b2T61l Jr 33 1 WmmmSSm K1 INDIA! iiiS EFORMATORY 2,4*' ■ f jj*7. • . ,'v V r , . ... •■ ,. -• .r •: yV * 1. This catalog is charged to you. 2. It will be taken up from the Cell House and checked in on the day before you go out on parole or discharge. 3. If you are moved from one cell to another see that your catalog is also moved. 4 Do not let this catalog get out of your keeping. If it gets misplaced re- port the fact at once to the Cell House Keeper. P No : Name m . ) Indiana Reformatory Library INDIANA REFORMATORY Library Catalog JEFFERSONVILLE INDIANA REFORMATORY PRINTING TRADE SCHOOL 19 0 9 0J2.1 > bl I L^ci JL LIBRARY RULES. CATALOG. 1. This catalog is charged to you. A record of your name and number, together with the number of this catalog, is kept in the Library. You are held responsible to preserve it the same as a Library book. 2. On the day before going out on parole or by discharge this catalog will be taken from your cell and checked in together with all Library property. 3. If you are moved from one cell to another, this catalog must be moved also. If for any reason it becomes misplaced, report the fact to the Cell House Officer at once. It is not the property of the cell, but it is yours as long as you are in the Institution and entitled to draw books. 4. See that your cell number and range number are correct on your card each time before sending it in for a book. 5. Fill both sides of your card with numbers of books you desire to draw. Write all the number as A 13 c or 973.8 A 395; if there is more than one volume, place the number of the volume you wish after the book number, as 973 M 167 V2. 6. If the Librarian is unable to find any book on the shelves that is marked on your card, a book will be issued to you according to your school classification. 7. If your card is sent in not filled out with book numbers, the Li- brarian will take it for granted that you do not wish any book and your card will be held. 8. Do not erase cancelled book numbers from your card. This is done to prevent getting the same book twice. 9. Do not erase any letters that have been placed at the top of your card by the Librarian. They are there for your benefit. 10. Do not write a book number on your card in more than one place. 11. New cards will be issued whenever needed. CARE OF BOOKS. 12. Books, Magazines, Catalogs, etc., must not be marked, written in, pictures drawn in, pictures traced, torn, defaced or injured in any way, destroyed, loaned or passed out of your cell. 13. All books and magazines are examined carefully after return that none may be issued in a mutilated condition. You will be held re- sponsible for books drawn by you to preserve and return the same in good condition. 14. Any one found guilty of mutilating, destroying, tracing pictures, loaning or passing out of the cell any book, catalog, magazine, Bible, Prayer Book, drill book, or of violating any rule or regulation of the Library shall be temporarily denied the use of the Library and promptly reported to the Assistant Superintendent. 15. Library books must not be kept longer than two weeks; a maga- zine two weeks; a school text four weeks; without being returned to the Library. They may be renewed upon request. To keep any book longer than allowed will subject you to a report for delinquency. 16. On the morning of exchange days, leave your library book, mag- azine, etc., you wish to exchange on the bed near the door. Never place or leave a book between the bars or in the door. MISCELLANEOUS. 17. Dictionaries, word books, and spelling books, may be drawn on a special card for four weeks. Upon request this privilege will be re- newed for four weeks longer. These books will be issued in addition to a book and a magazine. 18. German, English, Spanish, Polish, French, Latin, and Italian grammars, or dictionaries, will be issued on special cards for four weeks with privilege of renewal for four weeks longer. Any one of these books will be issued in addition to a book and a magazine. 19. When you send your book to the Library for exchange, be sure that your card is in the book pocket. Lost Library cards will be re- placed only upon the order of the General Superintendent or the Assis- tant Superintendent. 20. Any book, magazine, etc., found in your cell not issued to you must be turned in to the Cell House Officer at once. You will be held responsible if you leave it in your cell. 21. All calls for books that are no longer in the Library will be crossed out on your card by the Librarian. MAGAZINE RULES. 22. Magazines can be drawn only on the magazine card. 23. You are entitled to one magazine at a time, in addition to your Library book. 24. A magazine can be kept two weeks. To keep it longer sub- jects you to a report for delinquency. 25. Instructions for calling for magazines will be found at the top of your card. Obey these instructions to the letter. Do not mutilate your card with unnecessary marks. Do not erase any marks placed on your card by the Librarian. This is for your benefit. SCHOOL TEXTS. 26. The following books are considered School Texts. You are en- titled to draw one school text at a time not mentioned in Rule 28, on either book or magazine card. 27. A school text can be kept four weeks, and upon request will be renewed for four weeks longer. 28. Hill’s Manual, Our Islands and Their People, Picturesque Egypt, and all text books on Bookkeeping, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Surveying, Law, Geology, Typewriting, Shorthand, Physics, Psychology, etc., are issued only on special cards and can be obtained only through special request to the Library. This privilege will deny you the use of one of your regular cards during the time for which this special card is issued. SCHOOL TEXTS MENTAL FACULTIES. PSYCHOLOGY. Hall, G S Adolescence 150 H 147 a V 1 Adolescence 150 H 147 a V 2 Ladd, G T Primer of psychology 150 L 122 p SOCIOLOGY IN GENERAL. Henderson, C R Social spirit in America 304 H 384 s POLITICAL SCIENCE. Nordhoff, C Politics for young Americans 320 N 758 p Seelye, J H Citizenship 320. 1 S 345 c Stan wood, E History of the presidency 324 S 423 h POLITICAL ECONOMY. Fawcett, H Manual of political economy 330 F 282 e Seager, H R Introduction to economics 330 S 127 e Thompson, R E Political economy . 330 T 273 p LAW. Pollock, F First book of jurisprudence 340 P 765 j Bryce, J American commonwealth 342.73 B 843 a V 1 American commonwealth 342.83 B 843 a V 2 Cooley, T M Constitutional limitations 342 C 778 c Dawes, A L How we are governed 342 D 321 g Fiske, J Civil government in the United States 342 F 547 c Ames, J B Cases on torts 347. 5 A 36 V 1 Cases on torts 347.5 A 36 V 2 Cases on torts 347. 5 A 36 V 3 Bouvier, J Law dictionary 347.03 B 891 d V 1 Law dictionary 347.03 B 891 d V 2 Burdick, F M Essentials of business law 347 B 898 b Clark, W L Law of contracts 347 C 55 c Hale, W B Law of damages 347.9 H 136 d Holmes, Jr. O W Common law, 347 H 738 1 Reinhard, G Law of agency 347.4 R 272 a Smith, H Law of personal property 347.3 S 58 p Fairlie, J C National administration of the United States of America 351 F 164 a ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. Asbury, G B Advanced arithmetic 372.4 A 184 a Baldwin, J Fairy stories and fables 372.4 B 19 f Fifty famous stories retold 372.4 B 19 fa First reader 372.4 B 19 fi Fourth reader 372.4 B 19 fo Second reader 372.4 B 19 se Third reader 372.4 B 19 t Thirty more famous stories retold 372.4 B 19 th Banta, A Pied Piper 372.4 B 228 p Bass, F Nature stories 372.4 B 32 n Beal, E A Foods and beverages 372.4 B 36 4 SCHOOL TEXTS Barnes, C J Third reader 372.4 B 363 r Beebe, K Nature reader (first year) 372.4 B 393 n Blaisdell, E A Child life (first reader) . 372.4 B 578 c Brown, C L Jingle primer 372.4 B 814 p Burke, S J Fairy tales 372.4 B 919 f Burroughs, J Little nature studies * 372.4 B 946 n Chaplin, T P Little folks of other lands 372.4 C 368 Clark, S H Third reader (Indiana series) 372.4 C 549 h Fourth reader (Indiana series) 372.4 C 549 r Fifth reader (Indiana series) 372.4 C 549 re Cook, F J Nature myths 372.4 C 771 m De Garmo, C Tales of Troy 372.4 D 38 t Deming, E W Little red people 372.4 D 395 p Dunton, L World and its people 372.4 D 923 w Eddy, S J Friends and helpers 372.4 E 26 f Eggleston, E American life and adventure 372.4 E 36 a Stories of great Americans 372.4 E 36 g Finch, A Primer 372.4 F 491 p Foulke, E E Braided straws 372.4 F 824 b Frye, A Brooks and brook basins 372.4 F 948 b Child and nature 372.4 F 948 c Ginn & Co. Industries of today 372.8 G 434 i Strange lands near home 372.8 G 434 1 Northern Europe 372.4 G 434 n Triumphs of science 372.4 G 434 s Toward the rising sun 372.4 G 434 t Under sunny skies 372.4 G 434 u Wide world 372.4 G 434 w Gould, A W Mother nature’s children 372.4 G 73 n Heller, Mrs Little Golden Hood 372.4 H 367 1 Hook, S L Little people 372.4 H 764 1 Humphrey, M Children of the revolution 372.4 H 886 r Husted, M H Stories of Indians 372.4 H 968 s Johonnot, J Heroic deeds 372.9 J 661 h Other lands 372.8 J 661 1 Our country 372.4 J 661 s Kelly, M A B Sky neighbors 372.4 K 298 Kemp, E W History for district and graded schools 372.9 K 32 h King, C F Picturesque geographical reader 372.8 K 582 r V 1 Picturesque geographical reader 372.8 K 582 r V 2 Picturesque geographical reader 372.8 K 582 r V 3 Picturesque geographical reader 372.8 K 582 r V 4 Picturesque geographical reader 372. 8^ K 582 r V 5 Klingensmith, A First reader (Indiana series) 372.4 K 715 f Second reader (Indiana series) 372.4 K 715 s Lane, M A L Summer 372.4 L 243 s Long, C C Home geography (primary) 372.8 L 853 g Morley, M Insect folk 372.4 M 827 i Seed-babies 372.4 M 827 s Mott, S M Fishing and hunting 372.4 M 858 f Norton, C E Heart of oak books 372.4 N 822 h V 1 Heart of oak books 372.4 N 822 h V 2 Heart of oak books 372.4 N 822 h V 3 Heart of oak books 372.4 N 822 h V 4 Heart of oak books 372.4 N 822 h V 5 Heart of oak books 372.4 N 822 h V 6 Palmer, A N Method of business writing 372.5 P 181 m SCHOOL TEXTS 5 Purdue, H A First reader 372.4 P 41 f Second reader 372.4 P 41 r Scudder, H E Fables and folk stories 372.4 S 123 f Stafford, A O Animal fables 372.4 S 398 Stickney, J H Pets and companions 372.4 S 51 c Earth and sky (first reader) 372.4 S 51 f Earth and sky (second reader) 372.4 S 51 s Earth and sky (third reader) 372.4 S 51 t Strong, F L Autumn 372.4 S 89 a Winter 372.4 S 89 w Taylor, F L Werner Primer 372.4 T 495 p Turpin, E H L Classic fables 372.4 T 864 Upton, F L Vege-men’s revenge 372.4 U 8 m Welsh, L D Some of our friends 372.4 W 466 Williston, T P Japanese fairy tales 372.4 W 679 j Wiltse, S Folklore stories and proverbs 372.4 W 713 f Wright, J McNair Seaside and wayside 372.4 W 938 s COMMERCE. Webster, C General history of commerce 380 W 399 PHILOLOGY. Asbury, G B Language for men: part III 402 A 184 1 Language for men: part IV 402 A 184 la Frink, H A New century speaker 428.7 F 917 s Fulton, R I Choice readings 428.7 F 956 c Dippold, G T Scientific German reader 430 D 625 s Leffing, G E Minna Von Barnhelm (German reader) 430 L 522 m Hempl, G Easiest German reading for learners 438.2 H 377 g MATHEMATICS. Bailey, M A American comprehensive arithmetic 511 B 166 a Cook, J W Advanced arithmetic 511 C 772 a Hamilton, S Elementary arithmetic 511 H 183 a Complete arithmetic 511 H 183 c Kirk, A Model business arithmetic 511 K 635 b Model second book in arithmetic 511 K 635 m Olney, E Practical arithmetic 511 O 61 a Rich, A H Higher arithmetic 511 R 371 a Walsh, J H Grammar school arithmetic 511 W 168 Wentworth, G A Grammar school arithmetic 511 W 488 White, E E First book of arithmetic 511 W 582 Elementary arithmetic 511 W 582 a Davies, W M Elementary algebra . . 512 D 292 a Milne, W J High school algebra 512 M 635 h Ray, J Complete algebra 512 R 213 a Elementary algebra 512 R 213 e Sensenig, D M Elementary algebra 512 S 122 a Wells, W Algebra for secondary schools 512 W 463 a Olney, E Elementary geometry 515 0 61 g SURVEYING. Gillespie, W M Land surveying 526.9 G 412 s Robinson, H N Surveying and navigation 526.9 R 562 s PHYSICS. Daniell, A Principles of physics 530 D 221 p 6 SCHOOL TEXTS Dolbear, A E First principles of natural philosophy 530 D 686 n Norton, S Elements of physics 530 N 827 p Slate, F Principles of mechanics 531 S 35 p Tyndall, J Sound 534 T 978 s Child, C T How and why of electricity: for non-technical readers 537 C 436 h Everett, J D Elementary treatise on natural philosophy 537 E 31 e CHEMISTRY. Avery, E M Chemistry 540 A 38 c Comstock, J L Elements of chemistry 540 C 73 c Gorham, J Elements of chemical science 540 G 673 c GEOLOGY. Dana, J D Geology 550 D 192 g Shaler, N S First book in geology 550 S 131 g Seeley, H G Earth: in past ages 550 S 34 s Davis, W M Physical geography 551.4 D 299 g Dryer, C R Lessons in physical geography 551.4 D 848 p Geikie, J Great ice age 551 G 185 g Hutchinson, H N Hills 551.43 H 973 s Judd, J W Volcanoes 551.21 J 883 v Miller, H Footprints of the Creator 551 M 614 f Waldo, F Elementary meteorology 551.5 W 147 BOTANY. Atkinson, G F First studies of plant life 580 A 54 Bergen, F E Glimpses at the plant world 580 B 453 Educational Pub. Co. Garden and field 580 E 83 Gray, A Elements of botany 580 G 791 e Hale, G E Little flower people 580 H 132 1 Hooker, J D Botany *. 580 H 763 b Allen, G Plants 581 A 531 Gray, A Manual of the botany of the northern U. S 581.9 G 791 b Lubbock, J British wild flowers 581.16 L 962 ZOOLOGY. Agassig, L Methods of study in natural history 590 A 18 Hooker, W Natural history 590 H 766 n Reese, D M Elements of zoology 590 R 262 z Wood, J S Natural history 590 W 852 n Apgar, A C Birds of the United States 598.23 A 31 Blanchan, N Bird neighbors 598.2 B 593 Finley, W L American birds 598. 23 F 493 b Miller, O First book of birds 598.2 M 615 b Wright, M O Birdcraft 598.2 W 934 Ingersoll, E Life of animals 599 I 5 a PHYSIOLOGY. Blaisdell, A F Physiology 612 B 577 p Brands, O M Physiology and hygiene 612 B 734 a Health lessons: physiology, hygiene and narcotics 612 B 734 h Conn, H W Elementary physiology and hygiene 612 C 762 Dalton, J C Physiology and hygiene 612 D 171 p Huxley, T H Elements of physiology and hygiene 612 H 892 p Jenkins, O P Primary lessons in human physiology 612 J 418 h Advanced lessons in human physiology 615 J 418 p SCHOOL TEXTS 7 Blaisdell, A T Our bodies and how we live 613 B 577 How to keep well 613 B 577 h Dunglison, R J Elementary physiology 613 D 921 p Hilton, J Rest and pain 613.7 H 565 r Lincoln, D F Hygienic physiology 613 L 638 p Johnson, W G Fumigation methods 614.481 J 639 f ENGINEERING. Merriman, M Strength of materials 620. 1 M 552 m Brookes, L E Twentieth century machine shop practice 621 B 793 m Griffin, C L Machine design 621 G 875 m Hortsmann, H C Modern electrical construction. . . 621.3 H 778 c Dynamo tending for engineers 621.3 H 778 dy International Library of Technology Lathes, planers, shapers, slotters, drill- ing, boring, and milling machines 621.94 1 7 1 Storage batteries, incandescent lighting, interior wiring, modern electric signs, and electric heating 621.3 I 7 s Chilled iron, gear cutting, grinding, bench, vise and floor work, tool and gauge making 621.9 I 7 t Leland— Dow Valve gears and indicators 621.1 L 539 v Marks— Myer Gas engines and producers 621.43 M 34 g Richards, F Compressed air 621.42 R 393 c Ritchey, J Pattern making ... 621 R 511 p Shadd, G C Power stations and transmissions 621.3 S 11 p Sinclair, A Twentieth century locomotives 621.13 S 221 1 Snow— Leland Steam engine 621.1 S 371 s Swingle, C F Steam boilers 621.1 S 693 s Tulley, H C Engineering 621 T 828 e Turner, F W Machine shop work 622 T 853 m Usher, J T Modern machinist 621.9 U 3 m Van Dervoort, W H Modern machine shop tools 621.9 V 28 t Whittaker Arithmetic of electrical engineering 621.3 W 621 e Merriman, M Roofs and bridges 624 M 252 b V 1 Roofs and bridges 624 M 552 b V 2 Roofs and bridges 624 M 552 b V 3 Roofs and bridges 624 M 525 b V 4 Folwell, A P Water-supply engineering 628.1 F 73 e AGRICULTURE. Allen, R L American farm book 630 A 541 Bailey, L H Principles of agriculture 630.7 B 153 Burkett, C W Agriculture for beginners 630 B 918 Roberts, I P Farmstead 630 R 542 f Roe, E P Home acre 630 R 62 h French, H Farm drainage 631 F 888 f King, F H Soil 631 K 586 s Morrow, G E Soils and crops 631 M 834 f Flint, C L Grasses and forage plants 633 F 647 g Roe, E P Success with small fruits 634 R 62 f Roth, F First book of forestry 634.9 R 743 f Watson, G C Farm poultry 636.5 W 333 COMMUNICATION. COMMERCE. Gaunett, H Commercial geography 650 G 156 g Palmer, O R Tpye-writing and business correspondence 652 P 183 t Cross, J C Eclectic shorthand 653.07 C 885 s 8 SCHOOL TEXTS Munson, J E Art of phonography 653.62 M 928 p Edison, T A Telegraphy: self taught 654 E 17 t Gay, G Business book-keeping 657 G 25 b Key to high school book-keeping 657 G 25 k Gilbert, A L Modern book-keeping. 