward. Make it a law to yourfelf to me- ditate before you pray ; as alfo to make certain paufes, to fee whether your heart goes along with your lips. They whofe hearts dejire nothings pray for nothing. Give me, O God, the Spirit of true devotion, fuch as may give life to all my prayers, fo that they may find acceptance in thy fight, for Jefus Chrift's fake ! Amen. Sacra Privata. 7 Thou^ when thou prayejly enter into thy clojety and when thou haft Jliut thy door^ -pray to thy Father which is in fecret ; and thy Father ^ which feeth in fecret^ /hall reward thee openly, OW good is God ! who will not only give us what we pray for, but will reward us for going to him, and laying our wants be- fore him. May I always prefent myfelf before God — with a firm faith and hope in his promifes and mercy; — with great rever- ence to his infinite majefty; — with the humility of an offender ; — and with a full purpofe of keeping all God's command- ments ! May the thoughts of eternity quicken Mat. vi. 6. 8 oacra rrtvata. Mat. vii, 7. my devotions ; — my wants make me earn- eft ; — my backflidings make me perfe- vere ; — and may I never wilfully give way to any diftra6ting thoughts. May I wait with patience, and leave it to Thee, my God and Father, how and when to grant my petitions. He that has learned to pray as he ought, has got the Jecret of an holy life. It is of greater advantage to us than we imagine, that God does not grant our petitions immediately. We learn by that^ that whereunto we have already attained, it was the gift of God. The beft way to prevent wandering in prayer is, not to let the mind wander too much at other times ; but to have God always in our minds in the whole courfe of our lives. The end of prayer is not to inform God, but to give man a fight of his own mifery ; to raife his foul to- wards heaven, and to put him in mind that there is his Father and his inherit- ance. AJk^ and it fliall be given you. Grant me. Lord, a faith which lhall make me kJULT U JL r rUULU* 9 know my wants, that I may alk them with earneftnefs and humility, and depend upon thy gracious promife. 1 The Duties of a Chriftian. 'T^HAT man leads a fmcere Chriftian X life, I ft. Who endeavours to ferve and obey God to the beft of his underftanding and power. 2i/y. Who ftrives to pleafe his neigh- bour to edification. ^dly. Who endeavours to do his duty in that ftate of life unto which it has pleafed God to call him. Whoever would continue in the prac- tice of thefe things unto his life's end, it is neceflary that he ftiould — call himfelf often to an account, whether he does fo or not; — conftantly pray for grace to know, and to do his duty ; — and preferve Vilmfplf in inrVi ?i fe^rliJihlp fpmnpr to lilllllt'll 111 ILi^H CXt \J^/ ciful Father, who, day after day, dofl: minifter to finful man infinite occa- fions of prailing Thee, accept of my un- feigned thanks for all the bleflings I have, and every day receive, from thy good providence. That of thine own mere goodnefs, and without any merit of mine, or of my fore- fathers. Thou haft given me a being from honeft and religious parents, and in fuch a part of the world where the Chriftian Religion is purely taught, and thy Sacra- ments duly adminiftered. That Thou didft endue me with rea- fon and perfedl fenfes ; and, to make thefe more comfortable to me, didft give me a found and healthful body. That Thou gaveft me an early know- ledge or 1 nee, my Creator and Redeemer. 58 Sacra Privata. That Thou haft preferved me ever fince my birth;, and haft vouchfafed me health and liberty, and a competency of means to fupport me. That Thou haft redeemed me by thy Son, and given me a fhare in his merits ; fandified me by thy Holy Spirit, and haft heaped many favours upon me. That Thou haft given me honeft friends to admonifh, to counfel, to encourage, and to fupport me, by their intereft and advice. That Thou haft been my refuge in tri- bulation, and my defence in all adverfi- ties ; delivering me from dangers, infamy, and troubles. For all known or unob- ferved deliverances, and for the guard thy Holy Angels keep over me, I praife thy good providence. When I went aftray. Thou didft re- duce me ; when I was fad. Thou didft comfort me ; when I offended Thee, Thou didft forbear and gently corred me, and didft long exped my repentance ; and when, for the grievoufnefs of my fins, I was ready to defpair. Thou didft keep me from utter ruin ; Thou haft de- oacra rrivata. 59 livered me from the fnares and aflaults of the Devil ; Thou haft not only preferved my foul, but my body, from deftrudtion, when ficknefles and infirmities took hold of me. O Lord and Father, I cannot render due thanks and praife for all thefe mercies beftowed upon me : Such as I have I give Thee ; and humbly befeech Thee to ac- cept of this my daily facrifice of thankf- giving. Pardon, O God, all my former ingra- titude ; and that I have pafTed fo many days without obferving, without admiring, without acknowledging and confefling, thy wonderful goodnefs to the moft un- worthy of thy fervants. For (now I foberly confider my de- pendence upon Thee) as there is no hour of my life that I do not enjoy thy favours, and tafte of thy goodnefs, fo (if my frailty would permit) I would fpend no part of my life without remembering Thee. Praife the Lord then, O my foul, and all that is within me praife his Holy iM cirnc. 6o Sacra Privata. Glory be to Thee, O Lord, my Crea- tor. Glory be to Thee, O Jefus, my Re- deemer. Glory be to the Holy Ghoft, my Sandlifier, my Guide, and Comforter. All love, all glory, be to the high and undivided Trinity, whofe works are infe- parable, and whofe dominion endureth world without end. Amen. When I ferioufly confider, great God, my dependence upon thy Providence, and that the favours and mercies I have re- ceived, are infinitely more in number than the acknowledgments I have made, I am juftly aftiamed of my ingratitude, and afraid left my unthankfulnefs fhould pro- voke Thee to hinder the current of thy bleflings from defcending upon me. Forgive, O merciful Father, my paft negligences, and give me grace for the time to come to obferve and to value thy kindnefles, as becomes one who has re- ceived fo much more than he deferves. Preferve in my foul, O God, fuch a conftant and clear fenfe of my obligations to Thee, that upon the receipt of every favour, I may immediately turn my eyes Sacra Privata. 01 to Him from whom cometh my falvation. That thy manifold bleflings may fix fuch lafting impreflions upon my foul, that I may always praife Thee faithfully here on earth, until it fhall pleafe Thee, of thy unbounded mercy, to call me nearer the place of thy heavenly habitation, to praife my Lord and deliverer to all eternity. Providence. God has more ways of providing for us, of helping us, than we can poffibly ima- gine ; it is infidelity to defire to confine him to our ways and methods. Lord^fave us^ we peri/h. Nothing can better exprefs our own inability, and our whole dependence upon God. Two fure conditions of obtaining help. Since thy mercy, O God, is ever ready to help all that call upon Thee in time of diftrefs, let thy goodnefs anfwer my wants. Keep me under the protedion of thy good providence, and make me to have a perpetual fear and love of thy Holy ixdiiic, Liiruuyn jcius v^iimL. Matt. viii. 02 uuC/u rTtVutu* Pfa. xc. 12. The more deftitute we are of human aid, the more ought we to truft to that providence which God is pleafed to exert in extreme neceffity. O God, give me grace never to con- demn thy providence ; let me adore the wifdom of thy condudl, the holinefs of thy ways, and the power of thy grace. How many fins fiiould we commit, if God did not vouchfafe to oppofe our cor- rupt will ! Blefi^ed be his holy name, for not leaving me to my own choices. So teach us to number our days^ that we may apply our hearts unto wifdom. Birth-Day. Blessed be God for my creation and birth ; for giving me a being from honeft parents fearing God, and in a Chriftian and Proteftant country; — for giving me perfe6t members and fenfes, a found rea- fon, and an healthful conftitution — for the means of grace, the afiiftances of the Holy Spirit, and for the hopes of Glory ; — for all the known or unobferved fa- vnnr<; nrovirlences and dehverances, bv Sacra Privata. 63 which my life has hitherto been preferv- ed ; — moft humbly befeeching Thee^ my God and Father, to pardon my negledl or abufe of any of thy favours, and that I have fo very much forgotten Thee, in whom I live, and move, and have my being. Good Lord, forgive me the great wafte of my precious time,— the many days and years of health, and the many opportuni- ties of doing good, which I have loft ; and give me grace, that for the time to come I may be truly wife, that I may confider my latter end, and work out my falvation with fear and trembling, ever re- membering, that the night cometh when no man can work ; and that the day of my death may be better to me than the day of my birth. O gracious God, grant that before Thou takeft from me that breath which Thou gaveft me, I may truly repent of the er- rors of my life paft ; that my fins may be forgiven, and my pardon fealed in Hea- ven ; fo that I may have a place of reft in Paradife with thy faithful fervants, till 64 bacra rrtvata. the general refurredlion ; when the good Lord vouchfafe me a better and an ever- lafting life, through Jefus Chrift. Amen, New- Tear's- Day . Blessed be God, who has brought me fafe to the beginning of another year. Blefled be God, that I am of the num- ber of thofe who have time and fpace for repentance yet given them. My God, make me truly fenfible of this mercy, and give me grace to confider often how fhort and how uncertain my time is; — that there is one year more of a fhort life pafTed over my head ; and that I am fo much nearer eternity ; — that I may in good earnefl think of another life, and be fo prepared for it, as that death may not overtake me unawares. Lord, pardon all my mifpent time, and make me more diligent and careful to re- deem it for the time to come, that when I come to the end of my days, I may look back with comfort on the days that are paft. Grant that I may begin this new year oacra rrtvata. 65 with new refolutions of ferving Thee more faithfully ; — and if, thro' infirmity or negligence, I forget thefe good pur- pofes, the good Lord awaken in me a fenfe of my danger. My heart is in thy hands, O God, as well as my time ; O make me wife unto falvation ; — that I may conlider in this my day the things that belong unto my peace ; and that I may pafs this, and all the years I have yet to live, in the com- fortable hope of a blefled eternity, for the Lord Jefus' fake. Amen. Lord' s Day. fVhen will the Sabbath he gone^ that we may Jell wheat ? Deliver us, gracious God, from this fin of covetoufnefs, — from being weary of thy fabbaths, which are ordained to pre- ferve in our hearts the knowledge of Thee, and of thy fon Jefus Chrifl. O that we may defire, and rejoice in, the return of this day, and ferve Thee faithfully on it ; and that we may enjoy Amos viii. 4- K Sdcru Privutu* 1 1 I Tim. ii. i. an everlafting fabbath with thy faints, for Jefus Chrift's fake. Amen, O that I may be glad when they fay unto me, Come, let us go to the Houfe of God ! Prayer for all Mankind. I exhort^ that firft of all /applications^ prayers, intercejfions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men. O God, almighty and merciful, let thy fatherly goodnefs be upon all that Thou haft made. Have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, In- fidels, and Hereticks, and grant that none may deprive themfelves of that happinefs which Jefus Chrift has purchafed by his death, Blefs the pious endeavours of all thofe that ftrive to propagate the Gofpel of Chrift ; and may its faving truths be re- ceived in all the world ! Preferve thy Church in the midft of the dangers that furround it : purge it rroiii ail currupLiuiibj aiiu. iicdi ito uivi- Sacra Privata. 67 fions, that all Chriftian people may unite and love as becomes the difciples of Chrift. Grant that all bifliops and paftors may be careful to obferve the facred rights committed to their truft : — That Godly difcipline may be reftored and countenanced: — That Chriftians may not content them- felves with bare fhadows of religion and piety, but endeavour after that holinefs without which no man can fee the Lord : — That fuch as are in authority may go- vern with truth and juftice ; and that thofe whofe duty it is to obey, may do it for confcience fake. Let all that fmcerely feek the truth, be led into it by thy Holy Spirit ; and to all fuch as are deftitute of neceffary inftru6tion, vouchfafe a greater meafure of thy grace . Support and comfort all that labour under trials and afflidlions, all that fuffer wrongfully ; and by thy mighty grace fuccour all thofe that are tempted. Give unto all finners a true fenfe of their unhappy ftate, and grace and ftrength 68 Sacra Privata. to break their bonds. Vifit, with thy fatherly comforts, all fuch as are now in their laft; ficknefs, that they may omit nothing that is neceflary to make their peace with Thee. Be gracious to all thofe countries that are made defolate by the fword, famine^ peftilence, or perfecution. And fandlify the miferies of this life^ to the everlafting benefit of all that fulFer. Preferve this land from the miferies of war ; this Church from perfecution, and from all wild and dangerous errors ; and this people from forgetting Thee^ their Lord and Benefaftor. Avert the judgments which we have juftly deferved ; and mercifully prevent the ruin that threatens us ; and grant that we may be ever prepared for what thy Providence fhall bring forth. Blefs all perfons and places to which thy Providence has made me a debtor ; all who have been inftrumental to my good, by their affiftance, advice, or example ; and make me in my turn ufeful to others. Let none of thofe who cannot pray for Sacra Prtvata. 