1 THE DEVELOPMENT OF A METHOD FOR THE DE TERMINATION OF THE AMINO-ACIDS OF FEEDS BY THOMAS SHERMAN HAMILTON B. S. University of Illinois 1917 THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the requirements of the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL of the UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1921 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Decambe r eL2j ] 92 i I HEREBY RECOMMEND THAT THE THESIS PREPARED DNDER MY SUPERVISION BY Thomas Sherman Ha:iiilt on ENTITLED The Deve l opment of a Metho of the Amino-Acids o f Fe eds BE ACCEPTED AS FULFILLING THIS PART OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF Master of Scienc e in C hemist ry _ , Recommendation concurred in* Committee on Final Examination* ^Required for doctor’s degree but not for master’s Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/developmentofmetOOhami -i- TABLE OF COITTEOTS THE DEVELOR.IENT OF A J.TETHOD FOR THE DETERI/.niATlOlI OF THE AlvIIHO-ACIDS OF FEEDS page I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. HISTORICAL ^ III. DEVELOPIviENT OF THE METHOD 6 A, Extraction of the Norqprotoin Nitrogen - -- -- -- -- - 7 (1) Extraction vdth anhydrous ether - -- -- -- -- 7 Experiment I. The completeness of extraction with ether by the centrifuge bottle method - ^ (h) Extraction with cold absolute alcohol ------ 9 Experiment II. Comparison of the amounts of nit- rogen extracted by extractions on the Buch- ner fumel and by the centrifuge bottle method ------------------- 9 (3) Extraction with cold 1.0 per cent, trichlorace- tic acid - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 10 Experiment III, Comparison of the amounts of nonprotein nitrogen extracted b;/ cold 1.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid and by cold v;ater and 0.02 per cent, hydrochloric acid - 12 Experiment IV. Determir^ation of the proper strerjgth trichloracetic acid to use for the extraction of nonprctein nitrogen - - - I3 (4) Separation of protein and nonprotein nitrogen - - 14 Experiment V. Determination of the amount of colloidal iron necessary to precipitate the proteins from the nonprotein extract - - 17 Experiment VI. Determination of suitable con- ditions for the precipitation of proteins from, the nonptotein extract v.dth colloid- al iron ------------------ 19 (a) Neutral method ----------- 19 (b) Direct method - -- -- -- -- -- - 19 -ii- page (c) After decomposition of trichlorace- tic acid by boiling -------- 19 (dj By the use of a buffer substance - - 20 (e) Second precipitation - -- -- -- - ^^0 Experiment VII. Does colloidal iron precipi- tate nonprotein nitrogenous compounds? - - - 22 Experiment VIII. Does dilute trichloracetic acid hydrolyze proteins? ---------- 23 (5) ProcedTui-e finally adopted for the extraction of . the nonprotein fraction - -- -- -- -- - 23 B. Treatment of the Residue Insoluble in Ether, Absolute Alcohol, and Cold 1.0 per cent. Trichloracetic Acid - 2li Experiment IX. Determination of solvents and methods of extractions necessary to com- pletely extrs.ct the nitrogenous compounds from the residue insoluble in ether, alc- ohol, and cold 1.0 per cent, trichlcrace- tic acid ----------------- 2o C. Extraction of Starch with Trichloracetic Acid ------ iiS Exp er indent X. Test extraction of starch with trichloracetic acid ------------ 3 ^ Exper iment XI. Comparison of the nitrogen ex- tracted along with the starch by hot 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid and by hot 2.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid ------ Exper inient XII. (a) Doss the second addition of two volumes to the hot 2 per cent, tri- chloracetic acid extracts cause any addi- tiorjal precipitation of starch? (b) Can the proteins, dissolved by the hot 2 per cent, trichloracetic acid, be completely hydrolyzed by boiling for 3 hours with 5 per cent, hydrochloric acid? ------- 33 (1) Final procedure for the extraction of starch - - - 37 IV. EXTRACTION OF STARCE AND NOiJPROTEIN NITROGENOUS CONSTITUENTS WITH HOT 2 PER CE1\IT. TRICHLORACETIC ACID AND THE SEPARATION OF THE STARCH, PROTEIN, AND NONPROTEIN NITROGEN 3^ Exp er iment XIII. Does colloidal iron precipi- tate starch? -------- ------ 39 V. MODIFICATIONS IN TEE VAN SLYKE METHOD 40 -iii- page VI. THE iviSTHOD IN DETAIL U1 PART I. Preparation of the Sample ------------- Ul PART II. Prepara-tion of the Hydrolyzed Protein Solution - - 41 A. Extraction with anhydrous ether ---------- 41 B. Extraction with cold absolute alcohol ------- 4H c. Extraction with cold 1.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid ---------------------- ^3 D. Extraction with dilute sodium hydroxide ------ 43 E. Digestion with h.C per cent, trichloracetic acid - - 44 F. Extraction with 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid - - - 44 G • Extraction with strong sodium hydroxide ------ 45 H. Treatment of the cold 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid extracts ------------------ 46 I. Treatment of the 2 per cent, trichloracetic acid extracts -------------------- 47 J. Determirjation of insoluble humin nitrogen - - - - - 48 PART III. Analysis of the Hydrolyzed Protein Solution - - - 48 Determination of ammonia (airide nitrogen) - - - - - 48 Soluble h-umin nitrogen - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 48 Precipitation and washing of the bases ------- 49 Decomposition of the phospho tungstic precipitate by a mixture of ether and amyl alcohol - - - - - 51 Determination of arginine ------------- 53 Determiriation of the amino nitrogen of the bases - - 53 Determination of the total nitrogen of the bases - - 54 Determination of cystine ------------- 54 Determination of the total nitrogen in the filtrate from the bases ----------------- 55 Determination of the amino nitrogen in the filtrate from the bases ----------------- 5b -IV- page Calculation of arginine, cystine, histidine, lysine, and the non-amino nitrogen - -- -- -- -- -- - (a) Arginine nitrogen ------------- (b) Cystine nitrogen - -- -- -- -- -- -- 57 (c> Histidine nitrogen ------------ 57 (d) Lysine nitrogen -------------- 57 ( 3 ) IJon-amino nitrogen in the filtrate from the bases --------------- 57 Purity of reagents 5^ VII. DIITERI.'IIHATION OF THE AIvlIITO-ACIDS OF OATS, CORIJ, COTTOHSEED MEAL, Al-ro ALFALFA 59 TABLE I. Distribution of the nitrogen of oats, corn, cot- tonseed meal, and alfalfa. (Results expressed in percentage of the total rh trogen of the feed^ --------------------- ol TABLE II. Distribution of the nitrogen of oats, corn, cottonseed meal, and alfalfa. (Results ex- pressed in percentage of the feed) ------ 6 c; TABLE III. Comparison of results v/ith those of previous investigators --------------- 06 TABLE IV. Nitrogen distribution of alfalfa -------- 71 VIII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 72 IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY 73 THE DEVELOPMEl^T OF A I.IETHOD FOR THE DETERIVIINATION OF THE AMINO-ACIDS OF FEEDS I. INTRODUCTION Investigations of the past few years have shov/n very clearly that the total nitrogen determination and subsequent calculation of crude protein there- from, alone, as has been dona in the past and is still being done at present to a large extent in feeding and metabolism experiments, is of practically no value for the purpose of estimating the true nutritive value of the proteins of a feed. Before the true nutritive value of the protein content of a feed can be accurate- ly determined, among other things the amounts of each of the various amino-acids (or at least certain ones) v/hich go to make up the proteins present must be Inovm. Notwithstanding the many almost unsurmountable difficulties connected with the isolation and purification of na-turally occurring proteins, a very large number of vegetable and animal proteins have been isolated, purified, and the amino-acids present determined by methods available for that piurpose. The vari- ety, the extremely complex character, and the ease with which proteins are char^ged, make a general method for the quantitative isolation and purification of all the proteins of a feed impossible. Osborne (1), in his Monograph on the vegetable proteins, states, »'The solvents used to extract the proteins of seeds are water, neutral saline solutions, ]0 to SO per cent, alcohol, and very dilute acids and alkalies. By the successive application of these solvents the greater part of the protein can be extracted from most seeds when finely ground, but the residue, even after extracting as completely as possible, usuftlly contains more or less nitrogen." Osborne and Mendel (2) found approximately 6 per cent, of the total nitrogen of whole corn left after extractions with 10 per cent, potas- *•> ^ , t '< \ ■m -• 5 . cr.ij ' ‘ '. . . - • ■ T. • 1 i- ^ •' .-r,> ^.:. If’ •fiOi ‘ -<'• -; ,;jl Unx i: - '■■ .’^-t Cl ri *r •}-;■* ■ jl»V- J * '! t ^ -uOiiP , ..:co*ii . • ir’,^.’.--, .'• i-' JW ' - - .’ .•.-T. : £ - a *■ Lp»* *■ *■ - :’... i j 3 ,^'.1'^ ♦o-. , •* 7 ^- ■ oy f -3'yt'u jiiisi vA *i<5) •wOfti trit/!: t:..£ a ^ i-a ■ *. «a; ;,. r.-iJ ‘>10« ■ K :u . , • :' ■>rfi&j.5'-xaX*3t'^P '■^ ’ ., . •.•' . -..• . . j-‘:*«Ov.)’i A *10 IH-.ivfnVi «a:‘ ^1- ''^• •■ ' .j ' ** ^ H *. ^. .■>■•• ■• " - _i »ui 5 = ^'---x: r -I ■■ •i®» 30 v ^ ^ # .. ^ ^ - -r'' . fwv^ ^ f i. » 4 * w: » *■- j y ^ ^ . - ^ . er r* ' « J J €■ i-' Y ^ 'I ••;> .•a;A».fli - ' V.-- ;:■ 1-1 - -U- • ■■’ ■■'' ■>■»'<■ ,.:--J - ...^ . .. »* ■-Si'*.. • -■■■ :■•>=•-:-• •■«-.■ ..- ,,H. : ::-.■ UU’SI (S) frfysMl ” •’•• '' • - tAi rr - . •• -x'-. v l .'.-JVI i.-!Qi-*';i.-t!i;s 3>- -i'J ■> ■>« a.- -'9Bae0aaMaqp««MaY*^ I ■';r r ;' ^‘5 * 1 “ . sivm chloride solution^ 90 psr cent, alcohol, and 0.2 per cent, potassixm hy- droxide solution. Miller (3), in a study of the distribution of nitrogen in the alfalfa seed, makes a 0,5 par cent, potassium hydroxide extraction and leaves be- tween 9 si^nd 10 per cent, of the total nitrogen in the residue. Dowell and Menaul (4) report 9 5. ■■ K' . - f Dili « < ,3 O b;. . '. t "^■s: r:- i : :xi c!tX4'' f.prc'ia ■L'i- 1. l:.7.r . . S \ ..9 'i.-- »• ' i . ; 7 /> •• 6*rXjbftb■ • u ».'i- .k ^ 1 *• - :p-C3f«I':r r..; ; J- ..‘. “_.J? : t .^V.12 f V 3^- *^<'■0- ■' *.'*7 Ixj,4c; ■e I j » '.«' 4«‘. - -.. ' } : 73*.*^- X i»i,.'.x»a e:'j ..1-79?^! w.’%v IT ?■ j '. i I -•'■■ l *1 I . »,■ C * ; .7 -/iX 4 ^ wl : -f ^b ?L->', ,v * i •; V J’ - .ri- irfoir. *»Jy'V. I ;•• ■' • ?uc;i'r £-■ •'••<£-£• riv;iT ^. ■'■fii. i: nj,; .iJw'i.i iC- '“i .iti- -i ti'3^- ;• •.-- • . ^ - • ‘ -.V '- -• -t^ rU ' : >-”•■ J .1 .,<• Pi:- ,- - . ^ . ■' . \t L> ti .- ij.,. fT«' i j x»:ii5u'-£.k. c-'- .. . ."•£.■ rfs> i .O. - ‘if * •. 1-' .'^. ’C'ii"'' r ■ . 1 i •t'-' , I ? 3:o i-: . '.-.f.'r'Mic c ■ . •«. ^trrnAviprf-fl*. ‘ •.-.•^c. «4v Xi..'-, ■ ,-x.*;.i.x .7,. i'i,u : "Xi ■-■ -V r --7. tx* iTtl'iv. M*e>p «!'0.‘''«“i0':3 • n i« a,.j . *.':: ,.. ‘ "t. 7 :i. •v:,'y> ✓ 7X;:,C^Jk-: -'X" r. •. .7i - 90i 'ic- ,xi.o s -K if! 'uL) ’ 'J.xtvR - 1- X» r,*l'n •i : ■ X, ^r: ,.^,.1 '-T .:- .r-^:: c- '. -j x-^xx.; i ■ . -’JT 3.:t'3‘0x:‘‘:rv« 7^iw iiX i--v- X -'p-.- 4-I 7i; ^I'le ' -4- bined; i. e.j degradation products of proteins^ Grindley and Eckstein in part conclude," it seams quits evident that only a small part, if any, of the nonprotein nitrogenous constituents of foods and f eedingstuff s can in ariy way interfere with the application of the Van Slyke method for the determination of the chemical groups cliaract eristic of the different amino-acids of protein to the estimation of the free and combined amino acids and amides of f eedingstaff s." Gortner and his associates (11, Ik, I 3 ) have made an extensive study of the formation of humin in the presence of carbohydrates during acid hydrolysis These investigators have shovm that the formation of humin depends to a large extent on the presence of carbohydrates and that the quantity of humin formed on hydrolysis of pure proteins is greatly increased by the addition of ce.rbohydrate material. From these and other investigations the chief source of error in the method of aralysis used by Grindley and associates and by Nollau was thought to be caused by the presence of the carbohydrates in the feeds during the hydrolysis and subsequent analysis. Grindley (14) makes the sta-tement: "Tne high results for humin nitrogen probably constitute the most serious of the errors involved in the application of the Van Slyke method to the analysis of feeding stuffs, " And that no claim to perfection is made for the results published by Grindley and associates is shown by the statement of Grindley (14): "Further it is also quite evident that the results so far obtained in this work are only approximately accurate and at present are to be considered of canparative value only." Eckstein and Grindley (I5)i in an attaupt to reduce the quantity of humin formed during hydrolj’-sis, made two decided improvements on the older method of Grindley and associates. The first was the removal of some of the nonpro- tein nitrogenous constituents by complete extractions with ether and with abso- lute alcohol. The second was the treatment of the residua, remaining from the ether and alcohol extractions, so that the greater part of the carbohydrates was I ^ . 3 --. A- . Ct f . . j,- a u i. .ZZj iLffU --i -V ; ■ ^ 3 . ' : i ;,^--i •-■ ..^ . ; ’io .Vi' - :.. . * 1 m 3 ^ ' r *■ ^ Ttu Ji •^'. - i ~ 1 '^ 1 - * : - '-C.- 1 . ‘ . . .. i - ■' -t. ..A '■ r ' , .• - i-i- ii - -■•♦ :r.J-f L-rr.,, •i'^ ^ *1- HviJ^ ^ . i i - - , » - - • » ^ , - . -r T 1 .tioi/rf Aj'-n.ri ?- a' - •►4 , ■■r., ■ ■} ;*r .3 .-.. * . »i >; “2 -■ *.fi -C»eiii * . . ■• :;. ■ . ■ .-j > ■ ... ''n-*-' •" oa-'" '. ■ •■'»;!. '• ... J.ii' -■ t- '■ *^*'4 1 .- .:.' tO A- » fi .A.. -,. ;^i^v ■ . i ." I 03 “., A*- 2 1 . % i ....O .V- .si:....-:- ■. -- •/' :iA- • . yf>f ■>«.•' • li 'jfco '- -i i -1 J '^y Lt-ts". _ .. Ln^B li'-. c.r i •^'•; ij*v. .r v.c - .- .i., - • ..x-.i u .-wi J Z>- *■ J -a. or-. - , t ' *... •--',£ £.C..J ,C crXfc .I. •■ ^fc. J >1 ■ j ^i-.-..' ....I, A •is St,:*\ t.:. ^*: o;; ■ ■ ' '■ --'-a -.i ^ c; -R- separated from the main portion of the proteins before the latter are hydrolyzed. The details of tne method, as given by Eckstein and Grindley ( 15 )> fol- lows: •'Weighed quantities of the feedingstuff are extracted with ether in Soxiilet extractors and then with cold absolute alcohol on Buchner furaiels. The residues thus extracted are digested for I5 hours three or four times vath 0,1 per cent, solution of hydrochloric acid until all the starch has been converted into sugars. The residues insoluble in 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid are boiled with cO per cent, hydrochloric acid -until the proteins which they contain are completely hydrolyzed. •Tne filtrates from the residues insoluble in 0.1 per cent, hydrochlor- ic acid are neutralized with sodixm hydroxide, then faintly acidified with acetic- acid, allowed to stand over night, and then filtered. The filtrates fromi the precipitated proteins are concentrated vacuo to small volumes and precipitated by the addition of five volumes of absolute alcohol. After standing over night the precipitated proteins are removed by filtration and washed w'ith 83 per cent, alcohol . •'The filtrates from the proteins precipitated by alcohol are concen- trated to small volume and enough concentrated hydrochloric acid is added to make a 5 per cent, solution. The solutions are then boiled until hydrolysis is com- plete. The proteins separated above b3’- neutralization and bj'- the addition of alcohol are boiled with <£0 per cent, hydrochloric acid until hydrolysis is com- plete, •'As a result of the above procedure, there are obtained three differ- ent fractions of the proteins of f eedingstuffs which are completely hydrolyzed; namely, (1) the proteins insoluble in 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid; (2) the proteins separated by neutralizing the mineral acid and precipitating with alco- hol; (3) the soluble proteins not separa.ted by neutralizing the mineral acid or precipitating with alcohol. Each of the three hydrolyzed solutions is filtered and the insoluble humin substances are repea.tedly digested with 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid and then thoroughly washed with hot water. The nitrogen in these residues is considered to represent the insoluble h\xnin substances. "The filtrates from the insoluble humin were concentrated in vacuo to small volume and the ainide and soluble melanine nitrogen determined as usual. The remaining parts of the analysis are continued as usual." This method gave the followii-)g results for hur.in nitrogen, as percent- e.ges of total nitrogen of the feeds: corn 3.2, wheat oats barley 3*9 psr cent. These results maj’- be compared with the humin nitrogen of the same feeds by the earlier method of Grindley and associates. The humin nitrogen val- ues then were corn Q.8, wheat 9 . 2 , oats 9 « 9 > barley 8.8 per cent, of the total nitrogen. ■■-An . ■ . '1 . ■: .-Z^; O'^H 4 -'.o'-. .V ,f)0iijttai * 1® sTi ' lb T i ,:.i' A' Z* Z /> 6 £. Zv?t''V ; 'Jlt.'vj l~..' ^ V ^ j il •. ; iw.-. : : -r.-: . -.lAr^aU- - ^ '■ f ■< :*a A " .-«.•••* .*r ; :''• - ,*t .■‘*:t’\jz :o it:J*Q9 . 'ics. ^ '9 c>'_T . " j ■ : T*q ^ ..J*.V i ■ ’iZTij/i . . .' c ~ j. , ; " I I.'- .^«k! ». * v*^ ' * -';■ V. • .T : U-»i3 -■ 'ivv J « ' -iC": k ^ ®-‘- _. ■ *;. u;.£..' ’ *X.-. !?■':»& O- ' .’ rw ' (J-* * ” *»c * » 1"*' . ! •* \'.Az".iso »■;/ ■ J4C fqio«i i:; ■"'v'Toe^f. . . «*rw.?r vX^’ fi^A : %;o .,*j ie< • r •• .r -X» ..jZc'C'-i. •••cwr .i:ai-l ' "*'i ■ '■ « ; it . r. ,' :ii. tj-Z'T. ' •HIO" : X - . .- i "'X ^ V r . . iX ■ ^ .-I ; •• -> j, j . -"I ^ .. : :iri ■ 'V® - *" Iw •#» ■■"‘i . i - t>, > , .^V 1.^. . ■’ -->5v ' _,Icr . "o ■• . ''i'. 4**^i*j rf • if* ■-> - ev^xfR. > . }-..'i:ri • '1 1 ..... • •- :i:v; 1 r *_» j,' i'..' :. . ■.•:> i« •-c'.. .... ' '' --H • - ■ - *• - ■ ' •'■' • ’. • ' ‘‘ " ^ Z -••:4. jv ■ 2.: X®i ■’•! :, '■-. f -J- . - .. Cl^.. .... ' . , \ 'f ' ■ -iH‘. r vf' V - ura- . * ;V- ■V.-.'wV, c- ' ^■„; i • >» ;o .iO.. •• . '-r’oox* .•-ilvr>'*l ■ ,. ^ . < Xi < . 'A. ..•': . e " *• '•^^...- t'Xdtfi , V-' - ’^v' - 2 ;r H -- . Z •. j Z ..DOib'tr. ;; '>”'r 4*-:: ^ r ti '* a? ■ .j.' i. ■ . u.w . - -*'i *=' S ' ■; Ufj 2'- ■*. 