mount gerizim The One True Sanctuary By JACOB, SON OF AARON HIGH PRIEST OF THE SAMARITANS TRANSLATED BY ABDULLAH BEN KORI PROFESSOR IN PACIFIC UNIVERSITY FOREST GROVE, OREGON EDITED BY WILLIAM E. BARTON, D.D. CONCERNING SAMARITAN MANUSCRIPTS. The Samaritan priests, appreciating the interest of American and European Christians, are now willing to sell to them accurate modern copies of the ancient books of the Samaritan religion. I think it well, however, to warn intending purchasers, that not all the copies offered for sale, even in Nablus, are accurate. Some people of little learning, relying on the ignorance of tourists, have made garbled copies of our Torah, and sold them to tourists or correspondents. Manuscripts pur- chased at our Synagogue, from myself or my sons, will be certified as complete and correct. Several recent purchasers have sent their man- uscripts to me for inspection, and I have been sorry not to be able to certify to their correctness. It grieves us to have our Law incorrectly copied. I request my friend, Dr. Barton, to make this statement to intending purchasers. We desire that such copies of our sacred books as go forth into Christian libraries shall be accurate. Any manuscript purchased in our Synagogue, and bearing my seal, is genuine and complete. Jacob, Son of Aaron, High Priest of the Samaritans. Samaritan Synagogue, Nablus, Palestine. iUnrntt (Smztm, the (0tte ®nte Sanctuary BY JACOB, SON OF AARON HIGH PRIEST OF THE SAMARITANS TRANSLATED FROM THE ARABIC BY PROFESSOR ABDULLAH BEN KORI Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon EDITED BY REV. WILLIAM E. BARTON, D.D. OAK PARK, ILLINOIS BY THE COURTESY OF THE EDITOR Reprinted from the Bibliotheca Sacra for July, 1907 OAK PARK, ILLINOIS THE PURITAN PRESS . . ■ which he went. With all that, the holy Torah did not mention any stopping-place or the visiting of any place by our lord Abraham (upon whom be peace) while on his distant journey, except his destination, the place of Nablus, the plain and the mountain confronting it : for they were his sought object, and through them was ful- filled what was promised to our lord Abraham ( upon whom be peace) of blessings from his Abundance (may he be exalted). Thus it is affirmed that Nablus is a chosen place, and its mountain is a chosen place ; it is the mountain of blessing, as it is so explained, and told according to the plain statement of our lord Moses (upon whom be peace) ; for its name is given as Beth-el. GERIZIM IS THE PLACE OF THE SACRIFICE OF ISAAC. The second argument for affirming that, it is the chosen place of worship to God from eternity is that the holy men went to 12 Mount Gerizim. it, and worshiped God upon it, and made pilgrimage to it, and recognized it well. Most notable is the account given as to the trial of our lord Abraham (upon whom be peace) when God (may he be exalted) required the sacrifice of Isaac (upon whom be peace), which is plainly given in Genesis xxii. Therein it is said : “ After these words God tried Abraham and spoke to Abraham, and he answered : Behold, here I am. And God said, Take thy son, thy only son, whom thou lovest, Isaac, and go to that land, the Moreh, and offer him as an offering, upon one of the mountains which I will tell you.” Our lord Abraham (upon him be peace) obeyed the order given him, and rose up early, and took his son, our lord Isaac (upon him be peace), and took with him wood for the offer- ing, and took a knife with him, and also his servants ; and moved in the direction of the place as it is indicated in the chapter mentioned. He saw the place to be very distant, and departed in that direction — to the land of Moreh, after he had gone a distance of three days. Now what is meant by the land of Moreh is where he stopped. It is the land of the plain of Moreh by Nablus, and this must have been the place where God (may he be exalted) conlmanded him to go. Then our lord Abraham (upon him be peace) looked out to that mount- ain from afar, and knew positively it was the mountain of Gerizim ; for, on account of its fame and height, one can see it from afar. The distance proves also that : our lord Abraham (upon whom be peace), when the revelation was given him, was living in the Bir of the Sabi (Beer-sheba), and that is the exact distance between that place and Mount Gerizim ; for if a man would depart early from the Bir of the Sabi, he would not arrive at that mountain except upon the third day . 1 This is clearly not at all true to the place claimed by the Jews as 1 On this point, see article “ Moriah,” by Dr. Driver, in Hastings’s Dictionary of the Bible. Mount Gerizim. 13 that of the sacrifice, for it cannot be seen even at a distance of half a day, not to mention three days. In due tim It is, also, Mount Gerizim. 29 hinted at as the dwelling of God (may he be exalted) where- upon the name of God (may he be exalted) must be uttered. Compare “ In the place where my name is pronounced, there I shall be, and I shall bless thee.” 8. The eighth name is “ beth-yhwh.” This is the very name of the Highest. Compare Exodus xxiii. 19 : The firstlings of thy land shalt thou bring to the house of the Lord [Beth-YHWH] thy God.” It is the place of offerings of tithes, firstlings, sacrifices and presents, and of everything that belongs to God (may he be exalted), according to his com- mand. And as there is no companion to the Owner of the name YHWH, so there is among all the. mountains none like this mountain. 