TEACHER’S CATALOGUE OF BOOKS SUITABLE FOR PRIMARY 9 GRAMMAR SCHOOLS, IN THE. Osterhout Free Library, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. o-a~'»-' 22 ^ Isi S> $\A ' . x ^ LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS. A * before the Call Number indicates a Reference Book. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. Appleton’s Annual Cyclopaedia. i6v. 1876-91.*031 Ai Chambers’ Encyclopaedia. iov. illus. 1888-92. *032 C Champlin, J: D. Jr. Young Folks’ Cy¬ clopaedia of Common Things, illus. 1886.*Jo 3 i C International Cyclopoedia. 15V. 1892. *031 I GENERAL MISCELLANY. Killikelly, S.. H. Curious Questions in History, Literature, Art, and Social Life. 2v. [1886-9.] . . *080 K O Li PH ant, S: G. Queer Questions and Ready Replies. 1888. *080 O BOOKS AND READING. Abbott, L. ed. Hints for Home Read¬ ing. 1883. • • . 028 A Burt, M.. E. Literary Landmarks. 1889. 028 Bi Caller, M.. A. Literary Guide for Home and School. 1892. 028 C2 Hardy, G: E. ed. 6° comp. Five Hun¬ dred Books for Home and School. 1892.*028.5 H Sargent, J: F. Reading for the Young. A Classified and Annotated Cata¬ logue. 1880. *028 S Winchester, C. T. Five Short Courses of Reading. 1892.028 W2 — 2 — PERIODICALS. Baby’s Annual. 1891. J051 Bi Babyland. v. 15, 16, illus. 1891-2 . . J051 B Little One’s Annual. v. 8, 9, illus. 1888-9. J051 L Our Little Men and Women, illus. 1891. J051 Ol Our Little Ones and the Nursery, illus. v. 5. 1886. J051 O St. Nicholas, vol 1-20. 1873-92 . . J051 S Wide Awake, v. 26-35. illus. 1888-92. J051 W PHILOSOPHY. Granville, J. M. Secret of a Good Mem¬ ory . 154.1 G Holbrook, M. L. How to Strengthen the Memory. [1886.]. 154.1 H ETHICS. Balch, G: T. Teaching Patriotism in Public Schools. 1890 ..... 172 B Chester, E. Girls and Women. 1890. 396 C Everett, C: C. Ethics for Young Peo¬ ple. 1891. 170 E Gilman, N: P. Laws of Daily Conduct. 1891. 170 G Kirkland, E.. S. Speech and Manners for Home and School. 1884 . . J395 K Power, Mrs. S. C. D. Children’s Eti¬ quette. [1877.]. J395 P Ryder, A. H. Go Right on Girls ! De¬ velop your Bodies, your Minds, your Characters. [1891.] . . . . 376 R WlGGIN, E. E. Lessons on Manners for School and Home. 1885 .... J395 W - 3 - RELIGION. BIBLE. Colored Picture Bible for Children . . Foster, C: Bible Pictures, illus. 1886. Story of the Bible. [1884.] .... Story of the Gospel. [1884.] . . . Old Testament Stories in Scripture Lan¬ guage from Dispersion of Babel to Conquest of Canaan. 1890. (R.Lit. Ser.) . Pollard, T. The Bible and its Story. [1889.]. Yonge, C.. M.. Young Folks’ Bible His¬ tory. illus. 1880. MYTHOLOGY. BuLFiNCH, T: Age of Fable ; ed. by E: E. Hale, illus. [1881.] .... Cox, G: W: Manual of Mythology, illus. 1868.' . . . Kingsley, C: The Heroes ; or, Greek Fairy Tales, illus. 1885 . . . Mabie, H. W. Norse Stories, retold from the Eddas. Murray, A. S. Manual of Mythology. 1886. f SOCIOLOGY. Giffin, W: M. Civics for Young Amer¬ icans. 1888. Hopkins, S. R. Young Prince of Com merce. 1888. Nordhoff, C: Politics for Young Amer icans. 1886. SlMKlN, R: The Army, col’d illus. . . (The Army of Great Britain.) J220 S J220 Fi J220 F J226 F 221 B J220 P J220.9 Y 292 B J291 C J292 K J293 M 291 M6 J342.73 G J 332 H 320 N 7 J355 S — 4 — EDUCATION, PRIMARY.' ABC. col’d illus.J372 Xi Children’s Object Book, col’d illus. . J372 X Valentine, Mrs. L. (J.) Aunt Louisa’s First Book for Children, illus. . J372 V LEGENDS AND FOLK LORE. Baldwin, J. Story of Roland, illus. 1883. J398.2 R. Story of Siegfried, illus. 1882. . . J398.2 S Gibb, J: Gudrun, Beowulf and Roland. illus. 1884.J398.2 G Hanson, C: H: ed. Stories of the Days of King Arthur. 1887.J398.2 Ari Lanier, S. ed. Boy’s Mabinogion. illus. 1881.J398.2 M Malory, Sir T: Boy’s King Arthur ; ed. by S. Lanier, illus. 1887. . J398.2 Ar FAIRY TALES. Grimm, J. L. K: dr 5 W. K: ed. Fairy Tales.T398.3 G Harrison, Airs. C. (C ) Old Fashioned Fairy Book, illus. 1884 .... J398.4 H Mason, Ja. ed. Old Fairy Tales. illus.j398.4 M3 Scudder, H. E. ed. Fables and Folk Stories. 2v. ( R. Lit. Ser .) . . J398 S Treasury of Pleasure Books for the Young.J 398.3 X Young England’s Nursery Tales, illus. J398.3 Xi LANGUAGE. Century Dictionary. 6v. illus. 1889-91. *423 C33 Crabb, G: English Synomymes. 1887. *424 C Edwards, E. Words, Facts and Phrases. [1881.]. *423 E — 5 — Gilman, A. Short Stories from the Dic¬ tionary. [1886.].. Johonnot, J. Sentence and Word-Book. 1885.. . Nesbitt, M. L. Grammar Land, illus. 1885. Phyffe, W: H: P. How should I Pro¬ nounce ? 1889. School Pronouncer. 