3 r . / ♦ u . ■ MW . . i.ftT' VN. -li.-J'v'. ■ •fc’’ • : . Lj * 1 . '’-i . 1 •; . ■ ..'C 2 7 t tiU* >, ' rr; ■••‘- at t©iTi : *JO 5 ^ 1 -i . _/ OS '2 • 76,23 tif.i .•3 -10 5 ^ • y±90\ .-'>.-'3 tMT .■ 3. ,ri aay^a t^M T c ai - 6 - The highest hiamin nitrogen reported by Van Slyke (6) for pure pro- teins was 3.6 per cent, in the case of ox heraoglobin. Hartley (16) reported 2.5 per cent, humin nitrogen in euglobin of ox serum. Van Slyke (6) found 7*4 per cent, of humin nitrogen in dog's iiair. Thus the quantities of humin nitro- gen obtained by Eckstein and Grindley compared very favorably with that found in the analysis of some of the pure proteins. III. DEVEL 0 PI:IEITT OF THE METHOD. While the new method of Eckstein and Grindley decidedly lov/ered the quantities of humin nitrogen, especially in the arialysis of cereals, several difficulties were also introduced. Possibly the most serious of the difficul- ties encountered in the use of this method was the fomation of a dark colored substance during: the precipitation of the bases with phosphotungstic acid. Some- times this de.rk colored substance was of a sticky nature and, \>hen present, made thorough washing and a clean decomposition of the basic phospho tungstates impos- sible. Neidig and Snyder (I7) encountered the same difficulty in applying the method of Eckstein and Grindley to silage crops. They refer to this fraction of humin as the "phosphotungstic humin" of Gortner and Holm. This fraction of humin nitrogen will be referred to again later. It has been found (see Experiment XII, page 33) that 5 psr cent, hydrochloric acid very probably does not ca.use complete hydrolysis of the proteins soluble in the hot 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid and are not precipitated by either neutralization or 5 volumes of alcohol, by boiling for "only a short time." (From unpublished papers of Eckstein and Grindley this time was 6 hours). It was also found, by the use of the Eckstein a,nd Grindlej’’ method, that the total nitrogen finally recovered was alva,ys some- what less than 100 par cent. As was pointed out by Neidig and Snyder ( 17 )^ the per cent, humin nitrogen obtained in the analysis of forage crops by the new method of Eckstein and Grindley v;as only slightly lower than that obtained in 't • i.-- ) •'♦I , -t"' 1 - m i- ' . - 1 ^ V . ■ ., aaiei 1 .' Llar‘ i.z^u: . tr.^o "i. i*q .;..v,'' yv^c .._:- l>:3i rt n * ‘ > j t I vri isitlAfS^ cii>r^ . *-i.:-»' -*'X 1 , f<“. , c ;r \o q^t^rAn/? * ■ ■.: ;rj«c i, tj 5 ’icl io£.:tii woa •_ '.‘ ,^:' ' C .-i ’ ^ • -*■* fu-'.’ri- H9lCli:'.'~- ., :•. . -i . . . •• ‘ - lE't' ’-‘I ; ■ * ... '-.• . '■iU J />H >rt! JJ' 0 ir jC-tol? ■ i”.- ' f b9i ^:::- •■ -.,- _ . „•' c;/ ' c' ; . ica I *i iu”" V- -* n/'at. ■ . . .• -;. - -'--•— 'i»&b ~.X»fIc ’ J r' : •JiXiOUJn .: -.■ f'il' «. S.t/i 0 3 1 ■‘*- . 6 ^ii- V ■? i r.vv;": •:*.i.Jf. *c . '^inu ■ V-'l ’ ■X9V tit*’ 1.-. v*lt' ' {. . i %.t r 1 ij * «d, i|T" * V.-: ^ .S-: . '.*.. . , . .' • * Xi.0 :;.-v . ...,,. -J.r.-. -if JX'.'-.xi Joaf-rt *r.-.J)ic^ . - . >4 i.. . - y z.'^) ’:*•••■.■' :liOl v- r.r.c- .: v-^ : y >rf & tiw ^-•••‘'•' ..sXtMtitC i •* *: .•'••" •■■ edi Icciii .2 slt>2f r '■ tf-lc* i .. iO •:*-£ uvx '-x,.:. •se^O*' j i l*; , * — f - 7 - the analysis of the same feeds by the original method of Grindley and associates. It was not these objections to the new method of Eckstein and Grindley, alone, which lead to the search for a better method. In all the previous methods for the application of the Van Slyke method to the analysis of feeds the free amino- acids e,nd amides as well as the combined aa'.ino -acids and aiiiides were determined. That is, the free anmonia, free amino-acids, and amides, vdiich constitute the main portion of the nonprotein nitrogenous material of the feed, were determined along with the combined amino-acids and amides, which represent the protein content of the feed. A method by which the protein and nonprotein nitrogen could be separated and at the same time the distribution of each determined, if desired, v;as highly desirable. In the sea-rch for a better method a la,rge number of separate experi- ments were carried out. The experiments varied from only slight changes in technique or slight change in reagents used to almost complete revision of the method previously used, ffeny tests gave negative results and many gave positive results but for some reason could not be used. Only a fev; of the more important experiments which had direct bearing on the development of the method will be recorded. A. EXTRACTION OF THE NONPROTEIN NITROGEN. (1) Extraction with anhydrous ether. Nollau (7), in his application of the Van Slyke method to the ar.aly- sis of certain feeds, extracted the feed with ether to remove the fat. Eckstein and Grindley (IE) made ether and alcohol extractions to remove some of the non- protein nitrogenoiis constituents such as the nitrogenous lipoids, coloring uiatters, etc. In the method finally adopted for this v/ork both anhydrous ether and cold absolute alcohol extractions are made, but the method of carrying out these extractions is somewhat different. Instead of the ether extraction in - :r I'-. «m*« i. J ■ ..' mli ,r.v: i. ; . Ii-.i'! \v '^.i: is? •: ■ fJfd’ *'" '* J- !'] ;■:. . . V '• ■ .. . .-.-r »:«.!• ''s'. • - ^ ^-..'1 - •;'■ - '• j -l- ~ -■- >v 'r? *c:j. t ’ ; ' . le, ?• <'* L-1 > t fjc; : T :!“'■■ ‘ i ^,%S i* || • ’ ' — iri-ir i-Vy l"^• '.'ll .S*_ .’•'il C 5 -' ■ f»i»»vr ,li»i%if-.i' .: .. - .V . _ v':- .•-»■ ..T xii« ■ oft- Is.’ r.l . , j .': I •Vi nl'-.: •:' ' • . : '..■ ■ ■■;♦••: i ^ l. i« t»r- ' 1 -.. *iJi 3 '-.’ or ftJir’ gftvl *' \ i \ 1 ■ .oi - -ij • .' '■ . A v‘ , ed hi',:--. i . 1 >u-?; r. • •' •. ••■;■•■: V'- ’•: (. .»* *■ 5 :.'. .•' ir-jv: « -^o ' ■,'. il i ^ .. .. . i- ». - r'.: : e. -i.-V li -^rx» %:<1 . ^ r ■' >:• vr- r • ■• , ,.‘c .. -\ .•-. . tf ’ •■ '*■ '"k- *"' • ^ ti i- V ... -“'v , 1 'i-'\. ■■ • ■ r-- j - K . ^o■' 4 e•; Ti ..- J vC'V ■» '* I '• v.-r : , ■ j.' ^ .. ■ - ■ ■ .vfaAOl ft - . . "TOl: v .vf SJli'iCT ^ «■:.■ -Hv r-..;;,: -. r , V'.{ • ■■ ■ 'xr^ * *■ -3- Soxiilet extractors it lias been found much more convenient to UiSdce the extrac- tions of the sample in a centrifuge bottle. This is the method adopted for all extractions in the cold and in general is carried out as follows; The sample is placed in a 5OO cc. centrifuge bottle and 100 to 200 cc. of the extracting liquid added. The bottle is corked securely and placed on a mechanical shaker which keeps the bottle and contents in continuous motion. Usuadly but tv/o extractions are made each 24 hours; one extraction for a, 7 to S hour period is mde during the -day and a second extraction for a l4 to I5 hour period is made during the night. As a rule 6 or 7 extractions with a solvent are necessary to insure com- plete extractions in the cold. After each extraction period the sides of the bottle are washed down with a few cc. of tiie solvent or ammonia-free water in case of aqueous solvents and the solution centrifuged until the solid matter forms a compact mass in the bottom of the bottle. The supernatant liquid is then decanted. This is the method referred to in the follov/ing pages as the centrifug* bottle method of extraction. The completeness of extraction with ether by this method is shown by the following experin:ient. EXPERIIvIENT I. Four 30 gm, samples of alfalfa which had been gro\md to pass through a bO mesh sieve v/ere ^ch extracted 7 times with 100 cc. portions of anhydrous ether in a 5OO cc. centrifioge bottle in the usual mamer. The ether extracts were filtered to remove ar.y solid material that may have been decanted into them, the ether recovered by distillation, and the total nitrogen determined. The ni- trogen extracted by ether, as percentage of the total nitrogen of the sample, was 0.490 cent., 0.49«^ psr cent., 0,472 per cent., and 0.433 cent. An eighth extraction v/ith 100 cc. portions of ether v/as made and the total nitrogen extracted was determined. Five cc. of N/10 acid were used in the receiving ■■"I . Mf: i» A ai tl 111 I* - ‘.‘•:--:c:y e/ VtOKat’ 9 7 'J- -. .:j ' "U *<« O A . oj fy^ > . . j«-: : -?5 1-5 ' ^ OcJ . f>...JC ;y.u "i . ' • , • • '->-*0^. >-Uw li;? ' ra«X? i‘ '■^ •;5-> ' J^'i:-v;. • •. - inin'i' ■ -- •• • . - oox ■ »- jfft • 1 ■ •-■- '• ■ -' • '•’ .' t!..* C, f, tll~ i C >i.' 1-i" >* '•' , .. . _ .J .• .'AT. jbiioft cv lO*-: O- ''i .Jii'l 4^ ^.■ai V i t _o_ ’ bottles and the following amounts of N/10 alkali were required for neutraliza- tion; 4.70 cc., 4.73 cc., 4.90 cc., and 4»70 cc. The reagent factor was O.H 5 cc. of IT/iO alkali. Since oats is the only other feed examined which had as large a per- centage of nitrogen extracted by either^ this experiment was considered sufficient proof that seven 100 cc. extractions completely extracted the ether soluble ni- trogen in the other feeds examined. ( 2 ) Extraction with cold absolute alcohol. By carrying out the alcohol extractions also in the centrifuge bottle a more complete extraction is obtained and there is also the additior.al advantage ti^t the residue is not iiandled between the two extractions. In the following experiiLent the nitrogen extracted by alcohol according to the Eckstein and Grindley method on Buchner furjcels is compared with that extracted by the centrifuge bottle method. EXPEHIlViENT II. The four residues remaining after the ether extraction in Experi- ment I were extracted 7 times in centrifuge bottles with 200 cc. portions of ab- solute alcohol. The alcohol was recovered by distillation and total nitrogen determined in the extract residues. As percentage of total nitrogen of the sample k.Ooh per cent., 2,0'i1 per cent., 1,809 psr cent., and 2.12k per cent, of nitrogen were extracted. An eighth extraction with 200 cc. portions of absolute alcohol contained no nitrogen as shown by the fact that 5 cc. portions of H/lO acid were plaxed in the receiving bottles and after distillation it required 4.75 cc., 4 . 7 *^ cc., 4 . 7 s cc., and 4.7^ cc. of N/lO alkali for ne'atralization. Thi reagent factor was O.25 cc. of N/IO e.lkali. Two more 3 O portions of the same sample of alfalfa were extracted r i o'* .A \V. =i .. o.''.“ «i At^ ' -.J , ■, n: v.t: u . : Ic ;“V?i fiili? - C -i&z --. ; ■■' ^ -* i 7 * iP‘ ; ■ • & i« cii‘ i.*J- \ •AH. .*« ■:-• Xi. '6lr. * ,: ' 4 ' - ' ? ■ r;^ 5 .' . ■’- .jic r.r .4 ' 11 jCi '1^ ,'i<.e>:^*>c ^ ^CT <- •' •jf: lo^T •.'■* •* i> r j. 9: ~ .-.■.:.i*- ‘ i .;ai/S':7V.« r- - J 44 n:<.’ :f.y vie.--:-'. ..U !>C ■ I.. ■ r> . -2. At. i • .1:.'' ■- 1; a- J: : -£ 7 ^ » '*-t; . ' 0;' ,\’.‘ t . 1 5 j u '■ £’» ' i . C - » . 4 » ;. V 5^ . . >,«J S' - 1 ' - IV- ■ - 4 ifl, O i iO .iC . *it '. w > 4 v'■..^v '!•: {-. . r I . w . Jf .. e. ■ .TVOai; 3>‘i ix6:;oi3ic. r -n 'Aa 81; is 7c-'' i.-'iv.£; , . : . ' V ■• I m oSUMUm lo ai ’i\r: ;c . . . cT.vijm . ‘ 4 .-.i-iiS- -'-A t - 10 - with ether as in Experiment then the residues transferred to Buchner funr.els and extracted with 1400 cc. of absolute alcohol by the method of Eckstein and Grindley. The total nitrogen extracted in these two cases was 0.4<^4 per cent, and 0.646 per cent. Comparing these values with those obtained in the centrifuge bottle method it is evident that the extraction in the centrifuge bottle extracts considerably mors nitrogen than is extracted by the same volume of solvent on Bucliner funnels. Since alfalfa contains more alcohol soluble nitrogen than any other feed exainined, seven <200 cc. extractions were considered sufficient to ex- tract all the alcohol soluble nitrogen from the other feeds if ground to the same degree of fineness. (3) Extraction with cold 1.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid. Hart and Bentley (10) studied the ‘'character of the water-soluble ni- trogen of some coiumon f eedingstuffs." In their method the air dried samples were extracted with hot water. Grindley and Eckstein (9) irads a studj’’ of "the nonpro- tein nitrogenous constituents of f eedingstuff s» and used cold water as the extract- ing liquid. It is apparent from the results of these investigations tliat the ni- trogen extracted by hot or cold water is largely in the form of hj/’drolytic pro- ducts of proteins. The finding of a reagent which would extract all the nonprotein ni- trogenous constituents of a feed without altering the proteins present or extract- ing considerable protein material and the quantitative separation of the proteins extracted from the nonprotein nitrogenous material has bean the most difficult of all the problems encountered in connection v/itli this v/ork. Some of the various extracting liquids and the conditions under which they were used are as follows: (1) cold water on Buchner funnels; (2) cold 0.2 per cent, hydrochloric acid in centrifuge bottles and a I5.OO cc. 0.2 per cent, hydrochloric acid extraction on a Buchner funnel; (3) extraction with water and - 11 - 0.0^ per cent, hydrochloric acid in centrifuge bottles^ in which tv/o cc. amiionia-free water extractions were made for I5 to eiO hours each, follov/ed by tv/o H5O cc. 0,0'd per cent, hydrochloric acid extractions for 2 hour periods, followed by tv/o more 2^0 cc. water extractions for I5 to 20 hour periods; (U) extraction with aim-onia-free waiter and O.Oci per cent, hydrochloric acid as described in (3) except that the acid extractions were continued for I5 to 20 hour periods; and finally (5) seven 200 cc. extractions with 1.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid using the usual centrifuge bottle method. Water as an extra.cting liquid for nonprotein nitrogen was used both by Hart and Bentley (10) and by Grindley and Eckstein (9). Water is a very good solvent for the nonprotein nitrogen constituents of finely ground feeds, especi- ally if the sample has been previously extracted with ether and alcohol. Even when used after ether and alcohol extractions, water extracts the nonprotein ni- trogen rather slov/ly a,nd incompletely. It also extracts, in some cases, consid- erable protein which must be removed. Water very slightly acidified with mineral acid extracts the nonprotein nitrogen more quickly and con^letely than plain water but mors protein nitrogen is usually extracted also. This is a rather serious objection for the quantitative precipitation of the proteins from the nonprotein nitrogenous constituents has been found to be a very difficult task in this work. There is also the possibility of slight hydrolysis or claange of tile proteins when treated with mineral acids. It was found that, whatever cold extraction liquid used, 6 ot 7 repeated extractions in the centrifuge bottle gave a more complete extraction than was extracted by a corresponding volume of sol- vent on Buchner funnels, V/ater and 0.02 per cent, hydrochloric acid may be used very successful' ly for the extraction of nonprotein nitrogen in the follov/ing manner; Tne sample is placed in a centrifuge bottle and extracted twice with 25O cc. portions of ammonia-free v/ater, makirg two extractions each 24 hours. Tlie residue is then 3 .Ti : 1 . « 'O. . ' ■ ^ i^-'. . ^ ’c- u. «~oop»^ n — ^ ^ aCi ftiS ^ '■ • ^ . i i* ♦ ‘ I-fci .u?, Ar’. •-; J J..'® riciJj^^JXS oi^IfTiSOO b'icr* *■ . .art ■■ ;;.*aK- i'^'- r" Tj^'i :)■•. 3 c‘r7;:or' jaL*?;; '.. '‘d; zr>t “'•* *r- ’ . ... al ^c'iq J ...f tdfj '-^' . *,♦ Mf l 4 ‘. T-iStffD^ t.vj . *■•*: 3 ; j‘--- ,-i -‘I'd- extracted twice with cc. portions of 0.02 per cent, hydrochloric acid, ex- tracting for 2 hour periods. The residue is then extracted twice hiore with £iuriOnia-free water as before. It was thought that by the use of dil\ite trichloracetic acid, since it is a comparatively strong acid and also, in dilute solutions, a good protein precipitant, the solvent action of the acid would be retained and at the se,T.e time but little protein would be extracted. In the follov/ing experiment the extrac- tions of the nonprotein nitrogen with cold 1,0 per cent, trichloracetic acid and with cold water and 0.02 per cent, hydrochloric acid are compared. EXPERIIvIEiTT III. Two IS gm. samples of oats which had been ground to pass through an SO mesh sieve were extracted v/ith water a-nd 0.02 per cent, hydrochloric acid in centrifuge bottles. Two 2^0 cc. extractions with ammonie.-free water were follov/- ed by two 25O cc. extractio..s with 0.02 per cent, hj’-drochloric acid, wnicbi in turn were follov/ed. by two more cc. air.raonia-free water extractions. Two ex- tractions were mads each c:4 hours. Two mors IS gm. samples of the same feed were extracted 6 times in centrifuge bottles with 200 cc. portions of 1.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid, ciakirig two extractions each 24 houi's. Each of the four extracts were filtered by gravity to remove any solid mterial that may have been decanted into them, made up to a definite volvtne and total nitrogen determined in duplicate portions. The results, expressed as percentage of the total nitrogen of the feed were; IT extracted by cold wa.ter and 0.02 per cent. HCl IT extracted by cold 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid 27.63s 26.194 27.731 aver. 27.0S5 28. 333 »' 28.264 •' ^7.975 14.QO7 14.629 aver. 14.76S 14.351 14.212 ” 14.2S2 14.525 - 13 - The nonprotein nitrogen in this sample of oats was^ by fo-'or previous extractions with v;ater and 0,02. per cent, hydrochloric acid followed by precipi- tation with colloidal ferric hydrate^ 9 *^^^ per cent, of the total nitrogen and^ by eleven previous extractions with cold 1.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid fol- lowed by precipitation with colloidal ferric hydrate, 10 . I 5 per cent, of the to- tal nitrogen. It is apparent from the above experiment that much more nitrogen is extracted, in the case of oats at least, by the water and 0.02 per cent, hydro- chloric acid than by the 1.