***** (§ W' OF THE OF XEW-YORIi, PI BUSHED PUKSUANT TO AN O/UJEK OF THB COMMON COUNCIv NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY GOULD, BANKS & CO. Corner of Nassau and Spruce-sts. 1832 •« ** I Political Soienee R©*ftarcb T 30Mo 1? f\4a, £ grant, ratify and confirm unto all and and tenements, every the respective inhabitants of the said city of New-York and of Manhattan’s Island aforesaid, and their several and respective heirs, and assigns, all and every the several and respective messuages, te- ments, lands, and hereditaments, situate, lying and being in the said city, and Manhattan’s Island, afore¬ said, to them severally and respectively granted, con¬ veyed and confirmed, by any the late Governors, Lieutenants, or Commanders in Chief, of the said Province, or by any of the former Mayors or deputy Mayors and Aldermen of the said city of New-York, by deed, grant, conveyance, or otherwise howsoever; To hold to their several and respective heirs and as» signs forever. Grants to the And I do by these presents, give and grant unto corporation of J F ’ b 6 all waste and the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the vacated lands ... ^ _ T T7 . . ... on Manhat- said city oi New York, all the waste, vacant, unpa- taB s i85aild ‘ tented and unappropriated lands, lying, and being within the said citv of New York, and on Manhat- *> ’ LowWater *° tan?s Isknd aforesaid, extending and reaching to the Mark. Low-Water-Mark. in by and through all parts of the said city of New-York, and Manhattan’s Island aforesaid, together with all rivers, rivulets, coves, creeks, ponds, waters and water courses in the said city and island, or either of them, not heretofore given or granted, by any of the former Governors, Lieutenants, or Commanders in Chief, under their or some of their hands and seals, or seal of the Pro¬ vince, or by any of the former Mayors ot deputy JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR. Mayors and Aldermen of the said city of New-York, to some respective - person or persons, late inhabi¬ tants of the said city of New-York, or Manhat¬ tan’s Island, or of other parts of the said province. And l do by these presents, give, grant and con- Royalties of firm unto the said Mayor, Aldermen and Common- fng^Mtlng. alty of the said city of New-York, and their succes- ,mn€P > &< ‘* sors forever, the royalties of fishing, fowling, hunt¬ ing, hawking, minerals and other royalties and pri. vileges, belonging or appertaining to the city of New-York, and Manhattan’s Island aforesaid (gold Except gold and silver mines only excepted) to have, hold and en- nlj neg s . 1,ver T*o I. 1 i r joy all and singular the premises, to the said Mayor, tlie ° a id'° cor . ° Aldermen and Commonalty of the said city of New- p° r . atlon and - J their succes- York, and their successors forever, rendering and ®? rs , for , ever ; * . . Under the paying therefore unto his most sacred majesty, his yearly quit- • A I rr ' rent of one heirs, successors or assigns, or to such officer or Beaver skin, officers, as shall be appointed to receive the same, yearly forever hereafter, the annual quit-rent or ac- knowiedgment of one Beaver skin, or the value thereof in current money of this province, in the said city of New-York, on the five and twentieth day of March, yearly forever. And, moreover, I will, and by these presents do grant, appoint, and declare, that the said city of New-York, and the compass, precincts and limits thereof, and the jurisdiction of the same, shall from ...... henceforth extend and reach itself, and may and tiie city to ex- J tend to Low- shall be able to reach forth and extend itself, as well Water-lVark . . . ... 1 . ... i i all round the m length and in breadth as in circuit, to the farthest island Man extent of, and in, and throughout all the said Island ll,uMn Manhattan’s, and in and upon all the rivers, rivulets, quarter of the city of new-Vork* The Corpo¬ ration quietly to enjoy all their liberties. I A Mayor, Recorder, Town-Clerk, six Aldermen and six Assist¬ ants. Chamberlain, Coroner, Clerk coves, creeks, waters and water courses, belonging to the same Island, as far as low-water mark. And I do also, for and on the behalf of his most sacred majesty aforesaid, his heirs and successors, firmly enjoin and command, that the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the city aforesaid, and their successors, shall and may freely and quietly have, hold, use. and enjoy, the aforesaid liberties, authorities, jurisdictions, franchises, rights, royalties, privileges, exemptions, lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises aforesaid, in manner and form aforesaid, according to the tenor and effect of the aforesaid grants, patents, customs, and let¬ ters patents of grant and confirmation, without the let, hinderance or impediment of me, or any of my successors, governors, lieutenants, or other officers whatsoever. And also, I do, for and on the behalf of his most sacred majesty aforesaid, his heirs and succes¬ sors, grant to the Mayor, Aldermen and Common¬ alty of the said City of New-York, and their succes¬ sors, by these presents, that for the better govern¬ ment of the said ciiy, liberties and precincts thereof, there shall he forever hereafter within the said city, a Mayor and Recorder, Town-Clerk, and six Al¬ dermen, and six Assistants, to be appointed, nomi¬ nated, elected, chosen and sworn, as hereinafter is particularly and respectively mentioned, wh • shall he forever hereafter called, The Mayor, Alda men and Commonalty of the city of New-York ; and that there shall he forever, one Chamberlain, or Trea¬ surer, one Sheriff, one Coroner, one Clerk of the JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR. 9 0 market, one high constable, seven sub-constables, °fthe Market, , , , , . * Sheriff, High- and one marshal or serjeant at mace, to be appointed, Constable, se- chosen, and sworn in manner hereinafter mentioned. w ™WcTone And Ido, by these presents, for and on the be- half of his most sacred majesty aforesaid, his heirs, r° inted - successors and a-signs, declare, constitute, grant, and appoint, that the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Assistants of the said City of New-York, for the time being, and they which hereafter shall be the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, and Assistants of the said City of New York, for the time being, and their successors, for ever hereafter, be, and shall be, by force of these presents, one body cor¬ porate and politic, in deed, fact, and name, by the name of The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of Mayor, Recor- the City of New-York ; and them by the name of, ^Slants The Mayor. Aldermen , and Commonalty of the City mHke \ of New York, one body corporate and politic, inP°l itic - deed, fact, and name; 1 do really and fully create, ordain, make, constitute, and confirm by these pre¬ sents; and that, by the name of, The Mayor, Al- And to have 7 J perpetual suc- dermen and Commonalty of the City of New-York, cession, by the , , . iii Name of The they may have perpetual succession ; and that they, Mayor, Aider- and their successors, forever, by the name of, The S ants, chamher- High Constable, Petty Constables, and all other lain » ll5 g }l co n- -v. . . stable, &c. to officers of the said city, before they, or any of them, l,R sw r orn be- shall be admitted to enter upon and execute their or any three or respective offices, shall be sworn faithfully to ex- men? ulder ’ ecute the same, before the Mayor, or any three or more of the Aldermen for the time being. And i 16 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. Who are im- powered to ad¬ minister the same oaths. Mayor & Re¬ corder with three or more Aldermen as¬ signed Justices of the Peace, to hear and determine all causes within the city. I do , by these presents, for and on the behalf of his most sacred majesty, his heirs and successors, grant and give power and authority to the Mayor and Recorder of the said city, for the time being, to Ad¬ minister the same respective oaths to them accord¬ ingly. And further , I do by these presents, grant, for and on the behalf of his most sacred majesty aforesaid, his heirs and successors, that the Mayor and Recorder of the said city, for the time being? and three or more of the Aldermen of the said city, not exceeding live, shall be justices and keepers of the peace of his most sacred majesty, his heirs and successors, and justices to hear and determine mat¬ ters and causes within the said city and liberties, and precincts thereof; and that they or any three or more of them, whereof the Mayor and Recorder, or one of them, for the time being, to be there, shall and may forever hereafter, have power and authority, by virtue of these presents, to hear and determine As Larcenies, all and all manner of petty larcenies, riots, routs, Riots, Routs, . •!! , r Ac. oppressions, extortions, and other trespasses and of¬ fences whatsoever, within the said cry of New-York, and the liberties and precincts aforesaid, from time to time, arising and happening, and which arise or ' happen and any ways belonging to the offices of jus¬ tices of the peace, and the correction and punish¬ ment of the offences aforesaid, and every of them; according to the laws of England, and the laws of the said Province; and to do and execute all other things in the said city, liberties, and precincts afore¬ said, so fully and in ample manner, as to the com¬ missioners assigned, and to be assigned for the JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ, GOVERNOR. n keeping of the peace in the said county of New- York, doth or may belong. And, moreover, I do by these presents, for and on the behalf of his most sacred majesty aforesaid, his heirs and successors, appoint, that the Aider- men, Assistants, High Constable, and Petty Con- Aldei-mea, as- stables, within the said city, be v early chosen on constable h a nd tire feast day of St. Michael the Arch angel, forever, [J^ y t Q 0n ^ a ' (viz j one Alderman, one Assistant, and one Con cho ^ n yearly y ' 7 on tlie feast of stable, for each respective ward, and one Constable St. MichaeL for each division in the out-ward, in such public place in the said respective wards, as the Aldermen for the time being, for each ward, shall direct and appoint; and that the Aldermen, Assistants, and Aldermen as Petty Constables, be chosen by majority of voices petty J J J J constables to be of the inhabitants of each ward ; and that the High chosen by ma¬ jority of voices. Constable be appointed by the Mayor of the said Mayor to ap- city for the time being; and that the Chamberlain stable. lglcon shall be yearly chosen, on the said feast day, in the to be chosen by said City-Hall of the said city, by the Mayor and dermen y< & as" Aldermen and Assistants, or by the Mayor, or three sisUnls * or more of the Aldermen, and three or more of the Assistants of the said city, for the time being. And I do , by these presents, constitute and appoint the said John West, to be the present Town Clerk, Town Clerk Clerk of the Peace, and Clerk of the Court of Pleas, pj,^ ^ to be holden befoie the Mayor, Recorder, and Al- uamed dermen, within the said city, and the liberties and precincts thereof. And further , I do by these pre¬ sents, for and on the behalf of his most sacred ma¬ jesty aforesaid, his heirs and successors, require and strictly charge and command, that the Sheriff, Town Sheriff; town 3 18 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. clerk, high con¬ stable, petty constables, and all other subor¬ dinate officers to attend on the mayor, re- coider and al¬ dermen, to ex¬ ecute their commands. Clerk, Clerk of the Peace, High Constable, Petty Constables, and all other subordinate officers in the said city, for the time being, and every of the.n re¬ spectively, jointly and severally, as cause shall re¬ quire, shall attend upon the said Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, of the said city, for the time being, and every or any of them, according to the duty of their respective places, in and about the executing of such the commands, precepts, warrants, and pro¬ cesses, of them and every of them, as belongeth and appertained] to be done or executed ; and that the aforesaid Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, and every of them, as justices of the peace lor the time being, by their or any of their warrants, all and every person and persons for high treason or petty treason, or for suspicion thereof, or for other felonies whatsoever, and all malefactors and disturbers of Mavor,record the peace, and other offenders for other misdemean- men imty com- ors > w h° shall be apprehended within the said city, fous for’mi-de- or liberties thereof, shall and may send and com* meanor?. mit, or cause to he sent and committed, to the com¬ mon gaol of the said city, there to remain and be kept in safe custody, by the keeper of the said gaol, or his deputy, for the time being, until such offender and offenders shall he lawfully delivered thence. And 1 do, by these presents, for and on the behalf of his most sacred majesty aforesaid, his heirs and successors, charge and inquire the keeper and keep¬ ers of the said gaol for the time being, and his and Coaler to take their deputy and deputies, to receive, take, and in tTcuslod 0 / 8 safe cuslod y to keep, all and singu'ar such person and persons so apprehended, or to be apprehended. JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ GOVERNOR. T9 sent, and committed, to the said gaol, by warrant of the said justices, or any of them as aforesaid, un¬ til he and thev so sent and committed to the said Ami there keep them until de¬ gaol, shall from thence be delivered by due course livered t>y - , course of Law. oi law. And further , I do grant and