THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 580.4- v. I *<*<*> M Hi M AV 11 1970 W*- ^ 49 ^UL201970 M>R2 6**S* s Qa ') r> 5 i * A/rv * ' *° 19 5*0 JUN1 01353 MAR ? SB MA? 2 6 1958 DEC 2 7 1361 DEC 12 1 Q *2 STATICAL ESSAYS: CONTAINING VEGETABLE STATICKS; Or, an Account of feme Statical Experiments O N T H E SAP in VEGETABLES. BEING An Essay towards a Natural Hiftory of Vegetation: Of Ufe to thofe who are curious in the Culture and Improve- ment of Gardening, &c. ALSO A Specimen of an Attempt to Analyfe the Air, by a great Variety of Chymio-Statical Experiments, which were read at fevei*al Meetings before the Royal Society. VOL. I. Quid eft in his, in quo non natura ratio intelligent is appareat f Tul. de Nat. Deor. ——Etenim Experimentorum longe major eft fubtilitas y quam fen jus ipfius ltd que eo rem deducimus, utfenfus tantum de Experiment o t Experimentum de re judicet. Fran, de Verul. Inftauratio magna. By STEPH. HALES, D. D. F. R. S. Rector of Faringdon, Ha?npJJAre, and Minifter of Teddwgton, Middle/ex. The Third Edition, with Amendments. LONDON: Printed for W. Inn y s and R. Manb y, at the Weft-End of St. Paul's; T.Woodward, at the Half-Moon ovcr-ag i St. Dwiflan's Church in Fleet-flrcet ; and J. Pe f. l e, at locks' s Head in Amm-Corner. M.dcc. xxxviii. Feb. 1 6, 1726-7. Imprimatur. Isaac Newton, Pr.Reg.Soc. 5 8 H }3 V, t T O His Royal Highness GEORGE Prince of WALES. May it pleafe Tour Royal Highnefs, 1 Humbly offer the following Expe- riments to Your Highnefs's Patro- nage, to protect them from the reproaches that the ignorant are apt A 2 unrea- DEDICATION. unreasonably to call: on refearches of this kind, notwithstanding they are the only folid and rational means whereby we may ever hope to make any real advance in the knowledge of Nature : A knowledge, worthy the attainment of Princes* And as Solomon, the greateft and wifeft of men, difdained not to in- quire into the nature of Plants, from the Cedar in Lebanon, to the Hyjfop that fpringeth out of the wall : So it will not, I prefume, be an unaccept- able entertainment to Your Royal Hicrhnefs, at leaft at Your leifure hours ; but will rather add to the pleafure, with which vegetable Na- ture in her prime verdure charms us : To fee the fteps flie takes in her pro- ductions, and the wonderful power (he therein exerts: The admirable pro- DEDICATION. provision fhe has made for them, not only vigorotifly to draw to great heights plenty of nouriihment from the earth ; but alfo more fublimed and exalted food from the air, that wonderful fluid, which is of fach importance to the life of Vegetables and Animals ; and which, by infinite combinations with natural bodies, pro- duces innumerable furprizing effedts, many inftances of which I have here fhewn. The fearching into the works of Nature, v/hile it delights and inlarges the mind, and ftrikes us with the ftrongeft affurance of the wifdom and power of the divine Architect, in framing for us fo beautiful and well- regulated a world, it does at the fame time convince us of his conftant bene- volence and goodnefs towards us. A 3 That DEDICATION. That this great Author of Nature may fhower down on Your Royal Highnefs an abundance of his Blef- lings, both Spiritual and Temporal, is the fincere prayer of Tour Royal Highnefs \s Moji Obedient^ Humble Servant^ Stephen Hales the THE PREFACE. THERE have been, within lefs than a Century ', very great and ufeful di [cover ies made in the amazingly beautiful Jlruclure and nature of the animal ceconomy ; neither have Plants faffed unobferved in this inquifitive age, which has with fuch dilige?ice extended its iitquiries, infome degree ', into almofl every branch of Nature s inexhauflible fund of wonderful works. We fnd in the Philofophical Tranf- a&ions, and in the Hiflory of the Royal Academy of Sciences ', accounts of many curious Experiments and Obfervations made from time to time on Vegetables, by fever al ingenious and inquifitive Per- Jons : But our countryman Dr. Grew, and Malpighi, were the firfi, who, thd A 4 in li The Preface. in very dijiant countries, did nearly at the fame tim$ t unhumm to each other ', engage in a very diligent '• and thorough inquiry into the JlruEiure of the vejfels of Plaitts \ a province y which till then had lain uncultivated. They have given us very accurate and faithful accounts of the JlruEiure of the parts, which they carefully traced, from their firjl minute origin, the feminal Plants, to their full growth and maturity, thro their Roots, Trunk, Bark, Branches, Gems, Shoots, Leaves, Blojfoms and Fruit. In all which they obferv\d ait exaEl and regular fymmetry of parts moft curioufly wrought in fuch manner, that the great work of Vegetation might effeElually be carried on, by the uniform co-operation of the fever al parts, according to the differ e?it offices ajftgiied them by Nature. Had they fortuned to have fallen into this ftatical way of inquiry, perfons of their The Preface. iii their great application aiid fagacity had doubtlefs i?iade confiderable adva7ices in the know/edge of the nature of Plaiits. 'This is the only fure way to 7neafure the fever al quantities of nouriflxnent, which Plants imbibe and perfpire, a7td thereby to fee what influence the different flat es of Air have on them. This is the likeliefl 7nethod to find out the Sap's velocity p , and the force with which it is imbibed : As aljo to eflimate the great power that Nature exerts in extending and pufjoinv forth her productions by the expanfion of the Sap. About twenty years fince^ I made feveral hcemaflatical Experiments on Dogs \ and fix years afterwards re- peated the fame on Horfes and other Animals^ in order to find out the real force of the blood in the Arteries \ fome of which are mentioned in the third chapter of this book : At whicb times I wifijed iv The Preface. wijhed I could have made the like Ex- periments \ to dif cover the force of the Sap in Vegetables ; but defpaired of ever efieEling it, till, about feven years fince, by mere accident I hit upon it, while I was endeavouring by fever always to flop the bleeding of a?i old Jlem of a Vine, which was cut too near the bleed- ing feaf on, which I feared might kill it: Havings after other means proved inef- fectual, tied a piece of bladder over the tranfverfe cut of the Stem, I found the force of the Sap did greatly extend the bladdery whe?tce I CG?tcluded, that if a long glafs-tube were fixed there in the fame manner, as I had before done to the Arteries of feveral living Animals, I fhould thereby obtain the real afc end- ing force of the Sap in that Stem, which fucceeded according to my expeElation : and hence it is, that I have bee?i infen- fibly led on to make farther pjid far- ther The Preface. v ther refearches by variety of Experi- 7ne?its. As the Art ofPhyftck has of late years been much improved by a greater know- ledge of the ani7nal ceco?W7?iy ; fo doubt- lefs a farther infight into the vegetable ceconomy mujl needs proportionably im- prove our skill in Agriculture and Gar- denings which gives me reafon to hope, that inquiries of this kind will be accept- able to many, who are intent upo?t im- proving thofe innocent, delightful, a7id benefcial Arts : Since they cannot be in- fenfble, that the 7710ft ratwial groimd for Succefs i7i this laudable Purfuit tnt ft arifefro7n a greater infight into the na- ture of Plants. Finding by many Expe7~i7ne7tts i7i the ffth chapter, that the Air is plentifully infpired by Vegetables, not only at their roots, but alfo thro fever al parts of their trunks a7id branches ; this put 77te upon 7naki7i which are the only folid foundation whence we 7nay reafonably expeEl to make any ad- vance in the real knowledge of the nature of things. I muft not omit here publiekly to ac- knowledge ', that I have in fever al refpeSls been much obliged to my late ingenious and learned neighbour and friend Robert Mather, of the Inner-Temple, Efq\for his ajjijla?tce herein. Whereas fome complain, that they do not under- fland the fignification of thofe fhort figns or characters, which are here made ufe of in many of the calculations, and which are ufual in Algebra ; this mark -f- fignifies more, or to be added to. Thus page 18, line 4, 6 ounces -(- 240 grains, is as much as to fay, 6 ounces more by, or to be added to 240 grains. And in line 16, of the fame page, this mark x or crofs figni- rles multiplied by ; the two fnort parallel lines fignify equal to -, thus 1820 x 4= 7280 : 1, is as much as to fay, 18 20 multiplied by 4 equal to 7280 is to 1. THE THE CONTENTS. CHAP. I. Experiments, Jkewing the quantities of ?noifiure imbibed and perfpired by Plants * and Trees. Page 4 CHAP. II. Experiments, whereby to find out the force y with which Trees imbibe moifiure. 84 CHAP. III. Experiments, /hewing the force of the fap in the Vine in the bleeding feafo?i. 108 CHAP. IV. Experiments, JJ:ewi?ig the ready lateral motion of the Sap, and confequently, the lateral communication of the Sap- r oe][els t The free P a Jf a S e °f *ty from the fmall Branches to- wards the Stem, as well as from the Stem to the Branches, with an account of fome Experime?its, relating to the Circulation, or Non-circulation of the Sap. J 28 a C H AP. v The Contents, CHAP. V. f Experiments, whereby to prove, that a con-. Jiderable quantity of air is infpired by Plants. 155 CHAP. VI. A Specimen of an attempt to analyfe the Air by chymio-ftatical Experiments, which Jhew in how great a proportion Air is wrought into the compofition of Animal, Vegetable \ and Mineral Subfances : And withal, how readily it refumes its elajlick State, when in the dijfolution of thofe Sub/lances it is dij engaged from them. i6z CHAP. VII. Of Vegetation. 318 The Conclufion. 358 A Table where to find each Experiment. Experiment I 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 io. n- 12. i3> I4> 15- 16. 17. 18. l 9> 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28, 29. 30. 31. 3 2 - 33- 34. 35. 36. 37- Page Experiment Page 4 38. Il8 14 39- 126 17 40. 128 J 9 41. 131 20 42. 133 27 43. 134 28 44. 137 29 45, 46. 138 3i 47- 155 39 48. 156 41 49> 50, 5'. 173 43 5 2 > 53> 54. 175 45 55. 5 6 - 176 46 57. 177 47 5 8 , 59- 178 49 60, 61, 62. 179 50 63, 64. 180 5 2 65, 66. l8l 57 67, 68, 69, 70. 182 85 71,72. 183 86 73* 74. 184 9° 75. 187 9 1 76. l88 94 77- 189 95 Exper. Dn Calc. } 193 97 Human. 9 8 78, 79- 199 99 80, 81. 202 JOI 82. 203 102 83. 204 103 84. 205 108 85, 86. 206 no 87. 207 112 88,89. 209 115 90, 91. 217 Expe- A Table where to find each Experiment. Experiment Page 1 Experiment Page 92. 219 I IO. 244 93- 220 III. 248 94. 221 112. 252 95- 222 113. 253 9 6 >97- 224 II4. 255 98. 225 H5. 263 99- 226 1 16. 264 100. 227 117. 273 IOI. 228 Il8. 281 102. 229 119. 288 103. 230 120. 299 104. 2 3* 121. 304 105, 106. 232 122. 3 2 9 107. 236 I23. 33i 108. 238 I24. 344 109. 2 39 A Table where to find each Figure. Figure Page Figure Page I, 2. 28 24. 132 3, 4, 5- 42 25, 26. 134 6. 44 27, 28, 29, 30 152 7, 8, 9. 5o 3^,32. 160 10, 11, 12. 94 33> 34- 168 i3> 14. 98 35. 3 6 > 37- 2IO 15, 16, 17, 1 S. 112 3 8 > 39- 266 19. **5 40,41,42,43, 44. 34<5 20, 21. 118 45, 46. 350 22, 23. 130 T H £ THE INTRODUCTION. TH E farther refearches we make in- to this admirable fcene of things, the more beauty and harmony we fee in them : And the ftronger and clearer convictions they give us, of the being, power and wifdom of the divine Architect, who has made all things to concur with a won- derful conformity, in carrying on, by va- rious and innumerable combinations of mat- ter, fuch a circulation of caufes and effefts, as was neceflary to the great ends of na- ture. And fince we are aflured that the all-wife Creator has obferved the mod exad: propor- tions, of nwnber, weight and meafure, m the make of all things; the moft likely way therefore, to get any infight into the na- ture of thofe parts of the creation, which come within our obfervation, muft in all reafon be to number, weigh and meafure* And we have much encouragement to pur- B iue % Vegetable Statich. fue this method, of fearching into the nature of things, from the great fuccefs that has attended any attempts of this kind. Thus, in relation to thofe Planets which revolve about our Sun, the great Philofo- pher of our age has, by numbering and meafuring, difcovered the exact proportions that are obferved in their periodical revo- lutions and diftances from their common centres of motion and gravity : And that God has not only comprehended the duft cf the earth in a meafure^ and weighed the mountains in fcales, and the hills in a ba~ lance \ Ifai. xl. J2. but thathealfo holds the vaft revolving Globes, of this our folar Sy- ftem, moft exactly poifed on their common centre of gravity. And if we reflect: upon the difcoveries that have been made in the animal (Econo- my, we fhall find that the moft confider- able and rational accounts of it have been chiefly owing to the ftatical examination of their fluids, viz. by inquiring what quan- tity of fluids, and folids diflblved into fluids, the animal daily takes in for its fupport and nourishment : And with what force, and different rapidities, thofe fluids are car- ried Vegetable Staticks. j ried about in their proper channels, accord- ing to the different fecretions that are to be made from them : And in what pro- portion the recrementitious fluid is convey- ed away, to make room for frefh fupplies; and what portion of this recrement nature allots to be carried off, by the feveral kinds of emunctories, and excretory duels. And fince in vegetables, their growth, and the prefervation of their vegetable life, is promoted and maintained, as in animals, by the very plentiful and regular motion of their fluids, which are the vehicles or- dained by nature, to carry proper nutriment to every part; it is therefore reafonable to hope, that in them alfo, by the fame me- thod of inquiry, confiderable difcoveries may in time be made, there being, in many refpefts, a great analogy between plants and animals. B 2 CHAP 4 Vegetable Staticks. CHAP. I. • Experiments, Jhewing the quantities imbibed and perjpired by Plants and Trees. Experiment I. JUL Y 3. 1724. in order to find out the quantity imbibed and perfpired by the Sun-flower, I took a garden-pot (Fig. 1.) with a large Sun-flower, a, 3 feet~j--f high, which was purpofely planted in it when young; it was of the large annual kind. I covered the pot with a plate of thin milled lead, and cemented all the joints fait, fo as no vapour could pafs, but only air, thro* a fmall glafs tube d, nine inches long, which was fixed pufpofely near the Hem of the plant, to make a free communication with the outward air, and that under the leaden plate. I cemented alfo another fhort glafs tube g into the plate, two inches long, and one inch in diameter. Thro* this tube I watered the plant, and then flopped it up with a cork y I flopped up alfo the holes /, /, at the bottom of the pot with corks. I weighed Vegetable Staticks. 5 I weighed this pot and plant morning and evening, for fifteen feveral days, from July 3. to Aug. 8. after which I cut off the plant *clofe to the leaden plate, and then covered the Hump well with cement ; and upon weighing found there perfpired thro* the unglazed porous pot two ounces every twelve hours day ; which being allowed in the daily weighing of the plant and pot, I found the greateft perfpiration of twelve hours in a very warm dry day, to be one pound fourteen ounces -, the middle rate of perfpiration one pound four ounces. The perfpiration of a dry warm night, without any fenfible dew, was about three ounces ; but when any fenfible, tho" fmall dew, then the perfpiration was nothing; and when a large dew, or fome little rain in the night, the plant and pot was. increafed in weight two or three ounces. TM. B. The weights I made ufe of were Avoirdupoife weights. I cut off all the leaves of this plant, and laid them in five feveral parcels, according to their feveral fizes ; and then meafured the furface of a leaf of each parcel, by lay- ing over it a large lattice made with threads, in which the little fquares were \ of an inch B 3 each; 6 Vegetable Statich. each ; by numbring of which I had the fur- face of the leaves in fquare inches, which multiplied by the number of the leaves in the correfponding parcels, gave me the area of all the leaves j by which means I found the furface of the whole plant, above ground, to be equal to 5616 fquare inches, or 39 fquare feet. I dug up another Sun-flower, nearly of the fame fize, which had eight main roots, reaching fifteen inches deep and fideways from the ftem : It had befides a very thick bum of lateral roots, from the eight main roots, which extended every way in a he- miiphere, about nine inches from the ftem and main roots. In order to get an eftimate of the length of all the roots, I took one of the main roots, with its laterals, and meafured and weighed them ; and then weighed the other ieven roots, with their laterals ; by which means I found the fum of the length of all the roots, to be no lefs than 1448 feet. And fuppofing the periphery of thefe roots, at a medium, to be 0.13 1 of an inch, then their furface will be 2276 fquare inches, or 15. 8 fquare feer -> that is equal to Vegetable Statkhs. 7 to 0.4. of the farface of the plant above ground. If, as above, twenty ounces of water, at a medium, perfpired in twelve hours day, iV. c.) thirty-four cubick inches of water, (a cubick inch of water weighing 254 grains) then the thirty-four cubick inches divided by the furface of all the roots, is = 2286 fquare inches ; (/. e.) -gfa is = fa this gives the depth of water imbibed by the whole furface of the roots, viz £j part of an inch. And the furface of the plant above ground being 5616 fquare inches, by which divide- ing the 34 cubick inches, viz. s ffi 6 = y^-, this gives the depth perfpired by the whole furface of the plant above ground, viz. 7^-. part of an inch. Hence, the velocity with which water enters the furface of the roots to fupply the expence of perfpiration, is to the velocity, with which their fap perfpires, as 165 : 6j y or as $f : ,|- 7 , or nearly as 5 : 2. The area of the tranfverfe cut of the mid- dle of the ftem is a fquare inch ; therefore the areas, on the furface of the leaves, the rpots and ftem, are 5616, 2276. j. B 4 The 8 Vegetable Stattcks. The velocities, in the furface of the leaves, roots, and tranfverfe cut of the ftem, are gained by a reciprocal proportion of the furfaces. ^ ^leaves =5616 g >roots = 2276 < Sftem = 1 > rh' mch ^j inch 34 inch. Now, their perfpiring 34 cubicle inches in twelve hours day, there mud: fo much pafs thro* the ftem in that time; and the velo- city would be at the rate of 34 inches in twelve hours, if the ftem were quite hollow. In order therefore to find out the quan- tity of folid matter in the ftem, July 2jth at 7. a. m. I cut up even with the ground a Sun-flower ; it weighed 3 pounds ; in thirty days it was very dry, and had wafted in all 2 pounds 4 ounces ; that is f of its whole weight: So here is a fourth part left for folid parts in the ftem, (by throwing a piece of green Sun-flower ftem into water, I found it very near of the fame fpecifick gravity with water ) which filling up fo much of the ftem, the velocity of the fap muft be increaf- ed proportionably, viz. f part more, (by reafon Vegetable Staticks. 9 reafon of the reciprocal proportion) that 34 cubick inches may pafs the ftera in twelve hours 5 whence its velocity in the ftem will be 45 -j inches in twelve hours, fuppofing there be no circulation, nor return of the fap downwards. If there be added to 34, (which is the lead velocity) -j of it = 1 1 §, this gives the greateft velocity, viz. 457. The fpaces being as 3 : 4. the velocities will be 4 : 3 : : 45 1: 34. But if we fuppofe the pores in the iurface of the leaves to bear the fame proportion, as the area of the fap-veffels in the ftem do to the area of the ftem ; then the velocity, both in the leaves, root and ftem, will be increafed in the fame proportion. A pretty exact account having been taken, of the weight, fize, and furface of this plant, and of the quantities it has imbibed and perfpired, it may not be improper here, to enter into a comparifon, of what is taken in and perfpired by a human body, and this plant. The weight of a well-fized man is equal to 160 pounds: The weight of the Sun- flower is 3 pounds ; fo their weights are to each other as 160: 3, or ^53: 1. The id Vegetal Je Staticks. The furface of fuch human b®dy is equal to 15 fquarefeet, or 2160 fquare inches. The furface of the Sun-flower is 5616 fquare inches 5 fo its furface is, to the furface of a human body, as 26 : 10. The quantity perfpired by a man in twenty- four hours is about 3 1 ounces, as Dr. Keill found. Vid. Medic. Stat. Brit an. p. 1 4, The quantity perfpired by the plant, in the fame time, is 22 ounces, allowing two ounces for the perfpiration of the beginning and ending of the night in July, viz. after evening, and before morning weighing, juft before and after night. So the perfpiration of a man to the Sun- flower is as 141 : 100. Abating the fix ounces of the thirty-one ounces, to be carried off by refpiration from the lungs in the twenty- four hours 5 ( which I have found by certain experiment to be fo much, if not more ) the twenty-five ounces multiplied by 438, the number of grains in an ounce Avoirdupois, the product is 10950 grains; which divided by 254, the number of grains in a cubick inch of water, gives 43 cubick inches perfpired by a man : which divided by the furface -of his body, vizu Vegetable Staticks. i \ viz. 2160 fquare inches, the quotient is near- ly ' part of a cubick inch perfpired off a fquare inch in twenty-four hours. Therefore in equal furfaces, and equal times, the man perfpires-f 6 , the plant T £ T , or as 50 : 15. Which excefs in the man is occafioned by the very different degrees of heat in each : For the heat of the plant cannot be greater than the heat of the circumambient air, which heat in Summer is from 25 to 35 de- grees above the freezing point, (vide Exp. 20.) but the heat of the warmeft external parts of a man's body is 54 fuch degrees, and the heat of the blood 64 degrees -, which is nearly equal to water heated to fuch a degree as a man can well b,ear to hold his hand in, ftirring it about ; which heat is fufficient to make a plentiful evaporation. $u. Since then the perfpirations of equal areas in a man and a Sun-flower, are to each other as 1 65 : 50, or as 3 ^ : 1 ; and fmce the degrees of heat areas 2:1, muftnot the turn or quantity of the areas of the pores lying jn equal furfaces, in the man and Sun-flower, be as 1 4. : 1 ? for it feems that the quantities of the evaporated fluid will be as the degrees of heat, and the fum of the areas of the pore?, taken together. Dr. \i Vegetable Staticks. Dr. Keill y by eftimating the •quantities of the fevcral evacuations of his body, found that he eat and drank every 24 hours, 4 pounds 10 ounces. The Sun-flower imbibed and perfpired in the fame time 22 ounces; fo the man's food, to that of the plant, is as 74 ounces to 22 ounces, or as 7 : 2. But compared bulk for bulk, the plant im- bibes 17 times more frefri food than the man: For deducing 5 ounces, which Dr. Keill al- lows for the faces alvi, there will remain 4 pounds 5 ounces of frefh liquor, which en- ters a man's veins; and an equal quantity paffes off every 24 hours. Then it will be found, that 17 times more new fluid enters the fap-veffels of the plant, and paffes off in 24 hours, than there enters the veins of a man, and paffes off in the fame time. And fince, compared bulk for bulk, the plant perfpires feventeen times more than the man, it was therefore very neceffary, by giving it an extenfive furface, to make a large provifion for a plentiful perfpiration in the plant, which has no other way of dis- charging fuperfluities ; whereas there is pro- vifion made in man 3 to carry off above half Vegetable Statkks. 13 half of what he takes in, by other eva- cuations. For fince neither the furface of his body wasextenfive enough to caufe fufficient ex- halation, nor the additional wreak, arifing from the heat of his blood, could carry off above half the fluid which was neceffary to be difcharged every 24 hours ; there was a neceffity of providing the kidneys, to per- colate the other half through. And whereas it is found, that 17 times more enters, bulk for bulk, into the fap-vef- fels of the plant, than into the veins of a man, and goes off in 24 hours: One reafon of this greater plenty of frefli fluid in the vege- table than the animal body, may be, becaufe the fluid which is filtrated thro' the roots im- mediately from the earth, is not near fo full freighted with nutritive particles as the chyle which enters* the lacteals of animals; which defect it was neceffary to fupply by the en- trance of a much greater quantity of fluid. And the motion of the lap is thereby much accelerated,, which in the heartlefs vegetable would otherwife be very flow; it having probably only a progreffive, and not a circu- lating motion, as in animals. Since l 4 Vegetable Statuks. Since then a plentiful perforation is found fo neceffary for the health of a plant or tree, 'tis probable that many of their dis- tempers are owing to a ftoppage of this per- fpiration, by inclement air. The perfpiration in men is often flopped to a fatal degree ; not only by the inclemen- cy of the air, but by intemperance, and vio-* lent heats and colds. But the more tempe- rate vegetables perfpiration can be flopped only by inclement air ; unlefs by an un- kindly foil, or want of genial moifture, it is depriv'd of proper or fufficient nourifhment. As Dr. Keill obferv'd in himfelf a con- fiderable latitude of degrees of healthy per- fpiration, from a pound and a half to 3 pounds ; I have alfo obferved a healthy latitude of perfpiration in this Sun-flower, from 16 to 28 ounces, in twelve hours day. The more it was watered, the more plentifully it per- fpired, (ceteris paribus ) and with fcanty watering the perfpiration much abated. Experiment II. From Juty$i- to Aug. 3 d . I weighed for nine feveral mornings and evenings a middle- Vegetable Staticks. \ 5 middle- fized Cabbage plants which grew in a garden pot, and was prepared with a leaden cover, as the Sun-flower, Exper. \Jt % Its greatefl perfpiration in twelve hours day was 1 pound 9 ounces; its middle perfpira- tion 1 pound 3 ounces, = 32.7 cubick inches. Its furface 2736 fquare inches, or 19 fquare feet. Whence dividing the 32 cubick inches by 2736 fquare inches, it will be found that a little more than the-g^ of an inch depth perfpires off its furface in twelve hours day. The area of the middle of the Cabbage flem is -fy£ of a fquare inch ; hence the ve- locity of the fap in the flem is, to the ve- locity of the perfpiring fap on the furface of the leaves, as 2736 : f§g : : 4268 : 1 . for 2 J 3 6x ^ 6 = 42 63. But if an allow- 100 T ance is to be made for the folid parts of the flem, ( by which the paffage is narrowed) the velocity will be proportionably increafed. The length of all its roots 470 feet, their periphery at a medium ~ T of an inch, hence their area will be 256 fquare inches nearly; which being lb fmall in proportion to the area of the leaves, the fap muft go with above \6 Vegetable Staticks. abo^e ten times the velocity through the furface of the roots, that it does thro' the furface of the leaves. And fetting the roots, at a medium, at 12 inches long, they muft occupy a hemifphere of earth two feet diameter, that is, 2.1 cu- bick feet of earth. By comparing the furfaces of the roots of plants, with the furface of the fame plant above ground, we fee the neceflity of cut- ting off many branches from a tranfplanted tree: For if 256 fquare inches of root in furface was neceflary to maintain this Cab- bage in a healthy natural itate: fuppofe, upon digging it up, in order to tranfplant, half the roots be cut off, ( which is the cafe of mod: young tranfplanted trees ) then it's plain, that but half the ufual nourishment can be car- ried up through the roots on that account ; and a very much lefs proportion on account of the fmall hemifphere of earth, the new planted fhortened roots occupy ; and on ac- count of the loofe pofition of the new turn- ed earth, which touches the roots at firft but in few points. This (as well as experi- ence ) ftrongly evinces the great neceflity of well watering new plantations. Which Vegetable Staticks. 17 Which yet muft be done with caution, for the skilful and ingenious Mr. Philip Miller R R. S. Gardener of the Botanick garden at Cbelfea, in his very ufeful Gardeners Dicti- onary, fays, " As to the watering of all new- " planted trees, I mould advife it to be done " with great moderation, nothing being cc more injurious to them than over-water- ~ 3 1 This evening 12 ounces of water were poured removed from the ftove into a cool room, where Sun, the windows being North-weft. N. B. This plant ftcod in a ftove, with a 'mill fire in it j the af- pedfc of the ftcve was South- ea ft. A hot clear day. Thi morning he pbferve large drops of water a the extremity of ever 'leaf, and we may otlerve that it peripires very much this da) , An extreme hot clear 'day. fcfoderately hot, but clear. . This morn. I; ounces cf •water poured into the 'pot. Mixture of Sun and Clouds. Much thunder, fome rain and hail at a diftance. A gloomy day, but no rain. into the potj and it it had a free air, but no C 4 Calm 14 Vegetable Statich. iyi6 at ight 6 Weight at 12 Weight at 6 H 3- May. Morn. 3 Noon. 3 Even. 3 3 pd. ou. pd. ou pd. ou. 24 37 00 *7 37 00 ^ 3<5 '>£ **i Calm cloudy weather* *S 37 00 zii 16 Hi 26 36 *3 *3 A pretty clear day. 26 3^ 12 22 36 1 1 z 5* 36 10 24 A hot day. *7 36 ioi 2 3 36 *i 26i 36 6 1 A very hot day. 28 36 6 iz£ 3* s 24 3<* 3j l 3 Some rain and cloudy, At this time, the under leaves of the plant be- gan to wither and decay j and the top leaf to un- fold, and fpread abroad j butthey areobferved ne- ver to grow bigger, af- 29 36 2 . 1 20 3* 3* ±± 21^ 36 1 22 ter they are fully opened. A temperate day. 3° June. 1 2 '9 1 21 3~ 'J 18 35" Mr •97 35- 'Ji 18 Some rain. The whole plant begins to change colour,and appear fickly. 2 35- 1 2 1 195 35" ri| *3 35" I I Hi He then removed the plant into the ftove again in order to recover it $ but it continued to fade, and in 2 or 3 days died. If 10 2Si 1 35" 4 36 35" 1* 34 A cool and cloudy day. 4 35- 00 26 34 14 3i 134 I I 19 1 A warm day ; and the l 1 1 whole plant decayed. We may obferve from this diary, that this plant, when in the flove, ufually per- fpired more in fix hours before noon than in fix hours after noon 5 and that it perfpired much lefs in the night, than in the day time: And fometimes increafed in weight in the night, by imbibing the moiflure of the ambient air 5 and that both in the flove and in Vegetable Statich. 25 in the cool room. Upon making an e.ftimate of the quantity perfpired off a fquare inch of this plant, in 12 hours day, it comes ban to twj of a cubick inch, on the 2 Sth day of May, when by far its greate ft perforation was s for on feveral other days it was much lefs. Diary of the Aloe Africana Cauletcens foliis fpinofis, maculis ab atraquc parte ah bicantibus notatis, Commelini Hort. Amji. commonly called the Carolina Aloe. It was a large plant of its kind. It flood in a glajs-cafe, which had a South afpect without a fire. 1726 May |9 «? 20 21 22 *3 Weight rr Weight' Weight at 6 | q at 1 2 1 s at 6 ■-t Morn. | 3 Noon. 3 Night a pd. ou. * !' 41 6 2,5- 41 ^73^ +1 3 3°i 41 ii2S4 40 14 |2lA 4.0 12 30 40 \iji6j; 40 IO (31 40 8$ ( *9$ 40 9^27 40 6^30 40 5-328 40 6 *ri +° fi *9 40 4 *7? 41 10 24* 41 *i 2 9 4- 1 5" *?i This evening promif- ingfome rain, he let the pot out to receive a little j and then wiping the leaden furnace of the pot dry, he fet it into the glafs-cafe again. Now the pot broke, and hindered any fur- ther obfei vations. We may obferve, that this Aloe increafed in weight moft nights, and perfpired mod: in the morning. A Diary 26 Vegetable Statich. A Diary of a fmall Paradife- Apple, with one upright Jlem 4 feet high •> and two fmall lateral branches about 8 inches long. This pla?it flood under a cover of wood, which was open on all fides. 1716 May. j8 *9 20 21 22 24. 26 2 7 37 37 36 3 he laid it on a fhelf in the ftove, where it remained till the March following - y when upon weighing he found it had loft of its weight. Vegetable Staticks. 27 weight. In April it mot out 4 branches, two of which were 3- feet long, the other two were one of them 14 inches, the other 9 inches, in length : Thefe all produced fair large leaves. It had loft \\ ounce in weight, and in three weeks more it loft 2\ ounces more, and was much withered. Experiment VI. Spear-mint being a plant that thrives moft kindly in water, ( in order the more ac- curately to obferve what water it would imbibe and perfpire by night and day, in wet or dry weather ) I cemented at r a plant of it m. into the inverted fyphon ryxb (Fig. 2.) The fyphon was \ inch diam. at b y but larger at r. I filled it full of water, the plant imbibed the water fo as to make it fall in the day (in Marc!:) near an inch and half from b to t 9 and in the night ~ inch from / to 1 : but one nighr, when it was fo cold, as to make the thermometer fink to the freezing point, then the mint imbibed nothing but hung down its head 3 as did alfo the youno- beans in the garden, their fap being o- rcat _ 1% Vegetable Staticks. ly condenfed by cold. la a rainy day the mint imbibed very little. I purfued this Experiment no farther, Dr. Woodward having long fince, from feveral curious experiments and obfervations, given an account in the Philofophical Tranfadtions, of the plentiful perfpirations of this plant. Experiment VII. In Augufl) I dug up a large dwarf Pear- tree, which weighed 71 pounds 8 ounces; I fet its root in a known quantity of wa- ter ; it imbibed 15 pounds of water in ten hours day, and perfpired at the fame time 1 k, pounds 8 ounces. In July and Augujl I cut off feveral branches of Apple-trees, Pear, Cherry, and Apricot-trees, two of a fort ; they were of feveral fizes from 3 to 6 feet long, with pro- portional lateral branches ; and the tranfverfe cut of the largeft part of their ftems was about an inch diameter. I dripped the leaves off of one bough of each fort, and then fet their ftems in fepa- rate glaffes, pouring in known quantities of water. The Vegetable Staticks. 29 The boughs with leaves on them im- bibed fome 15 ounces, fome 20 ounces 25 or 30 ounces in 12 hours day, more or lefs, in proportion to the quantity of leaves they had ; and when I weighed them at night, they were lighter than in the morning. While thofe without leaves imbibed but one ounce, and were heavier in the even- ing than in the morning, they having per- fpired little. The quantity imbibed by thofe with leaves decreafed very much every day, the (ap- veffels being probably fhrunk at the tranf- verfe cut, and too much faturate with wa- ter, to let any more pafs; fo that ufually in 4 or 5 days the leaves faded and withered much. I repeated the fame Experiment with Elm- branches, Oak, Ofier, Willow, Sallow, Afpen, Curran, Goosberry, and Philbert branches -, but none of thefe imbibed fo much as the foregoing, and feveral forts of ever-greens very much lefs. Experiment VIII. Augufi 15. I cut off a large Ruffet-pipin, with two inches Item, and its iz adjoining leaves; 20 Vegetable Staticks. leaves ; I fet the ftem in a little phial of wa- ter : it imbibed and perfpired in three days |- of an ounce. At the fame time I cut off from the fame tree another bearing twig of the fame length, with 12 leaves on it, but no apple; it im- bibed in the fame three days near -| of an ounce. About the fame time I fet in a phial of water a fhort ftem of the fame tree, with two large Apples on it without leaves ; they imbibed near \ ounce in two days. So in this Experiment, the apple and the leaves imbibe -f. of an ounce ; the leaves alone near |, but. the two large apples im- bibed and perfpired but \ part fo much as the 12 leaves; then one apple imbibed the £ part of what was imbibed by the 1 2 leaves ; there- fore two leaves imbibe and perfpire as much as one apple; whence their perfpirations feem to be proportionable to their furfaces ; the furface of the apple being nearly equal to the fum of the upper and under furfaces of the two leaves. Whence it is probable, that the ufe of thefe leaves ( which are placed, juft where the fruit joins to the tree) is to bring nou- rifhment Vegetable Statich. 3 t riftiment to the fruit. And accordingly I obferve, that the leaves, next adjoining to bloflbms, are, in the fpring, very much ex- panded, when the other leaves, on barren fhoots, are but beginning to {hoot : And that all peach leaves are pretty large before the bloflbm goes off: And that in apples and pears the leaves are one third or half grown before the bloflbm blows : So provident is nature in making timely pro- vifion for the nourishing the yet embryo fruit. Experiment IX. July 15. I cut off two thriving Hop-vines near the ground, in a thick fhady part of the garden, the pole ftill {landing; I {trip- ped the leaves off one of thefe vines, and fet both their ftems in known quantities of water, in little bottles 5 that with leaves imbibed in 12 hours day 4 ounces, and that without leaves \ of an ounce. I took another hop-pole with its vines on it, and carried it out of the hop-ground, into a free open expofure ; thefe imbibed and perfpired as much more as the former in }i Vegetable Statkks. in the hop- ground: Which is doubtlefs the reafon why the hop-vines on the out- fides of gardens, where mod expofed to the air, are fhort and poor, in comparifon of thofe in the middle of the ground ; viz. be- caufe being much dried, their fibres harden fooner, and therefore they cannot grow fo kindly as thofe in the middle of the ground ; which by fhade are always kept moifter, and more ductile. Now there being iooo hills in an acre of hop-ground, and each hill having three poles, and each pole three vines, the num- ber of vines will be 9000 ; each of which imbibing 4 ounces, the fum of all the ounces, imbibed in an acre in 12 hours day, will be 36000 ounces, = 15768000 grains = 62047 cubick inches or 202 ale gallons; which divided by 6272640, the number of fquare inches in an acre, it will be found, that the quantity of liquor perfpired by all the hop- vines, will be equal to an area of liquor, as broad as an acre, and -— part of an inch deep, befidcs what evaporated from the earth. And this quantity of moifture in a kind- ly Hate of the air is daily carried off, in afuffi- Vegetable Statkks. 