69 themfelves, and defire my prayers, want thy mercy ; but defend, and comfort, and condud them through this dangerous world, that we may meet in Paradife, to praife our God for ever and ever. Amen. Enlighten the minds, and pardon the fm, of all that err through fimplicity. Let the wickednefs of the wicked come to an end, but guide thou the juft. Relieve and comfort all that are trou- bled in mind or confcience ; — all that are in danger of falling into defpair ; — all that are in any dangerous error; — all that are in prifon, in flavery, or under perfecu- tion for a righteous caufe ; all that are in any diftrefs whatever ; — that all may im- prove under their fulferings. Have mercy upon and reclaim all that are engaged in linful courfes, in youthful lufts, in unchriftian quarrels, and in un- righteous lawfuits. Diredl all that are in doubt, all that feek the truth. O God, the Creator and Redeemer of All, have mercy upon all whom Thou haft made and redeemed. Aitich, 70 Sacra Privata. Luke xxii. 42. Monday Meditations. Resignation. Neverthelejsy not my will^ but thine he done. GOD, who takeft: delight in helping the afHided, help a foul too often diftrefled with an inward rebellion againft: thy juft appointments. Who am I, that I fhould make excep- tions againft the Will of God, infinitely great y wife^ and good ? I know not the things that are for my own good. My moft earneft defires, if granted, may prove my ruin. The things I complain of and fear, may be the effedls of the greateft mercy. The difappointments I meet with, may be abfolutely neceffary for my eternal welfare. I do therefore proteft againft the fin and madnefs of defiring to have my will done, and not the will of God* i iSacra rrtvata. 71 Grant, gracious Father, that I may never difpute the reafonablenefs of thy will, but ever clofe with it, as the beft that can happen. Prepare me always for what thy provi- dence fhall bring forth. Let me never murmur y be deje£ledy or impatient y under any of the troubles of this life ; but ever find reft and comfort in thisy THIS is the will of my father, AND OF MY GOD *. grant this for Jefus Chrift's fake. Amen. To the glory of God, and juftification of his infinite goodnefs, I do here acknow- ledge, that in all the difpenfations of pro- vidence which have befallen me, to this day, however uneafy to flefh and blood, I have notwithftanding experienced the kindnefs of a father for his child ; and am convinced, that it would have been much worfe for me, had I had my own choices. O God grant that for the time to come I may yield a cheerful obedience to all thy appointments. Amen, Corrupt nature cannot comprehend that afflidlions are the effedts of the divine 72 Sacra Privata. Job xiii. 15. love. It muft: be thy grace, O Lover of Souls, which muft work in me this con- viftion, which I befeech Thee to vouch- fafe me. Never fet a greater value upon this world than it deferves. If a man be not eager or pofitive in his defires, he will more readily embrace the appointments of Providence. If we place our hopes, or our depend- ence, upon the 'power ^ the wijdom^ the coun/ely or the interejl^ we have in man, and not in God only, we fhall furely be difappointed. though he flay me ^ yet will Itrufi in him. 0 my crucified King and Saviour, let my fubmiflion to whatever afflidions ftiall befall me, for thy fake, or by thy appoint- ment, be to me a pledge, and an affurance, of my fidelity to Thee, and conformity to thy fufferings. It is a favour to be punifhed and to fufFer in this life, when a man makes a good ufe of his fufferings. But to fuffer by conftraint, is to fuffer without comfort and without benefit. /Sacra rrtvata. 73 Our union and conformity with the will of God ought to be inftead of all confolation. Grant, O God, that I may always ac- cept of the punifhment of my fins with refignation to thy good pleafure. Remember me, O Lord, in the day of trouble ; keep me from all excefs of fear, concern, and fadnefs. Grant me an humble and refigned heart, that with perfedt content I may ever acquiefce in all the methods of thy grace, that I may never fruftrate the de- figns of thy mercy, by unreafonable fears, by floth, or felf-love. Amen. Think often of God, and of his attri- butes, his mercy, compaflion, fidelity, fatherly care, goodnefs, protedlion. Dwell on thefe thoughts till they produce fuch a well-grounded confidence as will fupport us under all difficulties, and afTure us, that He cannot pofTibly forfake thofe that de- pend on Him. When God deprives us of any thing that is mofl dear to us, — health, eafe, conveniences of life, friends, wife, chil- L ^ — ^ 74 oacra Jrrtvata. I Peter v. 5. dren, &c. — we fliould immediately fay. This is God's will ; I am by Him com- manded to part with fo much ; let me not therefore murmur or be dejected, for then it would appear that I did love that thing more than God's will. When God thus vifits us, let us im- mediately look inwards ; and, left our fins fiiould be the occafion, let us take care that we ferioufly repent, and endeavour to make our peace with God, and then He will either deliver or fupport us, and will convince us, that we fuffer in juftice for our faults ; or for our trial, and to hum- ble us ; or for God's glory, and to fanc- tify us. Be clothed with humility ; for God re- fifteth the proudy but giveth grace to the humble. Give me grace, O God, to ftudy, to love, to adore, and to imitate that hu- mility, which thy Blefled Son hath taught us both by his word and by his moft holy example. Sacra Privata. Bujinefs. Under Jianding what the will of the Lord is. To engage in any bufinefs of import- ance without knowing this, and taking counfel of God, may coft us dear. Woe to them that take counfel^ but not of me ^ faith the Lord. But then, let a man take heed, that when he goes to enquire of the Lord, he does not fet up idols in his own heart, left God anfwer him according to his idols. We are to pray for the direction of God's Spirit, upon all great occafions : efpecially, we are humbly to depend on his diredion, and cheerfully to expe6t it, which he will manifeft, either by fome plain event of his providence, or by fug- gefting fuch reafons as ought to determine the will to a wife choice. But to follow the inclinations of the will without reafon, only becaufe we find ourfelves ftrongly inclined to this or that, is a very dangerous way, and may engage us in very dangerous pradlices. 75 Ephef. V. 17, Ifai. XXX. I. Sacra Privata. Majier. Servant. Death, in a very little time, may make the mafter and the fervant equal. Let us anticipate this equality, by treating our fervants with compaffion ; having refped: to Chrift in the perfon of our fervant, to Chrift, who took upon him the form of a fervant for our fakes. Sacra Privata. 77 Tuefday Meditations. Trouble, Persecution, Afflictions, &c. Call upon ?ne in the time of trouble^ Jo will I hear thee^ and thou JJialt prai/e me, OGOD, who feeft all our weaknefles, and the troubles we labour under, have regard unto the prayers of thy fer- vant, who ftands in need of thy comfort ^ thy dire£lion^ and thy help. Grant that I may fuffer like a Chriftian, and not grieve like an unbeliever ; — that I may receive troubles as a punifhment due to my paft offences, — as an exercife of my faith, and patience, and humility, — and as a trial of my obedience ; — and that I may improve all my afflidtions to the good of my foul, and thy glory. Thou alone knoweft what is befl for us : Let me never difpute thy wifdom or thy goodnefs. Pialm 1. 15. 78 Heb. xii. 7. Micah vii. 9- Peter iv. 13- Matt. V. 1 1, Sacra Privata. Direct my reafon, fubdue my paflions, put a ftop to my roving thoughts and fears, and let me have the comfort of thy promife, and of thy protedlion, both now and ever, for Jefus Chrifl's fake. Amen, If ye endure chaftening^ God dealeth with you as with Jons ; for what Jon is he whom the Jather chafteneth not ? But if ye are without chajiijementy whereof all are partakerSy then are ye bafiards^ and not Jons. I will bear the indignation of the Lordy becaufe I have finned againft him. If I am defpifed or flighted, I ought to confider it as a favour, fince this is a mark of God's children ; and therefore I ought to thank him for it, and not be angry with thofe whom he makes his inflruments to fubdue and mortify my pride. Rejoice in as much as ye are made par- takers of the fufferings of Chriji ; that when his glory Jhall be revealed^ ye may be glad aljo with exceeding joy \ — viz. Becaufe your reward will be proportionable to your fufferings. Blejfed are ye when men jhall revile you Sacra Privata. 79 and perfecute you^ and Jhall Jay all manner of evil againjl you falfely for my fake. Re- joice ^ and be exceeding glad ; for great is your reward in Heaven ; for Jo perfecuted they the prophets which were before you. The myftery of the Crofs is to be learned under the Crofs. Fear not them which kill the body^ but are not able to kill the foul: but rather fear him which is able to deflroy both body and foul in hell. Are not two fparrows fold for a farthing ? and one of the?n fhall not fall to the ground without your Father. The very hairs of your head are all num- bered. Humble yourf elves under the mighty hand of Gody [under great affliftions which he fuifers to befal you] that he may exalt you in due time : Cafting all your care upon him^ for he careth for you. Thy will be done. It is juft, great God, it fhould be fo ; for who fhould govern the world but he that made it ? And yet we poor creatures repine when any thing crofles our hopes or defigns. What ftrange unthoughtful- Sacra Privata. nefs ! what prefumption is this ! And it is thy great mercy that any of us are fenfible of this folly, and become willing to be governed by Thee. With all my heart and foul, O God, I thank Thee, that in all the changes and chances of this mortal life, I can look up to Thee, and cheerfully refign my will to thine. It is the defire of my foul, and my humble petition, that I may always be ready and willing to fubmit to thy provi- dence, that Thou may eft order what Thou judgeft to be moft convenient for me. I have trufted Thee, O Father, with myfelf ^ my foul is in thy hand, which I verily believe Thou wilt preferve to eternal happinefs ; my body, and all that belongs to it, are of much lefs value. I do therefore, with as great fecurity and fatisfadion, truft all I have to Thee, hop- ing Thou wilt preferve me from all things hurtful, and lead me to all things profit- able to my falvation. I will love Thee, O God ; being fatif- fied that all things, however ftrange and bacra r?^ivata. 8i irkfome they appear, fhall work together for good to thofe that do fo. I know in whom I have believed ; I have a Saviour at thy right hand, full of kindnefs, full of care, full of power ; he has prayed for me, that this faith fail me not ; and by this faith I am perfuaded, that neither tribulation, nor anguifh, nor perfecution, nor famine, nor nakednefs, nor peril, nor fword, nor death which I may fear, nor life which I may hope for, nor things prefent which I feel, nor things to come which I may apprehend, fhall ever prevail fo far over me, as to make me not to refign my will entirely to Thee. In an humble, quiet, and dutiful fub- miflion, let me faithfully run the race that is fet before me, looking unto Jefus, the author and finifher of our faith, who, for the joy that was fet before him, defpifed the jfhame, endured the crofs, and is now feated at the right hand of God ; to whom I moft humbly befeech Thee to bring me in thy good time ; and for whatever fhall fall out in the mean while, T^hy will be done. Amen. M 82 jjacra rrtvata. Look unto ye/us. He was defpifed and rejected of men ; — his life was fought for by Herod ; — He was tempted by Satan ; — hated by that world which He came to fave ; — fet at nought by his own people ; — called a de- ceiver, and a dealer with the devil ; — was driven from place to place, and had not where to lay his head ; — betrayed by one difciple, and forfaken by all the reft ; — falfely accufed, fpit upon, and fcourged; — fet at nought by Herod and his men of war ; — given up by Pilate to the will of his enemies ; — had a murderer preferred before him; — was condemned to a moft cruel and fhameful death ; — crucified be- tween two thieves ; — reviled in the midft of his torments ; — had gall and vinegar given him to drink ^ — fuffered a moft bitter death, fubmitting with patience to the will of his Father. O Jefu, who now fitteft at the right hand of God, to fuccour all who fuffer in a righteous way ; be Thou my Advocate for grace, that, m all my luftermgs, 1 may I tSacra rrtvata. 83 follow thy example, and run with patience the race that is fet before me. Amen. Take all things that befal you as coming from God's providence, for your particu- lar profit. And though they are evil in themfelves, yet as he permits^ or does not think fit to hinder them, they may be re- ferred to Flim. God no fooner difcovers in your heart an ardent defire of well-doing, and of fub- mitting to his will, but he prepares for you occafions of trying your virtue ; and therefore, confident of his love, receive cheerfully a medicine prepared by a phy- fician that cannot be miftaken, and cannot give you anything but what will be for your good. — See Ecclus. chap. ii. Lord, prepare my heart, that no afflic- tions may ever fo furprife, as to overbear me. Difpofe me at all times to a readinefs to fuffer what thy providence fhall order or permit. It is the fame cup which Jefus Chrift drank of, it is he fends it. — He fees it ab- lolutely necellary that I mult be firft par- - 84 Sacra Privata. Matth. X. 22. Matth. X. 24. taker of his fufFerings, and then of his glory. And ye Jhall he hated of all men for my name fake ; hut he that fhall endure to the end^ Jhall he faved. It is indeed grievous to nature to be thus treated ; but when it is for thy name- fake, O Jefus, and for the fake of thy truth, and for being true to Thee ; how lovely is this hatred, and how advanta- geous when falvation is the reward ! The difciple is not ahove his mafler^ nor the fervant ahove his Lord. He who keeps this faying in his heart, will never complain of what he fuffers, nor feek for any other way to fave himfelf, but by humiliation and the Crofs. Suffering. O Lord, grant that whenever I fuffer, it may be for being faithful to Thee, and without drawing it unfeafonably upon my- felf. We are in God's hands ; we often take ourfelves out of his hands, by trufting to Sacra Privata. 