1888 ... Seven Thousand Words often Mis¬ pronounced. 1890. Smith, C: J: Synonyms and Antonyms. 1884 . Same . Soule, R: Dictionary of English Syn- onymes and Synonymous or Paral¬ lel Expressions. New ed. 1892. Stormonth, J: ed. Dictionary of the English Language. 1884 • • Webster, N. ed. American Dictionary of the English Language. illus. 1887. Worcester, J. E. ed. Dictionary of the English Language. 1887 .... NATURAL SCIENCE. Champlin, J: D .Jr. Young Folks’ Cat¬ echism of Common Things. 1886. Darwin, C: R. What Mr. Darwin Saw in his Voyage round the World.. illus. [1879.]. Fisher, Mrs. A. B. (B.) Fairy-Land of Science, illus. 1887. Gaye, S. World’s Lumber Room, illus. 1885 . Jackman, W. S. Nature Study for Com¬ mon Schools. 1891. (A valuable aid to the Teacher.) J428 G 372 J J425 N 421 P 421 Pi 421 P2 424 Sm *424 Sm *424 S *423 St *423 W3 *423 W8 J502 Oo J508 J6 J 5°4 N8 504 O5 507 J — 6 — Kirby, M.. E.. World by the Fire¬ side. illus. 1886 . . ... J504 06 Lawrence, Uncle, pseud. Young Folks’ Queries, illus. 1886.J5°° O5 Young Folks’ Whys and Wherefores. illus. 1886. . J500 O3 Richardson, J. {Adam Stzuin.) Eyes Right, illus. J500 TM 8 What Shall we Talk About ? or, Things that Every One ought to Know. 1886. J504 X ASTRONOMY. Champlin, J: D. Jr. Young Folks’ As¬ tronomy. illus. 1886.J523 Ol Moore, A. dr 3 Nichols. L. D. Overhead. illus. [1878.]'. J523 N8 Parker, W: H. Familiar Talks on As¬ tronomy. 1889 J520 P Peck, W: Constellations and how to Find them, maps. 523.89 N8 Proctor, R: A. Seasons pictured in 48 Views of the Earth, illus. 1885. 525.5 O4 Serviss, G. P. Astronomy with an Op¬ era Glass, illus. 1889 ... . . 523 08 a PHYSICS. Abbott, J. Force, illus. [1872.] ( Science for the Young) .J 53 ° N2 Heat, illus. [1871.] [Science for the Young.) . J536 Nl Light, illus. [1871.] ( Science for the Young.) . .. J535 Nl Johnson, A. Sunshine, illus. 1892. . J535 J Sloane, T: O’C. Electrical Toy Making for Amateurs, illus. 1892 .... 537 S2 CHEMISTRY. Meyer, Mrs. L. J. (R.) Real Fairy Folks, illus. 1887. J54° 07 GEOLOGY AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Abbott, J. Water and Land. illus. [1871.] .' • • J55 1 Nl Frye, A. E. Brooks and Brook Basins. illus. 1892. (First Steps in Geog.') J551 F Gibson, J: Chips from the Earth’s Crust; or, Short Stories in Natural Science, illus. 1890 • •. 550 G (Treats mostly ofindustrial geology.) Herrick, S. B. Earth in Past Ages. 1888. J550 H Hovey, H. C. Celebrated American Cav¬ erns. illus. 1882.551.44 O2 Kingsley, C: Madam How and Lady Why. illus. 1886.J 55 I M9 Nichols, L. D. Underfoot illus. [1881.] J550 Oi Shaler, N. S. Aspects of the Earth. illus. 1889... 551 S (A popular description of natural feat¬ ures of the earth.) Winchell, A. Geological Excursions. illus. 1888.J550 O4 BIOLOGY. Clodd, E: Childhood of the World. 1884.• • J571 N2 BOTANY. Dyson, Mrs. Stories of the Trees, illus. 1890. J583 D Gaye, S. The Great World’s Farm ; some Account of Nature’s Crops, and how they are Grown, illus. 1883. 581 G — 8 — Gray, A. How Plants Behave, illus. [1S72.] ... .J581 N2 How Plants Grow, illus. [1858.] J581 L8 Pratt, M. L. Fairyland of Flowers, illus. 1890. J5S1 P Little Flower Folks; or, Stories from Flowerland. 2v. illus. 1890-1. J581 Pi Spear, M.. A. Leaves and Flowers; or, Plant Studies for Young Readers. illus. 1892. J581 S ZOOLOGY. Alden, R. M. World of Little People. illus. 1888. J595 A Animals at Home and Abroad, col’d illus. J599 X Ballard, Mrs. J. P. Insect Lives ; or, Born in Prison, illus. 1887 . - J 595-7 N9 Bamford, M.. E. Look-About Club. illus. [1887.].J59° O7 My Land and Water Friends, illus. 1886. J590 06 Second Year of the Look-About Club. illus. [1889.]. J590 B2 Up and Down the Brooks, illus. 1889.J595.7 O9 Beasts and Birds in Pictures and Words. illus. [1891.]. J590 X Bird’s Nest, col’d illus..J5Q8.2 X Church, E. R. Little Neighbors at Elm- ridge. illus. [1887.] ... . J590 07a Conant, Mrs. H.. (S.) Butterfly Hunt¬ ers. 1881.J595-7 M8 Fisher, Mrs. A. B. (B.) Life and her Children, illus. 1887 . . . . J592 Oo Gibson, J: Science Gleanings in Animal Life, illus. 1887 . .... 590 G (Treats of animals in relation to man, and of extinct animals.) — 9 — Grant, J: B. Our Common Birds and how to Know them, illus. 1891. 598.2 G Holder, C: F: Frozen Dragon, illus. 1888. J590 H Hook, S. L. Little People and their Homes in Meadows, Woods and Waters, illus. 1888 . ... J595.7 08 Ingersoll, E. Country Cousins ; Short Studies in Natural History of U. S. illus. 