Seu pohace a Veron. ies baciet , ©. aan at i) aa yee ‘cote i -*% re "’ | i ~ a’ { } “et = ‘a ® ; Nes : an as “At 7 . iy kag Ps Ly ef is eo '% 2 i we Ate i jn 7 ~ y ; i i$ a P a) i ; mm a ye j 7 ; The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN NOV +5 1977? L161— O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Clarendon Press Series AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE “ON ELECTRICITY BY JAMES CLERK MAXWELL, M.A. LL.D. EDIN., D.C.L., F.R.SS. LONDON AND EDINBURGH HONORARY FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE AND PROFESSOR OF EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE EDITED BY WILLIAM GARNETT, M.A / / 9?» FORMERLY FELLOW OF ST, JOHN’s COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE b A . \ SECOND EDITION™; , @xford AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1888 [ All rights reserved | Mot of the following pages were written by the late Pro- fessor Clerk Maxwell, about seven years ago, and some of them were used by him as the text of a portion of his lectures on Electricity at the Cavendish Laboratory. Very little ap- pears to have been added to the MS. during the last three or four years of Professor Maxwell’s life, with the exception of a few fragmentary portions in the latter part of the work. This was partly due to the very great amount of time and thought which he expended upon editing the Cavendish papers, nearly all of which were copied by his own hand, while the experimental investigations which he undertook in order to corroborate Cavendish’s results, and the enquiries he made for the purpose of clearing up every obscure allusion in Cavendish’s MS., involved an amount of labour which left him very little leisure for other work. When the MS. came into the hands of the present Editor, the first eight chapters appeared to have been finished and were carefully indexed and the Articles numbered. Chapters IX and X were also provided with tables of contents, but the Articles were not numbered, and several references, Tables, ete., were omitted as well as a few sentences in the text. At the end of the table of contents of Chapter X three points to be treated were mentioned, viz. :—the Passage of Electricity at the surfaces of insulators ; Conditions of spark, etc.; Electrification by pressure, friction, rupture, etc.: no Articles corresponding to these headings could be found in the text. Some portions of Chapters IX and X formed separate bundles of MS., and v1 EDITORS PREFACE. there was no indication of the place which they were intended to fill. This was the case with Arts. 174-181 and 187-192. Arts. 194-196 and 200 also formed a separate MS. with no table of contents and no indication of their intended position. It was for some time under consideration by the friends of Professor Maxwell, whether the MS. should be published in its fragmentary form or whether it should be completed by another hand, so as to carry out as far as possible the author's original design; but before any decision had been arrived at it was suggested that the book might be made to serve the purposes of students by a selection of Articles from Professor Maxwell’s LHlectricity and Magnetism, so as to make it in a sense complete for the portion of the subject covered by the first volume of the last-mentioned work. In accordance with this suggestion, a number of Articles have been selected from the larger book and reprinted. These are indicated by a * after the number of the Article. Arts. 93-98 and 141 are identical with Arts. 118-123 and 58 of the larger treatise, but these have been reprinted in accordance with directions con- tained in Professor Maxwell’s MS. In the arrangement of the Articles selected from the Hec- tricity and Magnetism care has been taken to interfere as little as possible with the continuity of the MS. of the present work, and in some cases logical order has been sacrificed to this object, so that some subjects which are treated briefly in the earlier portions are reintroduced in the latter part of the book. In Chapter XII some articles are introduced from the larger treatise which may appear somewhat inconsistent with the plan of this book; this has been for the sake of the prac- tical value of the results arrived at. The latter part of the note on pages 149 and 150 may be taken as Professor Maxwell's own comment on the method proposed in Art. 186, written a few years subsequently to that Article. All references, for the accuracy of which Professor Maxwell is not responsible, and all Tables, notes, or interpolations in- PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. Vil serted by the Editor, are enclosed in square brackets. This system has not been carried out in the table of contents, but _the portion of this contained in Professor Maxwell’s MS. is stated above. Of the Author’s Preface the portion here given is all that has been found. bate CAMBRIDGE : August, 1881. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION, WEN it became necessary to reprint this Work, it appeared to some desirable that certain changes should be made, and especially that the articles taken from the larger work of Professor Clerk Maxwell should be omitted. When the first edition was published, very few books on electrical measurements were available to the student ; but since that time, the literature of the subject has developed enormously, and there is no longer the same reason for extending this book beyond the limits of the Author’s MS. In addition to this some of the Articles taken from the larger book assume a knowledge on the part of the student which is not to be obtained from the chapters of this work. On careful consideration it was, however, thought best that no change should be made, and, except for a few slight cor- rections, the present edition is simply a reprint of the former. W.G NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE : August, 1888. FRAGMENT OF AUTHORS PREFACE. 4 aes aim of the following treatise is different from that of my larger treatise on electricity and magnetism. In the larger treatise the reader is supposed to be familiar with the higher mathematical methods which are not used in this book, and his studies are so directed as to give him the power of dealing mathematically with the various phenomena of the science. In this smaller book I have endeavoured to present, in as compact a form as I can, those phenomena which appear to throw light on the theory of electricity, and to use them, each in its place, for the development of electrical ideas in the mind of the reader. In the larger treatise I sometimes made use of methods which I do not think the best in themselves, but without which the student cannot follow the investigations of the founders of the Mathematical Theory of Electricity. I have since become more convinced of the superiority of methods akin to those of F araday, and have therefore adopted them from the first. In. the first two chapters experiments are described which demonstrate the principal facts relating to electric charge con- sidered as a quantity capable of being measured. The third chapter, ‘on electric work and energy, consists of deductions from these facts. To those who have some acquain- tance with the elementary parts of mathematics, this chapter may be useful as tending to make their knowledge more precise. Those who are not so prepared may omit this chapter in their first reading of the book. The fourth chapter describes the electric field, or the region in which electric phenomena are exhibited. eet aonrrwonre © © Lis 18. 19. 20. BL. 22. SONATA WHY eG CON TEN Is. CHAPTER I. . Exp. I. Electrification by friction » LI. Electrification of a conductor » II. Positive and negative electrification » LV. Electrophorus . Electromotive force . Potential . Potential of a oaths . Of metals in contact .. . Equipotential surfaces : . Potential, pressure, and “aban = . Exp. V. Gold-leaf electroscope .. » Vv. Gold-leaf Bree renes nee Uaaieiad . Quadrant electrometer . Idio- and Hetero-Static . Insulators . Apparatus .. CHAPTER II. ON THE CHARGES OF ELECTRIFIED BODIES. Exp. VI. Electrified body within a closed vessel 5, WII. Comparison of the charges of two bodies .. » VIII. Electrification of inside of closed vessel eee and opposite to that of enclosed body , LX. To discharge a body completely ; , XX. To charge a body with a given number of Hunan a particular charge Five laws of Electrical phenomena I. In insulated bodies. IT. In a system of bodies during conduction. III. In a system of bodies during electrification. 1X = » NIWNOHHAKRwWneY a ee | mo 1 BRB FS © 16 Wi 18 18 19 20 TY. Electrification of the two electrodes of a dielectric equal and opposite. V. No electrification on the internal surface of a conducting vessel. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46, 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. ON ELECTRICAL WORK AND ENERGY. Definitions of work, of energy, of a conservative system .. Principle of conservation of energy. Examples of the measure- ment of work .. Definition of electric potential Relation of the electromotive force to the cquiporeeael suri Indicator diagram of electric work .. .. 2. «2 « ow Indicator diagram of electric work—continued .. Superposition of electric effects .. Charges and potentials of a system of sondern Energy of a system of electrified bodies ate: Work spent in passing from one electrical state to anothae a dQ. la dH = (£P’) = = (£ P) ;—Green’s theorem 7 Increment of energy under increments of pone AQ» | L=a> ee eo * «ee as oe ae >> «eo ee ee Reciprocity of potentials Reciprocity of charges Green’s theorem on potentials a heer Mechanical work during the displacement of an ‘arated aan Mechanical work during the displacement of a system the poten- tials of which are maintained CHAPTER IV. THE ELECTRIC FIELD. Two conductors separated by an insulating medium .. : This medium called a dielectric medium, or, the electric field .. _ EXPLORATION OF THE ELECTRIC FIELD. Exp. XI. By a small electrified body Exp. XII. By two disks .. 5 Electric tension .. s Exp. XIII. Cininitea eet ahs . ye Exp. XIV. Electromotive force ata point .. eo Exp. XV. Potential at any point in the field. Two phe sExp. XVI"= One'sphere® |...) ej ee) Equipotential surfaces ysl dn oe ene Reciprocal method. Exp. XVII. MEA AP. Page 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 30 - 31 31 32 32 oo 34 36 36 37 38 39 39 41 42 42 42 Art, 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65, 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. (ae 72. 73. 74, 75. Pte 78. (ALP 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. CONTENTS. Exp. XVIII. Method founded on Theorem V. Lines of electric force .. CHAPTER V. FARADAY’S LAW OF LINES OF INDUCTION. Faraday’s Law Hollow vessel Lines of force Properties of a tube of aatcnen Properties of a tube of fad ote Cells Energy Displacement Tension Analogies Fe Analogies—continued .. Limitation .. Faraday’s cube Faraday’s on rials Current Displacement Theorems Induction and force + and — ends Not cyclic : In the inside of a Hollanr rintine 4505 a Sone any electrified body the potential is uniform and there is no electrification . . In the inside of a hollow canbe ae te ii Sentai any electrified body the potential is uniform and there is no electrification—continued Superposition Thomson’s theorem Example Ee Induced electricity of ‘ aad Ara species .. CHAPTER VI. PARTICULAR CASES OF ELECTRIFICATION. Concentric spheres Unit of electricity. Law of eres Electromotive force at a point .. Definition of electromotive force xl Page 43 44 45 45 45 46 47 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 53 54 54 55 56 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 59 59 62 63 63 64 Xi Art. 85. 86. Bi. 88. 89. 90. SHE. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. SWE US: 99. 100. AV ORe 102. 108. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. a0. a1), 12. 113. CONTENTS. Coulomb’s law .. Value of the potential dvel 0 a oan electrified ‘sphere Capacity of a sphere.. Two concentric spherical ried Teen iis ar Two parallel planes .. Force between planes as r Thomson’s attracted disk electr eats ¥ Inverse problem of electrostatics Equipotential surfaces and lines of force for chara of 20 and 5 units (Plate I) 7 Equipotential surfaces and tines of ies for Oppente chanees in the ratio of 4 to —1 (Plate IT) Equipotential surfaces and lines of force for an electrical noun in a uniform field of force (Plate IIT) . Equipotential surfaces and lines of force for chareed of chee electrified points (Plate IV) .. Faraday’s use of the conception of lines of forte Method employed in drawing the diagrams .. CHAPTER VII. ELECTRICAL IMAGES. Introductory Idea of an image ieecered an Pee Electrical image at centre of sphere External point and sphere Two spheres 5 sph Set ene sa cee: Calculation of potentials when enren are given a Surface density induced on a sphere by an electrified point .. Surface density on two spheres and condition for a neutral line CHAPTER VIII. CAPACITY. Capacity of a condenser Coefficients of condenser .. Comparison of two condensers .. . Thomson’s method with four condensers .. Condition of null effect CHAPTER IX. ELECTRIC CURRENT. Convection current with pith ball Conduction current in a wire .. Page 64 65 67 68 70 71 71 72 73 74 75 75 76 (ie 80 80 81 82 84 85 86 87 89 90 91 91 93 96 96 Art. 113. 114. 115. 116. Ee by 118. Pi, 120. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. Dob. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. CONTENTS. Xl Page No evidence as to the velocity of electricity in the current .. 96 Displacement and discharge... aoe | 6 OR Classification of bodies through eich slob niene passes... .. 98 Definition of the conductor, its electrodes, anode, and cathode 98 ieeornar electromotive force ..' 1. © 4. jase tee ee | 98 Metals, electrolytes, and dielectrics .. .. .. . .« « 99 1. Metals. Ohm’s Law +) ve §o0 > 167. Thomson’s effect .. .. lee ee 168. Thomson’s analogy with a Ania 4 in a etate £ ery) 169. Le Roux’s experiments .. .. . . | ve) es 170. Expression of Peltier’s and Thomson’ 8 affect We 171. Heat produced at a junction depends on its temperature .. 135 172. Application of the second law of thermodynamics.. .. .. 136 173. Complete interpretation of the diagram .) 23 174. Entropy in thermodynamics .. =<... 1: ) \s) ee ee 175. Electric entropy) .) .. ha. (cas) nat ieee) hes Art. 176. i Oe 178. 179. 180. 181. 182, 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 19f. 192. 133*. 194. 195. 196. ac. 198*, Loos 200. 201*. 202*. 203%. 204%. 205*. 206*. 207%. 208%. CONTENTS. Definition of entropy Electric entropy equivalent to er aclenerict power Thermoelectric diagram ., Specific heat of electricity Difference between iron and copper Complete interpretation of the diagram Thomson’s method of finding the E. M. F. at a forte in a circuit Ls Determination of the cat of ieee rues ra E. M. F. between metal and electrolyte .. a Electrolysis. Deposition of metal. Solution of metal.. Heat generated or absorbed at anode and cathode On the conservation of energy in electrolysis Joule’s experiments Loss of heat when current does emerald aoe Electromotive force of electrochemical apparatus .. Reversible and irreversible effects .. Example from electrolysis of argentic ie On constant voltaic elements. Daniell’s cell CHAPTER XI. METHODS OF MAINTAINING AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. Enumeration of methods The frictional electric machine i On what the current depends. Use of silk laps - Production of electrification by mechanical work. Nicholson! s revolving doubler : Principle of Varley’s and mhomeon: s slot ng maee Thomson’s water-dropping machine Holtz’s electrical machine ty Theory of regenerators applied to eee aoohiniee ee Coulomb’s torsion balance for measuring charges .. Electrometers for measuring potentials. Snow-Harris’s and Thomson’s .. Principle of the Sneteaie Homer S erent Eleriromete Heterostatic method Measurement of the electric psntinl of a mall ambi Measurement of the potential at a point in the air Measurement of the potential of a conductor without seats it . 148 a LGOk XV Page 138 138 139 140 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 148 148 149 150 155 155 156 158 158 161 162 165 167 168 LOL 173 174 175 XV1 209*. 210*. BS. 212s, PA ae 214”. eto). 216 Zila: 218%. 219. 220%. 22a 222*. B23") 224*. 225". 226%. 2276. 228%, 229*. 2307. 231 232 233%. 234”, PaO. 236%. 23 Ta 238%. CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. ON THE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC RESISTANCE. Advantage of using material standards of resistance in elec- trical measurements .. e Bs Ne Different standards which have been eed and different syotene which have been proposed .. The electromagnetic system of units Weber’s unit, and the British Association unit or Onn! Professed value of the Ohm 10,000,000 metres per second .. Reproduction of standards... Forms of resistance coils Coils of great resistance .. Arrangement of coils in series Arrangement in multiple arc .. ee On the comparison of resistances. (1) Ohm’s method .. (2) By the differential galvanometer (3) By Wheatstone’s Bridge ost Rae ia het Estimation of limits of error in the Wie: mination Best arrangement of the conductors to be compared On the use of Wheatstone’s Bridge . Thomson’s method for the resistance of a ralyanoneg Mance’s method of determining the resistance of a battery .. Comparison of electromotive forces CHAPTER XIII. ON THE ELECTRIC RESISTANCE OF SUBSTANCES. Metals, electrolytes and dielectrics Resistance of metals Table of resistance of metals .. Resistance of electrolytes Experiments of Paalzow .. Experiments of Kohlrausch and Nippot Resistance of dielectrics .. Gutta-percha .. Glass Gases ; Biel om Experiments of Waedamann aa Ratlmanne . Note on the determination of the current in the galvanemeee of Wheatstone’s Bridge tue Page 176 bree 177 177 178 179 180 180 181 182 182 186 187 188 190 192 193 195 197 198 199 - 200 200 202 204 204 . 205 205 206 AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE _ ON ELECTRICITY. \ \ \ . SLT A CHAPTER I. Sg OLS EXPERIMENT I. Electrification by Friction. 1.] Tax a stick of sealing-wax, rub it on woollen cloth or flannel, and then bring it near to some shreds of paper strewed on the table. The shreds of paper will move, the lighter ones will raise themselves on one end, and some of them will leap up to the sealinge-wax. Those which leap up to the sealing-wax sometimes stick to it for awhile, and then fly away from it suddenly. It appears therefore that in the space between the sealing-wax and the table is a region in which small bodies, such as shreds of paper, are acted on by certain forees which cause them to assume par- ticular positions and to move sometimes from the table to the sealing-wax, and sometimes from the sealing-wax to the table. These phenomena, with others related to them, are called electric phenomena, the bodies between which the forces are manifested are said to be electrified, and the region in which the phenomena take place is called the electric field. Other substances may be used instead of the sealing-wax. A piece of ebonite, gutta-percha, resin or shellac will do as well, and so will amber, the substance in which these phenomena were first noticed, and from the Greek name of which the word electric is derived. The substance on which these bodies are rubbed may also be varied, and it is found that the fur of a cat’s skin excites them better than flannel. It is found that in this experiment only those parts of the surface of the sealing-wax which were rubbed exhibit these phe- 4b, B ? 