C. L. IARTLITT. EDWARD A. ADAMS. C. L. BARTLETT & CO. Freight Brokers, Shipping and Commission Merchants ^ and Steamship Agents, 1 15 State St., cor. Broad St, BOSTON. AjGENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF STEAMERS : Pacific' Mail Steamship Co To California, Japan, China, Sandwich Islands, New Zealand and Australia, British Columbia, Washington Ter- ritory and Oregon. White' Star Line, (U. S. & Royal Mail Steamers) to Liverpool ^ia Queenstown. * Anchor Uine, (U. S. Mail Steamers) to Glasgow, via. Londonderry, &nd to London direct; and from Glasgow to Lisbon, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Messina, Catania,. Palermo, Trieste, Venice, and other Mediterranean ports; arid to Bombay and India, via Suez Canal. Atlas Mail Steamship Co. To Kingston, in Jamaica; Port au Prince, Cape Hayti, Gonaives, St. Marc, Aux Cayes and Jacmel, in Hayti; all ports in Porto Rico ; Santa Martha, Savanilla, Carthagena and Colon in Colombia; Greytown,' in Nicaragua; and ports of the South Pacific. United States Azorean Steam Packet C : >. To the Azores and Madeira Islands, including the ports }f ^Flores, Fayal, St. George, Graciosa, Terceira and St. ‘ Michaels in the Azores; and Funchal, Madeira. IVew York and Havana Steamers. V X \>od Passage Rates by all the above lines and further form. hjrnurK$d on applicafion. C. a^BARTL^TT & CO. 1 rotate St., coL Broad St., Boston, ddress, DEL^.V Bostqn. THE SYNONYMS;- FIFTH EDITION NOW READY-. 50,000 Copies Issued. “The most convenient aijd useful little book ever published. ” “No correspondent or letter-writer should be without it.” IT CONTAINS Over 10,000 Synonymous Words. A List of Foreign Words and Phrases. A Foreign Postal Table, very full &nd complete, ' — AND — Other features of much interest To Correspondents and Letter-Writers. READ THE PREFACE ON SEVENTH PAGE FROM THIS, AND THEN BUY A COPY. PRICE ONLY 10 CENTS. By mail, 12 cents. White Star Line, ,U. S. and Royal Mall Steamers to LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN. In speaking of the complete and perfect arrangements of these famous boats, Mr. Smalley of the Tribune says: — “I think I am within the mark in saying that half the sea-sickness we suffer from is due to foul smells, and I hardly expect to be believed when I say that on these ships there are none. But the fact is that with the ship rolling heavity, and every port closed, and the weather-doors to the compan- ion-way lashed fast, I woke in the morning to find the air of my state-room much purer than that of an ordinary bed-room. At the farthest end of the long passages between the state- rooms, forward and aft, it was the same thing. It was the same in the saloons. I was so struck by this that I went over the whole ship — the steerages, the steward’s dormitory, and the forecastle, and it was still the same — pure air and light everywhere.” The accommodations in other respects are equally perfect. Every comfort and attention that can be provided is found on board. The state-rooms are provided with running water, electric bells, and the cleanest of linen, and are very light and splendidly ventilated. The dining-saloon is furnished with revplving chairs, and the table is equal to that of any New York' hotel. . For cabin plans, passage rates, sailing lists, etc., apply to C. L.- BARTLETT & CO., Agents, ii q State St., cor. Broad St., Boston. WHITE STAR LINE. Spring and Summer Sailings. Steamers sail regularly , as below, from Pier 52, North River, foot of West 10th Street, New York. GERMANIC . 1.30 p.m Saturday, March 6th. BALTIC 4.00 p.m Thursday, CELTIC. . . . 10.30 a. m Thursday) REPUBLIC 4.00 p.m Saturday r ADR IATIC .10.00 a . m . . nth. i8ih. 27th. .Thursday, April 1st. May June GERMANIC 4.00 p.m Saturday, BALTIC 9.00 a. m Thursday, CELTIC 4.00 p.m Saturday, B R I TAN NIC 1 1,00 a. m Saturday, REPUBLIC 3.00 p.m Thursday, GERMANIC 9.30 a.m Saturday, BALTIC 1.30 p.m Thursday, CELTIC 8.00 a.m Thursday, BRITANNIC 3.00 p.m Saturday, ADRIATIC 4.00 p.m Thursday, GERMANIC 2.00 p.m Saturday, BALI IC 4.00 p.m Thursday, CELTIC 2.00 p.m Saturday, BRITANNIC 7.00 a.m Saturday, ADRIATIC 00 a.m Thursday, GERMANIC 7.00 a.m Saturday, BALTIC n. 00 a.m Thursday, CELTIC 4.00 p.m Thursday, August. 5th. BRITANNIC 1 1. 30 a.m Saturday, “ 14th. ADRIATIC 4.00 p.m Thursday, G E R M AN I C 1 1 .00 a. m Saturday, BALTIC 3.30 p.m Thursday, CELTIC 10.00 a.m Saturday, BRITANNIC 4.00 p.m Saturday, ADRIATIC 8.00 a.m Thursday, July ioth. 15th. 24th. 1st. 6th. 15th. 20th. 27th. 5 th. joth. 19th. 24th. 3d. ioth. 15th, 24th. 29th. “ 19th. “ 28th. Sept. 2d. “ nth. “ 1 8th. “ 23d. Staterooms can now be secured for any of the above sail- ings. Cabin plans, passage rates, and full information furnished by the agents, Lv C. L. BARTLETT & CO., . 1 15 State Street, cor. Broad Street, Boston. Uo T82T WHITE STAR LINE Liverpool «» Queenstown. CARRYING U. S. and ROYAL MAILS. The Saloon and State-Room Accommodations. THE S A LOOK. In their internal arrangements the White Star Ships are most strikingly a new departure in steamship architec- ture. The main saloon is. placed in the very middle of the vessel, and extends from side to side, forming a grand hall, 75 feet long and 45 feet wide, lighted not only by the ample skylights, but by large windows at the sides. A broad stair- case, well lighted by night and day, leads to the saloon, where there is ample room for dining 200 persons, giving to each diner his or her own seat, not of undefined capacity on a settee, but a chair with revolving seat, which is kept at every meal for the passenger to whom it is allotted at the commencement of the voyage, and can be approached at any time during the progress of the meals without disturbing the others. THE STATE-ROOMS . The state-rooms are also arranged amidships, at either end of the saloon, aud are unusually large, well-lighted, and fur- nished with every convenience, including electric bells, by which a steward can be summoned at any moment. Bath- rooms are within easy reach, and nothing that can profnote the comfort of the passenger is omitted. The smoking-room is not, as too often, a close little den, but a large and hand- some apartment ; and the ladies’ saloon is on a more liberal scale than usual, and far more attractive in its appointments. One particular feature, which will have a considerable interest for those who are afflicted with what the French call the mal de mer is that the saloon, state-rooms , bath and smoking rooms are placed in the centre 0/ the vessel •where the 7 notion is least felt and,, where passengers suffer no annoyance from the vibratio 7 i of the screw. C. L. BARTLETT & CO., Agts., 1 15 State Street, Boston. ri TO MERCHANTS AND CORRESPONDENTS / — AT — HOME AND ABROAD. We take this medium to inform merchants and corre- spondents in this country or abroad, and who have merchan- dise to consign to Boston or New York, that as Shipping and Commission Merchants we handle consignments of both vessels and merchandise, and on the latter will make the accustomed advances. We also pay special attention to the purchase and ship- ment of goods on foreign or domestic orders. Enquiries promptly answered and the latest market quo- tations furnished with much pleasure. C. L. BARTLETT & CO. C. L. Bartlett. Edward A. Adams. 