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid. Tr.at most if riOt all of the additioiml nitrogen extracted is protein and not nonprotein nitrogen is shown by the fact that by precipitation of the proteins in both cases with col- loidal ferric hydrate practically the same value for the nonprctein nitrogen con- tent is obtained. In order to determine the best strength trichloracetic acid to use for the extraction of the nonprotein nitrogen the following e^^eriment was carriec out. EXPERIIvIEriT IV. Five 30 sanples of oats which had been ground so as to pass through a UO mesh sieve were transferred to ^00 cc. centrifuge bottles and ex- tracted on the shaker with 200 cc. portions of the followirig strengths trichlora- cetic acid; 0,2 per cent., 1.0 per cent., 2.5 per cent., 5 .O per cent., and 10.0 per cent. Eight 24 hour extractions were made. Each of the combined extracts ware mads up to a definite volume, filtered, and total nitrogen determined in triplicate portions. The results, expressed as percentage of the total nitrogen of the feed were as follows; OZ^:bL :jr- -r ■’ >t -•. .-c-.iH . ■' ai:oIi&*‘. '• .' j^'T'il/V* r::-v t:r i ?"3|157 • j. cave,’'. il . :-r.v»- .. V-" ■• . • I 't Xjs? -ra^ "■ r - _ ^ ., - , . •■•, ,*.-. ' : - --SO * 1 .' cs^ : va “I . iv.iv i‘ *" . ' • oi ioC-” . • .^•'-1 *• C' , ,;■*«, i .' ', 3 '..-■ ‘irx^ aOy^'.'*f? '' '.£^^'.jiyiJ■^lA j,*. .-f v.ijf-J-'V; :l 1; 'l'* V *>j ir'* '.a! - ' - - *; ' ‘ w , i . ^ , _ ■ - .. ^. ■^.1 , J , i> '. i i •? l" t.J ’. :' 1 -i-'C. r -: i'i'ti.C' ra... 7 ■ ..i.",. I ., . ;: ,xi :'^9 ; '.Oii'J VX 9 V - ■'■1 r\ i'i a-jr-.r :.- f-vi , - 7 .r > : :. - y j ■• ^': - c -j; c • ^ '5 *K' it- ■ ; -..: , -'tcv :., I 'y: r Ca^ ^*Zi -'j ;V-'] .'• lo i*nof:if‘c .-t >C'a < : ::o - 3 tq . . ' •. *^ _ H &» 4 W1 i. "nw . i-c : - 14 - Per cent, trichloracetic acid used for extraction Per cent, of the total nitrogen extracted O.cO II I' 16.139 16.053 16.359 1.0 II II la .855 lh.805 ^■5 II II 13 -WS 13-333 13.639 5.0 II l< 15.355 15.556 15.556 10. Q II II 16.528 16.639 16 . 7c2 A portion of the 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid extract was precip- itated with colloidal iron and the percentage of the total nitrogen of the feed left in the filtrate was 11.111 per cent.^ 11.454 per cent., and 11.593 per cent. Since various experiments had shov/n ttat the nonprotein nitrogen content of this sample of oats was between 10 and 11 per cent, of the total nitrogen of the feed and since the 1 per cent, acid extra.cted all the nonprotein nitrogen and less protein nitrogen than ai'iy other strength trichloracetic acid used, the 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid was chosen s,s the extraction liquid for the nonprotein nitro- gen in the future experirsents. (4) Sepa ration of protein and nonprotein nitrogen. As was stcted above, the selection of a suitable precipitant for the protein rraterial that is extre.cted with the nonprotein nitrogenous constituents has been a most difficult problem. Some of the points which must be taken into consideration when choosing the protein precipitant are as follows: (1) The re- agent should contain no nitrogen. (£) The precipitation must be quantitative. ■VV, i 4 - u .1 i»xn3 jl ' , N * H •' i» / I? >feV, ^ , -. '•. ^ w. •- fi... Tfl" ;C i fr> : ,r';-.'Xi> ■? i '.i'uJ.'j ' -'3 '1C ;.K-a •• - f* ■ ..Cl ’ i’ sac> ft r ■■;-3 • i. , S','--: •.' ... -..1 I :: o - -1 (3) The precipitant must not precipitate, occlude, or adsorb any nonprotein nitrogenous constituents. (U) The filtration must be fairly rapid and practicable. (5) The reagent must not interfere in any way with the application of t'he Van Slyke analysis. Some of the protein precipitants and methods of precipitation tried are: (1) neutralization; (c) neutralization and boiling; (3) 10 volunes of alcohol; (4) neutralization follov/ed by precipitation with 10 volumes of alcohol; (5) trichloracetic acid; (6) Almen's tannic acid; (7) meta-phosphoric acid; (S) zinc sulfate; and (9) colloidal ferric hydrate.^ It would be useless to record the results of all these tests but it may be said that no reagent tested was entirely satisfactory. Hart and Bentley (10) in their study of »' the character of the water- solr.ble nitrogen of somscommon f eedingstuff s, » precipitated the proteins which were soluble in hot water by slightly acidifying and boiling for a few moments. This method does not precipi- tate all the proteins extracted by the cold 1.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid, which is used in this work for the extraction of the nonprotein nitrogen. In some cases precipitation by neutralization followed by precipita- tion with 10 volumes of alcohol serves very well. By this method the solution is neutralized with sodium hydroxide solution, then made slightly acid with ace- tic acid, boiled for a few minutes, and allovifed to stand over night, ijihe solutior is then filtered and washed. The filtrate is concentrated under diminished pressure to a small volume and precipitated by the addition of 10 volumes of ab- solute alcohol. This solution is allov;ed to stand over night, filtered and washed with 90 per cent, alcohol. Amorig the objections to this method and, in fact, any method in which strong alcohol is used as the precipitant, are a slight precipitation of starch which, when present during the hydrolysis of the protein, causes an increase in the humin nitrogen and the fact that strong alcohol precip- itates some nonprotein nitrogenous substances. o Iron Dialyzed Merck, containing 5 cent. Fe^Og. r-j- ^ i: ' .V ^ J :« ■ :-,^; jUi ;; ;■ U¥ '^Arf .or. .. .‘tojo*:; ^.'r . :^-': i -. i - ' V f: • : :■:••. lUA 4.* -X - \ ,'J 'iv (. 30 , •» £.*14 I . f» f •r ‘ 4» » « I .. ti * *1 " * ; ; .1 j : to . , !.' O, ; - u t . .JV .i r; Uf f»r* .'. _■ ' i' : . . 0 ,;-r:::iu 5 lY; ,.' : T ^ ’ ' : ' ; r.ni ■•P”! Oil$ •/ - .-i/-, '■ J » .» ; ^ jocv.-tst Ou 5 :-.‘-; '--i. sr* ’Viw- . . .i i., .. -I :v,c »•..•?■'• ii> \l-:f 'ritu’ii .. : ,'vJ^ c .. .■.•Ti o-:j ic '. " .4 % .;■. .• -.t.- r -4 rr 1 Xt'‘ , J VC-- '■ ' .A *■ fc: ; £. 1 ? i* &'I‘. '■ .' . 1 -s^C .'"J . c. - S; . *;v . »♦. :^v* - . ,’ ..i >j,: >::■ it. ■• • j: 4 .“ ('.O'*- ^ 0 .i *• ':! I -I.- .r^-, . . 'r. i.- 9 .. 'i, .'v- r'-'l . ^ 4 ..:..X'''.- ■ ' ‘ .. . ■ V .... „''t . -.'. 'I '• '■ * . •. ..J ■.' ... r ...... x v r; ctL. . .. ;^,i‘- . ’ -. i 'o-v. -. a.; ,;io» »l . . ■ •.wsiA .;. , .. . .' V ‘ . . -. iv(j . . j . ^''T. • ■■\A 1 -- - . ^.' . : --''v *' ■ • • •■V . “D i. r- -Xv 4 ^.S. ' 1 -.J 'C . : ,. r jri ; J i ii 5 I i Otf 1 0 .'^ ' * ► ’ :; ts-'J.Ll'r r^’ .c -' '.‘ a ; ,. . ) ■A I i.i :; .t- l»- , ,.x’. c',. .■jr.;: t-LiO.- ■ iJJr: . L 0 . IrtO ? ’i.~ '-'i' 'v-Jt.SS'-:.. -« 5 T-r J*r— r i ..- „ ?i -16- Gr09rayald (IS) has shov/n that trichloracetic acid makes a quantita- tive separation of the nonprotein and protein nitrogen in blood but it has been found that trichloracetic acid is not nearly as good a precipitant for vegetable proteins^ encountered in this work at least, as it is for animal proteins. In addition, the trichloracetic acid precipitates of the cold 1 per cent, trichlora- cetic acid extracts i^ave been found to be very difficult to filter. This is also the chief objection to meta-phosphoric acid recommended by Folin and Denis (19) • Wolff (20) ha.s shown that colloidal ferric hydrate is a suitable re- agent for removing the proteins from blood in order to obtain a filtrate for the quantitative determination of free amino nitrogen. Hill (21) states triat by the addition of the proper ainount of colloidal iron all the proteins of milk are com- pletely precipitated and caii be rapidly filtered off leaving a perfectly clear colorless filtrate. Van Slyke, Vinograd-Villchur, and Losee (22) make the fol- lowing statanent in regard to the use of colloidal iron; »'In experiments on Witte peptone and partially digested proteins we have found, furthermore, that colloidal ferric hydrate not only lets all the airiino-acids go through into the filtrate, but that it also precipitates none of the int errnediary products up to the albumosss, and none of these except som.e of complexity but little below that of the original proteins " Grindley and Eckstein (9), in their study of the nonprotein nitrogenous constituents of feeds, used colloidal ferric hydra-te to precipitate the proteins from their nonprotein extract. From the results of many experiments it seems that colloidal iron is not as good a precipitant for vege- table proteins as it is for animal proteins. In order to determine the proper amount of colloi'dal iron necessary to precipitate the proteins from the nonprotein nitrogen extract the following experiment was carried out. c J -: ! .;aur A tier, c : r ;..^/< I -1 i'f:* . . ,., j g. I*- ;: - A-oc : ' . i .*.<•« . "i "■ 1 '•■ p : *■; . si . ^ 0 "•joIu “•' i/D.'T I «i..7 at ivn'if-3.’-UOO' t .* * -V-*-. ill ' -i, . > : * r.;jt ^ ;A >;1< f- I -o < '. 1 . .So ^ tit y •'TS'i ; :r^ .oXXo* . .'’ / •’* t'T 9tS* ' I i:. s. ^ ;v. v '. *l'i - t-'.’ffili' ■•• •r IT ..1 . : . .! ■ ." "3 • ® • - ' ^ ' » • .t.- 1 ( a. * -VI, I .i - 0- . ; ^ . •• T«* ■ ) 9J f/ r beti^ ■• ■ J-' itf-’irJi 5 ' ‘ * i{i#q opq . r JiC'ztL: , >'>f i/j ‘-•j/J ^ . iAfxtV^s. 'ii: ' I '.0 .#^>1 • ' ' ' ■ «*i i»0 , *4lOi*l - .^i *1 ■■ito i i ft I . M iCtS riA 1^'i «: t; . . V -. *! - a ; ' t ,. *} •; a d J tiM Ttr - . 0 b.'xa-isi - 17 - EXPERI?/IEI'IT V. Three 5 ^ sajuples of finely ground corn v/ere transferred to centri- fuge bottles and extracted 7 times v/ith dOO cc. portions of 1 per cent, trichlora-- cetic acid. The extracts were combined and made up to 6000 cc. Five hundred cc. portions were used for each of the precipitations. The method of precipitation in general was to bring the solution to boiling then to add the colloidal iron drop by drop. During the boiling and precipitation frequent addition of hydro- chloric acid were necessary to maintain the slight acidity necessary for precipi- tation. After boiling for 1 minute the magnesium sulfate solution v/a,s added and the solution again boiled for 1 minute. The solution ws,s then removed from the flame and the precipitate allowed to settle. The solution was then filtered or, if it was to be treated again, it was brought to boiling and the procedure repeat- ed. After filtration the precipitate wa,s washed thoroughlv with hot water. The followirig table gives the times precipitated before filtration, the amounts of colloidal iron used, the temperature, and the average results of nitrogen left in the filtrate. The results are expressed as percentage of the total nitrogen of the saciple. Times pptd. cc. of colloidal iron cc. of magnesiULii sulfate soln. Temper- ature IT in f ii trate as percentage of total N 1 25 3 cold 9.67 1 5 1 boilir^ 6.05 a 5.5 1.1 II 7.27 3 5 > 5.5 1 . 1,1 II 6.70 1 10 1 II 7.69 2 10,10 1.1 6.S£ 3 10,10,10 1,1,1 II 5.95 1 £0 3 n 0.36 £ £0,10 3.3 11 5.52 3 £0,10,10 3 . 3.3 II 5.I4O 3 10,10,10 3 . 3.3 II 5 -i 4 £ The filtrate from the last two precipitations were reprecipitated. • fca v’enil y .- ■•■ \K: oi 9 ; ikBff . I| -" ^ Vh .' < • i • •-• » i. - • - - ^ ■ . * ' *T I: » ic.: ..'r • ^ ^ ,: ' ■' '. .i'l'r ^ , «ii*- lA'iSfjftjij r.L \ . . 4 'y •- -. -■! '- ■ ; inov; r::-i ^ -»n . 'Ol .'■-.v-t - 1 ^'; ’‘*i. '*?»•? . ;■,, :: * *i.“ ■■ -u ’.-..T;-.'. : •.• ; O'"' ilvcl'f:, ‘ “ ' /,> *i . . r$r.':. . ’• •:., • - ■ . , '•■-‘’t Silli r-^. 4 ' w *. . Ty » w 5 % c ■ ■; -.r - ' V. -r* ^ ••:.*'j^J • i<"T' j i- * -■; • li 'i ..j • ' \ ■• f i; .Itfie . i , ■ fiA/- .-.t J.: .. .. :-::c . *d ."^J rf.lfW’-'?! 'it '■«^^'rc. »r. ,ic^: ' r-.u ' jijt ■ -I -CJ- i^.'* frOV Ifi iSl ' ^ ’fch^Oilvi , ' iixj. ■' ■ 'i-i • . !^* r» ^ « • .'. i ^ r #( • -;-?■? ;■ -..I T -' # ' .' -■ ' «irfP :or I '»-*Q < 'a. Ir • ^*' {_ tU it:' /I*:- •, ••^.;jf. T « ' rf n ' • ' 1 r - 1* c . ' .w - - - : T >C - •■ a ''■ p. ' 0 . -:tfj ■■ <“ i ••■ . « jjji « . A X . •• 4. . f. j . " cl' 1 *:■•' . '^ 1 ;-- • ..: Iri* . : ■* :... -,A,CW \ r J' .i» ’ ^ 1 *'■•3 '4 t Tf n.c'j.’ ~e^v IT -n©.,_ : , ,.i Ditx t: 'f'-t'r'li'*; laftT ■!* ;.;• T3;;'::X i': 4 - JSl* ill — y’ ' , I : * ‘-f *c.. Til: mJi 5 * '♦■ r-» r*. • •1- , - i i V'- ti** : . ;i.- . : : ' f’3 Jrisift j ,;v:i t ^oi * “ i M -' . , .;i . .'ii'-' - --* 5 '3 i. - "?’**'* ' r y '’•<“ ■ ■ * ' •■*-' •'^-* ^ * t:* ^ * -i' ! i ' -19- EXPERIivlENT YI. Four 25 samples of corn which had been ground to pass through a UO mesh sieve were transferred to centrifuge bottles and each extracted 7 times v/ith 200 cc. portions of 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid. The extracts were com- bined, made up to bOOO cc., and filtered. Tnis stock solution was used for the different methods of precipitation outlined below. Total nitrogen determined in three I 5 O cc. portions gave an average of Id. 126 per cent, of the total nitrogen of the feed in the solution. (a) IdUTRAX IvIETHOD. Tw'O ^00 cc. portions of the stock solution were precipitated ’with colloidal iron by neutralizing, boiling, and using three 10 cc. portions of colloidal iron as described for experiment V. After filtration on Buchner funnels the precipitates were washed thoroughly with hot water. (b) DIRECT I-ISTHOD. Without neutralizing, two 5 OO cc. portions of the stock solution were precipitated with colloidal iron by boiling and using three 10 cc. portions of colloidal iron in exactly the same manner as the above except that the trichloracetic acid was not neutralized. The precipitation was carried out in tire presence of approximately 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid. (c) AFTER DECOlviPOSITION OF TEE TRICHLORACETIC ACID BY BOILING. It had been noticed that, during a second precipitation with colloidal iron, the acidity could be maintained more nearly constant tlian during the first precipita- tion. This was presumably due to the fact that most of the trichloracetic acid had been broken down by the boiling during the first precipitation. Previous tests had also indicated that little or no hydrolysis of protein is caused by boiling with dilute trichloracetic acid. Decomposition of the acid by boiling before precipitation was therefore tried. Two 5 OO cc. portions of the stock solution were neutralized with sodium hydroxide solution. They were then boiled gently, keeping the solution .just acid with dilute hj^drochloric acid, until there - -:si ja. • ‘ r ■*'» , . . i • f . 't ’ • ‘- s’ ^ <* ^ ^ \x, ^: ;o c ■'.j*-. ^;-‘'V r iJ ‘j* , , ..X B.: i..: -■'■■ «..l* *r> : ■•■'■ . Liii* ,jj . /v" , ;u X i-z.. ,.:r" ' ) :. :'^Ox.-:3 •: ' ">■■ ,- '- •-' •'• •s 30 . «J .V' -.'' '. : * i r'4'j h-t'f: V 1 r . J it-. •‘r.; t'. 1 -■ itf- .-rs-;; - . f t ■<1 .'1^. .-/vt ^ i-.l-fc ft-.aw .. i.'x. fo« ' ‘ .' | d2#1S . t r-juv . : ..i j : *. ii.' _ ‘ ' .0-t «.i< . hlOi . A '.- - i.' -t ;i'*a • - ■' •’•* ■ ■ . '■ . '■ 1 T!'''T '• ft t -t' .’*. .Ci* 'R-r ’ : ;s i.t- iTi.i- "'"r’/Tv- il, ■ . ^ iV. . • L • T crc ^ ■-’ i’ t .-,x-c * «. gv. 4-- - & vf .5 in »3^iVC. I .{ . f , V * -U ---U- X. * •- w . .4# . . *W ^ •- * f X . •- 1 ... :v'. • '•.. ..T Jj ; . c~- 3 :. ‘'C‘ 3 . ■ £.,*. f ^ ; 1 ' 6 1 n i :"'t i; f-r- • il .' • : .::/: «.3.iii I ’ -iJ:' af NaH.PO. ^ 4 B aver. B aver. B aver. aver. IO.U5O 10.13^5 10.294 After first precipitation 10.410 10.585 10.49^ 11.500 10. 780 11.140 17.436 6.261 5.602 5.932 After second precipitation 5.492 5.376 5.684 5.657 6.124 5.891 7.703 Fto 21 the above results the following conclusions v;ere drawn: (1) The use of the mono-basic sodium acid phospliate to maintain the acidity is not practicable for it interferes in some way with the precipitation. ^2) ^.'?hils I boiling the solution to bree-k down the trichloracetic acid does not seem to cause hydrolysis (unless colloidal iron precipitates some hydrolytic products) I the method is less desirable tlian either of the first two. (3) It is irnpossiblej from the results alone, to choose one from the other of the first two methods. As to the technique involved in the two methods, the first or neutral method is slightly the more preferable because of a quicker settling of the precipitate, more rapid filtration, and a clearer filtrate. (4) The second precipitation in tnis experiment, as in all other cases, shows tiiat some nitrogenous substances are further removed. This seems to indicate that the precipitation of the pro- teins from a cold 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid extract of the common feeds is either not quantitative or that it is removing some nonprotein nitrogenous sub- stances , The work of Wolff (20), Hill (21), Yan Slyke, Vinograd-Villchur, and Losee (22), and of others has proven, however, very conclusively tliat col- loidal iron does not precipitate the norprotein nitrogenous substances, at least from animal extracts. Although the nonprotein nitrogenous compounds found in an I J t i I f I :r ^ ; 'to I : -I.’ I K I: V ~ f ^ ^ I ?-' 'Jr , ; - , . . : ‘ !,f "io 0«.' f'-T- . U •. ,C«>'.UV'- i-' '"-J • 4f.’.3 - - : ;v,.c-::v :• «>:.v, ■ •• i *l i: '- : . 'ti - i . . -r i' > . " C ; i ..-,... v ^ ■■ '..liac »?« 9 - < V t *•. t- - • • ' ■ •■‘'•''* ' ■■ o . • * *" ■ *“ C ^ ■ ' . » , j 1 Tr". . r. ,>,v . 0 ; •;? iiv . :’ i '4 i 0 - - ^ ■ • ■• - ’ ’’ & ti.' , : --il.pf 6 Mfi f -• . ‘V f ' . J v.»- ♦ . « ^ ,li Jbi'.V’*: f-' :*;;ji - I* I •i ’ . ; >T* ■ ^ I C- ■ '• ^- • t . • - -. . — I . , ■■. ■ . '■ , V • r- ‘ * I ■ ' . ' ^ 1 ■ ; r •• ; ' ^ 0 , - s <^ -- ■ V'- . • a . . r/3 TO ^7 !j :*rMDp t'lr. : ..C'f - -. 3 L..* . ; ^5 / I'Jl'J''? V.’ i ,• -. -•- 7 *'. • :o '- r -. . » *. j 0 3 > 1 ' . ':i ,', eT'i' ' , ' , .) •«' ic*«x issm aniuial extract should not differ to any great extent, at least in regards to size of the molecules, from those found in a vegetable extract, the following experiiTient was carried out in order to siiow whether or not free Stfn.r.onia nitrogen or free amino-acid nitrogen was precipitated by colloidal iron. EXPERIIvIENT VII. Two UO gm. samples of alfalfa and two oO gm. samples of corn were extracted in centrifuge bottles with ether, alcohol, and 1 per cent, trichlora- cetic acid in the usual manner. The free ammonia and free amino-acid nitrogen in the filtered trichloracetic acid extracts, in the filtrates from the first and in the filtrates from the second colloidal iron precipitation, were deter- mined in a. maniier similar to that used by Grindley and Eckstein (9). Tne re- sults, expressed as percentage of the total nitrogen of the feeds, v/ere as follows; In 1 pet. trichlor- After 1st After ^rnd acetic anid extracts pp tn. pptn. alfalfa 1 • g64 2.097 2. 996 Free ammonia N corn 3.050 3.034 al fal fa 10.749 9. 