2 ELECTRIFICATION BY FRICTION. Ne. nomena, and that some parts of the rubbed surface are apparently more active than others. In fact, the distribution of the electri- fication over the surface depends on the previous history of the sealing-wax, and this in a manner so complicated that it would be very difficult to investigate it. There are other bodies, however, which may be electrified, and over which the electrification is always distributed in a definite manner. We prefer, therefore, in our experiments, to make use of such bodies. The fact that certain bodies after being rubbed appear to attract other bodies was known to the ancients. In modern times many other phenomena have been observed, which have been found to be related to these phenomena of attraction. They have been classed under the name of electric phenomena, amber, 7Aextpov, having been the substance in which they were first described. Other bodies, particularly the loadstone and pieces of iron and steel which have been subjected to certain processes, have also been long known to exhibit phenomena of action at a distance. ‘These phenomena, with others related to them, were found to differ from the electric phenomena, and have been classed under the name of magnetic phenomena, the loadstone, payrys, being found in Magnesia”. These two classes of phenomena have since been found to be related to each other, and the relations between the various pheno- mena of both classes, so far as they are known, constitute the science of Electromagnetism. EXPERIMENT II. Hlectrification of a Conductor. 2.| Take a metal plate of any kind (a tea-tray, turned upside down, is convenient for this purpose) and support it on three dry wine glasses. Now place on the table a plate of ebonite, a sheet of thin gutta-percha, or a well-dried sheet of brown paper. Rub it lightly with fur or flannel, lift it up from the table by its edges and place it on the inverted tea-tray, taking care not to touch the tray with your fingers, * The name of Magnesia has been given to two districts, one in Lydia, the other in Thessaly. Both seem to have been celebrated for their mineral products, and several substances have been known by the name of magnesia besides that which modern chemists know by that name. The loadstone, the touchstone, and meerschaum, seem however to have been the principal substances which were called Magnesian and magnetic, and these are generally understood to be Lydian stones. a ELECTRIFICATION OF A CONDUCTOR. 8 It will be found that the tray is now electrified. Shreds of paper or gold-leaf placed below it will fly up to it, and if the knuckle is brought near the edge of the tray a spark will pass between the tray and the knuckle, a peculiar sensation will be felt, and the tray will no longer exhibit electrical phenomena. It is then said to be discharged. If a metal rod, held in the hand, be brought near the tray the phenomena will be nearly the same. The spark will be seen and the tray will be discharged, but the sensation will be slightly different. If, however, instead of a metal rod or wire, a glass rod, or stick of sealing-wax, or a piece of gutta-percha, be held in the hand and brought up to the tray there will be no spark, no sensation, and no discharge. The discharge, therefore, takes place through metals and through the human body, but not through glass, sealing-wax, or gutta-percha. Bodies may therefore be divided into two classes: conductors, or those which transmit the discharge, and non-conductors, through which the discharge does not take place. In electrical experiments, those conductors, the charge of which we wish to maintain constant, must be supported by non-conducting materials. In the present experiment the tray was supported on wine glasses in order to prevent it from becoming discharged. Pillars of glass, ebonite, or gutta-percha may be used as supports, or the conductor may be suspended by a white silk thread. Solid non-conductors, when employed for this purpose, are called ¢cusu- ators. Copper wires are sometimes lapped with silk, and some- times enclosed in a sheath of gutta-percha, in order to prevent them from being in electric communication with other bodies. They are then said to be insulated. The metals are good conductors; air, glass, resins, gutta-percha, caoutchoue, ebonite, paraffin, &c., are good insulators ; but, as we shall find afterwards, all substances resist the passage of electricity, and all substances allow it to pass though in exceedingly different degrees. For the present we shall consider only two classes of bodies, good conductors, and good insulators. EXPERIMENT III. Positive and Negative Electrification. 3.] Take another tray and insulate it as before, then after discharging the first tray remove the electrified sheet from it and place it on the second tray. It will be found that both trays are B2 + POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ELECTRIFICATION, [ 4. now electrified. Ifa small ball of elder pith suspended by a white silk thread * be made to touch the first tray, it will be immediately repelled from it but attracted towards the second. If it is now allowed to touch the second tray it will be repelled from it but attracted towards the first. The electrifications of the two trays are therefore of opposite kinds, since each attracts what the other repels. Ifa metal wire, attached to an ebonite rod, be made to touch both trays at once, both trays will be completely discharged. If two pith balls be used, then if both have been made to touch the same tray and then hung up near each other they are found to repel each other, but if they have been made to touch different trays they attract each other. Hence bodies when electrified in the same way are repelled from each other, but when they are electrified in opposite ways they are attracted to each other. If we distinguish one kind of electrification by calling it positive, we must call the other kind of electrification negative. We have no physical reason for assigning the name of positive to one kind of electrification rather than to the other. All scientific men, however, are in the ‘habit of calling that kind of electrification positive which the surface of polished glass exhibits after having been rubbed with zine amalgam spread on leather. This is a matter of mere convention, but the convention is a useful one, provided we remember that it is a convention as arbitrary as that adopted in the diagrams of analytical geometry of calling horizontal distances positive or negative according as they are measured towards the right or towards the left of the point of reference. In our experiment with a sheet of gutta-percha excited by flannel, the electrification of the sheet and of the tray on which it is placed is negative; that of the flannel and of the tray from which the gutta-percha has been removed is positive. In whatever way electrification is produced it is one or other of these two kinds. | . EXPERIMENT LV. The Electrophorus of Volta. 4.| This instrument is very convenient for electrical experiments and is much more compact than any other electrifying apparatus. * J find it convenient to fasten the other end of the thread to a rod of ebonite about 3mm. diameter. The ebonite is a much better insulator than the silk thread, especially in damp weather. “a THE ELECTROPHORUS. 5 It consists of two disks, and an insulating handle which can be screwed to the back of either plate. One of these disks consists of resin or of ebonite in front supported by a metal back. In the centre of the disk is a metal pin*, which is in connection with the metal back, and just reaches to the level of the surface of the ebonite. The surface of the ebonite is electrified by striking it with a piece of flannel or cat’s fur. The other disk, which is entirely of metal, is then brought near the ebonite disk by means of the insulating handle. When it comes within a certain distance of the metal pin, a spark passes, and if the disks are now separated the metal disk is found to be charged positively, and the disk of ebonite and metal to be charged negatively. In using the instrument one of the disks is kept in connection with one conductor while the other is applied alternately to the first disk and to the other conductor. By this process the two conductors will become charged with equal quantities of electricity, that to which the ebonite disk was applied becoming negative, while that to which the plain metal disk was applied becomes positive. ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 5.] Definition —Whatever produces or tends to produce a transfer of Electrification is called Electromotive Force. Thus when two electrified conductors are connected by a wire, and when electrification is transferred along the wire from one body to the other, the tendency to this transfer, which existed before the introduction of the wire, and which, when the wire is introduced, produces this transfer, is called the Electromotive Force from the one body ¢o the other along the path marked out by the wire. To define completely the electromotive force from one point to another, it is necessary, in general, to specify a particular path from the one point to the other along which the electromotive force is to be reckoned. In many cases, some of which will be described when we come to electrolytic, thermoelectric, and electromagnetic phenomena, the electromotive force from one point to another may be different along different paths. If we restrict our attention, * [This was introduced by Professor Phillips to obviate the necessity of touching the carrier plate while in contact with the ebonite. ] 6 ELECTRIC POTENTIAL. [6. however, as we must do in this part of our subject, to the theory of the equilibrium of electricity at rest, we shall find that the electro- motive force from one point to another is the same for all paths drawn in air from the one point to the other. Evectric POTENTIAL. 6.] The electromotive force from any point, along a path drawn in air, to a certain point chosen as a point of reference, is called the Electric Potential at that point. Since electrical phenomena depend only on differences of poten- tial, it is of no consequence what point of reference we assume for the zero of potential, provided that we do not change it during the same series of measurements. In mathematical treatises, the point of reference is taken at an infinite distance from the electrified system under consideration. The advantage of this is that the mathematical expression for the potential due to a small electrified body is thus reduced to its simplest form. In experimental work it is more convenient to assume as a point of reference some object in metallic connection with the earth, such as any part of the system of metal pipes conveying the gas or water of a town. It is often convenient to assume that the walls, floor and ceiling of the room in which the experiments are carried on has conducting power sufficient to reduce the whole inner surface of the room to the same potential. This potential may then be taken for zero. When an instrument is enclosed in a metallic case the potential of the case may be assumed to be zero. Potential of a Conductor. 7.| If the potentials at different points of a uniform conductor are different there will be an electric current from the places of high to the places of low potential. The theory of such currents will be explained afterwards (Chap. ix), At present we are dealing with cases of electric equilibrium in which there are no currents. Hence in the cases with which we have now to do the potential at every point of the conductor must be the same. This potential is called the potential of the conductor. _ The potential of a conductor is usually defined as the potential 10. | EQUIPOTENTIAL SURFACES. 7 of any point in the air infinitely close to the surface of the con- ductor. Within a nearly closed cavity in the conductor the potential at any point in the air is the same, and by making the experimental determination of the potential within such a cavity we get rid of the difficulty of dealing with points infinitely close to the surface. 8.| It is found that when two different metals are in contact and in electric equilibrium their potentials as thus defined are in general different. Thus, if a copper cylinder and a zine cylinder are held in contact with one another, and if first the copper and then the zine cylinder is made to surround the flame of a spirit lamp, the lamp being in connection with an electrometer, the lamp rapidly acquires the potential of the air within the cylinder, and the electrometer shews that the potential of the air at any point within the zine cylinder is higher than the potential of the air within the copper cylinder. We shall return to this subject again, but at present, to avoid ambiguity, we shall suppose that the conductors with which we have to do consist all of the same metal at the same temperature, and that the dielectric medium is air. 9.| The region of space in which the potential is higher than a certain value is divided from the region in which it is lower than this value by a surface called an equipotential surface, at every point of which the potential has the given value. We may conceive a series of equipotential surfaces to be de- scribed, corresponding to a series of potentials in arithmetical order. The potential of any point will then be indicated by its position in the series of equipotential surfaces. No two different equipotential surfaces can cut one another, for no point can have two different potentials. 10.] The idea. of electric potential may be illustrated by com- paring it with pressure in the theory of fluids and with temperature in the theory of heat. If two vessels containing the same or different fluids are put into communication by means of a pipe, fluid will flow from the vessel in which the pressure is greater into that in which it is less till the pressure is equalized. This however will not be the case if one vessel is higher than the other, for gravity has a tendency to make the fluid pass from the higher to the lower vessel. Similarly when two electrified bodies are put into electric com- munication by means of a wire, electrification will be transferred from the body of higher potential to the body of lower potential, 8 POTENTIAL, PRESSURE, AND TEMPERATURE. [1I0O. unless there is an electromotive force tending to urge electricity from one of these bodies to the other, as in the case of zine and copper above mentioned. Again, if two bodies at different temperatures are placed in thermal communication either by actual contact or by radiation, heat will be transferred from the body at the higher temperature to the body at the lower temperature till the temperature of the two bodies becomes equalized. | The analogy between temperature and potential must not be assumed to extend to all parts of the phenomena of heat and electricity. Indeed this analogy breaks down altogether when it is applied to those cases in which heat is generated or destroyed. We must also remember that temperature corresponds to a real physical state, whereas potential is a mere mathematical quantity, the value of which depends on the point of reference which we may choose. To raise a body to a high temperature may melt or volatilize it. To raise a body, together with the vessel which sur- rounds it, to a high potential produces no physical effect whatever on the body. Hence the only part of the phenomena of electricity and heat which we may regard as analogous is the condition of the transfer of heat or of electricity, according as the temperature or the potential is higher in one body or in the other. | With respect to the other analogy—that between potential and fluid pressure—we must remember that the only respect in which electricity resembles a fluid is that it is capable of flowing along conductors as a fluid flows in a pipe. And here we may introduce once for all the common phrase The Electric Kluid for the purpose of warning our readers against it. It is one of those phrases, which, having been at one time used to denote an observed fact, was immediately taken up by the public to connote a whole system of imaginary knowledge. As long as we do not know whether positive electricity, or negative, or both, should be called a sub- stance or the absence of a substance, and as long as we do not know whether the velocity of an electric current is to be measured by hundreds of thousands of miles in a second or by an hundredth of an inch in an hour, or even whether the current flows from positive to negative or in the reverse direction, we must avoid speaking of the electric fluid. 11. ] GOLD-LEAF ELECTROSCOPE. 9 ‘On ELEcCTROSCOPES. 11.] An electroscope is an instrument by means of which the existence of electrification may be detected. All electroscopes are eapable of indicating with more or less accuracy not only the existence of electrification, but its amount. Such indications, how- ever, though sometimes very useful in guiding the experimenter, are not to be regarded as furnishing a numerical measurement of the electrification. Instruments so constructed that their indi- cations afford data for the numerical measurement of electrical quantities are called Electrometers. An electrometer may of course be used as an electroscope if it is sufficiently sensitive to indicate the electrification in question, and an instrument intended for an electroscope may, if its indications are sufficiently uniform and regular, be used as an electrometer. _ he class of electroscopes of simplest construction is that in which the indicating part of the instrument consists of two light bodies suspended side by side, which, when electrified, repel each other, and indicate their electrification by separating from each other. The suspended bodies may be balls of elder pith, gilt, and hung up by fine linen threads (which are better conductors than silk or cotton), or pieces of straw or strips of metal, and in the latter case the metal may be tinfoil or gold-leaf, thicker or thinner according to the amount of electrification to be measured. We shall suppose that our electroscope is of the most delicate kind, in which gold leaves are employed (see Fig. 1). The indi- cating apparatus /, /, is generally fastened to one end of a rod of metal Z, which passes through an . opening in the top of a glass vessel G. It then hangs within the vessel, and is protected from currents of air which might produce a motion of the suspended bodies liable to be mistaken for that due to electrification. To test the electrification of a body the electrified body is brought near the disk LZ at the top of the metal rod, when, if the electrification is strong enough, the suspended bodies diverge from one another. The glass case, however, is liable, as Faraday pointed out, to become itself electrified, and when glass is electrified it is very 10 GOLD-LEAF ELECTROSCOPE. [er difficult to ascertain by experiment the amount and the distribution — of its electrification. There is thus introduced into the experiment a new force, the nature and amount of which are unknown, and this interferes with the other forces acting on the gold leaves, so that their divergence can no longer be taken as a true indication of their electrification. The best method of getting rid of this uncertainty is to place within the glass case a metal vessel which almost surrounds the vold leaves, this vessel being connected with the earth. When the vold leaves are electrified the inside of this vessel, it is true, becomes oppositely electrified, and so increases the divergence of the gold leaves, but the distribution of this electrification is always strictly dependent on that of the gold leaves, so that the divergence of the gold leaves is still a true indication of their actual electrical state. A continuous metal vessel, however, is opaque, so that the gold leaves cannot be seen from the outside. A wire cage, however, may be used, and this is found quite sufficient to shield the gold leaves from the action of the glass, while it does not prevent them from being seen. , The disk, J, and the upper part of the rod which supports the gold leaves, and another piece of metal M/, which is connected with the cage m, m, and extends beyond the case of the instrument, are called the electrodes, a name invented by Faraday to denote the ways by which the electricity gets to the vital parts of the instrument. The divergence of the gold leaves indicates that the potential of the gold leaves and its electrode is different from that of the sur- rounding metal cage and its electrode. If the two electrodes are connected by a wire the whole instrument may be electrified to any extent, but the.leaves will not diverge. EXPERIMENT V. The divergence of the gold leaves does not of itself indicate whether their potential is higher or lower than that of the cage; it only shews that these potentials are different. To ascertain which has the higher potential take a rubbed stick of sealing-wax, or any other substance which we know to be negatively electrified, and bring it near the electrode which carries the gold leaves. If the gold leaves are negatively electrified they will diverge more as the sealing-wax approaches the rod which carries them ; butif they are positively electrified they will tend to collapse. If the electri- fication of the sealing-wax is considerable with respect to that of aol GOLD-LEAF ELECTROSCOPE. 