657 G 372 m Goodwin, J H Improved book-keeping 657 G 634 Mayhew, I Eclectic complete book-keeping 657 M 454 b Key to the eclectic complete book-keeping 657 M 454 k Seavy, M Practical business book-keeping 657 S 191 b Hill, T E Manual of business forms 658 H 556 m Calkins, E E Modern advertising 659 C 13 MANUFACTURES. Rose, J H Modern sheet metal workers’ instructor 671 R 72 Sharp, J Modern foundry practice 671 S 134 International Library of Technology Machine moulding, foundry appliances, malleable castings, blacksmithing and forging 672 I 7 m Barrows, F W Pattern making 674 B 279 Hand, L H Pattern making and foundry practice 674 H 194 p MECHANIC TRADES. Hopkinson, G M How to make and how to mend 680 H 775 h Home mechanics for amateurs 680 H 775 m Holmstrom, J G Modern blacksmithing 682 H 744 b Richardson, M T Practical horseshoer 682.1 R 395 p BUILDING. Holford, H Toolsmith and steelworker 690.7 H 716 c Kidder, F E Building construction and superintendence 690 K 538 b Markham, E R Toolmaking 690.7 M 341 t Fowler, N C Building business 692.4 F 838 b Hodgson, F T Builders and contractors’ guide 692.5 H 668 b Estimator and contractors’ guide 692.5 H 668 c Bricklayers’ and masons’ assistant 693.2 H 668 a Practical bricklaying 693.2 H 668 b Concretes, cements, plasters and stucco 693.5 H 668 c Plaster and plastering 693 H 668 p Stone-cutter and mason’s assistant 693.12 H 668 s Stone masonry 693.1 H 668 st Maginnis, O Bricklaying 693.2 M 273 b Webb, W Reinforced concrete 693.5 W 384 r Hodgson, F T Modern carpentry 694 H 668 m Steel square 694 H 668 s V 1 Steel square 694 H 668 s V 2 International Library of Technology Patternmaking, moulding, coremaking and cupola practice 694.1 1 7 6 Townsend, G Carpentry and joinery 694 T 66 c Clow, G B Up-to-date plumbing 696.1 C 626 p International Library of Technology Plumbing gas fitting, heating and venti- lation of buildings, printing, decorating, estimating and cal- culating quantities 696.1 I 7 p Donaldson, W Modern hot water heating, steam and gas fitting 697 D 716 m Armstrong, G D Painter’s cyclopedia 698 A 57 c LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Parsons, Jr. S How to plan the home grounds 712 P 256 p SCHOOL TEXTS 9 Henderson, P Floriculture 716.2 H 383 f MATHEMATICAL AND SCIENTIFIC DRAWING. Jamison, A P Elements of mechanical drawing 744 J 236 m Kenison, E Mechanical drawing 744 K 397 m Westinghouse, G Mechanical drawing and machine design 744 W 526 m PAINTING. Delamotte, F Amateur artist 752 D 373 a FISHING AND HUNTING. Rich, W H Feathered game of the north east 799 R 399 f Sandys, E Upland game birds 799 S 113 u RHETORIC. Lockwood, S E H Composition and rhetoric 808 L 814 Quakenbos, J D Practical rhetoric 808 Q 26 p ENGLISH POETRY. Hudson, H N Text-book of poetry 821 H 868 p HISTORY IN GENERAL. Mackenzie, R America; a history 909 M 196 h Nineteenth Century 909 M 196 hi GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. Appleton, D Physical geography 910 A 56 p Frye, A E Advanced geography 910 F 948 Introductory geography 910 F 948 g Redway, J W Natural advanced geography 910 R 249 a Natural primary geography 910 R 249 p Tarr, R S Home geography (first book) 910 T 177 g Carpenter, F G Europe; geographical reader 914 C 224 e Asia; geographical reader 915 C 224 as Africa; geographical reader 916 C 224 a North America; geographical reader 917 C 224 na South America; geographical reader 918 C 224 sa HISTORY. Egypt. Ebers, G Egypt 962 E 19 e V 1 Egypt 962 E 19 e V 2 North America. Brigham, A P Geographical influences of American history 970 B 768 Bryan, W S Our islands and their people (Cuba, Porto Rico) 972.9 B 842 Anderson, J J Grammar school history of .he U. S. 973 A 233 s Coman, K Industrial history of the U. S. 973 C 72 i Eggleston, E Beginners of a nation 973.2 E 36 b History of the U. S. and its people 973 E 36 p Gilman, A Making of an American nation 973.3 G 37 a Colonization of America 973.3 G 37 c Discovery and exploration of America 973.1 G 37 d 10 SCHOOL TEXTS Gordy, W F History of the U. S. 973 G 651 h Howard, G E Preliminaries of the revolution 973.3 H 251 p Lodge, H C Story of the revolution 973.3 L 82 r Montgomery, D H Leading facts of American history 973 M 766 Beginners of American history 973 M 766 b Student's American history 973 M 766 s Morris, C History of the U. S. and its people 973 M 836 s Mowry, W A History of the U. S 973 M 873 h Scudder, H E History of the U. S 973 S 123 h Smith, G U. S. political history 1492 — 1871 973 S 571 u Swinton, W Condensed school history of the U. S 973 S 694 h Shaler, N S Kentucky 976.9 S 131 k Cooley, T M Michigan 977.4 C 778 m Dunn, Jr. J P Indiana 977.2 D 92 i Barrows, W Oregon: struggle for possession 979.5 B 278 o Royce, J California 979.4 R 831 c Oceanica. Bryan, W S Our Islands and their people (Philippines) 991. 4 B 842 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY A DAMS, S by J K Hosmer BA 131 h Adams, C F by C F Adams, Jr B A 18 a Adams, J Q by J T Morse, Jr BA 181 m Adams, John by J T Morse, Jr BA 182 m Addison, J by W J Courthope B A 26 c Alfred the Great by J Abbott B A 29 a Arnold, B by G C Hill B A 65 h Arnold, B by J Sparks. . BA 65 s B ACON, F by R W Church B B 133 c Benton, T H by T Roosevelt B B 446 r Blaine, J G by E Stanwood B B 574 s Bonaparte, N by J Abbott BB 64 a V 1 Bonaparte, N by J Abbott B B 64 a V 2 Bonaparte, N by E Foa (J) B B 64 f Bonaparte, Joseph by J Abbott B B 641 a Bunyan, J by J Brown B B 887 b Bunyan, J by J A Froude B B 887 f Bunyan, J by D A Harsha B B 887 h Burke, E by J Morley B B 917 m Burns, R by P Shairp B B 937 s Butler, B F by J Parton B B 976 p Byron, Lord by J Nichol B B 996 n C AESAR, J by J Abbott B C 116 a Calhoun, J C by H Von Holst B C 131 v Carlyle, T by J Nichol B C 199 n Cass, L by A C Me Laughlin B C 271 m Charles the First of England by J Abbott B C 369 a Charles the Fifth of Spain by W H Prescott BC37 p V 1 Charles the Fifth of Spain by W H Prescott B C 37 p V 2 Chase, S by A B Hart . t B C 386 h Chaucer, G by A W Ward B C 395 w Cicero, by W L Collins B C 485 c Clay, H by C Schurz B C 579 s V 1 Clay, H by C Schurz B C 579 s V 2 Cleopatra by J Abbott B C 594 a Coleridge by S H D Traill B C 687 t Columbus by W Irving B C 723 i Columbus by F A Ober B C 723 o Cooper, J F by T Lounsbury B C 786 1 Cortez, H by J Abbott B C 818 a Cortez, H by F A Ober B C 818 o Cowper, W by G Smith B C 839 s Days of My Ye^urs by J Cross B C 884 c Boots and Saddles: or, life in Dakota with General Custer by E B Custer B C 967 c Following the Guidon: continuation of “Boots and Saddles” by E B Custer ...B C 967 cu Tenting on the Plains: General Custer in Kansas and Texas by E B Custer. ...B C 967 cus Cyrus the Great by J Abbott B C 999 a D ARIUS the Great by J Abbott B D 249 a Defoe, D by W Minto B D 362 m 12 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY De Quincey T by D Masson B D 443 m De Soto, F by F A Ober B D 45 o Dewey, G by J Barrett B D 515 b Dryden, J by G Saintsbury B D 874 s E DDY, M B by S Wilbur B E 24 w Emerson, R W by O W Holmes B E 33 h Elizabeth, Queen by J Abbott v B E 48 a F ARRAGUT, D by J R Spears B F 241 s Fielding, H by A Dobson B F 463 d Finch, J B by F E Finch B F 492 f Fisk, C B by A A Hopkins B F 54 h Franklin, B by B Franklin B F 854 f Frederick the Great by T Carlyle B F 873 c V 1 Frederick the Great by T Carlyle B F 873 c V 2 Frederick the Great by T Carlyle B F 873 c V 3 Frederick the Great by T Carlyle B F 873 c V 4 Frederick the Great by T Carlyle B F 873 C V 5 Frederick the Great by T Carlyle B F 873 c V 6 Frederick the Great by T Carlyle B F 873 c V 7 Frederick the Great by T Carlyle B F 873 C V 8 Fulton, R by T W Knox B F 96 k G ALLATIN, a by J A Stevens B G 137 s Goldsmith, O by W Irving B G 574 [ Gordon, Chinese by W F Butler B G 655 b Gordon, Chinese by A Forbes B G 655 f Grant, US by T W Knox B G 768 k H amilton, a by h c Lodge bhisi Hannibal by J Abbott B H 194 a Henry the Fourth by J S C Abbott B H 396 a Herodotus by G C Swayne B H 432 s Higginison, F L by T W Higginison B H 537 h Hooker, T by G L Walker B~H 765 w Hopkins, M by F Carter B H 776 c Hopper, I T by L M Child B H 778 c Hume, D by Prof. Huxley B H 883 h JRVING, W by C D Warner B I 8 w J ACKSON, A by J Frost B J 132 f Old Hickory, (A Jackson) by J Frost B J 132 fr Jackson, A by W G Sumner B J 132 s Jay, J by G Pellew B J 332 p Jefferson, T by J T Morse Jr r ...B J 359 m Trials of a Country Parson by A Jessopp B J 498 j Joan of Arc by H Michelet B J 572 m Johnson, S by L Stephen B J 637 s Joyce, I W by W Sheridan B J 853 s K EATS, j by S Colvin B K 22 c Khan, Genhis by J Abbott B K 527 a INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY 13 L afayette, by p c Headiy b l m h Lamb, C by A Ainger B L 165 a Lee, RE by J E Cooke B L 515 c Lee, RE by F Lee B L 515 1 Lincoln the Lawyer by F F Hill r . .BL 639 h Lincoln, A by E P Oberholtzer B L 639 o Locke, J by T Fowler B L 795 f Longfellow, H W by T W Higginson B L 86 h M ACAULAY, Lord by J C Morrison B M 129 m Macaulay, Lord by G 0 Trevlyan B M 129 t Madison, J by S H Gay B M 266 g Manning, Cardinal by A W Hutton B M 316 h Margaret of Anjou by J Abbott B M 337 a Marshall J by A Magruder B M 356 m Mary Queen of Scots by J Abbott B M 369 a Milton, J by M Pattison B M 642 p Monroe, J by D Gilman B M 757 g Moody, D L by H D Northrop B M 772 m Morris, G by T Roosevelt B M 832 r Morton, OP by W D Foulke B M 837 f V 1 Morton, OP by W D Foulke B M 837 f V 2 N ELSON, Lord by R Southern BN 331 s Nero by J Abbott BN 358 a Nightingale, Florence by S A Tooley BN 564 t P ETER the Great by J Abbott B P 442 a Philip the Second of Spain by W H Prescott B P 53 p V 1 Philip the Second of Spain by W H Prescott B P 53 p V 2 Philip the Second of Spain by W H Prescott B P 53 p V 3 Philip, King (Indian Chief) by by J S Abbott BP 538 a Philippe, L of France by J S C Abbott BP 539 a Pierce, F by N Hawthorne BP 68 h Pitt, W by L Macaulay BP 686 m Pizarro by F A Ober BP 689 o Pokahontas, Indian Princess by J E Cooke BP 749 C Pope, A by L Stephen B P 811 s Porter, Admiral by J R Soley BP 835 S Pyrrhus by J Abbott BP 989 a R ANDOLPH, J by H Adams B R 159 a Recollections and Letters by E Renan B R 294 r True Story of Paul Revere by C F Gettemy B R 299 g Richard the First by J Abbott B R 383 a Richard the Second by J Abbott B R 387 a Richard the Third by J Abbott B R 388 a Making of an American by J Riis B R 45 r Ripley, G by 0 B Frothingham B R 483 f Roland, Madame J Abbott B R 642 a Romulus by J Abbott B R 666 a Roosevelt, T the Boy and the Man by J Morgan B R 677 m S HAKESPEARE, W Life, Art, and Character by H N Hudson B S 5 h V 1 Shakespeare, W Life, Art, and Character B S 5 h V 2 14 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY Sidney, P by J A Symonds B S 111 s Scott, W by R H Hutton B S 12 h Seward, W H by T K Lathrop B S 125 1 Sheridan, R B by M 0 W Oliphant B S 137 O Sherman, W T by E Robins B S 14 r Shelley, P by J A Seymour B S 142 s Spencer, E by R W Church B S 341 c Standish, M by J S C Abbott B S 399 a Stanley, H M by H T Reddall B S 431 r Sterne, L by H D Traill B S 434 t Stevens, T by S Me Call B S 471 m Smith, H B by L T Stearns B S 591 s Sophocles by C W Collins B S 66 c Sumner, G by A H Grimke B S 67 g Swift, Dean by L Stephen B S 695 s In a Silent World: story of a deaf mute by F Sylvestre B S 698 s Southey, R by E Dowden B S 85 d T acitus by l w Collins btiisc Thackeray, W M by A Trollope B T 32 a Thoreau, H by T B Sanborn B T 391 s Tucker, Emma Booth by Booth Tucker B T 814 t V AN BUREN, M by E Shepard B V 276 s Victoria, Queen by S Lee B V 666 1 Up From Slavery by Booker T Washington B W 276 w The True George Washington by P L Ford B W 277 f Washington, G by W Irving B W 277 i V 1 Washington, G by W Irving B W 277 i V 2 Washington, G by W Irving B W 277 i V 3 Washington, G by W Irving B W 277 i V 4 The Mother of Washington and Her Times by R Pryor B W 278 p Webster, D by H C Lodge B W 392 1 White, Bishop by J H Ward B W 578 w William the Conqueror by J Abbott B W 671 a Winthrop, J by J H Twichell B W 736 t Wordsworth, W by F W H Myers B W 891 m J^ERXES by J Abbott B X 27 a NON-FICTION GENERAL WORKS. Vogt, H Ice and refrigeration machinery Dewy, M Decimal classification and relative index Gilman, D C New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia. New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia New International Encyclopaedia Courses of reading and study in the New International Encyclopaedia Hopkins, A A Scientific American reference book Smith B E Century cyclopedia of names Chambers, W R Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Encyclopedia v. . . Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Prescott, W H Biographical and critical miscellaneous United States Government Catalog of “A L A” library 016 V 86 m (*) 025 D 5 c . (*) 030 G 421 c V 1 . (*) 030 G 421 c V 2 (*) 030 G 421 c V 3 . (*) 030 G 421 c V 4 . (*) 030 G 421 c V 5 . (*) 030 G 421 c V 6 . (*) 030 G 421 c V 7 . (*) 030 G 421 c V 8 . (*) 030 G 421 c V 9 (*) 030 G 421 c V 10 (*) 030 G 421 c V 11 (*) 030 G 421 c V 12 (*) 030 G 421 c V 13 (*) 030 G 421 c V 14 (*) 030 G 421 c V 15 (*) 030 G 421 c V 16 (*) 030 G 421 c V 17 (*) 030 G 421 c V 18 (*) 030 G 421 c V 19 (*) 030 G 421 c V 20 ....(*) 030 G 421 co 031 H 774 s (*) 031 S 685 c . (*) 032 C 355 e V 1 . (*) 032 C 355 e V 2 (*) 032 C 355 e V 3 . (*) 032 C 355 e V 4 . (*) 032 C 355 e V 5 (*) 032 C 355 e V 6 . (*) 032 C 355 e V 7 . (*) 032 C 355 e V 8 040 P 925 (*) 040 U 2 a PHILOSOPHY. Munsierberg, H Psychology and life 104 M 944 1 Shairp, J C Culture and religion 104 S 132 c Mind and Body. Moore, G Use of the body in relation to the mind 130 M 782 b Swift, E J Mind in the making (*) 130 S 696 m Bain, A Mind and body 131 B 161 m Mental Faculties. Psycology. Hall, G S Adolescence . Adolescence 150 H 147 a V 1 150 H 147 a V 2 16 NON-FICTION Ladd, G F Primer of psychology 150 L 122 p Porter, N Human intellect 151 P 834 i Ethics. Beecher, H W Lectures to young men 170 B 353 m Bok, E Successward 170 B 638 s Gough, J B Sunlight and shadow ; 170 G 727 s Hillis, N D A man’s value to society 170 H 559 a Holland, J G Every day topics 170 H 719 e V 1 Every day topics 170 H 719 e V 2 Gold foil 170 H 719 g Lessons in life 170 H 719 1 Plain talks ^ 170 H 719 p Titcomb’s letters 170 H 719 t Kramer, J W Right road 170 K 861 r Me Cosh, J Our moral nature 170 M 136 m Smiles, S Character 170 S 36 c Duty 170 S 36 d Speer, R A young man’s questions 170 S 396 m Cook, J Conscience 171.6 C 772 c Seelye Hickok’s moral science 171 S 342 s Watson, D Perfect manhood 171 W 332 Martyn, C Christian citizenship 172.1 M 367 c Jackson, H H Bits of talk about home matters. . .• 173 J 134 b Drysdale, W Helps for ambitious boys 174 D 849 a Fowler, Jr N Starting in life 174 F 838 s Hale, E E What career? 174 H 131 c Mac Fadden, B How success is won 174 M 161 s Mathews, W Getting on in the world 174 M 426 g Rollins, F W What can a young man do? 174 R 651 w Strong* J The times and young men 174 S 88 t Vincent, J H Better not 175 V 744 b Alger, W R Solitudes of nature; loneliness of human life 177.8 A 37 n Benson, A C From a college window 177 B 442 f Hillis, N D Investment of influence 177 H 559 i Stanton, S B Essential life 177 S 433 e Welsh, R E Man to man 177 W 464 m Gustafson, A Foundation of death 178 G 978 d sClark, D W American child and moloch of to-day 179 2 C 547 a RELIGION. Moulton, R G Biblical masterpieces .200 M 862 b Abbott, L Evolution of Christianity 201 A 271 American Baptist Publishing Co. Madison Avenue lectures 204 A 351 Carpenter, H S Sunrise on the Soul 204 C 225 Cook, J Occident, religion and science 204 C 772 o Orient 204 C 772 or Drummond, H Ascent of man 204 D 844 a Eternal life 204 D 844 e Ideal life 204 D 844 i Kingsley Out of the deep 204 K 614 o Little, H W Arrows of the King’s archers 204 L 724 a Smith, G Guesses at the riddle of existance 204 S 571 g Smyth, J P How to read the Bible 204 S 69 h Sutton, H Christian’s recreatinn 204 S 922 c Taylor, W M Scottish pulpit 204 T 219 s NON-FICTION 17 Vance, J I Royal manhood 204 V 275 r Natural Theology. Fiske, J Through nature to God 210 F 547 t Idea of God 211 F 547 i Dawson, J W Origin of the world 213 D 325 w Munsterberg, H Science and idealism 21 5 M 944 s Dods, M Prayer that teaches to pray 217 D 66 p Van Anda, C A Prayer 217 V 26 p Fiske, J Destiny of man 218 F 547 d Unseen world 218 F 547 w Munsterberg, H Eternal life 218 M 944 e Bible. Anonymous Bible companion 220.7 A 78 b Cruden, A Concordance 220.2 C 888 c Taylor, W M David King of Israel 220.92 D 282 t Eldridge, G S Unto heights heroic 220.7 E21 u Brown, E P Raven and the chariot (Elijah) 220.92 E 43 b Taylor, W M Joseph the Prime Minister 220.92 J 774 t Moses the lawgiver 220.92 M 852 t Moulton, R G Bible as literature 220.7 M 862 b Moulton, R G Select masterpieces of Bible literature 220.8 M 862 m Taylor, W M Paul the Missionary 220.92 P 282 t Peter the Apostle 220.92 P 443 t Smith, W E Dictionary of the Bible 220.3 S 681 d Swedenborg E Holy scripture and key to its spiritual sense 220 S 691 s McClure, J Living for the best 221 M 133 1 Moulton, R G Dueteronomy 222.15 M 862 d Judges 222.3 M 862 j Kings 222.5 M 862 k Proverbs 223.7 M 862 p Isaiah 224. 1 M 862 i Jeremiah 224.2 M 862 j Westcott & Hort Twentieth century new testament 225 W 522 t V 1 Twentieth century new testament 225 W 522 t V 2 Twentieth century new testament 225 W 522 t V 3 Moulton, R G St. Luke, Acts of the Apostles, and Epistles of St. Paul 226.4 M 862 1 St. Matthew, St. Mark and The General Epistles 226.2 M 862 m Doctrinal. Dogmatics. Theology. Anonymous Present condition of religious faith 230 A 78 f Bailey, G S Word and works of God 230 B 152 Brierly, J Problems of living 230 B 767 p Childs, T S Heritage of peace or Christ our life 230 C 436 Girdlestone, R B Christian’s pathway of victory 230 G 443 v Peck, G C Ringing questions 230 P 335 r Smith, H W Christian’s secret of a happy life 230 S 581 c Swedenborg, E Four leading doctrines of the new church 230 S 691 f Larcom, L Unseen friend 231 L 322 f Angus, P Christ our life 232.9 A 45 c Boardman, G D Divine man: nativity to the temptation 232.9 B 62 Brooks, P Influence of Jesus 232 B 792 Coates, G A Paths of life 232 C 632 I Darby, J N Second coming of Christ 232.6 D 241 s 18 NON-FICTION Farrar, F W Life of Christ 232.9 F 243 c Witness to the history of Christ 232 F 243 h Frey, J S C F Messiahship of Jesus 232.6 F 898 j Hanna, W Life of Christ 232.9 H 195 c Hughes, T Manliness of Christ 232.9 H 874 c Newton, B W Perfect sacrifice 232.4 N 418 p Phelps, E S Story of Jesus Christ 232.9 P 512 s Russell, C T Millennial dawn 232.6 R 912 m Moore, A L Man and his motives 233 M 781 m Mackinnon, A G Tangible tests 234.2 M 216 t Moody, D L Way to God 234 M 772 w Larcom, L As it is in heaven 237.4 L 322 h Morrison, J Rock of faith 238 M 835 r Devotional. Practical. Hillis, N D Quest of happiness 242 H 559 q Matheson, G Voices of the spirit 242 M 421 V Hadley, C Bible stories 244 H 118 s Murray, A Abide in Christ 244 M 962 a Clodd, E Childhood of religions 246.2 C 621 Meyer, F B Christian living 248 M 476 c Directory of the devout life 248 M 576 d Pearson, A The Christian’s aim 248 P 318 c Homiletic. Pastoral. Parochial. Brooks, P Light of the world 252 B 792 Bunyan, J Jerusalem sinner saved ' 252.8 B 887 j Davis, H T Perfect happiness 252.7 D 293 h Eckman, G P Young man with a program 252 E 51 y Fuller, S Personality 252 F 958 p Hoyt, W Culture of the Christian life , 252 H 856 s Jackson, G Comradeship and character ... 