L I B RAR.Y OF THE U N 1VER.SITY or ILLl NOIS 331. 1 v\o. \- 2.5 FOR STATEl\ilENT OF NUMBERING OF ISSUES SEE ISSUE NUMBER 24 ENTITLED "MOTION AND TI^ylE STUDY." V INSTITUTE OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS B U I N The Employment Act of 1946 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN I.L.I.R. PUBLICATIONS SERIES A, VOL. 1, NO. 1, APRIL 1947 THE INSTITUTE OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS has as a major responsibility "to inquire faithfully, honestly, and im- partially into labor-manajjcmcnt problems of all types, and secure facts which will lay the foundations for future progress in the whole field of labor relations." Report of Board of Trustees, March 9, 1946, paqe 1031. Director: Pi 1 1 1. 1, IPS Bradley Editorial Writer: Sybil S. Sciiakfrath Researcli i)v: Syi!il S. Sciiakfrath UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN Volume 44; Number 48; April 7, 1947. I'liMislied every five days by the University of Illinois. Entered as seconcl-class matter at the post office at Urbana, Illinois, inxier the Act of Auffust 24, 1012. Oflice of Pulilication, 3.SS Administration Uuildintr, Urbana, Illinois. Acceptance for mailins at the special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, autliori/ed July 31, 1918. THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 "FULL EMPLOYMENT" is a phrase which has been widely used during the post-war period. Its reahzation has been the hope and goal of many people in industry, in the labor movement, and in government. Widespread public and Congressional discussion of "full employment" led finally to the passage of the Employment Act of 1946. Its purpose is to assure a continuing national policy and program to promote opportunities for maximum employment and production in a free and competitive economy. Background of the Employment Act The idea of government planning to promote full employment did not spring full-grown from the economic and political air of the twentieth century. Behind the Employment Act of 1946 lie events, experiments, and ideas which led finally to this attempt of Congress to solve a vital national problem. Wars, and the ensuing periods of peace and reconversion to a peacetime economy, have for centuries bred problems of production and employment. After every major war in the history of our country there has been a period of prosperity or "boom," followed by a period of acute depression and unemployment. Some people have considered these phenomena as being inseparable from our economic system. Others have proposed ways of avoiding or mini- mizing them. To this last group belong such authorities as : former Vice President Henry Wallace, Professor Alvin H. Hansen of Harvard University, former Senator LaFollette (Rep. Wis.), Lord Keynes and Sir William Beveridge of England. Out of the think- ing and planning of many economists and political leaders the idea of government action to promote full employment began to emerge. In its simplest terms it was this: If, in our complex modern econ- omy, private competitive enterprise cannot avoid distressing and wasteful periods of economic stagnation and unemployment, then it is the duty of the Government to advise or assist private enterprise to bring about the highest possible level of employment. By 1931 the idea of government planning against unemployment was seen in the law creating the Federal Employment Stabilization n. OF \U- UB. 4 THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 Board. In private enterprise also, the efforts of certain industries to plan their development through voluntary associations, such as the Petroleum Institute and the Textile Institute, pointed in the same direction. With these thoughts in the air, and with these plans and experi- ments in the recent past, it is not surprising that as early as 1943 many employers' and workers' groups of this country were already beginning to think and talk about what would happen after the war when industry had converted to post-war production and peacetime employment. Industry's interest in sustained employment was ex- pressed when the National Association of Manufacturers held its Second War Congress in New York in December 1943. Alfred P. Sloan of General Motors, Frederick C. Crawford, and others spoke of the responsibility of business for "raising the standard of living of the people, and for providing a high level of employment." CIO-PAC called a conference in January 1944 to talk about the problem of full employment in the reconversion program. Many among the conferees hoped that Government would help in the em- ployment problem of reconversion as it had in the conversion to war production. In April 1944 the American Federation of Labor held a Post- war Forum in New York. One of its sessions was devoted to a dis- cussion of full employment in the post-war period. Alvin H. Han- sen, at this meeting, called for government planning in the post-war economy, and Paul Hoffman, President of the Studcbaker Corpora- tion, set the post-war employment goal at 55.000.000 to 58,000,000 jobs. Later in the same year came the Presidential campaign in which both candidates advocated government action to meet the problem of unemployment. Governor Dewey said in San Francisco on Sep- tember 