11 the gold leaves they will first collapse entirely, but will again open out as the sealing-wax is brought nearer, shewing that they are now negatively electrified. If the electrode M/ belonging to the cage is insulated from the earth, and if the sealing-wax is brought near it, the indications will be exactly reversed ; the leaves, if electrified positively, will diverge more, and if electrified nega- tively, will tend to collapse. If the testing body used in this experiment is positively elec- trified, as when a glass tube rubbed with amalgam is employed, the indications are all reversed. By these methods it is easy to determine whether the gold leaves are positively or negatively electrified, or, in other words, whether their potential is higher or lower than that of the cage. 12.| If the electrification of the gold leaves is considerable the electric force which acts on them becomes much greater than their weight, and they stretch themselves out towards the cage as far as they can. In this state an increase of electrification produces no visible effect on the electroscope, for the gold leaves cannot diverge more. If the electrification is still further increased it often happens that the gold leaves are torn off from their support, and the instru- ment is rendered useless*. It is better, therefore, when we have to deal with high degrees of electrification to use a less delicate in- strument. A pair of pith balls suspended by linen threads answers very well; the threads answer sufficiently well as conductors of elec- tricity, and the balls are repelled from each other when electrified. For very small differences of potential, electroseopes much more sensitive than the ordinary gold-leaf electroscope may be used. THOMSON’S QUADRANT ELECTROMETER. 13.] In Sir William Thomson’s Quadrant Electrometer the indicating part consists of a thin flat strip of aluminium (see Fig. 2) called the needle, attached to a vertical axle of stout platinum wire. It is hung up by two silk fibres w, y, so as to be capable of turning about a vertical axis under the action’ of the electric force, while it always tends to return to a definite position of equilibrium. The axis carries a concave mirror ¢ by which the image of a flame, and of a vertical wire bisecting the flame, is thrown upon a graduated scale, so as to indicate the motion of the needle round a vertical axis. The lower end of * [For the sake of safety the cage is often so arranged that the gold leaves touch it and become discharged before diverging to their extreme limit. | 12 QUADRANT ELECTROMETER. [13. the axle dips into sulphuric acid contained in the lower part of the glass case of the instrument, and thus puts the needle into electrical connection with the acid. The lower end of the axle also carries a piece of platinum, immersed in the acid which serves to check the vibrations of the needle. The needle hangs within a shallow cylindrical brass box, with circular apertures in the centre of its top and bottom. This box is divided into four quadrants, a, J, ¢, d, which are separately mounted on glass H stems, and thus insulated from the case : and from one another. The quadrant 4 is removed in the figure to shew the needle. The position of the needle, when in equilibrium, is such, that one end is half in the quadrant @ and half in e¢, while the other end is half in 4 and half in d. The electrode / is connected with the quadrant a and also with d through the wire w. The other electrode, m, is con- nected with the quadrants 4 and c. The needle, w, is kept always at a Fig. 2. high potential, generally positive. To test the difference of potential between any body and the earth, one of the electrodes, say m, is connected to the earth, and the other, /, to the body to be tested. The quadrants 4 and ¢ are therefore at potential zero, the quadrants a and d are at the potential to be tested, and the needle wis at a high positive potential. The whole surface of the needle is electrified positively, and the whole inner surface of the quadrants is electrified negatively, but the greatest electrification and the greatest attraction is, other things being equal, where the difference of potentials is greatest. If, therefore, the potential of the quadrants a and d is positive, the needle will move from @ and ¢ towards 4 and ¢ or in the direction of the hands of a watch. If the potential of a and d is negative, the needle will move towards these quadrants, or in the opposite direction to that of the hands of a watch. The higher the potential of the needle, the greater will be the force tending to turn the needle, and the more distinct will be the indications of the instrument. 15.] IDIOSTATIC AND HETEROSTATIC INSTRUMENTS. 13 Idiostatic and Heterostatic Instruments. 14.] In the gold-leaf electroscope, the only electrification in the field is the electrification to be tested. In the Quadrant Electrometer the needle is kept always charged. Instruments in which the only electrification is that which we wish to test, are called Idiostatic. Those in which there is electrification inde- pendent of that to be tested are called Heterostatic. In an idiostatic instrument, like the gold-leaf electroscope, the indications are the same, whether the potential to be tested is positive or negative, and the amount of the indication is, when very small, nearly as the square of the difference of potential. In a hetero- static instrument, like the quadrant electrometer, the indication is to the one side or to the other, as the potential is positive or negative, and the amount of the indication is proportional to the difference of potentials, and not to the square of that difference. Hence an instrument on the heterostatic principle, not only in- dicates of itself whether the potential is positive or negative, but when the potential is very small its motion for a small variation of potential is as great as when the potential is large, whereas in the gold-leaf electroscope a very small electrification does not cause the gold leaves to separate sensibly. In Thomson’s Quadrant Electrometer there is a contrivance by which the potential of the needle is adjusted to a constant value, and there are other organs for special purposes, which are not represented in the figure which is a mere diagram of the most essential parts of the instrument. On INSULATORS. 15.] In electrical experiments it is often necessary to support an electrified body in such a way that the electricity may not escape. Jor this purpose, nothing is better than to set it on a stand supported by a glass rod, provided the surface of the glass is quite dry. But, except in the very driest weather, the surface of the glass has always a little moisture condensed on it. For this reason electrical apparatus is often placed before a fire, before it is to be used, so that the moisture of the air may not condense on the warmed surface of the glass. But if the glass is made too warm, it loses its insulating power and becomes a good conductor. 14 INSULATORS. [ 16. Hence it is best to adopt a method by which the surface of the glass may be kept dry without heating it. The insulating stand in the figure consists of a glass vessel C, with a boss rising up in the middle to which is cemented the glass pillar aa. To the upper part of this pillar is cemented the neck of the bell glass B, which is thus supported so that its rim is within the vessel C, but does not touch it. The pillar @ carries the stand 4 on which the body to be insulated is placed. In the vessel C is placed some strong sul- phurie acid ¢c, which fills a wide shallow moat round the boss in the middle. The air within the bell glass 4, in contact with the pillar a, is thus dried, and before any damp air can enter this part of the instrument, it must pass down between Cand 5 and glide over the surface of the sulphuric acid, so that it is thoroughly dried before it reaches the glass pillar. Such an in- sulating stand 1s very valuable when delicate experiments have to be performed. For rougher purposes insulating stands may be made with pillars of glass varnished with shellac or of sealing-wax or ebonite. 16.] For carrying about an electrified conductor, 1t is very convenient to fasten it to the end of an ebonite rod. Ebonite, however, is very easily electrified. The slightest touch with the hand, or friction of any kind, is sufficient to render its surface so electrical, that no conclusion can be drawn as to the electrification of the conductor at the end of the rod. The rod therefore must never be touched but must be carried by means of a handle of metal, or of wood covered with tinfoil, and before making: any experiment the whole surface of the ebonite must be freed from electrification by passing it rapidly through a flame. ; The sockets by which the conductors are fastened to the ebonite rods, should not project outwards from the conductors, for the electricity not only accumulates on the projecting parts, but creeps over the surface of the ebonite, and remains there when the electricity of the conductor is discharged. The sockets should therefore be entirely within the outer surface of the conductors as in Hie. 4, It is convenient to have a brass ball (Fig. 4), one inch in 16. | APPARATUS. 15 diameter, a cylindrical metal vessel (Fig. 5) about three inches in diameter and five or six inches deep, a pair of disks of tin plate (Figs. 6, 7), two inches in diameter, and a thin wire about a foot long (Fig. 8) to make connection between electrified bodies. These should all be mounted on ebonite rods (penholders), one eighth of an inch in diameter, with handles of metal or of wood covered with tinfoil. CHAPTER II. ON THE CHARGES OF ELECTRIFIED BODIES, Experiment VI. 17.| Take any deep vessel of metal,—-a pewter ice-pail was used by Faraday,—a piece of wire gauze rolled into a cylinder and set on a metal plate is very convenient, as it allows any object within it to be seen. Set this vessel on an insulating stand, and place an electroscope near it. Connect one electrode of the electroscope permanently with the earth or the walls of the room, and the other with the insulated vessel, either permanently by a wire reaching from the one to the other, or oceasionally by means of a wire carried on an ebonite rod and made to touch the vessel and the electrode at the same time. We shall generally suppose the vessel in permanent connection with the elec- troscope. The simplest way when a gold-leaf electroscope is used is to set the vessel on the top of it. Take a metal ball at the end of an ebonite rod, electrify it by means of the electrophorus, and carrying it by the rod as a handle let it down into the metal vessel without touching the sides. As the electrified ball approaches the vessel the indications of the electroscope continually increase, I : but when the ball is fairly within the vessel, that Fig. 9. is when its depth below the opening of the vessel becomes considerable compared with the diameter of the opening, the indications of the electroscope no longer in- crease, but remain unchanged in whatever way the ball is moved about within the vessel. This statement, which is approximately true for any deep vessel, is rigorously true for a closed vessel. This may be shewn by 18.] COMPARISON OF CHARGES. 17 closing the mouth of the vessel with a metal lid worked by means of a silk thread. If the electrified ball be drawn up and let down in the vessel by means of a silk thread passing through a hole in the lid, the external electrification of the vessel as in- dicated by the electrometer will remain unchanged, while the ball changes its position within the vessel. The electrifi- cation of the gold leaves when tested is found to be | of the same kind as that of the ball. | Now touch the outside of the vessel with the finger, . so as to put it in electric communication with the floor and walls of the room. ‘The external electrifica- tion of the vessel will be discharged, and the gold leaves of the electroscope will collapse. If the ball be now moved about within the vessel, the electroscope will shew no signs of electrification; but if the ball be taken out of the vessel without touching the sides, the gold leaves will again diverge as much as they did Fig. 10. during the first part of the experiment. Their electri- fication however will be found to be of the opposite kind from that of the ball. Experiment VII. To compare the charges or total Electrification of two electrified balls. 18.] Since whatever be the position of the electrified bodies within the vessel its external electrification is the same, it must depend on the total electrification of the bodies within it, and not on the distribution of that electrification. Hence, if two balls, when alternately let down into the vessel, produce the same diver- gence of the gold leaves, their charges must be equal. This may be further tested by discharging the outside of the vessel when the first ball is in it, and then removing it and letting the second ball down into the vessel. If the charges are equal, the electro- scope will still indicate no electrification. If we wish to ascertain whether the charges of two bodies, oppositely electrified, are numerically equal, we may do so by discharging the vessel and then letting down both bodies into it. If the charges are equal and opposite, the electroscope will not be affected. C 18 TO DISCHARGE A BODY COMPLETELY. [19. EXPERIMENT VIII. When an electrified body is hung up within a closed metalhe vessel, the total electrification of the inner surface of the vessel 1s equal and opposite to that of the body. 19.| After hanging the body within the vessel, discharge the external electrification of the vessel, and hang up the whole within a larger vessel connected with the electroscope. 'The electroscope will indicate no electrification, and will remain unaffected even if the electrified body be taken out of the smaller vessel and moved about within the larger vessel. If, however, either the electrified body or the smaller vessel be removed from the large vessel, the electroscope will indicate positive or negative electrification. When an electrified body is placed within a vessel free of charge, the external electrification is equal to that of the body. This follows from the fact already proved that the internal electrifica- tion is equal and opposite to that of the body, and from the cir- cumstance that the total charge of the vessel is zero. But it may also be proved experimentally by placing, first the electrified body itself, and then the electrified body surrounded by an uncharged vessel, within the larger vessel and observing that the indications of the electroscope are the same in both cases. EXPERIMENT IX. When an electrified body is placed within a closed vessel and then put into electrical connection with the vessel, the body 1s com- pletely discharged. 20.| In performing any of the former experiments bring the electrified body into contact with the inside of the vessel, and then take it out and test its charge by placing it within another vessel connected with the electroscope. It will be found quite free of charge. This is the case however highly the body may have been originally electrified, and however highly the vessel itself, the inside of which it is made to touch, may be electrified. If the vessel, during the experiment, is kept connected with the electroscope, no alteration of the external electrification can be detected at the moment at which the electrified body is made to touch the inside of the vessel. This affords another proof that the electrification of the interior surface is equal and opposite to 24, | MULTIPLE OF A GIVEN CHARGE. 19 that of the electrified body within it. It also shews that when there is no electrified body within the surface every part of that surface is free from charge. EXPERIMENT X, To charge a vessel with any number of times the charge of a given electrified body. 21.| Place a smaller vessel within the given vessel so as to be insulated from it. Place the electrified body within the inner vessel, taking care not to discharge it. The ex- terior charges of the inner and outer vessels will now be equal to that of the body, and their in- terior charges will be numerically equal but of the opposite kind. Now make electric connection between the two vessels. The exterior charge of the inner vessel and the interior charge of the outer vessel will neutralise each other, and the outer vessel will now have a charge equal to that of the body, and the inner vessel an equal and op- posite charge. Now remove the electrified body; take out the inner vessel and discharge it; then replace it; place the electrified body within it; and make contact between the vessels. ‘The outer vessel has now received a double charge, and by repeating this process any number of charges, each equal to that of the electrified body, may be communicated to the outer vessel. To charge the outer vessel with electrification opposite to that of the electrified body is still easier. We have only to place the electrified body within the smaller vessel, to put this vessel for a moment in connection with the walls of the room so as to dis- charge the exterior electrification, then to remove the electrified body and carry the vessel into the inside of the larger vessel and bring it into contact with it so as to give the larger vessel its negative charge, and then to remove the smaller vessel, and to repeat this process the required number of times. We have thus a method of comparing the electric charges of different bodies without discharging them, of producing charges equal to that of a given electrified body, and either of the same C2 Fig. 11. 20 LAWS OF ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA, By or of opposite signs, and of adding any number of such charges together. 