252 J 133 c Magee, W C Growth in grace 252 M 272 g Mason, W Perfect in Christ 252 M 382 p Moody, D L Twelve select sermons 252 M 772 s Where art thou? 252 M 772 w Munger, T T Freedom of faith 252 M 954 f Lamps and paths 252 M 954 1 Spurgeon, C Sermons 252 S 94 s Church. Institutions. Work. Kip, W I Early days of my episcopate 262.12 K 628 e Gordon, S D Quiet talks on power 264.6 G 658 p Moody, D L To the work 264.6 M 772 w Strong, J Challenge of the city 266 S 88 c Religious History. Wright, W B Ancient cities 270 W 937 Krauser, O Von Barchwitz Six years with W Taylor in South America 274 K 868 s Christian Churches and Sects. Smiles, S Huguenots: their settlements, churches, and industries 284.5 S 36 h Ethnic. Non-Christian. Given, C S Fleece of gold 292 G 449 g NON-FICTION 19 Hawthorne, N Wonder book (J) 292 H 319 w Kingsley, C Greek heroes (J) 292 K 615 g Litchfield, M Nine worlds (J) 293 L 711 n Besant, A Karma 294 B 465 Hosmer, J K Story of the Jews 296 H 794 j SOCIOLOGY. Addams, J Democracy and social ethics 304 A 21 d Calkins, M W Sharing the profits 304 C 128 Henderson, C R Social spirit in America 304 H 384 s Roosevelt, T American ideals 304 R 677 s 0 Strenuous life 304 R 677 s Spencer, H Essays: moral, political and aesthetic 304 S 395 e Smith, G Essays on the questions of the day 304 S 571 e Whipple, E P Success and its conditions 304 W 577 Statistics. Keltie, J S Statesman’s year-book 1908 (*) 310 K 311 s Political Science. Clark, S S Government: What it is. What it does (*) 320 C 551 g Hadly, A T Education of the American citizen 320 H 117 e Nordhoff, C Politics for young Americans 320 N 758 p Seelye, J H Citizenship 320.1 S 345 c Stanwood, E History of the presidency 324 S 423 h Washington, B T Negro problem 324.1 W 276 Alton, E Among the law-makers: official life in Washington (J) 328 A 791 1 Stealey, O O Twenty years in the press gallery 328.8 S 428 t Political Economy. Addams, J Newer ideals of peace 330 A 21 n Fawcett, H Manual of political economy 380 F 282 e Seager, H R Introduction to economics 330 S 127 e Strong, J Twentieth century city 330 S 88 t Thompson, R E Political economy 330 T 273 p Welb, D A Recent economic changes 330 W 462 Wright, C D Battles of labor 331.85 W 931 Cook, J Socialism 335 C 772 s George, H Progress and poverty 335 G 295 p Hunter, R Poverty 339 H 916 p Meriwether, H Tramp at home 339 M 545 t Law. Pollock, F First book of jurisprudence 340 P 765 j Conner, J E Uncle Sam abroad 341.8 C 763 u Bryce, J American commonwealth 342.73 B 843 a V 1 American commonwealth 342.73 B 843 a V 2 Cooley, T M Constitutional limitations 342 C 778 c Dawes, A L How we are governed 342 D 321 g Fiske, J Civil government in the U S 342 F 547 c Ford, P L Essays on the constitution of the.U S 342.4 F 755 e Fuller, R H Government by the people (*) 342 F 937 g United States Government Penal codes of France, Germany, Belgium and Japan 343 U 2 p Labor laws of the United States 345.4 U 2 1 Twenty-first annual report of the Inter-State commerce commission345.2 U 2 t Laws relating to woman and child labor and factory inspection 345.42 U 2 w 20 NON-FICTION Ames, J B Cases on torts 347.5 A 36 V 1 Cases on torts 347. 5 A 36 V 2 Cases on torts 347.5 A 36 V 3 Bouvier, J Law dictionary 347.03 B 891 d V 1 Law dictionary 347.03 B 891 d V 2 Burdick, F M Essentials of business law 347 B 898 b Clark, W L Law of contracts 347 C 55 c Hale, W B Law of damages 347.9 H 136 d Holmes, Jr O W Common law 347 H 738 1 Reinhard, G Law of agency 347.4 R 272 a Smith, H Law of personal property 347.3 S 58 p United States Government Employer’s liability in the US 347.4 U 2 1 Naval observatory and patent law 347.7 U 2 p Administration. Army. Fairlie, J A National administration of the U S of A 351 F 164 a Roosvelt, T Civil service 351 R 677 c Devlin, T C Municipal reform in the US 352 D 49 r Sanders, D M Manual of civil government of Indiana 352 S 115 g Dunn, W A Community and the citizen (*) 353 D 91 c Roosevelt, T Addresses and Presidential messages 353.03 R 677 a Ship of state 353 R 677 s United States Government Infantry drill regulations (*) 356 U 2 i Associations. Institutions. Johnson, A Proceedings of the national conference of charities and correction for 1908 360 J 62 c Rentoul, R R Race culture or race suicide (*) 360 R 298 r Indiana Reformatory Ideas on reformation (*) 364 I 2 O Education. Gilbert, C B School and its life (*) 371 G 374 s Monroe, P History of education (*) 371.4 M 758 e United States Government Growth of industrial art (*) 371.42 U 2 a Industrial and manual training 371.42 U 2 m Wray, A W Jean Mitchell’s school (*) 371.5 W 924 j Elementary Education. Asbury, G B Advanced arithmetic 372.4 A 184 a Arnold, S L Stepping stones to literature (*) 372.4 A 63 1 Baldwin, J Fairy stories and fables (J) 372.4 B 19 f Fifty famous stories retold (J) 372.4 B 19 fa First reader 372.4 B 19 fi Fourth reader 372.4 B 19 fo Second reader 372.4 B 19 se Third reader 372.4 B 19 t Thirty more famous stories retold (J) 372.4 B 19 th Banta, A Pied Piper (J) 372.4 B 228 p Bass, F Nature stories (J) 372.4 B 32 n Beal, E A Foods and beverages (J) 372.4 B 36 Barnes, C J Third reader 372.4 B 363 r Beebe, K Nature reader (first year) (J) 372.4 B 393 n Blaisdell, E A Child life (first reader) (J) 372.4 B 578 c Brown, G L Jingle primer 372.4 B 814 p Burke, S J Fairy tales (J) 372.4 B 919 f Burroughs, J Little nature studies (J) 372.4 B 946 n NON-FICTION 21 Chaplin, F P Little folks of other lands . (J) 372.4 C 368 Clark, S H Third reader (Indiana series) (J) 372.4 C 549 h Fourth reader (Indiana series) (J) 372.4 C 549 r Fifth reader (Indiana series) 372.4 C 549 re Cook, F J Nature myths (J) 372.4 C 771 m De Garmo, C Tales of Troy (J) 372.4 D 38 t Deming, E W Little red people (J) 372.4 D 395 p Dunton, L World and its people (J)372.4 D 923 w Eddy, S J Friends and helpers (J) 372.4 E 26 f Eggleston, E Stories of American life and adventure (J) 372.4 E 36 a Stories of great Americans (J) 372.4 E 36 g Finch, A Primer 372.4 F 491 p Fouike, E E Braided straws (J) 372.4 F 824 b Frye, A Brooks and brook basins (J) 372.4 F 948 b Child and nature (J) 372.4 F 948 c Ginn and Company Industries of to-day (J) 372.8 G 434 i Strange lands near home (J) 372.8 G 434 1 Northern Europe (J) 372.4 G 434 n Triumphs of science (J) 372.3 G 434 s Toward the rising sun (J) 372.4 G 434 t Under sunny skies (J) 372.4 G 434 u Wide world (J) 372.4 G 434 w Gould, A W Mother nature’s children 372.8 G 73 n Harper Brothers Fifth reader (*) 372.4 H 231 f Harrington, W L First book for non-English speaking people (*) 372.4 H 237 f Language lessons to accompany the first book (*) 372.4 H 237 1 Second book for non-English speaking people (*) 372.4 H 237 p Heller, Mrs Little Golden Hood (J) 372.4 H 367 1 Hook, S L Little people (J) 372.4 H 764 1 Humphrey, M Chi'dren of the revolution (J) 372.4 H 886 r Husted, M H Indian children (J) 372.4 H 968 s Jononnot, J Heroic deeds (J) 372.9 J 661 h Other lands (J) 372.8 J 661 1 Our country (J) 372.4 J 661 s Kelly, M A B Sky neighbors (J) 375.4 K 298 Kemp, E W History for district and graded schools 372.9 K 32 h King, C F Picturesque geographical reader 372.8 K 582 r V 1 Picturesque geographical reader 372.8 K 582 r V 2 Picturesque geographical reader 372.8 K 582 r V 3 Picturesque geographical reader 372.8 K 582 r V 4 Picturesque geographical reader 372.8 K 582 r V 5 Kingensmith, A First reader . . „ 372.4 K 715 f Second reader 372.4 K 715 s Lane, M A L Summer (J) 372.4 L 243 s Long, C C Home geography (primary) 372.4 L 853 g McGuffey, W H Sixth eclectic reader (*) 372.4 M 179 r Morley, M Insect folk (J) 372.4 M 827 i Seed-babies (J) 372.4 M 827 s Mott, S M Fishing and hunting (J) 372.4 M 858 f Norton, C E Heart of oak books (J) 372.4 N 822 h V 1 Heart of oak books (J) 372.4 N 822 h V 2 Heart of oak books (J) 372.4 N 822 h V 3 Heart of oak books (J) 372.4 N 822 h V 4 Heart of oak books (J) 372.4 N 822 h V 5 Heart of oak books (J) 372.4 N 822 h V 6 Palmer, A N Method of business writing 372.5 P 181 m Purdue, H A First reader 372.4 P 41 f 22 NON-FICTION Purdue, H A Second reader 372.4 P 41 r Sanders, C Fifth reader (*) 372.4 S 117 r Scudder, H E Fables and folk stories (J) 372.4 S 123 f Stafford, A O Animal fables (J) 372.4 S 398 Stickney, J H Pets and companions (J) 372.4 S 51 c Earth and sky (first reader) 372.4 S 51 f Earth and sky (second reader) 372.4 S 51 s Earth and sky (third reader) 372.4 S 51 t Strong, F L Autumn (J) 372.4 S 89 a Winter (J) 372.4 S 89 w Taylor, F L Werner primer 372.4 T 495 p Turpin, E H L Classic fables (J) 372.4 T 864 Upton, F K Vege-men’s revenge (J) 372.4 U 8 m Welsh, L D Some of our friends (J) 372.4 W 466 Williston, T P Japanese fairy tales (J) 372.4 W 679 j Wilste, S Folklore stories and proverbs (J) 372.4 W 713 f Wright, J McNair Seaside and wayside (J) 372.4 W 938 s Self-education. Culture. Blackie, J S Self-culture 374 B 565 Eggleston, G C How to educate yourself 374 E 27 h Hale, E E How to do it 374 H 131 h Smiles, S Self-help 374 S 36 s Thrift: sequel to “Self-help” 374 S 36 t Spurgeon, C John Ploughman’s talks 377 S 94 j Public schools. State education. United States Government Report of Commissioner of education for 1907 . 373. 73 U e2Vl Report of Commissioner of education for 1907 373.73 U 2 e V 2 Commerce. Webster, C General history 380 W 399 Folk-lore. Proverbs. Baldwin, J Story of Roland (J) 398 B 19 s Harris, J C Nights with Uncle Remus 398 H 242 n Uncle Remus and his friends 398 H 242 u Kingsford, A Dreams and dream stories 398.7 H 612 d Judd, M C Wigwam stories: told by North American Indians (J) 398 J 884 w Lover, S Legends and stories of Ireland 398 L 945 1 Montgomery, D H Heroic ballads .398.8 M 766 h PHILOLOGY. Baker, Arthur American Esperanto book 400 B 147 a Asbury, G B Language for men: part III 402 A 184 1 Language for men: part IV 402 A 184 la Rhodes, J English Esperanto dictionary 403 R 352 e Comparative. Clodd, E Story of the alphabet 411 C 621 a English Philology. Hawkins, E Spelling book (Indiana Series) 421 H 314 s Indiana School Book Company Spelling book 421 I 1 S NON-FICTION 23 Muller, F M Biographies of words and the home of the aryas 422 M 915 b Webster, N Common school dictionary 423 W 396 Collegiate dictionary (*) 423 W 396 c New concise dictionary (*) 423 W 396 co Collegiate dictionary with appendix (*) 423 W 396 col International dictionary (*) 423 W 396 i Graham, G T English synonymes 424 G 76 s Baskerville, W M English grammar 425 B 311 g Conklin, B Y English grammar and composition 425 C 761 Harvey, T W English grammar 425 H 262 g Hyde, M F English grammar: part I (*) 425 H 999 English grammar and composition: part II 425 H 999 g Kerl, S English grammar 425 K 457 g Kimball, L Structure of the English sentence 425 K 565 s Maxwell, W H English grammar (*) 425 M 451 g Meiklejohn, J M D English grammar: composition and punctuation 425 M 477 g Reed, A English grammar (*) 425 R 253 g Swinton, W Grammar (*) 425 S 641 g Scott, S N Lesson in English; Book I 425 S 81 e Lesson in English; Book II 425 S 81 1 Wisely, J B English grammar (*) 425 W 754 g Compton, A G Some common errors of speech 428.3 C 739 s Frink, H A New century speaker 428.7 F 917 s Fulton, R I Choice readings 428.7 F 956 c Kittredge, G L Mother tongue books 428 K 658 V 1 Mother tongue books 428 K 658 V 3 Patterson, C American word book (a spalling book) 428.1 P 274 a Welsh, A H First lessons in English 428 W 465 White, R G Words and their uses: past and present 428 W 588 w German. Adler, G J German-English dictionary Dippold, G T Scientific German reader Joynes, E S German grammar Leffing, G E Minna Von Barnhelm (German reader) Hempl, G Easiest German reader for learners French. Spiers, A French and English pronouncing dictionary Joynes, E S Minimum French grammar and reader. . . Spanish. Monsanto, H M Practical course in Spanish 460 M 793. s Velazquez de la Cadena, M Pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English Language 463 V 324 d Latin. Andrews, E A Grammar of the Latin language 470 A 261 Minor Languages. Kierst, W Polish-English and English-Polish dictionary .491.85 K 545 d NATURAL SCIENCE. Darwin, C Naturalist's voyage: geology and natural history of various countries 508.3 D 259 n .443 S 686 f 445 J 859 f . .430 A 161 g . . .430 D 625 s . . .430 J- 859 g 430 L 522 m 438.2 H 377 g 24 NON-FICTION Mathematics. Bailey, M A American mental arithmetic (*) 511 B 166 American comprehensive arithmetic 511 B 166 a Cook, J W Advanced arithmetic 511 C 772 a Dubbs, E Complete mental arithmetic (*) 511 D 851 a Hamilton, S Elementary arithmetic 511 H 183 a Complete arithmetic 511 H 183 c Hawkins, E Complete arithmetic (*) 511 H 314 a Indiana School Book Company. Complete arithmetic (*) 511 I 1 a Kirk, A Elementary arithmetic (*) 511 K 635 a Model business arithmetic 511 K 635 b Model second book in arithmetic 511 K 635 m Milne, W J Mental arithmetic (*) 511 M 635 a McNeil, I C Mental arithmetic (*) 511 N 233 a Olney, E Practical arithmetic 511 0 61 a Raub, A N Werner mental arithmetic (*) 511 R 191 a Rich, A W Higher arithmetic 511 R 371 a Walsh, J H Grammar school arithmetic .511 W 168 Wentworth, G A Grammar school arithmetic . .511 W 488 White, E E First book of arithmetic 511 W 582 Elementary arithmetic 511 W 582 a Davies, W M Elementary algebra 512 D 292 a Milne, W J High school algebra 512 M 635 h Ray, J Complete algebra 512 R 213 a Elementary algebra 512 R 213 e Sensenig, D M Elementary algebra 512 S 122 a Wells, W Algebra for secondary schools 512 W 463 a Cone, A Perspective 515.61 C 661 p Olney, E Elementary geometry 515 O 61 g Astronomy. Chambers, G F Eclipses 521.8 C 354 e Stars 523.8 C 354 s Solar system 523.2 C 354 so Flammarion, C Wonders of the heavens 523.2 F 612 h Guillemin, A Wonders of the sun 523.7 G 946 s Lacland, W Wonders of the meteors 523.5 L 118 m Gillespie, W M Land surveying .526.9 G 412 s Robinson, H N Surveying and navigation 526.9 R 562 s Physics. Daniell, A Principles of physics 530 D 221 p Dolbear, A E First principles of natural philosophy 530.1 D 686 n Norton, S Elements of physics 530 N 827 p Slate, F Principles of mechanics 531 S 35 p Tyndall, J Sound 534 T 978 s Child, C T How and why of electricity: for non-technical readers 537 C 436 h Everett, J D Elementary natural philosophy: electricity and magnetism .537 E 31 e Munro, J Electricity 537 M 926 e Chemistry. Avery, E M Chemistry 540 A 38 c Comstock, J L Elements of chemistry 540 C 73 c Gorham, J Elements of chemical science 540 G 673 c NON-FICTION 25 Geology. Dana, J D Geology 550 D 192 g Miller, H Old red sandstone 550 M 614 s Shaler, N S First book in geology 550 S 131 g Seeley, H G Earth: past ages 550 S 34 s Archibald, D Atmosphere 551 A 25 Davis, W M Physical geography 551.4 D 299 g Dawson, J W Earth and man 551 D 325 m Dryer, C R Lessons in physical geography 551.4 D 848 p Geikie, J Great ice age 551 G 185 g Hutchinson, H N Hills 551.43 H 973 s Judd, J W Volcanoes 551.21 J 883 v Miller, H Footprints of the Creator 551 M 614 f Waldo, F Elementary meteorology 551.5 W 147 Martin, E A Piece of coal 553 M 363 c Biology. Conn, H W Story of the living machine: physiology 570 C 762 m Anderson, R E Extinct civilizations of the west 571 A 232 c Clodd, E Primitive man 571 C 621 m Figuier, L World before the deluge 571 F 44 w Mac Lean, J P Mound builders 571.91 M 224 m Fewkes, J W American ethnology and archaeology (Complete) 572 F 437 American ethnology and archaeology 572 F 437 a V 1 American ethnology and archaeology 572 F 437 a V 2 American ethnology and archaeology 572 F 437 a V 3 American ethnology and archaeology 572 F 437 a V 4 Morley, H Vestiges of the natural history of creation 575 M 826 v Romanes, G J Darwin and after Darwin 575 R 662 d V 1 Darwin and after Darwin 575 R 662 d V 2 Darwin and after Darwin 575 R 662 d V 3 Botany. Atkinson, G F First studies of plant life (J) 580 A 54 Bergen, F D Glimpses at the plant world (J) 580 B 453 Educational Publishing Company Garden and field (J) 580 E 83 Gray, A Elements of botany 580 G 791 e Hale, G E Little flower people (J) 580 H 132 1 Herrington. A Chrysanthemum (*) 580 H 436 c Hooker, J D Botany 580 H 763 b Morley, M Flowers and their friends (J) 580 M 827 f Ruskin, J Proserpina: study of wayside flowers 580 R 897 p Wilkinson, F Cotton plant 580 W 654 s Allen, G Plants 581 A 531 Beal, W J Seed dispersal 581 B 364 Figuier, L Vegetable world 581 F 44 v Gray, A Manual of the botany of the northern U. S. 581.9 G 791 b Lubbock, J British wild flowers 581 . 16 L 962 Morley, M Little wanderers (J) 581 M 827 1 Ellwanger, H B Rose: history and characteristics of (*) 583.37 E 53 r Conn, H W Germ life . 589 C 762 g Zoology. Agassig, L Methods of study in natural history 590 A 18 Carter, M H Animal stories 590 C 245 a 26 NON-FICTION Carter, W H Bear stories 590 C 245 b Dog stories 590 C 245 d Panther stories 590 C 245 p Holden, G F Marvels of animal life 590 H 711 1 Hooker, W Natural history 590 H 766 n Jordan, D S Animal life 590 J 762 a Long, W J Little brother to the bear 590 L 854 b Northern trails 590 L 854 n Wood folk at school . (J) 590 L 854 s School of the woods 590 L 854 sc Secrets of the woods (J) 590 L 854 se Ways of wood folk (J) 590 L 854 w Wilderness ways (J) 590 L 854 wi Lubbock, J Popular natural history 590 L 962 n Reese, D M Elements of zoology 590 R 262 z Wood, J G Common objects of the country 590 W 852 c Natural history 590 W 852 n Common objects of the sea-shore 590 W 852 s Hickson, S H Life in the seas .591 H 525 s Poulton, E B Colour of animals 591 P 865 c Roberts, C G D Haunters of the silence 591.5 R 541 h Wood, J G Homes without hands: habitation of animals 591.5 W 852 h Kingsley, C Glaucus; wonders of the shore 592 K 615 g Comstock, A B Ways of the six-footed (J) 595.7 C 783 f Darwin, C Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms 595.1 D 259 m Lubbock, J Ants, bees, and wasps 595.79 L 962 Materlinck, M Life of the bee 595.79 M 27 b Murtfeldt, M E Insect life (J) 595.7 M 869 Weed, C M Insect life (J) 595.7 W 417 Bullen, F T Denizens of the deep ; 597 B 873 Apgar, A C Birds of the U. S 598.23 A 31 Blanchan, N Bird neighbors 598.2 B 593 Finley, W L American birds 598 23 F 493 b Keyser, L In bird land 598.2 K 965 1 Miller, O First book of birds 598.2 M 615 b Wright, M O Birdcraft 598.2 W 934 Ingersoll, E Life of animals 599 I 5 a .Seton, E T Lives of the hunted 599 S 124 1 USEFUL ARTS. Hopkins, A A Scientific American cyclopedia (*) 603 H 774 c Chase, A Stories of industry (J) 604 C 387 V 1 Stories of industry (J) 604 C 387 V 2 Hale, E E Stories of invention 608 H 131 v Swift, R B Who invented the reaper? 608 S 697 r Medicine. Physiology. Hygiene. Beck, A Reference handbook for nurses (*) 610 B 392 n Stoney, E A Practical Materia Medica for nurses (*) 610 S 74 m Practical points in nursing (*) 610 S 74 n Bacteriology and surgical technic for nurses (*) 610 S 74 s Blaisdell, A F Physiology 612 B 577 p Brands, O M Physiology and hygiene 612 B 734 a Health lessons: physiology, hygiene, and narcotics 612 B 734 h Conn, H W Elementary physiology and hygiene 612 C 762 Dalton, J C Physiology and hygiene 612 D 171 p NON-FICTION 27 Huxley, T H Elements of physiology ar\d hygiene 612 H 892 p ■Jenkins, O P Primary lessons in human physiology 612 J 418 h Advanced lessons in human physiology 612 J 418 p Blaisdell, A F Our bodies and how we live 613 B 577 How to keep well 613 B 577 h Dunglison, R J Elementary physiology 613 D 921 p Hilton, J Rest and pain 613. 7 H 565 r Lincoln, D F Hygienic physiology 613 L 638 p Stall, S What a young man ought to know .613 S 121 w What a young boy ought to know 613 S 121 y Johnson, W G Fumigation methods 614.481 J 639 f Pearson, Dr Diseases of the horse (*) 614.9 P 317 h Eddy, M B Science and health. . 