THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY V i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 Lit** DUBLIN COAL METERS. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 2 May 1842;— for, COPY of a Minute or Memorandum made by the Commission ers of Customs in 1825 or 1826, fixing or settling the Rate of Remuneration to be allowed to the Dublin Coal-meters for the Performance of the Duties required by the Act 6 Geo. 4, c. 107, s. Ill ; together with a Copy of the Coal Warrant executed and committed by the Officers of Customs to the Coal-meters, for their Guidance in the Discharge of their Duties, as prescribed by the Board of Customs under said Act. RETURN of the Number of Tons or Chaldrons of Coals, Culm or Cinders, meted or weighed, and duly certified by the Dublin Coal-meters to the Officers of Customs, at Dublin, from the 5th day of July 1825 to the 23d day of August 1831 ; stating whether the Duty on the Coals could have been duly levied without the Coal-meters' Certificate, and the Coal Ship cleared out by the Officers of Customs without such Certificate or not. COPIES of Applications made by the Guild of Merchants, Dublin, the Coal- meters of Dublin, or any Person or Persons, to the Lords of the Treasury or Boards of Customs, from the Year 1825 to the Year 1838 inclusive, claiming Pay- ment of the Sum of £.2,584. 13. 8. for the Metage of Coals, from the 5th day of January 1826 to the 1st day of March 1831. COPIES of all Orders issued by the Board of Customs for the Government of the Conduct of the Coal-meters, and the Answers or Communications made by the Lords of the Treasury or Board of Customs to the respective Applications made for obtaining Payment of the Money so remaining due and unpaid, for the Duties or Services performed by the Dublin Coal-meters, to the Board of Customs, from the 5th day of July 1825 to the 23d day of August 1831. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers, 5 May 1842. (Mr, Grogan.) Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 13 May 1842. ■248. A C 2 ] DUBLIN COAL METERS. Copv Minute of the Commissioners of Customs, Ireland. 29 December 1825. The Board took into consideration a report of the Surveyor-General, in return to their special order of the 21st instant, directing him, with reference to their order of the same date, on an application from the masters of colliers trading to the Port of Dublin, apprising them that, for the reasons therein stated, they (the Commissioners) were of opinion that it would not be expedient to prescribe by any order the manner in which the quantity of coals to be charged with the duties should be ascertained ; and also, with reference to the different modes pursued at the several ports in Ireland in the discharge of coals, as stated in the returns to the Board's general order of inquiry on that subject, to suggest for the Board's consideration such general directions as might appear to him most expedient to be adopted for the collection of the duties on coals from and after the 5th January next, under the pro- visions of the Act of 6 Geo. 4, c. 107 ; and thereupon ordered, — That until the average weight of an imperial standard bushel (the measure directed to be hereafter used for coals by Act of the 4th Geo. 4, c. 47) of each of the various sorts of coals can be ascertained by actual experiment, and until it shall have been determined on by the several interests connected with the coal trade in Ireland whether that article shall be sold by weight or measure, the quantity for duty to be computed in the mode at present observed ; and, in conformity with the arrangement agreed upon with the Guild of Merchants in Dublin, as signified by Messrs. Aliens' (clerks of the Guild) letter of the 23d inst., in return to the Board's Secretary's letter of the 17th preceding, that the following regulations be observed in this port until further orders ; viz. — That the form of Coal Warrant, as modified by the Surveyor-General, a specimen of which, (marked A.), is hereunto annexed, be adopted in future, instead of the present form of Coal Warrant : That this document be, in the first instance, sent from the Collector's office to the Coast- waiter, who is to enter the same in the coal-book, and sign his name thereon, and then deliver the warrant to the parties concerned, in order to be conveyed to the Meter, in whose pos- session it is to remain until the cargo shall have been discharged, when the Meter is to grant a certificate of the quantity delivered, addressed to the Collector, to be countersigned by the Inspector of Coal-meters, in proof of his having examined and compared the quantity with the detailed account of delivery returned to that officer by the Coal-meter ; which cer- tificate the Meter is to deliver over to the Coast-waiter, in order that it may be examined, and the number of tons computed for duty by that officer, by whom it is to be forwarded to the Collector, who is, with the privity of the Comptroller, to receive the duty on the post quantity. Also ordered, — That the Coast-waiters do visit such vessels, during the discharge, as often as their duties will permit, check the drafts or measures, and ascertain that the beams, measures, &c, which may be in use, are correct ; and that they do inspect and sign the book in which the Meter keeps the tally of the discharge, reporting any irregularity or other circumstances which he may discover fit for the Board's cognizance. And copy of this Minute is to be delivered to the Surveyor-General, Collector and Comp- troller, Examiner of Customs, Landing-surveyors and Coast-waiters in this port, for their information and government, so far as they may be respectively concerned. 31 December. (signed) Geo. Jones. Copy of Coal Warrant. (A.) Port of In the of Quarter. \ , Master. No. J from of Coals, per Cocket, dated The duty for Tons of Coals, amounting to . being paid, you may permit that quantity to be unladen Custom House, dated 182 Collector. Comptroller. Coast-waiter I hereby RETURNS : REMUNERATION TO DUBLIN COAL METERS. I hereby certify to the Collector of Customs at the Port of That I have delivered from on board the Ship__ __ M aster from Measures or Draughts, containing each of Coals. Sworn Meter. Dated this day of 182 Inspector's Signature. Port of By the Meter's account there have been discharged from on board the Ship from Measures or Draughts Cwt. qrs. lbs. of Coals, which, at the rate of for each measure, Tons. Cwt. qrs. lbs. make The Prime entry within, being for Leaves for the Post entry Coast-waiter. Port of Dublin. An Account of the Quantity of Coals on which the Customs Duty was received according to the Certificate of the Coal-meters, between 5th January 1826 * and 1st March 1831. QUANTITY. Rate per Chaldron. Amount. Tons. Chaldrons, at 30 Cwt. per Chaldron. 1,500,227 1,000,151 ------- d. I £. s. d. 2,083 12 11^ * The Act of 6 Geo. 4, c. 107, dated 5th July 1825, did not come into operation until 5th January 1826, and ceased on 1st March 1831. The duty could not have been duly levied without the Coal-meter's certificate (countersigned by the Inspector of Coal- meters), and the coal-ship was not cleared out without such certificate. Sir, 56, Camden-street, 6 February 1827. We are directed by the Masters, Wardens and Coal Committee of the Guild of Merchants to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 3d instant, wherein it is required, for the purpose of making the Guild's Coal-meters' establishment conformably to the practice in London, that their principal Coal-meters should attend the Commissioners of Customs, in order to be sworn in as meters for the service of the revenue. And we are ordered, in reply thereto, to acquaint you, for the information of the Commis- sioners, that it forms a material part of such arrangement in London, that the principal Coal-meters are allowed by the Commissioners there a halfpenny per ton for preparing and certifying the returns of the actual discharge of coals for the service of the Customs, which allowance is always paid into the City's Chamber, and out of it those principal Coal-meters are paid their salaries. And therefore the Coal Committee beg leave to suggest, that as the Guild of Merchants in Dublin stand, in this respect, in the same situation as the Cor- poration of London, a like allowance should be made here, and lodged by the Commissioners in the Bank of Ireland, to the credit of the Masters and Wardens of the Guild, in order that, out of the same, the principal Coal-meters, Messrs. Richaid Oulton and Charles Oulton, may receive their salaries. ^8. a 2 If 251843 RETURNS RELATING TO REMUNERATION TO DUBLIN COAL If the Commissioners will be so good as to consent to the foregoing arrangement, the Committee will direct those two principal Coal-meters to attend the Commissioners, and take before them the oath formerly transmitted to the Guild, only altered as in the copy thereof herewith returned ; and this alteration the Committee have been induced to make solely with the view of preserving unimpaired the rights of the Guild of Merchants. We have, &c. C. J. Allan MacLean, Esq. (signed) T. k J. Allen, &c. &c. &c. Clerks of Guild of Merchants. Copy of Oath referred to in the aforegoing. I, A. B., do swear to be true and faithful in the execution, to the best of my knowledge and power, of the trust committed to my charge and inspection, as one of the Coal-meters of the port of Dublin, appointed by the Guild of Merchants of the City of Dublin ; and that I will not require, take or receive any fee, perquisite, gratuity or reward, whether pecuniary or of any sort or description whatever, either directly or indirectly, for any service, act, duty, matter or thing done or performed, or to be done or performed, in the execution or discharge of any of the duties of my office or employment, on any account whatever, other than the usual established wages of 6d. per ton, as authorized by the said Guild of Merchants. So help me God. Copy of further Letter from Messrs. Allen. Sir, 56, Camden-street, 6 April 1827. We are directed by the Masters, Wardens and Coal Committee of the Guild of Merchants, in reply to your letters of the 1st and 27th ultimo, relative to the oath which the Commis- sioners of his Majesty's Customs require to be taken by the Guild's principal Coal-meters, to refer you to our letter of the 6th of February last on this subject, and to request from the Commissioners of Customs the favour of their answer as to the several circumstances stated in that letter. We have, &c. C. J. Allan MacLean, Esq. (signed) T. & J. Jllen, &c. Sec. &c. Clerks of Guild Merchants. Copy of Letter from the Secretary of the Local Board in Ireland to Messrs. Allen, in reply to the above Letters. Gentlemen, Custom House, Dublin, 9 April 1827. Having laid before the Commissioners of Customs your letter of the 6th instant, request- ing an answer to yours of the 6th February last, on the subject of the oath which they require to be taken by the principal Coal-meters to the Guild of Merchants ; I have it in command to acquaint you, for the information of the Guild, that the Board will pay their Meters at the same rate as in London, namely, one halfpenny per chaldron, and that this allowance will be paid in the same manner as in that port ; and I am to request a reply to my letter of the 1st ultimo as soon as convenient. I am, &c. Messrs. T. & J. Allen. (signed) C. J. Allan MacLean. To the Right Honourable the Lords of his Majesty's Treasury. The Memorial of the Masters, Wardens and Brethren of the Guild of Merchants, Dublin, Humbly showeth, That this Guild, in whom the right of the metage of coals in this city was vested by prescription, confirmed by royal charter, and recognized by several statutes, similar to the custom in London, on the 18th February last sent forward a Memorial to Parliament, pray- ino- that in case of passing the Act then in progress for discontinuing its Coal-meters' esta- blfshment, compensation would be allowed the Meters, as well as to the funds of the Guild, for the loss which that part of its income arising on the elections of Coal-meters would sustain thereby. That the Legislature, on discontinuing the Coal-meters in England, having amply com- pensated the funds of the Corporation of London for its loss, and having also been pleased to allow compensation to the parties in Dublin who are sufferers on this account, this Guild is naturally led to expect a like proportionable consideration ; but having observed np mention METERS FOR SERVICES TO THE CUSTOMS REVENUE. mention thereof in a list for compensation printed and sent along with copies of said Act, the Guild feels it necessary respectfully to repeat the request, that some reasonahle yearly allow- ance may be granted to compensate the funds of the Guild for its loss, out of which funds, be pleased to observe, that none of the members receive any portion, as the same are applied entirely in paying the expenses of its hall, and the different officers attending thereon ; and also a request that Messrs. Timothy and John Allen, secretaries of the Coal Committee, be compensated for their loss of 75/. per annum. (l. s.) John Jenkin Butler, 9 August 1832. Senior Master. Gentlemen, Treasury Chambers, 21 August 1832. Having laid before the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury your Memorial, praying that some yearly allowance may be granted to compensate the funds of the Guild of Merchants of Dublin for its loss on the repeal of the coal duties, and that the secre- taries of the Coal Committee be compensated for their loss of 75/. per annum, I am com- manded by their Lordships to inform you, that the Legislature has made provision for the compensation of the Meters only, and therefore My Lords have not any means or authority to comply with your request. I am, &c. (signed) J. Stewart. The Masters, Wardens and Brethren of the Guild of Merchants, Dublin. Sir, Merchants' Hall, 10 June 1833. We are directed by the Masters and Wardens of the Guild of Merchants, Dublin, to acquaint you, for the information of the Commissioners of Customs, that this Guild, in the year 1825, having in their service an establishment of 80 Coal-meters for the mea- surement of coals in the port of Dublin, by virtue of an ancient prescriptive and chartered right, confirmed by Acts of Parliament, similar to the Meters' establishment under the Corporation of London, a Customs Regulation Bill was passed in that year, giving power to the Commissioners of Customs to appoint Meters for the service of the revenue ; but the Commissioners of Customs in Dublin, instead of burthening the revenue with the very heavy expense of appointing new Meters, availed themselves of the Guild's establishment, as was the practice in the port of London ; and accordingly the proper certificates of the exact discharge of every coal vessel in the port of Dublin was regularly returned by the guild to the Commissioners, and received by them from that period. In consequence whereof, the Guild conceiving that they became entitled for those services to the same allowance as had been always paid in the like case to the Corporation of Lon- don, the Guild accordingly, by their letter of the 6th February 1827, required from the Commissioners that, as in London, an allowance of one halfpenny per ton should be made here, and lodged by the Commissioners in the Bank of Ireland to the credit of the Masters and Wardens of the Guild. In reply to which letter, the Commissioners, by their answer, dated 9th April 1827, undertook to give for such services the same rate as in London, namely, one halfpenny per chaldron, and that this allowance would be paid in the same manner as in that port. The Guild of Merchants having faithfully performed their part of said agreement by a vigilant attention to the accuracy of the metage and by regularity, sending such certified returns to the Commissioners from the 5th of July 1825, when said Customs Regulation commenced, to the 23d of August 1831, when the Crown duty on coals was repealed, have now to request that the Commissioners of Customs will, according to said undertaking of the Board in Ireland, make an order for payment of said allowance of one halfpenny per chaldron on all the coals so meted and certified by the Guild's establishment during that period, being 1,240,648 chaldrons, which, at said rate, amounts in the whole to the sum of 2,584/. 13s. 8d., to the Masters and Wardens of this Guild. We have, &c. (signed) T. & /. Allen, Chas. A. Scovell, Esq., &c. &c. &c, Clerks of Guild of Merchants. Custom-house, London. To the Honourable the Commissioners of Customs. The Memorial of Richard Oulton and Charles Oulton, Principals of the Coal- meters' Establishment of the City of Dub/in, Most humbly showeth, That your Memorialists having been informed an application is now before your Honour- able Board from the Guild of Merchants of this city for a sum of money created by a duty of one halfpenny per ton on coals from the 5th of January 1826 to the 21st of March 1831, 248. A3 take 6 RETURNS RELATING TO REMUNERATION TO DUBLIN COAL take leave most respectfully to submit to you, that the Guild of Merchants are in no manner entitled to receive same, as it was intended to have been given to your Memorialists as a remuneration for the duty performed by them, as principals of the Coal-meters' establish- ment in the collection of the duty on coals. That in the year 1814, in consequence of frauds being practised on the revenue by masters of coal vessels, an application was made, by direction of the Commissioners of Customs, to the principals of the Coal-meters' establishment (one of whom, your Memorialist, Richard Oulton, was at that period, and, subsequently, your other Memorialist, Charles Oulton), for returns of the amount of tonnage discharged out of each coal vessel, which were regularly made each day by your Memorialists from that period until the 5th of January 1826, when the Act of G Geo. 4, c. 107, came into operation. That on or about the period the said 6 Geo. 4, c. 107, came into operation, communica- tions were made from the Commissioners of Customs at this port to your Memorialists, and also to the Guild of Merchants, relative to carrying into effect the provisions of the said Act for the collection of the duty on coals ; and it was finally agreed on, that your Memorialists should continue to examine into the tallied accounts of the Coal-meters during the discharge of the several vessels under their inspection, and to countersign the Meters' certificates of the dis- charge. No vessel would be cleared out without this certificate having been counter- signed by either of your Memorialists, and lodged by them in the proper office in the Custom-house. That the principal Coal-meters in London received an allowance of one halfpenny per chaldron for performing this duty, and that a similar remuneration was promised to your Memorialists, but which they have never received. Your Memorialists, therefore, humbly hope, as they have faithfully discharged their duty to the revenue in the collection of the duties on coals (in proof of which they humbly refer your Honourable Board to the Collector and Comptroller of Customs at this port), that your Honourable Board may be pleased to consider them entitled to receive the aforesaid remu- neration of one halfpenny per ton. And your Memorialists, as in duty bound, will ever pray. Richard Oulton. 2, Hume-street, 16 July 1833. Charles Oulton. Copy of Memorial of Messrs. Richard and Charles Oulton. To the Honourable the Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs. The Memorial of Richard Oulton and Charles Oulton, Most humbly showeth, That the Memorial which they had the honour of transmitting to you on the 16th July, having been referred to the officers of the Customs at this port for report, caused a commu- nication to be made from them to your Memorialists for documents explanatory of the claims therein set forth. That your Memorialists, in compliance with their commands, did, on the 27th instant, furnish them with the required information (so far as within their power), and also availed themselves of that opportunity of entering more fully into the extent of their services to the revenue than had been set forth in their former Memorial. That your Memorialists take the liberty of transmitting herewith a copy of that commu- nication, and entreat your attention thereto, and pray, That your Honourable Board will take their claims into your favourable consider- ation, with a view of granting to them, for their long and valuable services to the revenue, from the year 1814 to 1831, remuneration at the rate of one halfpenny per chaldron, being the rate referred to in Mr. MacLean's letter of 9th April 1827, addressed to the clerks of the Guild of Merchants. Richard Oulton, Charles Oulton, 2, Hume-street, Dublin, Inspectors and Principals of the Coal-meters' 30 July 1833. Establishment at the Port of Dublin. Copy of Enclosure referred to in the aforegoing. Gentlemen, 2, Hume-street, 27 July 1833. We have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22d instant, requiring us to fur- nish you with copies of all communications made to us by the late local Board of Customs in Ireland, relative to carrying into effect the provisions of 6 Geo. 4, c. 107. These communi- cations, official and demi-official, as also many others relating to the duties and [discharge of coals, between the years 1814 and 1831, the period at which our services to the revenue were rendered, were very numerous ; but never deeming that we should ever, after the imme- diate object of them ceased, be called upon to furnish copies of them, we had not attended to their preservation, and at the time of the breaking up of our establishment a great por- tion of them were destroyed ; but, in conformity with your desire, we herewith transmit copies of many still remaining in our possession, which, with our own personal knowledge of our services, we trust may be deemed satisfactory in support of our Memorial. METERS FOR SERVICES TO THE CUSTOMS REVENUE. 7 On a re-perusal of that Memorial, we regret that it went less fully into our case than we ■could have desired; and now, while complying with your commands, \vc at the same time take leave to submit to you somewhat more at large the grounds upon which we respectfully found our claims for those services by which his Majesty's revenue has been so considerably augmented. About the year 1814 the amount of duty on coals imported into Dublin having greatly decreased, the late Mr. Smyth King, our intimate friend and relative, one of the then Com- missioners of Customs in Ireland, being most anxious to discover and detect the frauds then practised, had a confidential conversation with us on the subject, the result of which was, that a return of the tonnage of certain vessels, as entered in our books, was furnished him ; by which it appeared that in each of the instances frauds to a considerable extent had been committed on the revenue, to prevent a recurrence of which, a return of the discharge of the several coal vessels, in their order of clearance, was obtained from our office at stated intervals, and the utility of the practice became so manifest, that a daily return was required by the Board, and an intimation thereof forwarded to our office. This desire was immediately complied with, and with so great advantage, that on the 14th March 1820 Mr. Hamerton, the then jerquer, communicated to us that these returns were the only check the revenue had on the discharge of coal vessels ; and that by means thereof there was in one month (from 3d January to 3d February) in that year an increase of duty to the amount of 794/. 2s. lod. more than could be ascertained by the Customs department, being an average of an increase of 9,429 1. 5 s. per annum. Those daily returns (one of which is sent herewith) continued uninterruptedly from the year 1815 to the year 1822, when an additional mode was sanctioned by the Commissioners, namely, that each landing order to the captains of coal vessels should be endorsed by us, and that we should certify thereon the quantity of coals discharged, for the purpose of enabling the revenue to ascertain the amount of duty payable prior to the issuing clearance orders to such captains ; thus requiring almost hourly certificates of this description from our office, besides the daily returns ; one of them accompanies this. This last mode con- tinued until the latter end of the year 1824. In the year 1824, and until December 1825, we were required, in addition to these cer- tificates, and in lieu of the daily returns above mentioned, to keep pass-books (furnished us by the Custom-house) for the use of the officers of Customs, containing the name of each coal vessel and master, the port from whence laden, the number of measures discharged, with the date of the discharge. One of these pass-books, which were repeatedly every day sent to and from our office, can be produced, if required. In December 1825, the 6 Geo. 4, c. 107, being about to come into operation, Mr. Allan MacLean, the then Secretary of the Board of Customs, sent for us, by direction of the Board, to consult with us as to the best mode of our co-operating with the officers • of the Customs to carry into effect the provisions of the Legislature. Moreover, a new form of warrant and certificate to ascertain the duty on coals having become necessary under the Act, our assistance was also required and obtained by Mr. Davis, the Acting Surveyor- General, in drawing up same, which was submitted to and approved of by the Board, by their Minute of the 29th December 1825, whereby we were required to countersign same (see Note at the end), and certify the actual discharge. These warrants were afterwards directed to be transmitted each day to our office, and a messenger of the Customs was employed for that purpose, but he was subsequently discontinued, and they were forwarded by our own messengers, in compliance with the desire of the officers of Customs, which required, not only frequent, but constant communication ; and this continued until the abolition of all duties upon coals. The efficacy and strictness with which we thus prevented frauds on the revenue caused much annoyance to many of the coal captains and others, who, as a means of bringing our office into disrepute with the Board of Customs, adopted, among other schemes, a plan of sending petitions to the Board, sometimes requiring, sometimes complaining of the want of, a Meter. In many instances these petitions were sent immediately on the captains paying their duty, and before a Meter could by any possibility have been appointed ; in others, the Meters had actually been appointed and were at the very time employed in superintending the discharge. All these petitions the Board was pleased at once to transmit to our office, and they met with immediate attention. They were exceedingly numerous, as appears from abstracts from them entered in our diary, which can at any time be produced. One of these petitions (No. 5 A.), with the Board's reference to us, and our answer to which, we take leave particularly to direct your attention, is herewith forwarded. The above are put forward as part of the almost innumerable communications between the Board, their officers, and us, to which we were obliged to add our daily personal attendance at the Custom-house, on some occasions three or four times in a day, for the same object. Nor was the forwarding of petitions of this class the only mark of confidence reposed in us by the Commissioners; for when the Postmaster-general (28th August 1820) petitioned the Commissioners to make arrangements to have the delivery of coals from the colliers at Kingstown, into the steam-packets, superintended, from time to time, until stores could be built, the Commissioners were pleased to refer the matter directly to us, for the purpose of having the Postmaster's wishes carried into effect. And on the 6th November, in the same year, an application was made to the Commis- sioners by Mr. Murphy, a broker, to permit Tyson, master of the Rock of Whitehaven, to clear out, on his verifying on oath before the Collector the discharge of the vessel, but which was refused (the cbject to get rid of our efficient check being apparent) ; the landing sur- veyor, Mr. Dowling, wrote to us to furnish the certificate in the customary manner. '■24^- a 4 Under 8 RETURNS RELATING TO REMUNERATION TO DUBLIN COAL Under all these circumstances of the case, the time, labour, fidelity and zeal which we for so long a period have devoted to the interests of the revenue, by which so great and so valuable services have been effected, we trust that through your report the Government will be pleased to consider that we amply merit the remuneration sought for by our Memorial, the more particularly as Mr. MacLean, by letter, dated 9th April 1827, to Messrs. T. and J. Allen, clerks of the Guild of Merchants, stated that he had it in command to inform the Guild, that the Board would pay us at the same rate as the principal Meters were paid in London for similar services, namely, one halfpenny per chaldron ; thus evidencing that our services were most important and deserving of recompense ; and which, although that recompense has not yet been awarded us, we nevertheless faithfully performed, to the period of the abolition of all duties upon coals. We have, &c. The Collector and Comptroller (signed) Richard Oulton. of the Customs. Charles Oulton. N.B. — The Inspectors, during the discharge of the several coal vessels, checked the tallies kept by each Coal-meter, and they were directed by the Board of Customs to countersign the certificate of the discharge, as proof to the Collector of its correctness. No certificate could be received by the Collector without the signature of either of the Inspectors. Copy of Application of Messrs. Richard and Charles Oulton. Honourable Sirs, 2, Hume-street, Dublin, 26 Sept. 1833. Having had a communication from the Collector and Comptroller of Customs in Dublin, relative to the subject of our Memorials to your Honourable Board (bearing date the 16th and 27th of July last), we have the honour of transmitting herewith, for your information, a copy of our answer thereto, which, under all the circumstances of the case, we hope may in every respect be considered satisfactory, and enable you to come to a favourable decision on our just claims for remuneration for the very important services rendered to the revenue (and which had been undertaken and continued by us at the instance and by the request of the officers of Customs for the time being), from the year 1814 to the year 1831, a period of more than 16 years, by which it was augmented in that time to upwards of 150,000 I. more than could possibly have been effected by any means in the power of the officers of Customs to adopt, other than through us and by our unceasing exertions. We have, &c. (signed) Richard Oulton. The Hon. Commissioners of Customs. Charles Oulton. Copy of Enclosure referred to in the aforegoing. Gentlemen, 2, Hume-street, 25 Sept. 1833. With respect to your communication of the 23d instant, requiring an early conference with you on the subject of our claim for services performed for the revenue, as set forth in our Memorials to the Commissioners of Customs on the 16th and 27th of July last; and it appearing from the interview we had the honour of having with you relative thereto, that you wish to learn, for the information of the Commissioners, whether we had taken the oath stated to be required by them for the security of the revenue, by their letter bearing date the 25th of September 1827 ; We beg leave to reply, that no such intimation on the part of the Commissioners had ever been notified to us by them or by the Guild of Merchants, or we should have been most happy to have complied with their desire; and from a communication we have had with a member of the Coal Committee, we have been assured that the form of oath to be required from us, as recommended by the Commissioners (London) to the Local Board in Dublin by their letter of the 25th of September 1827 (and which for the first time we were made acquainted with on yesterday) had never been intimated to the Guild of Merchants. This omission, however, was practically of no disadvantage to the revenue, inasmuch as the returns were always made by us to the Custom-house with the most scrupulous accuracy and regularity. The mere wish of the Commissioners would have been to us equal to a command, to which no possible objection could have arisen, even if it had been at variance with that of the Guild of Merchants, inasmuch as the latter had no power over us beyond the performance of the duty to which we were elected for life, namely, of appointing and regulating Coal-meters to the superintendence of the discharge of coals imported into Dublin and its vicinity ; nor was it in their power to impose on us any other or additional duty, however trifling, without out- concurrence. But we should hope that the inadvertence of this intimation not having been conveyed to us, could not by any means prejudice our just claims upon the revenue for our great and most important services from the year 1814 to the year 1831, a period of upwards of 16 years, by which the revenue was benefited to the amount of more than 150,000 L, being on an average of 794 1. 2 s. 10 c?. per month more than could possibly be ascertained by returns made by captains of coal vessels to the Custom-house, or by any otlier check the revenue METERS FOR SERVICES TO THE CUSTOMS REVENUE. 9 revenue had on the discharge of coals, as certified by Mr. Hamerton, late jerquer in that department. Fide our letter to you on the 27th day of J uly last. And, in conclusion, we beg leave to remind you, that during all that period you and your predecessors have ever found us most zealous in discharge of the duty imposed on us by the Commissioners ; that our services were always and at all times at your disposal, and our books open to your inspection ; so that even had an oath been administered to us for the due discharge of that duty, and for the protection of the revenue from fraud (and which oath had never been required from us), our services could not have been more efficient, zealous and faithful than you have ever experienced them. We have, &c. The Collector and Comptroller (signed) Richard Oulton. of the Customs. Charles Oulton. Gentlemen, 2, Hume-street, Dublin, 24 October 1833. Having learned that Mr. Allen, clerk of the Guild of Merchants, has lately received from your Honourable Board, in reply to an application from him, an answer that the claim preferred on behalf of the Guild of Merchants for remuneration (as is supposed for the important services rendered by us to the revenue) was still under your consideration, and a rumour (with what truth for its foundation we know not) having become prevalent, that such remuneration, when awarded, might possibly be paid into the hands of the Guild for our benefit ; We take leave humbly to remind your Honourable Board, that those services were commenced by us many years since, at the instance of our friend and relative, the late Mr. Smyth King, one of the then Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs in Ireland, who at the same time declared to us, that if our services to the revenue were found beneficial, he had no doubt but that we should be adequately rewarded by the Government ; that we per- formed those services for more than 16 years consecutively, by the desire and at the request of the several officers of Customs for the time being, without consulting with or deeming it necessary to obtain the sanction of the Guild of Merchants, who never did nor had any power to require our interference for the interests of the revenue, being altogether an extra duty, apart from that appertaining to the office to which we were elected, and in which alone the Guild had any power or control over us. In fact, our election (which was for life) only was vested in their hands in the manner that the election of the recorder and similar officers is in the corporation at large. Even our fees and emoluments were regulated under Act of Parliament by a totally different body, and payable not by or through the Guild (from whom we never derived any salary or emolument whatever), but by the Coal-meters and masters of coal vessels, directly to ourselves ; that our application is distinct, separate from, and in no way connected with that which we conjecture to be the claim put forward on behalf of the Guild of Merchants, and which was made not with any intention whatever of rendering us an act of justice for our services, but solely and entirely for their own benefit, and to put whatever sum they might be able to obtain from the Government into their own pockets ; and we beg permission to add (but with the greatest reluctance and regret we now feel ourselves under the necessity of doing so) that the Guild of Merchants at this moment is a corporation very much in debt, so much so as to be unable to meet even the costs which they owe their law agent, independently of mortgages affecting them ; and relying on the unimportance of the property still remaining in their hands, and its being- out of the reach of legal proceedings, they have, in pursuance with their counsel's advice, declined to obey any writ from the courts of either law or equity, their appearance as a corporation being in consequence incapable of being enforced ; so that if your Honourable Board, in justice to our claims, should be pleased to award us a compensation for our ser- vices, and order the same to be paid into the hands of the Guild for that purpose, we could derive no benefit whatever from your good intentions, being deprived of any means of com- pelling the Guild to act towards us agreeably to such your intentions, and the justice of the case. We therefore entreat most humbly and earnestly to impress upon your considera- tion, that the remuneration which we seek from the Government through your Honourable Board for our long and valuable services to the revenue, by which it has been benefited to the amount of upwards of 150,000/., should be paid to ourselves, and not to the Guild of Merchants (who had nothing whatever, directly or indirectly, to do with these services), lest it should be diverted from being applied to our benefit, and thereby frustrate your good intentions, which we have every reason in justice to hope will be favourable to, Gentlemen, Your most obedient humble Servants, (signed) Richard Oulton. The Honourable the Commissioners of Customs, Charles Oulton. &c. &c. &c. B Honourable io RETURNS RELATING TO REMUNERATION TO DUBLIN COAL Honourable Sirs, 2, Hume-street, 2 November 1833. We feel ourselves bound to apologize for so frequently trespassing upon your most valuable time, but tbe importance to us of our interests at stake, and the exertions which we understand are being made by parties who have no foundation injustice for their inter- vention, to deprive us of those interests, may in some degree excuse our importunity ; the more so as we have had no opportunity of knowing the exact grounds upon which claims hostile to ours have been put forward ; but having acquired our information by piecemeal, we have been compelled to meet it in the same manner, and thus to intrude ourselves upon your attention with a frequency, which otherwise, even for our own sakes, we would care- fully have avoided. In our last we alluded to a rumour that the remuneration to us for our services might by possibility be paid into the hands of the Guild of Merchants for our benefit ; but what could have given rise to the rumour we cannot imagine, unless it proceeded from an idea to assimilate the mode of remunerating us to that which was adopted with respect to the prin- cipal meters in London ; but those who may have thought that there ought to have been an assimilation must have been unacquainted with the nature of the two establishments. In London the entire of the revenue arising from the metage of coals is paid into the hands of the corporation; here the Guild of Merchants never received a farthing from that source; there the principal Meters were paid by the corporation out of that revenue ; here no revenue of the kind ever existed, nor did the Gudd of Merchants ever pay us any salary, fee or emo- lument whatsoever, our income having been derived solely and entirely from fees from masters of coal vessels and from Coal-meters, paid directly to ourselves, as regulated by a totally different body from the Guild (namely, the Lord Mayor, Recorder and board of Aldermen), under Act of Parliament (1 Geo. 3, c. 10, s. 6, Irish). In London the whole amount of compensation to the Meters for loss of situation, agreeably to a late statute, is paid into the hands of the corporation ; here the compensation (under 2 & 3 Will. 4, c. 90) is paid directly to the Meters through the officers of Customs. In short, the Guild of Mer- chants never received any emolument by tax, fees or otherwise from the importation of coals into Dublin, and consequently never paid or remunerated any officers of the Coal-meters' establishment. So that the two cases, i. e. the practice of the port of London and that of the port of Dublin, with respect to Meters, hold no analogy, but are altogether different. In our letter of the 24th October, and preceding letters, we stated the manner in which our services to the revenue commenced, so long since as the year 1814, namely, through the late Mr. Smyth King, one of the then Commissioners of Customs for Ireland ; that we continued these services for more than 16 years consecutively, at the instance of the several officers of Customs for the time being ; and that they were performed without our consulting with or deeming it necessary to obtain the sanction of the Guild of Merchants, being alto- gether an extra duty, apart from that appertaining to the office to which we were elected. We also alluded to the present embarrassed state of the finances of the Guild of Merchants, that they are unable to meet any demands upon them, and refuse to obey any process from the courts of either law or equity, which, as a corporation, they may do with impunity ; and have within the last few months resorted, for that purpose, even to nailing their forms and tables to the floor of their hall. This is a circumstance publicly known to every one who resorts to their meetings; and from hence, as well as from their mode of conducting busi- ness, may be seen the utter hopelessness of our ever getting a farthing out of their hands, in case your Honourable Board should entrust them with the remuneration which we seek for our long and valuable services to the revenue, with which, we beg to repeat, the Guild had nothing whatever to do, but which were performed solely by ourselves personally, and by communications through our office alone with the officers of Customs. The Guild of Merchants have lately been required to furnish to the officers of Customs the names of the several persons who have served the office of Master of the Guild for the last few years ; which has occasioned a belief that there exists an intention of paying the amount of our claims into their hands for our use. If there be the slightest foundation for that apprehension, we respectfully entreat of your Honourable Board to consider that each of them was elected to that office for one year only; and that they are altogether out of the reach or control of the Guild or of us ; and that there is no man of prudence who would not have reason to regret that his money should be placed under their protection. In short, from various circumstances and from our long experience, we would consider it as hope- less an undertaking for us to look to them for the money, as it would be to obtain it from the Guild. Under all the circumstances, and trusting that your Honourable Board is quite convinced of the danger and inexpediency of placing the money which may be intended for us in the hands of the Guild, or the Masters of the Guild of Merchants, we entreat, most humbly and earnestly, that such remuneration may be paid to ourselves through the officers of Customs, from whom we receive our annuity for our loss of situation. We have, &c. (signed) Rich* Oulton. The Hon. the Commissioners of Customs, Charles Oulton. &c. &c. &c. P. S. — Should the Guild of Merchants consider that they have claims on your Honour- able Board or on the Government, other than that for the services which we have rendered, we can have no possible objection thereto; but when they were submitted to Government through Mr. Spring Rice, and also to Parliament by petition, pending the passing of the Act of the 2 & 3 Will. 4, c. 90, they were rejected by both. Copy METERS FOR SERVICES TO THE CUSTOMS REVENUE. Copy of Board's Order on the aforegoing. Gentlemen, Cuetom-house, London, 12 November 1833. Having considered your reports of the 2d, 11th and 31st of July last, and 26th September last, on applications of Messrs. T. and J. Allen, clerks to the Guild of Merchants, and Messrs. Richard and Charles Oulton, inspectors and principals of the Coal-meters at Dublin, the former praying to be paid the sum of one halfpenny per ton on coals discharged at that port between the 5th July 1825 and the 28d August 1831, the latter to be paid the like sum from the 5th January 1826 to the 21st March 1831, and having also read the reports of Mr. Dowding, Surveyor-General, on the subject ; We are of opinion that Messrs. Oulton cannot be recognized as parties to whom any payment is due by this revenue for the services in question, and you are to apprize the applicants accordingly ; and we direct you to transmit to us a statement of the quantity of coals on which the Customs duty was received, according to the certificate of the Coal-meters, between the 5th January 1826 (when the Act 6 Geo. 4, c. 107, came into operation) and the period when the duty ceased, together with the sum which would be payable thereon at the rate of a halfpenny per chaldron. (signed) E. Stewart. The Collector and Comptroller, H. Richmond. Dublin. D. M. Binning. Honourable Sirs, 2, Hume-street, Dublin, 18 November 1833. We beg leave to acquaint yon, that we have received from the Collector and Comptroller of Customs in Dublin a letter, bearing date the 15th November instant, stating that they were desired by your Honourable Board, by order of the 12th instant, to inform us that we cannot be recognised as parties to whom any payment is due by the revenue for the services performed by us relative to the discharge of coais in the port of Dublin between the 5th January 1826 and 21st March 1831, at the rate of one halfpenny per ton. It is with extreme regret we find we have failed to convey to your Honourable Board the views which originally induced us to trespass on your notice ; a misapprehension of which now leads us to entreat your attention once more to our communications. We did not, at least it was not our intention to, confine our claims to remuneration for our services to the existence of any supposed contract between the Commissioners of Cus- toms and the Guild of Merchants. If such a compact had been entered into with them, agreeably to Mr. MacLean's letter of the 9th April 1827, we are aware that difficulties might arise to your Honourable Board as to treating us as principal parties thereto, although it could not, we presume, militate against our claims upon the revenue ; but we alluded to that, respecting the halfpenny per ton mentioned therein, as a criterion of the estimation in which our services were held by the Commissioners, and not as a contract entered into with us, or as a document absolutely or legally binding on them for our remuneration. Besides, its terms were prospective, while our claims on the revenue, for services commencing in the year 1814, and terminating in the year 1831, and originated for its protection in consequence of an interview with the late Mr. Smyth King, one of the then Commissioners of Customs, and under the expectation, if not actual promise, of reward, should our intervention be attended with benefit, being a period of more than 12 years before the date of Mr. MacLean's letter. But even on the supposition that the Guild of Merchants had entered into a stipulation with your Honourable Board for our services, they could not have placed those services in requisition without our own consent, and that consent had never been asked, and would not have been obtained without the consequent remuneration, to which we ever held ourselves entitled from you, had been relinquished in our favour. But we humbly beg leave to intimate that there was no intention, on our part, of restricting our claims to any contemplated arrangement between the Commissioners of Customs and the Guild of Mer- chants, or to confine them to the limited time which it embraced ; a reference having, as before observed, been made thereto, only as a scale whereby to jud^e of the importance of our services. The object of our application to your Honourable Board was simply, that having, at the instance of one of the late Commissioners of Customs, devised and originated a mode for the protection of the revenue, whereby it was increased above 150,000/. ; having for so many years performed so many and so arduous duties, for the purpose of carrying that mode into effect, in the hope, and almost under the promise of reward, we did trust that so great a claim would not have been neglected ; but that our 16 years' unremitting services, and the immense amount of increase to revenue thereby effected, would have entitled us to the consideration of your Honourable Board, and obtained commensurate remuneration. In the hope that your Honourable Board will please reconsider our case in this view, we entreat remuneration, not for the limited period between 5th January 1826 to the 21st March 1831, but for services of 16 years' duration, commencing in the year 1814, and continued to the year 1831, whereby above 1 50,000 1, have been added to the revenue, and that, too, with- out any aid, interference or communication had with the Guild of Merchants, those services having been performed solely by ourselves personally, and by communications through our office alone, at the instance of the officers of Customs for the time being; and we beg leave most respectfully once more to press the justice of our case upon your Honourable Board, and that it is distinct raid separate from any claim that can be put forward by the Guild of C Merchants, 12 RETURNS RELATING TO REMUNERATION TO DUBLIN COAL Merchants, it being solely for services performed by ourselves, and of such importance as to merit your favourable consideration with a view of rewarding Your most obedient, very humble Servants, (signed) Richard Oulton. To the Honourable the Commissioners of Customs, Charles Oulton. &c. &c. &c. Copy of Board's Order on the aforegoing. Gentlemen, Custom-house, London, 6 December 1833. Having read an application from Messrs. Richard and Charles Oulton, dated the 18th ultimo, praying a reconsideration of our order of the 12th preceding, signifying that they could not be recognized as parties to whom any payment is due by the revenue for the metage of coals; We direct you to acquaint the applicants that there is nothing contained in their present petition to induce us to depart from our order before mentioned. (signed) R. B. Dean. The Collector and Comptroller, H. Richmond. Dublin. D. M. Binning. To the Honourable the Commissioners of his Majesty's Board of Customs. The Memorial of the Coal-meters of the City of Dublin, Humbly showeth, That Memorialists have been informed, that at some period of the time they had been performing the duties of Coal-meters, by whose returns and certificates the duty on coals imported into Dublin and its vicinity was ascertained and collected, an official communica- tion had been made (but of which at that time Memorialists were not made acquainted) by the Secretary of the Irish Board of Customs, intimating the Board's most gracious intention of allowing a small sum as remuneration for the additional duties imposed on Memorialists, which required them to keep a correct account of the quantity so discharged, and to certify the same, as the sworn meters, to the proper officer of his Majesty's Customs. That Memorialists also have, with much surprise, learned that the letter written by the Secretary, conveying such intimation, has been made a pretext for a claim on your Honour- able Board by persons who never rendered any of the services or performed any of the duties so required ; whilst, on the contrary, this service was faithfully and effectually performed exclusively by Memorialists, which will at once appear evident on reference to the certificate of William Hamerton, one of his Majesty's officers of Customs, bearing date 14th March 1820, and which can be further shown on reference to William Palgrave, Esquire, Collector of this port. That Memorialists, in consequence of the information so received, took leave to wait on William Palgrave, Esquire, who desired them to forward their claims for the kind considera- tion of your Honourable Board. May it therefore please your Honourable Board to take into your consideration the actual services rendered by Memorialists, in keeping the account and certifying the discharge of the coal vessels in the Port of Dublin and its vicinity, and that your Honourable Board may be pleased to order that Memorialists may be paid whatever sum may have been accumulated by the services so performed by them, to which they most humbly take leave to submit they are solely entitled. And Memorialists will ever pray. Signed on behalf of the Coal-meters of the City of Dublin, William Leedom, Secretary, Dublin, 21 December 1833. No. 45, Townsend -street. To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury. The Memorial of Richard Oulton and Charles Oulton, of No. 2, Hume-street, in the City of Dublin, Humbly showeth, That your Memorialists are the principal Meters of the city of Dublin. That up to the year 1831 there had been a duty on all coals imported into said city, pay- able to his Majesty's Treasury. That frauds to a very considerable extent having been practised to deprive the revenue of a great portion of that duty, it became a matter of serious consideration with the then Com- missioners of Customs in Dublin to put an efficient check and stop thereto. That for this purpose, so far back as the year 1814, the late Mr. Smyth King, one of the then Commissioners, having requested an interview with your Memorialist, Richard Oulton, means METERS FOR SERVICES TO THE CUSTOMS REVENUE. means were devised by them of counteracting those frauds, and of obtaining for the revenue the entire of the duty to which the importation of coals into Dublin was liable. That, to effect this object, returns were made to, and personal and other communications held with, the Commissioners of Customs and their officers every day, and almost hourly, between ten and four o'clock, from the year 1814 to the year 1831 uninterruptedly, by one or both of your Memorialists. That your Memorialists, at the commencement of those returns, were assured by the late Mr. Smyth King, that should their services be found beneficial to the revenue, he had no doubt they would be adequately rewarded. That, stimulated by this expectation, which your Memorialists considered as tantamount to an official undertaking, they at all times most zealously performed the duties thus required from them by the Commissioners, though at very great labour and inconvenience, and to the entire satisfaction of the officers of Customs, and with such advantage to the revenue, that during that period (above 1G years) its receipts were increased above 1 50,000 1. That in the year 1827 the Commissioners of Customs were so satisfied of the efficacy and importance of your Memorialists' returns, that, with a view of rendering them permanent, they opened a correspondence with the Guild of Merchants in Dublin, under the impression that that was the proper quarter to carry that object into effect, offering a remuneration for those services at the rate of one halfpenny per ton (the London rate), to be paid to the prin- cipal Meters, who were your Memorialists. That this negotiation happened, from some cause, not to have been finally concluded, but that your Memorialists, for 16 years consecutively, up to the year 1831, performed those duties personally, and by communications coming directly through their office, with the greatest zeal, strictness and integrity, without the intervention, suggestion or authority of the Guild of Merchants, whose sanction was never conceived by them as necessary to be obtained, it being an extra duty, altogether distinct and different from the office to which your Memorialists were elected by them for life, and over whom, beyond the duties of that office, they had no power or control ; thus rendering the information to the Commissioners of Customs required in all respects complete, perfect and efficacious from the first com mencement in the year 1814 to the termination of duties upon coals in March 1831; so that all the advantages sought for by the Commissioners on account of the revenue were fully effected, without the completion of the contemplated agreement between them and the Guild ; and which agreement, even if it had been completed, would have been solely for the emolument of your Memorialists, and not of the Guild. That your Memorialists were so entirely impressed with the great advantages which the revenue derived for so long a period from their services, and with the justice of their claim for remuneration, that they took the liberty of entering into a communication with the Commissioners and officers of Customs for that reward to which they humbly conceived they were, under all the circumstances, equitably entitled. That your Memorialists, having put forward their claims in a manner which appeared to them most satisfactory and conclusive, have to regret that they received from the Commis- sioners of Customs an answering communication that they could not recognize them as par- ties to whom any payment was due by the revenue for the services performed by them relating to the discharge of coals in the Port of Dublin between the 5th January 1826 and 21st March 1831, at the rate of one halfpenny per ton. That Memorialists, on the 18th day of November instant, addressed a letter to the Com- missioners, requesting of them to revise the decision they had come to, and also drawing their attention to the claims of your Memorialists, not for the short period from the year 1826 to the year 1831 (as mentioned in their answer), but extending to a period of 16 years, namely, from the year 1814 uninterruptedly to the year 1831. That Memorialists should have deemed themselves bound to have awaited the of the Commissioners for their answer to this last communication, had it not been for the pressing necessity occasioned by an intention, as M emorialists understand and believe, on the part of the Commissioners of Customs, to pay into the hands of the Guild of Merchants in Dublin (who have put forward a pretended claim to it) a sum of nearly 3,000/. on account of the services rendered by your Memorialists for the period between the years 1826 and 1831, and which, if carried into effect, might have a tendency to frustrate the original design of rewarding your Memorialists for the services which they so zealously and effec- tually performed, as, from the manner in which business is conducted in the Guild, the extreme exigency of the circumstances of that corporation, and the number of persons whose openly expressed intention is to share the money among themselves, to the exclusion of Memorialists, although without a shadow of claim on account of those or any other services to the revenue or to the Guild, your Memorialists could have no hope whatever of deriving any portion of that remuneration from such a source. That Memorialists having submitted their claims in as brief a manner as the subject will permit, with a desire of rendering the least possible trouble to your Lordships, humbly take leave to transmit herewith copies of the several communications on the subject had between Memorialists and the Commissioners and officers of Customs, with the exception of some original and other documentary enclosures in the hands of the Commissioners of Customs, and to which they humbly beg to refer your Lordships for more full information. That your Memorialists, being convinced that the contemplated payment to the Guild instead of Memorialists (who alone performed the service) could arise only from want of 248. c 2 adequate i 4 RETURNS RELATING TO REMUNERATION TO DUBLIN COAL adequate consideration to the circumstances of the case and the just claims of Memo- rialists, humbly pray, — That your Lordships will be graciously pleased to take their case into your serious consideration, with a view of granting to your Memorialists a compensation com- mensurate to their most important services to the revenue, and that, in the mean- time, your Lordships may deem it expedient to stop the issue of the money at present intended for the Guild of Merchants until such time as your Lordships may find it convenient to investigate the claims of your Memorialists, who, as in duty bound, will ever pray. Richard Oulton. 2, Hume-street, Dublin, 27 November 1833. Charles Oulton. Gentlemen, Treasury Chambers, 7 March 1834. The Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury having had under their consideration your report of the 20th ultimo, on the Memorial of Messrs. Richard and Charles Oulton, principal Coal-meters of Dublin, praying to be granted a compensation for their services to the revenue, and stating that the Guild of Merchants of that city have claimed a sum of money created by a duty of one halfpenny per ton on coals from 5th January 1826 to the 21st March 1831, and to which payments they, the Memorialists, think themselves entitled ; I am commanded to acquaint you, that My Lords are not disposed to sanction a claim allowed to be dormant for so long a period, during which the parties received emoluments from other sources, and have also adduced claims to compensation both to the Legislature and to this Board. My Lords do not therefore think, upon the documents before them, that either the Guild of Merchants or Messrs. Oulton can maintain their claim; and I am, at the same time, to desire that you cause the parties to be informed of their Lordships' decision upon this subject. I am, &c. Commissioners of Customs. T. Spring Rice. Copy of Application from Messrs. Allen, dated 18 March 1834, appealing against the Decision of the Lords of the Treasury. Sir, We are directed by the Masters, Wardens and Auditors of the Guild of Merchants to inform you, that having received a letter, dated 13th instant, from the Collector and Comptroller of Customs in this city, transmitting therewith an extract from an order of the Lords Commis- sioners of the Treasury, stating that they are not disposed to sanction the Guild's claim for payment for the metage of coals for the service of the revenue, and alleging as reasons that the same had been allowed to be dormant for a long period, during which the parties received emoluments from other sources, and also adduced claims to compensation both to the Legislature and to the Treasury Board ; In reply thereto, the Guild of Merchants beg leave to observe, that the long period so alluded t to in the Treasury Order was only a space of one year and three quarters ; and the Guild can satisfactorily account for that lapse by referring to the usual inadvertence and dilatory mode of proceeding which is naturally incident to all extensive societies. Nor do the Guild in any case admit the principle, that casual delay or respectful forbearance in furnishing a demand is to be deemed a relinquishment thereof ; and on this point the Guild cannot avoid reverting to the circumstance, that above nine months have elapsed since first sending forward their application for payment, without having yet received any decisive answer thereto. With regard to the second observation, that the Guild received emoluments from other sources, and adduced claims for compensation, this objection, if well founded, might be allowed to have considerable weight; but the Guild respectfully, yet firmly, deny the truth of this allegation, as they never yet received from any source, or sent forward any claim, except their present one, for the services rendered by them to the revenue. From the tenor of the order of the Lords of the Treasury, it would appear that they are under a misapprehension in looking upon the claim of the Guild as if it was merely seeking for some compensation ; whereas it is in truth a bond Jide demand, founded upon a direct agreement in writing between the late Commissioners of Customs in Ireland and the Guild of Merchants, for performance of certain prescribed services at a fixed and stipulated rate ; and the Guild having, on their part, faithfully performed said agreement, they expect that the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury and the Commissioners of Customs will, upon further consideration, feel themselves bound, in common justice, to fulfil the same on the part of the revenue, by sending over an order for payment of the amount of said demand to the present Masters and Wardens of the Guild of Merchants. We have, Szc. C. A. Seovell, Esq. &c. &c. &c. T. and J. Allen, Custom-house, London. Clerks of Guild Merchants. Copy METERS FOR SERVICES TO THE CUSTOMS REVENUE. Copy of Letter from the Commissioners of Customs in reply to the above. Gentlemen, Custom-house, London, 22 March 1834. Our Secretary having laid before us an application of Messrs. Allen, clerks to the Guild of Merchants in Dublin, dated the 18th instant, appealing against the decision of the Lords of the Treasury on the request of the Guild for payment of an allowance at the rate of one halfpenny per chaldron on the coals meted by the city Meters at your port, between the 5th January 1826 and the date of the cessation of the coast duty on coals ; We direct you to acquaint the applicants, that, with reference to the Treasury Order of the 7th instant, communicated to you by order of the 11th, this Board cannot take any further steps in the matter. (signed) R. B. Dean. The Collector and Comptroller, Dublin. H. Richmond. W. Cust. To the Right Honourable the Lords of his Majesty's Treasury. The Memorial of the Masters, Wardens and Brethren of the Guild of Merchants, Dublin, Humbly showeth, That by an Act of Parliament passed in July 1825, foi regulation of his Majesty's Customs, power was given to the Commissioners of Customs to appoint Coal-meters for service of the revenue, but with a proviso in favour of the rights of corporations to such appointments. That the Commissioners of Customs in Dublin from that time employed the Coal-meters appointed by and acting under Memorialists in the service of the revenue, and adopted at subsequent periods several regulations for assimilating the practice in that respect to the mode used in like case in London. That on 6th February 1827 this Guild sent a letter to the Commissioners of Customs, requiring, as in London, the allowance of one halfpenny per ton for such services, to be lodged in the Bank of Ireland, to the credit of the Masters and Wardens of the Guild, to which the Guild received for answer, on 9th April following, that the Commissioners would pay at the same rate as in London, namely, one halfpenny per chaldron, and that this allowance would be paid in the same manner as in that city. That under this settled agreement the Guild's Meters continued to act by the orders of Memorialists, with due care, attention and fidelity, in the service of the Customs, until 23d August 1831, when the Crown duty on coals was repealed ; and the whole amount of coals superintended and certified for the revenue from the commencement of said Customs Regu- lation Act to that period was 1,240,648 chaldrons, which, at one halfpenny per chaldron, amounted to 2,5S4/. 13s. 8d. (And it should be considered, that if the Commissioners, instead of employing the Guild's Meters, had appointed Meters of their own, the expense to the revenue for said six years would have been 18,00()Z. at least.) And on 10th June 1833 the Guild sent a letter to the Commissioners of Customs in London (the Board in Dublin having been removed), requesting payment of said sum of 2,5S4/. 13 s. 8d. That Memorialists received information that the Commissioners consented thereto, which further appeared by their having written for the names of the Masters and Wardens, for the purpose of making payments to them ; and Memorialists understand that the order was actually sent over to Dublin, but that through some secret and unfair interference it was recalled. That the Guild afterwards received several letters through the Collector and Comptroller of Customs in Dublin, containing objections started by them and by the late Lords of the Treasury, all of which the Guild showed to be frivolous and unfounded, but to no purpose, as the Lords of the Treasury declared they could take no further steps therein. That although your Lordships' predecessors were so adverse to the payment of the Guild's just demand, which is founded on a direct agreement in writing between parties for certain services to be done at a stipulated rate, and which agreement the G uild, on their part, faith- fully performed ; yet the Guild are confident that your Lordships now in that high office will feel that in common justice and in good faith Memorialists are unquestionably entitled to the stipulated remuneration for such services. May it please your Lordships to send over an order for payment of said sum of 2,584/. 13s. 8c?. to the present Masters and Wardens of this Guild. And Memorialists will pray. William Bell Rogerson, 1 » T 12 February 1835. William Richardson, J i>Jasters - \ iJeiuy Peele Butler, 1 ,t- , \ _ .. z — , \v ardens. l, s^J Gilbert Elliott, J Gentlemen, Treasury Chambers, 11 May 1835. Having laid before the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury your Memorial, claiming payment of the metage allowance of one halfpenny per chaldron on the coals dis- charged in Dublin by the corporation Meters, between March 1831, the date of the cessation 248. r 3 of 16 RETURNS RELATING TO REMUNERATION TO DUBLIN COAL of the coast duty on coals, and Gth January 1836, I am commanded by their Lordships to refer you to the former decision of the Treasury in your case. I am, &c. The Masters, Wardens and Brethren of the (signed) F. Baring. Guild of Merchants, Duhlin. To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, &c. &c. &c. The Memorial of the Coal-meters of the City of Dublin, Most humbly showeth, That Memorialists have seen the Appendix to the First Report of the Royal Commissioners of Municipal Corporation Inquiry ; and in reference to that part of it relating to the Coal- meters' establishment in Dublin, your Memorialists were much surprised to find that the Guild of Merchants had arrogated to themselves the right to claim the sum of 2,584/. 13s. 8d. due and unpaid by Government for the metage of coals by your Memo- rialists, being at the rate of one halfpenny per chaldron on 1,240,680 chaldrons, returned by your Memorialists to the Board of Customs in Dublin, as the actual quantity delivered between 5th July 1825 and 23d August 1831, and on which the Crown duty should be levied. That Memorialists confidently trust they will be well able to establish to the satisfaction of your Lordships, that the Guild of Merchants possessed no right whatever to make such claim, but that your Memorialists are justly and legally entitled to receive from your Lord- ships the said sum of 2,584/. 13s. 8d. That, in page 272 of the Commissioners' Report, referred to, a return, signed by T. & J. Allen, clerks of the Guild of Merchants, of all the property in possession of the Guild, is set forth ; and Memorialists respectfully direct your Lordships' attention to the fact, that the only claim made therein to any participation in or benefit arising out of the metage of coals was the fee of 24/. 13 s. 6d. payable by each meter at the time of his election : wherefore your Memorialists submit that the Guild of Merchants by their own showing clearly demon- strate that they had no right whatever to any portion of the income or profits derivable from the labour of your Memorialists. That the claim of the Guild of Merchants on the metage of coals was strictly confined to the above fee of 24/. 13 s. 6 d., and the independent right of the Meters in the property of their situations, are still more fully established by the second paragraph in page 273 of said Report, where it states that " it has been already mentioned that the Coal-meters of the city of Dublin were appointed by the Guild of Merchants ; and up to the passing of the Act of 2 Will. 4, they had the exclusive metage of all coal sold in the city. They were generally of late years about one hundred in number, eighty of whom were acting Meters, and twenty superannuated : the latter were paid half the emoluments of the office by the persons elected in their stead. The fee to the Guild on the election of each Meter was 24/. 13s. 6 d., and the average income produced by these fees was estimated at 98/. a year. There was much canvassing among the members of the Guild; and it was not unfrequently made the subject of sale between the Meter retiring, and the person seeking the office." That in order to establish beyond the possibility of a question the exclusive right of your Memorialists to receive the above sum of 2,584/. 13s. 8d., they beg respectfully to direct your Lordships' attention also to the seventh paragraph in page 273 of said Report, viz. " In the year 1825 the officers of Customs being about to appoint persons to collect the Crown duty on coals imposed by a then recent Act of Parliament, the Guild of Merchants pro- posed to the Commissioners to furnish them with returns to enable them to charge the duty at one halfpenny per chaldron returned ; the money to be lodged by the Commissioners in the Bank of Ireland, to the credit of the Masters and Wardens of the Guild. The Commissioners replied by letter to the proposal, stating that the Board would pay the Meters at the same rate as the Meters were paid for the same duty in the Port of London, and which was stated to be one halfpenny per chaldron. Upon this letter the Guild allege they acted in furnishing the required returns; and in the month of June 1833 they put in a claim against the Commis- sioners of Customs for the certificates furnished of the metage of coals in the Port of Dublin, from 5th of July 1825, when the Act alluded to came into operation, to the 23d of August 1831, when the Crown duty on coals to this port was repealed." Thus, in distinct terms, the Commissioners of Customs deny that the Guild of Merchants had any claim whatever to any part of the sum so granted as a remuneration for the contemplated increase to the labours of your Memorialists. They were not even permitted an intermediate inter- ference in the transaction ; for the Commissioners plainly inform them that they would them- selves pay the Meters. That Memorialists, notwithstanding the justice of their claims, founded on this promise of the Commissioners of Customs, and their having faithfully performed the duty required, have never received any part of the said allowance of one halfpenny per chaldron on the 1,240,680 chaldrons certified and reported by them to the Collector of Customs, and which, they submit, would have been but a small reward (averaging not more than 6/. per annum to each Meter) for the faithful discharge of such duty, requiring great attention, regularity, correctness and zeal. Memorialists, METERS FOR SERVICES TO THE CUSTOMS REVENUE. 17 Memorialists, therefore, most respectfully, but confidently, appeal to the justice and humanity of your Lordships ; and, as they trust that they have fully and satisfac- torily established their claims, humbly entreat that your Lordships ma\ be graciously pleased to give the necessary orders for the immediate payment to them of the above sum of 2,584 1. 13 s. 8d. And Memorialists will ever pray. Signed by the Coal-meters. January 1837. To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury. The Memorial of Richard Oulton and Charles Oulton, of G2, Charlemont-street, Dublin, Most humbly showeth, That your Memorialists, the principals of the Coal-meters' establishment in Dublin, having already stated in detail to your Lordships, the Commissioners of Customs, London, and to the Collector and Comptroller, Dublin, in the years 1833 and 1834, their claim to a remuneration of one halfpenny per chaldron on all coals imported into Dublin, from January 1826 to March 1831, for considerable and valuable services rendered by them to the revenue, and having been disappointed by the rejection of a demand which they had looked on as just and reasonable, have been hitherto induced to submit in silence to your Lordships' decision. Having been, however, informed that the Coal-meters of this city have lately memorialized your Lordships for the remuneration of one halfpenny per chaldron on account of services which they assume to have rendered, your Memorialists conceive that it would be a hardship should their claims be overlooked, and others receive, to the entire exclusion of your Memo- rialists, a reward for services which they, and they alone, performed. Your Memorialists take leave to remark that the principal Meters of London have received from the revenue, for similar services similarly rendered, a remuneration of one halfpenny per chaldron, in addition to their usual emoluments, while their office existed, and their sub- sequent compensation on its abolition. Your Memorialists trust, that your Lordships, on a reconsideration of their case, shall find reasonable grounds to alter your decision with regard to their claim, and grant them a remuneration similar to that which has been awarded to the principal Meters of London. And your Memorialists will ever pray. (signed) Richard Oulton. Dublin, 23 December 1837. Charles On/tun. Treasury Minute, dated 19th January 1838. Acquaint these several parties that My Lords see no ground for altering the decision already made by this Board in this matter. to OS © I ft. H =r a X oo o ts 3 2 w ET c W SB b (t> so PS z o e CO -i n> r . — s he Cas Dublin Iatlng t 5 o c o ft 3 o the C > rog Reve to r a s w g > 3 nue c a w H o ET ps •->» W > H r-* rr 1 & O CO a O o e 1 -1 > ■ 1 COALS (I II E LAN D). RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 3 May 1 84;) ; —for, AN ACCOUNT " of the Gross Number of Tons of Sea Coal Imported into the Ports of Dublin, Cork, Waterford, Limerick, Drogheda and Belfast, and any other Ports in Ireland from which Returns can be obtained, in the Periods between the 1st day of January 184G and the 31st day of December 184G, and the 1st day of January 1847 and the 31st day of December 1847." COALS, CINDERS and CULM Imported into the several Ports of Ireland. PORTS OF IRELAND. Y E A R / \ 1 84G. 1847. Tons. Tons. Dublin - 417,224 347,723 Cork - > — _ _ _ 159,939 109,635 Waterford — _ 131,175 81,752 Limerick - - 35,158 27,816 Drogheda - 00,095 46,596 Belfast 245,402 200,956 Wexford - 36,614 26,719 Ross - 53,110 20,935 Skibbereen - 3,905 3,690 Tralee - 2,674 1,457 Gal way 8,181 6,676 Westport 2,145 1,411 Sligo - 8,787 10,812 Ballina 911 407 Londonderry 27,056 25,045 Coleraine 4,083 3,4 76 Newry 36,552 28,330 Dundalk 38,422 26,122 Aggregate of Importations into Ports of Ireland all the] 1' ~ j 1,271,433 9 69,558 Office of the Inspector-General of Imports] and Exports, Custom House, London, WILLIAM IRVING 29 May 1849. J 49O. o ft. - o $ 3 O S3 «3 o »— * ca c r* p n re Cu cr SO n cr 2 o o cr -"5 s? 00 ti- c- 5" ps c- 0) c S» a 5" *< the 1846 Er a ©' da Cb pu 01 05 cr o o CA ? e-i £ o- n> p 3 «< o *"1 3- << (0 O cfl ^! 5- > > ^ ° o ^ r C ^3 2 o o h 5 ~- i" S. & 8' 5' O re z 2 3 r4 cr O O > r C/3 t3 en > O COALS, CINDERS AND CULM. RETURNS to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated l May 1837; — requiring, No. 1. — AN. ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland coastways to other Ports of the United Kingdom in the Year 183G ; distinguishing the Quantity shipped at eaeh of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1035. No. 2.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements abroad, in the year 183G; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1835; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped. No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coal, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1836, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon. No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coal brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1830, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1835. No. 1. — Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS from which Shipped. ENGLAND Portsmouth Southampton Poole Plymouth - Bristol Gloucester Cardiff - Newport - Swansea - Llanelly Milford - Chester Liverpool - Lancaster - Whitehaven Carlisle Berwick Newcastle - Sunderland Stockton - Hull - Goole Ipswich YEAR 1 835. Coals Tons. Cinders. Culm. Tons. lG 739 1 10 SCOTLAND: Leith Borrowstonef s - Grangemouth Kirkaldy - Greenock - Glasgow - Irvine Ayr - IRELAND: Dublin Waterford 3,747 71 91 125 2,756 36,364 123,279 442,912 139,525 74,919 15,674 79,207 No Account kept since 14,527 3 353,572 17 ! 4,311 26 1,638 2,261,401 5,130 928,999 188 fi 77,94i 7,752 121,445 Tons. TOTAL. Tons. 43,774 110,103 76,675 47>°49 535 77,289 146,301 53,432 193 2,410 Total - 5,848,017 513 Go 3,747 125 196 91 150 291 2,756 65 36,429 123,279 443,651 221,782 361,417 11,161 86,080 28,068 43,742 79,207 6th August 1834. 14,530 343 564 748 354,09 8 4,337 1,638 2,266,531 929,187 677,941 7,752 121,445 43,774 ! 10,6l6 76,675 47,049 535 77,913 H7,049 53,432 195 2410 6,963 263,013 6,117,993 YEAR 1 836. Coals. Tons. 4,744 " 85 125 3,559 51,863 130,989 415,221 163,881 76,957 H>992 91,239 2,339 401,340 5,263 2,580 2,274,768 971,190 916,440 1 1,406 108,597 30 29,735 106,402 G 1,495 46,710 461 71,337 186,161 43,922 661 2,422 Cinders. Tons. 30 329 733 106 399 35i 48 5,945 268 28 48 G 93o Culm. Tons. 12 136 123 223,357 8,342 31,685 56 1,641 852 6,196.914 9.28G 266,204 TOTAL. Tons. 4*774 97 261 3,888 51,986 130,989 415,95+ 387,344 85,299 46,677 9 J ,239 2,794 403,33* 5,3H 2,580 2,280,713 971,458 916,440 1 1 ,434 108,597 78 29,74 1 107,332 6i,495 46,710 461 72,254 186,161 43,922 GGi ,422 6,47-,404 371. 2 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; EXPORTED TO No. 2. — Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several YEAR 1835. PORTS QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. from which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. ENGLAND : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. f. £. £. London - - - Rochester » Dover - 20,308 27 45 10 20,353 27 10 20,010 30 43 10 20,053 30 IO Portsmouth Poole - Plymouth - 41 348 18 - 30 41 348 48 34 309 20 - 18 34 309 38 Fbwey - - - Bideford - Bristol - 45 100 7, 2 94 - 45 100 7,294 15 58 3,5H - 15 58 3,5H Gloucester Cardiff Newport - 697 972 2,823 - 697 972 2,823 343 318 1,062 _ - 343 318 Swansea - Llanelly - Beaumaris 21 ,628 11,287 1 2,1 12 440 36 2^,741 11,727 36 7.881 4,718 1 6"} 4. 172 12 8,516 4,890 12 Chester - Liverpool - Lancaster - 1,851 61,^4.2 1,516 200 3 1,851 6l, C4.2 1,519 596 2Q.770 795 262 2 596 30,032 797 Whitehaven Berwick - Newcastle - 19,606 2,005 ^oq.v^ 19,606 2,O05 313,107 6,623 566 3,H5 _ 6,623 566 93,8qo Sunderland Stockton - Whitby - I54>5i8 26,840 177 20 - 154,538 26,840 177 33,278 6,245 44 20 33,298 6,245 44 Hull Goole - Harwich - 9,984 1,899 270 94 - - - 1 OjO^S 1,899 270 4jOoG 771 100 57 • - 77i 100 SCOTLAND : Leith Borrowstoness - VJialLgcIIlUUlll ■ Kirkaldy - 7,5H 23,640 z l on 4,537 - - 20 - - 7,511 23,640 K.l OQ 4,557 2,327 8,205 1 ._L J. 1,591 - - 15 - - 2,327 8,205 l,6o6 Dundee - Montrose - » \ I ) L I U L L 1 1 Greenock - 765 100 20 13,998 - - - - 765 100 20 13,998 283 50 15 5,958 - - - - 283 50 15 5,958 Port Glasgow - Glasgow - - - Irvine ... Ayr - - - - 4 5 8qs; I ' O y.) 7,469 3,078 589 4,835 7,469 3,078 589 2,390 2,543 1,493 198 2,390 2,5*3 1,493 198 IRELAND : Dublin 1,170 1,170 1,048 1,048 Cork 63 63 45 45 Limerick - 64 64 80 80 Londonderry lOO 100 40 40 Belfast 1,008 1,008 732 732 Newry - 290 290 207 207 Total - - 729,478 3,964 2,6l8 736,060 240,537 3,525 836 244,898 FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CIIARCED. 3 Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland to Foreign Countries and tlic British Settlements abroad. YEAR 18 35. COUNTRIES QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which EXPORTED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. Coals. Culm TO'l'A L. T071S. Tons. Tons. rri I ons. JUm £ JU, r X. Russia • ai lit: 326 _ 42,061 Sweden - I56 16,076 3,621 1 on 3,741 Norway - - - 5> 2 76 326 5,602 l,4 2 3 274 1,697 Denmark - fil P.nfi O 1 ,000 i,3°3 Q _ , _ _ 83,109 19,574 1 ,004 20,658 'Priiccin - _ - 43,527 148 43,675 9,199 137 - 9,336 fiprmanv - 65,691 364 - 66,055 14,897 280 - 15,177 Holland - 114,474 664 - 115,138 34,415 6l7 35,032 Belgium - 599 - - 599 178 178 France ... 104,001 137 - 104,138 31,518 129 • 31,647 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 11,950 31 11,981 2,860 34 - 2,894 Spain and the Canaries 0 000 *>665 60 2 ,393 904 °5 !,°49 Gibraltar - 8,373 8,373 3,145 - - 3,H5 Italy - 8,273 104 8,377 3,192 128 - 3,320 1YT nlf .0 m iHai Id m m 4,865 4,865 1,833 - - 1,833 Ionian Islands - 3,004 3,004 1,291 - - 1,291 Turkey and Continental Greece - 6,098 6,098 2,301 - - 2,301 Morea and Greek Islands - bo 00 20 20 Cape of Good Hope 1,824 4 1,020 1,017 4 1,021 \^L1H^I IJctt 13 Ul Xlll t\. il 13,429 1 1 3,430 5,303 1 5,304 l-iclol. JllUiCd illlll V llJild 3,5i6 15 3,531 2,120 15 - 2,135 New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land and Swan River - 20 - 20 8 8 British North Ameri can Colonies - ^8.4.06 159 - ^8 ^6s 1 f\ Off! British West Indies - 6l,054 6l,054 36,872 36,872 Foreign West Indies - 852 7 - 859 354 8 362 United States of Ame- rica ... 1 0,^64 21 10,^8^; q,qq6 la Mexico - 1 1 11 5 5 Columbia - Brazil - 5,352 5,352 2,043 2,043 States of the Rio de la Plata - 1,544 1,544 751 751 Chili 127 10 137 62 20 82 Peru - 58 58 43 43 Isles of Guernsey, Jer- sey, Alderney and Man ... 65,736 128 2,618 68,482 24,195 123 836 25,154 Total ... 729,478 3,964 2,618 736,060 240,537 3,525 836 244,898 37 l ' A 2 {continued.) 4 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; EXPORTED TO No. 2. — Quantities and Declared Value of Coals YEAR 183 G. PORTS QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THERFO F. from which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. ENGLAND : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. London - Dover - - - 25,616 120 20 - 25,642 120 26,931 50 50 - 26,981 5° Southampton Poole - Dartmouth 62 375 120 - - 62 375 120 42 388 00 88 - - 42 388 Plymouth - Bideford - Bristol - 131 20 7,111 - 131 20 7,111 90 15 3,759 - - 90 15 3,759 Gloucester CardifF - Newport - 521 2,251 O.'O /" - : : 521 2,251 o,o/° 373 901 J, - 373 9°i 2 278 Swansea - Llanelly ... Beaumaris 17,620 19.759 23 904 18,524 19,759 23 6,71 2 9,206 15 - 285 6,997 9,206 15 Chester - Liverpool - - - Lancaster - 2,273 89,068 480 956 - 2,273 90,024 480 780 .49,562 282 1,066 - 780 50,628 282 Whitehaven Berwick ... Newcastle - 20,172 1,379 411,697 4,152 * * 20,172 1,379 415,849 7,l83 441 127,717 3,490 7,183 441 131,207 bunderland Stockton - Hull- 170,367 36,943 15,642 - - 170,367 36,943 15,642 39,018 7,H7 7,229 - 39,oi8 7,147 7,229 vjoole - Grimsby - Yarmouth - 2,910 236 180 - - - - 2,910 236 180 1,269 HO 115 - - - - 1,269 110 115 SCOTLAND : Leith - Borrowstoness - Grangemouth 9.564 22,868 4,688 - - 9,564 22,868 4,688 3,370 9,192 1,694 - - 3,37° 9,i9 2 1,694 Kirkaldy - Dundee - Montrose - 6,340 637 14 30 20 - 6,370 657 14 3,006 262 20 40 32 - 3,046 294 20 Greenock - Port Glasgow Glasgow - 12,780 2,996 8,505 7 12,787 2,996 8,505 6,749 1,569 3,841 12 - 6,761 1,569 3,841 Irvine - Ayr - - Dumfries - 7,535 244 4 7,535 244 4 3,294 85 2 3,294 85 2 IRELAND : Dublin i>475 1,475 1,195 1,195 Wexford - 7 7 6 6 Cork 20 20 20 20 Londonderry 570 570 395 395 Belfast - 1,317 1,317 1,020 1,020 Newry - 555 555 465 465 Total - - - 9i°>773 5.19 1 904 916,868 327,886 4,690 285 332,861 FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED. 5 Cindeks and Culm Exported— continued. YEAR 1036. COUNTRIES QUANTITIES EXP ORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which EXPORTED. 1 U 1 AL. Coals. CJ1 ii(icrs» Culm. Uoals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tons Tons. £. f. £ £. Russia - - - 57=986 58,500 15.632 4^0 16,091 Sweden - 15*263 A.26 15,689 3.605 128 3-933 Norway - - - 6,679 486 7.165 i,754 4.2G 1 2,180 Denmark - - - 85,218 1,063 86,28l 19.071 023 19.894 rrussia - - - 43,379 181 - 43.560 9.016 135 - 9.151 Germany - 62,661 244 - 62,905 16,092 19a - 16,284 Holland - 127,212 621 - 127, 8t} 41.1 591 - 41.74A Belgium - 1,204 - - 1 .204 A^Q Toy - - France - 20T.007 133 - <2C)K HO 68 a8a 120 - 68 6oa Portugal, Azores and 14>583 Madeira 21 65 14,669 4.77° 34 17 4,821 Spain and the Canaries 7'47« 804 8,274 3,126 881 4,007 Gibraltar - 7.538 ™ ™ 7.538 2,923 2,923 Ttnlv .... j.uuy ---- 20,508 134 - 20,642 8,964 143 9.107 iviaita - 8,868 • ■ *!*».; - 8,868 3.627 ■ ~ - • 3,627 Ionian Islands - 728 - - 728 423 - • - 423 Turkey & Continental Greece - - - 12,650 - - 12,650 5.366 - - 5,366 Morea and Greek Islands ... 40 40 19 19 Cape of Good Hope - 4.192 4,192 3.350 3,35o Other farts or Africa - 16,652 ~ — 16,652 7.512 - - ™ — 7,512 .hast Indies and China 9.473 - 9.473 5,308 • - 5.3o8 New South Wales, Van 1 ) i p m on c T.^nn nnrl Swan River - 61 m m 61 A A A A +4 British North American Colonies 43>9 18 384 - 44,302 19,851 327 - 20,178 British West Indies - 61,936 36 61,972 43,456 74 43.530 Foreign West Indies - 3.540 - 3.540 1,640 - 1,640 United States of Ame- rica ... 30,220 30,220 17,080 17,080 Mexico - 10 10 5 5 Brazil ... 2,863 5 2,868 1,426 6 1,432 States of the Rio de la Plata - 975 975 514 5H Chili 209 3 212 n6 7 123 Peru - 115 115 64 64 Isles of Guernsey, Jer- sey, Alderney and Man 59.6i5 136 839 60,590 23,036 144 268 23,448 Total - - - 9io,773 5,191 9°4 916,868 327.886 4.690 285 332,86i 371. a 3 6 COALS, &C. SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; AND RATES OF DUTY CHARGED. — No. 3.— Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements abroad ; with the Rates and Amount of Duties received thereon. YEAR 1836. QUANTITIES DUTIES received thereon. EXPORTED. Rated Duty of 4 s. per Ton. Duty of 10 s. per Cent. ad valorem. Tons. £. s. d. £. s. d. Coals ------ 9 10 >773 8,752 4 10 1,038 10 9 Cinders ------ 19 7 5 19 6 7 Culm 904 - 1 7 Total - - - 916,868 8,771 12 3 1,057 18 11 RATES of Duty on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 183G. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported in British Ships (or Ships of State acting under Treaty of Reciprocity) : To British Possessions ... - Free. To Foreign Countries - - - - 105. per cent, ad valorem. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported in Foreign Ships (not entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity) : To British Possessions - To Foreign Countries - j> 4 s. per ton. — No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT of Coals brought Coastways, and by Inland Navigation, into the Port of London, during the year 1836 ; comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the year 1835. Tons. Year 1835 - - - - 2,299,816 — 1836 - - - - 2,399,551 Inspector- General's Office, Custom House, London, 31 May 1837. William Irving, Inspector-General of Imports and Exports. 00 o -i ». (ft S" H (ft X 5-, S a c s re re o t-» 00 O CO c 3 5 c 3 ~ 3 ft- s "53 % 13 p q a- -i jj - C/3 > n n 5- O CD fc j H p B O c P p 3 X "a o O o > o a o o > O i— < z O P3 t/5 O o a r 1 era 2 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM. RETURNS to an Order of the Honourable Tlie House of Commons, dated 8 March 1838 ; — requiring, No. 1. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom in the Year 1837 ; distinguishing the Quantity shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1030. No. 2.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Torts of England, Scotland and Ireland to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements abroad, in the Year 1837; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 183G ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were shipped. No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coal, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1837, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon. No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of ihe Quantities of Coal brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1837, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 183G. No. 1. — Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS from which Shipped. ENGLAND . Dover Shoreham - Portsmouth Poole Dartmouth Plymouth - Falmouth - Bristol Gloucester - Cardiff Newport - Swansea Llanelly - Milford - Chester Liverpool - Lancaster - Whitehaven Carlisle Berwick Newcastle - Sunderland Stockton - Hull - Goole Ipswich Maldon SCOTLAND : Leith Borrowstoness - Grangemouth Kirkaldy - Campbeltown Greenock - Port Glasgow Glasgow Irvine Ayr - IRELAND : Dublin Waterford - Limerick - Total YEAR 1836. Coals. Tons. 4,744 85 125 Cinders. Culm. TOTAL Tons. ?,0 3,559 51863 130,989 415,221 163,881 76,957 H,992 91,239 No Account 2,339 401,340 5,263 2,580 2,274,768 971,190 916,440 11,406 108,597 30 29,735 106,402 6i,495 46,710 329 733 106 Tons. 12 136 3,888 51,986 130,989 415,954 387,344 85,299 46,677 91,239 kept since 6th August 1 834. 123 223,357 8,342 31,685 Tons. 4,774 97 261 461 7L337 186,161 43,922 661 2,422 6,196,914 399 35i 48 5,945 268 48 6 930 65 9,286 56 1,641 852 266,204 2,794 403,332 5,3H 2,580 2,280,713 971,458 916,440 n,434 108,597 78 29,74' 107,332 6i,495 46,710 461 72,254 186,161 43,922 661 2,422 6,472,404 YEAR 183 7. Coals. Tons. 30 60 3,837 63 244 207 18 4,829 74,870 169,248 480,472 216,525 101,919 14,252 105,656 18,624 405,593 25,975 1,790 2,385,192 931,944 1,145,827 10,819 94,600 21,427 95,386 54,576 68,092 150 956 14 64,816 187,522 53,137 865 2,940 300 6,742,775 Cinders. Tons. 30 145 30 398 15 69 46 7,302 191 lO 50 292 116 8,772 Culm. Tons. 235 327 275,426 16,323 41,592 116 3,900 29 1,196 339,M4 344- 2 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; EXPORTED TO No. 2 • — Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several - YEAR 1836. PORTS QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. from which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL, ENGLAND : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. London - Dover - Southampton 25,6l6 120 62 26 - 25,642 120 62 26,931 50 42 50 - 26,981 50 42 Poole - Dartmouth Plymouth - 375 120 131 - - 375 120 131 388 88 9° - 388 Oo 90 Bideford ... Bristol - Gloucester - 20 7,111 521 - - 20 7,111 521 15 3,759 373 - 15 3,759 373 Cardiff - Newport - Swansea - 5,578 1 *7>62o - - 904 2,251 5,578 901 2,278 - 285 901 2,278 6,997 Llanelly - Beaumaris - Chester - 19,759 23 2,273 19,759 23 2,273 9,206 15 780 m m 9,206 15 780 Liverpool - Lancaster - - Whitehaven 89,068 480 20,172 956 - 90,024 480 20,172 49>562 282 7,i83 1,066 J 50,028 282 7,183 Berwick - - - Newcastle - Sunderland 1,379 411,697 170,367 4,152 - i,379 4i5, 8 49 170,367 441 127,717 39,oi8 3,490 441 131,207 39,018 Olu(_ h.l(JU Hull- Goole - 36,943 15,642 2,910 - - 36,943 15,642 2.010 7,H7 7,229 1.260 - 7,H7 7,229 1,269 Grimsby ... Yarmouth - 236 180 - - 236 180 110 115 _ — - 110 115 T pith ... Borrowstoness - Grangemouth rviiKaiuy ... 9>5°4 22,868 4,688 6,340 - 30 - - 9,564 22^868 4,688 I'm o,o/ 1 -' 9>'92 1,694 0 oof! - a n - 3,370 9,*9 2 1,694 3,046 Dundee ... Montrose - Greenock - Port Glasgow 637 H 12,780 2,996 20 7 - 657 14 12,787 2,996 262 20 6,749 1,569 32 12 - 294 20 6,761 1,569 Glasgow ... Irvine ... Ayr Dumfries - 8,505 7,535 244 4 8,505 7,535 244 4 3,°4i 3,294 85 2 'A. 84.I 3,294 85 •I IRELAND : Dublin ... 1.475 1,475 1,195 1,195 Wexford - - - 7 7 6 6 Cork - 20 20 20 20 Londonderry 570 570 395 395 Belfast 1,317 i,3i7 1,020 1,020 Newry - 555 555 465 465 Total - - - 910,773 5,191 904 916,868 327,886 4,690 285 332,861 FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED. Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements abroad. YEAR 1836. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. Russia - 57,986 5H - 58,500 15,632 459 - 16,091 Sweden - 15,263 426 - 15,689 3,605 328 - 3,933 Norway - 6,679 486 - 7,165 1,754 426 - 2,180 Denmark - - - 85,218 1,063 - 86,281 19,071 823 - 19,894 Prussia - A^.^i7Q l8l Q,0l6 1 0,1 SI Germany - 62 66l O A A 1 no 16,284 Holland - 1 27,2 1 2 621 i 0*7 ftoo 1 ■ 4 7>°J3 At ICO oU L -a lie I gium - - - 1,204 459 459 r ranee - one nftT loo Ju o> J 4° 1 on 68 firi/i UOjUUiJ. Portugal, Azores and Madeira H,583 21 65 14,669 4,770 34 17 4,821 Spain and the Canaries 7,470 804 - 8,274 3,126 881 - 4,007 Gibraltar - 7,538 7,538 2,923 - - 2,923 Italy - ' - 20,508 134 20,642 8,964 143 9,107 Malta ... 8,868 - 8,868 3,627 - 3,627 Ionian Islands - 728 _ _ 728 42? _ 42*? Turkey and Continental Greece - 12,650 _ m 12,650 5,366 _ _ _ 5,366 Morea and Greek Islands - 40 - - 40 19 - 19 Cape of Good Hope 4,192 - - 4,192 3,350 - - 3,350 Other Parts of Africa - 16,652 - 16,652 7,512 - - 7,512 East Indies and China 9,473 - - 9,473 5,308 - 5,308 New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land and bwan Kiver 01 61 44 44 British North Ameri- can Colonies - 43,9i8 384 44,302 19,851 327 20,178 1JI 1UM1 »» cat XUUlCS * 61,936 36 - 61,972 43,456 74 - 43,530 Foreign West Indies 0,0 4- u 1 ,640 United States of Ame- rica - 30,220 30,220 17,080 i7,oSo Mexico - Guatemala 10 lO 5 5 Brazil - 2,863 5 2,868 1,426 6 1,431 States of the Rio de la Plata - 975 975 5H 5»4 Chili 209 3 212 116 7 123 Peru - 115 115 64 64 Isles of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney and Man - 59,6i5 136 839 60,590 23,036 144 268 23,448 Total - - - 9io,773 5,191 904 916,868 327,886 4,690 285 1 332,861 344. {continued.} 4 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; EXPORTED TO No. 2. — Quantities and Declared Value of Coals YEAR 1837. PORTS QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. from which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. ENGLAND : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. /* t. T nnnAn -* XjUIIUIJII • • — 6"7A m ^4,41 °, 36,006 640 36,646 Rochester - 23 23 20 _ 20 Faversham 44 44 40 _ _ 40 Shoreham - 30 ■ w _ 30 16 _ _ 16 Portsmouth 1 0 10 10 _ _ IO Southampton 60 < 60 50 - 50 Poole 429 - - 429 465 - 465 Bridport - - - 10 10 - 9 9 Exeter - - - * 0 1 Z 145 _ q 154 Plymouth - - - 65 65 63 _ 63 Falmouth - 4G _ 46 16 _ m 16 Bideford - 2Q 23 _ 11 11 Bristol ... 12,025 60 12,085 7,380 24 7,404 Gloucester 600 600 438 438 Cardiff 3,773 67 3,840 1,805 32 i,837 Newport - - - 7,179 4 - 7,183 3,H0 3 3.143 Swansea - OA O'JO 14.. 5l6 2QI 14,807 Llaneliy - - - 30,268 30,268 14,288 14,288 Beaumaris IO _ 1 0 4 _ 4 Milford 102 _ 120 222 75 - 36 111 Chester - - - 3,175 - - 3,i75 ',304 - - 1,304 Liverpool - - - 94,898 290 - 95,i88 59>87o 383 - 60,253 Wliitehaven 28,190 - - 28,190 n,477 • n,477 Carlisle ... 416 - - 416 156 m m — — 150 Berwick - 3,657 - - 3,657 1304 1,304 Newcastle - 471,150 5,007 476,157 156,333 4,489 l60,822 Sunderland 242,252 211 242,463 55,048 157 55,205 Stockton - - - 46,407 109 - 46,516 10,593 67 - 10,660 Hull ... 6,225 - - 6,225 3,395 - 3,395 Goole ... 4,749 - - 4,749 2,393 2,393 Grimsby - 111 » - 111 60 DO SCOTLAND : Leith 9,287 - - 9,287 0 n 3,884 - - «. 00. 3,884 Borrowstoness 18,619 18,619 9,325 9,325 Grangemouth 6,204 ■ - 6,204 2,686 - - 2,686 Kirkaldy - 5,735 5,735 3,i33 3,133 Dundee - 466 3 - 469 269 3 272 Aberdeen - 60 60 40 - 40 Greenock - 14. 8^7 10,21 1 10,211 Port Glasgow 9,919 19 9,938 5,3i9 9 5,328 Glasgow ... 3,l65 3 10 3,178 2,086 •2 19 2,107 Irvine - 10,505 10,505 5,H3 5,H3 IRELAND : Dublin 1,396 1,396 1,232 1,232 Waterford - 340 34° 343 343 Cork 30 30 25 25 Limerick - - - 32 32 30 30 Sligo - - - 80 80 80 80 Londonderry 334 334 192 192 Belfast - 1,128 1,128 883 883 Newry ... 70 70 70 70 Total - - - 1,106,020 6,447 i,H3 1,113,610 425,361 5.809 375 43«>545 FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED. 5 Cinders and Culm Exported — continued. YEAR 18 37. COUNTRIES QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which EXPORTED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. Tons. ■ ' - Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. Russia ... 57,707 1,031 58,738 17,269 1,011 — 18,280 Sweden - 12,757 278 - 13,035 2,943 240 - 3,183 Norway - 9,766 6l2 - 10,378 2,93i 562 - 3,493 Denmark - 91,023 1,2.52 - 9 2 ,275 22,049 1,075 - 23,124 Prussia - - - 49,853 72 - 49,925 11,116 54 - 11,170 Germany - 75,H5 670 75,785 i8,477 531 19,008 Holland - It) 'O 1 20 •} 1 7 1Q,1 Q7 oy, * y / 7o° P jy,y>jo Belgium - 2,325 2,325 1,017 1,017 France - 272,059 74 - 272,133 89,457 47 - 89,504 Portugal, Azores and Madeira 12 90 nfifi 8,170 8 8 178 Spain and the Canaries 13,974 374 14,348 0,024 395 * 7,019 Gibraltar - » 15,805 32 15,837 6,907 23 — - 6,930 Italy ... 20,762 39 20,8oi 9,555 67 9,622 Malta - 12,030 12,030 5,265 5,265 1 Anion If Inn/ic 2,528 m _ 2,528 1,094 _ _ 1,094 Turkey & Continental Greece - 17,775 - - 17,775 7,901 - - 7,901 Morea and Greek Islands ... 7,600 • - 7,600 3,431 - 3,431 Cape of Good Hope - 3,6i8 30 - 3,648 2,714 24 - 2,738 Other Parts of Africa - 27,774 42 _ 27,816 13,317 42 _ 13,359 East Indies and China 15,397 1 1 1 15,508 9,550 90 9,640 British North American Colonies 4Q.4.2Q 2*77 48 ny, / D'f 218 2Q 2^. 4*« per ton. lo Foreign Countries ... 1 —No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT of Coals brought Coastways, and by Inland Navigation, into the Port of London, during the year 1837 ; comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the year 1836. Tons. Year 1836 - - - - 2,399,551 — 1837 - - . - 2,629,321 Inspector-General's Office, Custom House, London, 19 April 1838. William Irving, Inspector-General of Imports and Export*. 3* "3' t3 P5 s Cl W K T3 o o O O O d as H CO o o > It 1 P 3 P- o G s n o > 2 O > C O c r COALS, CINDERS AND CULM. RETURNS to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 4 March 1839 ;— requiring, No. 1. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cindeks and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 181)8 ; distinguishing the Quantity shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1837. No, 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Ports of England, Scot/and and Ireland to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements abroad, in the Year 1838; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1837 ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were shipped. No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1838, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon. No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1838, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1837. No. 1. — Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. YEAR 1 3 3 7. V L 1 1 li I H. A 1\ 1 O S Q 1 O OO. PORTS from which Shipped. Coals. Cinders. Culru. TOTAL. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. ENGLAND : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons* Tons. Dover - 30 30 Shoreham - 60 60 Portsmouth 3,837 30 3,867 2,6lO - - 2,610 Poole ... 63 63 324 - 20 344 Dartmouth 244 244 Plymouth - 207 235 442 20 15 112 147 Ealmouth - - - 18 18 Bristol - 4,829 145 4,974 3,887 64 3,951 Gloucester 74,870 30 327 75,227 60,208 68 60 *7 TO Cardiff - 169,248 169,248 123,614 123,614 Newport - 480,472 398 480,870 429,792 826 • 430,618 0 wo 11 sect *■ — 216,525 15 275,426 491,966 199,133 r *55 276,977 476,265 TJnnpllv - - - Jjluli Lily • 101,919 16,323 118,242 i l Pi nf\ 1 1 1 \J,yJ\J 1 20,465 136,526 Milford - H,25 2 41,592 55,844 18,410 - 42,651 61,061 Chester - 105,656 105,656 Q^.268 Liverpool - No account kept since 6th August 1834. Lancaster - - - 18,624 69 ll6 18,809 13,42 8 7 13435 \V 11 1 tphnvPn a ■» V* 405,593 46 3,900 409,493 oWn 1 RP, 309,100 20 5,584 394,79 8 Carlisle - - - 25,975 29 26,050 37,328 65 37,393 Berwick - 1,790 i,790 7H 7H Newcastle - 2,385,i9 2 7,302 2,39 2 >494 2,453,225 6,503 2,459,728 Sunderland 931,944 191 932,135 948,388 41 948,429 Stockton - 1,145,827 lO i,H5,837 1,219,938 1,219,938 Hull- 10,819 78 10,897 ll,88l 11,881 Goole ... 94,600 94,6oo 87,922 87,922 Maldon - 50 50 165 69 234 SCOTLAND : Leith 21,427 21,427 23,761 279 24,040 Borrowstoness - 95,386 292 95,678 115,058 243 115,301 Grangemouth 54,576 54,576 74,875 74,875 Kirkaldy - 68,092 68,092 60,720 60,720 Dundee - lOO 100 Greenock - 956 956 130 130 Port Glasgow - H 14 Glasgow - - - 64,816 116 1,196 66,128 85,403 720 86,123 Irvine - 187,522 187,522 198,474 198,474 Ayr - - - - 53,137 53,137 53,537 53,537 Campbeltown - 150 150 575 575 IRELAND : Dublin 865 865 316 316 Waterford - 2,940 2,940 3,576 3,576 Limerick - - - 300 300 31 31 Total - - 6,742,775 8,772 339,144 7,090,691 6,835,150 8,082 347,201 7,'9°,433 23i- A II 2 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; EXPORTED TO No. 2. — Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several YEAR 1837 PORTS frnm \iriii/ r "V» 1 1 ui it *v nidi QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm . TOTAL. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL. Tons* Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. London - 33)739 674 34,413 JO, 000 640 30,040 Rochester - 2°, 20 20 Faversham 44. A A TT 4.0 4.0 Shoreham - 3° 30 1 0 ID Portsmouth 10 10 10 10 bjuuiiiaiuu uni 6o 60 10 10 Poole - 4 2 9 4 2 9 4t>5 405 Bridport - - - 10 10 O y Q y Exeter ... J ^o 1*1 145 145 Q y 1 14. Plymouth - 65 - - 65 63 - - - 63 ralmouth - 46 - - 46 l6 - - 16 - - 23 23 - - 1 1 11 Bristol ... 12,025 [ 60 - 12,085 7,380 24 - 7,404 Gloucester 600 600 438 • 438 Cardiff - 01 4 1 0 67 3,840 1,805 32 1,837 Newport - 7> 1 79 4 *7 1 80 0 O 1 A O Swansea - 34>°3° 9°5 34,995 14.510 291 14, °°/ Llanelly - Of) ^fift on 9.68 14,288 14 288 Beaumaris - 10 - - lO 4 - - 4 TV/1 i 1 Cm. A i\j mom - 102 - 120 222 75 - 36 111 Chester ... 3,175 - ■- 3,175 1,304 - - 1,304 Liverpool - OA 808 of; 188 yo, 100 oy,° / u Whitehaven 981 no 28,190 1 1 .4.77 1 1 4.77 Carlisle - 416 - 416 156 - 156 Berwick - - - 3»657 - - 3,657 1,304 - 1,304 Newcastle - 471.150 5,007 - 476,157 156,333 4,489 - 160,822 Sunderland 242,252 211 242,463 55, 0 48 157 55,205 Stockton - - - 46,407 109 46,516 io,593 07 10,66o Hull- 6,225 ■ — — 6,225 3,395 3,395 Goole - 4,749 4,749 2,393 2,393 Grimsby - 111 111 OO OO SCOTLAND : Leith - 9,287 — — _ m 9> 28 7 3,884 _ m 3,884 Borrowstoness - 18,619 18,619 9,325 9,325 Grangemouth 6,204 6,204 2,686 - 2,686 Kirkaldy - 5,735 - 5,735 3,133 3,133 Dundee - 466 O 460 260 J 3 272 Aberdeen - 60 60 40 40 Greenock - 14,857 H, 8 57 10,211 10,21 1 Port Glasgow 9,919 19 9,938 5,319 9 5,328 Glasgow - 3,165 3 10 3,178 2,086 2 19 2,107 Irvine ... 10,505 10,505 5,H3 5,H3 IRELAND ; Dublin 1,396 1,396 1,232 1,232 Waterford - 340 340 343 343 Cork - ' - " - 30 30 25 25 Limerick - - - 32 32 30 30 Sligo - 80 80 80 80 Londonderry 334 334 192 192 Belfast 1,128 1,128 883 883 Newry - 70 70 70 70 Total - - 1,106,020 6,447 1,H3 l,U3>6l0 425,361 5,809 375 431,545 FOREIGN PARTS ; AND HATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED. 3 Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements ahroad. YEAR 1 837. to w liicli EXPORTED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals* Cinders. Culm* TOTAL. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. Russia - 57,7°7 1,031 - 58,738 17,269 1,011 - 18,280 Sweden - 12,757 278 - 13,035 2,943 240 - 3,l8 3 Norway ... 9,766 6l2 - 10,378 2,931 562 - 3,493 Denmark - 1,252 - 92,275 22,049 1,075 - 23,124 Prussia - 49, 8 53 72 - 49,9 2 5 11,116 54 - 11,170 Germany - 75> 11 5 670 _ 7 C »,78< : ; 18,477 531 — — 10.008 Holland - 11a, S24 TOO /yd 1 20.T17 10. 1 07 oy, *y / 718 on nil Belgium ... 2 12^ 1017 1 017 272.1 II 8n.ii. e;7 47 80 HQA. U J)J U T Portugal, Azores and Madeira 20,954 12 20,966 8,370 8 8,378 Spain and the Canaries 13,974 374 14,348 6,624 395 - 7,019 Gibraltar - 15,805 32 m m 15,837 6,907 23 - - 6,930 Italy 20,762 39 20,801 9,555 67 9,62 2 Malta ... 12,030 12,030 5,265 - - 5,265 Ionian Islands - 2,528 - 2,528 1,094 - - 1,094 Turkey and Continental Greece - 17,775 - 17,775 7,901 - - 7,yoi Morea and Greek Islands - 7,600 7,600 3,43i 3,43i Cape of Good Hope - 3,618 30 3,648 2,714. 24 1 7^8 Utner Parts or Ainca 27,774. AO 1 27,816 IO 111 100 c(\ 'ojjoy East Indies and China 111 lR,/ro8 O.^O GO y u n n British North Ame- rican Colonies 49,429 277 48 49>754 25,222 218 29 2^,460 Bniisn west muies 69,047 23 IO 69,080 51,475 14 19 51,508 Foreign Wpst Tndips - 8,504 600 9,104 4,537 546 5,083 United States of Ame- rica ... 46,574 46,574 29,252 29,252 Mexico ... IO 10 5 5 Guatemala 10 10 1 1 1 1 Columbia - 19 1 191 110 110 Brazil ... 5,090 1 5,091 2,785 1 2,786 States of the Rio de la Plata - 713 713 400 4c 0 Chili - . - 401 401 215 215 Peru 174 174 119 U9 Isles of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney and Man - 77,531 12+ 1,085 78,740 32,046 123 327 32,496 Total - - 1,106,020 6,447 1,143 1,113,610 425,361 5,809 375 431,545 231. A 2 {continued.} 4 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; EXPORTED TO No. 2.— Quantities and Declared Value of Coals - YEAR 1838 PORTS from which SHIPPED. ENGLAND ; London Faversbam Portsmouth Southampton Poole Dartmouth Plymouth - Falmouth - Penzance - Bideford - Bristol Gloucester Cardiff - Newport - Swansea - Llanelly - Milford - Chester Liverpool - Lancaster - Whitehaven Carlisle Berwick Newcastle - Sunderland Stockton - Hull - Goole Grimsby - Yarmouth - Aldborough SCOTLAND : Leith Borrowstoness - Grangemouth Kirkaldy - Dundee Montrose - Aberdeen - Greenock - Port Glasgow - Glasgow - Irvine Ayr - IRELAND : Dublin Waterford - Cork Sligo Londonderry Belfast Newry Total QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Coals. Tons. 30.344 72 6 513 251 894 39 64 60 7,762 726 2,440 8,612 28,181 25,933 210 3,782 95,149 200 27,695 1,695 5,845 545,972 307,828 86,535 14,510 4,127 20 25 145 10,229 23,131 10,648 8,871 724 21 76 16,598 4,957 10,767 H,55i 597 1,427 38 319 40 50 435 270 1,303,384 Cinders. Tons. 105 15 133 49 29 487 6 8,203 340 164 26 130 Culm. Tons. 300 12 320 9,693 632 TOTAL. Tons. 30,449 72 6 3 513 251 894 39 64 60 7,762 726 2,455 8,745 28,530 25,962 210 3,782 95,648 200 28,021 1,695 5,845 554,175 308,168 86,699 H,5io 4,153 20 25 145 10,229 23,131 10,778 8,871 724 24 76 16,598 4,957 10,767 14,551 597 1,427 38 319 40 50 435 270 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. 1,313,709 Coals. £. 32,575 54 7 563 158 763 30 39 12 4,804 428 1,070 4,078 11,688 11,691 160 1,508 56,500 120 29,420 692 2,1 10 168,242 73,702 19,925 7,212 2,027 10 10 80 3,689 10,209 3-940 4,108 411 14 50 9,478 2,636 4,580 5,870 251 1,269 33 3i9 30 38 431 200 477,234 Cinders. £. 182 10 81 40 28 484 4 7,323 194 67 25 130 5 Culm. 9° 5 42 8,579 TOTAL. 137 £. 32,757 54 7 6 563 158 763 30 39 12 4,804 428 1,080 4.159 11,818 11,719 160 1,508 56,989 120 29,466 692 2,110 175,565 73,896 19,99 2 7,212 2,052 10 10 80 3,689 10,209 4,070 4,108 411 19 50 9,478 2,636 4,580 5,870 251 1,269 33 319 30 38 431 200 485,950 FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY" CHARGED. 5 Cinders and Culm Exported — continued. YEAR 1838. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. /I i _ Loals. Cinders. . i 1 Culm. T/^T A I lUlALi. Coals. Cinders. Culm. lul AL. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. c Jt. £ £ 9b. £ JO. Russia - 66,527 1,524 C. O ,1 „ . 08,051 1 0,002 1,326 20, 1 28 Sweden - 2 3,5 22 1 70 23,692 ,0,/; 140 5,962 Norway - i3,7°o y 45 14,630 4,419 775 5,194 Denmark - 102,807 2,302 • 105,109 25.877 i,949 - 27,826 Prussia - 60,261 I40 - 60,4b 1 H,279 125 - 14,404 Germany - 88,689 1,012 _ 89,701 21,015 803 21,8l8 Holland - 147,284 1,853 _ _ H9,137 49,420 1,702 51,122 Belgium - 4,176 _ _ 4,176 1,588 1,588 France - 334,027 194 342 334,563 108,055 140 48 108,243 Portugal Azores and Madeira 34,493 57 _ 34,550 12,399 36 12,435 Spain and the Canaries Of A 354 9»°49 3,726 395 4,121 Gibraltar - 17,3 2 3 290 I7»6i3 7,428 244 7,672 Italv - 26,<;07 202 26.700 12,1 66 Malta ... 34,488 _ 34,488 M,345 _ H,345 Ionian Islands - 1,002 - - 1,002 445 - 445 lurKeyanu i^onnneniai Greece - 33,224 - - 33,224 13,502 - - 13,502 Morea and Greek Is- lands - 4,200 4,200 1.634 ' 1,634 Cape of Good Hope - 4,020 4,020 2,338 — • 2,338 Other Farts of Africa - 21,729 69 48 21,846 9,559 67 15 9,641 East Indies and China 1 8,994 195 - 19,189 11,700 180 - 11,880 New South Wales and South Australia s 9 * * 8 9 59 59 British North American Colonies 49,872 236 50,108 22,729 202 22,931 British West Indies 65,407 31 65,438 48,74.1 26 48,767 Foreign West Indies - 6,997 88 12 7,097 3,240 75 5 3,320 United States of Ame- rica - 57,175 57,175 30,999 30,999 Mexico - 36 36 21 21 120 120 60 60 Brazil - 7,283 20 7,303 4,153 40 4,'93 States of the Rio de la Plata - 1,335 1,335 666 666 Chili 220 10 230 138 25 163 Peru - - - 391 391 197 197 Isles of Guernsey, Jer- sey, Alderney and Man - 68,706 101 230 69,037 27,941 100 69 28,1 10 Total - - 1,303,384 9> 6 93 632 1,313,709 477,234 8,579 137 485,950 231. a 3 6 COALS, &C. SHIPPED COASTWAYS; AND RATES OF DUTY CHARGED. — No. 3.— Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements abroad ; with the Rates and Amount of Duties received thereon. YEAR 183 8. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DUTIES received thereon. Rated Duty of 4 s. per Ton. Duty of 10 «. per Ct. ad valorem. TOTAL. Coals - Cinders - Culm .... Total - - Tons. 1,303,384 9>693 632 £. s. d. 6,1*07 7 3 61 14 - 28- £. s. d. 1,709 ~ 1 39 12 n - 6 3 £. s. d. 7>9i6 7 4 101 6 11 2 14 3 1,313,7<>9 6,271 9 3 1,748 19 3 8,020 8 6 RATES of Duty on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1838. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported in British Ships (or Ships of States acting under Treaty of Reciprocity) : To British Possessions - Free. To Foreign Countries - 10 s. per cent, ad valorem. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported in Foreign Ships (not entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity) : To British Possessions - - - - *j \ 4 s. per ton. To Foreign Countries - J — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coal brought Coastways, and by Inland Navigation, into the Port of London, during the Year 1838 ; comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1837. COALS brought into the Port of London. Coastways. By Inland Navigation. TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1837 2,626,997 2,324 2,629,321 — 1838 2,581,085 1,685 2,582,770 Inspector-General's Office, Custom House,"! William Irving, London, 22 April 1839. J Inspector-General of Imports and Exports. to OS H sr ft £ S! ^ i 2 ° - ? co 3 a- s 9 s a S o s- £0 re p- cr re >-« re o s P re w >5' re p- O o p CO 3s 3 p a P- > 3 o e D r*- O •"«» a c p a p- M 13 O -I r-r re P- o re P O o o 53 H CO o "J O o > O 5 o w p 3 P- o c s o o > CO 52! O Pi EO CO > O O C tr C O A L s. RETURN to an Onler of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 30 March 1840; — for, A RETURN of the Prices paid by Government for Coals al the Ports of Southampton, Portsmouth, Devonport and Falmouth, respectively, during the Years 1837, 1838 and 1839— (so far as relates to the Naval Department). PLACES. PRICES 1837. PAID FOR C 1838. OALS. 1839. £. s. d. £ ? d £. d. Southampton - nil. nil. nil. * Portsmouth, Steam Coals per Ton 1 1 s ] - 18 - - 18 7 „ Smithery Coals 5> - 17 9 - * Devonport, Steam Coals - . 5> 1 1 s ] - 18 - - 18 7 ,, Smithery Coals J> - 17 9 ' Falmouth, Steam Coals - }) 1 1 5 _ 18 - nil. * The prices at all the other Dock Yards are the same as above stated for Portsmouth and Devonport ; the Contract being taken at an average rate for all the Yards. J. T. Briggs, Accountant-General of the Navy. Admiralty, "1 7 April 1840. / 221. © a. -t s. a* <<: The House of Commons, 9 April 1840. lr. Hutchins.) 3 A Printi a. » S" it »> era •»* -t * SL Kd ST O TO <2 o g "a fa W H fa 2: TO M ,y CO P ^1 TO P 3 TO 13 P ~i e* 3 TO 3 00 2 P S3"" 3 - P- _ 00 H3 OS TO «5 2. o ^ o £ a o CO W p Co 5; e cr Q O O > COALS, CINDERS AND CULM. RETURNS to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 13 March 1840 ;—fur, No. 1. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1839; distinguishing the Quantity shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1838. No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1839 ; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1838 ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were shipped. No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1839, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon. No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1839, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1838. No. 1 — Qua ntities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS YEAR 1838. YEAR 1839. from which Shipped. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. v> u 1 m . 1 OT A L. JCiNGLAND : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Ions. Ions. Ions. I ons. Portsmouth 2,610 2,610 2,940 - 2.940 Poole 324 20 344 — Plymouth - 20 15 112 147 - 189 189 Bristol ... 3,887 64 3,951 3,550 160 3.7 1 0 Gloucester 69,298 68 393 69,759 74,667 119 74,786 Cardiff . 123,614 123,614 145,057 145,057 Newport - 429,79 a 826 430,618 469,644 1,176 _ 470,820 Swansea - 199' 1 33 155 276,977 476,265 227,462 38 259,292 486,792 I. J 1 tl ' 1 C 1 1 V m m m 116,061 20,465 136,526 1 1 4> 1 93 27,646 141,839 Milford - 18,410 42,651 61,061 17,731 45,490 63,221 Chester - 93,268 93,268 88,111 - 88,111 Liverpool » - No account kept since 6th August 1 834. 22,143 399 144 22,686 Lancaster - - - 13,428 7 13,435 2,161 2,161 Whitehaven 389,188 26 5,584 394,798 435,129 97 3,962 439,i88 Carlisle - 37,328 65 37,393 49,852 183 106 50,141 Berwick - 714 7H 1,259 1,259 Newcastle - 2,453,225 6,503 2,459,728 2,149,814 c" J / 2. 1 ^0.^2 1 Sunderland 948,388 41 948,429 913,394 566 913,96o Stockton - 1,219,938 1,219,938 1,308,778 1,308,778 Hull 11,881 11,881 13,261 24 13,285 Goole ... 87,922 87,922 132,475 132,475 83 83 400 400 Maldon - 165 69 234 375 375 Scotland : Leith 23,761 279 24,040 30,459 30,459 Borrowstoness - 115,058 243 115,301 125,789 394 126,183 Grangemouth 74,875 74,875 69,383 69,383 Kirkaldy - 60,720 60,720 46,960 46,960 Dundee - 100 100 244 -44 Greenock - 130 130 1,389 1,389 85,403 86,123 18 18 Glasgow - - - 720 100,922 96 20 101,038 Irvine ... 198,474 19 8 ,4:4 248,417 248,417 Ayr - 53.537 53,537 73,457 73,457 Campbeltown 575 575 1,800 1,800 Ireland : Dublin - 316 316 225 225 VVaterford - 3,576 3,576 1,639 i ; 6 t 9 Limerick - 31 3i 209 209 15 15 Total - - 6,835,150 j 8,082 347,201 7,190,433 6,873,030 13,015 336,968 7,223,013 A 2 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTVVAYS ; EXPORTED TO NO. 2.—QUAN tities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several YEAR 183 8 PORTS QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. irom which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. np Total. ^oals. Cinders. Culm. Total. England : Tons J. 071S, T Tnnn £. it. £. r TvOv nn\ * — - J> L*U i> 30,344 105 - 30,449 32,575 l82 - 32,757 Faversham 72 • ■ 72 54 • - 54 Portsmouth 0 - 6 7 7 Southampton 3 3 6 O T> 1 x ooie - • 513 - - 513 563 - - 563 Dartmouth 251 - 251 158 * • 158 Plymouth - - - 8 94 894 763 763 Falmouth - - - 39 39 3° on 64 ■ 64 39 - - 39 Bideford - 00 - — bo 12 - - 12 Bristol - 7,762 - - 7,762 4,804 - - 4,804 Gloucester 726 - - 726 428 - - 428 V.-tli villi - 1 1 1,070 10 - 1,080 \'puinnrf _ i > U V t lllll L, — *- ™ 8,6l2 133 - 8,745 4,078 81 4,159 Swansea ~ 28,l8l 49 300 28,530 11,688 40 9° 11,818 Llanelly - 2.5,933 29 25,962 11,691 28 n>7i9 Milfnrd 210 210 160 160 Chester - - - 3,782 3,782 1 , ',08 _ 1,508 Liverpool - 487 12 Q I.64.8 56,500 484 5 ^6,080 AjtUlLUSlXI ~ 200 200 120 120 Whitehaven 27>695 6 320 28,021 29,420 4 42 29,466 Carlisle - 1,695 - - 1,695 692 - - 692 Berwick - 5,845 - - 5,845 2,110 - - 2,110 Newcastle - 545,972 8,203 - 554,175 168,242 7,323 - 175,565 Sunderland 307,828 340 308,168 73,702 194 73,896 Stockton - 86,535 164 m 86,699 67 - 19,992 Hull 1 inn - 14,510 - H,510 7,212 7,212 Goole - 4,127 20 4>i53 2,027 25 2,052 20 20 10 - 10 Yarmouth - 25 - - 25 10 - - . 10 Aldborough H5 - - H5 80 - - 80 Scotland : • Leitn ... 10,220 _ 10,229 3,680 (J' J 3,689 1JU1 I UWMU11C33 . 23,131 23,131 10,209 - 10,209 Grangemouth 10,648 130 - 10,778 3,940 1 10 4,070 rvllKaluy - 8,871 8,871 4,108 4,108 Dundee - - 724 724 411 - 411 Montrose - 21 3 24 14 5 19 Aberdeen - 76 76 50 50 Greenock - 16,598 16,598 9,478 9,478 Port Glasgow 4,957 4,957 2,636 2,636 Glasgow 10,767 10,767 4,580 4,580 Irvine H,551 14,551 5,870 5,870 Ayr - - - - 597 597 251 251 Ireland : Dublin 1,427 1,427 1.269 1,269 Waterford - 38 38 33 33 Cork 319 319 319 319 Sligo - 40 40 30 30 Londonderry 50 5o 38 38 Belfast - - , - 435 435 43i 431 Newry - 270 270 200 200 Total - - ',303,384 9,693 632 1,313,709 477>-34 8,579 137 485,950 FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED. 3 Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 183 8. COUNTRIES QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which EXPORTED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. Russia 66,527 1,524 - 68,051 18,802 1,326 - 20,128 Sweden - 23,522 170 - 23,692 5,816 146 - 5,962 Norway - 13,785 845 - 14,630 4,419 775 - 5,194 Denmark - 102,807 2,302 - 105,109 25,877 i>949 - 27,826 Prussia ... 60,261 140 60,401 14,279 125 - 14,404 Germany - 88,689 1,012 - 89,701 21,015 803 - 21,818 Holland - 147,284 1,853 - 149,137 49,420 1,702 - 51,122 Belgium - 4,176 _ m 4,176 1,588 m m 1,588 France - 334,027 194 342 334,563 108,055 140 43 108,243 Portugal, Azores and Madeira 34,493 57 34,550 12 ,399 36 12,435 Spain and the Canaries °,°95 354 9,049 3>72o 395 4,1 21 Gibraltar - ] 7,3 2 3 290 — - 17,613 7,428 244 ■ 7,672 Italy ... 26,507 202 - 26,709 ii,943 223 - 12,166 Malta - 34,488 - - 34,488 14,345 - - 14,345 Ionian Islands - 1,002 - - 1,002 445 - - 445 Morea and Greek Islands ... 4,200 * - 4,200 1,634 - - 1,634 Turkey and Continental Greece - » - 33,224 33,224 13,502 13,502 Cape or Good Hope - 4,020 4;020 2,338 2,338 Other Parts of Africa - 21,729 °9 48 21,040 9,559 (> 7 15 9.641 East Indies and China 18,994 195 - i9' l8 9 1 1,700 180 - 11,880 New South Wales and South Australia 89 - - 89 59 - - 59 British North Ame- rican Colonies 49,872 236 - 50,108 22,729 202 - 22,931 British West Indies 65,407 Tl 6^,4^8 26 a8 767 4 C ,/ U / Foreign West Indies - 6 >997 88 12 7,097 3,240 75 5 3,320 United States of Ame- rica ... 57,i/5 57,175 30,999 30,999 Mexico - 36 36 21 21 Columbia - 120 120 60 60 Brazil - 7,283 20 7,303 4,153 40 4,193 States of the Rio de la Plata - 1,335 i,335 666 666 Chili 220 10 230 138 25 163 Peru ... 39i 39i 197 197 Isles of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney and Man - 68,706 101 230 69,037 27,941 100 69 28,1 10 Total - - 1,303,384 9,693 .. \ 632 i,3i3,7 c 9 477,234 8,579 137 485,950 283. A 2 (continued.) 4 COALS, CINDEKS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; EXPORTED TO No. 2. — Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, YEAR 18 3 9 P O R T from which SHIPPED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. i_,ulm. IOTAL. Loals. Cinders. Culm. 1 OTAL. England: J cms. 1 ons. 1 ons. 1 ons. X>. 35. X. Jt. London - - 26,547 93 26,640 27,712 82 - 27,794 Dover - 65 65 50 - 5° Portsmouth 230 - 230 260 _ - 260 Southampton 35 - 35 35 - 35 Cowes '» 30 _ 30 30 - 30 Poole - 3!3 _ 313 354 - 354 Dartmouth 60 _ _ 60 39 39 Plymouth - 2 - 2 2 2 Penzance - 33 33 26 _ - 26 St. Ives - 88 » 88 53 _ _ 53 KinpfViyn • m - 10 10 8 - 8 Bridgewater 15 15 8 - 8 Bristol - 6,874 _ - 6,874 4,"9 _ - 4,H9 Gloucester 3,058 3,058 1.752 i,752 Cardiff 4> 8 43 36 4,879 2 >i57 25 - 2,182 Npwnorf — - - 1 3>o35 _ 13,035 6,151 - 6,151 Swansea - _ _ 3Q3 K) J <~J 25,684 10,824 _ J 35 io,959 Llanelly - 24,890 24,890 11,745 11,745 Beaumaris 45 - _ _ 45 23 - 23 Chester - 3,921 - 3,9 2 i 1,586 - 1,586 T^ivprnoiil - - - 103,582 48 103,630 58,547 O 58 58,605 Fleetwood ~ ~ 107 _ _ 107 55 - 55 Lancaster • • » 544 - - 544 344 - 344 Whitehaven 22,616 - 22,016 8,129 8,129 Carlisle - 2,432 2,432 996 996 Berwick - 1,285 87 i>37 2 456 32 .00 400 Newcastle - - - 543,846 14,206 558,052 195,390 13,210 208,600 Sunderland 369,882 738 370,620 98,470 417 J" ^ O Qf}_ 98,057 Stockton - - - 110,019 1,688 111,707 26,121 920 ■ #^ i 27,041 Scarborough 30 - 30 14 ■ m ~ H Hull- 28,423 3 28,426 13,957 2 m m 13.959 Goole ... 4,614 188 4,002 2,308 9° 2,39 s Grimsby - 419 - • 419 209 209 Yarmouth - - - 321 • 321 I06 106 Aldborough 25 25 30 30 Harwich - 87 87 40 m _ _ 40 Colchester - 40 - - 40 18 - - 18 Scotland : Leith 18,356 10 - 1 8,366 6,582 1 1 6,593 Borrowstoness - 33,029 - - 33,029 12,860 - 12,860 Grangemouth 11,151 - - 11,151 3,743 • 3.743 Kirkaldy - 7»138 7^38 2,847 2,047 Dundee - 814 - - 814 252 - - 252 Montrose - 20 20 10 10 Aberdeen - ■; - 120 120 60 ; \ - 60 Greenock - - - 15,955 56 16,01 1 8,343 79 8.422 Port Glasgow 3,/°o 3>/°° 1,005 1 88/r 1 ,005 Glasgow - 20,723 10 20,733 8,470 21 8,491 Irvine - 19,224 19, 22 4 7,475 7-475 Ayr - 151 151 53 53 Campbeltown - 40 40 14 14 Ireland : Dublin 1,329 1,329 1,035 1,035 Waterford - 238 238 70 70 Cork 374 374 347 347 Londonderry 613 613 376 376 Belfast 761 761 531 531 Newry ... 400 400 45o 450 Total - - 1,431,861 17,163 393 1,449.417 527.527 14.947 " 135 542,609 FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHAR(iKI). .5 Cinders and Culm Exported — continued. YEAR 1 8 3 !). VjL/UiN 1 n, J 11. o QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which EXPORTED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm . 1 Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. Russia - - - 73,9 6 8 4,086 - 78,054 21,776 3,524 - 25,300 Sweden - 24,468 251 - 24,719 6,177 232 • 6,409 Norway - 9>9 G 2 741 - 10,703 2,911 740 - 3.651 Denmark - 125,462 3,543 - 129,005 35,484 3,001 - 38,485 Prussia - 83,638 304 - 83,942 22,089 259 - 22,348 Germany - 111,901 4,777 - 116,678 29,871 3,923 - 33,794 Holland - 1 77 007 2,351 180. "m8 62. 1 £0 1 Oil 2,275 64. A '14. 7,004 7,004 2,526 2,520 France - - - 339'938 287 148 340,373 116,678 •*33 £n 1 l6,96l Portugal, Azores and Madeira 1 1 78a - 1 ,/ "4 44 45 2 1 .87^ 7.764. 37 15 7,8l6 Spain and the Canaries 1 8,200 - - 1 8,200 7 ^S t - - Gibraltar - 11 »7 1 5 1 1 - 1 1,726 4,802 8 - 4,810 Italy - 30,088 191 - 30,270 12,727 'It 177 - 12,004 Malta - 27,988 - - 27,988 12,008 - - 1 2,008 Innian Icliinnc — _ 2,094 2,094 934 - 934 Morea and Greek Is- lands - 2,853 2,853 1,202 1,202 Turkeyand Continental firPPPP m m « VJltCtC 27. 701 4 - 27.707 11117 5 - 1 1 ,222 Syria and Palestine 1 .0^6 — _ 1 .0^6 4^1 Cape of Good Hope 6,01 1 0,010 3^95 10 3,705 wilier x oTba Ol /\lllCd - 37,393 54 37,447 15,831 52 15,883 East Indies and China 13,721 82 13,803 8,214 Sfi 01) 8,300 New South Wales and South Australia 327 2 - 329 235 3 - 238 New Zealand - - 1 10 1 1 0 fin fin British North American Colonies 186 crn n8? 00 "-00 ^J,°47 £>nusu >v est inoies 64,053 25 64,078 43,600 40 43,640 i uieign west xnoies 7,447 7,447 3,476 3,476 United States of Ame- rica ... 52,889 4» - 52,930 27,916 33 - 27,949 Guatemala 1 1 1 1 Columbia - - 10 10' 9 9 Brazil - 21,026 40 2 1 ,066 9.920 45 9-965 States of the Rio de la Plata - 1,090 1,090 571 571 Chili 116 116 75 75 Peru 9i 91 52 52 Isles of Guernsey, Jer- sey, Alderney and Man 78,357 138 200 78,695 31,781 149 70 32,000 Total - - 1,431,861 17,163 393 1.4+9,417 527,527 14-947 135 542,609 6 COALS, &C. SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; AND RATES OF DUTY CHARGED. — No. 3.— Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad ; with the Rates and Amount of Duties received thereon. YEAR 1839. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DUTIES received thereon. Rated Duty of 45. per Ton. Duty of 105. per Ct. ad valorem. TOTAL. Coals - Cinders - Culm - Total - - Tons. 1,431,861 17,163 393 £. s. d. 6,776 7 3 48 15 2 £. s. d. 1,936 16 2 71 9 3 - 6 6 £. s. d. 8,713 3 5 120 4 5 -66 ^449417 6,825 a 5 2,008 11 11 8,833 14 4 RATES of Duty on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1839. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported in British Ships (or Ships of States acting under Treaty of Reciprocity) ; To British Possessions - - - - Free. To Foreign Countries ... - \os. per cent, ad valorem. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported in Foreign Ships (not entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity): To British Possessions - To Foreign Countries - - - j> 45. per ton. — No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways, and by Inland Navigation, into the Port of London, during the Year 1839 ; comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1838. COALS brought into the Port of London. Coastways. By Inland Navigation. TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1838 2,581,085 1,685 2,582,770 - 1839 2,625,323 12,933 2,638,256 Inspector-General's Office, Custom House, "I William Irving, London, 4 May 1 840. J Inspector-General of Imports and Exports. to oo Co <3 o a. oo K o ? i s to. ft a OS S 3. Oq ift a. E? 1 o = «~ • c cr O •5' O t3 — to p O B5 r B » Cl. o T3 d 2 B 3- p p s g. 2 t- 1 05) g P » COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. RETURNS to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 3 March 1841 —far, No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1840 ; distinguishing the Quantity shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1839. No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1840; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1831); also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom fiom which the same were shipped. No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1840, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon. No. 4 — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1840, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1839. No. 1. — Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. r U K 1 0 from which Shipped, YEAR 1839. YEAR 1840. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Cinders. /~"..r™ VvUlm. 1 OTAL. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. ToltS. Tons. Tons. Tons. Portsmouth 2,94o 2,940 2,428 ~ ~~ 2,428 Cowes ... 20 20 Poole ~~ ■ • 667 667 Plymouth - - - 189 18*9 54 - 130 184 Barnstaple 18 - 18 36 Bristol ... 3.550 160 3,7io 3,77° 30 3,800 Gloucester 74,667 119 74,786 105,108 650 105,758 Chepstow - - - 54 50 • 104 Cardiff - 1 45,057 145,057 162,061 222 * 162,283 Newport - - - 469,644 1,176 470,820 482,214 184 - 482,398 Swansea - 227,462 38 259,292 486,792 213,228 562 246,41 1 460,201 Llanelly - 114,193 27,646 141,839 151,750 41,019 192,769 Milford ... 17,731 45,490 63,221 20,954 55,814 76,768 Beaumaris ^ „ Q • ™ 308 Chester - - - 88,111 88,111 86,227 80,227 Liverpool ■» No account kept since 6th August 1834. Fleetwood 22,143 399 144 22,686 21,299 383 383 22,065 Lancaster - - - 2,161 2,161 2,570 - - 2,570 Whitehaven 435,129 97 3,962 439,188 420,385 32 2,962 423,379 Carlisle - 49, 8 52 183 106 50,141 50,259 289 - 50,548 Berwick - - 1,259 1,259 659 659 Newcastle - - - 2,149,814 9-507 2,159,321 2,267,082 14,261 2,281,343 Sunderland 913,394 566 913,960 867,777 451 ■ 868,228 Stockton - - - 1,308,778 1,308,778 i,3 6 7,532 1,367.532 Hull _ 13,261 24 13,285 1 -'.yoy Goole - 132,475 132,475 146,376 146,376 Grimsby - 83 83 10 10 Harwich - 400 400 60 60 Maldon - 375 375 Scotland : Leith ... 30,459 30,459 24,987 20 25,007 Borrowstoness - 125,789 394 126,183 130,483 125 130,608 Grangemouth 69,383 69,383 81,700 81,700 Kirkaldy ... 46,960 46,960 52,262 52,262 Dundee - 244 244 Greenock - - - 1,389 1.389 782 782 Port Glasgow 18 18 90 90 Glasgow - 100,922 96 20 101,038 86,714 213 192 87,1 19 Irvine - 248,417 248,417 252,976 252,976 Ayr - - - - 73,457 73,457 91,196 91.196 Campbeltown 1,800 1,800 1,794 1,794 Ireland : Dublin 225 225 696 696 Waterford - 1,639 1,639 1,874 1,874 Limerick - 209 209 83 83 Newry - - - 15 15 Total - - 6,873,030 13,015 1 336,968 7,223,013 7,111,461 16,807 347,609 7.475,877 259. A 2 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; EXPORTED TO No. 2. — Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several YEAR 1839. PORTS QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. ti om which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. England : Tons. Tons. Tows. Tons. £. £. £. £. London ... o (\ r. A 7 •'0,547 93 ofi fiAn 11 7 1 q A lit 1 1 O "T *7f\A -7>7y4 Dover - fir °5 fie °5 50 Portsmouth 230 0 on 260 1260 Southampton OP 00 OD •3D 0 c QO Cowes - OA 3° 3° 0 n 30 Poole - 3*3 354 354 Dartmouth UO fir* OO on 39 39 Plymouth - r 2 2 2 Penzance - 33 33 ofi 20 St. Ives - - - 88 00 88 00 53 53 Bideford - 1 0 g 0 0 Bridgwater i zr l 5 8 c O Bristol - - - fi Si-^ 0,874 fi 8>7,< 0,074 4' 1 *y A 1 1 A 4,i '9 Gloucester 3>°5 a 0 nr8 3,05 0 1 752 1,752 Cardiff - A A O 4>°43 3° 4,°/y 0 1 C.7 25 0 1 80 Newport - - - 13»°35 ie nor u > 1 Ol fi 1 rl 0,151 Swansea - 25,291 393 Or fi8/l in f!<)j 1 u,o ^4 135 10,959 Llanelly - - - 24,890 24,090 1 W45 1 1»745 Beaumaris - 45 m m 45 - 23 Chester - - - 3,921 - 3,92 1 1,586 - 1,586 Liverpool - - 103,582 48 103,630 58,547 eft 5° 58,605 Fleetwood - 107 1 07 55 55 Lancaster - 544 544 O A A 344 344 Whitehaven 2 2,6 1 6 22 61b' 8 1 2Q u, i -4y Carlisle - 2,432 O A On ■*,4t>' yy° Berwick - °7 4.^6 488 Newcastle 543,040 14,206 13,210 or>8 finn Sunderland 3D9,8«2 73° 0 T r» fi 0 r, J7U,U^O 9 0 ,47O 417 n8 8Qt 90,007 Stockton - 1 10,019 1,055 111,707 ofi 1 0 1 920 -!7,04I Scarborough 3° 3° I A *4 J 4 Hull 20,4-Jj 3 28,426 1 1 0^7 * o,yo / 2 ■*o,yoy Goole - 4,614 1 00 4,802 2 Q08 no Grimsby - 419 4*y 200 209 Yarmouth - - - - - 12 1 106 - - 1 06 Aldborough 25 - * 25 30 - - 30 Harwich - 87 87 40 40 Colchester 40 40 1 8 1 8 Scotland : Leith - 10,350 10 1 8 ofifi 10,300 fi ccRo 1 1 fi cno Borrowstoness - 33,029 33,°-^ 1 2,860 1 2,86o Grangemouth 1 1,151 m J 11 1 1 1 11,151 O, /43 O 7>4 O Kirkaldy - 7.138 7,138 2,847 2,847 Dundee - 814 814 252 - - 252 Montrose - 20 20 10 IO Aberdeen - 120 120 60 60 Greenock - 15,955 56 16,011 8,343 79 8,422 Port Glasgow 3,7« 3,768 1,885 1,885 J-r 1 0 C CTI i W — m m 20,723 10 20,733 8,470 21 8,491 Irvine - 19,224 19,224 7,475 7,475 Ayr - 151 151 53 53 Campbeltown 40 40 14 14 Ireland : Dublin 1,329 1,329 l,o35 1,035 Waterford - 238 238 70 70 Cork 374 374 347 347 Londonderry 613 613 376 376 Belfast 761 761 53i 531 Newry ... 400 400 45o 450 Total - - 1,431,861 17,163 393 1,449,417 527,527 14,947 135 542,609 FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED. 3 Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad. YEAR l«:Jf). COUNTRIES QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which EXPORTED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £ Russia - 73,968 4,086 - 78,054 21,776 3,524 25,3 Sweden ... 24,468 251 - 24,719 6,177 232 6,4°9 Norway ... 9>962 741 - 10,703 2,911 740 — — 3,651 Denmark - - - 125,462 3,543 - - 129,005 35,484 3,001 38,485 Prussia - 83,638 3°4 83,942 22,089 259 22,348 Germany - 111,901 4,777 - 116,678 29,871 3,923 33,794 Holland - 1 77,997 2,351 - 180,348 62,159 2,275 - 64,434 Belgium - 7,004 - 1 - 7,004 2,526 - - 2,526 France - 31Q,Ql8 287 148 o4 u ,o/o n6 678 233 50 1 16,961 Portugal, Azores and 21.784. 44 45 7,7 D 4 37 15 7,816 Spain and the Canaries l8,200 18,200 7,583 7,583 Gibraltar - - - 11 ,7 1 5 11 1 1,726 4,802 8 - 4,810 Italy 30,088 J9 1 on o*7n 177 - 12.Q04. Malta - 27 088 wt — 27,900 1 2,Oo8 _ 1 2,008 Toman T^lnnH^ * — 2,094 2,094 934 934 Morea and Greek T 1 J Islands - 2,853 2,853 1,202 1,202 Turkey and Continental Greece - 27,703 4 - 27,707 11,117 5 - 11,222 Syria and Palestine 1,056 - 40 1 - 4^1 Cape of Good Hope - 6 61 1 5 0,01b 3,695 10 - «i»7°5 Other Parts of Africa - 0 / iQViy 54 - 37,447 1 c 80 1 52 - l c 88^ East Indies and China - 1 ^»72 I 82 H 0 1 \ 5, 1 14 86 8,300 Australian Settlement - 327 2 - 329 235 3 — — 238 New Zealand 113 — — 113 60 - • 60 British North Ame- rican Colonies 50,797 1 00 50,983 23,732 115 23,847 British West Indies 64,053 2 5 64,078 43,600 40 43,640 Foreign West Indies - 7,447 - 7,447 3,476 - 3,476 United States of Ame- rica ... 52,889 41 52,930 27,916 33 27,949 Guatemala 1 1 1 l Columbia - 10 10 9 9 Brazil - 21,026 40 2 1 ,066 9,920 45 9,965 States of the Rio de la Plata ... 1,090 1,090 571 57i Chili 116 116 75 75 Peru - 91 9i 52 52 Isles of G uernsey, Jersey, Alderney and Man - 78,357 138 200 78,695 3i,/8i 149 70 32,000 Total - - 1,431,861 17,163 393 1,449,417 527,527 14,947 135 542,609 259- A 2 {continued.) 4 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS J EXPORTED TO No. 2. — Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, YEAR 1840 PORTS from which SHIPPED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. \s 1 1 IUC1 0 • Culm. Total. Coals. Culm. Total. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. London - 26,627 58 - 26,685 27,162 102 „ 27,264 Kochester - 30 30 30 _ m _ 30 Shoreham - 18 _ _ m 18 2 5 m _ 25 Portsmouth 205 m 20^ 160 _ _ m 160 Southampton 72 — — - 72 59 _ _ 59 Poole ... 225 _ 225 235 _ _ 235 Dartmouth 130 - _ _ 1 30 100 _ _ _ 10O Plymouth - - - 234 - 234 148 - - I48 ralmouth - - - 93 m _ 93 35 m m m 35 ot. Ives ... 242 _ 242 1 14 H _ 114 Bideford - 20 _ 20 8 _ — m m 8 T£ri 8 35 178 - 40,013 Mexico - - - 588 - 588 278 278 Guatemala 98 98 100 100 Columbia - 29 29 12 12 Brazil ... 22,470 22,470 9,7i8 9,7i8 States of the Rio de la Plata - 3,388 3,3^8 1,434 1,434 Chili 2,937 2,937 1,534 1,534 Peru - 275 275 J 32 132 Isles of Guernsey, Jer- sey, Alderney and Man 77,264 118 177 77 559 31,355 131 61 1 31,547 Total - - 1,592,283 13,783 247 1,606,313 564,119 12,31 1 89 576,519 259- 6 COALS, &C. SHIPPED COASTWAYS; AND RATES OF DUTY CHARGED. — No. 3. — Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad ; with the Rates and Amount of Duties received thereon. YEAR 1840. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DUTIES received thereon. Duty payable on Exportation in Foreign Ships. Duty payable on Exportation (to Foreign Countries) in British Ships. TOTAL. Coals - Cinders - Culm .... Total - - - Tons. 1,592,283 13,783 247 £. *. d. 4,763 17 2 10-5 £. d. 2,148 10 9 55 11 9 - - 3 £. s. d. 6,912 7 11 65 12 2 - - 3 1,606,313 4,773 17 7 2,204 2 9 6,978 - 4 RATES of Duty on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1840. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported in British Ships (or Ships of States acting under Treaty of Reciprocity): To British Possessions - Free. /Previously to 15th May, ioj. per cent, advalorem. To Foreign Countries "^Subsequently to 15th May, 105. 6d. per cent, ad valorem. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported in Foreign Ships (not entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity): To British Possessions - "1 Previously to 15th May, 4 pei ton. To Foreign Countries - - - /Subsequently to 15th May, 45. 2 ftd. per ton. — No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways, and by Inland Navigation, into the Port of London, during the Year 1840 ; comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1839. COALS brought into the Port of London. Coastways. By Inland Navigation. TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1839 2,625,323 12,933 2,638,256 — 1840 2,5 66 , 8 99 22,188 2,589,087 Inspector-General's Office, Custom House,^ William Irving, London, 15 April 184]. J Inspector-General of Imports and Exports. Ox o o ►to n ~ ° IT o t I © s cr O tr O v C •c the R tways O o p > ro CO and CO CO D W a o > o w mou ted 50 C/l P O o o o c c —I 2. UL rt crq' g s o G > o Z a pi OS > O O a COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. RETURNS to Three several Orders of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 18, 21 and -2<2 March 1842 ;—Jor, No. 1. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1841 ; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1840. No. 2. AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1841 ; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1840 ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were shipped. No. 3.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1841, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon. No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1841, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1840. (Mr. Gibson Craig.) No. 5. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantity of Coals Exported from the United Kingdom in each Year, from the 5th day of January 1828 to the 5th day of January 1842 ; specifying the Ports of Shipment, and the Countries to which the Coals were sent. (Mr. Hodgson tlinde.) No. 6.— AN ACCOUNT of the Number of Tons of Coal Shipped to Foreign Countries in the Year 1841 ; specifying the Quantities Shipped in British Vessels, and the Quantities Shipped in Foreign Vessels to each Country respectively :— Also, a similar Return of the Quantities Exported during the same Period to British Possessions Abroad. (Mr. Richard Hodgson.) No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1841 ; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1840 : — (This Account will be found at Page 7.) Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 12 April 1842. l63- A I 1 •2 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; EXPORTED TO No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported YEAR 1840. PORTS llOIIl WHICH SHIPPED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Poole •ooais. 1 ini-l Ann Pnlm 1 OTAL. Cinders. Cu 1m. Total. England : Tons. Tons* Tons. Tons. £. £. i £. London ... 26,627 58 26,685 27,162 102 27,264 Rochester - - - 3° - 30 30 - 30 Shoreham - - - 18 - - 18 25 - 25 Portsmouth 205 - - 205 160 - 160 Southampton 72 m m m 72 59 59 roole - - - 225 • - - 225 235 - 235 Dartmouth 130 - - 130 100 - 100 Plymouth - - - 234 - - 234 148 - 148 l'; i 1 1 ii n i ] t ] l _ _ _ 93 - - 93 35 - 35 St. Ives - 242 - - 242 114 - 114 Bideford - 20 - - 20 8 - 8 Bristol - 8,787 * — 8,787 5.149 5,149 Gloucester 2,2Q0 - - 2,290 1,187 - 1,187 Lard in ... 3,826 - - 3,826 1.939 - 1,939 \* ru'itort _ _ _ 7.115 141 - 7,256 3.290 105 3.395 Swansea - 32,9H - 178 33.08y 15,605 - 71 15,076 Llanelly - 19,275 - 19.275 9.io3 • - 9,103 Milford - 372 39 41 1 286 1 2 298 Chester - 2,9^6 - 2,986 1,167 - 1 , 1 67 Liverpool - 109,546 10q,<;46 57)746 57,746 Fleetwood 170 - - I70 100 -' - - lpo Whitphaven - 24,288 - 30 24,318 8,890 - fi 8 Rnfi Carlisle ... 1 M9 A 84. z 845 Berwick - l ofio l nn*n 4.01 401 Newcastle 0°0' u 4 1 i UjO / u oy.i.y 1 1 212,562 1 O AACi m 223,002 Sunderland A A O flf 1 K 44 • ! > u yo 101,868 KA A - 102,412 Stockton - - - QQ.fl 'iO 882 33,91 2 Scarborough 55 05 11 OO 33 Hull- 29.344 5 - 29,349 13,686 4 1 3,690 Goole - 3,026 - - 3,026 1,503 - 1,503 Grimsby - 500 17 517 250 11 261 Lynn ... 32 32 20 20 Yarmouth - "5 -' , - "5 52 - 52 Aldborough 0 30 30 Scotland : 17,872 8c - 17.952 6,004 98 - 6,102 Borrowstoness - 39.339 - - 39-339 14.219 - 14,210 Grangemouth - 10,767 - - 10,767 3,602 - 3,602 Kirkaldy - I 0,070 5 10,875 4>- i - 2 4 4,226 Dundee ... 1,063 36 - 1,099 503 70 - 573 Aberdeen - 109 109 48 48 Greenock ... 27,312 27,312 ip a rift 15,498 Port Glasgow 4.645 4, G 45 2,291 2,291 Glasgow --. 25,072 54 25.126 9.582 51 9. 6 "33 Irvine ... 19,126 19.126 7,3^5 7,385 Ayr .... 442 442 200 200 Stranraer - 100 100 75 75 Ireland : Dublin 1,190 1,190 1 ,462 1,462 Cork 1,108 1,108 859 «59 Sligo 160 160 115 115 Londonderry 14.0 140 100 100 Belfast 9°3 9°3 1,041 1,041 Newry - 150 150 95 95 Total - - 1.592,283 13,783 247 1,606,313 564.119 12,311 89 576,519 FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED. .5 from the several Port6 of England, Scotland and Ireland to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad. Y liA R 1840. COUNTRIES QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which EXPORTED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. Russia 9°»93° 2,440 - 93,37° 25,812 2,202 28,014 Sweden - 397 6,205 345 • 6 K CO Norway - - - 13,110 647 13,757 3,7°5 59 6 4,3° 1 Denmark - 124,691 2,088 126,779 33,652 1 -952 35,604 Prussia - 89,443 241 _ Q_ f.Q 09,084 23,933 209 m m 24,142 Germany - 1 1 9,600 !>79i 121,391 30,680 i.47o 32,150 Holland - 203,1 31 2,626 _ _ 205,757 60,1 40 2,597 . m 62,737 Belgium - 4,506 - - 4,506 1,650 - 1,650 France - 394,512 372 70 394,954 128,972 340 28 129,340 Portugal, Azores and") Madeira - -J 23,826 16 - 23,842 8,842 14 - 8,856 Spain and the Canaries 13,766 186 13,952 5,630 178 5,814 Gibraltar - 14,690 3° 14,720 6,199 60 6,259 Italy 15>9°4 613 16,517 6,437 593 m _ 7.030 Malta - 2 7,847 - 27,847 n,737 - 11,737 Ionian Islands - 3,329 • 3,329 1,482 — ™ 1,482 Kingdom of Greece - 3,865 3,865 1,697 1.697 Turkey - 27,537 27,537 11,047 11,047 Egypt 5,523 _ _ 5,523 2,287 2,287 Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers") and Morocco - -J 21,138 10 21,148 7,133 7 7,140 Western Coast of Africa 1,832 1,832 767 767 Cape of Good Hope - 7,927 7»927 4,H7 4,H7 Mauritius - 1,682 1,682 1,1.55 1,155 East Indies and China 32,676 377 33,053 18,053 369 18,422 Australian Settlements 466 - - 466 oy° - - ' - British North Ame-"| rican Colonies ~j 5 0 ,634 i,54i - w 5 2 ,i75 20,2 1 1 975 21,100 British West Indies - 82,508 56 82,564 52,712 95 52,807 Foreign West Indies - 11,701 a 11,701 5,032 5-032 United States of Ame-1 rica -J 77,325 234 - 77.559 39.835 178 - 40,013 Mexico - 588 - - 588 278 278 Guatemala 98 98 100 100 Columbia - 29 29 12 12 Brazil ... 22,470 22,470 9,7«8 9,7iS States of the Rio de la) Plata - - -J 3,388 3.3S8 1,434 1,434 Chili 2,937 2,937 1,534 1,534 Peru ... 275 275 132 132 Isles of Guernsey, Jer-1 77,264 sey, Aldeiney and V Man - - -J 118 177 77,559 31.355 131 61 31,047 Total - - i,59 2 ,283 | 13,783 247 1,606,313 564,119 12,311 576,519 1 63. A • 1 (continued.) 4 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; EXPORTED TO No. 2. — An Account of the Quantities and Declared Value YEAR 1841. - PORTS from which S H I P P E D. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. London • - 0,0.062 266 ^0.^28 0,0 2 0 2A2 AAA Newhaven - - oo 00 2 5 Southampton AO a6 4° Poole - - - 0 1 A OO JT 325 Exeter - 10 1 0 4 4 Dartmouth A 0 0. 43 A02 220 220 Plymouth - QO QO on 3° f'ovvey - r o >ru - - - a r 45 40 0 1 *4 24 IMlStOl - 7 0 11 7 277 ^ 007 4>°37 Gloucester 2,078 2 O78 OT7 y/ / 977 L ami it - - - 4)374 ^ 0" 1 4,3 , 4 2,1 73 2,173 Newport - 12,842 1,946 - < 14,788 5,952 1,374 7,326 Swansea - 28,741 40 215 28,966 13,584 22 75 13,681 Llanelly - - - 15,079 15,079 7,149 7,149 Chester - - - 4>3'o - - 4,310 1 ,642 - - 1 ,642 Liverpool - 1 1 O OAO J 1 y,y'i-y i, Ti u yt 64,694 Fleetwood A OO A 00. TO 196 Lancaster - O6O 66O 359 Whitehaven OO/l 11 1 2 0 A78 8,006 0,OOo v^ariiiiie ... '!.)■)<) 960 Berwick - - - 8-2A 8"A o u y 3°9 !>ICWCttSUt. - To"" /I An* 73 / >45 u 10 1 OA 7 CO c8 C ofvf CJ7 1 0.9G2 2 75,509 Sunderland A oR 1 O 1 0 OA A08 '".]''> 106,1 38 1G2 1 00,300 Stockton - 1 68 701 614 1 6q.o,a x 46.078 o^y 4' J ,J°7 Scarborough 1 ^ 1 0 1 0 Gainsborough 1,268 1,268 ooy 559 T4 nil 01 8ao 1 0 07 Q2A *5 / ,y t 1 6.8'^a 75 1 6,yo<} Goole - - - 2,827 - 2,827 1,363 l ,363 Grimsby ■ 221 221 lOO lOO ^ ar mouth 45 45 20 20 Scotland : Leith ... * u >7y4 on 7nA 6,829 0,029 Horrowstoness - fit 1 O 0 1 100 '-,/ ul 22,701 Grangemouth ofio 26'i 144 All ~ Alloa ... TO O O C 10 0 '.i £ 3,515 Kirkaldy - - - 15.749 - - 15,749 6,1 10 6,1 10 Dundee - 4.425 1 IO 4,535 1,806 77 1,883 Montrose - 74 - 74 35 35 Aberdeen - 240 240 78 78 Greenock - 29,517 29.517 14,555 H-555 Port Glasgow 4,104 4,104 2,047 2,047 Glasgow - 28,773 IO 28,783 10,827 It - - 10,839 Irvine - 34.5 r '7 34.507 11,6^,3 11, 658 Ayr - 3,385 3.385 1,583 1,583 Ireland : Dublin 1.137 »,137 973 973 Waterford - 225 225 166 166 Ross ... 183 183 83 83 Cork 1,652 1,652 831 831 Londonderry 960 960 406 406 Belfast 1,88.3 1,883 1,632 1,632 Newry - 100 100 75 - 1 • 75 Total - - 1,831,554 16,514 226 1,848,294 661,769 13,437 8i 675,287 FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED. of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported — continued. Y E A II 1»4 I. CA li MT 1! 1 1' s L V/ U iN 1 u I l-i o QUAN T IT I ES EXPO RT E J ) . DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which Loals. Cinders. Culm. 1 OTA L. Coals. Cinders. Culm. 1 o i a L. Tons. • JL UflS* Tons. £. £. £. £. Russia - 75,595 i,557 77,152 22,107 1 >?ni 1 ,*9 l 23,39 8 Sweden - 26,700 9 All 26,941 7,705 1 "77 7,882 Norway - 15,207 U07 15,894 4,529 c 0 f 535 5,064 Denmark - 148,724 2,422 151,146 41,070 2,026 43,096 Prussia - 115,501 795 1 16,296 30,851 5j° 31,407 Germany 169,695 3,742 173,437 45,449 3,075 48,524 Holland - - - 1 171,242 2.136 173,378 56,600 1 Ro a i, B 33 58,433 Belgium - 3,oi3 3,013 1,078 1,07:5 France - 450,410 433 1G0 451,003 154,871 316 56 155,243 Portugal, Azores and] Madeira - -J 23,97/ 32 _ 29,009 10,799 27 _ 10,020 Spain and the Canaries 34,7 8 6 2,534 37,320 16.200 2,045 18,245 Gibraltar - 14,082 5° 14,13 2 5,526 i rw"» 1 uu 5,626 Italy 3?>,887 Ron 027 39,714 16,558 17,208 Malta 50,131 50,131 20,733 20,733 Ionian Islands - 3,664 3,664 L5S7 1,587 Kingdom of Greece - 5,027 - - 5.027 i,953 - 1-953 Turkey ... 48,059 - - 48,059 18,459 - - 18,459 Syria and Palestine 60 • 1- * ■ i - 60 24 - - 24 Ecvot ... 21,122 21 - 21,143 8,874 19 - 8,893 Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers "1 and Morocco -J 9>9 1 1 9,9- / Western Coast of Africa 2,440 2,440 1,109 1,109 Cape of Good Hope - 5,588 5,o88 2,992 2.992 Mauritius - - - 3,670 m _ 3,670 2,129 2,129 East Indies and China 6-i 6q8 222 3.5,449 196 - 33, U '1D Australian Settlements 4 226 _ 4 * 2 - ' 1 0 - Rn !4,50U New Zealand 5°9 509 5O8 5°° British North Ameri-1 can Colonies -J 54,592 575 10 55,177 2 3,490 364 4 23,8j3 British West Indies 71,298 13 - 71,311 43,378 16 43,394 Foreign West Indies - 22,292 22,292 9,750 9,750 United States of America 52,207 66 52,273 25,591 60 25-651 Texas ... 112 112 110 1 10 Columbia - 10 10 12 IS Brazil - 14,166 2 14,168 6,130 4 6,134 States of the Rio dc la*| Plata - <■ -j 4,034 4,034 1,59° li59° Chili 4,575 4,575 2,185 2,185 Peru - 2,288 2,28s 1,3M) 1,319 Isles of Guernsey, Jer-1 sey, Alderney and J Man - - -J 7*.564 149 56 78,769 30,559 »35 21 30,715 Total - - - 1,831,554 16,514 226 1,848,294 661,769 1 3-437 | 81 j 675,287 163. A3 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS; EXPORTED — No. 3.— M ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United K.ngdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad ; with the Rates and Amount of Duties received thereon. YEAR 1841. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DUTIES received thereon. Duty payable on Exportation in Foreign Ships. Duty payable on Exportation (to Foreign Countries) in British Ships. TOTAL. Coals - Cinders - Culm .... Total - - - Tons. 1*83 1,554 16,514 226 £. s. d. 9,346 19 - 63 12 2 £. s. d. 2,540 1 6 64 6 10 - 6 - £. *. d. 11,887 - 6 127 t 9 - - 6 - 1,848,294 9,410 11 2 2,604 M 4 12,015 5 6 Rates of Duty on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1841. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported in British Ships (or Ships of States acting under Treaty of Reciprocity) : To British Possessions ....... Free. To Foreign Countries - - - - - - 10 s. 6d. percent, ad valorem. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported in Foreign Ships (not entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity) : To British Possessions _.----.-> > 4*. 2A^ per ton. To Foreign Countries -J -0 r — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 184 L ; comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1840. COALS brought into the Port of London t Coastways. By Inland Navigation. \ TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1840 - - - - - 2,566,899 22,188 2,589,087 „ 1841 2,909,144 33,594 2,942,738 Inspector-General's Office, Custom House, \ William Irving, London, 9 April 1842. J Inspector-General of Imports and Exports. FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED. 7 No. 1 — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Cui.m Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS YEAR 1840. YEAR 1841. from which Shipped. Coals. Cinders. Culm. 1 OTAL. Coals. Cinders. Culm. 1 OTAL. England : Tons. Tows. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. London - - - Portsmouth 2,428 - - 2,428 374 1,609 - 10 374 1,619 PflWP? . — . V . 1/ W CO Poole - io 6G 7 - 20 667 46 608 - 40 46 648 T^lumoutn - • - Barnstaple OH- 18 - 1 'iO 18 184 36 Bristol ... Gloucester '4.770 10,5,108 30 650 1,800 105,758 4.6l 4 80,988 - 1,541 4.6 1 J. 82,529 ("!h prwtn w - - - Newport - 14 482,214 184 - 1 04 482,398 505,974 104 - 506,078 Cardiff ... Swansea - 162,061 213,228 222 562 246,41 1 162,283 460,201 1 ^ ^.«;76 200,448 2,831 1 1 1 249>56o 1 ^6,407 450,119 Llanelly ... Milford - 1^1 7^0 20,954 - 4-1. 01Q 55,8l4 102.760 76,768 1 2 ^.046 16,922 101 0 / >y 52,589 l63.1 1(1 69,511 Beaumaris - • Chester ... w8 86,227 ?o8 86,227 148 89.477 - - 148 89,477 Liverpool ... Fleetwood No accoun 21,299 ; kept since 383 6th Augu 383 3t 1834. 22,065 23,210 503 396 24,109 Lancaster ... Whitehaven 2 £70 420,3^5 32 2,962 2,570 423,379 1 7Q1 444,437 13 6,920 1 701 ' »/y 1 451,370 Carlisle - Berwick - CO 2 £0 659 280 - 50,548 659 *}Q *2/17 349 301 - 00 r^R 349 Newcastle • Sunderland 2,267,082 867,777 14,261 451 - 2,28l,34^ 868,228 937,857 0 8^8 138 2 9o7 m7 937,995 Stockton - Gainsborough - 1,367,532 * 1,367,532 1,476,922 J 2,857 136 6,560 * 1,483,618 2,857 Hull . - - Goole ... 146,376 1 5 - 12 q6q 146,376 I 7,'9 1 154,283 00 7,220 154,283 Boston - 462 15 - - 462 15 Woodbridge Harwick - 10 60 10 60 Scotland : Leith - 24.Q&7 20 2^,007 18,178 18,178 Borrowstoness 1 ^0.4.8'^ 12^ 1 30,608 1102 ofi 102 llo ooR Grangemouth - -"\ Alloa - - -J 81,700 81,700 r 6 4o% L 80,974 T « 80,974 Kirkaldy - 52,26s - - 52,262 57,159 - - 57,159 Greenock - - - 782 782 1,076 1,076 Krtrt 1-rlQCCTfllV . A UI L V_J i tlS U »V . " 9° 9° 460 460 C -m 1 ' ; c cr f) w ... 86 714 87 1 1 (1 H A nnO 74>9 u o 107 i fiR 1 uo Irvine ... 2£2 OTfi 1 OCA 1 9 1 >^54 19 1 , 2 54 Avr .... Ql .1 q6 y , y^ 06 8 1 07 1 } 0 1 >y / 0 Ri mi Campbeltown i>794 i,794 915 9'5 Ireland : Dublin 696 696 Waterford 1,874 1,874 100 100 2,450 2,450 Limerick - 83 83 Total - - 7,111,461 16,807 347,609 7,475,877 7»279,823 14,324 355,752 7,649. 8 99 163. 8 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COARTWAY8 j EXPORTED TO No. 5. — AN A('( !< >UNT of tlie Quantity of Coals Exported from the United Kingdom in each Year, from the 5th day of PORTS from which Shipped. YEARS 1828. ENGLAND: London - Rochester - Faversham Ramsgate - Dover Rye - Newhaven - Shoreham - Portsmouth Southampton Cowes Poole Weymouth flridport Exeter Dartmouth Plymouth - Fowey Falmouth - Truro Penzance - Scilly St. Ives - Bideford - Bridgeware Bristol Gloucester - Chepstow - Newport Cardiff - Swansea Llanelly Milford - Cardigan - Abervstwith Beaumaris - Chester Liverpool - Fleetwood - Lancaster - Whitehaven Carlisle Berwick Newcastle - Sunderland Stockton - Whitby Scarborough Gainsborough Hull - Goole Grimsby - Lynn Clay Yarmouth - Aldborough Ipswich Harwich - Colchester - Tons. 15,792 111 103 14 507 12 1829. Tons. 14,982 1830. T mis. 15.75: 13 18-31. Tons. 21,998 109 66 127 31 15 41 31 5,282 10 1,818 231 3,846 2,030 24 670 51,671 210 11,385 163,038 62,114 917 204 40 420 79 45 6,5i : l : 6(ifi 131 4,924 1,952 148 130 44 448 46,668 298 13,159 130 168,027 69,195 933 780 34 243 56 10 18 83 279 384 787 24 227 6,517 98 1 ,930 711 6,403 3,855 10 56 252 53,232 83 43 257 100 6,707 463 4,698 726 7,013 5,817 35 1832. Tons. 17,930 28 178 190 273 899 16 92 693 552 330 75 1833. Ton*. 20,190 3 11 193 151 27 740 72 429 475 792 5,280 140 422 16,040 1,156 1,629 737 198,070 142,432 562 437 44,982 135 15,869 1,332 171,204 151,598 1,170 3,474 4,256 2,789 3,430 104 5,244 1,052 8,198 4,740 214 62 1,115 58,898 441 17,693 1*945 203,591 179,145 784 6,398 4,156 104 41 1,291 50,561 577 17,187 6,620 233,709 176,487 3,700 133 7,463 2,660 130 1834. Tons. 17,056 125 10 37 632 160 290 170 65 5,420 5,340 546 320 200 2,609 862 1,521 3,614 13,501 20,419 7,109 5,344 165 1,652 59,078 302 18,121 3,921 230,342 149,956 9,988 12,161 2,032 74 15 SCOTLAND : Leith Borrowstoness Grangemouth and Alloa Kirkaldy - Dundee - Montrose and Arbroath Aberdeen - Greenock - Port Glasgow Glasgow - Irvine - Ayr - - - - Campbeltown Dumfries - Stranraer - IRELAND : Dublin Wexford - Waterford - Ross - Cork Limerick - Galway Sligo Londonderry Belfast Newrv 44 Total ) 34,939 1,429 ,864 37,335 2.872 15,344 1,670 2,550 447 12,102 3,081 3,167 5,847 599 130 1,582 ( 42 56 1,101 371,271 50 t. 1 1 9 5,507 23,180 1,983 6,560 723 204 80 14,754 3,349 3,636 6,147 5,618 21,372 4,750 3,290 1,310 320 16,522 4,016 1,494 6,451 1,219 139 831 430 17 21 161 146 19S 540 510,831 460 661 35 588,446 140 635 7,827 24,427 4,658 5,310 852 53 20 15,263 5,246 5,247 5,770 259 696 235 138 140 62 1,303 1,312 60 634,445 5.934 22,273 4,041 4,221 1,162 85 14 14,710 5,086 6,945 4,411 291 1,076 14 210 114 1,388 1,276 615,255 FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED. 9 January 1828 to the 5th day of January 1842 ; specifying the Ports of Shipment, and the Countries to which the Coals were sent. 1835. Tons. 20,353 27 10 41 348 48 45 100 7,294 697 2,823 972 23,741 11,727 10,078 1,899 270 7,511 23,640 5,109 4,557 765 100 20 13,998 4,835 7,469 3,078 589 1,170 63 64 1836. 1837. 36 23 1,851 2,273 61,542 90,024 1,519 480 19,606 20,172 2,005 1,379 313,107 415,849 154,538 170,367 26,840 36,943 177 100 1,008 290 736,060 163. Tons. 25,642 120 Tons. 34,413 23 44 62 375 120 131 20 7,111 521 5,578 2,251 18,524 19,759 15,642 2,910 236 180 30 10 60 429 10 145 65 46 23 12,085 600 7,183 3,840 34,995 30,268 222 10 3,175 95,188 28,190 416 3,657 476,157 242,463 46,516 6,225 4,749 111 YEARS 1838. 1839. 1 840. 1841. Tons. 30,449 72 513 251 894 39 64 60 7,762 726 8,745 2,455 28,530 25,962 210 3,782 95,648 200 28,021 1,695 5,845 554,175 308,168 86,699 14,510 4,153 20 25 145 9,564 22,868 4,688 6,370 657 14 12,787 2,996 8,505 7,535 244 1,475 7 20 570 1,317 555 916,868 9,287 18,619 6,204 5,735 469 60 14,857 9,938 3,178 10,505 1,396 340 30 32 80 334 1,128 70 1,113,610 10,229 23,131 10,778 8,871 724 24 76 16,598 4,957 10,767 14,551 597 1,427 38 319 40 50 435 270 1,313,709 Tons. 26,640 65 230 35 30 313 60 2 33 10 15 6,874 3,058 1 3,035 4,879 25,684 24,890 45 3,921 103,630 107 544 22,616 2,432 1,372 558,052 370,620 111,707 30 28,426 4,802 419 Tons. 26,685 30 18 205 72 225 130 234 93 242 20 8,787 2,290 7,256 3,826 33,089 19,275 411 2,986 109,546 170 24,318 1,929 1,069 593,911 442,987 132,842 Tons. 30,328 90 46 314 10 432 30 50 73 30 74 45 7,277 2,078 14,788 4,374 28,996 15,079 55 321 25 87 40 18,366 33,029 11,151 7,138 814 20 120 16,011 3,768 20,733 19,224 151 40 1,329 238 374 29,349 3,026 517 32 115 30 17,952 39,339 10,767 10,875 1,099 109 27,312 4,645 25,126 19,126 442 4,310 1 19,949 432 660 23,478 2,333 824 750,585 408,515 169,345 15 1,268 37,924 2,827 221 45 20,794 61,123 Grangemouth 263 Alloa 1 2,235 15,749 4,535 74 240 29,517 4,104 28,783 34,507 3,385 100 1,190 1,108 613 761 400 1,449,417 160 140 903 150 1,606,313 1,137 225 183 1,652 960 1,883 100 1,848,294 B PORTS from which Shipped. ENGLAND: London. Rochester. I'aversham. Ham-eate. Dover. Rye. Newhavea. Shorehaui. Ports mouth. Southampton. Cowes. Poole. Weymouth. Bridport. Exeter. Dartmouth. Plymouth. Fowey. Falmouth. Truro. Penzance. Scilly. St. Ives. Bideford. Bridgewater. Bristol. Gloucester. Chepstow. Newpoi t. Cardiff. Swansea. Llanelly. Milford. Cardigan. Aberystwith. Beaumaris. Chester. Liverpool. Fleetwood . Lancaster. Whitehaven. Carlisle. Berwick. Newcastle. Sunderland. Stockton. Whitby. Scarborough. Gainsborough. Hull. Goole. Grimsby. Lynn. Clay. Yarmouth. Aldborough. Ipswich. Harwich. Colchester. SCOTLAND : Leith. Borrowstoness. | Grangemouth & Alloa. Kirkaldy. Dundee. Montrose and Arbroath. Aberdeen. GreeDock. Port Glasgow. Glasgow. Irvine. Ayr. Campbeltown. Dumfries. Stranraer. IRELAND : Dublin. Wexford. Waterford. Ross. Cork. Limerick. Gal way. SHgo. Londonderry. Belfast. Newry. - - Total. (cMliillM&J COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTVVAYS ; EXPORTED TO No. 5. — An Account of the Quantity of Coals Exported from the United Kingdom in each Year, COUNTRIES to which Exported. r 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. Tons. Tons. Tom. Tons. Tons. Tmit. Tons. Russia ... 16,416 27,077 26,643 31,379 29,552 42,736 35,214 Sweden - 3,395 4,374 5,148 6,150 7,702 8,504 11,658 Norway - 3,449 4,165 3,686 3,774 4,454 3,622 3,573 Denmark ... 61,392 54,059 100,127 62,213 62,786 74,445 72,186 Prussia ... 11,295 15,593 18,525 15,956 27,561 24,068 23,787 Germany — — — 46,660 46,821 75,550 44,033 52,142 69,896 50,258 Holland ... 1 J" 94,447 > 3,050 2,106 22,921 123,445 123,042 1 14,238 Belgium - - - t 270 France ... 35,410 41,881 52,196 33,686 41,015 45,218 59,690 Portugal, . Azores audi Madeira - -J 7,643 7,672 7,772 7,609 7,990 13,532 13,714 Spain and the Canaries 356 873 1,260 1,031 605 1,710 1,583 Gibraltar ... 6,164 2,806 5,258 7,131 10,161 9,914 5,856 Italy ... 4,094 1,409 3,855 4,381 4,039 9,997 12,587 Malta ... 2,932 3,659 6,332 5,408 7 031 7 715 Ionian Islands 1,939 3,063 2,276 2,398 1,180 1,049 1,250 Jvingdom ot Cjreece - 212 ... 647 1,174 1,471 33 218 301 323 562 1,329 Syria and Palestine Egypt ... 216 30 3,523 3,006 7,260 2,261 3,533 Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers") 30 3,633 1,943 and Morocco - -j Western Coast of Africa 603 1,201 828 1,441 200 632 934 Cape of Good Hope 864 1,198 683 845 3,683 2,954 879 African Ports on the") Red Sea - -/ Isle of Bourbon - 84 58 19 Mauritius - . — 625 380 878 932 1,229 897 328 East Indies and China - 2,500 766 2,376 3,307 5,268 8,355 5,379 Australian Settlements - - 58 40 - 69 15 21 British North American"^ Colonies - -j 28,685 26,977 32,497 31,134 47,506 55,313 55,201 British West Indies 43,131 43,180 45,896 48,536 43,980 46,142 43,617 Foreign West Indies 401 647 935 853 678 1,195 845 United States of America 28,554 31,651 31,834 15,103 42,210 28,512 39,855 Mexico - - - 98 5 63 2 20 54 Brazil . - - 2,459 2,019 2,200 2,718 1,931 1,863 1,637 States of the Rio de la"\ Plata - - - J 1,185 724 941 840 707 868 966 ChiK 272 22 142 109 96 85 170 Peru ... 105 27 12 78 32 121 113 Isles of G uernsey , Jersey,"^ 43,857 46,679 49,636 53,134 56,974 53,886 63,182 Alderney and Man - J Total - - 357,864 371,271 504,419 510,831 588,446 634,448 615,255 Inspector- General's Office, Custom House, London. "| 9 April 1842. J FOR F.IGN PARTS ; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED'. ] 1 from the 5th (lay of January 1828 to the 5th day of January 1842, See, — continual. YEARS COUNTRIES 1835. 1836. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. to which Exported. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. ' Tons. . 42,061 58,500 58,738 68,051 78,054 93,370 77,152 Russia. 16,076 15,689 13,035 23,692 24,719 21,532 26,941 Sweden. 5,602 7,165 10,378 14,630 10,703 13,757 15,894 Norway. 83,109 86,281 92,275 105,109 129,005 126,779 151,146 Denmark. 43,675 43,560 49,925 60,401 83,942 89,684 116,296 Prussia. 66,055 62,905 75,785 89,701 116,678 121,391 1 73,437 Germany ■ 115,138 127,833 120,317 149,137 180,348 205,757 173,378 Holland. 599 1,204 2,325 4,176 7,004 4,506 3,013 Belgium. 104,138 205,140 272,133 334,563 340,373 394,954 451,003 France. 11,981 14,669 20,966 34,550 21,873 23,842 29,009 ^Portugal, Azores and ^ Madeira. 2,393 8,274 14,348 9,049 18,200 13,952 37,320 Spain and the Canaries. 8,373 7,538 15,837 17,613 11,726 14,720 14,132 Gibraltar. 8,377 20,642 20,801 26,709 30,279 16,517 39,714 Italy. 4,865 8,868 1 2,030 34,488 27,988 27,847 50,131 Malta. 3,004 728 2,528 1,002 2,094 3,329 3J364 Ionian Islands. 60 40 7,600 4,200 2,853 3,865 5,027 Kingdom of Greece. 6,098 12,650 17,775 33,161 63 27,707 1,056 27,537 48,059 60 Turkey. Syria and Palestine. 6,910 4,228 12,126 9,561 22,841 5,523 21,143 Egypt. 5,154 8,981 11,832 8,944 11,339 21,148 26,412 /Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers ^ and Morocco. 327 1,528 1,627 1,358 1,169 1,832 2,441 Western Coast of Africa. 1,828 4,192 3,648 10 4,020 392 6,616 392 7,927 5,588 - Cape of Good Hope. /"African Ports on the L Red Sea. Isle of Bourbon. 1,039 1,915 2,221 1,591 1,706 1,682 3,670 Mauritius. 3,531 9,473 15,508 19,189 13,803 33,053 63,920 East Indies and China. 20 61 89 329 113 466 - 4,226 509 Australian Settlements. New Zealand. 38,565 44,302 49,754 50,108 50,983 52,175 55,177 /"British North American l_ Colonies. 61,054 61,972 69,080 65,438 64,078 82,564 71,311 British West Indies. 859 3,540 9,104 7,097 7,447 11,701 22 292 Foreign West Indies. 19,585 30,220 46,574 57,175 52,930 77,559 52,273 112 United States of America. Texas. 11 - 10 36 588 ... Mexico. EL.; .-"V s * 10 10 - 1 98 - Guatemala. 191 120 10 29 !0 Columbia. 5,352 2,868 5,0911 7,303 21,066 22,470 14,168 Brazil. 1,544 975 fm 1,335 1,090 3,388 4,034 /States of the Rio de la ^ Plata. 137 212 401 230 . H6 2,937 4j575 Chili. 58 115 174; 391 91 275 2 2S8 Peru. 68,482 60,590 78,740 69,037 78,695 77,559 78,769 /Isles of Guernsey, Jersey, \ Alderney and Man. 736,060 916,868 1,113,610 1,313,709 1,449,417 1,606,313 1,848.294 - - Total. WuKitm Irving, Inspector-General of Imports and Exports. 163. c COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTVVAYS; EXPORTED TO No. 6. — AN ACCOUNT of the Number of Tons of Coal Shipped to Foreign Countries in the Year 1841 ; Country respectively : — Also, a similar Return of the Quantities QUANTITIES of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom, in the Year 1811. TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES : COUNTRDZS TO WHICH EXPORTED. r In British Shipping. In Foreign Shipping. \ TOTAL. Tom. Tons. Tons. 75,87 6 1,276 10,509 16,432 26,94'- 1 1 >t6i 14,733 15,894 62,870 88,276 151,146 45,677 70,619 116,296 118,577 54,860 173,437 156,604 16,774 173,378 2.719 294 3,013 318,682 132,321 451>003 I UrlUi^dlj Azures dull lviduclla " • • 27,918 1,091 29,009 33,420 3,900 37,320 33,598 6,ll6 39.7H 5,027 - 5,027 42,480 5,579 48,059 60 - - - 60 21,045 98 21,143 Ti'If-^nl i Tunic A 1 more nnn vT i~w f\t* I ' i\ X 1 1 UU11 j 1 ulll5, /Algiers aim ivxuiuc^u ■» • - • 21,452 4,960 26,412 Senegal »•-----•--. - 45 45 495 110 605 6,529 - 6,529 515 50 565 54o ... 540 526 526 18,358 3,934 22,292 1 ^,646 36,627 «|2,273 112 112 10 IO 9,50o 4,668 14,l68 3,199 835 4,034 4,275 300 4,575 2,288 2,288 Total ... - 1,039,142 464,424 1,503,566 Inspector-General',*; Office, Custom House, London,\ 9 April 1 842. j FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED. specifying the Quantities Shipped in British Vessels, and the Quantities Shipped in Foreign Vessels, to each Exported, during the same Period, to British Possessions Abroad. QUANTITIES of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom, in the Year 1841. POSSESSIONS TO WHICH EXPORTED. TO BRITISH POSSESSIONS ABROAD : In British Shipping. Gibraltar Malta Ionian Islands Sierra Leone, and the Settlements on the Western Coast of Africa St. Helena and Ascension Islands Colonial Territory of the Cape of Good Hope Mauritius Ceylon - India Australian Settlements New Zealand British North American Colonies British West Indies Isles of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney and Man Tot al Tons. 13,708 44,3 6 5 3=664 1.353 438 5,588 3.670 2,119 53.641 4,226 509 55,177 71,311 78,769 335,538 In Foreign Shipping. Tons. 424 5,766 6,190 William Irving, Inspectoi -General of Imports and Exports. TOTAL. Tons. 14,132 50,131 3,664 1,353 438 5.588 3,670 2,119 53,641 4,226 509 55,177 7i,3ii 78,769 344,723 Ordered, by Tl Under le House 12 A\ 3. 8, Commons o • 1 to be Printed, §. ^ 2 I a, ^ & ^ I- ? Go j> ■5 Co S 53 o 61 c S3 S. 0 3. p- = • M & Sf c: 4- CO V n o > a s 22 o> 3 3 era . . 0 I 30 ^ o § 0 3 > f in > HH CO O s? =: O 5- *o O » *a 3- O CO „ 85 fD W«3 fl> " o KV 1— 2 s= M ^ 3 X *3 O b S . — . fp ~ rv O CO 3 •*» Q 00 "V »5" „ ° 3 o 3 S£ £5 ^ Si" 65 &. " 5*1 g 3 - => 3 "*> >Tj ^ O g 2. S h tn C >< 3 5 o o f n o sa CO 2! a n c c COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. RETURNS to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 16 May 18-43;— /or, No. 1. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of Enyl/ind, Scotlatid and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1842; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1841. No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1842; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1841 ; also, distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped. No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1842, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon. No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1842, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1841. Ordered., by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 9 June 1843. No. 1 • — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS YEAR 1841. YEAR 18 42. from which Shipped, Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. .England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Ions. London - - 374 374 £o Pnvtsmnntn — — 1,609 10 1,619 Cowes — - - 46 46 Poole - 608 40 648 496 _ _ 496 265 - 265 .Bristol - 4,614 4,614 2,481 - 2,481 Gloucester - 80,988 1,541 82,529 90,942 1,745 92,687 -L^eWpUrT 505,974 104 506,078 eno oi fir oOo,21 5 93 OOo,oUK Cardiff 153,576 2,831 156,407 234,707 3,612 _ 238,319 Swansea 200,448 111 249,560 450,119 225,938 81 245,222 471,241 Llanelly 125,046 105 37,968 163,119 128,134 41,584 169,718 Milford 16,922 52,589 69,511 15,581 54,987 70,568 Beaumaris - 148 148 10 10 Chester 89,477 89,477 76,781 76,781 Liverpool No account kept from 6th Auk. 1834 to 6th Aug. 1842. 55,781 437 56,218 Fleetwood - 23,210 503 396 24,109 29,255 378 29,633 Lancaster 1,791 1,791 2,796 2,796 Whitehaven - -"1 Maryport - - / 444,437 13 6,920 451,370 f 295,137 \ 141,317 61 6,110 13 301,247 141,391 Carlisle 33,247 301 33,548 31,704 294 31,998 Berwick 349 349 2,026 2,026 Newcastle 2,388,139 9,838 2,397,977 2,341,071 9,409 2,350,480 Sunderland - 937,857 138 937,995 859,137 94 859,231 Stockton 1,476,922 136 6,560 1,483,618 1,501,596 1,501,596 Gainsborough 2,857 2,857 2,074 65 2,139 Hull - 7,191 35 7,226 12,982 12,982 Goole - 154,283 154,283 158,776 158,776 Grimsby 402 462 405 405 Boston - - - 15 15 40 40 Scotland : Leith - 18,178 18,178 15,719 15,719 Borrowstoness 113,236 102 113.338 104,147 28 25 104,200 Grangemouth 6,495 6,495 (5,694 76 6,77'> Alloa - 80,974 80,974 70,817 70,817 Kirkaldy 57,159 57,159 47,677 47,677 Greenock 1,076 1,076 209 209 Port Glasgow 460 460 Glasgow 74,963 107 168 75,238 53,542 108 371 54,021 Irvine - 191,254 191,254 185,833 185,833 Ayr - 81,973 81,973 81,286 81,286 Campbeltown 915 915 504 504 Ireland : 526 Waterford - 100 100 Ross - 2,450 2,450 2,519 2,519 Total - - - 7,279,823 14,324 355,752 7,649,899 7,284,666 14,736 | 350,067 7,649,469 2 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS | EXPORTED TO No. 2 — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported YEAR 1841. PORTS from which Q TX T ~D T> T? T» o H 1 c tr .bi JJ. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. lOTAL. Coals. Cinders. Culm. lOTAL. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. f. £. £. London - 30,062 266 ~ - on *}Oft 29,242 444 29,686 Newhaven 90 v yj 25 25 Southampton 46 46 40 46 Poole - 314 _ _ 314 325 _ . '4 ' ' V 325 Exeter - 10 A A i 1 ' u 1 I 1 1 1U 1 1 1 11 432 220 220 Plymouth 30 30 30 30 Fowey ... 50 _ 50 50 _ 50 Falmouth - 73 m / O 30 30 30 an 1 ■) 1 a St. Ives - i 4 74 O 1 Bideford - - - 45 - ~ 45 24 ■ 24 Bristol - 7,277 _ 7,277 4,037 _ 4,037 (jloucester 2,078 _ _ 2,078 977 _ - 977 Cardiff - 4,374 - - 4,374 2,173 - - 2,173 Newport - 12,842 1,946 - 14,788 5,952 1,374 - 7,326 Swansea - - - 28,741 40 215 28,996 13,584 22 75 13,681 Llanelly - 15,079 _ 15,079 7,149 - 7,149 Chester - 4,310 _ _ 4,310 1,642 _ - 1,642 Liverpool 119,949 _ _ 119,949 64,694 p. - 64,694 Fleetwood 432 432 196 - 196 Lancaster 660 - 660 359 - 359 Whitehaven and Mary- 23,477 1 23,478 8,006 8,008 port. Carlisle - - - 2,333 - - 2,333 960 - - 960 Berwick - - - 824 - - 824 309 - - 309 Newcastle 737,456 13,129 - 750,585 264,547 10,962 - 275,509 Sunderland 408,191 324 - 408,515 106,138 162 106,300 oiocKion ... 168,731 614 - 169,345 46,078 309 * 46,387 Scarborough 15 15 10 _ _ 10 Gainsborough - 1,268 1,268 559 _ _ 559 Hull 37,849 75 37,924 16,834 75 _ _ 16,909 Goole ... 2 827 2,827 1,363 _ 1,363 Grimsby - 221 221 100 100 Yarmouth 45 20 _ 20 Scotland : Leith - - - 20,794 20,794 6,829 0,o2y Borrowstoness - 61 123 fii ioa 22,701 22,701 Grangemouth - 263 or;) 144 144 Alloa ... 12,235 1 i^OJ 3,515 3,515 Kirkaldy - 15,749 1 ^ 74.Q 6,110 '_ 6,110 Dundee - 4,425 110 1,806 7 7 _ 1,883 Montrose - 74 7 l / 4- 35 35 Aberdeen 240 - - 240 78 - 78 Greenock 29,517 29,517 14,555 14,555 Port Glasgow - 4,104 m 4,104 2,047 m m 2,047 Glasgow - Irvine ... 28,773 10 28,783 10,827 12 10,839 34,507 34,507 11,658 11,658 Ayr - 3,385 3,385 1,583 1,583 Ireland : Dublin - 1,137 1,137 973 973 Waterford 225 225 166 166 Ross - 183 183 83 S3 Cork 1,652 1,652 831 831 Londonderry 960 960 406 406 Belfast - 1,883 1,883 1,632 1 ,632 Newry - 100 100 75 75 Total - - - 1,831,554 16,514 226 1,848,294 661,769 13,437 81 675,287 FOREIGN PARTS,' AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED. 3 from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 1041. COUNTRIES QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which EXPORTED. i^-oais. Cinders. Culm. X OTAL. V^OdlS. Cinders. Culm. Tot i f Tuns. J. ons. i onb. Tons. £. /> X. X. £. Russia - 75,595 1,557 77,152 22,107 23,398 Sweden - 26,700 241 26,941 7,705 177 7,882 Norway - 15,207 687 15,894 4,529 535 5,064 Denmark - 148,724 O lOO 151,146 41,070 o nor; 43,096 Prussia - 115,501 795 116,296 30,851 31,407 Germany - 169,695 3,742 - 173,437 45,449 3,075 - 48,524 Holland - 171,242 2,136 173,378 56,600 1,833 58,433 Belgium - 3,013 3,013 1,078 1,078 J? ranee - 450,410 433 160 451,003 154,871 316 56 155,243 Portugal, Azores and\ Madeira - -J 28,977 32 29,009 10,799 07 10,826 r\Q tn oyWi i I i / 1 1 nnoi'int' OUalU dUU. Hi\i KjcLHalWh 34,786 2,534 37,320 16,200 2,045 18,245 Gibraltar - 14,082 50 - 14,132 5,526 100 5,626 Italy 38,887 827 - 39,714 16,558 650 17,208 Malta - Eft 1 qi - - 50,131 20,733 Ionian Islands - 0,001 - - 3,664 _ 1,587 Morea and Greek"! Islands ■ - - J 5,027 5,027 1,953 1,953 Turkey and Conti-1 nental Greece - / - - 48,059 i8,4oy - - 18,459 Syria and Palestine - 60 - - 60 24 - - 24 Egypt 21,122 21 21,143 8,874 19 - 8,893 Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers"! and Morocco -J Of! A 1 Q .£0,4 I O - - 26,413 - - 9,927 Western Coast of Africa 2,440 - - 2,440 1,109 - j 1,109 Cape of Good Hope - 5,588 - - 5,588 2,992 - - 2,992 Mauritius - 3,670 - - 3,670 2,129 - - 2,129 East Indies and China 63,698 222 63,920 33,449 196 33,645 Australian Settlements 4,226 4,226 2,580 2,580 New Zealand 509 - - 509 508 _ 503 British North Ameri-) can Colonies -J 54,592 o i o 55,177 23,490 i 23,858 j-Miiibu west xnuies ~ 71,298 13 71,311 43,378 16 43,394 Foreign West Indies - 22,292 22,292 9,750 9,750 United States of Ame-1 ( rica -J 52,207 66 - 52,273 25,591 60 • 25,651 lexas - 112 112 110 1 1 u Columbia - 10 10 12 12 Brazil - 14,166 2 14,168 6,130 4 6,134 States of the Rio de la) Plata - - -J 4,034 4,034 1,590 1,590 Chili 4,575 4,575 2,185 2,185 Peru ... 2,288 2,288 1,319 1,319 Isles of Guernsey, Jer-] sey, Alderney and \ Man - - -J 78,564 149 56 78,769 30,559 135 21 30,715 Total - - - 1,831,554 16,314 226 1,848,294 661,769 13,437 81 675,287 3**- A 2 (continued.) 4 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; EXPORTED TO No. 2. — An Account of the Quantities and Declared Value - YEAR 1842. PORTS ii'ora which SHIPPED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals : Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals : Cinders. Culm. Total. Large. small. Large. femall. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. London - 108 _ 44,060 37,895 165 - 38,060 Portsmouth 957 - 957 610 _ 610 Southampton 649 33 47 _ 729 459 33 64 556 Cowes - - - 200 - - - 200 200 - - 200 Poole ... 456 - - - 456 458 - - 458 Exeter ... 140 80 ■ 220 58 40 98 Dartmouth 106 - 106 73 - ■ 73 Plymouth o _ 5 5 5 Penzance 24 - _ 24 18 18 Scilly 250 _ _ 250 188 188 Bristol - 8,188 - - - 8,188 4,920 - - 4,920 Gloucester 2,926 - - 2,926 1,440 - 1,440 Cardiff - 7,320 190 m _ 7,510 3,380 141 _ 3,521 Newport - Kl o O /3 oljtiob 50 509 52,445 24,167 Id 380 _ _ 24,560 Swansea - - — o / ,o i y oo4 1,268 571 40,022 15,739 959 122 16,882 Llanelly - 9,609 193 _ 40 9,842 4,244 53 12 4,309 Che^tpr _ _ _ 5,399 _ 5,399 1,939 _ 1,939 Liverpool 116,346 415 957 - 117,718 61,008 187 911 - - 62,106 Fleetwood 1 ,1 98 1,198 489 - • 489 Lancaster 1,042 m - 1,042 616 _ _ 616 Whitehaven 18,931 _ 175 19,106 6,578 _ 13 6,591 Maryport 3,903 - , - 3,903 1,207 1,207 Carlisle - 2,777 - 2,777 1,040 - 1,040 Berwick. - 1,576 - - 1,576 538 - 538 Newcastle / 83,927 b o,022 19,332 866,281 293,091 13,174 15,352 321,617 Sunderland O "1 C fJOtl OI/,UOJ 46,773 431 364,886 80,295 8,178 235 • 88,708 Stockton - 1 44,247 O ^? Al O ob ? Ulo 543 _ 180,808 42,546 6,690 316 _ 49,552 Hull A 7 A fi 1 20 _ _ 47,614 0/"» Oil -i0,o4 1 oo 15 20,936 Goole - - - 2,365 _ _ _ 2,365 968 _ 968 Grinmhv - - - 1 ,oUl) _ 1,806 890 _ 890 Harwich - J I u _ 210 162 m _ 162 Scotland : Leith ... 10,397 10,397 3,598 3,598 Borrowstoness - 64,693 - - 64,693 23,005 - 23,005 Grangemouth - 595 m ™ - 595 221 * - 221 Alloa - 9,910 ■ ™ ■ 9,910 3,028 ■ 3,028 Kirkaldy - 18,1 95 18,195 7,358 ■ 7,358 Dundee - 2,777 ■ 29 2,806 939 • 50 989 Montrose & Arbroath 1 49 149 70 ■ - 70 firppnnpK - 23,158 10 - 23,168 10,901 9 10,910 r*ort (t msfTfiw - - _I_ wit VJI Id~ti v >t 4,203 _ 4,203 1,983 1,983 33,050 60 _ 4 33,114 11,580 30 4 ] 1,614 Irvine - 41,592 - 41,592 13,794 13,794 A vi* - 1,082 1,082 423 423 T)iim fYiP^ - - 23 - - - 23 15 - - 15 Stranraer 30 30 14 - 14 Ireland : Dublin - 1,556 1,556 1,515 1,515 Waterford 70 70 40 40 Cork 256 256 236 236 Sligo - Londonderry 265 265 225 225 1,108 1,108 606 606 Belfast - - - 1,603 1,603 1,074 1,074 Newry - - - 60 60 25 25 Total - - - 1,828,069 147,211 23,434 790 1,999,504 686,712 28,549 18,588 151 734,000 FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OF DUTY CHARGED. 5 of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported — continued. YEAR 1842. COUNTRIES QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which Coals : Coals : EXPORTED. Cinders. Culm. Total. Cinders. Culm. Total. Large. Small. Large. I Small. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. I £. £. f. £. £. Il UCCIO to to 64,269 18,126 1,187 - - 83,582 21,739 3,470 1,018 - - 26,227 Sweden - 30,722 6,852 421 - - 37,995 8,877 1,393 348 - 10,618 Norway - 14,562 3,597 641 - - 18,800 4,601 719 509 - - 5,829 Denmark - 116,217 26,214 2,855 - - 146,286 34,585 4,990 1,701 - - 41,276 Prussia - 88,819 21,711 1,151 111,681 26,367 4,126 904 31,397 Germany - 147,009 18,268 4,761 170,038 39,363 3,317 4,052 46,732 Holland - 164,432 11,734 4,268 180,434 54,844 2,292 3,523 60,659 Belgium - 3,882 3,882 1,617 1,617 France ... 482,716 32,642 196 421 515,975 166,549 6,511 146 72 173,278 Portugal, Azores and! Madeira - -J 29,804 3,047 165 50 33,066 10,806 562 151 15 11,534 SnQin nnfl trip tlfinanp*? yj [.'til li tUlU LUC \^l\lltXl AC) H AA **y ? / •i'* OUtoy 3,502 53,548 22,163 73 2,860 25,096 Gibraltar - 14,316 14,316 5,647 5 647 Italy 43,814 406 2,707 - - 46,927 19,535 74 2,183 - - 21,792 39,108 50 39,158 16,107 20 16,127 Ionian Islands - Morea and Greek Is- "I 1*1 Ml W — to tol IdllUo J Turkey and Conti-1 nental Greece - J Syria and Palestine - Egypt 1,660 3,712 39,680 1 D 12,734 193 - - S 551 159 • - - - 1,853 3,712 40,231 16 12,893 686 1,547 17,154 7 5,471 80 . - 457 120 - - - - 766 1,547 17,611 7 5,591 Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers"! and Morocco - -J T| CS LCI II \_y Utlo L VJ 1 . V 1 I I'll Cape of Good Hope - 19,720 8,054 32 - 73 12 - - 19,825 2,866 8,066 7,181 1,226 4,447 6 - 39 13 - - 7,226 1,226 4,460 African Ports on the] Red Sea m\n i *p vp i*i i/i I* 1 a n m q * cl 1 JC T CI LIC J- oicXllLlo 583 297 - 583 297 262 - _ _ 262 112 St. Helena and Ascen- sion Islands - Mauritius 1,261 9 04.0 - 1,261 2,242 801 1,337 - - - 801 1,337 East Indies and China 53,967 - 184 54,151 28,648 98 28,746 Australian Settlements New Zealand - 1,752 203 - - - 1,752 9 ns - I/O 1,311 131 - - - 1,31 1 111 British North Ameri-~l can Colonies - - 1 British West Indies - Foreign West Indies - 49,695 95,748 56,432 _ 10 175 356 8 2 - 4 m " 50,051 95,770 56,609 21,404 54,889 24,880 9 7 7 276 13 2 4 21,740 54,915 24,959 United States of Ame-1 rica - - -J Texas - Mexico - Columbia - Brazil ... States of the Rio de la ' Plata - - -J 57,441 3,395 60,836 28,893 740 29,633 28 1,704 35 40,043 3,620 15 472 20 38 5 28 1,704 50 40,553 3,645 28 677 17 17,424 1,626 5 97 8 31 3 28 677 22 17,552 1,637 Chili Peru - 1,866 340 11 1,877 340 756 310 10 766 310 Isles of Guernsey, Jer-1 sev, Alderney and Man - - -J 82,956 131 315 83,402 32,627 111 60 32,798 Total - - - 1,828,069 147,211 23,434 790 1,999,504 686,712 28,549 18,588 151 734,000 6 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS ; EXPORTED TO — No. 3.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad ; with the Rates and Amount of Duties received thereon. YEAR 1842. DUTIES received thereon. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Duty payable on Exportation in Foreign Ships. Duty payable on Exportation in British Ships. TOTAL. Tons. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. S. d. Large Coals 1,828,069 25,031 8 9 25,706 19 9 50,738 8 6 Small Coals 147,211 3,854 17 9 3,615 9 9 7,470 7 6 Culm 790 27 6 10 2 10 - 29 16 10 Cinders - 23,434 79 16 6 30 5 7 110 2 1 Total - - - 1,999,504 28,993 9 10 29,355 5 1 58,348 14 11 Rates of Duty on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1842. In British Ships (or in Foreign Ships entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity.) In Foreign Ships (not entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity.) Coals, Cinders and Culm exported, — Previously to the 9th Juty — s. d. s. d. To British Possessions - - - - - Free 4 2 ^ s per ton. To Foreign Countries - - - - 10 6 per cent, ad valorem. 4 2 per ton. Subsequently to the 9th J uly — To British Possessions - - - Free Free. To Foreign Countries, viz. — Large Coals - - - 2 - per ton - 4 per ton. Small Coals and Culm - 1 - per ton - 4 - per ton. 4 - per ton. FOREIGN PARTS; AND RATES AND AMOUNT OK DUTY CHARGED. — No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1812 ; comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1041. COALS brought into the Port of London Coastways. By Inland Navigation. TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1841 2,909,144 33,594 2,942,738 „ 1842 2,723,200 31,519 2,754,719 Inspector-General's Office, Custom House, London, 1 June 1843. WILLIAM IRVING. to to I- "*4 8 o S. r CO X o S g !S re § s, - Q co g B w B «J 5" 2, cs .O r s M cr co «■ s- 2. E. o cr — » g, o cr ST s* ° 8.0 OQ 3 Se 5° RS r* IT* ?i CD 3 a. E CD o O ST a. C! St o g Tl o — sr 2. pa re 01 » 3 Q. > 3 o o o c C/3 cr CD so rt w o o > r o > O Z o M PS > O o a r 1 COAL S. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 11 July 1843;— for, AN ACCOUNT of the Quantity of Coals Exported in the Quarter ending the 5th day of July 1843, from the Ports of Newcastle, Sunderland, and Stockton respectively; distin- guishing the Coals shipped to British Possessions, from those shipped to Foreign Parts. COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM EXPORTED IN THE QUARTER ENDING 5TH JULY 1843, FROM NEWCASTLE. SUNDERLAND. STOCKTON. THE THREE PORTS COLLECTIVELY. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. To British Possessions - 32,410 5,085 3,676 41,171 To Foreign Countries - 207,676 82,383 74,912 364,971 Total - - - 240,086 87,468 78,588 406,142 Inspector-General's Office, Custom-house,") ( William Irviny. London, 17 July 1843. J 477- ^3 g O a s' 8- it. o 3 C/3 <2 O CO 3 ft- a ox? 3 ft) CO -a B, n <» ~ © 2, rt> £ r» 8? I- ^ o 3 £ o ft B*. a CD 3 C S 3 B 09 n f» O « CO o C/5 CO CO a. < ID < o (3 c g e o U o X J3 3 O e o -o 1-1 O PS E* o PL, > 2 o) -O T3 CD -B O. ~ B- to c B J3 '-5 ♦* = £ « 55 3 O o a o CM co -o o e — rt -3 — o> so .2- co •» TO o> - -5 c 01) £ c i_ co 3 "S o 1 < o o Of O o IS O Q H Q cei Q co < O 01 > w < co e« Oi ■< . CO r- CO'O c co" i.o »t- oi s, ci ^ "t C. " « rl- « 00 CI CO HO Am — O co ci CT) « O^ 00'^ r~ -r Tf lO lO US CO lC CO if, 1 ~ CT. 1^ 0 0 0" CI The Three Ports coll '3 "C O 3 ^ 3 S<5 O CO c» , o n aio 2 inco co — 3 c * i> o k o ^ - to " CI CI CI CO CO CI CI C-CO co co I-~ G - CO co CT. q CO 1/5 lO - - CI — CO CO IO CO rH — CO q_ co" oc C 1 CI 1 ' 0 _C co CO E — a> 60 o co ^ a. . CO Ol O C5 *5 COCO vj- >o § *t 1 CI co o~co" 05 « not h CO CI 0 • ocd" " 0? CO CI •>*- CI qs 10 Ci as r» CI CO << H C .0*0 0110 co C3 CO O — K O CO " 00 c2 cf. a>ccT ^? tfi CO as co — CI CO CI CO •& r- |^ OS 'O CO cT Tt-co" Tt COOO •<*- -1 CO 0 CO d CO co •f CO TON B of 'o .Si as Si "5 o .000 - 2 oi o o 0 cT C* >0 lO Cf CI 00 d coed co COSO ^- ih CO 1^ 06" CM STI .B co co B •J3 o 'C <" co & CO O co . iC C3C© * Ol oi O Ol 5 OiCD O Oi CO CI 10 co" US C5 + n 00 OS 1.1 0 CI 10 O CO n h e< h cs CO CM CO CM Tt- CO c i tJ- CM !-»• 3 co 05C0 >o 0 0 00 co_ CO 00 O CO CO 00 00 Q o CO "o "* CI O CO CO O -*co CO r— r- co CO co DERLA CO t^t^ 4 Os co co CO a? CO CO rt- ^> CT) ■* SUN ■§ i ■S3 o "C ' co -CC CO o ^ ^ c£ co CO Tf- CI CO s occ co io 0 CO i^co^co " CO CO 00 0 CO 0" CI COCO CO OS osco co — COCO CO ^ CO 10 CO 10 CO CI ■J <; co CO «5 OS ; CO CI coco c; ^t" OS ^ m 00 CM O 00 - 0 n*o 00 — iO CO 00 c CO 00 H O H c2 0" 0" - ~ CI 10 10 CI H CI CI w d •rs co ed 10 0" h CI CI O CI CO CI « co" co 00 co" ■+ W VCASTL 'S ^ O B U< 3 .O NCOO 2 0 05 coco § -?-co IC F>| 0" 0" 0" 0" O CO CO r* H CI CI M co OS ITS cT CO CO OS OS CO •+ OS 0 OS t^oo q 4 4 ci eT CO O OS CO CO "* & o ft. o ^ m a co cc » a <■> o ft. O a o » a- H ° o 2 c O CO M 5 ' «> a* C O A I. S RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 24 April 1843;— -for, AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coal Exported to Foreign Countries in each Quarter of the Year 1842, and the first Quarter of the Year 1843; distinguishing Round Coals from Small, and showing the Amount of Duty received. COALS, CINDERS and CULM, Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries. Quantities Exported. Large COALS and CINDERS. 1842 : Quarter ending — 5 April - 5 July - 10 October 5 January 1843 Total of the Year 1842) (endings January 1843)/ Tons. 389,117 658,376 298,278 152,345 1,498,116 1843: Quarter ending 5 April Small COALS and CULM. Tons. H4>"99 33,8oi TOTAL. Tons. 389,1 17 658,376 4^,477 186,146 148,000 195,080 64,175 1,646,1 16 Amount of Duties Received thereon. Large COALS and CINDERS. £. 3,186 4,013 25,860 17,246 Small COALS and CULM. £. 5,787 1,713 50,305 259,255 20,919 7i500 3.215 TOTAL. £. 3,l86 4,013 31,647 i8,959 57,805 24,134 Inspector-General's Office,"! Custom-House, London, . WILLIAM IRVING. 5 May 1843. J 228. to to oc o I 3. ^ a, - o 00 ° *■ 1 co k; 2, « s 2. > CO ET o k! a. > > o o o c z pi O ng J* o p ish 3 s- n c cr CD ing r-t- ET C « O CD TRI c II 0 Eh -i AN c w B p-* CP o © 5' H O c n to W cr o >-l n > re ~ O r "*> © c p o c om cr n> H r* — . ► o o t- 1 CO COALS. COALS, CINDERS AND CULM. RETURNS to Two Orders of the Honourable Tlie House of Commons, dated 22 February and 8 March 1844 ;—for, No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantity of Coals Exported from the several Ports of Newcastle, Sunderland and Stockton, in each of the Years 1841, 1842 and 1843 ; distinguishing the Coals Shipped to British Possessions from those Shipped to Foreign Parts. No. 2.— AN ACCOUNT of the Total Quantity of Coals Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Parts in each Quarter of the Years, from 1828 to 1843 inclusive; distinguishing Round Coals from Small, with the Amount of Duty paid in each Quarter. {Mr. Hodgson Hinde.) No. 3.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1843; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1842. No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1843; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1842 ; also, distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped. No. 5. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1843, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon. No. 6. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1843, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1842. {Mr. John Henry Vivian.) Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 1 o May 1 844. No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantity of Coals Exported from the several Ports of Newcastle, Sunderland and Stockton, in each of the Years 1841, 1842 and 1843; distinguishing the Coals Shipped to British Possessions from those Shipped to ForeigD Parts. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from Years ( Newcastle. ... / Sunderland. Stockton. The three Ports collectively. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 1841 -j To British Possessions To Foreign Countries 77,98.9 672,596 20,608 387,907 6,526 162,819 105,123 1,223,322 Total - 750,585 408,515 169,345 1,328,445 1842 -j To British Possessions 1o Foreign Countries 102,134 764,147 16,571 348,315 7>239 173,569 125.944 1,286,031 Total • - - 866,281 364,886 180,808 i.4ii,9"5 1843 - { To British Possessions To Foreign Countries 77,029 738,405 23,271 282,720 9.374 215.219 109,674 1,236,344. Total - . - 8i5,434 305,991 224,593 1,346,018 Inspector-General's Office,] Custom-House, London, I WILLIAM IRVING. 13 April 1844. J 264. A 2 QUANTITY OF COALS EXPORTED FROM 1828 TO 1843, AND OF — No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Total Quantity of Coals Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Parts in each Quarter of the Years, from 1828 to 1843 inclusive; distinguishing Round Coals from Small, with the Amount of Duty paid in each Quarter. Coals, Cinders a.nd Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries. Quantities Exported. Amount of Dutiks paid thereon. Years Large Coals and Cinders. Small Coals and Culm. Total. Large Coals and Cinders. Small Coals and Culm. Total. 1828 - 1 829 - 1 830 - 1831 - 1832 - 1833 - 1834 - 1835 - 1836 - 1837 - 1838 - 1839 - 1840 - 1841 - 1 842 - 1843 - Tons. 68,348 76,602 114,938 177,016 198,746 227,854 282,929 545>843 716,896 865,774 1,051,870 i,i9 2 »7°3 1,307,652 1,500,541 i,499>97i 1,096,170 Tons. 160,333 167,728 244,948 182,023 216,501 221,801 H9>477 2,731 65 402 193 70 160 H7.479 451,127 Tons. 228,681 244,330 359,886 359,039 415,247 449,655 432,406 548,574 716,961 865,774 1,052,272 1,192,896 1,307,722 1,500,701 1,647,450 1,547,297 £. 20,690 22,719 35,l8i 32,424 34,258 41,500 21,315 5,331 8,705 10,153 7,339 8,587 6,664 10,697 50,384 1 10,026 £. 13,850 H,45i 21,251 18,658 22,249 23,295 13,500 9 3 7,5oo 22,583 £. 34,540 37,170 56,432 51,082 56,507 64,795 34,8i5 5,340 8,705 10,153 7,342 8,587 6,664 10,697 57,884 132,609 Note. The foregoing Statement exhibits the Export of Coal to Foreign Countries (as distinguished from British Possessions) in annual periods, for the whole term of 16 years, specified in the Order. An Account showing the same portion of the Exports in quarterly periods for the entire term could not be rendered without great difficulty and very considerable delay ; the division of the year into quarters, if combined with any distinction of countries, whether general or particular, being at variance with the plan on which the records of this Office are constructed. By means, however, of a special compilation from the original Returns transmitted from the Ports, the information required by the Honourable House regarding the Exportations to Foreign Countries in each Quarter has been obtained for the last Five Years, and is submitted in the subjoined Appendix. Inspector-General's Office,! Custom House, London A WILLIAM IRVING. 9 May 1844. J APPENDIX. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries in each Quarter of the Five Years 1839 to 1843. Quantities Exported. Amount of Duties paid thereon. Quarters ended Large Coals and Cinders. Small Coals and Culm. Total. Large Coals and Cinders. Small Coals and Culm. Total. f 5 April iW 5July 1639 10 October - t 5 January - Tons. 250,969 351,153 413,340 177,241 Tons. 45 148 Tons. 251,014 351,301 413,340 177,241 £. 2,763 2,110 1,711 2,003 £. £. 2,763 2,110 1,711 2,003 1,192,703 193 1,192,896 8,587 8,587 r 5 April I 5 January - 208,021 437,728 448,262 213,641 70 208,021 437,728 448,332 213,641 1,138 1,602 1,912 2,012 1,138 1,602 1,912 2,012 1,307,652 70 1,307,722 6,664 6,664 r 5 April i8a J 5 July 1 S4 M 10 October - [ 5 January - 236,516 503,461 515,587 244,977 160 236,516 503,621 515,587 244,977 1,782 2,449 3,701 2,765 1,782 2,449 3,701 2,765 1,500,541 160 1,500,701 10,697 10,697 r 5 April 11542 I 10 October - t 5 January - 389,117 658,376 298,799 153,679 113,678 33,8oi 389,117 658,376 412,477 187,480 3,i86 4,050 26,366 16,782 5,787 1,713 3,i86 4,050 32,153 i8,495 1,499,971 H7,479 1,647,450 50,384 7,500 57,884 f 5 April j 8 ,J 5 July 3643 | 10 October - I 5 January - 195,080 310,910 376,767 213-413 64,175 146,524 187,916 .52,512 2.59,255 457,434 564,683 265,925 20,984 31,430 37,790 19,822 3,215 7,326 9,396 2,646 24,199 38,756 47,i86 22,468 1,096,170 451,127 1,547,297 1 10,026 22.583 132,609 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM SHIPPED COASTWAYS IN 1843. 3 — No. 3.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. DAI) TS run 1 O YEAR 1842. YEAR 1843. from which Shipped. 1 OTA L. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. London - m 'm 23 801 27 828 Faversham - - 12 24 - 36 rortsmouth 2,585 - - 2,585 3,857 44 35 3,936 Southampton 148 _ m 148 190 47 237 Covves - • - - - 50 - 50 roole - 496 - 496 417 - - 4»7 Briclport - _ 10 - 10 Lyme - - - - - 40 - 40 Dartmouth 265 • - 265 Plymouth - 10 10 Bideford - - - - - - 90 90 Bristol - 2,481 - 2,48l 2,241 - - 2,241 Gloucester 90,942 _ i>745 92,687 79,371 5,402 84,773 Chepstow - - - '5 - 15 XT a. Newport - 503,215 93 - 503,308 495,386 33 - 495,419 Cardiff - 234,707 3,612 m m 238,319 265,751 1,552 267,303 Swansea - - - 225,938 81 245,222 471,241 207,091 208 194,594 401,893 Llanelly - - - 128,134 - 41,584 l69,7l8 127,304 - 43,304 170,608 Milford - 15,581 _ 54,987 70,568 15,428 _ 45,024 60,452 Beaumaris - 10 IO 61 - 13 74 Chester - - - 76,78*1 - - 76,78l 68,829 - - 68,829 Liverpool - 55>78i 437 _ 56,2l8 35,86i m 35,86i Fleetwood 29,255 378 - 29,633 32,843 575 105 33,523 Lancaster - - - 2,79 6 - - 2,796 2,626 - - ■ " 2,626 Whitehaven 295,137 - C,no 301,247 296,408 - 4,540 300,948 Maryport - 141,317 61 13 Hl,39l 1 24,700 ■ ■ ] 24,700 Carlisle - - - 3i,7°4 294 31,088 29,500 24 29,524 Berwick - - 2,026 2 026 80 •{ 803 Newcastle - 2,^4.1.07 I JOT , / Q.4-0Q 1 iko a8o ^><)0 V -',T- 01 -' 2.280,^7^ 8.oc6 2,280, 53 1 Sunderland 859,137 94 ,m 859,231 877,243 208 - 877,451 Stockton - i,«;oi,«;q6 1 £m cn6 1 ,442,268 1 078 82T 1.44.6,060 Gainsborough - 2,074 65 2.1 Q.^2Q Hull- 12,982 m _ 12,982 21,974 !7 _ _ 21,991 Cronlp ■ - ■ 1 5°,77 u 15o,77 0 175,735 175,/ 35 Grimsby - 405 744. / It 744 / TT Maldon ... 40 _ 4° 20 m _ 20 Scotland : Leith ... 1 5>7 1 9 1 1 8s8 KA 54 11012 Borrowstoness - 104,147 28 25 104,200 91,114 60 - 91,174 Grangemouth 6,694 76 , > tmi > m . 6,770 8,617 ■ 60 8,677 All Alloa - - - 70,817 * - 70,817 86,606 - ■ 86,606 Kirkaldy - 4/, u 77 47,677 39,937 Montrose - - - 4° Aberdeen - 36 36 Greenock - 209 209 444 444 Glasgow - 53,542 108 371 54,021 59,005 77 103 59,l85 Irvine - 185,833 185,833 169,542 169,542 Ayr - 81,286 81,286 71,015 7i,oi5 Campbeltown 504 504 346 346 Dumfries - 242 242 Ireland : Dublin 326 326 15 15 Waterford - 65 65 Ross - - - 2,519 2,519 1,532 1,532 Total - - - 7,284,666 14,736 350,067 7,649,469 7,138,107 H,837 294,140 7447,084 264. 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported YEAR 1842. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England London - Portsmouth Southampton Cowes Poole Exeter Dartmouth Plymouth Penzance - Scilly Bristol Gloucester Cardiff - • - Newport - Swansea - Llanelly - Chester Liverpool - Fleetwood Lancaster - Whitehaven Maryport - Carlisle Berwick - Newcastle Sunderland Stockton - Hull Goole Grimsby - Harwich - Scotland : Leith - Borrowstoness - Grangemouth Alloa Kirkaldy - Dundee - Montrose and Arbroath Greenock - - - Port Glasgow Glasgow - Irvine - - - Ayr - - Dumfries - - - Stranraer - Ireland : Dublin Waterford - Cork Sligo Londonderry Belfast - Newry Total - QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Coals Large. Small Tons. 43.952 957 6 49 200 456 I40 106 5 24 250 8,188 2,926 7.32o 51,886 37. 8 i9 9. 6o 9 5.399 116,346 1,198 1,042 18,931 3.9°3 2.777 1,576 783,927 317,682 144,247 47,401 2,365 1,806 210 io,397 64,693 595 9.9 10 18,195 2,777 149 23,158 4.203 33,050 41,592 1,082 23 30 1,556 70 256 265 1,108 1,603 60 Tons. 33 80 50 364 193 415 63,022 46,773 36,018 193 10 60 1,828,069 147,211 Cinders. Tons. 108 47 190 509 1,268 957 19,332 431 543 20 29 Culm. Tons. 571 40 175 23,434 790 Total. Tons. 44,060 957 729 200 456 220 106 5 24 250 8,188 2,926 7,5io 52,445 40,022 9,842 5,399 117,718 1,198 1,042 19,106 3,903 2,777 i,576 866,281 364,886 180,808 47.6i4 2,365 1,806 210 10,397 64,693 595 9.9io 18,195 2,806 149 23,168 4,203 33.114 41,592 1,082 23 30 1,556 7o 256 •265 1,108 1,603 60 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals Large. Small. 1.999.504 37.895 610 459 200 458 58 73 5 18 188 4.920 1,440 3,38o 24,167 15.739 4,244 1,939 61,008 489 616 6,578 1,207 1,040 538 293,091 80,295 42,546 20,841 968 890 162 3,598 23.005 221 3.028 7.358 939 70 10,901 1,983 11,580 13,794 423 15 14 1,515 40 236 225 606 1.074 25 686,712 Cinders. £. 33 40 £. 165 64 Culm. 13 62 53 187 13,174 8,178 6,690 80 9 30 28,549 141 380 959 911 15,352 235 316 15 50 122 12 13 151 Total. 38,060 610 556 200 458 y8 73 5 18 188 4,920 1,440 3,521 24,560 16,882 4,309 1,939 62,106 489 616 6,591 1,207 1,040 538 321,617 88,708 49,552 20,936 0,68 890 162 3,598 23,005 221 3,028 7.358 989 7° 10,910 1.983 11,614 13,794 423 15 H 1,515 40 236 225 606 1,074 25 •34,000 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1842. 5 - from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 1842. COUNTRIES QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which Coals : Coals : EXPORTED. Cinders. Culm. Total. Cinders. Culm. Total. Large. Small. Large. Small. Tom. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. Russia ... 64,269 10,i20 1,187 83,582 21,739 3,47o 1,018 26,227 Sweden ... 30,722 6,852 42 1 37,995 8,877 1.393 348 10,618 Norway - 14,562 3,597 641 18,800 4,601 719 IOQ 5,829 Denmark - - - 116,217 26,214 2. 8l1 145,286 14.181 4-,QQO 1 ,701 41,276 Prussia ... 00,0 19 21,711 1,151 - 1 1 l,68l 26,367 4,126 9°4 31,397 Germany - 147,009 18,268 4,761 1 70 ot8 39,363 3,317 4,012 _ _ 4",/ 6 i Holland - - - 164,432 1 !,734 4,268 - 180,434 54,044 2,292 3,523 - 60,659 Belgium ... 3,882 _ _ 1 882 1*617 - _ 1 617 France ... 482,716 32,642 106 42 1 515,975 166,140 6,11 1 I46 72 173,278 Portugal, Azores and-i Madeira - -/ 29,804 3,047 I65 10 33,066 10,806 562 i 11 11 n,534 Spain and the Canaries 49>744 102 3,502 • 53,548 22,163 2,860 25,096 Gibraltar - 14,316 - H,3l6 5,647 - - 5,647 Italy- ... 43,8i4 406 2,707 46,927 19,535 74 2,l8l 21,792 Malta 39,io8 AO •39>158 l6,107 m 20 16,127 Ionian Islands 1,660 193 - - - 1,853 686 80 - - 766 Morea and Greek Is-^| 3,712 lands - - -/ - - - 1.71 2 1.14.7 - - - 1 .147 Turkey and Conti-1 39,680 551 17,6ll nental Greece -J - 40,231 17,154 - 417 to 1 Syria and Palestine 16 16 7 7 Egypt 1 2 ,734 _ 1 1Q 12,893 1,471 1 20 5.59 1 Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers^ and Morocco - - 1 32 1 9, 02 5 7,220 19,720 73 7,181 6 10 Western Coast of Africa 2,866 2,866 1,226 1,226 Cape of Good Hope - 8,054 _ _ 12 0,000 4.447 1 1 1 0 4,460 African Ports on the\ 583 583 262 262 Red Sea - -J - Cape Verde Islands - 297 297 112 ■ — • 112 St. Helena and Ascen-1, sion Islands - - j 1,261 1,261 8oi 801 - - Mauritius - 2,242 - 2,242 1 ,337 i,337 .Last Indies and China 11.067 184 - 54,151 28,648 98 • 28,746 Australian Settlements 1.752 - - 1,752 1,311 - - 1,31 1 New Zealand 203 - - 203 131 - - 131 rSritisu JNorth Amen-1 4y> u 95 2 1 ,464 276 ran l 1 nlnnipc _ f 350 50,051 21,740 British West Indies 95,748 10 8 4 95.770 54,889 9 13 4 54,915 Foreign West Indies - 56,432 175 2 56,609 24,880 77 2 24,959 United States of Ame ] nca -J Texas ... 57,441 60,836 28,893 29,633 3,395 740 28 28 28 28 Mexico - 1,704 1,704 677 677 Columbia - 35 15 50 17 5 22 Brazil - 40,043 472 38 40,553 17,424 97 31 17>552 States of the Rio de lal Plata - - -J Chili 3,620 1,637 20 5 3,645 1,626 8 3 1,866 11 1,877 756 10 766 Peru ... 340 340 310 310 Isles of Guernsey, Jer-] 82,956 sey, Alderney and I 131 315 83,402 32,627 ill 60 32,798 Man -v - .J Total - 1,828,069 147,211 23,434 79° 1,999,504 686,712 28,549 18,588 151 734,ooo 264. b 6 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 4. — An Account of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported YEAR 1843. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. from which Coals : Coals : SHIPPED. Cinders. Culm. Total. Cinders. Culm. Total. Large. Small. Large. W Small. IjNGLAND . Tons. Tons. 2 ons. J ons. ions. £. £. JU. London - 32,019 - 191 ■ 32,210 29,670 - 292 29,962 Southampton ■ 614 280 094 503 156 659 J ooJe ■ 453 453 455 - 455 Dartmouth 172 - — • 172 68 - 00 Plymouth - 100 30 13° 40 21 Ol Fowey - 6 r* O A T 4 Falmouth - 40 4° 22 22 St. Ives - 45 - 45 23 - 23 $ideford - 60 - 60 23 - 23 lillStOl - 8,023 - 8,023 4.463 - 4.463 Gloucester 1,374 12 30 1,416 014 1 0 10 °34 Caruitt ... 12,214 567 12,781 O.T u T 3»0 .5.O70 Newport - - - 56,944 5 U l inn 58,694 26.700 1 < 1.2 ^6 28,06l Swansea - - - 28,130 lor 735 3,656 2,220 34,741 1 1 771 I4O 2,580 518 I5.OO9 Uanelly • 10,157 249 I92 10,598 4,642 6l 9° 4,793 IVllltOlU - - - 312 819 1,131 209 J 0 - 491 Chester - 4,653 4,653 1,633 - 1 ,°33 Liverpool - 01,207 349 4.306 86,022 44>36l 140 4,H4 4°.oi5 Fleetwood - 1,286 2 - - 1,288 594 2 - - 596 T nncAcfpr _ — — HO 110 52 Whitehaven 17-539 _ 2 125 17,666 5.614 1 10 5,625 Mary port - 2,469 • 2 4.60 745 - 745 Carlisle - 2,649 - - - - 2,649 9 2 9 - - - - 929 Berwick - 2.759 - 2,759 871 - 071 Newcastle 6l2,787 173.755 28,892 m — 815,434 241,602 36,H5 25,096 302,843 Sunderland 190,843 114,783 365 305,991 67,311 20,458 22 1 87.990 Stockton - 62,442 1 nr, a on 1UU ,4J9 1,712 224,593 10.82Q 1,047 - 55.8-25 Gainsborough 593 m 593 278 278 Hull ---- 42,047 779 33i 42,Q57 1 0 000 2 4.0 108 19,438 Goole .... 1,315 180 1,4Q8 oyo DO _ - 650 Grimsby - ■ - 1,735 1,735 8qo - 890 Yarmouth - - 18 18 - 17 - 17 ftroTT a kh • Leith - n 866 9,ouu fii u 1 _ 9.927 AO _ 3,220 Borrowstoness - 69,413 120 67 ~ ■ 69,600 •'°, 1 95 <2 A *T 51 26,270 Grangemouth l >9°9 120 2,109 126 836 Alloa - H'92i 14..021 4,067 _ 4,067 Kirkaldy - - - 17>19 2 5 35 17,232 ^ ^ 1 r\ Kj^yj 1 u 4 9 6,623 Dundee - 2,095 49° 120 .7 2 722 60 1 1 77 152 930 Greenock - - - 1 7,606 A 1 4 1 17.64.7 8 114. -26 0 _ 8,350 Port Glasgow 4,o77 4,077 1,827 _ 1,827 Glasgow --- 26,123 7 551 26,68l 9.252 4 563 _ 9.819 Irvine - 25.139 • - 25,139 7,820 - - 7,820 Ayr 874 874 293 293 Dumfries - 3 " I " - - 3 5 - - - 5 Ireland : Dublin 1.257 1,257 1,326 1,326 Wexford - 70 70 45 45 Waterford - ij 15 9 9 Cork 2 1 2 212 215 215 Baltimore - 80 80 70 7° Londonderry 348 348 19' 191 Belfast 1,340 1,340 808 808 Newry ... 128 128 105 105 Total - - - 1.367,925 452,359 42,698 3,229 1,866,211 564.938 88,541 36,116 829 690,424 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1843. 7 from the several Ports of England, Scot land and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad. — cont 4 . YEAR 1843. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. o r\ n m t l? i r a to which A r U II 1 11* D. Coals : Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals : Cinders. Culm. Total. Large. Small. Large. Small. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. JL/. Russia - - - 68,065 46,540 1,401 35 116,041 27,273 9,350 1,297 9 37,929 Sweden - 10,829 14,757 375 - 25,961 4,373 2,955 308 - 7,636 Norway * 9,330 8,903 718 - 18,951 3,402 1,691 583 - 5,676 Denmark - 66,608 67,921 2,739 - 137,268 24,852 13,017 2,162 - 40,031 Hriiccin m m « 1 1 UoMil 73,16 5 / o.yyo 037 H*V97 26,811 14.176 651 41,638 Germany - 58,349 88,778 5,972 - 153,099 22,275 17,519 4,977 - 44,771 Holland - 1 20,541 29,275 3,8l6 153,632 45,126 5,614 3,438 • - 54,178 T> 1 * Belgium - 2,298 397 0 n"o£ 884 71 955 France - 358,874 99,720 2,272 2,075 462,941 139,508 19,547 1,845 482 161,382 Portugal, Azores and^ 23,441 5,289 10,158 1,088 285 Madeira - -J 252 75 29,057 15 11,546 Spain and the Canaries 45,938 893 16,403 775 64,009 19,116 *79 13,5 8 5 269 33,H9 Gibraltar - 14,366 127 20 14,513 5,574 27 20 5,621 Italy - 42.1Q1 i.754 207 1 26 on 087 13,956 50 97 Australian Settlements New Zealand 1,714 21 fii u 1 - - i,775 21 1,428 21 40 - - British North Ameri--, 62,273 3,789 1,877 67,939 26,l88 can Colonies - -/ • 787 i,349 - 28,324 British West Indies 74,779 38 82 74,889 42,789 32 94 42,915 13,807 Foreign West Indies - United States of Ame-"i 29,225 741 12 30 30,008 13,603 184 10 10 rica - - -J 33,294 572 82 33,948 19,620 112 40 19,772 Texas ... 68 68 27 27 1,380 450 9,396 Mexico - Columbia - Brazil - States of the Rio de la") 3,i7i 900 3,1 71 900 1,380 450 21,113 657 46 21,816 9,223 133 40 Plata - - -J 4,881 85 4,966 2,187 16 2,203 Chili Peru - Falkland Islands i,79 6 286 21 15 44 1,840 301 21 286 17 8 27 857 294 17 Isles of Guernsey, Jer-1 sey, Alderney and Man - - -J 79.845 329 239 80,413 30,678 196 44 30,918 Total - 1,367,925 452,359 42,698 3,229 1,866,211 564,938 88,541 36,116 829 690,424 264. c 8 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM EXTORTED, WITH RATES OF DUTY, AND — No. 5.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad; with the Rates and Amount of Duties received thereon. YEAR 1843. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Amount of Duties received : On Exportation in British Ships. On Exportation in Foreign Ships TOTAL. Entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity. Not entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity. Large Coals Small Coals Culm - Cinders - . - Total - - Tons. 1,367,925 452,359 3,229 42,698 £. s. d. 75,282 9 - 13,215 3 10 52 15 - £. s. d. 26,570 14 11 9,183 2 3 96 15 - £. s. d. 8,226 2 10 34 9 - 134 18 6 £. S. d. 110,079 6 9 22,432 15 1 149 10 - 134 18 6 1,866,21 1 88,550 7 10 35,850 12 2 8,395 10 4 132,796 10 4 Rates of Duty on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1843. I» British Ships (or in Foreign Ships entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity.) In Foreign Ships (not entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity.) Coals, Cinders and Culm exported, — To British Possessions ----- Free Free. To Foreign Countries; viz. Large Coals ------ - 25. per ton - - 45. per ton. Small Coals and Culm - - 1 s. per ton - - 4s. per ton. - 45. per ton. COALS BROUGHT COASTWAYS INTO THE PORT OF LONDON, IN 1843. 9 — No. 6.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland NAVIGATION into the Port of London, during the Year 1813, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1842. COALS brought into the Port of London r Coastways. By Inland Navigation. TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1842 2,723,200 31,519 2 ,754,7i9 ,,1843 2,G28,520 2,o'63,204 Inspector-General's Office,! Custom- House, London, S 15 April 1844. W ILLIAM I R V I N G. to I- -i o a . o - o oo o ± 3 f- 3 S i s 3 © o ^ EL g Tf! E P £■ & § s-: o to a d e w h g X So Qj i to t? a; o 05 05 It- H> 05 05 S Ha O 3 8 ^. § £ p. < S 5 H 3 3 05 5 to O O > t- 1 CO n O !> f o O i=3 CO > o o C r COALS, CINDERS AND CULM. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 23 April 1 845 ; — ; for, No. 1— AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cindkus and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of Englmnd, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1844; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1843." No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland and. Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1844 ; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 184:j ; also, distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped." No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1844, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon." No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1844, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1843." Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 29 May 1845. —No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS YEAR 1843. YEA R 1844. from which Shipped. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. I"'' V r : T A vil * Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Jt Olio. Tons. Tons. London — — 801 27 - 828 1 283 1,283 X (I V CI dlltlllL 1 0 — — — 36 25 25 Portsmouth - 3 857 A A IK 3,968 _ - - - 3,968 Southampton i no AT lot 256 - 75 331 Cowes - - - OU 00 46 - - 46 Poole - - - 417 482 - - 482 Bridport 10 — — _ - - - 10 Lyme - - - 40 40 49 Plymouth 1 A 1U 10 33 16 OA yo on 30 _ _ 30 40 _ ... 40 Bristol 9 OA f Z,Z41 2,772 - - 2,772 Gloucester - K /1O0 105,675 - 5,745 111,420 Chepstow ID 15 329,569 Cardiff - - - 265,751 1,552 267,303 327,452 2,117 ... Newport 495,386 33 _ 495,419 469,318 78 ... 469,396 Swansea 207,091 208 194,594 401,893 221,512 969 199,095 421,576 Llanelly 127,304 - . - 43,304 170,608 125,074 - 69,515 11*4, 0<>.» iviiiioia - 15,428 - 45,024 60,452 22,089 - 40,OUO 92 92 Beaumaris - 61 - - - 13 74 Chester 68,829 ao 090 \>Oj Oji«y 70,312 • _ 70,312 Liverpool . - 3o's61 35,861 28,217 28,217 Preston 32,843 575 105 33,523 31,978 586 118 32,682 Lancaster 2,626 2,626 899 45 944 Whitehaven - 296,408 4,540 300,948 295,893 3,514 299,407 Maryport 124,700 124,700 162,038 162,038 Carlisle 29,500 24 29,524 28,231 96 28,327 Berwick 803 803 4,596 4,596 Newcastle 2,280,575 8,956 2 289,531 1,991,386 8,012 1,999,398 Sunderland - 877,243 208 877,451 826,445 257 826,702 Stockton 1,442,268 2,978 823 1,446,069 1,391,167 24,471 1,415,638 Gainsborough 9,529 9,529 12,225 150 12,375 Hull - - - 21,974 17 21,991 27,671 4 27,675 Goole - 175,735 175,735 219,364 14 219,378 Grimsby 744 744 596 590 Maldon 20 20 Scotland : Leith ... 11,858 54 11,912 17,970 17,970 Borrowstoness 91,114 60 91,174 118,698 118.698 Grangemouth 8,617 60 8,677 14,332 14,332 Alloa - 86,606 86,606 109,682 109,682 Kirkaldy 39,937 39,937 58,546 58,546 Montrose 40 40 Aberdeen 36 36 Greenock 444 444 807 807 Glasgow 59,005 77 103 59,185 64,642 20 247 64,909 Irvine - 169,542 169,542 185,380 185 380 Ayr 71,015 71,015 73,735 73,735 Campbeltown 346 346 121 121 Dumfries 242 242 156 156 52 52 Ireland : Dublin - 15 15 30 30 Waterford - 65 65 Ross - 1,532 1,532 1,797 1,797 Total - - 7,138,107 14,837 294,140 ^447,084^ 7,017,113 36,678 324,071 7,877,862 339- 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported YEAR 1843. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. T"> /~V T> HP O PORTS from which Coals: Coals : o 7 t t i ) n T7 T-v b H J r r L D. Cinders. i^uim. 1 OTAL. L/inuers. Culm. Total. Large. Small. Large. Small. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. T .London - - - 19 1 on 670 £7 ftnnt riAmnf ah — _ O \f U I 11 tH 1 1 1 J l U 1 1 614 280 °94 503 156 453 - 453 455 m m 455 Tifirt month — - 172 - 172 68 - 6R T-^ 1 17 »vi 1 1 f* h _ v> ™ 11\I1HHIIU 100 30 130 40 21 m . m _ 61 I ai\'i i ( _ _ m \ OWcy • 6 - _ 6 4 - m - - 4 Falmouth - 40 - - - 40 22 - - 22 St. Ives - 45 - - 45 23 - - - 23 Bideford - 60 - - - 60 23 - • - 23 1 » T* 1 C t O 1 _ _ _ 8,023 - Q 0,02 3 4,463 - A A 60 frloiif*p^tpr • • V t Hi 1 1 o LI. 1 1,374 - 1 2 30 l,4l6 614 - 10 1 u 634 V_. ell U 1 11 12,214 - £67 1 2.78l 5,484 - 386 5,870 Newport - - ■ 56,944 50 1,700 58,694 26,790 15 1,256 - 28.061 Swansea - - - 28,130 735 3,6.56 2,220 34,741 11,771 140 2,580 518 15,009 Llanelly - 10,157 249 192 - 10,598 4,642 61 90 - 4,793 Milford - 312 819 1,131 209 282 491 Chester - 4,653 _ - 4,653 1,633 - 1,633 Liverpool - 81,287 349 4,386 - 86,022 44,36i 140 4,114 '- * - 48,615 x I coLUll 1,286 2 - - 1,288 594 2 - 596 T nnffntpr - * — ljiUlttlSltl 1 10 - llO 52 - _ _ 5* Whitehaven !7>5o9 2 125 17,666 (•fin 1 10 5,625 -Vial y [Jul I 2,469 2,469 745 745 Carlisle - - 2,649 y-'y - 929 Berwick - 2 >759 2,759 071 _ 071 Newcastle 61*? iftn I no 7 £ r 1 /o, loo 28,892 8i5,434 6no "?6 25,096 ono S a 0 o u ^, 8 43 Sunderland 19°» 8 43 114,783 365 _ 305,991 67,311 20,458 221 - 87,990 Stockton - 62,442 160,439 1,712 224,593 23,949 30,829 1,047 - 55,825 Gainsborough - 593 - _ 593 278 - ■ " - 278 Hull- 42,047 779 131 _ 42,957 19,090 240 108 - 19,438 Goole - 1,315 183 i,49 8 595 55 - 650 Grimsby - 1,735 _ _ 1,735 890 - - 890 Yarmouth - 18 18 17 - 17 Scotland : Leith - 9,866 61 - 9,927 3,180 40 - - - 3.22o Borrowstoness - 69,413 120 67 09,000 26,195 24 51 26,270 Grangemouth - i,9 8 9 - 120 _ 2,109 710 - 126 836 All «r» Alloa - • 4,921 - 14,921 4,067 - - 4,067 Kirkaldy - 17,19 2 - 5 35 17,232 6,610 - 4 9 6,623 Dundee - 2,095 498 129 2,722 601 177 152 - 930 Greenock - 17,606 41 _ _ _ 17,647 8,314 36 - 8,350 Port Glasgow 4,077 _ 4,°77 1,027 - 1,827 Glasgow - 26,123 7 551 26,681 9> 2 52 4 563 - 9,819 Irvine - 25,139 - - 25,139 7,820 - - 7,820 Ayr - - - - 874 874 293 - • 293 Dumfries - 3 -. - - 3 5 - - 5 Ireland : Dublin 1,257 1,257 1,326 1,326 Wexford - 70 70 45 45 Waterford - 15 15 9 9 Cork 212 212 215 215 Baltimore - 80 80 7o 70 Londonderry 348 348 191 191 Belfast 1,340 1,340 808 808 Newry - 128 128 105 105 Total - - - 1,367,925 1 452,359 42,698 3,229 1,866,211 564,938 88,541 36,116 829 690,424 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1843. 3 - from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 1043. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. Russia Sweden Norway Denmark - Prussia Germany - Holland - Belgium - France Portugal, the Azores"! and Madeira - -J Spain and the Canaries Gibraltar - Italy ... Malta Ionian Islands - Morea and Greek Is-"] lands -J Turkey - Syria and Palestine - Egypt Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers"! and Morocco -J Western Coast of Africa Cape of Good Hope - African Ports on the] Red Sea - -J Cape Verde Islands - St. Helena and Ascen sion Islands - Mauritius - Arabia - East India Company's"! Territories, and Cey- } Ion - - -J Sumatra, Java and] other Islands of the | Indian Seas - -J China ... Australian Settlements New Zealand British North American! Colonies - -J British West Indies - Foreign West Indies - United States of Ame-1 rica -J Texas - - - Mexico ... Columbia - Brazil - - - States of the Rio de lal Plata - - -] Chili Peru - Falkland Islands Isles of Guernsey, Jer-1 sey, vMderney and Man Total 339- QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Coals : Coals : Cinders. Culm. Total. Cinders. Culm. Total. r nrop 1 kU ._ 1 . - Small. T •small Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. 68,o6 5 46,540 1,401 35 1 1 0,04 1 27,273 9-350 !> 2 97 9 3/> 929 10,829 1 4,757 375 25,96 1 4,373 308 7,636 9.330 8,903 718 - 18,951 3,402 1,691 583 - 5,676 66,608 67,921 2,739 137,268 24,852 13,017 2,162 40,03 1 73.365 73,995 837 - 148,197 26,811 14,176 651 - 41,638 o°>J49 00,7/0 5,972 - 153,"99 22,275 17,519 4,977 - 44,771 120,541 29,275 3,8.6 - 153,632 45,126 5,6l4 3,438 - - 54,1/8 2,298 397 2,695 884 71 9o;> r\ r~\ Ton 99,7-o 2,272 2,075 462,941 1 39,5o8 19>547 1,845 482 161,382 23,441 5,289 0,-0 25^ 75 29,057 10,158 1,088 205 15 1 1 ,54° 45.938 893 16,403 775 64,009 19,116 179 13,585 269 33,H9 14,366 127 20 H,513 5,574 27 20 5,621 42,391 1,548 4,915 48,854 i7,5H 336 4,78o 22,630 37,935 . m 37,935 15,924 m 15,924 3,428 - - 3,428 i,54i _ i,54i e 0 on 5,339 - 5,339 2,225 2,225 40,953 382 169 41,504 16,839 73 150 17,06-2 191 7° 76 10,566 411 64 - •• 1 1,041 4,394 83 60 4,537 18,769 7,258 127 - - 26,154 7,262 1,453 105 - - 8,820 3,i34 - 3,134 1,529 - l,52<) 6,467 - 20 6,487 3,951 - 17 _ 3,968 106 - - - 106 4-0 - - 40 to* - - - 732 207 - - 287 1,737 - i,737 845 - 84.) 1,032 - 1,032 476 _ - - 476 11,688 - 11,688 5,533 ■ !- 16,549 207 126 - 16,882 7,291 50 97 7,438 234 * • • - 234 199 m _ - - 199 1,283 1,283 933 - m m _ _ 933 i,7H At 01 - - 1,775 1,428 40 - _ 1,468 21 - - 21 21 - - - 2 1 62,273 3,789 1,877 67,939 26,188 787 1,349 - 28,3-24 74.779 38 82 74,899 42,789 32 94 42,915 29,225 74i 1 2 3° 30,008 13,603 184 10 10 13,807 33,294 572 82 33,948 19,620 112 40 19,772 • 68 68 27 27 3,i7i 3,i7i 1,380 1,380 900 900 450 450 21,113 657 46 21,816 9,223 133 40 9.396 4,881 85 4,966 2,187 16 2.20J i,79 6 44 1,840 830 27 857 286 15 301 286 8 294 21 21 17 17 79,845 329 2.39 80,413 30,678 196 44 30,918 1,367,925 452,359 42,698 3,229 1,866,2 1 1 564,938 88,541 36,116 829 690,424 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF A 2 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2. — An Account of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported YEAR 1844. PORTS from which SHIPPED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals : Cinders. L ulm. l OTAL. Coals : Cinders. Lulm. * Total. Large. c 11 Small. Large. small. England : Tons. Tons. TcilS. Tons £. £. £ £ £ London - - - 1,607 225 - 32,917 28,444 1 r\ 1 (X 1 ,01 0 351 - 29,811 Shoreham - - m - 72 - - 72 30 - - 36 Portsmouth 344 m m - - 344 334 - - 334 Southampton 142 - - 1,400 1,2 20 142 - - 1,370 Poole 115 - - 115 100 - - 108 Dartmouth 230 - - 230 115 - - 115 Plymouth - 94" 213 - - 1,159 455 52 - . - ■ - 507 Falmouth - 315 - - 315 107 - - 167 Scilly 220 - - 220 102 - - 102 St. Ives - 104 - - 104 35 - - 35 30 30 7 7 Bristol - D,420 - 3 - 6,423 3,288 1 - 3,289 Gloucester 477 - - 477 226 - - 226 Cardiff - 22,605 • 432 - 23,037 10,145 328 - io,473 Newport - 146,502 290 2,096 - 148,888 65,45 1 ' 50 1,476 - 66,983 Swansea - 3M9i 2,176 933 5,700 40,299 12,337 571 576 1,565 15.049 Llanelly - 10 »454 1 r\<>r\ J ,0^9 4i 630 20,154 8 m± 188 20 152 9,064 Chester - 2,528 m " 2,528 892 892 Liverpool - 73,9°4 297 1,278 75,479 . 40,700 112 1,202 - - 42,014 Preston - - - 5'3 513 278 278 Lancaster - 500 - 500 257 - 257 Whitehaven 12,703 _ m 31 12,734 4,210 2 4,212 Maryport - 1,658 li> . - - - 1,658 475 - - 475 Carlisle - 1,814 1,014 55 1 <^i Berwick - - - 3,95 1 o.yo 1 1,339 1.T3Q Newcastle 435,848 1 30, 1 56 16 ij.8 602 1 K1 180,851 28,136 28 76a 2 ^7.7 A I ounuenanu - 137,532 82,045 8-7 52,279 15,663 c fin 68,51 1 OlOCKlUll - - - 42,618 187,442 7 1 06 QQ7. 1 (]f) 17,075 38,669 60,281 | _ i ] i n ^' i t n ( n 1 1 (T 1 1 _ V-Jalil&UUI UUiTlI ~ ■ 322 H5 \A r \ ll.-ll rlUll • - * 43,371 1,918 111 A F A on 20,702 633 111 2 1 .A.&.6 Goole • ~ 2,3H 207 *> f 01 1,132 65 1 1 07 Grimsby • 256 m m Orfi 144 1 AA ' tt Yarmouth 244 — m O A A 244 92 Scotland : Leith 15, 6 53 - 13 1 5,666 5,178 15 5,193 Borrowstoness - 92,953 312 - - 93,265 33,344 67 - - 33,4H Grangemouth 10,585 • -7 10 6l2 3,500 27 Alloa 20,996 20,996 5,733 - - 5-733 Kiikaldy - . - 30,1 '9 - 30,H9 11,695 - - H,695 Dundee - 1,367 347 - . - i,7'4 532 03 - - 595 Montrose ... 20 - - 70 20 8 - - 28 Arbroath - 115 - - i'5 51 - - 51 Aberdeen - 194 40 - - 234 80 15 - • 95 Greenock - 1 7 "708 110 1 y jO 1 0 7,Q76 7o 8,046 Port Glasgow - 6,076 - - 6,076 2,466 - - 2,466 Glasgow - 22,898 U9 23,017 7,9H 117 8,028 Irvine - - - 46,415 46,415 13,533 13,533 Ayr .... • 1,088 1,088 425 425 Ireland : Dublin 9°5 905 724 724 Waterford 300 11 311 170 10 180 Cork 293 293 208 208 Londonderry 72 72 55 55 Belfast 1,309 1,309 662 662 Newry - 220 220 140 140 Total ... 1,289,957 408,434 49.389 6,391 1,754,171 546,664 85>572 3^094 1,726 672,056 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1844. 5 from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Inland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad coni d YEAR 1844. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. Russia Sweden Norway Denmark - Prussia Germany - Holland - Belgium - France Portugal, the Azores") and Madeira - -/ Spain and the Canaries Gibraltar - Italy - . Malta - - Ionian Islands - Morea and Greek) Islands - - -j Turkey and Conti-1 nental Greece -/ Syria and Palestine Egypt - - Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers") and Morocco - -/ Western Coast of Africa Cape of Good Hope - Eastern Coast of Africa African I'orts on the") Red Sea - -j Cape Verde Islands - St. Helena and Asceu-") sion Islands - - I Mauritius - Arabia - East India Company's"! Territories and Cey- > Ion - - -J Sumatra, Java and ] other Islands of the [ Indian Seas - -J China - Australian Settlements New Zealand South Sea Islands British North Ameri can Colonies - British West Indies Foreign West Indies - United States of Ame-") rica -J Texas ... Mexico - Columbia - Brazil ... States of the Rio de la"? Plata - - -J Chili - Peru ... Isles of Guernsey, Jer-"] sey, Alderney and ^ Man -J QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Coals: Large. Small. Tons. 61,862 8,805 '4>«>27 68,722 45,842 71,088 76,164 1 ,696 304.9 ' » 24.434 55,312 19.338 57,319 48,456 5,231 4,9 6 7 32,952 424 23,527 11,378 4,855 13,000 253 337 650 2,875 4,233 11,312 27,258 225 1,616 661 •28 2,250 55,312 76,613 25,553 28,799 100 466 272 17,400 5,079 8,127 2,262 63,066 Tons. 30,486 16,396 6,409 67,086 47,313 93,543 19,501 102,710 6,682 2,030 37 1,595 586 91 6,126 456 40 2,270 82 810 1,023 39 2,968 49 90 15 Cinders. Total Tons. 1,796 460 802 4,800 2,151 7,234 2,305 2,122 128 17,494 79 6,089 90 950 248 60 5'7 1,316 13 229 233 10 2 261 Culm. Tons. 3,159 30 630 2,572 Total. Tons. 94,144 25,661 22,138 140,608 95,306 171,865 97,970 1 ,696 412,902 31,244 74,836 19,454 6.5,003 48,546 5,231 4,967 34,488 424 23,866 17,564 4,855 1 3,000 253 337 650 2,875 4,233 11,312 28,231 225 1,656 661 28 2,250 58,928 77,338 26,592 29,822 139 466 272 20,601 5,138 8,219 2,277 65,900 1,289,957 408,434 49>389 6,391 ! J 1,754,17! DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals: Culm. Total. Cinders. Large. Small. £. £. £ A** c X. t Z* 25,540 6,492 1,348 - 33.38o 3,662 3,2,59 5,446 1,37° 569 - - 7,385 25,966 J 3,°43 0,/.5/ 43,540 17,421 9,599 1,294 - - 28,314 27,543 19,442 o» uu 4 52,649 29,371 3,878 1,831 m m 35,080 74 «> - - 745 123,118 21,813 1,613 792 147,336 112 - 12,202 23,054 433 13,873 37,360 7,305 8 60 - 7,373 24,360 321 4,626 29,307 20,256 110 20,366 2,^6 100 - - - 2,336 2,124 - 2.1 2d. 14,460 134 641 - 15,235 160 - - l6o 9,906 18 172 10,096 4,070 1,229 50 - - 5,349 2,188 - 2,1 88 5,897 - - 5,897 127 - - - 127 135 - 135 252 - 252 1,161 m ■ ■ * 1,161 2 670 - - 2,670 4,696 - 4,696 14,330 127 358 - H,8i5 ll6 - - - 116 706 25 483 - - 483 28 - - 28 87O 87O 23,059 502 921 7 24,489 43,499 56 9 141 43,705 12,071 244 137 12,452 15,797 225 l6,022 62 12 74 204 204 I4O 140 8,572 749 276 9-597 2,787 35 8 2,830 3.807 23 5 3,835 . 1,<09 7 1,1,16 24,692 1 245 786 546,664 85,572 | 38,094 1,726 672.056 359- a 3 6 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM EXPORTED, WITH RATES OP DUTY, AND — No. 3.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad ; with the Rates and Amount of Duties received thereon. YEAR 1844. Amount of Duties received : On Exportation in Foreign Ships QUANTITIES EXPORTED. On Exportation in British Ships. t Entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity. Not entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity. TOTAL. Tons. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Large Coals 1,289,957 64,023 2 9 32,325 14 11 1,659 2 - 98,007 19 8 Small Coals 408,434 12,017 11 l 8,278 5 7 20,295 16 8 Culm - 6,391 54 7 " 104 10 - 158 17 - Cinders 49»389 31 4 2 31 4 2 Total - - 1,754,171 76,095 - 10 40,708 10 6 1,690 6 2 118,493 17 6 Rates of Duty on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1844. In British Ships (or in Foreign Ships entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity.) In Foreign Ships (not entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity.) Coals, Cinders and Culm exported, — To British Possessions - Free Free. To Foreign Countries ; viz. - 4s. per ton. . Small Coals and Culm - -is. per ton - - 4.$. per ton. - 4 s. per ton. COALS BROUGHT COASTWAYS INTO THE PORT OF LONDON, IN 1844. 7 — No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1844, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1843. COALS brought into the Pout of London. Coastways. By Inland Navigation. ■ TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1843 - 2,628,520 34,684 2,663,204 ,.1844 2,490,910 72,256 2,563,166 Inspector-General's Office,"] Custom-House, London, > 24 May 1845. J WILLIAM IRVING, Inspector-General of Imports and Exports. I £3 c - O 00 1 3 S .1 c <« -1 o O £♦ ~n - re ^ JO a c c 3 a et. 93 g. 5 S" = 5. 5! re 3 PI H» o > 9 25 5 > e o w o O » c 3 Z CO O o > re o re Ot e- a* O o 2: © "3 S3 EJ. ? W o. 3 Go c- S. o s^- 3 3 a. O o > n > 2 5 w pa EH > 5S 0 r> C r COALS, CINDERS AND CULM RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 13 March 1846 ;— for. No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1845; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1844." j»j- 0> o, AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1845 ; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1844; also, distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped." 2^ 0 . 3 t AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1845, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon." pj 0- 4. AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and, by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1845, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1844." Ordered, bj/ The House of Commons, to be Printed, 1 May 1846. —No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, CiNDERS and Culm Shipped at the several Ports oi England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. run I & from which Shipped. YEAR 1844. YEAR 1845. coals. t^inuers. ^ ii nil = T 1 OTA l. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. London 1,283 1.2&3 - - Not ascertainable at his Port since the discon- Shoreham 25 25 tinuance of the Coast Bonds in respect to Coals. Portsmouth - 3,968 _ _ _ _ 3,908 3,941 3,941 Southampton 256 _ 75 331 112 - - 112 Cowes - 46 46 Poole - 482 - - 482 217 217 Plymouth 33 16 49 85 85 Falmouth 30 30 iJldefovd 40 _ _ _ I " - 40 75 75 Bristol - 2,772 2,772 1,735 1,735 Gloucester 105,675 5,745 111,420 82,232 2,490 84,722 Cardiff - 327,452 ^,117 «i29,6o9 414,159 3,672 417,831 Newport 469,318 78 469,396 485,402 485,402 Swansea 221,512 969 199,095 421,576 262,186 1,382 215,860 479,428 Llanelly 125,074 69,515 194,589 145,597 62,995 208,592 Milford 22,089 45,605 67,694 19,583 46,126 65,709 Caernarvon - 92 92 30 30 Chester 70,312 70,312 94,183 94,183 Liverpool 28,217 686 28,217 29,201 88 29,289 Preston 31,978 118 32,682 39,120 665 39,785 Lancaster 899 45 944 1,761 1,761 Whitehaven - 295,893 3,514 299,407 343,478 4,829 348,307 Maryport Carlisle 162,038 162,038 183,549 183.549 28,231 96 28,327 24,692 384 25,076 Berwick 4,596 4,596 2,849 2,849 Newcastle 1,991,386 8,012 1,999,398 2,431,343 12,639 2,443,982 Sunderland - 826,445 257 826,702 1,536,005 649 1,536,654 Stockton - - ) Hartlepool - ■ - / 1,391,167 24,471 1,415,638 | 784,678 ( 725,247 31,681 936 816,359 726,183 Gainsborough 12,225 150 12,375 4,782 4,782 Hull - 27,671 4 27,675 18,246 18,246 Goole - 219,364 14 219,378 172,628 86 172,714 Grimsby 596 596 174 174 Scotland : Leith - 17,970 17,970 8,817 14 8,831 Borrowstowness 118,698 118,698 67,655 67,655 Grangemouth 14,332 14,332 4,979 4,979 Alloa - 109,682 109,682 74,695 74,695 Kirkaldy 58,546 58,546 45,105 45,105 Stornoway 52 52 Greenock 807 807 568 668 Glasgow 64,642 20 247 64,909 66,910 65 66,976 Irvine - 185,380 185,380 179,980 179.980 Ayr 73,735 73,735 81,521 81,521 Campbeltown 121 121 79 79 Dumfries 156 156 Ireland : Dublin 30 30 15 15 Ross - 1,797 1,797 1,293 1,293 Total - - 7,017,113 36,678 324,071 7,377,862 8,338,907 52,196 332,365 8,723,468 258. A QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported YEAR 1844 P O I? T S from which t r ti. r Jt. London - 1,607 225 32,917 28,444 1,016 351 29,8ll Shoreham - 72 72 36 - 36 Portsmouth 344 ** ~ 344 334 0 - - 334 Southampton 1,258 142 ■ 1,400 1,228 142 - - 1,370 roole - 1 '5 115 108 - - 108 Dartmouth 230 m 230 115 - - 115 "111 l rlymoulh - 946 213 ~ 1,159 455 52 - - 507 Falmouth - 315 - • 315 167 - • 167 Scilly - 220 220 102 - 102 St. Ives - 104 _ ■ • 104 35 - - 35 30 30 - 7 7 Bristol 6,420 3 • 6,423 3,288 _ _ 1 - 3,289 Gloucester 477 - ■ - 477 226 - - 226 Cardiff - 22,60.5 432 * 23,037 10,145 328 - io,473 Newport - 146,502 290 2,096 ■ 148,888 65,45 ' 56 1,476 - 66,983 Swansea - 31.490 2,176 933 5,700 40,299 12,337 57i 576 1,565 15,049 Llanelly - 18,454 1,029 41 630 20,154 8,704 188 20 152 9>o64 Chester - - - 2,528 2,528 892 892 Liverpool - 73,904 297 1,278 - - 75,479 40,700 112 1,202 V ft, 42,014 Preston - ^13 rift 513 278 Lancaster - - - 500 - - 500 257 - - 257 Whitehaven 12,703 31 12,734 4.210 - 1 4,212 Maryport » 1,658 m *~ • 1,658 475 ■ * - 475 Carlisle ... 1,014 1,814 55i - 55 1 Berwick - - 3,95 1 m _ - - 3,951 1,339 _ Newcastle - 435,848 130,156 36,148 602,152 160,051 28,136 28,764 m _ 237,751 Sunderland 137,532 82,045 857 _ 220,434 52,279 15,663 569 68,511 Stockton and Hartlepool 42,018 187,442 7,106 _ 237,166 i7, 0 75 38,669 4,537 m 60,281 Gainsborough 322 • m 322 145 - _ 14. ^ Ti) Hull - - - - 43,371 1,918 1 1 1 _ m 45,400 20,702 633 1 1 1 21,446 Goole - - - 2,3H 207 . mm 2,521 1,132 65 1,1 Q7 Grimsby - - - 250 w " 256 144 <• | m 144. Yarmouth 244 244 92 - 02 Scotland : Leitb - 15,653 1 0 5»i78 5,193 Borrowstoness - 92,953 312 - - 93,265 33,344 67 - - 33,4n Grangemouth 10,585 27 10,612 3,500 - 27 3,527 Alloa - 20,996 - 20,996 5,733 - ■ 5,733 Kirkaldy - 30,1 19 - 30, 1 1 Q 11,695 - 1 1 .60 Dundee - 1,367 347 1*714- 532 63 Montrose - 50 20 _ 70 20 8 28 Arhrnflth - • • 1 15 m 1 15 51 _ 0 1 A hprdppn — - - KJ4 40 _ 234 80 15 m m f-irppnnrlc — — - 17,708 1 10 - - - 17,818 7,9/6 70 - - - 8,046 Port GlasETOW 6,076 2 /i66 2,466 frla^COW - - - 22,898 "9 - " 23,017 7,911 117 - - 8,028 Irvine - 46,4 '5 46,415 13,533 13,533 Ayr - 1,088 1,088 425 425 Ireland : Dublin 905 905 724 724 Waterford - 300 11 311 170 10 180 Cork 293 293 208 208 Londonderry 72 72 55 55 Belfast 1,309 1,309 662 662 Newry I - 220 220 140 140 Total - - 1,289,957 408,434 49,389 6,39 J 1,754,171 546,664 85,57 2 38,094 1,726 672,056 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1844. 3 from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad- YEAR 1844. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. COUNTRIES to which Coals : COA ls : Cinders. Culm. Total. Cinder;. Culm. Tot a l. EXPORTED. Large. Small. Larye. Small. T T / uns. in 1 ons. Tuns. £. £. Jo. c £. Russia - 6 1,862 30,486 1,796 - 94,M4 25.540 6,492 1,348 - 33,38o Sweden - 0,005 16,396 460 - 25,661 3,662 3,259 435 - 7,356 Norway - 6,409 802 - - 22,138 ^,44. 6 J,TT ' 1,370 569 - 7,385 Denmark - 68,7-22 67,086 4,800 140,608 25,966 13,843 3-737 43,54 6 Prussia - 45> 8 4 2 47,313 2,151 - - 95»30fi 17,421 9,599 1,294 - - 28,314 Germany - 71,088 93,543 7,234 171,865 27,543 19,442 5,°°4 52,649 Holland - 76,164 19,501 97,97o 29,371 3,878 1,871 35,o8o Belgium - 1 ,6q6 _ m 1,696 745 _ 745 France - , 304,91 1 102,710 2,122 3,159 412,902 123,1 18 1,613 792 147,33° 1 > ,\ 1 1 it- \ 1 A 7nroc nnn 1 rOrtuffal, A*Zj / 27,2^8 517 20,231 14,330 127 35o »4,3i5 Inn Sumatra, Java andl other Islands of the \ 225 - - - 225 116 - - 116 Indian Seas - -J China - - 1,616 40 _ 1,656 706 25 a 731 Australian Settlements 661 - _ 661 483 - New Zealand 28 ■ - _ 28 28 - - 28 South Sea Islands 2,250 - - 2,250 870 m m - - 870 British North American") Colonies - -/ 55,312 2,270 1,316 30 58,928 23,059 502 921 7 24,489 British West Indies 76 61 •} 82 13 630 77,338 43,499 56 9 141 43,705 Foreign West Indies - 25,553 810 229 26,592 12,071 244 137 '2,452 UnilcQ Olulco Ul \ 28,799 29,822 rica -J 1,023 19 DU Dover - 689 68q 250 Portsmouth 0 1 «r %j - / 01- 324 - Art J 3^4 Southampton 330 322 322 Cowes - 40 a a 4° _ 4 U Poole 222 if m Mt 2 14 m O 1 j4 •"4 Dartmouth '7 17 8 m Q O Plymouth - 373 _ 2 375 3'9 0 321 Falmouth - 10.5 105 60 '( m, - Bideford - 360 180 i Sn Bristol ... 6,947 2 7 2 D )97 u 3,485 9 1 1 o,495 Gloucester - 570 30 600 268 9 277 Chepstow - 160 80 80 Cardiff ... 32,191 156 749 15,354 39 O u 7 1 C nnft 1 ojy uw Newport ... 148,028 1 ,002 1 a n ftnn 67,663 1 ,4 1 1 Swansea - 36,880 1,501 772 3)9"° 43, ■ 39 14,468 425 57° 1 r\0 0 1 ,0^ J J u,4M Llanelly - 11, '43 9° 219 11 A C O 1 1 ,45 ^ 4,6'. 2 16 1 uy ^ "TOT Milford 184 210 394 134 42 J 7° Chester - 580 - 50O '97 "97 Liverpool - 1 22,662 29 7°5 65.428 15 7c.) 66 1 06 Preston ... 1 ,538 682 682 Lancaster - - - 278 278 136 - - 136 Whitehaven 1,084 - - 1,084 388 - - 388 Maryport - 9° 90 27 2 7 Berwick - 1657 1 fir »7 585 o°o Newcastle - 826,928 180,234 53,575 316,208 39,249 a n cia 8 Sunderland 247,390 '78,799 2,2 1 1 a 0 & a nn £L Z O, l\ \J\J 88,885 3^,279 1 ,044 1 22,708 Stockton - 44.736 65.139 10 >75i 128,626 15,644 14,443 1 0. 1 1 •} ao 1 0 Hartlf pool - 144,407 9,041 4,777 1 rfl f) or 1 0°, * ^0 34,841 1,.'j67 2 766 oy, 1 / 4 Gainsborough 1 15 1 1 r 1 1 5 40 Hull 41,936 45i 402 A *> 7&r, 19,694 175 o9° 20,267 Goole ... 5,840 611 6,45 1 2,6*93 : 7 6 Grimsby - - . 148 74 /4 Yarmouth - 299 - •^yy 299 - 20Q Harwich ... 4L5 A 1 C + '3 312 112 Maldon ... 46 4° 40 AO Scotland : Leith 9> 6 74 43 4 n 70 1 3,364 31 r 5 Borrowstoness - . 73,656 ho flrfi 7o, u 5° 28,654 28 6«A Grangemouth n,974 1 ',974 4-332 4,.).)^ Alloa 25,306 0 c onfi 7,684 7.68a Kirkaldy ... 20,779 •* u »779 9, 2 74 O 27A y,* /4 Dundee - 1,533 153 1 ,686 702 33 Arbroath - - - 5 12 1 7 •7 3 5 g Greenock - 23,102 21b 1 1,419 '15 I'ort Glasgow 6,223 6 000 ■si 2,988 2,983 Glnsg'iw ... 29,H5 7 224 - 29,376 14,584 5 173 ■ 14,762 Irvine - 35.403 35,403 12,714 12,7U Ayr- - - 37' - - - 371 133 - " - 133 Si r:i nrnAf m - • 30 30 15 15 Ireland ; Until in - 1,241 1,241 1,217 1,217 Wexlord ... 60 6o 45 45 Waterford - 47 47 32 32 Cork 144 144 120 120 Limeiick - - - 30 30 30 30 Sligo- 390 39° 250 250 Londonderry 131 - 131 128 128 Belfast - - - 885 885 520 520 Newry ... 200 200 135 135 Total - - - 1 i,996,73« 446,009 84,556 3,986 2,531,382 824,693 88,800 59,i '9 1,023 973,635 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1845. 5 from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad— cont J . YEAR 184 5. C O U N T It I E S to which EXPORTED. Russia - Sweden ... Norway - Denmark - - - Prussia - - - Germany ... Holland . Belgium ... France - Portugal, Azores and" Madeira - * Spain and the Canaries Gibraltar - Italy ... Malta ... Ionian Islands - Morea and Greek Is ") lands -J Turkey and Continenta Greece - Syria and Palestine Egypt Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers'] and Morocco - -J Western Coast of Afric; Cape of Good Hope - Cape Verde Islands - St. Helena and Ascen-"| sion .J Isle of Bourbon Mauritius - Arabia ... East India Company's] Territories and Cey- ' Ion . - -J Sumatra, Java and] other Islands ot the J Indian Seas - -J Philippine islands China ... Australian Settlements New Zealand South Sea Islands British North Ame-1 rican Colonies -J British West Indies Foreign West Indies - United States of Ame-"1 rica ./ Mexico ... New Grenada, Vene-] zuela and Equador - J Brazil ... States of the Kio de la~l Plata - - -] Chili Peru and Bolivia Falkland Island^ The Channel Islands - Total 2 5 8. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals : Coals : Cinders. Culm. Total. Cinders. Culm. Total. Large. Small. Large. Small. Tons. Tons. Tons. J oris. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. 1 20,076 24,607 23.645 104,573 106,768 122,046 3»9i3 512,848 25,939 9.501 8,002 54,648 7 0 .174 92,900 21. 10,8 126,493 4,407 556 1 ,389 8,937 7.545 12,593 2,835 95 5, 160 m _ • ,3,40U 150,422 34, G6 4 33,°3 6 168,158 184,487 227,539 139,288 4,008 u 47,9°7 44,732 7,512 7,7H 35,075 36,01 1 43,578 4' ,°59 1 ,592 191,914 4,99 8 1,970 1,607 1 1,282 14,271 18,363 24,541 3,375 454 1,083 5,857 4.368 7,643 2,323 50 3-5°" 8^8 53,105 9,936 10,404 52,214 54,650 69,584 47,446 1,642 24.135 7,271 555 70 32,031 10,689 1,520 488 17 12,714 70,942 14,808 87,089 52,279 5.424 1,502 2,918 28,892 2 7,33i 40 - 101,336 14,810 97,338 5-',3''7 5,424 29,402 u ,'4/ 35,740 21,838 2,257 310 621 20,592 1 5-691 3° - 50,304 6,148 42,052 21 8?i , / T 2,257 4,277 4,2/7 2,051 - - 2,051 ct 600 1,067 - - 56,766 23,536 898 - - 24,434 459 47,548 323 192 459 48,063 196 19,142 48 196 I96 19,386 11,696 9,053 40 lOO 20,889 4,306 1,674 45 30 6,055 1 6,486 6,256 1 1 30 10 - - 6,486 6,296 1 1 3,091 3,710 7 22 4 - - 3,091 3,736 7 1,606 1,669 82c 0*5 35 860 4,887 20,804 • - - 500 4,887 20,804 250 3,595 12,608 - - - 25 ' 3,595 12,6oS 82,600 2,696 393 o5, 08 9 51,841 532 3'4 C2 fi8- 628 - - - - 628 393 - - - 393 7° 3,909 937 199 342 42 - 4 * - 70 3,90<> 9 8 3 '99 342 31 2,647 692 204 154 30 - 5 - - 3' 2.64: 727 204 154 73,9H 4,095 1,253 100 79-359 3L43i 879 974 32 33,3i6 101,725 •20,822 92 1,332 332 250 102,399 22,154 60,27 1 9,878 68 382 37' 106 60,816 10,260 54,123 3,670 5°° 5 8 ,38i 30,797 743 39° 3 ',93° «,596 ',59 6 77i 771 216 216 108 108 26,624 3,284 130 30,038 12,853 678 201 13,73; 5,434 18 5,452 3,009 22 3,031 15-094 5.108 80 54,676 55 728 184 15,149 5,108 80 55n88 6,859 2,365 72 2 1 ,740 2 1 141 152 6,880 2,365 72 22,033 L996,73i 446,009 84 556 3,986 2,531,282 824,693 8S,8oo 59,119 1,023 973,635 a 3 6 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM EXPORTED, WITH RATES OF DUTY, AND __No. 3.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad ; with the Rates and Amount of Duties received thereon. YEAR 1845. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Amount of Duties received On Exportation in British Ships. On Exportation in Foreign Ships ) TOTAL. 1 Entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity. -\ Not entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity. Large Coals Small Coals Culm - Cinders Total - - Tons. 1,996,731 446,009 3,986 84,556 £. s. d. 8,848 15 4 1,392 13 l £. s. d. 4,076 1 7 907 - 9 21 4 - £. s. d. 1,957 6 9 4 8 10 64 19 3 £. s. d. 14,882 3 8 2,304 2 8 214- 64 19 3 2,531,282 10,241 8 5 5,004 6 4 2,026 14 10 17,272 9 7 Rates of Duty on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1845. In British Ships (or in Foreign Ships entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity.) In Foreign Ships (not entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity.) Coals, Cinders and Culm exported, — To British Possessions - - - Free - Free. To Foreign Countries ; viz. Previously to 1 2th March 1845. Subsequently to 12th March 1845. Large Coals - - 2 5. per ton - Free - 45. per ton. Small Coals and Culm - -is. per ton - Free - 4 s. per ton. Cinders - Free Free - 4 s. per ton. COALS BROUGHT COASTVVAYS INTO THE PORT OF LONDON, IN 1845. 7 — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1845, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 184-1. COALS brought into the Port of London Coastways. By Inland Navigation and Land Carriage. TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tuns. Year 1844 - •2,490,910 72,256 2,563, 166 » 1845 3^92,512 68,687 3,461,199 Office of the Inspector-General of Imports and Exports, Custom-House, London, 27 April 1846. WILLIAM IRVING. to oo a S 5 H er - 5 a o it g 5. o z © s 5' » § q % e s cj o o s 3 & § w a. o 5- > o> f 2i r c f -9 - 3 ™ I M ? ts °- c. o- s. s n -• S SI e 2 c a- p ft * JL I s, ? - . 8. 5. o o > O a w P3 (/3 n c r 1 COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 22 February 1847;— for, No. i. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Cui.m Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Forts of the United Kingdom, in the Year 181(5 ; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1845." No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1840; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year lb 15 j also, distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped." No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1846, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon." No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Fort of London during the Year 1840, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1845." Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 8 June 1847. — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cindkrs and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS from which Shipped. YEAR 1845. YEAR 1846. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. J ons. Tons. Tons. j ons. Portsmouth — - 3,941 3,941 *1 OIA 0,0 J u 1 o Southampton 112 112 t & TO 1 - 40 46 Poolo '- 217 • - 217 14 14 30 30 Plymouth 85 - - 85 97 30 127 Bideford 75 75 Bristol - 1,735 1,735 1,869 1 869 Gloucester - 82,232 2,490 84,722 103J88 1,178 104^906 Cardiff - 414,159 3,672 417,831 438,781 3,284 442,065 Newport 485,402 485,402 493,582 493,582 Swansea 262,180 1,382 215,860 479,428 256,960 1,337 196,053 454,350 Llanelly 145,597 62,995 208,592 169,006 67,155 236,161 Milford 19,583 46,126 65,709 20,939 47,552 68,491 Caernarvon - 30 30 Chester 94,183 94,183 96,198 96,198 Liverpool 29,201 88 29,289 13,245 138 13,383 Preston 39,120 665 39,785 41,876 41,876 Lancaster 1,761 1,701 4,000 4,000 Whitehaven - 343,478 4,829 348,307 321,835 4,833 320,668 Maryport 183,549 183,549 218,359 479 218.338 Carlisle 24,692 384 25,076 33,822 446 34,268 Berwick 2,849 2,849 2,350 2,350 Newcastle 2,431,343 12,639 2,443,982 2.208,993 33,613 2,302,606 Sunderland - 1,536,005 " 649 1,536,654 1,581,754 464 1,582,218 Stockton 784,678 31,681 816,359 620,636 41,643 062,279 Hartlepool - 725,247 936 726,183 601,221 260 601,481 Gainsborough 4,782 4,782 2,265 71 2,336 Hull - - 18,246 18,246 8,482 8,482 Goole ... 172,628 86 172,714 135,714 105 135,819 Grimsby 174 174 Scotland : Leith - 8,817 14 8,831 8,222 8,222 Borrowstoness 67,655 67,655 59,944 59,944 Grangemouth 4,979 4,979 4,562 4,662 Alloa - - - 74,695 74,695 28,608 28,608 Kirkaldy 45,105 45,105 49,480 49,480 Greenock 568 568 217 217 320 320 Glasgow 66,910 65 66,976 04,862 40 64,902 Irvine - 179,980 179,980 177,635 177,035 Ayr 81,521 81,521 71,283 71,283 Campbeltown 79 79 Ireland : Dublin - 15 15 21 21 Ross - 1,293 1,293 1.580 1,580 Total - - 8,338,907 52,196 332,365 8,723,468 7,906,718 81,853 316,871 8,305,44 :i 477- a 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported YEAR 1 8 45. PORTS trom wnicn SHIPPED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals : Cinders. Culm. Coals : Cinders. Culm. Total. Large. Small. Total. Large. Small. J-« NO L A IN 1> . Tons. 1 ons. Tons. Tons. Tons. r Sr. Jt. £. £. £. London - 77,607 260 241 78,19« 7 2 ,396 167 403 72,966 Dover ... 689 O09 250 _ 250 Portsmouth 317 31 ; 324 _ 324 Southampton 330 m m 33° 32 2 _ 322 Cowes ... 40 40 4° * 40 Poole 222 _ m ■ ■ 222 214 _ 214 Dartmouth l 7 - 17 8 - - — m 0 0 Plymouth - - - 373 2 m 375 319 _ 2 • *" 321 Falmouth - - - 105 _ 105 60 DO Bideford - - - 360 360 180 _ 1 OO Bristol - 6)947 27 6,976 3,485 9 1 3,495 Gloucester 57° 3° 600 268 9 277 Chepstow - 160 l6o 80 OO Cardiff 32,101 1 ^6 749 33,096 15,354 39 507 15,9°° Newport - 148,028 1 ,862 149,0.90 67,663 1,411 69,074 Swansea - - - 36,880 1,501 772 3,986 43,139 14,468 425 576 1,023 16,492 Llanelly - 1 1,143 00 xJ 219 11,452 4,612 16 109 4,737 Milford - 184 210 • 394 134 42 176 Chester - - - 53o 50O 197 197 Liverpool - 122,662 29 765 123,456 65,42o 15 753 66,196 Preston - - - 1,538 1,53° 682 002 Lancaster - 278 ". * 278 136 - _ m _ 136 Whitehaven 1,084 - - - - 1,084 388 - - - 388 Maryport - 90 - 9° 27 - 27 Berwick - 1,6.57 585 - ^8< Newcastle - 826,928 189,234 1 060. 7 "XI 316,208 39-249 40,048 Sunderland 247,390 178,799 2,211 A <> 8 a no 88,885 32,279 1 CA A ',544 i qi 7n8 Stockton - 44,736 65,139 1 °j/0 1 1 28,626 1 5,644 14,443 1 O.J 0 1 40.^1 0 Hartlepool H4,407 9, 0 41 a nil l^S.22 34,841 1,567 2.766 •}Q,174 Gainsborough - 11.5 1 1 Z 40 - AO Hull 41.936 451 40 2 /12.78o 19,694 175 oy° 20 267 Goole - 5,840 6ll f\ A £ 1 u ,4j 1 2,093 176 2 860 Grimsby - - - 148 - I48 74 - *74 Yarmouth - 299 - 2QQ ■^yy 299 - 2QQ Harwich - 4*5 Al A ^12 1 2 Maldon - 46 _ 46 40 40 Scotland : Leith ... 9,674 43 4 9,721 3,36 4 31 5 J, 400 Borrowstoness 73,«56 / o, u O' J 28,654 - 28 6^4 Grangemouth 11,974 1 1 H7A 4,332 - TWO 4 Alloa 25,306 _ or 006 7,684 - *7.68a Kirkaldy - - - 20,779 _ 20 ""70 9,274 - Q.27A Dundee ... 1,533 153 1,686 702 33 Arbroatli - 5 12 1 7 3 5 8 Greenock - - - 23,102 210 2*3, Sl8 ••0,0 * lie: 1 1.534 Port Glasgow 6,223 6 22*3 2,988 2,q88 Glasgow - 29,H5 7 224 - 29,376 14,584 5 173 - 14,762 Irvine ... 35>403 35,403 12,714 12,714 Ayr - - - - 371 - - - 371 133 - - - 133 Stranraer - - - 30 30 15 15 Ireland : Dublin ... 1,241 1,241 1,217 1,217 Wexford - - - 60 60 45 45 Waterford 47 47 32 32 Cork 144 144 120 120 Limerick - - - 30 30 30 30 Sligo ... Londonderry 39° 39° 250 250 131 131 128 128 Belfast - - - 885 885 520 520 Newry - 200 200 135 135 Total - - - 1,996,731 446,009 84,556 3,986 2,531,282 824,693 88,800 59,119 1,023 973,635 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1845. 3 from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 1 84 5. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE TIIKUEOF. f n IT M T I! T 17 CI L U U IN 1 111 ISO to which Coals : COA ls : Cinders. Culm. Total. Cinders. Culm. Tot a r.. FXPORTED Large. Small. Large. Small. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. T? TTCCT A — _ l id 4,407 - 1 fn a 0 0 1 ^u,4 44,732 4,998 3,375 _ 53,105 9>936 Sweden - 24,607 y,o u 1 556 - 34,664 7,512 1,970 454 - Norway - 23,64*; 8,002 1,389 • • 33,036 7,7H 1,607 1,083 - - 10,404 Denmark - - - 104,573 54,648 8,937 - 168,158 35,o75 11,282 5,857 - 52,214 Prussia - 106,768 70,174 7,545 _ 184,487 * w t5T / 36,01 1 14,271 4,368 54,650 Germany - 122,046 g2 ; goo 12,593 - 227, 53g 43,578 18,363 7,643 - - 69,584 Holland - 115,255 21,198 2,8 •} 5 139,288 4' ,059 4,064 '•JO 0 47,446 Belgium - - - 3,913 95 - 4,008 1,59 2 50 _ 1,642 France ... 5 12 ,o4» 126,493 5,160 3,466 647^67 191,9H 24,541 3,586 838 220,87g Portugal, the Azores^ and Madeira - -J 24,135 7,271 555 70 32,031 10,689 1,520 488 17 12,714 Spain and the Canaries 70,942 1,502 28,892 - 101,336 2g,402 310 20,592 - - 50,304 Gibraltar - - - 14,808 ■ 14,810 6,147 1 0,148 Italy 87,089 2,918 7,33! - 97,338 35,740 621 5,691 42,052 Malta ... 52,279 40 52,327 21,838 3° 21,874 Ionian Islands - 5,424 5,424 2,2^7 2,2f niDtt 1 J. UTK trV tllHI V^UIl lillCll- \ tfll frVPPfP • - I lI 1 VJI 1 CCLC r /r.Goo 1,067 - 56,766 23,536 - 898 - 24,434 Syria and Palestine 459 - - 196 196 E syp l . • . ■ . ■ ■ 47,548 323 102 _ 48,063 19,142 48 106 19.386 Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers! and Morocco - -J 11,696 9,053 40 100 20,88g 4,306 1,674 45 6,055 Western Coast of Africa 0,400 6,486 3» 0 9l V^dUc Ol VjrOOCl 6,2,56 30 10 6,2g6 3,710 22 4 _ _ 3,736 Cape Verde Islands 1 1 _ - 1 1 7 - 7 St. Helena and Ascen ) sion - - -J 1 ,6o6 u 3 i,oug OUO 35 * Isle of Bourbon - 500 - - 500 250 _ _ 250 Mauritius - 4,887 _ 4,887 3 to*; o,oyo - ooyo Arabia 20,804 20,804 12,608 1 2,608 East India Company s | Territories and Cey- J 82,600 2,6n6 393 85,689 5^,841 532 3H - 52,687 Ion - - -J | | f-y^ r , t ,* O 1 ' 1 T ' 1 on/I I oumaLra, Java anu other Islands of the 628 - - 628 393 - - - 393 Indian beas - -J Philippine Islands 70 - - - 70 3i a m m 31 China - 3.-9°9 - 3,909 2 647 ■*> u 4/ Australian Settlements 937 42 4 _ 983 692 30 727 !New Zealand 199 - 1Q0 204 204 South Sea Islands 342 : ; _ m - 342 154 m m _ 154 British North American"! 879 Colonies - -J 73,9H 4,095 1,253 100 79,359 31,431 974 32 33,316 British West Indies 101,725 92 332 0 en 102,390 7 1 uo 371 1 06 00,010 Foreign West Indies - 20,822 1,332 22,154 9,878 382 10,260 United States of Ame-"( 588 rica -J 54,123 3,670 58,381 30,797 743 3 ( )0 3 1 >93° Mexico - i,59 6 1,596 771 771 Npw ( Z rjin a n a "v & J.'tCYT V_ ' l ell 1 tUI cl i V CllC | zuela and Equador -j 216 2l6 108 108 Brazil - - - 26,624 3,284 130 30,038 12,853 678 201 13,732 States of the Rio de ial 5,434 Plata - - -J 18 5,452 3°94 55 15,H9 6,85g 21 6,880 Peru and Bolivia 5,108 5,108 2,365 £,365 Falkland Islands 80 80 72 The Channel Islands - 54,676 728 184 55,588 21,740 141 152 72 22,033 Total - - - 1,996,731 446,oog 84,556 3,986 2,531,282 824,693 88,800 59, 1 19 1,023 97o,635 477- A 2 A QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported YEAR 1846. PORTS QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. from which Coals : Coals : Cinders. Culm. Cinders. Culm. Total. SHIPPED. Large. Small. Total. Large. Small. England: Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. Shoreham - Portsmouth Southampton Poole - Exeter - 7L9 12 84 495 3°7 7 4 85 287 72,203 85 84 495 307 7 63,839 03 471 283 3 6 45 - 322 64,167 45 83 47i 283 3 "Darfmmifh «. 1 S L\ l 111 Plymouth - Falmouth - - - Bideford - Bristol ... Gloucester 221 12 400 7.994 2,893 - - - - 4.13 221 12 400 7,994 2,893 161 152 p 0 280 4,418 1,440 - - 161 152 8 280 4,418 1,440 Npwnnrf - - - A ' Kj »t I'll 1 L Cardiff Swansea - Llanelly - - - Milford - Chester - 120,827 45,047 34,824 13.828 1 00 1,153 531 - 2,237 55 783 2,928 100 24 123,595 45,102 38,535 i3,9 2 8 312 1,153 58,210 22,676 14,639 5,71° 216 599 170 - 1 ,640 45 483 787 24 7 60,020 22,721 15,909 5,734 223 599 Liverpool - Lancaster - - - Preston - Whitehaven Maryport - - - Berwick - 97, 6 52 440 794 1,308 322 959 - 170 - . - - 120 97,822 44.0 794 1,428 322 959 60,074 236 410 582 135 320 - 188 - - 19 60,262 216 410 601 135 320 Newcastle - Sunderland Hartlepool Gainsboiough Hull- Goole ... Grimsby - 823,350 255,443 69-924 184,965 170 47,956 5,722 400 177,681 218,041 56,333 419 892 63,296 5,021 21,853 1,472 67 - - - - 1,064,327 478,505 148,1 10 186,437 170 48,442 6,614 400 309,270 91,385 23,669 44,999 68 22,557 2,442 186 35,934 37,307 10,756 165 268 44,347 3,387 12,113 908 71 - - - - 389,551 132,079 46,538 45,907 00 22,793 2,710 186 Scotland : Leith Borrowstoness - /~* iL Grangemouth Alloa 8,161 64,907 7,5i6 16,104 4 22 - - - - - 8,165 64,907 7,538 16,104 3,601 30,007 3,228 5,750 2 18 - - - - - - 3,603 30,007 3,246 5,750 Kirkaldy - Dundee - Arbroath - Aberdeen - 16,666 1,188 343 100 508 20 391 - - - i6 ; 666 1,696 363 491 7,955 584 165 50 205 12 189 - - 7,955 789 177 239 Greenock - Port Glasgow Glasgow - Irvine ... Ayr - 16,646 4,478 30,963 14,382 388 162 341 311 - - 16,808 4,47° 3l,6i5 14,382 O O 388 10,204 2,230 17,240 6,386 183 101 169 391 - - 10,305 2 2 1 9 1 6,841 2,903 670,035 1 97> t v>9 24,109 4.523 769 226,460 Portugal, the Azoresl 6,422 33.964 nnn IVTiiflpir;* — « 1 aiiu iriauci i a 27,095 377 70 11,792 1,173 335 20 13.320 Snnm Arwl flu* C!anflrip<5 66,430 2,512 104,286 28,864 524 00 Rq8 53,026 t-r i hrfi 1 r - — VJ t Ul ill Lvli - 20,296 874 21,170 8,653 205 8,858 Italy 75,173 2,H5 12,865 90,153 30,627 581 Q.7Q3 41 ,00 1 Malta - 62,579 209 382 63,170 26,579 42 302 - 26,923 The Ionian Islands 6,222 - - 6,22 2 2,581 - 2 -.81 i n urlnivi nf ( » ppppp _ i.v n i m i L' 1 1 1 yj i vjiicclc 7.873 • 7>°/3 3,485 - 3,485 Turkish Dominions 37,H4 - ^7,144- 15,704 - 15,704 Wallachia and Moldavia 2,510 - 2,510 1,151 _ — - 1,151 SvriA flnn pMip^tinp - u y iiu tii lit i iul init 186 •1 Of? 1 on 154 _ 154 ^3,376 m m 50 33,426 13,614 _ 38 ■ H 13652 Algeria - 16,733 2,491 19,224 5,507 440 5,947 Western Coast of Africa 6,04.(5 6,046 2,952 Cape of Oood Hope • 1 1.760 1 1.769 6,652 A frif*an Portal on thp") Jill 1 ^ tl 1 1 A Wl lo vll 11 1 Red Sea - - 1 983 - - - - 983 350 - - • 0 j u Cape Verde Islands - 372 _ _ - 372 187 - 187 Ascension - - - 2,605 2,605 1 j2 1 0 l,2lo 01. XUclcIla ■ - 1,237 9*3 - — 913 Mauritius - 4,022 - - 4,022 3,o75 - - Arabia - 126 - 1 - 126 100 - - 1 OO Aden - 21,018 ■ 274 12,203 - 265 12,468 British Territories in) 63,224 657 the East Indies -J Q4 6;?,975 39,415 166 82 39,663 Sumatra and Java 2,086 250 - 2,336 1,269 - 287 - 1,556 Philippine Islands 1,910 - - 1,910 1,208 - - 1,208 China ... 8,510 • - - - 8,510 5,154 - - - - 5,154 British Settlements in^ Australia - -] 1,857 2 8 1,867 1,482 1 6 1,489 South Sea Islands IO 10 10 10 British North American") 99.448 2,020 Colonies - -J 5,421 1 20 107,609 46,478 1,222 1 ,801 19 49,520 British West Indies 84,465 260 557 85,282 48,858 I84 390 49.432 Foreign West Indian! 31,428 Colonies - -J 31,428 16,135 16,1 35 Hayti 45 45 '9 19 29.377 85 T TnitpH fti Atps of A mpripa \_> 1 11 It H ULulLo Ul i ill H 1 Mexico - 44,495 177 1,039 2 45,536 177 29,173 85 200 4 Venezuela - 320 320 149 149 Brazil - 20,151 1,887 250 22,288 11.075 38l 191 11,647 Oriental Republic ofl 6,386 469 the Uruguay - J 6,855 3,io8 173 3.281 Buenos Ayres 1.297 1.297 527 527 Chili Peru ... 8,182 482 8,664 4.204 303 4.507 3,067 3,067 1.569 1.569 Total - - 1.976,913 455>469 95.554 3,172 2,531,108 821,052 S5.3S7 63.899 837 97i.i75 477- a 3 6 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM EXPORTED, WITH RATES OF DUTY, AND — No. 3.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad; with the Rates and Amount of Duties received thereon. YEAR 184G. QUANTITIES AMOUNT OF EXPORTED. DUTIES RECEIVED. Tons. £. s. d. Large Coals ------ J .97619*3 1,760 8 9 Small Coals 455,4^9 Cinders ------- 95,554 37 a 7 Culm 3;172 Total - - - 2,531.108 1,797 I* 4 Rates of Duty on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported in the Year 184G. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported: To British Possessions ------ Free. To Foreign Countries: In British Ships, or in Foreign Ships entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity - Free. In Foreign Ships, not entitled to the Privileges con- ferred by Treaties of Reciprocity - - - 45. per ton. COALS BROUGHT COASTWAYS INTO THE PORT OF LONDON, IN 1840. 7 — No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1846, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1845. COALS brought into the Port of London Coastways. By Inland Navigation and Land Carriage. TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1845 - 3)392,512 08,687 3,4Gl,l99 184C 2,920,367 33.62g 2,953,996 Office of the Inspector-General of Imports and Exports, Custom-House, London, 4 June 1847. R. D. WOODIFIELD, Ass' Insp r Gen 1 . 4w c -I H oo X » o -.1 B S to O t/> C r- s so g- g a B rj 5" B" M 00 © #>■ os o o > It 1 jo O" *1 c c ere cr o s* J* - m g w a » «■ r i S » o B c o. 5Z5 O H c o B & ►a £ P £ S- 5 a ft, O o > r O C > r 1 C/3 55 o pi P3 > O O G r COALS, CINDERS AND CULM. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 15 April 1847 ;—fur, A RETURN " of the Number of Ships laden with Coals, Cinders and Culm, entered Outwards in each Year, beginning in 1840, up to the 31st day of December 1846 ; specifying the Kinds and Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm, the Amounts of Duties received, the Port of Clearance, and the Countries cleared for, and whether in Ships of tlie United Kingdom or any other Nation, and to what Nation they belonged." {Mr. Wawn.) Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 17 June 1847. 520. SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM cu ■s ° CO ftS O « S -3 « .5 ^ *v CO * r- -3 u 2 >.=> ^ CO to S • — ■ eg CU .3 - *J 0> a-g CUTS 3 C „ CS O - 03 8 0 C »> • — CJ fcO -r o S J3 S £ § K" 1 CJ j- - c pC w CS "3 0) 3 c =1 CO CJ S cs S .2 o cu co b CO C5 M w PS o a "8 05 I t» i to to « o o> r-i CM e Eh i i i i i • i ■ i i ■ i i • i • i i i i e CS *n cu s < I I I I ' C.-3 • - O i ^) C — S 0) « 3 cu > CfiZc? & o -a c CS Q \3 6? to" o ►J 5ft «« W a o 3 U O -5 E < '5 u en JS w CS 1 V) 3 CJ -a X -3 cu ;/. C 5 c «l u ai ber "3 J3 >> Ulll the CU "3 .2 w a *j CS £3 '5 o SI- 3 3 CO K B *3 (J CO X six Cinders. I— I A m If. CO W PS H & o o o w o 05 <~ I C4 SO I I iO o M » I co n - CO cr: ic W5 III" III! • I I I ■ III III! ■ III I I I I • I I I t^Oico cji^sio-^o— co ~.oo - o - a o o nts 05 'o + o- ^vioo - co cs o s oo ■t?,oconMOciC!-0)C)0+^o(0't w o^.cr. — io imutm ai'* o O-. CO»lO> Tt-lQ r. lO ^ CI CI ri CO "> — r}- >--5 CO CO t~l m' co" r-c Tj-CO O CO as c M ' S CS :S «| cu a< 3 • I I I ^ I "5 o . * . O ■ >s 3 c- O S O 3 .S-i -S.2 a> 2 J= C u -3 C C CS 3 3 cs CS :3 cu cu O..- I* ■~ CS c 15 2 E c o 3 • "cs O -3 c C t. (ft CO 3 -. cs >, > cu ^s cs cs 7? <>. o y 3 r .n ^ £ cu £ p 3 •-a o s cu "3 C o CO & CU cu 2. cu .cu I 3 o 3 o c cu -3 Jf £ C 3 ._ co x'co Ic t- H H >> 25 cq o 00 c o •3 S ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 3 •+CO ■<* CI 00 00 -4- <*0O m I I I I I a> oo i o> o i | CI CO co I 1^ I uo I C1 I oo co to " • I I I I • II f I I I I I I I I • I • • I I \ I I I • II I I I I I COOCS-+I.OOOO o o*o O O CO CO o - CI - IN ^- -3- CO t lO If) <-• C71 CO VO CO CO CI i-l ri d Tj- t>. t-iM CO CI 60 |.i =% o c CS a 60 3 JO c OO "<*• CO COCO I oo o o , et •<*- >o o I I t I I I I - I I I co i*-oo r • i *<> I 1 -t I • iiii i i i i ■ i i ■ i i ■ i i i ii * i i i i ■ • i • i i i i O CO cm CO II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ ■ I O O "0 iC uo WO o CS IOOC . * «i 3) O " CI CI CM CI o co o o -*co ooioo-*- o coo r~ o o »o o o CO CM O "+30 ~ .3C t ro ci h „ ci to _ „ 00 CO ifO ~ , CO « CO l-l N CI ^" H H CI H m n ph >-o co rj-oo ■<*- co e» co ~ " CO ~ - ii i • ■ i CJC 60 u 3 m l J3 E«3»oS c - v> 3 r- J3 o c ^ co C X i-i a cu f- 1 iiii ii u i i i — - to C M _ .5 - « 3. W *- £- £— co co ._ 3 3 j= t ^2 CCS CO 60 ~ 3 *3 ■ C I co >> 1 _ i 0, .3. — 3 J5P D -c c _« ' ' 1 iM 1 > r 3 u «, z cu .-J e3 1 W .a -3 u II O C ft. ^ £ -j. ~ ~ .- ~ o Is c CU CO < 3 a i c - q b a a - 60 ■ u l _, 3 = -9 13 '5 I ci ci c n I IO0O rM k>. I — CM CO ■i CI CO CI - O O I I I ao i eo CN I CO COCO CO CO I I I B I I I I I I ■ ■ I • I 1 I I ■ I I > • I I I I I ■ I I I • I I I I I I • I I I I I CO >o II I I I I I I ■ I • I } I I I I 1*111 £o Ci ci -3- O CO CO lOCO il O O - 1 CI O Ci o *» o cocico'0'+>t^ir. f«h coco <© r-» t r/- CO +i-cflO h 1>0>h »o ^J- — CO •O CO - Oi ■ O co ci Ci 1 i> - CO c* ci IT-* Ci CI CO Wi ci H*J< «Ht hHi 00 Cl CO CO CO co >o O CO CI CO CO — 1 co Ci — co co -T i-T i-T eT co o oco noco Nho t-- cio 1 CO CI 1 fi oo Ci co rn -t- ci Tj-^rt-co n CI n SO O fcj o K <- < O ° 05 A, o 'O 1^ — -5 II I I § ■ I II I I • II II o CO CO -i ThCO 3- •-O CT5 O -*-oo ef 3 >o d o -t- so c» >o <-h s < 01 -t- c _. 00 x- Austria Russiai French co 'C B CO rt 3 a <; Danish Hambi r-4 — . 0 — 00 o CO C r-l O I I l>CO loll •-< o •<* i> ^ -< 00 oh C200 rn r-» r> Tj- o 1 co icco co f— I rH t-l 05 vo <* « 01 I o 0.00 +00 « c* co co 00 1000 co r» 11(111 H « I (O - I O COh I I I I rj- | C5 rJ-CO CO h CO 05 Ct IO Tj- I rH CO « I d H rl ■ III I I I I 111)11 ■ I • I I I I III I I ■ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I till I I I I I I I I It I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lit I I I I I o 05 r-C lO so co o r^co co rH H i£2 O *o CTi O « IOCOO rj-oo 10 h h ifl pco o o O 15 cooo c* o »o >o >0 V500 co •<*■ o O t)- co 01 00 i-i >o Q 1.100 ci O et 00 f>. O!O(Dt>ioei0i+-ioetO "4-co o — O co ■"■ rH « rn CJ 0,rHtO«0 CN 'O t> C< «ie0-(0 r. Ol^H «B rhil OlM Tj-'O CO O r- cT N " rTcfcOOr ,-T rH 00 CO H COH ^-h 00 ThCO t^CO rH t-» 01 co ■+ +tinnHior-cnoortHcociHi-H + CO rH 1- I I I I I I I I I I till ■ II I I I I I I I I I I CO t-vn r= o cj . - 35 S ee c CO .2 Q) £ a O. CO — CS 3 S r?i<;S ■ ■ ■ I ■ I I I 7 ^ C 01 C3 _i — -2 H W o - c „ to c5 '.- CD c 00 C u I CO ■ < CO £ o 3 CS "3 .5 c >, ~ 0 a 0) S a) co O B — c -O rt -3 3 £ 0 o c 3 a ca -5 S -> cn c .2 a n u o - ooaQH & 3 e a b n CJ o a^ T3 ,0 6 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM CO < 3 <^ ~ co ~ - o i 0)«50 a tj- coco t^cc ct t*- io 10 ctco -0'o iiiiiiiiiiiitii ■ ■■I ft ■ i ■ i • i • i i •■ i i i ■ i i i 2 t-co t»» O) n ct o ■+ O iOO) O cm o ; CO'O cm 1^ i i i i • i ii i i iii iii WW i-w-«e)!-*#H«»o '-o 'o tj- cm co — O o: ;i + „ ct ct coco — t^co + o o co x^cn'Ouo «; n co + C5 (X r^-COCOCO — r-'Tj-COCO CM CM CO O CM CO 10 CO CO a ct 5 -= '5b « — 1- to 1) £ co Z • ' c ' a c _ 'tX-2 'l"g - s =£ « Z c/2 i J.i m u c 3. S 3 S0J= 2 D - 5 u i g .a a V3C2 CJ "3 Q co ii i > b. c c a 2 ca es es -Q c c~ c — es bi; 3 CSeSCcSO-r-O — « if. !5 » S » l. " 33U3 I CM 1 >o CO CO CM H««CO-CI-HCI-C1H CT - i= . . C 3 .■Se e o-2 g.S g-iS « - 8 J « J. « II 3 3 z ^ e <; r> « CM « i- ^ .2 » 2 8 3^ = < co as — cm ir> O CO r-, iO t~s I CT ■<*- CO co CI «5 1^ CO «4- O CM CM CO CM ' h f CM CO CO ^j-CO CI Is. ■i CM l I ■ l l II II ■ I I I I I I I I II r*# | i . CO CT CM co « CO CT O CM ts » CM CM cc O CO d CT rs. c ^ cT co CT O CO CO 'l- CT « o CO CM cT CM cm" cm" o CO «o g -= 5 cc co CM t* CO « 00 00 co >o cm ci co — ci co r- CM CM CO CO o - O to SO C3 S 0) C3 o B3 s c CD Q 3 l C l~ 3 cSif ^^3 'lj< 8 S iS " c ? 1) «2 C o H o U) c I I I • I • • u II u I I c 3, c fcf.— c £ <" = 3 CS C •- ^ if -5 = 5--S IS =1 pq 3 a. O co c/: H Z F— i as 5 S hi 3 H T3 B CO • >-> 3 CJJ i a d "to S M -3 • 2 to 0) C3 C i> « <- -S _bD < — C8 CS CO CU 0) .J ^5 C cS u PC? < -J ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1 84O. 7 CO •<*• 1 a> 1 - ■*to 1 * 1 CO 1 - to "* 1 tJ-oo to CH 00 to - 1 1 to CO m CO H 0 to 00 CO - to - 0 H H H 10 coco io in r* O CO 1 1 to 1 1 ■ •lit II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o -*WhHi nHn-Hii-HinWMoMen** d - © K O) - CO'N h> «5 - OtO iC 3) co — co loco >o h a ci o o CM >0 •4- o o CO o to ^ to lO co 00 10 >o r- coto I I a es -a" CJ h c 2 2 S to j - 2 c •2 ^ -3 £ "3 -2 -9 a i 3 3 s 3 C73 as oo nno >cooor^oooo o ■<*■ — cacooicooo . - iflnci»«oh* 1000 , I I I I I ■ I I I I I I • I I I 4> ex. o I I II ■T3 c cS cu — to — -5 * S O- ri. > -3 = 5i2 = o^ = c."c co 11 Cu ja c 3 • o . = 0 1 - J B S , 2 - w — . CO :3 M> S 3 2 u» — w i d c q v £» _es _S s S £ 3 S O o a. 1> S5 cm p a 5 2 J3 O « y » — 2- 03 CO cn 520. A 4 8 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM . u^Oit>t-""»OC OS cm , • « « I CO I is ci r- CO OIO K5 I Nffi C) O CO co c oo co *o ci ioco Tt- ci ci H rt K5S CI «Otl CO ►— I a CO O PS O i I i ■ i i i I • i ■ i i i i i r ■ i i ■ i ■ ■ I l l i I ■ l l eo O i ■ • i i i • « . i i i i i ■ ■ i i i i i i r- CO I I III! ■ I CO cT CO rHfl* «KH r-rjl =** HHl KHIrWl CM CO cm d co e» io°o co co r» — CO O iO - co CO co cs — t^t»c- 5 '-3 ,r*«c!_CHg-a_o3.S g 2 « 5 2 3 § £ co>-'Cococ<'"CO'+ co ^ ic co o u 3 Q OS ci 3 ' — ' 3 11 1§ SP-C J I .§ 1 re cxi Q cl, K O X fa co oao h oi 3 — 1° co co — ' CO CO <, r> 1 CO o o ci H Ol+ 1 rH co - C5 «i , rH rH I rH Ti- O IS * •«*■ rH rH CO ci l> t>i I-H , CO O tN + rH -H CO OS 1 o> ci Cl 01 1 1 1 05 rH | 00 1 *o ci 1 - o co IH CO to CO 1 CO CO 1 1 CO ci CO - CO K co III I III II ■ I I II II II III I I I I II I I I I I II II 1 «rj- o m CO CI CO I I II III II II III co co CO o • I II ^ rH CO O co r^co oo c» o C7> ci io co Oioo n-co o coco co 03 CO o -3- o CO « t> IO + Ol r^co CI O 00 05 •«s- d CI CI CO CO CM CI T O I^CO t)-CI CI O CIO lO Ci ^4- io CI rH -J- co «f*r+^ iHHl^KI-JMKMl r*S O 03>005rHCOCO oco o Mh r h HCC TCI no oo — c>rH koccco co o — cT oi co co co CO o B -a gco coco CI CO * H H CI CI » Ct H V5d HCO « H rH-.CO r. rn CI CO 00 + - lOrl lOCI CI H OlOO rH Ol rH rH -rj- co w PS H S5 & o o I I • I I I I I I -4 to 60 Ih 3 a s- 3 2 «-2 > -° s o H o r— • U o3 03 3 cS c r*S u 05 .S CO CD C «3 C4 C« I- — " CP rrj -a ^ g c* S r? P3 QJ 03 3 .2 .2 CD 5 ir o ? C 0) 3 2 S ^ • w S c * « • — ' 'hn 1/1 1^ & 3 a - r. Ch /; w I y I I I '7> C 1 1 1 c to >> £ g-2 «^ S 3 S5> Hr5 SH o i I I I cm I I cm co k i> r; c< - o 0 m — mo — 1 I ci I | | ■ i ■ co ■ i i i i i •4- ■ i ■ i i i ■ i i i i i ITS CO r~- O o co o o co o r-» if) o o CO - o O >+■ - CO l*» OJ — >0 'O 1^ f* — O^ CM ci 01 CO CI CO cm 00 ~ s O as 3 Q 00 CI oo c n c C5 Gj soft c OS 33 • i • i to • u .a i- •fi >. = c 3 15 5\e .5 •£ £ O BJ ? o 2 -i «5 CO « — CO 1 - IS 0)3) oo co 0 «i ci r-^oo *o co >o — co *o cs , CO "t- 1 h co w - 1 i 1 I ~ 1 l l l i --CO I IC « o I - I I K0 CO -ooo cm o o ri- - CO CO ci 1^ O CD CO - V) •+CO CO C5 CO 0O CO O rt- -. to Oi 02 IC O 00 -0 00 o « ai r^oo o iO o 00 OS CO (O CI CI 61 O O 'O CO CO O CO CI — CO CI CO — CI re l_J rs u .5 ss 'H -u 2 * 5 U OS « 5 = c 5 So a o "3 O s ca S - ° cc s o •3H to 3 n OS W E I. CU O « fa x a. 33 3 Q 8 b0 2 « 3 as n 3" -2 C3 c c o H 4) to C CG 33 c 3 CU ci m Z a a. S O 23 £ ° r- 520. 4 1 1 1 JS c 4> CO 91 3 s 1 U as la <1J L. OB H < n 10 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM a £• SO I Ct ~ I IS >00 - O500 — CO » «5 ct <3-co C( H | i n« ct | rH ct I I ct -> ct — ■4- I i i i i i i i i t i i i o ■ iiit • i i i i i i i t i i i i • iiiiiiiiiii » o o icon nto h mh o o m no "2°°^ 05 1:0 *° '-i?'* 2 ^ " r-T (J) fTcO r< I- 1 CD lO ' 3 "3 s c« '5b * o § a .9 "3 g 3 % O « d £ «2 cd 53 3 « -"CO Ct CO 00 CO CO l^CO ci C CD I 5 3 "a'O O) n I O h n I - V) I I CO ct I I o co >o - o co I co h >0 - CO t}- CO O CO COCO - I «0 I h ct(0 « - CO I t) I U) 11 CI I I CO • III II III! I I I I I I I I III CO CO I I I I CO O V5CO *Ti Tt- O I- 'O oi 'O -CO 0 05 CO i-i i- ~ CM CI t^CO ■>* >o O CM CO 00 - © CI CO o co io — o co - co o ■«*• i-i CO Ct Ct i-i ii o tj-co io -"«Tj-CO r-l-COCO i-i VJ CI — ct ct 3 CD C3 CO 3 CO w ca H O cu T3 60 bo 3 *j be CJD o 3 & _ c v 3 ai S'S 13 u s & o H H s o cu CD >-> I s O £ = CU c32 rt 3 -q "1 3 -r o OS C — ( 03 3 OS CU 53 — 3 — ra r: c I ^ I I 03 Ol fli .3 e » 3 03 C 3 « 3 g «c« , -cu«3C:u 3 » E K o o H PS 5 o to ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1K40. CO I co ct Cl « O) — i o O d (V CO Tj" CO CO c Portuguese American - American - 1 JS .!£ o is United States 00 0* to ** «5 1 CO 1 CH »• Cl CO « Cl n CO lO coco CO iO - 2 e CC CU I I I CI I ~ I ~ I I CO CO 1^ . , c> co CO CI ~ I I I I III i i ■ ■ i ■ i i i i i i i ii iii i i i i III! • ■ I I I I • I I I I I I I C5 CO 00 ■ ■■■ill I l l • ■ l l ii i I i l i i «Hl HtCt r^jjj i Old o o o co o o 0 o PH O a WiO o »oco w - r- o o o »n 0 o o o 0 r> o O o t>. O •a- - o o Ol CO o I> tJ- ci io m CO — itO CO i-oco co O CO ex tr^ o « »n Ci CO Cl" CO q o c> 11 OJ CI >o CO »0 ~ iO CI CO q ci coco CO - CO CO 'O CO CM ' 1 CO CO c a co 11 CN CO CO cT ci i co co o io CI cm co C5 co d Cl O rH CO - rH CO ' •0 Cl <*■ CO CO COCO ri CO - CO 00 co PH •i ci co c* r- CU (/> C 03 aj ^ Cm • i i i -~ i i « ^ g 5 ^3 o •c _, « »h <3 ' ' ' O .3 ta « 2 ^ c *-"^ - 5 oj Jz 5 l^ c ^g-E rt cy 0 p5s^-S W S- fc.esoMCl.S'^i- " 3 CU CO a 3 co "3 CU a 3 E =« 2 T3. 5-S S q 5 ? cr c-9 r r « o s c "o CO CU o 09 "~ 1' [ s ] CJ 03 00 co cy n u CO to S -S 5 » v ■53 « S g3.gj " ^— M S fa 3 h ( S j~ o 2 s c.3 ■- 520. o E 0) B 6 B 2 CJ c c o CU 5 12 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM s 3 oo co(o nt>oi« no eo O *4-CO I PJO) O) I I I 1> I I - I H | I »» as «inh cooo I I I CI n | | rH rH « i i i i i i i ■ • i i • i i • i ■ i I i i • i i i i i ■ i • * i • I I I I I I I I ■ ■ I ■ ■ i i i tit i i ■ t i i O CO • I i I I I i t I o 00 O O h0O Oi U0 >J0 lO no oo o *o - r-» COCO •-• — K «5 O CM l^CO tHO t^OO O a a 'C ID s «5 03 '5b- 1-2 c ca i ho ii e C 3 J -J §?J g a o i j s c- £ = .2 ^ .52 cu cu-c ra^i -s & > .2 "to ^ 6 ? * >< u s 2 « 5 o o « 2 « 152 .. M "oo nto o h o coo CI — — — — i~ CO CU c — • «J 3 3 3 «q O CO CO i>co « n n i o 05 05 iO CO >J0 es -i I e» I I co 0500 I - t~» CT> COCO >-< PH .-4 I I I I I — coco ~i OS t>» I I I a CO S3 oo s 3 U t> 05 O O ~ 00 00 CO © Hj- irj CO CO o o o 5 -Q cu b u 'a CO c O oa d, D .2 S 5 2 35 -a S CO CU Z-* c 3 O U ci ca ^ c be u 3 • J3 a I - .2 £ > 2 o c E OS Ch S K 53 22 .2 o 3 c — aj u CO cu _c o a- ,3 aS, O O ffi E ca C-< a, co oi c cu T3 CU 00 3 C - H -3 SJJ £.0 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ed .3 4) bC ** U 3 C C c a K o 5 * c BO ca es B. -5 i c , • i E o _CJ i— i ' > *-> to CU r O > to C3 rt -3 QQ D anada - ew Brun ritish W uba CO ' C 5 ^ — cu r3 ast 'E 05 W CJ Z C5 CJ 5 ca o f CO T3 CU l-J ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 13 CO CO 1 CO OS 10 V5 Us O OS >n 1 1 1 1 0 ■a o 1 1 o CO OS O CO c 'C as < c sj ' as s < o c as (A "3 a, co c '-3 CJ 'XI c as l-< r- CI •4- co »o I o c« — ,c . *> r % % - — 3 2 _ as cu = CJ 7Z 3 C3 as o as 09 C3 B a _ C3 — > OK C S3 . J o - cx 1 - 1 S c ' O S3 53 > 1 S3 1 1 T3 C S3 O as •C3 = > -2 a as T3 "3 C a a 7S 3 C S3 O 3 9(5 £ 5 > s3 as as as 72 Bu'3 rr "as o _S3 O o 5'20. CJ CO o 3 a o 00 B o -3 5 14 SHU'S LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM O t— i w PS o p4 O 1^ I co Oi I *i-o 00 — ri •» I t I I I ■ i i i i • i • ■ ■ i i ■ i ■ ■ ■■■I • i i a go o CO c* o t-» o CI CI i-i O O CO c CS o " ■ ' ' 53 bn is co co i i co i — CO Wld H lO « « I | | I III CO F- ~ 00 CI CO o — CO <*■ CO CO , CO 0 o co *o 1^ CO CI CO 01 CI O M - r^co co CO CI u"5 LO IOO o wio Tj- CO «OCO O O CI O - CO ci Q- oo co lo — >o o CO O Ci O •"CO CO «0 !>• CO -rj- CO 3 co S5 t " !>■ H CO h O «C CO — CO CO IS CI n rl rn — r~» a> - co co ■<*• CO w as H iz; P o o as _0) '5 c CJ oj c "5 s- c 2 to u S j j; cs eS~. of) cs _5 cS ^ *^ cu o "> Pt co CO , COS ~ © £ ^ O "O • S u ~ — Si j'^a'Ci: d c £ a ^ s cococococ/5cor-!>PPeq pi^PH-^CD 'a c T3 t. CS -a W o u c o O « u u * « e ' c CS c «i w ns — — 3 3 o. DZ cs a cc ,=i 3 C CS T3 B cs o g is Ph 2 I ti, Cu co u _>> \o > CO T3 C I C3 a li ci i"2 o 5 CO — — 13 s • "3 2 3 w o < PS <; PJ o j- ■ Js " 3 "S PQ PP C3 ENTERED OUTWARDS IN BACH YEAR, FROM 18-10. '5 10 it- oo - co o >c ~ -» 'O ioco co io I I « I ci tj- — CI OO INCOO)!5 H CICI COCO .o -t O "5 G) CC CO * NCI CO "j-COH , CO i * CO O , CO h , CI CI , , , IOCOI t>> r-» I K'O 3 CO Qh CI I 1 I I IH | | « | | | - til tiCO t « N I I l - « CO I CI - d I I I 1 I II III! I I I I I I • I I I I I • I I I II I II III ■ • I ■ II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I III I I I I »o II I I I I I « » I I I I I I I I I I I I I II • I III I I I I • 1 i i • t 1 CO o o cm O O >0 »0 o co iC Oi t>-CO CM O rl- o »o N o - »occo 00 Oi C5 io CO Cl o> CM ■ & i - x "loo . . CO CO coco CO Pi coco - INNCO co -r — p» 51 CI ' l co CO CM tC CO CO CO 00 CM CO 1 i CM 1 1 ■ I CM CM W5CI H rt *0 CI 01 rt 1 1 <* i CO ■ o 1 1 - •<}- CM " r>. co vj- CM CO CM CM fl *0 ■ i CM i i 1 1 1 CM 1 CI tiii iiii i i i i i i i i i ■ • r i i i ■ ii i i i i # i i i i i i i /) PH XT' S G - 05 i i i i i i i ■ i i i i i i i i a i i ■ ii i i i I I I ■ JS i i 2" S l-H S C) o ji»3 u III' III! Ill II I ,| | ,, , * to 3 5 ~ — — 1 ' l» ' 1 1 . O 1 I • 1 v ' >- o I I . 5 * 1 ■ - ■ • ja ■ . o ■ 1 1 1 u 1 1.^ o 1 i u a ' o os 1- r t— 1 *n c^"t- 3 c r, r-> G "3 cs 3 1 -r sis-i M^B § si ll § s a, a w = rS 8 j-° ? s a ; ; o 3 ? I -S s S a g 3 g s S .2 u 5 - -a g « -c s • 1 1/3 S 3 1 5 g § J g IP 3 5=3 5 = CO 3 p- ^ 3 Q O Itl Pp <" a .S 5 "3 is 520. b 4 i6 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM la < co CO CO CO I CO I to lO CO (Mill O — (M CO CO CM ^j- rj- >o "O co 10 »o - 00 CM I I CO co o co I - I CM CO CI CO III III! s ■ III II I I ss III I I I I s oo o or>. coooo r>« r>. co »o CO rn t> o oo o o co CI co oi CO CM ~ CI (M CO - o o 1^ CO IO c o - CO III ill! c CS cj "C s < -a co C o CO 3 O I- 3 C Cl -> s s s fa < a. co h -> c5 5 .22 .2 to 0) 22 3 .2 & 2 PS CO CO CL, h a « a c 5 os .55 iB 'cO .— tfl co as 2 -S fa Q tfl 1> 3 s X < - oo r-» *- cm « co^-conco cm OS-'* o co , I n r^H + | I — i-. | CO ih Cl I Ol I h ci oo t-- coco r^co I I I co i i I coco oio - »-coco r^-^i-oo ci OiOi , » a ti cm I cr> I « H III O I CO • ■•■III! I I I I I i • i i i i i ■ i i i i • i ■ I i ii J5.S- a • a 3 » . io o or j o O °» co *■> •- — o ~ CO lO Oi Tj- COO - o CO O OIO C N Oi CO O iO cp^ io — no + h o moo co r- CM - - * O co o l^- 3> Tj- Cl IO 00 O O O 00 — lO'O Oi CO OC I - + w) - n m cct» oc IO " CM O CO Tf lO^lOCMCMCOCM — CMCOCO MM b CO i-iCO .— co 3 CO ' 23 T3 co cu I *-i -a c CO 1 ' PL S co ■5 C3 o S >> £ co ■ i i i i ■ CO 2 .•= 2 3 5 « = 5 3 r, , C C3 03 cu 'SS "3 "? CO ■/) CU 3 3 -S J* O 1 03 E Cl) CO ce So 3 c a 1) c5 u 0 r O^UicQa-o ss=ScoQE fa a.<;§co .2 |3 ■3 u 03 CO >»fa c • 0) >»E B3 o u .ti co b _ V -3 L_ B • CS c CO CS I I III I II "3 B O PL O -3 S C_> ca 3 03 E-CU co — z a B- co * 3 s- B i .3 C 03 ^. t£ B s- fc- > cu B 'a* B> 3 •a — B >-i ^ O S 3 ^ 05'sD 00 ci o o »co faio n h wo a P Tj-O" rt- d <0 -■OO-tM-O'tOl »1- ~ CO -t- 'O o- Cl Tj- r» CO CO r-l I I I I • I I I • ■ I I I I • I I I I , H«Htf«Hi , «HmHifH|»i-.KN H|et Hoi «o — 10 — 00 o Ci xj- 10 00 a. 10 co 0 - o rx 1 • • ■ 1 < • 1 ■ 1 o I I I 1 • I co o r« rt- d CO O CO — cm -«M H"f H?«^W-«lrx|C ci o -< ~ -*-o>oo CO O "Ih" -"4- Ol O '-O r-i n O CO t> ci ^ O x£ r£ CN CT^ »0 CO CM CO_ CI rt" 1-1 CO CI o~ :rf »o cm 00 oo" C? i—" ~ American - Austrian - Austrian - Danish French American - Russian Swedish i.1 Wl IT tglUll Danish Russian CO -< CO rt — CO CI •H xj- IO O - 10 t^C£> to C C t» >• 0 Z "«i 0 CO c rt 9 a rt 'to CU it O CO 00 CM Ci «C CM .CO coco co 00 1 eo s 't oico tH r-" r-. vo co in ■»r .I co c. , (O «i I - l cm co Oi >OCO CO — w M + I I o r-» ei co « « 1 * 1 Ci co cm CO 10 -X - X*- 00 co •4- -1 rx 1-1 1 i-l o xx Cl CO *0 H 10 CO CO CO o IX« CO »XKN HOI <■** , , hW ■<♦• OO O Ci t^.0O co FX CI ^- CO CO -X 05 CM O - cm CO CO CO CO — coco 0 — C» iO ix xx xx «W HHI «|XJ rXlH HMlHH OO C00>O00r»0c* Tf- coco , oc 00 "3 " « elxT a too CO CO ci w 10 o co -? co *♦<* -Hi CO o — OO 'O « I^CO CI CI CO CI x< 00xXrxx»-XrX I "S- » "5 2 53 D 23 c)} it 11 1 1 1 o a> — 3 -o — 1> -x OS. Cf » (, 3 3lS 11 CD a. • •a ■ s § a c 's := 5 a s o a 3 -r a. 3 u j- O C O to r3 2 «j B SO CxSffiE-i-j 3 cs , *to -itf rt to 3 4-» I— o Ox a. CA) *- i c* — '*cncN coco cioo o w i-n cameo— to " oo oo (Nr-^C'tcooiOoO'l-i'iC'Omon co io Ci co -i k h CO CD Ci tJ- O CO tJ- •<*• I — t-» CO wo wo ci »0 CO IO iO wo CO CC N ci io CO - - i i i i i ■ ■••ill ft ii i • i i i • i i i i i tD ■ i i ■ i ii ii i i t i i i i i H4i«Hi>-4tt ^Hhi-wrj^i HQ i*4<4 H<* ..^•^."i- — ooci — cico — "3- — ThCC O CO CI in — — «!■* «W rehi "-Hi Csoo in — o io -+co r^co CO He* Hcl cc -t CD CO S O CO O) O CO 'OCD CI CO ci nuir- r c _, a ?! •— 3 ■C o-g as -q a < "5 "3 „ « cu zoo C - c kr 3 C3 Si .2 £* - 6C = Si S » c cS c -c > "S ® .5 •- ? <« °3 is 'to "o _ — <« c t. a, a) n £ O 3 CS o 3 fe u c = 5 — o c - ^ = I 5 c .2 .si — to to «2 — 3 i.a .— to — 3 C C3 So e> is .3 3 O o w 3 — 3 □ > n a « «^ 3 3 tu C — 3 CO re O — (N — — — — CI CX) — — — 00 CO— IM — CD to o » — — — CI — — — C> — — — tjl CO — CI — — — — CI 00 - — 00 CO - CI — CI 00 tJ- O 1 CO c CO >* Tf- 1 CI 1 so OS » Ci oo 'JO IOCO os •4} ^j-cc n Ci CI I - CI CO 1 c CO CO I I I I I I III I I I I io >i io O ■* ft CO O r- ci -° — o oo ^ co wo CO «Wl o co He) CO Ci rHld Hfl fHCI — . - d .2 S •— ,2.2 £ •£ H ca.S « •- ■a "2 11 '5 to Z. -a 3 3J 3 H O T3 ho « 3 c w £-E3b J ^ ScaCW bp < E- to 1 c OS a* ' E o ■ 2 • 1.2 ^ o ct) t S ca 15 ^, 2 J j §"2 Q> a, o I I Dh -3 O 22 SO •2 ja «*- W O c ° PS Ph w -J o I -3 _ *> S5 ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. "ij- -« 05 OO CO 00 I O t+O O » « ei o O 1^ 3500 >o OO - 00 00 LO 35 CT5 O0CO CO O 00 I I I I I co c; o o — — 35 ~ CI CI ~ 05 CO CO 90 (O 00 I iOm 0) J" ~ oo I co o cm r-» -S « r-. .-H •»» "t- - oo co — co " 8 • i i • • i ■ ■ • i • i • i i i i • i ■ i ■ i i i , t i i i i i i i t i CO co i i i i i i i CO »0 II II I p^dHclHcl ^ICI «tai -4<* H~l <--H< i-W Ht# HSKCW* 35 35 r~ »o -I uocooir-coco »o — co r^oo r> t^co co oo co — CI oioo co ojoooo ci ^t- oo oo -< r^ooos — co o O IO O O UO 00 05 *o *o IO -too o r> r- ci + O O t^.CC O-OO CO cic^ o_ c) ri h - io « »o -T a o a rica eati L'ussian "en u OQ 00 3 E a a C3 < CO 00 CI — 5 E ... - -a c ~ i> .2 'sb 3 S -5 a> cu ^ fe CO 'cO "3 r c ii qj O « 3 J z 33 si co 00 be 2,2 to § « 2:5 co o a " 9 a , -= 'So _ CO QJ — cu — a ^ — iO CO H IO CM rl r-. « oo 35 lO'O - o o , oo CJ I 00 35 "j- 35 O - I 35 I 35 CO CO IO CM In - CO fj OOOOO ii I I I *o d o co I ■ III II I • I II OO oo • i i i rt- ci CO CO O "T ci ifjCO OO CO r» r-» ~ co"co*~ co io «ra CO -I oo cn ci *o oo ci CO oo ci cm oo oocooo o o io co t-» t^coo [->. ci ci i/^ rt- oo ci — 35 . ^j- -. co l>» ^t* CI CI d «01 © CJ|> 1 >0 cT -T C5 no OO IH rH — 05 IO 35 c oo oo 00 O 00 IO CI oo co ' • ■ CO IO rj- 00 - 1 00 CI • 1 1 I I I I I I I I I till I I I I I I I 0) cs -a JR. CO a -3 o _ ~ CO ■ g Sis: o o ^ a co d-j3 >a O CO co co 5 OC-O -a 0? D S "E 'C O /5 co C3 cc ■3 c ID o co 03 s c 1 1 ->, to cu Jl 1 —3 C3 a 3L( _^ 1 >> a; 0) CO C ■o (h _o cu - »v| U CU u c 2 « os g '3 co ■a c .2 c 3 u ■ — CO £ 5 3 ■3 o ^ 33 -3 * X K. W _ » OS'S «« Ci (J '5 cu CO "3 2 3 - C cu D a to 3 i ^3 3 . a « cc y . 3 a/ 5 "3 rt J 3 '7, "3 S 13 C3 5 '« -a: o « O c * jO 520. a. C 2 3 o — r. 20 SHIPS LADETN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM •« I I i ^ ~ CO "5 WO | H CO 4" oo s in O>oci wo o> rl CM I | oo h i ei h tow - V}00 t-» CiCO CM CO I h h O tO t(- CO COCO CM o IMO M eu w o w PS o « • I I • • I I • I • I I I • • I I I • I CO CM O co ^t- co He* -< co nco Ci>0 e eo to co CO co CO "O O C* HHH-+ i-W H« BW rf* o cn n >o no co -^-co i-o CO Tj- N oo t-^oocococo ** cs ■-T cicd" cT co >o 1 I 1 1 1 • ■ u c anseati rench utch ussian russian wedish merica pc$ Ph co < ^ « CO i-c CO - co CM CM 13 C J5 "3 B CD C es •S "5b a rO S •- o - c ^ O 8 to s '5 s "5 = 3 2 > .o 5 js « .a «) O C CO U w G <" e CO a C "> 4> 3 «2 « C" 32 tyj^Qa-EoBfePHO crcooooo — 0»**< nHOlCH*H«ci CO w O H cs O Ph a ir- g 3 WO CM CO - 00 r* O 1 i> co | | cm T-l « 1 eo I CO 00 CM 00 1 FN CO CO tJ- OiOO CO O co r- O O , o CO cm co ~ 00 CO I - rH 1 « t» o 1 - CO 1 00 « 1 co a I n. CO o wo I— 1 «-f 1 1 1 I> CO K ev» WO ~ CM CM CI O CM O CO O CIM N- C5 COCO »o CO CO CO Ol if CO O WO O Oi OS CM 00 COCO CO C5 r.tO CM CM CO t-» CO O - CD - o r« CM CM CM CM CM r- CM t-» Oi CO CO X~» N H H « O •<0OC CM CM •+ lO CM CO c o H es E fa P-,C CO « « * . bo— m ?> 3 2 — 2 J« o »5 , 3 C3 CO -dill 1 tlM & = ,5b es CO -a ■ •it CO CO C3J CO co CO o o V.0 O Tt- - — CO CO OYO ■<*• CO CO CO CO OO CMCO CCCM o rit>. cocor-t>ojcoio to wo >- con h n noto oci 11 -0 ■«*■ rl IH O «5 ci I <-< CO " CO CO I o o CO CD co tj- o o o o « + ci * a o co CI CO C*^ -« CO h o o o - cvo hOO -. co coco « COCO_ 00 CO -< CO o o co s Q 3 G rC -C CJ «J S'i — ■ to c OS X a Q -c o c g « 2 u e 2 3 »00 CO co ko i lO o Oico oo co >o rH coco oo »0 Tt-00 Oi CO ci l^C e» co COCO 00 , »ooo io ci CO CO 00 O CO* CI Cl CD o CO OOOOOOO -o co IO GiCO co CO O O O rH CI n (O r d tO i-T if rH rH Ci rH CI -H Tj-k-OCO CI rH Hj- (M CI rH CO O CO >o Vi ri H CI r<3 |)-H o co w s « Oh s o .2 CU "3 "E c c EG cu >, I cu cu cu W Oh .W CO w ja to •2 s 3 ' 3 » CO CS >^ ' C oj CU i OTrgCO O * c qj ~ c Si o £ U £ CQ D O K fc< CO Ch ffl £ O <3 U — — X — — — S U CU h3 KifiZPrH 7 « = = • " _ >— es c8 £. is — -r ^5 Q,O^B£C 3 r, r\ T ^ n hi C5 C3 o O Mr C-> 3 . C - £-1 C3 >» OJ — 3 r3 es c o c I ra cu tc-_ CJ 3 O — «H f 15,"" c « cu "» ~? 0) § i' o I— 3 c CU d o H u u * s? « s § I S = = T3 c I I I— I en OJ W rH Ip8. 5 "3 - C CJ " s 2 o = £. r^ U, r3 Ul cu = i £h M C3 C8 I 'rC c CU o r3 c 3 5 o § Hr» in s o I. o n 22 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM 5 5* Id I « i h n »o n i «i i ^ oyo 'tea — tj- ti o • coco-r-o i co — — i r-~ VI r-« c* co e< CO I CO — CO co I i i i • i i i • it ■ i i i CO a GO o w pj o III I I I I • i i i i • i ■ ■ ■ i co ci co co r- O O Norwegian - Danish Prussian Mecklenburg Hanoverian Oldenburg - Hanseatic - Dutch Belgium French Hanseatic - Swedish Norwegian - American - Russian Prussian French Portuguese - eo co co co co co C5 io . O) CO « ■ oo •■too CO ~ Ntl , - co ci I S* — CO CO CO C« I> CO — ^ 1 I - 1 - 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 w 5, 3 GO ptf fr- iz; O .o .2- u i i i i ( i ■ ii ■ • i i i ■ i ■ i i i i i i I i i i i ■ ■ i • i i ■ ii S 6 III! II I I I I ■ o o CO k n ~j O !>. d CO uo O O — CO o CO OO lO'O CO CI o o C? CI Cl CO G CO O O ^l-'O 1- l ^ ci CO CO CO i-OO c o - CO 05 * -0 ■<*- l> Cl CO CO O CO CO o co CO toco - CO CO I> o — - CO — O CO CO f Cl CO fl ii CO >"« CO - — CO CO CO ** - " - — CI CO — Cl r~ 0? 60 i- 3 c ttfi o c «2 T3 >>§ f« : g 03 § CO &c •r y 3 c — in ^ a - O Q,3 C 4> ' 03 03 E "3 *- = 3 o [: ,r 1,11 ^ » s» .^s o ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. ^3 co 05 CO *o I I I I CO o I 3 to V5 O O o o c o 'C S o -1 Ci'O OJ - « 10 O) C5 ic 1 . 0 CO V> CI - « ci 1 1 1 *> 1 1 1 - 1 « 1 « - 1 1 1 1 1 1 I III II I III II I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I III II I III II till I I I I III I I coco coco « "t n o o t^«) cuo 00 n h- + o coco -<*-co co o ~ r^oo co IOCI rt f»CI M HtO Ol CO^- COCO OCI M» « CI tN O) rl rj- -T cT co i-T co 00 - O'O o + + 00 o OlO iiOO r^r~ n>CniO0C. m co 03 13 £3 1 • ci to >■> o , K T3 O o • a ^ O CU 'bo B ' ■ a ' ' « ^ .Si := "Z. - «2 to ~ «-» tO Ql _ (O Qj w 0 c 00 45 JS tc"3 jo to to cj r3 . 13 CO Oh a CO O W ec o h ■ • i ; i # i • •••iii • •• i i i i i i • ■ i i ■ i i ■ i •a o a ■ • • i i i ■ i i co oo o t>.co «> r>» o co o O s * + CO Vi in iO COCO ■ i i ■ • ■ • i i • ■ i i i i ■ i i oocor>.ooooo tJ- IT- CO CO CH m oj r» t^co c>co -cH »- vnco 05 c* CO r- I I I I I I CO a. X CO a CO a *3 III! s ■ i i i ■ i i i i i it t i ■ i ■ i ■ ■ i i i i i i i i i i i i ■ i • i • i • • i ■ i i i i i • r • i i i iiiiii iiiiii i i • i • i • ■iii i ^ ii V) O CO lO C500 h !i o r** CO " co ci i - h co ih o to oo co o « o o o m o *s-<© - co co o - »h in j)n h co o - tJ-00 — m lOOOOOOOCCO oo o cor^or^-cocc «+ d H « Of" C4 CI "CO CO 05 Tj- « rn M nHcjciMciHcio CO W Ph o 13 C o eu a CO •2 g 3 $ >% CO 01 CO 01 >1 3 P-^3 CO M bC es O O O ^H ' - e CS CO "~1 "3 a O i S «? " to w 01 3 O O - C3 es CO bD o 3 e es t eS O a. e CS CO 3 & O 3 I -O c es o> bo 3 f— I pm c <" £ 5 C be 'S 8 lorLa 3 ^ 0 ^^^;^^^^ Kfaaj^HOWPafeCu CC oo ^ Q ^ 05 33 X fa Oh caSH X n Z. Q cu^X O XX 3 CD es co oo o 3 c Hi faPUiCB cs cs es « 3 — ° 3 CJ w . <; * PS < w I-I o 13 -r CX "es ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 25 I 10 I co - CO I CO I I I * to * o CO •-«» CO co ci O o — 00 ci g 0 s .0 •-> C h Ph o> 03 co c as S o (A 3 3 C3 CO Ol - CI ! II O CO co o t—i ei I o o> t>. co co ■<*- 10 00 IT5 ■-« « 00 CI CI CO I I CO 1 o> 00 ci II • I II II II > I II I I Oi ci OlO O CO tJ- CO 00 CO 00 iO ei OS ;i « n h CI «5 00 o unoo f". OJ - CI O O O Tt- 0) + 3) 08 O o co ci a <^ 05 - co o o 00 — to ei Ifl CI !fl CO tJ-oo CO co 00 i>« 05 ih r- co CO CO 00 Ol « CI d CI — 11CO co h - ci r> ci co 10 — •-■ co H Tj- H O H CO ri CI to QJ '5 ° . = 1 u 3 0> H V CO to o Zl -3 -C "3 •2 .SS'Sg — *- • — t/> 1. u = 1. J ca « Pea i; o 55 !3 >> c 03 • E o O to .2 to" 3 -3 CP O c 'C 01 c -5 1- c Ol — 1 2 TM " « o « 2-s ;z£co § j= .e -a co U) ca CO . a> s c - « 8" C "C "C '= « **; w ca ca D z £3 o u| c "5 >- a ai _ ■S « t_ to 3 2 8 « fe *«3 5 15 - S ca =3 o n C 'S 1 s- C to j: +Z t? « coZ^ Pcasa ca co 0) a w CO "3 0> '5 o u 3 01 Oh "3 -3 bo y « — =5 ts - — C3C5.-00 o < < < ca pa ca ca ca _Q 0> 3 ' o s 0> 3 a' 3 — 1:3 ^3 s o >- o 0> O O) O -3 a> § % c o CJ o> C 1- C ^ r: a Q O 3 s> 520. o =0 o ft, CQ D 3 Q o> 13 B O T3 C o CN 00 c o -3 a o J 26 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM so *0 ~ 00 to CO iO I I CO tJ- I C I III I Ci CO I CO C* to 00 CO Im? o I CO 1-1 CI Oi CO I K II I III I I I I I I III OS Oi lO CO CO Ci Ci CO CO O O O »o r-co CO O T 00 lO Ci ci a co 00 CM c .3 '5 u cs co s CS o E to 0) S 3 5; CO <5 rJi 3 O) S CO US CO Ci —i 1 o CO 1 ■+ 1 CO l> Ci l CO ci , e» f-H CO 1 , 1 1 " 1 CO Ci 1 CO CO 1 CO CI 1 n- Cl 2" 1 M 1 c< CI a < if. s CO « o CO . o CO C<05 lOOltltD MOlO CI CS O — oi co o oco oaoi — co h co i-i ci . oo n o lO >0 O >t Ol CiCO CO r- co co f>» CO 00 ->i-CC — -4" ^"i 03 t>. £■» ci t-i rj- rf- ci co »0 C* i-i — CI CO t-. c» — o »o CI CI f "J co ci ^ iceo h cj h h co >oco o; — i-r^ri m ci ci •-> COCO o CO w pi H as o 3 _o> CS c Pi .2 la c cS U U4 « 2 « oi r= 3 O cs ap cs rs *ai E3 e o SI CS CD E O CS -O — c O u O «! " ^2 g t ° cs cs o ~ " « ^ *** cs o Bljjjjj^SSzzzciia- T3 § cs 3 cs 3 _ « W f3 Oi C j3 3 -3 CS 0) 0) O) a cs >-> o 5 to C cs cs co t« H H ^ M P3 ^3 3 ^ CS o <« 0) 3 & Pico cs O P< W as < < w o 3 C ^3 3 O h-1 o> ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 27 ! I I I I I I I COOO 00 CO 3 U .3 C 01 fa i-< IN CM 1-4 rH f—* r-i CM ,-i t> 1 CO 1 O CO - 1 1 I 1 CO CO 1 1 1 • - CO VO CO 1 1 1 0 1 f 1 0 1 0 - 1 co r-» l -2 ■ CO — «o 1 1 1 ' 1 OI 1 <° 1 CO , 1 t^co ! CO , vo 1 - co c< ~ co 1 C3 1 t~» 1 1 ci 00 0 CO 1 >o CO - 1 - CO CO CM Tj- ~ CO 1 ■+ cm 1 CO 1 1 Ol 0 ■ ■ < ■ ■ I I ■ I I I I t I I I I I I I I I till ■ ••II ill - CO CM «o CM e 10 CO vo O O O •O CM — CM CO ^ CO co »o 00 h ooooor>.cMcco CO CO -O CM r- " -i- 'O CO CM t^OO CO , CM CO O o >o « CO rj- t» — CO GO CM o o o 00 OOOOO t^OO i^co — 0 c> d « r-. tl h » « vO "4- CO r- t« «H « CO ri H rl rl H (O (O - « H H tJ5 K3 r4 CM CI «-• CM " « ,1 «h f-i CO CM (M CO • 1 1 5 ' O fc fa B'S c « S c 2 ™ c c s 3 2 a g cu '§ -5» » S •— I CO u es a 0 . . 1 . S 3 co O CJ 73 O C cj 1 o ' — c - s "S re 5 « - 2 5 3 3 -3 "q. g/£ .3 u 3 !S P 43 03 g„ < UaT?W).S2 OfaOffifa coco^^faHDg^oiQfa cTQ^fS^Ofafa^S^ --° t« "3 3 5 1 « re >,l5 05 cj fa fa P re co ■3 C C3 St o 55 cu re CO ' ' ' "3 co 1 y CJ 73 'co CJ — N CO s >1 c - — cc 3 re ■ — 1 i-i W Ka u i. CO -a c ci cj a _aj fa co Z 59 -3 « o 520. D 2 Q fa -3 o 9 £ 3 ~ 28 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM rH 1 CM CO l> 1 1 1 o cm coco o> no I a> o 1 1 1 CM 1 >o CO rH CM rH rH 1 rH l~-CO CM -+CO N H 00 CO 1 o to 1> o «•* o cc CO CD io »o o CO CO CO c nt^H c< n IdhCI H r-< CM rH 1 Ci CH >* o> I to >o cm o to o I I I I I • till • I I I I I • I l I I l I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i i i i i i i i ■ I ■ i i i t ■ i i i i ■ ■ ■■I ~ o fa 5 n O cm O co ioco 5 co :sor>» — co'ou^cfi io ic io fh Ti-to Hid H« Hrjt Inco «5 O QWMonO O O Cl CO CO "O CO' CO I^CO CM — CTl Tj- rn CO CO tN CJ CltO It" CI O d fh rH HHirel* O 00 00 O rH r-» •+ t~- — rH cT r-T »cs to CM C 1 .2 o rt c c ce a *T"I i-H l-M r— t"» rH rH c 03 H C tfl W 2 « 3 3 c Q < £h a .2 K ' s CJ 0) 3 '3 E <— > C cj J= a o o c S * t- 1 To * »« 1 Ci CO ^- - ! co to CO I CM »-o 1 CO I CI •+ Cl CD — CM 1 1 CO to CO CM 1> co to s „CJ s . O to VJ O to 2 i- O 05 ■<*■ c« a r- « i to LO — lO * O ei o co CM r- cd Tt- CO CO tj- I I CO Hi! - o o o a> to CO NOtO o tO CO rH rn CO l^oo (O »o co o O) CO 1^ 00 CO O O D CO — C7> O CD — CO rH -rj- CM rH rH CO Ol rH r- U5 CC H rn Tj- a • ' ' 9 o H * ' u£ — cp 1 rt « -> q\ "1 S'SrS S eu Q •< H Ph _ c crj D 3 5 K a) 60 3 c« O CS ni c 2 c £ 3 Qj bo !_ O I u 3 r-i _h ^^^^ grS clrl *Tt /l^ O bo > = = a 3 c O £> C3 fa c« U I CJ in C . >> S « C (A '~ a o .£ y "? "3 c/j — r r= r5 « c- 1 Z cO CP c CP 3 ^ C cs fa ' E o • .2 CP _ 3 re H W '-a ' c c; "Co J g IN CC E O — •— • 05 3 ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 21) COOO I I I co 00 >n o o CO CO 'too CO COI H CI I O I CM | | I I I I II CI O C3CO I CO ^-oo CO I O " CM 00 I 00 I — co 00 ~>or^oco od o >o co-«j- COCO ■-< —1 COCO H 11 — co r» MO Oil O ~ CI CO -t- CO ci d O CO CI 00 I I I I I I >o I I I I I CO OOOOO K m r> 14 4 o I I I I ■ III) CO CO I I • I I 11(1 II I I I lllll I I i I I (III I III III I I I I ■ •■•II I lllll ■ I I I II III I I I I I • • (O « >o o o O CM O O r" 00 » * n 0 10 10 0 CO CI CM — Oi CM I> rj- ■+ O — O) mo 11 CO 0» - h. O CM ifllOO N CO CM O CO CO CM cv-o o 00 C - if r>» leo O O O O •+ o o no 10 o C3 CO " CO CI CI c u *> .C r CD to co 01 QJ 3 3 SJC SC 3 3 L. C O u- a, a* _e — C ■3,15 C O 8) 'E .5 £-'co * a. « * 3 •2 "c .2 | w as m g D 1) 3 D cu J] "•-1 OlIOl-" N CJCI H H l-ll_OCIl-l E -a " C3 _CO .— "3 5 at 3 a E + h ci c; w < a, co x O 33 MO CM i -1 "-' (. ^ — / cm CO CO 05 0 1 1 1 t-^00 t> 0 mo CO MO Tj" t"» 00 1 « CO -« uo 1 1 10 I— 1 mo r-» CO O Oil 1 CO O 1 CO ci 00 — OS mo mo co CO 03 0 Tf - ■"■ ** 1 M CO 1 COO h 0 1 0 i-ooo — 05 0 I I 10 CI CM CO 0 CO r» 05 cm I> CO CO COOO CO CM CO 1 1 1^ 1 1 1 ■ ■I ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 I ■ ■ • • • 1 O MO >o lllll I I I I I I I ■ I I 1 iiiiiiiiiiii • tii co o o lOCO CO SO CO CO cm 00 co r- co CM OtN CiN co co >o ij-oicicc o r>. 01 co cm Tl- CI ci wo CI O r^o*Ocococor>. O mo CO ■+ 03 MO CM 03 OiCC +co CO 1(0 i"^ cm O CI CO MO if 00 CO I CM CM Hcl co co cT mo mo r» mo *o CM CO CO l> ~_ 0^ CO ^ r-*M CM CO CO rj- CI h CO MO MO « r> 0 «3 i> « MO CO O COt-iCOlQCMOTt- t> «3 CO n CO CM " « rl — MO ~CO CM CM CO I y ■ — in Op CO c 2 3 CO o c ZP C3 >> CD ta u 0) Pi « CJ — cu -a £ .£ 3 1 O 1 C ct] c CU • CO -5 _d 0 0 a s u CO ^0 'co 0) CO CO 3 9 3 I IIIIIIIIIIII CO 3 E ol „ ? S 8 3 CU CJO O CU D 2 S N J? CO 83 CO •- o .~ O CO £ .t: cu cu o ' o « s c 3 ST a 3 3 tJD^f 3 g £ rt — ^ HCUiC SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM CO I CO CO l> t>> Ci ~ CO i- l>00 I Ci O N o« a ~ -i »o >Ocd ci oo vf;co eo nio ci > O *o CO osco oo O QC OjCO o> 00^ OC^ CO ^ CO CO c> , CI * I> k-OCO >0 cTcT o >.o i-o r» ^ oT cf "=r t-« ci fa. 3 .2 5 CO ' — CO CO CO ~ o ~ fan SB" go I ' ' 1 1 1 g»g ^ >> r: «s t>_co_Vi ^ •> O « 3 C O £ o S 5 5 c! 3 7. T «— fs hri O -a: ■- -o C " to o> ^ r- r-< 01 ^. ^ T i" OO CI t» t^.OO tv;^ ci CI CI 1 h n CO rJ-CO o 00 1 CO 1^ 1 oo 1 CI CO 00 Cl — — i>ei eo | o k/0 O o lO o o ISO ~* I I— < »-0 coco co t-» t^co O CO Oj iO oo 1-1 00 CO Cl o" Cl «0 co" d CO CO — co <•-*> i> o o io coco u CC H 0 CO Cl Cl i-i CO COM rl « Cl H Cl Cl — f-1 Cl ~< " — CO Cl CO « CM OS I ■ • w OS S O eS ' 1 .Si « « pc! Ufa. a- P- 3 , ,w O O OX) o IU 13 • if S B S O H t^jo &■ s 5 -r CU — ; faicc^o WU^^ mwOS '5 t- CS C/) 3 u (X, 3 Pi -a CD — 00 ^ E c Ol G "y g S g o cj2 «"o w ^ < ■< w a oi x 30 y *- J* C — 1 o £fa y y KNTEREl) OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 3i OO ClOlOM H I I> CI O O CI tt) (O O «i I CO iCOO U510O) -4-CO In W C) O o o co 05 >o csco h f» h r» « + n CI I (D V5 <0 T. t» Ci -• ~ r^oo I I N O ■+ In co c« ci ci I ~ In ci « Ci O) In CI O t^CO O cooo t-<0 C) i-) ti o 00 « + ci to 00 co co co *o inco co IO CI »OCO il 11 rl p- t> 00 co Ci -1 00 o CO r* CO >0 n O In CO In CM VO * — i>aci cocoo Vj CI CI CI tJ-co CO «0 CO I I I I I I I I • I I I I III I I I I I I ■ •III III • ■III I I ■ I HOI o **« ■ I I I I • I ■ • CI ■ I I I I I I I ■ I • • • I • • I I I • ■ rJrf rM H<* i-Hi nH H H , 'W <** r Tj- COCO O COCO CO ViCO CO CO O CO CO In CO i-i rf-COi-l CI CI CO CO Tt* CI CO i n ci co ' H«eOHlr-tt^lHlO|rHlC+HCI^Hrt C3it-lNTh« - CI ci - t M >C CO 1-1 ci ci" of HC» H^i-f^ HCIP*(I r** Ci CO In CO O CO 00 •* 'O O ~ r- - ->0 CI-iCO-CICOCOCI S cu £ £ 2 s £c/:£ps£QQ33 CO 3 .22.3 § "f i'l CD — co i 2 s C/5 3- PS Oi 2 > co r <« 3 c -c _ co .2 — — 13 CO SnJ.h co ai a 3 £ CO co a CD CO ^ 3 f w ^ 3 a* PS cc Q 33 ps c ■ CO £z a o co CU'3i CO CO on e — I I • I 43. 3.3 CO CO i^ S = Z PS Q Oh *• In CI r(- • CI tN 1 1 O In Oi IN, 1 IN CO -* CO Cl OiCO CO Wi CO CO _ co CO CO 1 1 00 CO 00 00 O «J In CO 0 0 CO CO Ci CI os Ci 0 «o •4- In O CO 00 V5 CI In CO co CI CI Ui CI «5 1 1 I 1 • 1 1 1 1 • ■ I 1 1 1 1 1 1 p • • ■ ■ • 1 • 1 1 1 • 1 • ■ • 1 1 1 Hta Hd 1 Rkf CO Mi HO ' - *o 00 CO 1 CO ' Ci CO • • Ol 00 CO O O) «i O us Ci CO CI •O «Hi «Hi «** •-»•«» mhi H«i Hil r«i ecu «Hi «rt H« etM hcs CI In Cl O — In O CI O n^ 00 00 IOCS — COCO "0 oo o ci ^ co inco 'ci-cicoko o »o — «i co n in Ci CO^ o coed" OS *o ~ ci 06* co* CI Ci Oi CD O CI Ci 00 In iq ci ci 00 O CI'*- In CO CI CO >--S CO CI — CI CD O § s 3 "So CQ es bD 3 O CO cu C0 co ci >> c 5 CJ 5 o Ic a CO cu CO 525 a> H 3 nS c CO cu 3 H •a c CO 01 0) a cu SB Ed < co u cc CO -c -a ' o e PS J2 • E f ' '-m CJ C ^ c CJ 0> cj oS •r CU tc: co ^ < cj oo 520. 32 SHIPS LADEN WITH COAL8, CINDERS AND CULM o co CO 0 I ,_ I CM C« CO 00 « W n h W ^ 2 H tN ° ^ WC * ONrtNciV)O)MMfl0O i^rtr^OHOMM^-M^n coo >-o cm co oo n hco mn CO CD «OCC CO t^CO CO Tj- ■<*- IO00 r, ClCO ■chON rj- CO CO 5j CM t> CO CO « CO C© CM r, Ci CI I I I I I t I I I I I • I I I I • • I I ■ ■ I > • ! I I II I I I I I I I i i • ■ i i • i i i i i ii i i ■ i , , , a , c« i i i I i ■ ■ ■ i i a i ii i i ■ i i i i i i s 3 co^r^oococoao-.r^Cieioo go — OlO Oinnct r.* ooo;icocon»HO>oci - oco co — co co r^co o cn coeacq^c^o^coco^coi-icxt^coeo i-tcioin^rinci ri CO CO CO CO COi-T p»*h" to - c - 3 « a a . fl ...... . .2 = °o „ Mex 2 ^ e _ •5 S? " .2 "E _io C8 CJ — "5 c s ?, <° s s j £ « Z Q c/3 S Z K K « < Q ■>*■ e 5 u g E g MS ff , ■-''- |l -Oloco•-l-" ^, 3 3 O Q B o f-. oo CO ex I CO in o ' co CO CO CO CO o r^co cs — P« M x CO W 05 CO o CM lO o >o rH O H|0» MM" r ifl «: v) « o .© Ci CI X d h ~ ~ ~ ccW> i-** mf* He» ^t-oo co o>^« o — »0 CO 30 00 CO I - eT co" cT CO >o o CO CO - *o "4- co co" CO CO «3 O — en CO I CO" u at £ — ■fa E co ^ o rj- i-i co ■+ *n CO Cl i-i t(- o CM co CO - C5 i ^ ""I *^ "C3 C O co « 1 >-. >> CJ O CC CO C S Ceo o PJ < u co jj ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 33 «5 — 1^ 00 t^OO Cl - h O O V) "I coco in co cm >.-> cm CO OlT")^ I^-OO iflNt^H CO — Ol f> lO O) Tj-CO CM CM ~ V5 IN I I I I I I I I I • I lllllllll'lll ntO O CO 'O O CM — CM r— o o O 00 CO CO co «o — oo cm n n coco oo mco Criro-Cl't-^ico-ai « O t>« Cl CI 00 O I^CO ^ 05 ii r^- CM I ^ Ct CM* i-T CM o CO w c ai C « E < 6D ■ _ ' i h c « o c3 01 -o 'So »i £ 5 3 5 "1 CL> w « ,2 > -O co£Ofa2ffiOfaffiQQO to 9 — /. — cj •— c ^ c 'So o u o 7U 3 c 00 H CM ^ O O o <*■ N CO O CM UO CO -M Vj 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 -1- 1 CO CM i 1 ' o CO 00 CM >0 if) Oj CO ' O 1 co CO -+oo ~. O 00 co — 1 CO CM VjCO I CM r-» cm CO CI cm C4 l-t r-t ( 1 ■ ^- • CM co CM CO co -i >-0 ■<*- CM CO I >n 00 CO co <*■ »o CO CM - 1 O 1 o CO 00 a> cm o CM co «4- CO CM c< o» CM CO >o -■o >o «-o CO 00 CO IO ■ •II o o o CO CM o t.O t- CM coco o 0)tN«iO) co ro n * >o t-^o o CM -j — cooco— . nor*** CM CO CM io r- * — CO -• t^.CO CO CJ) rj- CM Oi CM CO rt CM „ O rM - O cm co co *n ,oo o co o cm 1 r>. cm oo* co t^'o" 00 CM C5 co CM O cm ~* n n - r~oo m co coco co C5 toco o — co . o t— o r^. CM'+lOCO — CM t^. O CO CM CTlCO -«_co -I CM O o CM V2 00 CO oo co CM rH CTJ rJ-CO O - „ CO 1 't ■* lO " " CO-" t-i - OOCO CM CO CM — 1 1 - CO CO 1 1 00 CO CM 00 i- co *-o 1 ■ 1 CM 1 I I I < I • I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I • 111 I u I C3 0) 4i cj cs c n "*> I I I I Ca wJZ III as QJ DEI Ql 4J I » i !> S « i i "m ^ C M 1 cs 3 c cj « ai — te t « 6C2 i- ■- cs -2 ~ O C— t- O «S CL, CV2 c CS u a) ^ c C5 6XJ 3 > E CQ _ u - - ^- 3 2 = joii2ii3"2« -t^P3U H fat- ^ fa KMZafcSEOi « 2 i— i cx- 00 01 • ■ • « 5 >■. en cs ^ _ aj — o 09 0--2 = « = 3«§ S 3C S3 o a. •i 520. o 3 1 O e s 5 tr _>% ^ O 'o ino u o — ■A CO CO i — -3 = 3 * 34 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM U <* CO 'fr-CO n «5 MC1H 01 o cooo i oi» o ci n OjCO **• « hCO h CM tfi O I> o - CO mco o o - CO « cs in co Ol Cl >n I will PSCO I I i o o o ^t- co I I I I I I < I • ■ 6 ■ i i i i ■ i i ■ • CO I I I I II • I I I I I I II I ■ ■ I I I I I I ■ ■ III «H( «i. »n "J oo coco o ii -* ~ >n co « ~ et «-T >n ii co co in Ol i-» 0« CI -W e*#i-M t>» in ** Cl co CO CO CO in o o o o o iooo o o ci I • e* 1 co Cl ** in t-» o in n 1 00 0« tH ■ - l Ol 1 CO OlCO co CO e« r» O «3 in <+ in co 00 1 Ol - CO 00 Ol ^n CO ^ in t> i CO o CO q> CO >m CI CO — CO •& in I CO o cT • in co o n n CO co co <*■ CM Ol CM »n o r-» in co >n in O in o CO -1 co oo in in o CO CI CO in Ha ret* H-# H*f Ha «H* rev* r~ co o in Tj-co cm co o co in co ci - co co — r>. oico co t>. CO COCO CM r-» — Ol — CO !OClINhOI^Ot> Ol COCO V. CO * w o n — di CO " cd OO CD co b 0) •-s . 13 c O00 00 "5 ■* I id s n I n iqoo >o h •-'iii O o | oo c o go to •-• Tt- -I o 5 co - o — co oo »r. oi e« -<* - 1 >rj- nnoooo coo - In o to ^ If * h n H W W ii — CO — lO CO CO co CO ■ ■■III (■III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I ■ ■ < ■ I -J- CD O CO ci O 00 - - coco 00 r-» Cl -+00 - co •+ >o ci >o co c-cooo m> « - - -« a- *m co icco o CO Cl O Ct ^'O^ - [-^ o e» - - c-T rCco ~ co m o •o CO ofi 9 ' 'M SPo •pv e 3 3 'O b * «i .a: 3 J; ESagjS o cs 2 — M £ O cl, 2 o s tD J3.2 ^ y a i o C S 1 ^ *> '/) "lZ *"v £ C ^ ^osctiitSa a -£ .2 C a, « AC 2 3 3 t^OO CM CO 0* t^OO Cl Cl Cl r» COCO CO r» CO Cl O >• 1 1 t> 1 30 1 l • • t 0 1 COCO 1 *OCO ■ 1 • Cl r- CO ei 00 Cl lO 1 CO Cl — ^ «5 O 1 "O -+ l rt 1 1 1 d I 1 I <*■ 1 ^ o oo f co r- tH il t-| fH ( ( f Ci o co 0 Cl <*■ CO i>co oco 1 o n co r-l o> 1 o CA Cl 1 1 «5 00 +h hif) C» CO -3- d o l> — CI CO 1 1 1 1 o co t> | I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,,1 I III I II ■••■II I I I I I I + 0>0 O ' o o CO >0 d CO io o o ii — C* " 31 O) , + , i , i O'OOOOO HtO NOCO O) O O OIWO - 0!0)0)ifl CI «5h « CO^ CO ~ — ocf CO CO I I ■ „ CO in vooo co r-» O 'O C Cl Cl i-» oo ^- ci o_ OOOOOOOO O — 00 o o OO't - C3lO(M (NOO d — * d h ■ I I I I I I I W — .1 T»" Tj" l> H 9 H rt CO rj- "O — CO r- CI co coco co co irt | I I I III ■ ■ I I I I I ■ I I I I I ■ ■ • lilt I I I I ■ I I • I I III! CS ' E 1 o JZ — .E E-i '5 ClJ •« m 2Q c eJ = o I I _^ I t« * 3 M (A U 3 3 3 O U ^ es ^ Q a. «. c * E?! • ■ E sUih ^ -5 '„ c » " C3 o CJ C == = H - i o « I I—* I I 4^ co * CD fill 0 0 3 1- ' .a c i* "2 01 >, 3 i . . . CS U C3 2 » Cl c s * o « r; « « s o"5 2 o CS 41 bO j. cd -3 o 3 ~ ■« u o — H oi — u OS CJ C- CJ — - c <0 ^ C 3 '5 ~ C3 = C S C2 _ ip— X! '5 *S -i t- a ^ U. CQ o S 3 il 2 03 <5 520. o u 3 ca E 2 36 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDKRS AND CULM < I I I CI CO d O CO 0. a 25 C5 W OS o a 13 O s 8 O Tj- CO O O Oi n, w | 03 .S 3 3 — § 53 s 3 3 "S5 lO CI I> t~» | t) I + H « I CO 00 | ^ co n - h | I >o ^- ^- co I I t+ I I I cl ci O n Ci O M O) I N CO ^ CO Ci - •+ «0 W CO I I I N 1.1 I vo OCO CO CO CO CO Ci lO IT) e» 05 as o oo i-i COCO CO CO CO ii ■ i i ■ i > ■ lll| I I I I I • I • I I I •O0 ^- ") d o 5 ~ o> co c o e» «o <4- — t^co oo o d oo o -4- cs *o -4-co t^oo coco co t^-oo ^i- Oi ci oo co «4'0 t~ ci q + " tc «t Cir ^ ,, " c,c ; n co "" v 9 cot-. h >o «5 « oo oco io r» ~ — Ice H »M ifj h h r. ij- ^ « IO MGO -tonTtOHrtCIClTj- 00 -« C4 CO 30 00 O t» Ci CO ^ CO O CI CI CI ii OiJ-i-ii-i CO w 1—1 H — O o 03 _M *E 2 •| i c - 1- 55 5 "3 — c Q Q Pi 5 as = 3 OS J» a. S Ph CO c/j 05 c CJ CS >>Lh .2-7 cs o « 3d ~ 5^ ci — e- 03 . — i to !>» '? -a ' c 0) Oi o , B T3 CJ o s ° SO . a 03 S o .2 c 43 3 ? ® 2 O S--- 3 « « * tJD.i 03^2 03^. £ 1> .3 03O--O 3^ cs &. X £ £ x o hs-^2Hj5uSa tcyuzuzpsiuco o Q. C 03 O 6C .2 3 O . CO -a a OS o» u « C73 _ "S CS~ 03 B * 3 1 I 03 w Oh 1 03 .2 « p_( OJ ~ no c 2.2'^ an 1 of >> II JS ;/] X U o 25 < o CJ O) -3 a 3 Q o ac 03 3 ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 37 I I I I I I T OS II ■■ ■ • ■■ li ■■ I II OS CM 00 O -i CC I I I II CO -t- CS CO0O -t tl CI «5 01+ CI «5 « 1.1 o o n *H CI OO « ri CI CO CI CI • II II I I I I I I I I I I • I I I II II I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I o o CS o l-O no O r~ •+• rH CO *i — n - r- CM OS'O C< i-i 60 t -O 03 S '5 cu c cu 3 CI rH c .2 ~ 01 c -d « .2 ,C 03 .2 "8 C 2 03 g Qo, d « i "I •s js j- S S 4> 3 CU o5 2 CO f) — CO ITS OS'O 00 00 Ol CM -h lO -H CI CMrH — PHCO-Hk-OCO-HCOrHFH 60 In 3 .O s cu 03 _03 c -M 1 — 03 09 oj O 3 re :u gzo;-,p co a> 60 £ W 3 03 c C — ~ 03 3. 03 2 So I 03 I _ O -S 1 3 a o cu QJ 1) o » .IB 1-2-3 _r- ^ J-» 05 o <" > a CO e t« <« .3" cu c3 cu '33 "3 ^ 3 ^ cj; " « cu *> « -= S u o 3 5 o cu 60 rO C !- o _ S JS &" p £ 60 pt 3 0 .2 » 03 23 ^ > cu S _cs a * 03 i> _00 c cu 03 CU — — ~ 3 "o3 cu g w —) X) 3 o £ cu 60 a 03 520. o c cu CJ o -3 CU ►J 8 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM 3 3 SO I i>cc co cm - o - d n + -rj-co o C5 rj- CT> rl- - r^-O o rt - CM rt rt CO I «5 I 00 Cl CI CO s 1111*111 I I I I • t I a: I I I 4 I I I I ■ ■till! ICOO lO CM CO O «*• cooo — Tj-Oiooo cm - I>CD rt Hj- CO ^ CO - O U"J CO rt j=.i bp ^ § « £ J £ c £ « c * ° « 2 « 2 CO rt ir)H CM CO 3 *i S3 CL> ^ co cj c *■> oJ 3 ED "4- -4- V oo V 3 5 w o- Q 3 ^3 1 1 1 rt co 1 1 1 CM vooo Oi 1 CO 1 IO O "O 1 I co CO cm 1 , 1 ' 1 1 , !> Cl Tt-OO CO CO W5 "O 1 i> o oo i a> u < 00 O 1 14 r-» ci 1 1 t- rtCOrtt^oscoi woe* *>» CO 00 CO cortcicoo-^j- ci + ■ II -< CM rt OQ P4 ■ 1 1 1 1 • I • l 1 1 • i i 1 1 1 i 1 ■ 1 ■ ■ 1 1 1 I I a t— t a Cul CO 1 1 1 • III i • 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 ■ • l 1 1 1 1 I 1 • 1 a CO 1 1 1 1 • III l 1 1 1 ■ i i 1 I 1 • ■ 1 ■ 1 l 1 1 I • • - CM COO o OS o + ci Oi Irt rt CTiCO O . 1 n • • •* . cm h rs n CO o o CM CM CM o r^co Q e * CO * CI za -< CI 14 co coco *o OOrtCCCOOdCOCMit- co «o * 1 1 CM CO ci ^t- r~ 14 .a .S* « -a rt ^J- -4 14 CM CO i4 CM CM d rt rt Ci COrtCMrtCMCOrtrtrt rt co co r*» 5 co £<3 T3 a be en . I bJ0 l I ,0 l. O S £• « .2 M 2 1 ^ "g Oj be c ca bxj-4 c ts cu x N — -V ~ •- S 3 "3 S3 O -3 a es -3 3 H4 S o "o ' O S c "-3 -5 - CO -3 JS. 3 es •- < w -J 01 CO I i i ath 1 o n • .3 St o be 3 i 9) aT Glas 1 a> c ros .ros -3 c c 4— '53 i-J Irvi Mo o »rt «4 For ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 39 I 00 00 to cm o o o CO 2 is PS « a> CO T3 cu CO CD ■<*• CO Ol CS 00 O O « tl « I I I I I 00 tJ- t> cm I I 00 CM cm I O CO I I -h 00 rj- •- CM I I I I I 00 00 X 00 01 co cd cm o co CD cm — co ■ • ii i i i i i i i ■ i ii ii i i i i i i ii iii • ■ • ii ■ i i i i i • i ii i ■ i i i UOO iflOO OW CO * >0 M (S -t QIC* CM CO CO" O COM CO CO CO ncoo o r~ c» tj-'o cd cm cdco o do r» ^ o co c»io n wj o a cdoo — o -+'ti^iNn^c^'t'tcin 1 co r-< — oo ->i-co co CD o< o co cd COO i-l r-c CM >0 CO r-i-i'cNiO r" CM CO « H 81 rH CO rt C< H Ifl (O H -HIM co Ol'- , '-CSCNCM«-"CO'""<> c"3 oj C i o = ctf 01 .— o — m a < 23 CU T3 O o . . a >» 3 C O .3 5 CO 1 CU c 3 CCS a a i c & _ o >» . cci be 23 C ~ "3 3 ; 37;^ D « si « a. >-.3 a. c as > J2 o - feDO t3oqa Za co t, co H > ° o " 3 ~ CJ -3 C CO 2 a -3 — — « 1 11 2. 01 a — cu 03 520. o 3 -3 3 9 co c. o -3 c 9 -5 s 4 40 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AXD CULM < I I cs rj- CO CO I I I CO "t co co I I I I I oo i i i co - co Ci cs co 1" CS co a 55 O w PS o ■ i ■ ■ 00 00 iO ■4- CO co • i i i i • ■ i i i o o o - CO C5 « CO CS CI IS co a cs _o "C cu s < c o c CS X "3 CU CO OS bp 3 3 CO a S = 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 to O CO I CO CO CS CM 00 * 1 CS CO - • 1 1 cs | I o w . i— « 1 si Oj rt CN tJ- - 1 OS CS 00 r- O CO co f-» CS OOI + no ii -I cs CI cs CO i »o in r-* o cs CO O ThCO P? d o - CO cs cs coco .-Or-o^r^ot^ OS "O O cs CO CO t>00 l> t-4i> hH5» CO CO CO 'O co t- co~ O o o o O -i CS CO O CS O 0-.cs CO cs CO O O «o IO .tr Be? 3 CO rH CO CS O M CS lO V5C1H H a. W CS H 55 P O o cu ofcgt; a. cu q o c S3 a • 0! bo cs 2 . 3: '3 3*3 cs a CD J3' 3 5 c a- .« ± « "a _ 3 01 CS > u '72 CU 35 u CS S 3 C ^ 3 > CD F cu-: ^ g CS -i4 cs cs : '55 ! .5 °V3 CS M>- PiZOtXh cu : -j « s.s £ 3 « 2 D < &< fa •5 S * 3 co 3 3 CU a 8 s 55 ^~ 01 I I I I CO rt- i-» Tj- n CO CO I I I O c d I> CO n CO co o fcC_3 4? = .22 "EC O S3 O PU Q 2 3 u ft. gs c7> c 3 bJD C3 Q = -5 60 « ■St3 S.22 3 3 .2 O > * ~ 0 to y — C •-> « e« « 3 — — 1000 coco co " <~ wo ci n I-* — wo cm 1 i 1 1 i l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO 1 1 1 co 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 CO , wo ■+CO 00 CO 0 0 co CO O O , Cl CI 00 , , 1 co loo, , WO CI n < OO 01 wo FH CO co 0 CO CO CO 1 ■* OO CO ti CT. COO co CO CO COCO CO CO CI «o CI n CI CO 1 O CO h WO tl • 11 1 « ri ■ 1 • 1 1 I • 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 ■ 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 O 1 ■ 1 • I 1 > 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 ■ I 1 1 1 I 1 • • 1 • ■ • 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 ■ • ■ 1 1 1 • III! • «• ' wo CI O 0 1 CO ci WO «*" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 • 1 • III! 1 ■ .-*» • Hc 0 00 ■>*- 0 wo ci wo O CO 0 co wo CO r- co wo 0 0 r-» - 00 r* O ri co O. CO 0 0 co CO co co 05 "+CO o> co O00 CO ci " coco wo OO CI wo CO 1 - ft wo CI wo n 0 CO -1 T 1 , 00^ t^. WO , »— 1 CI — ■ I Oj WO -1 >ooo co n e« ci n — WO 11 co r— CI 1 1 0 00 - « co •1 CI • CI 1 1 s V . . . .S c . - o : o 1 1 u CO B re C -A a 8 -22 c c 1- I— I ri S> SO. *-3 c -a S-1 aCJ ' a, - 3 a ™ 3 «— 1— — •— ai M OhZtfr g < ca fa D « ^ CU O M « fci -3 s 3 a. T3 C J5 o c o 0) w as 5 S* « ' ■ ■ ^ t8 QJ c« _ •Sots 3 S 0 W fcX) u 3 CS Ji 5 ? ^ruiO Uic«o GiZX ccJHui cicoZCa, s s: o > S) S o « a C c 3 4 eg o KMX 520. -3 0) -3 0) a. -3 o o 60 3 O O ^3 « p s ri o JO J 3 42 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM ">j I I I I I I I I I ; coco co o m 01 co o o CO lO r- co CO CI CO CO I I I i^CO o — oi I co co I a 03 cu 33 03 o w Pi o fa I ■ I I I I I I I e5 I I I • I I ■ I t I • I • I I I I I o co I I I I I I I I • I I ■ I I I I I 111! I I I I I -Id •itD OtD O O iO ^CO O t>. ulif) ^ C " a coco rn en t(-oo -+oo o ^ eo oi ci r>» eo .OfJIflHCOrtrlriTrCfH CO tJ- CO CO r^co o eo - CO CO o S -B B S £ » : » » C ^ e « c £j3oj3io33S3S b OS Q oS co Q < oS oS a To 2 cs .2 w if 55 » o5 3 5. = 3 £ H CD Oh JO 3 5 Oh c 03 &, CO o 03 01 55 ci o i 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 i CO 1 1 1 t I 1 i co I I 1 I 1 c o CO O r» CO CO o FH CO •4-CO tJ-ciCO 1 COd-^-OC vo §1 1 1 " EO «4 o CD s» o ci CO CO Ol r-> 1 CO O >fl -4- O » co t^cc Ol O ■+ t^co co o co co CO CI 73 W hH CS H & o o 01 H3 B OS OS 3 c B OS t. Ctf 00 O c. 3 &4 C/J H OS C oi c o u B OS . CJ u CJ 01 13 ■a CJ E- «°° ai ">i a. c o OS X f C5.S « O E s- u J) « « ^ 03 > r oT 08 U « § S CJ OS ' CO -3 03 2 ■ -3 E 03 (D O ' ' Oh E 01 -E ^ 2i 02 « S «3 Cii 3 3301CoNjra.is3«J? OH ^yZO3§0 hS k OS O t. Oh < co c« H 0. Z .£ .5 to 3 ' C3 03 01 OJD CO cj • — I I ._ CJ 2 ^ ft s 03 ^ « - E 3 13 CU 03 = 03 « ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. i I I I I oin I o — CO > I I I CO lOCO co I I OJ Ci O ■o to ci •fl- CI CI ee I I I CVO RIOm h«9 *g 1 -t- *r CO -J — t- O cm ci iO o co ovo CO 1 -co CO - 01 00 ^" VJ 95 CM »« I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I cm cm O O CO irj ~ ci i- He* o 00 CI O * o co r— < CI CO CO 1 >• II o o CO o uo o co io00 35 co coco ctj -j- — go coco co co o} o o — cocjcocoio-<*-*-co - ^1 -4— -i-i ccH" -«l -*M CO if) K « i- O 1^ COCO f»CO l^-CO o — 3 £ 3 3 <5 Ph OJ H cu CM c 54 - U 3 'C .5 . CM CO 1 CO ■ till 1 1 1 • 1 III 1 ■ i i 1 1 I 1 - CM r- • ■ III 1 1 1 ■ 1 III 1 1 ■ ■ i I 1 I 1 1 • 1*11 1 1 9 ■ I 1 1 1 1 • i i 1 I i i CO CO CI CO CO i ■ III I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 a i l 1 ■ • • MS) -KM HCI I 1 1 HOI • i -*» »JO t^CO >o O CO CO o o O O o o r^ oo >-o o »o CM CO Ci CO OJ t(- CI Tj" CO O) , o o O CO CO ^ CM (.-><© CM CO |H 00 co oo »o o> ' CO CO Ol CO C75 -4- cm iO CM ' CO CO^ • i to cT cT t> CI to" ■+ • i • ■ i CM CO M h Oi CM CM CM >0 r>. «0 -« —i d -t 1- d H CO -h CO CO co CO - co CM cu H 3 < o „ -9 « « 2 IS 3 S » -s O- es «s !U J 9 IS o 13 O to 3 3 cu cs ^ HI O I 53 I I ■ JB ' 1 CO OJ — "9 N ^3 IS * '1 2 H W <3 c« -o O o OcyDDgfr-O a CSU=u c« g . . . . ~ c i" a o t/3 O >-j c« < CJ o 3 13 CS cs lr-1 CS E 3 g'i IS y * XI 520. F 2 44 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM 3 £• ° O TgiO ^ CM I h o no O h.'+iO 00 Cl «00 >flcOO Ifl I Co I OiO N I CI CM r- CO - t^t^t-Tj-^ I o • CM t^-< I> »0 CM CO CO — CO -+00 O I (OdrKONxtOOCtOOxiOStNt^NHMinHrSNnai .in - O Ooo - ffiOHic* is — >oeoioeMeoooo.-icaooo coco C/o - r^oo cm >o C> vo cm — %rtCO CM 00 CO CO VJ rl- CO r^O) 1^05 COCOCOCOCOOiOCM>r51>eMC5-iO 8 O h O 1 m CO »0 CO Tf- CM CO i-i CO COOO CO CM CM _ rt H « S « " ™ • • • • 1 I ■ ■ • • • • I ■ • I I I I I I 1 I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I II •• I > • ■ • I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ! I 05 -iie» cc«< So rewi km eo ^ cm o - o t^oo oi *o r- !"•» CM lO CM I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I a »* eo om*o t>. ot^ co* co io i-T cT «r CO U3 ~ eo rtBiHtSHciHi'* mhi:c«. h« co oo co in t>» o -« cm co -+OCO coco »o io rj- irsoo »o o co r^- CM CM CM CO CO Ol O) COOO rj-CO OOOiClt^nH.N'tHMir.ri c^ h dec t> ^ io cm — c *oco to co — oo co >- cc~ >o cT ~~ « ,T « bo bfl l 3 e l ■5.2 fco c 5 to 3 — 2 22 = £ o £ Sl5 .8 b 3 ^ J? & — CU S .3 es cu > - es 3 CJJ£ 2 3 u 'So c c qj es cu cu O 3 S 0>-« —CO im CO CM t>COrJ-« „ CM — mi 't CO t>. Ml — o £ © C» 1- fcXJ = he = 'to CU s co — co 3 J3 CU "3 c ~ js .2 5 -2 § ea 3 ? r^* co 1^ 1 i> CO O50O OS co C3 I eo CO Tt- "~ o - •>+ 00 o CO CO lO CO OJ »o CO zti ** r>. CO cooc CO Tf" - Cl eo o~ CJ CO EO X co a CO ~ e^ CO 00 00 02 to o CO CO CD CO 1^ oo a^ 5 Z<2 . OO CO Ml* CO ■<*■ co Ci He» «H< o> co t)- CM co Ml** MW» CO O) CM rf 00 co'cb" o 00 -4- C3 COOO co o « CI co id CT> co W — OS o I'll es CJ -a o> it es 55 s c cu Q 3 S u CU bo 3 3 CU -3 a & o H-3 S g C = 60 C3 O "jj cu o 3 es Si hi as 3 •w Ml o Oh es a. C/2 CO x CU 2 ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH VEAR, FROM 1840. 45 I t>o I O) ci ci r« r^oo ct h. ^ * i co o ^t>.« I CO CO | 00 00 CO CO CO tNC0(O P5 CO I Cl HO <0 •ei d ■+ot>n o ") ct h h ci 1 1 o — a »o 1 u] | I - to 00 1 **■ co r-» | to »H COOO CO 1-1 — It Cft 5 to 5 o CI o. c Ol CO "ft* 00 1 O d O 1 CO a o CI •o CS 1 w 00 Cl >o Ti- CO CO co o — r>. CO *T 0> co ■ 1 Cl • t ft 1 1 1 ft ft 1 1 ■ • co o Ol CO co oi O 00 CO co «1 Cl co cD CO ■4- O co 00 CO 0 o 01 I-- " «>• co" Ol o O "4- Cft CO - o Cft o a c o a a 'a "3 u C3 C/3 >» C CS o tn 3 H CD H "3 a, C3 Ph co c 3 CS Is c CS a C « . CJ >■> 1> U d C3 -a bo U3 520. F 3 4 6 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDER? AND CULM < I> | | CM O I I H | . C O *N •+ | K)0 * ^ rH ft r-i ^ fH .CO 03"" »0 0> CO C) CO f» CM 'COO »0 CO CO CM V5 f^00 -tlN I O "O I — CO kO CO CO t}-CC CO CO CM CO m CO CT.CO CO CM l>. COCO IOCO iO h O h - ■«*■ CM CM r-i CM I CO I I I I I I I I • I I I • I I I I I co PL, i i i ■ l i i i * ■ • l • ■ i l i I ■ i i i i co 0 ■ ■■•till! s ■ i i i ■ • • ■ i i i i i i i i i i i i ■ i i i i i i o *o cm to S Ci " - CT><0 o _C CO CO CM 1^0)0 t^CO ri pi »c H-*«Mi -*» ""H 1 «H< — ie>r-oe) -»m «h< dec o cncor^'j-cM io cm oco c CO Oi (O CO ir ci C) + I " CO CM CO CO ICCO ■<*■ _ CO co O CM CO lO CO O O 00 CO .1 •- cn CJ =5 S 5 = 3 O) S = E O rl - £ C 3 O es z. zcdh CD a) « C b£ 3 bl) cS v 3 g'g S g S £b« I & '-3 '« CJ s •<*■ CO lH CM CO r-i H H CM — «*• CM CM i* rH lf> CM CO IO «5 "* 1 • <+ in co 00 1 CM 1 «3 rl O CO 1 1 M T— 1 I-* CO CO 'O 0> CO CM CO Oi CM CO rl CO CM CO GO Ph a GO a 60 e5 »-o 00 CO CO - t» IP 2 co s 6 r4 C3 CM '5b <3 KH» ■+# H« nk* pf* -+M t^oo 05 — rt- cm — -mo co ** rj- co co « p-i O 3}oo CM >0 COOO lO CO ii 00 Ol fh" (O •<£ ~CG « Hie» raNi CM >o CO CM CO CM CO CD o CM CO <-«M VO 00 CO CM CM 00 cT co cm" CM tHCOCM^-CMCM — lO n * in co CO 05 es — o co i • i , -a -a "3 u a « 3 o r O : » oj c c^ .= J « O ^ O CJ - - 11 * S SJ™ 5 c C3 o 3 O ^2 to a» .2 HH J2 0) . as u *r i" c — X S — .2 .2 ~ 03 C3 4_ i — u « m o -3 c/3 3 5 0) O S cu -3 3 es 23 2 o - F u n ~ S =3 '3 3 :3 u a £5 w o - W o ■53 55 co t CO a> o c o ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAU, FROM 1840. 