21, "If at any time there are not sufficient jobs in private employment to go around, the Government can and must create job opportunities." President Roosevelt coined the slogan "Sixty Million Jobs" in his Chicago speech of October 28. and called for full employment with government encouragement and aid whenever and wherever necessary. Henry Wallace used the slogan, and in 1945 published a book under that title. He proposed that "the President should be THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 5 directed by law to submit to Congress a national full-employment budget each year." President Truman, in a message to Congress early in 1945, asked for full employment legislation. He said, "The prompt and firm acceptance of this bedrock public responsibility will reduce the need for its exercise. I ask that full employment legislation to pro- vide these vital assurances be speedily enacted." Soon after the President's message, a committee brought to the Senate proposals for an Employment Act in the form of a bill (S.380). The fortunes of this bill in Congress indicate that the principle of charting a national policy as to employment was not easily achieved. Legislative Action and Debate In February 1945, during the fight over Henry Wallace's nomina- tion for Secretary of Commerce, his testimony before the Senate Commerce Committee suddenly made a national issue of full em- ployment. The way was thus paved for the Wagner-Murray- Thomas-O'Mahoney Bill (S.380) mentioned above, which declared full employment to be a national policy, and directed the President to transmit an annual national production and employment budget to Congress and to require government spending to create employ- ment when the size of the labor force exceeds the estimated number of jobs available. After Senate discussion this bill was amended and approved and sent to the House, where it did not reach a vote. Instead, H.R. 2202, a substitute bill, was passed, and this bill, with S.380, went into a conference committee. The result was a revised bill (S.380) which passed the House on February 2, 1946, by a vote of 320 to 84. The conference bill then went to the Senate where it was approved unanimously on February 8. It was signed by Presi- dent Truman on February 20, and became the Employment Act of 1946. Legislative debate on full employment, and consideration of it, continued for nearly a year. Arguments for and against the bill are noted here in the order of importance given them in debate in Congress. Most of those who favored governmental encouragement of full employment reasoned that wartime shortages created large backlogs 6 THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 in unfilled orders for consumer goods and for facilities such as houses, hospitals, schools, soil conservation, and transportation, and that when the demand for consumer goods has heen satisfied, the backlogs in facilities could provide job opportunities to prevent wholesale unemployment. The chief argument against the bill was that it would destroy free enterprise by taking the responsibility for a high level of em- ployment out of the hands of private industry and placing it in the hands of the Federal Government. The answer to this objection was that by the terms of the Act, all encouragement and help would be given to private enterprise first, and that the Government would attempt to meet unemployment problems with Federal projects only when private enterprise was unable to meet those problems. Critics of the proposed planning agency, the Council of Eco- nomic Advisers, pointed to the extremely erroneous forecasts of important Government economists in the fall of 1945 that the country would have a serious period of unemployment in the spring of 1946. They saw these erroneous forecasts as evidence of the fallibility of the forecast method of anticipating depression. On the other hand, supporters of the procedure answered that such criti- cism is not valid because the conditions of this recent period were wholly abnormal. Many opponents of the Act objected to the implication that the Government would use public works to relieve unemployment, and that the result would be a return to what was termed the "leaf- raking" days of the Roosevelt administration. Advocates of the bill declared that the Act was to insure against such conditions — that necessary public works, which would be undertaken with Govern- ment funds in any case, would be planned and executed in view of the President's Economic Report and with foreseeable unemploy- ment trends in mind. In this way. they declared, there would be a real and useful effort to avoid unemployment and at the same time a more efficient and purposeful way of planning necessary public works. Another argument used by opponents of the bill was that such an act would commit the Federal Government to a potentially enor- mous volume of borrowing and spending. Those in favor of the bill answered that the reverse would be true — that the Employ- THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 7 ment Act would help to balance the budget by providing a high national income based on a high level of employment. A fourth argument against the Act was that it would give to the Federal Government broad powers, already used in