615.851 E 24 s Engineering. Merriman, M Strength of materials 620.1 M 522 m Brookes, L E Twentieth century machine shop practice 621 B 793 m Foster, H Electrical engineers handbook (*) 621.3 F 811 e Griffin, C L Machine design 621 G 875 m Hortsmann, H C Modern electrical construction 621.3 H 788 c Modern wiring diagram (*) 621.3 H 788 d Dynamo tending for engineers 621.3 H 788 dy International Library of Technology Lathes, planers, shapers, slotters, drilling, boring, and milling machinery 621.94 I 7 1 Storage batteries, incandescent lighting, arc lighting, interior wiring, modern electric lighting devices, electric signs, electric heating 621.3 I 7 s Chilled iron, gear cutting, grinding, bench, vise and floor work, tool gauge making 621.9 I 7 t Kent, W Mechanical engineers book (*) 621 K 33 e Leland-Dow Valve gears and indicators 621.1 L 539 v LeVan, W B Steam engine indicator (*) 621.1 L 576 s Marks-Wyer Gas engines and producers (*) 621.43 M 34 g Richards, F Compressed air 621.42 R 393 c Ritchey, J Pattern making 621 R 511 p Shaad, G C Power station and transmission 621.3 S 11 p Sinclair, A Twentieth century locomotives 621.13 S 221 1 Snow-Leland Steam engine 621.1 S 371 s Spangler, H W Elements of steam engineering (*) 621.1 S 392 s Swingle, C F Twentieth century handbook for engineers and electricians . ..(*) 621 S 693 c Steam boilers 621.1 S 693 s Tulley, H C Engineering 621 T 828 e Turner, F W Machine shop work 621 T 853 m Usher, J T Modern machinest 621.9 U 3 m Van Dervoort, W H Modern machine shop tools. 621.9 V 28 t Whittaker’s Arithmetic of electrical engineering y 621.3 W 621 e Merriman, M Roofs and bridges 624 M 522 b V 1 Roofs and bridges 624 M 522 b V 2 Roofs and bridges 624 M 522 b V 3 Roofs and bridges 624 M 522 b V 4 Warman, C Story of the railroad: building Canadian Pacific 625 W 236 r Folwell, A P Water-supply engineering 628.1 F 73 e Agriculture. Allen, R L American farm book 630 A 541 Bailey, L H Principles of agriculture 630.7 B 153 Burkett, C W Agriculture for beginners ' 630 B 918 Hall, B Three acres and liberty 630 H 141 t Mitchell, D G My farm at Edgewood 630 M 692 f Out of town places 630 M 692 o Wet days at Edgewood 631 M 692 w 28 NON-FICTION Roberts, I P Farmstead 630 R 542 f Roe, E P Home acre 630 R 62 h Streeter, J W Fat of land 630 S 519 f French, H Farm drainage 631 F 888 f King, FH Soil 631 K 586 s Morrow, G E Soils and crops 631 M 834 f Flint, C L Grasses and forage plants 633 F 647 g Roe, E P Success with small fruits u 634 R 62 f Roth, F First book of forestry 634.9 R 743 f Watson, G C Farm poultry 636.5 W 333 Young, E R My dogs in the north land 636.7 Y 85 m Domestic Economy. Eggleston, G C How to make a living 640 E 27 t Wihlfahrt, J E Baking (*) 641 W 641 b Communication. Commerce. Gannett, H Commercial geography 650 G 156 g Palmer, O R Type-writing and business correspondence 652 P 183 t Cross, J G Eclectic shorthand 653.07 C 885 s Munson, J E Art of phonography 653.62 M 928 p Edison, T A Telegraphy: self-taught 654 E 17 t Field, H M Atlantic telegraph 654.5 F 453 a Bishop, H G Practical printer (*) 655.3 B 54 p Kelley, W J Presswork (*) 655.32 K 299 p Tompson, S American railways 656. 973 T 376 a Gay, G Business book-keeping 657 G 25 b Key to high school book-keeping 657 G 25 k Gilbert, A L Modern book-keeping 657 G 372 m Goodwin, J H Improved book-keeping 657 G 634 Mayhew, I Eclectic complete book-keeping 657 M 454 b Key to the eclectic complete book-keeping 657 M 454 k Seavy, M Practical business book-keeping. ... 657 S 191 b Hill, T E Manual of business forms 658 H 556 m Moody, W D Men who sell things 658 M 773 m System Company Business man’s encyclopedia (*) 658 S 69 e V 1 Business man’s encyclopedia (*) 658 S 69 e V 2 Calkins, E Modern advertising 659 C 13 Manufactures. Blinn, L J Practical work-shop companion (*) 671 B 618 w Rose, J H Modern sheet-metal workers instructor 671 R 72 s Sharp, J Modern foundry practice 671 S 134 International Library of Technology Machine moulding, foundry appliances, malleable castings, blacksmithing, and forging 672 I 7 m Barrows, F W Pattern making 674 B 279 Hand, L H Pattern making and foundry practice 674 H 1 Q 4 p Mechanic Trades. Hopkins, G M How to make and how to mend 680 H 775 h Home mechanics for amateurs 680 H 775 m Westover, O A Scientific steel worker (*) 680 W 51 w Windsor, HH Shop notes 680 W 723 n V 1 Shop notes 680 W 723 n V 2 Shop notes 680 W 723 n V 3 Shop notes 680 W 723 n V 4 NON-FICTION 29 Holmstrom, J G Modern blacksmithing 682 H 744 b Richardson, M T Practical horseshoer 682.1 R 396 p Cockrell, D Bookbinding (*) 686 C 644 b Zachmsdorf, J W Art of bookbinding (*) 686 Z 1 b Building, Holford, H Toolsmith and steelworker 690.7 H 716 c Kidder, F E Building construction aud superintendence 690 K 538 b Markham, E R Tool making 690.7 M 341 t Fowler, N C Building business 692.4 F 838 b Hodgson, F T Builders and contractor's guide , 692.5 H 668 b Estimator and contracter's guide 692.5 H 668 c Kittredge, G W Metal worker pattern book 692 K 657 m Vosburgh, H K Tinsmith's helper and pattern book (*) 692.3 V 93 p Hodgson, F T Bricklayers' and masons’ assistant 693.2 H 668 a Practical bricklaying: self taught 693.2 H 668 b Concretes, cements, mortars, plasters and stucco 693.5 H 668 c Plaster and plastering 693 H 668 p Stone-cutter and masons’ assistant 693.12 H 668 s Stone masonry 693.1 H 668 st Maginnis, O Bricklaying 693.2 M 273 b Webb, W Reinforced concrete 693.5 W 384 r Hodgson, F T Modem carpentry 694 H 668 m Steel square 694 H 668 s V 1 Steel square 694 H 668 s V 2 International Library of Technology Patternmaking, molding, coremaking and cupola practice 694.1 I 7 c Townsend, G Carpentry and joinery 694 T 66 c Williams, D Roofing, cornice, and skylight manual (*) 695 W 672 r Clow, G B Up-to-date plumbing 696.1 C 626 p International Library of Technology Plumbing, gas fitting, heating and ven- tilation of buildings, painting, decorating, estimating and calculating quantities < . . . . 696. 1 I 7 p Donaldson, W Modern hot water heating, steam and gas flitting 697 D 716 m Snow, W G Furnace heating (*) 697.3 S 37 h Schumann, F Heating and ventilation (*) 697 S 79 m Arrowsmith, J Paper-hanger’s companion (*) 698.6 A 153 p Armstrong, G D Painter’s cyclopedia 698 A 57 c Hasluck, P N Graining and marbling (*) 698.1 H 275 g Henderson, R Sign painter (*) 698.1 H 381 s Pearce, W Painting and decorating (*) 698 H 314 h FINE ARTS. Garland, H Crumbling idols 704 G 184 c Landscape Gardening. Parsons, Jr S How to plan the home grounds 712 P 256 p Henderson, P Floriculture 716.2 H 383 f Architecture. Whigelt, G Architectural hardwood finishing (*) 729.4 W 575 h Drawing. Decoration. Design. Penfield, E Holland sketches (*) 741 P 37 h Delamotte, F Signist’s book of modern alphabets (*) 744 D 373 s 30 NON-FICTION Jamison, A P Elements of mechanical drawing 744 J m 236- Kenison, E Mechanical drawing .744 K 397 m. Reinhardt, C W Technic of mechanical drafting (*) 744 R 273' d. Westinghouse, C Mechanical drawing and machine design 744 W 526 m Day, L F Pattern design (*) 745 D 331 d Painting. Hoyt, D World’s painters 750 H 854 p Behrens, C Form and color (*) 752 B 395 c Delamotte, F Amateur artist .752 D 373 a Viardot, L Wonders of Italian art 759.5 V 423 w Engraving. Meadow, J Graphic arts and crafts year book (*) 760 M 462 c Music. Henderson, W J What is good music? (*) 780 H 3S2 g Story of music (*) 780 H'382 m Lavignac, A Music and musicians (*) 780 L 39 m Parry, CHH Evolution of the art of music (*) 780 P 249 e Ritter, F L Music in America (*) 780 R 51 a Amusements. Cleveland, G Fishing and shooting sketches 799 C 595 f Greenfall, W T Harvest of the sea 799 G 837 h Holder, C F Log of a sea angler 799 H 71 a Big game at sea 799 H 71 g Rhead, L Bait angling for common fishes . .799 R 347 b Rich, W H Feathered game of the north east 799 R 399 f Roosevelt, T Good hunting 799 R 677 g Hunting the grizzly 799 R 677 gr Wilderness hunter 799 R 677 h Outdoor pastimes of an American hunter 799 R 677 o Hunting trips of a ranchman 799 R 677 r Sandys, E Upland game birds 799 S 113 u Shields, G O Cruising in the Cascades 799 S 141 c LITERATURE. Bellamy, B W Open sesame: poetry and prose (J) 800 B 415 V 1 Open sesame: poetry and prose (J) 800 B 415 V 2 Open sesame: poetry and prose (J) 800 B 415 V 3 Knight, C Half hours with best authors 800 K 743 a V 1 Half hours with best authors 800 K 743 a V 2 Half hours with best authors 800 K 743 a V 3 General Works. Azarias, Brother Phases of thought and criticism 801 A 15 c Poe, E A Literary criticism 801 P 752 c Brewer, E C Readers hand book (*) 803 B 785 Dictionary of phrase and fable (*) 803 B 785 d Quayle, W A Books and life 804 Q 389 1 Bartlett, J Familiar quotations (*) 808.8 B 284 f Lockwood, S E H Composition and rhetoric 808 L 814 Quackenbos, J D Practical rhetoric 808 Q 26 p NON-FICTION 31 Rabh, K M National epics 808.8 R 112 n Reed, T B Modern eloquence (Anecdotes) 808 R 252 a Modern eloquence (Addresses) 808 R 252 ad Modern eloquence (Lectures) 808 R 252 1 Stone, G Trees in prose and poetry 808 S 72 t Wooley, E C Composition 808 W 883 h American Literature. Chappie, J Heart throbs in prose and verse 810.8 C 834 h Taylor, B Echo club 810 T 213 e Wright, H C Children’s stories in American literature (J) 810 W 93 American Poetry. Aldrich, T B Poems Wyndham towers Bryant, W C Poems Byers, S H M March to the sea Cary, A Poems Carleton, W City legends Farm legends Farm festivals Dickinson, E Poems Poems Poems Dodge, M M When life is young Dunbar, P L (Colored Poet) Lyrics of the hearthside Lyrics of lowly life Eggleston, G C American war ballads and lyrics Emerson, R W Poems Field, E Love songs of childhood Gardner, C Stolen waters Halleck, F G Poems Hay, J Poems Holland, J G Bitter Sweet Holley, M (Josiah Allen’s wife) Poems Holmes, O W Poems Grandmother’s story Lazarus, E Poems Longfellow, H W Poems Evangeline, Hiawatha, and the courtship of Miles Standish Lowell, J R Poems and Biglow papers Poe, E A Poems Praigg, D F Almetta Riley, J W Armazindy Afterwhiles Child rhymes Rubaiyat of Doc Sifers Flying islands of the night Green fields and running brooks Home-folks Love lyrics Neighborly poems Poems here at home Pipes O’Pan at Zekesbury Rhymes of childhood Thompson, M Poems 811 A 24 811 A 24 w 811.33 B 841 811 B 998 s 811 C 188 p 811 C 193 c 811 C 193 f 811 C 193 ff 811 D 56 V 1 811 D 56 V 2 811 D 56 V3 (J) 811 D 664 w 811 D 911 h 811 D 911 1 811 E 27 811.39 E 33 p .(J) 811.47 F 454 c 811.4 G 171 s 811.31 H 153 p 811. 48 H 322 p 811.3 H 719 b 811.4 H 724 p 811.4 H 737 p 811.4 H 737 s 811 L 456 p 811.34 L 86 p 811.34 L 86 po 811.37 L 952 p 811.32 P 752 p 811 P 884 a 811.4 R 453 a 811.4 R 453 af 811.4 R 453 c 811.4 R 453 d 811.4 R 453 f 811.4 R 453 g 811.4 R 453 h 811.4 R 453 1 811.4 R 453 n 811.4 R 453 p 811.4 R 453 pi 811.4 R 453 r 811.49 T 375 p 32 NON-FICTION Trowbridge, J T Poems 811 T 759 p Upham, T C American cottage life * 811 U 1 p Van Dyke, H Poems .811 V 288 p Whitman, W Leaves of grass 811.38 W 596 Whittier, J G Complete poems 811.36 W 618 p Wilcox, E W Maurine: and other poems 811.4 W 643 m American Essays. Burroughs, J Fresh fields 814.41 B 946 f Locusts and wild honey 814.41 B 946 1 Pepaction 814.41 B 946 p Emerson, R W Essays 814.36 E 33 e Nature addresses and lectures 814.36 E 33 n Grant, R Opinions of a philosopher 814.4 G 767 o Gray, W C Camp-fire musings 814.4 G 795 c Holmes, O W Autocrat of the breakfast table 814.4 H 737 a Professor at the breakfast table 814.4 H 737 p Over the tea cups 814.4 H 737 t Pages from an old volume of life 814.4 H 737 v Lodge, H C Historical and political essays 814.41 L 82 h Munsterberg, H American traits. . 814.44 M 944 a Smith, F H A day at Laguerre’s 814.4 S 56 a Van Dyke, H Little rivers 814.43 V 288 1 Days off 814.43 V 288 o American Oratory. Webster, D Adams and Jefferson 815.27 W 392 a Laying of the corner-stone of Bunker-hill monument 815.27 W 392 c Character of Washington 815.26 W 392 ch Reply to Hayne 815.27 W 392 h Master-pieces 815.27 W 392 m American Satire and Humor. Browne, B F Complete works of Artemus Ward 817.47 B 817 a Burdette, R J Chimes from a jester’s bells 817.43 B 897 c Clemens, S L (Mark Twain) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 817.44 C 59 a Life on the Mississippi 817.44 C 591 Man that corrupted Hadleyburg .817.44 C 59 m Roughing it 817.44 C 59 r Tramp abroad 817.44 C 59 t Pudd’nhead Wilson 817.44 C 59 w Curtis, G W Potiphar papers 817 C 943 p Dunne, P Dissertations 817.4 D 922 d Mr. Dooley in peace and war 817.4 D 922 do Eaton, S Roosevelt bears 817.4 E 85 t Irving, W Astoria: an enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains 817.24 I 8 a Bracebridge hall 817.24 I 8 b Captain Bonneville 817.24 I 8 c Crayon papers 817.24 I 8 cr Knickerbocker’s history of New York 817.24 I 8 k Sketch-book: contains “Rip Van Winkle” “Legend of Sleepy Hollow”; etc ! 817.24 18 s Tales of a traveler 817.24 I 8 t Knowles, F L Poetry of American wit and humor 817 K 762 p Landon, M (Eli Perkins) Thirty years of wit .817.4 L 41 w Mason, E Humorous masterpieces 817 M 383 h NON-FICTION 33 Nye, E W (Bill Nye) Humorous history of England 817.47 N 982 e Remarks: comic sketches .817.47 N 982 r Paget, R L Poetry of American wit and humor 817 P 147 p Warner, C D Backlog studies . 817.41 W 242 b Being a boy (J) 817.41 W 242 be American Miscellany. Mitchell, D G (Ik Marvel) Reveries of a bachelor 818.32 M 692 r Seven stories with basement and attic ,818.32 M 692 s English Literature. Taine, H A History of English literature 820 T 137 h V 1 History of English literature 820 T 137 h V 2 English Poetry. Arnold, M Poems 821 A 64 Arnold, E Light of the world: a poem 821.88 A 67 w Bailey, P J Festus: a poem 821.87 B 155 Browning, R Poems 821.83 B 821 Browning, E B Poems 821.82 B 822 Aurora Leigh: a poem 821.82 B822a Burns, R Poems 821.67 B 937 Bryon, Lord Poems 821.76 B 996 Campbell, T Poems 821 C 154 Chancer, G Poems 821.17 C 395 Coleridge, S T Poems 821.72 C 687 Goldsmith, O Poems, plays, and essays 821.64 G 574 w V 1 Poems, plays, and essays 821.64 G 574 w V 2 Hudson, H N Text-book of poetry 821 H 868 p Ingelow, J Poems ,< 821.89 I 4 p Keats, J Poems .821.78 K 22 p Kipling, R Departmental ditties 821.8 K 629 d Macaulay, Lord Lays of ancient Rome 821.87 M 126 1 Meredith, O Poems 821 M 542 p Milton, J Poems: Paradise lost and Paradise regained 821.47 M 642 p Moore, T Lalla Rookh 821.75 M 786 1 Poems: odes of anacreon 821.75 M 786 p V 1 Poems; national airs 821.75 M 786 p V 2 Poems: loves of the angels 821.75 M 786 p V 3 Pope, A Poems 821.53 P 811 p Scott, W Lady of the lake: a poem 821.74 S 12 1 Marmion: war poem 821.74 S 12 m Complete poems 821.74 S 12 p Shelley, P B Poems 821.77 S 142 p Swinburne, A D Poems 821.86 S 692 p Tennyson, A Poetic and dramatic works 821.81 T 258 p Tupper, J L Poems 821 T 839 p Tupper, M F Poems *, 821 T 841 p Wordsworth, W Complete poems 82L71 W 891 p English Drama. Lamb, C Tales from Shakespeare (J) 822 L 165 s Shakespeare, W Anthony and Cleopatra 822.33 S 5 a As you like it . 822.33 S 5 as Coriolanus 822.33 S 5 c 34 NON-FICTION Shakespeare, W Cymbeline 822.33 S 5 cy King Henry the Eight 822.33 S 5 e King Henry the Fifth 822.33 S 5 f King Henry the Fourth 822.33 S 5 h V 1 King Henry the Fourth 822.33 S 5 h V 2 Hamlet 822.33 S 5 ha Julius Caesar 822.33 S 5 j King John 822.33 S 5 k King Lear 822.33 S 5 kl Macbeth 822.33 S 5 m Merchant of Venice 822.33 S 5 me Midsummer night’s dream 822.33 S 5 mi Much ado about nothing 822.33 S 5 mu Othello 822.33 S 5 o Romeo and Juliet 822.33 S 5 r King Richard the Second 822.33 S 5 rs King Richard the Third 822.33 S 5 rt Tempest 822.33 S 5 t Twelfth night 822.33 S 5 tw Winter’s tale .822.33 S 5 w English Essays. Bacon, F Essays 824 B 133 Birrel, A Res Judicatae 824 B 539 Brown, J Jacobite family 824 B 813 j Locke and Sydenham 824 B 813 1 Marjorie Fleming 824 B 813 m Rab and his friends 824 B 813 r Carlyle, T Miscellaneous essays 824.82 C 199 V 1 Miscellaneous essays 824.82 C 199 V 2 Heroes and hero worship 824.82 C 199 h Past and present 824.82 C 199 p Sartor Resartus 824.82 C 199 s De Quincey, T Confession of an English opium eater 824.81 D 443 o Goldsmith, O Essays 824.66 G 574 e Lamb, C Essays of Elia 824.75 L 165 e Lubbock, J Pleasures of life 824 L 962 p Macaulay, Lord Miscellaneous works: political and historical essays 824.83 M 129 w V 1 Miscellaneous works: political and historical essays 824.83 M 129 w V2 Miscellaneous works: political and historical essays 824.83 M 129 w V 3 Miscellaneous works: biographies 824.83 M 129 w V 4 Miller, H Essays: historical, political, social and. scientific 824 M 614 e Mitford, M R Our village: rural sketches .824 M 698 v Ruskin, J Crown of wild olive: lectures on art 824.86 R 897 c Sesame and lilies 824.86 R 897 s Saintsbury, G Corrected impressions 824.89 S 8 i Stevenson, R L Amateur emigrant: Clyde to Sandy Hook 824.87 S 48 a Thackeray, W M Denis Duval. 824.88 T 32 d Miscellaneous essays 824.88 T 32 e English Oratory. Burke, E Conciliation with America 825.62 B 917 c English Letters, Chesterfield, L Letters, sentences and maxims 826.52 C 426 NON-FICTION 35 English Satir and Humor. Foster, D S Spanish castles by the Rhine 827.86 F 812 s Jerome, J K Diary of a pilgrimage 827.85 J 484 d Stage-land 827.85 J 484 s Three men in a boat 827.85 J 484 t Second thoughts of an idle fellow 827.85 J 484 th Thackeray, W M Roundabout papers 827.82 T 32 r English Miscellany. Babtist Young Peoples Union Favorite quotations. 858 B 229 f Germsn Poetry. Goethe, J W von Poems 831.6 G 555 p Schiller, F Poems 831.6 S 33 p German Drama. Lessing, G E Dramatic works 832.61 S 567 d Schiller, F Maid of Orleans, Mary Stuart, and Don Carlos 832.63 S 33 d Historical dramas 832.63 S 33 h Early dramas and romances 832.63 S 33 s Wilhelm Tell (German text) 832.63 S 33 w Minor Teutonic Literatures. Andersen, H C Danish fairy legends and tales 839.8 A 23 d French Drama. Rostand, E Cyrano De Bergerac 842.8 R 739 c French Essays. Maeterlink, M Measure of the hours 844.8 M 27 m Wisdom and destiny 844.8 M 27 w Wagner, C Simple life 844.8 W 125 French Miscellany. Guerber, H A Contes et Legendes: legends and fairy tales (French text) 848 G 935 1 Italian Poetry. Dante, A Divine comedy; Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise (translation) 851.15 D 235 c Latin Epic Poetry. Virgil ACneid (translation) 873. 