85 the help and proteftion of men, more than that of God. God can render none miferable but thofe whom he finds finners. Let us apply this to ourfelves when in afflidlion, but not unto others, or to their perfonal faults. As many as I love^ I rebuke and chaften : be zealous^ therefore^ and repent. Blefled be God, who vouchfafes, by falutary chaftifements, to awaken us when we fall afleep through floth and lukewarm- nefs. Grant, O God, that I may never mur- mur at thy appointments, nor be exafpe- rated at the minifters of thy providence. In Thee, O Jefus, we find matter of confolation in every afflidtion that can pof- fibly befal us. All vifitations are from God. He is not delighted with the miferies of his poor creatures ; afilidions are therefore defigned for our good. He will either fhew us the reafon of this vifitation, or make us reap the fruits of it. People that may be well difpofed, may yet live under the power of fome evil cuf- Rev. iii. 19. oO Sclera Prtvatd. torn, which is difpleafing to God ; — a man may have been guilty of fome great fin which he has yet never truly repented of, or been truly humbled for. This was the cafe of the fons of Jacob ; — they had at- tempted the life of, and afterwards fold, their brother, and endangered the life of their aged father ; under which guilt they pafled their life well enough for many years, till God vifited them and then they thought of their fin, confefled and repented. God, by affii6lions, often fits us for greater degrees of grace which he is going to beftow. Though I fuffer, yet I am well, becaufe I am what God would have me to be. Lord, do not permit my trials to be above my flirength ; and do Thou vouch- fafe to be my flirength and comfort in the time of trial. Give me grace to take in good part whatever fiiali befall me ; and let my heart acknowledge it to be the Lord's do- ing, and to come from thy providence. Sacra Privata. God makes ufe of afflidions Some- times by way of prevention ; leji I Jhould be exalted^ faid St. Paul ; — To reform them ; before I was affli£ledy I went af- fray ; — To perfed them ; patience^ cou- rage, fubmiffion to the will of God, are graces not fo much as underftood by peo- ple who meet with no adverfities ; we muft through fnuch tribulation enter into the kingdom of God; — To prove men, and fhew them for examples ; if a man had no ene- mies, how could he fhew his charity in forgiving them ? Afflic5lions are no marks of God's dif- pleafure. Jejus loved Mary and Laza- rus^ yet they were both afBided. Punifhment is due to fin. We muft be punifhed here or hereafter ; — -it is the caufe of all afBidlions, and defigned by our gracious God to bring us to repen- tance. Profperity is a moft dangerous ftate ; — we fancy it is owing to our merit, and it is followed with pride, negled of duty, fearleflhefs. It is happy for us when God counts us 87 2 Cor. xii. &c. Pfa. cxix. Adls xiv. 22. John. xl. 5. 0 Q OO oacra rrtvata. worthy to fufFer for his name's fake. Affliftions, undergone with refignation, are the great teft of our love of God; when we love him, then he chaftens us. May God fandlify all our afflidions to us all. May I receive everything from thy hand with patience and with joy. Remember me, O God, in the day of trouble. Secure me, by thy grace, from all excefs of fear^ concern^ and Jadnejs. Let the afBidtions I meet with be in fome meafure ferviceable towards the ap- peafing of thy wrath. Let them prove the happy occafion of forwarding my con- verfion and falvation. Temptation. We are expofed to temptation all our days. Men are never more dangeroufly tempted, than when they think themfelves fecure from temptation. — This is a proof of the power the devil has over them. We tempt God when we expofe our- felves unneceflarily to dangers, through a raue connaence or nib anutance. Sacra Privata. 89 Defpair. Hope. Grant, O God, that, amidfl: all the dif- couragements, difficulties, dangers, diftrefs, and darknefs of this mortal life, I may depend upon thy mercy, and on this build my hopes, as on a fure foundation. Let thine infinite mercy in Chrift Jefus deliver me from defpair, both now and at the hour of death. Refignation. Grant that I may receive the punilhment of my fins with patience and refignation. Injuries . Perfecution . Give me, O God, an heart to confider, that man could have no power againft: me, unlefs it were given from above. 'Enemies. A Christian fiiould not difcover that he has enemies any other way, than by doing more good to them than to others. If thine enemy hunger^ feed him ; if he thirfi^ give him drink. He will therefore be N 90 oacra rrivata. Ecclus. viii. 7. < < 1 careful not to lofe fuch occafions. 0 Jefu ! whofe charity all the malice of thy bittereft enemies could not overcome, flied abroad in my heart that moft excel- lent gift of charity, the very bond of peace, and of all virtues. Rejoice not over thy great eft enemy being dead ; but remember^ that we die all. Our enemies are our benefaftors, pro- curing for us a new right to heaven. 1 pray God convert all thofe who hate us without a caufe. I befeech Thee for my enemies, not for vengeance, but for mercy ; that Thou wouldeft change their hearts by thy grace, or reftrain their malice by thy power. /// Time of War. 0 Sovereign Lord ! who for our fins art juftly difpleafed, I proftrate myfelf before Thee, confefllng my own fin and the fin of this people ; acknowledging the juftice of any fcourge which Thou fiialt think fit to bring upon us; and trembling to think how much I may have contributed towards it. Sacra Privata, 91 Thou haft already fpoken to us both by thy judgments and mercies, both by the fcarcity and plenty of bread ; and we have not regarded it. Thou haft taken away the lives of many, very many, in their very fins, by which numerous widows, and fa- therlefs children, have been left miferable. The fins of whoredom and drunkennefs ; of Jwearingy lyings and perjury ; of liti- gioufnefsy injujiicey and defrauding the pub- licky are made light of. The fins of impiety ^ of prophanenefsy of defpifing the means of grace and Jalvation^ are too common amongft us. What fiiall we fay, to prevail with God to avert the judgments which thefe fins deferve ? God be merciful unto us, and put a ftop to this torrent of wickednefs ; put thy fear into all our hearts, that we may re- turn to Thee ; that we may repent, and bring forth fruit meet for repentance ; and that iniquity may not be our ruin. May the dread of thy now threatened judgments deter us from evil ; — may thy goodnefs and patience lead us to repen- 92 Sacra Privata. tance; — weaken the power of Satan; — take from among us the fpirit of flumber, of ignorance, and inconfideration. Let every one of us fee and feel the plague of his own heart, and fay, what have I done to bring theje evils upon us ? So that bringing forth fruits anfwerable to amendment of life, we may efcape thy judgment now hanging over u^s ; and above all, thy judgment againft finners in the world to come. And this I beg for Jefus Chrift his fake. Amen. yudgment Day. Grant, O Lord, that I may be of the number of thofe that fliall find mercy at that day. Zaccheus. The good Lord grant that I may give a proof of the fincerity of my converfion by a change of life. oacra rrtvata. 93 Wednefday Meditations. COVETOUSNESS, FaSTING, DIFFI- CULTIES, Self-denial. All theje things will I give thee. — Get thee hencey Satan^ for it is written^ Thou /halt worjhip the Lord thy God^ and him only /halt thou ferve. REAT and glorious God, who alone art worthy of our love and fervice, cure me of, and preferve me from, the fin and vanity of admiring this world. Give me grace to renounce all covetous defires, all love of riches and pleafures ; — to defire only what is necefiary, and to be content with what Thou, O Lord, think- eft fo : Not to be troubled at the lofs or want of any thing befides thy favour : That no bufinefs, no pleafures, may divert me from the thoughts of the world to come : Matt. iv. 9, 10. 94 Sacra Privata, Luke vi. 24. I John ii. 15. That I may cheerfully part with all thefe things, when Thou requireft it of me : And that I may be ever prepared to do fo, difpofe me to a temperance in all things, and to lay up my treafure in hea- ven, for Jefus Chrift's fake. Amen. Woe unto you that are richy for ye have received your confolation. A man muft have but little faith, who can read thefe words, and yet love riches, and the pleafures they afford. Lord grant that I may refift: every temptation to the love of creatures left they fteal my heart from Thee, my God, whom I defire to love with all my foul. I know that I muft in a great meafure renounce all other objefts of my affeftion, in order to love Thee with all my heart. Lord, give me grace and ftrength to put this in pra6tice. Love not the worlds nor the things that are in the world: if any man love the worlds the love of the Father is not in him. Grant, O God, that I may never hope to reconcile two things fo inconfiftent as the love of Thee and the world. Sacra Privata. 95 Bleffed are the -poor in fpirit : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. To be poor in fpirit — is to be difengaged from wealth, to look upon it as a burthen, or as a truft. Having food and raiment^ let us he there- with content. And yet even the Chriftian world is not content without fuperfluities and excefs. Thefe diforders are not lefs criminal, be- caufe fo common. Give me, O God, the eyes of faith, that I may fee the world juft as it is; — the vanity of its promifes, the folly of its plea- fures, the unprofitablenefs of its rewards, the multitude of its fnares, and the dan- gers of its temptations. Fajiing. Jesus Chrift fpared not his innocent flefli, but fafted ; the finner cheriflieth his con- tinually, refufing it nothing. Fafting is in fome fenfe a punilhment and expiation for paft fins, a remedy for prefent temptations, and a prefervative againft future. Matth. V. 3. I Tim. vi. 8. 96 Sacra Privata. Pfa. cu. 4. Luke VI. 25. Pfa.: My heart is fmitten, and withered like grajs ; Jo that I forget to eat my bread. The humble and afflided foul is not much concerned to pleafe the appetite. Woe unto you that are full^ for ye fhall hunger ; that is. Ye whofe daily meals are feafts, who make profeflion of a life of fenfuality, who know not what it is to faft : woe to fuch Chriftians ! If we judge ourfelves with feverity, we fhall be judged with mercy. In Time of Trouble. When thou with rebukes doft correal man for iniquity^ thou makefi his beauty to conjume away like a moth. 0 MERCIFUL God, who in thy wife provi- dence doft fo order even natural events, that they ferve both for the good of the univerfe, and for the convidlion of parti- cular finners, fo that men fhall have reafon to acknowledge thy glorious attributes ; — 1 do with great forrow of heart, but with all fubmifTion to thy good pleafure, confefs thy mercy as well as juftice to me in the judgments^ afflictions^ forrow s^ of this day. Sacra Privata. 97 I acknowledge thy voice, O merciful God, I acknowledge my own tranfgreflions, which have provoked Thee to fpeak to me after this manner, and at this very time. O Lord, give me true repentance for all the errors of my life, and particularly for that which was in all probability the occafion of this affliction. Blefled be God, that my punifhment was not as great as my crime. Blefled be God, that he has given me time to repent of the fin that provoked him to deal with me after this manner. Blefled be God, that when he fpake to me once, yea twice, that I regarded it at laft. Good God of mercy, give me grace that I may not provoke Thee any more to repeat this word to me, but that I may faithfully perform thofe vows which are upon me. This I cannot do without thy gracious afliftance, which I mofl: humbly befeech Thee to vouchfafe me, for Jefus Chrift's fake, who by his merits has pur- chafed this grace for all that faithfully alk it of Thee ; for his fake, O merciful God, o 98 Sacra Privata. grant me this grace. Amen. I do in all humility accept of the pun- iftiment of mine iniquities. I will hold my peace, and not open my mouth, becaufe it is thy doing and my defervings. I know, O Lord, that it is good for me to be in trouble, or Thou wouldeft not fufFer it fo to be. Let thy merciful kindnefs be my com- fort, according to thy promife to all that love and ferve Thee. Difficult tes. We are to pray for the particular direftion of God's Holy Spirit upon all great occa- fions ; we are humbly to depend upon, and cheerfully to expedt it. In a Law-Suit. Convince me, O God, if I am under any miftake in this affair. Direft, aflift, and fupport me under all the difficulties I fhall meet with. Put an happy end, in thy good time, to this troublefome controverfy. Sacra Privata. 99 Difpofe the hearts of thofe with whom we have to do, to peace and juftice. Give me grace to reft fatisfied with whatever ftiall be the iflue, believing af- furedly, that God can make good any lofs I may fuftain, or fanftify it to my eternal welfare. Lord, in this, and in all other things I undertake. Thy will be done, and not mine. . O manifeft thy will to me, preferve me from evil counfels, and from rafti ehter- prifes. Faith. Grant, O God, that I may with humility receive, and with perfeverance hold faft, all thofe truths which Thou haft revealed. I thank Thee, O God, for thy holy word, and for that thou haft not left us, in the affair of eternity, to the uncertainty of our own reafon and judgment. Defend me againft all delufions of error ; the fnares of wit and learning ; the railleries of profane men ; and from de- ferting the truth. Grant, O God, that lOO Sacra Privata. John xvi. 13- neither education, intereft, prejudice, or paflion, may ever hinder me from difcern- ing the truth. Open the eyes of all that are in error ; heal the wounds of the divided church ; that we may be one fold under one fhep- herd. Amen. The Holy Spirit /hall guide you into all truth. O Holy Spirit, make me to underftand, embrace, and love the truths of the golpeL Give, O God, thy blefling unto thy word, that it may become efFedtual to my converfion and falvation, and to the falva- tion of all that read and hear it. Give me grace to read thy Holy Word with reverence and refped, becoming the gracious manifeftation of thy will to men ; fubmitting my underftanding and will to thine. Let thy gracious promifes, O God, con- tained in thy word, quicken my obedience. Let thy dreadful threatenings and judg- ments upon finners, frighten me from fin, and oblige me to a fpeedy repentance, for jeius v^nrui nis laice. Sacra Prtvata. lOI Caufe me, O God, to believe thy word, to obey thy commands, to fear thy judg- ments, and to hope in, and depend upon, thy gracious promifes contained in thy Holy Word, for Jefus Chrift's fake. Give me a full perfuafion of thofe great truths, which Thou haft revealed in thy holy word. The gofpel will not be a means of fal- vation to him who reads, or hears it only, but to him who reads, loves, remembers, and praftifes it by a lively faith. Caufe me, O God, rightly to under- ftand, and conftantly to walk in, the way of thy commandments. Grant us in this world knowledge of thy truth, and in the world to come life everlafting, for Jefus Chrift's fake. From hardnefs of heart, and contempt of thy word, good Lord, deliver us. Give us grace to hear meekly