1884.J590 O4 Friends worth Knowing. illus. [1880.].J598.2 Oo Mothers. Habits of Animals. [1882.] J636 I Johonnot, J. Book of Cats and Dogs. illus. 1884 J636 J Glimpses of the Animal World, illus. [1885.] . .. J590 J Neighbors with Claws and Hoofs. illus. [1885.] . . . . - ... J599 J Neighbors with Wings and Fins, illus. [1885.]. J598.2 J Some Curious Flyers, Creepers, etc. illus. [1887.]. J590 Ji Kirby, M.. 6° E.. Sea and its Wonders. illus. 1884.J590 04a Things in the Forest, illus. 1888. J598.2 K Lewis, -Natural History Toy Books. col’d illus. J59° L Lovell, K.. R. Nature’s Wonder-Work¬ ers ; Short Life Histories in the Insect World, illus. 1890. . . . J 595 L Maskell, Mrs. A. E. A. Four Feet, Wings and Fins, illus. 1878 . . J596 N8 Mateaux, C. L. Odd Folks at Home. illus .J590 N8 Merriam, F. A. Birds through an Op¬ era Glass. 1889.J598.2 O9 f - IO Miller, O. T. Bird Ways. 1885 . . 598.2 05s Little Brothers of the Air. 1892. . 598.2 M Little Folks in Feathers and Fur. illus. 1886 ... .J59° N9 Morgan, C. L. Animal Sketches, illus. J590 M Natural History Book for Children. illus. 1891. Richards, L. E. ed. Four Feet, Two Feet, and No Feet, illus. 1886. Ricks, G: Natural History Object Les¬ sons ; a Manual forTeacher<. illus. 1891. Sanborn, J: W. Go to the Ant, and Learn many Wonderful Things, illus. 1889. Who was the First Paper-Maker? illus. 1881. Who were the First Builders? illus. 1881. Who were the First Miners ? illus. 1881. J590 X4 J596 O 5 J590 R J595 s> J 595 Xi J590 X 3 J59O X2 Who were the First Weavers? illus. 1881.■ • • • J595 x Wood, J: G: The Brook and its Banks. illus. J59° W Common Objects of the Country, illus. J591 L8 Half Hours in Field and Forest, illus. 1886.J598-2 N2 Homes without Hands, illus. 1884.59152 N5 Natural History Readers. 6v. illus. 1892.J590 Wi New Illustrated Natural History. . 590 N5 World of Wonders; or, Marvels in Ani¬ mate and Inanimate Nature, illus. 1882. J590 Oi Wright, J. (McN.) Sea-Side and Way- Side. 3V. illus. 1891-2. . . . J590 W2 USEFUL ARTS. Chase, A. dr 5 Clow, E. Stories of In¬ dustry. v. i, illus. [1891.] . . Hale, E: E. ed. Stories of Invention. 1886. Kent, W: C: M: Modern Seven Won¬ ders of the World, illus. 1880. . Contents Steam engine; telegraph ; photograph ; sewing machine ; spectroscope ; electric light; telephone, etc. Lawrence, Uncle, pseud . Young Folks’ Ideas, illus. 1885. Routledge, R. Discoveries and Inven¬ tions of the 19th Century, illus. 1886. Seven Wonders of the World, with their Associations in Art and History. illus.. Timbs, J: Stories of Inventors and Dis¬ coverers. illus. i860. Wonderful Inventions, illus. 1882 . HYGIENE. Blaikie, W: How to get Strong, illus. [1879-]. Lewis, D. New Gymnasticstor Men,Wom¬ en and Children. Ed. 25. illus. 1891. Our Girls. 1885. Mace, J. History of a Mouthful of Bread. 1866. Servants of the Stomach. 1868 . . PUBLIC HYGIENE. Luff, W: Off to the Fire. col’d illus. (London fire brigade.) Our Lifeboats ; Pictures of Peril and Rescue, col’d illus. J600 C J609 O5 608 K J600 O4 608 N5 609 X 608 Mo 608 Oi 613 N9 613 L5 613 L51 J612 M4 J612 M8 J614 L J614 Li - 12 MINES AND MINING. Greene, H. Coal and Coal Mines, illus. 1889. J622 G DOMESTIC ANIMALS AND FARMING. Jenyns, C: F. G. Book about Bees. illus. 1886. J638 O5 Kingston, W: H: G. Stories of the Sa¬ gacity of Animals. 2v. illus. 1886. J636 06 Morris, E. Farming for Boys, illus. . J630 M8 Picture Book of Domestic Animals. col’d illus.. . J636 X Who was the First Architect ? or, Bees and Bee-Hives, illus. 1881. . . J638 X DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Kirkland, E.. S. Dora’s Housekeeping. 1887.J640 N7 Six Little Cooks. 1883. J641 N7 TRANSPORTATION. Gilmore, J: Storm Warriors ; or, Life- Boat Work on the Goodwin Sands. 1879.J656 N3 Knox, T: W. Life of-Robt. Fulton, and History of Steam Navigation. 1887. B65 F95 Rideing, W: H: Boys Coastwise, illus. [1884.] (About Lighthouses.) . J656 O4 MANUFACTURES. BEVAN, G. P. Handbook to the In¬ dustries of the British Isles and the U. S. 1882. 670 02 Industrial Classes and Industrial Sta¬ tistics. 2v. 1876-7. {Gt. Britain .) 670 N6a ed. British Manufacturing Industries. 12 v. illus. 1876-83 . . ..... 670 N6b — 13 MECHANICS. Bower, J: A. How to Make Common Things; for Boys, ill us. 1892. J680 B Boy’s Workshop, illus. 1884.J680 O4 Davidson, E. A. Boy Joiner and Mod¬ el Maker, illus.J684 N4 History of a Ship from her Cradle to her Grave, illus. 1882. J699 O2 Lukin, J. Amongst Machines. illus. 1886.I670 N6 Boy Engineers, illus. 1885 . . . J680 N8 Toy Making for Amateurs, illus. 1882. 