' 357.676 C. S8or j. (3IS / -i REVISED ‘ . ’*V / Civil and Criminal Ordinances OF THE City of Cleburne, Texas Rules of Order of City Council 1915 Revised by W. B. Harrell and I.>T. Ward, Attorneys, Cleburne, Texas. U.’CttC. -—, A. REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE AND Rules of Order of the City Council Adopted, Printed and Published by Authority of the City Council CLEBURNE. TEXAS 1015 ORDINANCES REVISED BY YV. 13. Harrell, Attorney-at-Law, and YVilliaiu E. Myres, City Attorney CLEBURNE, TEXAS s-j;:* - Remote \^\*b DIRECTORY C. W. BREECH.MAYOR WILLIAM E. MYRES.CITY ATTORNEY J. J. ROGERS.CITY MARSHAL CHARLSE WILHITE..CIT^ SECRETARY J. H. STANFORD.CITY TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR ALDERMEN 1. C. T. JACKSON 4. DR. H. G. CLEMENTS t. G. E. SEARS 5. W. H. BAGLEY 3. J. E. BRATCHER 6. J. H. SHORT Water Commissioners JO £ u. t* H. S. WILSON J. R. WALLIS S. S. DAVIS F. C. DICKSON i C. H. WARREN - 0 &5i&dl SUPERINTENDENT CITY ENGINEER . . . GEO. GRUPE. J. F. BUCKNER Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/revisedordinanceOOcleb REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES Rules of Order of the City Council of the City of Cleburne CHAPTER 1 CITY COUNCIL Rule Rule Adjournment 18, 19, 40 Lay on Table—motion to 20 Call to order—when and how 1 Motions and Resolutions 14,17 Amend Motion 23, 26 Motion to Lay on Table 20 Claims vs. City—only allowed Ordinances—passage of 39 when 37 Previous Question 21 Committees 33, 36 and 38 Privileges—special 41 Duties and Privileges of Postponement 22 members 8,13 Reconsideration 27, 29 Duties and Privileges of Report of Committees 38 President 3, 7 Resolutions and Motions 14, 17 Election of Officers by Roll Call of Members by Secy. 1 City Council 30, 31 Suspension and Amendment 40 ORDINANCE NO. 1 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING RULES OR ORDER FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF CLEBURNE. Rule 1. The Mayor (or in his absence the Mayor Protem.) shall at the hour of meeting, take the chair a*id call the Council to order. The Secretary shall then call the roll of members, and «f there be a quorum present, th^ Council shall proceed with the usiness before it. Rule 2. The following order of business shall be observed: 1. Reading, correcting and approving the minutes of last • meeting. 2. Reports of Officers. 3. Reports of Standing Committees. 4. Reports of Special Committees. 5. Presentation of Petitions, Remonstrances and other Communications. 6. Presentation, reading and passage of Ordinances. 7. Unfinished business. 8. New business. 9. Miscellaneous Business. 10. Adjourn. Duties and Privileges of the President. Rule 3. The Mayor shall preserve order, and shall decide all points of order; subject, however, to an appeal of the Council 5 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES Rule 4. While the Mayor is putting the question, no member or other person present shall engage in conversation or walk across or out of the room. Rule 5. Every member before speaking shall rise to his feet and shall address himself to the President, but shall not proceed with his remarks until recognized and named by the chair. Rule 6. When two or more members arise at once, the Mayor shall name the member who is entitled to the floor. Rule 7. The Mayor shall have the casting vote upon all ques¬ tions upon which the Council is equally divided, ‘except in elections, but he shall in no other case be entitled to vote. Duties and Privileges of Members. Rule S. Every member when speaking, shall confine his re¬ marks to the question under discussion, and shall avoid person¬ alities. Rule 9. No member shall be interrupted while speaking, ex¬ cept by a call to order, or to correct a statement of facts. Rule 10. While a member is speaking, no member shall hold private discourse or pass between the speaker and the chair. Rule 11. No member shall speak twice on the same question, without leave of the Council, nor more than once until every mem¬ ber wishing to speak shall have spoken. Rule 12. A member called to order by the :va.ti^or shall take his seat, unless he appeals from the decision of the chair, when the Council shall decide the case. Rule 13. Every member present when a question is put shall vote thereon, unless excused by tho Council, or unless he is di¬ rectly interested in the questic/n. Motions and Resolutions. Rule 14. No motion shall be put or debated unless it be sec¬ onded. When a motion is seconded, it shall be stated by the Mayor before debate and every such motion shall be reduced to writing if required by a member. Rule 15. In all cases where a motion or resolution is entered upon the Minutes of the Council, the name of tie member moving the same shall also be entered. Rule 16. If any member requires it, the ayes and nays upon any question shall be taken and entered on the minutes. Rule 17. When a question is under consideration, the only motions in order shall be: 1. To Adjourn. 2. To lay on the table. 3. The previous question. 4. To postpone. 5. To refer. 6. To amend. 6 OF THE CITY OF CLE BURNE, 1915. Such motions shall have precedence in the order herein arrang¬ ed, the first three to be decided without debate. Adjournment. Rule 18. A motion to adjourn is always in order, except, Fir^t, When a member has the floor. Second, When the ayes and nays are being called; or, Third, When it has been decided the previus question shall be taken. Rule 19. A motion to adjourn, simply cannot be amended, but a motion to adjourn to a given date may be amended, and is open to debate. To Lay on the Table. Rule 2 0. A motion to lay on the table, simply, is not de¬ batable; but a motion to lay on the table conditionally, is subject to amendment and debate. Previous Question. Rule 21. When the previous question is moved and seconded, it shall be put in this form: “Shall the main question now be put?” If this carries, all other motions and debate shall be excluded, and the question put in order; 1st, upon the amendments pending, ana then upon the main proposition before the Council. POSTPONEMENT. Rule 22. When a question is postponed to a time certain, it shall have precedence at that time over all business. To Amend. Rule 23. A motion to amend an amendment shall be in order, but a motion to amend an amendment to an amendment shall not be entertained. Rule 24. An amendment modifying the intention of a motion shall be in order, but an amendment relating to a different subject shall not be in order. Rule 2 5. On an amendent to “strike out and insert,” the para¬ graph to be amended shall be first read as it stands, then the words to be struck out and those to be inserted, and finally the para¬ graph as it would stand if so amended. Rule 2 6. A substitute, if adopted, takes the place of the orig¬ inal, and is subject to amendment in like manner. Reconsideration. Rule 27. When a question has been decided by the Council, anj member who voted with the .majority may move a reconsider¬ ation of the same. 7 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES Rule 2 8. A question may be reconsidered at any time during the same meeting, or during the first meeting held thereafter. A motion to reconsider being once decided on the negative, shall not be renewed before the next meeting. Rule 29. No question shall be reconsidered more than once, nor shall a vote to reconsider be reconsidered. Election by Council,, Rule 30. All officers to be ejected or appointed by the Council, shall be selected by ballot, and a majority of the votes cast shall constitute an election; provided, it shall require a majority of a quorum to constitute an election. Rule 31. The Secretary shall be teller at such elections, and receive and count the ballots and announce the result to the Coun¬ cil. Should any candidate receive the requisite number of votes, the Mayor shall then declare such person duly elected, but if no person receive the required number of votes, the Council shall proceed to ballot again, and continue until a choice is made. Committees. Rule 32. All committees shall be appointed by Ihe Mayor, unless otherwise specially directed by the Council. Rule 33. The Standing Committees of the Council shall be ap¬ pointed by the Mayor annually, at the first regular meeting of the new Council, after the annual election, and shall consist of not less than three members each, and the first person named on any committee shall be chairman. Rule 34. The following shall be the standing committees of the Council: 1. On Streets. 2. On Finance. 3. On Claims. 4. On Taxes. 5. On Police. 6. On Fire Department and Water. 7. On Sanitary Regulations. 8. On Schools. 9. On Printing. id. On Ordinances. Rule 35. All special committees shall consist of three members each, unless some other number be specified, and the first person named thereon shall be chairman. Rule 3 6. On the acceptance of a fina/L report from a special committee, the said committee shall be considered as discharged. 8 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. Bills to be approved by a Committee. RULE 37. No bills or claims against the City shall be allow¬ ed until passed upon and approved by a committee, except bills of city officers and others employed by the City, and receiving a com¬ pensation fixed by ordinance, or by contract. Report of Committees. RULE 38. Standing and select committees to whom referen¬ ces are made, shall in all case .report in writing the state of facts, with their opinion thereon, which opinion shall be summed up in the form of a resolution or recommendation. The Secretary shall forward all papers to the appropriate committees, as soon after ref¬ erence shall have been made as is practicable. Passage of Ordinances. RULE 39. All ordinances on their passage shall be read be¬ fore the council at three digerent meetings, and upon first reading shall be referred to the proper committee without debate, unless on motion the rules are suspended, in which case ordinances may be read three several times, (twice by title) and put upon their final passage the same day. Suspension and Amendment. RULE 40. These rules may be temporarily suspended by the unanimous consent of all the members present, or by a two-thirds vote of all the members present, or by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the Council; but they shall not be repealed, altered or amended, unless by concurrence of two-thirds of all the members of the Council. Special Privileges. , RULE 41. Resolutions and orders granting, or conferring a special privilege or right to any person, shall be referred to a com- mittee and shall not be finally acted upon until the next meeting of the Council. 9 _ REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES _ TITLE ONE—ADDITIONS. ARTICLE 1—EXTENDING THE CORPORATION LIMITS FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES ONLY. SECTION 1. That the corporation lines of the City of Cleburne, as they now exist, be, and the same are hereby extended so as to include the hereinafter described territory for school pur¬ poses only, and the hereinafter described territory is hereby added to, and made a part of the City of Cleburne, for school purposes only, which territory is described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING in the South line of the Right-of-way of the Dallas Branch of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company, where the same intersects the East line of the present limits of the Cle¬ burne Independent School District, thence in a northeasterly di¬ rection, with the South line of said right-of-way to the North¬ east corner of the Astor Jones 100 acres out of the William Parker survey; the same being in the West line of the David King survey; thence in a Northerly direction to a point in the North line of the right-of-way of the Dallas-Cleburne and Southwestern Railway at the Southwest corner of the Pat Murphey tract out of said Parker survey; thence North 30 W. with the East line of said Murphey tract to the N. E. corner of same, in the South line of the Cleburne and Alvarado public road; thence in an easterly direction with said road, to the West line of the David King survey; thence North with said line to the Southeast corner of the J. D. Wright tract, out of said Parker survey; thence West with the South line of said Wright tract about 510 varas to the Southwest corner of the same; thence North with the west line of said Wright tract and the West line of another tract of 20 3-5 acres out of the I. B. Sessions survey owned by the said Wright, to his Northwest corner and the Southwest corner of the S. L. Ferguson tract; thence East 466 1-2 varas to the Southwest corner of the Orrin Winters survey; thence North with the W. line of said Winters survey 548 varas to the N. E. corner of the C. T. Wilmoth 21 acre tract out of said Sessions survey and the Southeast corner of the Schram 2 3 acres; thence West 432 varas to the Southwest corner of said Schram tract in the Cleburne and Mansfield road; thence North with said road to Schram’s Northwest corner; the.nee East with Schram’s North line to his Northeast corner in the West line of the Orrin Winters sur¬ vey; thence North with the West line of said Winters survey 782 1-2 varas to the Southeast corner of the J. L. Hamilton 5 1-2 acre tract; thence West 178 1-2 varas to the Southwest corner of said Hamilton tract; thence North 2 81 varas to the North line of said Sessions survey; thence West with the North line of said Sessions and the North line of the Mary A. McNeal survey to a stake in the Fort Worth and Cleburne road at the Northwest corner of ii j _ REVISED CIV IL OR DINANCES _ the tract known as the Joe Brown 20 acre tract out of the Mary A. McNeal survey; thence South with said Port Worth and Cleburne public road to the North line of the C. Chaney survey; thence South 60 West with the North line of said Chaney survey to the Northeast corner of 25 acres out of the said Chaney survey owned by C. D. Donovan, being the Northeast corner of the present Cle¬ burne Independent School District; thence in a southerly or south¬ east direction following the East line of said Cleburne Independent School District to the place of beginning. SEC. 2. The above described territory as added to the City of Cleburne, and which is included within the corporation lines extended shall bear its prorate part according to the taxable values of any and all school debt or debts that may be owed or contracted by said City, but shall not bear any part of any other debt that may be owed or contracted by such city. SEC. 3. The above described territory as added to said city, and as included within the corporation lines extended shall bear its prorata part of all school taxes, but of no other taxes. SEC. 4. The City Tax Assessor and Collector shall also assess and collect school taxes within the territory added as above described and as included within the corporation limits as above extended for school purposes as fixed and prescribed by Section 114 of the Charter of said City. Passed 2nd Day of April, 1915. ARTICLE 2.—EXTENDING THE CORPORATION LINES FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES ONLY. SECTION 1. That the corporation lines of the City of Cleburne as they now exist be, and the same are, hereby extended so as to include the hereinafter described territory for school purposes only, and the hereinafter described territory is hereby added to and made a part of the City of Cleburne, for school purposes only, which territory is described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING in the South line of the right-of-way of the Dallas Branch of the G. C. & S. F. Railroad, where the same inter¬ sects the East line of the present corporate limits of the Cleburne Independent School District; thence in a northeasterly direction, following the south line of said right-of-way to the west line of the David King survey; being the North corner of the Astor Jones tract of land, out of the William Parker survey; thence South to the southwest corner of said David King survey; thence East with the south line of said King survey 12 90 varas to the Northeast cor¬ ner of G. W. Jones tract, being 390 varas East of the Northeast corner of said William Parker survey; thence South 30 East 575 12 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. varas to the Southeast corner of said G. W. Jones tract; thence Northwest and South 60 West with the South line of said Parker survey to the N. E. corner of the W. J. Dickey 15 acres, out of the H. R. Craig survey; thence S. 30 East with said Dickey’s East line and continuing in same direction, crossing the Cleburne and Waxahachie road to the Southeast corner of the Z. T. Jones 91 •acre tract; thence S 60 West 395 varas to another corner of said Jones tract; thence South 60 W 45 9 varas to the S. W. corner of said Jones tract; thence S 30 E to the S. E. corner of 72 1-2 acres formerly owned by W. H. Calloway; thence S 60 W about 502 varas to the Cleburne and Grandview public road; thence in a northwesterly direction following the meanderings of said Cleburne and Grandview public road to where the same inter¬ sects the south line of the present Cleburne Independent School District; thence in an easterly direction, following the Southeast boundary line of said Cleburne Independent School District to the place of beginning. SEC. 2. The above described territory as added to the City of Cle¬ burne, and which is included within the corporation lines extended, shall bear its pro-rata part, according to the taxable values of any and all school debt or debts that may be owed or contracted by the said city, but shall not bear any part of any other debt that may be owed or contracted by such city. SEC. 3. The aove described territory as added to said city, and as included within the corporation lines extended shall bear its pro-rata part of all school taxes, but no other taxes. SEC. 4. The City Tax Assessor and Collector shall also assess and collect school taxes within the territory added as above describ¬ ed, and as included within the corporation limits as above extended for school purposes, as fixed and prescribed by Section 114 of the Charter of said city. Passed and approved 2nd Day of April, 1915. ARTICLE 3. — EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES ONLY. SECTION 1. That the hereinafter described territory be made a part of the City of Cleburne, for school purposes only, and that the same be added to said city for said purposes, and that the present cor¬ poration limits of the City of Cleburne be extended so as to in¬ clude the said territory for school purposes only, and the said ter¬ ritory is made a part of said city and the corporation limits ex¬ tended so as to include said territory only for school purposes, as fixed and prescribed by Section 114 of the Charter of said city, which territory is described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point where the corporate line of the City 13 _ REV IS ED CI VIL ORDINANCES of Cleburne intersects the west line of Douglass Ave., same being on the east line of the lot now owned, and occupied by Walter Adkins; thence North along the West line of Douglass Ave., crossing 'Woodard Ave., to a point 210 feet North of the North line of Wood- ’ard Ave., and being 210 feet North of the Southeast corner of the lot now owned and occupied by W. H. Peyton; thence in a Westerly direction parallel with the North line of Woodward Ave., to a point in the west line of the lot now owned and occupied by J. B. Bo- hannan, 210 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Bohannan’s lot, thence in a southerly direction along Bohannan’s west line to the North line of Woodard Ave., or the Glen Rose road; thence across the Glen Rose road or Woodard Ave., to the North line of a lot owned by W. A. Wilson, same being at the intersection of said Woodard Ave., or Glen Rose road and Gatrix street; thence along the East line of Gatrix street to where it intersects the North line of the corporate limits of said City of Cleburne; thence along said North line of the corporate limits of the said city to the plcae of beginning. SEC. 2. The above territory shall bear its pro-rata part, ac¬ cording to the taxable value of any and all school debt or debts that may be owed or contracted by said City of Cleburne to which it is hereby added, butthe territory above described shall not bear any part of any other debt that may be owed or contracted by such City. SEC. 3. The territory above described shall bear its pro-rata part of all school taxes of the City of Cleburne, but no other taxes. SEC. 4. The City Tax Assessor and Collector shall also essess and collect the school taxes within the territory above described for school purposes as herein provided. Passed and Approved the 19th Day of February, 1915. ARTICLE 4. — EXTENDING THE CORPORATION LIMITS FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES ONLY. SECTION 1. That the hereinafter described territory be made a part of the City of Cleburne, for school purposes only, and that the same be added to said city, for said purposes and that the present cor¬ poration limits of the City of Cleburne be extended so as to in¬ clude the said territory for school purposes only, and said terri¬ tory is made a part of said city, and the corporation limits extended so as to include said territory, only for school purposes as fixed and prescribed by Section 114 or the Chapter of said City, which territory is described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING in the East line of Main Street, where the same intersects the North line of the present limits of said City of Cle¬ burne; thence in a northerly direction with the East line of said Main Street, and the East line of the right-of-way of the Fort Worth 14 OF T HE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915._ Southern Traction Company, to a point in said line, due West of the Northwest corner of a tract of land formerly owned by J. G. Adams and now owned by J. A. Baker; thence East passing along the North line of said Baker tract, to the East line of the C. T. Etter tract; thence South to the middle of Kilpatrick Avenue, be¬ ing the North line of the C. Chaney Survey; thence S 60 W with said line to where same intersects the middle of Erley Street, (Some¬ times known as Erie Street) ; thence 30 E. with the middle of said street to where same intersects the North line of the corporate lim¬ its of the City of Cleburne; thence S 60 W with said corporate ’limits to the place of beginning. SEC. 2. The above territory shall bear its pro-rata part according to the taxable values of any and all school debt or debts that may be owed or contracted by said City of Cleburne, to which it is hereby added, but the territory above described shall not bear any part of any other debt that may be owed or contracted by such city. SEC. 3. The territory above described shall bear its pro-rata part of all school taxes of the City of Cleburne, but no other taxes. SEC. 4. The City Tax Assessor and Collector shall also assess and collect the school taxes within the territory above described for school purposes as herein provided. Passed and Approved 19th Day of February, 1915. ARTICLE 5. — EXTENDING CORPORATE LIMITS FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES ONLY. SECTION 1. That the hereinafter described territory be made a part of the City of Cleburne, for school purposes only, and that the same be added to said city for said purposes and that the present cor¬ poration limits of the City of Cleburne be extended so as to in¬ clude the said territory for school purposes only and said territory is made a part of said city, and the corporation limits extended so as to include said territory only for school purposes as fixed and prescribed by Section 114, of the Charter of said City, which terri¬ tory is described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at the Mansfield road, near the Northwest corner $>f Block No. 201, of the City of Cleburne; thence N. 60 E with the $aid Mansfield road, to the Cleburne and Fort Worth road, as lihown on the official map of the City of Cleburne; thence N. with the said Fort Worth and Cleburne road to the center of Tremont Street; thence North with the center of Tremont Street to Cedar Street; thence North 6 0 East with Cedar Street to the S. E. Corner of the John L. Cleveland Addition to the City of Cleburne; thence North 30 West to the Northeast corner of said Cleveland Addition; 15 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES thence N. 60 E. with Bryan Street to the S. E. corner of the place now occupied by Skillion; thence in a Northerly direction to the Southeast corner of the C. B. Donovan place; thence North 30 West to the Northeast corner of the said C. B. Donovan place; thence South 60 West with the North line of said Donovan tract to his Northwest corner; thence in a Southerly direction to the North¬ east corner of the Allen Addition to the City of Cleburne; thence South 30 E. with the present limits of the City of Cleburne to the place of beginning. SEC. 2. The above territory shall bear its pro-rata part accord¬ ing to the taxable values of any and all school debt or debts that may be owed or contracted by said City of Cleburne to which it is hereby added, but the territory above described shall not bear any part of any other debt that may be owed or contracted by such city. SEC. 3. The territory above described shall bear its pro-rata part of all school taxes of the City of Cleburne, but no other taxes. SEC. 4. The City Tax Assessor and Collector shall also assess and collect the school taxes within the territory above described for school purposes as herein provided. Passed and Approved the 19th Day of February, 1915. ARTICLE 6.— RECEIVING TERRITORY AS A PART OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE. SECTION 1. That the hereinafter described territory adjoining the City of Cleburne and the territorial limits of said city shall be, and the same is hereby made a part of said City and received as a part of said City, and the corporation limits as they heretofore existed are extended so as to include said territory described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center of the Cleburne and Grand¬ view public road, or South Second Street and Brazos Avenue; thence in a Southerly direction with the center of Brazos Avenue 140 feet to a stake; thence in a Westerly direction parallel with South Sec¬ ond Street, or the public road as aforesaid 140 feet from the center thereof a distance of 230 feet to a stake, same being the South¬ west corner of the Haynes property; thence in a Northerly direction with the West line of the said Haynes property 140 feet to the center of the Cleburne and Grandview public road, the beginning point, and the present City limits SEC. 2. From henceforth the territory above described so receiv¬ ed as a part of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of said City of Cle¬ burne and bound by the acts and ordinances made in conformity thereto and passed in pursuance of the Charter of the said City of Cleburne. Passed and Approved this 18th Day of December, 1914. 16 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1913. ARTICLE 7.—RECEIVING ADJOINING TERRITORY AS A PART OF THE CITY. SECTION 1. That the territory adjoining the City of Cleburne as hereinafter descrbed be, and the same is hereby received as a part of said City, which is de- sscribed as follows, to-wit: The said territory adjoins the limits of the City of Cleburne and is less than one half mile in width, and is described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in East Henderson Street where East Henderson Street intersects Kirkham Street, said point being the City limits; Thence East with East Henderson Street to the West line of Bud Clark’s property as it is now located; Thence South with the West line of what is now the property of Bill Richardson to the right-of-way of the M. K. & T. Railway Company; Thence West with the M. K. & T. Railway right-of-way to Kirkham Street, the present City limits. SEC. 2. And be it further ordained that the inhabitants inthe above described territory shall be entitled to all the rights and privi¬ leges of other citizens and bound by the acts and ordinances made in conformity thereto and passed by the City Council of said City. SEC. 3. Be it further ordained that the corporate limits of the City of Cleburne be extended so as to include the above described territory and making the same a part of the said City. Passed and Approved this 29th Day of December. 1913. ARTICLE 8.—REPEALING AN ORDINANCE PASSED ON THE 31st DAY OF DECEMBER, 1913, RECEIVING ADJOIN¬ ING TERRITORY. SECTION 1. That the City Ordinance passed on the 31st day of December A. D. 1913, entitled as follows: “An ordinance receiving adjoining territory as a part of the City of Cleburne, and making the same a part of the said City as described in this ordinance, and ex¬ tending the City limits,” be and the same is hereby in all things repealed and annulled. SEC. 2. Be it ordained that the Minutes of the City Council of the date of the 31st day of Dec., A. D. 1913, with reference to the above and foregoing ordinance be and the same are hereby in all things disapproved, annulled and abrogated. Passed and Approved this the 20th day of February, A. D. 1914 17 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES ARTICLE 9.—RECEIVING TERRITORY AS A PART OF THE CITY. SECTION 1. That the hereinafter described territory adjoining the City of Cleburne, and the territorial limits of said City shall be, and the same is hereby made a part of said City and received as a part of said City, and the corporation limits as they heretofore existed are extended so as to include said territory described- as follows: Beginning at the present City limits and at the Northwest corner of North Anglin Heights Addition to the City of Cleburne, Texas; Thence South 42 West 1388 feet to the fartherest North¬ east corner of Fairfield Addition to the City of Cleburne as the same is now platted; Thence in a Westerly direction with the North line of the said Fairfield Addition as the same is platted, to the ,N. W. corner of said Addition as the same is platted; Thence in a Southerly direction with the West line of the Fairfield Addition as the same is platted, to the center of Graham Avenue; Thence in a Westerly direction with the center of Graham Avenue to the East line of Granbury road, the same being the Western boundary line of the property owners facing Granbury road; Thence in a Southerly direction with the East line of Granbury road and the West property line of property facing on Granbury road to a point where said East line of Granbury road and said property line inter¬ sects Williams Avenue and the present City limits. SEC. 2. From henceforth the territory above described so re¬ ceived as a part of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall be en¬ titled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of said City of Cleburne and bound by the acts and ordinances made in conformity thereto and passed in pursuance of the Charter of said City of Cle¬ burne. Passed and Approved this 18th day of December, 1914. TITLE TWO—BONDS. ARTICLE 10.—AUTHORIZING $130,000.00 IN BONDS FOR WARD SCHOOL BUILDINGS. SECTION 1. That the City Council shall issue the bonds of said city in the sum of $130,000.00 for the purpose of the purchase of ground and the erection of ward school buildings to be used in con¬ nection with the public schools of the~city. SEC. 2. That the City Council of the City of Cleburne shall as¬ sess, levy and collect a special tax of fifteen cents or as much thereof as may be necessary on the One Hundred Dollars of the assessed value 18 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. of the taxable property in said city, not exempt from taxation under the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and the City Charter of said city, for the purpose of making provision to pay the interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem the bonds or to pay the principal and interest on same as it ma¬ tures. SEC. 3. That the bonds of the said City in the sum of $130,000.- 00 shall be called “City of Cleburne Ward School Bonds No. 1,” and shall be issued under and by virtue of Section 138 of the Charter of the City of Cleburne as adopted on the 17th day of September, 1914, by the qualified voters of said city, voting at an election held at said time, for the purpose of adopting said charter, and which election was held under and by virtue of the general laws of the State of Texas, as passed by the Thirty-third Legislature of said State, and known as House Bill No. 13: the said bonds shall be in the sum and amount of $130,000.00 for the purpose of the purchase of ground and the erection of ward school buildings to be used in connection'with the public schools of the city. SEC. 4. Said bonds shall be numbered consecutively from One (1) to One Hundred and thirty (130), both inclusive, and shall be of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) each, aggre¬ gating the sum of $130,000.00. SEC 5. That said bonds shall be dated the 1st day of April, 1915, and shall become and be due and payable forty (40) years from their date. SEC. 6. That in each and all of said bonds so numbered from One (1) to One Hundred and Thirty (130) as above set out, there is hereby and there shall be reserved in said bonds and such reser¬ vation be in favor of the City of Cleburne, which is and shall be an option of paying off, satisfying and redeeming all or any part of said bonds after the term of Twenty (20) years from the date of said bonds—April 1st, 1915—provided, however, that in the event the said City desires to exercise said option and pay off, satisfy and redeem all, or any part of said bonds, and the said City of Cleburne should call in said bonds for payment and re¬ demption before maturity, as herein provided, after twenty (20) years from their date, notice thereof shall be given in writing to the holders of said bond or bonds, df known to the Treasurer of the City of Cleburne, and if said holder or holders are not known to the City Treasurer of the City of Cleburne, then by a call for said bonds by a notice duly published of said call for said bonds, at least thirty 13 0) days before the date fixed and set for the can¬ cellation and redemption of said bonds, which publication shall state that if said bond or bonds are not presented for cancellation and redemption at said date so designated and set for their can¬ cellation and redemption, the said bond shall cease to bear interest from and after the date so designated and set for their cancellation and redemption, which notice and publication, as above set out, shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the 19 _R EVI S ED CIV IL ORDINANCES City of New York, State of New York, at least once a week for and during said period of thirty days, next preceding the date ,set and designated for the cancellation and redemption of said bond or bonds. SEC. 7. That said bonds shall bear 1 interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, from their date, payable semi annually, on the first day of April and October of each year during the life of said bonds SEC. 8. That the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon shall be payable in la*vful money of the United States of America on the presentation, surrender and cancellation of the bonds or bond, or paper coupon, or coupons, at the office of the Treasurer of the State of Texas, at Austin, Travis Co., Texas, or at the Seaboard National Bank, in the City of New York, State of New York, at the option of the holder or holders thereof. SEC. 9. That the said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor, and countersigned by the City Secretary of Cleburne, Texas, and the seal of said city shall be impressed on each of them, the facsimile signature of the Mayor and City Secretary may be printed or lito- graphed on said bonds. SEC. 10. That in each and all of said bonds shall contain the following recital, conditions and provision: “It is hereby recited and certified that this series of bonds and this bond has been authorized by a vote of the majority of the voters who were property tax payers in the City of Cleburne, Texas, voting at an election duly called and held on the 6th day of March, 1915, in the City of Cleburne, Texas, for the purpose of determin¬ ing the question as to whether the City Council of the City of Cle¬ burne should have the power, and be authorized to issue the bonds of said city in the sum of $130,000.00 for the purpose of the pur¬ chase of grounds and the erection of ward school buildings to be used in connection with the public schools of the City, and for the purpose of determining the question as to whether the City Council of said City should have the power and be authorized to assess, levy and collect a special tax of fifteen cents on the One Hundred Dollars of the assessed value of taxable property in said city, not ex¬ empt from taxation for the purpose of making provision to pay the interest on the said bonds and to create a sinking fund suf¬ ficient to redeem the bonds or pay the principal and interest on the same, as it matures which election was held and said majority vote of said voters who were property tax payers of said city, voting at said election voted in favor of the City Council having the power and being authorized to issue said bonds and voted in favor of the City Council being authorized and having the power to assess, levy and collect said special tax; that the said election was duly ordered, notice thereof given, the same was held and the returns made and canvassed in every respect according to law; and that all of the acts, conditions and things required to be done and performed 'and to happen precedent to and in and for the issuance of this series 20 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE. 1915. of bonds and this bond, have been properly done and performed, and have happened and been done in regular and due time, form and manner, as required by law; that the entire total indebtedness of the City of Cleburne, Texas, including this series of bonds, and this bond, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limita¬ tion, and that the full faith and credit of the said City of Cleburne are hereby given and pledged for the prompt and punctual payment of the principal and interest of this series of bonds, and this bond.” SEC. 11. That to pay the current interest on said series of bonds and this bond, and to provide a sinking fund sufficient to redeem this series of bonds and this bond, or to pay the principal and interest on the same as it matures, there shall be collected during each year that said series of bonds and this bond are outstanding the sum of Nine Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty ($9750.00) Dollars, which is the aggregate of OneFortieth (1-40) of the principal of and one year’s interest on all of said series of bonds. SEC. 12. That to raise the said sum of $9750.00 for the first year of the life of this series of; bonds, there is hereby levied for the year 1915, a tax at the rate of fifteen cents on the One Hundred Dollars, of the assessed value of the taxable property in said city, not ex¬ empt from taxation under the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, which tax shall be assessed, levied and collected and ap¬ plied to the purpose named. SEC. 13. That during each year thereof, while said series of bonds or any bond of said series are outstanding and unpaid there shall be figured, computed and ascertained by the City Council of the City of Cleburne what rate of tax based and figured upon the latest ap¬ proved tax roll of the City of Cleburne will be necessary, requisite and sufficient to fully make, raise and produce the amount of $9750.00 and tax of and at the rate so found necessary, requisite and sufficient as aforesaid shall be and the same is hereby ordered to be levied, assessed and collected on all taxable property in said city, not exempt from taxation under the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and when collected, shall be applied to the pur¬ pose named. SEC. 14. T’hat said bonds, when executed, shall be placed in the hands of the City Treasurer of the City of Cleburne, who shall procure the same to be duly approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, and registered in the office of the State Comptroller, at Austin, Texas, as fixed and prescribed by the charter of said city, and after said bonds are so duly approved and registered, the same shall be sold and delivered to the purchaser thereof upon re¬ ceipt of the purchase price therefor. SEC. 15. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Cleburne. Passed and Approved the 19th day of March, 1915. 21 _ REVISED CIVIL OR DINANCES _ ARTICLE 11.—AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $180,000.00 BONDS FOR SEWER SYSTEM. SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Cleburne shall issue the bonds of said city in the sum of $180,000.00 for the pur¬ pose of constructing a sewer system in the City of Cleburne. SEC. 2. That the City Council of the City of Cleburne shall assess, levy and collect a special tax of twenty-two cents or as much thereof as may be necessary on the $100.00 of the assessed value of the taxable property in said city, not exempt from taxation under the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and the City Charter of said City, for the purpose of making provision to pay the interest on said bonds, and to create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem the bonds or to pay the principal and interest on the same as it ma¬ tures. SEC. 3. That the bonds of the said city inthe sum of $180,000.00 shall be called “CITY OF CLEBURNE SEWER BONDS” and shall be issued under and by virtue of Section 139, of the Charter of the City of Cleburne, as adopted on the 17th day of September, 1914, by the qualified voters of said city, voting at an election held at said time for the purpose of adopting said charter, and which elec¬ tion was held under and by virtue of the General Laws of the State of Texas, as passed by the Thirty-third Legislature of said State, and known as House Bill No. 13, and said bonds shall be in the sum and amount of $180,000.00, for the purpose of con¬ structing a sewer system in the City of Cleburne. SEC. 4. That said bonds shall be numbered consecutively from One (1) to One Hundred eighty (180) both inclusive and shall be ’of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) each, aggregating the sum of $180,000.00. SEC. 5. That said bonds shall be dated the 1st day of April, 1915 and shall become and be due and payable forty (40) years from their >date. SEC. 6. That in each and all of said bonds so numbered from One v(T) to One Hundred eighty (180) as above set out, there is hereby •and there shall be reserved in said bonds and such reservation be in favor of the City of Cleburne, which is and shall be an option of paying off, satisfying and redeeming all or any part of said bonds after the term of twenty (20) years from the date of said bonds—April 1st, 1915—provided, however, that in the event the said City desires to exercise said option and pay off, satisfy and re¬ deem all or any part of said bonds, and the said City of Cleburne should call in said bonds for payment, and redemption before maturity as herein provided after twenty (20) years from their date notice thereof shall be given in writing to the holder or holders of said bond or bonds, if known, to the Treasurer of the City of-Cle¬ burne, and if said holder or holders are not known to the City Treas¬ urer of the City of Cleburne, then by a call for said bonds by a notice 22 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE. 1915 duly published of said call for said bonds at least thirty (30) days before the date fixed and set for the cancellation and redemption of said bonds, which publication shall state that if said bond or bonds are not presented for cancellation and redemption at said date so designated and set for their cancellation and redemption, the said bonds shall cease to bear interest from and after the date so designated and set for their cancellation and redemption, which notice and publication as above set out, shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of New York at least once a week for and during said period of thirty (30) days next preceding the date set and designated for the cancellation and re¬ demption of said bond or bonds. SEC. 7. That said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, from their date, payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October, of each year during the life of said bonds. SECTION 8. That the principal of said bonds and interest there¬ on shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America on the presentation, surrender and cancellation of the bond or bonds or proper coupon or coupons at the office of the Treasurer of the State of Texas, at Austin, Travis County, Texas, or at the Seaboard National Bank, in the City of New York, State of New York, at the option of the holder or holders thereof. SEC. 9. That the said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Secretary of City of Cleburne, Tex., and seal of said city shall be impressed on each of them. The facsimile signature of the Mayor and the City Secretary may be printed or lithographed on said bonds. SEC. 10. That each and all of said bonds shall contain the fol¬ lowing recitals, contditions and provisions: “It is hereby recited and certified that this series of bonds and this bond has been authorized by a vote of the majority of the voters who were property tax payers in the City of Cleburne, Texas, voting at an election duly called and held on the 6th day of March, 1915, in the City of Cleburne, Texas, for the purpose of determining the question as to whether the City Council of the City of Cleburne should have the power and be authorized to issue the bonds of said city, in the sum of $180,000.00 for the purpose of constructing a sewer system in the City of Cleburne, and for the purpose of determining the question as to whether the City Council of said City should have the power and be au¬ thorized to assess, levy and collect a special tax of twenty-two (22) cents on the $100.00 of the assessed value of taxable prop¬ erty in said city not exempt from taxation, for the purpose of making provision to pay the interest on said bonds, and to create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem the bonds or pay "the principal and interest on the same as it matures, which election was held, and said majority vote of said voters who were property tax 23 RE VISED CIVIL ORDI NANCES _ payers of said city, voting at said election, voted in favor of the City Council having the power and being authorized to issue said bonds, and voted in favor of the City Council being authorized and having the power to assess, levy and collect said special tax, that the said election was duly ordered, notice thereof given, the same was held and the returns made and canvassed in every respect according to law, and that all the acts, conditions and things required to be done and performed and to happen pre¬ cedent to and in and for the issuance of this series of bonds and this bond, have been properly done and performed, and have happened and been done, in regular and due time, form and man¬ ner, as required by law, that the entire total indebtedness of the City of Cleburne, Texas, including this series of bonds and this bond, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limi¬ tation, and that the full faith and credit of the City of Cleburne are hereby given and pledged for the prompt and punctual pay¬ ment of the principal and interest of this series of bonds and this bond” SEC. 11. That to pay the current interest on said series of bonds and this bond, and to provide a sinking fund sufficient to redeem this series of bonds, and this bond or to pay the principal and inter¬ est on the same as it matures, there shall be collected during each year that said series of bonds and this bond are outstanding the sum of $13,500.00, which is the aggregate of one-fortieth of the principal of and one year’s interest on all of said series of bonds. SEC. 12. That to raise the said sum of $13,500.00 for the first year of the life of this series of bonds there is hereby levied for the year 1915, a tax at the rate of twenty-two cents on the $100.00 value of the taxable property in said city, not exempt from tax¬ ation, under the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, which tax shall be assessed, levied and collected, and applied to the purposes named. SEC. 13. That during each year thereof while said series of bonds or any bond of said series are outstanding and unpaid there shall be figured, computed and ascertained by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, what rate of tax based and figured upon the latest approved tax rolls of the City of Cleburne, will be neces¬ sary, requisite and sufficient to fully make, raise and produce the said sum of $13,500.00, and said tax of and at the rate so found necessary, requisite and sufficient as aforesaid shall be and the same is hereby ordered to be levied, assessed and collect¬ ed on all taxable property in said City not exempt from taxation under the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and when collected shall be applied to the purposes named. SEC. 14. That said bonds when executed shall be placed in hands of the City Treasurer of the City of Cleburne, who shall procure the same to be duly approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, and registered in the office of the State Comp- 24 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. troller, at Austin, Texas, as fixed and prescribed by the Charter of said City, and after said bonds are so duly approved and reg¬ istered, the same shall be sold and delivered to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purchase price thereof. SEC. 15. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its pas¬ sage by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, Texas. Passed and Approved the 19th day of March, 1915. ARTICLE T2.