35 a fufficient quantity, to keep the hops in a healthy ftate; but in a rainy moift ftate of air, without a due mixture of dry wea- ther, too much moifture hovers about the hops, fo as to hinder in a good meafure the kindly perfpiration of the leaves, whereby the ftagnating fap corrupts, and breeds mol- dy fen, which often fpoils vaft quantities of flourifhing hop-grounds. This was the cafe in the year 1723, when 10 or 14 days al- moft, continual rains fell, about the latter half of Jul)', after four months dry weather; upon which the moft flourishing and pro- mifing hops were all infected with mold or fen, in their leaves and fruit, while the then poor and unpromifing hops efcaped, and oro- duced plenty; becaufe they being fmali, did not perfpire fo great a quantity as the others; nor did they confine the perfpired vapour, io much as the large thriving vines did, in their fhady thickets.. This rain on the then warm earth made the grafs (hoot out as fa ft as if it were in a hot-bed ; and the apples grew fo precipi- tately, that they were of a very flaflry confu- tation, fo as to rot more remarkably than had ever been remembred. D The 34 Vegetable Statkks. The planters obferve, that when a mold or fen has once feized any part of the ground, it foon runs over the whole 5 and that the grafs, and other herbs under the hops, are infected with it. Probably becaufe the fmall feeds of this quick growing mold, which foon come to maturity, are blown over the whole ground: Which fpreading of the feed may be the reafon why fome grounds are infected with fen for feveral years fucceflively ; viz. from the feeds of the laft year's fen: Might it not then be advifeable to burn the fenny hop- vines as foon as the hops are picked, in hopes thereby to deftroy fome of the feed of the mold? H Mr. Aujlin of Canterbury obferves fen < c to be more fatal to thofe grounds that tc are low and fheltered, than to the high " and open grounds; to thofe that are fhelv- " ing to the North, than to the (helving " to the South - y to the middle of grounds, " than to the outfides; to the dry and All thele (under this experiment 11,) were made the firft day, before the ftem Vegetable Statlcks. 45 ftem could be any thing faturate with water, or the fap-veffels fhrunk fo as to hinder its paflage. Experiment XII. I cut off from a dwarf Apple-tree e w the top of the branch /, (Fig. 6.) which was an inch diameter, and fixed to the ftem/, the glafs tube lb: then I poured water into the tube, which the branch would imbibe, at fuch a rate as to drink down 2 or 3 pints in a day, efpecially if I fucked with my mouth at the top of the tube b y fo as that a few air- bubbles were drawn out of the ftem l-> then the water was imbibed fo faft, that if I im- mediately fcrewed on the mercurial gage, mryz, the mercury would be drawn up to r, 12 inches higher than in the other leg. At another time I poured into the tube /, fixed to a golded Renate-tree, a quart of high redified fpirit of wine camphorated, which quantity the ftem imbibed in 3 hours fpacc ; this killed one half of the tree : this I did to try if I could give a flavour of cam- phire to the apples which were in great plenty 44 Vegetable Staticks. plenty on the branch. I could not perceive any alteration in the tafte of the -apples, tho* they hung feveral weeks after; but the fmell of the camphire was very ftrong in the ftalks of the leaves, and in every part of the dead branch. I made the fame experiment on a vine, with ftrongly-fcented orange-flower- water; the event was the fame, it did not penetrate into the grapes, but very fenfibly into the wood and ftalks of the leaves. I repeated the fame experiment on two diftant branches of a large Catharine pear- tree, with ftrong deco five feet long, in order to catch any moifture that fhould arife out of the trunk y\ but none arofe in four hours, except a little vapor that was on the flask's neck. I then dug up the tree by the roots, and fet the root in water, with the glaffes affixed to the top of the ftem ; after feveral hours nothing rofe but a little dew, which hung on the infide of f-> yet it is certain by many of the foregoing experiments, that if the top and leaves of this tree had been on, many ounces of water would in this time have pafled thro' the trunk, and been eva- porated thro' the leaves. I have Vegetable Staticks. 47 I have tried the fame experiment with feveral vine branches cut off, and fet in water thus, but no water rofe into/! Thefe three laft experiments all mew, that tho' the capillary fap-veffels imbibe moifture plentifully; yet they have little power to protrude it farther, without the afliftance of the perfpiring leaves, which do greatly pro- mote its progrefs. Experiment XVI. In order to try whether any fap rofe in the winter, I took in January feveral par- cels of Filberd-fuckers, Vine-branches, green Jefiamine-branches, Philarea and Laurel- branches, with their leaves on them ; and dip- ped their tranfverfe cuts in melted cement, to prevent any moifture's evaporating thro* the wounds ; I tied them in feparate bundles, and weighed them. The Filberd-fuckers decreafed in 8 days, (fome part of which were very wet, but the laft 3 or 4 days drying winds) the nth part of their whole weight. The Vine-cuttings in the fame time the "h P art - The 48 Vegetable Statich. The Jeflamine in the fame time the * part. The Philarea decreafed the ^'part in five days. The Laurel the \ part in 5 days, and more. Here is a confiderable daily wafte of fap, which mull therefore neceffarily be fupplied from the root ; whence it Is plain, that fome fap rifes all the winter, to fupply this con- tinual wafte, tho' in much lefs quantity than in fummer. Hence we fee good reafon why the Ilex and the Cedar of Lib anus (which were graft- ed the firft on an Englijh Oak, the other on the Larix) were verdant all the winter, notwith- ftanding the Oak and Larix leaves' were de- cayed and fallen off; for tho', when the win- ter came on, there did not fap enough rife to maintain the Oak and Larix leaves, yet by this prefent experiment we fee, that fome fap is continually rifing all the winter ; and by experiment the 5th on the Limon-tree, and by feveral other the like experiments, on many forts of ever-greens, we find that they perfpiring little, live and thrive with little nourifhrnent; the Ilex and Cedar might well therefore continue green all the win- ter, notwithstanding the leaves of the trees they Vegetable Staticks. 49 they were grafted on fell off. See the late curious and induftrious Mr. Fair child's ac- count of thele graftings in Mr. Miller's Gardeners Dictionary 3 vide Sap. Experiment XVII. Having by many evident proofs in the foregoing experiments feen the great quan- tities of liquor that were imbibed and per- fpired by trees, I was dcfirous to try if I could get any of this perfpiring matter ; and in order to it, I took feveral glafs chy- mical retorts, bap (Fig. 9. ) and put the boughs of feveral forts of trees, as they were growing with their leaves on, into the retorts, flopping up the mouth p of the retorts with bladder. By this means I got feveral ounces of the perfpiring matter of Vines, Fig-trees, Apple-trees, Cherry-trees, Apricot and Peach-trees -, Rue, Horfe-radifh, Rheubarb, Parfnip, and Cabbage leaves: the liquor of all of them was very clear, nor could I difcover any different tafle in the feveral liquors: But if the retort ftand expofed to the hot fun, the liquor will tatte of the clodded leaves. Its fpecitick gravity was nearly the fame with that of £ common jo Vegetable Statich. common water; nor did I find many air- bubbles in it, when placed ia the exhaufted receiver, which I expected to have found 5 but when referved in open viols, it ftinks fooner than common water; an argument that it is not pure water ; but has fome he- terogeneous mixtures with it. I put ajfo a large Sun-flower full-blown, and as it w T as growing, into the head of a glafs-ftill, and put its roftrum into a bottle, by which means there diftilled a good quan- tity of liquor into the bottle. It will be very eafy in the fame manner to collect the perfpirations of fweet-fcented Flowers, tho' the liquor will not long retain its grateful odor, but ftink in few days. Experiment XVIII. In order to find out what ftores of moi- flure nature had provided in the earth, (againft the dry fummer feafon) that might anfwer this great expence of it, which is fo neceiTary for the production and fupport of vegetables 3 July 31. 1724. I dug up a cubick foot earth, in an alley which was very little trampled on ; it weighed ( after deducting the weight of the containing veffel ) 104 pounds Vegetable Staticks. 5 1 pounds 4 ounces +4-. A cubick foot of water weighs nearly 62- pounds, which is little more than half the fpecifick gravity of earth. This was a dry feafon, with a mixture of fome few mowers, fo that the grafs-plat adjoining was not burnt up. At the fame time I dug up another cubick foot of earth, from the bottom of the for- mer; it weighed 106 pound 6 ounces-}- -J. I dug up alfo a third cubick foot of earth, at the bottom of the two former $ it weighed ill pounds -j--j. Thefe three feet depth were a good brick earth, next to which was gravel, in which at 2 feet depth, viz. 5 feet below the fur- face of the earth, the fprings did then run. When the firft cubick foot of earth was fo dry and dufty, as to be unfit for vegeta- tion, I weighed it, and found it had loft 6 pounds -j- n ounces, or 184 cubick in- ches of water, near y part of its bulk. Some days after, the fecond cubick foot being drier than either the firft or third, was decreaied in weight 10 pounds. The third cubick foot, bting very dry and dufty, had loft 8 pounds 8 ounces, or 247 cubick inches, viz. } part of its bulk. E 2 Now 5* Vegetable Statich. Now fuppofing the roots of the Sun-flower (the longeft of which reached 15 inches eve- ry way from the ftem) to occupy and draw nouriftiment from 4 cubick feet of earth, and fuppofe each cubick foot of earth to afford 7 pounds of moifture, before it be too dry for vegetation; the plant imbibing and perfpiring 22 ounces every 24 hours, that will be 28 pounds of water, which will be drawn off in 21 days, and 1 6 hours ; after which the plant would perifh, if there were not frefh fupplies to thefe 4 cubick feet of earth, either from dew or moifture arifing from below 15 inches (the depth of the roots) up into the earth occupied by the roots. ^ Experiment XIX. In order to find out the quantity of Dew that fell in the night, Aug. 15. at 7. p.m. I chofe two glazed earthen pans, which were 3 inches deep, and 12 inches diameter in furface; I filled them with pretty moift earth taken off the furface of the earth. I fet thefe pans in other broader pans, to pre- vent any moifture from the earth flicking to the bottoms of them. The moifter the earth, the more dew there falls on it in a night 7 Vegetable Staticks. 5} night -, and more than a double quantity of Dew falls on a furface of water, than there does on an equal furface of moift earth. The evaporation of a furface of water, in 9 hours winter's dry day, is T V of an inch- The evaporation of a furface of ice, fet in the fhade during 9 hours day, was - J -p Thefe Pans increafed in weight by the night's Dew 180 grains; and decreafed in weight by the evaporation of the day 1 ounce, 282 grains. So here are 540 grains more evaporated from the earth every l\ hours in fummer, than falls in Dew in the night -, that is, in 21 days near 26 ounces, from a circular area of a foot diameter 5 and circles being as the fquares of their ^dia- meters, 10 pounds -j- 2 ounces will in 21 days be evaporated from the hemifphere of 30 inches diameter, which the Sun-flower's root occupies: Which, with the 26 pounds drawn off by the Plant in the fame time, make 36 pounds, that is, 9 pounds out of every cubick foot of earth, the Plant's roots occupying more than 4 cubick feet ; but this is a much greater degree of drinefs than the furface of the earth ever fuffers for 15 inches depth, even in the dried feafons in this country. E 7 In 54 Vegetable Stathh. In a long dry fcafon, therefore, efpecially within the Tropicks, we muff have recourfe for fufficient moifture (to keep Plants and Trees alive) to the moift ftrata of earth, which lie next below that in which the roots are. Now moift bodies always com- municate of their moifturc to more dry adjoining bodies; but this flow motion of the afcent of moifture is much accelerated by the Sun's heat to considerable depths in the earth, a$ is probable from the following 20th Experiment. Now 180 grains of Dew falling in one night, on a circle of a foot diameter, == 113 fquare inches; thefe 180 grains being equally fpread on this furface, its depth will be ttu part of an inch = M9 r U 3 x 254 J found the depth of Dew in a winter night to be the -^ part cf an inch ; fo that, if we allow 1 59 nights for the extent of the fu tu- rner's Dew, it will in that time arife to one jnch depth. And reckoning the remaining zo r o njghts for the extent of the winter'^ Dew, it will produce 2.28 inches depth, which makes the Dew of the whole year amount to 3.28 inches depth. And the quantity which evaporated in a fair fummer's day from the fame furface, be- ing Vegetable Staticks. 55 ing 1 ounce + 282 grains, gives -fe part of an inch depth for evaporation, which is four times as much as fell at night. I found, by the fame means, the evapo- ration of a winter's day to be nearly the fame as in a fummer's day, for the earth being in winter more faturate with moi- fture, that excefs of moifture anfwers to the excefs of heat in fummer. Nic. Cruquius, N° 381 of the Philofo- phical Tranfadions, found that 28 inches depth evaporated in a whole year from wa- ter, /. e. T '-j of an inch each day, at a mean rate ; but the earth in a fummer's day evapo- rates -fa of an inch ; fo the evaporation of a furface of water, is to the evaporation of a furface of earth in fummer, as ~j to ^ The quantity of Rain which falls in a year is at a medium 22 inches: The quan- tity of the earth's evaporation in a year is at lead 9.15 inches, fince that is the rate, at which it evaporates in a fummer's day : From which 9.15 inches, are to be deduct- ed 3.39 inches for circulating daily Dew; there remain 5.76 inches, which 5.76 inches deducted from the quantity of Rain' which falls in a year, there remain at leaft 16.24 E 4 inches 5 6 Vegetable Staticks. inches depth, to replenish the earth with moifture for vegetation, and' to fupply the Springs and Rivers. In the cafe of the hop-ground, the eva- poration from the hops may be confidered only for three months at-^T P art °f an inc ^ each day, which will be 7% of an inch ; but before we allowed 5.76 inches vapour to evaporate from the furface of the ground, which added to T ^ inch, gives 6.66 inches which is the utmoft that can be evaporated from a furface of hop-ground in a year. So that of 22 inches depth of rain, there re- main 15.34 inches to fupply fprings; which are more or lefs exhaufted, according to the drinefs or wetnefs of the year. Hence we find that 22 inches depth of rain in a year is fufficient for all the purpofes of na- ture, in fuch flat countries as this about ^eddington near Hampton-Court* But in the hill countries, ac in Lancafoire, there falls 42 inches depth of rain-water; from which deducting 6.66 inches for evaporation, there remains 35.34 inches depth of water for the fprings j befides great fupplies from much more plentiful dews, than fall in plain countries: Which vaft flores feem fo abun- dantly fufficient to anfvvcr the great quantity of Vegetable Statich. 57 of water, which is conveyed away, by fprings and rivers, from thofe hills, that we need not have recourfe, for fupplies, to the great Abyfs, whofe furface, at high water, is fur- mounted fome hundreds of feet by ordi- nary hills, and fome thoufands of feet by thofe vaft hills from whence the longeft and greateft rivers take their rife. See vol. II. A 2 57- Experiment XX. I provided me fix Thermometers, whofe items were of different lengths, viz. from 18 inches to 4 feet. I graduated them all by one proportional fcale, beginning from the freezing point* which may well be fixed as the utmoft boundary of vegetation on the fide of cold, where the work of vegetation ceafes, the watry vehicle beginning then to condenfe and be fixed -, tho' many trees, and fome plants as grafs, mofs, &c. do furvive it 5 yet they do not vegetate at that time. The greateft degree of heat, which I at firft marked on my Thermometers, was equal to that of water, when heated to the great- eft degree that I could bear my hand in it, without ftirring it about. But finding by experience, that plants can endure, with- out 58 Vegetable Staticks. out prejudice, a fome thing greater heat than this, I have pitched upon the heat in which melted wax fwimming on hot water firfl begins to coagulate ; for fince a greater heat than this will diflblve the wax, which is a vegetable fubftance, this may therefore well be fixed as the utmoft boundary of ve- getation, on the warm fide ; beyond which plants will rather fade than vegetate, fuch degree of heat feparating and difperfing, in- ftead of congregating and uniting the nu- tritive particles. This /pace I divided into 100 degrees on all the Thermometers, beginning to num- ber from the freezing point. Sixty-four of thefe degrees are nearly equal to the heat of the blood of animals ; which I found by the rule given in the Philofophical Tranf- aftions, Vol. II. p. 1. of Mr. Motte's Abridg- ment, which is fuppofed to be Sir Ifaac Neictons eflimate 5 viz. by placing one of the Thermometers in water heated to the greater!: degree that I could bear my hand in it ftirring it about : And which I wa s further aflured of, by placing the ball of my Thermometer in the flowing blood of an ex- piring Ox. The heat of the blood to that of boiling water is as 14.27 to 33. By Vegetable Stattcks. 59 By placing the ball of one of thefe Ther- mometers in my bofom, and under an arm- pit, I found the external heat of the body 54 of thefe degrees. The heat of milk, as it comes from the Cow, is equal to 55 de- grees, which is nearly the fame with that for hatching of eggs 5 the heat of urine 58 degrees. The common temperate point in thermometers is about 18 degrees. The hotteft Sun-fhine in the year 1727 raifed the fpirit in the thermometer expofed to it, 88 degrees j a heat 24 degrees greater than that of the blood of animals: And tho' plants endure this, and a confiderably greater heat within the Tropicks, for fome hours each day, yet the then hanging of the leaves of many of them mews that they could not long fublift under it, were they not frequently refrefhed by the fucceeding evening and night. The common noon-tide heat in the Sun in "July is about 50 degrees : The heat of the air in the made in July is at a medium 38 degrees. The May and June heat is from 17 to 30 degrees: the moll genial heat for the generality of plants, in which they flou- rim moft, and make the greateft progrefs in their growth. The autumnal and vernal heat 6o Vegetable Staticks. heat may be reckoned from 10 to 20 de- grees: The winter heat from the freezing point to 10 degrees. The fcorching heat of a hot-bed of horfe- dung, when too hot for plants, is equal to 85 degrees and more ; and hereabout is pro- bably the heat of blood in high fevers. The due healthy heat of a hot-bed of horfe-dung, in the fine mold, where the roots of thriving Cucumber-plants were, in Feb. was equal to 56 degrees, which is nearly the bofom heat, and that for hatch- ing of eggs. The heat of the air under the glais- frame of this hot-bed was equal to 34 degrees; fo the roots had 26 degrees more heat than the plants above ground. The heat of the open air was then 17 de- grees. It is now grown a common and very rea- fonable pradtice, to regulate the heat of ftoves and green-houfes, by means of Ther- mometers hung up in them. And for greater accuracy, many have the names of fome of the principal exoticks written up- on their Thermometers, over-againft the fe- veral degrees of heat, which are found by experience to be propereft for them. And I am informed that many of the moft cu- rious Vegetable Staticks. 6\ rious Gardeners about London have agreed to make ufe of Thennometers of this fort ; which are made by Mr. John Fowler in Swithin's- Alley, near the Royal-Exchange • which have the names of the following: plants, oppofite to their refpective mod kindly degrees of heat; which in my Ther- mometers anfwer nearly to the following de- grees of heat above the freezing point, viz. Melon-thiflle 31, Ananas 29, Piamento 26, Euphorbium 24, Cereus 2J~, Aloe 19, In- dian-fig 164, Ficoides 14, Oranges i2 5 Myr- tles 9. Mr. Boyle, by placing a 'Thermometer in a cave, which was cut ftrait into the bot- tom of a cliff, fronting the Sea, to the depth of 130 feet, found the fpirit flood, both in winter and fummer, at a fmall divifion above temperate; the cave had 80 feet depth of earth above it. Boyle's Works, Vol. III. p. 54. I marked my fix Thermometers numeri- cally, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The Thermometer numb. 1, which was (honed, I placed with a South afpect, in the open air; the ball of numb. 2, I fet two inches under ground; that of numb. 3, four inches under ground; numb. 4, 8 inches; numb. 5, 16 inches ; and numb. 6 1 Vegetable Staticks. numb. 6, 24 inches underground. And that the heat of the earth, at thefe' feveral depths, may the more accurately be known, it is proper to place near each 'Thermometer a glafs-tube fealed at both ends, of the fame length with the items of the feveral Ther- mometers ; and with tinged fpirit of wine in them, to the fame height, as in each correfponding Thermometer ; the fcale of degrees, of each Thermometer, being mark- ed on a Aiding ruler, with an index at the back of it, pointing to the correfponding tube. When at any time an obfervation is to be made, by moving the index, to point to the top of that fpirit in the tube, an ac- curate-allowance is hereby made, for the very different degrees of heat and cold, on the ftems of the Thermometers , at all depths ; by which means the fcale of degrees will {hew truly the degrees of heat in the balls of the Thermometers, and confequently, the refpedlive heats of the earth at the feveral depths where they are placed. The ftems of thefe Thermometers, which were above ground, were fenced from weather and in- juries by fquare wooden tubes -, the ground they were placed in was a brick earth in the middle of my garden. A Vegetable Staticks. 63 July 30. I began to keep a regifter of their rife and fall. During the following month of Auguji^ J obferved that when the fpirit in the thermometer^ numb. 1, ( which was expofed in the Sun ) was about noon rifen to 48 degrees, then the fecond thermometer was 45 degrees, the fifth 33, and the fixth 3 1 ; the third and fourth at intermediate degrees. The fifth and fixth Thermometer kept nearly the fame degree of heat both night and day, till towards the latter end of the month ; when, as the days grew morter and cooler, and the nights longer and cooler, they then fell to 25 and 27 degrees. Now, fo considerable a heat of the Sun, at two feet depth, under the earth's furface, muft needs have a ftrong influence in raif- ing the moifture at that and greater depths ; whereby a very great and continual wreak muft always be afcending, during the warm fummer feafon, by night as well as day; for the heat at two feet depth is nearly the fame night and day, the impulfe of the Sun- beams giving the moifture of the earth a briilc undulating motion, which watery par- ticles, when feparated and rarefied by heat, do afcend in the form of vapour : And the vigour *>4 Vegetable Statkks. vigour of warm and confined vapour (luch as is that which is i, 2, or 5 f eec deep in the earth) muft be very considerable, fo as to penetrate the roots with fome vigour; as we may reafonably iuppofe, from the vaft force of confined vapour in /Eolipiles, in the digefter of bones, and the engine to raife water by fire. See. Vol. II. p. 259. If plants were not in this manner fup- plied with moifture, it were impoffible for them to fubfifr under the fcorching heats within the Tropicks, where they have no rain for many months together: For tho' the dews are much greater there, than in thefe more Northern climates - 9 yet doubdefs, where the heat fo much exceeds ours, the whole quantity evaporated in a day there, does as far exceed the quantity that falls by night in dew, as the quantity evaporat- ed here in a fummer's day, is found to ex- ceed the quantity of dew which falls in the night. But the dew, which falls in a hot fummer feafon, cannot poffibly be of any benefit to the roots of trees; becauie it is remanded back from the earch by the fol- lowing day's heat, before fo fmall a quantity of moifture can have foaked to any con- fiderable depth. The great benefit there- fore Vegetable Staticks. 6 s fore of dew, in hot weather, muft be, by being plentifully imbibed into vegetables ; thereby not only refrefhing them for the prefent, but alfo furniming them with a frefh fupply of moifture towards the great expences of the fucceeding day. 'Tis therefore probable, that the roots of trees and plants are thus, by means of the Sun's warmth, conftantly irrigated with frefh fupplies of moifture ; which, by the fame means, infinuates itfelf with fome vigour into the roots. For, if the moifture of the earth were not thus actuated, the roots muft then receive all their nourifhment merely by imbibing the next adjoining moifture from the earth; and confequently the (hell of earth, next the furface of the roots, would always be confiderably drier, the nearer it is to the root; which I have not obferved to be fo. And by Exper. 1 8, and 19, the roots would be very hard put to it to imbibe fufficient moifture in dry fum- mer weather, if it were not thus conveyed to them by the penetrating warmth of the Sun : Whence by the fame genial heat, in conjunction with the attraction of the ca- pillary fap-veffels, it is carried up thro* the bodies and branches of vegetables; and F thence 66 Vegetable St Micks. thence pa (Ting into the leaves, it is there moft vigoroufly acted upon, in thofe thin plates, and put into an undulating motion, by the Sun's warmth, whereby it is moft plentifully thrown off, and perfpired thro' their furface ; whence, as foon as it is dif- intangled, it mounts with great rapidity in the free air. But when, towards the latter end of OBtober y the vigour of the Sun's influence is fo much abated, that the firft thermometer was fallen to 3 degrees above the freezing point, the fecond to 10 degrees, the fifth to 14 degrees, and the fixth Thermometer to 16 degrees ; then the brisk undulations of the moifture of the earth, and alfo of the afcending fap, much abating, the leaves faded i and fell off The greateft degree of cold, in the fol- lowing winter, was in the firft 12 days of November \ during which time, the fpirit in the firft Thermometer was fallen 4 degrees below the freezing point, the deepeft Ther- mometer 10 degrees, the ice on ponds was an inch thick. The Sun's greateft warmth at the winter folftice, in a very ferene, calm frofty-day, was, againft a South afpedt of \ wall, 19 degrees, and in a free open air, bu 11 de Vegetable Staticks. 6/ 1 1 degrees above the freezing point. From the ioth of January to the 29th of March was a very dry feafon ; when the green Wheat was generally the fineft that was ever remembred. But from the 29th of March J725, to the 29th of September fol- lowing, it rained more or lefs almoft every day, except ten or twelve days about the beginning of July ; and that whole feafon continued fo very cool, that the fpirit in the firft Thermometer rofe but to 24 degrees? except now and then in a fhort interval of Sunfhine ; the fecond only to 20 degrees ; the fifth and fixth to 24 and 23 degrees, with very little variation: So that during this whole fummer, thofe parts of roots which were two feet under ground, had three or four degrees more warmth than thofe which were but two inches under ground : And at a medium the general degree of heat thro' this whole fummer, both above and under ground, was not greater than the heat of the middle of the preceding September. The year 1725 having b°en, both inthis iiland, and in the neighbouring nations, mod remarkably wet and cold; and the year J 723, in the other extreme, as remarkably dr" 355 has ever been known ; it may not F 2 be 6% Vegetable Statich. be improper here to give a fhort account of them, and the influence they had on their productions. Mr. Miller, in the account which he took of the year 1723, obferved, u That the tc winter was mild and dry, except that in February it rained almoft every day, which kept the fpring backward. March, April, May, June, to the middle of July, proved " extremely dry, the wind North.eaft mod " part of the time. The fruits were for- " ward, and pretty good ; but kitchen-fluff, €C efpecially Beans and Peas, failed much, and we have fufficient proof from the obfervations that the four or five laft years afford us, that the moifture or drinefs of the preceding year has a confiderable in- fluence on the productions of the Vine the following year. Thus in the year 1722, there was a dry feafon, from the beginning of Augujl thro' the following autumn and winter, and the next fummer there was good plenty of Grapes. The year 1723 was a remarkably dry year, and in the following year 1724, there was an unufuai plenty of Grapes. The year 1724 was moderately dry, and the following fpring the Vines produced a fufficient quantity of bunches; but by reafon of the wetnefs and coldnefs of the year 1725, they proved abortive, and produced hardly any Grapes. This very wet year had an ill effect, not only upon its own productions, but alfo on thofe of the following year: For notwithfhnding there was 74 Vegetable St at his. was a kindly fpring, and blooming feafon, in the year 1726, yet there were* few bunches produced, except here and there in fome very dry foils. This many Gardeners fore- faw early, when, upon pruning of the Vines, they obferved the bearing (hoots to be crude and immature; which was the reafon why they were not fruitful. The firft crop thus failing in many places, the Vines produced a fecond, which had not time to come to maturity before the cold weather came on. Mr. Miller fent me the following ac- count of the long and fevere winter in the year 1728; and of the effect it had on the plants and trees in this and the neighbour- ing countries, viz. " The autumn began with cold North M and Eaft winds, and early in November cc the nights were generally frofty 5 tho' the * c froft did not enter the ground deeper than " the fucceeding days thaw'd. But towards ven- V der> Stcechas, Sage, Maflick, Marum, u u U u which tube was 6 inches long, and \ inch diameter ; as the ftalk im- bibed the water, it raifed the mercury to z 3 four inches high. I fixed another Apple of the fame fizea-nd tree in the fame manner, but firft pulled off the leaves ? it -raifed the mercury but I inch. I fixed in the fame manner a like bearing twig with 12 leaves on it, but no apple; it raifed the mercury 3- inches. I then took a like bearing twig, without either leaves or apple ; it raifed the mercury 4 inch. So a twig with an apple and leaves raif- ed the mercury 4 inches, one with leaves only 3 inches,, one with an apple without leaves 1 inch. A Quince which had two leaves, juft at the twig's infertion into it, raifed the mer- cury 2 +.7 inches, and held it up a confe- derate time. A fprig of Mint fix^d in the fame manner,, raifed the mercury 3 -j- \ inch, equal to 4 feet 5 inches height of water. Expe- Vegetable Staticks. 101 Experiment XXXL I tried alfo the imbibing force of a great variety of trees, by fixing Aqueo-mercurial gages to branches of them cut off, as in Ex- periment 22. The Pear, Quince, Cherry, Walnut, Peach, Apricot, Plum, Black-thorn, White-thorn, Goofeberry, Water-elder, Sycamore, raifed the mercury from 6 to 3 inches high : Thofe which imbibed water moll: freely, in the Ex- periments of the firft chapter, raifed the mercury higheft in thefe Experiments, ex- cept the Horfe-Chefnut, which, though it imbibed water moft freely, yet raifed the mercury but one inch, becaufe the air paf- fed very fait through its fap-veffels into the gage. The following raifed the mercury but 1 or 2 inches, viz. the Elm, Oak, Horfe- Chefnut, Filberd, Fig, Mulberry, Willow, Sallow, Ofier, Afh, Lynden, Currans. The Ever-greens, and following trees and plants, did not raife it at all ; the Laurel, Rofemary, Lauruftinus, Phyllyrea, Fuz, Rue, Berberry, JelTamine, Cucumber-branch, Pum- kin, Jerufalem Artichoke. H 3 Expe- 102 Vegetable Staticks. Experimen t XXXII. We have a further proof of the great force with which vegetables imbibe moi- fture, in the following Experiment, viz. I filled near full with Peas and Water, the iron Pot (Fig. 37.) and laid on the Peas a leaden cover, between which and the fides of the Pot, there was room for the air which came from the Peas to pafs freely. I then laid 184 pounds weight on them, which (as the Peas dilated by imbibing the water) they lifted up. The dilatation of the Peas is always equal to the quantity of Water they imbibe : For if a few Peas be put in- to a VeiTel, and that Veflel be filled full of water, tho' the Peas dilate to near double their natural fize, yet the water will not flow over the veiTel, or at moft very incon- fiderably, on account of the expanfion of little air-bubbles, which are hTuing from the Peas. Being defirous to try whether they would raife a much greater weight, by means of a lever with weights at the end of it, I com- prefTed feveral frefh parcels of Peas in the fame Pot, with a force equal to 1600, 800, and 400 pounds; in which Experiments, tho* the Vegetable Staticks. i o 3 the Peas dilated, yet they did not raife the lever, becaufe what they increafed in bulk was, by the great incumbent weight, preffed into the interfaces of the Peas, which they adequately filled up, being thereby formed into pretty regular Dodecahedrons. We fee in this Experiment the vaft force with which fwelling Peas expand ; and 'tis doubtlefs a confiderable part of the fame force which is exerted, not only in pufhing the Plume upwards into the air, but alfo in enabling the firft (hooting radicle of the Pea, and all its fubfequent tender Fibres, to pene- trate and moot into the earth. Experiment XXXIII. We fee, in the Experiments of this chap- ter, many inftances of the great efficacy of attraction ; that univerfal principle which is fo operative in all the very different works of nature; and is mofl eminently fo in vegetables, all whofe minuteft parts are curioufly ranged in fuch order, as is beft adapted, by their united force, to attract pro- per nourishment. And we mall find in the following Ex- periment, that the diilevered particles of vegetables, and of other bodies, have a H 4 ftro 1 04 Vegetable Staticks. firong attractive power when they lie con- fjfed. That the particles of wood are fpecifical- ly heavier than water, ( and can therefore ftrongly attract it) is evident, becaufe feveral forts of wood fink immediately; others (even cork) when their interfaces are well foaked, and filled with water: As Dr. Def- aguliers informed me, he found a cork which had been fealed up in a tube with water for 4 years, to be then fpecificaJly heavier than water ; others ( as the Peruvian Bark) fink when very finely pulverized, be- caufe all their cavities which made them fwim, are thereby deftroyed. In order to try the imbibing power of common wood allies, I filled a glafs tube c r /, 3 feet long, and -J of an inch diameter, (Fig. 16.) with well dried and lifted wood allies, prefnng them clofe with a rammer; I tied a piece of linen over the end of the tube at t\ to keep the allies from falling out; I then cemented the tube c faft at r to the Aqueo-mercurial gage r z ; and when I had filled the gage full of water, I immerfed it in the ciilern of mercury X $ the 1 to the upper end of the tube c y at o } I fcrewed on the mercurial gage a b % The Vegetable Staticks. 105 The afhes, as they imbibed the water, drew the mercury up 3 or 4 inches in a few hours towards z ; but the three following days it rofe but 1 inch, \ inch, and -£, and fo lefs and lefs, fo that in 5 or 6 days it ceafed rifing : The higheft it rofe was 7 inches, which was equal to railing water 8 feet high. Tins had very little effect on the mer- cury in the gage a b y unlefs it were, that it would rife a little, viz: an inch or little more in the gage at a, as it were by the fuc- tion of the afhes, to fupply fome of the air- bubbles which are drawn out at i. But when I feparated the tube c from the gage r z, and fet the end i in water, then the moifture (being not reftrained as before) rofe farter and higher in the afhes c 0, and depreffed the mercury at a, fo as to be 3 inches lower than in the leg b y by driving the air upwards, which was inter- mixed with the afhes. I filled another tube 8 feet long, and ~ inch diameter, with red lead 5 and affixed it in the place of c to the gages a b, r z, The mercury rofe gradually 8 inches to z. In both thefe Experiments, the end i was covered with innumerable air-bubbles, many of 1 06 Vegetable Stattcks. of which continually paffed off, and were fucceeded by others, as at the tranfverfe cuts in the Experiments, of this chapter. And as there, fo in thefe, the. quantity of air-bub- I bles decreafed every day, fo as at laft to have very few: The part i immerfed in the wa- ter, being become fo fatarate therewith, as to leave no room for air to pafs. After 20 days I picked the minium out . of the tube, and. found the water had rifen 3 feet 7 inches, and would no doubt have rifen higher, if it had not been clogged by the mercury in the gage z. For which reafon the moifture rofe but 20 inches in the allies, where it would other wife hav» rifen 30 or 40 inches. And as Sir Ifaac Newton (in his Op- ticks, query 31.) obferves, "The water rifes .;;/. it was funk an inch in the leg xy. April 7th at 8 a. m. rifen very little, a fog : at 1 1 a. ?n. 