ny > \ Soe 3] opary i ee S16 OF THE i TR, IVERSITY of ILLINOIS. ace Cae. PO BLIC eee Bea LOUIS: e+e arin The following books will be issued in sets to the schools for fgsupplementary reading on requisition of the principal. The books may be Raed etained one month and transportation to the nearest delivery station will be i Migiprovided by the Library. Lists of books on hand will be mailed upon request, Wiitand principals may check opposite the sets wanted. These will be filed in Hifforder of receipt and filled accordingly. \ SUPPLEMENTARY READING. | Pe poth........ Rollo’s experiments...................... 1 set, 30 copies each, Gr. 3-4 EeuGOP. ©................ PMables: CUS’ series) 2.2....2 2.2.0... 4 setajas® = “« fe ET Be GEBOP .........2-...... Fables (2nd series) .........0-.00.0... LISS Eh) a 66 TATED Anderson .......... Fairy tales (1st series).......... ek ZR RUS pale). $f 153-4 Anderson .......... Fairy tales (2nd series) ................ De Reta eeu (6 RO ag Andrews........... Hach and all... eae Uri ha setae th os 66h. ie Sie Baldwin ............ Fifty famous irises reroll toc. 4: 80s,“ si - oases Pe WID ....!....... ce Greeks Stories: ci 2s... ict. aesetsy 5 eee Baldwin ............ Old stories of the Hast...................... eRCUN set tf ee eo a Fairy tale of a fox, a dog, Wc...... 5 sets, ‘* = “* Fé ht 52h, | Beckwith .......... PEN Di aga ote ce LN ROE, 66 b 6 oes Remmere thei bairns.: tee 20 sets, ‘¢ “« ‘6 ee Bots Mere ONE DAITNS. 200 ke 2 sets, 51°“ A (> Cee ‘Brooks ..............Stories of the red children... ........... ee SoU re a yh I a Bunyate....1 Eilgrim’ Ss (proeress. 220 =: eee. 1 set, 30 copies each, Gr. Carpenter .......... Sia 2. oo) eee eed ae ee ae {.set, 26°) 66 6 Carroll ............Alice’sadventuresin wonderland 3 sets, 30 ‘< 6 ‘ce Clarkes...) Story: of Cesar Seles eee eRe peo ie G6 ‘< Clemens .........:. Prince and pauper ................... 1-set, 30" 7 a, Coe. 3.2] 2. Modern Huropee..2. ee ee LSbtly 20 ae 66 ce Gratkeoew 8 Bow-wow and mew-mew................. 1 set, 30 «§ 66 aa (STORY tess Our little book for little Folks... 4 sets, ‘ 66 ‘¢ 66 DePoe =...) Robinson Crusoe (MeMurry)...... 1 set, ‘* ‘ 6 ‘6 Deloers.t...% Robinson Crusoe Snes Hd 3 . 3 sets, ‘‘ 6 66 ‘é DeFoe ..Robinson Crusoe (Stephens) ....... 1 set, 25 ‘ ce fu Di¢kend=..!...\3 Christmas Carol . cdi nets akin es b< rT Dodge ................ Hans Brinker... PTL Beteeeat fees ¢0:) mane Eggleston .......First book in mmeriodnt Cava DSCLEs = et ae 6 64 Hggleston Stories of American life and ad- Venture 2202 oe ee eee 4 sets, ‘‘ «6 66 66 Eggleston ......Stories of great Americans for ; , little Americans ........ Pera. 12 Betas 3 6 «6 Ewing... 8 Jackanapes .. cae 2k Db Bbteeest Ne 6 6 Guerber _.....Story of the acon Poopies ee 4 peta EW Haaren 22g... Rhymes and fables .............. Meike {seh tn Cc) ae Homer 2322)... Story of Troy (Clarke) Ekim Mee bosep,. 25.24 6 6 Johonnot .......... Book of cats and dogs ... . 