—ORDERING THE ISSUANCE OF $75,000.00 CLE¬ BURNE HIGH SCHOOL BONDS DATED APRIL 1, 1907. SECTION 1. That bonds of the said City to be called “City of Cleburne, Tex., High School Bonds” shall be issued under and by vir¬ tue of Section 147, Chapter 47, of the Acts of the Twenty-ninth Legis¬ lature, Special Laws of 1905, to the amount of $75,000.00 for the purpose of constructing a High School building of brick material and purchasing a site therefor within the Corporate limits of said City of Cleburne, to be used in connection with the Public Schools of the City of Cleburne. SEC. 2. That said bonds shall be numbered consecutively from One (1) to Seventy-five (75) both inclusive, shall be of the denomi¬ nation of One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars each, aggregating Sev¬ enty-five Thousand ($75,000.00) Dollars. SEC. 3. That they shall he dated the 1st day of April, 1907, and shall become due and payable forty (40) years from their date. SEC. 4. That said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per ct. per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of October and April of each year. SEC. 5. That the principal and the interest on said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States, upon presentation and surrender of bond or proper coupon at the office of the Treas¬ urer of the State of Texas, or at the Seaboard National Bank, in the City of New York, State of New York, at the option of the holder. SEC. 6. That in each of said bonds numbered from One to Forty five (45) there shall be reserved in favor of said City the option of redeeming the same as follows: Bonds numbers One (1) to Ten (10) inclusive at any time after ten (10) years from date. Bonds numbers eleven (11) to Twenty-five (25) inclusive, at any time after twenty (20) years from date. Bonds numbers Twenty-six (26) to Forty-five (45) inclusive at any time after thirty years from date. Provided that in case the same shall be called in for redemp¬ tion before maturity, notice thereof shall be given either in writing 25 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES _ to the holders of said bonds, if known, or by publication of a call for said bonds at least thirty (30) days before the date fixed for redemption, stating that if said (bonds shall not be presented for redemption they shall cease to bear interest from and after the date so fixed for redemption; said call to be published in a paper of general circulation in the City of New York, at least once a week, during said period of thBrty (30) days. SEC. 7. That said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and coun¬ tersigned by the Secretary of this City and the seal of the City shall be impressed upon each of them. The facsimile signatures of the Mayor and Secretary may be lithographed on the coupons. SEC. 8. That each of said bonds shall contain the following re¬ citals and provisions: “It is hereby recited and certified that this series of bonds has been authorized by a vote of two-thirds of the property tax^- payers voting at an election for the purpose of determining the question, held on the 27th day of March, 1907, in the said City. That said election was ordered and held, notice thereof given and returns thereof made and canvassed in every respect according to law; that all acts, conditions and things required to be done and performed and to happen precedent to and in the issuance of this series of bonds, and of this bond, have been properly done and performed and have happened in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law; that the entire total indebtedness of the said City of Cleburne, including the entire series of bonds of which this is one, does not exceed any Constitutional or Statu¬ tory limitation, and that the full faith and credit of the said City of Cleburne are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and the interest on this bond.” SEC. 9. That to pay the current interest on said bonds and pro¬ vide a sinking fund sufficient to pay the principal at maturity, there shall be collected during each year that said bonds or any of them are outstanding, the sum of $5625.00, which is the aggregate of 1-40 of the principal of, and one year’s interest on, all of said bonds. SEC. 10. That to raise the said sum of $5625.00 for the first year, there is hereby levied for the year 1907 a tax of and at the rate of 15 cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of taxable^ property in said City of Cleburne, which tax shall be assessed and col¬ lected and applied to the purpose named. SEC. 11. That during each year thereafter while said bonds or any of them are outstanding there shall be computed and ascertained by the City Council of said City what rate of tax based upon the latest approved tax rolls of the City will be necessary, requisite and sufficient to fully make, raise and produce the said sum of $5625.00 and said tax, of and at the rate so found necessary as aforesaid shall be and hereby is ordered to be levied, assessed and 26 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915, collected on all taxable property in said City and said money when collected shall be applied to the" purposes named. SEC. 12. That said bonds when executed shall be placed in the hands of the City Treasurer who shall procure the same to be duly ap¬ proved by the Attorney General and registered in the office of the State Comptroller and after said bonds are duly registered the same shall be delivered to the purchasers thereof upon receipt of the purchase price therefor. SEC. 13. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and approval. Passed and Approved April 9th, 1907. ARTICLE 13.—AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CITY HALL AND BRIDGE REPAIR BONDS. SECTION 1. That the bonds of said City to be designated as “City of Cleburne Bridge and City Hall Repair Bonds” be issued un¬ der and by virtue >of the Charter of said City and th'e Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, for the purpose of repairing buildings and structures for the building of which bonds are allowed to be issued, to-wit; the bridge and City Hall in said City. SEC. 2. That said bonds shall bear date October 15th, 1908, shall be of the denomination of $499.00 each, shall be numbered from 1 to 4 inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the 15th day of April and Oc¬ tober of each year after the date hereof until the principal sum shall be paid, and shall become due and payable forty years from their date, provided the City of Cleburne shall reserve the right to redeem said bonds at any interest paying period after twenty years from their date by paying principal and accrued interest, beginning with bond number One and continuing seriatim. SEC. 3. Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and countersign¬ ed by the City Secretary and the corporate seal of the City shall be impressed upon each of them, and the interest coupons attached to said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and City Secretary by having their facsimile signatures lithographed thereon. SEC. 4. That said bonds shall be in form and shall contain re¬ citals substantialy as follows: United States of America. State of Texas, County of Johnson. ^o._ - $499.00 City of Cleburne Bridge and City Hall Repair Bond. Know all men by these presents: that the City of Cleburne, i 27 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES *in the County of Johnson, State of Texas, for value received, is indebted to, and hereby promises to pay to, bearer forty years from the date hereof the sum of four hundred and ninety-nine dollars lawful money of the United States of America, with interest there¬ on at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the 15 th day of April and 15th day of October of each year after the date hereof until the principal sum shall be paid, on presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto annexed as they severally become due, and both principal and in¬ terest are payable at the State Treasury, Austin, Texas, or at the Seaboard National Bank, New York, N. Y., at the option of the holder. And the said City of Cleburne is hereby held and firmly bound and its faith and credit and all the real and personal property in said City are hereby pledged for the prompt payment of the principal of this bond and the interest thereon at maturity. This bond is one of a series of four bonds of same date and tenor issued by the City of Cleburne, under and in conformity with its Charter and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas and in pursuance of an ordinance duly and legally passed by the City Council of said City, duly approved by the Mayor of said City, for the purpose of repairing buildings and structures for the building of which bonds are allowed to be issued, to-wit: the bridges and City Hall in said City The City of Cleburne reserves the option of redeeming this series of bonds at any interest paying period after twenty years from their date by paying principal and accrued interest, beginning with bond number one and continuing seriatim, on written notice given by the City Secretary to State Treasurer and to the said Seaboard National Bank, at least sixty days before the date fixed for redemption designating the number, or numbers, of the bonds to be redeemed, and when so called in for redemption, the bonds called for shall cease to bear interest from and after such date. And it is hereby declared and certified that provision has been made for the levy and collection of a tax, as required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, sufficient to pay the interest to accrue on said bonds as the same shall become due and to pay the principal sum at maturity, and that all other acts, con¬ ditions and things required to be done and to exist precedent to and in the issuance of said series of bonds, have been properly done and performed and to exist in regular and due form and manner as required by the Charter of said City and the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and that the total indebtedness of the City of Cleburne, including this series of bonds, does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limitations. In witness whereof, the City of Cleburne, by its City Council has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its Secretary and its Corporate seal to be affixed hereto, and 28 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE. 1915. the coupons hereto annexed to be signed by the lithographed fac- interest on its Bridge and City Hall Repair Bond dated October 15th, simile signature of its Mayor and City Secretary, and this bond to be dated October 15th, 1908. PHIL W. ALLIN, Countersigned: CHARLSE WILHITE, City Secretary, Cleburne, Texas. SEC. 5. That the interest coupons attached to said bonds shall be in substantially the following form, to-wit: No.- $12.47 1-2 INTEREST COUPON. On the fifteenth day of October, 1909, the City of Cleburne, iWas, will pay to bearer at the State Treasury, Austin, Texas, or at the Seaboard National Bank, New York, N. Y., at the option of the holder, Twelve Dollars and Forty-seven and One-half cents, lawful money of the United States of America, being six months Mayor, Cleburne, Texas. 1908, No.-. PHIL W. ALLIN, Mayor, Cleburne, Texas. CHARLSE WILHITE, City Secretary, Cleburne, Texas. SEC. 6. That to pay interest on said bonds as the same shall be¬ come due and to create a sinking fund sufficient to discharge the principal thereof at maturity, a tax of thirty-five one-hundredths (35-100) of one cent on each One Hundred* Dollars valuation of all taxable property in said City of Cleburne shall be annually levied and collected until said bonds and interest are paid, and said tax is here now levied for the current year and for each succeeding year while said bonds are outstanding, and the same shall be assessed and collected for the current year and annually hereafter and ap¬ plied to the purposes named. SEC. 7. It is also ordained that--shall take and have charge of said bonds pending their investigation by the Attorney General and registration by the Comptroller, and when approved and registered he shall have authority to negotiate their sale and receive the proceeds therefor. Passed October 12th, 1908. Approved October 12th, 1908. ARTICLE 14.—AUTHORIZING AND ORDERING THE ISSUANCE CITY OF CLEBURNE BONDS, FOR THE PURCHASE OF A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF WATER WORKS SECTION 1. That the bonds of the said City shall be called “City of Cleburne, Texas, Water Works Bonds,” and shall be issued under and by virtue of Section 131 of the Special Charter of the City (of 29 _ RE V ISE D CIV IL ORDINANCES_ Cleburne, Texas, as passed and granted to said City of Cleburne, Texas, by the Twenty-Ninth Legislature in the Special laws of 1905, and said bonds shall be in the amount of One Hundred Twenty- eight Thousand Dollars for the purpose of acquiring by purchase a complete system of Water Works in the City of Cleburne, Texas. SEC. 2. That said bonds shall be numbered consecutively from One (1) to One Hundred Twenty-eight (128) both inclusive and shall be of the denomination of One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars each; aggregating One Hundred Twenty-eight Thousand ($128,000.00) Dollars. SEC. 3. That said bonds shall be dated the 1st day of January, A. D. 1912, and shall become due and payable forty (40) years from their date. SEC. 4. That in each of said bonds numbered from One (1) to One Hundred Twenty-eight (128) as above set out there shall be re¬ served in favor of the City the option of paying off and redeeming all or any part of said bonds after the term of twenty (20) years from their date of January 1st, 1912. Provided that in case all or any part of the said bonds shall be called in for redemption before maturity, notice thereof shall be given in writing to the holders of said bonds, if known, if said bondholders are not known, then by a call for said bonds by a publication of a call for the same at least thirty days before the date fixed for the redemption stating that if said bonds are not presented for redemption they shall cease to bear x interest from and after the date fixed for their redemption, or the time fixed in said call in writing or said publication of said call for said re¬ demption, and at said time so fixed, and said publication shall be published in a Newspaper of general circulation in the City of New York at least once a week for and during said period of thirty days. SEC. 5. That said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of, 5 per cent per annum, payable semi annually on the first days of January and July of each year. SEC. 6. That the principal of said bonds and the interest on said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States, upon presentation and surrender of the bonds or proper coupons at the office of the Treasurer of the State of Texas, or at the Seaboard National Bank in the City of New York, State of New York, at the option of the holder. SEC. 7. That said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and coun¬ tersigned by the Secretary of the City of Cleburne, and the seal of the said City shall be impressed upon each of them. The - fac¬ simile signature of the Mayor and the City Secretary may be litho¬ graphed on the coupons. ^ 30 _OF TH E CIT Y OF CLEBURNE, 1915._ SEC. 8. That each of said bonds shall contain the following re¬ citals and provisions: “It is hereby recited and certified that this series of bonds has been authorized by a vote of the majority of the property tax payers at an election duly called and held for the purpose of de¬ termining the question as to whether the City Council of the City of Cleburne shall be authorized to issue the bonds of the said City in the sum of One Hundred Twenty-eight Thousand Dollars for the purpose of acquiring by purchase a complete system of Water Works, which election was held and said majority vote of said property tax payers of said City voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds on the 30th day of December, 1911, in the City of Cle¬ burne, Texas. That said election was ordered and held, notice thereof given and returns thereof made and canvassed in every respect accord¬ ing to law; and that all of the acts and conditions and things required to be done and performed and to happen precedent to and in the issuance of this series of bonds and of this bond have been properly done and performed, and have happened and been done in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law; that the entire total indebtedness of the said City of Cleburne, including the series of bonds, of which this is one, does not exceed any Constitutional or Statutory limitation, and that the full faith and credit of the said City of Cleburne are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and the interest on this bond.” SEC. 9. That to pay the current interest on said bonds and pro¬ vide a sinking fund sufficient to pay the principal at maturity, there shall be collected (luring each year thp,t said bonds or any of them are outstanding, the sum of Nine Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($9 600.00) which is the aggregate of one-fortieth (1-40) of the principal of and one year’s interest on all of said bonds. SEC. 10. That to raise said sum of $9 600.00 for the first year there is hereby levied for the year 1912 a tax of and at the rate of seventeen cents three mills on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of taxable property in said City of Cleburne, which tax shall be assessed and collected and applied to the purposes named. SEC. 11. That during each year thereafter while said bonds or any of them are outstanding there shall be computed and ascertained by the City Council o*f said City what rate of tax based upon the latest approved tax rolls of the City will be necessary, requisite and sufficient to fully make, raise and produce the said sum of $9600.00, and said tax of and at the rate so found necessary as aforesaid shall be and hereby is ordered to be levied, assessed and collected on all taxable property in said City and said money when so collected shall be applied to the purposes named. SEC. 12. That said bonds when executed shall be placed in the hands of the City Treasurer who shall procure the same to be duly 31 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, and reg¬ istered in the office of the State Comptroller, and after said bonds are duly registered the same shall be delivered to the purchasers thereof upon receipt of the purchase price therefor. SEC. 13. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its pas sage and approval by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, John¬ son County, Texas. Passed and approved this the 5th day of January, 1912. ARTICLE 15.—AUTHORIZING AND ORDERING THE ISSUANCE OF CITY OF CLEBURNE BONDS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING, EQUIPPING AND OPERAT¬ ING A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF WA¬ TER WORKS IN THE CITY. SECTION 1. That the bonds of the said City shall be called “City of Cleburne Improvement Waterworks Bonds’’and shall be issued un¬ der and by virtue of Section 131 of the Special Charter of the City of Cleburne. Texas, as passed and granted to said City of Cleburne, Tex., by the Twenty-ninth Legislature in the Special Laws of 1905, said bonds shall be in the amount of Fifty Thousand ($50000.00) Dollars for the purpose of maintaining, equipping and operating a complete system of Water Works in the City of Cleburne, Texas. SEC. 2. That said bonds shall be numbered consecutively from One (1) to Fifty (50) both inclusive, and shall be of the denomina¬ tion of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars each,aggregating fifty thou¬ sand ($50,000.00) dollars. SEC. 3. That said bonds shall be dated the 1st day of January, A. D. 1912, and shall become due and payable forty (40) years from their date. SEC. 4. That in each of said bonds numbered from One to Fifty (50) as above set out there shall be reserved in favor of the City of Cleburne the option of paying off and redeeming all or any part of said bonds after the term of twenty (20) years from their date of January 1st, A. D. 1912. Provided that in case all or any part of the said bonds shall be called in for redemption before maturity, notice thereof shall be given in writing to the holders of said bonds, if known, if said bond holders are not known then by a call for said bonds by a publication of a call for the same at least thirty days before the date fixed for their redemption stating that if said bonds are not presented for redemption they shall cease to bear interest from and after the date fixed for their redemption, or the time fixed in said call in writing of said publication of said call for said redemp¬ tion and at the said time so fixed, and said publication shall be 32 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, \J\5. published in a Newspaper of general circulation in the City of New York, State of New r York, at least once a week for and during the said period of thirty days. SEC. 5. That said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 1 per ct.per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of January and July of each year. SEC. 6. That said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable in lawful money of the United States upon presentation and surrender of the bonds or proper coupon at the office of Treasurer of the State of Texas, or at the Seaboard National Bank, in the City of New r York, State of New York, at the option of the holder. SEC. 7. That said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and coun¬ tersigned by the Secretary of the City of Cleburne, and the seal of the said City shall be impressed upon each of them. The fac-simile signature of the Mayor and the City Secretary may be lithographed on the coupons. SEC. 8. That each of said bonds shall contain the following recitals and provisions: “It is hereby recited and certified that this series of bonds has been authorized by a vote of the majority of the property tax payers at an election duly called and held for the purpose of determining the question as to whether the City Council of the City of Cleburne shall be authorized to issue the bonds of the said City in the sum of Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of maintaining, equipping and operating a complete system of Water Works within the corporate limits of the said City, which election was held and said majority of said property tax payers of said City voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds on the 30th day of December, 1911, in the City of Cleburne, Texas. That said election was ordered and held, notice thereof given and the returns thereof made and canvassed in every respect ac¬ cording to the law; and that all of the acts and conditions and things required to be done and performed and to happen precedent to and in the issuance of this series of bonds and of this bond have been properly done and performed, and have happened and been done in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law; and that the entire total indebtedness of the said City of Cleburne, including the series of bonds of which this is one, does not exceed any Constitutional or Statutory limitation, and that the full faith and credit of the said City of Cleburne are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this bond.” SEC. 9. That to pay the current interest on said bonds and pro¬ vide a sinking fund sufficient to pay the principal at maturity, there shall be levied and collected during each year that said bonds or any of them are outstanding, the sum of Three Thousand Seven Hun- 33 _ REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES _ dred and Fifty ($3710.00) Dollars, which is the aggregate of One- Fortieth (1-40) of the principal of and one year’s interest on all of said bonds. That to raise the said sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty ($3750.0 0) Dollars for the first year there is hereby levied for the year 1912 a tax of and at the rate of .68 on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of taxable property in said City of Cle¬ burne, which tax shall be assessed and collected and applied to the purposes named. SEC. 11. That during each year thereafter while said bonds, or any of them are outstanding there shall be computed and ascertained by the City Council of said City what rate of tax based upon the latest approved tax rolls of the City will be necessary, requisite ' and sufficient to fully make, raise and produce the said sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty ($3750.00) Dollars, and said tax of and at the rate so found necessary as aforesaid shall be and hereby is ordered to be levied, assessed and collected on all taxable property in said City and said money when so col¬ lected shall be applied to the purposes named. SEC. 12. That said bonds when executed shall be placed in the hands of the City Treasurer who shall procure the same to be duly ap¬ proved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, and registered in the office of the State Comptroller, and after said bonds are duly registered the same shall be delivered to the purchasers there¬ of upon receipt of the purchase price therefor. SEC. 13. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its pas¬ sage and approval by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, John¬ son County, Texas. Passed and Approved this the 5th day of January, 1912 TITLE THREE—CLAIMS. ARTICLE 16.—AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE PRESEN¬ TATION OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY. SECTION 1. All claims against the City must be approved by the Council before warrants shall be issued or the same shall be paid. Claims not evidenced by contract in writing duly entered imto by the City, shall, before being presented, be reduced to writing, and be clearly and concisely stated. SEC. 2. When a claim is presented for services rendered,or for things furnished the city, such claim shall show upon whose re*uest the same were rendered or furnished; and whenever any such claim has accrued under the direction of any officer, agent or committee 34 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. of the Council, it shall first be certified to as just and correct by such officer, agent or committee before reference to the finance committee. SEC. 3. No accounts will be approved by the Finance Committee unless certified to as correct by the following officers: Accounts against waterworks, by superintendent; accounts against school fund, by chairman of school board; accounts for street work, etc., by chairman of street committee. SEC. 4. All accounts which come under the jurisdiction of the Mayor or Marshall must be certified to as correct by the officer order¬ ing the work done or making the purchase for which said account is presented before same will be approved by the Finance Com¬ mittee. SEC. 5. All accounts not certified to as hereinbefore stated will be laid over to the next regular meeting, at which accounts are al¬ lowed, and will continue to be laid over from time to time until the stipulations of this ordinance are complied with. SEC. 6. The Finance Committee shall have the right to lay over any claims in which they may reasonably believe there is or might be any errors. SEC. 7. The City Secretary and Treasurer shall date his warrants on the day of the regular meeting at which accounts are allowed for which he issues said warrants. SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the City Secretary and Treasurer to notify all persons in writing whose claims are not in compliance with the stipulations of this ordinance that said claims have been laid over and will not be allowed until the provisions of this ordi¬ nance are complied with, said 1, 2 and 3 sections being printed at the bottom of said written notice. The City Secretary may de¬ liver these written notices in person or through the mail as he may see fit. SEC. 9. When any work is done or purchase made by any special committee appointed bythe City Council,. the account for said work or purchase must be certified to as correct by the chairman of said special committee before same will be approved by the finance committee. SEC. 10. The City Secretary and Treasurer shall enclose all ac¬ counts allowed at each regular meeting of the City Council, at which accounts are allowed, in an envelope, and endorse in writing on back of said envelope, the date at which enclosed accounts were allowed; and in his annual report to the City Council shall present those packages of accounts for reference. SEC. 11. All officers who draw a stipulated salary from the City will make out their accounts in writing,and the City Secretary and Treasurer will place these accounts on file with other accounts allowed by the'city and will enter these accounts on his minutes at 35 REVISED CIVIL OR DINANCE S_ ,the next regular meeting of the City Council, at which accounts £re allowed; said accounts of City officers must state for what service said account is drawn. SEC. 12. The City Secretary and Treasurer shall keep a book in which he shall record the number and name of person receiving war¬ rant and date of all accounts as allowed by the City Council and will pay same in the order of their allowance. TITLE FOUR—CONTRACTS. ARTICLE 17. — REGULATING CONTRACTS FOR PUBLIC IM¬ PROVEMENTS. SECTION 1. All the work to be done hereafter for the city,amount¬ ing to fifty dollars or more, shall be let by contract to the lowest and best bidder. SEC. 2. Whenever any public improvement, the the cost of which shall amount to fifty dollars or more, shall have been ordered by the City Council, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to prepare, or cause and to advertise for proposals for doing the same. Such adver¬ tisement shall be published in the official newspaper of the City for two weeks, unless otherwise ordered by the Council in any specified case. SEC. 3. All proposals for doing such work shall be opened by the Mayor in the presence of the City Council, at its first regular meet¬ ing after the expiration of the time required for publication, and after an examination of all bids, the Council may award the contract to the lowest and best bidders; provided it shall be within the discretion of the Council to reject any and all bids; and in case all such bids are rejected by the Council, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to advertise again in like manner, for proposals for such work, unless he shall be instructed by the Council to let such work to some responsible person by private contract; but in case the work is so let by private contract, the price at which it shall b£ let shall be less than the lowest rejected bid before made by a responsible person for such work. SEC. 4. Whenever any contract shall have been awarded to a per¬ son by the Council, the Mayor shall enter into written contract with such person, for the faithful performance of the work awarded him, in accordance with the conditions, requirements and speci¬ fication thereof; and every contract entered into as aforesaid shall contain a clause that the same is entered into subject to the then existing ordinances of the city, and that the Mayor shall have the right to finally decide all questions arising as to the proper performance of the said work, and in case of improper construction 36 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. or other failure of faithful compliance with the contract, to sus¬ pend said work at any time, and re-let the same; but that such suspension shall not affect the right of the City to recover all penalties and all damages sustained by the City on account of the contractor’s failure. SBC. 5. No person taking taking a contract from the City, who lien against the city, for payment of work done in pursuance of such agrees to be paid from special assessments, shall have any claim or contract. SEC. 6. All persons to whom contracts may be awarded under the provision of this ordinance shall be required to enter into bond to the City of Cleburne, in an amount to be fixed by the City Coun¬ cil, not less than the amount bid for such work, conditioned for the faithful performance of the work to be done, which bond shall* be secured by two or more good sufficient sureties to be approved by the City Council. SEC. 7. Whenever any person shall enter into contract with th? City Council and fail to diligently comply with the requirements of such contract, or shall give the City trouble by reason of garnish¬ ments or other legal process, the City Council shall have the right at any time, for any cause, to declare the contract forfeited and re-let the same. TITLE FIVE— HEALT H DEPARTMENT ARTICLE 18—AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH AND REGULATE THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY. SEC. 1. The Council may at any time appoint a health physi¬ cian who shall possess the legal qualiications required by the Charter, and shall be a regularly practicing physician in good standing. SEC. 2 . It shall be the duty of the Health Physician to attend all the sick prisoners, all patients in any hospital established by the City, and all persons found sick or wounded on the streets of the city and taken charge of by the police officers. SEC. 3. The Health Physician shall, when he is informed of the existence of any malignant fever, small-pox, or other pestilen¬ tial; infectious or contagious disease, in this city, cause the person affected to be taken to such place as he may designate for treat¬ ment, and the place selected shall be and become a ‘pest house, and the Health Physician shall make and he is hereby clothed with power to make and enforce all proper regulations to keep the diseased person isolated, and to prevent intrusion from parties not under his direction and control. 37 _ R EVISE D CIVIL O RD INANCES _ SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Mayor or the Health physician to require the destruction or removal from the City of all furniture, wearing apparel, bedding, or property of any kind whatever which shall be suspected of being tainted or infected with pestilence, or which shall be likely to pass into such a state as to generate or propagate disease. SEC. 5. The City Council may at any time erect or establish one or more hospitals'for the treatment of the sick and disabled, and when 'established shall make and prescribe, or authorize the Health Physician to make and enforce such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the control and management of the same. SEC. 6. The City Council shall prescribe the conditions of ad¬ mission to all hospitals, and shall fix the fees and dues to be paid for receiving and keeping persons therein; provided the Mayor may in his discretion send sick or disabled persons who are unable to Vay for treatment to any hospital free of charge. SEC. 7. All hospitals which may be established shall be under the supervision of the Health Physician, and he alone shall be authorized to receive or discharge patients therefrom under the regulations of the City Council. SEC. 8. Any hospital which may be established shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Mayor and Council, and all hospital fees and dues shall be paid into the City Treasury and set aside as a hospital fund, and the city treasurer shall keep n separate account thereof. SEC. 9. The Health Physician shall keep himself advised of the existence of any pestilential, contagious or infectious diseases at any port or other place within this State or elsewhere; and if at any time there may be danger, in his opinion, of such disease being introduced into the city, he may require any and all persons and property to remain in quarantine at such place or places as the City Council may direct. , SEC. 10. It shall be the duty of the Health Physician to see ♦ hat all Laws and Ordinances relative to health, comfort and cleanliness of the city are strictly complied with; and he shall see that policemen and other city officers perform their duties faithfully in discovering and making complaint against the authors of nuisances, and shall have power concurrent with the City Mar¬ shal; and it shall be his duty from time to time to enter and in- soect all buildings and premises, public or private, in the city, hav¬ ing first asked permission of the owners or occupants, and ascer¬ tain and report to the Mayor if any nuisance, source of filth, or cause of sickness exists therein. SEC. 11. Whenever anything or state of things shall come to the knowledge of the Health Physician, from any source what¬ ever, which in his opinion is a nuisance, or may become a nuisance. 38 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. and dangerous to the health of the people in this city, he shall report the same to the Mayor, who shall, if necessary, order the Marshal to cause the same to be abated, removed or destroyed. SEC. 12. The City Health Physician shall keep a book which shall be styled, “The Register of Infectious Diseases,” in which he shall register all the cases of pestilential or infectious dis¬ eases that may occur within the city limits. SEC. 13. All physicians and every other person practicing medicine in the city, shall make out, within twenty-four hours after their knowledge of same, a full report of every such case of pes¬ tilential or infectious disease or diseases that he or they may be called upon to treat within the city limits, specifying the character of the disease; the name of the patient and locality in which the patient is to be found, together with such other details as may from time to time be presribed by the City Health Physician. That every citizen or head of a family upon whose premises there may occur any case of pestilential or infectious disease not under charge of a physician, shall in like manner report the , facts to the City Health Physician. SEC. 14. The City Health Officer shall keep a book to be styled, “Register of Births” in which he shall register all the births that may occur in the city limits. That in order that this registration of births may be adequately carried out, every phy¬ sician, every mid-wife, and every other person who may attend any case of mid-wifery or child birth within the city limits, shall make to the City Health Officer, within ten days thereafter, a full report of every such case, specifying the names of the parents, the date of the birth and the sex and color of the child. SEC. 15. That the City Health Officer shall keep a book to be styled, “The Register of Deaths,” in which he shall register all the deaths that may occur within the city limits. That the City Health Officer shall supervise all certificates of deaths, to see that they are properly made out; with the forms of the certificates and the nomenclature of the diseases in accordance with the re¬ quirements of the City Council. That in all cases of death, in which no proper certificate can be otherwise obtained, the City Health Officer shall make one out the required certificates, except £hat in cases which require intervention of the coroner, that officer shall be promptly notified. That in order that this regis¬ tration of deaths may be adequately carried out, every physician, every mid-wife, and every other person who may have been in charge of any patient at the time of death, shall make to the City Health Officer, within 48 hours after its occurrence, a full report of every death,and when any physician shall visit a case where the disease is infectious, such physician shall, and is hereby re¬ quired to report such case to the City Health Officer within six Lours after such visit. 39 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES SEC. 16. The City Health Physician shall make to the City Council a monthly and annual report of the business done in con¬ nection with his office, including the sanitary condition of the city, the report of births, deaths in infectious diseases, and such other reports as the City Council or Board of Health may from time to time prescribe. SEC. 17. It shall be the duty of the City Physician; at any time he may deem it necessary, to examine any and all meats or milk that may be sold in the city, or offered for sale, and if he same be found diseased or otherwise unwholesome or adulterated, the City Health Physician shall forbid the sale of same, if not sold, and if sold, inform the person or persons having purchased same of its condition, and shall also make a report to the Mayor of the city of his action, giving the name of person apd article offered for sale; and for all services rendered the city by said Health Officer, he shall receive a salary of $5.00 per month, accept for special services, which must be contracted for with the City Council t'efore any remuneration is allowed for such special services. TITLE SIX—SIDEWALKS. ARTICLE 19—RELATIVE TO SIDEWALKS. SECTION 1. All sidewalks within this city which may be ord¬ ered by any resolution of the City Council, shall be constructed under the superintendence and to the satisfaction of the Street Committee; and all sidewalks hereafter constructed, shall be built in strict conformity to the grade for sidewalks established -by the city. SEC. 2. Unless a different width be specified in the resolu¬ tion ordering their construction, all sidewalks shall be eight feet wide. SEC. 3. All sidewalks hereafter constructed, shall have a uni¬ form slope of two inches in eight feet from the building or front line of the lot or lots, in front of which the same are built to the outside edge thereof. SEC. 4. Sidewalks may be built of wood, iron, stone, gravel, or other suitable and durable material. When made of wood, the same shall be built of sound plank not less than one inch in thick¬ ness, laid laterally, and firmly set upon and spiked to suitable bear¬ ings of not less than two by four inch scantling, placed at intervals not exceeding two feet apart. When built of gravel, there shall be a foundation of brick, cobble, stone or other durable substance on which the gravel shall be laid to a depth of not less than six inches, 40 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915 and shall be orotected by a substantial curbing of stone or plank, not less than two by eight inches in width and thickness, well tied in and placed along the outer edge of the sidewalk. SEC. 5. The City Council, by resolution, may at any time, order the building or repair of sidewalks on any square, street or alley in the city. Such resolution shall prescribe the street or place along which the same shall be built. SEC. 6. Any person who shall construct, aid or assist in con¬ structing or cause to be constructed in the city, any sidewalk con¬ trary to the grade established by the City Council, or contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor, and on conviction shall be punished as provided by Ordi¬ nance. SEC. 7. Any person who shall suffer any sidewalk in front of his premises to become or continue so unclean, out of repair, or in such condition, from any cause, as to endanger life or limb, or in¬ terrupt or obstruct the free use of the same shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished as provided ;by ordinance. TITLE SEVEN—CITY POUND ARTICLE 20—AUTHORIZING THE IMPOUNDING OP STOCK SEC. 1. All hogs, goats, cows, calves, oxen, or cattle, horses, mules, jack-asses, jennets and sheep running at large within the corporate limits of the City of Cleburne are hereby declared a public nuisance and they shall be removed as hereinafter provided. The City Marshal and policemen are the public pound keepers of the City of Cleburne. It shall be their duty to keep up all hogs, calves, cows, jack-asses, jennets, goats, sheep, oxen or cattle, mules and horses running at large within the corporate limits of the City of Cleburne, and impound the same in the public pound until they are disposed of as hereinafter provided. The City Marshal or any po¬ liceman shall sell the animal so impounded at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, at such time and place as he shall designate after giving five full days’ notice by posting written no¬ tices in at least six public places in the City of Cleburne, one of which shall be on the bulletin board in the court house, and one at the post office, describing the animal to be sold. After deducting the expenses incurred in catching, impounding, keeping and selling such animal, the surplus, if any, shall be paid to the owner on proof of ownership. If no owner apply for said surplus within thirty days, it shall be paid into the city treasury. 41 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES SEC. 2. The owner or owners of any animal or animals, sold under the provisions of this ordinance may redeem the same at any time within ten days from the date of sale by paying the pur¬ chaser the amount of purchase money and all reasonable expenses the purchaser may have incurred in keeping the same. SEC. 3. All owners of hogs, goats, cc ws, calves, sheep, mules, jack-asses, jennets, oxen or cattle, and horses may redeem the same at any time before sale by paying the cost of taking up. im¬ pounding and keeping said animals and the Marshal’s fees, and filing with him an affidavit of ownership and such other proof as he may require. SEC. 4. The Marshal shall keep a correct description of all animals impounded or sold under the provisions of this ordinance date of impounding, date of sale, price for which sold, and the name o< the purchaser in a book by him kept for this purpose, which book shall be subject to examination at all times by any person. SEC. 5. No person is prohibited from herding his cattle, horses, cows or other animals on the vacant lot, block or parcel of ground within the corporate limits of the City of Cleburne; provid¬ ed, the written consent of such owner of said lot, block or parcel of land is obtained and filed with the City Secretary, and notice of said consent given to the City Marshal and each policeman. This ght to herd shall not extend or be permitted before 7 a. m., or af¬ ter 7 p. m. SEC. 6 All persons are prohibited from tying or staking out any such animal on or across any street or alley in the city or so near thereto that such animal can get on or across such alley, sidewalk, street, corner or crossing, and the City Marshal or po¬ licemen are required to impound any such animals, the same as if such animal or animals were running at large, and such officers shall be entitled to collect such fees for enforcing this and the preceding section, as are herein allowed for impounding of other animals under this Ordinance. SEC. 7. For each animal impounded the Marshal shall be al¬ lowed a fee of one dollar, when such animal is redeemed before sale. For each animal sold, the Marshal shall be allowed a fee of two dollars, which shall be taken out of the proceeds o' the sale of such animal, after the cost of keeping such animal has been paid. TITLE EIGHT—STREETS ARTICLE 21—CONCERNING STREETS. Whereas, the growth and spread of the town of Cleburne ren¬ der it necessary for the convenience and public welfare that new 42 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. streets should be laid out, and opened, and the old streets laid out in the original town donation should be extended and opened; and, Whereas, the committee on streets, alleys and water reserves, on the 2uth of May, 18 79, submitted a plan and recommendation for this purpose; thereTbre, SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the city of Cleburne, that the plan and recommendations sub¬ mitted by said committee be adopted as a basis for these purposes, nd in accordance therewith: That Main Street be extended and opened straight and full vidth to the corporate limits north and south. That Anglin street be extended and opened straight and full width from Heath extension north and to Buffalo avenue south. That a new street to be called First or East Border street, 90 eet wide, east of Wilbanks street and parallel thereto, half on ach side of the east line of the original town lot donation,to be laid ut and opened to the corporate limits. That a new street, 60 feet wide, 250 feet east of First street, nd parallel thereto, to be called Second street, to be laid out and pened from Willingham street extension to Shaffer street ex¬ tension. That a new street, 60 (eet wide, 210 feet east of Second, to be ailed Third street, be laid out and opened from Willingham street xtersion to Smith street. That a new street, 60 feet wide, and 210 feet e?st of Third and arallel thereto, to be called Fourth street extension to Shaffer treet extension. That Mill street shall be extended west with South Border street, cne block, and thence be extended south 60 feet wide, to he corporate limits. That Buffalo street north to the creek and thence up the creek "■ith its west bank to the corporate limits, and south so as to cross the creek, and thence down the east bank of the creek to Buffalo aenue. That a new street, 45 feet wide, west of Buffalo and parallel thereto, to be called West Border street, on the east side ami '■un- ning with the w r est line of the original town donation, from Fcath- crston street cn the south, to the corporate limits north. That a new street,, 45 feet wide and - feet west o'i West Border street and parallel thereto, to be called Walnut street, to be laid out and opened from Featherston street south, to corporate lim¬ its north, as shown in plan. That a new street, 45 feet wide - feet west of Walnut street and parallel thereto, to be called Styron street, be laid out '■-nd opened from Featherston street to run north to ihe Granbury voad. , 43 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES That Henderson street be extended full width to the corpoiate limits east and west. That Chambers street be extended full width to the corporate limits west and east to intersect the Waxahachie and Grandview road. That James street remain as in the old plan of the town. That Herald street be extended and opened full width to Fourth street, east. That Shaffer street be extended east, and opened full width to Fourth street. That College street, 45 feet wide, be extended v est from Buf¬ falo street along the north line of college lot, to Styro-i street. That a new street, 60 'feet wide-feet south of Shaffer street and parallel thereto, to be called South Border street, be laid out and opened from West Border street to East Border street. That a new street, 45 feet wide -- feet south of Border street and parallel thereto, to be called Saiith street, be opened from Buffalo creek, west to Third street east. That a new street, 60 feet wide, 210 feet south of Smith street and parallel thereto, to be called Earl street, be opened from Main street to First or East Border street. That a new street, to be called Buffalo avenue, 80 feet wide, -feet south of Earl street and parallel thereto, be laid out from Buffalo street west, to First or East Border street. That Wardville street be extended and opened east, 'lull width, to corporate limits, and west to Styron street. , That Brown street be extended east, full width, to Fourth street and west 45 feet wide, from Buffalo street to Granbury road. That Willingham street be extended and opened, full width, east to Fourth street, and from Buffalo street west, 4 5 feet wide, h Granbury road. That a new street, 45 feet wide —— feet north of Willingham treet and parallel thereto, to be called Heard street, be laid out and opened from Anglin street east to First street, and from the creek on the same parallel, west, to the corporate limits; as shown on plan. That terms east, west, north and south, as used ir. this Ordi¬ nance is to be construed to mean the course of the original streets nearest the cardinal points. , SEC. 2. There shall be placed on all houses a number easily .seen from the street, and that every twenty-five feet 'frDnt sppce in business portion, and every fifty feet front space in residence portion of the city, shall be entitled to a number. SEC. 3. That it shall be the duty of the City Assessor and Col¬ lector to give to every party requesting it, the proper number or numbers to be placed on their house or houses. 