fmo sniuiNCS Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library THE NATIONAL ART GALLERY OF N.S.W. Rational ^allrrn of E.§4B HiitistratfO Citato 5tir SYDNEY, 1917 (2nd Edition, July, 1918) Printed and Published by the Authority of THE Trustees SVDNEY : W. A. GULUCK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER NATIONAL ART GALLERY, Appointed. January, 1876,.. „ 1876... March, June, 1876... 1876.. . 1877.. . 1881... 1885... 1885... March, 1886... January, 1889... „ 1889... December, 1892... March, 1899... „ 1899... December, 1899... March, 1900... „ 1900... October, 1901... July, 1908... FORMER TRUSTEES. Sir Alfred Stephen, C.B., G.C.M.G. E. L. Montefiore E. Du Faur, F.R.G.S. /t, J. H. Thomas Hon. H. C. Dangar, M.L.C. ... Hon. Ed. Combes, C.M.G. ... Sir P. A. Jennings, K.C.M.G. Josiah Mullins, F.R.G.S. Hon. W. J. Trickett, M.L.C. ... B. R. Wise, K.C J. R. Ashton Sir Geo. Long-Innes ... Hon. Sir J. P. Abbott, K.C.M.G. Sir Julian Salomons, K.C. Hon. Sir Francis B. Suttor, M.L.C. H. E. Earl Beauchamp (Governor) Arthur Gollingridge F. N. Manning, M.D Sir Chas. Wade, K.C /First President, 1875-1889. *" /Resigned, 1889. Died, 1889. f Second President, 1889-1892. ...-^ Director, 1892-4. (^Died, 1894. /Third President, 1892. 'Vi' ... Resigned, 1887. ... Died, 1895. ... Died, 1897. /Vice-President, 1899. ‘■■/Died, 1915. f Resigned, 1899. ...-( Reappointed, 1909. Vice- President. Died, 1916. ... Seat vacant, 1908. ... Resigned, 1899. ... Died, 1896. ... Died, 1901. ... Died, 1909. ... Vice-President. Died, 1915. ... Resigned, January, 1901. ... Died, 1907. ... Died, 1903. ... Resigned, June, 1918. TRUSTEES OF THE NATIONAL ART GALLERY. JOHN SULMAN, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., President, HENRY GORMAN, Esq., Vice President. WM. LISTER LISTER, Esq., Vice President. THOMAS MARSHALL, Esq. Hon. Sir JOSEPH H. CARRUTHERS, K.C.M.G EDWARD W. KNOX, Esq. J. F. ARCHIBALD, Esq. P. H. MORTON, Esq. Hon. J. D. FITZGERALD. M.L.C. Hon. JOHN LANE MULLINS, M.L.C. LIONEL LINDSAY, Esq. HOWARD HINTON, Esq. 'I I loa.^ SsClI A THE NATIONAL ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FREE. From Oct. 1 to March 31 — From 10 a.m. to 5-30 p.m. From April 1 to Sept. 30 — 10 A M. TO 5 P.M., OR Dusk. On Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m., or Dusk. (Christmas Day and Good Friday excepted.) On all Week Days, INCLUDING Public Holidays PRESENT TRUSTEES. AlTOINTEl). S'r Jamek.,R. Fairfax, President 1876 John Sulman, F.R.I.B.A:, Vice-President ... 1899 Henry Gorman, Vice-President 1899 Wm. Lister -Lister 1900 J. St. Vincent Welch 1901 Thomas Marshall 1903 Edward W. Knox 1907 Hon. Sir Joseph H. Carruthers, K.C.M.G 1902 and 1908 J F. Archibald 1915 P. H. Morton 1915 Hon. J. D. FitzGerald, M.L.C. 1915 Hon. John Lane Mullins, M.L.C 1916 Director and Secretary : G. V. F. Mann. Students are permitted to make studies from Works of Art in the Gallery free of charge, under certain Regulations. Forms of application may be obtained at the Gallery. 'tO- /-UdbO IS OIL PAINTINGS. . — -Owing to continual re-arrangement the pictures are not hung in rotation as numbered in Catalogue. BRITISH AND FOREIGN. The Lute Player. Hon. John Collier. The Hon. John Collier was born 1850; son of late Lord Monkswell; commenced his art education under Sir E. J, Poynter, p.r.a., at the Slade Schools, London, and afterwards in Paris under J. P. Laurens, and later under Sir Alma Tadema, r.a. One of his best works, “ The Last Voyage of Henry Hudson,” was, in 1881, purchased by the ChanU’ey Bequest Trustees. He is represented in the Art Gallery of South Australia by “ The Priestess of Delphi,” and Portrait of Sir T. Powell Buxton, Bart. Purchased — 1887. Diogenes. J. w. Waterhouse, r.a. •John Williams Waterhouse was born at Rome, 1849. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools, and first exhibited at the Royal Academy, in 1874, “ Sleep and his brother Death.” Among his principal works are the “ Lady of Shalott,” “ The Emperor Honorius ” and “ Circe Invidiosa ” (in the Art Gallery of South Australia ) ; and “ Ulysses and the Syrens ” (in the National Gallery of Victoria). Elected a.r.a. in 1885, and r.a. in 1895. Died 1917. Diogenes, the celebrated Cynic philosopher — bom at Sinope B.c. 414; a disciple of Antisphenes, who was at the head of the Cynics. Diogenes adopted the principles and character of his master. Renouncing every other object of ambition, he determined to distinguish himself by his con- tempt of riches and honours, and by his indignation against luxury. He wore coarse garments, and, according to his biographers, took up his residence in a tub. At Corinth he was visited by Alexander, who, on approaching him, said, “ I am Alexander the King,” to which he coolly replied, “ And I am Diogenes the Cynic.” When asked by the monarch if he could render him any service — “ Yes,” he replied, “ by not standing between me and the sun.” Purchased — London, 1886. The Satyr’s Family. Louis Piiou. French. Louis Priou was born at Toulouse, 1845. Pupil of Gibert and Cabanel. His most important work is “ A Family of Satyrs ” in the Corcoran Gallery, Washington. His subjects are principally of sylvan life. Presented by Messrs. Wallis and Sons, London. OIL PAINTINGS— British and Foreign. 7 12 ft. X 9 ft. 7 in. No. 4. 4. Chaucer at the Court of Ford Madox Brown. King Edward III. Ford Madox Brown was born at Calais in 1821. Studied at the Bruges Academy in 1837, and later at the Antwerp Academy. Painted in Paris and Rome, and settled in London, 1845. Madox Brown belonged to the realistic school — with a tendency towards Pre-Raphaelitism — though he never claimed to have started the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. This work was begun in 1845, exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1851, and at the Great Paris Exhibition of 1855; awarded the LA^erpool pxze of £50 in 1858. In 1858 a duplicate was started by the artist and completed in 1867. This second work was presented to the Tate Galleiy in 1906. 8 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. “John of Gaunt, who was Chaucer’s patron, is represented in full armour. His son, afterwards Henry IV, holding his sword and shield, stands immediately behind Chaucer; his horse, likewise, is in the yard beneath. Edward the Black Prince, now in his fortieth year, emaciated by sickness, leans on the lap of his wife Joanna, known as the Fair Maid of Kent. There had been much opposition to their union, but the Prince ultimately had his way. To the right of the old King is Alice Perrers, a cause of some scandal at the Court. Goldsmith names her Alice Pierce ; at this distance of time the name is immaterial, the subject is the same — the stumbling block of kings and commoners from David downwards. Seated beneath are various distinctive personages. A troubadour from the south of France, half jealous, half in heart-struck admiration (this is a portrait of W. Michael Rossetti) ; a cardinal priest on good terms with the ladies ; a jester for- getting his part in rapt attention to the poet. Two dilettante courtiers learnedly criticising; the one, in face, is meant for the poet Gower, the other, in cowl, for the historian Froissart. In left-hand corner, the page represents Thomas Woodstock (fifth son of Edward III), also a patron of Chaucer, conversing with Lady de Bohun, afterwards his Duchess. Other historical figures represented are — at the feet of the Black Prince and his Princess, their son, afterwards Richard II. Behind them, the Princess Margaret, memorable for her learning and for her regard for Chaucer, and the Princess Royal. Behind Lady de Bohun, is Chaucer’s wife Philippa (with red head-dress), speaking to her sister Catherine Roet, afterwards, as a third wife. Duchess of John of Gaunt. The lady, in middle foreground, seated by the fountain is the Countess of Warwick, conversing with the cardinal. In Chaucer himself the artist has given the portrait of his early and constant friend, Gabriel Dante Rossetti. Among his most important works may be mentioned — “The Last of England,” 1855 (Birmingham Gallery), “ Chaucer at the Court of King Edward III,” “ Work,” 1863 (Manchester Gallery), “ The Entombment,” 1869, “The Trial of Wickliffe,” 1886. Madox Brown died October, 1893. Three works by this artist are among the recent additions to National Gallery of Victoria: “Baptism of Eadwin,” “ The Entombment,” and “ Haidee and Don Juan,” the first in pastel, the other two in water-colour. Purchased — London, 1877. 5. Apres le Bain. (After the Bath.) Herman Richir. Belgian. Herman Richir was bo" ^866. Studied under the Belgian Engraver, Gustave Blot, and Charh.^ -Armans; also at I’Academie Royale des Beaux Arts, Brussels, where he first exhibited in 1887. Has been honorably mentioned at the French and Principal Continental Galleries. Since 1900 has been Professor of Drawing and Painting from Nature, at I’Academie Royale des Beaux Arts, Brussels. Elected a member of the Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris, in 1903. Exhibited at “ Beaux Arts,” Paris, 1905. Purchased — Paris, 1905. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 9 6 ft. X 3 ft. 10 in. Noi 5. 6. The Sons of Clovis. E. V. LuininaLs. (“ Les Enerves des Jumieges.'’) French. Evariste -Vital Luminais was born at Nantes, 1821. Pupil of C'ogniet and Troyoji. Among his chief orks may be mentioned “ The Death of Chramm/’ “A Fair in Britta ’ “King Morvan.” He first exhibited at the Salon in 1843. Died, 1896. The Sons of Clovis II, King of France, having revolted against their father, were by him conquered, and, as a punishment for their crime incapacitated from movement, by having the tendons of their feet cut and afterwards burnt. They were placed upon a barge and abandoned to the current of the River Seine. After several days of suffering, they were rescued by the MonPs of the Monastery of Jumieges. Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1880. Purchased — 1886 10 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign, G ft. 2 in. X 8 ft. 10 in. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 11 7. The Scohers. Frank Brangwyn, a.r.a., r.e. Frank Brangwyn was born in Belgium, 1867; he never had any regular art training. When he arrived in London, he attracted the attention of William Morris, and was induced to join his staff of designers, but the love of adventure tempted him to ship before the mast on a small coaster — the “ Laura Ann,” — during which time he had an opportunity of studying all in connection with ships and the sea. He first exhibited at the Royal Academy when he was 18, and came into notice a few years later by his picture, the “ Burial at Sea,” exhibited at the Artists’ Association, and afterwards at the Paris Salon in 1891. In 1892 he exhibited “The Convict Ship,” which was one of the pictures of the year. Branwyng has painted a considerable number of Eastern subjects; and as a designer, colourist, and decorative artist has few equals. Elected a.r.a., 1904. The subject of this work represents Admiral Guarinos, captured by the Moors, who was brought out of his dungeon three times in every year, before the Moorish Rabblerout, “to be a sport and show.” Represented in the Art Gallery of Victoria by “ The Card Players,” and in the Art Gallery of South Australia by “ Harpooning a Whale,” and “ Coaling on the Tyne.” (The “ Scoffers ” is at present in Rome.) Exhibited, Eoyal Academy. 1896. Purchased — London, 1898. 12 OIL PAINTINGS — Beitish and Foreign, 7 ft. X 9 ft. 10 in, OIL PAINTINGS— British and Foreign. 13 8. The Anatomy Class. F. Salle. French. (Coursed* Anatomie a TEcoIe des Baux Arts a Paris.) F. Salle was educated at the French Schools. “ The Anatomy Class ” was selected for purchase by the State for the Luxembourg Gallery, but, with “ The First Born ” (No. 9), had been previously secured by the Parisian representatives of the Trustees for the National Art Gallery of New South Wales. Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1888. Purchased — Paris, 1888. 9. The First Born. Gaston la Touche. French. Gaston la Touche was born at St. Cloud, France, in 1853, and first exhibited at the Salon in 1875. “ The First Born ” (L’Accouchee) was exhibited at the Salon in 1888, to which a medal was awarded. This work was selected for purchase by the State for the Luxembourg Gallery, but had been previously secured by the Parisian representatives of the Trustees for the National Gallery of New South Wales. Died, 1913. Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1888. Purchased — Paris, 1888. 10. At the Rubbing Post. H. Bisbing. American. H. Bisbing was born in America ; painter of animal subjects and landscape. Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1887. Purchased — Paris, 1887. 11. The Judgment of Paris. Maurice Greiffenhagen. Maurice Greiffenhagen joined the Royal Academy Schools at the age of 16, and after several years’ study achieved a well-deserved reputation as a Black and White Artist. The Royal Academy Exhibition of 1890 brought him into notice as a colourist. “ The Idyll ” was purchased by the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool; awarded medals in Munich, 1897, and Dresden, 1901. The Chantrey Bequest Committee purchased liis painting, “ Woman by a Lake” in 1914. Exhibited, Royal Academy 1896. Purchased — London, 1897. u OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 12. Esther. Jean Portaels. Belgian. Jean Fran9ois Portaels was born at Brussels, 1818. Studied under Navez, and in Paris under Delaroche; won Grand Prix de Rome, 1841; and afterwards travelled through the East, Spain, and Hungary; in 1878 was director of the Brussels Academy. Died, 1895. Exhibited, Eoyal Academy, 1869 Purchased — 1881 13. Le Matin de la Noce. H. T. Hosier. (The Morning of the Marriage.) American. Henry Hosier was born in Cincinnati, and was on the Staff of Harper s Weekly during the last two years of the Civil War, after which he went to Paris and studied under E. Hebert ; he subsequently studied under Piloty, and at the Royal Academy, afterwards settling in Paris. Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1883. Purchased — Paris, 1884. 14. Outside the Fortifications of Paris. Harry Thompson. Harry Thompson was born in London. Studied under Charles Busson, in Paris. Genre and landscape painter; died, 1901. Purchased — Paris, 1890. 15. La Villageoise. Jules Goupil. French. Jules Adolphe Goupil was born in Paris, 1839; died, 1883. Genre and portrait painter. Purchased — Paris, 1894. 16. Race to Market, Tahiti. Nicholas Chevalier. Nicholas Chevalier was born at St. Petersburg, 1830, and at the age of 18 joined the Munich Academy, whence he we. t in 1851 to London ; in 1852 exhibited at the Royal Academy. After studying for two years in Italy he came to Melbourne, where he resided from 1859 to 1867, and contributed many cartoons to the Melbourne Punch. From 1865 to 1868 he explored a large part of New Zealand, and in 1869 and 1870 accompanied the Duke of Edinburgh on a visit to the South Sea Islands, Japan, China, and India, afterwards returning to London, where he died in 1902. Was one of the Selection Committee there for the purchase of works for Sydney. Purchased — 1881. 17. “ Halcyon Days by Murm’ring J. Buxton Knight, Stream.” John Buxton Knight was born 1842. First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1861. Student of the Royal Academy, 1871 ; is author of several works on etching. Died, 1908. Purchased — London, 1883. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 15 18. Home? 8 . E. Waller. ‘‘ There is no sign of Home From parapet to basement.” S. E. Waller was born in Gloucester, 1850, joined the R.A. Schools in 1869, and in 1871 first exhibited at the Royal Academy. Chief among his works may be mentioned “ The Day of Reckoning,” “ The Empty Saddle,” “ The Challenge.” Died, July, 1903. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ Jealous.” Exhibited, Boyal Academy, 1877. Purchased — London, 1890. 19. Renouncing the Vanities, by Order F. W. W. Topham, r.t. of Savonarola. “The following year (1497), by order of Savonarola, a great procession was formed, and an enormous bonfire erected in Piazza Signoria, at which were burned all the vain and unholy things the boys had collected through the city.” (Vita del P. F. Savonarola and Romola). Francis W. W. Topham was born 1838; studied at the Royal Academy, and under his father, Francis W. Topham, r.a. ; also in the Atelier Gleyre, Paris. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1881. Purchased — London, 1881. 20. The Grape Harvest in Provence. F. Montenard. French. Frederic Montenard was born in Paris, and was a pupil of Dubufe and Purvis de Chavannes, &c. Purchased — Paris, 1890. 21. Returning from the Pastures. A. Braith. Purchased — 1883. 22. The Lion, the Lizard, and the Stags. .John Brett, a. r.a. (Coast of Cornwall.) John Brett was born 1830. Marine painter; was elected a. r.a. in 1881. His work “ Britannia’s Realm ” was purchased by the Chantrey Bequest Trustees in 1880. Brett, who was a constant exhibitor at the Royal Academy, died 1902. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1889. Purchased — London, 1890. 23. Scene in Bavaria — Morning. L. Lanckow. Purchased — Sydney, 1882. 16 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 24. Scene in Bavaria — Evening. Purchased — Sydney, 1882. L. Lanckow. 25. Landscape — ^Winter. G. Koken. Transferred to Trustees by the Colonial Secretary. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 26. An Autumn Idyll. Carl Bauerle. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 27. Venice. H. Lety. Purchased — Sydney, 1903. 28. Bideford Sands. F. Bourdillon. The incident is the duel scene, from Kingsley’s “ Westward Ho,” which took place on Bideford Sands in the early morning, on a mid -summer day, between Mr. William Cary and Don Guzman de Soto, Sir Richard Grenville and Mr. Arthur St. Leger. Sir Richard Grenville is depicted at the moment when he exclaims, “ If you stir, Mr. Cary, you have to do with Richard Grenville.” (Sir Richard Grenville was the admiral who fought the whole of the Spanish fleet with his ship, the “ Revenge.”) Exhibited Royal Academy, 1889. Purchased — London, 1890. 29. The Weald of Kent. Geo. Cole. George Cole, father of Vicat Cole, r.a., was born 1808 — self taught. Cole first exhibited his works in London in 1838, and was a constant exhibitor in England up till 1883 — the year of his death. Elected a member of the Society of British Artists in 1850, and after- wards became vice-president. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ Harvest Waggon.” Purchased — Melbourne, 1877. 30. The Bribe. Purchased — Sydney^ 1896. A. Burrington. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 17 31. England. H. Brittan Willis, r.w.s. Henry Brittan Willis was born 1810. Studied under his father; went to America, and returned to London, 1843. He was a member of the Society of Painters in Water Colours. Exhibited at the Royal Academy till 1887. Died, 1884. Exhibited, Eoyal Academy, 1877. Purchased — London, 1884. 32. Carse o’ Gowrie — Perthshire. E. Hargitt, r.t. Edward Hargitt was born 1835. Studied at the Edinburgh School of Design. His subjects were principally among the Scottish moors and highlands. Died, 1895. Purchased — 1880. 33. East African Leopards. J. M. Swan, r.a. John Macallan Swan was born 1847. Studied at Lambeth, the Royal Academy, and at Paris with Gerome, Bastien -Lepage, and Bouveret. J. M. Swan first came into notice in 1889 with the “ Prodigal Son,” exhibited at the Royal Academy, and purchased by the Chantrey Bequest Trustees. As an animal painter Mr. Swan was alone in the British School. He was also an eminent sculptor, having studied sculpture under Eremiet, Paris : elected a.r.a. in 1894, and r.a., 1905. Is represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ African Panthers.” Died, 1910. This work was exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1896. Purchased — London, 1898. 34. Homewards. Bertram Priestman. Bertram Priestman was born in 1868, and from 1883 to 1886 studied under Edwin Moore after which he went sketching through Italy, Egypt, and Palestine. In 1888 he joined the Slade School, and afterwards worked with W. Lewellyn ; exhibited for the first time in London at the Grosvenor Gallery in 1889, and has exhibited at the Royal Academy since 1896. Purchased — London, 1900. 35. H. W. Pickersgill, r.a. H. W. Pickersgill, r.a. Henry William Pickersgill was bom 1782. Studied under George Arnold, and at the Royal Academy in 1805. Portrait painter. Elected A.R.A. in 1822, and r.a. in 1826. Librarian of the Royal Academy in 1856. Died, 1875. Presented by Mr. Christopher Newton. 36. Mrs. Pickersgill. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. Purchased — 1888. B 18 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 37. The Tower of Justice- >ain. -The Alhambra, Sp^ F. Poussart. French. The Alhambra was the ancient fortress and palace of the Moorish kings of Granada, situated on a hill to the north of the city of Granada. Its extent was such that it was capable of containing an army of 40,000 men within its precincts. (In the Water Colour Court will be found a general view of the whole palace.) The Alhambra was completed in about a.d. 1314; and, with the city it dominated, was the seat of regal power, and the abode of the arts, science, and literature of the time of the expulsion of the Moors from Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492. Subsequently it was occasionally in- habited by the Castilian monarchs, and the Emperor Charles V commenced another palace within its walls, which has remained unfinished to the present day, and only too conspicuous from its incongruity with its sur- roundings. (The present painting fully illustrates this.) The exterior of the Alhambra, in its majestic simplicity and the absence of all ornamenta- tion, would lead no one to suspect the exquisite beauty and glories of its internal decoration ; these must be seen to be realised. (Two drawings in the Water Colour Court, by H. Stanier, the British Vice Consul at Granada, and fac -simile reproductions in stucco — in Basement Court — illustrate small portions of decorations which extend throughout the whole palace.) Purchased — 1889. 38. Visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon. Sir E. J. Poynter, p.r.a. Sir Edward John Poynter was born in Paris, 1836. Studied at Leigh’s Academy with W. C. T. Dobson, R.A., and Royal Academy Schools, between 1856 to 1859 in Paris under M. Gleyre. In 1860 he returned to London, and, in 1875, was chosen director of the Art Schools at South Kensington Museum. Sir E. J. Poynter was elected a.r.a. in 1869, and r.a, in 1876; and President of the Royal Academy in 1896, in succession to Sir John E. Millais, Bart. This work was selected by the artist as the one by which he wished to be represented at the Mansion House one -picture exhibition, by living artists, in 1900. At the request of the Lord Mayor of London it was forwarded home for that purpose by the Trustees. 39. The Burgomaster. Eleanor Bell. Eleanor Bell studied at the Munich Academy under Joseph Fliigen, and resided for some years in Melbourne. Purchased — Sydney, 1885. ,\T ” OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 20 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 40. Edinburgh, from Calton Hill. David Koberts, r.a. David Roberts was bom near Edinburgh, 1796. Self-taught; appren- ticed to a house painter. In 1820 he was employed in scene painting at Glasgow and Edinburgh, and in 1822 at Drury Lane Theatre, London. In 1820 he first exhibited at the Edinburgh Exhibition, and in London, 1824 — exhibiting nearly 200 landscapes and architectural works at various exhibitions, up to the year of his death in 1864. Roberts was President of the Society of British Artists in 1824, elected an a.r.a in 1839, and r.a. in 1841. The view of the city is from Calton Hill, which overlooks the whole town, taking in the Burns memorial, Scott’s monument, the Academy buildings, the castle, Princes-street, the bridge, and a portion of the old town, the many-storied houses of which make a prominent feature in the picture. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1858, Purchased — London, 1890. 41. Virginia di Monte San Georgio, Prof. Giov. Costa. Perugia. Italian. Giovanni Costa was born in Italy. Landscape and portrait painter. Exhibits principally at the Grosvenor Gallery. Purchased — Paris, 1894. 42. The Pool, London. Ernest Dade. Purchased — Sydney, 1891. 43. Streatley, on Thames. A. A. Glendinning. Purchased — Sydney, 1890. 44. Fishing Settlement, Ldfoten Islands, Norway. Adelsteen Normann was born in Norway, 1848. dorf Academy under Diicker. Purchased — Sydney, 1891. A. Norman. Norwegian. Studied at the Diissel- 45. Desolation — ^Poman Campagna. Karl Heffner. The Temple of Jupiter, Castle and Ruins of Ostia. The subject is of historical interest. The Castle in which Caesar Borgia was imprisoned in 1513 was built by San gallo, under the direction of Cardinal d’Estonteville, Pope Julius II, and the Cardinal Archbishop of Ostia. Purchased — Sydney, 1885. OIL PAINTINGS— British anx> Poreign. 21 46. A Hampshire Waste. H. Wilkinson. Purchased — Anglo -Australian Society, 1889. 47. A Herring Fishery. W. L. Wyllie, r.a. William Lionel Wyllie was born 1851. First studied at Heatherley’s, and later at the Royal Academy Schools — where he gained the Turner Gold Medal in 1869. Wyllie’s subjects are principally marine. His pictures — “ Toil, Glitter, Grime, and Wealth,” and the “ Battle of the Nile ” (1883 and 1899) — were purchased by the Chantrey Bequest Trustees. He was elected a. r.a. in 1889 and r.a. in 1909, and is also a member of the Royal Society of Painter Etchers. Wyllie is represented in the Art Galleries of South Australia and Queensland by “ Our River,” and “ The Departure of the Guards.” Purchased — London, 1881. 48. Shrimpers (St. Michael’s, Normandy). E. Wm. Cooke, r.a. Edward William Cooke was born 1811. Marine painter. Elected A. R.A. in 1851, and r.a. 1864. Cooke’s works represent varied scenes from all parts of the world; and since 1851 the works of no other modern marine painter have produced higher prices. Died, 1880. Painted, 1842. Purchased — 1887. 49. Meditation. F. Heilbuth. Purchased — London, 1890. 50. Near Macagno, Lago di Maggiore. Jas. B. Pyne, r.b.a. James Baker Pyne was born at Bristol, 1800. Self-taught. Exhibited in London between 1828 and 1870. Vice-president of the Society of British Artists, 1850. Died, 1870. Purchased — 187 6. 51. Summer in English West. J. w. North, a.r.a., r.w.s. J. W. North was born in 1842, friend and fellow-worker with the late Fred. Walker; is said to have founded the “Walker” School of Painting. Was elected a.r.a. in 1893. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ An English Summer Day.” Purchased — London, 1900. 52. A Salmon Pool, Connemarra. B. C. Watkins, r.h.a. B. C. Watkins was a member of the Royal Hibernian Academy. Died, 1891. Presented by Mr. F. H. Dangar. 53. Vetheuil — View on the Seine. Purchased — Paris, 1890 C. Dufour. French. 22 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 54. Shall I ? F. D. Millet. American. Francis D. Millet was born in America, 1846. Studied at the Royal Academy, Antwerp, under Van Lerius and De Keyser. Elected a.n.a. in 1882, and n.a. 1885. Lost in the “Titanic.” Purchased. — London, 1900. 56 . An Interior. H. Volkenburg. Purchased — Sydney, 1889. 56. Lesbia. J. Sant, r.a. Purchased in 1881 by the Trustees out of a sum of £1,000 be- queathed to them by the late Mr. Chas. D. Smith, of Sydney. James Sant was born, 1820. Pupil of John Varley, and joined the Academy Schools in 1840. Elected a, r.a. in 1861, and r.a. in 1871. In 1872 he was appointed Principal Painter in Ordinary to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, and painted protraits of Her late Majesty and of many of the Royal Family. Died, 1916. No. 57. 4 ft. 2 in. X 6 ft. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 23 57. The Gordon Riots. Seymour Lucas, r.a. An episode during the Gordon “ No Popery Riots,” in London, 1780. “ In various quarters parties of soldiers were firing upon the mob, and the fire was sometimes returned — people were seen removing their goods in haste and alarm from the numerous houses, which had been set on fire ; the streets resounded with the groans and yells of the wounded and the drunken. Nearly 500 persons were killed or wounded.” — Hume. A bill having been passed in 1778 by the legislature for the relief of Roman Catholics from certain penalties, a Protestant Association of London was formed for the purpose of procuring its repeal — of which Lord George Gordon was president. On the 2nd June, 1780, he headed a vast and excited mob of 50,000 persons, whom he decked with blue cockades, and marched from St. George’s Fields to the House of Commons to present a petition for the repeal of the measure. Dreadful riots ensued— which lasted five days — during which many Catholic Chapels, Newgate Prison, the mansion of the Chief Justice, and other places were destroyed. The troops were ordered out by the King, when 210 of the rioters were killed, 248 wounded, and 135 arrested, of whom twenty-one were executed. Property to the value of £180,000 was destroyed. Lord George was himself tried for high treason, but got off on the “ absence of treason- able design.” Exhibited, Koyal Academy, 1879. Purchased — Melbourne, 1880. 58. The Armada in Sight. Seymour Lucas, R.A. Purchased by the Trustees out of a sum of £1,000 bequeathed to them by the late Mr. Chas. D. Smith, of Sydney. “ It was on the 19th of July, 1588, that Fleming sailed into Plymouth and announced that he had seen the Spanish fleet off the Lizard. The intelligence was communicated to Drake when he and some of his officers were amusing themselves with bowls on the Hoe. It caused a lively sensation, and a great manifestation of alacrity to put to sea, which Drake laughingly checked by declaring that the match should be played out, as there was plenty of time to win the game and beat the Spaniards too.” John Seymour Lucas was born, 1849. Studied under his father — John Lucas, an engraver and portrait painter. Afterwards joined the Academy Schools, and first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1870. In 1877 he painted “Intercepted Despatches,” and in 1879 “The Gordon Riots ” — which works brought him into notice. Seymour Lucas spent some time in Madrid, studying technique in the Galleries of Spain. His “ After Culloden ” was purchased by the Chantrey Bequest Trustees in 1884. He was elected a.e.a. in 1886, and r.a. 1898. Exhibited, Eoyal Academy, 1879. Purchased — 1880. 59. '' Train up a Child in the Way he E. Douglas. Should Go.” Exhibited, Koyal Academy, 1889. Purchased— Anglo-Australian Society, 1892. OIL PAINTINGS— British and Foreign. 60. Horse, Caparisoned. I. Pils. Isidore Pils was born at Paris, 1815. Died, 1875. Studied under Picot at I’Ecole des Beaux Arts, where he won the Prix de Rome, 1838. Presented by Mr. Edward L. Montefiore, Paris. 61. In the Essex Lanes, Walthamstowe. G. Whitley. Purchased — Sydney, 1881. 62. A Moorish Courtyard. Guerra, Spanish. Purchased — Sydney, 1881. 63. Jetsam and Flotsam. J. C. Hook, r.a. James Clarke Hook was born 1819. Joined the Royal Academy Schools in 1836. First exhibited in 1839, and won, in 1846, the “ Travelling Scholarship.” He afterwards went to Italy, and painted principally Italian subjects. In 1854 began his series of “ English Pastorals,” which brought him fame. He was elected a.r.a. in 1850, and R.a. 1860. Died, 1907. Purchased — London, 1891. 64. Street Scene, Cairo. J. Webb. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ Rotterdam,” and in Art Gallery of South Australia by “ Off Dordt, Holland.” Purchased — 1881. 65. The Garden by the Hiver. Yeend King, r.b.a., v.p.r.i. Yeend King was born 1860. Studied in Paris under M. Bonnat and M. Cormon. His first English landscape was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1879, where he has been a constant exhibitor to the present time. This work was exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1897. Purchased — London, 1898. 66. Essex Oyster Fishers. Sir E. A. Waterlow, r.a., p.r.w.s. Sir E. A. Waterlow was born 1850. Studied in London, Germany, and Switzerland. First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1872, and in 1873 won the Royal Academy Gold Medal for Landscape. In 1887 the Chantrey Trustees purchased his “ Galway Gossips.” He has been a constant exhibitor at the Royal Academy, being elected an a.r.a. in 1890 and R.A. in 1903; and is President of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours; received the honour of knighthood in 1902. Represented in Art Gallery of South Australia by “ Storm Blown ” and “ Hemingford Mill.” Purchased — Melbourne, 1890. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 25 67. A Sailor’s Yarn. H. S. Tuke, a.r.a. Henry Scott Tuke was born 1858. Studied at the Slade Schools under Sir E. J. Poynter, and later under Professor Legros; subsequently, in Paris under J. P. Laurens and others. Tuke was one of the original members of the “ New English Art Club.” Two of his works have been purchased by the Chantrey Bequest Trustees, viz., “ All Hands to the Pumps ” and his Royal Academy picture of 1894 — “ August Blue.” Tuke first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1879, and was elected a.r.a. in 1900. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1887. Purchased — Anglo-Australian Society, 1889 5 ft. 9 in. X 5 ft. 8 in. No.[68; 68. The Snake Charmer. E. Dinet. French. Ebienne Dinet was born |at Paris. Pupil of Bougereau and Robert Eleury. Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1889. Purchased — Paris, 1890. 69 . Les Joueurs de Boules. (The Game of Bowls.) Henri (Charles Antoine) Baron was born 1816. the Salon 1840. Studied under Gigoux. H. C. A. Baron. French. Made his debut in 26 OIL PAINTINGS— Beitish and Foeeign. 