22.] In this way we may illustrate and test the truth of the following laws of electrical phenomena. I. The total electrification or charge of a body or system of bodies remains always the same, except in so far as it receives electrification from, or gives electrification to other bodies. In all electrical experiments the electrification of bodies is found to change, but it is always found that this change arises from defective insulation, and that as the means of insulation are im- proved, the loss of electrification becomes less. We may therefore assert that the electrification of a body cut off from electrical com- munication with all other bodies by a perfectly insulating medium would remain absolutely constant. II, When one body electrifies another by conduction the total electrification of the two bodies remains the same, that is, the one loses as much positive or gains as much negative electrification as the other gains of positive or loses of negative electrification. For if the electric connection is made when both bodies are enclosed in a metal vessel, no change of the total electrification 1s observed at the instant of contact. III. When electrification is produced by friction or by any other known method, equal quantities of EE and of negative elec- tricity are produced. For if the process of electrification is conducted within the closed vessel, however intense the electrification of the parts of the system may be, the electrification of the whole, as indicated by the electroscope connected with the vessel, remains zero. IV. If an electrified body or system of bodies be placed within a closed conducting surface (which may consist of the floor, walls, and ceiling of the room in which the experiment is made), the in- terior electrification of this surface is equal and opposite to the electrification of the body or system of bodies. V. If no electrified body is placed within the hollow conducting surface, the electrification of this surface is zero. This is true, not only of the electrification of the surface as a whole, but of every part of this surface. For if a conductor be placed within the surface and in contact with it, the surface of this conductor becomes electrically continu- ous with the interior surface of the enclosing vessel, and it 1s found that if the conduetor is removed and tested, its electrification is 22.| LAWS OF ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA. 21 always zero, shewing that the electrification of every part of an interior surface within which there is no electrified body is zero. By means of Thomson’s Quadrant Electrometer it is easy to measure the electrification of a body when it is a million times less than when charged to an amount convenient for experiment. Hence the experimental evidence for the above statements shews that they cannot be erroneous to the extent of one-millionth of the principal electrifications concerned. CHAPTER III. ON ELECTRICAL WORK AND ENERGY. 23.| Worx in general is the act of producing a change of con- figuration in a material system in opposition to a force which resists this change. Energy is the capacity of doing work. When the nature of a material system is such that if after the system has undergone any series of changes it is brought back in any manner to its original state, the whole work done by external agents on the system is equal to the whole work done by the system in overcoming: external forces, the system is called a Conservative system. The progress of physical science has led to the investigation of different forms of energy, and to the establishment of the doctrine, that all material systems may be regarded as conservative systems provided that all the different forms of energy are taken into account. This doctrine, of course, considered as a deduction from experiment, can assert no more than that no instance of a non-conservative system has hitherto been discovered, but as a scientific or science- producing doctrine it is always acquiring additional credibility from the constantly increasing number of deductions which have been drawn from it, which are found in all cases to be verified. In fact, this doctrine is the one generalised statement which ‘is found to be consistent with fact, not in one physical science only, but in all. When once apprehended‘it furnishes to the physical enquirer a principle on which he may hang every known law relating to physical actions, and by which he may be put in the way to discover the relations of such actions in new branches of science. Tor such reasons the doctrine is commonly called the Principle of the Conservation of Energy. Bs. ELECTRIC POTENTIAL. 23 GENERAL STATEMENT OF THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY. 24.| The total energy of any system of bodies is a quantity which can neither be increased nor diminished by any mutual action of those bodies, though it may be transformed into any of the forms of which energy is susceptible. If, by the action of some external agent, the configuration of the system is changed, then, if the forces of the system are such as to resist this change of configuration, the external agent is said to do work on the system. In this case the energy of the system is increased. If, on the contrary, the forces of the system tend to produce the change of configuration, so that the external agent has only to allow it to take place, the system is said to do work on the external agent, and in this case the energy of the system is diminished. Thus when a fish has swallowed the angler’s hook and swims off, the angler following him for fear his line should break, the fish is doing work against the angler, but when the fish becomes tired and the angler draws him to shore, the angler is doing work against the fish. Work is always measured by the product of the change of configuration into the force which resists that change. ‘Thus, when a man lifts a heavy body, the change of configuration is measured by the increase of distance between the body and the earth, and the force which resists it is the weight of the body. The product of these measures the work done by the man. If the man, instead of lifting the heavy body vertically upwards, rolls it up an inclined plane to the same height above the ground, the work done against gravity is precisely the same; for though the heavy body is moved a greater distance, it is only the vertical component of that distance which coincides in direction with the force of gravity acting on the body. 25.| If a body having a positive charge of electricity is carried by a man from a place of low to a place of high potential, the motion is opposed by the electric force, and the man does work on the electric system, thereby increasing its energy. The amount of work is measured by the product of the number of units of electricity into the increase of potential in moving from the one place to the other. We thus obtain the dynamical definition of electric potential. 24 ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. [26. The electric potential at a given point of the field is measured by the amount of work which must be done by an external agent im carrying one unit of positive electricity from a place where the potential is zero to the given pornt. This definition is consistent with the imperfect definition given at Art. 6, for the work done in carrying a unit of electricity from one place to another will be positive or negative according as the displacement is from lower to higher or from higher to lower potential. In the latter case the motion, if not prevented, will take place, without any interference from without, in obedience to the electric forces of the system. Hence the flow of electricity along conductors is always from places of high to places of low potential. 26.| We have already defined the electromotive force from one place to another along a given path as the work done by the electric forces of the system on a unit of electricity carried along that path. It is therefore measured by the excess of the potential at the beginning over that at the end of the path. The electromotive force at a point is the force with which the electrified system would act on a small body electrified with a unit of positive electricity, and placed at that point. If the electrified body is moved in such a way as to remain on the same equipotential surface, no work is done by the electric forces or against them. Hence the direction of the electric force acting on the small body is such that any displacement of the body along any line drawn on the equipotential surface is at right angles - to the force. The direction of the electromotive force, therefore, is at right angles to the equipotential surface. The magnitude of this force, multiplied by the distance between two neighbouring equipotential surfaces, gives the work done in passing from the one equipotential surface to the other, that is to say, the difference of their potentials. Hence the magnitude of the electric foree may be found by dividing the difference of the potentials of two neighbouring equi- potential surfaces by the distance between them, the distance being, of course, very small, and measured perpendicularly to either surface. The direction of the force is that of the normal to the equipotential surface through the given point, and is reckoned in the direction in which the potential demdnishes. 28.] DIAGRAM OF WORK, 25 Inpicator Dracram or Evectric Work. 27.| The indicator diagram, employed by Watt for measuring the work done by a steam engine*, may be made use of in investi- gating the work done during the charging of a conductor with electricity. Cc Let the charge of the conductor at any instant be represented by a horizontal line OC, drawn from the point O, which is called the origin of the diagram, and let the potential of the conductor at the same instant be represented by a vertical line C4, drawn from the extremity of the first line, then the position of the extremity of the second line will indicate the electric state of the conductor, both with respect to its charge, and also with respect to its potential. If during any electrical operation this point moves along the line AYGHB, we know not only that the charge has been increased from the value OC to the value OD, and that the potential has been increased from Cd to DB, but that the charge and the potential at any instant, corresponding, say, to the point / of the curve, are represented respectively by Ow and vf. 28.| Theorem. The work expended by an external agent in bringing the increment of charge from the walls of the room to the conductor is represented by the area enclosed by the base line CD, the two vertical lines CA and DB, and the curve 4YGHB. For let CD, the increment of the charge, be divided into any number of equal parts at the points, 7, y, 2. * Maxwell’s ‘ Theory of Heat,’ 4th ed., p. 102, 26 WORK DONE IN CHARGING A CONDUCTOR. [ 29. The value of the potential just before the application of the charge Cx is represented by AC. Hence if the potential were to remain constant during the application of the charge Cx, the work expended in charging the conductor would be represented by the product of this potential and the charge, or by the area ACrQ. As soon as the charge Cz has been applied the potential is #f. If this had been the value of the potential during the whole process, the work expended would have been represented by KCaF. But we know that the potential rises gradually during the application of the charge, and that during the whole process it is never less than CA or greater than wf. Hence the work expended in charging the conductor is not less than 4CxQ, nor greater than KCaxl. In the same way we may determine the lower and higher limits of the work done during the application of any other portion of the entire charge. We conclude, therefore, that the work expended in increasing the charge from OC to OD is not less than the area of the figure CAQKRGSHTD, nor greater than CKPYIGMHNLD. The differ- ence between these two values is the sum of the parallelograms KQ, LR, MS, NT, the breadths of which are equal, and their united height is BV. Their united area is therefore equal to that of the parallelogram NvV B. By increasing without limit the number of equal parts into which the charge is divided, the breadth of the parallelograms will be diminished without limit. In the limit, therefore, the difference of the two values of the work vanishes, and either value becomes ultimately equal to the area CAYGHBD, bounded by the curve, the extreme ordinates, and the base line. This method of proof is applicable to any case in which the potential is always increasing or always diminishing as the charge increases. When this is not the case, the process of charging may be divided into a number of parts, in each of which the potential is either always increasing or always diminishing, and the proof applied separately to each of these parts. SUPERPOSITION OF ELEectric EFFECTS. 29.| It appears from Experiment VII that several electrified bodies placed in a hollow vessel produce each its own effect on the electrification of the vessel, in whatever positions they are placed. 30.] SUPERPOSITION OF ELECTRIC EFFECTS. 27 From this it follows that one electric phenomenon at least, that called electrification by induction, is such that the effect of the whole electrification is the sum of the effects due to the different parts of the electrification. The different electrical phenomena, however, are so intimately connected with each other that we are led to infer that all other electrical phenomena may be regarded as composed of parts, each part being due to a corresponding: part of the electrification. Thus if a body A, electrified in a definite manner, would produce a given potential, P, at a given point of the field, and if a body, B, also electrified in a definite manner, would produce a potential, Q, at the same point of the field, then when both bodies, still elec- trified as before, are introduced simultaneously into their former places in the field, the potential at the given point will be P+ Q. This statement may be verified by direct experiment, but its most satisfactory verification is founded on a comparison of its conse- quences with actual phenomena. As a particular case, let the electrification of every part of the system be multiplied ~ fold. ‘The potential at every point of the system will also be multiplied by x. 30.] Let us now suppose that the electrical system consists of a number of conductors (which we shall call 4,, 4,, &c.) insulated from each other, and capable of being charged with electricity. Let the charges of these conductors be denoted by /,, #,, &c., and their potentials by P,, P,, &e. If at first the conductors are all without charge, and at potential zero, and if at a certain instant each conductor begins to be charged with electricity, so that the charge increases uniformly with the time, and if this process is continued till the charges simultaneously become F, for the first conductor, /, for the second, and so on, then since the in- erement of the charge of any con- ductor is the same for every equal interval of time during the process, the increment of the potential of each conductor will also be the same for every equal increment of time, so that the line which represents, on the indicator diagram, the succession of states of a given con- ductor with respect to charge and potential will be described with O C Fig. 13 28 ENERGY OF AN ELECTRIFIED SYSTEM. [ 31. a velocity, the horizontal and vertical components of which remain constant during the process. This line on the diagram is therefore a straight line, drawn from the origin, which represents the initial state of the system when devoid of charge and at potential zero, to the point 4, which indicates the final state of the conductor when its charge is /,, and its potential P,, and will represent the process of charging the conductor 4,. The work expended in charging this conductor is represented by the area OCA, or half the product of the final charge /, and the final potential P,. ENERGY OF A System oF ELEctrirtep Boptss. 31.] When the relative positions of the conductors are fixed, the work done in charging them is entirely transformed into electrical energy. If they are charged in the manner just described, the work expended in charging any one of them is +#P, where £ re- presents its final charge and P its final potential. Hence the work expended in charging the whole system may be written t2,P,+3L,P, + &e., there being as many products as there are conductors in the system. It is convenient to write the sum of such a series of terms in the form | 3 3 (EP), where the symbol = (sigma) denotes that all the products of the form /P are to be summed together, there being one such product for each of the conductors of which the system consists. Since an electrified system is subject to the law of Conservation of Energy, the work expended in charging it is entirely stored up in the system in the form of electrical energy. The value of this energy is therefore equal to that of the work which produced it, or 32 (HP). But the electrical energy of the system depends al- together on its actual state, and not on its previous history. Hence THroremM I, The electrical energy of a system of conductors, in whatever way they may have been charged, is half the sum of the products of the charge into the potential of each conductor, We shall denote the electric energy of the system by the symbol Q, where = 2D (EP). i ives (1) 33.] WORK DONE IN ALTERING CHARGES, 29 Work done in altering the charges of the system. 32.] We shall next suppose that the conductors of the system, instead of being originally without charge and at potential zero, are originally charged with quantities Z,, 2,, &c. of electricity, and are at potentials P,, P,, &c. respectively. When in this state let the charges of the conductors be changed, each at a uniform rate, the rate being, in general, different for each conductor, and let this process go on uniformly, till the charges have become L,’, H,’, &c., and the potentials P,’, P,, &e. respectively. By the principle of the superposition of electrical effects the in- crement of the potential will vary as the increment of the charge, and the potential of each con- ductor will increase or diminish at a uniform rate from P to P’, while its charge varies at a uni- form rate from / to LH’. Hence the line 4d’, which represents the varying state of the con- ductor during the process, is the straight line which joins 4, the point which indicates its original state, with 4’, which represents § i ~ its final state. The work spent Fig. 14, in producing this increment of charge in the conductor is represented by the area ACC’A’, or CC’ (CA+C’A’), or (H’—F) 4 (P+ PP’), or, in words, it is the pro- duct of the increase of charge and the half sum of the potentials at the beginning and end of the operation, and this will be true for every conductor of the system. As, during this process, the electric energy of the system changes from Q, its original, to Q’, its final value, we may write GeO ES (HSIN (BE CEPY}, votes ss. cvcsges (2) hence, Tueorem IT, The increment of the energy of the system is half the sum of the products of the imerement of charge of each conductor into the sum of its potentials at the beginning and the end of the process. 33.