315 9.044 Free amino IT corn 2.936 2.7S5 2.400 The above results indicate that colloidal iron does not carry down free amij^onia nitrogen or free amino nitrogen unless slight hydrolysis is taking place at the same rate of precipitation which is not very probable. From the fact that 40 minutes boiling of the 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid extra.cts without neutralization in Experiment VI did not cause any higher nonprotein values than was shown in the extracts that were not boiled it does not seem probable that dilute trichloracetic acid will lij'’drolyze proteins. In order to prove conclusively that this is true, Experixaent VIII was carried out. -^ 3 - EXPSRII'.ffil?r VIII. A sainple of oats was extracted in the cold a few times with 0,'d. per cent sodium hydroxide solution. A large amount of protein was obtained by neutra] ization. The precipitate was filtered off and divided as accurately as possible into 3 parts. Part A v;as transferred to a flask with 100 cc. of aamionia-free water; part to a flask with 100 cc. of d.O per cent, trichloracetic acid; and part to a flask with 100 cc. of 5 cent, trichloracetic acid. Each solu- tion was refluxed for h hours. The free amino-acid nitrogen in each solution was determined by the Van Slyke nitrous acid method. The results were: Pressure Temperature Volume A, Boiled with ammonia-free water 752.8 di.5 0 . 125CC . , 0. l30c< B. " •' 2 pet. trichlorace- tic acid II 11 0.1c:5cc., 0.125c< C. v;ith 5 pet. trichlorace- tic acid II II 0.l30cc.,0.l30c( Tile results show no indication of hydrolysis with d or ^ per cent, trichloracetic acid by boiling for 'd hours. (5) Procedure finally adopted for extraction of noi^protein fraction Tne best method of extracting the nonprotein nitrogenous constitu- ents of a finely ground simple of feed, as shown by the above experiments, is 7 extractions of the sample in a centrifuge bottle, first, with 100 cc. portions of anhydrous ether; second, 200 cc. portions of cold absolute alcohol; and third, 200 cc. portions of cold 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid. The small amount of protein material extracted by the trichloracetic acid is remioved by precipitat- ing with colloidal iron. For this precipitation the extract is brought to boil- ing, nade distinctly aLkaline with sodiun hydroxide solution, then immediately -^ 4 - made just acid to litmus with hydrochloric acid. Tsn cc. of colloidal ferric hydrate are slo'wly added^ the solution boiled for 1 minute, 3 cc. of a solution of magnesium sulfate (made by dissolving crystallized magnesium sulfate in an equal volume of water) are added, and the solution boiled for 1 minute. The solution is then removed from the flcime and the frecipi tS'.te allov.'ed to settle. During the boiling, precipitation, and standing the solv.tion is kept acid to litmus by the occassional addition of hydrochloric acid. As soon as the precip- itate has settled the solution is again brought to boiling and the precipitation with 10 cc. of colloidal iron and 3 cc. of magnesium sulfate solution repeated. After the precipitate has settled the second time the procedure is again repeat- ed. After the precipitate has settled the third time the solution is filtered on iiard paper v/ith suction. The precipitate is v;ashed thorou^ly with boiling aranonia-free water. The filtrate is now reprecipitated, using three 10 cc. por- tions of colloidal ferric hydrate, in exactly the same manner as described for the first precipi tetion. B. TREATiOTT OF THE RESIDUE INSOLUBLE IN ETHER, ABSOLUTE ALCOHOL, AND COLD 1 PER CEN’T. TRICHLOPJLCETIC ACID. In the improved method of Eckstein and Grindley (I 5 ) the residue left after extractions v/ith ether and alcohol was digested for I 5 hours three or four times with 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid until all the starch liad been converted into sugars. The residue insoluble in 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid was boiled with 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid until the proteins v;ere ccanpletely hydrolyzed. The proteins in the 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid extract were precipitated by neutralization and by 5 volumes of absolute alcohol. The pro- teins precipitated by neutralization and by alcohol were completely hydrolyzed by boiling with 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid. The filtrate from^ the alcoholic precipitate was finally hydrolyzed by boiling S hours with 5 cent, hydro- 1 - 25 - chloric acid. The first crianga to be made in the Eckstein and Grindley method was the complete removal of all the nonprotein nitrogenous constituents. The proce- dure finally adopted, as outlined in the last section above, consisted of extrac- tions in the centrifuge bottle with ether, absol^ite alcohol, and cold 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid. The small amount of protein material extracted by the tri- chloracetic acid was recovered by precipitation with colloidal ferric hydrate. The next was a minor change and consisted of \ising 10 volunies in- stead of 5 vol-umes of absolute alcohol to precipita.te the proteins remaining in the 0,1 per cent, hydrochloric acid extract after precipitation by neutralization. Ten volumes of absolute alcohol was found to remove the proteins more completely and at the same time less starch tlian was precipitated vd.th 5 voliimes of alcohol. With these modifications it was possible to separate the nonprotein nitrogen and the greater part of the carbohydrates from the main portion of the proteins before the latter were hydrolyzed. In this manner the quantity of htimin formed was reduced decidedly in the case of cereals, but only slightly in the case of rougiiages. This latter fact has also been noticed by Eeidig and Sny- der (17)* Tlie explanation of the fact that the httmin nitrogen of roughages is decreased but little over that obtaixied by the direct hydrolysis of the feed, used earlier by Grindley and associates, is probably because the roughages exaa;in- ed had comparatively little starch and a high content of fiber v/hich is present during the hydrolysis by the Eckstein and Grindley method. The fiber present during the hydrolysis is the proba.ble cause of the high humin nitrogen values. In later experiinents this has been shown to be the case or at least experiments in wnich the fiber was not present during hydrolysis show much lower nitrogen values. jl ■%■■: ' .• ' .•.' I *r ■ ■- JO cl ^. ■; . ' I iocn e ■ r; . . ■' J . ‘ ^ ■i' • *>■?•. i. A ■ •I -T: ' : J.,1 ••; :.co2'io Jj » T d iw C* MM.; * ’ I •e .. i-c« V ^0 l).3eJ i--. t.--/ i . I 1. '^i i. '^■‘ -5 -. . ~ 1 c.. ": . ■ zi li. . § . a.;T.-.j-> aol :..J ■.•?- r-rvj^i,**' H ♦ ^Ufr '' , ^ ^ c i - J . -.-'X .. -.' '•44:;^ ' ., 45 ;^*; • . •*•:: ~ <* AC .? x;- ./ M **r ... ■ ■•: -■ .: . :> ■ .1.- • 1 - 'IJ ■ ' * V"ti r::!. .. . :r-i‘’'=' ' ■ '^■* 9-- ' ?r - . f-I'. .. Jx- J-oc ’^oe-- '. . . •• i - * M . ;^; . ' ^v .<. •'. -te ‘ ‘co-iojo . >evn JrA-r-ia^- i » -.Z-" •‘ O - ■• -C . - - ‘~ -j c i-..- . V- rr. : u-: 1" »' .. . .V'.-. .. 3 ;.'- j5.il' 3r.3jl CV i J 3.1 t Z j,SZ,> ,tj. . '/iJ6% -^ 0 - EXPERIMEIfT IX. In order to remove the starch, fiber, and other substances which might interfere with the application of the Van Slyke analysis, many changes were tried. The first was a dilute alkali extraction of the residue, insoluble in ether, alcohol, and 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid, to remove most of the pro- teins. The strength alkali used was O.h per cent, sodium hydroxide solution. Sia HOO cc. extractions in a centrifuge bottle were made, two extractions being made each 24 hours as usual. At first attempts were i.oade to precipitate the proteins extracted by the dilute alkali. Neutralization, trichloracetic acid, and col- loidal iron were all used for this purpose but a small amount of nitrogen e.lways remained unprecipitated. Farther tests showed that no substances which inter- fered with the Van Slyke analysis were extracted by the dilute alkali. The alka- li extract was therefore made distinctly acid with hydrochloric acid, concentrated under diminished pressure to a small voluine, transferred to a digestion flask with an equal volume of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and completely hydrolyzed by boiling under a reflux condenser for I5 to 20 hours. The residue insoluble in dilute alkali was then digested vrith 0.1 per cent, hydrocnloric acid and the sterch removed in the usual raa.nner. Two ^0 gm. samples of oats which had been ground so as to pass throu^ an 80 mesh sieve ’.\^re extracted completely with ether, absolute alcohol, cold 1 par cent, trichilorace- tic acid, cold 0.2 per cent, sodium hydroxide, and 0.1 per cent, hy'drcchloric acic , Tne residues reiiiaining after the la.st treatment were transferred to Kjeldahl flasks and the total nitrogen determined. Four and fourteen hundredths per cent, and 4.3^ cent, of the total nitrogen of the feed remained. Two more 3O gm. portions of the same sample of oats were treated in the same manner as the two above with the exception that after the extraction of the starch with hot 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid the residues were transferred back to the centrifuge bottles and extracted with 200 cc. portions of strorig , fc. : . ,noxJ.' : iU o.ij AJ ’ <5'*CF'iTe -V‘;i i •. rr: o: v. r- ^.■ -->'iCfro LlAiiiit c, - - r. ; i " t- ' . . ; O^’ iv' '. : : •* ' . \ *i«., I **; ' r . Af ?*r:f. li/-- - jvi c* . ■.: ..: -*1 '-I^' net!'- . X' ; 1. .. . -. . »r •- ' <.J //.v: 'tSW':'.. I.: 7 u .r'A ^ i: .' ‘:c . ^DX*lJX -‘5 ii r :■_ •’... '.Ir- •■ i , -O'-’ iv. jfc r:.A zl'i '* . :.. .:: . i. , -. . ■ *c - 1 I . ■.'•'■ . ©t'j ni 1 ’- ij -■ ';i -'. ilL ;.ij; ;;./- li f y f ; I - c iJvr ;•■./ . i - Icn ; . ■■’• *' •••.•-• . . . . n ■ . d . ^ . • t Z ?. w L * ' *.C f- /’ I ■ ■ ■ , 7 ;] j,<- j .-. TT .* • ^'.. . . c '-■■-■ :( • 1 '■ ; ;•>] . o r•r'^x:: : 3 i 1 ^jqo\ J ■ toT--'.. la:# U^x tzs 0 -' WJ''-:*4r : i • " . "■■ . * L'./ DO' /c. . tt? rc i^'V ax . :■ .i:» 7 sfrcL x_:. irv . ' ,/j 4 > >, ' „.-5 ... ■ ^'>. * r "’*'’i 5 a t Di t —a * 0 .' ;--it <• .' O- />: .'D ■ .. i-LVX~ .It 'v - i i“iV J I ■’ .? 4.0 .i : A, 4 -j‘,LL:aAA ^-T. ♦& r.’: ■'.. -'li a '.. yvl-.'X .. .•■* Dt , -oi iro j. 'Ice .' lO* .c/i. v.yj ’/O':* J-. - t. - . :.-;ii «:i er** I . ' . .J--. /r r.-''*"’ • ‘ *:o ■: • <5 - . b'.* t In . 0 ,, <■■ . cr? ^ ‘ ?'a; 'j,i' Dvoc'; o*»^J o. -* AcriiX.'...- c -Aa *dl , ''i,.' . . , . *lv . ■' .1 I ? i ■ .iiiOSM J .AA r= i 7 ‘> } ;’^i DJ «j .' o- -d1- alkali. Each extraction was for a cil4 ho'or period. The first four extractions v/ere w'ith O.d per cent, sodiui: hydroxide^ the fiftii v/ith O.5 per cent., the sixth with 1 per cent.^ and a seventh with 5 P'^r cent. The two residues insoluble in strong alkali were transferred to Kjsldahl flasks and total nitrogen determined. l.Sll per cent, and 1.30c; per cent, of the total nitrogen of the feed remained. Three more 3O gm. portions of the SO mesh oats were extracted vrith ether, alcohol, cold 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid, cold O.c; per cent, sodium hydroxide, and hot 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid in the usual manner. The resi- dues were then transferred to round bottom digestion flasks and boiled 3 minutes with C5O cc. portions of dO per cent, hydrochloric acid. The solutions v/ere cooled, filtered, aiid washed. The treatment with dO per cent, hj/drochloric acid was repes-ted again. After washing the residues thoroughly they v;ere submitted to Kjeldahl analysis. Tv;o and one hundredth per cent., d.d'k per cent., and ^.37 per cent, of the total nitrogen remained. Tae dO per cent, hydrochloric acid extracts were made up to a definite volume and total nitrogen determined in ali- quot portions showed tiiat c.40 per cant., d.yd per cent., and -s: - : . '''" -r . " ■ .■• • ^ '■■•-: ' ...^- 0 ■ ■ n.... oi . ? .. _ j, .:a. , .>•. .[.jkJ . J iu . ; AT-ic v... • ,..;c-.‘'. JAli I- ’ *r ; . • ■ «r J • lUiiftXrf ■ -11 - : V > ^ r* > 7 "'Vi': 'T- V \ . ♦ 4 Ak if t fx -rN • j H \ U r. i t '. -JCS last section, were now quite satisfactory v/ith the exception of the extraction of starch with hot 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid. Tliis extraction, as carried out by the Eckstein and Grindley method, consisted of boiling the residue in- soluble in ether and alcohol for I 5 hour periods with 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid until the residue gave no starch test. Two or three I 5 hour digestions were usually necessary to remove the starch completely from the cereals such as oats and corn. The proteins extracted by this procedure were precipitated first, by neutralization, and then, after concentration of the filtrate, with 5 volumes of absolute alcohol. Two to 5 cent, of nitrogen usually remained unprecipitated. The filtrate from the alcoholic precipitation was concentrated under diminished pressure and completely hydrolyzed with 5 cent, hydrochloric acid by boiling 6 hours. As was mentioned in a previous section, 5 volumes of alcohol does not precipitate proteins as completely as 10 volumes. This change w'as made but still there reirained considerable nitrogen in the filtrate. Colloidal iron was used but with no better results. Vfnen tne alcdiolic filtrate ws,s concexitrated and finally hydrolyzed even with 5 pe^’ cent, hydrochloric acid and boiling for only <3 hours quite a large aiiount of humin resulted. Since the proteins could not be precipitated completely free: the ex- tract containir:g the hydrolyzed starch and, of course, there ms the possibility of slight hydrolysis of protein, it was thaught that, if it were possible to ob- tain a reagent which would dissolve the starch without hydrolyzing it, it might be possible to precipitate the starch from the proteins. It is 'well knes-vn that certain organic acids will dissolve starch v/ith little if any hydrolysis. For example, a 1 per cent, salicylic acid solution will dissolve starch and the solu- tion filters quite readily. Dr. Mitchell suggested the use of a ci per cent, trichloracetic acid solution in an autoclave and the precipitation of the starch -30- with. two volumes of 95 P^r cent, alcohol. Since it W5s fomd that trichloracetic acid dissolved only a small amount of protein in the extraction of the nonprotein nitrogen the follov/ing test expsriiiient wa.s carried out to test the solvent ac- tion of trichloracetic acid on starch. EXPERIMENT X. Two 10 gm. samples of oats v/hich had been ground to pass tnrough an SO mesh sieve were completely extracted with ether^ absolute alcohol, and water and O.OS per cent, hydrochloric acid in centrifuge bottles in the usual raamer . The residues were labeled A and B. Residue B v«.s then extracted 6 times v/ith <£00 cc. portions of alkali in the centrifuge bottle. Each residue was then trans f erred to a I 5 OO cc. round bottom digestion flask v/ith '^0 cc. of h per cent, trichloracetic acid. The first idea was to heat in the autoclave but it was thought later tliat the saiue thing might be accomplished by heating on the steam bath. About two thirds of solution A va.s transferred to a separate flask and labeled A1 while the remaining portion; was labeled A2. Solution A1 was heated in the autoclave for I 5 minutes at I 5 pounds pressure while ML was placed on a steam bath, and with frequent sliaking, allowed to digest until it was apparent (from the disappearance of the milky color) that much of the starch had been dissolved. This took about 45 minutes. Solution B was set aside until the tests on solutions A1 and Ah had been made. Solutions A1 and A2 were filtered on hard mper with suction while hot. Tbi.e filtration, while quite rapid in both cases, was faster in solution Ah. The residues were washed a, few times with hot water and then tested with potassium iodide solution for the presence of starch. Residue A1 gave a slight but distinct starch test while residue Ak gave no test for starch. The filtrates v/hile hot were v/ater clea,r but on cooling became milkj and after ste-nding over night much starch had settled to the bottom of the flasks In order to insure complete extraction of all the starch the two residues were - 31 - transfsrred back to tneir original digestion flasks with I 5 O cc. of d. per cent, trichloracetic acid. A1 was again placed in the autoclave for I 5 minutes at 15 pounds pressure and Ac heated on the steain bath for about 3 O minutes. At no time during the second digestion of .A2 did it give a starch test, while A1 after being removed from the autoclave, gave a very distinct test. The solutions were filtered and washed as before. The filtrates were added to the corresponding filtrate from the first filtration. Solution B was then treated on the stemn bath in exactly the same manner as Aci. The 3 filtrates v;sre warmed until the starch dissolved and then filtered to remove any solid material that might have got into thei'a. After cooling, each filtrate was made up to 1000 cc. and total nitrogen determined in duplicate aliquots. The results, expressed as percentage of the feed, were; Al - treated in the autoclave, not extracted with di lute NaOH 16 - 5 , 14.8 pet. A2 - treated on the steam bath, » »' '• II II 3 . 