70. Pile Captive. Sir John E. Millais, Bart., p.e.a. Sir John Everett Millais was born at Southampton, 1829. In 1835 he went to Brittany, where he started drawing the French Officers in the neighbourhood. In 1838 he came to London, where, on the advice of the then President of the Royal Academy (Sir Martin Shee), he joined Sass’s Academy, when only 10 years of age, and a year later the Academy Schools. During his career in those schools, Millais carried off, in turn, every honour they had to bestow. In 1846 he sent to the Royal Academy a canvas, which was considered the best historical work of the year. With Ford Madox-Brown, D. G. Rossetti, Holman Hunt, and others (in 1850) he founded an association called the “ Brotherhood of the Pre-Raphaelites,” the intro- duction of what is now known as the “ Pre-Raphaelite School of Painting.” Among his best works may be mentioned “ The Bride of Lammermoor,” “Chill October,” “The North-west Passage.” The latter years of his life he devoted principally to portrait painting. Sir J. E. Millais was elected a.r.a. in 1853, r.a. in 1864, and President of the Royal Academy in succession to Lord Leighton in 1896; dying August 13th, the same year. Exhibited, Boyal Academy, 1882. Purchased— London, 1885. 71. Wedded. Lord Leighton, p.e.a. Lord Leighton was born at Scarborough, 1830. At 11 years of age went to Rome and studied under Francesco Meli, and afterwards at the Berlin and Florence Academy, at the Louvre Life Class, Paris, and finally at Rome. In 1855 he sent to the Academy “ Cimabue’s Madonna carried No. 70. ^ ^ 2 ft. 6 in. OIL PAINTINGS — Beitish and Foreign. 27 in Procession through the Streets of Florence,” with which he achieved a reputation ; the work being purchased by the late Queen Victoria. His works were mostly of a decorative nature, and as a draughtsman he was unequalled. He was also a distinguished sculptor. Lord Leighton was elected a.r.a. in 1864, r.a. in 1868. President of the Royal Academy, 1878, and elevated to the Peerage, as Lord Leighton of Stretton, 1st January, 1896, dying on the 25th of same month. Represented in Art Gallery of South Australia by an early work “ The Feigned Death of Juliet.” Bxliibited, Koyal Academy, 1882. Purchased — London, 1882 6 ft. X 9 ft. 10 in. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 29 The Defence of Korke’s Drift. A. de Neuville. French. Alphonse de Neuville was bom near Calais, 1836, Studied under Picot, and was one of the foremost of French Military Painters. He died in Paris, 1885. “ Rorke’s Drift ” is considered one of his best works. (For reproductions of several of his works see Photogravures, also his Pen and Ink drawing “ The Bugle Call.”) The subject of this picture is an incident of the Zulu War — 22nd and 23rd January, 1879. When a little over 100 British Soldiers, entrenched behind hurriedly-made fortifications, beat off 4,000 Zulus, who only retreated when 370 of their warriors had fallen around the fort. (Major Chard, who was in Command of the British Force, died in London, during 1905.) (See descriptive matter under picture.) Exhibited, 1880. Purchased — London, 1882. Marche aux Chevaux, Syrie. A. Pasini. (The Horse Fair.) Italian. Alberto Pasini was born in Italy, 1826. Held a foremost place in the rank of modem Italian Art. Studied under Ciceri and Theodore Rousseau. - Pasini has painted subjects chiefly connected with Turkey, Arabia, and Persia, where he lived for several years. He was honorary Professor at the Turin and Parma Academies. Died, 1899. Purchased — Paris, 1894, 30 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 74. His Majesty King Edward VII. John Longstaff. (Coronation Robes.) Nov. 9, 1811. May 6, 1910. Victoria. Presented by the Right Honourable Earl Beauchamp, K.C.M.G., Governor of New South Wales, 1899-1900. (1901.) 75. Her Majesty Queen Alexandra. John Longstaff. (Coronation Robes.) Presented by the Women of New South Wales, 1901. No. 76 4 It. 3 in. X 6 ft. 76. View near Fontainebleau. L. G. Pelouse. French. L^on Germain Pelouse was born in France. Landscape painter. Worked chiefly in Normandy. Exhibited at the Paris Salon. Died, 1894. Represented in the Luxembourg. Purchased — Paris, 1881. OIL PAINTINGS— British and Foreign. 31 77. Sur les Toits. (On the Eoof.) Chas. Hohbauer. French. Though painted in Paris, the subject illustrates an evening on a roof flat in New York, showing in the background the many high-storied buildings — or sky scrapers.” The original picture which Hoflbauer sent to the Salon, was the work of many months, and, when hung, did not satisfy the artist, who requested permission to have it once more in his possession, for alterations, having eight days before the opening of the Salon. The request being granted, Hoflbauer after re-arrangement of his models, painted a fresh picture in the eight days, which A^'as highly commended, and on the verdict of the judges was considered the second best picture of the year. Chas. Hoflbauer was born in Paris 1875, and studied at L’Ecole des Beaux Arts, under Gustav Moreau, and is represented by works in the Luxembourg (Paris), and galleries of Philadelphia and Rouen. This picture, at the request of the artist and Executive Committee, was forwarded to London for exhibition at the Franco -British Exhibition, 1908. Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1905. Purchased — Paris, 1905. No. 77 6 ft. 8 in. X 8_ft. 6 in. 1 32 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 78. Arundel Castle, Sussex. Vicat Cole, r.a. Vicat Cole was bom 1833. Studied under his father, Geo. Cole. First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1854. Elected a.e.a. in 1870, and r.a. in 1880. Landscape painter. Died, 1893. His picture “ Ripening Sunbeams,” in Lord Brassey’s collection, was exhibited in the National Gallery of New South Wales during Lord Brassey’s visit to Sydney in 1899. Arundel Castle, the seat of the Earls of Arundel from 1243 to 1580 comprises a circular Norman Keep, 100 feet high, and a modern Gothic edifice dating from 1791. At present the seat of the Duke of Norfolk. Exhibited, Eoyal Academy, 1877 Purchased — London, 1884. 79. The Poultry Yard. A. Defaux. French. Alexandre Defaux was born at Paris, 1826. Pupil of Corot. Landscape painter. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 80. Flowers and Fruit. J. Baptiste Kobie. Belgian. Jean Baptiste Robie was born at Brussels, 1821. Still-life painter. Studied at the Brussels Academy. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 81. “ Their Ever-Shifting Home.” Stanhope A. Forbes, r.a. Stanhope A. Forbes was born at Dublin, 1857. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools in 1874, and afterwards under M. Bonn at, in Paris. He is one of the founders of the Newlyn School. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1887. Purchased — London, 1890. 82. Vive I’Empereur. Edouard Detaille. (Charge of 4th Hussars, 1807. Battle of Friedland.) French. E. Detaille, speaking of this work, says : — “ J’ai cherche a rendre I’effet d’un escadron ehargeant sous les yeux de I’Empereur, et a reconstituer la physionomie des hommes de cette epoque, qui s’en allaient a la mort couverts de broderies d’or.” Edouard Detaille was born in Paris, 1848, and is one of the most accom- plished military painters of the day, studiea under Meissonier, whom he accompanied on a voyage to the shores of the Mediterranean in 1868. On his return from Algiers, in 1870, he joined the 8th battalion of the Seine, fought at Champigny, and took several spirited sketches. In 1873 he received the . Cross of the Legion of Honor for his picture “ En Retraite.” In conjimction with De Neuville he painted the fine Panorama of the Siege of Paris. He also executed the admirable illustrations for a work recently published, entitled “France Militaire.” “Vive I’Empereur ” was exhibited at the Cercle, Artistique in 1890, and was originally purchased by the State, but was subsequently exchanged for another work by the artist. Died, 1912. Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1891. Purchased — Paris, 1893. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign, 33 C 12 ft. 4 in. X 24 ft, 34 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 83. Festa — ^Venetian Cafe. S. Melton Fisher. S. Melton Fisher was bom 1860. Studied at Lambeth and Paris, and then the Royal Academy Schools, where he Avon the travelling scholarship of £200 a year, which enabled him to tour and study in Italy, Avhere he resides. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1889. Purchased — Melbourne, 1890. 84. The Triumph of Spring. G. P. Jacomb-Hood, r.e. G. P. Jacomb-Hood was born 1857. Studied at the Slade Schools under Professor Legros, where he Avon the travelling scholarship, after Avhich he AA^ent to Madrid and studied the Avorks of Velasquez. He first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1879, “ St. Simeon Stylites,” Avhich AA'as hung on the line. In 1881 he Avent to Paris and studied under Jean Paul Laurens, Avhere he produced manv paintings and etchings, which Avere afterAA'ards exhibited at the Royal Academy and Grosvenor Gallery. Represented the London Gra/phic at Delhi, 1903, to illustrate ihe Durbar. Represented in the Art Gallery of South Australia by The Workman’s Train, Liverpool Station.” Exhibited, Grosvenor Gallery, 1888. Purchased^ — Anglo-Australian Exhibition, 1889. 3 ft. 7 in. X 5 ft. No 83 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 35 85. Lenore. A. Elmore, r.a. Alfred Elmore, r.a., was born in Ireland, 1815. Joined the Royal Academy Schools, London, in 1832, and first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1834. His subjects were principally historical. Elected an A.R.A. in 1845, and r.a. in 1856; died in London, 1881. Exhibited, Eoyal Academy, 1871. Purchased — Sydney Exhibition, 1879. 86. Ismenie, Nymph of Diana. C. Landelle. French. Chas. L.uidelle was born 1821. Studied under Delaroche. Executed many decorative panels in the Elysee Palace, and devoted his time chiefly to portrait and figure subjects. Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1878. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 8 ft. 7 in. X 2 ft. 5 in. No. 87. 36 OIL PAINTINGS— British and Foreign. 87. A la Jetee. Georges Haquette. French. Georges Haquette was born in Paris, where he studied under Adolphe Millet and Cabanel. Exhibited at the Salon in 1876. Selects his subjects principally among the fishermen of Treport. ^ Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1888. Purchased — Paris, 1888. 88. The Salmon Fishers, Loch Fyne. Colin Hunter, a.r.a. Colin Hunter was born 1842. Marine painter. Self-taught, with the exception of a few lessons from the old painter, Milne Donald. He first exhibited at the Koyal Academy in 1868, and was elected a.r.a. in 1884. Represented in the Art Gallery of South Australia by a fine example — “ Waiting for the Homeward Bound, off Aisla Craig.” The Chantrey Bequest Trustees purchased “Their Only Harvest,” in 1879. Died, September, 1904. Exhibited, 1874. Purchased — Melbourne Exhibition, 1880. OIL PAINTINGS — Beitish and Foreign. 37 89. The Valley of the Lambourne, Sir Alfred East, e.a., r.e., Berkshire. p.r.b.a. Sir Alfred East was born at Kettering, 1849. Received his first art training at the Glasgow School of Arts, afterwards in Paris in the ateliers of Bouguereau and Eleury, and later at L’Ecole des Beaux Arts. His first Academy picture — “ A Dewy Morning ” — was exhibited in 1882, from which time he has been a constant and popular exhibitor. He was elected A.E.A. in 1899, and e.a. in 1912; and President of the Royal Society of British Artists in 1906, and is represented in the Luxembourg by “ A Pass- ing Storm.” Received the honor of knighthood in 1910. Died, September, 1913. Purchased — London, 1903. 90. The Widower. Sir Luke Fildes, r.a. Sir Luke Eildes was bom 1844, and commenced his art life as a Black and White artist. Studied at the Royal Academy and South Kensington Schools. Eirst exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1868, and his first oil painting in 1872. Although best known as depicting dramatic and sorrowful subjects — such as “The Casual Ward,” “The Widower,” and “The Doctor.” Of late years he has devoted himself almost exclusively to portrait painting. He was elected a.e.a. in 1879, and e.a. in 1887. Received the honor of knighthood, 1906. Exhibited at the Koyal Academy in 1876. Purchased — London, 1883 91. Old Friends Eevisited. H. Stacy Marks, r.a. Henry Stacy Marks was bom 1829. Student in the Royal Academy Schools in 1851, and of Picot, Paris, in 1853. Elected an a.e.a. 1871, e.a. 1878. Died, 1898. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1879. Purchased — London, 1879. 92. The Linton Eoad, Banks of the Lyn. M. Iwill. French. Purchased — 1887. 93. '' Non Angli sed Angeli.” Keeley Halswelle, A.R.s.A. Keeley Halswelle was born 1832. Executed many drawings on wood for the Illustrated London News. Afterwards studied at the Royal Academy Schools, exhibiting his first picture in 1857. Was elected a.e.s.a. in 1866. Died. 1891. This picture deprives its title from the following traditionary incident It is said that Pope Gregory the Great, while Abbot of St. Andera (about the year 578), seeing some young, fair-haired, British captives exposed for " sale in the slave market in Rome, and being told that they were Angli (Angles) exclaimed, referring to them as heathens, “ Non Angli sed Angeli forent si essent Christiani ’’—They would not be Angles, but Aigels, if they were Christians. This was the last important fisrure picture painted by this artist, who afterwards confined himself to landscape. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ The Heart of the Coolins, Isle of Skye,” and “ Welcome Shade.” Exhibited, Grosvenor Gallery, 1877. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 38 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. No. 90. 5 ft. fi in. X 8 ft. OIL PAINTINGS — Bbitish and Foreign. 39 94. A Spring Day. Purchased — Melbourne, 1889. F. Kallmorgen. 95. The Beach at Grandchamp. Exhibited, Paris, 1866. Purchased — 187 7 . L. G. Pelouse. French. 96. Tlie Battalion in Square. Julien le Plant. French. An incident taken from the wars of La Vendee, 1793. A French regiment is formed in a square upon a stretch of rising ground; it is being attacked on all sides by insurgent Bretons, who are seen advancing up the acclivity, at the run, to assist their comrades who are at close quarters with the troops. La Vendee is a maritime district on west coast of France. Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1880. Purchased — 1890. 97. An Ambuscade. Vereker Hamilton, r.e. Vereker Hamilton is a member of the Royal Society of Paint Etchers and is brother of Lieutenant-General Sir Ian Hamilton, K.C.B. This work was exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1893. Purchased — London, 1897. 98. An Interior in Auvergne. N. Berthon. Transferred to Trustees by Colonial Secretary. French. Nicholas Berthon was born in Paris, 1831. Studied at L’Ecole des Beaux Arts. Exhibited at the Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 99. Venice — Biva degli Schiavoni. E. Wm. Cooke, r.a. Exhibited, Boyal Academy, 1853. Purchased — 1888. 100. Tambourine Girl. J. B. Burgess, r.a. John Bagnold Burgess was born 1830. Son of H. W. Burges, land- scape painter to William IV. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools, and later in Spain, where he resided. Elected a.r.a. in 1877, and r.a. 1890. Died, 1896. Purchased — Sydney, 1886. 101. Koute a Torre del Greco. J. Pokitonow. Purchased — 1894. Russian. 102 . Biver Blossoms. Sir David Murray, r.a., A.R.S.A., R.w.s. David Murray was born 1849. Originally brought up to follow mer- cantile business, and studied art in his leisure ; but did not adopt painting as a profession till about 1877. He first exhibited at the Royal Scottish Academy in 1878, and later at the Royal Academy. Elected a.R.a. in 1891, and r.a. in 1905. Knighted 1918. Exhibited, Eoyal Academy, 1903. A* FE3 18 1922 40 OIL PAINTINGS— British and Foreign. 103 . 104 . 105 . Psyclie. Karl Sclimidt. Purchased — Sydney, 1890. Napoleon at Waterloo. F. Flameng. (June 18th, 1815.) French. Frangois Flameng was born in Paris, 1859. Studied under Cabanel and Jean Paul Laurens ; awa,rded Prix du Salon, 1879. Subjects principally historical. Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1890. Purchased — Paris, 1890. Avant le Bal — Les Confidences. Groegaert. (Before t'le Ball.) French. Purchased — Sydney, 1889. No. 106. 106. The White Feathers. Sir J. La very, a.r.a. John La very was born 1857. Studied at the Glasgow School of Art, Heatherley’s, and at Julian’s Academy, Paris. From 1881 to 1887 Mr. La very’s works were rejected from the Royal Academy, but in the mean- time his name as a portrait painter had become famous, and now ranks among the first painters exhibiting at the Academy, and is represented at almost all the Continental Galleries. J. La very is Vice-President of the International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers, and a member of the Soci6t4 Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Knighted 1918. Purchased — Loudon, 1900. OIL PAINTINGS— British and Foreign. 41 1 ft. 9 in. X 1 ft. 3 in. No. 107. 107. A Study. G. Courtois. French. Gustave Courtois was born in France, 1852. Studied for some years under Gerome. Principally a portrait painter, and has been prominently noticed since 1878. Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1890. Purchased — Paris, 1890. 108. A Staffordshire Landscape. G. H. Mason, a.r.a. George Heming Mason was born 1818. Originally educated for the medical profession, which he relinquished for art in 1844. Resided chiefly in Rome, and removed to London in 1865. Elected a.r.a. in 1869, and died 1872. After his death, 200 of his works were collected and exhibited in London. Exhibited, Dudley Gallery, 1872. Purchased — London, 1889. 109. My Crown and Sceptre. T. C. Gotch. Thomas Cooper Gotch was bom 1854. Studied at Heatherley’s School, and later at the Slade Schools under Professor Legros ; also in Paris under Jean Paul Laurens. He afterwards visited Australia and New Zealand. In 1887 he resided at Newlyn, and sent his work to the London Exhibitions. In 1891 he went to Florence, where he painted “ My Crown and Sceptre,” which was considered one of the pictures of that year. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “Mental Arithmetic.” Exhibited at Eoyal Academy, 1891. Purchased— London, 1900. 110. Still-Life Study. Max Schodl. Purchased — 1882. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign 12 10 in. X 2 ft. 6 in. No. 108. 111. Meditation. Oliver Rhys. Exhibited, 1889. Purchased — London, 1890. 112. Still-Life Study. Max Schodl. Purchased — 1882. 113. Kequiescat. Briton Riviere, r. a., d.c.l. Briton Riviere was bom 1840. Animal painter. First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1859. Elected a.r.a. in 1878. and r.a. in 1881. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ A Roman Holiday” and “Deer Stealers pursued by Sleuth Hounds”; and in Art Gallery of South Australia by “ Tennyson’s Bog,” “ Anna Karamina ” (Black and White drawing). Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1888 ; Chicago Exhibition and Hobart Exhibition, 1894:. Purchased — London, 1898. 114. A Jacobite Proclamation. A. C. Gow, r.a. Jacobite was the name given after the Revolution of 1688 to the adherents of the exiled Stuarts— James II, his son and two grandsons. Purchased — London, 1882. 115. Humble Servants. E. De Pratere. Belgian. E. Be Pratere was born in Belgium. Painter of animal subjects. Represented in the Art Gallery of South Australia by “ Oxen at Pasture ” and “ Extra Post Horses in Snowy Weather.” Painted, 1885. Purchased — 1887 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 43 116. Penitents in Spain. “Los Penitentes.” E. Melida. Spanish. Don Enrique Melida was born in Spain, and studied in Paris under Meissonier. “ Los Penitentes,^’ or “ huraildes,” are not convieted criminals, but men who, conscious of some sin, voluntarily do penance, by paying for the privilege of helping to carry the representations of Christ, and the Virgin, and Saints, during the Semana Santa, or Holy Week, The celebration of “ Semana Santa ” in Spain is, or used to be, a succession of functions of great interest. On each day, commencing on Wednesday evening, draped jhatforms, bearing the above representations, issue from one of the principal churches in every city, and many other towns, and parade the streets ; they are carried by the “ penitentes,” hidden beneath the drapery, sometimes as many as twenty to a platform — and they pay for the privilege, in the poorest mining centres as much as 6 reales, Is. 6d., each (a day’s pay for underground work is about 2s. 6d.) — and they pay for their own dresses. The “representations ” are often of a high order, and no expense is spired in their decoration. As much as from £200 to £300 have been spent on a new dress for the Holy Virgin, in a small, out-of-the-way city in “ Old Castile,” where the salary of an official of fair position amounted to only £40 per annum — but this was nearly fifty years ago. Generally, considerable numbers of extra “ penitentes ” march in the procession, from whom relays of bearers can be drafted, as the work is somewhat severe. Their dress varies in difierent parts of Spain ; in the mining districts of Jaen (Southern Spain) they are bare-footed, but wear long robes of sackcloth, with grass-rope girdles and marks; each bearing a long wax candle ; they are of all classes — miners, artisans, peasants, and a few gentlemen. On the Thursday the dress is changed, all wear black gaberdines, but the same knotted rope-girdles ; they no longer wear masks, but high peaked caps, often two feet high above the head, and are still bare -footed. On Good Friday a crown of thorns, three inches wide, is added to the head- gear. The “ Selling of the Lord,” the Crucifixion, and the “ Watch-night ” follow; and various other scenes of the Passion. Saturday passes in comparative quietness. On Easter Sunday all is changed ; from the earliest morning, every one you meet — the servant on the doorstep, the passing peasant, the ubiquitous beggar— greets you with a smile, and the phrase “ Christ is risen ! ” to which you reply “ He is risen indeed.” Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1890. Purchased — Paris, 1890. 117. Mount Etna, from the Greek Theatre, J. MacWhirter, '' Taormina.” r.a., h.r.s.a. John MacWhirter was born 1839. Studied in Edinburgh, and first exhibited at the Royal Academy 1855. His subjects are principally forestry and landscape. Elected a.r.a. in 1879, and r.a. 1894. Died, 1911. Mount Etna is an isoated volcanic mountain, close to the east coast of Sicily — 10,850 feet high. Presented by Mr. D. P. McEwen. 118. A Mountain Torrent. R. Harwocd. Presented by Mr. F. H. Dangar. 44 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 119. A Dorcas Meeting in the 6th Century. Edwin Long, r.a. Edwin Long was born 1829. Exhibited for the first time at the Royal Academy in 1855. Studied in London under J. Phillip, and in 1857 went to Spain to study the works of Velasquez, afterwards making an extended tour through Egypt and Syria. He was elected an a. r.a. in 1876, r.a. in 1881. Died, 1891. Edwin Long is represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ Queen Esther ” and “ A Question of Propriety.” Presented by Miss Eadith Walker, of Yaralla, Sydney. 120. Minster Marshes, East Kent. T. Sidney Cooper, r.a., m.v.o. Thomas Sidney Cooper was born 1803. Pupil of Royal Academy; also studied in France and Brussels. First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1833. Elected a.r.a. in 1845, and r.a. in 1867. In June, 1901, T. S. Cooper was presented to His Majesty the King as the oldest member of the Royal Academy, who decorated him with the Royal Victorian Order. Though 99 years of age at the time of his death in 1902, Cooper retained his sight and steady hand to the last. Represented in Art Gallery of South Australia by “ Cattle.” Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 121. Moonlight. L. Douzette. French. L. Douzette was born 1834. Studied in Berlin under Eschke ; originally a house painter. Painted chiefly on the Baltic Coast and in Sweden. Purchased — Sydney, 1889. 122. The Meadow Walk, Christ Keeley Halswelle, a.r.s.a. Church, Oxford. and H. Stacy Marks, r.a. Purchased — London, 1888. 123. Catching Dabs. H. Macallum, r.i. View in Tarbert Harbour. Hamilton Macallum was born 1843, studied at the Royal Academy Schools in 1865, and died 1896. Purchased — Melbourne, 1880. 124. A Farm near the Kentish Coast. Yeend King, r.b.a., v.p.r.i. Purchased — Anglo -Australian Society, 1889. 125. La Seance du Portrait. Albert Lynch. French. Albert Lynch was born in Peru. Studied in Paris at I’Ecole des Beaux Arts, and under Gabriel Ferrier. Has been an annual exhibitor at the Salon since 1890. Since 1896 he has devoted himself exclusively to portrait painting. Lynch is a member of the Societe des Artistes Frangais. Purchased — Paris, 1894. OIL PAINTINGS — Bkitish and Foreign. 45 126. Lord Tennyson Keplica, in part, by G. F. Watts, r.a. (Poet Laureate). Alfred, Lord Tennyson, was bom at Somersby, Lincolnsh’re, in 1809, and died at Aldworth, October, 1902. George Frederick Watts was born 1817. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools, and first exhibited in 1837. His work may be divided broadly into two great divisions — allegorical painting and portraiture. His portraits of Tennyson, Carlyle, Gladstone, and other prominent men of the time, brought him to the front as a portrait painter. As a sculptor, he held a foremost position. At his death, he bequeathed his most important works to the Nation. Watts is represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ Love and Heath,” reduced replica; and at Art Gallery of South Australia by full-sized replica from the original painting in the National Gallery, London. He was elected a.r.a. in 1867, and r.a. in 1868. Hied in London, July, 1904. Presented by Hallam, Lord Tennyson, Governor-General of Australia — 1902-1904. 127. Crossing the Bar, Scarborough. J. Mogford, r.i. John Mogford was born 1821. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools. He was well known as a picture restorer of works by old masters ; died, 1885. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ Watergate Bay.” Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 128. View in Greenwich Park. A. A. Glendening. I Represented in Art Gallery of South Australia by “ Harvest Time, Surrey.” Presented by His Excellency Viscount Hampden, g.c.m.g.. Governor of N.S.W., 1895-99. 129. Coptic Woman — Orange Seller at Cairo. C. Landelle. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. French. No 131. 46 OIL PAINTINGS— British and Foreign. 130. A Study. E. Dubufe. French. E louard Dubufe was born in Paris, 1818. Historical painter. Studied under Claude Marie and Paul Delaroche. Died, 1883. Purcbased — Exhibition, Sydney,, 1879. 131. Pont a Lesse — Sur la Lesse. j. Qninanx. Pres de Dinant, Belgium. Belgian. Joseph Quinaux was born at Namur, 1822. Studied under Louvain and at the Antwerp Academies ; and was Professor at the Brussels Academy. Purchased — Paris, 1884. 132. The Prison of the Bass. Sami. Bough, r.s.a. Sami. Bough was born 1822. Was originally principal scene painter at the Tneatre Royal, Edinburgh, which he relinquished in 1848, devoting his time to landscape painting. He was elected a member of the Royal Scottish Academy in 1875. Died in Edinburgh, 1878. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ The Weald of Kent.*’ The Bass is an island rock near the mouth of the Firth of Forth, confronted by the ruins of Tantallon Castle, and composed of volcanic greenstone. In 1671 Charles II. purchased it for £4,000, and within its dreary dungeons many of the most eminent Covenanters were confined during his reign and that of James II. In 1701 the fortifications were demolished. Purchased — Sydney, 1891. 133. Bising Mists. Peter Graham, r.a. Peter Graham was born 1836. Studied under Lander and John Ballantyne. Came to London in 1866 ; and exhibited at the Royal Academy, where his picture “ A Spate in the Highlands,” brought him prominently into notice. He was elected a.b.a. in 1877, and r.a. in 1882. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by three works — “ After the Massacre of Glencoe,” “ An Easterly Breeze,” and “ Autumnal Showers.” Purchased — London, 1888. 134. Wood Scene in West Virginia. J.-N. T. Van Starkenborgh. Jacobus-Nicholaas Van Starkenborgh was born 1822. Landscape painter. Self-taught by studying works of old Dutch Masters. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Purchased — 1880. 135. Stealing the Keys. Marcus Stone, R A. Mircus Stone was born 1840. Pupil of his father, Frank Stone, a.b.a. First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1858. Elected a.r.a. in 1877, and R.A. in 1887. The interior of a room in an old English mansion. Soldiers of the Commonwealth are in possession. Overcome with fatigue the officer slumbers at his post, and while doing so a young and beautiful woman softly enters to abstract the keys which have been left on a stool. The portrait of Charles I, which is over the head of the sleeping commander has been disfigured by a black mask painted over the face, for the purpose of preserving a valuable Vandj^ck from destruction at the hands of the Puritan soldiery. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1866. Purchased — London, 1890. OIL PAINTINGS— British and Poreign. 47 136. Mignon. Mrs. Stanhope Forbes. Mrs. Stanhope Forbes, who made her fame as Miss Elizabeth Armstrong, was born in Canada. Studied at the Art Students’ League, New York. Married in 1889 Stanhope Forbes, b.a. Was a constant exhibitor at the Royal Academy and Grosvenor Gallery, and with her husband a prominent painter of the Newlyn School. Died, 1912. Purchased — Anglo-Australian Society, 1892. No. 137. 137. “ The Sea hath its Pearls.” W. H. Margetson. Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1897. Purchased — London, 1898. 138. A Story Book. j. m. Strudwick. J. M. Strudwick Wvis born 1849. Educated at South Kensington and Royal Academy Schools. H^s work, “ A Golden Thread,” was purchased by the Chantrey Bequest Trustees, 1885. Purchased — 1887. 139. St. Peter S, Pome. David Roberts, R.A. The interior of the most celebrated cathedral of the world. The time chosen by the painter is when the Sovereign Pontifl, surrounded by his Bishops, is blessing the Papal troops. Purchased — London, 1890. 48 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 140. Le Chateau de Loches. E. Lansyer. French. Emmanuel Lansyer was born in France, 1835. Pupil of Courbet and Harpignies. Painted principally in Brittany. Well known as a draughts- man and colourist. Died, 1893. Le Chateau de Loches was, in mediaeval ages, a fortress of the first order — including a King’s residence — was subsequently converted into a prison, and became a second Bastile — no less terrible than that of Paris. Loches was inhabited in the times of the Romans; was taken and sacked by Pepin and Carloman in 742; belonged to the house of Anjou from 886 to 1205. In 1249 the chateau became a royal residence, where Charles VII and Agnes Sorel, Louis XI, Louis XII, Henri III, and Charles IX lived. Agnes Sorel, mistress of Charles VII, left 2,000 crowns to the Church at Loches, on the condition that her remains should be kept in the choir. Subsequently the monks suggested to Louis XI, who was hostile to her, that her character \yas not quite worthy of the sanctity of the place, and that her remains should be removed. “ By all means,” replied the King, “ and, as you will then have no title to her legacy, you can transfer the whole concern to me.” The monks thought better of it, and the poor remains of “ La Belle des Belles ” remained in their resting-place, until her ashes were cast to the winds by the fanatics of the “ Reign of Reason ” in 1789. In the 14th century the English held possession of this fortress for some fifty years. Louis XI turned it into a dungeon, anA instituted the dread cachots de Loches — the horrible crimes committed in these dens of torture are better unrecorded. Cardinal Balue invented, and added to these, iron cages, the longest space in which was 8 feet. In one of these he suffered the just retribution of spending eight years of the latter part of his life. These cages remained in the chateau down to the year 1789. Ludovico el Mor ; Philip de Comilles ; the Due d’ Alencon ; the Bishops of Autun and Puy; the Comte de St. Valiero; 0. de Biez, a Marshal of the King; Pierra de Navarra; the Comte de Lorraine; and many other notable persons suffered within these walls. Purchased — Paris, 1890. 141. Bayswater in 1814. J. Linnell, Senr. John Linnell was bom 1792. Pupil of Benjamin West, Varley, and Royal Academy Schools. First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1807. He started his career as a portrait painter, and afterwards kept chiefly to landscape and figure subjects. Linnel, who was also a noted engraver, died in 1882. After his death a collection of his works was exhibited at the Royal Academy. His work “ Wheat ” is in the National Gallery of Victoria. Purchased — London, 1891. 142. The Lost Sheep. C. M. Gere. Purchased — London, 1900. 143. The Connoisseurs. A. Lesrel. French. Purchased — 1880. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 49 144. The Capture of Colonel Blood, and the A. W. Holden. Kecovery of the Stolen Begalia, 1671. Thomas Blood was born in Ireland, 1618; being deprived of his estate at the Restoration, he placed himself, in 1663, at the head of a plot to seize Dublin Castle, and Ormonde, the Lord -Lieutenant. On its aiscovery, the chief accomplices were seized and executed, and Blood escaped to Holland. He afterwams found his way back to England, and on the 9th May, 1671, disguised as a clergyman, with three accomplices, he entered the Tower of London, and attempted to carry off the regalia; after nearly murdering the Keeper of the Jewels, he succeeded in getting off with the Crown, while one of his associates bore away the Orb. They were, however, pursued, arrested, and committed to the Tower. Blood was afterwards pardoned by King Charles, who restored to him his estate and £500 a year. He (Jed in August, 1680. Presented by Mr. Bruce Smith, k.c. 145. Tlie Belief of Leyden. A. C. Gow, r.a. The closing scene in the struggle of the Netherlands against the Spanish tyrant, Alva, during the famous siege of 1573. Andrew C. Gow was bom 1848. Student at Heatherley’s School of Art, First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1890. Elected an a.r.a, in 1881, and r.a. in 1891. Keeper of the Royal Academy. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ No Surrender.” Exhibited, Royal Academy, 1876. Purchased — London, 1879. 