689 O2 Young Mechanic, illus. 1886 . . J680 Nl FINE ARTS. Art for Young Folks, illus. 1885 . . J750 X NUMISMATICS. Dye, J: S. Coin Encyclopaedia, illus. 1883.. 737 D9 Smith, A. M. Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Gold and Silver Coins of the World. B. C. 100-A. D. 1885. 1886. *737 S AMUSEMENTS. Beard, D. C. American Boy’s Handy Book, illus. 1886. J796 B Beard, L. dr 5 A. B. American Girl’s Handy Book, illus. 1887. . . . J 79 ° B Campbell, Mrs. H. American Girl’s Home Book, illus. 1884 . . . J790 C Chadwick, H: Sports and Pastimes of American Boys, illus. [1884.] . J796 C Champlin, J: T>.Jr. Young Folks’ Cy¬ clopaedia of Games and Sports, illus. 1890.*J79° C3 — 14 — Handy Book for Boys and Girls, illus. 1892. J 790 X PIolbrook, K. pseiui. Iiow ? or, Spare Hours made Profitable for Boys and Girls, illus. 1887 .... J 793 H Peters, C. ed. Girl’s Own Outdoor Book, illus. 1889. 796 P Rook, E. C. 6°L. J. Drills and Marches. 1890. 793 R Routledge, E. ed. Every Boy’s Book, illus. 1884. ... J 796 R Thompson, M. ed. Boy’s Book of Sports and Outdoor Life, illus. 1886. J 79 6 T Wood, J: G: Boy’s Modern Playmate, illus. J 796 W LITERATURE. HANDBOOKS. Bartlett, J: comp. Familiar Quotations. 1891 ..*808.8 B2 Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, giving the Derivation, Source or Origin of Common Phrases, Allusions and Words that have a Tale to Tell.*803 Bl The Reader’s Handbook of Allusions, References, Plots and Stories. 1886. *803 B Wheeler, W: A. 6° C: G. Familiar Allusions. 1890.*803 Wi HISTORY. Lillie, Mrs. L. C. (W.) Story of Eng¬ lish Literature for Young Readers; Chaucer to Cowper. illus. [1878.] {820.9 L Richardson, A. S. Familiar Talks on English Literature to 1882 . . . 820.9 R39 Scudder, H. E. Literature in School. 1888. (R. Lit. Ser.) . 807 S — i5 — Wright, H. C. Children’s Stories in Eng. Lit., Shakespeare to Tenny¬ son. 1889.J820 Wi Children’s Stories in Eng. Lit., Tal¬ iesin to Shakespeare. 1889 . . J820 W READING AND SPEAKING. American Oratory. 1887. 815.2 A Baker, G: M. Baker’s Dozen. [1872.] J812 B (Dramas for children.) Bell, Mrs. H. Nursery Comedies; Twelve Tiny Plays for Children. 1892. . J822 B Bellamy, B. W. 6° Goodwin, M. W. comp. Open Sesame ! Poetry and Prose for School Days. 3V. 1891-2. . . 808.8 B3 Campbell, L. J. 6° Root, O. Jr. comp. Columbian Speaker. [1874.] . . 808.8 C15 Davis, H. C. 6° Bridgman, J: C. ed. 6° comp. Brief Declamations. 1890. 808.8 D Fletcher, A. B. comp. Advanced Read¬ ings and Recitations. [1881.] . 820.8 F6 Fobes, W. K. comp. Five Minute Dec¬ lamations, 2 v. 1891.808.8 F62 Five Minute Readings. 1887. . . 808.8 F6 Five Minute Recitations. 1&86 . . 808.8 F61 Foster, L. C. dr 5 Williams, S. comp. Se¬ lections for Memorizing, for Pri¬ mary, Intermediate, and High School Grades. 1892.808.8 F8 Garrett, P. r Swift, J. Gulliver’s Travels. 1889 . S75 Whitney, Mrs. A. D. (T.) Boys at Chequasset. J W6lb Yonge, C.. M.. Storehouse of Stories 2v. J A9 PRIMARY FICTION. Andrews, J.. Seven Little Sisters. . . J An2s Seven Little Sisters prove their Sis¬ terhood. [Each and All.] ... J An2e Stories Mother Nature told her Chil¬ dren. 1889. J An2 Carrington, E. Stories for Somebody. illus.. J C43 Cheerful, Chatty, pseud. Our Child¬ hood’s Holidays, illus. [1890.] J C38 Cosy Corner, illus. [Storiesfor the young.') J X126 Cuthell, E. E. &= others. Fur Coats and Feather Frocks, col’d illus. . . J C72 Dainty Darlings, illus. (Stories for the young i) . J X122 Daisy Days, illus. [Stories for theyoung .) J X128 Four Feet by Two ; Animal Talks and Tales, illus. J X3 From Toy-Land, col’d illus. J X32 Fun and Frolic, illus. [Stories for the young.) . ... J X12 Granny s Glasses, and a Beep through Them, col’d illus. J X23 — 25 — Granny’s Story Box. col’d illus. ... J X53 Hide and Seek ; Pictures and Fun for Every One. illus. J X24 Hoofer, M.. Lily’s Letters from the Farm. J PI7 Jackson, Mrs. H.. M. (F.) H. Mammy Tittleback and her Family. . . J Ji2m Mirth and Mischief, illus. (Stories for the young.) . J Xll Moulton, Mrs. E. L. (C.) Stories told at Twilight. 1890. J M86 Nicholes, L. D. Up Hill and Down Dale. J N5111 Nursery; illustrated Stories and Poems for Little People. 1890 .... J N9 Our Boys, illus. {Storiesfor the young?) J X123 OUR Girls, illus. {Stories for theyozmg.) J X125 Our Little Dot’s Picture Scrap-Book, illus. 