| If all the charges but one are maintained constant (by the insulation of the conductors) the equation (2) is reduced to 30 GREEN S THEOREM. [ 34. . Q-Q=F-H) (P+), or C8 4 (P'4 Py a so I) If the increment of the charge is taken always smaller and smaller till it ultimately vanishes, P’ becomes equal to P and the equation may be interpreted thus :— The rate of increase of the electrical energy due to the increase of the charge of one of the conductors at a rate unity 1s numerically equal to the potential of that conductor. In the notation of the differential calculus this result is expressed by the equation dQ, dH in which it is to be remembered that all the charges but one are maintained constant. 34.| Returning to equation (2), we have already shewn that Q=i2(£P) and QO =F (07); fee we may therefore write equation (2) —are ee ee ere i (4) 23 (PP) =143(EP)4+43 (LP —#LP+YP—EP). ... (6) Cutting out from the equation the terms which destroy each other, we obtain 3 (EP) = SH P) oe ome belte or in words, TueroremM III. In a fixed system of conductors the sum of the products of the original charge and the final potential of each conductor is equal to the sum of the products of the final charge and the original potential, This theorem corresponds, in the elementary treatment of electro- statics, to Green’s Theorem in the analytical theory. By properly choosing the original and the final state of the system we may deduce a number of results which we shall find useful in our after- work. 35.] In the first place we may write, as before, 43 {((P-BD(P'+P)} =43("P—EP+HP—EP); ... (8) adding and subtracting the equal quantities of equation (7), O = 3 (HP — EP), os. .s.s0es tee (9) and the right-hand side becomes SDLP —EP—EP+EP’), ecsceccsecaee (10) or 32 {HW -A)\P+P)} = O-Q =e 2 {K+ 4) (LP —P), (11) or in words, 37.] RECIPROCITY OF POTENTIALS. aH! THrorEM IV. The increment of the energy of a fixed system of conductors is equal to half the sum of the products of the increment of the potential of each conductor into the sum of the original and final charges of that conductor. 36.] If all the conductors but one are maintained at constant potentials (which may be done by connecting them with voltaic batteries of constant electromotive force), equation (11) is reduced to YQ = FF AL) (P—P)y vrccccsnrseesee (12) or ee Peel ten. sary eeek othe sateees (13) If the increment of the potential is taken successively smaller and smaller, till it ultimately vanishes, 4” becomes at last equal to H and the equation may be interpreted thus :— The vate of increase of the electrical energy due to the increase of potential of one of the conductors at a rate unity is numerically equal to the charge of that conductor. In the notation of the differential calculus this result is expressed by the equation y 1 ive = E, Tree Sots eta tiaccetaetiataes (14) in which it is to be remembered that all the potentials but one are maintained constant. 37.] We have next to point out some of the results which may be deduced from Theorem III. If any conductor, as 4,, is insulated and without charge both in the initial and the final state, then #, = 0 and H,’= 0, and therefore HAR dA, 2a Bree Pe ye (15) so that the terms depending on 4, disappear from both members of equation (7). Again, if another conductor, say 4,, be connected with the earth both in the initial and in the final state, P,, = 0 and P,/ = 0, so that HP. = 0 and #,/P,, = 0; so that, in this case also, the terms depending on 4,, disappear from both sides of equation (7). If, therefore, all the conductors with the exception of two, say A, and A,, are either insulated and without charge, or else connected with the earth, equation (7) is reduced to the form aD uerOP Und Pee BP ee, oie (O86) 32 RECIPROCITY OF POTENTIALS AND CHARGES. [38. Let us first suppose that in the initial state all the conductors except 4, are without charge, and that in the final state all the con- ductors except 4, are without charge. The equation then becomes EP(=2'P,, (17) jhe or on = LE’ ’ [If, therefore, B= EY, Pe eee or in words, THEOREM V. In a system of fixed insulated conductors, the potential (P,) produced in A, by a charge E communicated to A, is equal to the potential (P,’) produced in A, by an equal charge EL communicated to A,. This is the first instance we have met with of the reciprocal relation of two bodies. There are many such reciprocal relations. They occur in every branch of science, and they often enable us to deduce the solution of new electrical problems from those of simpler problems with which we are already familiar. Thus, if we know the potential which an electrified sphere produces at a point in its neighbourhood, we can deduce the effect which a small electrified body, placed at that point, would haya in raising the potential of the sphere. 38.| Let us next suppose that the original potential of 4, is P, and that all the other conductors are kept at potential zero by being connected with the walls of the room, and let the final potential of 4, be P,’, that of all the others being zero, then in equation (7) all the terms involving zero potentials will vanish, and we shall have in this case also BPH EP i, (18) If, therefore, Pi=P,, E.= 2). (19) or in words, Turorem VI. In a system of fixed conductors, connected, all but one, with the walls of the room, the charge (E,) induced on A, when A, is raised to the potential P, rs equal to the charge (E,/) induced on A, when A, 8 raised to an equal potential (P,’). 39.] Asa third case, let us suppose all the conductors insulated and without charge, and that a charge is communicated to A, 40.] GREEN’S THEOREM ON POTENTIALS AND CHARGES. 33 which raises its potential to P. and that of 4, to fF, Next, let A, be connected with the earth, and let a charge H,’ on A, induce the charge ZL,’ on A,. In equation (16) we have #.=0 and P’= 0, so that the left- hand member vanishes and the equation becomes DiS sald OS OT eee eee AN Pay (20) or £ =— Ey | tke ide. Hence, if 1d ee ts oe He verte (29 or in words, THEOREM VII, If in a system of fixed conductors msulated and originally without charge a charge be communicated to A, which raises its potential to P.., unity, and that of A, to n, then if in the same system of conductors a charge unity be communicated to A, and A, be connected with the earth the charge induced on A, will be —n. If, instead of supposing the other conductors 4, &e. to be all insulated and without charge, we supposed some or all of them to be connected with the earth, the theorem would still be true, only the value of ~ would be different according to the arrange- ment we adopted. This is one of Green’s theorems. As an example of its applica- tion, let us suppose that we have ascertained the distribution of electric charge induced on the various parts of the surface of a conductor by a small electrified body in a given position with unit charge. Then by means of this theorem we can solve the following problem :—The potential at every point of a surface coinciding in position with that of the conductor being given, determine the potential at a point corresponding to the position of the small electrified body. Hence, if the potential is known at all points of any closed surface, it may be determined for any point within that surface if there be no electrified body within it, and for any point outside if there be no electrified body outside. Mechanical work dene by the electric forces during the displacement of a system of imsulated electrified conductors. 40.] Let 4,, 4, &e. be the conductors, #,, H, &c. their charges, which, as the conductors are insulated, remain constant. Let P,, P, &c. be their potentials before and P,’,P,' &c. their potentials D 34 MECHANICAL WORK DURING DISPLACEMENT. [4I. after the displacement. The electrical energy of the system before the displacement is = 3D (EP). .4.).0eeeee (22) During the displacement the electric forces which act in the same direction as the displacement perform an amount of work equal to WV, and the energy remaining in the system is Q'= 13 (EP). .....04: (23) The original energy, Q, is thus transformed into the work 7 and the final energy Q’, so that the equation of energy is Q = WA Q, ccsscescosovecsnnastyeermaeine (24) or : Wet 2 \E(P—P)). eee ee (25) This expression gives the work done during any displacement, small or large, of an insulated system. To find the force, we must make the displacement so small that the configuration of the system is not sensibly altered thereby. The ultimate value of the quotient found by dividing the work by the displacement is the value of the force resolved in the direction of the displacement. Mechanical work done by the electric force during the displacement of a system of conductors each of which is kept at a constant potential. 41.] Let us begin by supposing each conductor of the system insulated, and that a smad/ displacement is given to the system, by which the potential is changed from P to P,. The work done during this displacement is, as we have shewn, W=13([B(P—P,))...000e (26) Next, let the conductors remain fixed while the charges of the con- ductors are altered from # to F,, so as to bring back the value of the potential from P,te~P. Then we know by equation (7) that * “. > (LP— FE P,) = 0. .3.:.5++00 eee (27) ray substituting for = (HP) in (26), | : laese: W=+2|[(4,—H?P,]. .....eeeeeee Performing these two operations alternately for any number of times, and distinguishing each pair of operations by a suffix, we find the whole work : Wo Wy WAC. vs eden van sees vagenn soy tent (29) = $2[(2,-—F)P,]+43[(4,—4)P,]+&e. ....., (30) By making each of the partial displacements small enongh, the @ A4I.] MECHANICAL WORK DURING DISPLACEMENT. 35 values of P,, P, &c. may be made to approach without limit to P, the constant value of the potential, and the expression becomes W=t3|[(L,—F)P]+42[( 4,—£,)P] + &e.4+23[( — #,_,)P],(31) where / is the value of / after the last operation. The final result is therefore USS 1 eres Repecres (32) which is an expression giving the work done during a displacement of any magnitude of a system of conductors, the potential of each of which is maintained constant during the displacement. We may write this result WS SIE) ESC EP )y eo cisscscecssensee (33) or LE Bast (ee A is yo St WER ERE TREE ». (34) or the work done by the electric forces is equal to the zucrease of the electric energy of the system during the displacement when the potential of each conductor is maintained constant. When the charge of each conductor was maintained constant, the work done was equal to the decrease of the energy of the system. Hence, when the potential of each conductor is maintained con- stant during a displacement in which a quantity of work, VV, is done, the voltaic batteries which are employed to keep the poten- tials constant must do an amount of work equal to 2W. Of this energy supplied to the system, half is spent in increasing the energy of the system, and the other half appears as mechanical work. D 2 CHAPTER IV. THE ELECTRIC FIELD. 42.] WE have seen that, when an electrified body is enclosed in a conducting vessel, the total electrification of the interior surface of the surrounding vessel is invariably equal in numerical value but opposite in kind to that of the body. This is true, however large this vessel may be. It may be a room of any size having its floor, walls and ceiling of conducting matter. Its boundaries may be removed further, and may consist of the surface of the ~ earth, of the branches of trees, of clouds, perhaps of the extreme limits of the atmosphere or of the universe. In every case, where- ever we find an electrified insulated body, we are sure to find at the boundaries of the insulating medium, wherever they may be, an equal amount of electrification of the opposite kind. This correspondence of properties between the two limits of the insulating medium leads us to examine the state of this medium itself, in order to discover the reason why the electrifica- tion at its inner and outer boundaries should be thus related. In thus directing our attention to the state of the insulating medium, rather than confining it to the inner conductor and the outer sur- face, we are following the path which led Faraday to many of his electrital discoveries. 43" | To render our conceptions more definite, we “sal begin by supposing a conducting body electrified positively and insulated within a hollow conducting vessel. The space between the body and the vessel is filled with air or some other insulating medium. We call it an zsulating medium when we regard it simply as retaining the charge on the surface of the electrified body. When we consider it as taking an important part in the manifestation of electric phenomena we shall use Faraday’s expression, and call it a dielectric medium. Finally, when we contemplate the region 44. | EXPLORATION OF THE ELECTRIC FIELD, 3” occupied by the medium as being a part of space in which electric phenomena may be observed, we shall call this region the Electric Field. By using this last expression we are not obliged to figure to ourselves the mode in which the dielectric medium takes part in the phenomena. If we afterwards wish to form a theory of the action of the medium, we may find the term dielectric useful. EXPLORATION OF THE Exxectric Fre. EXPERIMENT XI. (a) Exploration by means of a small electrified body. 44.| Electrify a small round body, a gilt pith ball, for example, and carry it by means of a white silk thread into any part of the field. If the ball is suspended in such a way that the tension of the string exactly balances the weight of the ball, then when the ball is placed in the electric field it will move under the action of a new force developed by the action of the electrified ball on the electric condition of the field. This new force tends to move the ball in a certain direction, which is called the direction of the electromotive force. If the charge of the ball is varied, the force is sensibly pro- portional to the charge, provided this charge is not sufficient to produce a sensible disturbance of the state of electrification of the system. If the charge is positive, the force which acts on the ball is, on the whole, from the positively electrified body, and towards the negatively electrified walls of the room. If the charge is negative, the force acts in the opposite direction. Since, therefore, the force which acts on the ball depends partly on the charge of the ball and partly on its position and on the electrification of the system, it is convenient to regard this force as the product of two factors, one being the charge of the ball, and the other the electromotive force at that point of the field which is occupied by the centre of the ball. This electromotive force at the point is definite in magnitude and direction. A positively charged body placed there tends to move in the positive direction of the line representing the force. A negatively charged body tends to move in the opposite direction. a8 EXPLORATION OF THE ELECTRIC FIELD. [45. EXPERIMENT XII. (6) Exploration by means of two disks. 45.] But the electromotive force not only tends to move elec- trified bodies, it also tends to transfer electrification from one part of a body to another. Take two small equal thin metal disks, fastened to handles of shellac or ebonite ; discharge them and place them face to face in the electric field, with their planes perpendicular to the direction of the electromotive force. Bring them into contact, then separate them and remove them, and test first one and then the { other by introducing them : into the hollow vessel of Ex- periment VII. It will be + found that each is charged, - and that if the electromotive force acts in the direction 4B, . the disk on the ide of 4 will Fig. 15. be charged negatively, and that on the side of B posi- tively, the numerical values of these charges being equal. This shews that there has been an actual transference of electricity from the one disk to the other, the direction of this transference being that of the electromotive force. This experiment with two disks affords a much more convenient method of measuring the electromotive force at a point than the experiment with the charged pith ball. The measurement of small forces is always a difficult operation, and becomes almost impossible when the weight of the body acted on forms a disturbing force and has to be got rid of by the adjust- ment of counterpoises. The measurement of the charges of the disks, on the other hand, is much more simple. | The two disks, when in contact, may be regarded as forming a single disk, and the fact that when separated -they are found to have received equal and opposite charges, shews that while the disks were in contact there was a distribution of electrification between them, the electrification of each disk being opposite to that of the body next to it, whether the insulated body, which is charged positively, or the inner surface of the surrounding vessel, which is charged negatively. 47.| ELECTRIC TENSION. 39 Electric Tension. 46.| The two disks, after being brought into contact, tend to separate from each other, and to approach the oppositely electrified surfaces: to which they are opposed. The force with which they tend to separate is proportional to the area of the disks, and it increases as the electromotive force increases, not, however, in the simple ratio of that force, but in the ratio of the square of the electromotive force. The electrification of each disk is proportional to the electro- motive force, and the mechanical force on the disk is proportional to its electrification and the electromotive force conjointly, that is, to the square of the electromotive force. This force may be accounted for if we suppose that at every point of the dielectric at which electromotive force exists there is a tension, like the tension of a stretched rope, acting in the direc- tion of the electromotive force, this tension being proportional to the square of the electromotive force at the point. This tension acts only on the outer side of each disk, and not on the side which is turned towards the other disk, for in the space between the disks there is no electromotive force, and consequently no tension. The expression Electric Tension has been used by some writers in different senses. In this treatise we shall always use it in the sense explained above,—the tension of so many pounds’, or grains’, weight on the square foot exerted by the air or other dielectric medium in the direction of the electromotive force. Experiment XIII. Couloml’s Proof Plane. 47.| If one of these disks be placed with one of its flat sur- faces in contact with the surface of an electrified conductor and then removed, it will be found to be charged. If the disk 1s very thin, and if the electrified surface is so nearly flat that the whole surface of the disk lies very close to it, the charge of the disk will be nearly equal to that of the portion of the electrified surface which it covered. If the disk is thick, or does not lie very close to the electrified surface, its charge, when removed, will be somewhat greater. This method of ascertaining the density of electrification of a surface was introduced by Coulomb, and the disk when used for this purpose is called Coulomb’s Proof Plane. 