146. London. Attributed to J. M. W. Turner, r.a. Joseph Mallord William Turner was born 1775. Self-taught; studied under Hardwick, the architect, who advised him to join the Royal Academy Schools in 1789. Exhibited for the first time in 1790; and between 1790 and 1850 Turner exhibited no less than 259 works at the Royal Academy, made numerous sketches in water colours, and was considered at his time the greatest of landscape painters since Claude Lorraine; and as a water- colour painter had no equal. He was elected a.r.a. in 1799, and r.a. in 1802. Turner lived such a retired life that little is known of it. Died in 1851, at a small cottage on the banks of the Thames — ^where he was knoAvn as ]\Ir, Brooks — and was buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral. Presented by Thos. Woolner, r.a. 147. A Waif. Alex. Johnston. Alexander Johnston was born 1815. Studied at the Ec’inburgh Academy, and later at the Royal Academy Schools. Began to exhibit about 1835 at the Royal Academy. His painting, “ Last Sacrament of Lord Russell in the Tower,” painted in 1845, is in the National Gallerj% London. Purchased — 1881. 148. Twilight in Bavaria. Karl Heffner. Purchased — 1884. D 50 OIL PAINTINGS— British and Foreign. 149. Battle of Joppa. G. Jones, r.a. George Jones was born 1786. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools in 1801, and exhibited in 1803. Between that year and 1869 he exhibited 221 works at the Royal Academy and 141 at the British Institutions. Was Keeper at the Royal Academy from 1840 to 18.50, and acted as Presi- dent during the illness of Sir Martin Shee. He was elected a.r.a. in 1820, and R.A. in 1824; and died in London, 1869. Transferred to the Trustees by the Colonial Secretary. 150. Le Catechisme dans une Mosquee T. J. Ealli. d’Alger. Theodore Jacques Ralli was born in Constantinople, of Greek parents. Studied in Paris under Gerome and Lecomte du Nouy. Exhibited, Paris Salon, 1883. Purchased — 1884. 151. Val d’ Aosta, Italy. Cesere Maggi. Italian, Exhibited at the International Exhibition, Venice, 1905. Purchased — 1905. 152. W. Holman Hunt, o.m., r.w.s. 1827-1910. G. H. Sephton. Presented by Sir Thos. L. Devitt, Bart., 1906. 153. Smugglers. C. Napier Hemy, r.a. Purchased — New Zealand Exhibition, IBOfr 154. Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee G. C. Haite, r.i. Procession. 22nd June, 1897. Purchased — New Zealand Exhibition, 1907. 155. Gipsy Fortune Teller. Edgar Bundy, r.i. Purchased — New Zealand Exhibition, 1907. 156. The King’s Kival. Seymour Lucas, r.a. Purchased — New Zealand Exhibition, 1907. 157. Pero Bay, Corsica. J. L. Pickering. Purchased — New Zealand Exhibition, 1907. 158. La Fine di un Sogno. G. Pennasilico. Italian. Purchased — 1908. OIL PAINTINGS— Beitish and Foreign. 51 159. Las Mantillas Negras. Purchased — 1910. Gonzala Bilbao. Spanish. No. 180. 160. The Organist of Salvatierra Formes, Castile. Purchased — 1910. M. Benedito. Spanish. 161. Un Jen O’Esprit. (A Merry Jest.) G. Soulacroix, Presented by Lady Salomons in memory of the late Sir Julian Salomons, k.(3. April, 1909. 162. L’etude des Textes. M. Kaoul du Faur, Comte de Pibr^^, Presented by the Artist, 1910. 163. Alice. G. F. Watts, r.a. Presented by Mrs. Watts. 52 OIL PAINTINGS — Bkitish and FoREiaN. 164 . Landscape. Purchased — 1911. Henri Harpignies. French. 165 . Sunlight through the Trees H. Hughes Stanton, a.r.a. (Pas de Calais, France). Purchased — 1911. 166 . The Bath. Purchased — 1912. Chas. Shannon, a.r.a. 167 . Propping the Kick. (A Stormy Day.) Purchased — 1912. Geo. Clausen, r.a. 168 . Le Pont Eouge (Albi, France). Purchased — 1912. Oliver Hall, r.e. 169 . “ Where the Dark Earth Sleeping Lies.’ (A Cloisonne Sky.) Purchased — 1912. ’ Edward Stott, a.r.a. 170 . A Japanese Album. Chas. H. Mackie, a.r.s.a. Purchased — 1912. 171 . Patineuses (Skaters.) L. Doucet. French. 172 . Great Britain in Egypt. W. C. Horsley. 173 . A Turkish Boat. Purchased — 1903. Terrick Williams, r.i. 174 . Landscape. Purchased — 1880. G. Koken. 175 . Dejeuner. Purchased — 1912. W. Von Glehn. 176 . Boses and Bosemaryj Corfu. Purchas ed — 1912. W. Von Glehn. 177 . Hills at Jura. Purchased — 1912. A. Pointelin. French. 178 . A Northern Haven. A. Talmage. Purchased — 1914. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 53 2 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. No. 182. 179. 180. 181. Mona and her Dolls. Purchased — 1912. Shade. Purchased- — 1912. A Dorset Landscape. Purchased — 1912. Harrington Mann. A. Munnings. B. Priestman. 182. An Interior. Purchased — 1913. George Clausen, r.a. 54: OIL PAINTINGrS— British and Foreign. 183. Cider Apples. H. H. La Thangue, r.a. Purchased — 1913. 184. A Hampshire Farm. Mark Fisher, a.r.a. Purchased — 1913. 185. 186. Le Livre de Paix. E. H. Maxence. French. Purchased — 1913. I Wonder.” Tom Mostyn. Purchased — 1915. 187. Faust’s First Sight of Marguerite. Cadogan Cowper, a.r.a. Commission to Artist — 1914. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 55 188. Study of a Head. Purchased — 1915. (Unidentified.) 189. The South Wind. Purchased — 1915. K. Anning Bell, a.r.a. 190. The Borderland. Purchased — 1916. J. S. Aumonier. 191. Morning on the Mediterranean. Purchased — 1913. J. B. Olive. French. 2 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. G in. No. 192. 192. Piquet. L. Campbell Taylor. Purchased — 1914. 193. A Spanish Girl. Gerald Kelly. Purchased — 1916. Summer Clouds. 194. Purchased — 1916. Arthur Friedenson. 56 OIL PAINTINGS-^^British and Foreign. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign, 57 No 183 3 ft. 7 in. X 4 ft, 4 in. 58 OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 195. The Island Festival. Purchased — 1917. Chas. Sims, r.a. 196. H. B. Irving. Purchased — 1914:. R. G. Eves. 197. Portrait. Purchased — 19M. J. J. Shannon, r.a. 198. Spring Day, Paris. Purchased — 1914:. G. Oberteufer. American, 199. The Night Tide. Purchased— 1915. Julius Olsson, a. r.a. No. 196 2 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. OIL PAINTINGS — British and Foreign. 59 No. 197. No. i:8, 3 ft, 7 iu. X 4 ft. 4 iu. 60 OIL PAINTINGS. COPIES OF OLD MASTERS AND OTHERS. 1. 7 Oil Paintings. George Morland. (1 to 7 inclusive) {Landsca'pe). George Morland was born in London, 1763. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools, and exhibited there in 1779. Subjects were chiefly of country houses and domestic animals, his works being very popular; but after 1793 his pictures became slovenly repetitions of what he had done earlier in life — many of them being in a great part painted by pupils, or simply copies, Morland died in 1804. Presented by Mrs. Anna Hills, sister of tbe late Mr. Jobn Henry Cballis. 2. Landscape. J. Crome (“ Old Crome ”). John Crome, known as “ Old Crome,” was born 1769. Self-taught, originally a doctor’s messenger; afterwards apprenticed to a house and sign painter at Norwich, during that time he studied landscape, and copied pictures of the Dutch School. Founded the Norwich Academy in 1805, and exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1806. Between 1805 and 1821 Crome exhibited 250 works at the Norwich Academy. Died, 1821. 3. Landscape. J. Crome (“ Old Crome ”). 4. Landscape. J. Crome ,, 5. Landscape. J. Crome ,, 6. Landscape. J. Crome ,. 7. Gleaners. J. Bouvir. 8. The Holy Family {Co'py). Correggio was born at Correggio, Real name, Antonio Allegri. Correggio. 1494; died, 1534. Lombard School. Presented by Mr. George Knox. Transferred from N.S.W. Academy of Art, 1880. 9. Madonna and Child {Co'py). Murillo. Murillo, Bartholome Esteban, was born in Seville, 1618; died, 1682. Spanish School. OIL PAINTINGS — Copies of Old Masters, &c. 61 10. The Samian Sibyl {Copy). Guercino. Original in the Florence Gallery. Presented by the Rev. Dr. Harris, 1895. 11. The Adoration of the Magi {Copy). Aug. d’Ugolini. 12. The Infant Christ and St. Anthony of Murillo. Padua {Copy). 13. Flora {Copy). Guercino. II Guercino born at Cento, 1591 ; died, in Bologna, 1666. Bolognese School. Real name Giovanni Francesco Barbieri. Presented by Sir Julian Salomons, k.c. 14. The Madonna della Seggiola {Copy). Raphael. Raphael, or Raffaello, born, 1493; died, in Rome, 1520. Umbrian and Roman School. Presented by Mr. Josiah Mullens, f.r.g.s. 15. Michelangelo {Copy). Paoletti. Michelangelo was bom, 1475; died, 1564. Florentine School. Transferred to Trustees by the Colonial Secretary. 16. Andromeda {Copy). P. P. Rubens. Peter Paul Rubens was born, 1577 ; died, at Antwerp, 1640. Flemish School. 17. A Spanish Beggar {Copy). Presented by Mr. J. H. Wallis. Murillo. 18. Erminia Discovering the Shepherds. Attributed to Doinenichino. Domenichino was born at Bologna, 1581; died in Naples, 1641. Bolognese School. Transferred to Trustees by the Colonial Secretary. 19. Hagar and Ishmael. Raphael di Monti (?) Presented by Mr. David Wilson, 1886. 62 OIL PAINTINGS — Copies of Old Masters, &c. 20. Le Eeve (The Dream). A. Haamlien. French. Presented by Mr. J. J. Rouse, 1916. 21. Portrait (unidentified). Presented by Hon. Hugh D. McIntosh, M.L.C., 1915. THE DICKINSON COLLECTION. (Viz. : — 36 Copies of Old Masters and 5 Original Works.) Presented by Miss H. M. Dickinson, to perpetuate the memory of her father, the late Sir John Nodes Dickinson — Judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, ISH to 1860; and Chief Justice, 1860 to 186L 22. Santa Maria della Salute {Original). Grand Canal, Venice. Griffiths. 23. Virgin and Child (Copy). Original in Pitti Palace. Murillo. 24. Canal of the Guidecca, Venice {Original). Griffiths. 25. Sea Piece {Copy). Salvator Rosa. Salvator Rosa was born 1615; died, 1673. Original in the Pitti Palace. Neapolitan School. 26. Sea Piece {Copy). Claude Lorraine. Claude Lorraine was born in France, 1600; Real name, Gellce. Original in Uffizi Gallery. died, 1682. French School. 27. Sir John N. and Lady Dickinson, Miss Helen Mary Dickinson (1851). M. Claxton. Marshall Claxton was born, 1811; died, 1881. 28. Madonna della Seggiola {Copy). Original in the Pitti Palace. Raphael. OIL PAINTINGS — Copies of Old Masteks, &c. 63 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . Madonna col Libro {Co'py.) Kapha el. Judith with Head of Holof ernes [Co'py). Cristofano Allori. Chrislofano Allori was born in Florence, 1577; died there in 1621. Florentine School. Original in the Pitti Palace. La Speranza [Copy). Guido Keni. Guido (Guido Keni) was born in Bologna, 1575; died, 1642. Bolognese School. Original in St. Petersburg. Sibylla Sarnia [Copy). Guercino. Original in the Uffizi Gallery. John the Baptist [Copy). Original in Florence. Magdalene [Copy). Granacci. Francesco Granacci was born in Florence, 1477; died, 154.3. Florentine School. Original in Florence, St. Catherine [Copy). Original in the Corsini Palace. Carlo Maratti. The Virgin Reading [Copy). Carlo Maratti (Maratta) was born, 1625; died, in Rome, 1713. Roman School. Original in the Corsini Palace. Virgin and Child [Copy). Carlo Dolci. Carlo Dolci was born in Florence, 1616; died, 1686. Florentine School. Original in the Corsini Palace. Virgin and Child [Copy). Original in the Corsini Palace. The Angel of the Annunciation [Copy). Carlo Dolci was born, 1616; died, 1686. Original in the Ferroni Collection. Andrea del Sarto. Carlo Dolci, 64 OIL PAINTINGS — Copies of Old Masters, &c. 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 . Angel Kefusing the Gifts of Tobias {Copy). Blaevert. Original in the Pitti Pa,lace. St. John as a Youth {Copy). Guido Reni. Guido Reni was born, 1575; died, 1642. Bolognese School. Original in the Corsini Palace. Madonna di San Sisto {Copy). Raphael. Original in Dresden. Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth {Copy). Albertinelli. Albertinelli was born, 1474; died, 1715. Florentine School. Original in the Uffizi Gallery. The Virgin Keceiving the Message Carlo Dolci. of the Annunciation {Copy). Carlo Dolci was bom, 1616; died, 1686. Florentine School. Original in the Perroni Collection. The Annunciation {Copy). Original in the Pitti Palace. Boy with Basket {Copy). Original in the Corsini Palace. Madonna della Arpie {Copy). Virgin and Child {Copy). Original in the Corsini Palace. Andrea del Sarto. Carlo Maratti. Andrea del Sarto. Murillo. Virgin and Child, with John the Baptist {Copy). Giacinto Gimignani was born in 1611; died, 1681. Original in Dresden. Gimignani. Roman School. Holy Family {Copy). Andrea del Sarto. Andrea del Sarto was bom in Florence, 1486; died, 1531. Florentine School. Real name, Di Francesco. Original in the Pitti Palace. OIL PAINTINGS — Copies of Old Masters, &c. 65 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 . 61 . Magdalene {Copy). Andrea del Sarto. Original in the Villa Borghese. Helen Mary Dickinson (2 years). M. Claxton. Tribute Money [Copy). Titian. Titian or Tiziano was born at Cadore, 1477 ; died, at Venice, 1576. Venetian School. The Trustees of the National Gallery, London, recently paid £30,000 for Titian’s portrait of Ariosto, which was formerly in the Darnley Collection (£18,500 being privately subscribed). This is not the highest price paid by the National Gallery for a picture — for in 1885, the Trustees paid £70^^000 for Raphael’s “ Madonna degli Ansidei.” Original in Dresden. Magdalene {Copy). Carlo Dolci. Original in the Corsini Palace. The Repentant Magdalene {Copy). Pietro Eotari. Pietro Rotari Avas born in Verono, 1707 ; died, in St. Petersburg, 1770(?) Venetian School. Original in Dresden. Magdalene in a Cave {Copy). Pompeo Battoni. Pompeo Battoni (Batoni) was born, 1708 ; died, in Rome, 1787. Roman School. Original in Dresden. David with Head of Goliath {Copy). M. Roselli. M. Roselli AA^as born, 1578; died, 1651. Florentine School. Original in tie Pitti Palace. St. Peter’s at Sunset. C. Coleman. Forest of the Philosophers {Copy). Salvator Rosa. Original in the Pitti Palace. John the Baptist {Copy). Original in the Pitti Palace. Andrea del Sarto. Old Fall of Tivoli {Copy). Tierce. Original in the Uffizi Gallery. , , • V i E imwERSin^f ' " ' FE3 18 192 ^ 66 OIL PAINTINGS— Copies of Old Masters, &c. 62. Madonna (Copy). Filippo Lippi. Filippo* Lippi was born in Florence, 1406; died, 1469. Florentine School. Original in the Uffizi Gallery. Works from the Collection of the late Mr. George Salting. Presented by Lady Binning, 1911. 03. A Farm Yard. Ian Wiynants, 1615. 64. The Flight into Egypt. David Teniers. 65. The Finding of Moses. Bonifazio, 1540. 66. Mary Magdalene. (Artist unknown.) 67. A Portrait. (Artist unknown.) Dutch School. 68. Painting. Dutch School. 69. Col. Wm. Paterson. Wm. Owen, r.a. Presented by Miss Helen Banning, 1914. 70. Mrs. Paterson. Wm. Owen, r.a. Presented by Miss Helen Banning, 1914. 71. Benjamin West, p.R.a. 1 f Presented by 72. Portrait by Sir Martin Archer Shee. I Sir Matthew and Lady Harris 73. The Duke of Wellington, k.g. ' i of Ultimo. (Unidentified.) 74. St. Paul. 75. Susannah and the Elders. 76. Portrait of a Lady. 77. The Weary Pilgrim. Presented by Mr. .1. S. Heron, 1912. I Presented by j Mr. J. S. Perry, 1908. 67 WATER COLOURS. BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 1. The Rings of Smoke. L. Girardet. French. Purchased — Paris, 1890. 2. Fresco — from '' The Arts of Peace.” Lord Leighton, p.r.a. Replica from the original in the South Kensington Museum. Purchased — London, 1884. 4. An Early Sketch. Samuel Prout. Samuel Prout was born at Plymouth, 1783, and died in 1852; was self- taught. In 1802 he was taken by John Britton to London, where for two years he studied the drawings and sketches of the best water-colour painters. Prout exhibited for the first time at the R.A. in 1803, and published a series of works and sketches on water-colour painting. He was a member of the Society for Painters in Water Colours. Presented by Mr. Thomas S. Mort to the N.S.W. Academy of Art, in 1874, and on dissolution of that Academy, transferred to the Trustees of this Gallery. 5. The Upper Harbour, Whitby. C. E. Hem. Charles E. Hem painted for many years in N.S.W., afterwards residing in London, where he died in 1894. Hern had the honor of being Instructor in Water Colours to the daughters of His Majesty King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ Fishmg Boats, Rhyl.” Purchased — London, 1886. 6. Landscape. N. Chevalier. Presented by Mr. Edward L. Montefiore, Paris, 1901. 7. A Sketch, North Wales. Paul J. Naftel, r.w.s. Paul J. Naftel, water-colour artist, was born, 1816; resided for some years in Guernsey, but afterwards came to London, exhibiting at the Grosvenor and other Galleries. He was a member of the Society of Painters in Water Colours. Died, 1891. Purchased^ — 1896. 68 WATER COLOURS — British and Foreign. 8. Peasants of the Abmzzi. E. Ingani. Italian. Abruzzi is a district in Central Italy — in the wildest and loftiest portion of the Apennines. Purchased — 187 7 . 9. Bad Hay Weather, Westmoreland. Paul J. Naftel, r.w.s. Purchased — Sydney, 1896. 10. Anxious Moments. E. Sadee. French. Purchased — Sydney, 1889. 11. A Sketch. J. H. Mole, r.i. John Henry Mole was born, 1814; died, 1887. Was Vice-President of the Royal Institute of Water Colour Artists. Purchased — 1887. 12. Landscape. N. Chevalier. Presented by Mr. Edward L. Montefiore, Paris, 1901. 13. Mowing Time. Alfred Parsons, r.a., r.i. Alfred Parsons tvas born in 1847. Studied at the South Kensington Art Schools, and became a large contributor in Black and White to the American and English Magazines. Exhibits at the R.A., Grosvenor, and New Gallery. His water colour—" When Nature paints all things Gay,” was purchased by the Chantrey Bequest Trustees in 1887. Purchased — 1887. 14. Les Merovingiens. E. V. Luminals. French. Purchased — 1884. 15. Caen, Normandy. Paul Marny. French. Purchased — 1883. 16. Little Bed Cap. (Pastel.) Madame Schwartze. Therese Schwartze was born at Amsterdam, 1852. Studied under Gabriel Max. Purchased — 1888. WATEK COLOUKS — British and Foreign. 69 17. xirts as Applied to Peace. After Lord Leighton, p.R.A. Reduced copy from the fresco by Lord Leighton in the South Ken- sington Museum, by P. C. Morton, student at South Kensington. Purchased — London, 1884. 18. Bettws-y-Coed. John M. Bromley, r.b.a. John M. Bromley, noted for his water colours, especially of Scotch scenery, is a member of the Royal Society of British Artists. Purchased — Anglo -Australian Exhibition, 1889. 19. At the Shrine. ' Dudley Hardy, r.b.a., r.i. Dudley Hardy, son of late T. B. Hardy, was born, 1867. Studied at Dusseldorf, and under Verlat in Antwerp, and later in Paris. Member of the Royal Society of British Artists and Royal Institute. Purchased — Sydney, 1900. 20. La Perouse, Botany Bay. E. Combes, c.m.g. The Honorable Edward Combes entered political life of N.S.W. in 1872, and in 1878 was Executive Commissioner for this Colony at the Paris Exhibition. Was appointed a Trustee of the National Art Gallery of N.S.W. in 1881. Died, 1895. Presented by the Artist’s family, 1895. 21. Near the Pyramid of Sakhara. E. A. Goodall, r.w.s. “ Son of man, can these bones live ? ” and I answered, “ 0 Lord God Thou knowest.” Ezekiel, chap. 37, v. 3. Edward A. Goodall Avas born 1819. Brother of the late Eredk. Goodall, R.A. Artist correspondent for the Illustrated London News, during the Crimean War, 1854-55. Trustee and Member of the Roj'^al Society of Painters in Water Colours since 1858. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 22. Una Fascina di Olive. W. C. T. Dobson, r.a. William C. T. Dobson was born at Hamburg, 1817. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools in 1836, and under Charles Eastlake, Master of Birmingham School of Design, 1843-1845. Elected a. r.a in 1860, and R.a. in 1872. Died, 1898. Purchased — 1888. 23. Arts as Applied to War. After Lord Leighton, p.r.a. Reduced copy from the fresco by Lord Leighton in the South Kensing- ton Museum, by P. C. Morton, student at South Kensington. Purchased — London, 1884. 70 WATER COLOURS — British and Foreign. 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . Breton Peasant Girl. . f J. B. J. Trayer. Jean Baptiste Jules Trayer was born in Paris, 1824. Studied under Lequien, and exhibited in Paris up to 1887. Purchased — 1884. Fleet Street, London. Herbert Marshall, R.W.S. Herbert Marshall was born, 1841. Studied in London and Atelier Questel, Paris, especially Architecture. Gained the Travelling Studentship for Architecture at the R.A. in 1868; elected R.w.s., 1882. Purchased — London, 1894. Vanity. A. Martinetti. Italian. Purchased — Melbourne, 1882. Wayside Friends. Basil Bradley, r.w.s. Purchased — 1884. Etang de Chaville. August Allonge was born, Paris, 1833. Arts in 1852, and under L. Cogneit. Purchased — 1884. A. Allonge. French. Studied at L’Ecole des Beaux Seeking Shelter. Torquati. Italian. Purchased— 1883. The East CliH, Hastings, Sussex. H. G. Hine, r.i. H. G. Hine, Landscape Artist, was born in 1811. Self-taught. He was Vice-President of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours. Died in 1895. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. A Study (Landscape). P. de wint. Peter de Wint was born in Staffordshire, 1784. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools in 1807, and from that year till 1828 exhibited at the Royal Academy, and later at the Water Colour Society. De Wint died in London, 1849. Purchased — London, 1876. A Venetian Peasant. Purchased — Sydney, 1886. L. Du Rios. Italian. The Alhambra, Spain. Purchased — 1914. W. Lee Hankey. Ben-na-Caleagh, Skye. J. Macculloch, r.b.a. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. WATEK COLOURS— British and Foreign, 71 35. Evening — Dart-Meet, Devonshire. Purchased — 1904. Arthur Suker. 36. Enfants a la Pomme. (Pastel.) E. Levy. Emile Levy was born, Paris, 1826. Studied under Picot, and at L’Ecole des Beaux Arts. Won the Grand Prix de Rome in 1854. Purchased — Paris, 1894. 37. A Fishwife. T. S. Robins, R.I. Thomas Sewell Robins was, in 1839, one of the original members of the Institute of Painters in Water Colours ; he exhibited at the Royal Academy between 1829 and 1879. Several of his works are now at South Kensington. Robins died in 1880. V Purchased — 1878. 38. The Prentice Hand. Presented by Mr. R. T. Hall. T. W. Couldery. 39. Easton Broad, Lowestoft, Suffolk. J. Mogford, r.i. John Mogford was born London, 1821; died, 1885. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools. Exhibited at the Royal Academy and Sydney International Exhibition in 1879. In 1866 was elected a Member of the Institute of Painters in Water Colours. Purchased— Sydney, 1879. 40. Cannock Chase. Bernard Evans, R.I., R.B.A. Cannock is a town in Staffordshire. Bernard Evans was born in 1848. Studied under Samuel Lines, of Birmingham. Settled in London in 1869, and is a frequent exhibitor at the R.A. Elected R.i. 1887, r.b.a. 1880. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ Sunset, Cannock Chase.” Purchased — 1887. 41. A Glimpse of the Clyde, Helensburgh. Purchased — Sydney, 1899. Sir Alfred East, R.A., R.E., P.R.B.A. 72 WATEE COLOUES— British and Foreign 2 ft. 2 in. X 3 ft. 9 in. WATER COLOURS— British and Foreign. 73 42. Weather clearing after Kain, Sir 0. W. Brierly, r.w.s. Venice. Sir Oswald Brierly was bom at Chester, 1817, spent most of his time at sea, and visited almost every part of the world. He exhibited for the first time at the Royal Academy in 1839. His successful career as an artist may be said to have commenced about 1854, when he was with the British fleet in the Baltic during the war with Russia. In 1867 he accompanied H.R.H the Duke of Edinburgh on a ‘voyage round the Avorld, and spent some time in Sydney. In 1869 Avent to Egypt with the Prince of Wales. He was elected a member of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours in 1880. Was knighted in 1886. Died, 1894. Purchased — 1 883 . 43. Junction of Rivers Wye and Severn. E. Wake Cook. E. Wake Cook Avas a student of the Melbourne National Gallery, under Von Guerard, and subsequently resided in London. Purchased — 1884. 44. A Signal of Distress. Edwin Hayes, r.h.a., r.t. EdAAnn Hayes AA'as born in Ireland, and studied at the Dublin Art Schools, and for some thirty years exhibited at the Royal Academy. Is represented in the National Gallery of Victoria Avith “ Fishing Vessels oft’ Granton,” and also in Art Gallery of South Australia. EdAA'in Hayes, aa'Iio AA^ as a member of the Royal Hibernian Academy and Royal Institute, died in 1904. Purchased — Melbourne, 1880. 45. English Landscape. J. M. Bromley, r.b.a. Presented by Lady Innes, in memory of the late Sir George Innes. 46. Cathedral of Saintes, Charente. L. Lewis. Charente is a town in France, on the River Charente. Purchased — Melbourne, 1888. 47. Henley Reach, Thames. W. Bradley. Purchased — Sydney, 1884. 48. Cannock Chase. Purchased — 1 887 . Bernard Evans, r.i., r.b.a. 74 WATEE COLOUES — British and Foreign. 49. Gossip in the Ante-chamber, Papal Palace. P. de Tommasi. Italian. Public de Tommasi was bom in 1849, studied at the Art School in Rome, and was afterwards appointed Instructor to the Municipal Art School. Purchased — Eome, 1884. 50. Market Place, Padua. W. Callow, r.w.s. [Padua, a city of North Italy, 23 miles from Venice.] William Callow was born, 1812. Studied in London and Paris ; was for seven years Professor of Painting to King Louis Philippe’s family. Elected A.E.W.S., 1838; R.W.S., 1848. Purchased — Melbourne, 1880. 51. '' Begins the Day by Flattery.” E. E. Franz. Italian. Purchased — Sydney, 1899. 52. The Old Mill, Bettws-y-Coed. David Law, r.e. David Law was bom in Edinburgh, 1831. Water-colour painter and etcher; exhibited at the Royal Academy and Suffolk-street Gallery since 1869, and was one of the Founders of the Royal Society of Painter- Etchers; died, 1901. Purchased — 1882. 53. Wreck of an East Indiaman. Samuel Prout. Purchased — 1889. 54. Silver Birches. J. E. Grace. Purchased — 1890. 55. The Game of Chess. P. de Tommasi. Italian. Purchased — 1883. 56. Silver Birches. (Pastel.) Helene Mar^chal. French. Purchased — Sydney, 1892. 57. Interior of Mosque of Sultan Hassan, Cairo. E. A. Goodall, r.w.s. Purchased — 1883, WATER COLOURS— British and Foreign. 75 The Butter Tower of the Cathedral, Rouen. T. C. Dibdin. The Southern Tower of the west front of Rouen Cathedral, which was commenced in a.d. 1485, and finished in 1507. The foundation stone was laid by Archbishop Robert de Croix-Mare. The name “ Butter Tower ” (which is found in connection AWth several European Cathedrals), is derived from the circumstance that the expense of building it Avas defrayed by money Avhich was procured by the sale of dispensations to eat butter during Lent in the diocese of Rouen and Evreux, the permission in this instance having been obtained from Pope Innocent VIII. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. The Miseries of War. Louis Haghe, r.i. Belgian. Louis Haghe was born in Belgium, 1806. Studied at the Tournay Academy, and under De la Barri6re, the famous lithographer. In 1823, Haghe visited and remained in London, where he devoted his time to lithography; later, he neglected same for water-colour AA^ork. Haghe, Avho painted with his left hand, sent most of his Avorks to the British Institution, the subjects being chiefly historical; died, 1885. Haghe was for some years Honorary President of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours. Purchased — 1883. Bazaar Gossip. C. Robertson, R.W.S. Charles Robertson, member of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours; died, 1891. Purchased — London, 1888. Palais de Justice, Bruges. J. Chase, r.i. John Chase Avas born in 1810. Studied under John Constable. Subjects principally Architectural. Died in 1879. This Avonderful specimen of Wood Sculpture of the 16th century is the chef d’ceuvre of an artist named Andrea, who was falsely accused of assassina- tion. Condemnation was about to be passed, but his talents, and his friends, procured a suspension of judgment; meanwhile he A\^as ordered to employ himself on some work of art for the Palais de Justice. The Sombre Hall, in which he had been tried, struck his imagination, and he resolved to leaA^e a work behind him which Avould perpetuate his memory. Andrea completed his task, but became overwhelmed with grief, from AALich his child, aaLo Avas allowed to visit him, in vain endeavoured to arouse him. The Magistrates went to inspect his Avork, Avhich called forth general admiration ; they found him pale and haggard, more like a spectre than a man. On leaving him they promised to send news that day AA^hich AA’’ould reanimate his heart. Early next morning the officers presented themseh’es at the prison Avith an order for his liberation, but when they entered his apartment they found Andrea dead . — Album Fittoresque de Bruges. Purchased — Melbourne, 1879. Costumes of the Roman Campagna. P. de Tommasi. Italian. Purchased — Sydney, 1883. 76 WATEE COLOUES — British and Foreign. 63. Lady Godiva. E. H. Corboiild, E.i. Edward Henry Corbould was bom 1815, anci studied under his father. From 1851 to 1872 was teacher of drawing and painting to the children of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria; died, 1905. In the year 1040, Leofric, Earl of Mercia and Lord Coventry, imposed certain exactions upon the inhabitants, too hard and grievous to bear. His wife, the Lady Godiva, besought her husband to give them relief, and pleaded so earnestly, that the Earl agreed to grant her the favour, but only on the condition that she should ride naked through the town. Godiva ordered a proclamation to be made that on a certain day no one should be in the streets, or even look from their houses ; when, “ Clothed on mth Chastity,” she rode through the town, and her husband, in admiration of her devotion, performed his promise. The Coventry halfpenny inserted in the frame was presented by Mr. Walter Bradley, Purchased — Melbourne, 1878. 1 ft. 8 in. X 3 ft. No. 64. 64. Food for Powder. F. Dadd, r.i. Frank Dadd was born 1851. Educated at South Kensington and Royal Academy Schools. Well known for his black and white illustrations. On the staff" of the London N-'^ws, 1878-84, and Graphic since 1884. b.t., 1888. Purchased — 1887. 65. Early English Sketches. Conrad Martens. Presented by Sir James E. Fairfax. 66. A Sketch. J. H. Mole, R.I. Purchased — 1 887 . 67. Interior, Alhambra, Granada. H. Stanier. Purchased — Spain, 1888. WATER COLOURS — ^British and Foreign. / 1 68. A Seat in St. Janies Park. O. J. Pinwell, r.w.s. George John PinAvell was born in London, 1842. Stunied at Hetherley’s School; was originally an illustrator of books, and first exhibited in Water Colours at the Dudley Gallery in 1865, but more frequently -with the Water Colour Society, of which he Av^as elected a member in 1871. Together Avith Frederick Walker, and Mason, he may be considered the leader of one of the most interesting of the modern developments of British Water Colour Painting. PinAA^ell died in 1875. Purchased — 1886. 69. Bal weary, Fifeshire. W. L. Leitch, r.i. William Leighton Leitch Avas born at GlasgoAv, 1804. Self-taught. Worked for some time as a scene painter in London. Exhibited at the Royal Academy and elseAALere betAA^een 1832 and 1861. Leitch, Avho taught Avater colour painting to H.M. Queen Victoria and other members of the Royal family, died in London, 1883. Purchased. — London, 1876. 70. Snowdrop and the Seven Little Men. J. u. Batten. Grimm’s Pairy Tales. This Avork is executed in Tempera, and AA'as the first completed by J. D. Batten in that medium, being exhibited at the NeAV Gallery, London. “ Tempera ” means no more than dilution, and is noAv used only to mean painting with egg or some other equivalent, as distinct from oil. The pigments are composed of the finest ground powder colour, mixed AAUth the raw yolk of egg and Avater, applied to prepared canvas or AA'ood panel. The medium is permanent, and luminous brilliant colouring can be obtained. There has been a revival of “ Tempera ” painting in England since 1880, principally among the folloAAung artists : — Spencer- Stanhope, Walter Crane, Southall, J. D. Batten, and Marianne Stokes. Purchased — London, 1898. 71. Cowden Knowes. Walter Severn, r.c.a. Walter Severn was President of the Dudley Gallery Art Society, and a member of the Royal Cambrian Academy. Died, 1904. Presented by Miss Eadith Walker, 1899. 72. Gateway, Granada. H. Stanier. Granada is an ancient Moorish Kingdom of Spain. The city of Granada was founded by the Moors in the 8th century, and AA^as surrounded by a wall fortified with 1,030 towers. Purchased — Spain, 1888. 73. Skeep on the Sussex Downs. F. Williamson. Purchased — 1881. 74. Whale-boats off Cape of Good Hope. Sir 0. W. Brierly, r.w.s. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 78 WATER COLOURS — British and Foreign. 75. Early Sketches (6). Samuel Prout. Presented by Miss Du Faur, London, 1885. 76. On the Coast of Cornwall. W. Cooke. Purchased — Melbourne, 1879. 77. A Summer Squall. David Cox. David Cox was bom in Birmingham, 1783; started his art career as a scene painter. He came to London in 1804, and studied for a time under John Varley; was elected a member of the Society of Painters in Water Colours in 1813, and a year later appointed teacher to the Military College, Bagshot. Many exhibitions of his works were held in London up tiU 1875. Cox died in 1859. Presented by the Hon. E. Combes, c.m.g. 78. Pandora. (Decorative Panel.) 79. On the Coast of Cornwall. Purchased — Melbourne, 1877. Marion Griffin. W. Cooke. 80. Sand Pit Common. E. M. Wimperis, r.i. E. M. Wimperis was born 1835, and was elected Vice-President of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours in 1895; died, 1900. Purchased — 1887. 81. Trevose Head, Cornwall. , Purchased — 1886. Arthur Suker. 82. The Captured Cannon. C. Cattermole, r.i. Charles Cattermole was born, 1832. Nephew of the famous George Cattermole. A member of the Institute of Painters in Water Colours, and of the Society of British Artists. Died, 1900. Purchased — 1883. 83. The Chatterbox. Kate Greenaway, r.i. Kate Greenaway was born, 1846; well knoum for her illustrations of child life. Died, 1901. Purchased — London, 1891. 84. Queen’s Pockets. Kate Greenaway, r.i. Purchased — London, 1891. 85. For a Naughty Girl. Purchased — London, 189U WATER COLOURS — British and Foreign. 79 86. Ofi the Eddystone. Copley Fielding. Copley Fielding was bom, 1787. Studied under his father and John Varley. Exhibited with the Water Colour Society in 1810, and was elected President of that Society in 1830. Died, 1855. Purchased — London, 1888. 87. A Visit to the Artist’s Studio. G. G. Kilbume, r.i. George Goodwin Kilburne was born, 1839, and for many years worked at Wood Engraving under Dalziel Brothers. Member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours. Purchased — 1883. 