thy word, to receive it with pure affeftion, and to bring forth the fruits of the fpirit, to amend our lives according to thy holy word. A^Meyi, I02 Sacra Privata. Self-Denial. He that reftfteth pleafureSy crowneth his life. Vouchsafe me, gracious God, the graces of mortification and felf-denial, that my affedions and flefli being fubdued unto the {pirit, and my heart and all my mem- bers being mortified from all carnal and worldly lufts, I may ever obey thy blefT- ed will, through Jefus Chrifl: our Lord* Amen. All mankind being under the fentence of death, certain to be executed, and at an hour we know not of ; a ftate of re- pentance and felf-denial, of being dead and crucified to the world, is certainly the moft fuitable, the moft becoming temper that we can be found in, when that fen- tence comes to be executed ; that is, when we come to die : — Efpecially when we confider, that this fhort and uncertain time, allowed us betwixt the fentence and execution, will determine our condition for eternity. If this be the cafe of fallen man, as Sacra Privata. moft certainly it is, then thoughtlefs un- remitting pleafure is the greateft inde- cency ; — a fondnefs for the world, the greateft folly ; — andfelf-indulgence, down- right madnefs. And confequently, the contrary to thefe, namely, a conftant ferioufnefs of temper, an univerfal care and exadnefs of life, an indifference for the world, felf-denial, fo- briety, and watchfulnefs, muft be our greateft wifdom. And this difcovers to us the reafon and the neceflity of all the duties of Chrifti- anity, and of God's dealings with fallen man in this ft ate of trial. For inftance : — Jefus Chrift commands us to deny our/elves^ and to take up our crofs daily, not becaufe he can command what he pleafes, (for he is infinite good- nefs, and can command nothing but what is good for his creatures) but becaufe the corruption of our nature requires that we ftiould be forbidden every thing which would increafe our diforder. And becaufe this diforder has fpread itfelf through all the powers of our fouls 103 104 bacra Frtvata. and bodies, and inclines us to evil con- tinually, he requires that our felf-denial fliould reach as far as our corruption. He commands us, therefore, to deny our own wifdom, becaufe we are really blind as to what concerns our own true good, and fliould infallibly ruin ourfelves, if left to our own choices. He commands us to deny our appetites , becaufe intemperance would ruin us. He forbids us to give way to our paf- JionSy becaufe a thoufand evils will follow if we fliould do fo. He obliges us to keep a very fl:ri6t watch over our hearts, becaufe from thence proceed hypocrify, covetoufnefs, malice, and many other evils. We are forbid to fet our hearts upon the world, and every thing in it, becaufe our eternal happinefs depends upon our loving God with all our heart and foul. We are obliged to love our neighbour, and our very enemies, and are forbid to hate, to contend with, to hurt, to go to law with him, becaufe this would exafpe- rate our mmds, and grieve the Holy bpi- kjULT IT f l UUlCl* rit of God, by which we are fandtified ; being againft that charity which God de- lights in. We are forbid all repining when God afflids us, becaufe, as finners, fufFering is due to us. And becaufe our bodies have a very great influence over our fouls, we are commanded to fafty and to be flridtly temperate at all times, and to deny our- felves the love of fenfual pleafures and felf-indulgence. We are commanded to deny all the ways of folly, vanity, and falfe-fatisfac- tions, that we may be able to take fatif- faftion and pleafure in the ways of God. In fhort: — In whatever inflances we are commanded to deny ourfelves, it is becaufe it is abfolutely neceflary, either to cure our corruption, or to qualify us for the grace of God, or to hinder us from grieving God's Holy Spirit, and forcing him to forfake us. The more we deny ourfelves, the freer we ftiall be from fin, and the more dear to God. God appoints us to fufferings, that we p io6 Sacra Privata. may keep clofe to Him, and that we may value the fufferings of his Son, which we fhould have but a low notion of, did not our own experience teach us what it is to fuffer. They that deny themfelves, will be fure to find their ftrength increafed, their af- fedlions raifed, and their inward peace continually advanced. I Tim. vi. 8. 1 Having food and raiment^ let us be there- with content. Let us not imagine that excefs, luxury, and fuperfluity, and the love of pleafures, are lefs criminal, becaufe they are fo com- mon. T^ake up the Crofs. This is defigned as a peculiar favour to Chriftians, as indeed are all Chrift's com- mands. Miferies are the unavoidable por- tion of fallen man. All the difference is, Chriftians fuffering in obedience to the will of God, it makes them eafy ; unbe- lievers fuffer the fame things, but with an uneafy will and mind. To follow our own will, our pafTions, Sacra Privata. I 07 and our fenfes, is that which makes us miferable. It is for this reafon, and that we may have a remedy for all our evils, that Jefus Chrift obliges us to fubmit our will, our paflions, &c. to God. The good Chriftian is not one who has no inclination to fin, (for we have all the feed of fin in us) but who, being fenfible of fuch inclinations, denieth them con- tinually, and fuffers them not to grow into evil adlions. Every day deny yourfelf fome fatisfac- tion ; — your eyes obje6ts of mere curiofity ; — your tongue^ every thing that may feed vanity, or vent enmity ; — t\iQ palate^ dain- ties; — the earSy flattery, and whatever corrupts the heart ; — the body^ eafe and luxury; — bearing all the inconveniences of life, (for the love of God) cold, hunger, reftlefs nights, ill health, unwelcome news, the faults of fervants, contempt, ingrati- tude of friends, malice of enemies, calum- nies, our own failings, lownefs of fpirits, the flruggle in overcoming our corrup- tions ; — bearing all thefe with patience and refignation to the will of God. Do all I Oo kjuCrU Jl/IVuTu. Matt. viii. 20. this as unto God^ with the greateft 'privacy . All ways are indifferent to one who has heaven in his eye, as a traveller does not chufe the pleafanteft, but the fhorteft and fafeft way to his journey's end ; and that is, the way of the crofs, which Jefus Chrift made choice of, and fandified it to all his followers. The Son of Man has not where to lay his head. This jfhould fill us with confufion, whenever we are over-much concerned for the conveniencies of life. Our afFedions being very ftrongly in- clined to fenfible good, for the fake of which we are often tempted to evil, and fall into great diforders, we fhould refolve to facrifice our will to reafon, and reafon to the word of God. God does not require it of us, that we fliould not feel any uneafinefs under the crofs, but that we fhould ftrive to over- come it by his grace. Virtues of an Holy Life. Kfrvfncv in devotion •— frenuencv in Sacra Privata. 109 prayer; — afpiring after the love of God continually ; — ftriving to get above the world and the body ; — loving filence and folitude, as far as one's condition will per- mit ; — humble and aifable to all ; patient in fufFering affronts and contradidlions ; — glad of occafions of doing good even to enemies ; — doing the will of God, and promoting his honour, to the utmoft of one's power ; — refolving never to off^end him willingly, for any temporal pleajurey profity or lofs. Thefe are virtues highly pleafing to God. Self-denial does not confift in faffing^ and other mortifications only, but in an indifference for the worlds its profit 'plea- furesy honours^ and its other idols. It is neceflary that we deny ourfelves in little and indiff^erent things, when reafon and confcience, which is the voice of God, fuggefts it to us, as ever we hope to get the rule over our own will. Say not, it is a trifle, and not fit to make a facrifice of to God. He that will not facrifice a little afi^edlion, will hardly oflfer a greater. It is not the thing, but I lO O 7^ • . oacra rrtvata. the reafon and manner of doing it ; namely, for God's fake, and that I may accuftom myfelf to obey his voice, that God regards, and rewards with greater degrees of grace. The greater your felf-denial, the firmer your faith, and more acceptable to God. The fincere devotion of the rich, the alms of the poor, the humility of the great, the faith of fuch whofe condition is defperate, the contemning the world when one can command it at pleafure, continuing inftant in prayer even when we want the confola- tion we expedted : Thefe, and fuch-like inftances of felf-denial, God will greatly reward. They who imagine that felf-denial in- trenches upon our liberty, do not know that it is this only that can make us free indeed, giving us the victory over our- felves, fetting us free from the bondage of our corruption, enabling us to bear afflic- tions, (which will come one time or other) to forefee them without amazement, en- lightening the mind, fandtifying the will, and making us to flight thofe baubles which others lo eagerly contend for. Sacra Privata. 1 1 1 Mortification confifts in fuch a fparing ufe of the creatures, as may deaden our love for them, and make us more indif- ferent in the enjoyment of them. This leflens the weight of concupifcence, which carries us to evil, and fo makes the grace of God more efFedlual to turn ti^e balance of the will. Carnal man cannot comprehend that God loves thofe whom he permits to fuf- fer y — but faith teaches us, that the crofs is the gift of his love, the foundation of our hope, the mark of his children, and the title of an inheritance in heaven. But unlefs God fandify it by his Spirit, it be- comes an infupportable burthen, a fubjeft of murmuring, and an occafion of fin. He that loveth life, (that is, is fond of it) for the fake of the pleafures and ad- vantages it affords, will foon lofe the love of heavenly things; the love of God, of his foul, and of the duty he owes to them : He hates it, who does not value it in com- parifon of eternal life, which he hopes for. A Chriftian gives proof of this, by morti- fying himfelf. 112 bacra rrtvata. Thofe whom God loves, in order to an happy eternity, he weans from the plea- fures of this prefent life. Temperance confifts in a fober ufe of all earthly, vifible things, and in confining ourfelves within the compafs of what is neceflary. JVith God all things are pojjible. The Almighty God enable me to conquer the temptations of riches, and to get above the allurements of this prefent life ! Chriftian felf-denial is, to refift and cru- cify in ourfelves the fpirit and inclinations of Adam, — the flefli, its afFedions, and lufts, — to die to our paffions, in order to follow the motions of the Spirit. Fajiing. Necessary to bring our hearts to a peni- tent, holy, and devout temper; and to perform the vows that are upon us. fafiing^ by almSy and by prayers^ we dedicate our bodies^ goodsy and Jouls^ to God in a particular manner. Sacra Privata. Thurfday Meditations. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouthy hut that which is good to the uje of edifying^ that it may minifter grace unto the hearers. Foolijh talking^ and jejiing, are not conve- nient. PRESERVE me, O God, from a vain converfation. Give me grace never to be afliamed or afraid to fpeak of Thee, and of thy law. Give me a lively fenfe of the value of religion, and make it the delight of my heart ; that I may fpeak of it with judg- ment, ferioufnefs, and aifFedion, and at all feafonable times. May that good Spirit, which appeared in the likenefs of tongues of fire, warm my heart, and dired my thoughts. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth fpeaketh. — How can ye, being evil, fpeak good things ? — By thy words thou Ephef. iv, 29. Ephef. V. 4. Matth. xii. 34- 114 Pfa, cxli. 3. Pfa. xxxvii. 30. Matth. V. 16. I Thef. V. Heb. X. 24. Sacra Privata. /halt be jufiified^ and by thy words thou /halt be condemned. Set a guards O Lord^ upon my mouthy and keep the door 0/ my lips. The mouth of the righteous Jpeaketh wif- domy and his tongue talketh of judgment. Hearts, truly touched with the love of God, will communicate light and heat to each other, — will fpeak honourably of God, of his perfedions, his juftice, good- nefs, wifdom, and power, — the excellency of his laws, — the pleafantnefs of his fer- vice, — the inftances of his love, — the rewards he has promifed to his friends, and the punifhments he has prepared for his enemies. Let your light fo /hine before men^ that they may fee your good works ^ and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. Wherefore comfort yourfelves together^ and edify one another. Let us confider one another ^ to provoke unto lovey and to good works. And let us join a good life to our reli- gious converfation ; and never contradict our tongue by our deeds. Sacra Privata. "5 We always do good or harm to others by the manner of our converfation ; we either confirm them in fin, or awaken them to piety. It is too true, that fome evil paflion or other, and to gratify our corruption, is the aim of mofl: converfations. We love to fpeak of pafl: troubles; — hatred and ill- will make us take pleafure in relating the evil adtions of our enemies. We compare, with fome degrees of pride, the advantages we have over others. We recount, with too fenfible a pleafure, the worldly happi- nefs we enjoy. — This fl:rengthens our paflions, and increafes our corruptions. — God grant that I may watch again fl: a weaknefs, which has fuch evil confe- quences. May I never hear, never repeat with pleafure, fuch things as may diftionour God, hurt my own charadler, or injure my neighbour. Speak not evil one of another. True humility makes us fee our own faults, without concerning ourfelves with the faults or others. James iv. II. ii6 Ecclef. vii. 9- Ephef. iv. 26. Prov. x'lx. II. Sacra Privata. Againji Anger. Be not hafty in thy fpirit to be angry y for anger refteth in the boJom of fools. O Lord, who art a God ready to par- don, flow to anger, and of great kindnefs, remove far from me all occafions and efFeds of caufelefs and immoderate anger ; all pride and prejudice, and too much concern for the things of this world ; all intemperate fpeeches and indecent paflions. Give me, O God, a mild, a peaceable, a meek, and an humble fpirit, that re- membering my own infirmities, I may bear with thofe of others ; — that I may think lowly of myfelf, and not be angry when others alfo think lowly of me ; that I may be patient towards all men, gentle and eafy to be intreated ; that God, for Chrifl's fake, may be fo towards me. Amen. Be angry y and fin not : Let not the fun go down upon your wrath. The dijcretion of a man deferreth his anger. A foft anfwer turneth away ftrife. Sacra Privata. 