'tis 17 inches high, and the fog gone. April Vegetable Statich. \ \ j April iotb, ar 7 a. m, mercury 18 inches high ; I then added more mercury, fo as to make the furrace z 23 inches higher than x; the fip retreated very little into the flem upon this additional weight, which fhews with what an abfolute force it advances: at noon it was funk one inch. April nth, at 7 a.m. 24 -f \ inches high, fun-fhine: at 7 p. m. 18 inches high. April 14th, at 7 a. m. 20 + \ inches high, ztga.m. 22 -j-j-, fine warm fun-fhine 5 here we fee that the warm morning fun gives a frefh vigour to the fap. At 1 1 a. m. the fame day 1 6 + |, the great perfpiration of the ftem makes it fink. April 1 6th at 6 a. m. 19 -{- i rain. At 4 />. ;;;. 13 inches. The fap (in the foregoing experiment, numb. 34.) rifcn this day fince noon 2 inches, while this funk by the perfpi- ration of the ftem ; which there was little room for, in the very fhort ftem of the other. April 17th, at 1 1 a. m. 24 + 1 inch high, rain and warm ; at 7 p. m, 29 + ~, fine warm rainy weather, which made the fap rife all day, there being little perfpiration by reafon of the rain. "• April 18th, at 7 a. m. 32-j-J inches high, and would have rifen higher, if there had I been 1 i 4 Vegetable Statkks. been more mercury in the gage; it being all forced into the leg y z. From this time to May 5th, the force gradually decreafed. The greateft height of the mercury being 3 2 -]- i- inches ; the force of the fap was then equal to 36 feet 5 -f"* 7 inches height of water. Here the force of the rifing fap in the morning is plainly owing to the energy of the root and item. In another like mercurial gage, (fixed near the bottom of a Vine, which run 20 feet high) the mercury was raifed by the force of the fap 38 inches equal to 43 feet -j~ 3 inches + 4- height of water. Which force is near five times greater than the force of the blood in the great crural ar- tery of a Horfe ; feven times greater than the force of the blood in the like artery of a Dog; and eight times greater than the blood's force in the fame artery of a fallow Doe: Which different forces I found by tying thofe feveral animals down alive upon their backs ; and then laying open the great left crural artery, where it firft enters die thigh, I fixed to it (by means of two brafs pipes, which run one into the other) a glafs tube of above ten feet long, and £ of an inch diameter in bore: In which tube the blood Vegetable Staticks. 1 i 5 blood of one Horfe rofe eight feet three inches, and the blood of another Horie eight feet nine inches. The blood of a little Dog fix feet and half high : In a large Spaniel feven feet high. The blood of the fallow Doe mounted five feet feven inches. Experiment XXXVII. ^r//4th, I fixed three mercurial gages, (Fig. 19.) A, B y C, to a Vine, on a South- eaft afpedi, which was 50 feet long, from the root to the end ru. The top of the wall was 11 -f- \ feet high; from i to £, 8 feet; from k to e, 6 feet + ± ; from e to A, 1 foot 10 inches , from e to 0, 7 feet ; from to B, 5 + ~ feet ; from to C, 22 feet 9 inches; from to z/, 32 feet 9 inches. The branches to which A and C were fixed, were thriving moots two years old, but the branch B was much older. When I firft fixed them, the mercury was puflied by the force of the lap, in all the gages down the legs 4, 5, .13, fo as to rife nine inches higher in the other legs. The next morning at 7 a. M, the mercury in A was pufiied 14 ~f- ~ inches high, in B \z 4- \, in Ci3 -f-i.. I 2 The 1 1 6 Vegetable Statich. The greateft height to which they pufhed the fap feverally, was A 2 i inches, £26 inches, C 26 inches. The mercury conftantly fubfided by the retreat of the fap about 9 or 10 in the morn- ing, when the fun grew hot ; but in a very moift foggy morning the fap was later before it retreated, viz. till noon, or fome time after the fog was gone. About 4 or 5 o' clock in the afternoon, when the fun went off the Vine, the fap be- gan to pufli afrefh into the gages, fo as to make the mercury rife in the open legs ; but , k always rofe fafleil from fun-rife till 9 or 10 in the morning. The Yap in B (the oldeft ftem) play'd the .moft freely to and fro, and was therefore fooneft affected with the changes from hot to .cool , or. from wet to dry, and vice verfd. And -April 10, toward the end of the bleeding feafon, B began firft to fuck up the .mercury from 6 to 5, fo as to be 4 inches higher in that leg than the other. But . April 24, after a night's rain, B pufhed the mercury 4 inches up the other leg; A did not begin to fuck tiller// 29, viz. 9 days after By C did not begin to fuck till May 3, viz. j 3 days after B> and 4 days after A\ May 5, at Vegetable Statich. i 1 7 at 7 a. m. A pufhed 1 inch, Ci-|l; but to- wards noon they all three fucked. I have frequently obferved the fame dif- ference in other Vine?, where the like gages have been fixed at the fame time, to old and young branches of the fame Vine, viz, the oldeft began firft to fuck. In this experiment we fee the great force of the fap, at 44 feet 3 inches diftance from the root, equal to the force of a column of water 30 feet 11 inches 4*1 high. From this experiment we fee too, that this force is not from the root onlv, but muft alio proceed from fome power in the ftem and branches : For the branch B was much fooner influenced by changes from warm to cool, or dry to wet, and viceverfd, than the other two branches A or C - y and B was in an imbibing Hate, 9 days before Ay which was all that time in a ftate of pufhing fap 5 and C pufhed 13 days after B had ceafed pufhing, and was in an imbibing ftate. Which imbibing flate Vines and Apple- trees continue in, all the fummer, in every branch, as I have found by fixing die like gages to them in July. I 3 Expe- 1 1 8 Vegetable Staticks. Experiment XXXVIIL March 10, at the beginning of the bleed- ing feafon, (which is many days fooner or later, according to the coldnefs or warmth, moifture or drinefs of the feafon) I then cut off a branch of a tint bfcgzt b, (Fig. 20.) which was 3 or 4 years old, and cemented faft on it a brafs-collar, with a fcrew in it ; to that I fcrewed another brafs collar, which was cemented faft to the glafs tube z, 7 feet long and f inch diam. (which I find to be the propereft diam.) to that I fcrewed others, to 38 feet height. Thefe tubes were : fattened and fecured in long wooden tubes, 3 inches fquare, one fide of which was a door opening upon hinges ; the ufe of thofe wooden tubes was to preferve the glafs tubes from being broke by the freezing of the fap in them in the night. But when the danger of hard frofts was pretty well over, as at the beginning of April, then I ufually fix'd the glaffes without the wooden tubes, fattening them to fcaffold poles, or two long iron fpikes drove into the wal£ Before I proceed to give an account of jhe rife and fall of the fap in the tubes, I Tt'l I ! Vegetable Staticks. i j p will firft defcribe the manner of cementing on the brafs collar b, to the ftem of the Vine, in which I have been often diiappointed, and have met with difficulties; itmuft there- fore be done with great care. Where I defign to cue the Hem, I firft pick off all the rough ftringy bark carefully with my nails to avoid making any wound thro' the green inner bark 5 then I cut off the branch at /, (Fig. 21.) and immediately draw over the ftem a piece of dried fheeps- gut, which I tie faft, as near the end of the ftem as I can, fo that no fap can get by it, the fap being confined in the gut if: Then I wipe the ftem at i very dry with a warm cloth, and tie round the ftem a ftiff paper funnel x /, binding it faft at x to the ftem , and pinning clofe the folds of the paper from x to i: Then I Hide the brafs collar r over the gut, and immediately pour into the pa- per funnel melted chalk cement, and then fet the brafs collar into it -, which collar is warmed, and dipped before in the cement, that it may the better now adhere : When the cement is cold, I pull away the gut, and fcrew on the glafs tubes. But finding fome inconvenience in this hot cement, (becaufe its heat kills the fap- I 4. veflels i 20 Vegetable Statich. veffels near the bark, as is evident by their being difcoloured) I have lince made ufe of the cold cement of Bees-wax and Turpentine, binding it fa ft over with wet bladder and pack- thread, as in Exper. 34. Inftead of brafs-collars, which fcrewed into each other, I often (efpecially with the Syphons in Exper, 36, and 37.) made ufe of two brafs collars, which were turned a little tapering, fo that one entered and exaclly .fitted the other. This joining of the two collars was ef- fectually fecured from leaking, by firft anointing them with a foft cement; and they were fecured from being disjoined, by the force of the afcending fap, by twifting packthread round the protuberant knobs on the iides of the collars. When I would feparate the collars, I found it neceflary (except in hot fun-fhine) to melt the foft cement by applying hot irons on the out- iide of the collars. It is needful to made all the cemented joints from the fun with loofe folds of pa- per, elfe its heat will often melt them, and fo dilate the cement, as to make it be drove forcibly up the tube, which defeats the. ex- periment. The Vegetable Staticks. \ z i The Fines to which the tubes in this ex- periment were fixed, were 20 feet high from the roots to their top; and the glafs tubes fixed at feveral heights b from the ground, from 6 to 2 feet. The fap would rife in the tube the firft day, according to the different vigour of the bleeding ftate of the Vine, either i, 2, 5, 12, 15, or 25 feet; but when it had got to its greateft height for that day, if it was in the morning, it would conftantly begin to fubfide towards noon. If the weather was very cool about the middle of the day, it would fubfide only from 11 or 12 to 2 in the afternoon; but if it were very hot weather, the fap would begin to fubfide at 9 or 10 o' clock, and continue fubfiding tilL], 5, or 6 in the even- ing, and from that rime it would continue ftationary for an hour or two j after which it would begin to rife a little, but not much in the night, nor till after the fori was up in the morning, at which time ic rofe fatten;. The frefher the cut of the Vine was, and the warmer the weather, the more the fap would rife, and fubfide in a day, as 4 or 6 feet. But 121 Vegetable Staticks. But if it were 5 or 6 days fince the Vine was cut, it would rife or fubfide but little ; the fap-veflels at the tranfverfc cut being faturate and contracted. But if I cut oft a joint or two off the ftem, and new fixed the tube, the fap would then rife and fubfide vigoroufly. Moifture and warmth made the fap moil vigorous. If the beginning or middle of the bleed- ing feafon, being very kindly, had made the motion of the fap vigorous, that vigour would immediately be greatly abated by cold eafterly winds. If in the morning, while the fap is in a rifing ftate, there was a cold wind with a mixture of fun-mine and cloud -, when the fun was clouded, the fap would immediately vifibly fubfide, at the rate of an inch in a minute for feveral inches, if the fun con- tinued fo long clouded: But as foon as the fun-beams broke out again, the fap would immediately return to its then rifing ftate, iuft as any liquor in a Thermometer rifes and falls with the alternacies of heat and cold ; whence 'tis probable, that the plentiful rife of the fap in the Vine in the bleeding feafon, is effected in the fame manner. When Vegetable Staticks. i£i When three tubes were fixed at the fame time to Vines on an eaftern, a fouthern, and a weftern afpedt, round my porch, the fap would begin to rife in the morning firft in the eaftern tube, next in the fouthern, and laft in the weftern tube : And towards noon it would accordingly begin to fubfide, firft in the eaftern tube, next in the fouthern, and laft in the weftern tube. Where two branches arofe from the fame old weftern trunk, 15 inches from the ground; and one of thefe branches was fpread on a fouthern, and the other on a weftern afpect ; and glafs tubes were at the fame time fixed to each of them ; the fap would in the morning, as the fun came on, rife firft in the fouthern, then in the weftern tube; and would begin to fub- fide, firft in the fouthern, then in the weftern tube. Rain and warmth, after cold and dry, would make the fap rife all the next day, without fubfiding, tho' it would rife then flowed about noon; becaufe in this cafe the quantity imbibed by the root, and raifed from it, exceeded the quantity per- fpired. The 114 Vegetable Statich. The fap begins to rife fooner in the morn- ing in cool weather, than aicer hot days ; the reafon of which may be, becaufe in hot weather much being evaporated, it is not fo foon fupplied by the roots as in cool wea- ther, when lefs is evaporated. In a prime bleeding feafon I fix'd a tube 25 feet long to a thriving branch two years old, and two feet from the ground, where it was cut off; the fap flowed fo briskly, as in two hours to flow over the top of the tube, which was feven feet above the top of the Vine ; and doubtlefs would have rifen higher, if I had been prepared to lengthen the tube. When at the diftance of four or five days, tubes were affixed to two different branches, which came from the fame item, the fap would rife higheft in that which was laft fixed ; yet if in the fixing the fecond tube there was much fap loft, the fap would fub- fide in the firft tube; but they would not afterwards have their fap in equilibrio ; /. the middle tree will then grow, tho' it be cut off from its roots, or the root be dug out of the ground, and fufpended in the air; viz. becaufe the middle tree b attracts nourifhment flrongly at x and z, from the adjoining trees a c, in the fame manner as we fee the inverted boughs imbibed water in thefe Exper. 26, and 41. And from the fame reafon it is that Elders, Sallows, Willows, Briars, Vines, and moft Shrubs, will grow in an inverted ftate, with their tops downwards in the earth* Expe- Vegetable Staticks. 1 3 3 Experiment XLII. July 27th, I repeated Monfieur Perault's Experiment ; viz, I took Duke-cherry, slp- ple and Curran- boughs, with two branches each, one of which a c (Fig. 25.) I immer- fed in the large vefTel of water e d } the other branch hanging in the open air: I hung on a rail, at the fame time, other branches of the fame forts, which were then cut off. After three days, thofe on the rails were very much withered and dead, but the branches b were very green -, in eight days the branch b of the Duke-cherry was much withered : but the Cur ram and Apple-branch b did not fade till the eleventh day: Whence 'tis plain, by the quantities that mufti be per- fpired in eleven days, to keep the leaves b green fo long, and by the wafte of the water out of the veflel, that thefe boughs b mull have drawn much water from and through the other boughs and leaves c y which were immerfed in the vefTel of water. I repeated the like experiment on the branches of Vines and Apple-trees, by run- ning their boughs, as they grew, into large glafs chymical retorts full of water, where K 3 die M4 Vegetable Statlcks. the leaves continued green for feveral weeks, and imbibed conficterable quantities of water. This {hews how very probable it is, that rain and dew is imbibed by vegetables, efpe- cially in dry fealbns. Which is further confirmed by experi- ments lately made on new -planted trees; where, by frequently warning the bodies of the mod unpromiiing, they have out-ftrip- ped the other trees of the fame plantation. And Mr. Miller advifes, « Now and then t£ in an evening to water the head, and with << a brufli to warn, and fupple the bark all « round the trunk, which (fays he) I have < c often found very ferviceable." Experiment XLIII. Auguji 20th, at i p. m. I took an Apple- branch b, (Fig. 26. ) nine feet long, 1 -j- } inch diameter, with proportional latera 1 branches ; I cemented it faft to the tube a by means of the leaden fyphon /: But firfl I cut away the bark, and lail year's ringlet wood, for three inches length to r. I thei filled the tube with water, which was twelv« feet long, and \ inch diameter, having firi cu Vegetable Staticks. \ 3 5 cut a gap at y through the bark, and laft year's wood, twelve inches from the lower end of the ftem : the water was very freely imbibed, viz. at the rate of three -j- i- inches in a minute. In half an hour's time I could plainly perceive the lower part of the gap y to be moifler than before ; when at the fame time the upper part of the wound looked white and dry. Now in this cafe the water muft nccef- farily afcend from the tube, thro* the inner- moft wood, becaufe the laft year's wood was cut away, for 3 inches length, all round the ftem; and confequently, if the fap in its natural courfe defcended by the laft year's ringlet of wood, and between that and the bark, (as many have thought) the water mould have defcended by the laft year's wood, or the bark, and fo have firft moiftened the upper part of the gap y - 3 but on the con- trary, the lower part was moiftened, and not the upper part. I repeated this experiment with a large T)ukc- cherry -branchy but could not perceive more moifture at the upper than the lower part of the gap ; which ought to have been, if the fap defcends by the laft year's wood, or the bark. K 4 It i } 6 Vegetable Staticks. It was the fame in a Quince-branch as the Duke- cherry. N. B. When I cut a notch in either of thefe branches, 3 feet above r, at q> I could neither fee nor feel any moifture, notwkh- flanding there was at the fame time a great quantity of water paffing by ; for the branch imbibed at the rate of 4, 3, or 2 inches per minute, of a column of water which was half inch diameter. The reafon of which drinefs of the notch q is evident from Experiment 11, viz. be- caufe the upper part of the branch above the notch imbibed and perfpired three or four times more water, than a column of feven feet height of water in the tube could im- pel from the bottom of the ft em to y, which was three feet length of ftem ; and confe- quently, the notch muft neceffarily be dry, notwithftanding fo large a ftream of water was paffing by ; viz. becaufe the branch and ftem above the notch was in a ftrongly im- bibing ftate, in order to fupply the great per- ipiration of the leaves. Expe- Vegetable Staticks. 1 3 7 Experiment XLIV. Aagujl 9th, at 10 a. m. I fix'd in the fame manner (as in the foregoing experiment) a Duke-cberry-branch five feet high, and one inch diameter, but did not cut away any of the bark or wood at the great end j I filled the tube with water, and then cut a flice off the bark an inch long, 3 inches above the great end ; it bled at the lower part mofl freely, while the upper part continued dry. The fame day I tried the fame experi- ment on an Apple- branch, and it had the fame effecl. From thefe experiments 'tis probable, that the lap afcends between the bark and wood, as well as by other parts. And fince by other experiments it is found that the greateft part of the fap is raifed by the warmth of the fun on the leaves, which feem to be made broad and thin for that purpofe ; for the fame reafon, it's mofl: probable, it fhould rife alfo in thofe parts which are mofl expofed to the fun, as the bark is. And when we confider, that the fap-vcf- fels are fo very fine as to reduce the fan almoft to i}8 Vegetable Statich. to a vapour, before it can enter them, the fun's warmth on the bark fhould moft eafily difpofe fuch rarefied fap to afcend, inftead of defcending. Experiment XLV. July 27th, I took fever al branches of Cur- rans, Vines, Cherry, Apple, Pear and Plum- tree ■ and fet the great ends of each in veffels of water x (Fig. 3 1.) 5 but firft took the bark for an inch off one of the branches, as at z, to try whether the leaves above z at b would continue green longer than the leaves of any of the other branches a, c y d, but I could find no difference, the leaves withering all at the fame time : Now, if the return of the fap was flopped at z, then it would be expe&ed, that the leaves at b fhould continue green lon- oer than thofe on the other branches; which did not happen, neither was there any moi- fture at z. Experiment XL VI. In Augujl, I cut off the bark for an inch round, of a young thriving Oak -branch, on the North -weft fide of the tree. The leaves Vegetable Staticks. 1 3 9 leaves of this and another branch, which had the bark cut at the fame time, fell early, viz. about the latter end of Oftober^ when the leaves of all the other branches of the fame tree, except thofe at the very top of the tree, continued on all the winter. This is a further proof, that left fap goes to branches which have the bark cut off, than to others. The 19th of April following, the buds of this branch were 5 or 7 days forwarder than thofe of other branches of the fame tree ; the reafon of which may probably be, be- caufe lefs frelh crude fap coming to this branch than the others, and the perfpira- tions in all branches being, ceteris paribus^ nearly equal, the lefTer quantity of fap in this branch muft fooner be infpiflated into a glutinous fubftance, fit for new produc- tions, than the fap of other branches, that abounded with a greater plenty of freili thin fap. The fame is the reafon why Apples, Pears, and many other fruits, which have fome of their great fap-veffels eaten afun- der by infe&s bred in them, are ripe many days before the reft of the fruit on the fame trees ; as alio that fruit which is ga- thered 140 Vegetable Staticks. thered fome time before it is ripe, will ri- pen fooner than if it had hung on the tree, tho' it will not be fo good ; becaufe in thefe cafes the worm-eaten fruit is deprived of part of its nourishment, and the green-gathered fruit of all. And for the fame reafon fome fruits are fooner ripe towards the tops of the trees, than the other fruit on the fame tree; viz. not only becaufe they are more expofed to the fun ; but alfo, becaufe being at a greater diilance from the root, they have fomewhat lefs nourifhment. And this is, doubtlefs, one reafon why plants and fruits are forwarder in dry, fandy, or gravelly foils, than in moifler foils; viz. not only, becaufe thofe foils are warmer, on account of their drinefs; but alfo, be- caufe lefs plenty of moifture is conveyed up the plants; which plenty of moifture, tho' it promotes their growth, yet retards their coming to maturity. And for the fame rea- fon, the uncovering the roots of trees for fome time, will make the fruit be confiderably the forwarder. And on the other hand, where trees abound with too great a plenty of frefli-drawn fap, as is the cafe of trees whofe roots are planted too Vegetable Statich. 141 too deep in cold moift earth, as alfo of too luxuriant Peach and other walTtrees; or, which comes almoft to the fame, where the fap cannot be perfpired off in a due pro- portion \ as in orchards, where trees (land too near each other, fo as to hinder perfpiration, whereby the fap is kept in too thin and crude a (late -, in all thefe cafes little or no fruit is produced. Hence alfo, in moderately dry fummers, ceteris paribus , there is ufually greateft plenty of fruit ; becaufe the fap in the bearing twigs and buds is more digefted, and brought to a better confidence, for mooting out with vigour and firmnefs, than it is in cool moid fummers : And this obfervation has been verified in the years 1723, 1724, and 1725. See an account of them under it, Exper. 20. But to return to the fubjecT: of the mo- tion of the fap: When the fap has firft pafied thro' that thick and fine ftrainer, the bark of the root, we then find it in greateft quan- tities, in the moft lax part, between the bark and wood, and that the fame thro* the whole tree. And if in the early fpring, the Oak and feveral other trees were to be examined near the top and bottom, when the fap firft begins 141 Vegetable Staticks. begins to move, (o as to make the bark eafily run, or peel off, I believe it would be found, that the lower bark is firft moiftened ; whereas the bark of the top branches ought firft to be moiftened, if the fap defcends by the bark: As to the Vine, lam pretty well affured that the lower bark is firft moiftened. See Vol II. p. 264. We fee in many of the foregoing expe- riments, what quantities of moifture trees do daily imbibe and perfpire : Now the ce- lerity of the fap muft be very great, if that quantity of moifture muft, moft of it, afcend to the top of the tree, then defcend, and afcend again, before ic is carried off by per- fpiration. The defect of a circulation in vegetables feems in fome meafure to be fupplied by the much greater quantity of liquor, which the vegetable takes in, than the animal, whereby its motion is accelerated; for by Experiment 1. we find the fun-flower, bulk for bulk, imbibes and perfpires feven teen times more frefh liquor than a man, every 24 hours. Befides, nature's great aim in vegetables being only that the vegetable life be carried on and maintained, there was no occafion to Vegetable Staticks. 145 to give its fap the rapid motion which was neceflary for the blood of animals. In animals, it is the heart which fets the blood in motion, and makes it continually circulate; but in vegetables we can disco- ver no other caufe of the fap's motion, but the ftrong attraftion of the capillary fap- veflels, affifted by the brisk undulations and vibrations, caufed by the fun's warmth, whereby the fap is carried up to the top of the talleft trees, and is there perfpired off thro' the leaves: But when the furface of the tree is greatly diminifhed by the lofs of its leaves, then alfo the perfpiration and motion of the fap is proportionably dimi- nifhed, as is plain from many of the fore- going experiments : So that the afcending velocity of the fap is principally accelerated by the plentiful perfpiration of the leaves, thereby making room for the fine capillary veflels to exert their vaftly attracting power, which perfpiration is effected by the brisk rarefying vibrations of warmth : A power that does not feem to be any ways well adapted to make the fap defcend from the tops of vegetables by different veflels to the root. If 144 Vegetable Staticks. If the fap circulated, it muft needs have been feen defcending from the upper pare of large gafhes cut in branches fet in wa- ter, and with columns of water preffing on their bottoms in long glafs tubes, in Ex- periment 43, and 44. In both which cafes, it is certain that great quantities of water paffed thro' the ftem, fo that it muft needs have been feen defcending, if the return of the fap downwards were by trufion or pul- fion, whereby the blood in animals is re- turned thro* the veins to the heart : And that pulfion, if there were any, muft necef- farily be exerted with prodigious force, to be able to drive the fap thro' the finer capil- laries. So that, if there be a return of the fap downwards, it muft be by attraction, and that a very powerful one, as we may fee by many of thefe experiments, and par- ticularly by Experiment 11. But it is hard to conceive, what and where that power is, which can be equivalent to that provifion nature has made for the afcent of the fap in confequence of the great perfpiration of the leaves. The inftances of the Jeffamine tree, and of the Pafilon tree, have been looked upon as ftrong proofs of the circulation of the fap, Vegetable Staticks. 147 fap, becaufe their branches, which were far below the inoculated Bud, were gilded : But we have many vifible proofs in the Vine, and other bleeding trees, of the fap's recede- ing back, and pufhing forwards alternately, at different times of the day and night. And there is great reafbn to think, that the fap of all other trees has fuch an alternate receding and progreffive motion, occafioned by the alternacies of day and night, warm and cool, moift and dry. For the fap in all vegetables does proba. bly recede in fome meafure from the tops of branches, as the fun leaves them ; be- caufe its rarefying power then ceafing, the greatly rarefied fap, and air mixt with it, will condenfe, and take up lefs room than they did, and the dew and rain will then be flrongly imbibed by the leaves, as is pro- bable from Exper. 42. and feveral others; whereby the body and branches of the ve- getable which have been much exhaufted by the great evaporation of the day, may at night imbibe fap and dew from the leaves; for by feveral Experiments in the firft chap- ter, plants were found to increafe confider- ably in weight, in dewy and moift nights. And by other experiments on the Vine in L the 146 Vegetable Staticks. the third chapter, it wa§ found, that the trunk and branches of Vines were always in an imbibing ftate, caufed by the great perfpiration of the leaves, except in the bleeding feafon 5 but when at night that perfpiring power ceafes, then the contrary imbibing power will prevail, and draw the fap and dew from the leaves, as well as moifture from the roots. And we have a farther proof of this in Experiment 12, where, by fixing mercurial gages to the ftems of feveral trees, which do not bleed, it is found that they are al- ways in a flrongly imbibing ftate, by draw- ing up the mercury feveral inches: whence it is eafy to conceive, how fome of the "particles of the gilded Bud, in the inocu- lated Jeflamine, may be abforbed by it and thereby communicate their gilding Miafma to the fap of other branches; efpe- cially when fome months after the inocu lation, the flock of the inoculated JefTa mine is cut off a little above the Bud whereby the flock, which was the counter acting part to the flem, being taken away the flem attracts more vigoroufly from th Bud. Anothe Vegetable Staticks. 147 Another argument for the circulation of the fap, is that fome forts of graffs will infect and canker the flocks they are grafted on : But by Exper. 12, and 37, where mer- curial gages were fixed to frefh cut flems of trees, it is evident that thofe ferns were in a ftrongly imbibing flate ; and confe- quently the cankered flocks might very like- ly draw fap from the graft, as well as the grafF alternately from the flock; juft in the fame manner as leaves and branches do from each other, in the viciffitudes of day and night. And this imbibing power of the flock is fo great, where only fome of the branches of a tree are grafted, that the remaining branches of the flock will, by their flrong attraction, flarve thofe graffs; for which reafon it is ufual to cut off the greateft part of the branches of the flock, leaving only a few fmall ones to draw up the fap. See. Vol. II. p. 265. The inflance of the Ilex grafted upon the Englijh Oak, feems to afford a very confix derable argument againfl a circulation. For, if there were a free uniform circulation of the fap thro' the Oak and Ilex, why fhould the leaves of the Oak fall in winter, and not thofe of the Ilex? L 2 Another 148 Vegetable Staticks. Another argument againft an uniform cir- culation of the fap in trees, as in animals, may be drawn from Exper. 37. where it was found by the three mercurial gages fix'd to the fame Vine, that while fome of its branches changed their ftate of protrude- ing fap into a ftate of imbibing, others con- tinued protruding fap, one nine, and the other thirteen days longer. In the fecond Vol. of Mr. Lowthorp'% Abridgment of the Philof. TranfaEt. p. 708. is recited an Experiment of Mr. Brother- ton's -, viz. A young Hazel n (Fig. 27.) was cut into the body at x z with a deep gafh ; the parts of the body below at z y and above at x> were cleft upwards and down- wards, and the fplinters x z by wedges were kept off from touching each other, or the reft of the body. The following year, the upper fplinter x was grown very much, but the lower fplinter x did not grow 5 but the reft of the body grew, as if there had been no gafh made: I have not yet fucceeded in making this Experiment, the wind having broken at x z all the trees I prepared for it : But if there was a Bud at x which fhot out leaves, and none at z, then, by Experi- ment 41, 'tis plain that thofe leaves might draw Vegetable Staticks. 149 draw much nourifhment thro'/ x, and there- by make it grow ; and I believe, if, vice verfa, there were a leaf-bearing Bud at z s and none at x, that then the iplinter z would grow more than x. The reafon of my conjecture I ground upon this Experiment, viz. I choie two thriving fhoots of a dwarf Pear- tree, 1 1 a a y Fig. 28, 29. At three quarters of an inch diftance I took half an inch breadth of bark off each of them, in feveral places, viz. 2,4,6,8, and at 10, 12, 14. Everyone of the remaining ringlets of bark had a leaf- bearing bud, which produced leaves the following fummer, except the ringlet 13, which had no fuch Bud. The ringlet 9 and 11 of a a grew and fwelled at their bottoms till Augufl, but the ringlet 13 did not increafe at all, and in Angujl the whole fhoot a a withered and died; but the (hoot / / lives and thrives well, each of its ringlets fwelling much at the bottom: Whch fwel- lings at their bottoms muft be attributed to fome other caufe than the ftoppage of the fap in its return downwards, becaufe in the (hoot //, its return downwards is in- tercepted three feveral times by cutting away the bark at 2, 4, 6. The larger and L 3 niore 1 5 o Vegetable Statich. more thriving the leaf-bearing Bud was, and the more leaves it had on it, fo much the more did the adjoining bark fwell at the bottom. Fig. 30. reprefents the profile of one of the diviiions in Fig. 28. fplit in halves; in which may be feen the manner of the growth of the lad: year's ringlet of wood mooting a little upwards at x x -, and (hoot- ing downwards and fwelling much more at z z; where we may obferve, that what is fhot end-w T ays is plainly parted from the wocd cf the preceding year, by the narrow interflices x r, z r ; whence it mould feem, that the growth of the yearly new ringlets of wood confifts in the mooting of their fibres lengthways under the bark. That the fap does not defcend between the bark and the wood, as the favourers of a circulation fuppofe, feems evident from hence 5 vfe. that if the bark be taken off for three or four inches breadth quite round, the bleeding of the tree above that bared place will much abate, which ought to have the contrary effect, by intercepting the courfe of the refluent fap, if the fap defcended by the bark. But Vegetable Staticks. x 5 1 But the reafon of the abatement of the bleeding in this cafe may well be account- ed for, from the manifefl proof we have in thefe Experiments, that the fap is flrong- ly attracted upwards by the vigorous ope- ration of the perfpiring leaves, and attract- ing Capillaries : But when the bark is cut off for fome breadth below the bleed in o- place, then the fap which is between the bark and the wood below that disbarked place, is deprived of the flrong attra&ing power of the leaves, &c. and confequently the bleeding wound cannot be fupplied fo fail with fap, as it was before the bark was taken off. Hence alfo we have a hint for a probable conjecture, why in the alternately disbarked flicks, 1 1 a a, Fig. 28 29. the bark fwclled more at the upper part of the disbarked places than at the lower; viz. becaufe thofe lower parts were thereby deprived of the plenty of nourimment which was brought to the upper parts of thofe disbarked places by the flrong attra&ion of the leaves on the Buds 7, &c. of which we have a further confirmation in the ringlet of bark, N°. 13, Fig. 29. which ringlet did not fwell or grow at either end, being not only deprived of L 4 the 152 Vegetable Static}.** the attraction of the fuperior leaves, by the bark placed N°. 12. but alfo without any leaf-bud of its own, whofe branching fip-- veffels, being like thofe of other leaf-buds rooted downwards in the wood, might thence draw fap, for the nourifhment of it- felf and the adjoining bark, N°. 13. But had thefe rooting fap veffels run upwards, inflead of downwards, 'tis probable, that in that cafe the upper part of each ringlet of bark, and not the lower, would have fwel- led, by having nourifhment thereby brought to it from the inmoft wood. We may hence alfo fee the reafon why, when a tree is unfruitful, it is brought to bear fruit, by the taking ringlets of bark off from its branches; viz. becaufe thereby a lefs quantity of fap arifing, it is better di- gefted and prepared for the nourifhment of the fruit ; which from the greater quantity of oil, that is ufually found in the feeds, and their containing veffels, than in other parts of plants, fhews that more fulphur and air is requifite for their production, than there is for the production of wood and leaves. But the moft confiderable objection againft this progreffive mo^on of the fap, without Vegetable Staticks. 