88. Barking — Spring-time. Birket Foster, r.w.s. Birket Foster was born, 1825. Studied wood engraving under E. Landells, devoting himself to that particular branch of art for some years. In 1860 he gave his attention to Water Colours, and the same year exhibited at the Royal Academy. Was elected to the Water Colour Society in 1859, and exhibited with that Society for over forty years. Died, 1899. Purchased — 1887. 89. Classic Landscape. G. Barret, junr. George Barret, jimior, was born, 1767. Studied imder his father. Was one of the first members of the Water Colour Society foimded 1804. In 1840 he published “ The Theory and Practice of Water Colour Painting.” Barret died in 1842. Purchased — -London, 1892. 90. The Trellis. G. S. Blgood, e.i. G. S. Elgood, well known for his paintings of country homes and gardens, was bom 1851, and is a constant exhibitor at the Fine Art Society, and , a member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours. Purchased — London, 1901. 91. Sewing. Mrs. Allingham, R.w.s. Mrs. Allingham was born, 1848. Studied under Raimbach in Birmingham from 1862 to 1867, when she came to London, joining the Academy Schools. In 1875 she was elected a member of the Royal Water Colour Society. Purchased — London, 1889. 92. The Last of the Flowers. G. S. Elgood, r.i. Purchased — London, 1891. 93. Stranded — Morning after the Wreck. Copley Fielding. Purchased — Melbourne, 1883. 94. Near Exmouth. W. A. Ingram, r.b.a. W. Ayerst Ingram Avas born, 1855. Studied under John Streple and A. W. Weedon, e.i. Took an active part in the formation of the Anglo - Australian Society of Artists in 1885, and was elected President of that - Society in 1888. Elected r.b.a. in 1884. Is also represented in the National Gallery of South Australia. Purchased — Anglo- Australian Society, 1889. 80 WATER COLOURS— British and Foreign. 95. The Last Days of the Campanile, E. Wake Cook. St. Mark’s, Venice. The great Campanile was 322 feet high. Founded 888, restored 1329, capped with the marble top in 1417, and adorned with the angel in 1517. The fall of the Great Bell Tower occurred on the 14th July, 1902. It has since been rebuilt. Presented by Mr. A. A. Dangar, 1903. 96. Kilchurn Castle, Loch Awe. David Law, r.e. Purchased — 1882. 97. The Mill, Arundel. J. W. Whymper, r.i. J. W. Whymper Avas born 1813, and was a member of the Royal Institute in Water Colours; died, 1903. This work, and the folloAving five, were the first purchased by the Trustees. Purchased — -London, 1875. 98. The Road to the Peat Bog. J. H. Mole, r.i. Purchased — London, 1875. 99. Eagle Crag and Gate Crag, T. M. Richardson, r.w.s. Borrowdale, Cumberland. Thomas M. Richardson, junior, water-colour artist, was for many years a member of the old Water Colour Society ; his subjects were chiefly among the highlands of Scotland. Born 1813, and died 1890. Purchased — London, 1875. 100. A Stream from the Dockhart, Paul J. Naftel, r.w.s. Perthshire. Purchased — London, 1875. 101. A Sketch off Revel. Sir 0. W. Brierly, R.w.s. Purchased — London, 1875. 102. Cattle on the Wye. H. Brittan Willis, r.w.s. Purchased — London, 1875. 103. Portsmouth Harbour. T. B. Hardy. Purchased — Sydney, 1895. 104. Leopards. (Pastel.) J. M. Swan, a.r.a. Purchased — 1898. WATEE COLOUES— British and Foreign. 81 105 . 106 . 107 . 108 . 109 . no. 111 . 112 . 113 . 114 . 115 . A Quiet Stream, Surrey, Mole River. Sutton Palmer. Purchased — -1883. General View of the Alhambra, Granada. H. Stanier. Purchased — Spain, 1888. Winchelsea. Winchelsea is a decayed Cinque-port in Sussex, built under the auspices of Edward I. Purchased — 1883. Clearing a Wreck off the Coast of Picardy. T. B. Hardy. T. B. Hardy, marine artist, was born in 1842; died, 1898. Purchased — Melbourne, 1885. Lake Geneva. Purchased — Sydney, 1886. Peasant Child’s Funeral at Chioggia. Purchased — London, 1883. Evening- Loch A ’an, Grampians, Aberdeenshire. Purchased — London, 1890. Trundling the Cheese. E. Thorne-Waite, r.av.s. “ Another geam wur to bowl a cheese down the mainger, and the first as could catch ’un had ’un. The cheese was a tough ’un, and held together.” — “ Scouring of the White Horsed R. Thorne-Waite was born in England, 1842, and studied at South Kensington, and later, in Scotland, and was elected a member of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours, 1886. Purchased — London, 1887. The Poet Gringoire. E. E. Hughes, r.w.s. Purchased — London, 1894. Dutch Pinks returning from Sea. Edwin Hayes, r.h.a., r.i. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. The Thames near Great Marlow. c. Wilkinson. Purchased — Sydney, 1894. Nicholas Chevalier. A. N. Eoussoh. Russian. T. M. Eichardson. R.w.s. David Law, r.e. New Winchelsea was 82 WATER COLOURS — British and Foreign. 116. South Sea Whaling. Sir 0. W. Brierly, R.w.s. Off Twofold Bay, 1867. This work, Sir Oswald Brierly says, represents the flurry or death struggle of the whale ; this frequently occurs when it is nearly dead, when it makes a desperate dash for the surface. The blow-holes become choked with blood, which is driven up from the head into two great spouts; not unfrequently the whale in his flurry rises in the midst of the boats, when a scene of the wildest commotion ensues— loud shouts from the men, “ Stern all ! Lay off ! ” This whale is the whalebone or black whale of the Southern seas. This species of whale {Mysticeius) is destitute of teeth, but in their place the upper jaw is furnished with transverse layers of horny substance, called baleen or whalebone. When fully grown its length is from 50 to 65 feet. Whaling was first undertaken on the Australian Coast by the “ Britannia ” in 1791. Purchased — Sydney, 1901. 117. Peat Moss — Isle of Skye. Purchased — London, 1883. 118. Repairing a Pink. Sheveningnen Beach. Purchased — 1882. 119. (Eillets (Pinks). Purchased — ^Paris, 1894. David Law, r.e. T. B. Hardy. Madeleine Lemaire. French. 120. The Boar Hunter. L. Huard. ^ Belgian. Louis,, .iiuard was born in Trance, resided and pamtcd chiefly in Brussels. Died in London, 1842. Purchased — 1879. 121. Cheddar. A. Goodwin, r.w.s. Albert Goodwin is an old member of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours. Cheddar is a village in Somersetshire. Purchased — London, 1891. 122. The Common. A. D. Fripp, r.w.s. Alfred D. Fripp was born in 1822. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools, and exhibited regularly at the Society of Painters in Water Colours since 1844. Died, 1895. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 123. Near Fulham Docks. Early Morn. C. E. Hern. Purchased — 1888. WATER COLOURS— British and Foreign. 83 124. The Yew Garden, Arley. G. S. Elgood, r.i. Purchased — London, 1891. 125. Gathering Ferns. Mrs. Allingham, r.w.s. Purchased — London, 1889. 126. Arriving from the Ferry. R. W. Allan, r.w.s. Robert Weir Allan was born in Scotland, 1852, where he studied for some years, and in 1875 studied in Paris at R’Ecole des Beaux Arts, under Cabanel. He exhibited at the Glasgow Institute in 1873, and later at tho Royal Academy. Purchased — Melbourne, 1890. 127. Silk and Calico Bazaar, Cairo. E. A. Goodall, r.w.s. Purchased — ^Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 128. The Introduction. C. Cattermole, r.i. Purchased — London, 1877. 129. Study of a Calf. H. Brittan Willis, r.w.s. Purchased — 1902. 130. Hay-making. ^ W. Bennett. William Bennett, landscape painter, was born in 1811; died, 1871. Purchased — Sydney, 1883. 131. Sunrise at Thebes, during C. Vacher, r.i. Inundation. Charles Vacher was bom, 1818. Studied in Rome, and was elected a member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours in 1846. Died in hondon, 1883. Thebes was a celebrated Egyptian City, situated in the valley of the Nile, 2500 b.c. Its most flourishing period was imder the 18th, 19th, and 20th Dynasties, or from about 1600 to 1100 b.c., when it had supplanted Memphis, the ancient capital of the Pharaohs. Purchased — London, 1884. 132. On the Coast, Pembrokeshire. Purchased — Sydney, 1891. R. Smith. 133. Heron. Purchased — 1891 . H. Stacy Marks, r.a. 134. On the South Coast, Hastings. A. W. Weedon, r.i. Augustus W. Weedon, elected b.i., 1887, is represented in the National Gallery of Victoria with “ Changing Pastures.” Purchased — 1883. M WATER COLOURS — British and EoreigH. 135. La Maison des Templiers, Dinan, Brittany, L. Lewis. Purchased — 1880. 136. Bury St. Edmunds. A. Goodwin, Bury St. Edmunds — a town of West Suffolk. In 1020 Canute erected a Benedictine Abbey in honour of Edmund the Martyr, but of the once magnificent building little remains except the Abbey Gate. Purchased — 1891. 137. An Arab Home. F. Goodall, r.a. Frederick Goodall was born in Liondon, 1822. First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1839. Elected an a.r.a. in 1852, and r.a. in 1864. His subjects were principally Egyptian. Died, 1904. Purchased — 1880. 138. Distant View of Borne. A. Glennie. Presented by Mrs. Anna Hills, 1899. 139. Sofa. — Chief, French Soudan. A. Marie. French. Purchased — Paris, 1895. 1 40. St. Albans Cathedral. Harry Hine, r.i. Harry Hine was born in Rondon, and after spending some time at sea, retired, and studied drawing at the Rondon Schools. He is famous for his paintings of English and foreign Cathedrals. St. Albans, Hertfordshire, is noted for its great Benedictine Abbey, 793 — rebuilt in 1077, and dedicated in 1115, in the presence of Henry I. The Abbey Church is the vastest and sternest of the early Norman structures, being 584 feet long, 189 feet across, and since 1871 has been thoroughly restored by Sir G. Scott and Sir E. Beckett, the nave being reopened in 1885. Purchased — Melbourne, 1888. 141. A Sketch. W. Bennett. Purchased — Sydney, 1883. 142. The Forum, Borne. A. Glennie. The Forum, at the time of the Republic, was the centre of the public life of the city, being an oblong space surrounded by shops. In course of time the open space of the Forum became surrounded by public edifices, of which the most conspicuous remains are the eight columns of the Temple of Saturn, built 491 b.c. The Colonnade of the Twelve Great Gods was built 496 B.c. To the north of the Forum stands the Triumphal Arch of Severus ; to the south, the Arch of Titus. Presented by Mrs. Anna Hills, 1899. 143. After Work. J. Aumonier, r.i. Purchased — New Zealand Exhibition, 1907. 144. The Church Pool, Bettws-y-Coed, J. W. Mole, r.i. North Wales. Purchased — 1 883 . WATER COLOURS— British and Foreign. 85 145. Hillside Cottage. Mrs. Allingham, r.w.s. Purchased — London, 1889. 146. The Drowsy Lover. C. Detti. Italian. Cesare Detti was born in Rome, where he studied at the San Luca Academy. Purchased — Melbourne, 1882. 147. Widowed and Fatherless. T. Walter Wilson, r.i. 148. Town Hall, Oiidenarde. J. Skinner Prout. John Skinner Prout, nephew of Samuel Prout, was bom, 1806; died, 1876. During his early days he visited Australia, and on his return to London held an exhibition of his sketches at the Crystal Palace. Oudenarde is a town of Belgium, famous on account of the Battle of Oudenarde, one of Marlborough’s great victories, 1708. The Town Hall was built in 1535. Presented by Mr. C. H. Woolcott. 149. Abbeville. J. Skinner Prout. Abbev'ille, a town in France, near the river Somme, built partly on an island and partly on the banks of the river. Noted for the famous church of St. Wolfram, commenced in the reign of Louis XII, which is a splendid example of the Flamboyant style. Presented by Mr. C. H. Woolcott. 150. Blavin, from Loch Slapin, Skye. J. Macculloch, r.b.a. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 151. From the Terrace. G. S. Elgood, r.i. Purchased — London, 1901. 152. A Day in a Child’s Life. Kate Greenaway, r.i. Purchased — London, 1891. 153. Song of a Doll. Purchased — London, 1891. 154. The Fisher Girl. r. Barber. Presented by Mr. C. J. Royle. 165. “ Bibury,” Gloucestershire. Yeend King, e.b.a., v.p.r.i. Purchased — 1906, 86 WATER COLOURS — British and Foreign. 156 . 157 . 158 . 159 . 160 . 161 . 162 . 163 . 164 . 165 . 166 . 167 . 168 . 169 . La Bocca della Verita, Borne. Louis Haghe, r.i. Purchased — 1906. Valley of the Dart. W. Eyre Walker, r.w.s. Purchased — New Zealand Exhibition, 1907. The Quay, St. Tropez. Terrick Williams, r.i. Purchased — New Zealand Exhibition, 1907. Venetian Fruit Stall. G. C. Haite, r.i. Purchased — New Zealand Exhibition, 1907. April. Gertrude D. Hammond, r.i. Purchased — New Zealand Exhibition, 1907. The Castellan. E. J. Gregory, r.a., p.r.i. Purchased — New Zealand Exhibition, 1907. The Mill Pool. Sir E. A. Waterlow, r.a., p.r.w.s. Purchased — New Zealand Exhibition, 1907. Albi, France. H. Hughes Stanton, a. r.w.s Purchased — 1912. Looking South. (Troup Heath.) Purchased — 1912. Old Pitt-street, Sydney. Purchased — 1913. Portrait of Skinner Prout. Purchased — 1913. Morning, Boulonge. Purchased — 1906. In Peril. Betreat of the Bussians from Sebastopol. Presented by Mrs. Simpson, 1911. R. W. Allan, v.p.r.w.s. Skinner Prout. E. Bach. H. Caffie^ri. Chas. Cattermole, r.i. William Simpson, r.i. 87 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . MINIATURES. Portrait. Portrait. Portrait. Portrait of E. J. Horsley (Artist). Study. Portrait. Primroses. Lydia. Portrait. Child. Mrs. Whiting. 5J E. J. Horsley. Bernice Edwell. Beryl Ireland. Bess Norriss, r.m.s. Gladys Laycock. Bernice Edwell. The Sisters. The Peacock Feather. The Sacristan. Annette. Portrait. The Duke of Wellington. Mother of Napoleon III. Presented by Mrs. J. S. Perry. Gladys Laycock Bernice Edwell. Beryl Ireland. L’Eveque. Dog’s Head. After Sir Edwi'n Landseer- Presented by Mrs. Mosely. Snuff Box. Collection of Miniatures. Lent by Mrs. M. A. Dailey. 88 OIL PAINTINGS. AUSTRALIAN COURT. 1 . Port Jackson, from Governor Bourke’s Conrad Martens. Statue, 1842. Conrad Martens arrived in Sydney on H.M.S. “ Beagle ” in 1836, with Professor Darwin, Scientist and Explorer, and after visiting the greater part of Australasia he settled in Sydney, where he died in 1878. Presented by Sir Thos. L. Devitt, Bart., 1891. 2. Commander Johnston, r.n. R. Noble. Presented to the Government of New South Wales by Mrs. Fanny Johnston, on behalf of the Johnston family, and transferred to the Trustees, 1891. 3. Lieutenant-Colonel George Johnston. H. R. Smith. 4. Robert Johnston, r.n. At the age of 16. R. C. George. Transferred to the Trustees by the Colonial Secretary, 1891. 5. The Musician. J. S. Watkins. N.S.W. Purchased — Royal Art Society, 1911. 6. Returning from the Garden. Rupert W. Bunny. Victoria. Purchased — 1911. 7. A Token of Friendship. A. Collingridge. N.S.W. Arthur Collingridge was born in England, and studied in Paris. Came to N.S.W. in 1878. Messrs. Arthur and George Collingridge were the original founders of the Art Society of N.S.W. in 1880. Trustee of the National Art Gallery of N.S.W., 1900 to 1907. Died, April, 1907. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W,, 1890, OIL PAINtlNOS— Australian. 89 8. Sir Edward Knox. John LongstafE. Victoria. Sir Edward Knox was Chairman of Board of Directors of the Colonial Sugar Refining Company, Limited, and died in 1901. Presented by the Employees of the Colonial Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., Sydney, 1902. 9. Mount Olympus, Tasmania. W. C. Piguenit. N.S.W. This work was among the first submitted by Mr. Piguenit at an early Exhibition of the N.S.W. Academy of Art. Purchased by Subscription. Transferred from N.S.W. Academy of Art, 1880. 10. A Summer Morning. Rupert W. Bunny. Purchased — 1911. No. 11 5 ft. X 3 ft. 90 OIL PAINTINGS — Australian. II. Sir Henry Parkes, G.C.M.G. Julian E. Ashton. N.S.W. Sir Henry Parkes was born in Warwickshire, 1815 ; came to Australia in 1839. Entered political life in New South Wales in 1854 ; formed his first Government in 1872, remaining in office till 1875; in office again in 1877, during which year he was knighted; after experiencing several - defeats he again came into power in 1887, holding office till 1889. Author of several works, including “ Fifty Years in the Making of Australian History.” Died, April, 1896. Julian Rossi Ashton was born in Surrey, England, 1851 ; studied at the South Kensington School and Julien’s Atelier, Paris. Was trustee of the National Art Gallery of N.S.W., 1889 to 1899. Among his principal portraits may be mentioned. Lord Carrington, Bishop Moorhouse, and the Marquis of Normanby. Purchased — 1890. 12. Hauling Timber. Purchased — Royal Art Society, 1911. (Awarded Wynne Art Prize. 1911.) Hans Heysen. Soutli Au'^tralia. 13. A Summer Evening. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1896. David Davies. Victoria. 14. Street, Old Sydney. (The Rocks Area.) R. Godfrey Rivers. N.S.W. R. Godfrey Rivers was for some years Instructor of Drawing and Painting at the Technical College, Brisbane. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1889. Arthur Streeton. Ambrose Patterson. Victoria, 15. Cremorne Pastoral. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1895. 16. Collins-street, Melbourne. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1911.- 17. On the Wallaby Track. F. McCubbin. Victoria . Frederick McCubbin was bom in Melbourne, 1855 — appointed, in 1884, Drawing Instructor at the National Gallery, Melbourne. Died, 1917. Purchased — Melbourne, 1897. 18. A Portrait. {Study.) Purchased — Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 1906. J. Muir Auld. N.S.W. OIL PAINTINGS— Australian. 91 19. The Golden Fleece. Tom Eoberts. N.S.W. Tom Roberts was born in 1856; came to Australia in 1869; studied at the Melbourne Gallery Schools — and later at the Royal Academy; is now residing in England. Purcbasod — Art Society of N.S.W., 1894. 20. “ Still Glides the Stream, and shall Arthur St^eeton. for ever Glide.” victoria. Subject taken near Heidelberg, Victoria. Arthur Streeton was born in Victoria, 1867, and studied at the National Gallery Schools under G. E. Eolingsby. Is represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ The Hawkesbury River.” Was awarded honourable mention at the Paris Salon, 1904, and is now residing in England. Purchased — Melbourne, 1890. 21. Darby and Joan. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1898. H. Garlick. x.s.w. 22. A Dry Season. T. L. Jones. Victoria. Purchased — Melbourne, 1890. 92 OIL PAINTINGS — Australian. 23. The Ever Restless Sea. W. Lister- Lister. N.S.W. William Lister-Lister was bom in N.S.W., 1859. Left Australia in 1868, and studied in England and France. Returned to N.S.W. in 1888. President of the Royal Art Society of N.S.W. since 1897. Appointed Trustee of the National Art Gallery of N.S.W. in 1900. Represented in the Art Gallery of South Australia by “ Waning Lay.” Awarded the Wynne Art Prize, 1898, 1906-1910, 1912-1913, 1917. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1892. 24. A Portrait Study. John Longstafi. Victoria. John Longstaff was bom at Clunes, 1862. In 1882 entered the art classes at the National Gallery of Victoria, under the direction of G. F. Folingsby, and in 1887 secured, with his painting “ Breaking the News,” the first Travelling Scholarship awarded by the Trustees. Longstaff went to Paris and studied under Fernard Cormon. His “ Sirens ” (in the National Gallery of Victoria) was exhibited at the Salon of 1893, and Royal Academy of 1894. Trustees’ Representative in London. Appointed, 1915. Purchased^ — Society of Artists, 1896. 25. Lady in Black. E. Phillips-Eox. Victoria. E. Phillips-Fox was born in Melbourne, 1865. Studied at the National Gallery of Victoria — Julien’s Atelier, and les Beaux Arts, Paris. Commissioned by the Trustees Melbourne National Gallery to paint the historical picture, “ The Landing of Captain Cook.” Represented in the National Galleries of Victoria and South Australia. Lied, 1915. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1900. 26. The Storm. Walter Withers. Victoria. Walter Withers was born in Staffordshire, 1857. Studied at South Kensington and Julien’s Atelier, Paris. Came to Australia in 1882. Was awarded the first Wynne Art Prize in 1887, and again in 1900. Lied, 1914. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1897. (Awarded Wynne Art Prize, 1897.) 27. Flamingoes. S. Long. N.S.W. S. Long was bom 1872, and was for some time President of the Society of Artists. Is represented in the National Gallery of South Australia. Resides in London. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1902, 93 OIL PAINTINGS— Australian. 28. The Upper Nepean, N.S.W. W. C. Piguenit. N.S.W. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1889. 29. The Coming Home. Hans Heysen. South Australia. Purchased — Royal Art Society of N.S.W. , 1904. ? 0 rt. .5 in. 3 ft. 3 in. No. 24. 30. An Australian Bushman. Percy F. S. Spence. N.S.W. Purchased — Sydney, 1905. 94 OIL PAINTINGS— Australian 31. Eounding up a Straggler. - . F. P. Mahony. N.S.W. Francis Front Mahony was born in Melbourne, 1862, and studied at the Old Academy of Arts of N.S.W. under Signor Anivitti. Died in London, 1916. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1889. No. 31. 32. The Acolyte. George Walton. The late George Walton, an English artist, resided and painted for many years in Victoria. Purchased — 1890. 33. As in the Days of Old.” F. P. Mah<;ny. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1893. OIL PAINTINGrS— Australian. 95 34. The Cry of the Mothers. F. P. Mahony. N.S.W. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1896. 4 ft. X 7 ft. No. 23. 35. A Veteran. A. Dattilo-Eubbo. ^N.S.W. A. Datillo-Riubbo’was born at Naples, 1871, and studied for some years at the Municipal Art Schools at Rome. In 1894 he joined the Academy of Naples and studied under Professor Morelli. In 1896 he was awarded the Government Diploma as Professor of Drawing. Arrived in Sydney, 1897. Is represented in the Art Gallery of South Australia. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1899. 36. Nearing the Township. Walter Withers. Victoria. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1900. 37. Spring’s Inheritance. Purchased — 1900. Ethel A. Stephens. N.S.W. (HJIVEBSITV FEB 18 192^ 96 OIL PAINTINGS— Australiak. 38. Across the Black Soil Plains. G. W. Lambert. N.S.W. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1899. (Awarded the Wynne Art Prize, 1899.) 3 £t. X 2 ft. 3 in. No. 39. 39. Henry Lawson. John Longstaff. Henry Lawson was born in N.S.W., 1867, and since 1887 has con- tributed verse and prose to several publications; was in 1890 on the literary staff of The Boomerang, Brisbane. Author of several stories in prose and verse, including “ While the Billy Boils,” 1896; “ Children of the Bush,” 1902, &c., &c. Purchased — 1900. OIL PAINTINGS— Australian. 97 98 OIL PAINTINGS-Australian. 40. An Australian Mangrove. W. C. Piguenit. Presented by Sir James R. Fairfax, 1885. 41 . The Cockatoo. Margaret Fleming. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1895. N.S.W. 42. A Study. G. Nerli. Purchased — Sydney, 1890. 43. The Station Boundary. A. H. Fullwood. N.S.W. Albert Henry Fullwood was born in Birmingham, 1864, and studied at the Birmingham School of Arts. Came to Australia in the eighties and remained in Sydney till 1900, when he left for New York and London. Exhibits at the Royal Academy and other London Exhibitions. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W. , 1891. 44. Departure of the s.s. '' Orient.” Charles Conder- N.S.W. Chas. Conder was born in England in 1868. Came to Sydney in 1885. Subsequently resided in Melbourne. In 1890 he left for London. He became famous as a colourist and designer. Died, 1910. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1888. 45. A Bush Idyll. G. W. Lambert N.S.W. George W. Lambert was awarded a Travelling Scholarship in 1900. {See No. 70.) Purchased — Society of Artists, 1896. 46. Flood in the Darling, 1890. W. C. Piguenit. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1895. 47. Nearing the Camping Ground. J. Ford Paterson. Victoria. Purchased — Melbourne, 1890. OIL PAINTINGS— Australian. 99 3 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. No. 48. 48. Adelaide. E. Phillips-Fox. Victoria, Purchased — 1898. 100 OIL PAINTINGS— Australian. 49. Mount Kosciusko (N.S.W.). W. C. Piguenit. The artist states that, “ it is only Avhen seen from the North-east that a due sense of Kosciusko’s great height (7,328 feet) is fully realised, owing to the spectator looking across a succession of tremendous ravines, almost perpendicular in their steepness.” William Charles Piguenit was bom at Hobart, 1836, and was for twenty-three years employed in the Survey Department of Tasmania — • relinquishing that work in 1872, to follow the profession of an artist. Died, 1915. Awarded Wynne Art Prize, 1901, for “ A Thunderstorm on the Darling.” Special Commission from the Trustees, 1903. 50. Study for Jephthali’s Daughter. Tom Roberts. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1899. 51. '' The Dying Salute You.” Purchased — Society of Artists, 1898. Alice Muskett. N.S.W. 52. Suffolk Harvest Scene. Purchased — 1903. Arthur Streeton. 53. Eileen. Purchased — 1892. Tom Roberts. 54. After Life s Fitful Fever He Sleeps Well. J. Wolinski. N.S.W. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1900. 55. Pacific Beaches. A. J. Hanson. N.S.W. A. J. Hanson was awarded the Wynne Art Prize, 1905. Died, 1915. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1898. 56. A Southern Headland (Tasmania). W. C. Piguenit. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1896. 57. Aboriginal Head. Purchased — 1892. Tom Roberts. I OIL PAINTINGS— Australian. 101 8 ft. X 2 ft. 1 in. No. 35. 58. Terrigal Haven (N.S.W.). G V. F Mann. Terrigal Haven is an inlet on the North Coast, betv'een the Hawkesbury and' Newcastle. Purcliased — -Eoyal Art Society of N.S.W., 1903. 59 , His Honor Mr. Justice Colien. Norman Carter. Presented by tbe Jewish Community of Sydney, 1910. 60. Harbour* View. Howard Ashton. View of Sydney Harbour from the South . Purchased — Society of Artists, 1902. 61. Wild Flowers (Australian). Edith E. Cusack. .s.w. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1900. 62. Study of Grapes. Purchas6d^ — Society of Artists, 1895. Emi’y Meston. N.S.W. 102 OIL PAINTINGS— Australian. 63. “Fire’s On.” Arthur Streeton. 64. Apples. Madame Roth. ln.s.w. Madame Roth, Australian artist, was well known for her decorative work, and painted for many years in Sydney, after which she visited England and America, and finally settled in South Africa. Purchased — Arfc Society of N.S.W., 1890. 65. From Earth to Ocean. Mary Stoddard. N.S.W. Mrs. Mary Stoddard, Australian artist, Avell known for her still-life paintings and miniatures, died in London, 1901. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1889. 66. A Winter Eve (Paris). Will Ashton. South Australia. Purchased — -Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 1904. 67. Nicholas Fran9ois Habbe. N. F. Habbe. N. F. Habbe was a well known scene painter for many years in Australia. Born at Copenhagen, 1827, died in Sydney, 1889. Presented by Mr. J. L. Lyon, 1891. 68. The Grey Road. Purchased — Loan Exhibition, 1918. W. B. Mclnnes. Vctoria. 69. Gloucester Buckets. Purchased — Loan Exhibition, 1918. Arthur Streeton. 70. La Guitarite. G. W. Lambert. N.S.W. Being the first of three diploma works painted for the Trustees, under the conditions of the Society of Artists “Travelling Scholarship,’ awarded to G. W. Lambert, 1900. 71. The Three Kimonos. In terms of Scholarship — 1900. G. W. Lambert. 72. Equestrian Portrait. In terms of Scholarship — 1900. h OIL PAINTINGS^Austkalian. 103 73. A Study in Brown. Norman Carter. N.S.W. Purcliased — -Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 1908. 74. Mountain King. Purchased — The Society of Artists, 1908. 75. Eucalyptus (Ficifolia). Purchased — 1909. Douglas Fry. N.S.W. k. Price. N.S.\Y. 76. The Portfolio. Purchased — 1910. Chas. Wheeler. Victoria. 77. The Model. Purchased — 1910. L. Bernard Hall. Victoria. No. 101. 6 ft. X 7 ft. 0 in. 104 OIL PAINTINGS— Australian. 78. Port of St. Ives. Purchased — 1912. Haley Lever. South Australia. 79. Studies of Gum Tree Flora. Purchased — 1912. Jane’ii, Price. N.S.W. 80. The Golden Splendour of the Bush. W. Lister-Lister. Purchased by public subscription and presented by the subscribers — 1907. (Awarded Wynne Art Prize, 1906.) 81. Evening. Purchased — 1912. S. Long. N.S.W. 82. Motherhood. Purchased — 1913. E. Phillips-Fox. Victoria. 83. Malham Cove. Purchased — 1914. Arthur Streeton. Victoria. 84. The First Australian Fleet. Commission to Artist — 1914. A. J. W. Burgess. x.s.w. 85. The Rendezvous. Purchased — 1914. James Quinn. Victoria. 86. Beryl. Purchased — 1914. Harley Griffiths. Victoria. 87. An Interesting Chapter. Purchased — 1914. Max Meldrum. \ ictoi'ia. 88. Portrait Group. Purchased — 1914. James Quinn. 89. The Timber Schooner. Purchased^ — 1914. James R. Jackson. N.S.W. 90. Luxembourg Gardens, Paris. Will Ashton. Soufcli AuatriUia, Purchased — 1915. OIL PAINTINGrS — Australian 105 No. 84. 106 OIL PAINTINGS^Australian. 91. The Holiday. Purchased — 1916. James R. Jackson. 92. Cootamnndra Wattle. Purchased — 1916. A. E. Aldis. N.S.W. 93. The Dreamer. Purchased — 1916. James R. Jackson. 94. Morning Light. Purchased — 1916. (Awarded Wynne Art Prize, 1916.) E. Griiner. Tsr.s.w. 95. Clearing Up. (Pastel.) Purchased— 1912. Howard Ashton. N.S.W. 96. The Enemy in Sight. Purchased — 1916. H S. Power. South Australia. 97. Professor Sir Thomas Anderson Stuart. Presented by Sir T. Anderson Stuart. John Longstaff. 98. My Best Friend. Jh-esented by Mr. Howard Hinton. Douglas Fry. 99. Moonlight (Venice). Presented by Mr. Howard Hinton. Arthur Streeton. 100. A Portrait. Presented by Miss Margaret Harris. E. Phillips-Fox. 101. Loading the Tinker. W. Lister-Lister Presented to tlie Australia Day Fund by Messrs. Anthony Hordern and Sons, and subsequently purchased by the Minister of Education and trans- ferred to the Trustees, 1915. 102. The Plains of the Darling. E. Officer. Purchased — 1917. \ictona. 103. Portrait (A. H. Fullwood, Artist). James Quinn. Purchased — 1917. The Broken Vase. Purcliased Koyal Art Society — 1917. 104. J. Muir Auld OIL PAINTINGS— Australian 107 108 OIL PAINTIN€^g— AosMALiitN. 105. The Rev. Canon Boyce. Julian E. Ashton. Presented by the N.S.W. Alliance, 1917. 106. Hon. Henry Gullett, M.L.C. Julian E. Ashton. Bequeathed by the late Mr. Gullett. OLD SYDNEY. The following Paintings of “ Old Sydney,” principally subjects among the ‘‘ Eocks ” resumed area, were purchased by the Government — from an exhibition of works sent in by artists, in response to an invitation, fer the late Hon. E. W. O’Sullivan, Minister of Works, 1902 — and transferred to the Trustees : — - 1. Clyde-street, Miller’s Point. Julian E. Ashton. 2. Cumberland-street . Julian E. Ashton 3. Old George-street Markets. W. B. Spong. 4. Cambridge-street (looking South). F. Leist. 5. Cambridge-street (looking towards Argyle Cut). Julian E. Ashton. 6. Argyle Cut. Clarence Backhouse. 7. Argyle Cut. S. Long. 8. Clyde-street. S. Long. 9. View in Cumberfend-street. Alice J. Muskett. 10. Ferry Lane. S. Long. 11. The Sailors’ Return ” Hotel. S. Long. 12. Argyle-street (looking towards the Observatory). Julian E. Ashton. 13. Old Houses (Wentworth-street). Howard Ashton. 109 WATER COLOURS. AUSTRALIAN COURT. 1. Study of Waratahs. Margaret Flockton. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1895. 2 . 3. '' Gone are the Days.” Mother. C. E. S. Tindall. N.S.W. Mi-llituirt Hambidge. Smith Australia. Purchased — Royal Art Society, 1907. 4. Chrysanthemums. J. A. Bennett. N.S.W. 5. A Swiss Mountain Pass. Purchased — Royal Art Society, 1907. C. N. Worsley. N.Z. 6. Cathedral Rocks, near Kiama, N.S.W. A. H. Fullwood. Selected from Special Water Colour Competition, 1892. 7. A Preliminary Puff. E. Bevan. N.S.W. Purchased — Art Society, N.S.W., 1892. 8. Crescent Head and Point Plomer. b. E. Minns. N.S.W. Selected from Special Water Colour Competition, 1892. 9. Valley of the Motupiko, N.Z. John Gully. N.Z. Purchased — 1877. no WATEK COLOUES— Australian. 10. Kangaroo Valley, N.S.W. A. H. Fullwood. N.S.W. Selected from Special Water Colour Competition, 1892. 11. Eonda Gorge, Spam. C. N. Worsley. N.Z. Purchased — Eoyal Art Society, 1907. 12. A Bush Scene. F. C. Terry. Purchased — 1896. 13. Sydney in 1842. Sir 0. W. Brierly, r.w.s. A view of Sydney Cove — -Circular Quay. Purchased — London, 1890. 14. The Coast at Ben Buckler. Ben Buckler — Headland near Bondi, N.S.W. Purchased — 1889. D. G. Commons. N.S.W. 15. Illawarra. Conrad Martens. Purchased — 1889. 16. Eeflections. (Pastel, Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1898. A. H. Fullwood. N.S.W. 17. The Window Seat. Purchased — 1913. Frances Hodgkins. 18. The Dry Lagoon. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1911. J. J. Hilder. N.S.W. 19. Lady Gwendoline. Helen Harabidge. South Australia. Purchased — Eoyal Art Society of N.S.W., 1905. 20. A Path among the Hills. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1902. G. Fitzgerald. N.S.W. WATEK COLOUKS— Australian. Ill 21. A Breton Maid. B. E. Minns. Purchased — Eoyal Art Society of N.S.W., 1905. 22. Old Friends. B. E. Minns. Purchased — Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 1905. 23. A Sea Fantasy. J W. Tristram. N.S.W. Purchased — Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 1905. 24. Street Scene, Cairo. W. B. Spong. Purchased — 1890. 25. A Surveyor’s Camp. Arthur Streeton. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1896. No. 27. Jervis Bay, Slioalliaven Biver, N.S.W. A. H. Fullwood Selected from Special Water Colour Competition, 1892 26. 27. Aboriginal Types. B E. Minns. Purchased — Art Society, N.S.W. , 1894. 28. Graham’s Valley, New England, N.S.W. W. Lister-Lister. Selected from Special AVater Colour Competition, 1892. 112 WATEK COLOUES— Australian. 29. Dinner in the Fo’castle. H. S. Hopwood, k.b.a., a.r.w.s. Henry S. Hopwood was born in Leicester, 1860, visited N.S.W. in 1888, and returned to England in 1890; in 1891 he studied at JuJien’s Atelier, Paris, under Bougereau and Ferrier, and exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1892. His work, “ Industry,” was purchased by the Chantrey Bequest Trustees in 1894. Died, 1914. Purcliased — Art Society of N.S.W. , 1889. 30. Stonehenge — ^New England, N.S.W. W. Lister-Lister, A group of granite boulders which extend along the valley at the foot of Ben Lomond, about 6 miles from the toum of Glen Innes, named “ Stone- henge,” on account of their similarity to the famous group of stones on Salisbury Plains, England. Selected from Special Competition, 1892. 31. The Low Lispings of the Silvery Waves.” A. J. Hanson. N.S.W. Purchased — Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 1892. 