wartime, to control prices, wages, and production. The answer to this objection was that by the provisions of the Act all appropriations for its operation and all decisions on the means used by the Government to increase employment, and even the question of whether any means are to be used or not, would rest with Congress, and would so still be in the hands of the people's representatives. Yet another objection was that the work done by the Council of Economic Advisers would duplicate work capable of being done or already being done by experts in other government agencies. It was pointed out in reply that no one existing agency could give full time and effort to the preparation of such an Economic Report to the President as the Act called for. The Council could not only rely on other government agencies, but could also consult non-govern- mental agencies such as Brookings Institution, research agencies of labor organizations, employers' associations, and others in its as- sembly, coordination, and interpretation of economic facts for the President. The legislative debate reported above brought about certain modifications in the Act.* The most noteworthy of these was in the definition of aim. Though the Act has often been called the "Full Employment Act," it actually aims at "maximum employ- ment" rather than at any specific goal such as "sixty million jobs." We see between the wartime beginnings of the idea and the Act passed by Congress, a change in the concept of full employment. As the proposed bill was revised in Congress, the definition grad- ually became less specific. In its final form the Act in effect sets a goal of maximum employment opportunity for those able, willing, * Section 2 of the Act reads: "It is the continuing poHcy and responsibility of the Federal Government to use all practicable means consistent with its needs and obligations and other essential considerations of national policy, with the assistance and cooperation of industry, agriculture, labor, and State and local governments to coordinate and utilize all its plans, functions, and resources for the purpose of creating and maintaining, in a manner calculated to foster and promote free competitive enterprise and the general welfare, conditions under which there will be afforded useful employment opportunities, including self-employment, for those able, willing, and seeking to work, and to promote maximum employment, production, and purchasing power." 8 THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 and seeking to work." The President had asked for "full enii^loy- nient" legislation, as we ha\c noted, and the hill which the Senate originally passed called for "full employment." The House amended this to read "a high level of employment." Finally the conference committee of Senators and Representatives hit upon the compro- mise of "maximum employment, production, and purchasing power." The revision by Congress of the original proposals of the hill has resulted in a compromise in title, definition, and provision. The compromise is regarded by many as a weakening of the force of the Act. Though it is possible to read "full employment" into the phrase "maximum employment," it is a less definite phrase. The definition of full or maximum employment in the Act has under- gone a toning down. The phrase "those able, willing, and seeking to work" is. of course, more vague than "sixty million jobs," though perhaps more possible of attainment. The original idea of a Full Employment x^ct was that Government should "guarantee" employ- ment. This idea was put forth by Henry Wallace, John Pierson, and other proponents of the Act, and was in the bill originally passed by the Senate. The Compromise, however, softened this pro- posal with such phrases as: "... it is the . . . responsibility of the Federal Government ... to coordinate its plans for the pur- pose of creating . . . conditions under wdiich there will be afforded useful employment opportunities. ..." In the end, the idea of the Government's "guaranteeing full employment" became that of the Government's "promoting maximum employment, production, and purchasing power." On the other hand, some of the revision of the bill is regarded as strengthening its power and effectiveness. The Council of Eco- nomic Advisers in its first report pointed out that while the Act is referred to as a "much watered-down version" it is. in fact, "a broad enabling act of great flexibility." The Council looked upon the revisions that gave the Act general rather than specific powers as improvements which would allow the President, the Council, and Congress greater scope in dealing with the problems of unem- ployment. To attain iIk- [)uri)oses set forth by the Act, two agencies are provided for: an Advisory Council, appointed by the President, and a joint Congressional Committee. THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 9 The Council of Economic Advisers and Its Report The Council of Economic Advisers is composed of three economic experts assisted by a small stafif* who will provide the President with a complete annual advance estimate of national production, savings, investment, and employment for the coming year. The Council is to gather timely and authoritative information on eco- nomic developments and