155 without a circulation, arifes from hence, viz. that it is too precipitate a courfe, for a due digeftion of the Tap, in order to nu- trition : Whereas in animals nature has pro- vided, that many parts of the blood {hall run a long courfe, before they are either applied to nutrition, or difcharged from the animal. But when we confider, that the great work of nutrition, in vegitables as well as animals, ( I mean, after the nutriment is got into the veins and arteries of animals) is chiefly carried on in the fine capillary vef- fels, where nature feledts and combines, as /hall beft: fuic her different purpofes, tne fe- deral mutually attracting nutritious particles, which were hitherto kept disjoined by the motion of their fluid vehicle; we mall find that nature has made an abundant provifion for this work in the ftructure of vegetables \ all whofe compofition is made up of nothing elfe but innumerable fine capillary veflels, and glan- dulous portions or veficles. See VoLW.p. 265. Upon the whole, I think we have, from thefe experiments and obfervations, fuffici- ent ground to believe, that there is no cir- culation of the fap in vegetables; notwith- standing many ingenious perfons have been induced M4 Vegetable Statkks. induced to think there was, from feveral curious obfervations and experiments, which evidently prove, that the fap does in fome meafure recede from the top towards the lower parts of plants, whence they were with good probability of reafon induced to think that the fap circulated. The likelieft method effectually and con- vincingly to determine this difficulty, whe- ther the fap circulates or not, would be by ocular infpeclion, if that could be attained : And I fee no reafon we have to defpair of ir, fince by the great quantities imbibed and perfpired, we have good ground to think, that the progreffive motion of the fap is confiderable in the largeft fap-veffels of ther tranfparent ftems of leaves : And if our eyes, affifted with microfcopes, could come at this defirable fight, I make no doubt but that we (hould fee the fap which was progreffive in the heat of day, would on the com- ing on of the cool evening, and the falling dew, be retrograde in the fame veflels. CHAP, Vegetable Staticks. 155 CHAP. V. Experiments, whereby to prove, that a con- fiderable quantity of air is infpired by Plants. IT is well known that air is a fine ela- ftick fluid, with particles of very diffe- rent natures floating in it, whereby it is ad- mirably fitted by the great Author of na- ture, to be the breath of life of vegeta- bles, as well as of animals, without which they can no more live nor thrive, than ani- mals can. In the Experiments on Vines, Chap. III. we faw the very great quantity of air which was continually afcending from the Vines, thro' the fap in the tubes; which manifeftly {hews what plenty of it is taken in by vege- tables, and is perfpired off* with the fap thro* the leaves. Experiment XL VII. Sept. 9th, at 9 a. m. I cemented an Apple- branch b (Fig. 11.) to the glafs tube r i e z: I put no water in the tube, but fet the end of it in the ciftern of water x. Three hours \$6 Vegetable Staticks. hours after, I found the water fucked up in the tube many inches to z'; which fhews, that a confiderable quantity of air was im- bibed by the branch, out of the tube r i ez ; and in like manner did the Apricot-branch (Exper. 29.) daily imbibe air. Experiment XLVIII. I took a cylinder of Birch with the bark on, 16 inches long and | diameter, and ce- mented it faft at z (Fig. 32.) to the hole in the top of the air-pump receiver f />, fetting the lower end of it in the ciftern of water x \ the upper end of it at n was well clofed up with melted cement. I then drew the air out of the receiver, upon which innumerable air-bubbles iflued continually out of the flick into the wa- ter x. I kept the receiver exhaufled all that day, and the following night, and till the next day at noon, the air all the while if- fuing into the water x : I continued it thus long in this ftate, that I might be well af- fured, that the air muft pafs in through the bark, to fupply that great and long flux of air at x. I then cemented up five old eyes in the flick, between z and n> where little fhoots had formerly been, but were now perifhed - x Vegetable Stathks. ' 1 57 perifhed ; yet the air ftill continued to flow freely at x. It was obfervable in this, and many of the Experiments on flicks of other trees, that the air which could enter only thro' the bark between z and n, did not iflue in- to the water, at the bottom of the flick, only at or near the bark, but thro* the whole and inmoft fubflance of the wood ; and that chiefly, as I guefs, by the largenefs of the bafes of the hemifpheres of air thro* the largeft veflels of the wood ; which ob- fervation corroborates Dr. Grew's and Mal- pighi\ opinion, that they are air-veffels. I then cemented upon the receiver the cylindrical glafs y y y and filled it full of wa- ter, fo as to fland an inch above the top n of the flick. The air ftill continued to flow at x, but in an hours time it very much abated, and in two hours ceafed quite; there being now no paffage for frefh air to enter, and fupply what was drawn out of the flick. I then with a glafs crane drew off the water out of the cylinder^ y; yet the air did not iflue thro' the wood at x. I therefore took the receiver with the ftick in it, and held it near the fire, till the bark 158 Vegetable Staticks. bark was well dried j after which I fet it upon the air-pump, and exhaufted the air; upon which the air iflfued as freely at x, as it did before the bark had been wetted, and continued fo to do, tho' I kept the receiver exhaufted for many hours. I fixed in the fame manner as the pre- ceding Birch-ftick, three joints of a Vine- branch, which was two years old, the up- permoft knot r being within the receiver; when I pumped 5 the air pafled moft freely into the water x x. I cemented faft the upper end of the flick n, and then pumped; the air ftilliflued out at at, tho* I pumped very long 5 but there did not now pafs the twentieth part of the air which pafled when the end n was not cemented. I then inverted the flick, placing n fix inches deep in the water, and covered all the bark from the furface of the water to z the top of the receiver with cement j then pumping the air which entered at the top of the ftick, pafled thro' the immerfed part of the bark: When I ceafed pumping for fome time, and the air had ceafed iflliing out; upon my repeating the pumping it would again iflue out. I found a the young (hoots of the Vine, Apple-tree, and Honey/tickle, both ere&ed and inverted j but found little or no air came either from branches or leaves, except what air lay in the furrows, and the innumerable little pores of the leaves, which are plainly vifible with the microfcope. I tried alfo the fingle leaf of a Vine, both by immerling the leaf in the water x, and let- ting the ftalk ftand out of the receiver, as alfo by placing the leaf out of the receiver, and the ftalk in the glafs of water*; but little or no air came either way. I obferve in all thefe Experiments, that the air enters very flowly at the back of young fhoots and branches, but much more freely thro' old bark : And in different kinds of trees it has very different degrees of more or lefs free entrance. I repeated the fame Experiment upon fe- veral roots of trees : The air pafled moft freely from n to x ; and when the glafs- vef- fel^ was full of water, and there was no water in x, the water pafled at the rate of 3 ounces in 5 minutes 5 when the upper end n was cemented up, and no water in^, fome air, tho' not in great plenty, would enter the bark at zf> arid pafs thro' the wa- ter at x. And Vegetable Statkks. \6i And that there is fome air both in an elaftick and unelailick ftate, mix'd with the earth, (which may well enter the roots with the nourifhment) I found by putting into the inverted glafs z z a a full of water (Fig. 35.) lbme earth dug up in an alley in the garden, which, after it had flood foaking for feveral days, yielded a little elaftick air, tho' the earth was not half difiblved. And in Experiment 68. we find that a cubick inch of earth yielded 43 cubick inches of air by diftillation, a good part of which was roufed by the aclion of the fire from a fixed to an elaftick ftate. I fixed alfo in the fame manner young tender fibrous roots, with the fmall end up- wards at 77, and the veflel y y full of w r ater -> then upon pumping large drops of water fol- lowed each other fan;, and fell into theciftern x } which had no water in it, See Vol. II, p. 267. M CHAP, 1 6 1 JnaJyJis of the dk. CHAP. VI A Specimen of an attempt to analyfe the Air by a great variety of chymio-ftatical Ex- periments, which Jhew in how great a proportion Air is wrought into the com- poftion of animal, vegetable, and mineral Sub fiances, and withal how readily it re- fumes its former elafick fate, when in the difjolution of thofe Subfances it is dij engaged from them. HAving in the preceding chapter pro- duced many Experiments, to prove that the Air is freely infpired by vegetables, not only at their roots, but alfo thro' feveral parts of their trunks and branches, which Air was moil vifibly feen afcending in great plenty thro' the fap of the Vine, in tubes which were affixed to them in the bleeding feafon -, this put me upon making a more particular inquiry into the nature of a fluid, which is fo abfolutely neceffary for the fup- port of the life and growth of Animals and Vegetables. The excellent Mr. Boyle made many Ex- periments on the Air, and among other dis- coveries, Analyfis of the Ah. \6^ coveries, found that a good quantity of Air was producible from Vegetables, by putting Grapes, Plums, Gooseberries, Cherries, Peas, and feveral other forts of fruits and grains into exhaufted and un exhaufted receivers, where they continued for feveral days emit- ting great quantities of Air. Being defirous to make fome further re- iearches into this matter, and to find what proportion of this Air I could obtain out of the different (ubftances in which it was lodged and incorporated, I made the fol- lowing chymio-ftatical Experiments : For, as whatever advance has here been made in the knowledge of the nature of Vegetables, has been owing to ftatical Experiments, fo, lince nature, in all her operations, acts con- formably to thofe mechanick laws, which were eftablifhed at her firft institution 5 it is therefore reafonable to conclude, that the likelieft way to inquire, by chymical ope- rations, into the nature cf a fluid, too fine to be the object of our fight, muft be by rinding out fome means to eftimate what influence the ufual methods of analyfing the animal, vegetable, and mineral king- doms, has on that fubtle fluid ; and this I eftecTted by affixing to retorts and boltheads M 2 hydro- 1 64 Analyfis of the Air. hydroftatical gages, in the following man- ner, viz. In order to make an eftimate of the quan- tity of Air which arofe from any body by diftillation or fufion, I firfl put the matter which I intended to diftil into the fmall retort r (Fig. 33.) ; and then at a cemented faft to it the glafs veffel a b, which was very capacious at b y with a hole in the bottom. I bound bladder over the cement which was made of tobacco-pipe clay and bean flour, well mixed with fome hair, tying over all four fmall flicks, which ferved as fplinters to ftrengthen the joint 5 fometimes, inftead of the glafs veffel a b, I made ufe of a large bokhead, which had a round hole cut, with a red hot iron ring at the bottom of it; through which hole was put one leg of an inverted fyphon, which reached up as far as z. Matters being thus prepared, holding the retort uppermoft, I immerfed the bolt- head into a large veffel of water, to a the top of the bolthead ; as the water rufhed in at the bottom of the bolthead, the Air was driven out through the fyphon: When the bolthead was full of water to z, then I clofed the outward orifice of the fyphon with the end of my finger, and at the fame time drew the Analyjis of the An. \ 6 5 the other leg of it out of the bolthead ; by which means the water continued up to z, and could not fubfide. Then I placed under che bolthead, while it was in the water, the veffel xx 5 which done, I lifted the veffel x x, with the bolthead in it, out of the water, and tied a waxed thread at z to mark the height of the water : And then approached the retort gradually to the fire, taking care to fcreen the whole bolthead from the heat of the fire. The defcent of the water in the bolthead fhewed the fums of the expanfion of the Air in the retort, and of the matter which was diftilling : The expanfion of the Air alone, when the lower part of the retort was beginning to be red hot, was, at a medium, nearly equal to the capacity of the retorts, fo that it then took up a double fpace ; and in a white and almoft melting heat, the Air took up a triple fpace, or fomething more : for which reafon the leaft retorts are beft for thefe Experiments. The expanfion of the diftilling bodies was fometimes very little, and fometime many times greater than that of the Air in the retort, according to their different natures. M * When 1 66 Analyjis of the -Air. When the matter was fufficiently diftilled, the retort, &c. was gradually removed from the fire; and when cool enough, was carried into another room, where there was no fire. When all was throughly cold, either the following day, or fometimes three or four days after, I marked the farface of the water y, where it then flood : if the furface of the water was below z, then the empty fpace between y and z (hewed how much Air was generated, or raifed from a fix'd to an ela- ftick (late, bv the action of the fire in diftil- lation : But if y 9 the furface of the water, was above #, the fpace between z and y, which was filled with water, fhewed the quantity of Air which had been abforbed id the operation, i. e. was changed from a re- pelling elaftick to a fix'd ftate, by the ftrong attraction of other particles, which I there- fore call abforbing. When I would the quantity of this new generated air, I feparated the bolt- head from the retort -, and putting a cork into the fmall end of the bolthead, I inverted it, and poured in water to z. Then from another veffel (in which I had a known quantity of water by weight) I poured in yyater to y$ fo the quantity of water which was Analyfis of the Air. 1 67 was wanting, upon weighing this vefiel again, was equal to the bulk of the new generjred Air. I chofe to meafure the quantities of Air, and the matter from whence it arofe, by one common meafure of cubick inches, eftimated from the fpecifick gravities of the feveral fubftances, that thereby the propor- tion of one to the other might the more readily be {ten. I made ufe of the following means to meafure the great quantities of Air, which were either raifed and generated, or ab- forbed by the fermentation arifing from the mixture of variety of folid and fluid fub- flances, whereby I could eafily eftimate the furprizing efTecls of fermentation on the Air; viz. I put into the bolthead b (Fig. 34.) the ingredients, and then run the long neck of the bolthead into the deep cylindrical glafs ay, and inclined the inverted glafs a y, and bolthead, almoft horizontally in a large vef- felj of water, that the water might run into the glafs ay; when it was almoft up to a the top of the bolthead, I then immerfed the bottom of the bolthead, and lower part y or the cylindrical glafs under water, rail- ing at the fame time the end a uppermoft. M 4 Then, 1 6 8 Analyfn of the Ah. Then, before I took them out of the water, I kt the bolthead and lower part of the cylin- drical glafs a y into the earthen veffel x x, full of water ; and having lifted all out of the great veffel of water, I marked the fur- face z of the water in the glafs ay. If the ingredients in the bolthead, upon fermenting, generated Air, then the water would fall from z toy, and the empty fpace zy was equal to the bulk of the quantity of Air generated : But if the ingredients, upon fermentation, did abforb or fix the active particles of Air, then the furface of the water would afcend from z to n> and the fpace z n, which was filled with water, was equal to the bulk of Air, which was abforbed by the ingredients, or by the fume arifing from them: When the quantities of Air, either generated or abforbed, were very great, then I made nfe of large chymical re- ceivers inftead of the glafs a y: But if thefe quantities were very fmall, then, inftead of the bolthead, and deep cylindrical glafs a y x I made ufe of a fmall cylindrical glafs, or a common beer glafs inverted, and placed under it a phial or jelly-glafs, taking care that the water did not come at the ingredients ]n them;,, which was eafily prevented by drawing Jnalyfis of the Air. 1 6 9 drawing the water up under the inverted glafs to what height I pleafed by means of a fyphon : I meafured the bulk of the fpaces z y or z ;;, by pouring in a known quan^ tity of water, as in the foregoing Experi- ment, and making an allowance for the bulk of the neck of the bolthead within the (pace z y. When I would take an eftimate of the quantity of Air abforbed and fixed, or ge- nerated by a burning candle, burning brini- flone or nitre, or by the breath of a living animal, &c. I firft placed a high ftand, or pedeftal in the veffcl full of water x x (Fig. 35.); which pedeftal reached a little higher than z z. On this pedeftal I placed the candle, or living animal, and then whelmed over it the large inverted glafs z z a a y which was fufpended by a cord, fo as to have its mouth r r three or four inches under water 5 then with a fyphon I fucked the Air out of the glafs veffel, till the water rofe to z z. But when any noxious thing, as burning brimftone, aquafortis, or the like, were placed under the glafs ; then by affixing to the fyphon the nofe of a large pair of bellows, whofe wide fucking orifice s clofed up, as the bellows were inlarged, they 170 dnalyjis of the Air. they drew the Air briskly out of the glafs z z a a thro' the fyphon ; the other leg of which fyphon I immediately drew from under the glafs veflel, marking the height of the water z z. When the materials on the pedeftal ge- nerated Air, then the water would fubfide from z z to a a, which fpace z z a a was equal to the quantity of Air generated : But when the materials deftroyed any part of the Air's elafticity, then the water would rife from a a (the height that I in that cafe at firft fucked it to) \.ozz y and the fpace a a z z was equal to the quantity of air, whofe elafti- city was deftroyed. Ifometimes fired the materials on the pe- deflal by means of a burning glafs, viz. fuch as phofphorus and brown paper dipped in water, ftrongly impregnated with nitre, and then dried. Sometimes I lighted the candle, or large matches of brimftone, before I whelmed the glafs z z a a over them ; in which cafe I inftantly drew up the water to a a y which by the expanfion of the heated Air would at firft fubfide a little, but then immediately turned to a rifing ftate ; notwithftanding the flame continued to heat and rarefy the Air for Analyjis of the Air. 1 7 1 for two or three minutes : As foon as the flame was out, I marked the height of the water z z ; after which the water would for twenty or thirty hours continue rifing a great deal above z z. Sometimes, when I would pour violently fermenting liquors, as aquafortis, &c. on any materials, I fufpended the aquafortis in a phial at the top of the glafs veffel z z a a, in fuch manner, that by means of a firing, which came down into the veffel x x y I could by inverting the phial pour the aquafortis on the materials, which were in a veffel on the pedeftai. I mall now proceed to give an account of the event of a great many Experiments, which I made by means of thefe inftruments, which I have here at firft defcribed, to avoid the fre- quent repetition of a defcription of 'em. It is confonant to the right method of phi- lofophifing, firft, to analyie the fubjecl, whofe nature and properties we intend to make any refearches into, by a regular and numerous feries of Experiments : And then, by laying the event of thofe Experiments be- fore us in one view, thereby to fee what J.ight their united and concurring evidence will 1 7 i JinaJyJis of the. Air. will give us. How rational this method is, the fequel of thefe Experiments will (hew. The illuftrious Sir Ifaac Newton (query 31ft of his Opticks) obferves, That " true << permanent Air arifes by fermentation or « c heat, from thofe bodies which the chy- " mifts call fixed, whofe particles adhere by " a ftrong attraction, and are not therefore u feparated and rarefied without fermenta- the Air took up no more room than before it was heated : whence I was afliired, that no Air arofe, either from the fubftance of the re- torts, or from the heated air. As to animal fubjlances, a very confiderable quantity of permanent Air was produced by diftillation, not only from the blood and fat, but alio from the moft folid parts of animals. Experiment XLIX. A cubick inch of Hogs blood, diftilled to dry fcoria, produced 33 cubick inches of Air, which Air did noc arife till the white fumes arofe ; which was plain to be ktn by the great defcent of the water at that time, in the receiver azy (Fig. 33.) Experiment L. Lefs than a cubick inch of 'Tallow, being all diftilled over into the receiver az y % (Fig, 33O produced 18 cubick inches of Air. Experiment LI. 241 Grains, or half a cubick inch of the tip of a fallow Deer's born, being diftilled in the 1 7 4 Analyjis of the Air. the iron retort, made of a musket barrel, which was heated at a fmith's forge, pro- duced nj cubick inches, that is, 234 times its bulk of Air, which did not begin to rife till the white fumes arofe -, but then ruihed forth in great abundance, and in good plenty, alfo with the fetid oil which came laft. The remaining calx was two thirds black, the reft afh-coloured; it weighed 128 grains, fo it was not half wafted, whence there muft re- main much fulphur in it ; the weight of water to Air being nearly as 885 to one, as Mr. Hawksbee found it, by an accurate Experi- ment. A cubick inch of Air will weigh j of a grain* whence the weight of air in the horn was 33 grains, that is, near \ part of the whole horn. We may obferve in this, as alfo in the pre- ceding Experiment, and many of the follow- ing one?, that the particles of new Air were detached from the blood and horn, at the fame time with the white fumes, which con- ftitute the volatile fait: But this volatile fait, which mounts with great activity in the Air, is fo far from generating true elaftick Air, that on the contrary it abforbs it, as I found by the following Experiment. Expe- Analyjis of the Air. 1 7 j Experiment LIL A dram of volatile fait of fal armoniack foon diftilled over with a gentle heat; but tho* the expanlion in the receiver was double that of heated Air alone, yet no Air was ge- nerated, but two and an half cubick inches were abforbed. Experiment LIII. Half a cubick inch of OyJler-fiell y or 266 grains, diftilled in the iron retort, generated 162 cubick inches, or 46 grains, which is a litcle more than £ part of the weight of the ihell. Experiment LIV. Two grains of Phofphorus eafily melted at fome diftance from the fire, flamed and filled the retort with white fumes ; it ab- forbed three cubick inches of Air. A like quantity of Phofphorus, fired in a large re- ceiver, (Fig. 35.) expanded into a fpace equal to fixty cubick inches, and abforbed 28 cu- bick inches of Air: When three grains of Phofphorus were weighed, foon after it was burnt, it had loft half a grain of its weight; but when two grains of Phofphorus were weighed, \?6 Analyjis of the. Air. weighed, fome hours after it was burnt, hav- ing run more per deliquium by abforbing the moiflure of the Air, it had increafed a grain in weight. Experiment LV. As to vegetable fubfta?jces y from half a cubick inch, or 135 grains of heart of Oak, frelh cut from the growing tree, were gene- rated 108 cubick inches of Air, i. e. a quan- tity equal to 216 times the bulk of the piece of Oak , its weight was above thirty grains, -"- part of* the weight of 135 grains of Oak. I took a like quantity of thin (havings from the fame piece of Oak, and dried them gently at fome diftance from a fire for twenty-four hours, in which time 44 grains weight of moiffure had evaporated ; which being de- dueled from the 135 grains, there remain 91 grains for the folid part of the Oak : Then the 30 grains of Air will be i. of the weight of the folid part of the Oak. Eleven days after this Air was made, I put a live Sparrow into it, which died inftantly. Experiment LVI. From 388 grains weight of Indian Wheat, which grew in my garden, but was not come Analyjis of the Air. 177 come to full maturity, were generated 270 cubicle inches of air, the weight of which air was yj grains, viz. ". of the weight of the Wheat. Experiment LVII. From a cubick inch, or 318 grains of Peas, were generated 396 cubick inches of air, or 113 grains, /. e. fomething more than ' of the weight of the Peas. Nine days after this air was made, I lifted the inverted mouth of the receiver which contained it, out of the water, and put a lighted candle under it, upon which it inftantly flafhed: Then I immediately im- merfed the mouth of the receiver in the wa- ter, to extinguifh the flame : This I repeated 8 or 10 times, and it as often flafhed, after which it ceafed, all the fulphureous fpirit be- ing burnt. It was the fame with air of di- ftilled Oyfler-ihell and Amber, and with new diftilled air of Peas and Bees-wax. I found it the fame alfo with another like quantity of air of Peas; notwithflanding I wafhed that air no lefs than eleven times, by pour- ing it fo often under water, upwards, out of the containing vefTel, into another in- verted receiver full of water, N Expe- 1 7 8 Ana lyfis of the Air. Experiment LV1II. There were raifed from an ounce, or 437 grains of Muftard-feed, 270 cubicle inches of air, or yj grains; which is fomething more than £ part of the ounce weight. There was doubtlefs much more air in the feed ; but it rofe in an unelaftick ftate, be- ing not difentangled from the Oil, which was in fuch plenty within the gun-barrel, that when I heated the whole barrel red hot, in order to burn it our, it flamed vigoroufly out at the mouth of the barrel. Oil alfo adhered to the infide of the barrel, in the diftillation of many of the other animal, vegetable, and mineral fubftances ; fo that the elaftick air which I meafured in the re- ceiver, was not all the air contained in the feveral diftill'd fubftances; fome remaining in the Oil, for* there is unelaftick air in Oil, part being alfo reforbed by the fulphureous fumes in the receiver. Experiment LIX. From half a cubick inch of Amber, or 135 grains, were raifed 135 cubick inches of air, or 38 grains, viz. jjj part of its weight. E x p e- Analyfis of the Air. \ 7 9 Experiment LX. From 142 grains of dry Tobacco were raifed 153 cubick inches of air, which is little lei's than ■§■ of the whole weight of the To- bacco -, yet it was not all burnt, part being out of the reach of the lire. Experiment LXI. Camphire is a moil volatile fulphureous fubftance fublimed from the Rofin of a tree in the Eaft-Indies. A dram of it melted into a clear liquor, at fome diltance from the fire, and fublimed in the form of white cryftals, a little above the liquor, it made a very fmall expanfion, and neither gene- rated nor abforbed air. The fame Mr. Boyle found, when he burnt it in vacuo, Vol. II. f. 605. Experiment LXII. From about a cubick inch of chymlcal Oil of Ani feed, I obtained 22 cubick inches of air 5 and from a like quantity of Oil of Olives, 88 cubick inches of air. Finding that the Oil of Aniieed came plentifully over into the receiver, in the diftilla:icn of N 2 the 1 8o Analyjis of the Air. the Oil of Olives, I raifed the neck of the retort a foot higher ; by which means the Oil could not fo eafily afcend, but fell back again into the hotteft part of the retort; whereby, as well as on account of the lefs volatile nature of this Oil, more air was feparated ; yet in this cafe good ftore of Oil came over into the receiver ; in which there was doubtlefs plenty of unelaftick air : Whence, by comparing this with Ex- periment 58, we fee that air is in greater plenty feparated from the Oil, when in the Muflard-feed, than it is from exprelTed or chymical Oil. Experiment LXIII. From a cubick inch, or 359 grains of Ho- ?iey, mixed with calx of bones, there arofe 144 cubick inches of air, or 41 grains, viz: a little more than ~ part of the weight of the whole. Experiment LXIV. From a cubick inch of yellow Bees-wax, or 243 grains, there arofe 54 cubick inches of air, or 15 grains; the j% part of the whole. Expe- Analyjis of the Ah. 181 Experiment LXV. From 373 grains, or a cubick inch of the coarfeft Sugar, which is the eflential fait of the fugar-cane, there arofe 126 cu- bick inches of air, equal to 36 grains, a lit- tle more than ~ part of the whole. Experiment LX VI. I found very little air in 54 cubick inches of Brandy, but in a like quantity of Well- water I found one cubick inch. And it was the fame in a little quantity of Brijlol hot well water, and of Holt water. In Piermont water there is near twice as much air, as in Rain or common water, which air contributes to the brisknefs of that and many other mineral waters. I found thefe feveral quantities of air, in thefe waters, by inverting the nofes of bottles full of thefe feveral liquors, into fmall glafs cif- terns full of the fame liquor; and then fetting them all together in a boiler, where having an equal heat, the air was thereby feparated, and afcended to the upper parts of the bottles. See Vol. II. p. 269, 272. N 3 Expe- 1 8 1 Analyjis of the i Ah. Experiment LXVII. By the farne means alfo, I found plenty of air might be obtained from minerals. Half a cubick inch, or 158 grains of New- caftle coah yielded in diflillation 180 cu- bicle inches of air, which arofe very fa ft from the coal, especially when the yel- lowiih fumes afcended. The weight of this air is 51 grains, which is nearly -§■ of the weight of the coals. Experiment LXVIII. A cubick inch of frefh dug untried Earth eff the common, being well burnt in diflil- lation, produced 43 cubick inches of air. From Chalk alfo I obtained air in the fame manner. Experiment LXIX. From a quarter of a cubick inch of An- timony> I obtained 28 times its bulk of air. It was diftilled in a glafs retort, becaufe it will demetalize iron. Experiment LXX. I procured a hard, dark, grey Pyrites, a "jitriolick miner aljubftance, which was found 7 feet Analyfis of the Air. 1 8 3 7 feet under ground, in digging for fprings on Walton-He at l\ for the fervice of the Right Honourable the Earl of Lincoln , at his beautiful Seat at Oatlands in Surrey, This mineral abounds not only with fulphur, which has been drawn from it in good plen- ty, but alfo with faline particles, which {hoot vilibly on its furface. A cubick inch of this ?nineral yielded in diftillation 83 cubick inches of air. Experiment LXXI. Half a cubick inch of well decrepitated Sea-falt) mix'd with double its quantity of calx of bones, generated 32 times its bulk of air: It had fo great a heat given it, that all being diftilled over, the remaining fco- ria did not run per detiqutuM. I cleared the gun-barrel of thefe and the like fco- ria, by laying the end of the retort on an anvil, and ftriking long on the outfide with a hammer. Experiment LXXII. From 2 1 1 grains, or half a cubick inch of Nitre, mixed with calx of bones, there arofe 90 cubick inches of air, i. e. a quanti- ty equal to 180 times its bulk ; fo the weight N4 of 184 dnalyjis of the Jtr. of air in any quantity of Vitre is about f part. Vitriol diftilled in the fame manner yields air too. Experiment LXXIII. From a cubick inch, or 443 grains of Renijh Tartar, there arofe very fan: 504 cu- bick inches of air; fo the weight of the air in this Tartar was 144 grains, i. e. -J part of the weight of the whole: The remaining fcoria, which was very little, run per deli- quiuniy an argument that there remained ibme Sal Tartar , and confequently more air. For, Experiment LXXIV. Half a cubick inch, or 304 grains of Sal Tartar , made with nitre and tartar, and mixed with a double quantity of calx of bones, yielded in diftillation 112 cubick inches of air ; that is, 224 times its bulk of air; which 112 cubick inches weighing 32 grains, is nearly -J part of the weight of the Sal Tartar. There is a more intenfe de- gree of heat required to raife the air from Sal Tartar than from nitre. Hence we fee, that the proportion of air in equal bulks of Sal Tartar and nitre is as Analyjis of the Air. 185 as 224 to 180. But weight for weight, nitre contains a little more air in it, than this Sal Tartar made with nitre. But Sal Tartar made without nitre, has probably a little more air in • than this had, becaufe it is found to make a greater explofion in the Pulvis Fulminant than the nhra'ed Sal Tartar. But fuppofing, as is found by this Experiment, that Sal Tartar^ according to its fpecifick gravity, contains 7 part more in it than nitre ; yet this excefs of air is not fufficient to account for the vaftly greater explofion of Sal Tartar than of nitre ; which feems principally to arife from the more fix'd nature of Sal Tartar \ which therefore requires a more intenfe degree of fire, to feparate the air from the ftrongly adhering particles, than is found requifite to raife the air from nitre. Whence the air of Sal Tar- tar muft neceflarily thereby acquire a greater elaftick force, and make a more violent ex- plofion, than that of nitre. And from the fame reafon it is, that Aurum Fulminam gives a louder explofion than Pulvis Ful- minam. The fcoria of this operation did not run per detiquiutn, 2l proof that all the Sal Tartar was diftillcd over. See Vol II. p. 2S2. From 1 86 Analyjis of the Jir. From the little quantity of air which is obtained by the diftillation of that very fixt body fea-falt, in Experiment 71. in compa- rifon of what arifes from nitre and Sal Tar- tar, we fee the reafon why it will not go off with an explofive force, likethofe when fired. And at the fame time we may hence obferve, that the air included in nitre and Sal Tartar, bears a confiderable part in their cxplofion. For fea-falt contains an acid fpirit as well as nitre - y and yet that without a greater proportion of air does not qualify k for explofion, thro' mixed like nitre in the eompoiition of gun-powder, with fulphur and charcoal. Mr. Boyle found, that Aqua-f or tts, poured on a ftrong folution of fait of tartar, did not fhoot into fair cryflals of falt-petre, till it had been long expofed to the open air ; whence he fufpedted, that the air contribu- ted to that artificial production of falt-petre. And fays, " Whatever the air hath to do in tc this Experiment, we have known fuch tl changes made in fome faline concretes I placed over the open end of the fyphon the inverted chymical receiver a b> which was full of water j fo that, as the air which was raifed in diftillation, pafled thro' the water up to the top of the receiver a b, a good part of the acid fpirit and fulphureous fumes were by this means intercepted and retain- ed in the water 5 the confequence of which was, that the new generated air continued in a more permanently elaftick ftate, very little of it lofing its elafticity, viz. not above a 15th or 18th part, and that chiefly the firft 24 hours; after which the remain- der continued in a conftantly elaftick ftate ; excepting the airs of tartar and cakullus hu- mmts, which- in 6 or 8* days loft conftantly above 190 Analyjis of the Air. above one third of their elafticity 5 after; which the remainder was permanently ela- ftical. In which ftate it has continued, without any fenfible alteration, for thefe fix years, that I have kept fome of the air of calculus humanus by me. That the great quantities of air, which are thus obtained from thefe feveral fubftances by diftiilation, are true air, and not a mere flatulent vapour, I was allured by the fol- lowing Trials; viz* I filled a large receiver, which contained 540 cubick inches, with air of tartar; and when it was cool, Ifufpended the receiver on the end of a balance while its mouth was inverted in water. Then, upon lifting the mouth of the receiver out of water, I immediately covered it by tying a piece of bladder over it. When I had found the ex- acT: weight, 1 blew out all the air of tartar ,with a pair of bellows which had a long ad- ditional nofe that reached to the bottom of the receiver. And then tying the bladder on, I weighed it again, but could find no difference in the fpecifick gravity of the two airs ; and it was the fame with an air of tartar, which was 10 days old. As to the other property of the air, elafti- city, I found it exaclly the fame in the ait of 5 Avalyfis of the AW. 191 of tartar, which was 15 days old, and com- mon air, by filling two equal tubes with thefe different airs, the tubes were 10 inches long, and fealed at one end ; I placed them at the fame time in a cylindrical glafs con- denfing receiver, where I compreffed them with two additional atmofpheres, taking care to fecure myfelf from danger in cafe the glafs mould burft, by placing it in a deep wooden veffel ; the water rofe to equal heights in both tubes. This receiver was gently annealed, and thereby toughened, by being boiled in Urine, where it lay till all was cold. I put alfo into the fame tubes fome new- made air of tartar, both the tubes /landing in cifterns of water ; the air of one of thefe tubes I compreffed in the condenfing en- gine for fome days, to try whether in that, compreffed ftate, more of the air's elafticity would be deftroyed by the abforbing vapours, than in an uncompreffed ftate ; but I did not perceive any fenfible difference. Lemery\ in his courfe of chymiftry, p. 592. obtained, in the diftillation of 48 ounces of Tartar, 4 ounces of phlegm, 8 of fpirits, 3 of oil, and 32 of fcoria, i. e. two thirds ct the whole $ fo one ounce was loft in the operation. I n \ pi Analyjis of the Air. In my diftillation of 443- grains of Tar- tar in Exper. 73. there remained but 42 grains of fcoria, which is little more than ^ of the Tartar-, and in this remainder, there was, by Exper. 74. air; for there was Sal Tartar y it running /w deliquiunu Whence, by comparing Lemerys and my diftillation together, we fhall find, that there remained in this 32 ounces of fcoria, and in the ounce that was loft, ( which was doubtlefs moft of it air) fubftance enough to account for the great quantity of air, which in Exper. 