115 State St., cor. Broad St., BOSTON. Cable address — Delta, Boston. / miMiu I.Ui i(i V vhui /. r. / . i' REMOVAL. We are pleased to announce that we have removed to our new and commodious office at 1 15 State St., cor. of Broad St., BOSTON, which has been entirely remodelled and refitted to meet the requirements of our business. We bespeak for ourselves in our new location that same patronage with which our friends and customers have so kindly favored us in the past, assuring them in return of a cordial and courteous response to all demands on our time and attention. C. L. BARTLETT & CO. C. L. BARTLETT. EDWARD A. ADAMS. THE HANDY BOOK SYNONYMS. AN INVALUABLE AID TO Correspondents and Letter -Writers. PRICE TEN CENTS. PUBLISHED AND ISSUED BY C. L. BARTLETT & CO., 1 15 State St., Boston. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1SS0, by C. 1 .. Bartlett & C<>.,in the office of the Librarian . of Congress, at Washington. GOODWIN & BRISKO, PRINTERS, 41 FEDERAL STREET, BOSTON. i ( U ^{itiulu fm\ cf £pwp». FIFTH EDITION. The demand for our little Handy Book from all sections of the country has become so great that in this, the fifth edition , we have printed twe?ity thozisand copies, thus making over fifty thozisand copies issued by us the last two years. Its circulation reaching, as it now does, into every State and throughout the Provinces and Canada, speaks more forcibly than we can write of the worth of this little book. Started as a venture, with the hope it might secure a limited circulation, the Handy Book has proved a success, and has met with a reception far beyond our expectations. As stated in our previous issues, the value of this little manual can be seen at a glance. A word perplexes a writer or correspondent — he does not wish to use the same word twice. By turning to the Handy Book , the word, with its synony- mous terms, can be easily found without troublesome search in a dictionary. To the third and fourth editions we added a full and complete table of the Postal Union Rates. This table has proved of much value, and is included in the present issue; and we shall continue to add at different times such features as may present themselves as of use to correspondents and letter-writers. The price per copy is almost nominal — only io cents, or by mail 12 cents. The trade will be supplied at a liberal dis- count by the New England News Co., Boston. We beg leave to call attention to the notices of the different Steamship Lines for which we act as Agents, and to the fact that we are prepared to give through freight rates and bills of lading on all classes of merchandise from Boston to the West Indies and the Spanish Main, California, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, China, South America (both East and West coast), Central America and Mexico, Great Britain, Europe and the Mediterranean, the Azores and Madeira, and other ports embraced in the service of the different lines named; and, in the matter of passage , we shall be pleased to furnish both cabin and steerage rates, sailing lists, cabin plans, and such further information as may be desired. A s Commission Merchants we solicit consignments of vessels and merchandise , and on the latter will make the cicstomary advances. We also pay special attention to the purchase and shipment of goods on foreign or home orders. C. L. BARTLETT & CO. C. L. Bartlett. \ Edward A. Adams. $ 115 State Street, Boston. Hauy Book of Synonyms, A Abandon — forsake, relinquish, give up, desert. Abandoned — reprobate, profligate. Abase — depress, humble, disgrace, lower, degrade. Abate — reduce, subside, diminish, lessen, decrease. Abettor — aid, accomplice, accessory. Abbreviate — curtail, compress, abridge, condense, epito- mize, shorten, reduce, lessen. Abhor — detest, abominate, loathe, hate. Ability — power, capacity, means, skill, talent. Able — competent, capable. Abode — habitation, dwelling, residence. Abominate — hate, loathe, detest, abhor. Abridge — lessen, diminish, shorten, contract, curtail. Abrogate — repeal, revoke, abolish, cancel, annul. Abrupt — steep, rough, rugged, sudden, unceremonious, harsh, hasty. Absent — inattentive, heedless, abstracted. Absorb — engulf, engross, swallow, imbibe. Abstain — refrain, forbear, withhold. Abstruse — difficult, obscure, hidden. Absurd — ridiculous, unreasonable, foolish, preposterous, silly. Abundant — copious, ampie, plentiful. Abusive — offensive, insolent, disgraceful, scurrilous. Abyss — chasm, gulf. Accede — comply, acquiesce, consent, agree, assent, yield. Accept — receive, admit, take. Acceptable — grateful, agreeable, welcome. Accession — increase, addition, augmentation. Accommodate — serve, fit, adjust, suit, adapt. Accompany — attend, escort, wait on. 2 THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. Accomplice — accessory, ally, associate, abettor, assistant. Accomplish — execute, finish, effect, realize, achieve, fulfill, complete. Accordingly — therefore, consequently, agreeably, suitably. Account — recital, explanation, description, narration. Accumulate — gather, collect, amass, heap. Accurate — nice, correct, precise, exact. Accuse — vilify, censure, calumniate, impeach, defame, i detract, asperse, arraign. Achieve — realize, complete, effect, execute, accomplish, fulfill. Acknowledge — avow, confess, grant, own. Acknowledgment — concession, confession. Acquaint — disclose, inform, make known, communicate. Acquiesce — accede, agree, consent, comply, assent, yield. Acquire — procure, obtain, gain, win, attain. Acquirement — gain, attainment. Acquit — clear, forgive, free, discharge, pardon. Active — agile, busy, brisk, industrious, nimble, prompt, quick, vigorous. Actual — certain, positive, real. Actuate — move, impel, induce. Acute — keen, penetrating, piercing, pointed, sharp, subtle, shrewd. *Adage — maxim, aphorism, saying, proverb, apothegm, axiom. Adapt — adjust, accommodate, fit, suit. Add — increase, join to, put to. Address — ability, direction, courtship, speech, skill, utter- ance. Addition — accession, increase, augmentation. Address — salute, accost; speech, harangue, oration; direc- tion, superscription; dexterity. Adhere — hold, cleave, attach, stick. Adept — expert, quick, apt, skillful. Adherent — follower, partisan, disciple. Adhesion — attachment, adherence, sticking. Adjacent — adjoining, close, contiguous, near. Adjourn— defer, postpone, delay. THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. 