8 , 4.0 " B - treated II 11 " " , extracted ” II It 2.0, 1.7 «' T’.vo cOO cc. aliquots of the filtered extracts were treated with 'd volumes of 95 cent, alcohol to precipitate the starch. After standing 3 days the starch precipitates were filtered off on ijard paper with suction end v/ashed with alcohol {^d volumes 05 cent, alcohol; 1 volume of v/ater"^. Each of the sterch precipitates ware transferred to Kjel^d^il flasks and total nitrogen de- termined. The duplica.tes were averaged and showed 0.10 per cent., 0.12 per cent, and 0.10 per cent, of the total nitrogen of the feed in the starch precipitates Al, A2, and B, respective!;/. The res'olts from the above experiment indicate that very little ni- trogen is extracted by hot 2 per cent, trichloracetic acid, especially if the greater part of the protein material has been removed previously by a dilute alkali extraction; that the extraction of starch can be carried out very quickly -32- and easily by heating on the steam bath for a comparatively short period of time; and that two volumes of alcohol precipitates most of the sts-rch without precipitat > ing but little nitrogen. In order to compare the total nitrogen extracted by hot 0.1 per cent. h 3 '’drochloric acid and hot c; per cent, trichloracetic acid the following experi- ment was carried out. EXPERLMEITT XI. Four 16 gm. samples of 30 mesh oats were transferred to centrifuge bottles and extracted in the follo'wing manner: Two samples, A and B, were ex- tracted with two 250 cc. portions of ammonia -free water, followed by two cc. portions of 0,02 per cent, hydrochloric acid, which in turn were followed by 2 more 25 O cc. portions of amraonia--free water. Two extractions were nade each 24 hours. Two samples, C and D, were extracted 6 times v/ith 200 cc. portions of 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid. Two extractions were mads each 24 hours. (See Experiment III for this part of the experiment. Experiment III sdiowed that the water and 0.02 per cent, hydrochloric acid extracted 27.975 cent, of the to- tal nitrogen of the feed while the 1 per cent, trichloracetic extracted only 14.575 cent.). The residues were then extracted 6 times vvith cold dilute sodium hydroxide to remove most of the proteins. Residues A and C were then di- gested with 2 per cent, trichloracetic acid on the steam bath until the starch was removed in the manner described in the preceeding sxj)eriraant. Residues B and D were extracted in exactly the same rnamier as A and C with the exception that 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid was used instead of 2 per cent, trichlorace- tic acid. The extracts were made up to a definite volume and total nitrogen de- termined in duplicate aliquots. The avererage results, expressed as percentage of the total nitrogen of the feed, were; j 7 - f V i : P-r: .li, ‘ -'f-f "I’lq X i.:c'5 C « te i . ■ ■ . . . V,. 11 . :^tf .-i ' 7 > . L-. ’ivr. -•- .rOT, : r. I ' . : o J '-> . ' ■: : -. v ? c l “f " ^r, fVlOA fHo'l.lt.'T;! . r'xvifiS LXJ' ?.- ■ -'I art i f “-'i * ■ l«"OW /■- X>. on*., -.t. . . u::- c;. , • i. - ' -1 J 1 ■ '! n-TJAt r ':«..•» ,ii trn . ,r-:<. a.i < If. , lliioi . c..^i 7 ; -•• < . . c;; i OVM Iw I'ff c - r-r : . J' (iilOl-'l'j - .•'N;; - ■ •' ■.J X ; J- ':. 7 \ 7 .; 1 1 .^? TTl .~.KL. •'i.,' . •- . „ . '- ' - '■ t I . *- •' .v 4 .> *c« : b£ . . . • ■ . :7 . c-fi . A X. • - • • - . ... j— *> — ' - 1 fc/. ‘ aO A . Lo. iXt -on; ;' • 1 :K • -» S. » . • • X . V '. OJ> '- ^ ti ./ .-<2 i-'.-.'Iuu*. c» 4 !w “• •wVCftrfl .. . 7 . '' * '.X A *« ; • '•■•:-■-•#? -■': -li . aAtJa e-nsw'Cl ■cz n- \ '.0 ^a^c&ir!; . < •- - ... tioA o.noUcc'xf _ . '■ fT' V t rr sji.nt’ifi, r. ft'iitoi tno . k'Ccuani. ^ fri^ ^2^ tt: ,/crV fc ;.* lo tn U c) *■ 0X4? I ^ n i AS 2 . .-nci X! .■• tfiitJIRc . ■ ■ :;/»r - 33 - Total nitrogan extracted v/ith the starch I ' I by hot c; pet. trichloracetic acid from the residues left after extractions with cold and 0.0^ pet. HCl and cold dilute NaOH (A) pet. by hot 0.1 pet . HCl (B) c..<£70 pet. with cold 1 pet. trichloracetic acid and cold dilute KaOK I (C) 1.91b pet. I (D) 3.5Q5 pet Experiment III showed that over I3 per cent, more nitrogen was re- moved from A and B than fran C and D, yet the hot h per cent, trichloracetic acid removed less rutrogen from C tnan from A, which had over I3 per cent, more ni- trogen in it, and the hot d per cent, trichloracetic removed only 1.91b psr cent, nitrogen from C while hot 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid removed 3.595 cent, from D, which had the same amount of nitrogen. In order to determine whether or no t a second addition of two volnmes of alcohol to the hot c per cent, trichloracetic acid extracts causes an;t’' addi- tional precipitation of starch and also in order to determine whether or net the small amouiit of protein extracted by the hot 2 per cent, trichloracetic acid was completely hydrolyzed by boiling the concentrated alcoholic filtrate from the starch precipitate with 5 Psr sent, hydrochloric acid for 6 hours, the following experiment was carried out. EXPERIivIElTT XII. Five 25 gm. portions of corn w'ere weighed out and labeled 1 , 2 , 3 ^ and 5 * Each portion was transferred quantitativeljr to a 5OO cc. centrifuge bot- tle and extracted with cold 1 p?r cent, trichloracetic acid, v/ith dilute sodium hydroxide and with 2 per cent, trichloracetic in the usual manner, iphe trichlora cetic acid and dilute alkali extracts v/ere discarded v/hile the extracts contain- ■f' ,f< . .. ’■ • . ■JC'-i ; f i V *■ * •* b cJ ■:■ w .1 I&:tl i t i * I li ii. I I i ■i -rf t. >~ r ti ■ cit;. ' jr.OTiaf II VA '• f V '• '■ 0.1 • ; » j? ic-,.l 5 c «AJ ;. ::/t . • dv w r *^*- ixCjianr# r“"' ;*: ' 4 V I ► i'c .oI -'> 1 ''- ••il.' _ 3 l> *1 -3U- ing the starch were treated as follows: Each of the 2 per cent, trichloracetic acid extracts, without neutralization, were concentrated -under diminished pres- sure to about 175 cc. The concentrated solutions were then transferred to liter beakers, upon which marks had been placed to indicate cc., iiade up to the 25O cc. mark, heated on the steam bath until much of the starch had dissolved, and then 500 cc. of 95 psr cent, alcohol added. The solutions were allowed to stand 3 days, the starch precipitates filtered on Buchner funnels fitted with hard paper, and the precipitates washed w'ith a 1:2 water-alcohol solution. The alco- holic filtrates were concentrated under diminished pressure to about ^0 cc. One hundred cc. portions of ammonia-free waiter were added and the solutions concen- trated again to about ^0 cc. This procedure v/as repeated three or four times in order to remove all the alcohol. The very concentrated solutions appeared turbid but the turbidity disappeared on dilution v/ith water. Sokations 2, 3, and 5 were transferred to dOO cc. beakers, upon v;hich marks had been placed to indicate 130 cc., the solutions made up to ISO cc., and 3OO cc. portions of 95 psr cent, alcohol were added. Upon the addition of about 50 cc. of alcohol the solutions became clear, just as was the case on dilution of the concentrated solutions with water. At no time and in neither of the samples was there the least turbidity or precipitation of starch. Therefore no attempt was imde to precipitate solutions 1 and 4 a secorjd time. The alcoholic solutions of 2, 3, and 5 were repeatedly concentrated to small volumes under diminished pressure to remove all the alco- hol. Each of the concentrated solutions were then transferred to 5*^0 cc. round bottom digestion flasks. Solutions 1 and 2 were made up to I25 cc., the acidity being 5 per cent, hjrdrochloric acid. Solutions 3, 4 , and 5 were :is.de up to 200 cc., the acidity being 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid. All the solutions were then placed on the hot plats under reflux condensers and boiled for 6 hours. The current v;as then turned off, samples 1 and 3 removed and cooled to room temperature (2S degrees C.}. By means of an i. r,'.-: ^ i • • Li:. !»•; - «#iU *• tr. Z'Z c No -.' .".'..tv. ‘ T' V' ' ^ .:! (.i i*i.: - • ;. .. . - . )1 o) I '• '■i'xor i -- ■ . -.-.ci •; IL -.- '< • T ’*^ V i , -j p?\rJ I/i-8 ' 1: % w ■i*. ,■ 3 " * ■:-:I rt . - . . - . _:F: . “■ -w * S •** ,' U. .V -»• ■■1^. -r l^ ^-. •:9. aojj;^5Xi^ s-Io . U • W A 9* ^6r c. f'-J ev oust i - ^ i i- 1 - ifc - ^ • • » ^4) *«/V tiW C: _ r>-7 e'TC-'^' --." *■ j r it..-*?- c ■ l^-' - fi/. : : j .7^.*:? .' . A •-'..‘■j.’ir- ';i^■' j .:«:. V? 7 ■• ;3rf : , . " - ^ ^ 7- ~. ri r-lv- .. Ivv «V' i'. ^ t .: 1. J .. z^Lrif CoiSU^Xov IX. ^ oi XfiJc .J i.z. ..zi : i _w„ >.C-. ■., . o'lSff .. }— i .«..:<7i;, n /tox; ^ w*^ V ^.V • ' ■OMtrXoJ , £ 1 '. . I,,;. o“.j ■ : if ; . *^?.r v e/ t ^• ivlf.-'!- «.c. ,:o ,, •< ■ U' • — > « -d. • £U '■-w ,j.A I-:': N'.:i ■•>>:■ tt: z zti z y:;* »* ’ K .' v-'rvr ■ ' • * s. *•; »o»»? accurately calibrated burette two 4 cc . samples were ranoved from each of solu- tions 1 and 3. By means of the same burette o cc. of v/ater were added to each 4 cc. portion. Amino nitrogen was determined in a 10 cc. portion of each of the 1<£ cc. solutire. In running the determination the niachine was allowed to stand 5 mimtes and then shook for 1 minute. The results were*. l-I II 3-1 II 7 41 • 5 • ti cip 0.40 cc. 0.36 0.82 0.60 Solutions and flasks 1 and 3 were weighed and then replaced on the hot plate and boiled for 2 hours longer. The solutions were cooled to 28^ and any loss in weight made up with water. Amino nitrogen run in the same manner as the above showed the following results: l-I II 3-1 II 741 . 5 nim« II 11 II 29' II II II 0.40 cc. 0.40 0.62 0.62 Tests for completeness of hj/drolysis after 10 hours boiling showed the following results l-I II 3-1 II 737 • ^ II II II 22 '- 23' II II 0.37 cc 0.37 0.56 0.70 Tests for completeness of loydrolysis after I5 hours boiling showed the following results; l-I 737.4 mm. 20'^ 0.42 II II 210 0.44 (— 1 1 II 20° 0.59 II II II 0.59 ninety cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid were then added to 1, making a 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid solution, and the solution boiled for 10 hours. Tests for complete hydrolysis showed: i lI y s j l-I II -36- 0.70 cc. 0.06 7UU.U iim. II II The volmna of triis solution was IbO cc. while the volume of 3 was dOO cc. If the above results are multiplied by d 00 /l 60 the cc. of nitrogen is about the same as the amount of nitrogen evolved in 3 after I5 hours boiling. Two facts are brought out by this experiment; First, the proteins which are extracted by hot d per cent, trichloracetic acid from the residues pre- viously extracted v;ith dilute alkali, are completely hydrolyzed by boiling 6 nours with dO per cent, hydrochloric acid. See'ond, I5 hours boiling with 3 cent, hydrochloric acid show no more hydrolysis than b haurs boiling. Considering 0.60 cc. IJ as indicating co.mplete hydrolysis in a solution of 200 cc. then O.I4O cc., the N evolved after 6 , 8 , 10 and 13 hours boiling with 5 per cent, hydrochloric acio., in a solution of 1^5 cc. v^ould indicate that a 5 pci* cent, hydrochloric acid solution hydrolyzes the proteins present to about 40 per cent. The fact, that, if tne 5 P®- cent, hydrochloric acid solution is made up to 20 per cent, hydrochloric amid and hydrolyzed for 10 hours more, the amino nitrogen then be- comes the ssa:s as that v/hich indicated complete hydrolysis in the other 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid solutions, also indicates that 5 cent, hydrochloric acid does not cause complete hydrolysis. The constancy of the amino nitrogen values obtained on testing the 5 per cent, hydrochloric acid solution for completeness of liylrolysis after 6 , o, 10 , and 15 hours boiling is the probable reason vfny Eckstein and Brindley made the mistake of considering the proteins in their similar fraction completely hy- drolyzed by boiling for 0 hours with 5 per cent, hydrochloric acid. From the appearance of the solution boiled for 6 nours and the one boiled for I5 or ^3 hours with 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid it is possible that less humin, and if so probably less hum.in nitrogen, is fom^ed at the end of 6 hours. Since hydrolysis appears to be complete at the end of o hours there is, however, no use of boiling for a longer time in tlie case of corn at least. Since there is probably little more than 1 per cent, of the total nitrogen of the sample - 37 - in this fraction for any feed examined^ no appreciable error would be introduced by not boiling longer than b hours, Idot only do tlie results of Experiments X, XI, and XII favor the ex- traction of the staren with trichloracetic acid over 0.1 per cent, hydrochloric acid, but the ruanipulation in case of the former reagent is by far the more pre- ferable. Qualitative Van Slyke analyses of oats and corn, using the trichloraceti acid method of removing the starch, gave basic phosplio tungstates, which were wliite or cream colored granular precipitates, entirely free from a,ny black colored sub- stances. This alone would v/arrant the adoption of the trichloracetic acid method. (1) Fir.al procedure for the extraction of starch. The procedure finally adopted for the extraction of starch was as follows: The residue insoluble in ether, absolute alcohol, cold 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid, and cold 0.t£ per cent, sodium hydroxide is transferred to a 1500 cc. ro'and bottom digestion flask with 5 OO cc. of ^.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid and placed on a. steam bath. Y/lth frequent shaking the solution is allowed to digest until it is apparent (from the disappeara^nce of the milky color) that much of the starch has been dissolved. This usually requires about 1 hour. The solution is filtered while hot through a Sucliner funnel fitted with hard paper. Tlie residue is washed a few times with boiling v/ater and the residue again treat- ed with cc. of c! per cent, trichloracetic acid for about a half hour period. The hot solution is filtered and washed as before and if the starch is not all removed this treatment is repeated. The extract is concentrated tuider diminished pressure to about kOO cc. and then the starch precipitated by the addition of two voluiaes of 95 cent, alcohol. The solution is allowed to stand until the pre- cipitate settles (about d days) and then filtered. The precipitate is washed w'ith alcohol (h volumes of 95 cent, alcohol; 1 volume of water). The alco- holic filtrate is concentrated repeatedly ur.der diminished pressure to remove all the alcohol and is then completely hydrolyzed by boiling 8 hours with 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid. -3d- IV. EX'IEACTION OF STARCH AI^D NOIJPROTEIH NITROGENOUS CONSTITUENTS WITH HOT 2 PER CENT. TRICHLORACETIC ACID AIT) THE SEPARATION OF THE STARCH, PRO- TEIN AND NONPROTEIN NITROGEN. It has been shown during the course of this work that cold 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid extracts all the nonprotein nitrogenous compouinds; that the starch can be readily extracted with hot 2 p er cent, trichloracetic acid; that 2.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid will not hydrolyze protein on boiling for the length of time required to extract the starch; and that hot 2 par cent, trichlor- acetic acid extracts but little protein. It v/as thought tha.t it might be possible to extract the sample of feed directly with hot 2 per cent, trichloracetic acid, separate the starch, protein nitrogen, and norprotein nitrogen and in this manner save much time and reagents by doing away v/ith the ether, absolute alcohol, cold 1 per cent, trichloracetic acid, and cold 0.2 per cent, sodium hydroxide extrac- tions. In cases, where the distribution of the nitrogen in the nonprotein frac- tion v;as riot desired, it was thought that the proteins might be precipitated leaving the starch and nonprotein nitrogen. The total nitrogen determiriation on this fraction would give the percentage of norprotein nitrogen while the protein precipitate v/ould be saved for ai'ialysis. V/ith these id^-s in mind several exper- iments and tests were mads with the following general results; First, if the residue left, after extraction with hot 2 per cent, trichloracetic acid, is dried and then extracted with ether and alcohol in the usual manner, almost the same aarount of nitrogen is extracted as is extracted from the fresh sample by ether and alcohol. Of course, this amount of nitrogen is very small but the extraction of fats with ether h-'s been shovm to be very helpful in the application of the Van Slyke ar.alysis. Second, while the precipitation of the starch 'With alcohol was almost a.s complete as in other cases, as shown by v/eights of the starch precipita.te, the i - 39 - precipitate contains considerably more nitrogen than is the case when the nonpro- tein and much of the protein nitrogen is removed by previous extrs-ctions. Tnird, colloidal iron precipitation of the proteins extracted by a direct 2 per cent, trichloracetic acid extraction leaves an average of about lb per cent, of the total riitrogen in case of cats and about 12 per cent, in case of corn. Fran a large number of experiments the nonprotein nitrogen of oats and corn has been shov/n to be about I 3 psi* cent, and 10 per cent.^ respectively. Fourth, a colloidal iron precipitate of the proteins extracted by hot trichloracetic acid contains very little if any starch. This was shovm by the following experiment. EXPERBIEhT? XIII. The starch was removed from about 20 gm. of finely ground corn with 2 per cent, trichloracetic acid by the direct extra-ction of the sample. A. The proteins were precipitated fron the 2 per cent, trichloracetic acid extract with colloidal iron in the usual marmier. The precipitate gave no starch test with potassium iodide solution. It was thought that the color of the colloidal iron precipitate might mask the color test but on mixing a very small amount of starch paste with a portion of the precipitate the test was very clea-r. B. About 2 gn;. of the colloidal iron precipitate, obtained in (A) were boiled for about 3 O minutes with dilute hydrochloric acid, the solution neu- tralized, filtered, and the filtrate tested for reducing sugars with freshly pre- pared Fehling's solution. IJo reducing sugars v/ere present. C. Two gm. of starch ware dissolved in 225 cc. of 2 per cent, tri- chloracetic acid by boiling. This is the approximate proportion of starch to acid in the usual experimient. This solution was precipitated with colloidal iron in the usual manner, the precipitate filtered and washed. On testing v/ith potassium iodide solution, the precipitate gave absolutely no test v\hile a, very small por- i ^ r‘ j '"t . u'i • .if ■ .< » i ..J _ . , .. '. J - V ;' . ' f '. Tf . r ^: V - •" ’ r’.:; i > \. ■ rf a .! :f ; 0 " ; . 3 v>isj a . . :o i : ^*. : > ■ . ' •■ ( -rr'S -I' ’ /. 1 »f . , * i > c ^ ^ . . _ ' ' " i 1 - ^ •. i ^ ‘ “ ‘‘ :.e i- . - : v :r r; i : ,: , i' •:. ; . ’• - ^ •: • . ^ ^■'. . . iv, C_ . 'tire: /j; .. . »><- •: . .w ,, . .. 'iv' f *’’. r •:. i*, v i'.:> T , :: rTT I .i .'IIi: :: , * " ;c* . ' . -.'If . . :.