44 OF TH E CITY O F CLEBURNE, 1915. SEC. 4. The members of the street committee shall designate the place of begining on all streets, and all numbers on right hand side of each street, from place of beginning, shall be even numbers and all left hand side shall be odd numbers. SEC. 5. Be it ordained that the committee on streets, alleys and water reserves are hereby authorized and instructed, as early as practical, to employ a competent surveyor to survey out the streets and extensions created by Sec. 51, and to cause cedar posts to be permanently planted at the corner of the se/eral blocks as permanent landmarks, and to make a correct map of the town and number the blocks, to be kept as a public record. SEC. 6. All encroachments upon, or appropriation of any of the originally donated streets, alleys cr water reserves; and all en¬ croachments upon or appropriation ob any of the grounds appro¬ priated or donated for streets or extension of streets, are hereby to be declared nuisances; and every person making encroachments, by erecting any fence or building on or across iny such streets, ex¬ tension of streets, alleys, or water reserves, shall be deemed guilty of having committed a nuisance, and who, upon notice of the Mayor or town Marshal to remove any such nuisance, shall fail or refuse to do so, for the period of five days, shall be arrested and brought be¬ fore the Recorder, and on conviction sh>,U be punished as pro¬ vided by Ordinance. SEC. 7. Whenever the City Council determines to open, widen or extend any street or alley of the city of. Cleburne, over, on or through the property of any individual, a committee of council shall be appointed to confer with such property owner and ascer¬ tain whether such property owner consideis his property damaged by the opening, widening or extending of such street or alley, and i: so, what damage is claimed by the property owner. Said com¬ mittee shall make due report to the City Council of tneir proceed¬ ings. SEC. 8. If the City Council agree with the property owner in his estimate of damage, then a warrant on the city treasury may, in the discretion ©f the City Council, be issued to the property owner for the amount of his damages, and after said warrant is paid ihe street committee may be ordered to open said street or alley. SEC. 9. If the City Council and the property owner fail; to agree upon the amount of damages, the Council shall appoint one disinterested freeholder of this city; and shall notify the property owner to appoint one disinterested freeholder of this city; the two !'ius appointed shall appoint a third disinterested freeholder of this city; and the three thus appointed shall constitute a commis¬ sion of arbitration and shall proceed to ascertain, estimate and fix e amount of damages the city shall pay to such property owner r any of his property taken for streets or alleys. 45 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES SEC. 10. Such commission of arbitration shall sit as a court and hear testimony as to the value of the land and the damage, if any, done to such property by the widening, or extending, of such street, or alley, and before such court the property owner and the city shall be cited, with five days notice, to appear. SEC. 11. In case any property owner shall fail or refuse to appoint or designate one member of the commission, then the city shall appoint two members; the two appointed by the city shall select a third, and the commission thus constituted shall proceed in the manner above indicated. SEC. 12. When the commission shall have agreed upon the amount of damages, they shall report the same to the City Council and the Council shall order a warrant drawn on the city treasury and issued to the property owner for the amount reported by the commission. Said warrant shall be paid to the property owner, by the City Treasurer, in lawful money of the United States, and thereupon the street committee shall be ordered to open oaid street or alley; provided, however, that either the city or property owner, f they see fit, may appeal from the decision of the commission to the County Court of Johnson County, Texas. SEC. 13. That the Council shall have full power to grade, avel, repair, pave or otherwise improve any street, alley or any part thereof within the limits of said city. TITLE NINE—FRANCHISES. SEWER SYSTEM. i ARTICLE 22—ESTABLISHING WITHIN PRESCRIBED LIMITS CERTAIN SANITARY AND POLICE REGULATIONS, RE¬ GARDING SEWERS IN THE CITY OF CLE¬ BURNE, TEXAS. SECTION 1. All property or premises within the following designated and prescribed limits in the City of Cleburne, Texas, to- wit: Lots Nos. 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 4, 5, 11, 16, 9, 1*, 15, 29, 16, 17, 18, 30, 31, 32, 33, Border Blocks 5, 6, 7; Nortn Main street, South Main Street, Chambers and Henderson Streets, from depot to square; from Henderson Street up North Anglin Street, and all property or premises within one-half block of the sewer line; the “Old Santa Fe Reservation,” in the City of Cleburne, composes the sanitary district. 46 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons what¬ ever to use or maintain or permit to be used or maintained on any premises situated on the line of sewer or within one-half block of same, within limits designated and prescribed in Section 1, of this ordinance, and owned, rented, leased or controlled by such person or persons, any privy, cess pool, water closet, urinal basin, slop sink, slop drain, bath tub or waste water from laundry livery stable, or any other receptacle whatsoever used or to be used for the pur¬ pose of receiving or removing sewerage matter or slops of any kind, unless the same be connected with a good and efficient system of sanitary sewerage, approved by the City Council of the City of C’eburne, Texas, after ninety days notice to such person or persons from such sewer company, that the sewer line is ready for ser¬ vice. SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful to do any of the following acts except as herein provided: To uncover the public or district sewer for any purpose or to make connection therewith or uncover the public connection branches thereof, unless by consent, or under the supervision of the Cleburne Sewer Co., or its duly authorized agents, whose duty it shall be to insure full compliance with this ordinance in relation to connections, and a failure o t duty in this respect shall subject such sewer company or its agents to all the penalties of this ordinance. For the owner or ocxupant of any building in any of the sewer district, any portion of which is used for any purpose during any portion of the day, to fail to have at least one water closet con¬ nected with public sewer, 90 days after notification from the Cle¬ burne Sewer Company, that the sewer is ready for such connection, except in cases where two or more such buildings are used or oper¬ ated by one firm or corporation, and require but one connec¬ tion. For the owner or occupant of any building in any se ,/er dis¬ trict in which food is cooked, or clothing is washed (or the public, to fail to have a suitable sink, slop stone, or hopper for the reception of water. To throw, or allow to be thrown or deposited on the surface of the ground, or any hole or vault, in or under the surface of the ground in any sewer district, except in the proper and necessary manuring of the soil, any water which has been used for domestic or manufacturing purposes, or liquids, or solid filth, feces or urine. To throw or deposit, or cause or permit to be th-own or de¬ posited, in any vessel or receptacle, connection with public sewer, any garbage, hair, fruit, ashes, or vegetable peelings, or refuse rags, cotton, cinders or any other matter, whatsoever, except feces urine, the necessary closet paper and liquid slops. 47 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES To fail or refuse to connect all wash stands 01 slop stands in the house or yard with the sewer, or to allow any slops, wash or waste water o'< any kind, to flow over the pavement, or under the lavement, or into the streets. SEC. 4. The property owner or plumber who makes connec¬ tions, or both, shall be held responsible for any injuries thp plum¬ ber shall cause to the sewer or street in making such connec¬ tions. SEC. 5.All details o t plumbing work, such as water closets, sinks, etc., must be in accordance with the plans and descriptions in the office of the Sewer Company, bearing the approval of the City Council. SEC. 6. All persons or firms carrying on a pi/iimbing business, before they can do any work upon any of said connections, must give bond in the sum of one thousand ($100o) dollars, with two good and sufficient sureties, payable to the Mayor of the City of Cleburne, for account and use of any person having c^aim under Sec. 4. Said bond must be approved by the City Council, and shall be conditioned that all work shall be done in good and workman¬ like manner in accordance with the rules and regulations therefor, and that the makers thereof will save the city and property owner! and the Sewer Company, harmless Drom all damages aris ng from making the connection with public sewers. Said bond shall be filed with the City Secretary. It shall be unlawful for the Sewer Com¬ pany to issue such permits, unless the plumber proposing to do the work has filed such bond. SEC. 7. No person or corporation shall connect any open gutter, cess pool, privy, vault, or cistern, with any public sewer, or with any private sewer connected with the pubic sewer. SEC. 8. No person or corporation shall deposit any garbage, offal, dead animals, filth, or any substance having a tendency to obstruct the flow of sewerage in any manhole, lamp hole, flush tank or sewer opening. SEC. 9. The Sewer Company shall have the power to stop and prevent from discharging into the public sewer and private drain, or house connection, through which substances are discharged, which are liable to injure the sewers, or to obstruct the flow of th 3 sew¬ erage or on which sewer rent, according to Schedule in Franchise !irom the city, has not-been paid. SEC. 10. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, or persons whomsoever to build or construct or cause to be built or constructed, on any premises situated within the limits designated and prescribed in Sec. 1 of this Ordinance, and owned, rented, leased or controlled by such person or persons, any privy, cess pool, water closet, urinal .basin, slop sink, or slop drain, bath tub or waste water from laundry, livery stable, or an T other eceptacle 48 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. v/hatsoever used, or to be used for the purpose of receiving or removing sewerage matter, or slop of any kind, unless the same be properly connected with a good and efficient system of sanitary sewerage, approved by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, Texas; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any premises not having a line of sewerage pipe running to within one- half block of same. SEC. 11. The System of Sanitary Sewerage now owned and being constructed by P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelley, within the City oi Cleburne, Texas, is hereby recommended and approved as a good, efficient system of sewerage for all purposes mentioned in this ordinance. SEC. 12. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to obstruct or in any way injure any of the pipes, drains, works or machinery belonging or connected with any system of sanitary sew¬ erage owned, used or operated in the City of Cleburne, Texas, or to place or drop, or throw any substance whatever into any sink, water closet, bath tub, vessel drains, or other re?3ptad.es belong¬ ing to or connected with any system of sanitary sewerage owned, used or operated in the City of Cleburne, Texa.;, which may ob- stnict or injure the same. SEC. 13. The streams called East Buffalo and Wes: Buffalo and the stone sewer low laid on East Border street, from Henderson street, south are not public or private sanitary sewers, nor places for the disposal of filth of any description and any person who shall throw, place or deposit any filth or offensive matter of any descrip¬ tion or cause the sewerage from any stable, hog pen, laundry, privy, vault or outhouse, to flow into said streams or stone sewer, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and each day this section is vio¬ lated shall constitute a separate offense. SEC. 14. That every person who omits or refuses to comply with, or resists or wilfully violates any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or any of the rules and regulations of the Sewerage Company, which have been approved by the City Council, or cny of the rules, orders or sanitary regulations established by the City Council, or Health Officer, in carrying out the provisions of this or¬ dinance, or the execution of any order or special regulation of? the Health Officer made for that purpose, is hereby declared to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and each day of any violation o', this ordinance shall eonstitute a separate offense after due notification, and on conviction shall be fined for each offense i i any sum not to exceed Twenty-Five ($25) Dollars. Provided, however, 'hat the City Health Officer, before promulgating or attempting to • nfurce or regulate, shall first have the approval or adoption of the City Council to said rule or regulation. 49 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES _ SEC. 15. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shad take effect from and after passage; provided, however, this ordinance shall not be enforced in any territory where said severage system is not in readiness for service. 1. House drains, within and to a distance of five feet outside of the exterior wall of a building, shall be of standard cast-iron oil pipe, laid in trenches of uniform grade, suspended to the floor- ng and timbers by strong iron hangers or fastened to the wall by trong iron hooks. They shall have a proper fall o' not less than one in fifty toward the sewer. Changes in direction shall,be made witf regular fittings and connections with horizontal pipes, shall be m?de with “Y” branches and sanitary “T’s.” 2. All joints shall be packed with picked oakum or hemp and, run with molten lead, thoroughly caulked and made tight. 3. All soil and vent pipes must be extended aft least two feet \bove the roof. The vent pipes may, in case of no independent ven¬ tilation pipe, connect into the soil pipe, at least three feet above the highest fixture. 4. Connections of lead pipes with iron pipes shall be 'made with brass, or combination iron and lead ferrules, or brass solder nipples, and caulked or screwed toAhe Iron pipes 5. Alt water closet traps, or bends, when placed between ceil¬ ing and floor, must be of no less than six-pound lead to the square loot. All smaller traps between ceiling and floor must be cV no less than five-pound lead to the square foot. R. Vent pipes must not terminate in, or be led t>*rqpgh chim¬ neys dues. They must be carried up inside the house when prac¬ ticable. ' .' 7. All traps shall be protected from syphonage or aid pressure by special aid pipes of the following sizes: : 8. All water closets shall be back vented, except lyphon-jet closets, with not less than two-inch pipe. When ther3 are a group from three to five water closets, the vent must be four inches in size. When there ar emore than five closets, the vent must be of the same size of the soil pipe. 9. Vent pipes from all fixtures, except water closets, shall not be less size than 1 1-4 inch, and when more than one fixture connects into one vent, then such vent shall not be less than 1. 1-2 inch pipe. 10. No sub-venting or sub-waste will be allowed. .. , fi 11. All connections to vent pipes must be made with lead pipes. Each vent shall have a trap screw wiped into it, not. more 50 Of THE CITY OF CLEBURNE. 1915._ than six inches above the connection with the trap. The trap screw can be dispensed with, if the back vent is connected to the trap by a brass union. 12. Galvanized or black wrought iron pipes, ca..t iron, soil or lead pipe, may be used for ventilation. 13. In no case will a wrought iron pipe be allowed for a waste for any fixture. 14. All vent pipes shall be run as direct as possible, and 45-degree ‘L’s” must be used at all times when practicable. 15. No soil, drain or vent props shall be covered from view or concealed until after work has been examined by the Sewer Com¬ pany or their agent. And the Sewer Company shall be noticed by the plumber when the work is ready for inspection, and said plum¬ ber shall prepare the whole system of plumbing for the Sewer Company or their agent to make a proper test of the same. 16. Every water closet or group of water closets on the same lloor shall be supplied with water from a separate tank or cistern, except latrene closets, for use in public buildings, and no flush for the same shall be less than 1 1-4 inch pipe. Pan or long hopper clcset, or closets that have an unventilated space, or whose walls are not flushed at each discharge, shall not be used. 17. Waste pipes for kitchen sinks, in restaurants, hotels and bearding houses, or any other public cooking establishment, shall run separate to a grease trap, placed as near the sink as is practi¬ cable. 18. Grease traps shall be constructed of cement, earthenware, or brick, not less than ten inches in diameter, when placed outside of the building, if placed under the sink, they must be made of cast iron or lead, with an air tight screw, not less than four inches m diameter, for cleaning. All grease traps must be approved by the Sewer Company or their agent. 19. All waste pipes from all fixtures shall be of cast iron or lead, and the following sizes: Bath tubs 1 1-2 inches; laundry tubs 1 1-2 inches; urinals 1 1-2 inches; wash basins 1 1-4 inches; kitchen sinks 1 1-2 inches, slop hoppers 4 inches. 20. Waste pipes for refrigerators or other receptacles shall not be connected directly with the drainage system, but shall be ar¬ ranged to waste in an open tray in plain sight below the refrigera¬ tor. This tray may be connected with the drainage pipes upon being properly trapped like other fixtures. 21. No sediment from boilers, or drain tubes from stop and waste cocks, shall be connected directly with any waste or sewer. 2 2. Rain water pipes shall not be connected with the sewer system except w r hen expressly authorized by the Sewer Company 51 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES in writing. When sizes are given for pipes, such sizes refer to the inner, or clear diameter of the pipe. 2 3. If soil or waste pipes are placed in the building for future use, the necessary ventilation and waste pipe must also be put in, and work inspected as if for immediate use. All openings not in use must be closed by screw plugs or caulked in. 24. Each sewer connection with laterals must have one cast- ■i'on pipe for ventilation, not less than four inches in diameter, for v\ater closets, and not less than 2 inches in diameter for other con¬ nections, and shall be carried not less than two feet' above the roof of the building, dwelling or out house, except when out house is xtss than twenty feet from main building, in which case ventilating pipe must be attached to main building and carried above the i oof. 2 5. The bottom of each riser must have a stop and waste, and all pipes in connection therewith must be so arranged that they will empty when the waste is shut off. Each water closet must have a stop cock or supply. 2 6. When self - closing work is used, the air chambers must be put in as near the cock or faucet as possible. All pipes in connection with plumbing must be arranged so that they can be easily examined and repaired. 2 7. No steam exhaust will be allowed to connect" with any drain, soil or waste pipe. 2 8. No connection shall be made or any opening into any pub¬ lic sewer, nor any connection to any private sewer, which empties into the public sewer, without a permit from the Sewer Company, implication for permits shall be made in writing to the Sew r er Com¬ pany by the property owner or his authorized agent. Such appli¬ cation shall give the exact location of the property, the name of lie owner, and the name of the person employed to do the work, and shall be made on the day previous to opening the street. 2 9. All permits to connect with the sewrnr shall be given upon the express condition that the Sewer Company may, at any time be¬ fore the work is completed, revoke and annul the same and no par¬ ty interested shall have a right to claim damages in consequence of such permit being revoked or annulled. 30. All connections shall be made by competent and skillful mechanics, and in the following manner, viz: (a) Every pipe connected with the sewrer, whether of cast-iron or earthenware, must be sound, impervious in all parts and joined in flie best manner. (b) Cement pipes must not be used, but earthenw r are vitrified <;lay pipes of the best quality, joined with fresh strong cement mor- ter. 52 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. (c) These pipes to be laid at least one foot deep, and above -t depth, the vertical pipes to be of cast iron, and all pipes from the sewer connection to the top of the soil pipe, to be fully 4 inches i interior diameter for water closets, and 2 inches in diameter for her connections at every point. (d) No trap or any manner of obstruction to the free flow of ir through the whole course of the drain and soil pipes will be al¬ lowed. (e) Every connection of a water closet, sink, basin or other vessel connected with the pipe, must be separated from it by a trap offering an obstacle to the passage of air equal to not less than three-eighths of an in depths of water. Rain water or surface wa¬ ter from the ground or roof of any house shall not be allowed to en¬ ter into the sewer, or into anyvessel or slop stone connected with any sewer, except by special permission from Sewer Company. All soil pipe or extension of the sewer connections, whatever use it may serve, shall extend at least six inches above the eaves, or parapet, or dividing walls of the house, or building in which the same is constructed, and all ventilating pipes for sewer connections or water closet shall be extended at least six inches above the eaves parapet or dividing walls of every house or building in or near which there is a sewer connection. 32. No house sewer or drain shall be used for any other pur¬ pose than those specified in these rules, except by special permis¬ sion from the Sewer Company. 33. After all the plumbing work in any building is completed, and before the water is turned on, a certificate will be issued to the plumber doing the work, showing that the work is done in ac¬ cordance with the foregoing rules. 34. The rules for plumbers apply to all extensions, alterations or other work to be done in connection with plumbing or house drains in old buildings (except minor repairs) the same as in new buildings. 35. By minor’repairs are meant repairs of leaks in pipes, traps and cocks, opening up waste or supply pipes, traps and drains, and repairing broken fixtures and frozen pipes. 36. There will be three tests or inspections made bj the Sewer Company or their agent as follows: 1st. The fewer after it is laid and joined, before it is coveied up. 2nd. The soil and vent pipes, as per rule 16. 3rd. On completion of the work. 37. Abutting owners or patrons of the sewerage system on streets where sewers are laid shall not be required to pay for con- 53 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES necting sewer pipe, in the street, in excess of one half of the width of street. 38. The foregoing rules for sewer plumbing are subject to change at any time by the City Council of the City of Cleburne. ARTICLE 24.—GRANTING TO JACK STEELE, P. C, CHAMBERS AND E. T. KELLY OF CLEBURNE, TEXAS, THEIR SUCCES¬ SORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT AND OP¬ ERATE A SYSTEM OF SANITARY SEWERAGE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, TEXAS, WITH AN OPTION TO THE CITY TO PURCHASE THE SAID SYSTEM OF SEWERAGE AS HEREINAFTER PROVIDED. 1. That the said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly, of Cleburne, Texas, their successors and assigns, are hereby granted the right to lay and construct sewerage, mams and pipes, conduits of brick, sewers, man holes, catch basins, etc., on the streets and aUeys within the territory in the city limits of Cleburne, Texas, as designated and described in Ordinance now in effect, relating to and governing the city limits of said city of Cleburne, and such other territory as may be added to corporate limits of said city from time to time to this franchise. By resolution of said City Council of said city, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating and extending a good and efficient system of sanitary sewerage, as may now be designat¬ ed by ordinance or at any time hereafter, for the public use in said city for a term of fifty years. Provided, that after the expiration of five years from the pas¬ sage of this Ordinance, and each successive two years thereafter, the City of Cleburne shall have the right and privilege to purchase said system of sewerage by giving written notice to the said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly, of Cleburne, Texas, their successors and assigns, of its intention to do so of at least three months before the expiration of the five years and each succeeding two years thereafter. Value or price paid for the entire system of sewerage by the City of Cleburne, Texas, shall be dj appraisement in the following manner: The said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly, their successors and assigns, and the City Council of the City of Cle¬ burne, shall severally appoint one person, and the two appointed shall choose a third, two of whom shall be residents of Johnson County, Texas, and the three persons thus chosen shall constitute 54 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915 a commission to determine the value of said entire sewerage system, grounds, and rights belonging to the. same, and a decision of ma¬ jority of said commission shall be final. In determining the value of said system and plant, no greater amount than the actual cost of said system and plant, together with 2 0 per cent, of the same added, shall be considered by said commission. The said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly shall fur¬ nish the City Council of the City of Cleburne, Texas, upon the com¬ pletion of the original contract, a sworn statement made by said Steele, Chambers and Kelly of the cost of said sewerage plant. ^4nd all additions made after the original contract is completed shall be estimated for purchase by the City of Cleburne in 'the same man¬ ner as the original contract. The said City of Cleburne shall, within three months after the said commission has rendered its award, pay the amount so award¬ ed in cash or legal bonds of said* city, lawfully issued and registered at par. The bonds bearing five per cent, interest per annum, or by said city assuming indebtedness of said Jack Steele. P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly, their successors and assigns. And a failure to pay the amount of the appraisement above specified, or a failure to give notice of its intention to purchase, as above provided, shall operate as a waiver of the right to purchase until the expiration of the next time provided in this contract. And a further provision in the granting of this franchise is that the said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly, their successors and assigns, shall, faith¬ fully observe and perform all the terms and conditions and require¬ ments of this ordinance in whole or in part. And a failure on the part of the said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly, their successors and assigns, to comply with this contract shall operate and work as a forfeiture of this franchise, or any right hereunder, now had by reason of this contract and franchise, after thirty days written notice thereon has been given to them. Said sewerage plant shall not be mortgaged for any amount in excess of actual cost of same. The said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly of Cle¬ burne, Texas, their successors and assigns, shall exercise due care and diligence in the use of the streets and alleys and public places, and shall cause no unnecessary delay or obstruction to public travel over or upon the same, or any interference with pipes, either gas or water, which may be lawfully located beneath the surface thereof, when such sewers are laid. And the said Jack Steele, P. C. Cham¬ bers and E. T. Kelly, their successors and assigns, shall take every reasonable precaution against accident or damage to persons or property in the exercise of their rights and privileges nerein grant¬ ed, and shall cause all excavations to be properly guarded and 55 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES lighted a+ night during the construction of said system of sewer¬ age. And after the completion of the purpose of said street, alleys and public places shall be restored to their former condition without unnecessary delay. And the said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly, their successors and assigns, to hold the City of Cleburne, Texas, harmless from any liability whatever, which may result by reason of any violation of. the terms and conditions of this ordinance, or by reason of any failure to construct, maintain or cporato tbo said system of sewerage in proper and sanitary condition. 3. The general plan of said sewerage system shall be as fnl lows: Sewers shall be of the best quality of salt-glazed terra cotta, vitrified pipes, truly cylindrical, laid upon a true gradient line with joints made tight with first class Portland cement mortar, or to be made with first class hard burnt brick, laid in first'class cement mortar. Lamp holes and man holes shall be placed whenever nec¬ essary, and to be covered with iron covers, strong enough to carry the heaviest traffic. Sewers to be laid at such depth below the surface of the earth as not to interfere with the work on the streets, alleys and gutters, and to give a fall of not less than two and one- half inches to each ten feet from each adjacent building to the sewer pipe line. 4. That the said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly, their successors and assigns, shall maintain and operate a good and efficient system of sanitary sewerage in the City of Cleburne, Texas, as covering the following blocks and streets: Nos. 1, C, 2, 7, 3, 4, 5, II, 16, 9, 14, 15, 29, and around the public square. North Main Street, South Main Street, Blocks 16, 17, 18, 30. 31, 32, 33. B. B. 5, 6, 7* Chambers and Henderson streets from depot to square. From Henderson street up North Anglin street the old Santa Fe Depot reservation in the City of Cleburne, as designated by ordinance. Extensions to be made by the said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly, their successors ai d assigns, on all streets where the sanitary rules and regulations have been voted in by a majority of the property owners on said streets, connecting the same with the sanitary limits. The said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly,, their successors and assigns, shall furnish a good and efficient system of sanitary sewerage for all patrons, public and private, at a uniform price not to exceed at any time the following rates UDon all streets by the sanitary Ordinance covered: Ti e city hall and calaboose and fire department building to have sewer connections free of cost. City to furnish the plumbing required for connecting the same to sewer. Public school buildings to pay an annual rental of twelve and one-half cents per capita on 56 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. the average attendance, as reported by the Superintendent of Pub¬ lic schools. PRICES FOR. PUBLIC USE. Water closets for store, each closet per anuum.$ 8.00 Additional closet for store, each closet per annum . 6.00 Water closet for offices, each closet, per annum . 8.00 Urinal basin, each, per annum . 2.00 Sinks for washing bottles, each, per annum . 4.00 Closet in restaurants, each closet, per annum . 10.00 Closet in saloons, per annum, each closet . 12.00 Urinal basin in restaurants, each basin, per annum . 4.00 Urinal basins in saloone, per annum, each basin .. 6.00 Barber shop, three chairs, per annum. 6.00 Each additional chair, per annum. 1.00 Bath tub in barber shop, each tub, per annum. 3.00 Water closets in barber shop, per annum, each closet. 10.00 Water closets in livery stables, per annum, each closet. 10.00 Wash racks in livery stables, each rack, per annum. 12.00 PUBLIC BOARDING HOUSES AND HOTELS. Fourteen rooms and under, water closets, each closet, per annum ... 12.00 Urinal basin, per annum, each basin. 5.00 Sinks, per annum, each sink. 4.00 Bath tubs, per annum, each tub . 2.00 HOTELS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OF OVER 14 ROOMS. ' Water closet, per annum, each closet . 15.00 Urinal basins, per annum, each basin. 5.00 Sinks, per annum, each sink . 4.00 Bath tubs, per annum, each tub. 2.00 PRIVATE HOUSES. Water closets, each, per annum . 8.00 Bath tubs, each tub, per annum. 2.00 Sinks, each sink, per annum . .. 2.00 Wash stands, each, per annum . 2.0 0 Or the four fixtures above, per annum .. 10.00 Additional water closets per annum, each closet. 4.00 LAUNDRIES AND BOTTLING WORKS. Water closets, per annum, each closet . 10.00 Waste water attachments . Special Rates 57 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES NATATORIUMS AND BATH HOUSES. Water closets, each closet, per annum . 10.00 Waste water attachments . Special Rates All sewer rates to be paid quarterly in advance. 5. Plumbing work upon the premises of any property owner or holder shall be done according to the rules and regulations here¬ after to be adopted and approved by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, Texas, and no connection shall be made with said sewer¬ age system except under personal supervision of said Jack Steele,, P, C. Chambers, E. T. Kelly, or either of them, their agent or as¬ signs. The said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly, their successors and assigns, shall connect or permit the connecting of any private lateral pipe to their sewerage system, upon the tender to them of the rental price of such connection by the person or per¬ sons desiring same to be done according to the terms and conditions hereinbefore provided, and no charge shall be made for such con¬ nection. Provided, such connection is made according to the rules, requirements and regulations of the Sewerage Company. 6. The said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly, their successors or assigns, .shall extenl such system of sewerage when ordered to do to by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, Texas, when the sanitary rules and regulations are passed covering the territory where the sewerage is ordered to be put : .i. Provided, they shall not be required to extend said system to a locality that is not sufficiently built up to return them 10 .per cent interest per annum revenue on the actual cost of said extension. 7. The construction of the said system of sewerage shall be commenced not later than three months from and after the passage of this ordinance, and shall be completed within six months there¬ after, covering all the territory as provided above. Provided, how¬ ever, that if the completion of said work is prevented by delay caused by floods or strikes, or the act of God, or by reason of legal proceedings in court for the maintenance of their legal rights, or the right of w r ay, such time shall form no part of the limit herein spec¬ ified in this ordinance for the performance of any act required by the terms of this section to be done by them. And said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly shall ex¬ ecute a good and sufficient bond to be approved by the Mayor of the City of Cleburne in the sum of five hundred ($500) dollars, conditioned, for the faithful beginning, continuation and comple- tion of the original system of sewerage specified in this fran¬ chise. Whereas, heretofore, M. P. Kelly, the owner and promoter of the Odorless system of sewerage, made a map and profile tor a sys- 58 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. tem of sewerage for the City of Cleburne, for the sum of five Hun¬ dred ($500) dollars, with the understanding and agreement that in the event said city should employ said Kelly to put in said system of sewerage at Cleburne, he would deduct said five hundred ($50u) dollars from the price agreed upon for putting in said system; now to carry out said contract, it is agreed that in the event the City of Cleburne shall purchase said sewerage plant from said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly, their successors and assigns, then the said Steele, Chambers and Kelly, their successors and assigns, shall deduct from said purchase price so agreed upon or ascertained, the sum of five hundred ($500) dollars, and require the city to pay the balance only in the manner hereinbefore specified. 8. It is understood and agreed, as part of this franchise and con¬ tract, that the City Council of the City of Cleburne shall, as soon as practicable, pass and put into force all necessary and appropriate Ordinances and resolutions for the protection of said Sewerage Com¬ pany, and its rights in operating the said system of sewerage. 9. The said Jack Steele, P. C. Chambers and E. T. Kelly, their successors and assigns, shall at all times keep said sewerage system clean and in good sanitary condition, and upon their failure to do so, shall be liable to prosecution for allowing or maintaining a pub¬ lic nuisance; and shall also be liable for any injury resulting from their failure to do so. ARTICLE 25.—GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO J. A. CALDWELL, TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A TELEPHONE SYSTEM IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THIS CITY. SECTION 1. That a Franchise be, and is, hereby granted to J. A. Caldwell, and his assigns, to erect, maintain and operate a com¬ plete telephone system , within the corporate limits of this city. To have the right to erect all necessary poles on the streets, alleys and public grounds of this city. To erect all necessary wire, on or across any street, alley or public grounds. To conduct electricity through said city, where necessary, for the operation of said telephone sys¬ tem, provided, that said poles shall be erected under the supervis¬ ion of the street committee, and shall be placed on the line between the streets and sidewalks, and shall be so erected as not to inter¬ fere with the free use of any street, alley or sidewalk. All wires shall be placed at a sufficient height from the ground as not to in¬ terfere with or endanger the free use 'of eny street, alley or side¬ walk. Provided, that in the erection and operation of said telephone system that reasonable care and skill shall be used by said Caldwell to prevent any accident or inconvenience by said, telephone sys¬ tem. 59 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES SEC. 2. Read a first, second and third time, and passed ;G, a quorum being present. ARTICLE 2 6.—GRANTING TO E. P. TURNER AND ASSOCIATES, OR ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE. SECTION 1. That E. P. Turner, and Associates, cr assigns, are hereby granted the right, privilege and franchise of constructing, maintaining and operating an interurban railway, on which steam shall not be used as motor power, over, along and upon the following streets in the city of Cleburne, Texas, viz: Beginning on East Buffalo Creek South and adjoining bridge on East Second Street; Thence West parallel with and South of said street crossing the lines of the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe and Trinity and Brazos Valley Railways to a point opposite South Mill Street; thence North on South Wilhite Street to Chambers Street; thence West on Chambers Street to Western limits of City, on Pendell from Featherstone Street to Davis Street; also on South Caddo to Smith Street; thence West on Smith Street to City limits. It being understood that if the line is built on West Chambers Street, the franchise on Caddo and Smith Streets are to be forfeited, and if built on Caddo and Smith Streets the franchise on West Chambers Street to be forfeited, and to con¬ struct, maintain and operate all such curves, switches, turnouts, as may be necessary to proper and convenient operation of said interur¬ ban railway, subject to the conditions and in accordance with the provisions thereof. SEC. 2. That the rights, privileges and franchise hereby gran¬ ted shall exist for a period of Twenty-five years from the final pas¬ sage of this ordinance and upon the terms and conditions herein- ator imposed. SEC. 3. The main track shall be laid as that the center of the street shall be as near as practicable the center of the tracks, and the main line track may be doubled at such points where it may be deemed necessary for the better operation of said Railway and tor greater convenience of the piiblic, and such double tracks shall be so placed that the center of the street shall as near as practica¬ ble, be the center of the two tracks. In no event shall the whole of Chambers Street be double tracked; where poles are used they shall be placed at the outer curb line and wholly within the space allowed for side walks, on property lines and no guy lines. SEC. 4. That the Grantees herein named, their successors and assigns, shall maintain the streets between their said track or tracks and for a distance of 2 feet on either side of same, at their own cost and with the same kind and quality of material and construction 60 Of THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. work, as nearly as practicable, as same street is maintained at the same point by the City of Cleburne, and all construction work and material in relaying and maintaining said streets shall be done and furnished subject to the approval of the City Engineer, and up¬ on completion thereof all debris shall be removed and the streets left in as good condition as same were prior to said construction work, and proper drainage and culverts "Shall be provided and main¬ tained, so that the water will not accumulate between the rails or on either side of the track, by reason of its construction. SEC. 5. That the City of Cleburne shall have the right to change the grade or character of pavement on any street or portion of street traversed by the line of railway for which this franchise is granted, and the tracks of said railway shall be at once made to con¬ form to the altered grade of the street, and that portion of the street which said railway is required to pave shall be by it paved as to conform to the altered pavement of such street, at the expense of the owners of the railway line for which this franchise is granted, without recourse on their behalf against the City for injury or dam¬ age. The rails of the railway hereby authorized shall be kept at all times flush with the surface of the Street and that portion of the street lying between the rails and tracks, and two feet outside of the tracks, of the railway, shall be kept and maintained by the owner thereof in good condition of repair and in such condition that the rails, and no part o": the construction of said railway, sho 11 be an impediment to the travel, or free and convenient use of the street, and said railway shall be constructed and maintained under the ap proval of the City Engineer of the City of Cleburne, and in such nanner as the Council of said City may approve. SEC. 6. That the said Turner and his associates or assigns shall indemnify and save the City of Cleburne whole and harmless from any claim for injury to persons or property occasioned by and aris¬ ing out of the location, construction, mamtainance and operation of the railway hereby authorized. SEC. 7. That said Grantees shall construct at their own ex¬ pense a re-inforced concrete bridge over West Buffalo Creek on Chambers Street, Smith Street if that street is used over whi 3h said line of railway shall run, and to make same sufficiently wide for pedestrians and vehicles to pass thereon, on both sides of interurb- an track. SEC. 8. The Grantees are to make arrangements v/ith Street Car and interurban companies now occupying a portion of Chambers Street use their tracks or make arrangements with said Compa¬ nies to so change the location of their said tracks as when grantees lay their track along the side of same, the center of Chambers Street shall be the center of the two tracks, but in no case shall there he more than two parallel tracks on said portion of Chambers Street. 61 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES The City of Cleburne shall be relieved of all responsibility as to any difference arising between the different holders of franchises on Chambers or any other street, either as to the local railway, inter- 'urban or steam railways. The grantees shall permit local street railways and other interurban cars to run over its said tracks within the City of Cleburne upon the payment of reasonable rental charges therefor, considering the cost of construction and maintaining their Laid line. SEC. 9. The City of Cleburne reserves the right to lay and per¬ mit to be laid gas, water, sewer and other pipes, lines or cables, and to do, or permit to be done, any other underground or; overhead work that may be deemed necessary or proper by the City Council and not inconsistent with this franchise, in, across and along the streets named as the route of the afoi'esaid railway, and the City in executing said work, or permitting same to be done, shall not, be liable to Grantee or their assigns for any damage occasioned there¬ by. SEC. 10. That tho grantees and their assigns, in consideration of the rights, privileges and franchises by this ordinance granted, shal. pay the City of Cleburne, on the first day of July of each and every year, during the continuance of this franchise, the sum of One Dollar ($1.00.) SEC. 11. That the said E. P. Turner and his associates or as¬ signs, shall begin the actual work of constructing said railway with¬ in eighteen months of the date of the final passage and acceptance hereof, anJ shall have eighteen months thereafter in which to com¬ plete the same, and the failure to begin or to complete said work within the said time shall at the option of the Council of the City of Cleburne, forfeit all rights, privileges and franchises hereby granted. SEC. 12. This franchise when granted by the City of Cleburne shall be accepted within tnirty days from its final passage and failuie to so accept within thirty days shall forfeit all rights and franchises hereby granted. SEC. 13. If local service is furnished for any addition, same service shall be furnished the City. Approved August 21st, 1913. ARTICLE 27.—GRANTING TO DANIEL HEWITT, HIS SUCCES¬ SORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE. SECTION 1. That the right-of-way over,across and upon the streets, alleys and avenues of the City of Cleburne, and. the right, privilege and license to construct, operate and maintain a line or 62 _OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1913. lines of electric street railway or railways, with all the necessary and appurtenant side-tracks, switches, turn-outs, turn-tables, drains, culverts or any and every other appurtenant fixture or improvement necessary thereto or properly connected therewith, along, through, oven, upon, and across the streets, alleys and avenues of the City of Cleburne, is hereby given and granted to Daniel Hewitt, his suc¬ cessors and assigns, subject to the provisions, conditions and re¬ quirements of this ordinance. SEC. 2. It is understood, however, that before the said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns, shall construct any such system of electric street railway or any addition thereto or extension there¬ of on or ever any of said streets, public squares or abeys, the said Daniel Hewitt, or his successors or assigns, shall present to the City Council of the City of Cleburne a- map or plat showing the streets on which they propose to construct said railway, or such addition or extension, and that same shall first receive the approval of sai3 City Council before such railway or any part thereof is constructed bn such streets, and after such approval, the holder of said fran¬ chise shall have the right to construct, maintain and operate said line of railway or such additions and extensions thereof on said streets so designated in said plat. SEC. 3. The right-of-way, privilege and license for the con¬ struction, operation and maintenance of such electric street railway or system of street railways within the City of Cleburne, is hereby granted to the said Daniel Hewitt, his successors and assigns, for the term of twenty-five years, from and after the passage and ap¬ proval of this ordinance, subject always to the stipulations and re¬ quirements hereof. SEC. 4. Such electric street railway or such system of street railways shall be operated by electric power only, unless some other power shall be hereafter agreed upon between the said Daniel Hew¬ itt, his successors cr assigns, and the City Council of the City of Cleburne, and provided further, that the erection of poles, wires and all other appurtenances connected therewith, not herein spe¬ cially provided for shall at all times be under the regulation ami control of the City Council of the City of Cleburne, ior the purpose of preventing damage or injury to either the person or property ol any citizen theieof. SEC. 5. The right, at all times, during the existence of life of this grant or franchise, to regulate and prescribe the level or grade of the track or tracks of such electric street railway or railways as may be constructed, operated and maintained by said Daniel Hew¬ itt, his successors or assigns, on, across, over, through or along any of the public streets, alleys, or avenues of the City of Cleburne, shall be, and the same is hereby reserved tu the City Council of this city, for sanitary, drainage, police or other reasonable municipal purposes. 