47 I I I I l I I I I I eo to co -4- r^- •<*- co ci rt- l I I I c «o CO I I coo - -D o Tj- >o ■+» era - co OS C>oo n oo r^'o to •+ -t -t o d « n o) - o> >o to o >o « n ci r< CO CO Ci ci m C5 • ill' i i i t i i i i i i i i i i ■ i i i ■ ■ i illlllillllfl i i ■ i i I i i i i i i ■ i OJ 00 o •O CO o ) I I • I VJ OO'OOOOiCViO »o ooocoico»oc<-"-o 1- CO o oo -* o oo r^-co tJ- ci co loioocio co co o i^oo cjco iflci m ioog C50 ■+ ci — r^r-»oico O " hoo h ei 3 n "l ic oo c< >0 — ~ •? oT c~ C4 u B - = = •S f C! " E » § 2 3 Prussian - Portuguese Danish Hamburg - French American - Russian French Hanoverian Swedish Norway Prussian Norwegian Swedish CO ■+ d — i< co - C5 — - — » £ C3 s - • ■ c • 1 5 g J J § 'I .g "! gj J ^ *~ i\ m H ri ~ *3 3 JOoo 0 00 'O CI CJ 3 1 ' ' 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 co I CO 1 III! 00 ■ co 1 1 ' i CO CO 1 CO o 1 1 1 CI - 1 cm ci oo O 1 W5 CO us CO iO CO I I ■ 1 1 1 rt Ci CO o o - o |H O lO COCO oo »o CO o CO o l-t Ci Tt" CI CD o •o r-»co r» CO oo 00 Ci CO Ci - CO CO CO CO o OOOiOdOCO oo Ci co — k)om « o r> no *-0 CO rt(D W)C t^CO t» r-i O Ci >o O (M Ci cooo CO *0 Ci co co o CO eo CO % • • ' ;? CO >o co d> ~ MO * oo oo Ci o Tj- CI CO CI co" CO Ci O H H CI(D CI n r« i-i CO d t- — r-i ci ro to ~ CO Ci t>» ~ CI * „ ^ _ 2 5 C3 ■ I ■ ai 4) T3 C 0) M 03 .2 tan 3 - 0 PL, &h CIS ra W3 ^- c 0X3—. "3 U N +-» O t- C- O 0) cj o "-5 3 Oh g CJ CJ — C3 „ >, C3 O OX) « re "3 C S c CJ s o C3 S CJ 6X3 u 3 c i", 3 tfl Q r J C3 CO to — 3 3 cs O a,-r> 3 « O CJ S £ c o B o y. c o CJ o 7. r 4 4 8 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM < «5 O toco coco o o I — o Ci ~ 00 •* CO co co co r>» tJ- tooo 01 cm oo — CO Cl CO cm O ■+ ■+ O >4- «i h» W — cm co CI - M CO CI M CO * lO - CM .i CM cm co a DQ O « O e5 O oo 00 Tt- CO r- CO oo CO H5»-ll!MH0»^I0»«Hl r-W HHt HI** Hrf ifl COO O +iOCiO)OCO CM I^CO -> CM 00 00 ■<*• CO00 Ol CM d Cl CO CO O co O cm « — Ol CO t CM CO CM CO to .5" IS CO o a a> — fan Q -a c _« "3 — S 3 3 C CS a> — > /, - '5 i O s ,5 u .5 o r. C3 _s 52 3 CM to cm » a " r>» — 00 c o n + CO lO CM to CM rt- to o 00 ^ CM l-H ri- 1 < O CO »0 to t>. CM OCO b CM t-1 1 <4 CO co co ^- c* oo o lO CM r- CO CM .- CO CM CO tO 00 tO - CO — ' 1 oT o 3 o Ol CM = 3 Ol NO00 N lO CO tJ- CO CM CO CO CM coco CO to CO " to 00 Ol to — t>co o CM I I II a lO CM r^oo co 00 o o CO CM <* toco oi t^oo o> t>. c g O CO O.00 <0 00 C3 O O00 CO'-O^ ■>*- CM c^ o E"i lO CM c" cooo co to •^■co to 'o co 00 CM CO O O CV cT tO 00 Ol CM CO*" 00 tO -4- Ol Tt"CO B OCO NCI ci O Tj- co 1^ CM CO O CM CO — •3- — CO co r^rj->o cot>o cocoTj-iot^c oio oioo CO O CO tOtO CMCOf-tMt^tOOO cm -T to to PS H o ci h to cm — CO to O CO In m CS CO - d (-4 CM - -4- h ti hio n rm CO ~ H H CO fl CO co Ci c o u c u 01 O « eS o> " 3.3 rt a) Tn o . " —r n C ° 3 O B CO C bD I ' ' ' * ' u ^-2 c 0) I I • .= c •EM 3 J ^ Pi 03 IZi « 2 Oh EC O X •-5-e cs ca CO to CJ >> 0) bn CO « I , o c co O r- *j cu i i o GS , 3 5 1 m ' 5 o i • i 1 s^^^^.i 3 2.2 5 « > « «j « § S 5 ff ■§ ■a a CO = £30 w CJ S5 < W -J CJ -53 -f '.0 u o -3 C _« o> -a c 3 ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 49 iii i i i i i CI I I tool I n x) o o ti(D c o In lOO C CO n H CO CO I I I I I I I I I I 00 CO I 00 co CM ir> in. > ooo co "fl rt In CI + M CI I I I I I I I I I I I I I Q in.oo co ■+ | oco tj-oo I o I I e ■tnoa ci'trN'M o lon'-i co 5 rt- -i o c< r-N >oco "o in >■ o o f »o O Oi CO • * — ' CO o oo io ■ I I I I I I I I I I I I I o o O CM CO Oi I • I < I I I ■ I I I •-tM CO I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ I I ■ I ■ ■ I I I I ■ • oo O O O »OCO o vo co co >o O OtO CI CI (NCI "i M CO rt rt CI n IO '.ICO CO "O ii IN CM ■rj- — CM -t CjCi O >C -J- ci in. o ifl o o OO Ci'O CO + In CI O 'O K ") CO co — o ci in ir;co ior>n oi -DO Oi • > I o .2 .2 C S5 <« CD « 2? «- a. 3 fa -.a .a « cu 3 Qcnfaiz; n h OH C CS U *n cu E «3 c CS Q bo B S 3 "*3 »3 s-a a-a 8 s «2 c3 •5 ° rt h — > » n IOCO CI CI « CO bo I I | I I f- fl l I | _q .2 £P « E° pStflZQUi^SIOIOQ cj c cu — •< Ci o N- " OO Ci tJ- In CM CO Ci o n CO III In | o 1 1 1 CO H CI CI n" <* 1 T— < 1 • rt • Oi »o o o Ci In CO CO CO c. i CM In w CM CM CO r-l CO »o 1 1 i i 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ■ i 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I CM Tj- I T}-CO CO COO O Old COCO CI O CI In I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I fl I I I I fl I III I I I III III! Ill III! I I I I I I I I I co oo '•O CO I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I III O In In CO CO In co^ q> n CO n I II III «hl r<*t O O0"+O'0-"00 0^"CM In. OO Ct O CI CO O CO CI CO CD >0 O O Oi InCO rn rj- CO CO CO COCOOO'^'M 05 01+ O) l CI In " » M n In CO I I n I I | COCO CI O CI IOCO 00 CO CO »0 rl" CO -£ in Oico Ci Ci 00 CI Ci N- co o II 1 i-i CM CO ii rH fi i-i 1 n co Ci a ■ ii ii ii rt « + i >o « CI CO CI U> CI Ci CC CM In Cl "* - 1 I I CM ii l • i Ifi CI 1 ■ 1 CO cu o 1= CS fa c« -3 bo C s 3 is co PuS 2 T5 £3 CS cu • ■— cu S u > C o « c CO CS — s m u o _CS Pi ■3 cs t*. o- - 1 12.2 s ■ « "n3 ^ CS o C5 rj CS — IB I I > n3 c o S 5; bC CU cS to "" 3 cu cs bo — 3 J3 « cj « = c ^ " "3 e cs cu cs W5 CU bl cs B a cu C eS « 60 > "5 eg cs S "3 5 0 3 y cs ■- u 3 SCC O O 2 CO 3 o S . 03 < 01 c o cn O I* i_ o - 520. G 50 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM < Mi 2 I I CO I I I I CO CO co o w pi o h S CM o CO CO o CO 3 hO 3 *a 3 c 3 Cm 3 to 3 O P- "53 I I I • j coco co ^ Tj- CO II III <*CO I IH I 00 - *0 O CM CO ^J" B H 53 I -111 I 'tCO I I e» co co o co I I I o O a C) C} 10 O CO CMT|-0CO — CM(O — OOOCOCMCMOC5 CO O cm 00 CO rt Old O "1 h 30 to of -T ONN'ttOHNHH(OC<5rtCl(Set CM f-i i-i r-t S 3 CO W K H O O CD H CD H CO *>> C CS a, S o o « . »?* n C r\ co as 3 a cs CD CS CS >>r~ CJ bD § S § § g * £ § — ; cj cs cs ^ e- Z cj -C O co U c c t2 CCS rt 3 fcn o Ss O iz; QJ go p S c .2o .2 cj •a ^.-'i o »'i 5 s P^c^OciiffiKa-S — C«,^HC 0 iO co 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 I ■ ■ ■ III II 1 ■ ■ ■ 1 • I 1 1 1 i I ■ I "co 1 dot^ccr^ooco*-'-' r^co co CO »0 WOCD Cd ■+ ci C CM rt-co r-i r-. CO ~ "<£ CO CO CM co *a- rj- o c O O O CM o coco »o O IO c I-» CMCMCOCOCO-COTj-CM C ~ 11 CO^CO^ IS 4h |> n ri CI " I I I ■ ■ I I I I 1 I I 1 1 CO •+ wo o Tj- CO O CM CO O CO C * CO COh >-( — OCOCO lO CO t>CO CO CM T- 00 PH « CM co 1 1 1 c a a 3 cj ^1 o J3 ■ 2 M 2 a co o 1 cu ™ "t3 fco"^ ^ ^ ^ i o c~ N " — ~ §1= s a «4- > l 0 8 gl = g CJ S S2 X O Cfl a o H to a • • c ccS ed 03 *CO E o 2 § -£ Q DO 1 O Ph c — 1 0 t* 0 • c ecj a> 'to ~z *aj = « t« o 3! J2 0 c liiiji 520. 3 o E a> CiD -3 o c a> CJ G 2 ^3 be 52 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDETtS AND CULM go 13 I I I I I I I I w oo co cm tJ- | coco 20 C5CO ^ « « O IOCO i-i C50O r- CO o pa « O Pn a a O 11(11 I I I I «3 C* P3 ■ ■ i i • i i i • ■ i ■ i i ■ • oooooooo co oi ^ c 'o c* r^o ax co oico *o co •* & VJCO CiCO CO s 9 12 i i i bo i a » s 11 Pi s» » i« ^ o it oj o S a ? id us s 3 VO C5CO Wh "OS H § I I i i i | I I if) I d d o H I I I — 1 CO " CI II I I I I I I I I I I I I O | ^-tO t>n O C( I O S!fl I r-, tJ- to o ci r^oo r* •-> O e» CO i-> CO C) + (M « CO i" ^CO CO 00 ri r-l <-l C» o o OOOOOOOOO o o *rt s O "I'O O + H 0(0 a NiO „ 1 - o f wen nCO coco t ^ 5, rt H h y « cs CO dCO ■-. OOOOOOOOOOOO O O OO d »OCO »0 *OCO CO rt- co O t*» t-» rj- — io — oo oco co c* ^ n h to i" "+co co »T -T .-T cT 5 ry3 I CO o o o o >o oo o O CO C* FN i-h CO pa PS H o o O i P-. s J- £ 1 4-1 o c fe- ces CCS 'E & 3 O CC?5 o c o « C3 E (A C 3 bO j- 3 C 3 3 E- 1 • _a O ?. te « U C ,S 3 3= cu ecs „3 as o CO T3 O o O a _o c a, £ 3 ' E» c3 _s _ O 3 E C3 — 12 C P4 ■*-» U flj o < ^ ^ - 0*3 - J= J~ — 3 * «.»- "w ■•-> 05 — '/- -j O 4J u sd _ 3 o 3 « re m c .3 ^- p ¥ u p t> ea cs o g 5.-9 s ss cj o'E - ""^ G3 p *«5 3 « CO 2 cs to 3 aj 5oC- c S- 3|: S-CSO Z. r_ / jr. '3 ' oo _ 5 >g '-3 S c 3 3 T; 7C to ^« 3 H M u £ D y « C-.3 « - tot: 3 O ^2 b£.!£ 3 o -Z X P ta a o •5 1 • 55 O •o 1 1 • pa to m4 CD o Tf CO a '> rH Lei b o to CCS 5 o ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 53 00 o o o CO co co o ~ - M O CI o o o o CO CO o cm CO CO ci oo co o - - ci o a a 3 c a* c 03 CJ •C o S ZC-Q • i I l co I co i co ii I I I 00 I r- - o >o CO ~ CI I OS I I CO CO •+ r- CO I I I CO NIs CO o n i^co cj cjco ci m ci ^i- ci co t>.co ai co r- co >-. — co o o CO CI co ■<*- r-. CO o o o o o o O C4 o O O WO CO t>« l^'O O CM CO CM CM CM CI H O rt CM CO HHr(!0«COCiHHn^CI«(JM Tl-CO ~ « - ~ a o c ^3 1 S3 J3 1 CU '71 •u r » 13 ^5 j- CD "c« CO C3 *c -r -r "c5 I I I I — I • I I 13 c CO ns a _ CJ « -s £ o CO ^cacagcj cnc? raw I I I I IB cu •2 "5 '« -2 CJ P CO r- i " i T3 OT CS c .2 S £ n u 8 O « co cu > T3 3 W 5° U W 00 _j .= E etc g §.§ °M%»5*% i*-=J*f 2 S fcc«Pui«W<»CJ^^ i> O "S"0 ri CM - OtO o CO CI >i O 3 3 PS .a bo (a 3 s CS c CS 3 u fa Cl bO -a £■ .2 C S 3 rT> cs cu -Q _ S o J § 2 CD 3 rC - b0.a j- D * 3 U « c " ti c d H rl H H *0 C • - C "3 ?• Si a « s 3 ? S ffi £ Q < fa < H H + « PH CO -a I I I • . W5 r> CI Cl Hi t-» r. CI I I I »o o o CI tJ- CO I I I ei CI CO CO I I I O ii CO I I co ci to o o oj r-» r- co s n rH ci c 00 Oi I i CO I o LO CI >-l CI III! ■rj" I I I I • I I I 1 r- o o o o r"> v,- - O O CO s d Incj ei o o o o o to o o CI ^ CO o o o o o O CO o o oo to o o coo CI CO CO co CO 05 »o co to o o o o o o co o coco o o to CI IS "CO »0 ci CO ^o to CO o CO o o o CO O 'O — I> >0 CI to m d t}- CI H CI CO O CI ri CI CO U0 00 O Tj- CO to n CI CI " ~ K5 i-i m d co 5f C o -2 CO .£* Cm O tU EC T3 4> 0> D£ fa CS 4J .5 *w O-- — cs 2 ET 1 ^ a. 3 0)>_3 cc si fa 1 U r= W .?» c s " CO rC3 CD i- 1 . Si ° c .bp,2 'n '5 -~ cs .ti o s- M fa £fi 4> *j o £ 9 J ! .22 to u C 3 CS 'Us c/; fa iz K Ei pc! CJ pa Si ,8 SQ r5 CS ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, I'ROM IS 10. 5, r ) III co (O I I I I I t I I I I I i I i I I I I II I CO CO II I o o o « ojco «h i o i toti 0 rffsOOCDOCOCOCIrHTj- OCO 00 ■+ COCO CO CI CI CO -« -+CO CO -+ >o <•< CI Trt^CfCO n -< H ^ d Is rn rH CO CI +C( CI Ci •+ CI — rl lO CI r-l i- H I ■ I I I I I • I I I I I I ■ I I ■ I I • I in r- eo ll lilllllllllllll II II I II I •3 OOO IO o*oo*oooo>oooooooooooo oo o »o 0 «i ifl CD NO(0>00«5HHi()-t)-OHOOOO!00 COO CO IO CO •+ ts O >fl O ri »o io r- co cico o co oo »o h co t-» iooo ci coco — ri — corn cico oo ^j- »n ci ci i s CI ^ l~s CI 'Om - m CI N r-l --. CO CO Tj" CI CI CI rj- CI 'O CI r-i «0 l-O eT rT rS' £° a sew sag CI « 2 3 e •« re « '33 "5 eg g a OS 3u _ a) ,£3 C 1 1 a to s«2 s rH 11 bo 1 (- 3 -O . c c 'to 3 QJ I — I CJ C3 « £ .a co o .22 C C - C3 C3 'rH 3 .2 c 32 01 « 3 C3 3 s w to to « — ' j"! 2 ™ ra w qj tfcoZQKOQJiSrCIBSGrtOSlQffi-a Wlrl M H O H O »0 O t>> rH n H + CI X O CI -H rH IT} rH CO rH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO 1 1 1 O ' ' 1 ■ 1 1 Cj CO CO ■ ■ 1 CO 1 O 0O 1 1 0 00 CI CO O 1 O O CO »o cu 1 -H co 1 rH rH o CM Oi C) * PS CO ei rH CI CI rH CI CO IO CI CI rH Is co CO rH CI rH CI 1 I ■ 1 1 1 ■ ■ I 1 I 1 1 1 • ■ 1 ■ 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 • 1 ■ 1 1 > ■ 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 I 1 1 • 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 • 1 1 III 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 O CO IO CI 1 ■ 1 ■ 1 • 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 ■ I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 O O O O O OOO O OOO OOO 0 O O O «o 0 O iO 0 0 0 O O O d vo 05 CI c 00 + , rj- CO CI 0 1 1 • rs <*■ CD - iO CO . CD CD t*- Is CO is 10 05 'S5 o = 5^ <= Ph « ffi S o H o C3 cu CO C C3 ffi bO %* 3 rQ a -3 .2 1 3 -5 ^ 5 c/5 E 2 H T3 c C3 P3 to PQ Uh E.S 2 i Cu co O cs c S c3 ^2 "5 o 3 ^ o E C3 Q i20, o o «3 CO CO tJ- s ■ i ■ a CO O • ■ i o o o ,• o o >n S- Tt- in *s- 6 ( ,-T rT o o o O UN o o t>. co CO CO 00 lO VO O O io n ci CO tj- cx CO SI d BQ cs GR CO n d 03 *J CS u a u •e co o CO 42 CO CO r« t-» rH ESS 3 3 u P- CO CO co co CO CD 3 3 be bfl 3 3 — o o 43 "a a. C/3 a - a .s s.s a T>- rH — ■ " CO ■*-» CO 73 co co co co U 3 3 3 3 55 < cs <3 Ph W CO W CC ^3 1 I co ' ' 1 O) ' 1 CO 1 O 1 1 1 I CO tNTj- | | i *o 1 • 1 -s> CO o o co rH vj 1 • «3 1 1 M I C «*■ 1 CO rH rH rH CO CO 1 - 1 I c» O. in t» xfr - rH 00 - CO CO O N H H O rn rH CO lO rt-00 CO 05 CS rH 01 CO 1 O iiii i i • rH O lO II II C/j I I I I I I I ■ ■III till I I I CG W PS H & o o mo t> eo o o 2 - inoo co ^ rH in O IOCO lO i-i »0 -< CO o >o o M lO CO t 00 o o o rH CI O O rH O CI rH rH CI rn OIOOCOOOOO^-OO O >OCO OCOOOCOOOiO n ms tj-co cs t^io-" io i>- Q d H C) CO «5 lO rH r- CO rH CO "- 1 h BO M lO'O CO CO CM m tJ- r. >t CM o c co CO -a CO © a CS CS CO o § r*l 3 es &. E o a o ' CD rQ 3 . ^ CO CO CO £ rS ~ _4 CiV <— ' r»-> CO -H *£ bij a ' »h o r3 be _ CO »r- O •- 0) ■>-> "S o o C CO PS cs s r2 '5 w ; CO o — • — ca cs CO CO CO _TH CO -J c ■Sa F.2 « ~ '« CO S 3 3^ to ^ 'u 2«2 c T3 « § ^ co — . co cs — a- S- «ffl^Qr^Hfer^-1 CO O CD co CD o CD I- o ■+ Vi O CO CO CM CM CO oo CO o o oo o oo >o t}- £ o O S5 s < c rt, o s a e « 5 u PS < c 0 d C3 rt « "3 *n me c S £ & < < t» CO CO CM cj S i— o c « To a> u O a c .2 « S 8 3 >o 1 1 1 l i 1 1 1 1 I> 1 1 1 O - 1 1 1 1 1 ' I 1 1 1 rt rt CM CO o o o l 1 1 1 1 CM 1 CM CO -< T+- 1 I 00 I 1 1 1 IC CO CD r- c« co *« CM rt O CO vo r-. CD COCO o O CO CO o tJ-00 00 co rt CD ^ C< CM rt 00 CO co CO CO rt ri CM CO CM rt CM • 1 I 1 ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ • co 1 a i ■ i 1 i O o o o 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 o o >o co 00 CM CO rt O CO O CM CO COCO CD O — 00 0 1^. o r^co o . o o o «0 CO CDCO i— i « *0 CO U5 CM I> CM C2D CM CD O CO rt CO rt O CO CD CO CD I^CO ■4- *+co CO C> CO o ' rt TJ-CO CO I> CM^ rt co cm q. rt CM rt CD CM cm rt 00 IQ »o O CDCO > cu — o CJ CJ c o o 5 cs S ° o CC "a o ii j CT3 I rt M 5 C i i i ■ • I i i I ■ i i i ■ I ■ i ■ i i ■ < 0) rt rt u g -5 o-.S S3 g -§ g « o rt g a2 li. rt U cj £ a. a 3 o ' tS w « O.- ra X 3 C £ O ^> S 15 rt ^ X -3 CJ C o 3 2 •*-» - 3 «T e S ~ 2 y> o — O !T — JhOm o g ^ rt ■n o o 2 E tm CJ = CJ — 3 rt *3 C3 rt ? '« — s* a "« '3 B g S £ P- C72 S « 2 ■ i rt ■ 3 . a 3 o -e . o a c O *j s I ,20. H 58 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM o i>. ei -h t^co co r>(ot^« i ct »o | 000*0 t^l " o nco « « CO r* lO >OCO nlO J~- COCO »OCO O M> + «n N"t«CO w >o-to oniooocii()«+cino3 nco to »ooo O CI (O CltC -^"CO CI t|- * d O r<.0O d •M ri r-i CI CO O 1O1V5P0N* SClHtl"OHCI[N d CO Ph a CO o I ■ I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I • ' 1 co 1 ■>+ ' • p o. ' o • tj> - o o co co ci o CO NCI CDS I>CO COCOONOCICICO ^OCO COO-* ■^OCOCO'i-CICICO d - i>. «o cico o iot^- cm — co cm oooo oo-'o | o-+Nci+no cooo o co •ico co ci 0)0- ci ^^■cicdo) coh p* — i-T -h" rH rH 00 VO CO Ci ci coo r^ifttoco CO — CI ~ !>■ 1^ *o CO CI CM COCO CI CI io ' 3 JO c ? 03 _CJ 'to r^ 2S " 3 Oo2c3>C3 c -3'^ocS>CJ 3 3 be 'tic to S _ -e _ js CJ CJ " — «i — 3 9 s CJ • — u 3 3 c r- Office tfi 3 I -a S e 3-3 S 9 3 V)Ci n ci h COCO i-H -J- — <5 <4* till I CO I O + h n Oh I I CO IH i o ^0 >n CO "2 CI CO <*• CO CO o 00 co co C5 CO CO O O o O O o O O o o o o CI o ■ o o co O O *o O o o <* 00 CO 1 CO O oo * OS CI o CO OS r>. CI CI >o CI CO C2 « CI CO 00 q_ oo" CO rH rH «i CO CO rH Ci CO >o «*■ 00 CO co CI •o Cj CO W H o o •8 O CS O .1- rC^ T3 Cm §2 C- o m h ci ci co co i co -t- i i t» e 01 r» o i> «o o o »© « oi «^ o i c, t^vo co i i - o | ri CO) CI CO MS ^'-O 00 *fr CI rt SO OO h |>tO CI 00 ri 10 "t I CO CO I ~ -t-O0 I '.-5 - ~CO co - co -t- co -t'O -t- n a ~ co — ~ c, ■+ 'C h " h nib « ' ~ 'oi« ci n« n io n oinci n oo cirj-o^i-ciciricoco i - — -00 o co i-» o co co ci on") co io oco ' - « co V- ri CO IO CO 0) ri CI ~ ri If) ri 0) CO CI CO CO C I O ci ■-« h i i i i i i • ii ■ i i i • i i i i i ■ i lit! I I I I I I • I I I I I ■ I I I I I I I ■ I ■ I I I I III! O • ' • ei Tj-co LOCO O 00 COCO 1 1 ' ■ ri I ■ •II i • • o ■ i i i i O *- r» — CO CO CO CO ill ll CI COCO C-l CI Tf- r» O — co II ri CM r- IO III 30 I I I I I I I II CO CO o I I If) I I I I to o co ^-co o t> ci oo o (O O ci ci a ^cicoo O) o co >oco cm o n ci) 1 co to >oco to Tt-co ci oio 'oco - co •+■ o '0 O) co — to OiOno — O) a CO H ^ d h CI CI CI CO h CHO 01 3)W) 01 CO O "-GlTt-CNCOrtOOCO- I> « "t CI CO h Ci o o o CI « i- — CI 00 00 'I '111 * f»g « H C A 11 L 3 3 1-1 .2 > 15 i2 ~ > - -o J S l I c 6Ii -C 60 C 3 e « g C " S - eg J5 S* 1 S « s^i If 1 s s 1 i § ll-il-a §| | i (LffitcSSffiaoo ox laSacaSojZo, q . . — . . , t . _i , ff 1 . . f%a\ r i *vl Pi— \ NHndOCSciolH CO CM CI r-.-^-tOCOCOriCOririO)COCICM CO ri CI H h 00 i l > i I I bD c l l = i O S K 3 3 ~ ° i- 3 O £ h OCOCOh CI h 01 Oh h CO CO c3 o 1 • ■ • c 'ci u CO oo '53 CO CO 0 3 ci Q CO CI o I- I I • r- • 1 .1 o to O S ~ 3 3 3 o g as « j ^ £ fH o CI o ri o o CO 1 r-» O) CO Oi CO r- CI CI + to Ol I CO V) to 1> co CO o> CO cT CI t>. ri CO to 00 d Tf- CO CO G3 1 r>. CO CO 1 1 • I • 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ■ I 1 ■ 1 I 1 1 i 1 to r-l to 1 o ri 00 1 o 1 o o CI FN I ■ 1 O) CO CO CO CO to 1 CI CO o_ >-o 1 CO -+ 00^ cT 1 CI ") co 01 to co to l-« CI o 00 «o CO ri »-o to CO d) CO CI CO 00 OS CI 1^ ri CO O) CI to CI 4 00 ^> CO •+ 00 o 00 O) Tj- «o CO 4- to o o CI W) ri o ri 1> o CO O) CO CO ri 1 1 i ■ 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ • 1 1 1 • I 1 1 to 3 Oh co u 3 -a c cioO'+nci|f»it^i i oo ooo wn to O CO h CO U5C4 o ClOJ *0 Ko »0 IT} 00 t^O CM CO -cl-CO wooo ri-co io C> 05 •<*■ ~ rn -« CO CiCO cm co a CO 55 o w o 2 3 u I f I I 'I » t '« • I • I I I I I I I I I I ■ I I I I I I t I I I 9 t » • I • I I I I I I ■ I I I I I • I I • I I I I I I ■ I I I • I I ■ t I t • • £ I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I ■ I ■ I • I I ^'t(OCl!OntieiO>'5OMOO CM "O CO +*CO CH h, rj- -f- -f •+ 3 i-H p* p* pi p< i-< p-c riil r-< pi i-H pH >H iriThiotM rt-co-*co r-cx coco coco "5 o ginm r» icco in o '-t 05 oi a ci ui n co . Tj-tO M^O «M O « H(D O OtO "CO fflf> >i C5 CO NO CI CO + CO COCO CO in N W m 2TfrllMO i 't- -3 2 cS^J2 = _, o .3 -g -3 -5 .£ •§ -S 3 ct 03 3 crj ccJ c 03 n I I I I I I I I I I ■ s- C 3 I I I I I I • I I I • III .■*S s fes »sa S S« SSj a 2 S ^HnDOOHH^HrtHlONBCICiH (Mr- — — aSCOCIIflHHHHH S CD •■-) 'in 'A to to ' 3 3 rr-s to —• r ta 00 3 cj ro 'co I - ■ 3 S = a ca a> c ■c ^ .2 « „ !fl to cj — -a o. b 3 £ eS rt < CO pH eo I r-A 00 i> CO r>- CO CM 00 1 eo ^0 Pi co CO CM 00 00 CO 00 rj- CO i-i *5 I-H o t— ( Ci I— t 1 i I 1 1 ) 1 I 1 o oo co 1^ Oi CO CO CI co CO 05 CO 10 CM CM co CO CO n GO CO CM CO eo o o ■-«**■ t-^ CO CM 00 00^ rj- CO Ci »0 CO CM CO w H P o o |co 55 'S 01 CM 1^ CM o 3 C3 U -3 u "S3 13 ct 3 < 13 3 CO O 13 3 CS >-> o _i s- 3 H 13 3 «3 CS 13 ! 3 a IS CD □4 o -3 O O a O CU §" J O C/2 ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. (3l n « o I o «H « o « ^ r^co co o> CM Cl >0 l i i o r» I cm r^eo h o o o N « 00 O 00 00COCO — 0*01005 r^co - Tj- V) C) co o> cm e» r- oo + r~» -j- .-. o co co i> 'i- cm co cm oo 3)« «hco nm« I I I I I I I oo co Tj-co I CM CO CVO CO tj- CO — C i i i i • ■ lit! CI C< O OOO^OOCMCICOOrt- t^CO 00 CO CO Ci O O O O O O o o o o o o h IQ CO 'O CO ~ coco »CO O CD lOO rj- O Cl CO CO Cl ph O -4- CI 11 O rt-CMCO — CiCOCO^ O ■+ C5 ci O ci co cvo co -i- CO t— < CI — co" (O a o o o>n <- -t- -t- ci -+ cri MOO CI rc CI H ■ I I I a CO "So _ - e Uf,'- S'» r U » C C J f « o rt 9 a 3 £; Q Ph Q Ph d rl rl r-l rH a a "3oJ3 CD - - CD o cn '-5 g aj a> o _ a O 08 OS c •53 T3 u cj Phc/2Ph£<1!5cJ6Ph-o CldrtrlM««rl«HHnn'i-*'tH C3 • — ■c g~ g u a to u 3 CJ <3 Hilii ^ CM « -1 to tn Urn 3 a t .2 >S cj E £ c E e cj o o s s f" iM CO CI r- -< IH to CO CO CO O CM co co 10 co c CI I O I CI IOCO O CI N « CI + O CO CO CO I 1 CO ^+co "* CO CO CO to CM Ci CO 00 CO CM CM CO CI CltO t-> CO -* 0 COO - Ci 00 co r>. O CM CM CI O r-. CM T. ^ IO CI NCI H IO CM 0 -< CI O CO 00 CO CO o « co r-t CM C5 to 1^ 1 I o Ph • -a • u s CD T3 .2 § 2 CO < • ^ c a. • S o O cd CO <5 W S CO 1 1-1 C CO " I E CO .Ic^ CD rt o * rS rt *- w a, O > rt "3 > *-> PO cu -5 cu c bp '3 S-c o rt IS s rt o -< r*- r-r-imlO no i> ll li O I I o CO CO o oo o o " co I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I co ci i u + o I co I I -4-co o co i o ci ii >o o o co i^o co o ~ t> »-i o C0C1 COCO CM C* Ol tJ- tJ- O 0(0 00 li Tj- s i i i I i i i i i a i i i i ■ i i i i i i ■ i ii ill I'lfilll i i i i i I i i i i i i 3 i i i i ■ i i ■ • i i i i i i i i ■ I ii ■ I ii • i i i i i i i i i i i • ■ « i i i i i i i i i i i i i ooooocoooooo cj <: r-.or^oocirj>noo»oo ~ CO "-1CO — i *Q «oco r>0 K50 E-< ci o o o o >no o to o CO CO O CO o 1> OO r-> CO oooooooooooooooo COCO O 00 MOO CM Cl>OS)Oa) 1^ OO ii lO O GCO COO CO O — CO "O O CO O + CO'£l CM CI CM CI O G CO CO i-i cf r-T |-T «~ - < c S S s n u tcS; £ S « c , OccSZP5QS.5f5ZOt:S;<2S S CO O CM ul CD CO + h ci CI CI co 00 CO o till I o I oo ci oo O C O COOO o oo "OO CD cicoociOlt^t^ co — rjr ri- coco co irjco >c J2 §55 £■8 CO CO H Hi a. a. cu E-i e C3 O l r/> 3 co r. CU 3 CU # c 3 o U J= CU CJ .ti 3 3 a D 0) o Ci> CD 5° 'a 3 o G C3 -a 3 T3 O 3 O CS ^ " § Sl| s S o S-S. $ Ic2 § 8 cJ to C C p- — Oi O < < fn C£3 -X CU S CU 3 to 3 o H tx 2 CO of Cs 00 CU ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH TEAR, l'ROM 1S](). I n I r- coco o t(- o h 'o cio ci r» In lO'O Cl CO CO Cl * -t O) C) Cl OC pi ^ CO Cl lO CO « n In COCO r. In n I <0 CO ~ iO 1^ t> CO SO 'I- « i>o I COCO O CO Cl I O — I «(0 n co i o « CO InCO TfCO CI CO CO In CO Cl "4" O —CO 1^ — O CO pi Cl ri ri -h- ~« 00 c co r- <4> r* us : n«o rr co ■ ••I iiii i i i i i ■ iii iii i i o o >o 1 1 o 1 CO O O O i tN i io • o ' • O CO O ci O ill >C "5 CO CO ~ O O **- CO CO CO t>CO In CO iH C00CO " CO »o CO 11 ' — i i ■ — 1 ■ • i — ' l I • CI I I I CI O In InCO <-> ^ - -i- o Ci n >o o n 'o ti i-i n ri- o CO tJ- In io Ci CO in ClCO In, — d O Cl O CO CO O tNio'OClOMciCl-t-OllN. . to MInOC n |n o O 10 InCO . -t'O In CO CO ci iocho o noio o m t - O o «5 co ci a in ccqccj in+ ~ -j- co lo O h >o c-i >-^co n co co co lo co^ ~ o> *oco w co i» » c oo a <* - . . • d fH rC o c 3 «- K o- crj CO In CI I- 1 1 C -3 o e o 0) c a 33 d5 SB CI CI CO to «0 » S< C C * r O « S - 3 i 9 H rt CO tJO 3 • -O C .2,3 8 S CO rH c ' .2 S _ o 1/5 e 'c C3 C3 EC !- .2 3 fc< ,3 QJ O — — 1-H o CO I I o = s O ri ■ c ■ eS > .2 '« 2 'S x : i) 3 3 jf H CO H CI fed S- I = bp 3 3 Ji-PjS y CJ "3 SOQ CM rH CO ; t "2 ,3 ~ 3 o o C EO 9 = 3 £ £ si 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 co 1 r-4 •O CO • 1 **- o 1 O 1 co 1 * CS e» XI CO ri tN 1 I 1 IN. CO CO «0 rt- o CI CO o CI co it CO CO o CO Cl Cl CO co 00 I 1 co IN. Cl o CM CO CO to Cl 1 ■ i 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ l I i i I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 • I 1 ■ • ■ 1 i i I I 1 1 1 1 1 o O 1 1 1 co o O • i i I • I 1 1 I 1 1 o rH o CO 1 I 1 Cl CO cf »-o In CO CO o o o o o o o o »0 Oh Tt- CO o Vi0)OOO * O "5 00 *0 O *h c* 00 — o UO) Cl In Cl o cf on fH 1H CM •t'O ri CO rt Cl CO CO In IN CO IN. CO^ Cl CO CO co o rNCMCOr« t> H Cl H CO H Cl rH lj*) to w 3 C s o T3 -3 S2 g X -5 Ul o o Pi o Pi E to w 5J .3 3 O CJ o CO 520. H 4 64 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM S o to TP CO ^2 S o O) Q c >~> as -a 9 © CO be B bo J3 C3 3 o a E 4) s *3 B es ai S3 •"3 o o w pj o fa Si- lo < WO C O CO 01 CO « r-i 050 Cf OlO -i ii rrCtT}- >-« pi CO CI O <^ wo oo CI I cl * >0 35 l> coco ■ ■III I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I B s CO to 00 - 00 ?J d ^ COCO "*-CO CO rt- cocir^wor^ocoTj-r>.wooor~» wo oi «B c ■ < .2 _ »> _C c a o 35 o .2 73 G B C c0Hto«O)r CO 1 CI rH CO • CO 1. t"» 1 00 1 h h a O co I ii tS- o cm o c if* » Tj- WO r* r-l . wo d CI O to a TH CO t CO ft co co 5 co i i 1 1 1 r* 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CM 1 ■ to &( X 05 - to •4- ei co i coco lO co CO wo CO CO CI , CO'O l> Ol ct ■ CO 1^-CC , Cl CO 1^ r-. t>. coo CO CO wo to co CO r. i- r* co WO to wo CO CO__ r-" CO o WO CI ■ I CI CI i- CO CO CI CI i CI 00 o « -+ CO rH CO CO CO N » r» co c. + ctC5«5r»r-HOcois coco co CO w^ o co co o_ o'co" CO wo CO WO ci COCO WO ci o -d-CO CO O co ci i^co O wocoooo ciCOCO ^J-cioo M r-T WO ^ tO" rf: o. If) Cm o t~ CD B 3 oo o o co oo wo CO COWOriWOClClWOCO CO w CS H & o o ■ I I I 11*1 I I I I c o B ^3 to ■3 •- >»-^ 2 -3 w <; a bo S -3 — « £Z 3 o 33 S B Q > -° CO O = co S O MO 3 ^.2 = 0) u a ■- bOJJ o "3 3 \a W I o 0) CS o B !- = _ 3 co CU 33 •— ■— *^ N >->.- "3 3 Q> — H fctf cj D sa Pi td Pi T i 00 o -3 B .2 CD -3 3 3 CV2 ENTE I! EI> OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. ^5 cc o 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 «i" O >cj- I •+ I I I I I I I I t* CM I CM O I OO o ~ OO CDh -)■ + CM — 00 CI 'Oh - CM ~ CO • ■ • • • I I I I I I I 1 I I I I ■ 1 1 1 ■ ■ 1 1 1 1 1 I • I f I I 1 o o 00000 o o o c o o o 00 ir> - o iO O "0 r» >o cm o i>> or. CO — T 00 d in« - cT o — - O O >J0 o « M + CI - + - ■+ CM -* |H r* — « .s -a 'S o Q 6w t-i CO CO - -B "5 .23 '5 5 00 IH US CJ a uT 1 < i- 1 J | 5 & .2 « o i c u » a> 5 cs « 2 < 2, Q * a. CO lO h e/5 ' S s • ■ -O .2 ecu .S-2 2 5\e « ^ o 2 u c P » 5 0) .2 C c c «2 O « 8 3 £ <5 a 55 Q 32 Q CO C* *0 h w « H 1 1 1 1 VO 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 0 >o 00 O 1 1 0 l CM «m 1 OO 00 cm 1 -4- rj- + + 0 CI FN O r~ I— » cm o> ~ 10 * ■+ "t e» CO eo ko Oi OO 00 -« Th CO CO 00 00 CO CO CM CO r- T CM CO CO CM CO • 1 1 1 ■ • < • ■ 1 I 1 1 • ■ 1 • 1 1 1 1 O cm ' Oi >o 10 OS eo 1 1 ■ 1 1 t ■ 1 1 • 1 1 ■ t t 1 1 • till t O ' 1 0 0 ' ' I 1 • 0 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 • 1 t till 01 0 0 r— »o CO 1 CM f I 1 1 1 1 • I • 1 1 1 1 1 iai 1 1 1 1 1 O 0 O O O ' 0 0 0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 CO rH 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O OOOOO 0 *o 0 O O . CO 0 Tl- CO O ifliOO 0 10 0 CD CO 0 "* 0 «5 eo 00 t» 00 . CO 0 . r^. CI CI >/) - « 0 — CO CO CO ' C09O tJ- CM «0 CM 10 « M r^co n CO CM 1 CO CO ^ ' Cl 00 00 *~ CO <1- CM — CO CO eT co~ M ih cm •rj-co co ex vrj coco eo eo « Cf CI h « p* r* O "+ CM r-t CO « »o eo cm tj- CM 11 cm e* CM o O c c CO -c o S5 3 a .2 £ 3 -Q g n V£ 3 ci • § • CO 2 2 «-2 « a "3 ■ ' - " 1 I 1 eg g 3 eo .5 g £ T3 a 03 g s cs .ti ^3 ,2 « 00 b cq O ■< £ o H a es X h B O e3 — — CQ e4 eS 3 o eH s a Q (• 3 B .'S3 O 00 cj t- 3 a> « u. „ til cu *c es 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 BSC ei 1 2 o I..-2 S t-, a. -n a B cn CO 520, es — a> *-» 15 es s < a) CO "O u CO u << 66 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM I I I I I I I I o I cm n 00 if CC CO CO CM 1 cm GO coco rt-co — io r^co c 1^ CO CO . cm CO 1-1 CO O 00 it 00 co E 55 ooooooco iflototoco t-» co o CO cm GO »oC75i- »0 K CO O CO o o o o o 00 00 ij-CO O t>.co O CO cm CO iO »0 if 1*- to ■ i • i i i bD i .2 J -a g-S -2 £ | S SS S Sc § g c CO" CM CO NCOCCCt , i-c x)-CO it- i-c ,2o I 'l -a>3 ►2 .2 ^3 o CO CO CO & M a to a CO " 3 ! I CO I I 1 I I •>*- cm co o o O C it- " >o co coqh o CO ■g o o o o o o • w h O O "2 O 00 Oi O CO g co co at co ph o o o o r-» co so vo ^o CO C3 O)" O co co CM it" o I I I I I I t I I 1 I I I o I O d Tt | o 1 CO 1 I « 1 t» 1 1 tfi — O — CO CO co o 00 H H O CO CO o *0 CO if CM CO CM it- CO « <-> I I I I I • I I I I I I II III I I I I I I I I I I I I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooo O vfj i-ON >OCO r-~OOOi-OOOCiOOO '"OI^CO CO CO lO t» O - CO CO CT.CD CO O 'OOO W >fl I> " h O MO cm it- O ^lOcOTt-c) cm -t co »o c< t-^a o< \t- o h ci o r« l> cm oo — >0 •H CM CO CO CO CM CM CO CM CM t»»" o VO CO H CM CI CM CM CO 1 o s g * C3 C a § 3 ta I* 3 sr-g.s! £ i £ S 2 cj c sb o 5 P CJ jg w >. « as 3 & a, t-( fa, Q o d co co C "3 3 US W t3 o t* U ei ^. < O Pi < w CJ ■a co o CJ CJ •X! a 3 ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACII YEAR, FROM 1840. «7 I I CM I I I I I I I I I I CO CO co ©on >ocx> x-,00 1^ a co r» O O CO « Cl CI f) »-i CO - I I I I I I I I CI • I I I I ' > ' 1 1 '.I 1111*11111 ooooocoooooo o o CO CO CO ■Of o o o 000 >oo «nr^'o C5 co 1000 9)90 l-anbh- C"5 O CO CI CI CI CO rH I I I I o cicota o 0 1^ o CO i-h rl I I III! till OOOO »n Ol co co 1-1 *- 10 c C3 y •3 § 3 » § § § § CI CO CO CO 1 1 1 be to 1 • 1 a g I to .2 Jj .§ a J - L* 13 00 _!Z ^ 'eft 3 c/j HMOciHCOl'H^-rl .;2 o -7. 1 1 1 1 co I III 1 1 1 1 CO 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 . . ci co co O 0 0 ci rH rH rH rH rH Ol ■<*- CO <*■ CRO »0 CO ^ rH T^- CO rH 1 1 O rH 0 CO CI CM CM rH rH O CI LO — t>- CM OJ ' ' 1 Cl rn 1 1 'il l t , , to I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 I I I I I • 1 • • 1 • 1 1 1 1 I I I ■ III ■ 1 1 I I « I 1 I 1 III • 1 1 1 1 • ■ ■III III CM I 1 I ■ • III 1 • 1 I 1 > 1 1 I • 1 1 I 1 ■ 1 1 1 • III 1 III O O 1 OdOOOOOOO 0 0 OOO OOO 000000 O O O O 0 0 O 0 03 CM ' rH . . CO 00 rn U5CO CO >-0 lO -h O o+nTj-Hoo do «jci CO -*> m ^ O^ (3 h a cT -T rT ,-T 10 CI ifrco •0 O CO 0 r- rH O PICO H rH rH CO CO00 cT COOO iflWOlH rH t ^CO — 00 CO CO -H- rH rH O^ O^ t-i cT r^co to n h CO CJ CI IO rH M tS£>d OS 0 0 . I- Tt- 1 CI rn O CO co |H) rH CM rH rH rH rH rH e» 10 »h rH 0 0 CO t}- rn. co co i> C> h hM r>i> rH rH CI CI C is o h o h'H r- < .2 5 e2 C/3 C" 1 r»% i; a 'tJ os ?. 0 ^rSi2 2 c n C..-2 n 13 13 5 pH^Qffiffir-lDH^ co O 2 £ W CD Ch o s . ■a o o O . , o .2 •-9 CO c 8 , .-2 . . o 2 c — j 1 ^ — < 1 C 3 c •S 0 c u • — 3 s C3 r§:s <3 O Ih C3 HH CO o q rG 3 o'c 2 2?5H CO o cd rB s — s c >■> ! -3 ? I u - > o ^2 — 3 rO c CJD S 3^ a &H O ^3 - o to O 520. 3 o E a to a 1 2 68 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM 09 & c/5 o w PS o la to <* si d CO CO CO CI CO CO CO — ~ CO CO 13 c CD 8.2 S C _ -~ MS 3 CO N >0 CO CI I CI I iiii 1 t ■ • I 1 1 1 I i • III III 1 ■ i 1 s s iii ■■■ i ii • i i i *-oooooooo oo oooooooo»«oo 3 " V500 koOOOOO *C O 00*OOOOOeiOOO O o con coco oo ~ CO OOOOOOO O OO — CO h 000 f O CO CO O CO tJ- !>• (O «^tN(OH(0 oo OS— O O^ 30 t> ccoc^ »o *o CO — t-» VJ 2 Ml CO rl ih rt M Nn H HtOOO COH — F-l »0 It Oi 00 61 h h ^CO « C* r-i 00 ft CO U >— 0J H £ 2: a> ft a o o I I < I "o £ 03 2 3 - a o t§ = • 2 £ i i o £ « ' o j« a, 03 ea EoauHDHOPazS -a c 5 B s ti's S s c 3 s e 0) cs « O le ^ hrt S! r i n u £^3 bD - C ~Z O 3 t> O c O CJ _ K Z pq « D ca *o _ cu ~ 5 « O CC c u « CU « i= (25 S Si S5 - — ■ c OS •"" '« i2 3 o OS Cm |S S Is cj S - « .ss = t« CS — ■!-> - 2 a fi-?S O N a,.-, eg CS 3 Cm < cc O a- ^ < 3 •5 « 0> O -3 3 2i c 15 ■a | g • 3 3 CUD 1 = C w o z < w u co 3 o £ wo B 03 o XI u o a u ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 6 9 I I 01 >o CO o l I l l I l l l l l I l l > l I I « CO CO 00 -oc© (n 10 >o c« co •* ' iT/ CI 1^ n I I ■ I I I I < ( I I I • I I t I I I I 1 I I 1 I llllllllllllllll I I I I I If} lll llll lll llllll I I I I 1 I III OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO 1^ «fl o ci 00 no O " CO CO O) CI 0O TfrJ-O « « l^ rj-N « O O OlOO tsioC7)O)05CDM^i-tO CI CO « «5 nd^nnCOHO'-CO IN « -h" "f h «)m o o o 0(0 mo >o ti- iaoo in 10 -t ci »o ■+ lO CI ts« „ „ „ I I i> C cj ot a> E M — o ?'S c c bo,. « o j- .cj C .C 'Sb'So _. S •§ as .22 « t. c £ c 2 5 a PiZQ2;It.t.lOI COCO ■f«rtP5«CIC1CI CO p- 00 «8 1 1 1 1 r» 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO t> 1 CO CO 1 "1- 1 «OCO , 0 I 1 OM 1 co ci s io c* CO 00 vjco 0 so 05 CO co co CO " CI CO CO O 1-1 co m 0 co « <* 00 CO co CI 1 3- CI CI CI 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 III 1 • 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 111 • I 1 1 I I I 1 1 III I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 • 111 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III ■ 1 • I I 1 I 1 1 • iii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • I III • 1 ■ I I 1 I I 1 1 111 1 O 0000000000000 0 0 1 O 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 O 0 IN cooioocecoeirtioooNO) 0 CO CO , 0 *o . , CO 10=0 0 0 00 O 10 , , , co kO O tN 0 •& " CO ** <*-0Q irj to tJ- d 10 ' d CO 1 ' 00 ioco 0 00 00 CO kO CO 1* CI niNrt«C5t>0)+r> pi In o_ co O CO r-i tN it tN CO co ci eo pn" cT 1 cT CI cT t-l O H« f « M >0« 0)«H M I)- pH f— 1 d 10 0 CO CO ph 11 CI co co tN r* I CI pi CI (J CD u s CU P-H II bo ■ • OJ 1 • CU o O T3 K S § g M mO g-B 1 >, « <*. .2 _ «, pQ S » Scl-SIS-S^.IS p30HCj^a!pH a te U u 3 & O Ci CO X to u S 1 ja c >-i .2 — > 'to ^ O 1 8 1 B SI o H c C3 ■ I I cj "cio 1 ■ 5 "S o — --* — 3 43 B 2 CB CV r-1 520. 70 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM rsj I I I I <• *i-co cm o .» noi vo M On r-c o CO .O. s O o o> Q CO 1— I a CO o « pj o ft. Ill I > I I III I ■ II I o r o w n« r-i o CO O t>0 H 3 b2 3 ECOO 0> 3 co 3 I* o 73 Tf- CO « 1H "t3 I I I I I I I I ^ I O (O N to O I I tjj co f> « ci h h o a " CO CO CO ^i* H CO to I I ! I o CO t I I co co CO CO 03 s w s co w H Jz; £3 O U .s.e ! CO ooooooooocooooooeo O O O 00 o 00 toco h nuio o O >flt-oco w + o — conn^o h coco « « Oici o o o >n ^t- i ^ o o to t^r» c oooo oo o o coooo »n i> o CO .2 S i <; . 3 to >— ' _r3 2* o s T3 C CJ H-5 CJ CO - N CS CS 3 a 'Z • 3 3 3 C o .3>< HcoSytlSuZiapQ^ o Sua: fa cs -3 2 -S " QJ S3 Z C3 tl> 13 JS CJ co S 5 £fa 3 3 « '•3 tf £23 c o CO o o CO CI ' o H .2 cj 3 —, fa ~ fa fa cj to U 3 H O pi < a w o o fa 3 Q 01 ■3 3 o T3 3 O -J s GO 3 O -3 3 O fa ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 71 I CO o to o o o o — co t» CO CO cs o CS CO o io 10 c o to O o co to 00 1^ CM 00 CS •<*• rl CS >n o ■ 1 ■ ■■■ 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ ■ 1 • 1 American - American - Swedish Swedish Brazilian - Prussian - American - Norwegian Danish Prussian - Hanoverian Oldenburg Hanseatic » Dutch Prussian - Russian - CO CO ""< 0 rl « CO rl CS Ct rl I CO cs CS 1 1 ■ ■ 1 • 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ 1 1 1 1 ■ I I I I O CS m o CO 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 ■ o to OOOOOOOOOOO^OOVJOOOOOOOO Hflooooi-nos >ocd >ooo o 00 •<*- >oto coco cs cs CO I>0O cs cs C5tO !>. CS If} rl r-. CO CJJ CS CO CI 1- OiOi J*. „ r-i ^-tO ri *" GO^CO^CO CO^OO io >0 CO ri- O) cs* CO cT 00 coo «5 >0 «5 CS CO *0 O CO O O O O -00 00 CI « CO O cs rl rl CO ~ - OOO co o 00 io 0 CO 10 .-1 pi ri 1-1 Tj-rn — i> o to cs co co r-« co co cs co to ■-< CO <■« CS) CS rl 1 I I I I O o .a . ■a « .2 W> eci Ml c tc"^ c g« S I = E-2 0 _ n .£ cj o cs c >-. 0? co CS O nj -§ oj c - £ c 2 = .2 5= S c O0>dcS_cSor; cj U C «j c J3 c "rt 312 J cj c/3 Ph 25 0> . cj -2 CJ "^ cs W =a 520. 1 4 Cj CJ eq -3 •a c2 0 -3 72 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS. CINDEHS AND CULM <5 CO co co CO cm CO « CO 7} PL, S ■ • I a 15 O o a 6 o o o o o o O O o O o o o o CO CO vj- o If) CO CM cnco ■>*■ * o CO CM CO qjcc CO »o r-t CO CO bo i— 3 s e3 a g 60 es ■— "hr\ 3 B O c es co g tu tl u 2 3,2 35 * PL, £ PCS Q CO B es U CO 3 H B CS "u 0> s <5 H r. CI a 5» I I CM CO ft co QQ I— I CO a co I 1 1 1 1 • O o CO ■ o 1 1 CO ex CM CO cj" 1 • • 1 i co CM 1 M 1 1 o o o O O o O o o o o o O o O o o o o o o o o o , , o Oi t> CO in I^CO O CO r- O CO iO o o o o o o o o CO CO io r— co 00 CO i-i CO t^oc ft Tt- co o co CO >o coco it o> O 00 « ci o CO t> «1 G) CM CO o o o o r-^ >o rt- o n © Cl UJ 00 w PS o 13 CM CO CO CO t^co es t^.oo i-i f« rJrCOCMCM ii H CI H T3 B s _o o '-3 B « « rg ces £ S S -3 a ' tb — ~ — CO CO CO g ^« *3 ;= O es s_ t- u £ CQ « CQ es § 'co ~CJ co at 3 £ _ P5 02 O 60 — 3 s at T3 B o H B eS a s J5 CO I 1-1 1 *3 CD B B « a =3 05 « u B 2 - 2 5 a o en b es a. CO ^3 B , 0) oS es CO ai 2 es t« e« cj . _ B o h z § o w < cc m A P a CO O S 3 s; s r ra g — — w ^3 B C3 -3 Eh « O «? ca UJ 3 CQ 'a t— es CO o ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 73 O oO vOtO . O O) N - i CitO tO to Oi I> Ol n w 0> t^tO o Tj-tO l O — ■-■ lOtO O •"•tOCOO'O — to — O 01 H «ICO OlH NCO IQCO M ihCOri ci i-T co ■-> ^t* r-» i >o CI CO to C* 3 C O u a 5 § S3 g g es g OS «l rt C» CO H to o o o oo to o o 0 o 01 * tN C* o o o O e* to <© es to f« - I 1 o »o Ol o Ol to Ol oo CO CO CO M Ol >-< fl rl H CO CI <3P t3 c 01 o a es w 3 pci 8 g S 3 AS >- cs 6 B Q a © a • & o a> H C3 a 4) w 13 to c 05 "o 3 g * CO 3 3 .a 3 % W £3 3 c o ■5 3 o 3 S-i 03 Q . ■ i i O • CO CO .cc a o to O) n« » cjco cc r-oo - + no O CO t» Oi CI CO — lO IQ d CO lO CI CO Tt-CO CO o 00 CO p-i CI M IQ rn OiOOCOO'OCO eo oo — ci ci « k» a i- Tf- 00 I> T CO a £• u < 5 ca _2 bo bo 0 J3 . 'c u • - c B g % 33 213 05 " .2 O «3 re £ 3 es ~ ex, w rH i-t CI bo es ■ ■ a ■ ' S ' 3 S 2 e -9 -Cc-g-c 2 ■S-oi.S.ioSJjo — teoj-c:::c 3 ~>c CS | Z Q Q £ Ol f-> cT CO I -I O i " CI CO s i CO ill i ill I js .S" w S3 H & c u I I ■ a ■ •• i ■ i i 61 CI • ' O Oil • 1 so 1 1 oo ■n i i I 00 — ' I 1 1 1 1 1 I O ' Oi CO K3> d — O O n ci a icco^ io lO C<" CI OS irj 00 CO kOOO CI — io o 00 lO O CO — Ci CO CO iO CO NCI h o « h- LOCO O O el h»oo ci i^co a t»i^ o ci d CI .- CO Vi CO l> O O O >-o co O O Oi Oi -h co O t- Nci O) CI CI rj- r-- ci - as c£ coO HZ- o bo u 3 a .2 ~ "3 u E § ? w a £ ' w o W — (J s co 1 5. re 3 H 1 ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. I o I I co I l I oo 00 o o CO ooooooooo ooooooooo lO o o o o o o o o OiCO O — ClCO ci co O U CO O CO CO ri CO d t~- •-• r- (O-cfOtvor^oi" •O C* Ol (M Ol© C5 « KC'-OO cocoes C« 00 " CO CO CO 1^ -4- - cc >o CO CO o o o >o ■4- o co — > > « U «! f 10 Nil O r-c ThCO O —« >r; _< CO >o £1 05 C zj 03 & .a ^ Q.-I £: s_ c a> a w> o I I 00 - CD co cr> I 00 CO CO >o o o o o o o o O CO ■**■<» ^ o ct O B to ffl *0'0 CO 00 -> CO *-0 OOOOOOOO^OO OO OOOOOCOO O O CO 05 >0 lOCO O Ci lOCO 00 O lOOiCctHCOOO co *ooo o co ooo iooo o r« r-« ci -* »o'o CO 0)m h «© net n 2 S -3 c Ss o CD es ^ a SO — >» is a o X e OS to .» -} s ~ .2 '3 C2 -g 1 = . u CQ i § ! to zj i 3 i; 3 = C3 iC

to o o o o >o co o rf us ©• CO »o CI o o o o CD to c 2 cd C to CD 3 OH ■ Bill ■ e • • ■ _ c c S -2 £ « S g-3 C HI to 0J 03 to CO QJ ii Q o o c a CD CD c oj CJ "C CD a < a 03 • ■ a ■ 03 S C CIS Q r-( •tCI 1-CO H 1-1 1-1 -a l I • 1 1 1 1 1 1 to 1 , « 1 , 1 1 CM o d OS 1 C< CM CO CO 5tj ah to cd re g 3 ^ o g 1« < I t I I> CI lO I to n pq "3 o O 5 o o o o o o o co r>.co o e» -i-to to T o o o o o o o to o o o CO oooooooo OO into O O CO 1* o O TJ-CO >o OltO CO f-i •-« Ci r-» •+ C> CM CM »o o o o o o CM CO CO Tj-CO CO »-oto r» co -+ c> co o + * n n OOOOO O Oi tJ-CO CO — CO CO C5 M O U)M Ci CO Cl(£) O — O) O »-" K C* « CI CO CO -i CI o wo 1-1 i-i cm iH CO CI Ci CO CO 11 CO 00 cc r- & o o H G 3 O r#? -a c 03 s- cD 03 OS r- e 3 tn u -a CD 05 — C3 3 C3 W "T3 o 4-1 u ^, S .S s s "3 Jo ss c 2 c -tS x I W fli -H tfi - C to a ■£ o cd CAJ -3 j3 • 1 CO to 03 CD CD * S 03 3 '3 O *■ Mr 2 03^^ sO 0 H -3 c • OJ 0 -2 H S o CO o o a. ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 77 i CI 00 I •4- CO I I Cl 00 CO CO ci -■ CO Cl rf- CI GO CI CO o o Ol o o Cl co e« co iC30 CI CO 00 CO CC 00 CO CO Cl CO CCO ♦ CO O O O O DO *oco cocoeo ifl rj- TJ- Cl o O ij- O ~ CO CO Cl 00 o o cTo + oo ci ci h eo i-« i> n o co oo « « ^ " 00 * c ^ ei '5 "> ° i» Ci c». *f cT -T ^ cT ,T 60 ^00" t> « fH IT) .3 3 s 03 Q -3 u 3 Q 3 ' = 3 fcfl :^=^.2 ol 0.2-3 > js .22 o .22 -. §3§§j>23j5£«S3g££ "rri^^^o T< -n «— .3 .5 P s E 3 -3 3 3 2 .2 Eb'fcb-s cj cu />5 < a ' c J -H 60 oi CU u > , S CD O J- _a s o 3 n fco 3 ' 3 _ 01 ~ "3 *i u cj 3 <" > ci 10 I-, ci oi o 00 o ioi-i « CI CI H a !0 "-O — CI CI Cl tJ- CI 10 h 01 5 - ci CO I I I CO OO 1 CO CO CI o Cl OOOO ci 05CO r» H ON o Cl Ol CO Cl 00000 i> cooo vo o CI CC N03CI ri IfJ M CI O O CO tJ- 00 f-l OOO irj ci co ci co co 00 Cl CO CO 01 CO 00 CO co Cl 1^. CO CO 1^ COCO CI CI H CI « H CI CO co co ■» co • III • lit ■ ill <3 •3 73 £ « co u pu -> a 13 c co CJ CO < .-2 cu J3 kT 41 6J0 H 3 3- 2 < — cm IT* CU -3 w 03 O o X cu c 2.S S t^s^^ » to 3 u 3 _n 1 — Ci," "3 -3 3 03 CU 03 a o « X u* Q o .3 3 C3 03 CU CJ as - .2 "io co 3 -3 CJ ■s CO o 3 T3 ,03 .— o 78 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM a C < 13 CO CKO tl (O 10 I — O r-i 10 (o m oi n "<*■ ci O CO e) -c r— co 05 CD ci co ci ci ^ 1^ X M a co C5 W O "3 O co 'tco 00 CI CI K CO CO CO r- If} CO CO - 1^ rt- -+ co o CI O CI O CO CI CO ■toto « CO O CO — OJCO •+ o »0 O CO CO JOCO CO o CO y> — *i-co or- Oi • « o cm co ■-• ci r» r>. ci icoo r-> — d CD Ci — CO CI — ci ci >t Ci ci co co co" cT ~ CO 1^ O rl- r(-CD CD ci coco ci - CD CO CO Ci ifl O O ci o CN CO r-co "S- OO 00 COOCO — C1-4-CI "-000 l> r^co 00 wo no >o >o a - -t-co >o o ^- co — ti- - r^co r-» coco »o Or" 1-1 2 £ c o c E: O CS CS v)ci h o o r* O — r- CM CO c .2 be - 3 B XI 0) CJ . ~ 3 SSOQ CO -> ci — 10 o> _ > -O C P c 5 ' es es e *: o> 2 E 3 " : to ' be ' C 3 £ ^ _CS .2 co ex S 5 e M a t 1j = 60 O 01 cs es 3 2 3 3 g; g2 Boo CIQCQ CC O — Z< - i-i oyo » a a « co o CI CM CO r-i "•S (50 3 3 ' «*■ CO r- CO e « » "5 .2 c "i „ E f> = 3 g" OcicicinCiOcicis; CO ■ 3 es ' s c 1; 2 .3 'so - > as > 'So X c — & 5 CI 0 CO CO CO CO co CO CD o 10 ,0 05 CO CI CO CM O CO CO o CO CO 03 03 o ci 11 C3 co o co 3 0. be u 3 J3 S 01 u > o c CS bfl t> 3 ^3 C OI C o H o CO C c bp a c es E 3 o> CQ "a co ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 79 cs : *o h OOO Cl N «S OS oo « I ~ 0)10 I CO o eo ^ o o - coco O 00 CO c c z o co CO 11 0 O S NO 1 CO H H IO o co CO CO Cs CM CO 00 CO CI CO CO c o t ci ci n o co — - I I I I I I I I cm ci ( r-co o oo O «5 CO to oi o — CM CO O CM O o> o « o co — CO i- CO O CO OS Cs t» rH ^-00 C5CO CM COCO O r^cc Osco o o o o o o cooo 0-4-0 ^ CO — CO CO rh CI oo r»so cm co ci <-» co t^co cs ci »o cs ci t>. cs ■+ -+co — co ■+ t>co «o ojrH_ — i^t>. in h ci ci * ^ r^co co — t>> csco co -i h o ho<» cs co o^ r-» ci ccr-co^r^qsos'H'oco n ~ CI tJ- rH CO iH o co >o •<*■ co o - OS CO CO o >o '+00 >o — >OCO ci CO CO 00 CO CI 1^ 'OOO 05 — CS I^-i-ci cmco r- O] c« co-" 3 O « c a. m el Z Q J.g fee ccf .S2 S „ -° S "C3 CJ a) a 4> « — 1 a> -3 • — o > ,/J co n u a 3 s s « to M 3 JO -a a> CO p. M Hi " ccj '/> «2 a 2 _ - c 5 1 • rH ■ i-iCI OS rH rH CO CO rH 00 rH 1 • co CO 1 00 00 CM CO 00 rH 0 CO CM CO os rH CO "0 kO CI rH rH cs 05 rH CO « 00 CO Ob OJ CM OS CM co" CO CO cH 1 —• rH 01 ■+ rH Oi 00 rH WO OS CI CO CO CO 1 1 1 1 • • 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 Portugal Madeira I 1 _c 'rt Oh to Gibraltar Sardinia Tuscany Papal Territories Naples and Sicily 520. K 4 8o SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM < HI lOtC *0 *-0 1 o i-i rj- C5 1» (M to to M O) O) CO - CO cm CO to § 2 oo CM CO i-i to CO tJ- c.oo cm CO CM CO o co o c tJ-co d n ti nc io>oh^o3 + o o h . (O S OCO ■<+■ 5 to Hto cm iryo aico 3 CO CM M CM M r-1 G> w to" o — »o <» oo oi o oico ^ c» m oi CO CO t>»CO CO-- CM CO—CO 'i-COOl CM t^OO Tj- "OCO N O « -t+C h CO 0 CM CO o •«*■ coco O lO ^CO <0 CM O cmCOCO CMCO coco o cm ti-i^ocmcocm rt i-i CM il i-i co co o en CO -3-O0 CO CO CM m CO C l l I .2 'S M 3 S 3 1, j • a c .2 2 to 00 CO Sco "O CM CO CM CO w « O o o H c ca 3 •a — 3 H T3 C -id o cu — o T3 a ej Pi c CS H o - o OS < 13 3 CO Si co 5? ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 8l 00 o CO V5 I CD CO « O CI 00 00 * I I I d ci O 05 CO Ti- co ~ — irj O C< CO L.O d CO OS - co 1 1 co • ■ ■ CO 00 f • *o 1 1 oco "> 00 r^oo loco co *o co coco >ococo >o -+■ co — cinoa)«3)N'*-0) co o WDNCICOOCICICHOCI rl S CO CO '0 *0 ci Ci - CO bJD • ■ « 3 • e ' c ' 1 -Q OS aS e = § oj'&c 'Sjc^ C3 .2 .3 „ to a> -3 a> cs cn C-> t/l 3 -"^ ^ c- > (/> ^3 u ^ c H - S s- ' 5 c e -g .3 .§ to § o ai 'tip 3 3 -= > a> S 3 E ^ S S 3 u s 5 a »H*o r-co CO O h rJ- ci Ci o CO co -4- o CO 00 Tt- H(5I 00 osco tJ- uo r-> co o i> t(-co 00 o *ocot^c 05 ci CI t)- O C O CI o Ti- er) 00 HndrtQNOHH Ti-r^o -f-co 00 t~- O) o 00 co ci -+- co lo ci n o ci a r- « cot(-oco tJ-oo 10 00 CO CO - co »o o o 1- co >o 10 t^co O CO — CO O h CO CO rH ihCO O d CO IM fM ■-■ lOCOlH CI CI CI 00 CO — O CI « « CO rH ll'lllltllll'ltlll bo a* o a . O BJ o s » 10CD M W h o o r? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ^Cft CJ •"3 "5i cu <*J £ 3 O CO Ch o- CI O rt to I c s CS Ufs S 03 OJ • — c£ 03 ■ —i fc- t- — • — G ^ 3 3 O3S~b0cS (D< U "5 5 I •« « 2 "a "3 & '33 Eg 2 2 C cj 3 .3 T -Q CU 3 bo o a. cs fcD ^ _ 3 3f CJ — -3 .5 > > 2 M (ft o ** C "2 i£ 3 5 cs 3 ? cs O M tl r}-CO o CI" c 1 CD 1 O ^- 1 <*■ 1 o ' 1 cm III' ' 1 r-l - ~ 1 1 CO CO CO O CM -tCD Mi l-l CO CM CO CO I I • I I CO a s 3 CO w CS H 55 £3 O o S — ■ •■I i i ■ i i CO CO >0 . CM CO CD o ci CO o CO o o o ' -+CC "0 cm co co o o rH CM O o o o o o o o 1^ o COCO CM *i i-i O C oo <*■ >-0 O UO CO CO l-l H CI H — CM GO iCi-i — phCD lit- rj- 1/5 C cj 3 U .3 " o -OH C3 3 «> cS cS ' GO _ t->-3 _o b 0) cj "2L ■> - _ 3 be cs C CJ Crf W 03 S3 Ph < 'Jl > 3 O CM CM Cs CO 55 K P4 w o 53 -<5 < W ■-3 O '■c a o c- cu 3 O S o G O CO CS ^3 3 CO CJ o CO ENTERED OUTWARDS I N EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. «3 rH O rH «5 1 H I r-> ■o rH »0 H rH Ci »0 cm co 0 co O CT) N CO 00 Tt" CO >o eo pri -00 O) 0 CO <* o o o - >o f- 00 CO CI CO rH o "+ "O O rH « CI O OVO O C5 rH CO O 00 rH rH rH CD Ol't ") O 1- rH ■rj- rH CT) »0 CO 0 CO Tf" O S, ■ co coco »o mo'o cc r-H,in +0 00 co CD O «5 1^00 l>. CT) O " CT) > 0 CTlCO 0 rH N lO O) O) Ol O CI CI 1^ rH rt- Ol I-H, |>H 01 rH rH CD rH rH CO »0 CI rH CO O rH rH Tj- CI O of ■ 1-^ l-TU CI LQ d 00 01 rH O — CI cT r* O "* CO CO bp ^ r« ^ 2 4> C 3 be pfl • S 3 a B ' .2 .0 .0 .2 - g 22 o c5 - « c U ' y _es * o - 3 o rii S Sot: S = S 2 » S 3 2 Og^Qa,rC2^5;KcK23-HQO O S .2 S "a Q P- a es To CD 5 a a cs bfigf I II £ ~ — r— « 3.3 J! •§ I L° « M H CI I^H Ci CJOrHCOClOOClrHlOCO CO -H 01 rH 01 03 - 1^ rH Ol CO CO rH Ol CI Ol — CO ».o H Cl' H 1 1 • 1 1 1 ! 01 1 kO ■ 1 CO 1 1 I CD l> 01 CO ■ 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I CO et "* co ■ 1 I I I 1 1 CM 1 1 1 ■ ■ III t 1 1 1 ■ I 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 II 1 1 1 • 1 ■ 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 O «5 0 co 0 0 0 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti CD CI O coco co O 0 CD 01 1 1 • I I 1 I 1 O O O O O Ol O 00 0 t>. 0 0 C5 O CO >o CD rH rt rH ■ "S • ■I (O 00 -f- CI CI i> >o t(- Ph. O 4 0 CT) co 1^ CT) to CT) CO IO 01 00 0 00 rH t- rj- CT) CO CO OS *o 00 CO 3 1 -3 a es Ji w y 3 CO bo u 3 Si a o -o a es c a JS a C3 2 § ^ o O a 1 53 rS rrf 'rl r? C-'K Ch CiO W «--r^> cs tc-a-5 a -a C/3 s: Im O JO c cu O > o s a 520. T3 a es 4> -a a a L 2 84 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS. CINDERS AND CULM 1 * < CO CO «5 r-i CO co 0 in c o o o o o o o c< O - 'O CI CO c* bid £T.2 O bJD o .2 -a _ «3 5 2 - 'So > — "5 «« X! W ■- 1 «*-cor^i-i co-^- — M c J* 03 CJ - m c 2 jo C» CO 00 CO I I I s Oi o o co r^co o --c o coco o o co CO COrhOOOOCOCOOO CjCO e> O N r-> co ih iflnci cico «h o cito t - co o^ r* o»_ cyo_ i>. co co >o co^ r>. o co c-T co oo a c< cT co i-t •rt- lO CO — OOOOOOOOOOO O OOO 000"+005t^O>-"I>.»0 CI *-0 O O D O) H C4iiOOOC«U)Oi* CO CJ1 CO ■-" cic(rici-a)ci(ocD + 1° s a> 5 CO C3 l^CO ^OICftNMHHHCOClHCI hIS«hO0!Ihh»5*h O r-cCOi-i co co cm « a o H c 15 "o EC 13 B 03 a I I I I I "o I o «° c ^3 ' • • 1 1 QJ JS ■s - ~ to OS to 5 aj j*\2 S S Clj= " 1. OM C! !» » fl kr 1 - »rS _ c "5 o 0) 5 8 o g.3 . s ^ s .rc -c 3 b o £ a. co § H<-> n O m ~> CO o co M 01 MS 09 09 CO O O lO O co CO rH OOOOOOOOOOOOO oi^or^o^oocoThocir^ io « n « o t o t> + >o r» U)rt0O + H d rt d + H « C< o CO oooooooooo e» co co r~- coco O O O co >C TJ- t -1- CO "M ITj l>>M — T* r» CS — OS « ^ i «s .2 faX) 3 ' 3 c c ' § S ' .2 -o _ CD -3 cu .2 — .5 2 > — .3 ^3 S .22 fe co to ^.co o-^o »2 i O S O = « g « ° § « 3 u 3 "-5 3 60 | J hO a s M 1-S gs Is tj- -h Tt- t^co h h o n >oo co ~ ■ i ii I l 1 • < • o <*■ e» CO to >o 00 r-i CO I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I II I I I I I I OS OS CO o o coo o o o o o o O o O co co cnoo OS « CM CI 1-1 o> OS CM - o OS CO CM OS vrs CO us n n CO i-i *-t Cs o cc o o o o , CT.CO CM CO ' « 1^ to co o o o o o O O O CO lO O O CO O ci co — « -± CI CO tJ- tJ-CO CO co o o o o o o CI t» O CO CO 'M r-i co os r-» co ■<*■ cs co t> o co^ cs co -T o o O !>. o o cs cs CO H t> CI rl H i-l ii CI O H IH l-l »C co no(o n CO <1 H CL, CO cu C .c 'a .3 cu u co PQ cv; _ C 3 l .3 C cj o CO 3 J — 3 7/ cs cj = — 3 =: — ^ u o •— s 3 — n « u u 3 cs 3 i o u . cj^_i-o ffi o&h a, o O H < o < o u co ZQa-Z s O 53 — 3 as > cl CD 520. 3 o S — 03 z 9 00 CO CM CO i-T ci" cm" o o o O CO -« CM CO CO C< CM oo ooooooooooooo o o o OO «50 O OOCO hd O N «-OCO CO . ■<*■ O iO •i — COCO^-CMOCOCO'^CMi-OlrSCM-^-'oO — CO CM CI OCOCC XiUJiOO ^-m r-iv}^- CM i-T CO S -a + o h o t^co 1> CO t}- « 00 k-1 CM M rn h n r-l CO PS r- o o ca a CU bfi y 3 e . b ST *■> rl C3 W B S 4* CJ 3 c; fa fa co\S O S H -" 'a n rr <2 S 5 B • — b « w u *3 o S B B CU 'E? >» B "O 3 O 3 .2 s & t ■ o H S B .2 CU 3 B3£^ = CJ3.;: 3 C « o •; O &rr« 3 ra L= ou — - B .3 CD UhhS«i2U« Ph faEfafafa wOHZSKS^WcgU • _ 1 »- B S O fcJO ~ — — b .a o 2 o a5« i '5 i CO T3 a ■ >> « S to B CU B C-> " 1/1 2-"3 3 B " 3 "3 S Eh OS c - u o o "a CO o P3 e Q -a c 3 Q o « 3 ENTERED OUTWARDS 1 IV EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. I I to I I I c» I (■» co I I I CO o -.* co oococor-oci**-oooc*»oooc >o o ■+ >.o o co r-» e< « >o ~ m ■m <4-o so Nr» oo ei ej n r-~ ooo-o "S o c c _S CS (3 D X! u to e QJ ^-•^j-t-iCDi-ieii-i'-!- 3 3 « U E a S C C £ Z Z CO I . I 00 o III I • I I I I o » ' • 1-4 I I I III I • I I I I ooooooooooo o CO CN CO 1 CO M co o O CH co C 0 o o o o o - cm >oco n o h CI w l> Ct oco CM co co .2 S 3 C .5 CU "co '"3 CO 0) •5 BSC 3 CU - at c 3d CD . 5s .! . •- c 1 _o 03 C CD _3 J S 5 o _ O 03 CS _2 03 3 rH Tt-CC O nr coo O ci ri-co t^co o «co i- o O csco R C< CI -rJ-00 rH CM rH CO ^CO COlO" CM CO w t> CI Ol W H lO Cf rH CO cT co CO oo CO CO U5 rt CI rl O CI rH HHCIrlHtOOlCICINtl Cfl w I— I p o o S3 5 3 ■s :s ■ o tyj - C l ^ CO C3 C? 33 Oh CS o* O CD CD CD >- s- 3 u 3 Oh >-> to H rt CD Oh o a -a o o O i o a o . rg . . OS CD c IS I— c CO c « s ^_ CO *■* . o 2 O- 5 rS -3 _ 3 cs O co co CD .-i hn bC-r -O "Z3 .-3 N c sMr-n 3 a - U hJ3 o . crl m cs ,2 S-O.-cbum^S r^ CS 3 3 r3 r* C PS CD cs co CD 1-t 3 > O cs s CD p CD t-. 3 .a c o CU e is o H c CS T2 a PS o Ph o S5 1 -3 ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 8 9 I I 00 in I o o 000000 00000 00 CO OM *nvooio o do « ci *o 0(0 ^t^Ol" r- CO i^. t~- r-» CO « co — n o « a h ^3 1 .a .1 -a 'Ska w c «^ t a " a g > o ca 2 Q cl, ^ £ Q H H H rt lO^- 2 S £ ■pO U- »o o CSC f_i "3 C "3 In CD u " y c c OJ 2 « 03 es .3 o 3 Q CO CI I I 00 05 000 t» o 1^ >jo ih ij- CO -1 CO 10 >o OOOOOOOOOOO^j-OOOO O 0(00 O h O h MS KlffiO O O «1 ^j-oo o rH «1 CI ^ C* 00 CO CI I- 000 000 o o OOH OOCO NOV) 00 »OClCO CO Tj-CH— coco Or- C> « CO rH r- CO <-l 11 IH CD OJ c "3 "3 u C 5 OH o u c ~°-3 >» l. c 55 O OJ S; 3 "3 CO 2 s>o .0 •_ C 3 o H 13 C r2 *3 o c « t 2 -3 5 3 « .3 Km o Ph a X E c U u E E <5 < CO H ■ III Foreign, British Austrian Danish Swedish Hanse Towns ci h y a g» 2 3 CO o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOCOOOOOOOOQkOO o o o o o + o to CO ■-> CO -}• O o O O W5 00CO ci O iO0 O O toma r-~ tJ-oo (OM»OMHHnCl»'» OS O r-l M H .2.2- § CO iocicociHMr.aHrtHr(COHci(ooc7)cnoHcinHHHneo co CO w Cs o o 09 *£ >> CS o „a ^ E co PQ 3 E3 o N . < , c CS I I CS 4) be U 3 r- p *» Cj ~ o X - "a 0) o § ° at i .2 - -2 § O g g » C t/> ci ->-; O " O "J -3 " * 18 T3 .-2 = 3 .2 S ^ J S X/ . _ — 5 o 2 a. 5 £s cs O as 3 cS 5 I B , I— I ' b£~ c S2 1 ° 5 ^3 CS e .t3 -o cs I- 3 o « o CS pa _ 1/5 0 cy < 09 CU o 1 5 S P3 -t 50 T3 00 c o C o ►4 ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 91 ! OOOOO 1^00 10 O CO (D OlO «1- o o CD O ■4- eo 00 co" CD eg oT CO 0^ 0 C5 mo » be • 3 X) c = -3 £ -3 co J* 10 cu 3 cu s « & < 2 co a- O CI r-l — r-l H a 'to g CO £ Oh Ol cm ■ 1 bo 1 § SiS o =22 J « HrtdlMdHHCI §.2 0)0'" C 3 a> 3 ba 3 a — 2 o c — tc 3 e c3 .22 s-* ^ 3 > C g 3 ct$ co £ cues CM — CMCMr-lf-Irt,-! 5 3 5 3 rt Q 3 .2 '00 CO MO os O O 00 Cl O CO 0 ci 01 0 n cooo —» 00 1 1 CM r^cD F» a; 00 co 00 CO CI 00 CO Ci t-t CD r-» co co co MO CO co eo 1 f 1 ■ I co CM « • co o ' PQ as 13 "w J5 3 3 : cu "3 s > C t- O c o u « (3 'C C « 3 3 « bo c 3 1) "co "3 co 01 3 & - CS CO Ph O CS n a _ c 0 3 "3 tJ O 3 „ a 3 i_ 3 520. j<: CJ "3 u c2 cu -3 M 2 92 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM "<3 a C5 oo O O CI O ei O Oi ~ O O © O O O CO h CO C5C t"H rl HC£) Cct H fOrt rH o o o o T CM co o -S c 1 § g S « S E » o 0 -3 *■» CJ to S to -3 3 .— 4) — B 0 3 3 a; 3 <= c CS £ 3 3 PS hi CO a CO a GO S 00 cm - o U 0 00000000 0000 00 01 o+NioON + i- oono r^>o co o -1 co o coco co *o c* cm « n 1-1 CO »oco >OCO Tj-00 «o Ct H CO CO " CM cT cT co cC 00000 cm no occ o in o CO « CM CM rH CO rH rH 00 *o CO rH rH rH CO CM rH COCO CM. Ci CO rn — r- 00 CM CO m w z O O C3 Oh O H3 -o o o c © 60J-J o U 3 to — 3 « • 3 -Q C3 is • - !S O — O » — ^ Nt^ *H r* f ~, UiOPn fa&ipqaa Or2 © r-1 3 CS CS 3 '3 CS U *3 J3 3 3 25 © u 3 CS - 3 60 § -£ 3H - - _= 3 g-3 S oj a> 60 •* y «33 ^ s 2 2 S g. "3 {£ bQOSrH £ Ph cd £ H CO — «"? t« o to to 3 to — 2 3 3 P- =J 3 w o < < w o CO f co -3 U r3 3 O £ CJ Q 1 1 ugh 1 1 0 1 — out 0 .a to _© © E _3 C3 O W O 0 3 O O ■3 to E O o o ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 93 o o CO CO CD co 10 co koco i>co co o o t> — so ifo h + + o Oco Cm O o o o r-»co Onto O O "t - O CO O -+'0 o kO-^- — ci in krj O CO O CM CO c* O kO - 1 O O ko .-< -^-Ci CO r-. O C0O3O5C0C0C» S U1 S 'O N d t^CO C5CO ■+ ^- -> Tj- t H CI O lO«5't-IS ^COC* «5t»! , 5 1 OH rnCO M«>0>0 ocT co t? " n h r-" Ck e* o oo co 'O Ck 1^ a .2 'eii c cj cd ° 5 ^3 to CO c- H H {| — — B 1 3 3 1 s c?»^ii-a |« > - rt CI Q COtNCI H Ort +01tN O X tJ- it c c 03 o .2 1) 1 3 s -O .5 C =- „ a> o 1 1 00 t I ■ • 1 1 CO o 1 1 Ci Oco O) • ■+ CO CO <*• Mi oo »o CJ t>. CO • w , 05 *2 cT CO "2 CO 1 ■ 1 1 t •> o co" <+ CO CO *■ c , CO 1- Ci t» * CI • CO >-o •.o O ^1- e* 1 1 c* 00 m CO 1 >+ pi CO " 00 ■ a I ■ 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 • 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 t i • i • • ■ i ■ 1 1 ■ • • 1 1 fc • 1 1 ■ -§ 1 1 1 ■ ■ ■ ies cily - itories I 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 Hope led Sea CS cu 'X "3 to QJ Girt C3 o 60 '55 u 0) 3 bfl i- 3 -o c cu -3 s tc O s fe o H > CA1 a; i2 tV •- cr o 520. 94 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM i cm co CO ooooooo oooooooo CO co co cc >oco 01 o o co 00 CM CM cu coco — CO CIN^ i-i CO — CO o CO CM co >oco - t=s c« £ Q a- ft- C3 CM CM r- CM O r- CO »0 "1 C > S 2 O c « c c co — r-coiM — cM 00 CO .C co ce •*£ 53 en ,£« 2 ^3 -1 « .2 I II I! % § P-i co co co"c£ CO Q ^ n « „ « h t< 1 = iii i • it i P- S3 W co ■ it i i i o eg ■ i ■ 2 CM I> O COt^-^-t^C^CO CO t» CM CM 3 rH r- r- — " 'H ri ii u oooco or^o O -ri-cMco co i-» cm 00 . 1 CO CM CO n O l-l *-l O) — i> co rH CO CM. CM o CM i-l >o § CO 00 n lO HCD CO CM rill CO H H 02 5 .2 & Cle O o .2 cu 'S ' 3 S CU 3 CO ? s tS £ c3 'K -a S CO CU D t> O co A -Id s S3 3 CU be 2 bo .O s_ c S? 3 CU J, 3 o c ^> c-S is o S3 cj ffi 3 68 33 bfi O " ffi ■ T3 C 33 l-H S "cu 3 3 CU — ca o s.s P- CO 5 c S3 3 H a a, ca Cd J SB < co ec o o cu CS ffi 3 ffi ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 95 I o oo I I I I o COOOOOCOVJOO oooooor^ojcoco a kr} iocO HI n h oo M O) *■< CI tJ-vOS CO t£ CO CO .-T ef oo o co 0500 »C r)-CO O O O iO 30 CO CT Oi Cl rH CO oo oooooo irjrr O O ") h O + ci co •-ico 03 ■+ «0 co ■* ci co - ■S c 5 L. .« i= e .2 .2 ,M 'zz w «5"r3 co co m ^ 5u 2 2 ? « 2 2 ^ d c o " a rH CO r= rC '3 = « £ 0> 3 t>J0 3 ^3 r3 ca co c c es — — a es <-* £ 2.8 'sr.* es 4) 0) U 3 S x H i/) n H I • I I I I III ■ I I • I I I I I III I I I o o o o o o o o ■ I o o o O o o o O O o O C O o O O o O OOOOOO o , co >o o r-» o o -H 00 o o o CO »oco CT O ct t>. O o CO o co r-» c o co o ' o> o O rn o ' CO CO CI 0 ci CI CO lO 00 CO O t» »o CO co o c> «o CI rH CI >o r£ CO CO ■>*■ qi CO CO CO CI O^ <*• - H lO Cl CO T£ rH CT CI Tf CI rH cT CO l-T rH cT 1H CI rH «5 CO rH o 1 1 ■r]- ci ci rH CI CI rH CO O rH t^* rH CI Hi CO CT rH rH CO IO i i CO rH co -a c eS rSJ On "e3 rH eu CJ a> cu u o iH 3 H CD to o a " to rQ 1— I §-§ « o> = a) cu u es ■v S < O 0) o a. J e" 3 ts "C 3 09 0) cs 2 gw T3 . ■a S 3 J — - Mis R S.5 u 3 J C £ - r - CJ _, ^ •a cj u j. - C tr 1 co W 520. M 4 9 6 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM <4l I I I I oo co o O r- I I I I rt- O CM o CO ■4- C O O I O U)0 o t4- co o o o C O r-~ m o n - o *0 CD co~ o o CO VO CO c* s a •§ • • • P* cs c S-g-S-S £73 C 0) c v o E s s c cS o "C « NO CO N r-i ri 0000 000 01 00 !>• 00" o <*■ n — 0 to »-o o o o ■+ >-noi> KN« h CO 00000 CO — CO CO o co o - co co S a, 5 02 £<3 ~ — 01 O — O W5CO 11 O i-O i-i O — CO — rH cooc ■cj- — ~ £ • i_J <*- 3 * n .2 ^ 0 o ;= e g, g - B .i! o n « « .£ 5" 5 IS o 2 5 ■£ '5 E- tU 5P 12 " CS e Its! es O a> o c C es I O So c g S.S 5 5 S S 8. 3 O Uh PL, CO • < i* CO .-9 S o a. o — w 0 H PS * 3 O a. w 0 ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 97 CO rH CO CO cj "* 1 coco cj 1* r> oo co co O CO CO OJ CJ iO CJ CO 00 OS CJ V5 - CO CO O CO •o o ,-< r> n o rn CJ cyo oo co I oo tJ-co co nco to o n - no O n >ooo oo >o cj co co Cj io o n -t -< o ~ cj co cj fh r- c~. n CO CO cj rH IO NO CO nco c coco wo co >o io - M ifl NO -t CO 00 CJ CO CJ CiCO cj >o CI to -> CO COCO 'O ■<*■ NO ci — »+ >0 * *O(O00 t N ri C c< CNO lOCO <0 O. CJ O CO Ci O '* •+ >-oco o o co »oco - C( ^ N N Wj ■+ CO co 05 O KO Uj -I — c< co c 03 Q 1 § K a 2 o Ph CL z NCO - > rH §1 03 3 bD .2 .a to c O c 03 o -3 CD SJ .2 cd^ c/3 C 3 03 C .2 £ 'So co — — rH <" > rC "> ° '? & £ "ss "3 ° •- 'a & h „CO ClH COh Cj CO CJ N (M 1 ■ I • 1 1 ( ■+ CJ 1 1 ■ • ■ 1 ■ 1 l> o O ■ rH rH 1 1 CO o CO co rH CO CO OJ rH t> rH 1 1 CO ■ 1 1 o o 1 1 CO o "i- CO CO >o o co O cj O N N Tj- O o N ^- rH >o rH in 1 CO CJ CO CJ O N 00 CJ cT cT CO cT 1 1 "Sj- CO CJ P-t rH co N •o CJ CO CO CO rH rH a o O . £ o3 CD T3 rid 03 S C C3 & - O tu b 3 rO 3 CJ r3 Eh 520. N o8 SHJPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM <4< cc CO K CO C CO CO CO CO co ' o 1-1 J-l COCO CO o CO CO ph t^CO CO CO co f— CI CI « co i C000COIOIQ lOlOl-0'=i" i: ^'^"001^G2CO > ClOO Cl Cl CO C) ITJ nco rn ■+ NOO G O tlMOOoo CO to CO o g 2 « a c .a B n D -3 -o a . ph CO 0) fa I a a p. ■ a be « o « g-o u-2 CSpprCU-"Bfc,s pf t>. ■ T3 a a ppj "35 a 0) 3 a i a 5! K P3 U o a to o fa w u PS < w pj •S s S I «N CO cl U ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 00 o CO CO CO co CO IN n : i » O IO00 «5 CO >OCO CM CO CJ'O CM CiCO CO cm CO CO CO o o« o CI lO GO CO O CM CI CO O CO CO 00 00 00 O CO CM O00 rt O t"»co cm cm co — co cm Of o CM O CO ■+ *tf-CO C 05 *(0 ci h + ci CO O ci if. O 3 COO c* O O CO » r}- 1^ CO tJ- O 00 cm Cit^O O oi C) ■>*• »OCD "-• - ■ +3)3 | 0 + 0 OOOO Cj--COOcp CO - I^+O io'O^D ^1 _ r- l^'O O — *OCO 04 CM rH CM n - - - ci co co ^-co r- o O lOCO CO t-CO Ift (3) W CO >ooo C 01 Tf- C 01 i~ >-00 O CO 0* CO CO CO -+CO CO CO'O CO 'O 'OCO — — — CD 35 co •+ o t^ei wet r- cm r- co wj ci — o cm co — co c» - o «r co — — c5* rS 3 S" 8 £ c 3 -3 3 -z C c u "P s O 8 O p B c C a C3 5b a c 'So c CD - 33 03 U ad ic ■ o > V- eg go 5 — 3 O :3 |>» rH IOCO r-li-Hr-t-^'-'COpHi-i'-l-'i-ipHF-r-l III J I bio 3 s c; o 3 oo to »= C 3 Bp = j= = .2 = ■£ *C7rv CJ « U — 3 3 5 2 00 o > c £ s 9 .2 3» ci .)£ p ^ — «3 11 — 3 I — I c .5 "Mil ^ i.^ _j ; w w ^ ^ ^/ 3 ^ vg - H « M H H rt rt r-»co CO 3 i C.CCIClHHtOHnnrtHinel o 00 o o l-H 1 1 CO co + o CO 4 ? 00 CO 1 > CO e« I> O CO C c* »o o CO co 1^ CO CO CO lO 01 •o CO co CM co >n o >o CO -f cm" 00 CM CM o o >o CM CM CM c> CM 1 1 1 • • 1 • i 03 a. 03 03 6 .s 'a 03 U Vi 3 H w H 03 CO c C3 03 co oo ci 5i to o • j> O) « o >o tJ- o OVO C GO CO CN CO t*» -+■ Cl O -cf- CO O 1.0 cn lOCO c< 'OOO O cn 00 CO Os'O tJ- C3 »-0 m icco C5 t>. c* o CC CO co irj CD ^ CI tJ- ci o ci CO - 35 CO C5 C "CO CO CO ■<*• rH CO CO ru rH to I — 3 C — Urn ■*-» C ;s « CO 5 H Cl CO c e .2 — s . 7 cu cu 3 3 L5 • - x 3 !) > r ,5 P, CS CO CO O H IfjCI H .2 > « o 3 fl Oh 33 G 2 03. cS 3 C < Ph csj s'S>i 8 £ 1 3 O g Pi Z Ph U c cu u co .2 cu cu £ <3 cu E <5 _, — CS C -j u U «3 g £ £ 2 < p, PP co a. K «! a o id CN CO f» *o CO o io oo 1^ d rH CO 00 rH Oi cn 00 i> o rt-i^ooco o cn o OOiOOOOCNO-nO oo cooo 02 o> o ioco io coioiooit^-'i-Ti-ccco oo CO IQ CO CN e cu re CO Cu o -a S 3 55 52 B H PS -o .CC" S -a 3 02 CO w 5 H Z o H OS o w o z < PS H 3 H C3 SS5 Oh w cu CJO CJ 0) CU o-co hiu CU -doa .2 o 2 SOB S u G C3 O O o S> 3 C Ph : O T3 C • ' cu rC S bad CJU C — _ CU >^ c/30Ph (O T H n X CI ci 10 CO ii ii ii iii i ii ii i iii Oi CI CI CI CO O0 +ITCI CI CI O00 •+ o o O O O o o o o o O ■-I lO t> IS HO CO O CO 00 o CO o o o o "0 iO CO co to r-- CO -t ffj lO "5 CI r» 'O r> ^o Ci »-o CI CO -t- CI o r ^ •4- 1 ^ I - CI CI CO *O00 ri CO CI CI CI co -4- <* CI 'O CO CI CI co" can CP C 5 E < P3 o CI I CO .5 sjo to ^ -a 3 C c3 j2 XI ^5 "C S CJ * g-g « Q 33 3 ri CI CO II V rt n |>- ri ri a £ c3 r3 c3 CO H H ri ri CI C rt 3 CO 52. Q« .2 .// "H'a 1) co Q Svv CO CI ^ 'JO '5 C3 Q .5 a 'to •7, S '5 5 i i i i I ITS 1 I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 l CI 00 CO ■ 1 CO o o O o o o O o o o o o O o o O CO O o I 05 1 , o o . O . no 3 "■4- 00 00 O CO 1-0 >o o co d CO 1 1 CO 1 co CO o F— O iflci O 00 CT> O 00 IO CO ri eo n CO CO ~ CO 30 it 1 1 CI ri *0 CO ■ 1 ri n ri CI .1 n n n CI n CI CI n UO 0) CO "3 a 3 to 3 P3 o c OJ 3 JO C '3 cu — 1 C3 ii C3 3 t. 2 3 3 3 C 03 3 ^ £3 -O cqcjco £ hGD « SO fa l-S c C3 l l i I ■ I « -3 S 55 CJ fa ■ i 3 ■ .5 « 5 S cs — t. e & a * « 1 1 aa 3 cu CJ CJ cj c 3 C3 « u fa C3 C3 •3 it 3 O 520, o K 3 a o 5; 5 3 O c CJ o J. 102 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, PROM 1840. o s 2 i-i cs rheo i-i o o o CO 10 uo rH — CO t>. OS CO CD Cs co co cm *0 CO o oo CM o 'O >0 O CO O O US >o co o -r co CO •+ C( Cf h — o.2 S? 3 -a -2 j- o .2 cs ff* fT< w 3 as COOO N hCO o -3 C co lO CO 00 c I- to 0 0 c CJ "3 .-5 cm ~ Q III I • I I 1:1 I I I I III I o cs CO o o 0 0 O O 000 0 0 0 0 O 0 i 1 1 1 1 1 I -1 0 O Jj- l-l O CM r-l 00 CO CS *0 Cs *-» CO O 00 CM 00^ CI rH CM -1 1 CI I • I 1 J co txCO CM r^oo cm Ti-CO 1^00 CO 0 00 t>» as 0 00 0 0 O O oooo' oooooooo oooo 00 00 «i - rococo cici cioicotj-nohco vj+io 00 Tj- i— CO CO fn rj-CO WtfflXlO l^O CQCI NO d « COO CO o^ 00 ^ °„ °„ °„ "t 01 co ,. ^^o, c 5, roco "-^ ^ <4- cs cso 0^ CO CO »0 CI Cl" cT rT r-icO~CO l-O r* Vfj CO CM r-l O O o r-» Tt-oo o r- o r^co co coco o io cs ifl i «5 M O - CO C i-O o o c — o ^•-(000 hO -*CO O cm n cm ci o 4o !flci co 1-1 <-i co f-T •-T co cm" 00 00 cm tJ" COO ^ CM rH CO COOO O Mm «CO Wh n l/"S CO rH rH rH rr *0 CM ^ CM CO CO CM CO CO h «Ci r< -1 — CM rH rH - CM rO o a CJ — fa -a < 520, N 4 104 SHIPS LADEN WIT If COALS, CINDERS AND CULM c3 OOOOOGOOOOOO ooooocoooo o c >1 CO O »t£3 »0 >+■ co oo co ^-00 r»oo o m to f- ci CO r-1 r-.i-.f-l CI r< OS rT r» ^ o n n + c; io» + ir, o CO CD ^-'o ."coa C CO CO CM CCOCOCOOCOCO COCO — rt « « B o" K l£ -T <= rt .2 -c V, .£5 '-3 U- C CD 3 c bo •s ' c c c O CD co co cm co thco rt CO O CM »0 „ CO rt si- lo I I I I I I I I I I I I t I II ■ I • I I ■ I I I ■ I t I II I I I I I I I I • I I II II I I I I I I I I II 6 co >o o H CI X) CM rH O O CM o o C CO o o o o o ci ' 0 o o o 00 CM rj-CO CO OC CM rt CO C O o o O CO CM O o o o o c o -j- <*• n- o OO COCO 00 CO ifj lO " ■-> CO o o o r»- Ci rt , O COOO t» •ooo 3 cc rt rt l-l 00 CM CO O CO 1> rn co ! -o ~> - CO 05 w H & o o III III s o "3 O CD 3 '« » tJ « '-3 o 'C Ph £3 CG T3 CD c/3 o S5 bo 3 i .a 'to Jji S 8 is -3 B 03 K. CC z - 3 ca bC- _ cj *2 3 .o 3 r3 3 " U E 0 3 >- -J3 1 -Id •S 13 rt ^3 e C4 cs c C c k 03 CD 3 UQcS bJO s- O 1 ^ — S- rt ^ rt - s s E « ^ o F, J o cj r o c o c Ed o to ' 3 <« .2 C 3 - 1 3 — cs 3 t: -So w u < ca w rtl "3 CO ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, l'KOM 1840. o no O c> o o o co Ci o Ci 5 ^ .2 .2 cu -Vi rJi *-> «j rJ1 "5 3 3 ^ £ Si P Cm « CU « ~ !_ CU So S CI ~ 1-1 — ii C C3 O cu E CO CI o »0 CM o o o o o O O O CD O m ci oo c» cm — e» »o c* o o o o CO tM tJ-CO ooooooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooo s r^O «(0 >flO - Ol io "O 'ceo ci « co -t i- ci ^t- CO oonooco-ooHoo* 'O rj- O Ci O -I- t-« O >fl IM r>. CI — CO rt- OS CO o *0 'CCO CO »-i CO rt" CO ci r» i- O CO O O CiC© 1^ CO Tf- o - 00 o t-^- t£ T*- l.O tJ- lO CO ~ Ci" »0 l-T r-1 CO t-1 O i-l CO - tJ- c* ci i-i ii r~ coco cooo d 1-1 i-1 h OM ci CO + « +00 ti a h COOoi'tONh.'+ti — La — 1 _J (.O I— . ~ > 020U> U =i D O ^ Cl. co P B fi «S .5 «s i: « .a s- CO 01 "1 0) o '5 c u GO cu ' C H Te 2 cS CO s CS c -5 cu - OB CCS — t. cu c— if « _2 3 c CU -c C8 O SO S; 3 ST tc"3 , 5 = 2 U« P PQ -3 C C3 CJ — — O 520. s 3 o of 0 i o6 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM Ip o W a: o Ph oooooooooo co o cn cooiTi- — co r>. o -4- ci CO co rH t-l bo ^ -3 0) £ bD . £ SJO bo - a ? - ^ to B «= 3 \3 'S CS cfl n 5J 3 53 -3 > o c c o) ca * "5 c» 01 Ci CO o o o c* OO 00 OO OOOOOOiOOO Ci O WO OiCO Ci rl-CC o o r>. o cr. »o co r: o C> CO 0 CO CM i-T ef co oS oooooo oooooooo CO O O O cji ^> t^r-> — n «5 o 5 « tJ- iT5 CO ~ ih n!fl COh Ci CH n « m o is h «s - i> co CO W o o cS 0) C3 bo 2 bo S 3 CJ .0 2 = s 5 o H a "I CJ _a -3 C -3 ,g O U C '-3 O 4) to CO 3 £ O ci co Z 3 O £ CJ to c a Q £20 EC £ cq 3 c r, ci ' ES c IS 15 fa U ca c5 c2 p o N < rt "c3 .5 « to bo = 55 3 2 2 5 5 pi fa fa cl, a, CO -3 . a eS * CJ a ca «J cc"5^ CJ "8 o "3 U 60' ca 1 £ • J.' CU 1 . — 3 ei cu "cn — CO 31 3 i pcj ENTERED OUTWARDS IN EACH YEAR, FROM 1840. 107 0000000 0000000 000000000000 r^oo o r-» — iflO «50 o no ci ■O Of O >CCO O «!«h o co oioo — 00 cm rl 00 00 CO O^O'COCOOCOOOOOO". CO CM C< CO 10 COCO CO CO >o Ci „ ^, co - 00 r. M » 10 >o o 1 - CI .2 o tE~ to _, a (u » cu rt fc -a & "' 1. c o CIS > o % o s s « c3 o is «2 s « 3 ^^^o^ijSfe^S^^ CJ « "S £ e — to Q ~ o v» O y _ S3 si IS 3 + S H S IflCOH -h - CJ>« - - CO cm >- C -3 03 /o "co T3 co a> c c .2 .5 'So' 5d -,-,*■ o cu — ~— - ' J - - CO CO • — - £ "S '5 © O CSS C3 1 s .a c j; s 3 « ,2.2-2 J g - •- S3 '0 c rt cu CO s < 'O o 0000 00 O CM o o o 00 o ~ - O CO co CO OOOOOCOOOCO O OOOOO 0 >o O CM C< G O t>» CM O C5 t»- tj- co >o *oco CO n CO CM CI o cm o o o c< t>. CO 01 CO - co 10 ~ — CM ~* c< co — co CO CO - t> CM « cu o o c4 1 cs S-i o 55 S3 o o S CU O to — 3 0 aa - _^>"3 -r rt £-3 u n o c C3 CD '/. o 3= ■£ CS "2 .2 — C u S = ™ co u o> "JS C x "33 3 03 s o 2 « 3,3 rr £ p-i g o 33 X u S5 a. u: -"3 X 1 •- c .H «T3 00 CO o • c gCJ 4J co S3- o 3 £ -s- - CD O Z CD T3 C CS "2 '5 _2 o 3 1 > 1 .r 0 CO CO o 3 3 " u u " Z, C3 PS S3 W c_ - CC S3 CD CO ' 11 I 3 E 59 Cj5i Sc o to 520. o 3- CD S3 10S SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS AND CULM, ENTERED OUTWARDS, FROM 184C. II «3 co Oh « co M H cc o CO W cc H & O CJ W o iz a Ntf ~5S 10 OlO O CO O sco i^h ^-o >o C? InC© i-C rH Pi o PS cc cc m £j-S Q cc "a -r 90 o -3 a 3 U -a a -3 a U cS o o '-3 c 3 ■*-» co S 'o fcfl at cj H J3 © to c T3 "3 a> o o a. -3 ki f i> IS ~3 CJ *o Cj 10 co CO 10 CO 00 CI .-« - CO CO - CI •» 1^ -N CO Q In n C5 CO CO CO" CO O CO CO ^d- ri- 05 CI CO CI 01 Ol CO co co Cj o o 00 1^ CJ CJ In C CJ tN tN 10 CO 0C CI CO CJ In. CJ •<*■ In 00^ CJ r»- In O «-0 CO CO CO CO IO "Nj rH CJ ^j- pi 1 os h to CJ CJ CO CO CJ o lO 00 00 00 vo 00 •O CO CO In CJ CO d CO tJ- ^ CI CS r*- CO — CJ d co o o O tN O 00 — CO CJ CO CJ CO r* CI CO CO CO o o 10 8 S CI VJ CJ CO co -d- o 10 CI GO o CJ CJ o CJ 10 00 co rj- co co IN CO 00 IO CI * co OO 00 00 00 00 00 r-i ha in Cm o "a u O en s o C • O tN " 00 OS H tr -4 o op B 8* a' a- p =. s " o p r 2. •* TO p *i sr ft fti o ^ 3 cr TO o § > ft s _ o » 5 r* ° c D s s P &.b C TO 0 TO tr' o p 2. 1 < TO TO ft a, S £ ft 3 3- O a' *< — TO TO —. o H > C z 9o O M p C5 - £ era ^.2 5' 5" to era ft TO TO 3J n CC- 3 p era 3 <-c ft s- c TO V ° W C 3ft" (D TO ►5 P 3 O 3 TO TO ft TO P Z 3 C ft 3 i. J TO C -I E % I £ TO i- *d TO 03 ft 0 ft P 3 1 — • ^ ?r o > r O z C/3 > Z o o r COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 24 March 1848;— /or, No. 1. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1847 ; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1846." No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exforted from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1847; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1U4U ; also, distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped." No. 3 AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1847, with the Kate and Amount of Duty thereon." No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1847, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1846." ■Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 18 May 1848. — No. 1. AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS from which Shipped England London Portsmouth - Southampton Cowes - Poole - Exeter - Plymouth Bristol - Gloucester Cardiff - Newport Swansea Llanelly Milfovd Chester Runcorn Liverpool Preston - Lancaster Whitehaven - Maryport Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Sunderland - Stockton Hartlepool - Gainsborough Hull - Goole - Scotland : Leith - - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkaldy - Greenock Port Glasgow Glasgow Irvine - Ayr Ireland : Dublin - Ross Total - YEAR 1 846. Coals. Cinders. Tons. 270 3,810 72 46 14 97 1,869 103,788 438,781 493,582 256,960 169,006 20,939 96,198 Tons. 13 Culm. Tons. 30 30 3,284 1,337 13,245 41,876 4,000 321,835 218,359 33,822 2,350 2,268,993 1,581,754 620,636 601,221 2,265 8,482 135,714 8,222 59,944 4,562 28,608 49,480 217 320 64,862 177,635 71,283 21 1,580 138 479 446 33,613 464 41,643 260 71 105 1,178 196,053 67,155 47,552 4,833 r,906,718 81,853 40 316,871 Total. Tons. 270 3,823 72 46 14 30 127 1,869 104,966 442,065 493,582 454,350 236,161 68,491 96,198 13,383 41,876 4,000 326,668 218,838 34,268 2,350 2,302,606 1,582,218 662,279 601.481 2,336 8,482 135,819 8,222 69,944 4,562 28,608 49,480 217 320 64,902 177,635 71,283 YEAR 1847. 21 1,580 8,305,442 Coals. Cinders. Tons. 1,706 4,830 473 300 3,055 110,453 429,448 436,099 212,484 165,650 17,319 89,326 63,766 14,830 33,511 4,324 303,494 188,330 29,188 70 2,570,336 1,870,436 705,034 700,080 6,330 7,889 144,454 6,492 56,642 3,738 39,668 45,144 185 160 56,545 161,925 61,689 r24 8,545,127 Tons. 34 3,278 486 520 319 4,272 2,198 48,605 735 22,778 3,033 150 269 70 Culm. 180 160,337 38,741 35,394 40 5,352 2,557 60 Total. Tons. Tons. 1,706 29 4,893 30 6G3 15 315 3,055 110,633 432,726 436,099 373,307 204,391 52,713 89,326 63,766 15,390 33,830 4,324 308,846 195,159 31,386 70 2,618,941 1,871,171 727,812 703,113 6.480 7,889 144,723 5,492 66,642 3,738 39,668 45,144 186 160 66,665 161,926 61,689 724 86,747 242,725 8.874,599 335- A QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported YEAR 184fi. PORTS from which QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals : Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals : Cinders. Culm. Total. SHIPPED. Large. Small. Large. Small. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. c £. £. £. London - Slioreham - Portsmouth Southampton Poole 71,912 84 495 307 4 85 287 - 72,203 85 84 495 307 63,839 83 47i 283 6 45 322 - 64,167 45 83 471 283 Exeter ... Dartmouth Plymouth - Falmouth - Bideford - - - 7 413 221 12 400 - - - 7 413 221 12 400 3 161 152 8 280 - - 3 161 152 8 280 Bristol - Gloucester Newport - Cardiff - Swansea - / ,yy+ 2,893 120,827 45,°47 34,824 531 2,237 55 783 2,928 7,994 2,893 123,595 45,102 38,535 A A 1 8 4,4 1 0 1,440 58,210 22,676 14,639 170 1,640 45 483 787 4,4l8 ( 1,440 60,020 22,721 15,909 Llanelly ... Milford - Chester - Liverpool - Lancaster - 13,828 288 i,i53 97>65 2 440 - 170 100 24 13,9 2 8 312 1,153 97,822 440 5,710 216 599 60,074 236 188 24 7 5,734 223 599 60,262 236 Preston - \/V/ ri i f e\Y\ o I/on VV Ullcilci Veil " - Maryport - Berwick - - - Newcastle - Sunderland 794 1,308 322 823,350 255,443 - 177,681 218,041 63,296 5,021 120 794 1,428 3*2 959 1,064,327 478,505 • 410 582 135 309,270 91,385 - 35,934 37,307 44,347 3,387 19 410 601 1 135 320 389,551 132,079 Stockton - - - Hartlepool Gainsborough - Hull- Goole - - - Grimsby - 69,924 170 47,956 5,722 400 56,333 419 892 21,853 1,472 67 : ; - - 148,110 186,437 170 48,442 6,614 400 23,669 A A f\f\C\ 44>999 68 22,557 2,442 186 10,756 165 268 12,113 908 71 - - - - - 46,538 45,9°7 68 22,793 2,710 186 Scotland: Leith ... Borrowstoness - Grangemouth Alloa Kirkaldv ... mi nam y 8,161 64,907 7,516 16,104 16,666 4 22 _ _ - - - 8,165 64,907 7,538 16,104 16,666 3,6oi 30,007 3,228 5,750 7,955 2 18 m _ - - - 3,603 30,007 3,246 5,750 7,955 Dundee - - - Arbroath - - - Aberdeen - Grppnock - - - 1,188 343 100 16,646 508 20 391 162 - - - 1,696 363 491 16,808 584 165 50 10,204 205 12 189 101 - - - 789 177 239 10,305 Port Glasgow Glasgow . - - Irvine ... Ayr - - - - 4,478 3°,9°3 14,382 388 341 311 - - 4,478 31,615 14,382 388 2,230 1 7,240 6,386 183 169 39 1 - - 2,230 17,800 6,386 183 Ireland : Dublin Waterford - Cork Limerick - - - 1,741 3° 102 233 35 i,74i 30 137 233 1,414 30 113 153 40 1,414 30 153 153 Sligo - Londonderry Belfast Drogheda - - - 600 180 1,958 117 2 600 180 1,960 117 510 180 1,455 93 4 510 180 1,459 93 Total - 1,976,913 455,469 95,554 3,172 2,531,108 821,052 85,387 63,899 837 971,175 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 184G. 3 - from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Ahroad. YEAR 184(5 QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. COUNTRIES to which Coals : Coals : Cinders. Culm. Total. Cinders. Culm. Total. EXPORTED. XjO,r°"G. Small. Large. ■ 11 Ml 1 • Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. Russia 101,196 32,645 4>°44 138,485 40,063 0,069 3,i99 49,331 Sweden 21,632 8,770 683 - - 31,085 6,70''; 1,51 *3 1,662 510 - 8,818 Norway 21,682 8,418 1,339 31,439 7,886 1,072 10,620 Denmark - 125,601 52,458 o,y / 0 184,032 42,835 10,396 57,075 Prussia 1 1°>3°7 1-10 8 'P. 72,o5 0 3>276 i Q.f\ e* 1 f\ 1 00,5 1 1) 36,022 13,/ 3° 1,934 5i, c 94 Mecklenburg 6,516 6,424 U70 13,618 2,124 1 ,225 454 3,803 Hanover - r 1 80 u,4~ 0 242 11,852 1,705 1,312 153 3,170 Oldenburg 6,303 808 76 7,277 2231 1 02 5i 2,494 Hanseatic Towns 07,269 15,686 - - 106.010 33,502 15,831 8,880 - - r n O 1 0 Heligoland H9 2 1 5 - 1 1 z 59 4 4 - 67 ' Holland - 1 -57,71 O 22,715 2,404 - • 1 ^2, 8^7 45,944 4,040 1,730 - 5i,7H Belgium - ~ 1,788 OO7 m 687 Channel Islands - 46,742 1 Q 1 0 152 79 46,991 17,849 4 llO 29 17,992 France 520,100 132,191 6,841 2,9°3 670,035 197, 0 59 24,109 4,523 7^9 226,460 Portugal, the Azores} and Madeira - - J 27,095 6,422 377 7° T},o64 1 1,792 1,173 335 20 13,320 Spain and the Canaries 00,430 2,512 35,344 104,286 20,004 524 23,638 - - 53,026 Gibraltar - 20,296 874 _ 21.170 8,653 205 Italy 75,173 2,115 12,865 - -90,153 30,627 581 9,793 ^ 1 ,UU 1 Malta 6 2,579 209 382 _ 6q 1 HCi 26,579 42 302 - 26,923 Ionian Islands - 6,222 7> 8 73 6,22 2 2,58l - 11 r9i •',501 ! Kingdom of Greece - _ _ 7 87^ /, u /0 3,485 - m _ 0 /iRr 3,4°5 Turkish Dominions 37,144 m _ _ "37,144 O 1 , * TT 15,704 J)/ I _ m _ 15,704 Wallachia and Moldavia 2,510 - - . - 2,510 1,151 - - 1,151 Syria and Palestine 1 Sf> 1 ou - - 186 154 - 154 Egypt 33,37° 50 33>426 13,6l4 38 13,652 Algeria i6,733 2,491 — ** 19,224 5,507 440 5,947 Western Coast of Africa 0,046 - - - 6,046 2,952 • ■ 2,952 Cape of Good Hope 11,769 - - H,769 6,652 - - 6,652 African Ports on the\ Red Sea - - J 083 q8t T,o 350 Cape Verde Islands 372 187 - 187 Ascension - 2,605 - - 2,605 1,210 - - 1,210 St. Helena 1,237 i,237 913 - 913 Mauritius - 4,022 - - 4,022 3,075 - - Arabia 126 - - 126 100 - IOO Aden 21,010 274 m " 21,292 12,203 m "* 265 12,468 British Territoriesin the^ East Indies - - f 63,224 657 94 _ u 3,y/5 39,415 166 82 „ m 39,663 Sumatra and Java 2,086 250 2,336 1,269 - 287 • 1,556 Philippine Islands 1,91° 1,910 1,208 • 1,208 China 8,510 . * - - 8,510 5,154 - 5,154 British Settlements in! 1,857 1 867 Australia -/ 2 8 m m 1,482 1 6 1,489 South Sea Islands io 10 10 10 British NorthAmerican"\ Colonies - - f 99,448 5,421 3,620 120 107.600 46,478 1,222 1,801 19 49,520 British West Indies 84,465 260 557 85,282 48,858 184 39° 49,432 Foreign West Indian! 31,428 !3i,428 Colonies -/ 16,135 16,135 Hayti 45 45 19 19 United Stales of America 44,495 1,039 2 45»536 29,173 200 4 29,377 85 Mexico 177 177 85 Venezuela - 320 320 149 149 Brazil 20,151 1,887 250 22,288 11,075 38i 191 11,647 Oriental Republic the Uruguay - 6,386 469 6,855 3,108 173 3,281 Buenos Ayres 1,297 1,297 527 527 Chili 8,182 482 8,664 4,204 303 4.507 Peru 3,067 3,067 1,569 1,569 Total - - 1,976,913 455,469 95,554 3,172 2,531,108 821,052 85,337 63,899 837 971,175 335- a 2 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported YEAR 1847. PORTS frfim wliiph Ill/Ill WllLdl SHIPPED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals : Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals : Cinders. Culm. Total. Large. small. Large. c „ 1 1 Small. England : Tons. Tons. 1 ons. Tons. 1 ons. X. x>. £. £. £. 63,883 272 278 - 64,433 59» 8 53 57 348 - 60,258 137 _ 137 100 100 Ramsgate 120 _ • 120 57 - • • 57 Dover ... 21 1 ID 137 *9 210 229 Portsmouth 40 40 4° 40 Southampton 930 22 20 972 936 20 35 991 Poole - 422 - 422 418 - * . O 418 40 40 a _ - - 35 35 Dartmouth 148 - - - 148 55 - 55 PI vmnnm — 5 l * - /? 0 4 1 5 Scilly 37o - M - 37° »57 - • ■ 157 Bideford - 30 - ~ 100 130 12 35 47 Bristol - 7,9°7 l 5 7,9 1 3 4,353 3 3 4,359 Gloucester 1,569 - ■ ■ 1,569 863 * • 803 "4,951 72 i,°75 m 116,098 56,805 22 856 _ 57,683 Pu rl iff 79,9 2i 1,111 - 81,032 40,082 - 1,055 4i,i37 Swansea - - - 41,836 - 829 4,050 46,715 17,897 - 590 1, O O O c z H © c r» I? 3 sr o o> g C ft »■ ft. a ©. co _ i 5 - ™ to o ft ~ 3 r. o > ft. » n o > O 55 O W P3 J 72 > a o c r S rt-5 o p CO Pi W a rJ C o 00 ■3 fa -3 ■3 c o a o rt 3 O c o K T3 2; H fa - U f o 00 hC rH *■> 3 £ Tf H- 00 O 4- .5 -3 -3 5 1 i ,3 CO — . !?s o c fa ^ 'S "a O .2* , «S o o fa a . - Q "3 o OS JS w O Q z 9 — ■•■> O -3 o * O W ^•H Cfl o 3 ,o •- * .ii CCS 00 X o 55 ^ 35 ■» t * ci o jo h o o » (> I- «5 O 'C rt H o t.O i> O w o § csT cT -t" — —"00 o t~<-H >t o « n n 00 H-rOnmonwoMoo CM n H ?l P O C5 O i tS i '» h 3 eoiO'TT 00" r>" -h e?s * o" " Oh rn.-T ^ aT n h c < oi © o i—Or-(O00i— I O r I H H 00 Cl'tOO'f'1'OiOO'tSJ «5 c^aocooiooooiajoo § -T tt" kT CZ" -1 n o tj n oi h cm ^ -f rH rH n i' o c e 1* 00 o is ci 00 o cc n » cs li on a 'is 00 o >o cc 00 r- co o 'O rH o rH CO 00 31 IT) 1-1 ss 00 o co o H MO rt 3 Li fl CO CO O "* rH CI O t* O CI 3 ^ t.1 CI ci o n 00 » n 3 r-T r- i-T co" f-^ «^ lO Li CO rt ci t- o r- p fa hi o fa X fa 0 O w 10 a 3 *t ci h ci o lc co ci «i 1.1 a ii n h r> rt^ OS CI Li 3 3 h l1 CI 00 CI t» t ci CI rt CI 3 3 rt rt II 3 b . W OS II 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 ca ' .2 ' V ' 1 s I 3 C3 ■ <• 1 3 1 1 ~ ca ' S ' rC ' ■ ci ._ .2 co 3 _ -3 C3 «rti — _ a 5j w 3 > Jj ~ O B> a> — i §- ^ o t» 2 K "1 &- - o o > r 1 o w 53 > 25 O C3 COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 20 February 1850 ;—/or, No. 1. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1049 ; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1848." No. 2 AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1849; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1848; also, distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped." No. 8. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1849, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :" — And, No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1849, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1848." Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 5 July 1850. — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS from which SHIPPED. YEAR 1848. Coals. England London Rochester Arundel Portsmouth - Southampton Poole - Weymouth - Plymouth Bi'deford Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff Newport Swansea Llanelly Milford Chester Runcorn Liverpool Preston Fleetwood Lancaster Whitehaven - Maryport Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Stockton Hartlepool - Gainsborough Hull - - Goole - Scotland : Leith - Borrowstorjcss Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkaldy Greenock Glasgow Irvine - Ayr - . Campbeltown Ireland ; Dublin - Ross Total 51 Tons. 1,655 99 6,279 123 273 22 2,665 117,65J) 544,196 429,217 224,277 192,222 16,967 100,340 64,477 17,939 49,284 4,764 291,255 172,420 25,602 539 2,243,177 213,455 1,910,148 548,401 920,745 3,152 11,229 143,688 1,264 55,912 4,066 40,086 38,618 461 59,400 221,803 75,145 35 1,080 8,754,130 Cinders. Tons. 60 2,765 48 300 454 30 7 256 1,997 30,497 1,254 1,664 8,549 1,823 62 291 Culm. Tons. 20 163 50 458 168,046 47,664 38,535 29 4,310 3,563 42 19 57,111 262,838 Total. Tons. 1,655 99 6,359 123 273 22 163 50 2,665 118,108 546,961 429,217 392,371 239,886 55,502 100,340 64,777 18,393 49,314 4,793 295,565 183,239 27,599 539 2,273,674 214,709 1,911,812 556,950 922,568 3,214 11,229 143,979 1,264 55,91 2 4,066 40,086 38,660 461 59,419 221,803 75,145 35 1,080 9,074,079 YEAR 1849. Coals. Tons. 462 1,168 123 3,454 248 76 2,187 88,034 486,183 402,078 178,458 158,160 13,684 93,149 60,973 25,831 30,941 16,130 3,398 326,993 187,464 19,811 133 2,127,558 255,738 1,770,444 397,982 1,032,173 8,623 9,313 119,786 1,249 46,975 4,333 40,091 36,439 305 78,651 188,782 73,089 31 588 Cinders. 8,291,288 Tons. 2,589 2,592 968 40 391 309 4,641 647 15,822 110 771 4,243 5,217 60 37 Culm. Tons. 53 150 123,857 52,!)<;i 37,718 90 3,193 4,956 588 38,440 222,978 8.552,706 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported - YEAR 1 848. p o T? T «;4 792 65,321 Runcorn - 1 10 1 10 39 • - 39 Lancaster - - - 820 - - 820 348 - - 348 Preston - - - - 647 647 303 303 Whitehaven - - - 2,914 : ; 2,9 1 4 1,217 1,217 Maryport - 1,118 - 1 - 1,118 413 - - 413 Carlisle - - - - 400 - 400 168 ■ m 168 RprwifK .... 355 • - 355 154 ■ * 154 Newcastle - 940,794 53,505 - 994,299 345,193 36,518 ■ 381,711 Shields - 116,519 643 - 1 17,162 46,179 360 46,539 Sunderland ... 493,033 5,125 - 498,158 132,966 3,563 136,529 Stockton - - - - 95.333 9.761 - 105,094 30,675 5,799 36,474 Hartlepool »■ 232,120 10,940 - 243.060 64,115 6,031 * 70,146 Gainsborough - 32 - - 32 16 16 Hull .... 46,052 86 - 46,138 22,678 73 22,751 Goole - 1,193 - - 1,193 536 - 536 Yarmouth - 100 - - 100 75 75 Scotland : Leith .... 15-363 21 15-384 5,546 24 5,570 Borrowstoness * 57>79 6 25 - 57,821 22,151 23 - 22,174 Grangemouth - 19.119 - - 19.119 6,2 6g • 6,269 Allna - •23,036 - - 23,036 6,465 - - 6,465 Kirkaldy 29,229 - - 29,229 13,208 - 13,208 Dundee - - - - 1.509 - - 1,509 583 - * 583 Arbroath - - - - 40 - - 40 12 - - 12 Aberdeen - 639 • - 639 282 - — 202 Greenock - 23,564 - - 23,564 H,133 - ■ 11,133 Port Glasgow - 10,109 10,109 4,524 4,524 Glasgow - 26 QOd s8i 1 1,101 1 1,732 Irvine - - - - 4«,398 48,398 15,453 - 14,453 Ayr - 821 - 821 262 262 Ireland : Dublin - 1,937 1,937 1,276 1,276 Waterford - 23 23 10 10 Cork - - - 1,462 1,462 1,139 1,139 Limerick ... 100 100 60 60 Sligo .... 120 120 45 45 Londonderry ... 421 421 363 363 Belfast 2,039 2,039 1,150 1,150 Newry - 465 465 227 227 Drogheda - 150 150 100 100 Total - - - 2,699,468 82,908 2,924 2,785,300 1,032,564 54,861 796 1,088,221 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1849. 3 - from the several Forts of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 1848. COUjN 1 IllLs QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLAIMED VALUE THEREOF. to which EXPORTED. Coals. \_ 1 11' 11 1 o* Culm. Total* Pnnla Cinders. r 1 J i OTAL. Tons- Tons 9 rows. Tons. £. £. - £. £. x \ u oo l n. 194.169 3,632 197,801 69,035 2,49° 71,525 47, 6 99 801 - 48,500 14,486 558 - 1 5,044 Norway - 45»3a.5 2,044 - 47,36'9 13,349 1,59 s - •4,947 Denmark - - •» - 190,798 7,629 - 198,427 56,173 4,987 - Gi,i6o Prussia - - - - 160,671 7,587 - 168,258 48,898 5,534 - 54,432 Mecklenburg - ii,i 26 i)4 1 1 ,180 2 8^o QO 2,880 Hanover - O 9 O A 27 9,231 22 2.074. Oldenburg - 5> ou 9 6,O^Q 1 84.7 1 T Z 2,022 Hanseatic Towns Oil t iO 0 8 767 286,690 86, 120 ,1 n •} R 4,9o° 01 0^8 Holland .... 1 A 1 '"7rlii 14 A,/'-' 1 -' o,5°J 14.CL.Q J.O * TJJJTJ aG R48 4y, ui y Belgium - 1 11 <2 1 ,-(- 1 - 1,412 DO-, JJ-; Channel Islands 6 1 .ao.(] 804 04- 62,204 26.*; 1 «; 581 2 1 27.1 17 France - KKZ. 0*30 8,611 2.° 1 f; 565,956 191,672 o> ■**-'<} 00 107.4^8 Portugal, Azores and Ma-~l deira - -j 38,902 608 200 39,710 15,018 48O 56 15,554 Spain and Canaries - 87,808 _ -,U y y ioq.88<; 38,803 O 4 , / OJ Gibraltar - 16,369 16,369 7,354 7,354 Italy .... 1 39,890 11,576 — • 151,466 57,8i2 0,613 66,425 Malta .... 81 77.0"6 44 Ionian Islands - 111,40 0 AC, 4OO 4,145 /I t A C 4, 1 45 Kingdom of Greece - o>57d 5,575 2,222 2,222 Turkey .... 24. ^^8 818 2*; 1 76 Wallachia and Moldavia - 4. 670 *, i y4 2. 1 O/l *y4 Syria and Palestine - 1 ,0 ifi m 1 822 642 642 Egypt - 38,524 313 ■ ■ 38,'8 3 7 15,725 206 15,931 Tunis - - - 57 2 57 2 244 244 Algeria - - - 19,010 1 n ft 1 fi 1 g,o 10 7,921 7,92 1 Morocco - oil T77 oil 189 189 Western Coast of Africa - 1 1 ,539 — _ _ _ 11,539 5,584 5,584 Cape of Good Hope - 17,497 - - 17,497 10,196 - - 10,196 African Forts on the Red) 1,468 oca -J 1,468 590 59o Cape Verde Islands - - 100 - - 100 30 - 30 Ascension - 3,218 . _ . _ 3,2l8 1,662 - 1,662 856 856 3,264 779 _ . _ 779 Mauritius » • 3,264 - - 2,093 - - 2,093 Aden .... 19, 0 47 - - 19,047 10,995 - - 10,995 Persia - • ~ ~ 30 ■ - 30 35 35 British Territories in the) 51,603 51,778 30,463 East Indies -J 175 30,338 125 - Java - ulo 220 • Philippine Islands 80 80 40 40 Bintang - 700 - - 700 350 - 350 China - 5,626 * 5,626 3,930 - • 3,930 British Settlements in Aus-) 5,088 5,089 tralia -j 1 - 3,216 1 - 3,217 South Sea Islands 1 ^5 125 fio °3 U J British North American) 1 "}6 04, 4G7 Colonies -J 7Q 20? 1, - -,, ODD 80 78c 00)5* IJ ftl 1 Oil British West Indies - 92,119 327 92,446 53,341 212 53,553 Foreign West Indies - 53,087 50 53,137 25,354 70 1 25,424 United States of America - 57,608 57,608 32,086 32,086 Mexico - 60 60 36 36 New Granada - 1,583 1,583 982 982 Ecuador - 40 40 20 30 Brazil - - - - 50,982 695 51,677 22,499 631 23.130 Oriental Republic of the) 6,234 2,786 Uruguay - - -J 6,234 2,786 Buenos Ayres - 3,046 3,046 1,602 1,602 Chili .... 23,394 700 24,094 11,524 6lO 12,134 Peru .... 1 » ,366 15 ll,38l 6,997 2 I 7,018 Total ... 2,699,468 82,908 2,924 2,785,300 1,032,564 | 54,86l 796 1,088,221 512. A 2 (continued) 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported - YEAR 1 84 9. PORTS from which SHIPPED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. IjNGLAND : 1 ons. 1 ons. 1 ons. 1 071S. r X. r x>. t. r x. London - 72,201 577 - 72,778 58,4H 566 - 58,977 Shoreham - 22 - • 22 12 - - 12 Portsmouth - 397 - - 397 299 - - 2 99 Southampton - 422 - - 422 359 - - 359 Cowes - 84 - - 84 60 - - 60 Poole - 345 - - 345 301 - - 301 Exeter - - - 20 - - 20 12 - - 1 2 Dartmouth - 130 - - 130 66 - ' - 66 Plymouth - - - 210 - - 210 13B - - 338 Stilly .... 443 - - 443 225 - - 225 Bideford - - - - 430 - - 430 230 - - 2.10 Bristol - - - - 13,29 2 - - 13,292 6,838 - - 6,838 Gloucester - 1,088 - - 1,088 602 - - 602 Cardiff - - - - 168,174 3,512 - 171,686 79,2 14 2,057 - 81 ,272 Newport - - - - 108,199 506 - 108,705 52,642 388 - 53,030 Swansea - 34>694 202 1,742 36,638 14,615 "9 4 6 5 15,199 Llanelly - - - - 11,321 3 100 11,424 4,268 2 28 4,298 Mil ford -.- - 411 - - 411 390 - - 39o Chester - 112 - 112 50 - - 50 Liverpool - l 5 1 >97 6 i,399 _ 153,375 78,534 1,310 79, 8 44 Runcorn - - - 589 - 58y 326 - - 326 Preston - - - - 1,730 - - i,730 660 - - — 660 Lancaster - - - 00 9° 4° 40 Whitehaven - 2,094 - - 2,094 732 - - 732 Marypovt - 1,000 1,000 2QO 290 f^arlmlp .... 54° - _ 540 157 - - 157 Berwick - 60 - - 60 24 - - 24 PU/f'il cfr 1 P ■ «• — 778,465 55,540 - 834,005 284,60 1 35,300 - 319,901 Shields - - - - 208,146 6,5> 9 - 214,665 8l,443 3,717 - 85,160 Sunderland - 442,927 4,353 - 447,280 120,097 2,717 - 1 22,814 Stockton - - - - 105,158 7,739 - 1 12,897 32,003 4,497 - 36,500 Hartlepool - 240,997 12,707 - 253,704 66,200 7,097 - 73,297 Hull - - 46,629 1,410 - 4*5,039 2 1,653 1,105 - 22,758 Goole - 2,078 - - 2,078 886 - - 886 Grimsby - - - - 745 - 745 367 - - 367 Yarmouth ... 385 - - 385 226 - - 226 Scotland : Leith - 20,796 115 - 20,911 8,296 118 - 8,414 Borrowstoness 2 r 6 61 6o^ 22,6^2 133 22,785 Grangemouth - 19,041 24 - 19,065 6,429 27 - 6,456 Alloa - 3' 2 .4H - - 32,41 1 8,555 - - 8,555 lTirlraMv .... IVllKdlUy 41,028 30 41,058 18,142 24 , Q 1 1 0,1 0<» Dundee - ■ u. 762 0,762 4,2^7 _ 4,237 Aberdeen - - - 200 - - 200 50 - jr. 50 Stornoway ... 115 - H5 69 09 ( 1 i' ( i , . V i f\ 1 • 1 - _ m m V_J 1 L L 1 1 1 ' L n 2 2 ,640 9' l oi Port Glasgow - 8,525 2 a ,5 2 7 3,517 0 0 Q COO Glasgow - 41,805 C16 42,421 14,506 567 . 15,073 Jrvine - - - - 71,066 71,066 21,054 21,054 Ayr- - 896 - 896 148 - 248 Ireland : DnVilin - 1,070 l,07O 612 6l2 Waterford ... 20 20 15 15 Ross - 54 54 30 L 30 Cork - 1,622 120 1,742 991 1 10 1,101 Londonderry ... 193 193 121 121 Belfast - 1,866 1,866 891 891 Newry - - - - 416 416 153 153 Total - - - 2,730,567 95,6.30 1,842 2,828,039 1,026,772 59,857 493 1,087,122 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1849. 5 - from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlement* Abroad— coni*. YEAR 1 8 4 9. COUNTRIES lo which QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. EXPORTED. finale I I 1 1 U L 1 N. Pnlm T 1 OTA L. \^oais. n- 1 Cinders. Culm. Tr»T A T 1 O I A L, Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. . £. £. £. Russia - _ 176*588 4,540 181,128 61,496 3,004 64,500 Sweden - 38,918 1,019 39,937 12,133 701 _ 1 2,834 Norway - - - _ 35,»«4 2,144 - 38,028 10,113 1,628 - n,74i Denmark - - 219,778 8,467 - 228,245 66,2 •-, 4 5,Hi - 7i,395 Prussia - 195,868 5,745 - 201,613 58,188 4,i43 - 62,331 Mecklenburg - 11,219 959 - 12,178 3,175 650 - 3,825 Hanover - - - 17> G 37 341 - 17,978 6,562 230 - 6,79 2 Oldenburg 5,oG8 12 - 5,080 1 ,546 6 1.552 Hanseatic Towns 274,185 8,369 - 282,554 88,705 4,789 93,494 Heligoland 421 - - 42 I 172 172 Holland - 139,480 1,440 - 140,920 46,919 923 - 47,842 Belgium - 952 - - 952 365 - 365 Channel Islands 51,555 - 51,750 21,968 128 - 22,096 France - - - - 555,427 6,580 1,632 563,039 190,565 3,76i 438 l99>7 (i 4 Portugal, the Azores ar 49> 8 5i Ra 1 041 50,602 1 °>999 462 Madeira -J 110 30 19,491 Spain and the Canaries 83,381 38,974 - 122,355 35,809 23,'49 58,958 Gibraltar - _ 20,046 2 80 - 20,926 8,841 154 _ 8,995 Italy ... _ 137,232 10,427 - i47,65 f ) 57,739 6,853 - 64,592 Malta ... 50,785 323 51,108 22,635 244 22,879 Ionian Islands - 10,909 - 10,909 3,9'° 3,91° Kingdom of Greece - Turkey - 6,898 _ 6,898 2,688 _ 2,688 50,902 l60 - 51,062 19,864 1 10 _ 19,974 Wallachia and Moldavia 3,4 1 5 - 3,41.5 1,517 1,517 Syria and Palestine - 2,317 2,317 1,009 1,009 Egypt ... 33,8i6 434 - 34,250 14,122 33 2 14,454 Tunis - 508 _ ^08 192 1 02 Algeria - Morocco - 10,084 22 _ _ 10,106 3,397 14 _ 3,4 1 1 3°7 _ 307 154 m 154 Western Coast of Africa 2,152 - 2,152 928 _ 928 Cape of Good Hope - 7,26i - - 7,26l 3,919 - - 3,919 Eastern Coast of Africa 46 - - 46 48 - 48 African Ports on the Red) Sea - - - -J 2,218 - - 2,2l8 1,208 - - 1,208 Cape Verde Islands - 7° 7° 30 m m _ ^ 30 Ascension 1,710 - - 1,710 788 - - 788 St. Helena 681 68l 521 52 1 Mauritius 3,264 _ 3,264 1,999 * 1,999 Aden ... 23,289 _ 23,289 12,663 - 12,663 Persia - - - 155 - «55 108 - 108 British Territories in the^ East Indies - - - f 1,895 4 1 ,700 79>97i — 81,866 1,252 * 43,oi8 Java - 1.847 1,847 802 802 Philippine Islands 6,261 _ 6,261 2,86l m m 2,861 Bintang - 979 - 979 490 m m 49° China - 5,845 - - 5,845 4,259 - - 4,259 British Settlements in A us 5,3l8 3,292 ti alia - :} 10 5,358 15 ■ 3,307 South Sea Islands 21 - 21 15 15 British North American"! Colonies - - - ( 68,41 2 0 ~ ~ 820 69,232 20,150 544 26,700 British West Indies - 80,038 A C\ , 4O4 Qn A AO 0 z. r J 55 44,173 Foreign West Indies 50,67.5 3 50,678 23,023 3 23,026 United States of America 83,49.8 161 _ 83,659 39,i2i 97 39.2i8 Mexico - 2,167 2,167 1 ,024 1,024 Central America 622 622 275 275 New Granada - 9>>53 9, J 53 5,448 5,448 Venezuela 223 223 79 79 Brazil 53,496 987 54,483 22,077 960 23,037 Onental Republic of the; Uruguay -J 2,280 2,280 874 874 Buenos Ay res - 4,305 8 4,313 2,137 15 2,152 Chili 40,342 145 100 40,087 18,066 126 25 18,217 Peru 10,031 125 10,156 4.710 168 4.878 Falkland Islands 176 176 130 | - | 130 Total - - 2,730,567 95,630 1,842 2 828,039 1,026,77a 59,857 493 1,087,122 512. 6 COALS, CINDERS AND CULM EXPORTED, WITH RATES OF DUTV, AND No. 3. AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad ; with the Rates and Amount of Duties Received thereon. YEAR 184 9. QUANTITIES AMOUNT OF EXPORTED. DUTIES RECEIVED. T ons. £. s. d. 2,730,567 3,143 H 9 95^30 89 18 5 1,842 Total - - - 2,828,039 3.233 13 2 RATES of Duty on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported in the Year 1849. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported. To British Possessions - -- -- -- -- Free. To Foreign Countries : In British Ships, or in Foreign Ships entitled to the Privileges conferred) p ree by Treaties of Reciprocity ------- -J In Foreign Ships, not entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties") . of Reciprocity - -- -- -- -- J COALS BROUGHT COASTWAYS INTO THE PORT OF LONDON, IN 1849. 7 — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1849, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1848. Coals brought into the Port of London t Coastways. By Inland Navigation and Land Carriage. TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1848 3,418,340 60,849 3,479. 1 89 Year 1849 ..... 3>339,14G 41,640 3,380,786 Office of the Inspector-General of Imports'] and Exports, Custom-House, London, I W. IRVING. 3 July 1850. J f Or to H p- n ox K r o ^ I CO o ? 3 s — » 5s- & "3 SL O in % & I- 1 co o 4^. »»s 5S a w . * o — O 2! F 3 & -a <= cr C3 o- & O c CfQ - W a. 2 §• s s a. O O !*» r 1 r> >— > o w S3 > o O C r COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 1 May 1 n ~> 1 ;—/«/', No. j, AN ACCOUNT "of th Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 18.50 ; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped I each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1849." No. 2. AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Ports of Enaland, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year I860; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1 849 ; also, distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped." No. 3. AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 18.50, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :"— And, No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1850, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1849." Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 27 June 1851. — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. P 0 R T S from which SHIPPED. YEAR 1849. YEAR 1 850. COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. England : London - Rochester Arundel - Portsmouth Southampton - Plymouth Bristol - Gloucester Cardiff - Newport - Swansea - Llanelly - Milford - Chester - Liverpool Runcorn Preston - Fleetwood Lancaster Whitehaven Workington - Maryport Carlisle - Berwick - Newcastle Shields - Sunderland Stockton - Hartlepool Gainsborough - Hull Goole - Scotland : Leith - Borrowstoness - Grangemouth - Alloa - Kirkaldy - Greenock - Glasgow - - - Irvine - Ayr - - - ( ampbeltown - Ireland : Ross - Total - - - Tons. 1,108 123 3,454 248 70 2,187 88,034 486,183 402,078 i t o,4.JO 158,160 13,684 93,149 25,831 60,978 30,941 16,130 3,398 ] 326,993 187,464 19,811 133 2,127,558 255,738 1,770,444 397,982 1,032,173 8,623 9,313 119,786 1,2J9 46,975 4,383 40,091 36,439 305 78,651 73,089 31 • 588 Tons. 2,589 2,592 40 968 391 309 4,041 647 15,822 110 771 4,243 5,217 60 37 , 3 Tons. 53 150 ion o r 1 23,80/ 52,961 37,718 90 3,193 4,950 Tons. 402 1,168 123 3,454 301 76 2,187 88,184 488,772 402,078 304,907 211,121 51 ,402 93,149 25,871 61,941 31,332 16,130 3,488. 330,495 197,001 20.458 133 2,143,380 255,848 1,771,215 402,225 1,087,390 8,683 9,313 1)9,823 1,249 46,975 4,333 40,091 36,439 305 78,654 138,782 73,089 31 588 Tons. 567 899 230 7,595 252 166 18 - X 2,122 79,897 494,885 426,48!) 200, i 82 154,963 16,270 95,970 | 115,665 43,116 17,87!! 3,563 ( 232,892 1 113,650 180,899 19,675 12 2,252,293 241,809 2,005,! 122 482,487 1.220,743 7,817 12,718 144,948 328 2,193 40,985 7,242 34,540 38,525 623 687 71,100 183,251 70,780 664 2,106 Tons. 37 62 120 2,810 5o(> 13 655 260 756 260 8,317 279 18,086 60 105 2.248 5,817 58 20 12 Tons. 5 18 80 517 6,310 110.270 56,367 31,288 889 226 185 201 4,156 6,424 - - 10 3,169 Tons. 567 899 230 7,637 252 166 36 142 517 2,242 85,707 497,6!'.'. 426,43;t oi / ,..uo 211,343 47,558 95,970 117,209 43,602 18,819 3,764 236,808 113,650 190,640 19,954 12 2,270,379 241,869 2,066,027 484,735 1,232,560 . 7,817 12,776 144,963 328 2,193 40,9ai 7,242 34,546 38,525 623 687 71,122 191,420 70,780 664 2,106 8,291,288 38,440 222,978 8,552,706 9,112,122 35,541 220,115 8,3(57,778 450. 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2 — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Co a ls, Cinders and Culm Exported - YEAR 1849. PORTS from which SHIPPED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. England : Ions. 1 ons. 1 ons. ions. X. X. Xi. lb. Ion don - - - - 72,201 577 72,778 58,411 566 58,977 Shoreham - 22 - - 22 12 - - 12 Portsmouth ... 397 - - 397 299 299 Southampton - ooy Cowes - O A O A 64: ou Poole - 345 _ 345 301 - - 301 Exeter - 20 - - 20 12 - - 12 Dartmouth - - - 130 - - 130 66 - - - 66 Plymouth - 210 01 n J. 1 u 1 QU 1 OO 100 Seilly - - - - 443 ■ ~ 443 99 s ! Bideford - 430 430 230 - 230 Bristol - 13,292 - - 13,292 6,838 - - 6,838 Gloucester ... 1,088 - - 1,088 602 - - 602 Cardiff .... 168,174 3,512 171,686 79,214 2,057 ■ ft i 07 1 Newport - 108,199 506 • 108,705 52,642 388 ■ Swansea .... 34,694 202 1,742 36,638 14,615 119 465 15,199 Llanelly - 11,321 3 100 11,424 4,268 2 28 4,298 Milford .... 411 - - 411 390 - - 390 Chester .... 112 112 50 OKf Liverpool ... 151,976 1,399 ~ ■ 153,375 / OjOo4 70 8.14. Runcorn - 589 589 326 326 Lancaster - 90 _ _ 90 40 - - 40 Preston - 1,730 - 1,730 660 - - 660 Whitehaven ... 2,094 2,094 TOO Maryport - 1,000 - 1,000 290 - - 290 Carlisle - - - - 540 _ 540 157 - - 157 Berwick - 60 _ 60 24 - - 24 Newcastle - 778,465 55,540 834,005 284,601 35,300 - 319,901 Shields - 208,146 6,519 214,665 81,443 3,717 - 85,160 Sunderland - 442,927 4,353 - 447,280 120,097 2,717 — 122,814 0ECJ OK L U 11 — — — — 105,158 7,739 112,897 32,003 4,497 36,500 xiuiiiepooi - - - 240,997 12,707 253,704 66,200 7,097 - 73,297 Hull .... 46,629 1,410 48,039 21,653 1,105 - 22,758 Goole - - - 2,078 _ 2,078 886 - - 886 Grimsby - - - - 745 - 745 367 - 367 Tarmouth - 385 - - 385 226 - - 226 Scotland : Tpith 20,796 115 - 20,911 8,296 118 - 8,414 Borrowstoness - • - 61,437 256 61,693 22,652 133 22,785 Grangemouth - - - 19,041 24 _ 19,065 6,429 27 - 6,456 Alloa. 32,411 32,411 8,555 - - 8,555 Xirkaldy - 41,028 30 i - 41,058 18,142 24 - 18,166 Dundee - - - - 9,762 9,762 4,237 - - 4,237 _M UCI Uccll ■ » — m iJuu — — 50 50 -OLOi Ha wdy • - — 115 llO oy 69 AJi ! ' — — m 22,640 _ - _ 22,640 9,233 9,233 ?Ort (jrlclSg'OW « — • 8,525 2 m m 8,527 3,517 3 3,520 I ■» ( ft q irn \%j _ _ UlftoliU W » m m 41,805 616 42,421 14,506 567 - 15,073 Irvine - - 71,066 71,066 21,054 21,054 &JT - 896 896 248 248 Ireland : Dublin - 1,070 1,070 612 612 Waterford - - - 20 20 15 15 Ross - • - 54 54 30 30 Cork - 1,622 120 1,742 991 110 1,101 Londonderry - 193 193 121 121 Belfast .... 1,866 1,866 891 891 Newry - - - 416 416 153 153 Total - - - 2,730,567 95,630 1,842 2,828,039 1,026,772 59,857 493 1,087,122 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1849. • - from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad. - Y EAR 1 8 4 9. P O TT NT T I? T V :J7 12,133 701 12,83* Norway - - - 35,884 2 144 38 028 10,1 13 1,628 1 1 Denmark ... 219,778 8,467 228 245 66,254 5,141 7 1 V\ \ Prussia - - - - 195,868 5,745 201,613 58,188 4,143 Mecklenburg - - 11,219 959 12,178 3,175 650 S 89Ji Hanover - - - 17,637 341 - 17,978 6,562 230 - 6,792 Oldenburg- - 5,068 12 - 5,080 1,546 6 - 1,552 Hanseatic Towns 274,185 8,369 - 282,554 88,705 4,789 - 93,494 Heligoland - • 421 - - 421 172 - - 172 Holland .... 139,480 1,440 - 140,920 46,919 923 - 47,842 Belgium - - - 952 - - 952 365 - - 365 Channel Islands 51,555 195 - 51,750 21,968 128 - 22,096 France - 555,427 6,580 1,632 563,639 195,565 3,761 438 199,764 Portugal, the Azores and") 49,851 641 Madeira -J 1 1 ft 1 8 000 aft Ou Spain and the Canaries 83,381 38,974 - 122,355 35,809 23,149 - 58,958 Gibraltar ... 20,646 280 - 20,926 8,841 154 - 8,995 Italy .... 137,232 10,427 " - 147,659 57,739 6,853 64,592 Malta .... 50 785 323 ^1 1 1)8 -M.I I/O 22,635 — 4 4 ZZ,<54\> Ionian Islands - 10,909 1 ft OftQ 3,91 0 Kingdom of Greece - 6,898 2,688 Turkey - 50,902 160 51,062 19,864 lift 1 O Q7i. Wallachia and Moldavia - 3,415 3,415 1,517 1 117 Syria and Palestine - 2,317 2,317 1,009 1,009 -fcgypt - S3 816 0*i ,AO\J 14,122 ooZ 14,404: Tunis .... 508 508 192 ■ — 192 Algeria - 10,084 OO — A 10,106 3,397 1 A 1 4 q A1 I o,4 I L Morocco - - - - 307 307 154 1 "ii 'Western Coast of Africa 2,152 2, J 52 928 928 Cape of Cood Hope - - 7,261 7,261 3,9 1 9 a oiQ Eastern Coast of Africa 46 46 48 African Ports on the Red Sea 2,218 2,218 1,208 _ - 1,208 Cape Verde Islands - 70 - - 70 30 - - 30 Ascension ... 1,710 _ _ 1,710 788 _ _ 788 St. Helena - 681 - - 681 521 _ 521 Mauritius ... 3,264 - - 3,264 1,999 - 1,939 Aden - 23,289 - - 23,289 12,663 - 12,663 Persia - 155 - 155 108 - - 108 British Territories in the") ft 1 Qftft OJ jOOD East Indies -J 79,971 in Ala 4<>,U1S Java - - - 1,847 - 1,847 802 - 802 Philippine Islands 6,261 - - 6,261 2,861 - - 2,861 Binlang - - - - 979 - - 979 490 - - 490 China - 5,845 _ _ 5,845 4,259 _ 4,259 British Settlements in Aus-"| 5,348 10 3 292 7 tralia ... -J 5,358 1 K 1 O South Sea Islands 21 - - 21 15 - - 15 British North American") Colonies -J con fin O'lO Jo, 1 ob 544 ^0, / ou British West Indies - 80,038 404 80,442 43,918 255 44,173 Foreign \> est Indies - 50,675 3 - 50,678 23,023 3 — T 23,026 United States of America - 83,498 161 83,659 39,121 97 39,218 Mexico .... 2,167 •"> 1 ft 7 1 ftOA 1,UJ4 Central America 622 622 275 275 New Granada - 9,153 9,153 5,448 5,448 Venezuela ... 223 223 79 79 Brazil .... 53,496 987 54,483 22,077 960 23,037 Oriental Republic of the"\ 2,280 Uruguay -J 2,280 874 874 Buenos Avres ... 4,305 8 4,313 2,137 15 2,152 Chili - - '- 40,342 145 100 40,587 18.066 126 25 18,217 Peru .... 10,031 125 10,156 4,710 168 4,878 Falkland Islands 176 176 130 130 Total ... 2,730,567 95,630 1,842 2,828,039 1,026,772 59,857 493 1,0S7,122 450- A 2 {continued) 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported - YEAR 1 8 5 0. PORTS from which SHIPPED — QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. COALS. LI A JJljlvo, C U I« M TOTAL. CO A I* S. LL X. .« • TOTAL. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. London - 66,360 589 - 66,955 56,006 576 - 56,582 Faversham - - - 64 - - 64 50 - - 50 Dover .... - 5 - 5 - 4 - 4 Rye - - - - 73 - - 73 51 - 51 Shoreham - 1 - - 1 1 - - 1 Portsmouth ... 154 - - • 154 118 - - 118 Southampton - 108 - - 108 55 - 55 Poole .... 290 - - 290 250 - - 250 Dartmouth ... 30 - - 50 20 - - 20 Plymouth ... 130 - - 130 1 | 93 - - 93 Falmouth - - - 120 - - 120 52 - 52 Penzance - 28 8 - 36 21 4 - 25 Scilly .... 330 - - 330 194 - - 194 Bideford - 450 - - 450 235 - - 235 Bridgewater ... 96 - - 96 48 - - 48 Bristol - - - - 11,274 31 - 11,305 5,777 26 - 5,803 Cardiff .... 231,887 1,747 - 233,634 106,601 1,255 - 107,856 Newport .... 125,220 25 - 125,245 61,058 18 - 61,070 Swansea - - - 38,339 310 2,232 40,881 20,368 192 559 21,119 Llanelly .... 17,019 30 459 17,508 7,428 16 178 7,622 Milford .... 231 - 231 214 - - 214 Chester .... 2,230 - - 2,230 745 - - 745 Liverpool ... 259,099 1,S44 - 260,943 128,284 1,266 - 129,550 Fleetwood ... 800 - - 800 327 - - 327 Preston - 919 - - 919 353 - - 353 Whitehaven ... 2,020 » - 13 2,033 701 - 6 707 Workington ... 250 - - 250 82 - - 82 Maryport - 1,243 1,243 389 389 Carlisle - 774 774 243 243 Berwick - 400 400 163 163 Newcastle - - - 1 007 71 R OA 77Q 1.088 49 r i 365,502 46,250 411,752 Shields .... 192,773 X - f XX/ 204 890 73,573 6,767 80,340 Sunderland - . . 459,712 111 P.R X 1 jlOO 471,109 1 16,23S 5,471 37 121,746 Stockton - - . . 70,851 10,870 81,721 20,429 5,723 26,152 Hartlepool ... 1 X 01° t > A * j V 1 — i X Oy • ~ • ™ 13,779 3 13,782 6^278 3 6,281 on trosc - - - - lOi 77 77 -A.rbroo.tli - - - - 54 54 18 18 Aberdeen • - - - lOu 1 OU O 0 38 V ' J T 1 IM 1. ~ — 20,759 - - 20,759 9,129 9,129 Port Glasgow - 9,279 9,279 3,774 3,774 (rlfi^o'nw «■ - - _ 36,384 800 - 37,184 13,206 793 13,999 Irvine . - - - /-,oo/ 7 a, od/ on goo, Ayr .... 1,484 1,484 373 373 Ireland : Dublin ... - 975 975 552 552 Waterford 40 40 24 24 Ross - - - - 67 67 28 28 Cork .... 2,024 2,024 1,255 1,255 Sligo .... 250 250 160 160 Londonderry ... 125 125 60 60 Belfast .... 2,462 2,462 1,142 1,142 Newry .... 