4sets, 30 ‘ a cg Johonnot .......... Neighbors with wings iil Anan = 4 sets, ‘‘ ce G6 HWeary 5. ee... Heroes of Aseard2 re ee 8 sets, 30 - “ ‘6 66 Kellogg ......... Australia, and the islands of the SO@92 he oo 2 Pr Saree aera ee 1 set, 25 66 6 66 Kingsley... Greek heroes .............. eee woe | Upee 5 sets, 30 66 a ar Kingsleyass.... Water babies... .ais cee. on ee oO SObR. a ss ae 64 Lane Stories for Ghildren=).2..s- 9. ed ete ee es See Lang sie teeseee teens ees DinG ere lin Sa ee ee ee ee y) sets, ‘6 rar 6G 4 Dany eee... History of Whittington. ......... Ee Ts. 2-sets, < 66 7; 7; Dang 22 ee... Jack and the beanstalk.................... 4 sets, ‘S “ A if Lang eee... Jack the giant killer.........0........... 3 sets, ‘ & ee 6 hang see. Little Red Riding Hood................... 2 sets, ‘ vis ee 6¢ 4-5-6 7-8 3-4 7-8 4-5-6 4-5-6 1-2 1-2 2-3 4-5-6 2-3 7-8 4-5-6 3-4 2-3 Pt ye or) 2 bo a S ig oaree 3) FL SS) bo vt =r) ' op) ey oe 4-5-6 4-5-6 1-2 2-3 2-3 1-2 2-3 2-3 Lang nae ats: © Pubes Darling... | _ 1 set, 30 copies each, Gr. 2-3. Lang iceman Princess on the Piss sh PAT. GUC Ra ae a “f hos je ae sage Sleeping beauty in the Sain PABOLS ances" os ‘¢ 2-3 Lang BRS ALTO) Fa goes cacschovnseccentcons DISGtsmc nie 156° see be Longfellow ......The children’s hour ........ a ae Lenehan r2o7, <% a ote EO Ce iy Sas BEAU 6 Lisetey aga! (a elt Lovering............ stories of New, York........................ Riseteu Gia? cous f* 4-5-6 MeMurry .......... Classic stories for little ones......... 1 set, 30 * By 1-2 UC dS ae ar SL stEG UP AO) GID aka teas al are DEsObs ec." et : Ce 2-6 a Adventures of a brownie............... 3:sets, ** -* ‘f ‘6 3-4 Mulock .............. Bittle TAME PPINCE. .....:2...n2.cee cies LeRCl Bale. . (C 3-4 Musick. ............... mcories OF MissOuri.s..........--.--.-0. Maat 2b SS Oe es Norton ............Heart of oak books (No. 1) .......... 4 sets, 30 ‘ 4) fOr 132 O51 62011 ea Heart of oak books (No. 2) ......... 4 BOtR ote eS “ Sm e<) IN OREOL o:..-2...... Heart of oak books (No. 3) ......... 5 sets, ‘6 =‘ 4 (3-4 NAMED ooo Heart of oak books (No. 4) ......... DSCUS ee ne (ae atts 2 4-De6 DNOYUONS 2 <::.-- Heart of oak books (No. 5) .......... i Belg. ae ft ’ ‘6 4-5-6 MO gra Heart of oak books (No. 6)......... 1 set, ‘*, t é ASS rhe es Pratt ...............Stories of Massachusetts ................. 1 set, 25 * : ‘Carpes so) 4 ae [Gk Uelei hee, eS Bsete a : LD te: sell a a Tales of a grandfather ...................... act - * 4 aS siete iScudder.:.......... Book of fables and folk stories... 1 set, 30 ‘ o .) Seeeees sh fo) | ae Black beaut . 4 sets, ‘ ae 6 66. 3-4 > Shakespeare... Julius Cresar i. cece L set, 25>" .** és it \- Shakespeare._Merchant of Venice . parle seth mma me. < ete § oo Golden book of ahioic C eeaaine SOF L sete cOe © 7 StS i 1G Boys of other countries ................... 4 sets, ‘ 4 SES: inagereray . wose and the ring........2...0.............. 2 sets, ** ‘ - 66 94 Thompson ...... BACSietOdUCE 6 matter ahha Sets (f~ - (emLe2 By bee ie g .. PIiyeOier Cas yer 8b eseb,.. 26° * ee Whittier ..........Child life . ae pee SELB, aU he feiss Vi Bird’s eran frat coed SMa ala § sets,“ a 4-5-6 Wibod a Seaside and wayside (No. 1)...... 5 sets, ‘6 af co? erento ::...... Seaside and wayside (No. 2)...... 5 sets, ‘‘ 4 (2-3 HANAN 3 0112 06192