32. A Sketch. J. Mather. Victoria. John Mather was born in Scotland, 1848; came to Victoria in 1878; was appointed Trustee of Public Library and National Gallery, Melbourne, in 1893. Died, 1916. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1889. 33. Timber-laden Junk, Shanghai. C. E. S. Tindall. N.S.W. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1904. 34. Peasant Sewing. Maud Kimhell. Purchased — 1914. 35. Australian Aboriginal Female. B. E. Minns. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1896. 36. Illawarra. Conrad Martens. Lake Illawarra, on the South Coast of N.S.W. Purchased^ — 1 883 . 37. Hume’s Crags. — Liverpool Ranges, N.S.W. Conrad Martens. Purchased — 1879. 38. Stoney Creek, Victoria. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1895. J. Mather. WATER COLOURS — Austealian. 113 39. Aline. (Pastel.) Edith E. Cusack Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1891. 40. The Close of Day. A. J. Hanson. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W.. 1896. 41. Norton’s Basin, Nepean River, N.S.W. Conrad Martens. Junction of Warragamha and Wollondilly Rivers. Purchased — 1879. 42. Entrance to Port Stephens, N.S.W. W. Lister-Lister. Selected from Special Water Colour Competition. 1893. 43. A Winter Storm. R. Sydney Cocks. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1902. 44. “ Gib it Bacca, Boss.” .Tdian R. Ashton. Purchased — ^1888. 45. Terrigal Headland, N.S.W. Julian R. Ashton. Selected from Special Competition, 1893. 46. Entrance to Sydney Harbour. Purchased— 1896. Conrad Martens. 47. Buffalo Creek. Mary Heydon. Purchased — Royal Art Society d N.S.W., 1906. 48. A Nocturnienne. F. Leist. N.S.W. Fred Leist Avas for some years Special Artist on the Sydney Mail Staff. Noav residing in London. Purchased— Art Society of N.S.W., 1902. 49. St. Mary’s Porch, Oxford. p, Fletcher-AVatson. Purchased — 1887. 50. A Solitary Ramble. Julian R. Ashton Purchased — 1888, n lU WATEK COLOUKS— Australian. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. The '' Wilberforce ” or Emancipation Oak. W. Lister-Lister. Purchased — 1889. Apsley Falls, N.S.W. Conrad Martens. Purchased — 1876. A Place of Wind and Flowers. Alice E. Norton. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1894. Otira Pass, N.Z. Purchased — 1886. John Gully. Sydney from North Shore. Purchased — 1889. E. B. Boulton. N.S.W. Season of Mists. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1891. Mosman’s Bay, Sydney. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1890. Aboriginal Study. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1894. B. E Minns. J. Mather. B. E. Minns. Old House, Clyde-street, Miller’s Julian B. Ashton. Point, Sydney. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1902. Govett’s Leap. C. E. Hern. Govett’s Leap, Blue Mountains, N.S.W., near Blackheath, named after Govett, Surveyor (1832-33). Purchased — 1880. 61. Boses. M. Stoddard. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1894. 62. Sweet Violets. Millicent Hambidge. South Aui^tralin, Purchased — Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 1906. 63. A Suffolk Farm. B. E. Minns. Purchased — Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 1906. I WATEK COLOURS— Austealian. 115 64. 65. 66 . 67. 68 . 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. Shiel’s Yearling Filly. H. G. Garlick. Purchased — Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 1906. '' Over tlie Hills and Far Away.” F. Leist. Purchased — Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 1906. H.M.S. '' Commonwealth.” A. J. W. Burgess. Purchased — 1907. Mountain Pastures, Mount Cook, C. N. Worsley. New Zealand. Purchased' — 1908. Summer. Hans Heysen. South Au-;tralia. Purchased — 1908. (Awarded Wynne Art Prize, 1909.) The Mutiny on the '' Lady Shore.” Norman Lindsay. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1909. Tohee. (Pastel.) Florence Rodway. N.S.W.*^ Purchased — Society of Women Painters, 1910. A Child. (Pastel.) Florence Rodway. Purchased — Society of Women Painters, 1910. Crepuscule. B. E. Minns. Purchased — Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 1910. A Moroccan. A. Datillo-Rubbo. Purchased — Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 1910. The Diabilo Fan. Purchased — 1912. Thea Proctor, x.s.w. 3 Landscapes. Conrad Martens. Bequeathed by Mrs. Walter R. Hall, 1916. Dry Weather. Purchased — 1912. From Berry’s Bay. Blamire Young. iv.S.W. C. E. S. Tindall. Purchased — 1914. 116 WATEK COLOUHS^Australian. 78. Poppies. Purchased — 1914. lone Bennett. 79. Playf air-street (Pocks). Purchased — 1914. Sydney Ure Smith. 80. The Duel. Purchased — 1915. C. E. S. Tindall. 81. I thought I had a Stamp. Purchased — 1916. L. Hopkins. 82. At Close of Day. Purchased — 1916. J. J. Hilder. 83. Portrait. (Pastel.) Purchased — 1916. Florence Rodway. 84. Silvery Noontide. Purchased — 1916. C. E. S. Tindall. 85. In Black and White. Purchased — 1916. Mary Edwards. 86. Portrait. Purchased — 1916. J. A. Bennett. 87. Green and Gold. Purchased — 1916. Blamire Young. 88. The Lagoon. Purchased — 1916. Blamire Young. 89. Frivolers (Design for Fan). Purchased — 1916. Florence Mofflin. 90. Sketch. Phil May, r.i. Presented by Angus and Robertson — 1916. 91. The Bluff (Middle Harbour). R. Atkinson. 91a. Mermaids. Albert J. Hanson. Presented by Mr. Howard Hinton. WATER COLOURS— Australian. 117 92 . 93 . 94 . 95 . 96 . 97 . 98 . 99 . 100 . 101 . 102 . 103 . 104 . 105 . 106 . 107 . 108 . No. 105. Fast Falls the Eventide. Presented by Mr. Howard Hinton— Becalmed. Coogee. Brisbane Biver. The Ferry. Timber Getters. Pastoral. The Duck’s Paddock. The Boat-house. Lennox Bridge, Parramatta. Morning in the Gardens. The Bathers. Smoke Haze. Dora Creek. J. J. Hilder. 1916 — in memory of the Artist. \ J. J. Hilder (1881-1916). Presented by Mr. Howard Hinton- 1916. The Model. Model Disrobing. Florence Dombey. (Pastels.) Cumbrae Stewart. Victoria. BLACK AND WHITE AND OTHER DRAWINGS. AUSTRALIAN. 1. Studies in Crayons. A. Dattilo-Rubbo. Purchased — Royal Art Society of N.S.W., 1904. 2. Melbourne from the Falls, 1837. (Original Etching.) E. L. Monteliore. Presented by Mr. J. St. Vincent Welch, 1903. 3. Original Sketch. Phil May, r.i. The subject of this sketch was a well-kiioAvn clerical identity of Sydney. Phil May was born at Leeds, 1864, and was left at an early age to fight the battle of life, as best he could. He received no regular art training, but by constant practice became an assistant scene painter at the Grand Theatre of Leeds, and earned small sums by sketching portraits of the actors, and performing other small jobs in connection with the theatre. In 1882 he came to London, without money or prospects,- and for a period of two years experienced many hardships. Eventually he obtained employment in connection with the paper Society, then followed an engagement on the St. Stepheri's Review — later he accepted an engage- ment on the art staff of the Sydney Bulletin. He returned to London in 1890, but by that time had become famous as one of the cleverest and most original of modern draftsmen. His AA'-ork again appeared in the principal English illustrated papers and periodicals, and in 1894 he became a member of the Punch staff, and worked almost exclusively for that journal, till his death — in August, 4. A Wet Evening — George-street, Sydney. A. H. Fullwood. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1898. 1903. Purchased — 1903. 5. Studies in Charcoal. (Group of three heads.) J. Wolinski. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1896. (Pencil.) J. A. Crisp. Purchased — 1910. BLACK AND WHITE— Australian. 119 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . Pencil Sketch. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1898. Architectural Drawing. Presented by the Architect. Pencil Studies. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1902. The Morning Toilet. E,. Eussom. E. J. Jackson. H. G. Garlick. Douglas Fry. Purchased — Eoyal Art Society of N.S.W., 1905. An Idyll — The Swineherd. {Monotype.) E. J. Eandall. Purchased — Eoyal Art Society of N.S.W., 1905. Disappearing Sydney. B. J. Waterhouse. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1902. Original Drawings for Commonwealth Annual. F. Leist. Purchased — 1902 . Types of Australian Aborigines (6). Charles Eodius. “ Dirty Dick,” Broken Bay. ( 1841 .) “ Queea Gooseberry,” Avitc of Jacky Stuart,” Shoalhave.i. King Bungaree, Sydney. “ Bobby Nirgengay,” Windsor. “ Mary Shoalhaven.” “ Ricketty Dick,” Broken Bay. Trees of the Forest. j. Salvana. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1898. Pencil Studies (4). G. W. Lambert. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1898. The Mill Stream — North Wales. Purchased — 1901 . W. C. Piguenit. Portraits of Notable Australians. Chas. Eodius. W. J. Foster, m.l.c. E. Broadhurst (Barrister), q.c. Chas. Windeyer, p.m., born 1780; S3ttled in Sydney 1828 ; died 1855. Henry Parkes, 1854 (See Oil Por- trait). “ The Comet.” J. F. Josephson, 1851. Arthur Little. E. Smith-Hall, 1852 ( Tournalisi ). oiiho, Monitor', died 1800. 2 Portraits (not identified). Drawings from Life by Charles Eodius — 1834 to 1854. Edi tor The Wreck of the Hereward.” A. H. Fullwood. The ship “ Hereward ” was Avrecked at Maroubra Beach, on coast south of Sydney, in 1898; and after sev^eral futile attempts to re-fioat, AA^as dismantled. Purchased — Art Society of N.S.W., 1898. 120 BLACK AND WHITE— Australian. 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 26a 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 34a. 35. 36 Cliarcoal Study. Les Souvenirs de Voyage. Purchased — -1908. Harry P. Garlick {Artist). 1877-1910. Purchased — ^1910. '' Here’s a Health unto His Majesty.” Purchased — Royal Art Society, 1911, Home Again. Alexander. The Embarkation. Purchased — Society of Artists, 1911. Dionysus. Purchased — Loan Exhibition, 1918. Coster Girls. Purchased — ^1914. Florence Rodway. A. Dattilo-Rubbo. A. F. Rosebray. H. Dattilo-Rubbo. Norman Lindsay. Phil May. Presented by Mr. Howard Hinton, 1916. Riderless. G. AT. Lambert. Milking Time. Fellow Workers. Alfred Vincent. The Boundary Rider. F. P. Mahoney. Drafting Sheep. „ Portrait Sketches. Phil May. , Original Drawings of some of the Illustrations published in the “ Picturesque Atlas of Australasia,” 1886. Purchased — 1905. An Interior (Elizabethan) Presented by Mr. Jos eland. BRITISH AND FOREIGN. The Bugle Call. {Pen and Ink Drawing.) Purchased — 1884. Howard Joseland. A. de Neuville. French. Called on Active Service. Frank Holl, r.a. Frank Holl w'a.s born 1845. ScUc'.ied at the Uoyal Acaciemj^ wnere he won the “ Travelling Scholarship,” in 1868. In 1871 he exhibited at the Uoyal Academy, and was elected a.r.a. in 1878, and R.A. in 1884. Holl painted portraits of the most (dstinguished men of the time, and (lieu in the niiust of a most successful career in 1888. Purchased — 1880. BLACK AND WHITE— British and Foreign. 121 Trouville, 1876. M. Lalanne. French. Trouville is a popular French watering-place, at Tongues. Purchased — 1887. the mouth of the The Convalescent. H. Woods, r..v Henry Woods, r.a., was born, 184b, at Warrington, where he studied at the School of Art, and won a Scholarship, v'hich admitted him to the South Kensington School. In 1876 he went to Italy, Avhere he resides, and paints principal!}^ Venetian subjects. He was elected an a.r..\,. in 1882, and r.a. in 1893. Purchased — 1880. Scene from Victor Hugo’s ’93. H. Woods, r.a. Purchased — 1880. Starting the Team. A. Hopkins, r.w.s. Arthur Hopkins, member of the Koyal Society of Painters in Water Colours, is Acell knoAVn for his Black and White Illustrations. Was born in London, 1848. First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1877. Purchased — 1880. Table d’Hote at Dog’s Home. J. C. Dollman, r.i. J. C. Dollman was born 1851. Stuuied at South Kensington and the Royal Academy Schools; first exhibited in 1872. J. C. Dollman is a well-knoAVn painter of old-time scenes, and also noted for his illustrations of animal life. A fine example of Dollman’s work — “ Worse Things Happen at Sea " — is in the Art Gallery of South Australia. Purchased — 1880. Dinner-time on Board a Transport. John Charlton. John Charlton Avas born 1849, and studied at South Kensington. Exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1870. Among his chief Avorks may be mentioned — “ Bad Ncaa^s from the Front ” and “ BalaclaA^a.” In 1892 he exhibited at the Academy “ The Queen’s Jubilee Procession.” He also contributes a vast amount of military and sporting illustrations to the principal publications. Purchased — 1880. 122 BLACK AND WHITE — Beitish and EoREiaN. 43. An Irisli Pattern. C. Green, e.i. Charles Green was born in 1840, and studied under J. W. Whymper, R.I., and also at Heatherley’s. He held a foremost place as a Black and White Artist and Illustrator; was a member of and exhibited at the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours. Died 1898. Purchased — 1880. 44. Queen Margherita of Italy distribiitiiig Paul Eenouard. Alms. Paul Renouard, one of the foremosr of Black and White Artists, contributes to the French and English illustrated papers and periodicals, principally replicas of his original pencil drawings taken from life. Purchased — Paris, 1894. 45. Sketches from the Zulu War (2). C. E. Fripp, e.w.s. War was declared against the Zulus by Great Britain, in December, 1878. Five columns were put into the country, but owing to mismanage- ment, they proved unsuccessful; the main column being almost annihilated by the Zulus at Isandulu, in January, 1879. The gloom of this disaster was relieved by the heroic and historic “ Defence of Rorke’s Drift ” (See Picture — Oils). After various unsuccessful engagements, the Zulus admUtec. iheniselves beaten, and gave up the contest. Charles E. Fripp Avas born 1854, educated at Nuremburg and Royal Academy, Munich. Represented the Graphic at the Kaffir War, 1878; Zulu War, 1879; Boer War, 1881; Soudan, 1885; and other wars including the Boer War, 1900. Presented by the Proprietors of the Graphic, per Mr. John Plummer, 1880. 46. The Hour of Prayer. Benjamin Constant. French. Benjamin Constant Avas born in Park, 1845. Stucied under Cabanel. Exhibited at the Salon since 1869. After the Avar of 1870-1, in Avhich he took an active part, he Avent to Morocco and the East, after AAffiich he painted many scenes of Eastern life. “ The Prisoners of Morocco ” aa^oii him his first great success at the Salon. From 1876 to 1891, Constant devoted the most of his time to Portrait Painting — his chief AA'orks being “My Son Andre,” in the Luxembourg, “The Earl of Dufferin, k.g.,” and portraits of many of the most distinguished men of the day. In the Academy of 1901 he exhibited a portrait of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, and at the Paris Salon of same year a portrait of Queen Alexandra, after- AA^ards sent to the Royal Academy of 1902, the year of his death. Purchased — 1880. BLACK AND WHITE— British and Foreign. 123 47. Tyrolese Bowling Alley. Professor Von Herkomer. R.A., R.W.S., C.V.O. Professor Hubert Herkomer was bora in Bavaria, 1840. Siuciieii at Southampton, South Kensington, and afterwards at Munich. In 187b he was brought prominently into notice by his picture of “The Chelsea Pensioners,” and later by “ The Last Muster,” which was exhibited at the Paris Exhibition of 1878. Professor Herkomer was a man of indomitable energy and perseverance, and was founder of the Herkomer School of Painting. He was also an etcher, mezzotinter, composer, and actor — having built a theatre at Bushy for the production of his OAVn musical plays. His paintings — “The Chapel of the Charterhouse and bound were purchased by the Chantrey Trustees. Herkomer was elected R.a. in 1890, and in 1902 was decorated A\ith the Royal Victorian order. Died, 1914. Purchased — 1880. 48. Lake Scene. Allonge. French . 49. Study from Fresco, '' Art as After Lord Leighton, p.r.a. Applied to War.” 50. Christmas Night Procession, Jerusalem. F. de Haenen. French . Purchased — ’Paris, 1894. 51. Sketches (8) from the Seat of War (Russo-Turkish). The misgovernment of her Christian subjects by Turke}% and her cruel suppression of the rebellion in 1876, led to a conference of European Powers at Constantinople. Turkey rejected the proposals made thereat, with a view to the better administration of the subject provinces; and Russia, to enforce these concessions on Turkey, declared war in April, 1877. Presented by the Proprietors of the Graphic, per Mr. John Plummer, 1880. 52. Mountain and Fir Trees. M. Lalanne. French. 53. Sketches from the Siege of Paris (4). The Siege of Paris, 1870-71. Presented by the Proprietors of the Graphic, per Mr. John Plummer, 1880. 124 BLACK AND WHITE — British and Foreign. 54. Scene from '' Under one Roof.” W. Small, r.i. William Small is a member of the Institute of Painters in Water Colours, and has exhibited for some time at the Royal Academy and Paris Salon. He is also noted, for excellent Black and White Illustrations. Purchased — 1880. 55. A Sketch. Tlios. Gainshorougli, r.a. Thomas Gainsborough was born 1727, and died 1788. Studied under Gravelot and Hayman. Gainsboroiigh was originally a Landscape Painter, later developing into a Portrait Painter. To give some idea of hoAV his works rose in value, it may be mentioned that a pair of his landscapes sold in 1781 for £2, and £10,605 was paid for his portrait of the “ Duchess of Devonshire,” in 1876. Presented by Mr. E. L. Montefiore, Sydney. 56. The Foundling. 1880. Frank Holl, r.a. 57. Troops Manoeuvring in the Alps. T. Comba. French. 58. Salon Carre-Louvre, Paris. F. G. Burnand. Purchased — 1894. 59. Brigands Lying in Wait. E. J. Gregory, r.a., p.r.i, Edward J. Gregory Avas born 1850, and studied at an Art School in Southampton — being a felloAV student of Herkomer. In 1870 he came to London, and joined the South Kensington Schools. In 1872 he joined the Graphic staff, and Avas soon afterAvards elected a member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours. His First important pictures AA'ere “ DaAvn ” and “The Last Touches,” exhibited at the Royal Academy. He AA'as elected a.r.a. in 1883, and r.a., 1898, and President of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours. Died, 1909. Purchased — 1880. 60. Pencil Sketches (3). M. Lalaime. French. Maxime Lalaime AA^as born at Bordeaux, 1827. Studied under M. J. Gigoux. Lalaime Avas a painter, e:igra\mr, and etcher, and illustrator of several publications. Presented by Mr. Ed. L. Montefiore, Paris. BLACK AND WHITE — British and Foreign. 1 5 61. Artillery Practice. M. Orange. French. Purchased — Paris, 1894. 62. A Study. Padonanino. Presented by Mr. E. L. Montefiore, 1883. 63. Figure Studies. Charles Landseer. Charles Landseer was born 1799, and was an elder brother of Sir Edwin Landseer. Died, 1879. 64. Study. Charles Landseer. 65. Wood Panel. Drawn by E. Detaille and executed by M. Serier. 66. Drawings by Students of the South Kensington Museum. Presented by the Department of Education, London. (In Basement.) 67. Between the Paces, Henley. Purchased — 1907. 68. Starting for Fishing. Purchased— 1 907 . 69. Trapper Waylaid by Wolves. Cyrus Cuneo died, 1910 Purchased — 1907. 70. Drawing for Illustration. J. H. Bacon died, 1914 71. Drawing for Illustration. Purchased — 1911 . 72. Study. (Crayon Drawing.) Purchased, Paris Salon — 1914. 73. Alexander Walter Scott. (Pencil.) Sir Edwin Landseer, r.a. Presented by Miss Bose Scott. Frank Craig, r.i. W. Hatherell, r.i. Cyrus Cuneo. J. H. Bacon, a. r.a F. Pegrain. M. Lemeunier. 126 BLACK AND WHITE — British and Foreign. 74. Illustration. J. Harm a. Purchased — 1914. American. 75. The Poet. (Charcoal Drawing.) Purchased — 1914. A. J. Keller. American. 76. Study. (Chalk Drawing.) Purchased — 1914. Kobert Burns. 77. Sister Nan. Appleton Clark. Purchased — 1914. American. 78. Illustrations for Punch. Purchased — 1916. F. H. Townsend. 79. Illustrations for Punch. Purchased — 19 1 6 . L. Kaven Hill. 80. Pencil Drawing. Purchased — 1916. George Belcher. 81. Illustration — “ Heroic Serbia.” Purchased — 1916. Bernard Partridge. 82. Portrait. (Charcoal.) Purchased — 1916. K. G. Eves. 83. Illustration. Purchased — 1916. E. J. Sullivan. 84. Lord Tennyson. Purchased — 1916. E. J. Sullivan. 85. The Columbine. (Chalk.) Purchased — 1916. Lewis Baumer. 86. Collection of Drawings by Students of Art Schools in England and Scotland. Purchased— 1914. 87. Belgium’s First Victim. Galantra. Belgian. 88. 12 Drawings — for Book Illustrations. Purchased — New York, 1917. 127 PHOTOGRAVURES. BRITISH AND FOREIGN. NO. TITLE. PAINTER. STATE. 1 . Duchess of Buckingham Frank Dicksee, e.a A.P. and Chandos. The Duchess of Buckingham is the daughter of Sir Graham Montgon.ery, 3rd Bart. Married first, to 3rd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, 1885 (who died 1889), afterwards to the 1st Earl Egerton, 1894. Presented by the Duchess — 1902. 2. Portrait ... James Sant, r.a A.P. James Sant was born in London, 1820. Studied under Varley at the Royal Academy Schools in 1840; was Portrait Painter in Ordinary to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria. Elected a. r.a. in 1862, and r.a. 1871. Died, 1916. 3. The Music Lesson Lord Leighton, p.r. a. ...A.P. Purchased — ] 885. 4. The Daphnephoria Lord Leighton, p.r.a. ...A.P. The Da]ihnephoria was a festival in honour of Apollo, celebrated every ninth year at Thebes, by the Boeotians, to commemorate a victory of the Thebans over the JEolians of Ame. Name derived from laurel branches carried by those who took part therein. The original painting was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1876, and was sold at Baring’s sale, 1893, for £3,937. Purchased — 1889. 5. A Visit to iEsculapius ... Sir E. J. Poynter, p.r.a. ... A.P. ^sculapius — called the God of Medicine on account of his wonderful healing powers. Serpents were particularly sacred to him, not only because thc\^ were used by the ancient physicians in their prescriptions, but becai;se they were symbols of the prudence and foresight necessary to the medical profession. The Original Painting is in the National Gallery, London. 128 PHOTOaRAVUKES. NO. TITLE. PAINTER. STATE. 6. H.M.S. '' Alexandra ” Bom- W. L. Wyllie, a.r.a E.P. barding Fort Pharos. Fort Pharos, Alexandria, was bombarded by the British Fleet, July 11, 1882. In that year, during the rising of Arabi Pasha, the Europeans were maltreated, and, as Arabi would not desist from strengthening the fortifications, an English Fleet, in the interests of the Khedive, bombarded the forts, and afterwards occupied the town. Purchased — 1885. 7. The Cobbler’s Stall G. Van Haanen A.P. Purchased — 1 885 . 8. Dante’s Dream G. D. Eossetti A.P. The original sketch of “ Dante’s Dream on the Death of Beatrice,” was exhibited at the Ltiverpool Academy in 1858. Painted in 1870, and acquired by the Liverpool Gallery in 1881. Love leads by the hand Dante, who walks conscious, but absorbed as in sleep, into a Chamber of Dreams strewn with poppies, where Beatrice lies on a couch, as if just fallen back in death. Love bends over her with a kiss, while two dream- ladies hold suspended, for an instant, the pall full of many blooms. Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti was born in London, 1828. Studied at Sass’s and the Royal Academy Schools in 1846, and afterwards in the studio of Ford Madox Brown. In 1848 he and others formed what is known as the “ Pre- Raphaelite Brotherhood.” Rossetti, after a number of years of illness, died near Margate, 1882. 9. Un Coin du Marais E. Van Marcke A.P. A Corner of the Marsh. Emile Van Marcke was born 1827. Landscape and animal painter. Studied under Troyon. Purchased — 1883. 10. Moonrise Smith Hald A.P. Purchased — 1884. 1 1 . Thermae Antoniniamae ... Sir L. Alma-Tadema, o.m., r.a. A.P. Baths of Caracalla. Purchased — 1902. 129 NO. TITLE. PAINTER. STATE. 12. The Queen of Sheba ... Sir E. J. Poynter, p.r.a. ... R.P. Purchased — 1892. 13. Les Anciens Fosses du Tre- E. Van Marcke A.P. port. The Old Moats at Treport. Purchased — 1883 . 14. La Nuit ... ... ... L. Douzette A.P. The Night. Purchased — 1 883 . 15. A Village Wedding Sir Luke Fildes, r.a. ... A.P. The original painting was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1883. Purchased — 1885 . 16. Wedded ... ... ... Lord Leighton, p.r.a. ... A.P. The original was exhibited in the Royal Academy, 1882. Purchased — 1883. 17. Orpheus and Eurydice ... Lord Leighton, p.r.a. ...A.P. Eurydice, the wife of the Poet Orphens. As she fled before Aristseus, who wished to offer her violence, she was bitten by a serf ent in the grass, and died of the wound. Orpheus was so disconsolate that he ventured to go to Hell, where, by the melody of his lyre, he obtained from Pluto the restoration of his wife to life provided he did not look behind before he came upon earth. He violated the conditions and Eurydice was for ever taken from him. The original was painted in 1864, and sold at Brooks’ sale, 1879, for £672. Purchased — 1890. 18. H.M.S. “ Condor ” W. L. Wyllie, r.a R.P. The “ Condor,” Sloop, 780 tons, launched 1876, commanded by Lord Charles Beresford, bombarding Port Marabout, Alexandria, 1882. Purchased — 1885. I 130 PHOTOGRAVURES. NO. TITLE. 19. An Ambuscade PAINTER. STATE ... Vereker Hamilton, R.E. ... A.P. Purchased — 1897. 20. Opening of the First Tom Roberts R.P. Federal Parliament. The First Federal Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia was opened at Melbourne on the 9th of May, 1901, by H.R.H, the Duke of York and Cornwall (now King George V). The original painting, which is the property of H.M. the King, was lent by His Majesty for exhibition in the various States of the Commonwealth, and was exhibited in this Gallery during the months of September and October, 1905. 21 . The Day of Keckoning ... S. E. Waller A.P. S. E. Waller, who has probably had more pictures reproduced than any other British Artist, painted subjects more or less of the Eighteenth Century. The original painting of the “ Day of Beckoning ” was exhibited at the Boyal Academy in 1883. Purchased — 1885. 22. Diadumena Sir E. J. Poynter, p.k.a. ... A.P. The original painting was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1884. The pose of the figure, and the name, is derived from the famous statue by Polyclitus, of “ The Boy binding his Hair,” called from that circumstance the Diadumenus. Presented by Mr. Josiah Mullens, f.k.g.s., 1889. 23. Flirtation ... ... ... Eugen de Blaas ... ... A.P. Eugen de Blaas was born at St. Albans, near Rome, 1843. Studied under his father, Karl Blaas, at the Academy of Venice. Purchased — 1 885 . 24. Homer (Platinotype) ... ... Harry Bates, a.r.a. Harry Bates was born in 1850, began his career as an architectural decorator. In 1879 studied Sculpture at the Lambeth School of Art, afterwards joining the Academy Schools. In 1883 he won the Travelling Scholarship with his Bas-relief, “ Socrates,” after which he went to Paris, where he came under the influence of Rodin . “ Homer ” was his best work of 1886. Elected a.r.a, in 1892. Died 1899. Homer is supposed to have lived 160 years before the foundation of Rome. Purchased — 1900. 25. Dance of the Nymphs ... After Corot. Purchased — 1900. PHOTOGKAVUKES. 131 NO. 26. TITLE. Engagement of Cavalry PAINTER. ... A. Schreyer ... STATE. A.P. 27. An Arab Horseman ... ... A. Schreyer ... A.P. The original painting is in the Walters Gallery, Baltimore. Purcliased — 1884. 28. Cimetiere de St. Privat ... A. de Neuville A.P. (Cemetery of St. Privat.) The original, painted in 1881, is now in a private collection, Philadelphia. Purchased — 1883. 29. Le Bourget ... A. de Neuville A.P. The Defence of Le Bourget — an episode of the Franco -German War, 1870-71. A handful of French — eight officers and twenty men — barricaded themselves in the village church, swearing to die together rather than surrender. “ It was necessary,” wrote General Duroc, “ to shoot them through the windows, and to bring up cannon to force a capitulation.” The dying Lieut. Grison is being carried out of the church by two of his men. The original was painted in 1878, now in possession of W. H. Vanderbilt, New York. Purchased — 1883. 30. Piece en Danger A. de Neuville A.P. (Cannon in Danger.) Purchased — 1883. 31. Finding a Wounded Officer... A. de Neuville A.P. Purchased — 1884. 32. Defence de la Porte de Long- A. de Neuville A.P. boyan. Purchased — 1883. 33. Seeking a Crossing A. de Neuville A.P. Purchased' — 1883. 34. Tel-el-Kebir ... ... ... A. de Neuville A.P. Tel-el-Kebir is between Ismailia and Cairo, and was the scene, on the morning of the 13th September, 1882, of the capture by Sir Garnet Wolseley (Viscount Wolseley) of Arabi Pasha’s entrenched camp, defended by 26,000 men. The British loss was about 430 killed and wounded; the Egyptian 1,500. Purchased — 1884, 132 PHOTOGRAVUEES. NO. TITLE. PAINTER. STATE. 35. The Despatch Bearer ... A. deNeuville A.P. Purchased — 1884. 36. Arabian Advance Guard ... A. Schreyer A.P. Purchased — 1884. 37. The Last Cartridge ... ... A. de Neuville A.P. [Engraving.) An incident of the Franco -German War, 1870-71. The original painting was exhibited in 1873. Purchased — 1883. 38. Eeturning from a Keconnais- A. de Neuville A.P. sance. Purchased — 1883. 39. The Deserter A. de Neuville A.P. Purchased — 1884. 40. Ferney Barricaded A. de Neuville A.P. Ferney is a village in the French Department of Aix, near Geneva. Purchased — 1884. 41. A Flag of Truce ... ... A. de Neuville ... ... A.P. “ A Flag of Truce ” was the last work of de Neuville. Painted in 1885, the year of his death. Purchased — 1884. 42. Charge of Dragoons, Gra- A. de Neuville A.P. velotte. Battle of Champigny. Gravelotte is a village of Lorraine, near Metz, where, on the 18th August, 1870, the French under Bazaine sustained a severe defeat by the Germans. Purchased — 1883. 43. Imperial Courier a. Schreyer A.P. Purchased — 1884. PHOTOGKAVURES. 133 NO. TITLE. PAINTER. STATE. 44. A Kabyle A. Schreyer ... ... ... A.P. Kabyles were a branch of the great Berber race of North Africa. Purchased — 1884. 45. The Light of the World ... W. Holman Hunt, o.m., R.w.s. Print. This photogravure is from the picture which is a replica of one painted by the artist between 1851 and 1853, and exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1854, and now in Keble College, Oxford. Its first reception was not encouraging. In art, as in other matters, established prejudice is such that whatever is unpre- cedented has to fight its way by slow stages. Among art critics it displeased the conventionalists, while among an extreme section of Church people, the naturalistic treatment was resented. Dissatisfaction arose also in the secular world. Persons suspicious of ecclesiasticism, could see in the picture nothing but a servile contribution to sacerdotal ambition. Nevertheless the generation that was at first offended by the painting, soon became reconciled to the treatment and to the idea enshrined in the work, and in the fifty subsequent years it has been accepted as a standard illustration of an eternal idea. The picture then, and again now, has been painted with no concern for party prejudice, either artistic, religious, or secular. It simply treats the eternal question, whether the summons made by the spirit of divine truth shall be welcomed or rejected, and the symbolism is of no arbitrary kind. The replica is the property of the Right Hon. Charles Booth, of Rondon, who very liberally afforded the Australian public an opportunity of seeing and studying this work, entirely at his own expense. During the time that the work was on view in this Gallery, viz., 25 days, 302,183 visitors inspected it. Presented by Mr. C. Mack Jost, 1906. 46. The Eoyal Academy Council, 1908. After the Painting by Professor Herkomer, r.a. Purchased^ — 1909. 47. H.M. King Edward VII. After the Painting by Sir Luke Fildes, r.a. Purchased — '1910. 100 PHOTOGRAVURES— Great Masters— 1400 to 1800. (On Rotunda.) 30 REPRODUCTIONS — Old Masters — Medici Series. Purchased — 1910. 62 REPRODUCTIONS of works by John Sargent, r.a. (On Rotunda.) REPRODUCTIONS of Works by the Old Masters— published by the Vasari Society. Lent by Sir James R. Fairfax. (On Rotundas.) 134 ENGRAVINGS. BRITISH AND FOREIGN. TITLE. PAINTER. ENGRAVER. STATE. 1. Andromeda F. Goodall, r.a. ... C. Tomkins A.P. Andromeda, daughter of Cephas, King of Ethiopia, by Cassiope, promised in marriage to Phineus, her uncle, Avhen Neptune drovmed the kingdom, and sent a sea monster to ravage the country because Cassiope had boasted herself fairer than Juno and the Nereides. Andromeda was accordingly tied to a rock and exposed to the sea monster, and at the moment that the monster was going to devour her, Perseus, who returned through the air from the conquest of the Gorgons, saw her, and, captivated by her beauty, turned the sea monster into a rock, released Andromeda, and married her. Purchased — 1888. 2. Patient in Tribulation ... F. Goodall, e.a. ... S. Cousins, r.a. ... A.P. Purchased — 1884. 3. Sympathy Briton Eiviere, r.a. ... F. Stacpoole, a.r.a. ... A.P. Frederic Stacpoole has engraved many important modern works — viz., “ The Roll Call,” “ Shadow of the Cross,” &c. ; he is the last survivor of the old school of engravers. Was elected a.r.a. 1880; retired 1892. Purchased — 1885. 4. The Chosen Five . . . Edwin Long, r.a. ... G. H. Every A.P. Purchased — 1901. 5. Changing Pastures . . . Rosa Bonheur H. T. Ryall A.P. Marie-Rosa Bonheur, was bom at Bordeaux, 1822. StucJed under her father Ray- mond Bonheur, who died in 1853; and also studied at the Louvre. Her first two pictures exhibited at the Salon, 1841, attracted much attention; and in 1845 she had no less than a dozen pictures in the Salon. The same year she exhibited “ Ploughing in the Nivernais,” which was purchased for the Luxembourg. Her greatest success was “ The Horse Fair ” (see No. 11), exhibited in 1853. During the Franco -Prussian war her studio and residence were respected by special order of the Crown Prince of Prussia. She was the recipient of many honours, including the Legion of Honour, bestoAved upon her by Napoleon III. Rosa Bonheur, who Avas reputed the greatest Avoman-artist of her time, died in 1899. Purchased — 1896. 6. The Armada in Sight ... Seymour Lucas, r.a. ... Paul Girardet R.P. Paul Giraroet (SavIss), born at Neuchatel, 1821. Exhibited at the Salon till 1870. As an engraver he AA^as specially noted. Purchased — 1891. ENGEAVINGrS — Bkitish and Foreign. 135 NO. TITLE, PAINTER. ENGRAVER. STATE. 