confirm for and on the behalf of his most sacred majesty aforesaid, his heirs and successors, that the said Mayor of the said city, for the time being, and no other, (accord¬ ing to the usage and custom practised in the said city of New-York, in the times of my predecessors, the several Lieutenants, Governors, and Command¬ ers in Chief, of this province) shall have power and authority to give and grant licenses annually, under vern ^ ee P ers * the public seal of the said city, to all tavern keep¬ ers, innkeepers, ordinary keepers, victuallers and all public sellers of wine, strong waters, cyder, beer, or any other soit of liquors, hy retail within the city aforesaid, Manhattan’s Island, or their liberties and precincts thereof; and that it shall and may be law¬ ful to and for the said Mayor of the said city, for the time being, to ask, demand, and receive, for such license, by him to be given and granted, as aforesaid, such sum or sums of money, as he and the person to whom such license shall be given or granted, shall agree for, not exceeding the sum of thirty shillings for each license. All which money, as by the said Mayor shall be so received, shall be used and applied to the public use of the said May¬ or, Aldei men, and Commonalty, of the said city of New York, and their successors, without any ac¬ count thereof to be rendered, made or done, to any 20 CHARTER OP THE CITY OP NEYV-YORK. of the Lieutenants or Governors of this province, for the time being, or any of their deputies. And know ye, That for the better government of the said city, and for the welfare of the said citizens, tradesmen, and inhabitants thereof, I do by these presents, for and on the behalf of his most sacred majesty, his heirs and successors, give and grant to the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, of the Mayor.record- said city, and their successors that the Mayor, Ke- or^the mayor corder, and Aldermen, or the Mayor and any three moreafdermen or more °f the Aldermen for the time being, shall, mciT ^ free * fr om time to time, and at all times hereafter, have full power and authority, under the common seal, to make free citizens, of the said city, and liberties thereof; and no person or persons whatsoever, other And no person than suc j 1 f ree citizens, shall hereafter use any art, being: not a free 7 J 7 man toexercise trade, mystery, or manual occupation, within the any trade, un- . , . less in time ot said city, liberties, and precincts thereof, saving in their ^cootimf the times of fairs there to be kept, and during the AlS^unfreemen continuance of such fairs only. And in case any or"ei*inggood^ P erson or Persons whatsoever, not being fiee citi- (unless a fan be zens 0 f the said c jty as aforesaid, shall at any time persist after no- hereafter use or exercise any art, trade, mystery, or manual occupation, or shall, by himself, themselves, or others, sell, or expose to sale, any manner of mer¬ chandize or wares whatsoever, by retail, in any house, shop, or place, or standing within the said city, or the liberties or precincts thereof: no fair being then kept, in the said city, and shall persist therein after warning to him or them given, or left by the appointment of the Mayor ol the said city, for the time being, at the place or places where such JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR. 2 l person or persons shall so use or exercise any art, trade, mystery, or manual occupation ; or shall sell or expose to sale, any wares or merchandizes, as aforesaid by retail; then it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the said city for the time being, to cause such shop windows to be shut up, and also to im-shall forfeit a pose such reasonab'e fine for such offence, not ex- ceedin£°| t 5 tor I «nr» ceeding five pounds for every respective offence; eac 1 otlenc ' and the same fine and fines so imposed, to levy and to he levied by distress & swamp. And all rents served due- and payable, from several persons in- and quit rents reserved od habiting within the said city, and Island Man hat- former grants, tan’s, by virtue of former grants to them made and given, and saving to all other persons, bodits poli¬ tic and corporate, their heirs, successors, and as¬ signs all such right, title, and claim, possessions, rents, services, commons, emoluments, interest in and to any thing which is their’s (save only the fran¬ chises aforesaid) in as ample manner as if this chap¬ ter had not been made. And further, I do appoint and declare, that the incorporation to be founded by this charter, shall not at any time hereafter do or suffer to be done, any thing by means whereof the lands tenements or incorpora¬ tion 'iot be con- hereditaments, stock goods, or chattels thereof, strued to take or in the hands, custody, possession of, any of the ci hnds, ume- tizens of the said city, such as have been sett, lett, oTdutt^s dls- given, granted, or collected, to, and for pious and to S charitable re charitable uses, shall be wasted or misemployed, u?es * contrary to the trust or intent of the founder or giver thereof, and that such and no other construction shall be made thereof, than that which may tend most to advantage religion, justice, and the public 26 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. good; and to suppress all acts and contrivances te be invented, or put in use, contrary thereunto. In Witness whereof, I have caused these presents to be entered in the Secretary’s office, and the seal of the said Province to be hereunto affixed, this seven and twentieth day of April, in the second year of the reign of his most sacred majesty aforesaid, and in End of the the year of our Lord God, One Thousand Six Hun- Gov, Dongan, dred and Lightysix. THOMAS DOXGAN. By virtue , or under pretext whereof, the said citi- Recital that zens ar, d inhabitants from the date thereof, hitherto Srtue^oMlnt ^ ave or clanmed to hold, and still do hold, or hHd rt & r stilTdo c ^ a * m to a,1( ^ enjoy? an( ^ singular the rights, hold sundry privileges, franchises, pre-eminences, advantages, franchises, r lands and tene- jurisdictions, courts, powers, profits, immunities, merits, thereby , . , . granted to lands, tenements, hereditaments, and other ihe pre- Mtem. ln j se s therein particularly mentioned and thereby in¬ tended to be granted And whereas the citizens and inhabitants of the said city of i\ew York, besides the several public buildings, accommodations, con- veniencies, and other things in the before recited grant or writing mentioned to have been by them erected, built, and appropriated, have, since the making thereof, built, and appropriated, at their own proper costs and charges, several public buildings, accommodations, and conviencies, for the said city, that is to say , the present city hall and gaols, rooms and places for the sitting of courts of justice, Recital of se- and chambers adjoining, with the ground and ap. building made purtenances thereunto belonging, five market-houses, by the City. t j ie p resen t crane and bridge, with the common JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR. 27 sewer leading through the great dock, and a maga¬ zine or powder house near the fresh water, and se¬ veral other public buildings, and conveniencies in the said city ; and have built the new ferrv houses on the * ' island of Nassau, for the reception of travellers, with a barn, stables, and penn, or pound for cattle. And whereas our late roval predecessor, Queen Recital of the f . , , Patent of Anne, by her letters patent, under the broad seal Q uee n Anne, of the Province of New York made, bearing date the nineteenth day of April, in the seventh year of her reign, did grant, ratify, and confirm, unto the then Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the city of New-York, and to their successors and assigns, in these words following, to w t, Anne, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ire¬ land, queen, defender of the faith, &c. To ail In ^ :c ver ^ a ‘ whom these presents may in any wise concern, send- eth greeting: Whereas the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the city of New-York, by their pe¬ tition to our right trusty and well beloved cousin Ed¬ ward Viscount Cornburry, our Captain General and Recital of pc- ^ . rM • • j • /.titioo from the Governor in Chief, m and over our province of corpora lion to New-York, and territories depending thereon in l° v ^ ornburr y> America, and Vice Admiral of the same, &c. pre¬ ferred in Council; therein setting forth, That they having a right and interest, under divers ancient Charters and Grants, by divers former Governors Setting forth 7 J their right to and Commanders in Chief of our said Province of the Feiry on tvt v i j ii . . Nassau Island j New-York, under our noble progenitors, in a certain ferry from the said city of New York, over the East River to Nassau Island, (alias Long-Island) and from the said Island to the said city again, and have I 28 charter op the city op nfw-york. possessed the same, and received all the profits, be¬ nefits, and advantages thereof for the space of fifty years and upwards; and perceiving the profits, ad¬ vantages, and benefits usually issuing out of the same to diminish, decrease, and fall short of what might be reasonably made of the same, for the want of the bounds and limits, to be extended and en¬ larged on the said island side, whereby to prevent divers persons transporting themselves and goods to and from the said Island Nassau (alias Long Island) over the said river, without coming or landing at the And pravmg usua | nnf j accustomed places, where the ferry boats jjranl & conu 1 7 mation thereof; are usually kept and appointed, to the great loss and damage of the said city of New' York; have humbly prayed our grant and confirmation, under the great seal of our said Province of New York, of the said feiry, called the Old Ferry, on both sides of the said Fast River, for the transporting of pas¬ sengers, goods, horses and cattle, to and from the said city, as the same is now held and enjoyed hy the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said city of N’ew-York, or their under-tenant, or under-tenants; and also, of all that the vacant and unappropriated land, from high water-mark, to low bind^Vom^Bh water ma, k» 011 the said Nassau Island, (alias I ong- wate' nwk'oo ^ ar,c 0 tying contiguous and fronting the said city Nassau island, of New York, from a certain place called, The Wall About, unto the Red-Hook, over against Nut- ten-island, for the better improvement and accom- with power to modation of the said ferry ; with full power, leave, ferries!* 1 m ° U anc ^ bcence to set up, establish, maintain, and keep one or more ferry or ferries, for the ease and accom- JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ GOVERNOR. TJ modation of al! passengers and travellers, for the transportation of themselves, goods, horses, and cattle, over the said river, within the bounds afore¬ said, as they shall see meet and convenient, and oc¬ casion require ; and to establish, ordain, and make hyeT^foM^ bye laws, orders, and ordinances, for the due and S uldlu,g orderly regulation of the same: The which Petition we being minded to grant, Know ye, That of our especial grace, certain knowledge, and meer motion, we have given, granted, ratified, and confirmed, and in and by these presents, for us, our heirs, and successors, we do give, grant, ratify, and confirm, unto the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the city of New-York, and to their successors and assigns, All that the said ferry, called the Old Grant tothe Ferry, on both sides of the said Fast River, for the [^ e °‘ transportation of passengers, goods, horses, and cat¬ tle, over the said river, to and from the said city and island, as the same is now used, held, and enjoyed, by the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commanalty of the city of New-York, or their under tenant or un¬ der tenants, with all and singular the usual and ac¬ customed ferriage, fees, perquisites, rents, issues, profits, and other benefits and advantages whatso- with all fees J ’ _ & and profits. ever, to the said Old Ferry belonging or therewith used, or thereout arising; and also, all that the aforesaid vacant and unappropriated ground, lying Grant of all and being on the said Nassau Island, (alias Long- y md, Island) from high water maik to low water-mark and'imr water- aforesaid, contiguous and fronting the said city vv^'i^Ahou/to of New York, from the aforesaid place called the Red-Hook, Wall-About, to Red-Hook aforesaid; That is to 30 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK'. say , from the east side of the 'Wall-About, opposite the now dwelling house of James Bobine, to the west side of the Red*Hook, commonly called the Fishing Place, with all and singular the appurte¬ nance and hereditaments to the same, or any part or parcel thereof belonging, or in any wise of right appertaining; together with all and singular the rents, issues, profits, ways, waters, easements, and fii/ n belonging ot her benefits, profits, advantages, and appwrte- I'nertto. nances, which heretofore have, now are, and which hereafter shall belong to the said ferry, vacant land, and premises, hereinbefore granted and confirmed, or to any or either of them in any wise appertain¬ ing, or which heretofore have been, now are, and which hereafter shall belong, he used, held, received, and enjoyed ; and all our estate, right, title, and in terest, benefit and advantage, claim and demand of in, or to, the said ferry, vacant land, and piemisesj or any part or parcel thereof, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders; together with the yearly and other rents, revenues, and pro¬ fits, of the premises, and of every part and parcel thereof; except and always reserved