1890 . . . J741 X Picture- Book of the Sagacit) of Animals. illus. J X7 Picture Scrap-Book, illus. J X63 Pleasure Land, illus. {Stories for the young ) . J X124 Railway Train ; a Picture Book for Children, col’d illus. J X75 Note. An English railway train. Sellon, G. Short Stories about Animals. col’d illus. J S7 Three Bears, col’d illus. J X31 Tug of War; .Stories of Dogs and Cats. illus. {Stories for the young.) . . J X127 Valentine, Mrs. L. (J.) Animal Pic- ^ tures. illus. J Vi; Bird Pictures, illus. J V13 Cat Pictures, illus. J V12 Dog Pictures, illus. J Vn Visit to Venice, col’d illus. J914 X K — 26 Wilde, Mrs. C (L.) others. A Long Time Ago. J W62: Once upon a Time, col’d illus. . J W261 Wise Birds and Clever Dogs, illus.. . J Xu, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL. Bradley, W: M .pub. Atlas of the World. 1887.*T2 B72 Cram’s Standard American Railway-Sys¬ tem Atlas of the World. 1891. . *T2 C Thomas, J. &= Baldwin, T: ed. Lippin- cott’s Gazetteer. 1886. *To3 T36 GEOGRAPHY. Century Geographical Readers. Jv. illus. 1891. J91 C2 Chambers, W: 6° R. New Geographi¬ cal Readers. Jv. illus. 1892 . J91 C Hall, M.. L. Onr World Reader, v. 1, illus. 1892. J91 H2 Johonnot, J. Geographical Reader. illus. 1886. J91 J King, C: F. Picturesque Geographical Readers. 4V. illus. 1891-3 . . J91 K2 Philips,—. Geographical Readers. 6v. illus. J91 P Smith, H.. A. (Hazel Shepard.') Great Cities of the Ancient World, illus. [1885.].T33 Sm5 Great Cities of the Modern World. illus. [1887.]. T04 Sm5 f Winslow, F. E. Children’s Fairy Geog¬ raphy. illus. 1886.J914 W World at Home ; a New .Series of Ge¬ ographical Readers. 6v. 1888-92. [Royal School Series.) . J91 X — 27 — TRAVEL. Abbott, J. Rollo on the Atlantic, illus. 1858. Coffin, C: C. Our New Way round the World, 1866-8. illus. 1886 . . Dana, R: H: Jr. Two Years before the Mast, 1834-6. 1887. Hale, E: E. ed. Stories of Adventure. 1887. Stories of Discovery. 1886. . . . Stories of the Sea. 1887. Howells, W: D. &= Perry, 'I': S. ed. Li¬ brary of Universal Adventure, A. D. 79-1888. illus 1888 . . . Kingston, W: H: G. &= Frith, H: Not¬ able Voyagers, illus. 1885 . . Knox, T: W. Young Nimrods around the World, illus. 1882 .... Seward, O. R. Around-the-World Sto¬ ries. 1889. EUROPE. Crowninshield, F. Light-House Chil¬ dren Abroad. Knox, T: W. Boy Travellers in Central Europe; France, Switzerland, Austria, and Alps of Switzerland and the Tyrol, illus. 1893 . . . McCabe, J. D. Our Young Folks Abroad. Paull, M. A. Children’s Tour [in Eu¬ rope.] illus.. • . Scudder, H. E. Mr. Bodley Abroad, illus. 1884. Stoddard, J. L. Red-Letter Days Abroad. 1884. J914 Ab T04 C65 T04 D19 J91 H J91 Hi J 9°4 H T08 H83 J91 K J799 Ki J91 S J9 : 4 Ci J914 Ki 2 J914 M J9H P J9H S T46 St6 — 28 — GREAT BRITAIN Abbott, }. Rollo in London, illus. 1858.J914 Ab3 Rollo in Scotland, illus. 1858 . . J914 Ab5 French, H: W. Our Boys in Ireland. illus. 1891 .. J914 F Green, S: G. Scottish Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil, illus. . . . T41 G82 Kingston, W: H: G. Yacht Voyage round England, illus.J914 K2 Knox, T: W. Boy Travellers, Great. Brit¬ ain and Ireland, illus. 1891 . . J914 Ki Lovett, R: Irish Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil, illus. 1888 . T415 L9 London Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil, illus. 1890. T421 L Welsh Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil, illus.. . T429 L Manning, S: &= Green, S: G. English Pictures drawn with Pen and Pen¬ cil. illus.T42 M31 Mateaux, C. L. Around and about Old England, illus.T42 M21 Rambles round London Town, illus.T421 M41 Scudder, H. E. Eng. Bodley Family. illus. 1884. J914 S3 GERMANY. Abbott, J. Rollo on the Rhine, illus. 1858.J914 Ab4 Green, S: G. Pictures from the German Fatherland, illus.T43 G82 FRANCE. Abbott, J. Rollo in Paris, illus. 1858. J914 Abi Green, S: G. French Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil, illus. . . T44 G82 Hale, E: E. 6° S. Family Flight, France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland. illus. 1881 . J914 H — 29 — ITALY. Abbott, J. Rollo in Naples. illus.1S58.J914 Ab8 Rollo in Rome, illus. 1858 . . . J914 Ab9 Church, A. J: Roman Life in Days of Cicero, illus. 1884. J913 C4 Manning, S: Italian Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil illus.;T45 M31 SPAIN. Hale, S Family Flight through Spain illus 1883.J914 H2 Manning, S: Spanish Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil illus. . . T46 M31 RUSSIA. Knox, T: W. Boy Travellers, Russian Empire illus. 1887 .... T914 K Michell, T: Russian Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil, illus. 1889. T47 M NORWAY. Kellogg, A. W. Our Young Folks in Norway, illus. [1891.] .... J914 K3 Knox, T: W. Boy Travellers, Northern Europe, illus. 