7. The Valley Farm ... John Constable, r. a. ... Brunet-Debaines ... Print. John Constable was born in Suffolk, 1776; for some years he studied the works of Claude Lorraine and Girtin. In 1799 he entered the Royal Academy Schools, and exhibited for the first time at the Royal Academy in 1802, endeavouring to adopt an original style, but his eaily attempts at English landscape painting were not successful, and it was not till he was 36 years old that he sold a picture to a stranger. His first success came from France, when a French speculator bought three of his pictures at the Royal Academy of 1821, and sent them to the Paris Salon of 1824, where his work was much admired, and several honours were bestowed upon him by the King of France. Constable died suddenly in Fitzroy-square, London, 1837. He was elected a.r.a. in 1819, and R.a. in 1829. A painting by Constable — “The White Horse,” sold at Hemming’s sale, London, in 1894, for £6,510. In 1820, £100 was paid for his “ Stratford Mill,” which was re-sold in 1895 for £8,925. Purchased — 1882. 8. Titania and Bottom ... Sir Edwin Landseer, r.a. S. Cousins, r.a. ... A.P. Scene from Shakespeare’s “ Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Titania is fondling Bottom’s ass’s head, on which is the coronal of flowers, with which she has crowned him monarch of her affections; before him stands Mustard-seed ; on the right. Pease-blossom rides on a supernatural white rabbit, while Cobweb, Moth, and other fairies are in attendance. Original exhibited at the Royal Academy 1851, and sold, in 1884, for £7,000. Sir Edwin Henry Landseer was born in London, 1802 ; studied under his father, John Landseer. Exhibited at the Royal Academy when 12 years of age, before he entered the Schools. Landseer gained many well-deserved honours. He was knighted by Queen Victoria in 1850, and refused, in 1865, the office of President of the Royal Academy. He died in London, 1873. Purchased — 1882. 9. A Scottish Kaid . . . Bosa Bonheur C. G-. Lewis A.P. 10. The Search for Beauty... Edwin Long, r.a. ... J. C. Webb. Purchased— 1901. 11. The Horse Fair Bosa Bonheur .. . ... C. G. Lewis A.P. The “ Horse Fair ” was exhibited in 1853. When Rosa Bonheur studied her subject for nearly two years in the horse markets, she adopted male attire as a matter of protection from the rough element encountered at the fairs. The picture was bought by M. Gambart for £3,000, and afterwards sold to America for £12,000, and now hangs in the Metropolitan Museum, New York, and a smaller replica in the National. Gallery, London. Charles George Lewis was born 1808, and died 1880; was well known for his famous engravings of many of Landseer’s works. Purchased — 1884. 136 ENGRAVINGS — British and Foreign. NO, TITLE. PAINTER. ENGRAVER. STATE. 12. The Lion at Home ... Rosa Bonhenr F. L. Atkinson A.P. The Original Painting was exhibited in 1882, Purchased — 1881. 13. The Roll Call Elizabeth Thompson ... F. Stacpoole, a.r.a. ... Print. (Lady Butler.) “ The Roll Call ” — considered the principal of Elizabeth Thompson’s works — was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1874, and won for the artist a popularity almost without preceiient in the history of British Art. It was purchased by Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, and is in the Windsor Castle Collection. Purchased — 1885. 14. Quatre Bras Elizabeth Thompson ... F. Stacpoole, a.r.a. ... Print. (Lady Butler.) The Battle of Quatre Bras took place on the 16th June, 1815, two days before the Battle of Waterloo, between the French, under Marshal Ney, and the English, under Wellington. The Duke having carried every position won by the French, retreated next morning to the field of Waterloo. Quatre Bras is situated at the point where the four roads to Brussels, Vivelles, Charleroi, and Namur intersects. The original picture was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1875. Elizabeth Thompson was born in Switzerland, 1844, and studied at the South Kensington Schools, and also under Belluci in Florence. Returning to England in 1870, she first exhibited, at the Royal Academy in 1873, “ Missing,” which attracted much notice. She married in 1877, Major W. F. Butler, c.b., a.d.c., afterwards General Sir William Butler. Presented by Mr. E. Du Faur, f.r.g.s. In memory of Major James Henry Crummer, 28th Regt., Police Magistrate of this Colony from 1836 to 1864. Served at the Siege of Copenhagen, 1807, and was actively engaged throughout the Peninsular Campaign from 1809 to 1815, and at Quatre Bras and Waterloo, 1815. Died at Port Macquarie, December, 1867. 15. French Revolution, A. Lamotte H. Lamotte A.P. 1789 A. Lamotte was a celebrated French historical painter of the 18th century. Purchased — 1892. 16. The Cornfield John Constable, r.a. ... Brunet-Debaines ... Print. Purchased — 1882. 17. Obedient to the Law ... F. Goodall, R.A. ... S. Cousins, r.a. ... A.P. Purchased — 1884. ENGRAVINGS — British and Foreign. 137 NO. TITLE. PAINTER. ENGRAVER. STATE, 18. The Shadow of Death .. . W. Holman Hunt, F. Stacpoole, a.r.a. ... A.P. O.M., R.W.S. From the Original, in the Municipal Buildings, Manchester. “ The Shadow of Death ” represents the workshop of -Joseph of Bethlehem at the hour of cessation of labour. A life-size replica was paintea of this work, which the public called “ The Shadow of the Cross,” but that title was not given by the artist. William Holman Hunt was born in London, 1827, and studied at the Royal Academy Schools under John Varley. Exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1846. In 1849 he joined Avith Sir J. E. Millais and other of the so-called Pre-Raphaelites, and has been one of the most earnest apostles of that school of painting. His most important Avork is “The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple,” 1860 — [See. Enrjravwg No. 64.) A remarkable Avork of his is the “ ScapegoaJ,” painted on the shores of the Dead Sea in 1856, Avhich caused universal criticism, and disappointed his Avarmest admirers. The “ Scapegoat ” Avas exhibited in Sydney in 1889. His Avork, “ The Light of the World,” 1852, is considered to be one of the most symbolical Avorks of the century, and the original is noAV in the Chapel of Keble College, Oxford. The honour of Order of Merit was conferred on Mr. Hunt, 1905. Died 1910. Purcliased — 1895. 19. The Finding of the W. Holman Hunt, A. Blanchard ... Print. Saviour in the o.m., r.w.s. Temple. The original of this A\ork is m the Birmingham Art Oallery. Hohnan Hunt Avent specially to the Holy Land to gather material for this subject in 1854. The painting was completed in 1860, and sold for 5,000 guineas. Presented by Mr. E. Du Faur, f.r.g.s., 1906. 20. Vestal Lord Leighton, p.r.a. ... J. D. Miller A.P. Purchased — 1887. 21. Cymon and Iphegemia... After Lord Leighton, p.r.a. Purchased — 1907. 22. The Sculpture Gallery .. . Sir L. Alma-Tadema, Aug. Blanchard ... A.P. O.M., R.A. The original Engraving of “The Sculpture Gallery,” AA^as exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1878. £4,600 was paid for his “ Sculptor’s Studio,” sold in Ncav York, 1906. Laurens Alma-Tadema Avas born in Holland, 1836. Failing to obtain admission to the Dutch Schools, he Avent to AntAverp and studied at the Art Academy under Wappers; later he entered the studio of Leys, the Belgium historical painter, and assisted Leys in painting the frescos of the Antwerp Guild Hall. In 1869 Tadema sent his AA'ork to the Royal Academy, and came to London in 1870, AALen he became a naturalised British subject. In 1876 he spent a long time in Rome studying antique art and classic architecture. Alma Tadema had numerous honours bestoAA^ed upon him. He Avas a member of the Royal Academies of Amsterdam, Mmiich, Berlin, Vienna, and Madrid ; Avas elected A.R.A. in 1876, and b.a. in 1879. Order of Merit, 1905. Died, 1912. Represented in the National Gallery of Victoria by “ A Vuitage FestiA^al.” Auguste Blanchard AA^as born in Paris, 1819, and has engraved reproductions of the most famous AA^’orks. Purchased — 1884. 138 ENGrEAVINGrS — British and Foreign. NO. TITLE. PAINTER. ENGRAVER. STATE. 23. The Picture Gallery ... Sir L. Alma-Tadema, Aug. Blanchard . . . A.P. O.M., R.A. “ The Picture Gallery ” (engraving) was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1878. Purchased — 1884;. 24. Madonna degli Ansidei Kaphael Print. The Virgin and Child, attended by St. John the Baptist and St. Nicholas of Bari. This engraving is a reproduction of the famous Painting by Raphael, purchased in 1885 by the British Government for £70,000, from the Blenheim Collection. Raphael (Sanzio) was born at Urbino, 1483. Umbrian and Roman School. Son and pupil of Giovanni Santi. The last twelve years of Raphael’s life were spent in Rome, where he executed many frescos in the Vatican, Pope Julius II destroying a series of fine works to make room for Raphael’s. Raphael died in Rome, 1520, at the age of 37. Presented by the Family of the late Professor W. J. Stephens, m.a. 25. The Deer Pass Sir Edwin Landseer, r.a. Thos. Landseer ... A.P. Purchased — 1883. 26. The Vale of Tears ... Gustave Dor e J. Sadler A.P. Gustave Dore was born at Strasburg, 1832; self-taught; went to Paris in 1845. In 1848 he sent some drawings to the Salon, and continued to exhibit each year. Bore’s works were very numerous; during his career he is said to have produced over 20,000 designs and drawings. Among his principal illustrations may be mentioned those for the works of Rabelais, “ Don Quixote,” Dante’s “ Inferno,” and Fontaine’s “ Fables.’ ’ Dore died in Paris, 1883. Purchased — 1892. 27. The Night of the Gustave Dore H. Bourne ... ... A.P. Crucifixion. Purchased — 1882. 28. The Deer Drive ... Sir Edwin Landseer, Thos. Landseer, a.r.a. A.P. R.A. Thos. Landseer, a son of John Landseer, a.r.a., and brother of Si hdwin, was a famous engraver. Elected a.r.a. in 1868, and contributed to the Royal Academy many dravdngs in crayon. Purchased — 1882. 29. Christ Leaving the Gustave Dore H. Bourne A.P. Pretorium. Presented by Mr. J. G. Boss. 30. The House of Caiaphas Gustave Dore ... ... Louis Godfrey A.P. Purchased — 1883. ENGRAVINGS — British and Foreign. 139 NO. TITLE, PAINTER. ENORAVER. STATE. 31. Atalanta’s Race ... Sir E. J. Poynter, ... F. Joubert Print. P.R.A. Atalanta, supposed to be the daughter of the King of Scyros, was born in Arcadia , and, according to Ovid, she determined to live in perpetual celibacy, but her beauty gained her many admirers, and to free herself from their importunities she pro]x>sed to run a race with them. They were to run without arms, and she to carry a dart in her hand. Her lovers were to start first, and whoever arrived at the goal before her would be made her husband, and she was to kill all those she overtook. As she was almost invincible in running many of her suitors perished, till Hippomenes, the son of Macareus, proposed himself as her admirer. Venus had presented him mth three golden apples, and as soon as he started in the course, he artfully threw down the apples at some distance one from another. While Atalanta, charmed at the sight, stooped to gather the apples, Hippomenes hastened on his course, arrived first at the goal, and obtained Atalanta in marriage. Purchased — 1885. 32. The Christian Martyrs ... Gustave Dore H. Bourne A.P. Presented by Mr. A. Stanger-Leathes. 33. The Dream of Pilate’s ... Gustave Dore A. Franyois A.P. Wife. Alphonse Fran9ois was born in Paris, 1811, and has executed engravings after works of the most famous artists. He was a member of the French Institute. Pontius Pilate was the fifth Roman procurator of Samaria from 26 to 36 a.d. Pilate’s wife was traditionally named Procula, from her solemn warning to her husband against putting Christ to death. Purchased — 1883. 3L The Captive Sir J. E. Millais, Bart., G. H. Every A.P. P.R.A. Purchased — 1876. 35. The Tribute Money ... Attributed to Peter Photo, from Engraving by Paul Rubens. Luc Vosterman. Peter Paul Rubens was born at Siegen, Westphalia, 1577, and died at Antwerp, 1640. Flemish School. The finest collection of Rubens’ Avorks is at Munich ; more than 500 pictures attributed to Rubens have been sold by auction in London and Paris since 1745, at high prices. The highest price paid for a work being £7,560, at the Duke of Marlborough’s sale in 1886, for “ Venus, Cupid, and Adonis.” Presented by Mr. E. Du Faur, f.r.g.s. 36. The Tribute Money ... Attributed to Peter Photo, from Engraving by Paul Rubens. C. Dauckarts. Presented by Mr. E. Du Faur, f.r.g.s. 140 ENGEAVINGrS — Beitish and Foeeign. NO. TITLE, PAINTER. ENGRAVER. STATE. 37. Les Eenseignements ... J. L. E. Meissonier ... A. Jacquet R.P. (The Despatches.) Presented by Mr. Josiah Mullens, e.e.g.s., 1891. 38. Battle of Jena, 1806 ... J. L. E. Meissonier ... Jules Jacquet A.P. Jena, a town of Saxe-Weimar, near the Saale. The Battle of Jena was fought on October 14th, 1806, between 70,000 Prussians under the Prince of Hohenlohe, and 90,000 French under Napoleon. The Prussians were totally defeated. Purchased — Paris, 1893. 39. Napoleon (1814) J. L. E. Meissonier ... Jules Jacquet A.P. The origmal was painted in 1862 for Prince Napoleon Jerome for 15,000 francs; in 1868, sold to Mr. Wallis, of London, and then to John Buskin (1868) for 1,000 guineas; later it was sold at Christie’s, in 1882, for 5,800 guineas. Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier was born at Lyons, 1815; went to Paris in 1830, and studied for a short time under Leon Cogniet, and afterwards studied the works of Old Masters of the Dutch School. He first became known as an illustrator of books, and exhibited his first picture at the Salon of 1834, after which he started his successful career as a painter. Meissonier died, 1891. Purchased^ — Paris, 1893. 40. Her Majesty Queen A. E. Chalon, e.a. ... S. Cousins, e.a. ... Print. Victoria in her Robes of State — after the Acces- sion, 1839. AKred Edward Chalon was born in Switzerland, 1781, and died 1860. Studied at the Boyal Academy Schools. He exhibited frequently at the Eoyal Academy, being elected a.r.a. in 1812, and R.a. 1816. He was also Painter in Water Colours to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria. Presented by Mr. E. Du Faur, f.e.g.s., 1897. 41. Her Majesty Queen ... F. W'interhalter ... W. H. Simmons ... Print. Victoria. Franz Zaver Winterhalter was born in 1806. Studied at the Mmiich Academy, and went, in 1828, to Carlsruhe, where he was made Court Painter. Settled in Paris, 1834, and for more than thirty years was Court Painter to Boyalty. Winterhalter died in 1873. Presented by Mr. T. H. Lennard, 1897, 42. Thisbe Edwin Long, e.a. ... G. Bertinot A.P. Thisbe, a beautiful woman of Babylon, being in love with Pyramus, whose parents forbade marriage, received her lover’s addresses through the chink of a wall Avhich separated their houses. Purchased — 1885. ENGRAVINGS — British and Foreign. 141 NO. TITLE, PAINTER. ENGRAVER. STATE. 43. Her Majesty Queen Charles R. Leslie, r.a. S. Cousins, r.a. ...Print. Victoria receiving the Sacrament at Coronation. Charles Robert Reslie was born 1794, and died 1859. Entered the Academy Schools in 1811, studying under West and Allston, He was elected a.r.a. in 1821, and R.A. 1825. In 1831 he accepted the appointment of Professor of Drawing at the Military Academy, West Point (America), but relinquished it the following year. In 1848 he was made Professor of Painting at the Royal Academy, which office he held till 1851. Presented by Mr. A. T. Harvey, 1897. 44. Her Majesty Queen Sir Edwin Landseer, r.a. J. Stephenson Print. Victoria at Osborne. Presented by Mr. T. H. Lennard, 1897. 45. Windsor Forest Sir Edwin Landseer, r.a. F. L. Atkinson ... Print. Presented by Mr. T. H. Lennard, 1897. 46. H.R.H. Prince Consort... F. Winterhalter ... S. Beilin Print. Presented by Mi. T. H. Lennard, 1897. 47. His Excellency Sir W. M. Tweedie ... J. J. Chant ... ... Print William Thomas Denison, k.c.b Sir Wm. Thos. Denison, k.c.b., was born 1810. In 1846 he was aiipointed Covernor of Tasmania, and in 1855, Governor of N.S.W., remaining in this Colony till 1861, when he left for Madras, where he acted for a time as Governor-General. He died in England in 1871. Purchased — Sydney, 1899. 48. Duke of Buckingham Duchess of Bucking- Chas. A. Tomkins. and Chandos. ham and Chandos. Duke of Buckingham and Chandos died in 1889. Presented by the Duchess. 49. Portrait of Queen After Winterhalter . . . Stone Engraving. Victoria. Presented by the Trustees, Australian Museum, Sydney, 1901. 142 ENGKAVINGS — Beitish and Foreign. NO. TITLE. PAINTER. ENGRAVER. 50. Portrait of Prince After Winterhalter . . . Stone Engraving. Albert. Presented by the Trustees, Australian Museum, Sydney, 1901. 51. The Flight into Egypt ... After W. Holman Hunt. Purchased — 1907. STATE. 52. The Duke of Wellington, K.G. Purchased — 1910. 53. Waterloo Heroes ... Engraving by Chas. Lewis, after painting by J. P. Knight, R.A. Presented by Mr. R. T. Carter. 54. Peninsular Heroes . . . Engraving by F. Bromley, after painting by J. P. Knight, R.A. Presented by Mr. R. T. Carter. 55. The Princes in the Sir J. E. Millais, Bart., S. Cousins, r.a. ... A.P. Tower. p.r.a. Samuel Cousins was born 1801. In 1825 his engravings brought him into notice. He was elected Associate Engraver of the Royal Academy in 1835, and R.a. in 1855, being the first engraver upon whom this honour was conferred. The Princes were children of Edward IV — Edward V, and Richard, Duke of York — who were supposed to have been murdered in the Tower of London, 1483, by order of Richard, Duke of Gloucester, afterwards Richard III. Their bones were discovered in the reign of Charles II. The original painting was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1878, and sold in 1881 for £3,990. Purchased — 1885. 56. Hehographs of Antique Portraits, Hellenic Period (35). Presented by Mr. J. A. Parrot, 1903. 57. Seventeen Reproductions of Works by Old Masters (Chromo -Lithographs). By the Arundel Society. The Arundel Society was originally founded by the Duke of Norfolk (then Earl of Arundel and Surrey), for reproducing works of the great masters in the Cathedrals and Galleries of the Continent, more especially those of the Italian and Flemish schools. The publications commenced in 1849. Presented by Sir James R. Fairfax, 1903. Collection of Medici Prints — Reproductions in colour from the works of Old Masters, 143 NO. 1 . 2 ,- 3. 4. 5. ETCHINGS. BRITISH AND FOREIGN. SUBJECT. PAINTER. ETCHER. STATE. Diana and Endymion ... G. F. Watts, r.a. ... SirF. Short, a.r.a., r.e. Mezzo. Diana was the Goddess of Hunting, Endymion a shepherd. The fable of Endymion’s amours with Diana — or the moon — arises from his knowledge of astronomy, and as he passed the night on some high mountain to observe the heavenly bodies, it is said that he was courted by the moon. Purchased — 1899. Bacchante G. F. Watts, r.a. ... Sternberg Mezzo. Bacchante, priestess of Bacchus, who is represented at the celebration of the Orgies, almost nude, with garlands of ivy, with a thyrsus and dishevelled hair. Purchased — 1899. Border Towers ... ... Original Etching ... D. Y. Cameron, r.e. ... A.P. D. Y. Cameron is among the foremost of British etchers. Born in Scotland, 1865. He first studied landscape, then portrait painting at the Glasgow Academy. In 1880 he devoted his time almost entirely to the study of etching, discovering for himself the difficulties of the medium. In 1891 he exhibited a few plates, and in 1892 the “ Clyde ” set of twenty-two etching. In 1896 the “ North Italian ” set of twenty-six. In 1900 the “ London ” set of one dozen. His subjects are varied. Purchased — 1899. Souvenir de Kem- Professor Von Herkomer, C. Waltner A.P. brandt. r.a., r.w.s., c.v.o. C. Waltner studied etching and engraving at an early age under Martinet, and won a Scholarship in the Italian Schools at Rome, in 1868. The Pool, below C. W. Wyllie P. R. Masse A.P. London. Charles W. Wyllie, step-brother of W. L. Wyllie, r.a., is a menber of the Society of Oil Painters. Purchased — Sydney, 1889. 144 ETCHINGS — British and Foreign. NO. SUBJECT. PAINTER. ETCHER, STATE. 6. Une Merveilleuse ... G. Clairig Karl Koepping . . . A.P. The Costume during the 1st French Empire. 7. Vale of Clwyd David Cox B. Debaines A.P. Clwyd is a river of North Wales, in Denbighshire, and flows through the fertile Vale of Clwyd. Purchased — Melbourne, 1889. 8. The Gleaners ... ... Original Etching ... L. P. Smythe, a.r.a. ... A.P. Dionel P, Smythe was born 1839; first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1865; his water-colour “ Germinal,” was purchased by the Chantrey Bequest Trustees in 1889; elected a.r.a. 1898. Purchased — 1899. 9. Towing up the Waal ... Original Etching ... W. L. Wyllie, r.a. ... A.P. Purchased- — 1898. 10. Temple ... Original Etching ... J. McN. Whistler ... A.P. James Abbott McNeill Whistler was born in America, 1834, and when a child was taken to Russia, where he resided for twelve years, afterwards returning to America, when he entered the Military Academy at West Point, which training he soon deserted for art. Going to Paris in 1857, he studied under Gleyre. He afterwards settled in Rondon, and exhibited his works at the Dudley and Grosvenor Galleries. In 1877 he exhibited his famous portrait of Carlyle, together with several “ Nocturnes.” The criticism by John Ruskin upon the price paid for a nocturne led to a suit for damages brought by the artist, who was awarded one farthing damages and no costs. The “ Portrait of his Mother ” was bought for the Luxembourg. Whistler was known by his paintings and etchings — the former have been alternately abused and praised , the latter always received unqualified praise — but even his severest critics gave him his right to a place among the most original artists of his time. Whistler was for many years President of the Society of British Artists, and a member of many foreign societies. He was author of “ The Gentle Art of Making Enemies,” “ The Baronet and the Butterfly,” and “ Ten o’clock.” Died July, 1903. Purcbased^ — 1899. 11. Ponte del Cavallo, Venice C. J. Watson, r.e. ... A.P. Charles J. Watson holds a foremost place among the modern British Etchers, and is also noted for his excellent water colours. purchased — 1898. ETCHINGS — British and Foreign. 145 NO, SUBJECT. 12. The Arch PAINTER. ETCHER. STATE. Original Etching ... D. Y. Cameron, r.e. . . . A.P. Purchased — 1899. 13. Summer Bain ... ... Vicat Cole, r.a. ... M. Morris A.P. Presented by Mr. E. L. Montefiore, 1894. 14. Interior of Burgos David Koberts, r.a. ... E. W. Evans ... ... A.P. Cathedral. Burgos is a city of Spain, The cathedral was founded in 1221, and ranks with those of Toledo and I«eon — the three great Spanish churches of the early pointed period. Purchased — 1894. 15. February, Fill Dyke ... B. W. Leader, r.a. ... T. Chauvel A.P. Benjamin William Leader was born 1831, entered Royal Academy Schools in 1854, and has exhibited at the Academy since 1857. Elected a.r.a. in 1883, and r.a. in 1893. Theophile Chauvel was born in Paris, 1831. Second Prix de Rome, 1854. Studied under Jules Laurens and Picot, and has exhibited at the Salon etchings from the paintings of the most celebrated French artists. Purchased — Sydney, 1884. 16. The Mill Original Etching ... Graadt Von Koggen. Purchased — 1905. 17. Bibi L’aloutte Original Etching ... J. McN. Whistler ... A.P. Purchased — 1898. 18. The Herring Market at Sea. Original Etching ... Colin Hunter, a.r.a, Purchased — 1887. A.P. 19. Harmony Prank Dicksee, r.a. ... C. Waltiier Print. Frank Dicksee, son and pupil of Thos. F. Dicksee, was bom 1853, and first exhibited at Royal Academy, 1876. His painting “ Harmony,” in 1877, brought him into notice. He was elected a.r.a. in 1881, at the age of twenty-eight, and r.a. ten years later. The original painting “ Harmony ” was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1877, Purchased — 1882. K 146 ETCHINGS — British and Foreign. SUBJECT. PAINTER. ETCHER. STATE. 20. Home? S. E. Waller F. Slocombe, r.e. ... A.P. Purchased — London, 1891. 21. The Plough F. Walker, a.r.a. ... K. W. Macbeth, r.a., R.W.S., R.E. Frederick Walker was bom in London, 1840. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools, and under Whymper. He first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1863. In 1866 he was elected a member of the Water Colour Society, and an a.r.a. in 1871. His pictures “ Vagrants” and “ The Harbour of Rufuge ” are in the National Gallery, London. “ The Right of Way,” printed in 1875, is in the Art Gallery of South Australia. Walker died in 1875. Purchased — 1899. Original Etching ... D. Y. Cameron, r.e. ... A.P. Purchased — 1899. ... Original Etching ... D. Y. Cameron, r.e. ... A.P. Purchased — 1898. ... Original Etching ... Sir F. Seymour-Haden, A.P. (Dry-point.) p.r.e. Sir Francis Seymour-Haden was born in London, 1818. Studied for the medical profession, and for some time practised in London. In 1859 he turned his attention to etching, his work receiving always high praise from English and Continental critic s. Sir F. Seymour-Haden was President of the Royal Society of Painter Etchers. Died, 1910. Purchased — 1899. 25. Femme Assise Original Etching ... Paul Helleu, h. r.e. (Dry-point.) Paul Helleu, who is a member of the Jury of the Salon of the Champ-de-Mars, came into notice as an etcher in 1892, when he exhibited his first plates at the Royal Society of Painter Etchers in London ; before that period he confined his study principally to pastel work. Helleu is a master with the dry-point, his designs are drawn from Nature, and composed directly on the face of the copper-plate with the dry-point needle — using a diamond point in place of steel. No other study in the way of tracing or preliminary study is made. 22. Cours des bons Enfants. 23. Lecrope, Holland 24. Windmill Hill ... Purchased — Sydney, 1900. ETCHINGS — Beitish and Foreign. 147 NO. SUBJECT. PAINTER. ETCHER. STATE. 26. Master Crewe Sir Joshua Reynolds, P. Rajon R.P. P.R.A. Sir Joshua Reynolds was born in Devonshire, 1723, and died in Rondon, 1792. Studied under Thomas Hudson. Reynolds held a high reputation as a portrait painter; between 1760 and 1790 he exhibited 260 portraits at the Royal Academy. The sum of £11,550 was paid for his portrait of Lady Betty Delme in 1894. Sir Joshua Reynolds Avas elected First President of the Royal Academy Avhen founded in 1768. Paul Adolphe Rajon was bom at Dijon. Studied under Flameng. Purchased — 1885. 27. The Blue Boy T. Gainsborough, r. a. C. Waltner ... ... Print. Purchased — 1885. 28. Castlereagh St., Sydney Original Etching ... Hall Thorpe ... ... A.P. Purchased — Sydney, 1900. 29. The Stairs, Rowallan, Scotland. Original Etching ... D. Y. Cameron, r.e. Purchased — 1898. A.P. 30. The Rag Gatherers ... Original Etching ... J. McN. Whistler ... A.P. Purchased — 1899. 31. Veronica Original Etching ... D. Y. Cameron, r.e. ... A.P. Purchased — 1899. 32. Etching Gustave Moreau ... F. Bracquemond, h.r.e. A.P. Felix Bracquemond was born in Paris, 1833. Etcher — studied under J. Guichard. The fame of this artist was established by his etchings, which were very numerous ; latterly he devoted his time to the perfection of Ceramic Art — inventing a neAV Avare and new style of decoration, and was the first Ceramic Artist of France. Gustave Moreau was bom in Paris. Studied under Picot. 33-37. Etchings ... ... Gustave Moreau ... F. Bracquemond, h.r.e. A.P. 38. The Little Mast, Venice Original Etching ... J. McN. Whistler ... A.P. Purchased — 1898. ETCHINGS — British and EoreigN. 1 48 NO. SUBJECT. PAINTER. ETCHER. STATE. 39. The Veteran ... Original Etching ... D. Y. Cameron, r.e. ... A.P. Purchased — 1898. 40. Towers at Kampen, Original Etching ... Sir F. Short, r.a., p.r.e. A.P. Holland. Kampen, a town of Holland, near the mouth of the Ygsel. Frank Short, one of the most prominent of modern etchers, is President of the Royal Society of Painter Etchers — began life as an Engineer. Studied at the South Kensington School of Arts, and subsequently at the Westminster School of Arts under Professor Brown ; is also the author of several works on etching. Purchased — 1898. 41. Street at Saverne . . . Original Etching . . . J. McN. Whistler. 42. A Rainy Day at Cookham. F. Walker, A. R.A. ... R. W. Macbeth, r.a. ... A.P. Purchased — 1899. 43. View of Shipping, Venice. Original Etching ... F. Duveneck, r.e. . . . A.P. Frank Duveneck was born in America. Studied in Munich under Diez. Purchased — 1899. 44. Ooogee Bay, N.S.W. ... E. Combes, c.M.G. ... F. Slocombe, r.e. ... R.p. Presented by the Painter, 1887. 45. Meditation . . . Original Etching ... V. Foulquier A.P. Purchased— 1899. 46. The Riva, Venice . . . Original Etching ... F. Duveneck, r.e. . . . A.P. Purchased — 1899. 47. The Emigrants .. . . . . Original Etching ... J. Tissot A.P. James Tissot was born at Nantes, 1836. Studied under Flandriu and Lamothe. Though French by birth, Tissot has resided and painted in England. His painting “ Meeting of Faust and Marguerite ” is in the Luxembourg. His etchings are as noted as his piin tings. Purchased — 1898. ETCHINGS — British and Foreign. 149 NO. SUBJECT. PAINTER. ETCHER. STATE. 48. Lancaster Castle ... Original Etching ... Oliver Hall ... ... A.P. Oliver Hall was born 1869. Studied at South Kensington and I * ««8ir « - 160 DITCHINGS— Australian. NO. SUBJECT. ETCHER. 175a. Lennox Bridge S. Ure Smith. 176. Six Etchings — John Shirlow. Melbourne Subjects. 176a. Four Etchings — Old Sydney Julian Ashton. Purchas ed — 1918. LITHOGRAPHS AND REPRODUCTIONS. 177. The Races Spencer Pryse. 178. The City of Sleep ... „ 179. Australia House, London J. Pennell. 180. The Campanile, St. Mark’s ,, 181. A Corner of the Quay ... E. A. Hope. 182. Lithos by Gavarni, 1804-1866. Presented by Mr. Howard Hinton — 1916. 183. Kashmire After John S. Sargent, r.a. Purchased — 1914. 184. Venice After Frank Brangwyn, a.r.a. , Purchased — 1914. PENCIL DRAWINGS, &c. 185. Native Flora Miss E. Burrows. 186. Three Drawings — ... John Berry. Architectural. 187. Four Drawings — ... R. Rhodes. Architectural. 188. Architectural Sketches... B. J. Waterhouse. 189. Study G. H. Trindall. 190. The Shade of the Hat ... D. S. Cohen. 191. The Kookaburra ... J. A. Crisp. 161 SCULPTURE. BRITISH AND FOREIGN. MARBLE. No. 1. 1. Head of a Girl. E. Onslow Ford, r.a. IP 52-1 901. Purchased — London, 1897. Harriet Hosmer. American, 2. Beatrice Cenci. Purchased — Sydney, 1892. 3. Canova S Venus. Original in Pitti Palace, Florence. Purchased — Melbourne, 1890. 4. Venus de Medici. Original in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. Purchased — Sydney, 1892. 5. Hebe. Marshall Wood. 6. Sappho. h Marshall Wood 162 SCULPTUEE — British and Foreign. 7. Greek Girl. E. Nannani. Transferred to the Trustees by the Colonial Secretary. 8. Albanian Girl. E. Nannani. Transferred to the Trustees by the Colonial Secreatry. 9. Child Eeclining. Bequeathed by Judge Josephson. 10. Faun. Harriet Hosmer. American. Purchased — Sydney, 1892. 11. The Three Graces. After Cano va. Presented by Mr. Fitzwilliam Wentworth — 1914. 12. His Majesty King Edward VII. Alfred Drury, a.r.a. Purchased — 1911. 13. Hippolytus. B. Spence. Bequeathed by Judge Josephson, 1892. 14. Fame. C. Eauch. Purchased — 1882. 15. OEnone. W. C. Marshall, r.a. Purchased — 1887. 16. Cometh up as a Flower. Shakespeare Wood. Presented by Mr. E. E. Fairfax, 1889. 17. 18. 0 Benjamin Franklin. {BusU, 2.) Powers. American. Benjamin Franklin, statesman and scientist, was born in Boston (Mass.) in 1706, and died 1790. Caligula. {Bust.) Csesar Caligula received this surname from his wearing in the camp the caliga, a military covering for the leg. SCULPTUEE — Beitish and Foreign. 163 19. Tinted Venus. {Statuette,) J. Gibson, r.a. 1790-1866. Reproduction from the “Tinted Venus,” which attained great noto- riety at the Great International Exhibition of 1862. The colouring was the merest suggestion of delicate tinting. The original work was executed in 1854, and was sold at Christie’s, by order of the first proprietor, for £ 2 , 000 . Purchased — Sydney, 1892. 20. Caracalla. {Bust.) Son of the Emperor Lucius Serverus, whom he (Caracalla) attempted to murder. 21. Commodore Goodenough, r.n. {Bust.) Simonetti. Italian, Commodore James Graham Goodenough was born 1831, and entered the Navy at an early age. After serving in various of Her Majesty’s ships, he was appointed to the H.M.S. “ Pearl ” as Commodore of the Australian Station in 1873. During a cruise amongst the Polynesian Islands, he was shot by arrows at Santa Cruz, and died August, 1874. The Goodenough Royal Naval Home, Sydney, was founded as a memorial to the late Commodore. Simonetti for many years was well known in Sydney, where he carried on his profession ; his most important work being the statue of Governor Phillip, in the Botanic Gardens. Presented by the Subscribers, 1877. 22. Washington. {Bust.) George Washington, First President of the United States, was born in 1732, in Virginia (America), and died, 1799. Transferred to the Trustees by the Colonial Secretary. 23. Homer. {Bust.) D. Menconi. Italian. Transferred to the Trustees by the Colonial Secretary. 24. Work and Study. E. Zocchi. Italian. Presented by Mrs. L. W. Levy, 1885. 25. Patroclus and Achilles. {Frieze.) D. Fontana. Italian. Patroclus was one of the Grecian chiefs during the Trojan War. Patroclus, by order of Achilles, consigning Briseis to the Heralds of Agamemnon. Transferred to the Trustees by the Colonial Secretary, 1888. 26. The Lady of the Lake. B. Spence. Purchased — Sydney, 1892. 27. Highland Mary. B. Spence. Bequeathed by Judge Josephson. 164: SCULPTURE — British and Foreign. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Song of a Shirt. (Replica.) Marshall Wood. Illustration of the poem by Tom Hood — Work — ^work — work From weary chime to chime. &c., &c. Written by Tom Hood on behalf of the workers. Presented by Mr. Thomas Walker, 1881. A Roman Hunter. J. Gibson, r.a. Bequeathed by Judge Josephson, 1892. Narcissus. J. Gibson, R.A. Purchased — Sydney, 1892. Pensiero. {Bust.) Monzini. Italian. Presented by Mr. J. A. Parrot, 1889. La Somnambula. G. Fontana. Italian, Purchased — Sydney, 1880. Girl with Bird. Transferred to the Trustees by the Colonial Secretary. Blind Nydia. Andreoni. Italian. Presented by Mr. A. Stanger Leathes, 1889. Persephone. {Bust.) Marshall Wood. Persephone, daughter of Jupiter and Ceres ; called also Proserpina. Greek Helen. J. Gibson, r.a. Purchased — Sydney, 1892. Girl with Birds. A. Mencarelli. Transferred to the Trustees from the Colonial Secretary. Rape of the Sabines. Original at Florence. 39. Flower Girl. {Statuette.) Bequeathed by Judge Josephson, 1892. 