63 REVISED CIV IL ORDINANCES SIlC. 6. Said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns here¬ under, shall, at all times during the existence cr life of this license or franchise, keep and maintain the load bed of such street railway or system of street railway, and all side tracks, spurs, switches, turn-outs, turn-tables, or approaches thereto, and the bed thereof, and of all othei necessary connections therewith, constructed, oper¬ ated or maintained by said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns, upon a level with the established surface levels of the streets, alleys and avenues of this city, over, across, through or along or upon which, said Hewitt or his successors or assigns, may construct, op¬ erate or maintain such line or lines of street railway. SBC. 7. Whenever the existing grade or level of any street, alley or avenue in this city, over, across, through, upon, of along which such line or lines of electric street railway or railways may run, snail be altered, raised or lowered, by Ordinance of the City Council of this city, the said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or as¬ signs, shall cause the road-bed and the track or tracks of such street r a Away, and all switches, turn-outs, sidings and connections, and the roadbed thereof to conform to such change, grade or level. SEC. 8. The said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns, snail bear ana pay tne cost and expense of filling in, grading, lowering or raising only that part or portion of any street, alley or avenue of this city as may be actually used or occupied by him or them in con¬ structing, maintaining and operating such a line or lines of street railw r ay or railways. SEC. 9. Whenever in the opinion of the City Council of this city, it should be deemed necessary to alter, change, raise or lower the existing level or grade of any street, alley or avenue, over, along, across, upon or through which the said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns, may have constructed or may be operating a line of street railway under the rights herein granted, then and in that event be¬ fore he or his successors or assigns, as the case may be, shall be required to conform to such change or alteration of level or grade, he or they shall have at least sixty days notice of the intention on the part of the City Council to make such change or alteration. SEC. 10. All poles used by said Daniel Hewett or his succes¬ sors or assigns, hereunder, in building, constructing, maintaining, operating or repairing such a line or lines of street railway or rail¬ ways, shall be of cypress or cedar, and not less than twenty-five feet in length, and not less than ten inches in diameter at the bot¬ tom, and not less than six inches in diameter at the top. SEC. 11. All poles shall be at the outer curb line of, and whol¬ ly within the space allowed for side-walks and all ties used in the construction of such street railway line or lines shall be placed not more than two feet apart, and all damage to side walks to be re¬ paired at tl e cost and expense of the grantee, his successors or as¬ signs. 64 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. SEC. 12. Said Daniel Hewitt, his successors and assigns, shall at all time-; during the continuance of this grant or license, con¬ struct. maintain and keep in good repair, all cross-culverts or drains under the track or tracks of his or their street car line or lines, as the same may be required by the proper authorities of the City of Cle'. urne, and- in such manner as to at all times permit the natural drainage of such street, alley or avenue, under its tracks. SEC. 13. The right, privilege, license and franchise herein and hereby granted and given to said Daniel Hewitt, his successors and assigns, shall extend to and include the carriage of passengers, baggage and express only, at reasonable rates, passenger fares not to exceed five cents, however, for one continuous passage for adults, including one free transfer for each fare paid to and over other lines, when necessary; provided, that nothing herein shall be con¬ strued or held to prohibit the said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns, from transporting over such lines of street railway or rai ways construction cars for the carriage of earth, sand, stone, and shell or any material necessary to be used in the construction, repair or maintenance thereof. SEC. 14. Such street railway or railways shall be of what is known as “Standard Guage,” and the track or tracks therof shall be laid with relaying steel of not less than (45) forty-five pounds in weight to the running yard; or of steel of a heavier weight at the option of the said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns here¬ under. SEC. 15. All cars used upon such street railway or railways for the carriage of passengers shall be of suitable and modern bodies with new and up to date equipment, not less than four in number; and all of same shall be equipped with approved appliances for the speedy stoppage thereof, and such appliances as are in modern use for the warning of pedestrians or persons upon such streets, alleys and avenues, of the approach thereof; and between the hours of sunset and sunrise such cars shall bear and be provided with head and rear lights of ample and approved pattern, so placed and maintained as to be conspicuous to pedestrians or person upon such street, alley or avenue. SEC. 16. Said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns, shall, at all times, have the right of way for thei" cars upon their tracks, siding or other appurtenances, and without hindrance, delay or interference frrm or by other vehicles, or other class of obstruction, and this right of way shall be protected and enforced by proper and necessary penal ordinances of the city and penalties for the viola¬ tion of the same shall be provided for by the City of Cleburne through its City Council. SEC. 17. The said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns, shall have the right to connect with or extend the line or lines of his 65 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES or tlieir said street car track to a junction with any other Urban or Interurban line of street railway; and he or they shall also have the right to use, connect with or place wires upon the pole or poles of any other street car line, electric light, telephone or telegraph company, with whom he or they may make satisfactory arrange¬ ments therefor. SEC. 18. In consideration of the granting of the franchise, privilege and license aforesaid, to the said Daniel Hewitt, his suc¬ cessors or assigns, it is understood and agreed that he or his said successors or assigns will enter into a bond payable to the Mayor of the City of Cleburne, and his successors in office, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned that said Hewitt or his successors or assigns will, within sixty days from and after the final passage and approval of this Ordinance, commence the actual construction of a standard guage street car line in tne City of Cle¬ burne, and will, within six months from the passage thereof fully equip, install and build and construct such line of street railway, and have the same in actual operation, from a point near Santa Fe passenger depot, and run thence on Chambers Street to Court House Square to Caddo Street, thence North on Caddo Street to Hender¬ son Street, at North-east corner of Court House Square, thence West on Henderson Street to Douglass Avenue, thence, on D/uglass Avenue to West Wilson Street, thence East on West Wilson Street to Granbury Street; Thence North on Granbury Street to Williams Ave. Beginning where Walnut Street intersects H-ndcrson Street thence South on Wa^ut Street to South Third Street. Beginning on East Chambers Street., where same intersects Rob¬ inson, thence North on Robinson Street to Willingham Street, thence Eas f on Willingham Street to Wilhite Street; thence North on Wil¬ hite Street to Wilson Street; thence West on Wilson Street to Rob¬ inson Street; thence North on Robinson Street to Boone Avenue in North Anglin Heights Addition to the City of Cleburne. Also beginning on East Willingham Street where said street intersects Wilhite Street, th< nee East on Willingham Street to Oliver Street or Brazos Avenue, thence North on Brazos Avenue to North line o ' Morgan’s First Addition, thence N 60 E with street to Chase Avenue, thence North on Chase Avenue to Bryan Street. The above route subject to such changes as .nay be agreed on by Daniel Hewitt and the City Council,, and the cummittee representing the citizens of Cleburne; provided that delays occasioned by strikes or act of God shall not be computed as a part of the time limit herein fixed: and provided, further, that should the said Daniel Hewitt, his succes¬ sors or issigns hereunder, fail to make satisfactory arrangements wit hthe present e^ctric 'ower plans now running in the City of Cleburne, whereby he or they, as the case may be, may be able to procure electric fluid sufficient to operate such electric street rail¬ way or railways, as contemplated herein, then and in that event, 66 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. the said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns, shall have twelve months from the final passage thereof, in which to fully complete and have in actual operation said street car system, to the extent love provided. SEC. 19. Said Daniel Hewitt, his successor^, or assigns here¬ under, in the operation of such street railway or railways as a part of the consideration for the privilege herein granted, also under¬ take and agree, to transport and carry all children under the age of five years, when accompanied by parents, guardians or other persons, free of charge, and all school children under the age of twelve years, at two and one-half cents per passage. SEC. 20. Said cars on said street railwry line or lines sl>all be run at regular intervals of not exceeding thirty minutes between cars going in the same direction, between the hours of six o’clock A M. and ten-thirty o’clock P. M. SEC. 21. The said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns, as the case may be, shall have the right, is hereby granted the license, franchise and privilege of erecting, constructing, maintaining and opert ting, within the corporate limits of the City of Cleburne, an electric power and light plant for the manufacture of electric power and lights, or either, for use in connection with the operation of said street car lines, and system, or for sale to other persons, pro¬ vided, however, that the rates which may be charged by the said Hewitt, his successors or assigns, for the use of such electric power or electric lights by other parties in said City of Cleburne, shall be subject to regulations by the City Council of the City of Cleburne in accordance with the General Laws of the State of Texas, and the charter of said City, and provided that such rates shall never ex¬ ceed those now fixed by the ordinance of the City of Cleburne, to be charged by the Cleburne Electric and Gas Company. SEC. 22. The said Daniel Hewitt, his successors and assigns, shall have the right to operate upon the tracks of said street car line or lines or system, local, suburban or interurban cars, either of its own line or that of other carriers, subject to the terms and pro¬ visions of this franchise. SEC. 23. In the event the said Daniel Hew.tt or his successors or assigns, shall fail, refuse or neglect to construct, equip, main¬ tain and operate the line or lines of street railway or railways, over, across and along the streets as contemplated and provided in Section eighteen of this ordinance, and in the manner and within the time therein provided, then and in such event this grant, privi¬ lege, right and franchise shall, at the option of the City of Cle¬ burne, be declared forfeited, and thereupon all rights, privileges, powers, license and franchise granted or given hereunder to said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns, shall, without further ac¬ tion on the part of the City Council, cease, determine and be at an end. 67 _ REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES SEC. 24. The place of business and legal domicile of '.he grantee, his successors and assigns hereunder, shall always, during the continuance of this grant, be located in the City of Cleburne, Texas, under penalty of immediate revocation of this grant for failure to comply with this provision. SEC. 25. Whenever the City of Cleburne shall cause any of the streets, alleys or avenues thereof, occupied by the Grantee or his assigns hereunder, to be graded or paved or otherwise improved, said Grantee or his assigns shall be required, and in accepting the grant or license herein provided for, agree and undertake to pave, grade or improve that part or portion of such street, alley or ave¬ nue occupied by his or their street railway track, in conformity with the work done by the city and to pay for same, and the cost thereof if done by the city, shall be a lien upon the property, rights and fran¬ chise of the grantee or his assigns. The portion of the stieet, alley or avenue occupied by the grantee or his assigns shall be deemed to be the space between the tracks of his or their railway and eighteen inches on the outside of each of these rails, and the space between double tracks at turnouts or switches. SEC. 2 6. Should the grantee or his assigns hereafter propose to lay a track or tracks on any street, alley or avenue or any portion thereof, which shall have theretofore been improved, paved or grad¬ ed by the city under any of the provisions of the charter thereof, it shall then become the duty of the grantee or his successors and assigns, hereunder, to pay, and he or they shall become liable to the City of Cleburne for the costs of such paving, grading cr improve¬ ment, to the extent of the part or portion thereof occupied by the tracks or track of the grantee or his assigns, but no more. SEC. 2 7. It is further ordained by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, and further stipulated and understood between said City and Daniel Hewitt, his successors and assigns hereunder, that as soon as the City of Cleburne shall have a population of twenty thousand or over, according to the official census cl the United States, and as soon thereafter as the City Council .hereof shall deem it advisable or necessary, to said Daniel Hewitt, his suc¬ cessors and assigns, after six months notice in writing, j.rori the City Council of the said city, shall purchase and procure at his or their expense, and thereafter continuously operate and maintain over, upon and along such part or portion of his or their line of street railway, as may be determined upon by the said City Council, an up to date and modern, first class electric street car street sprink¬ ler, and said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns hereunder, shall thereafter continuously maintain and operate the same, in such a manner and within such limits and along suen streets, al¬ leys or avenues, occupied by his or their street car lines, as may be provided by ordinances of this city, upon reasonable terms and for a fair and reasonable compensation for such service, to be fixed and 68 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. agreed upon between the City of Cleburne, acting through its City Council, and the said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns. SEC. 28. It is further ordained by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, and further stipulated and understood by and between the said Daniel Hewitt and those holding under him that said Daniel Hewitt or his successors and assigns hereunder shall continuously and diligently maintain and operate the line or lines of street railway contemplated and provided for in this Ordinance; provided, however, that the interruption of such required daily ser¬ vice or stoppage of traffic, over or along the line or lines of street railway of the said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns here¬ under occasioned by or brought about by strikes or by reason of his or their failure, as the case may be, to procure or obtain necessary supplies or necessary fixtures or necessary material after the same have been ordered, shipped by grantee or his assigns, or by reason of storms, cyclones, high water, lightning or other act of God, or by reason of any other fact or circumstance beyond the control of said Daniel Hewitt, his successors or assigns, shall be and is hereby deemed a sufficient and valid excuse for his or their r.ot rendering or performing the duties and service aforesaid; and that no forfeit¬ ure or penalty contemplated in this ordinance shall be demanded of the said Daniel Hewitt or of his successors or assigns for any failure to do or perform his or their duties or obligations under this ordinance and contract, by reason of any act of God or other unfortunate accident. SEC. 29. It is expressly provided, also, that the said grantees, their successors and assigns, shall hold the City of Cleburne harm¬ less in case of any and all damages resulting to any property or sustained by any person by reason of any act of carelessness or negligence on the part of said grantees or their employees in the construction, operation and maintenance of said railway. SEC. 30. That the said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall transport and carry free of charge over its lines of railway within the corporate limits of the City of Cleburne all duly quali¬ fied and acting police officers of the City of Cleburne, and bona fide members of the fire department of the City of Cleburne while acting as such in the discharge of their official duties as such police officers or firemen; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to special officers appointed for the protection of private prop¬ erty. SEC. 31. It is further expressly provided that in the event in the construction of said line or system of railway the said Hew¬ itt, his successors or assigns, should construct same across any public bridge of the City of Cleburne, that as a condition to his right to do so such bridge or bridges must be strengthened and supported at his expense and free of any cost to the said city, in such a way as to make same amply safe and secure for the passage of 69 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES cars over same; and must so lay and construct said track over same in such a way as not to interfere with the free use of said bridge by vehicles and pedestrians; and that he shall make all such lepairs to such bridges and the approaches as may be made necessary by reason of the construction of said track and the operation of cars upon same and that in the event of the destruction of said bridge or bridges by flood or other unavoidable cause the said Hewitt, his successors or as¬ signs, shall pay an amount equal to twenty per cent of the cost of rebuilding of same, exclusive of the cost of said track and such portion of said bridge as is used exclusively for the purposes of said railway. SEC. 32. It is expressly provided as one of th3 conditions of this franchise that the bond provided for in Section 18 hereof shall be filed with the Mayor of the City of Cleburne within twenty days - from the date of the final passage of this ordinance, and that this ordinance shalL take effect from and after the filing and approval of said bond. Approved this 20th day of June, 1910. ARTICLE 28. — AMENDING THE FRANCHISE HERETOFORE GRANTED TO DANIEL HEWITT. SECTION 1. That the ordinance heretofore passed by the. City Council of the City of ( Cleburne granting to Daniel Hewitt, his suc^ cessors and assigns, the right to construct, operate and maintain a street railway system over, on, along and across the public streets and alleys and thoroughfares of the said City of Cleburne. Johnson County, Texas, passed by the said City Council in regular session on the-day of June, 1910, and approved by C. W. Breech, Mayor of Cleburne, on the 20th day of June, 1910. be and the ^ame is hereby ! amended by striking out of Section 18 thereof the follow¬ ing words; “Beginning on East Chambers Street, where the same inter¬ sects Robinson, thence North on Robinson street to Williamson Street, thence East on Willingham Street to Wilhite street; thence North on Wilhite Street to Wilson Street; Thence West on Wilson Street to Robinson Street; Thence North on Robinson Street to Boone Avenue in North Anglin Heights addition to the City of Cle¬ burne,’ and inserting in lieu thereof the following: “Beginning on East Chambers Street, where same intersects Wilhite, thence North on Wilhite to Wilson Street; Thence West on Wilson Street to Robinson Street; Thence North on Robinson Street to Boone Avenue in North Anglin Heights Addition to the : Cuy of Cleburne. • 70 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. Beginning on East Henderson Street, where the same inter¬ cets Caddo Street, thence East on Henderson Street to Wilhite.” SEC. 2. That the said Daniel Hewitt, his successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby authorized to construct, operate and main¬ tain said line of street railway, in accordance with the terms (f said ‘'ranchise, over, upon and along said Wilhite Street between Chambers Street and Willingham Street, and on Henderson between Caddo Street and Wilhite Street. SEC. 3. That the said Daniel Hewitt, his successors and as¬ signs, be, and they are hereby authorized to abandon that poition of said line provided for in said franchise above referred to on Willingham Street between Wnhite Street and Robinson Street, and on Robinson between Willingham Street and Chambers Street, provided the lines referred to and authorised in Section 2 of this ordinance are constructed and operated in accordance with the term of said franchise. SEC. 4. That the route of said line or system of Street Rail¬ way shown upon the map or plat of the City of Cleburne hereto attached be and the same is hereby approved. SEC. 5. That this ordinance take effect from and after its passage. Approved August 19th, 1910. ARTICLE 29.—GRANTING TO CHARLES A. STONE AND EDWIN S. WEBSTER A RIGHT, LICENSE AND FRANCHISE. SECTION 1. That the right, license and franchise are hereby given and granted to Charles A. Stone and Edwin S. Webster, their heirs and assigns, for the full term of twenty-five (25) years to construct, equip, maintain and operate an interurban railroad for the carriage of passengers, baggage and express (and freight if the said grantees, their heirs and assigns, so elect) with all necessary single and double tracks, (except that a double track line shall not be constructed upon the portion of Main Street where a franchise has been granted to Daniel A. Hewitt for the construction and operation of a single track of electric street railway, to be placed on the East side of said street, without the express consent of the City Council of the City of Cleburne), curves, turnouts, Y’s, sidings, switches, frogs, connections, poles and all other fixtures, appurte¬ nances and belongings now requisite, necessary or convenient for the construction, operation and maintenance of an electric railroad (or as may hereafter be required by said grantees, their heirs and assigns, during the life of this franchise) through and over 71 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES the following streets, alleys, public grounds and public squares of the City of Cleburne, Johnson County, Texas. Beginning at the Northernmost limits of North Main Street at the Northern boundary line of the City of Cleburne. Thence Southerly along and over said North Main Street to its intersection with Chambers Street. Thence Easterly along and over said Chambers Street to Caddo Street. Thence Southerly along and over Caddo Street to Shaffer Street. Thence Easterly along and over said Shaffer Street to Wilhite Street. And the right is hereby expressly given and granted by the City Council'of the City of Cleburne unto the said Charles A. Store and Edwin S. Webster, their heirs or assigns, in the course of said right of way herein granted, to cross with said line of interurban railway track any and all street car tracks or steam railway tracks in the City of Clebune that may be intersected by said line of railway of the grantees herein, their heirs or assigns. SEC. 2. Said Charles A. Stone and Edwin S. Webster, their heirs and assigns', shall construct their railroad track or tracks as near the center of said streets as may be, or, when such location is not practicable, then at such place or places in, along and upon said streets as may be designated by the City Engineer of said City, or some one acting as or in lieu of such officer, and such track or tracks shall conform to the grades of said streets, said grades to be furnished by the City Engineer or official acting as City Engi¬ neer for the City in the premises, that such track or tracks shall be constructed so that the surface thereof will be substantially even with the surface of said streets; that the work of constructing said railroad shall be done with as little inconvenience to the public as possible; that said streets, after the construction e prescribed by ordinance. H,e shall be responsible for all the 84 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915._ acts of his deputies. He shall give bond in such amount as the City Council may prescribe, with good and sufficient sureties; the Council may require a new bond of him at any time, if in their opinion the existing bond is insufficient, and whenever sucn new bond is required as above, he shall perform no official act until such bond shall have been given and approved. He shall have all powers to perform all the duties herein provided and such others as the Counil may confer by ordinance. He shall after he receives any money of any kind from taxes, licenses, or other¬ wise, promptly deposit the same with the City Treasurer to the proper fund to which it belongs, and any failure to so deposit such money, the said Assessor and Collector and the sureties on his bond shall be liable to the City for such sum and interest on the same at the rate of six per cent, per annum, until the same is so de¬ posited, and the City Council shall have the power to remove such Assessor from office as herein provided for the removal of elective officers. The Assessor and Collector shall receive such salary as the Council may fix. He is empowered to appoint one or more depu¬ ties, subject to the confirmation of the City Council, but the salaries of such deputies shall be paid by himself and not by the City. The City Council shall have the power whenever it may deem necessary to appoint and employ by contract, salary or otherwise, a person to collect the delinquent taxes due and owing to said City, after the delinquent roll has been furnished to the City Council and the same has been officially published, and said delinquent tax col¬ lector shall hav.e all power and authority as the City Tax Collector and Assessor with reference to the collection of delinquent taxes due said City. Approved January 16th, 1915. ARTICLE 39.—PRESCRIBING THE MODE AND MANNER OF AP¬ POINTING THE TREASURER AND FIXING AND DEFINING THE POWERS AND DUTIES. SECTION 1. The Treasurer of the City of Cleburne shall be appointed as hereinafter provided, and the Treasurer appointed on the 20th day of August, 1915, and every Treasurer appointed thereafter shall serve for a term of two years from the date of his appointment, unless otherwise removed, and until his successor is appointed and has qualified. SEC. 2. The office of Treasurer shall be let by contract, and the contract shall be given, and said contracting party shall be appointed Treasurer of the City of Cleburne, and the said contract shall be let and said appointment made to the highest and best 85 _ REVISED CIVIL O RDINANCES_ bidder for the funds, accounts, moneys and choses in action be¬ longing to the City of Cleburne, which contract shall be made with the highest and best bidder offering and agreeing to pay the highest and best rate of interest or sum of money for the funds, accounts, moneys, and choses in action of the City, which shall include any overdraft that the City may, or might, have hereafter which shall be contracted for, and arranged in said bid and contract. Any question as to what is the highest and best bid shall be a question solely within the discretion of the City Council, and they shall have the right to reject any and all bids and make the contract and appoint said party treasurer as they may determine. SEC. 3. The City Council shall advertise by published notices for sealed bids for said contract of Treasurer at least more than ten days before the time for letting said contract and appointing the Treasurer, said notice shall be published daily in the official newspaper of said City for the time specified and shall state what the bid shall specify, terms upon which they will be received, time and place of filing or handing in said bid, and time and place, where said bids will be opened and considered; after any contract is given and the Treasurer appointed, he shall serve under said contract for a term of tw r o years, unless otherwise removed, and until his successor is appointed and has qi^ilified. SEC. 4. The City Treasurer shall be an officer of the City; h,e shall give bond in favor of the City in such an amount and in such form, with sufficient, and such security as may be requir.ed by the City Council, which bond shall be conditioned for the full and complete observance and compliance with this contract, and for the faithful discharge of his duties as such Treasurer. SEC. 5. He shall receive and securely keep all funds, accounts, and moneys belonging to the City, and make all payments for the same upon the order of the Mayor, attested by the Secretary, un¬ der the seal of the corporation; provided, that no order shall be paid unless the said order shall show upon its face that the City Council has directed its issuance and for what purpose. He shall render a full and complete statement of his receipts and pay¬ ments to the City Council at their first regular meeting in each month and at such other times as may be required of him. At the end of each year of his appointment and services as such officer he shall furnish the City Council a statement showing the amount of receipts and expenditures for the year next preceding, and the general condition of the treasury. He shall perform such other acts with reference to his'office as the Council may require, and receive no compensation from the City for his services. SEC. 6. The Treasurer shall keep such books and accounts 86 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. and in such form as may be required by the City Council, upon the recommendation of the City Secretary, to conform to the busi¬ ness system of the City./ Passed and approved the 20th day of August, 1915. ARTICLE 40.—DUTIES OF THE STREET COMMISSIONER.. SECTION 1. The Street Commissioner of the City of Cleburne shall at all times be subject to the orders of and directions Of the City Council, and under the direction and control of the Mayor and City Council; he shall have general charge, control and manage¬ ment of all street work, grading, graveling, altering, widening and extending of streets, and shall be in charge and control of the City team, tools, implements, and employees, unless otherwise provided by the City Council. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to en¬ force an observance of the sanitary regulations of the City, and to report any violation thereof to the City Marshal, and he shall, when required, make affidavit thereof before the proper officer. SEC. 3. He shall keep an account of the work done by him and under his directions, and make a report thereof to the City Council at the first regular meeting in each month, he shall keep an account of the expenses incurred by him and his department, anl report same at the first monthly meeting to the City Council. SEC. 4. He shall be a qualified voter of the City of Cleburne, and before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take the prescribed oath of office, and shall give a bond in such sum as may be required, payable to the Mayor and his successors in office for the benefit of the City of Cleburne, which bond shall be in such form, for such an amount, and with such security as may be required by the City Council, and shall be conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office of Street Com¬ missioner as may at this time be required by the orlinances of the City of Cleburne, and such as may hereafter be required. SEC. 5. He shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of Sixty-five Dollars ($65.00) per month until the same may be changed by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, and the City Council may from time to time prescribe such other duties and powers as they may in their discretion determine. Passed and approved this 2 0th day of August, 1915. 87 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES ARTICLE 41. — PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A SCAVENGER. SECTION 1. That there is hereby created and established the office of City Scavenger, who shall be appointed by the City Council, and shall hold said office for the period of one year, unless sooner removed for cause by the said City Council. SEC. 2. Be it further ordained that the cleaning of privies or closets within the corporate limits of the City of Cleburne shall be done exclusively by the City Scavenger of the said City, and it shall be unlawful for any private person or corporation to do said work, and any person or corporation violating the provisions of this section of said brdinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $10.00. SEC. 3. Be it further ordained that the said privies or closets shall b,e properly cleaned and disinfected by the said City Scavenger, and the excrement from said closets or privies shall be removed in sealed barrels, or other covered receptacles, by said Scavenger and deposited or disposed of at such place and in such manner as shall be dictated by the City Health Officer and approved by the Mayor and City Council. SEC. 4. Be it further ordained that the said City Scavenger shall not exceed the following charges for the cleaning and dis¬ infecting of privies or closets, to-wit: For cleaning and disin¬ fecting each closet or privy of a private family, 35c per month; for cleaning and disinfecting each closet or privy of a hotel or business house, or any other place other than that of a private house, 35 cents per barrel or fractional part thereof. SEC. 5. Be it further ordained that the owner or occupant of each premise in the corporate limits of the City of Cleburne whereon a closet or privy of a private family is maintained and used, shall be required to have said privy or closet cleaned and disinfected not less than once each month unless same becomes un¬ sanitary or is condemned sooner by the sanitary inspector or City Health Officer, and all other privies or closets shall be required cleaned and disinfected by the owner or occupant of the premises a.s often as the health officer shall deem it necessary. SEC. 6. Be it further ordained that any person or persons ex¬ ercising the privilege of maintaining said closets or privies who shall violate the provisions of Section 5 of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $10.00. 88 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. SEC. 7. Be it further ordained that the City Scavenger shall use diligence in his work, be thorough in the cleansing of recep¬ tacles, take proper precautions against spilling contents and com¬ mitting a nuisance, and use sufficient quantity of an approved stan¬ dard disinfectant as recommended by the State Board of Health. Approved Sept. 16th, 1910. ARTICLE 42.—THE SALARIES TO BE PAID THE ELECTIVE AND APPOINTIVE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. SECTION 1. That the City Secretary of the City of Cleburne, Texas, to be elected in April, 1915, shall receive a salary of $1,200 for the term of his election for 1915 and 1916, and until the salary is again fixed by the City Council, the amount of $600.00 for each year, to be paid in monthly installments of $50.00 per month. SEC. 2. That the City Marshal of the City of Cleburne, Texas, to be elected in April, 1915, shall receive a salary of $2,400.00 for the term of his election, the years 1915 and 1916, and until the salary is again fixed by the City Council, the sum of $1,200.00 for each year, to be paid in monthly installments of $100.00 per month. SEC. 3. That the City Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Cleburne, Texas, shall receiv.e for the term of his election, 1915 and 1916, said officer to be elected at the April election in 1915, a commission of one per cent of thfe amount of the yearly assessed property real and personal in the City of Cleburne, said commis¬ sion to be paid when the Assessor’s Rolls are approved and ac¬ cepted by the City Council yearly. Also one per cent, yearly com¬ mission on the amount of taxes collected yearly, said per cent, to be deducted as tax are collected, and until the salary is again fixed by the City Council, the said salary as above for each year to be paid as above specified. Said Collector shall also receive five cents for the assessing of poll tax, that is five cents for each poll tax assessed, also fifteen cents for each poll tax and exemption certificate issued by him. Licenses, etc., not otherwise specified he shall receive five per cent. SEC. 4. That the City Attorney of the City of Cleburne, Texas, shall receive a salary of $1,800.00, which officer is to be elected in the Apriil election, 1915, and shall receive said salary for the term of his election, 1915 and 1916, and until the salary is again fixed by the City Council, the sum of $9 00.00 for each year to be paid in monthly installments of $75.00 per month. SEC. 5. That the City Councilmen or Aldermen from the four 89 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES different Wards of the City of Cleburne, to be elected in April, 1915, shall receive as their salary for the term of their election, 1915 and 1916, $192.00 each, and until again fixed by the City Council, the sum of $96.00 shall be paid to each of said Councilmen or Aldermen so elected, to he paid in monthly installments of $8.00 per month. SEC. 6. The City Health Officer of the City of Cleburne shall receive as his salary for the year 1915 and until changed by the City Council, the sum of $300.00 per year, to be paid in monthly installments of $25.00 per month. SEC. 7. The City Engineer and Superintendent of Water Works of the City of Cleburne shall receive as his salary for the year 1915 and until changed by the City Council, the sum of $2,400 per year, to be paid in monthly installments of $200.00 per month. SEC. 8. The Street Commissioner of the City of Cleburne, Texas, shall receive as his salary for the year 1915 and until changed by the City Council, the sum of $780.00 per year, to be paid in monthly installments of $65.00 per month. SEC. 9. The employees of the City of Cleburne at work on the Streets and the Street Hands of said City shall receive as their salary for the year 1915 and until'changed by the City Council, the sum of $50.00 per month. SEC. 10. The Day Policemen of the City of Cleburne, Texas, to be appointed in April, 1915, for a term of two years shall re¬ ceive a salary of $70.00 each per month and until changed by the City Council, said sum to be paid on the first of each and every month. SEC. 11. The Night Policemen of the City of Cleburne Texas, to be appointed in April, 1915, for a term of two years, shall re¬ ceive a salary of $70.00 each per month and until changed by the City Council, said sum to be paid on the first of each and every month. SEC. 12. The Janitor of the City of Cleburne, Texas, to be appointed in April, 1915, shall receive a salary of $72.00 per year for the term of one year to be paid in monthly installments on the first of each and every month in the sum of $6.00 per month. SEC. 13. In addition to Section 16 making an appropriation for the fire drivers of the volunteer fire department of the City of Cleburne Texas, there shall be appropriated to said department the sum of $250.00 per quarter during the year 1915, the first payment to be $250.00 on the first day of April, 1915, and an equal amount on the first of every quarter thereafter for the term of one year. 90 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. SEC. 14. The Street Sprinkler of the City of Cleburne, Texas, shall receive as his salary for the year 1915 and until changed by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, the sum of $120.00 per year, to be paid in monthly installments of $10.00 per month. SEC. 15. The Fire Marshal of the City of Cleburne shall re¬ ceive as his salary for the year 1915 and until changed by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, the sum of $120.00 per year to be paid in monthly installments of $10.00 per month. SEC. 16. The Fire Drivers of the Volunteer Fire Department of the City of Cleburne shall receive as their salary for 1915 and until changed by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, Texas, th.e sum of $600.00 each per year, to be paid in monthly installments of $50 each per month. SEC. 17. The Trash Hauler of the City of Cleburne shall receive as his salary for the year 1915 and until changed by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, the sum of not exceeding $360.00 per year paid in monthly installments of $30.00 per month. SEC. 18. This ordinance is passed in compliance with Sec¬ tion 33 of the Charter of the City of Cleburne, wherein it provides that on or before the first day of January preceding the annual election for City Officers, the City Council shall fix the compen¬ sation for each of the elective officers provided for in said Charter, which compensation shall not be changed during the term for which said officers are elected and at the same time the City Council shall establish the compensation for each appointive officer and employe of the City entitled to compensation under - the Charter of said City, and the same shall remain in force unless the Council sooner changes the same, until the compensation of the elective officers is again fixed, all of which is made, set forth and provided for in said section of said Charter. Passed and approved this 18th day of December, 1914. ARTICLE 43.—APPOINTING THE PRESIDING OFFICERS FOR ELECTIONS. SECTION 1. That the following persons are appointed pre¬ siding officers for all elections ordered by the City Council held in said City during the years 1915 and 1916 and until their suc¬ cessors are appointed and qualified. SEC. 2. That R. B. Vickers be, and he is hereby appointed the presiding officer for Ward No. 1, at all elections ordered by the City Council held in Ward Number 1. 91 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES SEC. 4. That J. M. Gray be, and he is hereby appointed the presiding officer for Ward Number 2 at all elections ordered by the City Council held in Ward Number Two. SEC. 4. That J. M. Gray be, and he is hereby appointed the presiding officer for Ward Number Three at all elections ordered by the City Council held in Ward Number Three. SEC. 5. That J. T. Pettitt be, and he is hereby appointed the presiding officer for Ward Number Four, at all elections ordered by the City Council held in Ward Number Four. Passed and approved 7th of May, 1915. TITLE ELEVEN—RAILROADS. ARTICLE 44.—CONCERNING RAILROADS. First—Fixing the right of way and depot grounds of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway company. SEC. 1. That in consideration that the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company agrees to maintain a depot within the corporate limits of the City of Cleburne, permission be and hereby is given and granted to said Company to construct, operate and forever maintain and use its railway on the right of way and depot grounds within this City. SEC. 2. That said Railway Company on its right of way and depot grounds within this City, shall have the right' to erect such tracks and buildings of all kinds as it may deem convenient or necessary for the construction, operating, maintaining or using of its railway with the right to build its tracks over, along and across all streets between East Border street on the west and First street on the east and Willingham street on the north and Shaffer street on the south, with the right of way over all other street' in said city over which said railway has been located. SEC. 3. That the following named streets within the limits and boundaries hereinafter stated be, and the same are, hereby declared forever closed for street purposes, and that the same be and they are hereby granted to, ceded to, the Gulf, Colorado 9 & Santa Fe Railway Company, its successors and assigns, fore\er for use for railway purposes only, viz: East Second street from the north line of North Border street to its northern limit; East Third street, from the north line of North Third street to its north¬ ern limit; North Second street, from a point 105 feet east of the 92 OF THE CITY OF CL EB URNE. 1915. east line of East Second street to the west line of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe company’s station grounds; North Third street from the west line of East Third street to the west line of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe company’s station grounds; North Fourth street from a point 105 feet east of the east line of East Third street to west line of Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe company’s station grounds. The Mansfield road from a point 210 feet East of the East line of East Third street to the west line of the G. 0. & S. F. Fly. Co.’s station grounds. SEC. 4. The City of Cleburne hereby forever waives its right to open or extend any of the foregoing named streets across any land now owned by the Gulf Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company; and so much of said streets within the limits above fixed and described as may now be open ami used as streets across any of said land of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa F.e Railway Com¬ pany, are hereby declared forever closed as such streets, and are hereby forever granted to said Company for use of railway pur. poses. TITLE TWELVE—VEHICLES. ARTICLE 4 5.—AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE ENCUMB¬ ERING OF STREETS, ALLEYS AND AVENUES WITH VE¬ HICLES NON-ATTACHED TO HORSES OR OTHER ANIMALS. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cleburne that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to permit or allow any vehicle unattached to a horse or horses to stand upon any public street, avenue or alley within this city for a longer period of time than three consecutive hours. SEC. 2. And should any vehicle as explained in the preceding section of this Ordinance remain upon any public street, avenue or alley for a longer period of time than three consecutive hours, it shall be the duty of the City Marshal or any Policeman of the City of Cleburne to take possession of same and empound the same in the City Pound, and keep same in his custody until such ve¬ hicle or vehicles are disposed of as hereinafter provided. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal or any Police¬ man of the City of Cleburne to sell such vehicle or vehicles so empounded at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, at such time and place as he may designate, after giving two days’ full notice thereof, by posting within notices in at least four public places in the City of Cleburne, one of which shall be on the bulletin 93 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES board in the Court House and one at the Post Office, describing the vehicle or vehicles to be sold. After deducting -the expenses in¬ curred in impounding of such vehicle or vehicles, the keeping and selling of same, the surplus, if any there be, shall be paid to the owner on satisfactory proof of ownership. If the owner does not apply for said surplus within thirty days, it shall be paid into the City Treasury. SEC. 4. The owner of any vehicle sold under the provisions of this Ordinance may redeem the same after any time before the sale, by paying the cost of taking up, empounding and keeping of same and the Marshal’s fees and filing with the Marshal an affidavit of ownership and such other proof as he may require. SEC. 5. The Marshal shall correctly keep an accurate de¬ scription of all vehicles impounded or sold under the provisions of this Ordinance, date of empounding, date of sale, iif any, price for which sold, and the name of purchaser in a book to be kept by him for such purposes w r hich book shall be subject to exami¬ nation or inspection at all reasonable times. SEC. 6. The owner of any vehicle or vehicles sold under the provisions of this Ordinance may redeem the same at any time within seven days from the date of sale by paying the purchaser the amount of purchase money, and all reasonable expenses the purchaser may have incurred in keeping of same. SEC. 7. For such vehicle .empounded the Marshal shall be al- ’owed a fee of $1, where said vehicle is redeemed before sale. Where any vehicle is sold as aforesaid, the Marshal shall be allowed i fee of tw r o dollars, which shall be taken out of the proceeds )f the sale of such vehicle, after the cost of keeping such vehicle or vehicles has been paid. TITLE THIRTEEN—REWARD. ARTICLE 46.