economic trends, both current and pro- spective. It is to analyze and interpret such information in the light of the purpose of the Act to determine whether such developments and trends are interfering or are likely to interfere with the achieve- ment of maximum employment, production, and purchasing power. It is to appraise the programs of the Federal Government to de- termine the extent to which such programs are contributing to the purpose of the Act. Finally, it is to develop and report to the Presi- dent in December of each year recommendations on such national economic policies as will foster and promote free competitive enter- prise, avoid economic fluctuations or at least diminish the effects of such fluctuations, and maintain employment, production, and purchasing power. In December 1946 the Council issued its first annual report. The text of the report is brief and general. Eight of its twenty-one pages are devoted to the history of the Employment Act and to an analysis of the obligations placed by the Act upon the Council. A second section of ten pages discusses briefly several conflicting views of the causes and cures for fluctuations in production and employ- ment. Only in the last three pages does the Council look into the future and weigh the probability of continuing our present high level of employment. The Council sees some possibility that this high level of employment might continue indefinitely, if world peace is maintained, and if labor, management, agriculture, and * The President appointed John D. Clark, Leon H. KeyserHng, and Edwin G. Nourse to the Economic Advisory Council. Nourse, the chairman, is an outstanding agricultural economist, author of books on farm economy, and former president of Brookings Institution. Keyserling had previously been general counsel of the National Housing Agency, and Clark was professor of economics at the University of Nebraska. The original staff of the Council includes: Gerhard Colm of the Budget Bureau; Carl Shoup of Columbia University; William Stead, former vice- president of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank; Donald Wallace, professor at Williams College and formerly a key staff member of OPA ; Robert Warren, economist of the Federal Reserve Board ; Fred Waugh, agricultural adviser for OWMR; and Wilson Wright, a prominent business economist. 10 THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 government will act wisely and together. Accompanying the Re- port, but not published with it. were the charts and tables depicting recent price changes and employment trends. These charts and tables contain the essentials of tlje Report, and make up in concrete detail and evidence what the text of the Report lacks through its general and superficial nature. Upon these charts and tables the President based his report to Congress, and they appeared in his report afterwards as an appendix. The most significant of the tables are to be found on pages 15-20 of this bulletin. The Economic Report of the President On the basis of the Report of the Advisory Council, the President must, by the terms of the Act. transmit to Congress, at the begin- ning of each regular session, an Economic Report containing: (1) information on levels of employment, production, and purchas- ing power existing in the United States, and such levels as would be needed to carry out the purpose of the Act; (2) a statement of current and foreseeable trends in the levels of employment, production, and purchasing power; (3) a review of the economic program of the Federal Government, a review of economic conditions affecting emplovment in the United States the preceding year, and a review of their effect upon employ- ment, production, and purchasing power; and (4) a program for attaining or maintaining a high level of employ- ment, production, and purchasing power, together with such recommen- dations for legislation as he may deem necessary or desirable. On January 8, 1947, President Truman delivered to the new Congress his first Economic Report. This report echoed the opti- mism of the Coimcil's annual report. It contained, however, a much more detailed analysis of our present economic situation and a list of specific steps necessary to maintain a high level of employment. It placed chief emphasis on the importance of prompt price reduc- tions. Price increases during the second half of 1946, the report pointed out. had dangerously reduced the buying power of con- sumers. Production cannot be maintained, it indicated, unless that buying power is restored and even increased. It can be restored by price reductions or by wage and salary increases, but price reduc- tions were strongly urged as the better method. Strong emphasis THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 11 also was placed on the importance of good labor-management rela- tions, so that there would be as few restrictions as possible on production. The recommendations of the President included the following 14-point program designed to assist in maintaining a high level of consumer buying-power : 1. An increase in the minimum wage 2. An increase in social security benefits 3. Use of general tax funds to pay part of social security benefits 4. An increase in the amount and duration of unemployment