40. The Wrestlers. {Greenstone.) Original at Florence. Found, a.d. 1535, near the Lateran, Rome. The original is attributed to Cephissodotus, of the School of Rhodes, 5th Period of Greek Art. Supposed to represent Phsedimus and Tantalus, sons of Niobe, slain by Apollo, and to have formed part of the group of Niobe and her children, which occupied the tympanum of the pediment of the temple of Apollo at Rome. 41. Andromeda. ^ Forsyth. Purchased — Sydney, 1892. . SCULPTURE — British and Foreign. 165 42. 43. Puck. ^ Harriet Hosnier. American. Bequeathed by Judge Josephson, 1892. Hero. No. 49. 44. Eomeo and Juliet. Presented by Mr. Gi. F. Todman, 1888. P. Bazzanti. Italian. 45. Greek Slave. Bequeathed by Judge Josephson, 1892. Tadolini. Italian, 166 SCULPTURE— British and Foreign. " 46. Charles II. [Bust.) 47. Orphanella. 48. The Sea King’s Daughter. Gilbert Bayes. Purchased — 1916. 49. Love’s Bondage. W. R. Colton, A.R.A. Purchased — 1916. ^ No. 50. 50. Study of a Head. [Marble.) Sir Thos. Brock, r.a. Purchased — New Zealand Exhibition, 1907. SCULPTURE — Austealian. 167 AUSTRALIAN. 51. 52. 51. Sir Alfred Stephen, c.b., g.c.m.g. {Marble. ) First President of Trustees, 1875-1889. Born, 1802 ; died, 1889. Presented by tbe family of the late Sir A. Stephen — Sydney, 1899, 52. E. L. Montefiore, Esq. {Marble.) Theodora Cowan. Second President of Trustees, 1889-1892. Born, 1820; died, 1894. Purchased by the Trustees out of a sum of £200 donated to them by Miss H. M. Dickinson, to perpetuate the memory of her father, the late Sir John N. Dickinson. Purchased — Sydney, 1899. 168 •SCULPTURE — Australian. No. 53. 53. E. Du Faur, Esq., F.R.G.S. {Marble.) Theodora Cowan. (One of the original Trustees, Third President of Trustees, appointed September, 1892.) Born, 1832 ; died, 1916. Purchased — Sydney, 1898. 54. W. C. Wentworth, Esq. Thos. Woolner, r.a. {Bronze Medallion.) Born, 1791 ; died, 1872. Thos. Woollier was born 1825. Elected a.r.a., 1871; R.a., 1874; and Professor of Sculpture, 1877. Died, 1892. Purchased — Sydney, 1879. 55. Sara Bernhardt. {Cast.) Dr. C. W. McCarthy. Presented by the Sculptor. 56. Defiance. {Cast — Bronzed.) A. G. Reid. Purchased — Sydney, 1894. SCULPTURE — Australian. 169 No. 57. 57. Phryne before Praxiteles. Percival Ball. {Exterior Bronze-relief Panel.) Praxiteles was a famous sculptor Avho flourislied about I3l24 years before the Christian Era. The statue he executed of Phryne, Avho lived at the same time, was considered his best work, and Avas placed in the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Percival Ball AA'^as born 1844, and studied at the Royal Academy Schools . Visited Australia in 1886, and shortly afterAvards accepted some imjxArtaiit commissions, among which Avere the statues of Sir Wm. Wallace, at Ballarat, and Bishop Moorhouse, in the National Gallery of Victoria. In 1898 he Avas commissioned by the Trustees of this Gallery to design a panel for the fa9ade of the ncAV building, Avhich, on completion, A\'as unanimously approved of. Mr. Ball left for England shortly aftcrAvards to supermtend the casting of the panel in bronze, but died in 1900 before he had finally accomplished his AAnrk. The panel AA'^as completed in 1903. 58. Aboriginal Boy. {Cast — Bronzed.) N. IlliiigAvortli. Purchased — Sydney, 1896. 59. Aboriginal Warrior Chief. {Cast— Bronzed.) N. Illingwortli. Purchased — Sydney, 1895. 170 SCULPTURE— Australian. 60. Hawaiian Types (8). (Plaster Bas-reliefs.) Allen Hutchinson. Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands — a small archipelago in the North Pacific. They are twelve in number, their total area being 7,000 square miles. Purchased — Sydney, 1897. 61. Father of Islam. (Cast.) N. Illingworth. Islam, the proper name of the Mohammedan religion. Purchased — Sydney, 1899. 62. Aboriginal Woman. (Cast.) N. Illingworth. Purchased — Sydney, 1899. 63. Portrait Bust. (Cast — Bronzed.) Annie Dobson. Purchased — Sydney, 1892. 64. Signor Anivitti. (Bust.) Signor Anivitti was instructor, in conjunction vith Signor Simonetti, of the Art Classes organized by the Academy of Art, in 1872. 66. “ Eighty-Eight.” 6. W. L. Hirst. Purchased — Royal Art Society, 1909. 66. Portrait. (Cast.) D. Barclay. Purchased — 19 1 1 . 67. Walter B. Hall. Bertram Mackennal, a.r.a. Bequeathed by Mrs. Walter R. Hall, 1916. 68. Child’s Head. (Cast.) Purchased — 1912. Mildred Lovett SCULPTURE — Casts from the Antique, &c. 171 CASTS FROM THE ANTIQUE, &c. 1. The Boxers (2). After Canova, a famous Italian sculptor; bora, 1757; died, 1822. From the Originals in the Vatican, Rome. Presented by Sir James R. Fairfax. 2. Apollo Belvedere. {Bust.) Original in the Vatican. Found, a.u. 1503, at Capo d’Anzio, the ancient Antium, birthplace of Nero. Sculptor supposed to be Calamus or Praxiteles. It Avas purchased by Julius II Avhen Cardinal, and placed in the Belvedere of the Vatican, whence it derives its name. Napoleon carried off the Apollo Belvedere from the Vatican, as the spoil of AA^ar, during his first invasion of Italy in 1796. In 1815 Canova, the sculptor, Avas despatched from Rome to Paris, and after many diplo mafic rebuffs, finally succeeded in regaining the sculpture, pictures, and MSS., and AA^as feted on his return to Italy. Apollo, son of Jupiter and Latona, A\as the deity A^'ho, according to the ancients, inflicted plagues, and in that moment he appeared surrounded Avith clouds. He had temples and statues in every country — particularly in Egypt, Greece, and Italy. According to Cicero there A\ere four persons of this name. 3. Achilles. {Bust.) The son of Pileus and Thetis, Avas the bravest of all the Greeks in the Trojan War. . - WJlVERSn . if 4. Apollo Belvedere. Presented by Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart. FEB 18 1922 5. Venus de Milo, or Melos. Venus Victrix, called Venus de Milo. Orighial in the Louvre, Paris. Found, A.D. 1820, at Milo, an island in the .^Egean Sea (the ancient Melos), by a French peasant Avhile digging near some sepulchral grottoes. The French Consul offered to buy it, but a monk (in disgrace AA'ith the Sultan) secured it as a peace offering to the Porte. While the statue AA’as on its Avay to a ship a French frigate arrived AAuth a Secretary of the French Embassy, bearing orders to purchase and hurry it off. A fight occurred betAveen the French sailors and natives — and the former carried off the prize. The peasant received 6,000 francs for this A^aluable statue, AA'hich Avent to Paris as a present to Charles X. Venus de Milo received from Paris the prize for her superior loA^elincss in her contention A\dth Juno and Minerva on Mount Ida. Presented by Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart. 6. A Banquet of the Gods. {Bas-relief.) H. Solzins. Presented by Sir James R. Fairfax. 7. Proserpina. {Bust.) Presented by the Sculptur. Marshall AVood. 172 SCULPTURE — Casts from the Antique. &c. 8. Hebe. {Bust.) Marshall Wood. Presented by the Sculptor. 9. Gates of the Baptistery, Church of Ghiberti. San Giovanni, at Florence. The celebrated bronze gates, by Ohiberti, Avhich Michael Angelo said M'^ere worthy to be the Gates of Paradise, form the most beautiful feature in the Church of San Giovanni, at Florence, now used as a Baptistery. They are divided into ten panels, representing scenes from the Old Testament. Their chief characteristic is that they represent a depth of design which is generally possible only in painting. In the various scenes may be seen four or five different levels of perspective, each comyhetely distinct. The figures in Ghiberti’s design are exquisitely modelled ; their beauty culminates perhaps in the three angels who stand before the door of Abraham. But around the whole door, which is most carefully wrought in massive bronze is a border of fruit tied together by a riband, and enlivened by animals and birds, all of the rarest beauty. It springs on either side from two vases, in very low relief, and gradually rises in higher and higher prominence until it reaches its most complete development above the summit of the gate. Ghiberti died an old man, just after he had completed these, the last of the gates of the Baptistery, upon which his whole life had been spent ; but he did not live in vain : his name stands amongst the highest on the roll of sculptors. The State may be congratulated on having obtained a model of these famous gates, the gift of Sir James R. Fairfax, the Italian Government having refused to allow any more models to be taken. 1. The Creation. — Adam and Eve. 2. Cain and Abel. 3. Noah and his Ark. 4. Passages in the history of Abraham. 5. The history of Esau, who sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. 6. The story of Joseph. 7. Moses on Mount Sinai receiving the tablets with the Commandments from God. 8. The passage of the Jews across the waters of Jordan. 9. A battle between the Hebrews and the Philistines, in which the combat of David and Goliath forms the chief episode. 10. The meeting of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Lorenzo Ghiberti was born in Florence, 1378. Died, 1455. Presented by Sir James R. Fairfax, 1890. 10. Sir Charles Barry, r.a. After J. H. Foley, r.a. Sir Charles Barry, an eminent English architect, designed the Houses of Parliament, Westminster. John H. Foley was born at Dublin, 1818, and died 1875. Student at the Royal Academy Schools in 1834 and exhibited there in 1839. His last and most important work was the figure of Prince Consort in the Albert Memorial, London, commissioned by the Queen, and not cast until after the sculptor’s death in 1875. Elected an a.r.a. in 1849, and r.a. in 1858. Presented by the Right Rev. Dr. Barry. 11. Bight Hon. W. E. Gladstone. A. Bruce Joy, r.h.a. William Ewart Gladstone (Statesman, Orator, and Author) was born in Liverpool, 1809. Prime Minister of Great Britain, 1868 to 1874; 1880 to 1885. Died, 1898, Purchased- — 1890. SCULPTUKE — Casts from the Antique, &c. 173 12. Charity. {Medallion.) 13. Industry. {Medallion.) 14. Devotion. {Medallion.) 15. Kubens. {Medallion). 16. Raphael. {Medallion.) 17. Michelangelo. {Medallion.) 18. Albert Durer. {Medallion.) 19. Heads (4). {Small Medallions.) 20. Boy Extracting a Thorn. Original at Rome. Original said to have been found in the Tiber. Of the best period of Greek art. Presented by Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart. 21. An Amazon. 22. Diana of Colonna. 23. Discobolos. Original Bronze in British Museum. The original was executed by Myron at the close of the first period of Greek sculpture, about 470 b.c. There are several antique copies, shoAving the head reverted. Found, 1791, near Hadrian’s Villa. 24. Laocoon. The original by Agesandros and Polydorus is no\A^ in the Vatican, Rome. It was found in Rome, 1506, on the site of the Palace of Titus. Laocoon, priest of Apollo, was commissioned by the Trojans to offer a bullock to Neptune to render him propitious. During the sacrifice tAvo enormous serpents issued from the sea, and attacked Laocoon’s tAVo sons, Avho stood next the altar. The father attempted to defend the soiis, but the serpents attacked him, and squeezed him to death. This punishment Avas inflicted upon him for his temerity in dissuading the Trojans to bring into the city the fatal AA'^ooden horse, AA'hich the Greeks had consecrated to Minerva, and for hurling a lance at the sides of the horse as it entered the city. 25. The Fighting Gladiator. Original at the Lourve, Paris. Found, a.d. 1503, at Capo d’Anzio, the ancient Antium. Sculptor Agasias, son of Dositheus of Ephesus. 26. Achilles and Lycaon. S. F. Lynn, a.r.h.a. Achilles, son of Peleus and Thetis, bravest of all the Greeks in the Trojan War, was killed by Paris. Lycaon, the first king of Arcadia, AA’^as changed into a AA'olf because he offered human victims on the altars of the God Pan. He AA'as aftcnA'ards killed by Achilles. Samuel Ferris Lynn AA^as born in Ireland. Studied in Belfast, and Roj^al Academy Schools, London, AA'^here he exhibited portraits, statues, and statuettes, until 1875; died 1876. Presented by Mr. A. C. Garrick. 174 SCULPTUEE — Casts feom the Antique. & c . 27. The Wrestlers. 28. Cupid Bending his Bow. 29. Cupid and Psyche. Original in the Capitol, Rome. Found on the Aventine Hill. 30. Eve at the Fountain. {Head.) Edward H. Bailey was born E. H. Bailey, r.a. 1788, and died 1867. Studied under Flaxman at the Royal Academy in 1807. “ Eve at the Fountain ” was executed in 1810. He was author of the Statue of Nelson on the Column in Trafalgar Square, and also Governor Bourke’s Statue, Sydney. Was a member of the Royal Academy for many years, and was put upon the retired list in 1863. Presented by Sir Alfred Stephen. 31. Theseus. Theseus, king of Athens, and a son of iEgeus, one of the most celebrated of the heroes of antiquity. From the original in the east pediment of the Parthenon. Sculptor, Phidias. 32. Cephisus. From the original in the west pediment of the Parthenon. 33. Venus de Medici. The original by Cleomenes of Athens is in the Tribune of the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. Presented by Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart. 34. Listening Slave. Known as the “ Arrotine ” or “ Remoleur.” Original in the Royal Gallery, Florence. Presented by Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart. 35. Dying Gladiator (2). From the original in the Capitol, Rome. Found on Pincian Hill, near the tomb of the Domitii, where Nero’s body was burnt. The best authorities regard this work as representing a Gaul dying, not a gladiator : and it is supposed to be one of a series of figures illustrating the incursions of the Gauls into Greece. Although this statue is still known as the “ Dying Gladiator,” the theory by which it received that name has long since been proved erroneous, partly by the fact that it is undoubtedly a product of Greek art, which knew nothing of gladiators, as they were a peculiarly Roman institution, and partly by the strong resemblance of face and figure to the descriptions of the ancient Galatians. Presented by Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart. 36. Antinous. Original in the Capitol, Rome. Foimd at Hadrian’s Villa, Tivoli, and presented by Cardinal Albani to Pope Clement XIT. Antinous was a youth of Bithynia, friend of the Emperor Adrian. Some writers suppose that Antinous was drovmed in the Nile, while others maintain that he offered himself for sacrifice as a victim, in honour of the Emperor. SCULPTURE— Casts from the Antique. &c. 175 37. Jason. Original in the Louvre. Found at Tivoli. This statue has been called Mercury and Cincinnatus, but is now con- sidered to represent the famous leader of the Argonauts, hurriedly trying on one sandal in his haste to seek Pelias, usurper of his father’s throne, and who had been warned, by an oracle to beware of the one-sandalled man. It is of the Alexandrian or third era of Greek sculpture, and once stood in the Villa Negroni; was bought by Louis XIV. and placed at Versailles. 38. Boy Athlete. 39. Mercury. Original in the Vatican. This statue was once called Antinous, but Visconti has proved it to be Mercury. Found on the Esquiline Hill, near the Baths of Titus. 40. The Pyrrhic Dance. Copies of Friezes (3) recently discovered in the baths of Agrippa, near the Pantheon, Rome. The Pyrrhic Dance, said to be invented and introduced into Greece by Pyrrhus, the sou of Achilles. The dancers were generally armed. Presented by the Public Instruction Department of Rome, per favour of Sir James R. Fairfax. 41. Isidis Pompa. {Two casts.) Presented by Sir James R. Fairfax. 42. Portions of Plinth and Cornice (5) of the Pantheon, Pome. The Pantheon, a celebrated temple at Rome, built by Agrippa, in the reign of Augustus — and dedicated to all the gods. It was struck by lightning some time afterwards, and partly destroyed. Adrian repaired it, and it still remains at Rome, converted into a Christian temple, the admiration of the curious. Presented by Sir James R. Fairfax. 43. Caryatid. One of the six female figures which served as columns in the southern portion of the Erectheum, a temple of the Ionic order, which stands near the north side of the Acropolis. The word “ Caryatid ” is explained by Vitruvius, the Roman writer on architecture, as a reference to the “ women of Carya,” a tovn of Arcadia, who are always represented as architectural supports, by way of punish- ment for betraying the Greeks to the Persians.” Probably, the Greek architects originally derived the idea from Egypt, where the use of human and other figures for columns was common. 176 SCULPTUKE — Casts from the Antique, &c. 44. Metopes (5). Cast from the originals in the Elgin Eoom of the British Museum. The Parthenon possessed the immense number of ninety-two metopes. Metopes were the sculptured blocks inserted in the spaces left between the slabs which represented the end of the beams of the roof. The five taken from the Elgin Room came from the south side of the temple. The subjects illustrate the battle between the Centaurs and the Lapithse, at the marriage feast of Pirithous. It will be observed that the metopes were sculptured in high relief, the reason for this was that they were so placed in the Parthenon that they could be seen at a distance, as they were 40 feet above the ground. {See descriptive matter re Parthenon in frame.) 45. The Elgin Marbles — Frieze of the Parthenon. The Parthenon, a temple at Athens, sacred to Minerva, was destroyed by the Persians, and afterwards rebuilt by Pericles — and still exists. All the circumstances which related to the birth of Minerva Avere beautifully and minutely represented in bas-relief on the front. Presented by Mr. Thomas S. Mort. 46. Hermes. The original, which is at Oljrmpia, was discovered there by German excavators in 1877. It lay face foremost, on a heap of clay and rubbish, as it had fallen. The limbs were partly shattered, but the face and feature perfect. The legs, from the knees downward, were missing, also the greater part of Hermes’ right arm, and the body and head of the child Dionysus. AfterAvards, the right foot of Hermes AA^as discovered, also the body and head of the child. Sculptor, Praxiteles (?). 47. Vase from the Antique. 48. Colossal Head of Emperor Verus. Lucius Verus, a Roman emperor, son of .^lius, adopted by Hadrian, succeeded him with the title of L. iElius Cfesar, being the first on AALom the title of Caesar was bestowed. 49. Groups of Figures (6). John Kogers. American. Presented by Messrs. Hebblewhite & Co. 50. Plaster Models (19) for the use of Students. Purchased — Paris, 1897. 51. Collection of small casts from the Elgin Marbles, and from Antique and Modern Gems. Presented by Trustees of late Mr. P. N. Trebeck, 1905. 52. Shakespeare. {Cast.) Professor Owen. Transferred by Trustees of the Sydney Museum, 1912. SCULPTUEE— Terra Cotta. 177 TERRA COTTA. 53. The First Flight. {Bronzed.) A. Bruce Joy, r.h.a. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 54. A Sabine Girl. Marshall Wood. Presented by the Sculptor. 55. Hebe. Marshall Wood. Presented by the Sculptor. 56. Autumn. {Group.) Cattier. Purchased — 1884. 57. Spring. Cattier. Purchased — 1884. 58. The Marquis of Salisbury. {Bust.) A. Bruce Joy, r.h.a. Robert Arthur Cecil, third Marquis of Salisbury, was born at Hatfield House, 1830. Became Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1885. Hied, August, 1903. 59. A Bird for the Cat. L. Comerre. French. Ueon -Francois Comerre was born at Trelon, Won the Prix de Rome, 1875. Studied under Cabanel. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 60. The Fairy Tale. A. Bruce Joy, r.h.a. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. 61. Meeting of Jacob and Joseph. {Terra Cotta.) G. Tinworth, 1892. George Tinworth was modeller to the Boultons, Lambeth Pottery, and was born 1843. Studied at Lambeth School and the Royal Academy. Entered Lambeth Pottery, 1866. Elected Officer of the French Academy, 1878. Hied, 1915. 178 SCULPTUKE— Bronze. BRONZE. 62. Central Figure from the Laocoon. Vittoz. Purchased — 1882. 63. The Deluge. (Group.) Vittoz. Purchased — 1882 . 64. The Mameluke. Giesecke. The Mamelukes : An Arabic word signifying white slaves captured in war or purchased at market. They originated in the importation of a large number of Turkish slaves from the Caucasus, or Asia Minor, in the middle of the 13th century. Nearly all the exquisite mosques that still adorn Cairo are of their building, and the museums of Europe and. Cairo have examples of their delicate inlaid and engraved brass-work, and mosaic tiles, &c. They were brave fighters. Their last achievements were on the occa- sion of the invasion of Egypt by Napoleon in 1798, when they fought the battle of the Pyramids, near Cairo. Treacherous massacres in 1805 and 1811 exterminated the Mameluke Princes, except a small remnant who took refuge in the Soudan, where their mediaeval armour was recently seen by the British Forces employed against the Mahdi, Presented by Mr. J. A. Parrot, 1889. 65. Column of the Place Vendome, Paris. Purchased — 1883. 66. The Kiss. Purchased — 1914. Auguste Rodin. French. 67. Selica. (Marble and Bronze Bust.) Transferred to the Trustees from the Colonial Secretary. P. Calvi. Italian. 68. Othello. (Marble and Bronze Bust.) P. Calvi. Transferred to the Trustees from the Colonial Secretary. SCULPTURE— Bronze. 179 No. 69. 69. Mare and Foal. {Group.) A. J. Le Due. French. The bas-reliefs on pedestal represent the history and training of the horse. Purchased — Paris, 1891. 70. Mercury. A. Coyzevox. 71. Fama. A. Coyzevox, 180 SCULPTUEE— Beonze. 72. Eetaliation. C. B. Bircli, a.e.a. Charles Bell Birch was born 1832. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools and at the Berlin Royal Academy. In 1864 he won the Scholarship of £600 ofEered by the Art Union of Rondon for the best original figure group. The Lieutenant Hamilton Memorial Statute in 1880 gained him his A.R.A. Died in 1893. Purchased- — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. No. 73. 73. Femina Victrix. Purchased — 1914. W. Eeid Dick. SCULPTURE— Bronze. 181 74. Tlie Dancer. Bertram Mackennal, a.r.a. Purcliased — 1910. 75. The Birth of Australian Art. {Bronze Medallion — Obverse and Reverse.] Purchased — 1910. Dora Ohlfsen. N.S.W No. 74. 75a. Bronze Medallions. Dora Ohlfsen. 182 SCULPTURE— Bronze. No. 76i 76. Assur-natsir-pal, King of Assyria. Gilbert Bayes- {Exterior Bronze-relief Panel.) This relief shows Assur-natsir-pal, King of Assyria from 883 b.c. to 858 B.C., present with his Queen at the opening of a new building. After the death of Tiglath-Pileser until his time, Assyria was reduced to com- parative powerlessness, but under him the boundaries of the empire were extended, splendid palaces, temples, and other buildings raised, whose elaborate sculptures and rich painting bear witness to the fact that in his day culminated the first period of Assyrian Art, Gilbert Bayes was born 1874 and studied at Finsbury Schools, entering the Royal Academy Schools in 1896, where he gained the Armitage Prizo of 1897, and in 1899 a Travelling Scholarship; has exhibited at the Academy since 1889. Selected from Competition Designs, invited by the Trustees in 1903. 77. The Scales of Time. Purchased — 1914. Gilbert Bayes. SCULPTUKE— Bronze. 183 No. 78. 78. Sir John Millais, P.R.A. Purchased — 1914. E. Onslow Ford, r.a. 79. Col. W. L. Vernon, F.R.I.B.A. 1846-1914. (Late Government Architect, Sydney.) Commission to Sculptor — 1914. Bertram Mackennal, a.r.a. 80. Sir Henry Parkes, G.C.M.G-. Theo. Cowan. Presented by the Hon. W. A. Holman, Premier of N.S.W., on behalf of the Government, 1915. 184 SCULPTURE— Bkonze. I No. 81. 81. Peter Pan. Sir George Erampton, e.a. Purchased — 1914. 82. Queen Hatasn of Egypt. {Bronze Panel — Exterior.) 1907. Countess Feodora Gleiclieii. British. 83. The Pharisee. Andreoni. Italian. “ He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.” Purchased — Sydney, 1894. 84. The Driver. Professor Dorsi. Italian. Purchased — 1910. 185 VASES, CERAMICS, MEDALS, GLASSWARE, &c. (IN CASES). CASE No. 1 . Reproductions of Majolica Porcelain (40). (15th and 16th Century.) Purchased — London, 1904. Reproductions of Italian Porcelain (6). (15th and 16th Century.) Purchased — London, 1904. Water Colour Copies (on Paper) of Italian Tiles (12). Purchased — London, 1904. Specimens of Tiles (4) from a tiled door in the Church of San Pretonis in Bologna. Italian Faenza, 1487. CASE No. 2. Holbein Plaque — Moor’s Head {Doultoyi). By Noke. Purchased — 1899. Specimens of Wedgwood Ware Vases (2). Josiah Wedgwood, the creator of British pottery as an art, was liurn at Burslem, 1730 ; died, 1793. Wedgwood Panels (2). Minton Ware Vases (2). Bronze Miniature Bust — Lord Nelson. After Flaxinan (sculptor). Presented by Mr. Alex. Fraser, 1905. VASES, CEEAMICS, &c. Wine and Water Vase. {Wedgwood.) Doulton Ware Vase. (Voices of the Night.) Duke of Wellington. {Wedgivood Medallion.) (Born, 1769; died, 1852.) Presented by Count de Rossi, 1893. Captain Cook. {Wedgwood Medallion.) (Born, 1728 ; killed at Sandwich Islands, 1779.) Presented by Sir Richard Tangye. Dolce Far Niente.” Panel — {Doultori). By Noke and Hodgkinson. ''Vanity — Juno’s Bird.” Panel— (Do idto^). By Noke and Hodgkinson. Examples of Eoyal Copenhagen Porcelain Ware. (5 specimens.) The Kioyal Copenhagen Porcelain Manufactory, at Copenhagen, has existed for nearly a century and a half, and has had a somewhat chequered career. The work is executed in hard paste, and the decoration is done before the glaze is put on. The only colours yet discovered which will resist the intense “ grand feu ” heat are white, blue, and shades of green and grey. The mysteries of underglaze did not begin at Copenhagen, nor did the Chinese artists always make their decorations over the glaze. There are in the Franks Collection, in the British Museum, some old Chinese vases, with colours laid on under the glaze. That, Copenhagen has not yet arrived at. A glance at the later productions of the Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Manufactory will convince the lover of ceramics that the West can assimi- late the ideas of the East, and reproduce them in such a manner as to be practically something new. Purchased — 1904. Mosaic Work — Panel, made in N.S.W. from Local Material, by W. H. Gilding. Purchased — 1889. Vases (2). VASES, CERAMICS, &o. 187 Head of a Girl. Greuze. Presented by Miss Martejis, 1904. Porcelain (Napoleon I). Presented by Mr. E. L. Muntefiure. Magdalene. (Pointed on Porcelain.) After Battoni. Presented by Mrs. C. J. Fairfax. CASE No. 3. Engraved Glassware. (4 pieces.) Presented by Messrs. Thos. Webb and Sons, Sydney, 1881. Ornamental Glassware. (14 pieces.) Presented by Messrs. Thos. Webb and Sons. Cameo Vase. (Foxglove.) The Aurora Vase. (Cameo Cut Glass.) Purchased, Exhibition, Melbourne, 1880. Loving Cup. Presented by Messrs. Stevens and Williams, 'per Mr. John Shorter. Flask. Presented by Messrs. Stevens and Williams, per Mr. John Shorter. Cameo Engraved Glass. (Clematis.) Presented by Messrs. Stevens and Williams, per Mr. John Shorter. Examples of Modern Glassware. Going to Bathe. (Engraved Glass.) Presented by Mr. J. C. Rider, Sydney, 1881. The Carrington Jug. (Engraved Glass.) Designed, executed, and presented by Messrs. Pownell, Pilsbury, and AVebb. 188 VASES, CEEAMICS, &c. Eeproductions of Old Venetian Glass — 16tli Century. 1 (20 pieces.) \ Coloured Vases and Cups. (8 pieces.) Selected at Venice, 1902. Crystal Water Glass. {Cut at Baccarat, 1862.) Presented by Mr. E. A. Bonnefin, 1906. CASE No. 4. Persian Pottery. (18 pieces.) Lent by Dr. Ewan Frazer. Lustre Bowls (3). CASE No. 5. DOULTON WARE. The celebrated Lambeth Pottery dates as far back as 1(575. It was in 1815 that the Doultons became connected with it, when Mr. John Doulton, senior, who had served his apprenticeship at the Fulham Works, established a small pottery at Vauxhall Walk in conjunction with Mr. J. Watts, removing to Lambeth in 1826. Several of Mr. Uoulton’s sons were afterwards con- nected with the firm, including Sir Henry Doulton, who, at the age of 15, commenced work in the factory at the potter’s wheel. In 1846, Henry Doulton, together with his father, erected a special factory near Lambeth Palace, of which he took the sole management. In 1885, Mr. Henry Doulton was awarded the “ Albert Medal ” of the “ Society of Arts,” in recognition of the impulse given by him to the productions of artistic pottery in this country. In 1887 he was knighted by Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, and died in 1897. Doulton China. (23 pieces.) Manufactured at Lambetli, London. Presented by Sir Henry Doulton, 1891. Doulton China. (29 pieces.) Manufactured at Burslem, Staffordshire. Presented by Sir Henry Doulton, 1891. Native Flora, N.S.W. {Plaque.) L. Bilton. {Doulton Ware.) Louis Bilton was for some years in N.S.W. as a teacher of Ceramic Painting; returning to England in 1888, when he became engaged in Doulton’s Studios at Burslem. Purchased — 1893. VASES, CEKEMICS, &c. CASE No. 6. 189 Collection of Porcelain. Lent by family of the late Mr. Fitzwilliam Wentworth. CASE No. 7. Eeproductions of Works of Art (33). By Messrs. Elkinton & Co., London. From the originals in the South Kensington Museum. 14th to 19th Century. Purchased — 1904. Eeproductions in Italian Walnut of a IGtli Century Hat Eack, from the South Kensington Museum. (On wall.) Purchased — ^1904. CASE No. 8. Porcelain Vases (2). Presented by the Messrs. Copeland. Old Wedgewood Vase. 1795. A Bird for the Cat. {Term Cotta.) P. Comein. Pieces of Doulton Ware (12). (Commemorative.) Presented by Mr. John Shorter, Messrs. Doulton & Co., 1902. 1897. — Her late Majesty Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. Beaker. 1897. — Her late Majesty Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. Jug. 1897. — Her late Majesty Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. Jug. 1901. — Her late Majesty Queen Victoria’s Memoriani. Beaker. 1901. — Her late Majesty Queen Victoria’s Memoriam. Jewel Box. 1901. — Australian Federation. Jardiniere. 1901. — Australian Federation. Beaker. 1901. — Australian Federation. Beaker. 1901. — Australian Federation. Beaker. 1902. — Coronation Ware. Edward VII and Queen Alexandra. Jug — with three generations of Koyalty. Coronation Ware. Beaker. Coronation Ware. The Gift Beaker, designed by His jMajestv the King — 260,000 being made to his order. 190 VASES, CEEEMICS, &c. Fac-simile of a Candlestick. {Hemi-Deux Ware.) Presented by Messrs. Minton & Co. The original was acquired for the South Kensington Museum at a cosi of £750. (Only 55 pieces are known to collectors.) Carved Ivory. (2 figures.) Carved Ivory. (Figure of Boy.) Byzantine Mosaics (2). Snuff Box. Presented by Miss Amy Fairfax. Brooch. Presented by Mrs. E. Van Muller. Pegasus. Plaque — Silvered Metal. Charles Dickens. After D. Maclise, e.a. Presented by Mrs. William Wiley. Indian Miniature Paintings (2). Presented by Mr. J. S. Perry. Five Cameos and Mosaics. Purchased — 1915. Ivory Carving. (Swiss.) Presented by Judge Joseplison. Japanese Lacquer. (Modern.) Presented by Hon. H. C. Dangar. Ivory Portraits (2). Grand Tankard. (Cast 17th Century.) Presented by Sir J. R. Fairfax. CASE No. 9. Hunting Horn. (Reproduction.) Presented by Col. Thos. Rowe, v.d., f.r.i.b.a., 1886, VASES, CEEEMICS, &c. 191 Carved Rhinocerous Horn. Presented by Mrs. Priddle, 1897. Iron Key. (Antique.) Presented by the Rev. Coles Child, 1895. Relic of the Porcelain Tower of Nankin. (Erected 1411, and completely destroyed in 1856.) Presented by Mr. E. H. Molloy, 1896. Photo, of Medallion. Presented to the Cook Museum, Sydney, by Richard and George Tangye. The subject is an allegory of “Hope addressing Peace, Art, and kabour,” modelled in 1789, by Webber, one of Wedgwood’s celebrated designers. The clay from which the medallion was made was sent home by Sir Joseph Banks, who obtained it during his examination of the country, as naturalist to the Expedition commanded by Ca])tain Cook. Assignat of the French Republic. (50 Francs.) Presented by Mr. J. A. Parrot, 1890. The Baptistery, Pisa (Models of). The Cathedral, Pisa (Models of). The Leaning Tower, Pisa (Models of). Pisa is one of the oldest cities in Italy. Foremost among its fine buildings is the Cathedral (1063-1118), being 311 feet long, by 252 wide; the nave, 109 feet high. Near the Cathedral stands the round marble campanile, the “ Leaning Tower,” which is a magnificent sjiecimen of Romanesque Architecture. The peculiarity about it is, that it deviates about 14 feet from the perpendicular, which is not due to the original design. The Tower began to heel over when the third storey was com- pleted, the Architects accepted the conditions, but diminislied the slope of the upper stories, in order to keep the centre of gravit}' well within the walls. The Tower is 180 feet high, consists of eight stories, divided by rows of columns. The Tower was erected in 1174, but the eighth storey was not completed till the middle of the 14th Century, The Marble Baptistery, or Church of St. John, 1152-1278, opposite the Cathedral, is circular. The interior is noted for its wonderful echo, and contains the grand and elaborate pulpit by Miccola Pisano. 1260. Presented by Mr. A. Stranger-Leatlies, 1891. 192 VASES, CEEEMICS, &c. South African Paper Money, Is. Mafeking ‘‘ Baden Powell ” Cash Voucher. Presented by Mr. W. Searle, j.p., Capetown, 1903. CASE No. 10. Eelics of the Johnston Family. Presented to the Grovernment by Mrs. Fanny Johnston, of Annandale, and transferred to the Trustees, 1888. Two Pistols and Bullet Mould, used by Sir Peter Parker, Bart., during Night Attack on Moorfields. Captain Brotheridge’s Sword. Colonel Johnston’s Sword. Colonel Johnston’s Military Cane. Colonel Johnston’s Field Glass. Petition to Colonel Johnston from the Citizens of Sydney, January 26th, 1808. Congratulatory Address to Colonel Johnston from the Citizens of Sydney, January 27th, 1808. Ivory Coupling-ring, turned for Colonel Johnston by the late Sir Henry Parkes, g.c.m.g., 1848. Engraving — Matthew de Johnston defeating the Earl of Douglas at the battle of Arkinholm, Annandale, Scotland, 1455, and taking his brother, the Earl of Ormond, prisoner. CASE No. 11. Collection of Works. By Members of the Arts and Crafts Society, Sydney. CASE No. 12. Oriental Needlework. {Pictorinl Design on Silk.) Chinese Embroidery from the Western Palace of the late Empress Dowager, at Pekin. pength, 16 feet. Purchased — 1896. VASES, CEREMICS, &c. CASE No. 13. 