DECORATIVE ART OF NEW GUINEA INCISED DESIGNS Albert Buell Lewis Assistant Curator of Melanesian Ethnology 52 Plates Frontispiece in Photogravure and 2 Text-figures Bertiiold Laufer Curator of Anthropology' EDITOR Anthropology Design Series No. 4 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Chicago 1925 LIST OF ANTHROPOLOGY DESIGN SERIES No. 1. Block Prints from India for Textiles .... $L00 No. 2. Javanese Batik Designs from Metal Stamps . . 1.00 No. 3. Chinese Baskets 2.50 No. 4. Decorative Art of New Guinea: Incised Designs 1.00 Prices include postage D. C. DAVIES. Director FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CHICAGO. U.S. A. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE NATIVE USING A BOAR'S TUSK, SHARPENED ON THE EDGE AS A KNIFE, TO TRIM DOWN AN ARROW POINT. MEN WITH SPEARS. Manam. North Coast, New Guinea. DECORATIVE ART OF NEW GUINEA INCISED DESIGNS by Al. BKRT BUELL L E W I S Assistant Ciii-.itnr ol MelaiiL-sian KthiioKiKy 52 Plates Frcmtispiccc in Photogravure and 2 Text-figures Berthold Lauker Curator of Aiilliropology ICDITOR ANTHRoruLotiY Design Series No. 4 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY C H I C A G O 1925 DECORATIVE ART OF NEW GUINEA INCISED DESIGNS The practice of decorating various objects with ornamental designs is not limited to civilized peoples. The natives of New Guinea, though having no metals of any kind (till iron was introduced a few years ago by traders), yet developed the art of wood carving to a marvelous degree; nor is this art everywhere the same, for different areas show absolutely different types of workmanship and design. Quite a number of such areas are easily distinguishable in New Guinea and the near-by islands, so distinct in character that any decorated object can easily be assigned to its proper place of origin. In these pages it is possible to give but a few examples of New Guinea art, hence the material has been limited to certain smaller incised ornamental designs which can be reproduced, largely from rubbings, very nearly the size of the origi- nals now in the collections of Field Museum. As there is unending variation in detail, only a few typical designs can be shown from each region. The series from north-coast spears gives most of the important variations, however. The ornament on the title page is from the handle of a club from the Trobriand Islands, east of New Guinea. The areas where wood carving is most highly developed in New Guinea are the central north coast, Huon Gulf, and the eastern end, known as the Massim district. While numerous designs are given from these three districts, the orna- mented objects in each case are different. This does not mean that such objects are used in only the one district, but that in the working out of applied design, its highest development has been in connection with different classes of objects in the different districts. Coconut-shell cups, for example, are extensively used throughout the coastal areas of New Guinea, and in many places are more or less decorated; but in no other region is the decoration so varied and elaborate as in Huon Gulf. It is also of interest to note that nearly all the best of this work is done on the small island of Tami, or in a single village on the mainland, Tami- nugatu, where Tami islanders have settled. The highest development of a par- ticular art is not only limited to a certain area, but to certain villages, sometimes a single village, within that area. This serves then as a center from which the surrounding region obtains its supply. Nor does specialization end here, for not all the native workmen are of equal skill, and some become especially known for their excellent workmanship. Original geniuses are not unknown, and in at least one well- authenticated case all the finest carvings of a certain type found in a large district were traced to a single individual, who originated that style of work- manship, which perished with his death. Most of the designs here reproduced appear to be purely decorative and are typical conventional designs of the region where used. The natives often, if not usually, have definite names for the commonly repeated elements of a CARVING TOOL. incisor tooth, with a portion of the jaw of a small marsupial, wrapped with cord, to serve as a handle. Hnon Gulf, New Guinea. design, corresponding to our fret, scroll, etc., and with no more realistic meaning than we ascribe to such terms. On the other hand, certain designs, especially these representing the human figure, in whole or in part, may y^'NiPimP^'^*' have a definite ceremonial or religious m.eaning. For example, while the geom.etric design on a spear, such as Fig. 6, Plate II, appears to be purely decorative, the small figure of a human being shown near the point represents the guiding force or spirit which is supposed to direct the spear to its proper destination. Such meanings are especially found in connection with ceremonial and religious objects. The designs may be roughly divided into two classes, which are also recog- nized by the natives themselves conventionalized geometric and realistic, the latter often much conventionalized in execution. The origin of the latter is usually evident, though not always, especially on ceremonial objects. As to the former, which the natives declare is simply "to make him look