40 | COULOMB'S PROOF PLANE. [47. The charge of the disk is by Experiment XII proportional to the electromotive force at the electrified surface. Hence the electro- motive force close to a conducting surface is proportional to the density of the electrification at that part of the surface. Since the surface of the conductor is an equipotential surface, the electromotive force is perpendicular to it. The fact that the elec- tromotive force at a point close to the surface of a conductor is perpendicular to the surface and proportional to the density of the electrification at that point was first established experimentally by Coulomb, and it is generally referred to as Coulomb’s Law. To prove that when the proof plane coincides with the surface of the conductor the charge of the proof plane when removed from the electrified conductor is equal to the charge on the part of the surface which it covers, we may make the following experiment. A sphere whose radius is 5 units is placed on an insulating stand. A segment of a thin spherical shell is fastened to an in- sulating handle. The radius of the spherical surface of the shell is 5, the diameter of the circular edge of the segment is 8, and the height of the segment is 2. When applied to the sphere it covers one-fifth part of its surface. A second sphere, whose radius is also 5, is placed on an insulating handle. The first sphere is electrified, the sezment is then placed in contact with it and removed. ‘The second sphere is then made to touch the first sphere, removed and discharged, and then made to touch the first sphere again. The segment is then placed within a conducting vessel, which is discharged to earth, and then in- sulated and the segment removed. One of the spheres is then made to touch the outside of the vessel, and is found to be perfectly discharged. Let e be the electrification of the first sphere, and let the charge removed by the segment be ze, then the charge remaining on the sphere is (1—z)e. The charge of the first sphere is then divided with the second sphere, and becomes }(1—z)e. The second sphere is then discharged, and the charge is again divided, so that the charge on either sphere is +(1—z)e. The charge on the insulated vessel is equal and opposite to that on the segment, and it is there- fore —ne, and this is perfectly neutralized by the charge on one of the spheres; hence 4(1—z)e+(—xe) = 0, from which we find n= +, or the electricity removed by the seement covering one-fifth of the surface of the sphere is one-fifth of the whole charge of the sphere. 49. | ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE AND POTENTIAL. 41 EXPERIMENT XIV. Direction of Electromotive Force at a Point. 48.| A convenient way of determining the direction of the elec- tromotive force is to suspend a small elongated conductor with its middle point at the given point of the field. The two ends of the short conductor will become oppositely electrified, and will then be drawn in opposite directions by the electromotive force, so that the axis of the conductor will place itself in the direction of the force at that point. .......3. (3) e EH | Hence, ar wise = ge? ee (4) ie and by COR 2= 7p 0:0 0:40. 0,e7efelate slate nature (5) It appears, therefore, that when the charge, e, of the inner sphere is given, the surface-density, 5, on the internal surface of the vessel is inversely as the square of the distance of that surface from the centre of the electrified sphere. Hence by Coulomb’s law (Experiment XIII, Art. 47) the elec- tromotive force at the outer spherical surface is inversely as the square of the distance from the centre of the sphere. 8:3. | ELECTROSTATIC UNIT OF ELECTRICITY. 63 This is the law according to which the electric force varies at different distances from a sphere uniformly electrified. The amount of the force is independent of the radius of the inner electrified sphere, and depends only on the whole charge upon it. If we suppose the radius of the inner sphere to become very’ small till at last the sphere cannot be distinguished from a point, we may imagine the whole charge concentrated at this point, and we may then express our result by saying that the electric action of a uniformly electrified sphere at any point outside the sphere is the same as that of the whole charge of the sphere would be if concentrated at the centre of the sphere. We must bear in mind, however, that it 1s physically impossible to charge the small sphere with more than a certain quantity of electricity on each unit of area of its surface. If the surface- density exceed this limit, electricity will fly off in the form of the brush discharge. Hence the idea of an electrified point is a mere mathematical fiction which can never be realised in nature. The imaginary charge concentrated at the centre of the sphere, which produces an effect outside the sphere equivalent to that of the actual distribution of electricity on the surface, is called the Electrical Image of that distribution. See Art. 100. Measurement of Electricity. 82.]| We have already described methods of comparing the quantity of electrification on different bodies, but in each case we have only compared one quantity of electricity with another, without determining the absolute value of either. To determine the absolute value of an electric charge we must compare it with some definite quantity of electricity, which we assume as a unit. The unit of electricity adopted in electrostatics is that quantity of positive or vitreous electricity which, if concentrated in a point, and placed at the unit of distance from an equal charge, also concentrated in a point, would repel it with the unit of mechanical force. The dielectric medium between the two charged points is supposed to be air. 83.| Let us now suppose two bodies, whose dimensions are nieriall compared with the distance between them, to be charged with electricity. Let the charge of the first body be e units of electri- city and that of the second ¢’ units, and let the distance between the bodies be 7. 64 ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE AT A POINT. [84. Then, since the force varies inversely as the square of the distance, the force with which each unit of electricity in the first body repels each unit of electricity in the second body will 1 : : : ; be a ,and since the number of pairs of units, one in each body, is ce’, the whole repulsion between the bodies will be ee ye If the charge of the first or the second body is negative we must consider ¢ or é negative. If the one charge is positive and the other negative, f will be negative, or the force between the bodies will be an attraction instead of a repulsion. If the charges are both positive or both negative, the force between the bodies will be a repulsion. 84.] Definition.—The electric or electromotive force at a point is the force which would be experienced by a small body charged with the unit of positive electricity and placed at that point, the electrification of the system being supposed to remain undisturbed by the presence of this unit of electricity. We shall use the German letter © as the symbol of electric force. | 85.] Let us now return to the case of a sphere whose radius is r, the external surface of which is uniformly electrified, the surface-density of the electrification being o. As we have already - proved, the whole charge of the sphere is e= 47770. At any point outside the sphere such that the distance from the centre of the sphere is 7’ the electromotive force, ©, is directed from the centre, and its value is e Ca rh If the point is close to the surface of the sphere, 7’ = 7, and e G—3=47s, or the electric force close to the surface of an electrified sphere is at right angles to the surface and is equal to the surface-density multiplied by 4 7. We have already seen that in all cases the electric force close to the surface of a conductor is at right angles to that surface, and is proportional to the surface-density. We now, by means of this 86.] VALUE OF THE POTENTIAL. 65 particular case, find that the constant ratio of the electric force to the surface-density is 47 for a uniformly electrified sphere, and therefore this is the ratio for a conductor of any form. The equation G = 420 is the complete expression of the law discovered by Coulomb and referred to in Arts. 47 and 81. Value of the Potential. 86.] We must next consider the values of the potential at different distances from a small electrified body. Definition. The electric potential at any point is the work which must be expended in order to bring a body charged with unit of electricity from an infinite distance to that point. If y is the potential at 4 and y’ that at B, then the work which must’ be spent by the external agency in overcoming electrical force while carrying a unit of electricity from 4 to B is y’—y. The quantity y’— would also represent the work which would be done by the electrical forces in assisting the transfer of the unit of electricity from B to A if the motion were reversed. If the force from B to A were constant and equal to ©, then In general, the electric force varies as the body moves from B to A, so that we cannot at once apply this method of finding the differ- ence of potentials. But, by breaking up the path £4 into a sufficient number of parts, we may make these parts so small that the electric force may be regarded as uniform during the passage of the body along any one of these parts. We may then ascertain the parts of the work done in each part of the path, and by adding them together, obtain the whole work done during the passage from B to A. Z C B A | | l | Hig. 19; Let us suppose a unit of electricity placed at O, and let the distances of the points 4, B, C,.,, Z from O be a, 4, ¢,...% The electric force at A is 5 at B a and so on, all in the direction from O to A. 66 POTENTIAL AT A POINT. [86. To find the work which must be done in order to bring a unit of electricity from 4 to B we must multiply the distance 46 by the average of the electromotive force at the various points between 4 and #&. The least value of the force is 5 and the yor ee: AB greatest value is 72° Hence the work required is greater than a and less than are Now AB is a—6, and the true value of the work is the excess of the potential at B over that at 4. Hence if we now write 4, 5, C,... Z for the potentials at the correspond- ing points, we may express the work required to bring the unit of electricity from 4 to B by B—A. This quantity therefore is greater than oe; 1 1 cap a OG * a—b se 7 but less than ees Ge a) se We may express this ie the double inequality Can e358) Similarly E22). cs ‘ = : " J — ; ' the ee ion Pr - a - _ ‘ i — ; 98. | AND LINES OF INDUCTION. 79 way described is measured by the number of lines of force which pass through it. The dotted straight lines on the left hand side of Fig. 21 represent the lines of force due to each of two electrified points whose charges are 10 and — 10 respectively. If there are two centres of force on the axis of the figure we may draw the lines of force for each axis corresponding to values of ¥, and ¥,, and then, by drawing lines through the consecutive intersections of these lines, for which the value of ¥, + ¥, is the same, we may find the lines of force due to both centres, and in the same way we may combine any two systems of lines of force which are symmetrically situated about the same axis. The con- tinuous curves on the left hand side of Fig. 21 represent the lines of force due to the electrified points acting at once. After the equipotential surfaces and lines of force have been constructed by this method, the accuracy of the drawing may be tested by observing whether the two systems of lines are every- where orthogonal, and whether the distance between consecutive equipotential surfaces is to the distance between consecutive lines of force as half the distance from the axis is to the assumed unit of length. In the case of any such system of finite dimensions the line of foree whose index number is ¥ has an asymptote which passes through the centre of gravity of the system, and is inclined to the axis at an angle whose cosine is hy where / is the total electrification of the system, provided ¥ is less than #. Lines of force whose index is greater than / are finite lines. The lines of force corresponding to a field of uniform force parallel to the axis are lines parallel to the axis, the distances from the axis being the square roots of an arithmetical series, CHAPTER VII. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL IMAGES. 99.| Tue calculation of the distribution of electrification on the surface of a conductor when electrified bodies are placed near it is in general an operation beyond the powers of existing mathematical methods. When the conductor is a sphere, and when the distribution of electricity on external bodies is given, a solution, depending on an infinite series was obtained by Poisson. This solution agrees with that which was afterwards given in a far simpler form by Sir W. Thomson, and which is the foundation of his method of Electric Images. By this method he has solved problems in electricity which have never been attempted by any other method, and which, even after the solution has been pointed out, no other method seems capable of attacking. This method has the great advantage of being intelligible by the aid of the most elementary mathematical reasoning, especially when it is considered in connection with the diagrams of equipotential surfaces described in Arts. 93-96. 100.| The idea of an image is most easily acquired by considering the optical phenomena on account of which the term i was first introduced into science. We are accustomed to make use of the visual impressions we receive through our eyes in order to ascertain the positions of distant objects. We are doing this all day long in a manner sufficiently accurate for ordinary purposes. Surveyors and astro- nomers by means of artificial instruments and mathematical de- ductions do the same thing with greater exactness. In whatever way, however, we make our deductions, we find that they are consistent with the hypothesis that an object exists in a certain position in space, from which it emits light which travels to our eyes or to our instruments in straight lines. 101.] ELECTRICAL IMAGES. 81 But if we stand in front of a plane mirror and make observations on the apparent direction of the objects reflected therein, we find that these observations are consistent with the hypothesis that there is no mirror, but that certain objects exist in the region beyond the plane of the mirror. These hypothetical objects are eeometrically related to certain real objects in front of the plane of the mirror, and they are called the zmages of these objects. We are not provided with a special sense for enabling us to ascertain the presence and the position of distant bodies by means of their electrical effects, but we have instrumental methods by which the distribution of potential and of electric force in any part of the field may be ascertained, and from these data we obtain a certain amount of evidence as to the position and electrification of the distant body. If an astronomer, for instance, could ascertain the direction and magnitude of the force of gravitation at any desired point in the heavenly spaces, he could deduce the positions and masses of the bodies to which the force is due. When Adams and Leverrier discovered the hitherto unknown planet Neptune, they did so by ascertaining the direction and magnitude of the gravitating force due to the unseen planet at certain points of space. In the elec- trical problem we employed an electrified pith ball, which we moved about in the field at pleasure. The astronomers employed for a similar purpose the planet Uranus, over which, indeed, they had no control, but which moved of itself into such positions that the alterations of the elements of its orbit served to indicate the position of the unknown disturbing planet. 101.] In one of the electrified systems which we have already investigated, that of a spherical conductor 4 within a concentric spherical conducting vessel B, we have one of the simplest cases of the principle of electric images. The electric field is in this case the region which les between the two concentric spherical surfaces. The electric force at any point P within this region is in the direction of the radius OP and numerically equal to the charge of the inner sphere, 4, divided by the square of the distance, OP, of the point from the common centre. It is evident, therefore, that the force within this region will be the same if we substitute for the electrified spherical sur- faces, A and B, any other two concentric spherical surfaces, ( and D, one of them, C, lying within the smaller sphere, 4, and the other, D, lying outside of B, the charge of C being equal to that G 82 CONCENTRIC SPHERES. [ 102. of A in the former case. The electric phenomena in the region between 4 and B are therefore the same as before, the only differ- ence between the cases is that in the region between 4 and C and also in the region between B and D we now find electric forces acting according to the same law as in the region between 4 and B, whereas when the region was bounded by the conducting sur- faces A and B there was no elec- trical force whatever in the regions beyond these surfaces. We may even, for mathematical purposes, suppose the inner sphere C to be reduced to a physical point at 0, and the outer sphere D to expand Fig. 22. to an infinite size, and thus we assimilate the electric action in the region between 4 and # to that due to an electrified point at O placed in an infinite region. It appears, therefore, that when a spherical surface is uniformly electrified, the electric phenomena in the region outside the sphere are exactly the same as if the spherical surface had been removed, and a very small body placed at the centre of the sphere, having the same electric charge as the sphere. This is a simple instance in which the phenomena in a certain region are consistent with a false hypothesis as to what exists beyond that region. The action of a uniformly electrified spherical surface in the region outside that surface is such that the phenomena may be attributed to an imaginary electrified point at the centre of the sphere. The potential, y, of a sphere of radius a, placed in infinite space and charged with a quantity e of electricity, is . Hence if y is the potential of the sphere, the imaginary charge at its centre is wa. 102.] Now let us calculate the potential at a point P (Fig. 23.) in a spherical surface whose centre is C and radius CP, due to two electrified points 4 and / in the same radius produced, and such that the product of their distances from the centre is equal to the square of the radius. Points thus related to one another are called averse points with respect to the sphere. 102. | IMAGE OF A POINT. 83 Let a = CP be the radius of the sphere. Let CA = ma, then CB : a will be — - m Also the triangle 4PC is similar to PCB, and AP:PB:: AC: PG, or AP =mBP. See Euclid vi. prop. E. Now let a charge of electricity equal to e be placed at A and a charge ¢ = — of the opposite kind be placed at B. The poten- tial due to these charges at P will be / = é if ec pee Rp. a6 Gi Cc eae ae = Whe or the potential due to the charges at 4 and B at any point P of the spherical surface is zero. We may nowsuppose the spherical surface to be a thin shell of metal. Its potential is already zero at every point, so that if we connect it by a fine wire with the earth there will be no alteration of its potential, and therefore the potential at every point, whether within or without the surface, will remain unaltered, and will be that due to the two electrified points 4 and S. If we now keep the metallic shell in connection with the earth and remove the electrified point B, the potential at every point within the sphere will become zero, but outside it will remain as before. or the surface of the sphere still remains of the same potential, and no change has been made in the distribution of electrified bodies in the region outside the sphere. Hence, if an electrified point 4 be placed outside a spherical con- ductor which is at potential zero, the electrical action at all points outside the sphere will be equivalent to that due to the point 4 together with another point, B, within the sphere, which is the inverse point to 4, and whose charge is to that of 4 as —1 is to m. The point B with its imaginary charge is called the electric image of A. In the same way by removing 4 and retaining 6, we may shew G 2 Fig. 23 84 ELECTRICAL IMAGES. iro. that if an electrified point B be placed inside a hollow conductor having its inner surface spherical, the electrical action within the hollow is equivalent to that of the point 5, together with an imaginary point, 4, outside the sphere, whose charge is to that of Bas m is to —1. 