—OFFERING A REWARD OF $150.00 FOR PER¬ SONS GUILTY OF THE OFFENSE OF ARSON. That the City of Cleburne, Texas, maintain a standing reward and bind and obligate itself and agree to pay a reward, and that this ordinance itself be a standing rew r ard of the said City and be an obligation of and an agreement by the said City, to pay a re¬ ward of $150.00 for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons guilty of the crime and offense of arson committed within the City limits of the City of Cleburne, Johnson County, Texas. Passed and approved this the 20th day of December, 1912. 94 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. TITLE FOURTEEN—CLOSING STREETS. ARTICLE 47.—CLOSING SHAFFER AND OTHER STREETS AND ALLEYS. SECTION 1. That the following described parts of streets and alleys in said City be, and they are h.ereby forever vacated and closed and that the land now occupied by said Streets and Alleys be, and the same is hereby perpetually granted and ceded to the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company, its successors and assigns. The portions of streets and alleys hereby closed and the land now occupied by same, hereby granted to said Railway Company, are specifically described as follows: South First Street: From the East line of Wilhite street easterly to the West line of the property conveyed to the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company by Benjamin J. Chambers, February 17th, 1883, and recorded in Book 25, at pages 513-516 of the Deed Records of Johnson County. Buffalo Avenue: From a line joining a point in the North line of Block 386, 110 feet East of its Northwest corner and a point in the South line of Block 385, 130 feet East of its Southwest corner easterly to the West line of the property conveyed to the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company by Benjamin J. Cham¬ bers, February 17th, 1883, by deed recorded in Book 25, pages 513- 516 of the Deed Records of Johnson County. Earl Street: From the East line produced of the alley running North and South through Block 383 to the West line of East Border Street. Alley, Block 382: That part of the alley running North and South through Block 382, beginning with the South line of South Border Street and running South 135 feet to a point opposite the South line of property formerly owned by W. H. Comer and now owned by the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Company. Alley between Blocks 384 and 385: From a line joining a point in the North line of Block 385, one hundred and sixty- nine feet East of its Northwest corner and a point in the South line of Block 384, one hundred and seventy-five feet East of its Southwest corner easterly to the West line of the property conveyed to the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company by Benjamin J. Chambers, by deed dated February 17th, 18 83 and recorded in Book 25, pages 513-516 of the Deed Records of Johnson County. 95 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES_ Smith Street: From the Bast line produced of the alley run¬ ning North and South through Block 383 to the West line of East Border Street. South Border Street: From the East line of Wilhite Street to the West line of East Border Street. Shaffer Street: From the East line of Wilhite Str,eet to the West line of East Street. Alley between Blocks 380 and 379: From a point 147 feet East of the East line of Wilhite Street to the West line of East Border Street. East Border Street: From South line of Chambers Street South to the West line of the property conveyed to the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company by Benjamin J. Chambers, by deed dated February 17th, 1883, and recorded in Book 25, at pages 513-516 of the Deed Records of Johnson County. The portions of the Streets and Alleys herein above described are shown on map or blue print hereto attached and made a part of this ordinance surrounded by red lines, which map or blue print shall be recorded or copied in the Minutes of the City Council at the end of this ordinance. SEC. 2. The City of Cleburne hereby forever waives its rights to open or extend any of. the foregoing named streets or alleys across any of the land now owned by the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company; and so much of said streets and alleys, with,, in the limits above fixed and described as may now be open and used as streets and alleys, are hereby declared forever closed as such streets and alleys, and are hereby forever granted to said Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company for use for railway purposes. The City of Cleburne hereby forever waives its rights to re-open or extend, or establish streets on or over the ground within the limits above fixed and described, and on and over any of the land now owned by said Railway Company abutting on or adjacent to said streets and alleys within the limits above fixed and described. Provided, however, that in the event of the removal of the depot and yards it is contemplated to construct and place within the limits prescribed by this ordinance, then the same shall be¬ come inoperative and of no effect in so far as the closing of Shaffer Street is concerned, and the said street shall be re-opened for public travel and as a public crossing. Approved June 10th, 1909. 96 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. TITLE FIFTEEN—EXCAVATING. ARTICLE 48—REGULATING THE DIGGING AND EXCAVATING OF THE STREETS, ALLEYS, SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PUBLIC GROUNDS AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUNISH¬ MENT FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. SECTION 1. That any person, firm or corporation who shall dig excavate, or make any hole, drain ditch, or other excavations y in and upon any street, alley or sidewalk or other public grounds of this city for the purpose of laying any pipes, drains, sewers, or for any other purpose or purposes, shall immediately upon and after the completion of said work for which said digging or excavat¬ ing was done, replace the soil or other substance taken from said street, alley or sidewalk, in such manner as to render said street alley or sidewalk or other public grounds in the same condition, and as safe for public travel as said said street, alley, sidewalk or other public ground was at the time such digging or excavating was done or performed. SEC. 2. Provided, that if any such work shall require more than twenty-four hours in which to complete said work, then and in that event such person, firm or corporation shall be required to replace any portion of said street alley, sidewalk or other public ground then dug or excavated within twenty-four hours in the same condition as required and designated in the preceding 'section of this ordinance. SEC. 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not ex„ ceeding one hundred dollars. TITLE SIXTEEN—DEPTH OF PIPES. ARTICLE 49.—REGULATING THE DEPTH TO WHICH SEWER PIPES, WATER PIPES, GAS PIPES AND OTHER PIPES SHALL BE LAID. , That any person, company, firm, association, corporation or the agent, officer or employe thereof who shall place or cause to be placed in any street alley, public square or market square, or any park, or on any lot or lots of whatever kind or character or description which is now or may hereafter be owned or controlled 97 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES by the City of Cleburne, any pipes for the transmission of water, gas, sewerage or electrical current at a less depth than eighteen inches below the grade level of the street gutter, lot, alley or park or square, at the time of laying such pipe, the City of Cleburne shall in no wise be liable for or responsible to the said person, firm, company, corporation, association, or to the agent, officer or em¬ ploye of same for the displacement or breakage, or for the dis¬ turbing in any way whatsoever, the pipes so laid; and that the Ci[ty of Cleburne shall be, and by this ordinance is held free from in- 9 demnity, damage or legal proceedings of any character whatever by reason of the failure on the part of the aforesaid person, com¬ pany, firm, association, corporation, or the agent officer or em¬ ploye thereof to lay such pipes to such a depth as is above de¬ signated. TITLE SEVENTEEN—CITY’S NOTE. ARTICLE 50.—AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A NOTE TO THE NATIONAL BANK OF CLEBURNE. That the Mayor of said City and the City Secretary are authoriz¬ ed hereby to make, execute and deliver the note and obligation of the City of Cleburne to the National Bank of the City of Cleburne, for the sum of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars dated the 15th day of May, 1914, and due on the 15th day of February, 1915, said note to bear interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum and providing for the usual ten per cent Attorney’s fees and to be signed by the Mayor as such, and the City Secretary, and when the same is executed, as above, and delivered to the National Bank of Cleburne, it shall be and become the valid and binding obli^ gation of said City. Signed and approved this the 15th day of May, A. D. 1914. TITLE EIGHTEEN—TAX RATE FOR 1915. ARTICLE 51.—FIXING THE TAX RATE FOR 1915. SECTION 1. That the rate of taxes in and for the City of Cleburne, Johnson County, Texas, for the year 1915 be, and the same is hereby fixed at and in the sum and amount of One and 75-100 ($1.75). Dollars on the one hundred dollars valuation of all property, both real and personal in the City of Cleburne, Texas, on the 1st day of January, 1915, not exempt from taxation under the Constitution and laws of this State, and that the said one and 7 5-100 dollars as aforesaid on the one hundred assessed valuation 98 OF THE C ITY OF CLEBURNE, 1913. _ of said property be levied, assessed and collected and applied as follows: SEC. 2. There shall be levied and collected five cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation of all property not ex¬ empt under the Constitution and laws of this State in the City of Cleburne, Texas, on the 1st day of January, 1915, for the es¬ tablishment, maintenance and support of a free public library. SEC. 3. There shall be levied and collected for the year 1915 thirty-five cents on the one hundred dollars assessed value of all real and personal estate and property in the City not exempt from taxation by the Constitution and laws of the State on the 1st day of January, 1915, for general purposes and current expenses of the City. SEC. 4. There shall be levied and collected for the year 1915 a tax of fifty cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation of all real and personal estate and property in the City, on the 1st day of January, 1915, not exempt from taxation by the Con¬ stitution and laws of the State for the maintenance and support ( of its public free schools. SEC. 5. There shall be levied and collected for the year 1915, a tax of eighteen cents and five mills on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation of all real and personal estate and property in the City, on the 1st day of January, 1915, not exempt from taxation by the Constitution and laws of the State, for the establishment maintenance and improvement of its streets, alleys, public grounds, bridges culverts and drains within the City. > SEC. 6. There shall be levied and collected for the year 1915 a tax of two cents on one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal estate and property in the City, on the 1st day of January, 1915, not exempt from taxation by the Con¬ stitution and laws of the State, for the purposes of maintaining anl beautifying the cemeteries used by the white and colored in¬ habitants of the City. SEC. 7. There shall be levied and collected for the year 1915 a tax of twenty_seven cents and five mills on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation of all real and personal estate and prop¬ erty in the City, on the 1st day of January, 1915, not exempt from taxation by the Constitution and laws of the State for the purpose of paying the City’s bonded indebtedness and public improvements to be apportioned as follows, and the same is hereby apportioned for and applied for and to the following bonded indebtedness and public improvements as follows, to-wit: 99 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES Refunding St. and Bridge fund .$ .007 Refunding Imp. Bonds .005 Refunding School Bonds .0085 Per. St. and B. Imp. Bonds.014 High School Bonds . 0595 School House and Imp. Bonds.0025 Fire Station Bonds.003 Bridge and City Hall Repair Bonds .0015 Imp. Water Works Bonds.049 Water Works Bonds.125 SEC. 8. There has hertofore been voted by the qualified voters who were property tax payers of the said City an additional tax for the construction of a sewer system and for the purchase of grounds and the erection of ward school buildings to be used in connection with the public schools of the City, and there shall be levied and collected an additional tax of thirty-seven cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation of all real and personal estate and property in the City, on the 1st day of January, 1915, not exempt from taxation by the Constitution and laws of the State, and the said thirty-seven cents is apportioned as follows: Sewer Bonds .$.22 Ward School Bonds.15 SEC. 9. There shall be levied and collected a poll tax for the year 1915 of one dollar of and from every male inhabitant in said City over twenty-one and under sixty years of age, who is a resident of said Ci/ty at the time of the annual assessment and not exempt under the law, and the City Tax Assessor and Collector is hereby authorized and empowered to collect said poll tax as afore¬ said, and be governed and controlled by the Terrell Election Law 'with reference to the issuance of poll tax receipts and exemptions, of and for said City of Cleburne, with.all th,e rights, powers, duties, privileges and liabilities h,ereiyn granted.' Passed and approved this the 6th day of August 1915. TITLE NINETEEN—OCCUPATION TAX ARTICLE 52.—REGULATING PAYMENT OP OCCUPATION TAX. SECTION 1. That there be, and is hereby levied an annual occupation tax by the City of Cleburne, upon every firm, business, occupation and calling of every kind and character which is subject to an occupation tax by the laws of the State of Texas, equal to one- half of the occupation tax levied by the State of Texas. SEC. 2. That there shall be and is hereby levied upon every 100 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915, person, firm or corporation, operating for hire or transporting any baggage bundles or parcels of any kind within the City of Cle¬ burne, an annual occupation tax of five dollars per year. TITLE TWENTY—MARKET SQUARE. ARTICLE 53.—ESTABLISHING! A MARKET SQUARE. Whereas, the County of Johnson, through its Commissioners’ Court, has agreed to purchase at a cost of Fifty-five Hundred ($5,5 00.00) Dollars, and set apart Block No. 2 4 according to the map, plan and plat of the City of Cleburne, situated on the west side of South Main Street, for a market place, within the City of Cleburne, upon condition and in consideration that the City of Cleburne through its City Council, will establish and maintain the same as a market place, and thus prevent the incumbering of the public square, streets and alleys of the City of Cleburne with wagons and vehicles, and, WHEREAS, the City Council, deeming a market place a pub¬ lic necessity has accepted and does hereby accept said proposition, and does hereby set apart, designate and establish said plat of land as a market place, and agrees to maintain and protect same by ap¬ propriate ordinances as a market place for said City in order to prevent the incumbering of the public square, streets and alleys of said City with wagons and vehicles. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cleburne: SECTION 1. That Block No. 24 according to the original plan and plat of the City of Cleburne, fronting on South Main Street together with the space on the Northwest and South sides of said block, occupied by Harrold Street, Mi|ll Street and Shaffer Street, be, and the same is hereby set apart, designated and es¬ tablished as a market place in and for the City of Cleburne. TITLE TWENTY-ONE—SEAL. ARTICLE 54.—ADOPTING A CORPORATE SEAL. SECTION 1. The corporate seal of the City of Cleburne shall be a circular disc with raised edge and a five pointed star in the center the words, “City of Cleburne, Johnson County,’’ shall sur¬ round the seal, and the letters “T-E-X-A-S” shall be placed between the five points of the star. SEC. 2. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be the custodian of the corporate seal and when it is affixed to any instrument, shall be the evidence of the authenticity of such instrument. 101 REVISED CIVIL O RDINANCES TITLE TWENTY-TWO.—WARDS ARTICLE 55.— FIXING AND DESIGNATING THE VARIOUS WARDS OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE. SECTION 1. That hereafter the Wards of the City of Cle¬ burne shall be as follows: First Ward. Beginning at a point in the Corporate limits of the City of Cleburne on the West; thence East following the Center of West Chambers Street to the Center of Hillsboro Street; thence North with the center of Hillsboro street to West Buffalo Creek; thence North with the meanders of said West Buffalo creek to the corporate limits;of said City on the North and all that part of the City of Cleburne lying within said boundary or limits shall constitute the First Ward. Second Ward. Beginning in the North Boundary line of the Corporate limits of said City, and the Main line of the Gulf, Colo¬ rado & Santa Fe Railway Company; thence South with the main line of said Railway Company to the center of East Chambers street; thence West with the center of said Chambers street to tbe center of Hillsboro street; thence North with the center of said Hillsboro street to West Buffalo Creek; thence North with the meanders of said Buffalo Creek to the Corporate limits of said City. Third Ward. All that part of the City of Cleburne lying and being South of the center of Chambers street and west of the main line of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company shall constitute and be the Third Ward of said City. Fourth Ward. All that parUof the City of Cleburne lying and being East of the main line of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Rail¬ way Company, shall constitute the Fourth Ward of said City. Passed and approved this the 3rd day of September, 1915. TITLE TWENTY-THREE—CITY CHARTER. ARTICLE 56. — ORDERING AN ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING THE CITY CHARTER. SECTION 1. That an election shall be held in the City of Cleburne, Texas on the 17th day of September, A. D. 1914, the time fixed by the Charter Committee, between the hours of eight (8) o’clock A. M. and six (6) o’clock P. M,., for the purpose of de¬ termining whether or not the City Charter as prepared by the 27 citizens as a Charter Committee for the City of Cleburne, Texas 102 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. shall be approved and adopted and become the Charter of said City. SEC. 2. The ballot for said electron shall submit for the approval of the qualified voters of said City each article of said Charter separately and read as follows, to-wit: “Official Ballot.” Upon the City Charter as prepared by the Charter Committee for the City of Cleburne, Texas. Article I. Yes. For the adoption of Article I. No. Against the adoption of Article I. Article II. Yes. For the adoption of Article II. No. Against the adoption of Article II. Article III. Yes. For the adoption of Article III. No. Against the adoption of Article III. Article IV. Yes. For the adoption of Article IV. No. Against the adoption of Article IV. Article V. Yes. For the adoption of Article V. No. Against the adoption of Article V. Article VI. Yes. For the adoption of Article VI. No. Against the adoption of Article VI. Article VII. Yes. For th.e adoption of Article VII. No. Against the adoption of Article VII. Article VIII. Yes. For the adoption of Article VIII. No. Against the adoption of Article VIII. Article IX. Yes. For the adoption of Article IX. No. Against the adoption of Article IX. Article X. Yes. For the adoption of Article X. No. Against the adoption of Article X. Article XI. Yes. For the adoption of Article XL No. Against the adoption of Article XI. Article XII. Yes. For the adoption of Article XII. No. Against the adoption of Article XII. 103 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES Article XIII. Yes. For the adoption of Article XIII. No. Against the adoption of Article XIII. Article XIV. Yes. For the adoption of Article XIV. No Against the adoption of Article XIV. Article XV. Yes. For the adoption of Article XV. No. Against the adoption of Article XV. Article XVI. Ye s. For the adoption of Article XVI. No. Against the adoption of Article XVI. Article XVII. Yes. For the adoption of Article XVII. No. Against the adoption of Article XVII. Article XVIII. Yes. For the adoption of Article XVIII. No. Against the adoption of Article XVIII. Article XIX. Yes. For the adoption of Article XIX. No. Against the adoption of Article XIX. Article XX. Yes. For the adoption of Article XX. No. Against the adoption of Article XX. Article XXI. Yes. For the adoption of Article XXI. No. Against the adoption of Article XXI. SEC. 3. The election shall be held at the following places in the several Wards: First Ward—At Fulton School Building. Second Ward—At Fire Station. Third Ward—At Commercial Club Room., Southeast corner Court House. Fourth Ward—At Cleburne Foundry. SEC. 4. The following persons shall be the presiding officers of said election: R. B. Vickers of Ward No. 1- J. A. Styron of Ward No. 2. J. M. Gray of Ward No. 3 J. T. Pettit of Ward No. 4. SEC. 5. Publication of this ordinance is hereby made and the same shall be sufficient as the required notice of said election, and a copy of the same is hereby made and shall be a sufficient vrit of election to be issued by the Mayor to the presiding officers herein named of said election. Passed and approved this 7th day of August, 1914. 104 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. TITLE TWENTY-FOUR—CITY ELECTION 1915. ARTICLE 57. — CALLING THE ANNUAL CITY ELECTION FOR THE YEAR 1915. . SECTION 1. That the annual City election for the City of Cleburne, Texas, be ordered for, and the same shall be held on, the first Tuesday in April, 1915, which is the 6th day of April, 1915, and the same shall be h,eld in the several wards of said City, and all qualified voters of the City of Cleburne shall be entitled to vote thereat. SEC. 2. Said election shall be held for the purpose of .elect¬ ing and there shall be elected at said election, the following offic¬ ers: A Tax Assessor and Collector, who shall hold his office for two years, and until his successor is elected and has qualified. A Marshal, who shall hold his office for two years, and until liis successor is elected and has qualified. An Attorney, who shall hold his office for two years and un¬ til hiis successor is elected and has qualified. One Alderman from Ward No. 2 of said City, who shall, hold his office for two years and until his successor is elected and has qualified. One Alderman from Ward No. 4 of said City, who shall hold his office for two years and until, his successor is elected and has qualified. Two members of the Board of Water Commissioners to be elected from the entire Ci/ty and who shall hold their office for two years, and until their successors are elected and have quali¬ fied. SEC. 3. The following places are designated as the places for holding said election in th,e several wards and following persons shall be the managers of said election for the several wards: First Ward: At the Fulton Ward School Building and R. B. Vickers the manager. Second Ward: At the City Fire Station, and J. A. Styron the manager. Third Ward: At the office of the Cleburne Commercial Club in the Court House, and J. M. Gray the manager. Fourth Ward: At the Cleburne Foundry, and Jno. T. Pettit the manager. SEC. 4. The manner of holding and the voting at said elec¬ tion and the powers and duties of the managers thereof, the count¬ ing of votes, the making of the returns of said election, shall be according to the General Election Laws of the State of Texas, in 105 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES force at the time of said election, and the charter of the City of Cleburne. Passed and approved March 3rd, 1915. TITLE TWENTY-FIVE—BOARD OF EQUALIZA¬ TION. ARTICLE 53. APPOINTING THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR 1915 AND 1916. SECTIIN 1. That C. H. Dixon, J. A. Thomas and Earl Ken- nard, each being a qualified voter and property owner of the City of Cleburne, Texas, be and they ar.e hereby appointed members of and they shall be the Board of Equalipation for the City of Cle¬ burne, Texas, for th.e years 1915 and 1916, and until their succes¬ sors are appointed and qualified. SEC. 2. That th,e said Board of Equalization shall meet on the First Monday in May, 1915, the same being the 3rd day of May. 1915, at the City Hall in said City and thereafter at such time as they may designate. SEC. 3. That the members of the Board of Equalization before they enter upon their duties as such shall each take and subscribe to the oath prescribed by law. SEC. 4. That the Board of Equalization shall have and they are hereby given, and are hereby imposed the powers, duties, privi¬ leges, authority and obligation, as fixed, set forth and prescribed by the City Charter of said City, and they shall receive and be al¬ lowed the compensation therein set forth and fixed. Passed and approved 12th April, 1915. TITLE TWENTY-SIX—ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE ARTICLE 59.—OFFICE OF CITY ELECTRICIAN, DUTIES—DU¬ TIES OF USERS OF ELECTRICITY. SECTION 1. The office of City Electrician of the City of Cleburne is hereby created, and such City Electrician shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The duties of the City Electrician are hereby conferred upon the City Engineer. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the City Electrician to see that all wires, poles, machinery and electrical apparatus of every 106 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915._ kind, character and description owned by any person, firm or cor¬ poration in the Ciity of Cleburne, is constructed, erected and main¬ tained in accordance with the ordinances of said City, relating to such matter, and he shall do and perform such other duties as may be required by the City Council. SEC. 3. All companies, firms, co-partnershipa, corporations or individuals, (except public telephone, telegraph and messenger call companies which may or which shall hereafter operate under regular franchises granted by the City of Cleburne, and which are or may hereafter be under bond to said City) who desire to have electrical wiring, electrical fixtures, appliances or apparatus in¬ stalled in any building, except central staticrn power houses and substations belonging to the electric light or Street Railway Com¬ panies operating under a franchise, shall before installation is done, procure a permit from the City Electrician. The term, “Electric Wiring” herein used, is intended to mean the installation of elec¬ tric wires, fixtures, appliances or apparatus or the addition of any wire, fixture, appliance or apparatus, used or to be used on or in any building for the purpose of transmitting .electric current for electric lights, heat or power, gas lighting systems house annun¬ ciators, burglar alarms, electric bells, signal systems, private tele¬ phones, telegraphs, messenger call systems, lighting fixtures or installing electric apparatus of any nature, kind or description. SEC. 4. In order to procure a permit for the installation of electric wiping, the said companies, firms, co-partnerships, cor¬ porations or individuals shall before having any electrical "work commenced, or any addition made to old wiring, make written ap¬ plication to the City Electrician for a permit, submitting plans for such wiring in such application and shall pay said Electrician therefor the sum of One Dollar. SEC. 5. On the completion of any work covered by a permit in accordance with the rules of this ordinance, and to the satis¬ faction of the City Electrician, said City Electrician shall issue a certificate of inspection, in said certificate of inspection, the City Electrician shall certify that the work is in accordance with the rules prescribed by this ordinnce, and meets his approval and for such inspection certificate the City Electrician shall receive the sum of 50 cents for each inspection after the second inspection. SEC. 6. The City Electrician shall have at least 2 4 hours no¬ tice which notice shall be in writing (Sunday and legal holidays not included) before any part of the wiring should be inspected, and after being so notified to make said inspection, the City Electric¬ ian shall do so at the earliest practicable time. SEC. 7. No certificate of inspection shall be issued by the City Electrician unless the wiring conforms to the .requirements of the National Electrical Code, and to this ordinance, provMed, 107 REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES in instances of minor additions, certificates of inspection may be issued even though wiring is not iin strict compliance with the re¬ quirements of the said National Code, if not in an unsafe condition, but in such case, the certificate of inspection shall mention such fact. SEC. 8. The rules and requirements as laid down in the Na¬ tional Electrical Code of the National Board of Fire Underwriters shall be the standard upon which all permits, certificates of in¬ spection, approvals shall be based, and all wiring as above mentioned shall be done in accordance with said rules, except as hereinbe¬ fore stated. And all wiring must be maintained as required by said rules and requirements. SEC. 9. No electric current shall be admitted or conveyed to any of the wires above mentioned until after a certificate of in¬ spection has been issued by the City Electrician, and said certifi¬ cate presented to the person, firm, co-partnership, or corporation engaged in furnishing electric current to the people of the City of Cleburne. SEC. 10. All electric wires within the “fire limits” of the (Tty of Cleburne must be placed in conduit armored cable or metal moulding. SEC. 11. If a system of electric wiring, the use of which has been discontinued, must also be inspected as in other cases of wiring and it must measure up to the requirements of tne said National Electrical Code, and the certificate of inspection issued before any electric current is admitted or conveyed to said system. SEC. 12. All concealed wiring must be inspected after it is installed or put in place and before it is covered, and no person shall cover or conceal in such wiring until the same has been in¬ spected and approved by the City Electrician. SEC. 13. The City Engineer is hereby authorized, empower¬ ed, and directed to have general supervision over the placing, stringing or attaching of telegraph, telephone, electric light or other wires so as to prevent fire, accident or injury to persons or property and to cause all such wires and electric lights to be so placed, con¬ structed and guarded, as not to cause fire, accident or endanger li.fe or property, and all such lights, wires or electrical apparatus as now exists or which may hereafter be constructed or placed, shall b.e subject to such supervision. And whenever any electrical wire or other piece of electrical apparatus is or shall become defective by reason of improper or insufficient insulation or for any other like or unlike cause become dangerous to life or property, the said City Electrician shall at once notify the owner or agent of said wire or electrical apparatus to repair or remove the same, and upon the owner’s failure to repair or remove the wire within twenty-four hours time, the said City Electrician shall cause said wire or ap- OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. paratus to be removed or repaired at the expense of said owner or agent. Provided, however, that wherever and whenever such de¬ fective wire or insulation is in such condition as to make it of imminent peril to life and property so that to wait the prescribed twenty-four hours w'ould be accompanied by great risks to life and property, then and thereupon the City Electrician shall have the power to abate the same and correct said condition and the expense thereof shall be and become the expense of the owner of said prop¬ erty or the part thereof. SEC. 14. All persons, firms or corporations engaged in the work of installing electrical apparatus, fixtures or appliances or offering or professing to do such work for pay, and before engaging in such business or work within the corporate limits of the City of Cleburne, shall obtain, take out and procure from the city tax collector of the City of Cleburne an annual license and pay therefor the sum of five dollars, which said license shall be renewed from time to time as the same expires, and which may be revoked at any time by order of the City Council for any violation of this ordi¬ nance, and thereupon and thereafter such offending person, firm or corporation shall be inhibited from engaging in such business or performing such work within the corporate limits of the City of Cleburne for one year. The application for such license, before same is issued, shall be made to the City Electrician, and he shall countersign the same before the license is issued by the tax col¬ lector of the City of Cleburne. SEC. 15. Every company, firm, co-partn.ership, corporation or in¬ dividual owning or controlling electrical wires and apparatus for the transmission of light heat or power shall in time of fire or in case of severe storm, wherein the lives or property of the citizens of Cle¬ burne may be endangered by the operation of such wires and ap¬ paratus, shall, upon request of the City Electrician, the Mayor, or the chief of the fire department, discontinue such wires as are de¬ signated by the said officials. SEC. 16. It shall be the duty of the City Electrician to in¬ spect all public and isolated electric light plants now in operation in the city, or hereafter installed, once in each year or oftener, if application is made by the owners of such plant, and he shall see that any dangerous or defective machinery, wires or appliances are removed or remedied immediately at the expense of said owner or agent. SEC. 17. It shall be the duty of the City Electrician to cause all dead wires, unused poles or electric apparatus on the outside of buildings, or in streets or alleys, to be removed at the expense of the owner of said wires, poles or apparatus by giving the said owner, or owners, or their agent, written notice, and if the owner, or owners, or their agent, fail or neglect to remove the same, within 109 _REVISED CIVIL ORDINAJ^CES ten days after the notice lias been given, said owner, or owners, or their agent, shall be subject to the penalty hereinafter prescrib¬ ed. SEC. 18. The City Electrician or other person or persons in charge of said department shall notify the owner, or owners, or their agent, to renew the old with new where such wire or wires have become defective and dangerous to life or property. SEC. 19. The City Electrician or other person or persons, designated by him shall make a thorough inspection of the lines of all companies owning wires in the city at least once in each year, and where such lines are in dangerous condition, shall notify the company owning, using or operating them, to place them in a safe and secure condition forthwith. Any company failing or refusing to comply with such notice, and make the necessary repairs or chan¬ ges, and have said work completed within ten days after the re¬ ceipt of- such notice, shall be subject to the penalty hereinafter prescribed. SEC. 2 0. No company, firm, co-partnership, corporation or individual shall permit pieces of wire to be left on the surface of the streets or sidewalks, nor permit unused coils or loose ends of wire to remain attached to any cross arm or posts more than twenty- four hours, nor permit loose wires to dangle from posts, awnings or buildings. SEC. 21. The City Electrician shall, upon the first of each month, make a written report to the City Council showing all per¬ mits issued and fees collected by him under the provisions of this ordinance for the preceding month, and all such fees shall be paid into the City Treasury. SEC. 2 2. This ordinance shall not be construed to relieve or lessen the responsibility of any person or persons, co-partnership or corporation owning, operating or installing any electrical wires, appliances, apparatus, construction or equipment for the damages to any one injured by any defect therein; nor shall the Ci'ty or any agent thereof be held as assuming any such liability by reason ol the inspection authorized herein or the certificate of inspection issued by the City Electrician. SEC. 2 3. Brass shell sockets shall not be installed in bath¬ rooms, toiilets, lavatories, basements or other rooms having exposed grounded pipes or metal work of any character, nor in rooms hav¬ ing concrete, cement, cinder or dirt floors. This rule shall not ap¬ ply to sockets that are made up on approved fixtures and controlled only by an approved switch suitably located, but no such fixtures shall be approved if hung in such position or location that it would be possible for a person while standing on the floor to touch or 110 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. come in contact with fixtures and at the same time ‘ground’ his body on neighboring pipes or metal work. All cross-over tubes must be fastened in place by means of two extra split knobs, placed one at each end of the tube. In case where it is impracticable to secure a support for the split knobs, permission may be given for tapping or wedging the cross-over tube. SEC. 24. The following rule on ‘looming’ wires that are crowded together for lack of wiring space shall be observed: For Reparations 1 less than 5 (five) inches and not less than 2 1-2 (two and one-half) inches, loom every alternate wire. For separa¬ tions less than 2 1-2 (two and one-half) inches, loom each w r ire. The above shall apply only to vertical runs, and where the wires are supported at intervals not greater than two and one-half feet. SEC. 25. Every person, firm, co-partnership or corpo wthv.i violating any of the provisions of the foregoing sections of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con¬ viction shall be punished by fine not exceeding Two Hundred Dol¬ lars. SEC. 26. Every person, firm, co-partnership or corporation, or the agent or employee of any person, firm, co-partnership or cor¬ poration furnishing electric light current or power to the people of Cileburne, who shall admit or convey or cause to be admitted or conveyed electric light current or power to any of the wires men¬ tioned in the foregoing sections of this ordinance before a certifi¬ cate of inspection of such wires is issued by the City Electrician, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, and each and every act shall constitute a separate offense. SEC. 27. Every person, firm or co-partnership or corporation or the agent or employe of any person, firm, co-partnership or cor¬ poration engaged in the business of furnishing electric current or power to the people of the City of Cleburne, shall within-— hours after being presented with a certificate of inspection issued by the City Electrician, as heretofore mentioned, furnished electric light current or power to the person named in the certificate of inspection so presented, and a failure to comply with the provisions hereof shall render such person, firm, co-partnership or corporation or the agent or employe of any such person, firm, co-partnership or corporation, guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars, and each and every act in violation hereof shall constitute a separate of¬ fense. SEC. 28. Every person, firm, co-partnership, or corporation in REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES furnishing electric light current or power to the people of the City of Cleburne, shall enter all buildings at such place or places as shall be designated by the City Electrician or his authorized rep¬ resentative, and no building shall be entered as above mentioned, without the place or places having first been designated by the City Electrician and any person, firm, co-partnership or corporation cr the agent or employe of any such person, firm, co-partnership cr corporation violating any of the provisions hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punish d by a fine not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars. TITLE TWENTY-SEVEN—WEIGHTS AND MEAS¬ URES. ARTICLE 60. —- CREATING A STANDARD OE WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. SECTION 1. That the standard of weights and measures re- r.equired by this ordinance shall be in accordance with thsi standard prescribed by the laws of the United States and the State of Texas, and in case the standard of weights and measures prescribed by the laws of the United States and the State of Texas do not fully em¬ brace all of the requirements of this ordinance with reference to weights and measures, then in such event the standard herein pre¬ scribed shall control. SEC. 2. That in the sale of coal, a hundred-weight shall con¬ sist of a hundred pounds of avoirdupois weight and twenty such hundred-weight shall constitute a ton.- SEC. 3. That in the sale of fire wood the standard for meas¬ ure shall be by the cord, that is, estimating each cord to contain one hundred and twenty-eight cubic feet. SEC. 4. That in the sale of ice the same shall be sold by avoir¬ dupois weight. SEC. 5. Every person selling any coal from any yard or other place within the City of Cleburne, where coal is kept for sale shall send with the driver of the vehicle in which the same shall be delivered a certificate or ticket showing the gross weight of the venicle and contents and also the tare (the weight of the vehicle) and the net weight of the' coal so delivered, as well as plainly showing the name of the person or corporation furnishing said coal, which certificate shall be taken by the said driver and delivered either to the purchaser or some person in charge of the place where said coal shall be delivered. SEC. 6. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the busi- OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. n.ess of hauling coal for delivery within the City of Cleburne, who shall willfully sell or offer for sale, any coal, and represent the same to contain a certain number of pounds, when the same does not contain such number of pounds or when the same is found upon weighing not to contain said number of pounds at the time of delivery, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and upon con¬ viction shall be punished by a fine of not less than one-dollar (if 1.0 0) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) and each and every act in violation of the provisions hereof, shall constitute a separate and distinct offence. SEC. 7. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling wood to be delivered in the City of Cleburne shall, in all cases where the purchase amounts to fifty cents (50c) or more, deliver to the purchaser or person in charg,e of the place where the said wood is delivered a certificate or ticket showing the amount of wood delivered and plainly showing the name of the person, firm or corporation ,selling the same. SEC. 8. Every p.erson, firm or corporation engaged in the business of hauling fire wood for delivery, who shall willfully sell or offer for sale any wood and represent the same to contain any number of cords, or a cord, or a part of a cord, when the same does not contain such number of cords, or a cord, or a part of a cord or when the same is found upon measurement at the time of delivery not to contain the same, such person, firm or corporation shall be guilty of misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum not less than one-dollar ($1.00) nor more than two- hundred dollars ($200.00) and each and every act in violation hereof shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. SEC. 9. Every person, firm or corporation selling ice or of¬ fering ice for sale within the City of Cleburne, shall at the time of the delivery of any ice sold, if requested so to do by the purchaser of such ice or any servant or employee of said purchaser to whom the delivery of such ice is made, weigh the quantity of such ice del¬ ivered and for that purpose every such person delivering ice shall be provided with proper scales and all ice sold within the City of Cleburne shall be sold by avoirdupois weight. That such ice when demanded by the purchaser or his servant or employee, shall be weighed in the presence of the person de¬ manding the same or in case the person does not desire to be pres¬ ent the said person delivering said ic.e shall furnish to the person demanding the same weight of such ice. That any person, firm or corporation selling or offerin gfor sale ice within th,e City of Cle¬ burne, who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one-dollar ($1.00) nor mor.e than two-hundred dollars ($200.00) and each and every act in violation hereof shall con¬ stitute a separate and distinct offense. SEC. 10. All m.eats sold at any place of business within the City of Cleburne, excepting shanks, offal, heads and plucks, poultry 113 _REVISED CIVIL ORDINANCES 01 v* iai gtuue siicin i,e hoiu L>y » eigne, ana oe Wci&utu in a suite uy \> eigiius or a ueam progeny seateu, ana m case any iraiui snail ue eommmea in iiie wrngnmg oi any meat, and in case any meat, ex¬ cept as aforesaid, siiail tie sold without being weighed as herein directed, the person 'selling the same shall be guilty of a mis¬ demeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one- dollar ($1.00) nor more than two-hundred dollars ($200.00), and each and every act ijn violation hereof shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. SEC. 11. No person, firm or corporation shall sell or offer for sale within the City of Cleburne any milk or cream in bottles or in glass jars, unless such bottles or glass jars be of a capacity of either one gill, one-half pint, on.e pint, one quart, one-half gallon or one gallon, and no milk or cream shall be sold or offered for sale in any bottle or glass jar of the size or capacity oth,er than or different from the siz.es and capacity herein prescribed. Each such bottle or glass jar in which milk or cream is sold or offered for sale shall have blown into it, or indelibly marked thereon, in a legible or conspicuos manner, the capacity thereof or have the cap¬ acity thereof indelibly marked or printed on the cork or stopper of each bottle, or printed or marked on the cap of each jar. SEC. 12. That any person, firm or corporation engaged in selling or offering for sale milk or cream in bottles or jars, as here¬ in provided, shall have th,e name or names of such person, firm or corporation engaged in selling or offering for sale such milk or cream blown into said bottles or jars, and it shall be unlawful for any other person, firm or corpration engaged in selling or offering for sale or having in its or their possession with the intent to sell any milk or cream, to sell or offer for sale any milk or cream in any jar or bottle having th.e name of any other person or corpor¬ ation blown in the same without first having obtained the consent .of the owner of such jar or bottle so to do.” “That any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine in any sum not less than one-dollar, ($1.00) nor more than two-hundred dollars ($200.00), and each and every act shall constitute a separate and distinct of¬ fense.” SEC. 13. All bread made or procured for the purpose of sale, sold, offered or exposed for sale, in the City of Cleburne, shall be made in a clean and sanitary place, perfectly screened with not less than 14-mesh wire, of good and wholesome flour or meal, and shall contain no deleterious substance or material. SEC. 14. Every loaf of bread made or produced for th.e pur¬ pose of sale, sold, offered or exposed for sale, in the city, shall liav.e fixed thereon, in a conspicuous place, a label or stamp at least on.e inch square, or if round, at least one inch in diameter, on which label or stamp there shall be printed in plain type, the letters and figures of which shall be printed in black ink upon white paper OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE. 1915 from type not smaller or making a less conspicuous letter than tlxe type commonly known as twelve point full-face square Gothic capital letters and figures, the weight of the loaf in half-pound or pounds, avoirdupois. The business nam,e and address of the maker, baker, or manufacturer of the loaf shall also be printed plainly on each label. SEC. 15. Every maker, baker or manufacturer of bread, every proprietor of a bakery or bake-shop, and every seller of bread in the City of Cleburne, shall keep scales and weights, suitable for the weighing of bread, in a conspicuous place in his bakery, bake- shop or store, and shall, whenever requested by the buyer and in the buyer’s presence, weigh the loaf or loaves of bread sold or offered for sale. SEC. 16. If any person, firm or corporation shall make or procure for the purpose of sale, s,ell, offer or expose for sale, within the City of Cleburne, any bread which is not made of good and wholesome flour or meal, any bread w r hich contains a deleterious substance or material, or any bread which is not made in a clean and sanitary place, or shall make or procure for the purpose of sale, sell, offer or expose for sale within the City of Cleburne, any standard loaf or loaves of bread which do not weigh one pound each, or any bread or loaves of wTiich do not w.eigh as much as the weight marked thereon, or any bread the loaf or loaves of w r hich do not have affixed thereon the label marked as hereinbefore provided, contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, such person, firm or corporation shall be fined upon conviction in the Corpor¬ ation Court in any sum not less than one-dollar ($1.00) nor more than two-hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense. SEC. 17. The fact that there does not now exist an efficient law governing the sale of bread in the City of Cleburne, and that a great deal of confusion as well as discontent exist among the people on account of the inadequacy of the law regulating the sale of bread, creates an urgency, an emergency for the immediate pre¬ servation of the public health, that this Ordinance take effect from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained that this Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, and as in the Charter i in such cases made and provided. SEC. 19. That this Ordinance shall repeal all ordinances or parts of Ordinances in express conflict with the same. 115 Index to Civil Ordinances A Art. Page Additions — School Purposes . 