compensation 5. Certain corrective labor legislation 6. A general health program 7. A housing program 8. Continuation of present taxes 9. Continuation of rent controls 10. Stronger anti-trust laws 11. An anti-discrimination law 12. Maintenance of farm incomes 13. Continuation of a reciprocal-trade agreements program 14. Revision of patent laws. The first five points of the President's Report bear directly on labor-management relations. The recommendations as a whole con- stitute a long-range, well-integrated program of employment stabi- lization. Many of them are suggestions for Congressional action, and so cannot be accomplished in a short time. In the words of the Report, "Most policies designed to increase the stability of the economy are of long-range character. Fortunately, we have time in which to plan deliberately and wisely. ..." The Congressional Joint Committee and Its Report The Employment Act further provides for the appointment of a Joint Congressional Committee to consider the Economic Report of the President. This committee is to consist of seven members of the Senate and seven members of the House, respectively. When it receives the President's Economic Report the Joint Committee must study it, and determine the means by which the programs it recommends may be coordinated to further the purpose 12 THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 of the Act. Not later than February 1 of each year it is to file with the House and Senate a report of findings and recommendations regarding the main proposals that were made by the President. These findings and recommendations of the Joint Committee are intended to serve as a guide to the various committees of the House and Senate, such as the Committees on Ways and IMeans. Rivers and Harbors, Flood Control, Public Buildings, and Banking and Currency, in dealing with legislation which would promote maxi- mum employment. In view of the broad scope and controversial character of the President's recommendations, this tight time limit (February 1) would seem to make specific or detailed proposals by the Joint Com- mittee almost impossible. Indeed, on January 31, 1947 this commit- tee, of which Senator Robert A. Taft (Rep. Ohio) is chairman, issued a formal report, pleading that the brief time allowed made it impossible to comply with this provision of the Act. If the Joint Committee had made recommendations these would have been taken into account when the Budget Committee outlined a program of expenditure and taxation on February 15. Xow that report has had to be made without consideration of the President's Report. How the Act and the Two Reports Have Been Received In spite of its overwhelming Congressional approval, the Employ- ment Act of 1946 was received bv the nation with comment varv- ing from warm approval to bitter derision. Representatives of twenty-one national civic, labor, church, and veteran groups wrote to the President, asking him to sign the l)ill. and many others officially endorsed the measure. On the other hand. Raymond Moley called it the "Fool Employment Act," and described it as a "legis- lative monstrosity with the body of a wren and the head of a par- rot." James G. Patton, President of the National Farmers Union, attacked the Act as "an indication of our desire to do everything possible to carry out policies of scarcity ... a tragic admission of our defeatist attitude towards achieving a high production, full employment economy in peacetime." Professor John Jewkcs of IManchester, one of the framers of the British W^'hite Paper on Em- THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 13 ployment Policy, had grave misgivings that the Employment Act would immediately cause serious inflation. As has already heen pointed out, a very tight time limit (less than one month) for reporting to Congress was imposed by the Act on the Joint Congressional Committee. This time limit made it impracticable for the Committee to give the thorough analysis of the President's Report which its detailed recommendations really required — and merited. Until this review has taken place and Con- gress has taken action on the President's recommendations, it will not be possible to test the effectiveness of the Employment Act of 1946 as an efficient planning tool. Nor will it be possible to test whether the recommendations in the first report are themselves ade- quate to meet further needs. What then can be said of the Reports as blueprints of the plan- ning needs for a sound national economy ? The original supporters of the legislation thought that the chief function of the Council of Economic Advisers would be to forecast unemployment trends for an eighteen-month period ahead (from January of one year to July of the next). On the basis of this forecast, the Council was to recommend specific projects on which the government could most usefully employ workers who would otherwise be unemployed. This approach to the purposes of the Act was open to criticism on several grounds. One, already mentioned, was that forecasting unemploy- ment and planning public works to meet it was speculative if not. indeed, impossible. Another was that government expansion of pub- lic works would increase taxation or the public debt so much as to reduce private employment and make