1 1 7 He that is flow to anger is better than Prov. xvi. the mighty ; and he that ruleth his fpirit^ than he that taketh a city. Be kindly affe£lioned one towards another. Rom. xii. Supprefs the very beginnings of anger. Do not ufe to indulge it even where there are real faults ; but try the gentle way, which may probably fucceed better, and, to be fure, with more eafe by far. Seldom do people vex us on purpofe, and yet prejudice very often makes us think that they do. A fenfe of one's own integrity will make one pafs by injuries more eafily. Be not too much concerned to tell the injuries you have received, Accuftom yourfelves to filence, if you would learn to govern your tongue. Deliver me, O God, from all violent and finful paffions, and give me grace to ftand againft them. Blejfed are the meek. Matth. v. 4. Inftrudl me. Lord, in this Chriftian virtue; Thou who art the mafter and teacher of it. ii8 Sacra Privata, Luke vi 37. James ii. 13- For Forgivenefs of Injuries. Forgive y and ye Jhall be forgiven. O God, who alone canft order the un- ruly wills and afFedlions of finful men, fhew mercy to thy fervant, in forcing my corrupt nature to be obedient to thy commands. O God, who haft made it my everlaft- ing intereft, as well as my duty, to forgive my neighbour whatever wrong he has done me; help me to overcome all the difficulties I have to ftruggle with, all pride, prejudice, and defire of rendering evil for evil, that I may not deprive my foul of that mercy which thine infinite goodnefs has offered to finners. He Jhall have judgment without mercy ^ that hath /hewn no mercy. O bleffed God, help me in this great concern, that I may never fall under thy wrath, for want of Ihewing mercy to others ; but, grant, O bleffed Jefus, that in this I may be thy difciple indeed. Amen. /Sacra rrtvata. 119 Slander. T^he Son of Man came eating and drink- ingy and they Jay^ Behold a man gluttonous and a winehibber^ a friend of publicans and ftnners. Whatever meafure a good man takes, he will hardly efcape the cenfures of the world; the beft way is, not to be con- cerned at them. It is an inftance of humility filently to bear the calumnies which are raifed againft us, when they relate to ourfelves only ; but it is a duty of prudence and charity modeftly to vindicate ourfelves, when the honour of God and the Church is con- cerned. Both Jefus Chrift and John the Baptift were flandered : Who then will complain that they cannot fatisfy the world, and ftop men's mouths ? Deliver my foul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue. TJncharitablenefs . xi^nvy malces us lee wnat will lerve to Matth. xi. 19. 1 20 Sacra Privata. accufe others, and not perceive what may juftify them. A truly good man is always difpofed to excufe what is evil in his brethren, as far as truth will fufFer him. 1 llLltly IVl CLllL<:lLliJllo» Penitence. Luke xviii. 3- 'The puhlicany ftanding afar offy would not Jo much as lift up his eyes to heaven; but Jmote upon his hreafi^faying^ God he merciful to me a finner. TTTHAT would become of me^ if V V Thou, 0 God, fhouldft not have mercy upon me ? When I ferioufly confider thefe dreadful truths, — That all they are accurjed^ who do err and go aflray from thy command- ments. That the unprofitable fervant was cajt into outer aariznejs — vv nen i tnniK or Sacra Privata. thefe things, I cannot but fear for myfelf, and tremble to think of the account I have to give. To this man will I looky even to him that is pooTy and of a contrite fpirity and tremhleth at my word. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart : and will Jave Juch as he of an humble fpirit. Look upon me, gracious Lord, with an eye of mercy. For thy namefakcy O Lordy pardon my iniquities y for they are great. My only comfort is, they are not too great for thy mercy. And the Lord Jefus our Advocate has aflured us, even with an oath, That all fins fhall be forgiven unto the Jons of men. That is, if with hearty repentance and true faith they turn unto God. O moft powerful Advocate ! I put my caufe into thy hands ; — let it be unto thy fervant according to this word ; — let thy blood and merits plead for my pardon ; — fay unto me, as Thou didft unto the pen- itent in thy gofpel. Thy fins are forgiven. 121 Ifai. Ixvi. 2. Pfa. xxxiv. i8. Pfa. XXV. 2. R 122 Matth. vi. 14. Sacra Privata. John V. 14. And grant that I may live to bring forth fruits meet for repentance. If ye forgive men their trefpajfes^ your heavenly Father will alfo forgive your trefpajjes. Even the pov/er to perform this moft kind condition muft be from thy grace^ O Jefus ! And I truft Thou wilt grant me this grace, becaufe the very will to afk it is from Thee, and from thy will, which wills nothing in vain. Perfedt, therefore, O my Saviour, the work which Thou haft begun in me ; and let me feel the effefts of thy grace in the conftancy of my devotions, — in the care for my foul, — in the faithful difcharge of my duty, — and in all fuch a6ls of righ- teoufnefs, piety, and charity, by which I fliall be judged at the laft day. Sin no more^ left a worfe thing come unto thee. Make me, O Lord, ever mindful of my infirmities and backflidings, that I may be more watchful, and more importunate for grace, for the time to come. Sacra Privata. BleJJed are the merciful^ for they /hall obtain mercy. Give me, O Lord, a true compaflion for the wants and miferies of others, that Thou mayeft have compaflion upon me. 'There is joy in the pre/ence of God over one finner that repenteth. Lord, increafe the number of penitents, and the joys of heaven, in delivering me and all finners from the power of the devil, and in vouchfafing us the grace of a true converfion. BleJJed are they that mourn : for they /hall be comforted. O Lord, grant that I may feek for comfort, not in the things of this world, but by a fincere repentance for my fins, by which God is difhonoured, and his judgments hanging over my head. The Son of Man is come to feek and to Jave that which was lofl. O comfortable words for lofl: finners ; God himfelf feeks to fave them. O Thou, who fought me when I was afliray, fave me for thy mercy's fake, and preferve that which Thou haft fought and found. 123 Matth. V. 7. Luke XV, 10. Matth. v,4. Luke xix, 10, 124 Matth. ix. 28. Phil. ii. 12. Sacra Privata. Micah vii. 18. Ezra ix. 15. Numb. xiv. 19. Ezek. xviii. 22, Come unto me^ all ye that labour y and are heavy laden ^ and I will give you rejl, O Jefu^ condudl and keep me to thy- felf, or I may furely mifs the way. JVork out your own Jalvation^ with fear and trembling ; for it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleafure. It was not in myfelf, O God^ to begin the work of my converfion; — finifti, I befeech Thee^ what Thou haft begun in me ; — may I clofe with thy grace, and perfevere unto my life's end. God retaineth not his anger for ever^ becaufe he delight eth in mercy. O Lord Gody behold we are before thee in our trefpajjes ; we cannot Jiand before thee for this. Pardon^ I befeech ^hee^ the iniquity of thy fervanty according to the greatnefs of thy mercy. O fay unto me, as thou didft unto Mofes, / have pardoned thee. All his iniquities that he hath committed^ they fhall not be mentioned unto him. Lord, be merciful unto us, for we have Sacra Privata. 125 finned in the midft of light, and even againft light; in contempt of the grace we received at our baptifm. If we confefs our Jins^ God is faithful i John i. 9. and jujl to forgive us our ftns^ and to cleanje us from all unrighteoufne/s. Thefe are comfortable words to one whom the fight of his fins has cafl: into a dread of the judgments of God. Both that dread, and the hatred of fin, and the dependance upon the promife of God, and the love that that produces in the foul, are owing entirely to the blood of Jefus Chrifl:. What is thy fervant^ that thou fhouldfi 2 Sam. ix. look upon Juch a dead dog as I am ? ^* My only fupport is, that my fins have not put me out of the reach of that mercy which is infinite. Who can underftand his errors ? O cleanfe thou me from my fecret faults. O Lord, be favourable unto me; par- don and deliver me from all my fins. Grant that my fins may never rife up in judgment againfl: me, nor bring fhame and confufion of face upon me. My foul truly waiteth fl:ill upon God, 126 Johnvi. 20. John viii. 24. SI- SI. Sacra Privata. for of him cometh my falvation. // is ly be not afraid. Lord Jefus, in all the troubles that ftiall befall me, fpeak thefe comfortable words to my foul, // is /, he not afraid ; and then I fhall be fecure both from prefump- tion and defpair. If ye believe not that I am he^ (that is, the Mefliah, the Son of God) ye /hall die in your fins. O Jefus, the only refuge of finners, does the world know what it is to die in fin ? 1 believe, Lord, increafe my faith, and dehver us all from the dreadful ftate of final impenitency. If ye continue in my wordy then are ye my difciples indeed. May I, O Jefus, love the truths of thy word ; make the gofpel my delight ; and continue in the pradlice of them to my life's end. If a man keep my faying^ he fhall never fee death. O Jefus, Thou hafl: made known to us another death, befides that which feparates the foul from the body. O may thy grace Sacra Privata. 127 and mercy fecure us from the bitter pains of eternal death. Say the wordy and my Jervant /hall he Luke vil. 7. healed. I acknowledge, O Jefu, the almighty power of thy grace, to heal all the difor- ders of my foul ; O deal with me accord- ing to the multitude of thy mercies, and heal my foul of its fad diforders. God is a fpirit : and they that worjhip John in. 24. him mujl worjhip him in fpirit and in truth. Give me, O Jefus, an inward difpofition to holinefs, an humble and contrite heart, a dependance on the will of God, an ac- knowledgment of his goodnefs, and a zeal for his glory ; to which all the ordinances of his law and gofpel fliould lead us. Good life of Time. Grant, O Lord, that as I have but a ihort time to live, and an eternal intereft depending, I may not fquander away one moment in vanity, or in that which will not profit me in the day of adverfity. Blindnefs in part is happened to Ifrael^ Rom. xi. until the fulnejs of the Gentiles he come in^ 128 oacra rrtvata. and Jo all Ifrael /hall be Javed, O God, the God of Abraham, look upon thine everlafting covenant ; caufe the captivity of Judah and of Ifrael to re- turn. They were thy people ; O be Thou their Saviour, that all who love Jerufaleni, and mourn for her, may rejoice with her, for Jefus Chrift's fake, their Saviour and our's. Amen. In time of pub lick DiJiraBions. O Sovereign Lord ! I proftrate myfelf before Thee, confefling my own fin, and acknowledging the juftice of any fcourge which Thou fhalt bring upon us ; and trembling to think how much I may have contributed towards it, befeeching Thee to have compaflion on us, in thefe days of confufion. O Lord, prevent the judgments that threaten us; — purge this nation from all fuch crimes as may be the caufe of thy heavy difpleafure againft us, — from whore- dom and drunkennefs ; from /wearing^ lyi^gy d,ndperjuryy from Jacrilege ^injujlice frauds dijobediencey malice^ and uncharitablenejs ^ Sacra Privata. I 29 Take from among us the fpirit of athei/m^ irreligion^ and profanenefs ; and in mercy rebuke and convert all fuch as give en- couragement or countenance to any of thefe vices, which may provoke Thee to give us up to infidelity or deftrudion. O let thine anger be turned away from us ; — give us not over unto the will of our adverfaries, and unto fuch as ftrive to bring all things into confufion. Preferve this Church in the midft of all dangers ; — and reftore unto us peace and unity ; — and grant us grace to make a better ufe of thefe bleffings for the time to come, for Jefus Chrift's fake. Amen. We complain of oppreflion ; of our laws being perverted and trampled upon ; of arbitrary government, &c. Let us not be wifer than God, who judges thefe things to be neceflary — to exercife the good, — to punifh the wicked, — to reclaim the fin- ner, to recover thofe that are going aftray, — to make all ferious. Let us not im- peach the ways of Providence, who brings good out of evil ; but reverence and fub- miL to nib wiji, nis wuQom, anQjuitice. s 130 Sacra Privata, Ifaiah Ixii. 6. See Jer, xxxi. Te that are the Lord's remembrancers ^ keep not filence ; give him no reft^ till he eftahlijh and till he make Jerufalem (his Church) a praije on the earth. Thy kingdom come. — Though we are altogether unworthy of the good times Thou haft promifed thy Church, yet we befeech Thee deprive us not of them. O Lord, hear; OLord, forgive; O Lord, hearken, and do not defer thefe good days, for thine own fake, oh ! our God. We hope a day is coming when all the world will come and worftiip Thee, O God. ChriJVs Patience. What forrows did he undergo, and with what patience did he fuifer them ! Patient when Judas unworthily betrayed him with a kifs ; — patient when Caiaphas defpite- fully ufed him; — patient when hurried from one place to another ; — patient when Herod with his men of war fet him at naught; — patient when Pilate fo unrigh- teoufly condemned him ; — patient when fcourged and crowned with thorns; — pa- Cf 71 • . oacra rrtvata. tient when his crofs was laid upon him, when he was reviled, reproached, fcoffed at, and every way abufed* Lord Jefus, grant me patience, after this example, to bear thy holy will in all things. ChriJFs Love and Charity. Where fhall we take our pattern but from Thee ? — Thou calleft thy followers thy friends. Thou didfl: ftoop down to wafh their feet, who were not worthy to untie thy flioe. Thou didft forgive and reftore Peter, when he had abjured Thee. Thou didft vouchfafe to fatisfy Thomas, who would not believe but upon his own terms. Thou didft forgive and pray for thy bloody perfecutors. O thou Fountain and Pattern of Love, grant that I may love Thee above all things, and my neighbour as myfelf ! 132 cy 7~i * oacra rrivata. Deut. xxxii. 29. John ix. 4. Saturday Meditations. Preparation for Death. 0 that they were wije^ that they would confider their latter end. The night cometh when no man can work. A VERY gracious intimation. Lord, grant that I may never forget it; and that now^ now^ is the time, in which to provide for eternity. What a wife man then when he comes to die, would wifh he had done, that he ought to do forthwith ; for death is at hand, and the confequences of a furprife moft dreadful. He will then wifh, if he has not done it, with all his foul, Firji ; That he had made a juft and Chriftian fettlement of his worldly con- cerns ; fo as not to be diftrafted with the cares of this world, when all his thoughts fhould be upon another. Secondly ; That he had made his peace With Cjoq by a timely repentance. iSacra rrtvata. 