3 Adjust — adapt, fit, accommodate, suit, settle. Administer — execute, serve, dispense, supply, manage, give. Admiration — esteem, amazement, wonder, regard, surprise. Admission — access, admittance, entrance. Admit- — tolerate, grant, permit, concede, allow. Admonition — counsel, warning, advice, reproof, caution. Adore — worship, venerate, revere, reverence. Adorn — beautify, deck, embellish. Adroit — clever, agile, skillful, dexterous. Adulterate — pollute, defile, corrupt, debase. Advancement — improvement, progression. Advantage — use, profit, good, benefit. Adventure — incident, casualty, occurrence, contingency, chance. Adversary — antagonist, enemy, opponent. Adverse— contrary, unfortunate, repugnant, opposed, hos- tile. Advent — allude, turn, regard, notice. Advertise — announce, proclaim, publish. Advice — counsel, instruction. Advise — admonish, consider, consult, deliberate. Advocate — argue, plead, defend, support. Affability — urbanity, civility, courteousness. Affable — pleasing, civil, urbane, courteous. Affair — matter, business, transaction, concern. Affect — arrogate, move, assume, pretend, aim. Affecting — pathetic, feeling, touching. Affection — attachment, fondness, kindness, love, tender- ness. Affiliate — associate, adopt, initiate, receive. Affinity — alliance, attraction, relationship, conformity* kindred. Affirm — aver, assert, assure, declare, protest. Affliction — bereavement, calamity, distress, grief, trouble, pain, tribulation, sadness, sorrow. Affluence — abundance, concourse, influx, opulfence, riches, plenty, wealth. Afford — give, grant, impart, spare, yield, produce. Affray — broil, feud, fray, disturbance, quarrel. 4 THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. Affright — shock, intimidate, alarm, dismay, dishearten, appall, frighten, terrify. Affront — insult, outrage, offend, provoke. Afraid — terrified, timorous, fearful, timid. Aged — advanced in years, old, elderly, senile. Agent — deputy, representative. Aggravate — provoke, exasperate, irritate, tantalize. . Aggregate — accumulate, collect, mass. Agile — brisk, nimble, lively, alert, sprightly, quick, active. Agitate— discuss, disturb, move, shake. Agitation —tremor, disturbance, trepidation. Agony — anguish, distress, pain, suffering, torture. Agree — accede, assent, consent, comply, concur, acquiesce. Agreeable — acceptable, grateful, pleasing, suitable. Agreement — accordance, bargain, covenant, concurrence, contract, harmony. Aid — relieve, help, assist, succor. Aim — endeavor, point, level, aspire, strive. • Air — appearance, aspect, mien, look, manner. Alarm — apprehension, consternation, dread, fear, fright, summons, surprise^ terror. Alienate — estrange, transfer, withdraw. Allay — appease, assuage, mitigate, soothe. Allege — affirm, assert, adduce, advance. Alleviate — diminish, abate, lighten, ease, lessen, soothe, mitigate, relieve. Alliance — confederacy, coalition, combination, league, union. Allot — appoint, distribute, assign, apportion. Allowance — concession, grant, pay, stipend, salary,, wages, All To — completely, entirely, altogether, very much. Allude — hint, intimate, refer, suggest. Allure — attract, decoy, entice, seduce, tempt. Alter — change, modify, re-arrange, vary. Altercation — dispute, difference, quarrel. Always — constantly, continually, incessantly, perpetually, ever. Amass — accumulate, collect, gather, heap, pile. Amazement — admiration, astonishment, surprise, wonder. THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. 5 Ambiguous — doubtful, equivocal, obscure, uncertain. Amenable — accountable, answerable, responsible. Amend — better, correct, improve, mend, reform, rectify. Amends — reparation, recompense, restitution, restoration. Amiable — charming, delightful, lovely, obliging, agreeable, kind. Ample — abundant, copious, extended, spacious, plenteous, large. Amusement — diversion, recreation, entertainment, sport, pastime. Ancestors — progenitors, forefathers. Anecdote — story, tale. Angry — hot, hasty, irascible, passionate. Anguish — agony, distress, pain, suffering. Animate — enliven, exhilarate, cheer, impel, encourage, incite, inspire, urge. Animation — gayety, buoyancy, vivacity, liveliness, spirits, life. Animosity — enmity, hostility, hatred, malignity. Annals — memoirs, chronicles, anecdotes. Annex — add, affix, attach, subjoin. Announce — advertise, declare, publish, proclaim. Annul — annihilate, abolish, cancel, destroy, revoke, repeal. Answer — rejoinder, response, reply. Answerable — accountable, amenable, responsible. Antagonist — adversary, enemy, opponent, foe. Antecedent — anterior, foregoing, former, previous, prior, preceding. Anterior — prior, former, previous. Antipathy — abhorrence, aversion, dislike, hatred, detesta- tion. Antique — antiquated, ancient, old. Anxiety — care, caution, disquietude, perplexity, solicitude, uneasiness. Apathy — indifference, insensibility, unfeelingness, uncon- cern. Aperture — opening, cavity. Aphorism — adage, proverb, maxim, saying, apothegm, axiom. 6 THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. Apology — defense, excuse, plea. Appall — daunt, dismay, depress, reduce, discourage. Apparent — clear, distinct, evident, plain, visible. Appeal — call upon, invoke, refer. Appearance — air, aspect, semblance, manner, look, mien. Appease — allay, assuage, calm, tranquilize, soothe, pacify. Applaud — approve, commend, extol, praise, commend. Applause — approval, acclamation, shouting. Appoint — allot, constitute, depute, order, ordain, prescribe, fix, provide. Appraise — estimate, value. Appreciate — estimate, esteem, prize, value. Apprehension — alarm, dread, fright, fear, terror, seizure, suspicion. Apprise — acquaint, disclose, inform, make known. Approach — access, admittance, avenue, passage. Approbation — consent, sanction, approval, confirmation, concurrence. Appropriate — usurp, assume, set apart. Appropriate — exclusive, adapted, peculiar, suitable. Approve- — applaud, like, allow, esteem, commend. Apt — meet, fit, quick, ready. Arbitrator — arbiter, judge, umpire. Archives — records, annals, registers. Ardent — passionate, eager, fervent, hot, vehement, fiery. Arduous — difficult, hard, laborious. Argument — dispute, proof, reason, debate. Arise — stand up, ascend, mount, rise. Arraign — charge, accuse, impeach. Arrange — class, place, dispose, adjust. Arrogance — presumption, self-conceit, pride, assumption, haughtiness. Artful — cunning, crafty, dexterous, artificial, deceitful. Articulate — pronounce, utter, speak. Artifice — stratagem, deception, finesse, cheat, imposition, deceit. Assembly — group, collection, assemblage. Associate — companion, mate, fiiend. Attitude — gesture, posture, position. THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. Attract — win, entice, charm, allure, captivate, draw. Attractions — enticements, charms, allurements. Atrocious — flagrant, flagitious, heinous. Audacity — boldness, effrontery, impudence, hardihood. Auspicious — fortunate, propitious, favorable, prosperous, lucky. i Austere — severe, rigid, stern, rigorous. | Authentic — authorized, genuine, true. | Authority — dominion, influence, sway, ascendency, force, power. Avarice — cupidity, greed, covetousness. Averse — unwilling, repugnant, unfavorable, unfortunate, loath, reluctant. Aversion — detestation, antipathy, repugnance, abhorrence, dislike. Avidity — greediness, eagerness. Avocation — employment, profession, trade, calling, office, business, occupation. Avoid — eschew, elude, shun. Avow — confess, own, acknowledge, recognize. Awake — excite, provoke, arouse. Awe — reverence, fear, dread. B Babbling — chattering, idle talk, prattling, loquacity. Backward — unwilling, averse, loth, reluctant. Baffle — disconcert, elude, confound, defeat, confuse. Balance — equalize, adjust, settle, regulate, poise. Banter — deride, jest, joke, ridicule, taunt, rally. Bare — naked, unadorned, stripped, destitute, uncovered. Bargain — buy, purchase, contract, cheapen. Base — low, vile, mean, evil. Bashful — modest, diffident, shy, timid. Basis — pedestal, base, foundation, ground. Bastard — illegitimate, spurious. Battle — engagement, combat, fight. 8 THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. Bear — suffer, undergo, carry, sustain, bring forth, support, endure, yield. Beat — strike, overthrow, defeat, hit. Beau — gallant, dandy, sweetheart-, fop. Beautiful — fine, handsome, pretty. Beautify — decorate, ornament, embellish, adorn, deck. Becoming — comely, decent, fit, graceful, suitable, befitting. Beg — beseech, request, ask, crave, entreat, implore, solicit, supplicate. Begin — enter upon, originate, commence. Beguile — mislead, amuse, impose upon, delude, deceive. Behavior — carriage, deportment, address, conduct, manner, demeanor. Behold — observe, see, view, look. Beholder — observer, spectator, looker on. Belief — assent, conviction, confidence, certainty, credit, faith, reliance, trust. Below — beneath, under. Bend — bow, distort, incline, lean, subdue. Beneath — below, under. Beneficent — helpful, bountiful, munificent, benevolent, liberal, generous. Bent — awry, crooked, curved, inclination, prepossession. Bequeath — give by will, devise. Beseech — urge, request, supplicate, solicit, entreat, crave, implore, beg. Bestow — present, grant, give, confer. Better — ameliorate, improve, reform, mend. Bias — bent, warp, prejudice, prepossession. Blame — inculpate, reprehend, upbraid, reprove, censure, condemn, reproach. Blameless — irreproachable, guiltless, spotless, innocent, unblemished, faultless. Blast — split, desolate, wither up, destroy. Blemish — speck, flaw, fault, spot, defect, stain. Blend — mingle, confound, mix. Bliss — felicity, beatitude, happiness, blessedness. Blunt— abrupt, dull, insentient, uncouth, brusque. Blunder — mistake, error. THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. 9 Boaster — blusterer, braggard, vaunter, braggadocio, brag- gart. Boasting — vaunting, parade, ostentation. Boisterous — impetuous, violent, furious, vehement. Bold — audacious, courageous, insolent, daring, impudent, fearless, intrepid. j Bondage — slavery, servitude, imprisonment, confinement. Booty — prey, spoil, plunder. Border — side, edge, brink, verge, margin, rim, brim. Bore — perforate, penetrate, pierce. Bound — circumscribe, define, confine, terminate, restrict, limit. Bounty — beneficence, liberality, benevolence, generosity, munificence. Brace — pair, couple, support. Brave — fearless, bold, intrepid, daring, undaunted, heroic, courageous. Breach — break, chasm, gap, opening. Break — shatter, destroy, demolish, batter, tame, dissolve, rend, crush. Breaker — billow, covered rock, sand-bank, surge, wave. Brief — epitomized, short, summary, concise, compendious, succinct. Bright — resplendent, glistening, lucid, glittering, brilliant, clear, sparkling, shining, vivid. Brilliancy — luster, brightness, splendor, radiance. Brittle — frail, crisp, fragile. Broad — wide, far-reaching, extensive, ample, large. Broil — affray, fignt, altercation, quarrel, feud. Bruise — compress, break, pound, crush, squeeze. Build — construct, erect, found, establish. Bulk — dimensions, magnitude, greatness, extent, largeness, size. Burden — cargo, load, weight, freight. Burning — scorching, ardent, hot, fiery. Burst — split, break, crack, rend. Business— profession, avocation, employment, occupation, work, trade, calling. Bustle — confusion, disorder, tumult, hurry. IO THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. But — notwithstanding, except, nevertheless, however, still, save, yet. Butchery — carnage, havoc, massacre, slaughter. Buy — purchase, procure, obtain, bargain. c Cabal— plot, coalition, intrigue, combination, conspiracy, league. Cajole — wheedle, fawn, coax. Calamity — misfortune, mishap, disaster, mischance. Calculate — estimate, count, reckon, compute, number. Call — subpoena, exclaim, summon, cry, name, invite, bid. Calling — avocation, trade, employment, occupation, busi- ness, profession. Calm — assuage, soothe, allay, compose, appease, tranquilize, pacify, peace, quiet. Cancel — revoke, erase, annul, destroy, repeal, abolish. Candid — ingenuious, frank, honest, open, artless. Capable — skillful, able, qualified, fitted, competent. Capacity — talent, capability, genius, faculty, ability. Caprice — notion, fancy, whim, humor, freak. Capricious — whimsical, notional, fantastical, variable, fickle, changeable. Captivate — take prisoner, charm, fascinate, enslave, attract, enrapture, enchant. Captivity — imprisonment, servitude, bondage, confinement. Capture — seizure, prize. Care— worry, management, disquietude, concern, anxiety, attention, solicitude, regard. Careful — ckcumspect, provident, prudent, guarded, cau- tious, attentive, solicitous. Careless — unconcerned, inattentive, negligent, heedless, thoughtless, remiss. Caress — soothe, fondle, stroke, endear, embrace. Carnage — slaughter, massacre, butchery. Carriage — bearing, deportment, walk, demeanor, manner, mien, behavior. THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. ZZ Carry — bear, transport, convey. Case — state, predicament, condition, situation, plight. Cast — direct, throw, fling, hurl, turn. Casual — incidental, accidental, contingent. Catch — grip, snatch, capture, seize, grasp, lay hold of. Cause — inducement, origin, reason, source, motive. Caution — circumspection, care, solicitude, advice, notice, warning, admonition. Cautious — circumspect, careful, prudent, wary, watchful. Cease — stop, leave off, discontinue, desist. Celebrated — renowned, honored, illustrious, famous. Celebrate — perpetuate, praise, commend, extol. Celerity — swiftness, rapidity, velocity, quickness, fleetness. Censure — stricture, rebuke, reproach, reprimand, blame, condemnation, upbraid. Ceremony — observance, form, rite. Certain — constant, manifest, sure, actual, real. Chagrin — fretfulness, vexation, mortification. Challenge — except, demand, object, defy, claim, accuse, call, dare. Chance — fortuitous, hazard, casual, fate, accident, fortune. Change — vicissitude, alteration, conversion, variety, muta- tion. Changeable — unsteady, uncertain, inconstant, mutable, fickle, variable. Character — quality, manner, mark, reputation, description, letter, cast. Charity — generosity, kindness, beneficence, benevolence, liberality, good-will. Charm — fascinate, attract, captivate, bewitch, enrapture, delight. Chasten — chastise, correct, afflict, punish. Chasteness — chastity, purity, simplicity, continence. Chastise — punish, correct, afflict. Chattels — movable goods, effects. Cheat — imposition, fraud, deceit, deception, stratagem. Cheer — exhilarate, incite, encourage, comfort, gladden. Cheerfulness — comfort, sprightliness, jollity, liveliness, gayety, gladness, mirth. % 12 THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. Cherish — foster, help, nurture, shelter, warm, indulge. Chide — reprimand, scold, reprove, rebuke. Chiefly — especially, mainly, particularly, principally. Childish — trifling, simple, puerile, young. Childhood — minority, infancy. Children — progeny, issue, offspring. Choke — suffocate, stifle, smother. Choice — option, selection, election. Choose — elect, prefer, pick, select. Circulate — propagate, spread, diffuse, pass, bruit. Circumscribe — bound, limit, enclose, confine. Circumstance — condition, event, situation, state, incident. Circumspect — prudent, watchful, vigilant, wary, cautious, particular. Circumstantial — accidental, minute, incidental, particular. Civil — well-bred, obliging, polished, polite, complaisant, courteous, affable, urbane. Civilization — culture, refinement. Claim — right, demand, pretension, ask. Clamor — cry, outcry, noise, uproar. Clandestine — hidden, private, secret. Class — rank, division, degree, order. Cleansing — cleaning, purging, purifying. Clear — obvious, satisfy, apparent, vindicate, discharge, free, evident, pure, absolve, acquit, vivid. Clearly — visibly, manifestly, distinctly, obviously, lucidly, plainly. Clemency — kindness, mercy, lenity, mildness. Clever — expert, adroit, ready, skillful. Climb — ascend, mount, scale rise. Cling — cleave, clasp, hang, hold, stick. Close — confined, shut, near, firm, concise, compact. Clothes — apparel, raiment, habiliments, garment, covering, attire. Clouded — sullen, obscured, overcast, variegated, gloomy, dark. ' J Clumsy — awkward, bungling, uncouth, unhandy. Coadjutor — ally, assistant, colleague. Coalition — combination, conspiracy, union, league. THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. 13 Coarse — unrefined, gross, vulgar, inelegant, rude, rough. Coax — cajole, flatter, fawn, wheedle, tease. Coerce — restrain, force, compel. Cognomen — denomination, name, appellation. Coherent — adhesive, tenacious, consistent. Coincide — concur, harmonize, agree. Cold — unafiecting, reserved, shy, frigid, chill. Colleague — coadjutor, ally, partner, associate. Collected — gathered, calm, composed, unruffled, placid, cool. Collection — group, gathering, contribution, assemblage. Colloquy — talk, dialogue, conference. Color — tinge, dye, paint, hue, tint, stain. Combination — confederacy, conspiracy, union, coalition, alliance, league. Comely — agreeable, graceful, handsome, becoming. Comfort — enliven, solace, encourage, console. Comfortless — forlorn, wretched, desolate. Comic — laughable, funny, ridiculous, ludicrous. Command — injunction, direction, precept, order, behest. Commanding — imperious, dictatorial, authoritative, impera- tive. Commence — originate, undertake, begin. Commend — laud, praise, approve, recommend, applaud, extol. Commensurate — proportionate, sufficient, equal, adequate. Comment — remark, observation, utterance, elucidation, annotation, explanation, note, exposition. Commiseration — condolence, compassion, feeling for, pity, sympathy. Commission — enable, empower, authorize. Commodious — convenient, fit, suitable, large. Commodity — wares, goods, merchandise. Common — frequent, general, low, mean, ordinary, usual, vulgar. Commotion — disturbance, perturbation, tumult, confusion. Communicate — reveal, tell, impart, report, disclose, make known. Communication — conference, intercourse, commerce. 14 the handy book of synonyms. Communion — converse, fellowship, intercourse, union. Commute — barter, exchange. Compact — close, contract, solid, agreement, firm, covenant. Companion — partner, ally, confederate, accomplice, friend, comrade, associate, chum. Company — association, assembly, congregation, crew, band, corporation. Compass — consummate, attain, encircle, enclose, environ, invest, besiege. Compassion — commiseration, tenderness, sympathy, pity. Compensation — requital, amends, remuneration, reward, pay, satisfaction. Competent — skillful, suitable, effective, fitted, efficient, qualified, capable, able. Competition — emulation, rivalry, contest. Complaining — bewailing, bemoaning, lamenting, repining, regretting. Complaisant — affable, civil, courteous, agreeable, obliging. Complete — accomplish, conclude, consummate, execute, effect, finish, fulfill, terminate. Complex — complicate, compound, intricate. Compliment — congratulate, extol, flatter, praise. Comply — acquiesce, accord, accede, agree, assent, consent, yield. Compose — calm, compound, form, put together, quiet, settle, soothe. Comprehend — appreciate, embrace, conceive, comprise, understand, include. Compress — bind, condense, squeeze. Compulsion — force, restrain, coercion, constrain. Compunction — contrition, repentance, remorse, penitence, regret. Compute — calculate, count, estimate, number, rate. Concede — admit, allow, surrender, yield, grant, deliver. Conceal — cover, disguise, hide, secrete. Conceit — fancy, freak, imagination, notion, pride, vanity Conceited — proud, opinionated, egotistical, vain. Conception — fancy, knowledge, imagination, idea, notion, perception. THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. 