pretty," all attempts at a realistic interpretation are pure speculation. Most of the designs which follow fall in this class. At present the natives use iron very extensively, and most of the objects here illustrated were probably carved with knives or iron in some form. This does not mean that they are any better made, how- ever, than when iron was unknown, and the original stone, shell, or tooth instru- ment was used. Usually the contrary is true, as the people do not take the time at present to do careful work. The heavier and coarser work was done with stone axes, adzes, and chisels, while small stones, shell, and especially teeth were used for the finer. Illustrations of New Guinea carvings and designs may be found scattered in many publications on that region, es- pecially the following: "The Decorative Art of British New Guinea," by A. C. Haddon (Dublin, 1894); "Neu-Guinea, " by Ernst Fuhrman (Hagen, 1922, good only for illustrations); and "Der Kaiserin-Augusta-Fluss," by Otto Reche (Hamburg, 1913). CARVING TOOLS. ch consists of two boar's tusks fastened together. In one case the points have been extensively firound down by sharpening. SepiW River. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE sS5 WW ■A ic %'^: ii: 14;. SPEARS FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. Spears from this region arc usualU' ornamented with incised designs in two places on the shaft, as in Fig. 6. The lower portion of the upper band of several spears is shown in Figs. 1-5. Rubbings from these spears are reproduced in the following plates: Fig. i in Plate V, Fig. I ; Fig. 2 in Plate VIII, Fig. 3; Fig. 3 in Plate XVIII; Fig. 5 in Plate XI, Fig. i. Fig. 6 is a sketch of the same spear (Fig. 5). Figs. 1-5 are three-fourths actual size; Fig. 6, one-fifteenth. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE III. SPEAR DESIGNS FROM THE NORTH COAST. NEW GUINEA. To better show the character of these designs the rubbing has been continued around the spear, slightly mure than tlirec times. Slightly reduced in size. the design is repeated — in Fig. i FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE SPEAR DESIGNS FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ftNTHROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE V. SPEAR DESIGNS FROM THE NORTH COAST. NEW GUINEA. Fig. I is a rubbing of a portion of the design shown in Fig. i, Plate II. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE SPEAR DESIGNS FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE VII SPEAR DESIGN FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE VIII SPEAR DESIGNS FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. Fig. .i is :i rubbing (.f a iii,rli..n ,,1" the .Ic-ign sliuwn in Fig. 2, I'late- II. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE IX. — -» B AOr SPEAR DESIGN FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE X. SPEAR DESIGN FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XI. __ f5^^. SPEAR DESIGNS FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. Fig. 1 is a rubbing of a portion of the design shown in Fig. 5, Plate II. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE XII -EAR DESIGN FROM THE NORTH COAST. NEW GUINEA. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XIII. SPEAR DESIGN FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE XIV. M^M^^miMJ^^^^^^msmsms^smmMM^^ SPEAR DESIGN FROM THE NORTH COAST. NEW GUINEA. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XV. 4. 6 SPEAR DESIGNS FROM THE NORTH COAST. NEW GUINEA. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XV 2 4 SPEAR DESIGNS FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XVII. SPEAR DESIGNS FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XVIII SPEAR DESIGN FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. This is a rubtjing of tlie central portion of the design shown in Fig. 3. Plate II FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XIX. SPEAR DESIGNS FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XX. SPEAR DESIGN FROM THE NORTH COAST, NEW GUINEA. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XXI. SPEARS FROM ST. MATTHIAS. Only the front and rear ends (Figs, i and 2) are shown, as the central portion is not decorated. The inciseil portions arc whitened by filling them with lime. One-fifth actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XXII. SPEAR DESIGNS FROM ST. MATTHIAS. These are similar to those shown on Plate XXI. Actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE XXIII. DESIGNS FROM ST. MATTHIAS. Figs. I and 2 are from spears, Figs. 3-5 from small darning sticks. Fig. 3 sIujws the two sides of a flattened stick with rniuided sides. Figs. 4-5, the four sides of two squared sticks. Actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XXIV. 11 I Si ^ DESIGNS ON DANCING STICKS FROM ST. MATTHIAS. Ti K„M.,^ rf Via o loins the top o£ Fig. 3. The half-tone reproduced from a photograph (Fig. i) shows how the design is made'^t'"sS"ut°i?iihnrhe incis^^^^^^^^^ Hme. Fig. i is two-fifths actual size; Figs. .-4 about three-fourths. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XXV. ORNAMENTED BAMBOO BOXES. A rubbing of No. 2 is shown in Fig. i, Plate XXVI; and uf parts of No. 3 in Figs. 2 and 4, Plate XXVII. Geelvink Bay, Dutch New Guinea. Slightly reduced in size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. -I, PLATE XXVI. DESIGNS FROM BAMBOO BOXES. Fig. I is from Xo. 2, Plate XXV. Geelvink Bay, Dutch Xew Guinea. Tfro-thirds actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTOHY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XXVII DESIGNS FROM BAMBOO BOXES. Fig. 2 is from the top of No. 3, Plate XXV, while Fig. 4 shows a portion of one side. Geelvink Bay, Dutch New Guinea. Actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ftNTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SESIES NO. 4. PLATE XXVIII. INCISED DESIGNS ON BAMBOO. Fig. I. Portion of design from tobacco-pipe from Mckco, British Xew Guinea. Figs. 2 -4 from liamboo boxes from northern Dutch New Guinea. Slightly rcducerl. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XXIX. DESIGNS FROM BAMBOO BOXES. From the Hube, nortli of Huon Gulf, New Guinea. Sliglul}' reduced. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XXX. DESIGNS FROM BAMBOO BOXES FROM BOUGAINVILLE Actual size. SOLOMON ISLANDS. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XXXI. DANCE SHIELDS FROM THE TROBRIAND ISLANDS, EASTERN NEW GUINEA. These are usually painted with red and black, and the incisions filled with lime, as is the case with No. 2, while No. i has been carved, but otherwise unfinished. One-third actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XXXII. DESIGN ON DANCE SHIELD. This is a rubbing of the back side of the lower half of Fig. 2, Plate XXXI. As the carving is at different levels, it is impossible to gel : clear rubbing. Three fourths actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE XXXIII. ORNAMENTAL CARVING FROM THE TROBRIAND ISLANDS, EASTERN NEW GUINEA. Two-thirds actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XXXV. INCISED DESIGNS FROM FLAT WOODEN CLUBS. Massim District, Eastern New Guinea. Slightly reduced. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XXXVI. ^ 3^ m M m 1^ mm iM 1 1^ VJamma 1 1 m Muyj 1 m Mt i^^ mfll IF it^A INCISED DESIGNS FROM CLUBS AND PADDLES. Massim District, Eastern New Guinea. Two-thirds actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE XXXVII. m INCISED DESIGNS FROM THE MASSIM DISTRICT, EASTERN NEW GUINEA. Fig. I is from a large clul>. Fig. 2 is from a small amoc-like carving, while Fig. 3 is from a photograph of Ihe opposite side of the same object. Three-fifths actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE XXXVIll. DESIGN ON THE UPPER PART OF A LARGE PADDLE. Mussim District, Eastern New Guinea. Two-thirds actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XXXIX. DESIGNS FROM THE MASSIM DISTRICT, EASTERN NEW GUINEA. Fig. 2 is a rubbing <.f the opposite of Fig. i. Fig. 3 is part .,1 tlu- a^.i^n on a -.iniilar .arving. Four-tiftli a.lual mzc. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. -JTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE XL. DESIGNS FROM THE MASSIM DISTRICT, EASTERN NEW GUINEA. Fig. 1 is llic upper ciiil of a lime spatula, while Fig. 2 is a rubbing of the opposite side. Figs. 3 and 4 arc from small canoc^like carvings. Two-thirds actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ^THROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XLI. > 4. LIME SPATULAS FROM THE MASSIM DISTRICT, EASTERN NEW GUINEA. Two-thirds actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE XLII. DESIGNS FROM LIME SPATULAS AND PART OF A SMALL CLUB. Massim District, Eastern New Guinea. Four-fifths actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XLII 6 8 DESIGNS FROM LIME SPATULAS AND OTHER SMALL OBJECTS. Fig. 7 is from Fig. i, Plate XLI; Fig. lo from Fig. i, Plate XLIII; and Fig. ii from the opposite side of Fig. 3, Plate XLIII. Fig. 6 is from the upper end of a round walking-stick, the long designs running down on each side. All from Massim District, Eastern New Guinea, except Fig. 3, which is from a bull-roarer from the Papuan Gulf. UL O FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XLV. DESIGNS FROM TORTOISE-SHELL BRACELETS. Huon Gulf, New Guinea. Actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLORY. DESIRN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE XLVl. 1 2 DESIGNS FROM TORTOISE-SHELL BRACELETS. HUON GULF, NEW GUINEA. Actual size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHHOPOLOOY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE DESIGNS FROM TORTOISE-SHELL BRACELETS. HUON GULF, NEW GUINEA. Fig. 3 represents a bracelet reproduced from a photograpli; the design on this bracelet is shown in Fig. i. Slightly reduced in size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE XLVIII. COCONUT-SHELL CUP FROM HUON GULF, NEW GUINEA. Silk- and bnUoni view. Slightly rnlmol in size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE XLIX. COCONUT SHELL CUPS FROM HUON SULF, NEW GUINEA. Slightly reduced in size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE L. COCONUT-SHELL CUP FROM HUON 6ULF, NEW GUINEA. Opposite sides. Slij;htly reduccil in size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ANTHROPOLOGY. DESIGN SERIES NO. 4. PLATE LI. S-^«*«^r^^asL COCONUT-SHELL CUPS FROM HUON GULF, NEW GUINEA. Slightly reduced in size. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. ' ANTHROPOLOGY, DESIGN SERIES NO. 4, PLATE Lll COCONUT-SHELL CUPS FROM HUON GULF, NEW GUINEA. Slightly reduced in size. PRINTED BY FIELD MUSEUM FRBSi^