73. was raifed from Tartar -, efpe- cially, if we take into the account the pro- portion of air, which was contained in the oil, which was tV part of the whole Tar- tar, for there is much air in oil. The bodies which I diftilled in this man- ner, ( Fig. 38. ) were Horn, Calculus huma?2us> Oyfter-fhell, Oak, Muftard-feed, Indian- wheat, Peas, Tobacco, oil of Anifeed, oil of Olives, Honey, Wax, Sugar, Amber, Coal, Earth, Walton Mineral, Sea-falt, Salt-petre, Tartar, Sal Tartar, Lead, Minium. The greateft part of the air obtained from all which bodies was very permanent, except what the air of Tartar and calculus humanus loft in ftanding feveral days. Particularly chat from Analyfis of the AW. 193 from nitre loft little of its elafticity, where- as moft of the air obtained from nitre, in diftilling with the receiver (Fig. 33.) was reforbed in a few days, as was alfo the air which was generated from detonized nitre in Experiment 102. Hence alfo we fee the reafon why 19 parts in 20, of the air which was generated by the firing of 'Gunpowder> was in 18 days reforbed by the fulphureous fumes of the Gunpowder ; as Mr. Hawksbee obferved, in his phyfico-mechanical Experi- ments, page 83. In the diftillation of Horn, it was obferv- able, that when towards the end of the ope- ration the thick fetid oil arofe, it formed very large bubbles, with tough unctuous skins, which continued in that ftate fome time ; and when they broke, there arofe out of them volumes of fmoak, as out of a chimney, and it was the fame in the di- ftillation of Muftard-feed. An Account of some Experiments mace on Stones taken ou iof human Urine, and Gall-bladders. H Aving procured, by the fivour cf Mr. Ranb\\ Surgeon to His Majeflys O Houf/old, 1 94 Analyfis of the Air. Houjhold, forne calculi humani, I made the following Experiments with them, which I fhall here infert, viz. I diftilled a calculus in the iron retort (Fig. 38.) 5 it weighed 230 grains, it was fomething lefs in bulk than | of a cubicle inch : There arofe from it very briskly, in diftillation, 5i6cub:ck inches of elaftick air, that is, a bulk equal to 645 times the bulk of the ftone ; fo that above half the ftone was raifed by the action of the fire into ela- ftick air y which is a much greater propor- tion of air than I have ever obtained by fire from any other fubftances, whether ani- mal, vegetable or mineral. The remaining calx weighed 49 grains, that is, ^rH part of the calculus -, which is nearly the fame proportion of calx, that the worthy Dr. Slan found remaining, afcer the diftilling and cal- cining two ounces of calculus', " one ouna " and three drams of which (he fays) eva- " porated in the open fire, (a material cir- to fave it from break- ing by the fwelling of the Peas. The pot being filled with Peas and water, I put a lea- thern collar between the mouth and lid of the pot, which were both ground even, and then .preffed the Hd hard down in a Cyder-preis: The third day I opened the pot, and found all the water imbibed by the Peas ; the Honey was forced up the glafs-tube by the Mercury to z y (for fo far the glafs was dawbed) by which means I found the preffure had been equal to two atmofpheres and ' ; and the dia- meter of the pot being two -f-| inches, its area was fix fquare inches, whence the dilate- ing force of the air againft the lid of the pot was equal to 200 pounds. And that the expanfive force of new gene- rated air is vaflly fuperior to the power with which it adted on the Mercury in thefe twe Experiments, is plain from the force wit! which fermenting Mud will burft the ftrongef veflels ; and from the vaft explofive force witl which the air generated from nitre in th firing of gun-powder, w ill bur ft afunder th ftronge AnalyfnoftheAk. tll ftrongeft bombs or cannon, and whirl fortifi- cations in the air. This fort of mercurial gage, made ufe of in Experiment 89, with fomeunduous mat- ter, as Treacle, or the like tinged liquor on the Mercury in the tube, to note how high it riles there, might probably be of fer- vice, in finding out unfathomable depths of the fea, viz by fixing this fea-gage to fome buoyant body, which mould be funk by a we.ght fix'd to it, which weight might by an eafy contrivance be detached from the buoyant body, as foon as it touched the bot- tom of the fea , fo that the buoyant body and gage would immediately afcend to the furface of the water. The buoyant body ought to be pretty larg,, and much lighter than the water, that by its greater eminence above the water it might the better be feen : for 'tis probable that from great depths it may rife at a confutable diflance from the mip tho- rn a calm. r ' For greater accuracy it will be needful, m, to try this fea-gage, at feveral differen depths down to the greatefi depth that a >ne will reach, thereby to difcover, whe ! Act or how much the fpring of the air is difturbcd or condenfej, not only by the great P 2 prefiure 2 1 2 Analyfis of the Ah. preflure of the incumbent water, but alfo by its coldnefs at great depths; and in what pro- portion, at different known depths, and in different lengths of time, that an allowance may accordingly be made for it at unfatho- mable depths. See Vol II. p. 332. This gage will alfo readily (hew the de- grees of compreffion in the condcnfing en- gine. But to return to the fubjetf: of the two laft Experiments, which prove the elafticity of this new generated air; which elafticity is fuppofed to confift in the adive aerial par- ticles, repelling each other with a force, which is reciprocally proportional to their diftances: That illuftrious Philoibpher, Sir Jjaac Newton, in accounting how air and vapour is produced, Opticks %uer. 31. fays, " The particles, when they are fhaken off " from bodies by heat or fermentation, fo " foon as they are beyond the reach of the m attraction of the body receding from it, « as alfo from one another, with great ftrength « and keeping at a diftance, fo as fometimes JJ to take up above a million of times more " fpace than they did before in the form of M a denfe body ; which vaft contraction and f expanfion feems unintelligible, by feign- « ing AnaJyJis of the Air. 1 1 j v - ing the particles of air to be fpringy and ki ramous, or rolled up like hoops, or by any " other means than by a repulfive power." The truth of which is further confirmed by thefe Experiments, which mew rhe great quantity of air emitted from fermenting bo- dies ; which not only proves the great force with which the parts of thofe bodies muft be diftended ; but (hews alio how very much the particles of air muft be coiled up in that ftate, if they are, as has been fuppofed, fpringy and ramous. To inftance in the cafe of the pounded Apples, which generated above 48 times their bulk of air ; this air, when in the Apples, muft be comprefled into lefs than a forty-eighth part of the fpace it takes up when freed from them, and it will confe- quently be forty-eight times more denfe - y and fince the force of comprefled air is pro- portional to its denfity, that force which comprefles and confines this air in the Ap- ples, muft be equal to the weight of forty- eight of our atmofpheres, when the Mer- cury in the Barometer ftands at fair, that is, 30 inches high. P 3 Now 1 1 4 Analyjis of the Air . Now a cubick inch of Mercury weighing 3580 grains, thirty cubick inches (which is equal to the weight of our atmofphere on an area of a cubick inch) will weigh fifteen pounds, five ounces, 215 grains 3 and forty- eight of them will weigh above 836 pounds; which is therefore equal to the force with which an inch fquare of the furface of the Apple would comprefs the air, fuppofing there were no other fubflance but air in the Apple : And if we take the furface of an Apple at iixteen fquare inches, then the whole force with;\vjhich that furface would comprefs the included air, would be 13383 pounds. And fince action and reaction are equal, this would be the force, with which the air in the Apple would endea- vour to expand itfelf, if it were there in an elaftick and ftrongly compreffed ftate : But fo great an expanfivc force in an Apple would certainly rend the fubflance of it with a ftrong explolion, efpecially when that force was increafed by the vigorous influence of the Sun's warmth. We may make a like eftimate alfo, from the great quantities of air which arofe either by fermentation, or the force of fire from ieveral orher bodies* Thus in Exp. 55. there arofe udnahjis of the Air. i \ 5 arofe from a piece of heart of Oak, 216 times ics bulk of air. Now 216 cubick inches of air, comprerTed into the fpace of one cubick inch, would, if it continued there in an elaftick ftate, prefs againft one fide of the cubick inch with an expanfive force equal to 3 ^93 pounds weight, fuppofing there were no other fubftance but air contained in it j and it would prefs againft the fix fides ot the cube, with a force equal to 20350 pounds, a force furficient to rend the Oak with a vaft explofion: It is very reafonable therefore to conclude, that moft of thefe now a&ive particles of the new generated air, were in a fixed ftate in the Apple and Oak before they were roufed, and put into an aftive repelling ftate, by fermentation and fire. The weight of a cubick inch of Apple being 191 grains, the weight of a cubick inch of air } of a grain, forty-eight times, that weight of air is nearly equal to the four- teenth part of the weight of the Apple. And if to the air thus generated from a veflel of any vegetable liquor by fermenta- tion, we add the air that might afterwards be obtained from it by heat or diftillation ; and to that alfo the vaft quantity of air which P 4 by 2 \ 6 Analyjis of the Ak. by Experiment 73 is found 10 be contained in its Tartar, which adheres to the fides of the veffel ; it would by this means be found that air makes a very confiderable part of the fubftance of Vegetables, as well as of Animals. But though from what has been faid, it is reafonable to think, that many of thefe particles of air were in a fixed ftate, ftrongly adhering to, and wrought into the fubftance of Apples ; yet on the other hand it is mod evident from Exper. 34. and 38, where in- numerable bubbles of air inceflantly arofe through the fap of Vines, that there is a con- fiderable quantity of air in Vegetables, upon the wing, and in a very active {late, efpeci- ally in warm weather, which inlarges the fphere of their activity. The Effefis of the Fermentation of mineral Subjiances on the Air, I Have above (hewn that Air may be pro- duced from mineral Subftances, by the action of fire in diftillation. And we have, in the following Experiments, many inftances of the great plenty of air, which is generated by fome fermenting mixtures, a b for bed by oth:rs, Jnalyfis of the Air. 1 1 7 others, and by others alternately generated and abforbed. Experiment XC. I poured upon a middle-fized Gold Ring, beat into a thin plate, two cubick inches of Aqua Regia ; the Gold was all diffolved the next day, when I found four cubick inches of air generated ; for air-bubbles were conti- nually arifing during the folution : But fmce Gold lofes nothing of its weight in being thus diffolved, the four cubick inches of air, which weighed more than a grain, muft arife either out of the pores of the Gold, or from the Aqua Regia -, which makes it probable, that there are air particles in acid fpirits ; for by Experiment feventy - five, they abforb air ; which air particles regained their elafticity, when the acid fpirits which adhered to them were more ftrongly attracted by the Gold y than by the air particles. Experiment XCI. A quarter of a cubick inch of Antimons, and two cubick inches of Aqua Regia, gene- rated thirty-eight cubick inches of air, the firft 1 1 8 Analyjls of the Air. firft three or four hours, ahd then abforhed, fourteen cubick inches in an hour or two. It is very obfervable, that air was generated while the ferment was fmall, on the firft mix- ing of the ingredients : But when the ferment was greatly increafed, fo that the fumes rofe verv vifibly, then there was a change made frbrri a generating to an abforbing ftate; that is, there was more air abforbed than gene- rated. That I might find whether the air was ab- forbed by the fumes only of the Aqua Regia, or by the acid fulphureous vapours, which afcended from the Antimony^ I put a like quantity of Aqua Regia into a bolthead b> (Fig. 34.) and heated it, by pouring a large quantity of hot Water into the ciftern x x t which flood in a larger veffel, that retained the hot water about it, but no air was ab- forbed 5 for when all was cold, the water Aood at the point z, where I firft placed it : And I found it the fame, when, inftead of Aqua Regia, I put only fpirit of Nitre into the bolthead b; yet in the diftillation of com- pound Aqna-fortisy Exper. 75. a little was ab- forbed. Hence therefore it is probable, that the greateft part, if not all the air, was ab- forbed by the fumes which arofe from the Antimony, E x- AnaJyJis of the Air. 2 1 p Experiment XCII. Some time in February, the weather very cold, I poured upon a quarter of a cubick inch of powdered Antimony, a cubick inch of compound or double Aqua-fortis, in the bolthead b (Fig. 34.) : in thefirft2o hours it generated about 8 cubick inches of air ; after that, the weather being fomewhat warmer^ it fermented fafter, fo as in two or three hours to generate 82 cubick inches of air more 5 but the following night being very cold, little was generated : So the next morn- ing I poured hot water into the veffel x x> which renewed the ferment, fo that it gene- rated 4 cubick inches more, in all 130 cubick inches, a quantity equal to 520 times the bulk of the Antimony. The fermented mafs looked like Brim- flone, and when heated over the fire, there fublimed into the neck of ihe bolthead a red fulphur, and below it a yellow; which ful-. phur, as Mr. Boyle obferves, Vol. III. p. 272, cannot be obtained by the bare a&ion of fire, without being fir ft well digefted in oil of Vitriol, or fpirit of Nitre. And by com- paring the quantity of air obtained by fermen- tation in this Experiment, with the quantity obtained 2 1 o jinalyfis of the Air. obtained by the force of fire in Exper. 69, we find that five times more air was generatec by fermentation than by fire, which mew< fermentation to be a more fubtle diflblveni than fire ; yet in fome cafes there is more aii generated by fire than by fermentation. Half a cubick inch of oil of Antimony, with an equal quantity of compound Aqua* forth, generated 36 cubick inches of elaftick air, which was all reforbed the following day. Experiment XCIIL Some time in February, a quarter of a cubicle inch of filings of Iron, and a cubick inch of compound Aqua-fort is, without any water, did, in four days, ablbrb 27 cubick inches of air. It having ceafed to abforb, I poured hot water into the veffel x x, to try if I could renew the ferment. The effect of this was, that it generated three or four cu- bick inches of air, which continued in that ftate for fome days, and was then again re- i orbed. I repeated the fame Experiment in warm weather in April, when it more briskly ab- forbed 12 cubick inches in an hour. Ex- Analyfis of the Air. z 1 1 Experiment XCIV. March 12th, 1 of a cubick inch of filings of Iron, with a cubick inch of compoiaid Aqua-foi'tis, and an equal quantity of water, for the firft half hour abforbed five or fix cubick inches of air; but in an hour more it had emitted that quantity of air; and in two hours more it again reforbed what had been juft before emitred. The day following it continued abibrbing, in all 12 cubick in- ches: And then remained flationary for 15 or 20 hours. The third day it had again re- mitted or generated three or four cubick inches of air, and thence continued flationary for five or fix days. It is remarkable, that the fame mixtures fhould change from generating to abibrbing, and from abibrbing to generating flates 5 fome- times with, and ibmetimes without any fen- lible alteration of the temperature of the air. See Vol. II. p. 237 , 293. A like quantity of filings pf Iron, and oil of Vitriol y made no fenfible ferment, and generated a very little air ; but upon pouring in an equal quantity of water, it generated in 21 days 43 cubick inches of air; and in 3 or 4 days more it reforbed 3 cubick inches of air ; % ii Analyjis of the Air. air ; when the weather turned warmer, it was generated again, which was again reforbed when it grew cool. One fourth of a cubick inch of filings of Iron, and a cubick inch of oil of Vitriol, with three times its quantity of water, generated 1 08 cubick inches of air. Filings of Iron, with fpirit of Nitre, either with an equal quantity of water, or without water, abfojbed air, but mofl without water. One fourth of a cubick inch of filings of Iron, and a cubick inch of Limon-juice, ab- forbed two cubick inches of air. Experiment XCV. Half a cubick inch ofjpirits of Harts- horn, with filings of Iron, abforbed 1 -j- i. cubick inches of air, with filings of Copper, double that quantity of air, and made a very deep blue tinfture, which it retained long, when expofed to the open air. It was the fame with fpirit of Sal Armoniac, and filings of Copper. A quarter of a cubick inch of filings of Iron, with a cubick inch of powdered Brim- ftone, made into a pafle with a little water, abforbed 19 cubick inches of air in two days. N.B. AnaJyfts of the Att. 22$ N B. I poured hot water into the ciftern xx % (Fig. 34.) to promote the ferment. A like quantity of filings of Iron, and pow- dered Ne-ivcajlle Coal, did in three or four days generate feven cubicle inches of air. I could not perceive any fenfible warmth in this mixture, as was in the mixture of Iron and Brimfione. Powdered Brimfione and Newcajtle Coal neither generated nor abforbed. Filings of Iron and Water abforbed three or four cubick inches of air ; but they do not abforb fo much, when immerfed deep in wa- ter ; what they abforb isufually the firft three or four days. Filings of Iron, and the above-mentioned Walton Pyrites, in Exper. 70. abforbed in four days a quantity of air nearly equal to double their bulk. Copper Oar, and compound Aqua-fortis 9 neither generated nor abforbed air 3 but, mixed with water, it abforbed air. A quarter of a cubick inch of Tin, and double that quantity of compound Aqua -fortis, generated two cubick inches of air ; part of the Tin was diffolved into a very white fub- ftance. E x p E- xa4 AnaJyJis of the Air. Experiment XCVI. 'April 1 6th, a cubick inch of the afore- mentioned Walton Pyrites powder'd, with a cubick inch of 'compound Aqua-fortis, expanded with great violence, heat and fume into a fpace equal to 200 cubick inches, and in a little time it condenfed into its former fpace, and then abforbed 85 cubick inches of air. But the like quantity of the fame Miner -al 9 with equal quantities oi compound Aqua-fort is and Water \ fermented more violently, and ge-% nerated above 80 cubick inches of air. I repeated thefe Experiments feveral times, both with and without water, and found con- ftantly the fame effedt. Yet Oil of Vitriol and Water, with fome of the fame Mineral, abforbed air. It was very warm, but did not make a great ebullition. But this Walton Mineral, with equal quan- tities of fpirit of nitre and water, generated air, which air would abforb frefh admitted air. See Vol. \l. p. 283, 292. Experiment XCVII. I chofe two equal-fi~ed boltheads, and put into each of them a cubick inch of powdered Analyfn of the Air. 225 powdered Walton Pyrites, with only a cu- bick inch of compound Aqua-fortis into one, and a cubick inch of Water and compound Aqua-fortis into the other : Upon weighing all the ingredients and veflels exaftly, both before and after the fermentation, I found the bolthead with compound Aqua-fortis alone had loft in fumes 1 dram 5 grains : But the other bolthead with Water and compound Aqua-fortis, which fumed much more, had loft 7 drams, 1 fcruple, 7 grains, which is fix times as much as the other loft. Experiment XCVIIL A cubick inch of Newcajik Coal pow- dered, and an equal quantity of compound Aqua fort is poured on it, did in three days abforb 18 cubick inches of air; and in 3 days more it remitted and generated 12 cu- bick inches of air; and on pouring warm Water into the veflel x x, (Fig. 34.) it re- mitted all that had been abforbed. Equal quantities of Brimjione and com- pound Aqua-fortis neither generated nor ab- forbed any air, notwithstanding hot Water was poured into the veffel x x. A cubick inch of finely powdered Flint, and an equal quantify of compound Aqua- Q_ j- ix6 Jnalyjis of the -Air. fortis, abforbed in 5 or 6 days 12 cubick inches of air. Equal quantities of powdered Brijiol Diamond, and compound Aqua-fortis, and Water, abfored 16 times their bulk of air. The like quantities without Water ab- forbed more flowly 7 times their bulk of air. Powder'd Brijiol Marble (viz. the (hell in which thofe Diamonds lay) covered pretty deep with Water, neither generated nor abforbed air ; and it is well known that Brijiol Water does not fparkle like fome other Mineral Waters. I Experiment XCIX. When the Aqua Regia was poured on Oleum Tartari per deliquium, much air was gene- rated, and that probably chiefly from the Oleum Tartar i -, for by Exper. 74. Sal Tar- tar has plenty of air in ir. It was the fame when the oil of Vitriol w?s poured on Oleum Tartaric and Oleum Tartari dropped on boiling Tartar generated much air. When equal quantities of Water and oi[ of Vitriol were poured on fea fait, it ab- forbed 15 cubick inches of air; but when in Analyfis of the Air. nj in the like mixture the quantity of Water was double to that of the oil of Vitriol, then but half fo much air was abforbed. Experiment C. I will next fhew, what effect feveral Al- kaline Mineral bodies had on the air in fer- menting mixtures. A folid cubick inch of unpowdered Chalk, with an equal quantity of oil of Vitriol, fer- mented much at firft, and in fome degree for 3 days; they generated 31 cubick inches of air. The Chalk was only a little diffolved on its furface. One hundred and forty-fix grains, or near one third of a cubick inch of Chalk, being let fall on two cubick inches of fpirit of fait, 8 1 cubick inches of air were generated, of which 36 cubes were reforbed in 9 days. Yet Lime made of the fame Chalk abforb- ed much air, when oil of Vitriol was poured on it ; and the ferment was fo violent, that it breaking the glals veffcls, I was obliged to put the ingredients in an Iron velTcl. Two cubick inches of frefh Lime, and four of common white wine Vinevar ablorb- ed in 15 days 22 cubick inches of air. Q_2 The 1 2 S Analyjis of the Air. The like quantity of frefli Lime and V/ater abforbed in 3 days 10 cubick inches of air. Two cubick inches of Lime, and an equal quantity of Sal Ammoniac ,- abforbed 115 cu- bick inches: The fumes of this mixture are therefore doubtlefs very fuffocating. A quart of unflacked Lime, left for 44 days, to flacken gradually by it-felf, without any mixture, abforbed no air. March 3d, a cubick inch of powdered Belemnitis, taken from a Chalk pit, and an equal quantity of oil of Vitriol, generated in five minutes 35 cubick inches of air. March 5th, it had generated 70 more. March 6th, it being a hard froit, it relbrb- ed 12 cubick inches ; io it generated in all 105 inches, r*r,d refoibed 12. powdered Belemnitis and Limon juice ge- nerated plenty of air too; as did alfo the Star-flow, Laps Judaicus, and Selantis with oil of Vitriol, Eyperiment CI. Gravel, fchat is well burnt, Wood-aJJ:es y decrepitated Salt, and Cdcoihar of Vitriol, placed itveraily under the inverted glafs zzaa, (Fig. 35.) increakd in weight by irr> j4nalyjis of the Air. 229 imbibing the floating moifture of the air: But they abfoibed no ekftick air. It was the fame with the remaining lixivious Salt of a diftillation of Nitre. But 4 or 5 cubick inches of powdered frefh Cinder of N ewe a/lie Coal did in feven days abibrb 5 cubick inches of elaftick air. And 13 cubick inches cf rir were in 5 days abforbed by Pulvis Urcns, a powder which immediately kindles into a live Cole, up- on being expofed to the open air. Experiment CII. What effect burning and flaming bodies, and the refpiration of Animals, have on the air, we mall fee in the following Experi- ments j viz. I nVd upon the pedeftal under the in- verted glafs z z a a, (Fig. 35.) a piece of Brown Paper, which had been dipped in a fojution of Nitre, and then well dried 3 I fet fire to the Paper by means of a burn- ing-glafs: The Nitre detonized, and burnt briskly for fome time, till the glafs z z a a was very full of thick fumes, which extin- guished it. The expanfion cauied by the burning Nitre, was equal to more than two quarts: When all was cool, there were near Q 1 80 cu- 2 3° Analyfis of the AW. 80 cubick inches oi new generated air, which arofe from a fmall quantity of detonized Nitre ; but the elafticity of this new air dai- ly decreafed, in the fame manner as Mr. Hawksbce obferved the air of fired Gun- powder to do, Phyfico- mechanical Exper. p. 83. fo that he found 19 of 20 parts occu- pied by this air to be deferted in 18 days, and its fpace filled by the afcending water; at which flation it refted, continuing there for 8 days without alteration: And in like manner, I found that a considerable part of the air which was produced by fire in the dift illation of feveral fubftances, did gra- dually lofe its elafticity in a few days after the diftillation was over ; but it was not fo when I dialled air thro' water, as in Expe- riment 77. (Fig. 38. ) Experiment CHI. I placed on the fame pedeflal large Matches made of linen rags dipped in melted Brim- Jione: The capacity of the veflel, (Fig. 35.) above z z the furface of the water, was equal to 2024 cubick inches. The quantity of air which was abforbed by the burning Match ', was 198 cubick inches, equal to -~q part of the whole air in the vc({q} 9 I made Analyjis of the Air. 23 1 I made the fame Experiment in a lefler veflel z z a a y (Fig. 35.) which contained but 594 cubick inches of air, in which 150 cubicle inches were abforbed; /. e. full \ part of the whole air in the receiver : So that tho' more air is abforbed by burning Matches in large vefTels, where they burn longeft, than in fmall ones, yet more air, in proportion to the bulk of the vefTel, is abforbed in fmall than in large vefTels: If a frefli Match were lighted and put into this infected air, tho' it would not burn i. part of the time that the former Match burnt in frefh untainted air, yet it would abforb near as much air in that fhort time ; and it was the fame with Candles. Experiment CIV. Equal quantities of filings of Iron and Brimftone, when let fall on a hot Iron on the pedeftal under the inverted glafs zz a a, (Fig. 35.) did in burning abforb much air; and it was the fame with Antimony and Brimjlone : Whence 'tis probable, that VuU cano's, whofe fewel confills chiefly of Brim- fione, mix'd with feveral mineral and me- talline fubftances, do not generate, but ra- ther abforb air. CL4 We % 3 * Analyjls of the djr. We find in the foregoing Experiment 102 on Nitre, that a great part of the new ge- nerated air is in a few days reforbed, or lofes its elafticity : But the air which is ab- ibrbed by burning Brimjlone, or the flame of a Candle, doe$ not recover its elafticity again, at leaft, not while confined in my glafles. EXPERI MENT CV. I made feveral attempts to try whether air full of the fumes of burning Brimjlone was as compreflible as common frefli air, by comprefling at the fame time tubes full of each of thefe airs in the condenfing en- gine j and I found that clear air is very lit- tle more compreflible than air with fumes of Brimjlone in it : But I could not come to an exaft certainty in the matter, becaufe the fumes were at the fame time deftroying the elafticity of the air. I took care to make the air in both tubes of the fame tempera- ture, by firft immerfing them in cold water, before I comprefled them. See appendix Vol 11./. 319, 320. Experiment C VI. I fet a lighted tallow Candle, which w^s about S of an inch diameter, under the in- yerted Analyjis of the* Air. 23} verted receiver z z a a, (Fig. 35. ) and with a fyphon I immediately drew the water up to z z : Then drawing out the fyphon, the water would defcend for a quarter of a mi- nute, and afcer that afcend, notwithftand- ing the Candle continued burning, and heat- ing the air for near 3 minutes. It was ob- fervabje in this Experiment, that the fur- face of the water z z did not afcend with an equal progreflion, but would be fome- times ftationary ; and it would fometimes move with a flow, and fometimes with an accelerated motion ; but the denfer the fume?, the fafter it afcended. As foon as the Can- dle was out, 1 marked the height of the water above z z, which difference was equal to the quantity of air, whofe elafti- city was deftroyed by the burning Candle. As the air cooled and condenfed in the re- ceiver, the water would continue rifing above the mark, not only till all was cool, but for 20 or 30 hours after that, which height it kept, tho' it flood many days; which (hews that the air did not recover the elafticity which it had loft. The event was the fame, when for great- er accuracy I repeated this Experiment by lighting the Candle after it was placed un- der 234 Analy/is of the Air. der the receiver, by means of a burning-glafs, which fet fire to a fmall piece of brown pa- per fixed to the wick of a Candle, which paper had been firft dipped in a ftrong folia- tion of Nitre in Water; and when well dried, part of it was dipped in melted Brim- ftone ; it will alfo light the Candle without being dipped in Bnm/ione. Dr. Mayoix, found the bulk of the air leffened by -3— part, but does not mention the fize of the elafs veffel under which he put the lighted Can- dle, T>e Sp. Nitro aereo, p. 10 1. The capa- city of the veffel above z z, in which the Candle burnt in my Experiment, was equal to 2024 cubick inches; and the elafticity of the *£ part of this air was deftroyed. The Candle cannot be lighted again in this infected air by a burning-glafs: But if I firft lighted it, and then put it into the fame infected air, tho' it was extinguifhed in y part of the time, that it would burn in the fame veffel, full of frefh air 5 yet it would deftroy the elafticity of near as much air in that fhort time, as it did in five times that fpace of time in frefh air; this I re- peated feveral times, and found the fame event : Kence a grofs air, which is loaded wuh vapours, is more apt in equal times to lofe Analyfis of the Jtr. 23 j lofe its elafticity in greater quantities, than a clear air. I obferve that where the veffels are equal, and the fize of the Candles unequal, the elafticity of more air will be deftroyed by the large than by the fmall Candle : and where Candles are equal, there moft air in propor- tion to the bulk of the veffel will be ab- forbed in the fmalleft veffel : tho* with equal Candles there is always moft elaiii^L air oeftroyed in the largtft vefll-l, where the Candle burns longeft. I found alfo in fermenting liquors, that, cater is paribus, more air was either gene- rated or abforbed in large, than in fmall veffels, by generating or abforbing mixtures. As in the mixture of Aqua Regia and Anti- mony in Experiment 91. by inlarging the bulk of the air in the veffel, a greater quan- tity of air was abforbed. Thus alfo filings of Iron and Bnmjlone, which in a more capa- cious veffel abforbed 19 cubick inches of air, abforbed very little, when the bulk of air, above the ingredients, was but 3 or 4 cubick inches: For I have often obferved, that when any quantity of air is faturated with abforbing vapours to a certain degree, then no more elaftick air is abforbed : Not- withstanding %$6 Analyfa of the dir. tvithftanding the fame quantity of abforbing fubftances would, in a larger quantity of air, have abforbed much more air; and this is the reafon why I was never able to deftroy the whole elafticity of any included bulk of air, whether it was common air, or new generated air. Experiment CVII. May 1 8. which was a very hot day, I repeated Dr. Mayow\ Experiment, to find how much air is abforbed by the breath of Animals inclofed in glafles, which he found with a moufe to be -^ part of the whole air in the glafs veffel, De Sp. Nitro aere$> f. 104. I placed on the pedeftal, under the invert- ed glafs zza a, (Fig. 35. ) a full-grown Rat. At firft the water fubfided a little, which was occafioned by the rarefa&ion of the air, caufed by the heat of the animal's body. But after a few minutes the water be- gan to rife, and continued riling as long as the Rat lived, which was about 14 hours. The bulk of the air in which the Rat lived fo many hours, was 2024 cubick inches; the quantity of elaftick air which was ab- forbed, was ji cubick inches, above vf part of Analyfis of the Air. 237 of the whole, nearly what was abforbed by a Candle in the fame veflel, in Experi- ment 106. I placed at the fame time, in the fame manner, another almoft half-grown Rat under a veffel, whofe capacity above the furface of the water z z y (Fig. 35.) was but 594 cubick inches, in which it lived 10 hours , the quantity of elaftick air which was abforbed, was equal to 45 cubick inches, viz. 7^ part of the whole air, which the Rat breathed in: A Cat of three months old lived an hour in the fame receiver and abforbed 16 cubick inches of air* viz. -jk part of the whole; an allowance being made in this eftimate for the bulk of the Cat's body. A Candle in the fame vefiel continued burning but one minute, and ab- forbed 54 cubick inches, T \ part of the whole air. And as in the cafe of burning Brimjione and Ca?idles, more air was found to be ab- forbed in large veflels than in fmall ones ; and vice verfa, more air, in proportion to the capacity of the veiTel, was abforbed in fmall than in large veflels, fo the fame holds true here too in the cale of animals. Expe- ij 8 Analyfis of the Air. Experiment CVIII. The following Experiment will {hew, that the elafticity of the air is greatly de- ftroyed by the refpiration of human Lungs 5 viz. I made a bladder very fupple by wetting of it, and then cut off fo much of the neck as would make a hole wide enough for the biggeft end of the largeft foffet to enter, to which the bladder was bound fait. The bladder and foffet contained 74 cubick inches. Having blown up the bladder, I put the fmall end of the foffet into my mouth; and at the fame time pinched my noflrils clofe, that no air might pafs that way, fo that I could only breath to and fro the air contained in the bladder. In lefs than half a minute I found a considerable difficulty in breathing, and was forced after that to fetch my breath very faft; and at the end of the minute, the fuffocating un- eafinefs was fo great, that I was forced to take awav the bladder from my mouth. Towards the end of the minute the blad- der was become fo flaccid, that I could not blow it above half full with, the greatefl expiration that I could make : And at the fame AnaJyJis of the Ait . 