general economic conditions worse instead of better. It is evident that the Council and the President rejected this nar- row view of the purposes of the Act. Their Reports indicate a de- sire to attempt a much broader approach to the problem of insuring a more stable economy: the prevention rather than the cure of un- employment. It is obvious from the first Reports that the Council places chief emphasis not on any forecasts of employment or un- employment, but on an analysis of policies which wall promote high employment. They reject almost completely the approach that was so strongly urged and so bitterly opposed during legislative discus- sion — the approach of estimating private employment and ad- 14 THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 vancing federal expenditures to prevent prospective unemployment. Instead, they take the broader approach of urging a variety of meas- ures that should maintain consumer purchasing power and thus avoid a reduction in private employment. The Council has clearly shown that it has little faith in the usefulness of government pump- priming expenditures and that it will bend all its efforts to avoiding any occasion for a resort to such priming. EDITORIAL NOTE This is the first number of a Bulletin which the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations is publishing as one of its services to the citizens of Illinois. The members of the Institute staff believe that there are many people in labor, management, and civic groups who are suffi- ciently interested in labor and industrial relations to justify this kind of brief, non-technical discussion. The Institute hopes to satisfy, with this and following Bulletins, the desire of busy men and women to keep abreast of important trends of thought and recent developments in labor-management relations. Each month the staff of the Institute will prepare a short digest of some one topic of immediate interest, emphasizing what appears to be its more significant aspects. Each Bulletin article will usually be the product of group effort. Signed articles of unusual interest by those actively engaged in labor-management relations may also be included from time to time. In the interest of brevity, no bibliographies will be attached to Bulletin articles. They are, however, available on request. Those who wish to have either reading references or more detailed information about any topic included in an}- number of the Bulletin may obtain them by writing to: Information Service, Institute of Labor and In- dustrial Relations, Universitv of Illinois, Urbana. — Phillips Bradley A limited number of additional copies will be furnished free of charge on request. Requests for lots of 25 or more copies will be fulfilled at a charge of five cents a copy. THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 15 The following tables are taken from Appendix B of The Economic Report of the President, January 8, 1947. Table I Income Payments to Individuals, 1929-46 (Millions of dollars) Year or Quarter Total Income Pay- ments Salaries and \Vages» Entrepre- neurial Income and Net Rents and Royalties Divi- dends and Interest Public Assist- ance and Other Relief Pay- ments to Vet- erans- Other 1929 82,587 73,346 62,013 47,414 46,271 52,916 58,563 68,055 72,351 66,166 70,829 76,237 92,732 117,285 143,134 156,794 160,773 39,786 40,426 39,683 40,878 163,6673 38,314 40,206 41,723 43,4243 52,512 47,602 40,027 31,103 29,290 33,922 36,895 42,067 46,189 42,851 45,658 49,700 61,374 80,407 101,791 111,734 110,193 28,627 28,650 27,174 25,742 (*) 24,580 25,957 26,946 17,199 12,907 9,531 6,320 8,006 9,255 11,436 13,003 14,162 12,369 13,441 14,313 18,599 23,933 27,161 28,017 29,737 6,771 6,803 7,613 8,550 (.*) 7,426 7,584 8,982 11,811 ! 60 421 445 1,432 695 485 379 404 1,826 526 466 456 462 452 582 1,473 3,391 5,624 970 1,160 1,350 2,144 {*) 2,183 1,898 1,704 m 584 1930 11,682 10,237 8,355 7,303 7,901 8,037 9,785 9,891 8,240 8,891 9,175 9,761 9,771 10,389 11,195 12,223 2,770 3,159 2,833 3,461 (*) 3,033 3,688 3,102 (*) 94 158 326 580 829 1,099 672 836 1,008 1,071 1,098 1,112 1,061 939 943 988 240 242 246 260 (*) 276 282 291 {*) 616 1931 628 1932 615 1933 607 1934 1935 630 692 1936 702 1937 747 1938 1939 1,232 1,312 1940 1,489 1941 1,434 1942 1,531 1943 1,381 1944 1,514 1945 2,008 I 408 II 412 Ill 467 IV 721 1946 (*) I 816 II 797 Ill 698 IV {*) 1 Differs from salaries and wages in Appendix B, Table II, because it excludes employees' con- tributions to social insurance. 2 Includes veterans' pensions and compensation, readjustment allowances (unemployment), pay- ments to self-employed, subsistence allowances to those going to school, part of tuition payments (payments to nonprofit institutions), adjusted-service certificate compensation, mustering-out pay, terminal leave pay to enlisted personnel, and the Government's contribution to family allowances. 3 Estimates based on incomplete data. * Not available. Source: Department of Commerce. 16 THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 Table II Consumers' Prices, 1939-46 (1935-39=100) Year or Month .Ml Items Food Cloth- ing Rent Fuel. Elec- tricity, etc. House Furnish- ings Miscel- laneous 1939 99.4 100.2 105.2 116.5 123.6 125.5 128.4 127.1 126.9 126.8 127.1 128.1 129.0 129.4 129.3 128.9 128.9 129.3 129.9 139.2 129.9 129.6 130.2 131.1 131.7 133.3 141.0 144.1 145.9 148.4 151.7 153.33 95.2 96.5 105.5 123.9 138.0 136.1 139.1 137.3 136.5 135.9 136,6 138.8 141.1 141.7 140.9 139.4 1 39 . 