15 Concern — affair, care, matter, regard, business, interest. Concert — adjust, consult, contrive, manage, pride, vanity. Conciliate — propitiate, reconcile, win. Conclude — close, finish, terminate. Conclusion — end, inference, termination. Conclusive — decisive, convincing. Concord — agreement, amity, harmony, unity, peace. Concur — acquiesce, agree, approve, coincide. Condemn — blame, reprove, sentence, reproach, doom. Condense — abbreviate, contract, shorten. Condescension — deference, humility, submission. Condition — bond, stipulation, situation, compact, case, rank, state. Condolence — commiseration, compassion, sympathy. Conduce — conduct, contribute, lead, tend. Conduct — behavior, deportment, guidance, management. Confederate — accomplice, associate, ally. Confer — bestow, give, grant, discourse. Confess — avow, recognize, disclose, admit, own, grant, acknowledge. Confide — depend, rely, repose, trust. Confident — absolute, assured, bold, positive, impudent, dogmatical. Confined — contracted, shut up, limited, circumscribed, imprisoned, restrained. Confirm — strengthen, corroborate, establish. Conflict — agony, combat, contention, contest, fight, pang, struggle, warfare. Conform — comply, yield, submit. Confuse — abash, confound, disorder, embarrass, perplex, stupefy. Congruity — consistency, agreement. Conjecture — belief, guess, surmise, think. Connected — joined, united, related. Connection — communion, association, commerce, union, intercourse. Conquer — overcome, subdue, surmount, vanquish. Conscious — apprised, aware, sensible. Consent — agree, accede, acquiesce, assent, comply, yield. l6 THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. Consequence — effect, inference, result. Consequently — wherefore, accordingly, therefore, hence. Consider — deliberate, ponder, reflect, regard. Consign — commit, entrust, make over, transfer. Consistent — accordant, agreeing, consonant, firm. Console — cheer, comfort, soothe. Conspicuous — distinguished, illustrious, noted, prominent. Constancy — firmaess, perseverance, stability, steadiness. Constantly — continually, ever, incessantly, perpetually, unchangeably. Construct — build, erect, form, make. Consult — advise, deliberate, consider. Consume — absorb, waste, complete, destroy. Consummation — completion, perfection. Contagious — infectious, epidemic. Contain — comprehend, included, embrace, hold. Contaminate — corrupt, defile, taint, poison, pollute. Contemn — despise, disdain, scorn. Contemplate — meditate, muse, consider. Contemptible — low, disreputable, despicable, disdainful, mean, paltry, vile. Contend — contest, argue, vie, strive, quarrel, debate. Contention — conflict, strife, dispute, dissension, combat, contest. Contentment — gratification, acquiescence, happiness, sat- isfaction. Contiguous — adjacent, near, approximating. Continual — continuous, perpetual, unceasing, incessant, constant. Continuation — duration, continuance. Contract — covenant, arrangement, compact, agreement, bargain. Contract — shorten, curtail, reduce, abbreviate, condense, abridge. Contradict — oppose, gainsay, deny. Contrary — inimical, opposite, adverse. Contribute — share, assist, aid, administer. Contrition — regret, remorse, compunction, repentance, penitence. THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. 17 Contrivance — invention, plan, scheme, means, device. Control — curb, subdue, check, restrain, govern. Controversy — contest, argument, disputation, debate. Convene — convoke, assemble, call together. Convenient — suitable, adapted, handy. Conversation — colloquy, dialogue, conference, discussion. Converse — discourse, commune, talk, speak. Convey — transport, take, bear, carry. Conviction — satisfaction, detection, persuasion. Convivial — sociable, agreeable, social, festal. Convoke — call together, gather, convene, assemble. Copious — beautiful, ample, plenteous, exuberant, abundant, full. Copy — duplicate, specimen, model. Cordial — sincere, warm, hearty. Correct — rectify, mend, improve, amend, better, reform. Corroborate — strengthen, confirm, establish. Corruption — putridity, infection, adulteration, depravity, contamination, defilement, pollution. Costly — valuable, precious, expensive. Counsel — exhortation, instruction, advice. Counteract — prevent, change, frustrate, defeat, hinder, oppose. Countenance — sanction, uphold, support, encourage, favor. Counterfeit — imitation, forged, imposture, false, feigned, spurious. Couple — connect, brace, join, two^pair. Courage — fearlessness, heroism, intrepidity, firmness, valor, bravery. Course — succession, progress, series, method, route, road, passage, mode, career, way, line, track. Courteous — well-bred, kind, polite, respectful, polished, civil, affable. Covenant — stipulation, arrangement, pledge, agreement, contract. Covering — overspreading, concealing, hiding, sheltering, screening. Covetousness — inordinate desire, greed, cupidity, avarice. Coward — poltroon, dastard, sneak. l8 THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. Cowardice — cowardliness, timidity, fear. Crafty — subtle, underhanded, sly, cunning, deceitful, wily, artful. Crave — supplicate, beg, solicit, pray, request, beseech, implore, entreat. Create — produce, build, shape, form, originate, invent, cause, make. Crime — sin, evil, vice, wickedness, guilt. Crisis — critical point, juncture. Criticism — judgment, stricture, remark, review, censure. Crooked — deformed, bowed, disfigured, turned, curved, bent, awry. Cross — splenetic, ill-tempered, petulant, fretful, spleeny, peevish. Cruel — harsh, barbarous, unmerciful, brutal, inexorable, pitiless, inhuman, savage. Cultivation — tillage, advancement, refinement, improve- ment, civilization. Cure — remedy, restore, heal. Curious — inquisitive, prying. Curse— execration, imprecation, anathema, malediction. Cursory — superficial, hasty, desultory, slight, careless. Curtail — abridge, shorten, abbreviate, contract. Custom — practice, habit, prescription, usage, manner. D Dainty— choice, delicate. Damage — detriment, hurt, injury, loss. Dampness — humidity, wet, moisture. Danger — venture, peril, hazard, risk. Daring — brave, courageous, fearless, intrepid, valorous, bold. - Dark — dismal, dim, gloomy, obscure. Date — age, time, era, epoch, period. Dead — deceased, inanimate, lifeless, still. Deadly — destructive, fatal, mortal. THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. 