out of this our present grant and confirmation, free liberty, leave, Reserving lib- and license, to and for all and every person or per- hdbitani s !v- sons ’ inhabiting or having plantations near the said ing plautatious r | ver by the water side, within the limits and bounds near the water 7 J side to trans- above mentioned, to transport themselves, goods* wives & goods horses, and cattle over the said river, to and from ferrkge the said ciiy of New-York, and Nassau-l>land, (alias themselves a^d Long-Island) to and from their respective dwellings »ood»°and in or plantations, without any ferriage or other account 31 JO IIN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR to the said ferry, hereby granted and confirmed to ^JJ ir ® wn boats be paid or given ; so always as the said person or persons do transport themselves only, and their own goods, and in their own boats only, and not any stranger or their goods, horses, or cattle, or in any other boat: To have and to hold , All and singular To bold the the said ferry, vacant land, and premises, herein va^ant 'land'to before granted and confirmed, or meant, mentioned, *! ie c facto , and nomine really and fully, we do for us, our heirs and successors, erect, make, ordain, con¬ stitute, cot.firm, declare, and create, by these pre¬ sents, and that, by that name, they shall and may have perpetual succession; and also, that they and And by that . • , , . . mi n,i name to have their successors, by the said name of, 1 be Mayor, perpetual suc- Alderrnen , and Commonalty of the city of New- Cess,0 °* York, be, and foiever hereafter shall be, persons able in law, and capable to sue and be sued, im- And to sue plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered ^ CO urts. e m unto, defend and be defended, in all courts and places before us. our heirs and successors, and before all and any the judges, justices, officers, and mi¬ nisters of us, our heirs and successors, and else¬ where in all and all manner of actions, suits, com¬ plaints, pleas, causes, matters, and demands, what¬ soever, and of what kind or nature soever, in as full and ample manner and form, as any of our other liege subjects of our said Province, being persons able and capable in law, can or may sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be an- 40 CHARTER UK THE CITY OP NEW-YQRK. swered unto, defend and be defended, by any law¬ ful ways and means whatsoever. And also , That they and their successors, by the same name of, p"oS ab1 Hnd ^ he Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the rily em^ti Ud gS New ‘ York > be and shall be, forever hereafter, aud cudtteis. persons capable and able in law, to purchase, take, hold, receive, enjoy, and have, any messuages^ houses, buildings, lands, tenements, rents, posses¬ sions and other hereditaments, and real estate, within or without our said Province, in fee and for¬ ever, er, for term of life, or lives or years, or in any other manner; and also goods, chattels, and all other things, of what kind or quality soever. And to set!, And also, That they and their successors, bv the Set, ^nd dispose J thereof. same name of, The Mayor, Aldermen, and Common - alty of the city of New-York, shall and may give, grant, demise, assign, and sell, or otherwise dis¬ pose of all or any the messuages, houses, buildings, lands, tenements, rents, possessions, and other hereditaments, and real estate, and all their goods, chattels, and other things aforesaid, as to them shall seem meet, at their own will and pleasure. And also. That the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the city of Nno-Yorlc, for the time being, and their successors, shall and may forever hereafter, have and use a common seal for sealing all and singular deeds, grants, conveyances, con¬ tracts, bonds, articles of agreements, assignments, powers, authorities, and all and singular their affairs and things, touching or concerning the said corporation: And, by virtue of these our letters, Corporation to have a common seal. 41 JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR. it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Mayor, .Aldermen, and Commonalty of the city of New - Yor/c , and their successors, as they shall see cause, to break, change, and new-make the same, or any And ma F a! tei 0 7 ^ or new make other common seal, when, and as often as to them the same. it shall seem convenient. And we do further , of our especial grace, certain knowledge, and meer motion, for us, our heirs and successors, give, grant, order, and appoint, that the said city of Neio York , and the compass, precincts, circuit, bounds, liberties, and jurisdictions, of the same, do reach, extend, and stretch forth, and shall and may reach, extend, and stretch forth, as well in length as in breadth and circuit, in and through the limits and boundaries following, to wit: To begin Extent of the at the river, creek, or run of water, called Spyt den Clty ' Duyvely over which King’s Bridge is built, where the said river or creek empties itself into the North River, on Westchester side thereof, at low water¬ mark, and so to run along the said river, creek, or run, on Westchester side, at low water mark, unto the t ast River, or Sound, and from thence to cioss over to Nassau-Island, to low water mark there, including Great-Barn Island, Little-Barn Island, and Manning’s-Island, and from thence all along Nas¬ sau-Island shore at low water mark, unto the south side of the Red-Hook ; and from thence to run a line across the North River, so as to include Nuttem Island, Bt dlow’s Island, Bucking Island, and the Oyster-Island, to low water-mark on the west side of the North River, or so far as the limits of our said 6 > 42 tHARTER OP THE CITY OF KEW-YORK. province extended there, and so to run up along the west side of the said river, at low water-mark, or along the limits of our said province, until it comes directly opposite to the first mentioned river or creek, and thence to the place where the said boun- Citytohedi-daries fiist began. And also, that the said citv, 'arided into se- , .... ven Wards. within the limits and jurisdictions thereof as afore¬ said, be, and forever hereafter shall be, and remain Their names, divided into seven wards,* to wit: the West Ward,, the South Ward, the Dock Ward, the East Ward, the North Ward Montgomerie Ward, and the Out Ward; each and every of which wards, shall con¬ tain and comprehend, and reach and extend through the several limits and bounds following, to wit: Bounds of the The West Ward to begin at the middle of the 3rd east end of the street that goes from the Parade to the North River between the lot of ground now in fence, belonging to Charles Sleigh, and the house and ground late of Thomas Elde ; and from thence to run a direct line over to the middle of the west end of Beaver street, and so along to the middle of Beaver street, till it comes directly opposite to the middle of the south end of New-street, and then to run all along the middle of New-Street, to the north end thereof; and from thence to run to the re^r of the dwelling-house, now in the possession of Do- mine Du Bois, and from thence to run all along the rear of the houses that front the Broad-Way, up The Dumber of Wards bas been since increased to fifteen, and the boundaries altered by an Act of the Legislature. See the Appendix. JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR, 4$ (o the north part of the rear of Spring-Garden-house; and from thence, to run up a line, as the Broad- Way runs, to the end thereof, including the said Broad-Way; and John Harris, his house, and to in¬ clude all other houses, hereafter to be built fronting the said Broad-Way, and from the north end of the Broad-Way to continue and run a line, as the said street runs, until it comes directly opposite to Besta- ver ? s Killitie, or rivulet, and from thence to run to tile said Bestaver’s Killitie, and so to continue thesaid fine, four hundred foot, beyond low water-mark, into the North River, and so down the said North-River always keeping four hundred foot beyond low water¬ mark, until it comes directly opposite to the middle of the west end of the first mentioned street; and so to run to and through the middle of the said street# to the place where the said west ward first began. The South Ward, to begin at the middle of VI all- Rounds of the street, where the line of the west ward runs across ^ oul ^ ^ the same, and from thence down the middle of Wall- street, until it comes directly opposite to the middle of the north end of Broad-street; and from thence down the middle of Broad-street to the long bridge; and from thence to the eastward of, and to include the said long bridge, and the market house at the south end of the said street ; and from thence to con¬ tinue and run a south-east line, across the East- Hiver to low water-mark, on Nassau-Island shore; and from thence to run along the said shore at low water-mark, to the south side of Red-Hook, and 44 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. from thence to run a line across the North River, so as to include Nutten Island, Bedlow’s Island. Buck¬ ing-Island, and the Oyster Island to low water¬ mark, on the west side of the \orth River; and so to run up along the west side of the said river, at low water-mark, until it comes directly opposite to Bestaver’s Killitie, or rivulet; and from thence to run to the north westerly corner of the West Ward, at four hundred foot beyond low water mark; and from thence along the bounds of the said West Ward, till it comes to the south-westerly end thereof; and from thence, still along the bounds of the West Ward, through the street by the parade, and through Beaver-street, and New-street to the place where the said South Ward began. Bounds of the The Dock Ward, to begin at the middle of Wall- Dock Ward. . * Street, directly opposite to the middle of the north end of Broad street, and from thence down through the middle of Wall-street until it comes to the mid¬ dle of Smith-street; thence down through the middle of Smith-street to a place called Marten Clock’s Cor¬ ner, including the small street between the house late of the said Marten Clock and the Slip, and so to continue and run a line as the said small street runs, into the East River, four hundred foot below low water-mark, thence running westerly, keeping four hundred foot below low water-mark, till it comes to the bounds of the South Ward, and from thence along the bounds of the South Ward, up the middle of Broad-street, to the place where the said Dock Ward began. JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ GOVERNOR. 45 ‘The East Ward to begin at the north easterly £ oun ^ ° r f corner of the Dock Ward, in the middle of Smith- street, and so run from thence up through the mid¬ dle of the said street, till it comes directly opposite to the middle of the north easterly end of Golden- Hill street; and from thence to run down through the middle of the said street to the mi Idle of the southeasterly end thereof; and from thence to run through the middle of Rodman’s Slip to the East River; and from thence to continue and run a line as the said slip runs, into the East River, four hun¬ dred foot below low water-mark; thence running westerly, keeping four hundred foot be'ow low water¬ mark, till it comes to the south easterly end of the Dock Ward; and so along the bounds of the Dock Ward, up through the middle of Smith-street, to the place where the East Ward began. The Noith Ward, to begin where the East Ward Bounds of the begins, in the middle of Smith street, and so to run from thence through the middle of the said street so far as it runs, and so to continue a line, from the end of the said stieet, as the street runs to the south side of the creek that runs from fresh water into the East River; and from thence running a north course till it comes to the bounds of the West Ward; and from thence running along the bounds of the said West Ward towards Spring garden, and all along the rear of the houses fronting the Broad- Way, and so still along the bounds of the said West Waid, to the middle of Wall-street, where the 46 CHARTER OP THE CITY OP NEW-YORK# West Ward runs across the same; and from thence down the middle of Wall street, along the bounds of the South Ward, and the Dock Ward, to the place where the said North Ward began, including in the same ward, the Powder-House, the City- Hall, and the Presbyterian Meeting-House. Bounds of Montgomerie Ward to begin at the south eas- Montgomerie Ward. terly corner of the East Ward, opposite to Rod* man’s-Slip, four hundred foot below low water-mark, in the East River, and from thence to run along the bounds of the East Ward, to and through the middle of Rodman’s Slip, and all through the middle of Golden-Hill street, till it meets with the boundaries of the North Ward, and the middle of Smith-street, and so along the bounds of the North VVaid, through the middle of Smith street to the rivulet that runs from fresh water into the East River; from thence along the said rivulet so far as it goes, till it empties itself in the said East River; and from thence to run a south-east line, four hundred foot beyond low- water-mark, into the said East Rivet, and from thence running westerly, keeping four hundred foot beyond low water mark, to the place where the said Montgomerie Ward began. Bounds of the The ^ ut ^ ar< ^ t0 begin at the north-westerly cor* Out Ward, ner of the South Ward, at low-water-mark, on the west side of the North River, over against Besta* ver’s Killitie or rivulet, and from thence to run up along the west side of the said river, at low water¬ mark, until it comes directly opposite to the river JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR. 47 creek, or run of water, called Spyt den Dvyvel , over which