539 " 1 539 220 220 Total - - - 3.211,619 137,348 J 2,913 3,351,880 1,205,293 78,151 780 : 1,284,224 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1850. from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad t mi '. YEAR 1 850. CO (i NT R I ES QUANTIT1 ES EXPORTED. to whieh EXPORTED, COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. Russia - - - - 231,144 4,054 235,198 79,415 2,451 81,866 Sweden - 54,364 1,129 55,493 16,408 728 17,130 Norway - - - - 45,737 1,866 209 47,812 13,189 1,123 37 14,341> Denmark (including Iceland) 285,002 10,583 - 296,185 88,613 0,065 - 94,G7S Prussia - - - - 183,002 3,526 - 186,528 54,451 1,979 - 50.430 Mecklenburg - 15,929 2,389 - 18,318 4,226 1,151 - 5,377 Hanover - 15,318 338 - 15,650 4,195 234 - 4,429 Oldenburg- - 7,028 53 - 7,081 2,078 40 - 2,118 Hanseatic Towns 329,586 14,894 - 344,480 103,378 8,589 - 111,907 Heligoland ... 625 - - 625 250 - - 250 Holland - 157,613 2,340 - 159,958 53,344 1 ,209 - 54,013 Belgium - 888 - - 888 326 - - 320 '■Channel Islands 57,597 372 74 58,043 22,958 235 23,215 France - - - 605,806 4,282 2,397 612,545 216,065 2,343 GOG 219,074 Portugal, the Azores and") Madeira - -J 07 1 70 00,000 1 ft 7->fI i o j / Z i> 1 Q 3iSX Spain and the ( 'anaries 122,893 63,154 186,047 52,505 34,995 87,500 Gibraltar - - - - 22,239 224 22,463 10,009 112 10,121 Italy - - - 115,029 21,034 m 136,063 45,654 12,604 58,258 Malta - 64,102 516 - 64,618 27,681 263 - 27,944 Ionian It-lands - - - 12,403 - - 12,403 4,509 - - 4,509 Kingdom of Greece - 14,413 - - 14,413 5,249 - - 5,249 Turkey - - - 86,465 228 - 86,693 32,615 135 - 32,750 Wallachia and Moldavia - 8,178 - - 8,178 3,662 - - 3,062 Syria and Palestine - 2,553 _ 2,553 1,124 1,124 Egypt - 30,482 432 - 30,914 12,732 180 - 12,912 Algeria - - - - 20,546 89 - 20,635 8,015 42 - 8,057 Tunis - 709 - - 709 309 - - 309 Western Coast of Africa 8,750 - - 8,750 4,134 - - 4,134 British Possessions in South] Africa - - - -J" 8,777 39 8,816 4,972 22 4,994 African Ports on the Red] Sea -J OyU 1 4 1 ft 1 ± 1,0-10 1,546 Cape Verde Islands - 2,235 10 - 2,245 1,118 6 - 1,124 Ascension - 702 - - 702 391 - - 391 St. Helena - 783 - - 783 393 - - 393 Mauritius - 2,391 - - 2,391 1,316 - - 1,316 Aden - 20,340 - - 20,340 9,732 - - 9,732 British Territories in the"\ East Indies -J 35 A A OOr . i , ~ o 96 Qfif? 97,001 oo Java - 2,894 100 - 2,994 1,126 80 1,200 Philippine Islands 3,366 - - 3,366 1,760 1,700 China - 21,170 - - 21,170 11,433 11,433 British Settlements in Aus-] 6,701 53 6,754 59 tralia - - - -J 4,071 4,130 South Sea Islands 14 - - 14 12 12 British North American"! 1.581 Colonies - - -J 57 087 873 22,5SC British West Indies - 67,566 G31 13 68,210 37,113 418 6 37 "»'i7 o / ,oo t Foreign West Indies - 67,946 99 68,045 31,057 88 31,145 United States of America - 129,654 52 129,706 67,698 39 67,737 Mexico - ■ - - i y,o8.j 10,617 10,017 Central America 1,353 1,353 557 557 New Granada - - - 21,442 515 21,957 10,013 258 10,871 Venezuela - 13 13 22 Ecuador - - - - 53 53 35 oo . . j 35 Brazil - 49,391 484 49,875 19,870 450 20,320 Orientii! Republic of the"! Uruguay - - -J 5,471 5,471 2,564 2,564 Buenos Ayres - 5,286 8 5,294 2,S51 8 2,S59 Chili .... 55,929 350 150 56,429 26,016 220 30 26,206 Peru .... 11,897 904 12,801 6,674 392 7,006 Tot at. - 3,211,619 137,348 2,913 3,351,880 1,205,293 78,151 j 780 1,284,224 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. 450. COALS, CINDERS AND CULM EXPORTED, WITH RATES OF DUTY, AND No. 3. AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad ; with the Rates and Amount of Duties Received thereon. YEAR 1 8 5 0. Coals - Cinders Culm - Total QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Tons. 3,211,619 2,913 AMOUNT OF DUTIES RECEIVED. £. S. (1. 1,033 17 6 11 17 7 1,045 15 1 RATES of Duty on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported in the Year 1850. Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported. To British Possessions - To Foreign Countries : In British Ships, or in Foreign Ships entitled to the Privileges conferred by Treaties of Reciprocity In Foreign Ships, not entitled to the Privileges con- ferred by Treaties of Reciprocity - -} Free. Free. f Previously to 14 August - 4 s. per ton. > -j From and after 14 August - Free. J ( (per Act 13 & 14 Vict., c. 95.) COALS BROUGHT COASTWAYS INTO THE PORT OF LONDON, IN 1 850. — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during- the Year 1850, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1849. Coals brought into the Port of London r Coastways. By Inland Navigation and Land Carriage. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1849 3,339,140 41,640 3,380,786 Year 1850 - 3,553,304 85,579 3,638,883 Office of the Inspector-General of Imports and Exports, Custom-House, London, 24 June 1851. R. D. Woodifield, Assistant Inspector-General of Imports and Exports. O © si. >5 S ° ^ o CO g ^ 5 s 5' re CO c C c 5 W ^3 O 5 n o o c z H o 2, c rt> g" 1 5- 3 § Co CO O O > It" CP 22 M w 2? o r s COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 23 March 1862;— for, No. 1. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several forts of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year L851 ; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1850." No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 185] ; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1850 ; also, distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped." No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1851, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :" — And, No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1851, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year J 850." — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. n /"\ T> HP o P O K 1 S from which SHIPPED. YEAR 1850. YEAR 1851. ' ' ' - ' l >. • 1 U Hi IV 3 a TOTAL* CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. London - 567 - - 567 372 - - 372 Rochester 899 899 1,393 1,393 165 165 Arundel - 230 - — 230 676 T m _ 676 Portsmouth 7,595 37 5 7,637 6,073 30 6,103 Southampton - 252 252 431 _ 431 Cowes - - - 166 - _ _ _ 166 90 90 Poole - 18 „ _ _ 18 36 33 _ 15 48 46 46 Jrlymoutn - - . « 62 80 142 51 61 1, ■ i c' _ 517 517 _ 681 681 Bristol - 2,122 120 2,242 1,562 1,562 Gloucester 79,397 - 6,310 85,707 75,547 - 10,416 85,963 Cardiff - 494,885 2,810 497,695 496,968 4,034 501,002 Newport - - * 426,439 ... 426,439 461,491 • 451,491 Swansea - 206,732 566 110,270 317,508 244,778 84 107,385 352,247 Llanelly - - - 154,963 13 56,367 211,343 159.036 43 60,381 219,460 Milford - 16,270 31,288 47,558 16,652 32,921 49,573 Chester - 95,970 95,970 101,044 101,044 Liverpool ooo QQO ooU 11 / j^UU llo,904 Preston - - - 43,116 260 226 43,602 41,782 203 272 42,257 Fleetwood 17,878 756 185 18,819 9,422 316 160 9,898 Lancaster - - - o,/04 K "1 1 O O, M I OOJE __■ > £ OCT o,337 Whitehaven 232,392 260 4,156 236,808 217,267 50 8,949 220,266 Workington 113,650 113,650 95,703 95,703 Maryport - 180,899 3,317 6,424 190,640 196,576 2,635 2,465 201,676 Carlisle - 19,675 279 19,954 15,008 145 15,153 Berwick ... 12 12 010 610 Newcastle 2,252,293 18,086 2,270,379 2,049,846 17,266 2,067,112 Shields - - - 241,809 60 241,869 214,774 65 214,829 Sunderland 2,065,922 105 2,066,027 1,898,801 359 1,899,160 Stockton - - - 482,487 2,248 484,735 386,828 1,818 388,646 Hartlepool 1,226,743 5,817 1,232,560 1,129,279 8,710 1,137,989 Gainsborough - 7,817 7,817 9,462 115 9,577 Hull 12,718 58 12,776 12,721 14 12,735 Goole ... 144,948 20 144,968 104,336 104,330 Grimsby - 328 328 470 470 Scotland : Leith - 2,193 2,193 9,086 6 9,091 Borrowstoness - 46,985 46,985 36,359 36,359 Grangemouth - 7,242 7,242 6,521 6,521 Alloa - 34,546 34,546 23,015 23,015 Kirkaldy - 38,525 38,525 37,035 37,035 345 345 Greenock - 623 623 85 85 Port Glasgow - 687 687 Glasgow - - - 71,100 12 10 71,122 80,862 31 86,893 Irvine - - - 188,251 3,169 191,420 219,815 4,378 224,193 Ayr ... Campbeltown - 70,780 70,780 72,569 72,569 Ireland : Ross - 664 664 476 476 Coleraine - 2,106 2,106 Total - - - 9,112,122 35,541 220,115 9,367,778 8,550,747 36,805 228,986 8,816,538 340. 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2 AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported YEAR 1850. s~\ t~% m ci PORTS QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. from which SHIPPED. COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. England : Tnns Tons, Tons. Tons. £. £. £ London - - - - 66 366 589 66,955 56 006 576 56 582 Faversham - - - 64 64 50 50 Dover - - - - 5 5 4 4 Rye .... 73 73 ^1 51 Shoreham - 1 \ I Portsmouth - 154 lift 1 lu 118 Southampton - 108 108 55 55 Poole .... 290 290 250 250 Dartmouth - 50 50 20 20 Plymouth - 130 130 93 93 Falmouth - 120 120 52 52 Penzance - - - - 28 8 36 21 4 25 Scilly .... Bideford - 330 330 194 m 194 450 450 235 _ 235 Bridgewater ... 96 - 96 48 - 48 Bristol - 11,274 31 11,305 5,777 26 5,803 Cardiff .... 23 1 ,887 1,747 233,634 106 601 1,255 107,856 Newport - - - - Swansea - - - - l or. oon x £0)£~ \? 25 125,245 61 058 18 61,076 yiu 40,881 20,368 192 559 21,119 Llanelly - - - - Milford - 17 (HQ 30 459 17,508 7 428 16 178 7,622 231 231 214 214 Chester - - - - 2,230 - 2,230 745 - 745 Liverpool - - - - Ofin Q4.3 1 9ft 284. 1,266 129 550 Fleetwood ... 800 800 327 327 Preston - 919 - 919 353 - 353 Whitehaven - 2,020 13 2,033 701 6 707 Workington - 250 - 250 82 - 82 Maryport - - - - Carlisle .... 1,243 774 - - 1,243 774 389 243 - - 389 243 Berwick - 400 - 400 163 - - 163 JNewcastie - 1,007,716 80,779 - 1,088,495 365,502 46,250 - 411,752 onieicis - 192,773 12,117 - 204,890 73,573 6,767 80,340 Sunderland - 459,712 11,188 209 471,109 116,238 5,471 37 t 121,746 Stockton - - - • 70,851 10,870 - 81,721 20,429 5,723 - 26,152 Hartlepool - Hull 314,012 59,868 15,888 949 - - 329,900 60,817 88,439 26,981 8,906 751 ■ 97,345 27,732 Goole .... 2,454 - - 2,454 888 - 888 Grimsby - - - - Vdvmnnth ... J til III OUL 11 1,633 408 - - - - 1,633 408 780 265 - - - 780 265 Ipswich - Harwich - 45 215 45 215 14 97 - - 14 97 Scotland: 4,209 Leith - - - - 11,528 122 - 11,650 4,116 93 - Borrowstoness - - - 69,976 30 - 70,006 26,221 25 - 26,246 Grangemouth - 19,131 19,131 6,224 6,224 All « rt Alloa .... 33,705 33,705 8,920 - 8,920 Kirkaldy - Dundee - 46,405 13 - 46,418 19,416 12 19,428 13,779 3 13,782 6,278 3 6,281 Montrose - - - - 184 184 77 77 Arbroath - - - - 54 - 54 18 18 A L ,1 Aberdeen - 150 - 150 38 - 38 Greenock - 20,759 20,759 9,129 m 9,1 29 Port Glasgow - - Glasgow - - - - 9,279 36,384 800 - 37,184 3,774 13,206 793 - 3,774 13,999 Irvine - 72,667 72,667 20,929 20,929 Ayr - 1,484 1,484 373 373 Ireland : Dublin - Waterford - Ross - Cork - 975 40 67 2,024 975 40 67 2,024 552 24 28 1,255 552 24 28 1,255 Sligo - - - - Londonderry - Belfast - Newry r 250 125 2,462 539 250 125 2,462 539 160 60 1,142 220 160 60 1,142 220 Total - - - 3,211,619 137,348 2,913 j 3,351,880 1,205,293 78,1-31 780 1,284,224 ' EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1850. 3 - from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 1850. COUNTRIES QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which EXPORTED. COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. 1 ons. l ons. 1 ons. Win i ± ons. •r 2? X. X/. Russia - - - - 231,144 4,054 235,198 79,415 2,451 81,866 Sweden - 64,364 1,129 55,493 16,408 728 17,136 Norway - 46,737 1,866 209 47,812 13.189 1,123 37 14,349 Denmark - ... 286,602 10,583 296,185 88,613 6,065 94,678 Prussia - - - 183,002 3,526 - 186,528 54,451 1,979 - 56,430 Mecklenburg - 15,929 2,389 - 18,318 4,226 1,151 - 5,377 Hanover - 15,318 338 - 15,656 4,195 234 4,429 Oldenburg - 7,028 53 - 7,081 2,078 40 - 2,118 Hanseatic Towns 329,586 14,894 - 344,480 103,378 8,589 - 111,967 Heligoland - - - 625 625 250 250 Holland - 157,613 2,340 - 159,953 53,344 1,269 54,613 Belgium - - - - 888 - - 888 320 - 326 Channel Islands 57,597 372 74 58,043 22,958 235 22 23,215 r ranee - A OQO fi l o x \J 1 o -± o fid it 0 1 0 n7i Portugal, Azores and Ma-"! deira -J 49,847 971 70 50,888 18,726 643 19 19,388 Spain and Canaries - 00,104 1 ot>,U4 / 0 / ,ouu Gibraltar - 22,239 224 - 22,463 10,009 112 - 10,121 Italy .... 115,029 21,034 - 136,063 45,654 12,004 - 58,258 l\/f n 1 4-n Malta - 04, 1 U-i 010 a a ft l a 04,0 1 o 07 ftw 1 £ / »Oo 1 07 0.1.1 At 4 ,«^4*± Ionian Islands - 1 -i,40o 1 O 111 1 ! tjt)UJ ij recce - 1 4,4 lo 1 1 J. 1 1 *i OJ.O Turkey - 86,465 228 86,693 32,615 135 - 32,750 Wallachia and Moldavia - 8,178 _ 8,178 3,662 - - 3,662 Syria and Palestine - 2,553 - 2,553 1,124 - 1,124 Egypt .... 30,482 432 30,914 12,732 180 12,912 Algeria - 20,546 89 - 20,635 8,015 42 - 8,057 Tunis - - - 709 709 309 309 Western Coast of Africa 8,750 - - 8,750 4,134 - - 4,134 British Possessions in South ^ Africa -J 8,777 39 - 8,816 4,972 22 - 4,994 African Ports on the Red Sea 3,014 - ■ J 3,014 1,546 - - 1,546 Cape Verde Islands - 2,235 10 - 2,245 1,118 6 - 1,124 Ascension - - - 702 702 391 391 St. Helena - 783 - 783 393 - - 393 Mauritius - 2,391 - - 2,391 1,316 - - 1,316 Aden - - - 20,340 - - 20,340 9,732 - 9,732 British Territories in the! East Indies -J 96,966 35 - 97,001 44,225 35 44,260 Java - - ~,oy4 100 1 , 1 -O SO Philippine Islands China - - - 3,366 21,170 - - - - 3,366 21,170 1,760 11,433 - - - 1,760 11,433 British Settlements in Aus- tralia - - - -J 6,701 53 _ 6,754 4,071 59 4,130 South Sea Islands 14 - 14 12 - 12 British North American^ Colonies -J 57,687 1,581 59,268 21,713 873 22,586 British West Indies - o/,ooo ft<> 1 Oo I 13 Aft oi n n .7 iin O / , 1 1 O 6 07 rr 0 rr «J7,0!j7 Foreign ^Vest Indies - 67,946 99 68,045 31,057 88 31,145 United States of America - 129,654 52 129,706 67,698 39 67,737 Mexico - 19,683 19,683 10,617 10,617 Central America l,ODti 557 Oo7 New Granada - 21,442 515 21,957 10,613 258 10,871 Venezuela - 13 13 22 22 Ecuador - - - - 53 53 35 35 Brazil - - - - 49,391 484 49,875 19,870 450 20,320 Oriental Republic of the! Uraguay -J Buenos Avres - 5,471 5,286 8 5,471 5,294 2,564 2,851 8 2,564 2,859 Chili .... 55,929 350 150 56,429 26,016 220 30 26,266 Peru .... 11,897 904 12,801 6,674 392 7,066 Total - - - 3,211,619 137,348 2,913 3,351,880 1,205,293 78,151 780 1,284,224 340. A 2 (continued) 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2 — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported - YEAR 1851. - PORTS from which SHIPPED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. England : J. Ullit* J. t//to. dCfi £. London ■ 74,425 304 17 47ft 649 291 .18 41ft Roohester • 20 20 15 15 Shoreh&ni - - - 41 41 33 00 Portsmouth - .177 177 ftft 000 388 000 Southern pton - - - 396 9ft1 98f> Cowps - - • - 10 10 Q O a 0 Poole - 375 375 322 322 Exeter - - _ - 181 181 89 89 Dartmouth - _ - 205 205 09 92 ■ Plymouth - 458 458 243 243 Ealmouth - _ - 590 590 190 _ 190 Penzance - 163 163 71 71 Scilly - 585 585 375 _ 375 Bideford - - - - 493 493 238 238 Bridge water - 162 162 65 65 Bristol - 9,840 191 X — o 9 965 4 913 90 5,003 Gloucester ~ 330 330 140 140 Cardiff - 243,417 5,584 94Q 001 109,732 3,100 112,832 Newport - 151,648 20 151 668 74,533 13 74,546 Swansea - - - - 30 fiQ.1 *J \J j \J is (J 9S9 1 595 41 109 15,347 163 523 16,033 Llanelly * Q R7Q i7,VJ / t/ 106 Q 7ft.1 4 363 30 4,393 Milford - 9fi0 9RQ 210 210 dllPStPT - - _ m .7 T V Q4Q 298 298 1 i vprnnnl — _ _ _ 914 oni 1 OtI X ,UO 1 911 91R ^txO,^t)9 1 1 Q 30ft x x yjOvo 788 120 096 THpptwnod - 1 ftsa 1 fiftft 594 594 T^rpcfnn - - _ - 3,542 3 149 1,763 1,763 T ,fi npfi citpr — •» 315 109 109 "Whitehaven - — - 3 1 10 O, X tJ*7 ^ 1 1Q 0, x 1 903 1,203 ^Vorkington - « 1 4.0 140 46 46 1VT t\ rvnnrt — atx Oil y uui w ™ — 1,753 !l 753 551 551 f.«»r]ic]p • 360 360 120 _ 120 Berwick * — — - 560 560 219 m 219 Newcastle * 1 nni qoq XjVJvJXji/OC? QO 830 1 00° 769 361,174 49,122 m 410,296 Shields - X IX VJ j O * 9,273 175 567 63,209 4,693 m 67,902 Sunderland ■ - - (Jfj J7 i7 1 9 4.99 472,417 115 086 6,188 121,274 StOCktOn ■ - m m m 76 232 1 9 17fi 88 ftOft 21,813 6,768 28,581 Hartlpnool « - . 1 I'M tlvi/UUl — 1 7 703 39 80fi 350 10Q 91,170 15,441 106,611 Rridlincton - » 50 50 20 20 Hull .... 64 358 185 64,543 27,246 141 27,387 CrOolc " • ■ » tXjUO 1 5 681 2,095 2,095 Grimsby - 4,146 4,146 1,787 1,787 ■ 5i vm mi t n _ _ _ X Oil III LI U UU ■ — 9fi1 261 80 — 80 TnQWiPn a — _ 1 UQWIbil — 360 108 108 Hi rwi en — — — _ X X Oil WiUU ** 91ft 218 55 55 SrOTT,ATMT» ■ Leith - 1 9 Q9 1 I * v'^ x- 1 DJ 1 3 OSfi 5,027 101 5,128 T^nrrnwstoTiPRS - - fi'i 77Q 17 65 796 UUj i \J\J 23,462 16 23,478 t-r**fl TIITP m fill til — _ 1 R I OS 16,185 1 0.19 5,052 Alloa . 32,899 32,899 9,254 9,254 ivii ivtiivi y ~ — 44,074 44,074 17,645 _ _ _ 17,645 Dundee — - - • no o i ft 40 22,058 9,823 40 _ 9,863 Montrose - *^ftQ 389 161 161 A rhrnfitn * — — - * 1 10^ 1,305 371 371 A nprnppn _ _ _. _ 1 018 433 433 30,792 12,128 12,128 1 T~l VA1*11 ACQ _ _ _ 231 231 61 61 |J Art Irlnsfrrtw _ _ ... X UI t XJFIilogLJVV ™ — 0 919 3 1 03 3,193 Glasgow ------ 43,835 303 44,138 15,310 332 - 15,642 Irvine ■ • ~ • 115,845 115,845 31,658 31,658 Ayr 516 - - 516 135 - - 135 Dumfries - - - 178 178 80 80 Ireland : Dublin - 1,267 1,267 732 732 Waterford - 100 65 165 45 63 108 Ross - 400 400 250 250 Cork - 1,200 1,200 776 776 Londonderry - - - 857 857 244 244 Belfast - 1,535 1,535 111 777 Newry - - - - 234 234 120 120 Total - - - 3,300,257 166,353 1,935 3,468,545 1,213,921 87,708 844 1,302,473 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1851. 5 from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlement! Abroad — cont4. YEAR 1851. COUNTRIES QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which EXPORTED. COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. COALS. CINDERS. CULM. TOTAL. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. f. £. £. rlussiA - - - - 210,061 5,160 215,221 70,388 2,943 ! - 73,331 Sweden - 62,849 1,790 _ m 64,039 18,085 1,060 - 19,145 Norway - 51,667 2,385 - 54,052 i o,ouy 1,342 - 17,01 1 Denmark - - - - 281,465 13,688 - 295,153 84,830 7,342 - 92,172 Prussia - - - 204,476 12,127 - 216.603 62,829 6,043 - 68,872 Mecklenburg - - - 13,137 1,707 - 14,844 3,664 954 - 4,618 Hanover - - - - 20,381 470 - 20,851 5,780 272 6,052 Oldenburg* - - • 7,908 86 - 7,994 2,402 42 _ - _ 2,444 Hanseatic Towns 321,292 21,773 - 343,065 102,032 10,014 1 12,046 T I ^ 1 1 . . . , , 1 rioilana - - - - 129,546 2,712 - 132,258 43,222 1,603 _ 44,825 Belgium - - 127 - 127 38 m 3 a wo Channel Islands 63,697 765 240 64,702 24,058 450 83 24,591 France - 597,618 3,894 1,296 602,808 208,692 1,947 437 211,076 Portugal, Azores and Ma-~| deira - - ( 59,383 60,487 1,104 _ m 23,574 OOti 24,157 Spain and Canaries ■ ~ 120,015 71,340 - 191,355 50,656 37,804 88,460 Gibraltar - - - - 23,828 316 - 24,144 10,511 166 10,677 Italy - - - - 20,570 - 1 lO Q 1 O 1 - 1 - . ■ ' I V 51,014 11,165 VZ , 1 / u .Malta « 74,053 65 - 74,1 18 30,775 35 30,810 Ionian Islands - 15,136 - - 15,136 5,086 - - 5,086 (jrreece - - - - 7,543 - - 7,543 2,974 - Turkey .... 97,628 607 - 98,235 317 - 35,642 Wallachia and Moldavia - 14,368 170 - 14,538 5,950 85 UjUOJ oyna and ralestine - 5,203 - - 5,203 2,01 1 m m a,U11 Egypt - 62,144 416 - 62,560 24,169 170 24,339 Algeria - - - - 14,470 52 - 14,522 5,781 29 m 5,810 Tunis - - - - 911 - - 911 416 _ 416 Western Coast of Africa 18,511 - - 1Q C 1 1 1 0,0 1 1 8,606 O,0UO British Possessions in South "I 13,507 Africa -J 25,576 25,576 13,507 Eastern Coast of Africa 663 - - 663 224 - 224 African Ports on the Red! 2,170 2,170 788 oea -j 788 Cape Verde Islands ~ - 8,525 - CP 8,525 4,205 _ m m 4,205 Ascension - - - 4,059 - - O A O Q z,4oo _ m 2,438 St. Helena - 1,809 - 1 809 / -JO 758 Mauritius - 1,635 - 1,635 906 _ _ _ 906 Aden .... 39,846 • 39,846 15,218 15,218 JDntisn .territories in the 1 97,181 East Indies -J 557 97,738 43,305 482 - 43,787 bumatra - 749 - - 749 337 007 Ool Java - 3,189 - - 3,189 1,415 - 1 , <± 1 'J Philippine Islands 8,625 - - 8,625 3,984 - - Celebes - 700 - - 700 315 Old v^mna - — - - 5,805 - - 5 805 2,766 British Settlements in Aus-~1 12,493 tralia -J 26 304 12,823 6,982 30 291 7,303 South Sea Islands 15 - - 15 12 12 British North American"! 91,995 1 QOfl l,Mi8 94,018 Colonies - - -J yo 31,877 1,083 33 32,993 British West Indies - - 80,962 1,185 45 - 82,147 41,827 717 AO Z.AA *±.~ ,0** Foreign West Indies - 99,004 - 99,049 45,934 22 United States of America - 83,430 116 — — 83,546 43,781 42 43,823 V^aillOlUlA — — — 6,327 6,327 4,009 102 4,009 (VlOYi/>n i " I ( A 1 1 U - — 226 226 102 Central America 675 - - 675 323 323 New Granada - 8,815 8,815 4,670 4,670 Venezuela - 820 1 821 408 3 411 Ecuador - 10 10 9 9 Brazil - 61,338 352 61,690 25,748 370 26,118 Oriental Republic of the~l 7,660 Uraguay - - -J 7,660 3,044 3,044 Buenos Ayres - 4,837 118 4,955 2,173 99 2,272 Chili - 25,385 160 25,545 10,769 125 10,894 Peru .... 5,967 668 6,635 3,550 369 3,919 Total - 3,300,257 166,353 1,935 3,468,545 1,213,921 87,708 844 1,302,473 340. 6 COALS, &C, EXPORTED, AND COALS BROUGHT INTO THE PORT OF LONDON. — No. 3.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad ; with the Rates and Amount of Duties Received thereon. YEAR 1851. QUANTITIES AMOUNT OF EXPORTED. DUTIES RECEIVED. Tons. £. s. d. 3,300,257 166,353 Nil. * Culm 1,935 Total - - - 3,468,545 * The Duties on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported were wholly repealed by Act 13 & 14 Vict., c. 95, from 14 August 1850. — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1851, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during- the Year 1850. Coals brought into the Port of London r Coastways. By Inland Navigation and Land Carriage. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1850 - - - - 3,553,304 85,579 3,638,883 Year 1851 - 3,236,542 254,421 3,490,963 Office of the Inspector-General of Imports"! p jy Woodifield, and Exports, Custom House, London, Inspector-General 'of Imports and Exports. 8 May 1852. J t ♦ O -4 H - EC s 13 EL O v o © 8 c a. sa 5 a 00 ST 5 g 2 09 C ^ I a- cr CO 83 1-1 B PI 3 3 3 g. 5- o 2! « 5 > B to O ' p G 3 i a" 3, B r O 2 W O O C f COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 28 April 1853;— /w, No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Porta of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1852 ; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1851." No. 2. AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cindkhs and Culm Ex POBTEO from the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, ami the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1 , distinguishing the Countries to which the same wercsent, and comparing the same with the Year 1851 ; also, distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped." No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, CINDERS and Culm EXPORTED from the United Kingdom in the Year 1852, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :" — And, No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1852, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1851." — No. 1. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS YEAR 185 1. YEAR 1 8 5 2. from which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Tot a i . England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. London - 372 - 372 1,239 - - 1,239 Rochester 1,393 — — — 1,393 813 79 892 Faversharn 165 165 Arundel - - - 576 - 576 526 10 536 Portsmouth 0,0 io ft i fiQ ft fi2I 23 6 644 ^lr\ii(*limrit»tr\Ti — — 431 431 112 112 Pawpq _ _ — 90 90 48 _ _ 48 Poole - 33 15 48 23 _ 44 44 H ( \ ill' Mil 11 46 46 m 23 "Plvmnnfli — *■ 51 51 681 681 115 _ 342 457 XJllsLUL — *■ 1,562 1,085 _ 1,085 I J mil P/3CTDP — » * 75,547 10,416 85,963 77,303 _ _ 11,498 88,801 V^dl U 1 11 496,968 4,034 501,002 448,781 13,462 462,243 Newport - 451,491 _ 451,491 451,770 - 451,770 Swansea - - r 24 4,778 84 107,385 o5~J,247 Clil^ . > A 1 Mi ,ii I UJtJ ]07,28S O/O.l U 1 Llanelly - 159,036 43 60,381 219,460 164,946 177 49,612 214,735 Milford - 16,652 - - - 32,921 49,573 16,745 - 33,357 50,102 v 101,044 101,044 85,772 85,772 Liverpool 114,274 923 707 115,904 105,335 328 269 105,932 Preston - 41,782 203 272 42,257 37,539 189 190 37,9 1 8 Fleetwood 9,422 316 160 9,898 8,611 461 277 9,319 Lancaster - - - 5,112 225 5,337 3,852 986 4,838 Whitehaven 217,267 50 8,949 226,260 215,533 70 6,605 222,20S Workington 95,703 95,703 85,014 85,014 Maryport 196,576 2,635 2,465 201,676 222,072 2,112 5,828 230,012 Carlisle - 15,008 145 15,153 17,749 102 17,851 Berwick - - - 610 610 550 550 Newcastle - " - 2,049,846 17,206 2,007,112 2,157,273 18,584 2/173,«57 Shields - 214,774 55 214,829 168,120 52 108,172 Sunderland 1,898,801 359 1,899,160 1,978,519 92 1,'j78,011 Stockton - 386,828 1,818 388,646 335,673 1,148 336,821 Hartlepool 1,129,279 8,710 1,137,989 1,335,130 5,746 1,340,876 Gainsborough - 9,462 115 9,577 7,589 16 7.C05 Hull 12,721 14 12,735 10,113 10,113 Goole - 104,336 104,336 96,083 9H,C83 Grimsby - 470 470 418 72 490 Scotland : Leith ... 9.086 5 9,091 8,358 8,358 Borrowstoness - 36,359 36,359 34,550 34,550 Grangemouth - Alloa 6,521 6,521 2,943 : 2,94:; 23,015 23,015 18,2T>0 • 18,266 Kirkaldy - 37,035 37,03-5 29,504 29.5C4 Dundee - 345 345 1,831 1,881 Greenock 85 85 260 200 Glasgow - - - 86,862 31 86,893 81,936 10 20 S|,C60 Irvine - 219,815 4,378 224,193 246,906 3,941 250.*-; 7 Ayr - 72,569 72,569 72,888 72,bSS Ireland : Ross - - - 476 476 179 179 Total - - - 8,550,747 36,805 228,9S6 8,816,538 8,805,934 43,376 220,267 9,069,577 584. QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS AND CULM No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported - YEAR 1851. PORTS from whicli o u T p P F "H o n x sr Mr xu u» QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Lulm. Total. Coals. Cinder*. Culm. Total. Jj.NGi.A.ND • J. ons. J. ons. T J. OTIS. JL OTIS. A? X. X. p *J . Lo N DON ■ ■ • " C A ,)OR / iyiZO ouy / o,ooo 0/,4 / o P.A O o4y Zi) 1 00,4 1 a Rochester • OA ZV OA lo 15 Shoreham ■ A 1 41 4 1 qq 0 0 OO Portsmouth. • oil 0/ / qoo qoo OOO Southampton • • 396 OOF zoo 0 0 c Zoo Oowes • • ■ " i o 1U 1 u Q 0 0 Poole • ■ o /0 O / O oZZ J_iA{ I ( i - ~ 1 O 1 1 ft 1 1 (5 1 on oy ±Ja\ i inouiu " " OA ~. on ^ no AO i i > iiiou in • 4-^ft. 1 1_) o 458 243 ■old Falmouth. " • 590 t>yu l on i yu 1 AA iyu r^Pll 7J1T1PP • • — 1 fiQ 1 Uo H 1 / 1 7 1 ocniy . - - o r. oso ooo o / o qnc o/O Bidefbrtl • • 4yo 4yo O^ft Zoo nqo -iOO 1 r>i / 1 . ■'i'i\r rt TAW* _ — jji iLi^ewd-ier 10- 1 AO 1 OSS UO OO . . f _ _ _ JjllblOl " ■ A Q ( A 1(1. A A^i K y,yoo 4,y i o 90 C AAQ O,0UO Gloucester • • • ooO O O A i a n 1 4U 1 140 v^cllUlTT - - - - 243,417 o,oo4 O 1 A A A 1 ij4y,uo 1 1 AA 1 *iO 109,' oz 3,100 I 1 0 ft QO I I z,v in iciid veil 3,159 • * m ~ 3,159 1,203 _ 1,203 vv orKingion • 140 1 40 40 - 40 Maryport - i T r. o \,IO>i 1 ,753 OO I re] OOl Carlisle - - - - 360 360 1 OA 1 zU 1 OA 1 SJU Jjcl WICK. — 560 560 O 1 A 0 1 A 219 Newcastle • • 1 001 939 90,830 1,092,769 361,174 49,122 410,296 Shields - - - 166,294 9,273 175,567 63,209 4,693 67,902 Sunderland - - - 459,995 12,422 472,417 115,086 6,188 121,274 Stockton - - - - 76,232 12,576 - 88,808 21,813 6,768 28,581 Hartlepool ... 317,703 32,806 - 350,509 91,170 15,441 106,611 Bridlington - 50 - 50 20 20 Hull .... 64,358 185 64,543 27,246 141 27,387 Goole - 5,681 _ _ 5,681 2,095 2,095 Grimsby - 4,146 4,146 1,787 1,787 Yarmouth ... 261 _ < - -' 261 80 80 Ipswich - 360 _ 360 108 108 Harwich - - - 218 218 55 55 SCOTLAND ! T oi+Ti — — i^euu - " " 12,921 165 13,086 5,027 101 5,128 Borrowstoness - » - 65,779 17 — • 65,796 23,462 16 23,478 Grpiiigemouth ■ 16,185 — — 16,1 85 5,052 5,052 A.uoa - 32,899 32,899 A O ^ A 9,2o4 9,254 XV. ii kaiciy - AA MA 44,074 1 7,645 17,645 Dundee • - ■ 22,018 40 _ 22,058 9,823 40 9,863 Montrose - 389 389 161 161 Arbroath - 1,305 1,305 371 371 Aberdeen - 1,018 _ 1,018 433 433 Greenock - 30,792 30,792 12,128 12,128 Inverness - - - 231 _ 231 61 61 Port Glasgow - 9,212 _ 9,212 3,193 3,193 Glasgow - 43,835 303 - 44,138 15,310 332 15,642 Irvine - - - - 115,845 115,845 31,658 31,658 Ayr - 516 _ 516 135 135 Dumfries - 178 178 80 80 Ireland : Dublin - 1,267 1,267 732 732 Waterford - 100 65 165 45 63 108 Ross - 400 400 250 250 Cork .... 1,200 1,200 776 776 Londonderry - 857 857 244 244 Belfast - 1,535 1,535 777 777 Newry - 234 234 120 - i 120 Total - - - 3,300,257 166,353 1,935 3,468,545 1,213,921 87,708 844 1,302,473 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1851. from the several Ports of Enyland, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British. Settlement YEAR 1851. COUNTRIES QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. to which T? V I~> i~v T\ T> T" 1 T"\ tXPORTED, Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Russia - Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. a io,< )()l 5,160 • 215,221 70,388 2,943 73,331 Sweden - no siilO l 7on 64,6:J9 18,085 1,060 19,145 Norway - 51,667 2,385 54,052 15,669 1,342 17,01 1 1 1 n rt m *i i» b J_/(_ It 1 1 1. M K m m: m !4tl 1 ,40U 13,688 - 295,153 84,830 7,342 - 92,172 Prussia - 204,476 12 1^7 - 216,603 62,829 6,043 - 68,872 4,618 Mecklenburg* - 13,137 1,707 1 4,844 3,664 954 ■ ■ Hanover - 20,381 470 - 20,851 5,780 272 0,052 2,444 112,046 Oldenburg - 7 QOS ol) - 7,994 O AllO 42 - AXUlloL till 1 J. 1 .Berwick - 985 - 985 430 430 Newcastle - 1,057,463 83,718 m ~ 1,141,181 378,401 43,653 422,054 Shields - 205,233 10,959 2 1 6, 1 92 74,189 5,279 ■ 79,468 Sunderland - 493,055 17,644 m 510,699 139,836 9,993 • 149,829 O IOC K lull 65,846 9,090 * ■ 74,936 18,461 4,655 ■ ** 23,1 16 Hartlepool - - - 361,024 30,514 ■ 391,538 96,636 15,313 11 1,949 Hull .... 52,520 141 * — 52,661 21,673 108 21,781 Goole - 2,922 - 2,922 1,136 - ■ 1,136 Grimsby - 3,561 20 3,581 1,509 15 ■ 1,524 Yarmouth - 164 - 164 62 ■ • 62 Scotland : T.eith - 18,544 79 _ 18,623 9,548 66 _ 9,614 Borrowstoness - 53,001 227 - 53,228 18,116 136 - 13,252 Grangemouth - 18,654 21 18,675 5,817 22 5,839 Alloa - 29,089 29,089 7,219 . - 7,219 Kirkaldy- ... 34,173 - - 34,173 12,569 - • - 12,569 Dundee - - - 21,570 - - 21,570 8,917 - 8,9 1 7 . i .i Arbroath - - - - 30 30 9 9 Aberdeen - - - - 310 5 - 315 1 1 7 8 125 Greenock - 22,767 - - 22,767 10,237 - - 10,237 T-^Al't Lrl'JCfrfWP b m m 5,564 ■* - 5,564 1,851 - 1,851 Glasgow - - 44,696 260 44,956 16,440 261 16,701 Irvine - 67,403 16 67,419 18,131 13 18,144 Ayr 1,226 - - 1,226 306 306 Dumfries - - - - 30 30 9 - 9 Stranraer- - 150 1 50 53 wO Inn and : Dublin - 1,491 1,491 1,118 1,118 Wnterford 360 360 265 263 C-.rk .... 153 153 10S 108 Limerick - - - - 166 166 130 i 130 Londonderry ... 185 185 105 105 Belfast .... 1,019 1,019 663 - ' - 663 Newry - - - - 200 200 100 ! _ 101) Total - - - 3,479,282 159,040 1,872 3,640,194 1,287,626 ! 83,832 656 1,372,1 14 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND I5IUTISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1852. 5 - the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad -c<>:tt/l. YEAR 1 8 5 2. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Russia - Sweden - Norway - Denmark- ... Prussia - - - Mecklenburg - Hanover - Oldenburg - Hanseatic Towns Holland .... Belgium - Channel Islands France - Portugal, Azores, and Ma-~( deira -J Spain and Canaries - Gibraltar - - Italy .... Malta .... Ionian Islands - "Greece .... Turkey .... Wallachia and Moldavia - Syria and Palestine - Egypt - - . Tunis .... Algeria - Western Coast of Africa - British Possessions in South! Africa -J African Ports on the Redl Sea - -J Cape Verde Islands - Ascension ... St. Helena ... Mauritius - Aden - British Territories in the East Indies - Sumatra - Java - Philippine Islands - Lomboc - - - - Amboyna - China - British Settlements in Aus-1 tralia J South Sea Islands British North American! Colonies -J British West Indies - Foreign West Indies - United States of America - California Mexico Central America New Granada - Venezuela ... Brazil .... Oriental Republic of the"l Uruguay - - -J Buenos Ay res - Chili .... Peru .... Total - - - DECLARED VALUE T II E ft EO F. V d.lls, Cinders. ' Ml III . Tot a i. * 1 >a 1 * . f v* inu(f i s. 1 ' l J 1 1 1 . Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. 184,028 3,413 188,041 61,883 1,939 63,822 73,825 1,522 • ~ 75,347 21,377 809 22,180 4.0 SOT 3,768 53,00 1 2,026 12,534 o 1 nfio f> 1 7 l if*? ."> O O 198,812 15,701 f> 1 4 T 1 1 70 r \ 1 O 13,370 1,242 14 018 v,U I.) O 077 A A f\ 25.500 799 26,365 7,1 95 461 7 ft / 9 OOlJ 7.7° 7 52 7,779 2,420 3 1 333.54 A 16,956 O (J \J , *± ■ 7 c7 99,919 8,385 1 H ft on< l 44,810 2,730 1 47,540 48 fiV? 1 . r >73 300 300 1 20 61 ,707 406 50 62,103 23,058 252 1 ft 1 o 058 8fi'"> 2,839 1,580 663,201 224,033 1 535 Oi)(\ n i «> ^ * f ■ I >s 50,476 329 - 50,805 19,370 176 - 19,552 135,571 67,800 - 203,371 57,048 35,545 - 92,593 24,122 24 122 1 O 1 t7 in l rr 10, 1 .j / 150,004 21,293 10 171,3*07 50,877 11,261 6 68,144 50,933 190 * * 51,123 22,048 114 22,162 12,576 12,570 A ^?;>^ 4,0J3 8,009 8,009 o 7 fin 72.252 530 72,782 Of? 1 04 9t(5 -u,4o0 9,457 168 9,625 379 3,869 3,630 m m 3,630 1,535 1,535 32,288 254 - 32,542 13,167 127 - 13,294 ft Q f V 780 336 336 16,814 16,814 r> 4Si O,40 1 10,239 10,239 25,804 - - 25,804 12,475 - - 12,475 2,404 - - 2,464 915 - - 915 3,961 - - 3,961 1,956 - - 1,956 2,380 1,293 1,293 1,732 m m 1,732 892 892 1,109 - - 1,109 547 - ' - 547 Q A T (i A ol,( 04 34,764 14,300 - 14,300 93,999 305 - 94,304 38,575 274 38,849 592 592 £)17 247 6,452 6,452 ~,Oo 1 2,681 5,409 Kf, ** V, ij 2,322 120 1 20 54 54 585 585 o o iioo 203 15,065 6,937 31,479 34 120 31,633 17,151 36 100 17,287 152 1 52 70 - 70 77,361 2,706 - 80,067 27,534 1,306 28,840 98,552 885 12 99,449 50,198 503 9 50,7 1 0 95,338 71 95,409 42,496 59 - 42,505 121,820 465 • - 122,285 58,454 227 58,681 54,856 116 54,972 27,488 63 27,551 10,568 10,568 5,047 5,047 6,188 120 6,308 2,722 • 78 2,800 32,046 32,046 15,055 15,055 391 391 152 152 54,470 876 55,346 23,573 €75 24,248 4,536 4,536 1,876 1,870 5,621 5,021 2,562 2,502 35,061 582 36,243 16,696 430 17,126 24,272 474 24,746 13,701 274 13,975 3,479,282 159,040 1,872 3,040,194 1,287,626 83,832 650 1,372,114 584. a 3 6 COALS, &C, EXPORTED, AND COALS BROUGHT INTO THE PORT OF LONDON. — No. 3.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad ; with the Rates and Amount of Duty thereon. YEAR 1 852. Coals ------ Cinders ----- Culm Total QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Tons. 3,479,282 159,040 1,872 3,640,194 AMOUNT OF DUTY RECEIVED. s. d. Nil. * The Duties on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported were wholly repealed by Act 13 & 14 Vict., c. 95, from 14 August 1850. — No- 4.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1852, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1851. Coals brought into the Port of London Coastways. By Inland Navigation and Land Carriage. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1851 3,236,542 254,421 3,490,968 Year 1852 3,330,428 414,917 3,745,345 Office of the Inspector-General of Imports! ^ jy j,j r ooc [j£ e ij and Exports, Custom-House, London, } Inspector-General of Imports and Exports, 2 June 1853. J 1 11 I > Or -1^ 8 CO ~ S S c-. c o 3 3* C CO o p o o t- 1 a 3 *3 O 3 2 3 2. 3 — o c g 3" n a o z O >T3 o e do 3" o o CO 3" <0 C S3 3 n (Jo s W * =' S 3 ^2 ^ a » i r § 03 o "-•a o > O O > r o z o w P3 J* a o o C r 2- ♦ COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 11 July 1854;— /or, No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, toother Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1853; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1852 :" No. 2.— AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coalr, Cinders, and Culm Expokted from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1853 ; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same witli the Year 1852 ; also, distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped :" No. 3.— AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1853, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon:" No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1853, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1852." — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS YEAR 18 52. YEAR 1 853. from which SHIPPED. Cinders. 111 ID . J OTAL. Pnnlc venders* Culm. Total. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. London - - - 1,239 1,239 2,258 - - 2,268 Rochester 813 79 892 2,868 319 - 3,187 Arundel - 520 10 536 — — — — Portsmouth 0,621 23 6,644 7,970 46 - 8,016 Southampton - 112 112 Cowes - 48 48 44 44 — \\: nir TYl nit t N — — »V CylLIULlHl Zo Do Oc5 " " " 32 32 25 _ 25 Bideford - 115 m m m 342 457 Bristol - 1,085 - 1,085 300 _ 300 Gloucester 77,303 11,498 88,801 84,029 70 8,624 92,723 Cardiff - 448,781 13,462 462,243 471,944 13,709 485,713 Newport - 451,770 _ m — 451,770 450,413 107 _ _ 450,520 Swansea - - - 267,241 653 107,288 375,182 324,254 213 109,939 434,400 Llanelly - 164,940 177 49,612 214,735 209,960 827 35,161 245,948 Milford - 16,745 33,357 50,102 17,706 30,921 48,627 unester » » 85,772 85,772 81,312 81,312 Liverpool 105,335 328 269 105,932 120,763 1,290 1,818 123,871 Preston - 37,539 189 190 37,918 34,767 188 16 34,971 Fleetwood 8,611 461 277 9,349 11,004 271 139 11,414 Lancaster 3,852 986 4,838 2,680 1,430 4,116 Whitehaven 215,533 70 6,605 222,208 220,094 155 2,894 223,143 Workington 85,014 85,014 126,289 126,289 Maryport 222,072 2,112 5,828 230,012 263,566 2,347 3,098 269,011 Carlisle - 17,749 102 17,851 10,040 10,040 Berwick - 550 550 351 351 Newcastle 2,157,273 18,584 2,175,857 2,131,417 12,871 2,144,288 Shields - 168,120 52 168,172 212,796 170 212,966 Sunderland 1,978,519 92 1,978,611 1,914,184 380 1,914,570 Stockton - 335,673 1,148 336,821 288,349 780 289,135 Hartlepool 1,335,130 5,746 1,340,876 1,272,120 6,297 1,278,417 Gainsborough - 7,589 16 7,605 4,551 4,551 Hull 10,113 10,113 2,859 2,859 Goole ... 96,083 96,083 90,408 90,468 Grimsby - 418 72 490 397 397 51 51 Scotland : Leith - - - 8,358 8,358 10,337 22 10,359 Borrowstoness 34,550 34,550 31,442 31,442 Grangemouth - 2,943 2,943 2,039 2,039 Alloa ... 18,266 18,266 21,426 21,426 Kirkaldy - - - 29,504 29,504 36,334 36,334 Dundee - - - 1,831 1,831 2,378 2,378 Greenock 260 260 50 50 Glasgow - 81,936 10 20 81,966 59.430 30 59,466 Irvine - 246,906 3,941 250,847 238,650 1,181 239,831 Ayr 72,888 72,888 73,442 73,442 Ireland : Ross - - - 179 179 154 154 Total - - - 8,805,934 43,376 220,267 9.069,577 8,835,573 40,142 195,269 9.070,984 472. A 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM No. 2. AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported from YEAR 185 2. PORTS QUANTITIES EXPO RTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. from which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. England: Tons* Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. London - 221 120 69,721 F-d. 24^ 9fi0 100 54 605 Folkstone - 5 5 5 5 Newhaven - - - 1 I Shoreham - 24 24 1 ft 16 Portsmouth - - - 60 60 48 48 Southampton - 101 101 83 83 Cowes - - - - 420 420 186 186 Poole - - - - 451 451 357 357 Dartmouth - - - 295 295 80 80 Plymouth - - - 6 20 26 3 15 18 Falmouth - 178 178 72 72 Scilly - 80 80 40 40 Bideford - - - - 70 70 39 39 Bristol - 9,959 ft 9,965 5,206 4 5,210 Gloucester - - - 428 428 192 192 Cardiff - 353,652 4,522 358,174 155,406 2,820 158,226 Newport - 137 489 137,489 68,409 68,409 o r bwansea - 40 fil 1 1,0.60 51,486 18,974 347 433 19,754 Llanelly - ft 4.74. O04 8,838 2,918 89 3,007 Milford - 00 371 228 25 253 npctpi* • - - - 1,071 1,071 332 332 Tiivprnool - 276 617 1 09ft 277,645 134,149 864 135,013 Preston - - - - 7R** /DO 763 347 o* / 347 Fleetwood - 1,015 1,015 381 381 T.anpflsfpF • - • 470 470 192 192 Whitehaven - 1,615 12 1,627 664 - 9 673 Workington - - » 500 500 135 1 OK loo Maryport - 2,492 ; \ 2,492 697 _ 697 Carlisle - - - - 180 - 180 60 - - 60 Berwick - 985 - 985 430 - - 430 Newcastle - 1,057,463 83,718 - 1,141,181 378,401 43,653 - 422,054 Shields - 205,233 10,959 - 216,192 74,189 5,279 - 79,468 Sunderland - 493,055 17,644 - 510,699 139,836 9,993 - 149,829 Stockton - - - 65,846 9,090 - 74,936 18,461 4,655 23,116 Hartlepool - Hull - 361,024 30,514 - 391,538 96,636 15,313 - 111,949 52,520 141 - 52,661 21,673 108 - 21,781 Goole - - - 2,922 - - 2,922 1,136 - - 1,136 Grimsby - 3,561 20 - 3,581 1,509 15 * - 1,524 Yarmouth - 164 - • 164 62 - - 62 Scotland: Leith - 18,544 79 18,623 9,548 66 _ 9,614 Borrowstoness - 53,001 227 53,228 18,116 136 - 18,252 Graneremouth - 18,654 21 18,675 5,817 22 K con Alloa .... 29,089 29,089 7,219 7,219 Kirkaldy - 34,173 - 34,173 12,569 - - 12,569 Dundee - 21,570 - - 21,570 8,917 - - 8,917 Arbroath - 30 - - 30 9 - - 9 Aberdeen - 310 5 - 315 117 8 - 125 Greenock - 22,767 22,767 10,237 10,237 Port Glasgow - Glasgow - Irvine - 5,564 m 5,564 1,851 - 1,851 44,696 260 i * 44,956 16,440 261 16,701 10 fi7 41 9 1ft 131 13 18,144 Ayr ... - | | |i f~f \ flit AO m " — a_j mini ico 1,226 1,226 306 306 30 - 30 9 9 Stranraer - 150 150 53 53 Ireland : Dublin - - '• - 1,491 1,491 1,118 1,118 Waterford ... 360 360 266 265 Cork - 153 153 108 108 Limerick - 166 166 130 130 Londonderry - Belfast - 185 1,019 185 1,019 105 663 105 663 Newry - 200 200 100 100 Total - - - 3,479,282 159,040 1,872 3,640,194 1,287,626 83,832 656 1,372,114 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1852. 3 the several Ports of England, Scotland and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 1 8 5 2. COUNTRIES to which QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. Russia » 184,028 3,413 188,041 61,883 1,939 _ 63,822 Sweden - 73,825 1,522 - 75,347 21,377 809 - 22,186 Norway - 49,893 3,768 53,661 15,256 2,026 17,282 Denmark - 301,155 12,534 313,689 91,062 6,171 — m 97,233 Prussia - 198,812 15,701 214,513 70,519 8,552 79,071 Mecklenburg - 13,376 1,242 14,618 3,668 677 — m 4,345 Hanover - 25,566 799 ** . 26,365 7,195 461 7,655 Oldenburg - 7,727 52 * 7,779 2,426 31 2,457 Hanseatic Towns 333,543 16,956 350,499 99,919 8,385 • 108,304 •Holland. - - - - i d.4. sin 2,730 1 / ,L>4U AS Rt;q 40,000 1 K7 Q 1,0/3 50,226 Belgium « 300 m 300 120 120 Channel Islands 61,707 406 50 62,163 23,058 252 18 23,328 France - 658,862 2,839 1,560 663,261 224,633 1,535 445 226,613 i oriugdi, Azores, anu ivxa- \ deira - - - -J 50,476 329 50,805 19,376 176 _ 19,552 Spain and the Canaries 135,571 67,800 - 203,371 57,048 35,545 - 92,593 Gibraltar - 24,122 - 24,122 10,157 - - 10,157 Italy .... 150,064 21,293 10 171,367 56,877 11,261 6 68,144 Malta .... 50,933 190 - 51,123 22,048 114 - 22,162 Ionian Islands 12,576 - - 12,576 4,623 - - 4,623 Greece - 8,069 ■ 8,069 2,760 - - 2,760 turkey - - - - 72,252 530 - 72,782 26,194 256 - 26,450 Wallachia and Moldavia - 9,457 168 _ - 9,625 3,765 95 3,860 Syria and Palestine - 3,630 _ 3,630 1,535 1,535 Egypt .... 32,288 It l «7 1 O, 1 o / 1 _/ 13,294 Tunis .... 780 780 336 336 Algeria - 0 16,814 16,814 6,481 6,481 Western Coast of Africa - 10,239 10,239 5,258 5,258 British Possessions in South! 25,804 Africa -J - - 25,804 12,475 - - 12,475 African Ports on the Red 1 2,464 Sea -J - - 2,464 915 - 915 Cape Verde Islands - 3,961 o,yoi i ,yoo 1 ,f yU Ascension ... 1 ^Q'i j , y o St. Helena ... 1,732 1 732 892 892 Mauritius ... 1,109 1 1 l\C\ i,iuy 047 04/ Aden .... o4,/ 04 1 A QAH 1 4:,oUU 14,300 British Territories in the\ 93,999 3»,84 9 East Indies -J 305 - 94,304 38,575 274 - Sumatra .... 592 592 247 247 Java .... 6,452 6,452 2,681 2,681 Philippine Islands • 5,469 5,469 2,322 . m _ 2,322 Lomboc .... 120 - - 120 54 - - 54 Amboyna ... 585 - - 585 263 - - 263 China .... 15,065 - '- 15,065 6,937 - - 6,937 xjiiiisn oetuemenis m hus- 1 31,479 ti'tilin * - - - f 34 120 31,633 17,151 100 17,287 OUUIH Oca AbldJltlS - • 152 - - 152 70 - - 70 British North American T 77,361 Colonies -J 2,706 80,067 27,534 1,306 28,840 JJI111311 TT C9t X11U1CO ■ 98,552 885 12 99,449 50,198 503 9 50,710 T. Cinders. Pit Im Total. Cinders. /'ill M 1 OTA L. ToTIS, Tons. Tons. £. £. Russia - 9 1 •> 7fi° 2,255 9 1 5 017 — 1 o,v/ 1 / 7ft fififl 1 117 0 70 on 8 Sweden - 72 927 2,805 75 730 23,636 25,102 Norway - *Vi 4. 1 ft 4,006 1 0 iss 1 V , I 0 0 2,155 91 .144. Denmark ... 297,045 14,902 311,947 99,517 7,70!) 107,226 Prussia - o-?s i fin lift Q 1 A — U,0 1 *i 14 1 TH 89,446 Mecklenburg - 21,230 3,827 25,057 6,558 2,206 8,764 Hanover ... 25 760 964 8 1 50 •j «j *± 8,744 Oldenburg ... 9,257 464 / w J. 2,994 240 3,234 Hanseatic Towns QIC «0O O I o,ct u in 1 w j. ^on nil "1 tip. 0,110 107,7 1 1 Heligoland ... QO o« 10 Holland - 1 17,723 0,0 clU lOl 070 40,558 1014. 42,472 Belgium ... 170 I 70 I I \j 63 Channel Islands Ui/jO / r.04 AO 0 51 fill — 0,0 1 t500 99 980 iiU)vUU France - - - - 712 801 4,956 717 7 '1 7 257,697 Portugal, Azores and Ma-1 cleira - - - • } 104,229 41,954 1,008 - 105,237 41,379 575 - Spain and the Canaries 1 ftO 447 (!C 717 L>Oj / 1 / CM ft 1 fil «£40, 1U4 ftO 1 ftl Ti ROl 118 072 Gibraltar - qoh 0 a o on 1 / 9 oo,S 1 O'J 1 7 74. 1 ill* ~t X Italy .... 163,819 OQ 7flQ -iO, / UO 192,522 UDjJ4o 10,-04 Malta 88,597 88,597 44,125 • — 44,125 Ionian Islands 1 ft 70Q lo,/ -io 16,728 o,y 1 2 010 Greece .... 10,335 - 10,335 4,293 - 4,293 Turkey .... O O , U O O 7A 83,125 O A Ci 4 ^ o4,y-iD So 14 07ft Wallaehia and Molrlavin - **77 114 ' ». / 1 1 1 7T 3,122 Syria and Palestine - 7 140 / ,140 7,1 4o 3,245 Egypt .... 1 7 Q ^7 AOO 4y u 18,447 O,40o ZOO ft 70R Tunis .... 70ft oy 0 395 Algeria .... 26,156 26,156 I U,cSl 0 10 ft 1 .1 Morocco ... 135 - * 135 54 54 Western Coast of Africa - 6,609 3,430 o,4oU British Possessions in"! 16,360 16,360 South Africa - - J 31,281 - - 31,281 - - African Ports on the Red \ Sea - - - -f j 766 - - 766 366 - - 366 Cape Verde Islands - ft 001 o,UU4 A 1 4,oo I 4 511 Ascension - ^ 01 o,y j. 0 o,yio 1 ,y / D 1 07fi St. Helena ... 1,044 - • * 1,044 725 • 725 Mauritius ... 6,217 * 6,217 3,127 m ~ 3,127 Aden .... ii8,o0ti 12, lidO 1 — ,— OO British Territories in the"! 765 54,350 East Indies - - f 112,673 113,438 53,732 618 - Birman Empire l,o/I 1 Q T 1 OO 1 Java .... U,o20 4 O^A 4,-iUU Philippine Islands - o,yyo o,y9o 0 0 r.o O ft Ternate - - - - / o4 7o4 oy *j China .... t>0, 0 .1 00/1 O0,iJ2U 1 U,4U4r lOj^yi Japanese Islands OoO er 0 OOO OA A British Settlements in Aus-~( 58,798 94 40,528 tralia -j _ 58,892 40,357 171 - South Sea Islands - 40U 4oU !i40 04ft British North American! 70,157 2,126 1,151 27,002 Colonies -J _ 72,283 25,851 British West Indies HO,OOU Ml J 014 00, 104 4U,o94 0/0 A O 7 TA 4y, / / u Foreign West Indies DO 04,o / V OO f?4 nno United States of America - 110 IOQ X 1 ~ , 1 0*0 Ol ft 1 1 O J. O 1 oy,ouy 110 50 070 California ... 52.i,o.£0 22,o2o 12,262 1 0 0 tta Mexico - - - - o,7yo 3,796 1,923 1,9.3 Central America 54 54 24 24 New Grenada, ... 12,535 154 fi ft 1 0 7.1 / 0 6,883 Venezuela - 895 5 900 336 3 - 339 Ecuador ... 95 95 95 95 Brazil .... 61,919 399 62,318 31,332 380 31,712 Oriental Republic of the"! Uruguay - - -| 8,764 8,764 4,391 4,391 Buenos Ayres - 1,864 20 1,884 1,142 9 1,151 Chili - 38,920 1,014 39,934 20,101 749 20,850 Peru .... 11,555 95 11,650 6,334 125 6,459 Falkland Islands 973 973 554 554 Greenland, and Davis'1 50 17 17 Straits - -j 50 Total - - - 3,758,123 176,939 3,935,062 1,507,950 96,641 1,604,591 47*- a 3 6 COALS, &C , EXPORTED, AND COALS BROUGHT INTO THE PORT OF LONDON. — No. 3.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad; with the Rates and Amount of Duty thereon. YEAR 1 853. Coals ------ Cinders ------ Culm Total QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Tons. 3,758,123 176,939 3,935,062 AMOUNT OF DUTIES RECEIVED. £. s. d. Nil. * The Duties on Coals, Cinders and Culm Exported were wholly repealed by Act 13 & 14 Vict., c. 95, from 14 August 1850. — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1853, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1852. Coals brought into the Port of London. Coastways. By Inland Navigation and Land Carriage. Total. • Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1852 3,330,428 414,917 3,745,345 Year 1853 3,373,256 653,729 4,026,985 Office of the Inspector-General of Imports! Jo}m ^ Messenger> and Exports Custom House, London, f Assist. Insp.-Gen. of Imports and Exports. 10 August 1854. J 10 ft o ««J re a c- a h£ a e> era o a. St, o ft 3 .a. > > o o o c 1 1 ° I- o f° n o o o > f o 2: O W ?o CO z: o o r- 1 COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 23 April 1855 -—for, No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1854; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1853:" No. 2.— AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals,Cinders, and Culm Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1854; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1853 ; also, distinguish- ing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped :" No. 3.— AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1854, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :" No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1854, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1853 :" — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS YEAR 1 8 5 3. YEAR 1854. from which ^ H T P P F T» Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. H 1 V T A \in * I2j I\ (.* JLA W 1> . Tana 1 Of Co* I OTIS, Jons. J ons. 1 OJlo. Tons. Tons. Tons. London - 2,258 - - 2,258 3,786 _ _ 3,786 Rochester 2,808 319 - 3,187 3,613 _ _ 3,013 793 _ _ TOO /yd 335 m _ _ 335 Portsmouth 7,970 40 - 8,010 8,177 46 - 8,223 30 - - 30 152 152 Weymouth - - DO 20 OQ OO Ol 30 87 Rridport - 32 32 Plymouth 25 25 33 142 175 Bristol - 300 - - 300 2,323 2,323 Gloucester 84,029 70 8,024 - 92,723 74,898 870 2,841 78,609 Cardiff - 471,944 13,709 485,713 464,552 10 801 481,353 Newport - 450,413 107 - 450,520 500,199 230 506,435 Swansea - 183,424 25 50,600 234,109 203,700 203 51,991 255,894 Neath ... 40,900 - 59,279 100,185 59,404 73,G13 133,077 Port Talbot - 05,730 95 _ 05,831 60,705 2 °83 j 08,988 Porth Cawl - 28,188 93 _ 28,281 21,957 228 22,185 Llanelly - 209,900 827 35,101 245,948 225,386 224 40,792 29,935 266,402 Milford - 17,700 - 1 i'r. 30,921 48,027 21,609 - 51,544 Chester - 81,312 - - 81,312 91,409 91,409 Liverpool 120,703 1,290 1,818 123,871 104,476 399 155 l\JO,\)o\) Preston _ _ _ 34,707 188 10 34 971 30,555 277 00 30,892 Fleetwood 11,004 271 139 1M14 20,384 327 347 21,580 1 '1 Tl /> 1 1 1 1 1 1' Jua IIX ils Lcl - — 1,-iOO 4,1 ID 327 2,290 8 538 Whitehaven 220,094 155 2,894 223,143 212,754 2,790 215^544 Workington IMaryport - — 120,289 120,289 117,811 117,811 ~VGyJ\J<) o,uyes Of?n mi zwl^ll 1 2,464 1,168 304 107 Carlisle - 10,040 10,040 8,208 8,268 Berwick - 351 351 1,024 1,024 Newcastle 2,131,417 12,871 2,144,288 2,138,311 9,705 2,148,070 Shields - 212,790 170 212,900 225,703 225,703 Sunderland 1.914,184 330 1,914,570 2,008,198 247 2,008,445 Stockton - 288,349 780 289,135 198,002 14,524 212,526 Hartlepool 1,272,120 6,297 1,278,417 1,204,300 4,217 1 ,208,583 Gainsborough - 4,551 4,551 6,056 21 6,077 Hull 2,859 2,859 7,644 7,044 Goole - 90,408 90,168 75,305 75,365 Grimsby - 397 397 821 821 Ipswich - 51 51 Scotland : Leith - 10,337 22 10,359 14,338 14,338 Borrowstoness - 31,442 31,442 35,549 35,549 Grangemouth - 2,039 2,03fl 4,294 4,294 Alloa ... 21,420 21,426 19,943 19,943 Kirkaldy - 30,334 36,334 34,892 34,892 Dundee - - - 2,378 2,378 2,704 2,704 30 30 Greenock 50 50 1,415 1,415 20 20 Glasgow - - - 59,430 30 59,466 06,402 40 06,442 Irvine - 238.050 1,181 239,831 234,865 234,865 Ayr- ... 73,442 73,442 62,280 02,280 Ireland : Ross - 154 154 258 258 Total - - - 8>835,573 40,142 195,209 9,070,984 9,018,512 53,499 206,154 9,278,1! £ 287. A 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported from YEAR 185 3. PORTS QUANTITIES EXPOR TED. DEC L A RED VA LUE TH E R E O F. from which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. England : 1 ons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. London - - 84,487 335 - 84,822 77,817 508 - 78,325 Faversham - 225 - - 225 96 - - 96 Ranisgate - - - Shoreham - 1,372 - - 1,372 687 - 687 95 - - 95 100 - - 100 Southampton - - - - 568 - - 568 430 - - 430 Poole 135 - 135 147 - - 147 Dartmouth - - - - 10 50 60 4 25 - 29 Plymouth - 138 40 - 178 125 36 - 161 Fowey - - - - 20 - - 20 15 - - 15 Falmouth - 167 - - 167 56 - - 56 Truro - 14 - 14 13 - 13 Bideford - 380 - - 380 190 - - 190 Bristol - 9.617 17 - 9,634 5,588 13 - 5,601 Gloucester - 38 - - 38 45 - - 45 Cardiff 424,994 4,501 - 429,495 221,177 3,170 - 224,347 Newport - - - - 111,778 110 - 111,888 56,342 85 - 56,427 Swansea - - 65,177 - 1,194 66,371 30,242 - 569 30,811 Neath 4,448 - 810 5,258 2,483 - 284 2,767 Port Talbot ... - 1,920 - - 1,920 765 - - 765 Llanelly - - - - 10,407 - 1,166 - 11,573 4,163 - 328 4,491 Milfcrd 540 - 540 350 - - 350 Dougla3 - - - - - 20 - - 20 12 - - 12 Chester - - - - - 1,009 - - 1,009 487 - 487 Liverpool - 331,878 1,724 - 333,602 177,515 1,469 - 178,984 Preston - 775 - - 775 416 - - 416 Fleetwood - 550 - - 550 223 - - 223 Lancaster - 1,242 - - 1,242 635 - - 635 "Whitehaven - 2,072 - 2,072 796 796 Workington - 1,267 1,267 409 409 Mary port .... 2,310 - - 2,310 779 - • 779 Carlisle ----- 180 180 54 54 Berwick - 274 274 100 1 uu Newcastle - 1,032,566 »7Q OA/I 1,111,870 373,271 A Q QflO 4o ? y y* & 417,173 Shields 226,594 IK < 07 1 0,4 O / 242,031 83,151 91,428 Sunderland - - - - 520,737 542,227 145,434 156,260 Stockton - - - - 72,701 89,334 22,127 8,657 30,784 Hartlepool - - - - 410,331 QO Oft A 443,291 120,290 if? a Aft 137,698 Gainsborough- - - - 150 150 102 102 Hull 51,345 51,750 23,269 23,563 Goole - 2,070 2,070 842 842 Grimsby - - - - 2,656 2,656 1,324 1,324 Lowestoft - 30 1 90 150 24 129 Scotland ; Leith 22,533 49 - 22,582 15,069 58 * - 15,127 Borrowstoness - 70,124 oy 70,183 26,701 26,744 Grangemouth - - - 24,069 80 24,149 8,495 73 8,568 Alloa - - - - - 46,652 - - 46,652 14,339 - - • 14,339 Kirkaldy .... 31,813 - - 31,813 13,458 - - 13,458 ±J UI1U.CC ----- 22,856 26 - 32 - 10,720 Perth 7 - - 7 7 - - 7 Arbroath - 51 - ■ 51 30 30 Aberdeen - - - - 220 220 130 130 Greenock - - - 21,326 - 21,326 9,620 9,620 Port Glasgow - 5,529 5,529 2,391 - 2,391 Glasgow - - - - 44,925 A 1 fit 45,340 20,869 21, ooo Irvine - - - - - 86,563 86,563 31,734 31,734 Ayr - - - - - 999 999 379 379 Stranraer - 347 347 129 129 Ikeland ; Dublin 1,477 1,477 881 881 Cork _ 568 568 429 429 Limerick - 30 30 39 39 Londonderry - - - - 125 125 125 125 Belfast 636 636 355 355 Total - - - 3,758,123 173,769 3,170 3,935,062 1,507,950 95,460 1,181 1,604,591 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1853. 3 the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 185 3. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. f. £. £. £. Russia - - - - OlO 7 ft9 o i f; A 1 7 z 1 o,u 1 / / o,o».>y 1 1 70 Sweden - 79 097 7^ 7°.o / «.), 4 O Z o*^ ft'ift 1 Af\(\ 25,102 Norway - - - - - A 1 ft •,)y,4,64 1 ( t 1 Mil 9 1 ^ ,6,100 21,344 Denmark - - - - ZV . ' 1 - > 111 O 1 7 iJ 1 1 , y 4 / AO ^17 7 7 Oil / , / uy Prussia ----- 9 ft 1 ft *i .£0,0 1 4 Oft 1 All ZW'* ,4 / / 1 J. 1 1 4 , 1 O o 89,446 Mecklenburg - - OI 9QA Q Q07 9 ^ A fi7 9 OAft JUO W 7f>4. o, / U** Hanover - 9^ 7fto Z D, / ou ftft 4 9ft 79/1 -iO, / >£4 ft 1 ^»A O , 1 Oil 8 744 Oldenburg - O 9 ^7 J fiA 4 Ot O 79 1 V) 4 £ 1 O OO 1 O AO Hanseatic Towns - *\ ) r\ ftOO 1 ft 1 Q A o oft iii q 1 AO £iO ^ J VZyOVO U,l 10 1 07 711 Heligoland - Holland 19 OZ ^O 10 117 O , O 'J o 191 07*) Aft r.r.Li *± WjO 'in 42,472 Belgium - - - - 1 70 1 7A ft Q Otf 63 Channel Islands - - - K<\ ft7ft 1 ft A AO ^70 o*i ft 1 A 109 04 France - - - - - 719 Q ft 1 I 1 -,o" 1 ft O Q7 A Zj0 4 U 7 17 7 ^7 O ^ A. A OA ^90,4UU 1 Aftft 7 1 Q / i y Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 1 O A 99 Q 1 U4, ZZV l nftQ 1 ,UUo lfii oq 7 /II Q7 Q o/o 4 1 0t4. Spain and the Canaries - zoo O 1 ft 1 ft A fiO 1 U1 qK 7QQ lift r,79 Gibraltar - 36,509 320 36,829 17,582 159 17,741 Italy 1 ftQ ft 1 Q Oft ^lQ 1 OA 1 09 KOO J i/-i,9 - Z ftft O J ft oo,y 4 o 1 9Q 83 Q02 Malta ftft r,fi7 A A 1 O • i 44, 1 ZO 44 1 9t Ionian Islands - 1 6,728 16 728 ft Q 1 9 6,912 Greece - in qqc ,i ooq 4, Z\)o 4 293 Turkey - - - - - 7 A *XA QA ^ o4,y4o 34,978 Wallachia and Moldavia - ft ^77 0,0/ / ft 7 1 1 D, / 1 1 O Q z,y4y 17^ I/O 3 122 Syria and Palestine 7 1 A 0. / , 1 4o 7 1 A 4 y I 4o 3 24^ Egypt 17,957 490 - 18,447 8,458 268 8,726 Tunis - - - - - 7Qft " * / !Jo on e 3CK tl V 'J Algeria - - - - Of? 1 f^ft *0 j loo 1 A ft 1 *l 10 813 1 v,o 1 o Morocco - - - - 1 ^ \ 54 W estern Coast of Africa - ft fiflO o,4oU 3 430 British Possessions in South! Africa - - - -J 31,281 - - 31,281 16,360 - - 16,360 African Ports on the Red Sea - 766 - - 766 366 - - 366 Cape Verde Islands - - - 8,004 - * 8,004 4,531 ■ • 4,531 Ascension - y Oil ■ o ft l o i ,y / o 1 ,£7 / U St. Helena - - - - 1,044 - - 1,044 725 - - 725 Mauritius - - - - 0,551 7 O,*^ 1 ✓ O 1 07 3 1 07 Aden ----- Oft Q AO OQ O AO 1 O 9 Q ft British lerntories m the East\ Indies - - - - J 114,544 765 115,309 54,563 618 - 55,181 Java - - - - ft /iO/i 9,0 Jo 9,626 4,260 4 9ftO Philippine Islands - o,yyo 5,996 2,858 O ft ^ft Ternate - - - - - 784 392 China - - - OK O O ft 35,220 1 6,494 1 ft iQ4 i o,4y * Japanese Islands - 586 200 9 AO British Settlements in Australia 58,798 94 - 58,892 40,357 171 - 40,528 South Sea Islands 450 - - 450 248 - - 248 British North American Colo-) 70,157 2,126 72,283 25,851 1,151 - 27,002 nies - - - - - ( British West Indies 85,550 614 O0,lo4 49,394 o/o A O 77ft Foreign West Indies United States of America 1 32,769 66 132,835 64,870 33 < ftftQ ti4,yu»> 1 12,1 83 218 1 12,401 59,869 110 Rft ft7ft oy,y / v California .... 22,626 m 22,626 12,262 - 12,262 Mexico - - - - - 3,796 3,796 1,923 1,923 Central America - 54 - ' - 54 24 - 24 New Granada - 12,535 154 12,689 6,810 73 6,883 Venezuela - - - - 895 5 900 336 3 339 Ecuador - - - - - 95 95 95 95 Brazil 61,919 399 62,318 31,332 380 31,712 Oriental Republic of the Uruguay 8,764 8,764 4,391 4,391 Buenos Ayres - - - - 1,864 20 1,884 1,142 9 1,151 Chili 38,920 819 195 39,934 20,101 633 116 20,850 Peru - - - - - 1 1 ,555 95 1 1,650 6,334 125 6,459 Falkland Islands - 973 973 554 554 Greenland and Davis' Straits - 50 50 17 17 Total - - - 3,758,123 173,769 3,170 3,935,062 1 ,507,950 95,460 1,181 1,604,591 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported from the YEAR 1854. - PORTS from which SHI P P E D. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. | Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. JhiNGLAND : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. London - 81,289 AO 1 oo ooA 02,220 87,067 1,494 OOjODl Faversham - 170 170 83 Q Q Folkstone - - - - 1 I m ™ o as Portsmouth - A 1 1 47 1 47 1 522 coo Southampton - 1,016 1,U1 u 1,010 1,U 1 u Poole - 878 O / O 1,025 1 AO X 1 ,Ui£D Dartmouth - 145 1 A ~* 150 1 Oli Plymouth .... " oo 22 OA OA Penzance .... 290 on A 148 1 4 Q J 46 Bideford .... oo fi°. oo / O / u Bristol - 1 1,072 O A 1 J ,1U2 7,068 Of* i ,UU4 Gloucester - 414 ATA 227 Cardiff ~ r> r\ ore oov,-5oo ODO,y4D 315,501 Newport - 134,184 ol 1 lo4, ■_)£>£> 68,501 o 1 4 0o,o 1 0 Swansea - - - - - QR AAQ Aty OQn yoy 44,139 Neath - 5,698 426 t>,124 2,787 149 Port Talbot - 3,689 1,697 i,oy / Llanelly - 19,375 3,127 OO c;no 22,002 8,759 1,059 n QiQ y,o i o Milford - 1 ,255 1 O K Pi 1,200 934 no a yo4 Beaumaris - 415 A 1 (s 4IO 249 Douglas - 25 OK zu 20 on Chester - 360 nan OOO 173 I/O Liverpool - 344,843 2,379 Oitr o O O .3 4/, 2 22 214,939 2,164 O 1 7 1 AQ Fleetwood - 1,350 l,-.>00 / 42 / 4,w Lancaster - - - - 2,126 - • 2,126 1,114 1,114 Whitehaven 2,747 2,747 1,151 1,151 Workington - 1,664 - - 1,664 637 637 Maryport - 3,184 3,184 1,417 1,417 Carlisle - 201 ■ 201 101 101 Berwick - 438 438 252 252 Newcastle - 74,065 1,419,521 593,221 62,855 656,076 Shields - - - - - 178,267 15,936 194,203 78,052 13,222 91,274 Sunderland .... 479,271 26,177 505,448 163,280 19,467 182,747 Stockton .... 62,976 23 336 86,312 27 SQO 17,019 44,909 Hartlepool .... 375 680 34,100 409,780 1 43 Ql 26,139 170,052 Hull 404 54,301 9ft S^f? 427 29,263 Goole - 1,685 1,685 805 805 Grimsby - 2,800 1,563 Scotland : Leith 23,657 28 - 23,085 20,809 34 OA O 1 O 20,843 Borrowstoness ... 63,027 100 63,127 28,401 100 28,501 Grangemouth ... 19,229 182 - 19,411 8,882 181 9,063 Alloa - - - - - 45,483 45,483 16,066 16,066 Kirkalcly .... 25,800 - - 25,800 13,096 13,096 Dundee - - - - - or? i7o ~ l;,4 > Z 20,4/ Z li OR ft 14,268 Perth 42 42 42 42 Arbroath .... 55 5 _ 60 24 8 32 Aberdeen .... 512 _ _ _ 512 298 29S 1 i'i r»T"ir I n 1 r -LicIYVlC-K. - - . - 19 _ m _ 19 19 19 poOTl f\f*^ ' — V I J t u 1 1 U I iv 22,690 18 22,708 12,374 26 12,400 jruii vjuasyuw 5,465 5,465 2,747 O *J A *7 VJUclsgOW 54,985 292 - 55,277 30,129 419 30,548 Irvine - - - - - 63,001 63,001 28,076 28,076 Ayr 408 408 170 170 Dumfries - 200 200 100 100 Ireland : Dublin - - - - - 991 991 823 823 Waterford - 447 447 402 402 Cork 325 325 366 366 Belfast 2,717 2,717 1,821 1,821 Newry ----- 30 30 23 23 Total - - - 4,1 19,712 184,028 5,515 4,309,255 1,976,076 148,963 2,117 2,127,156 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1854. 5 several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad — continued. - YEAR 1834. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Tot at. Coals. Cindeis. Culm. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. f. £. £. £. Russia, Ports within the Blacky 2,976 Sea - - - - J 2,976 - 1,572 m _ 1,572 Tli+fr* l^n I n \z in \m ( en 1 1 X-/11LU) J_>tll(lJ\. id V & l ouuac" I qucntly to its occupation , 250 150 - - 400 117 105 . m 222 liv tin* Allirwl Frvrppa) Sweden ----- 2,l'i2 90 97,577 39,779 1,958 22 41,759 Norway - - - - - Q 1 iuA o J ,4oU 7,188 88,668 32,327 6,514 ~* ■ 38,841 Denmark 364,203 9,761 - 373,964 152,502 8,229 • 160,731 Prussia - - - - - 2t>7,288 29,031 286,319 100,641 22,047 m 122,688 Mecklenburg - - - - 1 A Q (\ f\ I 4,r>()U 2,536 1 7,396 5,741 2,243 ~ — 7,984 Hanover - 33,839 1,751 ■ 35,590 14,979 1,534 • 16,513 Oldenburg - - - - 10,066 85 - 10,151 4,040 75 ■ 4,115 Hanseatic Towns - Q 1 o ICQ 1 1 ,472 ■ ™ 323,800 130,379 8,472 138,851 Holland ion :i o 3,486 ■ ~ 132,777 52,865 3,221 56,086 Belgium ------ 169 1 - 170 75 1 ■ 76 Channel Islands - 61,084 877 320 62,281 28,931 806 93 29,830 France - - - - - 806,384 4,228 4,225 814,837 351,354 3,382 1,462 356,198 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 64,140 1 jOlJU - Ton 30,537 1,409 o 1 ,J4D Spain and the Canaries - 144,794 64 048 'J A OA1 5 1 ,i7 4 ■fcU J. 10(1 i : *i a Gibraltar - - - 49,000 269 49.269 25,512 240 25,752 Italy 171,591 34,744 - 206,335 81,662 26,907 - 108,569 Maita 161,415 - 60 - 161,475 84,764 - 20 84,784 Toman T^mTin^ - - - 19,881 ■ 19,881 10,310 - 10,310 Greece - 27,526 ■ - 27,526 14,226 - - 14,226 Turkey - - - - - 255,424 346 - 255,770 133,430 295 133,725 Wallachia and Moldavia - 508 ■ - 508 216 - - 216 Syria and Palestine - - - 5,S57 ■ - 5,857 2,879 - - 2,879 Egypt 55,414 1,895 - 57,309 27,326 1,788 29,114 Tunis - 1,938 i ,yoo 1 ,003 l nni Algeria - - - - - 24,060 24,060 I l,ost) I 1 , O — o Morocco - 10,439 _ _ 10,439 5,852 _ 5,852 Western Coast of Africa - 11,146 - - 11,146 5,838 - - 5,838 British Possessions in South'! 7,o9 1 Africa -J - 7,691 4,588 - 4,588 African Ports in the Red Sea - 1,431 - .- - « 1,431 640 - - 640 Cape Verde Islands 6,484 - - J 6,484 3,396 - - 3,396 Ascension - 1,245 - - 1,245 623 - - 623 St. Helena - 881 ■ - 881 648 - - 648 Madagascar - - - - 718 - - 718 395 - - 395 Bourbon - 657 - - 657 402 - - 402 Mauritius - 2,215 5 - 2,220 1,504 8 - 1,512 Aden ----- 32,013 - - •32,013 10,833 - - 16,833 XJlHlslI J_cl 1 1LU1 IcS ill Hie XLidSL 1 101,056 j-iiciies - - - - j 957 - 102,013 00,450 1,099 - 61,549 Java - - - - - 4,971 53 - 5,024 2,659 53 - - 2,712 Philippine Islands - - - 1,034 - 1,034 617 - 617 China - - - - - 1 6,854 16,854 10,783 - 10,783 British Settlements in Australia 43,J4/ 516 43,763 33,881 709 - 34,590 South Sea Islands - 1,682 1,682 1,008 1,008 British North American Colonies 125,052 2,445 127,497 61,886 2,304 64,190 British West Indies 100,109 528 100,637 65,506 540 66,046 Foreign West Indies 108,856 4 "108,860 55,241 5 - 55,246 United States of America 185,008 360 185,368 115 468 311 1 15,779 California - 13,291 13,291 8,106 8,106 Mexico - - - - - 2,838 2,838 1,448 1,448 Central America - - - 200 200 118 118 New Granada 3,409 150 3,559 1,853 135 1,988 Venezuela - 315 15 330 143 17 160 Brazil - - - - - 112,818 1,658 1 14,476 62,080 1,521 63,601 Oriental Republic of thellruguay 8,046 8,046 4,410 4,410 Buenos Ayres - 7,G81 378 8,059 4,945 417 5,362 Chili 38,261 932 136 39,329 20,011 917 84 21,012 Peru - - - - - 18,154 447 50 18,651 10,063 427 35 10,525 Falkland Islands 719 719 728 728 Total - - - 4,119,712 184,028 5,515 4,309,255 1,976,076 148,963 2,117 2,127,156 287. A 3 6 COALS, &C, EXPORTED, AND COALS BROUGHT INTO THE PORT OF LONDON. — No. 3. AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad ; with the Rates and Amount of Duty thereon. YEAR 185 4. Coals Cinders ------ Culm Total QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Tons. 4,119,712 184,028 5,515 4,309,255 AMOUNT OF DUTIES RECEIVED. £. Nil. * The Duties on Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported were wholly repealed by Act 13 & 14 Vict., o. 95, from 14 August 1850. — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1854, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1853. Coals brought into the Port of London. Coastways. By Inland Navigation and Land Carriage. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Year 1853 3,373,256 653,729 4,026,985 Year 1854 3,399,561 979,171 4,378,732 Office of the Inspector-General of Imports") , Custom Hoi 2 June 1855. and Exports, Custom House, London, j> John A. Messenger, Inspector-General of Imports and Exports. to -4 © S D V 1 a' S4, 2* W 2 5' rig « b- 3 o <-» S5 ET O * 5f s a- I 9 c 3 5 w I 1 fD o 3 % £. 3 5 hi r- - s 3 S fr. H -• p *a 3 O o 83 y > CO us o > r 1 J/3 o 3 a w J/J > 25 O t- 1 COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, &c. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated G .March 1850 ;— -for, No. 1. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coal, Cinders, aud Culm, and Patent Fuel, Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1855; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1854 :" No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settle- ments Abroad, in the Year 1855 ; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 18 34 ; also, distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped :" No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the United Kingdom, in the Year 1855, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon : " No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1855, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1854." — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, ami Culm, and Patent Fuel, Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. COALS, CINDERS, AND CUL M. PORTS fiom which SHIPPED. YEAR 1 854. Coals. Cinders. England ; London Rochester Paversham - Colehester Portsmouth - Southampton Poole - Weymouth - Bridport Plymouth Bristol - Gloucester Cardiff - Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Forth Cawl - Llanellv Milford Chester Liverpool Preston Fleetwood Lancaster Whitehaven - Workington - Mary port Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Stockton Hartlepool ( rainsborough Mull - <»oole - < irimsby Scotland Leith - BorroWstoness Grangemouth Alloa" - Kirkaldy Dundee Arbroath Greenock Port Glasgow < wlusgow Irvine - Ayr - - Dumfries Ireland : Boss Tot a Tons. 3,780 3,613 335 8,177 30 152 57 33 2,323 74,898 464,552 50(5,19!) 203,7<>() 59,404 06,705 21,9.57 225,386 21,609 91,469 104,476 30,555 20,384 5,921 212,754 117,811 300,565 8,208 1,024 2,138,311 225,763 2,068,198 1 98,002 1,204,300 6,056 7,644 75,365 821 14,338 35,549 4.294 19,943 34,892 2,704 30 1,415 20 66,402 234,865 62,280 Tons. 46 258 9,018,512 870 16,801 236 203 2,2&3 228 224 399 277 327 327 2,464 9,765 247 14,524 4,217 21 Culm. Total. Tons. 40 30 142 2,841 51,991 73,613 40,792 29,935 155 60 347 2,290 2,790 1,168 - I Tons. 3,786 3,013 793 33.5 8,223 30 152 87 175 2,828 78,(509 481,353 506,435 255,894 1.33,077 68,988 22,185 260,402 51,544 91,469 105,030 30,892 21.058 8^538 215,544 117,811 304,197 8,268 1,024 !,1 48,070 225,703 2,068,145 212,526 1,268,583 0,077 7,044 75.805 821 14,338 35,549 4,294 19,943 34,892 2,704 30 1,415 20 00,442 234,805 02,280 258 53,499 206,154 9,278,105 YEAR 1855. Coals. Tons. 4,437 3,284 165 6,856 20 47 11S 2,420 109,917 455,047 474,342 201,493 75,153 68,551 20,053 250,847 19,991 85,884 116,134 33,337 31,490 9,857 204,760 111,196 281,294 10,5.-8 50 2,014.700 104,3.39 1,942,060 141.454 1,137,178 5,032 14,952 85,700 1,974 10,401 37,637 2,384 20,985 39,266 1,593 7 80 89,203 204,025 (54,400 40 161 Cinders. Tons. 35 87 1,974 18,794 531 257 3,459 829 40 20 302 212 418 20 2,129 7,599 52 801 751 1,571 40 Culm. Tons. 90 306 55,848 70,712 80,557 29,128 58 82 .308 2,185 1,023 180 8,02(5,924 35,075 191,143 Total. Tons. 4,437 3.319 165 0,943 20 47 72 211 2,495 112,197 408,841 474,873 257,598 145,805 72,010 20,882 287,444 49,119 85,834 110,212 33,721 32,070 11,960 200,88.3 111,210 283,603 10,553 50 2,022,35!) 164,391 1.942,801 142,205 1,138,74!) 5.082 14,952 85,740 1,974 10.401 37.637 2,334 20,985 89,20(5 1,603 80 89,210 264,625 04.400 40 101 8,a53,142 PATENT FUEL. Year Year 1854. 1855. Tons. Tons. 480 28,(522 28,313 !30 0,811 0,419 15.120 ' 2,400 50,553 87,!KJ2 A QUANTITIES AND DECLAUED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Cl i.m, and Patent Fuel, Exported YEAR 1 854. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. from which !» H 1 I' F k. D. Coals. Cinders. Culm. I OTA L 01 Coals. Cinders, and Culm. PateDt Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. 1 atent Fuel. England : 1 OHi>. J 0/76. rp JL OTIS, Tons. Tons. •L. j' £. £. £• T LiONDON — ill o«j<) 931 82,220 12,041 1 A CIA J, 4 1)4 38,561 14,705 Favershani 1 7n 1 l O 878 - 1,025 — 1 - 1 Dartmouth - 1 1 £ 145 ■ 150 — Plymouth - 22 22 on — 20 — Penzance - - 9 On 290 1 AQ ■ 148 — Bideford CO 83 ■ 76 — J >1 istoi - - 1 1 079 in 11 102 10 ■ 7,094 10 Gloucester tl A 414 414 9 '^T — UuUjOOO 565,946 0,U4(> 320,547 — Newport 1 1 J lot lo4, Ui4 171 o/ 1 1 34 555 t>o,ODl 314 — 68,815 — Swansea Of? i A Q 88 410 .14 4*10 4o,ZoU 909 44,139 19,307 — i\ eat 1 1 - — - o,oyo 4~l> 6.124 o Tut - - 149 2,936 .roit i aioot - 3 689 1,0.)/ - ] ,697 — Llanelly 10 17 £ iy,t>/5 1 1 97 22 502 1,059 9,818 — iMiltoru l,£OD l,_.JO yo4 - ■ 934 — Beaumaris /IIS 41o 415 0,1 (i - 249 Douglas 9K 25 20 Chester ouO 360 1 TO I/O 173 Liverpool 344,843 2,379 - 347,222 3,273 214,9o9 2,164 - 217,103 2,375 Fleetwood 1,350 1,350 742 742 Lancaster 2,126 2,126 1,114 1,114 Whitehaven 2,747 - - 2,747 - 1,151 - 1,151 — Workington - 1,664 1,664 637 637 Maryport 3,184 - - 3,184 - 1,417 - - 1,417 — i^aiitsie - - OA 1 201 XVI 101 TIq..,,,:,.!. x>eiuiciv J Oft 4oo 438 Of;o Z52 — Newcastle - 74 (\CiK i 4:,UOO 1 4.10 V?l erQQ OOl 62,855 656,076 288 ci.;, 1,7,. 1 Til OftT 1 \ Olf! 194 203 n^o 13,222 ■ 1)1,2(4 — — Sunderland - - .1T0 9*71 4./ i? 9 &4 1 Of! 177 1 HQ OQA 1 O AC** 182,747 — Stockton - - 86 312 105 97 Q 4.S A O 42 42 — ArbKiatli 55 o nu O 4 8 " m 32 — Aberdeen CIO 512 ono Zoo - 298 — Lerwick 1 o li) 1 A 19 Greenock 22,690 18 _ 22,708 - 12,374 26 _ 12,400 Port Glasgow 5,465 5,465 2,747 2,747 Glasgow 54,985 292 - 55,277 - 30,129 419 - 30.548 = Irvine - 63,001 63,001 28,076 _ 28,076 Ayr - - - 40!} 408 170 170 Dumfries 200 200 100 100 Ireland : Dublin 991 991 823 823 Waterford 447 447 402 402 Cork --- 325 325 366 366 Belfast 2,717 2,717 1,821 1,821 Newry 30 30 23 23 Total - - 4,119,712 184,028 5,515 4,309,255 50,320 1,976,076 148,963 2,117 | 2,127,156 ! 37,249 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. r - EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1854. from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and British Settlements Aliroad. YEAR 1854. r A IT M r P I> T P C t U IJ JN 1 Kits QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED V A I. D I: THEREOF. to which Tot a i of 1 OTA L OI Coals ( inder.", and Patent Coals. Cinder*, unil Patent EXPORTED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. r uei. Cinders. Culm. I.*... i r uel. Culm . Culm. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. ~ 1 £. £. £. £. £. ltussia : Ports of the Crimea") (in the temporary oceupa- ' 250 150 - 400 - 117 105 222 — tion of the Allied Forees)J Ditto, other Ports within the~\ Black Sea - - -j 2,970 _ - 2,976 - 1,572 1,572 — Sweden - - - - 95 305 2 122 90 07 .577 39,779 1,9.58 22 Norway - 81 41 io 7 1 its? 88 (Kill 32,827 6,514 38 84) Denmark - - - - 304,203 0 701 373,904 152,502 8,229 22,047 1 00 731 Prussia - - - - 2f>7 288 29 0.')1 280 319 100 041 Mecklenburg - 14 800 W,OOU 5 741 2,243 7 <)f(4 Hanover - - - - 33 839 1 751 35,590 14,979 1,534 1 o,.> J o Oldenburg - - - - 10 ()(!(! 85 10 1.51 4 040 130 379 75 4 11'; *T, 11') Hanseatic Towns 312 388 1 1 47 •> 1 l,tl 102 8,472 1 - 1 lit }( 1 .10,00 1 7n Holland - 129 291 3 480 132 777 105 52 805 3,221 O' loll CM uu Belgium - - - - 169 1 70 ' 75 1 i o Channel Islands - 61 084 f?77 320 02 281 28 931 800 93 90 5!10 Prance - lififi .1J!4 out yjo-i A 99ft 4 995 4, — O f!l A !t'!7 1,830 351 ,354 3,382 1,402 OCG -I oo ooo, ly!> 1 004 Portugal, Azores, and Ma-~| deira - - - -/ 04,140 1,590 65,730 1,300 30,537 1,409 31,946 715 bpam and the C anaries 144,794 64,048 634 209,470 2,971 74,961 51,274 401 120,030 1,823 Iribraltar - 49,000 2G9 ■* ~ 49,209 3,010 25,512 240 25,752 1,033 Italy ..... 171,591 34,744 200,33.5 1.709 81,662 26,907 108,509 1,356 Malta - 161,41.5 - 60 101,475 ~ — 84,704 20 84,784 Ionian Islands - 19 881 19 881 10,310 Greece .... 97 S9K! jO— o 97 v?ft ,0— o 14 226 1 1 99(5 14,_i" Turkey - 9"^ 404 140 OtlO 77(1 251 1 33 430 295 loo,/-0 OOI ^Vallachia and Moldavia ".Oil 'Oil ooo 216 Jit) Syria and Palestine 0,00 i t 1! t7 oo 9 HTO -,<>( 0 JBjgypt .... 55 414 57 30!) 27 39(5 1,783 90 1 1 A 114 1 urns - - • » l'938 l'938 1,003 1 ,008 Algeria - 24,000 - 24,000 11,825 11,825 — Morocco - - — . 10,439 - 10,439 5,852 .5,852 ^Vestem Coast of Africa 11,140 - 11,140 880 5,838 5,838 1,061 British Possessions in Souths Africa - - - -/ 7 001 7 001 4^7 4,588 4,0oo • African Ports on the Red^ Sea -/ 1,431 - 1,431 - 640 040 Cape Verde Islands 0.484 - 6,484 7,983 3,390 3,390 4,864 Ascension - 1,245 \ - + _ 1,245 _ _ 623 028 St. Helena - - - - 881 - - 881 - 648 048 — Madagascar - 718 - - 718 - 395 39.5 — Bourhon - 402 A 0.0 4' 12 Mauritius - - - - *> 91 «; o 9 99fl i no* 1 ,OU4 8 1,512 4,13.5 Aden - OIO 10,000 16,833 280 British Territories in the") East Indies - - -J o~,7 Jot l n9 m ^ 4, / OO 00,4oO 1,099 0],.549 3,094 T »J ava m - - — - A 071 Oo ^ noj Ojl » — -i -,l oo 9 fizc\ 53 - - 2,712 1,020 1 hilippine Islands - - J . vo*± 1,'")! (517 on 01 7 China .... ] 6,854 3,835 1 0 7f!'f 1 O, (OO 10, j ISO Z,VVt British Settlements in Aus-~1 00,00 J 709 tralia - - ' _j o4,.)00 <>,2ol South Sea Islands 1,082 - 1,008 1,008 British North American Co-1 127,497 2,304 lonies -j 125,0.52 2,445 - 1 61,886 04,190 1 x>imsn \\ est iiuues - - 100,109 528 - 100,037 1,518 6.5,506 540 - 00,046 1,706 Foreign West Indies - 108,850 4 108,800 108 55,241 5 55.240 245 United States of America 185,008 300 185,808 115,468 311 115;779 California - - - - 13,291 13,291 8,100 8,100 Mexico - 2,838 2,838 1,448 1,448 Central America 200 200 118 118 New Granada - 3,409 150 3,559 197 1,853 135 1.988 225 Venezuela - 315 15 330 143 17 100 Brazil - 112,818 1,058 114,470 1,434 572 62,080 1,521 03,001 808 Uruguay - 8,040 8,040 4,410 4,410 315 Buenos Ayrcs - 7,681 378 8,0.59 22 4,945 417 5,302 27 Chili 38,201 932 136 39,329 1,332 20,011 917 84 21,012 1.277 Peru - 18,154 447 50 18,6.51 1,134 10,003 427 35 10,525 1,334 Falkland Islands 719 719 728 728 Total - 4,119,712 184,028 5,515 4,309,255 .50,320 1,976,076 148,963 2,117 2,127,150 37,240 1 I A 2 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel. Exported YEAR 1855. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London Folkstone Newhaven Shoreham Portsmouth - Southampton Cowes - Poole - Plymouth Falmouth St. Ives Bideford Bristol - Gloucester Cardiff - Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Porth Cawl - Llanelly Milford Chester Liverpool Fleetwood Lancaster Whitehaven Workington - Maryport Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Stockton Hartlepool - Hull - Goole - Grimsby Lowestoft Scotland Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkaldy Dundee Montrose Aberdeen Inverness Kirkwall Greenock Port Glasgow Glasgow Irvine - Ayr - - Ireland Dublin Ross Cork Londonderry Belfast - * - Newry - Total QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Coals. To?is. 76,222 31 85 3 280 75 70 569 584 114 6,675 210 733,055 187,598 152,099 10,204 6,612 219 23,903 292 230 416,325 970 1,110 2,341 1,210 2,503 201 407 1,417,640 168,433 542,163 74,525 428,579 62,657 1,739 6,114 29,230 109,293 52,805 32,432 28,465 35,295 80 15,695 3,307 27,210 6,197 46,368 48,257 26 632 85 120 50 880 489 4,762,963 Cinders. Tons. 3,012 140 100 150 5.532 ' 49 406 25 f,734 102,784 2,086 28,165 17,980 40,501 1,583 58 300 50 623 48 277 20 10 10 1,240 212,883 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of j Coals, Cinder?, and Culm. - Patent Fuel. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. -. £. £. £. _ 79,234 10,889 76,943 4,477 81,420 14,021 _ 1 _ _ _ 1 3 34 31 _ 3 34 225 _ 28 126 154 3 _ 4 _ 4 280 301 _ _ 301 75 _ 75 _ 75 _ 70 _ 77 _ 77 _ 569 _ 328 _ _ _ 328 _ 100 _ _ _ 100 _ 100 _ 584 _ _ 352 _ _ 352 114 &i - 63 _ _ - 63 _ 6,825 125 4,209 190 _ 4,399 100 _ 210 131 _ _ 131 _ 738,587 _ 393,499 4,579 _ 398,078 _ 187,647 _ _ 96,134 47 _ 96,181 713 153,218 63,346 75,467 285 247 75,999 36,086 100 10,304 _ 5,022 36 5,058 50 6,662 _ _ 3,044 - 18 3,002 — _ 219 _ 109 _ - 109 — 190 24,118 10,354 9 72 10,435 — _ 292 205 _ - 205 — _ 230 104 _ _ 104 — _ 424,059 9,307 248,595 7,162 - 255,757 7,684 970 403 403 - 1,110 - 555 - 555 2,341 985 985 1,210 479 A TCI - 2,503 - 967 - 967 — 201 91 - 91 407 182 182 _ 1,520,424 1,042 635,271 86,123 - - 721.394 966 _ 170,519 50 75,892 1,692 - 77,584 27 _ 570,328 _ 196,221 21,961 - 218,182 — _ 92,505 •' ■ 'i 33,009 15,891 48,900 — _ 469,080 _ 164,791 33,944 - 198,735 — _ 64,240 _ 31,919 1,516 - 33,435 — _ 1,797 _ 874 29 903 — _ 6,414 3,200 203 £ - \ 3,403 — _ 50 _ 60 - 60 — - 29,853 20,650 870 - 21,520 — 109,341 ; ; 54,098 38 54,136 53,082 20,611 290 on 'nil 32,432 - 11,742 11,742 - 28,465 14,756 14,756 — 35,295 17,324 17,324 _ 80 _ 45 45 100 _ _ 100 _ 15,715 5,806 21 _ _ 5,827 3,307 1,069 1,069 - 27,220 - 13,795 5 13,800 — 6,207 2,834 13 - 47,608 - 22,482 1,254 - 23,736 — 48,257 18,503 18,503 26 12 12 632 416 416 85 64 64 120 95 95 50 50 50 880 470 470 489 344 344 1,056 4,976,902 84,860 2,265,080 180,885 376 2,446,341 58,985 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1855. 5 from the several Ports of England, Scot/and, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and British Settlement-; Abroad — continued. - YEAR 1855. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Coali. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coal*, Cinders and Culm. Patent Fuel. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. .£. .£. £. | £. £. Russia, Ports of the Crimea"} (in the temporary occupa- > tion of the Allied Forces) J 14,503 930 15,433 2,912 9,026 725 10,351 1 ,905 o vv CUcJ i * ■ Norway - Denmark - - - - Prussia - - - Mecklenburg - Hanover - - - - •Oldenburg - - - - Hanseatic Towns Heligoland - Holland - Belgium - Channel Islands - France - 100 276 95^228 377^680 267,605 29,150 42,835 16,827 400,763 366 213,991 985 60,444 935,104 5,328 5,546 15,040 34,873 1,079 4,012 23 15,783 6,217 163 741 2,233 3 843 105,004 100,774 392,720 302,478 30,229 40,847 - 16,850 416,546 366 220,208 1,148 61,188 938,180 1,359 7,377 4,410 43,031 38,934 102,637 105,600 11,359 17,773 6,907 170,310 103 96,043 419 28,766 412,295 4,810 4'852 12,775 30,361 985 3,607 20 12,638 4,939 160 049 1,846 3 296 48 447 43,786 175,412 135,961 12,344 21,380 0,987 182,948 103 100,982 579 29,418 414,437 1 ,231 8,372 2,519 Portugal, Azores, and Ma-~| deira -J 69,816 1,116 210 71,142 2,371 33,410 985 77 34,472 1,356 V»»in in on el f tin l onoiMr. c OpillU clIlU llie V/rtlulllLS - Gibraltar - - - - Italy ----- Malta ... - Ionian Islands - (rfAPPP _ _ _ VJ1CCLC "* ™ Turkey - Syria and Palestine Egypt - Tunis - - - - Algeria - - - - Morocco - . - - Western Coast of Africa 1 017,0^4 87,570 184,215 253,690 14,815 30,337 460,775 9,000 41 538 2,184 29,829 515 9,660 68 003 33,962 269 1,774 616 - - - - - •907 097 87,570 218,177 253,959 14,815 30,337 462,549 9,000 42 154 2^184 29,829 515 9,060 4 028 2^082 1,204 10,627 1,400 15,154 500 1,977 fift 7.17 45,984 88,739 133,954 6,824 15,687 228,804 4,994 21,027 l'l94 15,215 227 5,196 55,316 28,454 219 1,721 499 - - - - - 1 9 J. Hi'! 45,984 117,193 134,173 6,824 15,087 230,585 4,994 21 520 1/194 15,215 227 5,190 9 <5 -,7 1,192 062 0,500 770 8,821 97 i 1,087 British Possessions in South\ Africa - - - -J 1 9 877 10 877 11,604 - 1 1 SUA African Ports on the Red"} Sea -J G9 \ 2,009 Cape Verde Islands St. Helena - Vl^MlVnATI — - m m Mauritius - - - - Aden - - — - - 4,549 752 1 KA 5,443 36,690 - 33 : : - 4,549 752 1 KA 5,470 36,690 5,716 1,674 997 2,281 527 / i 3,189 18,406 - 27 - - 2.281 527 72 3,216 18,4110 3,129 1,510 .548 British Territories in the") East Indies - -• -J i 9R 088 ft 907 i . >■*,_ OU - 73,883 1,720 Java - Philippine Islands China - 4,887 30,445 300 34 463 5,187 34 30,908 1,312 1,983 3,521 17,764 285 34 450 _ 3,806 18,214 949 1,425 British Settlements in Aus-~( tralia - - - -j 39,302 1,146 40,448 2,656 26,242 1,288 27,530 2,038 South Sea Islands 696 - 696 421 - 421 British North American Co-1 lonies - - - -J 60,157 778 60.935 28,105 678 28,783 British West Indies - Foreign West Indies - 90,097 145,946 400 12 on Kfl k 145,958 240 KA 1 1 04, 11^ 72,874 A 1 O 4 1 J, 9 54,529 72,883 1,778 132 United States of America 143,915 110 144,025 95,641 110 95,751 California - - - Mexico - Central America New Granada - Venezuela - Brazil - Uruguay - - - - Buenos Ayres - Chili ----- Peru - - - - - Falkland Islands 16,978 3,020 107 824 326 75,715 11,033 5,21 6 30,679 15,842 3(55 33 831 390 43 1,205 1,102 16,978 3,026 200 1,055 320 70,105 11,038 5,259 31,884 16,944 365 347 1,071 4,875 3,039 1.220 10,011 1,704 83 609 208 39,996 5,259 3.342 17,1 Id 9,191 180 62 740 407 43 1,392 874 1. J. 704 145 1 .349 208 40,403 5.259 3,385 18,50.-, 10,005 180 191 1,338 2,092 3,235 1.253 Total - 4,702,903 212,883 1,050 4,970,902 84,800 2.205,080 180.885 376 2,440,34 1 58,985 '94- A 3 6 COALS, &C, EXPORTED, AND COALS, &C, BROUGHT INTO THE PORT OF LONDON. — No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 1 85 5. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Tons. 4,762,963 212,883 1,056 Total - - - 4,976,902 Tons. 84,860 The Duties on Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported were wholly repealed by Act 13 & 14 Vict, c. 95, from 14 August 1850. — No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1855, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1854. Coals. Patent Fuel. Years Years 1854. 1855. 1854. 1855. Coastways - By Inland Navigation and Land\ Carriage - - - - -J Total - - - Tons. 3,399,561 979,171 Tons. 3,016,868 1,162,487 Tons. 40,289 To?is. 30,788 4,378,732 4,179,355 40,289 30,788 Office of the Inspector-General of Imports and Exports, Custom House, London, 30 April 1856. John A. Messenger, Inspector-General of Imports and Exports. '-3 O g £ c. — E a. o oc = C5 S c a" _ TO 3 o | :§' D. 3 o ■SB ^ I O 3 £ r/3 > X" g " t™ to J*" c« &■ d, Co g. g W | 5- = ° S" ST ctq 5 re *C o - > 3 H H > c as > o o o § i § ft f — C P PS K O — •»» o o r 25 O w > 525 o G r- COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, &c. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 20 February 1857 ;—for, No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1856; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year lH. r >5:" No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the Iirit'isk Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1856; distinguishing- the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1855 ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped:" No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the United Kingdom, in the Year 1856, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon : And," No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1856, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1855." — No. l.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS from which omppFii ~ 1 1 1 I 1 1 ' • p n A T <5 Ij U a u O , CINDERS, AND V TT T. 1U PATENT FUEL. YEAR 1 8 5 5. YEAR 1 8 5 6. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Year 1855. Year 1850. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Ions. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. London 4,437 - ■ 4,437 3,712 - 3,712 — — Rochester 3,284 35 - ~ 3,319 1,557 — - 1,557 — — Faversham - 165 - ~ - 165 — — — * — Portsmouth - 6,856 87 6,943 7,031 150 - 7,181 Poole - 20 - 20 — — — — Weymouth - 47 - - 4/ 243 - - ' 243 Bridport , - - 72 72 — — — . Plymouth 1 15 yo 211 75 75 350 asn Bristol - 2,420 75 2,495 1,130 67 1,197 480 Gloucester - 109,917 1.974 306 112,197 92,169 2,484 110 94,703 Cardiff - 455,047 13,794 468,841 537,319 14,665 551,984 Newport 474,342 531 _ 474,873 493,168 1,392 _ _ 494,560 Swansea 201,493 257 55,848 257,598 tb-tJ,-iO\> 176 51,623 301,255 28,313 78,428 Neath - - - 75, 1 53 70,712 145,865 83,505 75,440 158,945 Port Talbot - 68 SSI 3 459 72,010 66,235 4 OQt / u,.»ou Porth Cawl - 20,053 829 20,882 21,975 594 22,589 — Llanelly 256,847 40 30,557 287,444 263,813 117 33,277 297,207 230 230 Milford 19,991 29,128 49,119 20,827 26,739 47,560 — — 65 65 Chester 85,834 _ _ 85,834 75,915 _ ' w, ■ — 75.915 2,675 1,323 Liverpool 116,134 20 58 116,212 135,917 343 - 136,260 Preston 33,337 302 82 33,721 33,500 255 74 33,829 Fleetwood 31,490 212 368 32,070 35,783 82 154 36,019 Lancaster 9,357 418 2,185 11,960 9,044 290 9,334 Whitehaven - 204,700 1,623 206,383 207,947 775 208,722 Workington - 111,1! 6 20 111,216 129,275 5 130 129,410 Maryport 281,294 j 2,129 180 283,603 291,068 2,877 1,521 295,400 Carlisle 16,553 16,553 18,500 18,500 Berwick 50 50 130 130 Newcastle 2,014,760 7,599 2,022,359 1,942,843 6,827 1,949,070 6,419 0,354 Shields 164,339 52 164,391 226,814 75 226.8h9 Sunderland - 1,942,060 801 1,942,861 2,009,523 324 2,009,847 Stockton 141.454 751 142,205 152,644 697 153,341 2,460 Hartlepool - 1,137,178 1,571 1,138,749 1,103,607 ! 1,625 1,110,232 Gainsborough 5.032 5,032 8,319 47 8.366 Hull - - - 14,952 14,952 14,644 14.644 Goole - 85,700 40 85.740 97,167 101 97,268 Grimsby 1,974 1,974 2,418 2,418 Woodbridge - 70 70 Scotland : Leith - 10,401 10,401 5,839 5,839 Borrowstoness 37,637 37,637 122,602 122,602 Grangemouth 2,884 2,334 1,021 1.021 Alloa - 20,985 20.9S5 23,750 23,750 Kirkaldy - 39,266 39,266 36,683 36.683 Dundee 1,593 1,593 340 340 Arbroath 7 7 Greenock 80 80 50 50 Glasgow 89,203 7 89,210 73,0^0 8 73.088 Irvine - - - 264,625 264,625 178.S33 178,833 Ayr - 64,400 64,400 97,801 97,801 Dumfries 40 40 Ireland : Ross - - - 161 161 180 180 Total - - 8,626,924 35,075 191,143 8,853,142 8,882,987 37,296 189,843 9,110,076 1 40,577 S6,335 76 — Sess. 2. A QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported YEAR 1855. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. I V / IV 1 o from which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. ] Culm. TV,-,' A t nf Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. „ , 1 Coals. Cinders. Culm. _ I OTAL Of Cinders and Culm. Patent Fuel. pvri « v u- I J 1 ! 1 ' 1 1_" . Tans. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. r London 76,222 3,012 79,234 10,889 76,943 4,477 81,420 14 021 T^ol lr •■iff »n < » — _ 1 I Pff <*i XX" h'lVPTl - - it c n > oil 31 3 34 31 3 34 Sil (Of( >} t nn i - - 85 140 225 28 126 154 PortMiiontli - - 3 3 1 4 ^nn tY; ft mil ton - 280 280 301 301 75 75 75 75 Pool? 3 70 70 77 77 PJvmnuih 569 569 32S 328 T*fl1mni?t li - — 100 100 100 1 00 St Ives O 1 . J_ V T_ _ 584 584 352 352 TtirWonl 114 114 63 63 Bristol - 6,675 150 6 825 125 4,209 190 4.399 100 Gloucester "210 210 'l31 131 733,055 5,532 738,587 393 499 4 579 398,078 187,598 49 187,647 96,134 47 96,181 152,099 406 713 153,218 63,346 75 467 285 247 75,999 36 0R0 NpRth - — — 10,204 100 1 0 304 5 0^2 36 5 058 Port T-ilhnt - 6,612 50 6,662 3 044 18 3,062 Port! f'ttwl - 219 219 109 100 Llanelli? 23,903 25 190 24 118 10,354 9 72 10,435 292 292 •205 205 230 230 104 104 Liverpool - - 416,325 7.734 421.059 9,307 248,595 7,162 255,7 57 7,684 Fleetwood 970 970 403 403 Lancaster 1,110 _ „ 1,110 555 555 Whitehaven 2,341 2,341 985 985 "Workington 1,210 - - 1 1,210 - 479 479 — Mary port 2,503 2,503 967 967 Carlisle 201 - - ; 201 - 91 91 — 407 407 182 - - 182 i\ i • won fi 1 1 r* - — 1,417,640 102 784 1,520,424 1,042 635,271 86,123 721 394 966 Shields 168,433 2 086 170,519 50 75,892 1,692 77,584 27 1 1 Ti 1 1 pp] *i itn — _ ».? U 1 1 Ll L. 11 (I II Li 542,163 28 165 570 328 196,221 21.961 218,182 ^ 1 1 i - * k tri n — 74,525 17,980 92,505 33,009 15,891 : : 48,900 1 1 ' i "^rl 1 1 * — JLJLtLl HCt'UUl 428,579 40,501 469 080 164,791 33,944 : - 1 98,7155 Hull 62,657 1 583 64 240 31,919 1,516 : - 33,435 1,739 58 1 797 874 29 - 903 1 t T"l TT1CI W — _ 6, 1 1 4 300 6 414 3,200 203 i - 3,403 60 j - 60 CpnTi ivii ■ Leith - 29,230 623 — * 29,853 20,650 870 21,520 — Borrowstoness 109,293 48 109,341 54,098 38 - 54,1 3(5 Grangemouth 52,805 277 - 53,082 - 20,611 290 i - 20,901 — Alloa - 32,432 32,432 11,742 11,742 Kirkaldy - 28,465 - - 28,465 - 14,756 14,756 Dundee - ~ 35 295 as ooa 17,324 17,324 _> 1 Oil L rUM, 80 80 ' 45 45 Ahenleen - ~ 100 100 Inverness - - 15 695 20 15.715 5,806 21 5,827 Kirkwall - - 3 307 3 307 1 069 1,009 Greenock 27,210 10 - 27^220 - 13.795 5 13,800 _ Port Glasgow- 6,197 10 6,207 2,834 13 •2,S47 — Glasgow 40,368 1 ,240 - 47,608 - 22,482 1,254 - , 23,736 Irvine - 48,257 48,257 18,503 18,503 Ay.r ... 26 1 26 12 12 Irelaud : Dublin 632 632 410 416 Hose - 85 1 - 85 04 64 Cork - 120 120 95 95 Londonderry 50 50 _ 50 - j 50 Belfast 880 880 470 - j 470 Newry 489 1 1 1 489 344 344 Total - - 4,762,963 212,883 ] 1,056 4,976,902 j 84,860 2,265,080 ! 180,885 376 2,446,341 58,985 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS' I X 1855. 3 from the several Ports of England. Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 18-55. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DEC LA ItEl) VALUE TI1EK E O /. C () 0 N T R TB S to whirh E XV OUT El). Coals. Cinders. ) 1 | Culm. ft. i 1 Total of ! Coals, i Cinders, and j Culm. Vatent Fuel. Coals. Cinders. I Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Russia: Porta of tin; Crimea") (in the temporary occupa- tion of the Allied Forces) J Sweden - Norway - - - - Denmark - - - - Prussia _ _ - - Mecklenburg - - - Hanover - Tons. 14,503 100,276 377,080 267,605 20.150 42,835 | Tons. ' 930 j 5,328 O Oil) 15,040 I 34,873 I 1,079 4,012 Tons. Torts. 15,133 105,004 1 t\f\ T'™ i I UU, / # 4 392,720 302,478 30,229 40,847 Tons. 2,912 1,359 7,377 £. 9,026 43,031 162,037 105,0(10 1,1,359 17,773 £. 725 4,816 12,775 30,301 985 3,007 | £. - £. 10,351 48,447 to ran 4o, / oh 175,412 135,961 12,344 21,38(t £. 1,905 1,231 8,372 Oldenburg - Hanseatic TbWns Heligoland - - - Holland - Belgium - - - Channel Islands France - 10,827 ■100,76 ! 300 213,991 985 00,444 935,104 j 23 1 t-J,/i3.j 0,217 103 741 2,233 843 1 0,850 416,546 300 220,208 1,148 01,188 938,180 4,410 0,907 170,310 103 90,043 419 28,706 412,295 20 >~,0>.>O 4,939 160 049 1,846 3 290 0,987 1 WO f » 1 o l(Ks,if4o 163 100.! (82 579 1 29,418 414,437 2,519 Portugal, Azores, and Ma-1 deira -' -J 09,S10 1,110 210 71,142 2,371 33,410 985 77 34,472 j 1,356 Spain and the Canaries Gibraltar - - - - Italy Malta - Ionian Islands - t t vn ppp _ - — 139,624 87.570 184,215 253,b90 14,815 30,337 08,003 33,962 269 |- ; - 207.627 87,570 218 177 253,959 14,815 30,337 4,028 2.082 1,204 10,627 1,400 68,737 45,984 88,739 1 33,954 6,824 15,687 55.316 28,454 219 - - 124,053 45,984 117.103 134.173 6,824 15,687 2,357 ' 1.192 662 6,500 770 Turkey ... - Syria and Palestine - Egypt - Tunis - Algeria - - - - Morocco - - - - Western Coast of Africa - 460.775 9,000 41,000 2,184 29,829 515 9,000 1,774 OJ.O - - - 402,549 9,000 42,154 2,184 29,829 515 9,660 15,154 500 1,977 228,864 4,994 21 .027 1,194 15,215 227 5,196 1,721 499 - - - ' 230,585 4,994 21.520 1,194 15.215 227 5. 1 96 8,821 . 1,087 British Possessions in South \ Africa -J African Ports on the lted) Sea - -J 1 O Q*"*? l»,o/ / 3.924 19,877 3,924 1 1 ,004 2,009 j 11,004 "2,009 • Cape Verde Islands - St. Helena - Bourbon - - - Mauritius - - - - Aden - 4,549 752 154 5,443 33,090 - 33 - 1.549 752 154 5,476 30,090 5,716 1,674 997 2.281 527 72- 3,189 18,400 27 - - 2,281 527 72 3.210 1 8,406 , 3,129 j — j 1,510 548 British Territories in the\ East Indies - - -J 126,033 8,227 - 134,260 2,200 05,370 8,507 - 73,883 1,720 I .lava ----«. Philippine Islands China - 4,887 30,445 300 34 463 5,187 34 30,908 1,312 1,983 3,521 17.704 285 34 450 3,8( >( ; 34 18.214 9 19 j 1,425 British Settlements in Aus-\ tralia - - - -J 39,302 1,146 40,448 2,656 20,242 1,288 27,330 • 2,038 South Sea Islands - - j 696 696 421 - 421 British North American") Colonics - - -/ 60,157 778 60,935 28,105 678 28,783 British West Indies - Foreign West Indies - - ; 90,097 145,940 468 12 90,505 145,958 i 1,529 240 54.117 72.874 412 54.529 72,883 1,778 132 I nited States of America : X LM LP* Mil Lilt? ~ i 1 1 1 L i . I M — California 143,915 10,978 110 144,025 16,978 95,641 10,611 110 95,751 10,811 Mexico - - - - j Central America New Granada - - - 1 Venezuela - - - - Brazil - - - - j Uruguay - Buenos Ayres - Chili - - - - - Peru - Falkland Islands 3,626 167 824 326 75,7 1 5 11,033 5,216 30,679 I5.S42 365 \ 33 831 390 43 1 ,205 1.102 3,620 200 1,055 326 76,105 11,033 5,259 31,884 16,944 365 347 1,071 1,873 3,639 1,220 1,704 83 009 20s 39,990 5.259 3,342 17,113 9.191 180 62 740 407 43 1,392 ; 874 ; " | 1,704 145 1,349 208 40,403 5,259 3,385 18,605 10,065 180 191 1,338 2,692 3,235 1,253 Total - ,- - 4,702,903 212,883 1,056 4,976,902 84,860 2,265,080 180,885 376 j 2,446,34 1 58,985 76 — Sess. 2. a 2 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported YEAR 1856. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. iroro wniclx SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TpT A T nf Oindtrs «xnd Culm. Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. _ I 0TAL Ot i^oais, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. England . Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. 84,390 2 894 87 284 5 531 80 980 4,231 Ol 1 6,206 _L :l»tl>>lll!.l 53 30 ovr li C \V lid,* L:1J - 3 3 2 O ■ Si'inrpli'im — — OliL'J ( II. I III 2-3 25 20 20 T* fiTT CTll All t ll — — 434 104 598 346 1 30 476 100 160 146 I-tu Poole* - - 150 150 159 1 "iQ 1 )o vfninnt h _ _ X/cll I 1 1 III 90 90 45 *iO TM V/TiKiiltl. — i iviuuuui 10 10 ] j 1 1 Truro - — - 8(5 86 80 80 !• n 1 i »i Aiifn _ _ X til LUU 11 III 354 354 1 82 1 so ■ c+ Tvpc 140 140 70 70 7^1 1 1 pfflTN I — — JJlVltlv.'i 11 60 60 45 45 i< 1Tnct , 1T'\lp . — I j (llJIfLtMJlt. 107 107 56 ^Bn^tol » — — 9,934 10,465 140 5 659 532 0 101 1 lo J-i t*i 1 1 ri" vi" i tor _ 5 3 3 1 -rlriii/ir»of flf " _T llllll l ?UT — ~ 2 525 2,525 1 367 1 207 Cardiff - — - 835,915 10,948 846^863 428,764 8,699 437,463 c \\ IJUI U 184 172 07111 180.882 94,889 2 VO 97 009 O W it J 1 M, . 1 — 184,3-14 / -t 1 323 185 4 OH 57,708 91 141 531 132 91 804 31 ,993 . 4 C (.1 I 1 1 — 13 315 OS 930 14 270 6,579 20 341 6 940 1 UJ L lalUUb 10 922 1 1 576 4 540 454 4,994 Pm-fTi Cnwl - 175 200 53 18 71 1 - 1 ' t 1 J V 32 515 361 32,876 13,268 110 13 378 Mil ford 323 323 207 207 — nQQlimQ1*10 _ JJtTtl UZIJ .1 1 1 S "" 180 180 90 90 1 hoc tfi _ 305 126 126 1 . i 1*11 nnl _ _ -Li 1 \ "L I 1 ) ( Ixji 410,991 6 869 423 860 4,483 257,976 6,394 264.370 3,281 Fleetwood l)555 _ 1,555 '678 67S Lancaster 2.147 - - 2,147 - 1,141 - 1,141 — W nitehaven - 1 ,00/ 1,607 — \\ avL t iinrtnTi _ »» VI Kl 111; IUH ] 514 1 : : 1,514 526 526 !\T Qi't'nni'l' _ _ J.TJ. iti \ Hi H L 4 075 4 075 1,403 1,403 V> it I 11?* (c 367 ' 367 150 150 jj CI VV1LK. "" 100 1 100 50 50 l-lc^ CaMilt; 1 640 788 1 09 533 1,759,321 1,480 738,979 83,346 822,325 180 279 3 359 183 638 79,526 2,346 81,872 "•S i i Ti f I r 1 o Tl # 1 _ O U Jill c 1 J tl UU 709 540 28,217 797,763 272,306 19,871 292,177 r /\ c L~ ■ nn 80 012 26 925 100,937 33,032 22,304 55,336 TT 't I' 1 1 f» T'wi f"\ 1 Ilcll litrlJUJUl 4S5 4S7 41,364 526 85 1 120 182,982 34,627 - ; 217,609 70 l T Q i »i clinrnii rr n — \jr t- 1 02 O i— i o H S3 12! O It 1 9? COALS, COKE, AND CULM. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 20 April 1858 ;—for, No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Coke, and Culm, anil Patent Full, Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1857 ; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Port?, as compared with the Year 1856 :" No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Coke, and Culm, and Patent Feel, Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1857; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1856; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped:" No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Coke, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from tho United Kingdom, in the Year 1857, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :" And, No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1857, comparing' the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1850. " — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, Cokf, Culm and Patent Fuel, Shipped at the several Ports of England. Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. P O K 1 i> from which SHIPPED. COALS, CINDJiRS, COKE AND CULM. PATENT FUEL. YEAR 1 856. YEAR 1 85 7. Coals. Cinders and Coke. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders and Coke. Culm. Total. Year 185G. Year 1807. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. T n "v ti a v — — 3 712 'A 7 1 0 2.539 60 2,599 1,557 _ - 1,557 1,427 104 . iilVt.lSHt.tlI — 50 50 — - — jt Orlnii iu u til 7,031 150 7,181 7,877 - - 7 S77 II ( \ 111 1 n i 1 LI 243 - 243 216 - 210 — — . Plymouth 75 - - 75 30 30 — — , Scilly - 350 - - 350 — — — — . Bristol - 1,130 67 - 1,197 1,429 40 - 1,469 — — , Gloucester - 92,169 2,484 110 94,7(53 105,525 3.495 190 109,210 — — Cardiff - 537,319 14,665 - 551,984 530,895 11,676 - 542,571 — — Newport Swansea 493,168 1,392 - 494,560 521,051 996 - 522,047 — — 249,456 176 51,623 301,255 220,176 137 59,094 279,407 78,428 , 27,760 Neath - 83,505 - 75,440 158,945 102,625 107 85,095 187,827 — ■ Port Talbot - 66,235 4,095 - 70,330 58,453 3,185 - 61,03,8 — Forth Cawl - 21 975 594 22 569 19,947 328 - 20,275 _ Llanelly 263|813 117 33,277 297',207 314,877 - 18,222 333,039 230 Milford 20,827 26,739 47,566 25,156 32,208 57,304 Caernarvon - 65 - 65 — z llnpstpp — — 75,915 75,915 73,850 1,323 3,540 Liverpool 135,917 343 136,260 160,433 519 - 100,952 Preston 33,500 255 74 33,829 35,058 334 253 1 35,045 Fleetwood 35 783 82 154 36 0 1 9 37,763 186 88 1 38,037 Lancaster 9.044 290 7 1 _ / OA ifiO 10,t>o0 Han«eatie Towns 451,720 11.894 _ _ 463,614 1,849 193,209 8,812 1,084 Holland - 237,403 5,301 242,704 96,298 4,350 IAA nACl IUU,()4o Belgium - - - - 38,23S 700 - 38,938 _ — 14,750 490 1 5,240 Channel Islands 57,8GO 1,000 261 59,18) — — 20,740 796 80 27,622 France - - - - 1,152,125 4,835 1,353 1,158,313 4,773 519,778 3,880 503 524,167 2,809 Portugal, Azores, and Ma-~| deira -J 103,819 2.901 - 100,720 1,822 49,151 2,478 51,629 1,007 ■ Mill illlLl lllc Hal 1 1 a OAQ H :20b, oo/ 84,118 - 292,675 7,153 103,276 63,039 - 166,315 4,128 Gibraltar - - 97,251 o - 97,257 266,906 0,«J-£D rtO,. HO O CO." Italy 247,970 18,930 - 772 117,725 14,670 132,395 400 Malta .... 188,001 219 188,820 13,676 99,478 19S . — - 99,076 7,080 Ionian Islands - 22,758 ■ 22,758 - 10,593 r ■» - J _ _ 10,593 — Greece - 31,750 - 31,756 - 15,190 - 15,190 — 1 urkey ~ 255,402 1,155 - 250,557 3,572 123,810 818 - 121,628 2,050 Wallachia and Moldavia - 2,112 98 2 910 _ 947 74 i Q2] Syria and Palestine - 10,748 1 _ 10,749 S93 4,939 1 / _ 4,940 604 Egypt .... 75,289 10,987 80,270 - 30,057 8,179 - 44,836 — Tunis .... 1 oo_t - 1,224 626 Algeria - - - - 26,528 26,528 13,402 13,402 Western Coast of Africa 17,084 " • •■,[■■' 17,684 5,671 9,334 _ _ 3,544 British Possessions in Souths 10,18S Africa - - - -J - - 10,188 100 6,038 - _ — 6,038 70 African Ports on the Bed^| 4,91 S Sea -J - - 4,918 - 2,331 - - 2,331 — Cape Verde Islands 8,407 - ft A£V9 A OOQ 4, MS 4,095 Ascension - - - - 2,51 S — )0 1 o 1,604 1,604 St. Helena - 1,869 - 1,809 - 960 - - 960 — Mauritius - - - - 7,643 - 7,043 80 3,590 - 3,590 100 Aden - 54 249 .107 54,650 ~ - ■ 30,759 British territories in the^ 128,594 e,"49 East Indies - - -J 134,943 2.141 * 65,934 6,901 72,835 Java - - - - - 957 170 250 469 235 704 211 Philippine Islands 2,040 2,640 - 1,302 1,302 — diina - 33,098 33,698 650 20,758 20,758 358 British Settlements in Aus-"\ tralia -J 33,949 4,011 37,960 820 23,682 3,253 26,935 488 South Sea Islands 71 71 - : 68 68 British North American Co-~l no -oi 9o,o2l 1,096 lonies -J 95,217 41,334 1,408 42,792 ■ — British West Indies - 94,336 515 94,851 763 54.346 470 54,816 584 Foreign West Indies - 124,530 415 124,945 142 63,429 251 63,680 156 United States of America: Ports on the Atlantic - 230,938 168 231,106 - 137,005 187 137,192 — California - 16,378 10,378 y, / o4 9,784 Mexico - 3,107 3,107 1,622 ; : : : 1,022 Central America 21 21 19 19 New Granada - 3,790 3,790 1.110 2,120 2,120 690 Venezuela - - - - 527 - J" \ 527 274 274 Ecuador - - - - 36 36 18 18 Brazil - 87,101 1,482 88,5S3 1,056 47,094 1,498 48,592 586 Uruguay - - 12,799 10 1 2,809 5.973 9 5.982 Buenos Ayres - 6,387 105 0,492 100 4,312 133 4,445 60 Chili 57,556 1,396 58,952 2,789 28,587 906 29,553 1,758 Peru - - - - - 17,796 1,983 19,779 4.970 10,025 1,751 11,770 5,152 Total - - - 5,837,587 240,578 1,014 5,879,779 69,462 2,0:54,096 191,303 5S3 2,820.582 42,648 279- A 2 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, COKE, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, Coke, Culm and Patent Fuel, Exported YEAR 1857. _ PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London Fayersham - Ranisgate Rye - - Newliaven - Shoreliam Portsmouth - Southampton Poole - Teigntnouth - Plymouth - Truro - Falmouth Bideford Barnstaple - Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Porth Cawl - Llanelly Milford Chester ■Liverpool Runcorn Fleetwood - Lancaster Whitehaven Workington Maryport Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Stockton Hartlepool - Lynn - Hull Goole - Grimsby Ipswich Yarmouth - Scotland : Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alh.a - Kirkaldy - Dundee Peterhead Montrose Lerwick Greenock Port Glasgow Glasgow Irvine - Ayr Dumfries Stranraer Ireland : Dublin Waterford - Limerick Cork Londonderry Belfast Newry Dundalk Total QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders and Coke. Culm. TOTAL Of Coals, Cinders, Coke and Culm. Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders and Coke. 1 Culm. | Total of Coals Cinders, Coke and Culm. i dlCub Fuel. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £■ £. £. 88,260 1,100 _ 89,360 7,325 84,011 1,782 - ! 