1892.J914 Kn Lovett, R. Norwegian Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil, illus. 1885 . T481 L94 Scudder,H.E. Viking Bodleys. illus. 1885. J914 S4 HOLLAND. Abbott, J. Rollo in Holland, illus 1858. J914 Ab7 Lovett, R: Pictures from Holland drawn with Pen and Pencil illus. 1887. T492 L94 Scudder, H. E. Bodley Grandchildren in Holland, illus. 1884 . . . J914 S2 — 3 ° — SWITZERLAND. Abbott, J. Rollo in Geneva, illus. 1858. J914 Ab6 Rollo in Switzerland, illus. 1858 . J914 Ab2 Daunt, A. Crag, Glacier and Avalanche illus. 1889.T494 D Manning, S: Swiss Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil, illus.T494 M31 ASIA. Adams, W: H: D. ed, Some Heroes of Travel. 1880.J915 Ad Miller, O. T. Little People of Asia. illus. 1890.J915 M Polo, M. Towle, G: M. ed. Marco Polo illus. [1880.] ( Y. F. Heroes of Fist.) .J915 P71 Travels, for Boys and Girls ; ed. by T: W. Knox, illus. 1885 . . . J915 P7 CHINA, JAPAN. Bryson, Mrs. M.. I.. Child Life in Chinese Homes, illus. 1885 . J915 B French, H. W. Our Boys in China. illus. 1889. J9 1 5 F Greey, E: Young Americans in Japan. illus. 1886. J915 G Knox, T: W. Boy Travellers, Japan and China illus. [1879] .... J915 K Lee, Y. P. When I was a Boy in China. [1887.]. J915 L Shigemi, S. Japanese Boy. 1889 . . T52 S INDIA, SIAM. French, H. W. Our Boys in India, illus. 1886. . . . J915 Fi Hield, M.. The Land of Temples. [In¬ dia.] illus. J915 H 3i Knox, T: W. Boy Travellers, Ceylon and India, illus. 1882 .... J915 K3 Boy Travellers, Siam and Java, illus. 1882.J915 K2 Urwick, W. Indian Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil, illus.T54 Ur9 PALESTINE. Hale, E: E. 6° S. Family Flight over Egypt and Syria, illus. 1882. . J916 H Knox, T: W. Boy Travellers, Egypt and the Holy Land, illus. 1882 . . J916 K Manning, S: Those Holy Fields ; Pal¬ estine, illus. by Pen and Pencil. . T569 M3 Ridgaway, PL B. The Lord’s Land, 1874. illus. 1876.T569 R4 AFRICA. Du Chaillu, P. B. Country of the Dwarfs, illus [1871.] .... J916 D8 Lost in the Jungle, illus. [1869.] . J916 D8l My Apingi Kingdom, illus. [1870.] J916 D82 Stories of the Gorilla Country, illus. [1867.].J916 D83 Wild Life under the Equator, 1856-9. illus. [1868.].J916 D84 Kingston, W: H: G. Great African Travellers, illus. 1885 .... J916 K6 Knox, T: W. Boy Travellers, on the Congo, illus. 1888.J916 K2 Boy Travellers, through Africa, illus. 18S4 . . . .'.J916 Ki McCabe, J. D. Jr. Our Young P’olks in Africa, illus. 1883. J914 M — 32 — EGYPT. Hale, E: E. & S. Family Flight over Egypt and Syria, illus. 1882 . . J916 H Knox, T: W. Boy Travellers, Egypt and the Holy Land, illus. [1882.] J916 K Manning, S: Land of the Pharaohs, Egypt and Sinai, illus.T62 M31 NORTH AMERICA. Daunt, A. Land of the Moose, the Bear, and the Beaver, illus. 1885 . . T712.2 D2 Knox, T: W. Young Nimrods in North America, illus. 1881 . . . , J799 K ANTIQUITIES. Abbott, C: C. Primitive Industry, illus. 1881. T37 Ab Baldwin, J: D. Ancient America, illus. [1871.] . T37 Bi Foster, J: W. Pre-historic Races of the United States, illus. 1887 . . . T373 F8 Short, J: T: North Americans of Antiq¬ uity. illus. 1882.T37 Sh8 CANADA. Campbell, J: G: E: H: D. S. Marquis of Lome. Canadian Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil, illus. . . . T71 C15 MEXICO. Hale, E: E. Lf S. Family Flight through Mexico, illus. [1886.] ... . J917 H2 Knox, T: W. Boy Travellers, Mexico. illus. 1890. J917 K 33 — UNITED STATES. Lamb, Mrs. M. J. R. (N.) Homes of America, illus. [1879.] • • • T73 L16 Lovett, R: United States, drawn with Pen and Pencil, illus. 1891 . . T73 L9 Peck, J. W. Seven Wonders of the New World, illus. [1885.]. T09 P Contents :— Niagara ; Yellowstone Park ; Mam¬ moth Cave ; Canons of Colorado ; Giant Trees ; Natural Bridge ; Yo- semite. NEW ENGLAND. Drake, S: A. Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast, illus. [1875.] T74 D78 Hale, E: E. & S. Family Flight around Home, illus. [1885.].J9 1 7 H3 Jackson, Mrs. H.. M. (F.) H. Bits of Trav¬ el at Home. 1886. T79 J12 Larcom, L. New England Girlhood. 1889. T74 L Lothrop ,Mrs. H. M. (S.) ( Marg. Sidney .) Old Concord, illus. [1888.] , . T744 L Rollins, Mrs. E. C. (H.) Old Time Child-Life. 1881.J917 R MIDDLE AND SOUTHERN STATES. Holley, G: W. Falls of Niagara, and other Famous Cataracts. illus. 1882. T747.99 H Lossing, B. J: Home of Washington, iS^g-'/o. illus. [1870.] ... T755 L8 The Hudson from Wilderness to Sea, 185Q. illus.T747 L89 Ober, F: A. Knockabout Club in the Everglades, illus. [1887.] . . . J917 Ob Wf.stcott, T. Historic Mansions and Buildings of Philadelphia, illus. 