King’s-Bridge is built; and from thence to run to the said creek, or river, to the Westches¬ ter side thereof, at low water-mark, and so to run along the said river, creek, or run on Westchester side, at low water mark, into the East River, or Sound, and from thence to cross over to Nassau- Island, to low water-mark there, including Great- Barn-Island, Little Barn-Island, and Manning’s- Island, and from thence along Nassau-Island shore, at low water mark, to the hounds of the South Ward; and from thence along the bounds of the South Ward, the Dock Ward, the East Ward, and Montgomerie Ward, to the place where the said Montgomerie Ward and the NorthWard meet, at tlie rivulet that runs from fresh water, and so to run a North course as the said North Ward runs, till it comes to the bounds of the West Waid ; and from thence along the bounds of the West Ward to the north-westerly corner thereof, at four hundred foot beyond low-water mark, near Bestaver’s KiMitie, or Rivulet; and from thence alone: the hounds of the South Ward to the place where the said Out Ward began. snd we (In Jurl far, of our special grace, certain Grant that there be for- knowledge, and meer motion, for us, our heirs, and ever, one May- successors, will, ordain, give, and grant, that there er,’sevenTlder- be. and forever hereafter shall and may be one SSants^on *** Mayor, one Recorder,* seven Aldermen, seven As- shenfr s onP co * There are now fi r teen Aldermen, fifteen Assistants, thirty As¬ sessors fifteen Collectors, aod thirty Constables, inconsequence of the increase in the number of the Wards, 48 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ronpr.nnp com- sistants, one Sheriff, one Coroner, one Common mon r erk, one _ ch n erUii), lerk, one Chamberlain, one High Constable, six- oru iiitrh con- Ptnh'e, sixteen teen Assessors, seven Collectors, sixteen ( onsta- cnirri Vs, six bles, and one Marshal, appointed, nominated, elect- b » « * mi*one chosen, and sworn, in and for the said city of marshal. jy ( w York, anc j f | ie precincts, and limits thereof; out of the fiee holders or freemen, inhabitants of the said city, in manner and form as hereinafter is particu¬ larly mentioned : And for the better execution of our will, gift, and grant in this behalf, we have as¬ signed, named, constituted, and made, and by these presents, for us our heirs, and successors, do assign, name, constitute, and make, our well be- Mayornamed, loved Robert Lu>thing, esq to be the present Mayor, of the same city, to do and execute all things, which unto the office of Mayor of the said city, doth or may belong, or in any wise appertain. And wc do more - Power to make over, for us, our heirs, and successors, give, grant, one of the Al¬ dermen his de ratify, and confirm, unto the saitj Mayor of our said Govemo'"shall city of iSew York, and to his successors, and to the appiove of. j\] a yor of the said city, for the time being, and to each of them, forever, full power and authority to depute and appoint one of the Aldermen of the said city, for the time being, to be approved of by the Governor, or Commander in Chief of the said pro- Who shall act vince, for the time being in the (dace of the Mayor asmayorinthe . , . , , . \ sickness or ah- of the said city, for the time being; and as his de- Mayor . 1 tle puty, in all matters and respects, to act and do all things, which to the office of the Mayor of the said city, within the limits, liberties, and precincts there¬ of, do, or ought to belong during the sickness, or in the absence, of the said Mayor, for the time being. JOHN montgomerte, esq. governor. 49 And we do hereby Will and Grant , That every Power to the ... de P u *y mayor, such deputy or person so to be appointed and ap- after taking , ~ r , , , , , oath, to act & proved of, alter having taken such oath. as herein do all things after is directed, for every such deputy to take, of shall have as full power and authority to act and n ? a y° r ( in the 1 J sickness or ab- do, in the sickness or absence of the Mayor of 8eDCe ofthe , • . " Mayor.) the said city, for the time being, all and singular, those things which to the office of Mayor of the said city belongs, or shall belong, or appertain, to all intents and purposes, as the Mayor of the said city, for the time being, by virtue of these presents, or otherwise, hath, shall, or ought to have. And we do further , for us, our heirs, and If any Mayor • ■, . • , . , . . .die before an* successors, will, ordain, and grant, that, m case it other be ap- should happen that the present Mayor of the said pomted * city, or any of his successors, or any of the May¬ ors of the said city, for the time being, should happen to die before any other fit person shall be appointed and sworn Mayor of the said city, in their respective rooms and places, then, and in every such case, upon the deatli of such Mayor, t h Pn thedepu- such Aldermen for the time being (who shall have ty ma ^ or t( ? be ° v mayor until been so appointed and approved of as aforesaid, au ? ther be ap¬ pointed and to act in the place of, or as deputy to, such May-sworn, or) shall be, and he is hereby appointed and de¬ clared Mayor of the said city, and to continue and be continued in, and to execute the same of¬ fice of Mayor of the said city, from the death of such Mayor so dying, until another fit person shall be appointed and sworn Mayor ol the said city 5 in such manner as in and by these presents is here* 50 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. Recorder named. after directed for the respective Mayors of the said city, to be appointed and sworn, and so as often as such case shall happen. And further ice have assigned, ordained, named, and constituted, and by these presents do, for us, our heirs, and successors, assign, ordain, name, and constitute, our trusty and well beloved Fran¬ cis Harrison , esq. (one of our Council of our said province of ISew York) to be the present Recorder of our said city, to do and execute all things, which unto the office of Recorder of the said city doth or may belong, or in any manner appertain, and to continue, and be continued in, and to execute the said office, until another fit person shall be appoint- Govcrnor to ed and sworn in the office. AISD We do hereby corder at plea- appoint, I hat the Governor or Commander in Chief for the said province, for the time being, at any time or times, when, and as often as they or each of them think fit, may displace and remove the pre¬ sent Recorder, or any other Recorder, hereafter to be appointed. And we do, for us, our heirs, and successors, assign, name, constitute, and appoint, John Cruger, Harmanus Van Gelder, Frederick Phillipse, Ge¬ rardus Stuyvansant, Anthony Rutgers, John Rose- velt, and Johannes Hardenbrook, esqrs. citizens and inhabitants of the said city of New-York , to be the present Aldermen of the said city; and Egbert Van Borssom, Samuel Kip, John Cham¬ bers, John Moore, Isaac De Peyster, Petrus Rut¬ gers, and Gerardus Beekman, gents, to be the present assistants of the said city, to wit; The Aldermen named. Assistants named. JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR. 51 said John Cruger, to be Alderman, and John Moore, to he Assistant, for the Dock Ward of And for what wards. the said city; Harmanus Van Gelder, to be Alder¬ man, and John. Chambers, to be Assistant, for the W est Ward of the said city; Col. Frederick Phil- lipse, to be Alderman, and Isaac De Peyster, to be Assistant, for the South Ward of the said city; Ge¬ rardus Siuyvesant, to be Alderman, and Samuel Kip, to be Assistant, for the Out Ward of the said city; Anthony Ru f gers, esq. to be Alderman, and Egbert Van Borssom, to be Assistant, for the North Ward of the said city ; John Rosevelt, to be Aider- man, and Petrus Rutgers, to be Assistant, for the East Ward of the said city; Johannes Harden- brook, to be Alderman, and Gerardus Beekman, to . . . 1 7 Chamberlain be Assistant, for Montgomery Ward of the said named, city. And we do , also, hereby nominate and appoint Sheriff, cor- Cornelius De Peyster, to be the present ( hamber- stable and mar" lain and Treasurer of the city aforesaid; Colonel shal * Henry Beekman to be the present Sheriff of the said city ; Ri :hard Nichols, gent to be the present Coroner of the said city ; Edmund Peers, to be the present High Constable, and Robert Crannel, to be present Marshal of the said City. And , also. We do hereby nominate and appoint Assessors John Le Montes, David Abeel. Assessors, Nicho- and las Van Taerling, Collector, and John Scott, Con- named, and for stable, for the South Ward of the said city; John Thurman, and John Bogart, Assessors, and John Pearse, Collector for the West Ward of the said city; Gerardus Duyckinck, and Simeon Soumain, As- t 32 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. sessors, George Brinckerhoof, Collector, and Chris¬ topher Nicholson, Constable, of the Dock Ward of the said citv; John Brown and Nathaniel Marston, Assessors, Peter Noxen, Collector, and Timothy Bontecou, Constable, of the North Ward of the said city; John Pintard and Peter Van Dyck, Assessors, Ebenezer Grant, Collector, and John Abrahamson, Constable, of the East Ward of the said city ; Jaco¬ bus Kip, Assessor, and Cornelius Cousine, Collec¬ tor, for the Bowery Division of the Out Ward ; and Barent Waldren, Assessor, Derick Bensing, Col¬ lector, and A rent Bussing, Constable, for the Har¬ lem Division of the said Out Ward. Within forty j\ n ,i WP d 0 , hereby appoint, order, and direct, that days other col- _ ‘ lectors, asses within forty days after the date hereof, the freemen stabies, to be of the said city being inhabitants in, and the freehold- chosen. ers of each respective ward in the said (city, may and shall assemble themselves and meet together, at such time and place, in each of the said wards, as each respective Alderman, for each respective ward, shall appoint, and then and there, by plurality of their voices or votes, to elect and choose out of the inhabitants of each respective ward, being free¬ holders there, or freemen of the said city, the seve¬ ral officers following, to wit, one other Constable And for what f°** the South Ward; one other Constable for the West Ward; one other Constable for the Dock Ward: one other Constable for the East Waid- 7 j two Assessors, one Collector, and two Constables for Montgomerie Ward ; and two other Assessors, $nd three other Constables, for the Out Ward, to wit; Wards. JOHN MONTGOMERTE, ESQ. GOVERNOR. r,3 one other Assessor, and two Constables, for the Bow- ry Division, and one other Assessor, and one other Constable, for the Harlem Division of the said Out Ward. And we do , hereby will and ordain, that Officers to each and every of the before named Mayor, Alder- ta ^ ean 0dth ’ men, Assistants, Chamberlain, Coroner, High Con¬ stable, and Marshal, and all and every the before named Assessors, Constables, and every other As¬ sessor and Constable, hereafter to be chosen for any ward, or division of a ward in the said city, before next Michaelmas day on their being respectively sworn into their respective offices, as hereafter is directed, shall continue in their said respective offi¬ ces, until the fourteenth day of October, next, en- And to con- . i -ii tinue until 14th suing the date hereof, and from thence until other Oct. in their fit persons be respectively chosen and sworn in their c,hLes ' respective rooms and places in manner and form, as is hereinafter directed. And we do also further or¬ dain, order, and declare, for us, our heirs, and suc¬ cessors, that as well, the before named Sheriff, as Sheriff to enter into bond in every other person and persons hereafter to be ap- 10001. penalty pointed for or to the office of Sheriff of the said city, ecut.on onihT before lie or they be permitted to exercise the said office, shall each of them give and enter into bond, to us, our heirs, and successors, with two or more suf¬ ficient sureties, in a penalty not less than one thou¬ sand pounds, conditioned for the faithful and due execution of his said office, in such manner as the Governor or Commander in Chief of the said pro¬ vince of New-York, for the time being, shall think fit and appoint: And the before named Sheriff on 54 CHARTER OP THE CITY OP NEW-YORK. his giving such security, and having taken such an oath as hereafter is directed, shall continue in his said office, until the fourteenth day of October, next ensuing, and from thence until another fit person is appointed and sworn into the said office, and has given such security as aforesaid. And we do hereby further , for us, our heirs, and Governor to successors, appoint, and ordain, that the Governor’ Mayor, thc or Commander in Chief of the said province of New-York, for the time being, by and with the ad¬ vice of the council ol us, our heirs, and successors, for the said province, for the time being, from time to time, shall have full power and authority, on the feast day of St. Michael , the Arch Angel, in every year, forever hereafter, to name and appoint, and can, shall and may name and appoint, a dis¬ creet and fit person of the freeholders, freemen, or inhabitants of the said city, to be Mayor* of the said city; and one other fit and able person, one of the freeholders or freemen, being an inhabitant of the said city, to be Sheriff of the said city; and one oner 1 , ff year]y > . r other such person, to be Coroner of the said city, , all for the ensuing year f And also, that on the said Freemen, and freeholders to feast day of St. Michael , the Arch-Angel, in every men, assistants, year, forever hereafter, the freemen of the said city, constables, aDd being inhabitants, and the freeholders of each res- feas^ofTt ^ P ect * ve ward in the said city, shall and may assem- MichaeL * The Mayor is now appointed by the Common Council, and the Sheriff