• *: .tfirjXi n»ic^ a 3w 1 **:^::' : •. .. - •: ' - ■'. / it 0 " ■ •^ ' ' iw . ^ \ Mft J : 1 w£ .*■ c ^ r. . '"r*' ' ' •., _ ** j ; • ,,v'Iv? ‘■.".i-JiJ J.'.iJl . Jkuy . r . anA I . c ->. i . -. .. . -! 1 : V I r :: ^ . y.j c - • Bt 3 ': o ^^ , I I i - . *; iu . . '.i ',;;;; • .' . > .'i. iJi i'' « ' ' :,'..i.rc 0 ^ ( ^ L ; ; • ■’ tiCiTC * ir - , ■1 , : £»eiiuT ‘»*tt /. .^¥• Ti _- X '3 -. ! , i it " - • ' ]^ ujL/c V-Jlil r . ~Ji ac .' ;,. Ijfjitp !>: : , , . •, .'ta J 4 ' 1 t -no- tion of the filtrate highly diluted gave a very clear test for starch. Both the filtrate and the colloidal iron precipitate were boiled for 3O minutes with dilute hydrochloric acid^ neutralized and filtered. Two cc. of the filtrate from the original filtrate gave by boiling 'd. minutes with freshly prepared Fehling's solutions, quits a large precipitate of cuprous oxide. The filtrate from the hydrolysis of the colloidal iron precipitate was made up to ^0 cc. and a 5 cc. portion gave absolutely no cuprous oxide and a 15 cc. portion gave just a trace when tested in the usual rxanner with freshly prepared Fehiing's solutions. ?/here tiiue is more imxportant than accuracy^ the direct extraction of the feed with hot 2 per cent, trichloracetic acid, followed by the precipitation of the proteins vnth colloidal iron, nay perhaps be used to an advantage. The filtrate from the colloidal iron may be. concentra,ted and the starch precipitated with two volumes of alcohol, leaving the rionprotein nitrogen, the distribution of which nay be detennined if desired. V. MODIFICATIONS OF THE VAN SLYKE METHOD In the application of the Van Slyke method to the analysis of feeds, the original method (6) modified as to the method of decomposing the basic phos- photungstates (23) was used. Some slight modifications, most of which were made necessary by the larger amount of protein material present, have been made. A few' other minor changes in the technique have been found advisable. Plimmer's (2h) method and a schenae for aeration long used in this laboratory is used for the arginine determination, Denis' modification of Benedict's method for organic sulfur is used for cystine. If considered necessary’-, an e2pla.rjation for any further change will be given in the detailed procedure oi\tlined below. -Ill- VI. THE METHOD IN DETAIL. PART I. PREPARATION OF THE SA/IPLE. Twenty five to 100 pconds of an average sample of the feed is obtained usually on the rijarket. The sample, except in the case of roughages, is mixed thoroughly and quartered down until about a 2 to 4 gallon sample rerriains. In case of roughages the entire sample is cut in small pieces by passing it through a motor driven cutter. This satrrple is then mixed and qua.rtered down until a. H to 4 gallon sarnple remains. The 2 to 4 gallon sample in all cases is then coarse- ly ground, thoroughly mixed, and quartered dovv-n again until 2 to 6 quarts remain. This final sample is then ground so tnat the entire sample passes through a 40 to 60 mesh sieve. It is then mixed thoroughly and stored in air-tight Sui’e Seal jars. The total nitrogen determined very carefully in each sample of the feed is the basis of all calculations since all nitrogen determira.tions are expressed in percentage of the total nitrogen of the feed. Four portions of the finely ground sample of feed are us'oally run at the same time. The samples are of exactly the same weight and the weight is always such that each portion contains approximately 6 gn. of protein. Duplicate or triplicate total nitrogen determinations are always made whenever possible. Each portion is treated as fellows: PART II. PRSPAPuS.TION OF THE HYDROLYZED PROTEIN SOLUTION. A. EXTPA.CTION WITH AI3IYDR0US ETHER. The sample of feed is quantitatively transferred to a 5 OO cc. centri- fuge bottle and <^00 cc. of anhydrous ether added. The bottle is corked securely and the cork wired in place. The bottle is then placed on a mechanical siiaker v/hich keeps the bottle and contents in centinusou motion. Two extractions are made each dM- hours; one extraction for a 7 to 6 hour period is made during the r ■ V 'V ■r ir Ai/o - ^ :..if ..>*. t-*. V. ,-. &- c ;c ZI ■ t ' .._ .. u ^ r I 4 a 7 . : t :. ; ^ 1 . y - I .,;. .4 I ' ' IC -0 *> i .< «: 4 ‘ V ■ • ' -v ‘wjjf 1 . >••:;,■: . . 1 * s l », CU .:- i Ji .'. 1 . T ' C ? ' : tr . j - •*. - -ft -.-V '.'. ?* •' Ja i ... \ ,;i ; .’. I . virc ■-' caa . 07 •'?■. *:••,' «i u«jO'.. M -:cj o.r » -j •, u : A - i . ■ ? r - i Hr * '• J Cx ,-. . :.■' • T » • -.-sn -ft •-= ^ . i , -oj lo c /' wor'ivo .'.*• I 'A ’ V •-J’. ■.■■ J -■ &>.u: -t: -.Au j T . ' •"iij . Dco '%'^syf ■ 4 • •• ; '.I .. I '-.- sj *’! ■- . iti a- !'t;A ■'1;,- -i ne. v" ... ■A*'. *■ A . U-- - . I,-' i ■ '.*V^ J.*.--. rnA *! ^ ( • ?i '*-1 ■ .: ..c -.. .■ vi ^ -.T I . v • ' i. - ' . Af'.iie. V , . • I '-'-lI. •:•■. ,. . .- U -OC ■ • . . U-. ; '.<.x rx^yr:‘-vi>. n..: ^ S . JT ' V / 5 ' "rJ* -■■r-o U\i I ....j y.w • ;i -l:;t'. o '.;f \ ■; .jxif ^ r . : laod icrr ‘«ir* -Uii- day and a second extraction for a 14 to I 5 hour period is made during the night. After each extraction the sides of the bottle are washed down with a fev/ cc. of ether and the solution centrifuged until the solid material forms a compact mass. The perfectly clear supernatant liquid is decanted into a properly labeled flask. This treatment with ether is rex^eated 6 times, using 100 cc. portions of anhydrous ether for each extraction. The combined ether extracts are filtered by gravity turoiigh Whatimn filter paper No. 1, using a 4 inch funnel. The flask and filter paper are washed thoroughly v/ith ether. Any solid matter collected on the filter paper is transferred back to the insoluble residue which is treated as directed below in (B). The ether filtrate is acidified vath a few drops of sulfuric acid, the ether recovered by distillation from a Kjeldahl flask, and the total nitrogen determined in the residue ranaining in the flask. B. EXTRACTION 1.YITH COLD ABSOLUTE ALCOHOL. Tv;o }vundrad cc. of absolute alcohol are added to the residue insoluble in ether. The bottle is corked securely and placed on the shaker. The time of the extraction during the day should be 7 to S hours and the time of extraction during the night should be 14 to I 5 hours. After each extraction the sides of the bottle are washed down with a few cc. of alcohol and the solution centrifuged until the solid matter forms a compact mass. The perfectly clear supernatant liquid is decanted into a labeled flask. This treatment with alcohol is repeated 5 times using each time £00 cc. of absolute alcohol. The residue is washed twice, using each tiir.e 100 cc. of absolute alcohol, placing on the shaker for 1 hour, centrifuging, and decanting. The alcohol extract is filtered by gravity through a vrnataan filter paper No. 1, using a 4 inch funnel and the flask and funnel washed with absolute alcohol. The alcoholic filtrate is acidified with a few drops of sulfuric acid, the alcohol recovered by distillation fran a Kjeldahl flask, and the total nitrogen determined in the residue remaining in the flask. 1 -V ^ m -1 i 5 ' -c V. jtcifAttr-.#*’. ■• '- ■'J ■z-:^‘iarr^r*-n^ ■: - f » • * -•>«.}' ..ifi-' r’ .j .. .ijr: . .-v i» ':■: . *. . rl \ t » ,:* wC':J ’ , 1 '\ I ■- *’■■'•, , .1 f> 1 *' ' 1 i. ■ •-■ L**._ . ‘c: . ;fjr.: .- . »■, ; .. .y.- *■ :v -iJ., , tfd :.l. - ; * ..; ’iS . .’•■. ■ _ -".‘I . Pi..’ 1 . ., . .. .-.i tt : Zf'^- t ^ r. ■ . - Cl.- : »* ac; .• . OOJ „■ . . . vs - i.0 , i - - ’ - - ■ • - * f'j- S' "■'/•■*; .1 ■ '... i—. • I*"* I i i'l 5, h f ^ r -^ #• ■J S (■‘J V c. . -»r 4 ; i t> ..,_ • * '■• Y(- . w-^*» -\-.f -U3- Any solid uiatter collected on the filter paper is added to the insolable residue which is treated as described below in (C). C. EXTRACTION WITH 1.0 PER. CENT. TRICHLORACETIC ACID. The residue insoluble in alcohol is extracted in the centrifuge bottl« with HOO cc . of 1.0 trichloracetic acid. The time of the extraction during the day should be | to H hours and the time of extraction during the night should be 14 to 15 hours. After each extraction the sides of the bottle are washed dovvn with a few cc . of aujiaonia-free water and the solution centrifuged until the solid matter forms a compact mass. The supernatant liquid is decanted^ allowing, if possible, no undissolved material into the decantates. The residue is then ex- tracted 6 times with 200 cc. portions of 1.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid, mak- ing two extractions each 24 hours. Tne residue is then vmshed two or three timep; using 100 cc. portions of ammonia-free water, placing on the shaker for 1 hour, centrifuging, and decanting. The residue is treated s.s directed below in (D) and the extr-act as directed below in (H). D. ETI'RACTiaT WITH DILL^E SODIUivI HYDROXIDE. The residue insoluble in 1.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid is now' ex- tracted in the centrifuge bottle w'ith 200 cc. portions of dilute alkali. The time of extraction during the day is 7 to hours, using 0.2 per cent, sodium hydroxide, and the tLme of extraction during the night is 14 to 1 5 hours, using 0.1 per cent, sodium hydroxide. After each extraction the sides of the bottle, are washed dovmi with a few cc. of aiomonia-free vrater, the solution centrifuged and decanted as described for the previous extracts. If the alkali extracts tend to foam a few drops of alcohol are added before the solution is centrifuged. Six extractions with dilute alkali are made and then the residue is washed with 100 cc. portions of ammonia-free water in the manner described above until practically fraa of alkali. As soon as tiia extracts are decant 9 d_, they are made distinctly acid with hydrochloric acid. The residua insoluble in dilute sodium hydroxide is treated as directed below in (E) . The dilute alkali extract is concentrated under diiTiinished pressure to about I5O cc., then transferred to a digestion flask with an equal volume of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and completely hydrolyzed by boiling on the hot plate for I5 to £0 hours under a reflux condenser. The com- pletely hydrolyzed proteins in this solution are treated as directed below in (J). E. DIGESTION WITH h.O PER CENT. TRICHLORACETIC ACID. NOTE: - This extraction is unnecessary in the case of feeds having little or no starch present. The residue insoluble in dilute sodium hydroxide is transferred to a. 1500 cc. round bottom digestion flask with 5^0 cc. of k.O 'pei* cent, trichlora.ee tic acid and placed on a stea^n bath. With frequent shaking the solution is allowed to digest until it is apparent (from the disappearance of the milky color) that much of the starch has been dissolved. This usually takes about 1 hour. The , solution is filtered wiiile hot through a Buchner funnel fitted with liard paper. The residue is washed a few times with boiling v/ater and the residue again treated with cc. of 2.0 per cant, trichloracetic acid for aboiit a half hour period. Tna hot solution is filtered and washed as before and if the starch is not all removed this treatment is repeated. The residue insoluble in hot 2.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid is treated as directed below in (E) and the extract as direct- ed below in (I). F. EXTRACTION WITH c :0 PER CENT. HYDROCHLORIC ACID. 'ihe residue insoluble in 2.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid is trans- ferred to a round bottom digestion flask with 25O cc. of 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid. The solution is heated to boiling on a wire gauze and boiled for 3 minutes. ;f ■ 1.' r ' *^0 r< ■ ,fr iIiCfc.l4 • u f, ' ;i :r' .' -c-x: .. . .. *_ ' T.Q't 6J.- 1 . ' ..; nr ’. .. . . ■I?. ;T ."JJ.J'Iv) L; viv Jf : . -r t . A — Ir »' -<6. •..r..y j jr.- t . \ 0^ H?F‘ '.“ITt'A' ..... .i r'..'j:/Irn ’ -sci ?r'- -c • tao;Jv oc\ X J iL x09 a « « V -ii5- cooled to room temperature, and filtered through hard paper on a Buchner funiiel with suction. This procedure is repeated once. The residue is washed e£ or 3 times with dO per cent, hydrochloric acid and than with ami..onia-free water until practically free from acid. The wasnings with water are kept separate from the 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid extract. The 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid extract and washings are transferred to a digestion flask with a volu'ne of concentrated hydrochloric acid equal to the volume of the washings. iJiie proteins in this solution are completely li^'-drolyzed in the usual manner. The completely hydrolyzed prcteins are treated as directed below in ( J) . The residue is treated as directed below in (G) . G. EXTRACTION WITH STRONG SODIUIvl HYDROXIDE. The residue insoluble in 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid is transferred back to the original ^00 cc. centrifuge bottle with ammonia-free water. The so- lution is centrifuged until the solid rraterial forms a compact mass and the super- natant liquid decanted into a properly labeled flask. The residue is then ex- tracted for three 2 k hour periods V7ith 5O cc. portions of 5 per cent, sodium hy- droxide. After each extraction period the sides of the bottle are washed dom with a few cc. of aimTiOnia-free water, the solution centrifuged until the solid matter forms a compact mass, and the supernatant liquid decanted, the extracts being added to the wrater which had been used to make the transfer to the centri- fuge. Tne residue is washed 2 or 3 times in the centrifuge bottle with 100 cc. portions of armionia-free water in the usual manner. After each extraction the extracts are a-cidified v/ith hydrochloric acid. Ttie extract is concentrated, if necessary, then transferred to a digestion flask v/ith an equal volume of concen- trated hydrochloric acid, and completely hydrolyzed by boiling for IR to 20 hours under a reflux condenser on the hot plate. The completely hydrolyzed proteins in this solution are treated as directed belov/ in (J). The residue insoluble in r k in strong sodixun hydroxide is transferred to a Kjeldahl flask and total nitrogen determii.ed. H. THEATlIEl^ 07<’ THE 1 PEH CEHT. TRICHLOHACETIC ACID EXTRACTS. The 1 per cent, triculoracetic acid extract is brought to boiling^ niade distinctly alkaline with sodium hydroxide solution, then acid to litrnus with hydrochloric acid. Add very slowly 10 cc. of colloidal iron^ and boil for 1 minute. Three cc. of a solution of crystallized magnesium sulfa-te (made by dis- solving crystallized fiagnesi-arn sulfate in an equal volume of v\’ater) is added to coagulate the excess of colloidal ferric hydroxide, and the solution again boiled for 1 minute. The solution is allowed to stand until the precipitate settles, then, without filtration, bring to the boiling point and reprecipitate just as before. Allow the precipitate to settle and reprecipitate a third time. During the boiling, precipitation, and standing the solution gradually becomes alkaline due to the decomposition of the trichloracetic acid. The slight acidity is main- tained by the occassional addition of hydrochloric acid. After the precipitate has settled the third time the solution is filtered through ha,rd paper on a Buchner funnel with suction. The solution should be poured on the filter so as to filter practically all of the liquid before much of the precipitate is poured on to the filter. The precipitate is vra.shed thoroughl 2 ;' with hot v/ater. The fil- trate is now reprecipitated again in exactly the same manner as described above and filtered on a Buchner funnel fitted with a fresh hard paper. The filtrate is now cooled, made up to cc. ( 3 OOO cc . if necessary) and total nitrogen de- termined in three cc. portions. Transfer the colloidal iron precipitates to a digestion flask v/ith 20 per cent, hydrochloric acid and completely hydrolyze by boiling on a hot plate under reflux condensers for I 5 to 20 hours. The com- o Iron Dialyzed Merck, contains 5 cent. Fe^Og. •VdfV - 47 - pletelj'’ liydrolyzed proteins in this solution are treated as directed below in (J). I. TRE.miEi'JT OF THE ci PER CEIIT. iRICHLORACETIC ACID EXTPJICTS. The Fig. 1. Now add 10 per cent, suspension of calcium hydrate until alkaline and then add kO cc. in excess. Tne apparatus is then joined together as shown in the figure and evacuated to a pressure of ^0 mm. or less. The amount of n/iO acid added to the larger receiving flask should be bO cc. and the amount added in the trap should be 3 O cc. The Glaissen flask is then placed in a bath at U5“5*^'^> the solution boiled for a half-hour. In case distillation starts too rapidly a little air is let in from the stop-cock in the neck of the Claissen. hhen the distillation is firhshed, the flask is lifted from the water bath, and the vacuum is released by first allowing a very small stream of air to enter through the side am and then through the capillary and finally opening the stop-cock in the side arm. The n/iO acid from the receiving flask and the small guard flask is washed into an 800 cc. titration bottle and titrated bade with n/i 0 sodium hydroxide using alizarine sulforjate as indicator. SOLUBLE HIIvlIN NITROGEN. Drring the distillation Lmiiiediately above all the black coloring matter as soluble huirin is absorbed by the undissolved lime. Filter through hard paper on 3 ii'icn Buchner furmel using suction. V/ash with ammonia-free water and transfer the insoluble residue to a beaker vvith about 850 cc . of armonia-free water. With frequent stirring heat gently for about I 5 min- -49- utes. Filter and wash thoroughly with ammonia-free water. Repeat this treat- ment once. The total nitrogen determined in the residue is coxisidered to be the soluble humin nitrogen. PRECIPITATIOI'I OF THE BASES (CYSTIHE, LYSI!TS, ARGININE, AND HISTIDINE) . The filtrate from the soluble humin is neutralized with hjrdrochloric acid, re- turned to the vacuum distilling flask, and concentrated to about 65 cc. Wash the concenti’ated solution into an accurately calibrated 200 cc. measuring flask and dilute to the mark. Mix thoroughly. Now, by means of a 100 cc. pipette calibrated to deliver exactly 100 cc., transfer 100 cc. of the well mixed solu- tion to a clean flask and wash out txie