19 Dealing — commerce, practice, trade, traffic. Dearth — want, need, scarcity, famine. Debar — preclude, deter, exclude, hinder, prevent. Debase — degrade, lower, disgrace, humble. Debate — argue, contest, controvert, dispute, wrangle. Debilitate — enervate, enfeeble, impair, weaken. Debility — incapacity, feebleness, imbecility, weakness, infirmity. Decay — consumption, decline. Decease — departure of life, death, demise. Deceit — cunning, trickery, fraud, guilt, duplicity, artifice, deception. Decent — becoming, comely, seemly, fit. Decide — determine, fix, resolve, settle. Decision — conclusion, determination, sentence, judgment, resolution. Decisive — conclusive, convincing, ending. Declare — affirm, announce, assure, assert, pronounce, pro- claim, testify. Decline — reject, refuse; droop, decay; shun, sink, repel. Decorate — adorn, beautify, ornament, embellish. Decoy — seduce, tempt, allure, inveigle, entice. Decrease — abate, diminish, lower, subside, lessen. Dedicate — consecrate, set apart, devote. Deduction — conclusion, inference, abatement. Deed — feat, action, exploit, achievement. Deface — mutilate, mar, destroy, disfigure. Defame — scandalize, vilify, slander, calumniate. Defeat — frustrate, beat, baffle, vanquish, overthrow, con- quer, overcome, overpower, rout. Defect — blemish, want, imperfection, flaw. Defective — deficient, imperfect, wanting. Defender — pleader, protector, advocate, vindicator. Defence — apology, vindication, justification, excuse, pro- tection. Defer — procrastinate, delay, protract, hinder, postpone, pro- long, retard. Deference — veneration, condescension, submission, regard, respect. 20 THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. Defile — pollute, contaminate, poison, taint, vitiate, corrupt. Deficient — imperfect, lacking, wanting. Definite — certain, limited, precise, bounded, exact, posi- tive, certain. Defraud — cheat, swindle, trick, rob, deceive. Degrade — depreciate, disparage, disgrace, decry, reduce, lessen, lower. Degree — class, rank, station, order, position. Dejection — lowliness, melancholy, depression. Delay — postpone, protract, prolong, detain, defer, hinder. Deliberate — considerate, cautious, thoughtful, hesitating, slow. Delicate — beautiful, dainty, elegant, fine, frail, weak, nice, tender. Delighted — grateful, pleased, joyful, glad. Delightful — charming, delicious, gladsome, sweet, lovely. Delineate — depict, describe, sketch, draw, represent, paint. Delinquent — offender, criminal. Deliver — concede, transmit, rescue, surrender, give up, save, utter, yield. Delude — beguile, deceive, mislead, cheat. Delusion — cheat, deception, fallacy, illusion. Demand — ask, claim, require. Demolish — destroy, overthrow. Demonstrate — manifest, illustrate, prove, show, evince. Denominate — designate, name, style, title. Denote — betoken, signify, mark, imply. Deny — contradict, disown, oppose, refuse. Departure — abandoning, leaving, forsaking, going away, exit. Dependence — confidence, connection, trust, reliance. Deplore — lament, bemoan, mourn, bewail. Deportment — behavior, demeanor, character, conduct, car- riage. Depraved— abandoned, corrupt, profligate, wicked, vicious, degraded. Depreciate — degrade, underrate, detract, disparage, lower, traduce, undervalue. Deprive — abridge, depose, strip, divest, prevent, hinder. THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. 21 Depute — constitute, appoint, authorize. Deputy — delegate, agent, representative, substitute. Derange — confuse, disconcert, disarrange, discompose, dis- order. Deride — laugh at, make fun of, mock, banter, ridicule. Describe — represent, illustrate, relate, narrate, recount, delineate. Description — detail, explanation, relation, recital, account, narration, illustration. Desert — forsake, relinquish, abandon; solitary, desolate, wilderness. Design — sketch, intend, project, plan, purpose, scheme. Designate — style, choose, distinguish, name, indicate, point out, show. Desist — cease, stop, discontinue, leave off. Desperate — regardless, careless, desponding, furious, mad, hopeless, despairing. Despicable — contemptible, outrageous, mean, pitiful, vile, worthless. Despise — loathe, scorn, hate. Despotic — absolute, self-willed, arbitrary. Destination — appointment, purpose, point, lot, location, fate, design. Destitute — needy, bare, forsaken, forlorn, scanty, poor. Destroy — dismantle, ruin, annihilate, waste, consume, demolish. Desultory — roving, hasty, loose, slight. Detach — divide, sever, disjoin, separate. Detail — recital, account, narration, tale, description. Detain — hold, keep, confine, restrain. Detect — convict, discover, find. Determine -adjust, resolve, decide, settle, limit, bound, fix. Determined — immovable, concluded, firm, ended, resolute, fixed, decided. Detest — abominate, hate, abhor, loathe. . Detestable — execrable, hateful, abominable, loathsome. Detract — derogate, calumniate, defame, scandalize, vilify, slander, degrade. 22 THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. Detriment — prejudice, disadvantage, hurt, damage, injury, loss, inconvenience. Develop — exhibit, grow, disclose, unravel, unfold, clear. Deviate — swerve, stray, digress, wander, err. Device — show, invention, design, stratagem, scheme, con- trivance, plan. Devote — dedicate, give, set apart, consecrate, apply. Devout — prayerful, pious, religious, holy. Dexterity — tact, ability, skill, skillfulness, adroitness, apt- ness, expertness. Dialect — tongue, language, speech. Dictate — suggest, propose, instruct, direct, prescribe, order. Die — wither, expire, languish, perish, depart. Differ — disagree, dispute, contend, vary, dissent. Different — diverse, various, unlike. Difficult — troublesome, trying, hard, arduous. Difficulty — impediment, obstruction, trial, perplexity, obstacle, trouble, embarrassment. Diffident — hesitating, retiring, modest, fearful, distrust- ful, bashful. Dignified — stately, exalted, honored, elevated. Diligent — attentive, industrious, persevering, assiduous, active, laborious. Diminish — subside, shorten, lessen, curtail, abate, decrease. Direct — sway, show, regulate, guide, manage, conduct. Direction — superscription, command, order, address. Directly — instantaneously, at once, promptly, quickly, immediately, instantly. Disagree — vary, dispute, quarrel, differ, dissent. Disadvantage— detriment, injury, hurt, prejudice. Disappoint — defeat, foil. Disaster — mishap, misfortune, mischance, calamity. Disavow — repudiate, disown, disclaim, deny. Discard — discharge, dismiss, cast off. Discern — discover, distinguish, behold, penetrate, discrimi- nate. Discernible — apparent, plain, perceptible, manifest, evi- dent. Disclose — divulge, discover, reveal, promulgate. THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. 