9. The ninth name is “the beautiful mountain. Com- pare Deut. iii. 25, where our lord Moses (upon whom be peace)- designated so in his prayer that he may enter the holy land in order to see the beautiful mountain : “ Let me go be- yond to the good land, which is across the Jordan, that beauti- ful mountain and Lebanon.” He meant by “ that beautiful mountain ” Mount Gerizim ; he was praying in its direction as he called it so. The reason of thus surnaming it is found in the fact that God (may he be exalted) had commanded that everything good should be offered upon it, beginning from Abel (see Gen. iv. 4) : “And Abel offered, also, of the first- lings of his sheep and of its fat ones.” This mountain offering corresponds with the written traditions kept by this people. God (may he be exalted) commanded it, namely, that every- thing good and holy should be offered him upon this mountain. We find the following in Deuteronomy xii. 11 : “To the place which the Lord your God shall choose from your tribes to cause his name to dwell there, ye shall bring thither what I am 30 Mount Gerizim. commanding’ you as far as “ and the bvst of the vows ye vow to God.” 10. The tenth name is the chosen place,” as in verse 5 of the same chapter, and in many other passages. 11. The eleventh name is “the highest in the world.” So called it our two great lords, our lord Jacob and our lord Moses (upon them be peace), in the blessing they gave Joseph (upon whom be peace). The words of our lord Jacob (upon whom be peace) are as lollows : He said in the blessing, “ The blessing of thy father and of thy mother have prevailed upon the blessing of the mountains.” Again, “ Even to the bound of the highest in the world ” shall be to the chief Joseph (up- on whom be peace). Our lord Moses (upon whom be peace) spoke in blessing Joseph (upon whom be peace) as follows-. “ Fr^m the best things of the ancient mountain and the best things of the highest in the world.” Hie. mleant that this mountain is the highest of the earth’s mountains in point of ex- cellency and altitude. 12. The twelfth name is “the first of mountains,” situ- ated within the boundaries of the best of the tribes. Compare what God (may he be exalted) said about it to our lord Abraham (upon whom be peace) : “Upon the best, or first, of mountains, which I will tell you.” This was when God (may he be exalted) was trying his allegiance by commanding him to offer his son Isaac (upon whom be peace), as in Genesis xxii. 2 : “ Take thy son, thy only son, whom; thou lovest, Isaac, and bring him to the land of Moreh and offer him as an offering upon the first of mountains, which I will tell you.” 13. The thirteenth name is “ god is seen.” It was given by our lords Abraham and Moses (upon them be peace). Com- pare Genesis xxii. 14. Mount Gefizim. 31 14. The fourteenth name is “ the mountain of the in- heritance of the shekinah ” for our lord Moses ( upon whom be peace) said: “In the mountain of thy inheritance, the place of thy dwelling,” as we have previously explained in this chapter. Both the Samaritan and Jewish copies agree that our lord Joshua (upon whom be peace), before his death, gathered all Israel, and they stood in the presence of God in the. taber- nacle, as we read in the Jewish book of Joshua (chapter xxiv.). He made there a covenant with them that should remain faithful to the keeping of the law, given through our lord Moses, the son of Amram (upon whom be peace). Just after that it is said, “ And he made them a statute and an ordinance in Shechem,” the city now known as Nablus. That was im- mediately before his death. To prove what we have said, let it be known that Nablus was the capital of the kingdom of Israel, and one of its mountains was Mount Gerizim, whereupon, during the life of our lord Joshua (upon whom be peace), the tabernacle was erected. Another proof is that all those who served in the tabernacle, namely, Eleazer, Phinehas, Ithamar, Shisha, Bahka, and Uzza and the seventy elders, who prophesied from the gift of our lord Moses (upon whom be peacd), all of these were ordered to be buried opposite the aforesaid mountain, and so it was done. They were buried opposite the noble mountain in Amarta, after they had spent their age in serv- ing in the tabernacle. Their graves are still known to both Samaritans and Jews unto this day. If, according to the fancy of the Jews, the tabernacle had been in Jebesh, 'these great priests would have been buried there. One sees their graves — all directed towards this mountain. 3 0112 073 52867 32 Mount Gerizim. Thus do the Samaritans prove their sanctuary the true place of prayer, appealing not to their own traditions only, but to the testimony of priests whom the Jews also honor, whose graves, now with us and undisputed, bear their own eloquent testimony to the truth which we profess; for those graves point, as we pray, toward the Holy Mountain, where we still worship the God of our fathers. Let me conclude this chapter by saying : This is the creed of the Samaritans and their belief in this mountain. They offer their sacrifices upon it, and perform upon it all that is necessary for their sanctification, in accordance with Deut. xxxiii. 18 - 19 . They argue that the prophet-leader, who shall lead the world, will surely appear. He will bring up again the Shekinah upon the aforesaid mountain, in the second king- dom, when God shall look with favor upon his people and shall forgive them. O God; direct us to thy pleasure, and confirm us in TEIE BEST FAITH THROUGH ' THE INTERMEDIATION OF OUR LORD AND PROPHET MOSES, THE SON OF AMRAM ! This chapter is what a tired mind and a weak in- telligence COULD ATTAIN WITHIN THE LIMITS OF BRIEFNESS. And God knows best. Jacob, Son of Aaron, High Priest of the Samaritans at Shechem.