85,793 3/J4G 66 _ 66 _ _ 66 66 120 _ 120 _ _ 60 CO 200 _ _ 200 _ _ 170 170 j 2 _ _ ■ 2 _ _ 2 2 ] 318 _ _ 318 _ 135 135 : 80 _ 80 64 I' '- 64 1,208 _ _ _ 1,208 _ _ 973 973 381 _ _ 381 395 395 305 _ _ 305 111 111 1,961 ... ^ 1,961 _ 959 959 127 _ 127 _ 88 S8 400 _ _ 400 _ 260 260 130 130 _ 117 117 105 _ _ 105 50 50 13,130 425 _ 13,555 1,420 7,468 030 7,854 878 1,825 _ 1,825 913 _ 913 911,027 8,850 m _ 919,877 470,778 U,Ot7C5 477,676 186,283 1,055 _ _ 187,338 94,132 707 94,929 243,636 839 967 245,442 67,575 121,615 fifil OOl 360 122,636 37,887 9,787 40 705 10,532 4,849 40 260 5,149 4,177 166 4,343 1,978 1 Of! 2,104 35 _ _ 35 17 17 48,000 1,818 49,818 _ 19,443 429 19,872 641 641 419 419 - 101 _ _ 101 33 33 . . - 1 510,531 3,263 _ _ 513,794 7,402 299,887 O S7J. 302 761 5,514 25 55 _ 80 13 47 60 1,873 1,873 _ 812 812 - 1 2 244 _ 2,244 1,029 _ - 1,029 3,575 - - 3,575 - 1,393 - - 1 393 — 2,757 9 7t7 - - 998 3,534 - - 3,534 - 1,223 - - 1,223 — 1,530 - 1,530 678 - - 678 — 449 - 449 - 217 - - 217 — 1,776,500 138,031 134 1,914,665 310 807,411 102,078 56 909,545 212 272,208 3,665 - 275,933 - 113,815 2,621 116,436 — 1.005,938 31,284 1,037,222 - 368,063 22,662 390,725 — 89,525 27,865 - — i t n ft t\r\ 117,390 35,159 21,784 - 56,893 — 491,385 29,198 - 520,583 - 180,922 23,197 204,119 — 75 30 - 105 - 56 23 / o — 136,819 3,595 - 140,414 68,722 3,081 71,803 8,639 8 - ~ 8,647 - 3,239 4 3,243 — 73,899 526 ■ 74,425 - ~ eyr* OOA oo,8b0 480 37,360 — 60 - - 60 ■ 52 52 — 760 - ~ - 760 ~ 520 520 — — 27,872 83 - 27,955 -' 26,364 106 26,470 — 138,019 o 138.024 5 78,693 38,819 - 38',819 - 20,354 OA OZA — 71,681 - 71,681 25,086 25,086 40,611 - - — 40,61 1 24,116 24,116 41,069 - - - 41,069 21,460 21,460 327 - — 329 m - 266 2 268 716 - 716 1,210 1,210 24 - 24 24 24 35,812 35,812 16,681 16,681 7,608 _ _ _ 7,608 2,777 2,777 55,629 558 56,187 26,613 682 27,295 123,931 30 123,961 41,759 37 41,796 1,598 57 1 571 410 410 205 205 201 201 100 100 602 5 607 399 5 404 308 308 21.5 215 181 181 164 164 991 991 755 755 206 206 128 128 1,532 1,532 774 774 438 438 233 233 140 140 91 91 6,483,416 250,678 3,624 6,737,718 84,032 3,019,228 190,328 1,105 3,210,661 53,437 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1857. 5 from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and British Settlements Abroad — continual. YEAR 1857. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. COUNTRIES to winch Total of Total of | Cinders Couls, Patent Cinders Coals, P.itent EXPORTED. Coals. and Coke. Culm. Cinders, Coke irwl f nlm Fuel. Coals. and Coko. Culm, j Cinders, Coke :iik1 Culm. r WbL Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. Russia: Northern Ports 272,092 5,174 _ Zi /,oOl> 842 119,118 3,998 123,116 469 „ Black Sea 35,04a 191 _ - 16,658 132 16,790 j — Sweden - - - 170,98-5 8,253 _ - 73,261 6,200 79,401 — Norway - 11.3,512 4,555 _ lift t\t\n 1 IO,U))/ - 49,007 3,420 52,487 — Denmark - - - 458,072 14,427 _ i no A Oli 4/ Z,V,r.> 143 193,087 11,181 204,268 79 Prussia ■ - 374,700 39,208 410,:JI4 070 149,674 30,834 180,508 378 Mecklenburg 35,829 314 _ j OO, 14 -i - 14,607 227 14,894 — Hanover - 68,540 3,672 _ - no oio / — 1 Z - 31,530 2,941 34,471 — Oldenburg 40,340 295 _ 4U,Otj.j - 1G,475 211 10,086 — Hanseatic Towns 511,090 8,576 _ 345 217,920 7,013 224,933 190 Holland - 208,77S 6,387 _ — /o, loo 100 111,591 4,807 1 16,398 65 Belgium - 71,698 633 _ - 28,459 543 29,002 — Channel Islands 65,603 1,082 133 ()l),olo - 31,601 885 55 32,541 — France - - - 1,208,943 6,700 3,490 1,-J/y. 13-J 7,192 568,330 5,047 1.049 574,426 4,053 Portugal, Azores, and Ma-~| deira - - - -J 115,347 4,578 119,925 2,994 52,148 3,288 55,436 1,662 Spain and the Canaries 228,094 92,394 •j20,488 9,080 112,848 07,379 - 180,227 5,996 Gibraltar - 60,209 154 00,423 30,037 100 - 30,137 Italy - - - - 304,742 20,807 .J 331,549 3,837 144,475 19,932 - 164,407 2,172 Malta - 94,204 3 . «. ciA ctt\n l)4,\iU/ - 58,115 5 - 58,120 Ionian Islands - 21,494 " -] - 21,494 1,220 9,828 - 9,828 , 771 Greece 23,822 _ m* - OO OOO z-i,bzz - 11,096 - 11,090 — Turkey - - - 200,334 1,704 ■> — ^0b,U98 - 95,004 1,405 - 97,009 Wallachia and Moldavia 8,290 117 - 8,407 - 4,115 00 - 4,175 Syria and Palestine - 13,312 13,312 5,764 - - 5,764 Egypt - 103.251 11,840 1 15,091 944 50,474 8,90G 59,380 548 Tunis - 3,646 - 3,046 - 1,864 - - 1.864 Algeria - - - 35,809 35,809 17,474 - - 17,474 Western Coast of Africa 17,151 _ _ 17,151 6,744 9,469 - - 9,469 ' 4,071 British Possessions in South') Africa -J 61,590 61,590 6,402 32,416 *V> 4 MX oZ ? 4 It) Q O — O , o,o / o Eastern Coast of Africa 103 103 103 - - 103 African Ports on the lied") Sea - -J 10,765 r ~ 10,705 5 °32 o,V; o_ Cape Verde Islands - 12,852 - IZ,OOZ 13,400 6,669 - - 6,669 7,532 Ascension - 10,740 _ 10,740 1,295 5,752 5,752 712 St. Helena - - - 1,336 - 1,336 - 830 830 1 Bourbon 350 350 175 175 Mauritius - - 12,634 18 L m 12,052 640 6,809 19 6,828 S59 Arabia (Kooria Mooria Islands - - -J 4,015 - 4,015 1 Oii 1 ,000 I,O0,.> Aden - - - - 57,024 _ ' _ . — — 57,024 1,405 28,773 28,773 773 British Territories in the"\ East Indies - - -J 326,397 o nar\ 329,157 2,572 1 / 1,519 French Possessions in India"! 100 100 50 (Pondicherry) -I Portuguese Possessions in"\ India (Goa) -J 280 280 I Sfi 1 *±u 140 Java - - - - 7,870 142 8,012 303 4,051 330 4,981 247 Philippine Islands 1,267 - 1,207 069 6G9 — Ladrone Islands (Guam) 664 - 604 330 330 . — China - - - 83,018 30 83,048 5,831 45,443 80 45,523 4,449 British Settlements in Aus-\ tralia -J 40,3S0 42,642 12 on i no 1,806 28,978 South Sea Islands 56 _ 56 29 on — y — .British North American"! Colonies - - -/ 122,501 1,357 1 123,859 no opr. Oo,o4o 1,065 1 54.911 TJritish West Indies - 99,294 718 100,012 2,872 56 351 597 a otn Foreign West Indies - 179,638 34 179,072 87,510 38 87,548 United States of America Ports on the Atlantic 191,119 50 191,169 1 18,584 50 118,034 California 6,338 6,338 44J7 4,447 Mexico - 2,856 - j 2,856 1 ,593 1.593 Central America 1,568 - ! 1,568 1,068 1,068 New Granada 7,098 7,098 1,072 4,114 4,114 762 Venezuela - - - 424 27 451 19S 33 231 Brazil - 102,835 2,068 104,903 2,250 56,892 1,893 58,7 S5 1.354 Uruguay - 18,217 25 18,242 9,183 22 »,2.»5 Buenos Ayres - 15.766 125 15,891 9.348 116 9,463 Chili - - - - 89,432 2,15S 91,590 3,707 43,656 1.763 45,419 2,719 Peru - - - - 22,456 1,780 24,23(5 2,319 11,428 . 1,371 l'A?90 2,870 Falkland Islands 237 237 237 J 237 Total - - 6,483,416 250,678 3,624 6,737,718 84,032 3,019,228 ' 190,328 1,105 3,210,001 53,437 279- 6 COALS, &C, EXPORTED, AND COALS, &C, BROUGHT INTO THE PORT OF LONDON. — No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, Coke, Culm and Patent Fuel, Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and British Possessions Abroad. YEAR 1 85 7. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Tom. 6,483,416 Cinders and Coke 250,678 Culm - 3,624 Total - - - 6,737,718 Tons. Patent Fuel 84,032 The Duties on Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported were wholly repealed by Act 13 & 14 Vict, c. 95, from 14 August 1850. — No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1857, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1S56. Coals and Patent Fuel brought into the Port of London. Coals. Patent Fuel. Years Years 1856. 1857. 1856. 1S57. Coastways - By Inland Navigation and Land] Carriage - - - - -J Total - - - Tons. 3,119,884 1,273,270 Tons. 3,133,459 1,235,249 Tons. 24,424 Tons. 26,75 P« 3 >• (O H H o Z o o > o c o o a t-* COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, &c. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 9 March 1H09 \—for, No. 1. —AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year in.,s; disfin^uishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1857 :" No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlene Abroad, in the Year 1858; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1857 ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped:" No. 3. — .\N ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coai.s, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the United Kingdom, in the Year 1858, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :" And, No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1858, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1857." — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm and Patent Fuel, Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Constways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. • COALS C I N D E RS, AND CULM. PORTS YEAR 1 8 5 7. YEAR 1 858. from which SHIPPED. V 1 1 1 1 l v i r* . Culm. Total. V^OaiS. Uinders. Culm. Total. Year 1857. Year 1858. , • England : 1 ons. l ons. Tons. J. ons. Jons. I'ons. Ions. _ 1 ons. l ons. J. ons. London 2,539 60 - 2,599 1.333 494 1,827 - 10 Rochester 1,427 104 - 1,531 2,564 592 _ 3,156 — — Faversham - 50 _ ■ -. 50 — — — Portsmouth - 7,877 _ - 7,877 7,432 251 _ _ 7.683 — — Poole - - _ 150 _ 150 Weymouth - 216 - - 216 170 - • ' - - 170 — — Plymouth St. Ives 30 30 30 44 74 — — ■ - 78 _ _ 78 Bristol - 1,129 40 1,469 1,091 - - 1,091 — Gloucester - 105,525 3,495 190 109,210 132,721 676 322 133,719 Cardiff - 530,895 1 1 ,676 542,571 581,858 10,887 - 592,745 4bO Newport 521,051 996 522,047 474,116 1,219 ■ ■ 475,335 Swansea 220, 1 76 137 59 094 279,407 185,712 31 54,957 240,700 27,760 18,687 Neath - 102,025 107 187,827 111,866 - 73,708 185,574 Port Talbot - 58,453 3,185 61,638 64,928 - 2,468 67,396 Porth Cawl - 19,947 323 20,275 22,594 460 23,054 z Llanelly 314,877 - 1 8 222 333,099 267,07 1 - 13,855 280,926 Milford 25,156 32 208 57,364 23,405 31,105 54,510 Chester 73,850 73,850 56,123 2 i 56,123 OyJ-xVJ Liverpool 166,433 519 166,952 168,926 250 169,176 Preston oo4 253 35,6-15 32,839 46 59 32,944 ■ — Fleetwood 37,763 186 88 38,037 32,605 41 40 32,686 Lancaster 8,799 80 8,879 7,083 _ 7,083 — vv liiiena v eu - - 1,600 1 70 ^fiQ i / y,ooo 77ft Workington - 133,872 133,872 133,211 20 133,231 Marvport 333,877 2,359 1,102 337,338 328,034 1,425 329,459 Carlisle 19,044 10 19,054 20,984 106 21,090 Berwick 63 63 190 190 Newcastle 2,082,099 9,273 2,091,372 2,060,983 15,867 2,076,850 5,417 Shields I 111,982 42 112,024 130,252 22 130,274 Sunderland - 2,148,688 502 2,149,190 2,190,656 629 2,197,285 Stockton 157,594 773 158,367 190.213 1,131 191,341 Hartlepool - 1,152,650 912 1,153,562 1,212,348 633 1,212.981 Gainsborough 8,038 8,038 12,157 79 12,236 Hull - 15,156 15,156 10,349 10,349 Goole - 107,936 53 107,989 90,808 61 90,869 Grimsby 4,680 25 4,705 7,322 7,322 Scotland : Leith - 4,590 4,590 6,769 6,769 Borrowstoness 119,537 119,537 108,093 108,093 Grangemouth 922 922 952 952 Alloa - 19,166 19,166 15,850 " 15,S50 Kirkaldy - 34,953 34,953 35,773 35,773 Dundee 80 80 241 241 Greenock 572 572 426 426 Glasgow 88,165 88,165 76,732 12 76,744 Irvine - 241,180 241,180 242,321 242,321 Ayr - 89,404 89,404 78,535 78,535 Ireland : 11 11 Ross - 201 201 70 70 Total - - 9,300,598 35,226 197,852 9,533,676 9,313,513 34,932 177,336 9,525,811 36,717 25,068 I 264. A QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, Culm and Patent Fuel, Exported YEAR 1857. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London Faversham - Rumsgate Bye - - Newhaven - Shoreham Portsmouth - Southampton Poole - Teignmouth - Plymouth Truro - Falmouth Bidet'ord Barnstaple - Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Porth Cawl - Llanelly Milford Chester Liverpool Runcorn Fleetwood - Lancaster Whitehaven Workington Mary port Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Stockton Hartlepool - Lynn - • Hull Goole - Grimsby Ipswich Yarmouth Scotland i Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkaldy - Dundee Peterhead Montrose Lerwick Greenock Port Glasgow Glasgow Irvine - Ayr Dumfries Stranraer Ireland : Dublin Waterford - Limerick * Cork - Londonderry Belfast Newry Dundalk Total QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. V. 1 1 111 1 1 s and Colts. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, Coke and Culm. Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders and Coke. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, Coke and Culm. Patent Fuel. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. 88,260 1,100 - 89,360 7,325 84,011 1,782 - 85,793 8,946 66 - - 66 - 66 - 66 — 120 - - 120 - 60 - - 60 — 200 - - 200 - 170 - - 170 — 2 - - 2 - O - - 2 — 318 - - 318 - 135 - - 135 — 80 - - 80 - 64 -' - 64 — 1,208 - - 1,208 - 973 - - 973 — 381 - - 381 - 395 - - 395 — 305 - - 305 - 111 - - 111 — 1,961 - - 1,961 - 959 - - 959 — 127 - - 127 - 88 - - 88 — 400 - - 400 - 260 - 260 — 130 - - 130 - 117 - - 117 — 105 - - 105 - > 50 - 50 — 13,130 425 - 13,555 1,420 7,468 3S6 - 7,854 878 1,825 - - 1,825 - 913 - - 913 — 911,027 8,850 - 919,877 - 470,778 6,898 - 477,676 — 186,283 1,055 - 187,338 - 94,132 797 - 94,929 — 243,636 839 967 245,442 67,575 121,615 661 360 122,636 37,887 9,787 40 705 10,532 - 4,849 40 260 5,149 — 1 4,177 166 - 4,343 - 1,978 126 - 2,104 — 35 - 35 - 17 - - 17 — 48,000 - 1,818 49,818 - 19,443 - 429 19,872 — 641 _ - 641 419 - - 419 — 101 - - 101 - 33 - - 33 — 510,531 3,263 - 513,794 7,402 299,887 2,874 - 302,761 5,514 25 55 - 80 - 13 47 - 60 — 1,873 - - 1,873 - 812 - - 812 — 2,244 - 2,244/ - 1,029 - - 1,029 — 3,575 - - 3,575 - 1,393 - - ],Li93 — 2,757 2,757 998 998 3,534 - - 3,534 - 1,223 - - 1,223 — J jOoU 1,530 678 678 449 217 217 l 77fi ^na I ? / / U,OUU lOOjUOl 134 1,914,665 310 807,411 1 02 078 56 909,545 212 079 Ofift £4 ^jiOo o,uuo 275,933 113,815 2,621 116,436 1 ,v_m 'o,yoo 1,037,222 368,063 22 662 390,725 QQ r v ") e £4 ,000 117,390 35, 1 59 21,734 56,893 ,101 ■■ly 1,000 OQ 1 Oft 1 yo 520,583 180,922 23 1Q7 204, 1 1 9 7 K 4 0 105 56 CO 79 l Qfl oin loOjOi y OyOVO 140,414 68,722 3 OS 1 71,803 o,0oy O O 8,647 3,239 A. 3,243 70 Ofln / o,oyy 74,425 36,880 480 37,360 60 52 52 4 OU 760 520 520 27,872 83 - 27,955 - 26,364 106 - 26,470 138,019 5 138,024 78.688 5 78,693 38^819 - 38,819 - 20,354 - 20,354 — 71,681 25,086 25,086 A ft /i 1 1 4U,ol 1 40 61 1 j ~ " 24,1 16 24,116 A 1 ftftft 41 ,uoy 41,069 21,460 21,460 etZl 0 z 329 266 2 268 / It) 716 1,210 1,210 z4 24 24 24 00,0 IZ 35 812 16 681 16,681 7,608 - - 7^608 - 2,777 - - 2,777 — 55,629 558 56,187 26,613 682 27.295 123,931 30 - 123,961 41,759 - 41,796 — 1 598 1,598 571 571 'dlO 410 205 205 201 201 100 100 602 5 607 399 5 404 308 308 215 215 181 181 164 164 991 991 755 755 206 206 128 128 1,532 1,532 774 774 438 438 233 233 140 140 91 91 6,483,416 250,678 3,624 6,737,718 84,032 3,019,228 190,328 1,105 3,210,661 53,437 EXPORTED TO IOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1857. from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and British Settlement! Abroad. 3 YEAR 1857. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. POIINTR I ^ \s \t U li 1 IV 1 Ej O Total of Total of to which Cinders Coals, Patent. Cinders Coals, Patent EXPORTED. \_/OdIS. mi l Coke. Culm. Cinders, Coke and Culm. Fuel. Coals. and Coke. Culm. Cinders, Coke and Culm. Fuel. Tons. Tons Tons. Tons. Tons £. £. 1 £• £ £. Russia: Northern Ports 27-2,092 5,174 277,866 842 119,118 3,998 123,1 16 469 j } Jilftck Sea Sweden - 35 043 1 01 _ 35,231 16 658 73 261 132 - 1 <\ 701 1 ft OV1 0,-00 m — 179,288 6,200 _ 70 d f!l Norway - - - - 4,OOt> 118,067 49 067 3,420 - 59 487 Deiimu rk. - - - - 458,072 1 4 427 _ 472,499 143 1 93 087 11,181 - 204,268 79 Prussia - - - - '■'>'.) 'JOS 413,914 670 149 671 80,834 1 8( 1 r i( 18 378 Mecklenburg" - 3 1 4 oil _ _ 36,143 14 007 227 Lb 14 894 Han ov6r - - - - 68 540 3 (57-1 m '» 72,212 3] 530 2,941 _ Oldenburg - 40/!40 _. _ 40,635 16 475 211 _ 1 < l,U*^U llanseatic Towns o,*->/ O 520,266 217 920 7,013 _ 1 ■ . • ' ■ > 190 Holland - 2fi8 778 (1 - ^87 li,*>o # - - 275,165 100 1 1 1 591 4,807 1 1 li *<08 65 Bel°'iuiii - - - 7 1 698 633 _ „ 72,331 28 459 543 OQ 01 lO Channel Islands 65 603 133 60,818 31 601 885 55 30 ^J.1 Prance - 1 Of!fl OdT ft 7i »n u, # yiyj 3,490 - 1,279,133 7 1 OO 4,1 v~ tlUO.OOU 5,047 1,049 ^74 A'~>(. O/ 4,4^0 Portugal j Azores, and Ma-1 deira - ~ / 115,347 4,578 119,925 2,994 52,148 3,288 - 55,436 1,662 Spain and the Canaries 92,394 320,488 9,086 I 1 O O 4 O I I J,o4o 07,379 _ 180,227 5,096 Gibraltar - 104 60,423 on nQ7 100 30,137 iiaiy - 304,742 26,807 331,549 3,837 144,475 19,932 164,407 2,172 Malta - Q4 904 Q o 94,207 5 _ _ 58,120 Ionian Islands - 21,494 21,494 1 99ft _ _ _ 1 ' , 0 z 0 774. Greece - 23 822 23,822 208,098 _ J 1 ,U;lo Turkey - 206 334 1 7R4 1,465 _ _ n* li/IO y/ ,ut>!J Wallachia and Moldavia 8,290 117 11/ 8,407 4. 1 1 r » ^Tj lit* 60 _ _ A 1 T ~» 4, 1 / O Syria and Palestine 13 312 - 13,312 - 0, /l)4 E°'VTJt - 103!-251 11,840 115,091 944 50,474 8,906 59,380 548 Tunis - o ,o-*0 _ 3,646 1 _ _ _ 1,864 Algeria - - - - 85 $?no - 85,809 i i y\ i 4 - - 17,474 Western Coast of Africa 17,151 - 17,151 6,744 9,469 9,469 4,671 British Possessions in South "i 6,402 3-2,416 3,878 Africa -J 61,590 _ _ - 61,590 - 32,416 P!nctprn Civi^f nf A frien 103 103 103 i 09 1 Ud African Ports on the Red | 10,765 10,765 5,232 Sea - - - -J l- - _ 5,232 Cape V r erde Islands - 12 852 _ 12,852 1 o,4t JU o,uoy _ _ 0,o()9 i ,0-ii Ascension - - - - 10 740 _ _ 10,740 1 00^ 0, / 0^- > - _ _ O, / Oi / 1~ St. Helena - - - - 1 336 _ _ 1,336 _ _ _ _ 00O Bourbon - OOyJ 175 175 Mauritius - - - - 12,634 18 12,652 640 6,809 19 6,828 859 Arabia (Kooria Mooria 1 islands) -J 4,015 - 4,015 .... 1,855 1,855 Aden - — - — — 57,024 - 57,024 1,405 28,773 28,773 773 British Territories in the^ East Indies - - -J 326,397 2,760 - 329,157 8,335 168,947 2,572 171,519 4,866 French Possessions in India^ (Pondicherry) - -J 100 100 50 - - 50 Portuguese Possessions in~l India (Groa) - - -J 280 280 140 - - — - - 140 Java - - - - 7 87(1 1 4 9 _ 8,012 QO'3 4,oj1 330 4,981 247 Philippine Islands 1 OS? _ 1,267 0()9 ■mm — 669 Lad rone Islands (Guam) - fifi-L _ 664 OtJO - L 330 ' China ... - oOjU i o OU 83,048 0,00 1 45,443 80 _ _ 45,523 4,449 British Settlements in Aus-"\ 40,380 2,262 12 tralia - -J 42,642 27,172 1,806 28,978 * 10 South Sea Islands ou 56 So _ -9 British North American^ Colonies -J 122,501 1,357 1 123,859 - 58,845 1,065 1 54,911 British West Indies - 99,294 718 100,012 2,872 56,351 597 56,948 2,249 Foreign West Indies - 179,638 34 179,672 87,510 38 - 87,548 j United States of America : Ports on the Atlantic - 191,119 50 191,169 118,584 50 118,634 1 California - 6,338 6,338 4,427 . 4,447 Mexico * 2,856 2,856 1,593 1.593 Central America 1,568 l,5fi8 1,068 1,068 1 New Granada - 7,098 7,098 1,072 4,114 4,114 762 Venezuela - - - 424 27 451 198 33 231 Brazil - - - - 102,835 2,068 104,903 2,256 56,892 1,893 58,785 1,354 Uruguay - - - - 18,2)7 25 1 18,242 9,183 22 9,205 Buenos Ayres - 15.766 125 15,891 9,348 115 9,463 Chili 89,432 2,158 91,590 3.707 43,656 1,763 45,419 2,719 Peru - - - - - 22,456 1,780 24,236 2,319 11,428 1,371 1-2,799 2,870 Falkland Islands 237 " - 1 - 237 237 237 Total - - - 6,483,416 250,678 3,624 ' 6,737,718 ] 84,032 3,019,228 J 190,328 1,105 I 3,210,661 53,437 A 2 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. '2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported YEAR 1858. PORTS fyr\ m wnipii 11 (Jul wnit_.ii SHIPPED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. i^oais. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Cinders. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. England : Tons. Ions. l ons. Ions. 1 ons. £. £. £. £. London 107,743 1,935 _ _ 109,678 8,059 93,493 2,517 _ _ 96,010 9,190 Dover - 325 _ _ 325 _ 162 - _ 162 Newhaven 3 _ _ 3 _ 3 _ _ 3 , Shore ham - - 145 _ _ 145 _ 100 - _ 100 Portsmouth. - 1,282 _ _ 1,282 - 1,166 - _ 1,166 Sou thump ton 105 V.- .i. • I _ 105 _ 90 - _ 90 Poole - — - 405 - - 405 - 399 - - 399 Wev mouth - 225 _ _ 225 110 - _ 110 Dartmouth - 8 - - 8 - 5 - - 5 Plymouth 585 - _ 585 - 351 - _ 351 Falmouth - * 333 - _ 333 - 214 - _ 214 St. Ives 335 _ _ 335 - 128 - ,_ 123 Bridgwater - 217 _ _ 217 - 103 - _ 103 Bristol - - - 10,906 87 10,993 170 6,331 83 - 6,414 118 Gloucester 4,705 14 _ 4,719 - 2,379 14 - 2,393 Cardiff - 794,532 4,209 - 798,741 1,538 396,136 3,237 - 399,373 993 Newport 206,705 1,338 _ 208,043 - 103,525 1,027 - 104,552 Swansea - - 267,432 571 1,081 269,084 51,026 131,307 429 369 132,105 28,133 Neath - 15,215 _ 805 16,020 - 7,165 - 300 7,465 Port Talbot - 1,653 _ _ 1,653 - 770 - _ 770 Porth Cawl - 96 _ _ 96 - 46 - 46 _ Llanelly - 73,976 _ 7,855 81,831 110 30,189 - 1,379 31,568 47 Chester - - 834 - - 834 - 322 - - 322 — Liverpool — ~ 466,167 8,546 - 474,713 5,444 276,009 7,654 - 283,663 3,991 Runcorn - - 600 195 _ 795 - 261 102 _ 423 Fleetwood 2,797 _ _ 2,797 - 1,259 - _ 1,259 Lancaster ~ - 3,024 - 3,024 - 1,230 - - 1,230 — PrpQrnn — — 2,143 2,143 - 854 - - 854 Whitehaven — - 2,036 - - 2,036 - 761 - - 761 — Workington - 1 325 1 325 472 472 jNIaryport - ~ 2,244 - - 2/244 - 754 - - 754 — Carlisle 550 550 216 216 Berwick 347 _ _ __ _ 347 _ 156 _ 156 Newcastle 1,748,230 115,488 _ 1,863,718 875 78.3,868 82,122 - 865,990 572 Shields 242,291 3,071 _ 245,362 - 99,155 2,217 101,372 Sundprland — - O U 11 U V 1 1 ZM.ll v*. 957,529 33,147 _ 990,676 423 347,1 14 23,233 - 370,347 2C9 Stockton — - 95,904 17,011 112,915 - 34,243 12,774 - 47,017 Hartlepool - - 492,466 38,386 _ 530,852 - 179,721 32,334 - 212,055 Grairisborou^h ~ 242 _ _ 242 - 106 - - 106 Hull - 130,476 1,778 _ 132,254 - 63,973 1,770 - 65,743 15,293 _ _ 15,293 - 6,258 - - 6,258 Grimsby - — 93,167 15 93,182 - 46,375 12 46,387 14 n rwi P h — — 167 _ - 167 - 71 - - 71 Ym rm n 1 1 1 h - - 1,092 60 - • 1,152 - 816 50 - 866 Scotland : Leith - 28,229 19 - 28,248 - 29,358 26 - 29,384 — Borrowstoness •|OS SOQ 1 28 952 65 783 1 12 65,895 Grangemouth 37,702 95 m — 37*797 _ 16/754 76 _ 16,830 Alloa - 71,856 8 _ 71,864 - 23,021 8 - 23,029 Kirkaldy 35,005 - _ 35,005 - 15,754 - - 15,754 — 11 Tl '] PP — — 40,659 _ _ 40,659 - 19,303 - - 19,303 A liPTMPPn — „ AUcJ Uccll 242 _ _ 242 _ 145 - - 145 _ Peterhead - 154 _ _ _ 154 103 - - 103 VJTI LcIIUCft. 23,695 26 - 28,721 - 14,003 37 - 14,040 — 200 O, lOl) 1 ,u i o o^o «ou 1,-400 \ 1- ] o c 'tf\ WT — — VJTI rt U \V 55,482 1,214 - 56,696 - 29,211 1,180 - 30,391 Irvine - 110,625 10 110,635 36,510 11 30,521 Ayr - 900 900 282 282 Stranraer 345 345 116 116 Ireland : Dublin - 1,837 1,837 990 990 Limerick 50 50 48 48 Gal way 260 260 143 143 Cork - 700 700 481 481 Londonderry 228 228 110 110 Belfast - 1,234 1,234 584 584 Newry - - - 350 350 170 _ 170 Total - - 6,292,190 227,552 9,741 6,529,483 67,645 2,872,051 171,335 2,018 3,045,434 43,313 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1858. 5 from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and British Settlements Abroad — continued. YEAR 1858. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Coals. Russia, Northern Ports ,, Black Sea Sweden - Norway - Denmark - Prussia - Mecklenburg Hanover - Oldenburg - • ■ Hanseatic Towns Heligoland Holland - Belgium - Channel Islands France - Portugal, Azores, and Ma- deira - - - - Spain and the Canaries Gibraltar - Italy Malta - Ionian Islands - Greece - Turkey - Wallachia and Moldavia • Syria and Palestine - Egypt - - - - Tunis - - - - Algeria - Morocco - ' - Western Coast of Africa - British Possessions in South~( Africa - - - -/ Eastern Coast of Africa African Ports on the Red Sea Cape Verde Islands - Ascension - St. Helena - Mauritius - Aden - British Territories in thel East Indies - - - / French Possessions in dia (Pondicherry) - -J Java - Philippine Islands Celebes - - - - China - British Settlements in Aus-"| tralia -j South Sea Islands British North American Co-\ lonies - - - -J British West Indies - Foreign West Indies - United States of America : Ports on the Atlantic - California - Mexico - Central America New Granada - Venezuela - - - - Brazil - Uruguay - Buenos Ayres - Chili - Peru - Total Tons. 270,816 35,034 139,434 95,778 374,352 372,307 35,830 77,505 48,922 507,193 95 295,178 67,648 02,092 1,310,831 92,312 267,855 56,423 371,317 118,534 33,644 30,687 186,958 3,962 10,584 72,142 3,403 34,255 22,101 20,430 8 10,215 15,137 585 2,826 8,803 62,140 133,380 239 6,143 5,283 936 56,066 41,441 1,515 100,313 89,468 181,810 2S4,869 16,135 6,038 811 7,804 471 107,402 42,555 20,131 55,433 10,553 6,292,190 Cinders. Culm. Tons. 7,596 842 9,431 3,365 8,780 36,594 153 2,819 520 13,880 5,784 379 868 4,972 4,246 64,562 20 28,032 10 047 10,575 178 1 29 58 11,810 429 20 2,274 391 676 9 3,544 16 444 2,625 971 227,552 Tons. 64 9,527 150 9,741 Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. '64. Tons. 278,412 35,876 148,805 99,143 383,132 408,901 35,983 80,324 49,442 521,073 95 300,962 68,027 63,024 1,325,330 96,708 332,417 56,443 399,349 118,534 33,644 30,697 187,605 3,962 10,584 82,717 3,403 34,433 1 22,130 20,430 8 10,215 15,137 585 2,826 8,921 62,140 145,190 239 6,572 5,283 936 56,086 43,715 1,515 100,704 90,144 181,810 284,869 16,135 6,036 811 7,806 480 110,946 42,571 20,575 58,058 17,524 6,529,483 A 3 Patent Fuel Tons. lo 1,815 260 4,765 1,117 11,265 770 1,081 165 640 9,133 3,831 4,360 450 4,660 450 3,327 60 6,966 700 4,343 50 250 1,037 3,045 3,090 67,045 DECLARED VALLE THEREOF. Coals £. 116,008 15,893 59,792 38,833 156,873 148,571 13,074 35,650 19,188 205,938 43 123,276 26,904 29,404 572,712 42,195 128,912 26,9,13 173,280 58,080 15,679 15,914 86,804 2,093 5,033 33,223 1,787 16,517 11,762 11,083 4 4,525 7,511 293 1,485 4,517 34,202 66,958 120 2,838 2,728 468 28,904 20,454 825 42,629 49,113 89,288 171,766 10,178 3,076 499 4,645 231 57,779 21,105 12,043 25,953 9,830 2,872,051 Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cnidtrs, j and Culm. Patent Fuel. £. £. £. £. 5,722 _ _ 121,730 501 - 16,394 — 6,993 66,785 2,595 41,428 6,458 163 331 on 30,037 178,608 126 13,!i00 2,101 37,751 388 - 19,576 — 10,545 216,483 1,117 43 4,191 127,467 1 so 290 27,194 743 26 30,173 3,547 1,973 578,232 3,149 49 45,393 GU 45,906 174,818 6,402 20,984 408 20,091 193,371 638 58,080 91 _ _ 15,679 11 15,925 566 87,370 2,093 — 5,033 7,383 40,606 358 1,787 — 117 16,634 I 1 — 23 11,785 5,448 - | 1!,083 4 4,525 - 7,511 2,390 293 - 1,485 525 67 4,584 3,421 34,202 10,077 77,035 1,828 120 3,261 50 2,728 468 35 28,939 5,887 2,090 28,544 son CUU 825 — 27S 42,907 — 499 49,612 89/2S8 - 171,766 10,178 3,070 499 38 3 4,648 260 9 240 2,988 60,767 601 15 21.120 349 12,392 2,120 28,073 1,931 877 10,707 2,002 71,335 2.04S 3,045,434 43,313 6 COALS, &C, EXPORTED, AND COALS, &C, BROUGHT INTO THE PORT OF LONDON. — No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 185 8. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Tons. 6,292,190 227,552 Culm - 9,741 Total - - - 6,529,483 Tons. Patent Fuel 67,645 The Duties on Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported were wholly repealed by Act 13 & 14 Vict. g. 95, from 14 August 1850. — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1858, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1857. Coals and Patent Fuel brought into the Port of London. Coals.* Patent Fuel. Years Years 1857. 1858. 1857. 1858. Coastways - By Inland Navigation and Land] Carriage - - - - -J Tons. 3,133,459 1,235,249 Tons. 3,266,446 1,213,464 Tons. 26,756 Tons. 19,226 Total - - - 4,368,708 4,479,910 26,756 19,226 * The Quantities of Coals brought into the Port of London, as shown above, are stated on the authority of the Registrar of the Coal Market. Office of the Inspector-General of Imports] and Exports, Custom House, London, \ John A. Messenger. 16 April 1859. J ^ 2, - § oo g o, 3 «0 S ft o o p 3 .5 - m o 00 hi - s s "-s 3" 1 O (t B - c «• go «. B b sr. o r- g £ ^ 3 !? s: si Si s Pi a- * p 2 5. | O O 3 3 p 2, p ~> p . IT*. hj s IS O H C a p H 3 hi I: W " ^ o m ~> s: o ►73 O T3 > o o p> r-< CO Q D W to b o t- 1 COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, &c. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 20 February luGO;— for, No. l.-AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, anil Patent Fuel, Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1 859 , distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1858 :" No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1859; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1858 ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped :" No, 3. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the United Kingdom, in the Year 1859, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :" And, No. 4. AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1859, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1858." — No. I. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England ; London Rochester Portsmouth - Poole - Weymouth - Plymouth St. Ives Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff - Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Porth Cawl - Llanelly Milford Chester Liverpool Preston Fleetwood Lancaster "Whitehaven - Workington - Maryport Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Stockton Hartlepool - Gainsborough Hull - - Goole - Grimsby Colchester - Scotland : Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkaldy - Dundee Greenock Port Glasgow Glasgow Irvine - Ayr Ireland : Dublin Ross Total - COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. YEAR 1 858. Coals. Tons. 1,333 2,564 7,432 150 170 30 78 1,091 132,721 581,858 474,116 185,712 111,866 64,928 22,594 267,071 23,405 56,123 168,926 32,839 32,605 7,083 179,568 133,211 328,034 20,984 190 2,060,983 130,252 2,196,656 190.213 1,212,348 12,157 10,341) 90,808 7,322 Cinders. Tons. 494 592 251 676 10,887 1,219 31 460 250 46 41 20 1,425 106 15,867 22 629 1,131 633 79 61 6,769 108,093 952 15,850 35,773 241 426 76,732 242,321 78,535 11 70 12 Culm. Tons. 44 322 54,957 73,708 2,468 13,855 31,105 59 40 778 9,313,513 | 34,932 177,336 Total. Tons. 1,827 3,156 7,683 150 170 74 78 1,091 133,719 592,745 475,335 240,700 185,574 67,396 23,054 280,926 54,510 56,123 169,176 32,944 32,686 7,083 180,340 133,231 329,459 21,090 190 2,076,850 130,274 2,197,285 191,344 1,212,981 12,236 10,349 90,869 7,322 6,769 108,093 952 16,850 35,773 241 426 76,744 242,321 78,535 11 70 9,525,811 YEAR 1 85 9. Coals. Tons. I. 336 2,939 7,597 650 220 1,806 135,117 660,277 511,912 178,629 114,814 55,325 19,556 281,019 19,045 63,709 195,161 30,986 24,646 2,319 187,722 126,394 381,424 18,723 2,065,683 122,875 2,236,989 195,366 1,580,313 10,447 II, 573 89,740 8,233 130 7,433 113,329 2,704 15,034 39,026 2,855 2 221 'lie 78,682 234,288 75,108 130 9,913,595 Cinders. Tons. 812 203 .304 1,807 11,964 2,054 35 70 1,134 344 164 102 30 669 3 22,323 383 742 2,160 686 Culm. Tons. 887 48,956 64,810 4,562 27,219 180 10 1,583 40 Total. Tons. 2,148 3,142 7,901 650 220 1,806 137,811 672,241 513,966 227,620 179,694 56,459 19,900 285,745 46,264 63,709 195,263 31,196 24,656 2,319 189,305 126,436 382,093 1S,726 2,088,006 123,258 2,237,731 197,526 1,580,999 10,447 11,573 89,740 8,233 130 7,433 113,329 2,704 15,034 39,026 2,855 2 221 'no 78,682 234,288 75,108 130 PATENT FUEL. Year Year 1858. ! 1859. Tons. 10 480 18,687 3,073 Tons. 1,475 22,140 2,412 2,818 3,163 45,991 118,247 \ 10,107,833 25,068 I 29,190 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Cclm, and Patent Fuel, Exported YEAR 1858. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. from which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. cuim* Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. rt'i coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. England : I ons. 1 ons. l ons. Ions. J. ons. ij. ct. £. £. £. London 107,743 1,935 - 109,678 8,059 93,493 2,517 _ _ 96,010 9,190 Dover - - - 325 - - 325 - 162 - _ 162 Newliaven - 3 - ' - - 3 - 3 - - 3 Shoreham 145 - - 145 - 100 - _ 100 Portsmouth - 1,282 - _ 1,282 - 1,166 - _ 1,166 Southampton 105 - 105 - 90 - 90 Poole - 405 - - 405 - 399 - 399 Weymouth - 225 - - 225 - 110 - - '110 Dartmouth - 8 - _ 8 - 5 - 5 Plymouth 585 - - 585 - 351 - 351 Falmouth 333 - _ 333 - 214 - 214 St. Ives 335 - 335 - 128 - - 128 Bridgwater - 217 - - 217 - 103 - - 103 Bristol - 10,906 87 - 10,993 170 6,331 83 - 6,414 118 Gloucester - 4,705 14 - 4,719 - 2,379 14 - 2,393 Cardiff - 794,532 4,209 - 798,741 1,538 396,136 3,237 - 399,373 993 Newport 206,705 1,338 - 208,043 - 103,525 1,027 - 104,552 Swansea 267,432 571 1,081 269,084 51,026 131,307 429 369 132,105 28,133 Neath - 15,215 _ 805 16,020 - 7,165 - 300 7,465 Port Talbot - 1,653 _ _ 1,653 - 770 _ 770 Porth Cawl - 96 _ _ 96 - 46 - 46 _ Llanelly 73,976 - 7,855 81,831 110 30,189 - 1,379 31,568 47 Chester 834 _ - 834 - 322 - _ 322 Liverpool 466,167 8,546 _ 474,713 5,444 276,009 7,654 - 283,663 3,991 Runcorn 600 195 - 795 261 162 _ 423 . Fleetwood - 2,797 _ _ 2,797 - 1,259 - 1,259 Lancaster 3,024 - - 3,024 - 1,230 - i - 1,230 Preston 2,143 2,143 - 854 - - 854 Whitehaven - 2,036 - - 2,036 ! - 761 - - 761 — "YV Aviri n ret" ATI — — IT IvI 11 1^ l'.' 1 1 1,325 1 325 472 472 Maryport 2/244 - - 2/244 - 754 - - 754 — 550 550 216 216 Berwick 347 _ _ - 347 _ 156 _ 156 Newcastle 1,748,230 115,488 _ 1,863,718 875 783,868 82,122 - 865,990 572 Shields 242,291 3,071 - 245,362 - 99,155 2,217 - - 101,372 — Sunderland - 957,529 33,147 _ 990,676 423 347,1 14 23,233 - 370,347 269 Stockton 95,904 17,011 - 112,915 - 34,243 12,774 _ 47,017 Hartlepool - 492,466 38,386 - 530,852 - 179,721 32,334 m 212,055 Gainsborough. 242 _ - 242 - 106 - - 106 Hull - 130,476 1,778 _ 132,254 - 63,973 1,770 - 65,743 _ Goole - 15,293 - 15,293 - 6,258 - - 6,258 Grimsby 93,167 15 _ 93,182 - 46,375 12 - 46,387 Harwich 167 _ _ 167 - 71 - - 71 _ Yarmouth 1,092 60 - 1,152 - 816 50 866 Scotland : Leith - 28,229 19 - 28,248 - 29,358 26 29,384 128 8°f? 129 128 952 65 783 112 65,895 Grangemouth 37,702 95 37,797 _ 16,754 76 16,830 Alloa - 71,856 8 71,864 _ 23,021 8 23,029 Kirkaldy 35,005 - - 35,005 - 15,754 - 15,754 — Dundee 40,659 • _ - - 40,659 19,303 - 19,303 Aberdeen 242 _ 242 _ 145 - 145 _ Peterhead - 154 _ _ 154 _ 103 - 103 Greenock 23,695 26 - 28,721 - 14,003 37 14,040 — Port Glasgow 1 o, i oy 250 1,266 Glasgow 55,482 1,214 56,096 29,211 1,180 30,391 Irvine - 110,625 10 _ 110,635 _ 36,510 11 36,521 Ayr - 900 900 282 282 Stranraer 345 345 116 116 Ireland : Dnblin - 1,837 1,837 990 990 Limerick 50 50 48 48 Galway 260 260 143 143 Cork - 700 700 481 481 Londonderry 228 228 110 110 Belfast - 1,234 1,234 584 584 Newry - 350 350 170 170 Total - - 0,292,190 227,552 9,741 6,529,483 67,645 2,872,051 171,335 2,048 3,045,434 43,313 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AM) BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1858. 3 from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and Jiritish Settlements Abroad. - YEAR 185 8. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. COUNTRIES to which Total of Total of EXPO RT E D. V>Udla. Cinders. Culm. Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent I' M , ■ 1 IUI1. oa s. Cyindurs, Culm. Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent r uel. J. OTlbm Tons. Tons. l ons. ions. X. X. X. .Russia, Northern Ports 270,816 7,596 - 278,412 - 116,008 - 121,730 „ Blaek Sea 35,034 842 - 35,876 _ 15,893 501 ■ r 16,394 Sweden - - - - 139,434 9,431 - 148,865 59,792 6,993 *■ m* . (i().7*5 Norway - - - - 95,778 3,365 - 99,143 - 38,833 2,595 m " _ 41,428 Denmark - - - - 374,352 372,307 8,780 - 383,132 10 156,873 6,458 163,331 20 Prussia - - - - 36,594 - 408,901 - 148,571 30,0.37 178,608 Mecklenburg - 35,830 153 • - 35,983 - 13,074 126 13,800 Hanover - 77,505 2,819 - 80,324 - 35,650 2,101 Oldenburg - 48 922 520 _ AQ A AO 1 0 1 8ft 000 - m • 19,570 Hanseatic Towns 507^193 13,880 - 521,073 1,815 205,938 10,545 ~ , " 216,483 1,117 Heligoland - 95 - 95 43 43 Holland - 295,178 5,784 300,962 260 123,276 4,191 1 f*C A f*mm 127,467 180 Belgium - - - - 67,648 379 - 68,027 - 26,904 290 - 27,194 Channel Islands 62,092 868 64 63,024 - 29,404 743 26 30, 1 73 — xrance - - - - 1,310,831 4,972 9,527 1,325,330 4,765 572,712 3,547 1,973 578,232 2,035 Portugal, Azores, and Ma-1 deira -J JZ,o 1 Z 4,246 150 Od 7nu yu,/uo 1,117 0,1 *y 49 45,393 614 Spain and the Canaries 267,855 64,562 - 332,417 11,265 128,912 45,906 - ' 174,818 6,402 Gibraltar - - - - 56,423 20 - 56,443 770 26,963 21 ■ 26,984 468 Italy - - - - - 371,317 28,032 399,349 1,081 173,280 20,091 193,371 638 Malta - 118,534 33,644 - - 118,534 165 58,080 - — * 58,080 91 Ionian Islands - - ~ - 33,644 - 15,679 - 15,679 Greece - - - - 30,687 10 - - 30,697 - 15,914 11 - 15,925 Turkey - - - - 186,958 647 ™ — 187,605 - 86,804 566 87,370 — Wallachia and Moldavia - 3,962 _ 3 OfiO 2 093 9 003 Syria and Palestine - 10,584 10,584 5,033 — — OuKJlOO — Egypt - 72,142 low; 82,717 640 33,223 7,383 40,606 358 Tunis .... 3,403 3,403 1,787 - _ 1,787 — AlgGriu. - - - - 34,255 178 _ _ 34,433 16,517 117 16,634 — iVTiirnppA — — — JTJ. "1 Ul,tU — 1 _ 1 1 'mm mm 1 vv Pif prn 1 (iicf nf A tn^Q IT CMCI 11 V^l'tlSL yJl 29 _ ZZ , 1 f>U y, loo 1 1 7 ft-") 1 Lj/OJ. zo mm .mm 11,785 5,448 British Possessions in South') 11,083 Alrica --<-.-/ 20,430 ~ — - 20,430 3,831 - - 11,083 2,309 Eastern Coast of Africa g - 8 - A *± 4 — African Ports on the Red Sea 10,215 10,215 - 4,525 - 4,525 — Cape Verde Islands - 15, toy 15,137 4,360 7,511 f " " Z I 7,511 2,390 Ascension — — — — 585 - 585 — — Zi)0 - 293 — tlplpnf* . — _ k i . j i i it iiii ... 2,826 2,826 450 1,485 1,485 525 Mauritius - - - - 8,863 58 - 8 921 4 660 4 517 A 1ft/1 Aden - - - - 62,140 - 62^140 '450 34,202 34,202 248 British Territories in the! 11,810 East Indies - - -J 133,380 - 145,190 3,327 66,958 10,077 77,035 1,828 French Possessions in In-"1 239 239 120 dia ( Pondicherry ) - -J - - - - 120 Java - - - - - 6,143 429 - 6,572 60 2,838 423 f m 3,261 50 Philippine Islands 5,283 hi 5,283 2,728 Z, i Zc Celebes - - - - 936 - 936 - 468 - 468 China - 56,066 on 56,086 6,966 28,904 35 - 28,939 5,887 British Settlements in Aus-~\ 41,441 2,274 tralia -J 43,715 700 26,454 2,090 28,544 800 South Sea Islands - — 1,515 - - 1,515 825 ozo British North American Co-\ 391 lonies - - - - J 100 313 - AO fiOQ 42,907 British West Indies - 89,468 676 90,144 4,343 49,113 499 49,612 2,992 — Foreign West Indies - 181,810 _ _ 181,810 - 89,288 - - 89,288 United States of America: Ports on the Atlantic - 284,869 _ _ ^ 284,869 - 171,766 - 171,763 — California - - - 16,135 16,135 10,178 10,178 Mexico - 6,036 6,036 3,076 3,076 C°ntral America 811 811 50 499 499 38 New Granada - 7,804 2 7,806 250 4,645 3 4,648 200 Venezuela - 471 9 480 231 9 240 Brazil .... 107,402 1 3,544 110,946 1,037 57,779 2,988 60,767 601 Uruguay - 42,555 16 42,571 21,105 15 21,120 Buenos Ayres -j - - 20,131 444 20,575 12,013 349 12,392 Chili - - - , - 55,433 2,625 58,05^ 3,045 25,953 2,120 28,073 1,931 Peru - 16.553 971 17,524 3,090 9,830 877 10,707 2,002 Total - - - 6,292,190 227,:52 9,741 6,829,483 07,045 2,872,051 171,335 1 2,048 3,045,434 43.313 222. A 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AX ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, aud Patent Fuel, Exported YEAR 1859. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London P'aversham - Kamsgate Deal - Dover - Folkestone - Portsmouth - Southampton Poole - Weymouth - Dartmouth - Plymouth Falmouth Truro - St. Ives Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Llanelly Milford Chester Liverpool Runcorn Fleetwood Lancaster Preston . Whitehaven Workington Maryport Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Stockton Hartlepool - Scarborough Hull Goole - - - Grimsby Boston - - - Lowestoft Woodbridge Harwich Scotland : Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkaldy - Dundee Arbroath Aberdeen Peterhead - Greenock Port Glasgow Glasgow Irvine - Ayr - - - Dumfries Ireland : Dublin Cork - Londonderry Belfast Total - - QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Coals. Tons. 60,632 15 245 143 160 392 731 479 851 1 1 587 240 126 406 10,206 1,667 959,496 174,263 305,576 13,121 361 69,385 4,474 569,266 1,333 6,260 2,792 2,139 1,487 675 7,103 2,179 18 1,906,053 248,807 908,509 88,276 521,041 190 149,280 18,771 102,314 200 439 1,405 385 37,824 167,671 47,233 76,081 60,680 37,633 311 150 52 43,426 3,282 59.733 103,154 1,936 520 958 377 216 620 6,784,337 Cinders. Tons. 3,853 Culm. Tons. 11 25 7,105 982 1,471 12 12,342 115 120,853 1,738 17,674 15,330 28,437 611 400 272 217 101 15 1,027 983 213,579 1,417 535 6,969 101 I . 11 Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. 9,033 Tons. 64,485 15 245 143 160 392 731 479 851 1 1 587 245 126 406 10,217 1,692 966,601 175,245 308,464 13,656 301 76,366 101 4,474 581,608 1,448 6,260 2,792 2,139 1,487 675 7,103 2,179 18 2,026,906 250,545 926,183 103,606 549,478 190 149,891 18,771 102,714 200 439 1,405 385 38,096 167,888 47,334 76,081 60,695 37,633 311 150 52 44,464 3,282 60,716 103,154 1,936 520 958 377 216 620 7,006,949 Patent Fuel. Tons. 3. 797 250 4,352 56,237 8,393 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. 1,360 691 75,080 Coals. Cinders. 1 Culm. iUlAL OI Coals Cinders and Culm. Patent Fuel. £. £. £. £. 54,804 6,457 60,201 3,935 13 - 13 — 100 - 100 — j 75 - 75 — 97 - 97 — - 206 — 549 - 549 — 366 - 366 851 - 851 1 - 1 1 - 1 A Of! - ~ ■"_ 496 g 100 5 - \ 105 45 - 45 185 - 185 5,663 10 5,673 158 738 18 756 — I 471,299 4,819 476 1 18 2,802 84,434 768 85 202 — 147,067 875 502 148,444 31,358 6,159 208 6 367 — 146 146 — 28,249 7 1,342 29 598 — * 30 30 — 1,798 1,798 . — 323,523 10,992 334 51 R 5,668 566 79 645 — 3,242 3,242 — 1,138 1,138 — 853 853 — 540 540 — 235 235 — 2,403 2 403 941 941 — 9 83,159 1 - 9 841,180 924,339 969 101,397 1,132 102,529 326,010 12,631 338,641 32,449 10,353 42,802 180,742 20,420 201,162 67 67 73,239 558 73,797 376 7,655 7,655 51,286 400 51,686 100 100 208 208 450 450 157 157 49,923 328 50,251 — 103,684 224 103,908 23,052 103 23,155 23,841 23,841 — 23,516 18 23,534 — 16,981 16.981 — 275 275 90 90 35 35 31,086 1,039 25 32,150 1,167 1,167 51,921 1,024 52,945 34,111 34,111 586 586 230 230 513 513 260 260 108 108 276 276 3,113,487 154,419 2,107 3,270,013 45,266 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1859. from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and British Settlements Abroad — continued. YEAR 1859. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. to which i? v Dm? ti? n Total of Patent Fuel. Total of • Coals. Cinders. Culm. coals, Cinders* Coals. Cinders. Culm. Coals, Cinders, i 1 1 1 1 ("ill m Patent Fuel. nrwl ( !nl m •11 Ml 'Mill. 1 Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. Russia: Northern Ports - 288,881 10,015 - 298,896 125,319 7,184 ; 132,503 — „ Black Sea - 48,380 138 48,518 _ 22 332 121 : 22,453 Sweden - - - - 167,489 12,731 _ 180,220 - 7o',733 9,028 ' - 79,701 — Norway - - - 121,087 4,306 125,393 - 47,297 2,921 1 50,218 — Denmark - - - - 450,556 12,064 462,620 - 182,015 8,584 - 190,599 — Prussia - - - 379,278 14,684 393,962 - 147,412 10,504 - 157,910 — Mecklenburg - - - .32,528 93,758 244 _ 32,772 - 11,686 165 m 11,851 — Hanover - - - - 4,308 98,0(36 52,285 - 45,387 2,994 - 48,381 — Oldenburg - - - 51,168 1,117 - 23,155 818 - 23,973 Hanseatic Towns 514,881 14,035 _ 528,916 172 209,943 9,948 m 219,891 115 Heligoland - 85 - _ 85 - 38 - 38 Holland - 292,699 5,564 298,203 2 120,538 3,633 - 124,171 0 Belgium - - - - 53,004 160 _ 53,164 - 23,120 112 - 23,232 Channel Islands 65,399 710 162 66,261 - 31,020 507 49 31,576 France - - - - 1,376,890 5,549 8,570 1,391,009 14,098 609,491 3,753 1,988 - 615,232 8,0S4 Portugal, Azores, and Ma-\ deira - - -J 99,597 4,087 - 103,684 1,391 43,482 2,740 ; 46,222 782 Spain and the Canaries 367,333 63,555 _ 430,888 13,391 174,757 44,283 _ 219,040 7,732 Gibraltar - 92,730 20 _ . 92,750 368,134 1,717 44,837 21 _ _ 44,858 923 Italy 347,326 20,808 _ 740 165,678 14,335 1 - 180,013 503 Malta - 179,076 _ _ 179,076 186 86,357 - _ 86,357 102 Ionian Islands - 26,255 - _ 26,255 840 12,723 - _ 12,723 463 Greece - - - - 36,354 - 36,354 - 17,094 - _ 17,094 Turkey - 218,290 284 _ _ 218,574 150 100,805 302 101,107 83 Wallachia and Moldavia - 1,895 _ _ 1,895 - 885 - _ 885 Syria and Palestine - 13,777 - 13,777 6,619 - 6,619 Egypt - - - - 98.603 12,687 111,290 1,355 46,129 8,176 54,305 857 Tunis .... 7,334 - _ 7,334 257 3,630 _ 3,630 156 Algeria - - - - 38,51 1 67 38,578 295 18,499 47 • 18,546 177 Western Coast of Africa - 21,906 - - 21,906 2,733 11,312 - 11,312 1,730 British Possessions inSouth^ Africa -J 31 534 •±UV 1 ^1 QU. 4UU 16,814 896 Eastern Coast of Africa 1,645 - ■? 1,645 550 823 - - 823 303 African Ports on the Red Sea 11,561 11,561 4,808 4,808 Cape Verde Islands - 16,905 - _ _ 16,905 5,157 8,118 _ m _ 8,118 2,936 Ascension - - - - 7,268 - 7,268 3,578 - " - - . - 3,578 132 St. Helena - - - 143 143 310 132 172 Mauritius - - - - 19,119 - 19,119 6,287 8,900 _ 8,900 4,755 Kooria Mooria Islands 250 - _ 250 106 _ 106 Aden - 74,860 - _ _ 74,860 4,566 35,862 _ _ 35,862 2,609 British Territories in the") East Indies - - -J y,oou LO-t,00\t ft ft-XO 0,00.6 /o,yy/ 8,oS>7 85,584 4,886 Cochin China - 1,010 - - 1,010 - 505 i. - 505 Java - 8,527 752 9,279 - 4,303 770 5,073 Philippine Islands 1,209 - - 1,209 - 743 - 743 Celebes - - - - 827 - _ 827 - 372 _ _ _ 372 China - 93,234 52 - 93,286 1,531 46,004 64 _ 46,068 892 British Settlements in Aus-\ tralia -J I J. ... *>n rn i oU, oyi /,oo4 25 38,553 1,601 South Sea Islands 1,591 - - 1,591 - 850 - 850 British North American") Colonies - - -/ 119 081 1 (\(\Q OUU 11 A OtO Q a ft 1,109 45 49,863 C British West Indies - 99,100 321 99,421 1,286 51,243 250 51,493 Foreign West Indies - 151,054 151,054 _ 71,560 71,560 United States of America : Ports on the Atlantic - 201,436 - 201,436 162,732 162,732 — California - 3,080 3,080 2,489 - - 2,489 Mexico - - - - 3,111 3,111 1 574 1,574 30 1,688 Central America 33 33 ' 30 - New Granada - - - 1,807 250 2,057 1,292 1,513 175 790 Venezuela - - - - 317 317 157 157 Brazil - - - - 141,472 3,851 145,323 73,622 3,058 76,680 Uruguay - - - - 23,948 68 24,016 11,570 55 11,625 Buenos Ayres ... 12,747 441 13,188 8,037 342 8,379 Chili 62,506 1,919 64,425 53 29,511 1,234 30,745 53 Peru - - - - - 12,409 563 12,972 3,626 8,439 365 8,804 2,469 Falkland Islands 500 500 450 450 Russian Settlements on the"] North West Coast off- 320 320 304 304 America - - -J Greenland and Davis' \ Straits - - - -J 60 60 45 45 Total - - - 6,784,337 213,579 9,033 7,006,949 75,080 3,113,487 154,419 2,107 3,270.013 45,266 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. 222. A 3 6 COALS, &C, EXPORTED, AND COALS, &C, BROUGHT INTO THE PORT OF LONDON. — No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 1 859. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Tons. 6,784,337 213,579 9,033 Total - - - 7,006,949 Tons. Patent Fuel 75,080 The Duties on Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported were wholly repealed by Act 13 & 14 Vict, c. 95, from 14 August 1850. — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1859, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1858. Coals and Patent Fuel brought into the Port of London. Coals. Patent Fuel. Years Years 1858. 1859. 1858. 1859. Coastways - - - - By Inland Navigation and Land") Carriage -J Total - - - Tons. 3,266,446 1,213,464 Tons. 3,299,170 1,210,776 Tons. 19,226 Tons. 20,642 4,479,910 4,509,946 19,226 20,642 The Quantities of Coals brought into the Port of London, as shown above, are stated on the authority of the Registrar of the Coal Market. Office of the Inspector-General of Imports' and Exports, Custom House, London, 16 April IS 60. Jolm A. Messenger. to 10 *4 *4 o S' O J Z £ * ' B o o H 5 PL Pw i» 5" £ to Hi a 2 H P st, p* s b* o -♦a 00 . . to ^ G p W ST 1 O (D B - £3 b< Si w c 2 P ►3 B U 01 o o 3 3 CO o o f> t- 1 CD I— I o W o a COALS, CINDER S, AND CULM, &c. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 5 -March 1H61 ;—for, No. 1. —AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cindfhs, anil Culm, and Patent Fuel, Shipped at the b< •< ral Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year I860; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1H.>» No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year I860; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with th e Year 1859 ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped :" No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT u of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the United Kingdom, in the Year 1860, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :" And, No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantitiesof Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1860, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1859." — No. 1 . — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Shipped at the several Ports of England Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London Rochester Faversham - Portsmouth - Weymouth - Plymouth St. Ives Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff - Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Forth Cawl - Llanelly Milford Chester Liverpool Preston Fleetwood Lancaster Whitehaven - Workington - Maryport Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Stockton Plarllepool - Gainsborough Hull - Goole - Grimsby Boston - Colchester - Scotland Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkaldy - Dundee Greenock Port Glasgow Glasgow Irvine - Ayr Ireland : Ross Total COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. YEAR 1 859. Coals. Tons. 1.336 2,939 7,597 650 220 1,806 135,117 660,277 511,912 178,629 114,814 55,325 19,556 281,019 19,045 63,709 195,161 30,986 24,646 2,319 187,722 126,394 381,424 13,723 Cinders. Culc Tons. 812 203 304 1,807 11,964 2,054 35 70 1,134 344 164 102 30 2 669 3 Tons. 2,065,683 122,875 2,236,989 195,366 1,580,313 10,447 11,573 89,740 8,233 22,323 383 742 2,160 686 130 7,433 113,329 2,704 15,034 39,026 2,855 2,221 110 78,6S2 234,288 75,108 130 9,913,595 8S7 48,956 64,810 4,562 27,219 180 10 1,583 40 Total. Tons. 2,148 3,142 7,901 650 220 1,806 137,811 672,241 513,966 227,620 179,694 56,459 19,900 285,745 46,264 63,709 195,263 31,196 24,656 2,319 189,305 126,436 382,093 18,726 2,088,006 123,258 2,237,731 197,526 1,580,999 10,447 11,573 89,740 8,233 45,991 148,247 130 7,433 113,329 2,704 15,034 39,026 2,855 2,221 110 78,682 284,288 75,108 130 10,107,833 YEAR 1 860. Coals. Tons. 2,163 3,404 82 9,472 345 9 342 156,936 767,846 627,669 1 79,806 117,204 61,720 17,081 271,667 22,970 56,838 234,701 40,820 23,652 2,507 189,445 134,339 385,923 33,212 56 2,200,462 124,872 2,444,918 215.263 1,319,723 17,945 10,140 95,776 8,824 110 6,696 124,310 1,799 13,750 43,628 934 14,700 50 104,931 307,319 65,453 105 Cinders. Tons. 116 332 556 14,156 1,537 50 95 245 115 69 111 25 27 449 16,009 195 510 2,449 2,382 731 44 Culm. Tons. 135 47,819 68,011 12,434 28,381 1,607 Total. 10,522,126 | 40,203 158,3S7 Tons. 2,163 3,404 82 9,588 315 9 674 157,627 782,002 629,200 227,675 185,310 61,965 17,196 284,170 51,351 56,838 234,701 40,931 23,652 2,532 ' 191,079 134,339 386,372 33,212 56 2,216,471 125,007 2,445,428 217,712 1,322.105 17,945 10,149 95,776 9,555 110 6,696 124,354 1,799 13,750 43,828 934 14,700 50 104,931 367,319 65,453 PATENT FUEL. 105 10,720,716 Year ' Year 1859. 18G0. Tons. Tons. 1,475 22,140 2,412 1,245 1,798 190 1,594 3,163 29,190 1,370 26,197 1.54- QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported YEAR 185 9. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VAL UE THEREOF. PORTS from which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. England : London Faversham - liamsuate Deal - Dover - - - Folkestone - Portsmouth - Southampton Poole - - - Weymouth - Dartmoutn - Plymouth Falmouth Truro - - - St. Ives Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Llanelly Milford Chester Liverpool Runcorn Fleetwood - Lancaster Preston Whitehaven Workington Maryport Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Stockton Hartlepool - Scarborough Hull - Goole - Grimsby Boston - Lowestoft Woodbridge Harwich Tons. 60,632 15 245 143 160 392 731 479 851 1 1 587 240 126 406 10,206 1,667 959,496 174,263 305,576 13,121 361 69,385 4,474 569,266 1,333 0,200 2,792 2,139 1,487 675 7,103 2,179 18 1,900,053 248,807 908,509 88,276 521,041 190 149,280 18,771 102,314 200 439 1,405 385 Tons. 3,853 5 11 25 7,105 982 1,471 12 12,342 115 120,853 1,738 17,674 15,330 28,437 011 400 Tons. 1,417 535 0,969 101 - Tons. 64,485 15 245 143 160 392 731 479 851 1 1 587 245 126 406 10,217 1 ,092 906,001 175,245 308,404 13,650 361 70,366 101 4,474 581,608 1,448 6,260 2.792 2,139 1,487 675 7,103 2,179 18 2,020,906 250,545 926,183 103,006 549,478 190 149,891 18,771 102,714 200 439 1,405 385 Tons. 3, 797 250 4,352 56,237 8,393 1,360 691 £. 54,804 1 13 100 75 S 97 206 549 300 851 1 1 496 100 45 185 5,003 738 471,299 84,434 147,067 6,159 146 28,249 1,798 323,523 560 3,242 1,138 853 540 235 2,403 941 9 841,180 101,397 326,010 32,449 180,742 67 73,239 7,655 51,286 100 208 450 157 f. 5,457 5 10 18 4,819 768 875 7 10,992 79 83,159 1,132 12,631 10,353 20,420 558 400 £. 502 208 1,342 30 - £. 60,201 13 100 75 97 206 549 366 851 1 1 496 105 45 185 5,073 750 476,118 85,202 148,444 0,367 146 29,598 30 1,798 334,515 645 3,242 1,138 853 540 235 2,403 941 Q 924,339 102,529 338,641 42,802 201,162 67 73,797 7,655 51,686 100 208 450 157 £. 3,935 158 2,802 31,358 5,668 969 376 Scotland : Leiih - Borrowstoiiess Grangemouth Alloa - — ~ Kirkaldy - Dundee Arbr >ath Aberdeen Peterhead Greenock Port Glasgow Glasgow Irvine - Ayr - Dumfries 37,824 167 67 1 47',233 76,081 60,680 37,633 311 150 52 43,426 3,282 59.733 103,154 1,936 520 272 217 101 15 1,027 983 - 11 38,096 167,888 47,334 76,081 60,695 37,633 311 150 52 44,461 3,282 60,716 103,151 1,936 520 - - 49,923 103,684 23,052 23,841 23,516 16,981 275 90 OK oD 31,086 1,167 51,921 34,111 586 230 32S 224 103 18 1,039 1,024 " I 25 _ 50,251 103,908 23,155 23,841 23.534 16,981 275 90 35 32,150 1,167 52,945 34,111 586 230 . Ireland : Dublin Cork - Londonderry Belfast 958 377 216 620 958 377 216 620 513 200 108 270 513 260 108 276 Total - - 6,784,337 213,579 9,033 7,006,949 75,080 3,113,487 154,419 2,107 3,270,013 45,266 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND I5IUTISII SETTLEMENTS IN 1859. 3 from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, mid British Settlements Abroad. YEA It 1859. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. Russia: Northern Ports „ Blaek Sea - Sweden - Norway - Denmark - Prussia - - - - Mecklenburg - Hanover - Oldenburg - Hamburg - Bremen - Lubeck - Heligoland - - - - - Holland - Belgium _____ Channel Islands - France - Portugal, Azores, and Madeira Spain and the Canaries Gibraltar - Italy Malta - Ionian Islands - Greece ------ Turkey - WaUachia and Moldavia Syria and Palestine - - - Egypt - Tunis ------ Algeria - - - - - Western Coast of Africa British Possessions in South Africa Eastern Coast of xlfrica African Ports on the lied Sea Cape Verde Islands - Ascension - - - - St. Helena - Mauritius - - - - _ Kooria Mooria Islands Aden - - - - British India : Continental Terri-~( tories - -/ ,, Singapore „ Ceylon Cochin China _ Java --___. Philippine Islands - Celebes _____ Chin_(_meluding Hong Kong-) British Settlements in Australia - South Sea Islands - British North American Colonies - British West Indies - Foreign West Indies - United States of America : Ports on tiie Atlantic Ports on the Pacific Mexico - Central America - New Granada - Venezuela - Brazil ------ Uruguay - - - - _ Buenos Ayres - Chili Peru ---_-_ Falkland Islands - Russian Settlements on the North"! West Coast of America - - j Greenland and Davis' Straits of) America --___/ Total - - - - QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. 1 Total of Coals, Linuers, n 11/I ( . . ■ ill', v^uiiii. P itpnf Fuel. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. 288,881 10,015 _ 298,896 - 125,319 7,184 132,503 — 48,380 138 - 48,518 - 22,332 121 _ 22,453 — 167,489 12,731 - 180,220 - 70,733 9,028 79,761 — 121,087 4,306 _ 125,393 - 47,21)7 2,921 - 50,218 — . 450,556 12,064 _ 462,620 - 182,015 8,584 19t 1,599 — 379,278 14,684 _ 393,962 - 147,112 10,504 - 157,916 — 32,528 244 - 32,772 - 11,686 165 - 11,851 — 93,758 4,308 - 98,066 _ 45,387 2,994 - 48,381 — 51,168 1,117 _ 52,285 - 23,155 818 - 23,973 — 473,130 13,643 - 486,773 172 192,471 9,703 _ 202,174 115 20,255 210 - 20,471 ; - 8,640 130 _ 8,770 — 21,496 176 - 21,072 - 8.832 115 - 8,947 — 85 - _ 85 - 38 - - 38 — 292,699 5,564 _ 298,263 120,538 3,633 124,171 0 5',004 160 _ 53,164 f - 23,120 112 - 23,232 — 65,399 710 152 66,261 - 31,020 507 49 31.576 — 1,376,890 5,549 8,570 1,391,009 14,098 609,4.91 3,753 1,988 615,232 8,054 99,597 4,087 103,684 1,391 43,482 2,740 46,222 782 367,333 63,555 _ 430,888 13.391 174,757 44,283 _ 219,040 7,732 92,730 20 _ 92,750 1,717 44,837 21 _ 44,858 923 347,326 20,808 - 368 134 740 165,678 14,335 _ 180,013 503 179,076 _ _ 179,076 186 86,357 - _ 86,357 102 26.255 _ _ 26,255 849 12,723 - 12,723 463 36,354 _ _ 36,354 - 17,094 - - - 17,094 218,290 284 - - 218,574 150 100,805 302 101,107 83 1 on* 009 885 13,777 _ - 13,777 - G,GI9 - 6,019 — 98.603 12,687 - 111 .290 1,355 40,1*29 8,176 54,305 857 / ,->o4 7 ^°._t / )')-J_ 0^7 ~o/ 1 3,630 150 00,01 1 AT o/ oo,J / o 1 A A OO 1 o/tyy 47 18,546 i fin 17/ z \ ,yuo ■ ■ 01 Qfia O 7 50 Z, /O'J li Q rO i JLo 1« 11,312 1,730 ,* A A 4UO O l , V'j-t I , OUO 1 i 1 f lu,4 1 4 1 AA 16,814 896 I ,O40 1 ,04o QO*J O-fO 823 303 1 1 ,00 1 1 1 ,Ol>I 4,808 ID, if )0 1 Or .". i vj,y i jo 0, 1 0/ ^ 1 1 ^ 8,118 2,936 0,0 / 0 3,578 1 .to O 1 U 132 172 in i in I y, I 1 J 0,-£0/ ft oon 8,900 4,755 O ~*0 1 1 >o 100 74,860 - - 74.SG0 4,566 33,862 - - - j 35,862 2,609 91,123 9,374 100,497 4,655 46,255 8,578 - - j 54,833 2,687 07 *i-4 4 -£ I ,044 07 Q_l ! — i | jt>*ft 1 ,u 1 — 1 0 Q17 - - 12,817 920 OO,/ OO u 7^o oil) / oy O <40*_ ^.OJo "1 7 OO^; 1 / ,y.D A y - - ] 17,934 1,279 i m o 1 out Oy/O - - 505 ■ — OjOw/ / O-i Q 070 «,OUu A 7/1) - - ; 5.073 i ono / 40 743 fl07 Q70 372 — no o*5 i wo, .so 4 O-i 93,286 1 ,00 1 40,004 €4 46,068 892 **o,000 O, /o'J 11 55,144 Oil P(H /,o34 25 38,553 1,601 I 1 J ,0y 1 1,591 850 — . . 0 0S1 J. 1 — ,Uo I 1 jUI )y 300 114,050 O y 4 p t- 1 CD 13 Unit stwa cd PL 09 Kin Scot and H ft 2 era e- s H3 o s p CD © B a H p_ S3 P- P a *? — ST 1 CD* w OTP O P W CJ w o O O CJ f s CD j-tj S" «» !* o o S 3 p p- gi hrj m w e a p « 5. w » f o l-tj O ^ £ CD tr 1 o OJ O o W 02 O o cj l- 1 C5 COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, &c. RETURN to an Order of tho Honourable The House of Commons, dated 13 May 1802 ;— for, No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1861 ; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year I860 :" No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and the British, Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1861 ; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1860 ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped:" No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the United Kingdom, in the Year 1861, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :" And, No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1861, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1860." — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS from which SHIPPED. COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. PATENT FUEL. YEAR 1 8 60. YEAR 1 8C 1. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. i i n i\ pre — ; Culm. Total. Year 18G0. Year 1861. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Ions. 1 ons. 1 ons. Tons. lullS. London - 2,163 2.103 3.343 1,275 _ 4,618 220 Rochester 3,404 - _ 3,404 2,465 280 f f 2,745 Faversham - 82 _ _ 82 50 - - 50 — — Dover - _ 215 _ 215 — Portsmouth - 9,472 116 _ _ 9,588 11,565 175 _ 11,740 Weymouth - 345 _ _ 345 — Plymouth 9 - - 9 30 - - 30 Bristol - 342 332 674 876 876 Gloucester - 156,936 556 135 157,627 161,014 75 200 161,289 Carom - 767,846 14,156 782,002 887,753 7,976 _ 895,729 1,245 1,251 Newport 627,669 1,537 _ 629,206 615,920 1,307 617,227 Swansea - 179,806 50 47,819 227,675 190,610 51,502 242,112 21 708 23,008 Neath - 117,204 95 68,011 18n °.lf) 132,468 56 69,S90 201,920 Port Talbot - - 01,720 245 61 965 80,549 411 _ _ 80,980 Porth Cawl - 17,081 1 15 17 196 16,432 41 40 16,073 Llanelly a 271,667 69 12,434 284,170 255,143 23,127 278,270 190 — Milford 22,970 28,381 51,351 20,599 30,783 51,382 — Chester 56,838 56.838 61,730 61,730 Liverpool 234,701 234,701 230,197 192 _ 230,389 — Preston 40,820 111 - 40 227 75 - 40,302 Fleetwood - 23,652 - 23,652 U,153 10 6 14,169 — — Lancaster 2,507 25 2,532 3,890 599 4,489 Whitehaven - 189,445 27 1,607 191,079 182,149 12 1,205 183,366 Workington - 134,339 ' 128,954 5 1 Zo,vo\) Maryport 385,923 449 - 380 304 - 380,304 Carlisle 33,212 33,212 42,629 42,629 Berwick 56 56 174 174 Newcastle 2,200,462 16,009 2,216,471 2,255,017 20,972 2,275,989 1,370 2,057 Shields 124,872 195 125,067 170,147 170,147 Sunderland - 2,444,918 510 2,445,428 2,338,760 514 2,339,274 Stockton "I f 3,048 60 3,108 Middlesborough -J 215,263 2,449 217,712 I 198,958 3,486 202,444 Hartlepool - 1,319,723 2,382 1,322,105 1,402,458 6,508 1,408,966 Gainsborough 17,945 17,915 15,796 15,796 Hull - b - 10,149 10,149 14,040 14,040 Goole - 95,776 95,776 84,508 84,508 Grimsby 8,824 731 9,555 9,627 9,627 Boston - 110 110 82 82 Scotland : Leith - 6,696 6,696 6,269 6,269 Borrowstoness 124.310 44 124,354 124,126 26 124,152 Grangemouth 1,799 1,799 3,389 3,389 Alloa - 13,750 13,750 12,552 12,552 Kirkaldy 43,828 43,828 44,297 44,297 Dundee 934 934 1,537 1,537 Greenock 14,700 14,700 13,715 13,715 Port Glasgow 50 50 Glasgow 104,931 104,931 109,118 109,118 Irvine - 367,319 367,319 891,795 391,795 Ayr 65,453 65,453 109,425 109,425 Ireland: Ross 105 105 120 120 Total - - e 10,522,126 40,203 158,387 10,720,716 10,772,068 44,270 176,259 T0,992,597 26,197 26,536 A ■2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Colm, and Patent Fuel, Exported YEAR i860. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. PORTS from which Total of Patent Total of f"!infj!prs[ ■ ii i ' i i - , Culm. Coals, Coals, Patent SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders, and Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Cinders, and Culm. Culm. r uci. England : Tons. Ions. Ions. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. T ,r»iw unM - — XJ\J in duii 59,263 O O.T7 A A 44 61,634 6,104 53,967 3,032 62 57,061 6,828 1? iTiico*ntp •* — 190 190 - 100 - - 100 — Snn tli a m Tit on - 145 145 - 102 - - 102 — 150 150 - 150 - - 150 — Wpvniniitii - - 12 12 - 12 - - 12 — Dartinoutli • - 2 2 - 2 - - 2 — Plymouth. - - 3 3 - 3 - - 3 — 110 ■ 110 200 60 - - 60 100 Scilly — — — 271 281 - 131 6 - 137 — Bristol — ~ — 10,128 yo 10,223 679 5,848 86 - 5,934 504 f "xlmippstpr - - 6,355 6,355 - 3,146 - - 3,146 ( !hpnstow - - 89 89 - 50 - - 50 — Cardiff - 1,125,857 /,zI4 15 1,133,086 7,567 544,885 5,028 11 549,924 4,868 185,731 1 jOOU 187,591 - 87,698 1,472 89,170 — tnro n CP!) — " |j f< till oCCV 291,S25 2,108 1,169 295,102 68,824 140,293 1,602 453 142,348 37,766 Neath - 12,820 920 13,740 - 5,707 - 333 6,040 — i Inn i > 1 1 \r » — J j 1 (1 11 til Y 78,737 11,259 89,996 255 32,162 - 1,813 33,975 134 Milfnrd Jil t ! 1 i 1 M 45 - ■ 45 - 27 - - 27 — — "= 200 200 - 80 - - 80 — T i rPTDAfll • ~ 580,105 15,534 595,639 5,359 361,633 13,892 - 375,525 3,916 K n nforn ~ ~ ■ IV ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 754 916 - 335 132 - 467 — T?l t nrnnn — — 4,366 4,366 - 2,308 - - 2,308 — 1 oTipn^tpr — — 2,225 — •* 2,225 - 1,428 - - 1,428 — Or*r>ctr\Ti ™ — x ruonjii 822 822 - 403 - - 403 — W* ViitoVifl VPT1 — — *V 111 LtrllrtV Cll 3,441 3,441 - 1,364 - - 1,364 — >T UllVlll^LVlI 1,964 1,964 - 686 - - 686 — IVTarvnort, — - J.TXCV1 V P" 1 *> 6,446 - 6,446 3,026 3,026 i^nrli^lp - - V ~t \ — — XV UclUCCH 202 20 222 - 123 30 - 153 — ! 1 1 ■ t . i r ' 1 1 - ■ i 1 1 •> ■ X 90 90 - 80 - - 80 — ( r r*i"> OtKlPk — ™ vjri ecu ut 43,054 1,051 - — 49,105 - 21,247 1,046 - 22,293 — T-^/irt f 4 1 a crrn w — X (Jit Uld3gU>V 6,001 ■ ~ ' - 6,001 - 2,434 - - 2,434 — 53,716 1,066 276 55,058 - 30,954 1,003 275 32,232 — J.J ¥ 111c 129,598 201 129,799 - 45,468 220 45,688 Ayr ■* ** " 1,410 ■ 1,410 48S 488 Ireland: Dublin - 432 432 274 274 Wexford 200 200 150 150 Waterford - 148 148 89 89 Ross - 127 127 64 64 Cork - 469 469 336 336 Tralee - 60 60 27 27 Londonderry 394 394 223 223 Belfast - 693 693 354 354 Total - - 7,060,388 247,761 13,683 7,321,832 90,743 3,141,507 171,827 2,947 3,316,281 55,350 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1860. from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and British Settlements Aim.:,. I. YEAR i860. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED V A LVE T H B RBO 9. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cindt t», and Culm. Patent Fuel. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. Russia : Northern Ports * 273,287 13,793 - 287,080 264 117,209 9,574 - 120,7H3 148 jj Slack. Sea - - 09,203 213 - 69,4 16 21 33, 1 60 128 - • !•!, J- s * 25 Swcilcii 199,859 14,870 - 214,729 - 80,442 10,141 - 90,583 — Norway • fc — * 1 30,21 8 4,945 141. 163 - 53,431 8,862 ■ oo,/.'o — Denmark - 409,196 9,160 • 4 1 8,356 - 160,464 6,217 - 1 00, ON 1 — 384,503 14,012 399, 1 75 - 145,229 9,948 - 1 DO, 1 / / — JHPpIcI ATI Till TCT - - - 36,221 2,133 - 38,354 m 13,502 1,494 - 14,996 — Hanover - 68,675 2,421 - 71,096 - 28,553 1,721 - 30,274 — Oldenburg - 63,962 1,213 - 65,175 - 26,086 739 - 26,825 — Hamburg • 477,587 15,075 - 492,662 10 175,973 10,230 1 80,203 5 TlI'lMnPn — m mm tm J -» 1 » ! 1 I i I ! ~ ~ — 18,811 42 - 18,853 - 12,107 16 - 12,123 — T,ll ViPf'lf — _ 27,008 945 - 27,953 - 11,304 622 - 11,926 — H f J l 1 (Tt)lnnH m m — + 188 - 188 - 99 ■ ~° - 99 — Holland - - - - 308,767 7,164 * 315,931 - J 20,088 4,487 - 130,575 — Belgium - - - 47,974 - 47,974 - 20,475 - 20,475 — Channel Islands - 65,060 929 316 66,305 - 30,581 584 88 31,253 — France - - - - 1,335,053 4,157 12,852 1,352,062 12,810 558,981 2,816 2,446 564,243 6,773 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 112,555 963 - 113,518 3,708 48,961 667 - 49,628 2,033 Spain and Canaries 374,651 77,743 85 452,479 17,231 173,862 52,606 39 226,507 9,868 Gibraltar - 77,150 29 - 77,179 2,404 37,202 19 - 37,221 1,322 Italy 442,798 22,227 250 465,275 3,151 197,898 14,682 309 212,889 1,785 Malta - 126,542 124 - 126,666 3,292 61,159 65 - 61,224 1,813 Ionian Islands * - 36,110 * ~ - 36,110 - 16,822 ~ ~ - 16,822 — Greece ----- 32,194 11 - 32,205 - 15,240 8 - 15,248 — Turkey - 195,748 756 - 196,504 50 91,161 462 - 91,623 57 Wallaehia and Moldavia 9,748 • 9,748 - 5,210 - 5,210 — Syria and Palestine 17,220 - 17,220 - 8,220 ■ - 8,220 — Egypt 90,572 17,808 - 108,380 3,617 43,009 11,304 - 54,313 2,038 Tunis 4,508 36 - - 4,544 - 2,220 27 - - 2,247 — Algeria - 25,607 29 100 25,736 - 11,689 21 35 11,745 — Morocco - - - - 997 ■* - 997 - 575 ~ * - 575 — Western Coast of Africa 12,190 12,190 5,717 5,951 ~ - - 5,951 3,774 British Possessions in South Africa 26,884 8 - 26,892 1,492 14,771 20 - - 14,791 890 Eastern Coast of Africa 1,041 - - 1,041 - 468 - - 468 — African Ports on the Red Sea 2,220 - - 2 220 - 903 - • - - - 903 — Cape Verde Islands 16,718 - 1(^718 6,864 8,145 - 8,145 3,755 Ascension - - - - 3,433 - - 3,433 430 1,717 - - 1,717 237 St. Helena - - - - 405 - - 405 310 400 - - 400 333 Bourbon - - - 803 - - 803 - 311 - - 311 — Mauritius. - - - - 5,670 50 - 5,729 6,158 2,708 90 - 2,798 5,767 Aden - - 78,904 - - 78,904 2,157 39,697 - - - 39,697 1,186 Persia - 240 - - 240 - 182 - - - 182 — British India : Continental Ter -! 145,513 ritories J 18,870 _ 164,383 1 ,633 72,038 16,364 88,402 1 038 „ Singapore - 66,034 - 66,034 462 31,599 - 31,599 254 „ Ceylon 58,649 30 - - 58,679 5,031 27,045 30 - - 27,075 2,763 Siam - - - - 187 - - 187 - 150 - - 150 — Andaman Islands - 1,880 - - 1,880 - 929 - - 929 — Java - 8,793 229 9,022 4,430 212 4,642 Philippine Islands 5,594 - - 5,594 - 2,79S - - 2,798 — Labuan - 42 42 40 40 Celebes - - - 1,629 - ■ 1,629 712 712 St. David's Islands 20 : : 20 20 _ _ 20 China - - - - - 139,062 57 - 139,119 1,900 68,572 83 - 68,655 1,231 British Settlements in Australia 24,899 2,802 - 27,701 1,990 16,502 3,067 - 19,569 1,359 South Sea Islands 1,139 - 1,139 - 555 - - 555 — British North American Colonies 149,4/ 1 1,014 80 150.565 68,222 713 30 68,965 British West Indies 78,122 797 78,919 2,076 42,131 606 42,737 1,581 Foreign West Indies 175,546 11 175557 88,111 9 88,120 United States of America : Ports on the Atlantic 300,935 ~ ■ 300,935 ™ ~ 186,456 ■ 186,456 — Ports on the Pacific 8,934 8,934 6,323 - 6,323 Mexico - - . . 1,965 1,965 875 875 Central America - - - New Granada - Venezuela ... - 125 3,625 4 14 125 3,629 14 1,832 120 1,917 4 25 120 1,921 25 1,346 Brazil - - - - - 162,314 7,254 169,568 120 250 85,101 4,821 89,922 90 127 Uruguay - - - - 26,578 16 26,594 5 12,869 15 12,884 3 Buenos Ayres - - - Chili Peru - Falkland Islands - Greenland and Davis' Straits 14,620 1,569 16,189 10,450 1,127 11,577 45,729 3,305 49,034 990 20,591 2,499 23,090 671 22,183 100 160 324 22,507 100 160 4,768 10,585 96 105 202 10,787 96 105 3,078 Total - - 7,060,388 247,761 13,683 7i321,882 90,743 3,141,507 171,827 2,947 3,316,281 55,350 34 1. 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported YEAR 1861. PORTS Q U AN T IT IES EXP O R TED. DE ( GLARED VALUE THEREO F. from which o rl 1 if if W D. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TnTi! nf Coals Cinders , Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. at r\ £ 1U1AL OI ^oals, Cinders, Patent I UCl. and Culm. and Culm. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. London 67,760 7,106 74,866 3,526 61 856 AO AAA 4 919 F'aversham - 304 _ ' - 304 - 130 - - 130 — Shoreham 140 34 - 174 - 42 32 - 74 Portsmouth - 262 _ - 262 - 197 - - 197 Southampton 20 - 20 - 16 - - 16 — Poole - - - 95 - 95 - 98 - - 98 Dartmouth - 16 112 128 56 68 Plymouth 700 - 700 - 350 - 350 — Falmouth 120 7 ™ 120 60 fiO Penzance 70 70 40 40 Bideford 140 67 fi7 O/ Bristol - 17,424 170 - 17,594 100 9,497 147 - 9,644 75 Gloucester - 4,563 4,563 2,469 0 4RQ Cardiff 1,103,849 5,5uo 7 164 533,317 3 952 537 OfiQ 00 1 j»uy 4 589 Newport Swansea 211,135 CA 04 211 1QQ 103,311 45 103 35f! 414,840 2,293 yyo 67,296 203 538 1 71fi 408 OO 5 fifi9 37,247 Neath - 17,402 18 282 7,77] 323 8 094 Port Talbot - 1,495 - 1^495 - 610 '610 — Llanelly Milford 104,772 540 - - 6,331 - 111,103 540 250 - 42,229 319 - - 1,152 - 43,381 319 130 — Rumsey Chester 65 - - 65 33 33 534 16 550 241 1 fi 257 Liverpool Runcorn 630,772 1,172 13,153 AQ 1 "2?0 07 fi 41 0 fi49 581 l^,0/O 41 423 312 622 836 Preston 160 160 90 90 Fleetwood - 1,703 ■ " 1 703 973 973 Lancaster 3,860 3,860 1,749 1,749 Whitehaven 2,598 ■ ■ 2 598 1,165 1 165 Maryport Workington 7,825 2,124 ■ 7 roc; 9 194 3 039 843 3 039 843 Carlisle 2,674 - - 2,674 a ( v. , 1,268 - - 1,268 — Berwick 169 169 68 68 Newcastle 1,952,618 143,052 2,095,670 195 809,220 93,889 - 903,109 123 Shields 267,252 2,084 269,336 !107,158 1,301 108,459 Sunderland - 1,082,018 38,831 - 1,120,849 190 373,495 24,250 - 397,745 153 Stockton 1,225 282 ~ - •1 ,507 439 172 t>ll Hartlepool - Middlesborough - 590,095 34,186 624 281 OOO 4fil 223 064 107,835 34,557 142,392 36 385 91 fll 4 57 999 Gainsborough 1,587 — " 1,587 696 696 Hull - 130,773 370 131 143 20 fi^ 1 84 304. O— 'A- 65 508 9 Goole - 8,065 — — 8 065 3 762 3,762 Grimsby Boston - 81,658 340 - - 81 658 340 - 40 799 '253 - 40 799 253 — Lowestoft 70 70 50 50 Scotland : Leith - 47,866 974 48,840 56,719 896 57,615 Borrowstoness 167,918 234 168,152 102,223 229 102,452 — Grangemouth 73,748 426 74,174 29,552 354 29,906 Alloa - - - 56,346 45 - 56,391 - 17,930 43 - 17,973 — Kirkcaldy - Dundee 79,662 85 79,747 33,545 106 00,001 36,0 1 7 36 017 16,409 16,409 Aberdeen Wick - 474 238 zoo 219 907 219 207 Greenock 65,744 66 746 28,998 865 29,863 Port Glasgow Glasgow - Irvine - - - 7,941 - 7,941 - 3',223 : : 3,223 81,517 1,435 82,952 51,630 1,131 52,761 _ 115,494 86 115,580 40,417 102 40,519 Ayr - 2,006 - 2,006 - 631 - 631 Ireland : Dublin 1,191 1,191 821 821 Waterford - 311 311 2.33 233 Cork 456 456 372 372 Limerick 100 100 102 102 Londonderry Belfast 340 550 340 550 688 330 688 330 Total - - 7,560,758 286,150 8,207 7,855,115 79,717 3,408,765 194,142 1,883 3,604,790 47,374 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1861. 5 from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries, and British Settlements Abroad— continued YEAR I8«l. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. COUNTRIES ... to wnicn Total of Patent Fuel. Total of EXPORTED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Coals, Cinders, Coals. Cinders. Culm Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Tons. Jons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. Russia: Northern Ports O A O MO o42,ol.J 11,677 _ O04,l \f\) 400 lvZ,oo\ 7,824 150,175 220 „ Black Sea r.o /soo oii,u_o 580 _ 53 , *208 24,9 14 354 25,268 101,377 55,391 226,479 171,498 Sweden - -£I4,OU4 22,408 _ oO,0*>0 15,347 — Norway - l o y. oo i 5,252 _ 51,871 3,520 Denmark - O4-£,O0/ 15,126 _ on Ol A Cfil 10,618 9 Prussia - 4011 t\(\n 13,643 A Kit 7 11 46,054 6 Channel Islands - 7o,v94 090 - "70 t\U 1 / o,y&4 35,334 452 - 35,780 ol /,o91 47,341 253,179 38,845 200,153 55,745 10,324 13,801 82 lRfi 5,909 8,282 58,458 1,089 8,794 1 0,084 — France - 1,430,100 8,275 7,773 1,452,208 19,117 011,732 4,456 1 1,703 10,855 222 11,773 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 108,794 1,308 284 110,440 400 46,309 897 135 Spain and Canaries _ 403,238 92,459 150 495,847 20,388 191,203 61,931 45 Gibraltar - - - - 81,130 - - 81,130 1,122 38,845 - - - Italy 417,629 21,045 - 439,274 5,685 185,856 14,297 - 3,103 Malta 115,731 - - 115,731 1,618 55,745 - - - Ionian Islands - 35,958 - 35,958 16,324 - - - 29,715 89 ■ 29,804 - 13,781 80 - — Turkey - 174,686 06 - 174,751 _ 82,133 53 - - Wallachia and Moldavia 10,553 10,553 - 5,909 ■ Syria and Palestine 18,529 18,529 - 8,282 ■ Egypt ----- 96,311 22,181 118,492 2,087 45,154 1 3 304 1,504 Tunis 2,272 45 2,317 on d 1,057 ' 32 Algeria - - - - on AAX. -£0,440 11 - 4,oyo o, to/ 7 1,959 1,297 Western Coast of Africa 21,730 11 - 21,741 2,384 10,678 6 - British Possessions in South Africa 28,448 307 28,755 16,254 230 10,484 11,520 259 441 120 258 8,630 Cape Verde Islands OQ OOO ZOyiVV 2,970 11,520 1,645 Ascension - 686 - - 686 259 - - - St. Helena - 748 748 103 441 125 Madagascar - 284 284 120 Bourbon - 740 740 ■ 258 - Mauritius - 18,314 7 18,321 2,052 8,623 4 2,589 572 Aden - 19,440 19,440 1,040 9,238 9,238 Persia - - - - 900 _ _ 900 - 820 820 British India : Continental Terri -\ -J 199,069 18 005 217,704 tories 404 99,268 lb 7 4 y-t ~ ■ 110,062 481 „ Singapore 31,955 31,955 860 15,135 - 15,135 12,202 538 519 „ Ceylon 25,899 47 25,940 944 12,215 47 Portuguese India (Goa) Siam - - - - - 238 150 - - 238 150 - 119 123 - - 119 123 4,358 4,902 33,907 90 21,842 10G 76,414 68,785 130,143 Java ----- 6,037 1,418 8,055 - 3,200 I, lOO — Philippine Islands China - - - - Japan - - - - - 10,032 69,506 91) 45 _ 10,032 09,551 Oft - 3,335 4,902 33,856 90 51 1,980 British Settlements in Australia 23,708 4,187 27,895 1,300 16,967 4,875 735 South Sea Islands 1 loo i »>•} I oo 106 British North American Colonies 165,824 1,055 107,479 9 75,293 1,121 - - 6 2,270 6 British West Indies 127,768 359 - - 128,127 2,539 68,502 283 Foreign West Indies 202,932 23 202,955 6 130,115 28 United States of America : Ports on the Atlantic - 349,931 50 - - 349,981 1 233,448 45 - - 233,493 14,527 O 1 70 913 2,777 82 66 85,043 1 Ports on the Pacific Mexico - - - - 21,901 4,566 21,901 4,566 14,527 2,172 Central America - - - 1,737 323 2,060 — j I w — 714 199 New Granada - Venezuela - 4,750 146 3 2 4,753 148 1,451 2,774 80 3 o 1,158 Ecuador - 120 120 66 Brazil Uruguay - 157,281 2,006 159,887 509 83,087 1,956 305 39,230 80 39,310 20,139 66 20,205 13,846 34,588 18,843 58 350 Buenos Ay res - Chili Peru Bolivia - Falkland Islands - 19,428 209 19,637 13,665 181 67,220 29,500 138 542 3,173 1,794 70,399 31,354 138 542 3,017 32,291 17,680 58 350 2,297 1,103 1,9S9 Total - - - - 7,500,75S l< 286,150 ! 5,207 7,855,115 79,717 3,408,765 94,142 1,883 3,604,790 | 47,374 34K 6 COALS, &C, EXPORTED, AND COALS, &C, BROUGHT INTO THE PORT OF LONDON. — No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel, Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad, with the Rate and Amount of Duty Received thereon. YEAR 1861. ATT A TMTTTT T7a Ail 111 1 l.S EXPORTED. Culm - Tom. 7,560,758 286,150 8,207 Total - - - 7,855,115 Patent Fuel Tons. 79,295 The Duties on Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported were wholly repealed by Act 13 & 14 Vict, c. 95, from 14 August 1850. — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1861, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1860. Coals and Patent Fuel brought into the Port of London. Coals. Patent Fuel. Years Years s ■ ■ — 1860. 1861. 1860. 1861. Coastways - By Inland Navigation and Land! Carriage -J Total - - - Tons. 3,573,377 1,499,899 Tons. 3,567,002 1,665,080 Tons. 18,951 To?is. 23,652 5,073,276 5,232,082 18,951 23,652 The Quantities of Coals brought into the Port of London, as shown above, are stated on the authority of the Registrar of the Coal Market. Office of the Inspector-General of Imports") and Exports, Custom House, London, [• 18 June 1862. John A. Messenger. o s s ft. CD £ EG e O M, 2- r+ O fctj a o re 8 o ex. § 5' — o 6» «: i. § S o S 3 to & a •-s ro 2> to 03 re re cd O 3 re 3 § 2 a. ctq' PS Q ts o O © a - ft, 6 p. g; hj » M C 2 SO H P ►rj pi ej re Q O on o P3 J/3 25 a o a t- 1 COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, &c. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 23 April 1803;— for, No. 1. —AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, ill the Year 1802; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1801 :" No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cindeiis, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1802 ; distinguishing the Countries to which" the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1801 ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped:" No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from tlio United Kingdom, in the Year 1802, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :" And, No. 4.— AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1802, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1801.'" — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Shipped at the several Ports of Enqlaud Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London Rochester Faversham - Dover - Portsmouth - Plymouth Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff - Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Porth Cawl - Llanelly Milford Chester Liverpool Runcorn Preston Fleetwood Lancaster Whitehaven - Workington - Mary port Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Stockton Middlesborough Hartlepool - Gainsborough Hull - °- Goole - Grimsby Boston - Scotland : Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkaldy - Dundee Greenock Glasgow Irvine - Ayr Ireland : Ross Total i~* f\ A T C tUALo , \j 1 IN u h. l n A l\ 1 0 O 1. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. - 3,343 1,275 - 4,018 - 2,465 280 - 2,745 - 50 - - 50 - - 215 - 215 - 11,565 175 - 11.740 - 30 - - ' 30 876 876 - 161,014 75 200 161,289 oq*7 ?r;Q oo/,/Ot) 7,9 /o 895,729 - 615,920 1,307 617,227 190,610 51 ,502 132,468 56 69,396 201 920 80,549 411 80 960 10,492 41 40 16 573 255,143 23.127 278,270 20,599 30,783 51,382 61,730 61 730 I . ( J 230,197 192 - 230,389 40,227 75 40,302 14,153 10 6 14,109 3,890 599 4.489 - 182,149 12 1,205 183,306 128,954 5 128,95') - 380,304 380,304 42,629 - j 42,629 174 _ 174 2,255,017 20,972 2,275,989 170,147 170,147 2,338,760 514 2,339,274 3,048 60 3, 1 08 198,953 3,486 202,444 1,402,458 6,508 1,408,9(56 15,796 15,796 14,040 14,040 84,508 84,508 9,627 9,627 82 82 6,269 6,269 124,126 26 124,152 3,389 3,389 12,552 12,552 44,297 44,297 1,537 1 ,537 13,715 13,715 109,118 109,118 391,795 _ 39l,7!)5 109,425 109,425 120 120 10,772,068 44,2/0 176,259 10,992,597 YEAR 1 862. Coals. Cinders. Tons. 1,674 790 110 11,057 9 159,854 881,604 585,337 207,516 158,054 81,813 20,183 243,299 23,598 65,724 f 134,450 I 89,700 41,718 18,016 1,780 194,432 144,294 382,725 25,733 85 2,109,313 1 47,529 2,459,200 846 172.928 1,301,849 16.949 10,824 92,936 11,796 970 10,575 99.006 2,199 12,525 55,452 1,417 10,895 112,344 401,102 151,040 10,656,220 Tons. 1,508 235 143 404 73 65 2,679 296 95 143 290 65 770 15 24,726 900 2,576 5,411 631 Culm. Tons. 229 47,910 70,976 22,342 32,47 1 3,103 41,025 I 177.031 Total. Tons. 3,182 1,025 253 404 11,130 9 160,148 884,283 585,633 255,521 229,173 82,103 20,548 265,641 56,069 65.724 134,450 89,700 41,718 18,016 2,550 197,550 144,294 382,725 25,733 85 2,134,039 147,529 2,460,100 840 175,504 1,307. 26 ) 10,949 10,824 92,936 11,796 970 10,575 99,000 2,199 12,525 55.4 52 1.417 10,895 112.075 401,102 151,610 10,874,276 PATENT FUEL. Year 18GL. Tons. 220 1,251 23,008 Year 18G2. Tons. 476 33,296 2.057 26,536 960 34,732 404. A 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported, YEAR 1861. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London Faversham - Shoreham Portsmouth - Southampton Poole - Dartmouth - Plymouth Falmouth Penzance Bideford Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Llanelly Milfoni Ramsey Chester Liverpool Runcorn Preston Fleetwood - Lancaster Whitehaven Maryport Workington Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Stockton Hartlepool - Middlesborough Gainsborough Hull - Goole - Grimsby Boston - Lowestoft Scotland : Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkaldy - Dundee Aberdeen Wick - GreenOck Port Glasgow Glasgow Irvine - Ayr Ireland : Dublin Waterford - Cork _ - Limerick Londonderry Belfast QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Coals. Total Tons. 67,760 .304 140 262 20 95 16 700 120 70 140, 17,424 4,56.3 1,103,849 211,135 414,840 17,402 1,495 104,772 540 65 534 6.30,772 1,172 160 1,703 3,860 2,598 7,825 2,124 2,674 169 1,952,618 267,252 1,082,018 1 ,225 590,095 107,835 1,587 130,773 8,065 81,658 340 70 47,866 167,918 73,748 56.346 79,662 36,017 474 238 65,744 7,941 81,517 115,494 2,006 1,191 311 456 100 340 550 Cinders. Tons. 7,106 34 112 170 5,505 64 2,293 16 13,153 48 14.3,052 2,084 38,831 282 34,186 34,557 370 7,560,758 974 234 426 45 85 1,002 1,435 Culm. Torts. 996 880 6,331 Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Tons. 74,866 304 174 262 20 95 128 700 120 70 140 17,594 4,563 1,109,354 211,199 418,129 18,282 1,495 111,1 3 540 65 550 643,925 1,220 160 1,703 3,860 2,598 7,8-2.5 2,124 2,674 169 2,095,670 269,336 1,120,849 1,507 624,281 142,392 1,587 131,143 8,065 81,658 340 70 48,840 168,152 74,174 56,391 79,747 36,017 474 238 66,746 7,941 82,952 115,580 2,006 1,191 311 456 100 340 550 Patent Fuel. Tons. 3,526 100 7,164 67,296 250 976 286,150 8,207 7,855,115 195 190 20 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. £. 61,856 130 42 197 16 98 12 350 60 40 67 9,497 2,469 533,317 103,311 203,538 7,771 610 42,229 319 33 241 410,642 581 90 973 1,749 1,165 3,032 843 1,268 68 809,220 107,158 373,495 439 200,461 36,385 696 65,184 3,762 40,799 253 50 56,719 102,223 29,552 17,930 33,545 16,409 219 207 28,998 3,223 51,630 40,417 631 821 233 372 102 688 330 Cinders. £. 7,588 32 56 147 3,952 45 1,716 16 12,670 41 93,889 1,301 24,250 172 22,603 21,614 324 896 229 354 43 106 865 1,131 102 | Total of Culm. r Co f s ' Cinders, , and Culm. 79,717 3,408,765 194,142 408 323 1,152 £. 69,444 130 74 197 16 98 68 350 60 40 67 9,644 2,469 537,269 103,356 205,662 8,094 610 43,381 319 33 257 423,312 622 90 973 1,749 1,165 3,032 843 1,268 68 903,109 108,459 397,745 611 223,064 57,999 696 65,508 3,762 40,799 253 50 57,615 102,452 29,906 17,973 33,651 16,409 219 207 29,863 3,223 52,761 40,519 631 821 233 372 102 I — 688 i — 330 — 1,883 3,604,790 l 47,374 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1 K<> 1 . from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and 'Ireland, to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 180 1. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. COUNTRIES to which Iota 1 of Patent Fuel. Total of EXPORTED. Coals. Ci oilers. Culm. Cinders, Coals. Cinders. /-1 1 < u 1 tn Coals, Cinders, Patent Fuel. and Culm. j and Culm. Tons. Tons. . 1 071S. Tons. Tons. £. £. i. £. £. Russia: Northern Ports 34.o ^13 11,677 - - 354 100 400 142,351 7 824 1 - - 150,175 oon „ Southern Ports O— ,U~0 580 - 58 208 24,914 354 I - 25,268 Sweden - - - - 214,004 22,408 _ 230 4 1 2 80 030 15 347 101,377 i Norway - - - - 1 3 15 901 1 5,252 - 14o'473 51,871 3 520 _ 55,391 Denmark - 1 . c »49 r >f>7 O 1 * & ,OU t 15,126 - 557 603 20 215,801 10 018 8,394 _ 226,479 V Prussia - - - 434 006 13,643 _ 452,73!) Ki3,104 171,498 Mecklenburg 1 - - - 49 O^Q 1,790 _ 44,043 15,520 1 007 1 — 10,587 Hanover - - - - - 3,615 - 1 03 <)->7 3S Sf!4 9 9Qfi — , — 1) 0 _ _ 41,102 Oldenburg - Oi7,00'J 839 - 60 162 30,378 ^38 000 _ _ 30,910 Hanibur"' - - - - _ o C|li 407 21,299 _ 535 726 201 801 1 O, UUvJ * _ 215,557 Bremen - 1 Q ;"i 1 T 1 ty,0 L o 266 _ 19,781 9,921 170 - 10,091 liiibeck - OQ 70S 1,665 _ 31 300 O 1 ,0«VW 12 295 12,980 Heligoland - - - - - on ou 1 - - 90 41 - 41 Holland 262 868 6,157 - 269,025 107,914 3,694 - _ 111,608 Belgium - - - - 46 643 11 _ 46,654 22 200 (j 22,212 Channel Islands - 73 294 690 - - 73 984 35 334 452 - 35,786 France - - - - 1,436^60 8,275 7,773 l,462j20S 19,117 en '732 4,456 1,703 017,891 10,855 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 108,794 1,368 284 110,446 495,847 400 46,309 191,203 897 135 47,341 222 Spain and Canaries - 403,238 t'z,4oU 150 20.388 01,931 45 253,179 11,773 Gibraltar - - - - - 81,136 - ™ 81430 1^122 38,845 - - 38,845 601 Italy 417,629 Ol (\A K —1,040 — ■ 439,274 5,685 185,850 14,297 - 200,153 3,103 Malta ------ 115,731 • — - 115,731 1,618 55,745 - - 55,745 906 Ionian Islands - - - - 35,958 35,958 r 16,324 - - 10,324 Greece ------ 29,715 oy 29,804 - 13,781 80 * 13,801 Turkey - 174,686 00 174,751 - 82,133 53 82,186 — Wallachia and Moldavia 10,553 10,553 1 5,909 • • — Syria and Palestine - 18,529 - - 18,529 8,282 - 8,282 Egypt 96,311 22,181 118,492 2,687 45,154 13,304 58,458 1,504 Tunis ------ 45 _ 0317 ■i,ol j l 0^7 QO _ _ 1,089 Algeria - 20,445 11 - - 20,450 4,096 8,787 7 - 8,794 1 fi:n 1 297 Western Coast of Africa - - 21,730 11 - 21,741 2,384 10,078 6 - 10,084 British Possessions in South Afnca 28 448 307 - 28,755 16 254 230 _ 16,484 1 1 ,520 V^tllfc l isitiiius — — — 23 299 - _ 23,299 2,970 11 520 _ _ 1,645 — Ascension - - - - 686 _ 686 9nQ 259 St. Helena - 748 - 748 103 441 441 125 Madagascar- - 284 * _ 284 120 _ 120 Bourbon - - - - - 740 _ 740 258 258 Mauritius - - - - - 18 314 7 _ 18 301 o,U-£o 7 8,630 2,589 Aden ------ 1 Q 44(1 _ 1 Q 440 1 flACl 9,238 572 Persia ------ OOO « _ 900 O-U 820 1 British India: Continental Terri-") tories - -J 199,069 18,695 _ Ol 7 7fi4 OO ORQ 1 fi 704 10,/ y-± 1 1 0 069 ' 481 „ Singapore 31,955 31,955 860 15,135 - - 15,135 j 538 „ Ceylon 25,899 47 ■ 25,940 944 12,215 47 - 12,262 j 519 Portuguese India (Goa) - _ _ OQfi i i 0 1 iy 119 — Sinin ------ - _ 1 O*} _ _ 128 | Java ------ 6 637 1,418 _ _ 8 055 3 90O 1 i -*;8 4,358 ' — Philippine Islands - - i _ i 0 030 1 W, VO~ A GOO 4,902 I — China - - - - - 45 fit) -.1:1 W^(i 00,000 51 33',907 1,980 Japan ------ 96 _ 96 00 90 ' British Settlements in Australia - 23 708 4,187 _ _ 27 895 1 300 4,875 21,842 j 735 — - South Sea Islands - 133 _ _ _ 133 1 or; 100 j British North America- 1,655 _ 167 479 0 V 1,121 76,414 68,785 6 2,276 C British West Indies - 127 768 359 - 128,127 9 nSO 68 502 283 Foreign West Indies i 23 - - OfiO QKfl O 1 oU, 1 1 0 28 130,143 United States of America : Ports on the Atlantic 349,931 50 349,981 1 283,448 45 233,493 14,527 I 1 Ports on the Pacific 21.901 _ 21,901 14,527 Mexico - - - - - 4,566 4,566 2,172 2,172 I Central America - - - - 1,737 323 2,0(i0 714 199 913 New Granada - - - - 4,750 3 4,753 1,451 2,774 3 2,777 1 1,158 Venezuela - - - - - 146 0 148 80 9 82 Ecuador - - - - 120 120 j 66 66 Brazil ------ 157,281 2,606 159,887 1 509 83,087 1,956 85,043 305 Uruguay - - - - - 39,230 80 39,310 20,139 66 20,205 Buenos Ayres - 19,428 209 19,637 13,665 181 - - 13,846 Chili 67,226 3,173 70,399 32,291 2,297 - - 34,588 Peru ------ 29,560 1,794 31,354 3,017 17,680 1,103 - - 18.843 1,980 Bolivia - - - - - 138 138 58 58 Falkland Islands - - - - 542 542 350 350 J Total - - - - 7,560,758 j 286,150 1 8,207 7,855,115 j 79,717 3,408,705 1 194,142 1 1,883 3,604,790 j 47,374 404. A 2 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Cclm, and Patent Fuel Exported, YEAR 1862. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London Portsmouth - Southampton Poole - Weymouth - Bridport Teignmouth - Dartmouth - Plymouth Falmouth Truro - Scilly - Bideford Bridgewater- Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff - Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Llanelly Milfbrd Carnarvon Chester Liverpool Runcorn Fleetwood - Lancaster Whitehaven - Maryport Workington - Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Stockton Hartlepool - Middlesborough Gainsborough Hull - Goole - Grimsby Boston - Lowestoft Harwich Scotland : Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkably Dundee Aberdeen Peterhead - Wick - Greenock Port Glasgow Glasgow Irvine - Ayr - Dumfries Ireland : Dublin - Cork Belfast - Dundalk QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Total DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. J. OtlS. 7 0725. TVlMO / O/IS, 1 071$. X« JLt n i o i±4,-£oy ^117 U,OI / 117 ^7 A ^ OKI Q°, 01 ^ Q. 7R0 Oj/ OO 3,616 Q O 7 7 / 709 1 ( lO 1 UO i no 1 OO Jvk' 260 ooo 9 1 10 110 1 ooo OOO .£00 1 %o lO' ' Oft zo OO on OOll 200 1 01 104. 1 7fi7 1,/ O/ I ,/ 0/ 1 O^ft 1 1 ■> 1 1 w 1 1 0 / 0 / 0 7o / o 70 /o so 1 70 1 / 0 98 OOO A^O 000 *?Ol 3-21 0^ 1 1 dO 1 4U 140 10 (\±(\ 1 0,040 ^ TOl O,/ J 1 r ~, 7 07 1 UO4,0OD il P.OO 0,000 909 o-\ft -2oO ono QQQ O \ zo 0 1 ^ no y 4,'tuu 1 oz Q 1 fi 1 9 14 AW QXW I ,00 I Rl *i 404,401 CO Q I O oy,y4:-s 0 1 01 1 -J 1 o,y 4 1 t AC(\ 91 7 f!07 9.1 IDJO •44,000 Q i f\ OiV z\ ,y Zo 1 0 oo 1 iu,y— 1 1 1 99 ^ 1 07 1 Oil (il 1 Ul 1 l no oqo lz,0oy Tic nOi Af\ ^7 \ 4U,0/ ■* 0 0*V3 1 19 J jOO 1 7A 1 ? 0 / O coo OO 887 on yo d^ 40 OQO yoy •400 438 U-4jOy4 Q 0 OCO, OOi QQQ 40Q 1 1 j SitJ A 1,395 1 ,OOo 1 ,oUb 04:4 *300 ol'U 1 OO 1 00 l,OL)/ yoo y^o q %n O'JU 0,000 91 K — 1 ■) ■ O,owij Q IOO 0, 1 \J£ 1 7Q I/O 0 97.-. i ,-ioU yo 1 Q70 1 ,o/y AAA QQ yo ^37 3,0 to - 3,040 - 1,388 - 1,388 — m 111 47 47 1 964,112 141,183 2,105,295 818,894 89,413 908,307 — 232,712 721 - 233,433 - 93,470 423 93,893 1 1 ft JO 1 jIOO s U4 .£ i tft*; < ion 1 3 ioo,,7yo J.00 Ol J. 1 0 8Rt 1 9R o,4;i)y 1 1 fiO 1,1 uy / u 1 245 K7Q Gift QQ OTA Oo,-£/ O 0 I 0, 1 00 1 sift \Q 1 oOjOjy oq q 10 212 60 1 1 no QU7 ioo,yy / Q 1 1 00,0/ — ■ Ql 0^1 — 7 1 j fiR n00 1 70*^ 1 700 7 no 7R9 1 qo a 1 1 iy-,04 1 --,yoo 1Q\ ^07 OO filO 9 ^^^^ 95 279 1 0,0 / 0 Q O 1 o,OoU U,00-i t> 6 367 <£0 n;» j 00 O0j*4UU 4.0 Q^Q 4^yoo 99 42 980 ft 9 1 \)Z 1 907 9<)7 J 1 1 1 I 0/ y 0/ y Ofil -iOl 9fi| 56,712 985 - 57,697 - 53,214 978 - 54,192 — 163,890 40 163,930 107,864 36 107,900 93,439 23S 93,677 34,564 163 34,727 51,152 - 51,152 16,496 - 16,496 0 ftO Q \ I 30 S 1,608 1,897 64,516 27,536 1,551 968 515 1,409 27,926 15,206 592 531 1,144 1,219 29,070 16,425 592 534 285 1,144 Total - - - 8,011,038 277,188 I 13,626 8,301,852 78,821 3,565,640 182,418 2,809 3,750,867 47,860 6 COALS, &C. EXPORTED, AND COALS, &C. BROUGHT INTO THE PORT OF LONDON. — No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad, with the Rate and Amount of Duty Received thereon. YEAR 186 2. QU A > i i I lr,^ EXPORTED. Tons. 8,011,038 Cinders 277,188 13,626 Total - - 8,301,852 Tons. Patent Fuel 78,821 The Duties on Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported were wholly repealed by Act 13 & 14 Vict, c. 95, from 14 August 1850. — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London during the Year 1862, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1861. Coals and Patent Fuel brought into the Port of London. Coals. Patent Fuel. Years Years 1861. 1862. ✓ 1861. 1862. Coastways - By Inland Navigation and Landl Carriage -J Total - - - Tons. 3,567,002 1,665,080 Tons. 3,442,402 1,531,421 Tons. 23,652 Tons. 30,257 5,232,082 4,973,823 23,652 30,257 The Quantities of Coals brought into rhe Port of London, as shown above, are stated on the authority of the Registrar of the Coal Market. Office of the Inspector General of Impo and Exports, Custom House, London, 29 June 1863. John A. Messenger. ■ o it 03 =f B OS re ft- I— I " • ? ° O its tr o 05 £ i ~ % a. ~ . rt o r eg g o 09 S? 00 S OS ^ S3 K B X ft. O 2 M B" ss O cd a o o s o S a. on B and . ST w P w o a a" d 3 3? a, cn 3- a B to in Po r+ ATE o s ta d ft W a 1 c a* cc s &5 30 Q 'l CD -™ o o >■ a a O 5- o » ► O o a COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, &c. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 22 April 1861 —fur, No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1 tt(53 ; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1862:" No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the several Ports oi England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year J8(53; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1802; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped:" No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1803, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon:" And, No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1863, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 18G2."' — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. COALS CINDK R S, AND CULM. PORTS rAXJSHT .rUEL. YEAR 1 862. YEAR 1 8 63. from which - ^ H I V P V M o n i i i tu u . Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. I Cinders. Culm. Total. Year 1862. Year 1863. England : l ons. Tons. i ons. 1 ons. 1 oris. m Ions. Tons. m I ons. Tons. Tom. London J ,oOo 3,1 82 4.201 1 ,929 6, 1 30 Kocnester Zoo J ,02o 1,1 17 962 Faversham - i in J 4.5 ■ 253 125 - — 125 Dover - 404 404 _ ~ 805 805 Littlehampton 150 ~ — ■ 150 Portsmouth - 1 1 Ci*>7 7o 1 1,130 1 1 ,269 302 ■ 1 I ,0V 1 i Plymouth q r\ V ■ " 30 - ol) — Bristol - - - 327 95 422 — — Gloucester - l-)9,854 65 229 160,148 167,933 205 168, J 88 — Cord iff- 881 (iOJ. o 67<» 884 283 Kf!° 7n". — ,4y-j 865 260 476 1 23 Newport 585,337 296 _ _ 585',633 547,034 333 _ 547!9(i7 — Swansea 207,516 95 47,910 255,521 177,716 121 42,308 220,175 33,290 28,373 Neath - 158.054 143 70,976 229,173 172,303 20 67,421 239,744 Port Talbot - 8,313 290 , _ 82,103 71,318 280 71,598 Porth Cawl - 20,183 65 m _ 20,548 21,257 69 21,320 — — Llanelly 243,299 _ 22 342 265,641 200,790 19,749 220,539 — Milfoi-d 23,598 32^471 56,069 20,157 24,305 44,402 — — Chester 65,724 _ 65.724 61,866 _ 61,806 — — Liverpool 134,450 _ 131,450 164,024 _ _ 164,024 — ■ Runcorn 89,700 _ 89,70!) 103,013 326 _ — 103,339 — Preston 41,718 „ _ 41,718 42,010 55 _ 42,065 Fleetwood 18,016 _ ■ _ _ 18,016 17,277 10 m 17,287 Lancaster 1,780 770 - 2,550 1,021 585 - 1,606 — Whitehaven - 194,432 15 3,103 1 97,550 150,804 14 '2,127 152,945 _ Workington - 1 44,294 144,294 140,411 140,41 1 - Maryport 382,725 _ _ m 382,725 413,863 _ _ _ _ 413,863 _ Carlisle 25,733 25,733 19,140 119 19,259 Berwick 85 - 85 58 58 Newcastle -,109,313 24,/2t> tot AO/1 2,134,039 2,128,254 22,421 2,150,675 960 290 Shields 147,529 147,529 135,781 6 135,787 Sunderland - 2,459,200 900 2,460,100 2,457,694 517 2,45!!, 21 1 Hartlepool - 1,301,849 5,411 1,307,260 1,225,170 7,047 1,232,217 Middlesborough - 172.928 2,576 175,504 175,170 3,323 178,493 - Stockton 816 * - 846 560 560 Goole - - - 92,936 92,936 94,377 150 94,527 Hull - 10,824 10,824 12,434 12,434 Grimsby 11,796 11,796 17,836 17,836 Gainsborough 16,949 16,949 16,172 16,172 Boston - 970 970 522 522 Colchester - 160 160 - Scotland : Leith - 10,575 10,575 13,902 13,902 Borrowstoness 99,006 99,000 102,589 102,589 Grangemouth 2,199 2,199 867 867 Alloa - 12,525 12,525 10,347 10,347 Kirkaldy 55,452 55,452 50,156 50,156 Dundee 1,417 1,417 116 116 Greenock 10,895 10,895 7,929 7,929 Glasgow 112,344 631 112,975 121,101 G5 121,166 Irvine -~i Ardrossan - - V 401,102 401,102 327,487 327,487 Troon -J Ayr ... 151,640 151,640 118,685 118,685 Ireland : Ross - - - 70 70 120 120 Total - - 10,656,220 41,025 177,031 10,874,276 10,389,933 42,204 j 156,115 ! 10,388,252 34,732 I 23.7S6 357- A ■2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported, YEAR 1862. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London Portsmouth - Southampton Poole - Weymouth - Bridport Teignmouth - Dartmouth - Plymouth Falmouth Truro - Scilly - Bideford Bridgewater- Bristol - Glouct'sti-r - * ■ Cardiff - Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot ■ Llanelly Milford Carnarvon Chester Liverpool Runcorn Fleetwood Lancaster Whitehaven - Maryport "Workington - Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Hartlepool - Middlesborough ■ Stockton Goole - Hull - Grimsby Gainsborough Boston - Lowestoft Harwich Scotland : Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - KirkaMy - Dundee Aberdeen Peterhead - Wick - Greenock Port Glasgow Glasgow Irvine - Ayr Dumfries Ireland : Dublin - Cork - Belfast - Dundalk QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Total DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent FueL / O/IS. X OTIS. 1 071S. / OTIS* J. 0718, A. r 3.* Ill o^o OyO 1 1 117 ^7ft 0,^0 / •J, / 0\7 X ' ' — y \J U tJ o,oiu Q o Q 7 f 7 700 / y-£ 709 660 660 i no 1UU 1 ftO 100 100 orio OfiO 2 1 10 110 1 Oftft i.O'' 150 Oft 20 20 ooft Oft ft 1 Oi. 104 1 7fi7 1 7fi7 1 ( tss 1 ,voo 1,088 * 1 lO / O 7 5 7ft 7ft ou 30 1 7ft 1 7ft Oft 98 oou OOu O w J 321 Q~x 1 40i Jo 1 1 Aft 140 1 1 ) dAR I U,040 ^ 701 0,/ y 1 5 791 0,OOU J.0ft *«yvj *4 401 3,421 490 1 ti 173 3,275 1 ,286 93 1,379 444 yo 537 3,040 - 3,040 - 1,388 - 1,388 — 111 111 47 47 1,964,112 141,18.3 2,105,295 818,894 89,413 908,307 •232,712 721 - 233,433 93,470 423 - 93,893 — ' 1,1 33,6-1 2 o.£ 5 oo4 1, ioo,yyo "4. Oft ft 14 19 885 419,929 o / y,y i o OQ 07ft 0 Io, 1 oti 1 Sift (\"\Q 23 942 212^601 1 ftft Oft*? O4,o/ O 10- 070 i 00,0/ -J 04 ftxi Of 1 22 449 56,500 o,o4o 1 ZD o,4oy 1 1 no 76 1,245 13,578 Q 0 10,000 5 6,367 iy-,i>4 i 1 0 "a ^-')7 2 630 95,279 86,435 ZiO 00,40l 10,331 3,833 98,031 363 98,444 250 45,726 355 46,081 149 144,769 153 144,922 45,822 156 45,978 3,330 3,330 1,025 1,02.5 143 143 70 70 368 363 214 241 241 118 401 401 308 308 1,458 . 1,438 652 652 30 30 14 14 f 8,011,038 277,188 13,626 8,301,852 78,821 3,565,640 182,418 2,809 3,750,867 47,860 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 18G2. 3 from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 18G2. COUNTRIES to whicli EXPORTED. Russia : Northern Ports Southern Porls Ports on the Pacific Sweden - Norway - Denmark - - - - - Prussia - - - - - Mecklenburg - - - - Hanover - - - - - Oldenburg - - - - Hamburg - - Bremen - - - - - Lubeck - Heligoland - - - - - Holland Belgium - - - - Channel Islands - France - Portugal, Azores, and Madeira - Spain und Canaries - Gibraltar - - - Italy Malta Ionian Islands - - - - Greece ----„_ Turkey - Wallachia and Moldavia Syria and Palestine - Egypt - Tunis ------ Morocco - Algeria - Western Coast of Africa British Possessions in South Africa Cape Verde Islands - Ascension - - - - - St. Helena - - - - Eastern Coast of Africa - .. - Mauritius - Aden - - Persia - - - _ British India QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Coals. Continental ritories Singapore Ceylon Ter-) • J Siam Cochin China - Java Bintang - - - _ ■ Philippine Islands - China and Hong Kong • Australia - Islands in the Pa5 29,1)70 16,484 10,30--) 592 534 CO 3,750 867 47,860 357- A 2 -1 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2.--AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fdel Exported, YEAR 18 63. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. 1 ' II ■ 1 V jr w iv j. o from which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. TOTAL Of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. i aient Fuel. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. LONDON 120,985 2,875 ~ - 123,800 1,550 105,813 3,60o 109,418 1,699 Newhaven 3 - 3 3 - 3 — Southampton 105 - 80 185 - 56 - 64 120 — Poole - 3-23 - 323 - 323 - - 323 — Exeter - 50 - • 50 - 41 - - 41 — Teifnnnouth - 239 - * 239 ■ - 119 - 119 Dartmoutn - 7 - 7 - 7 - - 7 — Plymouth 198 - 198 • 132 - - 132 Falmouth 110 - 110 47 ■ 47 Penzance 5 - ■ 5 - — - Bide ford 983 - 983 - 501 - - 501 Bridgewater 33 - 33 21 • * 21 — Bristol - 7,994 18 - 3,012 - 4,335 14 - 4,349 — (doucester - 1,109 - 1,109 500 - - 560 — Cardiff 1,407,223 8,475 ■ 1,475,698 17,126 707,785 5,689 713,474 9,924 Newport 178,929 5,359 - 184,288 81,419 3,498 - 84,917 Swansea 405,928 1 ,307 610 467,845 48,135 217,710 983 215 218,908 26,426 Neath - 27,303 105 306 27,714 - 12,396 74 « « . Ill 12,581 — Port Talbot - 622 23 - 645 - 303 15 318 — Llanelry 103,625 - 12,075 115,700 - 39,385 - 2,034 41,419 — Milford 650 - - 6.50 ■ 329 - 329 — Chester 1.382 49 1 ,43 1 - 555 44 - 599 — Liverpool 566,916 6,546 11 573,473 477 327,943 6,394 6 334,343 461 Runcorn 3,220 - - 3,220 1 ,302 - 1,302 — Preston 1,045 - - 1 ,045 - 467 - 467 — Fleetwood 1,578 - - 1 ,578 - 855 - 855 — Lancaster 2,052 2,652 1 , 1 80 1,180 Whitehaven 769 - - 769 - 360 - 360 — Maryport 7,757 279 8,036 2,818 225 3,043 Workington 1,344 - 1,344 - 467 - 467 — Carlisle - - O,0i t fi ^77 9 4.17 -.11/ Newcastle 1,935,158 123,73 J 2,058,897 798,840 81,602 880,442 Shields 233,849 1,232 _ 235,081 94,696 731 95,430 . Sunderland - 1,0110,143 28,131 1,118,274 _ 379,331 1 7,355 _ 396,686 Hartlepool - 566,121 29,171 595,292 _ 182,954 1 8,623 201,577 Middles'oorou^h 94,250 33,866 _ 12S.116 _ 32,515 21,041 53,556 Stockton 2,044 35 _ _ 2,079 — _ 736 24 760 Hull - 165,946 10,626 176,572 _ _ 79,128 7,130 S6,258 Goole - 21,732 50 _ 21,782 _ 10,843 30 10,873 Grimsby 127,585 _ _ 127,585 _ 63,910 \ ~ 63,910 Gains bo rough 1,113 1,113 470 470 Boston - - - 85 • _f < 85 _ 38 38 Scotland : Leith - - - 58,752 984 1 59,737 - - 58,173 838 1 59,012 Borrowstoness 163,640 125 - -■, 163,765 - 106,980 115 - 107,095 Grangemouth 94,340 105 94,445 33,056 66 33,122 Alloa - 40,763 - 40,763 13,785 - 13,785 Kirkaldy 80,27 1 62 80,333 28,798 20 28,818 Dundee 33,717 - 33,717 - 15,325 - 15,325 — Arbroath 1 oo vO DO Aberdeen • 191 191 95 95 Peterhead - - 18 _ 18 15 _ 15 Wick - 74 _ 74 26 _ 26 Kirkwall 1,401 _ _ 1,401 594 594 Greenock 72,394 - - . - 72,394 - 30,136 - - 30,136 — Port Glasgow 12,834 12,834 4,857 4,857 Glasgow 88,128 569 88,697 - 43,529 505 - 44,034 — Irvine - 65,465 65,465 22,916 22,910 Ardrossan 27,956 27,956 9.302 9,302 Troon - 54,391 54,391 18,409 18,409 Ayr - 2,916 2,916 • 1,119 1,119 Ireland : Dublin 100 100 75 * 75 Boss 279 279 223 223 Cork - 2,320 2,320 1,272 1,272 Londonderry 943 943 506 506 Belfast 630 630 315 315 Total - - 8,005,398 256,731 1 3,083 8,275,212 67,288 3,542,743 168,624 i 2,431 3,713,798 38,510 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN "ISfj.'J. Jrom the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad — continual. YEAR 18G3. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Russia: Northern Ports „ Southern Ports Sweden - Norway - - - - - Denmark - Prussia - - - Mecklenburg - Hanover - Oldenburg - - - - Hamburg - Bremen - Lubeck - - - - Holland Belgium - Channel Islands - France - Portugal, Azores, and Madeira Spain and Canaries - Gibraltar - - • - Italy Papal Ports on the Mediterranean Austrian Territories - Malta - Ionian Islands .... Greece ------ Turkey' - Wallachia and Moldavia - - ! Syria and Palestine Egypt | Tunis Algeria Morocco - - - - . ; Western Coa*t of Africa Cape Verde Islands - - - I Ascension - '- - - - j St. Helena - - - - - ! British Possessions in South Africa I Eastern Coast of Africa - - ! Madagascar- - - - . | Mauritius - - - Arabia, Aden „ Muscat British India: Continental Terri tories „ Singapore „ Ceylon Portuguese India - Siam ------ Cochin China - Java ------ Philippine Islands - China and Hong Kong Japan ------ Australia - British North America British West Indies - Foreign West Indies - United States of America : Ports on the Atlantic Ports on the Pacific Mexico - Central America - New Granada - Venezuela - Ecuador - Peru Chili Brazil Uruguay - States of the Argentine Confedera- tion. Falkland Islands - Total - - - - DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Cinders . Culm. Total of Coala, Cinders, and Culm. — Patent Fuel. I ons. _ J ons. J ons. 1 ons. _ I ons. r x>« f *• JL. 400,508 15,905 _ 416,533 m - 167,049 10,489 - 177,538 — 42,857 786 43,043 21,276 465 - 21,741 — 211,421 19,441 230,802 - 83,638 12,609 96,247 — 116,147 5,886 122,034 _ 46,646 3,841 1 50,488 — 545,121 15,743 _ 560.8C4 140 217,176 10,837 228,013 84 505,521 16,779 522,300 _ _ 180,764 10,320 - 191,084 — 46,715 1,588 48,303 16,933 H47 - 17,780 — 83,107 2,906 m 86,013 26,452 1,744 - 30,190 — 28,587 627 _ 29,214 14,220 374 - 14,594 — 489,092 17,519 _ 506,611 190,415 11,100 - 201,515 — 5,763 - _ 5,763 3,820 - - 3,820 — 25,492 1,193 _ _ 26,685 10,582 649 - 11,281 — 212,158 3,044 215,202 90,849 1,884 - 92,733 — 26,000 358 _ 26,358 10,609 215 - 16,824 — 08,861 472 46 69,379 157 31,854 316 18 32,188 94 1,286,858 6,791 12,600 1,306,255 7,499 537,247 4,242 2,249 543,738 4.4)37 134,2.57 1,334 78 135,669 1,883 59,975 833 21 60,H29 1,029 482,670 85,202 _ 567,872 22,904 223,125 55,542 - 278,667 12,690 89,775 - m 89,775 306 42,868 - - 42,868 108 475,270 9,889 341 485,500 5,176 207,197 6,524 136 213,857 2,650 17,264 - 17,264 _ 8,421 - - 8,421 72.178 1,240 _ 73,418 _ _ 32,085 810 - 32,895 — 129,890 - 129,890 62,386 02,386 — • 34,438 _ _ 34,438 _ 14,866 - - 14,866 — 27,083 28 _ _ 27,111 _ _ 12,936 23 12,959 __ 167,319 314 107,633 405 77,448 188 77,036 228 6,787 120 - 6,907 140 3,499 90 - - 3,589 84 13,685 13,085 6,380 - 0,380 °46 586 18,372 264 958 5,377 112,193 10,945 123,138 3 162 2,414 2^414 . 