193 Collection of Japanese Vases (46). [China and Porcelain.) Sydney 1879. Presented by tbe Japanese Commissioners, Sydney International Exhibition, 1879-80. Bronze Vases (2). Porcelain Cloisonne Vases (2). CASE No. 14. Sevres Vases (2). Clodion. Blue and Ormolu. The Sevres China works were removed from St. Cloud in 1756, hut the history of the celebrated factory dates back to 1695. Presented to the New South Wales Academy of Art by the French Govern- ment, through their Special Commissioner — General Capitaine Mathieu — Sydney International Exhibition (1879-80), and transferred to the Trustees of the National Art Gallery, 1880. Hercules. [Dresden China.) Specimen of a Minton-Porcelain Vase, with ribbon decoratioii. Purchased — 1883. Austrian Plaque. Purchased — Exhibition, Sydney, 1879. Apollo Vases (2). Landgras (artist). From the Royal Porcelain Factory, Berlin. N 194: VASES, CEEEMICS, &c. Examples of Modern Lustre Ware (2). Showing the latest development of this Art. Produced at the Golfe-Juan Pottery, France. Golfe-Juan Pottery. — This class of pottery was first discovered and made by the Persians in the early centuries of the Christian era : the tradition was carried on by the Moors in Spain in the Middle Ages ; thence the art was transferred to Gubbio, in Italy, during the Renaissance half of the last century, by De Morgan in England, and Deck in Prance, The effects are produced by using metallic oxides for colouring; and when the ware is at a dull red heat a thick smoke is made in the kiln, the colours part with some of their oxygen, and are reduced more or less to a metallic condition, which gleams out through the remaining colours. The process is very uncertain in its results, and, owing to the number of failures, good pieces are somewhat costly. The examples under notice are exceptionally metallic in appearance, and will undoubtedly interest all lovers of pottery. Purchased — 1902. Scllinkel Vases (2). {Porcelain.) From the Royal Porcelain Factory at Berlin. Transferred to the Trustees by the Colonial Secretary, 1880. Flagon — Capo di Monte. Purchased — -1883. Flagon, '' Battle of Crecy ” — ^Capo di Monte. Presented by Lady Windeyer, 1900, in memory of Sir William Windeyer. Gilt Cup — -Presented to Colonel Johnston by the Duke of Northumberland. Presented by the Johnston Family. Vases (2). [Blue and Gold.) Silver Gilt Cup. Presented by Mrs. Justin J. Brenan, 1903. Originally presented to Dr. George Bennett by Chas. Kean, 1844. 195 MEDALS, COINS, &c. CASE No. 15. Reproductions from Originals in tlie British Museum. Collection of Coins. (Strays.) b.c. 700— a.d. 1702. Lent by Sir James R. Fairfax, 1890. Tray No. 1. Archaic Art — Transitional Art. Circa b.c. 700 — 480. Circa b.c. 480-400. Tray No. 2. Finest Art. Circa b.c. 400-336. Tray No. 3. Later Fine Art — Decline of Art. Circa b.c. 336-280. Circa b.c. 280-190. Tray No. 4. Continued Decline — Later Decline. Circa b.c. 190-100. Circa b.c. 100-1. Tray No. 5. Norman Kings, 1066-1154. Saxon Line Restored, 1154-1399. House of Lancaster, 1399-1461. Tray No. 6. House of York, 1461-1485. House of Tudor, 1485-1603. Tray No. 7. United Houses of York and Lancaster. House of Stuart, 1603-1649. Tray No. 8. Commonwealth, 1649-1659. House of Stuart Restored, 1660-1702. 196 MEDALS, COINS^ &c. CASE No. 16. Fac-simile British War Medals and Clasps (38). Presented by Sir James E. Fairfax, 1879. Meeanee Medal, 1843. South African Medal, 1853. Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (Naval). Meritorious Service Medal. Foreign Office Medals (2) for saving lives of British Subjects. Jelalabad Medal. Medal for Meritorious Service. Military Service and Good Conduct Medal. China Medal, with six clasps, 1842 to 1860. (China, 1842; Fatshan, 1857; Canton, 1857; Taku Forts, 1860; Pekin, 1860.) Burmah Medal. Arctic Medal. Foreign War Office Medals (2). East India Company Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. Khelat I. Ghilzee. Best Shot Medal. Ashantee Medal — clasp, Coomassie. Peninsular War Medal (Navy). (9 clasps.) / 1st June, 1794 — Calvi. 1st. Vincent — Nile — Egypt. ICopenhagen, 1801; Trafalgar, 1805. [ Algiers — ^^Syria — Na varino . Cabul Medal, 1842. Abyssinia Medal. Hyderabad Medal, 1843. New Zealand Medal, 1846-1865. India Medal, 1799-1826. Sobraon and Aliwal Medal. Crimea War Medal, 1854. (4 clasps.) Sebastopol. Inkermann. Balaklava. Alma . MEDALS, COINS, &c. 197 Peninsular War Medal (Army). (14 clasps.) 1793-1814. Vimiera. Corunna. Talavera. Barrosa. Fuentes d’Onoro. Ciudad Kodrigo. Salamanca. Vittoria. Pyrenees. St. Sebastian. Neville Nive. Orthes and Toulouse. North-West Frontier. (6 clasps.) Pegu. North-west Frontier. Persia. Umbeyla. Bhootan. Looshai. Indian Mutiny Medal. (5 clasps.) 1857-1858. Delhi. Defence of Lucknow. Relief of Lucknow. Central India. Lucknow. Punjaub Medal, 1849. (3 clasps.) Goozerat. Mooltan. Chilian Wallah. ^ ^ 192-^ Moodka and Ferozeshuhur Medals (2). Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. Waterloo Medal. June I8th, 1815. Candahar-Ghuznee Cabul Medal, 1842. Meeanee and Hyderabad. For Arctic Discoveries — Medal, 1818 to 1855. 198 MEDALS, COINS, &c. Baltic Medal, 1854 to 1855. Ghuznee and Cabul Medal. Distinguished Conduct in the Field Medal. Afghanistan War Medal, 1876. (2 clasps.) Kabul. Charasin. 1878, 1879, 1880. Bequeathed by Mrs. Sarah Ann Brooks. Victoria Cross. (Original.) No. 324. Issued under Special Supplementary Warrant No. 854 London Gazette, 1st January, 1867, to Timothy O’Hea, Private, 1st Battalion Eifle Brigade. Presented by Mr. Henry S. W. Crummer, 1905. (See descriptive notes by E. Du Faur, with exhibit.) (Hanging on wall.) The Wellington Medal (Commemoration). Queen Victoria’s Sixty Years Beign Commemoration Medal. Coronation Medal— George V. Presented by Mr. Coleman P. Hyman. Commemoration Medal, 1879—1880 (Sydney Exhibition). Presented by Mr. J. S. Perry. Judges’ Medal, 1879-1880 (Sydney Exhibition). Presented by Mr. J. S. Perry. Various Medals (Replicas). (6). Coronation Medal of George IV {Silver). Coronation Medal of William IV {Silver). Coronation Medal of Victoria {Silver). Foreign Office Medal, 1841 {Silver). (For Saving Life.) Board of Trade Medal {Silver). (For Saving Life at Sea.) Board of Trade Medal {Bronze). (For Saving Life at Sea.) Presented by Sir James R. Fairfax, 1879. MEDALS, COINS, &c. 199 Naval Engineers and Good Conduct Medal. The West Medal. To perpetuate the names of those who, in 1815, subscribed to i)urchase the picture, “ Christ in the Temple,” painted by Benjamin West, p.r.a., for the Gallery of the Royal Museum. Purchased — Sydney, 1890. The Koyal Society of N.S.W. Medal, 1878. For researches in Natural Science. {Bronze.) Paris Exhibition Medal, 1855. {Silver.) Products of N.S.W. Medal, 1854-1855 (Sydney and Paris). {Bronze.) Presented by the Centennial Celebration Commissions, 1880. Sydney International Exhibition Medal, 1879-1880. {Silver.) (Awarded to Dr. George Bennett.) Presented by Mrs. Justin J. Brennan, 1903. Queen Victoria Jubilee Medal, 1887. {Bronze.) London Zoological Society’s Medal, 1826. {Silver.) (Awarded to Dr. George Bennett.) Presented by Mrs. Justin J. Brenan, 1903. The Loyal Society of N.S.W. Medal, 1878. {Bronze.) (Awarded to Dr. George Bennett.) Presented by Mrs. Justin J. Brenan, 1903. Acclimatization Society of Victoria Medal, 1868. {Silver.) (Awarded to Dr. George Bennett.) Presented by Mrs. Justin J. Brenan, 1903. Centennial Medal — N.S.W., 1888. {Bronze.) Presented by the Master of the Mint, Sydney, 1888. 200 MEDALS, COINS, &c. Waterloo Flag and Masonic Emblems. Presented by Mr. H. S. W. Crummer. Cape of Good Hope and Crimean War Medal. Bequeathed by Mr. J. Eixon. Three Boer War Medals. One Khedive Star. Presented by Mr. T. Pearson. Maundy Money. (11 pieces Silver.) Presented by Sir Janies E. Fairfax. Maundy Money of George IV, William IV, and Victoria. On Maundy Thursday, or Dies Mandati (the day before Good Friday), as many poor people as years that the Monarch has lived, assemble, and each person receives food, clothing, and a donation which includes a set of Maundy money — value Id. for each year of the Sovereign’s life. The nam*e Dies Mandati is derived from the ancient custom of washing the feet of the poor on that day. The ceremony is accompanied by the distribution of “ doles,” placed in a basket, and called “ Maunds.” James II was the last English Monarch who performed the ceremony in person, but the Emperor Francis Joseph has contimmd the custom from 1849. The annual historic ceremony of distributing the King’s Maimdy gift took place at Westminster Abbey, Easter, 1906. For the first time in many years no member of the Royal Family was present. The ceremony began with an imposing procession, composed of the children and gentlemen of the Chapel Royal, choristers and clergy of the Abbey, officials. Yeomen of the Guard, and others. The gift was distributed by the Sub-Almoner, Dr. Edgar Sheppard. Gold Medal, Paris Exhibition, 1867. For products of N.S.W. (Awarded to Dr. George Bennett.) Presented by Mrs. Justin J. Brenan, 1903. He Witt Commemoration Medal, 1672. Presented by the Eev. Coles Child, 1895. Jan De Witt was a celebrated statesman of Holland, a son of Jacob De Witt, a vehement opponent of William II, Prince of Orange. Jan De Witt and his brother Cornelius were both attacked and murdered, 20th August, 1672. MEDALS, COINS, &c. 201 Complete Set of Queen Victoria Jubilee Coins, 1887. (4 Gold, 7 Silver.) Presented by Mrs. Chas. J. Fairfax, of London, formerly of Sydney, 'per Mr. J. St. Vincent Welch, 1905. Spade Guineas (3), George III. Presented by Mrs. Fairfax and the Misses Fairfax, of Sydney, 190G. Bronze Medallion of Phene Spiers, Esq., r.s.A., F.R.I.B.A. Architectural Professor, Royal Academy, London. Presented by Mr. John Sulman, f.k.i.b.a., 1905. Medal. Baptism of the King of Borne. Medal. St. Helena, 1821. Presented by Sir James R. Fairfax. CASE No. 17. Beproductions of British Historical Medals — from Originals in the British Museum. From Henry VIII to Edward VII. Lent by Sir James R. Fairfax. CASE No. 18. Collection of Coins, British and Foreign. Presented by Mr. G. J. Cohen, 1910. CASE No. 19. Collection of China, Glassware, &c. Lent by Mr. Robert T. Vyner. CASE No. 20. Various Pieces of Porcelain. Lent by Hon. J. Mildred Creed, M.L.C., Miss Mildred M. Creed, and Mr. Robert T. Vyner. Doulton Vase (2). E. Raby. 202 MEDALS, COINS, &c. Eoyal F ambe Vase (1912). Vase. Beresford Hopkins. Vase. Louis Bilton. Vase. Miss M. E. Thompson— 1912. Vase. (Golden Flambe.) Vase. (Lustre Glaze.) I Vase. (Marshall.) Vase. {Luscian Ware.) Rookwood Ware Vases (2) (American.) Vase. Designed by S. Long and executed by Mildred Lovett Vase. Mildred Lovett. Presented by Mr. Howard Hinton. Ivory Hunting Vase. Ivory Oriental Carving. Jewel Case (Enamel). -v Sevre Cabinet. [> Lent by Mrs. M. A. Dailey. 2 Japanese Vases. | 2 Enamel Brooches. J 2 Early English Goblets. Lent by Mrs. John Alford. CASE No. 21. Rouge Flambe (Jardiniere). {Bernard Moore Ware.) Purchased — -1911. Rouge Flambe (Jar). {Bernard Moore Ware.) Purchased — 1911. Jade Flambe (Prunus Jar). {Bernard Moore Ware.) Purchased — 1911. Rouge Flambe and Turquoise. {Boulton Ware.) MEDALS, COINS, &c. 203 Rouge Flambe. Presented by Mr. John Sliorter. Rouge Flambe Vase. Reproductions from the famous Vase in the Salting Collection. Presented by Mr. John Shorter, 1905. (Messrs. Douiton & Co.) In tlie Moonlight (Vase). {Titanean Ware.) The Pierrot (Vase). {Titanean Ware.) By the Light of the Lantern (Vase). {Titanean Ware.) Bowl. {Titanean Ware.) Pan Pipes (Vase). {Titanean Ware.) CASE No. 22. A Collection of Works. By members of the Women’s Arts and Crafts Society, Sydney. CASE No. 23. Collection of China, &c. Lent by Miss Fuller Tayler — 1917. CASE No. 24. The Acropolis (Athens). (Model.) ON PEDESTAL, IN BASEMENT. Jardiniere (Poppies). C. Vyse. {Douiton Ware.) 204 VARIOUS WORKS IN BASEMENT. 1. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 11. 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. VARIOUS WORKS ON WALLS OF BASEMENT. Casts of Gems — -From the Castellani Collection, British Museum. Presented by Mr. C. J. Stock. Carved Ivory. (Brazen Serpent.) Carved Ivory. (Birth of Venus.) Carved Ivory. (A Bacchanal.) Carved Ivory. (Figures.) Italian Mosaic. Bequeathed by Mrs. Walter R. Hall, 1916. Illuminated Ivory Carvings. (Scene in Antwerp.) Reproductions of Portions of the Alhambra. Granada, Spain. 1248. Battle of Giants and Gods (4). Presented by Sir James R. Fairfax. Hawaiian Types (8). Allen Hutchinson. Purchased — 1897. Admiral Philip King. Thos. Woolner, r.a 50 Miniature Casts. Presented by Mr. E. Uu Faur. Portrait Studies (2). Allen Hutchinson Bronze Frame and Mirror. Casts from the Elgin Marbles. Presented by Mr. P. N. Trebeck, 1905. Mosaic. Gregory Board Bequest, 1914. 205 ANCIENT ARMOUR, RELIEVO WORK IN METALS, AND SUNDRIES. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6. 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . Reproductions of Ancient Armour. [Cast-iron.) (22 pieces.) Purchased — 1882. The Bunyan Shield. (Bronze and Silver.) M. Ladeiul. Purchased — Sydney, 1886. Reproduction in Cast-iron. (Table and Jug.) A. Purer. Japanese Ornamental Panel. (Bronze.) Japanese Ornamental Panel. (Bronze.) The Milton Shield. (Bronze and Silver.) M. Ladeiul Purchased — Sydney, 1883. Wine Tasters (Japanese Panel). Japanese Screen. Japanese Screen. Table, with Medallion Portraits of the Beauties of the Court of Louis XIV. Presented by Mrs. Elizabeth Bell, 1885. Insignia, worn by the late Sir Alfred Stephen, C.B., G.C.M.G. The Collar, the Star, the Badge, Grand Cross of St. ]\Iiehael and St. George. The Badge, Companion of the Bath. Presented by the Family, 1897. 206 ANCIENT ARMOUR, &c. 12. Fac-simile of tlie Bayeux Tapestry. (9 frames.) - Bayeux is the chief town of an arrondissement in the Department of Calvados, in France, and is famed for the possession of the Norman Tapestry deposited in its Town Hall. The Tapestry, which consists of a web of canvas or linen cloth, 214 feet long by 20 inches wide, is embroidered in coloured thread of various colours, with a representation of the invasion and conquest of England by the Normans. Tradition assigns the work to Matilda, wife of William the Conqueror; and it is believed that if she did not stitch the whole of it with her own hand, she took part in and directed its execution by her Maids, afterwards presenting it to the Cathedral of Bayeux as a token of appreciation of the effective assistance which its Bishop, Odo, rendered to her husband at the Battle of Hastings. According to Mr. Bruce, the latest authority on the subject, the Tapestry contains, besides the figures of 505 quadrupeds, birds, sphynxes, &c., those of 623 men, 202 horses, 55 dogs, 37 buildings, 41 ships and boats, and 49 trees, in all 1,512 figures. The Tapestry is divided into 72 distinct compartments, each representing one particular historical occurrence, and bearing a descrip, tive Latin description. This pictorial history, for so it may be called — • and, indeed, in several particulars it is more minute than any written history — opens with Harold taking leave of Edward the Confessor prior to his departure for Normandy. At one tim.e the Tapestry was exhibited at the Hotel de Ville, Bayeux. When Napoleon thought of invading the countiy, he had it carried to various towns of France and publicly exhibited, so as to arouse public enthusiasm on behalf of his designs. In 1871, when the Prussians were thought to be in dangerous proximity to Bayeux, the Tapestry was taken down and enclosed in a metal cylinder, and buried in a secret place until the close of the war. It is now in the Public Library, Bayeux. Presented by Sir James K. Fairfax, 1884. 13. Japanese Shitan Plate. (Representing Gods and Goddesses.) 14. Florentine Mosaic. (Grapes.) 15. Florentine Mosaic. (Magnolia.) 16. Banquet of the Gods. Henry Solzius. From tbe original in tlie National Bavarian Exhibition. Presented by Sir James R. Fairfax. 17. Intercolonial Challenge Rifle Shield. Contested for annually by New South Wales and Victoria from 1862 to 1867, and finally won by New South Wales. ANCIENT ARMOUR, &c. 207 18. Japanese Lances (2), Sword and Bow. Purcliased — 1904. 19. Beprodnctions of Italian Mediaeval Wronglit Iron. Door Knockers. Link Holders. Hinges. From the originals in the South Kensington Museum. Purchased — ^1904. 20. Japanese Armour (2 suits). 16th Century. 21. Studio Easel used by Sir Edwin Landseer, r.a., and latterly by Nicholas Chevalier. Presented by Mrs. Chevalier, 1902. 22. Kauri Wood Carving. Executed in Sydney in 1862. Presented by Mr. C. R. Blain, 1907. COUNTRY LOAN COLLECTIONS, &c. Paintings loaned by the Trustees are on view in the following country towns, viz. : — Bathurst... ... 18 Tamworth ... 13 Goulburn ... 29 Wollongong ... 14 Junee ... 14 Orange ... ... 18 West Maitland ... ... 13 k Dubbo ... 16 Newcastle ... 18 ’ ■ Also small collections to the Military Hospitals at Randwick and Noi-th Sydney. 208 THE WYNNE ART PRIZE. This prize, which is offered for competition each year, was bequeathed by the late Richard Wynne, Esq. — to be awarded to the Australian Artist producing the best landscape Painting of Australian Scenery in oils or water colours, or the best example of Pigure Sculpture, executed by an Australian Sculptor. The following Artists have been awarded the prize for their undermentioned works : — 1897. Walter Withers ... Victoria. ... “ The Storm ” Value of Prize. £ s. d. 40 12 3 1898. W. Lister-Lister ... N.S.W. ... “ The Last Gleam ” ... 27 1 6 1899. G. W. Lambert ... N.S.W. ... “ Across the Black Soil Plains ” 27 1 6 1900. Walter Withers ... Victoria. ... “ Still Autumn ” 27 1 6 1901. W. C. Piguenit ... N.S.W. ... “ Thunderstorm on the Darling ” ... 27 1 6 1902. James S. White ... N.S.W. ... “In Defence of the Flag ” (Sculpture) 25 4 3 1903. E. Officer N.S.W. ... “ Cdenora ” 33 5 5 1904. Hans Heysen South Anstraliau. ... “ Mystic Morn ” 35 10 4 1905. A. J. Hanson N.S.W. ... “ The Blue Noon ” 36 2 0 1906. W. Lister-Lister ... ... “ The Golden Splendour of the Bush ” 36 10 0 1907. G. W. L. Hirst ... ... Study of a Head (Sculpture) 37 15 3 1908. Will Ashton South Australia. ... “ Noon ” 28 2 2 1909. Hans Heysen South Australia. ... “ Summer ” 33 5 0 1910. W. Lister-Lister ... ... “ Mid Song of Birds and Insects Murmuring ” 33 5 0 1911. Hans Heysen South Australia. ... “ Hauling Timber ” 33 5 0 1912. W. Lister-Lister ... ... “ Sydney Harbour ” ... 33 5 0 1913. W. Lister-Lister ... ... “ Federal Capital Site ” 33 5 0 1914. T. Penleigh Boyd Victoria. ... Landscape 33 5 0 1915. J. C. Wright N.S.W. ... Sculpture ... ... (J. C. Wright killed in action in France, April, 1917.) 33 5 0 1916, E. Griiner N.S.W. ... “ Morning Light ” 33 5 0 1917. W. Lister-Lister ... ... “ Wind-Swept Marshes ” 33 5 0 Note, — Competing Artists, not exhibiting at the Royal Art Society’s Exhibition, or that of “ The Society of Artists,” should forward their works to the Art Gallery, for the inspection of the Trustees, not later than 1st November each year, or as advertised. Note. — The removal of pictures to Country Loan Collections and the withdrawal of others from exhibition, causes irregularities in the Index. INDEX OF ARTISTS. OIL PAINTINGS. Artist. Page. Alois, A. E. 106 Ashton, HoAvard 101, 106 Ashton, Julian R. ... 90, 105, 108 Ashton, Will ... 102, 104 Auld, J. Muir ... 90, 106 Aumonier, J. S. 55 Baron, H. C. A. 25 Bauerle, Carl ... 16 Beinke, F 9 Bell, R. Anning, A.R.A. 55 Bell, Eleanor ... 18 Benedito, M. ... 51 Berthon, N. 39 Bilbao, G. 51 Bisbing, H 13 Blant, Julian le 39 Bough, Sami., R.S.A. 46 Bourdillon, F. ... 16 Bouvir, J. 60 Braith, A. 15 BrangAvyn, Frank, A.R.A., R.E. ... 11 Brett, J., A.R.A. 15 Bro\\m, F. Madox 7 Bundy, Edgar 50 Bunny, Rupert W. 88, 89 Burgess, A. J. W. 104 Burgess, J. B., R.A. ... 39 Burrington, A. 16 Carter, Norman 101, 103 Chevalier, N. ... 14 Clausen, G., R.A. 52, 53 Cole, Geo. 16 Cole, Vicat, R.A. 32 Collier, Hon. John 6 Collingridge, A. 88 Conder, C 98 Cooke, E. W., R.A. ... 21, 39 Cooper, T. S., R.A., M.V.O. 44 Correggio (copj^) 60 Costa, Prof. G. 20 Courtois, G. 41 Cowper, Cadogan, A.R.A. 54 Crome, J. 60 Cusack, Edith E. 101 Dade, E. 20 Dattilo-Rubbo, A. 95 Davies, D. 90 Defaux, A. ...' ... 32 Detaille, E. 32 Artist. Page. Dickinson Collection ... 62 to 66 Dinet, E. 25 Domenichino (attributed to) 62 Doucet, L. 52 Douglas, E. 23 Douzette, L. 44 Dubufe, E. 46 Dufour, C. 21 East, Sir Alfred, R.A., R.E., P.R.B.A. 37 Elmore, A., R.A. 35 Eves, R. G. 58 Fildes, Sir Luke, R.A. 37, 43 Fisher, Mark, A.R.A. ... 54 Fisher, S. Melton 34 Flameng, F 40 Fleming, Margaret 98 Folingsby, G. ... 112 Forbes, Stanhope A., A.R.A. 32 Forbes, Stanhope, Mrs. 47 Fox, E. Phillips 92, 98, 104, 106 Fried enson, A. 55 Fry, Douglas ... 103, 106 Fullwood, A. H. 98 Garlick, H. 91 George, R. C. ... 88 Gere, C. M. 48 Glendenning, A. A. 20, 45 Gotch, T. C 41 Goupil, Jules ... 14 Go w, A. C., R.A. 42, 49 Graham, Peter, R.A. ... 46 Greilfenhagen, M. 13 Griffiths, Harley 104 Groegaert, G. ... 40 Griiner, E. 106 Guercino (copy) 61, 68 Haanilien, A ()2 Habbe, N. F 102 HaitR G. C., R.I. 50 Hall, L. Bernard 103 Hall, Oliver 52 Halswelle, Keelej^ A.R.S.A. 37 Hamilton, Vereker, R.E. 39 Hanson, A. J. ... 100 Haquette, G. ... 36 Hargitt, E., R.I. 17 Harpigiiies, Henri 52 Harwood, R 43 o 210 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Artist. Page. Heffner, Karl ... .. 20, 49 Heilbuth, F 21 Hemy, Napier, R.A. ... 50 Heysen, Hans ... .. 90, 93 Hoffbauer, Chas. 31 Holden, A. W. 49 Hook, J. C., R.A 24 Horsley, W. C. 52 Horsley, T. J. (miniatures) ... 97 Hugties-Stanton, H. ... 52 Hunter, Colin, A.R.A. 36 Iwill, M 37 Jackson, J. R. ... 104, 106 Jacomb-Hood, G. P., R.E. ... 34 Johnston, A. 49 Jones, G., R.A. 58 Jones, T. L. 91 Kallinorgen, F. 39 Kelly, Gerald ... 55 King, Yeend, R.B.A., V.P.R.I. ... 24, 44 Kneller, Sir Godfrey (attributed to) 66 Knight, J. Buxton, R.B.A., R.E. 14 Koken, G. ... 16, 52 La Thangue, H. H. 54 Lambert, G. W. ... 96, 98, 102, 117 Lauckow, L. ... 15, 16 Landelle, C. ... 35, 45 Lansyer, E. 48 La very, J., A.R.A. 40 Leighton, Lord, P.R.A. 26 Lesrel, A. 48 Lety, H. 16 Lever, Haley ... ... 104 Linnell, J., senr. 48 Lister, W. L. ... ... ... 92, 104, 106 Long, Edwin, R.A. 44 Long, S. 92, 104 Longstaff, J 30, 89, 92, 96, 106 Lucas, Seymour, R.A. ... 23, 24, 50 Luminais, E. V. 9 Lynch, A. 44 Macallum, H., R.I. 44 Mackie, Chas. ... 52 MacWhirter, J., R.A. ... 43 Maggi, Cesere 50 Mahony, F. P. ... ... 94, 95 Mann, G. V. F. ... 101 Mann, Harrington 53 Margetson, W. H. 47 Marks, H. S., R.A ... 37, 50 Martens, Conrad 88 Mason, G. H., A.R.A. 41 Maxence, E. H. 54 McCubbin, F 90 Mclnnes. W. B. ... 102 Meldrum, Max ... 104 Melida, E. ... 43, 49 Artist. Page Meston, Emily 102 Millais, Sir J. E., P.R.A. 26 Millett, F. D 22 Mogford, J., R.I. 45 Montenard, F. ... 15 Morland, G. 60 Mosler, H. T. ... 14 Mostyn, Tom 54 Munnings, A. ... 53 Murillo (copies) 61, 62, 67, 69 Murray, David, R.A., A.R.S.A. , R.W.S. 39 Muskett, Alice ... ... 100 Nerli, G. ... 98 Neuville, A. de 29 Noble, R 88 Normann, A. ... 20 North, J. W., A.R.A., R.W.S. 21 Oberteufer, G 58 Officer, E. ... 106 Olive, J. B. ... 55 Olsson, Julius, A.R.A. 58 Paoletti (copy) 61 Paterson, J. Ford 98 Patterson, A. ... 90 Pasini, A. 29 Pelouse, L. G. ... ... 30, 39 Pennasilico, G. 50 Pibrac, Comte de 50 Pickering, J. L. 51 Pickersgill, H. W., R.A. 17 Piguenit, W. C. 89, 93, 98, 100, 113, 114 Pils, I 24 Pointelin, A 52 Pokitonow, J 39 Portaels, J. 14 Poussart, F. 18 Power, H. S. 106 Poynter, Sir E. J., P.R.A. 18 Pratere, E. de 42 Priestman, Bertram ... 17, 53 Price, J. A 103, 104 Priou, L. 6 Pyne, J. B., R.B.A. ... 21 Quinaux, J. 46 Quinn, Jas. ... 104 Ralli, T. J 50 Raphael (copy) 61 Rhys, Oliver 42 Richir, Herman 8 Rivers, R. G 90 Riviere, Briton, R.A. ... 42 Roberts, Davicl, R.A. ... 20,47 Roberts, Tom . 91, 100, 116 Robertson, H.R. 53, 231 Robie, J. B 32 Roth, Madame ... 102 Rubens, P. P. (copy) ... 61, 66 INDEX OF ARTISTS. 211 Artist. Page. [ Artist. Page SalM, F 13 Touche, Gaston la 13 Sant, J., R.A. ... 22 Tuke, H. S., A.R.A 25 Schmidt, Karl ... 40 Turner, J. M. W., R.A. (attributed to) 49 Schodl, Max 41 d’Ugolini, Aug. (copy) Sephton, G. H.... ... 50, 61 61 Shannon, Chas., A.R.A. Shannon, J. J., R.A. ... Sims, Chas., E.A. 52 58 58 Volkenburg, H. Von Glehn, W. 22 52 Smith, H. R. ... 88 Waller, S. E 15 Soulacroix, G. ... 51 Walton, G. 94 Spence, P. F. S. ... 93, 95 Waterhouse, J. W., R.A. 6 Stephens, Ethel A. 95 Waterlow, Sir E. A., A.R.A., P. R.W.S. 24 Stoddard, Mary ... 102 Watkins, B. C., R.H.A. 21 Stone, Marcus, R.A. ... 46 Watkins, J. S. ... 88 Stott, E., A. R.A. ... 52 Watts, G. F., R.A ... 5, 51 Starkenborgh, J.N.T. Van 46 Webb, J 24 Streeton, A. ... 90, 91, 100, 102, 104, 106 Wheeler, Chas. 103 Strudwick, J. M. ... 47, 56 Whitley, G 24 Swan, J. M., R.A. 17 Wilkinson, H. ... 21 Williams, Terrick, R.I. 52 Talmadge, A. ... 52 Willis, H. Brittan, R.W.S. ... 17 Taylor, Campbell 55 Withers, W. ... 92, 95 Thompson, H. ... ... 14 j Wolinski, J. ... 100 Topham, F. W. W., R.I. 15 ' Wyllie, W. L., A.R.A. 21 WATER COLOURS. Artist. Page. Artist. Page. Allan, R. W., R.W.S. ... 83, 86 Couldery, T. W 71 Allingham, Mrs., R.W.S. Allonge A -79, 83, 85 Courbould, E. H., R.I. 75 70 Cox, David 78 Ashton, Julian R. 113, 114, 126 Cusack, E. E. (pastel) ... 113 Atkinson, R. ... 116 Aumonier, J., R.I. 85 Dadd, F., R.I 76 Bach, E. Barber, R Barret, G., junior Batten, J. D. ... 86 86 79 77 Dattilo-Rubbo, A. Detti, C. ... Dibdin, T. 0 Dobson, W. C. T., R.A. ... 115 85 75 69 Bennett, lone ... 116 Bennett, J. A. ... ... 109 East, Sir Alfred, R.A., R.E., P.R.B.A. 71 Bennett, W. ... 83, 84 Edwell, Bernice (miniatures) 87 Bevan, E. ... 109 Elgood, G. S., R.I 79, 83, 85 Boulton, E. B. ... 114 Evans, Bernard, R.I., R.B.A. ... 71, 73 Bradley, W. 73 Bradley, Basil, R.W.S. Brierly, Sir 0. W., R.W.S. Bromley, J. M., R. B. A. Burgess, A. J. ... 75 ...73,80,82, 110 69, 73 115 Fielding, Copley Fitzgerald, G. ... Flockton, M. Foster, Birket, R.W.S. 79 ... 110 109 79 Caffieri, H., R.I. Callow, W., R.W.S. ... Cattermole, C., R.I. ... 86 74 ... 78, 83 Franz, E. R. Fripp, A., D., R.W.S. Fullwood, A. H. 74 82 109, no. 111 Chase, J., R.I 75 Chevalier, N. ... 67, 68, 81 Garlick, H. G 115 Cocks, R. S. ... 113 Girardet, D. 67 Combes, Hon. E. 69 Glennie, A. 84 Commons, D. G. ... 110 Goodall, E. A., R.W.S. 69, 74, 83 Cook, E. Wake... ... 73, 80 Goodall, F., R.A 84 Cooke, W. 78 Goodwin, A., R.W.S. ... ... 82, 84 212 INDEX OF AKTISTS. Artist. Grace, J. E. Gregory, E. J., P.R.I.... Greenaway, Kate, R.I. Gully, J Page. 74 86 ... 78, 85 109, 114 Haghe, L., R.I. Haite, G. C., R.I. Hambidge, Alice Hambidge, Helen Hambidge, Millicent ... Hammond, G. D. Hankey, W. Lee Hanson, A. J. ...112, 113, 116, 122, 123 75, 86 86 109 no 114 86 70 127 Hardy, Dudley, R.B.A., R.I. Hardy, T. B Hargitt, E., R.I. Hayes, Ed^dn, R.H.A., R.I. Hern, C. E Heydon, Mary ... Heysen, Hans ... Hilder, J. J Hine, H. G., R.I. Hine, Harry, R.I. Hodgkins, Frances Hopwood, H. S., R.B.A., A.R.W. Horsley, E. J. ... Huard, L. Hughes, E. R., R.W.S. Hughes Stanton, H. ... 69 80, 81, 82 81 ... 73, 81 67, 82, 114 ... 113 ... 115 no, 117 70 84 ... no 3 . ... 112 87 83 81 86 Ingani, E. ... ... ... ... 68 Ingram, W. A., R.B.A. 79 Artist. Pag”. Mogford, J., R.I. ... ... ... 71 Mole, J. H., R.I 68, 76, 80, 85 Montefiore, E. L. ... ... ... 72 Naftel, Paul J., R.W.S. ... 67, 68, 80 Norton, Alice E. ... ... ... H4 Palmer, Sutton ... ... ... 81 Parsons, A., A.R.A., R.I. ... ... 68 Pinwell, G. J., R.W.S 77 Proctor, Thea ... ... ... ... 115 Prout, J. Skinner ... ... ... 85, 86 Prout, Samuel ... ... ... 67, 74, 78 Richardson, T. M., R.W.S 80, 81 Rios, L. Du 70 Robertson, C., R.W.S. ... ... 75 Robins, T. S., R.I .... 71 Rod way, Florence ... ... ... 115 Roussoff, A. N. ... ... ... 81 Sadee, E 68 Schwartze, Madame (pastel) ... ... 68 Severn, Walter, R.C.A. ... ... 77 Smith, S. Ure 116 Smith, R 83 Spong, W. B Ill Stanier, H 76, 77, 81 Stewart, Cumbrae ... ... ... 117 Stoddard, M. ... ... ... ... H4 Streeton, A. ... ... ... ... HI Suker, Arthur ... ... ... ... 71, 78 Swan, J. M., R.A., R.W.S 80 Kilburne, G. G., R.I. ... 79 Kimbell, Maud 112 King, Yeend, R.B.A., V.P.R.I. ... 86 Law, D., R.E. ... ... 74, 80, 81, 82 Leighton, Lord, P.R.A. 69 Leist, F. 113, 115 Leitch, W. L., R.I. ... 77 Lemaire, Madeline 82 Levy, E. 71 Lewis, L. 73, 84 Lindsay, Norman 115 Lister, W. L. ... 111, 112, 113, 114 Luminais, E. V. 68 Macculloch, J., R.B.A. 70, 85 Marechal, Helene 74 Marie, A. 84 Marks, Stacy, H., R.A. 83 Marny, Paul 68 Marshall, H., R.W.S. ... 70 Martens, Conrad no, 112, 113, 114 Martin etti, A. ... 70 Mather, J. 112 May, Phil 116 Minns, B. E. 109, 111, 114, 115 Mofflin, Florence 116 Tait, Bess-Norriss (miniatures) 87 Terry, F. C no Thorne-Waite, R., R.W.S. ... 81 Tindall, C. E. S 109, 116 Tommasi, P. de ... 74, 75 Torquati 70 Trayer, J. B. J. 70 Tristram, J. W. 111 Vacher, C., R.I. 83 Walker, Eyre, R.W.S. 86 Waterlow, Sir E. A., R.A. 86 Watson, P. Fletcher ... 113 Weedon, A. W., R.I. ... 84 Whiting, Mrs. Ada (miniatures) 87 Whymper, J. W., R.I. 80 Wilkinson, C. ... 81 Williams, Terrick 86 Williamson, F. ... 77 Willis, H. Brittan, R.W.S. ... ... 80, 83 Wilson, T. W., R.I. 85 Wimperis, E. M., R.I — 78 Wint, P. de 70 Worsley, C. N. ... 109, no, 115 Yomtg, Blamire ... 115 INDEX OF ARTISTS. 213 BLACK AND WHITE AND OTHER DRAWINGS. Artist. Page. Artist. Page. Allonge, A ... 123 Jackson, E. J. ... 119 Art Schools ... 126 Joseland, H. ... 120 Keller, A. J. ... 126 Bacon, J. H., A.R.A. ... ... 125 124 Baumer, Lewis ... 126 Lalanne, M. 121, 12.3, Belcher, G. ... 126 Lambert, G. W. 119, 120 Bennett, L. ... 129 Landseer, Chas. 125 Burnand, F. C ... 124 Leist, F. 119 Bums, Robert ... ... 126 Lemeunier, M. ... 125 Lindsay, Norman 120 Charlton, J. ... 121 Mahony, F. P 120 Clark, A. ... 126 May, Phil, R.I 120 Craig, Frank ... 125 Montefiore, E. L. (Paris) 129 Comba, T ... 124 Montefiore, E. L. 118 Constant, Benjamin ... ... 122 Crisp, J. A. ... 128 Neuville, A. de ... 120 Cuneo, Cyrus ... ... 125 Orange, M. 125 Datillo-Rubbo, A. ... 120 Padonanino 125 Detaille, E. 125 Dollman, J. C., R.I. ... ... 121 Partridge, Bernard 126 Pegram, F 125 Eves, R. G ... 126 Picturesque Atlas Drawings . . . 120 Piguenit, W. C. 120 Fripp, C. E., R.W.S ... 122 Randall, R. J. ... 119 Fry, Douglas ... ... 119 Renouard, P. ... 122 Fullwood, A. H. 118, 119 Rodius, C. 119 Rodway, Florence 120 Gainsborough, T., R.A. Galantra ... 124 ... 126 Rosebray, A. F. Russom, R. 120 119 Garlick, H. G ... 119 Salvana, J. 119 Green, C., R.I. ... ... 122 Small, W., R.I. 124 Gregor}^ E. J., R.A., P.R.I. ... ... 124 Sullivan, E. J. ... 126 Haenen, F. de ... ... 123 Townsend, F. H. 126 Hanna, J. ... 126 HathereU, W ... 125 Vincent, Alf. ... 120 Herkomer, H., R.A., R.W.S. ... 123, 139 Hil], L. Raven ... ... 126 Waterhouse, B. 119 Holl, F., R.A 120, 124, 141 Wolinski, J. 118 Hopkins, A., R.W.S ... 121 Woods, H., R.A 121 ENGRAVINGS. Engraver. Page, Engraver. Page. Atkinson, F. L. 135 Debaines, Brunet 1.35 Beilin, S ... 141 Every, G. H 134, 1.39 Bertinot, G. ... 140 Blanchard, A. ... 136, 138 Frangois, A. 1.39 Bourne, H. 138, 139 Girard et, P. 1.34 Godfrey, Louis ... 1.38 Chant, J. J. ... 141 Cousins, S., R.A. 134, 135, 140, 141, 142 Holl, F., A.R.A 155 214 INDEX OF AETISTS. Engraver. Page. Jacquet, A 140 Jacquet, Jules ... 140 Joubert, P. 139 Lamotte, H. 135 Landseer, Thos. 138 Lewis, C. G. 135, 142 Miller, J. D 137 Engraver. Page. Ryall, H. T 134 Sadler, J. ... 138 Simmons, W. H. 140 Stacpoole, F., A.R.A. ... ... 134, 135, 137 Stephenson, J. ... 141 Tomkins, C. 134, 141 Webb, J. C 135 ETCHINGS, LITHOGRAPHS, &c. Etcher. Page. Affleck, A. E. ... .. 158 Anderson, R., R.S.A. ... ... 150 Berrighea*n ... 152 Bischoffsheim, F. ... 154 Bloemaert, A. ... ... 152 Bracquemond, F., H.R.E. 147, 151 Brangwyn, Frank, A.R.A. ... 157 Cameron, D. Y., R.E.... ( 1148, 149, 146, 147 150, 153 Chauvel, T. ... ... ...145, 149, 152 Coffey, Alfred ... 159 Couteux, L. ... 155 Courtry, C ... 155 Debaines, B. 144, 155 Delauney ... 153 Dicksee, Herbert ... 155 Dodd, Francis ... 157, 158 Duveneck, F., R.E. ... 148 East, Sir A., R.A 157, 158 Evans, E. W 145, 155, 174 Fillaeul ... ... ... 151 Flameng, L 152, 153 Fonce, C. ... 158 Foulquier, V. ... 148 Fullwood, A. H. 159 Gavarni ... 160 Godson, J. B. ... ... 159 Haden, Sir F. Seymour, P.R.E. ... 146 Haig, A. H 154, 156 Hall, Oliver 149 Hankey, W. Lee ... 158 Hardie, Martin ... 157 Haweis, S. 157, 158 Helleu, P., H.R.E 146 Hollar, W 151 Holloway, C. E. 154 Huguier ... 151 Hunter, Colin, A.R.A. 145 Kemp-Welch, M. ... 156 Knight, J. Buxton, R.B.A., R.E. ... 149 Etcher. Page. Koepping, C. ... 144, 153, 154, 155, 176 Lalauze, A. 151 Law, D., R.E. ... 150, 153, 154, 155, 156 Legros, Professor 157 Lindsay, Lionel 158 Lopisgish 156 Macbeth, R. W., R.A. ... 146, 148, 150 Massard, L. 150 Masse, P. R. 143 Morris, M. 145 Murray, C. 0. ... ... 150, 154, 157 Ostade, A. Van 151, 152 Pennell, Joseph 160 Pryse, Spencer 160 Rajon, P. 147 Rembrandt 151 Rhind, T. D 157 Robertson, H. R. 152 Robinson, Bruce ... 159 Roggen, Graadt Von ... 145 Rushbury, Hy.... 158 Shirlow, John 160 Short, Sir F., R.A., R.E. ... 143, 148, 149 Slocombe, F., R.E. 146, 148 Smith, S. Ure ... 159 Smythe, L. P.> A.R.A. 144 Sternberg 143 Strang, W., A.R.A., R.E. 155, 157 Strang, Ian 154 Thorpe, Hall ... 147, 150 Tissot, J. 148 Unwin, F. Sidney 155 Waltner, C fl43, 145, 147 \150, 152, 153 Watson, C. J., R.E. ... 144, 156 Whistler, J. McN. ( 145, 147 [ 148, 151 Wyllie, W. L., A.R.A. 144, 156 Zorn, A. L 149, 158 INDEX OF AETISTS. 215 SCULPTURE, &c. Sculptor. Page, Andreoni 164, 184 Ball, P 169 Barclay, D. 170 Bayes, Gilbert 166, 182 Bazzanti, P. 164 Birch, C. B., A.E.A. ... ... 180 Brock, Sir Thos., R.A. 166 Calvi, P, 178 Cattier ... ... 177 Colton, W. R., A.R.A. 166 Comerre, R. 177 Cowan, Theodora ... 167, 168, 183 Coyzevox, A. ... 179 Dick, W. Reid ... 180 Dobson, Annie ... 170 Dorsi, Professor 184 Drury, A., A.R.A. ... 162 Due, A. J., Re ... 179 Durham, Joseph, A.R.A. 191 Fontana, G. 163, 164 Ford, E. Onslow, R.A. 161, 183 Forsyth 164 Frampton, Sir George, R.A. 184 Ghiberti... 192 Gibson, J., R.A. ... 163, 164, 185 Giesecke 178 Gleichen, Countess 184 Hirst, G. V/. R 170,204 Hosmer, Harriett ... 161, 162, 164 Hutchinson, A. 170 Illingworth, N. 169, 170 Sculptor. Page. Joy, A. Bruce, R.H.A. 177 Rovett, M. 170 Mackennal, Bertram, A.R.A., ... 170, 181, 183 Marshall, W. C., R.A 162 McCarthy, Dr. C. W. ... 168 Mencarelli, A. ... 164 Menconi, D. 163 Monzini 164 Nannani, R. 162 Ohlfsen, Dora ... 181 Powers ... 162 Rauch, C. 162 Reid, A. G 168 Rodin, A. 178 Rogers, John ... 198 Simonetti 163 Spence, B. 162, 163 Tadolini... 164 Tinworth, G 177 Vittoz ... 177 Wood, Marshall .. 161, 164, 177 Wood, Shakespeare 162 Woolner, Thos., R.A. ... 168 Zocchi, E. 163 Sj'dney : William Applesrate Onllick, Oovernmem. Printer. — 1918.