3 | If the sphere, instead of being in connection with the earth, and therefore at potential zero, is at potential w, the electrical effects outside the sphere will be the same as if, in addition to the image of the electrified point, another imaginary charge equal to ya were placed at the centre of the sphere. Within the sphere the potential will simply be increased by y. 103.] As an example of the method of electric images let us caleulate the electric state of two spheres whose radii are a and 6 respectively, and whose potentials are P, and P,, the distance be- tween their centres being ¢: We shall suppose 0 to be small com- pared with c. Fig. 24. We may consider the actual electrical effects at any point out- side the two spheres as due to a series of electric images. In the first place, since the potential of the sphere 4 is P, we must place an image at the centre 4 with a charge aP,. Similarly at B, the centre of the other sphere, we must place a charge bP,. Each of these images will have an image of the second order in the other sphere. The image of B in the sphere a will be at D, where a? a Wh 7 and the charge D = — --)P,. c The image of 4 in the sphere 4 will be at H, where 2 b Bias ap and the charge # = — oa ee 104. | _ ' TWO SPHERES. 85 Each of these will have an image of the third order. That of # in a will be at /, where 2 ae a? b a i Fa = ae 5h and / = A opt Whee That of D in @ will be at G, where b? & c ab? bG = 75 = @aga? and 7 = ep Po The images of the eesti order will be, of Gin a at A, where a> a® (c*—a*) 3 a? 6? eMac (eas 78) Cie gt 8) of Fin B at J, where fg G2 (c?—2?) a b2 SS aa CE) aa (a We might go on with a series of images for ever, but if ) is small compared with c, the images will rapidly become smaller and may be neglected after the fourth order. If we now write a®h EN: i a* | eb a ati: (c?— a? — 0?) Jaa = 4+ = + &e., — &e., the whole charge of the sphere a will be Ea = Yaa Pat Yan Pr: and that of the sphere 4 will be Ly = Yan Pat In Pro- 104.] From these results we may calculate the potentials of the two spheres when their charges are given, and if we neglect terms involving J? we find ft _ E, + - ~E,, 1 ae nals fa at al B The electric energy of the system is 1 ee al tk (1 at a g FaPat Ly Pr) = 5 7 be +5 BB+ 315 — aaa L,’. 86 TWO SPHERES. [105. The repulsion, 2, between the two spheres is measured by the rate at which the energy diminishes as ¢ increases ; therefore, Ef, a® (2c?—a?*) k= — ahh —L, oa c(c?— e(2—a?)? t. In order that the are may be repulsive it is necessary that the charges of the spheres should be of the same sign, and 2 A f,, must be greater than L, a Hence the force 1s always attractive, 1. When either sphere is uninsulated ; 2. When either sphere has no charge ; 3. When the spheres are very nearly in contact, if their poten- tials are different. When the potentials of the two spheres are equal the force is always repulsive. 105.] To determine the electrie foree at any point just outside of the surface of a conducting sphere connected with the earth arising from the presence of an electrified point 4 outside the sphere. The electrical conditions at all points outside the sphere are equi- valent, as we have seen, to those due to the point 4 together with its image at 6. If eis the charge of the point 4 (Fig. 23), the force due to it at P is Tp in the direction 4P. Resolving this force in al oes parallel to 4C and along the ar its components are ¥ im AC in the direction parallel to 4C and 7 a CP in the direc- tion CP. The charge of the image . A at Bis —e a and the CP force due to the image at P is e — CA api solving this force in the same direction as the other, its components oe e SSS in a direction parallel to Cd, and — CA” BP? i ’ ; Gre CARLES If a is the radius of the sphere and if CA = f= ma and AP =7, in the direction PB. Re- in the direction PC. 1 niga . then CB = a and BP = Pate and if e is the charge of the point ee : 1 A, the charge of its image at B is — mate The force at P due to the charge e at A is 4 in the direction AP, 106. | DENSITY OF INDUCED CHARGE. 87 Resolving this force in the direction of the radius and a direction parallel to AC, its components are ae = in the direction AC, and sas) ive ca. ere: bey I the direction CP. ] mM ——— or ¢— BL a in the direction P&. Resolving this in the same directions as the other force, its components are : 1 ; The force at P due to the image — oon: at B is - e m BC ema, maar: ; € 2 Bp > @ the direction Cd, and m.CP ema , ; ; € 2 BP OY 3 in the direction PC. The components in the direction parallel to AC are equal but in opposite directions. The resultant force is therefore in the direc- tion of the radius, which confirms what we have already proved, that the sphere is an equipotential surface to which the resultant force is everywhere normal. ‘The resultant force is therefore in the direction PC, and is equal to 5 (m*—1) in the direction PC, that is to say, towards the centre of the sphere. From this we may ascertain the surface density of the electrifica- tion at any point of the sphere, for, by Coulomb’s law, if o is the _ surface density, 4no = fF, where & is the resultant force acting outwards. Hence, as the resultant force in this ease acts inwards, the surface density is everywhere negative, and is a c= — - “5 (m?—1). Hence the surface density is inversely as the cube of the distance from the inducing point A. 106.] In the case of the two spheres 4 and B (Fig. 24), whose radii are w and 6 and potentials P, and P,, the distance between their centres being c, we may determine the surface density at any point of the sphere 4 by considering it as due to the action of a charge aP, at A, together with that due to the pairs of points B, D and FL, F &c., the successive pairs of images. 88 DENSITY OF INDUCED CHARGE. [ 106. Putting r= PBS Tea ais it was suggested to Sir W. Ww Sa Thomson by Mance’s Method. y a fr" (See Art. 226.) i Let the battery be placed, e i as before, between / and C me in the figure of Article 221, > but Jet the galvanometer be placed in CA instead of in OA. If b8—cy is zero, then the conductor O4 is conjugate to BC, and, as there is no cur- rent produced in OA by the battery in BC, the strength of the current in any other conductor is independent of the resistance Fig. 50. * Proc. R. 8., Jan. 19, 1871. 256°; | MANCE S METHOD. 193 in OA. Hence, if the galvanometer is placed in CA its deflexion will remain the same whether the resistance of OA is small or ereat. We therefore observe whether the deflexion of the galvano- meter remains the same when O and 4 are joined by a conductor of small resistance, as when this connexion is broken, and if, by properly adjusting the resistances of the conductors, we obtain this result, we know that the resistance of the galvanometer is iro at os B where ¢, y, and # are resistance coils of known resistance. It will be observed that though this is not a null method, in the sense of there being no current in the galvanometer, it is so in the sense of the fact observed being the negative one, that the deflexion of the galvanometer is not changed when a certain con- tact is made. An observation of this kind is of greater value than an observation of the equality of two different deflexions of the same galvanometer, for in the latter case there is time for alteration in the strength of the battery or the sensitiveness of the galvanometer, whereas when the deflexion remains constant, in spite of certain changes which we can repeat at pleasure, we are sure that the current is quite independent of these changes. The determination of the resistance of the coil of a galvanometer ean easily be effected in the ordinary way of using Wheatstone’s Bridge by placing another galvanometer in OA. By the method now described the galvanometer itself is employed to measure its own resistance. Mance’'s* Method of determining the Resistance of the Battery. 226*.| The measurement of the resistance of a battery when in action is of a much higher order of difficulty, since the resistance of the battery is found to change considerably for some time after the strength of the current through it ischanged. In many of the methods commonly used to measure the resistance of a battery such alterations of the strength of the current through it occur in the course of the operations, and therefore the results are rendered doubtful. In Manee’s method, which is free from this objection, the battery is placed in BC and the galvanometer in Cd. The connexion between O and B is then alternately made and broken. - * Proc, R. 8., Jan. 19, 1871. O 194 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE. [226*. If the deflexion of the galvanometer remains unaltered, we know that OB is conjugate to CA, whence cy = aa, and a, the resistance of the battery, is obtained in terms of known resistances ¢, y, a. When the condition cy = aa is fulfilled, then the current through the galvanometer is < Ta = bate(b+a+y) and this is independent of the resistance 8B between O and B. To test the sensibility of the method let us suppose that the condition cy = aa is nearly, but not accurately, fulfilled, and that y is the current through the galvanometer when O and B are connected us Fig. 51. by a conductor of no sensible resistance, and y, the current when O and B are completely disconnected. To find these values we must make 8 equal to 0 and to o in the general formula for y, and compare the results. In this way we find of Sad 1) eee heme arene eee y — y(e+a)(a+y)’ where y, and 7, are supposed to be so nearly equal that we may, when their difference is not in question, put either of them equal to y, the value of the current when the adjustment is perfect. The resistance, c, of the conductor 4B should be equal to a, that of the battery, a and y, should be equal and as small as possible, and 4 should be equal to a+ y. Since a galvanometer is most sensitive when its deflexion is small, we should brin» the needle nearly to zero by means of fixed magnets before making contact between O and BL. In this method of measuring the resistance of the battery, the current in the battery is not in any way interfered with during the operation, so that we may ascertain its resistance for any given 227*.] COMPARISON OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCES. 195 strength of current, so as to determine how the strength of current affects the resistance. If y is the current in the galvanometer, the actual current through the battery is a, with the key down and 2, with the key up, where b b ac marry saa(ist git) the resistance of the battery is a=—, a .and the electromotive force of the battery is B=y(b+e4+£+y))- The method of Art. 225 for finding the resistance of the galva- nometer differs from this only in making and breaking contact between O and 4 instead of between O and B, and by exchanging a and 6 we obtain for this case Jo—-"N aay B cy—b B : y y(¢+8) (8+y) On the Comparison of Electromotive Forces. 227*.| The following method of comparing the electromotive forces of voltaic and thermoelectric arrangements, when no current passes through them, requires only a set of resistance coils and a constant battery. Let the electromotive force / of the battery be greater than that of either of the electromotors to be compared, then, if a sufficient * (This method, as has been pointed out by Professor Oliver Lodge, is not free from error on account of the variation of the E.M.F. of the battery, as the current through it is diminished or increased by raising or depressing the key.] O 2 196 POGGENDORFF'S COMPENSATION METHOD. [227*. resistance, &,, be interposed between the points 4,, B, of the primary circuit 1 B,A,H, the electromotive force from B, to A, may be made equal to that of the electromotor Z;. If the elec- trodes of this electromotor are now connected with the points A,, B, no current will flow through the electromotor. By placing a galvanometer G, in the circuit of the electromotor £,, and adjusting the resistance between 4, and J,, till the galvanometer G, indicates no current, we obtain the equation EB, = RC, where /, is the resistance between 4, and B,, and C is the strength of the current in the primary circuit. In the same way, by taking a second electromotor /, and placing its electrodes at 4, and B,, so that no current is indicated by the galvanometer G,, EL, = h, C, where F, is the resistance between 4, and B,. If the observations of the galvanometers G, and G, are simultaneous, the value of C, the current in the primary circuit, is the same in both equations, and we find yO OREO fh oct In this way the electromotive force of two electromotors may be compared*. The absolute electromotive force of an electromotor may be measured either electrostatically by means of the electro-— meter, or electromagnetically by means of an absolute galvano- meter, This method, in which, at the time of the comparison, there is no current through either of the electromotors, is a modification of Poggendorff’s method, and is due to Mr. Latimer Clark, who has deduced the following values of electromotive forces : Concentrated Volts solution of ; Daniell I. Amalgamated Zinc H,SO,+ 4aq. CuSO, Copper =1.079 Il. re H,80,+ 12 aq. CuSO, Copper =0.978 ioe a H,S0O,+12 aq. Cu2(NO;) Copper =1.00 Bunsen I. ir A Ae HNO; Carbon =1.964 Lie oy ¥ » sp. g. 1.38 Carbon =1.888 Grove 7M H,80,+ 4 aq. HNO, Platinum = 1,956 A Volt is an electromotive force equal to 100,000,000 units of the centimetre-gramme- second system. * [Any number of batteries may be compared by the help of only one galvanometer if one pole of each battery is connected with the same electrode of the galvanometer, the other poles being connected through separate keys to points A,, A,, &c. upon the wire and the keys being depressed one at a time but in rapid succession. | CHAPTER XIII. ON THE ELECTRIC RESISTANCE OF SUBSTANCES. 228*,| TueErz are three classes in which we may place different substances in relation to the passage of electricity through them. The first class contains all the metals and their alloys, some sulphurets, and other compounds containing metals, to which we must add carbon in the form of gas-coke, and selenium in the crystalline form. In all these substances conduction takes place without any decomposition, or alteration of the chemical nature of the substance, either in its interior or where the current enters and leaves the body. In all of them the resistance increases as the temperature rises. The second class consists of substances which are called electro- lytes, because the current is associated with a decomposition of the substance into two components which appear at the electrodes. As a rule a substance is an electrolyte only when in the liquid form, though certain colloid substances, such as glass at 100°C, which are apparently solid, are electrolytes. It would appear from the experiments of Sir B. C. Brodie that certain gases are capable of electrolysis by a powerful electromotive force. In all substances which conduct by electrolysis the resistance diminishes as the temperature rises. The third class consists of substances the resistance of which is so great that it is only by the most refined methods that the passage of electricity through them can be detected. These are ealled Dielectrics. To this class belong a considerable number of solid bodies, many of which are electrolytes when melted, some liquids, such as turpentine, naphtha, melted paraffin, &c., and all gases and vapours. Carbon in the form of diamond, and selenium in the amorphous form, belong to this class. The resistance of this class of bodies is enormous compared with that of the metals. It diminishes as the temperature rises. It 198 RESISTANCE OF METALS. [229*. is difficult, on account of the great resistance of these substances, to determine whether the feeble current which we can force through them is or is not associated with electrolysis. On the LHlectric Resistance of Metals. 229%*.] There is no part of electrical research in which more numerous or more accurate experiments have been made than in the determination of the resistance of metals. It is of the utmost importance in the electric telegraph that the metal of which the wires are made should have the smallest attainable resistance. Measurements of resistance must therefore be made before selecting the materials. When any fault occurs in the line, its position is at once ascertained by measurements of resistance, and these mea- surements, in which so many persons are now employed, require the use of resistance coils, made of metal the electrical properties of which have been carefully tested. The electrical properties of metals and their alloys have been studied with great care by MM. Matthiessen, Voet, and Hockin, and by MM. Siemens, who have done so much to introduce exact electrical measurements into practical work. It appears from the researches of Dr. Matthiessen, that the effect of temperature on the resistance is nearly the same for a considerable number of the pure metals, the resistance at 100°C being to that at 0°C in the ratio of 1.414 to 1, or of 1 to .707. For pure iron the ratio is 1.645, and for pure thallium 1.458. The resistance of metals has been observed by Dr. C. W. Siemens* through a much wider range of temperature, extending from the freezing point to 350°C, and in certain cases to 1000°C. He finds that the resistance increases as the temperature rises, but that the rate of increase diminishes as the temperature rises, The formula, which he finds to agree very closely both with the resistances observed at low temperatures by Dr. Matthiessen and with his own observations through a range of 1000°C, is r=al?+PT+y, where 7’ is the absolute temperature reckoned from — 273°C, and a, 8, y are constants. Thus, for Platine r = 0.0393697 + 0.002164077'— 0.2413, Copper.......+. r= 0.0265777'2 + 0.00314437 —0.22751, Tron ee r= 0.0725457* + 0.00381337 —1.23971. * Proc. R, S., April 27, 1871. 230. _ RESISTANCE OF METALS. | 199 From data of this kind the temperature of a furnace may be determined by means of an observation of the resistance of a platinum wire placed in the furnace. Dr. Matthiessen found that when two metals are combined to form an alloy, the resistance of the alloy is in most cases greater than that calculated from the resistance of the component metals and their proportions. In the case of alloys of gold and silver, the resistance of the alloy is greater than that of either pure gold or pure silver, and, within certain limiting proportions of the con- stituents, 1t varies very little with a slight alteration of the pro- portions. For this reason Dr. Matthiessen recommended an alloy of two parts by weight of gold and one of silver as a material for reproducing the unit of resistance. The effect of change of temperature on electric resistance is generally less in alloys than in pure metals. Hence ordinary resistance coils are made of German silver, on account of its great resistance, and its small variation with tem- perature. An alloy of silver and platinum is also used for standard coils. 