23 Disconcert — derange, fret, interrupt, vex, ruffle, disorder, unsettle, defeat, confuse, confound, baffle. Discord — inharmony, dissension, contention. Discover — disclose, reveal, tell, impart, detect, make known, communicate. Discredit — reproach, dishonor, ignominy, disgrace, scandal, disrepute. Discretion— judgment, pruderice. Discrimination — penetration, discernment, judgment. Disdain — haughtiness, scorn, pride, arrogance, contempt. Disease — disorder, sickness, malady, distemper. Disgrace — abase, degrade, dishonor, debase. Disguise — dissemble, cover, conceal, disfigure. Disgust — aversion, loathing, dislike, nausea. Dishonor — disgrace, shame. Dislike — abhorrence, antipathy, contempt, aversion, repug- nance. Dismiss — discard, divest, discharge. Disorder — irregularity, confusion, distemper, bustle, dis- ease, malady, tumult. Disparage — depreciate, lower, decry, undervalue, detract, degrade. Disperse — deal out, scatter, distribute, spread, dissipate. Display — ostentation, parade, show, exhibit. Displease — vex, anger, offend. Dispose — adapt, regulate, order, arrange, pL. e. Dispute — controversy, contest, difference, quarrel, debate, altercation. Disseminate — propagate, spread, scatter, circulate. Dissertation — disquisition, discourse, treatise, essay. Dissipate — dispel, disperse, consume, squander, expend, waste. Distaste — loathing, aversion, dissatisfaction, disgust, dis- like, contempt. Distinct — dissimilar, clear, unlike, obvious, separate, different. Distinguish — discern, discriminate, perceive, know, see. Distinguished — illustrious, noted, celebrated, conspicuous eminent. 24 THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. Distress — misery, affliction, pain, agony, anguish, sorrow, grief, suffering, sadness. Distribute — divide, deal out, apportion, assign, scatter, allot. District — circuit, locality, county, section, province, tract, territory, region. Diversion — deviation, enjoyment, sport, pastime, amuse- ment, recreation. Divide — distribute, separate, share, part. Divine — guess, suppose, foretell, conjecture. Divulge — publish, disclose, communicate, impart, reveal. Docile — yielding, gentle, quiet, tractable, pliant, teachable. Doctrine — precept, belief, principle, dogma, wisdom. Dogmatical — confident, positive, magisterial, authoritative, arrogant. Doleful — rueful, awful, piteous, dismal, woeful, sorrowful. Doubt — uncertainty, suspense, perplexity, scruple, hesita- tion. Doubtful — equivocal, unstable, precarious, dubious, uncer- tain. Drag — draw, pull, haul, bring. Dread — apprehension, fear. Dreadful — horrible, fearful, terrible, frightful, awful. Dress — attire, array, garments, vestments, apparel. Droop — decline, pine, languish, fade, sink. Dumb — inarticulate, mute, silent, still. Durable — continuing, lasting, permanent, constant. Dutiful — respectful, obedient, submissive. Dwelling — domicile, home, residence, house, habitation, abode. Dye — tinge, stain, color. E Eager — vehement, earnest, ardent, excited, impetuous, quick. Earn — obtain, acquire, gain, make, win. Earth — planet, world, globe. Ease — facility, rest, lightness, repose, quiet. THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. 25 Eccentric — odd, strange, singular. Economical — sparing, careful, thrifty, frugal, saving, close. Ecstacy — enthusiasm, happiness, elevation, joy, delight, transport, rapture. Edifice — structure, fabric, building. Education — tuition, refinement, nurture, instruction, culti- vation, culture, breeding. Efface — eradicate, destroy, expunge, erase, obliterate. Effect — reality, consequence, meaning, purpose, issue, event, result. Effects — property, things, movables, goods, furniture, chattels Efficient — effective, competent, effectual, able, capable. Effort — trial, endeavor, exertion, attempt, essay. Elegant — handsome, graceful, beautiful, lovely. Elevate — raise, lift, exalt, hoist. Eligible — capable, suitable, worthy, fit. Emanate — flow, issue, proceed, arise, spring. Embarrass — distress, trouble, perplex, puzzle, entangle. Embellish — beautify, ornament, deck, decorate, illustrate, adorn. Emblem — type, figure, symbol. Embrace — contain, hold, include, clasp, comprise, hug, comprehend. Emergency — casualty, exigency, necessity. Emolument — lucre, reward, advantage, gain, profit. Emotion — excitement, feeling, agitation, tremor. Employment — avocation, occupation, business, profession, J trade. Empower — commission, enable, authorize, delegate. ! Empty — unfilled, untenanted, unfurnished, void, vacant, evacuated. Enchant — enrapture, beguile, captivate, charm, fascinate, ! bewitch. I Encomium — praise, eulogy. Encounter — meeting, quarrel, engagement, attack, assault, j combat. i Encourage — support, countenance, sanction, instigate, ani- j mate, cheer, stimulate, incite, urge. 26 THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. Encroach — infringe, trespass, intrude. End — purpose, death, termination, consequence, cessation, sequel, finish close, extremity, stop. Endeavor — attempt, aim, effort, exertion. Endless — eternal, interminable, infinite, incessant, unend- ing, perpetual, everlasting. Endurance — resignation, submission, fortitude, patience. Enemy — foe, adversary, antagonist, opponent. Energy — power, determination, potency, force, strength, vigor, efficacy. Enervate — weaken, unnerve, debilitate, enfeeble, deterio- rate. Engage — win, employ, attract, enlist, promise, fight, pledge, induce. Enjoyment — gratification, happiness, pleasure, joy. Enlarge — increase, extend, widen, lengthen. Enmity — animosity, spite, malignity, hostility, hatred. Enough — abundance, ample, plenty, sufficient. Enrage — exasperate, excite, aggravate, irritate, incense, inflame. Enrapture — enchant, charm, fascinate, captivate, attract. Enterprise — undertaking, business, attempt, adventure. Entertainment — feast, recreation, banquet, performance, diversion, pastime, sport, amusement. Entice — attract, tempt, allure, seduce, decoy. Entire — integral, full, total, perfect, complete, whole. Entirely — wholly, completely, perfectly. Entitle — denominate, style, name, characterize, desig- nate. Entreat — supplicate, ask, petition, solicit, implore, crave, beseech, beg, urge. Envy — grudging, jealousy, suspicion. Epidemical — pestilential, contagious, catching. Epitomize — condense, lessen, curtail, reduce, abridge. Equal — uniform, adequate, commensurate. Equitable — honest, just, reasonable, right, fair, impartial, satisfactory. Eradicate — root out, exterminate, extirpate. Erase — cancel, expunge, obliterate, efface. THE HANDY BOOK OF SYNONYMS. 27 K re t