3 1 40 . 1 141.1 160.0 141.0 139.6 140.1 141.7 142.6 145.6 165.7 171.2 174.1 180.0 187.7 189.03 100.5 101.7 106.3 124.2 129.7 138.8 145.9 143.0 143.3 143.7 144.1 144.6 145.4 145.7 146.4 148.2 148.5 148.7 149.4 (=) 149.7 150.5 153.1 154.5 155.7 157.2 157.9 161.2 165.9 167.0 168.7 (') 104.3 104.6 106.3 108.5 108.0 108.2 108.3 (') (■) 108.3 (') (') 108.3 (') (') 108.3 (') (') 108.3 (=) i? 108.4 (') (') 108.5 (') 108.7 108.8 (') (■) 99.0 99.8 102.3 105.4 107.7 109.8 110.3 109.7 110.0 110.0 109.8 110.0 110.0 111.2 111.4 110.7 110.5 110.1 110.3 110.8 111.0 110.5 110.4 110.3 110.5 113.3 113.7 114.4 114.4 114.7 (=) 101.3 100.5 107.4 122.1 125.6 136.4 145.8 143.6 144.0 144.5 144.9 145.4 145.8 145.3 146.0 146.8 146.9 147.6 148.3 (=) 148.8 149.7 150.2 152.0 153.7 156.1 156.9 160.0 165.6 167.6 169.1 (^) 100.7 1940 101.1 1941 104.0 1942 110.9 1943 115.8 1944 121.3 1945 124.1 January February 123.3 123.4 March April 123.6 123.8 May June 123.9 124.0 July 124.2 124.5 September October 124.6 124.7 124.6 December 1946 . . . 124.8 January 125.4 February March 125.6 125.9 April May June July August 126.7 127.2 127.9 127.8 129.8 September 129.9 October 130.8 November December 132.0 ' Usually surveyed quarterly. ' Not available. ' Preliminary estimate. Source: Department of Labor. I THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 17 Table III Gross Weekly Earnings in Selected Industries, 1940-46 Manufacturing Min- Private ing, Bi- Build- ing Class I Steam Tele- Whole- sale Trade Retail Year or Hotels (Year- Round) Month Total Dura- ble Non- dur- able Goods tumi- nous Con- struc- Rail- roads phone Trade Goods Coal tion 1940 ^25.20 ^28.44 122.27 ^24.71 ^31.70 131.32 ^32.44 ^30.39 ^21.17 ^15.52 1941 29.58 36.65 43.14 46.08 44.39 47.50 34.04 42.73 49.30 52.07 49.05 53.54 24.92 29.13 34.12 37.12 38.29 38.66 30.86 35.02 41.62 51.27 52.25 54.11 35.14 41.80 48.13 52.18 53.80 52.98 34.04 38.39 43.48 45.69 45.49 46.82 32.74 33.97 36.30 38.39 « 39.49 32.32 35.56 39.40 42.29 44.07 43.15 21.94 23.24 24.88 26.58 28.31 26.99 16.09 1942 17.62 1943 20.21 1944 22.65 1945 24.53 January 23.71 February. . . . 47.37 53.30 38.69 53.89 52.89 47.52 39.75 43.45 27.32 24.07 March 47.40 53.22 38.96 52.26 54.49 46.51 40.60 43.51 27.21 23.97 April 47.12 52.90 38.80 43.45 54.42 46.15 /40.72 \37.502 }44.51 27.69 23.99 May 46.02 51.56 38.18 53.75 53.64 45.91 37.91 43.83 27.56 24.03 June 46.32 51.74 38.95 59.11 55.50 46.26 38.87 44.13 28.46 24.43 July 45.45 50.66 38.58 50.66 55.57 45.64 39.36 44.92 29.40 24.40 .A.ugust 41.72 45.72 36.63 49.90 55.79 45.10 42.96 43.27 29.01 24.37 September.. . 40.87 43.95 37.80 52.73 53.11 43.90 39.62 43.85 28.95 24.79 October 40.97 44.23 37.76 39.09 54.05 44.30 40.54 44.60 29.17 25.08 November. . . 40.77 43.71 37.89 56.29 51.97 44.04 42.02 44.94 28.88 25.54 December. . . 41.21 44.08 38.52 58.09 51.85 43.61 41.44 44.71 29.12 25.94 1946: January 41.15 43.67 38.75 54.16 52.89 43.29 41.19 45.14 30.54 26.21 February 40.58 42.57 39.01 57.37 53.04 43.84 44.37 46.07 30.77 26.43 March 42.15 44.79 39.83 58.30 52.87 43.01 43.76 46.31 31.12 26.57 April 42.88 45.71 40.13 30.15 54.29 47.76 44.09 47.13 31.40 26.64 May 42.51 45.10 39.93 34.20 53.63 46.39 44.82 47.48 31.45 26.65 June 43.31 46.32 40.28 64.44 55.23 51.05 44.93 47.88 32.93 26.70 July 43.38 46.24 40.46 52.27 56.25 51.78 44.82 48.06 33.64 26.63 August 44.98 48.00 41.89 62.37 56.67 « 44.19 48.14 33.81 27.15 September.. . 45.41 48.39 42.34 61.00 58.49 « 44.10 49.54 33.76 26.98 October^ .... 45.68 48.83 42.42 62.54 59.20 (') 44.30 49.44 33.19 27.17 November' . . December'. . . ' Not available. 2 New series; includes only employees subject to provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and is not comparable with preceding series, which includes all employees. 2 Preliminary. Source: Department of Labor. 18 THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 Table IV Average Hourly Earnings in Selected Industries, 1940-46 Year or Month 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 January. . . . p-ebruary. . . March April May June July August . . . . September. . October. . . . November. . December. . 1946: January. . . . February. . . March April May June July August . . . . September. . October'. . . November'. December'.. Manufacturing Min- Bi- Dura- Non- tumi- Total ble Goods dur- able Goods nous Coal 10.661 ^0.724 ^0.602 ^0 . 883 .729 808 .640 .993 .853 947 .723 1.059 .961 059 .803 1.139 1.019 117 .861 1.186 1.023 111 .904 1.240 1.046 144 .891 1.204 1.043 139 .892 1.190 1.044 139 .896 1.197 1.044 138 .899 1.184 1.042 134 .903 1.256 1.038 130 .904 1.285 1.033 127 .902 1.254 1.024 113 .909 1.249 .987 072 .903 1.261 .985 063 .909 1.242 .990 064 .918 1.263 .994 066 .927 1.281 1.004 070 .941 1.259 1.002 064 .953 1.265 1.035 103 .975 1.274 1.058 131 .988 1.239 1.071 147 .996 1.321 1.084 165 1 . 003 1.474 1.093 177 1.009 1.457 1.111 186 1.036 1.468 1.126 201 1.049 1.480 1.130 202 1.055 1.459 Private Build- ing Con- struc- tion ^0.958 1.010 1.148 1.252 1.319 1.380 1 . 