elected by the people. f Our Charter Elections are now held on the Second Tuesday in April, and the elective franchise is extended. JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR, 55 ble themselves and meet together, at such time of the day, and such public place in each of the said wards, as each respective Alderman, for each re¬ spective ward, for the time being, shall appoint; and then and there, by plurality of their voices or votes, to elect and choose out of the inhabitants of each re¬ spective ward, being freeholders thereof, or freemen of the said city (except the Out Ward) for the en¬ suing year, one Alderman, and one Assistant, two Assessors, one Collector, and two Constables; and for the said Out Ward, four Assessors, two Collec¬ tors, and four Constables, to wit: two Assessors, one Collector, and two Constables, for each division of the said ward. And also , That the Mayor of the The mayor & said city, for the time being, and four or more Al- aldermen "and dermen, and four or more of the Assistants of the said city, for the time being, on the least dav of St. bprlain y^ T }y* Michael the Arch Angel, in every year forever here St. Michael,in common conn- after, shall and may in common council, name and cil, appoint one fit person, being a freeholder, or freeman, and an inhabitant of the said city, to be treasurer * 1 or chamberlain of the said city, for the year ensuing; and also that on the same day in every year, for ever hereafter, the Mayor of the said city, for the time being, shall name and appoint one other of the said inhabitants, being a freeholder or freeman of the said city, to be High Constable of the said city, » for the year ensuing; every of which persons, so to * The Treasurer is appointed by the Common Conned, j6 CHARTER OP THE CITY OP NEW-YORK. And the mayor then to appoint the high con¬ stable. Officers to take an oath on the 14th of Oct after being ap¬ pointed and chosen. And continue till others be chosen in their rooms. Sheriff at the same time to give Bond, and be sworn. be named for Mayor, Coroner, High Constable, or Chamberlain, or so to be elected for Alderman, As¬ sistant, Assessor, or Constable, on the feast day of St. Michael , shall on the fourteenth* day of Oc¬ tober then next ensuing their nomination, or election respectively, take the respective oaths hereinafter appointed for them respectively to take, in such man¬ ner and form as hereinafter is directed, and shall continue in their said respective offices, from their being so respectively sworn, until other fit persons be respectively named or elected, and sworn in their respective rooms and places. And aim , That every person so to be named for Sheriff, on the said feast day of S*. Michael , shall on the fourteenth day of October, then next ensuing his nomination, take such oath as is hereafter appointed for each Sheriff to take, and shall give such security as is hereinbe¬ fore appointed for each Sheriff to give, and shall re¬ main in the said office, from the time of his being so sworn and giving such security, until another fit per¬ son shall he appointed and sworn into the said office, and shall have given such securi y as aforesaid. And ri^orCoroner , Wf> ( ^° j urt ^ i ‘ r t f°r us * our heirs and successors, dyi> g, before . appoint and ordain, that if it should happen that others named * * ri and put in their either the Mayor,-Sheriff, or Coroner, of the said rooms, the (jo- * vernor to ap city, for the time being, at any time (before other point others. „ , , fit persons be so as afoiesaid respectively named and sworn, in their respective 100ms) should happen to * Charter Officers are now sworn on the second Tuesday in May except the Mayor, Retoider, sheriff, or Coroner, who may be sworn into office at any time. JOHN MONTOOMFRIF, ESQ. GOVBBNOR. die, then, and so often as it shall so happen, it shall and may be lawful for the Governor and Comman¬ der in Chief of the said province, for the time Leing, by and with the advice of the said council for the said province, for the time being, m some conveni¬ ent time thereafter, to name and appoint some fit and discreet person, being an inhabitant, freeholder, or freeman of the said city, to he Mayor of the said city in the room of such Mayor so dying; and one other fit and able person, as aforesaid, to he She¬ riff of the said city, in the loom of such Sheriff so dying; and one other fit person as aforesaid, to he Coroner of the sa’d city, in the room of such Coroner so dying; and that every such person, so to be whoshalltake named Mayor, after having taken such oath, as is ^hen^to give hereby appointed for each Mayor to take, shall re- SPC ^'| y t ’ 0 xe . main in, and execute the said office of Mayor of the cute their res- pective offices^ said city, until the 14th day of October then next en¬ suing, and until another fit person be named and sworn into the said office of Mayor of the said city ; and every such person so to be named Sheriff, after having sworn and given such security, as is hereby appointed for each Sheriff to do, shall have, exercise, and remain in the said office of Sheriff of the said city, until the 14th day of October, then next, and until another fit person be named and sworn in the said office of Sheriff, and shall have given such se¬ curity as herein before is appointed for each Sheriff to give, and every person, so to be named Coro¬ ner, after having taken sucli oath as appointed 8 CHARIER OF I'HE CUT OF NEW-YORR. 58 hereby for each Coroner to take, shall exercise and remain in the said office of Coroner of the said city, until the 14th day of October, then next, and until another fit person be named and sworn into the office of Coroner of the said city. And we do moreover , for us, our heirs, and succes¬ sors, will, and by these presents grant to the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the city of New-York, and to their successors forever, that if it should happen any of the present named Aldermen, or Assistants, Assessors, Collectors, or Constables, If any Alder* or anyone of the Aldermen, Assistants, Assessors, orother inferi- Collectors, or Constables, hereafter to be elected or Officers die , . , . . before others and sworn, or to be sworn into their respective of- w e elected. fi ceg as shall happen to die, or remove out of the said city, within the time they are, or shall be respectively named or elected for, or before other fit persons be respectively named or elected, and sworn in their respective rooms, it shall and may be lawful for the freemen, being inhabitants in, and the freeholders of each respective ward, for which such Alderman, Assistant, Assessor, Collec¬ tor, or Constable, so dying or removing, had been named or chosen for, to assemble and meet together, at such time and place, in the said respective ward, as shall be appointed by the Mayor of the said city, for the time being, or his deputy, and then and there, by plurality of voices or votes of the freemen, being inhabitants in, and the freeholders of such ward, to elect one of the inhabitants of, and being a freehold- JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR. er in such ward, or freeman of the said city, to serve as Alderman, Assistant, Assessor, Collector, others in their rooms. or Constable, for the said ward, in the room of such Alderman, Assistant, Assessor, Collector, or Con¬ stable, so dying or removing; and so, as often as such cases shall happen. And in case the present chamber¬ lain die helore named, or any future Chamberlain, or any High another be ap- y-, ii/,, . , . , _ , pointed in his Constable of the said city, hereafter to be appointed, room, or re- , . . moveontof the so sworn, or to be sworn in their respective offices c jt y . the com- aforesaid, should happen to die, or remove out of the fp^inT^an-* 0 said city, within the time they were or shall be re- ottier * spectively appointed for, it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the said city, for the time being, or his de¬ puty, and four or more Aldermen, and four or more Assistants, for the said city, for the time being, in Common Council, to appoint another fit person to be Chamberlain in the room of such Chambeilain so dying or removing ; and for the Mayor cf the said And the May- city, for the time being, to appoint another fit person another 3 ' H°i§h to be High Constable in the room of such High Con- case* 1 ©? death stable so dying or removing, and so as often as such or removal - cases shall happen And all and ev.gry such person All which per- and persons so to be newly chosen or appointed Al- tyTo be°elect«£ derman, Assistant, Assessor, Collector, Constable, t° d ta ^p p ° t hi e(1 Chamberlain, or High Constable, shall serve in their oaths except . ’ the collector.) respective offices, until other fit persons be respec¬ tively chosen, or appointed, and sworn, in their re¬ spective rooms, each of them (except the Collector) first taking such oaths as hereafter is appointed for r each of them respectively to take. 60 CHARTER or TETK CI""Y OF NEW-YORK. If any free- An f I we do furthrr.fi or us, cur heirs, and succes- holdpr or fi>e- - man shaii he sors. :rd& i. grant, and confirm, unto the said May- cho«vn ^lder- , . man, assistant, or Aldermen, and Oommon.-uty of the city of New- assessor, eol » T * . » • ^ ,i • ** hcfor or con- ‘ mn'c, and their successors, forever, that if any one pointed 'hM? p ( •' the inhabitants of the said city cf New-York, constable ud h e ^:r a freeholder rf free roan, as aforesaid, shall thereof, shad hereafter he elated or chosen to the office of Al- reiuse to do or ser/e for -ch.it derm in, Assistant, Assessor. Collector, or Consta- he is chosen. , , , . . , , ,, , bK or in case of his sickness or ab¬ sence, by the Recorder. Common Council to fine every member who shall not attend on no¬ tice given. Unless he shew a reason¬ able cause to the contrary. So as such fine for every non- attendance ex¬ ceed not 20s. 65 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. To be levied to the use of the corpora¬ tion. Power to the corporation to establish as many ferries as they shall think fit. And to lett, demise and dis¬ pose thereof, and receive all fees and profits arising there¬ from. for the use of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common- ally, of the said city, and their successors, to be recovered and received, without any account there¬ of to be given to us, our heirs, or successors, or any of our or their officers or ministers. And ice do far¬ ther, for us, our heirs, and successors, give, grant, and confirm, unto the Mayor, Aldermen, and Com¬ monalty, of the said city of New-York, and their successors forever, that the Common Council of the said city, for the time being, or the major part of them (but no other person or persons whomsoever without the consent, grant, or licence, of the said Common Council of the said city, for the time being, or the major part of them,) from time to time, and at all times hereafter, shall and may have the sole, full, and whole, power and authority of settling, ap¬ pointing, establishing, ordering, and directing, and shall and may settle, appoint, establish, order, and direct, such and so many ferries, round Manhattan’s- Island, alias New-York-Island, for the carrying and transporting people, horses, cattle, goods, and chattels, from the said Island of Manhattan’s to Nassau-Island, and from thence back to Manhat¬ tan’s ; and, also, from the said Island Manhattan’s to any of the opposite shores all round the same Island, in such and so many places as the said Com¬ mon Council, or the major part of them, shall think fit, who have hereby, likewise, full power to lett, sett, or otherwise dispose of, all or any of such fer¬ ries, to any person or persons whomsoever ; and the rents, issues, profits, ferriages, fees, and other ad¬ vantages arising and accruing from all and every JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ,. GOVERNOR. 67 such ferries; we do hereby fully and freely for us, our heirs, and successors, give and grant unto the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty, of the city of New-York aforesaid, and to their successors forever, to have, take, hold, and enjoy the same, to their own use, without being accountable to us, our heirs, or successors, for the same or any part thereof. And we do further , for us, our heirs, and succes¬ sors, give, grant, ratify, and confirm, unto the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, of the city of New-York, and their successors forever, that the Common Council of the said city, for the time being, or the major part of them, have, and from time to time, and at all times hereafter forever, shall have full power, licence, and authority, not only to estab- Power to com- lish, appoint, order, and direct, the making and council to 711 7 7 D build, repair, laying out of all other streets, lanes, alleys, high- and lay out ways, water-courses, and bridges, not already made hMnvays lanes> or laid out, but also the altering, amending, and re- streets > and al¬ leys. pairing all such streets, lanes, alleys, highways, water-courses, and bridges, heretofore made or laid out, or hereafter to be made or laid out, in and throughout the said city of New-York, and the Island of Manhattan’s, in such manner as the said Common Council, for the time being, or the major part of them, shall think or judge to be necessary and convenient for all inhabitants and travellers there. And further , we do hereby, of our especial grace, certain knowledge, and meer motion, for us, our heirs, and successors, give, grant, ratify, and con- 68 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. firm unto the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Common¬ alty, of the city of New-York, and their successors, that they and their successors, shall and may have, Power to hold hold, and keep, markets, at five several places (in every 1 'liay^ex- ^ sa ^ city °f New-York, on every day in the week cept Sunday, throughout the year, except Sunday,) as follow, to wit: One market a Coenties-Dock : one other mar- ket at the Old-Slip, at Burgher’s-Path ; one other market at Countesses-Slip ; one other market at the lower end of TV all-street: and one other market by the Long-Bridge. And, also, we do for us, our heirs, and successors, grant unto the said Mayor, Al¬ dermen, and Commonalty, of the city of New-York, and their successors forever, that they and their successors shall and may have, hold, and keep such And as many aa d so many other markets, at such and so many other times and places in the said city of New-York, as shall from time to time be ordered, established, erected, and appointed, by the Common Council of the city aforesaid, for the time being, or the greater number of them. Grant to the And ive do further , for us,our heirs, and successors, the assfze°of °* gi ve anc ^ S ran ^ unto said Mayor, Aldermen, and bread, wine, Commonalty, of the city of New-York, and their suc- beer, ale and other assize- cessors, that they and their successors, may and able merchan- s h a u h ave the assize and essay of bread, wine, beer, dizes and things. ale, and all other victuals and things whatsoever, set to sale in the said city and the liberties and limits thereof; and the amending and correcting of the same assize ; and all amerciaments, fines and for¬ feitures to be laid and forfeited, concerning the same, or any part thereof, without any account thereof to more as me Corporation, think fit to establish. JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ,. GOVERNOR. 