1 11 “ ... 2 12 “ “ ... . 3 13 “ “ 4 14 . “ “ 5 15 Additions. 6 16 “ 7 17 “ 8 17 “ 9 18 Arson — Reward. 46 94 Attorney—■ Duties of.37 S3 B Board of Equalization. 58 106 Bonds — City Hall and Bridge Repair.13 27 Equipping Water Works .15 32 High School.12 25 Purchase Water Works.14 29 Sewer System.11 22 Ward School Building..10 IS c City Charter.56 102 City Hall and Bridge Repair Bonds.13 27 City Note to National Bank. 50 98 City Pound. 20 41 City Wards . .. 55 102 Claims — Presentation of.16 34 Closing Streets. 47 95 Contracts — Public Improvements.17 36 Corporate Seal.54 101 E Electrical Ordinance. 59 106 Equalization —- Board of.58 106 Excavating — In Streets. 48 97 F Franchise*— Daniel Hewitt, et al. 27 62 “ Amending.28 70 Ft. W. S. Tr. Co. 30 75 Sewer System. 22 4 6 £teele, et al. 24 54 117 INDEX TO CIVIL ORDINANCES Art. Page. Stone and Webster . . .29 71 Telephone Franchise . . .25 59 Transfer—S. W. to Ft. W. S. Tr. Co. 31 ' 76 Turner, et al. .. 26 60 U. S. Government . . . . 78 Wofford Bros. .. . 32 77 G G. C. and S. F. Depot and Right of Way .44 92 Government Franchise. 9 O 78 H Health Department . .. .18 o H Hewitt, et al —- Franchise. .27 62 Hewitt, et al — Amendment . . . . .28 70 High School — Bonds. .12 25 I Interurban — Ft. W. So. Tr. Co. . . .30 75 Stone and Webster . . .29 71 S. and W. Transfer to Ft. w. So. Tr. Co. 31 76 Turner, E. B., et al — - Franchise.2 6 60 M » Market Square. 101 Marshal — Duties of. 8 0 Mavor — Duties of. .34 78 Measures and Weights. .60 112 N Note — City to National Bank .... 9 8 o Occupation Tax. 100 Officers—Attorney^—Duties of . . . . 83 Marshal—Duties of . . . . 80 Mayor—Duties of. .34 78 Presiding at Election . . ' . .43 91 Salaries. .42 89 Scavenger— Appointment and Duties . . . . 41 88 Secretary—Duties of . . . .36 81 Street Commissioner — Duties of .... 40 87 Tax Assessor and Collector—Duties of .... 38 84 Treasurer — Appointment and Duties .... 39 85 I 18 INDEX TO CIVIL ORDINANCES P Art. Pipes—Depth of in Streets.49 Presiding Officers for Elections..4 3 Public Improvement—Contracts.17 R Railroads—G. C. and S. F. Depot and Right of Way . . 44 Rate of Tax——1915. 51 Reward—For Arson.46 Rules of Order.. . . s Salaries ; —Officers and Employes.. . . f . . . . 42 Scavenger—Appointment and Duties.41 School Purposes—Additions. 1 “ “ “ . 2 “ •** “ . 4 “ “ “ .. 5 School Buildings—High School Bonds.12 Wards — Bonds.10 Seal—Corporate.•. . . . 54 Secretary—Duties of.36 Sewer System— 1 Bonds.11 Franchise.22 Steele, et al.24 Sidewalks..19 Square—Market.53 Stone and Webster—Franchise.29 S. and W.—Transfer to Ft. W. S. Tr. Co.31 Streets.21 Streets—Closing of.47 Street Commissioner — Duties.40 Streets—Depths of Pipes in.4 9 Encumbered by Vehicles.45 Excavating in.. . . . 48 Street Railway-—Franchise.. . 27 Street Railway Fr. Amendment.28 T Tax Assessor and Collector — Duties of.38 Tax—Occupation.52 Tax Rate 1915.51 Page. 97 91 3 6 9 2 98 94 5-9 89 88 11 12 13 14 15 25 IS 101 81 22 46 54 40 101 71 7 6 42 95 87 97 9 3 97 62 70 84 100 98 1 19 I INDEX TO CIVIL ORDINANCES ' Art. Page. Telephone—Franchise. 25 59 Treasurer—Appointment and Duties of.. . . 39 85 Turner, E. P., et al—Franchise .. 26 60 v Vehicles — Encumbering Streets.45 93 w Wards—City.55 102 Water Works — Equipping Bond. 15 32 Water Works— Purchase Bonds . 14 29 Weights and Measures. 60 112 Wofford Bros.— Franchise .32 V 7 120 Revised Criminal Ordinances REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES TITLE ONE—ACCIDENT. ARTICLE 1. — ACCIDENT OCCURING. SECTION 1. Any owner, driver, or person in charge of any vehicle in this city, who shall fail or refuse when an ac¬ cident shall occur or any injury result from vehicles com¬ ing into collision with any person or vehicle to stop and render assistance, if necessary, and give his name, place of abode, and number of his vehicle, and such other information as may be demanded, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic¬ tion shall be fined not less than one nor more than fifty dollars. TITLE TWO—MOTOR VEHICLES. ARTICLE 2. — REGULATING AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES. ETC. SECTION 1. The owner of any automobile, motorcycle or motor vehicle, or any person having the care or control of same, shall register the said vehicle with the City Secretary and procure from the said City Secretary a certificate thereof, which said cer¬ tificate shall state that the owner, giving his name, has registered his said vehicle, giving a general description thereof, and that a number has been given the same, which number shall be certified on the face of the certificate. The City Secretary shall keep a register in which he shall note th.e name of the owner of the vehicle registered together with gen¬ eral description thereof and its number, and he shall in no event give the same number to any two of said vehicles, but they shall be numbered in the order of their registration. The owner of any such vehicle, or the person having the care or contol of same, shall after registration as aforesaid, cause to be painted, placed', or fixed on and to the back of said vehicle its number as certified in the certificate of registration, or shall cause such number to be painted, placed or fixed on a piece of timber, tin, leather or other durable substance and the same firmly, securely, and permanently fastened to the back of said vehicle. The figures of such number shall be of such substance and such size and maintained in such condition so as to be clearly visible from the sidewalk, and shall not be trans¬ ferred or moved from one vehicle to another except as hereinafter provided, but in case any vehicle which has been registered as aforesaid shall be sold the purchaser thereof shall obtain a new number and a new certificate of said registration but at a re¬ quest of the said purchaser and his vendor, the City Secretary shall indorse on the certificate of the former owner the fact of its transfer, and the said City Secretary shall note the fact of the said transfer in his book, required herein to be kept, and the REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES certificate so endorsed shall be in all respects as valid and shall protect the purchaser of the said vehicle to the same extent as would the original certificate of registration. SEC. 2. The owner of any such vehicle or the person having the care or control of the same shall equip such vehicle with good and sufficient brakes, and also with a horn, or other signal device, which shall be kept in good working order and shall also equip such vehicle with at least three lamps which shall be kept lighted while the vehicle is in use, from and between thirty minutes after sunset and thirty minutes before sunrise; two of these lamps shall be placed upon the front of such vehicle and shall be of such size and character as to be plainly visible when lighted for one-fourth of a mile in front of same, the third lamp shall be planed on the rt|ar of such vehicle and shall cast a red light to the rear of such ve¬ hicle. Save and except the provisions of this section as to number of lamps to be placed on such vehicles not apply to motorcycles, or the person having the care or control of same shall be required to carry but one light which shall be placed upon the front of any such vehicle. SEC. 3. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to run, propel or drive any automobile, motorcycle, or any other character of motor'vehicle or for any owner of such vehicle or any person having the care or control of such vehicle to direct, cause or permit the running, driving, or propelling of any such vehicle in, upon, along or across any public square, street or alley or other public place within the corporate limits of the Ctiy of Cleburne in a careless, reckless or negligent manner, or at a greater rate of speed than 12 miles per hour, provided the speed limit herein fixed shall not apply to race courses or speedways. i SEC. 4. Any person who shall drive, propel or use any auto¬ mobile, motorcycle, or any other character of motor vehicle or any person having the care or control of such vehicle, who shall cause to be driven, propelled or used, or permit the driving using.or pro¬ pelling of any such vehicle, along, across or upon any public square, street, alley or public place in the City of Cleburne, in violation of or contrary to any of the provisions of this ordinance or of the various sections thereof, or without complying with all of the reg¬ ulations, conditions or requirements herein provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than One Hundred Dollars. SEC. 5. That all ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed and approved 21st day of May, 1915. TITLE THREE—BATHING. ARTICLE 3. — BATHING IN CERTAIN PLACES. SECTION 1. Any person who shall bathe, wash or swim, in any creek, pond, tank, pool, or public place within this city, before 2 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915, dark, being naked, or not sufficiently clothed to prevent an im¬ proper or indecent exposal of his or her person, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars. TITLE FOUR—BASEBALL. ARTICLE 4. — PROHIBITING THE PLAYING OF BASEBALL ON SUNDAY. DEFINING THE TERMS. SECTION 1. Every person, or persons or associations of per¬ sons, under whatever name known, who shall, within the Corporate limits of the City of Cleburne, Johnson County, Texas, play base¬ ball on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, with or without an admission fee being charged, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than Twenty ($20.00) Dollars, nor more than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars. SEC. 2. Every person or persons or association of persons under whatever name known who shall, within, the corporate limits of the City of Cleiburne, Johnson County, Texas, exhibit to the public any baseball playing on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday with or [without an admission fee being charged, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than Twenty ($20.00) Dollars nor more than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars. SEC. 3. Each and every Sunday or part of a Sunday, any person or persons or association of persons, under whatever name known, shall play baseball or exhibit to the public baseball playing shall constitute a separate offense. SEC. 4. The term “Play Base Ball” or “Base Ball Playing*', within the meaning of Section One, two and three of this ordinance shall be construed to mean the playing or the exhibition to the public of any game or games played with ball and bats and with nine (9) men or players on one side matched against nine men or players on the other side, whatever length or duration of time the said game or games may continue; and shall also include the playing or the exhibition to the public of any game or games played with balls and bats, where any number of persons or players on one side are matched against any number of persons or players on the other side, whatever length or duration of time the said game or games may continue. Approved April 25th, 1911. TITLE FIVE—BEES. ARTICLE 5. — REGULATING THE KEEPING OF BEES. SEC.TION 1. The owning, keeping or raising of bees within the 3 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES City of Cleburne, adjacent or in proximity to occupied dwelling houses in said city, is hereby declared and made a nuisance. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to own, keep or raise within the limits of the Ctiy of Cleburne, ad¬ jacent or in proximity to occupied dwelling houses in said City, and any person violating this ordinance shall, upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by fine in any sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars. SEC. 3. Th,e term “Adjacent or in proximity to occupied dwelling houses in said city,” as used in the foregoing sections of this ordinance shall be held to mean the owning, keeping or raising of bees in any district in said city where there are at least as many as four occupied dwelling houses within 600 feet of the place where said bees are owned, kept or raised. SEC. 4. Each and every day said bees are owned, kept or raised within said territory herein defined, and in the manner hereinbefore s.et out, shall constitute a separate offence. Passed and aproved May 7th, 1915. TITLE SIX—BICYCLES. ARTICLE 6.—RIDING BICYCLE FASTER THAN TWELVE MILES PER HOUR. SECTION 1. If any person shall ride any bicycle on any street of this city, at a rate of speed greater than twelve miles per hour, h.e shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 7. — BICYCLE RACE. SECTION 1. If any person shall run or be engaged in running any bicycle race on any public street of this city, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 8. — RIDING BICYCLE ON SIDEWALK. SECTION 1. Any person who shall ride any bicycle, velocipede, or any other vehicle upon any sidewalk within this city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 9. — TO PROHIBIT THE RIDING OF BICYCLES ACROSS THE FOOT-BRIDGES. SECTION. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons %. 4 \ OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. to ride any bicycle upon, across or over any public foot-bridge with¬ in the City of Cleburne, and any person or persons \iolating the provisions of tlrs ordinance shall be deemed guil y of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be punijshed by any fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. A public foot-bridge within the meaning of this ordinance, is any foot-bridge as distinguished from private. ARTICLE 10. — TO PROHIBIT THE RIDING OF BICYCLES IN AND NEAR THE SANTA FE DEPOT. SECTION. 1. Hereafter, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to ride any bicycles within the limits of the following described territory at a time of sixty minutes before the arrival of any passenger train, or while the same is standing for the pur¬ pose of discharging or receiving passengers, and for sixty minutes after the departure of such train; and said territory being describ d as follows: Beginning at southeast corner of the Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Depot, thence east to the east line of the right of way of said railway company; thence north with said east line of said right of iway, to the south lin.e of East Henderson Street; thence west with said south line of Henderson Street to the northeast corner of said Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company depot; thence wi'.h eas" wall of said depot building south to the place of beginning. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than one dollars and not more than ten dollars. TITLE SEVEN—PUBLIC SAFETY. ARTICLE 11. — BLASTING. Section 1. Any person who shall blast or cause to be blasted, any rock, earth or other material, within the city, unless the orifice at the time of setting off such blast te covered on all sides with good, sound plank of sufficient length, width and thickness, so as to prevent fragments of such material from ascending into the air, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shHl be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. TITLE EIGHT—BURNING TRASH ARTICLE 12. — REGULATING THE BURNING OF TRASH, WASTE PAPER, RUBBISH, ETC. SECTION 1. Hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person 5 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES to burn any trash or refuse of any character or kind on any public square, street, avenue, or alley within the City of Cleburne without first having inclosed such trash, waste pap.er, rubbish or refuse matter in some character of wire basket or receptacle with meshes or openings in such basket or receptacle sufficiently small as to prevent said trash, waster pap.er, rubbish or refuse matter while burning from blowing or scattering over any public square, street, avenue, or alley in said City. If any person shall violate the pro¬ visions of this ordinance he shall be deemed guilty of a misdfe- raeanor and upon convciticn, shall he fined in any sum not less than one or more than ten dollars. TITLE NINE—CARCASSES ARTICLE 13. — DUTY OP PERSONS TO REMOVE CARCASSES. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of all perons to remove beyond the city limits, the carcasses of all animals belonging to him, may die on their premises or while in their charge, and any person who shall suffer or knowingly allow the carcass of any horse, cow, dog, hog, or other animal belonging to him or in his posession, which may come to its death by any cause, to lie unburied, or shall draw or deposit the same in or upon any street, alley, lane or other public or private ground within this city, without burying the same, shall be d.eemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 14. — DRAYMEN, ETC., MOVING CARCASSES. SECTION 1. Any drayman, scavenger, carrier or other perscn who shall drag, haul or carry in any way any dead animals or car¬ casses of any kind from the place where such animals or carcasses ar.e found dead, and shall leave or deposit the same witlr'n the corporate limits of this city, shall be deemed guilty of a misde¬ meanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. TITLE TEN—COLLISIONS ARTICLE 15. — COLLISION WITH PERSONS, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall ride or drive any animal or team so as to cause it, or any vehi/cle to which it is attached, to come into collision with any person or vehicle within the city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not less than one nor more than fifty dollars. 6 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. TITLE ELEVEN—CLOSETS ARTICLE 16. — CLOSETS. SECTION 1. It shall be and it is hereby made unlawful for any mate person over ten years old, to go into or use any ladies toilet or closet in any public building in this city, and any person violating this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. Provided .this ordinance shall not apply to any janitor, whose duty is to see that such toilet is kept in a clean and sanitary condition. A public building within the meaning of the foregoing article is the Court House of Johnsen County .Texas, or any other building distinguished from private. TITLE TWELVE—CORPORATIONS ARTICLE 17. — REGULATING THE CHARGES AND RATES. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, that hereafter if eny telephone, light and power or Gas or Water or Sewer Company, or Street Railway Company, or any other Company, Corporation, person or persons, or the agent or officer of any such Company or Corporation or person or persons shall charge, collect/demand or receive from any person, Company, firm or corporation a greater charge or compensation than that fixed and established in its franhi-se, granted or that may hereafter be granted, by said City of Cleburne to such Company, Corporation or person or persons, or the Agent or Officer of such Corporation or Company, person, or persons, making such charge or demand shall be deemed guil'y of a misdemeanor, and shall for every such demand or charge, on conviction thereof, be fined any sum not less than $5.00 rior more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). This ordinance in no way to effect, alter, change or amend sections 1-2-3-4-5 and 6, Art. 94, of the Revised Ordinances of: the City of Cleburne. ARTICLE 18. — RELATING TO ELECTRIC RATES AND CHARGES AND REQUIRING THE INSTALLING OF METERS. SEC. 1. Be it ordained by Ihe Ci'y Council of the City of Cle¬ burne that hereafter the electric light rate to be charged the users of electric light in the City of Cleburne by any corpor¬ ation,, electric light company, person or individual engaged in the business of selling electric light current o the public 7 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES in said city shall not exceed th,e rate of fifteen cents per Kilowatt hour, measured by standard meters; and if any corporation, electric light company, person or individual shall charge or demand payment of any us,er of electric light current, in said city, any sum of money in excess of the rate of fifteen cents per Kilowatt hour, measured by standard meters, for electric light current or use of such current or supply thereof, such corporation making such charges or demand, or any person or individual or electric company making such charge or demand shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor, and shall for every such demand or charge on conviction thereof, be fined any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than two hundred dollars. SEC. 2. If any agent or employee of any corporation, electric light company or person or individual, shall demand of any citizen of the City of Cleburne, or user of electric light current of such city or shall take or receive from any such citizen or user of electric light current, or for any supply or use thereof, within said city, in excess of the rate of fifteen cents per kilowatt hour, measured by standard meters, such agent or employee, person or individual so taking or receiving such sum of money, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than two hundred dollar?. SEC. 3. If any corporation, electric light company, person or individual, or any agent or employee of such corporation, electric light company, person or individual, shall after any citizen or user of electric light current of the City of Ceburne, shall have tendered to such corporation, electric light company, person or individual, or agent or employee of such corporation, electric light company, person or individual the amount of his account for electric light current for any length of time, at the rate of fifteen cents pe 1 * Kilo¬ watt hour, measured by standard meters, turn off or stop such elec¬ tric current, when the user thereof desired a continuance of same, the corporation, electric light company, person or individual em¬ ploye or agent of such corporation, electric light company, person or individual, so doing shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than two hundred dollars. SEC. 4. Hereafter the electric power rate to be charged the users of electric power in the City of Cleburne, by any corporation, electric light company, person or individual, engaged in the busness of furnishing or selling electric power to the public in said city, shall not exceed the rate of eight cents per Kilowatt hour measured by standard meters; and if any corporation, electric light company, person or individual shall charge any sum of money or make de¬ mand thereof of any'user of electric power in said city, any sum of money in excess of the rate of eight cents per kilowatt hour, meas¬ ured by standard meters, for electric power, or use of such power or supply thereof, such corporations electric light co., p.eson or indiv¬ idual, making such charge or demand, shall for every such charge 8 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. or demand be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than two-hundred dollars. SEC. 5. It is further ordained that all bills made by users of electric light current shall he subject to the following on same: if said bills are paid by the fifth of the month at the office of the Electric Light Company. On all bills of $10.00 and less a discoun': of 15 per cent. On all bills netting over ten dollars and not over twenty-five, a discount of 20 per cent. On all bills netting over twenty-five dollars, a discount of 33 1-3 per cent, and if any person, firm, corporation, agent or employee of such person firm, corpor¬ ation, fails or refuses to make such discounts on conditions afore¬ said, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con¬ viction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than two hundred ,dollars. SEC. 6. That a meter deposit of five dollars on five ampere meters, and seven dollars and fifty cents on any meter larger than a five ampere meter be allowed and that a minimum charge of one dollar per month be allowed for either light or power, and any person, firm, corporation, agent or employee of said person firm, or corporation, failing to comply with this section of this ordinance, shall he deemed guil f v r f a rm‘sci*rn''anor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than two hundred dollars. TITLE THIRTEEN—DOGS ARTICLE 19. — PERMITTING PROUD BITCH ON STREET. SECTION 1. It shall not b f e lawful for the owner of any proud bitch to permit her to run at large within this city, and if such person shall fail to keen and confine said animal, he shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than twentf-five dol¬ lars. And if such proud bitch is not confined and kept up it shall be the duty of the Marshal to kill her. TITLE FOURTEEN—DRINKING HOUSES ARTICLE 20. — DRINKING HOUSE, ETC. SECTION. 1. It shall be unlawful for the keeper or proprietor of any drinking house ,saloon, beer room or beer saloon, billiard hall or roonj, pool hall or room, to allow any billiards or pool or any other games of chance to be played therein on Sunday, and any person violating th's ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor and on conviction thereor, shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars. 9 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES TITLE FIFTEEN—DRIVING AND RIDING ARTICLE 21. — FAST RIDING AND DRIVING. SECTION 1. Any person who shall ride cr drive any horse, mule or other animal in, along or across any public square, street, alley or other public place in this city, in a gait faster than an or¬ dinary lope, except in case of urgent necessity, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not less than one or more than twenty-five dollars. ARTICLE 22. — DRIVING AROUND CORNER. SECTION 1. Any person who shall ride or drive any horse, mule or other animal around any street corner lying on a public square, or on or across any causeway within the city in a gait fasten than an ordinary trot, cr across any bridge fas'ier than a walk, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined not less than one nor more than twenty-five dollars. ARTICLE 23. — NEGLIGENTLY DRIVING ANIMAL. SECTION 1. Any person who shall carelessly or negligently permit any animal or team attached to any carriage, wagon, dray or other vehicle to escape and run at large in the city, or shall turn any such animal or team loose, or leave the same without securely fastening or guarding it, so as to prevent its running away, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall b? fined not less than one nor more than twenty-five dollars. TITLE SIXTEEN—EXCAVATION ARTICLE 2 4. — EXCAVATION. SECTION 1. It shall be, end it is hereby made the duty of every person, firm or corporation, their agents, officers or repres¬ entatives when an excavation is desired to be made in any street or avenue or alley, or othflr public grounds to apply to the City Secretary of the City of Cleburne, before any such excavaton is piade, and from such Secretary obtain a permit therefor, and if any person, firm or corporation, their agent, officers or repreient- atives shall fail to apply for such permit, before any excavation is made, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con¬ viction, shall be fined in. any sum not less than twenty-five nor more thn one hundred dollars. 10 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. ARTICLE 25. — LEAVING HOLE, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person having charge of any public or private improvement in this city, who shall leave any hole, ditch, or excavation, in or adjoining any public square, street, alley, sid:- walk or other public place, without guarding, covering or fencing same, so as to prevent persons and animals from falling therein, shall be d.eemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall b.e fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. TITLE SEVENTEEN—FIRE DEPARTMENT ARTICLE 26. — DRIVING OVER HOSE. SECTION 1. Any person or persons who shall drive any wagon, buggy or other vehicle cn or across any water hose belonging or pertaining to the Fire department of this city shall be de med gulty of a •mi'sdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than one nor more than twenty-five dollars. ARTICLE 27. — RIDING ON FIRE VEHICLES. SECTION 1. Any person, other than a member of one of the fire companies, who shall rido or attempt to rid.e on any vehicle belonging to the Fire Department of this city at any time while same is being used by said Department shall be deemed gui’ty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one nor more than twenty-five dollars. TITLE EIGHTEEN—FIRE LIMITS ARTICLE 28. — AMENDING AN ORDINANCE, DESIGNATING THE FIRE LIMITS AND THE KIND OF BUILDINGS TO BE BUILT THEREIN. SECTION 1. All property, lots and Mocks included with’n the boundary lines hereinafter set forth shall make and constitute the firQ-limits of the City of Cleburne, Texas, and described as fol¬ lows, towit: Beginning at a point ita the center of Mill and Shaffer streets on the S. W. and running Ea c t with the center of said Shaffer S L reet to the center of Caddo street:—Thence North with Hie center of Caddo Street to th.e center of James Street:—Thence East with the center of Jam.es Street to the center of East Border Street: — 11 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES Thence North with the center of East Border Street to th,e center of Wardvillep Street:—Thence West with the center of Wardville St., to a point in the center of N. Anglin St.:—Th.ence North with the center of N. Anglin St., to the center of Brown St.:—Thence West with the cente'r of Brown St. to West Buffalo Cr.eek:—Thence in a Southerly direction with the meanderings of West Buffalo Creek to the center of Hillsboro Street:—Thence South with the center of Hillsboro Street to a point in the center of Janies Street:— Thence East with the center of James Street to a point in th,e center of Mill Street:—Thence South with the center of Mill Street to the place of beginning. SEC. 2. Any person or persons, firm or corporations who shall build, enlarge or place in or upon any block or any part thereof within the fire limits described above of this City, or be concerned in building, .enlarging, or placing within said fire limits any building or buildings oth<\r than such as are constructed of brick, concrete or stone, or a combinaHon of brick, concrete or stone, or who shall move any building or . buildings composed of wood or other combustible material of any kind or character whatsoever other than brick, concrete or ston.e or a combination of brick, con¬ crete or stone to any place within said fire limits described above herein, or who shall build or repair any building, constructed of wood or other combustible material, or of any material of whatever kind or character, other than brick, ccncre J e or stone, or a com¬ bination of brick, concrete or stone, within said fire limits, that shall have been damag:d by fire, decay or oth.er causes to the extent of fifty per cent of its original cost value, or who shall make any addition other than of brick, concrete or stone or a combination of brick, concrete rr stone, to any buRding or huild ; ngs in said fire limits described above herein shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished by a fine of not more than $100.00 for each and every day during which said prohibited structure, or structures or additions shall remain within said fire limits. ARTICLE 29. — AMENDING! SECTION 2 OF THE FIRE LIMIT ORDINANCE: That Section 2, of on ordinance pa sed on the 21st day of August, 1914, relating to the erection of certain buildings within the fire limits of th.e City of Cleburne be amended so as the same will hereafter read as follows: ' “Any person or persons, firm or corporation who shall build, enlarge, or place in or upon any block or lot, or any part thereof, within the fire limits in force-in this city or be concerned in build¬ ing, enlarging or placing within said fire limits, any building or building's, oth.er than such as are constructed of brick, concrete, or stone or a combination of brick concrete or stone, or who shall 12 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. move, any building or buildings composed of wood or other com¬ bustible material of any kind or character whatsoever, other than brick, concrete, or stone, or a combination of brick, concrete, or stone, to any place within said fire limits, as they now are described and exist or who shall build or repair any building® constructed of wood or other combustible material or of any material of whato/.r kind or character, other than brick, concrete or stone, or combin¬ ations of brick concrete or stone within said fire limits that shall heve been damaged by fire, decay or other causes to the extent of 50 per cent of its original cost value, or who shall make any ad¬ dition other than of brick concrete or stone or combination of brick, concrete or stone to any building or buildings in said fire limits shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each and every day during which said prohibited structure or structures or addition shall remain within said fire limits, provided the above shall not apply to any person or persons who may erect a fence or tabernacle for the purpose of holding religious services only, but in such case any person or persons d,esiring to erect a tent or tabernacle as mentioned above to be used as a place in which to hold or conduct religious services, shall apply to the Mayor of the City of Cleburne, and shall secure a permit therefor from said Mayor. ARTICLE 30. — AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY OF THE CITY ENGINEER. SECTION 1. The salary of -the City Engineer of the City of Cleburne is hereby fixed at the sum of One Thousand Dollars, until the first day of April, 1916, and the City Engineer will be en¬ titled to r.eceive said salary in monthly installments of One Hundred Dollars per month. SEC. 2. That after the first day of April, 1916, the City En¬ gineer of said City shall receive, as compensation the sum of $1500 per annum, payable in monthly installments, of $125.00 per month. SEC. 3. That the salary as fixed in Section 2, her,eof shall there¬ after remain in full force and .effect until the same is changed by the City Council of Said City. Passed and approved the 2nd day of July, 1915. ARTICLE 31.—A FIRE MARSHAL ORDINANCE. SECTION 1. The office of Fire-Marshal is hereby created. Such office shall be independent of other City Departments, the Fire-Marshal reporting directly to the Mayor and City Council. Such office shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor, by and with the consent of the City Council within twenty days after this ordinance'shall'take effect. The said Fire-Marshal shall be prop- 13 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES erly qualified for the duties of his offic,e and shall be removed only for cause at will of the City Council. He shall receive an annual salary not to exceed $360.00 payable in monthly installments, as full compensation for his services. SEC. 2. The Fire-Marshal shall investigate the cause, origin and circumstances of every fire occuring within the City o: Cle¬ burne, by which property has been destroyed or damaged and shall especially make an investigation as to whether such fire was the result of carelessness or design. Such investigation shall be begun within twenty-four hours, not including Sunday, of the occurence of such lire. The Fire-Marshall shall keep in his office a record of all fires occuring within the City, together with all facts, statis¬ tics and circumstances, including the origin of the fires and the amount of the loss, which may be determined by the investigation required by this ordinance. Such record shall at all times be open to public inspection. SEC. 3. The Fire-Marshal, when in his opinion further in¬ vestigation is necessary, shall take cr cause to be taken the tes¬ timony on oath of all persons supposed to b.e cognizant of any facts or to have means of knowledge in relation to the matter as to which an examination as herein requi.ed to be made, and shall came the same to be reduced to writing; and if he shall be of the opin¬ ion that there is evidence sufficient to charge any person with the crime of Arson, or with the attempt to commit the crime of arson, or oi conspiracy to defraud, or criminal conduct in connection wit i such fire, he shall cause such person to be lawfully arrested and charged with such offense or .either of them, and shall furnish to the proper prosecuting attorney, all such evidence together with the names of witnesses and all of the information obtained by him, including a copy of all pertinent and material testimony taken in the case. SEC. 4. The Fir.e-Marshal shall have the power to summon witnesses before him to testify in relation to any matter which is by the provisions of this ordinance a subject of inquiry and inves¬ tigation, and may require the production of any book, paper or document deemed pertinent thereto. The said Fire-Marshal is hereby authorized and empowered to administer oaths and affirm¬ ations to any persons appearing as witnesses before him. SEC. 5. Any witness who refuses to be sworn, or who refuses to appear or testify, or who disobeys any lawful order of said;Fire- Marshal or who fails or refuses to produce any book, paper or document touching any matter'under examination, or who is guilty of any contemptuous conduct during any of the proceedings of the Fire-Marshal in the matter of said investigation or inquiry, after being summoned to give testimony in relation to any matter under investigation as aforesaid shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor tend it shall be the duty of the Fire-Marshal to cause all such of ¬ fenders to be prosecuted. Any person being convicted of any such demeanor shall be fined in a sum not exceeding Twenty-five Dollars 14 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. ($25.00) provided, however, that any person so convicted shall have the right of appeal. SEC. 6. All investigations held by or under the direction of the Fire-Marshal may, in his description be private, and persons other than those required to be present may be excluded from the place from where such investigation is held, and witnesses may be kept separate an 1 apart from each other and not be allowed to com¬ municate with each other until they have been examined. , SEC. 7. The Fire-Marshal shall have the authority at all tim,es of day or night when necessary, in the performance of the duties imposed upon him by the provisions of this ordinance, to .enter upon and examine any building or premises where any fire has occured, and other buildings and premises adjoining or near the same, which authority shall be exercised only with reason and gjcd discretion. SEC. 8. The Fire-Marshal, upon complaint of any person having an interest in any building, or property adjacent, and with¬ out any complaint, shall have a right at all reasonable hours, for the purpose of examination, to enter into and upon all buildings and premises within the City, and it shall be his duty, quarterly or more often, to enter upon and make, or cause to be entered upon and made, a thorough examination of all mercantile, manufactur¬ ing and public buildings together with the premises belonging there¬ to. Whenever he shall find any building or other structure which for want of repair, or by reason of age or dilapidated condition, or for any cause, it especially liab’e to lire and which is so sit¬ uated as to endanger other buildings cr property, or so occupied that fire will endanger persons or property therein, and whenever he shall find an improper cr dangerous arrangement of stoves, ranges, furnaces or other heating appliances of any kind whatso¬ ever, including chimneys, flues and pipes withiwhich the same may be connected, or a dangerous arrangement of lighting devices or systems, or a dangerous or unlawful storage of explosives, com¬ pound, petroluem, gasolene, kerosene; dangerous chemicals, vege¬ table products, ashes, combustibles, inflammable and refuse mat¬ erials, or other conditons which may be dangerous in character or liable to cause or promote fire or create conditions dangerous to the fireman or occupants, he shall order the same to be remov. d or remedied, and such order shall be forthwith complied with by the owner of occupant of said building or premises. Pro\ided, how¬ ever, that if the said owner or occupant deems himself aggrieved by such order, he may, within five days (5), appeal to the Mayor, who shall investigate the cause of the complaint and unless by his authority the order is revoked, such order shall remain in force and be forthwith complied w r ith by said owner or occupant. SEC. 9. Any owner or occupant of a building or other struc¬ ture or premises, who shall keep or maintain the same when, for want of repair, or by reason of age or dilapidated condition, or for any cause, it is especially liable tc fire, and which is so situated as to endanger buildings or property of others, or is especially 15 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES liable to fire and which is so occupied that fire would endanger other persons or their property therein, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ,$10.00) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00). j SEC. 10. Any owner or occupant of any building or other structure, or premises, who shall keep or maintain the same with an improper arrangement of a s.ove, range, furnace, or other heat¬ ing appliance of any kind whatever, including chimneys, flues and pipes with which the same may be connected, so as to be dangerous in the matter of fire or health or safety of persons or property of others; or who shall keep or maintain any building, other struc¬ ture or premises with m improper arrangement of a lighting device or system, or with a storage of explosives, petroleum, gaso¬ lene, kerosene, chemicals, vegetable products, ashes, combustibles, inflammable materials refuse or with any other condition which shall be dangerous in character to the persons health or property of others; or which shall be dangerous in the matter of promoting, augmenting or causing fires; or which shall create conditions dangerous to firemen, or occupants of such building, structure or premises other than the maintainnor thereof, shall be punished by a line of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00). SEC. 11. No prosecution shall be brought under Sections 9 and 10 of this ordinance until th,e order provided for in Section 8 be given, and the party notified shall fail or refuse to comply with the same. SEC. 12. The penalties provided for herein shall be recorded by the City in the same manner as provided by law for the en¬ forcement of fines, forfeitures and punishments for offenses against the City . ( SEC. 13. Every day’s maintenance of any of the conditions prohibited in any of the foregoing sections shall be a distinct and separate offense. SEC. 14. All misdemeanors herein provided for shall be pro¬ secuted, and all lines and forte herein provided fo-’ shad be recovered and enforced, in the same manner as provided by law for the enforcement of fines, forfeitures, penalties and punishemnts for offenses generally against the City. SEC. 15. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SEC. 16. Whereas, public safety demands the immediate pas¬ sage of this ordinance, creating the office of Fire'-Marshal and empowering the said officer to discharge the duties hereinafter set out, therefore an emergency exists demanding suspension of the rules requiring ordinances to he read three several days said rule is heeby suspended, and this ordinance is placed on its first reading and final pasage, and shall be effective and in full force from and after its passage and approval. Approved this 29 th day of July 1912 16 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915 TITLE NINE! EEN—FUNERALS ARTICLE 32. — RIDING OR DRIVING THROUGH OR ACROSS A FUNERAL PROCESSION. SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to ride or drive through or aero, s any funeral procession in this city, and any person or persons violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than ten, nor more than fifty dollars. TITLE TWENTY—HACK DRIVERS ARTICLE 33. — REGULATING THE CONDUCT OF HACK DRIV¬ ERS AND HOTEL EMPLOYEES. SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for the owner or proprietor* agent, employe or servant of such owner or proprietor of any hotel or boarding house of the owner, manager, agent or employe or servant of the owner or manager of any liack, carriage or other vehicle used, managed, or operated for hire, or for the owner, man¬ ager, proprietor servant, employe or agent of such manager, owner or proprietor of any public business carried on within the said Ci y, to go upon, or otherwise use Border Street east of a line running North and South with the West line of said Border Street and the east wall of the passenger depot building of the Trinity and Brazos Valley Railway Company, in the City of Cleburne, said line extending North and South so as to include both Henderson and Chambers streets within the said City for the purpose of soliciting patronage or business for any hotel, boarding house, hack, car¬ riage, express wagon, or other vehicle or public business carried on within the said City, during the arrival or departure of any passenger train of the said railway company, or while the same is standing for the purpose of discharging or taking on passengers, baggage or express, or while the same is standing for the purpose of taking meals. And be it further ordained that it shall be unlawful for the owner, driver or person in charge of any carriage, hack, express wagon, dray or other vehicle used for hire cr for the purpose of conveying pessengers, freight or baggage to use the said depot building for the purpose of soliciting passengers or business during the time of the arrival and departure of aid trains or during the time said trains are at said depot, es above provided. Provided that it shall not be unlawful to use the said depot for the purpose of assisting passengers to and from the said railway Company, and for the purpose of receiving or discharging baggage or express. 17 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES Any person violating this ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convict on sii1 be fined in any sum not less than One dollar nor more than twenty- five dollars. Approved Feb. 17th, 1911. TITLE TWENTY-ONE—PUBLIC HEALTH ARTICLE 34. — SELLLING UNWHOLESOME SUBSTANCES, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall, within this city, know n 0 ly sell the flesh of any animal dying otherwise than by slaughter, or slaughtered when diseased, or shall sell any kind of corrupted, dis¬ eased or unwholesome substance, whether for food or drink, without making same fully known to the buyer, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars ARTICLE 35. — POLLUTING WELLS, ETC. SECTION 1. Any pe.s_n who shall throw, place or deposit In any well, cistern, tank, fountain, spring, or other place containing water in this city, any substance or liquid, whatever, calculated to pollute., i-oiscn or render unwholsesome the water therein, shall ns deemed guilty of a misdemeonor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than fiv.e nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 36. —- CARRYING ON TRADE, ETC. INJURIOUS TO HEALTH. SECTION 1. Any one who shall, within this city, carry on any Hade, business or occupation, injurious to the health of those who reside in the vicinitv, or shall suffer any sufstance, which shall have the effect to remai/n on premises in his possession shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 37. — KEEPING OFFENSIVE PREMISES. SECTION 1. Any p.erson who shall own, keep or use any build¬ ing or premises, in this city, in such a manner as to be injurious to the health of the people or offensive to the neighborhood, or to any private family or person, or detrimental to th.e public health, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not to exceed one hundred dollars. 18 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. ARTICLE 38. — PENS, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall own, keep, or use any pen or inclosure in which cattle or other animals are kept, in this city, in such a mann.er as to become offensive, or any annoyance to any person whatever, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fin.ed not more than one,hundred dollars. ARTICLE 39.