133 Thirdly ; That he had faithfully dif- charged the duties of his calling. Fourthly ; That he had weaned his af- fections from things temporal, and loofened the ties which fatten us to the world. Fifthly ; That he had crucified the flefh with its afFecftions and lufts ; fo that being weary of this life, he might be more defirous of a better. Sixthly ; That by adls of juftice, mercy, charity, and alms, he may be entitled to the mercy of God at the hour of death. Seventhly ; That he had got fuch habits of patience and refignation to the will of God, during his health, as may render death, with all the train of miferies leading to it, lefs frightful and amazing. Eightlyy and laftly ; That by a conftant praftice of devotion preparatory for death, he had learned what to pray for, what to hope for, what to depend on in his laft ficknefs. And this, gracious Lord, is what I wifli for, what I pray for, and what I purpofe fhall be the conftant pradlice of my life. jHIV) PI/1 1.34 uUCVU rrtVuTu. 2 Kings XX. I. Set thine houfe in order ^ for thou /halt die and not live. May God, who has every way provided for me, and put it into my power to be juft to all men, charitable to the poor, grateful to my friends, kind to my fer- vants, and a benefactor to the publick : may He add this to all his favours, and grant that in making my lajl will^ I may faithfully difcharge all thefe engagements ; and that for want of that, no curfe may cleave to myfelf, or to any thing I lliall leave behind me. Amen. But, above all things, I beg of Thee, O God, to enable me to fet my inward houfe, my fouly in order, before I die. Give me true repentance for all the er- rors of my life paft, and ftedfaft faith in Thy Son Jefus Chrift ; that my fins may be done away by thy mercy, and my par- don fealed in heaven. Whofo confejfethy and forfaketh his fm^ fhall have mercy. Behold, O God, a creature, liable every moment to death, proftrate before Thee, Llwhi Hilled, Iwi IV'iLiD V^llillL o lct.IV^, LilCtL IdlLll Sacra Privata. and repentance to which Thou haft pro- mifed mercy and pardon. Difcover to me, O Thou Searcher of Hearts, the charge that is againft me ; that I may know^ and confefs^ and bewail^ and abhor y and forjake^ and repent of all the evils I have been guilty. Have mercy upon me, have mercy upon me, moft merciful Father, who de- fireft not the death of a finner ; for thy Son Jefus Chrift's fake, forgive me all that is paft. And, O blefled Advocate, who art able to fave them for ever who come unto God by Thee, feeing Thou ever liveft to make interceflion for us, I put my caufe into thy hands : let thy "power defend me \ thy blood and merits plead for me ; fupply all the defeds of my repentance ; procure for me a full difcharge of all my fins be- fore I die ; and by thy mighty grace, con- firm and ftrengthen me in all goodnefs during the remainder of my life, that my death may be a blefling to me, and that I may find mercy at the great day. Amen. tut on the new man, which after God is Ephef. iv. 2+. 136 iSacra Frtvata. Col. iii. 2, created in righteoujnejs and true holinejs. This, 0 God, is what I defire and pur- pofe, by thy grace, to do ; and do again renew the vows which I have fo often made, and often broke. I renounce the devil and all his works ; the vain pomp and glory of the world, with all covetous defires of the fame, and the carnal defires of the flefh, refolving, by thy grace, neither to follow nor be led by them. And, 0 God, affift me, that neither floth, nor corruption, may ever make me lay afide or forget thefe refolutions ; but that I may live to Thee, — be an inftru- ment of thy glory, by ferving Thee faith- fully ; and that I may be found fo doing when Thou art pleafed to call me hence, for Jefus Chrift's fake. Amen. Set your affections on things above y not on things on the earth. And may Almighty God, who alone can do it, effeftually convince me of the vanity of all that is defirable in this pre- fent life, that I may not, like an unbeliever, look for happinefs here. Sacra Privata. Give me, O Lord, a perfe6t indifference for the world, its profits ypleafures^ honours y fame^ and all its idols. Reprefent Thyfelf unto me as my true happinefs, that I may love Thee with all my heart, and foul, and ftrength ; fo that when I am called out of this world, I may rejoice in hope of going to the Paradife of God, where the fouls of the faithful enjoy reft and felicity, in hopes of a bleffed re- furre6tion, through Jefus Chrift our Sa- viour. Amen. If any man will come after me^ let him deny hi7nfelf and take up his crofs daily y and follow me. Bleffed Jefus, who pleafedft not thyfelf, but tookeft upon Thee the form of a fer- vant, give me refolution to deny my in- clinations for the good things of this world, even while I may command them;^ — to fubdue my corrupt affedlions, and to take revenge upon myfelf, for my intemperance, by mortification ; — for miffpending my time, by retirement ; — for the errors of my tongue, by filence ; — and for all the fins of my life, by a deep humiliation, patiently T ! •i38 bacra rrtvata. I Pet. iv. 8. fubmltting to all the troubles with which Thou fhalt think fit to exercife or punifh mej — fo that being effedually weaned from this worlds and weary of its corrup- tions, I may long to repofe myfelf in the grave, in hopes of a better life, through thy mercy and merits, O Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen. Charity cover eth the multitude of fins, Poflefs my foul, O God, with a fincere love for Thee, and for all mankind. Let no malice or ill-will abide in me. Give me grace to forgive all that have of- fended me ; and forgive my many offences againfl: Thee, and againft my neighbour. Make me ever ready to give, and glad to diftribute ; that thy gifts, paffmg through my hands, may procure for me the pray- ers of the poor ; and that I may lay up in ftore for myfelf a good foundation againft the tim.e to come, that I may at- tain eternal life, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. Thy Will be done. toRTiFY my loul, blelled Jefus, with the oacra rrtvata. fame fpirit of fubmiffion with which Thou underwenteft the death of the Crofs, that I may receive all events with refignation to the will of God ; — that I may receive troubles, afflitflions, difappointments, fick- nefs, and death itfelf, without amazement ; thefe being the appointment of thyjuftice for the punifhment of fin, and of thy mercy for the falvation of finners. Let this be the conftant pradice of my life, to be pleafed with all thy choices, that when ficknefs and death approach, I may be prepared to fubmit my will to the will of my Maker. And O that, in the mean time, my heart may always go along with my lips in this petition, — thy will be done. Amen. It is appointed unto men once to die; but after this the judgment. May the thoughts of death, and of what muft follow, by the grace of God, mortify in me all carnal fecurity, and fondnefs for this world, and all that is in it, the luft of the flefh, the luft of the eye, and the pride of life. And O that I Heb. ix. 27. 140 Sacra Privata. John V. 28. may make my calling and eledtion fure, that I may die in peace, and reft in the manfions of glory, in hopes of a blefled refurre6tion and a favourable judgment at the great day. And may the confideration of a judg- ment to come oblige me to examine, to try, and to judge myfelf, that I may pre- vent a fevere judgment of God by a true repentance, and lead a life anfwerable to amendment of life, and that I may find mercy at the great day. All that are in the graves /hall hear his voice ^ and come forth ; they that have done goody unto the refurre£lion of life ; and they that have done evily unto the refurre5lion of damnation. May that dreadful word oblige me to work out my falvation with fear and trem- bling, that through the merits of Jefus Chrift, I may efcape that dreadful doom ! And may the hopes of heaven and hap- pinefs fweeten all the troubles of this mortal life ! 0 Lord Jefus, who haft redeemed us with thy precious blood, make me to be Sacra Prwata. 141 numbered with thy faints in glory ever- lafting. Amen. 0 let my name be found written in the Lamb's Book of Life at the great day ! 1 thank Thee, O Lord, for all the fa- vours of my life, and efpecially for that Thou haft vouchfafed me time and a will to think of and prepare for deaths while I am in my full ftrength, while I may re- deem my miflpent time, and bring forth fruits meet for repentance. Let us confider death as a punifhment, to which, as finners, we are juftly con- demned. But then let us look on it in another view, namely, as a Jacrifice for fin, which God will mercifully accept of, in union with that of his Son, if we fubmit to it as due to our offences. It being a Jacrifice^ it ought to be vo- luntary ; — being a debt^ it ought to be made out of love to juftice ; — and, being a JatisfaSlion^ we muft be humbly refigned. My God, I humbly fubmit to it, and to thy juftice ; and truft in thy mercy and p'oodnefs^ and i)romife 9 both now and at the hour of death. Death is inevitable ; the time uncertain ; the judgment^ which follows, without ap- peal ; and followed by an eternity of hap- pine/s or mijery. Lord, grant that I may confider this as I ought to do. Let me remember, that I fhall come forth out of the grave, juft as I go in ; either the obje6t of God's mercy ^ or of his wrath ^ to all eternity. He lives to no purpofe, who is not glorifying God. Our greateft hopes fliould lie beyond the grave. No man muft go to heaven when he dies, who has not fent his heart thither while he lives. Our greateft fecurity is to be derived from duty, and our only confidence from the mercy of God through Jefus Chrift. Sicknejs^ if you confider it as painful to nature, and not as a favour from God, will be a torment to you. To make it really comfortable, believe it to be ordered by a loving Father, a wife Phyfician ; that it is Sacra Privata. 143 the efFedt of his mercy for our falvation ; that, being fattened to the crofs, you be- come dearer to God, as being moft like his own Son. God will loofe you when it is beft for you. We often hinder our recovery by truft- ing to phyfick more than to God : means fucceed juft as far as God pleafes ; — if he fend difeafes as a remedy to cure the dif- orders of the foul, he only can cure them ; —while you are chaftened, you are fure God loves you ; — you are not fure of that, when you are without chaftifement. A timely preparation for death frees us from the fear of death, and from all other fears. A true Chriftian is neither /^//^ of life, nor weary of it. The fting of death is fin ; therefore, an holy life is the only cure for the fear of death. We ought to fear fin more than death, becaufe death cannot hurt us but by fin. To me to die is gain, O that I may be able to fay this, when I come to die ; and fo I fhall, if I live as Phil. I. 21. 144 oacra rrtvata. becomes a Chriftian. Holinefs being a neceflary qualification for happinefs^ it follows, that the holieft man will be the happieft, (for there are certainly degrees of glory) therefore a Chriftian ftiould lofe no time to gain all the degrees of virtue and holinefs he pof- fibly can ; and he that does not do fo, is in a fair way of not being happy at all. It concerns us more than our life is worth, to know what will become of us when we die. Who will pretend to fay, that he is not in a very few days to die ? The only happinefs of this life is to be fecure of a bleffed eternity. Now is the time in which we are to chufe where and what we are to be to all eternity ; there is, therefore, no time to be loft to make this choice. No kind of death is to be feared by him who lives well. If we confider death as the night of that day which is given us to work in, in which to work out our falvatlon ; and that when the night is come, no man can work; Sacra Privata. how frightful muft death be to fuch as are not prepared for it ! and if we confider it as the beginning of eternity, it is ftill more dreadful. It is for this reafon called the King of 'Terrors ; and the Pfalmift, when he would exprefs the worft of evils, faith, The terrors of death are fallen upon me. If the Lord were ^leafed to kill us^ he would not have received a burnt-offering at our handsy neither would he have /hewed us all thefe things. This is the comfort of all God's fer- vants : if he gives them opportunities of renewing their vows, and a will to do them ; — if he accepts their alms and their good deeds, that is, gives them a heart to do fuch ; — if he touches their hearts with a fenfe of their unworthinefs ; — if he chaf- tifes them with affliftions; — if he vifits them with his Holy Spirit, &c ; — all thefe are reafons for a Chriftian to hope, that thefe graces are not in vain, but that God will crown them with pardon, favour, and happinefs eternal. And at midnight there was a cry made^ Beholdy the bridegroom cometh^ go ye out to u 146 Sacra Privata. Matth. XXV. 10. Matth. XXV. 13- Matt, xxvii. 50. Rom. meet him. A terrible voice to all fuch as fliall meet him, not as a bridegroom, but as an inex- orable judge. Grant, O Lord, that I may not be of the number of thofe who dread thy coming, who cannot but with regret fubmit to the neceflity of dying, and who have neglefted to prepare for death, till the laft hour. And the door was Jhut.. Death fliuts the door. No more to be done. It is then too late to repent, to re- folve, to promife, and to do, any thing. JVatchy therefore^ for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man Cometh. A perfon, whofe life is full of good works, whofe heart is devoted to God, whofe faith and hope are pure and fincere, will never be furprifed by death. J ejus Chriji yielded up the Ghoji, And fo his death became a voluntary facrifice. Let mine be fo, O blefled Jefus ! Let thy death fandlify me; and let my fpirit be received with thine ! Being jufiified by faith^ we have peace Sacra Privata. H7 with God^ through our Lord Jefus Chrijt. Give me, O Lord, that defire and earn- eft longing, which I ought to have, for that happy moment, which is to releafe me from this ftate of banilhment, and tranflate me to a better place, and grant, that I may never lofe the fight of that important moment. Let me, O God, have my lot and por- tion with thy faints. When we come to die, the great enemy of our fouls will then attack us with all his ftratagems. It is good therefore to be prepared. If he attacks your faith, fay with St. Paul, I know whom I have believed; and I am perfuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him againft that day. I believe in God the Father, who hath made me and all the world. I believe in God the Son, who hath re- deemed me and all mankind. I believe in God the Holy Ghoft, who fandifieth me, and all the eled people of God. 148 Sacra Privata. John iii. 15. Luke xxiii. 