69 be given to us, our heirs, or successors ; and to per¬ form, do, and act, by themselves or their deputies all and every thing*, needful or necessary in, about, or concerning the same. And we do hereby further, for us, our heirs and successors, grant and give unto the said Mayor, „p rant !?** tke 7 ® J officer of gau- Aldermen,andCommonalty,of the city ofNew-York, ger. and their successors for ever, the office of gauger of and in the said city, to gauge all and singular the wine, rum, brandy, mollasses, beer, ale, cider, and other merchandises and vessels guageable or to be gauged within the said city ; except such liquors as are to pay duty by virtue of any Act of Assembly, until after they have been gauged by the public offi¬ cer appointed for that purpose : And the office of measurer of and in the said city, to measure salt, And the office wheat, oats, and other grain, and all other merchan- 01 raeasurer ‘ dises measureable or to be measured in the said city ; and also the offices of surveyor and packer of bread, flour, beef, pork, and other provisions, and Surveyor and all other merchandises, and commodities to be packer * surveyed, or packed in the said city ; and also the office of cartage, carriage, and portage, of all goods, wares, merchandises, and other things to be Cartage and carted or carried in or through the said city or any P orta S e - part thereof: And also the office of garbling of all manner of species, and other merchandises and things to be garbled in the city aforesaid : To ^ u a 0 f g ar b. have and to hold the several offices aforesaid ^ n o* and every of them, and the disposition, ordinances and corrections of the same, and to exercise the 70 CHARTER OP THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. With all fees same by themselves or their deputies ; and to take arising thereby. arid receive to themselves all fees, profits and perquisites, to the said offices and every of them, due or to be due, and all the fines, amerciaments and forfeitures to be laid and forfeited concern¬ ing the same, or any part thereof, to them the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, and their successors, to their own proper use forever, without any account, or any other thing, to us, or our heirs, or successors, to be given or made. Power for the Mayor and four or more Aldermen, to make free citi¬ zens under the common seal. The fees to be paid on ma¬ king a freeman, not to exceed 51. to the use of the corpora¬ tion. 4 Rnd further , That the Mayor of the said city, for the time being, or his deputy, for the time be¬ ing, and any four or more of the Aldermen, for the time being, shall from time to time, and at all times forever hereafter, have full power and authority, under the common seal of the said city, to make free citizens of the said city and liberties thereof; and that every person so to be made a free citi¬ zens shall pay, on his being made free, for the use of the said Mayor, Alderman, and commonalty, of the city aforesaid, and their successors forever, a sum not exceeding five pounds, New-Tork money; and we do, for us, our heirs, and successors, give and grant unto the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, and their successors forever, full power to ask, take, demand, and receive the same, to their own use and behoof, without any account thereof to be given to us, our heirs, or succes¬ sors, or any other person or persons whatso¬ ever. And we do hereby , for us, our heirs, and succes- JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR. 71 sors, constitute, appoint, and ordain, that no per- No unfreeman i • ^ . to use any son whatsoever, not being a free citizen of the said trade or sell any city as aforesaid, shall, at any time hereafter, use o°^ s b y j™ ,n ~ any art, trade, mystery, or occupation, within the by retail, said city, liberties, and precincts thereof, or shall by himself, themselves, or others,sell, or expose to sale, any manner of goods, wares, merchandises, or com¬ modities, by retail, in any house, shop, place, or standing, within the said city, or the liberties or pre¬ cincts thereof; (save in the times of public fairs,) Except in the and that every such person, so using any art, trade, i J ors, measurers, to license or appoint by warrant, under the com- guager, garb- . _ . . , . , lers, beadles, mon seal of the said city, or otherwise, one or more surveyors of flour, bread, beef, pork, and other provisions, measurers of grain, salt, and all other comodities, gaugers of wine, beer, ale, cider,. rum, brandy, and all other saleable or exciseable liquors, garbles, beadles, bell-men, watch-men, bridewell keepers, or keepers of a house or houses of correction, and of alms houses, cryers, and bell ringers, and to displace all or any of them and And to displace put others in their room, and to add or diminish them at Wlil * the number of them, or any of them as often as the said Common Council of the said city, or the major part of them, shall think fit. And further, we do for us, our heirs, and sue- ^—*. “ J ° corporation to cessors, grant unto the said Mayor, Aldermen, erect auybride- and Commonalty, and their successors forever, full ^ e11 ° r work ” power and authority to erect and build, or appro¬ priate any other buildings already built, for one or more bridewell or bridewells, house or houses of correction, and work-house or work-houses, toge¬ ther with full power and authority to the said Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, or any one of them, to take up and arrest, or order to be taken up and arrested, all and any rogues, vagabonds, a d t th stragglers, and idle and suspicious persons ; and as Mayor, Record- they the said Mayor, Recorder, or Aldermen, or ^ei^oranv*" any one of them, shall see cause, to order all or any 10 74 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORTC. of them, to com such rogues, vagabonds, stragglers, and idle and bonds there!° a suspicious persons, either to the said work-house, there to remain, and work such work, and so long, not exceeding forty days, or else to bridewell or the house of correction, there to receive such pun¬ ishment, not extending to the loss of life or limb, as the said Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, or any one of them, shall think fit. And also , that they Power to the corporation to the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, and erect or appro- th e j r successors forever, may, and shall have pow- their buildings er to build, erect, or appropriate, any of their build- house/ ^ mgs a h*eady built for an alms-house, for relief of the poor ; together also with as full and ample pow¬ er to them, and their successors, to order, direct, and act in and about the said houses of correction, work-houses, and alms houses, and the persons to be put in and ordered there, as to any city or cor¬ poration, in any place of that part of our realm of Great Britain, called England,, and the officers or ministers thereof, doth or may belong. And also , And to have ^ at ^ e y sa '^ Mayor, Aldermen, and Commo¬ nalty, and their successors forever hereafter, may have one or more gaol or gaols, in such fit place or places, within the said city and limits and juris¬ diction thereof, as by the Common Council of the said city, for the time being, or the major part of them, shall be appointed, to imprison, and safe keep, all and every person and persons for any treasons, murders, felonies, trespasses, evil doings, and all other matters and causes whatsoever to be arrested or attached, or to be committed to the gaol or gaols aforesaid, in safe custody, there to remain, until one or more gaols as they shall think fit. JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ.. GOVERNOR; 75 they be delivered by due course of law. And that Common coun- . cil to appoint the Common Council of the city aforesaid, for the one or more time bein^, or the major part of them, shall, and £ ao , pe P e,s J 1 with power to - may have power, from time to time, to choose, con- remove them at stitute, and place, one or more fit person, or per- P led5Uie * sons, in the office or offices of keeper or keepers of the goal or gaols aforesaid, to hold the same during the good pleasure of the Common Council of the said city, for the time being, or the major part of them, as aforesaid requiring, and, hereby, for us, our heirs, and successors, impowering and com¬ manding the keeper and keepers of the gaol or gaols aforesaid, for the time being, that all and singular, traitors, murderers, felons, malefactors, disturbers of the peace, and other delinquents, and all others, for any crime or offence, or other reason¬ able cause or matters, to the gaol or gaols afore¬ said, ordered or committed, or to be committed or ordered, from time to time, shall receive, take, Who shall re- . ceive all male- keep, and cause to be kept in the same gaol or f ac t ors i uto his gaols, until they shall be thence delivered by due cuslotl y* course of law, And we do farther , for us, our heirs, and sue- Mayorap - J 1 7 ’ pointed clerk cessors, will, ordain, and grant, that the Mayor of of the market, the said city, for the time being, shall forever here¬ after, be clerk of the market, of us, our heirs, and successors, within the city aforesaid, and the limits, liberties, and precincts, thereof; and that the Mayor of the said city, for the time being, by himself or his deputy, may and shall have full power and au¬ thority to do and execute, and shall and may do 76 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK* And water bailiff. And to re¬ ceive the fees of clerk of the market and water-bailiff to his own use. Mayor to licence one or more marshals, porters, carri¬ ers, cartmen, carmen, pack¬ ers, cullers, cryers, scaven- and execute forever, within the limits, liberties, and precincts, of the said city, all and whatsoever to the oflice of clerk of the market there doth, shall, or may belong, without any hindrance or impediment of us, our heirs, or successors, or any the officers of us, our heirs, or successors ; and that no other clerk of the market shall intermeddle there. Jind also, that the Mayor of the said city, for the time being, and his successors, during the time of his and their mayoralties, and no other, be and shall be, the bailiff and conservator of the water of the north and east rivers, and shall and may do, exercise, and execute, the said office of bailiff and conservator of the water of the north and east rivers, or water-bailiff, by him or themselves, or by his or their sufficient deputy or deputies, in, upon, or about, the same water of the north and east rivers (that is to say) in and through all the limits, bounds, and jurisdiction of the said city of New-York, upon all and every the banks, shores, and wharfs, of the same water of the north and east rivers, within the imits and bounds aforesaid : and to have, receive, collect, and enjoy, all and singular, wages, rewards, fees, and profits, to the same offices of clerk of the market, and water-bailiff, or any of them, due or to be due, or belonging to his or their own use, with¬ out any account thereof, to us, our heirs, or succes¬ sors, to be made, Jind also, that the Mayor of the said city, for the time being, shall have full power and authority to license or appoint, by warrant, un¬ der his hand and seal, or otherwise, one or more marshal or marshals of the said city, porters, car- JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ.. GOVERNOR. 