1,156 1,156 21,540 14 _ m 21,554 674 9,040 8 9,048 393 155 _ _ _ 155 _ 80 - _ 80 16,366 18 * 16,384 1,139 8,460 7 _ 8,467 1,034 31,397 _ 31,397 3,759 15,499 - _ 15,499 2,069 3,088 _ _ 3,088 _ 1,391 _ _ 1,391 2,667 _ 2,667 _ 1,455 1,455 24,924 466 _ _ 25,390 1,080 13,781 505 _ 14,286 875 700 _ 700 335 _ 335 250 _ . _ m 250 250 m 250 28,145 44 _ 28,189 1,048 12,905 36 _ _ 12,94 1 050 83,213 _ m 83,218 1,185 41,095 _ _ 41,095 703 2,489 - - - 2,489 - 1,189 - - - 1,189 — 222,485 15,426 - - 237,911 1,462 114,139 12,441 - - 120.530 w;9 50,565 71 _ m 50,636 3,844 24,732 45 m _ 24,777 2,202 69,440 10 _ m 69,450 3,250 33,089 13 33,102 1,931 75 - _ 75 39 39 184 _ 184 88 a _ 88 200 _ 200 160 _ - _ _ 160 29,169 304 m _ 29,473 _ _ 12,540 385 m 12,925 j 9,428 _ _ 9,428 _ _ 3,289 m _ 3,289 158,124 205 - 158,329 920 78,205 78,489 551 1,457 - - _ _ 1,457 980 m _ 980 34,005 1,191 35,l!)6 _ _ 23,167 1,514 m _ 24.681 195,307 845 - - 196,212 - 81,228 601 81,829 — 143,097 OH 1 43,759 679 75,505 G2 75,627 .7.10 242,473 498 - - 242,971 114,407 329 114,736 275,593 300 - - 275,893 - 101,900 195 162,095 , — 12,497 25 12,522 8,428 6 8,434 8,402 10 8,412 4,294 5 : _ : 4,299 1,336 92 1,428 500 73 573 9,') 03 5 9,508 800 5,011 3 5.014 456 1,385 1,385 719 719 239 239 125 _ 125 20,320 1,247 27,507 3,190 16,861 771 17,032 1,8 g 5 B ft o w - 1 ss. sr. O C. 3 CD C/i 3 ■— a rt o a ere p w 5 ° 2 ^ ^ ~ o ^ ^ 5 ? M » Bl » 3^ P >-s 3 £- CO » CT Sr o P 3" w o » " 2 Ik « C O 3 3- H w S3 3 ft. ft. o s > 3 sr rs 5 3 ft 03 3/ ~. 3 so 3 § 2, Cot O o o > en O O W PO CO O a t- 1 COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, &c. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 10 May 1806 y—fur, No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cindehs, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Yeai L864 distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1863 :' No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and the liritish .Scttleinen..- Abroad, in the Year 1864; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1863 ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped :" No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1864, witfi the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :" And, No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways and by Inland Navigation into the Port of London, during the Year 1864, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1863." — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London Rochester Faversham - Dover - Littlehampton Portsmouth - Cowes - - - Plymouth Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff - Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Porth Cawl - Llanelly Milford Chester Liverpool Runcorn Preston Fleetwood Lancaster Whitehaven - Workington - Maryport Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Hartlepool - Middlesborough - Stockton Goole - Hull - Grimsby Gainsborough Boston - Colchester - Scotland : Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkaldy Dundee Greenock Glasgow Ardrossan - Troon with Irvine J Ayr Campbeltown Ireland : Ross 384- COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. YEAR 1 8C3. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 4,201 1,929 - 6,130 1,117 962 - 2,079 - 125 - 125 - 805 - 805 150 - - 150 11,209 302 - 11,571 _ 30 30 327 95 422 167,983 205 168,188 862,765 2,495 865,260 547,634 333 _ 547,967 177,746 121 42,308 220,175 172,303 20 67,421 239^744 71,318 280 71,598 21,257 69 21,320 200,790 19,749 22o',539 20,157 - 24,305 44,462 Ol ,oOO Ol ,000 164,024 - 164,024 103,013 326 103,339 42,010 55 _ 42,065 17,277 10 17,287 1,021 585 1,606 150,804 14 2,127 152,945 140,411 140,411 413,863 413,863 19,140 119 19,259 58 58 2,128,254 22,421 2,150,075 135,781 6 135,787 2,457,694 517 2,458,211 1,225,170 7,047 1,232,217 175,170 3,323 178,493 560 500 94,377 150 94,527 12,434 12,434 17,836 17,836 16,172 16,172 522 522 160 160 13,902 13,902 102,589 102,589 867 867 10,347 10,347 50,156 50,150 116 116 7,929 7,929 121,101 65 121,166 327,487 327,487 118,685 118,685 120 120 10,389,933 42,204 156,115 10,588,252 YEAR 1 8 64. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Year 1803. T car 1 '> ■ Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 1 oris. 4,868 2,883 - 7,751 — — 2,883 — 1,462 — - — 4,345 — — — — — 8,871 — — 321 — — - * — — ■ 9,192 — — ■ — 86 80 62 _ _ 50 112 102 150 252 — — 169,895 29 169,924 839,569 1,737 602 841,908 123 4,821 608,092 1,040 609,732 215,113 45 48,865 264,023 28,373 34,434 171,872 45 68,032 239,949 58,599 9 58,608 16,883 83 16,966 232,882 19,828 252,710 24,490 35,287 59,777 49,739 49,739 228,143 9 228,152 115,241 315 115,556 40,165 77 40,242 17,037 17,037 — — 925 658 1,583 144,777 2,950 147,727 — 130,982 136,982 — 438,954 438,yo-± 24,147 140 24,287 84 84 2,286,565 15,704 2,302,269 290 153,053 153,053 2,377,875 1,189 2,379,064 1,979 1,161,587 1,369 1,162,956 208,239 4,754 212,993 707 707 109,496 109,496 11,728 11,738 20,541 20,64 1 10,879 10,879 205 205 235 235 11,242 11,242 105,845 105,845 2,785 2,785 45,867 45,867 52,990 52,990 225 225 11,889 11,889 129,382 129,382 f 77,784 77,7*4 \. 280,616 280,616 152,252 152,252 30 30 10,763,078 31,913 175,720 10,970,711 28,786 11.234 PATENT FUEL 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported, YEAR 1863. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. PORTS from which SHIPPED 1 11 XXX XJ x/> Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of coals, Cinders, and Culm Patent r uei. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. i on QR=i 9 875 191 8f>0 i 0^ pi 1 o,uuo 109,418 1,699 1\J a tu n i* v on c VV lid V K.H 0 ■} 0 3 3 Sou.tli3.inp ton ~ 1 O 1 ! 1 WtJ 80 1 8*; o\j 1 20 Poole - - - 191 O.t) * 323 Exeter - — - *;o 4.1 1 41 X clglllXiUUlll 239 91Q 119 1 in Dartmouth - * 7 7 < 7 1 7 Plymouth — ~ 1 08 i yo 1QP 139 VoZ I dlliHHltll 1 1 ft 1 1 n 47 Penzance ~ ~ o K, t> 0 0 Bide ford — ~ QS1 Jot) PAT l-K t*i f\ era iir q t — J_) I lUtlcWalcl 11 11 00 21 0 1 Ttrietnl — JJllbtOl - 1 ,yy* 18 lo P 01 9 4 ^t; A O A C\ 4,L>4y Oloucester - ■ 1,1 Uc. l 1 no 1,1 uy 5G0 ^ ill villi 1 4fi7 ooi 8 4-75 0,1:1 11 1 47 r i fiQS 17 19fi 707 78t t VJ f j t UtJ 710 A 4 lo,4/4 0 004 liCWUUlt 1 78 09Q 5 359 1 84 OQ8 81 419 OA O 1 7 Swansea - ~ l 107 610 48 1 017 710 yoo ^1 O oiQ one an a oft i;0,4Z0 li calH 97 10.1 1 0^ 306 97 7 1 4 7^ / 1 [ 1 1 0 l ■ "—ron idiuyi fi99 23 ^-54*; 010 J 0 Iildiielly ~* ~ i oi fio^ 19 0.7 F> lis 700 ".Q 18 t 0 no^ 41,4iy lviiiioru OOv 10Q \_/ DC * ici 1 sk e 2 49 1 431 555 44 oyy Liverpool - OOU,i7 1 o 1 1 1 1 R7"3 470 477 197 041 u,oy4 0 oo4,o4o A Al Runcorn - ~ i 990 1 ^90 1 109 l,oUz Preston - ■ 1 04 T 1 04'; 4R7 4t>/ X itcLWUUU 1 578 855 coo I>a.nc3.ster - ■ 1 1 Rfl 1,1 01/ 1 »J ou Whitehaven 769 - 769 - 360 - 360 — Mary port 7 7^7 OjUoO 005 o,U4J Workington 1,344 - 1,344 - 467 - 467 — Carlisle 5,577 5,577 2,447 2,447 Newcastle 1,935 158 123,739 - 2,058,897 - 798,840 81,602 880,442 — Shields 233 849 1,232 - 235,081 - 94,696 734 - 95,430 — Sunderland - 1,090,143 28,131 - 1,118,274 - 379,331 17,355 - 396,686 — Hartlepool - 566,121 29,171 - 595,292 - 182,954 18,623 201,577 — Middlesborough - 94,250 33,866 - 128,116 - 32,515 21,041 53,556 — Stockton 2,044 35 - 2,079 - 736 24 - 760 — Hull - 165,946 10,626 176,572 - 79,128 7,130 - 86,258 — Goole - 21,732 50 - 21,782 -, 10,843 30 - 10,873 — Grimsby 127,585 - - 127,585 - 63,910 - - 63,910 — Gainsborough 1,113 - 1,113 - 470 - - 470 — Boston - 85 - - ' 85 - 38 - - 38 — Scotland : j->eicn - - • OO,/ 0,6 OQA 1 oy j tot XQ 1 7Q 818 OOO 1 01 9 Borrows ton ess 1 no RAC\ ISO I DO, / OO iuo,you 1 1 O lfi7 OQ^ Grangemouth y^,o4u 1VD OA AA *\ UO 11 199 00, 1 — Alloa - 40,763 - 40,763 - 13,785 - 13,785 — JVirK.llUy - £0 971 f»9 OOjOOO op 708 zo,/ yo 90 28 818 Dundee 33,717 - 33,717 - 15,325 - 15',325 — Arbroath 185 185 95 95 Aberdeen 191 _ - 191 - 95 - 95 — Peterhead 18 - - 18 15 - - 15 — Wick - 74 - - 74 - 26 - - 26 — Kirkwall 1,401 - 1,401 - 594 - - 594 — Greenock 72,394 - - 72,394 - 30,136 - - 30,136 — Port Glasgow- 12,834 12,834 4,857 A OCT 4,e57 Glasgow 88,128 569 - 88,697 - 43,629 505 - 44,034 Irrine - - - 65,465 65,465 22,916 22,916 — Ardros9an 27,956 27,956 9,302 9,302 Troon - 54,391 54,391 18,409 18,409 Ayr - - - 2,916 2,916 1,119 1,119 Ireland : Dublin 100 100 75 75 Ross 279 279 223 223 Cork - 2,320 2,320 1,272 1,272 Londonderry- 943 943 £06 506 Belfast 630 630 315 315 Total - - 8,005,398 256,731 1 3,083 8,275,212 67,288 3,542,743 168,624 2,431 3,713,798 38,510 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1863 AND 186-1. o from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad. - YEAR 1864. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London Newhaven Littlehampton Portsmouth - Southampton Poole - Weymouth - Exeter - Dartmouth - Falmouth Penzance Bideford Bristol - - - Beaumaris Gloucester - Cardiff - Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Llanelly Milford Chester Liverpool Runcorn Preston Fleetwood. - Lancaster Whitehaven - Maryport Workington - Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Hartlepool - Middlesborough - Stockton Hull - Goole - Grimsby Gainsborough Lowestoft Scotland : Glasgow Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkaldy Dundee Arbroath Inverness Peterhead - Wick - Lerwick Stornoway - Greenock Port Glasgow Ardrossan Troon (with Irvine) Ayr - Stranraer Ireland : Dublin ... Wexford Waterford Ross - - - Cork - Londonderry Belfast - QUANTITIES EXPORTED. 384. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cindi rs, aiu Culm. Pateut 1 Fuel. Coals. C/indcrs. 1 C Im 1 — . Total of Coals, Cinder j, anc Culm. Patent Fuel. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. X. £. 94,938 O 1 A 1 I, 19 1 !)/, 129 2,842 0/ ,b$Z 2,098 90,340 3,185 0 0 0 — 1 1 1 1 J ™ ~ 1 — 1 QO 1 00 I Oil OU 60 — OO 1 yu OA 1 oo£ 74 926 — 10 ID ~ ~~ 1 c 10 15 — i 1 1 1 — ■ 1 — i 0 1 0 1Z 1 0 * - 12 — 00 80 UO 66 — A 1 '» 4 1 & Jin 4 IZ — ■ ovo 366 — /O 70 0/ 37 ■ — 0U0 OA'? OOA 220 — lU,/Oo loo 1 A A i A 0,4yl 1 ciO I Do 6,644 — 1 to HZ ™ — OA 80 — Z, loU O 1 OA Z, 1 KV i 1 n ljl 17 1,117 — 1 ARn Q1 A I,40/,oI4 6,301 1 A 7'1 f! 1 c. OO OA 1 zo,i:Oi olo,o4U A ^ (1 ~. 4,oyt> 821,135 15,679 Ofti ( \i : \ 0 \ 1 yoi — o^,(J | D QA ■ a 0 (in^ ftOft O'Jo 144,544 23 KOA OftQ 1 ATA 1,100 O0-i,K)oZ CO A/I 1 t)/£,U4 1 O'TQ oor\ 1 A Dti l,4oo 276,011 34,501 28,103 A 1 A Oft O 1 Q 78 13,821 — 1 A AA i,4yy 1,499 /07 • 767 — 124,121 1 A r. OA 10,OZO lot ana &yj CO <4 CO 1 A iy 1,026 55,398 258 AOQ /?AD VZO o4o 346 — 0 000 -,-£83 0 oco Z,Zbo 1,1 o7 - - 1,187 — flnj AA*? oy4,00o AO AAA ZZ,VVZ T 1 AAO / lo,UU8 716 419,427 21,542 440,969 687 ft fiftc 0,01)0 ft 1 :a e 0,UU._) 4,UDo - - 4,068 — 445 * 445 01 ^ 214 — 502 ■ * 200 — 1 A OA 1,480 1 .) WA J ,4oU Ool 681 — 1 1 AO 1 1 AO 462 4,718 - - 4,718 - 1,907 - _ 1,907 1,211 - " 1,211 ■ 458 ■ - 458 — 4,751 : : 4,751 2,284 2,284 672 _ _ 072 _ 304 _ - •> 304 2,194,935 139,675 - 2,334,610 38 906,638 92,181 998,819 25 253,830 1,945 _ 255,775 103,220 1,484 - — 104,704 1 ,058,583 18,460 _ 1,077,043 1,500 376,328 11,677 388,005 7-50 514,852 34,931 _ 549,783 - 171,641 24,958 196,599 81,526 29,170 - 1 10,696 - 28,826 19,911 48,737 758 _ _ 758 - 265 _ 265 156,828 1,269 _ 158,097 75,007 956 75,963 12,872 - 12,872 - 6,086 6,086 127,454 20 - 127,474 63,677 17 - _ 63,694 375 _ _ 375 - 188 188 1 _ 1 _ 1 _ 1 89,056 QAA 89,3o6 1 45,648 317 46,965 2 67,331 04 t>7,39o ■ 79,133 64 79,197 — 164,278 00 164,314 ■ ~ 91,815 34 91,849 — 84,508 0 ~ 1 qa Tnn o4,/Oy 29,8 1 7 219 30,036 — 51,906 - 51,906 _ 16,332 10,332 93,900 ~~ ~~ 93,900 - 33,915 - - 33,915 — 31,039 31,039 13,707 13,707 670 - _ 670 _ _ 207 _ m 207 260 - _ 260 _ _ 78 _ _ 78 208 - _ 208 _ 280 _ 280 105 _ 105 _ _ 100 100 60 - - 60 _ 48 _ _ 48 420 - 420 - 110 - 140 — OA COT oU,oo/ 00' J 0 1 ,u?s / 34,100 o41 34,741 6,270 - 6,270 2,408 2,468 — 87,426 262 87,688 _ 30,008 302 — — 30,310 107,430 1 AT 4 OA 107,430 35,641 35,641 1,874 1,874 684 6S4 902 902 323 323 570 570 380 380 650 650 393 393 100 100 80 80 650 650 525 52o 360 360 180 180 200 200 75 75 C45 645 365 355 8,536,752 260,571 12,585 8,809,908 90,964 3,979,198 183,892 2,G83 4,165,773 55,110 A 2 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Cclm, and Patent Fuel Exported, YEAR 1863. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. Russia: Northern Ports „ Southern Ports Sweden - Norway - Denmark ------- Prussia - Mecklenburg - Hanover - - - - - Oldenburg - Hamburg - Bremen - Lubeck - - - - Holland Belgium - - - - - Channel Islands - France - - - - Portugal, Azores, and Madeira Spain and Canaries - Gibraltar - Italy Papal Ports on the Mediterranean Austrian Territories - Malta - Ionian Islands - Greece ------ Turkey - - - - - Wallachia and Moldavia Syria and Palestine - - - Egypt Tunis ------ Algeria - - - Morocco - Western Coast of Africa Cape Verde Islands - - - Ascension - - - - St. Helena - - - - - British Possessions in South Africa Eastern Coast of Africa Madagascar- - Mauritius - Arabia, Aden - „ Muscat - - - British India: Continental Terri tories „ Singapore „ Ceylon Portuguese India Siam Cochin China - Java Philippine Islands China and Hong Kong Japan - - - - Australia - British North America British West Indies Foreign West Indies United States of America : Ports on the Atlantic - Ports on the Pacific Mexico - Central America - - - New Granada - Venezuela - Ecuador - - - - Peru - - - - - Chili - - - - . - Brazil - - - - - Uruguay - - - - States of the Argentine Confedera tion. Falkland Islands - - - Total - - - :} QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. 1^ l n r i ore p n | m Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Coals. \j i [i <_ic rs . Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Tons Tons Tnn■ £. *>o *ift.> Z 3 ■ til 1 1 0 r.M , 1 1 a 8,752 10o,4O/ >i 1 1) 1 «> 01 J Oyi\.L *> Fi 7 •> . 1 ')•)•), / 1 I 1 22,."j;! l 8,827 Q7 1 OO 1 ,yoo 39,0*22 13,307 1,137 • >Z,o4<> 0 1 1 0 K 1 A r v 0 04, 40o ■Jo,:;7i! 1 ,3fil O I AO .> Z 1 ,< „ (\ \ 9 UoZ 01 n 1 <£!,»)/ 1 1 1 ,479 409 1 O A 5,45 1 - ~ Oft 1 O 1 AO j 1 0 1 oyo Zo,oZ/ 10,1 80 420 oO OU 1 _ . ~ A 17'} 4, i to -i4 1 ( 00 i lUl.dDZ 2,907 24,700 QOO 25,082 10 12,390 221 O4,oo0 J79 4/ Z Oo,4 40 —0,88*5 310 J ,4o 1 ? oyo 4,4o4 1 ,44/,4W4 3,3/4 01 7,774 3,015 J OO,0Z4 1 ,4oO 1 -VI 0'17 17 / 1,Z^0 1 ,032 4/ 0,Z4o / O,/ o4 r. if! 1 i.x 1 o40,UZ'J 34,814 —•>•>,'). 51 51,011 $Hi 171 QQ 171 oy, 1 / 1 130 -1 Q Q.) I 4b,Ji I - — r,(|Q 0711 lO Q91 1 Amu 1 01 1, 1 yy 10,1 10 -/ -JjOlo 7,937 iO, loo 1 (>, 1 88 ** - 8,003 ~ — lUO,o/o 1 lOI 1 07,209 ™ ~ r.Ct oil* OSs,oo / 911 10,^ RIO 1 85,672 7 T yo,U/ 1 00,00 1 35,861 19,130 77ft 09 1 (\ Q *&Z,4(JO I t ,0o/ 4 SO 1 CO on 1 IOOjOU 1 1 nJ,!l-o 2,20:i 04,0/8 1 ,200 19 Oi'(l vl * 40 13,014 0,580 59 9,815 9,815 4,878 325,006 31,750 - - 356,816 1,822 148,985 19,000 2,754 2,754 - 1,401 - 1 J{ OOfl 1 0,0^0 1 u 00/1 1 ,297 1,/OJ 1 ,709 ■ 939 1 ft 7 1 /I J 0, / 1 4 Ki,71 4 2,003 9,107 00,01 1 O0,O J 1 0,291 19,203 Ron oyu 502 1411 i 411 1,41 1 904 flA '\ o40 o/,40/ 1,125 31,501 841 O ,1*^7 1,403 ,** ™ 17 pet i a 1U 1 n K 1 /,boo /33 9,651 6 0/ ,y4o 8,483 20,000 1,0 Uo 808 7G3 _ 703 300 214,592 21,180 235,778 3,492 114,240 21,025 0^, / OO QA 7ftf; o4, / OO 254 44,040 — — 40 OOfl ^OjZOU -*oy 4o,000 4,738 22,177 129 l,Z4y I O ID 62] - - oO - 10,431 115 2,012 • l/i i win 1 '14,010 7QQ / oO 145,598 4,181 70,832 900 1,000 J ,O.JO ~ — 1,293 ~ ** 1 A ~vH i,4o0 30,499 11 25,159 1,437 AT7 11 / 417 408 - 10*J,00/ I / >>, loo • - S0,G38 2,412 OOO R97 OlO »4y 422 138,202 220 o/0,o04 lol 370,905 2,477 190,645 154 183,821 - 183,821 115,701 m 18,903 39 18,942 13,739 30 2,389 - * 2,389 - 1,277 OQ ^ yyo 1 O 1, 2 2 P g, g S O 10 P CO P P ft &■ o _,. o o o S ^35 sr. H >3j 2^ o 9 * * o s a § 3 s to o 3 o en en et> S - P i B 15 B 2 s >- S £> W B 2 P I: ^ o CO g; o 3 CD I o CO C W U O G t -1 COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, &c. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 27 {February 1868 —for, No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, anil Patent Fuel Shipped at the Bevenil Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Ywr 1865; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Portg, as compared with the Year 1804 :" No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cindehs, and Culm, and Patbht Fubl Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and the Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1865; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with th e Year 1864 ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped:" No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1865, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :" And, No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways, by Inland Navigation, and by Railway, into the Port of London, during the Year 1865, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1804." — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. PATENT FUEL. PORTS from which SHIPPED. YEAR 1 8 64. YEAR 1 865. • Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total. Year 1864. Year 1865. England : London Rochester Faversliam - Dover - Littlehampton Portsmouth - Cowes - - - Weymouth - Plymouth Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff - Newport Swansea Neath - l>ort Talbot - Porth Cawl - Llanelly Milford Chester Liverpool Runcorn Preston Fleetwood Lancaster Whitehaven - Workington - Maryport Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Hartlepool - Middlesborough - Stockton Gainsborough Hull - Goole - Grimsby Boston - Wisbeach Lowestoft Colchester - Tons, j 4.808 i 2,883 8,871 86 62 102 169,895 839,569 608,692 215,113 171,872 58,599 16,883 232,882 24,490 49,739 228,143 115,241 40,165 17,037 925 144,777 136,982 438,954 24,147 84 2,286,565 153,053 2,377,875 1,161,587 208,239 707 10,879 11,728 109,496 20,541 205 235 Tons. 2,883 1,462 321 150 1,737 1,040 45 45 9 83 9 315 658 140 15,704 1,189 1,369 4,754 Tons. 50 29 602 48,865 68,032 19,828 35,287 77 2,950 - Tons. 7,751 4,345 9,192 86 112 252 169,924 841,91)8 609,732 264,023 239,949 58,608 16,966 252,710 59,777 49,739 228,152 115,556 40,242 17,037 1,583 147,727 136,982 438,954 24/287 84 2,30-2,209 153,053 2,379,064 1,162,956 212,993 707 10,879 11,728 109,496 20,-541 205 235 Tons. ■ 3,519 3,700 108 5,497 588 222 50 200 169,265 898,525 63S,690 221,065 175,547 81,165 10,34S 223,478 17,867 51,843 223,839 128,551 40,062 16,225 858 143,699 145,666 26,377 56 2,518,553 81,438 2,239,2 i 3 992,991 191,189 682 15,063 19,637 118,533 19,493 356 297 113 70 Tons. 480 24 205 63 3,199 541 407 20 100 71 222 872 50 12,462 65 775 889 2,746 : : Tons. 35 100 40,114 62,471 22,491 29,311 2,890 - Tons. 3,519 4,180 24 205 143 5,597 588 222 50 203 109,265 901,724 639,231 261,586 238,038 81,205 10,419 245,969 47,178 51,843 223,839 128,773 40,062 16,225 1,730 146,589 145,666 459,725 26,427 56 2,531,015 81,503 2,239,938 993.880 193,935 682 15,003 19,637 118,533 19,493 356 297 113 70 Tons. 4,821 34,434 — 1,979 Tons. 7,384 34,047 — 7,013 Scotland : Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkcaldy Dundee Greenock Glasgow Ardrossan Troon - Ayr ... 11,242 105,845 2,785 45,867 52,990 225 11,889 129,382 77,784 280,616 152,252 11,242 105,845 2,785 4:..sii7 52,990 225 11,889 129,382 77,7*4 280,616 152,252 17,772 88,365 3,108 5,199 59,001 157 10,176 116,438 101,705 341,072 119,612 n 75 17,772 88,365 3,119 5,199 59,001 157 10.170 116,5)3 101,705 341,672 119,612 Total - - 10,763,078 31,913 175,720 10,970,711 10,74V,568 23,277 157,412 10,928,257 | 41,231 48,444 22.5. A 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. -2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported, YEAR 1864. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. from which a ri 1 r r iL- 1J. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders, Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. England : Tons. Tuns. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. London y*,yoo ' G7 TOO . ' / . i ~y <£,o4~ ft 7 a jo O/ jD4-^ OO *3 { fl y",o4u 3,185 New haven o 9 o Littlehampton 1 1 1 1 1 J Portsmouth - 1 oo 1 0*6 fin OU Southampton yui Oft yu on l yyi ft^O 1A *4 non y_o .roole - 10 i r 1 ^ 1 o ID Wev mouth - 1 i i j l 1 Exeter - - 1 9 1 0 1 ~ 1 0 1 o Dartmouth - Oft oo oo oo ftft oo Falmouth A 1 0 4 1 it 4 I o^jo OUO Penzance / 0 7fi o / o / Bideford oUo OA') oUo OOA oon Bristol - 111, /OO loO i n o i a iu J y4'* (\ JOT 0j4y i 1 Oo U.U44 Beaumaris 1 "70 HZ 1 70 1 v& ft.0 oo Gloucester _, 1 Ml o i on 1 117 1.11/ 1117 1,11/ i^arom I / ,o 1 <± 23 201 4 595 821 135 1 R7Q Newport liol ,UOO yo i ZO&jK) 10 QO 1 AO QfXCi 1 4o,yoo uoo 1 44,014 OO _o Swansea eon iOQ 000,000 i 7ft^ i,/oo KOI f»QO ftO ClA 1 0.2,04 1 07Q QOO si/ o ? y— o l,4oO O' 'O o^p. ni l ^/ o,ui 1 o4,0Ul in eatn - 28,103 0 1 A 1 Q 7J1 lt> ? / 4o 7^ l ^ ko i lO.Oil 1 ort J aiDot - 1 ,499 i - 4 y y 7(^7 / 0/ 7f!7 /u/ Llanelly 124,121 oo AO tu,o^u io4,ooy oyo /IRQ 1 0 i jy^o O0,O«lt5 ZOO Minora 628 AO ft 040 O^iU Chester O OQQ -,-oo O Oft '-I 1 1 ft7 1,10/ 1 187 Liverpool u94,U0o oo ooo / 1 u,UUo / 10 A 1 Q J07 4iy,4-i / 440 OliQ RS7 DO/ Runcorn 8,605 ft ftfiK J Ofift 4,uOc> 4 068 Preston 445 yl j| C 440 Ol J. 1 4 214 Fleetwood 502 onn Lancaster 1,480 1 j4C3U 681 081 \\ hitehaven - 1 ,103 JRO 462 Maryport 4,718 4,718 1,907 1,907 Workington - 1,211 _ - J 1,211 _ 458 - 458 — Carlisle 4,751 - 4,751 - 2,284 - - 2,284 — Berwick 672 „ - 672 _ 304 - - 304 — Newcastle 2,194,935 139,675 2,334,610 38 906,638 92,181 - 998,819 25 Shields 253,830 1,945 _ 255,775 _ 103,220 1,484 - 104,704 — Sunderland - 1,058,583 18,460 1,077,043 1,500 376,328 11,677 - 388,005 750 Hartlepool - 514,852 34,931 _ 549,783 - 171,641 24,958 - 196,599 — Middlesborough - 81,526 29,170 _ 110,696 - 28,826 19,911 - 48,737 — Stockton 758 _ _ 758 - 265 - 265 — Hull - 156,828 1,269 - 158,097 - 75,007 956 - 75.963 — Goole - 12,872 _ 12,872 - 6,086 - 6.086 — Grimsby 127,454 20 - 127,474 - 63,677 17 63,694 — Gainsborough 375 _ _ 375 - 188 - ; : -j 188 — Lowestoft 1 _ - 1 - . i - 1 — Scotland : Glasgow - 89,056 300 RQ Q^ft oy,ooo i i 45 648 317 45,965 2 Leitu - - - 67,331 ft i 04 ft*7 QO^X o/ ,oyo / y, j oo 79 197 Borrowstoness 164,278 OO i r* i oil 1 04 ,o 1 4 y i,oio 91 849 Grangemouth 84,508 9*51 ft A 7^0 o4, / oy 219 30 036 Alloa - 51 906 51,900 16,332 16^332 Kirkcaldy - 93',900 _ 93,900 _ 33,915 33,915 — Dundee 31,039 _ _ 31,039 13,767 - - 13,767 — Arbroath 670 - _ 070 207 - - 207 — Inverness 260 - _ 260 _ 78 - 78 — Peterhead - 208 _ 208 _ 280 - - 280 — Wick - 105 - - 105 _ 100 - - 100 — Lerwick 60 - - 60 - 48 - - 48 — Stornowiiy - 420 - 420 - 140 140 — Greenock 80,537 DoU o 1 r\Q^ Ol,Uo/ q i i fin 04, 1 v'O 641 34,741 Port Glasgow 6,270 - 6,270 - 2,468 - 2^468 — Ardrossan 87,420 262 87,688 30,008 302 30,310 Troon - 107,430 1 107,430 35,641 35,641 Ayr - - - 1,874 1,874 684 684 Stranraer 902 902 323 323 Ireland : 380 Dublin - 570 570 380 Wexford 650 650 393 393 Waterford 100 100 80 80 Ross * 650 650 525 525 Cork - 360 300 180 180 Londonderry 200 200 75 75 Belfast - 645 645 355 355 Total - 8,536,752 260,571 12,585 j 8,809,908 90,964 3,979,198 183,892 2,683 4,165,773 55,110 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IS lH>l)l AND 18G.">. 3 from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad. YEAH 1864. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Ions. Ions. Jons. 1 ons. Ions. /» X. £. 388,638 9,014 39/ ,.j->2 102,920 6,18] 75,160 132 75,292 m ■ 37,017 142 223,512 22,382 -£4o,o!)4 ™ m 88,533 14,885 173,407 0,410 1 79,817 40 69,93 1 4,455 47l!,4!)5 12, 123 48K,9 1 8 3 1 9 1,1 13 8,752 108,407 897 109,. >04 — — 39,471 606 342,510 13,212 •iOO, I 122,534 8,827 37,1 22 1 ,900 (JO (!.>■> 1 3,307 1,137 52,34(5 2,1 12 54,458 20,378 1,301 21,022 652 - 21,074 I" 1 1, 179 409 524,785 18,486 043,2/ 1 — — 209,41 1 1 4,058 7,492 — — 7,492 5,454 " ~ 25,131 696 m ~ 25,827 10,180 420 50 00 — — 15 00*7 1 e l\ Z37,lo9 A 1 TO 4,1/3 * ~ Zi 1 ,ooz mi noes 104,3o2 2,9G7 24, 7(i0 O.IO AiZ 25,082 10 12,396 221 64,833 472 132 05,440 - ** 29,882 316 1,431,595 4,134 11,405 1,447,494 3,374 617,774 3,045 1 53,024 1,433 180 155,237 2,317 71,220 1 ,032 470,245 75,784 040,029 34,814 235,031 51,611 89,171 on 171 o9, 1/1 130 48,321 ™ ~ 09o,0/0 l-£,.jZl oOo i nil on , i yy 1 0, 1 1 0 "/2,olo 7,937 10, loo 1{i 1 uo Jo,loo ■ - - 8,003 105,878 1,391 107,209 52,337 911 185,072 185,072 93,071 p * ) m 35,801 ™ ■ 35,801 19,130 r"7/5 / / O zZ,-10» 11 1 1 ~T 1 l,0o7 4S6 188,301 1,027 189,928 2,203 94,378 1,200 12,909 45 13,014 — ~ 6,586 59 9,815 9,815 4 878 325,000 31,750 - - 350,810 1,822 148^985 19,006 2,754 - - 2,754 - 1,461 - in OOfl 18,820 1,297 8,020 1,< ov 1,709 - 939 1 / • T 1 A 1 O, / 14 10,714 2,003 9,107 • O0,ol 1 35,811 0,291 19,203 890 562 • " | v r i, 1,4 1 1 i jii 1,41 1 ~ ■ 904 ■ 845 57,407 1,125 31,501 841 J,4o/ ™ "* O A OT 2,43/ 1,403 17,855 10 17,o65 733 9,051 6 O / , U 4 O 37,948 8,483 20,000 1,808 808 703 _ 763 360 214,592 21,186 235,778 3,492 114,240 21,025 o4,/o0 " nan 84,755 254 44,040 - 40,_oO 209 43,505 4,738 22,177 129 1 9 (n 1 ,249 ™ - 621 - 140 85 22,230 10,431 115 o,ODZ 3,552 2,012 1 14,010 /88 145,598 4,181 76,832 900 l,Doo 1,038 ■ 1,298 - - 35,049 1,450 36,499 11 25,159 1,437 41/ 417 — 408 - 1 RRf? lOUjUO/ 3,521 173, lo8 ■ 80,638 2,412 OO'i 249 223,876 422 138,262 226 o/U,i>04 161 ~ ■ 370,965 2,477 190,645 154 183,821 183,821 115,701 18,903 39 18,942 13,739 30 2,389 - - 2,389 - 1,277 995 12 1,007 702 18 7,561 11 7,572 4,121 15 2,304 2,304 1,310 550 550 385 48,013 2,194 50,2i)7 29,465 1,016 303 303 166 85,525 1,395 86,920 630 43,744 1,041 182,438 4,554 130,992 4 105,314 3,122 44,839 120 44,959 24,042 98 19,419 838 20,257 13,765 617 1,409 1,409 1,061 80 80 " 60 8,536,752 260,571 12.5S5 8,809,908 90,964 3,979,198 183,892 COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. Russia: Northern Ports ,, Southern Ports Sweden - - - - Norway - - - - - Denmark, including Iceland Schleswig and Ilolstein Prussia - - - - - M<*eklenburg - Hanover Oldenburg - Hamburg - - - - - Bremen - - - - - Lubeck - - - - - Heligoland - - - - - Holland Belgium - - - - - Channel Islands - France - - - - - Portugal, Azores, and Madeira - Spain and Canaries - Gibraltar - — - - Italy Papal Ports on the Mediterranean Austrian Territories Malta ------ Ionian Islands - Greece ------ Turkey - - - - - Wallachia and Moldavia Syria and Palestine - - - Egypt - Tunis Algeria - - - - Morocco - - - - - Western Coast of Africa Cape Verde Islands - Ascension - - - - - St. Helena - British Possessions in South Africa Eastern Coast of Africa Mauritius - - - - - Arabia, Aden - - - - Muscat - - - - Persia British India Continental Ter-( ritories - / „ Singapore - „ Ceylon Siam ------ Java ------ Philippine Islands - China and Hong Kong Japan ------ Australia - Sandwich Islands - - British North America British West Indies - Foreign West Indies - - - United States of America : Ports on the Atlantic Ports on the Pacific Mexico - Central America - - - - New Granada - - - - Venezuela - Ecuador - - - - - Peru ------ Bolivia - - - - - Chili - Brazil ------ Uruguay - - - - - States of the Argentine Confederation - Falkland Islands - - - - Northern Whale Fishery Total - - - VALUE THEREOF. ( 'iilm. 57 2,320 63 243 2,683 Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. £. 169,101 37,159 103,416 7i,3n; 202,865 40,077 131,301 14,444 21,739 11,868 223,409 5,454 10,006 15 101,:;j:> 12,017 30,255 623,139 72,315 287,242 48,321 280,698 8,003 53,248 93,07 1 19,130 11,543 95,578 6,645 4.878 168,051 1,401 8,020 939 9,107 19,203 562 904 32,342 1,408 9,657 20,066 808 360 135,265 44,040 22,306 621 10,540 2,012 77,732 1,298 26,590 408 83,050 138,488 190,799 115,701 13,709 1,277 720 4,130 1,310 I 385 30,481 166 44,785 | 108,430 ' 24,140 I 14,3^2 1,061 1 60 4,165,773 j Patent Fuel. A 2 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported, YEAR 1865. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London Newliaven - Portsmouth - Southampton Poole - Dartmouth - Plymouth Falmouth Bridgewater Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - Porth Cawl - Llaneily Milford Chester Liverpool Runcorn Preston Fleetwood - Lancaster Whitehaven Maryport Workington Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Hartlepool - Middlesborough - Stockton Hull - Goole - Grimsby Boston - - - Gainsborough Lynn - - - Scotland : Glasgow Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkcaldy - Dundee Perth - Montrose Arbroath Aberdeen Peterhead Wick - Kirkwall Lerwick Greenock Port Glasgow Ardrossan Troon - Ayr - Ireland : Dublin Wexford Waterford - Ross Cork - Limerick Total - - QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. 1 a tent Fuel. Coals. Cinders. uuim . Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. /• 3b. Jt. r Jt. 70,311 2,820 - 73,131 2,741 06,098 3,438 - 69,536 2,963 — 2,721 - - 2,721 - 1,361 - - 1,361 164 - - 164 - 139 - - 139 — 122 70 - 192 - 112 44 - 156 — 208 - - 268 - 269 - - 269 — 10 - - 10 - 8 - - 8 — 55 - - 55 - 39 - - 39 — 24 - - . - 24 - 12 - - 12 — 297 - - 297 - 170 - - 170 — 9,961 124 - 10,085 120 6,059 50 - 6,109 72 1,485 - - 1,485 500 765 - - 705 500 1,440,436 12,305 - 1,452,741 30,202 817,235 9,374 - 826,609 20,200 290,512 2,188 - 292,700 - 1 50,855 1,573 - 152,428 — 488,011 973 569 489,553 70,537 254,591 734 233 255,558 43,782 28,209 32 200 28,501 - 13,951 24 99 14,074 — 9,839 82 - 9,921 - 5,107 50 - 5,223 — 340 - - 340 - 150 - - 150 — 124,217 - 12,979 137,196 - 53,491 - 2,682 56,173 — 141 - 737 878 340 116 - 172 288 190 327 - - 327 - 147 - - 147 — 611,538 26,212 - 037,750 1,018 370,693 27,025 - 397,718 961 6,641 - - 6,641 450 3,236 - - 3,230 235 1,785 - - 1,78.5 - 853 - - 853 — 1,323 - - 1,323 - 650 - - 650 — 2,703 - - 2,703 - 1,260 - - 1,260 — 1,454 - - 1,454 - 628 - - 628 — 6,970 6,970 2,633 2,633 — 840 - - 840 - 306 - 300 0,554 6,554 3,045 100 - 100 40 - 40 9 9R3 54. 1 1 riO ROI 2,434,442 134 998,906 101,933 1 1 00 RV) 1,1 UU,OOiJ 80 9Qft 1 OS 9 ft.lf! 301,031 125,586 1,926 1 97 t1 O J _ / yJ 1 1 Ifil 60S 1 i • 1 > , \J U O 24 393 1,180,001 100 438,059 15,410 453 469 60 540,197 io no 1 ; 570,802 190,855 22,727 91 1 *»ft9 110 lift 145,373 559 41,094 24,575 ut>,uoy 50 50 20 1 00 300 3,504 202,813 94,346 3,325 0,7 671 4,935 4,935 2,419 o 4i* 1 •' 172,097 172,097 86,075 Rfi 07 => 941 241 121 191 1 — L 984 984 394 1Q4 RO oo 80 70 70 87,873 978 - 88,851 26 44,520 1,082 - 45,602 35 86,802 342 - 87,144 1 89,398 438 - 89,836 1 102,029 - - 102,029 - 100,272 - - 100,272 — 117,745 291 - 118,030 - 44,020 227 - 44,247 — 79,650 79,650 24,779 24,779 121,500 - 121,500 - 46,784 - 46,784 37,535 37,535 I /,4dl 17,431 30 - - 30 - 18 - - 18 — Ziv 219 66 66 o - ZD 25 20 9n 90 000 323 30 353 9ft 20 3 15 15 3 315 120 120 13 m _ 13 _ 12 - _ 12 10 10 9 9 82,508 - 82,508 - 34,404 - 34,404 — 13,750 573 14,323 5,792 445 6,237 71,025 30 71,055 27,951 42 27,993 117,682 117,682 40,187 40,187 985 985 325 325 447 447 285 285 280 280 168 168 236 236 177 177 270 270 135 135 324 324 253 253 40 40 25 25 8,801,403 294,529 14,545 9,170,477 112,737 4,209,513 214,478 3,186 4,427,177 69,390 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 18G4 AND 1805. .5 from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad — continued. YEAR 18G5. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. COUNTRIES to which Total of ToTA L of Patent Fuel. EXPORTED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Coals, 0 in tiers, Patent Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Coals, Cinders, 'Mill ( * 11 ] IY1 .Mill ' 11 MM. and Culm. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. L. £. Russia: Northern Ports O / 0,OOVy 10,603 Oo4, 1 oO 1 nn 554 7 06 r > 173,619 „ Southern Ports 1 aq A V) 542 IlM,yyo *0 707 ou, / J 1 0 i 0 _ 51,172 Sweden - - - - 244 *jh<; 17,597 _ Ortl ORO -SO l,yo« 1 04 603 10 07R 1 ~ , — » w _ 1 16,879 Norway - - - - - 1 fin 0^1 8,887 1 77 OQQ 1 1 73 386 f? 949 _ 79,628 1 Denmark, including Iceland r.oi .>an uu 1 , _ O ' > 14,047 040,000 3 232 366 ll/,OUJ 242,731 Q •> Schleswig and Holstein i 043 1,606 1 Ol ,04y 57 968 1 068 _ 59,036 Prussia - - - - 577 1 83 20,588 ^07 771 214 045 13 *?47 _ 227,392 Mecklenburg - f!4 49 <4 2,925 /?7 *3 ";o O/jOOo " m OA Of io 9 004 -i,UJ'l _ 26,363 Hanover - - - - - £9 7 1 ^ OZ,t LO 3,011 _ oo,72o IO Ol 'a 0-ijU40 i,yoo _ 34,013 Oldenburg - - - - ai find. 827 _ 00,40 1 15 007 583 _ 15,590 Hamburg - 5 r il 341 OO 1 jO 1 * 1 16,301 00/, 04^ ■ 23 1 336 1 t>,W / 0 _ 244,414 Bremen - - - - - 1 1 no** X 1 jU.;o 10 l 1 l no 1 I,lUo — — % 1 A7 0,1 0/ 0 0 _ 5,175 Lubeck - 94. 073 1,942 on 0 1 £ — — 0 SCH _ 11,037 Heligoland - 0 ^ 00 - — 40 _ 43 Holland 9Q4 flOfi 3,574 no7 net 2o7,o02 ■ 1 Oft OO 1 _ 108,669 Belgium - - - - - 91 ftin 0 1 Q 1 O 10 ISO _ 12,180 Channel Islands - 60 n;")4 352 184 70 1 OO / U, I yU 1 uu QO CJOQ 81 32,812 ou France - - - - - i jfj 4 1 j«7UU 3,380 14,361 1 tCftQ 707 y,oy£> 716 697 ^,o*to 3,105 722,148 o,o^o Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 1 r >0 *inO 2,207 10 1 ,/ oy 0 0 1 A z,z 10 / U,^-04 i,4oy 77,673 1,000 Spain and the Canaries A OO 1 0*7 4uy,4y / 63,804 473,301 38,677 Ol ^ OsJ7 42,023 258,510 22,349 Gibraltar - Ql fiOO 25 y 1,0 47 OUjUOO 14 _ 50,070 Ilaly /10ft -lift 12,165 510,61 1 20,394 OOO ift7 Q Q17 0,00/ _ 237,824 1 1 AO t Papal Ports on the Mediterranean 1 ^ QO ^ 175 14,100 — — ft ftOO yt» _ 6,705 Austrian Territories - SJ / >-i— o 1,267 98,493 — ■ K(\ ftftQ OU,Ouo 00/ 51,550 Malta 1 coo 98 152,991 722 04 81,274 ana Greece ------ OOn 3,944 37,853 IQ Q.JQ lo,o4o 2,602 _ 21,450 Ionian Islands - - - - '26 907 Oft Of»7 1 A R'ift 1 *±,ooo 14,836 Turkey - - - - - 1 77 iifi J / / ,-t-±u 1,052 1 7Q OO 1 / o,4yb Ql ^17 y 1 ,0 1 / ()Ob 9 1 ,985 l,ZOo Wallachia and Moldavia 1 "> A 07 lo,4-;/ 13,427 - 7,035 - 7,035 Syria and Palestine - 14,358 14,358 - 8,012 - 8,012 E OQQ : _ 0 nnn i,ooy — ~ _ 1,559 British Possessions in South Africa Qo OQ 1 1,312 39,396 420 1,109 23,012 29/ Eastern Coast of Africa 850 - 468 - 468 — Mauritius - - - - - 60 22,866 1,704 1 1,253 85 11,338 1,953 Arabia, Aden - 64, 1 62 13,584 QO AQ 1 32,981 9,376 „ Muscat - - - - ft7ft 676 - 305 _ OxJO — British India : Continental Terri-^ tories - -j 217,243 27,683 144,950 - 244,926 1,800 117,177 27,779 - 990 Singapore - _ A A OA A 44,y4± 44,944 " - 23,502 - 23,502 — ,, Ceylon ^ 1 t Of* 917 52,413 3,870 26,490 719 27,209 2,679 biam ------ 000 200 " - 100 - 100 — Java 90 joo 523 OO AT O -io,Ulo - 10,801 525 11,326 — Philippine Islands - in oio iy,y4y 19,949 - ~ 11,481 1 l'4Hl — China and Hong Kong 07 XO^ y/ ,oyo 882 - - no 7CTf yo,/ /y 52,119 1 ,282 53,401 Japan 5,791 5,791 1,881 3,825 3,826 1,161 Australia - "4 384 2,167 OA ^ 1 — — 1 / y&OO 2,399 19,682 Sandwich Islands - 50 ou 13 British North America 171 866 633 1 70 %n j — — ^7Q CCA*? /O,0Ut> CIO 512 79,015 British West Indies - 1 QA f"QO 168 - 130,856 809 74,005 169 74,174 897 Foreign West Indies - United States of America : 341,371 378 - 341,749 4,343 176,710 311 177,021 2,714 Ports on the Atlantic 1 St OO4 88 - - 963 110,940 58 110,998 002 Ports on the Pacific 11,389 11.389 7,432 7,432 Mexico 7,931 6 - - 7,937 42 4,177 5 4,182 34 Central America - 21 8 29 16 15 31 New Granada — — - — 3,889 OO 3,909 774 2,525 18 2,543 755 Venezuela - 1,634 1,634 904 904 Ecuador - 28 28 16 16 Peru - • Bolivia - Chili Brazil Uruguay - 51,374 2,254 2,466 53,840 2,254 10 34,964 98S 1,550 - - I 3G,514 - - ! 988 5- 109,929 896 110,825 56,161 637 50,798 215,365 7,620 222,985 125,910 5,850 131,766 64,758 28 64,786 37,871 11 37,882 States of the Argentine Confedera- tion. 32,660 2,107 34,767 100 •22,560 1,575 24,141 70 Falkland Islands - 260 260 144 14-1 Patagonia - 84 84 40 i " 40 Total .... 8,861,403 294,529 14,545 : 9,170,477 112,737 4,209,513 (214,478 3,186 1 4,427,177 ^ 69,390 6 COALS, &C. EXPORTED, AND COALS, &C. BROUGHT INTO THE PORT OF LONDON. — No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad, with the Rate and Amount of Duty Received thereon. YEAR 1 86 5. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Tons. 8,861,403 294,529 14,545 Total - - - 9,170,477 Tons. Patent Fuel 112,737 The Duties on Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported, were wholly repealed by Act 13 & 14 Vict, c. 95, from 14 August 1850. — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways, by Inland Navigation, and by Railway, into the Port of London during the Year 1865, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1864. Coals and Patent Fuel brought into the Port of London. Coals. Patent Fuel. Years Years 1864. 1865. 1864. 1865. Coastways - Ey Inland Navigation and by Rail-l way J Total - - - Tons. 3,116,703 2,359,723 Tons. 3,161,683 2,748,257 Tons. 23,481 Tons. 12,426 5,476,426 5,909,940 23,481 12,426 The Quantities of Coals brought into the Port of London, as shown above, are stated on the authority of the Registrar of the Coal Market. Office of the Inspector General of Imports and Exports, Custom House, London, 28 April 1866. John A. Messenger. « I. ~ s o w 5 « r -° 3 P 3 i B. EE cn CD ~ ci re O Hj M 3 3. s 3 5 ©' — a 3 » s 5 ► n n 5! re 5 I * S E* Cd Q. ^ a -• cr O ? 5 r ^ _ re en p* a ^ o re o by CD _J P b. 3 - a. o re «■ 3 oi o t> re cp S- 03 H S3 a ss ►3 3 CM 3. CO St O fS — > c c r *> r- . Ol o o GO z c w pa OS ► 0 o cl s ft" re COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, &c. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 21 March 1807 \~for, No. 1. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cindehs, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastvvays, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Y< ;n I -i;*; ; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1865 :" No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad, in the Year 18G0; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 18C5 ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped:" No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year I860, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon :" And, No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways, by Inland Navigation, and by Railway, into the Port of London, during the Year 18G6, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1865." — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS from which SHIPPED. COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. PATENT FUEL- YEAR 1 8 6 5. YEAR 1 8 6 6. Coals. Cinders. X OTALi Cinders. Culm. : Total. Year 1865. Year 1866. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. London - - 3,519 3,519 2,619 2.619 Rochester - - 3,700 480 4,180 3,998 ! 95 - 1,093 Faversham - - 24 24 ] _' — Dover - 205 20.) 915 - 915 Littlehampton - - 108 _ 35 143 105 _ - 105 Portsmouth — 5,497 - 100 5,597 6,358 _ 75 6,433 Southampton 255 _ - 255 Cowes 588 _ 588 146 _ - 146 Weymouth - 222 _ 222 __ — — — — 50 _ 50 112 30 142 — — Bristol 200 63 - 263 38 340 _ 378 Gloucester 109,265 - 169,265 173,725 ' 30 173,755 Cardiff - 898,525 3,199 901,724 887.850 2,735 ■r 890,585 7,384 9,734 Newport - 638,690 541 639,231 657,736 2,160 - 659,896 — — Swansea - 221,065 407 40,114 261, .".86 226,942 100 38,646 265,6 12,315 — — Lancaster - 858 872 1 TQA l,y oU Tin 1,056 1,775 Whitehaven 143,699 2,890 146,589 143,487 3,612 147,099 — — Workington 145,666 137 453 137,453 Maryport - 459,725 - 459,725 431,239 - - 431,239 Carlisle 26,377 50 26,427 36,096 36,096 Berwick - 56 56 • 198 - 198 Newcastle - 2,518,553 12,462 2,531,015 2,520,148 9,403 2,529,551 North Shields - South Shields - :} 81,438 65 81,503 f 22,736 1 39,308 66 22,736 39,374 Sunderland 2.239,213 775 2,239,988 2,228,231 1,032 2,229,263 7,013 3,275 Hartlepool 992,991 889 993,880 303,611 223 903,834 Middlesborough 191,189 2,746 193,935 149,547 2,225 151,772 Stockton 682 _ 682 69 69 Gainsborough - 15,063 15,063 15,063 15,063 Hull 19,637 19,637 13,551 13,551 Goole • - 118,533 118,533 97,813 97,813 Grimsby - 19,493 19,493 34,969 34,969 Boston 356 356 22 22 Wisbeach - 297 Z '- 297 Lowestoft 113 113 Colchester 70 70 10 112 122 Scotland: Leith Granton - Borrosvstoness - -i -j -| 17,772 88,365 17,772 88,365 J 10,295 I 18,999 30,139 10,295 18,999 30,139 Grangemouth - 3,108 11 3,119 3,318 3,318 Alloa Kirkaldy - Dundee Greenock - Glasgow - Ardrossan - Troon Ayr - 5,199 59,001 157 10,176 116,438 101,705 341,672 119,612 75 5,199 59,001 157 10,176 116,513 101,705 341,672 119,612 6,163 61,912 1,018 7,253 117,119 111,088 345,488 106,137 ; 100 6,1(13 61,912 1,018 7.253 117,119 111,088 345,588 106,137 Ireland : New Ross _ 120 120 Total - 10,747,568 23,277 157,412 10,928,257 10,548,532 20,505 151,787 10,720.824 48,444 33.333 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported, YEAR 1865. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London Newhaven Portsmouth - Southampton Poole - Dartmouth - Plymouth Falmouth Bridge water Bristol - Gloucester - Cardiff Newport Swansea Neath - Port Talbot Porth Cawl Llanelly Milford Chester Liverpool Runcorn Preston Fleetwood - Lancaster Whitehaven Maryport Workington Carlisle Berwick Newcastle Shields Sunderland - Hartlepool - Middlesborough Stockton Hull - Goole - Grimsby Boston - Gainsborough Lynn - Scotland : Glasgow Leith - Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkcaldy - Dundee Perth - Montrose Arbroath Aberdeen Peterhead Wick - Kirkwall Lerwick Greenock Port Glasgow Ardrossan Troon - Ayr Ireland : Dublin Wexford Waterford - Ross Cork - Limerick Total - QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. Coals. 1 1 1 I.H. 1 J, Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. - 70,311 2,820 - 73,131 2,741 66,098 3,438 - 2,721 - - 2,721 - 1,361 - - 164 - - 164 139 - - 122 70 - 192 112 44 - 268 - - 268 269 - - 10 - - 10 - 8 - - 55 - - 55 39 - - 24 - - 24 1 " " ' 12 - - 297 - - 297 '.- 170 - - 9,961 124 - 10,085 120 6,059 50 - 1,485 - - 1,485 500 765 - - 1,440,436 12,305 - 1,452,741 30,202 817,235 9,374 - 290,512 2,188 - 292,700 - 150,855 1,573 - 488,011 973 569 489,553 76,537 254,591 734 - 28,209 32 260 28,501 - 13,951 24 - 9,839 82 - 9,921 - 5,167 56 - 340 - - 340 150 - - 124,217 - 12,979 137,196 - 53,491 - - 141 - » 737 878 346 116 - - 327 - - 327 - 147 - - 611,538 26,212 - 637,750 1,018 370,693 27,025 - 6,641 - - 6,641 450 3,236 - - 1,785 - - 1,785 - 853 - - 1,323 - - 1,323 - 650 - - 2,703 - - 2,703 - 1,260 - - 1,454 - - 1,454 - 628 - 6,976 6,976 2,633 - 840 _ - 840 : : 306 : : 6,554 6,554 O f\A o,040 - 100 - 100 40 2,434,442 134 998,906 101,933 301 031 125,586 1 ,926 1,1U1 ,OOo OA - zo 25 20 040 on 323 30 OA 20 3 15 OlO Tl <*> 120 13 _ _ 13 12 _ 10 10 9 - 82,508 - 82,508 34,404 13,750 573 14,323 5,792 445 71,625 30 71,655 27,951 42 117,682 117,682 40,187 985 985 325 447 - < 447 285 280 280 168 236 236 177 270 270 135 324 324 253 40 40 25 8,861,403 294,529 14,545 9,170,477 112,737 4,209,513 214,478 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Culm. 233 99 .2,682 172 Total of i „ . . Coals, latent Cinders, Fuel, and Culm. 3,186 £. 69,536 1,361 139 156 269 8 39 12 170 6,109 765 826,609 152,428. 255,558 14,074 5,223 150 56,173 288 147 397,718 3,236 853 650 1,260 628 2,6.33 306 3,045 40 1,100,839 127,512 453,469 213,582 65,669 20 97,671 2,419 86,075 121 394 70 45,602 89,836 100,272 44,247 24,779 46,784 17,431 18 66 20 353 15 120 12 9 34,404 6,237 27,993 40,187 325 285 168 177 135 •253 25 4,427,177 69,390 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 18G5 AND 180(J. from the several Ports of England,, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad. YEAR 18G5. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. Russia: Northern Ports „ Southern Ports Sweden - - - - Norway - - - - - Denmark, including Iceland Schleswig and Holstein Prussia - - - Mecklenburg 1 - - - - Hanover - - - - - Oldenburg - - - - Hamburg - Bremen - - - - Lubeck - - Heligoland - - - - - Holland Belgium - - - - - Channel Islands - - - - France - - - - - Portugal, Azores, and Madeira Spain and the Canaries Gibraltar - - ... - Italy Papal Territory - Illyria, Croatia, and Dalmatia Malta - Greece - - - - Ionian Islands - - - - Turkey - - - - - Wallachia and Moldavia Syria and Palestine - Epypt ------ Tunis Algeria - - - - - Morocco - Western Coast of Africa ■ Cape Verde Islands - Ascension - - St. Helena - - - - - British Possessions in South Africa Eastern Coast of Africa Mauritius - - - - - Arabia. Aden - „ Muscat - - - - British India: Continental Terri-"^ tories - -J „ Singapore „ Ceylon Siam ------ Java ------ Philippine Islands - China and Hong Kong Japan - - - - - Australia - Sandwich Islands - British North America British West Indies - Foreign West Indies - - - United States of America : Ports on the Atlantic Ports on the Pacific Mexico - - - - - Central America - New Granada - - - - Venezuela - - - - - Ecuador - - - - - Peru ------ Bolivia - - - - - Chili Brazil - - - - _ Uruguay - - - - States of the Argentine Confedera- tion. Falkland Islands - - - - Patagonia - - - Total - - - QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. ■ Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. _ . Coals. Cinders. TOTA L Of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Fuel. _ Ions. 1 o/is. Ions. rrt Ions. 1 ons. c JL. jt. r L. L. r L. 373,580 10,603 _ 384,183 166,554 7,065 - 173,019 103,453 542 - 103,995 - 50,797 375 51,172 — 244,385 17,597 _ 261,982 - 104,003 12,276 - 116,879 — 161),051 8,887 _ 177,938 1 73,386 6,242 - 79,628 1 531,286 14,047 _ 545,333 3 282,366 10,305 - 242.731 3 150,043 1,606 151,019 _ 57,908 1,068 - 59,036 — 577,183 20,588 597,771 '_ 214,045 13,347 - 227,392 — 64,428 2,925 _ 67,353 - 24,209 2,094 - 26,363 — 82,715 3,011 _ 85,726 32,045 1,968 - 34,013 — 84,604 827 35,431 _ 15,007 583 - 15,590 — 551,341 16,301 _ 507,642 _ 231,336 13,078 - 244,414 11,093 10 _ 11,103 _ 5,167 8 5,175 24,073 1,942 _ 26,015 9,803 1,234 11,037 85 - _ 85 - 43 _ 43 234,028 3,574 _ 237,602 - 106,201 2,46S - 108,669 _ 21,810 _ 21,810 _ 12,180 - 12,180 69,654 352 184 70,190 100 32,528 203 81 32,812 60 1,571,906 3,380 14,301 1,589,707 9,695 716,697 2,346 3,105 722,148 5,626 159,552 2,207 _ 161,759 2,216 76,234 1,439 - 77,073 1,335 409,497 63,804 - 473,301 38,677 215,987 42,523 - 258,510 22,349 91,622 25 _ 91,647 _ 50,056 14 - 50,070 498,446 12,165 _ 510,61 1 20,394 229,487 8,337 - 237,824 11,424 13,925 175 _ 14,100 6,609 96 _ 6,705 97,226 1,267 _ 98,493 _ 50,663 887 - 51,550 152,893 98 _ 152,991 722 81,220 54 _ 81,274 622 33,909 3,944 _ 37,853 _ 18,848 2,602 - 21,450 26,907 - _ 26,907 _ 14,836 _ - 14,836 177,446 1,052 - - 178,498 2,304 91,317 668 - - 91,985 1,283 13,427 - 13,427 - 7,035 - 7,035 — 14,358 14,358 8,012 8,012 333,214 55,614 388,828 4,767 167,580 38,511 _ 206,091 3,034 6,369 - _ 6,369 _ 3,424 _ _ 3,421 21,324 19 - 21,343 1,046 10,272 12 10,284 654 313 - 313 L 198 198 12,506 _ _ 12,560 641 7,206 mm mm •' _ 7,266 384 35,378 J 35,378 1,811 18,784 _ _ 18,784 1,082 2,709 _ _ 2,709 _ 1,528 1,528 3,099 - _ 3,099 _ 1,559 1,559 38,084 1,312 _ 39,390 420 21,903 1,109 23,012 297 850 _ - 850 468 468 22,806 60 22,866 1,764 11.253 85 11,338 1,953 64,162 - - - 64,102 13,584 32,981 32,981 9,376 o/ o 070 305 305 ~~ ~/,Ooo - - 244,926 1 ,800 1 17,177 27,779 144,956 990 44,944 - _ 44,944 _ _ 23,502 23,502 51,490 917 _ 52,413 3,870 26,490 719 27,209 2,679 200 - _ _ 200 100 100 22,490 523 _ _ 23,013 10,801 525 11,326 19.949 u _ 19,949 11,481 11,481 97,895 882 _ 98,777 _ 52,119 1,282 53,401 5,791 _ _ 5,791 1,881 3,825 - - . 3,825 1,161 24,384 2,167 _ 26,551 17,283 2,399 19,682 * • 50 i 50 43 43 17I,&66 638 - 172,504 78,503 512 79,015 130,088 168 - - 130,850 809 74,005 169 74,174 897 oi i o<5 l o/o 341,749 4,343 176,710 311 177,021 2,714 185,924 88 - - 186,012 963 110,940 58 110,998 602 1 1,389 1 1 *}^0 1 J ,Ooy 7,432 . 7/»31 6 7,937 42 4,177 5 - - 4,182 34 21 8 _ _ 29 16 15 - - : 3i o,ooy 20 3,909 774 2,525 - - 2,543 755 1,034 1,634 904 18 _ 904 28 28 16 16 51,374 2,466 53,840 10 84,964 1,550 36,514 5 2,254 2,254 988 988 109,929 896 110,825 56.161 637 56,798 215,305 7,020 222,985 125,910 5,856 131,766 04,758 28 04,786 37,871 11 37,882 32,060 2,107 34,707 100 22,506 1 ,575 24,141 70 260 200 144 144 84 84 40 40 8,861,403 294,529 14,545 9,170,477 112,737 4,209,513 214,478 3,1S6 4,427,177 j 69,390 328. A 2 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported YEAR 1866. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. from which SHIPPED. Coals. Cinders. • Culm. 1 OTAL 01 Coals, V,lilUcl3, atll Culm. I *<-■_< . 1 1 L Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Patent Fuel. England : Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. London 62,362 3,460 - 05,822 1,326 00,2S0 3,396 03,676 1,574 Portsmouth - 17 10 - ' - 27 - 15 7 - o«> — Southampton 4,623 - - 4,623 - 3,880 - - 3,880 — Poole - 630 - - 630 - 465 - - 465 — Lyme - - - 170 - - 170 - 170 - - 170 — Plymouth 85 - - 85 - 61 - - 61 — Falmouth 25 - - 25 - 20 - 20 — Penzance 16 - - 16 - 13 - 13 — Truro - - - 206 - - 206 - 124 - - 124 — Bristol - 10,343 223 - 10,566 108 6,500 219 - 6,779 95 Gloucester - 1,892 - - 1,892 - 974 - - 974 — Newport 372,873 5,154 - 378,032 30 195,005 3,805 - 198,810 18 Cardiff - 1,840,757 12,926 - 1,801,683 56,115 1,061,329 9,618 1,070,977 38.697 Swansea 535,208 2,758 560 538,526 124,622 290,823 1,848 140 292,811 71,489 Neath - 41,837 135 1,033 43,055 - 18,505 40 348 18,899 — Port Talbot - 9,511 - - 9,511 - 4,875 - - 4,875 — — — Porth Cawl - 900 - - ■ 900 - 405 - 405 — Llanelly 128,663 - 9,072 137,735 - 55,425 - 1,813 57,238 — • Milford 1,000 - 1,478 2,478 - 052 - 348 1,000 — Beaumaris 285 - - 285 - 205 - - 205 Chester 600 - - 600 - 282 ,y 1 - 282 — Liverpool 710,238 19,610 - 729,854 1,941 429,403 20,729 450,132 1,189 Runcorn 5,997 - - 5,997 - 3,067 - - 3,067 — Preston 1,837 - - 1,837 900 ■ - 900 — Fleetwood 474 - - 474 - 238 - 238 — Lancaster 2,164 . - - 2,104 1,120 - 1,120- — Whitehaven - 2.115 - - 2,115 - 966 - - 966 — Maryport 4,328 - - 4,328 - 1,800 - 1,800 — "Workington - 130 - - 130 - 58 - - 58 — Carlisle 2,995 - - 2,995 - 1,488 - - 1,488 — . Berwick 282 282 130 130 Newcastle 2,380,380 179,680 887 2,560,947 8,282 1,104,704 132.346 532 1,237,582 1,912 North Shields 296,950 1,220 298,170 132,021 812 132,833 South Shields 63,527 540 - 64,067 25,194 440 25,634 Sunderland - 1,1-28,373 17,197 1,145,570 1,054 477,829 [11,979 - 489,808 048 Hartlepool - 573,568 31,304 604,962 245,585 23,703 269,288 Middlesborough - 94,573 28,822 - 123,395 - 38,853 21,485 - 60,338 — Stockton 127 - - 127 - 57 - - 57 — Scarborough - 20 - - 20 - . 14 ■ - 14 — Gainsborough 245 - - 245 - 123 - 123 — Hull - 182,987 1,040 - 184,027 92,422 848 - 93,270 — Goole - 8,28S - - 8,288 - 3,901 - - ■ 3,901 — Grimsby 183,753 - - 183,753 - 91,612 - - 91,612 — • Ipswich 54 - - 54 - 45 ■ ■ - 45 — Scotland : Glasgow 84,717 532 - 85,249 70 50,994 499 - 51,493 71 Leith - - - 71,326 150 - 71,476 - 79,621 156 - ' 79,777 — Granton 29,857 29,857 24,874 24,874 Borrowstoness 177,154 - 177,154 - 93,761 - 93,761 — Grangemouth 110,895 76 110,971 50,170 74 50,244 Alloa 5 - 70,565 - - 70,565 - 26,625 26,625 ' — * Kirkcaldy - 127,449 127,449 53,528 - 53,528 Dundee - - 31,940 351 32,291 15,551 550 16,101 Aberdeen 628 - 628 - 340 - - - - 340 — Peterhead OA on 15 15 Wick - 908 _ _ — — 908 _ 1,435 - - 1,435 — Greenock 74,662 212 74,874 38,639 196 38,835 Port Glasgow 7,239 . 7,239 - 3,732 - 3,732 — A"rHrnQcnr» — 63 31 9 63,319 26,812 26,812 Troon - 116^156 - - 116^156 - 46,830 - - 46,830 — A i'r _ - - 3,303 3,363 1,403 1,403 Ireland : Belfast - 550 550 320 320 Wexford 775 775 416 416 Cork - 200 200 174 174 i. Total - - 9,635,186 305,496 13,030 9,953,712 188,548 4,866,838 232,786 3,181 5,102,805 115.693 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 1865 AND 1866. from the several Ports oi England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad — continued. -YEAR 1866. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. Russia: Northern Ports Southern Ports ,, Ports on the North Pacific Sweden - - - - - Norway ----- Denmark, including Iceland Prussia - - - - - Schleswig and Holstein Hanover - - - - - Mecklenburg Schwerin Oldenburg - - - - - Hambunr - Bremen - Lubeck - Heligoland - - - - - Holland - Belgium - - - - Channel Islands - France - - - - - Portugal, Azores, and Madeira - Spain and the Canaries Gibraltar - Italy Papal Territory - - - - Illyria, Croatia, and Dalmatia Malta Greece ------ Ionian Islands - - - - Turkey Wallachia and Moldavia Syria and Palestine - Egypt ------ Tunis - Algeria - Morocco - Western Coast of. Africa Cape Verde Islands - Ascension - - - - - St. Helena - - - - - British Possessions in South Africa Eastern Coast of Africa Madagascar - - - - - Mauritius - - - - - Arabia, Aden - Muscat - Persia - British India : Continental Territories „ Singapore - „ Ceylon Siam - - - Cochin China - - Java Sumatra - Macassar - Amboyna - Philippine Islands China and Hong Kong Japan - Australia - Sandwich Islands - British jNorth America British West Indies Foreign West Indies United States of America : Ports on the Atlantic Ports on the Pacific Mexico - Central America - New Granada - Venezuela - Ecuador - Peru - Bolivia - Chili - - Brazil - Uruguay - - - - States of the Argentine Confederation Falkland Islands - Total QUANTITIES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent r uci. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. 479,880 12,809 492,695 - 226,620 9,922 - 236,542 80,024 721 - 80,745 42,985 382 - 43,367 1,184 - - " _ 1,184 018 - - 618 255,570 18,715 - 274,285 - 119,624 14,231 - 133,855 185,115 8,025 _ 193,140 10 85,788 0,037 - 91,825 12 529,505 10.635 - 540,200 - 249,900 8,290 - 258,262 461,871 19,357 - 481,228 - 192,702 13,412 - 200,114 153,504 626 _ 154,190 - 66,878 495 - 67,373 70,434 1,387 _ 71,821 - 32,408 1,111 33,579 49,626 1,230 50,850 - 20,856 708 - 21,504 22,305 601 22,900 - 10,480 480 - 10,900 559,889 14,708 _ 574,597 1,60 J 259,442 12,117 - 271,559 1,023 9,269 125 - 9,394 - 6,711 100 - 6,811 — 26,192 1,132 - 27,324 - 12,064 834 - 12,898 188 - - 188 - 93 - - 93 237,758 6,109 _ 243,807 - 113,920 4,623 - 118,549 66,141 _ _ 66,141 - 32,793 - - 32,793 72,582 449 73,031 34,775 381 - 35,156 — 1,913,865 5,813 12,058 1,931,236 10,847 898,882 3,945 2,626 905,453 5,992 168,223 4,325 172,548 0,387 84,543 3,203 - 87,746 3,703 454,456 72,669 527,125 47,271 249,787 55,321 - 305,108 20,974 75,201 23 - 75,224 - 41,230 17 - 41,303 — 630,521 13,712 _ 644,233 34,407 324,900 10,700 - 335,000 20,337 14,827 - 14,827 0,224 7,570 - - 7,570 3,815 61,842 1,199 _ 63,041 34,744 928 - 35,072 — 168,258 632 _ 168,890 611 92.498 474 - 92,972 306 29,960 8,989 38,949 ■ - 1&872 6,619 - 23,491 30,997 - ' _ 30,997 _ 17,205 - - 17,205 219,132 934 _ 220,066 - 118,742 660 - 119,402 6,519 ■ - - 6,519 3,790 - - 3,790 — 19,967 - - 19,967 - 11,210 - - 11,216 — 277,258 47,470 887 325,615 16,238 140,645 31,446 532 178,623 9,719 5,208 _ 5,208 2,769 - - - 2,769 — 27,531 67 - 27,648 622 13,792 49 13,841 404 546 - - 546 - 293 ■r - 293 — 19.496 - - 19,496 3,046 10,780 1 - - 10,786 1,087 41,505 _ _ 41,505 2,038 24,509 - - 24,569 1,451 4,059 _ _ 4,059 - 2,573 - - 2,573 1,235 _ _ 1,235 _ 846 - - 846 26,449 983 27,432 100 15,543 855 - 16,398 60 3,030 - _ 3,030 _ 2,051 - - 2,051 53 _ _ 53 - 30 _ - 30 28,130 478 28,008 740 15,354 376 - 15,730 866 70,361 477 - 70,838 17,713 37.831 358 - 38,189 11,408 4,724 - - 4,724 2,772 - -. - 2,772 — 502 - - 502 ■ - 455 - - 455 — 281,778 27,027 - 308,805 10,745 150,453 24,627 - 181,080 7.427 64,617 _ 64,017 7,236 36,588 _ - 36,588 4,755 63,174 735 - 63,909 8,579 33,523 640 - 34,169 6,529 161 - - - 161 - 92 - - 92 — 1 925 1,925 010 OJffc J-tK) 18^082 230 _ _ 18^312 8,933 208 - 9.141 1,154 _ 1,154 _ 578 - 578 727 - - 727 _ -303 _ - 303 _ 896 - - 896 421 - - 421 2,651 - 2,651 r 1,588 - - 1,588 107,936 281 - 108,217 7,792 64,224 221 - 64,445 5,103 10,985 - - 10,985 2,766 5,808 - - 5,808 1,874 22,370 3,111 - 25,481 _ 15,067 4,129 - 19,190 66 - - 06 _ 44 _ - 44 187,726 951 85 188,702 _ _ 96,207 S06 23 97,036 137,324 70 137,394 1,220 80,072 57 _ 80,129 1,130 382,564 87 382,651 868 202,300 70 - 202,370 485 126,384 238 126,022 - 70,473 159 - - 76,632 — .7,491 7,491 7,269 7,209 — 13,721 : : 13,721 — — 7,539 7,539 747 18 705 010 20 636 27,590 2,996 30,580 200 17,752 2,136 19,888 128 1,088 1,023 2,111 565 767 1,332 25 25 20 * 20 60,960 2,729 63,689 44,310 2,169 40.479 750 750 300 300 130,686 510 131,190 65,656 477 66,133 245,438 6,448 - - i 251,886 44 149,060 4,601 153,601 31 118,016 596 118,012 69,943 469 70,412 51,095 4,046 55,141 584 35,195 3,144 38,339 414 2,491 2,491 1,746 1,740 9,635,186 305,496 13,030 9,953,712 138,548 4,S00,S3S 232,786 3,181 5,102,805 115,093 32S. a 3 6 COALS, &C. EXPORTED, AND COALS, &C. BROUGHT INTO THE PORT OF LONDON. — No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad, with the Rate and Amount of Duty Received thereon. YEAR 186 6. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Tons. 9,635,186 305,496 13,030 Total - - - 9,953,712 Tons. Patent Fuel 188,548 The Duties on Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported, were wholly repealed by Act 13 & 14 Vict, c. 95, from 14 August 1850. — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways, by Inland Navigation, and by Railway, into the Port of London during the Year 1866, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1865. Coals and Patent Fuel brougbt into the Port of London. Coals. Patent Fuel. Years Years t 1865. 1866. 1865. 1866. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tom. Coastways - 3,161,683 3,033,193 12,426 8,616 By Inland Navigation and by Rail-") way J 2,748,257 2,969,896 Total - - - 5,909,940 6,003,089 12,426 8,616 The Quantities of Coals brought into the Port of London, as shown above, are stated on the authority of the Registrar of the Coal Market. Office of the Inspector General of Imports and Exports, Custom House, London, 24 May 1867. Edu). Bernard, Inspector General. to CO CO o e «« o no g Ci 3 —J s '•si a ri S' K 5 o W g" o o 2* 2 * s 2 S . 5- e 5 re 3 , ^ ! S3 m o o O C3 2} S. Eft W ^ C\ ^ ~ ro go rn rt O ^ ™- O CP o o p 2 ' p -I 3 EL. ^ X* o ° to o f 3 s * -8. & ? * » ST H <© _ H C 2- 5! S3 > hi g ^ » 2 2. a- o - . 3 si &5 13 ■ o £• 2 » n o tr 1 g o w t> 25 O O a COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM, &c. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 13 May 1808 ;— for, No. 1. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom, in the Year 1 807 ; distinguishing the Quantity Shipped at each of the said Ports, as compared with the Year 1806 :" No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and the Brili.-ih Settlements Abroad, in the Year 1867; distinguishing the Countries to which the same were sent, and comparing the same with the Year 1866 ; also distinguishing the Ports of the United Kingdom from which the same were Shipped:" No. 3. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the United Kingdom in the Year 1867, with the Rate and Amount of Duty thereon:" No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT " of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastways, by Inland Navigation, and by Railway, into the Port of London, during the Year 1807, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1866 : " And, No. 5. — AN ACCOUNT "of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel Imported into the various Ports of the United Kingdom." — No. 1.— AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Shipped at the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Coastways, to other Ports of the United Kingdom. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London - Rochester - Dover Littlehampton - Portsmouth Southampton Cowes Weymouth Plymouth - Bristol Gloucester Cardiff - Newport - Swansea - Neath Port Talbot Porth Cawl Llanelly - Milford - Chester Liverpool - Runcorn - Preston - Fleetwood Lancaster - "Whitehaven Workington Maryport - Carlisle Berwick - Newcastle - North Shields - South Shields - Sunderland Hartlepool Middlesborough Stockton - Gainsborough - Hull Goole Grimsby - Boston Colchester Scotland: Leith Granton - Borrowstoness • Grangemouth - Alloa Kirkcaldy - Perth Dundee Greenock - Glasgow - Ardrossan - Troon Ayr - Ireland : New Ross Total COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM. YEAR 186 C. Coals. Tons. 2,619 3,998 105 6,358 255 146 112 38 173,725 887,850 657,736 226,942 176,744 86,738 43,520 181,700 17,646 59,818 265,576 116,937 34,335 12,315 719 143,487 137,453 431,239 36,090 198 2,520,148 22,736 39,308 2.228,231 903,611 149,547 69 15,063 13,551 97,813 34,969 22 10 10,295 18,999 30,139 3,318 6,163 61,912 1,018 7,253 117,119 111,088 345,488 106,137 120 Cinders. Culm Tons. 95 915 340 2,735 2,160 100 26 83 1,056 9,403 1,032 223 2,225 112 10,548,532 20,505 Tons. 75 30 30 38,646 64,237 19,920 24,871 200 3,612 66 100 151,787 Total. Tons. 2,619 4,093 915 105 6,433 255 146 142 378 173,755 890,585 659,896 265,688 240,981 86,764 43,003 201,620 42,517 59,818 265,570 116,937 34,535 12,315 1,775 147,099 137,453 431,239 36,096 198 2,529,551 22,736 39,374 2,229,263 903,834 151,772 69 15,063 13,551 97,813 34,969 22 122 10,295 18,999 30,139 3,318 6,163 61,912 1,018 7,253 117,119 111,088 345,588 106,137 120 10,720,824 YEAR 1 86 7. Coals. Tons. 3,659 4,575 9,680 200 50 64 540 160,681 872,911 785,833 250,361 166,966 80,501 89,191 194,357 20,663 79,433 277,579 87,462 31,257 10,912 909 161,998 136,607 476,162 52,705 335 2,523,784 119,193 22,367 2,313,934 894,785 134,627 45 15,132 11,268 76,527 44,923 60 12,404 33,142 30,000 2,666 8,807 57,467 84 408 12,831 152,125 166,952 406,001 120,438 11,115,561 Cinders. Culm. Tons. 165 490 455 1,442 731 498 1,777 60 552 44 13,229 297 685 210 70 ' Estimated Quantity. The Records destroyed by Fire Tons. 267 145 43,174 63,354 62 15,379 28,082 7,956 3,682 Total. 20,705 33S. 1,023 Tons. 3,659 4,740 490 9,947 200 50 64 995 160,681 874,498 786,564 294,033 230,320 80,563 90,968 209,736 48,745 79,433 277,579 87,522 31,257 10,912 1,461 169,954 136,607 476,162 52,749 335 2,537,013 119,193 22,367 2,314,231 895,470 138,309 255 15,132 11,268 76,527 44,923 CO 70 12,404 33,142 I 30,000 2,666 8,807 57,46" 84 408 12,831 152.125 167,975 406,001 120,438 PATENT FUEL. 163,124 11,299,390 Year 1866. Tons. Year 1867. Tons. 9,734 —24 20,3 37, 680 429 5,275 I — 33,333 40.109 2 OUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Cclm, and Patent Fuel Exported YEAR 1866. PORTS from which SHIPPED. England : London Portsmouth - Southampton Poole - Lyme - Plymouth Falmouth Penzance Truro - Bristol - Gloucester - Newport Cardiff - Swansea Neath - Port Talbot - — Porth Cawl Llanelly Milford Beaumaris Chester Liverpool Runcorn Preston Fleetwood - Lancaster Whitehaven - Maryport Workington - Carlisle Berwick Newcastle North Shields South Shields Sunderland - Hartlepool - Middlesborough • Stockton Scarborough - Gainsborough Hull - Goole - Grimsby Ipswich Scotland : Glasgov/ Leith - Granton Borrowstoness Grangemouth Alloa - Kirkcaldy - Dundee Aberdeen Peterhead - Wick - Greenock Port Glasgow Ardrossan Troon - Avr Ireland : Belfast - Wexford Cork QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Coals. Total Tons. 02,362 17 4,623 630 170 85 25 16 206 10,343 1,892 372,878 1,848,757 535,208 41,837 9,511 900 128,663 1,000 285 600 710,238 5,997 1,837 474 2,164 2,115 4,328 130 2,995 282 2,380,380 296,950 63,527 1,1-28,373 573,568 94,573 127 20 245 182,987 8,28S 183,753 54 84,717 71,326 29,857 177,154 110,895 70,565 127,449 31,940 628 20 908 74,662 7,239 63,319 116,156 3,363 550 775 200 9,635,186 Cinders. Tons. 3,460 10 223 5,154 12,926 2,758 135 19,616 Culm. Tons. 560 1,033 9,072 1,478 179,680 1,220 540 17,197 31,394 28,822 1,040 532 150 76 351 212 887 305,496 Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Tons. 65,822 27 4,623 630 170 85 25 16 206 10,566 1,892 378,032 1,861,683 538,526 43,055 9,511 900 137,735 2,478 285 600 729,854 5,997 1,837 474 2,164 2,115 4,328 130 2,995 282 2,560,947 298,170 64,067 1,145,570 604,962 123,395 127 20 245 184,027 8,288 183,753 54 85,249 71,476 29,857 177,154 110,971 70,565 127,449 32,291 628 20 008 74,874 7,239 63,319 116,150 3,363 Patent Fuel. 550 775 200 Tons. 1,326 108 30 56,115 124,622 1,941 3,282 1,054 70 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, am Culm. Patent Fuel. SC. £. RO 980 oo,0/0 1,574 15 7 oo OjOOU O,OO0 rtOO 40O 1 /U 61 61 1 1 ill 1 Q 1 94 1 *>A 1Z4 0,OUv/ 91 Q 0,/ i\? 95 on ± y / 4 y /4 1 AHA iyO,UOO 1 QQ Ql A iy©,oiu 18 1 Aft 1 y,o*o 1 A7A Q77 l,U/0,y/ / 38,697 oga QOQ OQO Ql 1 71,489 J 0,000 *>A O lOjoyy A Q.7^ 4,0/ o A Q7^ 4,o/ O 400 4U0 tc 4 OK 00,4*0 1,01,5 K7 OQC — OO^ O A O 348 J,00O i — oa^ OQO ~* 4Zy,40o 90 790 4 ^A 1 QO 400,1 o.i 1,189 Q Aft7 o,UO/ q Afi7 0,00/ onn yoo QAA yoo ■ ZOO OQQ i i on 1 1 OA 1,1 ZO yoo yoo i vim l,oOO m 1 QAA l,oOO Do Oo 1 A Q£t 1 AQQ loO 1 *3A loU 1,104,704 132,346 532 1,237,582 1,912 132,021 812 132,833 25,194 440 25,634 477,829 11,979 489,808 648 245,585 23,703 - 269,288 38,853 21,485 60,338 o/ O/ 1 A *1 A 14 1 OQ GO /f09 O4o OQ 07A yOj-i/ o o,yui Q GA1 o,yoi Gl ftlO y i,oi-i A K 40 ca on 4 AQQ 4yy oi ? 4yo 71 100 70 777 /u^/ / / O/i an a Zi,OI't OA £174 ^4jO/ 4 93,761 - 93,761 50,170 74 50,244 — 26,625 26,625 53,528 53,528 15,551 550 16,101 — 340 - 340 15 15 1,435 - - 1,435 — 38,639 196 38,835 3,732 - 3,732 — 26,812 26,812 46,830 46,830 1,403 - - ' - 1,403 — 320 320 416 416 174 174 4,866,838 232,786 3,181 5,102,805 115,693 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 18(50 AND 1867. 3 from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad — continued. - YEAR i860. COUNTRIES to which EXPORTED. Russia: Northern Ports ,, Southern Ports Ports on the North Pacific Sweden - - - - Norway - - - - Denmark, including Iceland Prussia - . - Schleswig and Holstein Hanover - - - - - Mecklenburg Schwerin Oldenburg - Hamburg - - - - - Bremen - - - - - Lubeck - - - - - Heligoland - - - - - Holland - - - - - Belgium - - - - - Channel Islands - France - - - - - Portugal, Azores, and Madeira - Spain and the Canaries Gibraltar - - - - - Italy Papal Territory - - - - Illyria, Croatia, and Dalmatia Malta ------ Greece ------ Ionian Islands _ - - - Turkey - Wallachia and Moldavia Syria and Palestine - - - Egypt - Tunis Algeria - Morocco - - - - - Western Coast of Africa Cape Verde Islands _ - - Ascension - - - - - St. Helena - - - - British Possessions in South Africa Eastern Coast of Africa Madagascar - - - - - Mauritius - - - - Arabia, Aden - - - - Muscat - - - - Persia - - - - - British India : Continental Territories „ Singapore - „ Ceylon Siam ------ Cochin China - Java ------ Sumatra - - - - - Macassar - - - - - Amboyna - Philippine Islands - China and Hong Kong Japan ------ Australia - Sandwich Islands- - British North America British West Indies - - - Foreign West Indies - - - United States of America : Ports on the Atlantic Ports on the Pacific Mexico - - - - - Central America - - New Granada - - - - Venezuela - - - - - Ecuador - - - - - Peru ------ Bolivia - - - - - Chili Brazil ------ Uruguay - - - - - States of the Argentine Confederation - Falkland Islands - - - - QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Total DECLARED VALUE T 11 B R E (J W. Coals. 1 Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Fuel. Coals. Cinders. Culm. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent Dl_— 1 r uci. Tons. Tons. Tons. • Tons. Tons. £. £. £. £. £. 479,880 12,809 _ 492,095 - 226,620 9,922 - - 230,542 80,024 721 - 80,745 - 42,985 382 - 43,307 1,184 _ _ 1,184 - 618 - [f jT-ij 618 255,570 18,715 - 274,285 - 119,624 14,231 133,K.,5 185,115 8,025 _ 193,140 10 85,788 6,037 91,825 12 529,505 10,635 _ 540,200 - 249,906 8,296 258,262 461,871 19,357 _ 481,228 - 192,702 13,412 206,114 153,504 626 _ 154,190 - 66,878 495 07,373 — 70,484 1,387 _ 71,821 - 32,408 1,111 33,579 — 49,020 1,280 _ 50,850 - 20,856 708 21,564 — 22,805 001 _ 22,900 - 10,480 480 10,900 — 559,889 14,708 _ 574,597 1,600 259,442 12,117 271,559 1,023 9,209 125 _ 9,394 - 6,711 100 6,811 — 26,192 1,132 _ 27,324 - 12,064 834 12,898 — 188 - _ 188 - 93 93 — 237,758 6,109 _ 243,867 - 113,920 4,623 118,549 — 60,141 _ 00,141 - 32,793 _ 32,793 — 72,582 449 _ 73,031 - 34,775 381 35,15G — 1,913,305 5,813 12,058 1,931,230 10,847 898,882 3,945 2,626 905,453 5,992 108,223 4,325 _ 172,548 i6,337 84,543 3,203 87,746 3,703 454,456 72,669 _ 527,125 47,271 249,787 55,321 305,108 26,974 75,201 23 75,224 - 41,286 17 41,303 :,— ft 630,521 13,712 _ 644,233 34,407 324,960 10,700 _ 335,000 20,337 14,827 i - 4 _ 14,827 6,224 7,570 - - - J 7,570 3,815 61,842 1,199 - 63,041 _ 34,744 928 - - ' 35,072 — 108,258 632 - 168,890 611 92,498 474 - - 92,972 306 29,900 8,989 _ 38,949 - 16.872 6,619 - - 23,491 — 30,997 rij J _ 30,997 _ 17,265 _ 17,265 — 219,132 934 _ 220,006 _ 118,742 660 119,402 — 6,519 _ 6,519 - 3,790 - 3,790 — 19,907 _ 19,967 - 11,216 - 11,216 — 277,258 47,470 887 325,615 16,238 146,645 31,446 532 178,623 9,719 5,208 5,208 _ 2,769 2,769 — 27,581 67 _ 27,648 622 13,792 49 13,841 404 546 - - 540 - 293 _ 293 — 19,496 - _ 19,496 3,046 10,780 _ _ 10,786 1,687 41,505 _ - 41,505 2,638 24,569 _ _ 24,569 1,451 4,059 _ _ 4,059 _ 2,573 _ 2,573 — 1,235 - - 1,235 - 846 _ 846 — 26,449 983 _ 27,432 100 15,543 855 16,398 60 3,030 _ _ 3,030 _ 2,051 2,051 — 53 t - - _ 53 _ 30 _ — 30 — 28,130 478 - 28,608 740 15,354 376 15,730 866 70,301 477 - 70,838 17,713 37,831 358 38,189 11,408 4,724 - - 4,724 - 2,772 _ 2,772 — 502 - - 502 - 455 _ 455 — 281,778 27,027 - 308,805 10.745 156,453 24,627 181,080 7,427 64,017 J - 64,017 7,236 36,588 36,588 4,755 03,174 735 - 63,909 8,579 33,523 646 34,169 6,529 161 •j - - 161 - 92 - - - 92 — 1 925 1 925 940 940 18^082 230 _ 18^312 8,933 208 9,141 1,154 - - 1,154 _ 578 _ - 578 — 727 - - 727 - 303 _ „ 303 - 896 - - 896 - 421 421 2,651 - - 2,651 _ 1,588 _ mm J,58S — 107,936 281 - 108,217 7,792 64,224 221 64,445 5,103 10,985 - - 10,985 2,766 5,808 5,808 1,874 22,370 3,111 - 25,481 _ 15,067 4,129 19,190 66 - - 66 _ 44 44 187,720 951 , 85 188,702 _ 96,207 S06 23 97,036 137,824 70 1 137,394 1,220 80,072 57 80,129 1,130 382,504 87 I - 382,651 868 202,300 70 202,370 485 126,384 238 - - 120,622 - 76,473 159 76,632 — 7,491 7,491 7,269 7,269 — 13,721 : : 13,721 7,539 7,539 747 18 765 616 20 636 27,590 2,996 30,586 200 17,752 2,136 li'.sss 128 1,088 1,023 2,111 565 767 - - 1,332 25 25 20 20 G0,960 2,729 63,689 44,310 2,169 - - 40.479 750 750 300 300 130,080 510 131,190 65,656 477 66,133 - 245,488 6,448 251,886 44 149,060 4,601 | - - 153,661 31 118,010 596 118,612 69,943 469 - - 70,412 51,095 4,040 55,141 584 35,195 3,144 - 38,339 414 2,491 2,491 1,746 1,746 9,035,186 305,496 13,031 9,953,712 1 188,548 4,866,838 232,786 j 3,181 5,102,805 j 115,093 338. A 2 4 QUANTITIES AND DECLARED VALUE OF COALS, CINDERS, CULM, AND PATENT FUEL, No. 2. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities and Declared Value of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported YEAR 1867. PORTS from which SHIPPED. QUANTITIES EXPORTED. Coals. England : London Littlekampton Portsmouth - Cowes - Southampton Poole - Dartmouth - Plymouth Falmouth Penzance Fowey - Hayle - Bristol - Bridgewater Gloucester - Newport Cardiff Swansea Neath - Port Talbot Porth Cawl Llanelly Milford Chester Liverpool Runcorn Preston Fleetwood - Lancaster Whitehaven Maryport Carlisle Berwick Newcastle North Shields South Shields Sunderland - Hartlepool - Mid dlesborough Stockton Gainsborough Hull - . ; - Goole - Grimsby Yarmouth Lowestoft Scotland : Leith - Granton Borrowstoness Alloa - Grangemouth Kirkcaldy Dundee Arbroath Montrose Aberdeen Peterhead Kirkwall Lerwick Greenock Port Glasgow Glasgow Ardrossan Troon - Ayr Stranraer Ireland : Dublin Waterford Cork - Belfast Tc tal - Tons. 66,094 38 20 104 33 10 43 465 80 125 320 8,218 273 1,440 389,368 1,929,917 474,377 43,791 6,606 13,743 140,824 847 15 656,150 2,152 351 1,010 2,472 1,506 4,085 1,124 210 2,470,826 332,357 114,719 1,168,930 642,860 79,072 179 174 163,009 16,316 195,886 138 307 80,254 36,580 184,737 88,857 119,061 154,645 40,240 2,258 239 125 20 9 17 103,844 9,071 134,074 59,909 102,250 2,549 208 580 70 278 1,700 10,052,759 Cinders. Tons. 4,429 14 264 1,405 15,394 4,252 683 374 233 26,251 208,727 902 1,962 18,939 27,953 28,070 6 1,048 380 51 125 296 48 1,520 343,326 Culm. Tons. 50 1,559 18,080 1 9,693 Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Tons. 71,123 52 20 104 33 10 43 465 80 125 320 8,482 273 1,440 390,773 1,945,311 478,679 46,033 6,980 13,976 158,904 847 15 682,401 2,152 351 1,010 2,472 1,506 4,085 1,124 210 2,679,553 333,259 116,681 1,187,869 670,813 107,142 185 174 164,057 16,316 196,266 189 307 80,379 36,580 185,033 88,857 119,113 154,645 40,240 2,258 239 125 20 9 17 103,844 9,071 135,594 59.909 102^250 2,549 208 580 70 278 1,700 10,415,778 Patent Fuel. Tons. 5,146 11 31 5 DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. 37,433 105,895 1,530 Coals. £. 65,376 50 16 58 33 10 16 369 61 55 168 4,993 135 786 204,351 1,120,649 257,878 19,996 3,409 6,775 60,377 508 5 413,078 1,078 165 490 1,372 695 1,793 562 94 1,192,116 159,507 48,084 607,277 282,831 33,141 91 70 87,153 7,965 98,527 103 77 71,765 22,965 91,431 31,649 55,154 64,044 19,293 818 120 94 15 9 17 48,406 4,029 63,326 24,219 40,733 1,034 93 421 35 213 914 150,051 5,123,140 Cinders. £. 6,212 264 959 10,906 2,869 267 236 154 29,346 153,500 765 1,532 13,587 20,216 20,330 4 1,154 380 43 160 248 37 Culm. £. 2,085 265,262 15 616 3,416 4,050 Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. 71,588 58 16 58 33 10 16 369 61 55 168 5,257 135 786 205,310 1,131,555 260,762 20,879 3,645 6,929 63,793 508 5 442,424 1,078 165 490 1,372 695 1,793 562 94 1,345,616 160,272 49,616 520,864 303,047 53,471 95 70 88,307 7,965 98,907 146 77 71,925 22,965 91,679 31,649 55,194 64,044 19,293 818 120 94 15 9 17 4S,406 4,029 65,411 24,219 40,733 1,034 93 421 35 213 914 5,392,452 Patent Fuel. £. 3,115 6 16 8 27,115 62,291 942 90,493 EXPORTED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN 180G AND l8f>7- 5 from the several Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to Foreign Countries and the British Settlements Abroad— oantinut d* YEAR 1867. QUANT I T IES EXPORTED. DECLARED VALUE THEREOF. C O U N T R I E S to which Total of Coals Cinders, Patent Coals. ndcrs. Total of Coals, Cinders, and Culm. Patent EXPORTED. Coals. Cinders. Culm. ruci. C Culm Fuel. and Culm. J Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £. £. 1 & £. £. Russia : Northern Ports 449,613 17,626 407,239 227,802 1 3,328 241,130 Southern Ports 129,03-2 607 1 30,239 ' 00,127 351 I i 66,478 Sweden 255,466 18 433 273 800 123,641 13,594 1 137,235 Norway 217,423 224,884 98,199 5,709 m _ 103,908 Denmark, including Iceland 535,218 8,392 543 0 1 0 255,168 0,301 261,529 Prussia 492,78!) 15 180 S07 0(i0 1 210,715 1 0,442 221,157 I Sehleswig Holstein a nd Lauenberg 150,177 l'336 151 513 65,317 974 00,291 Hanover 68,777 1,419 70,196 51 745 30,891 959 _ 31,850 Mecklen l)urar Schvverin _ 50,505 I 180 20,405 820 _ 21,225 Oldenbu rg - 22,412 851 23 263 9,512 290,532 655 10,107 Hambur r _ _ 637,152 12,569 649 721 i ),379 299,91 1 Bremen 15,458 95 is 5nH 10,035 69 _ 10,104 Lubeck 25,032 1,380 26 412 11,944 893 _ 12,837 „ Holland 269,720 3,881 973 601 4 131,292 ' 2,891 134,183 5 Belgium 159,380 ISO 3SO 73,097 73,097 Channel Islands - 75,888 358 76 240 36 37,018 253 I L 37,271 24 France 1.97 !,?£ 6 5 231 19,163 1 O0n O.'iO 14,4.53 928,897 1 1,330 3,951 937,178 8,218 Portugal Azores, and Madeira 163,297 2 648 1 65 045 5,074 84,702 229,433 57,983 1,922 86,684 3,309 Spain an d the Canaries 409,089 ^08 l. r ,4 43 424 7 1,596 301,029 25,487 Gibraltar 102,560 25 2 19 58,002 269,714 2 Kalv - 512,065 13,144 530 525 730 25,024 259,714 ),901 99 14,831 Papal Territory - 13,234 13 234 3 429 6,726 ~~ ~ 6,726 2,171 Illyria, Croatia, and Dalmatia 55,370 2 094 57 464 2,094 30,171 ,277 31,448 1,317 Malta - 145,130 665 145 795 85,314 532 m m 85,846 Greece - 38,040 18 196 990 56,236 23,355 12,881 _ t 36,236 Ionian I slands 29,288 30 278 16,365 740 M * 17,105 Turkey 211,057 870 211,927 116,765 565 1 117,330 Wallachia and Moldavia 9,513 9 513 5,771 - 5,771 Syria and Palestine 14,401 14,401 1,036 7,947 - _ 7,947 ' 1 7 Egypt - 358,018 54 900 413 008 4,593 189,988 4( ),271 230,259 2,657 2,884 Tunis - 4,530 4,530 2,657 Algeria 35,551 856 66 35 617 1,006 18,938 45 _ J 18,983 667 Morocco 856 447 _ _ 447 Western Coast of Africa 19,181 19 181 3,266 3 947 11,928 11,928 1,769 Cape Verde Islands 43,576 43,576 25,870 _ 25,870 2,219 Ascensio a 6,744 6,744 3,522 _ _ 3,522 St. Helena - 1,755 1,755 51 1,126 _ _ 1,120 63 British Possessions in South Africa 73,67 2 924 74 596 470 44,607 764 _ 45,371 570 Eastern Coast of Africa 2,646 2 646 1,747 1,747 Madagascar - 121 121 70 _ _ 70 Mauritius 31,010 20 31 030 3,468 18,283 25 18,308 3,921 Arabia, Aden 115,57 2 115 572 5,630 62,931 62,931 3,942 „ Muscat - 9,821 9 821 6,038 6,638 Persia - 545 545 537 537 British India; Continental Territorie. t - 474,87 Q 35 651 510 521 12,983 < 260,935 37 ,479 298,414 9,437 Straits Settlements 80,743 80 743 5 590 48,332 j 48,332 3,885 Ceylon 86,206 302 86 £08 2,702 48,150 342 48,492 •2.048 French Possessions in India - 1,190 1 190 694 _ 694 Siam - 35 8 358 194 m 191 Cochin China 1,100 1,100 612 g 612 Java 27,793 617 - 28,410 15,780 6S9 16,469 Sumatra 806 806 445 445 Philippine Islands 3,506 3 50G 2,070 74,141 2,070 China and Hong Kong 128,995 880 129 875 7,038 1 ,394 1 _ 75,535 5,112 Japan - 8,617 8 617 5,279 O, Zt y Australis L 13,370 1,403 14^773 800 9,804 1 ,911 11,715 1,00/ Sandwich Islands 170 170 143 143 British North America 169,309 1 748 171 057 85,821 1 ,315 87,136 British West Indies 109,298 1 R9 lOQ 4^0 0\JO 63,045 148 63,193 580 Foreign West Indies 375,01 7 1 IX 37-1 101 203,368 147 203,515 United States of America : Port s on the Atlantic 108,835 _ m 108,835 75,512 75,512 — Port s on the Pacific 14,55 7 ~ ~ 14,557 10,547 10,547 Mexico 5,961 20 5,981 - 4,659 20 4,679 Central J America - 15 8 158 100 100 New Granada 18,286 18,286 350 11,063 249 11,003 259 228 Venezuei a 429 10 439 10 Ecuador 18 10 28 18 10 28 1 ■•em 34,783 773 35,556 1,992 25,160 586 25,752 1,644 Bolivia Chili - 921 83,354 921 84,856 470 43,5-15 470 1,502 1 ,215 44,790 Brazil - 207,521 8,75S 216,279 125,364 7 ,008 132,372 Uruguay 124,401 151 124,552 75,405 130 75,535 £ tates of the Argentine Confederation - 38,193 1,499 39,092 480 27,175 1 ,222 1 - - 28,397 315 ] 7 alkland Islands - 1,194 1,194 767 707 I Northern Whale Fisheries - 200 200 100 100 Total - - 10,052,759 343,320 19,693 10,415,77S 150,051 5,123,140 205,262 4,050 5,392,152 96,493 333. A3 6 COALS; &C. EXPORTED, AND COALS, &C. BROUGHT INTO THE PORT OF LONDON. — No. 3. AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Exported from the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries and British Settlements Abroad, with the Rate and Amount of Duty Received thereon. YEAR 186 7. Quantities Exported. Tons. 10,052,759 343,326 Culm 19,693 Total - 10,415,778 Tons. Patent Fuel 150,051 The Duties on Coals, Cinders, and Culm Exported, c. 95, from 14th August 1850. were wholly repealed by Act 13 & 14 Vict. — No. 4. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals and Patent Fuel brought Coastwats, by Inland Navigation, and by Railway, into the Port of London during the Year 1867, comparing the same with the Quantities brought during the Year 1866. Coals and Patent Fuel brought into the Port of London. Coals. Patent Fuel. Years Years S 1866. 1867. 1866. 1867. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Coastways - - - 3,033,193 3,016,416 8,616 29,730 By Inland Navigation and by Rail-) way J 2,969,896 3,313,134 Total - - - 6,003,089 6,329,550 8,616 29,730 The Quantities of Coals brought into the Port of London, as shown above, are stated on the authority of the Registrar of the Coal Market. COALS AND PATENT FUEL IMPORTED INTO TOE UNITED KINGDOM. / — No. 5. — AN ACCOUNT of the Quantities of Coals, Cinders, and Culm, and Patent Fuel Imported into the various Ports of the United Kingdom. Coals, Cinders, and Culm Imported into the United Kingdom. Ports into which Imported. England : London - Liverpool Hull Grimsby Lynn Scotland : Glasgow Port Glasgow Total YEARS. 18G6. Tons. 112 13 40 167 1867. Tons. 35 17 57 The Article of Patent Fuel is not distinguished in the Official Registry of Imports. Office of the Inspector General of Imports 1 and Exports, Custom House, London, 11 June 1868. Edw. Bernard, Inspector General. 338. CO Si, -4 3 GO a 3" ►> '■d ft c o P 3" o o 5 o 05 N V O S 3 3- p ?? 3 P s, 5". J 4 - CD H © x ~ ►a » o s g. a< CD f5_ C2 a 3 ? > g o - o p o 3 s a g> CO ft & fV Q O o o p (» g &§ t CD O , 3 p 03 CO to CC CD I 3 o CD 33 CD •-! w 3 3 < O & 2 O w > o COAL A N D COK E. RETURN to an Address of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 23 March 1848;— for, A " RETURN of all Dues, Duties and Taxes, Municipal, Local or Imperial, levied on the Importation of Coal or Coke into any of the Ports of the United Kingdom from any other Ports therein ; stating the Amount so Collected in each Port in the Years 1846 and 1847 respectively : — Also, the Dues, Duties and Taxes, Municipal, Local or Imperial, levied in each of the above Years on the Exportation of Coal and Coke, from any Port of the United Kingdom, either Coastwise or Foreign, with the Amount so collected in each Port: — Also, a Similar RETURN of Taxation on all Coal and Coke brought by Railway from any Port, or taken by Railway to any Port of the United Kingdom, with the Amount collected." A RETURN of all Dues, Duties and Taxes, Municipal, Local or Imperial, levied on the Importation of Coal and Coke into any of the Ports of the United Kingdom from any other Ports therein ; stating the Amount so collected in each Port in the Years 1846 and 1847 respectively. NAMES OF THE PORTS. DESCRIPTION OF DUTY. ENGLAND and WALES: Aberystwith Arundel Beaumaris Berwick and its District Boston - - Bridgewater and its Dis- trict. Bridport - Carnarvon and its Dis- trict. 728. Harbour dues Municipal dues Municipal dues Berwick — Shore dues - Eyemouth — Harbour dues „ Cyze boll - Budle — Shore dues North Sunderland — Shore dues HATES OF DUTY. 4d. per ton - 10 d. per cargo - '5 cwt. out of each cargo of" coals or culm, amounting to 20 tons or upwards 2\ cwt. out of each cargo of / coals or culm amounting to less than 20 tons - -J 3 d. per chaldron 1 d. per ton - one met. from each cargo, valued at 1 5. 1 d. 6 d. per chaldron 6 d. per chaldron on coals - 5 d. per ton on coke - * Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected^ at the Port of Berwick and its District - -J Harbour dues Bridgewater — Nil. Watchet — Local dues - Minehead — Local dues 1 d. per chaldron 4 d. per ton 7 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected 1 in the Port of Bridgewater and its District - -J Harbour dues - Carnarvon — Harbour dues - Pwllheli — Municipal dues - Portmadoc — Harbour dues - Barmouth — Harbour dues - 1 s. 2d. per ton - 2 d. per chaldron £ d. per ton 6 d. per ton 2 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected! in the Port of Carnarvon and its District - -J AMOUNT of Local or Municipal Dues Collected. 1 8 4 6. 1 8 4 7. £. s. d. 143 6 - 7 8- - no acco £. 5. d. 109 11 - 6 4 2 unt kept. 62 4 - 12 3 1 3 7 2 3 3- - 16 6 6 15 10 158 15 9 10 19 1 2 19 7 8 3 3 2 7- 8 9 7 88 9 7 101 14 3 80 13 10 99 3 9 123 2 10 79 6 1 119 7 4 76 18 8 202 8 11 196 6 - 900 14 3 878 11 - 151 16 8 51 12 - 23 7 3 163 17 6 53 14 - 16 8 8 226 15 11 234 - 2 1 (continued) 2 RETURN OF ALL DUES, DUTIES AND TAXES, MUNICIPAL, LOCAL OR IMPERIAL, Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. NAMES OF THE PORTS. Chichester and its Dis- trict. Clay Colchester Dartmouth and its Dis- trict. Deal- Dover Exeter and its District Falmouth and its Dis- trict. DESCRIPTION OF DUTY. Chichester — Municipal dues Bognor — Local dues - Bosham — 'Local dues - Faversham and its Dis- trict. RATES OF DUTY. AMOUNT of Local or Municipal Dues Collected. 18 4 6. if landed at canal basin : 3^ d. per ton - if landed at Dell quay : to corporators, 1 \ d. per ton to non-corporators, 3e?.p'ton 2 5. per ton ... 3 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected *| in the Port of Chichester and its District - - I Local dues - Local dues - Dartmouth — Duchy of Corn- wall dues - Torquay — Duchy of Cornv/all dues - Brixham — Harbour dues „ Duchy of Cornwall dues Salcombe — Duchy of Corn- wall dues - lie?, per ton 6 d. per ton | d. per ton | d. per ton 6 d. per ton j d. per ton | d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected") in the Port of Dartmouth and its District - -/ Local Dues Harbour dues Municipal dues - Ramsgate Harbour dues 3 s. per ton - 1 \ d. per chaldron of 25 cwt. Is. 7 c?. per ton - - - 1 d. per chaldron of 25 cwt. - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected^! in the Port of Dover - - - - -J Exeter — Ramsgate Harbour dues - „ Dover Harbour dues „ Kenton dues - „ Town dues - Canal dues Topsham — Quay dues - Teig-nmouth — Harbour dues £. s. d. 47 9 6 2 4 1 61 7 2 172 6 - 8 17 9 292 4 6 161 13 10 1,181 10 11 60 2 10 49 8 11 79 6 6 9 19 8 55 12 9 254 10 8 1 8 4 7. £. s. d. 55 12 3 2 3 1 68-7 143 10 - 119- 280 14 11 142 4 9 1,046 9 4 61 12 1 37 5 3 76 18 6 9 1 1 44 13 9 229 10 8 706 140 11 2 1,958 - 4 16 13 3 2,115 4 9 1 d. per chaldron | d. per chaldron \\ d. per quarter of 16 bushels l| d. per ton - 1 5. per ton | d. per quarter of 16 bushels 2 d. per ton - 193 1 4 144 17 6 173 10 10 284 11 3 Receipt for 3 quarters of the year : 1,085 7 6 (The receipt for the residue of the year not ascertained. ) 5 3 9 183 2 8 Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected] in the Port of Exeter and its District - - - J Falmouth — Local dues Penryn — Municipal dues Gweek — Local dues 1 d. per cargo 3 d. per ton 8 d. per 3 tons Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected] in the Port of Falmouth and its District - -J Faversham — Local dues Milton — Local dues 1 s. per ton 3g d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected] in the Port of Faversham and its District - -J 2,069 14 10 721 14 5 183 14 4 2,174 1 2 27 3 9 2,384 19 3 196 12 2 148 3 10 158 4 7 300 - - ll,476 18 1 7 19 2 170 4 8 2,458 2 6 - 10 - 90 18 - 50 16 - 148 4 - 572 11 - 50 10 10 623 1 10 - 9 - 62 - - 43 5 1 105 14 709 14 48 15 758 9 - LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION OF COAL OR COKE, IN 184G AND 1847. 3 Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. NAMES OF THE PORTS. Folkstone Fowey and its District Gainsborough Goole Grimsby Harwich Hull and its District - Ipswich Liverpool 728. DESCRIPTION OF DUTY. Harbour dues Municipal dues - Dover harbour dues Ramsgate do. RATES OF DUTY. 1 s. 3d. per ton • d. per ton £ d. per chaldron 1 d. per chaldron in the Port of Folkstone Fowey — Municipal dues Looc — Municipal dues Charlestown — Local dues Pentowan — Local dues Mevagissey — Local dues 2 s. 6 d. per cargo One bushel from each cargo 6 d. per ton 63 d. per ton 4 d. per quarter of 12 cwt. the Port of Fowey and its District Local dues engine, 8 d. per ton Coals used for other pu 1 s. per ton Coke, free - the Port of Gainsborough Trinity House dues Municipal dues - Dock dues 3 d. per ton 1 \ d. per ton 3 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected" in the Port of Grimsby - Municipal dues Local dues 1 d. per ton 2 s. per chaldron in the Port of Harwich Kings ton-on-Hull — Dock dues Coal Inspector's dues - Bridlington — Local dues 4 d. per ton on coals landed upon and passed over the quays and wharfs 1 d. per 1 J ton 1 s. 6 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in" the Port of Hull Municipal dues - Dock dues - Mayor's perquisite 2 d. per chaldron, or \ \d. per ton - 1 s. 6 d. per ton - two bushels from each ship load not owned by a free burgess - - - - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in" the Port of Ipswich - - - - Municipal clues - 2 d. per ton A 2 AMOUNT of Local or Municipal Dues Collected. • 18 4 0* 1 8 4 7. £. s. d. 1,998 17 6 399 15 0 100 13 7 134 - 3 £. s. d. 1,806 7 6 361 6 0 85 12 4 114 10 3 2,633 6 10 2,367 15 7 2 5- 2 19 - 166 7 6 130 11 6 33 15 - 2 12 6 2 13 6 201 4 G 119 1 2 30 13 8 335 18 - 356 5 4 113 13 - 451 16 6 142 11 5 600 4 9 565 9 6 742 16 2 96 3 6 192 7 - 1 aft « 7 276 17 3 288 10 6 415 5 10 9 6 8 223 16 - 11 10 9 257 - - 233 2 8 268 10 9 797 14 6 2-4 476 16 2 1,019 10 9 2 3 1 365 19 7 1,276 11 - 1,387 13 5 O — -J 1U 0 4,633 2 10 40 - - 555 7 5 7,612 - 7 40 - - 4,998 13 6 8,207 8 - 220 11 9 294 11 6 (contin ued) 4 RETURN OF ALL DUES, DUTIES AND TAXES, MUNICIPAL, LOCAL OR IMPERIAL, Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. NAMES OF THE PORTS. DESCRIPTION OF DUTY. RATES OF DUTY. AMOUNT of Local or Municipal Duea Collected. 1 8 4 6. 1 8 4 7. London Lyme Lynn Milford and its District Newhe Padstow Local Dues ; viz. Metropolis Improvement" Fund Duty applied by the Corporation of Lon- don and the Commis- sioners of Her Majesty's Woods and Forests - , Ditto, applied by the Com- 1 missioners of Her Ma- jesty's Woods andForestsJ Municipal dues taken in lieu of metage and other charges payable to the Corporation of London - - - 8 d. per ton 1 d. per ton 4 a'. per ton £. s. d. 95,698 14 2 11,899 19 1 47,612 7 10 £. s. d. 104,606 8 8 13,232 1 5 52,907 1 10 Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected^ in the Port of London -J 155,211 Municipal dues - Municipal dues - Mooring dues 6 d. per ton ... f 4 d. per chaldron of 25 cwt."l . on coals brought by vessels J [ not belonging to the port J 2 d. per ton - 100 16 - 106 7 6 420 4 4 1,736 12 1 419 1 - 2,055 11 11 Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected"! in the Port of Lynn - - - - -J 2,474 12 11 Milford — Legal quay dues - Pembroke — Municipal dues" on all vessels discharging at the quays without re spect to cargo Tenby — Municipal dues Haverfordwest — Municipal ~| dues on all vessels arriving [ with cargo J Total Am in the P can be ascertained from the Returns 2 d. per ton 8 d. each vessel - 3 d. per ton 1 d. per register ton J no separate account kept of the receipt from colliers, i 8 15 8 12 - - ount of Local or Municipal Dues collected! 'ort of Milford and its District (so far as j Harbour dues - on coals, 10 d. per ton on M'elsh coals : to August 1847, 9d. per ton from August 1847, 10 d. „ on stone coals and coke, 1 s. „ Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected") in the Port of Newhaven -J PadstoW' — Quay dues - New Quay — Quay dues Boscastle — Quay dues 1 d. per ton 6 d. per ton 2 1 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected"! in the Port of Padstow - - - - -J Penzance and its District Penzance — Municipal dues"! (collected by the Lessees of I the Corporation) - -J New Lyn — Pier dues - Porthleaven — Harbour dues - St. Michael's Mount — Dues] on landing (leased at rack- J rent) J Mousehole — Quay dues 3 d. per ton 1 \ d. per ton 3 4 d. per ton rates not stated rates not stated Total Amount of Local or in the Port ot Penzance Municipal Dues collected"] and its District (so far as ) can be ascertained from the Returns) no separate account kept of the receipt from colliers. 8 15 8 12 - - 795 1 11 172 7 - 478 10 3 1,195 15 5 58 8 7 272 8 3 1,445 19 2 1,526 12 3 57 3 8 17 1 - 45 3 1 52 18 8 23 7 6 46 3 7 119 7 9 122 9 9 375 - - estimated an 3 13 11 63 17 8 annual produce be ascertainal 6 - - estimated 375 - - aual produce. 4 9 2 64 15 2 reported not to »le. 6 - - produce. 448 11 7 450 4 4 LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION OF COAL OR COKE, IN 1840 AND 1847. 5 Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke— continued. NAMES OF THE PORTS. Plymouth and its Dis- trict. Poole Portsmouth Ramsgate and its Dis- trict. Rochester and its Dis- trict. Rye and its District Scarborough Shoreham and its Dis- trict. DESCRIPTION OF DUTY. Plymouth — Sutton Pool Har- bour dues - - - Mill Bay— Pier dues - Devonport — Quay dues Torpoint — Quay dues - Saltash — Quay dues - St. Germains — Quay dues - Stonehouse — Quay dues New Passage — Dues on land- ing . RATES OF DUTY. 1 \ d. per ton if delivered over the side of the vessel 4 J d. per ton if landed at the quays - 4 d. per ton - 3 d. per ton - - - 4| d. per ton - 2| d. per ton - 1 d. per ton - rates not stated - ^ 3 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in"| the Port of Plymouth (so far as can be ascertained from the Returns) ..... _J Municipal dues Municipal dues 3 d. per ton fif landed at the quay 6 c?. p' ton |_ if landed at other places 2d. Total Amount of Loca or Municipal Dues collected"! in the Port of Portsmouth .... .J Ramsgate — Local dues Margate — Local dues - Sandwich — Local dues 2 s. per ton 3 s. per ton 10 c?. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in" the Port of Ramsgate and its District - Rochester — Municipal dues - Medway Lower Naviga- tion dues ... Gruvesend and Rochester"! Canal dues (collected since 27 Sept. 1846, by the South Eastern Rail- way Company) - Dues received at Graves-- end Canal Basin (col- lected subsequently to 27 August 1847, by the South Eastern Railway Company) - Sheerness — Pier dues - 3g d. per ton rates not stated rates not stated 6 d. per ton rates not stated Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected] in the Port of Rochester and its District (so far as J can be ascertained from the Returns) -J Rye -Nil. Hastings-Local dues - f on C °f S > J S ' P er c ! ,a ! l ? ron '} l^on coke, 1 s. per chaldron -J Eastbourne — Nil. Municipal dues Pier dues - 1 \ per ton - 6 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected") in the Port of Scarborough ... _J Shoreham — Harbour dues Brighton — Local dues Worthing — Local dues 10 T J 5 d. per ton 2 s. 6 d. per ton 2 s. 6 d. per ton. Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected"! in the Port of Shoreham and its District - -J AMOUNT of Local or Municipal Dues Collected. 1 84 6. f. s. d. 438 11 - 121 6 8 28 8 - 18 15 - 8 1 10 8 9- 1 847. £. S. d. 439 3 9 8 121 6 28 17 14 2 1 17 9 8 18 2 9 annual produce not stated 18 14 - 30 17 - 642 5 6 645 3 1 329 - 1 474 13 3 863 3 - 23 6 10 1,107 2 6 17 3 2 886 9 10 1,124 5 8 1,461 19 6 1,160 17 7 347 13 8 1,527 14 - 1,378 16 10 343 13 5 2,970 10 9 3,250 4 3 2,069 8 5 2,025 15 7 1,135 18 10 from 27 Sept. to 31 December 67 4 9 previous receipt within the year I not ascertained 1,150 15 4 251 9 3 amount not ascertained - ' 450 - - from 27 August to 18 December 48 1 - previous receipt within the year not ascertained. 440 - - 3,722 12 - 3,916 1 2 1,452 15 2 1,600 - 10 86 1 8 384 15 8 77 7 5 322 13 1 470 17 4 400 - 6 4,833 7 7 7,085 2 7 680 7 5 4,554 18 8 6,995 10 1 728 8 5 12,598 17 7 12,278 17 2 728. (cviitinutd) 6 RETURN OF ALL DUES, DUTIES AND TAXES, MUNICIPAL, LOCAL OR IMPERIAL, Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the importation of Coal or Coke — continued. NAMES OF THE PORTS. Stockton Truro Weymouth Whitby Whitehaven Wisbeach - Yarmouth - SCOTLAND: Aberdeen and its Dis- trict. Ayr - Alloa and its District DESCRIPTION OF DUTY. - - Anchorage and plankage"i dues, collected by the Stock- [ ton and Darling-ton Railway [ Company - - - -J Tees Navigation dues, ditto - Local Light dues Municipal dues - Municipal dues - ditto RATES OF DUTY. 2 s. 6d. on each vessel, how- ever laden - 3 c?. per ton register on ves- sels, however laden - 2 s. 6 d. per mast on all vessels 2d. per chaldron on coals : to 22 July 1847, Is. p' ton\ from - ditto - 3 c?. p' ton J on coke p' ton J Is. p' ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected") in the Port of Weymouth -J Harbour dues - - 6d. per chaldron of 53 cwt. - Manorial dues - - 2 c?. - ditto - ditto Street dues - - - Is. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected^ in the Port of Whitby - - Municipal dues - Port dues - Nene Outfall dues (discon- tinued in 1847) -f c?. per ton 3 d- per chaldron 6 d. per chaldron Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected \ in the Port of Wisbeach - - - - . -J Haven and Pier dues - Municipal dues - Ditto upon vessels not re- gistered at this port Dues for the support of St. George's Chapel 6 d. per ton - 1 d. per ton - - - 4 d. per ton - - - fls. per chaldron of 25 cwt.") s upon coals consumed in \ [ the town - - -J Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected"! in the Port of Yarmouth ... - -J Harbour dues Peterhead — Harbour dues Newburgh — Manorial dues Stonehaven— Harbour dues "on English coals : Id. per boll of 5 \ cwt. on Scotch coals : 3| d. per ton to burgesses of Peterhead, or persons residing therein : Scotch coals, 9c?. per ton English coals, 10 c/. „ to persons not residing in Peterhead, and not being burgesses thereof: Scotch coals, Is- 1 Jrf.p'ton English coals, 1 s. 3 af.p' ton 4 s. per cargo - 2 d. per boll of 5| cwt. Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected"! in the Port of Aberdeen and its District - -J Harbour dues Alloa — Local dues Stirling — Local dues 4 d. per ton on coals, -J e?. per ton on coke, 2 d. per ton - on coals, l-fed. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected"! in the Port of Alloa and its District -J I AMOUNT of Local or Municipal Dues Collected. 18 4 6. £. s. d. 1 8 4 7. £. s. d. receipts not stated. 275 7 4 14 5 9 1,076 13 6 88 11 - 29 10 4 357 8 1 475 9 5 1,016 6 6 2,032 13 - 3,048 19 6 4,224 11 - 704 1 10 189 8 4 772 - - 5,890 1 2 2,151 46 6 3 208 15 10 1 7 - 18 17 6 6 12 - 117 5 4 2,550 4 8 1 10 - - 13 2 11 9 8 13 12 10 251 3 8 653 16 6 7 6 2 661 2 8 130 15 - 43 11 8 511 7 2 685 13 10 1,053 13 9 766 3 6 1,819 17 3 4,804 4 - 800 14 - 295 3 8 845 11 - 6,745 12 8 2,068 3 8 60 18 208 15 1 2 6 15 15 - 6 8- 173 12 5 2,534 14 7 1 17 - - 15 4 - 19 8 11 16 8 13 11 LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION OF COAL OR COKE, IN 184G AND 1847. Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. NAMES OF THE PORTS. Arbroath - Banff and its District - Borrowstoness and its District. Campbeltown Dumfries - Dundee Glasgow - Grangemouth Greenock Inverness and its Dis- trict. 728. DESCRIPTION OP DUTY. Harbour dues RATES OF DUTY. on coals, 4 d. per ton - on coke, 8 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected"! in the Port of Arbroath - - - - - f Banff — Harbour dues - Fraserburgh — Harbour dues fto a burgess, 5^ d. per ton -] |^to others - 8.} d. per ton -/ I to feuars - 4\d. per ton -~| L to others - 10^, d. per ton -J To tat. Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected") in the Port of Banff and its District Municipal Borrowstoness dues Inverkeithing — Municipal dues St. David's — Local dues Limekilns — Local dues Bridgeness — Local dues "J 1 d. per ton - - h d. per ton ... -g d. per ton - 1 s. per ton - - - lh d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected"! in the Port of Borrowstoness and its District - -j Municipal dues Harbour dues Harbour dues Kirk Fabric and Hospital dues f to 13 Aug. 1846, 4 d. per ton") \from - ditto - 2d. per ton J 6 d. per ton - - - 2| d. per ton - 3d. per chaldron of 1(5 bolls,] of 0 cwt. each boll, on Scotch coal only - -J Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected") in the Port of Dundee -f Local dues ; viz. For the improvement of] the River Clyde and Harbour of Glasgow -J Wharfage dues - 1 s. id. per ton on coke on coals, -\ d. per ton on coke, 1 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected] in the Port of Glasgow - - - - - ) Wharfage dues on coals, -J d. per ton on coke, 1 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collectedl in the Port of Grangemouth - - - - 1 Municipal dues - Inverness Harbour dues, payable to the Corpora- tion. Nairn — Shore dues (collected] by the lessee of the Cor- ! poration) -J Ballintraid — Shore dues Harbour dues - Caledonian Canal — Harbour, j wharf or basin dues -| 2 5. per gabbart load, averag- ing about 50 tons to freemen, 4 d. per ton -"\ to non-freemen, 8 d. per ton -J —\ d. per barrel ... —\ d. per barrel - 1 d. per ton on the register of the ship - - - at 4 d. per ton - at 3 tained from the Returns) .... -J 37 7 - 7 12 cannot be ascertained. 37 7 - 7 12 - TOTAL Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected' on the Importation of Coal or Coke into the i : ggo 513 several Ports of the United Kingdom (so far as can [ ' be ascertained from the Returns) - 250,154 18 11 AN LEVIED ON THE EXPORTATION OF COAL OR COKE, IN 1H46 AN I) I HI 7. AN ACCOUNT of the Dues, Duties and Taxes, Municipal, Local or Imperial, levied in each of the Years 1846 and 1847, on the Exportation of Coal and Coke from any Port of the United Kingdom, either Coastwi. u or Foreign, with the Amount so collected in each Port. NAMES OF THE PORTS. DESCRIPTION of DUTY LEVIED. ENGLAND and Berwick - Bristol Cardiff - Gainsborough Goole Grimsby Hull Liverpool - London - Llanelly and its District Milford Newcastle WALES : Port shore dues - Wharfage dues - Imperial duties - Local dues - Dues payable to the Trinity) House at Hull - -J Corporation dues Dock dues - Dues payable to the Trinity") House at Hull - -J RATES OF DUTY. 3 d. per chaldron 3 d. per ton f4 s. per ton on coals exported) in foreign ships 3 d. per ton 3 d. per ton 1 \ d. per ton 3 d. per ton 3 d. per ton Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues] collected at the Port of Grimsby on Coals and Coke exported . I Imperial duties - Trinity dues Municipal dues - Dock dues Imperial duties - f 4 s. per ton upon coals ex-) [ ported in foreign ships -J \ 3 d. per ton on coal and coke f y exported to foreign countries 2 d. per ton ... /to 24 June 1847, 2d. perton) 1/rom 24 June 1847, 1 d. „ / /4 s. per ton upon coals ex-) \_ ported in foreign ships -J Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues) collected in the Port of Liverpool upon Coals and } Coke exported - - . . . . . [ Imperial duties - Harbour dues - Dock dues - Pembrey — Wharfage dues - Kidwelly — Wharfage dues - |4 s. per ton upon coals ex-) \_ ported in foreign ships -J 1 d. per ton - - - 1 d. per ton - 1 d. per ton - 1 (I. per ton - Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues) collected in the Port of Llanelly and its District on ' Coals and Coke exported - - . . J Harbour dues Local dues Municipal dues 728. 2 d. per ton 1 d. per keel on coals : in British ships, 2 d. per Newcastle chaldron in Foreign ships : to 4 February 1846, Is Id. ) per Newcastle chaldron from 4 February 1 84 6, 8 d. per Newcastle chaldron, on cinders : ) ad valorem duty of 1 d. per ' pound sterling B 2 A MOUNT of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues Collected. 18 46. 