1 V 778 a Latin Oratory. Cicero Orations (translation) 875 C 485 o V 1 Orations (translation) 875 C 485 o V 2 Orations (translation) 875 C 485 o V 3 Latin Letters. Antoninus, M Meditations (translation) 876.4 A 68 m Brown, W L Helpful thoughts from the meditations of Antoninus (translation) 876.4 B 818 h 36 NON-FICTION Latin Miscellany. Seneca, L A Morals (translation) 878.5 S 344 m Greek Epic Poetry. Church, A J Story of the Iliad 883.1 C 477 i Story of the Odyssey 883.1 C 477 o Homer Iliad (translation) 883.1 H 752 i Odyssey (translation) 883.1 H 752 o Greek Miscellany. Plutarch Lives of Angesilaus, Pompey and Phocion (translation) 888.8 P 747 a Lives of Alcibiades, Aristides, Coriolanus, Cato (translation) . . . .888.8 P 747 al Lives of illustrious men (complete) 888.8 P 747 c Lives of illustrious men (translation) 888.8 P 747 p V 1 Lives of illustrious men (translation) 888.8 P 747 p V 2 Lives of illustrious men (translation) 888.8 P 747 p V 3 Xenophon Expedition of Cyrus the Younger, and the retreat of the ten thousand, (Greek text) 888.3 X 25 e Literature of Minor Languages. Khayyam, Omar Rubaiyat (translation) 891 K 576 r HISTORY. Myers, P V N General history 900 M 999 h Smith, A H China and America to-day 900 S 57 c Creasy, E S Fifteen decisive battles of the world: Marathon to Waterloo 904 C 86 m Knox, T W Decisive battles since Waterloo 904 K 777 d Mackenzie, R America 909 M 196 h Nineteenth century 909 M 196 hi Geography and Travels. General. Appleton, D Physical geography 910 A 56 p Armstrong, W N Around the world with a King 910.4 A 58 Ballou, M M Footprints of travel 910 B 214 f Due west; round the world in ten months 910.4 B 214 w Bryan, W J Old world and its ways 910 B 844 w Creelman, J On the great highway 910.3 B 863 o Dana, Jr R H Two years before the mast 910 D 194 t Frye, A E Advanced geography 910 F 948 Introductory geography 910 F 948 g Hart, J Levantine log book 910.9 H 254 1 Jacobs, J Geographical discovery 910 J 153 g Johnson, W H World's discoverers: bold voyages by brave navigators 910 J 649 w Kingston, W H G Saved from the sea 910 K 618 s Lubbock, B Round the world before the mast 910.4 L 963 h Red way, J W Natural advanced geography 910 R 249 a Natural primary geography 910 R 249 p Singleton, E Romantic castles and palaces 910.8 S 216 r Stockton, F R Roundabout rambles (J) 910 S 427 r Tarr, R S Home geography (first book) 910 T 177 g Weppner, M North star and the southern cross 910 W 49 Historical. Rawlinson, G Origin of nations 911.3 R 198 n NON-FICTION 37 Maps. Atlases. Cram, G F Atlas of the world (*) 912 C 848 a Antiquities. De Lanoye, F Rameses the Great: Egypt 3300 years ago 913 D 383 a Dyer, T H Pompeii: its buildings and antiquities '913.37 D 98 p Seiss, J A Miracle in stone: the great pyramid of Egypt 913.32 S 128 m Travel in Europe. Aldrich, T B From Ponkapog to Pesth 914 A 24 f Ballou, M M Due north: Scandinavia and Russia 914 B 214 n Byers, S H M Twenty years in Europe 914 B 998 e Carpenter, F G Europe 914 C 224 e Clemens, S L (Mark Twain) Innocents abroad 914 C 59 i Longfellow, H W Outre-mer; a pilgrimage beyond the sea 914 L 86 o Taylor, B By ways of Europe 914 T 213 b Views a-foot 914 T 213 v Travel in Great Britain. Johnson, C Land of heather: Scotland .914.1 J 63 1 Carnegie, A An American four-in-hand in Britain 914.2 Q 215 Hawthorne, N Our old home 914.1 H 319 o Jerrold, W Highways and byways in Kent 914.2 J 476 h Read, D H M Highways and byways in Hampshire 914.2 R 224 h Smith, G Trip to England 914.2 S 571 t Tozier, J Among English inns 914.2 T 669 a Warner, A Seeing England with Uncle John 914.2 W 241 e Travel in Germany and Austria. Dawson, W H Germon life in town and country 914.3 D 328 c Fraprie, F R Little pilgrimages among Bavarian inns 914.33 F 86 1 Palmer, F H E Austro-Hungarian life in town and country 914.36 P 182 a Travel in France. Gibson, C Among French inns 914.4 G 357 a Lynch, H French life in town and country 914.4 L 989 f Davis, R H About Paris 914. 436 D 297 p Travel in Italy. Hawthorne, N Passages from the French and Italian note-books 914.5 H 319 p Howells, W D Italian journeys 914.5 H 839 i Villari, L Italian life in town and country 914.5 V 713 i Smith, F H Gondola days 914.5 S 56 d Travel in Spain. Andersen, H C In Spain and a visit to Portugal 914.6 A 23 s Field, H M Gibraltar 914.6 F 457 g Higgin, L Spanish life in town and country 914.6 H 534 s Irving, W Alhambra: story of Moors in Spain 914 6 I 8 a Travel in Russia. Beveridge, A J Russian advance 914.7 B 469 38 NON-FICTION Palmer, F H E Russian life in town and country 914.7 P 183 r Hapgood, I Russian rambles 914.7 H 21 r Travel in Scandinavia and minor countries of Europe. Du Chaillu, P B Land of the midnight sun 914.8 D 856 1 V 1 Land of the midnight sun 914.8 D 856 1 V 2 Taylor, B Northern travel 914.8 T 213 n Andersen, H C Pictures of travel in Sweden 914.85 A 23- Heidenstam, G Von Swedish life in town and country 914.85 H 89 & Hough, D M Dutch life in town and country 914.92 H 815 d Boulger, D C Belgian life in town and country 914.93 B 665 Story, A T Swiss life in town and country .914.94 S 76 s Garnett, L J Turkish life in town and country 914.96 G 187 t Curtis, W E Turk and his lost provinces 914.99 C 947 t Travel in Asia. Allen, Jr T G Across Asia on a bicycle 915 A 542 Carpenter, F G Asia 915 C 224 as Travel in China and Japan. Hue, M Travels in Tartary, Tibet, and China 915.1 H 861 t Landon, P Opening of Tibet 915.15 L 235 t Knox, T W Boy travelers in the far east: Japan and China (J) 915.2 K 777 j Schwartz, H B In Togo’s country 915.2 S 334 c Travel in India, Persia and Turkey. Taylor, B Arabia 915.3 T 213 a Ballou, M M Pearl of India 915.48 B 214 p Warner, CD In the Levant 915.6 W 242 i Travel in Siberia and other countries of Asia. Kennan, G Tent life in Siberia 915.7 K 361 s Charles, A Wanderings over Bible lands and sea 915.9 C 39 Curtis, G W Howajdi in Syria 915.94 C 943 h Curtis, W E To-day in Syria and Palestine 915.94 C 947 s Travel in Africa. Carpenter, F G Africa 916 C 224 a Knox, T W In wild Africa (J) 916 K 777 a Landon, H S Across wildest Africa 916 L 236 a V 1 Across wildest Africa 916 L 236 a V2 Curtis, G W Nile notes of a Howajdi 916.2 C 943 n Curtis, W E Egypt, Burma, and British Malaysia 916.2 C 947 e Edwards, A B Thousand miles up the Nile 916.2 E 95 t Drummond, H Tropical Africa 916.7 D 844 t Du Chaillu, P B Country of the Dwarfs 916.7 D 856 c African forest and jungle 916.7 D 856 i Stanley, H M Through the dark continent 916.7 S 431 t V 1 Through the dark continent 916.7 S 431 t V 2 Taylor, B South Africa 916.8 T 213 s Davis, R H With both armies 916.8 D 297 w Travel in North America. Carpenter, F G North America. . 917 C 224 na NON-FICTION 39 King, C F This country of ours 917 K 582 c Shaler, N S Our continent (J) 917 S 131 s Warman, Cy Tales of an engineer 917 W 236 e Morley, M Down north and up along 917.1 M 827 d Wallace, D Lure of the Labrador wild 917.19 W 155 1 Long Labrador trail 917.26 W 155 t Travel in Mexico, Central America and West Indies. Ballou, M M Aztec land 917.2 B 214 a Smith, F H White umbrella in Mexico 917.2 S 56 w Butterworth, H Lost in Nicaragua (J) 917.285 B 982 1 Hearn, L Two years in the French West Indies 917.29 H 351 t Ballou, M M Due South: Cuba past and present 917.291 B 214 s Kirchner, A Flag of Cuba 917.291 K 633 f Robinson, A G Porto Rico of to-day 917.295 R 561 p Travel in United States. Carnegie, A Triumphant democracy 917.3 C 215 t Dickens, C American notes and pictures from Italy 917.3 D 555 a Strong, J Our country 917.3 S 88 o Bacon, E M Historic pilgrimages in New England 917.34 B 132 Crawford, M C Little pilgrimages among old New England inns 917.34 C 859 i Johnson, C New England and its neighbors 917.34 J 63 n Highways and byways of the Mississippi valley 917.36 J 63 h Highways and byways of the south 917.36 J 63 b Smith, R Tour of the four great rivers: in 1769 917.4 S 572 r Aldrich, T B An old town by the sea: Portsmouth 917.42 A 24 a Hawthorne, N Passages from the American note books. 917.44 H 319 a V 1 Passages from the American note books 917.44 H 319 a V 2 Curtis, G W Lotus-eating: up the Hudson river 917.47 C 943 1 Warner, CD In the wilderness: camping and hunting 917.47 W 242 w On horseback in Virginia 917.55 W 242 o Allen, J L Blue grass region of Kentucky 917. 69 A 53 b Th waites, R G On the storied Ohio 917.7 T 428 o Down historical waterways: Illinois and Wisconsin rivers 917.75 T 428 d Lummis, C F Tramp across the continent: from Ohio to California 917.8 L 971 t Parkman, Jr F California and Oregon trail 917.8 P 232 0 Remington, F Pony tracks: scouting among the Indians 917.8 R 284 t Austin, M Land of the little rain: in the Sierra country 917.9 A 73 1 King, C Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada 917.9 K 585 m Ladd, H O Chunda; the Navajo Indians 917.91 L 12 c Taylor, B F Between the gates: description of California 917.94 T 212 b Taylor, B Eldorado: trip to California by way of Mexico 917.94 T 213 e Winthrop, C Canoe and the saddle 917.97 W 773 c Cook, F To the top of the continent; discovery, exploration, and adventure in Sub-Arctic Alaska 917.98 C 773c Travel in South America. Ballou, M M Equatorial America .918 B 214 e Bishop, N H Thousand mile walk across South America 918 B 542 Butterworth, H Over the Andes; travel and adventure (J) 918 B 982 o Carpenter, F G South America 918 C 224 sa Clark, F E Continent of opportunity 918 C 548 Curtis, W E Venezuela 918.7 C 947 v 40 NON-FICTION Travel in Oceanica and Polar Regions. Stevens, J E Yesterday in the Philippines 919.01 S 47 y Scidmore, E R Java: the garden of the east 919.2 S 231 j Ballou, M M Under the southern cross: Australia, New Zealand, etc 919.04 B 214 v Nansen, F First crossing of Greenland 919.08 N 158 g Schwatka, F Children of the cold (J) 919.08 S 95 c Thompson, A R Shipwrecked in Greenland 919.08 T 371 s Collective Biography. Haaran, J H Famous men of the middle ages (J) 920 A 241 h Speer, R E Young men who overcame 920 B 371 s Friswell, H Footsteps to fame 920 C 76 f Whitcomb, I Heroes of history (J) 920 C 76 w Bolton, S K How success is won 920 C 787 b Oliphant, M O W Makers of Florence 920 D 235 o c Thayer, W Turning points in successful careers 920 F 241 t Skinner, H P Boys who became famous men (J) 920 G 433 s Hale, E E Boys’ heroes (J) 920 H 395 h Hall, J Men of old Greece (J) 920 L 553 h Bancroft, W D McKinley, Garfield, and Lincoln 920 M 215 b Bouve, P C American heroes and heroines 920.3 M 366 b Bolton, S K Poor boys who became famous 920 P 311 b Edgar, G J Boyhood of great men 920 S 12 e Bolton, S K Famous American statesmen 920 W 277 b Pierson, H W Lives of the Presidents of the U. S. (J) 920.073 W 277 p Farrar, F W Seekers after God 921.9 S 319 f Irving, W Mahomet and his successors 922.97 M 279 i Wyeth, W N A galaxy in the Burman sky 922 P 283 w Parton, J Famous Americans of recent times . 923.2 C 579 p Hale, E E Stories of the sea: told by sailors 923.5 C 723 h Stories of discovery: told by discoverers 923.9 C 723 ha Hubbard, E Hypatia and M. B. Eddy 923.7 E 63 h Evans, R D Sailor’s log 923.5 E 71 s Sparks, J Fulton, Warren, Hudson and Father Marquette 923 F 96 s Seawell M E Twelve naval captains 923.5 J 723 s Morris, C Heroes of discovery in America 923.9 L 65 m Hubbard, E Moses, Plato, Froeble andT. Arnold 923.7 M 852 h Baldwin, J Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln 923 W 277 b Hulbert, A B Pilots of the Republic 923.1 W 277 h Morris, C Heroes of the army in America 923 W 277 m Roosevelt, T Hero tales from American history (J) 923.2 W 277 r Sparks, J Wayne and Vane 923 W 367 s Morris, C Heroes of progress in America 923 W 675 m Jeans, W T Creators of the age of steel 926 B 466 j Turpin, E H L Famous painters 927.5 T 864 V 1 Famous painters 927.5 T 864 V 2 Hart, B Seven great American poets 928 B 841 h Bellamy, B W Twelve English poets 928 C 395 b Eggleston, G C First of the Hoosier’s 928 E 36 e Ancient History. Rawlinson, G Ancient Egypt 932 R 198 e Morrison, W D Jews under Rome 933 M 833 j Ragozin, Z A Assyria 935.2 R 127 a Chaldea 935.1 R 127 c Media, Babylon, and Persia 935.3 R 127 m < NON-FICTION 41 Rawlinson, G Parthia 935.6 R 198 p Gibbon, E Roman empire 937 G 352 h V 1 Roman empire 937 G 352 h V 2 Roman empire 937 G 352 h V 3 Roman empire 937 G 352 h V 4 Roman empire 937 G 325 h V 5 Roman empire 937 G 352 h V 6 Gilman, A Rome: earliest time to end of Republic 937 G 37 f Laing, C H B Heroes of the seven hills ' ' (J) 937 L 144 r Liddell, H Rome 937 L 916 r Myers, PVN Rome 937 M 999 h Cox, G W General history of Greece 938 C 838 g Tales of ancient Greece 938 C 838 t Curteis, A M Rise of the Macedonian empire 938.07 C 94 m Mahaffy, J P Alexander’s empire 937 M 278 a Myers, P V N History of Greece 938 M 999 h Church, A J Carthage 939.73 C 477 c Myers, PVN Eastern nations and Greece 939 M 999 e Rawlinson, G Phoenicia ,939.44 R 198 p MODERN HISTORY. Europe. Archer, T A Crusades 940.4 A 22 c Anonymous Americans in Europe 940 A 78 a Bradley, H Goths .940 B 731 Cox, G W Crusaders 940.4 C 838 c Douglas, A M Heroes of the crusades 940.4 D 745 h Emerton, E Introduction to the middle ages 940.1 E 37 m Robinson, J H Western Europe 940 R 563 e Watson, H C Camp-fires of Napoleon 940.8 W 334 White, J Eighteen Christian centuries 940 W 584 Scotland. Mackintosh, J Scotland 941 M 217 s Oliphant, MOW Royal Edinburgh: saints, kings, poets, prophets 941.44 0 3e Scott, W Tales of a grandfather 941 S 12 t V 1 Tales of a grandfather 941 S 12 t V 2 Tales of a grandfather 941 S 12 t V 3 Tales of a grandfather (abridged) 941 S 12 ta Ireland. Lawless, E Ireland 941.5 L 425 i England. Besant, W Fifty years ago 942.08 B 464 Blaisdell, A T Stories from English history (J) 942 B 577 e Brown, G P Our English grandfathers 942 B 816 s Caine, H Little Manx nation 942 C 123 Church, A J Early Britain 942.01 C 477 Dalgleish, W S Mediaeval England 942.02 D 157 m Dickens, C Young people’s history of England (J) 942 D 555 c Green, J R History of the English people 942 G 823 h V i History of the English people 942 G 823 h V 2 History of the English people 942 G 823 h V 3 42 NON-FICTION History of the English people 942 G 823 h V 4 History of the English people 942 G 823 h V 5 Jewett, S O Normans 942.02 J 555 n McCarthy, J History of our own times 942.08 M 127 h V 1 History of our own times 942.08 M 127 h V 2 History of our own times 942.08 M 127 h V3 History of our own times 942.08 M 127 h V 4 Montgomery, D H Leading facts of English history 942 M 766 e O’Reil, M J ohn Bull and his Island 942 O 14 j Parmele, M Brief historical sketch of England 942 P 241 e Pierson, H W England (J) 942 P 615 Germany and Austria. Abbott, JSC Austria 943.6 A 27 Bryce, J Holy Roman empire 943 B 843 Gould, S B Germany 943 G 72 g Lewis, C T Germany 943 L 584 g Maurice, C E Bohemia. 943.7 M 446 b Morfill, W R Poland .943.8 M 819 p Parmele, M Brief historical sketch of Germany 943 P 241 g Pierson, H W Germany (J) 943 P 615 Schiller, F Thirty years war in Germany 943 S 33 t Vambery, A Hungary 943.9 V 25 h Zimmern, H Hansa towns 943 Z 66 h France. Carlyle, T French revolution. ... 944.04 C 199 r Davenport, R A History of the Bastile 944.041 D 277 b Hugo, V History of a crime 944.07 H 875 h Lebon, A Modern France 944 L 493 f Masson, G Mediaeval France 944.02 M 388 f Montgomery, D H Leading facts of French history 944 M 766 f Pierson, H W France (J) 944 P 615 Italy. Duffy, B Tuscan republics: Florence, Siena, Pisa, Lucca 945.5 D 87 t Oliphant, MOW Makers of Venice 945.3 O 3 v Wiel, A Venice 945.3 W 636 Spain. Portugal. Hume, M Modern Spain 946 H 882 s Irving, W Conquest of Granada 946.03 I 8 c Spanish papers: legends and history of Spain 946 I 8 s Poole, S Moors in Spain 946 P 789 m Stephens, H M Portugal 946.9 S 46 p Watts, H E Christian recovery of Spain 946 W 349 Russia. Asakawa, K Russo-Japanese conflict 947.09 A 12 Morfill, W R Russia 947 M 819 r Weale, B L P Manchu and Muscovite 947.8 W 372 m Norway. Boyessen, H H Norway 948.1 B 696 NON-FICTION 43 Minor countries of Europe. Miller, W Balkans: Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, Montenegro 949.7 M 619 b Oman, C W C Byzantine empire 949.5 O 11 b Poole, S Turkey 949.6 P 789 t Rogers, JET Holland 949.2 R 631 h Stead R Switzerland 949.4 S 429 s Asia. Smith, M C Life in Asia 950 S 61 w Weale, B L P Coming struggle in eastern Asia 950 W 372 a Nevins, J China and the Chinese . . .951 N 419 c Murray, D Japan 952 M 961 j Frazer, R W British rule in India 954 F 869 i Karageorgevitch, B Enchanted India: country and people 954 K 146 i Younghusband, G J Story of the guides: mutiny in India 954 Y 88 g Benjamin, S G W Persia and the Persians # 955 B 438 p Persia 945 B 438 pe Africa. Poole, S Barbary Corsairs 961 P 789 b Cromer, Lord Modern Egypt 962 C 88 e V 1 Modern Egypt 962 C 88 e V 2 Ebers, G Egypt 962 E 19 e V 1 Egypt 962 E 19 e V 2 McCoan, J C Egypt 962 M 137 e Churchill, W S London to Ladysmith via Pretoria 968 C 475 1 Theal, G Me C South Africa 968 T 34 s North America. Brigham, A P Geographical influences of American history 970 B 768 Eggleston, E Tecumseh X '. 