364 1.352 1.363 1.361 1.366 1.374 387 383 392 396 397 397 402 422 411 423 431 444 473 482 510 526 Class I Steam Rail- roads W.711 .745 .819 .892 .934 .938 .944 .960 .934 .944 .935 .929 .939 .930 .942 .923 .937 .948 .935 .949 .929 1.045 1.069 1.117 1.116 (') (') (■) Tele- phone Whole- sale Trade ;0.827 ^0.739 .820 .793 .843 .860 .870 .933 .911 .985 C) 1.029 .934 1.006 .938 1.013 .951 1.016 /.952 \.926« }l.031 .926 1.018 .941 1.027 .944 1.037 .977 1.013 .959 1.025 .972 1.045 1.002 1.056 1.011 1.058 1.030 1.070 1 .095 1.095 1 . 105 1.101 1.131 1.121 1.143 1.135 1.147 1.146 1.135 1.155 1.129 1.148 1.148 1.179 1.137 1.172 Retail Trade W.542 .568 .614 .670 .724 .773 .751 .756 .752 .763 .764 .769 .773 .773 .783 .793 .800 .796 .828 .8.^5 .841 .851 .859 .876 .888 .893 .906 .908 Hotels (Year- Round) ^0 . 332 .348 .386 .451 .505 .550 .532 .537 .529 .532 .532 .539 .547 .555 .567 .565 .575 .585 .604 .602 .600 .599 .596 .598 .602 .614 .620 .619 ' Not available. 'New series; includes only employees subject to provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and is not comparable with preceding series, whicli includes all employees. » Preliminary. Source: Department of Labor. THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 19 Table V Corporate Profits Before and After Taxes, 1939-46 (Millions of dollars) All Private Corporations' 629 Large Private Corporations — Profits after Taxes^ w •a 4J 5 o o ca •a CO CJ m > Year'or Quarter H 0; "3 (J) >. O -^J a c 0; 'fi be . o c CO •5^ U CO 3 C t/3 3 O Si Vj a •Si X) n a! c o E .-7 3 i-. .2 'fi O 2 c _C0 £ c CO o 3 < O o Z o ■OH o o-ai 5 3 o Number of com- panies 629 1,465 1,818 2,163 1,769 47 146 278 325 226 69 115 158 193 159 15 223 242 274 209 68 102 173 227 182 77 119 133 153 138 75 70 88 113 90 49 151 148 159 151 45 98 112 174 152 30 186 194 207 164 80 134 160 187 136 74 1939 6,374 9,185 17,050 20,969 4,868 6,248 9,141 9,179 122 1940 132 1941 IS? 1942 161 1943 24,908 9,945 1,800 204 165 201 180 128 83 162 186 170 149 171 1944 24,077 20,875 9,757 9,080 1,896 1,925 194 188 174 163 222 243 190 169 115 108 88 88 175 199 220 223 187 187 147 154 184 1945 203 I 5,970 5,887 5,031 3,987 2,624 2,624 2,116 1,716 492 508 439 485 49 53 37 49 38 42 35 47 63 77 46 58 50 47 36 36 31 27 23 27 21 21 20 26 45 46 50 58 62 64 61 37 48 45 43 51 39 38 37 40 45 II 47 Ill S3 IV 58 19463 20,000 12,000 (■■) I . . 323 604 22 67 -19 49 -34 21 -5 51 20 26 12 37 65 74 56 62 63 66 62 71 82 II 80 Ill 0) 676 (*) 94 31 44 38 43 42 84 78 67 76 79 IV 1 Revised series; not exactly comparable vi'ith that used as a component of national income. 2 Federal and State income and excess-profits taxes. 3 Preliminary estimate, based on incomplete data and subject to revision. * Not available. Note: Detail will not necessarily add to totals because of rounding. Sources: Department of Commerce (all corporations); Board of Governors of tlie Federal Re- serve System (629 large corporations). V 20 THE EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 Table VI Total Labor Force Classified by Employment Status and Sex, and \"eterax Status of Males, 1940-46' (In thousands) Year or Month 1940 1941 1942 194,? 1944 1945 January. . . . February. . . March April May June July" August September. . October. ... November. . December. . 1946: January February. . . Marcli .April May June July .■\UKUSt September.. October November. . December'.. Total Labor Force (in- cluding Armed Forces) ,790 ,730 ,430 ,460 ,010 ,122 ,870 ,390 ,710 ,030 ,250 ,420 67,450 66,470 64,770 63,770 62,410 60,920 59,490 59,130 59,6.50 60,300 60,570 62,000 62,820 62,200 61,340 61,160 60,980 Civilian Labor Force Total Male Total 54,230 54,100 54,490 53,480 52,620 52,792 50,960 51 ,430 51,660 51,930 52,030 53,140 55,350 54,460 53,050 53,170 53,190 53,130 53,320 53,890 55,160 56,450 57,160 58,930 60,110 59 , 750 59,120 58,990 58,970 950 530 620 140 770 456 650 660 720 840 790 380 270 130 400 650 030 950 160 890 870 860 480 660 710 580 850 820 950 Vet- eran2 3,830 4,990 6,410 7,440 8,410 9,240 9 , 8.50 10,380 10,810 10,950 11,2.?() 11,1 50 11,380 Female 280 570 870 340 850 3.?6 310 770 940 090 240 760 Employed Civilians Total 080 330 650 520 160 180 160 000 290 590 680 2 70 400 170 2 70 170 020 46,930 49,090 52,110 52,410 51 ,780 51,639 50,120 50,550 50,830 51 ,160 51 ,300 52,060 54,400 53,630 51,400 51 ,610 51 ,450 51 ,160 51 ,020 51,240 52,460 54,120 54,8.50 56,360 57,840 5 7,690 57,050 57,0,^0 57,040 .Agri- culture 9,500 8,650 8,640 8,280 8,060 8,145 6,690 6,790 7,290 7,750 7,950 9,090 9,900 9,090 8,840 8,810 8,380 7,160 6,720 6,940 7,5M) 8,170 8,880 10,010 9,970 9,140 8 , 750 8,620 7,900 Unemployed Civilians Total 7,300 5,010 2,380 1,070 840 1,153 840 880 830 770 730 1,080 Male Total 950 830 1,650 1,560 1,740 1,970 2,300 2,650 2,700 2,330 2,310 2,570 2,270 2,060 2,070 1 ,960 1 ,9.50 5,350 3,610 1,590 600 450 700 490 490 490 430 430 580 480 430 930 940 1,210 1,500 1,770 2,140 2,190 1,870 1,890 2,010 1 ,760 1,600 1 ,580 1,550 1,520 Vet- eran' 520 750 840 1,060 1,210 990 930 980 930 850 830 760 700 ' An improved interviewing procedure, wliich resulted in a larger estimate of employment and a smaller estimate of unemployment, was adopted July 1945. Data prior to this date are not strictly comparable with subsciiuent data. -World War 11 veterans only. Data are not available for the period prior to November 1945. ' Not available. Source: Department of Commerce. lOM— 3-47— 34964