1887.T748 W5; — 34 — Zeigler, W. G. (Sr 3 Grosscup B. S. Heart of the Alleghanies ; or, Western North Carolina, illus. [1883.] . T756 Z3 WESTERN STATES. Cozzens, S: W. Marvellous Country ; or, Three Years in Arizona and New Mexico, illus. 1876 . . . T791 C8 Lummis, C: F. Some Strange Corners of our Country. The Wonderland of the Southwest, illus 1892 . . T78 L Richardson, J. ed . Wonders of the Yellowstone, illus. 1886 . . . T787 R3 Roberts, E. Shoshone and other West¬ ern Wonders, illus. 1888 . . . T78 R54 Wallace, Mrs. S. (E.) Land of the Pueblos, illus. 1888.T789 Wi Woodman, Mrs. A. J. Picturesque Alaska, illus. 1890 . . , . . T798 W SOUTH AMERICA. Curtis, W: E Capitals of Spanish Amer¬ ica illus. 1888. Knox, T: W. Boy Travellers, in South America, illus 1888. AUSTRALIA. Knox, T: W. Boy Travellers, Austral¬ asia. illus. 1889. J919 K Willoughby, H. Australian Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil, illus. 1886 T8 C94 J918 K T94 W68 ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC ISLANDS. Benjamin, S: G. W. Atlantic Islands as Resorts of Health and Pleasure. illus. 1878.T7 B43 Broome, M.. A. (S.) B. Lady. Letters to Guy, 1883-4. 1885.T94 B79 Station Life in New Zealand, 1863-8. 1886.T931 B7 Francis, B. Isles of the Pacific, illus. T931 F8 Knox,T: W. Boy Travellers in Austral¬ asia. illus. 1889. J919 K Ober, F: A. Knockabout Club in the Antilles, illus. [1888.] .... T729 Ob2l ARCTIC REGIONS. Knox, T: W. Voyage of the Vivian to the North Pole and Beyond, illus. [1884.].J919 Ki Schwatka, F: Nimrod of the North, 1878-80. illus. 1885.T98 Sch9 BIOGRAPHY. DICTIONARIES. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Bi¬ ography. 6v. illus. 1887-9 • • • *Boo7 A Champlin, J: D. Jr. Young Folks’ Cy¬ clopaedia of Persons and Places. illus. 1886. . *J92 A28 Smith, W: Classical Dictionary of Biog¬ raphy, Mythology and Geography. illus. 1883.*8003.8 Sm6i Thomas, J. ed. Dictionary of Biography and Mythology. 1886 ... *Booi T36 Ward, T: H. ed. Men of the Time. Ed. 12. rev. 1887.*Booi W — 3 6 — INDIVIDUAL. Adams, J: Morse, J: T.Jr. Lifeof Ad¬ ams. 1886.B31 Adi2 Alcott, L.. M. Life, Letters and Jour¬ nals ; ed. by E. D. Cheney. 1890. B8l A 1 Columbus, C. Abbott, J: S. C. Life of C. 1875. . . ..B39 C715 Adams, C: K. Christopher Colum¬ bus ; his Life and Work. 1892 . B39 C716 Elton, C: The Career of Columbus. 1892.B39 C719 Pollard, J. Christopher Columbus and the Discovery of the New World, illus. J92 P CoRTfes, H. Abbot, J: S. C. History of Cort6s. [1884 ].B39 C81 Davy, Sir H. Mayhew, H: Wonders of Science ; or, Young Humphrey Davy, illus. J92 D3 Drake, Sir F. Towle. G: M. Drake the Sea King, illus. 1883 . . . J62 D7 Franklin, B: Autobiography, with Notes and a Chapter completing his Life. 2v. [1886] ( R. Lit. Ser .) . . . B32 855 Mayhew, 11 : Young Benj. Franklin. illus. J92 F8 Fulton, R. Thurston, R. IL Robert Fulton ; his Life and its Results, illus. [1891.].B6; F951 Gama, Vasco da. Towle, G: M. Voy¬ ages and Adventures. illus. [1878.] (E F. Her. of Hist .). J92 Gi Gough, J: B. Rand, E: A. The Knight that Smote the Dragon ; or, The Young People’s Gough, illus. 1892.B36 G721 Grant, U. S. Denison, C: W. The Tan¬ ner-Boy. 1885.B31 G763 — 37 — Hall, H: Ethan Allen, the Robin Hood of Vermont. 1892 ... . . B35 A 1 Hamilton, A Lodge, H: C. Alex. Hamilton. 1886.B32 H18 Hannibal. Abbot, J. History of Han¬ nibal. [1876.].B35 H195 Harrison, VV: H: Stoddard, W: O. Harrison, T)ler and Polk. 1888. {Lives of the Pres.} .B31 H24 Hawthorne, N. James, H: Jr. Haw¬ thorne. [1879.] {Eng. Men of Let.} B8l H31 Lathrop, G: P. Biographical Sketch. (In Tales, Sketches, etc. 1887) . H3IV Henry, P. Tyler, M. C. Patrick Henry. 1888.. B32 H391 Holmes, O. W. Brown, E. E. Life of O. \V. Holmes. [1884.] . . . B81 H731 Kennedy, W: S. Oliver Wendell Holmes. 1883. Irving, W. Hill,D:J. Washington Irv¬ ing. 1879 .......... Warner, C: D. Washington Irving. 1886. Jefferson, T: Morse, J: T. Jr. Tims. Jefferson. 1886. Jones, J: Paul. Abbott, J: S. C. Life and Adventures ihus. [1874.] . LaSalle, R. R. C. sieur de. Abbott, J: S. C. Adventures of Chevalier de la Salle. [1875.]. Lincoln,' A. Butterworth, H. Boyhood of Lincoln, illus. 1892 . . . Leland, C: G. Abraham Lincoln. * 1885 .B31 l6 34 Schurz, C. Abraham Lincoln. 1891. B31 L6311 Stoddard, W: O. Abraham Lincoln. illus. 1885.B31 L631 B81 H73 B81 Ir82 B81 Ir8 B 31 J35 b 35 J 7 i b 39 L33 J B91 - 3 8 - Lincoln, A. Stoddard, W: O. Inside the White House in War Time, illus. 