970.1 E 36 t Fynn, A J American Indian as a product of environment 970.6 F 994 a Howard, O O Life and experiences among our hostile Indians 970.1 H 249 i Jackson, H H Century of dishonor 970.5 J 134 c Johnson, W H French pathfinders in North America 970.18 J 649 f Starr, F American Indians: habits and mode of living 970.1 S 432 a Canada. British America. Parkman, F Old regime in Canada 971 P 231 c Count Frontenac and new France under Louis XIV 971 P 231 f Jesuits in North America 971 P 231 j Sifton, C Pictorial Canada 971 S 214 c Smith, G Canada and the Canadian question 971 S 571 c Mexico. Central Ameaica. Bryan, W S Our islands and their people (Cuba, Porto Rico) 972.9 B 842 Prescott, W H Conquest of Mexico 972 P 925 m V 1 Conquest of Mexico 972 P 925 m V 2 Conquest of Mexico 972 P 925 m V 3 United States. Abbott, W Battle fields and campfires 973.7 A 126 c Anderson, J J Grammar school history of the U. S 973 A 233 s Alger, R A Spanish- American war 973.89 A 35 44 NON-FICTION Bancroft, G History of the United States 973.2 B 22 h V 1 History of the United States 973.2 B 22 h V 2 History of the United States 973.2 B 22 h V 3 History of the United States 973.2 B 22 h V 4 History of the United States 973.2 B 22 h V 5 History of the United States 973.2 B 22 h V fr Blaisdell, A F Hero stories from American history (J) 973 B 577 h American history 973 B 577 s Brooks, E S Our war with Spain 973.89 B 79 Catherwood, M H Heroes of the middle west (French) 973.18 C 286- Coffin, C C Boys of '61: four years of fighting (J) 973.7 C 654 b Drum beat of the nation: first period of the rebellion (J) 973.7 C 654 d My days and nights on the battlefield (J) 973.7 C 654 m Building the nation: revolution to civil war (J) 973 C 654 n Coman, K Industrial history of the U. S 973 C 72 i Davis, R H Cuban and Porto Rican campaigns 973.89 D 297 c Eggleston, G C Red Eagle: war with Creeks in Alabama 973.55 E 27 r Eggleston, E Beginners of a nation 973.2 E 36 b History of the United States and its people 973 E 36 p Fiske, J Critical period of American history: adoption of constitution 973.3 F 547 a Discovery of America 973.1 F 547 d V 1 Discovery of America 973.1 F 547 d V 2 History of the United States 973 F 547 h Mississippi valley in the civil war 973.7 F 547 m American revolution 973.3 F 547 r V 1 American revolution 973.2 F 547 r V 2 Old Virginia and her neighbors 973.2 F 547 v V 1 Old Virginia and her neighbors 973.2 F 547 v V 2 Forsyth, G A Thrilling days in army life: Indian fighting 973.7 F 769 1 Foster, J W Pre-historic races of the U. S 973.111 F 814 h Gilman, A Making of the American nation (J) 973.3 G 37 a Colonization of America (J) 973.2 G 37 c Discovery and exploration of America (J) 973.1 G 37 d Glascock, W H Stories of Columbia (J) 973.15 G 461 c Gordy, W F History of the U. S 973 G 615 h Gordon, J B Reminiscences of the civil war 973.7 G 656 w Griffis, W E Romance of discovery 973.1 G 876 r Hall, T W Heroes of our revolution (J) 973.3 H 148 r Howard, G E Preliminaries of the revolution 973.3 H 251 p King, G De Soto and his men in the land of Florida 973.1 K 583 d Ladd, H War with Mexico 973.6 L 12 m Laut, A C Vikings of the Pacific 973.1 L 415 p Pathfinders of the west 973 L 415 w Lodge, H C Short history of the English colonies in America 973.2 L 82 c Story of the revolution 973.3 L 82 r McMaster, J B History of the people of the U. S 973 M 227 h V 1 History of the people of the U. S 973 M 227 h V 2 History of the people of the U. S 973 M 227 h V3 History of the people of the U. S 973 M 227 h V 4 History of the people of the U. S. 973 M 227 h V 5 History of the people of the U. S 973 M 227 h V 6 Montgomery, D H Leading facts of American history 973 M 766 Beginner’s American history (J) 973 M 766 b Student’s American history 973 M 766 s Moore, N Colony to commonwealth (J) 973.3 M 787 c Pilgrims and Puritans (J) 973.22 M 787 p Morris, C History of the U. S 973 M 836 s NON-FICTION 45 Mosby, J S War reminiscences 973.7 M 851 w Mowry, W A History of the U. S 973 M 873 h Parkman, F La Salle and the discovery of the great west 973.2 P 231 1 France and England in North America 973.2 P 231 n Perry, O Indiana in the Mexican war 973.62 P 42 m Pollard, J Battles of America (J) 973 P 762 Pratt, M L Colonial children (J) 973.2 P 888 c American history stories (J) 973.2 P 888 h V 1 American history stories (J) 973.2 P 888 h V 2 Pryor, R A Birth of the nation: founding of Jamestown 973.21 P 956 b Public School Publishing Company Pioneers of the revolution (J) 973.3 P 96 p Roosevelt, T Naval war of 1812 973.5 R 677 n V 1 Naval war of 1812 973.5 R 677 n V 2 Rough riders 973.89 R 677 r Ropes, J C Civil war; prior to the campaign of ’62 973.7 R 681 c V 1 Civil war; campaign of ’62 973.7 R 681 c V 2 Scudder, H E History of the U. S 973 S 123 h Semmes, R Service afloat 973.75 S 126 s Soley, J R Blockade and the cruisers 973.7 S 39 b Sailor boys of ’61 973.75 S 39 s Standard, M N Bacon’s rebellion 973.2 S 421 s Smith, G United States political history; 1492-1871 973 S 571 u Swinton, W Condensed school history of the U. S 973 S 694 h Vivian, T Fall of Santiago 973.895 V 838 f Wade, M H Coming of the white men (J) 973.2 W 119 c Ward, M A Old colony days 973.2 W 216 o Fiske, J Beginnings of New England 974 F 547 b Dutch and Quaker colonies in America 974.7 F 547 q V 1 Dutch and Quaker colonies in America 974.7 F 547 q V Gilman, A Story of the city of Boston 974.46 G 37 c Hawthorne, N Whole history of grandfather’s chair: New England 1620-92 . 974.4 H 319 g Grandy, H W New south 975 G 755 s Page, T N Old Dominion: Virginia 975.5 P 144 v Cable, G W Strange true stories of Louisiana 976.3 C 112 1 Shaler, N S Kentucky 976.9 S 131 k Cooley, T M Michigan; a history of governments 977.4 C 778 m Dunn, Jr J P Indiana 977.2 D 92 i Howells, W D Ohio (J) 977.1 H 839 s Roosevelt, T Winning of the west 977 R 677 w V 1 Winning of the west 977 R 677 w V 2 Winning of the west 977 R 677 w V 3 Winning of the west. 977 R 677 w V 4 Winning of the west 977 R 677 w V 5 Winning of the west 977 R 677 w V 6 Thompson, M Indiana (J) 977.2 T 375 i Drake, S K Making of the great west 978 D 782 m Barrows, W Oregon: struggle for possession 979.5 B 278 o Royce, J California 979.4 R 831 c South America. Prescott, W H Conquest of Peru 985 P 925 p V 1 Conquest of Peru 985 P 925 p V 2 Oceanica. Polar Regions. Bryan, W S Our islands and their people (Philippines) 991.4 B 842 Firth, F C New Zealand 993.1 F 519 z Tregarthen, G Australian commonwealth 994 T 717 a (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. (*) Not for general use; do not call for it. FICTION A ARON, E M Butterfly hunters in the Caribbees (J) A 11 b- Abbott, C C Colonial wooing A 14 c Hermit of Nottingham A 14 h Adams, A Reed Anthony: cowman A 17 r Adams, F U Bottom of the well A 171 b Aguilar, G Home influence A 172 h Alcott, L M An old-fashioned thanksgiving (J) A 19 a Jo’s boys; sequel to “Little men” (J) A 19 b M'y boys (J) A 19 bo Cupid and chow-chow (J) A 19 c Eight cousins (J) A 19 e Flower fables and hospital sketches (J) A 19 f Jack and Jill (J) A 19 j Jimmy’s cruise in the Pinafore (J) A 19 ji Little men (J) A 19 1 Little women (J) A 19 li My girls (J) A 19 m An old-fashioned girl (J) A 19 o Rose in bloom (J) A 19 r Shawl straps (J) A 19 s Under the lilacs (J) A 19 u Spinning-wheel stories (J) A 19 w Anderson, H C Only a fiddler: Danish romance A 23 f Improvisatore: story of Rome A 23 i Stories and tales A 23 s Two Baronesses A 23 t Wonder stories (J) A 23 w Anderson, D W Oliver and his friends (J) A 231 o Anderson, A Heart of the red firs: story of Pacific northwest A 234 f Alexander, F II libro d’oro: those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life A 237 1 Alexander, G Judith A 238 j Aldrich, T B Majorie Daw, and other people A 24 m Queen of Sheba: sequel to “Majorie Daw” A 24 q Story of a bad boy (J) A 24 s Stillwater tragedy: story of a strike. A 24 st Two bites at a cherry: bravery on the field of battle A 24 t Andrews, J Each and all (J) A 26 e Stories of my four friends (J) A 26 m Stories mother nature told her children (J) A 26 s Seven little sisters (J) A 26 se Ade, G Forty modern fables A 31 f Slim princess A 31 s Ariel Those dreadful mouse boys (J) A 436 m Artherton, G F Conqueror: romance of Alexander Hamilton A 44 c Allen, J L Aftermath: part second of a “Kentucky Cardinal” A 53 a Choir invisible: Kentucky after the war A 53 c Flute and violin A 53 f Kentucky Cardinal A 53 k Mettle of the pasture . A 53 m Reign of law: tale of Kentucky hemp fields A 53 r Summer in Arcady; a tale of nature A 53 s Ainsworth, W H Old Saint Paul’s; tale of plague and fire A 66 FICTION 47 Tower of London A 66 t Austen, J Pride and prejudice A 74 p Sense and sensibility A 74 s Anonymous Afterglow: love story A 78 a Days of old: stories from old English history A 78 d Fairies of Fern Dingle (J) A 78 f In the olden time: peasant war in Germany .A 78 i Fourth Napoleon: romance A 78 n Peter’s strange story A 78 s 'Tween snow and fire: Kaffirs of South Africa A 78 t Altsheler, J A My captive: story of the revolution A 79 c Herald of the West A 79 h In circling camps: romance of the civil war A 79 i Young trailers: early Kentucky A 79 t Wilderness road: pioneer days A 79 w B acheller, I D’ri and I: daring deeds of the war of ’12 B 123 d Darrel of the blessed isles: a lovable character B 123 da Eben Holden : tale of the north country B 123 e Silas Strong: Emperor of the woods B 123 s Badger, Jr J E Lost city (J) B 142 1 Balzac, H de Alchemist: romance of Paris B 219 a Cousin Pons: Bohemian life B 219 c Lucian de Rubempre: love and adventure B 219 d Eugenie Grandet: miser’s ambition interwoven with a love story B 219 e An historical mystery B 219 h Lily of the valley: struggle between love and duty B 219 1 Pere Goriot: paternal sacrifice B 219 p Ursula: love and intrigne B 219 u Bangs, J K Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica: farce history B 225 b Bicycles and three other stories B 225 bi Coffee, repartee, and the idiot B 225 c House-boat on the Styx B 225 h Paste jewels B 225 p Bangs, N H Little hills: romance B 226 1 Oldfield: story of Kentucky B 226 o Round Anvil rock B 226 r Barry, R Sandy from the Sierras B 227 s Barbour, A M Breakers ahead B 231 b Barbour, R H Four afloat (J) B 232 a Four in camp (J) B 232 f Four afoot (J) B 232 fo Half-back: football and golf (J) B 232 h For the honor of the school (J) B 232 ho Spirit of the school (J) B 232 s Barclay, A Kingmakers B 235 k Barnes, J Drake and his yeomen: sea story (J) B 261 d For King or country: story of American revolution (J) B 261 f Midshipman Farragut (J) B 261 fa Princetonian : college story B 261 p Barnett, E A Champion in the seventies B 264 s Barr, A E Bow of orange ribbon B 27 b Daughter of Fife: story of Scotland B 27 d I, thou, and the other one B 27 i Lion’s whelp: story of Cromwell’s time B 27 1 (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. 48 FICTION Remember the Alamo: Davy Crockett in Texas B 27 r Lost silver of Briffault B 27 s Barrett, F Set of rogues B 275 s Barrie, J M Little minister B 276 1 Margaret Ogilvy B 276 m My lady Nicotine B 276 n Sentimental Tommy B 276 s Tillyloss scandal B 276 t Window in Thrums B 276 w Barton, W E When Boston braved the king (J) B 281 k Bates, A A lad’s love B 318 1 Beach, R Barrier B 352 b Spoilers B 352 s Beal, MB A misunderstood hero . B 365 h Beddow, C P Oracle of Moccasin Bend B 390 o Bellamy, E Looking backward: socialist state in 2000 B 414 1 Benson, B K Friend with the countersign B 443 f Benson, E F Double overture B 444 d Besant, W All in a garden fair B 464 a Children of Gibeon B 464 c Changeling B 464 ch City of refuge B 464 ci In deacon’s orders B 464 d St. Katherine’s by the tower: French revolution B 464 k Lady of Lynn B 464 1 All sorts and conditions of men B 464 m Ready-money Mortiboy B 464 r Be van T Hero in wolf -skin B 468 h Bindloss, H Alton of Somasco B 511 a Dust of conflict B 511 c Bjornson, B Fisher lass B 558 f Black, C An agitator: labor strike B 567 a Black, W In silk attire B 568 a Daughter of Heth B 568 d In far Lochaber B 568 f White heather B 568 h Kiimeny B 568 k Madcap Violet B 568 m New prince Fortunatus B 568 n Princess of Thule B 568 p Penance of John Logan B 568 pe Donald Ross of Hemire B 568 r Sunrise B 568 s Stand fast Craig Royston B 568 st White- wings B 568 w Wise women of Inverness B 568 wi Yolande B 568 y Blackmore, R D Dariel B 569 d Lorna Doone B 569 1 Mary Anerly B 569 m Blanchard, A E Revolutionary maid B 592 a Girl of ’76 B 592 g Heroine of 1812 B 592 h Loyal lass B 592 1 Gentle pioneer: early settlements in the west B 592 p Worth his while B 592 w (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. FICTION 49 Booth, M B Did the pardon come too late? B 664 d Sleepy-time stories (J) B 664 s Bouvet, M Tales of an old chateau B 669 t Bourget, P Weight of a name: romance from France B 681 n Brady, C T Colonial fights and fighters (J) B 729 c Wasp’s nest B 729 i In the war with Mexico (J) B 729 m Revolutionary fights and fighters (J) B 729 r Ruben James . (J) B 729 re Southerners B 729 s Richard the Brazen B 729 t Braeme, C Dora Thorne B 732 t Broute, C Jane Eyre (Complete) B 789 e Jane Eyre B 789 e V 1 Jane Eyre B 789 e V 2 Professor B 789 p Shirley: riots in London in reign of George III B 789 s Villette B 789 v Wuthering heights B 789 w Brooks, E S In Leisler’s times B 79 1 Under the tamaracks B 79 u Brooks, N Boys of Fairport (J) B 791 b Brown, C On the “We-a” trail . B 812 o ttulwer-Lytton A strange story B 879 a Alice: or, the mysteries B 879 al Last of the Barons B 879 b Paul Clifford B 879 c Caxtons B 879 ca Devereux B 879 d Eugene Aram B 879 e Falkland B 879 f Harold: last of the Saxon Kings B 879 h Kenelm Chillingly B 879 k Last days of Pompeii B 879 1 Ernest Maltravers B 879 m Night and morning B 879 n Pelham B 879 p Parisians B 879 pa Rienzi : last of the Roman tribunes B 879 r Zanoni B 879 z Bunyan, J Pilgrim’s progress B 887 p Burnett, F H Fair barbarian B 934 a Kathleen Mavourneen B 934 k Lindsay’s luck B 934 \ Making of a marchioness B 934 m Through one administration B 934 o Shuttle B 934 s Surly Tim B 934 su That lass o’ Lowrie’s B 934 t Vagabondia B 934 v Burnham, C L Miss Bagg’s secretary: West Point romance B 935 b Sweet clover B 935 c Dearly bought B 935 d Sane lunatic B 935 1 Dr. Latimer B 935 la Miss Archer Archer B 935 m (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. 50 FICTION No gentlemen B 935 n Next door B 935 ne Mistress of Beech Knoll B 935 o Wise woman B 935 w Young maids and old B 935 y Burnham, A F Bunker hill failure; a failure that was a victory . (J) B936 b Brush, M E Scarlet patch B 96 s Butterworth, H Boys of Green way Court: early days of Washington (J) B 982 b Log schoolhouse on the Columbia: pioneer days (J) B 982 c In the days of Audubon (J) B 982 d In the days of Jefferson (J) B 982 da True to his home: boyhood of Franklin (J) B 982 h In the boyhood of Lincoln (J) B 982 i Knight of liberty: story of Lafayette (J) B 982 k Pilot of the Mayflower . (J) B 982 p Patriot schoolmaster ( J ) B 982 pa Story of Magellan: discovery of Philippines (J) B 982 s Treasure ship (J ) B 982 t Wampum belt: Penn’s treaty with the Indians (J) B 982 w Bynner, E L Begum’s daughter B 999 b Damen’s ghost B 999 d C ABLE, G W Cavalier C 112 c Grandissimes: story of Creole life C 112 g Old creole days C 112 o Doctor Sevier: New Orleans before the war C 112 s Caine, H Bondman: tale of Iceland C 123 b Captain Davy’s honeymoon C 123 c Deemster: story of the Isle of Man C 123 d Eternal City C 123 e Manxman: sea life C 123 m Prodigal son C 123 p Scapegoat: tale of Morocco C 123 s Caldecott, R Pictures and songs (J) C 125 s Calkins, F W Wooing of Tokala: Indian life C 129 w Campbell, F Shepherd of the stars C 153 s Campbell, H Miss Melinda’s opportunity C 155 o Carey, R N Averil C 189 a Mary St. John C 189 m Castle, H Army mule C 229 a Carr, S P Iron way C 23 w Catherwood, M Lazarre C 286 1 Catlin, H G Yellow pine basin C 289 y Cervantes, S Don Quixote C 337 d Chambers, R W Cardigan C 353 c Fighting chance C 353 f Tracer of lost persons C 353 t Champney, E Witch Winnie at Versailles C 359 w Charles, F Pardner of blossom range: Arizona during an Indian war C 38 p Charles, A Against the stream C 39 a Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family C 39 c Chipman, W P A brave defense: massacre at Ft. Griswold 1781 (J) C 444 b Churchill, W Coniston: opening up of the west C 476 c Mr. Crew’s career: political story of New Hampshire C 476 ca Celebrity C 476 ce (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. FICTION 51 Churchill, W Crossing . C 476 cr Crisis: story of General Grant C 476 cri Richard Carvel : colonial life C 476 r Clemens, S L (Mark Twain) Prince and the pauper C 59 p Adventures of Tom Sawyer C 59 t Tom Sawyer abroad C 59 to Clifford, W K Wild proxy C 612 w Coffin, C C Boys of '76 (J) C 654 b Old times in the colonies: just before the Revolution (J) C 654 o Winning his way (J) C 654 w Collins, W Antonina: fall of Rome C 697 a Armadale C 697 ar Basil C 697 b Hide and seek .C 697 h Moon stone: adventure in India C 697 m Queen of hearts C 697 q Woman in white C 697 w Man and wife C 697 wi Comstock, H T Janet of the Dunes: story of a life saving station C 731 j Connelly, J H Hetty: the old grudge: western Pennsylvania C 764 g Cooper, J F Afloat and ashore C 786 a Two admirals C 786 ad Bravo . C 786 b Crater C 786 c Deerslayer: first of the “Leather stocking” tales C 786 d Headsman C 786 h Homeward bound C 786 ho Jack Tier C 786 j Lionel Lincoln C 786 1 Last of the Mohicans: second of the “Leatherstocking” tales C 786 la Monikins £ . . C 786 m Miles Wallingford; sequel to “Afloat and Ashore” C 786 mi Pathfinder; third of the “Leatherstocking” tales C 786 p Pioneers; fourth of the “Leatherstocking” tales C 786 pi Prairie; fifth of the “Leatherstocking” tales C 786 p r Red Rover C 786 r Sea lions C 786 s Satanstoe C 786 sa Spy; tory of Washington during the Revolution C 786 sp Pilot: story of Paul Jones C 786 t Water witch C 786 w Ways of the hour C 786 wa Wing and wing C 786 wi Wyandotte C 786 wy Corelli, M Ardath C 812 a Barabbas C 812 b Cameos C 812 c God’s good man C 812 g Mighty Atom C812m Romance of two worlds C 812 r Thelma C 812 t Cottin, M Elizabeth: story of Siberian exiles C 828 e Cox, P Another brownie book (J) C 83 a Brownies at home (J) C 83 h Brownies in the Philippines (J) C 83 p Brownies in their own book (J) C 83 ^ (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. 52 FICTION Cox, P Brownies through the union (J) C 83 u Brownies around the world (J) C 83 w Couch, A Q I saw three ships C 833 i Blue pavilions. C 833 p Cowdrick, J W Will Hilton’s will C 837 w Craddock, C E Where the battle was fought C 842 b Despot of Broomsedge cove . C 842 d In the Tennessee mountains C 842 i Prophet of the Great Smoky mountains C 842 m In the clouds: life in the mountains C 842 t His vanished star C 842 v Mystery of Witch-face mountain C 842 w Craik, D M Agatha’s husband .C 845 a Adventures of a brownie (J) C 845 ad Laurel bush C 845 b Christian’s mistake C 845 c John Halifax C 845 j King Arthur C 845 k Life for a life C 845 1 About money C 845 m Mistress and maid C 845 mi Ogilvies C 845 o Unkind word C 845 u Young Mrs. Jardine C 845 y Crawford, F M Adam Johnstone’s son C 858 a An American politician C 858 am Children of the king C 858 c Cecilia: story of modern Rome C 858 ce Don Orsino: sequel to “Sant’ Ilario” C 858 d Fair Margaret C 858 f Sant’ Ilario: sequel to “Saracinesca” C 858 i Mr. Isaacs: tale of modern India C 858 is Khaled: tale of Arabia C 858 k Katherine Lauderdale C 858 1 Tale of a lonely parish C 858 lo Paul Pa toff : life in modern Constantinople C 858 p Primadonna: sequel to “Fair Margaret” C 858 pr Ralstons: sequel to “Katherine Lauderdale” . C 858 r Saracinesca C 858 s Three fates C 858 t With the immortals .C 858 w Witch of Prague C 858 wi Zoroaster: story of ancient Balylon C 858 z Croly, G Tarry thou till I come: Salothiel, the Wandering Jew C 879 t Crowley, M C Daughter of New France C 886 f In treaty with honor: romance of Old Quebec C 886 h Juvenile round table stories (J) C886 j V 1 Juvenile round table stories (J) C 886 j V 2 Juvenile round table stories (J) C 886 j V 3 Love thrives in war C 886 1 Heroine of the strait: Detriot in time of Pontiac C 886 s Cullum, R Hound from the north C 889 n Cummins, MS El fureidis C 912 e Lamplighter C 912 1 Curtis, G W Prue and I C 943 p Trumps C 943 t (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. FICTION 53 D auby, F Heart of a child D 211 c Davis, R H Captain Macklin D 297 c Cinderella D 297 ci Exiles D 297 e Stories for boys (J) D 297 f Gallegher D 297 g King’s jackal . D 297 k Lion and unicorn D 297 1 Princess Aline D 297 p Soldiers of fortune D 297 s Davis, Rebecca H Kent Hampden D 298 k Silhouettes of American life D 298 s De Amicis, E Curore D 335 c De Mille, J Boys of Grand Pre school D 341 b Dean, S Travers: story of San Francisco earthquake D 346 t De Brehat, A Brass D’Acier: discovery of gold in California D 35 b Disraeli, B Coningsby D 354 c Lothair D 354 1 Defoe, D Robison Crusoe D 362 r Deland, M Awakening of Helena Richie D 374 a Dr. Lavendau’s people D 374 d John Ward: preacher D 374 j Old Chester tales D 374 o De La Ramee, L (Ouida) Chandos .D 384 C Moths D 384 m Two little wooden shoes D 384 t Under two flags D 384 u Wanda D 384 w Dickens, C Barnaby rudge: English riots of 1780 D 555 b Christmas stories D 555 c Dombey and son D 555 d David Copperfield D 555 da Great expectations D 555 g Bleak house D 555 h Hard times D 555 ha Little Dorrit D 555 1 Our mutual friend D 555 m Martin Chuzzlewit D 555 ma Nicholas Nickleby D 555 n Old curiosity shop D 555 o Sketch by Boz D 555 s Oliver Twist D 555 t Tale of two cities : story of French revolution D 555 ta Dickson, H Black wolf’s breed D 556 b Dillon, M Rose of old St. Louis D 587 r Dix, B M Making of Christopher Ferringham D 643 m Dodge, M M Donald and Dorothy (J) D 664 d Hans Brinker (J) D 664 h Dixon, Jr T Clansman D 647 c Leopard’s spots . D 674 1 One woman D 674 o Traitor D 674 t Double-lay, R A Gunner aboard the “Yankee” (J) D 743 y Dougall, L Beggars all D 744 b Douglas, A M Lost in a great city D 745 1 Doyle, A C Captain of the “Pole Star” D 772 c (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. 