43. I give Thee hearty thanks, O Heavenly- Father, that Thou haft vouchfafed to call me to the knowledge of thy grace and faith in Thee. Confirm this faith in me evermore, — grant that I may die in this faith, and in the peace and communion of thy Holy Church ; and that I may be united to Jefus, the head of this Church, and to all his members, by a love that ftiall never end. Amen. Whojoever helieveth in Jefus Chriji /hall not perijhy but have eternal life. I beheve ; — Lord, increafe my faith; and let it be unto thy fervant according to this w^ord. This day fJialt thou he with me in Pa- radife. 0 blefled Jefus ! fupport my fpirit when I come to die, with this comfortable pro- mife, This day /halt thou he in paradife. We indeed fuffer juftly the fentence of death. O Thou, who didft nothing amifs, and yet didft fufFer for me ; remember me^ 0 Lordy now that T^hou art in thy kingdom. What terror, what affli6tion, can equal that of a Chriftian, who has never thought Sacra Privata. 149 of weaning his heart from the world till he comes to die ; who can find nothing in this life^ but what muft render him un- worthy of mercy ! But the greateft of all miferies would be to defpair of mercy^ and not to have recourfe to it. Need a perfon, who has received the fentence of death, be perfuaded to prepare for death ? And is not this our cafe ? Confider death, as appointed by God, as a neceflary penance, — as the completion of the Chriftian facrifice, — as a paffage to a better life, — as the deliverance of a pri- foner, — as the recalling of an exile from banifliment, — as the end of all miferies : — And then you will ftrip it of much of that terror which it has when confidered as an accident of nature only. And ye your/elves like unto men that wait for their Lord. He who waits for his mafter will always endeavour to be in that ftate in which he defires to be found. A Chriftian ftiould not look upon death with anxiety, but with the fatisfadtion of d gouu icrvcinL, wno wairs witn impaLience Lukexii. 36. 15° Sacra Privata. Luke : 40. Luke xii. 43- for his mafter's return, in hopes of being approved of. Be ye alfo ready ^ for the Son of Man Cometh at an hour when ye think not. And are not fo many fudden deaths fufficient to convince us of the folly of af- furing ourfelves of one day ? Let every one of us, therefore, count himfelf of the number of thofe that are to be furprifed by death ; this will make us watchful. Blejfed is that fervant^ whom his Lord when he comet h fhall find fo doing : that is, doing his duty. And then, miferable will he be, whom death furprifeth either doing evily or doing nothings or doing that which God does not require of him. Can one imagine, that the generality of Chriftians believe this truth ? Suffer me not, O God, to fall into a forgetfulnefs of it. We complain (faith Seneca) of the fhortnefs of life ; he anfwers, Vita^fi fcias utiy longa ejl. — Life is long, if you know how to ufe it. But then it is Chriftianity only can teach us how to ufe our life ; namely, in working out our own falvation: Sacra Privata. And we are fure it is long enough for thaty becaufe God has appointed it for that very end. As Chriftianity alone can take from us the love of life, fo it is this alone that can free us from the fear of death. Eternity adds an infinite weight to all our adlions, whether good or bad. If we defire that our death fhould, like that of Jefus Chrift, be a facrifice of love and obedience, we muft take care to make our life fo too. "This woman was full of good-works and alms-deeds ; and Jhe died. Happy that foul which death finds rich, not in gold, furniture, learning, reputa- tion, or barren purpofes and defires, but in good works. And they fl one d Stephen, calling upon God, and faying. Lord Jefus, receive my fpirit. O my God, enable me to live to Thee; that when the hour of death fhall come, I may thus with confidence offer up my fpirit to Jefus Chrift. Thoufhalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. 151 Atls IX. 39. ,59. Rev. 111. 3. 152 Sacra Privata. 2 Cor. V. I. Is it not then the higheft prefumption to perfuade ourfelves that we have always time fufficientj when Jefus Chrift himfelf declares that we have not one moment certain ? Death being the efFedt and punifliment of fin, we ought to expeft it with great fijbmiflion, fince it honours God by expi- ating of fin, and faves the man by punifii- ing the finner. It is purely for want of faith, that we tremble at the approach of our deliverer ; and which is to deftroy in us the reign of fin, and infl:ate us in that of glory. Let us refign up ourfelves to God, as to the manner in which it ftiall pleafe him to determine our lives, praying only that it may be to his glory and our falvation. What does it fignify how this houfe of clay perifiieth, which hinders the perfe6l renovation of the foul, and the fight of God ? For we know^ that if our earthly houfe of this tabernacle were dijfolved^ we have a building of God^ an houfe not made with hands ^ eternal in the heavens. We know, we believe, we promife our- Sacra Privata. felves this, but we think too feldom of it, and we ftill make lefs ufe of what we know, in order to wean our hearts from this world. Would we look upon our bodies as houfes of clay juft ready to fall, we fliould think of that eternal houfe, we fhould figh after our native country, and be willing to leave a place of mifery and banifhment. Remember, that death is thepunifliment of fin ; we ought therefore to refign our- felves up to it in a Chriftian manner, look- ing upon ourfelves as condemned to it in Adam. He who has lived and looked on earth, as in a place of banifhment, will look up- on death as a gracious deliverance from it. Confider well, that life is given and continued for no other end, but to glorify God in working out our own falvation. A man goes with confidence to meet the bridegroom, when he has been faithful to him, and believes him to be his friend. And deliver them who through fear of death were all their life long fubje£l to bondage. 153 Heb. 15- X 154 oacra Jrnvata. Bondage is the fentence of rebellious flaves ; — we were condemned to it in Adam ; and being under this fentence of death and the Divine Juftice, we ought to expedt it with fubmiflion, and be always preparing for it. This is the only way to be fecure^ and from fearing death when it comes. Gather us, O God, to the number of thine eledt, at what time and in what man- ner Thou pleafeft ; — only let us be with- out reproach, and blamelefs; — let faith, and love, and peace, accompany our laft periods. We look upon a body without a foul with horror. We can fee a body with a foul, which is like to die eternally, without concern. Wretched man that I am, who fhall deliver me from the body of this death ? I thank God, (I am delivered) through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Grant, O Lord, that though my out- ward man decay daily, yet that my inward man may grow and increafe in piety and virtue unto the day of my death. Sacra Privata. ^55 He that hath lived beft will ftand in need of mercy at the hour of death, and in the day of judgment; — and he that hath lived the worft, has not finned be- yond the efficacy of the blood of Chrift, provided his repentance be fincere. My God ! let thy glory be magnified by faving a finner, by redeeming a captive flave, by enlightening an heart over- whelmed in darknefs, by changing a wicked heart, by pardoning innumerable tranf- greffions, iniquities, and fins. If my hopes were placed upon any thing but the infinite mercies of God, in Jefus Chrifl:, which can never fail, I fiiould utterly defpair. Whqfoever Jhall call on the name of the Lordy Jhall be Javed. Thefe, my God, are thine own words ; — give me leave to trufl: in them, to de- pend on them, both now, and at the hour of death. / have jinifhed the work which thou gaveji me to do. O Lord, the very befl: of men come infinitely fliort of this pattern ; how then 156 Sacra Privata. lhall I, an unprofitable fervant^ appear before my Lord and Judge. The feed of the woman /hall bruife the ferpenfs head. This, my God, is thy fure, thy eternal promife ; — I believe it ; I truft in it ; I will hold me faft by it. Neverthelefs^ not my will^ but thine be done. May I, O blefled Jefus, when my death approaches, breathe out my laft with thefe words, and with the fame fpirit of fubmif- fion ! Death of Friends. Let us caft our eyes upon fin, which is the caufe of death, and then we fliall weep with reafon. Preferve in us a lively fenfe of the world to come. And when I fiiall not be able to pray for myfelf, the good Lord favourably hear the prayers of his Church for me. Grant that the fins which I have com- mitted in this world may not be imputed unto me ; but that efcaping the gates of Sacra Privuta. 157 hell, I may dwell in the regions of light, with Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob, until the day of the general refurreftion, and that I then may hear thofe joyful words of thy Son, — Come^ ye blejjed children of my Father y inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world. Grant that I may have a perfed con- queft over the world, fin, and death, through Chrift, who by his death hath overcome him who hath the power of death. "This day fhalt thou he with me in para- dife. O Jefus, who hadft compaffion on this thief, even at the hour of death, have mercy upon me, who now repent of all my mifdoings. Suifer not the gates of para- dife to be fliut againft me when I die, TChou that hajl opened the kingdom of hea- ven to all believers. Reftore my foul, at the great day, to life eternal. Give me the patience of Job, the faith of Abraham, the courage of Peter, and tne LoinrorL or j: dui, anQ a true luumuuon Luke xxiii. 43. 158 Pfa. Ixxi. 9, Pfa. Ixxiii. 26, I Sam. iii, 18. Sacra Privata. to thy will. Apply to my foul all the wholefome medicines of thy Son's palTion^ death, and refurredion, againft the powers of Satan, againft all unreafonable fears and defpair, and eafe my fearful confcience. Hear the prayers of thy Church for me, and for all in my condition, for Jefus Chrift's fake. Cajl me not away in the time of age ; forjake me not when my firength faileth me. Grant, O Lord, that the end of my life may be truly Chriftian ; without fin, without fiiame, and, if it fo pleafe Thee, without pain. My flejh and my heart faileth : but God is the firength of my hearty and my portion for ever. It is the Lord ; let him do what feemeth him good. Lord, be merciful unto me, heal my foul, for I have finned againft Thee. I confefs my wickednefs, and am forry for my fin. For thy name-fake, O Lord, be merci- ful unto my fin, for it is great. bacra rrivata. 159 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart, and will fave fuch as are of an humble fpirit. And noWy Lord^ what is my hope ? truly my hope is in T'hee. Lordy thou knowejl whereof we are made ; that we are but duji. Let my mifery, my fear, my forrow, move Thee to compaffion. Defpife not, O Lord, the work of thine own hands. I freely forgive all that have offended me. O Thou that never faileft them that feek Thee, have pity on me. Neverthelefs, though I am fometimes afraid, yet put I my truft in Thee. O Lord, I befeech Thee, deliver my foul. Gracious is the Lord, and righte- ous; yea, our God is merciful. O go not far from me, for trouble is at hand, and there is none to help me. The forrows of my heart are enlarged : O bring Thou me out of my troubles. O keep my foul, and deliver me ; let iiic iiuL uc Loniounaea, ror i nave put Pfa. xxxix. 8. Pfa. ciii. 14. i6o • bacra rrtvata. my truft in Thee. Withdraw not thy mercy from me, O Lord ; let thy loving kindnefs and thy truth always preferve me. O Lord, let it be thy pleafure to deliver me ; make hafte, O Lord, to help me. Shew thy fervant the light of thy coun- tenance, and fave me for thy mercy's fake. O deliver me, for I am helplefs and poor, and my heart is wounded within me. Wherefore hideft Thou thy face, and forgetteft our mifery and trouble ? My God ! fave thy fervant, who putteft his truft in Thee. Thou, O Lord, art full of compaflion and mercy, long-fuffering, plenteous in goodnefs and truth. When I am in heavinefs, I will think upon God ; when my heart is vexed, I will complain. Will the Lord abfent himfelf for ever ? Will he be no more intreated ? Hath God forgotten to be gracious And I faid, it is mine own infirmity ; but I will remember the years of the right- nanci or the Molt riign. Sacra Privata. i6i Sell all that ye havey and give to the Luke xii. foor. That is, renounce all the pleafures that wealth affords, rather than defraud the poor and diftreffed of their right : — It is utterly impoffible to take delight in wealth, and love God with all the foul. For as much^ ( for as often ) as ye have Matth. xxv. done it unto one of the leafl of thefe my brethren^ ye have done it unto me. As often I — Who then would mifs any occafion? The leafl: — Who then would defpife any objedt ? To me : — So that in ferving the poor, we ferve Jefus Chrift. O comfortable declaration ! Whofoever fhall give you a cup of water Mark ix. to drink in my name^ hecaufe ye belong to Chrift ; — verily y (with an oath he aflures us) he fhall not lofe his reward. This fliould always, if pofTible, be our intention : This -poor^ opprejjedy miferable man, belongs to Chrift. This would wonderfully enhance the value of our good deeds before God. Alms. And though I beftow all my goods to feed i Cor. xm. I 3- Y l62 Sacra Privata. Gal. vi. 10. Luke iii. the poor^ and have not charity^ it profiteth me nothing. If external a6ts of chanty do not pro- ceed from charity, that is from a love of God, and of our neighbour for his fake, they are as nothing in the fight of God. My God, pour into my heart this moft excellent gift of charity, the very bond of peace and of all virtue. Let us do good unto all men. He who feeks for Jefus Chrift in his poor, in order to relieve and aflift himy will not be too folicitous to find any other merit in them than that of Jefus Chrift:. For our earthly things, O Lord, give us heavenly ; for temporal, eternal. He that hath two coats^ let him impart to him that hath none. That is, let him that hath plenty, and to fpare, of the neceflaries of life, let him give to him that wants. The proportion of charity, appointed by God himfelf to his own people, for the relief of the poor, was every year a thir- tieth part of all their income, or a tenth every third year. Sacra Privata. 