pipette with water, back into the 200 cc. measuring flask. Add IS cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid to each 100 cc. portion and shake. Place I5 gra. of purified phospho tungstic acid in each of two 3OO cc. Erlexjmeyer flasks upon which marks have been placed to indicate 200 cc. Dissolve the phospho tungstic acid in a sirall volume of water. Now to each flask containirig the phosphotuiigstic acid, add, very slowly with constant shaking, a 100 cc. portion of the acidified hydrolyzed protein solution. Each solution is diluted with water up to 200 cc. and heated in a water bath until the precipitate of the bases is nearly or quite dissolved. The temperatui’e of the solutions should be increased very gradually. The bases reprecipi tate on cooling e.s crystalline or granular phospho tungstates. Hie solutions are allowed to stand 4h hours for the precipitates to form for in less time the precipita- tion of histidine may be incomplete. The precipitates should not be allowed to stand much longer than 4^ hours. WASHING OF THE BASES. It. is necessary that the phosphotungst ic acid precipitate shall.be washed entirely free of the mother liquors and the amino- acids of the unprec ip i table fraction. It is also necessary/ ths.t as small an amount of the washing solution as possible shall be used, in order that the precipitate, which is slightly soluble in the washing solution shall not dissolv( f - 50 - tc an appreciable extent during the washing. The phospho tungstic precipitate of the bases is filtered and washed in the following rnani^er; A hardened filter paper is cut to the proper size to fit accurately as usual against the bottom of a, ^ inch Buchner funnel. T^e pre- cipitate is poured onto the filter thus prepared and the mother liquors are dravm off as completely as possible by a steady and moderately strong suction^ the precipitate being pressed down by a flattened rod. Do not allow the precipitate to be sucked dry. The v/ashing is carried out v/ithout at any time releasing the suction. Successive portions of 10 cc. of a washing solution^ containing 3.5 per cent, hydrochloric acid and 2.5 P^r cent, phospho tungstic acid, are poured onto the well packed precipitate, which is stirred up with each portion by means of a flat- tipped rod, so tiiat all parts of the precipitate are reached and all lumps well broken up. If a steady suction is maiiitained all the time, this can be done without danger of loosening the filter from the floor of the funnel. The first three or four portions of the washing solution are used to dislodge the last granules of the precipitate from the flask in which the latter are formed. The succeeding portions are added from a pipette in a fine stream. In case the first four washings leave a few granules of the precipitate still in the flask, they are allowed to remain there, as they are already sufficiently v/ashed and the subsequent portions of the washing solution used to wash the precipitate, in the me.nner just described. The washing solution should be cooled to 0^ before it is poured onto the precipitate. It lias been found that the solubijity of the phospho tungstates of the hexose bases is only about one-fourth as great at as it is at room temperature, consequently, when the washing solution is used at or near 0^ the danger of dissolving appreciable amount® of the precipitate is reduced to a min- imum. The number of washings necessary in each case to free the phospho tungstic precipitate completely from the mother liquors is determined, according to the -^ 1 - raethod of Tan Slyke, by testing the successive washings for calciuni. It has been found that 6 washings with 10 cc. portions are usually sufficient to remove the calcium. DECOI'^POSITION OF THE PH) SPHOTUHGSTIC PRECIPITATE BY A MIXTHPJE OF ETHER AND AWYL ALCOHOL. Hie precipitate of basic phospho tungstates is removed from the filter by a spatula and washing, and transferred to a half-liter separa- tory funnel, using 200 to 3 OO cc. of water to effect the transfer. Vrnen the pre- cipitate has been removed as completely as possible by mechanical means, the fil- ter paper is spread out on the bottom of a dish and v/ashed Vvith water made alkaline v/ith a few drops of sodium hydroxide. This dissolves the portions of precipitate imbedded in the fibers of the filter paper. In case any granules of the precipi- tate have remsiined in the flask in which the precipitate was originally formed, these are either washed or dissolved out. These alkaline washings should be neutralized v/ith dilute hjrdrochloric acid before being added to the main portion. Seven and one-half cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid are added, and the m»ix- ture is snaken with 1:1 amyl alcohol-ether, using so much of the later that it all floats in a layer above the water after the precipitate has gone into solu- tion. Usually about 100 cc. of the ether -amyl alcohol suffices, and one or two mirmites shaking results in complete solution of the precipitate. If too little of the ether-amyl alcohol has been used, some of it will, after taking up phos- photungstic acid, sirk as an oil below the aqueous phase. In case this happens, more of the extracting mixture is added, until all floats in one layer at the top. In some cases the aqueous and ether -amyl alcohol layers do not sep- are.te readily v/ith a clean boundary betv/een them. This effect is due to the pres- ence of a slight amount of humin which may have escaped previous adsorption by calcium nydrate. In this case the unadsorbed huinin is carried do\m by the basic phosphotungstates, and fouls the solution when their precipitate is decomposed as above described. In order to clear the solution up^ it is all, without sep- aration of the aqueous and ether -cuiiyl alcohol layers, passed through a Buclaner funnel v;ith suction. The residue is washed, first with amaonia-free water and than with the aiayl alcohol-ether mixture, using no mors washing solutions than absolutely necessary. The residue together with the filter paper is transferred to a Kjeldahl flask and total nitrogen determined. This fraction of nitrogen is referred to as the "unadsorbed humin nitrogen." The filtrate is returned to the separatory funnel, tne two layers allowed to separate, and the aqueous layer drawn off into a second !half-liter separatory funnel. The aqueous layer is then extracted with three more successive portions of ether-amyl alcohol, using each time a volume of the mixture equal to about one-fourth the volume of the water solution (about ^0 cc.). Fiiially the combined ether-amyl alcohol extracts are shaken out twice with water to remove traces of bases that might have been carried into the extract; this portion of water is then shaken once or twice with fresh arijj'l alcohol -ether, axid combined with the main solution of the bases. Tae latter should be free of phosphotungstic acid as demonstrated by the absence of a precip- itate when a few drops are added to a saturated solution of barium hj^drate in a snail test-tube. The amyl alcohol-ether solution is transferred to a Xjeldahl flask, a few pieces of pumice a^nd a few drops of sulfuric acid added; the ether is driven off by heating on the steam bath; the axryl alcohol is distilled off, recovering the alcohol; and then the total rutrogen determined in the residue in the usual manner. The nitrogen in this fra-ction is referred to as the "nitrogen soluble in amyl alcohol-ether mixture." The solution of the bases is now concen- trated to dryness under diminished pressure in order to drive off the free hydro- chloric acid. Add a small amount of ammonia-free v;ater to the residue and thor- oughly and comipletely loosen the particles adhering to the sides of the flask with a properly bent glass rod. Wash off the glass rod and ’wash dovm the sides of the flask v/ith a small amount of water. Concentrate to about 10 cc. and then transfer -Si I' ; T'- •: ^ c'. * r.:'.? Hz.! . .% •av.". * i.i -jM-ri': , - 'li ft'tirjji* t'. .f :w'w i \ 1 1 t Xi V • . - vf%j r .i i" ;;cl: i'- «f lien ^ ; . ,. •jl';- . •‘■’. w’'- *?•■« XlJu'n ..'‘rf I _^ 3 - ths concentrated solution of the bases to a 100 cc. measuring flask^ by means of a bent glass rod and small portions of araraonia-free v^ater. Ivlake the solution up to the mark and mix thoroughly. If a residue settles out on standing, filter through a small dry quantitative filter paper into a clean dry flask. Disca.rd the first cc. of the filtrate and use the reriiainder for the various determinatiom of the bases below. V/ash the residue on the filter paper thoroughly ;vith ammonia- free ^'sater and discard the washings. The thorou.^ly v/ashed residue, together witl the filter paper, is submitted to Kjeldahl analysis and the nitrogen referred to as the "nitrogen in residue filtered from solution of the bases." DETERIvIIl'ATIOiJ OF ARGIFIIJE. Of the 100 cc. of solution containing the bases, two 25 cc. portions are placed in 5 OO cc. short necked Kjeldahl flasks v/hich are connected with upright Liebig condensers, Cc^rryir^ at the top Folin bulbs connected to the condensers by rubber stoppers. Fifteen cc. of K/10 acid are placed in each of the Folin bulbs. Twenty five cc. portions of 50 P-h cent, sodium hj^'dr oxide solution and severa-l bits of porosis plate are added to the Kjeldahl flasks. The solutions are then boiled gently on wire gauzes for ex- actly five and one-half hours, then let the water out of the condensers and boil for one-half hour longer. A small stream of p^urified air is passed through the apparatus during the entire six hours. This is simply done by passing the air from compressed a-ir pipes through a purifying train and admitting it to the apparatus by means of a capillarj'- placed in the stopper of the Kjeldahl flasks and reaching to the bottom of the flasks. The acid in the Folin bulbs is trans- ferred to titration bottles with neutral water and titrated back with k/iO alka- li, using alizarine suiforiite as indicator. DETEEivillATION OF THE iluIITO KITHOGEiT OF lEE BASES. Two 5 cc. portions of the solution containing the bases are used for the amino-acid nitrogen deter- rnii'^tion which is run in the usual manner in the Van Sl^/ke machine. The deter- mination is continued for a laalf hour period. A blsmik deterrairiation of the reagents aiust be run for the same length of time. DETERJ'/illJATION OF THE TOTAL iMITROGEN OF TEE BASES. Two 10 cc. por- tions of the 100 cc. solution containing t^e bases are used for the total nitro- gen determination. The digestion wi tii sulfuric acid must be continued for six hours after the solutions becoiiie clear. DETEEIvlINATION OF CYSTINE. The amount of cystine present in the bases is obtained from the content of the solution in organic sxilfur. Take 1^ cc. of each of the solutions containing the bases for the determination of cystine. Transfer the measured portion of the solution containing the bases to fused silica dishes of 7 to 10 cm. diameter and add 10 cc. of Denis' modifica- tion of Benedict's solution. Add about 0.1 gm. of pure sucrose. The mixture is concentrated to :?ryness on the water bath. It is then heated over a free flame, gradually increasing the temperature until the mixture is thoroughl;^ charred. Then place the dish in a muffle furnace heated to a dull red heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Allow to cool. Add 10 cc. of 10 per cent, hydrochloric acid and dissolve the contents by warming and stirring for 3 to 5 minutes. Although the solution may appear to be perfectly clear,” filter thrcu.gh a good grade of quantitative filter paper and wash tlioroughly with hot v®,ter. Dilute the solution to about 150 cc. and heat bo boiling. In order to make sure that an excess of barium chloride is present, while boiling, add dnop by drop, 10 cc. of a filtered 10 per cent, solution of barium chloride. Allow to stand 'd days and if the pre- cipitate is perfectly white, filter on weighed Gooch crvicibles. If the precipi- tate produced by barium chloride is yellow indicating impurities the precipitate must be purified by the use of sodium carbonate in the usual manner. If this procedure is followed carefully, purification of the barium sulfs.te precipitate is rarely necessary. The barium sulfate is washed and v/eighed as usual. The weight of barium sulfate obtained must be corrected for the amount of sulfur found in the r ¥ }K If I, tj i' i 1 t r v^ : 1 ff / _pt;_ j reagents by blanl: analyses. Tiiat is^ for each series of cystine deterrairiations two blarik anedyses on the reagents are run at the same time. In the reagents used by Van Slyka the correction v/as I.5 mgs. of barixjm sulfate. Reagents re- quiring a much larger correction should not be usedj as the cystine present of- ten yields only a few milligrams of barium sulfate. It ha.s been found that^ by repui'ifying the sodium chloride used in Derds* reagent and using fused silica dishes instead of porcelain, the blanks are exceptionally low and constant, usually varying between 0.] and O.9 mgs. DETSEivilllATlOlT OF THE TOTAL NITROGEII U THE FILTRATE FROM THE BASES. To the combined filtrate and w'ashings from the phospho tungstate precipitate of the bases, 5O cent, sodium hydrate solution is added until the solution turns slightly turbid by precipitation of lime and it is almost neutral to lit- mus paper. In some cases a slight precipitate is formed before the solution is neutral and it readily redissclves by the addition of a fe-.; more drops of alkali. In adding the alkali, it is essential that the neutral point should not be passed by more than a few drops, as otherwise a precipitate, vmich usually dis- solves readily upon the addition of a little auetic acid, may form which will not dissolve. The solution is placed in a Claissen flask a-nd concentrated under diminished pressure until salts begin to crystallize out. The solution is then washed into a 200 cc. measuring flask and diluted to the mark. Allovi the solu- tion to stand over night and if a precipitate settles out filter the solution through a dry filter paper into a dry flask. Total nitrogen is deterniined in the filtrate in three 25 cc. portions. In each determination use one and one- half times the us\ial amount of reagents and continue the digestion for 6 hours after the solution has become clear. Under these conditions the phospho tungstic acid does not interfere at all with the accuracy of the determination. The residue which was filtered from the solution of the filtrate from the bases is washed thorouglily with v/ater and su'Dinitted to Kjeldahl ar^..lysis. The nitrogen in • ^ . i i'*c. , . V. '.' i^ir.: ■ la, ^-| ^1 Mil ’i'l irr.'S‘frf> t9ca:«^lfum||P ' iH » ■ r -56- this fraction^ which lias always been found to be exceedingly smll, is referred to as the ’'nitrogen in the residue filtered from the solution of the filtrate from the bases.’' DETEExMIMTIOlI OF THE iUyllUO NITHOGEil IN THE FILTRATE FROM THE BASES. Tan cc. portions of the filtrate from the bases are used for the ai:iino-acid determinations, which are run in the usual manner for six minutes using the large burette. CALCULATION OF ARGININE, CYSTINE, HISTIDINi:, LYSIIE NITROGSI'J, AND THE NON-AMINO -AC ID NITROGEN IN THE FILTRi-TE FROM 'THE BASES. All determinations are expressed in percentage of the total nitrogen of the feed and in percentage of the feed. The determinations on the solution of the bases and on the solution of the filtrate from the bases are corrected for the solubility of the bases accordirjg to the tables of Van Slyke. It is to be remembered tliat the hydrols’-sed proteins from an entire sample were made up to 200 cc. and two 100 cc, portions taken for precipitation which was carried out, as far a-s quantities of reagents and volumes are concerned, according to the method of Van Slyke. The standard acid, while referred to as n/ 10, is in realitj^ sliglitl*/ less than that. One cc. of the acid is equivalent to 0.0014 grams of nitrogen. (a) ARGININE NITROGEN. The grams of uncorrectad arginine nitrogen in tlie portion of the sample taken for precipitation of the bases is equal to the cc. of acid neutralized multiplied by 0.0014> multiplied by 2 (sines only half of the nitrogen of arginine is determined as ammonia), multiplied by IOO/25 (since 25 cc. portion of the 100 cc. solution of the bases \<.'ere taken for argin- ine determination). Fne grams of corrected arginine nitrogen in an entire sample is equal to the grams 0 f uncorrected arginine rdtregen obtained above plus O.OO32 .(the solubility correction for arginine) multiplied by 2OO/1OO (since half of the t:00 cc. solution of the hydrolyzed proteins of the whole sample was taken for precipitation v/ith phospho tungstic acid). r V iT*/> - ■' ,TV r.' .,»• .f-'V.fv .;• t. - 1 r>WJ,(^.: ^ • Kj W " ■- ^'i L_fe. ,t>z?i'f-,f •'? U;h'l»y^;;i^'^j^4., •• vM(». ». ,:iv 9|§’ v-4 i*V. \l * ' I . ' * -\ • ai 04 ».i ■,»r ■ > «vV ^ m: - v^’'^;. . • *' •■•■'»* ; ■' /jutL>rr ■■ ■'•'• '’’^•'l^M '" ‘ ' HP''''''* ' iJ '■ ■ . / ■. . ■ :• ■** . W !}’.j .. '■ >.;> ■t;l' V-Ttfrl^vUC*. j}j,1 ^'.r; •;’\ ' ’•’'« “ v‘ "''■*; ■*’’■ • . ' . * ■■ . '^vJFSf?? X'-i '!» '- »- 0 >- .. 4 h j\T .n ct> '■ ' ' .J '•'/' '‘•'■'r '■ . '^k*',, [U- o.< - .‘‘•••■i ^ p 'i>,v ,;'■; « ..' ■' . l'i> • :9 1 * < <4 .*1 •. v*\44' -f*' .t ■ , . V ' ■£. ■ r . » ' •^* ’ ' ' ■I'* t .-.. ■*; ,x < »."..v ..-• -.n •» £ , 'I'fWKiT^ ' 'iv' , ^*1 . i)U(ij?pi‘ nA- ?'3fi‘/,i..«tt, -S&'i’i -t: ;J'' .. •• > ; .V- ■ • y H ' vi •'• -5 . / y -•■v«' — t ,i •'•■ •./ 'rr‘‘ » uN«V ’'’5 < AT-* ' '< 1 ^<>1 ji.^.ilj .|i ^ , - jQy- - ■--■-•fi ii r i ilf't ^-i--, [ . II '■ - 1 n H U... I. l■^^ll ]ii- “ 57 - (b) CYS'i'I:\iE i'JlTKuGE-v. las gx'cuiis oi uncorrected cystine m trogen in t.ie portion of tne solutiox^ talien for precipitation is eq-ual to tne grsms of bariuii sulfate multiplied by 0 . 0 b 0 ou 9 , multiuixei by 1UO/15 (since cc . of tne lub cc. solution of tne bases were taken for cj’'stins det eriiunation) . rhe grams Oi corrected cystine nitrogen in an exitire saxxxple is eo;ucl to tne grsans of un- corrected cystine nitrogen obtained above plus U.UU»'j;**’. ' ifri. •' .V ♦' A ' I ^ y., , . 'f VTK »? S’ > , f , \ ■ ’ * ■,%^aiP>.'