1 847. £. s. d. 17 4 9 30 13 9 2 2 6 81 13 9 £. s. d. - 16 3 32 11 3 312 8 - - 8 9 29 3 9 1 3 6 2 7- 2 7- 2 13 6 5 7- 5 7- 5 17 6 13 7 6 92 10 - noseparateaccoi is kept by the the Trinity H 91 - - mtof thesedues Corporation of ouse. 988 7 9 811 9 2 164 - - 1,024 9 0 639 11 - 471 16 0 1,963 16 11 2,135 17 2 226 16 - 128 8 - 965 10 11 719 13 1 86 11 7 9 10 - 694 4 6 457 9 3 84 19 7 10 4 - 1,781 5 7 1,246 17 4 257 2 4 210 17 2 579 4 9 17,231 2 9 276 15 8 638 12 4 11,724 8 5 281 19 8 {continued') 12 RETURN OF ALL DUES, DUTIES AND TAXES, MUNICIPAL, LOCAL OR IMPERIAL, Account of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues collected on the Exportation of Coal or Coke — continued. NAMES OF THE PORTS. DESCRIPTION of DUTY LEVIED. Newcastle-— continued. Newport - Poole Rochester and its District Runcorn - Southampton Stockton Sunderland and its Dis- trict. Bridlington Pier dues Whitby Pier dues Ramsgate Harbour dues Dover Harbour dues - Imperial duties - RATES OF DUTY. 1 (I. per 1 0 tons of coal f§ d. per Newcastle chaldron") ( on coals - J (id. per Winchester chaldron^ \ on coals and coke - -f J| d. per Winchester chaldron") on coals and coke - -J f 4 s. per ton on coals exported") )_ in foreign ships - - j Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues'] collected in the Port of Newcastle on Coals end Coke \ exported Local dues Imperial duties - .i -J 2 d. per ton ... 4 s. per ton on coals exported ") in foreign ships - - j Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues I collected in the Port of Newport on Coals and Coke I exported - - - - - . .. -J Municipal dues - Sheerness — Pier dues - Municipal dues levied by the"! Corporation of Liverpool J Imperial duties - Local dues Imperial Duties 3 d. per ton - Rates not stated - - - 2 d. per ton ... 4 s. per ton on coals exported") in foreign ships - -j On shipment coastwise or to foreign parts: -§ d. per ton per mile, and") shipping 1 1 d. per ton -J Landsale : 1 d. per ton per mile, and") wharfage 1 d. per ton - j Haulage ; Shipping \d. per ton per"! mile ; Landsale \ d. per \ ton per mile - - j 4 s. per ton on coals exported in foreign ships J Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues'] collected in the Port of Stockton on Coals and Coke > exported Sunderland — Local dues ; viz. River duty - - - Ramsgate Harbour dues - Dover - - ditto Bridlington Pier dues Whitby Pier dues - Seaham — Ramsgate Harbour"! dues -J Dover - - ditto Bridlington Pier dues 6 d. per chaldron 1 d. per Dover chaldron -| d. ditto - ditto - 1 d. per 1 0 tons - -\ d. per chaldron 1 d. per Dover chaldron -% d. ditto - ditto - 1 d. per 10 tons - Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues'] collected in the Port of Sunderland and its District, | on Coals and Coke exported (so far as can be ascer taincd from the Returns - AMOUNT of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues Collected. 1 8 4 6. £. s. d. 1,093 1 11 2,409 4 10 1,575 15 - 1,240 15 - 756 16 9 25,162 16 8 833 0 8 471 6 - 1,304 12 8 3 16 9 2 - - 560 8 10 15,716 15 - 3,830 6 10 9,528 15 2 33 2 7 29,108 19 7 13,116 8 - 635 13 2 437 19 9 509 16 4 1,084 18 11 107 17 - 82 7 9 229 11 8 16,204 12 7 1 847. £. s. d. 1,231 7 9 2,675 12 5 1,869 6 1 1,176 14 6 2,480 12 - 22,078 13 2 833 6 8 529 16 - 1,363 2 8 8 6 9 2 10 - 546 18 - 4 - - 21,842 16 2 4,280 10 2 11,789 10 3 37,912 16 7 9,122 9 6 733 7 11 443 7 4 616 7 8 1,285 16 9 137 12 6 103 4 4 242 13 11 12,684 19 11 LEVIED ON THE EXPORTATION OF COAL OR COKE, IN 1840 AND 1847. 13 Account of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues collected on the Exportation of Coal or Coke — continued. AMOUNT of Local, Municipal or Imperii! Due* Collected. 1 8 4 0. 1 8 4 7. £. 8, d. CG4 16 8 193 19 1 1 224 3 3 £. s. d. 638 11 10 158 3 4 141 7 - 50 - - 1,082 19 10 988 2 2 710 19 3 695 3 11 I 2 19 8 51 12 5 2 10 - 61 19 4 280 6 - 213 7 11 97 9 9 91 12 3 422 7 - 180 12 2 83 13 7 91 18 - 47 16 - 682 15 11 826 6 9 33 3 10 1,152 11 4 49 10 - 32 2 9 1,112 7 4 6 - - 1,235 5 2 1,150 10 1 - 13 6 160 4 9 - 12 8 196 5 - 2,022 4 2 436 11 6 163 3 6 1,972 2 8 497 10 10 104 15 11 73 16 - 2,621 19 2 2,648 5 5 NAMES OF THE PORTS. DESCRIPTION of DUTY LEVIED. Swansea and its District Whitehaven SCOTLAND: Aberdeen - Alloa Borrowstoness and its District. Glasgow Grangemouth Greenock - Irvine and its District 728. Swansea — Harbour dues Port Tennant — Harbour dues Neath — Harbour dues - Imperial duties - R A T K S () F I) IJ T Y. 1 d. per ton - -\ d. ditto - -jj d. ditto - - - - J 4*. per ton on coals exported 1 [ in foreign ships - -J Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues] collected in the Port of Swansea and its District, on Coals and Coke exported -J Municipal dues Harbour dues Local dues Borrowstoness — dues Inverkeithing — dues St. David's — Local dues Bridgeness — Local dues Imperial duties - Municipal] Municipal^ -| d. per ton r on English coals : I 1 d. per boll of 5\ cwt. on Scotch coals : L 3| d. per ton - 1 d. per 3 tons - 1 d. per ton 1 \ d. per ton d. per ton 1 \ d. per ton f4.«. per ton on coals exported] \ in foreign ships - -J Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues" collected in the Port of Borrowstoness and its Dis- trict, on Coals and Coke exported Local dues ; viz. For the improvement of the] River Clyde and Harbour ; of Glasgow -J Tonnage dues - Imperial duties 1 5. 4 d. per ton on coke 2 d. per ton on coals - 4 s. per ton on coals exported in foreign ships Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues"| collected in the Port of Glasgow, on Coals and Coke exported - - - - - - - -J Shore or Wharf dues - Municipal dues - Irvine — Nil. Troon Harbour — Harbourdues Ardrossan — Harbour dues - Saltcoats — Harbour dues Imperial duties - Jon coal, ^ d. per ton ^on coke, 1 d. per ton I f 1 \ d. per ton, if exported^! ' in bulk, or 2 d. per hogs- 1 [ head of 13 cwt. 4 d. per ton - 2 d. per ton - 1 ' d. per waggon of 30 cwt. - 4 5. per ton on coals exported in foreign ships Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues] collected in the Port, of Irvine and its District, on J Coals and Coke exported - - - - -J (continued) 14 RETURN OF ALL DUES, &C. ON THE EXPORTATION OF COAL OR COKE, IN 1846 AND 1847. Account of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues collected on the Exportation of Coal or Coke — continued. NAMES OF THE PORTS. DESCRIPTION of DUTY LEVIED. RATES OF DUTY. AMOUNT of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues Collected. 1 84 6. 1 8 4 7. Kirkaldy and its District Leith and its District I R E LA N D Belfast Dro^heda - Municipal dues - Aberdour — Local dues Burntisland — Municipal dues Dysart — Municipal dues Leven — Municipal dues Anstruther — Municipal dues 1 d. per ton - 2 d. per ton - 1 \ d. per ton - 1 d. per ton - 1 d. per ton - to freemen, \ d. per ton -\ to non-freemen, 1 d. per ton J Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues") collected in the Port of Kirkaldy and its District, on J Coals and Coke exported - ... -J Leith — Shore dues (payable to the Harbour Commission) - Dunbar — Municipal dues Cockenzie — Harbour dues - Morrison's Haven — Harbour dues - - - Aberlady — Harbour dues rates not stated - 'on coals, per 12 cwt.: to a resident burgess, \ d. to a non-resident burgess, Id. - to a non-freeman, \\d. - on coke, per 53 cwt. : to a resident burgess, 1 d. to a non-resident burgess, 2d. - to a non-freeman, 2\ d. - 3 d. per ton - 2 d. per ton - \ d. per ton - Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues"! collected in the Port of Leith and its District, on \ Coals and Coke exported -J Corporation dues, for improv- ing the Port and Harbour Imperial duties - \\d. per ton - 4 s. per ton on coals exported in foreign ships Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues'! collected on the Exportation of Coals and Coke ( from the several Ports of the United Kingdom (so I far as can be ascertained from the Returns) - -J £. l 110 4 - 10 11 5 13 4 s. d. 3 11 1-10 137 9 - 6 14 10 6 14 10 11 19 9 3 10 83,515 13 5 £. 5. d. 1 18 3 116 7 - 18 16 18 18 15 1 - 10 155 18 7 7 18 4 5- 116 8 14 15 6 35,554 18 4 RETURN TAXATION ON ALL COAL AND COKE CONVEYED BY RAILWAY, IN 184G AND 1847. RETURN of Taxation on all Coal and Coke brought by Railway from any Port, or taken by Railway to any Port, of the United Kingdom, with the Amount Collected. NAMES of the PORTS. London Leith ; viz. Creek of Dunbar DESCRIPTION OF DUTY. Local Dues ; viz. Metropolis Improvement Fund Duty applied by the Corporation of Lon- don, and the Commis- sioners of Her Majesty's Woods and Forests Metropolis Improvement Fund Duty applied by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods and Forests Municipal dues taken in lieu of metage and other charges payable to the Corporation of London RATES OF DUTY. 8 d. per ton 1 d. per ton 4 d. per ton Total Amount ofDues collected in the Port of London,") on Coals brought by Railway -J on coals, per 12 cwt. : to a resident burgess, | d, to a non-resident burgess, lid. - - - - to a non-freeman, 2| d. - Munioipal dues - - | on coke, per 53 cwt. : to a resident burgess, 1 J d. to a non-resident burgess, 2\d, - to a non-freeman, 3£ d. - TOTAL Amount of Dues collected on Coals or Coke] brought by Railway into the Ports of the United J Kingdom - -j Office of the Inspector-General of Imports and Exports,! Custom-House, London, I 30 August 1848. AMOUNT COLLECTED. 1 8 4 C. £. s. d. 418 4 3 48 18 10 108 13 5 665 16 G 1 8 4 7. 665 16 6 £. s. d. 704 1 II 88-3 332 14 - 1,124 16 2 22 - - 1,146 16 2 W. IRVING. to -J CO © 5o Ox o oo 3 CO o s is a ° u o ("} fl> o a w f ^ p S 25 2 ?. H o 3- s b. r> S* ft P d ft O p o ^ 3. a o ™ ^ ? 5. O to d ft H a CTQ 3 ps w ^> «S h-» tO 5 <5 3 ft # H ■* 2 ° 3 ?d i->5 p S 1 > p x O 3 3 S" £ P a p, o o 25 O o o w COAL AND COKE. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The Mouse of Commons, dated 19 May 1851 ;— for, AN ACCOUNT "of all Dues, Duties, and Taxes, Local and Imperial, levied on the Importation ol Coal and Coke into any of the Ports of the United Kingdom, from any other Torts therein ; stating the Amount no collected in each of the Years 1848, 1849 and 1850 respectively : " " Of all Dues, Duties, and Taxes, Local and Imperial, levied in each of the above Years, on the Exportation of Coal and Coke from any Port of the United Kingdom, either Coastwise or Foreign, with the Amount so col- lected in each Port : " (< And, a Similar RETURN of Local Dues on all Coal and Coke brought by Railroad from any Port, or taken by Railroad to any Port of the United Kingdom, with the Amount so collected," AN ACCOUNT of all Dues, Duties and Taxes, Local and Imperial, levied on the Importation of Coal and Coke into any of the Ports of the United Kingdom, from any other Ports therein, stating the Amount so collected in each of the Years 1848, 1849 and 1850 respectively. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. ENGLAND and WALES : Aberystwith and its D istrict. Aberystwith : dues. Aberayron : ditto Harbour Newquay : Quay dues Rates of Duty. Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. On coals and coke, id. per ton. On ditto, 1 s. per ton, on the registered tonnage of each vessel. On coals, 4 d. per ton On culm, 2 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port" of Aberystwith and its District Arundel Jarnstaple and its Dis- trict. Municipal dues Barnstable: Nil. Ilfracombe : Local dues Lymouth : Ditto 10 d. per cargo On coals, 2 d. per ton On coals, 4 d. per ton On culm, 2 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port~\ of Barnstaple and its District ------ .J Beaumaris Municipal dues 1 barrel of coals (value 1 s. 0 Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. England and Wales — continued. Dartmouth and its Dis- trict. Dartmouth : Duchy of Corn-~) wall dues -j Torquay - ditto - Brixham : Duchy of Cornwall dues Harbour dues Saleombe : Duchy of Corn-1 wall dues -J Rates of Duty. | d. per ton £ (/. per ton : l d. per ton G d. per ton jp (/. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Portl J Deal Dover of Dartmouth and its District Local dues Harbour dues - Municipal dues Ramsgate Harbour dues - 3 s. per ton - 1 ' d. per chaldron of25cwt. 1 s. 7 d. per ton 1 d. per chaldron to 30") September 1850 - -J £ d. ditto - - from dittoj Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Dover -------- Exeter and its District Exeter : Ramsgate Harbour duesj Dover Harbour dues Kenton Manor dues Town dues - - - Canal dues - - - Topsham : Quay dues Teignmouth : Harbour dues Id. per chaldron to 30] September 1850 - £ d. ditto - - from dittoj £ d. per chaldron 1 ^ d. per qr. of 1G bushels 1 ^ d. per ton - 1 s. per ton - - - jj: d. per ton - 2 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port") of Exeter and its District - - - - - - -J Falmouth and its Dis- trict. Falmouth : Local dues Penryn : Municipal dues - Gw r eek : Local dues 1 s. per cargo - 3 d. per ton 8 d. per three tons Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port~) of Falmouth and its District ... .J Faversham and its Dis- trict. Faversham : Local dues Milton . - ditto 1 s. per ton 3 i d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Faversham and its District - Folkstono - Harbour dues - Municipal dues Dover Harbour dues Ramsgate - ditto 68 9 . 1 s. 3 d. per ton On coals consumed by the^ railway company, 3 d. per ton -i On coals consumed in the"! town, 10 J d. per ton - / I d. per chaldron 1 d. per chaldron to 30-^ September 1850 - -I I d. ditto - - from dittoj Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port"! of Folkstone - 1 A 2 -} Amount of Local or Municipal Hues collected. 1848. 1849. 1850. £. s. d. 58 10 3 50 6 10 11 7 4 143 10 - 40 10 G £. s. d. 51 11 3 57 0 - 13 2 11 111 11 6 30 7 1 £. s. d. 39 18 10 GO 6 8 13 17 11 123 15 - 2G 14 7 304 4 11 2G4 1 9 264 13 - 535 14 G 45G 7 G 496 4 - 1G5 9 11 2,51G 10 10 19 18 7 1G3 13 7 2,670 13 4 18 4 4 180 - - 2,652 13 7 16 9 9 2,701 19 4 2,852 11 3 2,849 3 4 222 13 8 166 19 161 5 328 6 1,698 13 6 13 121 2 2,705 14 6 1 - - 20 15 - 46 1 9 67 16 9 714 5 - 28 6 6 712 11 2,287 - - 353 8 9 363 17 4 323 17 99 14 11 89 2 131 10 9 118 13 3,235 11 0 217 10 8 163 2 10 138 8 7 329 4 10 ,825 1 1 7 19 G 107 9 6 219 12 3 5 2,788 17 1 16 - 22 10 - 35 19 7 60 5 7 656 9 35 13 C9i 2 8 1,482 17 6 204 1 - 174 1 127 11 344 2 1,980 10 7 13 128 10 2,982 1 7 1 1G - 40 13 - 39 8 6 81 r, 771 6 - 10 9 2 781 15 2 2,668 - - 436 15 - 338 19 8 109 1G 4 134 9 10 2,218 11 1 3,688 - 10 (continued) 4 ACCOUNT OF ALL DUES LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. England and Wales — continued, Fowey and its District Fowey : Municipal dues - Looe - - ditto - Charlestown : Local dues - Pentowan - - ditto Megavissey - ditto Par - - - - ditto Rates of Duty. Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 2 s. 6 d. per cargo - 2 d. per ton - - - 4 d. per quarter of 12 cwt. G \ d. per ton - 4 d. per quarter of 12 cwt. 9 d. per ton - - - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Fowey and its District Gainsborough Local dues - On coals used for working a steam-engine, 8 d. p' ton On coals used for other pur- poses, 1 s. per ton. Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port"^ of Gainsborough - Goole Grimsby Harwich Trinity-house dues Dock dues Municipal dues Local dues 3 d. per ton. 3 d. per ton 1 d. per ton 2 s. per chaldron Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Porfi of Harwich - -- -- -- --/ Hull and its District Kingston-on-Hull : Dock dues Coal inspector's dues Bridlington : Local dues - 4 d. per ton on coals landed] and passed over the quays |. and wharfs - - -J 1 d. per chaldron of 1 £ tons 1 s. 6 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port"! of Hull and its District ------ -J Ipswich Municipal dues Dock dues Mayor's perquisite 2 d. per chaldron Is. 6d. per ton to 1 1 Octo- ber 1850 - 1 s. ditto - - from ditto Two bushels from each ship-load not owned by a free bure-ess. Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port- of Ipswich - - - - Liverpool - Municipal dues 2 d. per ton, except to free- men of Liverpool, or re- sident freemen of London, Bristol, Waterford, or Wexford, who are ex- empted from payment of the dues. lo4o. 1 Q 1 ( i io4y. I oou. £. s. d. 2 10 8 71 17 - 287 15 4 118 14 1 30 2 4 355 4 - £. s. d. 3 4- 85 13 4 834 3 4 159 8 3 25 12 - 426 13 6 £. 5. d. ' 3 14 6 77 17 10 305 17 - 166 15 - 27 15 8 360 18 9 866 9 5 1,034 14 5 942 18 9 148 18 6 566 14 6 139 16 - 497 13 - 106 10 8 475 9 3 715 13 - 637 9 - 581 19 11 296 7 9 431 12 4 380 5 6 8 1 1 288 4 - 13 1 10 296 4 6 11 7 - 290 13 8 296 5 1 309 6 4 302 - 8 942 2 - 1 15 3 192 - - 984 13 8 1 15 8 187 - - 978 11 8 1 15 3 152 - - 1,135 17 3 1,173 9 4 1,132 6 11 578 - - 7,723 - - 32 - - 581 - - 7,343 — — 30 - - 660 - - 7,766 — — 33 - - 8,333 - - 7,954 - - 8,459 - - - Amount cannot be ascertained ; no account being kept of the receipt upon coals sepa- rately from that on other goods. OF COAL AND COKE, IN ANY PORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. 5 Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. England and Wales — continued. London Local Dues, viz. : Metropolis Improvement" Fund Duty applied by the Corporation of London and the Com- missioners of Her Majesty's Woods and Forests - Ditto - applied by the' Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods and Forests - Municipal dues taken in" lieu of metage and other charges payable to the Corporation of London - Rates of Duty. 8 d. per ton 1 d. per ton 4 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Yoxt\ of London - - -J Lyme Lynn Municipal dues Municipal dues Mooring dues - 6 d. per ton 4 d. per chaldron of 25 cwt. "j on coals brought by ves- | sels not belonging to the port - 2 d. per ton -J Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port"! of Lynn -J Milford and its District Milford: Legal quay dues Pembroke : Municipal dues Haverfordwest - ditto - Saundersfoot, harbour dues 2 d: per ton. On all vessels discharging"] at the quays, without re- I spect to cargo, 8 d. each I vessel. J On all vessels arriving with cargo, 1 d. per register ton. 1 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port"] of Milford and its District (so far as can be ascertained from } the returns) - - ...._( Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. is is. £. s. d. 112,371 13 - 1849. 1850. £. d. £. t. d. 13,731 4 7 54,927 14 8 181,030 12 3 126 8 9 350 17 8 1,940 5 3 2,291 2 11 104,641 7 8 13,203 17 - 52 808 12 11 170,653 17 7 104,029 2 8 14,376 7 1 57,506 5 9 175,911 15 6 123 16 - 107 19 9 307 14 8 343 7 - 1,943 19 11 1,894 6 11 2,251 14 7 2,237 13 11 No separate account kept of the receipt from colliers. ditto 2 7 1 ditto. 1 11 3 1 1 11 Newhaven ■ Padstow ■ Harbour dues - Padstow : Quay dues New Quay - ditto - Boscastlc - ditto - 10 d. per ton - 1 On Scotch coals, 8 d. perton J Cockenzie : Harbour dues - Morrison's Haven : ditto - Aberlady: ditto Granton : Pier dues North Berwick : Municipal dues Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port"! of Leith and its District (so far as can be ascertained from the x > returns) - -- -- -- -- -J On coals, 3 \ d. per ton On coke, 6 d. per ton 6 d. per ton On household coals, | d.~\ per boll of 12 cwt. - J On engine coals, \ d. ditto J On coke, 1 \ d. per New-~^ castle chaldron - -J On coals, 2 \ d. per ton - On coke, 3 d. per ton 3 d. per ton. 2 d. per ton. \ d. per ton. 1 5 d. per ton - 2 | d. per ton - 1 14 9 2 10 9 1 19 9 1 15 2 113- 11 8 11 46 10 7 67 3 4 625 10 7 206 1 8 17 16 - 9 2 6 586 14 6 3 19 7 - 5 1 12 2 16 7 1 17 9 1 13 4 9 - 10 17 4 42 12 9 71 8 6 575 2 9 206 1 8 Cannot be ascertained. 10 17 10 10 13 - 143 19 - 10 5 - 1,007 7 1 6 8 2 14 170 18 11 2 972 7 2 18 9 5 5 4 - 5 10 2 — 5 - 706 17 9 5 3 2 4 8 1 - 10 11 1 18 3 3 16 9 1 6 6 1 14 7 - 10 4 3 9 7 2 3 10 9 12 3 10 8 3 45 2 6 78 12 - 666 13 5 231 13 1 8 11 4 1 169 2 5 - 1,085 1 8 OF COAL AND COKE, IN ANY PORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. J 1 Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. Scotland — continued. Montrose and its District Montrose : Local dues Johnshaven - ditto Gourdon - - ditto Rates of Duty. On coals, 2 £■ d. per ton -~) On coke, 8 d. per chaldron j On coals and coke, 7 d. per chaldron - On coals, 2 1 d. per ton -\ On coke, 8 d. per chaldron J Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1848. Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port~( of Montrose and its District Perth and its District - Perth : Harbour dues Newburgh - ditto - Port Allen : Pier dues Cairnie Pier - ditto Ineliyra - - ditto On English coals and coke,") 6 d. per ton - -j On Scotch coals, 4 \ d. per^ ton -J On coals and coke, at 1 \ d. per ton. Ditto - ditto, at 2 d. per ton 2 d. per ton - 2 d. per ton ... 2 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port) of Perth and its District J Peterhead - - Harbour dues - By freemen of the town English coals, \0d. per ton, Scotch ditto, 9 d. per ton By non-freemen : English coals, Is. 3d. per ton Scotch ditto, Is. 1 g d. per ton, Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port\ of Peterhead Stranraer and itsDistrict Stranraer : Harbour dues Drumore - ditto 2d. per ton on the regis-"] tered tonnage of each \ vessel - - -J 1 s. per 100 barrels of coal or coke. Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port"! of Stranraer and its District - - - - - - -J Wick and its District Wick : Harbour dues Thurso - ditto Helmsdale, ditto - Littleferry, ditto Total Amount of Local or Municipal of Wick and its District Wigtown and its Dis- trict. Wigtown : Municipal dues Garliestown - ditto Isle of Whithorn Port \V illiam : Local dues Gatehouse - ditto - 4 d. per ton ... 1 d. per ton - - - 3 d. per ton - 1 d. per ton to 1 Jan. 1850"! 2 d. „ from 1 Jan. 1850 J Dues collected in the Tort"! / S d. per 150 cwt. 1 d. per ton 1 s. 6 d. per 150 cwt. 4 d. per 24 cwt. 2 d. per ton 68 9 . Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port"! of Wigtown and its District J B 2 £. s. d. 452 2 11 25 8 3 32 11 G 510 2 8 775 18 - 155 8 - 8 12 6 6 5- 1 12 8 1 15 - 949 11 2 1849. 1850. £. s. d. 427 9 9 20 11 1 481 1 2 582 4 6 69 11 7 7 16 3 5 10 10 4 10 4 - 17 10 670 1 1 4 268 16 11 68 2 10 10 15 - 12 6 348 17 3 24 4 8 7 10 - 31 14 8 69 19 6 5 10 11 6 14 1 2 11 3 84 15 9 228 13 10 65 11 - 19 17 - 3 12 - 317 13 10 29 1G - 8 10 - 38 6 - 55 2 2 5 11 2 4 14 6 2 11 9 67 19 7 8 - S 5 8- 19 9 - 5 9 8 12 11 10 30 19 9-8 6 6 9 18 6 10 6 8 4 11 16 1 51 18 S £. s. d. 451 17 5 21 4 6 33 - 4 ! 34 4 - 507 11 774 19 - 68 7 7 7 7 6 5 8 4 856 2 5 288 5 10 78 12 9 22 3 9 4 14 6 393 16 10 28 14 10 - 38 14 - 52 16 - 5 19 3 6 7 9 5 4 8 70 7 8 7 11 4 5 5 6 18 - - 0 10 4 12 6 10 19 14 - (continued) 12 ACCOUNT OF ALL DUES LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Cole or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. IRELAND Ballina Belfast Coleraine Cork Harbour dues - - - Corporation dues- for im-"| proving the Harbour of ✓ Belfast - - -J Harbour dues - - - Dues for the support of the" Foundling Hospital Mayor's dues - - - 3 d. per ton - - - 1 | d. per ton - 6 d. per ton 5 d. per ton Every ship or vessel, the major part laden with coals — Not exceeding 30 tons, 3 s. 9 d. Exceeding 30, and not exceeding 50 tons, 5 s. Exceeding 50 tons, 7 s. 6 d. Every ship or vessel half laden with coals, one- half of the above dues, and so in proportion for a less quantity - Except in cases where the coal is the property of a freeman previously to entering the harbour - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port) of Cork -J Rates of Duty. Dublin Local dues Municipal dues, viz. To the water bailiff Lord Mayor's dues 'Id. per ton to 30 Sept." 1848 - per ton from 30 Sept. 1 I d. per ton from 30 Sept. ( L~ 1848 ... -J 5 s. 6 \ d. upon each vessel") laden with coal only -J 2 s. 3id. - ditto - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port~\ of Dublin J Dundalk Corporation dues for im-~| proving the Harbour of I Dundalk (from 20 May I 1848) - - -J Quay dues - 1 1 d. per ton 2 d. per ton Tot a l Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port"! pf Dundalk ----- -J Galway - Harbour dues - 2 d. per ton Limerick - Harbour dues - 3 d. per ton Sligo - - Local dues - 1 \ d. per ton Strangford Local dues . - - 2 d. per ton Tralee - Harbour and canal dues - 3 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Impor-"] tation of Coal or Coke into the several Ports of the United > Kingdom (so far as can be ascertained from the returns) - -J Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1848. £. s. d. 9 14 3 1,362 17 6 1849. £. s. d. 5 5 9 1850. £. s. d. 1 4 6 1,410 6 10 121 14 6 102 9 - 123 11 1,584 9 4 3,243 16 8 105 - - 2,404 7 11 105 - - 2,539 15 5 105 - - 3,348 16 8 2,509 7 11 2,644 15 5 1,343 10 7 676 18 3 282 9 3 773 13 10 715 2 11 298 8 6 813 11 6 664 7 10 265' 12 1 2,302 18 1 1,787 5 3 1,743 11 5 223 4 10 297 13 2 257 15 3 343 13 8 205 1 10 273 9 2 520 18 - 601 8 11 478 11 - 99 4 11 39 3 11 46 1 2 i 514 14 - I 404 4 9 272 14 10 38 13 3 41 6 3 33 2 6 12 13 9 12 2 10 11 19 4 29 2 2 42 14 3 16 9 - 255,405 16 10 241,382 1 1 •251,547 11 7 OP COAL AND COKE, IN ANY PORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. 13 AN ACCOUNT of the Dues, Duties and Taxes, Local and Imperial, levied in each of the Years 1848, 1849 and I^.jO, on the Exportation of Coal and Coke from any Port of the United Kingdom, either Coastwise or Foreign, with the Amount so collected in each Port. Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected. 1848. 1849. 1850. £. *. d. 5 17 3 £. s. d. 1 14 - £. s. d. 4 14 - GO - - ■■■■ 255 - - 575 8 - 115 8 - 14 18 3 28 9 6 23 1 3 7 8 7 19 13 - 411 16 1 —~ ' •■- — 99 2 2 29 13 7 555 19 9 15 10 2 74 - - 613 17 6 109 - - 651 18 3 124 13 6 571 9 11 796 17 6 776 11 9 87 - - Amount cannc 473 2 10 46 1G - t be ascertainei 639 1 3 52 8 - I. 1,087 5 3 5G0 2 10 685 17 3 1,139 13 3 825 12 10 552 11 11 50 19 G 47 - 10 16 5 9 699 5 7 438 8 3 57 11 9 33 13 4 11 3 1 847 15 2 479 8 11 82 17 2 47 7 1 4 15 9 1,492 10 10 1,240 2 - 1,462 4 1 (continued) Names of the Port9. Description of Duty. Rates of Duty. Berwick Bristol ENGLAND AND WALES: Port shore dues Cardiff Goole Grimsby Hartlepool Hull Imperial duties Imperial duties Dues payable to the Trinity House at Hull. Dock dues - Dues payableto the Trinity J House at Hull Imperial duties Imperial duties On coals, culm, and cinders exported in foreign ships: To 14 August 1850,"j 4 s. per ton - - \ From 14 August 1850, [ free -J On coals, culm, and cinders, exported in foreign ships : To 14 August 1850, 4 s. per ton - From 1 4 August L850, free - - - J 3 d. per ton on coals and] coke exported to foreign countries .J On coals, 2c?. per ton -1 On coke, 3d. per ton -J Total Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected in the] Port of Hull on Coals and Coke exported f Dues payable to the Trinity House. Dock dues - 3 d. per chaldron On coals, culm, and cinders exported in foreign ships : To 14 August 1850,] 4s. per ton - - [ From 14 August 1850, | free -J On coals, culm and cinders, exported in foreign ships : To 14 August 1850,] 4 s. per ton - - I From 14 August 1850, f free -J 3 d. per ton on coals and coke exported to foreign countries. 3 d. per ton. 3 d. per ton on coals and] :n > coke exported to foreigi countries Liverpool Imperial duties Municipal dues Dock dues On coals, culm, and cin- ders exported in foreign ships : To 14 August 1850, 4 s. per ton - From 14 August 1850. free '. 2 d. per ton 1 d. per ton Total Amount of Local,Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected in the Port of Liverpool on Coals and Coke exported (so far as can be ascertained from the returns) Llanelly and its District Llanelly harbour dues Dock dues Pembrey : Dock dues and ] wharf dues -J Kidwelly : Ditto 1 d. per ton 1 d. per ton At 1 d. per ton At 2d. per ton 1 d. per ton Total Amountof Local, Municipal, orlmperial Dues collected in the") Port of Llanelly and its District on Coals and Coke exported -J 689. ACCOUNT OF ALL DUES LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION Account of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues, collected on the Exportation of Coal or Coke continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. England and Wales — continued. London - - Imperial duties Milford - Newcastle - Harbour dues - Local Dues : Nijrht office Municipal Dues (including the amount collected by the corporation of New- castle at North Shields) Bridlington : Pier dues Whitby : Pier dues Ramsgate : Harbour dues Dover : Harbour dues Imperial duties Rates of Duty. On coals, culm, and cinders exported in foreign ships : To 14 August 1850, 4 s per ton - From 14 August 1850, free - 1 d. per ton I d. per keel of eight New- castle chaldrons. On Coals : In British ships, 2d. per"] Newcastle chaldron - ' In foreign ships, 8 d. dittoj On Coke : ad valorem duty of 1 d. per pound sterling, rate of valuation 7 s. 6d. I per imperial chaldron -J 1 d. per 10 tons of coals - 5 d. per Newcastle chaldron"! of 25 cwt. -J 1 d. per chaldron of 25 cwt., "\ to 30 September 1850 - I | d. ditto, from 30 Septem- ( ber 1850 - - -j | d. per chaldron of 25 cwt. On coals, culm, and cinders exported in foreign ships : To 14 August 1850, 4 s. per ton - From 14 August 1850, free - Newport Total Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected in] the Port of Newcastle on Coals and Coke exported -J Local dues - - -2 c?. per ton - Imperial duties - On coals, culm, and cinders exported in foreign ships . To 14 August 1850,^ 4 s. per ton - - I From 14 August 1850, ( free -J Total Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected inl the Port of Newport on Coals and Coke exported * - j Poole Southampton Shields Municipal dues Imperial duties Local Dues : Night office Municipal dues, collected by the corporation oft Newcastle - Bridlington : Pier dues - Whitby : Pier dues 3 d. per ton - On coals, culm, and cinders exported in foreign ships: To 14 August 1850,-) 4 s. per ton - - | From 14 August 1850, 1 free - - -J 1 d. per keel of eight New-"| castle chaldrons -J On Coals : In British ships, 2 d. per" Newcastle chaldron - In foreign ships, 8 of. ditto On coke : ad valorem duty of 1 d. per pound sterling, rate of valuation 7 s. 66?. per imperial chaldron 1 d. per 10 tons of coals - \ d. per Newcastle chaldron of 25 cwt, Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected. 1848. £. s. d. 1849. £. s. d. 50 - - 41 - - 161 12 3 | 226 8 4 1850. £. s. d. 131 266 12 5 619 13 8 13,046 3 1 208 14 7 1,045 12 3 2,360 3 6 1,672 10 4 561 18 3 12,145 12 4 200 18 3 975 16 3 2,175 2 - 1,310 18 5 936 3 6 778 8 7 3,253 2 9 23,142 3 8 679 9 - 70 - - 749 9 - 1,978 3 4 20,126 17 5 675 16 4 12,565 2 - 252 1 6 1,122 16 - 2,488 6 - 1,560 5 H 958 13 9 384 19 II 20,008 1 5 655 7 10 64 10 - 719 17 10 (12 9 4 256 4 - 1,068 13 4 5 1 3 4 6 3 3 9- 4 - - 20 18 6 30 16 6 27 2 2 Included with the amount collected at Newcastle. 148 289 6 11 9 4 173 17 11 333 5 6 166 6 1 328 12 6 i OF COAL AND COKE, IN ANY PORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. 15 Account of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues, collected on the Exportation of Coal or Coke— continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. England and Wales — continued. Shields — continued. Ramsgate : Harbour dues Dover : Harbour dues Warkworth : Harbour dues 1 d. per chaldron of 25 cwt.,"| to 30 September 1850 - I | d. ditto, from 30 Septem- 1 ber 1850 - - -J I d. per chaldron of 25 cwt Large coals, 2 d. per ton Small coals, 1 d. „ On coals, culm, and cinders exported in foreign ships: To 14 August 1850,1 4 s. per ton - - > Froml4Aug.l850,freeJ Total Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected in "I the Port of Shields, on Coals and Coke exported -J Imperial duties Rates of Duty. Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected. I s IS. £. s. d. 2G1 0 3 203 0 G 3G0 10 - Included with Newcastle. 1849. £. s. d. 516 7 9 340 17 11 363 4 3 94 9 8 1,293 - G 1,852 19 6 £. 5. d. 494 16 4 328 13 3 422 10 .3 50 17 7 1,818 18 2 Stockton Imperial duties Local Dues : Payable to the Stockton, j and Hartlepool, and Railway] Clarence Companies Payable to the Stockton and Darlington Rail-^ way Company - 1 Total Amount of Local, Municipal or Imperial Dues collected in") the Port of Stockton, on Coals and Coke exported On coals, culm, and cinders, exported in foreign ships ; To 14 August 1850,1 4 s. per ton From 1 4 Aug. 1 850,free Haulage, § d. per ton per mile - - - Shipping charges, 1 J d. per ton ... Shipping charges and la-T| borage, 2 d. per ton - j Mileage, 2 d. to3 From 1 4 Aug. 1 850,free J Total Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Duescollected inthe) Port of Swansea and its District, oil Coals and Coke exported -J 67 - - 17,071 15 8 3,175 18 10 34,367 15 1 54,682 9 7 10,415 5 - 510 10 6 3S0 2 9 610 5 6 ,290 18 9 188 7 8 140 13 5 237 10 3 13,773 13 9 678 6 3 159 17 - 237 12 8 50 2 - 1.125 17 11 21 4 - 5,484 5 11 3,458 1 - 39,141 4 6 48,104 15 5 944 8 1 4,097 15 8 42,310 8 3 47,352 12 8,361 4 5 343 17 2 252 12 8 535 9 6 1,180 17 5 157 17 5 118 8 - 229 1 10 11.179 8 5 9,456 15 - 349 12 10 332 16 6 612 9 - 1,348 19 11 135 1 10 104 15 2 249 3 4 21 4 12,610 17 7 565 - 11 119 5 10 218 3 3 24 - - 680 3 2 114 13 4 226 15 4 926 10 - 1,021 11 10 68o, C 2 (continued) ACCOUNT OF ALL DUES LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION Account of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues, collected on the Exportation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Porti. Description of Duty. England and Walls — continued. Whitehaven - Municipal dues SCOTLAND: Aberdeen - Alloa Harbour dues Local dues ■? Municipal dues Rates of Duty. 1 J rl. per chaldron, to 7"| December 1848 - - [ \ d. ditto, from 7 Decem- ber 1848 - Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected. 1848. d. 612 19 11 1849. 308 9 11 1850. £. d. 330 13 9 On English coals, 1 d. per boll of 5 £ cwt. - On Scotch coals, 3 ^ d. perl ton - On coke, i d. per barrel of 128 lbs. - 1 d. per 3 tons 1 d. per ton Total Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected in") the Port of Alloa on Coals and Coke exported - J Borrowstoness and its District, nicipalj^ Borrowstoness : Munici dues - r Inverkeithing : Municipal dues - Local dues - St. David's: Local dues Bridgeness - ditto Limekilns - ditto Imperial duties 1 d. per ton - 1 \ d. per ton - 1 ^ d. per ton - | d. per ton - 1 \ d. per ton - 2 d. per ton - On coals, culm, and cinders exported in foreign ships : To 14 August 1850, 4 s. per ton - From 14 August 1850, free Total Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected in the") Port of Borrowstoness and its District on Coals and Coke exported/ Glasgow Dues collected by the trus-"| tees for improving the River Clyde and Har- 1 bour of Glasgow - -J Imperial duties On coals, 2 d. per ton On coke, 1 s. 4 d. per ton - On coals, culm, and cinders exported in foreign ships: To 14 August 1850,1 4 s. per ton - - [ From 14 August 1850, free - - J Total Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected ixi\ the Port of Glasgow on Coals and Coke exported -J Grangemouth Greenock - Shore or wharf dues Municipal dues Imperial duties On coals, \ d. per ton On coke, 1 d. per ton. 1 \ d. per ton, if exported") in bulk, or 2d. per hogs- - head of 13 cwt. - -J On coals, culm, and cinders exported in foreign ships : To 14 August 1850, 4 s. per ton - From 1 4 August 1 850, free - -1 Total Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected ia~\ the Port of Greenock on Coals and Coke exported - ~ ~J 1 18 10 1 4 2 IS 72 10 8 1 14 11 74 11 7 31 - - 199 8 34 16 77 4 130 5 157 6 630 1 2 1,158 8 44 18 13 1,216 7 4 78 11 8 5 11 6 84 3 2 91 10 6 8 3 6 99 14 - 25 - - 262 10 8 29 5 4 62 9 10 134 15 - 183 3 6 80 - - 777 4 4 35 - - 140 8 1 25 9 9 63 2 4 138 16 8 232 9 6, 635 6 4 1,425 5 6 38 18 8 103 - - 1,567 4 2 1,498 12 8 46 13 4 1,545 6 - 1 12 6 1 14 11 8 6 10 198 2 5 182 8 4 178 7 1 206 2 5 182 8 4 178 7 1 OF COAL AND COKE, IN ANY TORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. 17 Account of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues Collected on the Exportation of Coal or Coke continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. Scotlan n — continued, Irvino and its District Irvine : Harbour dues Troon - ditto Ardrossan - ditto Saltcoats - ditto Rates of Duty. 2 d. per ton 4 d. per ton Id. per ton 1 d. per ton Tot a 1, Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected in"] the Port of Irvine and its District on Coals and Coke exported »J Kirkaldy and its Dis- trict. Kirkaldy: Municipal dues Aberdour : Local dues Burntisland: Municipal dues Dysart - - ditto Leven - - ditto To 2G June 1849 : To freemen, 1 d. per ton To non-freemen, 1 £ d. „ From 20 June 1849 : To all parties, 2 d. per ton 1 d. per ton - - - 1 d. per ton - 1 d. per ton - 1 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected in] the Port of Kirkaldy and its District on Coals and Coke ex-' ported - Iicith and its District (pay- f .r«« m _.J Leith. : Shore dues able to the Harbour Com- missioners) - - - 1 Cockenzie : Harbour dues Morrison's Haven : Ditto - Aberlady : Ditto Fisherrow : Ditto On coals, 2 d. per ton On coke, 0 d. - •> 3 d. per ton. 2 d. per ton. J d. per ton. 2 d. per ton -J Total Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected inl the Port of Leith and its District on Coals and Coke exported -J IRELAND : Ballina Belfast Cork Dublin Londonderry Harbour dues Corporation dues for im- proving the Harbour of Belfast. 3 d. per ton. 1 h d, per ton On coals, culm, and cinders exported in foreign ships : To 14 August 1850,1 4 s. per ton - - ( From 14 August 1850, [ free - - -J On coals, culm, and cinders exported in foreign ships : To 14 August 1850,"| 4 s. per ton - - | From 14 August 1850, I free - - -J On coals, culm, and cinders exported in foreign ships: To 14 August 1800,1 4 s. per ton - - | From 14 August 1850,1 free -J Total Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected* on the Exportation of Coals and Coke, from the several Ports of the United Kindom (so far as can be ascertained from the Returns) - -.-------J Imperial duties Imperial duties Imperial duties Amount of Local, Municipal, or Imperial Dues collected. 1848. £. i. d. 271 1 5 2,866 If! 2 635 2 4 43 15 6 1849. 1850. £. s. d. £. s. d. 299 15 5 255 7 6 3,011 4 2 3,180 0 0 533 17 3 488 0 6 54 3 6 43 10 10 3,806 15 5 1 17 10 77 14 10 34-2 I9 6 0 7 14 3 140 13 7 ?o 7 o 2 o - 3,899 - 4 3,967 11 4 3 10 9 87 17 8 49 1 11 32 14 10 14 14 10 188 - - 99 1 8 19 - 84 9 2 100 - 7 6 1 10 3 1 105,206 3 1 12 - 93,768 15 9 24 8 8 85 1 1 85 16 9 27 15 3 16 5 11 239 7 8 49 9 4 - 10 4 49 19 8 16 9 8 32 - - 20 - - 36 2 - 94,932 15 4 689. l8 LOCAL DUES ON COALS OR COKE CARRIED BY RAILROAD TO OR FROM ANY PORT, &C. RETURN of Local Dues on all Coals and Coke brought, by Railroad from any Port, or taken by Railroad to any Port of the United Kingdom ; with the Amount so collected. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. ENGLAND AND WALES: Local dues Deal Gainsborough Local dues 3 s. per ton ... Coals used for working a) steam engine, 8 d. per ton J Coals used for other pur-^ poses, 1 s. per ton -J Total Amount of Local Dues collected in the Port of Gains-"\ borough on Coals brought by Railway - - -J Rates of Duty. London Local Dues, viz : Metropolis Improvement" Fund ; Duty applied by the Corporation of London, and the Com- / missioners of Her Ma- jesty's Woods and Forests - Metropolis Improvement Fund ; Duty applied by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods and Forests - Municipal Dues taken in lieu of metage, and other charges payable to the Corporation of London - 8 d. per ton 1 d. per ton Ad. per ton Amount Collected. 1848. £. S. d. 180 16 11 1849. £. s. d. 226 5 4 1850. £. s. d. 293 12 9 - 16 8 2 4- 3-8 2 9- 28 8 9 30 17 9 Total Amount of Local Dues collected in tho Port of London on"\ Coals brought by Railway ...... .J Ramsgate and its Dis- tricts. Shoreham and its Dis- trict. Ramsgate : Nil. Margate : payable to the] Commissioners for the • Pier and Harbour -J Shoreham : Nil. Brighton : Local dues Worthintr : - ditto 1 Total Amount of Local Dues collected in the Port of Shoreham and~l its District, on Coals brought by Railway - - -J 2s. 3d. per ton 2 s. 6 d. per ton On coals, 2 s. 6 d. per ton] On coke, 2 s. 4 d. per ^ chaldron SCOTLAND Alloa Leith, viz. : Creek of Dunbar North Berwick - IRELAND : Local dues Municipal dues Ditto - 1,299 3 1 162 7 10 679 7 2 2,140 18 1 752 - 91 16 5 380 7 7 1,224 4 2.177 5 8 333 16 6 934 3,445 4 II 9 - - 4,778 1 8 104 6 11 V 8 7 - 9 - 3,687 5 5 251 2 4 304 10 10 3,938 7 9 4,590 6 5 1 d. per ton On household coals, 3 | d.' per boll of 12 cwt. On engine coals, \ d. ditto On coke, 1 £ d. per New- castle chaldron - -j | d. per ton - Cannot be ascertained. Nil. Total Amount of Dues on Coals or Coke brought by Railway*! into the Ports of the United Kingdom .... -J 7,213 3 7 5,392 7 5 2 5 3 5- 8,363 9 3 Office of the Inspector-General of Imports and Exports,"! Custom House, London, 7 August 1851. J R. D- Woodifield, Assistant Inspector-General. GO s 1 03 © 00 a ** o ^ o 1 — i 3 ft S* c TO 09 Ci 3" £ £ g* b. J 3 o 5 °- 6 ° ft O O c 525 H 09 © 3 ro ft >n 3 = &* r. O » 2 3 w »o o ° 3 R sr 3 o ft v; 3 O o > > o o Pi- tt COAL AND COKE. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 12 March 1852;- -for, RETURNS "of all the Coal and Coke paid for by Government, and delivered at Portsmouth Dock Yard, in July 1850 ; also, the Number of Tons of Coal delivered into the " Malabar" Hulk, at Portsmouth Dock Yard, in the month of August 1850, specifying the Names of the different Ships : " And, of the Names of the Ships, and Total Amount of each Ship's Delivery, together with Copies of the Official Meter's Certificate for each Barge, as delivered from the Ships for the Admiralty Office, Somerset House, from the first Delivery in 1847, to the latest Delivery in 1851 ; also, the Weight actually received, so far as it can be made out." ( Mr. George Thompson.) Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 16 March 1852. RETURN of all the Coal and Coke paid for by the Government, and delivered at Portsmouth Dock Yard, in July 1850 ; also, the Number of Tons of Coals delivered into the " Malabar" Hulk, at Portsmouth Dock Yard, in the month of August 1850, specifying the Names of the different Ships. DATE. SHIPS' NAMES. Coals delivered at Portsmouth Dock Yard in July 1850. Coke delivered at Portsmouth Dock Yard in July 1850. Coals delivered on board the " Malabar," in August 1850. 1850: Tons. Tons. Tons. July - 11 Thomas and Isabella - 383 » 20 Norham Castle - 427 £ 32 25 James and Ann - 406 I 31 5) 30 Jane Shirrefs - 355 I 32 i » 30 Jennett - - - - - 287 \ 32 I August 31 378 I 353 £ Total - - - 1,859 % 128 732 | Name of the Ship from which Coals were delivered for the Admiralty Office, "J u Somerset House, in the year 1851 (as stated in the Barge Certificate) - f Total Amount of each Ship's Delivery - - - Not known at the Admiralty. Copy of Certificate for each Barge. " Ship Meter's Certificate from the Meter's Office, which supplies standard weights and scales for the delivery of colliers. " Number One. "I, Robert Canavan, certify that I have delivered from on board the 'Sarah,' H, Rendall, master, from the port of Newcastle, Northumberland, Walls End Coab, forty-two tons : — Barge ' Constance.' C. Robertson, Lighterman, on account of Messrs. Gamraan & Co. Robert Canavan, Official Meter. " Witness — Jno. Mure. " Port of London, 13 June, in the Year of our Lord 1851." Quantitv 156, 2 QUANTITY OF COALS DELIVERED AT THE ADMIRALTY OFFICE. Quantity of Coals in each Barge, according to Meter's Certificate. (The several Certificates are according to the preceding Form.) No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. (5 No. 7 No. 8 " Constance " " George " - -- -- -- - " Constance " - " John " "Fanny" 42 " George --------- " William " - • " Mary Ann " - Tons. Cwls. 0 - 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 348 5 The quantity of Coals in each Barge exceeded the weight specified in the Meter's Certificate, but no account was taken of the excess, as the contractor is not paid for any more than the quantity certified by the Meters. The particulars for the years 1847, 1848, 1849, and 1850, cannot be given, the Meter's Certifi- cates not having been preserved after the coals were received and paid for. Admiralty, 15 March 1852, R. Dundas, Storekeeper General. ^ 3 o* ^ COALS AND COKE. RETURN to an Address of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 3 June 1852;— for AN " ACCOUNT of all Dues, Duties, and Taxes, Local and Imperial, levied on the Importation and Exportation of Coals and Coke in any Port of the United Kingdom, in each of the Years 1851 and 1852 ; and also a Similar RETURN of Dues and Taxes on all Coals and Coke brought by Railroad to any Port Town, or City of the United Kingdom for the same period (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 689, of Session 1851.)" So far as relates to the Ports of the United Kingdom. AN ACCOUNT of all Dues, Duties, and Taxes, levied on the Importation of Coal and Coke into any of the Ports of the United Kingdom, from any other Ports therein, stating the Amount so collected in each of the Years 1851 and 1852 respectively. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. ENGLAND and WALES: Aberystwith and its D is- trict. Aberystwith : Harbour dues Aberayron : Ditto New Quay : Quay dues Rates of Duty. 1 4'. On coals, 4 d. per ton On Culm 2d. „ with and its District Arundel and its District Arundel : Municipal dues Chichester : Ditto Bognor : Local dues Bosham and Fishbourne : Ma- norial dues. 10 c?. per cargo If landed at Canal basii per ton. If landed at Dell Quay To corporators - Ihd. \ Non -corporators 3d. 2 s. per ton - 3d. and its District Barnstaple and its Dis- trict. Barnstaple : Nil. Ilfracombe : Local dues Lymouth : Ditto On coals, 2 d. per ton On coals, 4 d. per ton On culm, 2 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Barn- staple and its District - Beaumaris Municipal dues - - 1 barrel of coals (value 1 s. 6 d.) on each vessel under 20 tons burthen. 2 barrels of coals, on vessels of 20 tons burthen or up- wards. Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Beau- maris - . Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 11. 1851. 1852. £. s. d. Ill 16 8 70 5 - 5 15 - 8 9 8 £. s. d. Ill 10 - 73 19 — 1 6 8 9 12 10 196 6 4 196 8 6 7-10 59 8 8 1 12 11 42 19 G 224 7 3 10 - - 7 4 4 72 17 7 1 17 - 49-5 268 - 1 11 5 - 345 9 2 400 4 6 23 14 10 17 1 10 23 8 8 17 10 - 40 16 8 40 18 8 - 10 6 9 9- - 12 - 10 1 - 9 19 6 ' 10 13 - (cunttnucd} 2 ACCOUNT OF ALL DUES LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. Rates of Duty. Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. 1852. England and Wales — continued. Berwick and its District Berwick : Shore dues - Eyemouth : Harbour dues „ Cyze boll - Budle : Shore dues North Sunderland : Shore dues 3 d. per chaldron *■ 1 d. per ton - 2 cwt. each cargo (value about"! 1 s. 4 d.) J On coals, 7 \d. per chaldron -\ On coke, 3 \ d. „ -J 6 d. per chaldron - £. s. d. 18 18 - 7 9 6 5 12 - 2 17 6 3 4- Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Berwick! and its District / 38 1 - Bideford and its District Bideford : Harbour dues Bude: Canaland harbourduesj Clovelly : Harbour dues J uston : Pier dues 1 d. per ton - On coals, 2 d. per ton On culm, 6 d. per ton 3 d. per ton - 1 s. per vessel :} 23 9 3 34 - - 4 1 6 - 15 - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Bideford) and its District - -J 62 5 9 Boston and its District Boston : Harbour dues Spalding: Ditto - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues and its District ..... Bridgewater 1 d. per chaldron - - - 6 d. per ton - collected in the Port of Boston "( 81 13 10 353 13 3 435 7 1 Bridgewater : Nil. Watchet : Local dues Minehead : Harbour dues 4 d. per ton id. per ton 82 3 4 63 14 - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Bridge ! water ------- -- ----J 145 17 4 Bridport Carnarvon and its Dis- trict. Harbour dues Carnarvon : Harbour dues Barmouth : Ditto Portmadock : Ditto Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues narvon and its District - - - - \ d. per ton - 2 d. per chaldron - 2 d. per ton - 4 d. per ton - collected in the Port of Car- 714 1 5 160 15 2 24 2 6 93 17 - -} 278 14 8 £. s. d. 18 4 9 7 10 10 5 17 4 3 10 - 2 2- 37 4 11 Colchester - Cowes Local dues Ramsgate Harbour dues Dover Harbour clues \ d. per ton 1851 : %d. per chaldron of 25 cwt. 1852 : to 30 September, \ d. per chaldron, from 30 September, \ d. per chaldron. | d. per chaldron - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Cowes lo 14 7 78 4 5 78 4 5 156 8 10 21 1 10 38 - - 5 1 6 - 14 - 64 17 4 74 16 4 293 4 9 368 1 1 44 16 9 64 11 6 109 8 3 685 4 9 160 7 6 20 3 6 86 11 - 267 2 - 105 13 1 78 14 6 85 14 11 164 9 6 OF COAL AND COKE, IN ANY PORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, 1851, 1852. 3 Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Namea of the Ports. Description of Duty. England and Wales — continued. Dartmouth and its Dis- trict. Dartmouth: Duchy of Corn- wall dues - Salcombe : Ditto - Brixham : Ditto - Ditto Harbour dues Kates of Duty. | d. per ton $ d. per ton | d. per ton 6 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Dart-"\ mouth and its District ---------- j Deal Dover Local dues - Harbour dues Ramsgate Harbour dues -( Municipal dues - Town droit, or Water Bailiffs fee - 3 s. per ton .... 1 J d. per chaldron of '25 cwt. - 1851 : | d. per chaldron of 25 cwt. - 1 852 : to 30 Sept., I d. per chal- dron of 25 cwt. from 30 Sept., \d. per chaldron of 25 cwt. 1 s. 7 d. per ton - 1 \ d. per ton upon coals brought in vessels not belonging to Dover, or to certain other ports specified in the Dover Harbour Act - Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. 1852. £. f. d. 50 - 5 30 19 8 13 14 - lu9 12 - £. s. d. 58 12 1 22 1 9 13 11 - 113 8 - 210 G 1 207 12 10 481 - - 350 14 - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Dover - Exeter and its District - Ramsgate Harbour dues -i Dover Harbour dues Kenton Manor dues Town dues Canal dues - 1851 : f d. per clialdron of 25 cwt. - 1852: to 30 Sept., £ d. per chaldron of 25 cwt. - from 30 Sept. £ d. per chaldron of 25 cwt. - | d. per chaldron of 25 cwt. - 1 id. per quarter of 16 bushels 1 £ d. per ton - 1 s. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Exeter^ and its District - Falmouth and its District Falmouth : Local dues - Penryn : Municipal dues Gweek : Local dues 1 s. per cargo 3 d. per ton - 8 d. for three tons Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Falmouth^ and its District - -- -- -- -- - Faversham and its Dis- trict. Faversham : Local dues Milton : Ditto 1 s. per ton - 3 £ d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Faver- sham and its District - . Folkstone Harbour dues Municipal dues 11. 1 s. 3 d. per ton • On coals consumed by theRail-"l way Company, 3d. per ton - | On coals consumed in the I town, 1 s. 2 d. per ton - -J | d. per chaldron - - - 1851 : Id. per chaldron, of 25 cwt. - - » 1852 : to 30 Sept.^rf. per chal- dron of 25 cwt. from 30 Sept., A d. per ' chaldron of 25 cwt. Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Folkstone A 2 Dover Harbour dues Ramsgate Harbour dues 177 8 10 181 3 4 19 7 1 15 11 5 2,673 8 4 44 18 9 2,668 3 9 29 14 10 2,915 3 - 2,894 13 4 167 15 2 167 16 8 114 16 4 402 1 4 1,737 11 2 170 15 2 181 7 7 125 5 4 451 15 - 1,917 19 8 2,590 - 8 2,847 2 9 1 10 - 57 16 9 42 17 4 1 8 - 42 19 - 47 10 2 102 4 1 91 17 2 620 15 - 685 - - 620 15 - 2,002 12 1 596 18 - 94 9 1 91 14 8 68i 2,227 6 1 662 2 9 106 12 10 101 8 2 2,785 13 10 3,097 9 10 (continued) 4 ACCOUNT OF ALL DUES LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. England and Wales —continued. Fowey and its District Fowey : Municipal dues Looe - - Ditto Charlestown : Local dues Pentowan - - Ditto - Mevagissey - - Ditto - Par .... Ditto - Rates of Duty. Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. 1852. 2 s. Qd. per cargo - 2 d. per ton - 4 d. per quarter of 12 cwt. 6 | d. per ton 4 d. per quarter of 1 2 cwt. 6 d. per ton - - - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Fowey "I and its District - -- -- -- -- - Gainsborough Goole Grimsbv Harwich Local dues Trinity-house at Hull Dock dues Municipal dues Local dues - 1851 : on coals used for work- ing a steam-engine, 8 d. per ton. On coals used for other purposes, 1 s. per ton - 1852 : to 6 August, same as 1851 - from 6 August, free - 3 d. per ton 3 17 3 95 2 10 265 13 - 238 13 8 23 6 4 333 0 - 959 19 1 516 14 4 £. s. 4 11 92 4 276 7 247 1 22 12 392 4 1,035 - 9 262 17 7 3 d. per ton 1 d. per ton - 2 s. per chaldron Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Har-1 wich - - - - - . . . J Hull and its District Kingston-upon-Hull Dock dues Coal Inspector's dues - Bridlington : Local dues 4 c?. per ton on coals landed] and passed over the quays > and wharfs - - -J 1 d. per chaldron of 1 \ tons - Is. 6d. per ton register of ship Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Hull" and its District - -- -- -- -- - Ipswich Municipal dues Dock dues Mayor's perquisite 2 d. per chaldron - To 12 April 1851, 1 s. per ton From 12 April 1851, 1 s. 6 d, per ton .... Two bushels from each ship load not owned by a free burgess. Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Ips- wich ------------ Liverpool Municipal dues 2 d. per ton, except to freemen of Liverpool, or resident free- men of London, Bristol, Waterford, or Wexford, who are exempt from payment of tlie dues-. 329 7 8 9 17 3 335 10 - 345 7 3 847 6 11 1 7 7 260 6 6 351 4 2 11 8 307 19 319 7 - 753 15 - 1 17 3 291 7 6 1,109 1 614 7,242 31 1,046 19 9 729 9,016 35 7,887 - - , 9,780 - - - Amount cannot be ascer- tained; no account being kept of the receipt upon coals separately from that on other goods. OF COAL AND COKE, IN ANY PORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, 1851, 1852. 5 Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke— continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. England and Wales — continued. Lond< Local Dues, viz. : Metropolis Improvement Fund Duty applied by the Corporation of London and the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Board of Works - Ditto - applied by the Com- 1 missioners of Her Majes-J ty's Board of Works - J Municipal dues taken in "J lieu of metage and other I charges payable to the I Corporation of London -J Rates of Duty. 8 d. per ton 1 d. per ton 4 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Lon- don - Lyme Lynn Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. £. s. d. 104,104 0 8 12,853 17 10 51,463 3 1 1852. £. s. d. 101,204 13 4 12,867 15 5 51,471 1 8 6 d. per ton - 1851 : 5 d. per ton; 1852 per ton 4 d. per chaldron of 25 cwt. on] coals brought by vessels not > belonging to the port Municipal dues Mooring and Estuary dues Town dues ; viz. Groats* * Town dues, in addition to the above, are levied on coals, as on all other goods, imported or exported ; the receipts not being kept distinct in the receiver's accounts, the amount collected upon coals only cannot be ascertained. The total receipt from these dues (exclusive of the above groats dues) is about 1,400 I. per annum. Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Lynn") (so far as can be ascertained from the returns) - - - - -J ' Milford and its District Milford : Legal quay dues Pembroke : Municipal dues - Haverfordwest : Ditto - Saundersfoot : Harbour dues - 2 d. per ton. On all vessels discharging at] the quays, without respect ' to cargo, 8 d. each vessel -J On all vessels arriving with] cargo, 1 d. per register ton -J 2 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Mil-] ford and its District (so far as can be ascertained from the returns) - -J Newhaven Padstow Harbour dues Padstow : Quay dues New Quay - Ditto Boscastle - Ditto 10 d. per ton 1 d. per ton - 6 d. per ton ■ 2 I d. per ton 11 Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Piid-1 stow -----_......[ A 3 No separate account kept of the receipt from col- liers. ditto - 6 8 - ditto. 1 8 2 - 6 8 1 8 2 1,436 8 9 1,486 14 2 65 2 7 198 5 4 39 10 8 64 8 9 187 7 4 33 13 11 302 13 7 285 10 {continued) 6 ACCOUNT OF ALL DUES LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. England and Wales Penzance and its District — continued. Penzance: Municipal dues St. Michael's Mount : Dues on landing. Portleven : Harbour dues Nevvlyn : Pier dues Mousehole : Quay dues - Rates of Duties. 3 d. per ton - 4 d. per wey of three tons 4 d. per ton - 4 d. per wey of three tons 4 d. per wey of three tons Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Penzance"! and its District ------ -J Plymouth and its District Sutton Pool : Harbour dues Mill Bay : Pier dues Devonport: Quay dues - Torpoint: - Ditto St. Germain's : Ditto Cargreen : Ditto Holeshole : Ditto Morwelham : Ditto 4 \ per ton - 4 | d. per ton if landed on the pier - - - - - 2 d. per ton if reshipped over- side into barges for local con- sumption - 3 d. per ton - - - 3 d. per ton - JCoals, 1 d. per ton - -1 ^Coke, 2 d. per ton - - J 3 d. per ton - acknowledgement - 6 d. per ton - - - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Ply-' mouth and its District ------- Poole - Portsmouth Municipal dues Municipal dues 3 d. per ton If landed within the camber, 6 d. per ton. H landed outside the camber, 2 d. per ton. Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Ports-"\ mouth --------- -j Ramsgate and its District Ramsgate ; Town dues - Margate : Pier dues Sandwich, viz. : Pavement tax - - - Dues for maintaining the haven. If landed at the public quay 2 s. per ton - - - - various rates, from 1*. to 3 s. per ton. 10 d. per ton - 6 d. per ton - - - - 1 \ d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Ramsgate' and its District - -- -- -- -- - Rochester and its District Rochester : Port dues - Ramsgate Harbour dues Dover Harbour dues Sheerness : Pier dues Upper Medway Navigation dues Lower Medway Navigation dues 3 \ d. per ton - 1 85 1 : Id. per chaldron of 25 cwt. 1852: To 30 September, frf. per chaldron of 25 cwt. From 30 September, \d. per chaldron of 25 cwt. - | d. per chaldron of 25 cwt. - Is. per ton, and 2 I. 10 s. per centum on the freight 2 d. per ton per mile 4 d. per ton - - - - Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. 18 52. £. 8. d. £. s. d. 347 17 6 350 12 3 12 12 18 2 45 18 56 8 3 16 g 4 5 3 17 5 3 12 11 414 1 7 A QO 4 oZ 1 2 10 400 16 a o 'tU^ 55 i i 579 4 5 603 11 10 68 10 9 71 5 6 12 15 12 10 i "j o o 4 1 1 10 1 19 3 o 137 10 — 145 - - 1,215 19 9 1,249 11 1 470 15 - 412 17 3 975 16 6 1,089 9 2 108 11 — 184 3 3 1,084 7 Q 1 ,273 12 5 1,442 6 1,654 19 1,437 17 1 1,506 2 7 360 5 361 10 10 278 16 6 280 10 6 18 6 8 19 7 6 3,537 11 3 3,822 10 5 2,059 2 7 15 3 9 Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Rochester^ and its District - "J 8 369 138 10 10 2 1,069 7 3,659 17 2 2,408 17 - 15 8 5 17 3 - 347 1 2 162 5 10 1,033 2 3 3,983 17 8 OF COAL AND COKE, IN ANY PORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, 1851, 1852. 7 Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. England and Wales — continued. Rye and its District Scarborough Rye: Nil. Hastings : Local dues Municipal dues Pier dues Rates of Duty. On coals, 2 s. 4 | d. per ton -1 On coke, 1 s. 8 d. per ton -J 1 \ d. per ton 0 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Rye and\ its District - ------ .J Scilly - Shoreham and its District Local dues - Shoreham : Harbour dues Brighton : Local dues - Worthing : Ditto 1 & d. per ton 1 0 -fa d. per ton - 2 s. 6 d. per ton - On coals, 2*. 6 d. per ton -\ On coke, 2 s. 4 d. per chaldron J Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Shoreham^ and its District - -J Southampton Teignmouth and its Dis- trict. Wharfage dues on coals landed at the quay of the Harbour Commissioners. Teignmouth : Harbour dues - Torquay : Duchy of Cornwall dues. 1851. 1852. £. s. d. 1,580 14 11 £. s. d. 1,668 12 3 69 3 11 282 14 5 67 4 3 272 - 6 351 18 4 339 4 9 5 6 7 6 9- 4,586 14 8 2,957 14 11 431 5 - 4,233 14 6 2,715 3 - 420 7 6 7,955 14 7 7,369 5 - 3 d. per ton 2 d. per ton - 2 * d. per three tons Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Teign- mouth and its District - -- -- -- -- - Truro - Wells and its District Municipal dues Wells: Harbour dues Clay : - Ditto See Note at end of Return. 1 s. per register tonnage 4 £ d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Wells! and its District J Weymouth - Whitby Municipal dues Harbour dues Manorial dues Street dues - 1851 ; 6'/. per ton 1852; Is. 4c?. per ton 6 d. per chaldron of 53 cwt. 2d. ditto - ditto 1 s. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Whitby Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. - - Amount cannot be ascer- tained, no account being kept of the receipt upon coals separately from that on other goods. 157 13 10 67 1 - 171 14 9 66 8 7 224 14 10 300 14 - 120 17 3 421 11 3 424 238 3 4 315 12 - 122 1 3 437 13 3 641 5 5 105 4 - 35 1 4 495 19 3 104 5 - 34 15 - 504 14 6 636 4 7 643 14 6 Wisbeach 1 1 . Port dues 3 rf. per chaldron and U perj 2,817 11 9 registered ton additional -J ' A 4 (continued) 8 ACCOUNT OF ALL DUES LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. Rates of Duty. Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. 1852. England and Wale Yarmouth - Total Am Yarmoutl s — continued. Haven and pier dues Municipal dues - Municipal dues upon vessels non- registered at this port. ount of Local or Municipal I 3d. per ton - 2 Id. per ton - 4 d. per ton .... ues collected in the Port of~^ £. s. d. 1,842 11 9 1,381 18 10 101 13 4 £. *. d. 1,968 19 9 1,476 14 9 60 16 8 3,326 3 11 3,506 11 2 SCOTLAND: Aberdeen and its Dis- trict. Aberdeen : Harbour dues Newburgh : Harbour dues Stonehaven : Shore dues On English coal, Id. per boll of 5 ^ cwt. On English coke, hd. per bar- rel of 128 lbs. On Scotch coal, 3 |c?. per ton - 4 s. per cargo - 2d. per boll - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Aberdeen") and its District - -- -- -- -- -- f Alloa and its District - Alloa: Nil. Stirling: Local dues Arbroath - - - Harbour dues Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Arbroath 1 T % d. per ton On coals, 4 d. per ton On coke, 8d. per ton Banff and its District Banff : Harbour dues Macduff: Ditto - Portsoy : Ditto Cullen, Buckie, and Port Gor- don : Harbour dues. -{ b\d. per ton - At 2 \ d. per ton At 3 o?. per ton At 5c?. per ton At 7 1 d. per ton 7 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Banff and~| its District - -- -- f Borrowstoness and its District. Borrowstoness: Municipal dues Bridgeness : Local dues Inverkeithing : Municipal dues St. David's : Local dues Limekilns : Ditto £ d. per ton - \\d. per ton - \ d. per ton - | d. per ton - At 3d per ton At 1 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Borrow-* stoness and its District --------- -j Campbeltown Dumfries Municipal dues Harbour dues 2d. per ton 1851 : Qd. per ton 1852 : 1 d. per ton 1,712 4 1 27 1 7 317 1 10 6 16 - 107 6 5 2,170 9 11 1,658 3 1 27 17 10 257 19 2 8 16 - 102 1 - 2,054 17 1 7 7 2 11 2 - 875 7 10 3 14 2 719 2 4 2 16 4 879 2 - 721 18 8 120 8 6 45 - - 6 18 - 87 12 6 2-7 199 12 4 142 14 11 46 17 6 7 5- 134 11 8 1 18 1 196 14 - 461 11 11 530 1 2 - 11 10 1 14 5 13 15 3 9 12 - - 5 6 - 15 - 13 12 6 8 6- 25 13 6 22 19 - 96 5 10 89 17 10 133 9 9 16 10 4 OF COAL AND COKE, IN ANY PORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, 1851, 1852. 9 Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. Scotla n d — continued. Dundee Shore dues - Town dues (on Scotch coal only.) Rates of Duty. 3 3\ d. per ton \d. per ton - Glasgow Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Dundee Dues collected hy the Parlia- mentary Trustees for im- proving the River Clyde and Harhour of Glasgow : At Glasgow - At Bowling Bay At Renfrew - At Paisley At Govan On coals, 2d. and l}d. per ton On coals, \d. per ton On coke, 1 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Glasgow Dues collected hy the Forth"! and Clyde Canal Company J 2d. per ton - fd. per ton - On coals, Id. per ton On coke, 2fd. per ton - On coals, -Id. and f d. per ton - 1851 : 2fd. and 2d. per ton. On coke 852: }d. and §d. per ton. Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. 1852. £. t. d. 2,055 5 2 2,110 5 11 13 3 4 - 4 2 5 18 11 12 11 - 10 4 - 117- 18 14 1 34 12 5 5 12 1 £. s. d. 1,896 18 3 38 13 11 1,935 12 2 118 Grangemouth Wharfage dues les charged by the] Forth and Clyde Canal \ Company -J At J d per ton At 1 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected at the Port of Grange mouth ------- - .... :} Greenock Inverness and its District Municipal dues Inverness : Harbour dues pay- able to the Corporation. Caledonian Canal : Shore dues on coals delivered at Muirtown Basin. id. per ton Dochgarrock Lccks - 3d. per ton - Bona - - - - 1 hd. per ton - Dingwall : Harbour dues - 9 d. per ton - Cromarty : Ditto - 4 A d. per ton - Beauly : Pier dues 1 d. per ton - : Shore dues 3 d. per ton - Nairn : Ditto 5d. per ton - 11. 2 s. per gabbart load, averag- ing about 50 tons. 4 d. per ton 19 2 7 5 5 11 24 8 6 157 16 - 202 11 6 74 6 8 4 2 6 - 17 6 87 13 1 14 1 3 7 18 4 32 11 10 36 7 1 31 17 2 7 11 8 18 8 10 14-6 1 5 6 20 19 4 39-5 4 9 1 137 12 6 31 16 9 3 7 4 35 4 1 137 194 9 - 64 13 6 5 8- - 18 6 84 4 6 14 1 3 8 14 5 33 19 10 37 15 6 (continued) 10 ACCOUNT OF ALL DUES LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. Scotland — continued. Inverness and its Dis- trict — continued. Findhorn : Shore dues - Burghead : Harbour dues Rates of Duty. Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. On English coals and coke, 4 \ d. per ton. On Scotch coals, 3 d. per ton - 6d. per ton - - - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of) Inverness and its District - - - - - -J Kirkaldy and its District Kirkaldy : Municipal dues Burntisland : Local dues Leven : Local dues Largo: - Ditto - Anstruther: Municipal dues J Pittenweem: Municipal dues! St. Monance : Local dues Elie : Local dues - Crail : Municipal dues - 2 d. per ton - 1 d. per ton - 1 d. per ton - 1 d. per ton - On Scotch coals : Freemen, J per ton Non-freemen, 1 d. per ton - On English coals, 1 h d. per ton On Scotch coals : Freemen, f d. per ton - Non-freemen, 1 J d. per ton On English coals : Freemen, 3 d. per ton Non-freemen, 6 d. per ton - 8 d. per 5 tons - Freemen, | d. per ton Non Freemen, 1 d. per ton Freemen, 1 d. per ton Non-freemen, 2 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Kirkaldy and its District - - - - - - Kirkwall Leith and its District Harbour dues Leith : -\ Shore dues payable to thej- Harbour Commissioners -J Prime gilt payable to thel Trinity House of Leith -j Dunbar: Municipal dues Fisherrow : Harbour dues Cockenzie : Harbour dues Harbourj^ Aberlady : Harbour dues Granton : Pier dues Municipal^ Morison's Haven dues North Berwick : dues 5 d. per ton - On coals, 3 d. per ton On coke, 6 d. per ton 1 d. per ton - On coals, 1 ^ d. per ton On coke, 4 J d. per ton On coals, 2\d. per ton On coke, 3 d. per ton 3 d. per ton - 2 d. per ton - 1 d. per ton - I Id. per ton On coals, 1 ^ d. per ton On coke, 1 d. per ton £. s. d. 66 8 9 10 12 3 35 16 6 373 7 3 10 1 4 3 6 1 2 10 3 8 1 - 12 - 3 - 1 1 12 9 2 2 9 1 18 6 1 17 6 9 4 2 1852. £. s. d. 80 10 8 8 5- ' 40 17 6 573 17 7 8 13 5 - 13 6 3 18 - 1 7 7 2 16 10 - 8 6 2 2 6 1 10 6 2 2 9 2 19 1 1 - 1 17 4 2 7 - 8 6 11 37 12 3 70 3 4 653 9 5 224 4 10 12 7 6 7 6 7 - 12 1 189 13 7 4 10 - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Leith) and its District j 1,092 4 - 39 7 7 52 9 2 612 5 8 210 10 3 13 13 1 15 14 11 191 1 6 3 2- 1,046 7 5 OF COAL AND COKE, IN ANY PORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, 1851, 1852. Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. Scotland — continued. Montrose and its Dis- trict. Montrose : Local dues - Until 30 September 1851 ; Coals, 2 jj d. per ton, and 12/. 10s. percent, addi- tional - Coke, 8 \ d. per chaldron, and 12/. 10 s. per cent, ad- ditional - From 30 September 1851 : Coals, 2$d. per ton, and 25 /. per cent, additional - Coke, 8 I d. per chaldron, and 25/. per cent, additional - 7 d. per chaldron 1 On coals, 2 | d. per ton - _~i On coke, 8 d. per chaldron .! Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues'collected in the Port of Montrose"! and its District \ Johnshaven: Local dues Gourdon - Rates of Duty. Perth and its District Perth : Harbour dues Newburgh : Ditto - Port Allen : Pier dues On coals, 4 d. per ton On coke, 6 d. per ton 2d. per ton - 2 d. per ton - Peterhead Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Perth\ and its District - - - - . - _ _r Harbour dues - By freemen of the town : Scotch coals, 9 d. per ton - English coals, 10 d. per ton By non-freemen : Scotch coals, 1 s. 1 | d. per ton English coals, 1 s. 3 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Peter-"! head ----------- „_r Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. s. d. 489 5 1 1852. £. a. d. 21 19 3 27 15 5 538 19 9 589 10 1 16 4 4 2 6 4 608 - 9 Stranraer and its Dis- trict. Stranraer: Harbour dues Drumore : Harbour dues 2 d. per ton on the registered"! tonnage of vessels - -J 1 s. per 1 00 barrels of coal or"l coke - - . . f 68 2 5 275 18 7 2 13 7 42 10 - 389 4 7 38 3 10 5 17 3 Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Strauraer"! ! and its District . rj 44 1 1 Wick and its District - Wick : Harbour dues Thurso : - Ditto Helmsdale : Ditto Littleferry: Ditto 4 d. per ton - 4 d. per ton - 3 d. per ton - 2 d. per ton - 68 9 - 6 1 8 1 9 - 5 4 4 Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Wick) and its District _j Wigtown and its District Wigtown: Municipal dues Garliestown : - Ditto - Isle of Whithorn : Local dues Port William : Local dues Gatehouse : Local dues - 8 d. per 150 cwt. - 1 d. per ton - 1 6 d. per 150 cwt. 4 d. per 24 cwt. 2 d. per ton - 582 15 1 19 10 7 29 15 - 632 - 8 435 6 8 14 14 6 1 14 4 451 15 6 73 10 10 291 3 8 2 18 0 3 11 3 371 4 3 36 4 10 4 19 8 41 4 6 51 5 4 4 4- 2 7 6 7 2 2 81 4 64 19 6 1 5 14 2 8 9 8 o 9 19 5 20 2 3 8 7 8 9 6 4 18 12 4 16 9 o Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Wigtown"! B0 6 y and its District . rl 59 14 8 1 I {continued) 12 ACCOUNT OF ALL DUES LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. IRELAND : Ballina Belfast Coleraine Cork - Dublin Description of Duty. Rates of Duty. Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. Harbour dues - Payable to the Corporation forT improving and preserving J the Port and Harbour -J Harbour dues - Dues for the support of thel Foundling Hospital - -J Mavor's dues ... 3 d. per ton - 1 \ d. per ton - 6 d. per ton - 5 d. per ton - Every ship or vessel, the ma- jor part laden with coals — Not exceeding 30 tons, 3 s. 9 d. - Exceeding 30, and not exceeding 50 tons, 5 s. Exceeding 50 tons, 7s. 6d. Every ship or vessel half laden with coals, one -half of the above dues, and so in pro- portion for a less quantity - Except in cases where the coal is the property of a freeman previously to entering the harbour - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Cork | d. per ton - £. s. d. 4 1 3 1,846 19 1 153 8 6 3.129 7 11 105 - - 1852. £. s. d. 5 10 - 1,955 6 10 152 6 - 2,420 14 7 105 - - 3,234 7 11 | 2,525 14 7 Local dues Water bailiff's dues Lord Mayor's dues 829 12 1 55. 6£ d. upon each vessel laden V 579 q 2 with coal only -J 2*. 3 id. - ditto - - 283 10 3 Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of] Dublin I Dundalk Galway Limerick Sligo - Strangford Tralee - Harbour dues Quay dues Harbour dues Harbour dues Local dues - Local dues ; viz. meterage Harbour and Canal dues 1 £ d. per ton 2 d. per ton 2 d. per ton • 3 d. per ton 1 1 d. per ton 2 d. per ton 3 d. per ton 1,792 10 6 828 3 3 683 16 10 285 7 3 1,797 7 4 Amount cannot be ascer- tained, no account being kept of the receipt upon Coals separately from that on other goods. 66 14 3 37 5 - 305 3 9 371 9 3 38 7 1 37 10 7 12 12 - 10 10 - 34 12 3 32 19 - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Importation"] of Coal or Coke into the several Ports of the United Kingdom (so far \ as can be ascertained from the returns) - - - - - -J 243,213 11 9,240,577 3 1 OF COAL AND COKE, IN ANY PORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, 18. r >l, 1802. 13 AN ACCOUNT of the Dues, Duties and Taxes, levied in each of the Years 1851 and 1862, on the Exportation of Coal and Coke from any Port of the United Kingdom, either Coastwise or Foreign, with the Amount so collected in each Port. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. ENGLAND AND WALES: Berwick ... Port shore dues Goole - Grimsby Hull and its District Dues payable to the Trinity House at Hull. Dues payable to the Trinity House at Hull. Dues payable to the Trinity House at Hull. Bridlington : Local dues Rates of Duty. 3 d. per chaldron 3 d. per ton 1851: 3d. per ton on coals exported to foreign countries - - 1 1852: 1 d. ditto - - -J 1851: 3d. per ton on coals and coke exported to foreign countries 1852 : 1 d. ditto - 8 d. per ton - Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. £. s. d. 11 15 - 1852. £. s. d. 11 13 - 70 12 7 Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Hull and"! Liverpool its District, on Coals and Coke exported Municipal dues Dock dues Llanelly and its District Llanelly : Harbour dues Dock dues Pembrey : Wharfage dues Kidwelly : Harbour dues -J 2 d. per ton - 1 d. per ton - 1 d. per ton - 1 a\ per ton - 2 d. and 1 d. per ton 1 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Llanelly"! and its District, on Coals and Coke exported ) Milford and its District Newcastle and its District Milford: Nil. Saundersfoot : Harbour dues Local dues : Night Office Municipal dues (including the amount collected by the cor- poration of Newcastle at North Shields) - 2 d. per ton .... 1 d. per keel - On Coals : In British ships, 2d. peo Newcastle chaldron - In foreign ships, 8 d. ditto -J On Coke : ad valorem duty of-. 1 d. per pound sterling; rate I of valuation, 7 s. Gd. per im- 1 perial chaldron -J 48 15 - 825 11 3 825 11 3 33 - 6 18 3 3 436 - - 13 4 436 13 9 Amount cannot be ascer- tained. 1,535 6 7 707 9 1 666 1 4 481 17 6 461 1 5 210 18 8 152 14 5 9 7 8 8 7 1 1,409 12 11 1,288 4 3 265 1 2 2G4 10 2 623 10 5 649 17 13,366 18 7 1-2,929 7 3 260 19 10 1 I. 246 14 - (continued) 14 ACCOUNT OF ALL DUES LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Exportation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty.'' England and Wales — continued. Bridlington : Pier dues Newcastle and its Dis- trict — continued. Newport Poole Preston Shields Stockton Whitby Pier dues Ramsgate Harbour dues Dover Harbour dues Rates of Duty. 1 d. for every 10 tons on all vessels passing Bridlington. | d. per 53 cwt. on all coals ex- ported from the Tyne. 1851 : \d. per 25 cwt. - -, 1 852 : to 30 Sept. \d. per 25 cwt. | from 30 Sept. £ d. per 25 cwt. - - -J | d. per 25 cwt. - Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. 1852. Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Newcastle" and its District, on Coals and Coke exported ------ Wharfage dues payable to the Dock Company. Quay dues Dues payable to the Ribble Navigation Company. 2 d. per ton - 3 d. per ton f River due, 4 d. per ton - ^Wharfage, 1 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Preston, on" Coals exported - Local dues : Night Office Municipal dues, collected by the Corporation of New-, castle - Bridlington Pier dues Whitby Pier dues - Ramsgate Harbour dues Dover Harbour dues Warkworth Harbour dues a d. per Newcastle chaldron - On Coals : In British ships, 2 d. per Newcastle chaldron In foreign ships, 8 d. ditto - On Coke : ad valorem duty of ) 1 d. per pound sterling ; rate of valuation, 7 s. 6 d. per im- perial chaldron - 1 d. per 10 tons - £ d. per Newcastle chaldron - 1851 : £ d. per 25 cwt. - 1 852 : to 30 Sept. |c£. per 25 cwt.l from 30 Sept. \ d. per r 25 cwt. -J | d. per 25 cwt. - If 2d. per ton, Large coals hid. ditto, Small coals -j Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Shields, on" Coals and Coke exported - The only dues at this port are those payable to the Tecs Naviga- tion Commissioners. These dues are leased to the Stockton and Darlington Railway Company, and coals carried on that railway are now shipped free of charge. On cargoes of coals not carried on the Stockton and Darlington Railway, the charges upon shipment are as under: — 3d. per ton of the registered tonnage of each vessel, if laden with coals only. 4 d. per ton if laden with a mixed cargo of coals, and other goods. Vessels bound for London are chargeable with an uniform rate of 3d. per ton. The amount received upon coals only cannot be ascertained, no account being kept of such receipt separately from that on other goods. £. s. d. 1,096 4 7 2,422 16 10 1,369 3 9 1,068 2 - 20,207 16 - 943 10 4 4 13 9 445 2 4 111 5 7 556 7 11 24 14 8 £. s. d. 1,126 13 6 2,475 5 4 1,200 11 11 1,031 19 1 19,720 8 8 994 19 4 5 11 6 414 16 103 14 518 10 - 29 16 5 Included with the amount collected at Newcastle. 143 4 8 289 7 6 314 12 4 245 17 4 375 16 11 135 6 4 283 16 7 373 16 10 311 6 1 385 19 9 1,393 13 5 1,520 2 OF COAL AND COKE, IN ANY PORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, 1851, 1852. 15 Account of Local or Municipal Dues, collected on the Exportation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. Rates of Duty. Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. England and Wales — continued, Sunderland and its Dis tnct. Sunderland : River Wear dues Ramsgate Harbour dues Dover Harbour dues Bridlington Pier dues - Whitby - Ditto - Seaham : Ramsgate Harbour dues Dover Harbour dues Bridlington Pier dues 1851: 3Jrf. per chaldron of 53 cwt. 1852: to 30 June, 3Jrf. per chaldron from 30 June, 2%d. per chaldron 1851; %d. per 25 cwt. - 1852: to 30 September, %d. per 25 cwt. - from 30 September, \d. per 25 cwt. I d. per 25 cwt. 1 d. per 10 tons £ d. per chaldron of 53 cwt. 1851 : Id. per 25 cwt. - 1852: to 30 September, | d. per 25 cwt. from 30 September, J d. per 25 cwt. 1851. £. s. d. 9,041 15 11 1852. frf. per 25 cwt. 1 d. per 10 tons 1 Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Sunder- ~\ land and its District, on Coals and Coke exported J 381 1 1 322 18 3 572 12 1 1,281 19 10 £. 5. d. 8,370 9 1 552 10 1 370 8 1 G22 - 9 1,353 6 3 Swansea and its Dis- trict. Swansea : Harbour dues Port Tennant : Ditto Neath: - Ditto - 1 d. per ton \ d. per ton T 0 ? d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Swansea! and its District, on Coals and Coke exported ----- -J Whitehaven - SCOTLAND : Aberdeen Municipal dues Harbour dues On English coal, Id. per boll \ of 5 I cwt. -J On Scotch coal, 3-Jrf. per ton - On coke, %d. per barrel of| 128 lbs. -J Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Aberdeen," on Coals and Coke exported - I d. per chaldron Alloa and its District Alloa : Local dues Stirling : Ditto 1 d. per 3 tons 1 d. per ton and its District, on Coals and Coke exported 83 5 3 83 5 3 230 7 10 119 6 0 127 15 10 258 17 - 11,997 5 6 11,780 ia 7 685 14 9 124 5 3 231 S G 750 14 8 149 5 4 242 18 8 1,041 8 6 1,142 18 8 316 3 11 311 14 6 12 11 - 2 10 1 7 2 - 8 9 - - 2 1 6 15 9 1 16 1 64 6 - 53 6 3 - 3 4 | 64 6 - 53 9 7 11. C 2 (continued) i6 ACCOUNT OF ALL DUES LEVIED ON THE IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Exportation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. Scotland — continued. Borrowstoness and its District. Borrowstoness : Municipal dues ... Inverkeithing : Ditto St. David's : Local dues Bridgeness - Ditto - Limekilns - Ditto - .} Rates of Duty. Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. 1852. At \ d. per ton At 1 d. per ton 1 \ d. per ton | d. per ton - 1 \ d. per ton 2 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Borrow-' stoness and its District, on Coals and Coke exported Campbeltown Glasgow and its Dis- trict. Municipal dues Dues collected by the Trustees"! for improving the River [ Clyde and Harbour off Glasgow - - - -J Dues collected by the Forth"! and Clyde Canal Company J 2 d. per ton At Glasgow: On coals, 2d. per ton ^ , f 1 851 : Is. 4d. per ton On coke-^ _ > \ \18o2 : 2d. per ton - At Bowling Bay, J d. per ton On coals, nil. On coke, 1 d. per ton £. s. d. 119 4 7 13 5 4 164 9 10 83 15 - 69 17 4 246 1 - 696 13 1 £. s. d. 33 12 - 96 14 10 64 19 8 63 17 6 155 4 8 414 8 8 1,620 8 4 I 23 14 8 Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Glasgow"! and its District, on Coals and Coke exported ----- -J Grangemouth Wharf dues payable to thel Forth and Clyde Canal} Company - On coals, at J d. per ton Ditto at 1 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Grange-"! mouth, on Coals and Coke exported ------ -j Greenock Irvine and its District Municipal dues Irvine : Harbour dues Troon - Ditto Ardrossan - Ditto Saltcoats - Ditto In bulk, 1 \ d. per ton - In hogsheads, 2d. per hogs- head of 13 cwt. - 2 d. per ton 4 d. per ton 2d. per ton 1 \ d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Irvine") and its District on Coals and Coke exported ----- -J - 14 10 1,644 17 10 9 17 7 9 17 7 212 18 10 305 10 - 4,007 6 - 517 5 4 54 2 - 4,884 3 4 1,693 18 4 3 18 10 4 7- - 1 9 1,702 - 11 2 2 7 - 11 4 2 13 11 179 17 9 389 10 2 3,666 11 8 531 19 7 20 13 9 4,608 15 2 T OF COAL AND COKE, IN ANY PORT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, 1851, 1852. Account of Local or Municipal Dues collected on the Exportation of Coal or Coke — continued. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. Scotland — continued, Kirkaldy and its District Kirkaldy : Municipal dues Burntisland - Ditto - Dysart • - Ditto - Leven - - Ditto - Aberdour : Local dues - Rates of Duty. 2 d. per ton 1 d. per ton 1 d. per ton 1 d. per ton 1 d. per ton Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Kirkaldy"! and its District, on Coals and Coke exported - - - Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected. 1851. £. s. d. 24 7 11 83 1G 7 33 4 5 9 7 1 75 13 8 226 9 8 Leith and its District Leith : Shore dues (payable! to the Harbour Comniis- j sioners) ... -J Fisherrow : Harbour dues Cockenzie - - Ditto - Morison's Haven Ditto - Aberlady - - Ditto - North Berwick Ditto - -{ On coals, 2 d. per ton - On coke, 6 d. 2 d. per ton - 3 d. per ton. 2 d. per ton - 1 d. per ton. 0 On coals, 1 \ d. per ton - On coke, 1 a. per ton - 98 9 5 1 10 - Total Amount of Local or Municipal Dues collected in the Port of Leith and! its District, on Coals and Coke exported - -J 99 19 5 IRELAND Belfast Dundalk Limerick Corportion dues for improving"! and preserving the Port and > Harbour of Belfast - -J Harbour dues Quay dues - Harbour dues 1 \ d. per ton - l£ d. per ton - 2 d. per ton - 3 d. per ton - Total Amount of Local and Municipal Dues collected on the Exportation "1 of Coals and Coke, from the several Ports of the United Kingdom (so far as can be ascertained from the Returns) - - - - - - -J 9 17 6 1852. £. s. d. 61 8 7 44 7 8 22 9 2 5 7 3 71 17 4 195 10 - 147 4 11 1 10 - 148 14 11 2 1 11 •jAmount cannot be ascer- tained, no account being \ kept of the receipt upon coals separately from that J on other goods. 48,483 12 10 47,291 19 2 3 1 c 3 i8 RETURN OF LOCAL DUES ON COALS OR COKE CARRIED BY RAILROAD RETURN of Local Dues on all Coils and Coke brought by Railroad from any Port, or taken by Railroad to any Port of the United Kingdom ; with the Amount so collected. Names of the Ports. Description of Duty. ENGLAND AND WALES: Peal - Local dues Gainsborough London Local dues - Local Due9, viz.: Metropolis Improvement Fund; Duty applied by the Corporation of Lon- don, and the Commis- sioners of Her Majesty's Board of Works - Metropolis Improvement! Fund ; Duty applied by 1 the Commissioners of Her j Majesty's Board of Works J Municipal Dues taken m\ lieu of metage, and other | charges payable to the | Rates of Duty. 3 s. per ton - Amount Collected. 1851. £. s. a. 326 2 6 1852. £. s. d. 468 4 1 rCoals used for working a~l 185 J steam engine,8d. per ton J j Coals used for other pur-^ poses, 1 s. per ton - J jg. 0 (To 6 August, same as °~\ 1851;from6 Augustfree I 40 9 9 8 d. per ton 1 d. per ton - 4 c?. per ton Ramsgate and its Dis trict. Corporation of London Total Amount of Local Dues collected in the Port of London, on Coals") brought by Railway ... - -Jf Ramsgate : Nil. Margate : Payable to the Com-~| missioners for the Pier and > 2 s. 3 d. per ton Harbour -----> Sandwich: Pavement tax - 10 g 2. 3- o c _. 3 ° 5, cj 1 CD c 3^ c-»* to ^ s. 3 era sa- cs 3 e. m B. §• £ 3. > o o o a 3^ «~* S- 3 PS 3' O 3* o a M CD CD 03 "L o m ? 3 OO O M in 3 =r 3" p I 3 p Nfj B 3 W o o O a w to 3 fa. o > f > O O O COAL-LADEN SHIPS. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 10 February 1848;— -Jbr, A RETURN " of the Number of Ships laden with Coal, Cinders, and Culm entered Outwards in the Year 1847; specifying the Kinds and Quantities of Coal, Cinders, and Culm ; the Amount of Duties received ; the Port of Clearance, and the Countries cleared for, and whether in Ships of the United Kingdom or any other Nation, and to what Nation they belong (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 520, of Sess. 1847)-" (Mr. Wawn.J Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 19 May 1848. SHIPS LADEN WITH COAL, CINDERS AND CULM 8 3 o s «: CO s S .2 a "5 CO - C CO O 03 CD a 2 - -B *3 & cS 3 CO 03 CD ~ « fi "■3 .2 c « 03 C3 5> » •H M CD 12 -a G +-> 03 O 1 § w s CD r> -2 § .3 B g< 2 CO .~ B ^ CD 00 ,3 03 O on pH CD -B •£ CO .S -S CO Ui - — 03 +» 5 rB 3 (S O -3 -s § - u B «2 " -a a g e3 _ cd O o ^3 CO B .2 co" 3 G 3 « o o ^ c ^ s o O *B CO ft. — CO O K o (4 CO j= .3* O CO Q 3 • « i E «3 s 6 o o © o o co o o o o CO B — B .2 -2 .2 ,b *co *3 'co O CO CD co ■+■» 3 > 3 3 P5 CO 05 Q 00 ^H .-H C» B 2 '2 'S *H 03 CO a 03 .■S B o.2 6 tx CO r-H S 00 o o oo>oeoo e»ito-*— iooooo^hiocbnoo oo-* oo oo co t- cxniowortO^onooioo o « ->-ico lO 00 « H H H H H ■* CC f) Ct ©» CO P CD a o CD 03 O 5 * co 2 T3 CD Pi H PJ PS K H o 03 CD CO o 03 s a o s 3 CD £ o o — N Ph <; "ol < 5 o _B 03 CO a - CD O o: B « 2 rB « -M CD B* CO a « s o o o a CO -M ^3 B s ® CO - 1 -a a .2 2 O c3 O o • Ocj C(H *» o CD ^ G. co &C 03 03 pa _of a 09 s 03 ci G B -s.2 £ co CD u Kir +J CD l^-f 3 « 2 CD 03 rg 03 CD .2 -S a -3 _ /■ 3 — ; CD C3 fc- 03 i - 1 *^ to t 3 1 e ^ B^^ | § fc£ | CO Q N 6d ta* a £ S n .S ?^bb j §J § J S S Ph Ph Q CO ^ QQQh2hWOW<^coS<:PhO cOO-5PhCJEcO^>2 §.a 03 O be .5 ' O, 03 „ a a CD .9 -B ^-H -3 S CD . ^ a _ © o. a CO g 3 e O -3 I M t3 PQ ^ M O 95 O - — < Ph w s o T3 S ENTERED OUTWARDS IN THE YEAR J 84/ I I ■ I i o o © CO 00 l» "* «5 © 0 - C o* -a g _. a O 05 C3 C o 'C ^3 "5 -5 °E £ S « ~ S B £ 3 " a ' .5 a > a © Tjl 0» V © © © loetiO'fli'wotsoNooaNOiflio »o^i>©<^cico©-"3(?*co©ao-* CO © i> ©i> o©io hojOOOOOOOOiO O>e0C0©©©-*>.'5©-HS»© eo © « — > cs cs ci O0Oi©G>l>'- , '- , t > * 1-1 n h CO o .2 53 •SP J 1 I | a 1 «« § C 0 a _ o ^ .3 02 O iS pa T3 a ' ' J <» 1— a 03 t, 1—1 o> c3 — . fc* !* ® ^-5 a agog 3 o g a) t> pa Ph h a ai a a 'S.-a 0 u m is .5 2 £2 §.sf :§ a S ' o « fi .B a) 3 o T3 a 03 ■a .2 "S _„ to P t_ £ s S .a k O a) © E e3 ic o «j so < 1 • a o > IP DC H -a 1- _ ca sa 337- A 2 SHIPS LADEN WITH COAL, CINDERS AND CULM CO M X co !zi O w « o a I 3 CO s C5 O CM l> ^< 05 n CO O CI O o GO 00 o OO CO O o o> -# r-t to 05 C* h CM C» •* a CO 03 2 oP 2 .2-2 £ -3 »j S »Cc»2c>gJCOC , ■~ I 3 ,£! O a +3 Co o3 eg - 03 c3 9J 03 j> C C 2 co & cj -2 "S 2 ^3 » S 3 O -5 3 03 a S a 'Sb o f O co hi a .fl.S - c •/. v a co ' - 3 S 03 CJ C m 2 2 a a S 03 i CI C3O-53033O3£;C^C«*<15 O H Ol H H H r (i-Hr^i-HrHrHi-^f-Hi-H e c3 a f5-i^3 co ,-. — , 03 ,2 ■ j:§ as n^i 3 55 02 © CO 2 O © © CO CJ 5 >o >o o co i< r? ^ rt — I CO h o r-» C5 CO O CI. CO O lO lO O CO H KJ CJ co" cT US r-l O «-« 00 T* i-h B3 © C* CO i-l . -n o >o co oo i> o cT to o o o « tt a ^ M M oo « CO CO 1* O 115 H CO r-i t» CM & o O w PS < ' S ' I O l DQ CJ ra co ' S o H 03 03 CJ CO ^ CJ 3 QpS Ph EC T3 a ^ CJ j a I P-. CD 3 o &D 3 it O PU c3 ft, CO 6 cj 3 +5 fl^ » S °H ^5 o* ^ 2 ^ co P £ . . oi.i R ? : :§ .-I CO 03 P> to oi 3 55 <5 03 "oS CQ e3 ENTERED OUTWARDS IN THE YEAR 1847. 5 1 c> o CI 00 00 © 1> o o © C> co © OOOHfl US O) H t» rt (M rH c '> -a CO CO H G 03 3 ID s a ,S s c „ g g .§ ^SS.S .3 S « T5 ,rt o ^ ^ o s % s § S s 55 < co co C < < u! • • i 3 C §| $»« J •S I I 3 1 £ o S3 g H rt C) O « i-l bo E o c* 00 © o cj >o «3 KJ O O CO •»)< l-H ©> 00 l> CD who co r-l >0 © »0 CO O O 05 CO OS o CI l-H o JO O CD O O 00 10 00 CO X0_CD CN cf of oo io oo «* . co c i l-H rH O CO © lO HOK r-i O © rH CI © CO CO i-l © CO rH H (M H r-l rH CO CI r-C O CD Tt< 0) C» G _© '3 a o Q 3 H ro G cs 13 rS P- £ o o rQ G be. 2 WO! Q £ cs O 03 G G G-, O o O G . <~ -2 O V3 » g fl G- a G o . o Oh G 03 O 6DT Br*-} CO S3 ra OcOO O G s 3 ,£ 03 03 1 co i Cuba United Brazil « ao — *i-j 03 S.o 3 £P 2 rS » fcc — 3 2 1L 3 £ G g. — m 03 . 05 » w _ >~ _ — DCJPhCJ IZ^SC- r^2r? g t- o 0} t &H O ff cJ ao • « Ph l S O 3 o r5 ■ CO c5 ^ 5 f > 2 oj o .5 'ac 03 3 orway enmar •2 CO 3 rt. £ 2i OS c o H CJ : -a c o 2 EC b 337- a 3 be 3 ' 2 S O O 00 E s « ^ +j ■*- — 3 03 X, S3 _= o o 6 SHIPS LADEN WITH COAL, CINDERS AND CULM to a ss .o Pi to c* o cs W PS O a 6 o osio o 09 >o s ^ n aj n n ■# iO CS © (N .-i CO © 00 1-1 « t>. O «5 05 eo cs t-. cs »o co o 51 C 51 * 00 O 'S 35 h to MS «5 1> 61 (O O S 3 - — a 13 .2 'Ed 'Ed a* OS as u is o o S3 S3 os CO ' a ' a> t, C ^ o s a) 3 .2 a -2 ci C ; a «1 O Id § a a a ■ .* "Sb _ - s o bp ' 3 C 3 ci a) "go (4 bD "J 9.1 .2 o o a a c a C3 3 03 k O tj 2 » ci «i o S C » ci « ci ci CO W5 CO CI 01 CO O) CO i-< CI >-( h ft h ffl 00 E fl 8 § J 3 ci — ci SOS oi os co o h co bp a ' 3 a 2 43 fcD- § 0) ji -2 j*i o h O O (3 o ci a> ci H Ol CO ^ 5) >0 5< CO 3 +3 — ci 3 - — a. « o 02 H Pi pa a a . «5 °) CO a c» 00 to OS © >rt O OS o CO CI OS CO OS CO CI © © to a o o CO 50' ■ . — < 3 ~ Ed S 3 a a> 3 H S3 53 S to W) 3 3 o S3 3 4= C 3 4= 3 - C ■£ o w O a o o c 5S — ENTERED OUTWARDS IN THE YEAR 1847- o ~ iOOM»0«5(50ln CO OOClCO'fiOOOOO'* C-HO(NOlOOt0 01Q0t---<01C0(N00'-''OClC»05-f O"l'>OOl>i-'O00C0^OISM)Wl ,, ?lO(}OQ Ol^-(^rtC0'->(Ni-H05iOCO'O»--i O C3 S 3 .S in hi I 03 d 3 „o 6fl a S - _ » OJ K ^ >55£5 22 £ 5 3 O. r-i CO — — ' — 1 — ' — ' — 1 —• 00 s « 1! c 3 P g O 03 c *5 1 ill CO rMi-H^Ht—li-HrNC'i'""*'— It—" CO d,E a c 3 03 flfl tlHHM d s C3 GO. CO P CI ■weg-ian iseatic - wegians 1 -a 03 iseatic - iseatic - O 3 3 o £EP£; Dm a 3 ES W « « ffl ft i-H i— I lO i— t i-h 00 CO © © iO CO © !>. o ■* © CI © Q IS O (5 O CM l> © 00 l>. o © © O CO >o © M3 © CI © — i © CO CI O i.O © o cx oc co i> oc - H h ^ h J ""en "2 *» d a .2 d S3 3 o -a E O co a 3 03 -3 3 3 bo 3 -*-> o 3 cx CO 3 6 .2 |g 3 CO •25 P 03 H a 3 I I I I J} I l I - I I ■ • | 3 O 60 c h2 M c o I S o p 3 8. * E 03 O 03 O ^ ^ s , o o co 3 03 to 'C a 8" 2 2 d £■> a. t- 03 W O 0- < o 03 CJ o -3 B 03 £r-2 a "3 S — 2 k ? 2 — S3 — P cucj^o ' a a o 5 ? c3 co a 4 SHIPS LADEN WITH COALS, CINDERS, AND CULM a o "a 00 I* 3 C s 13 - o O 13 in 3 e? H CO W Ml o w P5 o p* .5* 2 e « MS h Ct s o » a » ^ 05 <* i-i i-i O CM CSO-*O r *'-'t>00>Oi-it>. VJ W M" w >4' ■ — ' V — aju «w i — i t O 00 "rtl CO i - * i-i i-i 0«JO«50 «3 00 O 05 «3 g i ■§> j g 1 1 ^ I III ■ ■ (-i l — 03 .2 "K=i'£»i3sil3- ;£ CO CM CO CO CM ~ i-i O C IO CM r-i t- to | 53 — o CO CI CO t>. at t(i o C)Oa5C i-c IT5 c e? CI CI CI 03 O 03 CC C5 03 ~ 50 ~ CD US «a «o -* x -r ia a r. 93 c s c 1.: n e c c -•3 os cn ^ Q) ^ 3 g 03 pi < tf} - C> -H ■» O 3 3- - c 0- <; z c — C3 DO O ivedi 1-3 "*h CP Co CC < C» 03 s CP C3 CD CC C ss - ,£ S « d » 3 SCO u c m-ScrSggalllg s 3 s tog s I I I CO cf c «3 00 o CI C) c -* 00 OW*0C6)OOC ih 1-1 H CI Ol CO o 03 — o «3 c o >.o o «a 03 C3 1^ 1— c oc c: m c O C5 « h O 13 (5 SI ^1 00 {> 0 m o c» ct —1 o m Tt> h m o h h h n ci CM c o Q 2 & 0 « T3) .a -a O 5 O C3« « "5. ffi o.jf c hi ^ CO .33 0 5 £ co '-S cp Ci o^ O O bo ui £ o > § C O eJ CO 3 1 J HO as ^33 P3 P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 r~ I I • CO . I a: £3 H « m U C3 _ ^ CO £ si J § £ M HW ' ' fa « ' 2 ^ X co ^ & S s a is & 3 g « - a 01 CO r-^ t> ^ 00 co -# to © f> CO X CO o» o 01 O O CO TO CO ft o © o CN CO 00 "* iC cfoo t-« GO 00 rH TO O iO 50 CS CI 00 cT r-T 1 -)T CN tH 01 CO CS t> © TO «3 tl h O -h 01 CN TO 01 © rn c c-. © z c - 1? & c S cS. * CD CU •S .2 c o n3 to 5s "3 oiOHrteitiOi-in CO I— I rH i— I rH CO s Q cn DD 3 r"J Cfi « 3 a ■« 2 5 Ph «> © HI §11 © © © TH a c <3 C3 Phn © X t> CO W5 1^ © © c t> c o © Ol l> o o o CO l> i-l . © -h rH -H © CO CS TO CO CI ©©>©■"* TO CO i-c rH 00 01 H ij( CN r— rH rH 1— I PS H £> O o Jh S 23 x PS a •i O 1 H : 2 a I e5 ^ ffi Ph "3 «i &H < S II I I 1 I I I I I I I 5 „g ~ _a s CS 'C cJ Ph CS ,3 CS> Eh o rH H t~ — ua c» 1 1 1 "* ■ 1 1 CD U3 o» 00 0* — co it o co 00 0) " 11 ■ . i ~ ■ I 1 o Ol 00 O - o* i cr o 00 o c — r. 0C 00 CO o •H CD C) CO o -** «* 01 CD CO CO 1 CM o CD ©» CO at CO o» CO q eo 00^ 0» oT oT ^3 o ~ v C c S® o 3 O O OJ CI CI ~ O* 9 S Co 3 .2 « c SO t-» i-C CM a 3 eS ICQ ^ .5 - ; GO o = s Ct iH C — CO 01 •-■ o o o CO «5 0» Oi-i©©©0)©CSiOCDCSi>t^ OC3>Oi-HOOCiOO>-HTj-h UD 1-1 0»ClCDC0 0»t^CO-H O) CD •* © ™ O CO 1> i-c 00 OS CS CO C» CO l> 00 CO CO c as " 0) c» «5 «5 O as co o (O H rt o ot C5 01 C) m h h o ^ (■. CO 51 ^ 3 H CO « n n h "*i O as co as co ■ i rt C ^3 o ! a> o .1 > O «= * S f. CO 5 - ^ H cs ^ ^^^^ooS^^^E^O pa ao^jartCD O H< -y; O 5 D Z rt o C o GO a> < ■ » CO o c CO Peru CO CO ea CO -5 3 -O a = Urn a _o c <0 o 33: CO B 2 SHIPS LADEN WITH COAL, CINDERS AND CULM CO «# t> CS «> Cl O c3 03 01 ^ n o es c» r-l o CM CO f» Cl „• o n 15 o b oo » n O C 51 I O 51 n 00 o * ^ i-T ef e?T i-?" co" ci o C) o 00 1— 1 O O Cl N t> MM O H 5) r 1 O CO rH 1— lONOOSOMSWOOSiiC) O i> -* O r-i O Cl CO -* CO O i-H O O 01 CO 51 Ot 1-1 os t» T CO CO "O T C l ffl "t^ 1 * t° t 0 ^° 'S H 18 * '■i r "„ H O rt O CI C X o co (o* cfn" n hh o~ r-T cf cf ~T CD t ci O CS o .s c a e3 to 5 "S 3 r£ w 1 , 03 t 1 1 - §^ 1 a © CS CD •a CD ci cs OOh^OOODOOhhO Cl CO H Cl o £ ft Cl Cl 10 a 3 © ■ 1 5 S to CS ~2 O •r- C 3 a IP.® CD/d *« ^ cj . a o OOClOC»>0t»'*'Mi--iCle0C;XC0 *4 i~< i-i o 55 to '■s- C cj ci ^ , S " a . cs CD o .HIS to 3 1, 3 C QD p C „ H-a-33 I Q CO f- PS « c© ci «5 CO CO cP 05 CO = to Ci 00 o Ct -tf © -h 00 — 1 Ci CM Cl CO *o CO Cl «5 CO co co" * "3 Cl CM Cl CO CS l>. 00 o Cl Cl Cl CO CO PS o o s CS as -3 = CS c CS C 3 CS — CD S V S O o .3. 2fiO CS CD s5 Cl, « O P-( cs S H •so O (Zi S 0 cj ps 1 01 H CO CS Newc ENTERED OUTWARDS IN THE YEAR 184~- »3 "5 ih a o» co C-l IQ ItS co co ll CI •# O CO CS -f 'O (CI CO CO CO C5 — X a > -r — M — — — — 30 --. 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C 3 S3 J si O U2 O 60 c s a CD 03 S 3 > -9 o ts 00 CI CI HciHiocei'O^O'ii O IH CI o f" ■ .2 '+3 3 ^ 3 Jo - F> | £^ S -ooa q OHCIOl o t % e a OS co ci 00 "s5 ' I l 1 l l l i t l 13 E- 1 o o w o < PS w -I Zj co I 2 go >ra CO Is CO O o co Is ©» C» o ■i ts O CI O i0 > H fj H W! ts c ©_ CO 0C_ 00^ r-T 03 CC? ts~ CI Is © -H Ol GO i-h >d i-h GO CO CO 00 ts c» o CI CO O i— i C) 00 tH -* C> Ol CI CI ■* CO ts c» CJ Ol o CO >o ts O CO o o ts IQ . "* . 00_ ts co^ 00 00 tS^ls cT "J? ci c? t — < o CD ■ 1 ts 1 • Ol CI CO CI CM (—1 CO CO 1 • CI CM >o I I I I • • .-. 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C3 « • £ CJ O 3 C .sc. 5 c "5 I I I I I I I I » 15 • ~=~ ? 5 - ~ 5 I I K - 337- g 02 es ■fl D 20 SHIPS LADEN WITH COAL, CINDERS AND CULM Cm O i 1 Amount Duty. i to o B H «j a 1 ■ aa Cu »— t B 00 o (—1 w ps o a wo(D>o«'- | t»t»a)!Oio© r-< c» e oo ci « m a OOC000'frHiOi/5'-i cococo£a22occt. a a •2 .2 G -a it cc .5 m -s £ -g fc g-Sa 1 a bo 5* ■ I > ■ I CO oo »ra K © fH CD © l—l I— I f-H oo o c* OS O O CI i—i CO o a V5 O (MO O CO -n o «> co^ CM Ci CC o rt M H -1 C< f-l co i-H i— * - H W iz; & o o PQ a co CO 'a Gh o a ci 6 o -m a CO CO " CO «i £ CO co M o a *o a ci CO " 3 ? § a o H a CS " a a -S ci ci ■ M o '% 03 ■ a a a ? a, cs « h £ a 3 2 fcco cj£; a PS a CO -a CO is CO o iz; PS O w PS w o ci o <1 o PQ ENTERED OUTWARDS IN THE "YEAR 184/. 2 f o o ei — »o to © t>. 1-1 C5 O tO O * ci h ei 05 ri oo to o o O i-l Ttl C5 o »— ' •— • C5 l"» 00 -* O «3 o h m:i o CO CO i-H © I> h o — CO C* 2 *° «j- d a: ^3 ^fl a W •* 91 H O i-i i-i i-l rH C* ■, C 03 — a — o s CM o to Ci CO o ooocomooo ao o o o oo t» to c> rl q n o « r- t) ooocioeoeiocooc 0DOOI>C5t»J)00CeiS h O i-i CO i-i n t i: h « o Cl 06 O O .? CO © 1" CI ■— Ct H O « Ot r( m n Cl C! « 51 Cl H fh c h -h :i C N bo 1 ibu as Prussi Meek] Hano^ 3 *3 C OJ ~3 O c o H os -i O ©"Or* © O CD CD O) OOCO>OCiOi-"i-<0 X «5 C5 t- 00 00 CO CI CI i-iOOf-i COi-i CO-*COiOTl<-l M 51 N 00 iOmhiONHHOO CO CO © CO r-T i-T -"jTr-T <-T r-T X O CD ff» -# <>» CD 5 * to<3 ■n co co - rH rH rl ff» rl !H to w ci o + ^ § S . m 2 jd ^ -t^ pa P. 5 © « H 5 £> X O 1 I ID ~ .s/a =- © S£ © © ,3 Q "© is * > - J) o CO 3 op 6C "" 5 I CO 03 0) B ^3 a? cs qj W (X) o «s © O GO C* CI i-< « © o « ao © —I © © co oi ■* i-. ci © - -> — ' CI CD i l CD I 3 3 - c a a "2 ci CD cS^jajrS .as 's 3 a -2 m .s CD c3 s "b .a CD OOlOlHlNHh'* rt fH rH 1-1 CI 1-1 . . c Q I I I a 03 *» a a « s c o c3 cc oo eS q <: £ -5 r-1 CO i-i <-i IO CO © C pj co c c ci os s — © o -it* CO F-r CI — < O) W ts 01 H CI ■# G>» »— t © © f— I 1/3 r-i 1-1 53 5 CD — C 3 S o H 13 C » S &H i*5 CO -c 3 » 2 o Q « s 13 s § C I -3 O 1 IS a I -s.i o 00 GJ CD -S ^ no tea 5 t> -r" • r- O « - — C3 bD 8 j. I I n £ < cT 13 C C3 C3 = 2^00 3 hS S-3 c Q ~ i i 13 it -3 _ — : © s CD D 3 SHIPS LADEN WITH COAL, CINDERS AND CULM 3 3 I to CO 02 PU o w o p- OO to «5 © 19 CS M >0 OiOOOO Clt> CI'* iO OOSINO O tO tl m ~ © i-h i-h © « ft i> c! h o oi n © © i-t e; c (O >h © o 05 :i e. a ri i— ' 00 .-i 03 o CO CD is i-, o e3 fe a o 5 _ c a c O 03 03 03 02 £ P ffi ffi a a 03 03 a -w 03 S 1 § a 2 a C3 Q 3 7 = .» « "3 -a .3 C 93 to 03 £ S Q as ft ! o i-l ,-( h ©1 5 ** i i ■ 3 ss Ex PS PQ Ex •© ©©©©©l>-l-li-H© 2 lo o ifj ■>* © o w © ■«* © £ © CO oo oo ci «^ t» co «5 CO 00 00 Ci N >-0 c o WO © © 00 © oo e ^ w h o< © CO CO jit 111 i—* i— ii— iCli— iCOi— it^-^1— i i-i 1.0 CO i—i i-i o> I I I I I I -3 a f -5 to © o as*- ^ s s s ■-H CO i-h -a ss c e ■g 3 as S S ?s CC bo o Ph eo CO ■ i • >o ■* lO o ~h to tC ti5 CO o es o o o o -h< ■* o -* go «o l-» CO ^ »— ' 2 CO CS -+ CO CO © -+ GO CO C) O CS Xi l-» i-i i-h cs CS i-O 01 CO -t*— <©CCC-t<©tS©© ■* 00 N N CD W 1* «3 C5 t> CI CS -h i-h Ct i-i •»* 00 o 00 CO — «0 ^H^H0>--lO"<0)t-HC0l-Hl-Hl-H O i-i 01 t» O CI ci ci pa 1 Xfl a 1 r o a H 1 cc 5 +^» lenb C3 OS CO c llant *5S C S3 03 o O ^— 1 l-M — o GO s '■g * s * § o as ci as u ■ ■ ■> | 1 1 -5 H £- w a to ci as "S! ^ 5 8 o as as o •2f KS 5 .2 -a • So a cc - J2, -a « ^ -g tj. 153 > g 5 8 E) 3 CD C 3 Ci Ti rfi 'Jl O £ £) ■/: ■f 'C "I 2 IL'3 § •= - pa ea o cc P 3 pa a <«-hQmZ^o^2uP i-h x to x r — t> — "~ o o cc to S o o Ph 337- cq D 4 a o cs — — = < c ^ d 9* C re ~ - g CO 00 o o = 5 CO f -. a _ c- 3 o C. re s sa 3 O "5 IE S3 re 2_ 3 o K (5 &• OR re 5" 2, O re o 53a C 2 re Ox to p 53 5- o ~ o c> ST s re a. 5 3 re x 5 c c °- re 9 f 3 §L _ s» re c o H > C r to o z i- o o _ »s re GO 1| O 2 c 5 o S "5 re W 3 3 re re 05 C- _ _ so c s- 3 2 C I > 0 a. X 's. COAL - LADEN VESSELS. RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 30 May 1853 ;— for, A COPY "of a Memorial to the Board of Customs from Mr. Hugh Taylor, Senior, and certain other Colliery Proprietors in the Counties of Northum- berland and Durham, dated April 1853, praying for a Return to the System of ' Fitters' Certificates,' which was Amended by the Act 12 & 13 Vict. c. 00 ; and also for further Alterations in the existing Customs Regulations with reference to the Clearing of Coal-Laden Vessels." To the Honourable Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs. The Petition of the Coal-Owners of the Counties of Northumberland and Durham vending Sea-borne Coals. Humbly showeth, That your petitioners beg respectfully to state to your Honourable Board the serious injury and great inconvenience that is caused to the coal trade of this district, by the omission in the certificate of clearance now in use of the name of the colliery from which coal in course of shipment is wrought and gotten, together with the distinctive name of such coal, and from the power which is now given to persons loading coals to clear their vessels independently of the coal-owner or his agent. That your petitioners would represent to your Honourable Board that under the ancient arrangement, which existed previously to the 12 & 13 Vict. c. 90 (than which no arrangement could be better), the colliery office from which the coals were purchased issued the coal certificate to the purchaser, without the signature of which, either by the coal-owner or his agent, the vessel could not be cleared ; a regulation which, by keeping the coals under the control of the seller until ready for sea, prevented fraud on that seller, and which, by securing a certificate bearing the true distinctive name of the coal, as also of the colliery whence the coal was wrought and gotten, to accompany the vessel on her voyage, prevented fraud on consumers by the substitution of one coal for another. That since the passing of the Act referred to, 12 & 13 Vict. c. 00, these secu- rities, both to coal-owner and consumer, are totally lost, inasmuch as under the present form of certificate (one of which is appended, together with one of the ancient certificates), any person loading a vessel with a cargo of co^s may clear them either altogether without a name, or under what name he chooses, giving to an inferior coal the name of a first-class coal, and this without the knowledge of the coal-owner or his agent, who is thus, together with the con- sumer, subjected to great risk of fraud and loss. That your petitioners need not impress upon your Honourable Board the importance of securing to the coal owner the certaintv that his coal <>-oes to market under its real distinctive name, so that the consumer shall certainly know what the coal is which he buys ; and also the importance of giving the owner of coals shipped the power of slopping clearance, until he is satisfied with the arrangements of the buyer to whom he gives credit. 597. Your MEMORIAL TO THE BOARD OF CUSTOMS Your petitioners therefore earnestly request your Honourable Board to be p] ised to issue an order, directing that the name of the colliery from which the coal is wrought and gotten, and the distinctive name of the coal, shall be inserted or printed as heretofore in each certificate, and that no clearance shall be allowed until such certificate is signed by the coal-owner or his known agent ; and, that further, your Honors will be pleased to give directions to have inserted in the next Customs' Act of Parliament a clause enforcing these provisions. And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c. Newcastle-on-Tyne, April 1853. For and by directions of the Coal-owners of Northumberland and Durham, Hugh Taylor, Chairman of the Coal Trade. Custom-House, 2 June 1853. (True copy.) W. Maclean, Secretary. Certificate now used. Last from Port of Newcastle. V r— in z. 2 5 3 I, the undersigned, do hereby, pursuant to the 10th Section of 12 & 13 Vict., chap. 90, certify that the total quantities of Coals or Coal, Culm, and Cinders respectively, shipped (or intended to be shipped, as the case may be,) on board the of Master, for are as follows : — 2 g « cs" to ai c« £ S . * 'S « "o a *5 . SHIPPED. CHAS. INTENDED TO BE SHIPPED. Coals or Coal Tons. cwt. qrs. Tons. cwt. qrs. Culm - Cinders - - - Total Quantities - - Dated this day of Entered No. Collector. 185 Owner. ON THE CLEARING OF COAL-LADEN VESSELS. 3 Ancient Form of Certificate. Men. Tons. For L8 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. Sold and delivered on board the of BOWES' WALLSEND COALS. Wrought and gotten out of Marley Hill Colliery. At per Ton, loaded by Drop. Custom-House Ent d No. 18 Collector. On 5. o r 5; n S o o "*> oo § o. 5 ~< from Pr.lii Ol 1 1 a to S Proprietors, i 03 ^3 T) t> -1 Senior ;he Cou | IS OD t | CO o " p tain otl Northi S c • — . c O O H