163 This was the Jew's proportion. He that came fliort of this was a breaker of the law, and without repentance and ref- titution, had no hopes of pardon. The Chriftian's proportion ought to be greater, as his hopes and reward will be greater. We fliould, in all our charities, diredl our eye towards Chrift in his members ; it is this which heightens the fmalleft gifts. Men reward what is done on human mo- tives : God, fuch as are done for his fake. He that for his good adions expedls the applaufe of men, runs the hazard of lofing the reward of God. The poor are, as it were, the receivers of the rights and dues belonging unto God ; we muft have a care of defrauding them. But rather give alms of fuch things as you have^ (or as you are able) and all things are clean to you. That is, propor- tion your alms to your eftate, left God proportion your eftate to your alms. It is a neceflary Chriftian duty (what- ever men LiiinK or it, ) lo part wiin our Luke xi.41. 104 oacra rrtvata. Rom, xii. i8. worldly enjoyments for the fake of Chrift. The very beft of men are only inftru- ments in God's hands, to receive and to give what God beftows upon them. And this they fhould do, without any defire of glory, or felf-intereft. Let us make light of money and riches, and fend it before us into the heavenly treafures, where neither moth nor ruft doth corrupt ; but where it will be kept, to our eternal advantage, under the cuf- tody of God himfelf. Thou, O Lord, haft been all mercy to me ; grant that I may be all mercy to others for Chrift's fake. Remember to give to thofe that are aftiamed to afk ; and do not forget your poor relations, left you be worfe than an infidel. He that Jheweth mercy ^ let him do it with cheerfulnejs. The good Lord preferve me from va- nity, and from feeking applaufe for my charity. Not unto me, but unto Thee, O God, be the thanks, and praife, and glory. oacra rrivata. The merit of the poor is not to be the rule of our charity. God himfelf maketh his fun to fhine upon the evil and the good. If we would but moderate our vanity^ we fhould always have enough for charity. Send thy blefling upon my fubftance, and continue to me a willing mind to help fuch as have need according to my ability. Good advice, and devout petitions, fhould accompany our charity. O God, who knoweft the neceflities of all thy creatures, give thy poor the fpi- ritual graces they ftand in need of. Support thy poor members, O Jefu, under all their difficulties, and fandlify their bodily wants to the falvation of their fouls. Lord, grant that they may bear their poor eftate with patience and refignation, and that we may one day meet in the pa- radife of God. Jefus Chrift is continually humbled in his members; fome are poor, in prifon, fick, naked, hungry, &c. Let me, O jL 1/ tj UUll/fl' L TIC JP C4ft> fit 1 ^ John iii. 16. I John ii, I. i 172 Sacra Prtvata. J ejus Chriji the righteous ^ — who came into the world to fave finners, — who died for us when we were his enemies, that he might offer us unto God. It is our Judge himfelf who hath af- fured us, that all fins jhall be forgiven unto the Jons of men. Ejaculations. Take from me all evil imaginations, — all impurity of thought, — all inclinations to luft, — all envy, pride, and hypocrify, — all falfehood, deceit, and an irregular life, — all covetoufnefs, vain-glory, and floth, — all malice, anger, and wrath, — all re- membrance of injuries, — every thing that is contrary to thy will, O moft holy God ! May I never hear with pleafure, nor ever repeat fuch things as may diflionour God, or injure my neighbour or my own charadler. 0 give me light to fee, an heart to clofe with, and power to do thy will, O God. JLove of Gody &c. T^T "PQQ mp 0 rroH wifh fhp Invp of i nPP Sacra Privata. and of my neighbour. Give me peace of confcience, the command of my affedlions ; and for the reft, Thy will he done I O King of Peace, give us thy peace, keep us in love and charity ! Make thyfelf, O God, the abfolute mafter of my heart ! They that he whole need not a Phyjician. It belongs to Thee, O Sovereign Phyfician, to make us fenfible of our maladies, and to make us go to Thee for help. O fay unto my foul this word of falvation. Be- hold^ thou art made whole. Without me ye can do nothing. — Mifer- able indeed is he who pretends to walk without Thee. O give me light to fee, an heart to clofe with, and a power to do thy will. From thy Spirit I hope to re- ceive thefe graces. If any man Jerve me^ let him follow me; and him will my Father honour. Let me never flatter myfelf that I ferve Thee, my Saviour, unlefs I follow thy ex- ample at the expence of every thing I love or fear befides. O keep my heart fixed upon that honour which God has prepared 173 Johnxli. 26. SucTu Pnvutu. for thofe that follow Thee. O Divine Spirit, render me worthy of thy prefence and confolation. Fill my heart with an holy dread of thy judgments. Give me a true fenfe and knowledge of the danger and the evil of fin ; and may I, with a prudent moderation only, be concerned for temporal things. Jejus Chrijl is always in his temple, and near you, (if your foul be fit for him to dwell in) to Him apply on all occa- fions : — As your Mafter^ for grace to fliudy, to love, and to follow his infliruftions. He requires nothing but what he firfl: pradlifed himfelf : As your Lord^ that you may love and ferve him faithfully, and fulfil all his com- mands : As your Pattern^ that you may follow his example, and imitate his virtues : As your Saviour^ that he may be your refuge and confidence, your fl:rength and fupport, your peace and confolation, your Snvimir now and at the hour of death * bacra rrtvata. 175 As your Ktng^ that he may give laws to your foul, and that you may furrender yourfelf to his commands ; and never re- bel^ or refifl: his authority : As your Shepherd. Keep me in thy flock by thy almighty grace. I am one of the lofl: fheep which Thou cameft to feek. Take me under thy care, and re- fl:ore me to thy fold. Increafe thy flock for the honour of thy name. Wilful Sin. Let me rather chufe to die^ than to fin againfl: my confcience. Penitent. I AM aftiamed to come before Thee, but I mufl; come or perifli. I know that Thou art angry with me for my fins, but I know too that Thou pitiefl: me, or why do I yet live ? Make me full of forrow for my fin, and full of hopes of thy mercy and par- don. Look upon the infirmities of thy fervant, and confider his weaknefs. Sen- fible of my own fad condition, weak and milerable, Imrui and ignorant, liable to 170 ry 7~> oacra rrivata. Matt. V. 48. eternal death, I proftrate myfelf before Thee, imploring thy help and pardon. Gracious God, never abandon me to the oppofition I fliall at any time make to thy grace. Bleffed be God, that he has fo often prevented me, and not left me to the de- fires of my own heart. Put a flop to the torrent of wickednefs and profanenefs, which carries all before it. I confefs my fins to Thee, O God; do Thou hide them from all the world. Eternity, Lord imprint upon my heart a lively idea of eternity, that the forrow- ful paflages of this life, which are fo un- eafy and frightful to nature, may vanifii, or be borne with patience. Example. Pardon my fin, and forgive all fuch as have been mifled by any evil example of mine. Be ye perfe^y even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect » 0 divine repairer of our corrupt nature, may thy all-powerful grace make me as perfect as 1 nou halt commanded me to be ! bacra rrtvata. 1 177 Holinefs. O God, who haft called me to holinefs, give me a firm faith in thy power, through otir Lord Jefus Chrift, that by his affift- ance I may get the maftery over all my fins and corruptions ; that I may be re- deemed from all iniquity ; that I may be holy, as he who has called me is holy. Poflefs my foul with an earneft defire of pleafing Thee, and with a fear of of- fending Thee. Let me be ever ready to forgive inju- ries, and backward to off^er any. Give me, O Lord, faith and patience, that I may neither murmur at thy ap- pointments, nor be angry againft the in- ftruments of thy juftice. Deliver me from the errors and vices of the age I live in, from infidelity, wicked principles, from profanenefs, herefies, and fchifm. I moft heartily thank Thee, O God, for thy perpetual care of me, for all thy mercies beftowed upon me, for the blef- fings of nature and of grace. A A 178 ISacra rrtvata. John xvi. 23. Grants O God, that I may never re- ceive thy grace in vain, but that I may live like one who believes and hopes for the joys of heaven. Let me ever be forry for my fins, thankful for thy bleflings, fear thy judg- ments, love thy mercies, remember thy prefence. Give me an humble mind, a godly fear, and a quiet confcience. Weaken, O Lord, the power of Satan in this place, and the tyranny of his minifters. In Time of Pejiilence or Danger. Set thy faving mark upon our houfes, and give order to the deftroyer not to hurt us. Verily y verily^ I Jay unto you ^ Whatjoever ye /hall ajk the Father in my name^ he will give it you. Upon this promife, blefled Lord, I de- pend ; befeeching Thee, O heavenly Fa- ther, for thy dear Son's fake, to give me the graces I mofl: ftand in need of. After Prayers. VOUCHSAFE US thole graces and blelimgs Sacra Privata. 179 which thou knoweft to be needful for us, notwithftanding our great unworthinefs. Riches. Shut my heart, O Lord, againft the love of worldly riches, left I betray Thee, as Judas did. May thy Holy Spirit, O God, fill my heart, that it may appear in all my words and aftions, that I am governed by it. And when he Jaw him^ he had compajjion on him. O Jefus, the true Samaritan, look upon the wounds which fin hath caufed in my foul, and have compafiion on me. May I always refign my will and my defires to him who knows what is good for us, better than we ourfelves do. Holy Scriptures. Give me, O God, a fincere love for the truths of the gofpel, a teachable heart, and an obedient will, Perfeverance. Finifii, O my God, the work of mercy and converfion which Thou haft: begun in me. Save, O Lord Jefus, a foul which Thou Luke X. 33. T Ro J. vJ V-/ There is no merit in me, O God, to attrad thy mercy and goodnefs, but only my great mifery and blindnefs. May I make a fuitable return by an holy life. According to the greatnefs of thy good- nefs, and the multitude of thy mercies, look upon me. San6tify my foul and body with thy heavenly bleffings, that they may be made thy holy habitation, and that nothing may be found in me, that may offend the eyes of thy Majefty. Proted: and keep me in the midft of the dangers of this corrupt world ; and by thy light and grace diredl me in the way to everlafting life, thro' Jefus Chrift. Morning. I laid me down and flept, and rofe again, for the Lord fuftained me. BlefTed be the name of the Lord. Raife me up, O Lord, at the laft day, to life and happinefs everlafting. Blefled be the Lord for his mercies re- newed unto me every morning. O that my eyes may ever be fixed upon the example that our BlefTed Lord hath left us, and that I may daily endeavour Sacra Privata. i8i to follow him. Amen. Night, May the Saviour and Guardian of my foul take me under his protection this night and evermore. Attend upon the Lord without diftr action. O holy Spirit of grace, help my infir- mities, that I may fix my thoughts upon my duty ; and that I may ferve Thee with all my heart and mind. That I may never give way to wander- ing thoughts, but watch againft them con- tinually. Look upon me, O Lord, and pity me ; make me, and let me be thine by the choice of my will. Make me ferious and thoughtful at all times, that I may not fail being fo when I attend upon God. Let not my heart, O God, be inclined to any evil thing. Keep me, O God, from every thing that may difpleafe Thee. O make me wife unto falvation. / can do all things thro' Chriji^ which ftrengtheneth me. O that I may never forfeit this power by prefumption or want of faith. l82 Sacra Privata. John XX. 28. Thomas faid^ My Lord and my God. Thou art indeed, O Jefus, my Lord, for Thou haft redeemed me by thy pre- cious blood ; Thou art my God, for I am dedicated to Thee, and fandlified by thy fpirit. Ads ii. 44. And all that believed were together ^ and had all things common. May God grant, that as we are all mem- bers of the fame body, have one and the fame Father, the fame Saviour, the fame Spirit, and hope to meet in the fame pa- radife ; that we may live in unity and godly love, and be charitable according to our ability. The good Lord grant, that in the day of Chrift I may rejoice that I have not run in vain, nor laboured in vain. oacra rrtvata. 183 Collects, their Tendency. pOMFORToftheHolyGhoft i Sunday after Af- ^ cenfion Dire6lion of the Holy Ghoft . 19 after Trinity Manifold Gifts of the Holy Means of Grace 5 — Hearing . St. Bartholomew, St. Luke Reading . 2 Sunday in Advent Fafting . . i in Lent 10 and 23 after Tri- nity To convert us from Sin . . . i in Advent, I after Eafter, St. Andrew, St. James, St. Matth. /1 2, 21, 24. after Tri- Pardon of Sin and Acceptance 1 nity (2 after Epiphany To refcue us from Temptation . 4 in Advent, 4 after Epiphany, 18 after Trinity To enable us to do good . , 5 after Eafter, after Trinity To bring us to Glory . . . Epiphany, 6 after Epiphany Eafter-Eve Love of God and his Law . . 4 after Eafter 6 and 14 after Trinity Faith right Faith firm Imitation of Chrift Imitation of Saints Guarding of Angels, and God's Providence » Deliverance from Enemies . . Deliverance from Judgments . Support under Affli6lions . Defence from Evil, and Supply of Good For Jews, Turks, &c. . . . That Minifters may be fit, dili- gent, and fuccefsful . . That the People maybe kept in Truth, Unity, and Peace . Trinity-Sunday 7 after Trinity St. Thomas, St. Mark 6 Lent, 2 after Eafter St. Stephen, St. Paul, St. Philip and James, St. John Baptift, Innocents, All Saints f 2, 3, 4, 20 after Tri- ) nity ^St. Michael 3 in Lent Sexagefima, Septuagefima 4 in Lent 3, 4 after Epiphany 8, 15 after Trinity Good-Friday (St.Matthias, JSt. Peter (3 in Advent /Good-Friday, ^St. John \St. Simon and Jude, f5, 6, 12 after Trinity Printed by C. Whittingham, Chifwick.