-DISTILLERY, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall own, keep, or use any dis¬ tillery, tannery brew.ery, hotel restaurant or cook shop, boarding house, slaughter pen, livery stable, wagon yard, dye shop, dairy, saloon, beer shop, soap boilers’, tallow chandler’s or other establish¬ ment in this city, in such a manner as to be unwholesome, naus¬ eous, or offensive, or so that any foul, offensive or unwholesom.e substance, or liquid shall flow, or be thrown or discharged there¬ from into or upon any street, alley, gutter, yard, lot or other ad jac,ent public ground, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convction shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 40. — PRIVY, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall permit any privy, vault, sink, cellar, pool, private drain or sewer in or upon any premises owned or controlled by him in this, city to become nauseous, foul, of¬ fensive or injurious to the health of those who reside in the vic¬ inity shall be deem,ed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 41. -- VAULTS, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall construct, own or use any vault, sink, or privy upon any lot or premises, in this city at a dis¬ tance less than three feet from the boundary line of any adjoining lot or premises, without the consent of the owner thereof or at a distance less than three feet from the boundary line in any street, alley, square, or other public place shall be d.eemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 42. — FILLING LOT. SECTION 1. Any person who shall deposit thereon, or fill up with offensive or unwholesome matter, any lot or ground in 19 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES this city so that the same may become a nuisance or injurious to the health of those who reside in the vicinity thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall 00 fined not more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 43.—CARCASS OF HORSE, ETC. Any person who shall suffer or knowingly allow dead carcass or body of any horse, mule, ox, cow, hog, dog, or other animal be¬ longing to him, or.in his possession, which may come to its death from any cause, to lie, or shall draw and deposit same in or upon any street, alley, lane or other public or private grounds within the city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 44. — EACH DAY A SEPARATE OFFENSE, SECTION 1. Each separate day on which any violation of any provision of the foregoing article of this ordinance may continue, shall be considered a separate and distinct offense and subject the offender to a similar fine and punishment as that prescribed for the first violation thereof. TITLE TWENTY-TWO—HOGS ARTICLE 45. — PROHIBITING KEEPING OF HOGS, SECTION 1. Whereas, it is deemed necessary to promote the sanitary condition of the City of Cleburn.e, and that the keeping of hogs is a nuisance and is hereby declared to be a nuisance, which endangers the life, health and comfort of the people, therefore be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, that it shall be and is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm, association, corporation or the agent of any such firm, .person, as sociation or corporation to keep or to hav.e any hog or hogs in any lot, yard, pen, pasture or any other public place within the territor¬ ial limits of the City of Cleburne and any person, firm, association or corporation or the agent of any such person, firm, association or corporation who shall violate this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than two hundred dollars and each day this ordinance is violated, shall constitute a separate offense. 20 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. TITLE TWENTY-THREE—HORSE ETC. ARTICLE 46. — INDECENT EXHIBITING STUD HORSE, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall indecently exhibit or let to any cow or mare, any stud horse, jackass or bull within the limiits of the city, unless in some enclosed place out of public view and hearing, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall bei fined not to exceed fifty dollars. TITLE TWENTY-FOUR—KITES ARTICLE 47. — FLYING KITES IN STREETS, ETC. SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to fly. or cause to fly, any kite, in across or over any street, alley, avenue, public square or other public place in this city. Nor shall any per¬ son fly or cause to fly any kite from or upon his own premises or the premises of another within such distances of said public places as to frighten any horse being ridden or driven along such places. Any horse that shall become frightened that is reason¬ ably calculated to be frightened by any such kite, shall be deemed among the evidence of a violation of the provisions hereof. Any person who shall violate the provisions hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined any sum not to exceed fifty dollars. TITLE TWENTY-FIVE—LOITERING ARTICLE 48. — LOITERING. SECTION 1. Any person who shall, within this city, be found loitering or concealed at night, or other inappropriate time, in, on or about any public building or private premises, not his own, under suspicious circumstances, and not being able to give a satisfactory account thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not exceeding twenty-five dollars. TITLE TWENTY-SIX—MARKET SQUARE ARTICLE 4 9. — TO PROHIBIT HITCHING NEAR THE PUBLIC TROUGH. SECTION 1. If anv person shall tie or hitch any animal within ten feet of any public watering trough in this city or leave any 21 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES -vehicle standing within twenty feet of any public watering trough of this city, except while teams attached thereto are watering, such person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not to exceed one hundred dollars. TITLE TWENTY-SEVEN—MILK ETC. ARTICLE 50. — SELLING MILK FROM A SICK COW OR ADUL¬ TERATED. SECTION 1. Any person who shall sell or offer for sale, within this city, any milk produced from any sick or diseased cow or who shall sell or offer for sale any milk which has been adulterated in any way, by water or otherwise, shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor, and on conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. , ARTICLE 51. — DUTY OF HEALTH PHYSICIAN. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the City Health Physician, at any time he may see proper, to examine any and all meats or milk which may be offered for sale; and the City Health Physician shall at any time when requested to do so by an officer or citizen, make all necessary examinations of any' meats or milk that may be taken to him for examination and which may have been sold or offered for sale in this city. ARTICLE 52. — REFUSING TO ALLOW HEALTH PHYSICIAN TO EXAMINE MILK, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person or persons offering any meats or milk for sale in this city, who shall refuse when requested to allow the City Health Physician to examine the same or who shall refuse to answer any and all legitimate questions that may be propounded to him by the City Health Physician concerning such meats or milk, and the examination thereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemean¬ or, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. TITLE TWENTY-EIGHT—MORALS . ARTICLE 53. — SELLING INDECENT BOOKS, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall in this city, exhibit, sell 22 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. cr offer to sell, any indecent or obscene book, picture or other thing or shall exhibit or perform, or shall permit to be exhibited or per¬ formed on his or her premises, any indecent, immoral or lew’d play, or other representation or shall make, publish or print any indecent or obscene print, picture or written composition, manifestly designed to corrupt the morals of the youth, shall be deemed guillty of a mis¬ demeanor, and on conviction th.ereof, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars. TITLE TWENTY-NINE—MOTION PICTURES ARTICLE 54. — REGULATION OF MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. SECTION 1. No motion picture machine or device shall at any time be operated in any building or enclosure within this city, nor shall th,e public be admitted to the audience room in which such motion picture exhibit is to be given, until the installation of such machine or device and the arrangement of such audience room and its accessories have be.en made to fully conform to all of the provisions and requirements of this ordinance as hereinafter spec¬ ified, nor until after approval by the City Engineer and City Fire Marshal. SEC. 2. Every motion picture machine or device shall before being operated, be installed in a room, compartment, booth or en¬ closure constructed entirely of fire-resistive material, which may include only brick, tile, concrete, galvanized iron, hard asbestos board, asbestos building lumber, or their equivalent, as are ap¬ proved by the City Engineer. All such rooms, compartments, booths or enclosures shall be constructed in complete conformity with the following conditions and specifications: SEC. 3. Location: The booth must not be placed directly over an exit, and in all cases shall be securely anchored or fastened so as to prevent dislodgement in case of panic. Openings: There shall be not more than two openings in the booth for each machine—one for observation by the operator and one for operation of the machine. Opening for machines shall be not more than six inches high and twelve inches long. Opening for operator shall be not more than six inches wide or more than twelve inches high. The two openings for each machine shall be provided with gravity doors, constructed of metal not less than 3-16 i'nch in thickness; when closed they shall overlap the openings at least two inches on all sides, and be arranged to slide without bending, in properly constructed grooves; said doors to be held open nor¬ mally by use of a fine combustible cord fastened to a fusible link which melts at a temperature of 160 degrees F, the whole so ar¬ ranged that the door may be 1 easily released and closed by hand. The main or entrance door shall be hung on at least three 23 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES heavy hinges and arranged to close against a substantial metal rabbet. The door shall also be provided with a substantial spring which *will keep it closed tightly. Shelves: All shelves, furniture and fixtures within the booth shall be constructed of incombustible material. , (b) Brick, tile, or concrete booth; if th.e room, compartment, booth or enclosure is constructed of brick, tile or concrete, it shall have walls not less in thickness than eight inches, except that if re¬ inforced concrete is used the thickness need be only four inches. The ventilation and general arrangement of the booth and the protection of openings shall conform with the requirements of Section 2. preceding. (c) Portable Booth: Portable booths shall not be used in any theatre or public hall in which a permanent booth has been or is installed, but shall be used only for the temporary exhibition of motion pictures in places of assemblage such as halls belonging to Commercial organizations, churches, schools, etc., where it is deemed impracticable to install permanent booths made in accordance with the above 1 specifications. In [constructing a portable booth the specifications for a per¬ manent booth shall be followed with the exceptions given below; 1. Intermediate uprights may b.e spaced every four feet. 2. Special means for ventilation need not be provided except that there shall be an opening for ventilation in the top of th.e booth, this opening to be ten inches in diameter and a metal sleeve at least eighteen inches in helghth, provided with a ventilating cap ^slhall be attached thereto. 3. The booth may be made in a folding type so constructed tjhat when assembled it will be rigid and all joints tight so that flames may not , pass through them, 4. Th,e base of booth shall have flange extension outward on all four sides provided with a sufficient number of holes, through which booth may be fastened to floor. SEC. 4. All motion picture machines shall be operated by hand, except that approved machines may b.e operated by approved electric motors. The motion picture machines shall be securely fastened to th.e floor to prevent accidental overturning or moving of same, and shall be equipped with a feed-reel enclosed in a metal magazine constructed of 2 0 U. S. gauge metal, with a slot at the bottom only large enough for film to pass out and with cover so arranged that this slot can be instantly closed. No solder to be used in the construction of this box. Door on side shall be of metal and provided with spring hinges and latch, which will keep door closed tightly. Shall be provided also with a take-up re.el in a magazine similar to that used to enclose feed-reel. A slot to be provided only large enough to receive the film, and a door at the side to be provided to remove film. This door must be of metal and 24 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. equipped with spring, hinges and latch to keep same secur.ely closed. A shutter must be placed i'n front of the condenser, so ar¬ ranged as to be automatically closed when film is stationary. SEC. 5. Each arc lamp used as a part of the motion picture machines, shall b,e constructed as specified in the National Electric Code, and the wireimg of same shall not be of less capacity than No.6 B. & S. gauge. All wiring inside of enclosure to be in conduit and all switches and cutouts in steel cabinets, except operator's switch to lamp which shall be placed under machine supports All theostals and other electrical apparatus must conform to the rules of the National Electrical Code. SEC. 6. No artificial light shall be used in any room, com¬ partment or booth in which a motion picture machine is installed, except that produced by electricity. One light allowed for each machine and one for the rewinding bench, but all such lights shall be provided with wire guards, and reinforced cord shall be used or pendant purposes. SEC. 7. No film shall be exposed in the booth than the one film in process of transfer to or from the machine or from the uppe'r to lower magazine, or in process of rewinding. All other films, parts or portions thereof other than the one above shall be kept in m.etal cases constructed of not less than No. 2 0 U. S. gauge metal. Cover shall be of same material and provided with latch, which will keep it tightly closed. No solder to be used in construction of case. No material of a combustible nature shall be stored within any booth, except the films needed for one day’s operation. SEC. 8., At least two approved labeled hand chemical fire ex¬ tinguishers shall be provided, one inside the booth and located in an accessible place within easy reach of the operator, the other located outside of the booth near the door to same. SEC. 9. Neither smoking nor the keeping nor use of matches shall be permitted in any booth, room or compartment or enclosure where a motion picture machine is installed. SEC 10. No audience of a greater number than the seating capacity of the auditorium shall be permitted in the auditorium during the operation of any motion picture machine, and no one, other than the employees of electric theatre, shall be permitted to stand in the aisles. And all aisles leading to exits shall be kept open and free of any obstruction and all doors of exit shall open out¬ ward. SEC. 11. The main auditorium shall have no perpendicular rises, and the grade shall be not more than one foot in ten or as approved by the City Engineer. SEC. 12. All motion picture exhibition rooms shall be pro¬ vided with at least two separate exits, one of which shall be in the front and the other in the rear, both leading to unobstructed, out¬ lets on the street or alley. The aggregate width in feet of such exits shall be not less than one twentieth of the number of persons 25 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES to be accomodated thereby. No exits shall be less than five feet in width and there shall be a main exit not less than ten feet in total width. Said exits to the street shall be used for no other pur¬ poses except for exit and entrance, and must be kept free and clear. All seats in any exhibition room for moving picture 1 machines shall not be less than 30 inches from back to back and securely fast¬ ened to the floor; they shall be so arranged that there will be not more than ten seats in a line between aisles, nor mor.e than four be¬ tween any seat and aisle. All aisles shall lead directly to exits and all exits shall be directly accessible to aisles. No aisles shall be less than thirty inches in width. All exit doors shall be arranged to swibg outward and be provided with fastenings such as can be open- ened readily from the inside, without the use of keys or any special effort, but not locked when the room is open to the public. SEC. 13. All exits shall be plainly indicated by a sign, on separate supply from other parts of the house, or same to be il¬ luminated by other than electricity, and bear the word “Exit”— the letters of which shall not be less than 4 inches in heifghth, and there shall be not more than one set of fuses in any exit sign cir¬ cuit between the service fuses and sign. SEC. 14. Inside lights and all lights in halls, corridors or any part of the building used by the audience, shall be controlled only from the lobby or other convenient place in the front of the house ,and there shall be two circuits into the auditorium, one controlled by the operator in booth and one controlled from with¬ out the auditorium, in lobby or without the entrance. SEC. 15. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer and the City Fire Marshal to make weekly inspections of each and every motion picture machine, and its enclosure, and the building con¬ taining the same for the purpose of ascertaining any violations of this ordinance and it shall be the duty of such officer to report im¬ mediately to the Mayor and (or) City Attorney any such violations. SEC. 16. When the provisions of this ordinance are not con¬ formed to, or where defects of installation exist, the City Engineer and (or) Fire Marshal are hereby empowered to cut off all electric current from said room or building, and the supply of electric cur¬ rent shall not be restored by anyone until all of the provisions of this ordinance are complied with. SEC. 17. All booths and ticket offices shall be kept clean of all trash and rubbish. SEC. 18. Any person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than T.en Dollars and not more than One Hundred Dollars, and each day’s violation shall constitute a separate offense. SEC. 19. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. , SEC. 20. The fact that there is no adequate law in force in 26 OF THE CITY OF CLEBUR NE , J 91 5._ this City regulating the installation, operation and maintenance of motion picture theatres, creates a demand for the immediate pas¬ sage of this ordinance, therefore an emergency exists requiring that the rules demanding the reading of the ordinances on three sev¬ eral days be suspended; said rule is hereby suspended, and this or¬ dinance is placed on its first heading and final passage, and shall become effective and in full force from and after its passage and approval. Approved this, 16th day of Dec. 1914. TITLE THIRTY—NUDITY ARTICLE 55. — APPEARING IN PUBLIC IN A STATE OF NUDITY, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall appear in a public place in this city in a state of nudity, or in dress not belonging to his or her sex. or in an indecent or lewd dress, or shall make any indecent exposal of his or her person, or be guilty of any lewd or indecent act or behavior, shall be) deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars. TITLE THIRTY-ONE—NUISANCES ARTICLE 56. — NUISANCE DEFINED. SECTION 1. All dead, decaying or putrid’ carcasses, flesh, filsh, or vegetables; all deposits of manure, offals, or other unwholesome substances or filth of any description whatever; all filthy or offens¬ ive slops or water, when thrown or conducted upon any street, alley or enclosure, so as to be unwholesome; all privies and slaughter houses that have become offensive from use; all pork houses markets, stores, cellars or other buildings or places which are not kept clean and free from filthy and unwhole¬ some substances; all deposits or substances that are offensive or liable to engender disease; every trade, business or occupation, in¬ jurious to the health of those who reside in the vicinity; any re¬ taining water until it b.ecomes stagnant, or,which may be unwhole¬ some from any other cause; any article or substance placed upon any street, alley, sidew r alk or public ground, except as permitted by ordinance, so as to obstruct the same, are each and all hereby de¬ clared to be nuisances, and as such are liable to be abated. ARTICLE 57. — PUNISHMENT: EACH DAY A SEPARATE OF FENSE. SECTION 1. Any person who shall, in this city, cause, create 27 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES or keep any nuisance, or permit th,e same to exist in or upon any place or premises under his or her control, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not to exceed one hundred dollars; and each and every day that any nuisance may continue, shall constitute a separate and dijstinct offense. ARTICLE 58. — ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE, SECTION 1. In all cases arising und.er this ordinance, when¬ ever it shall appear to the court that the nuisance continues at the time of conviction, the Court shall order and adjudge the re¬ moval or abatement or destruction of same, as the case may re¬ quire, and shall issue a separate warrant therefor; and the court shall inquire into the probable,costs of such removal, abatement or destruction, and shall tax the costs therefor against the defendant, with the proviso that the same be remitted if the defendant executes the warrant without the interference of the Marshal or policemen. Such costs in case the warrant be executed by the Marshal or po¬ licemen, shall be taxed and collected as other costs ip the case. ARTICLE 59. — REMOVAL OF OBSTRUCTION SECTION 1. Upon th.e conviction of a defendant for ob¬ structing the free use of any street, sidewalk or public ground in the City, if such obstruction still exists, the Court shall order the Marshal to remove the same at the cost of the defendant, which cost shall be taxed and collected as other costs in the cas,e. ARTICLE 60. — DUTY OF OWNER OR OF PERSONS IN ITS VIC¬ INITY, ETC. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the owner or his agent, or th.e occupant of any lot or building, or place of any kind within this city, where any nuisance may exist, to remove or abate the sam.e without delay; and it shall be the duty of the City Marshal or any polic.eman, or any other person cognizant of the facts, to inform against such offender in the Recorder’s Court. ARTICLE 61. — MARSHAL TO REMOVE NUISANCE. SECTION 1. Whenever any carcass or any dead animal, or other offensive substance injurious to the health of the public or of persons within this vicinity is found in any public place within the City, for th.e removal or abatement of which no person 28 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. can be held liable, it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to re¬ move or abate same at the expense of the city. ARTICLE 62. — STAGNANT WATER. SECTION 1. Any yard, lot or parcel of land in this city, where¬ on water becomes stagnant, is declared a nuisance and the city coun¬ cil, may by resolution, order the same to be raised or filled up, or drained in such time and manner as it may direct and a copy of such resolution shall be served upon the owner or agent of the owner of such land, lot or parcel of land, personally; or, if a non-resident, by publication in the official newspaper of the city; and in case of failure to comply with such resolution, the Street Committee or any other p.erson or persons employed for that purpose by the city, shall ex.ecute the order of the council, and return to the council, a detail¬ ed statement of the cost thereof, which shall be assessed upon such lot or parcel of ground, and collected as provided in the city char¬ ter. ARTICLE 63. — MARSHAL TO SERVE NOTICE. SECTION 1. In addition to the remedies hereinbefore pro¬ vided for the abatement of nuisances, it is hereby ordained that whenever any nuisance, source of filth or cause of sickness is found upon any private property in this city, the City Marshal or any 'policeman may serve upon the owner, occupant or agent of the owner of such property, a notice in writing, by reading such notice to such owner, occupant or agent and delivering him a copy there¬ of, requiring him to immediately abate or remove such nuisance or cause of sickness within twentyfour hours from the time of the service of such notice; and if such owner, occupant or agent neglects or fails to remove or abate such nuisance within the time prescribed i'n the notice, he shall be d.eemed guijlty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not less than five nor more than one- hundred dollars for each and every day he permits such nuisanc.e to remain. ARTICLE 64. — PERMITTING RUBBISH ON SIDEWALK. SECTION 1. It shall be unlajwful for any person or persons to allow or knowingly permit any weeds, filth or rubbish of any kind to remain on any sidewalk around any premises owned or controlled by them, or upon any vacant lot or lots owned or con¬ trolled by them, and any person violating the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction ther.eof, shall be fined in any sum not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars. 29 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES TITLE THIRTY-TWO—POUND ARTICLE 65. — A MISDEMEANOR TO TAKE ANY DOG OUT OF THE POUND, INJURE SAID POUND OR INTERFERE WITH THE OFFICIAL DOG CATCHER. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cleburne, that if any person or persons shall take or attempt to take any dog or dogs out of the City Pound without permission of the City Marshal or policeman, or shall tear down, injure or in¬ terfere with the City Pound in any way whatever, or interfere in any w y ay whatever with the official dog catcher while catching any dog or dogs not tagged in accordance with the City Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall b,e fined in any sum not^ less than one dollar nor more than One Hun¬ dred Dollars. Approved Nov. 20, 1908 ARTICLE 66. — TAKING ANIMALS OUT OF CITY POUND WITH¬ OUT PERMISSION. SEC. 1. If any person or persons shall attempt to take any hogs, goats, calves, oxen, horses, mules, jackasses, jennets or sheep out of city pound without permission of the City Narshal or city police¬ men, or shall tear dofen, injure or interfere with the city pound in any way whatever, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convictipn shall be fined in any sum not less than one dollar nor more than on,e hundred dollars. TITLE THIRTY-THREE—PRISONS ARTICLE 67. — TALKING WITH PRISONERS. It shall be unlawful for any person to visit and talk with (prisoners incarcerated in the' city prison, without first having obtained permission from some member of the City Govern¬ ment or policeman of this city, and any person violating the pro¬ vision-of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, fined in any sum not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. TITLE THIRTY-FOUR—PRIVATE PROPERTY ARTICLE 68. —- PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO NUMBER HOUSES. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the owner of all houses 30 OF T H E CITY O F CLEBU RNE, 1 91 5._ to put the proper number on them so the number can easily be seen from the street, and any one failing to do thijs after having been notified ten days by the City Marshal to do so, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars. ARTICLE 69. — PLACING ADVERTISING MATTER IN YARDS OF PRIVATE RESIDENCES. SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to place or cause to be placed in the yard of any private residence in the City of Cleburne, any drug or drugs, or articles of merchandise for ad¬ vertising purposes, without first obtaining the consent of the owner thereof, and any person violating the provisions of this or¬ dinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con¬ viction fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. ARTICLE 70.—STICKING AND PAINTING ADVERTISEMENTS. SECTION 1. Any person who shall, without first having ob¬ tained permission from the owner, stick, paint, or stamp upon any house, fence, wall or pavement, or other object, not his own, any fa’Titten, printed or other notice bill, sign, circular, poster or ad¬ vertisement shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con¬ viction shall b.e fined not to exceed one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 71.—DEFACING BULDINGS, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall willfully deface, injure remove or destroy any building, ornament, or bulletin board, sign, show frame, platform or object not his own, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not to exceed one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 72.—TAKING OF FRUIT, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall take or carry away from the farm, orchard, garden or vineyard of another, without his con¬ sent, any fruit, melons, or garden vegetables, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not to exceed one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 73.—HITCHING TO POSTS, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person in this city who shall hitch or fasten 31 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES any horse or any other animal to any fence, railing, awning post, ornamental shade tree, in or upon private premises not his own, without first having permission from the owner or person having control of same shall be d.eemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 74. — INJURING SHADE TREES, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person,who shall willfully injure or destroy any ornamental or shade tree, shrub or plant, in or upon any private premises in this city, not his own, without first having obtained permission from the owner thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 75.—LEAVING WELL, ETC., UNGUARDED. SECTION 1. Any person being the owner or agent or having control of any vacant or uninclosed lot or lots within the corporate limits of this city who shall knowingly allow' any well, pithole or other place to remain without guarding, fencing or securely cover¬ ing same, so as to prevent persons and animals from falling therein, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction there¬ of, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 76.—DIGGING HOLES, ETC., IN STREET. SECTION 1. Any person who shall dig any hole, drain or ditch in any street, alley, or public ground of this city, without first having obtained permission from the City Council or the Street Committee, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con¬ viction, shall be fined not to exceed one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 77. — REMOVING SOD, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall, without first having ob¬ tained permission from the City Council, or its Street Committee, dig, remove, or carry away, or cause or procure same to be done, any sod, stone, earth, sand, or gravel from any street alley, water reserve, creek or public ground in this city shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not to exceed one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 78. — INJURING PAVEMENTS, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall injure or tear up any pave 32 OF TH E CITY O F CLEBURNE, 1915. ment, side or cross walk, drain or sewer, or any part thereof in any street, pavement or sidewalk, without due authority or who shall hl'nder or obstruct the making or repairing of any side or cross walk or pavement which is or may be making under resolution of the City Council or who shall hinder or obstruct any person .em¬ ployed to make or repair any public improvement ordered by the City Council, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemanor, and on con„ viction shall he fined not to exceed one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 79. — HITCHING TO AWNING. SECTION 1. Any person who shall hitch or fasten any horse or other anJmal tr> any awning post, fence, lamp po„-.t fire plug or hydrant plugs, or shade tree, in or upon the public square or any public street in this city shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and,.on conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 80. — INJURING BRIDGES, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person, who shall injure or destroy, or as¬ sist in injuring or destroying, any bridge or its appurtenances, or any culvert, causeway, gutter or other improvements, or any fire engine house, or any other public building or property belonging to this city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con¬ viction, shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 81. — OBSTRUCTING STREETS. ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall obstruct or injure, or cause to be obstructed or injured any street, avenue or alley in this city, with carriages, wagons carts, hacks, buggies or other vehicles boxes, lumber, timber, firewood, post, awnings, signs, or other substances or materials in any manner whatever shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction, shall be fined not less than two nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 82. — BUILDING. SECTION 1. The preceding article shall not be construed to prohibit any person engaged in building, repairing or removing any building or other improvements, from occupying with stone, brick, lumber or other material, the portion of any alley, street or avenue adjacent to such improvement; provided that such mat- 33 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES erial shall not occupy more than one-third of the width of such street, avenue or alley, not to be placed thereon more than t.en days before beginning such improvement, nor allowed to remain there more than five days after the completion of such improvement. ARTICLE 8 3. — ERECTING AWNING POSTS, ETC. SECTION-1. Any person who shall .erect or cause to b.e erected, any awning post on any sidewalk in this city, at a distance less than the width of the' sidewalk from the inside thereof, or shall suspend or put up any awning less than eight fe.et above the sidewalk, shall be deemed guilty of a riiisdemeanor and on conviction, shall be fined not more than one' hundred dollars. ARTICLE 84. — RIDING ACROSS THE SIDEWALK. SECTION 1. Any person who shall ride, drive, lead, stop or hitch any horse, mule, ox, or team of any description on or across any sidewalk in this city shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars; provided, that it shall be lawful for the owner or occupant of any lot in this city, to so ride, drive, or lead across the sidewalk in front of his said lot, if it be necessary, and there is no other way of access to said lot; provided, further, the curbing and sidewalk be protected from injury. ARTICLE 85. — DESTROYING SHADE TREES, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall cut, deface, destroy or in any way injure any shade or ornamental tree, in or upon any public square, street or alley without first having obtained per¬ mission from the City Council shall be deemed guilty i f a mis¬ demeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars. TITLE THIRTY-FIVE—PROSTITUTE ARTICLE 86. — PROSTITUTE. SECTION 1. Any prostitute who ohall, in this city, ply or seek to ply her avocation by word, sign or act, at the door or window of any house, or in or upon any street or public place, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction there¬ of, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars. 34 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. ARTICLE 87. — PROSTITUTE WANDERING ON STREETS. SECTION 1.—Any prostitute who shall at night wander about the streets, ( or frequent beer houses, saloons or places of public re¬ sorts of this city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not .exceeding one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 88. — RIDING WITH A PROSTITUTE. SECTION 1. Any male person over fourteen years of age who shall knowingly in this city ride in any vehicle or walk on the streets with any woman known or generally reputed to, be a com¬ mon prostitute, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than five nor more than a hun¬ dred dollars, provided that this article shall not apply to public carriers while engaged in their regular duties. TITLE THIRTY-SIX—RAILROADS ARTICLE 89. — RAILROADS:—TRAIN ON CROSSING FIVE MINUTES. SECTION 1. If any conductor or engineer of any railroad train or any other person or persons whatsoever shall obstruct any ajtreet, alley, sidewalk, crossing or thoroughfare of this city by leaving thereon any car engine or train of cars for a longer time than five minutes or shall stop or cause to be stopped any railway engine, car or train of cars, across any street, alley, road, high¬ way or passway so as to obstruct or interfere with the free passage thereon for a longer time than five minutes, he, she, or they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction there¬ of be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 9 0. — RINGING OF BELL WHILE IN MOTION: PEN¬ ALTY. SECTION 1. It shall not be lawful of any engineer to run any locomotive under his control into or out of this city or move it in any direction whatever while in the city, without ringing the bell attached to said locomotive, and any one violating this or„ d.'nance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction, b.e fined in any sum not less than one nor more than five dollars. 35 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES ARTICLE 91. — SIX MILES SPEED AN HODR: PENALTY. SECTION 1. If any engineer of any railroad train or any other person whatever shall within this city run or cause to be run any locomotive, engine or ear at a greater sp.eed than six miles per hour, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con¬ viction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 92. — BALLASTED IN CENTER OF ROADBED, ETC: PENALTY. SECTION 1. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons, firm, company, receiver or corporation, owning or controlling, using or having in charge any railway, railway switch or side¬ track to maintain and operate same in any street, alley or common of this city unless such railway switch or sidetrack shall be kept continually in a state of good repair, by being well and properly ballasted in the center of roadbed to a level of the iron or steel rails, with rock, gravel or wood, and by grading the same with suitable material so as to prevent no difficulty or obstacle to the free and .easy use' of such street, alley or common to wagons, bug¬ gies and other vehicles in travelling upon or across the same, and without constructing suitable or efficient sewers or culverts to in¬ sure thorough drainage at such places on such streets and alleys as may be indicated by the authorities of the City Council, provided that the street committee may except from the operation of this article such particular places or localities in this city, and in its judgement will not conflict with the public interest and convenience, provided further, that the section boss or roadmaster, receiver or owner, or contractor of any particular portion of any railway, switch or sidetrack, whose duty it is to keep the same in repair and good condition, shall be entitled to thirty days verbal or written notice from the Marshal or other authority of the City to comply with the provisions of this article as to any particular street, alley or common or any particular part thereof, and after such notice duly served, every day’s violation of this ordinance shall be construed as a separate and distinct offense and the party offending, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than one nog more than one hundred dollars. The owner, controller, r.eceiver of any railroad, private side¬ track or switch, section bosses and roadmasters come within the intention of this article and shall be held liable for the violation of the provisions of same. ARTICLE 9 3. — REGULATING TRAINS ON CROSSING OF HEN¬ DERSON AND CHAMBERS STREETS. SECTION 1.—Article 89 of this title shall not apply to the 36 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. obstructing of the crossings on Henderson Street and Chambers Street by the Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe railway company, by its passenger trains where such crossings are not obstructed or a longer period than forty-five minutes at one time, provided, that the crossing on both streets shall not be obstructed at one time for a longer time than five minutes, and if said crossings shall both be obstructed at one time for a longer period than five minutes, then the person so obstructing shall be punished as above' iin said article 89. And if either of said crossings shall pe obstructed by any pas¬ senger trains of said railway company for a longer period of time than forty-five minutes at one time the conductor, engineer or em¬ ploye of said company, in charge of such train, shall b.e deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. ARTICLE 94. — RUNNING CAR OVER FIRE DEPARTMENT HOSE, ETC: PENALTY. SECTION 1. It shall not be lawful for any railroad engineer, conductor or other person in charge of any railroad engine or train or for any driver of any wagon, buggy, carriage or other vehicle to run over any hos.e of the Fire Department of this city or other property appertaining thereto, 'while the same may be used for the extinguishment of fires, drilling or other proper uses. Any one so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con¬ viction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Chap. IX. TITLE THIRTY-SEVEN—RIGHT OF ROAD ARTICLE 95.—DEFINING THE RIGHT OF THE ROAD AND RE¬ PEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT. SECTION 1. That all persons driving, operating, running or in control of any vehicle upon any of the streets, avenues, alleys, highways or the square of the City of Cleburne are required to con¬ form, to and obey the following rules controlling the same, and the term “vehicle” as used in thi's ordinance shall not only include all modes of transportation of either passenger or freight, commonly known as vehicles, but shall also include automobiles, motorcycles and bicycles. The term “street’’ as hereinafter used shall be con¬ strued to include all streets, avenues, alleys, highways and the square within the limits of said city. All vehicles while upon any of the streets of the City of Cle¬ burne, shall keep to the right side of same and stay on the right half of same', judged' by the direction in which they are going. In turning corners at cross streets, a person desiring to turn to 37 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES the left on the intersecting streets ahead, shall follow the street h.e is travelling, on the right hand until he has crossed the' center and reached the right side of the intersected street he wishes to traverse, before he begins to turn to the left on said cross street; if he desires to turn to the right and traverse said intersecting street, he shall turn immediately around the corner and as near the curb as convenient, keeping at all times on the right of said cross street. In passing another vehicle going in the same direction, the driver or person in charge of such faster vehicle shall always go to the left of the person or vehicle he desires to pass and such person so passing shall be sure he is well ahead before attempting to swing back into line again. Persons passing in opposite direction near the center of th» street shall keep near the right of the crown of the road in this way avoiding the possibility of a collision. Slow moving or heavily loaded vehicles shall keep as far to the right, and as near the right curb as possible, leaving the left side of the right hand side of the street, for faster vehicles. A vehicle must always be stopped and left standing so that when it is started it shall go in the direction that other vehicles are taking on the same side of the street. No person having charge of a vehicle shall allow the same to come within ten feet of a vehicle in front of him, when ap¬ proaching or passing over a crossing where a pedestrian is about to pass. In stopping or leaving a vehicle on such streets, a person shall always stop with both right hand wheels next to the curb and not to exceed eighteen inches away from same. SEC. 2. Unnecessary use of noise signals will be finable. SEC. 3. If a person is struck, the auto or vehicle must stop and give assistance. SEC. 4. Drivers can not go within six feet , of a stopped street car or pass it faster than four miles an hour. SEC. 5. Drivers must pull to the right on signal to let another vehicle pass. SEC. 6. Other traffic rules already in force are continued. SEC. 7. All automobiles, motor vehicles and motorcycle® shall be equipped with a muffler, and the muffler shall be closed at all times. SEC. 8. Drivers can not go closer than six feet to pedestrians in crossing streets, or pass then faster than four miles per hour. SEC. 9. All rear lights shall be so placed that number of car can be plainly seen. SEC. 10. No interurban or street car shall run faster than 12 miles p.er hour in City limits. SEC. 11. That the' provisions of this ordinance -and penalties prescribed by the same, shall also apply to and be enforced against all persons on horseback. 38 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. SEC. 12. That any p.erson in control of, or driving or operat¬ ing or riding any vehicle, as that term is herein above defined, upon any of the streets of the City of Cleburne who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, or who shall negligently or will¬ fully fail to comply with the same, shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $100.00. SEC. 13. That all ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SEC. 14. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Approved this 3rd day of October, 1913. ARTICLE 9 6. — STOPPING ANIMAL OR TEAM. SECTION 1. Any person who shall stop any animal or team attached to any dray, wagon or other vehicle, in front of or near any business house or other premises, so as to cause a nuisance, or an offensive or unwholesome odor, or to obstruct or retard the In¬ gress or egress of others, and shall not remove the same at the request of any person, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined not less than one nor more than fifty dollars. ARTICLE 9 7. — STOPPING ANIMAL AT INTERSECTION OF STREET, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall stop any animal or team attached to any carriage w r agon, dray or other vehicle at the inter¬ section of any streets in this city, or on any crosswalk or passway, or on any footpath leading from the doors of the court house to either side of the public square, and shall not remove the same when requested by any person, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not less than one nor more than fifty dollars. ARTICLE 9 8. — PERSON TO TURN RIGHT. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of peTsons meeting each other in vehicles in the street alley or public highway, in this city, to each turn off or keep to the right hand side, and any person in charge of any vehicle who shall fail or refuse to when meeting any vehicle or procession to so turn off and keep to the right and,any accident or collision ensues from such failure or refusal shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. 39 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES TITLE THIRTY-EIGHT—SCAFFOLD ARTICLE 99. — ERECTING OF SCAFFOLD. SECTION 1. Any person who shall erect or use or cause to be erected or used, any scaffold, in this city, for use in the erection of stone brick or other buildings unless the same be well and safely supported and of sufficient width and properly secured, so as to in¬ sure the safety of persons working thereon, or passing under or by the same, against the falling thereof, or of such material as may be used placed or deposited thereon shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. TITLE THIRTY-NINE—SIDEWALKS ARTICLE 100. — SIDEWALKS, CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR. SECTION 1. Any person, partnership or corporation now or hereafter owning or controlling any property fronting on or by the side of any of the public streets or the public square of this city and who may construct any sidewalk out of any material not specially herein provided or who shall construct or maintain such sidewalks of less width than directed by ordinance, unless by special permit or who shall fail or refuse to keep such sidewalks in a state of good repair after having been notified by the Street Committee so to do; or shall fail, neglect or refuse to construct sidewalks upon required notice from such Street Committee, shall be d.eemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not to exceed one hundred dollars, and each and every member of such partnership and directors and man¬ agers of such corporation shall be deemed guilty as other indiv¬ idual persons. ARTICLE 101. — KIND OF NOTICE REQUIRED. SECTION 1. The notice required to be given will be sufficient if done according to Sec. 5, Art. 19, of these Revised Civil Or¬ dinances. ARTICLE 102. — SPITTING IN PUBLIC PLACES. SECTION 1. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any person or persons to spit upon any public sidewalk, cross walk or upon the floor of the Court House, City Hall or other public house 40 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. in the City of Cleburne, and any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde¬ meanor and upon conviction fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars. A public house, within the meaning of this ordinance, is any house distinguished from a private residence. TITLE FORTY—SKATING ARTICLE 103. — PROHIBITING SKATING ON SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC THOROUGHFARES. SECTION 1. Any person who shall skate on roller skates, or any other skating device, upon any sidewalk or public thoroughfare within this city shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined any sum not exceeding One Hundred Dol¬ lars. TITLE FORTY-ONE—SLEEPING ARTICLE 104. — SLEEPING IN PUBLIC PLACE. SECTION 1. Any person who shall, in this city, sleep in any public square, street alley or other public place or in any vehicle, doorway or vacant building, not his own, without the permission of the owner or upon any sidewalk, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars. TITLE FORTY TWO—SHOWS ARTICLE 105. — SHOWS, ETC. SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to give, have or exhibit any variety show, theatre, cone it or show of any kind on Sanday within the corporate limits of this city and any person violating this article shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor and on conviction, shal be fined in any sum not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars. TITLE FORTY-THREE—SMOKING ARTICLE 106.