259 fame time I could plainly perceive, that my lungs were much fallen, juft in the fame manner as when we breath out of them all the air we can at once. Whence it is plain that a confiderable quantity of the elafticity of the air contained in my lungs, and in the bladder, was deftroyed; which fuppofing it to be 20 cubick inches, it will be ^ part of the whole air, which I breath- ed to and fro; for the bladder contained 74 cubick inches, and the lungs, by the following Experiment, about 166 cubick inches, in all 240. Thefe effects of refpiration on the ela- fticity of the air put me upon making an -attempt to meafure the inward furface of the lungs, which by a wonderful artifice are admirably contrived by the divine Ar- tificer, fo as to make their inward furface to be commenfurate to an expanfe of air many times greater than the animal's body; as will appear from the following eflimate, i)iz. Experiment CIX. I took the lungs of a Calf, and cut off the heart and wind-pipe an inch above its branching into the lungs; I got nearly the fpecific^ 240 Analyfis of the /fi r. fpecifick gravity of the fubftance of the lungs, (which is a continuation of the branch- ings of the wind-pipe, and blood-veflels) by finding the fpecifick gravity of the wind- pipe, which I had cut off) it was to Well- water as 1.05 to 1. And a cubick inch of water weighing 254 grains; I thence found by weighing the lungs the whole of their folid fubftance to be equal to 37 +| cubick inches. I then filled a large earthen veflel brim- full of water, and put the lungs in, which I blew up, keeping them under water with a pewter plate. Then taking the lungs out, and letting the plate drop to the bottom of the water, I poured in a known quantity of water, till the veflel was brim-full again ; that water was 7 pounds 6 ounces and ~, equal to 204 cubick inches; from which deduct- ing the fpace occupied '^by the folid fubftance of the lungs, viz. 37 +{. cubick inches, there remains 166 -{"*•£■ cubick inches foj: the cavity of the lungs. But as the Pul- monary Veins, Arteries and Lymphaticks, will, when they are in a natural ftate, re- plete with blood and lymph, occupy more fpace than they do in their prefent empty ftate; therefore fome allowance muft alfo be Anatyjis of the Air. 141 be made out of the above taken cavity of the lungs, for the bulk of thofe fluids; for which 25 -f- -r cubick inches feem to be a fufficient proportion, out of the 166 + 4 cu- bick inches; fo there remain 141 cubick inches for the cavity of the lungs. I poured as much water into the Bronchite as they would take in, which was one pound eight ounces, equal to 41 cubick inches; this deducted from the above-found cavity of the lungs, there remain 100 cubick inches for the fum of the cavity of the veficles. Upon viewing fome of thefe veficles with a microfcope, a middle-fized one feems to be about T i^ part of an inch diameter ; then the fum of the furfaces in a cubick inch of thefe fmall veficles (iuppofing them to be fo many little cubes, for they are not fphe- rical) will be 600 fquare inches; for if the number of the diviiions of the fide of the cubick inch be 100, there will be 100 planes, containing each one fquare inch, in each dimenfion of the cube ; which having three dimenfions, the fum of thofe planes will be 300 fquare inches, and the fum of the furfaces of each fide of thofe planes Will be 600 fquare inches ; which multiplied R by 24 1 Analyjis of the- Air. by the fum of all the veficles in the lungs, viz. ioo cubick inches, will produce 60000 fquare inches ; one third of which muft be deducted, to make an allowance for the ab- fence of two fides in each little veficular cube, that there might be a free communi- cation among them for the air to pal's to and fro ; fo there remain 40000 fquare inches for the fum of the furface of all the veficles. And the Bronchia containing 41 cubick inches, fuppofing them at a medium to be cylinders of -~ of an inch diameter, their furface will be 1635 fquare inches, which added to the furface of the veficles, makes the fum of the furface of the whole lungs to be 41635 fquare inches, or 289 fquare feet, which is equal to 19 times the furface of a man's body, which at a medium is com- puted to be equal to 15 fquare feet. I have not had an opportunity to take in the fame manner the capacity and dimen- fions of human lungs; the bulk of which Dr. James Keill, in his Tentamina Medico- phxfica, p. 80. found to be equal to 226 cu- bick inches. Whence he eftimated the fum of the furface of the veficles to be 21906 fquare inches. But the bulk of human lungs Jnalyjls of the Air. 243 lungs is much mote capacious than 226 cu- bick inches; for Dr. Jurzn, by an accurate Experiment, found that he breathed out, at one large expiration, two hundred and twenty cubick inches of air; and I found it nearly the fame, when I repeated the like Experi- ment in another manner: So that there mufl be a lar^e allowance made for the bulk of the remaining air, which could not be expired from the lungs; and alfo for the fubfbnce of the lungs. Suppofing then, that, according to Dr.y#- riris eft i mate, (mMctfs Abridgment of the Philofophical Tranfacl. Vol. I. p. 415.) we draw in at each common infpiration forty cubick inches of air, that will be 48000 cu- bick inches in an hour, at the rate of twenty infpirations in a minute. A confiderable pare of the elafticity of which air is, we fee by the foregoing Experiment, conflantly de- ftroyed, and that chiefly among the veficks, where it is charged with much vapour. But it is not eafv to determine how much is destroyed. I attempted to find it out by the following Experiment, which I (hall here give an account of, tho 7 it did not tucceed fo well as I could have wifhed, for want of much larger veflels ; for if it was repeated R 2 with 244 Analyfis of the Air. with more capacious veffels, it would deter- mine the matter pretty accurately 5 becaufe by this artifice frefh air is drawn into the lungs at every infpiration, as well as in the free open air. Experiment CX. I made ufe of the fyphon (Fig. 39.) take- ing away the bladders, and diaphragms i i n no: I fixed, by means of a bladder, one end of a fhorc leaden fyphon to the lateral foffet i i : Then I fattened the large fyphon in a veffel, and filled it with water, till it rofe within two inches of a y and covered the other open end of the {hort fyphon, which was depreffed for that purpofe. Over this orifice I placed a large inverted chymi- cal receiver full of water ; and over the other leg s of the great fyphon, I whelmed an- other large empty receiver, whofe capacity was equal to 1224. cubick inches; the mouth of the receiver being immerfed in the water, and gradually let down lower and lower by an affiftant, as the water afcended in ir. Then flopping my noftrils, I drew in breath at *z, thro' the fyphon from the empty receiver : And when that breath was expired, the valve b i flopping its return down Analyjls of the An. 245 down thro* the lyphon, it was forced thro' the valve r, and thence through the fmall leaden fyphon into the inverted receiver full of water, which water defcended as the breath afcended. In this manner I drew all the air, except five or fix cubick inches, out of the empty receiver at 0, the water at the fame time afcending into it, and filling it ; by which means all the air in the empty receiver, as alfo all the air in the fyphon s b was infpired into my lungs, and breathed out through the valve r into the receiver, which was at firft full of water. I marked the boundary of air and water, and then immerfed the whole receiver, which had the breath in it, under water, and there gra- dually poured the contained breath up into the other full receiver, which flood inverted over S' y whereby I could readily find whe- ther the air had loft any of its elafticity : And for greater furety, I alfo meafured the bulk of breath, by filling the receiver with a known quantity of water up to the above- mentioned mark; making alfo due allow- ance for a bulk of air, equal to the capacity of the large fyphon s b, which was at laft fucked full of water. R 3 The 346 Jnalyjis of the Air. The event was, that there were 18 cubick inches of air wanting ; but as thefe receivers were much too fmall to make the Experi- ment with accuracy ; that fome allowance may be made for errors, I will fet the lofs of elaftick air at nine cubick inches, which is but tir P art °f t ^ e whole air refpired, which will amount to 353 cubick inches in one hour, or 100 grains, at the rate of 84000 cubick inches infpired in an hour, or five ounces 216 grains, in 24 hours. By pouring the like quantity of air to and fro under water, I found that little or none of it was loft; (o it was not abibrbed by the water : To make this trial accurately, the air muft be detained fome time under water, to bring it firft to the fame temperature with the water. Care alio muft be taken in make- jng this Experiment, that the lungs be in the lame decree of contraction at the laft breath- ixig, as at the firft 5 eife a confiderable error may arife from thence. But tho' this be not an exact eftimate, yet it is evident from the foregoing Experiments on rcfpirati on, that fome of the elafticity of the air which is infpired is deftroyed; and that chiefly among the veficles, where it is moil loaded v/ith vapours 3 whence probably fome Analyfis of the Air. 247 fome of it, together with the acid fpirks, with which the air abounds, are conveyed to the blood, which we fee is by an admi- rable contrivance there fpread into a vaft expanfe, commenfurate to a very large fur- face of air, from which it is parted by very thin partitions ; fo very thin, as thereby pro- bably to admit the blood and air-particles (which are there continually changing from an elaftick to a ftrongly attracting ftate) with- in the reach of each other's attraction, where- by a continued fucceffion of frefh air may be abforbed by the blood. And in the Analyfis of the blood, either by fire or fermentation in Exper. 49. and 80, we find good plenty of particles ready to re- fume the elaftick quality of air : But whe- ther any of thefe air -particles enter the blood by the lungs, is not eafy to deter- mine ; becaufe there is certainly great ftore of air in the food of animals, whether it be vegetable or animal food. Yet, when we confider how much air continually lofes its elafticity in the lungs, which feem purpofely framed into innumerable minute meanders, that they may thereby the better feize and bind that volatile Hermes : It makes it very probable, that thofe particles which are now R 4 changed 2 4 3 Analyjis of the Air. changed from an elaftick, repulfive, to a ftrongly attracting ftate, may eafily be at- tracted thro' the thin partition of the veficles, by the fulphureous particles which abound in the blood. And nature feems to make ufe of the like artifices in vegetables, where we find that air is freely drawn in; not only with the principal fund of nourishment at the root, but alfo thro' feveral parts of the body of the vegetable above ground ; which air was feen to afcend in an elaftick ftate moft freely and vifibly through the larger trachea of the Vine; and is thence doublefs carried with the fap into minuter verTels, where being in- timately united with the fulphureous, faline, and other particles, it forms the nutritive ductile matter, out of which all the parts of vegetables do grow. Experiment CXI. It is plain from thefe effects of the fumes of burning Brim/lone, lighted Candle, and the breath of Animals, on the eiafticity of the air, that its eiafticity in the veficles of the lungs muft be continually decreafing, by reafon of the vapours it is there loaded with ; fo that thofe veficles would in a little time fubfide Analyjis of the Air. 249 lubfide and fall flat, if they were not fre- quently replen ifhed with frefh elaftick air at every infpiration, thro* which the inferior heated vapour and air afcends, and leaves room for the freih air to defcend into the veficles, where the heat of the lungs makes it expand about § part ; which degree of ex- panfion of a temperate air, I found by in- verting a fmall glafs bubble in water, a little warmer than a Thermometer is, by having its ball held fome time in the mouth, which may reafonably be taken for the degree of warmth in the cavity of the lungs. When the bubble was cool, the quantity of water imbibed by it was equal to -$ of the cavity of the whole bubble. But when, inflead of thefe frequent recruits of fiefh air, there is infpired an air, fur- charged with acid fumes and vapours, which not only by their acidity contract the exqui- fitely fenfible veficles, but alfo by their groff- nefs much retard the free ingrefs of the air into the veficles, many of which are exceed- ing fmall, fo as not to be viiible without a microfcope ; which fames are alfo continu- ally rebating the elafticity of tha: air; then the air in the veficles will, by Exper. 107, and 108, loie its elafticity very fall; and con- 250 Analyfn of the Air. confequently the veficles will fall flat, not- withstanding the endeavours of the extend- ing Thorax to dilate them as ufual ; whereby the motion of the blood thro' the lungs being flopped, inftant death enfues. Which fudden and fatal effect of thefe noxious vapours, has hitherto been fuppofed to be wholly owing to the lofs and wafte of the "chifying fpirit of air ; but may not unreaibnably be alfo attributed to the lofs of a conliderable part of the air's elafticity, and the groffhefs and denfity of the vapours, which the air is charged with ; for mutually attaching particles, when floating in fo thin a medium as the air, will readily coalefce into groffer combinations : which effect of thefe vapours having not been duly obferved be- fore, it was concluded, that they did not ^ffedt the air's elafticity ; and that confe- quently the lungs muft needs be as much dilated in infpiration by this, as by a clear air. But that the lungs will not rife and dilate as ufual, when they draw in fuch noxious air, which decreafes faft in its elafticity, I was affured by the Experiment I made on myfelf, in Exper. 108. for when towards the latter end of the minute, the fuffocating qua- lity Analyjis of the Air. 251 lity of the air in the bladder was greateft, it was with much difficulty that I could dilate my lungs a very little. From this property in the vapours arife- ing from animal bodies, to rebate and de- ftroy part of the elaflicity of the air, a pro- bable account may be given of what be- comes of a redundant quantity of air, which may at any time have gotten into the cavity of the T'horaXy either by a wound, or by fome defect in the fubftance of the lungs, or by very violent exerclfe. Which, if it was to continue always in that expanded ftate, would very much incommode refpi- ration, by hindering the dilatation of the lungs in infpiration. But if the vapours, which do continually arife in the cavity of the thorax, deftroy fome part of the elafli- city of the air, then there will be room for the lungs to heave : And probably, it is in the fame manner that the winds are reforb- ed, which, in their elaftick ftate, fly from one part of the body or limbs to another, caufing by their di Ltention of the veiTels much pain. Expe- 1 5 z j4nalyjis of the Air. Experiment CXII. I have by the following Experiment found, that the air will pafs here and there thro* the fubftance of the lungs, with a very fmall force, viz. I cut afunder the bodies of feveral young and fmall animals juft below the Diaphragm, and then taking care not to cut any veffel belonging to the lungs, I laid the Thorax open, by taking away the Diaphragm, and fo much of the ribs, as was needful to ex- pofe the lungs to full view, when blown up. And having cut off the head, I fattened the wind-pipe to a very fhort inverted leg of a glafs fyphon; and then placed the inverted lungs and fyphon in a large and deep glafs veffel x full of water, (Fig. 32.) under the air-pump receiver />/>; and paffing the longer leg of the fyphon through the top of the receiver, where it was cemented faft at z, as I drew the air out of the receiver, the lungs dilated, having a free communication with the outward air, by means of the glafs fy- phon ; fome of which air would here and there pafs in a few places thro' the fubftance of the lungs, and rife in fmall ftreams thro* the water, when the receiver was exhaufted no Analyfn of the Air. 255 no more than to make the Mercury in the gage rife lefs than two inches. When I ex- haufted the receiver, fo as to raife the Mer- cury feven or eight inches, though it made the air rufli with much more violence thro* thofe fmall apertures in the furface of the lungs, yet I did not perceive that the num- ber of thofe apertures was increafed, or at leaft very little. An argument that thofe apertures were not forcibly made by exhauil- ing the receiver lefs than two inches, but were originally in the live animal. And that the lungs of living animals are fome- times raifed with the like force, efpecially in violent exercife, I found by the following Experiment; viz* Experiment CXIII. I tied down a live Dog on his back, near the edge of a table, and then made a fmall hole through the intercoftal mufcles into his Thorax, near the Diaphragm. I cemented faft into this hole the incurvated end of a glafs tube, whofe orifice was covered with a little cap full of holes, that the dilatation of the lungs might not at once flop the ori- fice of the tube. A fmall phial full of fpiric of Wine was tied to the bottom of the per- pendicular 2^4 Analyjis of the Air. pendicular tube, by which means the tube and vial could eafily yield to the motion of the Dog's body, without danger of breaking the tube, which was 36 inches long. The event was, that in ordinary infpirations, the fpirit rofe about fix inches in the tube ; but in great and laborious infpirations, it would rife 24 and 30 inches, viz. when I flopped the Dog's noftrils and mouth, fo that he could not breathe : This Experiment fhews the force with which the lungs are raifed by the dilatation of the Thorax, either in ordinary or extraordinary and laborious in- fpirations. When I blew air with fome force into the Thorax, the Dog was juft ready to expire. By means of another (hort tube, which had a communication with that which was fixed to the Thorax, near its infertion into the Tldorax y I could draw the air out of the Thorax, the height of the Mercury, inftead of fpirit in the tube, (hewing to what degree the Thorax was exhaufted of air : The Mer- cury was hereby raifed nine inches, which would gradually fubfide as the air got into the Thorax thro* the lungs. I then laid bare the wind-pipe, and having cut it off a little below the Larynx, I affixed to Analyjis of the Air. 255 to it a bladder full of air, and then conti- nued fucking air out of the Thorax, with a force fufficient to keep the lungs pretty much dilated. As the Mercury fubfided in the gage, I repeated the fuction for a quarter of an hour, till a good part of the air in the bladder was either drawn thro* the fubftance of the lungs into the Thorax, or had loft its elafticity. When I preffed the bladder, the Mercury fubfided the fafter ; the Dog was all the while alive, and would probably have lived much longer, if the Experiment had been continued ; as is likely from the follow- ing Experiment, viz. Experiment CXIV. I tied a middle-fized Dog down alive on a table, and having laid bare his wind-pipe, I cut it afunder juft below the Larynx, and fixed faft to it the fmall end of a common foflet ; the other end of the foflet had a large bladder tied to it, which contained 162 cu- bick inches -, and to the other end of the bladder was tied the great end of another folTet, whofe orifice was covered with a valve, which opened inward, fo as to admit any air that was blown into the bladder, but none could return that way ; yet for further fecu- rity, 156 Analyjis of the Air. rity, that paffage was alfo flopped with a fpigot. As foon as the firft foffet was tied faft to the wind- pipe, the bladder was blown full of air thro' the other foffet ; when the Dog had breathed the air in the bladder to and fro for a minute or two, he then breathed very faft, and {hewed great uneafinefs, as being almoft fuffocated. Then with my hand I preffed the bladder hard, fo as to drive the air into his lungs with fome force -, and thereby make his Abdomen rife by the preffure of the Diaphragm^ as in natural breathings : Then taking alternately my hand off the bladder, the lungs with the Abdomen fubfided ; I continued in this man- ner to make the Dog breathe for an hour > during which time I was obliged to blow frefti air into the bladder every five minutes, three parts in four of that air being either abforbed by the vapours of the lungs, or efcaping thro' the ligatures, upon my pref- fmg hard on the bladder. During this hour, the Dog was frequently near expiring, whenever I preffed the air but weakly into his lungs ; as I found by his pulfe, which was very plain to be felt in the great crural artery near the groin, which 4 Analy/is of the Air. 257 which place an afliftant held his finger on moft part of the time; but the languid pulfe was quickly accelerated, fo as to beat fail -, foon after I dilated the lungs much, by pref- fing hard upon the bladder, efpecially when the motion of the lungs was promoted by pre fling alternately the Abdomen and the blad- der, whereby both the contraction and dila- tation of the lungs was increaled. And I could by this means roufe the lan- guid pulfe whenever I pleafed, not only at the end of every five minutes, when more air was blown into the bladder from a man's lungs, but alfo towards the end of the five minutes, when the air was fulleft of fumes. At the end of the hour, I intended to try whether I could by the fame means have kept the Dog alive fome time longer, when the bladder was filled with the fumes of burning Brimjlone : But being obliged to ceafe for a little time from prefling the air into his lungs, while matters were preparing for this addi- tional Experiment, in the mean time the Dog died, which might otherwife have lived lon- ger, if I had continued to force the air into his lungs. Now, though this Experiment was fo fre- quently difturbed, by being obliged to blow S more 258 dnalyjis of the Air. more air into the bladder twelve times du- ring the hour ; yet fince he was almoft fuf- focated in lefs than two minutes, by breath- ing of himfelf to and fro the firfl air in the bladder, he would, by Experiment 106. on Candles, have died in lefs than two minutes, when one fourth of the old air remained in the bladder, immediately to taint die new admitted air from a man's lungs; fo that his continuing to live through the whole hour, muft be owing to the forcible dilatation of the lungs, by compreffing the bladder, and not to the vivifying fpirit of air. For with- out that forcible dilatation, he had, after the firfl five or ten minutes, been certainly dead in lefs than a minute, when his pulfe was fo very low and weak, which I did not find to be revived barely by blowing three parts in four of new air from the lungs of a man into the bladder : But it was conftantly roufed and quickned, whenever I increafed the dilata- tions of the lungs, by comprefllng the bladder more vigoroufly ; and that whether it was at the beginning or end of each five minutes, yet it was more eafily quickned, when the bladder was at any time newly filled, than when it was near empty. From !! dnalyfis of the Ah. 2 5 9 From thefe violent and fatal effe&s of very noxious vapours on the refpiration and life of animals, we may fee how the refpiration is proportionately incommoded, when the air is loaded with lefTer degrees of vapours, which vapours do, in fome meafure, clog and lower the air's elaflicity ; which ic bed regains by having thefe vapours difpelled by the venti- lating motion of the free open air, which is rendered wholefome by the agitation of winds : Thus, what we call a clofe warm air, fuch as has been long confined in a room, without having the vapours in it carried off by communicating with the open air, is ape to give us more or lefs uneafinefs, in pro- portion to the quantity of vapours which are floating in it. For which rcafon the German ftoves, which heat the air in a room without a free admittance of frefh air to carry off the vapours thac are raifed, as alfo the modern invention to convey heated air into rooms through hot flues, feem not fo well contrived, to favour a free refpiration, as our common method of fires in open chimneys, which fires are continually car- rying a large ftream of heated air out of the rooms up the chimney, which ftream mufl neceflarily be fupplied with equal quantities S 2 of 260 Jnal)fis of the Air. of frelh air, through the doors and windows, or the cranies of them. And thus many of thofe who have weak lungs, but can breathe well enough in the freih country air, are greatly incommoded in their breathing, when they come into large cities, where the air is full of fuligi- nous vapours, arifing from innumerable coal fires, and ftenches from filthy lay-ftalls and fewers : And even the mofl robuft and heal- thy, in changing from a city to a country air, find an exhilarating pleafure, arifing from a more free and kindly infpiration, whereby the lungs being lefs loaded with condenfing air and vapours, and thereby the veficles more dilated, with a clearer and more ela- ftick air, a freer courfe is thereby given to the blood, and probably a purer air mixed with ic ; and this is one reafon why in the country a ierene dry conflitution of the air is more exhilarating than a moift thick air. And for the lame reafon, it is no wonder, that peffilentral and other noxious epidemi- cal infections are conveyed by the breath to the blood (when we confider v/hat a great quantity of the airy vehicle lofes its elafti- eity among the veficles, whereby the infe- ctious Mia/ma- is lodged in the lungs). When Andyfis of the Air. 2 6 1 •When I reflecl on the great quantities of claftick air, which are deftroyed by fulphu- reous fumes ; it feems ro me not improba- ble, that when an animal is killed by light- ning without any vifible wound, or imrnc-' diate ftroke, that it may be done by the air's elasticity, being inftantly deftroyed by the fulphureous lightning near the animal; whereby the lungs will fall flat, and caufe fudden death; which is further confirmed' by the flatnefs of the lungs of animals thus killed by lightning, their veficles being found upon diffedion to be fallen flat, and to have no air in them : The burfting alio of glafs- windows outwards, feems to be from the fame effeft of lightning on the air's elafti- city. It is likewife by destroying the air's elafti- city in fermented liquors, that lightning ren- ders them flat and vapid: For fince fulphu- reous fleams held near or under veffels will check redundant fermentation, as well as the putting of fulphureous mixtures into the li- quor, it is plain, thofe fleams can eafily pe- netrate the wood of the containing veffels. No wonder then, that the more fubtile lightnings mould have the like effects. I S 3 know i6t Analyjis of the Ah. know not whether the common practice of laying a bar of iron on a veiTel, be a good prefervative againft the ill effects of lightning on liquors. I mould think, that the cover- ing a veffel with a large cloth dipped in a ftrong brine, would be a better prefervative • for falts are known to be ftrong attracters of fulphur. The certain death which comes on the explofion of Mines, feems to be effected in the fame manner : For though at firft there J s a great expanfion of the air, which muft dilate the lungs, yet that air is no fooner filled with fuliginous vapours, but a good deal of its elaflicity is immediately deftroyed : As in the cafe of burning Matches in Expe- riment 103. the heat of the flame at firft expanded the air ; but notwithftanding the flame continued burning, it immediately con- tracted, and loft much of its elaflicity, as foon as fome quantity of fulphureous fleams afcended in it. Which fleams have doubtlefs the fame effect on the air, in the lungs of animals held over them, as in the Grotto di cani, or when a clofe room is filled with them,, where they certainly fuffocate, I Anahjis of the Ah. 265 It is found by Experiments 103, 106, and 107, that an air greatly charged with vapours lofes much of its elafticity, which is the rea- fon why fubterraneous damps fuffocate ani- mals, and extinguiih the flame of candles- And by Experiment 106, we fee that the fooner a Candle goes out, the fafter the air lofes its elafticity. Experiment CXV. This put me upon attempting to find fome means to qualify and rebate the deadly noxi- ous quality of thefe vapours: And in order to it, I put thro' the hole, in the top of the air-pump receiver, (Fig. 3 2.) which contained two quarts, one leg of an iron fyphon made 3f a gun-barrel, which reached near to the bottom of the receiver: It was cemented fail at z. I tied three folds of woollen cloth over he orifice of the fyphon, which was in the eceiver. The candle went out in lefs than wo minutes, tho' I continued pumping all he while, and the air pafled fo freely thro* he folds of cloth into the receiver, that the lercury in the gage did not rile above an ich. When I put the other end of the fyphon ito a hot iron pot, with burning Brim/lone S 4 in » 1 264 Analyfis of the Air. in it 5 upon pumping, the candle went out in 15 feconds of a minute; but when I took away the three folds of cloth, and drew the fulphureous fleams thro' the open fyphon, the light of the candle was inftantly extin- guiihed ; whence we fee the 3 folds of cloth •preferved the candle alight 15". And where the deadly quality of vapours in mines is not fo ftrong as theie fulphureous ones were, the drawing the breath through many folds of woollen cloth may be a means to prefervelife a little longer, in proportion to the more or ■lefs noxious quality of the damps. When, inftead of the three folds of cloth, I immerfed the end of the fyphon three inches deep in water in the veffel x y (Fig. 32.) tho' upon pumping the fulphureous fumes did afcend vifibly through the water, yet tte candle continued burning half a minute, i. e double the time that it did when fumes paffec thro' folds of woollen cloth. E X P E R I M E N T CX VI. I bored a hole in the fide of a large woodei foflet ab y (Fig. 3^ ) and glewed into it th great end of another foffet i /', covering th prince with a bladder valve r : Then I fit ted a valve .b i 7 to the orifice of the iro fypho Jnalyfis of the Ah. 165 fyphon S S y fixing the end of the fyphon faft at b into the foffet a b : Then by means of narrow hoops I placed four Diaphragms of flannel at half an inch diftance from each other, into the broad rim of a fieve, which was about feven inches diameter. The fieve was fixed to, and had a free communication with, both orifices of the fyphon, by means of two large bladders i i n n 0. Linen would probably be more proper to make thefe Diaphragms of than flannel, be- caufe oil or greafe is ufed in the making of flannel : And as I have heard, it is whitened by the fumes of burning Brimjtone; which I was not aware of, when I made uie of flannel in thefe Experiments. The inftrument being thus prepared, pinching my noftrils clofe, when I drew in breath with my mouth at ft the valve i b being thereby lifted up, the air pafled freely through the fyphon from the bladders, which then fubfided, and fhrunk confider- ably: But when I breathed air out of my lungs, then the valve i b clofing the orifice of the fyphon, the air pafled thro' the valve r into the bladders, and thereby dilated them j by which artifice the air which I ex- pired muft neceffarily pafsthro' all the Dia- phragms, 2 66 Analyjis of the Air. phragms, before it could be infpired into my lungs again. The whole capacity of the bladders and fyphon was 4 or 5 quarts. Common fea-falt, and Sal Tartar, being ftrong imbibers of fulphureous fleams, 1 dip- ped the four Diaphragms in ftrong folutions of thofe falts, as alfo in white- wine vinegar, which is looked upon as a good anti-pefti- lential : Taking care after each of thefe Ex- periments to cleanfe the fyphon and bladder well from the foul air, by filling them with water. I could breathe to and fro the air inclofed in this inftrument for a minute and half, when there were no Diaphragms in it \ when the four Diaphragms were dipped in vinegar, three minutes ; when dipped in a ftrong folu- tion of fea-falr, three minutes and an half. In a Lixivium of Sal Tartar, three minutes ; when the Diaphragms were dipped in the like Lixivium, and then well dried, five mi- nutes ; and once 8 -f- \ minutes, with very highly calcined Sal Tartar -, but whether this was owing to the Tartar s being greatly calcined, whereby it might more ftrongly attract fulphureous grofs vapours, or whe- ther it was owing to the bladder and fyphon's being intirely dry, or whether it was occa- fioned AnaJyJis of the Air. 2^7 fioned by fome unheeded paiLge for the air thro' the ligatures, I am uncertain ; neither did I care to afcertain the matter by repeated Experiments, fearing I might thereby fome way injure my lungs, by frequently breathing in fuch grofs vapours. Hence Sal Tartar mould be the beft pre- fervative againft noxious vapours, as being a very ftrong imbiber of fulphureous, acid and watry vapours, as is fea-falt alfo : For having carefully weighed the four Diaphragms be- fore I fixed them in the inftrument, I found that they had increased in weight 30 grains in five minutes ; and it was the fame in two different trials ; Co they increafed in weight at the rate of j 9 ounces in 24 hours. From which deducting £ part of the quantity of moifture, which 1 found thofe Diaphragms attracted in 5 minutes in the open air ; there remain 15 -j- -| ounces, for the weight of the moifture from the breath in 24 hours : But this is probably too great an allowance, confidering that the Diaphragms might at- tract more than £ part from the moifture of the bladders and of the fyphon. See Exper. 6. Vol. II. Appen. p. 323. I have found, that when the Diaphragms had fome fmall degree of dampnefs, they increafed I 6 8 Analyjis of the • Alt. increafed in weight fix grains in three minutes <, but they made no increafe in weight in the fame time, when in the open air : which fix grains in three minutes is at the rate of about 6 -flounces in 24 hours; and this is nearly the fame proportion of moifture that I ob- tained by breathing into a large receiver full of fpunges. But the fix grains imbibed by the four Diaphragms in three minutes, was not near all the vapours which were in that bulk of inclofed air ; for at the end of the three minutes, the often refpired air was fo loaded with vapours, which in that floating ftate were eafily, by their mutual attraction, formed into combinations of particles, too grofs to enter the minute veficles of the lungs, and was therefore unfit for refpira- tion ; fo that it is not eafy to determine what proportion is carried off by refpiration, efpe- cially confidering that fome of the infpired air, which has loft its elafticity in the lungs, is mingled with it. But fuppofing 6 + jl ounces to be the quantity of moifture car- ried off by refpiration in twenty-four hours, then the furface of the lungs being found, as above, 41635 fquare inches, only y^- part of an inch depth will be evaporated off their inward furface in that time, which is Analyjis of the Jir. 269 is but y ' T part of the depth of what is per- fpired off the furface of a man's body in that time. If then life can by this means be fupported for five minutes with four Diaphragms and a gallon of air, then doubtlefs, with double that quantity of air and eight Diaphragms, we might well expect: to live at lead ten mi- nutes. It was a confiderable difadvantage, that I was obliged to make ufe of bladders, which had been often wetted and dried, fo that the unfavoury fumes from them muft needs have contributed much to the unfitting the included air for refpiration : Yet there is a necefiity for making ufe of either blad- der or leather in thefe cafes ; for we cannot breathe to and fro the air of a veffel, whofe fides will not dilate and contract in confor- mity with the expirations and infpirations, unlefs the vefTel be very large, and too big to be conveniently portable. Having flopped up the wide fucking ori- fice of a large pair of kitchen bellows, they being firft dilated, I could breathe to and fro at their nofe, the air contained in them for more than three minutes, without much in- convenience, they heaving and falling very ealily by the action of refpiration. Some fuch- 17 o Analysis of the Air. fuch-like inftrument might be of ufe in any cafe, where a room was filled with fuffoea- ting vapours, where it might be necelTary to enter for a few minutes, in order to remove the caufe of them, or to fetch any perfon or thing out; as in the cafe when houfes are firft beginning to fire, in the Chymifts ela- boratories ; and in many other cafes, where places were filled with noxious deadly va- pours, as in the cafe of ftink-pots thrown into (hips, in mines, &c. And might it not alfo be ferviceable to Divers ? But in every apparatus of this kind great care muft always be taken, that the infpira- tion be as free as poffible, by making large paffages and valves to play moft eafily. For tho' a man by a peculiar action of his mouth and tongue may fuck Mercury 22 inches, and fome men 27 or 28 high ; yet I have found by experience, that by the bare infpi- ring action of the Diaphragm, and dilating c Thorax y I could fcarcely raife the Mercury two inches. At which time the Diaphragm muft act with a force equal to the weigh c of a Cylinder of Mercury, whofe bafe is com- menfurate to the area of the Diaphragm, and its height two inches, whereby the Dia- phragm muft at that time fuftain a weight - equal Analyjis of the AW. \y\ equal to many pounds. Neither are its counter-acting mufcles, thofe of the Abdomen, able to exert a greater force. For notwithstanding a man, by ftrongly compreffing a quantity of air included in his mouth, may raife a column of Mercury in an inverted fyphon, to five or {even inches height, yet he cannot, with his utmoft /train- ings, raife it above two inches, by the con- tracting force of the mufcles of the Abdomen, whence we fee that our loudeft vociferations are made with a force of air no greater than this. So that any fmall impediment in breathe- ing will haften the fuffocation, which con- fifts chiefly in the falling flat of the lungs, occafioned by the groflhcfs of the particles of a thick noxious air, they being in that floating ftate moft cafily attracted by each other : As we find in the foregoing Experi- ments that fulphur and the elaftick repelling particles of air do : And confequently unela- ftick, fulphureous, faline, and other floating particles will moft eafily coalefce; whereby they are rendered too grofs to enter the mi- nute veficles; which are alfo much con- tracted, as well by the lofs of the elafticity of the contained air, as by the contraction occafioned by the ftimulating, acid, fulphu- reous 27 * Analyjis of the Ah. reous vapours. And it is not improbable, that one great defign of nature, in the ftru- cture of this important and wonderful vifcus, was to frame its veficles fo very minute, thereby effectually to hinder the ingrefs of grofs feculent particles, which might be inju- rious to the animal ceconomy. This quality offalts ftrongly to attract ful- phureous, acid, and other noxious particles, might make them very beneficial to man- kind in many other refpects. Thus in feve- ral unwholefome trades, as the fmelters of metals, the cerufs-makers, the plumbers, &c* it might not unlikely be of good fervice to them, in preferving them, in fome meafure at leaft, from the noxious fumes of the ma*- terials they deal in, which by many of the foregoing Experiments we are affured mufl needs coalefce with the elaftick air in the lungs, and be lodged there ; to prevent which inconvenience the workmen might, while they are at work, make ufe of pretty broad mufflers, tilled with two, four, or more Diaphragms of flannel or cloth dipped in a folution of Sal Tartar or Pot-afi\ or Sea-Salf, and then dried. The like mufflers might alfo be of fervice in many cafes where perfons may have urgent occafion Analyjls of the Air. 275 occafion to go for a fhort time into an in- fectious air : Which mufflers might, by an eafy contrivance, be fo made as to draw in breath thro' the Diaphragms, and to breathe it out by another vent. In thefe and the like cafes this kind of mufflers may be very ferviceable ; but in the cafe of the damps of mines they are by no means to be depended on, becaufe they are not a fufficient fcreen from fo very noxious vapours. Experiment CXVII. We have from the following Experiment a good hint, to make thefe Salts of fervice to us in fome other refpects, &c. I fet a lighted Candle under a large receiver (Fig. 35) which contained about four gal- lons 5 it continued burning for 3 + JL mi- nutes, in which time it had abforbed about a quart of air. I then filled the receiver with frefli air, by pouring it full of water, and then emptying of it ; when having wiped it dry, I lined all the infide with a piece of flannel dipped in a Lixivium of Sal c tartar y and then dried ; the flannel was extended with little hoops made of pliant twigs. The Candle continued burning under the receiver T thus 274 Analyjis of the 'Air. thus prepared 3 + \ minutes ; yet it abforbed but two thirds of the quantity of air which it abforbed when there was no flannel in the receiver. The reafon of which difference in the quantities of elaflick air abforbed, appears from Experiment 106, where leaft air was always abforbed in leaft receivers, which was the prefent cafe: For the flannel