77 riers, cartmen, carmen, packers, cullers, common gers, and to .. ~ displace them cryers, scavengers, and to to displace all or any ot at pi easure . them, and to put others in their rooms ; and to add to, or diminish the number of them, or any of them, when, and as often as the Mayor of the said city, for the time being, shall think fit. , And we do further, for us our heirs and succes- . And grant licences to sors, grant, ratify, and confirm, unto the said Mayor, keep tavern. Aldermen, and Commonalty, of the city of New- York, and their successors forever, that the Mayor of the said city for the time being, and no other whatsoever, shall have power to give and grant li¬ censes annually, under the public seal of the said city, to all such persons as he shall think fit to li¬ cense them, and every of them, to keep a tavern, inn, ordinary, or victualling-house, and to sell wine, brandy, rum, strong waters, cider, beer, ale, or any other sort of exciseable or strong liquors, within the city of New-York, or the liberties and precincts thereof, by retail or the small measure ; and that Fees for it shall be lawful to and for the said Mayor of the J^epTavern to said city, for the time being, to ask, demand, and the use of the ... corporation. receive for every such licence by him to be given and .granted as aforesaid, such sum or sums of money, as he and the person to whom such licence shall be given and granted, shall agree for, not exceeding the sum of thirty shillings for each licence ; all which monies, as by the said Mayor, shall be so re¬ ceived, shall be used and applied to the public use of the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, of the said city of New-York, and their successors forever, without any account thereof to be rendered, 78 CHARTER OF TIIE CITY OF NEW-YORK. Licence to continue in force one year and no logger. No person without licence to keep a ta¬ vern, or retail. On penalty of five pounds. To be levied. To the use of the corpora¬ tion. made, or done, to us, our heirs, or successors, or any other person whatsoever ; Every and each of which ’ licences shall continue and be in force for any time, not exceeding one year from the granting thereof, but no longer. And we do hereby, for us, our heirs, and successors, constitute, direct, order, and ap¬ point, that no person or persons whatsoever, with¬ out such licence being in force, shall at any time hereafter keep any tavern, inn, public ordinaries, or victualling houses, or sell wine, brandy, rum, strong waters, cider, beer, ale, or any other sorts of exciseable or strong liquors, within the city of New-York, or the liberties or precincts thereof, by retail or small measure, under the penalty of five pounds, current money of JNTew-York, for every time that any person shall act contrary hereto in any respect, to be forfeited and paid by every person, for every time he or she shall offend or act con¬ trary hereto in any respect, to and for the use of the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, of the city of JNew-York, for the time being ; all and every of which penalties shall and may be levied, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of such delinquent and delinquents, by warrant under the seal of the said city, signed by the Mayor thereof for the time being, or his deputy, render¬ ing the surplusage to the owner or owners thereof, if any be, (the necessary charges of making and selling, such distress being first deducted,) or by any other lawful method to be obtained ; and shall be recovered and received by and to the only use of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, of the JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ,. GOVERNOR. 79 city of New-York, and their successors forever, without any account thereof to be given to us, our heirs, or successors, or to any of the ministers or officers of us, our heirs or successors. Jhid further ive , of our especial grace, certain Mayor, deputy knowledge, and meer motion, have given, grant- ^^nl^Alder" ed, ratified, and confirmed, and by these presents men, assigned . ~ 1-1 • x justices of the do, tor us, our heirs, and sucessors, give, grant, p eace . ratify, and confirm unto the said Mayor, Aider- men, and Commonalty, of the city of New- York, and to their successor forever, that the Mayor, deputy Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, of the said city, for the time being, be, and shall be at all times forever hereafter, and hereby are assigned to be justices, and each of them a justice of us, our heirs, and successors, the peace of us, our heirs, and successors, within the city aforeseid and the limits, jurisdiction, and extent thereof, and within the county of New-York, to keep : and that they the y the said Mayor, deputy Mayor, Recorder, and Al- or any four or dermen, of the said city, for the time being, or any mayor^de- four or more of them (whereof we will the Mayor, P ut y mayor, or recorder to be or deputy Mayor, or Recorder, of the said city, for 0 ne) may hold the time being:, to be one) shall and may forever cou,ts °* ses " hereafter hold and keep four courts of general Tuesday in No- sessions of the peace, in and for the said city and aryi May ^ and county of New-York, to begin at certain times in Au S ust yearly, the year; to luit : one of them to begin on the first Tuesday in November; another on the first Tuesday in February ; another on the first Tuesday in May; and the other on the first Tuesday in 80 CHARTER of the city of new-york. To last any August, in every year ; each ot which sessions of time not ex¬ ceeding four the peace, shall and may last, continue, and be held ^ a ^ s * any time, not exceeding four days. And also , that they the said Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Recor¬ der, and Aldermen of the said city, for the time being, or any four or more of them (whereof we will the Mayor, or deputy Mayor, or Recorder, of the said city, for the time being, to be one) shall And to inquire, and may forever hereafter, have full power and au- hear and deter- thority to enquire of and hear and determine, mine all lelon- J n - ies and offences within the city and county aforesaid, all and all whatsoever be- , longing to the manner ot lelomes, imprisonments, riots, routs, op- ofth of ^ ustices pressions, extortions, forestallings, regratings, tres¬ passes, offences, and all and singular other evil deeds and offences whatsoever, within the city and county aforesaid, from time to time perpetrated, done arising, or happening, which to the office of justices of the peace, are incumbent, or do in any manner belong, or which thereafter shall happen to belong, or be incumbent on them, or which in any manner before justices of the peace ought or may be inquired into, heard and determined, to¬ gether with the correction and punishment thereof, and to do and execute all other things, within the city and county aforesaid, and the liberties and precincts thereof, as fully, freely, and entirely, and in as ample manner and form as justices of the peace of us, our heirs, and successors, any where within that part of our kingdom of Great Britain, called England, by the laws, statutes, or customs, of England, or by any other legal method whatso¬ ever, heretofore had or exercised, or hereafter to JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ,. GOVERNOR. SI he had or exercised, could, might, or can do, and in as ample manner and form, as if the same had been in these our letters particularly, and by spe¬ cial words expressed, contained, and mentioned. And that the said justices of the peace, of us, our heirs, and successors, in the city and county afore- . . . , . ........ AndasJusti- said, may have and exercise jurisdiction in all ces t Q have ju- causes, matters, and things, whatsoever, which to ristl,ction in all _ causes, which justices of the peace of our said city and county, to the office of in any manner do, or ought to belong. And fur- be^on^ ^ ther , that the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, of the said city* for the time being, and every of them Al~ from time to time, and at all times forever hereaf- dermen, made ter, shall be justices assigned of Oyer and Termi - eranTrerminer', ner , and of the gaol delivery of all and every the ant | £ a °l delivery, and gaols now being, and herefter to be in the said be so named in city and county, and either of them, and shall be comm * s " named in every commission, thereof to be made. And we do hereby , for us, our heirs, and successors, Sheriff and grant, order, and appoint, that the sheriff and other other officers to execute the ministers and officers of the said city, for the time warrants and being, shall and may, and they are, and each of th™ Mayor °Re them is hereby commanded, authorised, and fully corder, and Al- empowered to execute and return all and every ciermen * the precepts and commands of the Mayor, Recor¬ der, and Aldermen, of the said city, for the time being, and either, mr any of them, from time to time, at all times, as fully and effectually as any sheriff, minister, or officer, of any county or city, any where in that part of our kingdom of Great- Britain, called England, the mandates or commands of any justice of the peace, justice of Oyer and 11 82 CHARTER OP THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. Terminer , of gaol delivery of, or in any county there, hath used to make return or execute, in any manner whatsoever. Power to the we r UT (j ier 0 f our special grace, cer- corporation to J 1 107 hold one court tain knowledge, and meer motion, will and by every^Tuesday ^ ese presents, for us our heirs, and successors, in the week give, grant, ratify, and confirm, unto the said yearly before the Mayor or Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, of the city of his deputy, or New- York, and their successorr forever, that they, the recorder, & . any three or and their successors forever hereafter, shall, can, m-n 6 oVany and ma y have and hold, in the name of us, our four or more of heirs, and successors, one court of record, within the Mayor or the city of New-York, and the liberties and pre- bis deputy, or c i nc ts thereof, upon every Tuesday in every year, the rGctirilcrj to be one. before the Mayor of the said city, for the time be¬ ing or his deputy, or the Recorder of the said city, for the time being, and any three or more of the Aldermen, for the time being, or any four or more of them (whereof we will the Mayor of the said city, fre the time being, or his deputy, or he Recorder, of the said city, for the time being, to be one.) And, that the Mayor of the said city, for the time being, or his deputy, or the Recorder of the said city, for the time being, and three or more of the Aldermen, and any four or more of them, (whereof we will the said Mayor, or his deputy, or the Recorder, And to hold, to be one,) shall and may hold, plea, and have plea, take co»- cognizance of all and all manner of plaints, ac- nizance of and determine all tions, and pleas, of any lands and tenements, well realaTper- w ^hin the said city of New-York and the limits tonal, or mixt, and precincts thereof; and also of all actions of thecity and m trespass with force and arms, and without replevin, county. JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR. 83 ejectment, trover, and conversion, trespass upon the case, debt, detinue, covenant, deceits, contracts, con¬ tempts, penalties, forfeitures, and all other actions, and pleas, as well real as personal, and mixt, arising and accruing within the said city and limits there¬ of; together with full power and authority to hear and determine all and every the same, and such • actions and pleas aforesaid, and judgments there¬ on, to render, and executions thereof to award and make, and to act and do every thing therein in According such manner and form, and by such, and the like England or this methods, process, and proceedings, as fully and colon y* amply as in our other courts of record, in such, or the like cases is used, or can or may be acted and done, according to the laws of that part of our kingdom of Great-Britain, called England, and of our said province ofNew-York. And we do hereby , for us, our heirs, and succes- Sheriffs sors, grant, order, and appoint, that the sheriff, officio exe^ and the coroner, and other ministers, and officers, cute and return their precepts of the said city, for the time being, shall and may, and they are, and each of them is hereby command¬ ed, authorised, and fully empowered, to execute and return all and every the precepts and process of the said court, to them respectively directed, or to be directed, from time to time, and at all times, as fully and effectually as any sheriff, coroner, minis¬ ter, or officer, of or in any city or place within that part of our kingdom of Great- Britain, called En¬ gland, the precepts and processes of any court of record there, hath used, or can or may execute 84 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. and return, in any manner howsoever ; Provided always , That the Mayor of the said city for the time being, or his deputy, or the recorder of adjoum° W the t0 ^ sai d city for the time being, and any three or Mayor’s court more of the Aldermen of the said city, j or any four for any time, ' 1 not exceeding or more of them (whereof the Mayor or his deputy, 23 days. or the Recorder, we will to be one) may and by there presents have and shall have full power to adjourn the said court for any time not exceeding twenty-eight days. *And we do further will, and by these presents, for ns, our heirs, and successors, give, grant, ratify, Corporation and confirm, unto the said Mayor, Aldermen, and mo^cleidc C ° m_ Commonalty, of the city of New-York, and their sue-* cessors, that they and their successors, from hence¬ forth forever hereafter, shall and may have within the city aforesaid, a fit and discreet man to be, and who shall be, and be called, the Common clerk of the city aforesaid, to act and do all those things within the city aforesaid, and the limits and jurisdic^ tion thereof, which to any Common clerk of or in any city, borough, or town incorporated, any where in that part of our kingdom of Great-Britain called England, by virtue of his office, can or ought to do. And also, that forever hereafter, the com- Who shall 111011 c ^ ei 'b of the city aforesaid, for the time being, be clerk of the