230*.| In the following table & is the resistance in Ohms of a column one metre long and one gramme weight at 0°C, and 7 is the resistance in centimetres per second of a cube of one centi- metre, according to the experiments of Matthiessen*. Percentage increment of Specific resistance for gravity R r 1°C at 20°C, PENCE rates viaccess ese 10-50 hard drawn 0-1689 1609 0.377 SPOR Peleg tex ts cates ss 8-95 hard drawn 0-1469 1642 0-388 Son Et 2 ae eee 19.27 hard drawn 0-4150 2154 0-365 LS eae 11-391 pressed 2-257 19847 0-387 BE OLCUrY tics cts. sce 13-595 liquid 13-071 96146 0-072 Gold 2, Silver 1... .15-218 hard or annealed 1-668 10988 0-065 Selenium at 100°C Crystalline form 6x108 ~=1.00 It appears from the researches of Matthiessen and Hockin that the resistance of a uniform column of mercury of one metre in length, and weighing one gramme at 0°C, is 13.071 Ohms, whence it follows that if the specific gravity of mercury is 13-595, the resistance of a column of one metre in length and one square millimetre in section is 0.96146 Ohms. * Phil. Mag., May, 1865. 200 RESISTANCE OF ELECTROLYTES. Eee On the Electric Resistance of Electrolytes. 231*.| The measurement of the electric resistance of electrolytes is rendered difficult on account of the polarization of the electrodes, which causes the observed difference of potentials of the metallic electrodes to be greater than the electromotive force which actually produces the current. This difficulty can be overcome in various ways. In certain cases we can get rid of polarization by using electrodes of proper material, as, for instance, zinc electrodes in a solution of sulphate of zinc. By making the surface of the electrodes very large com- pared with the section of the part of the electrolyte whose resist- ance is to be measured, and by using only currents of short duration in opposite directions alternately, we can make the measurements before any considerable intensity of polarization has been excited by the passage of the current. Finally, by making two different experiments, in one of which the path-of the current through the electrolyte is much longer than in the other, and so adjusting the electromotive force that the actual current, and the time during which it flows, are nearly the same in each case, we can eliminate the effect of polarization altogether. 232*.| In the experiments of Dr. Paalzow* the electrodes were in the form of large disks placed in separate flat vessels filled with the electrolyte, and the connexion was made by means of a long | siphon filled with the electrolyte and dipping into both vessels. Two such siphons of different lengths were used. The observed resistances of the electrolyte in these siphons being #, and &,, the siphons were next filled with mercury, and their resistances when filled with mercury were found to be 2,’ and Ry’. The ratio of the resistance of the electrolyte to that of a mass of mercury at 0°C of the same form was then found from the formula h,—R, fiat Ry To deduce from the values of p the resistance of a centimetre in * Berlin Monatsbericht, July, 1868. 233°.] RESISTANCE OF ELECTROLYTES, 201 length having a section of a square centimetre, we must multiply them by the value of 7 for mercury at 0°C. (See Art. 230.) The results given by Paalzow are as follow: Mixtures of Sulphuric Acid and Water. Resistance compared Temp, with mercury. (eee iy Senay 15°C 96950 mepOp ey 14-0 .,2..2... 19°C 14157 pape rete lord Oo. yon 22°C 13310 H,SO, + 499 HO ......... 22°C 184773 Sulphate of Zine and Water. 2n 50; + 23°H°O) 42... 23°C 194400 2050; + 24°H"*Oe.. 3... 23°C 191000 ZnSO, + 105 HO .,........ 23°C 354000 Sulphate of Copper and Water. CuSO, + 45 HO ,,.!..... 22°C 202410 Cu S80, 4+ 205 H?O* 7... .:. 22°C 339341 Sulphate of Magnesium and Water. MgSO,+ 34 HO ......... 22°C 199180 MgSO, + 107 HO ......... 22°C 324600 Hydrochloric Acid and Water. Clee tO), as 23°C 13626 Peet OHIO ET) 2 oe 23°C 86679 2338*.| MM. F. Kohlrausch and W. A. Nippoldt* have de- termined the resistance of mixtures of sulphuric acid and water. They used alternating magneto-electric currents, the electromotive force of which varied from } to 7; of that of a Grove’s cell, and — by means of a thermoelectric copper-iron pair they reduced the electromotive force to zzayoz Of that of a Grove’s cell. They found that Ohm’s law was applicable to this electrolyte throughout the range of these electromotive forces. The resistance is a minimum in a mixture containing about one- third of sulphuric acid. The resistance of electrolytes diminishes as the temperature increases. 'The percentage increment of conductivity for a rise of 1-C is given in the following table: * Pogg. Ann. cxxxviii, p. 286, Oct. 1869. 202 RESISTANCE OF DIELECTRICS. [234*. Resistance of Mixtures of Sulphuric Acid and Water at 22°C in terms of Mercury at 0°C. MM. Kohlrausch and Nippoldt. i : Resistance Percentage Specific gravity Percentage at2o°C increment of at 18°5 of H2SO4 (Hg=1) conductivity for 1°C 0-9985 0-0 746300 0-47 1-00 0.2 465100 0-47 1.0504 8-3 34530 0-653 1-0989 14.2 18946 0-646 1.1431 20-2 14990 0-799 1.2045 28-0 131383 1-317 1.2631 35-2 13132 1.259 1.3163 41.5 14286 1-410 1.8547 46-0 15762 1.674 1.3994 50-4 17726 1.582 1.4482 55-2 20796 1.417 1.5026 60-3 25574 1-794 On the Electrical Resistance of Dielectrics. 234*.] A great number of determinations of the resistance of gutta-percha, and other materials used as insulating media, in the manufacture of telegraphic cables, have been made in order to ascertain the value of these materials as insulators. The tests are generally applied to the material after it has been used to cover the conducting wire, the wire being used as one electrode, and the water of a tank, in which the cable is plunged, as the other. Thus the current is made to pass through a eylin- drical coating of the insulator of greater area and small thickness. It is found that when the electromotive force begins to act, the current, as indicated by the galvanometer, is by no means constant. The first effect is of course a transient current of considerable intensity, the total quantity of electricity being that required to change the surfaces of the insulator with the superficial distribution of electricity corresponding to the electromotive force. This first current therefore is a measure not of the conductivity, but of the capacity of the insulating layer. But even after this current has been allowed to subside the residual current is not constant, and does not indicate the true conductivity of the substance. It is found that the current con- tinues to decrease for at least half an hour, so that a determination of the resistance deduced from the current will give a greater value if a certain time is allowed to elapse than if taken immediately after applying the battery. Rae | RESISTANCE OF DIELECTRICS, 203 Thus, with Hooper’s insulating material the apparent resistance at the end of ten minutes was four times, and at the end of nineteen hours twenty-three times that observed at the end of one minute. When the direction of the electromotive force is reversed, the resistance falls as low or lower than at first and then gradually rises. These phenomena seem to be due to a condition of the gutta- percha, which, for want of a better name, we may call polarization, and which we may compare on the one hand with that of a series of Leyden jars charged by cascade, and, on the other, with Ritter’s secondary pile, If a number of Leyden jars of great capacity are connected in series by means of conductors of great resistance (such as wet cotton threads in the experiments of M. Gaugain), then an electro- motive force acting on the series will produce a current, as indicated by a galvanometer, which will gradually diminish till the jars are fully charged. The apparent resistance of such a series will increase, and if the dielectric of the jars is a perfect insulator it will increase without limit. If the electromotive force be removed and connexion made between the ends of the series, a reverse current will be observed, the total quantity of which, in the case of perfect insulation, will be the same as that of the direct current. Similar effects are observed in the case of the secondary pile, with the difference that the final insulation is not so good, and that the capacity per unit of surface is immensely greater. In the case of the cable covered with gutta-percha, &c., it is found that after applying the battery for half an hour, and then connecting the wire with the external electrode, a reverse current takes place, which goes on for some time, and gradually reduces the system to its original state. These phenomena are of the same kind with those indicated by the ‘residual discharge’ of the Leyden jar, except that the amount of the polarization is much greater in gutta-percha, &c. than in glass. This state of polarization seems to be a directed property of the material, which requires for its production not only electromotive force, but the passage, by displacement or otherwise, of a con- siderable quantity of electricity, and this passage requires a con- siderable time. When the polarized state has been set up, there is an internal electromotive force acting in the substance in the 204 RESISTANCE OF DIELECTRICS. [235% reverse direction, which will continue till it has either produced a reversed current equal in total quantity to the first, or till the state of polarization has quietly subsided by means of true con- duction through the substance. The whole theory of what has been called residual discharge, absorption of electricity, electrification, or polarization, deserves a careful investigation, and will probably lead to important dis- coveries relating to the internal structure of bodies. 235*.| The resistance of the greater number of dielectrics di- minishes as the temperature rises. Thus the resistance of gutta-percha is about twenty times as great at O°C as at 24°C. Messrs. Bright and Clark have found that the following formula gives results agreeing with their experiments. If ris the resistance of gutta-percha at temperature 7’ centigrade, then the resistance at temperature 7’+¢ will be R=r x 0.887 8%, the number varies between 0.8878 and 0.9. _ Mr, Hockin has verified the curious fact that it is not until some hours after the gutta-percha has taken its temperature that the resistance reaches its corresponding: value. The effect of temperature on the resistance of india-rubber is not so great as on that of gutta-percha. The resistance of gutta-percha increases considerably on the ap- plication of pressure. The resistance, in Ohms, of a cubic metre of various specimens of gutta-percha used in different cables is as follows*. Name of Cable. Réd *Sé6aiee eae .267-x 1012 to. .362 5 = Malta-Alexandria............00: 23810 Persian Gulls (ees cree 180 %4.0) peconmd vAtlantic Ae... ee 34 Dexa Hooper's Persian Gulf Core...74.7 x 10” Gutta-percha at 24°C ......... 3.53 x 10™ 236*.| The following table, calculated from the experiments of M. Buff't, shews the resistance of a cubic metre of glass in Ohms at different temperatures : * Jenkin’s Cantor Lectures. + [Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, bd. xc. 257 (1854).] 238°%| RESISTANCE OF DIELECTRICS. 205 Temperature. Resistance. 200°C 227000 250° 13900 300° 1480 350° 1035 400° “00 237*.|] Mr. C. F. Varley * has recently investigated the conditions of the current through rarefied gases, and finds that the electro- motive force / is equal to a constant H, together with a part depending on the current according to Ohm’s Law, thus #H == ik RC, For instance, the electromotive force required to cause the current to begin in a certain tube was that of 323 Daniell’s cells, but an electromotive force of 304 cells was just sufficient to maintain the current. The intensity of the current, as measured by the galvanometer, was proportional to the number of cells above 304. Thus for 305 cells the deflexion was 2, for 306 it was 4, for 307 it was 6, and so on up to 380, or 304+ 76 for which the deflexion was 150, or 76 x 1.97. _ From these experiments it appears that there is a kind of polarization of the electrodes, the electromotive force of which is equal to that of 304 Daniell’s cells, and that up to this electro- motive force the battery is occupied in establishing this state of polarization. When the maximum polarization is established, the excess of electromotive force above that of 304 cells is devoted to maintaining the current according to Ohm’s Law. The Law of the current in a rarefied gas is therefore very similar to the law of the current through an electrolyte in which we have to take account of the polarization of the electrodes. In connexion with this subject we should study Thomson’s re- sults}, in which the electromotive force required to produce a spark in air was found to be proportional not to the distance, but to the distance together with a constant quantity. The electromotive force corresponding to this constant quantity may be regarded as the intensity of polarization of the electrodes. 238*.| MM. Wiedemann and Ruhlmann have recently { investi- gated the passage of electricity through gases. The electric current was produced by Holtz’s machine, and the discharge took place * Proc. R. S., Jan. 12, 1871. + (Proc. R. 8. 1860, or Reprint, chap. xix.] t Berichte der Kénigl. Sdchs. Gesellschaft, Oct. 20, 1871. 206 RESISTANCE OF DIELECTRICS. [238*. between spherical electrodes within a metallic vessel containing rarefied gas. The discharge was in general discontinuous, and the interval of time between successive discharges was measured by means of a mirror revolving along with the axis of Holtz’s machine. The images of the series of discharges were observed by means of a heliometer with a divided object-glass, which was adjusted till one image of each discharge coincided with the other image of the next discharge. By this method very consistent results were obtained. It was found that the quantity of electricity in each discharge is independent of the strength of the current and of the material of the electrodes, and that 1t depends on the nature and density of the gas, and on the distance and form of the. electrodes. These researches confirm the statement of Faraday* that the electric tension (see Art. 46) required to cause a disruptive discharge to begin at the electrified surface of a conductor is a little less when the electrification is negative than when it is positive, but that when a discharge does take place, much more electricity passes at each discharge when it begins at a positive surface. They also tend to support the hypothesis, that the stratum of gas condensed on the surface of the electrode plays an important part in the phenomenon, and they indicate that this condensation is greatest at the positive electrode. Note on Wheatstone’s Bridge. [The following method of determining the current in the Gal- vanometer of Wheatstone’s Bridge was given by Professor Maxwell in his last course of lectures, and is a good illustration of the method of treating a system of linear conductors. It has been communicated to the present editor by Professor J. A. Fleming of University College, Nottingham. The method simply assumes Ohm's Law for each conductor, and that the whole electromotive force around a linear circuit is the sum of the electromotive forces in the several conductors forming the cireuits, and therefore equal to the sum of the products of the resistance of each conductor and the current flowing in it, the currents being taken in cyclic order. Let P, Q, 8, Rk, Gand B (Fig. 53) denote the resistances in the several conductors forming the bridge, and let them be arranged as indicated in the figure. Now the six conductors may be considered * Exp. Res., 1501. WHEATSTONES BRIDGE. 207 as forming three independent circuits viz.:—PGQ, RSG, and QSB. Let x+y, y and z denote the currents in these circuits respectively, each current being considered as flowing in the directions indicated by the arrows. Then the actual current in Q is z—#—y, that in Sis z—y and that in G, is x, and the electromotive force between Fig. 53. the ends of Q is Q (e—y—z) and so on for the other conductors. Of the three circuits specified above the E. M. F. in the first two is zero while that in the third is /, the electromotive force of the battery. Hence, applying Ohm’s Law to each cireuit in order we have (P+G4+Q)e+y—Gy—-Qz =0 (R+S+@)y —Sz2—Gut+yH=O Pp ceveeeees (I) (Q+S8+B)e —Sy—Qu+y=P or (P+ @+ Q)at+(P+ Q)y—Qz = 0 —Gx +(R+8)y—Sz = 0 Peel) —Qx © —(S+Q)yt+(Q+S+B)z=F Solving for w we obtain Leta, = @ nes fo Pres Se 8 A _ £(QR-PS) = z ; where A is the determinant of the system of equations (II). The condition for no current in the galvanometer is # = 0, or ya QR—PS=0,0r 5 = 3. 208 WHEATSTONE’S BRIDGE. To obtain the current equations, (I), the rule is— ‘Multiply each cycle sign (i.e. current) by the sum of all the resistances which bound that cycle, and subtract from it the sign of each neighbouring cycle multiplied by the resistance separating the cycles, and equate the result to the E. M. F. in the cycle.’ It will be seen that. the method is a simple application of Kirchhoff’s second law, but the above rule is very convenient in its application. | | | THE END. Pik d\ EIS Sy Prats I, Art. 93. x Lines of Force and Equipotential Surfuces. A = 20. B= 5. P. Point of Equilibrium. AP = xAB. University Press, Oxford, . : jee - ; be , Soe : 7 o (he ¢ > ; MS a — ‘ ; « . - i F a ' . % ‘ ' ‘ « + rs, 7 ¢ , i ° a tr Pye, . Prats II, Art. 94. Lines of Force and Equipotential Surfaces. - A= 20. = -54. P. Point of Equilibrium. AP = 2AB. Q. Spherical surface of Zero potential. M. Point of Maximum Force along the axis. The dotted line is the Line of Force ¥ = 0.1 thus _._._._.- University Press, Oxford, car ! so = bat ra ; ae > > ee _— , ‘v3 A er ; . os ou ae . ~ Pa a . 5 \ ‘= 4 a el om ; ; ' a - ¢ " s - a ae , 4s ie ‘ ' 7 M4 = oe Scot ee rt. ee : id . 7 i : as r “e. 8 ! » ; : - : Ao F . \ 7 a ry ap ad | See 7 7 - . a ‘ Te (o* H | n = fel) Lr ; a i: cr ra : Ze a ma a ae =y- ee 7 = 7 . Pewee es ee inee- ley ra A yd Ali : ia ll ue Priate III. Art. 95. ties eae HH au 9 ee | we. aa H eer ee HT + HAE ast LTTE IER et see HUES é een a AS Paane Hes = EE co ag A ‘2 Ln a mel ea cel Banaue : HitaEm : mmeeeell : A Lines of Force and Equipotential Swrfuces. A= JO. om x i =. j ‘ ‘ ~ * : ° + = i . Be ‘ < - . - . + 1 ‘ . . * rf : é - . 2 Prats LV. Art. 96. Lines of Force and Equipotential Surfaces. C= 20; B= —72. University Press, Oxford. PLATE V. Art. 193. eee ite Et ae a Soe se cerech er erosle . Lines of Force near the edge of a Plate. Pirate VI, a, \ ae BE TERRI AT YL / TERR PERRET LA / FERS to cot RR 2 7 ys SRS FHS rae \ OSA FAS | eee. Sy) Lines of Force near a Grating University Press, Oxford. 444-7 > Se pe! Seed hae elt oa eo o hae a = _ Siti Oe ‘7 A A a “a i 0 * _ * ~~ = 4 . f J ? > ro te . Pan ‘ J . 4 * , ' : Fa * « ¢ , i » ~~, . ' / @ F . uy ‘ ’ ; : : ; é . 2! 4 nr he : ” < : . i ~ - ? . r* . ; I P id ( — ; : : a ee” Pc J = > = ~4E 5 ‘ey ¥) :~2 avs ” 4 : ’ . 4 E In = ae . > eres ‘ ms , ‘ ‘. & ee 2 i e ee , £ of A ] + 4 4 2 hah é ’ ih, c ~ 7 ” A; . i yee. a! t ~~ ey i » ame: , ~m : f . iy if 7. 7 Ps / or) j ‘ wey) ie . s , tia x 7 4 j oe ’ ‘ hy : ; if ‘ h % A ¢ td . > : ‘ * ” . yore ee i " ; J . ‘ ss i 4 oh i P ‘ ‘ - <4 o 4 7 A a b , i weds oe f L ‘ « zr ~ oe . _ a7 4 . ey E : +4 ros: oe foe ee Se ie ee i oe, sip mu - : fi ew 6, ie oe ee aS oe UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA PU 3 0112 052567408