54 FICTION Doyle, A C Exploits of Brigadier Gerard D 772 e Firm of Girdlestone D 772 f Hound of the Baskervilles D 772 h Tragedy of the Korosko D 772 k Refugees D 772 r Rodney Stone D 772 ro Sir Nigel D 772 s Sign of the four D 772 sf Uncle Bernac D 772 u White company D 772 w Droomgoole, W A Cinch and other stories D 837 c Heart of Old Hickory D 837 h Valley path D 837 v Drummond, H King’s pawn D 846 p Drysdale, W Beach patrol (J) D 849 b Cadet Standish (J) D 849 c Young Consul (J) D 849 co Fast mail . (J) D 849 f Young supercargo (J) D 849 s Treasury club (J) D 849 t Young reporter (J) D 849 y Dumas, A Count of Monte Cristo D 89 c Chicot, the jester: sequel to “Marguerite de Valois” D 89 ch Countess de Charney: sequel to “Taking the bastile” D 89 d Forty-five guardsmen: sequel to “Chicot the Jester” D 89 f Memoirs of a physician D 89 m Marguerite de Valois D 89 ma Three musketeers (guardsmen) D 89 mu Queen’s necklace: sequel to “Memoirs of a physician” D 89 q Taking the Bastile: sequel to “Queen’s necklace D 89 t Twenty years after: sequel to “Three musketeers” D 89 tw Vicomte de Bragelonne: sequel to “Twenty years after” D 89 v Du Maurier, G Peter Ibbetson D 893 i Dunbar, P L (Colored poet) In old plantation days D 911 d Folks from dixie D 911 f Dye, E E Conquest: story of Lewis and Clark’s expedition D 986 c E ASTMAN, C a Red hunters: tale of the Indians E 15 r Ebers, G Uarda: romance of ancient Egypt E 19 u Eggleston, G C Carolina cavalier E 27 a Captain Sam (J) E 27 c Last of the flatboats (J) E 27 \ Master of Warlock E 27 m Eggleston, E Brant and Red Jacket E 36 b Circuit rider E 36 c Faith doctor E 36 f Graysons: story of Illinois and Lincoln E 36 g Hoosier school- master E 36 h Montezuma E 36 m Pocahontas E 36 p Hoosier school-boy (J) E 36 s End of the world E 36 w Eliot, G Adam Bede E 44 a Daniel Deronda E 44 d Felix Holt E 44 f (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. FICTION 55 Eliot, G Mill on the Floss E 44 m Romola E 44 r Silas Marner E 44 s Theophrastus Such E 44 * Ellis, J B Holland wolves: romance of love and war E 57 h Ellis, Elizabeth Barbara Winslow, rebel E 58 b Ellis, E S Among the Esquimaux . (J) E 59 a Deerfoot on the prairies (J) E 59 d Deerfoot in the mountains (J) E 59 de Deerfoot in the forest (J) E 59 df On the trail of the moose (J) E 59 m In the days of the pioneers . (J) E 59 p True blue * (J) E 59 t True to his trust (J) E 59 tr Uncrowning a King: tale of King Philip’s war (J) E 59 u Young ranchers (J) E 59 y Erckmann, C Blockade of Phalsburg: episode of the end of Napoleon’s empire E 69 b Conscript: French army life under Napoleon E 69 c Ewing, J H Jackanapes (J) E 74 j F AWCETT, E Fabian Dimitry F 281 f Hopeless case F 281 h Man’s will F 281 m Fenore, A L Probable sons (J) F 366 p Field, E Holy cross F 454 c House F 454 h Love affairs of a bibliomaniac F 454 1 Profitable tales F 454 p Flint, J F His perpetual adoration: army captain’s diary F 646 p Foote, M H Choosen valley: story of California F 68 c In exile F 68 e Last assembly ball F 68 t Fogazzaro, A Patriot: first book of the trilogy of Rome (read first) F 687 p Sinner: second book of the trilogy of Rome (read second) F 687 s Saint: third book of the trilogy of Rome (read third) F 687 sa Woman: vivid picture of Italian life F 687 w Forrester, Mrs. My hero: love story .F 754 h Ford, P L Honorable Peter Stirling: what people thought of him F 755 h Janice Meredith: story of the revolution F 755 j Foster, W B With Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga (J) F 819 a Eve of war: story of adventure . . (J) F 819 e Lost expedition (J) F 819 1 With Washington at Valley Forge . . (J) F 819 w Fothergill, J First violin F 82 f Fox, Jr J Blue grass and rhododendron : stories of Kentucky F 832 b Christmas eve on Lonesome F 832 c Frederic, H March hares F 872 h In the valley: among the dutch of the Mohawk valley F 872 i Market place: story of a promoter F 872 m In the sixties: a tale of the civil war F 872 t French, A Heroes of Iceland F 887 h Pelham and his friend Tim F 887 p Frenssen, G Holyland F 889 h Friedman, I K By bread alone: tragic story of a strike F 914 b Frothingham, E B Turn of the road F 933 t (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. 56 FICTION G ALLIZIER, N Castel Del Monte: romance G 136 m Gardener, H H An unofficial patriot G 172 p Garland, H Rose of Dutcher’s cooly: life in a mining camp G 184 d Eagle’s heart G 184 h Jason Edwards: an average man G 184 j Main-traveled roads: stories of the Mississippi valley G 184 m Spoil of office: political intrigue G 184 s Member of the third house: story of political warfare G 184 t Gaskell, E C Cranford: visionary country home G 211 c Gates, E Plow- woman G 223 p Gilfillan, J A Ojibway: Indian life in the northwest G 395 o Glasgow, E Ancient law: story of a man’s reformation G 481 1 Goldsmith, O Vicar of Wakefield G 574 v Gorky, M Foma Gordyeeff : story of Russian life G 65 f Gordon, C W Blackrock : a tale of the Selkirks G 653 b Doctor: a story of the northwest G 653 d Man from Glengarry: frontier life in northwest Canada G 653 m Prospector: a tale of the Crow’s Nest pass G 653 p Sky pilot : story of the foothills G 653 s Goss, C F Redemption of David Corson G 698 r Grant, R Bachelor’s Christmas: stories of Boston fashionable life G767b Jack in the bush: adventure (J) G 767 j Mrs. Harold Stagg G 767 m Reflections of a married man G 767 ma Unleavened bread G 767 u Cray, M Costly freak G 792 c Reproach of Annesley G 792 r Graydom, W M With Puritan and Pequot (J) G 796 p Green, A K Millionaire baby G 82 b Mayor’s wife G 82 m Green, S P Power lot: story of New England people G 824 p Griffis, W E Pathfinders of the revolution (J) G 876 p In the Mikado’s service: fighting the Chinese (J) G 876 s Gunter, A C Billy Hamilton: story of love and war G 958 b H AGGARD, H R King Solomon’s mines H 123 s Hale, E E Crusoe in New York H 131 c How they lived in Hampton H 131 h Christmas in Narragansett H 131 i Man without a country H 131 m Our new crusade: the temperance movement H 131 o Philip Nolan’s friends H 131 p Ten times one is ten H 131 t Ups and downs H 131 u Haliburton, T C Clockmaker: sayings of S. Slick H 139 c Hall, E C Aunt Jane of Kentucky H 142 k Hamblen, H E Tom Benton’s luck: story of the sea (J) H 174 b Story of a yankee boy (J) H 174 s We win: adventures of a young railroader (J) H 174 w Hammond, H Pinkey Perkins (J) H 185 p Hardy, A S But yet a woman H 222 b Wind of destiny H 222 w Hardy, T Mayor of Casterbridge : man of character H 223 c Tess of the D’Urbervines H 223 d Desperate remedies H 223 de (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. FICTION 57 Hardy, T Under the Greenwood tree H 223 g Hand of Ethelberta H 223 h Life’s little ironies H 223 1 Trumpet major H 223 t Woodlanders H 223 w Harland, M Alone: a romance H 226 a Handicapped: fidelity to nature H 226 h True as steel H 226 s Phemie’s temptations: strength of character H 226 t Harraden, B Ships that pass in the night H 233 s Harris, J C Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann H 242 c Free Joe: colored life in the south H 242 j Sister Jane: her friends and her neighbors H 242 s Harris, M C Happy-go-lucky H 243 h Perfect Adonis H 243 p Sutherlands H 243 s Frank Warrington H 243 w Harrison, B Anglomaniacs H 245 a Crow’s nest and Bellhaven tales H 245 c Good Americans H 245 g Bachelor maid H 245 m Son of the old Dominion H 245 s Harte, B Argonauts of North Liberty H 252 a Snow bound at Eagles H 252 b Cressy H 252 c Crusade of the Excelsior H 252 cr Drift from two shores H 252 d Flip and Found at Blazing Star H 252 f Gabriel Conroy H 252 g Luck of Roaring camp H 252 1 Maruja H 252 m Twins of Table mountain H 252 mo On the frontier H 252 o Phyllis of the Sierras H 252 p By shore and sedge H 252 s Mrs. Skagg’s husband H 252 sk Story of a mine H 252 st Tales of the Argonauts H 252 t Two men of Sandy Bar H 252 tw In the Carquinez woods H 252 w Hatton, J Vicar: one who triumphed H 289 v Hauff, W Weird tales: from the German H 29 g Hawthorne, N Blithedale romance H 319 b Dr. Grimshawe’s secret H 319 d Septimius Felton H 319 f House of the seven gables H 319 h Snow image H 319 i Scarlet letter: romance of Puritan days H 319 1 Mosses from an old manse H 319 m Marble faun H 319 ma Twice-told tales: pictures of New England life H 319 t Hayens, H British legion : story of the Carlist war H 321 1 Hellis, N Little King Davie (J) H 368 1 Heming, A Spirit Lake: an Indian story H 373 s Henty, G A Bonnie Prince Charlie: an English romance (J) H 399 b Young colonists: life and war in S. Africa (J) H 399 c (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. 58 FICTION Henty, G A By England’s aid: freeing of the Netherlands (J) H 399 e Final reckoning: tale of bush life in Australia (J) H 399 f In freedom’s cause: story of Wallace and Bruce (J) H 399 i Lion of St. Mark: story of Venice (J) H 399 1 With Lee in Virginia: story of the civil war .... (J) H 399 le True to the old flag: tale of the war of Independence (J) H 399 o By right of conquest: Cortez in Mexico (J) H 399 r In the reign of terror (J) H 399 t Under Drake’s flag: a tale of the Spanish main H 399 u With Wolfe in Canada: the winning of a continent (J) H 399 w Herrick, R Common lot: strikes and strikers H 435 c Hewlett, M Richard Yea and Nay: age of chivalry H 498 r Hickens, R Garden of Allah: Moors in Africa H 524 a Hocking, J Man who rose again H 659 m Holland, J G Arthur Bonnicastle H 719 a Bay path: colonial life in New England H 719 b Miss Gilbert’s career: life in a factory village H 719 m Sevenoaks H 719 s Holley, M (Josiah Allen’s wife) Samantha among the colored folks H 724 c Samantha at the Centennial H 724 ce Samantha at the St. Louis exposition H 724 s Samantha among the brethren H 724 sa Samantha at Saratoga H 724 ss Holmes, M J Cousin Maude H 736 c Cameron pride; purified by suffering H 736 ca Darkness and daylight: story of sacrifice H 736 d Dora Deane: the East India uncle H 736 do Edith Lyle : love and duty H 736 e Ethelyn’s mistake: ennobled by repentence H 736 et Forrest house H 736 f Mildred: child of adoption H 736 m Rose Mather: story of the civil war H 736 ma Meadow Brook: joy of a pure life H 736 me English orphans: tale of responsibility ^ H 736 o Paul Ralston: romance and adventure H 736 p Holmes, O W Elsie Venner: sketch of human nature H 737 e Guardian angel H 737 g Hope, A Change of air H 771 c Prisoner of Zenda: adventure H 771 p Rupert of Hentzau: sequel to “Prisoner of Zenda” H 771 r Servant of the public H 771 s Tristram of Blent H 771 t Hotchkiss, C C Betsy Ross: romance of the flag H 795 b Hough, E Mississippi bubble H 814 m Way of a man H 814 w Howard, B W Aulnay Tower: Franco-Prussian war H 831 a Aunt Serena H 831 as Open door H 831 d Guenn H 831 g One summer H 831 o Seven on the highway . H 831 s Howe, E W Man story . H 838 m Howells, W D Christmas every day H 839 c Chance acquaintance H 839 ch Dr. Breen’s practice . H 839 d Hazard of new fortunes H 839 h (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. FICTION 59 Howells, W D Modern instance: life in a Maine village H 839 m Woman’s reason H 839 r Indian summer H 839 s Their silver wedding journey: through Germany H 839 t World of chance H 839 w Hubbard, L M An express of ’76: war of Independence H 862 a Hudson, C B Crimson conquest: romance of Peru H 867 c Hughes, R Lakerim Athletic Club: football, polo, golf, etc H 873 1 Hughes, T Tom Brown’s school days H 874 b Tom Brown at Oxford: sequel to “Tom Brown’s school days” H 874 t Hugo, V King’s diversion H 875 k Les miserables H 875 1 Ninety-three H 875 n Hunchback of Notre-Dame H 875 o Toilers of the sea H 875 t Hungerford, Mrs In durance vile ,H 895 i Molly Bawn H 895 m 1 SHAM, F S Black Friday I 3 b Ingelow, J Don John: romance of London I 4 d Fated to be free I 4 f Off the Skelligs I 4 o Ingraham, J H Pillar of fire: Israel in bondage I 9 p J ACKSON, H H Mercy Philbrick’s choice J 134 m Ramona: Indian romance J 134 r Jacobs, W W Many cargoes: story of the sea J 156 c Light freights J 156 f Short cruises J 156 s James, H Bostonians: humorous pictures of Massachusetts life J 234 b Siege of London : social ambitions J 234 s Tales of three cities J 234 t James, G W Scraggles, story of a sparrow (J) J 235 s Jarvis, T S Geoffrey Hampstead J 248 g Jewett, S O Tory lover J 482 t Johnston, A F Asa Holmes: at the cross-roads J 643 a Big brother (J) J 643 b Flip’s island of Providence (J) J 643 f Little Colonel’s house party (J) J 643 h Joel: a boy of Galilee (J) J 643 j Little Colonel’s holidays (J) J 643 1 Two little Knights of Kentucky (J) J 643 t Johnston, M Prisoners of hope: white slaves of Virginia J 645 p To have and to hold: Virginia romance J 645 t Jokai, M Pretty Michal: Hungarian love story J 671 m Jordon, D S Knight and Barbara (J) J 762 b K ELLOG, E Hardscrabble of Elm island (J) K 291 h Lion Ben of Elm island (J) K 291 1 Kelly, F F With hoops of steel K 297 h Kelly, E J Sir Bevis (J) K 312 b Kennedy, S B Joscelyn Cheshire K 387 j Kimball, R B Undercurrents K 568 u King, C An initial experience K 58 a (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. 60 FICTION King, C Army wife K 58 ar Captain Blake K 58 b Cadet days: story of West Point (J) K 58 c Captured K 58 ca Captain Dreams K 58 d Colonel’s Christmas dinner K 58 di Foes in ambush K 58 f Trumpeter Fred K 58 fr General’s double K 58 g Kitty’s conquest K 58 k Between the lines K 58 1 Marion’s faith K 58 m Ray’s daughter K 58 r Rock of Chickamauga K 58 ro Soldier’s secret: Sioux war of 1890 K 58 s From school to battlefield (J) K 58 sc Trooper Ross and Signal Butte K 58 t Trooper Galahad K 58 tr Under fire K 58 u v Waring’s peril K 58 w War-time wooing K 58 wa Kingsley, C Alton Locke: story of London sweat shops K 615 a Hereward: picture of church life in the fifth century K 615 h Hypatia ^ K615hy Water-babies (J) K 615 w Westward ho K 615 we Kipling, R Captains courageous: Newfoundland fishing banks K 629 c Day’s work: ships and locomotives describe their adventures. K 629 d Jungle book (J) K 629 j Kim : street arab of India K 629 k Life’s handicap K 629 1 Mine own people: stories of the English in India K 629 m Many inventions K 629 mi City of dreadful night K 629 n Phantom rickshaw K 629 p Plain tales from the hills: Anglo-India life K 629 pi Puck of Pook’s hill K 629 pu Soldier’s stories K 629 s Kitchin, W C Paoli: persecuting the Christians in Japan K 647 p Knight, W A St. Abigail of the Pines K 748 s Knowles, R E Dawn at Shanty bay (J) K 761 d Undertow: tale of the sea K 761 w L ATHROP, G P Echo of passion L 348 a In the distance L 348 i Le Feuvre, A Probable sons L 521 p Lever, C Charles O’Malley: Irish dragoon L 577 c Fortunes of Glencore L 577 f Harry Lorrequer: garrison life L 577 h Jack Hinton: the guardsman L 577 j Maurice Tiernay: soldier of fortune L 577 m Martins of Cro* Martin: Irish life L 577 ma One of them: foreign life L 577 o Le Fevre, E Wall street stories L 578 w Lewis, A H Story of John Paul Jones L 585 j (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. FICTION 61 Lewis, A H President L 585 p When men grew tall: story of Andrew Jackson L 585 w Wolfville: life of a ranchman L 585 wo Lillibridge, W Ben Blair: plainsman L 628 b Where the trail divides: western love story L 628 w Lincoln, J C Cap’n Eri: story of the coast L 637 e Lincoln, J G Unwilling maid: revolutionary life (J) L 64 a Pretty Tory (J) L 64 p Lippincott, J B Old Adam L 666 a Lippman, J M Dorothy Day (J) L 667 d Lloyd, N Soldier of the valley L 775 v Locke, W J Beloved vagabond L 796 b London, J Call of the wild L 846 c Daughter of the snows L 846 d Children of the frost L 846 f Iron heel: socialism L 846 i Son of the wolf L 846 s Sea wolf : love and shipwreck L 846 se White fang L 846 w Longfellow, H W Hyperion: romance L 86 h Lorimer, G H Letters from a self-made merchant to his son L 89 1 Loti, P Romance of a Spahi: story of the Moors L 914 s Lover, S Handy Andy: mistakes of a young Irish servant L 945 h Rory O’ Moore: Irish life L 945 m Treasure trove L 945 1 Lucas, A City and the castle: the Ref ormation in Switzerland L 961 j Ludlow, J M Jesse Ben David, shepherd of Bethlehem L 966 c Luther, M L Crucible L 977 c Lyall, E Donovan: modern Englishman L 98 d In the golden days: Rye-house plot L 98 i Won by waiting L 98 w Lyle, E P Lone star L 988 1 Lynde, F The quickening L 991 q Lynch, L L Against odds L 996 o M cCALL, S Breath of the Gods M 125 b Truth Dexter M 125 1 McCarthy, J Needles and pins: married life M 127 n McClelland, G M White Heron : romance of Cherokee nation M 134 h McCutcheon, G B Beverly of Graustark: sequel to “Graustark” M 139 b Cowardice court M 139 c Day of the dog M 139 d Flyers M 139 f Graustark M 139 g Jane Cable M 139 j Mac Donald, G Paul Faber M 145 f Marquis of Lossie M 145 \ Mary Marston M 145 m Robert Falconer M 145 r Sir Gibbie M 145 s Vicar’s daughter M 145 v McIntyre, J T Fighting King George M 189 f McKnight, C Captain Jack the scout: Indian wars M 218 j MacLaren, I Beside the bonnie briar bush M 222 b Days of auld lang syne M 222 d (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. 