—SMOKING IN CERTAIN PLACES: PENALTY. SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person in this city 41 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES to smoke, or strike or ignite any match or carry or use any fire in any house or in or upon any lot or inclosure where any cotton is stor.ed or placed, or in or upon any cotton yard or cotton plat¬ form or near enough to any such cotton yard or platform to en¬ danger the starting of fire. Any person who shall be guilty of the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall on con¬ viction be fined in any sum not more than one hundred dollars, provided that any person ownijng or controlling any such house or cotton yard shall put up notices conspicuously notifying parties of the offense. TITLE FORTY-FOUR—STEAM ENGINES ARTICLE 107. — PROHIBITING THE OPERATION AND MOVING OF STEAM ENGINES OTHERWISE THAN ON RAILROAD TRACKS WITHIN THE CITY, AND FIXING THE PENALTY. SECTION 1. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any one to operate or move in any manner any engine propelled by steam power over any street, avenue, alley or highway of the City of Cleburne except the same is operated or moved on a railway track provided for such purpose. SEC. 2. That in the event it shall be necessary to move any steam engine over any street or highway of the City of Cleburne for the purpose of transporting th.e same from the owner to the pur¬ chaser, the same may be done 1 upon a special permit in writing se¬ cured from the Mayor, designating the streets over which the same may be transported. The provisions of Se'c. 1, shall not apply to any engine used by any contractor engaged in constructing, paving or repairing streets, or on public works, provided the consent of the Mayor is first obtained to the use of such engine. SEC. 3. That anyone violating this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not less than ($10.00) ten dollars and not more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.0 0) Passed and approved this 23rd day of October, 1913. , TITLE FORTY-FIVE—STREETS ARTICLE 108. — THROWING SUBSTANCE FROM DOOR 01? WINDOW, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall throw or let fall from a door or window of an upper story of any house or building or any awning in this city any water, slop, or other liquid upon any side¬ walk street, alley, or public place, shall be d.eemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than one nor more than fifty dollars. 42 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1 915. _ ARTICLE 109. — SIGNS, ADVERTISEMENTS, ETC. ON SIDE¬ WALKS. SECTION 1. If any person, firm or corporation shall place or erect on any sidewalk in:the City of Cleburne, any sign or other object without a permit therefor having first bee'n granted or given by the City Council of the Ci'Ly of Cleburne, such person, firm or cor¬ poration, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon con¬ viction, shall be 1 punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dol¬ lars and each day such sign or other object shall remain on any such sidewalk, shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. SEC. 2. Any person, firm or corporation who may desire to place any sign or other object on any sidewalk as above mentioned, shall first make written application to the City Council of the City of Cleburne, for a permit to do so, and said applica tion shall state fully th,e kind and character of same, and shall give full details of the size and and dimensions of same, and be accompanied by a diagram thereof, and the particular place where same is desired to be located. SEC. 3. If any permit is issued by the City Council, same shall authorize the person, firm or corporation to whom it is issued the right to use such portion of the sidewalk as is specified in the per¬ mit, for a period of twelve months from the date of the issuance of any permit, and at the expiration of said time it shall be nec¬ essary for another permit to be issued, if such sign or other object is to remain on any such sidewalk. SEC. 4. For the granting or giving of any such permit as is specified above the person, firm or corporation to whom it is given or granted shall pay therefor the sum of $6.00 before same shall be issued. SEC. 5. No sign or other object placed or erected on any side¬ walk, as above mentioned, shall be so placed or erected as to in¬ terfere with the free use of such sidewalk, and no sign or other object shall cover more than 2 0 inches square of any sidewalk, and the said si'gn or other object shall stand perpendicular thereto. SEC. 6. Should any injury occur to any person by reason of the erection of any sign or other object on any sidewalk in this City, the person, firm or corporation to whom any such permit is granted shall hold the City harmless from any liability therefrom. SEC. 7. It shall be purely discretionary with the City Council of the City of Cleburne whether it will issue any permit as above mentioned. SEC. 8. All ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby re¬ pealed. Passed and approved this, Sept. 7th, 1915. 43 _ REVI SED CRIMINAL ORDI NANC ES ARTICLE 110.—OBSTRUCTING SIDEWALKS. It shall be unlawful for any merchant, trader, broker or other persons to use any part of the sidewalk of the City of Cleburne for the display of giods, wares or merchandise, and any person viola¬ ting the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars, provided, however, this article shall not be construed as to prevent any such person from placing packages of goods which they may be receiving or shipping on any sidewalk, if same do not occupy more than one- third thereof, or remain thereon more than three hours, and each day this ordinance is violated shall constitute a separate offense. ARTICLE 111. — TO PROHIBIT OBSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREETS. SECTON 1. It shall be unlawful for the owner or driver, or person in charg.e of any hack, carriage, express wagon dray or other vehicle used for hire or for the purpose of conveying passengers, freight or baggage' of. any kind or description, within the City of Cleburne to permit such hack, carriage, express w^agon, dray or other vehicle used for hire or for the purpose of conveying passen¬ gers, freight or baggage of any kind or description to stand upon either Chambers Street or Henderson Street, east of a line running south from the southeast corner of the passenger depot building of the Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company, on and across Chambers Street to a point on the south line of said Chambers Street running north from the northeast corner of said depot build¬ ing, on and across Henderson street, to a point in the north line of said street nor west of the east switch or track of the said railway company, lying east of said depot building, during the arrival and departure of the passenger trains of said railway com¬ pany, at and from said depot building for the purpose of receiving and discharging passengers or during the time between the arrival and departure of such trains for the purpose of receiving or dis¬ charging passengers, express or baggage, or of taking meals. And be it futher ordained that it shall be unlawful for the own.er, driver or person in charge of any carriage, hack, express w r agon dray, or other vehicle used for hire or for the purpose of conveying passengers, freight or baggage to use the said depot building for the purpose of soliciting passengers or business during the time of the arrival and departure of saijd trains or during the time said trains are at said depot, as above provided. It is further ordained that it shall be unlawful for the owner or proprietor, agent, employe or servant of such owner or proprietor of any hotel or hoarding house or the owner, manager, agent or em¬ ployer or servant of the owner or manager of any hack, carriage 44 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915 or other vehicle used, managed or operated for hire, or for the owner, manager or proprietor, servant, employe or agent of such manager, owner or proprietor of any public business carried on within the said city to go upon, stand or otherwise use the right of way of the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company, east of a line running north and south with the east wall of the depot building of the said Santa Fe Railway Company, in the City of Cleburne, said line extending north and south so as to include both Henderson and Chambers streets within the said city for the purpose of soliciting patronage or business for any hotel, boarding house, hack, carriage or express wagon, or public business carried on with- iln the said city, during the arrival or departure of any passenger train on the said railway company, or while the same- is standing for the purpose of discharging or taking on passengers baggage or ex¬ press, or while the same is standing for the purpose of taking meals. Provided that it shall be unlawful to use the said depot building, except for the purpose of assisting passengers to or from the said railway company and except for the purpose of receiving or dis¬ charging baggage or express. Any person violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-five dollars. ARTICLE 112. — PROHIBITING GATHERINGS UPON STREETS. SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to engage in, hold or conduct any public meeting for the purpose of lecturing haranguing, preaching praying exhorting or singing upon any public street, alley, sidewalk, public square, within the cor¬ porate limits of the City of Cleburne without first obtaining a written permit therefor from the mayor of said city, and any per¬ son violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction fined in any sum not ex¬ ceeding fifty dollars. ARTICLE 113. — SELLING GOODS ON STREETS, ETC. SECTION 1. Any person who shall go upon any public street, alley, market square or any sidewalk, crosswalk and shall sell or offer for sale any medicine, goods, wares or merchandise of any character or kind shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not less than one nor more than two hundred dollars. ARTICLE 114. — CONDUCTING PERFORMANCE ON STREET. SECTION 1. Any person who shall go into or upon any public street, alley, sidewalk, public square, market square, or any 45 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES public highway in the City of Cleburne, and shall sing, dance or play any musical instrument, or do or perform any trick, or conduct or carry on any performance of any kind, for the purpose of selling any medicine' or merchandise, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemean¬ or, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than one dollar nor more than two hundred dollars. ARTICLE 115. — EXCEPTIONS TO PRECEDING ARTICLES. SECTION 1. The preceding articles shall not be construed to prohibit the selling and offering for sale upon the mark.et square of this city, any vegetables, poultry, or products of the farm or garden, when sold or offered for sale by the party who produced same, or when sold or offered for sale by any person for the producer. TITLE FORTY-SIX—TREES ARTICLE 116. — SHADE TREES A NUISANCE. SECTION 1. All ornamental or shade trees or limbs or branches of said trees in or on or near any sidewalk or street in the City of Cleburne which obstruct and interfere with the use of said sidewalk or street are hereby declared to be nuisances. SEC. 2. The owner or occupant of any property or any person in charge thereof who shall place or permit to remain, ornamental or shade trees or the limbs or branches of said trees either or ail. in, on or near any side walk or street in the City of Cleburne so as to obstruct and interfere with the use of said sidewalk or street shall be guilty of maintaining and permitting a nuisance. SEC. 3. \r\y owner or occupant of any property or any per¬ son in charge thereof, who shall commit either or all of the above offenses shall upon conviction thereof be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor and punished by fine in any sum not exceeding $1C0.00. SEC. 4. Each separate day said ornamental or shade trees or limbs or branches of said trees are so placed or so permitted to remain in, on or near any sidewalk or street in the City of Cle¬ burne, shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. Passed and approved this 21st day of August 1914. TITLE FORTY-SEVEN—VEHICLES ARTICLE 117. — TO REGULATE THE USE OF VEHICLES USED FOR HIRE IN THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of every owner, or person 46 _ OF THE CITY OF CL EBURNE. 1915 ._ operating any vehicle for hire for the purpose of conveying passen¬ gers within this city, to apply to the city secretary for 8 number to be placed upon such vehicle, which number shall be placed upon each* side of every vehicle for conveying passengers, at some con¬ spicuous place plainly visible. SEC. 2. Every vehicle used for conveying passengers within this city shall while in use during night time be provided with at least two lights, one to be placed on either side of such vehicle which shall b,e kept well lighted at all times while such vehicle shall be in any public place during night time. Night time as used in this ordinance shall mean that time from thirty minutes after sun set till thirty minutes before sun rise. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of this City to keep a record showing the name of the owner of every vehicle, who shall apply to him for a number to be placed upon such vehicle as herein provided, and shall furnish to such applicants the numbers consecutively as such applications shall be made. SEC. 3. Any person who shall fail to keep upon each and every vehicle operated by him for hire two lights, one on either side of such vehicle, same to be kept lighted during night time, while such vehicle shall be' in any public place or shall fail to keep displayed upon every vehicle used for hire in conveying pas¬ sengers, the number of such vehicle, as furnished by the City Sec¬ retary shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic¬ tion shall be fined not less than five nor more than one h ludred dollars. ARTICLE 118. —REGULATING PUBLIC VEHICLES. SECTION 1. Any person owning, using or controlling any car¬ riage, hack or other vehicles for the purpose of conveying passengers from one place to another in this City who shall charge such person or persons a greater amount than fifty cents for each passenger so carried shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic„ tion thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 2. Be it further ordained that every person owning, using or controlling any carriage, hack or other vehicle for the purpose of conveying passengers from one place to another in this City, who shall refuse to transport any person when applied to at the rates established by Section 1 of this ordinance, or who shall extort or demand any greater sum for carrying any person than therein allowed shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,. and on conviction thereof be fined not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Approved April 7th, 1911. 47 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES T r rLE FORTY-EIGHT—CITY WATERWORKS ARTICLE 119. — FIXING AND PRESCRIBING A CODE OF RULES AND REGULATIONS, GOVERNING, REGULATING AND CONTROLLING THE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE CITY WATERWORKS, PLUMBERS MAKING CON¬ NECTIONS WITH THE CITY WATERWORKS, THE USERS AND CONSUMERS OF WATER, AND PRESCRIBING PEN¬ ALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. That the following be and the same are hereby declared to be the rules and regulations and code for the management and opera¬ tion and control of the City Waterworks of the City of Cleburne, Texas, the plumbers making connections with the said waterworks, and the users and consumers of water supplied by and from the Wa¬ ter Works of the Ci'ty of Cleburne Texas. SECTION 1. Every person desiring a supply of water from the City Water Works must first make application therefor to th.e City Engineer and Superintendent of the sa d Wat^r Works at th.e office of the City Water Works in the City of Cleburne, Texas, in such form as may be prescribed and furnished by him at said office for that purpose on blanks for such applications. The application must state truly and correctly and without reserve all the uses to yUiich the water desired is to b,e applied and all the uses to which and for which said water is to b.e supplied, and no different or ad¬ ditional use will be allowed except by permission obtained from the City Water Works Office or the City Engineer and Superintendent in writing. SEC. 2. All persons desiring to take water must make applications at the office of the City Water Works and sign a reg¬ ister or card stating fully and truly and without reserve f 11 ihe purposes for which the water is to be used, in order that they may be assessed according to the established rate, and must answer fairly and without concealment or reserve all questions relating to the number of rooms, wash basins, private or public baths, toilets, urinals and all stock of any kind, th,e accessibility of neighbors and the uses that are possible for them to make and all possible chances of and for illegal us,e of water, of all hydrants and water fixtures in exposed positions, or places, that they may be assessed for each and every purpose available, and for each family or .establishment of whatever kind or character within the same inclosure, or separ¬ ated only by doors, gateways, or other means of access thereto, stating whether the same are placed or will be placed under lock and key. Water will not be supplied to'any premise or premises for a bath tub or other purpose alone except where each separate use is included in the charge for which such fixture is available. No hydrant except of the flush pattern, known as “street washers” 48 OF TH E CITY OF CLEBURN E, 1915. will be permitted upon the streets, alleys, or a common area. Goose., necks, or crooked pipes to attach to street washers, shall not be permitted except on special contract. In fixing rates where the same is determined by the number of rooms, all rooms shall be counted whether used or not. Such shall be considered private baths, water closets, urinals and wash basins, which are exclusively used by a single family all other uses shall be considered public. SEC. 3. No family or families, user or consumer supplied with water by the City Water Works will be permitted to use water for any other purpose than that stated and arranged for in the applic¬ ation or agreement, or that estimated for in fixing the rate to such user or consumer, nor shall such family or families or user or con¬ sumer supply water in any way to any person or persons without a permit from the office of the City Water Works or the Engineer and Superintendent, nor shall they permit others to us,e their hose or attachments or leave them exposed where they might or could be used by others. The City Water Works agrees to furnish water for certain specified uses for a certain specified sum and rate, if therefore others and consumers and users of water furnish other people or supply animals or sprinkle or wash wagons or furnish water to brick or stone masons or plasterers, or permit to be taken without permission from the City Water Works or the engineer or superintendent, it is a violation of their contract, and any con¬ sumer or user of water from the City Water Works thus offending will be required to pay full price of water so used, or have their own water withdrawn and shut off without notice and forfeit the amount already paid. SEC. 4. Water consumers and users are not guaranteed a specified quantity of water for any purpose whatsoever, purpose named in the permit and in the application which the user or con¬ sumer makes and signs, and files with the City Waterworks and at its office when water is furnished to such user or consumer. All other uses may be regarded as a direct violation of the agree¬ ment between the City Water Works and the user and consumer, and any such violation or use of water for other purposes than that specified in the agreement and application made when the water is furnished such user or consumer will warrant and justify the City Water Works in cutting off the water of any user or consumer at any time a violation is discovered and without any notice to the user or consumer. SEC. 5. The water supply furnished will be cut off from any user or consumer who uses the water for any other purpose than that embraced in his application and contract with the City Water Works. SEC. 6. And when water is cut off and withdrawn from any user or consumer, on account of any violation of the provisions of this ordinance a second time on account of such violation, the water will not be turned on again by the said Water Works to such 49 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES_ user or consumer except through a meter, said meter may be fur¬ nished by such user or consumer or may be rented from the said Water Works, but the same must be arranged for and installed before water will be furnished by th,e said Water Works when cut off a second time for any violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance. SEC. 7. No consumer or user of water shall supply such water to other persons or families or to any one whomsoever neither shall any person or persons,, user or consumer or any one whom¬ soever make or have made any tap or connection of any kind or character with pipes upon the premises, make alterations, extensions or attachments without permission from the city engineer and sup¬ erintendent, and any violation of this rule shall subject such per¬ son or persons, user or consumer of water to be cut off from the supply of water without notice 1 . SEC. 8. Permits for fountains will be issued annually only. Each permit must specify the number of hours per day such foun¬ tain is permitted to play, and a use of water at said fountain at hours other than those specified in said permit, shall warrant the discontinuance of said water supply for said fountain, and if the same is connected with other pipes or taps, so that it is necessary to discontinue all uses of water through such pipes or taps, all water may be discontinued if it is necessary to discontinue the water sup¬ ply to said fountain. SEC. 9. No hydrant, except the public drinking nydrant or fountain, shall b,e placed within the limits of any street unless such hydrant or fountain is securely closed and protected against general use. SEC. 10. If a meter is used (meters may be either bought or rented from the Water Works), users and consumers of water may only pay for the water actually used; and a minimum of 3000 gallons of water will be allowed per quarter for private family use at a rate of $1.50 per quarter; 3000 gallons of water for private family use and an additional 15 00 gallons per quarter for private bath at a rate of $2.25 per quarter; 3000 gallons for private' family use per quarter and 15 00 gallons for private bath per quarter and an additional 750 gallons for toilet per quarter at a rate of $2.65 per quarter. Houses with more than one set of fixtures, boarding houses, hotels and all other users and consumers of water supplied through a meter shall be charged at the rate fixed and specified in the tariff of rates and schedule of prices or be fixed by special agreement. The .excess of water over and above the minimum allowed will be charged for at the rate of 2 0 cents per 1000 gal¬ lons. SEC. 11. The water will not be turned into any house or private service pipe .except upon the order of the city engineer and superintendent, and not then, until the ap- 50 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. plicant shall have paid the rent due, if any, from the time the water is turned on until the first of the following quarter, except where 1 the water is supplied through a meter, and then the regulations governing water through a meter will have to be complied with before the water will be turned on. The plumbers are strictly prohibited from turning water into any service pipe except upon an order or permission from the city engineer and superintendent, and any violation of this regulation by a plumber or plumbers or any of their agents or employees is a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not to exceed fifty dollars. SEC. 12. Watering troughs in stables, stock yards, wagon yards, etc., will not be permitted to receive a constant flow of water ex¬ cept through a meter, except in such quantities as will supply the actual want of the stock having access thereto; neither will a con¬ tinuous stream of water be permitted to flow from hydrants, faucets, water closets, urinals or any other apparatus connected with the service attachments under any circumstances except through a meter, and any violation of this provision by any user or consumer will warrrant the water being discontinued and shut off from such user or consumer without notice. SEC. 13. All persons or users or consumers using water sup¬ plied by the City Water Works shall at all times keep their hy¬ drants, taps, hose, water closets, urinals, baths and all other fix¬ tures allotted to them and their use, closed, except when obtain¬ ing water for the use as contracted for and allowed. And all per¬ sons shall not be permitted to sprinkle, except who have made ar¬ rangements for sprinkling, and no person shall be permitted to use a hose except with a nozzle on it for any of the household or kit¬ chen uses, such as scrubbing and washing off and scouring galleries, and any violation of this provision shall warrant the discontinuance of the water supply without notice to such user or consumer. SEC. 14 In all cases where water is to be supplied to several parties or users or tenants or consumers from one connection or tap, the City Water Works will only contract with one of such per-. sons or parties, and on his or their failure to abide by the rules and regulations set forth herein and such other and further rules and regulations as may be hereafter adopted, the water supply will be cut off from all of such users and consumers just the same as if they were all one person or user or consumer. And in any case, if the rate is thereafter increased by addition of bath tubs or the use of water for stock or for any other' kind or character of use whatsoever, then unless the full amount of rate for water as in¬ creased by additions is paid, such party or parties, user or consumer will be cut off on failure to pay such additional rate after the demand is made therefor. SEC. 15. Water will not be furnished where there are de¬ fective or leaky water closets, faucets or other leaky fixtures and the water supply will be cut off at once without notice, unless such 51 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES leak or leaks are promptly repaired at the expense of the user or con¬ sumer. The filling of wells from the water works pipes or mains is prohibited and the filling of cisterns, tanks or vats can only be done under a special agreement. No garden sprinkling or irriga¬ tion whatsoever of any ki,nd or character allowed except through a meter and by meter owners and users of water through meter*., and violation of this provision of this ordinance will warrant the discontinuance of water without notice to such user or con-. 1 :i j :\ SEC. 16. No water will be furnished or supplied to any is3r or consumer through pipes or hydrants placed in wells or cisterns or in any inclosure of any kind or character except where such user or consumer is supplied with water through a meter, and any per¬ sons or user or consumer of water who places or has placed any pipe or hydrant in wells, cisterns or any inclosure shall have their water discontinued without notice unless they have their water supply through a meter or they have a meter placed at their supply main or pipe* at the same time said pipe or hydrant is placed in said well, cistern or other inclosure. SEC. 17. Licenses for water for building purposes will be granted only to general contractors upon a certificate of the archi¬ tect of the work to be done, specifying the number of brick perches of stone, or square yards of plaster, or concrete or other building material, and all kinds or character of building material and the amount of water necessary and the probable amount that will be required and in all cases said water shall be paid for in advance. No arrangements will be made with a subcontractor or employee for the portion of the building or work to be done. And any person or firm or corporation or association of persons who shall use said water or attempt to use said water without first having com¬ plied with the provisions of this ordinance and especially with this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con¬ viction thereof shall be fined in any sum not to exceed fifty dollars, and each day said water is so used or attempted to be used shall constitute a separate offense. SEC. 18. Steam boilers, engines or other machinery taking a supply of water direct from the service pipes and dependent upon the pressure of the water from the water works for supplying such boilers, engines or machinery will do so at the risk of the parties causing such attachment to be made' as the water works will not be responsible for any accidents or damage to which such devices are subject. And the City water works re¬ serves the right at any time to shut off the water in their mains for the purpose of making repairs or extensions, or for any other necessary purpose, and all persons having boilers, engines or other machinery within their premises and not supplied by tanks or cis¬ terns are hereby cautioned against collapse. SEC. 19. Owners of boilers or other apparatus or fixtures de¬ pending upon water works for their supply of water are requested 52 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. in erect tanks capable of holding at least a day’s supply of water for use in case of stoppage of the works for repairs or other pur¬ poses. SEC. 2 0. No plumber or other person except the “tapper” employed by the city water works will be allowed to tap any street main or to do any work in the street in connection with the laying of street service. SEC. 21. Plumbers must make full and complete returns of the use for which and to which water is supplied under any permit granted. Said returns must be made within two days after the completion of said work by any plumber. The work must be sub¬ ject to the inspection of the city water works and its employees and water will not bo truned on until such work is dul\ approved by the said city water works or.its engineer and superintendent. SEC. 2 2. No plumber shall turn on or off the water from street stop-cocks, or allow or permit any person in his or its em¬ ploy to do so, without permission of the city engineer and sup¬ erintendent, and any plumber or plumbers, their agents or em¬ ployees failing within the time as required to make the report of any work or connection referred in Section 21 of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars, and each day from and after two days from and after the completion of any work specified and referred to in Sec. 21 of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. And any plumber or plumbers or persons, their agents or employees turning on the water in viol¬ ation of section 20 and 22 or either of them of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars, and each sep¬ arate time and occasion on which the said water is turned on in violation of said sections shall constitute a separate offense. SEC. 2 3. The practice of washing horses and buggies or other vehicles, is positively prohibited altogether, except where the par- tiles and users or consumers make application for the same and such use is provided for in the agreement with the water works or where the parties or user or consumer has a meter, and any violation of this provision and section of this ordinance will justify the water works in cutting off the water of any such user or consumer or per¬ sons thus offending, without notice. SEC. 2 4. Sprinkling will not be allowed where parties, users and consumers do not pay rates for their entire premises. SEC. 25. Hose attachments when located on the' sidewalks, must have suitable iron covers, the tops of which must be flush with the surface of the sidewalks and no goose necks will be allowed on the sidewalks, and such being found by the inspector of the water works will be discontinued without notice. SEC. 26. (SPRINKLING). The use of hand or garden hose without a nozzle is strictly prohibited, leaking hose attachments 53 revisedj:riminal ordi nan ces_ converting hose into jets for amusement by any person or persons, their agents, or servants or employees or any one under their sup¬ ervision or control either adult or child, or permitting or allowing water to run when not in use is forbidden. Sprinkling will b.e permitted only during the hours from 6:00 to 8.00 o’clock in the morning and from 6:00 to 8:00 o’clock in th.e afternoon, and any person found sprink¬ ling at any other hours will have their water discontinued, and it will not be turned on again until $1.00 is paid and sprinkling arrangements made and an agreement to abide by the sprinkling section of this ordinance. SEC. 2 7. During all alarms of fire and while the fire pressure is on the pipe, the use of yard or street privileges i)3 prohibited, any one violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars. SEC. 2 8. Every person or user or consumer of water or any association taking water supplied by the City Water Works shall permit the said water works or any of its authorized agents to inspect the pipes and fixtures and the manner of using and the use of water on their premises at any and all times, and a failure’ or refusal to permit said inspection shall warrant and justify the shut¬ ting off and withdrawal of water from any such user or consumer refusing or failing to permit said inspection, without notice. SEC: 2 9. Th.e City Water Works reserves the right and priv¬ ilege to place a meter on the pijpe or pipe's of any user or consumer when it deems it necessary to charge meter rates. SEC. 30. There will be no collector of water rents and all wa¬ ter rents e.nd privileges are, du.e and payable at the office of the City Water Works in said City, on the first of each and every quarter of the year, and in case of default or failure to pay the same on the first of each and every quarter and after the expiration of tw r enty days from and after the beginning of any quarter in the year, ten per cent of the water rent due for the quarter will be added as a penalty, and then if the said water rent for the quarter and the ten per cent additional are not paid in the next thirty (30) days of any and every quarter (making fifty (50) days from the beginning of any quarter) the water will be shut off and all water supply will be withdrawn, and it will not be turned on the premises for the use of any person thus offending or failing to pay water rent and the additional penalty, if any, until all arrearages and the sum of $1.00 has been paid at the office of the City Water Works. SEC. 31. Water rents will be due and payable in advance, quarterly, to-w T it:—on the first days of January, April, July, and October of each and every year at the office of the City Water Works in the City of Cleburne, except where the w r ater is supplied 54 OF TH E CITY OF C LEBURNE, 1915._ through a meter, then the section of this ordinance governing water furnished through a meter will apply. SEC. 32. All bills must b.e promptly paid when due and all employees of the City Water Works are positively prohibited from allowing credit to any one. SEC. 33. When water has been turned off and the supply has been withdrawn from any user or consumer for any violation of the sections of this ordinance, the same shall not be turned on again nor the supply of water furnished until the said user or consumer has paid $1.00 and made all the nec.essary arrangements and agree¬ ments to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, or has sup¬ plied himself or theirselves with meters as provided in this or¬ dinance. SEC. 34. When water has been turned off from any user or consumer for any cause whatsoever, the said user or consumer shall not turn on or procure to be turned on without a written permit from the City Engineer and .Superintendent, and any person thus offending upon conviction thereof shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not .exceeding fifty dollars. And any person or persons making connections with the water pipes or mains of the City Water Works or turning on the water for any user or consumer after the same has be.en turned off and the supply withdrawn, without a written permit from the City engineer or superintendent or the offic.e of the City Water Works shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by fine not to exce.ed fifty ($50.00) Dollars. Passed and signed this, 14th day of June, 1912. TARIFF OF THE ANNUAL RATES OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE. Yearly Water Rates. Alcohol, each barrel manufacturing .$10.00 Bakery .$6.00 to$10.00 Barber shop, first chair .$4.00 Barber shop, .each, additional chair .$2.00 Bank or banker’s office, including one wash stand.$10.00 Bath tub one tub, public.$10.00 Bath tub, .each additional tub .$6.00 Bath tub, hotel one tub .$8.00 Bath tub, hotel each additional tub .$1.00 Bath tub, private .$3.00 Blacksmith shop one forge .$6.00 Blacksmith shop, each additional forge .$3.00 Brick, per 1000., kiln count for building.03 Butcher shop . $12.00 Boarding house kitchen .$6.00 to $10.00 55 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINANCES Boarding house per room .75 Book binding ..$6.00 to $30.00 Billiard and pool room .$6.00 to $12.00 Building permit per month ...50 to $1.00 Churches .$6.00 Church baptistry .$4.00 Confectionery .$3.00 to $25.00 Carriage washing .$2.00 Chile stands...$6.00 to $10.00 Cement work, walks, floors, Etc., per square yard.03 Cenxent work per cubic yard .10 Candy factory...$6.00 to $50.00 Cigar factory, per hand .$2.00 Cigar factory, no license less than .$6.00 Carpenter shop . $6.00 Doctors and dentists .$3.00 to $12.00 Dwelling, 5 persons or less in a family not including servants. $6.00 Each additional person . .50 Drug store .$10.00 Dyeing and scouring shop .$10.00 to $25.00 Fountain, three hours per day, according to jet . . . . $6.00 to $15.00 Foundry.$12.00 to $2 0.00 Hotel kitchen .$10.00 to $25.00 Hotel, each room . $1.00 Hospital, public .$10.00 Hospital, private . $5.00 Ice Cream Saloon. $6.00 to $20.00 Job printing office .$12.00 Livery stable)’ six stalls .$12.50 Livery stable, each additional stall .$1.00 Laundry steam . special or meter Laundry, hand .$12.00 to $20.00 Live stock, horse or cow each .75 Machine shop .. ..••••..• - special or meter Manufacturer .v.special or meter Office and sleeping room .$3.00 to $6.00 Plastering per square yard ... .. .00 1-4 Photograph gallery.special or meter Private stable 2 horses, 1 cow, and carriage washing.. .$4.00 Restaurant . $10.00 Ste'am boiler .special or meter Sprinkling lawn per square of 100 beet.20 Sprinkling street for private house, per front foot.10 Stock yard.special or meter Saloon .$15.00 Sprinkling one hall: of street and washing sidewalks and win¬ dows of business houses, p,er front foot.25 Soda fountain .$6.00 to $12.00 56 OF THE CITY OF CLEBURNE, 1915. Soda water manfuacturing $12.00 to $30.00 Schools, public . . Schools, private per scholar . Schools private no license less than ( . Saddlery and harness shop. Shoemaker’s shop . Stone work per perch . Theatres . Tailor shop . Tin shop . Urinal basin, private . Urinal basin, public . Washing bottles . Water closet private .'.. Water closet, public . Wagon yard . Water, per barrel at water station . Work shop, five persons or less . Work shop each additional person . Manufacturing, motors and elevators, per 1000 g 15000 or less gallons per day . 15000 to 30000 gallons per day. 30000 to 45000 gallons per day. 45000 to 60000 gallons per day . 60000 to 75000 gallons per day . 75000 to 100000 gallons per day. 100000 to 200000 gallons per day. 200000 to 300000 gallons per day. Over 300000 gallons per day .. .free .25 .$6.00 .$6.00 $5.00 to $12.00 .. .05 .$15.00 $5.00 to $12.00 .$6.00 .$3.00 .$6.00 .special .$1.50 .$3.00 .special .02 .$6.00 .50 allons: . 20 .18 .17 .16 .14 .13 .12 .10 ARTICLE 120. — PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF THE USE OF WATER OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. SECTION 1. The Water Works of the City of Cleburne will furnish water to users and consumers outside of the corporate limits of the City rt Cleburne only through a meter. SEC. 2. There will be a minimum charge of One ($1.00) Dollar per month for water furnished by the City Water Works to users and consum ers thereof outside the City of Cleburne, which minimum charge iTiU be for the first two thousand (2,00 0) gallons of water used o-r consumed, as shown by said meter in any month, and thirty-five cents per thousand (1,000) gallons or fractional part thereof over and above the said twcr thousand (2,000) gallons mini¬ mum, up to five thousand (5,000) gallons. And users and consumers of water using or desiring to use more than five thousand (5,000) gallons i'n any one month can make special arrangement and con¬ tracts for said amounts only to be furnished by the said waterworks through a meter and to be paid for as read by the meter. SEC. 3. The one ($1.00) Dollar minimum charge for water 57 REVISED CRIMINAL ORDINAN CES furnished by the City Water Works of the City of Cleburn.e, to users and consumers outside of the corporate limits of the said City, shall be due and payable in advance 1 , on the first day of each and .every month, and the amount of rent and charges over and above the minimum, if any, shall be due and payable on the first day of the following months after the same is used or consumed. SEC. 4. Water shall be subject to be cut off and the use of the same discontinued to any user or consumer outside of the limits of the City of Cleburne, Texas, on the 10th day of any month, when th.e One ($1.00) Dollar minimum charge has not been paid or when the rent and charge over and above the minimum for the previous month has not been paid, and the same will not be turned on and furnished to such user or consumer again until all arrear¬ age charges have been fully paid and One ($1.00) Dollar for the turning on and connecting the water again. SEC. 5. This ordinance does not repeal the ordinance gov¬ erning the rules and regulations of said Water Works as has been heretofore adopted and as now in force, but this ordinance is cum¬ ulative of the said ordinances; and the sections of this ordinance take the place of and are in lieu of such provisions of the former rules and regulations adopted as are in conflict with the special provisions and sections of this ordinance only, and all other pro¬ visions and sections of the rules and regulations of the said Water Works shall apply to the users and consumers of water outside of the City limits of the City of Cleburne, the same as to be to the users and consumers of water inside of said City. Passed and approved this the 1st day of August A. D., 1913. 58 Index to Criminal Ordinances A Accident—Vehicles. Adulterated Milk—Selling. Advertising Matter on Private Property Advertising Matter on Sidewalks . . Advertisements—Sticking and Painting Animal or Team—Stopping. Automobiles. Awning—Hitching to. Awning—Throwing Substances From . B Baseball—Prohibited on Sunday . . . . Bathing in Public Plac-e .. Bees—Regulating Keeping of. Bicycle—Racing. Bicycle—Riding Near Depot. Bicycle—Riding on Foot Bridge . . . . Bicycle—Riding on Sidewalk . . .... Bitch—Proud on Street. Blasting. Books-—Selling Indecent. Bridges—Destroying. Building—Material in Street. Burning Trash. c Carcasses—Deposited in Street . . . . Carcasses—Drayman Removing . . . Carcasses—Duty to Remove. City Engineer—Fixing Salary . . Closets—Men Using Ladies’. Collisions—With Persons. Conducting Performances on Streets Construction and Repair—Sidewalks Corner—Driving Around. Corporations—Regulating Rates . . . Cotton Yards—Smoking, Etc., on . . Crossings-—Railroads on. D Art. Page . . . 1 1 . . . 50 22 . . . 69 31 . ..109 43 . . . 70 31 . . 96-97 39 . . . 2 1 . . . 79 33 . . 108 42 . . . 4 . . 3 3 O , . . 5 3 . . 6-7 4 . . 10 5 . . 9 4 . . 8 4 . . 19 9 . . 11 5 . . . 53 22 , . . 80 33 . . 82 3 3 . . 12 5 . .43-44 20 . . 14 6 . . 13 6 . . 30 13 . . 16 7 . . . 15 6 . . 114 45 .00-101 40 . . 22 10 .. 17 7 . . . 106 41 , . . 89 35 . . 71 31 . . . 77 32 . . 39 19 Defacing.Buildings . Dirt—Removing, Etc Distillery—Keeping . 59 INDEX TO CRIMINAL ORDINANCES Art. Page Dogs.19 9 Drayman — Removing Carcasses.14 6 Drinking Houses.20 9 Driving Animal Negligently.23 10 Driving Around Corner .22 10 Driving Fast .21 10 Driving Through Funerals .32 17 E Electric Rates ..18 7 Erecting of Scaffold . 99 40 Excavations—Street .24 10 F Filling Lot .42 19 Fire Hose-Driving Over.26 11 Fire Hose-—Railroad Running Over . 94 37 Fire Limits .28 11 Fire Limits-—Amendment .29 12 Fire Marshal—Office and Duites of.31 13 Fire Wagon—Riding on . 27 11 Flying Kites. 47 21 Foot Bridges—Riding Bicycles On . 9 4 Funerals—Driving Through .32 17 G Gatherings—Prohibiting on'Streets.112 45 H Hack Drivers—Regulation .33 17 Health—Trades Injurious to .36 18 Health—Unwholesome Substances .34 18 Hitching to Awning .79 33 Hitching to Post .73 31 Hogs—Keeping . 45 20 Holes—Digging in Streets .76 32 Holes—Leaving in Streets.25 11 Horses, etc—Exhibition of . 46 21 Hose Fire—Driving Over .26 11 Houses Drinking .20 9 House Numbering . 68 30 I Indecent Exhibition of Horses, Etc.46 21 60 INDEX TO CRIMINAL ORDINANCES K Art. Page Kites—Flying .47 21 L Loitering . 48 21 Lot—Filling Up .42 19 M Market Square — Regulation of . 49 21 Marshal—Fire-Office and Duties of .31 13 Marshal—To Remove Nuisance .61 28 Meters—Requiring Installation of.18 7 Milk and Meat-Examination .51 22 Milk and Meat—Refusing to allow Examination of. . . .52 22 Milk—Selling From Sick Cow.50 22 Morals—Selling Indecent Books . 53 22 Motion Pictures—Regulation of. 54 2 3 Motor Vehicles—Regulation of . 2 1 N Negligently Driving Animal .23 10 Notice—To Construct and Re'pair Sidewalk. ..101 40 Nudity-—Appearing in State of. 55 27 Nuisances—Abatement of . 58 28 Nuisances—Abatement of . 60 28 Nuisances—Defined . 56 27 Nuisances—Marshal to Remove ..61 28 Nuisances—Marshal to Serve Notice. 63 29 Nuisances—Separate Offence w.57 27 Nuisances—Shade Trees ...116 46 Numbering Houses . 68 30 o Obstruction of Certain Streets.Ill 44 Obstruction—Removal of. 59 2 8 Obstructing Sidewalk .110 44 Offensive Premises . 37 18 p Passenger Vehicle's—Regulation of .117 46 Pavements—Injury . 78 32 Pens—Keeping .38 19 Pictures Motion—Regulation of. 54 2 3 Polluting Wells, etc., .35 18 61 INDEX TO CRIMINAL ORDINANCES Art. Page Posts—Hitching to . 73 31 Pound—Regulation of . 65-66 30 Prison—Regulation of . 67 30 Private Property—Advertising Matter on . 69 31 Privy—Offensive . 40 19 Prostitutes—Regulation of . ..86 34 Prostitutes—Riding With . 88 35 Prostitutes—Wandering on Streets .87 35 Public Place—Bathing in . 3 2 Public Place—Sleeping in . 104 41 Public Place—Spitting . 102 40 Public Safety—Blasting.11 5 Public Thoroughfare—Skating on . 103 41 Public Vehicles—Regulation of .118 47 R Railroad—Ballasted Center of Roadbed . 9 2 36 Rairoads—On Crossings .89 35 Railroads—On Crossing Henderson & Chambers Sts. ..93 36 Railroad—Excessive Speed.91 36 Railroads—Required to Ring Bell. 90 35 Railroad—Running Cross Fire Hose. 94 37 Rates—Regulating Corporations ..17 7 Removing Dirt, etc . 77 32 Removal of Obstructions .59 28 Riding Fast .21 10 Riding on Firewagon . 27 11 Riding Through Funeral .32 17 Riding With Prostitute . 88 35 Right—Person to turn to. 98 39 Right of Road—Defining & Regulating.95 37 Rubbish on Sidewalk .64 29 s Salary—City Engineer .30 13 Selling Goods on Streets.113 45 Selling Goods on Streets (Exceptions) .115 46 Selling Unwholesome Substances .34 18 Shade Trees—Destroying .85 34 Shade Trees — Injuring. 74 32 Shows on Sunday . 105 41 Sidewalk—Advertisements Upon . 109 43 Construction & Repair .100 & 101 40 Obstruction .110 44 Riding Across .84 34 Riding Bicycle on .8 4 Rubbish On . 64 29 62 INDEX TO CRIMINAL ORDINANCES Art. Page Sinks—Construction of .41 19 Skating on Sidewalk, etc .103 41 Sleeping in Public Place.104 41 Smoking in Certain Places .106 41 Spitting in Public Places ..102 40 Square, Market—Regulation of.4 9 21 Stagnant Water .62 29 Steam Engine-—Regulating Moving of .... ..107 12 Stopping Animal or Team . 96-97 39 Streets—Appearing in Nude Condition On .55 27 Conducting Performances On .114 4 5 Digging Holes in . 7 6 32 Excavation .24 10 Leaving Holes in .25 11 Obstructing i.81 33 Obstructing of Certain .Ill 44 Prohibiting Gatherings Upon .112 45 Prostitute on . 87 35 Proud Bitch On .19 9 Substance—Thrown from Window . 108 42 Sunday Baseball—Prohibited . 4 3 T Tariff & Rates of Water Works .119 55 Theft—Fruit, etc., . 72 31 Throwing Substances from Window, etc.108 42 Toilet—Men Using Ladies’s etc .16 7 Trash—Burning of .12 5 Trees, Shade—A Nuisance .116 46 v Vaults—Construction of .41 19 Vehicles—Accident . 1 1 Motor & Regulation of . 2 1 Passenger—Regulation of .117 46 Public—Regulation of .118 47 w Water — Stagnant .62 29 Water Used Outside City—Regulation of .120 57 Water Works—Rules & Regulation of .119 48 Tariff & Rates .119 55 Wells, Open—Unguarded . 75 32 Wells—Polluting . 35 18 63 MW ' 5 ,i.\ i