-/6^: ‘ f • ‘j a'; . , ^ It • (J ■' ' ■ '• -'y.?* ■'*^'; s^^.. .. «W'M • • 1 — ,; . H ’.'. "'y, ■ 'v*^/S^^v'"w',.. .’« -• s •’ f '■ i7 jS'.^ '/■ K** i . a .,.#■•< t>. f ,.' -. V' i ' " ^.' - -.v/ V ■ < /*->i,%rt ^ ^' • ‘ ■ ' ,. ■’.. \-H > r . •' in-^v * ) vi '?.-: . 7 > ,, 1 1 ^, yt - i of ^'.'yV. v>’7y; ' ■ '' f ''.’ i 'i,i ■ . s6n ititf i ■ ; T/ftiJ 3^ >■ ^ V»- /'•"• .’ , '- ■ i •■•-'. , t' y .... ■’• 7’'v ■'•' ,4- «'».'.x / .4 y?,< ,%.: f . - s 4> ..4sji,ik^ ’ J'-" - '‘V' V ”, '•-«■■...■ \ 'i y"' ^ •' , ;■■ ■ ..kiJS’Viil?,. ' i, ■• ■••' . • .‘ ' ’.• . •.'■•Je.. . • •,.’ !’V'< ’ «A’---‘v V' ’. .; L>VK^ .Jt'-'-^’'. .•vv-.'fr’ ■■ .3V- ■ «^ .*1, . '«.'J. ■■'■'i' ' ' ‘ / MWBftT. '' .:.,yr,#>- ; ' . iftiw*:. .a LT?b(j *rii #>(•*» ^-. . .-, - : 4*, 'BBMRT . f . y-'.ii. •'• • ■■•■■V'-'''*V^.\S;. .j. : ■•‘^^'•'■'it{<'4'S ;,iV." ••’*:' ' '•'ST' >•••.! f Jli/ ti. lA taken for precipitation v/ith phospho tungstic acid is equal to the difference between the grams of uncorrected total nitrogen and the uncorrected amino nitro- gen in the filtrate fran the bases. The grains of corrected non-amino nitrogen in the filtrate from the bases in an entire sample is equal to the grams of un- corrected non-amino nitrogen obtained above minus 0.0049 (the solubility correc- tion), multiplied by SOO/lOO. PURITY OF REAGEilTS. Since some of the calculations are based on dif- ferences between determinations, it is imperative that the latter shall be as accurate as possible. Every reagent used for any determination involved is tested by blank analysis. Blank determinations are always run at the same time all amino-acid, sulfur, and total nitrogen determinations are made and suite.ble corrections made for the reagents used. Som.e reagents should be repurified. The sodium chloride and the sugc,r used in the determination of sialfur are carefully repurified. The phos- photungstic acid used for the precipitation and washing of the bases is repuri- fied according to the method of Winterstein (24) and the tec'hnique found most suitable for this purif ica,tion is as follows; I5 grams of phospho tungstic acid, 50 cc. of 0.2 per cent, hydrochloric acid, and 9O cc. of ether are placed in a separatory funnel and shaken until the solid phospho tungstic acid ]aas completely dissolved. On standing about 3 minutes three layers separate. The clear lower layer, consisting of phospho tungstic acid in ether is carefully drawn off into a, casserole or evaporating dish. Add a drop or tv/o of concentrated hydrocriloric acid to the contents of the funnel, in order to break up any emulsion that had not been completely broken up by the previous treatment, and shake. Allow to stand and again v/ithdraw the ether-phospho tungstic acid layer, if one forms, into the casserole or evaporating dish. Repeat this procedure until no more of this layer is obtained. The reinaining two lajrers in the separatory funnel may be used for the purification of a second I5 gram portion of the phospho tungstic -59- acid. The ethereal solution is allowed to evaporate on the steaia bath at a low temperature until a thick syrup remains. Then set avi/ay from the heat and direct sunlight and allow the remaining ether to evaporate spontaneously when crystals of purified phcsphotungstic acid are obtained, iphe latter process may be hastened by placing the evaporating dish in front of an electric fan and blowing a current of air over the dish. The yield is about 6 ^ per cent. All the liquors remaining from the purification should be ^ved and the phosplio tungs- tic acid which they contain recovered later. VII. DSTSRIvlIITATION OF THE AIvlINO-ACIDS OF OATS, COEIT, COTTONSEED IvlEAL AITD ALFfJ.FA. By the detailed method outlined above in section VI, 6 samples of oats, 6 of corn, 8 of cottonseed meal, and U of alfalfa were analyzed. The re- sults are given in Table I, in which the results are expressed in percentage of the total nitrogen of the feed, and in Table II, in which the results are ex- pressed in percentage of the feed. The oats contained l.oHO per cent, nitrogen, the corn l.UOyU per cent., the cottonseed meal 6.79S per cent., and the alfalfa 2.b2S per cent. The. weights of feeds taken for each of the various analyses were 60 grair4S in case of oats and corn, 3O grams in case of alfalfa, and I5 grams in cas^ of cottonseed meal. Tne oats and corn v;ere ground so as to pass through an 80 mesh sieve, the alfalfa through a 60 mesh sieve, and the cottonseed meal through a UO mesh sieve. A brief examination of Tables I and II will show that all solutions, residues, precipitates, and other fractions, obtained in the preparation of the hydrolyzed protein solution and in the subsequent Van Slyka analysis of that sol- ution, were analyzed for their nitrogen content. In other words, no fraction, v/hich might in any way contain any portion of the origira,! sample of feed taken X\> * ‘•''•‘i ■» , '.t-/ iU-t I ' -t ■I J r L ..'•a iiJlikni ', ■ > > ' 'T'i.'* *V^ ' - 60 - <«5 TABLE I. B DISTRIBU'ilOIT OF THE ITITROOEiN OF OATS, C 0 E 1 \', COTTOIJSEED imj . AlsT) ALFALFA. (Expressed as Percentage of Total Nitrogen'! D E H Nonprotein Nitrogen Results of the -1 Solu- Solu- In fil- Total Insol- Solu- Acid Argin- Cys- Histi- — ble ble in trate nonpro- uble ble hu- amide ine tine dine in alco- from tein hmin min nit- nitro- nitro- nitro- ni tro- ether hoi colloid- nitro- nitro- rogen gen^ gen^ gen^ gen^ al iron ge n gen — — 0.655 1.172 11.522 13.3^9 2 .IS 73 2.783 ll.Olb 11.427 0.961 6.504 r 2 0.597 1.163 11,126 12.386 2.968 3.^31 11.033 11.652 1.008 5.651 s 0.553 1.041 11.766 13.360 3.481 1.498 11 . 780 11.888 0.976 5.543 >1 0.555 1.375 11.140 13.070 2.393 1.71^8 11 . 566 11.474 0.951 5.942 18 0.513 1.307 10.360 12.180 2.611 2.914 11.350 11.892 0.894 5.840 1 0 . 54 U 1.294 10.360 12.69s 3.255 2.926 11.73s 11.554 0.876 5.283 7 Aver. 0.569 1.225 11.129 12.926 3.013 2.516 11.422 11.647 0.944 5.796 3 0,050 0.997 9.311 10.35s 1.571 1.375 11,729 8.620 1.099 r 5 . 2 i *5 i8 0.792 2.341 8.093 11.226 1.796 2.602 12.265 8.868 1.165 5» 460 )8 0,65a 2.369 3.395 11.422 1.499 2.284 12.225 8.867 1.186 4.906 )0 O.cil^O 0.239 6.336 7.315 0.702 2.685 11.241 8.782 0.925 4.748 )8 o.Ocia O.3O5 7.316 8.149 0.758 2.596 12.218 8.762 0.935 3.928 )3 0.139 1.953 3.356 10.503 1.084 2.27s 9.3331 8. 451 1.071 4.702 )2 Aver. 0 . 3 ci 6 1.363 8.135 9.329 1.235 3.303 11.936 8.725 1.072 4.832 .0 "T O.ORl 0.570 ^.943 5.534 2.609 3-462 9.455 18. 672 0.961 5.436 ;8 0,039 O.6I8 4.870 5-577 2.609 5.117 9.689 19.050 0.902 0.330 )2 0.202 0.652 5.053 5.907 2,492 5.459 9.929 18.467 1.068 7.543 '6 0.109 0.614 5.531 6.254 2.623 4.477 8.892 18.398 1.123 7.240 10 0.031 O.5O0 5.245 5.S32 2 . 981 2,415 9.249 17.520 1.051 8.534 JO 0.129 0.489 5.722 6.340 2,930 2.650 Q.3I8 19.443 0.Q48 6.366 i6 0.031 0.420 6.097 6.598 2.763 2-334 9.002 17.987 0.707 9.351 J6 0.0U6 0.506 7 .012 7.564 2.772 2.746 9.764 20.102 O.78I 6.464 ?3 Aver. 0,095 0.51*7 5-559 b .201 2.722 3.582 9.412 18. 705 0.943 7.171 f 3 — * 0.577 1.940 16.466 18.983 3.632 4.433 6.943 7.949 0.924 4.355 +5 0-577 1.600 16.301 18.478 3.6902 3.512 7.104 8.064 1.062 3-655 3 l 0 . 5^4 1 . 9 S 3 17.289 19.801 3.597 5.132 5.204 7.523 0.986 3-782 •‘L. 0.522 1.864 16.712 19.09s 3.791 4.796 7.204 8.446 0.991 3-931^ Aver. 0.550 1.848 16.692 19.090 3.690 4.481 7.364 7 . 99 b 0 .Q 91 ^. 9^1 53 ^ Co rrected for solubility of the bases ^ The writer is indebted chi sfly to Nao Uyei , assistant chemist, for the following arialyses of corn. The write r is inde bted to W. B. Nevens for the following analyses of Dll- cottonseed raea].. ".f L^3LE I. riSTRI3UiI0ir OF THE jlTROaEiN OF OATS, COEN, COTTONSEED ;.3:/X AlO) ALFALFA (Eijjressed as Parcentage of Total ITitrogen' A 3 C D E F G H I J 7 . L N 0 p 0 H i honprote in Nitrogen Resiilts of the Van SI yke Analysis Nitrogen lost in ” Solu- ble in ether Solu- ble in alco- hol In fil- trate from colloid- al iron Total nonpro- tein nitro- ge n Insol- ubl a hum in nitro- gen Solu- ble hu- min nit- rogen Acid amide nitro- gen^ Argin- ine nitro- gen* Cys- tine nitro- gen* Histi- dine ni tro- gen* , Ly- sine k nit- K X rogen Amino acid N in fil- trate from bases^ Non-a- mino acid N in fil- trate from bases Total non- protein + results of Van Slyke analysis N in res- idue after treatment if.lth strong NaOH In alc- ohol ppt. of hot 2 pet . CCI3.CO2H extracts Unadsorbed hwflin (fil- tered from sol. during dacomp . of bases) In axyl alcohol ether | extract 1 1 J OATS (Contains 1. oSO pet . N' 0.655 1.172 11.522 I3.349 2.273 2.723 ll.Olo 11.427 0.961 6.504 £.122 41.992 4.102 97-195 0.120 0.109 0.552 0.525 0.^07 1.163 11.126 12.Sdb 2. 962 3.231 11.023 11.652 1.002 5.651 2.221 41.921 2.964 96.245 0.0'^5 0.102 0.235 0.771 0.553 l.OUl 11.766 13.360 3.1421 1.492 11.720 11.222 0.976 5.543 3.445 42.174 3.209 97-954 0.136 0.142 0 . 506 0.759 0.555 1.375 ll.lUO 13.070 2.293 1.742 11 . 566 11.474 0.951 5.942 ; 2.326 41.922 4.922 96.946 0.165 0.123 0.251 0.029 0.513 1.307 10.360 12.120 2.611 2.914 11.350 11.292 0.2P4 5.240 3.426 42.O06 3.522 96.751 0.142 0.153 0.340 0.755 0.5LL 1.29U 10.S60 12.69s 3.255 2.926 11.73s 11.554 0.276 5.223 2.727 42.622 3.704 97.503 o.i6s 0.123 0.233 0.732 Aver. 0.569 1.225 11.129 12.926 3.013 2.516 11.422 11.647 0.944 5.796 2.241 42.137 3. 260 97.100 0.132 0.127 0.664 0.746 7 ... s T u V In resi- In resi- Total To Total due fil- due fil- ni tro- nitro- 1 tered tered gen gen ac- from so- from so- lost counted 1 lution lution of for 1 of bases filtrate J.. from btises 0.363 0.024 1.699 92.294 — 0-297 0.033 2.oqq 36 . 344 1 O.OS3 0.015 1.707 99.661 0.141 0.025 2.234 99.120 0.191 0.020 1.607 9S.362 0.179 0-033 2.074 99-577 0.209 0.025 1.903 99.004 ALFALFA (Contains 2.6dS pet 0.577 1.940 l6*4bo 12.923 3.622 4.423 6.943 7.949 0.924 4.356 4.334 3S.349 3.863 93-866 2.663 Extrac- 0.999 0.609 Not 0.144 4.415 98.221 0.577 1.600 16.301 12.472 3.6902 3.512 7.104 8.064 1.062 3-655 4.959 37.681 3.059 91.264 2.335 tion 1.110 0.216 de- 0.639 4.900 96.164 0.524 1.922 17.229 19. 801 3.597 5.132 2.204 7.523 0.926 3-782 4.002 37.312 1.196 91.541 2.930 not 1.274 O.3OI term- 0.604 5.109 96.650 0.522 1.264 16.712 19.098 3-791 4.796 7.i!04 3.446 0.991 3.931^ 4.4342 32.726 1.927 93-404 2.146 made 1.261 0.717 ined 0.311 4.501 97.905 Aver. 0.550 1.242 16.692 19.090 4.481 7.364 7.996 o.qqi 3-931 4.434 32.032 ' Aver. 0.0145 0.0466 0.4397 0.5017 0.0970 0.1178 0.1935 0.2101 0.0260 0.1033 ^ Corrected for solubility of the bases y The wr iter is indebted chiefly to Nao Uyei, assistant chemist; for the following analyses of corn The vvTiter is indebted to W. B. Nevens for the following an^.lyses of cotton- seed meal. ■ _p IA3LE II. DISTRIBUTIO:; OF THE NITROGEN OF OATS, COEN, COTTONSEED .'.SAL AND ALFALFA (Expressed as Percentage of Feedings tnff) G H H Solu- tle in ether Korjrotein SolU' tie in alco- ol Nitrogen In fil trate from colloid- al iron Total nonpro- tein nitro- gen Insol' uble hum in nitro- jrogen gen Solu- ble hu- r.in nit- Aoid amide nitro- nitro- nitro Results of the Van SI yVa Arfl.lysis gen^ Total non- protein + results of Van Slyke analysis N in res- idue after treatment vith strong NaOH O.CllO O.OIQ7 0.1936 0.2242 0.0432 0.0467 O.I85O 0.1919 0.0161 0.1092 0.0366 0.7054 O.O69O 1.632s 0.0020 0.0018 0.0094 0.0088 1 0.0100 0.0195 0.18o9 0.2164 0.0498 0.0542 O.I862 0.1957 0.0169 0.0949 0.0474 0.7052 0,0498 1.6169 0.0009 0.0018 0.0140 0.0130 ' 0.0093 0.0175 0.1977 0.2244 0.0584 0.0251 0.1979 0.1997 0.0164 0.0931 0.0578 O.7O85 0.0640 1.6456 0.0023 0.0025 0.0095 0.0128 1 0.0093 0.0231 0.1372 0.2195 0.0486 0.0293 0.1943 0.1927 0.0159 0,0998 0.0400 0.7044 O.OS'^S 1.6287 0.0028 0.0021 0.0143 o.oi‘=6 ’ 0.0080 0.0220 0.1740 0.2046 0.0438 0.0439 0.1906 0.1997 0.0150 0.0981 0.0575 0.7067 0.0602 1.6255 O.OO25 0.0026 0.0057 0.0127 ' 0.0091 0.0217 0.1624 0.2133 0.0546 0.0491 0.1972 0.1941 0,0147 0.0887 0.0468 0.7071 0.06^2 1.6380 0.0028 0.0021 0.0140 0.0124 1 Aver. 0.0096 0.0206 O.I87O 0.2170 0.0506 0.0422 0.1913 0.1956 0.0158 0.0973 0.0477 0.7079 0.0648 1.6312 0.0022 0.0021 0,0112 0.0125 OATS (Contains l.bbO pet. N) In alc- ohol ppt. of hot '• ' ^ Ki r.l ''tfA i--’; 'T.e^ .in H: t \ f .Ti-'. ' .I'M iiv . ... (:i ' ; i r :S f* .A? 'ii/iM ■f fi J . i4 'ri I'-vs . , ; *,.■:■ {»^r . .■„■/•■ *;*.'■ ■ /J V ■ /, V..' /■ . . . 1 V i, j ii.:v’j,s ^ T .:• f 1 ^, , i »■ v ,y ;. ■I'jf 7,h Si- V - ’,wj' V V • ' • *v» •‘“W ¥ ■ '■ . \ « . j * ' ’ 1^* V ,; £'■’ •'■ *\> 'V/ti 4- 4 ■ ' v‘ • * "' - ’•■; -s ". .>:• r,; .'2;> ,-i^ ;^j ■■' , , • - ,■ < ' »fk.. r.’ •‘' *-. V • ' ,' ' . '*«. r-^ !l i •; .’ fti' \ ■ ' ■•■' i ■"J ■■ ♦ .'■■ ♦' -f ■*.»■.> ■ i 'W'r-'- y} y 'U ».'■ •■ ¥■ ■ ■?•/-:. vv. ,. -I ■ .■ ' , *' 'v ‘ ' J ■ 'Wl'*'"'': jra ■> •:< • kJ ,. S*-'4 ' ■' ' ’. I '■ J*T» T'X' M I ' , . y* ' ■* ■' \ ' , I * »‘ ^ . ' ... • '.i • V*-»v vi : h ’i,’^^ ' ■.i .';''',n. V ■'.'i m. TABLE III. - G0:,1PAEIS0N OF RESULTS WITH THOSE OF PREVIOUS IHVESTIGATORS (Results expressed as percentage of total nitrogen) ■^IbT -OOSS’B pu-0 iCsip 'T.lp I eiq-Gj, uiojj; TIB I TOE 5 lbT se^BT -OOSSB pUB I raoj^ TIBI TOE ^Ibl BBYSX -OOSSB pUB iCsipuTai) I tnojji n.BiTOE 5 lcl seqBt -OOSSB piTB iCoXpuiap I STOBJ, U!0 n. Ph < Pi W CO o o o s o o CO EH -oo- =}• (S'< O O -=J O VI O" i — > O o -=T .-H O I — O U'l i'-O I— -U- J O "!y r-i Y) O '£> O ex' r-H U ^ J- fH^ O (T- O' -=t o LPi U > X) '-O I'- VJ 'VD O O O lU O r-l ' o ^ rH O '-o I-— I'- -=!■ f — ^ .r\j O'' O U 1— o -=1' '■O ,vj u^. -=T vD ■O O' Li ^ 'O -U LOv 1^ — 'O C\J I ^ i'~ lI'>vO -4" X) ^ I • • ••••••!• O i — 0 ^ O -=t \J LT\ I f-H <-4 I O O' v6 cr. rH O rH i-H 3 O O'. 35 cr NX 3- NX i'- O' rH 3 ^ rH ax ax 3 -rO C5X vO CO o r*H I-— 3' Q 3 O 3 o ax NX cr ox NX o crx.o ox NX cr o XO o rH O 3 axvX) o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ox ox 3 . — V O 3 3 O cr . O r— f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cr- fH'y.' U'> ■ 0> X) O l^'^O I' LTtrH -U r- u CTN X) cvj roi-t oj I r-l LTi, COi r— I o ^ ^ K>0 O C\J IT'* r\J O'. Lf O 50 CVJ S'— '-U KX i-H CO OX rH CO rH -:d- rvj '^O I' rH ■o rH "X) ox O' iH ,\J CQ 'O O ox O' 1 Kx o \ Br -3- ax o -H' c\j i I OJ rH -3 o O fHX rH I tH .H J- rH I 3 " vD O' '-O -3 xj '-D f\l cx rvj o I O o. 3 hh ^X -3 r— ox I I NX O'. rH rH -3 KX rH rr- » r-H rH UX I KX O NX OX -3 o -3 3 - VX> I'- -3 NXO aXvD ox ro !X) IH CO OX 3 rH O' rH OX rH O irx Al NXO rH rH rH I — i o o cr. O' W 05 0) R; ca rO o 0 ) L rO p rH a Vi Tv o • •H p O 'H +3 I — 1 rH r-l o • •rl O P o •rJ +> (0 o r-H a rH 3 XI •H o H3 ■+H rH u (0 3 rH e O I— » C*! ^ Average of ci analyses; results expressed as per- centage of total nitrogen of the protein prep- aration. ^0 Average of 4 analyses; results expressed as per- centage of total nitrogen of the alfalfa. ‘ Dowell and llenaul rfiake the ststement: "We Imve taken advantage of the fact that all proteins are soluble in basic solutions to separs.te them from the other subste.nces in foods and feeds which make it impracticable to apply the Van Slyke method to determine the nitrogen distribution." While the precip- itated proteins in case of pecans and peanuts represented a slightly larger per- centage of the total nitrogen of the food stuff, the proteins precipitated from the alkali extract of alfalfa represented less than 40 psr cent, of the total nitrogen of the alfalfa. Evidently a considerable fraction of the proteins of these vegetable naterials are net soluble in basic solvents. Yet these authors conclude that "the extractions of the proteins v.uth dilute alkaline solutions may enable us to obtain the araino-acid composition of foods and feeds by means of the Van Slyke method." With such large percentages of the nitrogen of a food or feed remaining in the unauialyzed residue, the significance of the re- sults obtained on the extracted proteins may be seriously questioned and it is doubtful whetner the proteins of feeds may be quantitatively separated from the other constituents by any such simple procedure as this. - 7 ^- VIII. SU!.:, 1 AEY AND CONCLUSIONS 1 . A ruethod has been developed for treating a sample of feed so that the proteins which it contained are obtained in solutions sufficiently free from interfering substances so that the Van Slyke method for the determination of cer- tain amirh-acids in purs proteins may be applied. c. The completeness vath v;hich this treatment removes the nitrogen from the finely ground feed v/as, as shovm by the avera.ges, per cent, of the oats, 99 *^o 4 poi* cent, of the corn, 99*570 per cent, of the cottonseed meal, and 97 * 4 o 1 per cent, of the alfa.lfa. 3. The objectionable parts of previous procedures for the applica- tion of the Van Slyke method to the determirjation of amino-acids of feeds have been obviated coinplstely or at laast greatly reduced by the following features of the method used in this work: (aj The nonprotsin nitrogenous constituents are removed by extractions v/ith absolute ether, cold absolute alcohol and cold 1.0 per cent, tricliloracetic ^ I acid. (b) The starch is removed by a hot 2.0 per cent, trichloracetic acid extra ction. (c) The fiber is not present during the hydrolysis of the proteins. 4. The amino-acid contents of oats, corn, cottonseed mee.l, and al- falfa, as determined by the Van Slyke Method, a-re reported. 5. By further application of available methods for the estimation of other amino-acids to hydrolyzed protein solutions, prepared in a manner similar to that described for this work, it may be possible to obtain further important knowledge concerning the nutritive value of the proteins of foods and feeds. . .... . j^j ,v.’-' 4*-’* ■ ■ ’ ■ r-:^. 'w:m i !^<^.,l^':ijSfi|(Mr>^^ •■»«-•■ » ^ ■ «r>^SiaBP^.R-'- ^ .•■ , .:.■ '.-. . ■ • >. % :^^L' ..:v V*:™ » JL y .. » ••. V ' -V . > -. ■ 1 »«/ ‘ .. I •■ , :„ t- . ;? , C,,>— .,: , Jfv -Vi,-.* ,->i.-. >.. .’ ■ -Mi* W- k]^. >'-^m\. h iKi- •V' " '^." /^ ■ ■■' \^M M j-,,. >;i- SiilEsnt: in^ V...* ..'iafi’if ■■ -r .rViiMi ''■4(&' : ; 4;, ilJ'? (i.'.'.JtJi'*^ " '•v^ ' ..Alii..*’ V-.' - 73 - IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) Osborne, T. B., The Vegetable Proteins, 1909, 13* (H) Osborne, T. B. and Mendel, L. B., J. Biol. Chear ., 1914, xviii, 1. (3) Miller, H. G., J. Aiu. Chem. Soc .. 1921, xliii, OOo. (4) Dowell, C. T. and Menaul, P., J. Biol. 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