62 FICTION McLaws, L When the land was young: border warfare M 223 w Welding M 223 we McMinn, E Amal: Sinai during the Exodus M 228 a Muhlback, L Andreas Hofer (historical romance) M 262 a Mohammed Ali M 262 al Daughter of an Empress M 262 d Empress Josephine M 262 e Frederick the Great M 262 f Henry the Eight and Catharine Parr M 262 h Joseph II and his court v ..... .M 262 j Marie Antoinette and her son M 262 m Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia M 262 n Old Fritz and the new era M 262 o Queen Hortense M 262 q Mac Grath, H Arms and the woman M 268 a Half a rogue , M 268 h Man on the box M 268 m Puppet crown M 268 p Magruder, J Miss Ayr of Virginia M 276 m Major, C Bears of Blue river M 289 b Forest hearth: romance of Indiana in the thirties M 289 f When Knighthood was in flower M 289 w Yolanda: romance of Bergundy M 289 y Malet, L Mrs. Lorimer M 294 m Malone, P B Plebe at West Point (J) M 295 p Winning his way to West Point (J) M 295 w West Point yearling M 295 y Marchmont, A In the cause of freedom M 332 f Marlitt, E Little Moorland princess M 344 1 Lady with the rubies M 344 r Second wife M 344 w Marryat, F Children of the new forest M 349 c King’s own M 349 k Mr. Midshipman Easy M 349 m Rattlin the reefer: sea story M 349 r Martingale, H Jack in the forecastle M 362 j Marx, W J For the Admiral M 369 f Mason, A E W Broken road M 381 b Running water M 381 r Mathers, H Fate of Fenella M 422 f Meade, L T Out of fashion M 461 f Mears, M Breath of the runners M 463 b Melville, G J W Gladiators: ancient Rome and Judea M 497 g Holmby house M 497 h Meredith, G Tragic comedians M 541 c One of our conquerors M 541 o Vittoria: comedy of English society M 541 v Merriman, H S Dross: Paris during the second empire M 552 d From one generation to another: mutiny in India M 552 g Grey Lady .... M 552 gr Isle of unrest: Corsica M 552 i In Kedar’s tents M 552 k Sowers: tal° of Russia M 552 s Merwin, S Road to Frontenac M 559 r Whip hand M559w (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. FICTION 63 Miller, E City of delight M 613 c Saul of Tarsus M 613 s Yoke M 613 y Mitchell, J A Amos Judd M 695 a Mitchell, S W Circumstance M 696 c Diplomatic adventure M 696 d Hugh Wynne M 696 w Youth of Washington M 696 y Mitford, B White shield: story of the Zulus M 697 w Mole worth, Mrs Cuckoo clock: fairy tales (J) M 732 c Mott, E Old settler, the squire and little Peleg M 733 o Moore, J T Bishop of Cottontown M 785 c Morrison, A Martin Hewitt, investigator M 831 m Morris, G Footprint M 838 f Munroe, K Campmates (J) M 927 c Dory mates (J) M 927 d Flamingo feather * (J) M 927 f Golden days of ’49 (J) M 927 g Midshipman Stuart . (J) M 927 m Raftmates (J) M 927 r Through swamp and glade (J) M 927 t Wakulla: adventure (J) M 927 w N AYLOR, j B Sign of the prophet N 233 s Needed, J H Vengeance of James Vansittart N 288 v Nicholson, N Main chance N 524 m Port of missing men N 524 p Nordau, M Drones must die N 759 d Norris, F Blix N 793 b Octopus: story of California N 793 o Pit: attempt to corner wheaton the Chicago change N 793 p Norris, M H Grapes of wrath: story of the North and South N 795 g Notley, F E M Olive Varcoe N 846 o O RCZY, BARONESS I will repay O 1 i Ollivant, A Bob, son of battle .* 0 2b Danny: story of a dog 0 2 d Oliphant, MOW Little pilgrim: on the dark mountain (J) 0 3 a Otis, J Armed ship America (J) 0 4 a Boy captain (J) 0 4 b Boston boys of 1775 (J) 0 4 bb Boys of ’98 (J) 0 4 bo Boys revolt: street Arabs of N. Y. (J) O 4 br Captain Tom: privateersman (J) 0 4 c Cruise of the Enterprise (J) 0 4 ce Chasing a yacht (J) O 4 ch Cruise with Paul Jones (J) O 4 cj Corporal Lige’s recruit: Revolutionary story (J) O 4 co Cruise' of the Comet: war of 1812 (J) 0 4 cr Down the slope (J) 0 4 d When Dewey came to Manila (J) 0 4 de Boys of Fort Schuyler (J) 0 4 f Morgan: the Jersey spy (J) 0 4 m With Perry on Lake Erie (J) O 4 p With Porter in the Essex: war of 1812 (J) 04 po (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. 64 FICTION Otis, J With Preble at Tripoli: fighting pirates (J) O 4 pr With Rogers on the President (J) O 4 ro Sarah Dillard's ride: Carolinas in 1780 (J) 0 4 s Off Santiago with Sampson (J) O 4 sa Siege of Quebec (J) O 4 se Signal boys of 1775: siege of Boston (J) 0 4 si With the treasure hunters (J) 0 4 w When we destroyed the Gaspee (J) 0 4 wh Oppenheim, E P Monk of Cruta 05c Great secret 0 5 g Man and his kingdom 05k Malefactor 0 5m Maker of history 0 5 ma Oxley, J M Donald Grant's development 0 6 d Optic, O Breaking away: fortunes of a student (J) 0 7 b Oxenham, J Long road: an exile 08r Osborne, D Lion's brood 0 111 1 P AGE, T N Among the camps; war stories (J) P 144 a Captured Santa Claus (J) P 144 c In ole Virginia P 144 i Old gentleman of the black stock P 144 o Pasttime stories (J) P 144 p Under the crust P 144 u Parker, G Pomp of the Lavilettes P 225 p Right of way „ P 225 r Seats of the mighty : siege of Quebec P 225 s Battle of the strong P 225 st Trail of the sword: war stories P 225 t Trespasser P 225 tr Parker, F Marjie of the lower ranch P 226 m Parrish, R Bob Hampton of Placer P 247 b Sword of the old frontier P 247 s Paternoster, G S Cruise of the conqueror: motor pirates P 271 c Paterson, A Cromwell's own: English civil war P 273 c Payne, J Thicker than water P 293 w Pemberton, M Christine of the hills P 369 c Garden of swords P 369 g Impregnable city P 369 i Little Huguenot P 369 1 My sword for Lafayette P 369 m Queen of the jesters . P 369 q Peterson, M H Potter and the clay P 44 p Phelps, E S Story of Avis P 512 a Gates ajar: celestial paradise , . P512 aj Beyond the gates P 512 b Doctor Zay P 512 d Gates between P 512 g Men, women, and ghosts P 512 go Hedged in: woman outcast P 512 h Master of the magicians P 512 m Singular life P 512 s Walled in P 512 w Phillips, DG Cost P 542 c Deluge: high finance P 542 d (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. FICTION 65 Phillips, D G Master rogue P 542 m Plum tree: political intrigue P 542 p Second generation P 542 s Phillpotts, E Good red earth P 543 g Pidgin, C F Blennerhasset P 592 b Stephen Holton: life in town and country P 592 s Pierre, B D S Paul and Virginia P 616 p Plympton, A G School house in the woods (J) P 749 s Poe, E A Prose tales P 752 p Tales P 752 po Weird tales P 752 w Pomeroy, M M Brick-dust: humorous sketches of every day life P 771 b Porter, G S At the foot of the rainbow: story of Indiana P 831 r Porter, J Scottish chiefs P 833 s Thaddeus of Warsaw: story of Poland P 833 t Prentiss, E Aunt Jane’s hero P 919 a Pemaquid: old times in New England P 919 p Stepping heavenward P 919 s Prentis, J H Case of Dr. Horace P 923 c Preston, S On common ground P 927 o Pyle, H Pepper and salt (J) P 999 p R EADE, C Cloister and the hearth R 221 c Perilous secret R 221 p Put yourself in his place R 221 pu Simpleton R 221 s Terrible temptation R 221 t Read, O Arkansas planter R 225 a Carpet bagger: reconstruction period R 225 c Odd folks R 225 f Judge Elbridge R 225 j Jucklins R 225 ju Kentucky Colonel: feuds and romance R 225 k Old Ebenezer: southern story R 225 o On the Suwanee river R 225 s Rees, C A Chun Ti-Kung R 259 c Reid, M Headless horseman (J) R 27 h Lone ranch: story of Mexico (J) R 27 1 War trail (J) R 27 w White chief (J) R 27 wh Reid, C After many days R 271 a Question of honor R 271 q Remington, F Crooked trails: western sketches R 284 c Rice, A H Lovey Mary: sequel to “Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch” R 361 1 Sandy: a waif R 361 s Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch R 361 w Richards, L E Captain January: an old lighthouse keeper R 392 c Golden windows .... . (J) R 392 g Silver crown (J) R 392 s Snow white (J) R 392 sn Ridge, W P Breaker of laws R 436 1 Rives, H E Tales from Dickens R 525 d Castaway R 525 t Rivers, G R Governor’s garden : colonial period R 526 g Roberts, C G D Barbara Ladd R 541 b Juvenile; a book easy to read. 66 FICTION Roberts, M Degradation of Geoffrey Alwith R 543 g Robertson, M Where angels fear to tread R 548 t Robins, E Come and find me R 549 c Roe, E P Knight of the XIX century R 62 a Brave little Quakeress R 62 b Barriers burned away R 62 bu Opening a chestnut burr R 62 c Day of fate R 62 d Driven back to Eden R 62 dr Earth trembled R 62 e Face illumined R 62 f His sombre rivals R 62 h Hornet’s nest R 62 ho From jest to earnest R 62 j He fell in love with his wife R 62 1 Nature’s serial story R 62 n What can she do? R 62 w Without a home R 62 wi Young girl’s wooing R 62 y Root, E C Huntington, Jr R 678 h Runkle, B Helmet of Navarre R 875 h Ruskin, J King of the golden river R 897 k Russell, W D Dick R 919 d S ABIN, E L When you were a boy (J) S 9 b Sage, W By right divine: political story S 112 b District attorney: a man among men S 112 d Sandys, E Sportsman Joe (J) S 113 j Trapper Jim (J) S 113 t Sand, G Bagpipers: peasantry of France S 114 b Mauprat: civilizing a husband S 114 m Miller of Augibault S 114 mi Snow man S 114 s Saintine, J X B Picciola: the prison flower S 115 p Sargent, G E Richard Hunne S 116 h Saunders M Beautiful Joe: story of a dog S 118 j Scott, W Antiquary: a mystery S 12 a Abbott: sequel to “Monastery” S 12 ab Anne of Geirstein S 12 an Bride of Lammermoor S 12 b Betrothed: this and “Talisman” compose the “Tales of the crusaders” S 12 be Black dwarf of Montrose S 12 bl Count Robert of Paris . S 12 c Surgeon’s daughter S 12 d Fortunes of Nigel S 12 f Fair maid of Perth . . S 12 fa Guy Mannering S 12 g Heart of Midlothian S 12 h Ivanhoe S 12 i Kenilworth S 12 k Monastery S 12 m Old Mortality S 12 mo Peveril of the peak S 12 p Pirate S 12 pi Quentin Durward S 12 q (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. FICTION 67 Scott, W Rob Roy S 12 r Red gauntlet S 12 re St. Ronan’s well S 12 s Talisman S 12 t Waverly S 12 w t Woodstock S 12 wo Scott, J R Beatrix of Clare S 121 b Colonel of the red huzzars S 121 c Scudder, H E Stories and romances S 123 s Seton, E T Monarch: big bear of Tallac S 124 m Lobo, rag, and vixen S 124 v Seymour, P B Woodhull . . S 129 W Shafer, S A Beyond chance of change S 13 b Sheldon, C M Crucifixion of Philip Strong S 135 p a Shurts, J V Kedar Kross: tale of the north country S 139 k Siviter, A P Nehe S211n Sidney, M Rob (J) S 212 r Old town pump . S 212 o Sienkiewicz, H On the field of glory S 213 o Quo Vadis: persecution of Christians under Nero S 213 q Sinclair, M Divine fire S 215 d Sinclair, U Metropolis S 218 m Seawell, M E Children of destiny: colonial Virginia S 32 c Decatur and Somers S 32 d Little Jarvis (J) S 32 1 Paul Jones (J) S 32 p Quarterdeck and fok’sle S 32 q Rock of the lion: war story S 32 r Virginia cavalier S 32 v Seawell, A Black beauty: story of a horse (J) S 321 b Sedgwick, A D Fountain sealed . S 322 f Slosson, A F Aunt Abby’s neighbors S 351 a Fishin’ Jimmy S 351 f White Christopher S 351 w Somerville, H Jack Racer . S 391 j Sparhawk, F C Wedding tangle S 393 w Spearman, F H Held for orders; railroad life . S 394 h Whispering Smith : wild west S 394 w Sprague, W C Boy pathfinder S 397 p Sanford, L History of two lives: temperance story S 422 1 Stearns, A Chris and the wonderful lamp (J) S 424 c Stockton, F R Bee man of Orn (J) S 427 b Fanciful tales S 427 f Hundredth man S 427 h Jolly fellowship (J) S 427 j Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine . S 427 1 Ting a ling tales . (J) S 427 t Stanley, H M My Kalulu: story of central Africa S 431 m Stephens, C A Off to the geysers S 44 o Stephens, R N Clementina’s highwayman S 45 c An enemy to the king S 45 k Philip Winwood S 45 p Captain Ravenshaw S 45 r Stretton, H Bede’s charity S 472 b Stevenson, R L An inland voyage S 48 a Black arrow S 48 b Juvenile; a book easy to read 68 FICTION David Balfour S 48 d Dynamiter S 48 dy Island nights entertainment S 48 i Dr. JekyllandMr. Hyde S48 j Kidnapped S 48 k New Arabian nights S 48 n Prince Otto S 48 p St. Ives S 48 s Treasure island S 48 t Stevenson, B E Heritage: defeat and victory S 481 h Soldier of Virginia S 481 s Stuart, R M E Carlotta’s intended S 512 c In Simpkinsville: character tales S 512 i Solomon Crow’s Christmas pockets S 512 s Smith, F H Colonel Carter of Cartersville S 56 c Tom Grogan S56g Romance of an old fashioned gentleman S 56 r Tides of Barnegat S 56 t Under dog S 56 u Veiled lady S 56 v Gentleman vagabond S 56 va Caleb West S 56 w Smith, J P Widow Goldsmith’s daughter S 611 w Smith, R P Prisoners of fortune S 65 p Rival campers (J) S 65 r Rival campers afloat (J) S 65 ra Rival campers ashore (J) S 65 rc Smith, M P W Boys of the border (J) S 651 b Smith, W H Evolution of Dodd S 68 e Stoddard, W O Ahead of the army (J) S 71 a Boy Lincoln (J) S 71 b Chris, the model maker (J) S 71 c Dispatch boat of the Whistle (J) S 71 d Errand boy of Andrew Jackson (J) S 71 e On the old frontier (J) S 71 f Jack Morgan (J) S 71 j Little Smoke (J) S 71 1 Red patriot (J) S 71 r Success against odds (J) S 71 s Village champion ( J) S 71 v Spy of Yorktown (J) S 71 y Stowe, H B Chimney corner S 78 c Dred S 78 d Sam Lawson’s oldtown fireside stories S 78 f Household papers and stories S 78 h Minister’s wooing S 78 m Poganuc people S 78 p Pearl of Orr’s island ... S 78 pe Agnes of Sorrento S 78 s Oldtown folks : S 78 t Uncle Tom’s cabin S 78 u We and our neighbors: sequel to “My wife and I” S 78 w My wife and I S 78 wi Stratemeyer, E Under Dewey at Manila (J) S 82 u Young volunteer in Cuba (J) S 82 y Sue, E Wandering Jew S 92 w (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. FICTION 69 Sutherland, J M Then cometh the devil S 921 d Swift, J Gulliver’s travels S 966 g T ALBOT, C R Midshipman at large T 142 m Royal Lowrie’s last year T 142 r Tarkington, B Monsieur Beaucaire: drama of intrigue T 175 b Conquest of Canaan T 175 c Cherry T 175 ch Gentleman from Indiana T 175 g His own people . T 175 h Two Vanrevels T 175 v Taylor, B F Theophilus Trent . T 212 o World on wheels T 212 w Taylor, B John Godfrey’s fortunes *. T 213 j Story of Kennett T 213 s Taylor, C B Nicanor: teller of tales T 214 n Thackeray, W M Adventures of Philip T 32 a Memoirs of Barry Lyndon T 32 b Catherine T 32 c Great Hoggarty diamond T 32 d Henry Esmond T 32 h Memoirs of yellow plush T 32 m Newcomes T 32 n Pendennis T 32 p Vanity fair T 32 v Virginians T 32 vi Thanet, O Lion’s share T 329 1 Man of the hour: socialistic story T 329 m Thomas, C Crystal button T 374 c Thompson, M Stories of the Cherokee hills T 375 s Alice of old Vincennes T 375 v Thurston, L M Girl of Virginia T 427 g Jack and his island (J) T 427 j Mistress Brent T 427 m Thurston, M N On the road to Arcady T 429 o Tolstoi, L N Invaders T 588 i Resurrection T 588 r Sevastopol T 588 s Tomlinson, E T Search for Andrew Field (J) T597a Three Colonial boys (J) T 597 b Cruising on the St. Lawrence (J) T 597 c In the camp of Cornwallis (J) T 597 ca Under colonial colors (J) T 597 co With flintlock and fife (J) T 597 f Guarding the border (J) T 597 g House-boat on the St. Lawrence (J) T 597 h In the Wyoming valley (J) T 597 i Jersey boy in the Revolution (J) T 597 j Boys of old Monmouth (J) T 597 m Boys with old Hickory (J) T 597 o Soldier of the wilderness (J) T 597 s Tecumseh’s young braves (J) T 597 t Three young continentals (J) T 597 th Two young patriots (J) T 597 tw Washington’s young aids (J) T 597 w (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. 70 FICTION Tracy, L Final war T 674 f Trollope, A Sir Harry Hotspur T 749 h Is he Popenjoy? T 749 i True, J P On guard (J) T 766 g Iron star (J) T 766 i Morgan's men (J) T 766 m Scouting for Washington (J) T 766 s V AILE, C M Wheat and huckleberries V 193 h M. M. C: story of the great Rockies V 193 m Vance, L J Brass bowl V 277 b Black bag V 277 bj Vandegrift, M Rose Raymond's wards V 286 r Verne, J Five weeks in a balloon V 595 b Fur country V 595 f Giant raft V 595 g Mystertous island V 595 i Michael Strogoff V 595 s Twenty thousand leagues under the sea V 595 t W ALLACE, D W Ungava Bob W 155 u Wallace, L Ben-Hur W 156 b Fair God W 156 f Prince of India W 156 p Waller, M E Daughter of the rich W 157 d Woodcarver of 'Lympus W 157 w Ward, A B Sage brush parson W 21 s Ward, H Miss Bretherton W 215 b Sir George Tressady W 215 g History of David Grieve W 215 h Helbeck of Bannisdale W 215 he Marcella : problem novel W 215 m Robert Elsmere W 215 r Ware, W Zenobia W 229 z Warner, A Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary W 241 j Warner, C Their pilgrimage W 242 t Little journey in the world W 242 w Warner, S Diana W 246 d Gold of Chickaree W 246 g Hills of the Shatemuc W 246 h Melbourne house W 246 m Nobody W 246 n Old helmet W 246 o Say and seal W 246 s Wych hazel W 246 w Wide, wide, world W 246 wi Watson, H B M Adventurers W 337 a Webster, J Jerry Junior W 394 j Westcott, E N David Harum W 511 h Weyman, S J Castle Inn W 547 c For the cause W 547 f Story of Francis Cludde W 547 fr Gentleman of France W 547 g House of the wolf W 547 h Shrewsbury W 547 s (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. FICTION 71 Weyman, S J Little wizard W 547 w Wharton, E Crucial instances W 555 c Fruit of the tree W 555 f House of mirth W 555 h Touchstone W 555 t Valley of decision W 555 v Wharton, T Bobbo and other fancies W 556 b Wheelwright, J T Child of the century W 571 c White, F M Yellow face W 583 y White, S E Blazed trail stories W 585 b Magic forest (J) W 585 m Pass W 585 p Westerners W 585 w White, W A Court of boyville (J) W 586 c Real issue W 586 r In our town W 586 t Whitlock, B Happy average W 59 h Thirteenth district W 59 t Whitney, A D T Golden gossip W 611 g Square pegs W 611 s Wiggin, K D Birds Christmas carol (J) W 639 b Cathedral courtship W 639 c Summer in a canon (J) W 639 i Polly Oliver’s problem (J) W 639 p Penelope’s progress (J) W 639 pe Rose o’ the river W 639 r Story hour (J) W 639 s Wilcox, EW Woman of the world W 643 w Wilkins, M E Jane Field W 657 j Jerome W 657 je Madelon W 657 m Pembroke W 657 p Silence W 657 s Williamson, C N Princess Virginia W 67 p Wilson, A E Infelice W 691 i At the mercy of Tiberius W 691 t Wilson, H Spenders: tale of the third generation W 694 s Wilson, W R A Comrades three (J) W 699 c King’s scouts (J) W 699 k Winthrop, T Cecil Dreeme W 737 d John Brent W 737 j Wister, O Lady Baltimore W 768 b Jimmy John boss W 768 j How doth the simple spelling bee? W 768 s Virginian W 768 v Dragon of Wantley W 768 w Wodehouse, P G White feather: college story W 815 w Wood, C S On the frontier with St. Clair W 85 o Wood, H East Lynne W 851 e Wright, H B Shepherd of the hills W 933 s Wright, M O Aunt Jimmy’s will (J) W 934 a Open window W 934 o Wyss, J R Swiss family Robinson (J) W 999 s Y ONGE, C M Book of golden deeds (J) Y 8 b Caged lion Y 8 c (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. 72 FICTION Yonge, C M Heir of Redclyffe Y 8 h Little Lucy’s wonderful globe ... . (J) Y 8 1 Dove in the Eagle’s nest Y8n Chaplet of pearls Y8p Two sides of the shield Y 8 t Unknown to history Y8u Young, G Chunk, Fusky and Snout (J) Y 86 c Z ANGWILL, I Dreamers of the Ghetto Z 16 d Zola, E Lourdes Z 75 1 Rome Z 75 r (J) Juvenile; a book easy to read. ‘ : . -**£ ^mk ? ^ ..-s -T- *«*£ ’ >•*' g|| 5 i; V I ■ i! _t;-v - P! Sp^Spp -. ■ ■-•■ ' •: '■• D- t'" ■-: .'V- :'-^' a- mmMrnim illte imi 8^§*-oS ffi.jg gKBs fe 1 - - » '- &31§t§ W^, - stf\ * li MMgmm pB§|8l^™« m8S&& JH J rc:«’\ \ " y*', A' -f^ 0 • S 3I&; #"3tSrSSI Smgmwwtm •■ A£g yjggftMS gSSfer««f r -Hsa^ * >- s^nni . ;& i ; gig s- agp* i >. - 3 Wp vv . -■ --;. <®N»» -£&n ^ig|f/- * . SMaBBHHBH