lining, be- fides the fpace it took up, could not be fo clofely adapted, but that there was left a full third of the capacity of the receiver, between the lining and the receiver : So that the Candle burnt in a bulk of air lefs by one third than the whole capacity of the receiver j for which reafon lefs air alfo was abforbed. And we may further obferve, that lince the Candle continued burning as long in a quan- tity of air, equal but to two thirds of the re- ceiver, as in the whole air of the receiver 5 this muft be owing to the Sal Tartar in the flannel lining, which muft needs have abforbed one third of the fuliginous vapours, which arofe from the burning candle. Hence we may not unreafonably conclude, that the pernicious quality of noxious vapours in the air might, in many cafes, be much rebated and qualified by the ftrongly abforbing power of Salts. Whe- Analyfis of the Ah. 275 Whether Salts will have a good effedt in all, or any of thefe cafes, experience will beft inform us. There is certainly fufficienc ground, from many of the foregoing Expe- riments, to encourage us to make the trial, and they may at leail: be hints for further im- provements. We fee that Candles and burning Brim- ftone do in a much greater degree deflroy the elafticity of the air, than the breath of Animals 5 becaufe their vapours are more plentiful, and abound more wi^h acid ful- phureous particles, and are alio lefs diluted with watry vapours, than the breath of Ani- mals is: In which alfo there are fulphureous particles, tho' In lerTer degrees; for the ani- mal fluids, as well as folids, are ftored with them : And therefore the Candle and Matches ceafing to burn, foon after they are confined in a fmall quantity of air, feems not to be owing to their having rendred that air effete, by having confumed its vivifying fpir it \ but mould rather be owing to the great quantity of acid fuliginous vapours, with which that air is charged, which deflroy a good deal of its elafticity, and very much clog and retard the elaftick motion of the remainder. T 2 And 2?6 Analyfis of the Air. And the effect; the half exhaufting of a receiver has upon the elafticity of the remain- ing half of the air, feems to be the reafon why the flame of a Candle does not con- tinue burning, till it has filled the receiver it ftands in with fumes s but goes out the quicker,, the fooner the air is drawn out to that degree ; which feems therefore to be owing to this, that an air rarefied to double its fpace, will not expand fo briskly with the warmth of flame, as a more condenfed air will do : And confequently action and re- action being reciprocal, will not give fo brisk a motion to the flame, which fubfifts by a eonftant fucceflion of frefh air, to fupply the place of the either abforbed, or much dilated air, which is continually flying off. And the quicker the fucceflion of this frefh air is, by blowing, the more vigorously does a fire burn. If the continuance of the burning of the Candle be wholly owing to the vivifying jpirit^ then fuppofmg in the cafe of a re- ceiver, capacious enough for a Candle to burn a minute in it, that half the vivifying fpirit be drawn out with half the air, in ten feconds of time j then the Candle fhould not go out at ihe end of thofe ten feconds, but burn twenty Analyjis of the Axr. 177 twenty feconds more, which it does not ; therefore the burning of the candle is not wholly owing to the vilifying fpirit, but to certain degrees of the air's elafticity. When a wholly exhaufted receiver was by means of a burning-glafs firft filled with the fumes of brown paper with Nitre, and then filled with frefh air, the nitrous paper, upon ap- plying the burning-glafs, did freely detonize; and a Candle put into a like air, burnt for 28"$ which in a frefh air, in the fame receiver burnt but 43 ; but when the fame receiver, with air in ir, was filled full of fumes of detonized Nitre, and a Candle placed in that thick vapour, it went out inftanrly ; for a Candle will not burn, nor the Nitre deto- nize in a very rare, nor a very thick air ; whence the reafon why the Nitre detonized, and the Candle burnt, when placed in the receiver, afcer frefli air was let in upon the fumes which were made in vacuo, was, that thofe fumes w r ere much difperfed and condenfed on the fides of the glafs, upon the milling in of the frefh air: for the fumes were then much more rare and tranfparent, than before the air was let in. That a Fire which is fupplied with a hot air will not burn fo briskly as a Fire which T 3 is 2 7 8 Jnalyjis of the Ah. is fed by a cool air, is evident from hence y that when the Sun ihines on a Fire, and thereby too much rarefies the ambient air, that Fire will not burn well; nor will a fmall Fire burn fo well near a large one, as at fbme diftance from it. And e contra, it is a common obfervation, that in very cold frofty weather, Fires burn moft briskly ; the reafon of which feems to be this, that the elaflick expanfion of the cold condenfed air to a rarefied ftate, when it enters the Fire, is much brisker than that of an air already rarefied in a good meafure by heat, before it enters the Fire; and confequently a conti- nued fuccefiion of cold air mud give a brisker motion to the Fire, than the like fucceffion of hot air : And fuch colder and more con- denfed air will alfo (as Sir Ifaac Newton ob- ferves qu. 11) by its greater weight check the afcent of the vapours and exhalations of the Fire, more than a warmer lighter air. So that between the action and re-action of the air and fulphur of the fuel, and of the colder and denfer circumambient air, which rarefies much upon entring the Fire, the heat of the Fire is greatly increafed. See Vol. II, /•3 2 9- This dvaly/is of the Air. 279 This continual fjpply of frefh air to the fuel, feems hence alfo very neceiTary for keep- ing a Fire alive 3 becaufe it is found, that a Brimftone Match will not take fire in a va- cuum, but only boil and fmoke -, nor will Nitre incorporated into Broun Paper then detonize, except here and there a fingle grain, that part only of the Paper turning black, on which the focus of the burning-glafs falls ; nor would they burn when a half-exhaufted receiver with fumes in it was filled with frefii air added to thofe fumes : In which cafe it is plain, that a good quantity of the fup- pofed vivifying jpirit of air mufl enter the receiver with the frefh air, and confe- quently thofe fubftances mould take fire, and burn for a fhort time at leaft, which yet they did not. And that the air's elafticity conduces much to the intenfe burning of Fires, feems evident from hence -, that Spirit of Nitre (which, by Experiment 75, has but little elaftick air in it) when poured upon live Coals, extinguishes inftead of invigorating them : But Spirit of Nitre, when by being mixt with Sar Tartar it is reduced to Nitre, will then flame, when thrown into the Fire, viz. becaufe Sal Tartar abounds with elaftick aereal particle?, as ap- T 4 pears 2 8 o Jnalyjts of the Ah. pears by Experiment 74, where 224 times its bulk of air arofe from a quantity of Sal Tartar. And for the fame reafon it is that common Nitre y when thrown into the Fire, flames, tho' its Spirit will not, viz. becaufe there is much elaftick air in it, as appears from Experiment 72, as well as from the great quantity of it, generated in the firing of Gun-powder. The reafon why Sal Tartar, when thrown on live Coals, does not detonize and flame like Nitre, (notwithstanding, by Experiment 74, plenty of elaftick particles did arife from it) is this, viz. becaufe by the fame Experi- ment, compared with Experiment 72, it is found, that a much more intenfe degree of heat was required to extricate the elaftick air from Sal Tartar, the more fix'd body, than from Nitre ; the great degree of Fire with which Sal Tartar is made, rendering the cohefion of its parts more firm ; For it is well known that Fire, inftead of difuniting, does in many cafes inseparably unite the parts of bodies : And hence it is that Puhis Ful- minans, which is a mixture of Sal Tartar, Nitre and fulphur, gives a greater explofion than Gun-powder : Becaufe the particles of ihe Sal Tartar cohering more firmly in a fix'd Analyfis of the jiir. 8 1 x fix'd ftate than thofe of Nitre, they are there- fore thrown off with a greater repulfive force, by the united action and re- action of all thofe ingredients armed each with its acid Spirit. Experiment CXVIII. Which acid Spirits, confirming of a volatile acid Salt diluted in phlegm, do contribute much to the force of explofion > for when heated to a certain degree, they make a great explofion, like water heated to the fame de- gree, as I found by dropping a few drops of Spirit of Nitre, oil of Vitriol, water, and fpittle, on an Anvil; and then holding over thofe drops a piece of Iron, which had a white heat given it ; upon finking down the hot Iron with a large Hammer, there was a very great explofion made by each of thofe liquors: But frothy fpittle, which had air in it, made a louder explofion than water; which fhews that the vaft explofion of the Nitre and Sal Tartar, which are compofed of elaftick air-particles, included in an acid Spirit, is owing to their united force. We may therefore, from what has been faid, with good reafon conclude, that Fire is chiefly invigorated by the action and re- action of 28 x Analyjis of the Air. of the acid fulphureous particles of the fuel, and the elaftick ones, which arife and enter the Fire, either from the fuel in which they abound, or from the circumambient air : For by Experiment 103, and many others, acid fulphureous particles adl vigoroufly on air ; and fince a&ion and re-a&ion are reciprocal, fo muft air on fulphur ; and there is, we fee, plenty of both, as well in mineral as vege- table fuel, as alfo in animal fubftances, for which reafon they will burn. But when the acid fulphur, which we fee afts vigoroufly on air, is taken out of any fuel, the remaining Salt, water and earth, are not inflammable, but on the contrary, quench and retard fire; and as air cannot produce fire without fulphur, fo neither can fulphur burn without air : Thus Charcoal heated to an intenfe degree for many hours in a clofe veflel, will not burn as in the open air 5 it will only be red-hot all the time, like a mafs of Gold, without wafting : But no fooner is it expofed to the free air, but the fulphur, by the violent aftion and re-a&ion between that and the elaftick air, is foon feparated and carried off from the Salt and Earth, which are thereby reduced from a folid and hard, to a foft impalpable Calx. And Analyjis of the Ah. 285 And when a Brimjione Match, which was placed in an exhaufted receiver, was heated by the focus of a burning-glafs fo as to melt the Brim/lone, yet it did not kindle into fire, nor confume, notwithstanding the ftrength and vigour of the action and re-a&ion that is obferved between light and fulphureous bo- dies. Which is affigned by the illuftrious Sir Ifaac Newton, as cc one reafon why fulphu- " reous bodies take fire more readily, and " burn more vehemently than other bodies Camphire and Brandy-, which, though diftilled over with a confiderable hear, yet generated no elaftick air, in Experiment 52, 61, 66. Whence it is plain, the acid vapours in the air only float in it like the watry vapours ; and when ftrongly attra- cted by the elaftick particles of the air, they firmly adhere to them, and make Salts. Thus in Experiment 73. we fee, by the vaft quantity of air there is found in Tartar, that tho' it contains the other principles of vegetables, yet air, with feme volatile Salt, U 4 feems i 9 6 Analyfis of the Air. feems to make up a confiderable part of its compofition ; which air, when by the action of fire it is more firmly united with the earth, and acid fulphureous particles, requires a more intenfe degree of heat, to extricate it from thofe adhering fubftances, as we find in the diftillation of Sal Tartar, Exper. 74. which Air and volatile Salt are moft readily fepa- rated by fermentation. And by Experiment 72. plenty of air arifes alio from Nitre, at the fame time that the acid fpirit is feparated from it by the action of fire. We find alfo by Experiment 71. that fome air is by the fame means obtained from com- mon Sea-falt, tho' not in fo great plenty, nor {0 eafily, as from Tartar and Nitre \ it being a more fixt body, by reafon of the fulphur which abounds in it; neither is it io eafily changed in animal bodies, as other Salts are; yet, fince it fertilizes ground, it muft needs be changed by vegetables. There is good reafon alio to iufpecl, that thefe acid (pints are not wholly free from air-particles, notwithftanding there were no elaflick ones produced, when they were put into a brisk motion, by the action of fire in Experiment 75. which might be cccafioned * b Y dnalyfis of the Air. 1 97 by the great quantity of acid fpirit, in which they were involved. For we fee in Experi- ment 90. that when the acid fpirit of Aqua Regia was more ftrongly attracted by the diflblving gold, than by the air-particles, then plenty of air-particles, which were thus freed from the acid fpirit, did continually arife from the Aqua Regia, and not from the gold, at lead not from the metallick particles of the gold, for that lofes nothing of its weight in the folution ; fo that if any does arife from the gold, it muft be what may be latent in the pores of the gold. Whence it is probable, that the air which is obtained by the fermenting mixture of acid and alka- line fubftances, may not arife wholly from the diflblved alkaline body, but in part alio from the acid. Thus the great quantity of elailick air, which in Experiment 83. is gene- rated from the mixture of Vinegar and Oyfter- fhell, may as well arife in part from the Tar- tar, to which Vinegar owes its acidity, as from the diflblved Oyfterfhell. And what makes it further probable is, that the Vine- gar lofes its aciditv in the ferment, than is, its Tartar: for diflblving menftruums are generally obferved to be changed in fermen- tation, as well as the diflblved body. Have 198 Analyjts of the' Air. Have we not reafon alfo hence to conclude, that the energy of acid fpirits may, in fome meafure, be owing to the ftrongly attracting air-particles in them; which active princi- ples may give an impetus to the acid fpicu/tf, as well as the earthy oily matter, which is found in thefe acid fpirits? There are, we fee, alfo great ftore of air- particles found in the Analyfis of the blood, which arifes doubtlefs as well from the ferum as from the cra[f anient um^ for all the animal fluids and folids have air and fulphur in them : Which ftrongly attracting principles feem to be more intimately united together in the more perfect and elaborate part of it, its red globules; fo that we may not unreafonably conclude, that air is a band of union here as well as in Salts : And accordingly we find the greateft plenty of air in the moft folid parts of the body, where the cohefion of the parts is the ftrongeft ; for by comparing Experi- ment 49. and 51. we fee that much more air was found in the diftillation of horn, than of blood. And the cohefion of animal fubftances was nor, as we find by the fame Experiment, diflblved even in the blood, without confi- derable violence of fire ; tho' it is fometimes dene to a fatal degree in our blood, by that more Annlyji~> of the Air. 299 more fubtile diflblvent fermentation: But we may obferve, that * :olent Sales, Spirits, and fulphureous Oil, which are at the fame time feparated from thefe fubftances, will not make elaftick air. Experiment CXX. As elaftick air is thus generated by the force of fire from thefe and many other fubftances, to is the elafticity of the air greatly deftroyed by fulphureous bodies. Sir Ifaac Newton obferves, " That as light acts upon fulphur, " fo, fince all action is mutual, fulphurs ought " to act moft upon light/' And the fame may be obferved of air and fulphur ; for by Experiment 103. it is found that burning fulphur, which is a very ftrongly attravting fubftance, powerfully attracts and fixes the elaftick panicles of air; fo that there muft needs be a good quantity of unelaftick air- particles in oil and flour of fulphur : The firft of which is made by burning fulphur under a bell, the other by fublimation: In further confirmation of this it is obferved, that Oleum Snlphuris per Campanam is with more difficulty made in a dry than a moift air j and I have found by Experiment pur- pofely 300 Analyjis of the Air. pofely made, that a Candle, which burnt jo'' in a very dry receiver, burnt but 64" in the fame receiver, when filled with the fumes of hot water j and yet abforbed one-fifth part more air, than when it burnt longer in the dry air. Sulphur not only abforbs the air when burning in a homogeneal mafs, but alfo in many fermenting mixtures ; and as Sir Ifaac Newton obferved the attractive and refractive power of bodies to be greater or lefs, as they partook more or lefs of fulphureous oily par- ticles j fo there is good reafon from thefe Ex- periments to attribute the fixing of the ela- ftick particles of the air to the ftrong attra- ction of the fulphureous particles, with which he fays it is probable that all bodies abound more or lefs. Electrical bodies are alfo ob- ferved to attract more ftrongly, in proportion to the greater quantity of fulphur which they contain. That great plenty of air is united with fulphur in the oil of vegetables, is evident, from the quantity of air that arofe from the diflillation of oils of Anniieeds and Olives, in Exper. 62. When by fermentation the con- ttituent parts of a Vegetable are feparated, part of the air flies off in fermentation into an Analyfis of the Air. 3 o 1 an elaftick ftate; part unites with the eflen- tial Salt, Water, Oil and Earth, which con- ftitute the Tartar which adheres to the fides of the veffel ; the remainder, which continues in the fermented liquor, is there, fome of it in a fix'd, and fome in an elaftick ftate, which gives brisknefs to the liquor; their expanding bubbles rifing of a very vifible fize, when the weight of the incumbent air is taken off the liquor in a- vacuum. And as there was found a greater quantity of air in the deer's horn than in blood, we may alfo obferve it to be in a much greater proportion in the more folid parts of Vege- tables, than in their fluid : For we find in Experiment 55. $j. and 60. that near one- third part of the fubftance of the Peafe, heart of Oak, and Tobacco, were, by the action of fire, changed from an unelaftick ftate to an elaftick air : And fince a much greater pro- portion of air is found in the folid than the fluid parts of bodies, may we not with good reafon conclude, that it is very inftrumental, as a band of union in thofe bodies? " Thofe " particles (as Sir Ifaac Newton oblerves) <£ receding from one another with the great- " eft repulfive force, and being moft dirri- " cultly brought together, which upon con- " tact goi AnaJyJis of the Air. ", tact cohere mod ftrongly. Qu. 3 1." And if the attraction of cohefion of an unelaftick air-particle be proportionable to its repulfive force in an elaftick ftate ; then, fince its ela- ftick force is found to be fo vaftly great, fo mull: that of its cohefion be alfo. Sir -Ifaac Newton calculates from the inflection of the rays of light, that the attracting force of par- ticles, near the point of contact, is 10000, 0000, 0000, 0000 greater than the force of gravity. Sulphur in a quiefoent fix'd ftate in a large body, does not abforb the elaftick air ; for a hard roll of Brimftone does not abforb air : But when fome of that Brimftone, by being powdered and mix'd with filings of Iron, is fet a fermenting, and thereby reduced into very minute particles, whofe attraction in- creafes as their fize decreafes ; then it abforbs elaftick air vigoroufly : As may be ken in many inftances under Experiment 95. The Walton Mineral, in which there is a good quantity of fulphur, did, when compound Aqua-fortis was poured on it, in Experiment 96. make a confiderable fermentation, and abforb a great quantity of elaftick air : But when the ferment was much increafed, by adding an equal quantity of water to the like mix- , Analyjis of the Air. 305 mixture, then inflead of abforbing 85 cubick inches, as before, it generated 80 cubick inches of air: So that fermenting mixtures, which have fulphur in them, do not always abforb, but fometimes ''generate air : The reafon of which in the Experiment now under confideration feems to be this, viz. in the firft cafe a good quantity of elaftick air was gene- rated by the inteftine motion of the ferment- ing ingredients 5 but there ariiing thence a thick, acid, fulphureous fume, this fume ab- forbed a greater quantity of elaftick air than was before generated : And we find by Expe- riment 103, that the fulphureous particles which fly off in the air, do by their attraction deftroy its elafticity ; for in that Experiment burning Brimftone greatly deftroyed the air'^ elafticity ; which muft be done by the flame, and afcending fumes ; becaufe in the burning of any quantity of Brimftone the whole mafs is in a manner wafted, there remaining only a very little dry earth : And therefore the ab- forbed air cannot remain there, but muft be abforbed by the afcending fumes, which then attract moft ftrongly, when reduced ad mi- nima : And it is well known, that a Candle in burning flies all off into flame and vapour, fo that what air it abforbs, muft be by thole fumes. Expe- 304 Analyjis of the Air. Exp e rime n't CXXL And further, I have found that thefe fumes deftroy the air's elafticity for many hours after the Brimftone Match, which made them, was taken out of the vcffel z z a a: (Fig. 35.) Thofe fumes being firft cooled by immerfing that veffel and its ciftern x x y (or an inverted wine flask, full of the fumes) under cold wa- ter for fome time ; then marking the furface of the water z z y I immerfed the vefTels in warm water: And when all was cold again the following day, I found a good quantity of the air's elafticity was deftroy ed by the water's afcending above z z. And the event was the fame upon frequent repetitions of the fame Experiment. But if, inftead of the fumes of burning Brimftone, I filled a flask full of fumes from the fmoak of wood, after it had done flame- ino- then there was but half as much air abfbrbed by thole fumes, as there was by the fumes of Brimftone ; viz. becaufe the fmoak of wood was much diluted with the watry vapour which afcended with it out of the wood. And this is doublefs the rea- fon why the fmoak of wood, though it in- commodes Analyjis of the Air. 305 commodes the lungs, yet it will not fuffbcate like that of Charcoal, which is withal more fulphureous, without any mixture of watry vapours. And that new generated elaftick air is re- forbed by thefe fumes, I found by attempting to fire a Match of Brimftone with a burning- glafs, by means of a pretty large piece of Brown Paper, which had been dipped in a flrong folution of Nitre, and then dried ; which Nitre in detonizing generated near two quarts of air; which quantity of air, and a great deal more, was abforbed, when the Brimftone took fire, and flamed vigoroufly. So that the 85 cubick inches of air, Exper. 96. which I found upon meafuring, was ab- foibed by the Walton Mineral and compound Aqua-fortis, was the excefs of what was ab- forbed by thole fumes above what was gene- rated by the fermenting mixture. And the reafon is the fame in Filings of Iron, and Spirit of Nitre, Exper. 94. which alio abforbed more than they generated, whe- ther with or without water. Hence alio we fee the reafon why Filings of Iron and compound Aqua-fortis y in the fame 94th Experiment, abforbed air ; and why, when mix\l with an equal quantity of water, X it 306 Analyjis of the Afa. it moftly abforbed, but did fometimes gene- rate, and then abforb again : And it was the fame with oil of Vitriol, filings of Iron and Water, and Newcaftle Coal, and compound Aqua-fortis, and others : viz. At firft, when the ferment was brisk, the abforbing fumes role fiftefr, whereby more air was abforbed than generated ; but as the ferment abated, to fuch a degree as to be able ftill to generate elaftick air, but not to fend forth a propor- tionable quantity of fumes, in that cafe more air would be generated than abforbed. And in Experiment 95. there are feveral inftances of the air's being in like manner ab- forbed in leffer degrees, by other fermenting mixtures : As in the mixture of fpirit of Harts- horn with filings of Iron, and with filings of Copper : And fpirit of Sal Ammoniac with filings of Copper ; and alfo filings of Iron and Water ; powdered Flint, and compound Aqua-fortis ; powdered Briftol Diamond with the fame liquor. It is probable from Experiment 103 and 106. where it was found that the thicker the fuliginous vapours were, the farter they abforbed the air, that if the above-mentioned fermenting mixtures had not been confined in ciofe veiTels, but in the open air, where the Analyfis of the Ah. ^07 the vapours would have been Jefs denfe, that in that cafe much leis air would have been abforbed, perhaps a great deal lefs than was generated. In the fecond cafe of the IV alien Mineral, Experiment 96. when inftead of abforbing, it generated air, the parts of the compound Aqua- forth were then more at liberty to act by being diluted with an equal quantity of water j whereby the ferment being more violent, the particles which conftituted the new elaftick air were thereby thrown oft in greater plenty, and perhaps with a greater degree of elafticity, which might carry them beyond the fphere of attraction of the ful- phureous particles. This is further illuftrated by Experiment 94. where filings of Iron and oil of Vitriol alone generated very little, but the like quan- tities of filings of Iron, with an equal quan- tity of water, generated 43 cubick inches of air \ and the like ingredients, with three times that quantity cf water, generated 108 cubick inches. And though the quantity of the afcending fumes (which was in this cafe of the JValton Mineral very great) mud needs in their afcent abforb a good deal of elaftick air, (for they X 2 will 3 o 8 Analyfis of the Air. will abforb air) yet if, where the ferment was fo much greater, more elaftick air was gene- rated by the fermenting mixture, than was abforbed by the afcending fumes, then the quantity of new generated air, which I found between zz and aa, (Fig. 35.) when I mea- fured it, was equal to the excefs of what was generated above what was abforbed. And probably in this cafe the air was not abforbed fo much in proportion to the den- fity of the fames, as in the firft cafe ; becaufe here the fulphureous fumes were much blended with watry vapours : for we find in Experiment 97. that fix times more was wafted in fumes in this cafe, than in the other ; and therefore probably a good part of the cubick inch of water afcended with the vapour, and might thereby weaken its abforbing power : For watry vapours do not abfoib elaftick air as the fulphureous ones do ; tho' by Experiment 120. a Candle abforbed more in a damp than in a dry air. And it is from thefe diluting watry vapours, that filings of Iron, with fpirit of Nitre and Water, abforbed lefs than with fpirit of Nitre alone 3 for in both cafes it abforbs more than it generates. Thus Analyjis of the Ait. 309 Thus alfo oil of Vitriol and Chalk gene- rate air, their fume being fmall, and that much diluted with the watry vapours in the Chalk. But Lime, with oil of Vitriol, or White- Wine Vinegar or Water, make a confiderable fume, and abforb good quantities of air: Lime alone left to flaken gradually, as it makes no fume, fo it abforbs no a jr. We fee in Experiment 92. where the fer- ment was not very fudden nor violent, nor the quantity of abforbing fumes large, that the Antimony and Aqua- fort is generated a quantity of air equal to 520 times the bulk of the Antimony. Thus alfo in the mixture of Aqua Regia and Antimony, in Experiment 91. while at firft the ferment was fmall, then air was generated ; but when with the in- creasing ferment plenty of fumes arofe, then there was a change from a generating to an abforbing ftate. See Vol. II. p. 292. Since we find fuch great quantities of ela- flick air generated in the folution of animal and vegetable fubfrances, it muft needs be, that a good deal does conftantly arife from the diflblving of thefe aliments in the ftomach and bowels, which diflblution it greatly pro- motes: Some of which may very probably X 3 3 i o Jnalyjis of the Ah. be reforbed again, by the fumes which arife with them ; for we fee in Experiment 83. that Oyfter-fhell and Vinegar, Oyfter-fhell and Rennet, Oyfter-fhell and Orange-juice, Rennet alone, Rennet and Bread, firft gene- rated, and then abforbed air ; but Oyfter-fhell withfome of the liquor of a Calf's ftomach, which had fed much upon Hay, did not gene- rate air; and it was the fame with Oyfter-fhell and Ox-gall, and Spittle and Urine - y Oyfter- fhell and Milk generated a little air, but Li- mon-juice and Milk did at the fame time ab- forb a little : Thus we fee, that the variety of mixtures in the ftomach appear fometimesto generate, and fometimes to abforb air ; that is, there is fometimes more generated than abforbed, and fometimes an equal quantity, and fometimes lefs, according to the propor- tion the generating power of the diflblving ailments bears to the abforbing power of the fumes which arife from them. In a true kindly digeftion, the generating power exceeds the abforbing power but a little : But when- ever the digeftiori deviates in fome degree from this natural irate, to generate a greater proportion of elaftick air, then are we trou- bled more or lets with diftending Flatus's. I had ii . ] to make thtfe, and many more, Expe- Analyfis of the Aiv. 3 1 1 Experiments, relating to the nature of dige- ftion, in a warmth equal to that of the fto- mach; but have been hitherto prevented by purfuing other Experiments. Thus we fee that all thefe mixtures do in fermentation generate elaftick air; but thofe which emit thick fumes, charg'd with ful- phur, reforb more than was generated, in pro- portion to the fulphureoufnefs and thicknefs of thofe fumes. I have alfo fhewn in many of the forego- ing Experiments, that plenty of true perma- nent elaftick air is generated from the fer- menting mixtures of acid and alkaline fub- ftances, and efpecially from the fermentation and diflblution of animal and vegetable bo- dies, into whofe fubftances we fee it is in a great proportion intimately and firmly incor- porated; and confequcntly great quantities of elaftick air muft be continually expended in their production ; part of which does, we fee, relume its elaftick quality, when briskly thrown off from thofe bodies by fermentation in the diflblution of their texture. But part may probably never regain its elafticity, or at leaft not in many centuries, that efpecially which is incorporated into the more durable parts of Animals and Vegetables. However, X 4 we % \ i Analyfn of tide Air. we may with pleafure fee what immenfe trea- fures of this noble and important element, endued with a moft active principle, the all- wife Providence of the great Author of na- ture has provided, the conftant wafte of it being abundantly fupplied by heat and fer- mentation from innumerable denfe bodies ; and that probably from many of thofe bodies, which, when they had their afcending fumes confined in my glaffes, abforbed more air than they generated -, frut would, in a more free, open fpace, generate more than they ab- forbed. - I made fome attempts both by fire, and alfo by fermenting and abforbing mixtures, to try if I could deprive all the particles of any quantity of elaltick air of their elafticity; but I could not effect it : There is therefore no direct proof fiom any of thefe Experi- ments, that all the elaftick air may be ab- forbed, tho* 'tis very probable it may, fince we find it is in fuch great plenty generated and abforbed -, it may well therefore be all abforbed and changed from an elaftick to a fixt ftate : For, as Sir Isaac Newton obferves of light, cc That nothing; more is re- * c quifite for producing all the variety of co- « lours, and degrees of refrangibilny, than tc that Artalyfis of the Air. 3 1 3 " that the rays of light be bodies of different " fizes, the lead of which may make the " weakeft and darkeft of the colours, and be more eafily diverted, by refra&ing furfaces from the right courfe; and the reft, as they are bigger and bigger, may make the ftronger and more lucid colours and be more and more difficultly diverted, <%u. 29." So £>u. 30. he obferves of air, " That denfe f£ bodies, by fermentation, rarefy into feveral " forts of air, and this air, by fermentation, cc and fometimes without, returns into denfe 11 bodies. " And fince we find in fact from thefe Experiments, that air arifes from a great variety of denfe bodies, both by fire and fermentation, it is probable that they may have very different degrees of elafticity, in proportion to the different fize and denfity of its particles, and the different force with which they were thrown offinco an elaftick ftate. " Thofe particles (as Sir Isaac New- ' c ton obferves) receding from one another, " with the greateft repulfive force, and bein^ u molt difficultly brought together, which " upon contact cohere mofl ftroncrly. " Whence thofe of the weakeft elasticity will be leaft able to refill: a counter-acting power, and will therefore be fooneft changed from an 5 1 4 Analyjls of the Air. an elaftick to a fixt ftate. And 'tis confonant to reafon to think, that the air may confift of infinite degrees of thefe, from the mod elaftick and repelling, till we come to the more fluggim, watry, and other particles, which float in the air; yet the repelling force of the leafl elaftick particle, near the furface of the earth, while it continues in that ela- ftick ftate, muft be fuperior to the incumbent preffure of a column of air, whofe height is equal to that of the atmofphere, and its bafe to the furface of the fphere of its elaftick activity. Thus, upon the whole, we fee that air abounds in animal, vegetable, and mineral fubftancesj in all which it bears a confider- able part : if all the parts of matter were only endued with a ftrongly attracting power, whole nature would then immediately be- come one unactive cohering lump > where- fore it was abfolutely neceflary, in order to the actuating and enlivening this vaft mafs of attracting matter, that there mould be every where intermix'd with it a due proportion of ftrongly repelling elaftick particles, which might enliven the whole mafs, by the incef- fant action between them and the attracting particles : And fince thefe elaftick particles are Analyjis of the Air. 3 1 5 are continually in great abundance reduced by the power of the ftrong attraCters, from an elaftick to a fixt ftate ; it was therefore ne- cefTary, that thefe particles fhould be endued with a property of refuming their elaftick ftate, whenever they were difengaged from that mafs in which they were fixt, that thereby this beautiful frame of things might be main- tained in a continual round of the produ- ction and diffolution of animal and vegetable bodies. The air is very inftrumental in the pro- duction and growth of animals and vegeta- bles, both by invigorating their feveral juices while in an elaftick aCtive ftate, and alfo by greatly contributing in a fix'd ftate to the union and firm connection of the feveral con- ftituent parts of thofe bodies, viz, their wa- ter, fait, fulphur, and earth. This band of union, in conjunction with the external air, is alfo a very powerful agent in the diffolu- ticn and corruption of the fame bodies; for it makes one in every fermenting mixture ; the aCtion and re-aCtion of the aereal and fal- phureous particles is, in many fermenting mixtures, fo great, as to excite a burning heat, and in others a fudden flame : And it is, we fee, by the like aCtion and re-aCtion of 3 1 6 Anatyjis of the Air. of the fame principles, in fuel and the am- bient air, that common culinary fires are pro- duced and maintained. Tho* the force of its elafticity is fo great as to be able to bear a prodigious preflure, without lofing that elafticity, yet we have, from the foregoing Experiments, evident proof, that its elafticity is eafily, and in great abundance deftroyed ; and is thereby reduced to a fixt ftate, by the ftrong attraction of the acid fulphureous particles, which arife either from fire or from fermentation : And there- fore elajlicity is not an ejfential immutable property of air-particles j but they are, we fee, eafily changed from an elaftick to a fixt ftate, by the ftrong attraction of the acid, fulphu- reous, and faline particles, which abound in the air. Whence it is reafonable to conclude, that our atmofphere is a Chaos, confifting not only of elaftick, but alfo of unelaftick air- particles, which in great plenty float in it, as well as the fulphureous, faline, watry and earthy particles, which are no ways capable of being thrown off into a permanently ela- ftick ftate, like thofe particles which confti- ftute true permanent air. Since then air is found fo manifeftly to abound in almoft all natural bodies -, fince we find dnalyjis of the Air. 3 17 find it fo operative and aftive a * principle in every chymical operation ; fince its conftituenc parts are of fo durable a # nature, that the moft violent adlion of fire or fermentation cannot induce fuch an alteration of its texture, as thereby to difqualify it from refuming, either by the means of fire, or fermentation, its former elaftick ftate 5 unlefs in the cafe of vitrification, when, with the vegetable Salt and Nitre, in which it is incorporated, it may perhaps fome of it, with other chymical principles, be immutably fixt : Since then this is the cafe, may we not with good reafon adopt this now fixt, now volatile Proteus, among the chymical principles, and that a very a&ive one, as well as acid fulphur ; not- withftanding it has hitherto been overlooked and reje&ed by Chymifts, as no way intitled to that denomination ? If thofe who unhappily fpent their time and fubltance in fearch after an imaginary production, that was to reduce all things to gold, had, inftead of that fruitlefs purfuit, be- llowed their labour in fearching after this much negleded volatile Hermes, who has fo often efcaped thro' their burft receivers, in * Jov'n omnia plena. Virgil. the 2 1 8 Of Vegetation. the difguife of a fubtile fpirit, a mere flatu- lent explofive matter; they would then, in- ftead of reaping vanity, have found their refearches rewarded with very confiderable and ufeful difcoveries. CHAP. VII. Of Vegetation. WE are but too fenfible, that our rea- fonings about the wonderful and in- tricate operations of nature are fo full of un- certainty, that, as the Wife- man truly ob- ferves, hardly do we guefs aright at the things that are upon earthy and with labour do we find the things that are before us, Wifdom, Chap. ix. ver. 16. And this obfervation we find fufficiently verified in vegetable nature, whofe abundant productions, tho' they are moft viiible and obvious to us, yet are we much in the dark about the nature of them ; becaufe the texture of the veffels of plants is fo intricate and fine, that we can trace but few of them, though affifted with the beft microfcopes. We have however good reafon to Of Vegetation. 