1890. B31 L638 Longfellow, H: W. Kennedy, W: S. H: W. Longfellow, illus. [1882.JB81 L864 Underwood, F. H: H: W. Long¬ fellow. illus. 1882.B81 L863 Lowell, J. R. Curtis, G: W: James Russell Lowell. 1892.B8i L951 Underwood, F. H: James Russell Lowell, illus. 1882 .... B81 L95 Madison, J. Gay, S. II. James Madi¬ son. 1885.B31 M261 Stoddard, W: O. James Madison, James Monroe, J: Quincy Adams, illus. 1887. [Lives of the Pres.') B31 M26 Magalhaens, F. de. Towle, G: M. Magellan, illus. [1879.] [Y. F. Her. of Hist.) .J92 M2 Monroe, J. Gilman, D. C. James Mon¬ roe. 1886.B31 M75 Penn, W: Dixon, W: H. History of W: Penn. 1872.B36 P381 Pizarro, F. Towle, G: M. Pizarro. illus. 1878. (Y.F. Her. of Hist.) J92 P6 Raleigh, SirW. Towle, G: M. Raleigh. illus. 1881. [Y.F. Her. of Hist.) J92 Ri Scott, Sir W. Gleig, G: R. Life of Scott, illus. 1871. B82 SC083 Yonge, C: D. Life of Scott. 1888. ( Gt. Writers.) .B82 Sco82 Soto, F. de. Abbott, J: S. C. Ferdi¬ nand de Soto. [1873.] . ... B39 S07 Standish, M. Abbott, J: S. C. Miles Standish. [1872.]. B35 St2 Victoria, Queen. Lippincott, Mrs. S.. J.. (C.) Queen Victoria. 1883 . B31 V661 — 39 Washington, G: Rules of Conduct, Let¬ ters, and Farewell Addresses. [1887.] (A\ Lit. Ser.') . . . . B31 W2712 Brown, E. E. Young Folks’ Wash¬ ington. illus. [1883.].J92 W2 Hale, E: E. Life of Washington. Lodge, H: C. Ge rge Washington. 2 v. 1889. B31 W276 Scudder, H. E. George Washing¬ ton. illus. 1889.J92 W21 COLLECTIVE. Adams, O. F. Dear Old Story-Tellers. 1889.J92 Ai 2 Adams, W: H: D. P ecordsof Noble Lives. 1885 . J92 A Shore and Sea; Great Vikings and Sea Captains. 1883 . J92 A13 Bolton, Mrs. S.. (K.) Famous Ameri¬ can Authors. [1887.]. B8l A2 Famous English Authors of the Nine¬ teenth Century. [1890.] .... B82 AI Famous English Statesmen of Queen Victoria’s Reign. [1891.] . . . B32 A5 Girls who Became Famous. illus. 1886 .J92 A25 Successful Women, illus. 1888 . . B07 B Brooks, E. S. Historic Boys, illus. 1886. J92 A2 Historic Girls, illus. 1887 .... J92 A21 Dodge, T. A. Great Captains. 1889 • B35 A2 Contents : Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, Gustavus Adolphus, Frederick, and Napoleon. Edgar, J: G: Boyhood of Great Men. illus. J92 A3 Footprintsof Famous Men illus. 1854. J92 A31 — 40 — Edgar, J: G: Sea Kings and Naval He¬ roes. illus.. Farmer, Mrs. L. (II ) Boys’ Book of Famous Rulers, illus. [1886.] . Girls’ Book of Famous Queens, illus. [1887.]... Hale, E: E. Boys’Heroes, illus. [1886.] Harris. A. B. Pleasant Authors for Young Folks, illus. [1884.] . Kingsley, R. G. & others. The Washing¬ tons’ English Home, and other Stories in Biography illus. [1884.] Mitchell, U. G. {Ik. Marvel.) About Old Story Tellers, illus. [1887.] Parton, J. Captains of Industry. 2v. illus. 1886-92. Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Twenty American Authors. [1887.] (A\ Lit. Seri) . Stoddard, R: H: Sr 3 others. Poets’ Homes. illus. [1877.] . . '. Towle, G: M. Heroes and Martyrs of In¬ vention. illus. 1890. Wright, H. C Children’s Stories of Great Scientists, per. 1888 . . W., F. S. Dame Heraldry, illus [1886.] HISTORY. DICTIONARIES, ETC. Brewer, E. C. Historic Note-Book. 1891. Heilprin, L. ed. Historical Reference Book. 1886 . Labberton, R. II. New Historical At¬ las and General History. 18S6 . Low, S, J. dr 5 Pulling, F. S. Dictionary of English History. 1885 • • • Vincent, B: Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates. 1888. J92 An J92 A9 T92 A91 J92 A45 J92 A4 J92 Ai J9 2 A5 J9 2 A6 B81 A3 B81 A 7 B6 T J9 2 A7 J929 W *903 B *903 H3 *■902 Li 1 " 94 2 L 95 *902 H — 41 — GENERAL HISTORY. Johonnot, J. comp. Grandfather’s Sto¬ ries. illus. 1889. Stories of Heroic Deeds, illus. 1887. Stories of the Olden Time. illus. [1889.]... Ten Great Events in History, illus. [1887.]. EUROPE. Benedict, E. L. Stories of Persons and Places in Europe, illus. 1887 . Brooks, E. S. Chivalric Days, illus. 1886. Coffin, C: C. Story of Liberty. illus. [1878.] .. Edgar, J: G: History for Boys; Mod¬ ern Europe, illus ..... Gilman, A. Seven Historic Ages, illus. [1873.].. . ed. Magna Charta Stories. ilhis. [1882.]. Grote, G: dr 8 Segur, P. P. Two Great Re¬ treats of History. 1890. . . . Contents :— The retreat of the ten thousand. Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow. Johonnot, J. comp. Stories of Other Lands, illus. [1888.] (. European Hist, and Biography. ) . GREAT BRITAIN. Calcott, M. (D.) G. Lady. Little Ar¬ thur’s History of England, illus. [1884.] . J904 Jll J 9