shall also be clerk of the court of record, to be held court of record, n , . . , . , clerk of the before the Mayor, or his deputy, or the recorder, op peace, «te oi ses- an y three or more of the Aldermen of the said city, juons of the J peace. as aforesaid ; and also clerk of our peace, and of the peace of our heirs and successors, and of the ses¬ sions of the peace, for and in the city and county of JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ.. GOVERNOR; 85 New-York, from time to time to be held, and all and singular those things which to the office and of¬ fices of such clerk of the peace, and of the sessions of the peace, do and shall appertain, to do, act and execute ; and also, shall and may require, de¬ mand, take, accept, hold, keep, and enjoy, all fees, perquisites, and profits, which may to any such com¬ mon clerk, clerk of the peace, and of the sessions of the peace, do or ought to belong. And ive do hereby , give, grant, ratify, and confirm, for us, our heirs, and successors, unto our beloved William Sharpas, Gen. (one of the inhabitants of the city aforesaid) to be the present common clerk of the city of New-York aforesaid ; and also clerk of the peace, and of the sessions of the peace, for, and in the city and county of New-York, to continue in the offices aforesaid, during his life, and to act and execute the same offices and places by himself or his deputy. Jlnd we do further , for us, our heirs and successors? appoint, will, and direct, that the Governor or Commander in chief of the said province of New<- York, for the time being, from time to time, and at all times, after the death of the said William Sharpas, when and so often as the office and place of Com¬ mon Clerk of the said city shall happen to be va¬ cant, shall and may appoint an honest and discreet man, being one of the inhabitants, and a freeman or freeholder of the said city, to be Common Clerk of the said city, during his good behaviour ; and so as often as such case shall happen. And we do fur¬ ther, for us, our heirs, and successors, will and grant, 4 , that so often as the said office shall be vacant, the And take all fees belonging to those offices. Mr. William Sharpas ap¬ pointed com¬ mon clerk, and elerk of the peace and ses¬ sions of the peace. Upon his death, the Go¬ vernor to ap¬ point another, whe shall ex-r ecute those of fices, during his good be¬ haviour. 86 CHARTER OP THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. As often as Common Council of the said city, for the time being, the office of clerk be vacant shall and may appoint one other honest and dis- the common creet citizen, being an inhabitant and freeman, or council to ap* ° 7 point one, who freeholder of the said city, to be Common Clerk therein°tdu nUC 0 ** the said city, and Clerk of the said Court of Re- another be ap- CO rd, in and for the said city; and Clerk of the pointed by the Governor, and Peace, and of the Sessions of the Peace, in and for the said city and county of New-York, to act and execute the said offices, and who shall and may execute, do, and receive, all and whatsoever to the Eight attornies appointed for the Mayor’s court, during their good be¬ haviour. I said offices, and every of them, belongs, or shall belong or appertain, till in his room, another ho¬ nest and discreet person, being an inhabitant and freeman, or freeholder of the said city, shall be appointed into and for the said offices, by the Go¬ vernor or Commander in Chief of the said province for the time being; and shall have taken such an oath as is hereby directed for every such person so to be appointed, to give and take ; and so from time to time, and so often as the case may or shall so happen. And jurther , we do hereby constitute, name, and appoint, James Alexander, Joseph Murray, John Chambers, William Smith, George Lurting, William Jamison, Richard Nicolls, and Abraham Lodge, gentlemen, to be the present attornies, and each of them to be an attorney of and in the said court of record, for and during the good behaviour of each of them respectively: And we do here¬ by, for us, our heirs, and successors, grant and ordain, that no other attorney or attornies, per- JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ,. GOVERNOR. 87 son or persons whomsoever, (besides the afore- Atm no other named attornie3, during the time that they shall p^itice*there all remain attornies of the said court) shall be permitted or suffered to practice as an attorney of or in the said court; but all and every other at¬ torney and attornies, person and persons (besides the before named attornies, during the time afore¬ said) from being an attorney or attornies of or in the said court, and from all practice as such, shall be, and are and each of them is excluded and de- The Mayor, barred. And we do hereby , for us our heirs, and (3e P ut y Mayor, successors, give and grant unto the said Mayor, any three or Aldermen, and Commonalty of the city of New- men%rany York, and their successors for ever, that the May- four or more of ’ ... them (the May. or of the said city, for the time being, or his de- ororhisdepu- puty, or the Recorder, and any three or more of be^ne^ma^. the Aldermen of the said city for the time being, with consent of the Governor or any four or more of them, (whereof we will the or commander Mayor, or his deputy, or the Recorder of the said ? n chie *> for the , . ill behaviour of city, for the time being, to be one) shall and may the attornies, (by and with the consent and approbation of our anJ ? n ,awful Governor and Commander in Chief for the time move them. being) have full power and authority, all or any of am0 val or the before named attornies of the said court, and death of two, upon the amo- all or any other of the persons, hereafter to be ap- val or death of pointed or admitted attornies of or in the said court, them t^reeom- for their or his evil behaviour, in their or his said mend others to . . the Governor duty or othce of attornies, or an attorney of or in C r commander the same, or his or their being thereof legally con- In cn,e f in their victed from being attornies, or an attorney of or in when approved j. , , r of shall be ad- the said court to amove, displace, and forever ex- mittec j j n t h e elude ; and after the amoval or death of any two Mayor’s court. 88 Charter op the city of new-york. And no per¬ son not recom¬ mended Sc ap¬ proved shall be permitted to practise after the death or amoval of any of the before named attor- nies. Number ofat- tornies forever to remain six. Provided no¬ thing be con¬ strued to hin¬ der his majesty from prosecut¬ ing, or defend¬ ing, by his at¬ torney general, nor to hinder the attorney from practising as council in any civil cause. or more of the before named attornies, upon the amoval or death of any other of the attornies be¬ fore named, or hereafter to be admitted, to re¬ commend one other person to the Governor or Commander in Chief of the said province of New- York for the time being, for his approbation, in the room of such attorney so dying, or being re¬ moved ; each of which persons, so to be recom¬ mended, and approved of, as aforesaid, shall and may be admitted and sworn an attorney of, and in the said court; and so often as the case shall hap¬ pen. And we do further , for us, our heirs, and successors, grant and appoint, that no other attor¬ ney or person whatsoever, shall, after the death or amoval of any of the before named attornies, be admitted or suffered to practise as an attorney of or in the said court, but what shall be recommend¬ ed and approved of as aforesaid. And further , we do, for us, our heirs, and successors, grant, will, and ordain, that the number of attornies of the said court, shall not at any one time after the death or removal of any two or more of the before named attornies, forever hereafter exceed the number of six: Provided, that nothing herein shall be construed to extend to hinder us, our heirs, or successors, from prosecuting or defending, all or any suits, causes, actions, or prosecutions, in the said Mayor’s court, by our attorney or solicitor general for our said province, or the attorney or solicitor general of us, our heirs, or successors, for the said province, for the time being ; nor to hinder the attorney or solicitor general of us, our heirs, JOHN MONTGOMERIE, ESQ. GOVERNOR. 89 or successors, for the said province, for the time being, to practice in the said court as council in any civil cause. And we do further of our especial grace, certain knowledge, and meer motion, for us, our heirs, and successors, grant, appoint, and direct, that the May¬ or, Recorder, and Aldermen, of the said city, for the time being, and each of them, from time to time, and at all times, forever hereafter, shall have, by these presents, full power and authority to have and take cognizance of, and to hear, try, and final¬ ly determine, with or without a jury, all pleas, suits, controversies, and trespasses, wherein the value does not exceed the sum of forty shillings, in such manner as they or either of them shall think or judge to be agreeable and according to equity and good conscience ; and for the more due proceeding herein, it shall and may be lawful for them or either of them, to administer an oath to the plaintiff or defendant, and also to such witnesses, as shall be produced by each party, if they the said Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, or either of them think fit; and in case either of the parties, plaintiff or defendant, shall not perform such order, judgment, or decree, as the said Mayor, Recorder, or Aider- men, for the time being, or any one of them, shall make or set down, then it shall and may be lawful for them, or any one of them, to commit such party or parties to any prison of or in the said city, there to remain until he, she, or they, perform such or¬ der and every marshal of the said city for the time being, is hereby commanded and authorised to ex- 12 Power to the Mayor, record¬ er and Aider- men, and each of them, to de¬ termine all causes with or without a jury, where the thing in demand shall not ex-J ceed 40s. And to admin¬ ister an oath to plaintiff and defendant and j their witnesses. And if either party refuse to comply with the decree of them, or any of them, that they or any one of them may commit such party to prison till per formance. 90 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. Every mar¬ shal to execute their or either of their pre¬ cepts. And every gaol keeper to receive and in custody, &c. such party or parties who shall not com¬ ply with such decree and be committed* ecute all and any the summonses, precepts, an an d ^ ees ’ ferriages, and perquisites to mark, from the the same, or any part thereof belonging, or to be- Wall About long; and also the ferry houses on Nassau-Islandy of iim reS hook ^ ie barns, stables, penn, or pounds, and lot and all waste, of ground thereto belonging; and also all the patented n ' land ground, soil or land, between high-water and low- on IVlanhat- water mark, on the said Island of Nassau, from the tan’s Island, ex¬ tending to low east side of the place called Wallabout to the west ■with' the 11 bene- s ' ( ^ e Red-Hook ; and also to make laws and rules, fit of all docks, for the governing and well ordering of all the ferries and wharfs, &e & joiin: Montgomerie, esq. governor. 99 now erected or established, or hereafter to be erect¬ ed or established round the said Island Manhat- tan’s ; and all the waste, vacant, unpatented, and unappropriated land, lying and being within the said city of JNew-York, and on Manhaltan’s-Island aforesaid, extending to low-water mark ; together with the right, benefit, and advantage, of all docks, wharfs, cranes, and slips, or small docks within this city, with the wharfage, crange, and dockage, and all issues, rents, profits, and advantages aris- -And all P t0 ” ^ fits arising ing, or to arise or accrue by or from all or any of therefrom, and them : and rdl rivers, rivulets, creeks, coves, ponds, a11 ,u, ' rs ’ 7 7 7 7 7 1 7 creeks, coves, waters, water-courses, fishing, fowling, hunting, and o 1 her privi- • i • i i a ' Je » es ’ advanta- and hawking, mines, and minerals, and other roy- ^ heredita- alties and privileges within the city of New-York, and a11 1 & other their and Manhattan’s-Island ; and also all and singular rights and pri- other the rights, privileges, liberties, franchises? pre-eminences, advantages, jurisdictions, courts, powers, offices, authorities, markets, ferries, fer¬ riages, fees, fines, amerciaments, perquisites, pro¬ fits, immunities, lands, tenements, rents, posses¬ sions, and hereditaments, and other real estate, not only which in the before recited grant or writing Grant by for- . -ii i • N p mer charters, made or mentioned to be made, m the year ot our lord one thousand six hundred and eighty-six, and in the before recited letters patent of Queen Anne, mentioned or intended to be thereby, or by either of them granted or conveyed, but also, which the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, of the city of New-York, or their predecessors, inhabitants, or citizens of the said city of New-York, or any part 100 . CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. thereof, by whatsoever other name, stile, or title, they or any of them, have been known or called, or which they have, held, or claimed to hold by perscription or held "or claim- otherwise, (silver and gold mines excepted) and ed, except gold also, except our Fort George, in our city of New- cind. silver rmnes, the fort, York, and the ground, full boundaries, and extent governor’s gar- thereof, or thereto belonging, and also that piece farm, & swamp, of ground near the English Church, called the Go- reserved^-yfor- ve r n or’s garden, and the land called the King’s mer grants,