3 19 to be diligent in making farther and farther refearches ; for tho' we can never hope to come to the bottom and firft principles of things, yet in fo inexhauftible a fubject, where every the fmalleft part of this wonderful fa- brick is wrought in the mod curious and beautiful manner, we need not doubt of have- ing our inquiries rewarded, with fome fur- ther pleafing difcovery ; but if this fhould not be the reward of our diligence, we are however fure of entertaining; our minds after the moft agreeable manner, by feeing in every thing, with furprizing delight, fuch plain fignatures of the wonderful hand of the Di- vine Architect, as muft neceflarily difpofe and carry our thoughts to an act of adoration, the bed: and nobleft employment and entertain- ment of the mind. What I (hall here fay, will be chiefly found- ed on the following Experiments; and on feveral of the preceding ones, without repeat- ing what has already been occafionally ob- ferved on the fubjecl: of Vegetation. We find by the chymical Analyfis of Vege- tables, that their fubftance is compofed of fulphur, volatile fait, water and earth ; which principles are all endued with mutually at- tracting powers, and alfo of a large portion of 2 2 o Of Vegetation. of air, which has a wonderful property of ftrongly attracting in a fixt ftate, or of re- pelling in an elaftick ftate, with a power which is fuperior to vaft compreffing forces ; and it is by the infinite combinations, action and re-action of thefe principles, that all the operations in animal and vegetable bodies are effected. Thefe active aereal particles are very fer- viceable in carrying on the work of Vege- tation to its perfection and maturity $ not only in helping by their elafticity to diftend each ductile part, but alfo by enlivening and invigorating their fap, where, mixing with the other mutually attracting principles, they are by gentle heat and motion fet at liberty to affimilate into the nourifhment of the re_ fpective parts : " The foft and moift nourim- ment eafily changing its texture by gentle heat and motion, which congregates homo- geneal bodies, and feparates heterogeneal " ones." Ne as in Fig. 2$. the water being drawn up by means of a fyphon to a a. At the fame time alfo I placed in the fame manner another inverted glafs z z y a a, of equal fize with the former, but without any plant under it: the capacity of thefe veflels above the water a a was to 49 cubick inches. In a month's time the Mint had made feveral weak (lender moots, and many fmall hairy roots (hot out at i:he joints that were above water, occasioned pro- bably by the great moifture of the air, in which the plant flood ; half the leaves of the old item were now dead ; but the leaves and item of the young (hoots continued green mod 33 o Of Vegetation. moft part of the following winter: The wa- ter in the two inverted glaffes rofe and fell, as it was either affeded by the different weight of the Atmofphere, or by the dila- tation and contraction of the air above a a. But the water in the velfel in which the Pepper-mint flood, rofe fo much above a a, and above the furface of the water in the other veffcl, that one-feventh part of that air muft have been reduced to a fixt ftate, either by being imbibed into the fubftance of the plant, or by the vapours which arofe from the plant. This was chiefly done in the two or three fummer month b ; for after that no more air was abforbed. The begin- ning of April in the following fpring, I took out the old mint, and put a frefh plant in its place, to try if it would abibrb any more of the air, but it faded in four or five days. Yet a frefh plant put into the other glafs, whofe air had been confined for nine months, lived near a month, almoft as long as another plant did in frefh confined air; for I have found that a tender plant confined in this manner in April, would not live fo long as a ftronger grown plant, put in in "June, The Of Vegetation. 351 The like plants placed in the fams man- ner feparately, in the diftilled airs of Tartar and Newcajlle Coal, foon faded ; yet a like plant confined in three pints of air, a quart of which was diftilled from an Ox's tooth, grew about two inches in height, and had fome green leaves on it, after fix or feven weeks confinement. Finding that a frefti plant could not live in the air, which had been for feveral months infected by the mint which was placed in it the 19th otjune ; inftead of a plant, I placed in that air a mixture of powdered Brimftone and filings of Iron moiftened with water ; this mixture abforbed four cubick inches of this air. Experiment CXXIII. In order to find out the manner of the growth of young {hoots, I firft prepared the following inftrument ; viz. I took a fmall flick a> (Fig. 40.) and at a quarter of an inch diftance from each other, I run the points of five pins, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, thro' the ftick, fo far as to ftand-^ of an inch from the ftick ; then bending down the great ends of the pins, I jDOund them all faft with waxed thread ; I provided alio fome red-lead mixed with oil. f In 3$z Of Vegetation. In the fpring, when the Vines had made fhort (hoots, I dipped the points of the pins in the paint, and then pricked the young fhoot of a Vine (Fig. 41.) with the five points at once, from t top: I then took off the marking inftrument, and placing the loweft point of it in the hole p y the upper- moft mark, I again pricked freili holes from p to /, and then marked the two other points i h > thus the whole fhoot was marked every i. inch, the red paint making every point remain vifible. (Fig. 42.) (hews the true proportion of the fame (hoot, when it was full grown, the September following ; where every cor- refponding point is noted with the fame letter. The diftance from t to s was not en- larged above 3— part of an inch ; from s to q, the -£ of an inch ; from q to p, f ; from p to 0, f j from to /z, 7-5-; from n to m, k |; from m to /, 1 -j- T ^ of an inch ; from / to /, 1 + to inch nearly '> an ^ from i to b t three inches. In this Experiment we fee, that the firft joint to r extended very little, it being al- moft hardened, and come near to its full growth, when I marked it: The next joint, from Of Vegetation. 335 from r to ;/, being younger, extended fome- thing more ; and the third joint, from n to k, extended from \ of an inch, to 3 + jl inches; but from k to b y the very tender joint, which was but £ inch long, when I marked it, was, when full grown, three inches long. We may obferve, that Nature, in order to fupply thefe young growing (hoots witk plenty of ductile matter, is very careful to furnifh, at fmall diftances, the young (hoots of all forts of trees with many leaves throughout their whole length, which ferve as fo many jointly acting powers placed at different (la- tions, thereby to draw with more eafe plenty of fap to the extending fhoot. The like provifion has Nature made in the Corn, Grafs, Cane, and Reed-kind j the leafy fpires, which draw the nourifliment to each joint, being provided long before the (lem (hoots; which (lender ftem, in its ten- der ductile (late, would mod: eafily break, and dry up too foon, fo as to prevent its due growth, had not Nature, to prevent both thefe inconveniencies, provided (Irong Thecas or Scabbards, which both fupport and keep long, in a fupple ductile (late, the tender extending (lem. 334 Of Vegetation. I marked in the fame manner as the Vine, at the proper feafons, young Honeyfuckle {hoots, young Afparagus y and young Sun- Jlowers - y and I found in them all a gradual fcale of unequal extenfions, thofe parts ex- tending moft which were tendereft. The white pare of the Afparagus % which was under-ground, extended very little in length, and accordingly we find the fibres of the white part very tough and ftringy : But the greateft extenfion of the tender green part, which was about four inches above the ground when I marked it, feparated the marks from a quarter of an inch to twelve inches diftance > the greateft diftention of the Sun- flower was from -i inch to four inches di- ftance. From thefe Experiments it is evident, that the growth of a young bud to a {hoot con- fifts in the gradual dilatation and extenfion of every part, the knots of a fhoot being very near each other in the bud, as may plainly and diftindlly be feen in the flit bud of the Vine and Fig-tree , but by this gra- dual diftenfion of every part, they are ex- tended to their full length. And we may eafily conceive how the longitudinal capil- lary tubes ftill retain their hollownefs, not- with- Of Vegetation. 33 ^ withftanding their being diftended, from the like effect in melted glafs-tubes, which retain a hollownefs, tho' drawn out to the fineft thread. The whole progrefs of the firft joint r is very fhort in comparifon of the other joints, becaufe at firft fetting out its leaves being very fmall, and the feafon yet cooler than afterwards, 'tis probable that but little fan is conveyed to it ; and therefore it extending but flowly, its fibres are in the mean time grown tough and hard, before it can arrive to any confiderable length. But as the feafon advances, and the leaves inlarge, greater plenty of nourishment being thereby con- veyed, the fecond joint grows longer than the firft, and the third and fourth ftill on gra- dually longer than the preceding 5 thefe do therefore, in equal times, make greater ad- vances than the former. The wetter the feafon, the longer and larger (hoots do Vegetables ufually make -, becaufe their fofc ductile parts do then con- tinue longer in a moift, tender ftate: but in a dry feafon the fibres fooner harden, and ftop the further growth of the fhoot 5 and this may probably be one reafon why the two or three laft joints of every (hoot are ufually i}6 Of Vegetation. ufually ihorter than the middle joints, viz* becaufe they mooting out in the more ad- vanced hot dry fummer feafon, their fibres are foon hardened and dried, and are withal checked in their growth by the cool autum- nal nights : I had a Vine-moot of one year's growth, which was 14 feet long, and had 39 joints, all pretty nearly of an equal length, except fome of the firft and laft. And for the fame reafon, Beans and many other plants, which (land where they are much (haded, being thereby kept continually moift:, do grow to unufual heights, and are drawn up, as they call it, by the cver-fhadow- ing trees, their parts being kept long, foft and dudlile : j But this very moift (haded (fate is ufually attended with fterility; very long joints of Vines are alio obferved to be un- fruitful. This Experiment, which (hews the man- ner of the growth of (hoots, confirms Bore Hi's opinion, who, in his Book De mctu Ani- malium, Pare fecond, Chap. 13. fuppofes the tender growing (hoot to be diftended, like fofc wax, by the expanfion of the moi- fture in the fpongy pith ; which dilating moifturc, he with good reafon concludes, is hindered from returning back, (while it expands) Of Vegetation. ^f expands) by the fponginefs of the pith, with- out the help of valves. For 'tis very pro- bable, that the particles of water, which im- mediately adhere to, and are ftrongly im- bibed into, and attracted by every fibre of the fpongy pith, will fuffer fome degree of expanfion, before they can be detach'd by the fun's warmth from each attracting fibre ; and confequently the mafs of fpongy fibres, of which the pith confifts, muft thereby be extended. And that the pith may be the more fer- viceable for this purpofe, Nature has pro- vided, in moft (hoots, a ftrong partition at every knot ; which partitions ferve not only as plinths or abutments for the dilating pith to exert its force on, but alfo to prevent the rarefied fap's too free retreat from the pith, as well as for the ihooting forth of branches, leaves and fruit. But a dilating fpongy fubftance, by equally expanding itfelf every way, would not pro- duce an oblong fhoot, but rather a globofe one, like an Apple ; to prevent which incon- venience we may obferve, that Nature has provided feveral Diaphragms, befides thofe at each knot, which are placed at fmall di- ftances acrofs the pith, thereby preventing Z its 338 Of Vegetation. its too great lateral dilatation. Thefe are very plain to be feen in Walnut-tree (hoots : And the fame we may obferve in the pith of the branches of the Sun-flower, and of feveral other plants ; where, tho* thefe Diaphragms are not to be diftinguifhed, while the pith is full and replete with moifture, yet when it dries up, they are often plain to be feen : and it is further obferved, that where the pith confifts of diftinct veficles, the fibres of thofe veficles are often found to run horizontally, whereby they can the better refift the too great lateral dilatation of the moot. We may obferve, that Nature makes ufe of the fame artifice in the growth of the feathers of Birds, which is very vifible in the great pi- nion feathers of the wing, the fmaller and upper part of which is extended by a fpongy pith, but the lower and bigger quill-part by a feries of large veficles, which, when replete with dilating moifture, do extend the quill, and keep it in a fupple ductile flate 5 but when the quill is full grown, thefe veficles are always dry : in which ftate we may plainly obferve every veficle to be contracted at each end by a Diaphragm or Sphincter, whereby its too great lateral dilatation is prevented, but not its diftenfion lengthwife.. And Of Vegetation. 3 ? 9 And as this pith in the quill grows dry and ufelefs after the quill is full-grown, we mav obfcrve the fame in the pith of tree?, which is always fucculcnt, and full of moifture, while the '{hoot is growing, by the expanfion of which the tender ductile (hoot is diftended in every part, its fibres being at the fame time kept fupple by this moifture ; but when each year's moot is full grown, then the pith gra- dually dries up, and continues for the future dry and kecfey, its veficles being ever after empty, Nature always carefully providing for the fucceeding year's growth, by preferving a tender ductile part in the bud replete with fucculent pith. And as in Vegetables, fo doubtlefs in Ani- mals, the tender ductile bones of young Ani- mals are gradually increafed in every part, that is not hardened and oiTified 5 but fince it was inconfiftent with the motion of the joints to have the ends of the bones (oft and ductile, as in Vegetables, therefore Nature makes a wonderful provifion for this at the glutinous ferrated joining of the heads to the fhanks of the bones ; which joining, while it continues ductile, the Animal grows ; but when it ofllfies, then the Animal can no longer grow: As I Was affured by the following Experiment, *ui& Z 2 I 340 Of Vegetation. I took a half-grown Chick, vvhofe leg-bone was then two inches long ; and with a fharp- pointed iron, at half an inch diftance, I pierced two fmall holes thro' the middle of the fcaly covering of the leg and fhin-bone ; two months after I killed the Chick, and upon laying the bone bare, I found on it obfcure remains of the two marks I had made at the fame diftance of half an inch : So that that part of the bone had not at all diftended lengthwife, fince the time that I marked it 3 notwithstanding the bone was in that time grown an inch more in length, which growth was moftly at the upper end of the bone, where a wonderful provifion is made for its growth at the join- ing of its head to the fhank, called by Anato- mifts Sympbyjis. And as the bones grow in length and fize, fo mud the membranous, the mufcular, the nervous, the cartilaginous and vafcular fibres of the animal body necefTarily extend and ex- pand, from the ductile nutriment which Na- ture furnifhes every part withal ; in which refpects animal bodies do as truly vegetate as do the growing Vegetables : Whence it muft needs be of the greateft confequence, that the growing Animal be fupplied with proper nou- rifhment for that purpoie, in order to form a flrong Of Vegetation. 341 llrong athletick conftitution ; for when grow- ing Nature is deprived of proper materials for this purpofe, then is me under a neceffity of drawing out very flender threads of life, as is too often the cafe of young growing perfons, who, by indulging in fpirituous liquors, or other excefles, do thereby greatly deprave the nutritive ductile matter, whence all the dif- tending fibres of the body are fupplied. Since we are by thefe Experiments afTured, that the longitudinal fibres and fap-veflels of wood in its firft year's growth, do thus diftend in length by the extenfion of every part $ and iince Nature in fimilar productions makes ufe of the fame, or nearly the fame methods, thefe confiderations make it not unreafonable to think, that the fecond and following years additional ringlets of v/ood are not formed by a merely horizontal dilatation of the vef- fels ; for it is not eafy to conceive, how lon- gitudinal fibres and tubular fap-veffels mould thus be formed, but rather by the fhooting of the longitudinal tubes and fibres length- ways from thofe of the lail year's wood, whereby there is a free communication main- tained between thefe and the fap-veffels of all the preceding year's growth. The obferva- tions on the manner of the growth of the Z 3 ringlets 34* Of Vegetation. ringlets of wood in Experiment 46. (Fig, 30.) do further confirm this. But whether it be by an horizontal or lon- gitudinal mooting, we may obferve that Na- ture has taken great care to keep the parts between the bark and wood always very fup- pie with flimy maifrure ; from which ductile matter the woody fibres, veficles and buds are formed. Thus we fee that Nature, in order to the production and growth of all the parts of Animals and Vegetables, prepares her ductile matter ; in doing of which (lie felects and combines particles of very different degrees of mutual attraction, curioufly proportioning the mixture according to the many different purpofes file defigns it for 3 either for bony or more lax fibres of very different degrees in Animals, or whether it be for the forming of woody or more fofc fibres of various kinds in Vegetables. The gx r eat variety of which different fub- ftances in the fame Vegetable prove, that there are appropriated veffels for conveying very different forts of nutriment. And in many Vegetables ibme of thofe appropriate veffels are plainly to be ken replete either with milky, ydlow, or red nutriment. Dr- Of Vegetation. 34? Dr. Keil/ y in his account of animal fecre- tion, page 49. obferves, that where Nature intends to feparate a vifcid matter from the blood, (he contrives very much to retard its motion; whereby the inteftine motion of the blood being allayed, its particles can the bet* ter coalefce, in order to form the vifcid fecre- tion. And Dr. Grew, before him, obferved an inftance of the fame contrivance in Veire- tables, where a fecretion is intended, that is to cornpofe a hard fubftance, viz. in the ker- nel or feed of hard ftone fruits, which does not immediately adhere to, and grow from the upper part of the ftone, which would be the fhorteft and neareft way to convey nou- rifhment to it ; but the fingle umbilical vef- fel, by which the kernel is nourished, fetches a compafs round the concave of the ftone, and then enters the kernel near its cone; by which artifice this vefTel being much pro- longed, the motion of the fap is thereby re- tarded, and a vifcid nutriment conveyed to the feed, which turns to hard fubftance. The like artifice of Nature we may obferve in the long capillary fibrous veiTels, which lie between the green hull and the hard (hell of the Walnut, which are analogous to the fibrous Mace of Nutmegs, the ends of whofe Z 4. hairy 344 Of Vegetation. hairy fibres are inferted into the angles of the furrows in the Walnut-fhell : Their ufe is therefore doubtlefs to carry in thofe long di- flin Of Vegetation. If thefe Experiments on leaves were further purfued, there might probably be many curi- ous obfervations made in relation to the fhape of leaves, by obferving the difference of the progreffive and lateral motions of thefe points in different leaves, that were of very different lengths in proportion to their breadths. That the force of dilating fap and air, in- cluded in the innumerable little veficles of young tender fhoots and leaves, is abundantly fufficientfor the extending of fhoots, and ex- panding of leaves j we have evident proof from the great force we find in the fap of the Vine, chap. 3. and from the vaft force with which infinuating moifture expanded the Peas. Experiment 3 2. we fee the great power of expanding water, when heated in the engine to raife water by fire -, and water with air and other active particles inxapillary tubes, and innumerable fmall veficles, do doubtlefs ad with a great force, tho' expanded with no more heat than what the fun's warmth gives them. And thus we fee that Nature exerts a con- fiderable, tho' fecret and filent power, in car- rying on all her productions; which demon- ftrates the wifdom of the Author of nature, in giving fuch due proportion and direction to Of Vegetation. 347 to thefe powers, that they uniformly concur to the production and perfection of natural Beings ; whereas, were fuch powers under no guidance, they mud necefTarily produce a Chaos, inftead of that regular and beautiful Syftem of nature which we fee. We may plainly fee the influence of the fun's warmth in expanding the fap in all the parts of Vegetables, as well in the roots as the body that is above-ground, by the influ- ence it has on the fix Thermometers, defcribed under Experiment 20. five of which were fixed at different depths, from two inches to two feet under-ground, the other being ex- pofed to the open air. When, in the greateft noon-tide heat, the fpirit of that which was expofed to the fun was rifen, fince the early morning, from 2 1 to 48 degrees, then the fpirit in the fecond Thermometer, whofe ball was two inches under-ground, was at 45 degrees; and the 3d, 4th, and 5th Thermometers were gradu- ally of lefs and lefs degrees of heat, as they were placed lower in the ground to the fixth Thermometer, which was two feet under- ground, fa which the fpirit was 3 1 degrees high. In this ftate of heat on all the parts of the Vegetable, we fee the fun mult have a very 34^ Of Vegetation. a very confiderable influence in expanding the fap in all its parts. The warmth was much greater on the body above-ground, than on the roots which were two feet deep ; thofe roots, and parts of roots, which are deepeft, as they feel much lefs of the fun's warmth, fo are they not fo foon, nor fo much affedled by the alternacies of day and night, warm and cold : but that part of Vegetables which is above-ground, mull have its fap con fid er- ably rarefied, when the heat increafed from morning to two o' clock afternoon, fo much as to raife the fpirit in the ift Thermometer from 21 to 48 degrees above the freezing point. When in the coldeft days of the winter 1724, the froft was fo intenfe as to freeze the furface of ftagnant water near an inch thick, then the fpirit in the Thermometer , which was expofed to the open air, was fallen four de- grees below the freezing point; the fpirit of that whofe ball was two inches under-ground, was four degrees above the freezing point; the 3d, 4th and 5th "Thermometers were pro- portionably fallen lefs and lefs, as they were deeper, to the 6th Thermometer ; which being two feet under-ground, the fpirit was ten degrees above the freezing point. In this ftate Of Vegetation. 349 Hate of things the work of Vegetation feemed to be wholly at a ftand, at lead within the reach of the froft. But when the cold was fo far relaxed, as to have the fpirit in the firft Thermometer but five degrees above the freezing point, the fecond 8 degrees, and the fixth 13 degrees, tho' it was ftill very cold, yet this being fome advance from freezing towards warm, and there being confequently fome expanfion of the fap, feveral of the hardy Vegetables grew, viz. fome Ever-greens, Snow-drops, Crocus's, &c. which forward hardy plants do proba- bly partake much of the nature of Ever- greens in perfpiring little ; and the motion of their fap being confequently very flow, it will become more vifcous, as in Ever-greefts, and thereby the better able to refift the win- ter's cold ; and the fmall expanfive force which this fap acquires in the winter, is moftly exerted in extending the plant, little of it being wafted in proportion to the fum- mer's perfpiration. Supported by the evidence of many of the foregoing Experiments, I will now trace the Vegetation of a Tree from its firft feminal plant in the Seed to its full maturity and pro- duction of other Seeds, without entring into a par- 150 Of Vegetation. a particular defcription of the ftru&ure of the parts of Vegetables, which has already been accurately done by Dr. Grew and Malpighi. We fee by Experiment 56. 57. 58. on di- ftilled Wheat, Peas, and Muftard-feed, what a wonderful provifion Nature has made, that the Seeds of Plants mould be well ftored with very active principles, which principles are there compacted together by Him, who curi- oufly adapts all things to the purpofes for which they are intended, with fuch a juft degree of cohefion, as retains them in that ftate till the proper feafon of germination : for if they were of a more lax conftitution, they would too loon diffolve, like the other tender annual parts of plants ; and if they were more firmly connected, as in the hearc of Oak, they muft neceffarily have been many years in germinating, though fuppled with moifture and warmth. When a Seed is fown in the ground, in a few days it imbibes fo much moifture, as to fwell with very great force 5 as we fee in the Experiment on Peas in an iron pot, this forcible fwelling of the lobes of the Seed ar> a r y (Fig. 46.) does probably pro- trude moifture and nourishment from the capillary vefTels r r 7 which are called the Seed- Of Vegetation. 3 5 t Seed-roots, into the radicle c z d- y which radicle, when it has fhot fome length into the ground, does then imbibe nourifhment from thence ; and after it has acquired fuf- ficient ftrength, as this tender ductile root is extending from z to r, it muft necefla- rily carry the expanding Seed-lobes upwards, at the fame time that the dilating from z to d makes it fhoot downwards ; and when the root is thus far grown, it fupplies the Plume b with nourifhment, which thereby fwelling and extending, opens the lobes a r, a r, which are at the fame time railed above-ground with the Plume; where they, by expanding and growing thinner, turn to green leaves (except the Seeds of the Pulfe kind); which leaves are of fuch importance to the yet tender Plume, that it perifhes, or will not thrive if they are pulled off; which makes it probable, that they do the fame office to the Plume, that the leaves adjoining to Apples, Quinces, and other fruits, do to them, viz. they draw fap within the reach of their attraction; fee Exper. 8. and 30. But when the Plume is fo far advanced ia growth, as to have branches and expanded leaves to draw up nourifhment ; then thefe fupplemental feminal leaves, a r, a r, being of no 3 5 i 0/ Vegetation. no farther ufe, do periflij not only becaufe the now grown and more expanded leaves of the young plant or tree do fo over-fhadow the fupplemental leaves, that their former more plentiful perfpiration is much abated, and thereby alfo their power of attracting fap fails ; but alfo, becaufe the fap is drawn from them by the leaves, and they being thus de- prived of nourimment, do perifh. As the tree advances in ftature, the firft, fecond, third, and fourth order of lateral branches {hoot our, each lower order being longer than thofe immediately above them ; not only on account of primogeniture, but alfo, becaufe being inferted in larger parts of the trunk, and nearer the root, they have the advantage of being ferved with greater plenty of fap, whence arifes the beautiful parabo- lical figure of trees. But when trees ftand thick together in Woods or Groves, this their natural fhape is altered, becaufe the lower lateral branches being much fhaded, they can perfpire little ; and therefore drawing little nourifhment, they perifh ; but the top branches being ex- pofed to a free drying air, they perfpire plen- tifully, and thereby drawing the fap to the top, they advance much in height : But vice versa, 5 Of Vegetation. jyj versa, if, when fuch a Grove of tall trees is cut down, there be left here and there a fingle tree, that tree will then (hoot out lateral branches $ the leaves of which branches now perfpiring freely, will attract plenty of fap, on which account the top being deprived of its nourishment, it ufually dies. And as trees in a Grove or Wood grow only in length, becaufe all the nourifhmenc is by the leaves drawn to the top, moft of the fmall lateral (haded branches in the mean time perifhing for want of perfpiration and nutrition ; fo the cafe is the very fame in the branches of a tree, which ufually making an angle of about 45 degrees with the item of the tree, do thereby beautifully fill up, at equal and proper diftances, the fpace between the lower branches and the top of the tree, form- ing thereby, as it were, a parabolical Grove or Thicket, which (hading the arms, the fmall lateral moots of thofe arms ufually perifh for want of due perfpiration ; and therefore the arms continue naked like the bodies of trees in a grove, all the nourishment being drawn up to the tops of the feveral branches by the leaves which are there expofed to the warm fun, and free drying air, whereby the branches of trees expand much. A a And 5 54 Of Vegetation. And where the lateral branches are very vigorous, fo as to make ftrong moots, and attract the nourimment plentifully, there the tree ufually abates in its height : But where the tree prevails in height, as in groves, there commonly its lateral branches are fmalleft. So that we may look upon a tree as a com- plicated Engine, which has as many different powers as it has arms and branches, each drawing from their common fountain of life the root : and the whole of each yearly growth of the tree will be proportionable to the fum of their attracting powers, and the quantity of nourimment the root affords : But this at- tracting power and nourimment will be more or lefs, according to the different ages of the tree, and the more or lefs kindly feafons of the year. And the proportional growth of their late- ral and top branches, in relation to each other, will much depend on the difference of their feveral attracting powers. If the peripiration and attraction of the lateral brances is little or nothing, as in woods and groves, then the top branches will mightily prevail -, but when in a free open air the perfpiration and attra- ction of the lateral branches comes nearer to an equality with that of the top, then are the afpi- Of Vegetation. 355 afpirings of the top branches greatly checked. And the cafe is the fame in moft other Vege- tables, which, when they ftand thick toge- ther, grow much in length with very weak lateral moots. And as the leaves are thus ferviceable in promoting the growth of a tree, we may ob- ferve that Nature has placed the petals of the leaves-ftalks where moft nourifhment is want- ing, to produce leaves, moots and fruit ; and fome fuch thin leafy expanfion is fo neceffary for this purpofe, that Nature provides fmall thin expanfions, which may be called pri- mary leaves, that ferve to protect and draw nourifhment to the young moot and leaf-buds, before the leaf itfelf is expanded. And herein we fee the admirable contri- vance of the Author of nature in adapting her different ways of conveying nourifhment to the different circumftances of her produ- ctions. For in this embryo ftate of the buds a fuitable proviiion is made to bring nou;ifh- ment to them in a quantity fufficient for their then fmall demands : But when they are in fome degree increafed and formed, a much greater quantity of nourifhment is neceifarv, in proportion to their greater incteafe : Na- ture, that fhe may then no longer fupply with A a 2 a 35^ Of Vegetation. a fcanty hand, immediately changes her me- thod, in order to convey nourifhment with a more liberal hand to her produ&ions > which fupply daily increafes by the greater expanfion of the leaves, and confequently the more plentiful attraction and fupply of fap, as the greater growth and demand for it in- creafes. We find a much more elaborate and beau- tiful apparatus, for the like purpofe, in the curious expanfions of bloflbms and flowers, which feem to be appointed by Nature not only to protedt, but alfo to draw and convey nourifhment to the embryo fruit and feeds. But as foon as the Calix is formed into a fmall fruit, now impregnated with its minute feminal tree, furnimed with its Secondine, Corion and Amnion, (which new-fet fruit may, in that ftate, be looked upon as a com- plete egg of the tree, containing its young unhatched tree, yet in embryo) then the blol- fom falls off, leaving this new-formed egg, or firft-fet fruit, in this infant ftate, to im- bibe nourifhment fufficient for itfelf, and the F&tus with which it is impregnated : Which nourifhment is brought within the reach and power of its fudlion by the adjoining leaves. If Of Vegetation. 357 If I may be allowed to indulge conjecture in a cafe in which the mod diligent inquirers are as yet, after all their laudable refearches, advanced but little farther than mere con- jecture, I would propofe it to their confidera- tion, whether from the manifeft proof we have that fulphur ftrongly attracts air, a hint may not be taken, to confider whether this may not be the primary ufe of the Farina fcecundans, to attract and unite with itfelf elaftick or other refined active particles. That this Farina abounds with fulphur, and that a very refined fort, is probable, from the fubtle oil which Chymifts obtain from Saf- fron. And if this be the ufe of it, was it poflible that it could be more aptly placed for the purpofe, than on very moveable Apices fixt on the flender points of the Stamina, whereby it might eafily, wich the leaft breath of wind, be difperfed in the air, thereby fur- rounding the plant, as it were, with an Ac- mofphere of fublimed fulphureous pounce ? (for many trees and plants abound with it) which uniting with the air-particles, they, or a very fublimed fpirit from them, may, perhaps, be infpired or imbibed at feveral parts of the plant, and efpecially at the Pijiil- lum, and be thence conveyed to the Capfula A a 3 Jem* 3 5 8 Hoe Conchfion. feminalis, efpecially towards evening, and ia the night, when the beautiful Petala of the flowers are clofed up, and they, with all the other parts of the Vegetable, are in a ftrongly imbibing ftate. And if to thefe united ful- phureous and aereal particles, we fuppofe fome particles of light to be joined, (for Sir Ijaac Newton has found, that fulphur attracts light ftrongly) then the refult of thefe three, by far the mofl active principles in Nature, will be a PunBum S aliens, to invigorate the feminal plant : And thus we are at laft con- dueled, by the regular Analyfis of vegetable Nature, to the firft enlivening principle of their minuteft Origin. The Conchjion. V| T E have, from the foregoing Experi- V ments, many proofs of the very great and different quantities of moifture imbibed and perfpired by different kinds of Trees, and alfo of the influence the feveral ftates of the air, as to warm or cold, wet or dry, have on that perfpiration. We fee alfo what ftores of moifture Nature has provided in the Earth againft a dry feafon, to anfwer this great ex- pence of it in the production and fupport of Vegetables j how far the Dew can contribute to The Conclujion. 359 to this fupply, and how infufficient its fmall quantity is towards making good the great demands of perforation : And that plants can plentifully imbibe moifture thro' their items and leaves, as well as perfpire it. We fee with what degrees of warmth the Sun, that kindly natural genius of Vegetation, acts on the feveral parts of Vegetables, from their tops down to their roots two feet under ground. We have alfo many proofs of the great force with which plants, and their feveral branches and leaves, imbibe moiflure up their capillary fap-veflels : The great influence the perfpiring leaves have in this work, and the care Nature has taken to place them in fuch order, and at fuch proper diftances, as may render them moft ferviceable to this purpofe, efpecially in bringing plenty of nourimment to the young growing moots and fruit, whofe ftem is ufually furrounded with them near the fruit's infertion into the twig. We fee here too, that the growth of moots, leaves and fruit, co:i lifts in the extenfion of every part ; for the effecting of which, Nature has provided innumerable little veficles, which being replete with dilating moifture, it does thereby powerfully extend, and draw out every ductile part. A a 4 V.'e 3